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Twenty-ninth Annual Report— Vol. 2— Part II
Report of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station for the Year 1921
GENEVA, N. Y., October I, 1921.
To the Honorable Board of Control of the New York Agricultural Experiment
GENTLEMEN:— I have the honor to transmit herewith the manuscript
of the sixth of the series of monographs on fruits, to be entitled “ The
Pears of New York.’’ I recommend that, under the authority of chapter
636 of the Laws of 1919, this be submitted for publication as Part II of the
report of this Station for 1921.
The wide-spread use of and frequent expressions of appreciation for
the preceding books of this series are ample justification for the preparation
and publication of this similar treatise on pears. Further, the added years
of experience and observation of Dr. Hedrick and his assistants serve to
bring each successive monograph to a higher state of excellence and
completeness. The present work is a splendid example of painstaking
care in the collection and compilation of all available evidence concerning
all known varieties of pears.
With the publication of this volume, the series will include books on
apples, peaches, plums, cherries and pears, all of our leading tree-fruits of
the non-citrus type. The book on grapes and the “ Sturtevant’s Notes
on Edible Plants”’ are similar treatises published in uniform style with
those dealing with tree-fruits and it is hoped that the series may eventually
be extended to include similar discussions of small fruits.
“The Pears of New York” cannot fail to find an extremely useful
place in the literature of fruit-growing, and its publication will be welcomed
by the fruit growers of the State and by horticulturists the world over.
The Pears of New Vork is sixth in the series of books on hardy fruits
being published by the New York Agricultural Experiment Station. The
object and scope of these treatises have been given in prefaces of the
preceding books, and though this work does not differ from its predecessors,
for the convenience of readers the aim and the contents of the book in
hand are set forth in this foreword.
Broadly speaking, the aim is to make The Pears of New York a
complete record of the development of the pear wherever cultivated up
to the present time. With this end in view an attempt is made: To give
an account of the history and uses of the pear; to depict the botanical
characters of cultivated pears; to describe pear growing in this country
and more particularly in New York; and, lastly, to give in full detail the
synonymy, bibliography, economic status, and full descriptions of the
most important cultivated pears with brief notices of varieties of minor
The reader will want to know what considerations have governed the
selection of varieties for color plates and full descriptions. These are
several: (1) The value of a variety for home or commercial orchards.
(2) Noteworthy new varieties. (3) Varieties desirable in breeding new
pears. (4) A few sorts are described and illustrated to show the trend
of evolution in the pear.
In the use of horticultural names the rules of the American Pomo-
logical Society as adopted at the meeting in Columbus, Ohio, in 1919, have
been followed. With a very few varieties these rules have not been fol-
lowed since the changes required by their strict observance would augment
rather than diminish confusion.
The references given are those that have been used in ascertaining the
history and economic status or in verifying the description of varieties.
The synonyms created by pomologists whose works we have had have
been noted, but in no case are synonyms given only when quoted by
pomologists from another writer. One of the chief aims of The Pears of
New York is to set straight in high degree the names of pears.
Biographical sketches of men who have been most prominent in pear
growing in the United States are to be found in the footnotes. These are
written to give in some measure the credit and honor due to those who
introduced new varieties or improved their culture. A knowledge of the
career of these men is indispensable to a full comprehension of the industry
of growing pears.
Horticulturist, New York Agricultural Experiment Station
PREVA. Tio Dien ga ceanadsensseenieeiaeeeen caedeeuekeseeeeeees Vv
INDEX. TO: 1EEUSTRATIONS 2 0¢y 04.0454 560445545446454 Sys daa eouseaes 1x
CAPTER. 1, HISTORY OF THE PEAR. c: ccacc2dsa sue wunnahseus I
CHapren Tif PEAR CULTURE. 6 fia scaanedcengaeuseagivakwws 83
CHAPTER V.— MINOR VARIETIES OF PEARS.............0000 eee 236
TNE 25s cee Ree eewe ee oes ed peas eadaee se nees ohne ees 599
PORTRAIT OF MARSHALL P. WILDER........... 0000 cece eeeees Frontispiece
DESCRIPTION OF A.PEARy iis cuswaveaseeeeae ae 215i Ga1 dase eReaks 68
ANDRE IDESPOR TES 255o sis acne eek Ske Sea e eee es SU RRKE Se 122
INGA UE foros cease weno ealanene hina baeoneieouaie oa ow eens ree 122
AR PLO, codahureo bua coer haw aa enEss aga Tete GaSe ve Sed enamel 124
BEURRE D ANJOU o5<84 db rtdleawuneesinndidetaie bbe hee he anuees 128
BEURRE BOSG so kusussiune nuns d ened etn as PEeae eee EE Ree aa eEss 130
BEURRE Wipis 3 6 GUb Sen ieee testes seaeweaseGeee see eoouws 134
BEURRE CinPARh. diddan iG es Coss ed smeewas Seas eee ee Toa eee eke 134
BEORRE FIARDY. 2626220 huss ckubepetedwguns Pen Seoseosseendeges 136
BLOODGOOD sb secsenecansd see Se een weeena nore lereaeteweswekess 138
BRANDY WING oo. hesenee esi e ie cewh eeeeK ee eeNe eels Pe SeeeveRERes 140
DUE UM baGeseteu eek nthe eeceeee- ah ACwA Rae se aee een cane Gre 142
(CEAPP PAVORINE, wcihcdy Sue Sea ea ae eraw aes BOER RGS Seen ees 142
COLONEG WM BERy peso Sa SSS PIO GAS AS RSE ea eKeses 144
COMUM EIAs ai5455553eese iw hee dac Ped Aw steer hacker Gaeneeas 144
DANA HOVEY 22 deuaguusniaesesee eines ee eed eyeweesegurays beaks 146
DEARBORN :5ckat Vane seen ne hde Cae esereweeebatmateneiioss jasc 148
DORSET sd). cchueeeedeeneauares Chis Veet ee sd aeweneee ewan ae ee: 150
Dovenne DY ACENGON is. nesan dase teeeei naires eceowe anaes es 152
DGOVGNNE HOUSSOCK j.5656454<4eads Pade Sseneausarseseyaxeeos 152
DOVENNG BU COMICE es psencceinescxexeeconeoestaneentes shee eey 154
DucnEsss D’ANGOULEME. 2c 0anidorie nie eodawernewe een nasa 156
Dien esse: D ORL BANG. oj yack ease eseer aap eee ahebeew ened 156
DUR CED Di MONGEAU, c2)yeuueusde ce casoe one eran enyestesees 158
RARELY HARVEST 4525554 Sueeekse ieee eRa estate ee eeeR eee cane wees 158
HAGTER BEURRE 400 5si.e. cai een pease ed wen) kee Sed See ew RRSESE 160
PLpsieH BEAUTY. «cen cakeeiienerasd eyo een ecdoneneesean sere e4 164
POMIENAY bao coe kuananeeuageceans Cee peeEcoanecuan AP aree 166
FREDERICH CUAPE cei bag adddck peed beer ee ae eee Saee Ree ee oes 170
(GANSEL SORE. 5 saci wk onsew see dGGeSEeRSe se eeeeweere eee re® 170
GLou MorcEAuv..... Sewaeets ensues beGrese presses ooeeweene sane 172
CUSOI ey ta ueesewds ut ennes ee eee Te Tee errr eT TT eer 174
HOWELL a etre aeaka ta Ratna a ie Gee SO a Ree eee k eS 174
IDAHO 22 ee eS BREE Rie AOA ee are ane Vane Ae Mera ee oeteae 176
JARGONEULE oa ok 5 Sheree ee ee eden aad Pees CERES ew HERS 178
JOSEPHINE DE MALINES........ ine Sarde Meee oe Re Gamma nema ee 180
IEE akaanne eee aes ey eee ele ees Yeates SU ee ee Rees 182
ROOMCEs 2ascusiordart aenkhtGewne semana keerwedceuse oe eouansss 64 184
TiN iS pec ace ia ule agi ee sr ae oe at Sena he 184
TUR WREN CER vo cfosho eas do Steere aw Me en asd OS ERE aR 186
UGH GON Bs ch ec Sexe Sod Se esd Sor cee yearns gsas ete ae sae age ve weal ae aad Aue Ratolus asaya ar ea 188
Léon Dreuere (VAN WIONS) sibs eedsiwekeocesseeeoed seuucease ce 190
LINCOM iss teseaceaswoe oasuresdapeneeranedsss Soabeeakeerere 190
LINCOLN CORBILESS .44 nee bes nenseseuteese saan Hose renee reams 192
LOUISE BONNS DE JERSEY... 5. .casnesanevnewsaceess be agere ena ee 194
TRAST ROME sc ries ccs caine Welk Gale eds arama Soom teaate Picts 8 Hea, ae ole aaa 196
MARGARET........ 5 9 fb es it AP la Pe Git ta ta km ce ease Bao 196
Wie OUI sua acuu ee oeene see SS aRSGhaversernsns hermes oe ee 198
NIGUNG VeRNON 6.20622 ehve ceo tordngeedelvetadeaerhegeeseyesn 200
ONGNDAGS cu tscrivcges bab eivereeeees gece Pees Dee eRe wee nn uk 202
Pe cE eco iy aig SA aah oe ae PRA RH EW RRR S Settee se 204
Pees Ca. ce oaduaoeeduterceteeeesseekeusee Rede Seeuneece be 206
PIMESTON c255 Guu eecddeeee bees hcdasneaeeeees daeyee deeteuenaes 208
POUMied sadaudneeseqa aa area SU 6a mNeeaersaa Reon uN seeeere wees 208
PRESIDENT DROUARD. us cat onca ou teodaceencewea epee Meowenaene ed 210
PY RUS BETOGAEN OUI pane sits honda oun seks epee e ke maeeoweeas 80
Pees SEROMA rs coun ee ee heeded ee ewe ERNE a see PE Ee Clee SESS 74
IRBEDER« o.ika nei) aanea eee ae Gh eee OEE GO ee ees 212
BiMnE belek crenysrcande cbue eeenneeuse Renee shee eaten lakes ; 312
FROOCEV EET: cc cga cane ae ee an ieiweeeaswaax PEs Ge Oh madeeades 214
Pica bee kccnuscoe $e4eek Sou) BOBMeR Reese es ckebvewaErorass es 214
DULHDON ..c)lAwe eh dnaadeawelens te eG eee newer Saaceeaeweenseusos 218
DOUVENIRGDE VONGRES: oc ives beadseauasg9s a cee aeeepueeeneeynes 218
SouvENIR D’ESPEREN... 2... ccc ccc cccecccecceeceeeeeteeees 220
DU UDOT o4 neem a aa euced § > pies aude Ra Mal eee ew en Gat ee eae a 220
SUMMER IGT ON INE. st \asea ae ee wr ueenia es Anguwaer ma eenee Renee 233
YEON Gt diced. tw $50 SEE REIT DESIR ERT RR DP ERE AO 04048550808 222
UREANISTR aver eci cee eeuesiasas terete sdsedeeeseens sedans esos 224
VERMONT BEAUTY: ( aancuae ice be ee se eae ewe sane seemneweseereees 226
VICAR OF VW INE y-y os:50534n= se wear GewuRe Ee ee AN GSE eS See L ES 228
WHITE DOYENNE. jusuotex eee sain ee Acne eeuwdendoe yee kl oe eeees 230
UN iN TR 0 ge coop ee Grae ba Wes Acln ly peananiee ara nnn ea. at Bs Shee 230
TV ey RET © Sans: Cae ee ee Ree aN eae ennesees 232
WINTER NPIS. o.41 iat wah Cee Ot pobd bee meen gesbundsateseas end 234
The pear has no history if history be defined as a record of evolution.
Even the annals of the pear, which but state events in chronological order,
are a heap of confused facts and dates with important data missing at every
turn. The origin of the cultivated pear is so completely hidden in
prehistoric darkness that it can never be known precisely from what wild
pear it came. The historian must content himself with recording what
the pear was when written records began; what the touch of time has
done since the first written accounts; and what the events and by whom
directed which have aided time in making its impressions since cultivated
pears have accompanied its flight.
Happily, it does not matter much what the pear was before husbandmen
appeared on the scene. But from the day the pear began to supply the
needs of men, and in its turn to require ministration from those it nourished,
its history becomes of importance to all mankind. Those whom it helps
sustain as well as those who tend the pear, may well ask: What was the
raw material when the domestication of the pear began? How has this
material been fashioned into the pear of the present? Who began domesti-
cation and who has carried it forward? And, gauged by past progress,
what further progress is possible? These are questions of prime importance
to those who seek to improve the pear; they throw light on the culture
of the pear; and they are of general interest to all husbandmen, and to
all interested in the world’s food supply. The history of the pear is impor-
tant, as has been said, only as it is connected with the history of man.
Yet, this history must begin with the wild pear.
Botanists number from twenty to twenty-five species of pears, all
of which are found in the northern hemisphere of the Old World, there
being no true pear native to the southern hemisphere or to the New World.
Some ten or twelve wild pears are found in China, several of which overrun
the limits of China; three or four are natives of Japan; at least one has
its habitat in Korea; another is to be found in the western Himalayas;
while the remainder, some eight or ten species, are found westward from
Turkestan, through Persia and Asia Minor into southern and western
Europe and northern Africa. From these statements as to habitats it is
seen that pears grow wild over a very extended area and under quite varied
conditions; therefore, it would be expected that the several species are
quite distinct, differing chiefly, however, from a horticultural point of view,
in the fruits.
But three of these wild species are now under common cultivation,
though it is possible that through hybridization the blood of one or two
more are to be found in cultivated varieties. Several others have horti-
cultural possibilities either for their fruit, as means through which new
characters may be introduced into cultivated pears, or as stocks upon
which to grow orchard varieties. The three species of chief horticultural
importance are Pyrus communis Linn., P. nivalis Jacq., and P. serotina
The pear of common cultivation in ancient and modern orchards is
Pyrus communis, native of southern Europe and Asia as far east as Kashmir.
The species is now to be found naturalized in forests and byways of northern
Europe, as it is in parts of America, so that it is impossible to tell precisely
what its ancient habitat was. While most often to be found in mountainous
regions in the great area which it inhabits, wild pears are common enough
in the forests of Europe and western Asia so that it is probable that most
of the early inhabitants of this part of the Old World enlivened their fare,
obtained with the spear or the bow, with ready-made food from the pear.
The species runs into at least three botanical forms, a dozen or more
horticultural divisions and between two and three thousand orchard varieties.
Pyrus nivalis, the Snow pear, is a small tree native of southern Europe,
more particularly of Austria and northern Italy, from which region it has
spread in modern times as an escape from cultivation into neighboring
countries. It is called Snow pear because the fruits are not fit to eat until
after snow falls. The French call it the ‘‘Sage-leaved pear’ (Poirier
sauger), from the fact that the under side of the leaves is covered with
down so that the leaf resembles that of garden sage. The Snow pear is
cultivated in southern Europe, particularly in France, for the making of
perry for which purpose several varieties are grown. Probably the Greeks
and Romans used fruit of this species for perry so that it may be said to
have had attention from man, if not care under cultivation, from the earliest
times. It is doubtful if it has been hybridized with P. communis, parent
of nearly all cultivated pears. The Snow pear is not cultivated in America
but is to be found in botanical collections.
From Pyrus serotina came the Japanese, Chinese, or Sand pears of
pomologists. The species is a native of central and eastern China and
is found wild in Japan, but whether as a native or as an escape from cultiva-
tion it is impossible to say. There are three botanical forms of the species
and possibly a score of horticultural varieties cultivated for their fruits
and as ornamentals. Of all the species of Pyrus found in western Asia,
this, in the light of present knowledge, is most closely related to the common
pear, with which it hybridizes freely.
We have now discovered in what countries the progenitors of cultivated
pears grow spontaneously, and are therefore ready to search for the first
landmarks in the domestication of the three cultivated species. What.
has ancient literature to say on the subject? We turn first to the Bible
and find that the pear is not mentioned in sacred literature, and that,
according to commentators on the Sanscrit and Hebrew languages, there
is no name in the tongues of Biblical lands for the pear. Nor should we
expect ancient notices of the pear in northwest India or Persia, for the
pear does not flourish in hot countries. The survey next turns to ancient
Greece where landmarks are at once sighted which must be put down as
the earliest records of the pear, and as such deserve full consideration.
In ancient Greece we find the first landmarks and begin the history
of the pear as a cultivated plant. It is wrong, however, to assume that
the beginning of the cultivation of the pear, or of any plant, was contempo-
raneous with the writing of even the oldest books. Mention of a cultivated
plant in a bookis proof that its domestication antedates the writing of the
book. It is not easy to imagine tribes of semi-civilized men in southern
Europe and Asia who did not make use of the apples, pears, quinces, plums,
cherries, almonds, olives, figs, pomegranates, and grapes which grew wild
in this land of gardens and orchards, and who did not minister to their
needs as husbandmen long before men wrote books. Names for orchard
operations, as planting, grafting, and pruning, in the simplest dialects of
primitive peoples, establish the fact that husbandry long antedates writ-
ing, as would be expected from the greater need of the one than of the
Plutarch, a Greek writer, A. D. 50-120, enlightens us as to the early
use of the pear by the Greeks, and also as to the Grecian name for the fruit
and tree. He says in his Greek Questions (51):
“Why do the boys of the Argives playing at a certain festival call
themselves Ballachrades? (Ballo, I throw; achras, a wild pear.)
“Tt is because they say that those who were first brought down by
Inachus (founder of Argos) from the rural districts into the plains were
nourished on wild pears (achrades). But wild pears (they say) were first
seen by the Greeks in Peloponnesus, when that country was still called
Apia; whence wild pears were named apioi. (Apios, a pear-tree; apion,
a pear.)’’
The pear is one of the “‘ gifts of the gods ” which Homer tells us grew
in the garden of Alcinéus. It is certain, therefore, whether or not this is
the earliest mention of the pear in Greek literature, that in Homer’s time,
nearly one thousand years before the Christian era, the pear was cultivated
in Greece. As this garden of Alcinéus furnishes the earliest noteworthy
landmarks of the pear, and is moreover the most renowned of heroic times,
an early paradise of trees, vines, and herbs, it is worth while to take a look
at it with a view of discovering the status of the pear at this early date.
Stripped of the harmonious rhyme and pleasing rhythm of Homer’s poetry,
the garden is described in English prose as follows:
“And without the court-yard hard by the door is a great garden,
of four plough-gates, and a hedge runs round on either side. And there
grow tall trees blossoming, pear-trees and pomegranates, and apple-trees
with bright fruit, and sweet figs, and olives in their bloom. The fruit
of these trees never perisheth, neither faileth winter or summer, enduring
through all the year. Evermore the West Wind blowing brings some
fruits to birth and ripens others. Pear upon pear waxes old, and apple
on apple, yea, and cluster ripens upon cluster of the grape, and fig upon
fig. There too hath he a faithful vineyard planted, whereof the one part
is being dried by the heat, a sunny plot on level ground, while other grapes
men are gathering, and yet others they are treading in the wine-press. In
the foremost row are unripe grapes that cast the blossom, and others there
be that are growing black to vintaging. There too, skirting the furthest
line, are all manner of garden beds, planted trimly, that are perpetually
fresh, and therein are two fountains of water, whereof one scatters his
streams all about the garden, and the other runs over against it beneath
the threshold of the court-yard, and issues by the lofty house, and thence
did the townsfolk draw water.— These were the splendid gifts of the gods
in the palace of Alcinéus.'”
1 The Odyssey, Book VII. Translated by S. H. Butcher and A. Lang.
Divested of the spell with which the poet’s flight of imagination
bewitches us, we find that the wonderful garden of Alcinéus is, after all.
rather trifling, probably of small extent, and containing an orchard, a
vineyard, garden beds and two fountains of water, which brings us to the
conclusion that this renowned garden would cut but a sorry figure beside
modern gardens; byt, on the other hand, we are made sure that certain
fruits, among them the pear, were commonly cultivated in Greece a thousand
years before Christ’s time. There is no hint in Homer as to whether there
were as yet varieties of pears, or as to whether fruits were as yet pruned,
grafted, fertilized and otherwise cared for. For indications that these
arts of the orchard were under practice, we must pass on to the writings
of another great Greek, Theophrastus.
Between Homer and Theophrastus nearly 600 years intervene, in all
of which time traces of the pear are few and uncertain. But from
Theophrastus, to whom botanists accord the title ‘‘ Father of Botany,”
we know that orcharding had been making progress, and that the pear,
among other fruits, must have been as well known and nearly as well cared
for in his time, 370-286 B. C., as in this twentieth century. All the
expedients we now know to assist nature to bring pears to perfection,
save spraying and cross-pollination, were known to Theophrastus, although
of course the evolution from the wild state as indicated by number and
diversity of kinds had not progressed so far. Out of one of the books
of Theophrastus, Enquiry into Plants, a very good treatise on the pear
might be compiled and one better worth following than many of his more
modern imitators. To quote Theophrastus at length is impossible, but
space must be given to a summary of what he says about pears.
Theophrastus distinguishes between wild and cultivated pears and
says that the cultivated forms have received names. He speaks of the
propagation of pears from seeds, roots, and cuttings and makes plain that
plants grown from seed ‘‘ lose the character of their kind and produce a
degenerate kind.” Grafting is described. The nature of the ground is
said to regulate the distance for planting pears, and the lower slopes of
hills are recommended as the best sites for pear orchards. Root-pruning,
girdling the stems, and driving iron pegs in the trunk and other methods
trees are said to hasten the bearing time. Even the
of “ punishing
necessity of cross-pollination is recognized though of course the reasons
for it are not known. Thus, Theophrastus says: “Trees which are apt
to shed their fruit before ripening it are almond, apple, pomegranate, pear,
and, above all, fig and date-palm; and men try to find the suitable remedies
for this. This is the reason for the process called ‘ caprification’; gall-
insects come out of the wild figs which are hanging there, eat the tops
of the cultivated figs, and so make them swell.” The growth of the pear
on various soils and in diverse situations is compared; he makes mention
of a “peculiar, red and hairy worm” which infested the pear of these old
Greek orchards. In Pontus, it is stated, ‘‘ pears and apples are abundant
in a great variety of forms and are excellent.” ‘‘ General diseases’ are
enumerated as ‘‘ those of being worm-eaten, sun-scorched, and rot.”
Certain affections due to season and situation are mentioned, as freezing,
scorching, and injury from winds.
This is but a brief epitome of what Theophrastus writes of the pomology
of the Greeks, and only topics in which the pear is specifically mentioned
are set down and not all of these. By inference, one who reads Theophrastus
might apply much more to the pear. Yet enough has been said to prove
the point that pear culture was as well established in Greece 300 years
B. C. as in 1900 years A. D. One leaves Theophrastus, satisfied that
pear-growers of his day had about the same problems that growers have
nowadays and solved them by the same sort of reasoning intelligence.
In crediting Theophrastus as the earliest writer on pomology, we may
assume that there were earlier writers from whom he must have received
much knowledge. Perhaps greater writers on botany and pomology
preceded him, since he cites older authors on the same subjects whose
books have been lost. His alone of the books of its kind have come down
to us from ancient Greece. Theophrastus was the friend and pupil of
Aristotle, another philosopher and prince of science, and both in turn
were taught by Plato. Who shall say, then, from whence Theophrastus
received his knowledge? Aristotle is said to have written two books on
botany antedating the Enquiry into Plants of Theophrastus, neither of
which has survived the passing centuries. May not these great minds
have been indebted to authors whose books and names have perished?
These speculations serve to remind us again that the beginnings of botany
and pomology long antedate written records.
There were Greeks who wrote on agriculture after Theophrastus,
and before the Roman treatises on farm management, a few of which
are to be mentioned in the next topic. Of books, as monuments of vanished
minds, however, there are none to indicate the activities of Greek farmers
who wrote, but there are citations to show that ancient Greek literature
on farming was voluminous. Thus, Marcus Terentius Varro (B. C. 116-28),
called “‘ the most learned of the Romans,”’ in his eightieth year wrote a
book on Roman agriculture for the guidance of his wife in the practice of
farming. Learned old Varro believed in ‘‘ book farming,’’ or science with
practice, of which we hear so much nowadays. He begins his treatise
by invoking Greek and Roman deities to aid his wife, and names fifty
monographs on husbandry written by Greeks, in which, he tells this early
farmerette, she will find all of the practical information she needs. This
is but one of several sources from which we learn that in the making of
books on agriculture there was no end in the heroic days of Greece as in
modern times. |
Italy, by common consent, is the garden of the world, and it would
be strange if the pear had not been taken to this favored land with the
earliest tillers of orchards, or if attempts had not been made to domesticate
the wild pears found in the northern mountains. And so we may assume,
with no very definite proofs, that the pear was cultivated in ancient Rome
some hundreds of years before the Christian era. In Cato, the first book
written in Latin on agriculture, the pear is discussed, and six varieties
are named and described. What had this illustrious Roman, known
generally as a statesman and scholar, to do with pomology?
Marcus Portius Cato (B. C. 235-150), called the elder Cato, besides
serving Rome in state and army, wrote a treatise on farming, fruit-growing,
and gardening, which, first of its kind in Latin literature, may be read with
greater profit than the works of most writers of our own day in agriculture.
Cato was preeminently the first agricultural philosopher, and no one who
has followed him has packed more shrewd agricultural philosophy in a
book than he. But it is as a pomologist that Cato concerns us most at
this time. Cato describes almost every method of propagating, grafting,
caring for, and keeping fruits known to twentieth-century fruit-growers.
He describes, also, many varieties of fruits, as well as of vegetables, grains,
and breeds of farm animals. Among Cato’s fruits are six varieties of
pears. What is of especial interest in this history is that Cato writes as
if the practices of agriculture and the plants and animals he described
were not only established but ancient in his time.
Varro, whose standing as a Roman writer on agriculture is noted
above, says nothing of varieties of pears, but gives directions for grafting
pear-trees, among other methods that of inarching of which he seems the
first ancient writer to take note, thereby justifying, in small degree, it is
true, the appellation often given him, ‘‘ the most modern of all the ancients.”’
Varro also tells how pears should be stored. While, therefore, he says
nothing that helps in following the evolution of the pear, yet his accounts
of grafting and storing make plain the fact that this fruit was a standard
product of the times. Were it worth while, still other early Roman treatises
on husbandry might be quoted to establish the place of the pear in the
agriculture of ancient Rome, but it is chiefly in the evolution of the fruit
we are concerned and so pass from Varro to Pliny, who, in his Natural
History, adds to Cato’s six varieties thirty-five new sorts, giving a total
of forty-one for the generation following Christ.
Pliny, more or less discredited as a scientist because he was a compiler
and, as the men of science for science sake never forget to point out, at
all times of a utilitarian bent of mind, makes a most important contribution
to the history of the pear as a domesticated fruit. Indefatigable compiler as
he was, few cultivated pears of his or more ancient times could have escaped
his notice, and the thread of the utilitarian running through his Natural
History makes all the more important what he has to say in this study
of the domestication and improvement of the pear. A good authority
says that there are sixty manuscript copies of Pliny and eighty different
editions, no two of which are exactly alike. Allowing some latitude, there-
fore, to the translator, Pliny’s descriptions of pears run as follows:
“For the same reason (as in the case of apples) in the case of pears
the name Superba (proud) is given; these are small, but earliest ripe.
The Crustumia are most pleasant to all; next to these the Falerna, so called
from the wine, since they have such abundance of sap or milk, as it is called;
among these are those which others call Syrian from their dark color. Of
the rest, some are called by one name in one place and by another in
another. Some by their Roman names reveal their discoverers, as the
Decimiana, and what they call the Pseudo-Decimiana, derived from that;
the Dolabelliana with their long stalk; the Pomponiana of protuberant (full-
breasted) shape; the Liceriana; the Seviana and those which spring from
these, the Turraniana, distinguished by their length of stalk; the Favoniana
of reddish color, a little larger than the Superba; the Lateriana; the
Aniciana, which ripens in late autumn and has a pleasant acid flavor.
The Tiberiana are so called because the Emperor Tiberius was very fond
of them. They get more color from the sun and grow to larger size, but
otherwise are the same as the Liceriana. These bear the name of the
country from which they come; the Amerina, latest of all; the Picentina;
the Numantina; the Alexandria; the Numidiana; the Greek and among
them the Tarentine, the Signina, which others from their color call Testacea
(like tiles, or brick-colored), like the Onychina (onyx) and Purpurea (purple).
From their odor are named the Myrapia (myrrh-pear), Laurea (laurel),
Nardina (nard); from their season the Hordearia (barley, at the barley-
harvest); from the shape of their neck the Ampullacea (flask). The
Coriolana. and Bruttia have family-names (Coriolanus, Brutus); the
Cucurbitina (gourd-pears) are so called from their bitter taste. The origin
of the name is unknown in the case of the Barbarica and the Veneria which
they call colored; the Regia, which are attached to a very short stalk;
the Patricia; the Voconia, which are green and oblong. Virgil mentions
also the Volema, taken from Cato, who names also the Sementiva and the
It is pertinent to inquire, now, as to what types of pears the ancients
had. Such an inquiry leads up to another and much more important
question: Have new characters appeared in pears since Pliny wrote?
If so, it may be possible that we shall be forced to assume that man’s dom-
inacy over this fruit has produced the new characters, in which case search
might be made for the key to unlock more new characters. For the present,
however, only the first question can be considered, before going into which it
is necessary to know what the most prominent characters of the pear are.
Only those of the fruit need be named.
There are twenty outstanding characters which differentiate the
varieties of pears now cultivated, not taking account of those introduced
by the hybridization of P. communis with P. serotina which has given
pomology the Kieffer-like varieties. These characters are: Smooth or
russet skin; red, yellow, or green color; large or small size; early or late
season; long or short stem; round, oblate, ovate, and pyriform shapes;
granular, buttery, or breaking flesh; sweet or acid flavor. In the pears
described by Pliny so many of these characters are mentioned or may be
assumed to be present from inference, that the conclusion is forced that in
the many new pure-bred pears of P. communis which have come into
existence since Pliny’s time, showing a great shuffling of characters in
pear-breeding, it is doubtful whether new characters have come into being
in 2000 years. This, in turn, forces the conclusion that if this fruit is to be
greatly changed, the change must come about through hybridization with
other species.
Another quotation from Pliny shows that the Romans valued pears
1Pliny Nat, Hist. KV: 15. From a translation made for the writer by Professor H. H. Yeames,
Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y.
as a medicine as well as a food, had curious notions as to their digestibility,
and, as with most plants, ascribed other marvelous qualities to them.
Thus, Pliny says:
‘All kinds of pears, as an aliment, are indigestible, to persons in
robust health, even; but to invalids they are forbidden as rigidly as wine.
Boiled, however, they are remarkably agreeable and wholesome, those of
the Crustumium in particular. All kinds of pears, too, boiled with honey,
are wholesome to the stomach. Cataplasms of a resolvent nature are made
with pears, and a decoction of them is used to disperse indurations. They
are efficacious, also, in cases of poisoning by mushrooms and fungi, as much
by reason of their heaviness, as by the neutralizing effects of their juice.
“The wild pear ripens but very slowly. Cut in slices and hung in
the air to dry, it arrests looseness of the bowels, an effect which is equally
produced by a decoction of it taken in drink; in which case the leaves are
also boiled up together with the fruit. The ashes of pear-tree wood are
even more efficacious as an antidote to the poison of fungi.
‘“A load of apples or pears, however small, is singularly fatiguing to
beasts of burden; the best plan to counteract this, they say, is to give the
animals some to eat, or at least to show them the fruit before starting.”
There is in the books of these old farmer-writers a mass of sagacious
teachings which can never be outlived — will always underlay the best
practice. Followed carefully, except in the matter of pests, the precepts
of Cato and Varro would as certainly lead to success as the mandates of
the modern experiment stations with all the up-to-date appliances for
carrying out their commands. Sagacity fails, however, in one respect
in these Roman husbandmen— all are fettered by superstitions. In
these old books on the arts of husbandry, woven in with the practical
precepts, which stand well the test of science, superstitions abound
beyond present belief. Thus, whenever the discourse turns to pears, from
Diophanes, who lived in Asia Minor a century before Christ, down through
the ages in Greece, Italy, France, Belgium to the eighteenth century in
England, runs the superstition, with various modifications, that to grow
the best pears you must bore a hole through the trunk at the ground and
drive in a plug of oak or beech over which the earth must be drawn. If
the wound does not heal, it must be washed for a fortnight with the lees
of wine. As the superstition waned, the apologetic injunction usually
follows, that, in any event the wine-lees will improve the flavor of the
fruit. Another superstition, current for centuries, accepted by Cato and
Varro, and handed on with abiding faith almost to modern times was, as
stated by Barnaby Googe, a farmer and writer subject of Queen Elizabeth,
“if you graffe your peare upon a Mulbery, you shall have red Peares.”
Stories of promiscuous grafting abound in the old books. Another is that
if an apple be grafted on the pear, the fruit is a ‘‘ pearmain.”’
After Pliny follows a dreary and impenetrable period of 1500 years,
in which time but few new facts regarding the evolution of the pear come
to light in what is now Italy. The pear is mentioned, it is true, by many
Roman writers, but all copy Theophrastus, Cato, and Pliny. Dioscorides,
a learned Greek physician and botanist, who may be said to have been the
author of the first book of ‘‘ applied science ”’
botanical and pomological authority for the first 1600 years of the present
era, many editions of his book appeared and in several languages, and it
is he who is most often quoted by writers on fruits even until the seventeenth
century, but he adds nothing new on the pear, and does not even extend
the list of known varieties. During these 1600 years a great number of
voluminous commentaries on Dioscorides appeared, in several of which
in botany, was the great
names of new pears are mentioned, but, with the exception of one writer,
the descriptions are so terse that the new sorts cannot be connected with
older or later periods. The exception is Matthiolus (1501-1577), but since
the English herbalists, in their turn, largely copy Matthiolus, with valuable
amplifications, it is better to give space further on to them.
Perhaps one more name should be mentioned among the Roman
writers. Messer Pietro de Crescenzi, an Italian born at Bolonga in 1230,
wrote a book on agriculture in which the chapters on fruits are especially
well written. For reasons to be mentioned, this book had a remarkable
influence on the horticulture of Europe for the next three or four centuries.
With the discovery of printing, nearly two centuries after the book was
written, Crescenzi was published in numerous editions and in several
languages to the great enlightenment of pomologists on the cultivation
of fruits, but with small additions to the knowledge of the fruits themselves.
Whether because the book was really the most serviceable of its kind in
the world for four centuries, or whether by virtue of the happy circumstance
of being many times printed, it had absolute supremacy over other agri-
cultural texts, is now too late to judge. There is good reason to suspect
that Crescenzi’s is the precedence of circumstance, for he stole page after
page from Palladius, of the fourth century, who, to be sure, in his turn,
copied Columella and the Greeks. Most of these borrowings, however,
meet the requirement of being ‘‘ bettered by the borrower ” that separates
adoption from plagarism.
One other landmark, though a somewhat inconspicuous one, in the
history of the pear in Italy, is deserving brief mention. Toward the middle
of the sixteenth century Agostino Gallo, an Italian, wrote The Twenty Days
of Agriculture and the Charms of Country Life. With the fall of the Roman
Empire in the fifth century, agriculture was reduced to the production
of the necessities of life and pomology all but perished. It required a
thousand years to recover from the domination of the barbarian conqueror
of Rome. Hence, it is not surprising that Gallo names but twelve varieties
of pears instead of the forty-one of Pliny. Gallo says that he does not
name all of the summer pears, but leaves the inference that his list is
complete for autumn and winter sorts. There probably was a greater
number under cultivation at this time in Italy, but Gallo’s list shows that
the number was small. Gallo is regarded as the restorer of agriculture in
Italy after the dark ages, and as one of the most enlightened men of his
time, so that we may accept him as an accurate historian. Besides
furnishing a list of the pears of his day in Italy, Gallo names two that
are now under cultivation — Bergamot and Bon Chrétien.
Who introduced the pear in France matters little. The Greeks who
founded Marseille 600 B. C. may have done so. The Romans, masters
of ancient Gaul for centuries, undoubtedly planted pears at widely separated
places and in earliest times of Roman occupation. Or, and quite possibly,
the original natives of the land began the domestication of the pear for,
as we have seen, two cultivated species grow wild in what is now France.
Date and manner of introduction matter less than a recognizable landmark
in the history of the pear as an orchard plant in France. There is such a
landmark and a conspicuous one.
Charlemagne, the many-sided genius who ruled the Franks in the
ninth century, exercised his powerful influence in behalf of agriculture dur-
ing the time of his reign, and to him is due credit for establishing the first
notable landmark in the history of the pear in France. We are well informed
of Charlemagne’s various activities while in power, for official annals were
kept at the Frankish Court. Charlemagne’s secretary has left a biography
of his master, and many of the King’s Capitularies, or lists of laws, are
extant. In these records, agriculture is a matter of constant comment
and the pear is often up for discussion. One quotation serves to show that
this fruit was cultivated in considerable variety in Charlemagne’s orchards.
In the Capitulaire de Villis, Chapter LXX, Charlemagne is reported
to have commanded his orchardists to plant pears of distinct kinds for
distinct purposes. That the command was of sufficient importance to be
recorded in a capitulaire indicates that Charlemagne esteemed this fruit.
The order runs: “‘ Plant pear trees whose products, because of pleasant
flavor, could be eaten raw, those which will furnish fruits for cooking, and,
finally, those which mature late to serve for use in winter.’’ There is
little information in this brief command, but it tells us that a considerable
number of varieties of pears were grown in France in the ninth century,
and that they were of sufficient importance to hold the attention of a great
and busy monarch.
Either the culture of the pear abruptly ceased with the death of
Charlemagne or records ceased to be kept that would throw light on the
agriculture of the next five centuries, for from the tenth to the fifteenth
century is an unchartered waste in the history of the pear in France.
Undoubtedly pears were cultivated during this time by the monks who
had the time, the taste, and the land for carrying on agriculture. When
the pear comes to light again in the happier period for pomology of the
sixteenth century, the many names of monasteries in the list of varieties
suggest that the monks not only busied themselves with the culture of
the fruit but greatly increased the number of kinds of pears.
Three great minds now appeared to make France the leading country
in the production of agricultural literature in the sixteenth and seventeenth
centuries and all paid attention to pomology. The names of Charles
Estienne, Olivier de Serres, and Le Lectier in agriculture mark the
departure from traditions handed down from the old Greeks and Romans
to the beginning of a new agriculture founded on first-hand study and
observation. The printing-press, it is true, was now an invaluable ally,
but these three men were of an original bent of mind and would have been
distinguished in any period before printing.
Charles Estienne, the first and the least of these three early geniuses
of French agriculture, published several works on agriculture, mostly
compilations, but all containing original observations, in one of which, his
‘““Seminarium,”’ printed in Paris in 1540, is a list of sixteen pears with
brief descriptions of each. Not one of Estienne’s pears is now important,
but all appear in the histories of minor sorts in the last chapter of this
text. if
De Serres, known in France as ‘‘ The Father of Agriculture,’ published
his Le Thédtre d’ Agriculture in 1608, a book ever to be notable in agricul-
ture as the first to break wholly away from the 1600 years of repetition of
book after book in the languages of Europe which but copied the ancients.
De Serres was a good farmer — most of his farming operations have not
been improved upon; he founded the first experimental farm of which
there is record at his home near Pradel and so became the first of a long
line of modern experimenters in agriculture. Lastly, De Serres was a
charming writer and his book rapidly ran through many editions and was
translated into several languages. To him must be given credit for first
sounding the alluring call of ‘‘ back to the land” which rings from nearly
every page of his books. Here is his appeal to plant pears; and words
could hardly make it simpler, more charming, and more compelling:
“There is no tree among all those planted which abounds so much
in kinds of fruits as the pear tree, whose different sorts are innumerable
and their different qualities wonderful. For from the month of May to
that of December pears good to eat are found on the trees. In considering
particularly the different shapes, sizes, colors, flavors, and odors of the
pear, who will not adore the wisdom of the creator. Pears are found
round, long ‘goderonnees’! pointed, blunt, small, and large. Gold, silver,
vermillion, and satin green are found among the pears. Sugar, honey,
cinnamon, clove, flavor them. They smell of musk, amber, and chive.
In short, so excellent are the fruits that an orchard would not be worth
while in a place where pear trees do not thrive.”’
This laudation of the pear, in which it is made manifest that many
pears of diverse shapes, colors, flavors, and perfumes existed in the year
1600, is all that space permits from De Serres, though much could be quoted.
as to the care of pear orchards, and a list of kinds could be given, of which,
however, the descriptions count for but little. Le Lectier, to whom we
now come, is a better authority on varieties.
Le Lectier, an attorney of the king at Orleans, was an amateur fruit
collector, but a collector who reflected and printed his reflections. He
seems to have been about the first of the many collectors who, with fruit-
growing as an avocation, have zealously sought to improve and distribute
varieties, and thereby have done as much or more for pomology than those
who have made fruit-growing a vocation. Though Le Lectier collected
all of the fruits of his time and country, the pear was mistress of his passion,
a passion which gave him such pleasure that it excited others to become
amateurs and emulate him. The result was that a country-wide taste for
!Goderonne: From godron, a sculptural ornament having the shape of an elongated egg.
pears was stimulated and a veritable craze for this fruit was started —
everybody planted pears.
The famous collection of fruits was begun by Le Lectier in 1598. By
1628, the infatuation to plant had progressed until Le Lectier could send
to his fellow amateurs a catalog of his possessions of fruits with the desire
to exchange. His offer to exchange shows all of the collector’s zeal. It
reads as follows:
““T beg all those who have good fruits (not contained in the present
Catalogue) when he obtains them to inform me of it, so that I can have
grafts of them in exchange for those which they have not, but which they
wish to get from me, and which I will furnish them.
‘Signed, Le Lectier, Attorney of the King at Orleans.
20th of December, 1628.”
From Le Lectier’s list we learn that 300 years ago the French had at
least 254 pears. In this catalog are many pears in the pomologies of today,
but, unfortunately without descriptions or any attempt to determine
duplicates in names or varieties, the list serves for little more than a
monument for one of the first and one of the most zealous collectors of
pears. Le Lectier, however, may be said to have introduced the golden
age of pomology in France; for, during historical times there seems to
have been no other period in which pomology exercised the minds and
hands of well-to-do people as in the century that followed Le Lectier.
Even the kings of France took pleasure in using the spade and the pruning-
knife. La Quintinye, the best of the pomological writers of the day,
complained that the country was overwhelmed with books on pomology.
Thus, was ushered in the period which we may call our own in which the
history of the pear may be read in books innumerable.
As steps in the progress of the pear, the number of varieties may be
noted as given by French pomologists in the modern era of pear-growing.
Merlet, 1667, describes 187 varieties; La Quintinye, 1690, 67; Duhamel,
1768, 119; the Chartreuse fathers, 1775, 102; Tollard, 1805, 120; Noisette,
1833, 238; while Leroy, 1867, from whom the figures just given were taken,
says that in the half century preceding, the number of pears in France
was quadrupled and that there are 900 varieties for which there are 3000
names. Leroy notes three events as the cause of the generous multiplication
of pears in the period of which he writes: The introduction of the many
varieties grown by Van Mons and other Flemish pomologists beginning
about 1805; a little later, the establishment of exchange relations with
English nurseries; and still later, 1849, the importation of a great number
of new varieties from America. To Americans, it is particularly significant
to note that the great progress of the pear in France is due to amateur
tendance and not commercial success.
Providence ordained Belgium to produce the modern pear. The
evolution of the pear proceeded slowly, indeed, until its culture became
common on the clayey and chalky soils in the cool, moist climate of Belgium,
where flavor, aroma, texture, size, and color reach perfection. The pear
was improved more in one century in Belgium than in all the centuries
that had past. The part Providence played in endowing the Belgians
with an ideal soil and climate for the pear, is but one of two causes of the
results in improving the pear in this country. The other is that the Belgians,
ever notable horticulturists, give the pear assiduous care, cultivate only
the most approved varieties, and in breeding, aim ever at high quality,
so that Belgian pear-growers, as well as an ordained soil and climate, must
be given credit for the modern pear.
The early history of the pear in Belgium follows step by step that of
the pear in France. In the sixteenth century, botanists were numerous in
the Low Countries, their zeal and activity showing forth in several of the
best of the early herbals. These herbalists, however, gave scant attention
to the pear. Dodoens, most noted Belgian botanist of the century, dis-
missed the matter of varieties with the statement that the names change
from village to village, and that it is therefore useless to give them. From
this we may assume that a considerable number of pears were cultivated
in Belgium at the time Dodoens wrote, about the middle of the sixteenth
century. .
Pear-breeding began in Belgium about 1730, when Nicolas Hardenpont,
1705-1774, a priest in his native town of Mons, made a large sowing of
pear seed with a view of obtaining new pears of superior quality. Time
is fleeting in breeding tree fruits, and the Abbé Hardenpont waited nearly
30 years before introducing his selected seedlings, and then, beginning in
1758, he introduced one new variety after another until a dozen or more
new pears were accredited to him. At least six of these are still grown in
Europe, but only one, the Passe Colmar, is known in America. But before
going further with the work of the Belgian breeders, it is necessary to take
stock of what was on hand before their time.
La Quintinye, the most noted French pomologist of his time, in 1690
listed 67 pear varieties. The Belgians probably had all of these. What
were they? Most of them were old sorts— some were centuries old.
All, so far as their histories show, originated by chance in garden, orchard,
hedge row, and forest. No one seems yet to have planted seed with a
view of obtaining new and better pears. Camerarius in 1694 had made
known the fact of sex in plants. Soon after, experiments in hybridization
began, but no one as yet had hybridized pears. Lastly, nearly all pears,
before the Belgians began to improve them, were crisp or breaking in flesh,
the crevers of the French, while the soft-fleshed, melting pears, the beurrés
of the French, were as yet hardly known. Now, mostly owing to the
work of the Belgians, the buttery pears predominate.
Of the means by which Hardenpont obtained his superior pears, there
is no precise knowledge. Whether his new sorts were lucky chances out
of a large number of promiscuous seedlings, or whether he was a pioneer
in hybridizing can never be known. Du Mortier, a distinguished Belgian
botanist, gives the credit of hybridization to the Abbé, basing his opinion
on the fact that the characters of most of Hardenpont’s varieties are plainly
a commingling of two well-known parents which could hardly be the case
if they were happy chances were fate ever so kindly disposed.
Hardenpont soon had many imitators in Belgium. Indeed, the
Belgians seem to have been quite carried off their feet by pear-breeding,
and during the first half of the nineteenth century a fad like the “ tulip
craze’’ of Holland and the “‘ mulberry craze’’ of America reigned in the
country. Among the breeders are found the names of priests, physicians,
scientists, apothecaries, attorneys, tradesmen, and gentlemen of leisure.
The introduction of new varieties made notable in horticulture the towns
of Mons, Tournaii, Enghien, Louvain, Malines, and Brussels. The
awarding of medals for new pears produced the horticultural sensations
of the times. Hundreds if not thousands of new varieties were introduced,
of which many, it is true, have proved worthless, others of but secondary
merit, while still others, as we shall find, are even now among the best
pears under cultivation. But the great fact, be it remembered, is that
these amateur pear-breeders wrought in a few years a complete transforma-
tion in a fruit that had been domesticated and had been fairly stable for
over 2000 years. '
A few names besides Hardenpont stand out prominently and must be
mentioned. Of these, Van Mons is best known. Jean Baptiste Van Mons,
1765-1842, was a pharmacist, physicist, and physician, one of the savants
of his time, who, late in the eighteenth century, under the potent spell cast
by Hardenpont’s work, began to breed pears. Space forbids an account of
Van Mons’ experiments. Suffice to say that he introduced more than two
scores of pears having lasting merit, and that in the height of his career
he had in his ‘‘ Nursery of Fidelity’ at Louvain, eighty thousand seedlings.
Van Mons outlives in fame the Belgian pear-breeders of his time because
he propounded a theory for the origination of new varieties of plants, and
this in its turn is famed as the first complete system of plant improvement.
Van Mons contributed but little of direct value to plant-breeding, but indi-
rectly he gave a great impetus to breeding pears and to the culture of the
pear, more especially in America, and we must therefore glance at his theory
and trace more in detail its influence on American pear-growing.
Van Mons’ theory, in brief, as expounded in various papers, is: A
species does not vary in the place in which it is born; it reproduces only
plants which resemble itself. The causes of variation are changes in soil,
climate, or temperature. Whenever a species produces one or many
varieties, these varieties continue to vary always. The source of all varia-
tion, which is transmissible by sowing, resides in the seeds. The older a
variety, the less the seedlings vary, and the more they tend to return toward
the primitive form, without being able ever to reach that state; the younger
or newer the variety, the more the seedlings vary.
In putting his theory in practice Van Mons took the first seeds from
wild plants or those little improved, from which he grew seedlings, and
from these the seeds were taken from the first fruits to ripen for new sowings.
This practice he repeated generation after generation. Thus, it is seen
that Van Mons was an early apostle of selection. He is said to have
distributed over 400 varieties, about 40 of which are still under cultivation.
It is to be feared, however, that Van Mons’ theory was preconceived with-
out experiment or even observation for a foundation. He devoted a life
of most admirable zeal to verifying and developing this vision of his early
years with some material reward it is true, but with a better foundation
his prodigious labors would have yielded greater direct results in improving
the pear. Still, the indirect results, his influence on the pomologists of
two continents, even though they did not subscribe to his theories, was
more valuable than the work of one mind and one pair of hands could
possibly have been.
There must always be pioneers, men who stray from beaten paths,
but pioneers seldom exert wide and deep influence at once — leave the worn
path, so to speak, and at once construct a macadamized road — yet this
was what Van Mons did. Pomologists agree that until his time no man
had exerted so profound an influence on pomology. His love of discovery
and love of labor permeated fruit-growing in Europe and America.
Fortunately, it was the age of the amateur fruit-grower. Pleasure and
progress, driven by curiosity, counted for more than commercial success,
so that Van Mons’ new varieties at once gave him wide fame. He was
made known to American pear-growers by Robert Manning who distributed
his new varieties in this country and described them in the horticultural
literature of the day and in his Book of Fruits published in 1838. Later,
Andrew Jackson Downing, the brilliant genius of American horticulture,
published Van Mons’ theories and described many of his new pears in
his Fruits and Fruit Trees, which came from the press in 1845. Thus,
Van Mons became the recognized authority in America on all matters
relating to the pear. Indeed, it is hardly too much to say that we owe
him obligations as the founder of pear-culture in this country.
But the work of the Belgians does not end with Van Mons. There
were other breeders of pears, who, though not to be classed with Van Mons
as a Titan, lacking the quality of mind to set forth a new philosophy, helped
to enliven the impulse given by their leader to the improvement of the
pear by originating new varieties. Chief of these are Major Espéren, of
Malines, who introduced twenty of the pears mentioned in the Pears of
New York; Bivort, who has twenty-three to his credit; Gregoire, forty-two;
Simon Bouvier, eleven; De Jonghe, six; and De Nelis, five. While, if
the lists of varieties in the last two chapters of this text be scanned for
Belgians who introduced but one, two, or three new pears, the list runs
up into the hundreds. Labor finds its summit in the work of these Belgian
pear-breeders, who obtained petty rewards by sifting millions of seedlings
through the coarse meshes of the sieve of selection. We can pardon these
enthusiastic breeders with grace for over-zealousness in naming varieties
obtained with such prodigious efforts.
The pear can be improved only where the pear-tree flourishes, and
then only when assisted by the foresight and desire of men. This happy
combination seems not to exist in Europe outside of Italy, France, Belgium,
and England. The pear flourishes along the Danube, in parts of Austria
and southern Germany, and along the upper Rhine, but the people of
these regions seem to have been followers rather than leaders in developing
this fruit, having produced almost no meritorious varieties. America is
indebted to the vast region of central and western Europe for but one
major variety, the Forelle, and this sort is of little importance.
Pomology, the world over, however, is indebted to Germany for much
valuable pomological literature. Cordus, Mayer, Christ, Diel, Dittrich,
Truchsess, Hinkert, Dochnahl, Oberdieck, Engelbrecht, Lauche, and
Gaucher, all Germans, and Kraft, an Austrian, have been industrious
compilers, and have given pomology some of its best texts on systematic
Cordus, earliest German pomological writer, wrote an illuminating
chapter in the history of the pear, which must be reproduced. Valerius
Cordus, 1515-1544, a botanical genius, made botanical expeditions to nearly
every part of Germany, in the course of which he made special study of
the apple and the pear. He described fifty pears and thirty-one apples.
These descriptions are noteworthy as the earliest for these fruits in Ger-
many. Cordus is called by one great botanist, ‘‘ the inventor of the art of
describing plants;’’ by another, he is said to have been “‘first to teach
men to cease from dependence on the poor descriptions of the ancients
and to describe plants anew from nature;’’ a third botanical authority
says of him, ‘‘the first of all men to excel in plant description;’’ while a
fourth writes of the four books of his Historia Plantarum “truly extraor-
dinary because of the accuracy with which the plants are described.”
Thus, botanists accord him special distinction, but pomologists seem not
to know this resplendent systemist of the sixteenth century, who, as we
shall see, is especially deserving of pomological recognition.
Cordus is entitled to honor in the history of pomology as first to print
descriptions of fruits for the purpose of identifying varieties. No doubt
as soon as the earth ceased to furnish spontaneously the primitive luxury
of ready-to-eat food in the shape of fruit, making culture necessary, varieties
were acquired and became commodities as they are today. Varieties were
certain to originate under cultivation, and their value was certain to be
recognized by our first ancestors, to whom the convenience, necessity, and
expediency of having a diversity of kinds of any fruit as well as of a means
of keeping them true to kind, must have been apparent at the beginning
of fruit culture. That such was the case, the most ancient sacred and
profane writings assure us. Varieties of the fig, olive, grape, and other
fruits are mentioned by all early writers on plants. That varieties of fruits
would not come true to seed was early known, and propagation by cuttings,
layers, and grafting was invented to preserve choice sorts. Many of the
early writers name varieties, tell from whence they came, and some set
forth a remarkable character or two, but none give detailed descriptions.
Cordus was first to engage in this sort of enterprise.
This chapter from Cordus is important, too, because it makes plain
that the pears grown in Germany four hundred years ago possessed all the
characters to be fourid in modern pears. Culture has increased size, modified
shapes, augmented flavors, brightened colors, and softened textures, but
no characters that can be considered new or distinct, unit characters
of the plant-breeder, have been introduced in the four centuries that have
gone by. The characters possessed by these German pears are the same,
so far as can be made out, as those of the varieties grown by the Greeks
and Latins nearly 2000 years earlier. From this, the inference must be
drawn that the characters of the pear have not originated under cultivation
but exist in wild types. New and distinct characters can come only by
hybridization with another species. Pears within a species are changed
only by a recombination of the characters possessed by the species.
The descriptions of varieties from Cordus ' that follow are commended
to pomologists as models of brevity and accuracy. These word-pictures
reproduce the pears as vividly as an artist could paint them. One sees
at once that Cordus was no compiler. Such descriptions as Cordus writes
can be made only in the orchard with the pear in hand.
‘The domesticated pear-tree is like the wild tree in trunk, bark,
timber, leaves and blossoms, but has straighter and more shapely boughs
and leaves a little larger. Of the fruits themselves, which we call pears,
there are innumerable kinds, of which we will describe some that are found
in Germany, adding also their German names, which vary, however, in
the different provinces.
“ Probstbirn, that is, Provost pear, so-called from their broad base,
near the stalk end in a blunt point, have a length of three inches, breadth
a little less. Their color is pale green, speckled with green spots or dots;
they are astringent to the taste, and by the abundance of their juice
extinguish thirst. They ripen at the beginning of autumn, and quickly
decay because of the abundance of watery and rather cold juice. They
are found in abundance at Eisleben near the Harz forest in Saxony.
1 Cordus, Valerius Hist. Pl. 3:176-182. 1561.
The writer is indebted to Professor H. H. Yeames, Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y., for the translation
of this chapter from the original text.
“ Speckbirn, that is, Lard pear, swell in the middle with a thick belly,
from which they suddenly taper off into a point; they have a length of
more than three inches, a width somewhat less than three inches; they
are of pale color, and like the Provost, speckled with green dots, rather
mild and sweet to the taste, dissolving in the mouth like lard, whence they
have received their name, and with the abundance of their juice they
quench: thirst; when they are peeled they give a sweet odor. They ripen
at the beginning of autumn and very easily decay.
“ Kaulbirn, that is, Ball pear, have almost the roundness of a globe,
except that near the stalk they rise to a blunt and inconspicuous circle.
Their length is scarcely two inches; they rarely exceed this, but in width
slightly exceed their length. In color they are pale green, in taste and
smell they rival the Lard with which also they come to ripeness; these
too easily decay. They are found at. Eisleben.
“ Hanffbirn, that is, Hemp pear, are like the Ball but a little larger;
they have a green color, marked with spots or dots; in taste they correspond
to the Ball, but do not dissolve so readily in the mouth; they ripen at the
same time, and are easily affected by decay. These too are found at
“‘ Glockenbirn, that is, Bell pear, from a broad base narrow down to
a sort of narrow neck and then end in a blunt head; they have quite the
shape of a bell, whence they have received their name. They are wholly
of a yellow color spotted with dots, in length a little less than three inches,
but in width they do not reach two inches. They have no unpleasant
odor, especially when peeled; in taste they correspond to the Hemp, and
reach maturity at the same time, and easily decay. They grow in abundance
at E/isleben.
“ Kénigsbirn, King’s pear, or Regalbirn, Rule pear, that is, Royal
pear, are large and big-bellied; they have a length sometimes of four inches,
a width a little less; they are of bluish-gray color, but in that part where
they have had the sun they become slightly red. They are astringent to
the taste and with a copious juice, and that sweet and something like
wine, they allay thirst. They ripen when the sun has entered Libra, and
do not so easily decay.
‘“ Klunssbirn, that is, Lump pear, are of two varieties; both kinds,
however, correspond proportionately in shape to the Royal, but are inferior
to them in size. There is a difference in color, for one kind has a bluish-
gray color, the other reddish-gray. They have a juice similar in flavor to
the Royal but more acid. They ripen with the Royal. In Saxony there
is great abundance of them, especially at Hildesheim. ‘
‘ Bonnebirn, that is, Bonn pear, so-called from the city of Bonn on
the Rhine, from which they have been transplanted into other districts.
They have an almost spherical shape, except that near the stalk they end
in a blunt point. They are three inches in length, a little less in width.
Their color is on one side green or pale, on the other, where they have
been touched by the sun, reddish. They are moderately acid to the taste,
and abound with copious juice, rather watery, very refreshing in effect.
They ripen when the sun is hastening toward Scorpio. They are abundant
at Marburg in Hesse.
“ Schmalzbirn, that is, Butter pear, so called because they melt in
the mouth like fat or some liquid mixture; their fruit is generally swollen
at the lower end and gradually tapers to a narrow neck toward the stem.
Like gourds they are three inches in length or often more, but in breadth
two and ahalf inches. They havea pale yellow color, a pleasing fragrance,
but are very acid in taste, with the admixture of a peculiar, winey flavor;
when insufficiently ripe and not thoroughly chewed or too greedily devoured
they sometimes stick in the throat and choke the breathing; on the other
hand, when ripe and well masticated they melt in the mouth like fat. They
ripen before the sun passes into Libra. They are found in Hesse, especially
in Frankenberg, where there is great abundance of them.
“ Junckfrauenbirn gross, that is, Maiden pera, large, are like the Lump
pear in color and shape, but in size somewhat smaller. In taste they are
powerfully astringent, so that they irritate the throat and contract the lips
into a pucker like a maiden’s kiss. They have a watery juice mixed as it
were with sour wine. They ripen at the end of summer. At Brunswick
in Saxony they are very abundant.
‘“ Junckfrauenbirn klein, that is, Maiden pear, small, from a swelling
belly they end in a narrow neck; they have a length a little less than three
inches, but in breadth somewhat exceed an inch and a half; they are of
beautiful color, as if one should mix dark blue-green with reddish-purple;
they are besides speckled with dots, acid in taste, and in like manner are
easily dissolved in the mouth. They ripen at the beginning of autumn.
They are much cultivated at Eisleben.
“ Hamelsswenstebirn, that is, Ram’s paunch pear, have received their
name from the fact that in their swelling shape they resemble the bellies
of wethers; they swell as it were with a thick paunch; reach three inches
in length and often even more, but less in width. In color they are bluish-
gray, but slightly reddish on that side which they have turned to the sun.
They have a very acid flavor, with a certain pleasantness and a winey
juice. They ripen at the end of summer. They are found in Hesse and
neighboring districts, and there are preferred to other pears.
“ Loewenbirn, that is, Lion pear, so called from their excellence; these
are called Hessiatica in Thuringen and neighboring districts; their fruit is
remarkable, holding the supremacy among all autumn fruits for duration
and excellence of taste and juice. They are swollen in the lower part and
generally unequal; they have a length of three inches and often greater;
in width they not rarely exceed two inches. They are of greenish gray
color, slightly reddened. They have an astringent taste of marked
pleasantness. They abound in copious juice, winey, sweet-smelling, and
very refreshing, so that they speedily quench thirst; indeed the pears
themselves by their strong aromatic odor wonderfully revive the sick.
They ripen when the sun has entered Libra; finally when stored away
they last for a long time. They abound in Hesse, especially at Marburg
and likewise at Frankenberg, a town near Marburg. They are called
Barber’s pear, from a certain barber who first introduced them there.
“ Hangelbirn, that is, Hanging pear, are equal to the Butter in shape,
color, and size; they hang from a long stalk, whence they have received
their name; in flavor they differ from the Butter, for their juice is not so
winey nor so acid; they have a simpler flavor, not composed of so many
qualities. However, they ripen at the same time. These too are cultivated
in Hesse.
‘“‘ Margarethenbirn, that is, Margaret’s pear, are so called because
they become ripe about St. Margaret’s Day, when the sun is entering into
Leo. They end in an oblong neck; in length they reach three inches, in
width hardly two inches. They have a reddish-blue color. Their pulp is
tender and juicy, of very sweet taste, easily melting in the mouth; they
have a very pleasant smell. They abound at Brunswick in Saxony.
‘““ Winterbirn, that is, Winter pear, from a round shape become slightly
conical; they are less than three inches in length, little more than two
inches in breadth. They have a green color, a very hard substance, so
that they scarcely give way to the teeth. In taste they are very acid and
refreshing, quenching the thirst with a watery, sour juice. They ripen
late in autumn after all other fruits, after they have been touched with
frosts and cold. They are found at Frankenberg in Hesse.
““ Knochenbirn, that is, Bone pear, have received their name from their
hardness; from a swelling belly they end gradually in a short and narrow
neck. They rarely exceed two inches in length and an inch and a half
in breadth. They have alight reddish color; they are of such hard substance
that they cannot be chewed raw but only when cooked. They have a
very acid taste. They ripen at the beginning of autumn. They are
cultivated at Frankenberg in Hesse.
“Augustbirn, that is, August pear, would be almost round except that they
end in a short point. Their length is a little more than two inches, their
width a little less. They have a yellow color, at times turning to pale red.
In taste they are acid, with a peculiar sweetness of juice. They ripen early
in August, whence they have received their name. They are short-lived
and do not last long. They abound everywhere in Hesse.
‘“ Honightrn gross, that is, Honey pear, large, end in an oblong cone:
they are two inches and a half in length, but in breadth hardly reach two
inches. They have a bluish-gray color verging on yellow, and a surface
not so smooth; in taste they are acid and abound in sweet juice; they
ripen at the beginning of autumn, lasting for a while. They are found at
Wittenberg in upper Saxony.
“ Honigbirn klein, that is, Honey pear, small, are of conical shape, in
length do not exceed an inch and a half, in width are a little less; they
have a light reddish color, a flavor very sweet and pleasant, whence they
have received their name. They melt readily in the mouth of those who
taste them. They ripen soon after the August pear. They abound in Hesse.
‘* Muscatellerbirn, that is, Musk pear, are very small and conical, in
length a little more than an inch, in width a little less. Their color is
green tinged with red, their taste most sweet and aromatic, as if it were
flavored with a little musk, whence their name. They easily melt in the
mouth; they have also a pleasing odor. They ripen in June. They are
carefully cultivated in Meissen.
“ Schaffbirn, that is, Sheep pear, are like the larger Honey in size,
shape and color, but a little more oblong and narrow. They have a very
sweet flavor, moderately astringent, and easily dissolve in the mouth on
account of the tender softness of their pulp and juice. They ripen when
the sun is hastening toward Libra. They are found in Frankenberg in
‘“‘ Waxbirn, that is, Wax pear, are big-bellied at the lower end, at the
upper end taper off into a cone; in length sometimes exceed three inches
by a little, but in width rarely exceed two inches. They have a yellow
or wax-like color, whence their name has been given them, but on that
side where they have received the sun they invite those who look upon
them to eat them by their pleasing, speckled redness. They have a
sweet flavor, slightly astringent; their pulp is soft and easily melts in the
mouth. They ripen when the sun has entered Virgo; they are short-lived
and do not last long. They are found at Marburg in Hesse.
“ Rostbirn, that is, Rust pear, are big-bellied in the middle and narrow
down at both ends; in length three inches and a half, in width two inches
and a half. They have a yellow color, speckled with bluish-gray spots;
they have a very mild, sweet flavor, and easily melt in the mouth; because
of their extreme softness they last a very short time. They ripen at the
beginning of autumn. They are cultivated at Eisleben and neighboring
“Aschbirn, that is, Ash pear, have their name because they are soft
like ashes and easily dissolve in the mouth. They resemble the Rust pear
in shape, color, quality of pulp, and flavor; but are a little smaller, and
more conical at one end toward the stalk, though sometimes they become
big-bellied in the middle like the Rust. They ripen with the Rust. They
are cultivated at Eisleben.
‘‘ Drinkebirn, that is, Drink pear, are so called because like a drink
they drive away anybody’s thirst. They are swollen in the middle and
end in a blunt point; in length a little over two inches, in width scarcely
two inches. Their color is wholly yellow, but they redden on that side
which is exposed to the sun; they have a sweet flavor, tender pulp, abounding
with copious and drinkable juice. They ripen with the Rust and quickly
decay just as they do. They are cultivated in the country near Eisleben.
‘ Eyerbirn, that is, Egg pear, have received their name from their
shape, which becomes conical at both ends like a short egg; otherwise they
do not differ much from the Drink pear in proportion and shape. They
are, however, a little smaller, have a yellow color speckled with dots. In
flavor they rival the Rust and like them are moderately astringent; they
have a very sweet fragrance, ripen with the Drink pear, and quickly decay.
They too are found at Eisleben and neighboring towns.
“ Pfaltzgrduischbirn (Palatinate grayish-pear), that is, Palatina, which
are called Mass pear in Hesse, are the most excellent of the short-lived
ones, and in like manner generally end in a cone; in length they reach two
inches and a half, in width rarely exceed two inches. Their color is mid-way
between saffron and reddish purple. They have a tender, juicy pulp, an
exceptionally sweet flavor, aromatic as it were. They have a most pleasing
fragrance both when they are whole and when they are cut, surpassed in
excellence by no other variety of pear. They ripen at the end of August,
when the sun has entered Virgo. They are found in the Rhine Valley, in
France, Hesse, and many other regions.
“ Spindelbirn or Rautenbirn (Rhombus pear), that is, Spindle pear, are
like the Rust in shape, color, and size, but a little narrower; in substance
and flavor they differ from them, since they consist of harder pulp and so
last longer; they have a flavor astringent and at the same time sweet.
They ripen with the Rust, and are cultivated in the country about Eisleben.
“‘Zuckerbirn, that is, Sugar pear, are a little more than two inches in
length, rarely as much in width; of greenish color; they have a tender
pulp, melting easily in the mouth like sugar, sweet and of pleasant flavor.
They ripen with the Egg pear and do not last long. They are cultivated
in the country about Eisleben.
“ Packelemischbirn, that is, Paclemiana, are like the Sugar in size
and shape; their color is green and bluish-gray; their surface is rather
rough, their pulp hard, juicy, and acid. They ripen with the Sugar, and if
they receive no injury they do not easily decay, but may last for some
time, as most others do which have hard pulp and acid taste. They are
cultivated in the country about Eisleben.
‘ Kirchmessbirn, that is, Church Mass pear, are round and big-bellied,
and end toward the stalk in a long, narrow, and much attenuated point.
In length they are three and a half inches, in breadth over two inches,
- though even smaller ones are produced. They are yellow in color, tender
and juicy in pulp, and like the Palatina and Drink in flavor. They ripen
in autumn and last almost until the sun enters Sagittarius. They are
found at Wittemberg.
‘““ Knaustbirn or Gelbe Honigbirn (Yellow Honey pear), that is, Bread
Crust pear, have a broad base and are swollen and almost round, toward
the stalk ending in a short, blunt, and rounded point; both in length and
in breadth they sometimes exceed two inches and a half, but rarely; they
are of yellow color, speckled generally around the bottom; they resemble
the larger Honey in color and acidity; their pulp is rather hard but juicy,
stony around the seed-receptacles. They have a flavor between that of
the larger Honey and the Lion and that very pleasing. They ripen in
autumn and sometimes last almost to the winter solstice. They are
cultivated at Wittemberg and neighboring places.
‘“* Klosterbirn, that is, Cloister pear, swell out with uneven belly and
toward the stalk become conical; they reach three inches in length and
not much less in breadth. They have a yellow color, speckled with green
dots; their pulp is rather hard and somewhat stony; their taste mildly
astringent and of slightly glutinous sweetness. They ripen with the Bread
Crust pear and last as long. They are found in the country about
““Glassbirn, that is, Glass pear, are round and slightly conical; in
length they generally reach two and one-third inches, in breadth a little
over two inches; their color is light green verging on yellow; their flesh is
tender, juicy, astringent to the taste, sweet and winey; they ripen with
the Rust a little before the beginning of autumn. There is an abundant
crop of them at Eisleben and neighboring towns. They last until the sun
enters Sagittarius.
“ Kirchbirn, that is, Church pear, have an oblong oval shape but end
in a cone rather than an oval. They reach two inches in length, in width
somewhat exceed an inch and a half. Their color is on one side yellowish-
green, on the other, where they have received the sun, reddish. Their
pulp is hard, rather juicy, slightly sour to the taste, and very astringent.
They ripen at the end of summer and last for a long time. Of these too
there is an abundant crop at Eisleben.
“ Quittenbirn, that is, Quince pear, like the Cloister pear, swell out with
uneven belly, and toward the stalk end in a short point, like the conical
Cotonea, but protuberant ones are also found, whence the name was
given them. In breadth as well as length they exceed two inches and a
third. They have a green color, a hard, juicy pulp, rather winey and
astringent to the taste. They ripen at the beginning of autumn and last
till the winter. They are found at Eisleben.
‘‘ Parissbirn, that is, Parisiana, are round at the lower end and taper
to a point at the upper end. Their length is two and a half inches, their -
width not over two inches, or rarely more. Their color on one side is
yellow, but on the other, where they have felt the sun, purple. Their
pulp is juicy, their taste pleasantly astringent. They ripen with those
before mentioned, lasting into the winter. There is an abundant crop of
them in the country about Eisleben.
““ Weybersterbenbirn, that is, Women’s Death pear, would be round,
except that toward the stalk they end in a short, blunt point. They
generally exceed two inches in breadth as well asin length. They have a
yellow color, saffron towards the base, speckled with purple dots. Their
pulp is hard and rather stony, with juice slightly sour to the taste and
very astringent, like the Church pear, with which also they ripen. They
last into the winter. They are cultivated in the country about Eisleben.
“ Kélbirn, that is, Cabbage pear, are large, almost round, tapering
to a cone, three inches in length and one-half to one-third of an inch less
in breadth. They have a pale green color, one side slightly reddish and
speckled with dots. Their pulp is rather hard, juicy, somewhat sour
and very astringent to the taste, like the Women’s Death pear, with
which also they ripen, and they last as long. They are cultivated at
““ Hélpenerbirn, that is, Hollow pear, are large, big-bellied, uneven, and
conical; in length they sometimes exceed two and a half inches, in width
almost equal their length. Their color is green; they have a juicy pulp,
Winey in taste, slightly acid, and more astringent than the Brassicana.
They ripen at the beginning of autumn, and last long into the winter.
There is a large crop of them in the country about Eisleben.
“ Safftbirn, that is, Sap pear, are like the Hollow pear but a little
smaller and less uneven, of a greenish-yellow color; their pulp is solid and
when cut sheds a copious juice, when chewed passes almost wholly into
juice and very little dry substance remains; when the juice is swallowed,
it is cool to the taste, somewhat acid, winey, and astringent. They ripen
at the beginning of autumn and last for along time. They are found at
“ Eierlingebirn, that is, Little-egg pear, have received their name from
their oval shape; in shape and size they are midway between the Drink
and the Egg pear; their color is yellow, speckled with reddish dots on a
dark background. They have hard, juicy pulp, acid to the taste, winey,
and astringent. They ripen at the beginning of autumn and last for a
long time. They grow at Wittemberg.
“ Kruselbirn, that is, Curling pear, in shape resemble a top which boys
throw upon the ground wound up with a string to make it spin. In length
they reach three inches, in width two anda half. Their color is pale green,
speckled with many green dots or spots; their pulp is solid, juicy, very
astringent to the taste, somewhat acid and pleasant. They last until the
sun has passed Aquarius or Pisces. They abound in Meissen.
“ Bratbirn gross, also called Fregelbirn, that is, pears for roasting, are
about the largest of all, for sometimes they weigh.a mina (about 15.2 ounces)
and a half; they are of globular shape, sometimes conical, and frequently
irregular; of a color midway between pale green and red, redder on one
side. They have a pulp with pleasant juice, astringent, partaking somewhat
of acid. They grow in Meissen, especially at Leisnig and Koldit.
““Grauchenbirn, that is, Gray pear, have received their name from
their color, since they are ash-colored and at the same time greenish. They
are small and of globular shape, measuring an inch in breadth as well as
in length; in appearance are in no way different from some of the wild
pears; in taste are soft, mild, sweet, with a pleasantly astringent quality;
they last till after the winter solstice. They grow in the country about
Meissen and Leipzig.
“ Gelbrotebirn, that is, Yellow-red pear, have an oblong pyramidal
shape, generally reaching a length of three inches, and a width of two
inches. Their color on one side is yellow, on the other saffron and purple;
their pulp is soft, astringent to the taste, pleasant, slightly acid, and watery.
They ripen at the beginning of autumn, and last till the winter solstice.
They grow at Hildesheim in Saxony.
“‘ Griinlingebirn, that is, Green pear, are quite large, since sometimes
they exceed three inches in length, two inches in breadth; they have an
oblong pyramidal shape, a green color, a juicy pulp, sharply astringent to
the taste. They ripen at the beginning of autumn, and last till after the
solstice. There is a large crop of them at Hildesheim.
““ Wasserbirn, that is, Water pear, rival Green pear in size, they have
a shape big-bellied in the middle and taper to a point at both ends, sharper
and more oblong toward the stem, but shorter and blunter near the base.
Their color on one side is pale, speckled with dots, on the other reddish,
pale on the edges. They have juicy pulp, watery and rather pleasant to
the taste. They become ripe with the Green pear but do not last so long.
They grow at Hildesheim.
‘““ Kegelbirn, that is, Cone pear, have the shape of a pine cone, and
from a rather broad base end in a point; their length is three inches, their
width two; their color on one side green, on the other reddish. Their
pulp is juicy, harsh to the taste. Their maturity falls at the beginning
of autumn, from which time they may last till the winter solstice. They
are produced at Hildesheim.”’
Much as America owes England for fruit, farm, and garden crops, she
is but little indebted to her for pears. Varieties of pears have come to
the New World almost wholly from Belgium and France, not more than
three or four major sorts of English origin being among those now commonly
grown in America. But even though the line of march in the development
of varieties scarcely touches England, all English speaking pear-growers
have received instruction as to culture and have had knowledge of con-
tinental varieties transmitted to them through English publications. In
the history of fruits in England, therefore, many gleams of light illuminate
the path along which the pear has been brought from the ancients to
No doubt the pear was brought to Britain before the Roman conquest.
Tacitus, in the first century, says the climate of Britain is suitable to the
culture of all fruits and vegetables except the grape and the olive. Pliny
writes that the Britains had the cherry before the middle of the first century,
and almost certainly the pear and other fruits were introduced with it.
There was, also, a Saxon name for the pear, pirige, so philologists say,
before the fall of the Roman Empire. The years 43 and 407 mark the
beginning and the end of the Romans and of civilization in Britain for
many centuries, and whether or not the pear was permanently established
during this time there are now no means of ascertaining. The climate
and soil of England are congenial to the pear, however, and no doubt wild
or little cultivated trees persisted until the Norman conquest, the spread
of Christianity, and the building of many monasteries with orchards and
gardens as essential adjuncts.
Even in England under the Normans who came in 1066, not much prog-
ress was made in fruit-growing. Tillers of the soil were hard pressed for
the necessities of life and could only with difficulty harvest a bare sustenance
from the land. Besides, monks and nobles preyed on the starving peasants
so that at no time could the farmer be sure of reaping what he planted.
Only these monks and nobles enjoyed luxuries. But even men who boasted
of titles and owned large holdings of land had little room within fortified
walls and on moated islands, which constant wars made necessary, for
fruits; nor had they time from projects of war and the pleasures of the
chase to devote to the art of agriculture. Fortunately, priors and abbots
were well disposed toward the good things of life, therefore made much
of fruits and vegetables, and with abundance of leisure the monks became
the only proficients of the times in gardening and orcharding. Moreover,
they were in constant correspondence with the continent and could ascertain
what culture was needed to grow perfect fruits. Pear culture had its
beginnings in England, then, in the monasteries established under the
Pressed for an exact date as to when the pear began to be cultivated
in England, the historians would be troubled to name one. There is a
plan of the monastery of Canterbury made in 1165 which shows an orchard
and a vineyard. History, moreover, relates that armed men collected in
an orchard to take hand in the murder of Thomas Becket in 1170. Men in
those days set small store by written accounts, and history must be helped
out by imagination, and we may imagine that there were pears in this
Pears by this time had become common, for there are records of varieties
to a considerable number and in large quantities which could have been
had only from rather extensive orchards. Mrs. Evelyn Cecil! publishes
documents from the Record office of England which contain items of
pears bought for Henry III and Edward I at different times in the thirteenth
century, the first date being ‘‘ probably for the year 1223.” The pears
appear to be of French origin, and the varieties are Caloels, Pesse Pesceles,
Ruler, and Martyns. Ina later memorandum, 1292-93, still other varieties
are named as the Regul, Calwel, Dieyer, Sorell, Chryfall, and Gold Knoper.
The pears were sold by the hundred and were used for desert, though “‘ pears
in syrup ’’ and pears for cider are mentioned. The perusal of these docu-
ments, printed in considerable detail in Mrs. Cecil’s admirable book, enables
us to fix the beginning of commercial pear culture in England at as early
a date as 1200.
Passing by several other references from records and financial accounts
of monasteries in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries as too vague to be
of importance, although they make certain that the pear was rather widely
cultivated in England in these two centuries, we come at last to a noteworthy
landmark in pear history in England, the introduction of the Warden pear,
which may be put at the conveniently vague date of the end of the fourteenth
century, 1388 being the first year they are mentioned.
“Warden ’’ was a name used for centuries to designate a group of
pear varieties having crisp, firm flesh and which were used for culinary
purposes. Their history runs back to the Cistercian Abbey of Warden in
Bedfordshire-and to a date earlier than 1388. Warden pears were favorites
for centuries for pies and pastries which every early cook-book contained
recipes for making. In the early English literature they are considered a
1A Hist. of Gard. in Eng. 35-37. 1910.
distinct fruit as ‘‘ apples, pears, quinces, wardens,’ and even the herbals
and early fruit books count them as distinct. Shakespeare’s clown in
A Winter's Tale says: ‘‘I must have saffron to colour the Warden pies.”
The name came to signify any long-keeping, cooking pear and even yet is
so used in parts of England.
The most noteworthy landmark is found in the discussions of pears by
the English herbalists of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Turner,
the first of these herbalists, in his Herbal of 1551, mentions the pear but
without important details, though we may infer from what he says that the
pear is now a common fruit. Thomas Tusser, in his Five Hundred Points of
Good Husbandrie, published in 1573, gives a list of fruits to be set or removed
in January in which he includes “‘ pears of all sorts,” and then as a separate
item includes ‘‘ Warden, white and red,” showing that ‘‘ Wardens ’’ were
held as distinct from the pear and that they were prominent in the orchards
of the time. The century ends with John Gerarde’s Herball or Generall
Historie of Plantes, 1597, in which we are brought to the realization that
the pear is no longer a probationary fruit or even to be considered a novelty
or luxury but a standard food product. Gerarde might well be quoted in
full, but since Parkinson, a few years later, contains a ‘‘ fuller discourse,”
as one of Gerarde’s editors says, we take but a few sentences from Gerarde.
Varieties by this time had become numerous. Gerarde, while he
names but eight, says he knew someone who grew “‘ at the point of three
score sundrie sorts of Peares, and those exceeding good; not doubting
but that if his minde had beene to seeke after multitudes he might have
gotten together the like number of those worse kindes * * * to
describe each pear apart, were to send an owle to Athens, or to number
those things without number.” Eight sorts are considered worth figuring,
those accorded the honor being: “the Jenneting, Saint James, Royall,
Beugomot, Quince, Bishop, Katherine, and the Winter Peare.’’ Of these
the Katherine is given further prominence by being listed as ‘‘ known to
all.”” If one is to judge from number of varieties, the pear at this time
is a more general favorite than the apple, a considerably greater number
of sorts being indicated.
Parkinson’s account in his Paradisus of 1629, indeed does prove to
be a ‘‘ fuller discourse ’’ for he names and describes 65 sorts; but these are
not all for he says: ‘‘ The variety of peares is as much or more then of
apples, and I thinke it is as hard in this, as before in apples, for any to be
so exquisite, as that hee could number up all the sorts that are to be had:
for wee have in our country so manie, as I shall give you the names of by
and by, and are hitherto come to our knowledge: but I verily beleeve
that there be many, both in our country, and in others, that we have not
yet knowne or heard of; for every yeare almost wee attaine to the
knowledge of some, we knew not of before. Take therefore, according to
the manner before held, the description of one, with the severall names
of the rest, untill a more exact discourse be had of them, every one apart.”
Some of the names in Parkinson’s list are group names covering several
varieties. Thus, he says, “‘the Winter Bon Chretien is of many sorts;”’
and again, ‘‘the Winter Bergomot is of two or three sorts;’’ and, ‘‘the
Winter peare is of many sorts.”’
Parkinson’s descriptions are brief but written with rare clearness, and
the old herbalist seems to have possessed a nicety of observation that
commends him to all who have eyes for the distinguishing characters of
fruits. With Parkinson our history of the pear in England must come to
a close, since later accounts are available to all, and therefore as an
important inventory, and because every word is pertinent, his account
of varieties is republished.
‘“The Summer bon Chretien is somewhat a long peare, with a greene
and yellow russetish coate, and will have sometimes red sides; it is ripe at
Michaelmas: Some use to dry them as they doe Prunes, and keepe them
all the yeare after. I have not seene or heard any more Summer kindes
hereof then this one, and needeth no wall to nourse it as the other.
“The Winter bon Chretien is of many sorts, some greater, others
lesser, and all good; but the greatest and best is that kinde that groweth
at Syon: All the kinds of this Winter fruit must be planted against a wall,
or else they will both seldome beare, and bring fewer also to ripenesse,
comparable to the wall fruit: The kindes also are according to their lasting;
for some will endure good much longer than others.
““The Summer Bergomot is an excellent well rellished peare, flattish, &
short, not long like others, of a meane bignesse, and of a darke yellowish
greene colour on the outside.
“The Winter Bergomot is of two or three sorts, being all of them small
fruit, somewhat greener on the outside then the Summer kindes; all of
them very delicate and good in their due time: For some will not be fit to
bee eaten when others are well-nigh spent, every of them outlasting another
by a moneth or more.
“The Diego peare is but a small peare, but an excellent well rellished
fruit, tasting as if Muske had been put among it; many of them growe
together, as it were in clusters.
‘The Duetete or double headed peare, so called of the forme, is a
very good peare, not very great, of a russettish browne colour on the
“The Primating peare is a good moist peare, and early ripe.
‘ The Geneting peare is a very good early ripe peare.
“The greene Chesill is a delicate mellow peare, even melting as it
were in the mouth of the eater, although greenish on the outside.
““The Catherine peare is knowne to all I thinke to be a yellow red
sided peare, of a full waterish sweete taste, and ripe with the foremost.
“The King Catherine is greater than the other, and of the same
goodnesse, or rather better.
“The Russet Catherine is a very good middle sized peare.
“The Windsor peare is an excellent good peare, well knowne to most
persons, and of a reasonable greatnesse: it will beare fruit some times twice
in a yeare (and as it is said) three times in some places.
““The Norwich peare is of two sorts, Summer and Winter, both of
them good fruit, each in their season.
“The Worster peare is blackish, a farre better peare to bake (when as
it will be like a Warden, and as good) than to eate rawe; yet so it is not to
be misliked.
‘““ The Muske peare is like unto a Catherine peare for bignesse, colour,
and forme; but farre more excellent in taste, as the very name importeth.
““ The Rosewater peare is a goodly faire peare, and of a delicate taste.
“The Sugar peare is an early peare, very sweete, but waterish.
both of them are very good dry firme peares,
somewhat spotted, and brownish on the
‘““The greene Popperin is a winter fruit, of equall goodnesse with the
“The Soveraigne peare, that which I have seene and tasted, and so
termed unto me, was a small brownish yellow peare, but of a most dainty
taste; but some doe take a kind of Bon Chretien, called the Elizabeth
peare, to be the Soveraigne peare; how truely let others judge.
“The Kings peare is a very good and well tasted peare.
“The peare Royall is a great peare, and of a good rellish.
‘““The Warwicke peare is a reasonable faire and good peare.
“The Greenfield peare is a very good peare, of a middle size.
‘““The Lewes peare is a brownish greene peare, ripe about the end
of September, a resonable well rellished fruit, and very moist.
“The Bishop peare is a middle sized peare, of a reasonable good taste,
not very waterish; but this property is oftentimes seene in it, that before
the fruit is gathered, (but more usually those that fall of themselves, and
the rest within a while after they are gathered) will be rotten at the core,
“The Summer Popperin
“The Winter Popperin
when there will not be a spot or blemish to bee seene on the outside, or in
all the peare, untill you come neare the core.
“The Wilford peare is a good and a faire peare.
“The Bell peare a very good greene peare.
“The Portingall peare is a great peare, but more goodly in shew than
good indeed.
“The Gratiola peare is a kinde of Bon Chretien, called the Cowcumber
peare, or Spinola’s peare.
“The Rowling peare is a good peare, but hard, and not good before
it bee a little rowled or bruised, to make it eate the more mellow.
‘The Pimpe peare is as great as the Windsor peare, but rounder,
and of a very good rellish.
‘‘The Turnep peare is a hard winter peare, not so good to eate rawe,
as it is to bake.
“The Arundell peare is most plentifull in Suffolke, and there
commended to be a verie good peare.
‘The Berry peare is a Summer peare, reasonable faire and great,
and of so good and wholesome a taste, that few or none take harme by
eating never so many of them.
‘“‘ The Sand peare is a reasonable good peare, but small.
‘The Morley peare is a very good peare, like in forme and colour
unto the Windsor, but somewhat grayer.
‘The peare pricke is very like unto the Greenfield peare, being both
faire, great, and good.
“The good Rewell is a reasonable great peare, as good to bake as to
eate rawe, and both wayes it is a good fruit.
‘The Hawkes Bill peare is of a middle size, somewhat like unto the
Rowling peare.
‘“The Petworth peare is a winter peare, and is great, somewhat long,
faire, and good.
‘‘ The Slipper peare is a reasonable good peare.
‘The Robert peare is a very good peare, plentifull in Suffolke and
“The Pound peare is a reasonable good peare, both to eate rawe, and
to bake.
“The Ten Pound peare, or the hundred pound peare, the truest and
best, is the best Bon Chretien of Syon, so called, because the grafts cost
the Master so much the fetching by the messengers expences, when he
brought nothing else.
“The Gilloflower peare is a winter peare, faire in shew, but hard, and
not fit to bee eaten rawe, but very good to bake.
“The peare Couteau is neither good one way nor other.
“The Binsce peare is a reasonable good winter peare, of a russetish
colour, and a small fruit: but will abide good a long while.
“The Pucell is a greene peare, of an indifferent good taste.
“The blacke Sorrell is a reasonable great long peare, of a darke red
colour on the outside.
“The red Sorrell is of a redder colour, else like the other.
““ The Surrine is no very good peare.
“The Summer Hasting is a little greene peare, of an indifferent good
‘“‘Peare Gergonell is an early peare, somewhat long, and of a very
pleasant taste.
“The white Genneting is a reasonable good peare, yet not equall
to the other.
“The Sweater is somewhat like the Windsor for colour and bignesse,
but nothing neare of so good a taste.
“The bloud red peare is of a darke red colour on the outside, but
piercing very little into the inner pulpe.
“The Hony peare is a long greene Summer peare.
“The Winter peare is of many sorts, but this is onely so called, to bee
distinguished from all other Winter peares, which have severall names
given them, and is a very good peare.
“The Warden or Luke Wards peare of two sorts, both white and
red, both great and small.
“The Spanish Warden is greater than either of both the former, and
better also.
“The peare of Jerusalem, or the stript peare, whose barke while it is
young, is as plainly seene to be stript with greene, red, and yellow, as the
fruit it selfe is also, and is of a very good taste: being baked also, it is as
red as the best Warden, whereof Master William Ward of Essex hath
assured mee, who is the chiefe keeper of the Kings Granary at Whitehall.
““Hereof likewise there is a wilde kindesno bigger than ones thumbe,
and striped in the like manner, but much more.
“The Choke peares, and other wilde peares, both great and small,
as they are not to furnish our Orchard, but the Woods, Forrests, Fields,
and Hedges, so wee leave them to their naturall places, and to them that
keep them, and make good use of them.”
Three hundred years have played havoc with the pears Parkinson
knew. None are known in America, and unless the Pound of Parkinson is
the Pound of today, not a half dozen are found in current lists in England.
Parkinson’s Catherine, Winter Bon Chretien, Windsor, Bergamot, possibly
the Pound, and his Gergonell, the Jargonelle of today, are about all the
names that would be recognized by modern pear-growers. The pear shows
far fewer familiar names at the end of three centuries than Parkinson lists
of apples, plums, cherries, or even the peach in Europe. Dropping old
varieties can only be interpreted as improvement in the pear. The pear,
it seems certain, has been more profoundly changed for the better through
the touch of man’s hand than the other fruits named since Parkinson wrote.
For this, pomology has the Belgians to thank.
Pear culture seems to have reached its height, if it be judged by its
literature and by the number of varieties cultivated, early in the nineteenth
century. The Belgians’ passion for pears was no doubt the chief stimulus,
for the Belgian breeders spread their offerings with generous hand throughout
England. In 1826, the catalog of the Horticultural Society of London
listed 622 pears. Pomology in England was then, and is now as compared
with America, an art of the leisure classes. This has been an advantage
and a disadvantage to the pear in England. The advantage is that when
fruit is grown for pleasure many varieties are grown to add novelty to
luxury so that the fruit is thereby more rapidly improved and its culture
brought to greater perfection. The disadvantage is that those who grow
fruit for market find a poorer market for their wares since those who should
be their best customers supply their own wants. For the reason, therefore,
that the English take delight in growing their own fruit, pear-growing is
not the great commercial enterprise that it is in America.
Pear-growing in England differs from that of America in another
respect. The pear-tree in England is built as much as planted. In many
plantations each tree has a precise architectural form. The plants are
trained into fans, cordons, espaliers and. u-forms on walls; or as pyramids,
globes, or vases in the open; sometimes in fantastic shapes to suit the fancy
of the grower; and now and then as a hedge or border. The undisciplined
standards of America are hardly known, though what the English call a
standard seems to be increasing. ‘This difference in training is due in part
to the necessity of meeting different climatic conditions, and in part to
greater devotion on the Englishman’s part to the art of gardening — the
use of the shears, the knife, and the billhook give the gardener greater
scope. The pear-tree in England is often decorative as well as useful.
The pear is a popular fruit in America, but its culture as a commercial
product is limited to a few favored localities. From the earliest records
of fruit-growing in America the pear has been grown less than the apple
and peach and scarcely more than the cherry and plum. In Europe, it
is a question if the pear is not more commonly grown than the apple, and
is much more common than the plum and the peach, the last-named fruit
being grown out of doors for most part only in southern Europe. Pears
are more varied in size, shape, texture, and flavor of flesh than others of
the hardy tree-fruits, and in length of season exceed all others excepting
the apple. Varieties of pears, possibly, have the charm of individuality
more marked than varieties of its orchard associates. The trees, where
environment permits their culture, are not difficult to grow, and attain
greater size, produce larger crops, and live longer than any other hardy
fruit. Why, then, is the pear not more popular in America? Conditions
of climate, pests, season of ripening, taste, and trade prevent the expansion
of pear-culture on this side of the Atlantic.
The climate in most parts of America is uncongenial to the pear.
Pears from the European stock, to which most varieties grown in America
belong, thrive only in relatively equable climates, and do not endure well
the sudden and extreme variations in climate to which most parts of this
continent are subject. Extremes of heat or cold, wetness or dryness, are
fatal to the pear. In North America, therefore, commercial pear-culture
is confined to favored localities on the Atlantic seaboard, about the Great
Lakes, and on the Pacific slope. Even in these favored regions, pears
sent to market come largely from the plantations of specialists. On the
Atlantic seaboard, European pears are products of commerce only in
southern New England and New York, westward through Ohio on the
shores of Lake Erie, and in the southern lake regions of Michigan. Away
from these bodies of water to the Pacific, varieties of European pears refuse
to grow except with the utmost care in culture and selection of sites. On
the Pacific slope, in the hardy-fruit regions, the pear reaches its highest
development in the New World. Oriental pears, or varieties having
Oriental blood, as Kieffer and Le Conte, are grown in every part of America
where the culture of hardy fruits is attempted.
Liability to loss by pests is a great detriment to the popularity of the
pear in America. The insect pests of pears are numerous. Codling-moths
attack the fruit wherever the pear is grown in America, and can be kept
down only by expensive arsenical sprays. The psylla, while irregular in
its outbreaks, is most damaging and hard to control when it appears. These
are the chief insect enemies, but a dozen others take more or less toll from
tree or fruit. Foliage and fruit are attacked by several parasitic fungi,
of which pear-scab is most troublesome, requiring treatment wherever the
pear is grown, and under favorable conditions for the fungus preventives
often fail to give the fruits a fair cheek. But of all diseases pear-blight is
the most serious, its effects and virulency being such as to give it the popular
name “ fire-blight.’” It is caused by a bacterium which cannot be checked
by sprays, and must be combatted with expensive and unsatisfactory
sanitary measures, such as cutting out branches and trees, so drastic as
to make impossible commercial cultivation of pears in regions where climate
favors the disease.
Pears compete with apples more than with any other fruit, but are
at a disadvantage with this near relative in having a much shorter period
during which the fruits can be used. Varieties of the two fruits begin to
ripen at nearly the same season, but there are few sorts of pears in season
later than December, and these are of poorer quality than the fall varieties;
while apples are abundant and of prime quality four or five months later,
and may be kept until early apples usher in a new season. During most
of its season, also, the pear must compete with the perishable summer
and autumn plums and peaches, so luscious and delectable that the firmer
and less highly flavored pome-fruits suffer in comparison.
Still another reason why the pear is not a popular dessert fruit in
America is that, of all fruits, the varieties of this one are the most variable
in quality of the product. Sorts that should produce pears of highest
quality bear fruits poor or indifferent in texture and flavor in unfavorable
seasons, on unsuitable soils, or under neglect, Good pears can be grown
only when environmental factors are favorable and under the most gener-
ous treatment. Extensive cultivation of the Kieffer and its kin for can-
ning has hindered the cultivation of pears for the fruit-stand and to grace
the table as a dessert fruit. So common has the Kieffer become that many
of the present generation are hardly aware that the pear may be a delicious
fruit to eat out of hand.
Lastly, the pear falls short of the apple as a commercial product
because it is not nearly so satisfactory to handle as a commercial crop.
Pears are more difficult to pack, and do not stand transportation as well
as apples. They cannot be kept in cold storage nearly as long, and decay
more quickly when brought into warmer temperatures. The demand for
evaporated pears is slight in comparison with that for evaporated apples,
and although perry, the expressed juice of pears, is quite as refreshing as
cider, this by-product of the fruit is little known in America. Asa pre-
pared product, the pear surpasses the apple only as a canned fruit. Failing
in comparison with the apple, as a commercial product, pears are largely
left to fruit connoisseurs, and with these a generation ago the pear was
the fruit of fruits, many splendid collections of it having been made in
regions where pears could be grown. With the expansion of commercial
fruit-growing, collections of pears, and with them many choice varieties,
have gone out of cultivation — more is the pity — and pear-growing has
expanded least of all the fruit industries in the United States.
With this brief discussion of the present status of pear-culture in this
country, we can proceed to trace the history of the pear with more
exactness by reason of knowing its limitations under American conditions.
The peach is the only hardy fruit that belongs to the heroic age of
Spanish discovery in the New World. Pears, apples, plums, and cherries
came to the new continent with the French and English. The early
records of fruit-growing in America show that the pear came among the
first luxuries of the land in the French and English settlements from Canada
to Florida. Pioneers in any country begin at once to cultivate the soil
for the means of sustenance. Naturally, cereals and easily-grown nutri-
tious vegetables receive attention first as giving more immediate harvests
and more sustaining fare to supplement game and fish. Agriculture and
gardening usually precede orcharding, and this was the case in early settle-
ments in America, but not long. The first generation born in colonial
America knew and used all of the hardy fruits from Europe; as many records
attest, and of which there is confirmatory proof with the pear in many
ancient pear-trees of great size near the old settlements, some of which
were planted by the first settlers from Europe. Of pears, many notable
trees planted by the hands of the first English and French who crossed
the seas to settle the new cotintry were conspicuous monuments in various
parts of America in the memory of men still living, if, indeed, some of the
old trees themselves are not still standing.
Of these ancient pear-trees, New England furnishes the most notable
monuments to mark the introduction of this fruit in the New World. For-
tunately, their histories have been preserved in several horticultural annals,
and of these accounts the fullest and best is by Robert Manning, Jr., in
the Proceedings of the American Pomological Society for 1875, pages 100
to 103. Manning's notes throw so much light on the early history of the
pear in New England, as well as upon the varieties then grown, that they
are published in full.
The Endicott Pear. The tradition in the Endicott family is that this
tree was planted in 1630. It is said that the trees constituting the original
orchard came over from England in June, in the Arabella with Governor
Winthrop, or in one of the other ships of the fleet arriving at Salem
in June. The farm on which the tree now stands, not having been granted
to Endicott until 1632, it is not probable that the trees were planted there
before that time, but they might have been at first set in the Governor’s
town garden at Salem, where the Rev. Francis Higginson, on his arrival
in the summer of 1629, found a vine-yard already planted. The tradition
further states that the Governor said that the tree was of the same date
with a sun-dial which formerly stood near it. This dial, after having
passed through the hands of the Rev. William Bentley, D.D., is now in
the Essex Institute in Salem, and bears the date 1630, with the Governor’s
initials. The farm, which early bore the name of ‘ Orchard,’ was occupied
and cultivated by the Governor and his descendants for 184 years, from
1632 to 1816, and was held solely by the original grant until 1828, a period
of 196 years. Under these circumstances the history of the tree is more
likely to have been handed down correctly than if the estate had changed
hands. It is certain that Governor Endicott was early engaged in propa-
gating trees, for in a letter to John Winthrop in 1644, he speaks of having
at least 500 trees burnt by his children setting fire near them, and, in a
letter to John Winthrop, Jr., a year later, of being engaged to pay for 1500
trees. ;
“ As early as 1763 the tree was very old and decayed. It was very
much injured in the gale of 1804. In the gale of 1815 it was so much
shattered that its recovery was considered doubtful. It was injured again
in a gale about 1843. For the last fifty years it has been protected by a
fence around it. In 1837 it was eighty feet high by measurement and
fifty-five feet in the circumference of its branches, and does not probably
vary much from these dimensions now. Two suckers have sprung up on
opposite sides of the tree, which bear the same fruit as the original, proving
it to be ungrafted. It stands near the site of the first mansion of the Gov-
ernor, on a slope where it is somewhat sheltered from the north and north-
west winds. The soil is a light loam, with a substratum of clay. Grafts
taken from the old tree grow very vigorously. From a pomological point
of view, the fruit is of no value. It is hardly of medium size, roundish,
green, with more or less rough russet, very coarse, and soon decays.
“It may be of interest to state that the farm on which the old tree
stands is again in the Endicott name, having lately been purchased by a
descendant of the Governor. The tree stands in the town of Danvers
originally a part of Salem.
“For further facts concerning this tree, see the Transactions of the
Massachusetts Horticultural Society for 1837, and also an article by Charles
M. Endicott, a descendant of the Governor, in Hovey’s Magazine of Hor-
ticulture, vol. xix, p. 254, June, 1853, from which the above account has
been mainly derived. Each of these articles is illustrated with a cut of
the pear.
“The Orange Pear. This tree is owned by Capt. Charles H. Allen,
and stands in his yard on Hardy street, Salem. The Rev. Dr. Bentley,
who died about 1820, investigated the history of this tree and found it
to be then 180 years old, which would make it now 235 years old. The
trunk is hollow, nine feet five inches in circumference in the smallest part
near the ground; just below the limbs it is several inches more. The tree
is more than forty feet high, and the limbs are supported by shores. It
was grafted in the limbs, as a branch fifteen or twenty years old, shooting
out several feet higher than a man’s head, produces ‘ Button’ pears, and
a large limb, part of which was ‘ Button’ which grew out still higher up,
was blown off several years ago. In the very favorable pear season of
1862 it bore thirteen and a half bushels of pears. It bears in alternate years,
having produced eight and a half bushels in 1873. The brittleness of the
limbs of old pear trees is well known, yet Capt. Allen, with a care worthy
of imitation, gathers every pear, excepting about a dozen specimens, by
“This variety was, until the introduction of the modern kinds, highly
esteemed. It is above medium size, averaging fifty-six pears to the peck,
globular obtuse pyriform, covered with thin russet, jutcy when gathered
early and ripened in the house; of pleasant flavor but rather deficient in
this respect. It is ripe about the middle of September. It was considered
by my father a native, and was called by him the American Orange, and
after examination of the descriptions and plates, I cannot think it the same
as the Orange Rouge or Orange d’Automne of Duhamel, Decaisne, and
Leroy. The Hon. Paul Dudley, Esq., of Roxbury, in some ‘ Observations
on some of the Plants in New England with remarkable Instances of the
Power of Vegetation,’ communicated to the Royal Society of London (I
quote from the ‘ Philosophical Transactions,’ abridged, London, 1734,
Vol. VI, Part II, p. 341), says: ‘An Orange Pear Tree grows the largest,
and yields the fairest fruit. I know one of them near forty Foot high, that
measures six Foot and six Inches in Girt, a Yard from the Ground, and
has borne thirty Bushels at a Time, and this Year I measured an Orange
pear, that grew in my own Orchard, of eleven Inches round the Bulge.’
“If this is, as believed, of native origin, it is the oldest American fruit
in cultivation, unless we except the Apple pear, which is probably of about
the same date. This is small, oblate, of pale yellow color, ripening in August.
It is quite distinct from the Poire Pomme d'Hiver, of Leroy, and I think
also from the Poire Pomme d’Eté, of the same author. I had supposed
the variety to be extinct, but last year discovered in a garden in Salem
the remnant: of an old tree with a trunk four feet in diameter, and still
producing fruit. .
‘The Orange pear tree which produced the specimens exhibited, was
inherited by the present owner from his father, to whom it came from his
wife. It had descended to her almost from the first settlement of Salem,
but partly in the female line, so that the name of the owner sometimes
changed. The house on the estate was built in 1812, having replaced one
which was pulled down after standing 150 years. Within the period of a
generation there were standing in Salem several trees of the Orange pear,
some of which were reputed to be more than two centuries old, and all of
which were undoubtedly very ancient, but they are all now gone except
Capt. Allen’s, the last one having been blown down in the winter of 1874-75.
I have heard a tradition that this last mentioned tree was one of several
imported from England and planted in gardens at intervals on the northerly
side of the principal street in Salem. This tradition may or may not be
true with regard to these trees, but it would not apply to the Allen tree, for
the height at which it was grafted forbids the idea that it was imported
from England in a grafted state. .
“The Anthony Thacher Pear. This tree stands near the meadows
about a fourth of a mile north of the Universalist church in Yarmouth,
where Anthony Thacher’s house formerly stood. It is a large, rotten-
hearted old tree. It has lost nearly all its old branches, but has thrown
out many new ones. The late Judge George Thacher, who, if now living,
would be 120 years old, inquired into its history, and made the matter cer-
tain that it was planted by Anthony Thacher about 1640. It is believed
to be a grafted tree, as it contracts two or three inches at about a foot and a
half from the ground. It is taken good care of and will probably last many
years. It is now owned by the heirs of James C. Hallet. There are other
trees of the same kind in the vicinity, but their age cannot be proved.
“The fruit is of medium size, ovate pyriform, green, changing to
yellow at maturity, of tolerable quality, ripening early in September.
For the specimens exhibited, as well as the facts above noted, I am indebted
to the kindness of Amos Otis, Esq., of Yarmouth Port, who had made the
local history of Cape Cod his study for the last fifty years, and who died
much lamented on the 19th of October last.
“Anthony Thacher came from England in 1635, and after residing
in Marshfield, removed to Yarmouth in 1639, being one of the three original
grantees of land in that town. The late Dr. James Thacher, of Plymouth,
author of the ‘ American Orchardist’ (published in 1821), was a descend-
ant of Anthony in the sixth generation. Anthony Thacher accompanied
his cousin, Rev. John Avery, in that disastrous voyage of which Whittier
has perpetuated the memory in his ballad, ‘The Swan Song of Parson
Avery.’ Anthony Thacher got ashore on Thacher’s Island, the headland
of Cape Ann, and gave name to the island. (See Whittier’s ‘Home Ballads’
and Young’s ‘ Chronicles of the First Planters of Massachusetts,’ p. 485.)
“T endeavored, but without success, to obtain fruit from the pear
tree planted at least as early as 1650, by Governor Prence, or Prince, at
Eastham, on Cape Cod, and now owned by Capt. Ezekiel Doane. It is
known as the Fall pear. It is about the size of a hen’s egg, tapering towards
both ends, green, nearly covered with thin russet, of inferior quality, but
not as coarse as the Endicott. In 1836 it was a flourishing, lofty tree,
producing an average of fifteen bushels of fruit. It consisted of two stems,
branching from the ground, the larger of which was blown down in the
great storm of April, 1851. The portion now remaining is thirty-five feet
high. It is a natural tree and has not failed of bearing for twenty years.
It stands in low ground.
“The Pickering or Warden Pear. This tree was grafted on the 19th of
April, 1775, the day the battle of Lexington was fought, and must have
been at that time a small tree. It is called by the owner the Uvedale
Warden or Pickering pear, which are synonyms of the Uvedale’s St. Ger-
main or Pound, but it is entirely distinct from that variety, being much
smaller as well as otherwise different. It resembles, and very probably
is identical with, a variety which I have known as the English Warden,
but which I do not find described in any pomological work, and have not
seen for years. It is of medium size, turbinate, light yellow, with a dull
brownish cheek, in use in winter, for cooking only. Paul Dudley says,
in the paper above quoted, ‘I have a Warden Pear Tree that measures
five Foot six Inches round.’
“The Pickering tree contracts suddenly at about a foot from the
ground, where it must have been grafted. It shows no sign of being grafted
elsewhere. Below the point of grafting, it is full two feet in diameter and
is about twenty-five feet high. It stands in a low, moist place. The
top was much injured by the great gale of September, 1869, losing several
large limbs, but the tree is on the whole in good preservation. In the same
garden is a tree probably as old or older, believed to be a Messive Jean.
“The estate, now much circumscribed from its original extent, on
which this tree stands, has been in the same family since 1642, having
been purchased in that year by John Pickering, who came from England
in 1637, and built the house, now standing and occupied by the owner,
in 1651. It is on Broad street, Salem. The tree was grafted by John
Pickering, of the fifth generation.
“The Hon. Timothy Pickering, eminent for his incorruptible integrity
and immovable firmness, who successively held the offices of Adjutant-
general and Quartermaster-general in the Revolutionary army, and of
Postmaster-general, Secretary of War, and Secretary of State in the Cabinet
of President Washington, and continued to hold the last named office
under President Adams, was a brother of John. At the breaking out of
the Revolution he was Colonel of the Essex regiment, and on the day when
this tree was grafted by John Pickering, who was an invalid, his more vig-
orous brother mustered his regiment and marched to intercept the retreat-
ing British troops. Timothy Pickering was also interested in agriculture,
having been Secretary of the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agricul-
ture, the oldest agricultural society in the United States, and after his return
to Massachusetts, was the first President of the Essex County Agricultural
Society. The estate on which the old pear tree stands was devised by
John Pickering, who died unmarried, to his nephew John, son of Timothy,
the most eminent American philologist of his time. On his death, it
descended to his son John, the present owner, to whom I am indebted for
the facts here stated, as well as for the specimens of fruit exhibited at
Chicago last September.”’
Out of an embarrassing number of references in regard to the early
introduction of the pear in New England one may choose the following:
Francis Higginson, writing in 1629, notes that pears are under cultivation
in New England.’ In the same year, a memorandum of the Massachusetts
Company shows that seeds of pears, with those of other fruits were sent
to the colony. Trees from these seeds grew amazingly fast in the virgin
soils of the colony, for John Josselyn, who made voyages to New England
in 1638 and 1639, writing in his New England Rarities Discovered, notes
that ‘‘ fruit trees prosper abundantly ”’ enumerating, among others, those
of the pear. Josselyn further says ‘‘the Kernels sown or Succors planted
produce as fair and good fruit, without grafting, as the trees from which
they were taken,” and that ‘‘ the Countrey is replenished with fair and
large Orchards.’”’ As early as 1641 a nursery had been started in Massa-
chusetts and no doubt was selling pear-trees. These probably came from
seeds, for trees were not imported until in the next century. Varieties
were few then as for many years later. In 1726, Paul Dudley, one of the
Chief Justices of Massachusetts, in a paper in the Philosophical Troans-
actions, says, “Our apples are without doubt as good as those of England,
and much fairer to look to, and so are the pears, but we have not got all
the sorts.’’ In another paragraph, Justice Dudley gives the following
account of several varieties of pears in these first orchards in New England.
He says:* ‘‘An Orange Pear Tree grows the largest and yields the
1 Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections st Ser. 1: 118.
2 Mass. Records 1:24.
3 Mass. Hist. Collections 3d Ser. 232337.
4 Hist. Mass. Hort. Soc. p. 16. 1829-1878.
fairest Fruit. I know one’of them near forty Foot high, that measures six
Foot and six Inches in Girt, a Yard from the Ground, and has borne thirty
Bushels at a Time: and this year I measured an Orange Pear, that grew in my
own Orchard, of eleven Inches round the Bulge. I have a Warden Pear
Tree, that measures five Foot six Inches round. One of my Neighbors has
a Bergamot Pear Tree that was brought from England in a Box, about the
Year 1643, that now measures six Foot about, and has borne twenty-two
Bushels of fine Pears in one Year. About twenty years since, the Owner
took a Cyon, and grafted it upon a common Hedge Pear; but the Fruit
does not prove altogether so good, and the Rind or Skin, is thicker than
that of the Original.”
Thus, early in the history of Massachusetts, the pear was largely
planted and became a prominent fruit. These early plantations grew so
well that no doubt they inspired the horticulturists of the first half of the
nineteenth century, of which the names of Dearborn, Hovey, Kenrick,
the two Mannings, and Wilder are notable in the history of the pear in
this country, to undertake the popularization of this fruit by extensive
culture, by breeding new varieties, and by the introduction of the best
pears from Europe. Their work, as we shall see later, gave pear-growing
its first great impetus in America. Until the middle of the last century,
the pear industry in America centered in Massachusetts; and most of the
new varieties which originated in this country and nearly all of the intro-
ductions from abroad came from that state.
The pear was not neglected in the other New England states as the
horticultural records of all attest, but its history in the several states is
so similar in time and events that the account of its early culture in Massa-
chusetts suffices for the whole region. It must, however, be noted that
the pear was introduced in Maine at a very early date, probably by the
French. In an orchard on the east bank of the Sheepscot, below Wis-
casset Bay, a venerable pear-tree stood until early in the nineteenth century
of such girt and height that it was supposed to be more than 200 years old.
Of the planting of this orchard there are no records nor traditions. The
most reasonable supposition was that the trees had been planted there by
the French in one of the several attempts of France to colonize the coast
of Maine."
This introduction of the French in the history of the pear in the New
World, brings us to a discussion of the part they took in bringing this fruit
to America. The debt to France for early horticulture in America rests
1 Report of Me. Pom. Soc. 7:1873.
largely on tradition, but in the case of the pear, there are such substantial
proofs of it in ancient pear-trees of enormous size found on the sites of old
French settlements, that though there are no written records, and even
the people and their habitations have disappeared, it is certain that the
seeds from which these venerable trees sprang were planted by early French
explorers or missionaries. The first plantings of pears made by the French
were in Canada. History and tradition, substantiated by ancient trees,
make certain that this fruit was planted by the first French settlers in
Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, Prince Edward Island, in favored situations
bordering on the St. Lawrence, and on the islands in this river, notably
the Island of Montreal. Later plantations of fruit were set in the Niagara
region and along the Detroit river. No new varieties seem to have come
from these early plantings in Canada, but they demonstrated that pear-
growing was possible.
The history of the pear in America cannot be written without making
note of the magnificent specimens of this fruit standing until recent years —
a few may still be found — about the old French settlements in Michigan,
Indiana, and Illinois. These are offspring of seeds brought from France.
A century ago the French habitants in Detroit had a tradition as to the
manner in which these pears were introduced. The legend ran that an
emigrant from France brought three pear seeds in his vest pocket, which,
planted on the banks of the Detroit river, became the parents through
suckers and seeds of the gigantic old pear-trees that have long been such
striking landmarks of the towns and farms on the Detroit river. No
doubt these trees are the remains of orchards in which there were apples,
and possibly some plums and cherries, of which the shorter-lived trees long
since disappeared, while the pears, flourishing in a green old age, are the
sole remaining relics of the old French settlements of this region. The
writer herewith puts on record another account of these truly remarkable
pears as he saw them in 1899.
All of these ancient French pears are of the same type, but the fruits
vary slightly, indicating that the trees were grown from seeds, although
some may have come from sprouts since many of the trees throw out sprouts
abundantly. The pears are of medium size, usually turbinate, and lemon-
yellow is the predominating color. The ripening season runs from late sum-
mer to early winter. The flesh is melting, juicy, usually mildly sweet,
spicy, not high in quality for dessert but excellent for all culinary purposes.
But the most remarkable characters of these French pears are the great
size of the trees and their vigor, healthfulness, productiveness, and lon-
gevity. The trees have the majestic port of a century-old elm or oak.
They attain a height of eighty feet; a girt of eight or ten feet is not uncom-
mon, while one monarch measured by the writer fell a few inches short of
eleven feet in circumference three feet from the ground. The leaves are
small but abundant, and are of the luxuriant green color that betokens
great vigor. The trees have attained immunity to blight, but the fruits are
inviting prey to codling-moth when that insect is rife. In these rich river-
bottom lands the trees almost annually load themselves with fruit, a crop
of from forty to fifty bushels on one tree not being uncommon. No one
knows the age of most of these ancient lichen-covered giants, although
one which stood until a few years ago was known to have been planted
within the pickets of the palisaded fortress of Detroit in 1705.
A generation or two ago, these French pears were very common about
the French settlements of Michigan and Canada in this region but they have
been disappearing fast, until it is doubtful if any of those set by French habi-
tants can be found now. The pears possessed no commercial value, and were
replaced by named varieties better known by fruit-growers and nurserymen.
It is doubtful if the trees of the newcomers will ever attain the age, size,
vigor, and productiveness of these oldtimers of the French, characters
which make them noteworthy in the history of the pear in America.
Pear-trees of enormous size survive on other sites of old French settle-
ments in the United States to show what notable horticulturists the early
missionaries of this people were, who, we are many times told in the early
records, usually surrounded their missions and homes with trees of the
apple, peach, pear, and cherry. Pear-trees very like those found about
the French settlements in Canada and Michigan still grow in the rich
intervale lands of the Wabash and Mississippi in Indiana, Illinois, and
Missouri. Vincennes, Indiana, was settled by the French in 1702; Kas-
kaskia and Cahokia, Illinois, about 1685; St. Louis, Missouri, in 1764.
These may be set down as approximate dates in which horticulture began
in these inland regions. When the English conquered these settlements
they found giant pear-trees which persisted well into the last century, the
second generation of which were scattered far and wide in the river settle-
ments of this region. Tradition says that a Monsieur Girardin, a native
of France, planted a pear orchard from seeds he brought with him at Cahokia
about 1780, from which came the Prairie du Pont pear, a small, roundish,
lemon-colored fruit similar to the French pears of Detroit, borne on an
immense blight-proof tree. No doubt the variety could still be found in
this part of the Mississippi valley. One wishes that the American-born
descendants and the conquerers of these early settlers from Normandy
were as energetic in forwarding horticulture as the first settlers. After
the invasion of the English and later the Americans, there is little evidence
of progress in horticulture in this region, until the early years of the nine-
teenth century.
Another famous pear-tree of the Middle West is worthy of notice as
an evidence of early interest in horticulture. This tree, known as the
Ockletree pear, from the name of its owner, has acquired fame as the largest
pear-tree of which there is record. The tree was a seedling brought from
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, in 1804, and was planted in an orchard at Vin-
cennes, Indiana. It bore a number of record-breaking crops, the largest of
which was 140 bushels of pears borne in 1837. In 1855, the trunk measured
ten and one-half feet in circumference at the smallest place below the limbs;
the top was estimated to have a spread of 75 feet. The tree gained its
great port and productiveness from spread of branch rather than height,
which was estimated to be only 65 feet. The variety was unknown, but
the fruit was said to be somewhat inferior in quality. This monarch of
its species was struck by a tornado in 1867 which stripped off its branches
and caused the death of the tree a few years later.
Another living monument marked the beginnings of pear-culture in
America until 1866, when the trunk, little more than a shell, was broken
down by a dray, having furnished shade and shelter in a New York garden
for 220 years. This garden was laid out by the redoubtable Peter Stuyvesant
who took the reins of government in New Amsterdam in 1647, at which
time this pear-tree was planted. The pear was a Summer Bon Chrétien,
said to have been imported from Holland in a tub. Stwyvesant’s garden,
kept in a high state of cultivation by forty or fifty negro slaves, was called
the ‘‘ Bouwery,’”’ now the Bowery, and the pear-tree in it stood at what
is now the corner of Third Avenue and Thirteenth Street. No doubt
other pears were imported from Holland at the same time, and from these
and seeds and sprouts, this fruit was started in the Dutch settlements up
and down the Hudson, where the pear even to this day is a favorite fruit,
finding here a more congenial soil and climate than in any other part of
Soon after Governor Stuyvesant planted his bowery of fruits, flowers,
and vegetables, the French laid out orchards in the vicinity of New York
City. After the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, many Huguenots
fled to America. In 1689, some of these French emigrés settled at New
Rochelle, New York, and on Long Island. The trees grown by the Hugue-
nots were usually grafted, the parent plants having been brought from
France. No doubt, it was from these importations that White Doyenné,
Brown Beurré, St. Germain, Virgouleuse, and many other old French
sorts that seem to have been in America from time immemorial came.
However, the pear, in common with other fruits, was more largely
grown from seeds in these pioneer days than from buds or grafts. Fruits
were known and grown as species and not as varieties almost wholly in
America until the nineteenth century. The sale of budded or grafted
trees began in New York, so far as records show, with the establishment
of a nursery at Flushing, Long Island, in 1730, by Robert Prince. This
nursery afterwards became the famous Linnaean Botanic Garden. At
what date Prince began to offer grafted pears for sale cannot now be ascer-
tained, but advertisements appearing in 1767, 1771, and 1790 offer named
varieties at these dates. The following is a list of pears offered by the
Princes in 177121
Bergamot Russelet
Catharine Early sugar
Vergalieu Baurre vert
July Winter baurre
Monsier Jean Baurre de roy
Trom valette Green chissel
French primative Swan’s egg
Winter bon cretan Colmar
Easter bergamot Cressan
Amber Spanish bon cretan
Chaumontelle Large bell
Citron de camis La Chassaire
Summer bergamot Hampden’s bergamot
Autumn bergamot Doctor Uvedale’s St. Germain
Amozelle Large winter, weighs near two pounds
Lent St. Germain Pear wardens
Brocaus bergamot Empress
Winter bergamot Large summer baking
Jargonelle The black pear of Worcester or Parkinson’s
Roussilon warden
Cuissemadam The skinless
Green catharine
1 Prince, William Cat. 1771.
Coincident with the establishment of nurseries selling named varieties
of pears another event of prime importance to pear-growers occurred.
Pear-blight became epidemic in the orchards along the Hudson, and while
it must have been noticed before, its ravages at this time brought it
prominently to the attention of pear-growers. The disease seems to have
been first mentioned by William Denning who described it in the Trans-
actions of the Society for the Promotion of Agriculture for 1794 (pt. 2, p. 219)
in an article on the decay of apple-trees. Denning says that he first saw
the malady in orchards on the highlands of the Hudson in 1780 attacking
apples, pears, and quinces. He gives a good description of the disease,
but says it is caused by a borer in the trunk which he found after much
labor. From Denning’s discovery until Burrill a hundred years later, in
1882, discovered a cause of the disease and suggested a preventive, every
treatise on the pear speculates on the cause and cure of pear-blight, a
disease which has been and is the terror and despair of growers of this fruit.
Philadelphia was another center of pear-growing in the early settlements
of the country. The Quakers, settling in Pennsylvania in 1682, planted
all of the hardy fruits; which were soon, as we are several times told, a great
asset to the colony. No results worthy of note seem to have come from
these early plantings until nearly a half century later when John Bartram !
founded, in 1728, what became a famous botanic garden. The Bartram
Botanic Garden became almost at once the clearing house for native and
foreign fruits and plants, and to it came several varieties of pears for
distribution throughout the colonies. Here, the first variety of the pear
to originate in America of which we have definite record, came into existence.
This was the Petre pear raised by Bartram, from seeds sent him from
England by Lady Petre. The seed was planted in 1735 near the stone house
which Bartram built with his own hands. The tree still stands, somewhat
stricken with its two centuries, but withal a noble specimen seemingly
capable of breasting the blows of age for many years to come.
The pear industry of the eastern United States is confined to the
regions in which the history of this fruit has been traced, and most if not
all of the varieties that originated in this country until the middle of the
nineteenth century came from the importations to these French, Dutch,
and English settlements. There is little profit, therefore, in attempting to
trace further the history of pear-culture on the Atlantic seaboard in colonial
1 For a brief account of the life and work of John Bartram, see The Grapes of New York, page 97.
times. Pears were grown in the states south of Pennsylvania, for many
references are found in the colonial records of the southern states, but
they bring out no new facts to illuminate the history of this fruit in
America. The Quakers and Swedes grew pears in the regions watered by
the Delaware, and the English in Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina
all planted pears with the other hardy fruits only to find that they so quickly
succumbed to unfavorable climate and the blight as to be unprofitable.
The Bergamy and Warden, in particular, are mentioned as varieties of
this fruit grown in the colonial period of the southern colonies.
Perhaps one, at least, of these lesser centers of pear-growing somewhat
to the south of the pear regions in which there are now commercial
plantations should receive notice. In 1794, William Coxe,’ Burlington,
New Jersey, began planting experimental orchards. Coxe was acquainted
with the leading pomologists of Europe and his own country, and collected
the best varieties of tree-fruits to be found in the United States, England,
and France. In 1817, he published his View of the Cultivation of Fruit Trees,
and the Management of Orchards and Cider, etc., the first American book on
pomology. This pioneer pomologist described 65 varieties of pears, most
of which he had grown at one time or another on his own place, and names
21 other sorts that were grown in his and neighboring states. Coxe seems
to have been the first nurseryman to import new varieties from the Old
World. To Coxe, more than to any other one man, the regions adjacent
to the Delaware are indebted for the early development of fruit-growing
both for pleasure and profit, and the whole country is indebted to him
for the introduction of many fine fruits.
A new phase in the history of the pear began soon after the
Revolutionary war. Until this time, and until well into the next century,
tree-fruits were nearly all seedlings. The pears of the country until as
late as 1830 were for most part seedlings, the fruits varying greatly in size,
shape, color, and flavor. According to the accounts of the times, the product
was so hard of flesh and so astringent in flavor as to be fit only for cooking
and perry. Indeed, the great object in growing apples, pears, and peaches
was the making of cider, perry, and peach-brandy. Good eating pears
were few indeed. But beginning in a small way with Coxe in New Jersey,
as noted, a little later with William Kenrick, Newton, Massachusetts,
and still later with Robert Manning, Salem, Massachusetts, the importation
’ For an account of the life and work of Coxe, see The Peaches of New York, page 254.
of European varieties of fruits became an important part of the nursery
business. The importation of pears became an obsession with Manning,
his nursery alone importing several hundred varieties. Manning’s work
must have a more extended notice.
In 1823, Robert Manning established a pomological garden at Salem,
Massachusetts, to collect and test as many varieties of fruits as he could
obtain, native and foreign, with the intention of propagating and distributing
those which proved most worthy. In furthering this great. project he
entered into correspondence with the leading pomologists of Europe, and
from them secured trees and cions, which, with native sorts, brought his
collection up to 2000 varieties of fruits at the time of his death in 1842.
More than half of the varieties planted by Manning were pears. This, it
will be remembered, was the period in which Belgian, French, and English
pomologists were making pears a specialty, and led by Van Mons, the
Belgian scientist, had succeeded in putting almost a new pear flora in the
hands of fruit-growers. Manning grew in America nearly all of Van Mons’
introductions, received direct from the originator, and many acquisitions
from other European pomologists as well, notably many varieties from
Robert Thompson of the London Horticultural Society. Manning was
one of the most careful observers amongst American pomologists, and to
him pear-growers are indebted for the first full and accurate descriptions of
the fruits grown in his time in thiscountry. These were published in 1838
in his Book of Fruits. American pomologies before and many since were
compilations. Manning made his descriptions first-hand and described no
fruit “‘ not actually identified beyond a reasonable doubt of its genuineness.”
After Manning, one might well scan the work of several eminent
American pomologists who made pears a specialty. Robert Manning, Jr.,
continued the work of his father with this fruit and the two Downings,
Wilder, Barry, and Thomson found the pear the most interesting of the
fruits which they grew. To all of these men, pomologists are indebted
for the introduction of many new and choice pears; for the identification
of varieties; for the correction of the nomenclature of this fruit; for testing
hundreds of seedlings and native and foreign varieties; and for the
distribution of pears throughout the whole country.
A history of the pear in America requires some mention of its intro-
duction in the Pacific states since that region is now the greatest center
of the pear industry in the country, and the home of several notable varieties.
Franciscan monks established missions in California at about the time the
colonies on the eastern coast were fighting for their independence. To
these they brought the cultivated plants of Europe and among them the
pear. Vancouver, in 1792, found all of the hardy fruits growing at Santa
Clara and the mission of San Buena Ventura, California. Robinson, a
little later, describes extensive orchards connected with the mission of
San Gabriel in which there were pears in abundance. In 1846, Edwin
Bryant found at the mission of San Jose six hundred pear-trees bearing
fruit in great abundance and full perfection. The missions were secularized
in 1834, and the orchards fell into decay. But the pear and the vine
withstood negléct, drouth, and the browsing of cattle to furnish food to
the Argonauts of ’49. But little came of these early plantings that affects
the present industry of growing pears in California either as to methods
of culture or the introduction of new varieties.
As an example of the remarkable recuperative power of the pear,
however, the orchard which Bryant described in 1846 at the San Gabriel
Mission is noteworthy. An enterprising pioneer, W. M. Stockton, grafted
over the old orchard in 1854 to improved varieties, and by pruning, cultiva-
tion, and irrigation succeeded in rejuvenating it so that the orchard became
a profitable commercial plantation — the first commercial pear orchard in
California. There are other instances given in the early accounts of
fruit-growing in California in which the youth of old pear-trees was renewed
by generous treatment, showing that the pear in a congtnial soil and climate
is most self-assertive in maintaining life. It could hardly be otherwise
than that the health and vigor of these old trees stimulated the planting
of fruits by the gold-seekers who rushed to this region in 1849.
Meanwhile, orcharding had been established as an avocation. In the
rich Willamette Valley in Oregon, where the growing of wheat and cattle
was the vocation, the plantations of hardy fruits made by Henderson
Lewelling, near Portland, Oregon, in 1847, included pears and marked the
beginning of pear-culture in Oregon. Lewelling’s venture, so pregnant
with results in pomology for the Pacific Northwest, has been described in
The Cherries of New York, and needs no detailed description here. It is
mentioned only to call attention to it as another landmark in the history
of the pear.
The padres began the cultivation of the pear at the missions. The
pioneers of ’47 in Oregon and ’49 in California started a new era in the
cultivation of this and other tree-fruits by introducing named and improved
varieties and extending their cultivation along the coast from British
Columbia to Lower California. So far, the plantings were fruit gardens,
not orchards. The era of commercial fruit-growing began in the year
1869 in which the first fresh fruits were sent east by rail, the shipment
amounting to thirty-three tons, mostly pears and apples. This event
marks the beginning of a great industry in growing pears on the Pacific
slope for the fresh fruit market, and was followed shortly by the introduction
of canning and evaporation to use up the surplus product. The special
demands of these three more or less distinct industries called for new
varieties, and American pomology has been enriched by a score or more
varieties of pears from this great pear region.
An event which has had a profound influence on pear-growing in the
whole country was the introduction of Oriental pears and their hybrids.
The mongrel offspring of the Oriental with the European pear were unfor-
tunate in regions where pure-bred European sorts can be grown, but in
vast tracts of the United States, as almost the whole of the South and the
Middle West, only hybrids of the two species find a congenial environment,
and here varieties with Oriental blood became a great asset. The introduc-
tion of these pears, also, has greatly stimulated the canning of this fruit in
regions where fruit-preserving is an industry. It was hoped that these
hybrids could be used successfully as stocks upon which European varieties
could be worked, but the stocks have not proved satisfactory, and their
use is decreasing.
The Oriental, Chinese, or Sand pear came into America from Asia by
the way of Europe. The importation into Europe was made by the Royal
Horticultural Society of London in 1820. There seems to be no record
of when these pears reached America, but they were growing in the Prince
Nursery as early as 1840 under the names Chinese pear and Sha Lea.
Here, or in one of several nurseries to which it was sent by Prince, the
Oriental seems to have hybridized with the European pear, the product
being the Le Conte, which came to notice in 1846 and is the first of these
hybrids on record. The Kieffer fruited first in 1873 and proved to be much
better than Le Conte except in certain parts of the South. The Garber,
another valuable hybrid, came to notice about 1880. There are now,
perhaps, two score of these hybrids, with new ones coming from time to
time. These hybrid pears, while not blight-proof, are more immune to
blight than the European varieties, and pear-breeders are hybridizing the
two species with the hope of obtaining a variety with the fruit of the
European type on a tree of the Oriental type. Several promising seedlings
bred with this combination in view have been announced, and the number
of these hybrids is certain to be increased as time goes on.
The advent of Russian pears in the United States must also be
mentioned as a notable event in the history of this fruit. Russian pears
are hardy strains of Pyrus communis grown from time immemorial in
Russia. The fruits of these Russian varieties are low in quality, but the
trees are much hardier than those of strains coming from more southern
parts of Europe. Some seventy or eighty of these hardy pears have been
imported from Russia, the first shipment coming in 1879 from St. Petersburg.
For a few years importations followed rapidly, and fruit-growers in cold
regions had high hopes of being able to grow pears in competition with
growers in more favored regions. The fruits turned out to be so poor in
quality and the trees so subject to blight, however, that the cultivation of
all but a few varieties has ceased. Of the whole number, Bessemianka,
possibly, is the only one worthy of comparison with the pears of southern
Europe, and this sort is rated as poor where the southern pears are grown.
Professor J. L. Budd,! Ames, Iowa, and Charles Gibb, Montreal, Canada,
were the two men most instrumental in bringing these pears to America.
The chief import of these brief records of the origin and history of
cultivated pears in several countries is to show the evolution of this fruit.
It is hoped that the chapter will furnish inspiration for further amelioration
of the pear, and that it contains facts that will be helpful in the future
development of this fruit. The men, times, and places have historical
and narrative interest to pomologists; but these are quite secondary to
the knowledge of what the raw material was from which our pear flora
has been fashioned, and the methods of domestication that were employed.
This chapter is only a sketch — the briefest possible outline of how the
leading types of pears came to be, and how and when they came to America.
‘For an account of the life and work of Budd, see The Plums of New York, page 145.
The pear belongs to the great order Rosaceae, the Rose Family.
There are about ninety genera in this family, the most important of all
botanical groups to growers of hardy fruits, of which ten or twelve bear
pome-fruits. Of the genera whose fruits are pomes, only two contain
important hardy fruits, namely, Pyrus, to which belong apples, crab-
apples, and pears; and Cydonia, the quince. Three other genera are of
lesser importance, but must be named to show their relationship to the
pear. These are Mespilus, the medlar, grown in Europe but little known in
America; Chznomeles, the Japanese quince, well known as an ornamental,
the fruits of which are used for conserves; and Amelanchier, the Juneberry,
a common fruit in American forests. One other genus in this family has
possibilities for domestication but is not yet cultivated for its fruits in
America. This is Crataegus, comprising the hawthorns and thorn-apples,
the fruits of which are edible and several species of which are cultivated
in various parts of the world as food plants.
Nearly every botanist who has attempted to classify plants has grouped
the pome-fruits according to a plan of his own. There are, therefore,
several classifications of genera and species of the pomes, in consequence
of which the nomenclature is badly confused. A century ago the tendency
was for botanists to put in the genus Pyrus the apple, pear, crab-apple,
quince, medlar, sorbus, and chokeberry. The modern tendency is to
segregate these fruits in distinct genera in accordance with common names.
As a rule the differences which suggest a distinct common name suffice
for a botanical division.
The pear and apple, however, are usually kept together in Pyrus,
and botanists generally agree that separation in species is sufficient, or, at
most, that the separation should not be greater than in two sections of
the genus. Happily, the difficulties of classification in botany trouble
little or not at all in pomology, as each of the pome-fruits constitutes a
distinct pomological group. The distinguishing characters of Pyrus are:
Woody plants, trees or shrubs, with smooth or scaly bark. Leaves simple, or some-
times lobed, alternate, usually serrate, deciduous, with deciduous stipules which are free
from the petiole. Flowers perfect, regular, borne in compound terminal cymes; torus
urn-shaped, adnate to the ovary and inclosing it with thick, succulent flesh at maturity;
calyx-lobes 5, acuminate and reflexed, persistent in some and deciduous in other species:
petals 5, white, pink or red, inserted on the thickened border of the disk; stamens 15 to 20,
in three rows; styles 2 to 5, free or united below; carpels 2 to 5, inferior, crowned by the
styles, usually 2-seeded. Fruit an ovoid or pyriform pome; seeds two in each cell, brown
or brownish, lustrous, micilaginous on the outer surface.
The genus comprises fifty to sixty species in the north temperate zone
of the three continents. The largest number is found in south-central and
eastern Asia. In North America, Pyrus is represented by five species,
while eight or nine species inhabit Europe. In several of the species there
are many natural varieties. The two sections of Pyrus, given the rank
of genera by some authors, are distinguished as follows:
1. Apples (Malus). Flowers pink, rose-color, red or sometimes white, borne in fas-
cicles or subumbellate clusters on short spurs or lateral branchlets; ovary 3- to 5-celled;
styles more or less united at the base. Fruit more or less globular with a distinct
depression at both ends, the flesh without grit cells, rounded at the base. The species
in this section number 30 to 40, of which not more than a half dozen are domesticated.
2. Pears (Pyrus). Flowers white, few, borne in corymbs on short spurs or lateral
branchlets; ovary 5-celled; styles usually free. Fruit usually pyriform, sometimes sub-
globose, usually conical at the base, the flesh usually bearing grit cells when ripened on
the tree. The species number 15 to 20 of which but two are truly domesticated, but
several others give promise of value for stocks and possibly for their fruits.
A major purpose in The Pears of New York is to describe varieties
of pears so that their faults and merits can be seen, and that varieties
may be identified. Itis apparent at once that one cannot describe accurately
nor understand the descriptions of others unless acquainted with the organs
of tree and fruit — one must know the form and structure of the whole
plant. A study of the organs of plants is structural botany. Plant
descriptions are portraitures of the plant’s organs, and structural botany
thus becomes the foundation of systematic pomology, with a study of
which, as concerns the pear, we are to be chiefly concerned in the following
pages. We must, therefore, pay some attention to the structural botany
of the pear. A pear is one of the pome-fruits. What is a pome?
A pome is variously defined by students of structural botany. The
most conspicuous part of the apple, pear, or quince, the best-known pome-
fruits, is the outer, fleshy, edible part. This succulent part is said by
some botanists to be the thickened calyx; others say that it is the enlarged
receptacle. Some botanists believe that a pome consists of two to five
drupe-like fruits, each drupe called a carpel, each of which contains one
or more seeds. These drupes, if they are rightly so-named, are held
together by a fleshy receptacle. The best definition seems to be that a
pome is a fleshy fruit of which the compound ovary is borne within and
connected to the receptacle.
Pome-fruits are all woody plants, shrubby or tree-like, of which the
pear is always a tree. The value of the variety and the recognition of
it usually depend on characters of the fruits, but the trees are nearly as
distinct as the fruits, are always helpful in identification, and in the
absence of fruit must be relied upon to identify a variety. Also, and
even more important, the pear-grower must know whether the plant is
manageable in the orchard, for which purpose he must have a description
of the chief characters of the tree.
Size and habit of tree-— Size of tree is a very reliable character to
determine varieties of pears. The Winter Nelis pear is dwarf as compared
with other pears. Size varies greatly with environment, it must be remem-
bered in using this character. The terms large, small, and medium are
commonly used to designate size. Vigor, which may be defined as internal
energy, must not be confused with size. Small trees may be as vigorous
as large ones.
The term habit of growth, as used by pomologists, has reference to the
form of the top. In describing the tops of pear-trees a number of self-
explanatory terms are used, such as pyramidal, upright-spreading, drooping,
tall, low, dense, open-topped, and round-topped. Many if not most varieties
of pears may be told by the form of the top. One can tell Bartlett or
Clapp Favorite at a glance by their upright branches; as one can, also,
Beurré d’Anjou and Beurré Superfin by their wide-spreading branches;
or Winter Nelis pear by its drooping branches. Depending upon the form
of the top, a variety is easy or difficult to manage in an orchard.
Constitutional characters.— Hardiness, productiveness, susceptibility to
pests, adaptability to diverse soils and climates are vaguely supposed to
be dependent on the constitution of the tree. Pomologists very generally
refer to these characters as constitutional. They speak of the constitution
as the aggregate of the vital powers of a variety.
Horticulturally, hardiness is ability to withstand cold. Obviously,
hardiness is of utmost importance in characterizing the value of a variety
to the pear-grower, and degree of hardiness is of some use in identifying
pears. Bartlett and Beurré Bosc are relatively tender to cold, Tyson is
hardy, and Flemish Beauty is very hardy. Less important, but still of
some importance, is the ability to withstand heat, a character possessed in
varying degrees by varieties of pears.
Productiveness, age of bearing, regularity of bearing, certainty of
bearing, and longevity are constitutional characters that must be noted in
full descriptions. All help to determine the value of a variety, and all aid
more or less in classification. For most part, these are inherent characters
and are influenced but little by environment.
The degree of susceptibility of a variety to fungous diseases and insect
pests is a valuable cultural character, but has little use in identifying or
classifying pears. There are great variations in varieties of pears to the
dreaded pear-blight: Bartlett, Beurré Bosc, Beurré d’Anjou, and Clapp
Favorite are among the varieties most susceptible; Kieffer, Seckel, and
Winter Nelis are among those least susceptible to blight. Kieffer and
related hybrids are somewhat immune to San Jose scale, but are very
susceptible to psylla. Flemish Beauty and White Doyenné are so badly
attacked by the scab-fungus that it is almost impossible to grow them in
eastern America.
Some of these constitutional characters are much modified by care and
environment, as all are more or less. Care and local environment often
make it possible to grow varieties in special localities, although some
varieties are inherently adapted to a greater number of diverse conditions
than others. Bartlett, Seckel, and Kieffer have in common as one of their
most valuable characters adaptability to a great diversity of soils and
Trunk and branch.— The trunk does not count for much in descriptions
of varieties. The height of the trunk usually depends on the whims of the
pruner. Whether stout or slender is sometimes noteworthy. The bark
may be smooth or shaggy. Color of ‘bark is often a valuable diagnostic
character, especially in young trees. Many if not most varieties of pears
can be identified in nursery rows by an expert nurseryman from the color
of the bark. Seckel, Sheldon, and Beurré d’Anjou have remarkably
distinctive color as young trees.
The branches of pear-trees are often reliable guides in identifying
varieties in orchard or nursery, especially when trees are leafless and fruitless.
The twisting, drooping branches of Winter Nelis serve to identify that
variety at any time. The zigzag branches of Beurré d’Anjou and Bloodgood
are typical. The branches of Beurré Superfin are rough and shaggy.
Those of Dorset and Fox are slender. The branches of several well-known
pearsarespiny. A glance through the technical descriptions in Chapter IV
shows that branches and branchlets are variously colored. The branchlets
may be stout or slender, long-jointed or short-jointed, pubescent or glabrous,
straight or zigzag. The angle at which branchlets are set is often character-
istic. The epidermis may be smooth or covered with scarf-skin. Lastly,
the size, shape, color, number, and position of the corky cells or lenticels
on young wood is most important in identifying trees after leaves have
Leaf-buds and leaves.— Size, length, and shape of leaf-buds are helpful
in identifying varieties when the trees are dormant. There is considerable
difference in the length of buds of different varieties, and they may vary
in thickness; some are plump, others are slender. The shape can usually
be described as acute, pointed, obtuse, or conical. If the bud lies close to
the twig, it is said to be appressed; if it stands from the twig at a considerable
angle, it is free. In some varieties the leaf-scar is conspicuous; in others,
it is inconspicuous.
While leaves vary much in accordance with the condition of the plant
which bears them, yet they offer a number of valuable distinguishing
characters. It is important in making use of leaves to take only those
borne on free-growing twigs, as those growing on luxuriant water-sprouts
on the one hand, or on slow-growing spurs on the other are seldom typical.
The size of the leaf is a most valuable determinant of varieties of
pears. Length and breadth should be given in figures. The shape should
be depicted in carefully chosen words. The body of the leaf is usually
ovate or oval, but these shapes must nearly always be modified by broad
or narrow, long or short. The apex requires a descriptive word or two;
as, taper-pointed, acute, or obtuse. Thickness and texture are sometimes
noteworthy. The texture is usually described as stiff, leathery, or pliant.
Sometimes the leaves are flat; sometimes folded upward, and rarely they
are folded downward. The color of both the upper and lower surfaces is
often important; and the amount of pubescence, if present, must always
be noted on the two surfaces. The autumnal tint is a marked characteristic
in some varieties. The margins offer valuable evidence for identification
in the character of the serrations which are usually distinct in a variety.
Sometimes glands and hairs are found on the margins, in which case they
are usually noteworthy. The time of appearance and the fall of leaves
are life events that distinguish some varieties. Leaves are many in some
sorts; fewin others. The length, thickness, color of the petiole and whether
it is smooth, pubescent or channeled are usually worth noting. The
presence and the size and color of stipules are often important enough to
record. The petioles of pear leaves are larger and slenderer than those
of the apple, and the foliage of a pear-tree has something of the tremulous
habit of the aspen and other poplars. The leaves have a gloss that
distinguishes them at once from those of the apple-tree. As a rule, the
foliage of the pear drops earlier in the autumn than that of the apple.
When the leaves of pears open in the spring they are folded along the
midrib, and are covered with snow-white wool, but at full maturity no
trace of this woolly covering remains. The amount and texture of this
covering on the leaves of different varieties vary greatly, although it is
doubtful if this character is of much use for taxonomic purposes.
Flower-buds and flowers.— It is not possible to distinguish flower-buds
from leaf-buds by their external appearance as certainly as might be wished
for the purposes of ascertaining what the crop will be and that pruning
and budding may be done more intelligently. As a rule, however, the
flower-buds are larger, plumper, and have a blunter point. The flower-buds
are much like leaf-buds in color — usually a dark brown. They may be
readily told by their contents when examined under a microscope. Time
of opening is a mark of distinction with varieties that bloom very early
or very late, but the flowers of most varieties of pears open at approxi-
mately the same time.
The flowers of pears give small opportunity to identify varieties but
are useful. The petals in most of the flowers of varieties of P. communis
meet or lap at the widest point, which is a short distance from the point
of attachment. Occasionally a variety has the petals widely separated.
Easter Beurré, Vermont Beauty, and Dana Hovey are examples of varieties
with widely-separated petals. Round and broadly-oval petals meet or
lap, long narrow petals are usually separated. The size, shape, and color
of the petals offer the best means of identification from flowers. The
length, thickness, and amount and kind of pubescence on the styles may
distinguish varieties. The styles of the Howell pear are abnormally short.
The number of flowers in a cluster, and whether the cluster is dense or
loose are important. The character of the fruit-spurs is nearly always
noteworthy. The calyx-tubes, calyx-lobes, and pedicels differ materially.
These structures in the flower, while offering decisive evidence in identifica-
tion, are seldom used by pomologists because character of plant and fruit
may be studied during a much longer time and are of greater cultural
importance. In the blooming season, length, diameter, and the pubescence
of stamens may be noted, but much more important taxonomically is the
position of the stamens on the calyx-tube in the mature fruit. These
organs, or remnants of them, persist in the ripened fruits, as will be noted
in the discussion of characters of the fruit. Lastly, some varieties may
be told during the blooming season by the distribution of the blossoms
on the tree. The flowers of many varieties are borne on the periphery
of the tree, and give the plant an aspect by which one may recognize the
variety at once.
If a variety is not noteworthy in the characters for which the fruit is
grown — those which appeal to the senses of taste and sight — it has small
chance of being cultivated long or widely. Hence, especial attention is
paid to descriptions of the fruit. Some pomologists describe varieties only
from the fruit, saying little or nothing about the plant.
Season and use.— Perhaps season is the first, and certainly it is one
of the most important characters to be noted in the ripened fruit. By
season is meant the period in which a variety is in proper condition for use.
Unless otherwise stated, season has reference to the period during which
fruit is in condition in ordinary storage, as it is understood that cold-storage
greatly prolongs the natural season. The terms summer, fall, and winter,
sometimes modified by early or late, give the season with sufficient accuracy.
Keeping quality and shipping quality, both dependent on several factors,
are usually mentioned in connection with season.
Rather closely connected with season is use. The uses for which a
variety is particularly suited should always be indicated. Thus, a market
variety is one suitable for the general market; a local market sort is one
which does not stand handling well enough for the general market but is
acceptable in local trade. A variety for dessert or table is suitable for
eating in the uncooked state; cooking or kitchen varieties are desirable for
culinary purposes.
Size and shape of fruit— Of external characters of pears, size is
important if several typical specimens can be examined, but is often
misleading because under the stress of environment abnormal specimens
may be produced. Gradations in size are expressed by the terms Jarge,
medium, and small, modified by very, above, and below. Used in connection
with size, uniform signifies that the fruit of a variety runs fairly even in
the same size.
Shape is the most important character in describing the fruit. It may
be used with immature as well as mature specimens. In determining the
shape of the fruit, the pear should be held opposite to the eye perpendicular
to the diameter from stem to calyx; or the fruit may be cut longitudinally
at its widest diameter. The shape of the body of the pear is usually
described first, followed by a description of the narrow part bearing the
stem, if this neck is prominent enough to be noteworthy. A pear is pyriform
when the curve formed by the body and neck is concave; turbinate, or
top-shaped, when the body is nearly round with a short neck. The neck
may be long or short, distinct or obscure, obtuse or acute. Sheldon is typically
turbinate; Beurré d’Anjou, Beurré Bosc, and Bartlett are all pyriform.
A graphic record should accompany a description of the fruit to show
size and shape. A simple outline drawing serves the purpose.
The stem.— Varying as little as any other character of the pear, the
stem is much used in identification. It may be long and slender, as in
the Beurré Bosc; short and thick, as in Doyenné du Comice; fleshy, as in
Louise Bonne de Jersey; clubbed, when enlarged at the end; and lipped
when the flesh forms a protuberance under which the stem is inserted.
The stems of pears are often set obliquely as in Beurré Clairgeau; or are
crooked or curved as in Howell. In a few varieties the stems are chan-
neled. The stems of some pears have distinguishing colors, those of others
are pubescent. In some pears, as Souvenir d’Espéren, there are bud-like
projections on the stem.
The length of the stem in pears is a reliable diagnostic character only
when it is known from what part of the flower-cluster the fruit was
developed. For, as a rule, the nearer the flower to the tip of the raceme
in the pear, the shorter the stem on the fruit.
Cavity and basin.— The cavity, the depression in which the stem is set,
offers several marks which greatly enhance the value of a description of
any of the pears. The cavity may be acute or obtuse; shallow, medium,
or deep; narrow, medium, or broad; smooth or russeted; furrowed, ribbed,
angular, or uniform; or it may be lipped as described under stem. The
color of the skin within the cavity is sometimes different from that without,
and there may be radiating lines, rays, or streaks.
The basin, the depression in which the calyx is set, is as important as
the cavity in classifying pears and is described by the same terms. The
furrows in the basin are sometimes indistinct and are then called wavy.
The skin around the calyx-lobes may be wrinkled, plaited, folded, or corru-
gated. Rarely, there are fleshy protuberances about the calyx-lobes called
mammiform appendages.
Calyx-lobes— The withered calyx-lobes persist in some pears and not
in others. They persist in European pears, but are deciduous in the
edible-fruited Asiatic species. The calyx-lobes may be open, partly open,
or closed in varieties of the fruits in which they are persistent. In some
varieties the segments are separated at the base; in others, united. The
lobes may lie flat on the fruit or may stand erect. When upright, if the
tips incline inward the lobes are said to be connivent; if inclined outward,
they are reflexed, or divergent. The lobes may be broad or narrow, with
tips acute or accuminate.
Characters of the skin.— The skin of all pears offers several most
valuable features for classification. Of these characters, color is the most
important. Perhaps no character of fruits varies more in accordance with
environment than the color, yet the color itself and the way in which it is
distributed on the fruit, serve to make this character a fairly safe
distinguishing mark for most varieties of pears. The ground-color of pears
is the green or yellow-green of chlorophyll, usually with an over-color of
tints and shades of yellow or red. The over-color may be laid on in stripes,
splashes, or streaks; as a blush; may mottle the surface; or may be a
single color, in which case the fruit is said to be self-colored. In nearly
all varieties of colored pears, it is not an uncommon anomaly to find trees
under some conditions bearing green fruits. Usually, in pears, the color
is laid on solidly; very few varieties have striped or splashed fruits.
The skin may be thick or thin, tough or tender. In a few varieties
it is relatively free from the flesh, but with most clings tightly. The surface
of the skin is often waxy or oily. This character must not be confused
with waxen which refers to the glossy appearance of the skin.
Some pears have an unbroken russet surface as Beurré Bosc and
Sheldon. Or, the surface may be rough because of minute russet dots or
netted veins. With many sorts, the cavity alone is russeted. Sometimes
the russet of the cavity is spread out in radiating lines.
Nearly all pears have few or many dots on the skin, notes on which
may enhance the value of a description. These may be obscure or con-
spicuous, large or small, raised or sunken. If visible under the epidermis,
they are said to be submerged. When star-like, they are called stellate.
If surrounded by a halo of lighter color, they are said to be areolar. In
some varieties, the dots are elongated. Very often the dots are russeted.
The roughened outer skin, called scarf-skin, gives a distinguishing appearance
to a few pears.
Cutting pears to show the internal structure-— When varieties cannot be
distinguished from external marks, there are several very reliable characters
that can be made use of in the internal anatomy of the fruits. To study
these it is necessary to make a longitudinal and a transverse section of the
pear. To make an accurate examination of the internal structure, the
sectioning must be done with a keen, thin knife, with a steady hand, and a
good eye.
In making the longitudinal section the knife should pass through the
center of the calyx, showing the remnants of styles and stamens; through
the middle of the core cell, showing the outline of the core cavity; and
through the middle of the stem. A true record cannot be obtained, unless
the organs named are divided fairly accurately in halves. In making the
transverse section, the knife should pass through the widest diameter
of the fruit, cutting the core in half. If the core is not in the center
of the fruit, trial cuts to locate it must be made that it may be halved
The stamens, calyx-tube, and styles— After halving the fruit longi-
tudinally, the first organs to be studied are the stamens, the position of
which furnishes reliable taxonomic data in apples and is occasionally worth
noting in pears. Passing from the stamens to the calyx-tube, it will be
found that the shape of this structure is of some use in separating varieties,
although it is exceedingly variable in accordance with the size of the pear,
and is materially altered by abnormalities in the fruit. The base of the
styles in some varieties develop into fleshy tissue which alters the shape
of the calyx-tube. The calyx-tube may be cone-shaped, funnel-shaped, or
urn-shaped. When funnel-shaped, the broad upper part is called the limb;
the narrow lower part, the cylinder. In some varieties the remnants of
the styles are often more or less fleshy and form a point, called the pistil
point, which projects into the calyx-tube.
The core.— The position of the core in the fruit is often a valuable
means of distinguishing varieties. If close to the stem, the core is said
to be sessile; if at the center of the pome, it is median; when distant from
the stem, distant.
The cell containing seed, called a carpel, is morphologically a modified
leaf, which, by folding together and by union of its edges forms a closed
receptacle. In some varieties, the carpels are. open; in others closed. If
the tip of the carpel is indented, it is said to be emarginate; if long and
pointed, mucronate. In shape, carpels may be round, cordate, obcordate,
elliptical, oblong, elongated, ovate, or, obovate. In the cores of most pomes
there is a central cavity called the core cavity, sometimes spoken of as the
axial sac which may be either narrow, wide, or lacking. This is a character
of much importance and reliability in pears. When the carpels extend
quite to the axis of the fruit, they are said to be axile and there is no core
cavity; when distant from the axis, they are abaxile and a core cavity is
formed. Sometimes the carpel is lined on the inner surface with a white
substance, when it is said to be tufted. In some pears, there are many
fine hairs in the core-cavity in which case the cavity is said to be tufted.
The limits of the core are marked by a line in most pome-fruits —
usually very distinct in apples and quinces — which in most varieties of
pears is indistinct. The area enclosed by this line may be large or small
and may be variously shaped. When the core-line joins the calyx-tube
along the sides, it is said to be clasping; when the two ends of the line
meet at the base of the calyx-tube, the expression core-lines meeting is used.
The core-line in pears is nearly always, if not always, clasping and very
often it is a more or less thickened area of grit-cells.
Seeds.— Seeds are characteristic in all varieties of pears and might
well be used more generally than is the case in classification. The number
is exceedingly variable in different varieties. The usual number is two in
each cell, but often there are three or more and occasionally they are missing.
Seeds vary greatly in different varieties in size, shape, and color, and
differences in these characters are as constant as are those of any other
organ of the fruit. Number, size, shape, and color of seeds should be
noted with care in every technical description of a pear. The point of the
seed, also, is worth noting; it may be acute, acuminate, or obtuse. Like
the carpels, the seeds are often tufted. There are several so-called seedless
pears, but all of these occasionally contain some seeds. Very often
seedlessness is brought about by lack of proper pollination. An occasional
fruit without seeds is found in nearly all varieties, but these fruits are
usually more or less abnormal in size or shape.
Flesh.— Most pears may be identified from the flesh-characters without
a glance at any other part of fruit or plant. Flavor, odor, and texture
of flesh are distinct in almost every variety, and appeal more strongly to ©
the senses of taste and smell than characters measured by the eye do to the
sight. Unfortunately, flavors, odors, and textures are difficult to describe.
All characters of the flesh vary greatly in accordance with conditions
of growth, soil and climate having a profound influence on texture, flavor,
and quality. It is important, also, in describing the flesh to have the fruit
at the proper stage of maturity, and as immaturity verges into maturity
and maturity into decay almost imperceptibly, each condition affecting
the flesh, it is not surprising that differences of opinion may be many in
judging the flesh-characters of a fruit.
In cutting a pear the color of the flesh is first noted. It may be nearly
white, as in Flemish Beauty; tinged with yellow, as in Tyson; greenish-
white as in Bartlett; or tinged with red, as in Joséphine de Malines. Pears
with red flesh are occasionally found, but no standard varieties have flesh
of this color. Sanguinole, grown more or less in Europe, has flesh of a
wine-red color. Very often the texture of pear-flesh is marred by grittiness
to which some varieties are much more subject than others. In most
cases, however, the grit-cells are abnormal, and a discussion of their
presence and cause belongs under the head of diseases in another chapter.
One determines the nature of the texture by cutting the fruit, through
pressure by the fingers, and by eating. The texture may be coarse or fine;
tender or tough; crisp, breaking, melting, or almost buttery; dry or juicy.
Flavor and quality Pears are readily divided into two classes as to
flavor; they are either sweet or sour. The qualifying terms mildly and
very are often used with sweet and sour. Subacid, tart, and sprightly are
sometimes most expressive. Austere refers to a flavor more or less sour
with some astringency. The flavor may often be put down as astringent.
All varieties have a more or less distinct aroma. Rich and refreshing are
words often found in the rather extensive vocabulary necessary to describe
the flavor of this fruit.
Quality is that combination of texture, flavor, and aroma which makes
a fruit pleasant to the palate. Quality is rated by common consent of
pomologists by five grades: Poor, fair, good, very good, and best. It should
be noted that good in this rating signifies a fruit of but medium quality.
The characters of pears are graphically shown on the opposite page in
a descriptive form filled out for Bartlett in a description of this variety for
The Pears of New York. This is, however, but a skeleton, and most of
the characters must be more fully described than a form like this permits.
sid eduenmmma meena sevssce Orstart 59 ome. J wo P Ditesisehtinieiacetne enna eeuidedes
TREE Shapo Calya-Lobes LOBES
— thins —_ Ahltrph- Broad
Marked Characteristics ....--csssversssserveeees Fpintes inted —faror__
rovneannnsneennotetestneatanertain a ee
Size ‘Ppresi ork ater BASIN
arge inal
ium. Leaf-Scars cute
a ——Etomingnt Obtuse ium
wiGok LEAVES FALL Ciandules Rese
i Early Glabrous within a without Median
un Slightly, i Wide
Weak te Heavily’ ‘pul oa an at Obtuse
Vernation i Fup s
HABIT Convolute ——Erect Smooth
Spreading Conduplicate Petals ¢
P Abundance 2 = Symunetrieal Mtb hfe
Low — upton — Ovate
Dense set Obovate
Open Bias 2 o/h “a 4 - ine Modis
rena\ ium
Round top; Size...7>. Me... tong... (5 wise Dentate 4 in. =
Slow growing Med te pul Consteal”
Rapid growing ui Medium
Small roa n
“HARDINESS ide te — SF Mntrew,
edium —S 4 Rough
lalf Hardy Narrow on ci Russet
Tender at Waxen
Medium Glossy
PRODUCTIVENE Short on anther Dull
. —
Productive Shape Filaments oe
Unproductive Folger AOD rnenetlat COLOR—Ground......Overlying......Blushed.—
Regular. Bea orate Short led
incertain Bearer Mottled............Striped...osscceecsssseee
Obovate ‘ Longer. equal to, shorter than petals oe ped
SUSCEPTIBILITY Abruptly pointed
‘aper. Pistil
To Insects. Thickness Hb eal
Thick Longer than stamens
hin orter than stamens
Stiff Defective
{eaiber Stigma .....
Marked Characteristics ...........-.---o-enenenr
cies x
Stoc a
i 1d-season Ze i.
lender ior
Sapatnaes DATE OF RIPENING... seensinee OBS
Smooth +, Ve
Diameter Small
Stipules Abate
Smoothness a ee HANGS WELL OR DROPS READILY....... Core-lines
a fedium KEEPING QUALITY ....
meee ray, . Crop on one year wood SHIPPING: QUALITY...
Cotor EA EON Hult Hardy SUSCEPTIBILITY to iort
Ovead —Ehecon,., ‘Tender
jumerous +
Medium Small
S Length
Medan Long
Thickness Shape
ender i
Willowy Plump
Hength Appressed or Free
Medium Arrangement
INEERNODES Time of Appearance
Medium With
Short Afterleaves
BARK Date of Bloom..... ooarseansesenen
Color “J. Season of Bloom Uniform
— ae Early STEM VA
Gray /
Greenish ere kong Melti
Glossy = Length of Blooming Scason Short Mts taryead —Tentee
Smoothace? Width ct lender Bonny
goth Medium i
igzag Medi : CAVITY icy _
Thorny Obtuse weet
Color LOA ee ‘cumimate ‘ becid s
pote Fertile or Steril —Arumpije Y¥ Oeecoeed 5
LENTICELS General Arrangement Deco Flat
mber Well ee Very Good
Numerous Number or of aowers per bud Beha Broad s Wit d
ew Ptone nf ae passe ce
Size Syeunetncal C Very Poor
Large om Com alae fe USE—Cooking, Dessert, Market
mall td ium inped
Raised £407.
Few pomologists in these days have the temerity to offer a description
compiled in whole or in part. Descriptions are worth while only when
made from living specimens before the eyes of the describer.
The foregoing pages discussing the characters of pears were preparation
for a proper understanding of descriptions of pears. A discussion of the
species which constitute or may constitute forms for cultivation either for
their fruit or as stocks upon which to grow edible pears logically follows.
Edible pears fall into two well-marked groups: Those coming from
Europe and northwestern Asia, occidental pears; and those coming from
eastern and northeastern Asia, oriental pears.
In this group belong the thousands of varieties under common cultiva-
tion in Europe, the United States, and in temperate regions settled by
Europeans. These pears are distinct from oriental pears in place of origin,
and by fairly well-marked botanical characters. Thus, the leaves of these
occidental pears are crenate-serrate and entire and never setose-serrate;
and the calyx is persistent on the fruits. For most part, the fruits of the
two divisions are quite distinct, especially in shape, but no constant line
of cleavage can be found in the pears. There are several species of these
occidental pears grown for their fruits or as ornamentals. Only one,
however, is of great importance. This is P. communis, to a discussion
of which we now come.
1. Linnaeus Sp. Pl. 479. 1753-
2. Loudon Arb. et Frut. Brit, 2:880. 1838.
3. Schneider Laubholzk. 1:661. 1906.
Tree vigorous, attaining a height of 50 ft. and a diameter of 2 ft., usually with an
upright, oblong, or pyramidal, compact top; bark on trunk of mature trees rough, with large
persistent scales; branches usually stout, thorny, variously colored, overlaid with scarf-
skin; branchlets glossy, smooth, glabrous, with more or less conspicuous lenticels. Leaf-
buds prominent, plump, obtuse or pointed, mostly free; leaf-scars conspicuous. Leaves
2 to 4 in. long, 1 to 24 in. wide, oval or oblong-ovate, thin, hard or leathery, veiny;
upper surface dark green, glabrous; lower surface light green, glabrous; both surfaces
downy as the leaves open; apex acuminate; margins crenate-serrate or entire, never setose-
serrate; teeth often tipped with small glands; petiole 1 to 2 in. long, slender. Flower-
buds larger and plumper then leaf-buds; borne on fruiting spurs in dense or loose clusters
of 4 to 10; flowers showy, 1 in. across, white or sometimes with tinge of pink; calyx
persistent or rarely deciduous; styles distinct to the base, sometimes downy; stamens 15
to 20; pedicels 1 in. long, slender, sometimes pubescent.
Fruits exceedingly variable under cultivation; varying from 1 in. in length and diameter
to 3 in. in diameter and 5 to 6 in. in length; variously shaped, as pyriform, turbinate, round-
conic, or round-oblate; green, yellow, red, or russet, or combinations of these colors; flesh
white, yellowish, sometimes pink or wine-red, rarely salmon-colored; flesh firm, melting,
or buttery and when ripening on the tree with few or many grit-cells. Seeds 1 to 3 ina
cell, sometimes abortive or wanting, large, brown, or brownish, often tufted at the tips.
Pyrus communis, the common pear, as stated in the preceding chapter,
is a native of southern Europe and southwestern Asia as far east as Kashmir.
The species is a frequent escape from cultivation, multiplying from seed
distributed by animals and by human agencies, and is now to be found
naturalized in forests and byways of the temperate zones wherever pears
are cultivated in orchards. The pear is not as hardy as the apple, and is,
therefore, less generally grown. It refuses to grow in the warmest and
coldest parts of the temperate zones, but is a favorite orchard, dooryard,
and roadside plant in all mid-temperate regions.
The species comes from regions or localities where the climate is mild
and equable, neither very hot nor very cold, and grows in moist, cool, and
rather heavy soils. These predilections cling to cultivated pears wherever
grown, and pure-bred varieties do not thrive under other conditions. Wild
or cultivated, the pear is a deep-rooted plant, a fact that must be taken
- into consideration in selecting orchard sites. On shallow soils pears thrive
better on the shallow-rooted quince.
Few cultivated fruits have changed more under domestication than
the common pear. The trees under cultivation are larger and much more
vigorous, and the fruits in the best orchard varieties — the consummation
of the breeder’s art — would by no one be considered the same species if
the two were found in the wild. The pears from truly wild trees in the
Old World are small, nearly round, hard, gritty, sour, and astringent.
Fruits from the run-wild trees from the chance transport of seeds in this
country are scarcely more attractive to either eye or palate. The product
of these wild trees can hardly be called edible fruits. Cultivated varieties
seem to have been evolved, until the advent of Le Conte and Kieffer, oniy
by cultivation and selection. All plants are improved more rapidly under
hybridization than selection, and now that the hybridization of this pear
with other species is in full swing, we may expect, for the New World at
least, a new pear flora in the immediate future.
The pear supplies man not only an important article of food but also
a refreshing drink. Perry, the expressed juice of pears, is a common drink
in all European countries. It is used somewhat as a fruit-juice, but chiefly
as a fermented beverage. Pear-juice is fermented in open casks and at
the end of fermentation contains from six to twelve per cent of alcohol.
In parts of England and France, special varieties are grown in considerable
numbers for perry-making. The wood of the pear is hard, heavy, and close
grained, for which qualities it is esteemed by turners and engravers and for
fuel. A mature pear-tree is a beautiful ornamental, and few forest trees
are nobler or more picturesque than an old specimen of this species with
its great size and irregular, pyramidal top. A pear-tree has much merit
for shade as well as an ornamental.
Pears are easy of culture and propagation, subjects to be discussed in
full in the next chapter. A few words as to propagation are in place here
to show the affinities of this species with other species and genera. The
common pear readily inter-grafts with other pears, and its cions may be
made to grow, though with difficulty, on the apple. A most noteworthy
fact with this fruit is that though not easily grafted on the apple and some
other pears, it unites readily with the quince and the hawthorn, both of
which belongs to distinct genera. The common pear hybridizes freely
with the oriental pear, but whether with other species does not appear.
There are no records of the pear hybridizing with the apple, but there are
trustworthy accounts of hybrids with the quince and with sorbus.
The classical name of the pear was Pirus, changed to Pyrus by
Tournefort, after which it was adopted by Linnaeus, who established the
genus and united with it the Malus and Cydonia of Tournefort. Fortu-
nately there is no confusion in the botanical nomenclature of this fruit.
Botanists agree, without notable divergence of opinion, on the generic and
specific names of this fruit. There are several well-marked botanical
varieties of Pyrus communis as well as a number of horticultural forms.
The most prominent of these must be noted.
1. Linnaeus Sp. Pl. 479. 1753.
This variety, rather common in parts of Europe, is similar to the type in foliage
but has globose fruits. The leaves differ somewhat in being more rounded and in having
margins more serrate. The plant is often very thorny. Some botanists believe this form
to be only an escape from cultivation.
1. De Candolle Prod. 2:634. 1825.
This name is applied to the cultivated pear in its many pomological forms. The
trees are usually larger than those of the wild pears and are without thorns. They differ
also in having larger leaves, and larger and better-flavored fruits.
1. Hooker, J.D. Stud. Flora 131. 1878.
2. P.cordata Desvaux Obs. Pl. Anjou 152. 1818.
This botanical variety is a spiny shrub or shrub-like tree. The leaves are smaller
than those of the species, 1 in. in width, suborbicular to ovate, subcordate at the base.
Flowers smaller. Fruit globose or slightly turbinate, very small, } in. in diameter;
calyx persistent. The species is a native of western France and is found in Devon and
Cornwall, England. This species is said to propagate itself freely from root-suckers which
suggests that it might be tried as a dwarfing stock for the common pears.
1. Henry Trees Gt. Brit. & Ire. 6:1561. 1912.
2. P. longipes Cosson and Durien Bull. Soc. Bot. France. 22310. 1855.
The tree is small with a few spines. The leaves are about 2 in. long and 1 in
wide, ovate, acuminate, subcordate, glabrous, finely and crenately serrate, on long
slender petioles. This variety differs little from var. cordata in its fruit except in the decid-
uous calyx. It is found along the mountain streams of Algeria.
1. Linmaea 25:25. 1852.
2. P. bourgaeana Decaisne Jar. Fruit.i.t. 2. 1871.
This is a small tree found in the Sierra Morena in Spain. The leaves are ovate,
1 in. in length, rounded at the base, on very long, slender petioles. The pear is very smal
with a persistent calyx.
1. Fl. Austr, 2: 4,t. 107. 1774.
Tree small, stout, without thorns; young shoots thickly covered with white wool.
Leaves oval or obovate, 2 to 3 in. long, } to 1} in. wide, crenate at the base, entire, upper
and lower surfaces covered with white wool when young, nearly glaucous and the upper
surface shining when mature. Flowers white, 14 in. across, clustered. Fruit roundish,
yellowish-green, borne on a stalk as long or longer than the fruit, acid or becoming sweetish
at full maturity.
This pear is a native of eastern Europe and Asia Minor and is often
found in France as an escape from the orchard. The tree, which sometimes
attains a height of fifty feet, is said to be a handsome ornamental. The
species is sometimes under cultivation in France for the fruits which make
very good perry, and when bletted, as is the medlar, are suitable for dessert.
In Austria and adjoining parts of Germany, the species is somewhat
cultivated for the same purposes as in France under the name Schnee birn
or Snow pear, because not fit to eat until snow falls. This pear might
have value to hybridize with common pears for the improvement of their
Botanists are not quite certain of the botanical standing of P. nivalis.
By some botanists it is considered a cultivated form of P. eleagrifolia Pallas.
By others it is thought to be a cross of which P. communis is one parent.
P. salvifolia De Candolle is either closely allied to or identical with this
species. P. kotschyana Boissier differs from P. nivalis chiefly in having
smaller and harder fruits. P. eleagrifolia Pallas is distinguished by some
botanists from P. kotschyana only by its spiny branches — not a constant
1. Pomol. 2:38. 1763.
2. P. irregularis Muenchhausen Hausvater §:246. 1770.
3- P. pollveria Linnaeus Mant. 2:244. 1771.
4. P. bollwyleriana De Candolle Fl. France Suppl. §:530. 1815.
A tree 30 to 50 ft. high, forming a round head; branchlets and buds downy. Leaves
ovate or oval, 3 to 4 in. long, 2 to 23 in. wide; pointed, irregular, and coarsely and some-
times doubly toothed; upper surface glossy, dark green, with glands on the midrib,
glabrous at maturity, downy when young; lower surface permanently covered with gray
tomentum; stalk 1 to 13 in. long, woolly. Flowers white, nearly 1 in. across, 5 to 20 in
tomentose corymbs; sepals covered with pure white wool on both surfaces; styles 2 to 5,
united and tomentose at the base; stamens rosy red. Fruit pyriform, 1 to 1} in. in
diameter; stalk 1 to 13 in. long, reddish yellow; flesh yellow, sweet.
This tree is an interesting hybrid between P. communis and the
whitebeam, P. aria. It was first noticed at Bollweiler, Alsace, and was
first mentioned by J. Bauhin in 1619. It is propagated by grafts as few
of the seeds are fertile and these do not come true to name. It bears fruit
very sparingly, none being produced in some seasons.
Besides the species that have been named there are several other
occidental pears named by European botanists which may be looked for
in botanic gardens. Some of these might have value for work in hybridiza-
tion but it is doubtful. Of these, P. heterophylla Regel and Schmalhausen
(Act. Hort. Petropol 5:pt. ii, 581. 1878) is a small thorny tree from the
mountain valleys of Turkestan. P. amygdaliformis Villars (Cat. Meth.
Jardin Strasbourg 323. 1807) is a spiny shrub or small tree, bearing small
worthless fruits; a native of arid soils in the regions of olives in southern
Europe. P. salicifolia Pallas (Itin. 3:734. 1776) is a small spiny tree
from the Crimea, Caucasas, and Armenia; the fruit has little or no value.
P. syriaca Boissier (Diag. Nov. Pl. Orient 10:1. 1849) is a thorny, shrubby
tree from Syria, Asia Minor, and Kurdistan.
A review of botanical literature shows several other names of doubt-
ful species of Pyrus which seem more likely to be hybrids or abnormal
escapes from orchards. There are, also, many names which seem to be
synonyms. Material and literature at hand do not enable the author to
make certain of these, even if any sufficiently worthy purpose could be
served in a pomological text.
The oriental pears have been brought to America in comparatively
recent years, chiefly as ornamentals and for blight-resistant stocks; but
hybrids of at least one species of this group, P. serotina, with the common
pear have given many valuable orchard varieties. The Chinese and Japan-
ese cultivate several species for their fruits. These pears constitute a group
quite distinct in aspect of tree and fruit, but no characters not in occidental
species are found in all species of the oriental group. The most constant
differences, besides region of origin, are found in the leaves and the calyx.
The leaves in most species are markedly acuminate and their margins
are sharp-serate or setose-serrate. The calyx falls from the fruit in the
species now cultivated for food, but does not in two species promising for
1. Rehder Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. 50:213. 1915.
Tree vigorous, upright, attaining a height of 20 to 50 ft., the branches -becoming
glabrous. Leaves ovate-oblong, sometimes ovate, 3 to 5 in. long, rounded at the base
and rarely subcordate or cuneate, long-acuminate, sharply setose-serrate, with partially
appressed seratures; when young, villous, or lower surface cobwebby, but becoming glabrous.
Flowers white, borne in 6 to 9 flowered umbellate-racemose clusters; glabrous or somewhat
tomentose and borne on slender pedicels; calyx-lobes triangular-ovate and long-acuminate,
; to Z in. long, glandulose-denticulate; petals oval, short-clawed, 3 in. long; stamens about
20; styles 4 or 5, glabrous. Fruit sub-globose, russet-brown; stalk slender; calyx
This oriental pear has been referred to P. sinensis Lindley (not Poiret)
by botanists and horticulturists since its introduction in Europe nearly
one hundred years ago until 1915 when Rehder, discovering that the true
P. sinensis had been lost to cultivation, proposed the name P. lindleyi
for one group and P. serotina for another group of Chinese pears passing ©
under Lindley’s original species, P. sinensis.
This species comes from central and western China, where the fruits
are used for food under the name, with that of other brown-fruited species,
of tang-li. American pomologists are interested in the type species as a
possible source of blight-resistant stocks for varieties of the common pear.
Stocks of this species, however, grown on the Pacific slope have not proved
satisfactory because difficult to bud, and very susceptible to leaf-blight,
and because they are not as resistant to pear-blight as an ideal stock should
be. Rehder, an authority on oriental pears, gives two botanical varieties.
His var. stapfiana differs from the type in bearing pyriform fruits; leaves
with less appressed serratures; and petals with attenuate claws. So far
as now appears it is of no greater value to pomology than the type. The
other botanical variety which Rehder describes, var. culta, is of great
importance in pomology and must have detailed consideration. ,
Rehder Prod. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sct. 50:233. 1915.
P. sinensis Hort. Not Lindley nor Poiret.
P. japonica Hort. Not Thunberg.
P. sieboldi Carriére Rev. Hort. 110. 1880.
5. LP. sinensis culta Makino Tokyo Bot. Mag. 22:69. 1908.
oe a oe
Tree large, vigorous; top spreading, drooping, open; trunk thick, shaggy; branches
stout, zigzag, greenish-brown, with a slight covering of scarf-skin marked with many
conspicuous, elongated lenticels; branchlets slender, with long internodes, brownish-red,
tinged with green and with thin, ash-gray scarf-skin, glabrous, with many unusually
conspicuous, raised lenticels. Leaf-buds sharply pointed, plump, thick at the base, free;
leaf-scars prominent. Leaves 44 in. long, 23 in. wide, thick, leathery; apex taper-pointed;
margin tipped with very fine reddish-brown glands, finely serrate; petiole thick, 2 in.
long, lightly pubescent, greenish-red. Flower-buds thick, short, conical, plump, free,
arranged singly on very short spurs; flowers with a disagreeable odor, bloom in mid-
season, 1} in. across, averaging 7 buds in a cluster; calyx-lobes long, narrow, acuminate,
glandular, reflexed, lightly pubescent within and without; petals broadly oval, entire,
apex rounded; pistils 4 or 5, from a common base, longer than the stamens, pubescent at
base; stamens 3+ in. long, with dull red anthers; pedicels 1% in. long, slender, thinly
pubescent, pale green.
Fruit ripe February-March; 2} in. long, 23 in. wide, round, slightly pyriform,
irregularly ribbed, with unequal sides; stem 13 in. long, curved, slender; cavity acute,
deep, narrow, furrowed, lipped; calyx deciduous; basin shallow, wide, obtuse, gently
furrowed or wrinkled; skin tough, smooth, waxy; color lemon-yellow, with russet lines
and nettings and many russet specks; dots numerous, small, conspicuous, brownish-
russet; flesh yellowish-white, very granular, crisp, tough, juicy, with a peculiar aroma
unlike that of the common pear; poor in quality. Core large, open, axile, with clasping
core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide, conical; seeds roundish, of medium size, wide, plump,
The Sand pear differs from the type in fruit and foliage. The pears
are much larger and are commonly apple-form as shown in the accompany-
ing plate, but trees bearing pyriform fruits are not unknown. The leaves
are larger and broader. Rehder, who separated this form from its species,
writes, ‘“‘ The Japanese pear cultivated under the name Madame Von
Siebold may be considered as representing the type of this variety.”” These
pears are known to pomologists under several names; as Chinese Sand,
Sand, Japanese, Hawaii, Sha Lea, Gold Dust, Mikado, and Diamyo,
although it is possible that the last three are hybrids. The pear illustrated
and described in this text as a representative of this botanical variety
came from seed sent from Manchuria.
The pears are attractive in appearance, keep well, and are palatable
in culinary preparations, but are possessed of a gritty flesh and potato-like
flavor which debar them as dessert fruits in all regions where the common
pear can be grown. The several varieties of var. culta now in America
came from Japan where the species must have been early introduced from
China as this is now the most common fruit of the Japanese with the excep-
tion ofthe persimmon. In China and Japan there are a number of pomo-
logical varieties, which, however, differ from each other less than varieties
of the European pear. The fruits of the several varieties grown in America
are often mistaken for apples, from which they are distinguished by their
deciduous calyxes, rough, dry skins, long stems, juicy, gritty flesh, and
insipid potato-like flavor. Seedlings of var. culta fail as stocks for European
varieties in the same characters in which the species is unsatisfactory.
This oriental pear hybridizes freely with the common pear, and it is
for this purpose that it is most valuable in America. Several of these
hybrids are important commercial varieties in North America of which
Kieffer, Le Conte, and Garber, in the order named, are the best known and
the most useful. Sterility is a common attribute of hybrids, but the hybrids
between these two species are not more sterile than varieties of the parents.
These hybrids are stronger and more. rapid in growth than the common
pear and are more productive and more resistant to blight. The pears are
more pyriform and of much better flavor than those of the oriental parent.
The calyx of hybrid fruits is sometimes persistent and sometimes deciduous.
The hybrids do not make good stocks and intergraft but poorly with the
common pear. Of all pear-trees, these are handsomest in growth when in
perfect health and make excellent ornamental trees. The strong, clean
growth, luxuriant green foliage, beautifully tinted in the autumn, resembles
the oriental rather than the occidental parent. It is doubtful whether
hybrid trees will attain the great size of those of the common pear, and
they seem to succumb to the ills of old age rather more quickly than those
of the European parent. The hybrid pears seem less well liked by the pestif-
erous San Jose scale than the common pear. The first flush of popularity
having passed, hybrid pears have found their proper place in American
pomology. They belong to the South and Middle West where the common
pear is illy adapted to the climate. In the North and on the Pacific slope,
pear-growers are wisely planting varieties the fruits of which are better
in quality.
. ussuriensis Maximowicz Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 15:132. 1857.
. sinensis Decaisne Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 19:172. 1883.
. simonti Carriére Rev. Hort. 28. 1872. fig. 3.
. Sinensts ussuriensis Makino Tokyo Bot. Mag. 22:69. 1908.
Pw Rs
Rehder says of P. ussuriensis,! ‘‘ This species differs from the allied
species chiefly in the short stalk of the globose fruit with persistent calyx,
in the broad, often nearly orbicular, strongly setosely serrate leaves and in
the lighter yellowish-brown branches; the flower clusters are, owing to the
short stalks, rather dense and hemispherical, the petals are obovate and
rather gradually narrowed toward the base; the styles are distinctly pilose
near the base.”
Wilson,? describing .the vegetation of Korea, says of this species:
“ Pyrus ussuriensis is abundant and this year is laden with fruit. On
some trees the fruit is wholly green, on others reddish on one side; the
length of the peduncle varies and the same is true of the leaf-structure;
the calyx is persistent or deciduous often on fruits on the same branch.”
The habitat of this species is northern and northeastern China and
eastern Siberia. Manchuria, Korea, Amurland, and Ussurri are named
as regions in which it is most commonly found. A glance at the map shows
1Rehder, Alfred Proc. Amer. Acad, Arts & Sci. 50:228. 191 5.
2 Wilson, E.H. Jour. Inter. Gar. Club 598. 1918.
that this habitat is in the far north for pears, and it might well be suspected
that this would be one of the hardiest of all pears, and this proves to be
the case. Horticultural varieties are reported by Chinese explorers, some
of which have been introduced by the United States Department of Agri-
culture. These no doubt have some value in the most northern fruit
regions of America and if not for their fruits, they may prove useful in
hybridization. But it is as a possible stock resistant to blight that the
species has received most attention in this country.
Reimer, of Oregon, found this species to be very resistant to fire-
blight and at first thought it might prove to be a valuable stock. Follow-
ing Reimer’s experiments much was said of it as a promising new stock,
and the United States Department of Agriculture gave it a thorough trial
from the results of which they discouraged its use. The tree proved to be
a slow grower; very subject to leaf-blight, therefore unable to hold its
leaves during the growing and budding season, difficult to use in bud-
ding as the tough bark did not “slip” easily, and but a small number of
the buds took. According to Galloway,' however, the Kuan li or Chinese
water pear, which he says belongs to the Ussuriensis group, is one of the
most promising pear stocks. Both for its fruits and as a stock, this species
is likely to receive much attention in the United States for some time to
come. The difficulty at present, as we have found at this Station, is to get
seeds or budding wood true to name of the forms of the species that seem
to be most desirable.
1. P. serrulata Rehder Proc. Amer. Acad. Aris & Sci. 50:234. 1915.
Chinese Saw-leafed Pear. This species, according to Rehder, is closely
related to P. serotina but differs from it chiefly in its serrulate, not setosely
serrate, generally broader, leaves, in the smaller flowers with usually three
or four styles, and in the shorter sepals and smaller fruit.
This pear was first found by E. H. Wilson in 1907 in western Hupeh.
The province of Hupeh is 800 or 900 miles west and south of Shanghai.
The pears in this location grow in thickets at an altitude of 4000 to 5000
feet. Reimer found the species at Ichang, in Hupeh, at elevations of
3000 to 3700 feet. Its occurrence at these altitudes indicates that it is a
hardy form. Whether the species is likely to be valuable for its fruits, or
for hybridization, does not appear, but Galloway,! reporting on it as tested
1Galloway, B. T. Jour. Her. 11:29. 1920.
by the United States Department of Agriculture, says that it is affected
but slightly by leaf-blight, holds its foliage well in hot summers, and has
a long budding season. These statements indicate that it is worth trying
as a stock.
P. betulefolia Bunge Mem. Sav. Etr. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. 22101. 1833.
Decaisne Jard. Fruit. 1:20. 1872.
Carriére Rev. Hort. 318. 1879. figs. 68, 69.
4. Sargent Gard. & For. 7:224. 1894. fig. 39.
Tree vigorous, upright-spreading, tall, open-topped, hardy; trunk stocky, shaggy,
and rough; branches thick, dull brownish-red, thickly coated with gray scarf-skin, sprinkled
with numerous small, raised lenticels; branchlets slender, willowy, long, with long inter-
nodes, dull reddish-brown, with gray scarf-skin, heavily pubescent, with small, conspicuous,
raised lenticels. Leaf-buds small, short, flattened, pointed, free. Leaves 4 in. long, 24
in. wide, thick, stiff; apex taper-pointed; margin sharply and coarsely serrate; teeth
tipped with small, reddish-brown glands; petiole 12 in. long, slender, pubescent, tinged
red. Flower-buds small, short, conical, plump, free, arranged singly on long spurs; flowers
open late, with a rather unpleasant odor, showy, 17°s in. across, white, in dense clusters,
13 buds in a cluster; pedicels 13°; in. long, slender, pubescent, pale green; calyx-tube
pale green mingled with white pubescence, dark greenish-yellow within, campanulate,
thickly pubescent; calyx-lobes greenish within and with white pubescence, short, narrow,
acuminate, tipped with very small, sharp, reddish-brown glands, heavily pubescent within
and without, reflexed; petals separated at the base but with meeting cheeks, round-oval,
entire, with short, narrow claws, white at the base; anthers deep pinkish-red; filaments
short, shorter than the petals; styles 2 to 3; pistils glabrous, usually as long as the stamens;
stigma very small. Fruit russet, heavily dotted, the size of a small grape; calyx deciduous;
pears hanging until the following spring.
The above description was made from a plant grown from seed obtained
from the Arnold Arboretum in 1900, that institution having obtained the
species from the mountains near Peking in 1882. This pear has been
collected by various explorers in the regions about Peking, especially to
the north and east, and is not uncommon in these parts of China. The
small pears are without value for food, but the trees are promising stocks.
While Reimer reports the species as susceptible to fire-blight in Oregon,
it has not proved particularly so on the grounds of this Station nor else-
where in the East. The seedlings are also free from leaf-blight. The
young plants grow vigorously from seed or cuttings; are capable of being
budded throughout a long season; they make a good union with other pears
in China according to Reimer; and the variety is so common in China
that there is little difficulty in getting seed true to name. The tree isa
handsome ornamental.
1. P. calleryana Decaisne Jard. Fruit. 1:8. 1872.
Rehder! says of this species, ‘‘ Pyrus calleryana is a widely distributed
species and seems not uncommon on mountains at an altitude of from 1000
to 1500 m. It is easily recognizable by its comparatively small crenate
leaves, like the inflorescence glabrous or nearly glabrous, and by its small
flowers with two, rarely three styles. When unfolding most specimens
show a loose and thin tomentum on the under side of the leaves which
usually soon disappears, but in No. 1662 from Kuling even the fully grown
leaves are loosely rusty tomentose on the midrib beneath. In No. 415a
the leaves are longer, generally ovate-oblong, the pedicels very long and
slender, about 3 to 4 cm. long and the sepals are mostly long-acuminate.
The fruit of No. 556a is rather large, about I to 1.4 cm. in diameter,
but a fruit examined proved to be two-celled.”
This species is reported from various places in China with western
Hupeh as the chief habitat. Reimer,? of Oregon, reports this as a most
promising stock for the common pear, and Galloway,’ of the United States
Department of Agriculture, says that ‘‘ Of all the pears tested and studied
this remarkable species holds out the greatest promise as a stock.” In
America it stands the cold as far north as the Arnold Arboretum, near
Boston, and endures summer heat as far south as Brooksville, Florida.
The plant is reported as vigorous under nearly all conditions. Galloway
reports that it can be budded from July 1 to September 1 at Washington.
All kinds of pears take well upon it; the seeds,are easily obtained, easily
grown, and run remarkably uniform.
1. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sci. 50:228. 1915.
2. P. sinensis Hemsley Jour. Linn. Soc. 23:257. 1887, in part. Not Poiret nor Lindley.
3. Schneider Ii. Handb. Laubholzk. 1:663. 1906. fig. 364 c-d.
4. PP. simonii Hort. Not Carriére.
Rehder, who established this species, says of it: ‘‘ This species seems
to be most closely related to P. ussuriensis Maximowicz which differs
chiefly in the broader orbicular-ovate or ovate leaves, in the lighter colored
branches, and in the short-stalked subglobose fruit with the persistent
sepals spreading. The shape of the fruit of P. ovoidea is very unusual
1Rehder, Alfred Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sct. §0:237. 1915.
* Reimer, F.C. Bull. Com. Hort. Calif. 5:167-172. 1916.
3Galloway, B. T. Jour. Her. 11:32. 1920.
and quite distinct from any pear I know; the fruit is exactly ovate, broad
and rounded at the base and tapering from the middle toward the truncate
apex, as figured by Schneider (fig. 364 d). This may, however, not be a
specific character and the shape of the fruit may vary in other specimens
referable to this species. The Chinese material which I have seen and
which might belong here is very meagre. The Fokien specimen is in
young fruit which suggests a more pyriform shape, though tapering
toward the apex and showing the same kind of persistent calyx; the serra-
tion of the leaves is more minute and more accumbent. The Yunnan
specimen is in flower and differs somewhat in the more copious tomentum
of the leaves and of the inflorescence and in the shorter, nearly entire calyx-
“It is not known when and whence this species was introduced.
Possibly it was sent in the early sixties from northern China by G. E.
Simon, or by A. David a little later from the same region or from Mongolia
to the Museum in Paris and was afterwards distributed by Decaisne.”’
This species is of importance to pear-growers as a stock. Discussing
it as a stock, Reimer’ says: ‘‘ This species ranks second only to Pyrus
ussuriensis in blight resistance. During 1915 we were unable to get the
disease to develop more than four inches even in vigorous growing shoots
of this species. During the very favorable season of 1916 vigorous shoots
would blight down as much as fifteen inches. As soon as it reached the
hard wood of the previous season it would stop. All the inoculations into
one and two-year-old trunks have failed to develop the disease.
“The trees are vigorous growers, and produce medium sized fruit,
which is egg-shaped, and has a persistent calyx. This species is a native
of northern China, and was formerly known as Pyrus simonit.”
1. Cat. No. 680. 1828,
Reimer,'! now a leading authority on blight-resistant stocks, writes
of P. variolosa: ‘“ This species is one of the most promising types in our
collection. The tree is a beautiful, vigorous, upright grower. It makes
a good union with cultivated varieties, and should prove valuable as a
stock for top-working.
“This species, while not immune to blight, is very resistant. During
the summer of 1915 a large number of innoculations were made into the
tips of young branches, and these usually would blight back for a distance
of three to five inches. During 1916, a very favorable season for pear
1Reimer, F. C. Reprint from 1916 annual report of Pacific Coast Association of Nurserymen,
7. 1916.
blight, the disease would extend down young branches as much as from
twelve to eighteen inches, and in one case as much as two feet. Seventy-
seven inoculations were made into the trunks of two-year-old trees. All
but seven of them failed to develop the disease. In the successful infec-
tions, only small superficial cankers were produced. In these cankers
a new cambium would readily form, and the entire wound would heal over
perfectly in a short time.
“The origin of this species, or type, is still a matter of dispute. It
has been confused with Pyrus pashia of northern India, from which species
it is very distinct. Pyrus variolosa produces medium sized, pear-shaped
fruits, which have a persistent calyx. It is possible that this is not a dis-
tinct species, but a hybrid. If this should prove to be the case, it probably
will not come true to type from seeds. This matter will be determined
by a study of the seedlings of this type. If this does not come true to type
from seeds, the seedlings may be of little value for root stocks. If this
should prove to be the case, it will, nevertheless, be of value as a stock for
top-working, when propagated by budding or grafting on some other root
The common pear or some of its hybrids with the oriental pear is
grown for a home supply of fruit, if not for the markets, in every part of
North America where hardy fruits thrive except in the extreme north and
south. But commercial pear-growing on this continent is confined to a
few regions, and in these is profitable only in carefully selected situations.
Perhaps the culture of no other fruit, not even of the tender peach nor of
the capricious grape, is more definitely determined by environment than is
that of the pear. A study of the regions in America in which pears are
successfully grown for the markets furnishes clews to the proper culture of
this fruit in New York, and shows with what regions this State must com-
pete in growing pears for the markets. The location of the pear regions
in America is readily determined by figures showing the number of trees
and their yield in the various fruit regions of the country.
Six states produced over 65 per cent of the pears grown in the United
States in 1919. The census of 1920 shows that in the preceding year
the total crop of the country was 14,211,346 bushels, of which California
produced 3,952,923 bushels; New York, 1,830,237 bushels; Washington,
1,728,759 bushels; Oregon, 761,063 bushels; Texas, 637,400 bushels; and
Missouri, 430,828 bushels. Trees in all other states yielded 4,870,136
bushels. There were according to this census 14,646,995 bearing trees
and 6,051,845 not of bearing age. The yield of fruit was 60 per cent
greater than in 1909; the number of bearing trees 3 per cent less;
and the number of non-bearing trees 28 per cent less. Compared
with other tree-fruits, according to this census, the pear occupies fourth
place in value of product, the apple, peach (including the nectarine), and
plum (including the prune), in order named, outranking the pear. Prob-
ably the orange, grape, and strawberry yield greater value to the country
than the pear, although the acreage of each of these three fruits is smaller.
Commercial production cannot be segregated from the total, but without
question the increase in plantings is due to commercial activities; for the
development of the canning industry, refrigerator service, and better
transportation have greatly stimulated trade in this fruit.
In the states in which pear-growing is a commercial industry, commercial
orchards are confined to localities in which climate, soil, and transporta-
tion combine to favor the pear. In New York, for example, pears are
grown for market on a large scale in only ten of the sixty-one counties.
These, with the number of trees in each, according to the last census are
as follows: Niagara, 620,743; Monroe, 384,374; Orleans, 377,371; Columbia,
308,298; Wayne, 305,239; Ulster, 304,158; Greene, 208,885; Oswego, 154,576;
Ontario, 121,934; Orange, 96,456.
Over 77 per cent of all the pear-trees in the State are in these coun-
ties, and 79 per cent of the pears grown in the State are produced in
these ten counties. The production of pears in New York for the eleven-
year period from 1909 to 1919, inclusive, show the increase and fluctuation
in the production of pears in the State for this period. The figures for
1909 and 1919 are from the thirteenth and fourteenth census reports,
while those of the intervening years are estimates from the Bureau of
Crop Estimates of the United States Department of Agriculture. The
yields run in bushels for the eleven years as follows: 1,343,000, 1,530,000,
1,886,000, 1,128,000, 2,016,000, 1,298,000, 1,375,000, 1,675,000, 1,708,000,
1,352,000, and 1,830,237.
Bartlett and Kieffer are conspicuous leaders among varieties in number
of trees and in production for the whole country. In the great commercial
pear-growing regions of New York and California, Bartlett is the favorite
variety, but Kieffer is grown largely also, especially for canners. In the
South and in the Mississippi Valley, Kieffer is the leading variety because
it is relatively resistant to blight and withstands extremes in climate better
than other varieties. For many years after its introduction about 1870,
Kieffer was over-praised by both fruit-growers and nurserymen. Fruit-
growers liked it because of its resistance to blight and great productiveness,
and nurserymen preferred it to other sorts because it is the easiest of all
varieties to grow in the nursery. It is, however, so universally condemned
for its tasteless fruits that it is losing its popularity, and is not now as
largely planted in competition with Bartlett as it once was. Seckel, Clapp
Favorite, Winter Nelis, Beurré d’Anjou, Beurré Bosc, Howell, Sheldon,
Beurré Clairgeau, and Garber for the South, are the standard varieties
following Bartlett and Kieffer in popularity.
Bartlett is far in the lead of commercial varieties in New York. At
present, Kieffer probably holds second place in this State, but its popularity is
fast waning and Seckel is nearly as commonly planted, if, indeed, it does not
now surpass Kieffer in number of trees. Clapp Favorite, Beurré d’ Anjou,
Beurré Bosc, Beurré Clairgeau, Duchesse d’ Angouléme, Howell, Lawrence,
Sheldon, Vermont Beauty, and Winter Nelis are all planted more or less
in commercial orchards, and are the favorites for home use. All of these
varieties are susceptible to blight, are a little too tender to cold, and have
other faults of tree and fruit, so that pear-growers in New York anxiously
look forward to better varieties. It is hardly too much to say that pear-
growing can never become a great industry in New York until better varieties
take the place of the unreliable sorts that must be planted now.
To some extent, man-governed agencies determine where pears may
be grown profitably if the planter is growing for the markets. Pears do
not keep long and are easily bruised, and transportation must not take
too great toll; therefore, handling facilities must be suitable, markets must
not be distant, and transportation must be cheap and efficient. But in
the culture of this fruit, natural agencies outrank those depending on man,
two of which determine very largely where pears are to be grown
commercially in both the country and the state. These two, climate and
soil, have been mentioned before, but must now be discussed somewhat in
The ideal climate for a cultivated plant is one in which the plant
thrives as an escape from cultivation wholly independent of care
from man. The apple, cherry, plum, and peach are often found wild in
one or another part of America, but the pear almost never. The pear
does not naturally become inured to the American climate, and in the
orchard is not well acclimated even in the varieties which have originated
in the country. In particular, as a young tree and until well advanced
toward maturity, the pear shows the bad effects of maladjustment to
climate, but as an old tree it seems to be far less susceptible to the
extremes of climate to which fruit trees are subjected in most parts of
America. Both of the two chief constituents of climate, temperature and
rainfall, are determinants of regions and sites in pear-growing.
Extremes in temperature, more particularly of cold, are the only
phases of temperature that pear-growers need consider in New York.
The pear is not nearly as hardy as the apple, and Bartlett, the foremost
variety in the State, is almost as tender to cold as the peach. The limits
of commercial pear-culture are set in this State by the winter climate.
The pear cannot be grown profitably where the temperature often falls
below —15° F., for while winter-killing of the wood does not always occur’
at this temperature it sometimes does, and even occasional injury to the
tree is almost fatal to the profitable growing of fruit. Fruit-buds of the
pear are a little more tender to cold than the wood, and a season’s crop is
often ruined when the temperature drops to —10° F. Pears in the nursery
are more tender to cold than trees in the orchard, and unless the wood is
thoroughly mature or protected by a heavy covering of snow, nursery
stock is likely to be injured by any temperature below zero. The injury
of nursery stock is manifested in the well-known “ black heart ’’ of young
‘pear-trees subjected to severe cold.
Happily, there is some flexibility in the constitutions of varieties of
pears, as with all fruits, and a degree of cold that will kill a variety under
one set of conditions may not under another. While, therefore, it is not
safe for commercial fruit-growers to gamble with the weather, those who
grow pears for their own use may do so with the expectation of losing
trees or crop now and then but of having them in most seasons. A little
can be done to prevent winter injury by carefully selecting sites protected
from prevailing winter winds, and by planting on warm soils on which
the wood matures more thoroughly than on cold soils. Careful cultural
methods, especially the use of cover-crops, may be helpful. Not much can
be done in the way of coddling pear-trees from cold. They cannot be laid
down as is sometimes done with peach-trees, nor can they be grown low
enough, even as dwarfs, to count on much protection from deep snow.
Happily, also, there are varieties of pears endowed with constitutions
fitted for very different climates. Varieties of pears from central and
northern Russia show remarkable capacity in resisting cold, heat, dryness,
strong winds, and other peculiarities of the climate of the Great Plains,
and some of them can be grown in the coldest agricultural regions of New
York. A few hybrids, as Kieffer, Le Conte, Garber, Douglas, and others
of their kind can be grown in the Gulf States where the common pear
cannot withstand the hot summers. Cincinis, Le Conte, and Garber thrive
as far south as central Florida and southern Texas. There is considerable
variation in the hardiness of the common pear. Tyson, Flemish Beauty,
and Beurré Superfin are much hardier than Bartlett, Seckel, or Clapp
Favorite, and may be chosen to extend the culture of this fruit to any
part of New York in which the Baldwin apple can be grown. It is most
surprising to find occasionally these hardiest of the common pears growing
in some of the coldest parts of the State, usually as demonstrations not
only of superior inherent hardiness but also of hardiness orought about
by conditions which enable the trees to enter the winter with unimpaired
The pear is seldom injured by heat in the summers of New York.
Occasionally fruit and foliage suffer from long-continued heat in the dry
weather of a hot summer. More often the trunks of pear-trees are injured
by a blazing sun in late winter or early spring, especially when the sun’s
rays are reflected by ice or snow and strike the tree intensified. Indeed,
sunscald so produced is one of the common troubles of the pear in New
York. With the pear, as with all other fruits, there is asum total of heat
units above a certain temperature, put by most experimenters at about
43° F., the awakening point of growth, necessary to carry the crop from
blossoms to proper maturity. Of the number of units necessary to mature
a crop little is known. Many varieties do not ripen in New York in a
cold season, but come to perfect maturity in warm seasons. A study of
phenology would throw much light on the failure of pears to ripen properly.
The average date at which the last killing frost occurs in the spring
helps to determine the limits in latitude and altitude at which the pear can
be grown in New York. The pear blossoms early, and while both in bud
and blossom the reproductive organs seem able to stand more cold than
those of the peach and sweet cherry, yet even in the most favored regions
for growing this fruit in New York a crop is occasionally lost from killing
frosts, and there are few years in which frost does not take toll in some
part of the State. Damage from frost must be expected when the
commonly recognized precautions in selecting frost-resistant sites are not
recognized. Little or nothing can be done in New York to prevent injury
from frost once trees have been set. Windbreaks, whitewashing, smudging,
and orchard-heaters are all failures in frost-fighting in this State.
The pear-grower should know how the blooming time of the varieties
of pears he plants agrees in time with spring frosts. To do this he must
have weather data and must know the approximate date of blooming of
varieties. He ought also to be able to synchronize three of these phases
of climate — spring frosts, fall frosts, and the length of the summer —
with the ripening dates of varieties. Data as to the average dates of
spring and fall frosts can be obtained from the nearest local weather bureau.
The accompanying table gives the blooming and ripening dates of pears
grown at the New York Agricultural Experiment Station. Blooming
_and ripening dates vary in different parts of the State, and to make use
of the data from this Station the grower must compare the latitude, altitude,
and local environment of his orchard with those of the Station.
the Station is as follows:
Data for
Blooming season
Ripening season
Ansault oiecsceente cd pee eoae
Beurré d’Anjou................
Beurré d’Arenberg.............
Beurré Bosc.............00005
Beurré Clairgeau..............
Beurré Diel...................
Beurré Hardy.................
Beurré de Jonghe..............
Beurré Superfin...............
Bihorel song cos dgerwtay arn ee et
Dana Hovey..............0005
Dearborn..........00cs cence ee
Doyenné d’Alengon............
Doyenné Boussock.............
Doyenné du Comice...........
Duchesse d’Angouléme.........
Duchesse d’Orléans............
Early Harvest............0.0..
Easter Beurré.................
Eastern Belle.................
Elizabethiss..sieseu sa sas teed
Pitz waterbea.s aoyuciivesene posniess
es ee
et © £ €
Blooming season
Ripening season
Very Early Mid- | rate | Very Very Early Mid- | Tate Very
early season late | early season| late
Flemish Beauty..............- 5 €
Fontenay............ cece ee aes * *
OR ote bac anlecanece tose arneyenninesns ss :
Frederick Clapp.........--.--- = "
Prénch:..scsav senate woke * m
Gansel-Seckel...............55 * :
Gar bernc sss scccdace< suede a sar seeace *
Glou Morceau..........0000005 e *
Golden Russet...........----- * “
Grand Isle...............00055 * -
GuiyOtew ccna ehkcsewnecade i"
Hemminway...........e00ee0s * *
Howell neisce gees senate ee = -
Japative. secs cone eis ee lee * =
Jargonelle..............00.00. ¥
JONES seh iendeeesevaeeneses & * =
Joséphine de Malines.......... _ ‘
RG OPER assis sda iusectinawugia panini rete - ‘
KOOneé...:cc ce actaisaaugleaces = ‘
KGAA 4 sateen 2: ayvien ian aeaticnteem * -
Lady Clapp..............-..-. y *
Damartines..0cases cae cguanre ae : *
aM yes ncast ios Airaeanaed sitodeetertates * .
Lawrence...... ee cece eee eee = *
Ta WSO: SG ccavaiiissis aeceenintn deel % =
Whe Conte uniawava canta sea nten * .
Léon Leclerc (Van Mons)...... *
LeeMOm ee screrans eerrenee a aces * =
THOSE cers deinteictowistsyeeroseas * *
Mincolnvsnasescnas saad ie aise = >
Lincoln Coreless.............5- * *
Long worthecs 2a sesaesases ene * *
Louise Bonne de Jersey........ = *
Lottvenjaly cccs0\5 se awsinrkwne? * *
Licey Dukes; sco ss asian vec - *
Madeline.................000- . =
Magnate. ...........00 cece eee _ *
Margaret.........000ceeeeeeee > *
Marie Louise.................. s =
Mongolian............00.0e ee = m
Mount Vernon.............66- = =
Nickerson. ...........20000005 * ;
Ogerea te gcc seek ces aivesaredens s *
Olivier de Serres............... * .
Onondaga. .esscicseneeieaeses . *
Osband 3 is.-ce0s ¢5acceckasd eas *
Pi Barry
* ee H %
Souvenir de Congrés........... - *
Souvenir d’Espéren............ * *
Sid th ys wtigis cre erate eeiive Movin ™ *
ec eR
Vermont Beauty.............. *
White Doyenné............... * *
Wilder Early................5. * *
Winter Bartlett............-.. +! *
Winter Nelis.................. * *
Worden Seckel.............--. * *
The latitude of the Smith Astronomical Observatory, a quarter of a
mile from the Station orchards, is 42° 52’ 46.2”; the altitude of the orchards
is from five hundred to five hundred and twenty-five feet above the sea
level. The soil is a loamy but rather cold clay; the orchards lie about a
mile west of Seneca Lake, a body of water forty miles in length and from
one to three and one-half miles in width and more than six hundred feet
deep. The lake has frozen over but a few times since the region was
settled, over a hundred years ago, and has a very beneficial influence on
the adjacent country in lessening the cold of winter and the heat of summer
and in preventing early blooming.
The blooming period is that of full bloom. The data were taken from
trees grown under normal conditions as to pruning, distance apart, and as
to all other factors which might influence the blooming period. There is
a variation of several days between the time of full bloom of the different
varieties of pears. These differences can be utilized in selecting sorts to
avoid injury from frost. In using blooming-time data it must be kept
constantly in mind that varieties of fruits may not bloom in the same
relative time. In very warm or very cold springs the usual relations of
blooming-time may be upset.
Rainfall, moisture, and cloudiness are most important in growing pears.
England, Belgium, and northern France, regions where the pear finds the
climate most congenial, have much cool, moist, cloudy weather with much
less variation in temperature than is the case in the United States. The
climate of New York and the states bordered by the Great Lakes where
most of the pears of eastern America are grown, is cooler, moister, and
cloudiness is more prevalent than in other eastern states. The summer
climate of the Pacific slope is not moist but is equable and, in the best
pear orchards, moisture is supplied abundantly by irrigation. From these
considerations we may assume that the pear requires more moisture than
most other fruits. The pear in New York more often suffers from too little
than from too much rain. The exception is when pears are in bloom, at
which time the crop is sometimes lost or badly injured by cold, wet
weather. Warm, moist weather is favorable to both fire-blight and the
scab fungus, the two most dreaded diseases of the pear.
Several other weather problems should be studied before selecting a
region as a site for a pear-orchard. The direction, force, and frequency
of prevailing winds both in winter and summer are important considerations.
Unfavorable winds in winter favor winter-killing; in blooming time prevent
the proper setting of fruit; and at ripening time make many windfalls.
Hail storms are more frequent in some parts of New York than in others
and may be a deterrent in selecting a site. Lastly, drouths, so fatal to
the pear, are more common in some parts of the State than in others.
Pears thrive in a great diversity of soils, provided, almost always, that
there is depth for proper root-run. A few varieties may be grown in
comparatively shallow soils, but most pears are deep-rooted. The common
pear is rather averse to sand, gravels, and light soils in general, and does
best in rather heavy loams, clays, and even in silts. Many varieties show
preferences for the several types of loam and clay, and the commercial
grower must see to it that the varieties he plants are suited in their particu-
lar soil preference. Hybrids between the common pear and the oriental
pear — the Kieffer and its kin — grow well in much lighter soils than
pure-bred sorts of the common pear, and, as a rule, find sands and gravels
more to their liking than clays and heavy loams. Pears will stand rather
more water in the soil than any other of their orchard associates, but a
soil water-soaked for any great length of time in the growing season is a
poor medium in which to grow pears. If, therefore, a soil is not sufficiently
dry naturally it must be tile-drained.
Pear soils must be fertile. All varieties of this fruit refuse to produce
good crops in soils lacking an abundance of the several chemical elements
of plant nutrition. Even the light soils on which Kieffer, Garber, and
Le Conte seem to do best must be well stored with plant-food. This means
that good pear land is costly. Soils that grow good pears usually grow
good farm crops. Pears planted in a poor soil do not live but linger. Who
has not seen short-wooded, rough, malformed, dwarfed, starved trees which
have come to their wretched condition because planted on land not fertile
enough for this fruit? The land-skinner who grows grass in his orchard
usually comes to grief quickly. Pears start best in a virgin soil from which
the forest has not been long removed; on the other hand, they are often
hard to start on senile soils even though they have been heavily fertilized.
Plenty of humus seems to stimulate pears. There is a prejudice against
soils too rich, some holding that on overly rich land the growth is soft and
sappy and therefore a good medium for the multiplication of the blight
bacteria. This is mostly prejudice, but certain it if that culture and
fertility should not be so managed that the growth continues late, and the
trees go into the winter soft and tender to cold.
Soils seem to have a profound influence on the flavor and texture of
pears. In uncongenial soils the fruits are often so sour or astringent, dry
or gritty, that the product is poor in quality; whereas the pears of the same
variety in a soil to which it is suited are choicely good. A few varieties,
as Bartlett, Clapp Favorite, and Seckel, grow well and produce fine fruit
in a great diversity of soils, but most sorts do so much better in one
soil than in another that it becomes a matter of prime importance in
pear-growing to discover the particular adaptations of the varieties to be
planted. To discover an ideal soil for a variety is about the highest
desideratum in pear-growing.
Some varieties are made to grow in uncongenial soils by grafting
them on stocks better adapted to the soil. Thus, on certain soils some
pears grafted on quince stocks do better than on pear roots. This is a great
field of future discovery and one in which discoveries are being made as
experimenters try new stocks to secure greater resistance to blight. In
all of this work, pear-growers must know not only how well the stock
resists blight, but also how well the cion takes to the stock and the stock
thrives on various soils.
The pear is easy to suit in matter of site for the orchard so far as lay
of land is concerned. Altitude, exposure, slope; and local climate, all so
important in choosing sites for the more tender peach, plum, and sweet
cherry, need receive little consideration in planting the pear. A site
somewhat higher than the surrounding country gives the two great advan-
tages of soil drainage and air drainage. Good air drainage is a prime
requisite with pears, as it helps to reduce the danger from frost, and neither
pear-scab nor fire-blight are as virulent as on trees planted on sites where
there is little movement of air. Rolling land, so often recommended for
all fruits, seems not to be essential for pears, as many splendid orchards
of this fruit are on flat lands, which, however, usually have an elevation
above the surrounding country on one or more boundaries. The influence
of large bodies of water, so favorable to the peach, is not as necessary
with the pear, although the best pear regions in the State are near the
Great Lakes, the Finger Lakes, or along the Hudson. There are no
successful pear-orchards in the State surrounded by higher land. Frosts,
freezes, pear-blight, and fungi would soon play havoc with pear-trees in
such a situation.
The shelter of hills, forests, or of apple-orchards, provided they do
not shade the pear-orchard too much, may be a valuable adjunct to a site.
Such shelter, however, is desirable only when so situated as to protect
against unseasonable winds and storms. ‘Tree and fruit suffer greatly when
loaded branches are whipped about by strong winds. The advantages
of artificial windbreaks, whether of evergreen or deciduous trees, are usually
more than offset by disadvantages. The direction in which land slopes is
greatly over-emphasized by horticultural writers if orchards in New York
are considered. The only important aspect of exposure for pears in this
State is that the land slope toward the water when near a large body of
water that the orchard may secure in full the effects that come from planting
trees near the water.
Economic considerations are becoming more and more important in
choosing sites for all fruits in New York. Transportation facilities,
including good roads, markets, labor, and packing and selling organizations
are now more important in the pear regions of the State than the natural
determinants of soil and climate, since these are so favorable in any of the
fruit regions in which pears are largely grown. Natural advantages are
more common than man-made ones, and the pear may be grown on vast
areas of New York lands so far as climate and soil are concerned, but which
are wholly unsuited because the economic factors are unfavorable. Sites
for pear-orchards should be sought for in localities where there are pears
enough grown for a central packing association; near a shipping center
where the haul is short and over good roads; the freight service should be
prompt, regular, and efficient, with low freight and good refrigerator service;
labor should be abundant and not too expensive; and the markets should
be several and so located that they are not controlled by growers in regions
more advantageously situated.
The pear-grower is becoming more and more concerned with the kind
of stock upon which his trees are grafted. One or more of several objects
is sought in working a pear on roots other than its own. The stock may
be chosen, and most often is, with the single purpose in view of perpetuating
a variety; it may be selected to dwarf or magnify the size of the cion;
very often the stock is better adapted to the soil than the cion would be
on its own roots; the quality of the fruit is sometimes improved by the
stock; lastly, some stocks are much more resistant to fire-blight than others.
‘It is this last character of the stock that is now receiving most attention.
Stock and cion are united either by budding or grafting, with budding
coming more and more in use. More than with any other fruit, double-
working is used in propagating pears. For example, the quince stock is
often preferred to a pear stock. But some varieties of pears do not unite
well with the quince, in which case a sort which makes a good union with
the quince is first budded or grafted on the stock, and when this cion has
grown to sufficient size, it is top-worked to the desired variety. According
to the size of the mature plant, pear-trees are designated as dwarfs and
standards, the difference in size being brought about by the stock. Dwarf
trees are usually grown on quince stocks; standards, on pear stocks.
Dwarfing pear-trees is an old practice, having been in use in Europe
at least 300 years. During this time the use of quince stocks to dwarf
the pear has been a common practice in France and England. For a
century, iJwarfing the pear by growing it on the quince has been common
in America. Dwarfing is recommended to secure several effects. Dwarf
trees are more manageable than standard trees when the orchard area is
small; dwarfing stocks are shallow rooted, and dwarfs, as a rule, do not
need a soil so deep as do standard trees; pears grown on quince stocks are
often larger, handsomer, and better in flavor and texture than those grown
as standards; the trees come in bearing earlier. Dwarf pears, never very
common on this continent, are not planted as much now as they were
some years ago. At one time, orchards of these dwarfs were a familiar
sight in New York. A dwarf orchard and even a dwarf tree is now seldom
seen. The faults that have driven them out of New York are: The stocks
used in dwarfing are not uniform, consequently the trees vary in vigor,
health, habit of growth, and in time of maturity; nurserymen find that
the stocks vary greatly in ease of propagation either from cuttings or layers;
the quince stocks are of several varieties, difficult and expensive to obtain
and, therefore, the orchard trees are expensive; dwarf trees require much
more care in pruning, training, and cultivation than do standard trees;
the cost of producing pears in a dwarf orchard is greater than in a plantation
of standard trees, and the fruit does not command a much higher price;
dwarf trees are commonly rated as less hardy than standard trees and are
much shorter-lived; left to themselves, or if planted too deep, the cions
take root and the trees are but half dwarf. Some of the objections to
dwarf trees could be done away with by obtaining a variety of the quince
which would dwarf the pear satisfactorily, which could be grown easily
from cuttings or layers, and upon which most pears could be easily worked.
A quince of this description is not in sight.
There is great difference of opinion among growers as to what varieties
may be successfully grown on quince stocks. Probably all will agree that
the following, few indeed, are the best dwarfs in America: Beurré d’Anjou,
Duchesse d’ Angouléme, Howell, Lawrence, Louise Bonne de Jersey, Eliza-
beth, and White Doyenné. All other sorts, if to be grown on dwarfs, grow
better when double worked. .
Almost all of the pears grown in America, as has been said, are standard
trees. The stocks for these standard pears are nearly all imported from
Europe under the name French stocks, although on the Pacific slope seedlings
of oriental species are being used more and more. The French stocks are
seedlings of vigorous forms of the common pear, P. communis. Efforts
to grow stocks of this species in America usually fail because leaf-blight is
so destructive as to make their culture unprofitable. Leaf-blight can be
controlled by spraying, but other deterrents, as high price of labor and
losses from dry summers, added to the cost of spraying, make American-
grown stocks expensive. Stocks raised in this country are usually seedlings
from imported seed. Seedlings of the Sand pear, P. serotina, and its hybrids
have been tried extensively in the South and West to obtain cheap stocks
more resistant to pear-blight than the French stock, but they do not seem
to be much more resistant to blight, and many of the best varieties do
not take on these stocks, so that they are generally considered a failure.
New types of stocks are needed badly. The ideal stock must be
vigorous and hardy; fairly immune to leaf-blight and fire-blight; it must
come from a species which seeds freely, and the seedlings from which are
uniform; this ideal stock must be adapted to all pear-growing regions in
the country; a large percentage of the seedlings must make first-class
stocks; the budding season must be long; congeniality with all cultivated
varieties must be great or very nearly perfect; the consort of stock and
cion must make a long-lived tree.
Quince stocks are obtained from cuttings or mound-layers. Layering
is considered the better method of the two. Stocks from the oriental
hybrids, of the Kieffer and Le Conte type, are often grown from cuttings:
in the South. These are made in the spring from mature wood of the
preceding year’s growth, and are treated much as are grape and currant
cuttings. Long cuttings, a foot in length if possible, should be used.
These stocks are of little value for varieties of the common pear, but are
better than French stocks for the oriental hybrids, since these, in the South
at least, usually over-grow French stocks. Own-rooted trees of these
oriental hybrids are often grown from cuttings.
While of doubtful utility, stocks from other genera may be used for
the pear. Some of the thorns are occasionally used as dwarfing stocks.
The mountain ash is sometimes used to adapt pears to light sandy soils.
Occasionally one hears of pears grafted on sorbus. The pear on the apple
is short-lived, but old apple-trees top-worked to pears sometimes give
abundant crops for a few years. Apple roots may be used as a nurse for
pear cions. To be successful, the pear cion should be long, when, if grafted
on short apple-roots and set deeply, the pear sends out roots and eventually
becomes own-rooted.
Perhaps no tree-fruit is more exacting in care than the pear. Young
trees, in particular, must be well cared for and more or less coddled if any
factor in environment is adverse. Almost any young orchard of this fruit
becomes moribund if the owner settles down to self-satisfied complacency.
As the trees come into full bearing, the several items of culture need not
be so intensive.
color on the sunny side. The flesh, while gritty near the core, is tender,
juicy, buttery, very rich, sweet, and aromatic. It is just the pear for those
who prefer sweetness to vinousness or piquancy, and who object to even a
trace of astringency. The trees, while only medium in size, are vigorous,
hardy, healthy, and productive. If the variety grows elsewhere as well as
it does on the grounds of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station it
is too good to be lost. The fruits are in season and at their best for
This pear was raised from seed by Major Espéren, Mechlin, Belgium.
The tree fruited first in 1842 and was given the name Fondante de Noél to
indicate the day on which it was tasted for the first time. In 1862 a pear
called Souvenir d’ Espéren, attributed to seed grown by Berckmans, a noted
Belgian horticulturist living in the United States, was put forth, but after
examination there did not appear to be any difference in either the fruit
or the wood of this tree from that of the variety grown by Major Espéren.
Because the name Souvenir d’ Espéren appears in connection with Fondante
de Noél, the variety has been confused with another pear which was raised
by Major Espéren and named Souvenir d’Espéren. The two, however,
are entirely distinct and the last-named sort has long been known and is
still found growing in certain pear orchards of the eastern United States.
Tree medium in size and vigor, upright, hardy, productive; trunk thick, smooth;
branches brownish-green, nearly covered with gray scarf-skin; branchlets slender, with
long internodes, smooth, glabrous, marked with conspicuous, raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds large, long, conical, plump, free. Leaves 33 in. long, 1} in. wide; apex
taper-pointed; margin glandless, finely serrate; petiole 2§ in. long. Flower-buds large,
long, plump, free, singly on short spurs; flowers showy, 13 in. across, white often tinged
pink on the edges of the petals, average 9 buds in a cluster; pedicels 3 in. long.
Fruit matures December to January; large, 2} in. long, 2? in. wide, roundish-turbinate,
irregular; stem ? in. long, thick, woody, obliquely set; cavity obtuse, shallow, narrow,
furrowed, often lipped; calyx small, nearly closed; basin narrow, obtuse, furrowed; skin
roughened by russet dots and patches; color dull greenish-yellow, with many dots, flecks
and patches of russet, often with a faint trace of brownish-red on the sunny side; dots
numerous, small, russet, rather conspicuous; flesh white, gritty only near the core, tender,
buttery, juicy, sweet, highly aromatic; quality good to very good; core large, with meeting
core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide; seeds large, long, plump, acute.
xr. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 38. 1883.
Jalousie de Fontenay Vendée. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 396, fig. 173. 1845. 3. Am. Pom. Soc.
Rpt. 68. 1862.
Belle de Esquermes. 4. Mag. Hort. 20:135. 1854.
Jalousie de Fontenay. §. Pom. France 1: No. 44, Pl. 44. 1863. 6. Hogg Fruit Man. 303. 1866.
7. Mas Le Verger 3: Pt. 2, 157, fig.175. 1866-73. 8. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:295, fig. 1869. 9. Guide Prat.
64, 281. 1876.
Birn von Fontenay. 10. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 215. 1889. 11. Lucas Tafelbirnen 87, fig. 1894.
The reader will discover no noteworthy characters in the description
of this pear; nor does the accompanying illustration make the variety
particularly alluring, although the color-plate scarcely does the fruits
justice in either size or color. The variety is to be found in many old
orchards in eastern America, but was long since relegated by pear-growers
to the limbo of nurserymen’s catalogs. The only reason for giving it a
place in The Pears of New York is that the variety was once prominent,
and references to it and comparisons with it are so common in horticultural
literature that pear-growers are certain to want to know something about
it. As the following description shows, the variety is but mediocre in tree
and fruit.
Early in the eighteenth century M. Lévéque, an architect, acquired
possession of an estate near Fontenay, France. A number of pear seedlings
were growing upon this property, one of which was so good as to attract
M. Lévéque’s attention and he began propagating it in 1828. Later he
distributed cions of the variety to his friends under the name Poire de Fon-
tenay. Soon afterward the name was changed to Jalousie de Fontenay.
Leroy took the variety to the garden of the Horticultural Society of Angers
about 1835, from which place it was still more widely disseminated. It
soon found its way to America where it gained early popularity. In 1862
the American Pomological Society listed this variety in its fruit-catalog
under the name Jalousie de Fontenay, but shortened the name, in 1883,
to Fontenay. In 1899, however, the name disappeared from this catalog
and has never been replaced.
Tree medium in size, vigorous, upright, dense-topped, hardy; trunk slender, smooth;
branches slender, brown mingled with green, partly covered with thin, gray scarf-skin;
branchlets thick, long, with short internodes, light brownish-green, faintly tinged with red,
dull, the new growth pubescent near the ends, smooth, with numerous, conspicuous, small,
raised lenticels.
"Leaf-buds very small, short, sharply pointed, free; leaf-scars with large, prominent
shoulders. Leaves 3 in. long, 13 in. wide, very thick; apex taper-pointed; margin almost
glandless, finely serrate; petiole 2 in. long, variable in size, glabrous; stipules very slender,
tinged red. Flower-buds small, short, conical, free, singly on very short spurs; flowers
late, showy, 12 in. across, in dense clusters, average 7 buds in a cluster; pedicels § in. long,
lightly pubescent.
Fruit matures in October; small, 23 in. long, 2 in. wide, oblong-acute-pyriform, sym-
metrical, with equal sides; stem 2 in. long, curved; cavity lacking, the flesh folded around
the base of the stem, often lipped; calyx partly open; lobes broad, acute; basin shallow,
narrow, obtuse, slightly wrinkled, symmetrical; skin thick, tough, smooth; color dull
yellowish-green, netted and patched with russet, with a tinge of red on the exposed cheek;
dots numerous, small, russet, obscure; flesh strongly granular at the center, tender and
melting, very juicy, subacid; quality good. Core large, closed, axile, with meeting core-
lines; calyx-tube short, narrow, funnel-shaped; carpels emarginate; seeds large, wide, long,
plump, acute.
1. Trans. Lond. Hort. Soc. §:408, Pl. XVII. 1824. 2. Pom. Mag. 3:112, Pl. 1830. 3. Lindley
Guide Orch. Gard. 399. 1831. 4. Prince Pom. Man. 1:130. 1831. 5. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 389,
fig. 169. 1845. 6. Mag. Hort. 13:339, fig. 27. 1847. 7. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 765. 1869. 8. Leroy
Dict. Pom. 21183, figs. 1869. 9. Mas Pom. Gen, 1:115, fig. 58. 1872.
Forellenbirne. 10. Christ Handb. 514. 1817. 11. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:12. 1856. 12.
Lauche Deut. Pom. II: No. 23, Pl. 23. 1882.
Florelle. 13. Prince Treat. Hort. 13. 1828.
Trout Pear. 14. Gard. Chron. 804, fig. 1846.
The pear fancier prizes Forelle for its singularly handsome and dis-
tinctive fruits, which are also of very good quality. Forelle pleases the
eye as well as any pear for bright colors, and is distinguished among fruits
of its kind by its trout-like specklings from which comes the name Forelle,
the German name for trout. Looks do not belie taste for the flesh is delicate
and buttery, is highly flavored, and satisfies those who regard high quality
a prime requisite in a pear. The trees are very satisfactory in warm soils
and exposures, but fail in heavy clays and cold climates. The variety is
worth growing for its beautiful and distinctive fruits.
Nothing is very certainly known of the origin of this pear, but it seems
highly probable that it had its birth in northern Saxony at the beginning
of the eighteenth century. From Germany it was taken to Flanders, and
from there introduced into England. In the latter country, it was first
fruited by Thomas Andrew Knight, President of the Horticultural Society
of London, who, in 1823, sent cions to the Honorable John Lowell, President
of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Forelle became quite widely
disseminated in the eastern United States during the first half of the
eighteenth century, and was considered by many pomologists a pear of
merit. At the present time, however, the variety has almost disappeared
from cultivation. Its place has been filled by Vermont Beauty, a pear
introduced from Vermont more than forty years ago. It is not improbable
that these two varieties are identical. Vermont Beauty may be the old
German pear renamed.
Tree medium in size, vigorous, upright, very hardy and very productive; branches few,
dark brownish-red, sprinkled with numerous lenticels; branchlets long, pubescent on the
youngest shoots. Leaves small, flat, roundish-ovate; flowers open early.
Fruit ripens November to December; medium in size, 3 in. long, 2 in. wide, oblong-
obovate-pyriform, with a neck variable in length; stem 1 in. long, slender; cavity shallow,
oblique, narrow, often lipped; calyx small, open; lobes broad; basin shallow, narrow,
abrupt; skin smooth; color yellow, more or less overlaid with red, deepening to rich crimson
next to the sun, profusely covered with grayish-russet dots which are margined or rayed
with crimson; dots numerous, large and small, russet or grayish; flesh white, fine-grained,
although slightly granular at the center, melting, buttery, juicy, aromatic, with a rich,
vinous flavor; quality good. Core medium in size; seeds nearly black, of medium size.
x. Budd-Hansen Am. Hort. Man. 2:245. 1903. 2. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126:123. 1908.
B. S. Fox. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 2nd App. 154. 1876. 4. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 42, fig. 1877.
5. Gard. Mon. 22:369. 1880. 6. Mo. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 170. 1883.
Fox seems to have failed in the pear-growing regions of America, in
spite of its having several excellent characters in both fruit and tree. The
fruits are not quite attractive enough to sell on the markets or to grace the
table of the amateur, their rough, russet skins detracting greatly from their
appearance. When the skin is removed, however, a better late fall pear
cannot be found. The flesh is white, fine in texture, very juicy, melting,
and has a brisk, vinous flavor and a pleasant aromatic smell and taste that
at once place the quality very high. The trees are but mediocre in the
prime characters of a good orchard plant, and condemn the variety for any
purpose other than the collector’s plantation.
Fox is one of many seedlings originated by B. S. Fox,’ San José, Cali-
fornia. Most of these seedlings were raised from seed of Belle Lucrative
1 Bernard S. Fox was a pioneer nurseryman and fruit-grower in California who gave much time to
improving the pear through seedlings. During his stay of thirty years in the state of his adoption he was
noted for his energy and enterprise in every industry that had to do with fruit-growing. Fox was an
Irishman who came to America in 1848 and began work in thegarden and nurseries of Hovey and Company
of Boston. A few years later he emigrated with the gold-seekers to California where, shortly, he settled
at San Jose as a nurseryman and fruit-grower. Eventually he became possessed of a considerable amount
of land the increasing value of which made him a very wealthy man, and he took pleasure in being a patron
of horticulture as well as a worker in its several fields. Early in his career at San Jose his interest was
aroused in the production of new pears from seed. He was a most conscientious selecter and only the
best survived in his orchards. He was at all times extremely anxious not to cumber the list of pears with
worthless varieties. Out of a great number of seedlings, only three finally received his approval, P. Barry,
Fox, and Colonel Wilder. All have high places in the pear lists of California and the United States,
and do honor to an enthusiastic and painstaking breeder of pears. For many years before his death in
July, 1880, he was the Vice President of the American Pomological Society for California. Bernard S.
Fox was one of the first fruit-growers to bring fame to California, and Californians are justly proud of him.
setts Horticultural Society in the years 1872, 1874, 1875, and 1876 it was
shown and favorably reported on, and in 1875 received high praise in a
report of the Massachusetts State Fruit Committee to the American Pomo-
logical Society. In 1877 the latter Society added Frederick Clapp to its
list of fruits recommended for general cultivation.
Tree large, vigorous, upright-spreading, with open top, hardy; trunk thick, shaggy;
branches stocky, shaggy, zigzag, dull reddish-brown, overspread with thick ash-gray scarf-
skin, marked with many small lenticels; branchlets thick, dull reddish-brown, tinged
with green, smooth except for the lenticels, glabrous, with many small, raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, short, conical or pointed, plump, usually free. Leaves 3 in. long,
12 in. wide, ovate, stiff; apex taper-pointed; margin finely serrate, tipped with very fine,
sharp-pointed, reddish-brown glands; petiole 13 in. long, slender, glabrous. Flower-buds
small, short, conical, plump, free; flowers cup-shaped, often with a disagreeable odor,
1 in. wide, averaging 9 buds in a cluster: pedicels 1 in. long, thick, pubescent, pale green.
Fruit ripe in October; medium in size, more than 2 in. long, 22 in. wide, variable in
size, roundish or obovate, irregular in shape; stem ? in. long, thick; cavity variable in out-
line and smoothness, often with a fleshy fold drawn up around the base of the stem; calyx
open; lobes short, broad, obtuse; basin deep, wide, abrupt, usually smooth, symmetrical:
skin thin, tender, smooth; color lemon-yellow, often marked with flecks and mottlings of
russet; dots numerous, small, russet, obscure; flesh with a very faint tinge of yellow, fine,
tender, melting, characteristically juicy, sweet, with a rich sprightliness; quality very good.
Core closed, axile, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube very short, wide, broadly conical;
carpels obovate; seeds large, wide, long, plump, acute.
1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 502. 1857. 2. Ibid. 770. 1869.
Gansel-Seckle. 3. Jour. Hort. N.S. 20:30, fig. 1871. 4. Hogg Fruit Man. 585. 1884. 5. Jour. Hort.
ard Ser. 23:464. 1891. 6. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr.177. 1920.
There are no good reasons why this pear should be grown, it having
received much more attention than it deserves during the half century it
has been in America. Perhaps it suffices to say that the fruits and trees
are in no way equal, except in size of fruit, to those of Seckel, with which
variety it would compete, although the crop ripens a little later. While
the pears are larger than those of Seckel, the yield is not as great as the trees
do not bear as regularly, nor abundantly. The fruits are not as well
flavored, nor as attractively colored. The variety is still offered by many
nurserymen, most of whom, however, condemn it with faint praise.
According to Bunyard, Gansel Seckel was raised from seed a century
ago by a Mr. Williams of Pitmaston, Worcester, England. It was obtained
by crossing Seckel with Gansel Bergamot, whence its name.
Tree medium in size and vigor, upright-spreading, variable in yield; branches slender,
zigzag, sprinkled with numerous lenticels; branchlets thick, light reddish-brown mingled
with green, smooth, glabrous, with small, roundish, raised, conspicuous lenticels. Leaf-
buds small, short, pointed, appressed. Leaves 2} in. long, 13 in. wide; apex taper-pointed ;
margin tipped with few reddish glands, coarsely serrate; petiole 14 in. long. Flower-buds
small, short, conical, plump, free; flowers open early, 14 in. across; pedicels 3 in. long.
Fruit ripens in late October and November; small to medium, 24 in. long, 23 in. wide,
irregular, oblate-pyriform; stem 2 in. long, stout; cavity variable in width, shallow, irreg-
ular; calyx small, closed; lobes erect, acute; basin variable in width, deep; skin roughened
with russet, uneven; color pale yellow, overspread with thin cinnamon-russet, sometimes
faintly blushed on the exposed cheek; dots distinct, cinnamon-russet; flesh yellowish-white,
coarse, melting, buttery, juicy, highly aromatic, with a rich perfume, sweet, but without
the spicy flavor of the Seckel; quality very good.
1. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 48. 1891. 2. Budd-Hansen Am. Hort. Man. 2:247. 1903. 3. Chico Nur.
Cat. 12. 1904. 4. Cornell Sta. Bul. 332:481. 1913.
Garber’s Hybrid. 5. Black Cult. Peach and Pear 229,242. 1886. 6. Harcourt Fla. Fruits 255. 1886.
7. Hood Cat. 25. 1905.
A few trivial differences separate Garber from Kieffer — the fruits of
both are poor. The pears ripen a week or two earlier than those of
Kieffer, are a little rounder, flatter at the ends, and some say are a little
better in quality — certainly they are no worse to eat out of hand. The
tree is hardy to heat and cold, and is much planted in the southern states,
and in the Mississippi Valley, North and South. The variety might be
sparingly planted in New York as an ornamental.
Garber is one of many seedlings of the Chinese Sand pear, raised by
J. B. Garber, Columbia, Pennsylvania, sometime previous to 1880. It is
supposed to be of hybrid origin. The variety was added to the American
Pomological Society’s list of recommended fruits in 1891 where it has since
Tree medium in size, vigorous, upright-spreading, hardy, productive with age;
branches smooth, zigzag, reddish-brown partly covered with grayish scarf-skin; branchlets
thick, with long internodes, smooth, glabrous, sprinkled with small, round, very conspicu-
ous, raised lenticels. Leaf-buds small, short, pointed and with curved tips, appressed.
Leaves 33 in. long, 2} in. wide, thick; apex taper-pointed; margin with very minute and
reddish tips, finely serrate; petiole 2} in. long, thick. Flower-buds small, conical, sharply
pointed, free.
Fruit ripe September to October; large, usually roundish-oblong and tapering toward
both ends; stem 1 in. long, stout, obliquely set; cavity small, narrow, often deep and fur-
rowed ; calyx variable in size, partly open; lobes slender; basin broad, abrupt, deep, furrowed;
color pale yellow, often with a brownish-red blush on the exposed cheek; dots small,
numerous, russet; flesh white, granular, crisp but tender, juicy, neither sweet nor sour but
with a peculiar, pleasant flavor; quality inferior.
1. Mag. Hort. 21:143. 1855. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 503. 1857. 3. Ibid. 773. 1869. 4. Hogg
Fruit Man. 586. 1884. 5. Jour. Hort. 3rd Ser. 14:203. 1887. 6. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr.178. 1920.
Gloux Morceau. 7. Trans. Lond. Hort. Soc. 2nd App. 5:6. 1824. 8. Kenrick Am. Orch. 194. 1832.
Hardenpont’s Winter Butterbirne. 9g. Liegel Svst. Anleit. 104. 1825. 10. Dochnahl Fihr. Obstkunde
2:99. 1856. 11. Lauche Deut. Pom. WU: No. 11, Pl. rr. 1882. 12. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 231. 1889.
Glout Morceau. 13. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 400. 1831. 14. Gard. Chron. 716, fig. 1. 1844. 15.
Downing Fr. Trees Am. 437, fig. 201. 1845. 16. Hovey Fr. Am. 1:5, Pl. 1851. 17. Elliott Fr. Book
325. 1854. 18. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 68. 1862.
Beurré d'Hardenpont. 19. Pom. France: No.12, Pl.12. 1863. 20. Mas Le Verger 1:5, fig. 1. 1866—
73. 21. Guide Prat. 60, 246. 1876. 22. Soc. Nat. Hort. France Pom. 370, fig. 1904.
Beurré d’Arenberg. 23. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:301, fig. 1867.
This old winter pear is nearly lost to cultivation, but is worth growing
because of the high quality of the fruit and because the pear comes in season
in early winter when there are few others. The pears are not attractively
colored, although in this character the illustration does not do the fruit
justice. The fruits are rich and sugary without the least trace of acid,
but when poorly grown are often astringent. All agree that the quality
is better in fruit from dwarf trees in which form the variety grows very
well; and that it is better, also, when grown on heavy soils than on light ones.
The fruits keep and ship remarkably well. The trees are neither very large
nor vigorous, but are usually productive. The variety is in disrepute in
many localities because the crop does not always ripen well.
The Abbé of Mons, M. Hardenpont, a pioneer in pear-raising and a
worthy forerunner of Van Mons, raised this pear from seed about 1750 in
his garden at Mons, Belgium. The variety was introduced into France in
1806 by Louis Noisette, who had found it in the gardens of the Duc d’Aren-
berg. In France it was known, therefore, as Beurré d’ Arenberg, and con-
sequently became much confused with the true Beurré d' Arenberg raised
by Monseigneur Deschamps. In order to overcome this confusion the
name of the variety raised by M. Hardenpont was changed by a number of
prominent Frenchmen to Beurré d’Hardenpont, but the variety has always
been grown under both names in France. In 1820, M. Parmentier of
Enghien, Belgium, sent this pear to England under the name Glou Morceau.
(Glou, in the Walloon language, meaning delicious or dainty; morceau,
French, morsel or bit; hence, the translation may be Delicious Morsel or
Dainty Bit.) Glow Morceau has long been the popular name of the variety
in England and America although, as Bunyard says, “‘ It is regrettable that
the memory of the pioneer of Pear raising, l’Abbé Hardenpont, is not
commemorated in this fruit.’”” Glou Morceau was brought to America
within a few years after its introduction in England and rapidly found
favor here as attested by leading American pomologists. In 1862 the
American Pomological Society added the variety to its catalog-list of fruits
under the name Glou Morceau as it has since remained.
Tree medium in size and vigor, spreading, dense-topped, rapid-growing, productive;
trunk stocky; branches thick, reddish-brown, nearly covered with gray scarf-skin, marked
with numerous large lenticels; branchlets slender, short, light greenish-brown, overspread
with gray scarf-skin, smooth, glabrous, with numerous, small, conspicuous, raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, very short, pointed, plump, appressed. Leaves 23 in. long, 13 in.
wide, thick, leathery; apex taper-pointed; margin occasionally with very few, small glands,
coarsely or finely serrate; petiole 2 in. long, thick, glabrous, greenish. Flower-buds small,
short, conical, plump, free, singly on very short spurs; flowers late, showy, 1% in. across, in
dense clusters, 8 to 11 buds in a cluster; pedicels j in. long, pubescent.
Fruit matures November to December; large, 3} in. long, 2? in. wide, obovate-obtuse-
pyriform, irregular, sides unequal, somewhat ribbed; stem { in. long, thick and woody,
curved; cavity deep, narrow, russeted, deeply furrowed, compressed, lipped; calyx open;
lobes long, narrow, acute; basin deep, smooth, broadly furrowed; skin tender, very gritty,
dull, roughened by russet; color pale greenish-yellow, covered with large and small patches
and mottlings of light russet; dots numerous, small, conspicuous, light russet; flesh tinged
with yellow, fine-grained except near the core and under the skin, tender, buttery, sweet,
with a rich, pleasant, aromatic flavor, astringent near the skin; quality good to very good.
Core closed, axile, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, broad, conical; seeds large,
wide, long, plump, acute.
1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126:139. 1908.
Dr, Jules Guyot. 2. Lauche Deut. Pom. I: No. 71, Pl. 71. 1883. 3. Hogg Fruit Man. 562. 1884.
4. Ga. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 54. 1892. §. Garden §2:248. 1897. 6. Deut. Obstsorien 5: Pt. 5, Pl. 1906. 7.
Garden 73:564, fig. 1909.
Docteur Jules Guyot. 8. Lucas Tafelbirnen 73, fig. 1894. 9. Cat. Cong. Pom. France 234. 1906.
The fruits of Guyot bear strong resemblance to those of Bartlett, but
differ in being larger and rather more handsomely colored, ripen a little
earlier, have coarser flesh, and are very differently flavored. The product
can seldom compete with that of Bartlett, or even with that of Clapp
Favorite with which it ripens, because its season is exceedingly transitory.
Unless picked quite green and ripened indoors, the pears rot at the center,
and even when ripened under the best conditions quickly become mealy
and insipid. Taken at the proper moment, the pears are better flavored
than those of Bartlett, as they are richer and have a more delicate taste
and perfume than the musky fruits of Bartlett. The trees are quite as
satisfactory as those of Bartlett, unless, possibly, they fall short somewhat
in productiveness. The variety is well worth planting in collections for
its early, handsome, well-flavored fruits.
Guyot was raised in the nurseries of the Baltet Brothers, Troyes,
France, about 1870. Within the next decade it was quite widely distrib-
uted in France and England where it has since been esteemed as a pear
of the Bartlett type. It was first brought to America about 1885.
Tree medium in size, vigorous, upright, hardy, productive, a regular bearer; branches
brownish, overlaid with thick scarf-skin, marked by small, round, indistinct lenticels;
branchlets slender, very long, curved, with long internodes, reddish-brown mingled with
green, smooth, glabrous, sprinkled with raised, conspicuous lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, very short, pointed, appressed. Leaves 2% in. long, 12 in. wide;
apex taper-pointed; margin glandular, variable in serration; petiole 2 in. long, thick, reddish-
green. Flower-buds small, short, conical, plump, free, singly on very short spurs; flowers
open late, showy, 1} in. across, in dense clusters, from 5 to 8 buds in a cluster; pedicels
% in. long, pubescent.
Fruit ripens in early September; large, 34 in. long, 2% in. wide, oblong-obtuse-
pyriform, irregular, with unequal sides; stem 1} in. long, thick, curved; cavity obtuse,
shallow, narrow, slightly russeted, drawn up on one side of the stem in a prominent lip;
calyx large, open; lobes separated at the base, short, broad, acute; basin shallow, narrow,
obtuse, furrowed; skin very thin, tender, roughish; color yellow, more or less mottled and
with traces of russet, with a red blush on the exposed cheek; dots numerous, small, russet,
conspicuous; flesh yellowish-white, granular, tender, moderately juicy, sweet mingled
with sprightliness, aromatic; quality good. Core closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-
tube short, wide, conical; seeds large, long, plump, acute.
1. Mag. Hort. 15:69, fig. 12. 1849. 2. Hovey Fr. Am. 2:75, Pl. 1851. 3. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt.
210. 1856. 4. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 510, fig. 1857. 5. Hoffy N. Am. Pom. 1: Pl. 1860. 6. Pom.
France 3: No. 105, Pl. 105. 1865.
Howell's Seedling. 7. Mag. Hort.14:519. 1848.
Howell is everywhere condemned by faint praise. The variety is a
little too good to be discarded and not quite good enough to be generally
recommended. Its characters in tree and fruit are faulty by reason of their
mediocrity. After having said that the trees are not above the average in
vigor, healthfulness, hardiness, and fruitfulness, it remains only to be said
that their spreading tops make them desirable orchard inhabitants and
handsome dooryard ornamentals. The fruits cannot be praised for attrac-
tive appearance or good quality, but they are preéminently meritorious in
that they are probably more often uniform in appearance, quality, and
freedom from the ravages of the scab fungus than those of almost any
other pear. These qualities make Howell a most estimable variety for the
home orchard where intensive care cannot be given. The variety further
commends itself to amateur growers, because the trees bear early, annually,
and abundantly. Howell seems to be better suited to the middle western
states than to the eastern states.
In 1829 or 1830, Thomas Howell, New Haven, Connecticut, planted
in his garden seeds from a variety of pear known locally as the Jonah, a
hard and tough winter sort which seldom matures sufficiently to be regarded
as a dessert fruit. One of the trees resulting from these seeds came into
bearing in 1842 or 1843. Specimens were exhibited in Faneuil Hall by the
Massachusetts Horticultural Society in 1848 and were considered to be
‘‘ of the first class and worthy of cultivation in every place where the soil
and climate are congenial.’’ In 1856, the Howell pear was recommended
for general cultivation by the American Pomological Society.
Tree large, vigorous, spreading, open-topped; trunk thick; branches stocky, reddish-
brown, overspread with gray scarf-skin, with few small lenticels; branchlets thick, short,
dull reddish-brown, smooth, glabrous, with a few large, raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds large, long, conical, free. Leaves 2 in. long, 1} in. wide, oval, leathery; apex
taper-pointed; margin finely serrate, hairy, tipped with very minute glands; petiole 1} in.
long. Flower-buds large, long, conical, rather plump, free; flowers open early, 13 in. across,
in dense clusters, from 7 to 15 buds in a cluster; pedicels 17's in. long, pubescent, greenish.
Fruit ripe in late September and October; medium in size, 22 in. long, 2} in. wide,
uniform in size and shape, round-obovate, symmetrical; stem 1 in. long, thick, straight;
cavity obtuse, very shallow and narrow, often with almost no cavity, smooth, symmetrical;
calyx open, small; lobes separated at the base, short, narrow, obtuse; basin obtuse, slightly
furrowed, nearly symmetrical; skin smooth, dull; color pale lemon-yellow, marked on the
side exposed to the sun with a trace of blush and with patches and tracings of russet; dots
many, small, russet, very conspicuous; flesh yellowish-white, firm but tender, granular,
melting, very juicy, sweet, with a rich, somewhat brisk, almost vinous flavor, aromatic;
quality very good. Core rather large, closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short,
wide, conical; seeds long, plump, acute, frequently abortive.
1. U.S. D, A. Rpt. 572, Pl. TI. 1888. 2. Can. Hort. 12:2, fig. 1, Pl. 1889. 3. Wickson Cal. Fruits
341. 1889. 4. Thomas Am. Fruit Cult. 477, fig. 691. 1897. 5. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 36. 1899. 6
Rev. Hort. 60. 1901. 7. Budd-Hansen Am. Hort. Man. 2:249. 1903.
There is much difference of opinion as to the value of Idaho in America.
Without question, the variety is of considerable worth in parts of the Pacific
Northwest, and especially in regions where hardihood is a prime requisite.
There, presumably, the fruits are larger and better flavored than in the
East. As the accompanying plate shows, the pears are only medium in
size on the grounds of this Station, but they are attractive in color and of
excellent taste. The core is small, and the seeds are often abortive and
sometimes wanting. The flesh is tender, buttery and almost free from
granulation, with a rich, sweet, vinous flavor which make the rating for
this fruit ‘ good to very good.’”’ In many regions the pears are large,
rough, and gross — sometimes a facsimile of Duchesse d’Angouléme. The
trees are dwarf and fruitful to a fault so that the pears often run small;
they are hardier than those of almost any other pear and bear annually.
To offset these good characters, however, the trees have the fatal fault of
blighting, so that the variety is of value only in regions where blight is not
an annual scourge of this fruit.
Idaho was raised from seed of an unknown variety about the year
1867 by a Mrs. Mulkey, Lewiston, Idaho, and, having been propagated by
the Idaho Pear Company, was first brought to public notice in the autumn
of 1886 by John H. Evans of Lewiston. In 1888 it was introduced to
Europe and was shown at the congress of fruit growers held at Geneva,
Switzerland, in 1899. Idaho is included in the American Pomological
Society’s list of fruits recommended for general cultivation, having been
added to this list in 1899.
Tree medium in size, vigorous, upright-spreading, hardy, very productive; trunk
smooth; branches slender, smooth, reddish-brown overspread with much gray scarf-skin,
sprinkled with many small lenticels; branchlets dull brownish-red, overlaid with scarf-skin,
smooth, glabrous, with small lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, short, conical, pointed, free; leaf-scars prominent. Leaves 23 in.
long, 14 in. wide, leathery; apex abruptly pointed; margin glandular, finely serrate; petiole
2 in. long. Flower-buds short, conical, very plump, free, singly on short spurs; flowers
showy, 1g in. across, in dense racemes, average 8 buds in a cluster; pedicels 13 in. long,
Fruit matures in late September and October; medium in size, 2 in. long, 2} in. wide,
roundish, slightly pyriform, symmetrical; stem 1 in. long, thick, slightly curved; cavity
acute, narrow, furrowed, slightly lipped; calyx closed; lobes broad, acute; basin shallow,
obtuse, somewhat furrowed; skin thick and granular, tough, roughish; color dull lemon-
yellow, tinged with green, dotted and streaked with russet, splashed with russet patches;
dots numerous, small, russet, conspicuous; flesh dull white, tinged with yellow, firm, tender,
buttery, juicy, sweet, rich, almost vinous; quality good to very good. Core closed, with
clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide, conical; seeds wide, acute.
1. Knoop Pomologie tot, fig. 1771. 2. Coxe Cult. Fr. Trees 183, fig. 13. 1817. 3. Pom. Mag. 3:
108, Pl. 1830. 4. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 341. 1831. 5. Mag. Hort. 9:363, fig. 30. 1843.
6. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 758. 1869.
Gergonell. 7. Parkinson Par. Ter. 593. 1629.
Epargne. 8. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:133, Pl. VII. 1768. 9. Coxe Cult. Fr. Trees 181, fig. 10.
1817. 10. Prince Pom. Man. 1:152. 1831. 11. Pom. France 2: No. 85, Pl. 85. 1864. 12. Mas Le
Verger 2:19, fig. 8. 1866-73. 13. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:135, fig. 1869. 14. Guide Prat. 62, 269. 1876.
Sparbirne. 15. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde a:131. 1856. 16. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 286, 1889.
Walsche Birne. 17. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:144. 1856.
At one time the best second early pear, Jargonelle is now little grown in
America, native varieties having crowded it out. The crop ripens two or
three weeks before that of Bartlett, so that the pears come on the market
with those of Bloodgood and Dearborn, which, for most situations, are
better sorts. The fruits are as attractive as any of their season and are
unique in shape and in having a long, curved stem. The quality leaves
much to be desired. The flesh is coarse, rather gritty, and the flavor lacks
the rich sugary taste on the one hand, or the refreshing piquancy on the
other hand, of good pears. The fruits rot at the core and the season is
short. The crop should be picked early and ripened in the house. The
trees are large, vigorous and sometimes very productive, but are coarse,
untidy bearers, especially when young, and are often uncertain in bear-
ing. After setting the faults against the merits of this variety, one must
conclude that is it too worthy to discard, but hardly good enough for a
recommendation for other than the home orchard or in the plantings of
Jargonelle is a patriarch among pears, being one of the oldest of all
varieties. Its name appears to be derived from Jargon, anciently Gergon,
a corruption of Groecum; whence Merlet, writing in 1675, infers that the
Jargonelle was the Pyrum Tarentinum of Cato and Columella, the Numid-
ianum Groecum of Pliny, and the Groeculum of Macrobius. So far as we
know the earliest mention of the Jargonelle in England is by John Parkinson,
who, writing in 1629, mentions sixty-five varieties of pears, among them
being the Peare Gergonell. Stephen Switser, who wrote in 1731, also
names it. The vitality of the English Jargonelle is remarkable; the trees,
it is said, often live for 200 years. In Scotland the variety is cultivated as
far north as pears will grow. William Coxe, Burlington, New Jersey,
writing in 1817 of the Jargonelle, said, ‘‘ This pear has not been much
cultivated in America, and almost always under false names.”’
Tree large, vigorous, spreading, open-topped, rapid-growing, hardy, very productive,
long-lived; trunk shaggy; branches reddish-brown overlaid with heavy gray scarf-skin,
with large lenticels; branchlets slender, short, reddish-brown overlaid with gray, new
growth brownish, dull, smooth, with numerous small, raised, very conspicuous lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, short, pointed, plump, appressed or free. Leaves 3} in. long, 2 in.
wide, leathery; apex taper-pointed; margin tipped with few small, black glands, finely
serrate; petiole 3 in. long, slender, tinged with red, glabrous; flower-buds small, very short,
conical, plump, singly on short spurs; flowers late, showy, 13 in. across, in dense clusters,
from 8 to 14 buds in a cluster; pedicels 13 in. long, pubescent.
Fruit ripe in late August; large, 33 in. long, 234, in. wide, oblong-obovate-pyriform,
with an acute neck; stem characteristically long and curved, 1% in. long; cavity lacking,
the flesh folding up around the base of the stem, russeted, lipped; calyx open; lobes separated
at the base, long, broad, acute; basin very shallow and narrow, obtuse, gently furrowed,
compressed; skin smooth; color yellow, with a bright blush laid thinly over the exposed
cheek in streaks and splashes; dots numerous, greenish-russet, very small, obscure; flesh
yellowish-white, granular under the skin, gritty at the center, melting, very juicy, subacid,
aromatic, vinous; quality very good. Core large, open, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube
‘long, narrow, conical; seeds large, wide, long, plump, acute.
1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:123. 1768. 2. Prince Pom. Man. 1:154. 1831. 3. Downing Fr.
Trees Am. 339. 1845. 4 Ibid. 767. 1869. 5. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:303, fig. 1869. 6. Mathieu Nom.
Pom. 237. 1889.
Bellissime d’Eté. 7. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:203, Pl. XLII. 1768. 8. Mas Le Verger 2:193,
fig. 95. 1866-73. 9. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:216, fig. 1867. 10. Guide Prat. 70, 235. 1876.
Cuisse Madame. 11. Coxe Cult. Fr. Trees 181, fig. 11. 1817.
Red Muscadel. 12. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 346. 1831.
Bassin. 13. Hogg Fruit Man. 491. 1884.
Schénste Sommerbirne. 14. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 280. 1889.
This old sort, very different from Jargonelle, is worthy of descrip-
tion only to distinguish it from the much better and older pear of the
same name. A generation ago this French Jargonelle was much grown in
‘America, but has given way to better sorts. The pears are handsome,
but are poor in quality and are edible only a day or two after maturity
as they quickly rot at the center and become dry and mealy toward the
The name Jargonelle is used in France to denote a group of pears.
This fact accounts for the confusion which exists among the names and
synonyms of several varieties of this class. The French Jargonelle is said
to have originated in Anjou, a former province in France, where it was
much cultivated and highly esteemed toward the end of the fifteenth
Tree large, vigorous, upright, the younger branches inclined to droop, very productive;
branches stocky, dark reddish-brown; branchlets often curved and drooping, short, sprinkled
with elongated, inconspicuous lenticels. Leaf-buds large, conical, appressed. Leaves oval,
enlarged at the base; apex abruptly pointed; margin coarsely serrate; petiole long, thick.
Flower-buds large, long-conic; flowers medium in size.
Fruit ripens in August and September; medium to sometimes large, 33 in. long, 23 in.
wide, obtuse-pyriform to oblong-pyriform; stem 1 in. long, slender, obliquely inserted;
cavity obtuse, very shallow; calyx small, open; lobes long, projecting; basin variable
in depth, small, irregular, furrowed; skin smooth, glossy; color lemon-yellow, blushed with
red on the sunny side, occasionally marbled with thin orange-russet about the neck; dots
light greenish or russet; flesh white, coarse, juicy, sweet, aromatic; quality good. Core
large; seeds dark browr, small, narrow, long, often abortive.
1. McIntosh Bk. Gard. 2:461. 1855. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 68. 1862. 3. Pom. France 2: No.
50, Pl. 50. 1864. 4. Jour. Hort. N. S. 14:67. 1868. 5. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 793, fig. 1869. 6.
Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:310, fig. 1869. 7. Guide Prat. 61, 282. 1876. 8. Jour. Hort. 3rd Ser. 5:565, fig.
96. 1882. 9. Hogg Fruit Man. 599. 1884. 10. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 182. 1920.
Joséphine von Mecheln. 11. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:93. 1856. 12. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 239.
1889. 13. Gaucher Pom. Prak. Obst. No. 50, Pl. 31. 1894.
Malines. 14. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 24. 1897.
This is another of the few good winter pears. The fruit-characters
are so distinctive and meritorious that the variety should be grown in every
home orchard, and it possesses much merit for commercial plantations.
The fruits have a marked peculiarity. Cut through the shaded yellow-russet
skin, flesh with a faint, rosy tint is displayed. Several red or rosy-fleshed
pears are grown in Europe, but this is the only one described by American
pomologists. The tree also, has a marked peculiarity; it thrives amazingly
well on the white-thorn as well as on pear and quince stocks. But it is the
quality of the fruits that commends the variety most highly. The flesh is
buttery, juicy, sweet, and perfumed — pleasing in every character that
gratifies the palate. The season is exceedingly variable, and is given by
different pomologists from December to March and January to May.
The fruits are not very pleasing in appearance, but the accompanying
illustration scarcely does them justice in either size or color. In the orchard,
the trees are satisfactory, but the nurserymen find them rather difficult to
grow, this, no doubt, being the chief reason for the apparent neglect of this
splendid pear. The trees thrive in almost any soil or situation suitable to
pears, and are everywhere prodigiously fruitful, hardy, and resistant to
blight. The variety deserves wider recognition than it now receives.
This pear originated about 1830 in the seed beds of Major Espéren,
the well-known pomologist of Mechlin (Malines), Belgium, who named it
Joséphine de Malines in honor of his wife. It was introduced in America
prior to 1850, and in 1862 was added to the fruit-list of the American
Pomological Society, a place it has since retained.
Tree large, vigorous, spreading, tall, dense-topped, rapid-growing, hardy, very produc-
tive; trunk stocky; branches thick, shaggy, reddish-brown overlaid with gray scarf-skin,
marked with few lenticels; branchlets thick, dull reddish-brown, smooth, glabrous, with
small, raised, inconspicuous lenticels.
Leaf-buds short, obtuse, plump, appressed, Leaves 2} in. long, 1} in. wide, leathery;
apex taper-pointed; margin finely serrate; petiole 12 in. long. Flower-buds short, plump,
free; flowers early, 12 in. across, white, occasionally tinged with pink, well distributed,
average 7 buds in a cluster; pedicels 3 in. long, slender, thinly pubescent.
Fruit ripe December to February; medium in size, 23 in. long, 23 in. wide, turbinate,
inclined to truncate; stem long, very thick; cavity obtuse, shallow, narrow, slightly
furrowed; calyx large, open; lobes short, broad, obtuse; basin narrow, obtuse, smooth;
skin thick, tough, dull; color pale greenish-yellow, netted and patched more or less with
tusset; dots numerous, small, brown or russet, conspicuous; flesh light salmon, granular,
melting, buttery, very juicy, sweet, slightly aromatic; quality good. Core large, closed,
axile, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide; carpels pyriform; seeds large, wide,
long, plump, acuminate.
1. Gard. Mon. 22:49, fig. 1880. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 38. 1883. 3. Jour. Hort. 3rd Ser. 123131.
1886. 4. Garden 68:398. 1905. 5. Ibid. 69:68. 1906. 6. Cornell Sta. Bul. 332:483. 1913. 7. Country
Gent. 84:26, fig. 1919.
Kieffer's Hybrid. 8. W. N. Y. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 53. 1879.
Keiffer. 9. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 3rd App. 179. 1881. 10. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 240. 1889.
11. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 178. 1909.
Although the most pretentious cheat in the orchard, Kieffer is grown
more commonly than any other pear in North America. Its popularity can
be accounted for only by accepting Barnum’s dictum that ‘Americans
love to be fooled.”’ Pears are grown to eat, but those of Kieffer are fit to
eat only in culinary preparations, dire necessity alone compelling their
consumption uncooked. Yet, pleased by a bright cheek and a fair form,
regardless of the potato-like flavor, people buy and eat Kieffer pears and
persist in doing so. There are several reasons why Kieffer is popular.
No pear has been advertised so widely and so unqualifiedly, growers of
trees often supplying virtues to the variety which Nature denies it, because
of all pears the trees of Kieffer are most easily grown. Besides this virtue
in the trees there are several others that commend the variety more highly.
Thus, of all pears grown in America, the trees are uniformly the most vigor-
ous, fruitful, endure heat best, are least susceptible to blight, and withstand
best the ravages of San José scale. There are several faults, however;
the trees are tender to cold, in some soils refuse to set fruit, are often self-
sterile, and sometimes with the best of care bear only pears of small size.
Worthless for dessert, much can be said for the fruits of Kieffer for culinary
preparation. Cooking removes the disagreeable natural taste of the raw
pear, and leaves a good’ product. Canned, the pears retain their shape,
color, and flavor well; therefore, and because white and inviting, canned
Kieffers are preferred by commercial canners. Use in the cannery is the
true place for Kieffer pears in regions where better sorts can be grown for
dessert. Now that the first flush of popularity is past, it would seem a
wise precaution on the part of pear-growers to grow this fruit chiefly for the
cannery, supplying the demands for dessert pears with worthier varieties,
although as long as consumers buy it to eat out of hand, growers cannot be
blamed for growing it in commercial orchards.
The seed parent of Kieffer was the Sand pear of China. Peter Kieffer,!
who lived at Roxborough, near Philadelphia, for many years grew the
Chinese Sand pear and sold the trees for ornamental purposes. In his
garden there were also trees of Bartlett. Among chance seedlings, Mr.
Kieffer observed one of peculiar growth which he saved. This tree bore
fruit first in 1863. Later, it was exhibited at the Massachusetts Horti-
cultural Society, and finally at the Centennial Exposition where in 1876 it
was named Kieffer. The variety was added to the fruit-list of the American
Pomological Society in 1883.
Tree of medium size, vigorous, upright, dense-topped, hardy, very productive;
branches slender, nearly smooth, reddish-brown, covered with dull ash-gray scarf-skin,
marked with few small lenticels; branchlets medium to long, reddish-brown mingled with
green, smooth, slightly pubescent, with numerous, large, raised, very conspicuous lenticels.
1 Peter Kieffer, a nurseryman of good reputation in his state, deserves pomological honors because of
his keenness of vision in selecting for distribution the pear which bears his name. Few men would have
recognized merit in the seedling from which the Kieffer pear came. Peter Kieffer was born in Alsace in
1812, whence he emigrated to America in 1834. In Europe he had worked for twelve years in the garden
of the King of France and upon his arrival in America sought employment as a gardener which he found on
the estate of James Gowen at Mt. Airy, near Philadelphia. In 1853 he started a small nursery at Rox-
borough, a short distance from Philadelphia. Much of his stock was imported from Europe, most of which
came from Van Houtte, the famous Belgian nurseryman. From Van Houtte, Kieffer obtained seeds of
the Chinese Sand pear from which came the Kieffer pear as described in the history of the variety. Asa
token of his faith in his new variety, Kieffer planted an orchard of this pear, some of the trees of which still
live and bear. Peter Kieffer died in 1890, having made an important contribution to horticulture even
though the variety sent out by him is far from perfect and has been much over-praised and over-planted.
Leaf-buds small, short, obtuse, slightly pointed, appressed. Leaves 3} in. long, 13 in.
wide, oval, thick, leathery; apex taper-pointed; margin often finely serrate; petiole 172 in.
long. Flower-buds conical to pointed, free; flowers open early, 13 in. across, fairly well
distributed, varying from 3 to 11 buds in a cluster; pedicels 1§ in. long, thick, very slightly
pubescent, green, rarely tinged red.
Fruit matures in late October and November; above medium to large, 23 in. long, 23 in.
wide, oval, narrowing at both ends, symmetrical, uniform; stem 1 in. long, thick; cavity
very small, smooth; calyx open; lobes separated at the base, short, narrow, acute; basin
shallow, narrow, obtuse, nearly smooth; skin thick, tough, smooth; color yellow, blushed
with dull red on the exposed cheek; dots numerous, small, russet, conspicuous; flesh yel-
lowish-white, very granular and coarse, crisp, juicy, not sweet, often astringent; quality
poor. Core large, closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide, conical; seeds
wide, plump, acute.
1. Mag. Hort. 13:450. 1847. 2. Ibid. 19:453, 516, fig. 32. 1853. 3.Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 231. 1858.
4. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 795. 1869.
A summing up of the characters of Kingsessing, as is so often the case
with varieties of fruits, makes it appear a most desirable sort. Neverthe-
less, its culture does not make headway. Growers rate it as a “‘ good pear,”
but will not grow it, for the reason, no doubt, that it has no outstanding
characters for any region, season, or purpose. As the pears grow on the
grounds of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station they are a little
under size for a good commercial fruit, and while the sweet, perfumed
flavor is pleasant, it lacks individuality. The variety is grown chiefly along
the Atlantic Coast from Long Island to Maryland.
This is a natural seedling which sprang up in the family burial ground
of Isaac Leech, Kingsessing, a suburb of Philadelphia, about 1833. The
tree first fruited about 1843. Dr. Brincklé, who introduced the variety,
thought from its close resemblance to Chapman that it was probably a seed-
ling from it, or of its parent, the Petre, as trees of both these varieties stood
in the vicinity of the Kingsessing. The American Pomological Society
placed Kingsessing on its fruit-list in 1858 but dropped it in 1899.
Tree very large and vigorous, upright-spreading, dense-topped, rapid-growing, hardy,
medium in yield; trunk very thick; branches very stocky, grayish-brown, sprinkled with
numerous large lenticels; branchlets thick, long, glossy, smooth, glabrous, with numerous
rather small, raised, conspicuous lenticels.
Leaf-buds large, long, conical, free. Leaves 2} in. long, 13 in. wide; apex abruptly
pointed; margin glandular, finely serrate; petiole rj in. long. Flower-buds large, conical,
Fruit ripens in September and October; medium in size, 23 in. long, 2§ in. wide, obovate-
obtuse-pyriform; stem } in. long, thick, usually curved, fleshy at the point of insertion in
the fruit; cavity obtuse, shallow, slightly furrowed, occasionally lipped; calyx partly open;
lobes separated at the base, short, narrow, acute; basin shallow, gently furrowed, usually
symmetrical; skin granular, tender, roughish; color yellow, sprinkled and netted with russet,
with a thin brownish-red blush on the exposed cheek; dots numerous, grayish or russet,
small, conspicuous; flesh white, granular, tender and melting, sweet, aromatic; quality
good. Core closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide, conical; seeds wide,
long, plump, acute.
1. Ill. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 159. 1889. 2. Ibid. 55. 1895. 3. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 44. 1897. 4. Budd-
Hansen Am. Hort. Man. 2:251. 1903. §. Chico Nur. Cat.12. 1904. 6. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 41. 1909.
7. Ont. Dept. Agr. Fr. Ont. 168. 1914.
Koonce is a popular early variety grown rather commonly in nearly
every pear region in the United States. It is listed by nearly all nursery-
men. Its tree-characters are more notable than those of its fruits. The
trees make a splendid showing in the nursery and are hardy and productive
in the orchard, although of but medium size and rather straggling at
maturity. The pears are better in quality than those of Early Harvest
or Lawson, with which it often competes, but are hardly as attractive in
appearance, being rather small and often irregular in shape. The color
is unusually bright, especially on the red cheek. The pears decay quickly
after maturity and are suitable only for home and local markets.
This pear originated in southern Illinois but no one seems to know by
whom, or at what time, or in what locality in the State. The variety
has been grown for more than thirty years. The American Pomological
Society added Koonce to its list of fruits in 1909.
Tree medium in size and vigor, upright-spreading, scraggly, open-topped, hardy,
productive; trunk shaggy; branches zigzag, dark brownish-red, covered with thick grayish
scarf-skin, with few lenticels; branchlets thick, long, with long internodes, dull light brown,
smooth, glabrous, sprinkled with small, raised, elongated lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, short, conical, pointed, plump, appressed; leaf-scars prominent.
Leaves 23 in. long, 13 in. wide, stiff; apex taper-pointed; margin glandular, finely serrate;
petiole 1} in. long. Flower-buds short, obtuse or conical, plump, free; flowers showy,
1} in. across, in dense clusters, average 5 buds in a cluster; pedicels 3 in. long, slender,
Fruit ripens in August; medium in size, 2§ in. long, 2} in. wide, obovate-obtuse-
pyriform, with unequal sides; stem 1 in. long, thick; cavity obtuse, shallow, narrow, com-
pressed, lipped or often drawn up in a wrinkled fold about the base of the stem; calyx
open; lobes separated at the base, narrow, acuminate; basin obtuse, gently furrowed;
skin thick, tough, roughish; color pale greenish-yellow, with a dull reddish-brown blush
spreading over the exposed cheek; dots numerous, very small, greenish-russet, conspicuous;
flesh whitish, granular especially at the center, medium tender, juicy, aromatic, sweet but
vinous; quality good. Core small, closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide,
conical; seeds small, narrow, short, plump, acute.
1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126:161. 1908.
Comte de Lamy. 2. Kenrick Am. Orch. 141. 1841. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 371, fig. 158. 1845.
4. Gard. Chron. 20, fig. 1846. 5. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 727. 1869. 6. Jour. Hort. N.S. 38:359, fig.
52. 1880. 7. Hogg Fruit Man. 553. 1884.
Poire Dingler. 8. Ann.Pom. Belge 2:69, Pl. 1854.
Beurré Curtet. 9. Pom. France 2: No. 77, Pl. 77. 1864. 10. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:341, figs. 1867.
11. Guide Prat. 65, 243. 1876.
Curtet's Butterbirne. 12. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 200. 1889.
As the history shows, this is an old European pear which had its
probationary period in America many years ago, and which never got out
of the limbo of nurserymen’s catalogs and collections. On the grounds
of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station, however, the pears
are so handsome and so delectable in quality that the variety seems quite
worth while describing and illustrating among the major sorts. It is a
splendid pear for the home orchard, but the tree is not large nor robust
enough for a commercial plantation. A few nurserymen still list it.
This variety was raised from seed about 1828 by M. Bouvier, Jodoigne,
Belgium. It was first named Beurré Curtet in honor of M. Curtet, a
physician and professor at Brussels. The London Horticultural Society
first obtained the variety under the name Comte de Lamy, by which name
it has best been known in England. Lamy was early introduced to
America where trees have long been found in collections.
Tree small, spreading, open-topped, hardy, productive: trunk slender, shaggy; branches
slender, shaggy, dull brown, overspread with thick scarf-skin, sprinkled with numerous
lenticels; branchlets slender, curved, short, with short internodes, brown changing to
reddish-brown on the newer growth, glossy, smooth, glabrous, with small, raised, conspic-
uous lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, short, conical, pointed, plump, free. Leaves 2$ in. long, 13 in. wide,
leathery; apex taper-pointed; margin finely serrate to nearly entire, tipped with few minute
glands; petiole 1$ in. long, pinkish. Flower-buds large, thick, long, conical, very plump,
free, singly as lateral buds or on very short spurs; flowers late, very showy, 13 in.
across, in dense clusters, average 9 buds in a cluster; pedicels § in. long, thick, lightly
Fruit matures in late October and early November; medium in size, 24 in. long, 2 in.
wide, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, often irregular and with unequal sides; stem 1} in. long,
thick; cavity almost lacking, very obtuse and shallow, narrow, russeted, often lipped;
calyx open; lobes broad, acute; basin rather deep, obtuse or abrupt, gently furrowed, com-
pressed; skin thin, smooth except for the russet dots, dull; color yellow, with a solid, dark
red blush on the exposed cheek; dots numerous, large, brownish-russet, very conspicuous;
flesh tinged with yellow, granular at the center, tender and melting, buttery, juicy, sweet,
with a faint, vinous flavor, pleasantly aromatic; quality good to very good. Core large,
closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, very wide, conical; seeds large, wide,
plump, acute.
1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 169. 1841. 2. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 4. 1843. 3. Mag. Hort. 10:212. 1844.
4. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 442. 1845. 5. Mag. Hort. 12:432, fig. 29. 1846. 6. Hovey Fr. Am. 2:13,
Pl. 1851. 7. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 230. 1854. 8. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 440, fig. 1857. 9. Thomas
Am. Fruit Cult. 480. 1897.
There is great diversity of opinion as to the value of Lawrence for a
market pear, but no one denies it a place as one of the very best early
winter pears for the home orchard. A generation ago it was held in high
esteem as a market pear, but the more showy Kieffer, kept in cold storage,
has elbowed the less conspicuous Lawrence off the fruit-stands and almost
out of the markets. The tree is hardy, moderately vigorous and fruitful,
an early, annual, and uniform bearer, and has the reputation of being one
of the longest lived of all pear trees. The fruits are of but medium size,
but are shapely in form, trim in contour, and are distinctive in shape
because of the rounded, truncate stem end. In color, the pear is a bright,
clean lemon-yellow marked with patches of russet and faintly blushed on
the side to the sun. No yellow pear is more attractive. The fruits come
in season in early winter and have the excellent character of keeping well
under ordinary care for a full month or longer. The melting flesh abounds
with a rich, sugary, perfumed juice, by virtue of which it is justly esteemed
as the best-flavored pear of its season. Lawrence finds congenial soils and
climates in nearly every part of New York, and should have a place in
every home orchard in the State.
Lawrence is a native of Flushing, Long Island, and was first intro-
duced to growers by Wilcomb and King of Flushing, who sent specimens
of it in 1843 to the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, saying that it
appeared to be a cross between the old Saint Germain and White Doyenné,
“as it resembles both of them in wood, foliage, and fruit, and there is no
other variety in the neighborhood.” The variety rapidly found favor
among pear growers and was soon widely disseminated. The American
Pomological Society added Lawrence to its fruit-catalog in 1854.
Tree of medium size, vigorous, spreading, with drooping branches, very hardy, produc-
tive; trunk shaggy; branches smooth, zigzag, reddish-brown mingled with ash-gray scarf-
skin, with numerous large lenticels; branchlets reddish-brown, glossy, smooth, glabrous,
with slightly raised, conspicuous lenticels. ‘
Leaf-buds short, obtuse, plump, nearly free. Leaves 23 in. long, 1} in. wide, oval,
leathery; margin finely serrate; petiole 13 in. long, slender; stipules rudimentary. Flower-
buds hardy, conical or pointed, free; flowers open early, 17 in. across, in rather dense clusters,
from 8 to 12 buds in a cluster; pedicels 7 in. long, lightly pubescent, greenish.
Fruit ripe November to December; medium in size, 23 in. long, 2} in. wide, uniform
in size and shape, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, generally symmetrical; stem 1 in. long, thick,
slightly curved; cavity small, obtuse, shallow, narrow, russeted, furrowed and irregular,
often lipped; calyx large, partly open; lobes separated at the base, long, broad, acute;
basin wide, obtuse, furrowed and sometimes corrugated; skin thick and granular, tough,
roughish; color lemon-yellow, marked with occasional patches of russet and with a faint
russet-red blush on the exposed cheek; dots numerous, small, russet, inconspicuous; flesh
yellowish-white, firm, granular, tender and melting when fully mature, juicy, rich, sweet;
quality very good. Core large, closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide,
conical; seeds large, long, plump, acute.
1. Rural N. Y. 43:651, fig. 385. 1884. 2. Gard. Mon. 27:282. 1885. 3. Rural N. Y. 44:693.
1885. 4. Gard. & For. 5:414. 1892. 5. Van Lindley Cat. 22. 1892. 6. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 36. 1899.
7. Ont. Dept. Agr. Fr. Ont. 168. 1914. 8. Cal. Com. Hort. Pear Grow. Cal. 7:266, fig. 67. 1918.
Comet. 9. Gard. Mon. 272144. 1885.
Cometbirne. 10. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 198. 1889.
Of all early pears, the fruit of Lawson best satisfies the eye for bright
colors. It is as brightly colored as the brilliant Vermont Beauty or as
Mount Vernon. Another outstanding character is the small core, which,
though the pears ripen early and quickly, seldom softens unduly. The
pears are sometimes nearly or quite seedless. Unfortunately, the fruits
are often irregular in shape, and in quality are never more than mediocre.
The tree’is fairly healthy, vigorous, hardy, and free from blight, and is
characterized by its tall, upright growth. Although grown for more than
a hundred years in New York, the variety has never made headway in
this State, but seems to be attracting much attention on the Pacific slope.
This pear originated on the farm of a Mr. Lawson in Ulster County,
New York, about 1800, judging from the appearance of the original tree
which was standing in 1900. The variety was introduced toward the
end of the nineteenth century under the name Comet by reason of its
color, so that it is sometimes known as Lawson Comet. The American
Pomological Society added Lawson to its fruit-catalog in 1899.
Tree medium in size, vigorous, upright, dense-topped, very productive; branches
Slender, zigzag, reddish-brown overlaid with grayish scarf-skin, marked with numerous
raised, large lenticels; branchlets slender, very long, with characteristically long internodes,
rough, zigzag, marked with numerous large, raised, conspicuous lenticels. Leaves 3} in.
long, 12 in. wide; apex abruptly pointed; margin glandless, serrate; petiole 2 in. long.
Flowers early, showy, 13 in. across, in dense clusters, 6 or 8 buds in a cluster; pedicels
1 in. long, thick.
Fruit ripens in August; large, 22 in. long, 34 in. wide, varies from obovate-obtuse-
pyriform to globular-obtuse-pyriform, with unequal sides; stem 4 in. long, thick, curved,
woody; cavity very small and narrow, often with a lip drawn up around one side of the
stem; calyx partly open; lobes narrow, often reflexed; basin narrow, obtuse, gently fur-
rowed; skin thin, tender, smooth; color pale yellow, overspread on the exposed cheek
with a bright red blush; dots numerous, small, greenish or russet, obscure; flesh whitish
or often salmon-color, firm, tough, medium juicy, lacking sweetness; quality poor. Core
unusually small, closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide; seeds short,
wide, plump, obtuse, few in number.
1. Ga. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 8, 29. 1878. 2. Ia. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 303. 1879. 3. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 38.
1883. 4. Gard. Mon. 27:282. 1885. 5. Ga. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 55. 1885. 6. Black Cult. Peach & Pear
234. 1886. 7. Cornell Sta. Bul. 332:484. 1913. 8. Ont. Dept. Agr. Fr. Ont. 169. 1914.
Le Conte is a hybrid between the Chinese Sand pear and a European
sort, therefore similar in parentage to Kieffer which it greatly resembles
in both tree and fruit. The fruits are rather poorer in quality than those
of Kieffer, if that be possible for an edible fruit, and the tree is in no way
superior to that of its better-known rival, but seems to succeed better in
warm climates and light soils. There is, therefore, a place for Le Conte
in the South, and possibly on parts of Long Island, if a pear is wanted for
culinary purposes only. The fruits sometimes rot badly at the core, and
should usually be harvested as soon as they attain full size. The trees
are more susceptible to blight than those of Kieffer. In the South, the
trees are often, if not usually, propagated from cuttings.
Le Conte originated in America, and is probably a hybrid between the
Chinese Sand pear and some native. It is supposed to have been carried
from Philadelphia to Georgia about 1850 by Major Le Conte, and has
since been extensively cultivated in the southern States for northern
markets. In 1885 it was recommended by the Georgia Horticultural
Society for cultivation in the middle region of that State. The American
Pomological Society added Le Conte to its fruit-catalog in 1883.
Tree medium in size, vigorous, upright, very productive, a regular bearer; branches
strongly zigzag, brownish-red mingled with green and covered with scarf-skin; branchlets
thick, reddish-brown mingled with green, smooth, pubescent on the new growth which
later becomes glabrous, with numerous very small, conspicuous, raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, short, pointed, appressed. Leaves 33 in. long, 13 in. wide, long-ovate
or long-oval, leathery; apex taper-pointed; margin finely serrate; petiole pale green,
glabrous. Flower-buds small, short, conical, plump, free, arranged singly on very short
spurs; flowers open very early, 1} in. across, in dense clusters, 7 to 10 buds in a cluster;
pedicels 1 in. long, slender, lightly pubescent, pale green.
Fruit ripe late October to November; large, 37's in. long, 2§ in. wide, uniform in size
and shape, roundish-oval, tapering at both ends, ribbed, symmetrical; stem 1} in. long,
very thick, often curved; cavity obtuse, very shallow and narrow, smooth, slightly fur-
rowed and wrinkled, often compressed; calyx partly open; lobes usually dehiscent, separated
at the base, short, narrow, acute; basin usually very deep, abrupt, gently furrowed; skin
thick, tough, smooth; color pale yellow, occasionally marked with russet; dots numerous,
small, russet, conspicuous; flesh white, firm, granular, stringy, tender, juicy, sweet, with a
strong and disagreeable flavor; quality poor. Core very large, closed, axile, with meeting
core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide, broadly conical; seeds large, 2 in each carpel, wide,
long, very plump, acute.
1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 246. 1889. 2. Guide Prat.95. 1895. 3. Rev. Hort. 466. 1899. 4. Garden
50:14, 93,124. 1901. 5. Soc. Nat. Hort. France Pom. 420, fig. 1904. 6. Cat. Cong. Pom. France 287,
fig. 1906.
In size and beauty of fruit, Le Lectier surpasses most of its associates,
and the quality is first rate in soils and climates to which the variety is
suited. Unfortunately the tree, while very satisfactory in some situations,
is capricious to both soils and climates, and is seldom at home on this side
of the Atlantic. The season is December and January, when good pears
are scarce, and it would seem that the fine, large fruits of this pear would
be most acceptable for either home or market if it could be made to thrive.
In Europe, it grows best on warm, rich soils.
Auguste Lesueur, a horticulturist at Orléans, France, obtained this
late winter pear about 1882 as a cross between Bartlett and Fortunée. It
was named after Le Lectier, the great pomologist of Orléans, who was
growing in the year 1628 about 260 varieties of pears. The variety was
introduced about 1889. In France, Le Lectier has been described
as greatly superior in flavor, aroma, and sweetness to varieties of the
same class having established reputations. In 1894, the Royal Horti-
cultural Society of London recommended this variety for cultivation
in England.
Z Ne
Tree medium in size, vigorous, upright, dense-topped, very productive; trunk and
branches medium in thickness and smoothness; branchlets thick, curved, light brownish-
red, tinged with green and overspread with grayish scarf-skin, glabrous, sprinkled with
amumerous raised, conspicuous lenticels.
Leaf-buds very small, short, pointed, plump, free. Leaves 2} in. long, 13 in. wide,
thick; apex taper-pointed; margin glandular, finely serrate; petiole 21 in. long, slender.
Flower-buds short, conical, plump, free, singly on very short spurs; flowers showy, 13 in.
across, 8 or 10 buds in a cluster; pedicels 7 in. long.
Fruit ripens December to January; large, elongated-obovate-pyriform, often with a
narrow neck; stem slender, rather short, enlarged at both ends, inserted obliquely; cavity
irregular, often lipped; calyx variable in size, partly open; basin variable in size, abrupt,
irregular; skin glossy, thin, with uneven surface; color yellow, mottled and faintly blushed
on the exposed cheek with yellowish-bronze; dots inconspicuous, small; flesh white, fine-
grained, melting, juicy, sweet, pleasantly aromatic; quality very good.
1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 3. 1843. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 419, fig. 192. 1845. 3. Hovey
Fr. Am. 1:9, Pl. 1851. 4. Ann. Pom. Belge 5:51, Pl. 1857. 5. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 70. 1862. 6.
Pom. France 1: No. 29, Pl. 29. 1863. 7. Jour. Hort. N. S. 10:366. 1866, 8. Mas Le Verger 3: Pt. 1,
127, fig. 62. 1866-73. 9. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:722, fig. 1869. 10. Jour. Hort. 3rd Ser. 1:573, fig. 103.
1880. 11. Cat. Cong. Pom. France 361, fig. 1906.
Van Mons Butterbirne. 12. Lauche Deut. Pom. Il: No. 65, Pl. 65. 1883. 13. Mathieu Nom. Pom.
292. 1889.
A century ago this pear was being heralded in Europe as the best of
all pears, and shortly afterward was introduced into the United States with
highest praise. The variety is still popular in Europe, but its reputation
there is not sustained here. The pear deserves a place among major
varieties only because it fills a particular niche in the pear season, the crop
coming in season between late fall and early winter at a time when there
are few other good varieties. Were it not for one serious fault, however,
the variety might take high rank in America. The fault is great sus-
ceptibility to the scab fungus. After Flemish Beauty, no other variety
suffers as much both in fruit and foliage. Well grown in a congenial
environment, on standard or quince stock, the pears are often as large as
those of Duchesse d’Angouléme, with which they compare rather closely
in shape. On well-grown specimens, also, the color is rich and beautiful.
The flavor is sprightly and refreshing, which, with good flesh-characters,
give the variety high rank for quality. There are no remarkable characters
in the trees to recommend them, although they are quite up to the average
in all characters either on pear or quince stocks. They are said to prefer
a rich, deep soil. The variety is suitable only for collections.
This pear was obtained by M. Léon Leclerc, a distinguished pomologist
living at Laval, France, who dedicated it to his friend Van Mons. Desiring
to couple his own name with that of his friend, he gave it the name of Van
Mons Léon Leclerc, by which appellation it has been known by most
authors. The variety first fruited in 1828. There has been a good deal
of confusion as to the identity of this pear, owing to the fact that Van Mons
raised a pear in 1816 which he dedicated to Léon Leclerc. The proper
name of the latter pear is Léon Leclerc de Laval. There is also a Léon
Leclerc de Louvain. The variety under discussion was fruited in this
country previous to 1843 by Marshall P. Wilder. The American Pomo-
logical Society added the variety to its fruit-catalog in 1862 but dropped
it in 1869.
Tree medium in size, vigorous, spreading, open-topped, productive; trunk shaggy;
branches roughish, reddish-brown, overspread with heavy, dull scarf-skin, with conspicu-
ous, numerous, large lenticels; branchlets very slender and curved, short, with short inter-
nodes, light brown streaked with gray and tinged with green, dull, smooth, glabrous,
with numerous small, conspicuous, raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds very small, short, pointed, appressed. Leaves 1% in. long, 33 in. wide,
leathery; apex taper-pointed; margin glandless, entire; petiole 14 in. long, glabrous, reddish-
green. Flower-buds small, short, conical, plump, free, singly on short spurs; flowers
showy, 13 in. across, in dense racemes, 7 or 8 buds in a cluster; pedicels 3 in. long, pubescent.
Fruit ripe in late September and October; large, 33 in. long, 23 in. wide, oblong-pyri-
form, tapering to a very long, narrow neck; stem 1 in. long, thick, curved; cavity very small,
compressed, usually lipped; calyx large, open; lobes separated at the base, broad, acute;
basin shallow, narrow, obtuse, symmetrical; skin thick, tough, roughened by russet specks:
color dull yellow, covered with dots and tracings of russet and occasionally with a faint
trusset-red blush; dots numerous, small, russet, conspicuous; flesh granular under the skin,
nearly melting, juicy, subacid or with a peculiar sprightliness; quality good. Core large,
closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, narrow, conical; seeds large, wide, long,
1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 88. 1845. 2. Jll. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 196, Pls. 1894. 3. Mich. Hort. Soc.
Rpt. 141. 1894. 4. Ill. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 42. 1889. 5. Rural N. Y. 48:754, figs. 275 and 276. 1889.
6. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 36. 1899. 7. Budd-Hansen Am. Hort. Man. 2:253. 1903.
Nearly a hundred years old without having received favorable mention.
from pear growers, Lincoln has been brought from the limbo of lost fruits
in recent years to take high rank in the list of pears for the Mississippi
Valley. The variety is spoken of in such superlative terms for that region
that judging from its behavior in New York, it would seem that western
pear-growers give it attributes which Nature denies it. At best, in the
East, the fruits are but mediocre in appearance and quality, falling below
those of a dozen other varieties of the same season whether judged by the
eye or the palate. In Illinois and Missouri, however, the fruits are spoken
of as the handsomest and best. These are not regions in which many
good pears grow, since the cold of winter, heat of summer, and pear-blight
take toll from all but pears of the strongest constitution. Lincoln seems to
possess a constitution to withstand these ills. At its best, the fruits of
Lincoln seem comparable to those of Bartlett, which the western ‘admirers
of the variety say it resembles. In New York, comparisons of the fruits
are all in favor of Bartlett, as are the trees in all characters excepting
hardiness to heat and cold, and resistance to blight. The variety is valuable
only in the Middle West.
This pear had its origin in a seedling grown in the spring of 1835 by
Mrs. Maria Fleming, Corwin, Illinois. The original tree proved to be a
vigorous grower as well as a heavy cropper, and was ultimately given the
name of Lincoln. Augustine and Company of Normal, Illinois, propagated
and distributed the variety about 1895. Young trees of the variety appear
to be vigorous growers, free from blight and of high quality. The Ameri-
can Pomological Society added Lincoln to its list of fruits in 1899.
Tree large, vigorous, upright-spreading, open-topped, hardy, very productive; trunk
stocky, smooth; branches zigzag, greenish-brown, partly overspread with thin gray scarf-
skin, marked on the younger wood with very numerous large, round lenticels; branchlets
slender, very long, willowy, brownish-green overlaid with thin gray, dull, the new growth
reddish-green, with numerous large, roundish, raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds very small, short, pointed, appressed. Leaves 33 in. long, 1} in. wide,
stiff; apex variable; margin glandless, finely serrate; petiole 23 in. long, glabrous, tinged with
_ Ted; stipules very long and slender, pinkish. Flower-buds small, short, conical, free,
singly on short spurs; flowers 1§ in, across, well distributed, average 5 buds in a cluster;
pedicels 13 in. long, slender, pubescent.
Fruit matures in late August and September; medium in size, about 2} in. in length
‘and width, roundish, with an obtuse neck, tapering very slightly; stem 14 in. long, slender;
cavity a slight, narrow depression, occasionally lipped; calyx large, open; lobes separated
at the base, long, acuminate; basin shallow, obtuse, smooth, symmetrical; skin thick,
tender, roughish; color yellow, sprinkled with few russet lines and nettings; dots numerous,
small, russet, conspicuous; flesh tinged with yellow, firm, coarse and granular, tender,
very juicy, sweet, aromatic, pleasing but not richly flavored; quality good. Core unusually
large, closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide, conical; seeds large, very
wide, long, plump, acuminate.
1. Parry Cat. 9, fig. 1891. 2. Ann. Hort. 185. 1892. 3. Ill. Hort. Soc, Rpt. 137. 1894. 4. Ibid.
52,178. 1896. §. Rural N. Y. 64:256. 1905.
The product of Lincoln Coreless is worthless for dessert, and but a
coarse makeshift for culinary purposes. The variety receives attention
only because the pear is a monstrosity and a curiosity. The fruits are
enormous in size, outweighing all other pears unless it be those of the Pound.
They are unique in having a very small core and few or sometimes no
seeds. They are further characterized by very late maturity, ripening
later than those of any other pear on the grounds of this Station and
keeping until April. While usually rather dull greenish-yellow in color,
the cheek is often enlivened by a bright blush which makes the fruits
rather attractive despite their grossness. The catalogs describe the trees
as “blight proof,” but they blight on the grounds of this Station. The
variety is worth growing only as an interesting curiosity.
According to William Parry, Parry, New Jersey, Lincoln Coreless
originated in Lincoln County, Tennessee, near the Alabama line, about
1830. The original tree was rated as productive and free from blight,
and young trees propagated from it have been unusually healthy and.
vigorous. The variety was introduced about 1890 by William Parry.
Tree small, vigorous, upright, very dense, pyramidal, hardy, an uncertain bearer;
trunk shaggy; branches smooth, zigzag, reddish-brown mingled with ash-gray, marked
with small lenticels; branchlets short to medium, dull brown, smooth, glabrous, with
conspicuous lenticels.
Leaf-buds large, obtuse, plump, appressed. Leaves 3 in. long, 1$ in. wide, elongated-
oval, leathery; apex taper-pointed; margin finely serrate; petiole 13 in. long, reddish;
stipules very long. Flower-buds short, obtuse, plump, free; flowers 12 in. across, very
large and showy, average 6 buds in a cluster; pedicels 18 in. long, thick, pubescent, pale
Fruit ripe in February; very large, 42 in. long, 3 in. wide, uniform in size, obovate-
acute-pyriform, somewhat ribbed, with unequal sides; stem 1? in. long, thick, curved;
cavity obtuse, shallow, narrow, russeted, furrowed, often lipped; calyx open, large; lobes
separated at the base, narrow, acute; basin very shallow, narrow, obtuse, furrowed; skin
very thick, tough, coarse and granular, smooth, dull; color greenish-yellow, with a handsome
blush on the cheek exposed to the sun; dots many, brownish-russet, very conspicuous;
flesh yellowish-white, very firm, granular at the core, crisp, tough, medium juicy, rather
bitter and astringent; quality poor. Core closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube
long, wide, conical; seeds few, narrow, often abortive, acute.
1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 148. 1841. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 53. 1852. 3. Field Pear Cult. 218, fig.
81. 1858.
Louise Bonne of Jersey. 4. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 397, fig. 174. 1845. 5. Hovey Fr. Am. 1:39,
Pl, 1851. 6. Jour. Hort. N. S. 38:161, fig. 26. 1880. 7. Hogg Fruit Man. 606. 1884.
Gute Louise von Avranches. 8. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:138. 1856. 9. Mathieu Nom. Pom.
229. 1889.
Bonne Lowise d'Avranches. 10, Ann. Pom. Belge 6:29, Pl. 1858, 11. Pom France 1: No. 21, Pl. 21.
1863. 12. Mas Le Verger 3: Pt. 1, 67, fig. 32. 1866-73. 13. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:482, fig. 1867. 14.
Guide Prat. 286. 1876.
Louise. 15. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 23. 1897. 16. Ont. Dept. Agr. Fr. Ont. 170, fig. 1914.
Now known in America as Louise, a name given it by the American
Pomological Society, this variety is described under the name given it in
England to distinguish it from at least eight other varieties having Louise
as the whole or a part of the name. The pear is an old one, having many
excellent qualities of fruit and tree, which, however, are not sufficiently
above the average to give it high place in the list of pears for the market.
The pears are medium to large, handsome, of excellent quality, and keep
and ship well. These qualities have given it some preéminence as a pear
for the export trade. The trees are precariously hardy and somewhat
subject to blight, but very vigorous, productive, and long-lived. In
Europe, the testimony of prominent pomologists agrees that the fruits are
better and the trees more productive when worked on the quince, and in
America the variety is considered one of the best for dwarfing. This pear
is a standard one for home collections, and finds favor in many commer-
cial orchards in New York.
The parent tree of this pear was raised from seed about 1780 by M.
de Longueval, Avranches, Normandy. Some authorities say that the
variety was first named Bonne de Longueval; others, that M. de Longueval
immediately dedicated the pear to his wife and called it Bonne Louwise de
Longueval. Later still, the Pomological Congress adopted the name of
Bonne Louise d’Avranches, by which it became more generally known,
though in England, it rather unfortunately became widely disseminated
as Louise Bonne de Jersey, having, presumably, found its way there through
the Channel Islands. The variety was brought to the United States early
in the nineteenth century, and in 1852 was entered in the recommended
list of fruits of the American Pomological Society. In 1897, this Society
shortened the name to Louise.
Tree large, vigorous, upright, very tall, dense-topped, hardy, productive, long-lived;
trunk stocky; branches slightly zigzag, reddish-brown mingled with very dark grayish scarf-
skin, with numerous raised lenticels; branchlets slender, long, dark reddish-brown, nearly
smooth, glabrous, with few small, slightly raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds pointed, semi-free. Leaves 3} in. long, 12 in. wide, much curled under at
the margins, oval, leathery; apex slightly taper-pointed; margin glandless, finely serrate;
petiole 13 in. long, slender. Flower-buds small, conical or pointed, free; flowers with a
disagreeable odor, 1} in. across, white or tinged with pink along the edge of the petals,
averaging 6 buds in a cluster; pedicels 13 in. long, slender, pubescent, light green.
Fruit matures in October; medium to large, 23 in. long, 23 in. wide, uniform in size
and shape, oblong-pyriform, somewhat irregular, with unequal sides; stem 1 in. long, slender,
usually curved; cavity obtuse, very shallow and very narrow, furrowed and wrinkled,
often lipped, the flesh folded up around the stem; calyx open, large; lobes broad, acute;
basin obtuse, furrowed and uneven; skin granular, smooth; color pale yellow, marked on
the exposed cheek with a dull red blush and with streaks of russet; dots numerous, small,
grayish or russet, conspicuous; fruit yellowish-white, somewhat granular, tender and melt-
ing, very juicy, sweet and vinous, aromatic, rich; quality very good. Core closed, with
clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide, conical; seeds large, wide, long, plump, acute.
1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 153. 1885. 2. W. N. Y. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 65. 1889. 3. Van Lindley Cat.
22, Pl. 1892. 4. N. Y. Sta. Bul. 364:182. 1913.
Why Lucy Duke is neglected is hard to see. Tree and fruit are highly
praised. Charles Downing thought the pear “not quite so fine as a
first-class Seckel, but I must aver it is not far behind.’’ The pear has a
rich, juicy, spicy, melting flesh that makes it one of the best. In form,
the fruits resemble those of Bartlett, which is probably one of the parents;
they are of but medium size, but are of a beautiful golden-russet color,
which makes them as handsome as the handsomest. The skin is thick and
the pears stand shipping well. The variety can be recommended for home
and local markets, but the trees are a little too unproductive and too
irregular in bearing for commercial orchards. The tree is hardy but only
moderately vigorous and resembles Winter Nelis, supposed to be the other
parent, in habit of growth. The variety is relatively free from blight.
Lucy Duke was grown about 1880 by Mrs. Lucy Duke, Beaufort
County, North Carolina, from seed of a Bartlett pear which she had
received from California. Its tree-characters are so nearly like those of
Winter Nelis that the other parent is supposed to be that variety. Lucy
Duke was introduced about 1892 by J. Van Lindley, Pomona, North
Tree medium to large, variable in vigor, upright becoming slightly spreading, dense-
topped, hardy, productive; trunk shaggy; branches thick, zigzag, marked by numerous
elongated lenticels; branchlets strongly curved, with short internodes, dark brownish-
red mingled with green, mottled with scarf-skin, smooth, glabrous, with small, elongated
or roundish, conspicuous, raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, short, pointed, plump, usually free; leaf-scars prominent. Leaves
3 in. long, 12 in. wide, thin; margin occasionally glandular, finely serrate or entire; petiole
13 in. long, slender. Flower-buds large, long, pointed, plump, free, singly on short spurs;
flowers open late, with an unpleasant odor, 13 in. across; pedicels 1% in. long.
Fruit ripens in late October and November; medium in size, acute-pyriform to oblong-
pyriform, symmetrical; stem short, thick, curved; cavity obtuse, shallow, narrow, russeted,
often wrinkled and occasionally lipped; calyx large, open, rounded and with a deeply-set
center; basin obtuse, smooth, symmetrical; skin very tough, roughened with thick russet;
color greenish-yellow, usually entirely overspread with solid, dark russet, changing to golden
russet on the cheek exposed to the sun, with mottlings and flecks of russet; dots numerous,
small, russet, obscure; flesh yellowish-white, fine, melting, rich, juicy, sweet; quality very
good. Core large, closed, axile; calyx-tube short, wide, broadly conical; seeds large, wide,
long, plump, acute.
1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:124, Pl. IV. 1768. 2. Pom. Mag. 2:51, Pl. 1829. 3. Prince Pom.
Man, 1:13. 1831. 4. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 341, fig. 138. 1845. §. Proc. Nat. Con. Fr. Gr. 51.
1848. 6. Elliott Fr. Book 331, fig. 1854. 7. Mas Le Verger 2:59, fig. 28. 1866-73. 8. Guide Prat. 62,
287. 1876.
Sainte Madelaine. 9. Knoop Pomologie 76, Tab. 1, fig. 1771.
Griine Sommer-Magdalene. 10. Dochnahl Fihr. Obstkunde 2:150. 1856. 11. Lucas Tafelbirnen 47,
fig. 1894.
Citron des Carmes. 12. Pom. France 3: No. 101, Pl. tor. 1865. 13. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:563, fig.
1867. 14. Hogg Fruit Man. 548. 1884. 15. Cat. Cong. Pom. France 212, fig. 1906.
Griine Magdalene. 16. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 228. 1889.
Madeleine has long been a dependable summer variety, the crop of
which ripens just before that of Bloodgood. Many consider it the best
very early summer pear, and if the product alone were to be considered it
might well be called the best, but, unfortunately, the faults of the trees more
than offset the virtues of the fruits. The pears are attractive in appear-
ance, and very good in quality; but their season is short, their skins are
tender, and the flesh quickly softens at the core. While the trees are pro-
ductive, they are not resistant to blight, do not hold their crop well, are
tender to cold, and are short-lived. The variety is worth planting only
for the sake of succession in crop, and in large collections of pears. The
variety is recommended on the Pacific slope for local markets.
The Madeleine pear is of ancient and somewhat uncertain origin. It
was cultivated by M. Le Lectier in his garden at Orléans in 1628, but
previously no other author had made mention of it, though M. Leroy,
writing in 1867, deemed it presumable that it had originated in France.
Besides its original names this pear has been known by some fifty others
in different localities and at different times, but Madeleine is now its
recognized name in this country. In England, it is known as the Citron
des Carmes. When and by whom it was introduced to America is not
clear, but it was a standard variety as early as 1831 when Prince first
described it. At the national convention of fruit-growers held in 1848,
Madeleine was recommended for general cultivation, and ever since this
time the variety has appeared in the fruit-catalog of the American Pomo-
logical Society.
Tree large, vigorous, upright, open-topped, tender, productive; trunk shaggy; branches
zigzag, light greenish-brown covered with gray scarf-skin; branchlets slender, long, reddish-
brown mingled with green, mottled with ash-gray near the tips, smooth, glabrous, with small,
raised, conspicuous lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, very short, pointed, appressed. Leaves 3 in. long, 1} in. wide, thin;
apex taper-pointed; margin glandless, finely serrate; petiole 12 in. long, glabrous, reddish-
green. Flower-buds small, thick, short, conical, plump, free, distributed as lateral buds
or on very short spurs; flowers showy, 13 in. across, in dense clusters, average 11 buds in a
cluster; pedicels 13 in. long, slightly pubescent.
Fruit ripens in early August; inferior in size, 2} in. long, 2 in. wide, roundish-obtuse-
pyriform; stem 13 in. long, thick, curved; cavity very shallow and narrow, or lacking, the
flesh folded in a lip on one side of the stem; calyx partly open; lobes separated at the base,
short, narrow, acuminate; basin shallow, narrow, obtuse, gently furrowed, symmetrical;
skin thin, smooth, very tender; color dull green, occasionally with a faint, dotted, brownish
blush; dots numerous, greenish, obscure; flesh slightly tinged yellow, granular at the center,
tender and melting, very juicy, sweet, vinous; quality good to very good. Core closed,
with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide, conical; seeds wide, short, plump,
1. Horticulturist 21:172, 245, fig. 80. 1866. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 53. 1869. 3. Downing Fr.
Trees Am. 811. 1869. 4. Mo. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 35, 36. 1890. §. Guide Prat. 68,279. 1895.
Mary. 6. Horticulturist 21:78, figs. 43 and 44. 1866.
The fruits of Margaret are early and attractive in color and shape.
This is about all that can be said for them, as they run small in size, and in
neither flesh nor flavor can they compete with the product of several other
varieties of the same season. The trees are hardly more desirable than the
fruits, since they are tender to cold, blight badly, and are short-lived,
seldom attaining full size. Despite these defects of fruit and tree, the
variety is a one-time favorite still rather commonly planted. Better sum-
mer pears can be found for New York, and for almost every part of the
In the middle of the nineteenth century, Christopher Wiegel, a
German nurseryman of Cleveland, Ohio, planted some seeds which he
believed to have been from a Seckel pear. Out of the trees grown from these
he selected two for further trial ‘‘ because of their early coming into bearing,
their upright, vigorous habits of growth, profuse bearing, and good quality
of fruit.” In 1866, Mr. Wiegel named one of these Mary but later changed
the name to Margaret.
Tree medium in size, vigorous, spreading, somewhat drooping, open-topped, pro-
ductive; trunk shaggy; branches brown mingled with much red, overspread with thin
gtay scarf-skin, marked by numerous lenticels; branchlets slender, long, with long inter-
nodes, light reddish-brown, streaked with ash-gray scarf-skin, glossy, smooth, glabrous
except on the newer growth, with numerous small, roundish, taised, conspicuous lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, very short, pointed, appressed. Leaves 3 in. long, 12 in. wide, thin;
margin tipped with few pinkish glands, finely serrate; petiole 13 in. long, green; stipules
of medium size. Flower-buds small, short, conical, pointed, free, singly on short spurs;
flowers showy, 13 in. long, large, in dense clusters, 6 or 8 buds in a cluster; pedicels 1} in.
long, thick, pubescent.
Fruit matures in late August and early September; medium in size, 3 in. long, 22
in. wide, oblong-obovate-pyriform, irregular; stem 1} in. long, thick, curved; cavity
acuminate, deep, narrow, russeted, furrowed and compressed, often with a pronounced
lip; calyx open, large; lobes separated at the base, broad, acute, reflexed; basin deep,
abrupt, furrowed, often compressed; skin thin, tender, smooth; color dull greenish-yellow,
often with a deep but dull reddish-brown blush and occasional patches of russet; dots
numerous, small, green or russet, obscure; flesh fine under the skin but granular and gritty
near the center; tender, buttery, very juicy, faintly vinous, slightly aromatic; quality
good. Core large, closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube long, wide, funnel-shaped ;
seeds large, wide, plump, obtuse or acute.
1. Pom. Mag. 3:122, Pl. 1830. 2. Prince Pom, Mag. 1:131. 1831. 3. Kenrick Am. Orch. 179. 1832.
4. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 399. 1845. 5+ Hovey Fr. Am. 2:37, Pl. 1851. 6. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde
2:59. 1856. 7 Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 70. 1862. 8, Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:399, fig. 1869. 9. Guide Prat.
59, 287. 1876. 10. Lauche Deut. Pom. Il: No. 38, Pl. 38. 1882. 11. Hogg. Fruit Man. 613. 1884.
12. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 251. 1889.
Marie-Louise Delcourt. 13. Pom. France 1: No. 19, Pl. 19. 1863. 14. Mas Le Verger 3: Pt. 1, 163,
fig. 80. 1866-73.
The fruits of Marie Louise are among the perfections of Nature, and
were the tree more certain in bearing and less fastidious as to environment
and care, the variety would rank as one of the best of all pears. Pomolo-
gists generally agree that its fruits are the finest flavored of their season.
The flesh is tender and melting, very juicy, and the flavor is a most delect-
able commingling of refreshing piquancy and scented sweetness. In shape,
the pears resemble those of Beurré Bosc, having the same trim contour,
but the color is very different —rich yellow, netted and sprinkled with
russet, and sun-flecked with red on the sunny side. The fruit is some-
what susceptible to the scab fungus, and even the most careful spraying
fails to give it a fair cheek in some seasons. The trees are hardy but only
moderately vigorous, somewhat susceptible to blight, rather uncertain
in bearing, and vary much from season to season in abundance and quality
of product. Not at all suited for a commercial plantation, Marie Louise
is one of the choicest sorts for a home collection or in the hands of a pear
The Abbé Duquesne, Mons, Belgium, raised this pear from seed in
1809 and dedicated it to Marie Louise, the second consort of Napoleon
the First. The Abbé passed the pear on to Van Mons, who in 1816 sent
it without a name to a Mr. Braddick of Thames Ditton, England, where in
time it became one of the best-known pears. Thomas Andrew Knight
sent cions of the variety from England to John Lowell, Roxbury, Massa-
chusetts, in 1823, whence it became widely disseminated in America. The
American Pomological Society placed Marie Louise in its list of fruits in
Tree medium in size, vigorous, spreading, open-topped, hardy, productive; trunk
slender; branches dark reddish-brown mingled with thin gray scarf-skin, marked with
many large lenticels; branchlets very slender and very short, with short internodes, light
brown, tinged with brownish-red, glossy, smooth, glabrous, with very small, slightly
raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, short, sharply pointed, plump, free. Leaves 23 in. long, 13 in. wide,
narrow, short, oval or somewhat elongated, leathery; apex obtusely or slightly taper-
pointed; margin glandless, entire; petiole 2 in. long, greenish, glabrous, slender. Flower-
buds small, conical, free, arranged singly as lateral buds or on short spurs; flowers very
showy, 12 in. across, in dense clusters, 7 to 9 buds in a cluster; pedicels often 1} in. long,
slender, slightly pubescent, greenish.
Fruit ripe in late September and early October; above medium in size, 3} in. long,
2s in. wide, variable in size, oblong-pyriform, irregular, usually with sides unequal; stem
1% in. long, thick, curved; cavity very small and one-sided, russeted, often lipped; calyx
large, open; lobes separated at the base, narrow, acuminate; basin obtuse, considerably
furrowed; skin thin, tender, smooth, dull; color yellow, netted and sprinkled with russet
especially on the exposed cheek; dots numerous, small, russet, somewhat obscure; flesh
yellowish-white, granular, tender, buttery, very juicy, aromatic, with a rich, vinous flavor;
quality very good. Core closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, narrow, conical;
seeds wide, acute.
1. Am. Jour. Hort. 3:144, figs. 1868. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 818. 1869. 3. Horticulturist
24:367, fig. 1869. 4. Ibid. 26:361. 1871. 5. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 20. 1871. 6. Horticulturist
27:204. 1872. 7. Budd-Hansen Am. Hort. Man. 2:256. 1903.
As a distinct type, and because the pears ripen at a season when there
are few other varieties of this fruit, Mount Vernon has a prominent place
in the list of worthy American pears. The top-shaped form and reddish-russet
color give the pear a unique appearance, and with the greenish-yellow, gran-
ular, spicy, piquant flesh constitute very distinct characters in its quality.
Unfortunately, the russet color is not well brought out in the accompanying
color-plate. Lack of uniformity in shape and size are the chief defects
in the appearance of the pears. The variety is valuable because it ripens
its crop in early winter from which time, under good conditions, it may
be kept until mid-winter, a season in which there are few good pears. The
trees are unusually satisfactory in most of the characters of importance in
a good pear-tree. The tree is vigorous but the head is small, with numer-
ous, short, stocky branches, many of which droop. The aspect given
the top by these peculiarities is quite distinct. The variety is worthy when
a winter pear is wanted whether for home or market.
This pear, which is very distinct from any other variety, originated from
a chance seedling in the garden of Samuel Walker, Roxbury, Massachu-
setts, at the end of the first half of the nineteenth century.
Tree large, vigorous, spreading, with many drooping branches, dense-topped, hardy,
productive, long-lived; trunk stocky; branches thick, shaggy, reddish-brown, overcast
with gray scarf-skin, marked by few large lenticels; branchlets thick, with short internodes,
grayish-brown, smooth, glabrous, with a few large, raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds variable in shape, usually free. Leaves 2} in. long, 14 in. wide, oval,
medium to thick, leathery; apex taper-pointed; margin crenate, tipped with rudimentary
glands; petiole 1 in. long. Flower-buds large, long, conical or pointed, free; flowers 1}
in. across, in dense clusters, 7 to 9 buds in a cluster; pedicels ? in. long, slender, lightly
pubescent, pale green, with a faint tinge of red.
Fruit ripe in late October and November; medium in size, 2} in. long, 2} in. wide,
uniform in size, roundish-obtuse-pyriform, irregular, with unequal sides, variable in
shape; stem 1 in. long, thick, usually curved; cavity obtuse, very shallow and narrow,
russeted, furrowed, often very heavily lipped, so that the stem appears to be inserted
under a fleshy enlargement; calyx open; lobes short, narrow, acute to acuminate; basin
narrow, obtuse, smooth, usually symmetrical; skin granular, roughened by russet, dull;
color light russet overspreading a greenish-yellow ground, with a brownish-red blush on
the exposed cheek, dotted and netted with russet; dots numerous, small, russet, obscure;
flesh white, with a faint tinge of yellow, often with a green tinge under the skin, granular,
tender and melting, juicy, sweet, aromatic, with a vinous tendency; quality good to very
good. Core large, closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide, conical; seeds
variable in size, wide, long, plump, acute, many abortive.
1. Mas Le Verger 1:67, fig. 40. 1866-73. 2. Downing Fr. Trees. Am. 822. 1869. 3. Leroy Dict,
Pom. 2:477, fig. 1869. 4. Tilton Jour. Hort. 9:377, fig. 1871. 5. Oberdieck Obst-Sort. 316. 1881.
6. Jour. Hort. 3rd Ser. 4:15, fig. 4. 1882. 7. Hogg Fruit Man. 624. 1884. 8. Gaucher Pom. Prak.
Obst. No. 58, Pl. 51. 1894. 9. Deut. Obstsorten 5: Pt. 15, Pl. 1909.
This variety is rated in Europe as a delicious late-winter pear, and the
pomological writers of the last century give it all of the virtues on this side
of the Atlantic ascribed to it by Europeans. A closer study of the variety
as grown in America shows that it does not possess the merits in this country
given it by the French and English. The quality of the pear as grown in
New York is below that of several other sorts of its season. The flesh is
coarse and gritty and the flavor is mediocre. The tree-characters are good,
but are not sufficiently good to offset the faults of the fruits.
Olivier de Serres was raised from seed of Fortunée about the middle
of the nineteenth century by M. Boisbunel, Rouen, France. It fruited a
few years later, but did not receive attention until about 1862. At that
time it was brought to the notice of the French Society of Horticulture,
and was pronounced a fruit of merit. At the suggestion of M. Boisbunel,
it was named after the illustrious Frenchman, Olivier de Serres, who in
France is called ‘‘ The Father of Agriculture.” It was brought to America
about 1865.
Tree medium in size, vigorous, dense-topped, upright-spreading, productive; trunk
and branches marked with numerous lenticels; branchlets slender, short, curved, with
short internodes, light reddish-brown, tinged with green, sprinkled with scattering, incon-
spicuous, very small, raised lenticels. Leaf-buds small, short, sharply pointed, free;
leaf-scars with prominent shoulders. Leaves 2? in. long, 1} in. wide; apex taper-pointed;
margin glandular, finely serrate; petiole 2 in. long, slender. Flower-buds small, short,
sharply pointed, free, singly on short spurs; flowers with an unpleasant odor, showy,
17s in. across; pedicels 1 in. long, thinly pubescent.
Fruit ripens January to March; medium in size, 2} in. long, 2$ in. wide, roundish-
obtuse-pyriform, truncate at both ends, irregular in outline; stem variable in length,
averaging 3 in. long, thick, enlarged at the top, curved; cavity broad, slightly furrowed;
calyx large, slightly open; basin variable in depth, furrowed; skin tender; color greenish-
yellow, partly overspread with cinnamon-russet and sometimes with a dull blush on the
exposed cheek; flesh whitish, variable in texture, juicy, varying from sweet to a brisk,
vinous flavor; quality poor unless grown under the most favorable conditions.
1. Horticulturist 1:322, fig. 77. 1846-47. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 231. 1858. 3. Mas Le Verger
3: Pt. 1, 179, fig. 88. 1866-73. 4. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 823, fig. 1869. 5. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:480,
fig. 1869. 6. Guide Prat. 74,292. 1876. 7. Hogg Fruit Man. 625. 1884.
Swan's Orange. 8. Mag. Hort. 13:243, fig. 19. 1847. 9. Hovey Fr. Am. 1:21, Pl. 1851.
Some seventy or eighty years ago this pear was widely introduced
under the names Onondaga and Swan’s Orange, and for a generation and
more was much grown in eastern pear regions. It has now practically
passed from cultivation in commercial orchards, but is still to be found in
collections and home plantings. The fruits are large, handsome, and of
very good quality, resembling those of Bartlett in flavor and with even better
flesh-characters. The trees are vigorous, hardy, fruitful — almost ideal in
every character but one. The tree is so susceptible to blight that the
variety can never have commercial value in American orchards. Whether
or not it is worth planting in home orchards depends upon the planter’s
willingness to suffer loss from blight.
It seems impossible to trace this variety to its ultimate source. We
know, however, that Henry Case, Liverpool, New York, cut a graft during
the winter of 1806 from a tree growing on land of a Mr. Curtiss at Farming-
ton, Connecticut. In the spring of the same year, Mr. Case grafted this cion
into a tree about three miles west of Onondaga Hill, New York, and in 1808
moved the tree to Liverpool where it grew and bore fruit. Many grafts
were taken from this tree before it died in 1823. Up to this time, the variety
appears to have received no name nor had it been generally disseminated.
We hear nothing further of it until about 1840 when it was brought to notice
by a Mr. Swan of Onondaga Hollow, who exhibited specimens of the variety
in Rochester. Ellwanger and Barry were so impressed with the fruit that
they secured cions and propagated it under the name Swan’s Orange
which they changed later to Onondaga. Onondaga was given a place in
the American Pomological Society’s fruit-catalog in 1858.
Tree medium in size, vigorous, spreading, open-topped, very productive; branches
zigzag, reddish-brown, overspread with thin gray scarf-skin, marked with many large
lenticels; branchlets slender, short, light brown, tinged with green and lightly streaked
with ash-gray scarf-skin, dull, smooth, the new growth slightly pubescent, with small,
raised, pinkish lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, short, sharply pointed, plump, free. Leaves 375 in. long, 1} in.
wide, narrow, oval, stiff, leathery; apex taper-pointed; margin coarsely but shallowly
serrate, tipped with many reddish glands; petiole 1} in. long, light green mingled with
red; stipules often lacking but when present very small, pale green. Flower-buds small,
short, conical, plump, free, arranged singly on very short spurs; blossoms 1% in. across,
in dense clusters, 7 to 8 buds in a cluster; pedicels pubescent, greenish.
Fruit ripe in early October; above medium to large, 23 in. long, 23 in. wide, ovate or
obovate-obtuse-pyriform, symmetrical, with unequal sides; stem 3 in. long, thick, curved;
cavity a slight depression, with a fleshy enlargement at one side of the stem; calyx closed;
lobes narrow, acute; basin narrow, obtuse, furrowed, uneven; skin granular, tender,
smooth, dull; color pale yellow, with few lines of russet and with many russet spots; dots
numerous, small, russet, conspicuous; flesh yellowish, granular both near the skin and at
the center, melting, buttery, very juicy, aromatic, with a sweet, rich, vinous flavor;
quality very good. Core large, closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube long, conical;
seeds narrow, long, acute.
1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 200, fig. 1856. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 529. 1857. 3- Horticulturist N. S.
7:112, fig. 1857. 4. Mag. Hort. 23:110, fig. 3. 1857. 5. MasLe Verger 3: Pt. 2, 85, fig. 139. 1866-73.
6. Horticulturist 23:331, fig. 102. 1868. 7 Downing Fr. Trees Am. 824. 1869. 8. Thomas Am. Fruit
Cult. 463, fig. 672. 1897.
This variety was introduced nearly seventy years ago with the expecta-
tion that the crop would follow that of Bartlett and be in as great demand.
While the variety did not come up to expectations, it seems to have been
too good to discard, and is to be found in many collections in New York.
The fruits are of the type of Bartlett, but are smaller and usually lack the
blush found on the fruits of Bartlett. The trees are very satisfactory.
The variety fails chiefly in the small size of the fruits, although these are
not as small as the rather poor specimens illustrated in the accompanying
plate, which were grown on the grounds of this Station where the pears
run below the average.
This variety was raised from seed of Canandaigua in the nurseries
of W. and T. Smith, Geneva, Ontario County, New York, and was first
introduced at the meeting of the American Pomological Society, Rochester,
New York, in 1856.
Tree large, vigorous, upright, open-topped, hardy, productive; trunk stocky; branches
thick, roughish, dull reddish-brown, overspread with dark ash-gray scarf-skin, marked
by small lenticels; branchlets thick, very short, with short internodes, light brown mingled
with green, smooth, glabrous, with small, raised, conspicuous lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, short, pointed, free. Leaves 2 in. long, 1} in. wide, oval, thin,
leathery, slightly curled under along the margins; apex abruptly pointed; margin glandular
toward the apex, very finely serrate; petiole 1} in. long. Flower-buds small, short, conical
or pointed, plump, free, singly or in small clusters on short branches or very short spurs;
flowers 1} in. across, in a scattering raceme, from 8 to 10 buds in a cluster; pedicels 1} in.
long, slender, pubescent, light green.
Fruit in season from the middle to the last of September; medium in size, 23 in. long,
1} in. wide, uniform in size and shape, oblong-pyriform, with sides usually unequal; stem
3 in. long, thick; cavity obtuse, shallow, narrow, often russeted and lipped; calyx open;
lobes separated at the base, narrow, acute; basin shallow to medium, obtuse, gently fur-
rowed, sometimes compressed; skin smooth, dull; color pale yellow, with small patches and
streaks of light-colored russet; dots numerous, very small, russet, obscure; flesh whitish,
with a yellow tinge at the core, granular, firm but tender, juicy, sweet, slightly aromatic;
quality good. Core closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide, conical; seeds
large, wide, long, plump, acute.
x. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 38. 1875. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 2d App. 152, fig. 1876. 3. W. N. Y.
Hort, Soc. Rpt. 18. 1882. 4. Wickson Cal. Fruits 340. 1889. 5. Ellwanger & Barry Cat. 20. 1892.
6. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 17,68. 1895. 7Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 41. 1909. 8. Wickson Cal. Fruits 273. 1919.
The fruits of P. Barry are among the latest of all the pears grown on the
grounds of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station. They do not
ripen here until mid-winter and then keep until spring. A serious defect
is that they sometimes refuse to ripen but shrivel until decay sets in late
in the spring. To make certain that the pears ripen properly, the fruit-
room must not be too cold. The pears are excellent in flavor, have good
flesh-characters, and when properly ripened are excelled in quality by no
other winter pear. The variety should have a place in the collection of
every pear fancier to extend the season for this fruit, and commercial
pear growers might find it a profitable sort for local market. Unfortunately,
the trees are small, fastidious as to environment, and somewhat uncertain
in bearing.
Bernard S. Fox, San Jose, California, raised many pears from seed
of Belle Lucrative. Among these seedlings was one which fruited in 1873
and was named P. Barry in honor of Patrick Barry,’ an eminent nursery-
1 Patrick Barry, one of the founders of the firm of Ellwanger and Barry, whose Mount Hope Nurseries
at Rochester, New York, were long of national and international reputation, was born in Belfast, Ireland,
in 1816 and died in Rochester, N. Y., in 1890. Besides contributing to the fame of the nursery company
he helped to found, Barry was for many years one of the leading pomological editors and authors of the
country. New York, especially western New York, is greatly indebted to George Ellwanger and Patrick
Barry for the horticultural services of their firm. It is not an exaggeration to say that they introduced
fruit-growing in western New York, a region now famous for itsfruits. So, also, the parks and home grounds
of the many beautiful cities, towns, and villages in western New York are adorned and enriched by orna-
mental trees, shrubs and vines from the nurseries of Ellwanger and Barry. Patrick Barry came to America
in 1836 and with George Ellwanger founded the Mount Hope Nurseries in 1840. Here for a half century
he devoted himself to the introduction and distribution of fruit and out-of-door ornamental plants. In
the early life of the nursery company many importations were made from Europe and at a time when there
man and horticulturist of Rochester, New York. Of many scores of seed-
lings raised by Mr. Fox only this one, Fox, and Colonel Wilder were con-
sidered by the originator to be worthy of propagation. All these received
Wilder medals from the American Pomological Society in 1875 and 1881.
In 1909, this Society added P. Barry to its catalog-list of fruits.
Tree variable in size, lacking in vigor, spreading, open-topped, unusually hardy, medium
in productiveness; trunk slender; branches stocky, zigzag, reddish-brown mingled with
gray scarf-skin, marked with large lenticels; branchlets slender, long, with long internodes,
reddish-brown, smooth, glabrous, with few small, very slightly raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, short, conical, free. Leaves 13 in. long, 1} in. wide, leathery; apex
abruptly pointed; margin finely serrate, tipped with few glands; petiole 13 in. long. Flower-
buds small, short, somewhat obtuse, free; flowers open late, 1} in. across, well distributed,
averaging 7 buds in a cluster; pedicels 1 in. long, slender, slightly pubescent, pale green.
Fruit matures in late December to February; variable in size, averaging 23 in. long,
21 in. wide, oblong-obtuse-pyriform, irregular, with unequal sides; stem 1 in. long, thick,
curved; cavity obtuse, narrow, furrowed, compressed, often lipped; calyx small, open;
lobes separated at the base, short, narrow, obtuse; basin shallow, narrow, obtuse, smooth
and regular; skin variable in smoothness, dull; color rich yellow, many specimens almost
were no railroads, telegraph wires, nor ocean steamboats. It was during this early period that the Mount
Hope Nurseries began the importation of pears and soon built up one of the largest collections in the country
and one which was maintained long after the famous collections farther east had disappeared. At one
time or another over 1000 varieties of pears were tested on the grounds of this nursery. For a half century,
fruit-growers have studied with pleasure and profit the exhibits of pears made by Ellwanger and Barry at
the State and National exhibitions of note. From 1844 to 1852, Patrick Barry edited The Genesee Farmer,
one of the best agricultural papers of its day and succeeded A. J. Downing in the editorship of The
Horticulturist which he brought to Rochester in 1855 where it was published until 1887. Barry's Treatise
on the Fruit-Garden appeared in 1851 and at once became one of the most popular books on pomology. In
1872 the ‘‘ Treatise’ was rewritten and published as Barry's FruitGarden. Another notable work of which
he was author was The Catalogue of Fruits of the American Pomological Society which was compiled by him.
Patrick Barry was one of the founders of the Western New York Horticultural Society, for many years
the leading horticultural organization of the continent, and of which he was president for more than
thirty years. Patrick Barry ranks with Coxe, Kenrick, the Downings, Warder, Eliot, and Thomas as
a great leader in pomology of the time in which he lived.
William Crawford Barry, son of Patrick Barry of the preceding sketch, was born in Rochester, New York,
in 1847. As a boy he attended parochial schools at Rochester and at Seton Hall, South Orange, New
Jersey. Asa young man he studied in Berlin, Heidelberg, and the University of Louvain in Belgium. Upon
returning to America he took a position in a seed house in New York that he might have practical knowledge
of the seed business to bring to the firm of Ellwanger and Barry of which he was soon to become a mem-
ber. After serving an apprenticeship in the seed business he returned to Rochester to enter the firm
which his father and George Ellwanger had founded. From the time of entrance in this company he took
a prominent part in its affairs, and for many years before his death, December 12, 1916, he was president of
the corporation. Of his horticultural activities, he may be said to have been an organizer and promotor —
one of the captains in the industry. For twenty-six years he was president of the Western New York Horti-
cultural Society, having succeeded his father to this office. He was the first president of the American Rose
Society, and in 1882 was president of the Eastern Nurserymen’s Association. For three years he was
entirely overspread with russet or with russet coating around the cavity and with russet
nettings and patches; dots numerous, small, russet, conspicuous; flesh yellowish-white,
fine, melting, sweet, juicy, with a rich, vinous, aromatic flavor; quality good. Core large,
closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, conical; seeds large, wide, long, plump,
1. Trans. Lond. Hort. Soc. 5:410. 1824. 2. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 403. 1831. 3. Prince Pom.
Man. 1:101. 1831. 4. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 444, fig. 205. 1845. 5. Gard. Chron. 185, fig. 1845. 6.
Mag. Hort. 15:445, fig. 39. 1849. '7. Gard. Chron. 989. 1861. 8. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 70. 1862. 9.
Pom. France 1: No. 2, Pl. 2. 1863. 310. Mas Le Verger 1:121, fig. 59. 1866-73. 11. Leroy Dict. Pom.
23499, figs. 1869. 12. Guide Prat. 60, 293. 1876. 13. Hogg Fruit Man. 627. 1884. 14. Soc. Nat.
Hort. France Pom. 436, fig. 1904.
Preul’s Colmar. 185. Liegel Syst. Anleit. 104. 1825.
Regentin. 16. Dochnahl Fithr. Obstkunde 2:103. 1856. 17. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 268. 1889. 18.
Gaucher Pom. Prak. Obst. No. 61, Pl. 88. 1894.
Little known in America, this is one of the standard winter pears in
England. The fruits are exceedingly sugary, mildly spiced with cinnamon,
a flavor so unique, especially when compared with the piquant flavor most
common in winter pears, that the variety is worth growing where it succeeds
for the sake of diversity. The chief fault of the variety is variability of
president of the Board of Control of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station. He helped to estab-
lish and took a leader’s part in developing the parks of Rochester which have made that city famous among
lovers of landscapes. Highland Park was almost a creation of the firm of Ellwanger and Barry. In 1888
the firm gave the city twenty acres of land adjoining the Highland reservoir as the first step in establishing
apark system for Rochester. Mr. Barry was chairman of the committee of the park board having in charge
Highland Park from the creation of the board until the year before his death when it passed out of existence.
Besides these horticultural activities, Mr. Barry was either president or an officer in six banks and trust
companies in Rochester. His was a commanding figure in the horticulture of New York. No one attend-
ing the meetings of the Western New York Horticultural Society during the twenty-six years he was presi-
dent can forget Mr, Barry. His knowledge in every division of horticulture, his devotion to grape and
pear culture, his genial manner and pleasant greeting to all members, and his force and tact as a presiding
officer fitted him so preéminently well for the place that he was unopposed for the presidency during
twenty-six terms following the death of his father and until his death.
George Ellwanger, one of the founders and thereafter until his death one of the partners in the Mount
‘Hope Nurseries, Rochester, New York, was born in Germany in 1816 and died in Rochester, New York,
in 1906. He came to the United States in 1835, having been educated as a horticulturist in Stuttgart,
although possibly the training he received throughout his youth from his father, a grower of grapes and
fruits, taught him most, for Ellwanger often said that it was from his father that he acquired his love of
horticulture and was by him persuaded to devote his life to the vocation of nurseryman. Ellwanger
settled in Rochester in 1839, and the next year joined with Patrick Barry in forming the nursery and seed
firm of Ellwanger and Barry, calling their place of business ‘*‘ Mount Hope Nurseries.” Ellwanger was
one of the founders of the American Pomological Society, and of the Western New York Horticultural
Society and throughout his life took an active interest in both organizations. Mr. Ellwanger had large
business interests in Rochester and western New York and helped most materially to develop the city and
the country about. His chief contributions to horticulture were made through the Mount Hope Nurseries,
the influence of which is briefly set forth in the sketch of the life of Patrick Barry.
product. On unsuitable soils and under indifferent care, the pears are
unattractive and poor in quality. The accompanying illustration, it is
to be feared, shows the variety at its worst rather than at its best, since it
does not thrive on the heavy, cold clay of the Station lands. Under condi-
tions at this Station, the flesh is crisp and gritty, rather than buttery and
fine as it seems to be under more suitable conditions. The trees are very
vigorous on standard stocks and heavy soils, with the result that the
fruits are many but small and poor; checking vigor by dwarfing on quince
or planting on poor soil suits the variety. The trees are hardy and as free
as the average pear from blight. The variety is a good winter sort for home
or market.
This variety was raised in 1758 at Mons by the Abbé Hardenpont,
the Belgian priest and horticulturist. Extensively cultivated in Belgium,
it acquired a great diversity of names in different localities. From that
country it passed first to Germany toward the end of the eighteenth century,
and early in the nineteenth was taken to France. Soon after the clcse of
the Napoleonic wars, about 1817, it was received in England. Within a
few years after its introduction in England, the variety found its way to
America where, for a time, it was quite extensively grown. The Ameri-
can Pomological Society added Passe Colmar to its fruit-list in 1862 but
dropped it in 1899.
Tree medium in size, vigorous, upright, tall, rapid-growing, productive; trunk slender;
branches medium in thickness and smoothness, reddish-brown almost entirely overspread
with thick, gray scarf-skin, marked by large, conspicuous lenticels; branchlets thick, long,
light brown mingled with green, dull, smooth, pubescent only near the ends of the new
growth, sprinkled with few small, raised, inconspicuous lenticels.
Leaf-buds short, plump, free, thick at the base; leaf-scars with prominent shoulders.
Leaves 3 in. long, 13 in. wide, leathery; apex taper-pointed; margin tipped with few small
glands, finely serrate to nearly entire; petiole 2 in. long, glabrous, pinkish-green. Flower-
buds small, short, thick, conical, plump, free, singly as lateral buds or on very short spurs;
flowers late, showy, 1? in. across, unusually large, in dense clusters, average 6 buds in a
cluster; pedicels # in. long, thick, thinly pubescent.
Fruit ripe December to January; medium in size, 2} in. long, 23 in. wide, obovate-
obtuse-pyriform, somewhat irregular; stem 1 in. long, very thick; cavity obtuse, shallow,
narrow, russeted, slightly furrowed; calyx partly open; lobes separated at the base, rather
narrow, acute; basin shallow, narrow, obtuse, gently furrowed; skin thick, granular, tender,
roughish; color greenish-yellow, sprinkled with reddish-brown and russet patches and
nettings; dots numerous, small, russet, obscure; flesh tinged with yellow, granular, tender,
buttery, very juicy, sweet, vinous, aromatic; quality very good. Core large, closed, with
clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide, conical; seeds large, wide, plump, acute.
1. Can. Hort. 26:129, fig. 2564. 1903. 2. Ont. Dept. Agr. Fr. Ont. 173, fig. 1914.
Pitmaston Duchesse d'Angouléme. 3. Gard. Chron, 1108, fig. 1864. 4. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 55. 1871.
Pitmaston Duchess. 5. Jour. Hort. N.S. 18:11, fig. 1870. 6. Tilton Jour. Hort. '7:239, fig. 1870.
7. Jour. Hort. N.S, 38:201, fig. 30. 1880. 8. Hogg Fruit Man. 631. 1884. 9. Gard. Chron. 3rd Ser.
4:608. 1888. 10. Rev. Hort. 196,651. 1900, 11. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 193. 1920.
Although this fine old English pear has more than ordinary merit,
it seems to be little grown in America. In appearance, the pears are
unsurpassed. The accompanying color-plate shows the shape and color
very well, but not the size, as, well grown, the pears are larger. From
the illustration, all must agree that the pears are handsome, fruits of few
other sorts being so alluring in shape and color. On warm soils or in
warm seasons, the flavor is choicely good giving the pears a rating of
“good to very good;’”’ but in cold soils and seasons, the flavor is often
austere, or even acid and astringent. The season prolongs that of Bartlett,
and as the fruits are flavored very differently, being more piquant and
refreshing, and are ordinarily larger and handsomer, Pitmaston ought
to make a good market variety where it thrives. The subacid flavor
makes this one of the very best pears for culinary purposes. Such reports
as are at hand state that the fruits keep and ship well. The variety seems
not to have been grown widely in America, so that one cannot speak with
assurance of the tree-characters; but on the grounds of this Station, the
trees have fewer faults than those of most of the standard varieties.
They are hardy, vigorous, fairly immune to blight, and while but moder-
ately productive, bear annually, and the large size of the fruits makes
them high yielders. The variety should be put on probation by those
who grow for the markets, and is well worthy a place in all home
Pitmaston was raised by John Williams at Pitmaston, near Worcester,
England, in 1841. It has been generally stated that it originated from a
cross between Duchesse d’Angouléme and Glou Morceau, although an old
gardener, who was employed by Mr. Williams, stated that there was no
record whatever of its parentage, but that it was the best of a number of
seedlings. For some time it was known as the Pitmaston Duchesse
d’Angouléme on account of the theory of its derivation in part from the
Duchesse d’Angouléme; but in 1870 its name was simplified in England to
Pitmaston Duchess. In 1874 it obtained a first-class certificate from the
Royal Horticultural Society, England. In this country it was first fruited
by John Saul, Washington, District of Columbia, in 1870, and was noted
and illustrated by Elliott in the Rural New Yorker under the name
Pitmaston Duchesse d’Angouléme. Although favorably mentioned several
times by the American Pomological Society, the variety has never received
a place in the Society’s fruit-catalog.
Tree large, vigorous, spreading, dense-topped, moderately productive; trunk stocky,
shaggy; branches thick, slightly zigzag, reddish-brown, overlaid with very dark grayish
scarf-skin, marked with numerous large lenticels; branchlets long, dull, dark reddish-
brown, roughish, glabrous, with numerous small, raised, conspicuous lenticels.
Leaf-buds short, obtuse, appressed; leaf-scars prominent. Leaves 24 in. long, 13 in.
wide, leathery; apex abruptly pointed; margin finely serrate; petiole 12 in. long. Flower-
buds short, conical, pointed, free; flowers showy, 13 in. across, well distributed, average
7 buds in a cluster; pedicels 1 in. long, pubescent.
Fruit ripe in October; large, 3? in. long, 3 in. wide, oblong-obovate-pyriform, sym-
metrical; stem 1 in. long, thick, often curved; cavity very shallow and very narrow, or lack-
ing, the flesh drawn up in a wrinkled fold around the base of the stem, often lipped; calyx
closed, large; lobes long, broad, acute; basin shallow, obtuse, furrowed and wrinkled;
skin thin, granular, smooth, tender, dull; color pale lemon-yellow, dotted and somewhat
patched with light russet especially around the stem, without blush; dots numerous,
small, russet, conspicuous; flesh tinged with yellow, somewhat granular, melting,
buttery, very juicy, piquant and vinous; quality good to very good. Core large, closed,
with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide, conical; seeds narrow, long, flat, acute,
very often abortive.
1. Coxe Cult. Fr. Trees 209, fig. 63. 1817. 2. Prince Pom. Man.1:149. 1831. 3- Kenrick Am. Orch.
151. 1832. 4. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 445. 1845. §.Ibid. 835. 1869. 6.Am. Pom. Soc. Cat.22. 1871.
7. Wickson Cal. Fruits 326, 338,344. 1889.
Pickering. 8. Langley Pomona 133, Pl. 71, fig. 1. 1729.
Union. 9. Miller Gard. Kal. 31, 54. 1734. 10. Miller Gard. Dict.2: Pt.1. 1807.
Uvedale’s St. Germain. 11. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 413. 1831. 12.Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt.70. 1862.
13. Hogg Fruit Man. 657. 1884. 14. Jour. Hort. 3rd Ser. 13:465. 1886. 15. Bunyard Handb. Hardy
Fr, 202. 1920.
Bruderbirne. 16. Dochnahl Fiihr. Obstkunde 2:148. 1856.
Winter Bell. 17. Watson Am. Home Gard. 404, fig. 264. 1859.
Belle Angevine. 18. Gard. Chron. 979. 1860. 19. Mas Le Verger 1:31 bis, fig. 22. 1866-73. 20.
Gard. Chron. 138. 1869. 21. Guide Prat. 61, 233. 1876.
Schéne Angevine. 22. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 279. 1889.
Pound is grown in collections for its monstrous fruits, which have
few virtues other than large size. The pears not infrequently weigh three
pounds, and one is noted in the next paragraph weighing four pounds,
nine ounces. The pears are coarse in form, texture and flavor — but one
degree better in flavor than the potato-like fruits of Kieffer and even more
sappy. The pears keep well and are said to be fairly good for culinary
purposes. The trees are unusually satisfactory, because of which the
variety should make a good parent from which to breed.
The name ‘‘ Pound’’ has been applied to a number of varieties, notably
Black Worcester, Angora, Verulam, and others. The variety now known
as Pound in America is more generally known in Europe as Belle Angevine
or Uvedale’s St. Germain. This sort appears to have been raised by a
Dr. Uvedale, who was a schoolmaster at Eltham, England, in 1690. Miller
in his Dictionary, in 1724, speaks of him as a Dr. Udal of Enfield, “a
curious collector and introducer of many rare exotics, plants and flowers,”
and Bradley, in 1733, speaks of the pear as ‘‘ Dr. Udale’s great pear, called
by some the Union pear.” William Robert Prince mentions the Pound
pear in 1831 saying that ‘‘ it often weighs from twenty-five to thirty ounces,
and one was exhibited in New Jersey about four years since, weighing
forty and a half ounces.”” In 1870, according to Wickson, a Pound pear
sent from Sacramento to the late Marshall P. Wilder, President of the
American Pomological Society, weighed four pounds and nine ounces.
In 1862, the American Pomological Society added this variety to its fruit-
catalog under the name Uvedale’s St. Germain, but in 1871 changed: the
name to Pound. The name continued to appear in the Society’s catalogs
until 1909 when it was dropped.
Tree medium in size, upright, dense-topped, hardy, very productive; trunk stocky,
shaggy; branches thick, shaggy, zigzag, dull reddish-brown, heavily covered with gray
scarf-skin, marked with many large lenticels; branchlets short, with short internodes,
brownish-red, mottled with gray scarf-skin, smooth, glabrous, with few small, elongated
Leaf-buds large, long, conical or pointed, plump, free; leaf-scars prominent. Leaves
4% in. long, 33 in. wide, ovate, thin, stiff; apex taper-pointed; margin glandular, finely
serrate; petiole 13 in. long, slender. Flower-buds large, long, conical or pointed, very
plump, free, usually singly on short spurs; flowers open early, 13 in. across, large, well dis-
tributed, average 7 buds in a cluster; pedicels 13 in. long, pubescent, pale green.
Fruit matures in February; large, 4 in. long, 2} in. wide, uniform in size and shape,
obovate-acute-pyriform, with unequal sides; stem long, thick, curved; cavity obtuse,
very shallow, narrow, russeted, furrowed, drawn up in a fleshy ring about the stem; calyx
large, open; lobes separated at the base, obtuse; basin shallow, narrow, obtuse, slightly
furrowed, symmetrical; skin thick, tough, with patches of russet, dull, roughened by the
dots and by the russet markings; color golden-yellow, often marked on the exposed cheek
with a bronze or pinkish blush; dots numerous, russet, very conspicuous; flesh yellowish,
firm, granular, very tough, subacid, inferior in flavor; quality very poor. Core large,
closed, axile, with meeting core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide, conical; carpels pear-shaped;
seeds very large, brownish-black, wide, long, acuminate.
1. Gard. Chron, N. S. 251431. 1886. 2. Guide Prat. 51. 1895. 3. Cat. Cong. Pom. France 331,
fig. 1906.
Président Drouard. 4. Lucas Tafelbirnen 211, fig. 1894.
Drouard. 5. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 35. 1899. 6. Budd-Hansen Am. Hort. Man. 2:241. 1903. 7.
Mich. Sta. Sp. Bul. 27:22. 1903.
Président Drouard has been on probation in the United States for
nearly thirty years, but does not seem to be in great demand in any part
of the country. In the pear-growing region of New York to which it first
came, it is scarcely known. The accompanying description shows that the
fruits contain all of the requisites of a good pear. The flesh is juicy,
melting, saccharine, rich, and perfumed. The trees, however, are not
satisfactory. They lack vigor, blight badly, and are niggardly in bearing.
With these faults, there is no place for the variety in commercial plantations,
but it may well be planted in home orchards and in collections.
Président Drouard is a chance seedling found in the suburbs of Pont-
de-Ce, Maine-et-Loire, France, by M. Olivier, gardener at the Fruit-Garden
at Angers. It was sent out by M. Louis Leroy of Angers and was described
in 1886 as anew pear. It seems to have been introduced in this country by
Charles A. Green, Rochester, New York. The American Pomological Society
added the variety to its list of fruits under the name Drouard in 1899.
Tree of medium size, spreading, open-topped, usually hardy; branches reddish-
brown, nearly covered with gray scarf-skin, marked with small lenticels; branchlets thick,
long, greenish-brown mingled with red, dull, smooth, pubescent on the new growth, with
numerous small, brownish, raised, conspicuous lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, short, pointed, plump, free; leaf-scars with very prominent shoulders;
Leaves 3 in. long, 12 in. wide, oval, thick, leathery; apex taper-pointed; margin glandless
or with but few glands, entire or closely serrate; petiole glabrous, greenish, thick, 1% in.
long, tinged red; stipules very short, tinged with pink. Flower-buds short, conical, very
plump, free, arranged singly on short spurs; flowers 12 in. across, in dense clusters, 6 to
9 buds in a cluster; pedicels 1% in. long, lightly pubscent, greenish.
Fruit in season from late November to December; large, 3} in. long, 3 in. wide, oblong-
obovate-pyriform, with unequal sides, uniform in shape; stem 1 in. long, very thick and
woody; cavity obtuse, deep, irregular, furrowed, usually lipped; calyx large, open; lobes
separated at the base, long, narrow, acuminate; basin deep, abrupt, usually smooth but
sometimes gently furrowed; skin thick, tough, rough, dull; color clear lemon-yellow, with
nettings and streaks of russet; dots numerous, small, russet, obscure; flesh tinged with
yellow, very granular at the core, tender and melting, buttery, juicy, aromatic, sweet;
quality good. Core large, closed, axile, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide,
conical; seeds large, wide, long, plump, acute, occasionally abortive.
1. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 40. - 1883. 2. Budd-Hansen Am. Hort. Man. 2:260. 1903.
Reeder’s Seedling. 3. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 150. 1867.
Doctor Reeder. 4. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 739, fig. 1869. 5. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 20. 1871.
Docteur Rhéder. 6. Rev. Hort. 87. 1889.
Reeder is another of the pears too good to discard, and not quite good
enough to give an ardent recommendation. In quality, the fruits rank
but little below those of Seckel; are about the same size as grown under
average conditions; but are even duller and less attractive in color than
the modest fruits of Seckel, which is probably one of its parents. The
fruits have a place in the home and markets as a pear to follow Seckel,
the crop coming in season just after that of Seckel passes out. The trees
do poorly in the nursery, as they make but a short, slender growth
until well established in the orchard, after which they become of medium
size but very vigorous. The branches droop as do those of Winter Nelis,
the other parent, although not so markedly. The variety is as nearly
blight-proof as either of its parents.
Reeder is a seedling raised about 1855 by Dr. Henry Reeder, Varick,
New York, from seed of Winter Nelis. The parent tree stood near a Seckel
and it is considered that Reeder is a cross between the two varieties. The
American Pomological Society added the variety to its fruit-catalog in
1871 under the name Doctor Reeder, but in 1883 changed the name to
Tree medium in size, vigorous, spreading, drooping, open-topped, productive; branches
zigzag, reddish-brown partly overspread with gray scarf-skin, sprinkled with numerous
lenticels; branchlets slender, willowy, long, reddish-brown mingled with gray, the new
growth reddish-green, dull, smooth, glabrous except near the tips of the new growth, with
few very small, inconspicuous lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, short, pointed, appressed. Leaves 23 in. long, 13 in. wide, leathery;
apex taper-pointed; margin crenate to nearly entire; petiole 2 in. long, tinged with red;
stipules few, very small, reddish-green. Flower-buds small, short, conical, free, singly
on short spurs; flowers 13 in. across, in dense clusters, average 9 buds in a cluster; pedicels
2 in. long, slender.
Fruit ripe in October and November; small, 12 in. long, 1% in. wide, globular-obtuse-
pyriform, slightly ribbed and irregular; stem 13 in. long, slender, curved; cavity a very
small depression in which is inserted the base of the stem, symmetrical; calyx large, open;
lobes separated at the base, long, narrow, reflexed, acuminate; basin very shallow and
narrow, smooth; skin thick, smooth, tender; color dull greenish-yellow, mottled and streaked
with russet, blushed faintly on the exposed cheek with brownish-red; dots few, small,
obscure, greenish or russet; flesh white, granular toward the center but fine-grained near
the skin, tender, somewhat stringy, very juicy, aromatic; quality good. Core large, closed,
with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube long, narrow, funnel-shaped; seeds unusually large,
wide, long, plump, acute.
1. Stark Bros. Cat. 18. 1912. 2. Ibid. 55. 1916.
Riehl Best is described among the major varieties because it is as
nearly blight-proof as any other European pear. It might well be tried
in localities where standard sorts cannot be raised because of blight, and
is worth growing in breeding work as a parent to obtain blight-resistant
varieties. The pears are rather unattractive in appearance, but are excellent
in quality. The flesh is juicy, tender, vinous, free from grittiness and
seldom rots at the core. The trees, besides being nearly free from blight,
are hardy to heat and cold, and bear annually. The fruits fall far short
of those of standard varieties in New York.
This pear was discovered by Edwin H. Riehl, Godfrey, Illinois, and
was introduced by Stark Brothers, Louisiana, Missouri. Mr. Riehl says:
“The farm on which the original tree stood was owned by a pioneer
nurseryman who evidently imported from France a number of varieties,
some perhaps without name. Riehl Best trees and several hundreds of
other varieties represent the remains of three old orchards planted fifty
years ago. Trees of other varieties are ruined by blight while Riehl Best
is in perfect health and bears every season.’’ From this history it is
probable that Riehl Best is an old European pear renamed.
Tree large, vigorous, upright, dense-topped, rapid-growing, productive; trunk stocky;
branches thick, light reddish-brown, overspread with thin scarf-skin, marked with large,
conspicuous, numerous lenticels; branchlets slender, often willowy, long, greenish-brown,
dull, smooth, pubescent only near the ends of the new growth, sprinkled with small, slightly
raised, inconspicuous lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, short, pointed, plump, free; leaf-scars with prominent shoulders.
Leaves 3 in. long, 12 in. wide, thick; apex abruptly pointed; margin glandless, variable in
serrations; petiole 2 in. long. Flower-buds small, short, conical, plump, free, singly on
short spurs; flowers 1 in. across, in dense clusters, average 6 buds in a cluster; pedicels
4 in. long, lightly pubescent.
Fruit ripens in October; medium in size, 2} in. long, 2 in. wide, obovate-conic-pyriform,
irregular, with unequal sides; stem 1§ in. long; cavity very shallow and narrow when present,
or lacking, the flesh drawn up in a lip on one side of the stem; calyx open; lobes separated
at the base, broad, obtuse; basin obtuse, furrowed; skin thick, roughened with russet;
color dull yellow, largely overlaid with patches of russet, marked with distinct russet dots
and with a faint trace of a pinkish-red blush on the cheek next the sun; dots numerous,
russet, conspicuous; flesh tinged with yellow, granular under the skin, tender, moderately
juicy, vinous; quality good. Core large, closed, axile, with meeting core-lines; calyx-
tube short, wide, conical; carpels ovate; seeds medium in size, width, and plumpness,
1. Gard. Chron. 3rd Ser. 37:243, fig. 92. 1905. 2. Rev. Hort. 454. 1905. 3. Rural N. Y. 54:826, fig.
352. 1905. 4. Bunyard Cat. 43. 1913-14. 5. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 195. 1920.
This variety is still on probation in America, with the chances strongly
against it proving worthy to bear the name of the man after whom it was
called. On the grounds of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station,
the fruits are too small, too poorly colored, and too poor in quality to
compete with those of a score of other sorts of the same season. The core
is remarkably small, and the seeds are few and small, but these are insufficient
merits to count against the several defects named. The tree is robust and
generally satisfactory. The variety may not be at its best on the grounds
of this Station, as in Europe it was heralded as a most remarkable sort —
one “‘ destined to bring about a revolution in pear-growing.” It may be
worth further trial in New York.
This pear was introduced in 1905 by the noted French pomologist
Charles Baltet, Troyes, France, after he had tested it for several years.
He named it after President Roosevelt. The variety was approved at
Horticultural Congresses in Paris, Lyons, and Orléans, as well as by the
Royal Horticultural Society of London. It was received in America shortly
after its dissemination in France.
Tree medium to large, vigorous, very upright, dense-topped, rapid-growing, productive;
trunk slender, smooth; branches slender, smooth, glossy reddish-brown, mottled and over-
laid with gray scarf-skin, marked with numerous small, raised lenticels; branchlets char-
acteristically thick, with blunt ends, long, with short internodes, dull reddish-brown
mingled with gray scarf-skin, smooth, glabrous, with many large, raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds long, conical, sharply pointed, plump, free; leaf-scars with prominent
shoulders. Leaves 3 in. long, 1% in. wide, stiff; apex taper-pointed; margin usually
glandless, finely serrate to almost entire; petiole 2 in. long, slender, curved. Flower-
buds large, long, conical, pointed, free, singly on short spurs; flowers with a disagreeable
odor, early, showy, 1% in. across, in dense clusters, average 7 buds in a cluster; pedicels
13 in. long, thick, pubescent.
Fruit ripens in late September and October; medium in size, about 275 in. in length
and width, roundish-obtuse-pyriform, symmetrical; stem 1 in. long, thick; cavity very shal-
low, or lacking, faintly lipped; calyx very open, large; lobes separated at the base, narrow,
acute; basin shallow, wide, obtuse, smooth, symmetrical; skin unusually thick, tough,
smooth, dull; color pale lemon-yellow, mottled and netted with russet, with a faint blush;
dots numerous, small, light russet, obscure; flesh light salmon, fine-grained except at the
center which is granular, tender and melting, very juicy, mildly sweet, without much
character; quality medium. Core small, closed, axile, with clasping core-lines; calyx-
tube long, very wide, conical; carpels cordate; seeds wide, acute.
1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 151. 1867. 2.Am. Pom, Soc. Cat.24. 1869. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 848,
fig. 1869.
Rutter does not seem to have made a very high place for itself in the
country at large, but about Geneva, New York, it is a most excellent late
autumn variety. The pears are good or very good in quality, rather attrac-
tive, keep well, ship well, and sell well to those who know the variety. The
trees have a combination of good characters that commend them most
highly. Thus, they are comparatively immune to blight, enormously pro-
ductive, bear early, grow rapidly, live long, and are hardy. The fruits
hang exceptionally well to the trees, so that the variety is a valuable one
for exposed situations. Rutter can be recommended for both home and
market plantations.
This variety was raised by John Rutter, West Chester, Pennsylvania,
from seed of Léon Leclerc (Van Mons) about sixty years ago. It was
approved by the Committee on New Native Fruits of the American Pomo-
logical Society in 1867. This Society placed the variety on its list of
recommended fruits in 1869.
Tree large, vigorous, upright, dense-topped, rapid-growing, productive; trunk stocky;
branches thick, reddish-brown, covered with gray scarf-skin, sprinkled with very con-
spicuous lenticels; branchlets long, light brown mingled with green and streaked with ash-
gray scarf-skin, smooth, glabrous, with small, conspicuous, raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds long, conical, pointed, plump, free. Leaves 3% in. long, 1 in. wide, thick,
leathery; apex taper-pointed; margin nearly glandless, almost entire; petiole 2 in. long,
glabrous, reddish-green. Flower-buds medium in size and length, conical, plump, free,
singly on short spurs; flowers very showy, 13 in. across, almost in racemes, 6 or 8 buds in
a cluster; pedicels 1} in. long, pubescent.
Fruit matures in late October and early November; large, 34 in. long, 3 in. wide,
roundish-obtuse-pyriform, with a very thick, blunt neck, with unequal sides; stem 2? in.
long, thick, woody; cavity acuminate, unusually large, deep, russeted, occasionally furrowed
and wrinkled, slightly lipped; calyx small, open; lobes separated at the base, short, narrow,
acute; basin deep, obtuse, smooth, symmetrical; skin thick, gritty, roughish, dull; color
yellow, overspread with light russet, mottled and flecked with russet; dots numerous,
small, russet, conspicuous; flesh whitish, granular at the center, tender and melting, juicy,
aromatic, sweet but refreshing; quality good to very good. Core small, closed, abaxile,
with meeting core-lines; calyx-tube long, conical; seeds small, roundish, plump, obtuse.
1. Prince Pom. Man. 1:139. 1831. 2. Kenrick Am. Orch. 183. 1832. 3. Gard. Chron. 708, fig.
1842. 4. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 415, fig. 188. 1845. 5. Proc. Nat. Con. Fr.Gr. 51. 1848. 6. Hovey
Fr. Am, 2:33, Pl. 1851. 7. Mag. Hort. 19:457, fig..34. 1853. 8. Mas Le Verger 3: Pt. 1, 29, fig. 13.
1866-73. 9. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:656, figs. 1869. 10. Guide Prat. 63, 303. 1876.
Seckle. 11. Coxe Cult. Fr. Trees 189, fig. 25. 1817. 12. Trans. Lond. Hort. Soc. 3:256, Pl. 9. 1820.
13. Pom. Mag. 2:72, Pl. 1829. 14. Hort. Reg. (Eng.) 1:488. 1833. 15. Pom. France 2: No. 64, Pl. 64.
1864. 16. Jour. Hort. 3rd Ser. 4:128. 1882. 17. Hogg Fruit Man. 644. 1884. 18. Bunyard Handb.
Hardy Fr. 197. 1920.
Seckel is an American pear distinct in type from any European variety.
Among the several hundred pears that are grown on this side of the Atlan-
tic, Seckel stands almost alone in vigor of tree, productiveness, and immunity
to blight, and is equalled by no other variety in high quality of fruit. If the
fruits were larger, Seckel would challenge the world as a pear for the markets
as it now does as a pear for the home orchard. After Bartlett and the dis-
reputable Kieffer, it is now more grown than any other variety in America,
everywhere being used as the standard for excellence. The fruits are small,
not highly colored, but attractive because clean and trim in contour. But
it is the flesh-characters that give the fruits their high standing. The flesh
is melting, juicy, perfumed and most exquisitely and delicately flavored,
with the curious character of having much of its spicy, aromatic flavor in
the skin, which should never be discarded in eating. The reddish-brown
color of the fruit is another distinguishing character of Seckel. Unlike
most other dessert pears, the fruits of this one are excellent for culinary
purposes. Still another distinctive character is that the fruits do not lose
much in quality by ripening on the tree. Besides being nearly iron-clad in
resistance to blight and very productive, the trees are almost as hardy as
those of any other pear, and are remarkable for their large, low, compact,
broadly pyramidal tops. The tree is further distinguished by its short-
jointed, stout, olive-colored wood, and its habit of bearing fruits in clusters
on the ends of the branches. The trees do best in fertile soils which must
not be a heavy clay. Its blossoms are markedly self-fertile. There are
several faults of fruit and tree. The fruits are small and do not keep after
maturity; it costs twice as much to pick them as it does the large-fruited
Bartlett; fruit and foliage are susceptible to scab; the pears are too small
for commercial canning; and the trees are late in coming in bearing. With
these several faults, however, Seckel is usually a profitable commercial
variety as a well-grown crop almost always commands a fancy price. For
the home orchard, Seckel has no rival in any part of North America where
European varieties are grown.
Toward the close of the eighteenth century, there lived in Philadelphia
a well-known sportsman and cattle dealer known as ‘‘ Dutch Jacob.” Every
autumn, upon returning from shooting excursions, Dutch Jacob distributed
among his neighbors pears of exceedingly delicious flavor. The place of
their growth he kept secret. In time, a tract of land south of Philadelphia
was disposed of in parcels, and Dutch Jacob secured the ground on which
his favorite pear tree stood, a neck of land near the Delaware river. Shortly
afterwards this land became the property of a Mr. Seckel, who gave the pear
his name and introduced it. Later, the property was added to the estate
of Stephen Girard, and the original tree long remained vigorous and fruit-
ful. The new variety was soon widely disseminated and everywhere
became popular. As early as 1819, Dr. Hossack of New York sent trees
of the variety to the London Horticultural Society, whence it was later
distributed in England.. There is much difference of opinion as to the
spelling of the name of this pear. Coxe, who lived in Philadelphia and prob-
ably knew the introducer of the pear, writing in 1817, spelled the name
Seckle. English pomologists have followed Coxe. Nearly all of Coxe’s
contemporaries, however, spelled it Seckel, the spelling now in common
use. At the first meeting of the American Pomological Society, held in
1848, Seckel was recommended for general cultivation and the variety has
ever held its place among the pears recommended by the Society.
Tree large and very vigorous, upright-spreading, dense-topped, hardy, very productive,
long-lived; trunk very stocky; branches thick, reddish-brown mingled with dull gray scarf-
skin, covered with small lenticels; branchlets thick, long, dark reddish-brown, dull, smooth,
glabrous, with small, slightly raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, short, obtuse or pointed, appressed; leaf-scars prominent. Leaves
23 in. long, 14 in. wide, oval, leathery; apex taper-pointed; margin finely serrate; petiole
z4 in. long; stipules very long when present. Flower-buds small, short, conical,” free;
flowers 1} in. across, in dense clusters, 7 or 8 buds in a cluster; pedicels 3 in. long, slender,
lightly pubescent, light green, slightly streaked with red.
Fruit ripe in October; small, 24 in. long, 2 in. wide, uniform in size and shape, obovate,
symmetrical; stem 3 in. long, short, thick, often curved; cavity obtuse, with a very shallow,
narrow depression, symmetrical; calyx small, partly open; lobes separated at the base,
short, variable in width, acute; basin very shallow and narrow, strongly obtuse, symmetrical;
skin smooth, dull; color yellowish-brown, lightly marked with pale russet and often with
a lively russet-red cheek; dots numerous, very small, russet or grayish; flesh white, with a
faint tinge of yellow, slightly granular, melting, buttery, very juicy; sweet, with an exceed-
ingly rich, aromatic, spicy flavor; quality very good to best. Core small, closed, with
clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, conical; seeds small, short, not very plump, obtuse.
1. Mag. Hort. 17:252, fig. 25. 1851. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 151. 1854. 3. Ibid. 210. 1856. 4.
Downing Fr. Trees Am. 444, fig. 1857. 5. Elliott Fr. Book 347. 1859. 6. Hoffy N. Am. Pom. 1: Pl.
1860. 7. Mas Le Verger 3: Pt. 2, 119, fig. 156. 1866-73. 8. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 855, fig. 1869.
9. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:662, fig. 1869.
Were the fruits alone to be considered, Sheldon would take rank as
one of the best of all pears. The fruits please both the eye and the palate.
Those of no rival in season surpass them either in appearance or in charac-
ters that satisfy taste. While not large, the fruits are of sufficient size to
meet the demands of a good dessert pear. The shape is a perfect turbinate,
truncated at the base of the fruit, usually very symmetrical, and the fruits
run uniform in shape. In color, the pears are distinctive in their russeted
skin, with a handsome ruddy cheek. The accompanying color-plate does
not do justice to the fruit in illustrating size, shape, or color. The flesh is
melting and juicy, and deserves, more than that of almost any other pear,
the adjective luscious. The flavor is sweet, vinous, and highly perfumed.
The fruits keep well, ship well, and sell well during their season, and are
esteemed both for dessert and for culinary purposes. The list of faults in
the trees is as long as the list of virtues in the fruits. The trees, while large,
vigorous, and hardy, blight as badly as any pear-tree in the orchard, are
reluctant in coming in bearing, niggardly in production, and seldom hold
their crop well. With these faults of the tree, Sheldon is not a commercial
variety of high rank, but the splendid fruits make it worth growing by the
pear-fancier, in the home orchard, or for the markets where the faults of
the trees are not too marked. The variety grows better in New York,
possibly, than in any other part of the United States.
This pear is a native of the town of Huron, New York. The original
tree stood on the premises of Major Sheldon, having sprung from seed brought
by his father from Washington, New York, about 1815. The fruit was
first exhibited at the Pomological Convention in Syracuse in the autumn
of 1849. In 1854, Sheldon was mentioned by the American Pomological
Society as promising well, and in 1856 it was given a place in the Society’s
Tree large, vigorous, upright-spreading, rapid-growing, hardy, moderately productive;
trunk stocky; branches thick, reddish-brown, overlaid with dull gray scarf-skin, marked
with large lenticels; branches thick, dull brown, glabrous, with numerous slightly raised,
conspicuous lenticels.
Leaf-buds large, above medium in length, obtuse or somewhat pointed, appressed.
Leaves 23 in. long, 1} in. wide, oval, leathery; apex taper-pointed; margin finely serrate;
petiole 13 in. long. Flower-buds conical or pointed, free; flowers 13 in. across, in dense
clusters, 13 or 14 buds in a cluster; pedicels 3 in. long, thick, pubescent, greenish.
Fruit matures in October; large, 2? in. long, 24 in. wide, uniform in size and shape,
turbinate, often with a tendency to oblateness, symmetrical; stem 3 in. long, thick, nearly
straight; cavity obtuse, deep, slightly furrowed, occasionally lipped; calyx large, open;
lobes very broad, obtuse; basin wide, obtuse, symmetrical; skin thick, granular, tender,
roughish; color dull greenish-yellow, with a brownish-red blush, overspread with russet
nettings and streaks; dots numerous, small, russet; flesh whitish, somewhat granular,
tender and melting, very juicy, sweet, and vinous, with a rich and pleasantly aromatic
flavor; quality very good to best. Core large, closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube
short, wide, conical; seeds acute.
1. Pom. France 4: No. 162, Pl. 162. 1867. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 34. 1875. 3. Flor. & Pom. 37,
Pl 1875. 4. Jour. Hort. N. S. 38:120, fig. 19. 1880. 5. Hogg Fruit Man. 647. 1884. 6. Cat. Cong.
Pom. France 350, fig. 1906.
Andenken an den Congress. '7. Oberdieck Obst-Sort. 237. 1881. 8. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 168. 1889.
9. Deut. Obstsorten 6: Pt. 16, Pl. 1910.
Souvenir. 10. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 24. 1897. 11. Ont. Dept. Agr. Fr. Ont. 179. 1914.
Very similar to Clapp Favorite and Bartlett, and not as good as either
in fruit-characters, Souvenir du Congrés hardly merits a place in American
pomology. The crop ripens between those of the two sorts with which it
has been compared, and the fruits are larger and often handsomer. The
fruits are said to be larger and of better quality when the tree is double-
worked on the quince. The tree is remarkable for vigor, hardihood to cold,
and healthfulness; and bears so abundantly that the crop must be thinned
to prevent breaking of branches. The variety grows especially well in
New York, and is deserving a place in home orchards and in fruit-collec-
tions. The accompanying color-plate illustrates the size, shape, and color
of this pear remarkably well.
Souvenir du Congrés owes its origin to M. Francois Morel, Lyons,
France. M. Morel grafted one of his pear-trees with cions taken from
several other varieties, including Bartlett, and from the tree thus grafted
he obtained fruit, seeds of which he sowed in 1852. One of the resultant
trees bore fruit in 1863, and the pears had so many earmarks of Bartlett
that it was at once assumed to be a seedling of that variety. The tree
continued to do well and in due course the variety was judged to be worthy
of dissemination by the Rhéne Horticultural Society. Later, M. Morel
dedicated the new pear to the Pomological Congress of France. The
variety was introduced in the United States about 1870. The American
Pomological Society placed Souvenir du Congrés on its fruit-catalog list
in 1875.
Tree medium in size and vigor, upright-spreading, open-topped, very productive;
branches zigzag, dull reddish-brown, heavily overspread with ash-gray scarf-skin, marked
by small, raised lenticels; branchlets thick, long, reddish-brown, overspread with dull
gray mingled with green, smooth, glabrous, with few small, slightly raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, short, pointed, plump, free. Leaves 1} in. long, 13 in. wide, roundish-
oval, leathery; apex abruptly pointed; margin tipped with very few glands, finely serrate;
petiole 14 in. long, glabrous, tinged with red. Flower-buds short, conical or pointed,
plump, free, arranged singly on very short spurs or branchlets; flowers with a disagreeable
odor, 14 in. across, pinkish-white as the buds unfold, becoming whitish, in dense clusters,
6 to 8 buds in a cluster; pedicels 7 in. long, thick, heavily pubescent, light green.
Fruit ripe in September; large, 378 in. long, 244 in. wide, uniform in size and shape,
oblong-acute-pyriform, symmetrical, with unequal sides; stem 1 in. long, short, thick,
curved; cavity obtuse, almost lacking, very shallow, narrow, russeted, slightly furrowed,
often with the stem inserted beneath a pronounced irregular lip; calyx open; lobes separated
at the base, narrow, acute; basin wide, obtuse and flaring, slightly furrowed, symmetrical,
smooth except for the thick, russet covering; color yellow, with a reddish blush on the
exposed cheek, covered with nettings of russet and yellow patches; dots numerous, small,
Trusset, conspicuous; flesh white, with a faint tinge of yellow, firm, granular, tender, very
juicy, sweet, with a musky flavor; quality good. Core closed, with clasping core-lines;
calyx-tube short, wide, conical; seeds large, wide, plump, acute. ‘
1. Barry Fr. Garden 318. 1851. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 857. 1869. 3. Tilton Jour. Hort. 6:14,
fig. 1869.
Downing, in 1869, noted this old French pear as one of the best for
either amateur or commercial grower, and at that time it was rather widely
planted. Now, however, growers seldom set it. The trees are vigorous,
hardy, healthy, and productive, and the fruits are attractive in appearance
and rather good in quality, but neither tree nor fruit rise much above
mediocrity, and the variety has no outstanding character to give it
individuality. The crop comes in season in December, the pears keeping
well until ripe, after which they quickly decay. The variety is worth
planting only for the sake of diversity.
Major Espéren, Mechlin, Belgium, raised this pear from seed about
the middle of the nineteenth century. The name Souvenir d’ Espéren
was at one time applied to Fondante de Noél, in consequence of which
confusion has existed as to the identity of the two sorts. The pear reached
America about 1850.
Treeemedium in size, upright, slightly spreading, dense-topped, productive; branches
reddish-brown overlaid with thin scarf-skin, marked with very conspicuous but scattering
lenticels; branchlets very thick and long, with long internodes, light brown mingled with
green, dull, glabrous, sprinkled with small, conspicuous, raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds very small, short, pointed, plump, free. Leaves 3 in. long, 13 in. wide;
apex abruptly pointed; margin uneven, finely serrate; petiole 23 in. long, tinged red.
Flower-buds small, short, conical, plump, free, singly on very short spurs; flowers open
late, showy, 1% in. across, average 7 buds in a cluster: pedicels 1} in. long, slender.
Fruit ripe the last of November and December; large, 3} in. long, 2g in. wide, oblong-
obovate-pyriform, the surface uneven; stem 1} in. long, slender; cavity very obtuse and
shallow or lacking, the flesh drawn up about the base of the stem in a lip; calyx partly
open, small; lobes separated at the base, short, narrow, acute; basin shallow, narrow,
obtuse, wrinkled; skin thick, roughened with russet; color greenish-yellow, mottled and
patched with russet, sprinkled with many russet dots and often with russet overspreading
nearly the entire surface; dots numerous, russet, small; flesh yellowish, very granular near
the center, firm, crisp but tender, juicy, with a pleasant, aromatic, vinous flavor; quality
good to very good. Core large, closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide,
conical; seeds small, short, plump, acute, light brown.
1. Ill. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 144, Pl. 1894. 2. Mich. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 141. 1894. 3. Can. Hort. 192126,
figs. 936 and 937. 1896. 4. Gard. Chron. 3rd Ser. 19:108. 1896. §. Jil. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 9. 1897.
6. Budd-Hansen Am. Hort. Man. 2:264. 1903.
Sudduth has little to recommend it for New York or eastern pear
regions, but it is a standard sort in parts of the Mississippi Valley. The
characters which give it a place in the pear flora of the region just named
are remarkable freedom from blight, hardiness to cold and heat, capacity
to withstand drought, early bearing, and great productiveness. The fruits
are neither attractive in appearance nor high in quality —hardly fit
for dessert, being but a grade or two better than the disreputable Kieffer.
Like those of the Kieffer, however, the fruits do very well for all culinary
purposes. They do not keep well as they soften at the center soon after
becoming edible. The trees are said to be nearly as hardy as those of the
wild crab-apple. The variety is desirable only where hardiness and
freedom from blight are prime requisites.
The Sudduth pear was introduced about 1895, although the parent
tree was at that time fully seventy years old. It originated from seed
planted by Thomas Constant in 1820, in Sangamon County, Illinois.
Later, Judge Stephen A. Logan of Springfield, Abraham Lincoln’s first
law partner, acquired the property on which the tree stood and from him
Titus Sudduth bought the place in 1862. Sudduth was so impressed with
the fruit that he had trees propagated by Augustine and Company, Normal,
Illinois, and disseminated under his name.
Tree large, vigorous, upright becoming quite spreading, open-topped, hardy, pro-
ductive; trunk stocky, shaggy; branches thick, smooth, dull reddish-brown, almost entirely
covered with gray scarf-skin, sprinkled with numerous large, raised lenticels; branchlets
slender, curved, long, with long internodes, dull reddish-brown, overspread with thin gray
scarf-skin which is mingled with green, dull, smooth, glabrous, with conspicuous, raised
Leaf-buds small, pointed, appressed, somewhat flattened. Leaves 3 in. long, 1% in.
wide, thin, velvety; apex taper-pointed; margin glandless, finely serrate; petiole 2 in. long,
slender, tinged red, glabrous. Flower-buds small, short, conical, free, singly on very short
spurs; flowers late, 14 in. across, in dense clusters, average 8 buds in a cluster; pedicels %
in. long, thick, pubescent.
Fruit ripe in late September and October; medium or below in size, 23 in. long, 23
in. wide, roundish-oblate, slightly conical toward the apex; stem } in. long, slender; cavity
acute, deep, narrow, smooth, sometimes lipped; calyx large, open; lobes separated at the
base, long, acute; basin very shallow, narrow, obtuse, occasionally wrinkled; skin thin,
tough, smooth, dull; color light green, without blush; dots very small, russet or greenish,
very obscure; flesh greenish-white, firm, crisp, rather dry, subacid; quality medium to poor.
Core large, closed, axile, with meeting core-lines; calyx-tube wide, conical; carpels ovate;
seeds variable in size, wide, flat, obtuse.
1. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 40. 1883. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 651. 1884. 3. Ont. Dept. Agr. Fr. Ont. 180,
fig. 1914.
Doyenné d’Eté. 4. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 336. 1845. 5. Gard. Chron. 508, fig. 1847. 6. Mag.
Hort. 13:66, fig. 8. 1847. 7. Hovey Fr. Am. 1:59, Pl. 1851. 8. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 53. 1852. 9.
Horticulturist N.S. 3:491, fig. 1853. 10. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 742, fig. 1869.
Sommerdechantsbirne. 11. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:20. 1856.
Doyenné de Juillet. 12. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:77, fig. 1869. 13. Guide Prat. 57, 266. 1876.
Juli Dechantsbirne. 14. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 239. 1889. 15. Gaucher Pom. Prak. Obst. No. 51,
Pl. 108. 1894.
The extremely early and highly flavored fruits, which are borne in
prodigious quantities, make this a very desirable pear for the home garden.
The fruits have no value for the markets, as they are small, do not keep
well, and are unattractive. The tree, while never large, is of medium
size, comes in bearing early, is hardy, and is as free as most of its orchard
associates from blight. Both fruit and foliage suffer badly from pear-scab,
and no amount of spraying can give the fruits a fair cheek in seasons when
this fungus is epidemic.
Van Mons is supposed to have originated this variety about 1800 as
Diel mentioned it among his best pears in 1812. Summer Doyenné was
first brought to the notice of American pomologists by William Kenrick,
who compiled a description of it as early as 1836. It does not, however,
appear to have been introduced until 1843. It was recommended for
general culture in the United States by the American Pomological Society
in 1852.
Tree variable in size, upright, vigorous, very productive; trunk slender; branches
slender, slightly zigzag, brownish, overlaid with gray scarf-skin, marked with numerous
conspicuous lenticels; branchlets slender, long, light brown mingled with green, the new
growth tinged with red, smooth, glabrous except near the ends of the new growth, with
numerous raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, short, sharply pointed, plump, free; leaf-scars with prominent
shoulders. Leaves 23 in. long, 1} in. wide, thin, leathery; apex taper-pointed; margin
finely serrate: petiole 12 in. long, tinged with pink. Flower-buds small, short, plump,
free, singly on very short spurs; flowers showy, 13 in. across, in dense clusters, 7 to 9 buds
in a cluster; pedicels 13 in. long, slender, pubescent.
Fruit ripe in early August; small, 14 in. long, 13 in. wide, obovate-obtuse-pyriform,
symmetrical; stem 1% in. long, slender; cavity obtuse, shallow, narrow, slightly furrowed,
often lipped; calyx small, closed; lobes separated at the base, short, narrow, acuminate;
basin shallow, obtuse, furrowed; skin thin, smooth, tender, waxen yellow, washed or
blushed with bright red, deepening on the exposed cheek to crimson; dots numerous,
small, russet, obscure; flesh tinged with yellow, fine-grained, tender and melting, juicy,
variable in flavor and quality, pleasantly sprightly under favorable conditions; quality
variable, good under the best conditions. Core closed, axile, with clasping core-lines;
calyx-tube short, narrow, urn-shaped; carpels roundish-ovate; seeds small, narrow, flat,
1. Mag. Hort. 12:433, fig. 30. 1846. 2. Horticulturist 1:433. 1846-47. 3. Proc. Nat. Con. Fr.
Gr. 51. 1848. 4. Hovey Fr. Am. 1:33, Pl. 1851. 5. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 444, fig. 1857. 6. Ibid.
870, fig. 1869. 7. Leroy Dict, Pom. 2:710, fig. 1869. 8. Oberdieck Obst-Sort. 333. 1881. 9. Lauche
Deut. Pom. I: No. 95, Pl. 95. 1883. 10. Ont. Dept. Agr. Fr. Ont. 182, fig. 1914.
Tyson competes with Clapp Favorite as the precursor of the pear
season which is really opened by Bartlett. In every character of fruit
and tree excepting size and color of fruit, Tyson excels Clapp Favorite.
The quality of the fruit far excels that of Clapp Favorite and it is better
than that of Bartlett. Indeed, of commonly grown pears, the characters
of flesh and flavor are second only to those of the fruits of Seckel. The
flesh is melting and juicy, with a spicy, scented sweetness that gives the
fruit the charm of individuality. The pears keep longer and ship better
than those of Clapp Favorite; their season in New York is from the middle
of August to the middle of September. Unfortunately, the pears are but
medium in size, and are often poorly colored, both of which defects appear
on the fruits of this variety as grown on the grounds of this Station and
shown in the accompanying illustration. The tree is the most nearly
perfect of that of any pear grown in America — the Kieffer, praiseworthy
only in its tree, not excepted. The tree is certainly as hardy as that of
any other variety, if not hardier, and resists better than that of any other
sort the black scourge of blight. Add to these notable characters large
size, great vigor, and fruitfulness, and it is seen that the trees are nearly
flawless. The only fault is, and this a comparatively trifling one, that
the trees are slow in coming in bearing. Tyson is the best pear of its season
for the home orchard, and has much merit for commercial orchards. Were
the fruits larger, it would rival Bartlett for the markets. No other variety
offers so many good starting points for the pear-breeder.
Tyson originated as a wilding found about 1794 in a hedge on the
land of Jonathan Tyson, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania. The tree first bore
fruit in 1800. The pears proved to be so good that Mr. Tyson distributed
cions among his neighbors, but the variety was not generally disseminated.
About 1837, a Doctor Mease of Philadelphia sent cions to B. V. French,
Braintree, near Boston, who in turn distributed them among his friends.
The variety fruited here about 1842, and the fruit was exhibited before
the Massachusetts Horticultural Society under the name Tyson. In
1848, at the National Convention of Fruit-Growers, Tyson was recom-
mended for general cultivation, and since that date the name has appeared
continuously in the catalogs of the American Pomological Society.
Tree very large, vigorous, upright-spreading, tall, dense-topped, hardy, productive;
trunk very stocky, rough; branches thick, dull reddish-brown, overspread with gray scarf-
skin, with few lenticels; branchlets slender, short, light brown mingled with green, smooth,
glabrous, sprinkled with few small, inconspicuous lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, short, conical, pointed, plump, appressed or free. Leaves 23 in.
long, 1% in. wide, thin; apex abruptly pointed; margin finely and shallowly serrate; petiole
1§ in. long. Flower-buds small, short, conical, pointed, plump, free, singly on short spurs;
flowers medium in season of bloom.
Fruit matures in late August; medium in size, 2} in. long, 13 in. wide, roundish-acute-
pyriform, with unequal sides; stem 12 in. long, curved; cavity very shallow, obtuse,
roughened, usually drawing up as a lip about the base of the stem; calyx open, small;
lobes separated at the base, short, narrow, acute; basin shallow, narrow, flaring, slightly
furrowed, compressed; skin tough, smooth, slightly russeted, dull; color deep yellow,
usually blushed; dots numerous, very small, obscure; flesh tinged with yellow, granular
around the basin, otherwise rather fine-grained, tender and melting, very juicy, sweet,
aromatic; quality very good. Core small, closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube,
short, wide, conical; seeds medium in size and width, plump, acute.
1. Trans. Lond. Hort. Soc. §:411. 1824. 2. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 384. 1831. 3. Kenrick Am.
Orch. 186. 1832. 4. Mag. Hort. 10:131, fig. 1844. 5. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 417, fig. 190. 1845.
6. Gard. Chron. 68, fig. 1847. '7 Hovey Fr. Am. 2:21, Pl. 1851. 8. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 53. 1852. 9.
Pom. France. 1: No. 32, Pl. 32. 1863. 10. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 1, 193, fig.95. 1866-73. 11. Downing
Fr. Trees Am. 871, fig. 1869. 12. Guide Prat. 59,308. 1876. 13. Hogg Fruit Man. 657. 1884.
Urbanister Sdmling. 14. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:116. 1856.
Poire des Urbanistes. 15. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:712, fig. 1869.
Coloma’s Herbst Butterbirne. 16. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 197. 1889. 17. Lucas Tafelbirnen 109, fig.
Urbaniste is another variety desirable for home use because of its
highly-flavored fruits—so sweet, rich, perfumed, and luscious as to be
a natural sweetmeat. The fruits are of but medium size and not particu-
larly handsome, but the taste excels the looks. The flesh is as tender,
sweet, juicy, and as delicately perfumed as that of Seckel or White
Doyenné, but with a distinct flavor and scent which give the fruits the
added charm of individuality. The crop ripens in October, in a season
when there are many other pears, but the fruits stand comparison with
those of any other variety and are welcome additions to. the fruit-basket.
The trees have several defects, chief of which is tardiness in coming in
bearing, to remedy which grafting on the quince is recommended. They
are also susceptible to blight, and are not as hardy as might be wished.
Of all pears, the tree of this variety is one of the handsomest — clean and
tidy, slender and graceful, yet robust and productive. Fruit and tree
make this a valuable variety for home plantings.
Urbaniste originated as a wilding in the gardens of the religious order
of Urbanistes, Mechlin, Belgium. After the suppression of this order in
1783, their gardens remained uncultivated for some time and produced
new seedlings of considerable merit. The beauty of one of these attracted
the attention of Count de Coloma, a well-known pomologist, who acquired
this property in 1786, and in due course propagated and disseminated the
variety under the name Urbaniste. Early in the nineteenth century,
Count de Coloma sent specimens of the pear to the London Horticultural
Society, which organization afterwards distributed it in England about 1823.
Thomas Andrew Knight sent cions to John Lowell, Roxbury, Massachusetts,
through whom it became disseminated in the United States. The Ameri-
can Pomological Society added Urbaniste to its fruit-catalog list in 1852.
Tree medium in size, vigorous, upright-spreading, slow-growing, productive with age;
trunk slender, shaggy; branches stocky, shaggy, zigzag, reddish-brown, overspread with
gray scarf-skin, sprinkled with numerous lenticels; branchlets long, reddish-brown mingled
with grayish scarf-skin, smooth, zigzag, glabrous, marked with conspicuous, raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds large, obtuse, semi-free. Leaves 2} in. long, } in. wide, thin, leathery;
apex taper-pointed; margin finely serrate; petiole 13 in. long, slender. Flower-buds short,
variable in shape, free.
Fruit ripe in late October and early November; medium in size, 2$ in. long, 2 in.
wide, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, with unequal sides; stem $ in. long, short, thick; cavity
obtuse, shallow, narrow, faintly russeted, furrowed, slightly lipped; calyx open; lobes
separated at the base, narrow, obtuse; basin shallow, narrow, obtuse, slightly furrowed;
skin thick, tough, roughened by the russet nettings, dull; color pale yellow, often with a
faint russet-red blush on the exposed cheek and marked with nettings and patches of
russet; dots numerous, small, russet, conspicuous; flesh tinged with yellow, granular espe-
cially around the core, tender and melting, buttery, juicy, sweet, pleasantly aromatic;
quality very good. Core closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide, conical;
seeds medium in size and width, long, plump, acute.
1. W. N. Y. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 65. 1889. 2. Ibid. 176. 1890. 3. Ibid. 134. 1891. 4. Can. Hort.
16:184. 1893. 5.Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 37. 1899. 6. Ellwanger & Barry Cat.18. 1900. 7. Budd-Hansen
Am. Hort. Man, 2:267. 1903. e
The fruits of Vermont Beauty elicit praise from all who see or taste
them. The bright-cheeked pears are as alluring to the eye as those of any
other, and are almost as delectable as those of Seckel, which they resemble
in shape, but are larger and handsomer. Of all pears, those of this variety
(or of Forelle, with which it may be identical) best satisfy the eye for
bright color. The crop ripens a little later and keeps longer than that
of Seckel, and for these reasons, and because of the handsome appear-
ance, should sell better. The pears will probably be most used to grace
the table and for dessert, but the somewhat more sprightly flavor makes
them better suited for all culinary purposes than those of Seckel. The
trees are scarcely less satisfactory than the fruits. They are preéminent
among their kind by virtue of large size, rapidity of growth, productivity,
and hardiness, the region from which the variety came bespeaking greater
hardihood to cold than that possessed by the average variety. The trees
rejoice in vigor and health as do those of almost no other variety, and
while hardly as productive as those of Seckel, yet because of greater size the
pears fill the basket nearly as quickly. Vermont Beauty is one of the best
of the pears of its season, and deserves a place in the orchards of the
country for home and market.
Vermont Beauty is supposed to have originated in the nursery of
Benjamin Macomber, Grand Isle, Vermont, more than forty years ago.
Macomber maintained a small nursery, and this pear was one of several
hundreds planted for stock. The tree was budded in the usual manner,
but the bud failed to grow, and the original tree was allowed to stand
without another budding. After the variety fruited, it attracted so much
attention that Macomber propagated it. Later, it was introduced by
W. P. Rupert and Son, Seneca, New York. The American Pomological
Society, recognizing its worth, added the variety to its fruit-catalog in
1899. There has long been doubt in the minds of the writers as to whether
Vermont Beauty is distinct from Forelle. Careful comparison has been
made of the fruit- and tree-characters of the two sorts, and it is found that
they are so closely allied as to be indistinguishable. It is possible that a
tree of the old German pear may have found its way into Macomber’s
nursery and received the new name.
Tree medium in size, vigorous, upright-spreading, dense-topped, hardy, productive;
trunk stocky, shaggy; branches zigzag, reddish-brown, thinly overspread with gray scarf-
skin, with numerous large lenticels; branchlets very thick, long, reddish-brown mingled
with green, thickly covered with ash-gray scarf-skin near the tips, smooth, glabrous except
near the ends of the new growth, sprinkled with numerous small, roundish, conspicuous,
raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, short, pointed, plump, free. Leaves 22 in. long, 13 in. wide, leathery;
apex abruptly- or taper-pointed; margin glandless, finely serrate; petiole 2 in. long, glabrous,
slender, pinkish-green. Flower-buds small, short, conical, plump, free, singly on short
spurs; flowers characteristically small, average 1 in. across, in dense clusters, about 6 buds
in a cluster, the petals unusually small; pedicels } in. long, slender, pubescent.
Fruit ripe in late October and November; medium in size, 2} in. long, 2 in. wide,
obovate-acute-pyriform, symmetrical; stem 2 in. long, curved; cavity extremely small or
lacking, the flesh folded up around the base of the stem, occasionally lipped; calyx small,
open; lobes separated at the base, short, narrow, acute; basin shallow, narrow, obtuse,
smooth, symmetrical; skin thick, tough, smooth or with slight russet markings; color
clear pale lemon-yellow, with a broad and brilliantly blushed cheek, fading at the sides into
pinkish-red dots; dots numerous, very small, light russet, conspicuous; flesh tinged with
yellow, granular at the center but fine-grained near the skin, tender and melting, very
juicy, with a rich, vinous flavor; quality very good. Core closed, axile, with meeting core-
lines; calyx-tube short, wide, conical; seeds large, wide, plump, acute.
1. Gard. Chron. 20, fig. 1843. 2. Mag. Hort. 9:129, 269. 1843. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 448, fig.
208. 1845. 4. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 53. 1852. 5. Elliott Fr. Book 344, fig. 1854. 6. Jour. Hort. N.S.
7:414. 1864. 7. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 875, fig. 1869. 8. Hogg Fruit Man. 660. 1884.
Vicar, 9. Mawe-Abercrombie Univ. Gard. Bot. 1778. 10. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 40. 1883. rx. Ont.
Dept. Agr. Fr. Ont. 183. 1914.
Clion. 12. Kenrick Am. Orch. 159. 1841.
Le Curé. 13. Hovey Fr. Am. 1:47, Pl. 1851.
Curé. 14. Pom. France 1: No. 18, Pl. 18. 1863. 15. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:610, fig. 1867. 16. Guide
Prat. 61, 261. 1876. 17. Soc. Nat. Hort. France Pom. 396, fig. 1904. 18. Cat. Cong. Pom. France 221,
fig. 1906.
Pastorenbirne. 19. Mathiea Nom. Pom. 262. 1889. 20. Gaucher Pom. Prak. Obst. No. 59, Pl.
49. 1894.
Though large and handsome, the pears of this variety vary so much in
quality, often being wretchedly poor, that trees of it are now seldom planted
in America. The variety is not liked, also, because the trees blight badly.
The fruits, besides being large and handsome, keep well, and are excellent
for all culinary purposes. They are in season from November to January.
The pears have a strong musky smell, and are more or less astringent.
The quality depends largely on the soil, and is best when the trees stand
in a deep, warm loam. The fruits are long-pyriform, usually one-sided,
and are further characterized by the peculiarity that the calyx is not in
line with the axis, as in other pears, but is on one side, generally opposite
to that in which the stalk is inserted as shown in the accompanying illus-
tration. The trees, barring ‘susceptibility to blight, are about all that
could be desired — large, vigorous, handsome, and thrive both as standards
and dwarfs. Many old trees of largest size of this variety are still to be
found in New York, but young stock is now seldom set.
In 1760, this pear was found as a wilding by a French curate at
Villiers-en-Brenne. In due course it was introduced into England by the
Rev. W. L. Rahm, Vicar of Winkfield, in Berkshire, and from this circum-
stance it lost its proper name, Curé or Le Curé, and wrongly acquired that
by which it is now known here and in England. The variety was intro-
duced to America early in the nineteenth century. It was placed on
the list of recommended fruits by the American Pomological Society in
Tree large, vigorous, upright-spreading, dense-topped, hardy, very productive, long-
lived; trunk and branches stocky; branches zigzag, greenish-brown overspread with grayish
scarf-skin, with lenticels variable in number and size; branchlets curved, thick, long and
willowy, with long’ internodes, light greenish-brown which is mingled with red on the
newer growth, smooth, glabrous except near the ends of the new growth, sprinkled with
conspicuous, raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, short, pointed, free. Leaves 3 in. long, 2} in. wide, thick, leathery;
apex abruptly pointed; margin tipped with minute scattering glands, finely serrate; petiole
variable in length, pinkish-green; stipules short, tinged with pink. Flower-buds small,
short. conical, plump, free, singly on very short spurs.
Fruit ripe December to January; large, 44 in. long, 3 in. wide, oblong-pyriform, with
a long, tapering neck, with unequal sides; stem 1§ in. long, slender, curved; cavity lacking,
with stem obliquely set without a depression and often with a fleshy fold around the base
in the form of a lip; calyx large, open; lobes long, unusually broad, obtusely pointed; basin
very shallow, narrow, obtuse, smooth, symmetrical; skin thick, tough, smooth, dull; color
pale yellow, often with a faint trace of a brownish-red blush over the exposed cheek, marked
with light russet around the calyx, and occasionally with russet flecks scattered over the
surface; dots numerous, small, conspicuous, brownish-russet; flesh white, granular only
near the center, tender and melting, juicy, somewhat astringent or with a sprightly muski-
ness, with no pleasant aroma; quality inferior for dessert but good for cooking. Core small,
closed, axile, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube long, narrow, funnel-shaped; carpels
long-oval; seeds large, long, not very plump, often abortive.
1. Pom. Mag. 2:60, Pl. 1829. 2. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 385. 1831. 3. Prince Pom. Man. 1:43.
1831. 4. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 378, fig. 162. 1845. 5. Proc. Nat. Con. Fr. Gr. 51. 1848. 6. Hovey
Fr. Am, 2:85, Pl. 1851. 7. Horticulturist N. S. 4:158, Pl. 1854. 8. Ibid. N. S. 6:406. 1856.
9. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 880, fig. 1869. 10. Hogg Fruit Man. 663. 1884.
Warwicke. 11. Parkinson Par. Ter. 592. 1629.
Doyenné. 12. Langley Pomona 132. 1729. 13. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:205, Pl. XLIII. 1768.
14. Miller Gard, Dict. 2: Pt. 1. 1807. 15. Brookshaw Pom. Brit. 2: Pl. 49. 1817. 16. Brookshaw
Hort. Reposit. 2:175, Pl. 92. 1823. 17. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:52, fig. 1869. 18. Rev. Hort. 51. 1898.
Virgalieu. 19. Prince Cat. 1771.
White Beurré. 20. Mawe-Abercrombie Univ. Gard. Bot. 1778.
Weisse Herbst Butterbirne. 21. Christ Handb. 511. 1817. 22. Liegel Syst. Anleit. 100. 1825. 23.
Dochnahl Fihr. Obstkunde 2:84. 1856. 24. Lauche Deut. Pom. Il: No. 16, Pl.16. 1882. 25. Mathieu
Nom. Pom. 296. 1889.
Saint-Michael, 26. Coxe Cult. Fr. Trees 191, fig. 38. 1817.
Doyenné Blanc. 27. Trans. Lond. Hort. Soc. 5:135. 1824. 28. Kenrick Am. Orch. 121. 1841.
29. Pom. France 1: No. 74, Pl. 74. 1863. 30. Mas Le Verger 3: Pt. 2, 19, fig. 106. 1866-73. 31. Guide
Prat. 63, 264. 1876. 32. Cat. Cong. Pom. France 236, fig. 1906.
Thorp. 33. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 553. 1857. 34. Mag. Hort. 24:516. 1858.
Bonne-Ente. 35. Noisette Man. Comp. Jard. 2:532. 1860.
This ancient and world-renowned pear, its fruits the most delectable
of any that come from a pear orchard, is now rarely planted in America.
It is being discarded because the small and comparatively unattractive
fruits fail to satisfy commercial demands. In the middle of the last
century, when there was almost a mania for the best of the European
pears, when fruits were judged by the palate rather than the eye as now,
White Doyenné was one of the most commonly planted varieties. Proof
of its popularity at home and abroad is found in the great number of names
under which it has been grown. A more serious fault than small and
unattractive pears is that the fruits and foliage are inviting prey to the
scab-fungus, which often cracks and scabs the pears and defoliates the
trees. Except in susceptibility to scab, the trees are nearly perfect when
grown in the soil which they prefer — a rich clay, heavy rather than light.
On such a soil, tree and fruit attain perfection. The accompanying illus-
tration shows this pear at its best in color and size—a handsome fruit
rather than the unattractive product so often seen. Grown in a light soil,
and when scab is unchecked, the fruits are small, green, cracked, and
cankered — intolerable to sight and taste. Unfortunately, also, the trees
are ravaged by blight when that disease is epidemic. The faults named
have made the variety an outcast, but it should still receive atten-
tion for the superb quality of its fruits where scab and blight can be
This pear is one of the oldest of all varieties. It is impossible to state
whether it originated in France or was brought to that country from Italy.
A German, Henri Manger, who studied the origin of fruits, states in his
Systematische Pomologie, 1780, that the White Doyenné originated with
the Romans; he considered it to be their Sementinum. Agostino Gallo,
1559, called the variety Pera Ghiacciuola. In 1660, Claude Saint-Etienne
described a Poire de Neige. Both of these descriptions represent White
Doyenné. In the sixteenth century and for part of the seventeenth, the
name Ghiacciuola was accepted for the variety in France with the synonym
Saint-Michel. Leroy states that Le Lectier, in his catalog of the fruit
trees which he grew at Orléans in 1628, changed the name to Gizaccole de
Rome, and Nicholas de Bonnefonds modified it in the first edition of his
Jardinier Francais, 1652, to Giacciola di Roma. English pomologists have
mentioned this pear under a variety of names since early in the seventeenth
century. The names Poire Doyenné and White Doyenné have been most
generally applied to it. The date of its introduction to America is not
known, but it was probably brought to this country by the earliest French
settlers. The first American catalogs mentioned the variety, and it was
extensively grown in the vicinity of New York and Long Island where
it was commonly called the Virgalieu pear. .In the neighborhood of Boston,
the name Saini-Michael was applied to it; while around Philadelphia it
was called the Butter Pear. For nearly a century, however, the variety
has been most generally known in this country as White Doyenné. At
the Convention of Fruit-Growers held in New York, in 1848, White
Doyenné was included in a short list of pears recommended for general
cultivation. Since that date, the American Pomological Society has given
the variety a place in its fruit-catalog.
Tree large, vigorous, upright, vasiform, hardy, very productive; trunk stocky, some-
what smooth; branches thick, dark gray, with many large lenticels; branchlets thick,
reddish-brown, smooth, glabrous, with small, very slightly raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds obtuse, pointed, appressed. Leaves 2} in. long, 14 in. wide, flattened,
leathery; apex taper-pointed; margin finely serrate; petiole 14 in. long, slender. Flower-
buds large, long, conical or pointed, free; flowers early, 13 in. across, in dense clusters, 7
or 8 buds in a cluster; pedicels 7 in. long, slender, pubescent, light green.
Fruit matures in early October; medium in size, 2} in. long, 2} in. wide, uniform,
obovate-obtuse-pyriform, symmetrical; stem 4 in. long, thick, slightly curved; cavity
obtuse, shallow, narrow, russeted, usually symmetrical; calyx small, open or closed; lobes
short, narrow, obtuse; basin shallow, obtuse, nearly smooth, symmetrical; skin thick,
tough, smooth, dull; color clear pale yellow, with a small, bright red blush on the exposed
cheek; dots numerous, small, russet, conspicuous; flesh yellowish-white, granular, firm at
first but becoming melting when fully ripe, juicy, sweet, with a rich, aromatic flavor;
quality very good. Core closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide, conical;
seeds wide, plump, obtuse.
1. Can. Hort. 12:286, fig. 73. 1889. 2. Ibid. 13:251, Pl. 1890. 3. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 37. 1899.
4. Budd-Hansen Am. Hort. Man. 2:268. 1903.
Early Wilder. 5. Ill. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 45. 1896.
Wilder. 6. Ont. Dept. Agr. Fr. Ont. 183, fig. 1914.
This is one of the good, early pears for the markets. It is more
highly prized in the Mississippi Valley than in New York and the Eastern
states where summer pears are raised in greater variety. The pears are
very attractive in size, shape, and particularly in the bright lemon-yellow
color, with a flaming cheek to the sun, the whole pear being characteristically
marked with small, russet dots set in a pinkish circle. Of all summer pears
the fruits of this one seem least inclined to rot at the center, and usually
keep longer and ship better, although the skin is tender and bruises easily.
The flesh is buttery, moderately juicy, sweet and rich, with a faint, pleasant
perfume. The fruits are small but are usually larger than those of the
well-known Seckel, and are edible almost to the very center. The tree is
large, vigorous, prodigiously productive, as healthy as any, and a remark-
ably handsome ornamental. Despite this catalog of virtues, Wilder Early
is not largely planted in New York.
Wilder Early is a chance seedling found by Charles A. Green, Rochester,
New York, about 1884, in Chautauqua County, New York. At the time
of its discovery the tree was already in bearing. The variety was named
after Marshall P. Wilder, President of the Massachusetts Horticultural
Society. The name first appeared in the fruit-catalog of the American
Pomological Society in 1899.
Tree large, vigorous, upright, dense-topped, rapid-growing, hardy, very productive;
branches zigzag, reddish-brown overspread with gray scarf-skin, with numerous lenticels;
branchlets thick, very long, light greenish-brown, lightly streaked with ash-gray scarf-
skin, dull, smooth, glabrous except near the tips of the new growth, sprinkled with many
conspicuous, raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds small, short, pointed, appressed; leaf-scars prominent. Leaves 31 in. long,
1% in. wide, leathery; apex taper-pointed; margin very finely serrate; petiole 2 in. long,
glabrous. Flower-buds small, short, conical, plump, free, singly on short spurs; flowers late,
17s in. across, white or tinged with pink, in dense clusters, average 7 buds in a cluster;
pedicels 3 in. long, pubescent.
Fruit ripe in late August; large, 22 in. long, 23 in. wide, oblong-pyriform, symmetrical;
stem 2 in. long, very thick; cavity acute, narrow, russeted and with rays of russet extending
over the sides, slightly compressed, rarely lipped; calyx large, open; lobes separated at
the base, long, narrow, acuminate; basin very shallow, narrow, obtuse, wrinkled; skin
thin, tender, smooth, dull; color pale lemon-yellow, with a pinkish blush on the exposed
cheek often deepening to dark pink; dots characteristically distinct, very numerous, small,
Tusset or russet-red; flesh white, stringy, tender and melting, buttery, moderately juicy,
sweet, faintly aromatic; quality good. Core small, closed, with clasping core-lines; calyx-
tube long, narrow, conical; seeds long, narrow, acute.
1. Ore. Bd. Hort. Rpt. 42. 1895. 2. Ore. Nur. Cat. 19. 1903. 3. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 41. 1909.
4. Cal. Com. Hort. Pear Grow. Cal. 7: No. 5, 278, fig. 94. 1918.
Winter Bartlett is heralded from the Pacific Coast as a winter variety
bearing fruits similar to those of Bartlett. As the fruits grow in New
York there is a suggestion of Bartlett in the shape, color, and flavor of the
fruits, but in size, as the color-plate shows, the newcomer falls far short
of the older pear. The season is December and January, a time when
there are a half-dozen other good pears, and since this one. has no out-
standing characters to make it notable, it is doubtful if it will outlive a
brief period of probation in eastern orchards. The westerners say that
the tree is very resistant to blight, a statement neither proved nor dis-
proved in the East as yet. The variety is worth trying in a small way in
New York.
This pear seems to have originated at Eugene, Oregon, some time prior
to 1880, and to have been introduced by D. W. Coolidge of Eugene,
although it must have been grown to some extent before Mr. Coolidge
brought it to the front. Because of its resemblance to Bartlett, it is
assumed that it is a seedling of that variety. The American Pomological
Society added Winter Bartlett to its catalog of fruits in 1909.
Tree large, vigorous, upright, scraggly, open-topped, hardy, productive: branches
stocky, smooth, light-brown overlaid with gray scarf-skin, with few lenticels; branchlets
thick, curved, long, with long internodes, brownish-red, streaked with gray scarf-skin,
glossy, smooth, glabrous, sprinkled with conspicuous, raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds large, long, conical, pointed, plump, free; leaf-scars with very prominent
shoulders. Leaves 3} in. long, 1§ in. wide, stiff; apex taper-pointed; margin finely serrate;
petiole 23 in. long. Flower-buds conical, plump, free, singly on spurs variable in length;
flowers very late, 1} in. across, in dense clusters, average 5 buds in a cluster; pedicels 1 in.
long, thick, thinly pubescent.
Fruit ripe in December and January; large, 3 in. long, 23 in. wide, oblong-obovate-
pytiform; stem 1 in. long, thick, curved; cavity narrow, shallow, smooth, oblique; calyx
small, nearly closed; lobes short; basin small, shallow, irregular; skin uneven in surface:
color yellow, splashed with russet and often blushed on the exposed cheek with bright red;
dots numerous, small, brownish-russet; flesh yellowish-white, fine-grained, tender, juicy,
sweet, pleasant-flavored; quality good to very good. Core small, nearly closed, with
meeting core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide; seeds large, long, plump, obtuse.
1. Pom. Mag. 3:126, Pl. 1830. 2. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 409. 1831. 3. Kenrick Am. Orch. 199.
1832. 4. Mag. Hort. 10:127. 1844. 5. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 450, fig. 208. 1845. 6. Gard. Chron.
20, fig. 1845. 7. Proc. Nat. Con. Fr.Gr. 51. 1848. 8. Hovey Fr. Am. 1:15, Pl. 1851. 9. Downing Fr.
Trees Am. 884, fig. 1869. 10. Oberdieck Obst-Sort. 339. 1881. 11. Lauche Deut. Pom. I: No. 49, Pl.
49. 1882. 12. Hogg Fruit Man. 667. 1884. 13. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 301. 1889. 14. Deut. Obstsorten
5: Pt. 15, Pl. 1909.
La Bonne Malinoise. 15. Trans, Lond. Hort. Soc. 4:276. 1822. 16. Ibid. §:408. 1824.
Thouin. 17. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:23. 1856.
Bonne de Malines. 18. Ann. Pom. Belge 6:77, Pl. 1858. 19. Pom. France 2: No. 53, Pl. 53.
1864. 20. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:484, figs. 1867. 21. Guide Prat. 60, 252. 1876. 22. Cat. Cong. Pom.
France 202. 1906.
Nélis d’Hiver. 23. Mas Le Verger 1:29 bis, fig. 21. 1866-73.
Winter Nelis is the standard winter pear in the United States. Both
fruits and trees possess several serious faults, but these are outmatched by
virtues which make the variety preéminent in its season. The fruits are
small and are often so poorly colored as to be unattractive, but well grown
they are sufficiently large for dessert fruits and are very handsome in a
much-russeted coat and a ruddy cheek. Flesh and flavor are the chief
assets of the fruits. The flesh is tender, melting, juicy, luscious, with a
rich, sweet, aromatic flavor — one of the most delectable of all pears. The
fruits keep, ship, and sell well. The season is from Christmas to March,
but the pears can be kept until late spring in cold-storage. The trees
begin badly, for no variety is more difficult to grow well in the nursery.
They thrive only on standard stocks, refusing to do well on the quince
unless double worked. In the orchard, the trees are among the unmanage-
ables. They are small or of but medium size, with straggling, wayward
tops with habits of growth so self assertive that no art nor skill of the
pruner can bring the branches under control. The limbs are always crooked;
some bend inward toward the main stem, some are upright, some droop,
and no two behave in quite the same way. Notwithstanding the illy-
shaped tops, the trees are often enormously productive so that the crop
usually requires thinning. They bear almost annually; come in bearing
young; are fairly hardy; and are adapted to almost any soil or situation
provided, only, that the soil is fertile or well fertilized. They are as nearly
immune to blight as those of any other European pear. The trees are
characterized by two marked peculiarities: the old wood is thickly set
with small, short spurs; and they are about the latest of all their kind in
leafing out in the spring. There is no better winter pear for either the
commercial pear-grower or the amateur, and the variety grows especially
well in New York.
Winter Nelis was raised from seed by Jean Charles Nélis, Mechlin,
Belgium, early in the nineteenth century. It was introduced into England
by the London Horticultural Society under the name La Bonne Mali-
noise. Subsequently this name was cancelled and that of Winter Nelis
adopted, the name which had been given the variety by Van Mons in honor
of the originator. In 1823, Thomas Andrew Knight, President of the
London Horticultural Society, sent cions of the variety to John Lowell,
Roxbury, Massachusetts, who, in his turn, shared them with Robert
Manning, Salem, Massachusetts, whence the sort was very generally
disseminated in this country and attained great popularity. At the
National Convention of Fruit-Growers held in New York in 1848, Winter
Nelis was included in a short list of pears recommended for general culti-
vation. For more than half a century the name has appeared in the fruit-
catalogs of the American Pomological Society. 2
Tree medium in size and vigor, spreading, hardy, very productive; trunk stocky;
branches thick, zigzag, reddish-brown mingled with gray scarf-skin, marked: with small
lenticels; branchlets with short internodes, reddish-brown, dull, smooth, glabrous, with
numerous raised, conspicuous lenticels.
Leaf-buds medium to large, long, conical or pointed, free. Leaves 3 in. long, 12 in.
wide, elongated-oval, leathery; apex taper-pointed; margin varies from crenate to serrate;
petiole 1} in. long, slender. Flower-buds conical or pointed, free; flowers open late, 13
in. across, 6 or 7 buds in a cluster; pedicels 7 in. long, rather slender, lightly pubescent,
Fruit ripe late November to early January; medium in size, 24 in. long, about 2} in.
wide, uniform in size and shape, roundish-obovate to obtuse-obovate-pyriform, quite
symmetrical except for the unequal sides; stem 1% in. long, thick, curved; cavity obtuse,
shallow, narrow, russeted, gently furrowed, occasionally lipped; calyx large, open; lobes
separated at the base, short, broad, acute; basin shallow, obtuse, lightly furrowed, symmet-
rical; skin thick, tender, roughened with much russet, dull; color yellow with a tinge of
green, dotted with grayish-russet and with many russet streaks and patches on the exposed
cheek which is usually blushed with bright red; dots numerous, small, russet, conspicuous;
flesh yellowish-white, quite granular at the center and underneath the skin, tender and
melting, buttery, very juicy, sweet, aromatic; quality very good. Core large, closed,
axile, with clasping core-lines; calyx-tube short, wide, conical; seeds large, wide, long,
plump, acute.
1. Rural N. Y. 50:888, figs. 326 and 327. 1891. 2. Thomas Am. Fruit Cult. 465, fig. 675. 1897.
3. Franklin Davis Nur. Cat. 23. 1901. 4- Budd-Hansen Am. Hort. Man. 2:268. 1903. 5. Banker
Cat. 19. 1915.
Worden. 6. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 41. 1909.
Possibly no pear has been more widely advertised during the last
quarter-century than Worden Seckel. Nurserymen and pear-growers alike
describe it as a better variety than Seckel, and say that it ought to take
the place of that good old sort of which it is a seedling. But it is not
driving Seckel out in most pear regions, though in many it is considered
the more profitable pear of the two. It is a splendid pear, but falls short
of Seckel in not being quite as dependable in different soils and climates;
the trees are not as vigorous, though just as productive in many places,
they are not quite as resistant to blight, and the fruits are not as high
in quality. On the other hand, the pears are larger and handsomer. Well
grown, the fruits of Worden Seckel are voluptuously handsome in form
and color. The pears are smooth, glossy, trim of contour, well turned,
unusually uniform, with a beautifully blushed cheek on a handsome green
and yellow background. The accompanying illustration does not do the
pear justice in size or color and shows a lack of symmetry not usually
present. When the crop is thinned so that the fruits attain their largest
size, no pear is handsomer or will bring a higher price on the fruit-stands.
The crop comes in with Seckel, but keeps longer, lasting until December in
cold-storage. The tree is very hardy and bears young, but does poorly
in the nursery. Commercial growers should give this variety a thorough
test, and amateurs everywhere will find it worth planting.
Worden Seckel, as its name suggests, is a seedling of Seckel, raised by
Sylvester Worden, Minetto, Oswego County, New York, about 1881.
Smiths and Powell, Syracuse, New York, placed it on the market about
Ca /
cee im
1890. The American Pomological Society added the variety to its fruit-
list in 1909. :
Tree large, vigorous, upright-spreading, rapid-growing, very productive; trunk thick;
branches reddish-brown, nearly covered with thin, gray scarf-skin, marked with numerous
lenticels; branchlets short, with internodes variable in length, light greenish-brown, dull,
glabrous except near the ends of the new growth, sprinkled with numerous small,
conspicuous, raised lenticels.
Leaf-buds very small, short, pointed, appressed. Leaves 24 in. long, 14 in. wide,
thick, leathery; apex taper-pointed; margin tipped with few minute glands, finely or coarsely
serrate; petiole 14 in. long, glabrous, slender, tinged with red; stipules very small when
present. Flower-buds small, short, conical, sharply pointed, plump, free, singly on very
short spurs; flowers showy, 14 in. across, in dense clusters, 8 or 10 buds in a cluster; pedicels
1% in. long, slightly pubescent.
Fruit ripe late September to October; medium in size, 24 in. long, 2} in. wide, obovate-
acute-pyriform, symmetrical; stem 2 in. long, thick; cavity very shallow and obtuse or
lacking, the flesh folded up around the base of the stem and often lipped; calyx open, large;
lobes narrow, acute; basin shallow, narrow, obtuse, smooth or gently furrowed, symmetrical;
skin thin, tender, smooth, glossy; color pale golden-yellow, blushed on the exposed cheek
with solid bright red, becoming almost crimson in highly colored specimens; dots numerous,
small, russet, obscure; flesh yellowish-white or dull white, fine-grained near the skin, gran-
ular at the center, tender and melting, buttery, very juicy, characteristically spicy and
aromatic; quality very good. Core closed, axile, with meeting core-lines; calyx-tube
conical; carpels ovate; seeds wide, plump, obtuse.
A. J. Cook. 1. Cal. Com. Hort. Pear Grow. Cal. 7:No. 5, 247, figs. 25 to 31. 1918.
2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 134. 1920.
Seedling of Bartlett which originated with J. E. Hassler, Placerville, Cal., and was
introduced by Loma Rice Nursery in 1916. Tree similar to Bartlett but branches more
slender and whip-like, vigorous. Fruit medium to very large, shaped like Bartlett but
irregular, yellow; flesh rather coarse; flavor sweet, pleasant; Dec.
Aarer Pfundbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:184. 1856.
A German Pound pear originated in Nassau, Hesse, about 1826. Fruit large, pyriform,
smooth, greenish-yellow turning to light yellow, often blushed and dotted densely with
light brown and covered with patches of russet; fleshy pulpy, semi-melting, sweet and
musky; Oct.
Abbé Fétel. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 166. 1889.
Calebasse Abbé Fétel. 2. Guide Prat. 61. 1895.
Fruit very large, very elongated, bright red on the side next the sun; flesh melting,
very juicy, sugary; first; Nov.
Abbé Pérez. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:83, fig. 1867. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 654.
The parent tree of this variety was found in a garden of the Abbé Pérez, Lectoure,
Department Gers, Fr. It was grafted and distributed in 1859. Fruit above medium,
ovate, flattened at both ends, yellowish-green, dotted and streaked with russet; flesh
whitish, fine, melting, juicy, sugary, acidulous, delicately perfumed; first; Nov. to
Abbott. 1. Mag. Hort. 20:472. 1854. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 654. 1869.
Raised from seed by Mrs. T. Abbott, Providence, R. I. First fruited in 1845 or
1846. Fruit medium, obovate, inclining to pyriform, smooth, deep green changing to
yellow, strewed all over with gray and crimson dots, with blush of crimson on the side
to the sun; flesh yellowish-white, buttery, melting, juicy, slightly coarse and gritty, with
a rich, sweet and slightly perfumed flavor; second; Sept. and Oct.
Abdon Birne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:45. 1856.
Fruit small, short, obtuse, ventriculous; skin smooth and tender, lemon-yellow with
a soft, rosy blush; flesh granular, semi-melting, sweet, with an aroma of cinnamon; first.
for dessert; July and Aug.
Abele de St. Denis. 1. McIntosh Bk. Gard. 22459. 1855.
Described in 1855 as a “ comparatively new or recently introduced pear ” in England.
Fruit large; excellent for dessert.
Abercromby. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 654. 1869.
A wilding found in Tallapoosa County, Ala. Fruit medium, obtuse-pyriform, greatest.
breadth at center; skin rough, greenish-yellow, russeted, with a mottled, red cheek; flesh
whitish, coarse, moderately juicy, sweet, slightly vinous; good; Aug.
Achalzig. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:180. 1856. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 467. 1884.
A Russian variety sent from the Crimea into Europe by a Mr. Hartwiss, superintendent
of the royal garden at Nikita, where it originated in 1851. Fruit large, abruptly pyramidal,
green changing at maturity to lemon-yellow, strewn with white and gray dots; flesh
yellowish, rather gritty, melting, sweet, rich; good; Oct.
Achan. 1. Mag. Hort. 9:130. 1843. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 467. 1884.
This well-known Scotch dessert pear is probably of Norwegian origin. It is suitable
only to a northern climate. Fruit below medium, turbinate but often obovate when grown
to a large size, greenish-yellow on the shaded side, strewed with gray-russet patches and
dots; on the exposed cheek it is of a dull, ferruginous red; flesh tender, buttery, sugary,
juicy, with a rich, aromatic flavor; Nov. and Dec.
Acidaline. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:164. 1856. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 468. 1884.
A seedling of Van Mons. It was in 1833 sent to the Horticultural Society of Paris
under the number 1253 and acquired the name Acidaline from its extreme acidity. Fruit
above medium, obovate, shining bright green changing to yellow-green at maturity, mottled
with red on the side next the sun and dotted all over with reddish-brown specks; flesh
whitish-yellow, semi-buttery, semi-melting, gritty around the middle, sourish, very juicy;
third for dessert, first for cooking; Oct.
Acme. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 68. 1895.
Raised by A. Block, Santa Clara, Cal. Fruit large, pyriform, yellow, russeted, red
cheek; flesh breaking, melting, juicy and vinous.
Adams. 1. Mag. Hort. 20:464, fig. 21. 1854. 2. Hovey Fr. Am. 2:91, Pl. 1851.
Raised from seed of Seckel planted in 1836 by Dr. H. Adams, Waltham, Mass. It first
bore fruit in 1848. Fruit large, obovate-pyriform, yellow, shaded with crimson; flesh
white, vinous; first; early Sept.
Adélaide de Réves. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 469. 1884.
Madame Adélaide de Réves. 2. Ann. Pom. Belge 3:97, fig. 1855.
A seedling, found about 1850 in the gardens of the Society Van Mons, Belgium.
Fruit medium, turbinate; skin smooth, bright green changing to lemon-yellow, dotted
with fawn and marked with brown-black patches, slightly colored with reddish-brown
on the side next the sun; flesh white, semi-fine, melting, full of sugary juice, vinous, well
perfumed; first; late Oct.
Adéle Lancelot. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:86, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 3°95, fig. 144.
Alexandre Bivort obtained this pear in 1851 at Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit variable in size
but generally above medium, turbinate, swelled, obtuse, greenish-yellow, dotted all over
and streaked with russet and often covered with black stains; flesh white, semi-fine, rather
soft, melting, gritty at center; juice abundant, sugary, acidulous, with a delicate, buttery
flavor; first.
Adéle de Saint-Denis. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:85, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 460.
Adéle. 3. Le Bon Jard. 356. 1882.
Raised by M. Guéraud, Saint-Denis, near Paris, about 1840. Fruit medium, obtuse-
pyriform, greenish-yellow, strongly dotted and marked with fawn-colored russet; flesh
yellowish, fine, melting, juicy, rather gritty around core, sugary, acidulous; first; Oct.
and Nov.
Admirable. 1. Mag. Hort. 25:207, fig. 13. 1859. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 655. 1869.
Raised by Francis Dana, Boston, Mass., and first exhibited before the Massachusetts
Horticultural Society in 1853. Mr. Dana considered it one of his best seedlings. Fruit
medium to large, globular-oval, largest diameter in middle; tapering to each end, rather
swollen on one side, smooth, fine, yellow at maturity, with a circle of russet at the base
of the stem and more or less traced and thickly dotted with russet; flesh yellowish-white,
slightly coarse, melting, buttery, with a delicious perfume; good; Sept. and Oct.
Admiral Farragut. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 655. 1869.
Farragut. 2. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 44. 1866.
Raised by Dr. Shurtleff, Boston, Mass., and fruited first in 1862. Fruit large, pyri-
form, greenish-yellow, with many dots and mottled with fawn, blushed on the sunny side;
flesh fine, melting, subacid, refreshing; good, handsome but rather lacking in quality;
late Sept.
Admiral Foote. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 44. 1866.
Originated in Brookline, Mass. First fruited in 1862 or 1863. Fruit large, obovate,
green; flesh melting, fine, with juice abundant, exceedingly rich, sweet, vinous; first; Sept.
Adolphe Cachet. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:88, fig. 1867.
Obtained from seed in the trial grounds of André Leroy, Angers, France, and first
fruited in 1864. Fruit medium, turbinate-obtuse, irregular, very bright brilliant yellow,
dotted with russet and stained similarly on the side next the sun and around the stem;
flesh white, fine, melting, gritty at center, juicy, sugary, acid, fresh, with a delicious savor
of musk; first; Aug. and Sept.
Adolphe Fouquet. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:67, fig. 226. 1879.
Raised by M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit nearly medium, turbinate-conic, uniform
in contour, water-green dotted with grayish-brown, often freely russeted, changing at
maturity to dull citron-yellow; flesh white, with slight yellowish tint, rather fine, buttery,
melting, with juice sufficient, sugary and vinous; good; Oct.
Adolphine Richard. 1. Mag. Hort. 26:218. 1860. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:80, fig. 1867.
Reported by M. Bivort in the garden of the Van Mons Society, Geest-Saint-Rémy,
Bel. Fruit small or medium, pyriform-obtuse, golden yellow, spotted, striped and mottled
with russet; flesh whitish, firm, without grit, semi-melting, wanting in quality, with sugary
juice, acidulous, aromatic, without any after-flavor; second; Oct. and Nov.
Aehrenthal. 1. Lauche Deut. Pom. 11: No. 51, Pl. 51. 1883.
Dedicated by Dr. Diel of Stuttgart to the Baron von Aehrenthal of Prague some-
time previous to 1833. Fruit medium, ventriculous-obovate-pyriform, bright green
passing to yellow; flesh white, melting, juicy, buttery, aromatic; good; mid-Sept.
Agathe de Lescourt. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. t1%90, fig. 1867.
Agathe de Lescours. 2. Mas. Pom. Gen. 5:39, fig. 308. 1880.
Origin obscure. Cultivated in France in the middle of the last century and believed
to have been introduced there from Belgium. Fruit medium and frequently very large,
obtuse-pyriform, greenish-yellow, dotted and streaked with russet; flesh white, sweet,
rather insipid; second; mid-Sept.
Aglaé Adanson. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:91, fig. 1867.
Adanson Apothekerbirne. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:181. 1856.
Obtained from seed by Van Mons in 1816. Fruit small, pyriform but irregular,
obtuse, greenish-yellow, finely dotted with russet, and washed with bright rose on the
cheek next the sun; flesh white, coarse, breaking, with sufficient juice, scarcely any sugar
but full of perfume and flavor; third; Aug. and Sept.
Aglaé Grégoire. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 8:69, fig. 1860. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:92, fig. 1867.
Obtained from seed about 1852 by X. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel., and placed on the
market in 1855. Fruit below medium, obovate-obtuse-pyriform and often nearly round,
dark green changing to yellow at maturity; flesh melting, sugary, semi-fine and melting;
juice abundant, vinous, with an agreeable perfume; first; Feb. and Mar.
Agnés. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:183, fig. 575. “188r.
Raised by M. Pariset, Curciat-Dongalon, Fr. First report of it given in 1869. Fruit
medium or nearly large, turbinate-pyriform, even in outline, bright lively green sprinkled
with brown dots all over, changing at maturity to clear yellow on the shaded side and
warm gold on the side next the sun; flesh white, fine, altogether melting; juice sufficient,
sweet, sugary, pleasantly perfumed; first; Dec. and Jan.
Agricola. 1. Guide Prat. 84. 1895.
Attributed to Mortillet, 1873. Fruit medium, turbinate, intense green, changing to
decided yellow; flesh very fine, melting, highly aromatic; Sept. Tree vigorous and prolific.
Recommended for wind-exposed situations.
Ah-Mon-Dieu. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:93, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 470. 1884.
This pear has had various names and is of ancient and obscure origin. Ah-Mon-Dieu
is attributed to the exclamation of those words by King Louis XIV, who when visiting
his gardens saw this pear tree heavily laden with fruit. Fruit small, obovate, lemon-
yellow, dotted with russet, washed with lively rose on the side next the sun; flesh yellowish-
white, coarse, breaking, not very juicy nor sugary, but full of perfume and flavor; good,
but does not keep long after being gathered; Sept.
Agua de Valence (See paze 250).
Aigue. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:95, fig. 1867.
This variety is thought to have originated in the commune of Saint-Germain, Vendée,
Fr., where the trees are to be found in abundance from 100 to 200 years old. Fruit small,
ovate, generally a little pointed at the top, bronzed all over and rough to the touch, wrinkling
freely at maturity; flesh yellowish, firm, breaking, somewhat gritty; juice sufficient,
acidulous, deficient in sugar, almost insipid and sometimes having a delicate, musky
flavor; third for dessert, second for kitchen use, but very variable; Nov. to Mar.
Aiken. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:69, fig. 35. 1872.
This is believed to be an American variety. Mas received it from Downing and
thought it had been raised in the suburbs of Aiken, S.C. Fruit medium, obovate, entirely
covered with a fine russet on which are some dots, but at maturity the russet changes to
a rich gold and the cheek next the sun sometimes becomes blushed; flesh white, buttery,
melting, free from granulations at the center, fairly sugary and vinous; not first class but
good for preserving; Oct. and Nov.
Aime Ogereau. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:96, fig. 1867.
Raised in the nurseries of André Leroy, Angers, Fr. It fruited for the first time in
1862. Fruit medium or small, obovate-obtuse, lemon-yellow, sprinkled with brown dots,
seldom colored on the sun-exposed side; flesh white, melting, remarkable especially for
its extreme fineness; juice abundant, sugary, acidulous, flavored with a delicious savor of
musk; first; mid-Sept.
Aimée Adam. 1. Guide Prat. 75. 1895.
Raised by Simon Bouvier, Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit rather large, obtuse-pyriform; skin
fawn; flesh yellowish, semi-melting, sugary, sprightly; third; latter half of Oct. Tree
vigorous and fertile. :
Akatsupo. 1. Am. Gard. 12:10, fig. 6. 1891.
Japanese and common in neighborhood ‘of Tokio. It is rather elongated in shape
compared with other Japanese varieties, and heavily speckled with large dots; Aug.
Alamo. 1. Budd-Hansen Am. Hori. Man. 2:232. 1903.
Originated by A. L. Bruce, Grayson County, Tex. Fruit medium to large, pale yellow,
blushed with red; flesh buttery, melting; early.
Albertine. 1. Dochnahl Fahr. Obstkunde a:115. 1856. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:131, fig.
450. 1880.
This seedling, raised by Van Mons, was sent by him to Poiteau, author of the Pomologie
Francaise, who, in 1833, named it after his wife. Fruit small, pyriform-obovate; skin
rather thick, firm, water-green, sprinkled with numerous very small gray-brown specks,
the basic green changing to bright lemon-yellow on the side next the sun; flesh yellow,
very fine, dense, buttery, melting; juice abundant, vinous, perfumed; first; Oct.
Alexander. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 449. 1857.
Originated at the village of Alexander, Genesee County, N. Y., from seed planted
about 1820 by a Mrs. Churchill. It was shown at the Fruit Growers’ Society Exhibition
held at Buffalo, N.Y., on Sept. 13, 1855. Although very similar to Gray Doyenné, it is
distinct. Fruit medium, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, yellowish-green, nearly overspread
with cinnamon-russet except in the shade, and having occasionally a faint brownish blush
in the sun; flesh white, rather coarse and somewhat gritty at the center, melting and very
juicy, sugary; very good; Dec. to Feb.
Alexander Lucas. 1. W. N. Y. Hort. Soct. Rpt. 22. 1884. 2. Gard. Mon. 28:366. 1886.
Beurre Alexandre Lucas. 3. Bunyard Cat. 37. 1913-14.
This pear was found in a forest in the department of Loire-et-Cher, Fr., in 1871. It
was imported to the United States by Ellwanger & Barry, Rochester, N. Y., but never
widely disseminated. Fruit large, golden yellow at maturity; flesh half-melting, juicy,
vinous; quality good; Nov. to Jan.
Alexandre Bivort. 1. Mas Le Verger 1:37, fig. 25. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:97,
figs. 1867.
Obtained in 1848 by Louis Berckmans and named after Alexandre Bivort, founder
of the Society of Van Mons, in Belgium. Fruit small to medium; the two types are spheri-
cal, or turbinate inclining to pyriform, respectively; skin smooth, shining green changing
to yellow, dotted with russet; flesh white, fine-grained, tender, full of juice, sugary, with
perfume of almond; variable in quality; Nov. to Jan.
Alexandre Chomer. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 167. 1889.
Raised by M. Liabaud; introduced in 1887. Fruit large; in form similar to Bart-
lett shortened, clear green passing into yellow at maturity; flesh very fine, melting, juicy;
first; Dec. and Jan.
Alexandre de la Herche. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 167. 1889.
Raised by M. Sannier who named it after M. de la Herche, a merchant of Beauvais,
Oise, Fr. Fruit medium, globular-obtuse-pyriform, sometimes slightly cylindrical; flesh
fine, with a pleasant perfume; late Oct. Tree is fairly vigorous and very fruitful and
resisted the phenomenal frost in France in the winter of 1879-80.
Alexandre Lambré. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge a:94, fig. 1854. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 472.
A seedling of Van Mons which did not fruit until 1844, two years after the death of
the great pomologist. Fruit medium, oblate, obtuse-pyriform, bright yellowish-green,
sprinkled with minute russety dots and slight markings of russet, brownish-red on the side
next the sun; flesh white, a little soft, melting, juicy, sweet, acid, free from grit and possess-
ing a delicate, musk flavor; Nov.
Alexandre de Russie. 1. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 363. 1831.
Raised by M. Bouvier, Jodoigne, Bel., and named in honor of the Emperor Alexander
of Russia. Fruit above medium, rather pyramidal, with an uneven surface, light green
changing to yellowish-green, with a tinge of brownish-red on the side exposed to the sun
where also it is somewhat stained with a fine, pale brown-russet, either in streaks or patches;
flesh white, gritty, very juicy, buttery, with a rich, aromatic flavor. A good dessert pear;
late Oct.
Alexandrina. 1. Mag. Hort. 25:41, 502, fig. 50. 1859. 2. Mas Le Verger 2:27, fig. 12.
Raised by M. Bivort, Haelen and Louvain, Bel. Published in 1847. Fruit medium,
rather variable, globular-ovate, bright green changing to a fine yellow at maturity, tinged
with crimson on the side next the sun, strewed irregularly with minute, russet dots; flesh
yellowish-white, fine-grained, melting, juicy, sugary and perfumed; Sept.
Alexandrine Douillard. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 2:41, fig. 1854.
Raised by M. Douillard, Nantes, Fr., first harvested in 1849; placed in commerce in
November, 1852. Fruit large, pyriform, turbinate or ovate; skin smooth and glossy,
citron-yellow at maturity, nearly covered with russet-fawn, stained with dark brown and
dotted with black and gray; flesh white, fine, melting; juice abundant, sugary and deli-
ciously perfumed; excellent; Nov. and Dec.
Alexandrine Mas. 1. Mas Le Verger 1:80, fig. 51. 1866-73.
This pear came from a seed of the Passe Colmar sown by M. Mas in 1850. Fruit
medium, pyriform, irregular, with protuberances, obtuse, bright green changing at maturity
to pale yellow, covered with very numerous and regularly spaced small, dark brown spots;
flesh whitish, transparent, melting; juice sufficient and rich in sugar, perfumed after the
manner of Passe Colmar; first; Apr. and May.
Alfred de Madre. 1. Guide Prat. 103. 1895.
A new variety sent out in 1895 by Daras de Naghin, Antwerp, Bel. Fruit medium,
yellow, dotted with fawn, carmined on the side next the sun; flesh semi-melting, sweet,
acidulous, with a very agreeable perfume; Oct.
Alice Payne. 1. Van Lindley Cat. 23. 1892.
Originated about 1843 near Salem, N. C. In 1892 the original tree was still growing
when the variety was introduced by J. Van Lindley, Pomona, N. C. Fruit medium to
large, yellow-white; good; winter. :
Allerton. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 44. 1866.
A seedling raised by S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass., and submitted by him to the
fruit committee of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society in 1866, it having first fruited
in 1862. Fruit large and handsome, long-pyriform, bright yellow; flesh fine-grained,
high flavor, rather acid; always markets well; late Oct.
Alliance franco-russe. 1. Rev. Hort. 116. 1900.
Raised from seed by Florimond Robitaillé, a horticulturist at Séclin, Fr., and placed
on the market, in 1897. Recommended for trial by amateurs in 1900 by the President
of the Pomological Society of France. Fruit medium to large, obovate-pyriform, rather
similar to the Duchesse d’Angouléme, pale yellow sprinkled with red dots, deeper yellow on
the side next the sun, and mottled with fawn and numerous russet dots at the base; flesh
white, fine, melting, very juicy, sugary, acidulous, agreeably perfumed: almost very good;
Oct. to Dec.
Alouette. 1. Leroy Dici. Pom. 1:101, fig. 1867.
A chance seedling found by André Leroy in 1850 in the commune of Saulgé-l’Hépital,
Maine-et-Loire, Fr. The parent tree appeared at that time to be about 80 years old.
The fruit was introduced in 1855. Fruit small, nearly obtuse, globular-pyriform, greenish-
yellow, sprinkled with ash-colored spots, and slightly washed with carmine on the side
toward the sun; flesh coarse, white, breaking and rather gritty; second; mid-Sept.
Alpha. 1. Mag. Hort. 9:123. 1843.
Raised by Van Mons, Louvain, Bel., and named and described in the London Horti-
cultural Society’s catalog of fruits in 1842. Fruit medium, obovate, slightly oblong;
skin smooth, yellowish-green on the shaded side, and pale brown speckled with minute
reddish dots on the cheek next the sun; flesh white, fine-grained, buttery; second quality
dessert; Oct. Tree well adapted for standard or half-standard.
Alphonse Allegatiére. 1. Guide Prat. 103. 1895.
Described by Simon-Louis Brothers, Metz, Lorraine, in 1895, as a new variety. Fruit
large, clear yellow passing to butter-yellow at maturity; flesh white, very fine, melting,
sugary; first; Oct. and Nov.
Alphonse Karr. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:102, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:187, fig.
I90. 1878.
Raised in the seed beds of Major Espéren. It was dated 1849 and in 1853 was included
among trees of the Society Van Mons. Fruit above medium, pyriform-obtuse, depressed
at the base, golden yellow, dotted and veined with fawn, stained with the same tint round
the stem and calyx; flesh whitish, very fine, very melting, free from grittiness, juicy, fresh,
sugary, acidulous, delicately perfumed; first; Nov. and Dec.
Amadotte. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:104, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:37, fig. 499.
The Amadotte is of ancient origin and more than one variety appears to have borne
the name. The one here described is that discussed by Le Lectier, 1620. Fruit medium
and sometimes larger, pyriform-ovate, variable, orange-yellow, marbled and dotted with
fawn, especially around the calyx and the stalk, and generally washed with carmine on
the side of the sun; flesh slightly yellow, fine, buttery, gritty around the core; juice abundant,
sweet, with a slight flavor of musk; third for eating as dessert, second for cooking; Oct. to
Amande Double. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 353. 1845.
Walker. 2. Ibid. 877. 1869.
The name Amande signifies almond and has reference to its flavor. Amande Double
is a seedling of Van Mons which probably derives its qualifying name from the fact that it
has double kernels. In 1834-5 Van Mons sent it to Robert Manning of Salem, Mass.,
under the number 135, and how it acquired the name of Walker in this country is not known.
Fruit medium, pyriform, slightly obtuse, golden yellow, slightly dotted with fawn, washed
with carmine on the side exposed to the sun; flesh white, semi-fine, melting, gritty at center,
juice sufficient, sugary, slightly acid, with a delicious flavor of almond; first; late Sept.
to Nov.
Amandine. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:109, fig. 1867.
Obtained about 1857 by M. Boisbunel, Rouen, Fr., from a seed-bed made in 1846.
It was presented to the Horticultural Society of Rouen, September 19, 1858. Fruit
medium to small, pyriform, obtuse, having one side more swelled than the other, greenish-
yellow, speckled with fawn; flesh very white, semi-fine, melting, rarely gritty; juice
abundant, sugary, full of flavor; first; Sept. and Oct.
Ambrette. 1. Langley Pomona 131, fig. IV. 1729. 2. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:186,
Pl. XXXI. 1768.
Ambrette d’Hiver. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:112, fig. 1867.
A French dessert pear of ancient but uncertain origin. It was mentioned by M. Le
Lectier of Orléans in 1628 in his catalog, and was shown by him to have been cultivated
under the name of Trompe-Coquin. It has also been thought to be the pear Myrapia
mentioned by Pliny, and to have been so named because of the myrrh-like perfume. The
name Ambrette was given to the variety on account of its musk-like flavor, resembling
the scent of the flower which in France is called Ambrette. Fruit below medium, globular-
oval, tapering toward stalk, yellowish-olive; flesh yellowish or greenish-white; formerly
held in high esteem but now ranking only as second-rate; Nov. to Jan.
Ambrette @WEté. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:111, fig. 1867.
This variety was first mentioned in 1628 by Le Lectier under the name Best de Mouil-
léres. Fruit small, spherical, narrowing a little at the summit, yellowish, often rough to
the touch, speckled with gray dots and always washed with clear brownish-red on the side
next the sun; flesh dull white, breaking, containing some grit around the core; juice sufficient,
sugary, acidulous, rather delicately musky; second; Aug. and Sept.
Ambrosia. 1. Jour. Hort. N. S. 14:326, fig. 1868. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 177. 1884.
Switser, writing in England in 1724, said that this variety was introduced to that
country from France ‘“ among that noble collection of. fruit that was planted in the Royal
Gardens in St. James’s Park soon after the Restoration, but is now cut down.” No French
author, however, appears to mention it under this name. It was formerly to be found
in many old English gardens but now seems to have dropped out of favor. Fruit medium,
globular-obovate, greenish-yellow, slightly russeted and covered with small, gray specks;
flesh buttery and in England possessing a high flavor, melting, rich, sugary, perfumed;.
first for dessert; Sept. but does not keep long.
Amédée Leclerc. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:113, fig. 1867.
Raised by Léon Leclerc, Laval, Mayenne, Fr. It first bore fruit in 1849. Fruit
medium, conic-cylindrical, often irregular in form and bossed, pale yellow, dotted, streaked
and veined with russet; flesh white, fine, semi-melting; second; Feb.
Amélie Leclerc. 1. Mas Le Verger 3: Pt. 2, 1, fig. 97. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
I:114, fig. 1867.
This excellent pear was raised by Léon Leclerc, Laval, Mayenne, Fr. The original
tree first bore fruit in 1850, and appeared then to be 12 years old. Introduced to this
country about 1868. Fruit medium, globular-ovate, somewhat uneven in outline, obtuse,
pale yellow, dotted and veined with russet and washed with rose-carmine on the cheek
next the sun; flesh white, fine, melting, full of juice, sugary, acidulous, perfumed; first;
Sept. and Oct.
America. 1. Mag. Hort. 25:205, fig. 12. 1859. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 658. 1869.
It was said of Francis Dana, the indefatigable pomologist of Boston, that he saved
the seed of all good pears that he ate, and that from these he produced sixteen new,
good varieties of which America was one. It is a handsome pear and in 1859 was con-
sidered an important acquisition because it ripens in the early part of the winter when the
number of choice varieties is limited. Fruit very large, globular-ovate, somewhat angular,
with an uneven surface, dull greenish-yellow, much clouded with dull russet, and sprinkled
heavily with large russet dots; flesh yellowish-white, rather coarse, semi-melting, sugary,
buttery, pleasant, rich in flavor and having a refreshing aroma; good; keeps well; Dec.
Amie Verdier. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 40. 1871.
One of a collection of 42 new varieties of pears exhibited by Marshall P. Wilder
at the annual exhibition of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society in 1871, for which
Mr. Wilder obtained the “ first prize for new pears.” Fruit medium, obovate, inclining
to turbinate, yellow, with brownish-red cheek and some traces of russet; flesh white, very
melting, juicy and rich. Promised to be fine.
Amiral. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:115, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 478. 1884.
Cardinale. 3. Prince Pom. Man. 1:90. 1831.
A fine old French pear of unknown origin but mentioned by Olivier de Serres in his
Theatre d’agriculture in 1600. Fruit large, pyramidal, rather uneven in outline, dark
greenish-yellow and washed with brilliant red on the side next the sun; flesh white, fine,
tender, melting, free from grit, very juicy, rich and perfumed with anis; first rate dessert
pear; seeds usually abortive; Sept. and Oct.
Amiral Cécile. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:117, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 478. 1884.
Admiral Cécile. 3. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 166. 1889.
Raised by M. Boisbunel, nurseryman at Rouen, from seed sown in 1846; fruited for
the first time in 1858. Fruit medium, globular-obovate, yellowish-green changing to
lemon-yellow, thickly dotted and mottled with gray-russet; flesh fine, whitish, melting,
gritty at core, juicy, sweet and delicately perfumed; first rate dessert pear; Oct. to Dec.
Amiré Joannet. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:125, 1768. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 478.
An ancient pear written of in 1660 by Claude Mollet. It bears the name of Joannet
because in some parts of France it ripens about St. John’s Day, the 24th of June. Fruit
small, regularly pyriform, slightly obtuse, smooth, pale greenish-yellow changing to a
deep waxen-yellow, washed with pale rose; flesh white, semi-fine, tender, juicy, sugary,
impregnated with a perfume of musk, quite agreeable; second; June and July.
Amlisberger Mostbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 72, fig. 1913.
A perry pear found in Switzerland and first published in 1885. Fruit medium, globular,
yellowish-green changing at maturity to light yellow, dotted with dark russet; excellent
but not good for transportation; Sept. and Oct.
Amour. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:120, fig. 1867.
Trésor. 2. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 22236. 1768.
M. Duhamel du Monceau styled this the largest of all pears and sufficiently sweet to
be eaten raw by those whose taste is not too exacting, but very good for cooking and far
superior to the Catillac and Pound pears. Origin obscure. Fruit very large; form like
that of the quince, much swelled at the middle, extremely mammillate at each pole; skin
rough to the touch, dull yellow, dotted, striped and mottled with fawn and showing some
brownish spots; flesh white, semi-melting, free from grit, juicy, very saccharine and well
perfumed; second for dessert, first for the kitchen; Nov. to Feb.
Amstettner Mostbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 30, fig. 1913.
Lower Austria; perry pear. Fruit rather large, long-pyriform, obtuse, somewhat
irregular, smooth, bright green turning yellow at maturity; flesh whitish, rather granular
and sometimes rather bitter; Oct.
Ananas. 1. Christ Handb. 532. 1817. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:122, fig. 1867.
Ananas was originally introduced to Holland from France where it had been cultivated
for many years under the name De Bouchet, a name given to it during the reign of Louis
XIV, 1643-1715, by La Quintinye, Director of the Royal Gardens. Fruit medium; form
rather variable, generally globular, height and breadth being equal; color bright green
changing to yellowish-green at maturity, with some tinge of red on the side next the sun,
strewed with brown-russet dots; flesh white, melting, somewhat gritty, juicy, sugary;
first for dessert; Sept.
Ananas de Courtrai. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 2:13, fig. 1854. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:124,
fig. 1867.
Ananas de Courtray. 3. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:79, fig. 40. 1872.
The origin of this variety is unknown, but it is believed to have been a chance seedling
raised at Courtrai, Flanders, as M. Six, who established himself in that town in the business
of a gardener about the year 1784, found it already extensively grown there. Fruit large,
pyramidal and often inclining to oval, bright yellow changing to lemon-yellow and much
dotted and splashed with light-colored russet; flesh white, fine, juicy, well perfumed and
with a flavor suggestive of cinnamon and musk; very good; Aug. and Sept.
Ananas @Eté. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 480. 1884.
This is not the Dutch variety of Knoop but rather the type known in the British Isles
as Ananas d’Ete or King William Pear. Fruit above medium, obtuse-pyriform, yellowish-
green with brownish tinge next the sun and covered with large, rough, brown-russet dots;
flesh delicate, buttery, melting, with a pleasant, perfumed flavor; first; mid-Sept.
Andouille. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:126, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:111, fig. 440.
The origin of this variety is unknown beyond the fact that it was cultivated near
Montfaucon, Maine-et-Loire, Fr., previous to 1850. At first it was known as the “ Poly-
forme” owing to its very variable shape but was subsequently given its present name
which is that of a twist of tobacco. Fruit medium or rather large, conic-pyriform, but
often irregular and variable, sometimes much swelled below the middle, mammillate around
the calyx, yellow, washed with fawn; flesh white, rather fine and buttery, gritty, melting;
juice sweet and perfumed; second; late Sept.
Andrew Murray. 1. Guide Prat. 80. 1895.
Fruit small, ovate, yellow; flesh fine, melting, juicy; good; end of winter and spring.
Tree fertile and moderately vigorous.
Andrews. 1. Hovey Fr. Am.1:97, Pl. 1851. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 451, fig. 1857.
Samuel Downer introduced this pear soon after the Massachusetts Horticultural
Society was organized in 1829. He stated “ that it originated in Dorchester, and that the
original tree was purchased about 60 years ago by John Andrews of Boston.” Fruit rather
large, pyriform, one-sided, pale yellowish-green, with a dull red cheek; flesh greenish-
white, full of juice, melting, having a vinous flavor; first; early Sept.
Ange. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:138. 1768. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:131, fig. 1867.
3- Hogg Fruit Man. 480. 1884.
This is one of the most ancient varieties in France. At a very early date it was dedi-
cated to the “‘ Angels ” and later to the ‘‘ Virgin Mary” and was known by the two names
simultaneously from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century. Fruit small to medium,
variable but generally more globular-turbinate than oblong or ovate, deep green changing
to yellow, dotted with gray, washed with red-brown on the side to the sun; flesh white,
melting, very juicy, sugary, acidulous, having a strong perfume of anis; first for dessert
and also for preserves; Aug. and Sept.
Angel. 1. Thomas Am. Fruti Culi. 693. 18097.
Originated at Ghent, N. Y. Fruit large, handsome; poor, early.
Angeline. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:134. 1856.
A seedling of Van Mons, 1852. Fruit medium, often rather ovate, light green
changing to light yellow, somewhat blushed, finely dotted; flesh very fine, white, buttery,
sweet, tartish, juicy; first for table and market; late Aug. The tree is best grown as a
dwarf. °
Angélique de Bordeaux. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:214, Pl. XLVII, fig. 5. 1768.
2. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 391. 1831. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:133, figs. 1867.
St. Martial. 4. Prince Pom. Man. 1:79. 1831.
Henri Manger thought this pear identical with the pear Liceriana or Liciniana
of which Pliny spoke and which bears the name of Licinius, the Roman tribune and consul.
In 1690 Jean Merlet described a pear under the name Angélique which appears to be the
same, and said it was much esteemed in Languedoc under the name Saint-Martial. It
remains that its origin is ancient and uncertain, though it it seems quite likely, as M. Leroy
thought, that it originated in Languedoc, Gironde, Fr. Switser considered it was intro-
duced into England about 1708. For upwards of 100 years it was grown there under the
name Saint Martial. It does not appear when it was first brought to this country. Fruit
above medium to large, obtuse-pyriform, uneven in outline, glossy green changing as it
ripens to pale yellow or greenish-yellow, the whole strewed with brown dots and a few
patches of russet; flesh whitish, semi-fine, sweet and sugary, breaking, agreeable, not rich
in perfume; second for dessert and cooking; Jan. to Apr.
Angélique Cuvier. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 169. 1889. 2. Guide Prat. 72. 1895.
Fruit medium, acute-pyriform, almost entirely covered with fawn on a yellow ground;
flesh fine, melting, juicy; good; Sept. and Oct. Tree vigorous and fertile.
Angélique Leclerc. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 112137, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:7,
fig. 100. 1878.
This variety was raised from seed by Léon Leclerc, Laval, Mayenne, Fr., about 1848.
Fruit medium and often large, regular, long-ovate, greenish-yellow, shaded with pale
rose on the cheek next the sun and dotted with russet; flesh white, very closely grained,
melting, rough or gritty round the core, juicy, sugary, acidulous, having a delicate aroma;
first; Oct. to Dec.
Angélique de Rome. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:239. 1768. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
1:136, fig. 1867.
With the exception of M. Duhamel du Monceau, no pomologist of the sixteenth or
seventeenth century mentioned this pear. Henri Manger writing in 1783, thought it
identical with the ‘‘ pira Tiberiana,” a variety which Pliny tells us was a favorite with the
Emperor Tiberius. Fruit medium, globular, obtuse-pyriform, darkish yellow, dotted with
fine gray spots, always washed with rose on the side next the sun; flesh whitish, a little
coarse, gritty around the core, full of rich, sugary juice; second; Oct to Dec.
Angleterre d’Hiver. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 22198. 1768. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
1:138, fig. 1867.
According to Leroy this variety was grown in France in the middle of the seventeenth
century, its grafts having been brought from England. Fruit medium, oblong-obovate-
pyriform, pale yellow, spotted with fawn and slightly washed with red; flesh white, semi-
fine, melting, rather gritty around the core, juicy, sugary, with a sweet and agreeable
flavor; a good kitchen pear; Dec. to Mar.
Angleterre Nain. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:140, fig. 1867. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
661. 1869.
This variety was raised from seed in 1832 at Paris by Edouard Sageret. It appeared
first under the name Angleterre parfumée and was so published in 1835, but for some reason
was renamed. Fruit rather above than below medium, turbinate, obtuse, swelled and
always more enlarged on one side than on the other; skin rough to the touch, dull green,
uniformly dotted with clear russet; flesh whitish, fine, breaking, gritty at the center; juice
abundant, fresh, sweet, with a musky savor; first; Sept. and Oct.
Angobert. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:142, fig. 1867. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 661.
A Gobert. 3. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:191. 1768.
Toward the end of the eighteenth century, 1780-83, Henri Manger claimed that he
had identified the Angobert with the Signina or Testacea of Columella and Pliny. Fruit
very large, variable but generally obovate-pyriform, distorted, enlarged around the calyx
end, dull yellow, dotted and streaked with fawn, washed with red on the side of the sun;
flesh white, coarse, juicy, sweet, having a rather agreeable after-flavor of musk; third for
the table but first for the kitchen.
Angoisse. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom.1:145, fig. 1867.
Winter Bon Chretien. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 666. 1884.
This is one of the most ancient French pears having been described in the year 1094
in a chronological manuscript attributed to Geoffroy; the Prior of the Benedictine monastery
of Vigeois in the Diocese of Limoges, in which it was stated to have derived its name from
the village of Angoisse in the old Province of Limonsin, Fr. Fruit small to medium, turbi-
nate, obtuse, swelled, golden-yellow, dotted, marbled with fawn and washed with brownish-
red on the side to the sun; flesh whitish, slightly melting, coarse, always very gritty at
the center; juice excessively abundant, acidulous, sugary; third for dessert, second for
cooking, first for cider; Dec. to Apr.
Angora. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:147, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:35, fig. 306. 1880.
This is a member of a group of pears rather loosely termed Pound Pears. By some
authors Angora is given as a synonym for Belle Angevine or Uvedale’s St. Germain. In an
account of a voyage he undertook in 1700 on command of King Louis XIV of France,
M. Tournefort, thesnoted botanist, states that he saw at Beibasas, Asia Minor, the pears
known in Constantinople as Angora. In 1832, Léon Leclerc imported it into France
from Constantinople, having obtained it with difficulty through the French Amabassador
at the Golden Horn. Fruit above medium to large, pyriform, obtuse, swelled around
the center, rather irregular in form; skin thick, hard to cut, pale yellow, finely dotted with
fawn and bearing some patches of fawn; flesh white, rather coarse, semi-melting, gritty
at the center; juice plentiful and rich in sugar after the manner of sweet wine, little perfume;
second; Oct. and Nov.
Angoucha. 1. Guide Prat. 82. 1876. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:43, fig. 502. 188r.
Originated in the Department of the Aube, France. In the arrondisements of Troyes
and Bar-sur-Seine it is also called Courte queue i. e. “‘ Short Stem;” and by M. Baltet-
Petit, it was described in the ‘‘ Annales de Flore et Pomone,”’ under the name Belle Chaouce,
the name of the canton where it was very generally cultivated. Fruit medium, obtuse-
conic-ovate, regular in contour, dark green sprinkled with numerous regularly spaced,
brown dots often comingled under a cloud of russet of same color, at maturity the green
becomes an intense yellow, the russet golden, and on the side of the sun is a wash of light
orange-red; flesh yellowish-white, semi-fine, dense, breaking; juice sufficient and rich in
sugar; good for cooking, winter.
Anna Audusson. 1. Pom. France 3:No. 110, Pl. 110. 1865. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
I:149. 1867.
Anna Audisson. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 661. 1869.
In 1828 or 1830, M. Audusson, a nurseryman at Angers, Fr., obtained this variety
from a bed of mixed seeds. Fruit medium or rather less, single or in pairs, rarely in
clusters, turbinate-obtuse, always rather swelled, irregular, yellowish-green dotted with
fawn and splashed with reddish markings on the side next the sun; flesh whitish, buttery,
fine, melting, often mealy, gritty around the core, juicy, acidulous, only slightly saccharine
or perfumed; third; Nov. to Jan.
Anna Nelis. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:150. 1867.
M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel., raised this pear from a bed of mixed seeds made in
1835. It was first reported in 1849. Fruit second quality for dessert; maturity Apr.
to May. :
Anne de Bretagne. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom.169. 1889. 2. Guide Prat.84. 220. 1895.
Anne of Brittany. 3. Gard. Chron. 3rd Ser. 5:18. 18809.
Qn trial with Simon-Louis Brothers, Metz, Lorraine, 1895. Fruit medium to large,
yellow, glossy, sometimes colored with vermilion where exposed to the sun; flesh fine,
melting, slightly acidulous; first; Nov. to Jan.
Anthony Thacher. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpi. 102. 1875. 2. Ind. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 42. 1875.
One of four varieties exhibited by Robert Manning at the Chicago meeting of the
American Pomological Society in 1875 as the ‘“‘ Centennial Pears.” The fruit grew upon
a tree which was 235 years old that season. Fruit medium in size, ovate-pyriform, green,
changing to yellow at maturity; of tolerable quality; ripening early in Sept.
Antoine. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:180, fig. 572. 1881.
A seedling raised by M. Pariset in France in 1852 and first published in 1867. Fruit
large, nearly cylindrical, truncated at both ends; bright green sown with numerous large,
brown dots, a network of russet covering most of the surface, the basic green passing at
maturity to lemon-yellow, the russet changing to gold, with the side next the sun often
sprinkled with small specks of blood-red; flesh yellowish-white, fine, melting yet a little
gritty near the core, full of saccharine juice richly perfumed; first; mid-winter.
Antoine Delfosse. 1. Guide Prat. 82. 1876. 2. Baltet Cult. Fr. 320, 331, 332. 1908.
Raised by M. Grégoire of Jodoigne; Bel., about 1870. Fruit medium, ovate, truncated,
dull green passing into dull yellow, covered with fawn spots; flesh fine, melting, juicy,
saccharine, exquisite; late Nov.
Antoinette. 1. U.S. D. A. Pat. Of. Rpt. 397. 1858. 2. Guide Prat. 82. 1876.
The parent tree was found in the commune of Camsegret, Fr., and is not to be con-
fused with Beurré Antoinette, another and probably earlier variety. Fruit medium size,
handsome; flesh perfumed; Oct. and Nov. In the report of the Department of Agriculture
for 1858 it was said in Massachusetts to make ‘‘a handsome pyramidal tree, promising
Anversoise. 1. Guide Prat. 84. 1895.
Introduced by Daras de Naghin, Antwerp, Bel., prior to 1895. Fruit rather large and
very similar to Marie-Louise; flesh fine, juicy, sugary, pleasantly perfumed; Oct. and
Nov. The tree is moderately vigorous and very prolific.
Apfelblittrige Azerolbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde a:197. 1856.
An apple-leaved variety; German. Fruit small, globular, yellow, blushed with red;
flesh white, rather gritty, sweet, melting; seedless; third for dessert, first for kitchen; Aug.
Apothekerbirne. 1. Oberdieck Obst-Sort. 238. 1881.
To be found in the Rhine country and especially at Niremberg. Fruit medium;
ovate, smooth and shining, green changing to yellow, often with some light russet, and
numerous russet dots; flesh yellowish-white, breaking, very tender, sweet, with an aroma
of cinnamon and sweet flavor; very good for household purposes; Oct.
Apple. 1. Griffing Bros. Cat. 12, fig. 1909.
Said to have originated near Palatka, Fla., from a Japanese sort and introduced about
1909. Fruit large, roundish, light green becoming lemon-yellow; flesh white, crisp,
juicy; ripens with Le Conte.
Apple Pear. 1. Prince Pom. Man. 1:1831. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 662. 1869.
Poire-Pomme. 3. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:173, fig. 87. 1872.
This variety is of ancient but unknown origin. Several varieties have been described
under this name, but the pear here described is the German variety spoken of by J. V.
Sickler about 1800 and extensively grown in the environs of Sachsenburg and Kanneburg.
Fruit below medium, globular-oblate, not regular, olive-yellow, much dotted and russeted,
and moderately washed with brownish-red on the side exposed to the sun; flesh yellowish-
white, watery, fine and melting, granular around the core, without much perfume; second;
Nov. and Dec.
Appoline. 1. Guide Prat. 82. 1876. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. §:161, fig. 369. 1880.
Obtained from seed by President Parigot of Poitiers in 1845. It was propagated by
M. Larclause but the date of its first introduction is unknown. Fruit rather small, nearly
round or globular-ovate in form; color rather deep and dull green with a few small dots,
and some traces of brown russet on both the summit and the base of the fruit; flesh white,
tinted with green, fine, very melting, a little gritty about the core, full of sugary juice,
slightly acid with an agreeable flavor.
Agua de Valence. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:25, fig. 397. 1880.
M. Mas received this pear from Adrien Sénéclauze, a nurseryman at Bourg-Argental,
Loire, Fr. Fruit medium, irregular, globular, bright green passing to lemon-yellow,
speckled with large and numerous deep green spots which are the more apparent on the
side next the sun, well-exposed fruits washed with blood-red round the spots which
become yellowish; flesh white, fine, tender, melting, juicy, sweet; good; Aug.
Aqueuse d’Esclavonie. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:63, fig. 128. 1878.
Count Bressler, Fernsee, Hung., sent this variety in 1842 to Liegel. Two years later
Mas received it from Mr. Hartwill, Director of the gardens at Nikita in the Crimea, Rus.,
under the name Achalzig I. Fruit medium, obovate, acute-pyriform; color pale green,
sown with numerous and distinct very small dots of a deeper shade; flesh whitish, rather
coarse, melting, gritty around the core, abundant sweet juice, sugary, but without any
appreciable perfume; Sept. and Oct.
Aqueuse de Meiningen. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:77, fig. 231. 1879.
This variety is cultivated in the neighborhood of Meiningen, central Germany, but
its origin appears to be unknown. Fruit medium or nearly medium, globular, turbinate,
very regular in contour; skin thick, very bright green sprinkled with numerous small dots
of a darker shade, changing at maturity to pale yellow and more golden on the side exposed
to the sun; flesh whitish, coarse, melting, fairly juicy, saccharine and only slightly per-
fumed; third; Sept.
Arabella. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:134. 1856.
A seedling from Van Mons, 1852. Fruit below medium, pale green, slightly
rough, much dotted with greenish cinnamon-russet; flesh whitish, very fine, sweet, vinous;
first for dessert; Sept. and Oct.
Arbre Courbé. 1. Gard. Chron. 68. 1848. 2. Pom. France 2:No. 59, Pl. 59. 1864.
Krummholzige Schmalabirne. 3. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:67. 1856.
Bivort, successor of Van Mons in the Society’s gardens at Louvain, stated that this
variety was gained by Van Mons about 1830. Fruit large, oblong-obtuse-pyriform; skin
rough to the touch, being considerably covered with rough, scaly russet; color bright
yellow or greenish-yellow, freely dotted with russet spots; flesh white, rather fine, melting,
juicy, gritty around the core; a dessert pear, but hardly first-rate; Sept. and Oct.
Archduke of Austria. 1. Mag. Hort. 3:50. 1837.
Manning in the Pomological Notices in the Magazine of Horticulture said: ‘‘ This tree
bears well every year; the fruit is handsome, but very dry and of inferior quality. Ripe
in September. It may prove to have been received under a wrong name.”’
Archiduc Charles. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:153, fig. 1867.
Raised by M. Duval, Hainaut, Bel. Fruit medium to large, short-pyramidal, bright
yellow in France, brown-red next the sun, covered with large, dark-brown russet dots and
patches; flesh fine, yellowish-white, juicy, with a very agreeable savor; first; Nov. and Dec.
Archiduc @’Eté. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 12155, fig. 1867.
Ognonet. 2. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:135, Pl. VIII. 1768.
An old French variety described under various names at different times and places,
the earliest being by Merlet in 1675. It acquired the synonym of Ognonet in the
eighteenth century from its swelled onion-like form. Fruit small, obovate-obtuse-pyriform:
pale lively green changing to yellowish-green as it ripens and covered with dark red next
the sun with numerous russety dots and some patches of russet : flesh yellowish-white,
semi-fine, juicy, gritty, sugary, acid, with a slight flavor of anis; second; July and Aug.
Archiduc Jean d’Autriche. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 159. 1832. 2. Mag. Hort. 21:146.
Originated by Van Mons about 1817 and characterized by him as “ admirable;”
otherwise undescribed.
Archiduchesse d’Autriche. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 483. 1884.
Raised by Van Mons. Fruit medium or below, globular-turbinate, green, yellowish-
green when ripe, blushed with brownish-red, dots and stains of cinnamon-russet; flesh
white, semi-melting, slightly gritty at core, juicy, sugary and rather rich flavor; second
rate dessert; Sept. .
Arendt Dechantsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obsikunde 2:92. 1856.
Raised from seed by Van Mons at Louvain, Bel. Reported in 1833. Fruit small,
globular, uniformly greenish-yellow, thickly dotted; flesh aromatic, vinous; first for
dessert; late Nov.
Argent. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:156, fig. 1867.
Adrianus Junius, a Dutch botanist of the sixteenth century, identified the pear of
silver or the money pear with the Nardina of the Romans, though his contemporary,
Jacques Dalechamp of Normandy in his “‘ Histoire des plantes,” 1585, connected it with
the Liceriana mentioned by Pliny. Nardina or Nard was an ointment smelling strongly
of musk and lavender, from which the ancient pear no doubt took its name, but the flesh
of Argent does not give out any such aroma. Henry Manger writing in 1783 thought that
the Poire d’Argent which we have today is the Liceriana of Pliny, agreeing with Dalechamp.
Fruit small; form globular-obtuse-pyriform but usually mammillate at the summit, greenish-
yellow, dotted with russet all over; flesh dead white, fine and melting, juicy, gritty at core;
quality second; Aug. and Sept.
Argusbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:73. 1856.
Raised from seed by Von Muckenheim in Barmen, Rhenish Prussia, in 1832. Fruit
medium, light green to citron-yellow without any red blush but rust-colored on the cheek
next the sun, densely spotted with fine brown dots, without perfume; flesh granular,
melting, acidulous, sweet, with cinnamon savor; second for dessert, first for kitchen use;
late Oct.
Arkansas. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126:25. 1908.
Arkansas Mammoth. 2. Mo. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 37. 1896.
It has been suggested that this may be the Uvedale’s St. Germain or Pound pear. Fruit
large, long, obtuse-pyriform, tapering at both ends, green, tinged with yellow, very much
marked with dots and patches of russet; stem medium long, stout, curved, inserted without
cavity; calyx large, open; basin shallow; flesh white, moderately juicy, tough but crisp,
astringent; quality poor; a late keeper.
Arlequin Musqué. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 1:105, fig. 1853. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:158,
fig. 1867.
Raised from seed by Van Mons and noted in his catalog of 1825 under the number
1737. Fruit large, globular-obovate, even and regular in outline, dull or olive-green
which changes to lemon-yellow on maturity, dotted all over with brown spots, washed
with fawn on the side next the sun; flesh white, buttery, melting, very sweet, acid, rather
gritty around the core, juicy and having a savory perfume, sometimes of musk; second;
in France Sept. and Oct.
Arlingham Squash. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 484. 1884.
An English pear deriving its name from the village of Arlingham. It is in demand
for the making of perry in the neighborhood of Hereford, Eng. Fruit globular, acute-
pyriform, rather irregular in outline, dark green, with a brownish tinge on the side next
the sun, a good deal russeted all over; flesh white, juicy, crisp, aromatic.
Armand Prévost. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 484. 1884.
Origin unknown. Fruit medium, oblong-obovate, narrowing from the bulge to the
calyx, even and regular in contour; a fine golden-yellow, with an orange cheek minutely
dotted with russet; flesh half-melting, juicy, without much flavor; poor; Oct.
Arménie. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 12159, fig. 1867. 2. Guide Prat. 82, 231. 1876.
Believed to have originated in Asia. Merlet wrote of it in 1675 and in 1690 when it
had probably only recently been introduced into France. Fruit medium, globular, slightly
flattened at the base and nearly always mammillate at the summit, clear green, passing
into greenish-yellow at maturity, dotted all over with brown-russet and streaked with
the same around the calyx; flesh yellowish, fine, tender, semi-breaking, gritty at the center,
with juice sufficient, sugary, slightly musky, savory; second for dessert, first for cooking:
Feb. to May.
Amold. 1. Ind. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 103. 1892. 2. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 249. 1893. 3.
Ill. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 142. 1898.
Raised from seed by Arnold & Frazier, Dansville, Ind. The name Arnold was
conferred upon it at the meeting of the Indiana Horticultural Society, December, 1892,
and in November, 1893, it received a first class certificate of merit from the Massachusetts
Horticultural Society. In 1898, at the December meeting of the Illinois State Horti-
cultural Society it was reported ‘‘a winter pear of good quality, apparently not ripe at
this season; of local origin; a good keeper; an abundant bearer,’’ and was recommended
for trial in the experiment station of the State. Fruit medium size, oblong-pyriform,
yellow russeted; flesh buttery, juicy, melting; good; very late.
Arthur Bivort. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:85, fig. 427. 1880. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:160,
fig. 1867.
Raised from seed by Van Mons who died in 1842. The variety did not fruit till
1850. Fruit above medium, pyramidal, very long, obtuse, even and regular in contour,
yellowish-green, slightly dotted with fawn, washed with pale red on the side next the
sun; flesh whitish, a little coarse, juicy, melting, sugary, acid, delicately perfumed;
first; Oct.
Arthur Chevreau. 1. Rev. Hort. 39. 1916.
Arthur Chevreau of Montreuil, a distinguished French horticulturist, obtained this
variety and exhibited it to the Horticultural Society of France in December, 1915. It
was described in the Journal of the Society after official testing and approval. Fruit large
to very large, long and regular in form, very slightly bossed; stem short and set obliquely,
greenish-yellow passing to dark yellow, sprinkled with large, russet dots; flesh rather fine;
firm, very juicy, slightly acidulous, with a very agreeable flavor; good or very good.
Arundell. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 593. 1629. .
A very old English pear described by Parkinson as “‘ most plentiful in Suffolke, and
there commended to be a verie good peare.”
Aspasie Aucourt. 1. Guide Prat. 84. 1895.
Origin unknown but thought to be European. Fruit medium, globular-obtuse, pale
yellow; flesh fine, melting, very juicy, primrose in color, saccharine, slightly perfumed;
one of the best of its season for the private garden; late July and Aug.
Aston Town. 1. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 352. 1831. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 485. 1884.
An old English variety raised at Aston in Cheshire, and largely cultivated there and
in the neighboring counties, especially that of Hereford. Fruit medium sized, globular-
turbinate, pyriform, pale green but changing on ripening to pale yellow, covered with
numerous gray-russety specks; flesh yellowish-white, tender, buttery, and full of a most
excellent saccharine, perfumed juice; it is a rich highly-flavored pear of the first rank;
Oct. and Nov. A peculiarity of its growth is a tendency of the branches to twist.
Audibert. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:163, fig. 1867.
Belle Audibert. 2. Prince Pom. Man. r:119. 1831.
An old French pear raised in the Department of Bouches-des-Rhone, Fr., previous
to the year 1814. Fruit medium, oblong-obovate-pyriform, greenish-yellow, extensively
dotted with fawn, washed with tender rose on the side next the sun and often bearing some
small brownish stains on the shaded side; flesh very white, fine, juicy, melting, sugary,
vinous, slightly acid, wanting in perfume; third as a fruit for dessert but first for the kitchen.
Augier. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 164, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:119, fig. 1880.
Raised in 1828 by M. Feraut, Cognac, Chareute, Fr. Fruit medium or nearly
medium, ovate-pyriform, sometimes a little deformed, but more often regular in its con-
tour, dark green, spotted with blackish-gray dots which are both numerous and prominent;
flesh white, rather fine, breaking, with abundant sweet juice, often too astringent; medium;
late winter.
Augustbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obsikunde 2:56. 1856.
Meiningen, in central Germany, 1847; classed among the Zuckerbirne or sugar pears.
Fruit small, obtuse-conic, greenish-yellow turning to yellow, often having a shining blush,
gray and green dots; flesh semi-melting, gritty near the core, honey-sweet; second for
dessert, first for kitchen and market; Aug.
Auguste de Boulogne. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:166, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:179,
fig. 474. 1880.
Probably a seedling of Van Mons. Fruit small, globular-ovate, bossed and generally
contorted, clear yellow dotted with fawn around the stem and calyx; flesh white, semi-fine,
extremely melting, very gritty around the core, juicy, saccharine, acidulous, with an
excellent buttery flavor; first; Oct. and Nov.
Auguste Droche. 1. Guide Prat. 84. 1895.
Fruit rather large, globular, acute-pyriform, somewhat obovate; flesh fine, melting;
Jan. and Feb. Tree vigorous and fertile.
Auguste Jurie. 1. Pom. France 1:No. 4, Pl. 4. 1863. 2. Mas Le Verger 2:61, fig. 29.
Raised from a seed of the Beurré Giffard sown at the School of Horticulture, 1851.
Fruit small, growing in clusters, sometimes ovate, sometimes short-pyriform, pale green
speckled with numerous gray dots, lemon-yellow at maturity, washed with deep blood
red, shaded with violet on the side next the sun; flesh white, slightly veined with yellow,
fine, buttery; juice sufficient, sugary, vinous, musky; first; Aug.
Auguste von Krause. 1. Dochnahl Fahr. Obstkunde 23127. 1856.
Raised from seed by Van Mons; fruited in 1852. Fruit large, obtuse-conic; skin
rough, greenish turning to yellow; flesh very juicy; good; late Oct.
Auguste Miguard. 1. Guide Prat. 82. 1876. 2. W. N. Y. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 25. 1896.
Introduced in France by M. Grégoire. Fruit rather large, oblong, somewhat
resembling Louise Bonne de Jersey in shape and color, yellow, with dull red cheek on the
sunny side; flesh melting, vinous, very juicy and of a pleasing flavor; first; Oct. to Dec.
Auguste Royer. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 3:11, fig. 1855. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:168, fig.
Raised by Van Mons and when brought under the notice of the royal Commission
of Pomology in 1853 it was given the name of the President of the Commission. Fruit
medium, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, one side being habitually more swelled out than the
other; color dull yellow, dotted with gray, and almost entirely covered with fawn; flesh
whitish, fine, melting, juicy, gritty around the core, sugary, acid, with pleasant perfume;
first; Nov. Tree very vigorous.
Augustine. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:110. 1856. 2. Mas Le Verger 2:189, fig.
93. 1866-73.
Originated by Van Mons, 1823. Fruit medium, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, light
green changing to yellowish-green, blushed with rose on the side next the sun, dotted with
gray-green specks; flesh nearly white, slightly veined with yellow, fine, melting, full of
sweet juice, delicately perfumed and refreshing; good; early Aug.
Augustine Lelieur. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:169, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:43,
fig. 310. 1880.
This variety is considered to be of Belgian origin. Leroy received it from the garden
of the Society of Van Mons, Louvain, in 1854, and Mas received it at Bourg from a
nurseryman at Wetteren, East Flanders, in 1859. Fruit above medium, oblong-obovate-
pyriform, a little swelled, bossed, stalk bearing spines and implanted obliquely, greenish-
yellow, russet and brown spots, stripes of fawn around the stalk; flesh white, fine, melting,
gritty, sufficiently juicy, sugary, acid and delicate in flavor; first; Oct. and Nov.
Augustus Dana. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 663. 18609.
Originated by Francis Dana of Boston, Mass. Fruit medium to rather large, globular-
obtuse and varying from acute-pyriform to obtuse-pyriform, yellow, russeted; flesh
whitish, juicy, melting, sweet, slightly aromatic; first; Oct.
Aurate. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 22122, Pl. III. 1768. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde
2:26. 1856.
This ancient French pear appeared under the name Muscat de Nancy in Le Lectier’s
Catalogue de son verger et plant in 1628, and was sold in Nancy over 300 years ago.
It is extensively grown in Germany in the valleys of the Rhine and in the plains of Coblenz
and Mayence under the name of Petit-Muscat rouge, Muscat d’été, Goldbirne, etc. Fruit
small, growing in clusters, turbinate, ventriculous, obtuse, regular in contour, dark green
at first, dotted with fawn, streaked with brownish-red in the cavity and washed with
rose where exposed to the sun; flesh yellowish-white, semi-fine and semi-melting, juicy,
generally gritty, saccharine, vinous, delicately musky; first; late Aug.
Auray. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:171, fig. 1867.
This was a chance seedling which originated in Brittany. Leroy states that he
cultivated it in Anjou and first entered it in his catalog in 1851. Fruit rather large, ovoid,
often more swelled on one side than on the other, bronze, with some greenish dots and
patches, the skin rough to the touch; flesh whitish, semi-fine, semi-melting, gritty around
the core; juice very abundant, sugary, vinous, sometimes astringent and sometimes also
delicate and perfumed; second only on account of its variability, for in the same season
it may produce some exquisite fruit, some only good and some only medium in quality.
Autocrat. 1. Jour. Hort. 3rd Ser. 3:260. 1881.
Described in the Journal of Horticulture, London, as a new and very large pear
ripening at the end of October. It was a seedling from Beurré Capiaumont and is very
hardy, robust and free, and quite distinct in growth and fruit.
Autumn Bergamot (English). 1. Pom. Mag. 3:120, Pl. 1830. 2. Lindley Guide Orch.
Gard. 352. 1831.
The English Autumn Bergamot or Common Bergamot is a distinct variety and not
synonymous with the Bergamotte d’Automne of France. Writing in the early part of
the eighteenth century; Switzer stated, and his statement was endorsed by Lindley in
1831, that the Autumn Bergamot was introduced into England in the days of Julius Caesar,
that it was possibly the Assyrian Pear of Virgil, and was in that case to have been found
in the “ once celebrated and famous gardens of Alcinéus.” This is a doubtful conjecture,
though without doubt the variety is of very ancient origin. Fruit small, globular-obtuse,
yellowish-green, dull brown where exposed to the sun and profusely speckled with gray
russet; flesh greenish-white, tender, melting, somewhat gritty at the core, juicy, and of
a rich flavor; a dessert pear of first quality; Oct. Tree vigorous, prolific, forms a
handsome standard and succeeds on either quince or pear.
Autumn Colmar. 1. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 363. 1831. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 487.
De Bavay. 3. Mas Le Verger 3: Pt. 1, 175, fig. 86. 1866-73. 4. Leroy Dict. Pom.
1:184, fig. 1867.
This seedling of Van Mons was described in 1830 in the London Horticultural Society’s
Garden as a new Flemish pear. It was received there from Van Mons without a name
and so became known in the collection as Autumn Colmar from a fancied resemblance
of its flavor to that of the old Colmar. Fruit large, obtuse-pyriform, rounded at the
base, lemon-yellow, strewed with dots and patches of russet; flesh coarse, sweet, juicy,
astringent, rather gritty at the core; second; Sept. and Oct.
Autumn Joséphine. 1. Jour. Hort. N. S. 20:29, fig. 1871. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 488.
Obtained from seed of Joséphine de Malines by W. E. Essington, Ribbesford House,
Bewdley, Eng. It first produced fruit in 1869. Fruit large, obovate-obtuse-pyriform;
somewhat flattened at the crown, greenish-yellow when quite ripe, russeted in patches,
flesh yellowish, with pale salmon tinge like that of Joséphine de Malines, tender, fine-
grained, very juicy, juice rich, sugary, aromatic; first, though a little uncertain; Oct.
Autumn Nelis. 1. Gard. Chron. 124. 1864. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 664. 1869.
3. Hogg Fruit Man. 488. 1884.
Graham Autumn Nelis. 4. Jour. Hort. N.S. §:331. 1863.
Raised from seed by F. J. Graham, Cranford, Eng., about 1852 and exhibited before
the British Pomological Society in 1858 under the name Graham’s Bergamot. It was
granted a first class certificate from the Royal Horticultural Society. Prior to being
placed on the market in 1863 it was renamed Autumn Nelis because of the similarity of
the tree and fruit to Winter Nelis. Fruit rather above medium and equal to a large Winter
Nelis, obovate-pyriform, greenish-yellow, almost entirely covered with brown-russet; flesh
yellowish, very tender, melting and buttery, with abundance of rich, aromatic, sugary juice
and having an exquisite flavor; a first class dessert fruit; Oct.
Avocat Allard. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:173.1867. 2. Jour. Hort. N.S. 19:284, 328. 1870.
Raised from seed of Doyenné Gris in 1842 by M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit small
to medium, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, lemon-yellow, much marbled and spotted with
tusset; flesh yellowish-white and melting; juice very abundant, rich, spicy and very
delicious; first rate for cooking; Oct. and Nov.
Avocat Nélis. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom.1:173, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:47, fig. 312.
Originated from the seed beds of M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel., in 1846. Fruit medium,
oblong-obovate-pyriform, compressed toward the summit, golden-yellow, dotted and
veined with fawn or russet, slightly colored on the side of the sun; flesh whitish, semi-fine,
semi-melting, juicy, apt to be gritty around the core, sweet and perfumed; second-rate;
Jan. to Apr.
Avocat Tonnelier. 1. Rev. Hort. 19. 1893.
The parent tree of Avocat Tonnelier was raised at Nancy, Fr., about the year 1848.
Fruit medium and above, globular-obtuse-pyriform, swelled at base, good yellow-orange at
maturity, finely dotted with rose; flesh very dense, white, slightly tinted, melting or slightly
breaking, juicy, very sugary, of sweet savor, rather recalling that of Bon Chrétien d’Hiver;
first for cooking; all winter.
Ayer. 1. U.S. D.A. Yearbook 428, Pl. 52. rorr.
Originated about 1880 from a chance seedling which sprang up in a vineyard owned
by O. H. Ayer, Sibley, Kan. It came into bearing about 1888. Fruit medium, obovate,
light greenish or pale lemon-yellow, frequently having a light scarlet blush on the exposed
side, and numerous minute russet dots; flesh whitish or yellowish-white, fine, buttery,
melting, juicy; very good; July and Aug.
Aylton Red. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 489. 1884.
A perry pear cultivated in Herefordshire, Eng., and described as “ growing in
popularity.” Fruit small, globular, turbinate; skin covered with rough, russet dots.
Azerole. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:174, fig. 1867.
Azerole is an ancient pear though the date and the circumstances of its origin are
unknown. Jean Bauhin mentioned it in his ‘‘ Historia Plantarum” published in 1650.
Fruit very small, oblong or turbinate, yellowish-orange, very finely dotted with fawn,
and blushed on the cheek exposed to the sun; flesh yellowish, tender, fine, soft, perfumed,
rather gritty around the core, juicy, sugary; third; Sept.
Baguet. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:15, fig. 200. 1879.
The origin of this pear is uncertain but a bulletin of the Society of Van Mons, 1866,
placed the name of Baugniet in parenthesis, suggesting thereby that it was raised by M.
Baugniet in Belgium. Fruit large to very large, oblong-obovate-pyriform, very bright
green with grayish dots passing on ripening to bright lemon-yellow; flesh whitish, semi-
fine, rather buttery, fair amount of sweet juice, acidulous, sprightly; of good quality when
its acidity is not too much developed; Nov. and Dec.
Bakholda. 1. Can. Hort. 17:291. 1894.
Described as a new Canadian variety in 1894. Fruit large; oblong, yellow; flesh
subacid; middle season.
Baking. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126:28. 1908.
Originated in Massachusetts; an old baking variety. Season late.
Baldschmiedler. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 74, fig. 1913.
A perry pear found in Switzerland and the Austrian Tyrol. Fruit small to medium,
globular-conic, greenish changing at maturity to yellow, dotted and speckled with russet;
flesh granular, white and aromatic; good for transportation; beginning of Oct.
Balduinsteiner Kinderbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obsikunde 2:165. 1856.
Originated in Nassau, Ger. Published in 1806 by Diel. Fruit small; ovate, light
straw-yellow changing to lemon-yellow at maturity, finely dotted, and russeted on the
side next the sun; flesh firm, breaking, juicy, very musky; first for kitchen use and market;
beginning of Oct. for two weeks.
Balosse. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:176, fig. 1867. 2. Le Bon Jard. 362. 1882.
For many centuries Balosse has been grown in France on the banks of the Marne,
especially in the neighborhood of ChAlons where there existed in 1862 a specimen which
was considered to be more than 300 years of age. On account of its abundant crops yielded
without cultivation, the tree has been a favorite with the farmers of France. Fruit moderate
size, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, orange-yellow dotted with fawn, washed with dull red
on the side to the sun; flesh whitish, coarse, breaking, gritty, juicy, saccharine; second
for the table, first for the kitchen; Jan. to April.
Balsambirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:15. 1856.
Raised from seed in the old German duchy of Franconia in 1801. Fruit medium,
pyriform, yellow, blushed and russeted; flesh firm, juicy, mild and tender, eaaky; first
for dessert and household; Aug.
Bankerbine. 1. Elliott Fr. Book 349. 1854.
Said to be of foreign origin. Fruit medium, obovate, greenish-yellow, with small,
russet dots; flesh breaking, coarse; Oct.
Banks. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 45. 1866.
A seedling raised by Dr. S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass., which first fruited in 1863.
Fruit 2% in. in diameter, turbinate, rich yellow, with sunny side bright red; flesh melting,
juicy, very sweet, with much character; keeps remarkably for an early pear, valuable
for its great beauty and fine qualities and time of ripening; Aug.
Baptiste Valette. 1. Guide Prat. 85. 1895.
Fruit medium; flesh white, buttery, very fine, melting, juicy; matures early in the
season. Tree vigorous, fertile, and pyramidal in form.
Barbancinet. 1. Mag. Hort. 26:126. 1860. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:177, fig. 1867.
Found by Leroy in 1849 in the commune of Saulgé-l’Hépital, Maine-et-Loire, Fr.,
and was introduced by him in 1852. Fruit medium, long, slightly obtuse, irregular pyri-
form, contorted at the upper end, greenish, mottled and dotted with fawn, washed with
rose on the side to the sun; flesh greenish, melting, fine, rather gritty around the core,
juice sufficient, acidulous, saccharine, with a pleasant buttery flavor; first; Sept.
Barbe Nélis. 1. Mas Le Verger 2:63, fig. 30. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:178,
fig. 1867.
M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel., obtained this variety in 1848. Fruit small to medium,
globular-turbinate-obtuse, bright greenish-yellow dotted with gray and fawn, the basic
green becoming lemon-yellow at maturity and washed with purple-red on the side exposed
to the sun; flesh white, fine, very melting; juice saccharine, acidulous, and agreeably per-
fumed; first; Aug.
Barker. 1. Hooper W. Fr. Book 121. 1857.
An American variety introduced about 1856. Fruit medium, obovate, greenish-
yellow; medium quality both for table and kitchen use; coarse; Sept. and Oct.
Barland. 1. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 414. 1831. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 489. 1884.
The parent tree of this variety grew in the parish of Bosbury, Hereford, Eng.,
and about 1830 was supposed to be 200 years old. It appears to have been extensively
cultivated as early as 1674. Fruit small, obovate, dull green, much covered with gray
russet; first class for perry; autumn. '
Barnadiston. 1. Gard. Chron. 193. 1843. 2. Mag. Hort. 17:472. 1851.
The original tree grew in the grounds of Kedington Hall, Eng. The fruit was stated
to be of good quality, and to keep till June, being about the size and form of a large Swan
Egg. In September, 1851, Messrs. Hovey & Co. exhibited it at the twenty-third annual
exhibition of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society.
Baron Deman de Lennick. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:179, fig. 1867. 2. Guide Prat. 108,
232. 1876.
The parent tree was raised in the grounds of the Society Van Mons at Geest-Saint-
Rémy, Bel. In 1856 it was admitted by their pomological committee and was named
after Baron Deman de Lennick. Fruit medium, globular, generally mammillate at summit,
brilliant yellow, dotted and mottled with fawn; flesh whitish, a little coarse, melting,
gritty around the core; juice excessively abundant, saccharine, vinous, acidulous, and
delicately perfumed; second; Nov. and beginning of Dec.
Baron Leroy. 1. Garden 62:387. 1902. 2. Bunyard-Thomas Fr. Gard. 132. 1904.
Poire Baronne Leroy. 3. Rev. Hori. 61. 1889.
Raised from seed of Louise-Bonne de Printemps in 1859; first published in 1869 and
placed in commerce in 1871. Fruit small to medium, globular-oval, dark green passing
to bright yellow; flesh fine, white, juicy, very melting, sugary, with an agreeable flavor
and perfume; first; Nov. and Dec.
Baron Trauttenberg. 1. Guide Prat. 82. 1876.
Fruit medium or rather large, globular, golden-yellow, spotted with russet; flesh rose-
tinted, juicy, perfumed and of delicate flavor; first; Nov.
Baron Treyve. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 96. 1873.
Exhibited at the annual meeting of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, Aug.,
1873, by W. C. Strong, the President. Fruit medium, obtuse-pyriform, greenish-yellow,
russeted with cinnamon; flesh juicy, melting, very sweet; good to very good; medium
early season; shows a disposition to rot at the core.
Baronne de Mello. 1. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 2, 137, fig. 165. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict,
Pom. 1:180, fig. 1867.
A variety said to have been raised by Van Mons about 1830. Fruit rather large,
globular-turbinate, tapering on one side with a dipping curve toward the stalk, some-
times the surface is bossed but generally even; color yellow-green, dotted with gray and
mottled with russet; flesh yellowish-white or greenish, semi-fine, semi-melting, gritty at
the center; juice very abundant, sugary, rich, vinous, delicately acid; first; Oct.
Baronsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:143. 1856. 2. Oberdieck Obst-Sort. 242.
Baron @hiver. 3. Guide Prat. 82, 232. 1876.
Groningen, Saxony, 1819. Fruit rather large; globular-conic, uneven, light yellow
changing to golden-yellow, finely dotted; flesh breaking, fine, often semi-melting, sweet,
highly aromatic; third for dessert, first for culinary use; Jan. to April.
Barry. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:181. 1867. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 665. 1869.
This variety was found in his nurseries but was not originated by Leroy, Angers, Fr.
It bore fruit first in 1851 and was then dedicated to P. Barry, Rochester, N. Y. Fruit
medium to large, long, nearly cylindrical, narrowed toward the stalk, contorted, greenish-
yellow, dotted, streaked and stained with fawn, washed with bright red on the side next
the sun; flesh white, semi-fine, melting, rather gritty at the center, extremely juicy,
saccharine, vinous and deliciously perfumed; first; Oct. and Nov.
Barseck. 1. W. N.Y. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 175. 1890.
Bar Seckel. 2. Can. Hort. 16:184. 1893.
Columbia. 3. Chase Bros. Cat. 15. 1907.
Originated with Jacob Moore, Brighton, N. Y., as a cross between Bartlett and Seckel.
Tree hardy, vigorous, productive; fruit above medium in size, oblong-pyriform; skin yellow
shaded with bright red; flesh juicy, melting, with a pleasant vinous flavor; quality good;
Aug. and Sept.
Barthélemy du Mortier. 1. Guide Prat. 85. 1895.
Sent out by M. Daras de Naghin in 1886. Fruit large and handsome; flesh buttery,
juicy, sweet, with a fine aroma; first; Nov. Tree moderately vigorous, holding its fruit
Bartram. 1. Mag. Hort. 5:395. 1839. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 667. 1869.
A chance seedling which originated in the grounds of Miss Ann Bartram, Philadelphia.
Fruit rather large, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, pale lemon-yellow, with numerous russet
dots and occasional russet markings on the side; flesh white or greenish-yellow, fine grained,
melting, rich, slightly vinous; very good; Sept.
Bartranne. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:18, fig. 1867.
Believed to have originated in the garden of the Horticultural Society of Angers, Fr.,
date unknown. Fruit small, globular, obtuse-pyriform, very irregular; bright yellow,
sprinkled with russet dots, and often stained with large patches of fawn; flesh white, fine,
juicy, melting, containing some grit around the core; juice excessive, not much sugar or
flavor; third; Aug. and Sept.
Baseler Sommer-Muskatellerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:34. 1856.
Raised in Switzerland, 1809. Fruit medium, globular-ovate, tender skin, of a uniform
yellow-green, dotted with green, often flecked with russet; fresh semi-melting, tender,
aromatic; first for table, culinary uses and market; July.
Basiner. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 72155, fig. 558. 1881. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 491. 1884.
Raised by M. J. de Jonghe, Brussels, in 1845 and first produced fruit in 1857. Hogg,
the English pomologist, described it as ‘‘ one of the best very late pears I have met with.”
Fruit medium, globular-turbinate, greenish-yellow much covered with pale cinnamon-
brown russet, distributed in patches, particularly around the stalk and in dots which are
interspersed with green dots over the surface; flesh yellowish-white, fine-grained, breaking,
sweet, saccharine, wanting in perfume; good for kitchen use and recommended on account
of its extraordinarily long season, spring into the summer.
Baudry. 1. Budd-Hansen Am. Hort. Man. 2:234. 1903. 2. Ont. Dept Agr. Fr. Ont.
147. 1914.
Bon Chretien Fred Baudry. 3. W. N. Y. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 44. 1893.
Listed as a promising winter pear in Ontario, Can. Fruit large, oblong-pyriform,
yellowish with russet patches; flesh yellow, tender, granular at the center, juicy, sweet, with
a pleasant flavor; quality good: Feb. and Mar.
Beacon. 1. Ellwanger & Barry Cat. 20. 1892. 2. Bunyard-Thomas Fr. Gard. 132, 456.
Fruit medium, long-ovate, very regular, smooth and shining, pale green, some russet,
turning yellow, with a brown cheek; flesh firm, sweet; not first, but passable for its season;
late July.
Beadnell. 1. Gard. Chron. 692. 1852. 2. Elliott Fr. Book 357. 1854.
Raised by John Beadnell, West Green Road, Tottenham, Middlesex, Eng., and fruited
for the first time about 1840. Fruit below medium, turbinate, even and regular in outline,
bright green, with a dull red cheek where exposed to the sun; on ripening the basic green
becomes yellow and the dull red crimson; where the two colors blend there are some stripes
of crimson and on the colored side are numerous minute, gray dots; flesh melting, extremely
juicy, sweet and richly flavored; a fine early pear; late Sept. but does not keep long.
Beau dela Cour. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7: 109, fig. 535. 188r.
Mentioned in the Bulletin of the Society Van Mons in 1855. Fruit small or nearly
medium, globular-ovate, even in outline, light green covered with very numerous dark
green spots changing at maturity to a brilliant pale yellow, though the spots remain green
but less visible; the side next the sun is stained with vermilion; flesh coarse, dry, very sac-
charine, musky; good for cooking; Aug.
Beau Présent d’Artois. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:18s, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 13275,
fig. 88. 1872.
Present Royal of Naples. 3. Mag. Hort. 4:395. 1838.
Prévost, who died at Rouen in 1849, wrote of this pear that he considered it identical
with the Présent royal de Naples which it is said obtained its name from the fact that the
King of Naples about the end of the eighteenth century sent a number of these pears to
Prince Charles of Wurttemberg to remind him to forward a promised white stag. Fruit
large, by error classed by some as a Pound pear, oblong-obtuse-pyriform, greenish-yellow,
covered with patches and dots of brown russet; flesh melting, juicy, sweet, and agreeably
flavored and perfumed; first; Aug. and Sept.
Beaufort. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 153. 1885. 2. Van Lindley Cat. 36. 1899.
Raised by Lucy Duke, Beaufort County, N. C., about 1884 probably from seed of
Winter Nelis crossed with Bartlett. It is a twin of Lucy Duke, having been raised from
seed of the same pear. Fruit medium to large, globular-obovate, dulf green changing to
yellow-green, russeted and dotted; flesh firm and sweet; first; late Oct.
Beauvalot. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:1, fig. 97. 1878.
This variety was obtained by M. Sageret from seed beds made from 1816 to 1820.
Fruit medium, obovate-turbinate-pyriform; skin thick, rough to the touch, firm, intense
green sown with spots of greenish-brown, at maturity turning more yellow and the side
next the sun golden; flesh white, slightly tinged with yellow, fine, melting; juice sufficient,
saccharine, but sometimes having little flavor; second; Nov.
Beier Meissner Eierbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:52. 1856.
Disseminated in Saxony and Bavaria in 1823. Fruit medium, ovate-acute, often
ventriculous-conic, somewhat uneven, yellow-green changing to light yellow, no blush
but often dotted with red; flesh coarse-grained, semi-melting, sweet, with a rose-water
savor; third for dessert, first for household and market; early Sept.
Belle Angevine. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:188, 189, fig. 1867.
The Belle Angevine described by Leroy is a very beautiful pear, brilliant in color,
of large size and handsome shape, but, unfortunately, not good for dessert and only second
class for the kitchen. Properly Belle Angevine is a synonym of Pound or Uvedale’s
St. Germain, yet Leroy holds this Belle Angevine as distinct.
Belle des Arbrés. 1. Guide Prat. 108: 1876. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 172. 1889.
Introduced by M. Houdin, Chateaudun, Fr., about 1876. Fruit very large, of beauti-
ful form, slightly washed with rose; flesh fine and smooth; first for cooking; Mar. to June.
Belle de Beaufort. 1. Guide Prat. 85. 1895.
Sent out by M. Louis Leroy of Angers and on trial with Messrs. Simon-Louis of Metz,
Lorraine, in 1895. Tree fairly vigorous, a good grower. Fruit very large, of beautiful
form and color; Oct. to Nov.
Belle Bessa. 1. Prince Pom. Man. 1:120. 1831. 2. Le Bon Jard. 363. 1882.
The editors of the “ New Duhamel,” 1825, said of this pear that it was of recent origin
and as it had not been previously named they “‘ dedicated it to M. Bessa as a testimony
of satisfaction for the assiduity evinced by him in the completion of the designs of that
work.” In Le Bon Jardinier it is classed among pears ‘‘ remarkable for their size.” Fruit
large, globular, the two extremities diminishing very perceptibly, especially that next the
stem, very light green faintly approaching yellow at full maturity and interspersed by
some small, russet specks; flesh somewhat firm, bland and agreeable, not highly flavored;
Nov. to Dec.
Belle de Bolbec. 1. Guide Prat. 109. 1876.
A French pear on trial with Messrs. Simon-Louis of Metz, Lorraine, in 1876. Reported
at that time to be rather large and of first quality, but in 1895 it was placed by the firm
on their list of varieties of doubtful or small merit; Oct. to Nov.
Belle et Bonne de Hée. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 135. 1841. 2. Mag. Hort. 8:165. 1842.
Fruit medium; flesh melting and perfumed; of superior excellence; ripens at Paris
in Sept.
Belle et Bonne de Ja Pierre. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:197, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen.
4:81, fig. 233. 1879.
This variety was obtained by M. A. dela Farge, Salers, Fr., at the foot of the mountains
of the high Auvergne; it first bore fruit in 1861. Fruit medium, sometimes rather large,
globular or ovate, with protuberances, always larger on one than on the other side, yellow-
ochre dotted with gray and some stains of brown russet; flesh whitish, fine, melting, scented,
without grit; juice sufficient, acidulous, extremely saccharine, full of delicate flavor; first;
Nov. and Dec.
Belle de Brissac. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:192, fig. 1867.
Jean-Henri Benoist, Brissac near Angers, Fr., obtained this variety from seed in
1832 or 1833. Fruit medium to large, oblong, extremely obtuse and ventriculous, always
having one side more enlarged than the other, with pale yellow skin, thick and rough to
the touch, dotted with russet and much covered with brown patches; flesh white, semi-
fine, breaking, rather gritty; juice sufficient, saccharine, acidulous, perfumed; second for
dessert, first for cooking; Feb. to April.
Belle de Bruxelles sans Pepins. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:193, 194, fig. 1867.
Notwithstanding its name this variety is not certainly of Belgian origin. It was
known in Normandy at the beginning of the nineteenth century under the name Fanfareau.
In Germany it was cultivated before 1789 where it was called Grosse-Bergamotte dE’té.
It appears most probably to have been of German origin. Fruit large and sometimes
medium, spherical, depressed at both poles, generally more swelled on one side than on
the other, yellow-green dotted and streaked with russet; flesh white, semi-fine, melting,
interspersed with greenish specks, slightly gritty at the center, free from seeds or core;
juice sufficient, saccharine, acidulous, slightly musky; second for the reason that it so
easily becomes soft; Aug. and Sept.
Belle de Craonnais. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:195, 196, fig. 1867.
This variety originated in the neighborhood of Craon in Mayenne, Fr. It was listed
in the collection of the Horticultural Society of Angers in 1848, and in the following year
was propagated for commerce by A. Leroy. Fruit large but sometimes smaller, oblong-
pyriform, irregular, obtuse, golden-yellow, sown with gray dots more numerous and larger
on the side next the sun; flesh white, semi-fine, melting, juicy, rather gritty about the
core; juice abundant, sweet and musky, without much savor; second for the table, first
for cooking; Dec. to March.
Belle de la Croix Morel. 1. Guide Prat. 83. 1876.
Mentioned in the Revue Horticole of 1868. Fruit large, pyriform-ventriculous, greenish- .
yellow; flesh semi-melting, juicy, of an agreeable flavor; first; Dec.
Belle de Décembre. 1. Guide Prat. 103. 1895.
A very large and superb fruit; good to eat raw but first class for cooking. Listed as
a new variety in 1895.
Belle de Féron. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:198. 1867.
Probably originated in the town of Féron near Avesnes, Fr., and was considered to
be a new fruit by the Horticultural Society of Angers in 1840. Fruit large to very large,
globular-turbinate, bossed, one side always more swelled than the other, yellowish-green,
dotted with gray, and stained with patches of brown-russet; flesh white, coarse, semi-
melting; juice sufficient, fresh, sugary, vinous, and with a very agreeable tartness; second;
Oct. and Nov.
Belle du Figuier. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:199, fig. 1867.
Raised from seed in 1860 by M. Robert, Angers, Fr., and submitted to the Horticultural
Society of Maine-et-Loire in December, 1861, when it was declared excellent. Fruit
above medium, ovate, regular in form, but with protuberances, often depressed at the base,
greenish-russet, rough to the touch and covered with well-marked fawn dots; flesh fine,
white, very melting and very juicy, saccharine, acidulous, aromatic; first; Dec. and Jan.
Belle-Fleurusienne. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:200, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 493.
Raised by M. Alexandre Bivort in 1849 at Saint-Rémy, Bel. Fruit medium, obtuse-
pyramidal; skin smooth and somewhat shining, greenish-yellow, the whole surface being
thickly strewed with large russet dots and specks, and washed with rose on the side next
the sun; first; Dec. to Feb.
Belle Fondante. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 454. 1857.
Originated by Robert Manning, Salem, Mass. Fruit medium, pyramidal-turbinate;
skin pale yellow, clouded with green, irregularly patched with russet especially around the
eye; flesh juicy, buttery, very fine grained, rich, with some astringency; Oct.
Belle de Foréts. 1. Guide Prat. 83, 234. 1876.
Esperen Waldbirne. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 212. 1889.
Fruit medium, pyriform, bright green; Sept. and Oct.
Belle de Guasco. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:57, fig. 125. 1878. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:202,
203, fig. 1867.
Cultivated in the garden of the Society of Van Mons in Belgium but did not originate
there. It was sent out from there to France for further distribution in 1853. Fruit medium,
oblong-obtuse-pyriform, lemon-yellow, greenish on the shaded side and washed with
vermilion on the side exposed to the sun; flesh white, fine, melting, juicy, vinous, acid;
third; late Aug. and early Sept. ,
Belle Guérandaise. 1. Cat. Cong. Pom. France 143, fig. 1906. 2. Rev. Hort. 136, Pl.
M. Dion, Guérande, Fr., sowed in 1869 a bed of mixed seeds from which he obtained
the variety here described. It first fruited in 1893 and was placed on the accepted list
by the Pomological Society of France in 1904. Fruit large, ovate, lemon-yellow, often
covered with fawn; flesh fine, very saccharine, juicy, with a slight perfume of orange
blossom; good; Oct. and Nov.
Belle Hugevine. 1. McIntosh Bk. Gard. 2:459. 1855.
Fruit large and handsome; of excellent quality; Mar. and April.
Belle Isle d’Angers. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 494. 1884.
Fruit medium, globular-oval, almost entirely covered with a coat of greenish dark
brown russet which is very fine and smooth to the touch and covered with large, gray dots;
on the shaded side the greenish-yellow ground-color is exposed, covered with large, russet
dots; flesh white, rather coarse, semi-buttery, very juicy, sweet and slightly perfumed;
second or third; Dec.
Belle d’Ixelles. 1. Mag. Hort. 26:218. 1860. 2. Guide Prat. 83. 1876.
First reported by Millet. On trial with the Society Van Mons in 1860. Fruit large,
golden-yellow skin; flesh very melting and perfumed; Oct.
Belle de Juillet. 1. Guide Prat. 109. 1876.
Gained by M. Lampe at Pecq, Bel., about 1870, and reported to be superior to all
other early pears and in particular to Beurré Giffard; fruit handsome and delicious,
ripening about mid-July.
Belle Julie. 1. Elliott Fr. Book 350. 1854. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.1:204, 205, fig. 1867.
Alexandrine Hélie. 3. Guide Prat. 81. 1876.
Raised by Van Mons and fruited first in 1842. Fruit medium, long-obovate-pyriform,
greenish-yellow, much patched and netted with russet, dotted with bright fawn; flesh
rather greenish-yellow, coarse, semi-melting, juicy, sugary, vinous, with a fine perfume;
first; Oct. and Nov.
Belle de Kain. 1. Guide Prat. 83. 1876.
On trial with Messrs. Simon-Louis of Metz, Lorraine, in 1876. Fruit large, pyriform-
truncate, brilliant lemon-yellow; flesh semi-melting; a good market variety.
Belle de Lorient. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:205, 206, fig. 1867.
Belle de l'Ortent. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 668. 1869.
This variety was growing in the old garden of the Horticultural Society of Angers
about 1835, and probably originated in the environs of Lorient, Fr. Fruit large, oblong-
ovate-pyriform, bossed at the summit, greenish-yellow, dotted all over with large and
numerous specks of fawn; flesh wanting in fineness, half-breaking, white, gritty, fairly
juicy, without perfume, sourish; second for the kitchen; Sept. and Oct.
Belle de Malines. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:207, fig. 1867.
Received by Leroy, Angers, Fr., from Belgium in 1863 as a new variety and without
statement of its origin. Fruit medium, turbinate-obtuse, ventriculous, having one side
larger than the other, bright yellow, dotted, streaked and stained with russet, washed
with delicate rose on the side next the sun; fresh dull white, semi-fine, melting, gritty
at center; juice sufficient, sweet, fresh, saccharine, musky; first; Aug. and Sept.
Belle de Martigny. 1. Mag. Hort. 8:431. 1842.
Exhibited by Mantel at the first annual meeting of the New York Horticultural
and Floricultural Society, held in New York, September, 1842. One fruit of this variety
was reported as weighing 9 oz.
Belle-Moulinoise. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:208, fig. 1867.
Raised from seed by Groler-Duriez, Lille, Fr.; it was placed on the market in 1864.
Fruit large, oblong-obtuse-pyriform, somewhat ventriculous and bossed, greenish, rough
to the touch, spotted with russet, washed with dark rose on the side next the sun; flesh
whitish, fine, firm, scented, breaking, juice extremely abundant, saccharine, musky, with
a delicious flavor; first; Feb. and Mar.
Belle de Noisette. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:17, fig. 393. 1880.
A French pear of unknown origin. Fruit large, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, short and
thick, attaining its greatest breadth around its center; skin thick and rather rough, at
first green sown with dots of grayish-brown, numerous and scattered regularly; at maturity
the green passes into lemon-yellow and the side next the sun is clouded with red; flesh
white, rather fine, breaking, with a small amount of sugary juice, acid and slightly per-
fumed; suited only for culinary purposes; keeps well through the winter; the tree is equally
vigorous on quince or pear stock.
Belle Picarde. 1. Rev. Hort. 156, Pl. 1888.
Originated in the village of Charmes, Aisne, Fr., in the middle of the last century.
Fruit large to very large, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, orange-red and speckled especially
on the sunny side; flesh white, melting, very sugary; juice rather abundant, sweet and of
a pleasant flavor; good for dessert but specially recommended for cooking; being large
and attractive in appearance is well adapted for the market; Dec. to June.
Belle Rouennaise. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:210, fig. 1867. 2. Jour. Hort. N. S. 19:328.
Raised from seed by M. Boisbunel, Rouen, Fr. It gave its first fruit in 1856. Fruit
medium, long-pyriform, bossed around calyx, sides unequal; color greenish-yellow, dotted
with russet, veined with fawn around the stem and often covered with russet markings;
flesh semi-fine, white, juicy, melting, gritty at the core, refreshing, sweet, acid, possessing
a delicious flavor; first; Aug. and Sept.
Belle de Stresa. 1. Guide Prat. 58. 1876. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 43213. 1879.
A wild seedling found at Stresa, on Lake Maggiore, Italy. Fruit nearly medium,
ovate, rather short and thick, or pyriform, olive-green, washed with dark brownish-red
on the side next the sun; flesh buttery, melting, juicy, saccharine, and with a delicate and
refreshing perfume; handsome and of first quality; late Aug.
Belle Sucrée. 1. Guide Prat. 83. 1876.
Schone Zuckerbirne. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 280. 1889.
Published in Germany previous to 1876; origin unknown. Fruit large, variable in
form; of a beautiful lemon-yellow, almost entirely washed with red; flesh semi-melting,
very saccharine; Sept. and Oct.
Belle de Thouars. 1. Gard. Chron. 979. 1860. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:212, 213, fig.
Probably originated at Thouars, Fr. About 1839 the Horticultural Society of Angers
received a pear called Coulon de Saint-Marc which was propagated under that name, but
was proved to be identical with Belle de Thouars. It was subsequently propagated and
sold by a nurseryman at Jersey, and acquired the name of Belle de Jersey. Fruit medium
to large, long-obtuse-pyriform at both ends, somewhat bossed at summit; skin at first
brownish-olive changing to a ferruginous brown as the fruit approaches maturity, some-
what rough, with russet dots; flesh white, firm, or half-breaking, with little juice and an
acidulated, sugary flavor; good only for kitchen use; Nov. and Dec.
Belle Williams. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 110. 1862. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 669. 1869.
Of foreign origin, possibly English. Tree vigorous, very erect, hardy; young wood
olive, slightly yellow, glossy. Fruit medium to large, oblong-pyriform, with a groove
or sunken line from stem to calyx, yellowish, with marblings and tracings of russet; stem
long, curved, set in a slight depression by a lip; calyx partially closed; flesh whitish, not
juicy or rich; good for cooking; Dec. to Mar.
Bellissime d’Automne. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:214. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 496.
First mentioned by Merlet under the name of Belle-et-Bonne in 1675. It lost its
original name and became known by that of Bellissime d’Automne. Fruit variable in
size but more medium than small; long-acute-pyriform, occasionally slightly obtuse;
skin smooth and shining, greenish-yellow, dotted with fawn on the shaded side and exten-
sively washed with red-brown or fine, deep crimson on the side exposed to the sun, with
stripes of the same color around the stalk; flesh white, fine, semi-melting; juice plentiful,
sweet, with an aromatic flavor; second as a dessert fruit, but useful for culinary purposes;
Bellissime d’Hiver. 1. Duhamel Trait Arb. Fr. 2:234. 1768. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 4096.
1884. |
An old French pear described by Duhamel du Monceau in 1768. By some, Merlet
is believed to refer to it in 1690 when writing of the Bellisstme d’Hiver de Bur, but this
latter is regarded by Leroy as synonymous with Belle Angevine. Fruit very large, larger
than the Catillac, globular, turbinate, mammillate; skin smooth, thick, green changing
to dark yellow, washed on the side of the sun with a beautiful tint of bright carmine, strewed
all over with large brown-russet dots; flesh white, fine grained, crisp, tender, juicy, sweet,
musky; one of the very best culinary pears; all the winter till May.
Belmont. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:171, fig. 470. 1880. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 496. 1884.
An English cooking pear raised about the year 1840 by T. A. Knight, Downton Castle,
Eng. Fruit medium, globular-oval, even and regularly shaped; skin rather rough to the
touch, covered with a coating of somewhat rough russet except on the shaded side where
it is greenish-yellow, and marked with patches and dots of dark-brown russet; on the side
next the sun it shows a coppery-red glow; flesh yellowish, rather coarse, sugary, vinous,
finely flavored like Swan Egg; almost first; Oct. and Nov. ;
Beman. 1. Can. Hort. 26:14. 1903. 2. Ibid. 28:219. 1905.
Originated at Newcastle, Ontario, Can., by E. C. Beman. Tree productive. Fruit
large, juicy and delicious; Oct. and Nov.
Benadine. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:109. 1856.
Raised from seed at Oberlausitz, Ger. Published in 1821. Fruit medium, pyriform,
medium ventriculous, yellow, sprinkled all over with spots of yellow-ochre; flesh white,
buttery, melting, juicy, delicate and full of aroma; first for dessert; Sept.
Benoist Nouveau. 1. Elliott Fr. Book 367. 1859. 2. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul.
126:34. 1908.
Distributed by Ellwanger & Barry of Rochester, N. Y., about 1850 as a new foreign
variety. Fruit medium, globular-obovate, greenish-yellow with brown cheek, dull russet
marblings and indistinct brown specks; flesh breaking, juicy, rather astringent; requires
careful ripening; Feb. to April.
Benoit Caroli. 1. Guide Prat. 103. 1895.
Introduced by Daras de Naghin, Antwerp, Bel., asa new variety in 1895. Fruit medium
yellow, finely dotted, washed with reddish-brown on the cheek exposed to the sun; flesh
white, greenish toward the upper part, buttery, almost melting, saccharine and pleasantly
perfumed; Dec.
Bensell. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126:34. 1908.
Originated by a Mr. Bensell, Philadelphia. Fruit large, globular, yellow; flesh buttery,
sweet, juicy, acidulous; late.
Benvie. 1. Mag. Hort.g:130. 1843. 2. Hogg. Fruit Man. 497. 1884.
A dessert pear adapted to the climate of Scotland where in some districts it produces
immense crops of excellent fruit. Fruit small, obovate, yellow-green, sometimes tinged
with dull, dingy red on the side next the sun, almost entirely covered with thin, delicate
gray russet and thickly strewed with russety dots; flesh yellowish, buttery, juicy, perfumed;
good; Aug. and Sept.
Béquesne. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:220. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 497. 1884.
The origin of this ancient pear is unknown, though Henri Heissen, a German author,
describing it in 1690 called it the Béguesne of Anjou. Fruit medium to rather large and
handsome, long-obtuse-pyriform; skin of a fine bright golden-yellow on the shaded side,
encrimsoned on the side next the sun, strewed all over with russet dots which give it a rough
feel; flesh white, dry, semi-breaking, sweet, slightly perfumed, gritty round the core; an
excellent cooking pear; Oct. to Jan.
Bergamot de Chantilly. 1. Brookshaw Pomona 2:Pl. XLVIII. 1817. 2. Brookshaw
Hort. Reposit. 1:63, Pl. 31. 1823.
A variety known in Covent Garden Market, London, in 1823. The fruit was classed
as superior and fetched 9 pence apiece. Size medium, roundish-obtuse-pyriform, yellow
with some blush on the side next the sun; flesh buttery, of excellent flavor; Sept., not a
keeping pear.
Bergamot Louvain. 1. Mag. Hort. 21:185. 1855.
Fruit medium, globular, yellow, with russet specks; on the sunny side the specks are
red, some blotches of russet; flesh white, tender, rather dry, with a pleasant flavor; Oct.
Bergamot Seckel. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 671. 1869.
Raised by William Pitmaston, Eng. Fruit medium or below in size; roundish, regular;
color reddish-brown, dotted with russet; flesh white, juicv. sugary, having all the spicy
flavor of the Seckel.
Bergamot Winter. 1. Langley Pomona 131, Pl. 67. 1729.
Included in Langley’s list of the best kinds of pears in Englandin 1729. Fruit medium,
globular-obtuse; Sept.
Bergamote Arséné Sannier. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 174. 1889. 2. Baltet Cult. Fr.
343. 1908.
Probably of French origin. Fruit medium or rather large, globular-oblate, or onion-
shaped, water-green clearing on maturity to Indian-yellow, clouded with ochre; flesh
fine, melting, juicy, saccharine, slightly acidulous, with a characteristic aroma; first; Jan.
to Mar.
Bergamote d’Automne Panachée. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:225, fig. 1867.
Bergamotte Suisse. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 505. 1884.
A variegated form of the French Bergamotte d’Automne. Merlet, who described it
in 1675 in his Abrégé des bons fruits, named it Bergamote Suisse, indicating thereby the
country of its origin. Fruit medium, roundish and flattened, somewhat inclining to
turbinate, regular, and having the summit always a little mammillate, color olive-yellow,
occasionally slightly tinged with dull red, spotted all over with large, fawn dots, and beauti-
fully striped longitudinally with large bands of brownish-green passing into bright green
on the side shaded from the sun; flesh white, melting and buttery, sugary, acidulous; first;
Oct. and Nov.
Bergamote Balicq. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 174. 1889.
Bergamotte Ballicq. 2. Guide Prat. 85, 223. 1895.
Belgian. Fruit medium; flesh white, fine, semi-melting, juicy, saccharine; first;
Dec. and Jan.
Bergamote Boussiére. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:227, fig. 1867.
Raised by Van Mons and fruited for the first time in 1844. Fruit above medium,
obovate-obtuse-pyriform, regular, greenish-yellow, dotted and veined with fawn and clouded
with reddish-brown around the stem; flesh whitish, half-fine, melting, very gritty around
the core; juice abundant, vinous, sugary and slightly aromatic; second; Oct. to Dec.
Bergamote Hamdens. 1. Langley Pomona 131, Pl. 65, fig. 3. 1729.
Fruit medium, oblate; Aug. and Sept.
Bergamote de Hollande Panachée. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom.1:245. 1867.
Amoselle panachée. 2. Le Bon Jard. 363. 1882.
Of interest on account of the curious variegation of its fruit and wood. The fruit
differs from that of the Bergamotte d’Holland in the variegated green brown of its skin;
flesh deficient in juice and wanting in delicacy and leaves an unpleasant taste behind;
second for cooking; Dec. to April.
Bergamote Philippot. 1. Baltet Cult. Fr. 370. 1908.
Described by Baltet as, ‘‘ A beautiful fruit, grey and bronzed; good for stewing.”
Bergamote Rose. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:256, fig. 1867.
This curious variety was raised by A. Bivort from seed beds in the garden of the Society
Van Mons and first bore fruit in 1848. It is endowed with so pronounced a scent of rose
that the producer hoped from it and another variety called Parfum de Rose it might be
possible to create a new class of pears. Fruit small, oblate, bronze, strewed with grayish-
white dots, some brownish stains, scaly; flesh white stained with carmine, scented, rather
coarse, breaking, seldom gritty; juice sufficient, saccharine, having an odor and flavor
similar to that of roses; third; Jan. and Feb.
Bergamotte d’Anvers. 1. Guide Prat. 85. 1895.
Introduced by Daras de Naghin of Antwerp (Anvers), Bel. Fruit medium or rather
large, true Bergamot shape, green changing to yellow at maturity; flesh white; fine,
buttery, sweet and well perfumed; Dec. ;
Bergamotte d’Automne. 1. Duhamel. Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:165, Pl. XXI. 1768. 2. Leroy
Dict. Pom. 1:223, fig. 1867.
Rote Bergamotie. 3. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 271. 1889.
Authorities fail to agree on the origin of this pear. Benedictus Curtius, a Florentine
author writing in 1536, thought it had birth at Bergamo in Lombardy. But in 1644, Jean
Bodaeus, a Dutch physician, in his translation of the Historia Plantarum of Theophrastus,
states that the Bergamote came from Asia, whence the Romans had imported it to Italy
and that it was known to them as the Pirum Regium or pear of Kings. If it originated in
Asia, the probability is that its birth-place was Pergamum, a village of Asia Minor between
the Augean and Marmora seas. This view was accepted in the eighteenth century by
such authorities as Lacour, Henri Manger and Ménage, and later by Leroy. Fruit medium;
variable but usually globular-oblate, greenish-yellow, dotted and striped with russet,
flesh whitish, fine, melting, generally gritty, sweet, savory; first; Oct. to Jan.
Bergamotte Bouvant. 1. Guide Prat. 103. 1895.
Listed as a new variety in 1895. Fruit medium; flesh fine, melting, juicy, well
sweetened and pleasantly perfumed; Apr. and May.
Bergamotte Bufo. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:228, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 498. 1884.
Kréten Bergamotie. 3. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 244. 1889.
Le Lectier says this pear was cultivated at Orleans in 1628 under the name of
Crapant or Toad on account of the rough character of its skin. It was also known in
Germany in 1690 under this latter name and as Oignon rosat by reason of its shape and
the perfume of its juice. In 1846 in France, because of the supposed inelegance of the
word ‘‘crapant,” its name was changed to Bufo, the Latin name of a toad. Fruit above
medium, globular-oblate, even and regular like a true Bergamot; skin rough, dark yellow,
dotted and marbled with fawn and usually also bearing some large brown stains; flesh
white, melting, fine; juice sufficient, vinous, acidulous, sugary, savory, recalling the scent
of the rose; excellent dessert pear; late Oct.
Bergamotte Bugi. 1. Langley Pomona 131, Pl. 46. 1729. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:0, fig.
293. 1880.
Bergamote du Bugey. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:229, fig. 1867.
This is a pear of ancient and uncertain origin. It has a large number of synonyms.
Claude Saint-Etienne, writing in 1660, and La Quintinye, in 1690, two of the best
describers of this pear, each called it by the name Bugi. Its synonym, Pera Spina,
attributed to Merlet, appears to indicate an Italian origin to it. Fruit medium and some-
times larger, globular-turbinate, generally very regular, clear olive-green, covered with
large, fawn dots intermingled with brownish patches; flesh yellowish-white, semi-melting,
semi-fine, seldom gritty; juice sufficient, sprightly, saccharine but occasionally acid, with
some perfume; second for dessert, first for cooking; Feb. to Apr.
Bergamotte de Coloma. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 499. 1884.
Fruit below medium, globular-obovate; skin greenish-yellow, becoming bright yellow
when it ripens, and with a pale tinge of red on the side next the sun, the whole surface
covered with large, pale, brown-russet dots, with patchés of russet around the calyx and
stalk; flesh yellowish-white, fairly juicy, rather gritty, with a brisk but not rich flavor;
quality inferior; late Oct.
Bergamotte dela Cour. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde2:76. 1856.
Belgian, 1828. Fruit fairly large, globular-flattened, uneven in form, light green
turning to light lemon-yellow, often rather blushed with brownish-red on the sunny side,
without any scent; flesh melting, delicate, very juicy; very good for the table, second for
Bergamotte de Darmstadt. 1. Guide Prat. 76, 236. 1876. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:25,
fig. 205. 1879.
Germany. Probably it obtained its name from having been raised in the suburbs
of the city of Darmstadt. Fruit rather small or nearly medium, globular or globular-
cylindrical, and equally obtuse at both ends, yellow-green all over; flesh buttery, juicy,
with a Bergamot scent; first; Nov.
Bergamotte de Donauer. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:110, fig. 252. 1879.
This pear was found in a garden in the suburbs of Coburg, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Ger.
Fruit medium or large, globular-obtuse, sometimes a little conical, and often somewhat
irregular in outline, very light green, dotted with fine points and with some brown-yellow
spread around the summit and the calyx; flesh white, half-fine, buttery or half-buttery,
juicy, sweet, a little vinous; quality only second; Sept.
Bergamotte Double. 1. Guide Prat. 83, 236. 1876.
Fruit medium, nearly round, greenish-yellow; flesh semi-melting, juicy; first; Sept.
and Oct.
Bergamotte Dussart. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 6:39, fig. 1857. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
670. 1869.
Obtained at Jodoigne, Bel., by Dussart, a gardener; published in 1829. Fruit
medium, obovate-pyriform, yellow-ochre, with gray dots and traces of russet; flesh white,
melting, juicy, vinous, sugary, acidulous and aromatic; first; Dec. to mid-Jan.
Bergamotte Espéren. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 5:75, fig. 1857.
Bergamotte d’Esperén. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 670. 1869.
Raised from seed about 1830 by Major Espéren, Mechlin, Bel. Of his many pears
this was the most valuable. It is a most delicious late pear and a good successor to Winter
Nelis. Fruit medium, frequently above, round, flat at base, mammillate at summit, and
often bossed near stalk; skin rough to the touch, dull greenish-yellow, dotted with Tusset,
streaked with russet around the stalk and often marked with blackish stains; flesh yellowish,
fine-grained, quite melting, very juicy and sugary, with a pleasant aroma; mid-Feb. to April.
Bergamotte Espéren Souvenir de Plantiéres. 1. Guide Prat. 83. 1895.
Produced by Simon-Louis Bros., nurserymen, Metz, Lorraine. The foliage of this
variety is margined with yellow and does not scorch from the sun. The tree is not
. vigorous.
Bergamotte d’Eté. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:161. 1768. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
13237. 1867.
Summer Franc Réal. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 344, fig. 141. 1845.
Bergamotte d’Eté is of ancient and unknown origin. Le Lectier wrote of it in 1628
as cultivated under the name of Milan de la Bewveriére. Fruit medium, globular-turbinate
or globular, bossed, narrowed towards the top which is usually mammillate, pale green
slightly yellowish on the shaded side and tinted with tender rose color on the cheek exposed
to the sun, and dotted all over with fawn; flesh whitish, semi-fine, melting, rarely very
gritty; juice abundant, rather tart, saccharine, with a very savory flavor; first; Aug. and
Bergamotte d’été de Lubeck. 1. Guide Prat. 83, 237. 1876. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:97,
fig. 337. 1880.
This variety is very much grown in the environs of Lubeck, Ger. Fruit medium,
nearly round, color at first of a water-green, nearly covered with a russet of gray-brown;
when ripening the russet brightens and some dots of whitish-gray become visible; flesh
yellowish-white, fine, compact, buttery, rather gritty near the core, sugary and juicy;
first; Aug. and Sept.
Bergamotte Fertile. 1. Guide Prat. 83, 237. 1876.
A Van Mons seedling; Belgium, 1828. Fruit medium, globular-turbinate, symmetrical,
uniform light lemon-yellow all over, russeted; skin scentless; flesh granular, melting, sweet,
aromatic; second for dessert, first for kitchen and market; late Sept.
Bergamotte la Gantoise. 1. Guide Prat. 85. 1895.
Raised from seed of the Bergamotte Espéren, which it surpasses in size and quality,
by Dervaes Bros., Wetteren, Bel. Fruit large, generally round; color green sprinkled with
brown dots, passing into yellow on ripening; flesh white, very melting, juicy, slightly
perfumed; first; Feb. and Mar.
Bergamotte Heimbourg. 1. Mag. Hort. 21:189. 1855. 2. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 2, 150,
fig. 176. 1866-73.
A seedling of Van Mons. Reported for the first time in 1847. Fruit medium,
globular-conic; skin rough to the touch, olive-yellow, dotted, veined and stained with
russet and slightly washed with pale red on the cheek exposed to the sun; flesh whitish,
fine, melting, rather gritty at center; juice sufficient, acidulous, sugary, delicately per-
fumed; first; Oct.
Bergamotte Hérault. 1. Guide Prat. 85. 1895. 2. Cat. Cong. Pom. France 151, fig.
Obtained from seed in 1860 by M. A. Hérault, Angers, Fr. First fruited in 1870.
Fruit large, altho sometimes only medium in size, irregular roundish-obconic and angular
in outline; stem short to medium, thick and fleshy, usually obliquely inserted in cavity;
calyx small, open or semi-closed; skin rather glossy, pale yellow, dotted with red; flesh
whitish, slightly gritty at the center, fine-grained, melting, juicy, sweet, with delicate
aroma; very good; Dec. and Jan.
Bergamotte Hertrich. 1. Guide Prat. 61, 237. 1876. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:7, fig. 292.
1880. 3. Jour. Hori. 3rd Ser. 2:43, fig. 9. 188r.
Raised from seed of Fortunée by Herr Hertrich, a merchant at Colmar, Ger. It
fruited first in 1853 and was placed in commerce in 1858. Fruit below medium, Bergamot-
shaped, inclining to roundish-turbinate or obovate, even in outline, furrowed at stalk,
grass-green ground seen through much ash-gray russet, with some brownish tinge on the
side next the sun; flesh yellowish, with a greenish tinge under the skin, fine, melting, rich
flavor, juicy and aromatic; delicious and a good keeper.
Bergamotte-d’Hiver de Furstenzell. 1. Guide Prat. 84, 237. 1876.
Probably of German origin. Fruit large, conic-obtuse, yellow, lightly washed with
red; flesh very juicy; Oct. to Dec.
Bergamotte d’Hollande. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:170. 1768. 2. Downing Fr.
Trees Am. 430. 1845.
Origin ancient and uncertain, but as the first name by which it was known was
Bergamote d’Alengon, pomologists have deemed it to be French. Fruit medium and often
larger, globular-flattened; olive-green turning as it ripens to clear yellow, dotted and
streaked with russet, washed with brown on the side of the sun; flesh white, rather gritty,
coarse-grained, semi-breaking, pleasantly flavored; second for the table but good for
cooking; March to June.
Bergamotte Jars. 1. Mas Le Verger 3:93, fig. 45. 1866-73.
Raised by M. Nérard, near Lyons, Fr. Fruit small or nearly medium, oblate,
shaped very much like an apple, much depressed at base and summit, pale yellow; flesh
buttery, white, fine, melting, rich in sugar, and well perfumed and vinous; altogether
first class; Nov.
Bergamotte de Jodoigne. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:246, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.
502. 1884.
Raised from seed by M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel., in 1853. Fruit below medium or
small, Bergamot-shaped, slightly mammillate at the summit, flat at base, yellow, sprinkled
all over with russet dots, the yellow passing to orange on the side next the sun; flesh
yellowish-white, fine, melting, rather gritty at center, juicy, sweet, and with an agreeable
perfume; its greatest merit is its long keeping; Mar. to May.
Bergamotte Klinkhardt. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:149, fig. 459. 1880.
Raised by Van Mons and entered in his catalog for 1823. Fruit small or medium,
globular-ovoid, sometimes ovoid-pyriform, usually a little irregular in outline; skin slightly
thin and tender, dull green with some indistinct dots, traces of russet irregularly disposed,
but more condensed about the base and summit; flesh white, rather fine, buttery, melting,
with abundant sugary and perfumed juice; first class except that it ripens too quickly;
early Oct.
Bergamotte Laffay. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:157, fig. 175. 1878.
Origin uncertain, though it is not unlikely that it was raised by M. Laffay, a nursery-
man at Paris. Fruit small or nearly medium, globular-ovate-obtuse, green, sprinkled with
very numerous small, dark-green spots; flesh white, tinged with green, fine, melting, a
little gritty at the center, full of juice, saccharine, acidulous, wanting in perfume; second,
but keeps well; all winter.
Bergamotte Leséble. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:246, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:47,
fig. 120. 1878.
A chance seedling found in a vineyard by Narcisse Leséble, President of the Horti-
cultural Society of Tours, Fr., in 1843. Fruit medium, globular-turbinate, swelled, obtuse,
bossed at summit, golden-yellow, dotted with fawn, showing some russet markings and
lightly washed with pale rose on the side turned to the sun; flesh whitish, rather coarse,
melting, slightly gritty around the core; juice extremely abundant, sugary, agreeably
perfumed leaving an after-flavor of anis; first; Oct.
Bergamotte Liabaud. 1. Guide Prat. 86. 1895.
Obtained by M. Liabaud. On trial with Simon-Louis Bros. of Metz, Lorraine, in
1895. Fruit above medium, globular-flattened, yellow-green, washed with gray-fawn on
the side exposed to the sun; flesh white, fine, melting, saccharine, vinous; Nov. and Dec.
Bergamotte Mico. 1. Hogg Fruct Man. 502. 1884.
Fruit above medium, globular, rather like a small Easter Beurré, greenish-yellow,
covered with freckles and dots of cinnamon-colored russet; flesh coarse-grained, gritty,
wanting in flavor; inferior; late Nov.
Bergamotte de Millepieds. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:249, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen.
3:107, fig. 150. 1878.
Raised by M. Goubault, near Angers, Fr. First reported in 1852. Fruit medium,
globular-ovate or sometimes globular-pyriform, olive-green, sprinkled with brownish dots
and streaked with fawn around the calyx and stem, changing to pale yellow, with a glow
on the side next the sun; flesh white, tender, buttery, melting, richly flavored; first; Sept.
in Fr.; Nov. in America.
Bergamotte Nicolle. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7140, fig. 555. 1881.
Raised from seeds of Flemish Beauty in 1849 by M. Nicolle, a member of the Society
of Horticulture of Rouen. Fruit medium, globular, attaining its greatest circumference
around the middle, depressed at each pole, bright green sprinkled with distinct red dots,
some russet patches; flesh white, slightly yellowish, fine, very melting; juice abundant,
saccharine, perfumed; first; Oct.
Bergamotte CEuf de Cygne. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:55, fig. 508. 1881.
Fruit medium or rather large, globular, more or less depressed at both base and
summit, regular in outline, largest circumference around the middle, bright green, sprinkled
with gray or greenish-gray dots; flesh white, tinted and veined with yellow, fine, melting,
rather gritty about the core, with abundant, sweet juice, delicately perfumed; first; Oct.
and Nov.
Bergamotte d’Oisan. 1. Horticulturist 13:189. 1857.
Published in England in 1857 in the London Illustrated News, and described as a
large pear weighing between two and three pounds, found in Algeria, and exhibited in
Bergamotte de Parthenay. 1. Pom. France. 4:No. 146, Pl. 146. 1867. 2. Mas Pom.
Gen. 7:5, fig. 483. 1881.
A chance seedling found in a wood on the outskirts of Parthenay, a town in the
Department of Deuz-Sévres, Fr. Fruit large, globular-turbinate, obtuse, often irregular
in outline, greatest circumference around the middle, dull green, sprinkled with large,
fawn dots, regular and evenly spaced, changing to greenish-yellow and more golden on the
side next the sun; flesh white, semi-fine, semi-melting; juice fairly abundant, saccharine
and without perfume, often astringent; first for cooking.
Bergamotte Picquot. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 671. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:131,
fig. 162. 1878.
A French pear of uncertain origin. Fruit medium, globular-conic, very clear green
changing to yellow, sprinkled with numerous indistinct dots of grayish-brown; flesh white,
fine, buttery, melting, juicy, sugary; good, first if its season were more prolonged; Oct.
Bergamotte Ploskui. 1. Ia. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 61. 1880.
A variety grown on the Northern plains of the steppes of Russia where the summer
is fully as dry and hot as that of Iowa and the winter far more severe. On trial at the
College Farm, Ames, Iowa, in 1880. It seems to unite well with the apple when root- or
Bergamotte Poiteau. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:21, fig. 107. 1878.
Poiteau (des Frangais) 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:538, fig. 1869.
This variety came from a seed bed made by M. Poiteau, Fr., and was first reported
in 1851. Fruit medium, globular-obtuse, irregular in outline, golden yellow, sown with
very numerous and extremely fine gray and brown dots, generally washed with dull red
on the side next the sun; flesh very white, fine, melting, watery; juice very saccharine,
slightly acid and musky, agreeable; first; Oct.
Bergamotte Pomme. 1. Guide Prat. 84. 1876.
Fruit rather large, globular-oblate, dull yellow; flesh very juicy, vinous; first; Oct.
and Nov.
Bergamotte du Quercy. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:113, fig. 57. 1872.
Mas obtained grafts of this pear about 1847 from the Duke of Arenberg; he had seen
a quotation from Van Mons catalog of 1823 in which it was described. Fruit medium or
nearly medium, nearly globular, rather obtuse at the two ends, regular in outline, attaining
its greatest thickness at the middle; skin slightly thickened, very pale green, sown with
very small, brown dots scattered irregularly; flesh quite white, fine, firm yet melting,
streaming with sweet juice, more or less perfumed according to the season; end of Sept.
Bergamotte Reinette. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:254, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:93,
fig. 143. 1878.
Raised by M. Boisbunel, nurseryman at Rouen, Fr., who introduced it in 1857.
Fruit small, Bergamot-shaped; skin at first bright green, marked with large, russet patches
but changing to yellow as it ripens; flesh half-tender, with abundant sweet juice which has
a brisk acidity, like the Reinette apple; quality hardly first-rate and variable, but to be
recommended for its early and long season; late Aug.
Bergamotte de Rouen. 1. Guide Prat. 84. 1876.
Fruit large; recommended as being of good quality by the Society of Horticulture ot
Rouen; April to June. The tree is vigorous and fertile.
Bergamotte Rouge. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 22162, Pl. XIX, fig. 6. 1768.
2. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 334. 1831.
This pear is of ancient and unknown origin. It was mentioned by Le Lectier in 1628,
Merlet in 1675, and Duhamel in 1768, but without history. Fruit rather large, globular,
acute-pyriform, irregular, mammillate at calyx, greenish-yellow, washed with brownish-red
on the side next the sun, and marked with stripes of the same color, the whole covered with
fine, delicate, cinnamon-colored russet, sprinkled with large, gray dots; flesh white, coarse,
melting, gritty; juice sufficient, with a slight musky perfume, sugary; first for both table
and kitchen; Sept.
Bergamotte Rouge de Mayer. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:189, fig. 287. 18709.
Sent out by M. Jahn of Meiningen; it has a strong resemblance to the Bergamotte
Rouge of Duhamel. Fruit medium, sometimes pyriform-ovoid, and sometimes turbinate-
ovoid, bright green, sprinkled with numerous very small dots of blackish-gray; on ripening
the ground-green passes into dull yellow, sometimes colored with intense blood-red on
the side next the sun; flesh whitish, coarse, half-melting, with not much juice, sugary,
little perfume; of beautiful appearance, and recommended for household use; Aug.—Sept.
Bergamotte Sageret. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 671. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:129,
fig. 353. 1880.
M. Sageret obtained this Bergamotte from seed; he first reported it in 1830. Fruit
medium, nearly spherical, symmetrical in outline; skin rather fine and thin, water-green,
sprinkled with very many and prominent, large dots becoming when ripe more yellow and
the cheek next the sun golden; flesh white, fine, buttery, rather gritty near the core; juice
sufficient, not very saccharine, deficient in perfume; a good second-rate dessert pear;
Oct. to Jan.
Bergamotte Sanguine. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:65, fig. 225. 1879.
Entered in catalog of M. Jahn, 1864. Fruit medium or nearly medium, globular-
turbinate, regular in contour, greatest circumference around middle, slightly pointed at
base, obtuse at summit; color dull water-green, generally covered with a thick coating of
a dark reddish-violet which on ripening assumes a more vivid tone on the side next the
sun; flesh white, speckled with red, coarse, semi-melting, gritty at the core, not much juice;
only second; interesting for amateurs on account of its remarkable color of violet red so
dark as to be almost black; Sept.
Bergamotte Sannier. 1. Guide Prat. 53. 1895.
Produced by M. Arséne Sannier, Rouen, Fr. It is said to have resisted the severe
freeze in France in the winter of 1879-80. Fruit medium in size, globular-conic; color
green; flesh semi-fine, melting, juicy and of delicious flavor; first; end of winter and spring.
Bergamotte Silvange. 1. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 1, 65, fig. 31. 1866-73.
Silvange. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:664, fig. 1869.
Bergamotte Silvange was found in the woods of the Metz district, Lorraine, about
the middle of the eighteenth century. The fruit is very variable in form and quality so
that writers have been led to speak of three sorts of pears called Silvange — the yellow,
the long, and the green. Fruit medium, globular-turbinate or obovate or of Bergamot
shape; skin rough, bright green on the shaded side, darker where exposed to the sun,
sprinkled with large, gray dots and stained with dark patches; flesh tinged with greenish-
white near the center and yellowish-green near the skin, tender and melting, full of perfumed
juice, saccharine, acidulous and possessed of an exquisite flavor; first; Oct. and Nov.
Bergamotte de Souchait. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:09, fig. 434. 1880.
Of uncertain origin, though Mas suggests that it may have been raised in Germany.
Fruit medium, globular-ovate, pale green, strewn with large, brown dots and stained with
some patches of russet; on ripening the basic green becomes lemon-yellow and warm gold,
the side next the sun being washed with vermilion on which are some grayish dots; flesh
yellowish, half-tender, half-breaking, dry, sugary and highly perfumed with musk; second
or third; July and first of Aug.
Bergamotte de Soulers. 1. Duhamel Traiz. Arb. Fr. 2:168, Pl. XLIV, fig. 1. 1768. 2.
Hogg Frutti Man. 504. 1884.
Bonne de Soulers. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1: 487, fig. 1867.
This pear is an old French dessert fruit the first mention of which was by Merlet in
16758 who described it as a species of winter Bergamotte of good flavor and long keeping.
Fruit medium, long-obovate, almost oval; skin smooth, shining, pale greenish-yellow,
covered with dots of fawn and faintly tinged with brick-red on the side next the sun; flesh
white, tender, melting, free from granulations, juicy, saccharine, slightly acidulous, with
a characteristic and pleasant flavor; in France, of first quality and considered superior
to Easter Beurré; in England only second, being too tender for the climate; Jan. to Mar.
or Apr.
Bergamotte de Stryker. 1. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 1, 60, fig. 33. 1866-73. 2. Leroy
Dict. Pom. 1:261, fig. 1867.
This variety is generally attributed to M. Parmentier, Enghien, Bel. Fruit small,
globular, slightly flattened at the base and mammillate at the summit, yellow-ochre,
finely dotted with bright gray and stained with russet patches; flesh yellowish, tender, semi-
melting and very full of juice which is watery, sweet and pleasantly aromatic; first in I'rance,
second in England; end of Sept. and Oct.
Bergamotte Suisse Rond. 1. Knoop Fructologie 1:86, 134, Pl. 1771.
This pear resembles the ordinary Autumn Bergamot except in color which is green
at first, becoming yellow as it attains maturity, streaked with yellow and red. Sept.
and Oct.
Bergamotte Tardive Collette. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 176. 1889. 2. Guide Prat. 86.
Raised from a seed of Doyenné d’Alencon previous to 1870 and judged by the Horti-
cultural Society of Rouen, Fr., to be of good quality; Apr. to end of June.
Bergamotte Thuerlinckx. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:140, fig. 171. 1878.
This pear was distributed by the Society Van Mons in whose bulletins it was published
in the years 1857-58-60 and 1862, though without any statement as to its origin. Fruit
medium or nearly medium, globular-turbinate, obtuse, of largest circumference at center,
very pale green, sprinkled with numerous very small points of fawn; on ripening the basic
green changes to very pale yellow, whitish and usually a little golden on the sunny side,
without any trace of red; flesh quite white, half-fine, half-melting, without grit at the
core, very juicy, sugary and perfumed; good; Oct.
Bergamotte de Tournai. 1. Guide Prat. 84, 238. 1876.
Buerré Vert de Tournat. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:438, fig. 1867.
Obtained by M. Dupont, at Tournai, Bel., from pips of Glou Morceau in 1830.
Fruit large, globular-ovate, bossed at summit, olive-green passing into pale green on the
shady side, covered with gray-russet dots; flesh greenish-white, semi-fine, melting, juicy,
sugary, sweet, without any pronounced aroma; second quality; Oct. and beginning of
Nov., often extending to Dec.
Bergamotte de Tournay. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:35, fig. 4o2. 1880.
Obtained from seed by M. du Mortier, president of the Horticultural Society of Tour-
nay, Fr., and approved by the Society in 1857. Fruit rather small, ovoid, short and swelled,
obtuse at the summit, bright green, and sprinkled with dots of a very rich green; flesh
yellowish, tender, buttery, melting, rather granular near the core; juice abundant, richly
sugared and perfumed; first; beginning of Sept.
Bergamotte Volltragende. 1. Oberdieck Obst-Sort. 242. 1881.
German. Fruit turbinate-obtuse, typical Bergamot, smooth skin, yellowish-green
turning to golden-yellow, without russet; flesh whitish, soft and melting, often half-melting,
agreeable and sweet and of Bergamot flavor; good for the table and very good for the
kitchen; mid-Sept.
Bergbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 60, fig. 1913.
A perry pear growing in the mountains of Switzerland and the Austrian Tyrol. Fruit
small to medium, turbinate-obtuse, greenish-yellow, much sprinkled with russet speckles
and dots; flesh yellowish-white, almost fine; first half of Oct.
Bergen. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 453. 1857. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:143, fig. 72. 1872.
A chance seedling found at New Utrecht (now part of Brooklyn), L. I. Fruit large,
elongated-obtuse-pyriform, sides often not symmetrical, angular; skin smooth, waxen, lemon-
yellow flushed with crimson and fawn where exposed to the sun and thickly sprinkled
with brown and crimson dots; flesh whitish, veined with yellow, buttery, melting, juicy,
with a sweet, aromatic flavor, delicately perfumed; good to very good; end of Sept.
Berlaimont. 1. Liegel Syst. Anleit. 132. 1825.
Belgium; a Van Mons seedling; 1825. Fruit large, ventriculous-conic, bossed, yellow-
green, with dull blush, with numerous green-brown dots; flesh buttery, juicy, mild and
tender; first for table and household use; mid-Sept. :
Bernard. 1. Gard. Chron. 511. 1863. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:262, fig. 1867.
A French pear, probably originated in the middle of the last century, for it was growing
at Lyons in 1855. Fruit below to medium, globular, mammillate and deeply depressed
at both base and crown, golden-yellow, dotted and veined with fawn, slightly tinged
with pale rose where exposed to the sun; flesh white, fine, melting; juice abundant, sugary,
tart, very delicate and savory; first; Nov. to Feb.
Berriays. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:263, fig. 1867. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 692. 18609.
M. Boisbunel, Rouen, Fr., raised this variety from seed in 1861. Fruit medium,
sometimes larger, oblong, ventriculous, obtuse, bossed; color pale lemon-yellow, thickly
sprinkled with greenish-russet dots; flesh very white, melting, juicy, rather gritty around
the core, refreshing, sweet, acidulous, with a delicate aroma; first; Aug. and Sept.
Bertrand Guinoisseau. 1. Guide Prat. 84. 1876.
Bertrand Guinoisseau was obtained by M. Flon, Angers, Fr., in 1868, and was first
exhibited in the United States by Colonel M. P. Wilder. Fruit rather large, globular-
oblate; skin smooth, yellow; flesh fine, very melting and excessively juicy; first; end of
Berzelius. 1. Liegel Syst. Anleit.132. 1825. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:187. 1856.
Attributed to Van Mons. Fruit below medium, short-conic, bossed and uneven,
lemon-yellow, densely spotted and partly covered with russet, thick skinned; flesh yellowish-
white, firm, coarse grained, sweet, rather musky; third for the table, good for culinary
and market purposes; early summer.
Besi de Caen. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:264, fig. 1867.
The word Besi or Bezy is of Breton origin and signifies a wild pear. Fruit medium,
turbinate-obtuse, often distorted and generally more swelled on one side than the other,
green, strewn with russet dots and touched with fawn around the stem; flesh white, semi-
fine, perfumed, juicy, melting, rather gritty around the center; first; beginning of Mar.
to end of Apr.
Besi de Caffoy. 1. Miller Gard. Dict. 3. 1807.
A wilding discovered in the forest of Caffoy, Britanny, Fr. Fruit small, oblong,
yellowish, spotted with red; flesh melting; juice very rich; Dec. and Jan. The fruits
are produced in large clusters at the extremity of the shoots.
Besi-Caréme. 1. Guide Prat. 84, 238. 1876.
On trial with Simon-Louis Bros. of Metz, Lorraine, in 1876. Fruit large to very
large; flesh melting; first; Mar. to May.
Besi Dubost. 1. Mas Le Verger 1:29, fig. 13. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:268, fig.
Obtained from a seed of Echasserie by M. Pariset, Curciat-Dongalon, Fr. It first
bore fruit in 1845. Fruit medium, turbinate, very obtuse and swelled, generally a little
bossed, golden-yellow, dotted and striped with russet; flesh white, semi-fine, melting, juicy,
gritty around the core; second; Jan. to Mar.
Besi Espéren. 1. Mas Le Verger 3:91, fig. 44. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:271, fig.
1867. :
Obtained by Major Espéren, Mechlin, Bel., about 1838. Fruit medium to large;
form varies from long turbinate-obtuse-pyriform to obovate-pyriform, with contorted
outline, greenish-yellow, dotted all over with bright russet and occasionally washed with
a deep tinge of red; flesh white, buttery, melting, juicy, sugary, perfumed; first, but does
not keep long; Nov. and Dec.
Besi Goubault. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:272, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 506. 1884.
Raised by M. Goubault near Angers, Fr., and submitted to the notice of the Horti-
cultural Society of Maine-et-Loire in 1846. Fruit large or sometimes medium, globular,
bossed, flattened at the base, mammillate at the summit, with sides unequal, greenish-
yellow, dotted and streaked with russet; flesh very white, very fine, melting, containing
some small grits around the center; juice extremely abundant, saccharine, perfumed and
having a delicate and agreeable flavor; first; Sept. to Nov.
Besi de Grieser de Béhmenkirsch. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:93, fig. 335. 1880.
Said to have been obtained in the Swabian Alps, S. W. Ger. Fruit nearly medium,
ovoid-pyriform, obtuse, bright green, sprinkled with very small and numerous gray
dots; flesh white; fine,-buttery; juice sufficient, sugary, and delicately perfumed; good;
Besi d’Héry. 1. Duhamel Trai. Arb. Fr. 2:139. 1768. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 506. 1884.
Ktimmelbirne. 3. Dochnahl Fiihr. Obstkunde 2:7. 1856.
A wilding discovered in the forest of Héry or Héric in Brittany in the sixteenth century.
The Bretons presented a basket of this fruit to King Henry IV on his visit to Brittany
in 1598. Fruit medium, globular; skin thin, very smooth, bright green at first, changing
when it ripens to pale yellow, with blush of red on the side next the sun, strewed with very
minute points; flesh white, fine, semi-melting, generally gritty; juice sufficient, sweet, with
somewhat of a Muscat perfume; first-rate cooking pear; Oct. to Jan. A good bearer
in rich soil.
Besi Liboutton. 1. Field Pear Cult. 278. 1858. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:277, fig. 1867.
Origin uncertain, but it was cultivated in the garden of the Horticultural Society of
Angers, Fr., in 1844. Fruit medium, globular, regular in form, resembling an apple, deeply
depressed at either pole, green turning slightly yellow at maturity, sprinkled with large
dots and some fawn-colored stains; flesh white, fine, semi-melting, gritty; juice sufficient,
sugary, vinous, rather pleasantly perfumed; second; mid-Aug. to mid-Sept.
Besi de Mai. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:278, fig. 1867.
Raised by J. de Jonghe, Brussels, from a seed bed made in 1845. Fruit large, obovate,
rather uneven and irregular in its outline, bossed, greenish, streaked and dotted with
brown fawn; flesh fine, white, melting, rather gritty; juice sufficient, sugary, acid, richly
flavored; first; Apr. and May.
Besi de Moncondroiceu. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:65, fig. 321. 1880.
According to Oberdieck, this variety was brought to him from the Ch4teau of
Herrenhausen near Hanover. Fruit small, globular-ovoid, or irregularly round, often
higher on one side than on the other, pale green, sown with points of gray-fawn; flesh
whitish, semi-fine, melting, a little granular about the core, juicy, sugary, not much
perfume; quality good but unstable, depending much on the season; Oct.
Besi de Montigny. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:207, Pl. XLIV, fig. 6. 1768. 2. Leroy
Dict. Pom. 1:279, fig. 1867. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 701. 1869.
The origin of this pear is ancient and uncertain. The monks of the Chartreuse at
Paris, however, propagated and described it in 1752 and Duhamel du Monceau again wrote
of it in 1768. Fruit medium, obovate but variable, one type being pyriform, ventriculous;
color greenish-yellow, smooth, shining, sprinkled with exceedingly fine dots of fawn and
russeted around both stem and calyx; flesh white, tender, buttery, semi-melting, gritty
around the core; juice abundant, saccharine, acidulous, having a pleasant, musky flavor;
first; end of Sept. occasionally to Nov.
Besi de la Motte. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:206, Pl. XLIV, fig. 5. 1768. 2. Hogg
Fruit Man. 507. 1884.
First reported by La Quintinye, the creator of the fruit gardens of Louis XIV of France,
as having been found by him at the end of October, 1685. Tree hardy, vigorous, a prolific
bearer. Fruit above medium to large, globular, more swelled generally on one side than
on the other, greenish-yellow or bright green, sprinkled with large russet dots; flesh
whitish, fine, melting, buttery, slightly gritty; juice very abundant and full of sugar,
savory and delicate; first; Sept. and Oct. and sometimes later.
Besi de Naghin. 1. Guide Prat. 86. 1895.
On trial with Simon-Louis of Metz, Lorraine, in 1895. Fruit above medium, apple-
shaped; in character it is an improvement on the Chaumontel but its flesh is less firm,
finer and more piquant; its perfume is similar, and it has less bitterness than is often
found in the older fruit; Jan.
Besi de la Pierre. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:283, fig. 1867.
A gain of A. de la Farge, Salers, Fr., from a bed of mixed seeds made in 1847. Fruit
medium and often less, ovate, regular in form, slightly swelled and bossed, lemon-yellow,
partly covered with dots, marblings, and stains of fawn especially around the eye and the
stem; flesh whitish, semi-fine, melting; juice extremely abundant, saccharine, vinous,
very delicate; first; all Oct. to mid-Nov.
Beside Quessoy. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom.1:285, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 508. 1884.
Bezy de Caissoy. 3. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:178, Pl. XXIX. 1768.
Merlet stated in 1675 that this variety was said to have been found originally in the
forest of Quessoy near Saint-Brieuc. It was known locally as the Rousette or the
Petit Boeuré d’Hiver and was propagated at the beginning of the seventeenth century.
Fruit borne in clusters, small, globular or ovate; skin rough, yellowish-green, much
russeted; flesh white, delicate, melting, gritty around the core, aromatic and savory;
second; ripens in succession from Nov. or Dec. till Feb.
Besi de Saint-Waast. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:286, 287, fig. 1867.
Bezi Vaet. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 702. 1869.
Van Mons was of the opinion that the Besi de Saint-Waast originated at the Benedictine
Abbey of Saint-Vaast, Fr. Fruit above medium, obovate, obtuse, narrowing toward the
stalk but variable; skin thick, yellow, dotted with fawn, extensively washed with red-
brown on the side exposed to the sun; flesh rather white, fine, semi-breaking, very juicy,
tather gritty at the center, saccharine, acid, with a pleasant aroma suggestive of the
Chaumontel; a first-class dessert pear in Europe but hardly more than a good second-rate
fruit in this country; Nov. to Jan.
Besi Sans Pareil. 1. Guide Prat. 78, 240. 1876.
Besi Incomparable. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:275, fig. 1867.
Besi Sanspareitl. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 702. 1869.
Bonnefonds mentioned this pear in 1651 under the names of San-Pair or Nonparetile,
as also did Saint-Etienne in 1660 and Olivier de Serres in 1608. Introduced to this
country about the year 1850. Fruit medium, spherical or globular-oval, generally rather
symmetrical, lemon-yellow, slightly greenish, dotted and mottled with fawn, blushed
with brownish-red on the side exposed to the sun; flesh white, semi-fine, rather melting,
very juicy, vinous, saccharine, sourish, having an extremely agreeable aroma; first; Oct.
to Feb.
Besi Tardif. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:288, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:57, fig. 509.
Raised in 1845 by M. Goubault, Angers, Fr., this variety was described in 1846, and
in 1847 was declared by the Horticultural Society of Maine-et-Loire to be worthy of
cultivation. Fruit medium or below, globular, bossed, greenish-yellow, dotted, and
russeted; flesh white, fine, melting, slightly gritty around the core; juice abundant, sugary,
astringent; third or sometimes second; Nov. to Feb.
Besi de Van Mons. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:53, fig. 315. 1880.
A Belgian variety, cataloged in 1864 by M. Jahn. Whether it was obtained by Van
Mons or merely dedicated to him is unknown. Fruit small, globular-conic, more or Jess
short, regular in outline, bright green, sown with numerous small, gray-green spots; flesh
white, rather granular, buttery, a little gritty at the core, with abundant, sweet juice,
acid, distinct perfume; good: Nov.
Besi des Vétérans. 1. Mas Le Verger 1:127, fig. 62. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
1:280, fig. 1867.
Veterans. 3. Thomas Am. Fruit Cult. 716. 1897.
Raised from seed by Van Mons about 1830. Fruit large, turbinate, clear yellow,
very much dotted with grayish-brown specks of different sizes; flesh white, semi-melting,
fine, buttery, with sufficient sweet juice, slightly acid; second for dessert, but first for
stewing; ripens in Oct. and lasts occasionally even till Apr. The tree is a prolific bearer.
Besi de Vindré. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:291, fig. 1867.
Was cultivated in the garden of the Horticultural Society of Angers in 1838. Fruit
small, globular, rather more swelled on one side than on the other, greenish-yellow, dotted
with russet and streaked with russet about the calyx, and marked with brownish-fawn
about the stem; flesh whitish, semi-fine, semi-melting and containing some grits around
the core; juice sweet, not acid, rather savory; second; Oct.
Besi de Wutzum. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. '7:110, fig. 540. 1881.
Of uncertain origin. Fruit rather small, globular, regular in contour, largest circum-
ference around center, forming short point at stem, pale green, sown with many fawn
dots; on ripening the green changes to pale yellow and the sun-exposed side becomes
golden and washed with red; flesh white, tinted with yellow, semi-fine, melting, rather
gritty about the center, juicy, sugary; second; Oct.
Bessemianka. 1. Mont. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 53, fig. 1881-2. 2. Ia. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 83. 1882.
3. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 40. 1909.
A Russian variety recommended for cultivation by the American Pomological Society.
It grows in Europe from the Gulf to the Volga as far north as Moscow and Kazan and is
the most widely-known and most largely-grown pear in central Russia. J. L. Budd says,
“This is beyond all doubt a true hybrid with a wild pear of Russia as the parent tree.
The name means seedless, and it is rare, indeed, that more than the rudiment of a seed
can be found.’’ Tree upright; leaves large, dark, thick, very slightly crenate, almost
entire, stands aridity well. Fruit large, round-obovate, greenish-yellow, with some russety-
brown; flesh gritty at the core, juicy, with few or no seeds, mild, pleasant; early Oct.
Best Favorite. 1. Ill. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 178, 186. 1896. 2. J. V. Cotta Cat. 12, fig. 1898.
From Winnebago County, Ill. Fruit medium, bronze-yellow, melting, juicy; good;
Tipening in Sept.
Bettina. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:124. 1856.
A seedling of Van Mons, first published in 1851. Fruit medium, conic or ventriculous-
turbinate, acute, symmetrical in contour, green changing to lemon-yellow, dotted and
flecked with russet, often covered with russet; flesh yellowish-white, very fine, excellent;
first for dessert; Oct.
Betzelsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:194. 1856.
A perry pear grown in Austria and Germany. Fruit rather large, globular, diminishing
acutely to the stalk, grass-green, sprinkled with dark gray spots; flesh greenish-white,
dense, juicy; very good for household use and perry; suitable for long-distance transport;
Jan. to Apr.
Betzy. 1. Baltet Cult. Fr. 404. 1908.
A small, French fruit, good for market and household use, for cooking, preserving,
or the making of wine.
Beurré Adam. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:292, fig. 1867.
A rather poor French dessert pear known for 250 years. Fruit below medium, oblong-
obtuse-pyriform, dark greenish-yellow, fawn, dotted with russeted, and washed with
carmine on the cheek next the sun; flesh yellowish, veined with pale green, melting,
sweet, fairly juicy, acidulous and aromatic; second, apt to rot at the core when ripe; Aug.
to Oct.
Beurré Ad. Papeleu. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 178. 1889. 2. Guide Prat. 86. 18095.
Raised from seed of Glou Morceau, and placed on the market by Dervaes Brothers,
Wetteren, Bel., in 1888. Fruit long, bright green; flesh white, sugary, very melting; Mar.
Beurré d’Adenaw. 1. Guide Prat. 84. 1876.
Found in the garden of the Convent of Schwarzenbruck. Fruit large, rather uneven,
yellow; flesh buttery and pleasantly perfumed; good; through the winter.
Beurré Alexandre Lucas. 1. Le Bon Jard. 358. 1882. 2. Jour. Hort. 18:216. 1889.
The parent tree was a wilding found in 1836 in a wood of the Department of Loir-
et-Cher, Fr., and in foliage and growth much resembles Doyenné Boussock. Fruit large
to very large, handsome, pyriform, clear green, dotted with maroon or chestnut-colored
spots; flesh fine, melting, perfumed, juicy, in flavor superior perhaps to Doyenné Boussock;
first; Nov. to Jan.
Beurré Allard. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:293, fig. 1867.
From the Horticultural Society of Maine-et-Loire whose Committee named it in
1852. Fruit below to medium, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, greenish-yellow, dotted and
mottled with russet; flesh whitish, fine, soft, melting, not gritty, reddish under the skin,
with very sugary juice, perfumed; first; Oct. and Nov.
Beurré Amandé. 1. Lucas Tafelbirnen 117. 1894. 2. Guide Prat. 61, 228. 1895.
Raised by M. Sannier, Rouen, Fr. Fruit medium to large, variable in form, globular,
narrowing toward the upper part and somewhat distorted near the stem, which is placed
at right angles to the long axis of the fruit, bossed; skin fine, shining, greenish-yellow
changing to a translucent canary-yellow; flesh white, very fine, altogether melting, and of
a sweet, delicious and pronounced flavor of almond; Oct. and Nov.
Beurré d’Amanlis. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:294, fig. 1867.
Pomologists differ as to the origin of this pear. Probably it takes its name from
Amanlis, a village near Rennes, Fr. Fruit large, obtuse-pyriform, rather uneven in con-
2. Hogg Fruit Man. 509.
tour, bright green changing to yellowish-green, lightly washed with red-brown on the cheek
exposed to the sun, dotted and marbled with fawn-russet; flesh greenish-white, fine, melting,
tender, rich, very juicy, sugary, some acidity, agreeably perfumed; first; Sept. and Oct.
Beurré Ananas. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 510. 1884.
Fruit small, pyriform, regular in outline, yellow, with red blush on side next the sun,
and streaks of crimson; flesh yellowish, semi-buttery, melting, very juicy and sweet, with
a strong odor of musk; inferior; end of Oct.
Beurré d’Angleterre. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:197. 1768. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
I:297, fig. 1867.
Angleterre. 3. Hogg Fruit Man. 481. 1884.
The first description of this pear was given by Le Lectier, Orléans, in 1628. The proba-
bility is that it was imported to France by Le Lectier early in the seventeenth century from
England. It is grown extensively around Paris for the supply of the markets where it
it is in very general demand in September. Fruit medium, acute-pyriform, bright green-
yellow, dotted very regularly with small, russet spots; flesh white, buttery, melting, very
juicy, sugary and richly flavored; good dessert pear; Sept.
Beurré Antoine. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:180, fig. 572. 1881. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
I:299, fig. 1867.
Raised at Lyons, Fr., by M. Nérard, nurseryman, in 1822 from a bed of seeds of White
Doyenné. Fruit about medium size, oblong-obovate-pyriform; color yellowish-green;
flesh granulated, very melting, rich in sugar; early Sept.
Beurré Antoinette. 1. Aun. Pom. Belge 7:61, fig. 1859. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:300,
fig. 1867.
A gain of Alexandre Bivort at Geest-Saint-Rémy, Bel., in 1846. Fruit medium,
sometimes larger, oblong-obtuse-pyriform; golden-yellow, dotted and mottled with brown,
stained with fawn around the stem and often colored on the side next the sun; flesh greenish-
white, semi-fine, semi-melting, gritty around the core; juice abundant, acid, sugary, aromatic;
first; Oct.
Beurré Aqualine. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:116. 1856.
‘A seedling of Van Mons published in 1833. Fruit medium, long-obtuse-oval, light
green turning to yellow-green, dotted with whitish-gray; flesh semi-fine, white, extremely
juicy; first class for all purposes; end of Dec.
Beurré de l’Assomption. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:303, figs. 1867. 2. Pom. France 4:
No. 166, Pl. 166. 1867.
M. Ruillié de Beauchamp, Goupillére, Nantes, Fr., obtained cions of a pear raised by
an amateur. These grafts gave fruit in 1863. J. J. Thomas wrote briefly of it in the
American Fruit Culturist in 1885. Fruit very large, pyramidal-obtuse, but rather variable,
undulating and bossed, lemon-yellow, dotted and streaked with russet; flesh white, semi-
fine, melting, juicy, slightly gritty around the core; juice abundant, saccharine, acidulous,
vinous and delicately perfumed; first in France, rather disappointing in England; Aug.
Beurré Audusson. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:305, fig. 1867.
Raised from seed by Anne-Pierre Audusson, Angers, Fr., in 1833 or 1834. Fruit
below medium, pyriform, slightly obtuse, even in contour, greenish, sprinkled with large
dots of brown and blushed on the side next the sun; flesh semi-fine, whitish, rather melting,
gritty at the center; juice sufficient, saccharine, having little flavor or perfume; third;
end of Aug.
Beurré des Augustins. 1. Guide Prat. 87. 1895.
Originally described in the Pomone tournaisienne which is suggestive that the neighbor-
hood of Tournai, Bel., was the place of its birth. Fruit medium, turbinate-obtuse; flesh
buttery, very juicy; first; Nov. and Dec.
Beurré Aunéniére. 1. Field Pear Cult. 277. 1859. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:308, fig.
Generally attributed to Van Mons. Fruit below medium and often small, conic-
obtuse-pyriform, lemon-yellow, finely dotted with brown-russet, washed with bright rose
on the side of the sun; flesh white, semi-fine, gritty at center; juice sufficient, sugary,
agreeable; second; Oct. and Nov.
Beurré d’Automne de Donauer. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:173, fig. 567. 1881.
Liegel said he had received this variety as having come from seed beds of Van Mons.
Fruit medium, conic, regular in contour, bright green; flesh white, tinted with yellow,
melting, abounding in rich, sugary water, vinous and pleasantly perfumed; first; Nov.
and Dec.
Beurré d’Avoine. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:309, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. §:183,
fig. 380. 1880.
M. Tuerlinckx, Mechlin, Bel., raised this variety. The date of its first fruiting is
not known with certainty but it was probably about 1849. Fruit medium to rather large,
oblong-cylindrical, irregular, flattened at base; color greenish-yellow, dotted with minute
brown points; flesh white, coarse, generally gritty, very juicy, sugary; second as a dessert
fruit but first for stewing.
Beurré d’Avril. 1. Rev. Hort. 66. 1911.
Raised from seed by Ernest Baltet and shown before the Pomological Society of
France at Lyons in March, 1909; it received great praise. Fruit medium to large, globular-
obtuse-pyriform, green changing to yellow on ripening; flesh color of fresh butter, fine and
melting, sugary, perfumed, vinous; good; Mar. to May.
Beurré Bachelier. 1. Pom. France 2:No. 49, Pl. 49. 1864. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
673. 1869.
This splendid pear was obtained by Louis-Frangois Bachelier, commune of Cappelle-
bourg, Canton of Bourbourg, Fr., in 1845. Fruit large, oblong-turbinate, very obtuse
and swelled, mammillate at summit, greenish-yellow, with brown dots, russeted and streaked
with fawn around the stalk; flesh white, fine, melting; juice very abundant, sweet, acid,
vinous, delicate and aromatic; first; Oct. to Dec.
Beurré Backhouse. 1. Garden 52:309. 1898. 2. Ibid. 76:42, 54. 1912.
Raised by James Backhouse, York, Eng., about 1862. Fruit large, juicy and richly
flavored; though larger it much resembles Beurré d’Amanlis; Sept. and Oct.
Beurré Bailly. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:311, fig. 1867. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 673.
Raised from a seed bed of pips of a Doyenné made about 1836 by M. Bailly, a
nurseryman near Lille, Fr. The parent tree first fruited in 1848. Fruit large, long, assum-
ing generally that of the Calebasse, bossed, irregular; color golden-yellow, sown all over
with greenish-gray dots and streaked with fawn around the calyx; flesh exceedingly white
and fine, semi-melting, juicy, somewhat gritty around the core; juice abundant, sugary,
lacking much perfume but delicate; first; Oct. and Nov.
Beurré Baltet Pére. 1. Guide Prat. 109. 1876. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:47, fig. 504.
1881. 3. Garden 52:356, 397. 1897.
Baltet Senior. 4. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 171. 1889.
Obtained by Baltet Brothers, Troyes, Fr., about 1865. Fruit large, turbirate,
yellowish-green; flesh very fine, melting, juicy and richly flavored; first, ‘‘ there are few
pears of better quality.” (Gard. 52:356.) Oct. and Nov.
Beurré Baud. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:1, fig. 193. 1879. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 512. 1884.
Attributed to Van Mons. Fruit medium to small, obovate, lemon-yellow, thickly
mottled with cinnamon-colored russet; flesh whitish, sometimes veined with yellow, fine,
buttery, melting; juice abundant and sugary, agreeable but not a remarkable flavor; hardly
first-rate; Oct.
Beurré Beauchamp. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 456. 1857. 2. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt.
I, 113, fig. 55. 1866-73.
Attributed by Van Mons in his catalog of 1823 to M. Beauchamp. Fruit medium
to large; globular, bossed, pale yellow, dotted with fawn, strongly carmined on the side
next the sun; flesh fine, white, excessively melting; juice sugary, perfumed, having a
buttery flavor, delicate and agreeable; first; Nov.
Beurré Beaulieu. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 673. 1869.
Fruit globular-pyriform, greenish-yellow, very much russeted; flesh whitish, rather
coarse, buttery, melting, vinous; good; Oct.
Beurré Beek. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:60, fig. 515. 1881.
Whether this variety originated in the outskirts of Beek, a town of the Rhine, or
whether it came from the neighborhood of the town of Beek in the Pays-Bas is uncertain.
Fruit medium, globular-ovate, obtuse, bright green, sown with numerous strongly marked
gray-green dots, russeted at summit and base; flesh white, melting; juice abundant and
sugary; third-rate for the table but quite useful for the kitchen; Sept.
Beurré des Béguines. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:314, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 3233;
fig. 163. 1878.
A posthumous gain of Van Mons at Louvain. Its first fruit was gathered in 1844.
Fruit below medium size; oblate, more enlarged on one side than the other; skin entirely
covered with a crust of cinnamon-brown russet; flesh greenish-white, rather coarse, very
juicy and sweet, richly flavored, with perfume of the Seckel; quite a good pear; Oct.
Beurré Bennert. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 5:10, fig. 1857. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. I:315,
fig. 1867.
Obtained from the seed beds of Van Mons at Louvain subsequent to his death in
1842. It first bore fruit in 1846. Fruit medium, globular-obtuse-pyriform, sides uneven:
color golden-yellow, striped, veined and stained with fawn, dotted with fawn around the
stem and washed with reddish-brown on the side next the sun; flesh white, fine, melting
containing gritty concretions around the core; juice abundant, acid, vinous, with delicate
aroma; first, Dec. to Feb.
Beurré Benoist. 1. Elliott Fr. Book 360. 1859. 2. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 1, 35, fig. 16.
1866-73. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 674. 1869.
Found on a farm at Brissac, Fr., and propagated by Auguste Benoist about the
middle of the last century. Fruit large, obovate-obtuse-pyriform; skin pale yellow-green
strewed with dots and patches of pale brown-russet, the fundamental yellow-green passing,
on ripening to bright yellow and the side well exposed to the sun often being tinted with
orange-red; flesh white, fine-grained, melting, acidulous and very juicy, perfumed with
a distinct Seckel aroma; first; Sept.
Beurré Berckmans. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:316, fig. 1867. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
674. 1869.
Gained by Alexandre Bivort, Louvain, Bel. Fruit medium or above, long, obovate-
obtuse-pyriform, yellow-ochre, generally covered with streaks and markings of fawn;
flesh whitish, fine, very melting, seldom gritty; juice excessive, perfumed; refreshing and
delicate; first; Nov. and Dec.
Beurré de Biseau. 1. Jour. Hort. N. S. 22:311, fig. 1872.
Raised by A. de Biseau d’Hauteville, Binche, Bel., and sent by him in 1871 to the
Royal Horticultural Society of London where the Fruit Committee awarded it a first class
certificate. Fruit above middle size, oblong, unshapely .and undulating in its outline;
skin entirely covered with a thick coat of smooth, dark cinnamon-brown russet; flesh
yellowish, tender, buttery and sweet with a rich flavor and excellent bouquet; first; Apr.
and May.
Beurré Blanc Doré. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:93, fig. 431. 1880.
The first description of this pear was given in 1839 by Dittrich; its origin is uncertain.
Fruit medium, globular-conic, pale water-green, dotted with gray-brown, the green
becoming at maturity a beautiful, warm, golden-yellow with the side next the sun washed
with bright vermilion-red; flesh yellowish-white, semi-buttery, sugary and perfumed;
good; Sept.
Beurré Blanc de Nantes. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:317, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen.
6:31, fig. 409. 1880.
According to Prévost, writing of this pear in 1845, it probably came from Brittany
or Anjou. Fruit below medium, turbinate-ovate or turbinate-spherical, yellowish-green,
dotted with gray, mottled with fawn, and occasionally slightly colored with tender rose
on the side next the sun; flesh yellowish-white, coarse, gritty, semi-melting; juice rather
deficient, saccharine, but wanting in flavor and generally acid; third; Aug. and Sept.
Beurré Boisbunel. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:318, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 514.
Raised at Rouen, Fr., from a bed of mixed seeds in 1835 by L. M. Boisbunel; first
fruited in 1846. Fruit medium, turbinate-obtuse or obovate, greenish-yellow, some russet;
flesh yellowish, tender, melting, and gritty; juice plentiful, sweet, little perfume, refreshing
but generally rather harsh; second and often third; Sept.
Beurré Bollwiller. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom.1:310, figs. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.514. 1884.
Raised by Baumann Brothers, Bollweiler, near Colmar, Alsace. Propagated in 1842.
Fruit medium to large, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, golden-yellow, dotted with gray and
brown and washed with tender rose on the side exposed to the sun; flesh very white,
tender and melting; juice abundant, sugary, fresh, exceedingly savory; first; Mar. to end
of May.
Beurré de Bordeaux. 1. McIntosh Bk. Gard. 2:463. 1855.
Recommended in 1855 by Thomas Rivers, a well-known English authority, as a
very productive standard; fruit of medium size and first quality; Oct.
Beurré Bourbon. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:322. 1867.
Raised by M. Parigot, a magistrate at Poitiers, Fr.; it came from a bed sown with
various seeds in 1845. Fruit of first quality; Oct. and Nov.
Beurré de Bréme. 1. Guide Prat. 86. 1895.
Published in Germany. Fruit small or medium, globular-turbinate, greenish-yellow;
flesh fine, melting, juicy; first; Nov.
Beurré Bretonneau. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:322, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 515.
Raised by Major Espéren, Mechlin, Bel. Fruit large, obovate-obtuse-pyriform,
greenish-yellow much covered with brownish-russet and washed with carmine on the
side next the sun; flesh yellowish-white, semi-fine, semi-melting, juicy, acid, sweet,
vinous, slightly perfumed; quality variable according to locality, but generally second
rather than first; March to May.
Beurré de Brigné. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:93, fig. 47. 1872.
Poire des Nonnes. 2. Horticulturist 7:514. 1852. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:463, fig.
A wilding found in the commune of Brigné, Maine-et-Loire, Fr. It was introduced
in 1832. Fruit below medium or medium, globular-oblate, bossed round the summit,
pale yellow shaded with tender green, sprinkled with large, gray-russet dots and some
brownish stains; flesh whitish, very fine, melting; juice exceedingly abundant, saccharine,
acidulous, having a musky perfume, delicious; first; Sept.
Beurré Bronzé. 1. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 1, 57, fig. 27. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
1:324, figs. 1867.
Raised by Van Mons at Louvain and published by him in 1823 under the number
328. It was received in Germany soon after and named Beurre Bronzé. Fruit medium
to small, ovate, greenish-bronze, marbled with bright green on the shady side and entirely
bronzed and dotted with russet on the side exposed to the sun; flesh firm, juicy, sugary and
aromatic; first; end of Oct.
Beurré de Brou. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:1, fig. 481. 1881.
A seedling of Van Mons grown about 1825. Fruit small or medium, turbinate-obtuse,
very pale green, strewn with numerous minute points of gray-green; on ripening, the side
next the sun becomes golden and the rest of the skin yellow; flesh white, melting,
with abundant juice, sugary, agreeable; a fruit of good quality and ships well; end
of Sept.
Beurré Brougham. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom.1:325, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 538. 1884.
Raised from seed in 1831 or 1832 at Downton Castle, Hereford, Eng., by Thomas
Andrew Knight. Fruit medium, globular-obovate, inclining to oval, yellowish-green,
covered with large, brown-russet specks; flesh yellowish-white, tender and juicy, gritty at
center; juice sweet, vinous, perfumed; second and often first; Oct. and Nov.
Beurré Bruneau. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:326, fig. 1867. 2. Ann. Pom. Belge 5:11,
fig. 1857.
Bergamotte Crassane d’Hiver. 3. Mas Le Verger. 1:10, fig. 8. 1866-73.
Raised at la Bourdiniere, in the commune of Chateau Thibaut, Fr., first reported about
1830. Fruit above medium, globular-turbinate, very obtuse and swelled, deeply depressed
at each end, yellow-orange, dotted with gray and red-brown; flesh yellowish-white, semi-
melting, rather gritty; juice abundant, acidulous, sugary, vinous, slightly perfumed, often
sour; second; Nov. to Feb.
Beurré de Bruxelles. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:327, fig. 1867.
Originated in Brabant, Bel., and first reported by Louis Noisette, Paris, Fr., in 1813.
Fruit above medium, very long, bossed, rather obtuse and always swelled round the calyx;
skin rough to the touch, greenish-yellow, dotted with bright brown and washed with rose
on the side of the sun; flesh very white, fine, semi-melting, generally gritty around the
core; juice abundant, sugary, acidulous, more or less perfumed, refreshing and very agree-
able; first; beginning of Sept.
Beurré Burnicq. 1. Mas Le Verger. 3:Pt. 1, 101, fig. 49. 1866-73.
From a seed bed of Major Espéren, Mechlin, Bel., first published in 1846. Fruit above
medium, obovate-obtuse-pyriform; skin rough from a thick covering of russet, strewed
with gray specks but showing some of the yellow of the ground color, often of a rather
somber red color on the sunny side; flesh slightly greenish, very fine, melting, sugary, juicy,
perfumed; quality in France first; end of Sept.
Beurré du Bus. 1. Guide Prat. 86. 1876.
Fruit medium, turbinate, yellow, stained with fawn; flesh buttery, melting, aromatic;
first; Dec. and Jan.
Beurré Bymont. 1. Elliott Fr. Book 363. 1859.
Of foreign origin; described by Elliott as “new” in 1859. Fruit above medium.
obovate-truncate, russety; flesh juicy, sweet, perfumed; said to be very good to best;
Oct. to Dec.
Beurré de Caen. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 515. 1884.
Fruit large, pyriform, narrow, long, yellow, heavily covered with brown-russet; flesh
coarse; inferior; Feb.
Beurré Capiaumont. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:330, fig. 1867. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
682. 1869.
A handsome Flemish pear raised from seed by M. Capiaumont, Mons, Bel., in 1787.
Fruit medium, long-obtuse-pyriform, clear yellow, with cinnamon-red cheek and strewed
with specks and markings of fawn; flesh white, with greenish filaments, fine-grained,
buttery, melting; juice abundant, sweet, aromatic; first quality; good for dessert and also
for the kitchen; Oct.
Beurré Caty. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:331, fig. 1867.
Obtained about 1858 by a Doctor Hélin, Ronquieres, Bel. Fruit under medium, globu-
lar-obtuse-pyriform, mammillate at summit and one side generally more bulged than the
other, dull yellow, dotted and veined with bright brown; flesh fine, melting, a little gritty
at center; juice plentiful, sourish, sweet, savory; first; Jan. to Mar.
Beurré Caune. 1. Guide Prat. 86. 1895.
Fruit rather large, water-green, touched with dull carmine; flesh melting, juicy, sugary,
acidulated, recalling the agreeable perfume and acidity of the Beurré Gris; first; Sept.
Beurré du Cercle Pratique de Rouen. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:332, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg
Fruit Man. 516. 1884.
From a seed bed made by M. Boisbunel, Rouen, Fr., in 1845. Fruit rather below
medium size, pyramidal but much longer on one side than on the other; skin rough to the
touch, lemon-colored, much covered with bronze-russet and strewed with gray dots; flesh
greenish, fine, juicy, melting, very gritty, sweetish acid and of a very delicate flavor; first;
end of Sept.
Beurré du Champ Corbin. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:59, fig. 414. 1880.
Obtained by Jacques Jalais from a bed of mixed seeds made in 1846. Fruit medium,
globular-ovoid, water-green, sown with large, round dots; flesh yellowish, semi-fine,
buttery, semi-melting, with abundant juice, sugary and having a rather agreeable perfume.
Beurré Charron. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:334, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 516. 1884.
Raised from seed at Angers, Fr.; fruited in 1838 by M. Charron. Fruit medium or
below, globular, greenish-yellow, dotted with russet; flesh tender, juicy, watery, melting;
juice very abundant, sweet, vinous, refreshing, deliciously perfumed; first; Oct.
Beurré Chatenay. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:334, fig. 1867.
A French pear raised in the commune of Doué-la-Fontaine, Maine-et-Loire, by Pierre
Chatenay in 1846. Fruit small, ovate, bossed and contorted, yellowish-green, washed
with bright red on the side exposed to the sun; flesh white, semi-fine, melting, juicy, sugary,
highly perfumed; first; Nov.
Beurré Chaudy. 1. Guide Prat. 86. 1895.
Fruit very large, pyriform, bossed, bright green changing to pale yellow at maturity;
flesh fine, melting, very juicy, perfumed; Oct. to Dec.
Beurré Christ. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:143, fig. 168. 1878.
Described in the Van Mons Catalog under the number 139; dedicated to the German
pomologist Christ. Fruit medium, obovate, rather bossed in its outline, bright green.
numerous small dots of gray-brown; quality good; flesh fine, buttery; Oct. and Nov.
Beurré Citron. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 676. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:133, fig. 67,
1872. ,
From a Van Mons’ seed bed. Fruit small or medium, ovate, somewhat globular,
lemon-yellow; flesh white, fine, breaking; juice sufficient, wanting in sugar, acidulous, with-
out appreciable perfume; not of first quality but of some value on account of its prolonged
. period of maturity; Jan. to end of winter.
Beurré Clotaire. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:337, fig. 1867.
The wilding, parent-tree of this variety was found in 1854 by M. Clot, Angers, Fr.
Fruit medium, obovate-pyriform, obtuse, generally narrowed toward the summit, yellow-
ochre color, much dotted with greenish-russet; flesh whitish, fine, watery, melting, gritty
round center; second; Sept.
Beurré de Coit. 1. Mas Le Verger 2:243, fig. 120. 1866-73. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
722. 1869.
Originated with Colonel Coit, near Cleveland, Ohio. Fruit medium, obtuse-pyriform,
dull green, sprinkled with numerous large brown points; flesh semi-fine, whitish, veined with
yellow, buttery, melting, rich in sugary water, vinous and perfumed; good; Sept.
Beurré Colmar. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 1:67, fig. 1853. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 517. 1884.
Beurré d’Enghien. 3. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:23, fig. 492. 1881.
Raised in Belgium by Van Mons before 1823. Fruit large, ovate, bossed, irregular,
obtuse at both ends, smooth, yellow, dotted with brown and fawn, with a tinge of orange-
red on the side next the sun; flesh white, crisp, melting, juicy, some grit around the core;
juice abundant, sugary, slightly perfumed; a dessert pear of first quality; mid-Oct. to Dec.
Beurré Coloma. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:339, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 517. 1884.
Obtained by Count Coloma, probably at Mechlin, Bel. Fruit large, oblong-obovate,
obtuse, much reduced at both extremities; skin thin and tender, at first a lively green
changing to golden-yellow on ripening, much russeted; flesh white, fine, dense; juicy, semi-
melting, gritty at center, sugary and vinous flavor; second; end of Sept.
Beurré du Comte Marcolini. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:115. 1856.
Upper Italy, 1839. Fruit medium, long, medium ventriculous, shining pale green
changing to whitish-green; flesh acidulous, sweet, and aromatic; second; end of Oct.
Beurré de Conitz. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:103, fig. 52. 1872.
A German variety at one time grown a good deal in the neighborhood of Danzig,
where it was known by the name Fondante de Conitz. Fruit medium to large, conic-
pyriform, lemon-yellow, washed with lively red; flesh white, fine, very melting, very sugary,
pleasantly scented; good; middle of Aug.
Beurré Copretz. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 517. 1884. :
Fruit below medium, oval, regular in outline; skin smooth, greenish-yellow, having
large patches and dots of russet; flesh greenish-white, coarse-grained, juicy and sugary,
having but little flavor; inferior; Nov.
Beurré Dalbret. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:343, fig. 1867. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 678.
This variety was obtained by Van Mons prior to 1832. Fruit medium or above,
elongated-pyriform, rather indented and irregular, golden or greenish-yellow, dotted all
over, mottled and spotted with bright red; flesh white, fine, juicy, melting, perfumed:
first; Sept. and Oct.
Beurré Daras. 1. Guide Prat. 85. 1876.
Distributed by M. du Mortier, Tournai, Bel., who said that its fruit was very large,
always of first quality; Dec. and Jan.
Beurré Daviss. 1. McIntosh Bk. Gard. 2:460. 1855.
Fruit medium, obovate; good; Jan. and Feb; somewhat resembling the Passe Colmar,
but keeps better.
Beurré Defays. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:344, figs. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 518. 1884.
Raised by Francois Defays near Angers, Fr.; fruited first in 1839 or 1840. Fruit
large, pyramidal-obtuse, pale golden yellow, with large, brown dots, and an orange tinge
on side next the sun; flesh yellowish-white, delicate, melting, juicy, sugary, vinous; first;
end of Nov. to Feb.
Beurré Degalait. 1. Guide Prat. 85. 1876.
Probably produced in the Tournai district, Bel., fruit medium, turbinate, greenish-
yellow, very juicy; first; Oct. and Nov.
Beurré Delannoy. 1. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 1, 71, fig. 34. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict.
Pom. 1:346, fig. 1867.
Obtained by Alexandre Delannoy, nurseryman, near Tournai, Bel. It was first
made known in 1848. Fruit medium or large, turbinate-obtuse, bossed, one side generally
more enlarged than the other, greenish-yellow, finely dotted with russet; flesh whitish,
fine, juicy, melting, a little gritty around the core, sugary, acid, with a really exquisite savor;
first; Oct. and Nov.
Beurré Delbecq. 1. Guide Prat. 58, 232. 1895.
Fruit medium, conic-pyriform, lemon-yellow; flesh very fine, melting, sweet; first; Oct.
Beurré Délicat. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:17, fig. 105. 1878.
Thought by Mas to have been raised by M. de Jonghe, Brussels. Fruit small,
rather long-turbinate, even in contour, bright, clear green, covered with extremely
small and numerous fawn dots; flesh white, fine, melting, with abundant, sweet juice,
Beurré Derouineau. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:348, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 518.
Raised from seed in 1840 by a gardener named Derouineau near Angers, Fr. Fruit
small, obovate; skin rough to the touch, bronze, but brightening somewhat on the shady
side and turning to yellow; flesh white, delicate, melting, juicy, sweet and aromatic; hardly
first-class; Nov. .
Beurré Dilly. 1. Pom. France 4: No. 171, Pl. 171. 1867. 2.Guide Prat. 159, 244. 1876.
Obtained about 1848 by M. V. Dilly near Tournai, Bel. Fruit rather large, pyriform-
globular, obtuse; skin thick, rather rough and wrinkled, green changing to yellow, washed
with dull red; flesh greenish, very fine, melting; juicy, sugary, perfumed; very good; Sept.
and Oct.
Beurré Docteur Pariset. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:177, fig. 569. 1881.
Produced from a chance seedling in 1856 and cultivated by M. Pariset, Ain, Fr.
Fruit large, conic-obtuse-globular or nearly globular, water-green, sprinkled with numerous
very large, brown dots; flesh fine, buttery, melting; juice abundant and perfumed; some-
what like Beurré Diel which it surpasses in quality; Nov.
Beurré Doux. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:352, fig. 1867.
Cultivated in France in the middle of the last century; its origin is unknown. Fruit
medium to large, globular-turbinate, bossed, rough, yellowish-green, dotted all over with
gray specks, extensively tinged with vermilion on the side next the sun; flesh white, melting,
gritty at center, juice sufficient and very sweet, vinous, sourish; third; Sept.
Beurré van Driessche. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:434, fig. 1867.
Obtained from seed in 1858 by M. van Driessche, a horticulturist at Ledeberg, near
Ghent, Bel. Fruit rather large, oblong-obtuse, dull yellow; flesh semi-melting, sugary and
of a delicate savor, vinous and acid juice; first; Feb. to May.
Beurré Driessen. 1. Mag. Hort. 21:146. 1855.
Driessen’s Pomeranzenbirne. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 22157. 1856.
A seedling of Van Mons, 1834. Fruit large, roundish, yellow, with a strong, reddish
blush; flesh whitish-yellow, semi-melting, rather sour and sweet; good; Sept. and Oct.
Beurré Dubuisson. 1. Gard. Chron. 3rd Ser. 20:789. 1896. 2. Cat. Cong. Pom. France
177, fig. 1906.
Obtained about 1832 by Isidore Dubuisson, a gardener near Tournai, Bel. Fruit
rather large, oblong, obtuse at base, flat at summit, greenish-yellow on. shaded side, often
washed with red on the side exposed to the sun, marked all over with russet spots and
veinings; flesh white, fine-grained, melting, buttery, juicy, sweet, acid, perfumed; very
good; Dec. to Feb.
Beurré Duhaume. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 519. 1884.
Fruit turbinate, evenly shaped; skin yellow but almost entirely covered with brown-
russet, some red and orange on side exposed to the sun; flesh firm, breaking, very juicy,
sweet, rich, vinous; first; Dec. to Feb.
Beurré Dumont. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:353, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 519. 1884.
Obtained from a seed-bed by Joseph Dumont, Esquelmes, Bel. It first bore fruit in
1833. Fruit rather large, globular-oval, greenish-yellow, speckled with brownish-russet
on the shaded side and entirely washed with reddish-brown on the side of the sun; flesh
juicy, melting, and richly flavored and aromatic; first; Nov. and Dec.
Beurré Dumortier. 1. Pom. France 3:No. 100, Pl. 100. 1865. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
1:354, figs. 1867.
Attributed to Van Mons, about 1818. Fruit above medium, turbinate, more or less
elongated, obtuse, bossed, yellowish-green, dotted and mottled with russet, and often
tinged with pale rose on the side of the sun; flesh whitish, melting or semi-melting accord-
ing to climate; juice very abundant, acidulous, sugary, with a delicious, perfumed flavor;
first; Sept. to Dec.
Beurré Dupont. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 519. 1884.
Fruit small, pyriform-curved, sides unequal, rich golden-yellow, speckled with patches
of cinnamon russet; flesh tender, melting, juicy and sweet, without perfume and only
a sweet-water flavor; second; end of Oct.
Beurré Duquesne. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 520. 1884.
Fruit medium, obovate, yellowish-green changing to yellow, tinged with red next
the sun, covered with heavy, brown dots; flesh white, tender, melting, sugary, rich; a
good dessert pear; Oct.
Beurré Durand. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:355; fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:93, fig.
239. 1879.
Came from a seed bed made by M. Goubault near Angers, Fr., and was reported in
1854. Fruit above medium, obtuse-pyriform, long, golden-yellow, dotted and mottled
with fawn; flesh very white, fine, melting, full of sugary, vinous juice, and having a pleasant
flavor; first; Sept. and Oct.
Beurré Duval. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:356, figs. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 520. 1884.
This variety was found among a collection of seedlings raised by M. Duval, Hainaut,
Bel., some time before 1823. Fruit medium to large; short-pyramidal, bossed, greenish-
yellow, covered with large, greenish-gray freckles and large, dark brown patches, often
washed with red on the side exposed to the sun; flesh yellowish, melting and juicy, sugary
and aromatic; first; Sept. to Nov.
Beurré d’Ellezelles. 1. Guide Prat. 109. 1876.
A Belgian pear sent out before 1876. Fruit flesh very fine, juicy, sweet, perfumed,
musky; an exquisite pear; Oct.; tree never blighted.
Beurré Epine. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:350, fig. 1867.
M. Bivort was the first to describe this pear which he did in 1850; it was disseminated
from Belgium. Fruit above medium, long-obtuse-pyriform, even in contour; skin rough,
lemon-yellow, mottled with fawn, heavily washed with brown-russet on the side next
the sun; flesh whitish, semi-fine, melting, gritty around the core; juice abundant, vinous
and saccharine, with a delicate, acid flavor; second; Nov.
Beurré d’Espéren. 1. McIntosh Bk. Gard. 2:460. 1855.
Fruit large; good; tree hardy, healthy and succeeds well on quince stock; Jan.
Beurré d’Esquelmes. 1. Guide Prat. 77. 1895.
Raised by Joseph Dumont at Esquelmes near Tournai, Bel. Fruit rather large,
globular-obovate or Doyenné-shaped, yellowish-green, washed with fawn; flesh fine, melting;
good; Nov.
Beurré Eugéne Furst. 1. Guide Prat. 86. 1876.
Fruit large; flesh melting; of first quality; Oct.
Beurré Fauve de Printemps. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:135, fig. 356. 1880.
Raised by Van Mons. Fruit medium or nearly medium, sometimes turbinate-conic,
sometimes conic-ovate, water-green, speckled with numerous brown points, changes to
bright lemon-yellow on ripening; flesh yellowish-white, buttery, sweet, generally musky;
good; end of spring.
Beurré Favre. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:360, fig. 1867.
Raised by Francois Maisonneuve, Nantes, Fr.; it was first reported in 1845. Fruit
below medium, long-pyriform, obtuse, often mishapen, one side always longer than the
other, yellow-ochre; flesh whitish, semi-melting, sweet, acid, juicy; second, sometimes
third; beginning of Oct.
Beurré Fenzl. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:160, fig. 181. 1878.
First recorded by Denis Henrard, a horticulturist at Liege, Bel. Fruit medium, tur-
binate-globular, or turbinate-pyriform, irregular in contour, pale and dull green, speckled
with dots of gray-green or green, on ripening becomes lemon-yellow or gold and washed
with vermilion on the side of the sun; flesh white, melting, sweet, refreshing; first-class;
Beurré de Février. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 7:93, fig. 1859. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:361,
fig. 1867.
A seedling raised by M. Boisbunel at Rouen, Fr., in 1845. Fruit medium to large,
oval-pyriform, enlarged toward its summit, green passing into yellow-green on ripening,
finely dotted with gray; flesh very fine, greenish-white, very melting, buttery; juice abun-
dant, sugary-acid, a little musky, very agreeable; first; mid-Jan. to early Mar.
Beurré Fidéline. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:362, fig. 1867.
Raised from seed in 1861 by Robert and Moreau, horticulturists at Angers, Fr. Fruit
below medium, ovate, green, much dotted with russet; flesh yellowish, melting; juice
abundant, sugary and refreshing and delicately perfumed; first; Nov. and Dec.
Beurré Flon. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:363, fig. 1867. 2. Gard. Chron. N. S. 23:308,
446, fig. 57. 1885.
Obtained at Angers by M. Flon; fruited for the first time in 1852. Fruit rather large,
turbinate, very obtuse, bossed, usuall} having one side larger than the other; skin harsh
to the touch, thick, lemon-yellow, entirely covered with red-gray spots, largely marbled
and spotted on the side exposed to the sun; flesh white, rather delicate, tender, slightly
gritty; juice abundant, sweet, aromatic, endowed with an agreeable and delicate acid
flavor; first; mid-Sept. to mid-Oct.
Beurré Fouqueray. 1. Gard. Chron. N. S. 24:622. 1885. 2. Guide Prat. 87. 1895.
Obtained by M. Fouqueray, and introduced before 1885. Fruit very large, oblong,
obtuse-pyriform, olive-green, speckled with brown spots; flesh white, tender, melting, sweet
and perfumed; first; Oct. and Nov.
Beurré Gambier. 1. Mas Le Verger 1:110, fig. 58. 1866-73.
Obtained by M. Gambier, Rhode Sainte-Genése, Bel.; cataloged first in 1862. Fruit
medium to rather large, obovate-pyriform, bright lemon-yellow, washed with red; flesh
white, slightly veined with yellow, fine, buttery, melting; juice abundant, sweet, perfumed;
below first; Jan. and Feb. .
Beurré Gaujard. 1. Guide Prat. 72, 244. 1876.
Fruit medium, oblong-globular, yellow, covered with fawn russet; flesh fine, semi-
melting, a distinctive and very pronounced perfume; Sept. and early Oct.
Beurré Van Geert. 1. Guide Prat. 75, 249. 1876.
Obtained by Jean Van Geert, Senior, horticulturist at Ghent, Bel. Fruit large, oblong-
obovate, lively yellow, washed with vermilion; flesh very juicy, acidulous; a good fruit
of brilliant coloring; Oct. and Nov.
Beurré Gendron. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:365, figs. 1867. a. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
688. 1869.
Raised in the nurseries of M. Gendron at Chateaugontier, Fr.; gave its first fruit in
1849. Fruit large, variable, oblong-turbinate or nearly globular, but always irregular,
bossed, obtuse and contorted, yellowish, speckled with brown, mottled with fawn around
the calyx and stalk, lightly tinged with vermilion on the cheek exposed to the sun; flesh
white, coarse, firm, breaking, granular round the pips; juice sufficient, acidulous, sugary;
second; Jan. to Mar.
Beurré de Germiny. 1. Guide Prat. 86. 1895.
First mentioned in Pomone tournaisienne. Fruit medium, oblong, dull yellow; flesh
fine, buttery, sugary, very juicy, vinous; first; Oct. and Nov.
Beurré de Ghélin. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:367, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 520. 1884.
Raised by M. Fontaine de Ghélin, Mons, Bel., in 1858. Fruit large, globular-ovate
irregular in form and bossed, pale yellow, much covered with fawn-russet; especially on
the sun-exposed side; flesh yellowish, melting; juice most abundant, with a rich and
delicious perfume; first; Oct. to Dec.
Beurré Gilles. 1. Guide Prat. 86. 1876.
On trial at the Experiment Farm, Agassiz, B. C., in 1900. Fruit large, pyramidal,
brilliant yellow; flesh very fine, very juicy, sugary, aromatic; good; Nov. and Dec.
Beurré Goubault. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 13370, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 521.
Obtained from seed in 1842 by M. Goubault, a nurseryman near Angers, Fr. Fruit
medium, globular, inclining to turbinate, green even when ripe, uniformly sprinkled with
grayish dots; flesh white, semi-fine, melting; juice very abundant, sugary, aromatic; first-
class; Sept.
Beurré Graue Herbst. 1. Oberdieck Obst-Sort. 256. 1881.
Fruit variable in form, long and globular, sometimes long and pyriform, light green
turning to golden-green; flesh whitish, soft, melting, sugary with muscatel flavor; a very
good dessert and good cooking pear; Oct.
Beurré Grétry. 1. Guide Prat. 87. 1895.
Distributed by M. Daras de Naghin, Antwerp, Bel. Fruit medium, brown-russet;
of good quality; Oct. and Nov.
Beurré Gris. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:196, Pl. 38. 1768. 2. Pom. France 2:
No. 68, Pl. 68. 1864. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:371, fig. 1867
Brown Beurré. 4. Hogg Fruit Man. 538. 1884.
A very old French pear mentioned by Olivier de Serres, 1651; C. Mallet, 1652;
Claude St. Etienne, 1670; and Merlet, 1690. It was mentioned by Rea in 1655 as being
cultivated in England under the name of Boeure de Roy. Fruit large, oblong-obovate;
color of skin varies very much, but usually yellowish-green, nearly covered with thin
brown or olive-russet and tinged with reddish-brown on the side next the sun; flesh
greenish-white under the skin, yellowish at center, melting, tender, buttery, with a rich,
musky and subacid flavor.
Beurré-Gris d’Enghien. 1. Guide Prat. 109, 245. 1876.
A Belgian variety raised previous to 1870. A handsome and good fruit, the flesh
having a delicious flavor; Mar.
Beurré de Grumkon. 1. Rev. Hort. 133. 1894.
Fruit large to very large, very irregular, obtuse-pyriform, bossed, tolerably con-
vex; skin smooth, green, washed with light brown; flesh whitish, melting, juicy; first;
Beurré Grumkower. 1. Oberdieck Obst-Sort. 257. 1881.
Of Belgian origin; described early in the nineteenth century. Fruit medium, pyriform,
light green turning to greenish-yellow; flesh whitish, granular, with a somewhat cinnamon
flavor; very good; Nov.
Beurré Hamecher. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:376, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 521.
This was one of the last seedlings raised by Van Mons and ripened its first fruits in
October, 1847. Fruit medium to large, globular-ovate, bossed at the stem and depressed
at the summit, rather irregular, one side being much longer than the other, greenish-
yellow, mottled with russet; flesh white, fine, melting, juicy, sugary, acid, slightly per-
fumed; second, at times, third; early Sept.
Beurré d’Hardenpont d’Automne. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:377, fig. 1867. 2. Downing
Fr. Trees Am. 683. 1869. 3. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:95, fig. 336. 1880.
This pear has often been confused with Glou Morceau but erroneously; both were
raised by Van Mons, but they differ in form and other characteristics. This variety was
obtained from seed by Van Mons about 1802. Fruit medium to large, long-pyriform-
obtuse, pale yellow, covered with large, bronze dots and patches of russet; flesh yellowish,
fine, melting, generally gritty; juice abundant, sugary, vinous, very aromatic; first;
end of Sept.
Beurré Hennau. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:3, fig. 482. 1881.
Probably Belgian. Fruit medium, ovate-pyriform; bright green, speckled with light
brown dots; flesh whitish, fine, melting, very juicy, sweet and rather vinous; good; Oct.
Beurré Henri Courcelle. 1. Gard. Chron. 3rd Ser. 4:602. 1888. 2. Guide Prat.52. 1895.
Raised by Arséne Sannier, Rouen, Fr., from seed of Bergamotte Espéren which it
resembles in form. Fruit medium to small, oblong-pyriform, grayish-green; flesh very
fine and of a distinctive and exquisite flavor; first; winter and spring; very fruitful.
Beurré Hillereau. 1. Guide Prat. 87. 1895.
Fruit large, pale yellow, ensanguined on the side exposed to the sun; flesh medium
fine, very melting; first; Dec.
Beurré d’Hiver. 1. Noisette Man. Comp. Jard. 2:534. 1860.
Introduced to France by Louis Noisette from Brabant, Netherlands, in 1806. Fruit
green, does not change on ripening; flesh melting, sugary, perfumed; good; Jan.
Beurré d’hiver de Dittrich. 1. Guide Prat. 87. 1895.
Fruit rather large, conic, yellowish-green; flesh buttery, perfumed; first; Dec. and
Beurré d’Hiver de Kestner. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 522. 1884.
Fruit medium, obovate, with a very long, straight stalk obliquely inserted, greenish,
covered with pale russet; flesh yellowish, coarse, not juicy and rather disagreeable than
otherwise; handsome but worthless; mid-Dec.
Beurré de Hochheim. 1. Guide Prat. 86. 1876.
Of German origin. Fruit medium, pyriform, clear green; flesh buttery, of a flavor
recalling that of the Buerré Gris; first; Nov. and Dec.
Beurré Hudellet. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:95, fig. 240. 1879.
Origin uncertain, but probably it was raised from seed by Van Mons. Fruit medium,
turbinate-conic, regular in form, water-green, speckled with very dark green spots; flesh
whitish, rather fine, buttery, sufficiently juicy and sugary, vinous and agreeable; medium;
Beurré Jalais. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:380, fig. 1867. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 692.
Raised from seed by Jacques Jalais, Nantes, Fr.; it was made known in 1848, and
the Horticultural Society of Nantes awarded it a silver medal in 1861. Fruit large,
globular-obovate-pyriform; skin oily, golden-yellow, finely dotted, striped and veined
with brown-russet, reddened on the side of the sun; flesh whitish, fine, melting, generally
gritty round the core, with vinous, sweet, savory, perfumed juice; first; Sept. to mid-Oct.
Beurré Jean Van Geert. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:381, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.
522. 1884. z
Raised from seed by Jean Van Geert, a nurseryman at Port de Bruxelles, Bel., and
placed on sale in 1864. Fruit large, pyriform, curving toward the stalk, bright yellow,
dotted and marbled and striped with fawn, washed with vermilion on the side of the
sun; flesh whitish, semi-fine, melting, juicy, granular around the core; first, but of rather
variable character; Nov.
Beurré Kennes. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 13383, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg.Fruit Man. 522. 1884.
From seed sown by Van Mons; yielded its first fruitin 1845. Fruit below medium,
globular, obtuse-pyriform, yellow-ochre, dotted with gray specks, brick-red on the side
next the sun; flesh yellow, coarse, semi-melting, juicy, sweet, and highly perfumed;
first; Oct.
Beurré Kenrick. 1. Mag: Hort. 8:64. 1842. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 692. 1869.
A seedling from Van Mons, named in honor of William Kenrick, the American
pomologist. Fruit large and handsome, sometimes smaller, turbinate, greenish-yellow,
with indistinct russet spots; flesh buttery, juicy, sweet; good, but variable; Sept.
Beurré Knight. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:385, figs. 1867.
Obtained from seed by Van Mons and sent to the London Horticultural Society in
1817 bearing the name of ‘Knight ” in honor of T. A. Knight, who was at that time Presi-
dent of the Society. Fruit medium or above; form varying from globular-ovate to glob-
ular-turbinate, always deeply depressed at the lower end and usually swelled near the
stalk, yellow-green, dotted all over with fawn and extensively colored with dark carmine
on the side of the sun; flesh whitish, rather coarse, melting; juice abundant, saccharine,
refreshing, possessing a delicious perfume; first; Oct.
Beurré Knox. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:387, figs. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 523. 1884.
Raised by Van Mons before 1819. Fruit large; form varies from true turbinate to
globular-turbinate, bossed and contorted, smooth, shining pale green in shade, tinged with
red on the side next the sun; flesh whitish, semi-fine, melting, juicy, of agreeable flavor;
second for eating, first for the kitchen.
Beurré de Koninck. 1. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 2, 97, fig. 145. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict.
Pom. 13388, fig. 1867.
Obtained by Van Mons and dedicated to Laurent-Guillaume de Koninck. Fruit
small to nearly medium, globular-turbinate, or turbinate-obtuse, somewhat bossed, olive-
yellow, dotted and mottled with russet and on the side of the sun entirely covered with
a clear brown wash; flesh greenish-white, semi-fine, melting, watery, generally gritty;
juice abundant, saccharine, vinous, and only slightly perfumed; Oct.
Beurré Kossuth. 1. Mag. Hort. 18:295, fig. 21. 1852. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:380, fig.
Received by André Leroy about 1849 among numerous varieties sent him by many per-
sons for trial. Fruit large, variable in form but always turbinate, swelled at central circum-
ference, surface very uneven, rough; skin thin, dull yellowish-green, traced and freckled
with gray or bronze, dotted with specks of the same color; flesh whitish, very fine, melting,
buttery, sugary; juice abundant, slightly acidulated; an excellent fruit of first quality;
Beurré de Ladé. 1. Rev. Hort. 133. 1894.
Included about 1893 by M. Lucas, director of the Pomological Institute of Reutlingen,
Ger., in his list of too best pears. Season Nov. and Dec.
Beurré Lagasse. 1. Guide Prat. 71. 1895.
A French variety which resisted the great frost of 1879-80. Fruit medium, oval-
pyriform, yellowish-green: flesh fine, melting, juicy; good; late Sept.
Beurré Lamoyeau. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 523. 1884.
Fruit large, long-pyriform, golden-yellow, speckled with russet, crimsoned on the
side next the sun; flesh yellowish, fine-grained, rather firm, sweet, with a watery juice;
inferior; Oct.
Beurré Langelier. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 523. 1884.
Raised by Réné Langelier, Jersey, British Channel Islands, about 1840. Fruit medium,
obtuse-pyriform,. pale greenish-yellow, crimson blush on the side next the sun, covered
with russet dots; flesh tender, buttery and melting, with rich and vinous flavor; excellent;
Dec. and Jan.
Beurré de Lederbogen. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:51, fig. 218. 1879.
The parent tree of this variety was found about 1829 in the garden of M. Lederbogen
near Magdeburg, Prussia. Fruit nearly medium, globular, conic, regular in form, clear
bright green, speckled with numerous and regularly spaced, very fine, brown dots; flesh
white, semi-fine, melting, with abundant, rich, sugary juice, delicately scented.
Beurré Lefévre. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 799. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 524. 1884.
This variety was distributed by M. Lefévre of Mortefontaine near Paris in 1846.
Fruit large, obovate and sometimes oval, greenish-yellow on the shaded side and much
covered with russet, but brownish-orange on the side next the sun, with some streaks
of red; flesh white, rather gritty at the core, melting, juicy, rich, aromatic and delicious,
soon decays at the core; middle and end of Oct.
Beurré de Lenzen. 1. Guide Prat. 86, 247. 1876.
Fruit large, turbinate, meadow-green; flesh fine, melting, juicy; first; Oct.: tree
Beurré Liebart. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:342, figs. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:107, fig.
246. 1879.
Beurré Liebart was raised from seed by Van Mons before 1817 and was dedicated to an
amateur pomologist. Fruit, large, globular-ovate but rather variable in form, clear yellow,
dotted uniformly and streaked with brown-russet, extensively carmined on the side next
the sun; flesh whitish, coarse, hard and breaking, rather gritty at the center; juice sufficient,
with little sugar and generally acid and without perfume; second or third; end of Sept.
Beurré de Lindauer. 1. Guide Prat. 86. 1895.
Fruit large or very large, long-ovate, greenish passing into yellow; flesh melting, very
fine, sugary, agreeable perfume: Nov. and Dec. :
Beurré Loisel. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:391, fig. 1867.
Obtained by M. Loisel, Fauquemont, Province of Limburg, Holland, and was
distributed in France in 1853. Fruit under medium, conic-obtuse, always bossed, dark
olive-yellow, dotted with fawn around the stem, streaked with pale red around the calyx,
and washed with rose on the sun-exposed side; flesh white, melting, the juice being
abundant, acid, sweet, vinous and very delicate; first; beginning of Oct.
Beurré de Longrée. 1. Guide Prat. 79. 1895.
A Belgian variety. Fruit small, globular, yellow-russeted; flesh melting, very sugary;
of good quality; Jan. and Feb.
Beurré de Lucon. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 7:71, fig. 1859.
Beurré Gris d’Hiver Nouveau. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:374, fig. 1867.
Pomologists are agreed that this pear originated about 1830 at Lugon, Vendée, Fr.
Fruit above medium to rather large, globular, irregular, bossed, and always more extended
on one side than on the other; skin thick and wrinkled, grayish-green, and reddened on
the sunny side and stained with large patches of fawn; flesh yellowish, fine, melting, gritty
especially around the core; juice extremely abundant, sugary, vinous, aromatic; first;
Nov. to Jan.
Beurré Luizet. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 524. 1884.
Fruit large, pyriform, pale yellow, speckled with russet dots; flesh tender, buttery,
melting, sweet, with watery juice; inferior; Oct.
Beurré de Mans. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 524. 1884.
Cultivated in England prior to 1863. Fruit small, roundish-ovate; green, changing
to yellow, streaked and crimsoned on side next the sun; flesh yellow, crisp, very juicy, with
a rich sweetness; excellent; end of August.
Beurré Mauxion. 1. Mag. Hort. 23:259. 1857. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 693. 1869.
A seedling found in a garden at Orbigny, Indre-et-Loire, Fr. Fruit medium, ovate,
inclining to pyriform, clear yellowish-green, with reddish spots in the shade, clear yellow
in the sun, marbled and spotted with red, washed at maturity on fruits well exposed with
golden red-brown on the side of the sun; flesh white, melting; juice very abundant, with
a savory perfume, and rich in sugar; first; Sept.
Beurré Menand. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:393, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 525. 1884.
Raised by Leroy, Angers, Fr., and fruited first in 1863. Fruit medium, globular-
obovate, pale lemon-yellow, strewed with brown dots; flesh tender, white, melting; juice
sufficient, buttery, sweet; first; Oct.
Beurré Millet. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:394, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 525. 1884.
Raised by Leroy, Angers, Fr., in 1847. Fruit below medium, obovate, dark grass-
green, much covered with russet; flesh whitish, tender; juice plentiful but watery; first;
Beurré Moiré. 1. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 1, 83, fig. 40. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
13395, figs. 1867.
A wilding found at Saint-Aubin-de-Luigné, near Angers, Fr., about 1836. Fruit
medium or above, turbinate-pyriform, slightly obtuse, bossed and slightly contorted,
greenish-yellow, covered in part with pale markings of russet and dots of brown-russet;
flesh whitish, semi-fine, semi-melting, watery, granular at the center; juice excessive in
amount, sweet, sugary, aromatic and having a very delicate savor; first; Nov.
Beurré Mondelle. 1. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 1, 143, fig. 70. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict.
Pom. 1:396, fig. 1867.
M. Bavay, Vilvorde, Bel., propagated this variety about 1850; origin unknown.
Fruit medium, turbinate-obtuse, ventriculous, regular in form, greenish-yellow, dotted
with fawn and nearly covered with marblings of russet; flesh white, semi-fine, compact,
melting, granular at the core; juice very abundant, very saccharine, savory, possessing
a highly agreeable, musky perfume; first; all Sept.
Beurré de Mons. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 684. 1869.
Foreign; of small value as it rots at the core. Fruit small, globular-obovate, yellowish,
with a shade of brownish-red in the sun, many green and gray dots; flesh whitish, coarse,
juicy, astringent; poor; Aug.
Beurré de Montgeron. 1. Mas Le Verger 2:75, fig. 36. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
133097, fig. 1867.
In 1830 M. Guyot found this pear in the commune of Saint-Leger, Department of
Cher, Fr. Fruit medium and below, obovate-obtuse or globular-turbinate, smooth to
touch, shining, golden-yellow, dotted with fawn, vermilioned extensively on the side next
the sun; flesh fine, semi-melting, rather gritty around the core; juice sufficient, saccharine,
vinous, with little perfume; second, but first rarely, when the juice is highly perfumed;
end of Aug.
Beurré Morisot. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:7, fig. 4. 1872.
A hardy French pear of unknown origin, but published in M. de Bavay’s Catalog,
1855-56. Fruit large, globular-conic, bright yellow all over; flesh white, semi-melting;
juice abundant, sweet, slightly acid, of refreshing savor; good; toward end of winter and
Beurré de Mortefontaine. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:399, fig. 1867.
Beurré Beaumont. 2. Hovey Fr. Am. 2:89. 1851.
Obtained from seed about 1804 by M. Lefévre, a Frenchman. It is quite probable
that this is identical with Beurré Lefévre, although slight differences appear in the descrip-
tions. Fruit large, often very large, globular-turbinate or spherical, generally irregular;
skin rough, bronze, sprinkled with large, scaly dots of gray, and with brick-red stains on
the cheek next the sun; flesh greenish-white, coarse, semi-breaking, doughy, very gritty
around the core; juice deficient, acidulous, vinous; third for dessert, second for kitchen;
end of Aug. and early Sept.
Beurré de Mortillet. 1. Guide Prat. 45. 1895.
Of unknown origin but obtained shortly before 1895, probably in France. Fruit
large or very large, turbinate-pyriform, tender green, dotted with russet, generally blushed
on the side next the sun; flesh white, very fine-grained, buttery, melting, juicy; first; Aug.
and Sept.
Beurré Motte. 1. Letoy Dict. Pom. 1:401, fig. 1867.
Raised about 1853 at Roubaix in the Department of the Nord, Fr. Fruit medium,
oblong-pyriform, having always one side longer than the other, bronze, dotted with russet,
washed with grayish-green on the side not exposed to the sun; flesh white, semi-fine,
semi-melting, juicy, sugary, with a very agreeable, buttery flavor; second; Nov.
Beurré des Mouchouses. 1. Mas Le Verger 2:9, fig. 3. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
13402, fig. 1867.
This pear was procured from seed by M. Rongiéras near Périgueux, Dordogne, Fr.
The tree ripened its fruit for the first time in 1841. Fruit above medium, globular-
turbinate, very obtuse and much swelled, dark olive-yellow, stained with russet around
the stem and dotted with the same color, tinted with brownish-red on the cheek next the
sun; flesh whitish, a little coarse, melting, watery, rarely very gritty; juice abundant,
saccharine, vinous and with a savory aroma; second; Aug.
Beurré de Naghin. 1. Rev. Hort. 142. 1889. 2. Gard. Chron. 3rd Ser. 42:444, fig.
182. 1907.
Obtained about 1840 by M. Norbert Daras de Naghin, Tournai, Bel. Fruit above
medium, globular-obtuse-pyriform, yellowish-green, more or less covered with minute,
blackish spots; flesh white, melting, agreeable flavor, aromatic, juicy, free from grit.
Beurré de Nantes. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 2:17, fig. 1854. 2. Mas Le Verger 2:47, fig.
22. 1866-73. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:403, fig. 1867.
M. Francois Maisonneuve, Nantes, Fr., found this wilding and first published it in
184s. Fruit medium and often larger, oblong, very obtuse, generally bossed and a little
contorted; very variable in both size and form; color tender green or yellowish-green,
dotted and slightly mottled with fawn and sometimes colored with dull red on the side
next the sun; flesh white, fine, melting, free from grit; juice sufficient, sugary, acidulous,
without any pronounced perfume; second; early Sept.
Beurré de Nesselrode. 1. Guide Prat. 108, 247. 1876. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:1091, fig.
192. 1878. ,
Originated in the Crimea. Fruit medium, globular-ovate, bright green dotted with
bright brown specks; flesh white, fine-grained, buttery, melting, abundant, with sugary
juice, a subtle perfume, and distinct flavor; good; Oct.
Beurré Obozinski. 1. Guide Prat. 87. 1876. 2. Ibid. 77. 1895.
Beurré Obozinski was listed by Messrs. Simon-Louis in 1876 as a ‘‘recent’’ gain of M.
Grégoire of Jodoigne, Brabant, Bel. Fruit medium, truncate-turbinate; flesh greenish-
white, semi-fine, deficient in juice and sugar, perfumed; fairly good; Nov.,
Beurré Oudinot. 1. Mag. Hort. 19:516. 1853. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:406. 1867.
Published by Leroy in 1849. Fruit above medium, turbinate-obtuse, swelled, irregular
and bossed, rough to the touch, dull grayish-yellow, dotted with clear brown, slightly
blushed on the side exposed to the sun; flesh white, very fine and melting, free from grit;
juice abundant, sugary, vinous, of an exquisite flavor; first; Sept.
Beurré de Paimpol. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:407, fig. 1867. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
695. 1869.
Beurré de Paimpol was a wilding found in the commune of Plowbazlance, Cotes-du-
Nord, Fr., in 1825. Fruit medium, obtuse-pyriform, ventriculous, regular in contour;
skin rough, thick, grass-green, sprinkled with numerous gray-russet dots especially around
the stem; flesh white, semi-fine, breaking, granular around the center, juicy, saccharine,
vinous, with an agreeable flavor; second; Sept.
Beurré de Palandt. 1. Guide Prat. 87. 1876.
A German variety. Fruit medium, pyriform, yellow, covered with cinnamon-russet;
flesh fine, melting; first; Nov.
Beurré Pauline. 1. Guide Prat. 87. 1895.
The variety is supposed to have originated in the neighborhood of Tournai, Bel.
Fruit medium, pyramidal, bright yellow; flesh fine, buttery, very juicy; Oct. and Nov.
Beurré Pauline Delzent. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:51, fig. 314. 1880.
Raised by M. Lefévre-Boitelle at Amiens, Fr., about 1850. Fruit large, conic-ovate,
sombre green and speckled with many large, gray-brown points; flesh whitish, slightly
tinted with green under the skin, buttery, melting, rather granular at the core, sweet,
juicy, vinous; good; Oct. and Nov.
Beurré Payen. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:408, fig. 1869.
Raised by Adrien Papeleu at Wetteren near Ghent, Bel., who disseminated it in 1846.
Fruit medium, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, grayish-russet, covered with strongly marked,
whitish specks; flesh yellowish-white, semi-fine, melting; juice sweet and musky.
Beurré Perran. 1. Gard. Chron. 3rd Ser. 19:209, fig. 28. 1896. 2. Jour. Hort. N. S.
32:91, fig. 14. 1896.
This variety was imported into England by the Worcester Nurseries about 1866, but
was not much heard of until 1896 when it was exhibited before the Royal Horticultural
Society and was awarded a certificate of merit. Fruit large, globular-obtuse, irregular
surface, pale yellow but nearly covered with russet spots and blotches; in season immedi-
ately after Christmas and keeps till end of Feb.; for such a season the flavor is rich and
good, flesh very melting.
Beurré Philippe Delfosse. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:409, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.
518. 1884.
From a bed of seeds made in 1832 by M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit above
medium, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, golden yellow, dotted, striped and marbled with fawn;
flesh buttery, whitish, very melting, slightly gritty at core; juice very abundant, acidulous,
sugary, delicately perfumed; first; Nov. to Jan.
Beurré Pointillé de Roux. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:410, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen.
7:107, fig. 534. 1881.
Alexandre Bivort described this pear in 1851 and said that it had been raised by Van
Mons. Fruit medium, long-turbinate-obtuse, meadow-green, mottled and dotted with
russet; flesh greenish-white, semi-fine, semi-melting, gritty around the core; juice sufficient,
saccharine, having little perfume; second; Oct.
Beurré de Popuelles. 1. Guide Prat. 87. 1895.
A Belgian variety. Fruit medium, green, russeted; first; Nov. and Dec.
Beurré Preble. 1. Mag. Hort. 8:60. 1842. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 695. 1809.
A native variety raised from seed by Elijah Cooke, Raymond, Me. Fruit large,
oblong-obovate, greenish-yellow, mottled with russet and green spots; flesh white, buttery
and melting, with a rich, high flavor; good; Oct. and Nov.
Beurré Précoce. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:413, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 526. 1884.
Raised by M. Goubault, a nurseryman at Mille-pieds, near Angers, Fr., in 1850.
Fruit medium, obovate, obtuse at stalk, yellowish-green, specked with russet, slightly
reddened on the side exposed to the sun; flesh white, delicate, melting; juice abundant,
sugary, vinous, sometimes disagreeably astringent; moderate; Aug.
Beurré Pringalle. 1. Guide Prat. 60. 1895.
Obtained by M. Célestin Pringalle, nurseryman near Tournai, Bel. Fruit medium,
oval-oblong, gray; flesh very fine, buttery, melting, sweet and aromatic; first; Oct. and Nov.
Beurré de Quenast. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 2:15, fig. 1854. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:414,
fig. 1867.
Appears to have originated at the village of Quenast, Brabant, Bel., but the date and
circumstances of its origin are unknown. Fruit medium, turbinate, slightly obtuse, bossed,
bright yellow-green, sprinkled with large dots of russet and some patches of darker russet;
flesh whitish, semi-fine, semi-melting, juicy, gritty around the core, saccharine, acidulous,
of good flavor; second; late Sept.
Beurré de Ramegnies. 1. Guide Prat. 87. 1876.
Fruit rather large, obovate-pyriform, yellowish-green, stained with fawn and washed
with red; flesh buttery, very juicy; first; Oct.
Beurré de Rance. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 3:45. 1855. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 526. 1884.
Bon-Chréiien de Rance. 3. Pom. France 3:No. 107, Pl. 107. 1865.
Obtained from seed by Abbé Hardenpont at Mons, Bel.; the first fruiting of the
parent tree was in 1762. Fruit medium to large; oblong-ovate, rounded at the stalk,
usually ventriculous and bossed; skin very rough, dark green, bronzed, dotted and mottled
with gray; flesh greenish-white, semi-fine, sometimes coarse, semi-melting, very juicy, always
a little astringent but aromatic and vinous; first; Feb. to May.
Beurré Reine. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom.1:417. 1867.
A Belgian variety cultivated in the Royal fruit orchards of Vilvorde-lez-Bruxelles in
1850. Fruit very large, especially on espalier and pyramid; obovate, often approaching
the form of the Beurré Diel; second; Oct. and Nov.
Beurré Richelieu. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 696. 1869.
Fruit large; obtuse-pyriform-truncate; skin greenish, inclining to yellow, sprinkled
with dots; flesh buttery, juicy, melting, with a fine, sweet, aromatic flavor, sometimes
astringent; good to very good; Dec.
Beurré Roland. 1. Gard Chron. 3rd Ser. 1:385. 1887.
Raised by M. Roland and described as a new seedling in 1887. Fruit medium, pyri-
form, regular, olive, much russeted; flesh melting, sugary, fragrant; Mar.
Beurré Romain. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 364. 1845. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:420,
figs. 1867.
Of uncertain origin; described by Diel in 1802. Fruit medium or below, variable in
form from obovate-pyriform to oblong-obtuse-pyriform, greenish-yellow tinged with russet-
red next the sun and covered with numerous dark gray spots; flesh whitish, semi-fine,
melting, almost free from grit, juicy, acidulous, saccharine, with a slight and pleasant
taste of anis; variable in quality; Sept. and Oct.
Beurré Rome Gaujard. 1. Guide Prat.65. 1895.
Of Belgian origin. Fruit rather large, pyriform, green covered with brown-russet,
changing to yellowish-green on ripening; flesh white, rather firm, melting, perfumed; Jan.
and Feb.
Beurré Rose. 1. Noisette Man. Comp. Jard. 22528. 1860.
Fruit medium, obovate, yellow washed with rose; flesh white, semi-melting, sweet;
end of Oct.
Beurré Rouge d’Automne. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:421, fig. 1867.
Raised about 1780 by the Chartreuse monks at Paris. Fruit medium and often below,
obovate-obtuse-pyriform, yellow-ochre, dotted and stained with fawn around the calyx and
washed with brownish-red on the side next the sun; flesh white, semi-fine or coarse, melt-
ing, rarely very juicy, granular at center, sugary, vinous, little perfume; quality variable.
Beurré Royal de Turin. 1. Gard. Chron. N.S. 21:779. 1884.
Originated in Italy. Fruit large, globular, irregular, yellow, dotted with green; flesh
melting, white, sugary, pleasantly acidulous.
Beurré de Saint-Amand. 1. Aun. Pom. Belge 4:3, fig. 1856. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
1:423, fig. 1867.
Obtained from seed by M. Grégoire, near Fleurus, Bel., in 1853. Fruit medium,
globular-ovoid, very obtuse, bright green passing to golden-yellow and stained with orange-
red on the sunny side when ripe; flesh yellowish-white, fine, melting, juicy, some grit around
the seeds; juice vinous, sweet, aromatic; first; Oct.
Beurré de Saint Arnaud. 1. Mag. Hort.26:219. 1860. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 685. 1869.
A Belgian variety, originated 1853; probably identical with Beurré de Saint-Amand.
Fruit small or medium; globular-acute-pyriform, golden-yellow, marked with orange-red
at maturity, striped with brownish-red in the sun; flesh white, fine, buttery; juice
abundant, sugary, perfumed; first; Nov.
Beurré Saint-Aubert. 1. Guide Prat. 87. 1895.
Probably Belgian. Fruit medium, oval, lemon-yellow, speckled with fawn; flesh very
melting, sugary and perfumed; first; Oct. and Nov.
Beurré Saint-Frangois. 1. Guide Prat. 87. 1895.
Fruit rather large, oval-oblong, sombre yellow; flesh very melting, sugary, delicious,
Beurré Saint-Marc. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:425, fig. 1867.
A French pear of uncertain origin. Fruit medium, roundish-ovate, greenish-yellow;
washed with rose; flesh dense, very juicy, of exquisite flavor, sweet and acid; first; Dec. to
Feb. Tree vigorous.
Beurré Samoyeau. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:428, fig. 1867. 2. Mas. Pom. Gen. 4:129,
fig. 257. 1879.
A seedling of André Leroy, Angers, Fr.; fruited in 1863. Fruit below medium, tur-
binate, slightly obtuse, one side always more swelled than the other; skin greenish-yellow,
sprinkled with large, russet spots and some stains of fawn, partly scaly; flesh white, fine,
melting, rather granular above and below the core; juice fair in amount, saccharine, with a
delicate perfume and highly agreeable, buttery flavor; first; Nov. and Dec.
Beurré Scheidweiller. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 528. 1884.
A seedling of Van Mons, named by him after M. Scheidweiller, Professor of Botany
at Ghent, Bel. Fruit medium, obtuse-pyriform, bright pea-green, strewed with minute,
russet dots; flesh yellowish-white, coarse, sweet, very juicy; an agreeable pear, of moderate
merit; end of Oct. and early Nov.
Beurré Seutin. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:180. 1856. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
697. 1869.
Attributed to Van Mons and first published in 1847. Fruit medium, pyriform, inclin-
ing to oval, irregular or angular, light green turning yellowish at maturity, sprinkled with
dots and speckles of russet, sometimes shaded with dull crimson; flesh coarse, not very
juicy, semi-melting; third for dessert, first for cooking; Dec. and Jan.
Beurré de Silly. 1. Guide Prat. 87. 1895.
Fruit rather large; first; Sept. and Oct. Tree fertile.
Beurré Six. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:420, fig. 1867. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 697. 1869.
Raised from seed about 1845 by a gardener named Six at Courtrai in Belgium. Fruit
large, pyriform, smooth, pea-green changing to yellow; flesh greenish-white, fine, melting,
firm, buttery, very juicy; first; Oct. to Dec.
Beurré Soulange. 1. Horticuliurist N.S. 4:81, fig. 1854.
Imported from Brussels to this country before the middle of the last century. Fruit
medium to large, acute-pyriform, pale, clear yellow at maturity with some traces of russet;
flesh melting and very juicy, with a rich and sugary flavor and a particularly pleasan
aroma; very good; Oct. and Nov.
Beurré Spence. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 697. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 529. 1884.
This name has been given to several varieties. The true Beurré Spence was raised
by Van Mons who described it as follows: ‘‘ Fruit shape and size of Brown Beurré. Skin
green, handsomely streaked and marked with reddish-brown and reddish-purple. Flesh
tender, juicy, sugary, and perfumed; Sept.”
Beurré Stappaerts. 1. Mas Le Verger 1:125, fig. 61. 1866-73.
A seedling of Van Mons. Fruit small to medium, nearly spherical or conic-spherical;
skin thick and firm, pale green sprinkled with large, brownish dots regularly spaced, turning
to dull, pale yellow and rather golden where exposed to the sun; flesh yellowish-white,
semi-breaking; juice moderate in amount, very saccharine, highly perfumed, agreeable;
second; Jan. and Feb.
Beurré Steins. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:175, fig. 376. 1880.
Cataloged by M. Jahn in 1864. Fruit medium, turbinate, regular in form, green,
usually entirely or nearly covered with a fine coating of russet of a yellowish-brown, sown
with very small and numerous gray dots; flesh whitish, fine, semi-buttery; juice sufficient,
sweet and agreeable; Oct.
Beurré Sterckmans. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 4:51, fig. 1856. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 529.
Doyenné Sterckmans. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:89, fig. 1869.
Obtained by M. Sterckmans at Louvain, Bel., before 1820. Fruit medium, oblong-
obovate-pyriform, delicate greenish-yellow, largely washed with crimson on side next the
sun, some traces of russet; flesh white, with a greenish tinge, semi-melting, buttery,
rich, sugary, vinous, fine aroma; first; Jan. and Feb.
Beurré de Stuttgardt. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1%430, fig. 1867.
Obtained from seed at Stuttgart, Wurttemberg, Ger., in 1863. Fruit medium, long-
ovoid, obtuse, yellow-ochre, sown with points of gray-russet and some brownish patches,
generally colored with pale rose on the side exposed to the sun; flesh yellowish-white, fine,
melting, juicy, sugary, vinous, possessing an extremely delicate flavor; first; Sept.
Beurré Sucré. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:1009, fig. 247. 1879.
Considered to be a seedling of Van Mons. Fruit small, ovate-pyriform, pale green,
speckled with brown dots, large and prominent; flesh greenish-yellow, melting, rather
gritty at the core; juice rich in sugar, having the consistency of a syrup, from which the
fruit received its name; good; Oct.
Beurré Thoury. 1. Hooper W. Fr. Book 132. 1857.
Said to have been exhibited before the Cincinnati Horticultural Society, 1855, by
F. R. Elliott, of Cleveland. Tree handsome, vigorous. Fruit medium to above, round,
obtusely turbinate, buttery, juicy; good; Aug. and Sept.
Beurré Triguer. 1. Mag. Hort. 18:150. 1852.
“A small, roundish formed pear, of a yellow color, dotted with red spots, that has a
short stem, and is sweet and juicy, of a half-breaking texture.”
Beurré de Ulm. 1. Lucas Tafelbirnen 103. 1894.
A German pear published in the middle of the nineteenth century. Fruit medium,
roundish, sometimes rather oval, yellowish-green, on ripening bright yellow; flesh yellowish-
white, soft, melting, very agreeable; end of Oct.
Beurré Vanille. 1. Guide Prat. 62. 1895.
Disseminated by M. Proche, a pomologist at Slonpno, Bohemia. Fruit medium,
pyriform, russet, with yellow and red on the sunny side; flesh fine, melting, very sugary
and juicy; first; autumn.
Beurré Varenne de Fenille. 1. Mas Le Verger 1:53, fig. 33. 1866-73.
Obtained by M. Pariset, Curciat-Dongalon, Fr. Fruit rather large, globular but
irregular, pale green; flesh fine, very melting, buttery, abundant, with sweet juice and
well perfumed, first; Dec. and Jan.
Beurré Vauban. 1. Cat. Con. Pom. France 195, fig. 10906.
Obtained by M. A. Varet in 1867. Fruit rather large to large, pyriform-obtuse, very
irregular, mammillate at crown, bossed at base, bright green, russeted; flesh whitish, fine,
melting, very juicy, sugary, with an agreeable perfume; very good; Jan. and Feb.
Beurré Vert d@Eté. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:435, figs. 1867.
A Prussian variety the exact place of origin of which is obscure. Fruit medium and
often below medium, obovate-pyriform, contorted near the stem which is set obliquely to
the axis of the fruit; skin rough, bright green in the shade, yellow-green in the sun, entirely
covered with large, gray, round dots and some patches of russet; flesh whitish, coarse,
semi-melting, with little juice, which is very sweet and musky; third class; end of Aug.
Beurré Vert Tardif. 1. Mas Le Verger 1:93, fig. 53. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
13437, fig. 1867.
A variety well known in Belgium and Germany in the seventeenth century. Fruit
medium, pyriform, very regular, generally obtuse, pale green, dotted and striped with
fawn; flesh white, buttery, semi-melting; juice sufficient, vinous, little perfume; second;
Dec. and Jan.
Beurré Wamberchies. 1. Gard. Chron. 19:706. 1883. 2. Guide Prat. 88. 1895.
Fruit rather large, roundish-obovate, dotted, deep green passing into yellow on
ripening; flesh melting, with abundant, sugary juice, completely devoid of pips and grit;
excellent; May and June.
Beurré de Wetteren. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1: 439, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 530.
Originated in Louis Berckman’s garden at Heyst-op-den-Berg, Bel., and is supposed
to have been one of the seedlings raised by Major Espéren, some of whose trees Berckmans
obtained after the former’s death. It was disseminated about 1848. Fruit rather large,
globular-pyriform, lemon-yellow and shining, covered with large, russet spots, washed
with dull red next the sun; flesh yellowish, coarse-grained, buttery, well sweetened and
flavored, juicy; very good; Dec. and Jan.
Beurré Winter. 1. McIntosh Bk. Gard. 22460. 1855.
Raised by Rivers of Sawbridgeworth, Eng., from seed of the Easter Beurré; must
not be mistaken for either the Black Achan or Chaumontel for each of which the name
Beurré Winter is synonymous. Fruit large; flesh very rich flavor and vinous; excellent;
Feb. and Mar.
Beurré Witzhumb. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 190. 1832. 2. Ibid. 158. 1841.
Possibly one of Van Mons’ seedlings. Fruit oval, knobby, three and a half inches in
diameter; skin rough, green, brownish-red or dark brown next the sun; flesh greenish-
white, semi-transparent, melting, perfumed; Dec.
Beurré Woronson. 1. Mag. Hort. 20:234. 1854. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 158. 1860.
This pear, which has been known as Beurré Woronson, Beurré Woronzow, Beurré
Woronzon, and Woronson, is credited to M. De Hartwiss of either France or Belgium.
Tree very productive. Fruit medium, obovate, attractive, juicy; good; Oct. and Nov.
Beurré Zotman. 1. Mas Pom.Gen. 5:60, fig. 323. 1880.
Cataloged by this name by the Society of Van Mons, though M. Jahn cataloged it in
1864 under the name Franz-Madame von Duves. Fruit small or rather small, like Cale-
basse in form, bright green, sprinkled with dots of greenish-gray, the green passing at
maturity to bright lemon-yellow and washed on the side next the sun with a beautiful
tender rose; flesh white, rather delicate, juicy, sweet; second, but its very fine appearance
should merit it a place; July.
Beyer Martinsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:28. 1856.
Raised in Saxony in 1816. Fruit medium, light green changing to lemon-yellow,
with reddish blush, scaly; flesh very juicy; good; beginning of Aug.
Beymont. 1. Gard. Chron. 895. 1860. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 474, fig. 1857.
May be identical with Beurré Bymont Fruit about medium, oblate, even, and hand-
somely shaped; golden-yellow next the sun, greenish-yellow in the shade, russeted around
the stalk; flesh tender, not very juicy; an inferior fruit; Nov.
Bezi Blanc. 1. Cole Am. Fr. Book 154. 1849. 2. Elliott Fr. Book 391. 1854.
Of foreign origin. Fruit large, oblong-pyriform, yellowish; quality very similar to
Bartlett, though hardly so good, but it is two weeks earlier; Aug.
Bezi de Naples. 1. Elliott Fr. Book 355. 1854.
Origin unknown, presumably European and Italian. Fruit medium, ovate-obovate,
light yellowish-green, with blotches and stripes of darker hue, some russet patches and
dots; flesh fine, buttery, juicy, sweet; first; end of Sept.
Bied-Charreton. 1. Guide Prat. 88. 1895.
A French variety distributed from Nantes before 1895. Fruit medium to large,
coppery-colored; flesh semi-fine, melting, juicy, and has a delicate aroma; Oct.
Bierbaumer Mostbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 76. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit medium, obtuse-turbinate; skin fine, greenish-yellow,
covered with small dots and specklings, slightly blushed; flesh yellow-white, firm, juicy;
early half of Oct.
Big Productive. 1. Burbank Cat. 2. 1921.
Said to be a large fall pear, a cross between Bartlett and Le Conte.
Bijou. 1. Guide Prat. 69. 1895.
A French variety obtained by M. de Mortillet. Fruit small or medium, long, pale
yellow, tinged with red; flesh melting, juicy, very refreshing; first half of Sept.
Bill Campbell. 1. Van Lindley Cai. 22. 1892.
Said to have been originated in Alabama by a colored man of the same name from
seed of Duchesse d’Angouléme. Claimed to resemble its parent very much but to be
larger and better in quality.
Binsce. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 593. 1629.
Described by Parkinson, 1629, as a good winter pear, of russet color, and a small fruit
but a good keeper.
Birne von Turschud. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:157. 1856.
A Levantine variety introduced into Germany in 1833. Fruit medium, smooth,
yellow, without any redness or russet; flesh savorless, granular, breaking; Oct.
Bishop Thumb. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 592. 1629. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 237. 1854.
3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:441, figs. 1867. 4. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 702. 1869.
A long, oddly-shaped English pear of variable color and quality, rated as an excellent
dessert pear by some; placed on the list of rejected fruits by the American Pomological
Society. Tree hardy, very abundant bearer. Fruit rather large, oblong, narrow, pyriform,
undulating; color dark yellowish-green, covered with numerous large, russety dots and
having a russet-red cheek; calyx small, open; stalk attached with no depression; flesh
greenish-yellow, melting, juicy, vinous; good to very good; Oct.
Bivort Zuckerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:55. 1856.
A Belgian seedling, 1851. Fruit large, obovate, smooth, green changing to yellow,
with bright red cheek; flesh melting, vinous, sweet and agreeable; good; beginning of
Black Hawk. 1. Mag. Hort. 1:437. 1845.
Exhibited before and reported on at various times by the Massachusetts and New
Haven Horticultural Societies as a baking variety. Probably a seedling of Governor
Black Huffcap. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 531. 1884.
A well-known perry pear cultivated in Herefordshire and Worcestershire, Eng. Fruit
quite small, pyriform or oblong-ovate, olive-green on the shaded side and covered with
dull rusty red on the sun-exposed side; flesh yellowish-green, firm and very gritty.
Black Sorrel. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 593. 1629.
a reasonable great long peare, of a darke red
Described by Parkinson in 1629 as
colour on the outside.”
Black Worcester. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 429. 1845. 2. Ibid. 702. 1869. 3. Hogg
Fruit Man. 531. 1884. 4. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fruits 160. 1920.
Worster. 5. Parkinson Par. Ter. 592. 1629.
Black Pear of Worcester. 6. Langley Pomona 133, Pl. LXXI, fig. 2. 1729.
Livre. 7. Duhamel Tratt. Arb. Fr. 2:235. 1768. 8. Leroy Dict. Pom. 22346. 1869.
Iron Pear. 9. Cole Am. Fr. Book 174. 1849.
The Romans cultivated a Pound Pear during the first century of the Christian era.
In 1652 Claude Mollet describes a Pound Pear. Several subsequent writers describe the
same pear as Livre, De Livre, or Poire de Livre. In Worcester, Eng., in the sixteenth
century a pear known as Black Worcester, Black Pear of Worcester, or Parkinson’s Warden
came under general cultivation as a ‘‘ Warden” or baking pear of which it forms the type.
These two pears appear to be identical. Mas makes Black Worcester a synonym of
De Livre, Hogg states that they very much resemble each other, the authors of Guide
Pratique de l Amateur de Fruits list them as synonymous, and Bunyard says that he
believes that they are almost certainly identical. Black Worcester is retained as the
name of the variety because it is now most commonly used. Tree vigorous, hardy, bears
well as a standard; young shoots dark yellow-olive, diverging; branches inclining down-
ward with the weight of the fruit. Fruit large, obovate; skin thick, green, rough, nearly
covered with dark russet, occasionally with a dull tinge next the sun; calyx small, nearly
closed, set in a wide and rather deep basin; stem about an inch long, very stout, woody,
inserted without depression; flesh pale yellow, hard, crisp, coarse, flavorless, rather gritty;
a good cooking pear; Nov. to Feb.
Blackeney Red. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 531. 1884.
A second-rate perry pear much used in Herefordshire, Eng. Fruit medium, obovate,
greenish-yellow, more or less deep red on the side next the sun; flesh firm, crisp, juicy and
mildly acid.
Blanquet Anastére. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 12443, fig. 1867. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
703. 1869.
Raised by M. Goubault, a nurseryman at Angers, Fr., in 1840. Fruit small, pyriform
but rather variable, form oblong to turbinate-ovoid, but always rather more swelled on
one side than on the other; color pale green in the shade, dotted with gray but passing to
greenish-yellow on the sun-exposed side which is also generally colored with vermilion;
flesh white, half-fine, granular and breaking, juicy, sugary, with a delicate and character-
istic aroma; second; July.
Blanquet Long. 1. Mas Le Verger 2:217, fig. 107. 1866-73.
Obtained in the garden of the Horticultural Society of Angers, Maine-et-Loire, Fr,
Fruit small, long-ovate, bright green passing at maturity to pale yellow, washed with blood-
red on the side next the sun; flesh white, fine, almost buttery, with abundant, sweet juice,
tefreshing and perfumed; good; early July.
Blanquet 4 Longue Queue. 1. Duhamel Travt. Arb. Fr. 2:131. 1768. 2. Mas Le Verger
2:233, fig. 15. 1866-73.
Of very ancient and unknown origin, mentioned by various French authors of the
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Fruit small, ovate-pyriform, bossed and corrugated
at summit, smooth, pale yellow, slightly streaked with tender rose on the sun-touched
cheek; flesh white, semi-fine, melting, seldom gritty, juicy, acidulous, sweet, with a slightly
musky and delicate perfume; second; end of July and Aug.
Blanquet Précoce. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:446, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:19,
fig. 490. 1881.
This is an ancient and probably German variety. Fruit small, long-pyriform, very
pale green changing to canary-yellow; flesh white, semi-melting, granular; juice moderate
in amount, sweet, acid, musky; second; early July.
Blanquet de Saintonge. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:447, fig. 1867.
Its name indicates that it was raised in the Basse Saintonge, Fr. Fruit small, oblong-
obovate; bright lemon-yellow, dotted with grayish-white; flesh white, semi-fine, rather
melting; juice sufficient, sweet, generally vinous, with some aroma; second; end of Aug.
Blanquette de Toulouse. 1. Mas Le Verger 2:229, fig. 113. 1866-73.
Origin unknown, through its name suggests Toulouse, Fr. Fruit small, short-pyriform,
bright green passing on ripening to pale yellow, carmined on the side next the sun, with
numerous gray dots; flesh white, granular, semi-melting, with abundant sweet juice; a
fruit of good quality for the season; middle of July.
Bleeker Meadow. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 355, fig. 149. 1845. 2. Mag. Hort. 14:
339, fig. 33. 1848.
Found in a meadow by Aaron Feaster, Bucks County, Pa., about 1783. Fruit small
or medium, globular, very regular; skin smooth, bright clear yellow, sprinkled with crimson
dots on the side next the sun; flesh very white, firm, with a musky and spicy taste, but
mostly remains crisp and hard; good; Oct. and Nov.
Blessed. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126:50. 1908.
Described by Dr. Mease in Domestic Encyclopedia, 1804. Fruit small; very good;
medium early.
Blickling. 1. Bunyard Cat. 39. 10913.
Named from Blickling Hall, Norfolk, Eng., and supposed to have been introduced
by monks from Belgium. Fruit greenish and russety; flesh melting, of rich flavor; excellent;
Dec. and Jan.
Block. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126:59. 1908.
Originated by A. Block, Santa Clara, Calif., before 1908. Fruit medium, globular-
ovate; green-yellow, russeted; flesh melting; season medium.
Blodget. 1. Prince Pom. Man. 2:216. 1832.
Raised from seed by David Blodget, Camden, Me., about 1800. Fruit medium,
pyriform; flesh melting, juicy, with a pleasant, vinous flavor; Sept.
Blumenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:154. 1856.
A seedling of Van Mons, Bel., 1825. Fruit small, roundish-turbinate-obtuse, lemon-
yellow, washed with red on the sunny side; flesh half-melting; good; end of Aug.
Blutbirne. 1. Dochnahl Puhr. Obstkunde 2:193. 1856. 2. Léschnig Mostbirnen 218,
fig. 1913. é
Published in Germany in 1795 and regarded as a perry pear in Austria. It is known
as the Flesh-pear in Upper and Lower Austria and also as the Sanguinol in the former.
Fruit small, globular-pyriform, obtuse, greenish-yellow, strongly blushed on the sun-
exposed side; flesh yellowish-white, flushed with red especially on the side next the sun,
rather coarse, subacid, little aroma; third; Oct.
Bocksbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:34. 1856.
Originated in Saxony 1833. Fruit small, turbinate, light yellow and blushed slightly
on the side of the sun; flesh aromatic; good; Aug.
Bodiker Dechantsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:95. 1856.
A seedling of Van Mons, Belgium, 1852. Fruit medium, turbinate, green turning
to greenish-yellow, speckled uniformly with russet spots; flesh yellowish-white, very soft
and delicate; very good; Oct. and Nov.
Bogendkerin. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:195. 1856.
Originated in Wurttemberg, 1823. Fruit medium, oblique, sides unequal, grass-green
changing to light yellow, russeted; good; Oct. and Nov.
Bchmische friihe Jakobsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:47. 1856.
Originated in Bohemia, 1852. Fruit small, yellowish-green, streaked with russet;
flesh yellowish, vinous; good; end of July for two weeks.
Boieldien. 1. Guide Prat. 103. 1895.
A cross between Crassane and Lowise-bonne Sannier. Fruit medium to large; flesh
very fine and perfumed; Oct. and Nov.
Bolarmud. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:116. 1856.
An oriental variety introduced in 1833. Fruit fairly large, ventriculous-turbinate,
of a uniform light green, blushed with red; tolerably sweet; Dec.
Bollweiler Butterbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:70. 1856.
A seedling raised by Bollweiler in Alsace, 1851. Fruit medium, short-turbinate,
green changing to greenish-yellow, somewhat blushed, thick-scaled; flesh melting, sweet;
Bologna. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126:59. 1908.
Originated by Van Mons. Fruit medium, yellow; good; late.
Bon-Chrétien d’Auch (Calvel). 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 533. 1884.
Although bearing the same name this pear is quite distinct from the Bon-Chrétien
d’Auch which is regarded as synonymous with the Bon-Chrétien d'Hiver, since the pear
here discussed ripens in July and August. Fruit large to very large, like Calebasse in
form, one side sometimes more swollen than the other, green becoming yellow on approach-
ing maturity, bright vermilion on side exposed to the sun; flesh breaking; juice rich and
sugary; good; July.
Bon-Chrétien d’Automne. 1. Langley Pomona 131. 1729. 2. Knoop Fructologie 1:82,
Tab. II, fig. 1771.
Listed by Langley as ready to be gathered Aug. 20. Knoop stated in 1771 that it
had the same qualities as the Bon Chrétien d’été but that it ripens a little later. Fruit
large; flesh soft and friable, but juicy, pleasant and aromatic.
Bon-Chrétien Bonnamour. 1. Rev. Hort. 76. 1898. 2. Cat. Cong. Pom. France 196,
fig. 1906.
Raised in 1895 by M. Guillot, Rhéne, Fr., and placed on the market in 1898. Fruit
large to very large, of typical Bartlett form, rather contracted at the lower end and
obliquely hollowed around the stalk, smooth, shining, and covered with fawn-russet and
often tinted on the side next the sun; flesh fine, melting, juicy, sweet, perfumed; first class.
Bon-Chrétien d’Espagne. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:216, Pl. 46. 1768. 2. Mas
Le Verger 1:131, fig. 64. 1866-73.
Spanish Warden. 3. Hogg Fruit Man. 648. 1884.
The origin of Bon-Chrétien d’Espagne or Spanish Warden is ancient and uncertain.
Merlet described it in 1675, and so did La Quintinye, in 1692. It was well known; for Messrs.
Simon-Louis of Metz, Lorraine, gave it some forty synonyms in their 1895 catalog. Fruit
large, pyriform, very ventriculous in its lower half where it is more or less bossed, the upper
part narrows to an obtuse end; skin thick, greenish-yellow changing to yellow, dotted and
marked with fawn-russet, and highly colored with vivid red on the side exposed to the sun;
flesh white, coarse, breaking, juicy, with a pleasant, brisk flavor and musky aroma; third
for the table, first for the kitchen; Nov., Jan. and even Mar.
Bon-Chrétien d’été. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:217, Pl. XLVII, fig. 4. 1768. 2.
Leroy Dict. Pom. 13457, fig. 1867.
Origin ancient and unknown but was cultivated in French gardens about the end of
the sixteenth century, being mentioned by Olivier de Serres in 1600, and by Le Lectier of
Orléans in 1628. It has been cultivated all over Europe for over three centuries and has
consequently acquired a number of synonyms. Fruit large, pyriform, irregular in form,
yellow, with orange blush on side next the sun, and strewed with green specks; flesh yellow-
ish, crisp, coarse-grained, very juicy and of a rich, sweet and pleasant flavor; second; early
Bon-Chrétien Fondant. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 704. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen.
7:113, fig. 537. 1881.
Bon-Chrétien de Bruxelles. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:453, fig. 1867.
An ancient Flemish pear which must not be confounded with Epine dEté although
Bugiarda has been used as a synonym for both. Fruit large, oblong-pyriform, green,
sprinkled with small dots of deep green, the fundamental green changing to lemon-yellow
on maturity; flesh whitish, very melting and juicy, sweet, delicately perfumed; good; Oct.
and Nov.
Bon-Chrétien Frédéric Baudry. 1. Guide Prat. 88. 1895.
Fruit medium or large; flesh fine, sweet, perfumed; first; Feb. and Mar.
Bon-Chrétien d’Hiver. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:212, Pl. XLV. 1768. 2. Mas
Le Verger 1:23 bis, fig. 18. 1866-73.
Bon-Chrétien d’Auch. 3. Hogg Fruit Man. 533. 1884.
A volume might be filled with a record of the endeavors to determine the origin of
this pear. As to its great antiquity all are agreed. It is established that it was imported
into France from Italy in 1495 by Charles VIII on his conquest of the kingdom of Naples,
but whether it was the Crustuminum of the Romans or whether it received its name at the
beginning of Christianity remains uncertain. One explanation of the name was that
Francois de Paul, the founder of a monkish order, being called to the court of Louis XI for
the recovery of his health, was styled by that monarch ‘‘le bon Chrétien,’”’ and that he
brought with him from Calabria some of this fruit which henceforth acquired the name it
bears. That suggestion, however, is evidently erroneous as Saint Francois de Paul’s visit
to the King at Tours took place in 1483 whereas this pear was introduced to France in
1495. It is thought not improbable that the name is derived from the Greek pan-
chresta, meaning “‘ all good,” of which the Latin Crustuminum of the Romans may also be
a derivation. Fruit large and sometimes very large, variable in form, irregularly pyri-
form or obovate-turbinate, rather rough to the touch, dull greenish-yellow, some brown
next the sun, and strewed with small, russet dots; flesh whitish, crisp, juicy, sweet,
aromatic and vinous; a dessert pear of merit, first class for cooking; Dec. to Mar.
Bon-Chrétien d’Hiver Panaché. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1: 467, fig. 1867.
Striped Bon Chrétien. 2. Kenrick Am. Orch. 184. 1833.
A variegated form of Bon Chrétien d’Hiver propagated by Louis Noisette at Brunoy,
Seine-et-Oise, Fr., in 1802. It differs only from its type in the coloring of its skin which is,
bright green, finely dotted and stained with brownish-red and covered with large, yellow
streaks extending from the stalk to the calyx, and in its flesh being more melting.
Bon-Chétien Mathieu Joseph Lamarche. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 3:99, fig. 1855.
Said to have been raised about the middle of the eighteenth century in a Belgian
monastic garden. Fruit large, irregular-pyriform, rough to the touch, bright green, striped
with russet and sprinkled with black dots, becoming rich golden-yellow on maturity; flesh
white, buttery, melting; juice very abundant, with a delicate savor of the peach and the
aroma of the raspberry; first; end of Oct.
Bon-Chrétien Prevost. 1. Guide Prat. 88. 1895.
Fruit large; flesh semi-melting, juicy and has a very pleasant perfume; first; Dec. to
Bon-Chrétien du Rhin d’Automne. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:139, fig. 166. 1878.
Diel stated that he received this variety from the neighborhood of Dietz in the Duchy
of Nassau without any account of its origin. Fruit large, ovate-pyriform, bossed and
irregular, sides unequal, bright green, dotted with gray points, passing to bright lemon-
yellow on ripening, with some red coloring on the fruits more exposed; flesh white, rather
fine, semi-buttery, firm, with sufficient sweet juice which is vinous, acidulous and perfumed.
Bon-Chrétien Ricchiero. 1. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 2, 139, fig. 166. 1866-73.
Obtained by M. de Mortillet, Meylan, Fr.; first published in 1865. Fruit medium to
large, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, pale green, sown with brown spots; flesh greenish-white,
fine, melting, a little gritty at the core; juice abundant, sugary, vinous, highly scented;
first; Oct.
Bon-Chrétien Vermont. 1. Guide Prat. 88. 1895.
A cross between Rousselet de Reims and la Belle Angevine obtained by M. Sannier.
Fruit large; form that of Belle Angevine; flesh fine, juicy, scented and sweet; Oct.
Bon-Chrétien de Vernois. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:469, fig. 1867.
Obtained by M. Henrard, nurseryman at Liege, Fr., about 1840. Fruit large, varying
in form between ovate and turbinate-obtuse, bossed, greenish-yellow, touched with olive-
russet and dotted with bright brown specks; flesh whitish, semi-fine, semi-melting, rather
gritty at center; juice abundant, sweet, astringent and slightly aromatic; second; Nov.
to Jan.
Bon Gustave. 1. Gard. Chron. 69. 1848. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:471, fig. 1867.
From a seed bed of Major Espéren, Mechlin, Bel., but it did not bear fruit till 1847.
Fruit rather large, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, mammillate, bright green, marbled with russet;
flesh greenish-yellow, buttery, sweet, perfumed; first; beginning of winter.
Bon Parent. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:472, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:117, fig.
155. 1878.
Raised by Simon Bouvier of Jodoigne, Bel., in 1820. Fruit medium, regular pyriform,
bossed at summit, smooth, lemon-yellow, dotted with gray-russet, washed with reddish-
brown on the side next the sun; flesh white, fine, semi-melting, juicy, vinous, aromatic;
hardly first; Oct.
Bon-Roi-René. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:473, fig. 1867.
Raised from seed by Leroy and bore fruit first in 1864. Fruit medium to large, ovate,
irregular, bossed, lively green, sprinkled all over with dark gray dots ard vermilioned
on the side exposed to the sun; flesh yellowish-white, fine and dense, watery, excessively
melting, and a little gritty; juice abundant, sweet, vinous, with a delicious perfumed taste;
first; Oct.
Bon Vicaire. 1. Guide Prat. 88. 18095.
The fruit of this variety resembles that of the Vicar of Winkield and the tree, of
moderate vigor, is similar to that of the Duchesse d’Angouléme. Fruit large or very large,
long and like Calebasse in form, yellow, vermilioned on the sunny side; flesh very fine,
melting; Sept.
Bonne d’Anjou. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:474, fig. 1867.
Raised from seed by Leroy in 1864 at Angers, Fr. Fruit medium and sometimes
large, ovate, irregular and much bossed, bright yellow, speckled all over with dark gray
spots and washed with vermilion on the side next the sun; flesh yellowish-white, fine and
dense, exceedingly melting, a little gritty; juice abundant, sugary, vinous, refreshing,
deliciously perfumed; first; Oct.
Bonne-Antonine. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:475, fig. 1867.
There is a great similarity between this variety and Buerré Flon. The origin is obscure.
The Society of Van Mons distributed it before 1876 without description. Fruit large and
often enormous, long-conic, obtuse, slightly bossed and generally somewhat contorted at
the summit, dull golden-yellow, mottled and dotted with russet; flesh yellowish-white,
fine, dense, very melting, almost free from granulations; juice abundant, refreshing, sugary,
with an exceedingly pleasant after flavor of anis; first; mid-Oct.
Bonne de Beugny. 1. Rev. Hort. 280. 1911.
A chance seedling, found at Sainte-Catherine-de-Fier-Bois, Fr., by M. Chivert in 1875.
Fruit large to very large, globular-obtuse-pyriform, yellow, washed with russet especially
round the stalk; flesh melting, juicy, sweet, and agreeably perfumed; first; Oct. to Jan.
Bonne Carmélite. 1. Guide Prat. 88. 1876.
Distributed from Tournai, Bel. Fruit semi-melting; like Calebasse in form; Mar. and
Bonne de la Chapelle. 1. Mas Le Verger 2:231, fig. 114. 1866-73.
A wilding found by Jacques Jalais, Nantes, Fr., in 1845. It was described in this
country by Downing in 1869. Fruit medium, turbinate, short and swelled, rather irregular
in contour, green, sprinkled with dots of a deeper shade of green, some russet blush on
the exposed side; flesh a little greenish, fine, buttery, melting, with abundant sweet juice,
first; end of Aug.
Bonne Charlotte. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:477, fig. 1867. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
705. 1860.
Obtained from seed in the garden of the Society of Van Mons at Geest-Saint-Rémy,
Jodoigne, Bel., in 1849. Fruit medium, variable in form, but usually simply pyriform,
bossed, pale yellow, with green dots, lightly washed with purple on the side exposed to the
sun; flesh white, rather fine, more buttery than melting, sugary; juice sufficient and slightly
musky; good; Aug. and Sept.
Bonne d’Ezée. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 5:73, fig. 1857. 2. Pom. France 1:No. 34. PI.
34. 1863.
Brockworth Park. 3. Hogg Fruit Man. 535. 1884.
A wilding found at Ezée in the Touraine, Fr., by Dupuy about 1788. Fruit large,
often medium, long-ovate-obtuse; skin rather thick, oily, lemon-yellow or golden, dotted
and stained with bright russet; flesh white, very fine and melting; juice excessively abun-
dant, sugary, acidulous, having an exquisite aroma; first; all Sept.
Bonne de Jalais. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:480, fig. 1867.
Obtained from seed in 1857 at Nantes, Fr., by Jacques Jalais. Fruit small, globular-
ovate, bossed, one side always more enlarged than the other; skin rough, pale yellow, dotted
with clear brown and stained with russet markings; flesh whitish, semi-fine, melting,
sometimes a little dry, slightly gritty at center; juice sufficient, very sugary and having an
agreeable flavor; second; latter half of Sept.
Bonne-Jeanne. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:481, fig. 1867.
Origin unknown, but in the middle of the nineteenth century it was extensively culti-
vated in the environs of Paris. Fruit medium to small, pyriform-obtuse, depressed at
crown and stem, yellow-ochre, dotted and mottled with fawn and washed on the exposed
side with brick-red or brilliant-violet-red; flesh greenish-white, semi-fine, and semi-melting,
rather dry, very sweet and with a not unpleasant taste of fennel; third, middle of Aug.
Bonne Sophia. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 706, fig. 18609.
Fruit medium, obovate-acute-pyriform, pale greenish-yellow, with a red cheek, a
few patches and nettings of russet and numerous small, brown dots; flesh white, fine,
melting, sweet and slightly perfumed; very good; Oct.
Bonne Thérése. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:488, fig. 295. 1867. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
797. 1869.
Probably originated by Nélis, Mechlin, Bel., previous to the year 1834. Fruit medium,
regular, roundish-oval, greeenish-yellow, marbled with dull red at the stalk; stalk short,
straight; calyx small, open; flesh white, juicy, highly aromatic, sweet, melting; first; Oct.
Bonne des Zoes. 1. McIntosh Bk. Gard. 2:463. 1855.
Described as a recent introduction in England in 1855. Fruit medium; first; Sept.:
tree productive, making a good standard.
Bonners. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 51. 1869. 2. Ibid. 119. 1873.
Originated in Hancock County, Ga., and was known in 1869 in Washington County,
of that state, as the Popé pear. Fruit has a peculiar almond flavor; very good; Sept.
Bonneserre de Saint-Denis. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:490, figs. 1867.
An exquisite pear raised from seed by Leroy, Angers, Fr., in 1863. Fruit medium or
above, globular-obtuse-pyriform, regular in outline; a second type of the variety is rather
contorted and bossed; color greenish-yellow, dotted, striped and stained with russet;
flesh white, fine, melting, granular about the core; juice plentiful, sweet, acid, and endowed
with a delicious perfume; first; Dec. and Jan.
Bonnet Zuckerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:55. 1856.
A Belgian variety attributed to Van Mons. Fruit medium to small, long and convex,
beautiful yellow, flushed with red on the side of the sun; flesh melting and sweet; first; Sept.
Boutoc. 1. Guide Prat. 69. 1895.
A very ancient variety cultivated in the Gironde, Fr., and often called Poire d’ Ange.
Fruit medium, obtuse, short, lemon-yellow, stained with gray and red; flesh fine, melting;
good; end of Aug.
Bordine Musk. 1. Langley Pomona 131. 1729.
Considered one of the best pears in England in the early part of the eighteenth century.
Fruit small, globular, musky; end of June for very short season.
Bouchamp. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I, Bul. 126:64. 1908.
A chance seedling in the garden of M. Penneton. Fruit medium, globular-obtuse-
pyriform, green, yellow-russeted; flesh delicate, juicy, buttery, melting, sweet, vinous,
perfumed; season medium.
Boucquia. 1. Mag. Hort. 9:134, fig. 3. 1843. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 355. 1845.
A Flemish variety originated by Van Mons who sent cions of it to Manning in 1836.
It bore fruit for the first time in the Pomological Garden, Salem, Mass., in 1841. Fruit
large, oval, largest in the middle, tapering towards each end, pale yellow, tinged with pale
red on the side next the sun, covered with blackish specks and some patches of russet;
flesh yellowish-white, tender, melting, sweet, rich, somewhat astringent at times, perfumed;
Oct. and Nov.
Bourdon de Roi. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 536. 1884.
Fruit small, globular, yellowish-green, changing to clear yellow, with some dark red
blush next the sun; flesh white, very tender, semi-melting, of a re sweet, vinous
and musky flavor; first; Nov.
Bouvier d’Automne. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:491, fig. 1867.
A seedling of Van Mons, said to have been tasted by Bivort for the first time in 1845.
Fruit below medium, ovate-obtuse-pyriform, golden-yellow, speckled with large dots of
bright brown, mottled with fawn and generally bronzed on the side next the sun; flesh
yellowish-white, semi-fine and semi-melting; juice abundant, sugary, acidulous, and hav-
ing a delicate aroma; second; Oct.
Bouvier Bourgmestre. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 12492, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 537.
Raised from a seed bed made in 1824 by Bouvier, Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit large, obtuse-
pyriform, bright yellow, covered with small, gray dots, washed with fawn at each end;
flesh very white and fine, melting, juicy, gritty around the core, vinous and sugary; second;
Oct. and Nov.
Bouviers Herbstbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:65. 1856.
Originated by Van Mons, 1847. Fruit medium, oval, obtuse, green turning to yellow,
marbled with dark brown and speckled; flesh semi-buttery, aromatic, sweet; first; latter
half of Oct.
Bowdoin. 1. Mag. Hort. 3:48. 1837.
Raised from seed in the neighborhood of Boston, Mass., early in the nineteenth century.
Fruit large; skin thick; second; Sept.
Bowne Winter Russet. 1. Field Pear Cult. 272. 1858.
Originated at Flushing, Long Island, N. Y. Fruit large, greenish-yellow; good; Jan.
Boyken June. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 108. 1873.
Believed to have originated on the lower James River, Va. On trial and well regarded
in 1873. Fruit medium, beautifully colored; good, may be shipped in early July, keeping
qualities good, but rather deficient in flavor.
Braconot. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:494, fig. 1867.
From a seed bed made in 1840 or 1841 by Leclerc in his garden at Epinal, Fr. Fruit
large, oblong-obtuse, much swelled, bossed; skin greasy, golden-yellow, speckled all
over with grayish-brown, washed with red on the side next the sun; flesh yellowish, fine,
semi-melting, gritty around the core; juice moderate in amount, sweet, acid and deliciously
perfumed; first; Oct. and Nov.
Brandes. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:495, fig. 1867.
Raised by Van Mons, Louvain, Bel.; first reported in 1818. Fruit below medium,
long-ovate-obtuse, greenish-yellow, dotted and marbled with russet and extensively washed
with russet around the stem; flesh white, fine, excessively melting, gritty at center; juice
sufficient, sweet, musky; first; mid-Nov. to mid-Dec.
Braunrote Speckbirne. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 189. 18809.
Poire de Lard Brune. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. '7:145, fig. 553. 188r.
A German variety cultivated in Hanover where it is also known under the names
Poire Pendante and Poire Bourree de Hambourg. Fruit medium or nearly large, obovate-
pyriform, bright green, with very numerous dots of darker green but usually no trace of
russet. On ripening, the fundamental green becomes bright yellow, brightened with
reddish-brown on the side next the sun; early Sept.
Braunrothe Friihlingsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:4. 1856.
Of Belgian origin. 1832. Fruit medium, entirely covered with brown-russet; good;
winter to March first.
Braunrothe Sommerrusselet. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obsikunde 2:42. 1856.
Rousselet d’été Brun Rouge. 2. Mas Le Verger 2:53, fig. 25. 1866-73.
Probably of ancient German origin. Published at Nassau, 1804. Fruit small, obtuse-
conic, regular in outline, summit flat, smooth, pale green changing to bright greenish-
yellow and extensively washed on the side next the sun with dull brownish-red on which
are yellow-gray dots so prominent as to be rough to the touch; flesh yellow-white, rather
breaking, melting, gritty around the core, sweet, refreshing, having the perfume character-
istic of the Rousselet; first; Aug.'!
Brederode. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:37. 1856.
Seedling of Van Mons, 1817. Fruit medium, long-turbinate, light greenish-yellow
changing to light lemon-yellow, slightly russeted; flesh granular, softish, very sweet; end
of Sept. and early Oct.
Bremer Butterbirne. 1. Oberdieck Obst-Sort. 247. 188t1.
Raised from seed by Herr Neuburg in Bremen, Ger. Fruit large, turbinate, green,
turning to yellow-green and yellow on ripening; flesh yellowish-white, fine, melting, finely
granular, musky; Dec.
Brewer. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 708. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:1, fig. 289. 1880.
Origin uncertain, but probably American. Fruit medium, obovate-pyriform; skin
thin, tender, bright green dotted with very small, brown specks; flesh white, translucent,
melting; juice sweet, very abundant, delicately and agreeably perfumed; good; Oct.
Brewster. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 46. 1866.
A seedling fruited by Dr. S. A. Shurtleff of Brookline, Mass., in 1865. Fruit medium,
yellow, melting and juicy; Nov.
Brialmont. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:498, fig. 1867.
Origin uncertain, but it was described in the catalog of the Society of Van Mons.
Fruit medium, globular-ovate, mammillate at summit, yellowish-green, covered with dots
and patches of gray russet; flesh very white, dense, fine, semi-melting, some grit about the
core; juice abundant, sweet and perfumed; second; Oct. :
Brielsche Pomeranzenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:22. 1856.
Orange de Briel. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:47, fig. 408. 1880.
Attributed to Holland about 1812 by Dochnahl. Fruit small or nearly small, globular-
turbinate, sides uneven (Dochnahl), even contour (Mas), green passing at maturity to
bright lemon-yellow, washed on the side next the sun with a beautiful vermilion, covered
with numerous minute dots of fawn which change to yellow on the sunny side; flesh whitish,
rather fine, semi-buttery, gritty, not very juicy, saccharine; first.
Briffaut. 1. Gard. Chron. 367. 1863.
Fruit medium, pyriform, smooth, shaded side green, other red; flesh greenish-white,
fine, melting, sweet, perfumed; it is one of the most beautiful fruits of the summer, brilliant
in coloring, but it decays rapidly; Aug.
Brindamour. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1: 501, fig. 1867.
Originated in the Department of the Vienne, Fr., at the beginning of the nineteenth
century. Fruit medium, obtuse-turbinate, rough to the touch, bronzed, dotted with fawn,
some bright green around the stem, and marbled with the same color on the cheek exposed
to the sun; flesh whitish, fine, soft, melting; juice extremely abundant, sweet, acidulous
and very pleasantly perfumed; first; Nov. to the end of Jan.
Bringewood. 1. Mag. Hori.g:124. 1843. 2. Ibid. 13:153. 1847.
A foreign variety, probably English. Fruit medium, pyriform, yellowish-brown,
almost covered with russet; flesh yellowish-white, somewhat gritty around the core, other-
wise buttery, rich; first; end of Oct. to beginning of Dec.
British Queen. 1. Jour. Hort. N.S. 3:546. 1862. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 537. 1884.
Raised by Thomas Ingram from seed of Marie Louise at Frogmore, Eng., and first
distributed in 1863. Fruit large, obovate-pyriform, bossed, golden, much covered with
cinnamon-colored russet, encrimsoned on side next the sun; flesh yellowish-white, fine-
grained, buttery, melting, rich, sugary, having the flavor of the Marie Louise; first; Oct.
Broncirte Winterbirne. 1. Dochnahl Puhr. Obstkunde 2:70. 1856.
Raised by Van Mons at Louvain, 1853. Fruit medium to small, obtuse-ventriculous,
entirely covered with russet but somewhat blushed on the side next the sun; flesh very
sweet; first; Jan. and Feb.
Bronx. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 710. 1869.
Raised by James R. Swain, Bronxville, N. Y., about 1850. Fruit medium, obovate-
pyriform, greenish-yellow, netted and stained with russet; flesh whitish, juicy, melting,
sweet, slightly perfumed flavor; very good; first half of Sept.
Bronzée Boisselot. 1. Guide Prat. 88. 1895.
Fruit medium; flesh very melting, and of excellent flavor, sugary; first; Oct.
Bronzée d’Enghien. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:171, fig. 374. 1880.
Disseminated by the Society of Van Mons. Fruit medium, long-pyriform, well
swelled around the center, golden-yellow, dotted and stained with light bronze; flesh fine,
semi-melting, juicy, acidulous; Nov. to Jan.
Brookline. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 45. 1866.
A seedling pear fruited by S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass., in 1862. Fruit above
medium, turbinate, brown-russet; flesh sweet, juicy and buttery, with high flavor; very
fine; Oct.
Broom Park. 1. Gard. Chron. 209, fig. 1845. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 538. 1884.
Raised by Thomas Andrew Knight at Downton Castle, Herefordshire, Eng.; it first
bore fruit in 1831. Fruit small, globular-obovate; skin green and rough, largely covered
with brown-russet; on the side next the sun it is tinged with dull red; flesh yellowish,
melting, juicy, rich, with something of a melon flavor combined with pineapple. This
singular commixture of flavors is its principal characteristic; an excellent dessert pear; Jan.
Brough Bergamot. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 538. 1884.
A variety which succeeds well in the North of England. Fruit small, globular-turbi-
nate tapering into the stalk; skin rough, yellowish-green, very much covered with brown-
russet; flesh yellowish-white, rather coarse-grained, saccharine, very juicy, with a rich and
highly perfumed flavor; first; Dec.
Brugmans. 1. Mag. Hort. 4:395. 1838. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:100. 1856.
A seedling of Van Mons, 1821. In September, 1838, it was exhibited among ‘“‘ ninety
varieties ” by Manning, before the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Fruit medium,
conic, light green changing to light yellow at maturity, sometimes rather blushed; flesh
aromatic and sweet; mid-Nov. for three weeks.
Brumbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:9. 1856.
Originated in Odenwald, Ger., 1847. Fruit medium, turbinate, light yellow turning
to lemon-yellow, striped with bright red; good; Sept. and beginning of Oct.
Brune Minéme. 1. Guide Prat. 88. 1876.
Fruit rather large; first quality for cooking; Nov. and Dec.; of doubtful merit. Tree
vigorous and fertile, well suited for exposed situations.
Brunet. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:0, fig. 485. 1881.
Found growing wild at Houga, Department of Gers, Fr., about 1826. Fruit medium,
globular, very bright green, dotted with numerous small, gray specks; at maturity the
basic green passes to pale yellow, a little warmer on the side next the sun; flesh white, fine,
melting; juice plentiful, sweet and agreeably musky; fair; end of Aug.
Briisseler Herbstbergamotte. 1. Dochnahl Fiihr. Obstkunde 2:76. 1856.
Raised by Van Mons in 1825. Fruit medium, obovate-turbinate, yellowish-green
changing on maturity to lemon-yellow all over; flesh granular, soft, vinous and strongly
musky; good; Nov.
Brute Bonne. 1. Miller Gard. Kal. 206. 1734.
Franzosische Zapfenbirne. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:139. 1856.
Fruit medium, thin-skinned, grass-green all over, flushed red on the side next the sun;
flesh somewhat musky, sweet, acidulous; good; end of Oct.
Bryan Edwards. 1. Trans. Lond. Hort. Soc. 16:395. 1826.
A seedling found growing early in the nineteenth century in the neighborhood of
Southampton, Eng., by Bryan Edwards. Fruit globular-turbinate, pale green changing
at maturity to pale yellow; flesh melting, rich, sweet, pleasantly perfumed; of considerable
excellence; beginning of Nov.
Buchanan. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 114. 18609.
Submitted for examination to the Fruit Committee of the American Pomological
Society in January, 1869, by Isaac Buchanan of New York. Fruit medium, obovate-
acute-pyriform, dull yellow, with considerable russet; flesh a little coarse-grained, melting,
juicy, gritty next the core, moderately sweet, and of good flavor.
Buffalo. 1. Hooper W. Fr. Book 151. 1857.
Of foreign origin; “an early and abundant bearer; flesh a little coarse, but buttery,
juicy, sugary and sprightly.”
Bunte Mannabirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:106. 1856.
A variegated form of the French Colmar d’Hiver or Colmar. Fruit greenish-yellow,
with reddish-brown stripes; in other respects similar to its type.
Buntebirne. 1. Dochnahl Fiihkr. Obstkunde 2:69. 1856.
Originated in Hanover, Ger., 1852. Fruit medium to small, greenish-yellow turning
to bright, light yellow; flesh fine, flushed, sweet; good; mid-Sept. and Oct.
Burchardt Butterbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde a:114. 1856.
Considered by Dochnahl to be a seedling raised in 1833. Fruit medium, rather
variable, globular-ovate, uniformly bright lemon-yellow, sprinkled with fine russet; flesh
rather yellowish, semi-melting, aromatic, sweet; first; all Oct.
Buree Winter. 1. Langley Pomona 131. 1729.
Fruit medium, globular-obtuse-pyriform, somewhat depressed at both stalk and
calyx, speckled all over; may be gathered early in September and in season Feb. to Apr.;
first class.
Burgoyne. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P.I. Bul. 126268. 1908.
Fruit large, oblong-pyriform, greenish-yellow, blushed with russet; flesh melting, juicy,
sweet; good; season medium.
Burkett. 1. Ill. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 144. 1880. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 236. 1911.
Reported to the Illinois Horticultural Society in 1880 by C. S. Capps of Mt. Pulaski
who described it as a “‘ miserable apology’’ for a pear, though exempt from blight. It was
mentioned in a communication to the American Pomological Society in 1911 by Charles
G. Patten, Charles City, Iowa, as a variety which originating in Illinois had resisted blight
for a period of forty-five years in South Iowa. It has been suggested that this and Sudduth
may be the same.
Burlingame. 1. Mag. Hort. 15:344. 1849. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 711. 186g.
Raised from seeds of pears planted in 1790. In 1830 Dr. S. P. Hildreth, Marietta,
Ohio, sent a description of the pear to the Massachusetts Horticultural Society which
named it after Mrs. Burlingame of Marietta who had originally saved the seeds. Fruit
below medium, globular-oblate, pale yellow, blushed with red on the sun-exposed side and
covered with small, russet specks; flesh white, coarse, melting and juicy, rich, sugary,
perfumed; Aug. and Sept.
Burnett. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 139. 1841. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 712. 1869.
Raised by Joel Burnett, Southborough, Mass., in the early half of the nineteenth
century. Fruit large, obtuse-pyriform, pale yellow, with much iron-russet and flushed on
side next the sun; flesh greenish-white, rather coarse-grained but rich, musky, juicy, sweet;
excellent; Oct. and Nov.
Butt Pear. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 539. 1884.
A pear grown in England especially around Ledbury, Herefordshire, for the production
of perry. Fruit small, globular-obovate, lemon-color, strewed with minute, russety dots;
flesh yellowish, coarse-grained, granular, acidulous.
Butterartige Bergamotte. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:79. 1856.
No. 33 in the Van Mons collection, 1834. Fruit small, long-globular, dark yellow,
much covered with red-russet; flesh yellowish-white, semi-melting, sweet, firm, aromatic,
suitable for espalier; beginning of Nov.
Biittner Sachsische Ritterbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obsikunde 2:23. 1856.
Potre de Chevalier de Butiner. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:145, fig. 265. 1879.
According to Diel this variety originated in the environs of Halle, Prussia. Fruit
medium or nearly medium, globular-turbinate or globular-ovate, often irregular in contour,
a lively green sprinkled with dots of gray-green changing to brilliant lemon-yellow at
maturity, well-exposed fruits being extensively washed with brownish-red; flesh white,
tinted yellow under the skin, a little coarse, semi-breaking, fairly juicy, more or less per-
fumed according to the season; quality inconstant; Aug.
Cabot. 1. Prince Pom. Man. 2:214. 1832. 2. Mag. Hort. 10:298, 299, fig. 1844. 3.
Downing Fr. Trees Am. 712. 1869.
Raised from seed of Beurré Gris planted in 1821 or 1822 by J. S. Cabot, Salem, Mass.
Fruit medium, globular-ovate, slightly irregular; skin rough, bronze-yellow, almost covered
with cinnamon-russet, some marbling of red on the side next the sun; flesh greenish-white,
breaking, juicy, with a rich, subacid flavor; first; Sept. and Oct.
Cadeau. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 13507, fig. 1867.
Mainly cultivated in the neighborhood of Angers, Fr., where it probably origi-
nated. Fruit small, globular-ovate, one side always more swelled than the other; skin
thick, greenish-yellow or pale yellow, dotted and striped with gray-brown; flesh yellowish,
coarse, semi-melting, very granular, wanting in juice, sugary, not much flavor; third; end
of July.
Cadet de Vaux. 1. Liegel Syst. Anleit. 132. 1825. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 712.
1869. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:508, fig. 1869. ;
It is claimed that Van Mons originated this variety. Tree very productive, an early
and heavy bearer. Fruit large, obtuse-pyriform, ochre-yellow, dotted with brown and
shaded with fawn and pale red in the sun; stem short, large, curved; calyx large; flesh
yellowish-white, fine, breaking, sweet, juicy, perfumed; good; Dec. to Mar.
Caen de France. 1. Mag. Hort. 19:102. 1853. 2. Ibid. 21:188. 1855. 3. Am. Pom.
Soc. Rpt. 52. 1869.
Synonymous with No. 51 of Van Mons. It was introduced into this country in 1834
by R. Manning, Salem, Mass. Fruit large, pyriform; skin thick, yellow, overspread with
russet; flesh yellowish-white, semi-melting, juicy, sweet, vinous, with a little astringency,
slightly aromatic; “‘ one of the very best of the late varieties, keeps without trouble, and
may be put in barrels to ripen, and can be depended on from Jan. to Mar.”
Caesar. 1. Prince Pom. Man. 1:98. 1832.
Extensively cultivated in the French Department of Lorraine in the early part of the
nineteenth century. Fruit large, obovate-pyriform, smooth, pale yellow in the shade,
deeper next the sun and sometimes slightly tinged with red, sprinkled with minute specks;
flesh very white, breaking, of a rich and rather musky flavor; on maturing becomes soft
rapidly; Dec.
Caillot Rosat (English). 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 540. 1884. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 101.
This is not the Caillot Rosat of the French which in England is known as the Summer
Rose. Fruit above medium, pyriform, smooth, greenish-yellow, with a brownish-red
cheek and streaks of brighter red on the side next the sun; flesh tender, very juicy, sweet,
perfumed; good; Aug. :
Caillot Rosat (French). 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:509, fig. 1867. 2. Guide Prat. 72, 254.
Summer Rose. 3. Hogg Fruit Man. 652. 1884.
An ancient French pear of unknown origin. Writing of it in 1586 Jacques Daléchamp
thought it identical with the pear Nard, of the Greeks. This, however, has not been
substantiated; but the pear was in early times spread generally through France under
a variety of local names. One Jehan de Meung, a poet born near Orléans in 1280, wrote
of it, as also did Gilles Ménage in 1694 who said it was ‘“‘a kind of pears so called
because of their hardness, their whiteness and their taste of rose.” It is probable that it
takes its name Catlleau, Calliot, Catllou, Caillorosar, Caillot, from the caillou, a pebble,
because of the grit with which it is filled. Fruit medium, globular-oblate, yellowish, with
stains of fawn-russet, washed with tender rose on the side of the sun and streaked with the
same color around the stem; flesh white, scented, a little coarse, semi-melting, always gritty
around the core; juice sufficient, sugary, acid, musky; second; Sept.
Calbasbirn. 1. Christ Handb. 497. 1817.
Graue Flaschenbirne. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:140. 1856.
Originated in Holland in 1758. Fruit large, gourd-shaped, irregular, bossed, yellow,
with grayish-russet, becoming golden and washed with red; flesh yellowish-white, soft,
granular, somewhat woody, musky, sweet; good; Nov. and Dec.
Calebasse. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom.1:512, fig. 1867. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 712. 1869.
Termed by Downing “a very grotesque looking Belgian fruit.”” Leroy considered it
to have been raised in Brabant, Holland, early in the eighteenth century by Herman
Knoop, a Dutch horticulturist. Fruit medium, long gourd-shaped, crooked and undulating
in outline; skin rough, dull yellow, with thin, gray russet on the shaded side becoming
cinnamon- and orange-russet next the sun; flesh yellowish-white, semi-fine, semi-melting,
crisp, juicy and sweet; second; Sept. and Oct.
Calebasse d’Anvers. 1. Guide Prat. 103. 1895.
Sent out by M. Daras de Naghin of Antwerp, Bel., and recommended in 1895 by
Simon-Louis Brothers, Metz, Lorraine, as combining all the qualities requisite to render
it a fruit suitable for commerce. Fruit large, long, more or less contracted at its center,
canary-yellow, dotted with brown specks and stained with fawn at the summit; flesh
rather fine, free from granulations, juicy, sugary and savory; good; Oct. and Nov.
Calebasse de Bavay. 1. Mas Le Verger 1:35, fig. 24. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
1:514, fig. 1867.
Raised from seed at Mechlin, Bel., and distributed in 1849 by M. Tuerlinckx. Fruit
rather large, long-pyriform, contracted at summit, concave on one side, the lower end
being bent; color yellowish-green; flesh white, very fine; juice abundant, sweet, acid, having
a delicate perfume; first; Nov. and Dec.
Calebasse Boisbunel. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 41. 1871. 2. Guide Prat. 65. 1895.
Obtained by M. Boisbunel of Rouen, France. Fruit large, like Calebasse in form,
greenish-yellow, washed with red; flesh fine, yellowish-white, melting, very sweet; first
quality; Feb. and Mar.
Calebasse Bosc. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom.1:515, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 540. 1884.
3. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 162. 1920.
A chance seedling found in 1819 by Van Mons in the garden of M. Swates at Linkebeeke
near Brussels, Bel. Fruit medium to large, long-conical; skin rough to the touch and
entirely covered with brown-russet, sprinkled with darker russet dots; flesh yellowish,
semi-fine, melting, juicy, sweet and agreeably flavored; second; Oct.
Calebasse Delvigne. 1. Mas. Le Verger 3:Pt. 1, 141, fig. 69. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict.
Pom. 12517, fig. 1867.
Mas thinks Calebasse Delvigne was raised in Belgium and Leroy considers it to have
originated in France. Fruit medium, pyriform, yellow, strewed with cinnamon-colored
russet and richly colored with red on the sun-exposed side; flesh yellowish-white, rather
coarse-grained, melting, juicy, sweet and fine flavor, strong musky aroma; second to first;
Calebasse d’Eté. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:518, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 540. 1884.
A seedling obtained by Major Espéren of Mechlin, Bel. Fruit above medium and
sometimes larger, long-pyramidal, obtuse, a little contorted at base, greenish-yellow,
covered with brown-russet and with numerous russet spots; flesh white, semi-melting,
rather gritty at center, sugary, slightly acid and having a delicate perfume; a good early
pear; Sept.
Calebasse Fondante. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 140. 1841.
Described by Kenrick in 1841 as a new variety by Van Mons. Fruit very much
lengthened, bossed, uniformly red; flesh melting, sugary, agreeable; Oct.
Calebasse d’Hiver. 1. Gard. Chron. 69. 1848. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:161, fig. 465. 1880.
Obtained by Major Espéren, Mechlin, Bel., and described in 1848 as a new fruit.
Fruit large, turbinate or ovate-pyriform and long, dark green, sprinkled with brown dots,
the dark green becoming at maturity pale yellow and golden on the side of the sun; flesh
semi-melting, white; juice abundant, sweet, and without any appreciable perfume; good
for the purposes of the kitchen.
Calebasse Kickx. 1. Guide Prat. 89,254. 1876. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 541. 1884.
This is No. 590 in the Van Mons catalog and was a seedling first described in 1823.
Fruit below medium, obovate, rather uneven in outline, light greenish-yellow turning to
lemon-yellow, with some patches of very thin, pale, cinnamon-colored russet; flesh whitish,
coarse-grained, semi-melting, sweet, with an agreeable perfume; inferior, becoming pasty
in the middle of October; early Oct.
Calebasse Leroy. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:519, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:175, fig.
280. 1879.
Raised by Van Mons about 1830 and published for the first time in the Catalogue
Systematique of Diel in 1833. Fruit medium, conic-pyriform, somewhat contracted around
the middle, bright green, stained with russet patches and sown with some gray dots and
generally blushed with pale red on the side of the sun; first; Sept.
Calebasse Oberdieck. 1. Oberdieck Obst-Sort. 285. 1881. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:520,
fig. 1867.
A seedling raised by Leroy at Angers, France; it first fruited in 1863. Fruit large,
very long, like Calebasse in form, more or less obtuse, bossed; color orange-yellow, very
finely dotted with brown, marked with some fawn and blackish patches; flesh white,
extremely fine, semi-melting, juicy, fresh, sugary, aromatic; first; Oct.
Calebasse d’Octobre. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 41. 1871. 2. Horticulturist 27:102.
Received by the Massachusetts Horticultural Society from M. Alexandre Bivort of
Belgium and tested November, 1871. Fruit medium, acute-pyriform, long; skin smooth,
pale yellow, traced with russet, with a fine ruddy tint on one side; flesh yellowish-white,
melting, juicy and buttery, fine-grained; flavor vinous, rich, aromatic, sprightly, with a
slight astringency.
Calebasse Rose. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. '7:123, fig. 542. 1881.
Of uncertain origin. Fruit medium or rather large; obovate-pyriform, usually rather
irregular or bossed in its outline, bright green, sown with dots of darker green; on ripening
the fundamental green changes to a pale lemon-yellow, sometimes washed with rose; flesh
whitish, buttery, melting, sufficient sweet juice, acidulous; good; Oct.
Calebasse Tougard. 1. Aun. Pom. Belge 3:95, fig. 1855. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:521,
fig. 1867.
Tougard. 3. Gard. Chron. 415. 1863.
A posthumous seedling of Van Mons, first fruited in 1847. Fruit medium, pyriform,
yellowish, covered with spots and patches of rough brown-russet; flesh has a pink tinge,
half-melting, juicy, sugary and has a pleasant flavor; Oct. and Nov.
Calebasse Verte. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 12522, fig. 1867.
Attributed to Van Mons, date unknown, as also whether from Brussels or Louvain.
Fruit medium to large, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, bossed, bright green, sprinkled with
russet dots, veined with grayish-brown around the calyx and stem; flesh greenish-white,
fine, melting; juice sweet, abundant, acid, agreeable; first; Oct.
Calhoun. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 5. 1843. 2. Mag. Hort. 11:252. 1845.
Raised by Governor Edwards, New Haven, Conn., and submitted by him to the
Massachusetts Horticultural Society in 1843. Fruit medium, globular, obliquely oblate,
yellowish, shaded with dull crimson, russetted; flesh white, coarse, granular, buttery,
melting, pleasant; good; Oct.
Caliorosa. 1. Mag. Hort. 18:151. 1852.
Described among new varieties of fruits. Fruit large, pyriform, greenish-yellow, with
brown specks; not juicy, indifferent.
Calixte Mignot. 1. Guide Prat. 88. 1895.
Fruit large, pyriform, greenish, dotted with russet, passing to yellow at maturity;
flesh very fine, melting, buttery, juicy; first; Oct. and Nov.
Calvillebirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:72. 1856.
Criginated by Van Mons, 1825. Fruit medium, obovate-conic, light green changing to
lemon-yellow, washed with red on the sun-exposed side; flesh fine, granular, sweet, juicy,
melting, vinous and musky; good; Feb. and Mar.
Calvin. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126:71. 1908.
Originated by Calvin Throop in Washington, U.S.A. Fruit medium, ovate-pyriform
yellow, blushed and striped; flesh buttery, juicy, melting; good; medium.
Camak. 1. Gard. Mon. 2:320. 1860. 2. Guide Prat. 70. 1895.
Originated with J. Camak, Athens, Ga., and first reported in 1860. Fruit medium,
obtuse-pyriform, yellowish-green, slightly washed with carmine; flesh fine, juicy, sugary;
good; Sept.
Cambacérés. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:523, fig. 1867.
Distributed by Charles Baltet, Troyes, Fr., about 1861, without any specification of
origin. Fruit medium, obtuse-pyriform, one side generally more swelled than the other,
golden yellow, dotted and marbled with russet; flesh whitish, semi-fine, melting; juice
very abundant and very sweet, refreshingly acidulous, with a delicate aroma; first;
Camerling. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:524, fig. 1867. 2. Guide Prat. 108. 1876.
A seedling of Van Mons which first bore fruit in 1842. Fruit medium, oblong-obtuse-
pytiform, bossed and somewhat swelled; skin thick, wrinkled, yellow-ochre, dotted with
russet, much washed with gray-bronze and clouded with brown-red on the side next the
sun; flesh whitish, often doughy; juice sweet, agreeable; more frequently third than second
class; Oct.
Camille de Rohan. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 542. 1884.
Fruit medium, pyriform, green changing to yellow-green on ripening, with numerous
russety dots; flesh white, with a pinkish tinge, fine-grained, melting, vinous and of good
flavor; Dec. and Jan.
Canandaigua. 1. Mag. Hort. 16:36, 153. 1850. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 714. 1869.
Judge Atwater of Canandaigua, New York, brought cions of this pear from Con-
necticut in 1806. It was exhibited at the Pomological Congress in New York in 1849
under the name Catherine but there being already one or more pears known by that name
it was deemed well to change its name to avoid confusion. Fruit medium, irregular,
elongated-acute-pyriform, lemon-yellow, sometimes red on the sunny side; flesh white,
fine, melting and buttery, sugary, high flavor; handsome and excellent; Sept.
Canning. 1. McIntosh Bk. Gard. 460. 1855.
Fruit large, resembling Easter Beurré but the habit of the tree is more robust and hardy;
Jan. and Feb.
Canourgues. 1. Mas. Le Verger 2:77, fig. 37. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:526,
fig. 1867.
A wilding found about the beginning of the nineteenth century by M. Lauzeral,
Monestier, Fr. Fruit small, long-ovate, often more curved on one side than on the other,
smooth and shining, bright yellow, sown with small dots of grayish-brown, colored with
pale rose on the side of the sun; flesh white, fine, melting; juice very abundant, vinous,
sugary, refreshing and aromatic; first; July.
Cantelope. 1. Mag. Hort. 4:231, 466. 1838. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 714. 1860.
Raised by Governor Edwards of New Haven and presented to the Horticultural
Society of New Haven in September, 1838, when it was reported to be worthy of cultivation.
Fruit below medium, globular, pale yellow, sometimes blushed in the sun; flesh whitish,
coarse, breaking, wanting in juice; good for cooking; Oct.
Canton. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126:72. 1908.
Originated in 1883 in Madison County, Miss. Fruit medium, ovate, green to yellow,
blushed; flesh breaking, juicy, sprightly; very good; season medium.
Capsheaf. 1. Mag. Hort. 3:52. 1837. 2. Ann. Pom. Belge 7:77, fig. 1859.
Introduced by S. H. Smith, an amateur horticulturist of Rhode Island where it was
already much cultivated in 1837. Fruit medium, oblong-obovate-pyriform, deep yellow,
with patches and traces of cinnamon- russet; flesh white, juicy, melting, not highly flavored
but very sweet and agreeable; good; Sept. and Oct.
Capucine Van Mons. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:528, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:145,
fig. 361. 1880.
Obtained by Simon Bouvier, Jodoigne, Bel., a friend of Van Mons, to whom he dedi-
cated the variety in 1828. Fruit above medium, oval-pyriform, bright green, dotted all
over with fawn and slightly bronzed on the side next the sun; flesh yellowish or greenish,
fine, semi-melting, crisp, rich, sugary; juice very abundant, vinous, having a delicate
aroma; good to very good; Oct. to Dec.
Carasi. 1. Guide Prat. 80. 1876. 2. Baltet Cult. Fr. 373. 1908.
This is a perry pear, widely distributed in Europe under variations of the same name.
On the farms of Brie, France, it is known as the Carist, the fruit being medium size or rather
large, the juice perfumed, without color, rich in tannin. In the neighborhood of Metz,
Lorraine, it is called Carasi and in the district of Auge, France, Carisy. Bunyard and
Thomas in their joint work, “‘ The Fruit Garden,” mention Carisie-Gros and Carisie-Petit
as varieties for perry making, and they are probably two variations of the same pear, as
too are the Carisi rouge and Carisi blanc of France. The Carasi, or Rote Carisi, of Austria is
a beautiful fruit, large to very large, irregular in outline, pyriform, swelled at middle,
somewhat truncated; skin tough, green, turning to lemon-yellow, richly blushed on the
sunny side, dotted with red; flesh whitish, rather coarse, very juicy, subacid, aromatic; Oct.
Cardinal Georges d’Ambroise. 1. Guide Prat. 103. 1895.
Raised from Beurré Clairgeau crossed with Beurré Henri Courcelle. Fruit medium,
curved, pyriform, the form of Beurré Clairgeau; flesh very fine, juicy, sugary; delicious;
Nov. and Dec.
Carleton. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 46. 1866.
This is one of the forty-five seedlings fruited by S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass.,
between the years 1862 and 1866. Fruit large, obovate, light green; flesh melting, juicy,
slightly acid; good bearer, markets well; Oct.
Carmel. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 134. 1920.
Originated with N. W. Crawford, East Carmel, O., and introduced by him about
1850. Tree hardy, productive; fruit russet; flesh juicy, excellent; ripens early.
Carminbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:50. 1856.
Locality of origin Nassau, western Germany, 1812, Fruit medium, obovate, ‘sides
unequal; pronounced lemon-yellow, carmined on the side of the sun: good; Aug.
Caroline Hogg. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 543. 1884. 2. Nicholson Dict. Gard. 3:51. 1900.
A seedling from John Mannington, Uckfield, Sussex, Eng., which first fruited in 1870.
Fruit below medium, Bergamot-shaped, even and regular; skin covered with a thick, rather
deep brown-russet, reddish on side exposed to the sun; flesh very tender, melting, rich,
vinous, with plenty of finely perfumed juice; first quality, reminiscent in shape and flavor
of Winter Nelis; Dec.
Carriére. 1. Gard. Chron. 1046. 1866. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 13529, fig. 1867.
In 1866 the original tree was still existing at Poncet, Fr., being then about 200 years
old. Fruit small, pyriform, golden-yellow, dotted with brown-gray on the shaded side
and bright yellow on the side of the sun, washed with brilliant red; flesh yellowish-white,
breaking, rather dry, sweet, acidulous, agreeable, without perfume; second; July and Aug.
Cartheurserbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:9. 1856.
French, 1845. Fruit very large, ovate-pyriform, bossed, green, changing to yellow,
lightly blushed in the sun; flesh soft; winter.
Casimir. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:185, fig. 577. 1881.
A seedling from Beurré de Lugon, raised in 1859 by M. Pariset, Curciat-Dongalon,
Fr. Fruit medium, ovate-pyriform; skin thin, tender, bright green, sprinkled with numerous
round, brown dots; on ripening the green becomes lemon-yellow, lightly washed with
red-brown on the exposed side; flesh a little yellow, fine, melting, gritty around the core,
juice sugary, abundant, vinous, acidulous and perfumed; good; Nov.
Cassante du Comice. 1. Jour. Hori. 20:30, fig. 1871. :
Raised from seed by the Horticultural Society of Angers, Fr., and distributed by
Leroy of that city about 1870. Fruit medium, globular-oblate or Bergamot-shaped, dull
yellow, much covered with rough, brown-russet which leaves large patches of the ground
color apparent; flesh yellowish, coarse-grained, crisp, very juicy, with a rich, sweet,
sugary flavor; first; Sept.
Cassante de Mars. 1. Mas Le Verger 1:75, fig. 44. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
12530, fig. 1867.
A little-known seedling raised by Major Espéren, Mechlin, Bel., about 1840. Fruit
medium, globular-turbinate, orange-yellow, dotted, stained and marbled with fawn,
bronzed on the side exposed to the sun; flesh whitish, semi-fine, breaking, gritty about the
core; juice abundant, vinous, sugary, rather aromatic, richly flavored: second; winter and
Cassel. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 134. 1920.
Probably a cross between Duchesse d’Angouléme and Kieffer. Introduced by Cassel
Nursery, Cleveland, O., about 1914. Tree strong, upright, productive. Fruit large,
resembling Duchesse d’Angouléme in shape, rich lemon-yellow; flesh yellowish, white,
fine-grained, rich, juicy, sweet; Oct. to Dec.
Cassolette. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:160, Pl. XVIII. 1768. 2. Miller Gard. Dict.
3: 1807. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom.1:531. 1867.
An ancient pear deriving its name from an imagined resemblance to a perfuming-pot.
Numerous synonyms have been locally given to it. Fruit small, globular, pyriform, whitish-
green, sprinkled evenly all over with small dots; flesh white, semi-fine, breaking, very
tender; juice sufficient, sugary, slightly musky; second; Aug. and Sept.
Cassolette (Knoop). 1. Knoop Fructologie 1:104, 135, Pl. 5. 1771.
This is not the same variety as the Cassolette described by Leroy. Fruit medium,
long-obtuse-pyriform; skin rather rough, brown or grayish on the fundamental green, on
ripening becomes a little yellow; flesh soft, melting, with a very pleasant flavor; Aug. and
Castelline. 1. Pom. France 4:151, Pl. 151. 1867. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:532, fig. 1867.
3. Guide Prat. 49. 1895.
A Belgian variety obtained in 1835 by Florimond Castelain near Tournai, Bel. Fruit
medium, turbinate-pyriform, yellowish-green, much covered with russet and speckled with
fawn-russet, colored with dull red on the side of the sun; flesh yellowish, semi-fine, melting;
juice sugary, acidulous and agreeably perfumed; first; Nov.
Catherine Gardette. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 715. 1869. 2. Thomas Am. Fruit Cult.
697. 1897.
From W. D.. Brincklé, Philadelphia, in 1857. Fruit medium, globular-obovate,
yellow, freely dotted with red spots on the sun-exposed side; flesh yellowish, coarse, buttery,
sweet; good; Sept.
Catherine Lambré. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:534, fig. 1867. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
716. 1869.
One of the last seedlings raised by Van Mons in his nursery at Louvain. Fruit large,
oblong-obtuse-pyriform, greenish-yellow, covered with russet dots on the shaded side and
blushed with tender rose on the sunny side; flesh whitish, semi-fine, juicy, melting, sweet,
seldom gritty, having an exquisite savor recalling the perfume of the rose; very good; Oct.
and Nov.
Catherine Royal. 1. Langley Pomona 131, Pl. LXII, fig. 5. 1729.
King Catherine. 2. Parkinson Par. Ter. 592. 1629.
Catherine Royal is mentioned by Langley as one of ‘“‘ the best kinds of Pears in Eng-
land,” and is without doubt the King Catherine Pear described earlier by Parkinson.
Fruit medium in size, obovate-obtuse-pyriform; July and Aug.
Catillac. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:233, Pl. LVIII, fig. 4. 1768. 2. Leroy Dict.
Pom. 1:535, fig. 1867. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 716. 1869. 4. Bunyard
Handb. Hardy Fr. 162. 1920.
Grand Monarque. 5. Knoop Fructologie 1:125, 136, fig. 1771.
This old French baking pear with over sixty synoyms is supposed to have been found
near Cadillac in the Gironde. Bonnefond in 1665 in the Jardinier Frangois first
described it under this name. The great size of the Catillac has often caused it to be con-
fused with the Pound pear, and the latter’s name has been applied as a synonym for the
Catillac, but the two are distinct. Tree stout, vigorous, spreading, productive; leaf large,
round, downy, serrate. Fruit very large, broadly turbinate, dull green to yellow, with
brownish-red blush; stem stout, an inch long, in a small cavity; calyx open, in a moder-
ately deep, ribbed basin; flesh hard, rough; one of the best of stewing pears, cooking a
deep red; Nov. to Mar.
Catinka. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:537, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 545. 1884.
Raised by Major Espéren from seed at Mechlin, Bel., about 1845. Fruit medium,
obovate, lemon-yellow, thickly covered with large cinnamon-colored freckles and tracings
of russet; flesh yellowish-white, juicy, sugary, with a rich, full flavor perfumed with rose;
good; late autumn.
Cavaignac. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:96. 1856.
Raised by Van Mons, 1852. Fruit medium; skin rough, green changing to yellowish-
green, blushed with red on the sun-exposed side; devoid of scent and flavor; Sept.
Cavelier de la Salle. 1. Guide Prat. 103. 1895.
Raised from seed of Olivier de Serres fertilized with Vice-President Delbée; described
in 1895 as a new variety. Fruit medium, having the appearance of Olivier de Serres;
flesh extra fine, juicy, sugary, delicious, agreeably perfumed; Dec. Tree rather vigorous
and very fertile, forming beautiful pyramids.
Cedarmere. 1. Horticulturist 18:279, fig. 1863. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 716. 1869.
Raised from seed by William C. Bryant, the poet, at his country seat at Roslyn, N. Y.,
about 1860. Fruit small, globular-obovate, sides unequal, pale greenish-yellow, with
small russet dots and nettings; flesh white, juicy, melting, sweet, fine-grained, aromatic;
very good; Aug.
Cels Butterbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fiihr. Obstkunde 2:113. 1856.
A Van Mons seedling, 1804. Fruit medium, long, obtuse, golden-yellow, washed with
reddish-brown; Sept.
Century. 1. Mo. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 77. 1883.
Dr. J. Stayman, Leavenworth, Kan., before the Missouri Horticultural Society in
1883 stated that the Century pear had stood over a hundred years at its home in Pennsyl-
vania, had borne well and at that time showed no blight or disease. He also said it
appeared to be blight-proof at Carthage, Mo.
Cerise Brune. 1. Guide Prat. 89. 1895.
Fruit medium, regular in form, greenish, passing into yellow at maturity, speckled with
brown dots; flesh white, rather astringent, with a savor at once sour and sweet; July and
Cerise Double. 1. Guide Prat. 89. 1895.
Fruit medium, pyriform, slightly swollen about the middle, pale green changing to
yellow on ripening, lightly dotted with brown; flesh white, breaking, with a slightly astrin-
gent flavor; Aug.
Cerruttis Durstlésche. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 194. 1889. 2. Guide Prat. 81. 1895.
Fruit medium, turbinate-obtuse; yellow; flesh breaking, very juicy, scented; good for
cooking; Sept.
Certeau. 1. Baltet Cult. Fr. 404. 1908.
Baltet remarks of this pear that with it, in common with Catillac and certain other
varieties, the flesh becomes red when cooked. Baltet also points out that pears with a
gray skin are generally good for kitchen use.
Certeau d’Automne. 1. Pom. France 3:No.111, Pl. r11. 1865. 2. Guide Prat. 66. 1895.
Described in 1661 by Bonnefond, in 1690 by Merlet and by La Quintinye in 1730, but
its place and time of origin are unknown. Fruit small to medium, growing in clusters, long-
pyriform, yellow, washed with brilliant orange-red and dotted with gray; flesh white, not
fine, breaking, juicy, sugary, having a perfume of the Rousselet; good for kitchen use;
Oct. to Dec.
Certeau D’Eté. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:539, fig. 1867.
In the sixteenth century this variety was also called the pear of Champagne, coming
as it did, according to Charles Estienne, from that district in 1540. Its name may be
referred to the Latin word certo signifying constant or certain. Fruit above medium,
long, variable, sometimes rather like Calebasse in form but more usually obtuse-conic,
bright yellow though a little greenish, dotted all over with gray-brown and widely carmined
on the side opposed to the sun; flesh whitish, semi-fine and melting; juice sufficient; saccha-
rine, seldom much perfumed but with a delicate flavor; second; Aug.
Certeau d’Hiver. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:540, fig. 1867. 2. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr.
2:248. 1768.
Certeau d’Hiver, like Certeau d’Ete, originated, Charles Estienne, writing in 1540,
tells us, in the environs of Vitry-le-Francgais, in the French champagne country. Fruit
medium and sometimes less, long-turbinate, swelled and contracted at summit, sometimes
gourd-like in form, bright yellowish-green, dotted with fawn, washed with brown-red on
side touched by the sun; flesh yellowish-white, semi-fine, semi-breaking, gritty and somewhat
astringent; juice abundant, sugary, perfumed; third; Dec. to Apr. or May.
Cesile. xz. Kenrick Am. Orch. 140. 1841.
Tree hardy, productive; fruit large, globular, flattened at the apex, red-russeted;
flesh buttery; very good; Oct.
Chaigneau. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:542, fig. 1867. 2. Guide Prat. 57. 1895.
From a seed bed made in 1848 by Jacques Jalais, a nurseryman at Nantes, Fr., first
published in 1858. Fruit medium, turbinate-obtuse, yellowish-green, dotted with brownish-
gray; flesh white, melting; juice acidulous, sugary, refreshing, aromatic; first; Oct.
Chair-a-Dame. 1. Duhamel Tratt. Arb. Fr. 2:156, Pl. XVI. 1768. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
1:543, fig. 1867.
Le Lectier possessed in his garden at Orléans at the beginning of the seventeenth
century two strains of the Chair-a-Dame. One he called Chere-a-Dame tres-hastine,
and the other Chere-a-Dame. The first is very early in its ripening and the second much
later. Fruit medium or less, oblong-pyriform, bossed, fairly regular; skin thin, bright
yellow-green, very finely dotted with gray-russet and extensively carmined on the side next
the sun; flesh white, semi-fine, breaking or semi-melting, watery, gritty at center; juice
abundant, saccharine, vinous, rarely very aromatic, sometimes slightly acid; second; Aug.
and Sept.
Chamness. 1. Clingman Cat. 8. 1921.
Originated with a Mr. Chamness of Timpson, Tex., possibly as a cross between Kieffer
and Bartlett, and was introduced in 1913. Fruit medium, smooth, yellow; flesh melting,
juicy, tender, sweet; ripens last of August.
Champ Riche d’Italie. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:232. 1768. 2. Kenrick Am. Orch.
124. 1841. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:544, fig. 1867. 4. Hogg Fruit Man. 545.
1884. 5
Probably of Italian origin. Diel of Stuttgart devoted many pages of his Kern-
obstsorten to it in 1805 at which time he had received it from the neighborhood of Paris,
though it had already been known for a long while at Berlin. Fruit above medium and
often large, pyriform, always rather swelled below the central circumference, contracted
at the summit which is often nearly acute, greenish on the shady side, yellow-ochre on the
face exposed to the sun, dotted all over with brown specks; flesh whitish, semi-melting or
breaking, rather fine, free from grit, juicy, sweet and perfumed; first rate for cooking and
compotes but third for dessert.
Champagner Bratbirne. 1. Guide Prat. 89, 256. 1876. 2. Loschnig Mosibirnen 8, fig.
Much valued in Germany for making champagne and perry. It was grown in Baden,
Wiurttemberg, and Hesse in 1797. Fruit small, globular-turbinate, even in outline, light
green turning yellow without any blush, speckled with brown-russet and finely dotted;
flesh white, coarse, nearly breaking; first for perry; autumn.
Chancelier de Hollande. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:31, fig. 496. 1881.
A seedling of Van Mons. Fruit medium to large, obovate-pyriform; skin rather thick
and firm, becoming a little greasy, bright green speckled with green-gray dots; on ripening
the original green becomes yellow and washed with red on the exposed side; flesh whitish, a
little green under the skin, rather coarse, gritty at the center, semi-melting; juice plentiful,
rich in sugar, acidulous, slightly perfumed, agreeable; third; Nov.
Chancellor. 1. Mag. Hort. 19:65. 1853. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 717. 18609.
Said to have originated in Germantown, Pa., on the grounds of a Mr. Chancellor. At
the Second Session of the American Pomological Congress in 1853 it was placed on the list
of pears that promised well. Fruit rather large, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, greenish-yellow,
sometimes blushed on the exposed side, dotted; flesh white, juicy, buttery, melting, sugary,
perfumed; good; Oct. and Nov.
Chantry. 1. Mag. Hort.g:125. 1843.
Published in the London Horticultural Society’s Catalogue of Fruits, 1842. Fruit
medium size, globular, brown and russet; buttery; second; Dec. and Jan.
Chaploux. 1. Mas Le Verger 1:169, fig. 83. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 13547.
Distributed from nurseries at Vilvorde-lez-Bruxelles, Bel., in 1859. Fruit small, glob-
ular-turbinate, acute, the stem being perpendicular to and continuous with the fruit; color
dark green, touched with brown russet; flesh yellowish-white, veined with green, fine,
buttery, very sugary; first quality for cider and for drying; Dec. and Jan.
Chapman. 1. Mag. Hort. 14:84. 1848. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 717. 1890.
Originated in Philadelphia or its vicinity. Shown at the exhibition of the Pennsyl-
vania Horticultural Society held at Philadelphia, September, 1847. Fruit medium,
obovate-pyriform, yellow, with brown and green dots; flesh white, semi-melting, astringent;
Chaptal. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom.1:547. 1867.
Raised in Paris by Michel-Christophe Hervy, about 1800. Fruit very large, oblong,
obovate-obtuse-pyriform, yellow-ochre, dotted with greenish-brown, marbled with fawn,
washed with dark red on the side facing the sun; flesh white, semi-fine and semi-melting,
gritty at the center; juice sufficient, sugary, acidulous; second.
Charles Bivort. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:549, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:1 51, fig.
460. 1880.
A seedling of Van Mons fruited prior to 1842. Fruit medium, globular-ovate-obtuse;
bright green changing to orange-yellow at maturity, marbled and dotted with bright brown,
and clouded with olive-russet on the side of the sun; flesh whitish, coarse, semi-breaking,
gritty at core; juice rather wanting, sugary, vinous; second; Oct.
Charles Cognée. 1. Bunyard-Thomas Fr. Gard. 367. 1904. 2. Baltet Cult. Fr. 345,
fig. 247. 1908.
Raised at Troyes, Fr. Fruit large or rather large, obtuse-pyriform; skin pinkish-
yellow, lightly dotted with brown; flesh slightly granulous, sweet, perfumed, juicy, with a
very agreeable flavor; first; Feb. and longer.
Charles Ernest. 1. Rev. Hort. 292. 1889. 2. Baltet Cult. Fr. 328, fig. 224. 1908.
3. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 163. 1920.
Obtained by Charles and Ernest Baltet, nurserymen of Troyes, Fr., and placed in
commerce in 1879. Fruit large, shortened pyriform, obtuse, golden-yellow, encrimsoned
on the side next the sun, dotted with gray on the bright side and with green on the shaded;
flesh white, fine, melting, very juicy, sugary, rich, perfumed; first; Nov. and Dec.
Charles Frederickx. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 2:1, fig. 1854. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:550,
fig. 1. 1867.
In 1840 or 1841 this pear was raised in the Van Mons nursery at Louvain, Bel. Fruit
medium, globular-ovate-pyriform, slightly obtuse and bossed, golden-yellow, dotted and
veined with fawn, shaded and mottled with red in the sun; flesh white, buttery, sweet,
melting, juice sufficient, sugary, very savory and musky; first; Sept. and Oct.
Charles de Guelin. 1. Gard. Chron. 3rd Ser. 35:79. 1904.
Described in the Bulletins d’Arboriculture, January, 1904. Fruit large, turbinate,
smoky-brown; flesh yellowish-white, melting, perfumed and juicy; good; Jan. and Feb.
Charles Smet. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 480. 1857. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:551,
fig. 1867.
A seedling of Van Mons. Fruit large, globular, greenish-yellow, fine, dark green
spots, stained with blackish-brown around the stalk; flesh white, coarse, breaking, gritty
around the core; juice abundant, saccharine, with not much flavor; second; Jan. to Mar.
Charles van Hooghten. 1. Mag. Hort. 17:472. 1851. 2. Horticulturist 8:30, fig. 1853.
Fruit large, even, roundish-oval, yellow, netted and patched with russet and with many
russet dots; stem slender, fleshy at insertion; calyx open; basin shallow; flesh white, coarse-
grained, gritty, not very juicy, sweet, rich, with a musky perfume; good; Oct.
Charles Van Mons. 1. Mag. Hort. 16:295. 1850. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 238. 1854.
3. Hogg Fr. Man. 546. 1884.
Belgian, about 1847. At the second session of the Congress of Fruit Growers in
1850 this pear was placed on the rejected list, as also it was again by the American Pomo-
logical Society in 1854. Fruit large, oblong-obovate-obtuse, smooth, bright green, strewed
with some minute dots; flesh yellowish, rather coarse-grained, with a cold acidity and not
much flavor; of small merit; Oct. and Nov.
Charli Basiner. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 546. 1884. 2. Guide Prat. 89. 1895.
A production of J. de Jonghe of Brussels, Bel., about 1857. Fruit medium, obovate,
pale green, dotted and clouded with brown-russet changing as it ripens to yellowish-green;
flesh white, juicy and sugary; first; Sept. and Oct.
Charlotte de Brouwer. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 3:33. 1855. 2. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 1,
107, fig. 52. 1866-73.
One of Major Espéren’s seedlings raised at Mechlin, Bel., and reported on in 183s.
Fruit medium and above, globular-ovate, yellow ground of skin almost entirely covered
with a coating of light brown-russet except on the shaded side; flesh yellowish-white, semi-
fine, semi-melting; juice sufficient, sugary, vinous, acid and very astringent; second; Oct. and
Charlotte de Roucourt. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 194. 1889. 2. Guide Prat. 89. 1895.
Distributed by Daras de Naghin of Antwerp, Bel., about 1880. Fruit medium, obo-
vate or obtuse-pyriform; flesh melting, very juicy, sugary, perfumed; Mar. and Apr.
Charnock. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 547. 1884. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 194. 1889.
A Scotch dessert pear. Fruit small, pyriform, greenish-yellow in the shade and dark,
dull red on the side next the sun; flesh yellowish, semi-buttery, juicy, sweet, aromatic;
Chat Brulé. 1. Duhamel Trai. Arb. Fr. 2:247. 1768. 2. Miller Gard. Dict. 3: 1807.
3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:555, fig. 1867.
Duhamel du Monceau writing in 1768 mentions two varieties bearing the name Chat
Brulé or Burnt Cat. Of these the second is the Chat Brulé described under that name by
Leroy, ripening in November and the first is the Dutch variety Kamper Venus, ripening
late in the winter. Each of these has been known also as Kamper Venus. Fruit medium,
globular-pyriform, smooth, shining, pale yellow where shaded, and washed with red where
exposed to the sun; flesh very white, rather coarse, breaking; juice rather wanting, rarely
very sweet, generally without perfume; good only for cooking; Nov. and Dec.
Chattanooga. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 43. 1866.
Originated at Brookline, Mass., by S. A. Shurtleff; fruited first in 1863. Fruit medium
to large, truncate, dark green; flesh fine, melting, juicy, sweet, perfumed; good; Oct.
Chaudfontaine. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:59, fig. 510. 1881. 2. Guide Prat. 81. 1805.
Disseminated by M. Galopin, a nurseryman at Liege, Bel., in 1865. Fruit large or
rather large, pyriform, a little swelled, water-green almost entirely covered with cinnamon-
colored russet, changing to pale yellow on maturity and the russet to golden on the side to
the sun; flesh whitish, semi-fine, semi-breaking, full of juice, sweet and musky; good for
household use; Oct.
Chaumontel. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 718. 1869. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr.
163. 1920.
Besi de Chaumontel. 3. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:199, Pl. XL. 1768. 4. Leroy
Dict. Pom. 13266, fig. 1867.
Merlet writing in his L’Abrégé des bon fruits of 1675 said that the Chaumontel
pear originated from a wilding growing at Chaumontel, Fr. In 1765 Duhamel du Monceau
saw the parent tree, at that time more than a century old, bearing a fine crop. Fruit large;
form variable, but always long, obtuse, bossed, pyriform, yellow or yellowish-green in
the shade, dotted with numerous brownish-red spots and brownish-red or deep rich red on
the side exposed to the sun; flesh white, semi-fine, melting, buttery, rich and sugary; juice
abundant, vinous, highly perfumed; a high class dessert pear.
Chaumontel Gras. 1. Rev. Hort. 468, fig. 1888.
In 1845 seed of the Chaumontel was sown from which was obtained in 1859 fruit
whose seed was in turn sown. A seedling grown from this latter seed bore fruit, which was
reported about 1875 as follows: Fruit large or very large, obtuse-pyriform, swelled, bossed,
bright yellow, very much covered with fine dots and gray marblings and on the sun-touched
side often tinted with carmine or brick-red more or less intense; flesh white or yellowish,
semi-fine, crisp, very melting, juicy, rich, sugary, perfumed; spring.
Chaumontel Swan Egg. 1. Mag. Hort. 5:304. 1839.
Raised by John Williams, Pitmaston, Eng., from seed of Chaumontel impregnated
with the pollen of Swan Egg. Fruit medium, obovate, russet; flesh rich and sugary; Oct.
Chaumontelle d@’Eté. 1. Gard. Chron. 1207. 1873. 2. Guide Prat. go. 1876.
Presumably a French pear, having been received in England from Orléans in the
autumn of 1871. Fruit large or very large; flesh semi-melting or juicy, sugary and of a
distinct perfumed flavor.
Chelmsford. 1. Mag. Hort. 6:18. 1840. 2. Ibid. '7:169. 1841. 3. Downing Fr. Trees
Am. 719. 1869.
Originated on the farm of Zaccheus Wright, Chelmsford, Mass., early in the nine-
teenth century. It has been known also under the names Tyngsboro and Mogul Summer.
Fruit of the largest size, globular-obtuse-pyriform, yellow, red cheek; flesh coarse, sweet;
good for cooking; Sept.
Cher 4 Dames (Knoop). 1. Knoop Fructologie 1:105, 135, Pl. V. 1771.
This pear although illustrated by Knoop under the name Chair 4 Dame is not iden-
tical with the variety described under that name in this work or by Leroy. Fruit medium,
somewhat oblong, diminishing toward the stalk and becoming acute, globular in lower half,
flattened around the calyx which is not deeply sunken; when ripe the skin is uniformly
yellow and blushed on the side of the sun with a beautiful red; flesh soft, rather gritty,
succuent and of a very agreeable flavor; Aug. and Sept.
Cherroise. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:557, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:169, fig. 469.
This wilding was found in a wood in the Commune of Cherré, Maine-et-Loire, Fr.,
and was first propagated about 1848. Fruit medium, ovate-obtuse, mammillate; skin rough
to the touch, yellow-ochre, with patches of fawn-colored russet, washed when ripe with a
blush of vermilion red on the side of the sun; flesh yellowish-white, semi-fine, breaking;
juice sufficient, sugary, rather savory; second; Jan. and Feb.
Chesill. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 592. 1629.
Mentioned by John Parkinson in 1629 as a “‘delicate mellow pear, even melting as it
were in the mouth of the eater, although greenish on the outside.”’
Chilton. 1. Mass. Hori. Soc. Rpt. 45. 1866.
A seedling raised and fruited by S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass., and exhibited to
the Fruit Committee of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society in 1866. Fruit medium,
turbinate, brown-russet; flesh sweet, juicy and buttery, with high flavor; described by
the promoter as very fine; Oct.
China. 1. Gard. Chron. 1095. 1867.
Of Chinese origin. Reported in 1867 to be full of promise in Queenstown, Australia,
and to have been growing in the neighboring British Colony of New South Wales for many
years. Fruit large, many weighing 16 or 17 ounces; shape variable, breadth being sometimes
as great as the length, warm yellow ground dotted all over with russet; flesh crisp, juicy,
sweet, the skin having something of a musky pineapple flavor; a handsome, fragrant fruit;
first for cooking; a good keeper; summer.
Chio. 1. Miller Gard. Dict. 3: 1807.
Commonly called, according to Miller, the Little Bastard Musk Pear to distinguish
it from the Little Musk Pear. Fruit small, roundish, yellow when ripe, with a few streaks
of red on the side next the sun; juice musky; good; July.
Choak-pear. 1. Miller Gard. Dici. 3: 1807.
The fruit of this pear is so acrid that it produces a choking sensation. Its flesh is red
and it is rarely cultivated.
Choisnard. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:5509, fig. 1867. 2. Guide Prat. 80. 1895.
Found growing wild in the environs of Ormes-Sur-Vienne, Fr., about 1810. Fruit
above to medium, pyramidal-obtuse, rather wrinkled, dark yellow, dotted with fawn,
large gray marblings which pass to dark brown on the exposed side; flesh yellowish, semi-
melting, semi-fine, gritty at core; juice sufficient, sugary, tartish, savory, witha delicate,
musky flavor; first; Jan. to Mar.
Cholwell. 1. Mag. Hort. 13:451. 1847.
An English variety first described by the London Horticultural Society in 1847. Fruit
medium, curved pyramidal; skin smooth, thin, yellowish-green in the shade and partly
tinged and obscurely streaked with dull red next the sun where it is also speckled with pale
dots; flesh yellowish-white, melting, buttery, very sugary and rich, musky; Oct.
Christmas. 1. Elliott Fr. Book. 371. 1859.
Originated in Cincinnati, O., and described as “‘ new’ in 1859. Fruit medium, ovate-
rounded, rough, bronzed, russety; flesh a little gritty, juicy, sweet; very good; Dec. and Jan.
Christmas Beurré. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 158. 1874.
A seedling of the White Doyenné shown in the Massachusetts Horticultural Society’s
rooms in 1874. Fruit full medium size, ovate-pyriform, dull green, with thin russet towards
the stem and sometimes sprinkled with red next the sun; flesh rather gritty at core, juicy
and rich; very good to best; Dec.
Church. 1. Mag. Hort. 23:112, fig. 5. 1857. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.i19. 18609.
Vanilla. 3. Watson Am. Home Gard. 376, fig. 235. 1860.
Reported by Downing to have originated on land belonging to Trinity Church at
New Rochelle, N. Y., hence its name; but Dr. Brincklé, in the second reference, says that
it was believed to be a seedling raised by an old Huguenot settler, and that the original
tree still existed on the premises of L. P. Miller, and was presumed to be nearly 100
years old. In 1859 Dr. Brincklé and Prince and Ferris expressed the opinion that it
was identical with Platt’s Bergamot and Mr. Colt thought the Clark pear of Hartford was
also thesame. Fruit medium, globular-oblate, irregular, green becoming yellow at maturity,
with minute dots; flesh fine, very buttery, melting, with a very rich, sweet and highly
perfumed flavor; first; Sept.
Chypre. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:561, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 571. 1884.
Duhamel in 1768, Poiteau in 1848 and Dr. Hogg in 1884 make this pear synonymous
with Early Rousselet. Leroy regards it as a separate variety. It is an ancient pear of
uncertain origin. It was described by Merlet in 1675 and was cultivated even earlier by
Le Lectier in his garden at Orléans. Probably it originated at the beginning of the seven-
teenth century, but whether it took its name from the Island of Cyprus or the cypress tree
seems uncertain. Fruit small, globular-turbinate, bright grayish-green, stained with
brownish-red on the side of the sun; flesh dense, rather coarse, semi-breaking; juice abundant,
vinous, sugary, with a perfume recalling cinnamon; first as an early pear; July and Aug.
Cincincis. 1. Ohio Hort. Soc. Rpt. 12. 1874-5. 2. Cornell Sta. Bul. 3322451, 479, figs.
149, 154. 1913.
This oriental pear, possibly of French origin, was received from New York by S. F.
Smith, Marietta, O.,in 1854. It is the parent of numerous seedlings fruited by Mr. Smith.
Fruit medium to small, oval, fairly regular, light greenish-russet, with numerous brown
dots; skin slightly rough; flesh yellowish-white, juicy, breaking, crisp; devoid of flavor,
poor; Oct.
Cincincis Seedling. 1. Cornell Sta. Bul. 332:479. 1913.’
Introduced by William Parry and very closely resembles, if it is not identical with,
Cincincis. Fruit medium to large, oblong, largest at stem end, tapering to blossom end,
smooth, creamy-yellow; flesh tender, crisp, juicy, lacking quality.
Cincinnatus. 1. Cornell Sta. Bul. 3322479. 1913.
An oriental seedling produced by S. F. Smith from seed of Cincincis. Folette Smith,
son of the originator, says, ‘‘ The tree is vigorous, hardy, productive; fruit resembles Cin-
cincis in color and shape but is quite distinct in quality; juicy, subacid, rich; flesh
Cinquantiéme Anniversaire. 1. Guide Prat. 89. 1895.
Raised by M. Grégoire of Jodoigne, Bel., who considered it one of his best gains.
Fruit small to large; Nov.
Cire. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:563, fig. 1867. 2. Guide Prat. 108. 1876.
Wachsbirne. 3. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:187. 1856.
One of Major Espéren’s gains at Mechlin, Bel., about 1840. Fruit large, long-conic,
obtuse, much swelled around the calyx; skin waxy yellow, bright, rather thick, slightly
tinged with rose on the side of the sun and some small stains of dark maroon; flesh whitish,
semi-fine and semi-melting, extremely granular about the center; juice sufficient but
wanting in perfume and in sweetness; third; Feb.
Cité Gomand. 1. Guide Prat. 74. 1895.
A gain of M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Brabant. Fruit medium, turbinate-ovate, yellow
with dots; flesh melting, juicy; good; Oct.
Citrina. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 45. 1866. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 720. 18609.
One of S. A. Shurtleff’s seedlings. First fruited in 1862. Fruit medium, short-
pyriform, bright yellow, lumpy and nodular; flesh nearly white, coarse, gritty at core,
of a pleasant, peculiar flavor; Sept.
Citron. 1. Mag. Hort. 4:231. 1838. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 720. 1869.
A seedling of the late Governor Edwards. Fruit small, globular-turbinate, greenish,
shaded with dull crimson; flesh greenish, rather coarse, juicy, melting, sugary, vinous,
musky; good; Aug. and Sept.
Citron d’Hyver. 1. Miller Gard. Dict. 3: 1807.
Fruit medium to large, “‘in shape and color very like an orange or citron; ” flesh
hard and dry, gritty; good baking pear; Dec. to Mar.
Citron de Saint Paul. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:566. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:29,
fig. 207. 1879.
From a seed bed of M. de la Farge in the Commune of Salers, Cantal, Fr. It was
first published in 1856. Fruit below medium, ovate, obtuse and bossed, golden-yellow,
dotted all over with bright green; flesh whitish, fine, melting, juicy, rather gritty; juice
very abundant, sugary, sweet and deliciously perfumed; first; Sept.
Citron de Sierentz. 1. Knoop Fruciologie 1:103, 135, Pl. V. 1771. 2. Mas Pom. Gen.
6:101, fig. 435. 1880. ,
The Horticultural Society of Angers received some grafts of this variety in 1836 with
the information that it originated in the small village of Sierentz, near Mulhausen, Alsace.
Knoop, however, describing it in 1771 under the name of Citron de Siréne gives it various
Flemish synonyms. Fruit small to medium, turbinate or globular-ovate and slightly
pyriform, bright yellow or greenish-yellow, dotted with russet and some brownish-fawn
markings passing often to olive-brown and slightly vermilion on the side of the sun; flesh
white, coarse, breaking, juicy, sugary, acid, savory; second; July and Aug.
Citronnée. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:568, fig. 1867. 2. Guide Prat. 71,245. 1895.
This is practically identical with the pear found by Diel and described by him in
1806 under the name Rothbackige Citronatbirne. Fruit below medium, globular, bossed
at summit, lemon-yellow, dotted with russet and washed on the sun-exposed side with
delicate rose; flesh white, fine, dense, very melting, gritty about the core; juice very abun-
dant, sugary, slightly acid, aromatic, savory, leaving a slight flavor of musk; first; Sept.
Clap. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 720. 1869.
Originated by Captain William Clap of Massachusetts. Fruit below medium, acute-
pyriform, yellowish-green, with brownish blush in the sun; flesh whitish, buttery, juicy,
aromatic; Aug.
Clara. 1. Mag. Hort. 8:58. 1842. 2. Ibid. 16:295. 1850. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
720. 1869.
A Van Mons seedling placed on the list of ‘‘ Rejected Fruits’ at the second session
of the Congress of Fruit Growers at New York in 1850. Fruit medium, long, light. green,
with some russet spots and patches; flesh white, juicy, good, rather too acid; Oct.
Clara Durieux. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:149, fig. 75. 1872. 2. Guide Prat.108. 1876.
A seedling of Von Mons. Fruit medium, globular, bright green, with dots of darker
green, becoming golden-yellow on maturity, washed with red on the sun-kissed side; flesh
whitish, rather fine; melting, juicy, sweet, vinous, perfumed; Oct.
Claretenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obsitkunde 2:195. 1856. :
Northern Germany, first reported in 1773. Fruit large, roundish-turbinate, often
unequal sides, bossed, yellow, somewhat blushed; flesh granular, sweet and astringent;
good; Sept.
Clark. 1. Mag. Hort. 192518. 1853. 2. Ibid. 24:126. 1858.
Origin uncertain; cultivated in Hartford, Conn. The pear “ bears a good deal of
resemblance in form, texture, flavor and seed to the Autumn Bergamot of Col. Carr.”
Fruit above medium, short-pyriform or turbinate, as broad as it is high; flesh rather coarse,
very tender, melting, juicy, with a refreshing and agreeable flavor; desirable; Oct.
Clarksville. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 134. 1920.
Original tree about 90 years old. Introduced by Sunny Slope Nursery, Hannibal, Mo.
Claude Blanchet. 1. Guide Prat. 54. 1895. 2. Baltet Cult. Fr. 405. 1908.
A gain of Claude Blanchet, Vienne, Fr., and listed in the Journal de la Societe Naitonale
et Centrale d’Horticulture de France in 1883. Fruit small or medium, ovate-obtuse and
rather swelled, green washed with yellow; flesh whitish, semi-fine, juicy, sugary and acidu-
lous; good; Aug.
Claude Mollet. 1. Guide Prat. 90. 1876.
Fruit large, oval-shortened; first; Aug. and Sept.
Clay. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 5. 1843. 2. Mag. Hort. 112437. 1845. 3. Downing.
Fr. Trees Am. 721. 1869.
One of Governor Edwards’ seedlings, exhibited before the Massachusetts Horticul-
tural Society in 1843. Fruit medium, roundish-oblate, sometimes pyriform, waxen-
yellow, blushed with crimson and sprinkled with brown or crimson dots; flesh whitish, rather
coarse, granular, juicy, sweet; good; Oct.
Clémence de Lavours. 1. Mas Le Verger 1:71, fig. 42. 1866-73.
A wilding found in the Commune of Lavours, Department Ain, Fr. Fruit medium,
pytiform, lemon-yellow; flesh melting, perfumed; first; winter.
Clémence van Rumbeck. 1. Guide Prat. 62. 1895.
Presumably Dutch. Fruit medium or large, nearly round, maroon-russet on yellow;
flesh yellowish, fine, melting; first; Nov. and Dec.
Clément Bivort. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:569, fig. 1867.
Obtained by Alexandre Bivort, director of the nurseries of the Society Van Mons at
Geest-Saint-Rémy, in the gardens of the Company, and first placed on the market in 1858.
Fruit medium, globular-oblate, orange-yellow, sprinkled with some gray dots, clouded
with fawn especially on the side of the sun; flesh whitish, melting, juicy, sugary, acidulous
and sourish, with a strong, agreeable perfume of anis; first; Nov. and Dec.
Clementine. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:136. 1856. 2. Gard. Chron. 1038, fig.
Seedling of Van Mons, 1833. Fruit large, obtuse-pyriform, golden-yellow, with dots
of reddish-brown, slightly reddened on side next the sun; flesh white, moderately fine-
grained, melting; juice abundant and perfumed; good; Sept.
Clinton. 1. Mag. Hort. 8:60. 1842. 2. Ibid. 17:263. 1851.
Seedling of Van Mons. Fruit large, light yellow; flesh soft, buttery and good but not
high flavored; Nov.
Cloche de Wittenberg. 1. Guide Prat. 90. 1876.
Fruit large, turbinate-obovate, dark lemon-yellow, lightly washed with red; flesh
breaking; for kitchen use; Oct. and Nov.
Coit Beurré. 1. Horticulturist 19:110, figs. 1, 2. 1864. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 722,
fig. 1869.
Raised by Colonel Coit, near Cleveland, O. Fruit medium, obovate inclining to
pytiform, yellow, deeply covered with russet, covered with dots which become crimson on
exposed side, cheek often crimson; flesh buttery, juicy, spicy, melting, rich, vinous; very
good; Sept. and Oct.
Cole. 1. Budd-Hansen Am. Hort. Man. 2:239. 1903.
Originated at Detroit, Kan., and variously known as Cole’s Seedless, Cole’s Pear,
Cole's Coreless and Cole’s Seedless and Coreless. Fruit medium, globular approaching
acute-pyriform; color lemon-yellow, thickly sprinkled with minute russet dots; stem medium
long, stout, inserted in a very small cavity; calyx small, open, in a small, shallow basin;
flesh white, a little granular, moderately juicy, sweet, pleasant aroma; good. Often sold
as ‘‘ seedless’ but frequently shows seeds.
Cole Winter. 1. U.S. D.A. Pom. Rpt. 37. 1895.
Received from Horticultural Gardens, Victoria, Australia, by T. J. Garden, Gardenia,
Va. Fruit medium, short, pyriform, having a well-defined suture-like groove running
from stem to calyx; color yellow, russeted; stem medium, in a small cavity; calyx large,
open; flesh white, tender, melting, juicy, sprightly; very good; autumn.
Collins. 1. Mag. Hort. 17:255, fig. 261. 1851. 2. Ibid. 18:149. 1852.
Raised from seed of the White Doyenné on the farm of a Mr. Collins in Watertown,
Mass., and introduced in 1848. Fruit large, obovate, rather flattened, when ripe greenish-
yellow, with a fine blush in the sun and speckled with russet dots; flesh white, fine, brisk,
melting, juicy, vinous, sweet; good; Sept. and Oct. .
Colmar. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:222, Pl. L. 1768. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:572,
fig. 1867.
A highly esteemed pear of ancient and probably Belgian origin. Merlet mentions it in
1690 and La Quintinye in 1730. Fruit above medium, obtuse-pyriform, smooth, pale
green changing to yellow-ochre on ripening and sometimes washed with pale red on the
side exposed to the sun; flesh yellowish-white, fine, semi-melting, watery, tender, with a
rich, sugary flavor; juice very abundant, acidulous, and deliciously perfumed; first; Nov.
to Mar.
Colmar d’Alost. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:574, fig. 1867.
Raised from a seed bed made in 1840 by M. Hellinckx, a nurseryman at Alost, Bel.
Fruit large, oblong, very obtuse, enlarged on one side, bright green in the shade, yellowish-
green on the side exposed to the sun, dotted with brown specks and covered with patches
of fawn; flesh white, fine, semi-melting, juicy, gritty at the center, sweet, vinous, acidulous,
savory: first; Oct. and Nov.
Colmar d’Arenberg. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 3:3, fig. 1855. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 13575,
fig. 1867.
Attributed to Van Mons and thought to have originated in 1821. Fruit very large;
form rather variable, obovate, uneven and bossed in outline, yellow-ochre on the shaded
side and russeted on the exposed face; flesh yellowish-white, semi-melting, juicy, sweet,
slightly aromatic; a handsome but coarse pear; Oct.
Colmar Artoisenet. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:577, fig. 1867.
Found by Simon Bouvier in the garden of M. Artoisenet at Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit
medium to above; turbinate-obtuse, greenish-yellow, dotted and marbled with gray-russet
on the shady side and entirely stained with fawn on the cheek exposed to the sun; flesh
whitish, fine, semi-melting; juice rather wanting, little sugar, delicate; second; Nov.
Colmar d’Automne Nouveau. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:578, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen.
7:45, fig. 503. 1881.
Originated in the garden of the Horticultural Society of Angers; first reported in 1851.
Fruit above medium, conic-obtuse but sometimes almost cylindrical, russet-gray, lightly
and uniformly clouded with orange-yellow; flesh white, fine, melting; juice abundant,
sugary and strongly aromatic, occasionally a little acid: first: Sept. and Oct.
Colmar Bretagne. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 549. 1884.
Growing in the gardens of the Caledonian Horticultural Society in Edinburgh, Scot.,
before 1884. Fruit medium pyramidal, swollen on one side; skin smooth, deep, clear yellow,
tinged with green on the shaded side and bright vermilion on the side of the sun, covered
all over with small, russety dots; flesh sweet, crisp, juicy and agreeably flavored; dessert
fruit; Oct.
Colmar Charni. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 8:43, fig. 1857. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:579, fig.
1867. 3. Hogg Fruit Man. 549. 1884.
In 1854 this ancient pear was introduced into the gardens of the Society of Van Mons
at Geest-Saint-Rémy, Bel. Fruit medium, oval, dull yellow, dotted, veined and stained
with fawn, with a vermilion blush on the side of the sun; flesh white, very fine, semi-melting,
juicy, sweet, vinous, having a delicious aroma; first; Jan. to Mar.
Colmar Daras. 1. Guide Prat. go. 1876. 2. Ibid. 50. 1895.
Obtained by Daras de Naghin of Antwerp, Bel. Fruit large, long and pyramidal,
brilliant lemon-yellow, mottled with fawn; flesh very melting and juicy, very sugary;
first; winter.
Colmar Delahaut. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 5:21, fig. 1857. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:581,
fig. 1867.
Raised from seed by M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit medium, curved-pyriform,
rather variable, greenish-yellow in the shade, brownish-yellow on the side of the sun, dots
and patches of pale brown-russet; flesh whitish, semi-fine and semi-melting, wanting in
juice, sugary, vinous, aromatic; second; Jan.
Colmar Demeester. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom.1:582, fig. 1867. 2. HoggFruit Man.550. 1884.
A seedling raised by Van Mons. Fruit medium, obtuse-pyriform, somewhat obovate,
even and regular in outline, greenish-yellow, rather heavily dotted and with some small
patches of brown-russet; flesh yellowish, coarse, semi-melting; juice abundant, sugary,
acidulous, with an agreeable if often a rather cloying flavor; a second class dessert pear;
Sept. and Oct.
Colmar Dewez. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 192. “1832. 2. Mag. Hort. 53395. 1839.
Originated near Brussels, Bel., about 1825, and in 1839 was shown by R. Manning
at the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Flesh white, tender and very melting; juice
abundant, mild, with an agreeable aroma.
Colmar pine. 1. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 2, 99, fig. 146. 1866-73. 2. Downing Fr. Trees
Am. 725. 1869.
Beurré Epine. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:359, fig. 1867.
Origin uncertain, possibly one of Van Mons’ seedlings, distributed by M. Bouvier,
Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit above medium, long-obtuse-pyriform, ventriculated in its lower
part, symmetrical, pale green changing at maturity to lemon-yellow, mottled with fawn-
russet and strongly washed with brownish-russet on the side opposed to the sun; flesh
whitish, semi-fine, melting, gritty around the core; juice abundant, vinous and saccharine,
with an acidulous flavor; second; Nov.
Colmar @Eté. 1. Gard. Chron. 875, 913. 1860. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:583, fig. 1867.
Attributed to Van Mons about 1825. Fruit small, obovate or globular-obovate,
smooth, shining, greenish-yellow becoming quite yellow when ripe, sprinkled with brown
dots, having in some seasons and places a cheek red and almost transparent; flesh yellowish,
very melting: juice excessively abundant, of honey sweetness, rich flavor, acidulous,
pleasantly aromatic; first; Aug. and Sept.
Colmar Flotow. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:65, fig. 417. 1880. 2. Guide Prat. 79, 246. 1895.
Named by Oberdieck, who received it unnamed from Van Mons. Fruit medium,
globular-conic, green, with numerous very small, brown dots changing to dull lemon-
yellow on maturity; flesh whitish, semi-fine, buttery; juice plentiful, sweet and delicately
perfumed; good; winter.
Colmar-Hirondelles. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:151, fig. 76. 1872.
A product of the Van Mons seed beds, catalogued in 1823. Fruit medium, pyriform
and somewhat swelled around the middle, green, speckled with brown dots, changing to
bright lemon-yellow on ripening, the exposed side being blushed with a beautiful red; flesh
yellow, semi-fine, semi-melting; juice abundant, sugary, vinous and slightly perfumed; second.
Colmar de Jonghe. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 724. 1869. 2. Guide Prat. 72. 1895.
J. de Jonghe of Belgium originated this variety and said of it, ‘‘ Tree hardy, robust,
vigorous and productive, rather upright; young wood nut brown, with a few gray specks.”
Fruit medium, pyriform, bright yellowish-green, washed with brown; flesh yellowish, very
fine, semi-melting, juicy, perfumed; first; Sept. and Oct.
Colmar de Mars. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:586, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:139,
fig. 262. 1879.
Grown from seed by M. Nerad, Jr., nurseryman at Lyons, Fr.,in 1853. Fruit medium,
globular-ovate, golden-yellow, dotted, veined and slightly rayed with russet; flesh yellowish,
fine, firm though melting, scented; juice abundant, refreshing, sugary, savory and having
a slight taste of musk; first; May.
Colmar du Mortier. 1. Guide Prat. 89. 1895.
Fruit medium, ovate, bright lemon-yellow; flesh salmon, very fine, very melting, very
sugary; first; Feb.
Colmar Navez. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 12586, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 551. 1884.
Raised from seed by M. Bouvier, Jodoigne, Bel. The first fruits were yielded in
1837. Fruit large, globular-obovate, yellowish-green, slightly dotted with gray, clouded
with brown-russet, and often washed with brick-red on the side exposed to the sun; flesh
white, rather fine, semi-melting; juice sufficient, sugary, acidulous, savory, having an
aroma suggestive of musk and anis; first; Oct.
Colmar Neill. 31. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 821. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 551. 1884.
From a seed bed made by Van Mons in 1815. Fruit very large, obovate, smooth,
glossy, pale yellow, sprinkled all over with russety dots and stained with some markings
of cinnamon-colored russet; flesh white, buttery, sweet, juicy, vinous and of a musky
flavor; good to very good; Oct.
Colmar Sirand. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:178, fig. 570. 1881. 2. Guide Prat. 63. 18095.
From a seed bed of Winter Nelis made in 1856 by M. Pariset, Curciat-Dongalon,
Department Ain, Fr. Fruit medium, globular-pyriform; skin thin and tender, pale green,
with brown dots, yellow when ripe; flesh slightly yellow, fine, melting, having a decided
scent of musk and rose; first; Dec.
Colmar Van Mons. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 192. 1832. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 551. 1884.
Colmar des Invalides. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:584, fig. 1867. 4. Downing Fr. Trees
Am. 725. 1890.
Raised at Enghien, Bel., in 1808 by M. Duquesne, a friend of Van Mons. Fruit
medium, globular-turbinate, irregular; skin thick, dark green changing to yellow-green and
washed with red on the side of the sun; flesh yellowish, buttery and melting, gritty about
the core; juice watery; a cooking pear; Nov. to Jan.
Colmart. 1. Coxe Cult. Fr. Trees 200. 1817. 2. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P.I. Bul. 126:83.
An old variety resembling Bon-Chrétien d’Hiver. Fruit large, obovate-obtuse-pyriform;
stalk planted in a deep hollow, bossed; skin smooth, green, dotted with brown spots,
inclines to yellow on maturity; flesh yellowish, very fine, buttery and melting; juice very
sweet and sprightly; Jan. to Apr.
Coloma Carmeliterbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:12. 1856. 2. Mathieu Nom.
Pom. 197. 1889.
One of Count Coloma’s Belgian seedlings, 1828. Fruit medium, conic, covered all
over with dark brown-russet, with a dark blush when ripe; good for transportation; Dec.
Colorado Seedless. 1. Stark Bros. Cat. 30. 1913.
Originated near Paonia, Col. Tree vigorous, healthy, hardy, productive; fruit large,
obovate-obtuse-pyriform; skin smooth, dull greenish-yellow, with green and russet dots
and a distinct reddish blush; core small; seeds few, usually abortive; flesh yellowish-white,
rather fine-grained, tender, melting, juicy, aromatic; good; Oct.
Colorée de Juillet. 1. Mas Le Verger 2:43, fig. 20. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
1:580, fig. 1867.
Obtained by M. Boisbunel, Rouen, Fr., about 1857. Fruit medium, ovate, regular;
skin oily, bright yellow, dotted with gray and dark red, vermilion on the side next the
sun; flesh whitish, semi-fine and semi-breaking; juice never abundant, sweetish, wanting
in sugar and perfume; second; July.
Columbia. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 725. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 552. 1884.
The original tree grew on the farm of a Mr. Casser, Westchester County, N.Y. Fruit
large, oblong-obovate, smooth, fine, pale green or golden-yellow when ripe, with sometimes
a soft orange tinge on its cheek and dotted with small, gray dots; flesh white, buttery,
melting, sweet, perfumed; hardly good; Nov. to Jan.
Commandant Belaieff. 1. Rev. Hort. 463. 1906.
Placed on the market as a new pear by M. Bruant, Poitiers, Fr., in 1906. Fruit
large, wrinkled and reddened all over; flesh rather fine, juicy, very sugary, strongly scented ;
first; end of Dec.
Commissaire Delmotte. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 5:15, fig. 1857. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
I:soz, fig. 1867.
Gained by Xavier Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel.; ripened first in 1852 or ’53. Fruit
medium and above, globular-turbinate-obtuse, slightly bossed; skin wrinkled, lemon-
yellow, dotted and veined with fawn, shaded with gray-russet and with numerous very
small, blackish-gray stains; flesh yellowish, coarse, semi-melting, gritty at core; juice
abundant, sugary, acid, with a delicate scent; second; Nov. to Jan.
Commodore. 1. Mag. Hort. 8:60. 1842. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 570. 1857.
Van Mons seedling No. 1218. Fruit medium, very regular, obovate, round and full
at the crown, yellow, with patches of red and russet; flesh buttery, melting, rich, sweet
and good; Oct. and Nov.
Compotbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:164. 1856. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 1098.
Of French origin, attributed to 1675. Fruit medium, pyriform, pale yellow, entirely
covered with fine, cinnamon-colored russet, becoming a dark golden green on ripening;
good; Feb.
Compote @Eté. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 52107, fig. 342. 1880.
Mas states he received this variety in France from T. Rivers, Sawbridgeworth, Eng.
Fruit large, ovate, bright green, speckled with brown dots, turning to pale yellow on
ripening; flesh white, rather fine, semi-buttery; juice scarcely sufficient but sugary, a little
acid, slightly perfumed.
Comprette. 1. Horticulturist 2:174. 1847. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 726. 1869.
3. Hogg Fruit Man. 552. 1884.
A Flemish seedling. It was exhibited by M. P. Wilder, President of the Massachusetts
Horticultural Society at the Society’s meeting in 1844. Fruit small, obtuse-pyriform,
smooth, greenish-yellow, becoming lemon-yellow, strewed with patches and dots of russet;
flesh white, buttery, melting, juicy, sweet; not of high merit; Nov.
Comstock. 1. Elliott Fr. Book 393. 1859. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 727. 1869.
An American variety which originated in Dutchess County, N. Y. Fruit medium,
obovate, smooth and glossy, bright yellow, with crimson cheek; flesh white, crisp and
when well ripened has a sweet and sprightly flavor; a coarse, cooking pear; Nov. to Jan.
Comte Canal de Malabaila. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:1309, fig. 358. 1880.
Origin uncertain, but probably German. Fruit rather large, globular-ovate or nearly
conic, bright green, with brown dots, changing to lemon-yellow and rather golden on the
side of the sun; flesh white, fine, buttery, sufficient sweet juice, agreeable; first; through
the winter.
Comte de Chambord. 1. Guide Prat. 110. 1876. 2. Cat. Cong. Pom. France 215, fig.
Found at Nantes, Fr., towards the end of the nineteenth century. Fruit medium,
turbinate-obtuse, enlarged at the summit, narrowed at base, yellow; flesh white, very
fine, very melting and juicy, sugary and perfumed; very good; Sept. and Oct.
Comte d’Egmont. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 552. 1884.
Fruit small, obovate or turbinate, lemon-yellow, entirely covered with dots of a fine
reddish-brown russet, which in some parts are so dense as to form an irregular patch
particularly around the calyx; flesh yellow, melting, rather gritty, very rich, sugary,
delicious; first; Nov.
‘Comte de Flandres. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:592, fig. 1867. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
727. 1869. 3. Hogg Fruit Man. 552. 1884.
A seedling of Van Mons though it did not bear fruit till 1843. Fruit very large,
obtuse-pyriform, mammillate at each end, rough to the touch, yellowish-green, heavily
covered with cinnamon-colored russet; flesh yellowish-white, fine, extremely melting, juicy,
perfumed, sugary, quite devoid of seeds; of the highest merit; Oct. to Dec.
Comte de Lambertye. 1. Rev. Hort. 542. 1894. 2. Guide Prat. 89. 1895.
From seed of the Beurré Superfin sown by M. Tourasse; exhibited at Paris and Lyons
in 1894, and obtained from the Pomological Congress of Lyons a first class certificate.
Fruit globular-turbinate, blonde or light colored, dusted over with golden russet; flesh fine,
melting, juicy, sprightly; Sept. and Oct.
Comte Lelieur. 1. Guide Prat. 47. 1895. 2. Baltet Cult. Fr. 305, fig. 189. 1908.
Gained by Ernest Baltet, nurseryman at Troyes, Fr., in 1865. Fruit rather large,
globular-oval, yellow, dotted with fawn and washed with carmine; flesh fine, very juicy,
sugary, with a delicious aroma; first; Sept. and Oct.
Comte de Meladore. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 40. 1871.
One of a collection of forty-two new varieties of pears exhibited by Marshall P. Wilder
at the Exhibition of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society in 1871. Fruit medium,
pyriform, yellow, with reddened cheek; flesh white, fine-grained, tolerably juicy.
Comte de Momy. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 40. 1871.
Exhibited by Marshall P. Wilder among a collection of 42 new varieties of pears at
the Exhibition of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society in 1871. Fruit medium,
short-acute-pyriform, yellowish, with a red cheek a little obscured with russet; flesh
yellowish-white, juicy, sweet and high flavored.
Comte de Paris. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 727. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 553. 1884.
A Van Mons seedling. Fruit medium, oblong-obovate-obtuse, yellowish-green
thickly dotted all over with large, gray-russet dots and patches, with an orange blush next
the sun; flesh yellowish, juicy, brisk, sweet, aromatic; good; Oct. to Dec.
Comtesse d’Alost. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:94, fig. 1867.
Origin uncertain, but it was being cultivated in France in 1840 and in Germany in
1854. Fruit medium, long-conic, rough to the touch, russeted, finely dotted with gray
and partially covered with large, longitudinal stains; flesh yellowish-white, close-grained,
very melting; juice very abundant, sugary, acidulous and having a very aromatic savor;
first; Nov.
Comtesse de Chambord. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 7:13, fig. 1857. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
1:596, fig. 1867.
From seeds of Winter Nelis sown in 1847 by President Parigot, Poitiers, Depart.
Vienne, Fr., and fruited for the first time in 1855. Fruit medium and above, obovate-
obtuse-pyriform; skin rough, wrinkled, very bright green, sprinkled with dots of greenish-
gtay, brilliant yellow on the side touched by the sun, and sometimes washed with bright
red; flesh yellowish-white, semi-fine, very melting, buttery, gritty at core; juice most
abundant, sugary, refreshing, vinous and delicately aromatic; first; Nov. and Dec.
Comtesse Clara Frijs. 1. Guide Prat. 91. 1876. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 198. 1889.
Danish. Fruit medium to large, pale yellow, dotted; flesh white, melting, juicy,
sugary, perfumed; good; Aug.
Comtesse de Grailly. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:165, fig. 83. 1872.
Introduced by Eugaéne des Nouhes, near Pouzanges, Vendée, Fr., in 1867. Fruit
medium, globular-conic, flattened at the two poles, very bright green changing to a
beautiful lemon-yellow on ripening, golden on the side of the sun, sprinkled with numerous
fawn dots; flesh white, fine, melting, rather granular at the core, with abundant sweet
juice and a delicate perfume; Oct. and Nov.
Comtesse de Paris. 1. Rev. Hort. 242, fig. 89. 1898. 2. Cat. Cong. Pom. France 218,
fig. 1906.
Obtained by W. Fourcine, Dreux, Fr., about 1893. Fruit medium, long-pyriform,
bent toward stem, greenish-yellow, tinted with fawn around the stem and calyx and dots
of russet over the rest of the skin; flesh white, semi-fine, melting, extremely juicy, very
sugary, mild flavor; good; Dec.
Condorcet. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:597, fig. 1867.
Of unknown origin; named after the Marquis of Condorcet. Fruit below medium
or small, turbinate, acute and undulating at base, but sometimes somewhat obtuse and
mammillate, always mammillate at crown, bright yellow, dotted, streaked and patched
with russet; flesh white, semi-fine, melting, slightly gritty at core; juice enough, sugary,
aromatic, rather savory; second; Sept.
Conference. 1. Nicholson Dict. Gard. 3:51. 1900. 2. Garden 62:367, fig. 1902
3. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 166. 1920.
Named after the National (British) Pear Conference of 1885. Originated by Rivers,
the English pomologist, and introduced in 1894. It is now grown in enormous quantities
in England for market purposes and is said to be one of the most regular cropping varieties.
Tree a moderate grower, very productive. Fruit medium to above, slightly long-gourd-
shaped, even, smooth, shining green, dotted with russet; stem long, woody; calyx open in
a shallow basin; flesh pale yellow, slight pinkish tinge, melting, very juicy, sweet, good;
Oct. and Nov.
Congrés de Gand. 1. Guide Prat. 73. 1895.
A Belgian variety distributed by Daras de Naghin of Antwerp. Fruit medium,
pyriform, fawn color; flesh white, melting; good; Oct.
Congrés Pomologique. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:598, fig. 1867. 2. Downing Fr. Trees.
Am. 728. 1869.
Raised by Boisbunel, Rouen, 1854. Fruit above medium, turbinate, globular and
bossed; skin rough, olive-yellow, slightly dotted with brown, more or less clouded with
pale red on the cheek next the sun; flesh yellowish-white, fine, melting, juicy, sugary,
acidulous, having a pleasant flavor of musk; first; Nov. and Dec.
Conkleton. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126285. 1908.
Raised in Texas from seed of Le Conte. Cataloged as “‘ new’”’ in 1902.
Conklin. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 728. 1869.
Originated in Westchester County, N.Y. Fruit medium large, oblate-obtuse-pyriform,
greenish-yellow sprinkled with green and brown dots, russeted; flesh yellowish, coarse,
half melting, sweet, juicy; good; Sept.
Connecticut. 1. Field Pear Cult. 272. 1858.
Raised in Connecticut. Fruit medium, oblate, yellowish-green; quality poor.
Conseiller de Hollande. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 554. 1884.
Fruit large, pyramidal, golden-yellow, much covered with rather rough, cinnamon-
colored russet, with a warm orange glow on the sun-exposed side, with some streaks of
crimson, and some green specks and large dots on the shaded side; flesh firm and crisp,
yellowish, not melting, deficient in juice, sweet and with a musky aroma; handsome but
third rate; Oct.
Conseiller Ranwez. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:599, fig. 1867. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 554.
Raised by Van Mons; it fruited in 1841. Fruit large, pyramidal, bright green, covered
with fawn dots, becoming yellow within a day or two of its ripening; flesh fine-grained,
half-buttery, tender; juice plentiful, sugary, vinous and delicately perfumed; good but
variable; Oct. and Nov.
Constant Claes. 1. Guide Prat. 108, 260. 1876. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:91, fig. 526.
A Belgian variety distributed in 1863 by de Jonghe. Fruit medium or rather large,
conic-pyriform; skin thin and slender, pale green, washed on ripening with light orange-red;
flesh white, fine, melting; juice abundant, sweet, vinous and pleasantly scented; first; Sept.
Cooke. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 484. 1857. 2. Elliott Fr. Book 372. 1850.
Place of origin, King George County, Va. Introduced by H. R. Roby, Fredericks-
burg, Va. Fruit rather large, irregularly pyramidal, pale-yellow; flesh juicy, buttery,
melting, sweet, rich, vinous; mid-season.
Copia. 1. McIntosh Bk. Gard. 2%455. 1855. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 571. 1857.
3. Ibid. 729. 1869.
Originated about the middle of last century at Philadelphia. Fruit large, yellow,
with specks of russet, broad-turbinate; flesh sugary, rather coarse, somewhat resembling
the Beurré Diel in flavor; good; Sept. and Oct.
Cornélie Daras. 1. Guide Prat. 89. 1895.
Distributed by Daras de Naghin of Antwerp, Bel. Fruit medium, globular, lemon-
yellow; flesh fine, melting, juicy, sugary and well perfumed; Nov. and Dec.
Cornemuse. 1. Gard. Chron. 335. 1862. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:602, fig. 1867.
This is one of the most ancient French pears and was cultivated in 1628 at Orléans,
Le Lectier tells, under the name Chair de Fille but a little later under that of Cornemuse,
it being described by Claude Saint-Etienne in 1670. Fruit below medium, long, somewhat
gourd-shaped, narrow and undulating towards the stem, golden-yellow, shining, speckled
with gray dots on the shaded side and with dull yellow on side exposed, and also extensively
washed with carmine on the same side; flesh yellowish-white, fine, semi-melting; juice
abundant, acidulous, sugary and aromatic; first; July.
Cornewell. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 59. 1858. 2. Mag. Hort. 26:64. 1860.
A variety of unknown origin which about 1830-5 was disseminated by the ‘ Vermont
grafters ’’ who travelled the country setting grafts for those who desired. Fruit medium,
globular, greenish-yellow, much russeted, and with many dark and purple specks; flesh
yellowish-white, tender, melting, juicy, vinous, spicy and rather astringent; good; Sept.
Coter. 1. Mag. Hort. 12:149. 1846. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 729. 1869.
One of Van Mons’ seedlings. Fruit medium, varying from obtuse to acute-pyriform,
light green or yellowish with russet dots and patches; flesh whitish, tender, juicy, vinous;
good; Oct. to Dec.
Coule-Soif de Cerutti. 12. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:15, fig. 296. 1880.
Origin unknown but was named after a druggist named Cerutti of Camburg, Saxe-
Meiningen, Ger., who propagated it in the environs of that village. Fruit medium, turbi-
nate, very bright green, speckled with dots of bright brown, changing to yellow on ripening;
flesh whitish, a little transparent, coarse, semi-melting; juice very plentiful, sugary, refresh-
ing; good; Sept.
Courte-queue d’Automne. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:603, fig. 1867. 2. Guide Prat. 91.
Raised by Leroy in his nurseries at Angers, it bore its first fruit in 1863. Fruit medium,
globular, irregular, one side usually less swelled than the other, bright green, dotted with
brown, much stained with russet and blushed with tender rose on the exposed side; flesh
white, very fine, semi-melting; juice abundant, sugary, having a delicate scent and a most
agreeable tartish flavor; first; Oct.
Courte-queue d’Hiver. 1. Guide Prat. 110, 260. 1876. 2. Ibid. 66. 1895.
Obtained by Boisbunel, Rouen, Fr. Fruit large, gray; flesh fine, very melting, sugary
and perfumed, slightly musky; Mar. to May.
Cousin Blanc. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:133, fig. 355. 1880.
Of Flemish origin. Cataloged by M. Jahn, 1864. Fruit medium, globular-conic,
very pale green, sprinkled with very fine points of fawn; flesh white, slightly tinted with
yellow, semi-fine and melting, fairly full of richly saccharine juice having a fresh and
pleasant flavor of almond.
Couteau. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 593. 1629.
Mentioned by John Parkinson in 1629 in a list of pears grown in England at that
time as a pear that is “neither good one way nor other.”
Craig. 1. Ohio Hort. Soc. Rpt. 177, fig. 1885-86.
Early Buiier of Indiana. 2. Hooper W. Fr. Book 154. 1857.
One of several seedling pear trees brought from Vincennes, Ind., by John Wright
and planted at Vevay, Ind., in 1804. Fruit very small, globular-acute-pyriform, pale
lemon-yellow, with faint indication of blush and many minute, russet dots: flesh white,
juicy, rather firm, pleasant; fair, becomes mealy when fully ripe; June.
Craig Favourite. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 554. 1884. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 199. 18809.
A valuable autumn dessert pear in Scotland; raised in the neighborhood of Perth,
for which climate it is admirably adapted. Fruit medium, obovate-turbinate, yellowish-
green in the shade, almost entirely covered with thin russet which is again covered with
dots and patches of coarser russet and next the sun dull red, streaked with livelier red,
mottled with orange and thickly strewed with large, gray-russety dots; flesh white, semi-
buttery, juicy, sugary, perfumed; dessert; Sept.
Crassane. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 22166, Pl. XXII. 1768. 2. Downing Fr. Trees
Am. 728. 1869.
Bergamotte Crassane. 3. Ann. Pom. Belge 2:61, fig. 1854. 4. Leroy Dici. Pom.
1:231, fig. 1867.
An ancient pear of obscure origin. In the middle of the seventeenth century it was
introduced for cultivation in France by La Quintinye, gardener to King Louis XIV. It
appears to have derived its name from the Latin word crassus which signifies thick. Some
authorities have suggested it was named after the celebrated Roman Consul Marcus
Lucinius Crassus who, with Julius Caesar and Pompey, formed the first triumvirate, and
who died 53 B. C. The balance of authority is in favor of its having had a French origin.
By Belgian and some French and German writers it is known as the Bergamotte Crassane.
Fruit medium and above, globular, bossed, flattened at extremities, bright greenish-yellow,
veined and dotted with fawn; flesh buttery, melting, tender, of a rich sugary flavor and
perfume; a dessert pear of formerly high reputation but rather superseded; Oct. to Dec.
Crassane Libotton. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:13, fig. 7. 1872.
According to the catalog of Van Mons this is a gain of a M. Libotton and is probably
Belgian. Fruit small, almost a globe, depressed at both poles; skin thick, intense green,
dotted with black spots, sometimes blushed on ripening; flesh white, semi-fine and melting,
sweet, vinous, agreeably perfumed; suitable for large orchards; Sept. and Oct.
Crassane du Mortier. 1. Guide Prat. 77. 1895.
Obtained by B. C. Mortier in France. Fruit rather large, turbinate, yellow marked
with green; flesh very melting and juicy; first; Nov. :
Crawford. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 335. 1845. 2. Ibid. 729. 1869. 3. Bunyard-
Thomas Fr. Gard. 139. 1908.
Chalk. 4. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 163. 1920.
This tree, probably of Scotch origin, grows to a large size in the orchards of Kent,
Eng., and is often planted on the windy sides of plantations as a protection to other trees.
Tree stout, remarkably productive. Fruit below medium, obovate, pale green, with
faintest red blush; stem stout, medium short, fleshy; calyx open, in a shallow basin; flesh
nearly white, mealy, sweet, juicy; flavor nil; Aug.
Crede Kegelférmige Zuckerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:48. 1856.
A German variety cultivated in Hesse and Franconia in 1828. Fruit medium, conic,
covered with cinnamon-russet, somewhat blushed; flesh granular, sweet, with an agreeable
cinnamon flavor; good; Sept.
Crede Sommerrusselet. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:47. 1856.
Reported from Upper Hesse, Ger., in 1833. Fruit small, pyriform, light yellow,
blushed with light red; flesh soft, aromatic; very fruitful, excellent; Sept.
Crisco. x1. U.S. D. A. Rpt. 288. 1893.
A seedling of Seckel raised in North Carolina by Robert Crisco. Fruit roundish,
below medium in size, greenish-yellow, nearly covered with russet; dots numerous; calyx
small, closed, in a moderately deep basin; stem medium, stout, fleshy at base; cavity small;
flesh greenish-white, fine, juicy, mild subacid, almost sweet; good to very good.
Crnivka. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen to, fig. 1913.
A Russian wild pear. Fruit small, globular, rather acute toward stalk, yellowish-
green, with some brown-russet; flesh white, agreeable; a good wild pear; Sept.
Crocker. 1. U.S. D.A. Yearbook, 497, Pl. LX. 1905.
Originated in an orchard planted by gold miners near Loomis, Cal., about 1850 and
known locally as Crocker Bartlett. Fruit medium, oblong-obovate-pyriform, somewhat
angular, golden-yellow, netted and russeted; stem medium to long, slender, obliquely
inserted; calyx small, closed, in a deep, abrupt basin; flesh yellowish, buttery, juicy, mild
subacid to sweet; very good; Jan. to Mar.
Croft Castle. 1. Mag. Hort. 8:60. 1842. 2. Ibid. 13:154. 1847. 3. Mas Le Verger
3:Pt. 2, 121, fig. 157. 1866-73.
Raised by T. A. Knight, former President of the London Horticultural Society. Fruit
medium, globular at the stalk end, greenish-yellow, covered with large, brown dots and
russet markings; flesh whitish, a little gritty but melting, juicy, rich, sugary, and perfumed;
an excellent dessert pear; Oct.
Cross. 1. Mag. Hort. '7:132, fig. 8. 1841. 2. Ibid. 20:138. 1854.
Originated with a Mr. Cross, Newburyport, Mass. Fruit medium, globular-ovate,
smooth, deep yellow, red on the sunny side, covered with russet dots, patches of russet
around the eye; flesh yellowish-white, tender, juicy, of a rich, spicy flavor; a handsome
and excellent fruit; Dec.
Crouch. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 730. 1869.
Originated at Colchester, Conn. Fruit below medium, globular, inclining to oblate,
pale yellow, netted and patched with russet, many russet dots; flesh whitish, juicy, melting,
sweet, pleasant; good; Sept.
Crow. 1. John S. Kerr Cai. 11. 1898.
Described by John S. Kerr, Sherman, Tex., as new in his catalog of 1898. Fruit
said to be like Bartlett in shape and color; finest flavor; Sept.
Cullem. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:165, fig. 275. 1870.
From Van Mons. Fruit medium, pyriform-ovate, tender, green, dotted with fine
specks of brown-fawn passing to pale whitish-yellow on ripening, with the cheek exposed
to the sun blushed with red and golden hues; flesh yellowish-white, rather transparent, firm
and yet melting; abundant juice with flavor recalling that of the old White Doyenné; good
in quality, but a poor bearer; Oct. and Nov.
Cumberland. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 168. 1832. 2. Mag. Hort.26:508. 1860. 3- Leroy
Dict. Pom. 1:608, figs. 1867. 4. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 730. 1869.
Alexandre Bivort and M. de Jonghe declared that this variety was one of Van Mons’
seedlings while Downing, Kenrick and Manning affirmed it to be a native of Cumberland,
R. I. The conflicting opinion is explained by the fact that the Cumberland of the first
parties is really Henkel. Fruit large, obovate-pyriform, pale yellow on the shaded side
and greenish-yellow on the side of the sun, dotted with gray-russet and having some russet
patches; flesh white, semi-fine, dense, melting, very juicy, sugary, acidulous, rather pleas-
antly flavored, slightly perfumed; second; Sept.
Curé d’Oleghem. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:613, fig. 1867. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:171,
fig. 278. 1879.
Probably of Belgian origin, having been described by Bivort in 1852 and placed in
the General List of fruits cultivated in the garden of the Society of Van Mons in 1857.
Fruit small, globular, bossed, larger on one side than on the other, greenish-yellow, dotted
all over with russet and extensively washed with the same around the stem; flesh white,
fine, melting, gritty at center; juice scanty, little sugar, no perfume, very acid; third:
Cushing. 1. Prince Pom. Man.1:144. 1832. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 730. 1869.
A native pear which originated on the farm of Col. Washington Cushing, Hingham,
Mass. It was introduced to notice at the first annual show of the Massachusetts Horti-
cultural Society in 1829. Fruit medium, somewhat variable according to cultivation and
soil, obovate-obtuse, light greenish-yellow, sometimes blushed with dull red on the sunny
side and sprinkled all over with russety dots; flesh fine, white, melting, juicy, agreeably
sprightly, rich; very good, among the best autumn pears; Sept.
Czernowes. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:17, fig. 489. 1881.
Of unknown origin. Fruit medium, turbinate-obovate or pyriform-obovate, often
bossed; when ripe is a brilliant lemon-yellow, with some dots except on the side of the sun
which is tinged with light orange-red; flesh white, fine, buttery, melting, with abundant
sugary juice, slightly musky, agreeable; first; Sept.
D’Amboise. 1. Decaisne & Naudin Man. Amat. Jard. 4:464.
Fruit medium, oblate or turbinate, greenish-yellow, washed with very bright red,
marked with brown around the stem; flesh very white, sweet, without scent.
D’Arad. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:187, fig. 382. 1880.
A Hungarian variety; probably originated in the County of Arad in the west of
Transylvania. Fruit medium, an almost perfect ellipsoid; skin rather thick, water-green,
often nearly covered with brown-russet; flesh yellowish, semi-fine, buttery, melting, full
of richly saccharine juice, vinous and perfumed; good; Sept.
D’Auch. 1. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 397. 1831. 2. Decaisne & Naudin Man. Amat.
Jard. 42473.
This pear greatly resembles Colmar in almost every respect and has often been con-
fused with it. It is, however, more full next the stalk and arrives at maturity somewhat
later and its flesh has a higher flavor. D’Auch was introduced into England before 1817
by the Duke of Northumberland. Fruit very large, long, bossed, irregular, obtuse; skin
a lively yellow washed with orange-red; flesh breaking, sweet; not high in quality.
D’Guf. 1. Duhamel Trait Arb. Fr.2:157. 1768. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:470, fig. 1869.
3. Guide Prat. 55, 256. 1895.
A Swiss pear largely grown in the neighborhood of Basle. The botanist Valerius
Cordus described it in 1561. Fruit small, oval, greenish-yellow, strewed with gray-russet
dots, more or less tinged with red on the side of the sun; flesh white and semi-fine, semi-
breaking or melting, rich, sugary, musky; juice abundant; second; Aug.
Daimyo. 1. W. N. Y. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 129. 1888. 2. Guide Prat. 105. 1895.
A Japanese variety. Fruit medium, roundish-pyriform, clear yellow with minute
pale or brownish dots; stem long, curved, slender, set in a slight depression; calyx open,
in a shallow basin; flesh white, coarse, crisp; poor; Oct. and Nov.
Dallas. 1. Mag. Hort. 11:252. 1845. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 730. 1869.
In 1843 this, one of Governor Edwards’ seedlings raised at New Haven, Conn., was
exhibited to the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Fruit medium, obovate-obtuse-
pyriform, dull yellow, thickly interlaced with cinnamon-russet sprinkled with crimson
and russet dots; flesh yellowish-white, fine, melting, buttery, juicy, aromatic; good; Oct.
to Dec.
Dame. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:1, fig. 1869. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 200. 1869.
For two and a half centuries this variety has been known in the Department of Maine-
et-Loire under the name of Dame, though in one district it bore the name of des Buhards.
Fruit medium, globular-ovate, mammillate around calyx; skin rough, grass-green, dotted
with fawn at each end and sprinkled with gray specks; flesh whitish, semi-fine, tender,
semi-melting, gritty; juice sufficient, sweet, acidulous, rather well flavored; third; Sept.
Dame-verte. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:3, fig. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:139, fig. 7o.
Attributed to Van Mons about the beginning of the nineteenth century. Fruit above
medium, obtuse-conic, skin thick, yellowish-olive, sprinkled with green dots changing to
bright yellow and on the side of the sun occasionally touched with crimson; flesh yellowish-
white, rather coarse, semi-melting, rather gritty at the center, with plenty of sweet juice,
acid but rather savory; second; Aug.
Darimont. 1. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 369. 1831. 2. Prince Pom. Man.2:200. 1832.
A Flemish pear new in the early part of the nineteenth century. Fruit medium,
oblong, tapering somewhat toward the stalk, yellowish-gray-russet, sprinkled with
numerous scabrous specks; flesh white, gritty, melting, with a saccharine, slightly musky
and somewhat astringent juice; Sept. and Oct.
Darlington. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 731. 1869.
An American variety; origin unknown. Fruit large, oblate-obtuse-pyriform, pale
yellow, some crimson at times on the side of the sun, nettings and patches of russet and
tusset dots; flesh whitish, coarse, sweet; moderate quality; rots at core; Sept.
Dathis. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:4, fig. 1860.
Origin not clear, but it was cultivated in France before the middle of the last century.
Fruit large, turbinate and very swelled, one side being often more so than the other, bright
yellow passing to grayish-yellow on the cheek touched by the sun, dotted with green;
flesh whitish, semi-fine, half-breaking, gritty at center; juice deficient, sugary; second; Oct.
David. 1. Guide Prat.g1. 1876.
Fruit rather coarse, of handsome pyramidal form, yellowish-green washed with purple;
flesh breaking; first quality for cooking purposes; Apr. and May.
David d’Angers. 1. Guide Prat. 91. 1876. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:6, fig. 1869.
Raised from seed by André Leroy in 1865. Fruit medium to large, turbinate-obtuse,
rather pentagonal, mammillate at calyx, bright yellow, finely dotted with fawn; flesh
white, fine, melting, juicy, sugary, acidulous, savory, pleasantly perfumed; first; Feb. to
Davis. 1. Mag. Hort. 23:107. 1857. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 731. 1869.
A seedless native pear found about 1837 by a Mr. Davis, six miles from Philadelphia,
on the Westchester Road. Fruit small; variable in form, sometimes globular, usually
obtuse-pyriform, yellowish, much russeted; flesh buttery, aromatic, melting, sweet, rather
coarse, somewhat vinous; good; Oct.
De Cerciaux. 1. Baltet Cult. Fr. 373. 1908.
A variety good for perry and for drying. The juice is amber-colored, perfumed and
of an agreeable flavor; Oct. and Nov.
De Chasseur. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:80, fig. 141. 1878.
A seedling of Van Mons which produced fruit in 1842. Fruit medium, pyriform-ovate,
slightly obtuse; skin rather thick and tough, pale green, sprinkled with gray-brown dots,
becoming at maturity bright yellow, a good deal shaded with brown-russet; flesh white,
slightly tinged with green, semi-fine, melting; juice plentiful, sweet, pleasantly perfumed;
good; Sept. and Oct.
De Croixmare. 1. Baltet Cull. Fr. 372. 1908.
A good perry pear cultivated in France. Fruit small, very good, especially for the
manufacture of alcohol; has little tannin. The juice is colorless; Sept. and Oct.
De Duvergnies. 1. Gard. Chron. 463. 1863. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:119, fig. 1869.
Késtliche Van Mons. 3. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:124. 1856.
Originated by Van Mons; fruited in 1821. Downing describes this pear under the
name Delices Van Mons and gives as a synonym Delices de Mons, but since these
names are also synonyms of Viconte de Spoelberg, a very different variety, the name
originally given by Van Mons is to be preferred. Fruit medium and often larger, obtuse,
long-ovate, regular and bold in contour; surface uneven, slightly constricted near the
top, and slightly mammillate; skin thin, rough to the touch, lemon-yellow, dotted all
over with greenish-gray, generally vermilioned on the cheek exposed to the sun; flesh
yellowish-white, fine or semi-fine, melting, granular around the core; juice abundant,
saccharine, vinous, sourish, with a peculiar and delicious aroma; first; Oct.
De Fer. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:152, fig. 1869.
According to Leroy this pear is at least four centuries old and originated in Germany,
where Cordus described it about 1544 under the name of Pear of Os. Fruit above medium
and often large; form variable, at times prolonged like Calebasse, more generally turbi-
nate-ovate or turbinate-globular; stem obliquely planted; skin slightly wrinkled, bright
yellowish-green, more or less vermilioned on the side next the sun, covered with large,
gray dots and some streaks of brown-russet; flesh very white, semi-fine, hard and breaking,
lacking in juice, sweetish, deficient in perfume; third; Jan. to Mar. or Apr.
De Fosse. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:191, fig. 1869.
A very ancient French variety mentioned by Le Lectier in his catalog of 1628. Fruit
below medium and often small, globular-turbinate, clear yellow dotted and netted with
russet; flesh white, semi-fine, firm, semi-breaking, scented; juice abundant, sugary,
acidulous; very musky; second or third; Aug. and Sept.
De Lamartine. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:325, fig. 1869.
Lamartine. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 797. 1869.
Raised by Bivort, director of the nurseries of the Society of Van Mons and first reported
in 1850. Fruit small, globular or turbinate, flattened, often irregular and bossed, olive-
green, dotted and very much covered with russet; flesh white, coarse, melting, generally
gritty around the core; juice sufficient, sweet, musky and delicate; second, or third
when the flesh is excessively gritty; Nov.
De Louvain. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:363, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 734,
Raised by Von Mons in 1827 and published in 1834. Fruit above medium, obtuse-
turbinate, clear grass-green or dull yellow, much covered with fine dots of gray-russet
and stains of russet; flesh whitish, semi-fine and semi-melting; juice abundant, saccharine,
vinous, with a delicate flavor and perfume of musk; second; Sept.
De Prétre. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:190. 1768. 2. Mag. Hort. 9:131. 1843.
3- Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:550, fig. 1869.
A very old French pear just mentioned by the pomologist Le Lectier of Orléans and
for a long while known under the names of Callout, Caillolet and Caillot d’Hiver. Le
Lectier cultivated it in 1600 and cataloged it in 1628. In 1858 Decaisne coupled with it
the ancient name of Carmelite. Fruit below medium, spherical but sometimes a little
elongated and narrowed toward the upper part; skin rather thick, clear brown-russet
dotted all over on the side exposed to the sun with whitish points, but with ash-gray
points on the other side; flesh white, semi-fine, breaking, gritty at center; juice moderate
in amount, saccharine, acidulous, more or less musky; second or third for dessert, first
for compotes; Jan. to Mar.
De Rachinquin. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 170. 1832.
Produced by M. Noisette. Fruit round, compressed, rough, brown; flesh melting
buttery, sugary, highly flavored; Nov. and Dec.
Delcange. 1. Guide Prat.g1. 1876.
Fruit large; flesh melting; first quality; Sept.
Délices de la Cacaudiére. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:9, fig. 1869.
Gained by Count Eugéne des Nouhes in 1846 near Pouzauges, Vendée, Fr. Fruit
above medium, long-conic, slightly obtuse, mammillate at crown and irregular in contour,
bright yellow, dotted with gray and greenish specks, colored with carmine on the cheek
next the sun; flesh very white and fine, melting; juice abundant, acidulous, sugary,
aromatic, rather savory; second; July and Aug.
Délices de Charles. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:10, fig. 1869. 2. Guide Prat. 74, 262. 1876.
Wredow. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 886. 1869.
Raised in 1826 by Simon Bouvier, Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit medium, turbinate-pyriform
but inconstant in contour, dark lemon-yellow, dotted with russet; flesh white, fine, very
melting, ‘buttery, sweet, juicy, vinous and with a delicious tartness; good to very good;
Oct. to Dee.
Délices de Chaumont. 1. Guide Prat. 72. 1876. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:133, fig. 547.
1881. ,
Fruit rather large, conic-ovate, olive spotted with gray; flesh white, buttery, melting,
wanting in juice, very sweet; second, cooking. |
Délices Everard. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 558. 1884.
Raised by Gabriel Everard, Tournay, Fr., in 1840. It was sent to England in 1865 and
received a first-class certificate from the Royal Horticultural Society in 1875. Fruit
small, globular-turbinate, smooth, shining, bright yellow, much speckled and marked with
russet; flesh salmon tint, tender, buttery, melting, very juicy, sweet, delicious flavor and
fine perfume; Oct. to Feb.
Délices de Froyennes. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 558. 1884.
Raised by Isidore Degaud, Froyennes, Tournay, Fr. Fruit medium, oval, yellow
covered with fawn-colored russet; flesh tender, melting, very juicy, sugary and perfumed,
vinous; Oct. and Nov.
Délices d’Hardenpont. 1. Liegel Syst. Anleit.o9. 1825. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 558. 1884.
Raised by Abbe Hardenpont, Mons, Bel., in 1759. There has been much confusion
between this and Délices d’Hardenpont d’Angers and the Archiduc Charles and Charles
of Austria. Fruit large, oblong-obovate-obtuse; skin smooth, bright green changing to
yellow, with pale brown-russet dots; flesh white, tender, buttery, melting, rich, sweet,
perfumed; good; Nov.
Délices d’Hiver. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:61, fig. 415. 1880. 2. Gard. Chron. N.S. 26:210.
Distributed by M. Dauvesse, Orléans, Fr., early in the latter half of the nineteenth
century.. Fruit large; form variable from elongate-pyriform to globular-pyriform with
short stalk set obliquely; skin thick, green, heavily dotted; flesh moderately fine, full of
sugary juice, acid and delicately perfumed; Dec. to Jan.
Délices de Huy. 1. Guide Prat. 56, 251. 1895.
Fruit large, conic-pyriform, yellowish-green; flesh greenish-yellow, juicy, pleasantly
perfumed; first; Sept.
Délices de Jodoigne. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:15, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 559.
Obtained by Simon Bouvier, Jodoigne, Bel., in 1826. Fruit medium, pyriform,
irregular, slightly obtuse and larger on one side of the axis than the other, grass-green on
the shaded side and reddish-gray on the exposed face, covered with numerous very fine
dots of fawn; flesh white, firm, breaking, sweet, juicy, refreshing and aromatic; first; Oct.
Délices de Ligaudiéres. 1. Guide Prat. 60. 1895.
Fruit medium, of the style of White Doyenné, but the stem thicker and shorter; flesh
fine, melting; first; Oct.
Délices de Lovenjoul. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 6:65, fig. 1858. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
734. 1869.
Jules Bivort. 3. Leroy Dici. Pom. 2:15, fig. 1869.
A seedling of Van Mons in whose catalog of 1828 it is No. sar. Fruit medium,
obovate-obtuse-pyriform, greenish-yellow washed with orange-red, speckled all over with
russet dots; color variabie; flesh yellowish-white, fine, melting, semi-buttery; juice abundant,
sugary, with an acid flavor and delicious perfume, rich; first; Oct. and Nov.
Délices de la Meuse. 1. Field Pear Cult. 279. 1858. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:16, fig.
Laurent de Bavay, Director of the Royal Nurseries of Vilvorde, near Brussels, sent
this pear out in 1850. Fruit medium and above, ovate, irregular, bossed, more enlarged
on one side than the other, greenish-yellow, very finely speckled with green and brown
dots; flesh dirty white, coarse, breaking, gritty at center; juice variable in amount, moder-
ately sweet, acid, musky; second; Feb.
Délices de Naghin. 1. Guide Prat. go. 1895.
Fruit rather large, turbinate, yellow, washed with fawn; flesh very juicy, very sweet;
an exquisite pear; Nov.
Délices de Saint-Médard. 1. Guide Prat. 70. 1895.
Sent out from Belgium. Fruit medium or rather large, shining yellow touched with
russet; flesh fine, melting, sweet: good quality; Sept.
Délices de Tirlemont. 1. Guide Prat. go. 1895.
First placed in commerce by H. Millet, nurseryman at Tirlemont, Bel. Fruit medium
or large; flesh melting; first; Jan. to Mar.
Délicieuse de Grammont. 1. Guide Prat. 92. 1876.
Raised by M. de la Croix d’Ogimont, Tournai, Bel. Fruit medium, long-pyriform,
delicate yellowish-green; flesh white, very juicy; first; end of Aug.
Délicieuse de Swijan. 1. Guide Prat. go. 1895.
Distributed by Baron de Trauttenberg, Prague, Bohemia. Tree very fertile and suit-
able for cold and mountainous climates. Fruit medium, globular, yellowish-green, dotted;
flesh yellowish-white, fine, melting, sugary; very good; Nov. and Dec.
Délisse. 1. Guide Prat. 72. 1895.
Fruit medium, oblong, of even contour, much covered with fawn-russet; flesh fine,
melting, very juicy; good; Sept. and Oct.
Delpierre. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:17, fig. 1869. 2. Guide Prat. 70, 252. 1895.
A wilding found in the Canton of Jodoigne, Brabant, Bel. Fruit large, ovate-obtuse-
pyriform, wrinkled, thick, olive-green clouded with dark yellow; flesh greenish-white, coarse,
semi-melting; juice acid, rather sweet, vinous, abundant; second; Sept.
Delporte Bourgmestre. 1. Guide Prat. go. 1895.
Fruit rather large, yellowish; first; Mar. and Apr.
Democrat. 1. Mag. Hort. 25:69. 1859. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 734. 1860.
A seedling originated in Pennsylvania and introduced as new in 1859. Fruit medium
or below, globular-obovate, greenish-yellow with nettings and patches of russet and dotted
with russet and brown spots; flesh semi-melting, juicy, sweet, pleasant good; Sept.
Demorest. 1. Wash. Nurs. Cat. 5. 1921.
Reported as ‘‘ luscious, larger, later and a better keeper than Bartlett.”’
Dempsey. 1. Ont. Dept. Agr. Fr. Ont. 155. 1914.
A Canadian pear produced from a seed of Bartlett fertilized with Duchessed’Angouléme,
Fruit large, oblong-obovate-pyriform, smooth, yellowish-green with brownish-red cheek
in sun; flesh white, fine-grained, tender, almost melting, with sweet, delicious flavor; Oct.
and Nov.
Denis Dauvesse. 1. Guide Prat. 110. 1876.
Fruit medium to large, long-pyriform; flesh fine, melting, pleasantly perfumed; Sept.
Des Chartreux. 1. Mas Le Verger 2:171, fig. 84. 1866-73.
Origin uncertain. Fruit small or nearly medium, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, light green,
speckled with dots of a very deep green, washed with light red on the sunny side; flesh slightly
yellow, fine, more firm than breaking; juice sugary, acidulous, slightly perfumed; second;
Aug. ,
Des Deux Seeurs. 1. Gard. Chron. 463. 1863.
The original tree was found in the garden of the Misses Knopp of Mechlin, Bel. Fruit
medium, oblong,-lemon-yellow; flesh melting, juicy, sugary, slightly astringent but wanting
in perfume and flavor; grown both in Belgium and France; not first class.
Désiré Cornélis. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:18, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 560. 1884.
The parent tree was from seed sown by Van Mons; first bore fruit in 1847. Fruit
large, oblong-oval, obtuse; skin very fine, pale yellow and often orange-yellow, dotted
and netted with greenish-gray; flesh very tender, buttery, melting; juice plentiful, sugary,
deliciously perfumed; first; Sept.
Dessauer Weissbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:35. 1856.
North German, 1804. Fruit medium, smooth, pale greenish-yellow changing to citron
yellow, sometimes rather lightly blushed; flesh fine, somewhat soft, sweet, aromatic; good;
Deutsche Augustbirne. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 202. 1889.
D’ Aout Allemande. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:65, fig. 513. 188r.
A German variety much cultivated in Saxony. Fruit small, ovate; skin rather thick,
dull green, sprinkled with small and numerous gray dots, becomes yellow on ripening and
somewhat blushed in the sun; flesh green and veined with green, semi-fine, buttery; juice
sufficient, sugary, vinous, acid, pleasant; good; Aug.
Deutsche Glasbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:69. 1856.
German, 1811. Fruit medium, globular-turbinate, bent toward stalk, uniformly
light yellow, blushed with russety-red on the side of the sun; flesh sweet; -good; Sept.
Deutsche Kiimmelbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obsikunde 2:157. 1856.
German, 1802. Fruit small, globular, dirty yellow, washed with russet; flesh very
tender, sweet, strongly aromatic and perfumed; good; Sept.
Deutsche Muskateller. 1. Liegel Syst. Anleit. 106. 1825. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 202.
1889. ;
Muscat Allemand d’Hiver. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:4309, fig. 1869.
German Muscat. 4. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 772. 1869.
An old pear of uncertain origin. La Quintinye mentioned it without description
in 1690, but in 1768 Duhamel du Monceau gave a careful description to distinguish between
it and Royale d’Hiver which it somewhat resembles. Fruit medium or above, obovate-
obtuse-pyriform, pale yellow, speckled with numerous large, gray dots; flesh yellowish,
semi-fine, semi-melting, juicy, granular, sweet, slightly astringent; second; Mar. to May.
Deux Tétes. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:244. 1768. 2. Leroy Dict, Pom. 2:23, fig.
Zwibotzenbirne. 3. Liegel Syst. Anleit. 162. 1825. 4. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 303.
One of the most ancient pears cultivated in France. Charles Estienne described it in
1530 in his Seminarium, under the name Pyra Bicipitia or Poiré a Deux-Testes. It takes
its name from its large and oval calyx being placed on two prominences. Fruit small to
medium, globular, somewhat turbinate, pale yellowish-green in the shade, blushed on the
side next the sun; flesh white, coarse, breaking, juicy, slightly perfumed, but often having
an unpleasant acidity; an indifferent dessert fruit; Aug.
Devergnies. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 6:57, fig. 1858. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:24, fig. 1869.
Obtained from seed in 1817 in Hainaut by M. Devergnies of Mons. Fruit medium,
turbinate-obtuse, much corrugated at summit, olive-green, nearly covered with gray-russet
and slightly clouded with orange-red on the side next the sun; flesh yellowish-white, fine,
melting, buttery; juice abundant, acidulous, sugary, aromatic; second; Nov. and Dec.
Dewey. 1. Ill. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 55. 1898. 2. Cornell Sta. Bul. 332: 480, fig. 160. 1913.
An oriental pear, in form resembling Kieffer. Fruit medium, conical to globular-oval,
rusty green with faint blush; skin rough; flesh white, juicy, coarse, gritty, fibrous; quality
poor; Oct.
Dhommée. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:25, fig. 18609.
A seedling raised by the Horticultural Society of Angers, Fr.; it first bore fruit
in 1858. Fruit medium and often larger, long-ovate, bossed, one side always larger
than the other, bright green, finely dotted and much mottled with russet; flesh white, firm,
fine, melting, slightly gritty; juice abundant, sugary, acidulous, devoid of perfume; second;
Oct. to Dec.
Dickerman. 1. Elliott Fr. Book 376. 1859. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 736. 1869.
Dikeman. 3. Thomas Am. Fruit Cult. 700. 1897.
Obtained by S. D. Pardee, New Haven, Conn. Fruit medium, globular-oblate, often
irregular in outline, yellowish, bright cinnamon on the sunny side, covered with minute
dots; flesh white, fine, melting, sugary, perfumed; first; Sept.
Diego. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 592. 1629.
Described by John Parkinson in 1629 as a small pear growing in clusters, excellent
and musky in flavor.
Dienstbotenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:200. 1856.
Dutch, 1807. Fruit medium, pyriform, light greenish-yellow turning to bright yellow,
with only an indistinct red blush, if any; flesh granular, aromatic and sweet; good; Oct.
Dieudonné Anthoine. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 5:85, fig. 1857. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:26,
fig. 1869.
Obtained by Dieudonné Anthoine at Ecaussines-d’Enghien, Bel., and bore fruit at
Brussels in 1850. Fruit medium and above, globular, slightly turbinate, bossed, flattened
at both ends, greenish-yellow, dotted with brown, mottled with russet, becoming at maturity
a brilliant yellow, washed with vermilion on the side of the sun; flesh very white and very
fine, breaking; juice sufficient, sweet, often astringent and only slightly perfumed; second; Oct.
Diller. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 36. 1852. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 736. 1869.
This pear was approved at the American Pomological Congress in 1852, where it
was reported to have been imported from Germany by the Diller family many years
previously, but considered by others to be anative of Pennsylvania. Fruit below medium,
globular-ovate, cinnamon-russet; flesh somewhat granular, whitish, buttery, melting;
juicy with a fine aromatic flavor; good to very good; Aug. and Sept.
Diman. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 43. 1866.
S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass., submitted this among other seedlings to the Fruit
Committee of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society in 1866. Fruit 24 in. in diameter,
russet, with red cheek; flesh breaking, melting, very sweet and juicy; ripens soundly; all
Oct. This pear has improved, year by year, in size and character; first-rate.
Directeur Alphand. 1. Gard. Chron. N.S. 17:538. 1882. 2. Guide Prat. 54. 1895.
Sent out in 1880 by Messrs. Croux and Son, Chatenay, Seine, Fr. Fruit very large,
oblong-pyriform, yellowish-green passing into golden-green, dotted and splashed with red;
flesh white, semi-fine, generally gritty toward the center, sugary; very good for ornament
and stewing; Feb. and Mar.
Directeur Hardy. 1. Rev. Hort. 542. 1894. 2. Ibid. 500, fig. 153. 1804.
From the seed beds of M. Tourasse and promoted by M. Baltet of Troyes, Fr. It
was submitted to the Tasting Committee of the Pomological Society of France in 1894
and declared to be very good. Fruit large or medium, turbinate, elongated, obtuse, slightly
bent, golden-yellow, washed with red on the exposed side; flesh white, fine, melting, very
juicy, sugary, vinous, slightly perfumed; Sept.
Directeur Tisserand. 1. Rev. Hort. 7. 1900.
Obtained by M. A. Sannier, Rouen, from Beurré d’Hardenpont fertilized with Doyenné
du Comice; introduced in 1900. Fruit medium or rather large, ovate-turbinate; skin
fine, shining, colored in the sun; flesh white, melting, juicy, sugary, having a peculiar
flavor; good; Dec. and Jan.
Directeur Varenne. 1. Rev. Hort. 6. 1897.
A cross between Easter Beurré and Bergamote Espéren, introduced by M. Arséne
Sannier, Rouen, Fr. Fruit large to very large, approaching Easter Beurré in form and color;
stem short; flesh very fine, juicy, with a slight aroma.
Dirkjes Peer. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:25, fig. 13. 1872. 2. Guide Prat. 92. 1876.
Dutch. Fruit medium, globular-conic, lemon-yellow streaked with brownish-red;
flesh whitish, semi-breaking, agreeably acid and sugary; second; good for household use;
Dix. 1. Prince Pom. Man. 1:142. 1831. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 737, fig. 1869.
Originated in the garden of Madame Dix, Boston, Mass.; it bore first in 1826. Fruit
large, oblong or long-pyriform; skin rough, green, the exposed fruit becoming deep yellow
when ripe, marked with distinct russet dots and sprinkled with russet around the stalk;
flesh melting, rich, juicy, of a fine flavor and by some thought to be superior to the St.
Germain; very good to best; Oct. and Nov.
Dixie. 1. Griffing Bros. Cat. 19, fig. 1915.
Originated in southern Georgia as a chance seedling, possibly a cross between Le Conte
and the Sand Pear; and was introduced in 1914 by Griffing Brothers of Florida. Fruit
medium to above, roundish, slightly oblong, light green, sweet, sprightly; Aug.
Doat. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:29, fig. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:10, fig. 202. 1879.
The parent tree was noticed by M. Doat in his garden near Fleurance, Gers, Fr. Fruit
large, like Calebasse in form; skin rough to the touch, bright yellow dotted with fawn;
flesh yellowish-white or greenish, semi-melting, gritty around the core; juice abundant,
vinous, sugary, rather aromatic; second; Sept.
Docteur Andry. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:31, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 561. 1884.
Raised in the nurseries of M. Boisbunel, Jr., at Rouen, Fr., in 1849. Fruit medium,
globular, Bergamot-shaped, bright yellow all over, with dots of russet around the stalk,
and sprinkled with small brown specks; flesh very white, fine, melting, somewhat gritty
at center, juicy, sugary, with a delicate taste of musk; first; Nov.
Docteur Bénit. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:31, fig. 1869.
Raised from seed by Van Mons in 1840. Fruit below medium, globular, larger on
one side than the other, wrinkled, bronzed all over, dotted with bright grayish-green;
flesh whitish, dense, semi-melting, veined with greenish-yellow; juice sufficient, rather
sugary, vinous, slightly aromatic; third; Dec. and Jan.
Docteur Bourgeois. 1. Guide Prati. 62. 1895.
Obtained by M. Sannier, Rouen, Fr. Fruit medium, apple-shaped, lemon-yellow;
flesh fine, somewhat granular at center, juicy, with agreeable perfume.
Docteur Bouvier. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:33, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 738.
An excellent French pear suitable for a mild climate. Fruit medium, globular-obovate-
pyriform, greenish, more yellow at maturity, sprinkled, shaded and dotted with russet,
sometimes with slight crimson and fawn on exposed cheek; flesh rather coarse, melting,
juicy, vinous, having but little perfume; good to very good; Dec. to Mar.
Docteur Capron. 1. Leroy Dict: Pom. 2:34, fig. 1869. 2. Guide Prat. 62,255. 1895.
Obtained by Van Mons in 1842. Fruit medium or rather large, ovate, lemon-
yellow; flesh melting, yellow, buttery, sugary, juicy, of good flavor and scented with
almond; first; Nov.
Docteur Chaineau. 1. Guide Prat.g1. 1895.
Fruit rather large; flesh melting; first; Oct.
Docteur Delatosse. 1. Guide Prat. o1. 1895.
Fruit exquisite; Oct. and Nov. Resisted the severe frost of 1879-80.
Docteur Gromier. 1. Guide Prat. 110. 1876.
First published in 1873. Fruit medium; flesh very fine, buttery, melting, juicy,
with an aroma of mingled rose and musk; first; Oct.
Docteur Joubert. 1. Rev. Hort. 561. 1893.
Baltet Brothers, Troyes, Fr., introduced this pear in 1893. Fruit rather large, pyriform,
clear green passing to pale yellow, dotted with fawn, rosy on the side of the sun; flesh
melting; juice abundant, with a sugary taste and having a pleasant perfume; autumn.
Docteur Koch. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:36, fig. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:7, fig. 1096.
Raised from seed by André Leroy in 1864. Fruit above medium, ovate, bossed,
irregular, lemon-yellow, finely dotted and reticulated with russet, lightly washed
with reddish-brown on the side exposed to the sun; flesh whitish, fine, firm, melting,
rather gritty about the core, full of sugary juice, acid and pleasantly perfumed; first;
Docteur Lentier. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:37, fig. 1869. 2. Guide Prat. 74,256. 1895.
From seed sown in 1847 by M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Brabant. Fruit medium, ovate,
somewhat elongated, smooth, greenish or lemon-yellow, splashed and dotted with cinnamon-
tusset; flesh whitish, fine-grained, tender, buttery, melting, juicy, exceedingly rich, sweet
and perfumed; first, of the highest merit; Oct.
Docteur Lindley. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 40. 1871. 2. Guide Prat. 108. 1876.
Shown at the annual exhibition of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society in 1871.
Fruit above medium, broadly turbinate, yellow, tinged with red and slightly traced with
russet; flesh white, buttery, sweet, highly flavored; very good; Nov.
Docteur Meniere. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:38, fig. 1869.
Raised from seed by André Leroy, Angers, Fr.; fruited first in 1864. Fruit large,
cylindrical, slightly ovate; skin wrinkled, bright yellow, dotted with greenish-gray and
partly covered with russet markings; flesh whitish, fine, melting, very juicy, sugary,
slighly acid, agreeably-perfumed flavor; Sept.
Docteur Nélis. 1. Aun. Pom. Belge 4:87, fig. 1856. 2. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 2, 120,
fig. 161. 1866-73.
Obtained by M. Xavier Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel.; first published in 1847. Fruit above
medium or small, turbinate-obtuse, generally much more curved on one side than the
other, clear dark lemon-yellow, thinly dotted with russet; flesh yellowish, fine-grained,
very tender, melting, juicy and sweet, rather aromatic; second; Sept.
Docteur P. Bruzon. 1. Rev. Hort. 463. 1906.
Placed on the market as a new variety in 1906 by M. Bruant, Poitiers, Fr. Fruit
very large, greenish-yellow, dotted and mottled with russet; flesh white, semi-fine but
very juicy, very melting, sugary, pleasantly perfumed; good; Sept.
Docteur Pariset. 1. Guide Prat. 110. 1876.
Fruit large, nearly cylindrical, golden lemon-yellow; flesh buttery, melting, juicy,
sugary and perfumed; first; Nov.
Docteur Pigeaux. 1. Leroy Dic:. Pom. 2:40, fig. 1869. 2. Guide Prat.92. 1876.
From a seed bed of Major Espéren of Mechlin, Bel., placed on the market in 1864.
Fruit above medium and often rather large, globular-ovate, yellow tinged with rose; flesh
fine, melting; good; Oct. to Dec.
Docteur Trousseau. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 5:80, fig. 1857. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
738. 1869.
One of the last of the seedlings of Van Mons; fruited in 1848. Fruit large, pyriform-
obtuse, yellowish-green, dotted with bright fawn and stained with brown-russet around
the stem; flesh white, buttery, melting, very juicy and aromatic; first; Nov.
Doctor Bachmann. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 190. 1867.
Produced at the Pomaria nurseries, South Carolina, from seed and reported to the
American Pomological Society in 1867. Fruit medium, globular, green with dull red
cheek; flesh juicy, vinous and refreshing.
Doctor Engelbrecht. 1. Lauche Deut. Pom. 11:No. 70, Pl. 70. 1882.
German. Fruit rather large, pyriform-elongated, nearly smooth, shining, green,
clouded with greenish-yellow; flesh yellowish-white, fine, softish, melting, sweet, vinous,
with an agreeable cinnamon flavor.
Doctor Hogg Bergamot. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 562. 1884.
Raised by T. Rivers, Sawbridgeworth, Eng., from seed of Gansel Late Bergamot;
received a first-class certificate from the Royal Horticultural Society in 1878. Fruit
produced in great clusters, small, size of Seckel, obovate, even in outline, grass-green, with
a dull brownish cheek, changing to deep yellow and bright red cheek with an orange glow;
flesh melting, remarkably sweet like honey, with a brisk acidulous flavor and perfume
of lemon; one of the richest flavored pears; Sept.
Doctor Hoskins. 1. Rural N. Y. 44:201, 203, figs. 120, 121. 1885.
According to correspondence with J. T. Macomber of Adams, Vt., this variety is a
seedling of Flemish Beauty. It is said to be medium to above in size, roundish-obtuse,
pyriform, pale yellow, red on the sunny side and ‘‘ very good ” in quality.
Doctor Howe. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 2nd App. 146. 1876.
Originated in garden of Dr. John T. Howe, Birmingham, Conn., about 1890. Fruit
medium, globular, inclining to pyriform, somewhat obtuse, greenish changing to light
yellow, netted and patched with russet dots; flesh whitish, semi-fine, juicy, melting, sweet,
rich, slightly-vinous flavor; promising in 1890; Oct.
Doctor Turner. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 210, 1862. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 740.
A pear of Connecticut origin. Tree of good growth, moderately spreading, rather an
early and regular although not an over-abundant bearer; young wood a dark olive-brown.
Fruit large, oblong-pyriform, with blunt neck; skin pale yellow, sometimes with a slight
‘blush and thickly sprinkled with green and brown dots, a few traces of russet; stalk long,
‘curved, set in a slight depression by a ring or lip; calyx closed; basin rather small; flesh
white, juicy, half melting, slightly vinous, somewhat astringent; good; Aug.
Dodge. 1. Cornell Sia. Bul. 332:480, fig. 161. 1913.
A hybrid-oriental variety. Fruit medium, ovate-pyriform, narrowing rapidly to
‘the stem, greenish-yellow, profusely dotted; skin thin but tough, russeted near stem;
‘flesh white, juicy, melting, tender, free from grit; fair; Oct.
Doktorsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:61. 1856.
German, from the Rhine country, 1833. Fruit large, pyriform, smooth, light-yellow
‘without russet, slightly blushed on side next the sun; flesh agreeable, sweet; good; Oct.
Donatienne Bureau. 1. Guide Prat.g1. 1895.
On trial in 1895 at Simon Louis’s grounds at Metz, Lorraine. Fruit large, ovate-long,
bright yellow stained with brown; flesh fine; first.
‘Dones. 1. Guide Prat. 92. 1876.
Fruit small; flesh melting, juicy; first; Sept. and Oct.
Donville. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:42, fig. 1869. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 204. 18809.
An old French pear mentioned first by Merlet in 1675. Fruit medium to large, pyri-
form-obtuse, bright yellow when ripe, washed with dark red on the side of the sun; flesh
yellowish, semi-fine or coarse, breaking; juice deficient, sweet, no perfume; first for kitchen
use; Jan. to Apr.
Doppelttragende gelbe Muskatellerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:11. 1856.
Originated in Thuringia, Ger., 1803. Fruit medium, conic, symmetrical, light green-
ish-yellow; flesh breaking, soft, mild, tender, aromatic; good; Aug.
Dérell Herbst Muskateller. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:96. 1856. 2. Mas Pom.
Gen. 6:1, fig. 385. 1880.
Fruit nearly medium, ovate-pyriform, pale yellow sprinkled with very small, very
numerous and regularly-spaced fawn dots usually free from any trace of russet; at maturity
the yellow passes into clear lemon-yellow and on well-exposed fruits is washed with vermilion;
flesh white, rather fine, breaking, dense, not juicy but sugary and perfumed; good for culi-
nary purposes; winter.
Dorothée Nouvelle. 1. Guide Prat.g2. 1876.
Belgian; highly recommended. Fruit of first quality; Oct. Tree very fertile.
Dorothée Royale Nouvelle. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:30, fig. 500. 1881.
Fruit small, pyriform, green changing to pale yellow, some russet markings and
speckled with grayish dots; flesh whitish, melting, juicy, sugary, delicious; good; Oct. and
Dorr. 1. Cole Am. Fr. Book 154. 1849. 2. Elliott Fr. Book 421. 1859.
Originated in New Hampshire. Fruit large, obtuse-pyriform, pale yellow, blushed
with red; flesh rather coarse, deficient in juice, sweet, pleasant; cooking or eating; Aug.
Dorschbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 148, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit small, obtuse-turbinate, somewhat globular, green
changing to yellow when ripe, dotted with yellow-brown and marked with cinnamon-russet,
blushed on the sun-exposed side; flesh tough, light yellow, very astringent, subacid and
very juicy; Oct.
Dosoris. 1. Horticulturist 22:88. 1867. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 100. 1869.
Found in a field at Glen Cove, L. I., about 1866. Fruit full medium, obtuse-pyriform,
when ripe a beautiful yellow with two-thirds bright scarlet; flesh sweet, juicy, agreeable,
though deficient in flavor; beginning of Aug.; good but not first quality.
Double d’Automne. 1. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 49. 1831. 2. Mag. Hort.g:131. 1843.
Fruit medium, Bergamot-shaped, entirely cinnamon-russet, through which a little
green appears, with numerous small, gray specks; flesh white, breaking, rather gritty but
mellow; juice saccharine. New in 1831 and considered promising but in 1843 was
discarded by the London Horticultural Society.
Double-Fleur. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:177. 1768. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 42123, fig-
254. 1879.
Double Blossom. 3. Langley Pomona 132. 1729. 4. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 412,
Of ancient and unknown origin. Mentioned by Nicholas de Bonnefonds in 1651 in
his first edition of the Jardinier Francais, by Merlet in 1675 and Claude Saint-
Etienne in 1660. Worth growing for ornament, its large, double flowers, with from twelve
to fifteen petals, being very handsome. Fruit above medium, globular or globular-tur-
binate, generally enlarged on one side more than on the other, green but yellow when ripe,
dark red or pale purple on the side of the sun; flesh greenish, semi-fine, quite crisp, juicy,
sweet, rather sugary; excellent culinary pear; Feb. to May.
Double de Guerre. 1. Garden 56:426. 1899. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 167. 1920.
Introduced into England from Mechlin, Bel., about 1835. Tree hardy, productive.
Fruit medium to above, pyriform, tapering to the stem, yellow-brown speckled with russet;
stem short, stout, generally obliquely inserted; calyx open in a shallow basin; flesh yellow,
firm, slightly acid; Dec. to Feb.
Double-Plouvier. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:47, fig. 1869.
Origin and age uncertain. Fruit above medium, long-ovate, more or less bossed,
greenish, dotted all over with gray-russet; flesh whitish, semi-fine, semi-melting, scented;
juice moderate but sugary; first for the kitchen; Jan. to Mar.
Double Rousselet. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 6:21, fig. 1858. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:48,
fig. 1869.
Raised by Major Espéren, Mechlin, Bel., about 1845. Fruit medium, globular-
turbinate, regular in contour; skin fine, tender, green but almost entirely covered with
cinnamon-colored russet; when ripe the russet becomes more golden and warmer in tint
on the side next the sun; flesh white, very fine, melting, with abundant sugary juice, vinous,
very agreeable; first; Oct.
Dow. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 92. 1858. 2. Elliott Fr. Book 377. 1859. 3. Downing
Fr. Trees Am. 741. 1860.
Raised by Dr. Eli Ives, New Haven, Conn., in the middle of the nineteenth century.
Fruit above medium, obovate, acutely pryiform, sometimes turbinate; skin rough, yellow-
ish-green, with russet patches and dots; flesh white, buttery, juicy, melting, vinous flavored
sometimes slightly astringent; good; Sept. and Oct.
Dowler. 1. Mag. Hort. 4:193. 1838.
Exhibited before the London Horticultural Society in 1838, under the name of
Dowler’s seedling. A small winter pear, described as one of the best and a good keeper.
Downton. 1. McIntosh Bk. Gard. 2:455. 1855. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:50, fig. 1869.
Raised by T. A. Knight, Downton Castle, Eng., about 1840. Fruit medium or above,
oval, somewhat irregular, greenish-yellow changing to lemon-yellow, a good deal russeted
particularly on the side next the sun where it is completely covered and assumes a
reddish-brown tinge; flesh whitish, not quite melting but tender, fine, free from grit,
agreeably acidulous, sweet and juicy, with some taste of orange; first; Nov. and Dec.
Doyen Dillen. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 4:27, fig. 1853. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2: 51, fig.
From seed sown by Van Mons at Louvain in 1827. Fruit medium to large, pyriform-
conic, yellow, much covered with dots and patches of russet; flesh white, buttery, melting,
free from grit; juice rather abundant, sweet, rich and pleasantly perfumed; first; Nov.
Doyenné Bizet. 1. Guide Prat.g1. 1895.
Tree moderately vigorous, very fertile. Fruit large; good; Mar. to June.
Doyenné Blanc Long. 1. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 1, 27, fig. 12. 1866-73. 2. Guide Prat.
74. 1895.
Origin unknown. Fruit medium, growing often in bunches, pyriform; skin thin, fine,
bright green changing to brilliant yellow, golden on the side next the sun, with some bright
red shading; flesh white, fine, melting, musky; first; Oct.
Doyenné Boisnard. 1. Guide Prat. 91. 1895.
Fruit rather large; first; Dec.
Doyenné Boisselot. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 205. 1889. 2. Garden 50:405. 1806.
A little-known pear, large in size, some of the fruit weighing a pound, Bergamot in
form, maturing about Christmas.
Doyenné de Bordeaux. 1. Pom. Fr. 4:No. 150, Pl. 150. 1865. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
2:57, fig. 1869.
Origin unknown but cultivated in the environs of Bordeaux about 1820. Fruit large,
globular, flattened at each end: skin thick, wrinkled and oily, golden-yellow sown with large
dots of greenish-russet and marbled with the same, some orange-red on side next the sun;
flesh very white, coarse, breaking, gritty at center; juice sufficient, sweet; third for dessert,
first for compotes; Oct. to Dec.
Doyenné Bouyron. 1. Guide Prat. gi. 1895.
Distributed from Bordeaux, Fr. Fruit of the size, form and color of the Doyenné
Gris; flesh fine, juicy, somewhat acid; Aug.
Doyenné du Cercle. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 742. 1869. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:59,
fig. 1869.
A seedling obtained by M. Boisbunel, a nurseryman at Rouen, Fr.; first published in
1857. Fruit medium, turbinate-globular, varying to irregular-ovate, pale yellow covered
with very fine gray dots and stained with fawn, often encrimsoned on the side next the sun;
flesh whitish, very melting, scented; juice abundant, sweet, highly vinous, with a delicate,
tartish flavor; first; Nov.
Doyenné 4 Cing Pans. 1. Gard. Chron. 3rd Ser. 25:132. 1899.
A cross effected in 1879 between Duchesse de Bordeaux and Easter Beurré by M.
Herault. Fruit medium, rather globular, smooth, yellow, spotted and flecked with fawn;
flesh fine, melting, juicy, sweet, with an aroma of Pelargoniums; Oct. and Nov.
Doyenné Defays. 1. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 1, 73, fig. 35. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict.
Pom. 2:62. 1869.
Doyenné d’Effay. 3. McIntosh Bk. Gard. 22461. 1855.
Obtained by M. Frangois-André Defays in the field of Saint Martin, near Angers,
Fr. Fruit about medium, globular-obovate or Doyenné-shaped, bossed at the stalk end
and generally larger and longer on one side, yellow, much covered with cinnamon-russet on
the side next the sun; flesh tender, buttery, melting, very juicy, rich, sugary, vinous, with
musky aroma; one of the best; Dec.
Doyenné Downing. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:63, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 566.
A wilding found in a garden near Angers, Fr., by Francois Desportes, the noted nursery-
man, in 1851; it was named after A. J. Downing. Fruit medium, globular or ovate, mam-
millate, one side always larger than the other, pale yellow, dotted and marbled with russet;
flesh very white, tender, semi-melting; juice sufficient, sweet, acidulous, with a pleasant
flavor of anis; Sept.
Doyenné Flon Ainé. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:65, fig. 1869. 2. Rev. Hort. 133. 1894.
Obtained from seed by M. Flon, senior, of Angers, Fr., in 1859. Fruit large, globular,
generally mammillate at summit, greenish-yellow and yellowish-brown on the side of the
sun, marbled and dotted with brown; flesh white, fine, very melting, juicy, sugary, slightly
tartish, with a pronounced flavor of roses; first; Nov. to Feb.
Doyenné Fradin. 1. Guide Prat. 93. 1876. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:33, fig. 401. 1880.
Regarded as a gain of M. Parigot of Poitiers. Fruit medium, globular, depressed at
both extremities, water-green, dotted with brown, becoming citron-yellow on ripening;
flesh whitish, fine, melting, gritty at core, full of sweet juice, vinous and richly perfumed.
Doyenné Georges Boucher. 1. Rev. Hort. 496, fig. 1906. 2. Ibid. 197. 1907.
Came from a seed bed of Doyenné du Comice made in 1884. Fruit large and very
large, globular-turbinate, bossed at the extremities; skin rather thick, dark yellow, sprinkled
with small dots and marbled with fawn, russeted and reddened on the sunny side; flesh
yellowish-white, juicy, sugary; very good; Feb. to Apr.
Doyenné Goubault. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:66, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 566.
Raised by M. Goubault, Angers, Fr. Fruit above medium, obovate, inclining to pyri-
form, pale yellow with russet markings and dots; flesh melting, sugary, vinous and highly
perfumed; rich and excellent; Jan.
Doyenné de la Grifferaye. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:68, fig. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen.
4:11, fig. 198. 1879.
Obtained by M. le Gris, Angers, Fr.; gave its first fruit in 1853. Fruit medium, tur-
binate-oblate, very obtuse and irregular, greenish-yellow, finely dotted with russet and
brown, stained with fawn; flesh white, fine, buttery, melting, full of sweet and perfumed
juice; first; Sept. and Oct.
Doyenné Gris. 1. Duhamel Trazt. Arb. Fr. 2:208, Pl. XLVII, fig. 1. 1768. 2. Leroy
Dict. Pom. 2:69, fig. 1869.
Doyenné Gray. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 745. 1860.
Red Doyenné. 4. Hogg Fruit Man. 635. 1884.
An ancient pear attributed to the garden of the Chartreux Monastery at Paris about
the middle of the eighteenth century. Fruit medium and above, globular, flattened at
each extremity ; skin rather thin and wrinkled, yellow-ochre, nearly covered with cinnamon-
colored russet, so that little of the true color is visible, brownish-red toward the sun; flesh
white, tender, melting, very buttery, rich and delicious; one of the best dessert pears; Oct.
Doyenné Guillard. 1. Guide Prat. 103. 1895.
Described as a new variety by Simon-Louis Bros., Metz, Lorraine, in 1895. Fruit
rather glossy, brown, slightly dotted with green; flesh almost fine, white, very juicy, vinous;
Nov. and Dec.
Doyenné des Haies. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:71, fig. 1869.
A wilding found on the property of M. Bardi, Bwalt, Canton of Montastruc, Haute-
Garonne, Fr., and first reported in 1855. Fruit medium, globular or globular-turbinate,
flat at base, mammillate at summit, pale yellow, dotted and stained with fawn, blushed
with tender rose on the side toward the sun; flesh white, fine, melting, juicy, rather gritty
around the core; juice abundant, sweet, very sugary, tasting of musk; second; Oct.
Doyenné Hudellet. 1. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 2, 101, fig. 147. 1866-73.
Obtained by M. Jules Hudellet at Ceyzeriat near Bourg, Ain, Fr.; it was first published
in 1867. Fruit medium, globular-cylindrical, regular outline, bright green sprinkled with
dots of gray-brown, passing to pale yellow, with some red on the side of the sun; flesh white,
fine, melting, full of sweet juice, slightly musky; first; Nov.
Doyenné Jamin. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:75, fig. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:131, fig.
354. 1880.
Gained by Jamin & Durand, nufserymen at Bourg-la-Reine, near Paris, in 1859 from
seed. Fruit medium, turbinate-conic or turbinate-ovate, irregular, greenish-yellow chang-
ing to yellow and washed with rose on the sunny side, dotted with russet; flesh whitish,
semi-fine, buttery, full of sweet juice, vinous, astringent, without much perfume; second;
Jan. and Feb.
Doyenné de Lorraine. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:17, 201. 1879.
Received by Diel, the eminent German pomologist, from a nurseryman at Metz
under the name of Doyenné d’Austrasie by which it is mostly known to German authors.
Fruit medium, globular, depressed at each pole, water-green, with gray-brown dots, bright
citron-yellow when ripe and golden on the side next the sun or sometimes washed with red;
flesh white, semi-fine, semi-buttery; juice plentiful, sweet and slightly perfumed; good;
Sept. and Oct.
Doyenné Louis. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:79, fig. 1860.
Seedling of Van Mons, previous to 1820. Fruit small, turbinate-obtuse, regular in
form, dark yellow, strewn with numerous gray-brown dots and carmined on the side next
the sun; flesh yellowish, coarse, semi-melting, gritty at center; juice abundant, sugary,
lacking in flavor; third; Sept. and Oct.
Doyenné de Montjean. 1. Cat. Cong. Pom. France 243, fig. 1906.
Obtained in 1848 by M. Trottier, Montjean, Department of Maine-et-Loire, Fr.,
and first published in 1858. Fruit large to very large, ovate, nearly equally rounded at
its two poles; skin thin and rough, yellow, much russeted; flesh white, very fine, melting,
very juicy, with a slightly vinous and sweet flavor, perfumed; very good; Jan. to Mar.
Doyenné Nérard. 1. Mas Le Verger 2:237, fig. 117. 1866-73. 2. Guide Prat. 68. 1895.
Obtained in 1850 by M. Bonnefoy, a nurseryman at Saint-Genis-Laval, near Lyons,
Fr. Fruit small, globular-conic, yellowish-white, marbled with bright red; flesh semi-
breaking, very sugary; good; Aug.
Doyenné Nouveau. 1. McIntosh Bk. Gard. 2:461. 1855.
Fruit medium, obovate; flesh tender and juicy; excellent; Apr.
Doyenné Perrault. 1. Guide Prat. 110. 1876.
Fruit medium, rather oblate, resembling Easter Bergamot with a long stalk; flesh
fine, firm, melting; first; winter.
Doyenné Picard. 1. Guide Prat. 93. 1876.
Fruit medium; flesh melting; first; Aug.
Doyenné Rahard. 1. Guide Prat. 91. 1895.
Fruit large or very large; flesh fine, melting, very sweet; Dec. to Jan.
Doyenné de Ramegnies. 1. Gard. Chron. N.S. 20:85. 1883.
Raised by M. Norbert Bouzin of Ramegnies-Chin near Tournai, Bel. Fruit large, tur-
binate and very symmetrically shaped; olive-brown, russeted; flesh fine, buttery, vinous;
Oct. and Nov.
Doyenné Robin. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:81, fig. 1869.
Raised in 1840 at Angers, Fr., by a gardener named Robin. Fruit large, globular-ovate,
yellowish, dotted and stained with bright russet; flesh melting, juicy, sweet, vinous,
aromatic; first; Oct.
Doyenné Rose. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:82, fig. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:21, fig. 299.
From a seed bed made in 1820 by Edouard Sageret, author of Pomologie physio-
logique; it bore fruit first in 1830. Fruit above medium, globular, irregular, yellow-
ochre on the shaded side and beautiful rose on the side of the sun; flesh very white, semi-
melting, granular; juice scarcely sufficient, little perfume or flavor; second; Oct.
Doyenné Saint-Roch. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:83, fig. 1869.
Largely grown in the Gironde, Fr., in the middle of the nineteenth century. Fruit
above medium and sometimes larger, globular but variable, pale yellow dotted with russet
passing to bright yellow on the side next the sun, where it is lightly washed with carmine;
flesh white, semi-fine, melting or slightly breaking, juicy, sugary, acidulous, of delicate
flavor; second; Aug. and Sept.
Doyenné de Saumur. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:84, fig. 1869.
A French pear of uncertain origin but known in the districts of Saumur and Lyons
early in the nineteenth century. Fruit medium and below, very variable in form, from
ovate-elongated to turbinate-obtuse, bossed and swelled, pale greenish-yellow, dotted
with gray-russet especially on the side next the sun; flesh white, very fine, melting, juicy,
perfumed, having an after-taste of musk; first; Sept.
Doyenné Sentelet. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:86, fig. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:137, fig.
165. 1878.
A gain of Van Mons, 1823. Fruit about medium or below, turbinate-ovate-obtuse,
often irregular, deep rich yellow, much mottled and speckled with cinnamon-colored russet;
flesh yellowish-white, melting, juicy, sugary, vinous; good; Oct.
Doyenné Sieulle. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:87, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 567. 1884.
From a seed bed of Jean Sieulle, Vaux-Praslin, Fr.; it was placed on the market in
1815. Fruit above medium to medium, often globular and often Doyenné-shaped, deep
rich yellow ground, mottled and speckled with cinnamon-colored russet; flesh very white,
fine, semi-melting; juice sufficient, acidulous, sweet, with an agreeable almond flavor;
variable, from second to first; Nov.
Drapiez. 1. Mag. Hort. 9:125. 1843. 2. McIntosh Bk. Gard. 2:461. 18535.
Of Belgian origin. Fruit medium, obovate, pale green, very much marbled with gray;
flesh tender, sweet, acidulous, strongly perfumed; a very excellent autumn fruit; Oct. and
Drone. 1. Miller Gard. Dict. 3. 1807. 2. Prince Pom. Man. 1:25. 1831.
Fruit middle sized, globular, light green dotted with darker shade of same color; flesh
white, breaking, full of sweet, musky juice; Aug.
DuBreuil Pére. 1. Mas Le Verger 2:161, fig. 79. 1866-73.
Alphonse Du Breuil obtained this variety from seeds of Louise Bonne de Jersey
sown in 1840. Fruit medium, nearly a true sphere, slightly depressed at the two poles,
lemon-yellow, much russeted and at maturity mottled with blood-red on the side next the
sun; flesh white, fine, melting, juicy; first; Sept.
Du Mirror. 1. Baltet Trait. Cult. Fr. 372. 1908.
A first-class French perry pear, grown in the Haute-Savoie, yielding from 800 to 1000
litres of perry per tree; the beverage is clear, very sweet, rather sparkling, and becomes
stronger with age.
Du Roeulx. 1. Guide Prat.g2. 1895.
Tree hardy. Fruit medium, pyriform, short, yellow, mottled with fawn; flesh yellow-
ish, very melting, juicy and sugary, with an exquisite aroma; first; Sept.
Dubrulle. 1. Guide Prat. 93, 267. 1876.
Fruit rather large, globular, yellowish-green and gray mottled with fawn; flesh melt-
ing, very juicy, sugary, highly perfumed and of a luscious flavor; first; Sept. and Oct.
Duc Alfred de Croy. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:163, fig. 370. 1880. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.
567. 1884.
Propagated and disseminated by M. de Jonghe, Brussels. Fruit large, obtuse-pyri-
form, regular and handsome, smooth, yellowish-green, washed with pale brown on side
next the sun; flesh white, tinted with green, not very juicy, but buttery, rich and with a
fine spicy flavor and perfume; excellent; Nov.
Duc d’Aumale. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:91, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 568. 1884.
A product of the Van Mons nursery at Louvain where it first fruited in 1847. Fruit
small, turbinate-obtuse-pyriform; skin rough, greenish-yellow mottled all over with cin-
namon-colored russet: flesh whitish, melting and juicy, sugary, acidulous, perfumed; first;
Sept. and Oct.
Duc de Brabant. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:92, fig. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:27, fig. 494.
Sent by Van Mons as No. 45 to Simon Bouvier in Jodoigne, Bel., in 1827. Fruit
medium, pyriform-obtuse, greenish-yellow, dotted with russet, marbled with fawn, some-
times washed with red on the side next the sun; flesh white, semi-fine, semi-breaking; juice
sufficient, sugary, acidulous; good; sometimes second; Oct.
Duc de Morny. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:95, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 568. 1884.
Raised by M. Boisbunel, Rouen, and first published in 1862. Fruit large, long-obtuse-
pyriform, bossed, green, mottled and dotted with russet; flesh whitish, tender, melting,
very juicy, too acid, little sugar or perfume; second; Nov. to Jan.
Duc de Nemours. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:96, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 568.
Raised by Van Mons at Louvain in 1825. Fruit large and handsome, obovate, narrow-
ing abruptly, bright greenish or lemon-yellow, even-dotted with russet and gray specks,
sometimes reddened on cheek next the sun; flesh white, melting, rich, sweet, sprightly, juicy,
perfumed; first; Oct. and Nov.
Duchesse d’Angouléme Bronzée. 1. Guide Prat. 110. 1876.
Duchess Bronze. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 135. 1920.
A sub-variety of Duchesse d’Angouléme found in a garden of M. Weber, Dijon, Fr.,
and introduced in 1873. Fruit large to very large, differs from type by its skin being red-
brown or bronze, this feature being perfectly constant; flesh fine, melting, juicy, sugary;
first; Oct. to Dec.
Duchesse d’Angouléme Panachée. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:102. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit
Man. 569. 1884.
A variegated form of Duchesse d’Angouléme, the wood, leaves and fruit being mottled
with yellow and green. In 1848 it was attributed to M. Audusson, who originated Duchesse
d’Augouléme, but Leroy claims that it proceeded from his nursery in 1840.
Duchesse Anne. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:102, fig. 1869.
Raised in 1861 by Jacques Jalais, Nantes, Fr. Fruit above medium, like Calebasse
in form, meadow-green, slightly yellowish, dotted with gray; flesh greenish-white, fine,
melting; juice sufficient, sweet, acidulous, perfumed; first; Nov.
Duchesse d’Arenberg. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 22103, fig. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:35,
fig. 498. 188r.
Although distributed from the Royal Nurseries at Vilvorde-lez-Bruxelles without
mention of origin its name suggests Belgium. Fruit medium and often larger, turbinate-
obtuse-oblate, greenish-yellow passing to bright green on the side of the sun, dotted with
gray-russet; flesh yellowish, coarse, melting, juicy, gritty around the core; sugary, per-
fumed, rather sour; second; Aug.
Duchesse de Berry d’Eté. 1. Leroy Dic. Pom. 2:104. fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.
569. 1884.
Raised in a seed bed in the Commune of Saint-Herblain, Department of Loire-
Inferieure, Fr., in 1827. Fruit medium, globular-turbinate, yellow, dotted with dark gray;
flesh very white, semi-fine, melting; juice abundant, sugary, aromatic; first; Aug. and Sept.
Duchesse de Bordeaux. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:105, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.
syo. 1884. 3. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 171. 1920.
Beurré Perrault. 4. Mas Le Verger 1:133, fig. 65. 1866-73.
Bordeaux. 5. Cal. Com. Hort. Pear Grow. Cal. 7:No. 5, 242.. 1918.
M. Secher, in the Commune of Montjean, Department of Maine-et-Loire, Fr., bought
in 1850 from M. Perrault, Montrevault, some pear trees. Ten years passed away and
then one of the trees produced the excellent fruit here described. M. Secher invited many
persons to taste it, in particular MM. Perrault and Baptiste Desportes. Later the variety
fruited with M. Perrault and was named by him Beurré Perrault. Secher affirmed he
had properly given the variety the name of Duchesse de Bordeaux. Tree large, vigorous,
upright. Fruit large, roundish-pyriform; skin thick, very tough, rough, greenish-yellow,
with mottlings and patches of russet; stem rather long, thick, set in a moderately deep,
acute cavity; calyx large, open, placed in a moderately deep basin; flesh yellowish-white,
firm, granular, juicy, mild; good; Nov. and Dec.
Duchesse de Brabant. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:107, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 570.
A posthumous seedling of Van Mons, which gave its first fruit in 1853. Fruit
medium, short-pyriform-obtuse; skin thin, smooth, shining, greenish-yellow: flesh yellowish-
white, buttery, melting; juice abundant, sweet, savory; good; Oct.
Duchesse de Brabant (De Capeinick). 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:17, fig. 297. 1880.
This variety, obtained by M. Capeinick, received medals at Brussels and at Tournai
in 1853. Fruit medium, regular pyriform, bright green and speckled with dots of gray-
green, becoming lemon-yellow at maturity, washed with blood-red on the side of the sun;
flesh white, rather fine, melting; juice abundant, sugary, refreshing; first; Sept.
Duchesse de Brissac. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:108, fig. 1869.
Came from a seed bed of Auguste Benoist, Brissac, Maine-et-Loire, Fr., and ripened
for the first time in 1861. Fruit above medium, ovate, rather irregular, bright greenish-
yellow, spotted with russet; flesh yellowish, melting, juicy, sugary, vinous, aromatic; first;
Aug. and Sept.
Duchesse Grousset. 1. Guide Prat. 91. 1895.
Fruit large, elongated, very obtuse at base; bright yellow, speckled with brown dots;
flesh fine, very melting, rather granular at center; Dec.
Duchesse Héléne d’Orléans. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:1009, fig. 1869.
From a seed bed made at Louvain, Bel., in 1839 by Van Mons; it first fruited in 1847.
Fruit medium, ovate, always somewhat distorted, one side being longer than the other,
yellowish-green, dotted and mottled with gray and russet, carmined on the cheek next
the sun; flesh white, melting, very juicy, acidulous, sugary, good flavor; first; Sept.
Duchesse d’Hiver. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 749. 1860.
Tardive de Toulouse. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:693, fig. 18609.
M. Barthére, Sr., a nurseryman of Toulouse, Fr., found this pear in 1845 near Calmont
on one of his travels through southern France. Tree moderately vigorous, character-
istically small and pyramidal. Fruit large, roundish-pyriform, light yellow; flesh white,
juicy; matures in winter and late spring. Although not a pear of highest quality it is
worthy of notice because of its large size and long keeping.
Duchesse Hybrid. 1. Cornell Sta. Bul. 3322481. 1913.
Form resembles Kieffer, lemon-yellow; flesh coarse; poor; Oct.
Duchesse de Mars. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:110, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 570.
Origin uncertain; generally attributed to Belgium. Fruit medium, obovate but
variable, yellowish-green, russeted; flesh buttery, white, melting, juicy, sweet, perfumed,
well flavored; first class dessert pear; Nov.
Duchesse de Mouchy. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:112, fig. 1869.
From a wilding noted in 1862 by the curé of Breteuil, Oise, Fr. Fruit large, turbinate-
obtuse, bright olive-yellow, dotted with gray-russet; flesh yellowish-white, a little coarse,
semi-breaking, juicy, sugary, vinous, slightly perfumed; second; Apr. and May.
Duchesse Précoce. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 22113, fig. 1869.
Came from a seed bed of Duchesse d’Angouléme made in 1850 by André
Leroy. Fruit large and often very large, ovate, golden-yellow, sprinkled with large greenish
dots, slightly carmined on the cheek exposed to the sun; flesh very white, breaking or
semi-melting, with seeds usually absent, juicy, sweet; flavor agreeable; second; Aug.
Duchovaya. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 22. 1887.
Scented. 2. Ia. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 232. 1885.
A Central-Russian pear. Fruit medium to above, obtuse-pyriform, yellow, russeted;
flesh coarse, sweet, juicy; poor; mid-season.
Dudley. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126:107. 1908.
Originated with Mr. Dudley, Boston Highlands, Mass. Fruit medium long; very
good; mid-season.
Dumon-Dumortier. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:115, fig. 1869.
From the Van Mons seed beds. Fruit medium, turbinate, yellowish-green, dotted
with russet; flesh whitish, very fine, melting, juicy, sugary, acidulous, deliciously perfumed;
first; Nov.
Dundas. 1. Mag. Hort. 8:60. 1842. 2. Ibid. 92132, fig. 1843. 3. Downing Fr. Trees
Am. 750. 1869.
Disseminated by Van Mons in 1834 in which year it was sent to America to both R.
Manning and W. Kenrick. This pear is known in Europe mostly under the names of
Rousselet Jamin, Henri Nicaise and Héliote Dundas or Héloise Dundas. Fruit medium,
turbinate-obtuse, greenish-yellow or yellow-ochre, dotted with brown and gray and washed
with beautiful carmine on the side of the sun; flesh white, with green veins, between breaking
and melting; juice insufficient; very handsome but wanting in quality; Sept. and Oct.
Dunmore. 1. Mag. Hort. 13:154. 1847. 2. Ibid. 18:159, fig. 1852.
One of the best seedling pears raised by Thomas Andrew Knight, Downton Castle,
Wiltshire, Eng. It first fruited in 1822 being then reported in this country by C. M.
Hovey. Fruit large, oblong-obovate; skin slightly rough, yellowish-green, with russet
patches, brownish-red tinge next the sun; flesh yellowish, buttery, melting, rich, subacid,
juicy, sprightly, vinous, perfumed and aromatic; excellent; Sept. and Oct.
Dupuy Charles. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:118, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
750. 1860.
Louis Berckmans, Augusta, Ga., raised this pear in 1847 from seed sent from Ghent,
Bel, Fruit medium to above, like Calebasse in form, rough to the touch, bright green,
dotted with russet; flesh greenish-white, very fine, melting; juice abundant, sugary,
acidulous; flavor delicate and slightly musky; first; Oct. and Nov.
Durandeau. 1. Mag. Hort. 26:129. 1860. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. 111. 1862.
De Tongres. 3. Ann. Pom. Belge 3:15, fig. 1855. 4. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
489. 1857.
Originated from seed with Charles Louis Durandeau, Tongres-Notre-Dame, a village
in Hainaut, Bel., probably about 1825. Tree fairly vigorous, pyramidal, an early and
abundant bearer. Fruit medium large, obovate-pyriform, generally irregular; skin thin,
covered with fine golden russet, blushed with carmine on the exposed cheek; flesh yellowish-
white, buttery, very juicy, vinous, sprightly, with an exquisite aroma and of first quality;
Oct. and Nov.
Durée. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 751. 1884.
A wilding found by Isaac Hicks, Westbury, N. Y., and introduced by him before
1869. Fruit medium, oblong-acute-pyriform, pale yellow, dotted and patched with russet;
flesh whitish, semi-melting, juicy, sweet, slightly musky; good to very good; Oct.
Durst-Lésche. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:155. 1856.
Thuringia, 1809. Fruit medium, globular-turbinate, greenish-yellow turning to
yellow; flesh breaking, soft, honey-sweet and aromatic; good; Sept.
Early Ely. 1. Tex. Nursery Cat. 10. 1913.
Originated on the grounds of Silas Ely of Sherman, Tex., and was introduced by the
Texas Nursery Company about 1906. Said to be small, yellow and good for both table
and market.
Early Green Sugar. 1. J. Van Lindley Cat. 51. 1921.
Fruit large, yellow, blushed; June.
Easter Bergamot. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am.751. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 572. 1884.
Bergamote de Paques. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:250, fig. 1867.
An old French pear of which Merlet wrote in 1675, calling it Bergamote de Pasques
or the La Grilliére. This variety was early known in England according to Switzer who
saw trees of it at Hampton Court growing against a wall said to have been erected by
Queen Elizabeth and which had every appearance of having stood there since that time.
Fruit medium, globular-turbinate, narrowing toward the stalk, grayish-green, dull, changing
to pale yellow, thickly dotted with brown; flesh white, semi-fine, gritty, breaking; juice
sweet, acid, with not much perfume or flavor; second only, on account of its extreme
lateness; Mar. to May.
Eastern Belle. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 32. 1870. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. ist.
App., 126, fig. 1872.
This pear originated with Henry McLaughlin, Bangor, Me. Tree hardy, vigorous,
productive; fruit of medium size, obovate-pyriform; skin pale yellow, with nettings and
patches of russet and many russet dots, occasionally blushed with bright red; flesh whitish-
yellow, coarse at center, juicy, half-melting, sweet, rich, with a peculiar piquant aroma;
good; Sept.
Echasserie. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:187, Pl. XXXII. 1768. 2. Downing Fr.
Trees Am. 753. 1869.
Walnut. 3. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 90. 1856.
Best de l'Echasserie. 4. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:269, fig. 1867.
The wilding from which this variety was derived was probably noticed about 1660
and La Quintinye before 1690 spoke of it as having been in French gardens for twenty years.
It appears to have been a native of Anjou, where there are three places bearing the name
given to it. Probably it had been locally cultivated under other names for a long time
previous to its official recognition. Fruit medium to small, globular-oval but variable,
always obtuse and bossed; skin rough to the touch, lemon-yellow dotted with fawn and
with some patches of grayish-brown russet; flesh white, fine, melting, with very small
grits around the core; juice extremely abundant, acidulous, saccharine, with an after-
taste of musk, very agreeable; first; Nov. through Jan.
Edle Sommerbirne. 1. Oberdieck Obst-Sort. 327. 1881.
Germany and Holland. Fruit small, pyriform and somewhat long-gourd-shaped,
smooth yellowish-green changing to yellow at maturity, with reddish-brown on the side
next the sun, dotted and speckled with gray; flesh fine, semi-melting, with a sweet,
agreeable, aromatic flavor of rose; good for dessert and first for kitchen use; Aug.
Edward Seedling St.Germain. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am.754. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen.
6:155, fig. 462. 1880.
Raised by Dr. W. D. Brincklé, Philadelphia, Pa. Fruit medium or rather large,
globular-pyriform-obtuse, a little irregular in form, with its greatest diameter at the center;
skin somewhat thick and tender, intense green at first, sprinkled with grayish-black dots
changing at maturity to bright citron-yellow, some russet nettings and patches; flesh
whitish, semi-fine, slightly granular yet melting, full of saccharine juice, acidulous and
delicately perfumed; good; Oct. to Dec.
Effie Holt. 1. J. Van Lindley Cat. 54. 1913.
Said to have originated on the farm of L. W. Holt near Burlington, N. C.; introduced by
J. Van Lindley Nursery Company about 1907. Tree healthy, thrifty. Fruit large, greenish-
yellow; flesh light yellow, rich, juicy; season about the same as Duchesse d’Angouléme.
Eliot Early. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 52. 1871. 2. Rural N. Y. 513602, figs. 242, 243.
Said to have been raised by Judge Charles Eliot of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, from
a cross between Madeleine and Doyenné a’Ete. Tree strong, vigorous, hardy, an early
and productive bearer. Fruit small, pyriform, pale greenish-yellow, brownish-red next
the sun: stem long, slender, curved; cavity small, russeted; calyx closed or partially open;
base small; flesh whitish, half-fine, juicy, melting, sweet, slightly perfumed; good to
very good; July.
Elisa d’Heyst. 1. Mas Le Verger 1:99, fig. 56. 1866-73. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:125,
fig. 1869.
Obtained by Major Espéren of Mechlin, Bel. Fruit small but sometimes medium,
ovate, with an irregular outline, grass-green, dotted and stained with clear fawn; flesh
greenish, coarse, semi-melting, very gritty around the core; juice sweet, abundant, sugary,
slightly perfumed, little flavor; second; Mar.
Elizabeth (Edwards). 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 5. 1843. 2. Mag. Hort. 12:441, fig. 34.
This pear was raised at New Haven, Conn., by Governor Edwards! and was first
1 Henry Waggoman Edwards, at one time Governor of Connecticut, was a pioneer American pear
breeder credited with making the first systematic attempt to grow new pears in this country. He was
a grandson of the eminent theologian, Jonathan Edwards, was born at New Haven, Conn., in 1779,
graduated at Princeton College in 1797, studied law at the Litchfield School and almost immediately
entered into public life shortly to become prominent and famous in state and nation. He served Con-
necticut with honors as its Governor, and in the nation he distinguished himself as Representative in
the House from Connecticut, Speaker of the House and as Senator. But it is as a pomologist that his
career is of concern to the reader. Always interested in pomology, and no doubt especially interested
in pears through the spectacular, work of Van Mons, he planted pear seeds in the fall of 1817 with the
aim of obtaining new and superior varieties of this fruit. Great success did not attend his attempts at
exhibited in 1845. Fruit of medium size, roundish-obtuse-pyriform, slightly angular;
skin smooth, pale lemon-yellow, profusely sprinkled with very small, pale russet dots and
a few grayish-russet patches; flesh white, somewhat coarse, melting, very juicy, slightly
subacid, with a vinous flavor; Oct.
Elizabeth Maury. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 2nd App., 147. 1876.
A chance seedling on the ground of Reuben Maury, Charlottesville, Va. Fruit small,
oblate, slightly elevated, pale greenish-yellow, sometimes with a shade of brown in the
sun, with many greenish dots; flesh whitish, semi-fine, tender, juicy, melting, sweet, slightly
vinous; Aug.
Ellis. 1. Mag. Hort. 30:370, fig. 13. 1864. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 755, fig. 1869.
Raised from seed of Seckel in 1843 by Annie E. Ellis, New Bedford, Mass. Tree
vigorous, hardy, prolific. Fruit large, oblong-obovate-pyriform, truncate, slightly uneven,
greenish-yellow, patched and mottled with russet, sprinkled with many russet dots; stem
rather long, rather stout, set in a small cavity; calyx large, open; basin uneven, slight;
flesh whitish, juicy, melting, sweet, slightly vinous, aromatic; very good; Sept. and Oct.
Ellis (New York). 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 756. 186g.
Downing says that there is another pear under the name of “ Ellis” grown in western
New York, entirely distinct from Ellis. The fruit is described as medium, acute-pyriform,
greenish-yellow, shaded with crimson-red in sun, with very small brown dots; flesh white,
juicy, melting, vinous, often astringent, disposed to rot at the core; good; Aug. and Sept.
Emerald. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 756. 1869.
Belgian. Fruit medium, obtuse-pyriform, pale green, with pale brownish-red next the
sun and covered with russety dots; flesh white, melting, buttery, richly flavored, subacid,
vinous; good; Nov. and Dec.
Emile d’Heyst. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:131, fig. 1869. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr.
173, 1920.
A seedling raised by Major Espéren, Mechlin, Bel., which fruited in 1847. Fruit
medium and often larger, ovate, rather long, irregular, generally with sides unequal, bossed,
bronzed, dotted with fine specks; flesh greenish, fine and dense, melting, scented, free
from grit; juice very abundant, refreshing, sugary, slightly acid but very agreeably
perfumed; first; Oct.
Enfant Nantais. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 210. 1889. 2. Guide Prat. 92. 1895.
Originated by M. Grousset of Nantes, Fr. Tree vigorous and productive. Fruit
large, conic, gray; flesh fine, buttery, juicy, aromatic but very slightly tart; Oct.
Enfant Prodigue. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 385. 1845. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 21133,
fig. 1869.
pear breeding, but Governor Edwards made a start in work which Manning, Wilder and a score of others
were to carry forward with more striking results. Out of many seedlings, at least five were named and
were grown for a longer or shorter time by the pear-growers of a century ago. These are Elizabeth, Cal-
houn, Dallas, Henrietta and Citron, all described among the minor varieties of this text. While hardly
to be considered among the foremost pomologists of the country, Governor Edwards is in the front rank
of the lesser men whose combined work has done so much to give weight and impulse to American
Rousselet Enfant Prodigue. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 846. 18609.
Verschwenderin. 4. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 293. 1889.
A Van Mons seedling of about 1830. Fruit medium to large, ovate but variable,
greenish-yellow, largely obscured with cinnamon-colored russet, more or less carmined
on the side of the sun; flesh greenish-white, dense, melting, juicy, sugary, aromatic,
acidulous, astringent; second; Sept.
Epine @Eté. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:138, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 758. 1869.
An old pear grown in the gardens of the Monastery of Chartreux, Paris, and stated
in the catalog of that institution, of 1736, to be identical with the pear Bugiarda of Italy.
This Leroy has shown to be an error, the Bugiarda being the pear known in France as
Trompeur. Le Lectier appears to have grown it in 1628 in his famous gardens at Orléans,
though under the name of Poire d’Espine. Fruit above medium, pyriform, more or less
obtuse, bright green, finely dotted with gray-russet and lightly colored with tender rose
on the side of the sun; flesh yellowish, fine, melting, juicy, sugary and musky; a moderately
good autumn pear; Sept.
Epine d’Ete Rouge. 1. Guide Prat. 94, 270. 1876.
Rother Sommerdorn. 2. Liegel Syst. Anlett. 108. 1825.
French, 1805. Fruit medium, ovate, slightly bossed, light grass-green turning to
yellow-green, dark blush, dotted; flesh finely-grained; juice somewhat deficient, aromatic;
good for the table, kitchen and market; Sept.
Epine d’Hiver. 1. Langley Pomona 132. 1729. 2. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:184,
Pl. XLIV, fig. 3. 1768.
Winter Thorn. 3. Bradley Gard. 199. 1739. 4. Lindley Guide Orch.Gard. 410. 1831.
A very old French pear, reported asearlyas 1675. Tree healthy, although not a strong
grower, and bears well. Fruit medium to above, roundish-obovate, smooth, green becoming
yellowish and irregularly covered with grayish-brown dots; stem rather long, fleshy at
base, inserted without depression; calyx small, open, set in a rather shallow basin; flesh
whitish, melting, tender, buttery, with a sweet and agreeable musky flavor; a dessert pear;
Nov. to Jan.
Epine de Jernages. 1. Guide Prat.o4. 1876.
Fruit medium; first; Mar.
Epine du Mas. 1. Pom. France 1:No. 31, Pl. 31. 1863. 2 Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:412, fig.
Belle Epine Dumas. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 668. 1869.
Dumas. 4. Rural N. Y. 453480, figs. 292, 293. 1886.
A wilding found about 1760 by a M. Chemison in the forest of Rochechouart near
Mas, Department of Haute-Vienne, Fr. Fruit medium, obtuse-pyriform, lively yellow or
lemon-yellow, finely dotted with brown and washed with carmine on the sun-exposed cheek;
flesh white, fine, tender, melting, sweet, gritty at center, juicy, acid, musky; good; Nov.
and Dec.
Epine Royale. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 758. 1860.
Of French origin. Fruit medium, pyriform, yellowish, blushed with bright red on the
side next the sun; flesh fine, melting, juicy, sweet, vinous; Oct.
Epine-Royale de Courtray. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:127, fig. 256. 1879.
Origin not clear though mentioned in the Bulletin of the Society of Van Mons in 1858.
Fruit medium or large, pyriform-obtuse, green sprinkled with numerous brown dots,
changing to pale yellow at maturity, with some red on the side next the sun; flesh white,
semi-fine, buttery, juicy, sugary, pleasant; handsome and good for transportation; Aug.
Ermsinde. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:69. 1856. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:143, fig.
A chance seedling found in the garden of M. Bouvier, Jodoigne, Bel., and reported
in 1851. Fruit above medium, in form variable from pyramidal to turbinate, lemon-yellow,
dotted and marked with brown-russet, and blushed with dark red on the exposed cheek;
second; early Oct.
Ernestine Auzolle. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 758. 1869.
Of French origin. Fruit small, globular-pyriform, sometimes acute-pyriform, greenish-
yellow, with a shade of brown in the sun, often netted and patched with russet; flesh rather
coarse, yellowish, moderately juicy, semi-melting, sweet; good; Sept. and Oct.
Eseme. 1. Ja. Soc. Hori. Rpt. 61. 1880.
Cultivated on the northern steppes of Russia and introduced to this country by
J. L. Budd of Iowa in 1880.
Esperine. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 4:73, fig. 1856. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 759. 1869.
By Van Mons from an undated seed bed; it was first reported in 1826 and dedicated
to Major Espéren, the enthusiastic and distinguished pomologist of Mechlin. Fruit large,
obtuse-ovate, yellow with greenish tinge, much dotted with greenish-gray-russet, clouded
with tender rose on the side of the sun; flesh white, semi-melting, full of juice, sugary,
vinous, refreshing, perfumed; first; Oct. and Nov.
Esperione. 1. Thomas Am. Fruit Cult. 561. 1885.
Fruit medium, obovate, slightly pyriform, yellow, juicy, melting, perfumed; Sept.
Essex. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 759. 1869.
Originated in the garden of W. Flack, Essex, N. Y., before 1869. Fruit below medium,
oblong-obtuse-pyriform, greenish-yellow, with many brown and green dots, marbled with
carmine in the sun; flesh whitish, juicy, melting, granular, sweet; good; Sept.
Esther Comte. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:39, fig. 404. 1880.
Cataloged by Dauvesse of Orléans in 1857. Fruit medium, ovate-pyriform, bright
green changing to yellow, dotted with russet; flesh whitish, rather fine, semi-melting,
juicy, sugary, delicately perfumed; good; winter.
Estranguillon. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:146, fig. 1869.
According to Charles Estienne, 1530, this pear was at that time well known to French
gardeners. First rate for making perry. Fruit small, ovate, yellowish, dotted with gray
and slightly tinted with rose on the cheek exposed to the sun; flesh whitish, rather coarse,
breaking or semi-melting, very juicy, without perfume; Sept.
Esturion. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am.759. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:41, fig. 405. 1880.
Origin unknown. Fruit rather small, conic, pale green changing to yellow, tinged with
light red on the side of the sun; flesh yellowish, fine, melting; juice abundant, sweet and
-Eugéne Appert. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:148, fig. 1869. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 130.
Raised from seed by André Leroy, Angers, Fr., and first gave fruit in 1862. It was
introduced to this country about 1881, in which year it was described as of ‘‘ very superior
quality ” and one of the “‘ best of the kinds recently introduced.” Fruit medium, globular,
bossed, unequal, grass-green, with grayish stains and large dots; flesh yellowish-white,
very fine and melting, very full of sugary, acidulous juice, having an exquisite aroma;
first; Aug. and Sept.
Eugéne Furst. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:167, fig. 468. 1880.
A gain of Van Mons. Fruit medium, globular-conic, very obtuse, green changing
to lemon-yellow, dotted with brown and more or less washed with red-brown on the side
of the sun; flesh white, fine, buttery, melting, juicy, sugary, acidulous, with a character-
istic perfume; first; Nov. and Dec.
Eugéne Maisin. 1. Guide Prat. 94. 1876.
Under trial in the nurseries of Simon-Louis Bros. of Metz, Lorraine, in 1876. Fruit
medium; skin rough and grayish; flesh melting; first; Dec. and Jan.
Eugéne des Nouhes. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:148, fig. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:65,
fig. 129. 1878.
M. Parigot, President of the Imperial Court of Poitiers, Fr., obtained this variety
which he dedicated in 1856. Fruit above medium, obtuse-turbinate, dark yellow, dotted
and stained with gray-russet, slightly vermilioned on the side of the sun; flesh whitish,
melting, juicy, vinous, sweet, delicately perfumed; first; Sept.
Eugéne Thirriot. 1. Guide Prat. 94. 1876.
Produced and placed on the market in 1868 by Thirriot Bros. Fruit large, pyriform,
pale greenish-yellow; flesh melting, buttery, very juicy, sugary, perfumed; first; Oct.
and Nov.
Euratsfelder Mostbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 98, fig. 1973.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit medium to large, globular; skin smooth, light yellow
when ripe, sprinkled with rather fine dots, and russet speckles; flesh rather white, not
very coarse, agreeably subacid, very juicy; Oct. and Nov.
Eureka. 1. A. M. Augustine Cat. 45. 1916.
According to correspondence with A. M. Augustine, Normal, Ill., the introducer
of this pear, it was fruited in 1900 by a Mr. Dickinson of Eureka, IIl.; a chance cross between
Seckel and Kieffer and shows characteristics of both parents. Tree reported similar to
Kieffer in leaf, habit of growth and resistance to and recovery from blight. Fruit medium,
shaped like Seckel; skin delicate, waxy, bright yellow, slightly russeted, with a bright red
cheek; flesh flavor of Seckel, more solid, longer keeper.
Eva Baltet. 1. Rev. Hort. 312, fig. 1898.
From a seed bed of Bartlett fertilized with Flemish Beauty. It was exhibited at the
International Exhibition of St. Petersburg in 1893. Fruit very large, pyriform-trun-
cated; skin fine, light cream passing into yellow, dotted with brown, extensively blushed
with bright carmine; flesh white, fine, juicy, sugary and aromatic; first; Nov. but
Excellente de Moine. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:59, fig. 318. 1880.
Distributed by Burgomaster Rossy of Schénburg, in Moravia, Austria, in 1835. Fruit
medium or rather large, globular-ovate, grass-green, dotted with gray-green specks; flesh
white, rather greenish especially just under skin, buttery, juicy, delicately perfumed; good;
latter half of August.
Excelsior. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 158. 1867. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 759. 1869.
A seedling of Francis Dana, Boston, Mass., raised about 1860. Fruit medium, obovate-
obtuse-pyriform, greenish-yellow, with some russet and many brown dots; flesh juicy,
melting, sweet, pleasant; good to very good; Sept.
Eyewood. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:1409, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 759. 1869-
Raised from seed by T. A. Knight about 1822 at Downton, Wiltshire, Eng. Fruit
medium, globular; skin very thick, greenish-yellow, tinged with brown next the sun, much
covered with pale brown-russet and large dots; flesh yellowish, very tender and melting,
juicy, sweet, with a sprightly, vinous flavor and fine aroma; first, but sometimes has too
little perfume; Oct.
Fall. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 102. 1875.
A natural tree planted at least as early as 1650 by Gov. Prince at Eastham, on Cape
Cod. Fruit about the size of a hen’s egg, tapering towards both ends, green, nearly covered
with thin russet, of inferior quality. In 1836 it was a flourishing, lofty tree, producing
an average of fifteen bushels of fruit.
Fall Beurré d’Arenburg. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 119. 1875. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
3rd App. 175. 1881.
Exhibited by Asahel Foote, Williamstown, Mass., at the Boston meeting of the
American Pomological Society in 1875 as one of his seedlings. Fruit medium, globular-
oblate, inclining to obtuse-pyriform, pale greenish-yellow, tinged with orange where well
exposed, sometimes blushed on the cheek next the sun, slightly patched and netted and
much dotted with russet; flesh whitish, rather coarse, juicy, melting, sweet, vinous, musky;
very good; Oct.
Famenga. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 59. 1844. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 759. 1869.
A foreign variety exhibited in 1843 by R. Manning, Salem, Mass. Fruit medium,
obovate, greenish-yellow; Sept.
Faurite. 1. Gard. Chron. 69. 1848.
Fruit medium, oblong-obovate, yellow, shining, tinged with red next the sun, and
having numerous reddish dots; flesh yellowish-white, semi-melting, slightly perfumed;
keeps nearly a year.
Fauvanelle. 1. Rev. Hort. 146. 1911.
Considered by M. Chasset, Secretary-general of the Pomological Society of France,
to be the finest of all cooking pears. Fruit long-pyriform, bright green, largely covered
with fawn, and rayed or washed with red on the sun-exposed cheek; flesh yellowish-white,
very sugary, giving a good red wine tone to the cooked fruit, with an agreeable aroma;
very good for kitchen use.
Favorite Joanon. 1. Cat. Cong. Pom. France 259, fig. 1906.
Obtained in 1833 by M. Joanon, at Saint-Cyr-an-Mont-d’Or, Rhéne. Fruit medium
to large, turbinate; skin smooth, bright yellow, dotted with gray, flushed with rose at
maturity; flesh white, very fine, melting, very juicy, sweet, acidulous, perfumed; very
good; Aug. and Sept.
Favorite Morel. 1. Guide Prat. 110. 1876.
Obtained from a seed of Bartlett by M. Morel, a nurseryman at Lyons, Fr., in 1874.
Fruit rather large, obtuse-pyriform, suggesting in form a long Bartlett, somewhat
bossed in outline; skin a little rough, passing from greenish-yellow to golden-yellow, mottled
with fawn; flesh white, fine, melting, compact, juicy, fresh, vinous, acidulous; first; Oct.
Feast. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 759. 1869.
Originated with Samuel Feast, Baltimore, Md., from seed of Seckel. Fruit medium,
obovate-pyriform, greenish-yellow, with brown dots; flesh whitish, juicy, sweet; good;
Sept .
Félix de Liem. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:151, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 759.
A posthumous variety from the seedlings of Van Mons at Geest-Saint-Rémy, 1853.
Fruit below medium, turbinate, generally obtuse, greenish-yellow, very much mottled
with dirty or dusky brown, much speckled bronze-russet on side next the sun and some
traces of crimson streaks; flesh yellowish, fine, melting, juicy, sugary, slightly perfumed;
second; early Nov.
Félix Sahut. 1. Rev. Hort. 151. 1902. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 135. 1920.
From Passe Colmar crossed with Bartlett by Arséne Sannier; new in 1902. Fruit
similar in appearance to Passe Colmar; flesh fine, juicy, melting, sugary, with a very agree-
able perfume; very good; Nov. to Jan.
Ferdinand Gaillard. 1. Guide Prat. 103. 1895.
Fruit large or very large; skin smooth, brilliant yellow all over; flesh yellowish-white,
fine, tender, very melting, juicy, very sugary; good or very good; Nov. to Jan.
Ferdinand de Lesseps. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:154, fig. 1869.
Raised by André Leroy in 1864. Fruit medium, ovate, not very regular, bright yellow,
extensively washed and marbled with brown-russet; flesh white, very fine, melting; juice
very abundant, acidulous, very sugary, with an exquisite flavor; first; early Oct.
Fertility. 1. Jour. Hort. N. 8. 1:555, fig. 100. 1880. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr.
174. 1920.
Raised by T. Rivers, Sawbridgeworth, Eng., in 1875, from Beurré Goubault. Fruit
medium, obovate, even and regular, entirely covered with a bright cinnamon coat of russet,
tinged with orange on the side next the sun; flesh semi-melting or crackling, very juicy,
sweet, with a rich, highly-perfumed flavor; good; Oct.
Figue. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:183. 1768. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 576. 1884.
The pear described under this name by Duhamel in 1768 is quite different from the
pear Figue d’Alengon with which it has been confused, the Green fig of Biedenfeld or
Longue Verte of Leroy. Origin uncertain. Fruit medium, long-pyriform, green and next
the sun of a dull dark red, entirely covered with numerous dots and patches of brown-
russet; flesh white, tender, buttery, melting; juice sweet, sugary, perfumed; excellent early
dessert pear; Sept.
Figue d’Alencon. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:156, fig. 1869. 2. Rural N. Y. 45:233, figs.
150, 151. 1886.
Obtained about 1829 near Alencon, Department Orne, Fr. Fruit above medium,
sometimes large, long, very similar to the fig in form and color; flesh greenish-white, semi-
fine and melting, sugary, acidulous and perfumed; first but requiring a favorable soil and
climate; Oct. and Nov.
Figue de Naples. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 577. 1884.
This has been confused with Figue d’Alengon but is a distinct variety. Fruit above
medium, oblong, greenish-yellow, entirely covered with thin, delicate russet, dark reddish-
brown on the side next the sun; flesh greenish-white, buttery, melting, with a rich, sugary
flavor; excellent; Nov.
Figueira. 1. Rev. Hort. 463. 1906.
A variety introduced as new in 1906 by M. Bruant, Poitiers, Fr. Fruit of good size,
having rather the form of a large fig, brilliant yellow, colored with purple on the side of the
sun, of magnificent appearance; flesh very white, fine, melting, juicy, very sugary, with an
agreeable perfume; first, one of the best of the season; July and Aug.
Fin Juillet. 1. Rev. Hort. 477, fig. 169. 1898.
Obtained by M. Hérault, Angers, Fr., from Beurré Giffard crossed with Joyau de Sep-
tembre in 1879. Fruit medium, turbinate, ovate, enlarged at center, russeted all over;
flesh fine, very melting, rather subject to mellowness, excessively juicy, very sugary, slightly
acidulous and with a delicate, musky savor; good; Aug.
Fin-Or d’Orleans. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:160, fig. 1869.
Fine Gold of Summer. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 760. 1869.
An old pear mentioned by the earliest French writers. Fruit small, turbinate, swelled,
obtuse, golden-yellow, dotted with carmine on the shaded side and bright red on the other
cheek; flesh greenish, semi-fine and melting, juicy, sugary, sourish, rather delicate; second:
Fin-Or de Septembre. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:156. 1768. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.
577. 1884.
Under the names of Finor and Finoin Claude Saint-Etienne wrote of this pear in
1670. Fruit medium, pyriform-obtuse, yellowish-green speckled with brown-fawn dots,
orange-yellow and brick-red on the side of the sun; flesh white, tender, semi-breaking; juice.
moderate, sugary, slightly acid, without pronounced perfume; third; Oct.
Fitzwater. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 73. 1895.
Originated in New York. It resembles Lawrence. Fruit small, obtusely pyriform,
yellow partly covered with russet; flesh very fine-grained and melting; fair; winter.
Flemish Bon Chrétien. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 761. 1869.
Bon-Chrétien de Vernois. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 13469, figs. 1867.
Of Flemish origin. It was widely propagated in England in 1840. Fruit medium,
obovate, green changing to yellow; flesh yellowish-white, crisp, sweet, perfumed; an excel-
lent stewing pear; Nov. to Mar.
Fleur de Neige. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:163, fig. 1869.
Henri Van Mons. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 782. 1869.
Obtained by Van Mons between 1830 and 1835. Fruit rather large, pyriform, nar-
rowed toward the stalk, greenish-yellow, stained with russet and washed with dark brick-red
on the cheek next the sun and dotted with carmine and maroon; stem long, slender; calyx
open in a small basin; flesh white, melting, abounding in sugary juice, with a pleasant
perfume; good to very good; Sept. and Oct.
Florent Schouman. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 762. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:153,
fig. 77. 1872.
A posthumous gain of Van Mons propagated by the Society Van Mons. Fruit nearly
large, globular-turbinate, clear green, speckled with large, round, gray-brown spots; flesh
white, fine, melting, sugary; juice abundant, vinous, acidulous; good; Oct.
Florida Bartlett. 1. Mich. Sta. Sp. Bul. 30:28. 1905.
Received for trial in Michigan in 1900 from Stark Bros., Louisiana, Mo. Fruit large,
roundish-oval, tapering at both ends, yellow, with dark brown dots; flesh greenish, firm,
juicy, half-breaking, granular, mild, almost sweet, perfumed; fair; Dec. and Jan.
Fluke. 1. Ia. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 174. 1909. 2. Ibid. 289. 1910.
Disseminated by N. K. Fluke. Reported as hardy, blight-resistant and better than
Fondante Agréable. 1. Horiiculiurist 4:83. 1854. 2. Guide Prat. 94. 1876.
Belgian; described as new in 1854 by M. P. Wilder. Fruit medium, globular-ovate,
dull yellowish-green slightly russeted; flesh tender, juicy and melting, pleasant, refreshing,
with a delicate aroma; very good; Aug.
Fondante Albert. 1. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 2, 81, fig. 137. 1866-73. 2. Downing Fr.
Trees Am. 762. * 1869.
Obtained by Albert Boucqueau, Belgium. It was propagated in France in 1853.
Fruit medium, globular-conic, depressed at the poles, green turning to yellow, with large
dots and markings of fawn, flesh white; semi-fine, breaking, granular about the center; juice
deficient, but delicate, vinous and aromatic; second; Sept.
Fondante d’Angers. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:79, fig. 520. 1881.
Origin unknown, probably French. Fruit medium or rather large, turbinate; skin
fine yet a little firm, clear green, dotted with greenish-gray, passing to yellow at maturity;
flesh white, fine, entirely melting; juice abundant and sugary, vinous, acidulous; first ; Oct.
Fondante de Bihorel. 1. Rev. Hort. 547. 1888.
Fruited in France about 1866 from seed of a common French country pear. Tree
hardy. Fruit small or medium, pyriform, deep green passing to bright yellow, speckled
with gray dots, touched with carmine on the side of the sun; flesh delicate, melting, buttery,
without grit; juice sufficient, sugary, acid, well perfumed; quality good; July.
Fondante de Brest. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:169, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 579.
Mentioned by Claude Saint-Etienne in 1670 under the name of Inconnue du Chesneau.
Fruit medium or nearly medium, ovate-pyriform, more or less swelled, smooth, shining,
bright green changing to yellowish-green on the shaded side as it ripens, and red, mottled
dark blood-red next the sun, covered with small gray dots; flesh white, rather coarse,
breaking, gritty, juicy, sugary, perfumed, rose-water flavor; second; Oct.
Fondante de Charleville. 1. Guide Prat.g2. 1895.
Fruit large, pyriform, regular in outline, of a beautiful color; flesh melting, buttery,
of an agreeable flavor; Nov. and Dec.
Fondante de Charneau. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:170, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.
579. 1884.
A wilding found by M. Légipont growing on his property at Charneau, in the Province
of Liége, Bel., at the beginning of the last century. Fruit large, sometimes very large,
pytiform but uneven in outline, pale greenish-yellow, thickly dotted with large gray specks
and sometimes vermilioned on the side next the sun; flesh white, fine, very melting, juicy,
scented, sugary and rich; excellent; Sept. to Nov.
Fondante de Cuerne. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 2:5, fig. 1854. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy
Fr. 175. 1920.
This variety was found by Reynaert Beernaert in the environs of Courtrai, Bel., but
the time of its first production is unknown. Fruit large, conic-pyriform, rather irregular
in outline, lemon-yellow, with numerous ash-gray dots; flesh yellowish-white, semi-fine
and melting, rather gritty about the core, very juicy, sugary, vinous, slightly aromatic;
second; Sept.
Fondante des Emmurées. 1. Guide Prat. 110. 1876.
Obtained from a seed of Doyenné Boussock by M. Sannier, Rouen, Fr., and placed
on the market in 1873. Fruit medium, turbinate, clear yellow, dotted with gray; flesh
yellowish, sugary, perfumed; good; Sept.
Fondante d’Ingendal. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 763. 1869.
Belgian. Raised by M. Gambier and first published in 1856. Fruit medium, pyri-
form, greenish-yellow, touched with gray and with red; flesh fine, melting; good to very
good; Sept. to Nov.
Fondante de Ledeberg. 1. Guide Prat. 103. 1895.
Belgian. Raised about 1890. Fruit pale green, dotted with brown; flesh very
melting, white and slightly perfumed; first; Mar. and Apr.
Fondante de la Maitre-Fcole. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:175, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr.
Trees Am. 764. 1869.
Produced in the gardens of Robert & Moreau, growers at Angers, Fr.; first tested in
1861. Fruit medium, oblong, golden or orange-yellow, dotted and mottled with fawn;
flesh fine, yellowish, breaking, juicy, vinous, sugary and perfumed; second; Dec. and
Fondante de Malines. 1. Mag. Hori.14:209. 1848. 2. Ann. Pom. Belge 6:9, fig. 1858.
Raised by Major Espéren at Mechlin (Malines), Bel., in 1842. Fruit large, globular-
turbinate, smooth, of a deep golden-yellow with a crimson cheek in the sun, spotted with
crimson dots; flesh white, a little coarse, buttery, juicy, sugary, tart, good but somewhat
variable; Oct. and Nov.
Fondante de Mars. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:177, fig. 1869.
Origin uncertain. Fruit above medium, globular, irregular, more or less bossed; skin
rough, greenish, mottled and dotted with brown; flesh whitish, semi-fine, breaking, granular,
wanting in juice and sugar; third; Dec. and Jan.
Fondante de Moulins-Lille. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:178, fig. 1869.
Obtained in 1858 by M. Grolez-Duriez, Rouchin-lez-Lille, Fr., from a seed of the pear
Napoleon. Fruit above medium, obtuse-pyriform, pale greenish-yellow; flesh white,
coarse, melting, juicy, sugary, acidulous, with a delicious flavor; first; Nov.
Fondante de Nees. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 580. 1884.
Fruit large, long-obovate, fine deep yellow, mottled and dotted all over with pale
brown-russet; flesh yellowish, buttery, lacking sufficient juice, with a sprightly flavor;
second; Oct.
Fondante du Panisel. 1. Pom. France 3:No. 92, Pl. 92. 1865.
Délices d’Hardenpont d’Angers. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:13, fig. 1869.
Delices d’'Angers. 3. Hogg Fruit Man. 558. 1884.
Raised about 1762 by the Abbé Hardenpont, Mons, Bel. Fruit medium to large,
globular or conic-ovate; skin rough, thick, tender, green, almost entirely covered with
marblings of olive-gray and dark green, the basic green changing to golden-yellow, and
the stains to a russet-fawn on the side of the sun; flesh citrine, fine or semi-fine, melting,
very juicy, with a sugary flavor and a very agreeable perfume; very good; Nov. and
Fondante des Prés. 1. Horticulturist 9:80, fig. 1854. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:179, 180,
fig. 1869.
Belgische Pomeranzenbirne. 3. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:159. 1856.
A seedling of Van Mons, Belgium, 1850. Fruit turbinate, inclining to pyriform,
broad across the middle, yellowish-green changing to clear lemon-yellow, sometimes tinged
with red next the sun; flesh white, melting, sweet, juicy, aromatic; very good; Oct.
Fondante de la Roche. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:180, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.
580. 1884.
Found on the property of M. Chesneau of la Haugreniére, in the Commune of
Sainte-Gemmes-sur-Loire and named by the Horticultural Society of Maine-et-Loire.
Fruit above medium, ovate, irregular, clear russet, washed with tender rose on the exposed
cheek; flesh white, fine, melting, juicy, sugary, acidulous, aromatic, with an agreeable
musky taste; first; Oct. and Nov.
~ Fondante de Rome ou Sucré Romain. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:45, fig. 402. 1880.
Origin uncertain. Fruit under medium, conic-pyriform, bright green changing to a
beautiful golden-yellow, washed on the side of the sun with crimson-red; flesh yellowish,
somewhat coarse, breaking, sweet and juicy; second; Aug.
Fondante de Saint-Amand. 1. Guide Prat. 94. 1876.
Belgian. Fruit medium, nearly spherical, orange-yellow slightly touched with russet;
flesh fine, sugary, perfumed; first; Oct.
Fondante-de-Septembre. 1. Horticuliurist 15:68. 1860. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:133, fig.
259. 18709.
Gained by Van Mons about 1824 or somewhat later. Fruit medium, globular-
pytiform, dull green, speckled with very fine brown dots, changing to yellow and crimson
at maturity; flesh green, transparent, very fine and melting, semi-buttery, full of sugary
juice, pleasant and perfumed; first; Sept.
Fondante Sickler. 1. Mas Pom. Gen.1:17,fig.9. 1872. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 581. 1884.
Raised by Van Mons. Fruit small, ovate, sometimes a little pyriform; skin rather
thick and firm, clear green, speckled with dots of a darker shade, passing when ripe to
lemon-yellow and golden on the side of the sun, without any tinge of red; flesh yellowish-
white, semi-fine, semi-buttery, gritty about the core; juice sufficient, sugary and musky;
second; Sept. to Nov.
Fondante de Thines. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:185, fig. 381. 1880.
Distributed by the Society of Van Mons. Fruit medium, long-pyriform, very bright
green changing to pale yellow, with a rosy blush; flesh white, with a tinge of yellow, very
melting, plenty of sugary juice, with a delicate and agreeable flavor of musk; good; Oct.
Fondante Thirriot. 1. Guide Prat. 47, 266. 1895. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 175.
Obtained in i858 by M. Thirriott, Charleville, Ardenne, Fr. Fruit rather large,
pyriform, pale greenish-yellow, dotted with gray-brown; flesh white, semi-fine, melting,
juicy, with an excellent flavor; first; Dec.
Fondante Van Mons. 1. Mag. Hort. 122280, fig. 15. 1846. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 581.
Raised by Van Mons and introduced to this country by R. Manning, Salem, Mass.
Fruit medium, globular, somewhat depressed; skin thin, delicate, smooth, removable like
that of an orange when the pear is fully ripe and having a peculiar perfume and flavor,
very agreeable to some persons; pale yellow, mottled with thin cinnamon-colored russet;
flesh yellowish-white, buttery, sweet, melting, juicy, with a musky perfume: good; Oct.
and Nov.
Fondante de Wollmet. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 581. 1884.
Origin unknown. Fruit has some resemtblance both in shape and color to Beurré
de Rance, has the same coarseness of flesh, which has a greenish tinge under the skin, very
juicy, rather crisp, with a fine brisk, vinous flavor; excellent; Nov.
Fontarabie. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:182, fig. 1869.
A French pear mentioned by Le Lectier of Orléans in 1628, and Merlet in 1675.
Fruit above medium, turbinate, obtuse, enlarged around the center, bright yellow, dotted
with fine points of russet and extensively carmined on the side next the sun; flesh white,
rather coarse, breaking, gritty at core, juicy, sugary, with an after-taste of musk; second,
cooking only; Feb. to Apr.
Foote Seckel. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt.99. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 765. 18609.
Raised from seed of Seckel by Asahel Foote, Williamstown, Mass. Fruit small,
oblate, obtuse-pyriform, yellow tinged with brownish-crimson on the side of the sun; flesh
whitish, fine, juicy, melting, sugary, slightly vinous; very good; Sept.
Ford. 1. Ford Seed Co. Cat. 52, fig. 1914.
Originated with M. P. Ellison, Naples, N. Y., and was introduced by the Ford Seed
Company about 1914. The tree is reported as healthy, a rapid grower, and an early and
productive bearer; the fruit is similar in appearance to Bartlett and as large, practically
free from seeds, with no core to speak of, rich, sweet, juicy, ripening three weeks later
than Bartlett.
Forme de Bergamotte Crassane. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:186, fig. 1869. 2. Downing
Fr. Trees Am. 766. 1869.
A seedling of Van Mons which gave its first fruits in 1844. Fruit above medium,
turbinate, slightly obtuse, yellowish-green, speckled with large gray-russet dots; flesh
yellowish, rather fine, melting, juicy, sugary, vinous, aromatic; good; early Nov.
Forme de Curtet. 31. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:9, fig. 101. 1878.
A gain of Van Mons. Fruit small, exactly turbinate; skin fine, thin, bright green,
sprinkled with very small grayish-green dots, changes on ripening to lemon-yellow, lightly
tinged with red; flesh white, semi-fine and breaking; juice sufficient, sweet, slightly per-
fumed; second; Sept. and Oct. :
Forme de Délices. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 388. 1845. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 582.
A Flemish pear. Fruit medium, obovate, yellow, almost entirely covered with rather
rough brown-russet; flesh tender, buttery, melting, with a rich, sweet flavor; an excellent
dessert pear; Oct. and Nov.
Fortune. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 143. 1866.
One of Dr. Shurtleff’s seedlings raised at Brookline, Mass.; first fruited in 1866. Fruit
small, turbinate, golden-yellow, with russet spots; flesh white, melting, juicy and very sweet;
first; Oct.
Fortunée. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 436. 1845.
Bergamoite Fortunée. 2. Ann. Pom. Belge 8:29, fig. 1857.
Fortunée de Printemps. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:188, fig. 1869.
A Belgian wilding found near Enghien in Hainaut; disseminated about 1830. Fruit
small, globular or globular-turbinate; skin rough to the touch, deep yellow, covered with
flakes and lines of brown-russet; flesh semi-melting, juicy, sweet; a cooking pear; May and
Fortunée Boisselot. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:187, fig. 1869.
Raised from a bed of seeds of Fortunée by Auguste Boisselot, Nantes, Fr.; it gave its
first fruit in 1861. Fruit large or above medium, turbinate, very obtuse and enlarged
around center; skin thick and rough, greenish-yellow or yellow-ochre; flesh white, fine,
melting, gritty around the core, juicy, sugary, delicate, somewhat aromatic; first; Jan.
and Feb.
Fortunée Supérieure. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:190. 1869.
This was obtained by M. Flon, Angers, Fr., about 1850 from a bed of seeds of Fortunée.
In 1854 M. Flon submitted it to the Horticultural Society of Maine-et-Loire which found
its flesh ‘‘ very fine, very melting, agreeably perfumed and more free from acidity than the
old pear Fortunée,” and therefore gave it the name Fortunée superieure; Jan. to Apr.
Fourcroy. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:192, fig. 1869.
Raised by Van Mons about 1810. Fruit medium, ovate-pyriform; skin thick, rather
rough to the touch, yellow or yellowish-green, covered with gray-russet dots; flesh white,
very sugary, agreeably perfumed; good and sometimes first; winter.
Fouron, 1. Mas Pom. Gen. '7:135, fig. 548. 1881.
French. Fruit medium, globular-ovate, dark olive-green, dotted with grayish-white
spots, large and numerous; flesh yellowish, fine, melting, with abundant sugary juice, vinous,
sprightly and musky; good; Oct.
Franc-Réal. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:180. 1768. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:1094,
fig. 1869.
Franc Réal d’Hiver. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 766. 1869.
Mentioned by Charles Estienne in 1540, and other French authorities of the seven-
teenth century. Fruit above medium and often larger, globular-turbinate and bossed,
golden-yellow, strewed with large russet dots, and some brownish-red patches; flesh very
white, breaking, juicy, hardly sweet, rather acid, without perfume; first for cooking; Nov.
to Feb.
Frances. 1. Mag. Hort. 113252. 1845.
A seedling raised by the Hon. H. W. Edwards of New Haven, Conn., and first published
in 1845. Similar to Virgouleuse, rather large, and not so sweet.
Franchimont. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 766. 1869.
Supposed French origin. Fruit below medium, globular-oblate, yellow shaded with
red in the sun, netted and patched with russet, many russet dots; flesh yellowish, juicy,
semi-melting, sweet, slightly aromatic; good or very good; Sept. and Oct.
Franchipanne. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:210, Pl. XLVII, fig. 2. 1768. 2. Hogg
Fruit Man, 582. 1884. :
Frangipane. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:196, fig. 1869.
This is the Franchipanne of Duhamel but not of Merlet, 1690, as Hogg and Leroy
prove. Its origin is uncertain. Fruit medium or above, obtuse-pyriform, yellowish-green
or lemon-yellow, dotted and veined with russet, dark deep red next the sun; flesh green-
ish-white, semi-fine and semi-melting, juicy, tender, buttery, perfume supposed to resemble
Frangipani, a scent invented by the Marquis of that name; a dessert pear; Oct. and
Francis. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 43. 1866.
A seedling raised by Dr. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass., which fruited in 1862. Fruit
medium, turbinate; skin tough and rather liable to crack, dark green; flesh fine-grained,
white and delicate, with a flavor inclining to that of White Doyenné; first; Nov.
Francis Dana. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 80. 1877.
One of several seedling plants given by Francis Dana to Eliphalet Stone who in 1877
showed its fruit. Fruit medium, globular-acute-pyriform, clear lemon-yellow, with trac-
ings of thin russet; flesh buttery, juicy, good quality but not up to best; Sept.
Francois Hutin. 1. Guide Prat.92. 1895.
Fruit very large, long-turbinate, dark yellow; flesh fine, white, melting, juicy, sugary,
acid; Oct.
Frangipane d’Hiver. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:105, fig. 533. 188r.
Origin unknown. Is not to be confused with Franchipanne, a smaller ball pear. Fruit
large, turbinate, much swelled at center; skin thin, intense green, sprinkled with numerous
dots of a darker shade, changing to lemon-yellow at maturity, with some blush of brown-red
or orange-red; flesh white, breaking, not very sweet, somewhat acidulous, with an aromatic
flavor; suitable for kitchen use; all through the winter.
Frankenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:173. 1856.
Wurtemberg, Germany, 1830. Fruit medium, oval-obtuse, variable, bossed, grass-
green changing to golden-yellow, blushed with reddish-brown; flesh whitish, breaking,
fairly soft, very aromatic, acidulous, sweet; good; Sept.
Frankfurter Birne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2: 145. 1856.
Baden, Germany, 1847. Fruit large, variable in form, often oblique, dirty yellow,
brilliant red on the sun-touched side; flesh breaking, coarse-grained, very sweet and juicy;
good; Sept.
Frau Louise Goethe. 1. Gard. Chron. 3rd Ser. 25:132. 1899.
Raised from a seed of Bergamotte Espéren, in the Horticultural School of Geisenheim
in 1882. Fruit medium, Bergamot-shaped; skin thick, coarse, dark green, covered with
fine warts, becoming a clouded yellow when ripe, with russety patches; flesh clouded yel-
low, sometimes salmon colored, juicy, sweet, aromatic, with an aroma reminiscent of the
orange; winter.
Frederic Leclerc. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:198, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 583.
Raised in 1846 at Ghent, Bel., by Louis Berckmans. Fruit below medium, short-
pyriform-obtuse, one side always less curved than the other, greenish-yellow, dotted, striped,
veined and stained with fawn; flesh whitish, fine, semi-melting, slightly gritty; juice sugary,
rich; second and sometimes first when its juice is abundant; Dec. and Jan.
Frédéric de Wurtemberg. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 173. 1832. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
2:199, fig. 1869.
Meédaille d’Or. 3. Ann. Pom. Belge 1:91, fig. 1853.
Herbstsylvester. 4. Lauche Deut. Pom. 2:No. 82, No. 82. 1883.
Van Mons raised this variety from seed of the fourth generation about 1812 and named
it Sylvester d’Hiver after a secretary by the name of Sylvester. Upon the request
of Frederick I, King of Wurttemburg, the pear was dedicated to that monarch and named
Frédéric de Wurtemberg. Still further confusion arose in America when Knight of
England sent to the Hon. John Lowell of Massachusetts this fruit, by mistake, under the
name of Capiaumont. It was cultivated in the vicinity of Boston by that name for
some time. Tree vigorous, upright, an early and excellent bearer; leaves roundish, broad,
flat, entire. Fruit large, one-sided, obtuse-pyriform, deep yellow, marbled and dotted
with red on the shaded side and of a most beautiful, bright crimson next the sun;
stem medium, sometimes appearing a continuation of the fruit; calyx medium, partially
open, placed even with the surface; flesh white, fine, juicy, melting, sweet and when in
perfection buttery and good; Sept.
Frederica Bremer. 1. Mag. Hort. 16:24, fig. 1. 1850. 2. Ann. Pom. Belge 7:81, fig.
Introduced by J. C. Hastings of Oneida Co., N. Y., in 1848 at the exhibition of the
Pomological Convention of New York. Fruit above medium, globular-turbinate; skin
very smooth, shining, dull green reminding one of many poor pears but on ripening becomes
a fine citron, dotted with brown-russet and slightly colored with red on the side of the
sun; flesh white, fine, buttery, sweet and vinous, slightly perfumed; one of the best; Oct.
Fremion. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:73. 1856.
French, 1807. Bergamot type. Fruit small, globular, symmetrical, light green
changing to light lemon-yellow, faintly blushed; flesh agreeable, buttery, gritty near the
center, aromatic, sweet, acidulous; good; Oct. :
Frensdorff rothe Flaschenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:140. 1856.
Nassau, Bel., 1833. Fruit medium, smooth and shining, light yellow, blushed; flesh
very juicy, sweet, with flavor of cinnamon; good; Sept.
Florimond Parent. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:164, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
762. 1869.
A seedling of Van Mons raised about 1846. Fruit large, long, more or less obtuse,
always contracted near the summit and much swelled in its lower part, dark yellow clouded
with pale green, dotted and mottled with fawn and slightly washed with dark violet-red
on the side exposed to the sun, sometimes also covered with small, black and scaly stains;
flesh whitish, coarse, rather melting, gritty at center; juice abundant, sweet, sugary, wanting
in perfume; third; Sept.
Friihe Backhausbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:161. 1856.
Nassau, Bel., 1806. Fruit medium, globular-ovate, yellowish, light green changing
to pale yellow, often blushed; flesh granular, rather astringent, sourish, musky, good for
any situation; Aug. and Sept.
Friihe Schweizer Bergamotte. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:76. 1856. 2. Ober-
dieck Obst-Sort. 241. 1881.
Holland, 1804. Fruit fairly large, variable in form, often ovate, ventriculous-turbi-
nate, and often pyriform, yellowish-light green changing to lemon-yellow, sprinkled with
green and yellow-gray dots, marked with russet and often with fine yellow-gray russet on
the side exposed to the sun; flesh snow-white, buttery, melting, very juicy, acidulous and
aromatic; first; Aug.
Fuller. 1. Gard. Mon. 302. 1885. 2. Ill. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 213. 1897.
Originated in Madison, O., about 1885. Fruit similar in size, form and season to
Beurré Giffard but not quite so good. It is, however, claimed that it is a better grower
and less liable to crack; greenish-yellow; Aug.
Fullero. 1. Montreal Hort. Soc. Rpi. 82. 1886.
Fruit rather large, greenish, with some dull red on the sunny side; first; early summer.
Fulton. 1. Prince Pom. Man. 2:214. 1832. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 768, fig. 1$69.
Originated on the farm of a Mr. Fulton in Brunswick, Me. Exhibited before the
Massachusetts Horticultural Society in 1829. Fruit medium, globular-turbinate, dark
yellow, russeted; flesh, if picked and matured in the house, buttery, melting, full of rich
juice. If allowed to remain on the tree it becomes breaking, dry and without flavor. A
peculiarity of this pear first discovered by Manning in 1840 is that the fruits after they have
attained half their size, are in good eating condition after lying a day or two; second;
Oct. ;
Fusée d’Automne. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 22203, figs. 1869.
Origin ancient and obscure, but probably the neighborhood of Eisleben, Saxony.
Fruit often above medium and often much less, very long, conic, bossed, golden-yellow or
clear yellow, rather greenish, dotted with russet; flesh whitish, semi-fine and semi-melting,
exempt from grit; juice rather lacking, sweet; third; Sept.
Fusée d’Hiver. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:205, fig. 1869.
First described by Merlet in 1690. Fruit above medium and sometimes less, long and
bossed, somewhat obtuse, wrinkled, clear green, freely dotted, mottled with gray-russet;
flesh white, semi-melting; juice abundant, rather sugary, slightly acid, without pronounced
scent; third; Feb. and Mar.
Gabourell Seedling. 1. Field Pear Cult. 280. 1858. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 23208, fig.
Originated in early half of last century. Fruit below medium, globular, bossed, mam-
millate, yellowish-green, speckled with gray dots; flesh yellowish, coarse, breaking, gritty;
juice rather lacking, sweet, vinous, slightly perfumed; third; Nov. to Jan.
Gakovsky. 1. Budd-Hansen Am. Hort. Man. 2:246. 1903.
Introduced from Russia in 1879. Tree extremely hardy. Fruit medium, pyriform,
greenish-yellow, stem long; flesh dingy white, fine-grained, buttery, juicy, mild, vinous,
but not rich; good.
Galston Muirfowl Egg. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 583. 1884.
Scotch. Fruit below medium, short-obovate, flattened at calyx, greenish-yellow,
covered with thin, pale-brown russet, mottled with red on the side of the sun; flesh yellowish,
tender, sweet and juicy, with a peculiar aroma; excellent; Sept.
Gans. 1. U.S. D.A. Rpt. 390, Pl. VII. 1801.
Found by Joseph Gans in a wood near Cheviot, O., in 1871. Fruit large, pyriform,
yellow, with faint brownish cheek on sunny side; stem slender, rather long, in a slight
depression; calyx open, in a shallow basin; flesh tender, melting, juicy; Aug.
Gdansekopf. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:148. 1856.
North German, 1773. Fruit medium, conic, smooth and shining, green, changing to
yellow, with brownish-red blush; flesh breaking, juicy, sweet, aromatic; first; Oct. and Nov.
Gansel Bergamot. 1. Brookshaw Pomona2:Pl.L. 1817. 2. Pom. Mag.1:35,Pl. 1828.
Diamant-peer. 3. Knoop Fructologie 1:92, 135. 1771.
Bergamote Gansel. 4. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:239, fig. 1867.
Raised from seed of Autumn Bergamot by Lieutenant-General Gansel near Colchester,
Eng., in 1768. Fruit medium, globular-oblate, greenish-yellow on the shaded side, reddish-
brown on the side of the sun, dotted and marbled with russet, sometimes washed with red;
flesh white, buttery, melting, a little gritty around the core; juice abundant, sugary, vinous,
slightly musky and acid; first; Oct. and Nov.
Gansel Late Bergamot. 1. Elliott Fr. Book 369. 1854. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 294. 1866.
Bergamotte Tardive de Gansel. 3. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 1, 125, fig. 61. 1866-73.
Gansel Late Bergamot was raised from seed by a Mr. Williams, Pitmaston, Eng.
Fruit similar in shape and size to Gansel Bergamot, green, thickly covered with russet
dots and freckles which sometimes form patches, yellow-green when ripe, flesh white, rather
coarse and gritty, not very juicy nor melting in England; in France and America, however,
it seems to become more juicy, melting and rich, vinous and highly perfumed; good to very
good; Nov. and Dec.
Garnier. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:2009, fig. 1869.
Besi Garnier. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 506. 1884.
From a seed bed made by M. Garnier, Bouvardiére, near Nantes, Fr.; first published
in 1851. Fruit large, pyriform-obtuse, skin rough, thick, green, orange-yellow when ripe,
washed with brick-red on the side of the sun; dotted and mottled with brown-russet; flesh
white, semi-fine, breaking, rather granular, juicy, sugary; second.
Garnons. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 161. 1841.
Fruit large, oblong, greenish-yellow, flesh buttery and excellent; second; Jan.
Gassenbirne. 1. Léschnig Mosibirnen 150, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit medium, obtuse-pyriform, symmetrical in contour,
green changing to yellow at maturity, covered with gray-brown russet, dotted with brown-
russet; flesh yellowish-white, rather coarse texture, very juicy and subacid; Oct. to Dec.
Gaston du Puys. 1. Guide Prat. 93. 1895.
Distributed by M. Daras de Naghin, Antwerp, Bel. Fruit medium; flesh white, very
fine, melting, sufficiently sweet and perfumed; good; Nov.
Gaudry. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 585. 1884.
Fruit small, globular-ovate, even in outline, straw-colored, covered with russet dots
and patches; flesh white, melting, juicy, brisk, vinous and sweet, with a pleasant rose-water
flavor; good; Oct. and Nov.
Géant. 1. Field Pear Cult. 280. 1858. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:210, fig. 1869.
Probably of French origin. Cataloged in this country by T. W. Field in 1858. Fruit
medium, globular-turbinate; skin wrinkled, thick, dark green speckled with gray-russet
and almost entirely stained with brown; flesh whitish, coarse, breaking, watery, very gritty
around the core; juice sugary, vinous, slightly perfumed; third.
Gefleckte Pomeranzenbimne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:156. 1856.
Hesse, Germany, 1833. Fruit small, globular, flattened at poles; skin rough, yellow,
often green, marbled with russet, blushed, dotted with russet; semi-melting, granular, very
aromatic; Sept.
Gefleckte Sommerrusselet. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:42. 1856.
Nassau, Bel.,-1807. Fruit small, globular, shortened, blunt, symmetrical; skin rough,
often entirely covered with russet and blushed; flesh very juicy, coarse-grained, sweet and
acid, melting and aromatic; first; Sept.
Gefundene. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:91. 1856.
Belgian, Van Mons, 1833. Fruit small, light yellow, often entirely covered with
russet, free from dots; flesh fine, strongly aromatic, with scent of cinnamon, sweet; Sept.
Geigenschnabel. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:195. 1856.
Wiurttemberg, Ger., 1830. Fruit medium, pyriform, uneven in outline, entirely covered
with yellowish-gray russet; good; Oct.
Geishirtle. 1. Christ Handb. 548. 1817.
Fruit large, shaped like Winter Rousselet, green with brownish-red blush on the
sun-touched side; flesh soft, breaking, sweet, juicy, with perfume of the Rousselets; Aug.
Gelbe friihe Sommerapothekerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:177. 1856.
Of French origin, 1807. Fruit medium and above; skin glazed and smooth, greenish-
yellow changing to lemon-yellow, with red blush on the side of the sun; flesh yellowish-
white, gritty, soft; good; Aug.
Gelbe Fiirsten-Tafelbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obsikunde 2:54. 1856.
Widely diffused in Germany. Probably originated in that country about 1766.
Fruit medium, rather shortened-pyriform, whitish-yellow changing to golden-yellow, with
pale blush, green dots; flesh yellowish-white, mild, breaking, full of juiceand sugar; first; Sept.
Gelbe Heckenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:161. 1856.
Grown along the Rhine, Germany. Fruit small, turbinate, broad, light green changing
to yellowish-green, often lightly blushed, russeted; flesh greenish-white, rather granular,
acid, vinous, breaking; first; Sept.
Gelbe Holzbirne. 1. Loschnig Mostbirnen 80, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit medium, globular-conic; skin firm, shining yellow
when ripe, speckled with numerous green markings and finely dotted with russet; flesh
yellowish-white, granular, very juicy, astringent, subacid; good for transportation; Oct.
Gelbe Landlbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 152, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit small to medium, long-pyriform, rather obtuse; skin
firm, green turning yellow, dotted with russet; flesh whitish, coarse, very juicy, astringent
and subacid; good for transportation; Oct. and Nov.
Gelbe langstielige Alantbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:140. 1856.
German Rheinland. Fruit medium and above, somewhat gourd-shaped; skin smooth
and thin, uniformly lemon-yellow, somewhat marked with russet; flesh yellowish-white,
wanting in juice, sweet, aromatic; third for table, good for market; Sept.
Gelbe Laurentiusbirne. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 218. 1889.
Saint-Laurent Jaune. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:39, 212. 1879.
This pear was known in Saxony early in the nineteenth century. Fruit medium, conic,
uniform in contour, its largest diameter being below the center; skin rather thick, green
at first sprinkled with dots of gray-green changing at maturity to bright citron-yellow,
golden on the side of the sun of fruits well exposed, washed with a blush of dull red; flesh
white, coarse, semi-breaking, gritty near the core, juicy, sweet, saccharine, but little
flavor; second; Aug.
Gelbe Leutsbirne. 1. Laschnig Mostbirnen 106, fig. 1913.
A Lower-Austrian perry pear. Fruit small, long-pyriform, diminishing to the stalk,
sides unequal; light green turning yellow when ripe, russet dots; flesh juicy and subacid;
first for keeping and transportation; Oct.
Gelbe Scheibelbirne. 1. Léschnig Mosibirnen 82, fig. 1913.
An Austrian pear producing a good and clear perry. Fruit medium to large, globular,
flattened at both poles, green changing to yellow at maturity, dotted with grayish-white;
flesh yellow-white, coarse-grained, with a sweet and acid flavor; good; Oct. and Nov.
Gelbe Wasserbirne. 1. Léschnig Mosibirnen 12, fig. 1913.
A perry pear grown in Lower Austria. Fruit small to medium, globular-obtuse but
diminishing toward stalk in upper part, yellow-green, slightly blushed on the sun-touched
side, and speckled on the shaded side with dark green dots; flesh whitish, juicy, very sweet
and slightly acidulous; good for transportion; Sept.
Gelbmostler. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 108, fig. 1913.
A perry or wine pear grown in Austria and northern Switzerland. Fruit medium to
fairly large, globular and diminishing rather acutely to the stalk, greenish-yellow changing
to light yellow, often slightly blushed, speckled with russet dots; flesh yellowish-white,
coarse-grained, juicy, very astringent, quickly becomes over-ripe; Sept.
Gemeine Kochbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 154, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit small, globular-conic, green changing to greenish-
yellow at maturity, occasionally with a dark red blush on the sun-exposed side; flesh yel-
lowish-white, very juicy, saccharine, astringent and acidulous; Oct. and Nov.
Gemeine Pfundbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:187. 1856.
Upper-Austria, 1851. Fruit above medium, globular-turbinate, medium convex,
bossed, green turning to light yellow; flesh breaking, wanting in juice, sweet; third for
dessert, best for culinary use; Oct. to Dec.
Général de Bonchamp. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:211, fig. 1869. 2. Horticulturist 30:2.
A seedling found on the estate of M. Panneton, Coteau, Maine-et-Loire, Fr. Fruit
medium, variable in form, oblong-pyriform or globular-turbinate, dull greenish-yellow,
dotted with russet; flesh white, melting, buttery, fine-grained, juicy, sweet, rich, aromatic;
good to first; Aug.
Général Bosquet. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:213, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
770. 18609.
Obtained by M. Flon-Grolleau, Angers, Fr. The seed bed from which the tree sprang
was made in 1845. Fruit large, conic, very long, rather swelled at the base and narrowed
at the upper end; skin thick, grass-green, dotted and mottled with fawn and often bearing
some small brownish stains; flesh whitish, fine, semi-melting or melting, rather granular
at center; juice abundant, sweet, vinous, delicate; second; Sept. and Oct.
Général Canrobert. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:214, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
770. 1869.
From a bed of the seeds of Saint-Germain made about 1843 by M. Robert, Angers,
Fr. Fruit medium, long-conic and irregular, golden-yellow, dotted, marbled and stained
with russet, washed with brown around the calyx and stem; flesh white, fine, melting
and juicy, the juice being abundant, sweet, acid, rich and aromatic; first, though very
exceptionally second when it has no flavor; Jan. and Feb.
Général Delage. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:155, fig. 270. 1879.
A gain of Van Mons about 1823. Fruit medium, conic-pyriform, clear green, speckled
with gray, changing to pale yellow at maturity, tinged with dark red on the side of the sun;
flesh white, fine, buttery, melting, full of slightly sugary juice, refreshing and somewhat
Général Dutilleul. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:215, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 585.
A seedling of Van Mons. Fruit medium to large, pyramidal, uneven in outline, deep
golden yellow, extensively washed with bright crimson where it is exposed to the sun;
flesh firm, not very juicy, sweet, of good flavor; good; Sept.
Général Duvivier. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:217, fig. 1869.
Beurré Duvivier. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 688. 1869.
Raised from seed by M. Boisbunel, Rouen, Fr., in 1845. Fruit medium, long-conic,
slightly obtuse, greenish-yellow, finely dotted and reticulated with russet, washed some-
times with dark red on the side facing the sun; flesh whitish, fine, semi-melting, watery,
not gritty; juice plentiful, sugary, acidulous, aromatic, delicate; first; Mar.
General Kearney. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 43. 1866.
A seedling raised by S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass., which fruited in 1862. Fruit
large, pyriform, greenish-yellow; flesh fine-grained, juicy, of rather high flavor; a good
market pear; Sept.
General Lamoriciére. 1. Mag. Hort. 18:296, fig. 22. 1852.
According to Leroy this name is synonymous with Beurré Citron. Mas, however,
thought that Beurré Citron was quite different. Fruit medium, obtuse-pyramidal,
greenish-yellow, much reticulated and spotted and patched with russet; flesh greenish-
white, fine, melting, tender, buttery; juice abundant, sugary, vinous and perfumed; first;
Sept. to Nov.
General Sherman. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 43. 1866.
A seedling of Dr. Shurtleff’s submitted to the committee on fruits of the Horticultural
Society of Massachusetts in 1866. “ Fruited in 1856. Diam. 23 in.; flesh white, melting,
breaking and juicy; November to December, turbinate.”’
General Taylor. 1. Mag. Hort. 20:75, 269. 1854.
Introduced by L. N. Rogers, Baltimore, Md., the original tree having been found by
him at Franklin, Md., in 1854. Fruit medium or under, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, yellow
but practically all cinnamon-russet; flesh yellowish-white, granular, buttery, melting,
sweet, highly flavored; good to very good; Oct. and Nov.
Général Thouvenin. 1. Guide Prat. 93. 1895.
Origin unknown. Fruit medium, greenish; flesh rather yellow, fine, melting, juicy,
very sugary and pleasantly perfumed; Dec.
Général Totleben. 1. Aun. Pom. Belge 8:57, fig. 1860. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr.
177. 1920.
M. Fontaine de Ghélin, Mons, Bel., raised this variety from a seed bed made in 1839.
Fruit large or very large, pyriform, slightly contorted, one side often rather longer than
the other, yellow, covered with dots and patches of russet; flesh tinted with salmon-rose,
melting, juicy, with a rich, sugary and perfumed juice; excellent; Nov. to Jan.
General Wauchope. I. Gard. Chron. 3rd Ser. 30:474, fig. 144. 1901.
Raised about 1888 by Charles Ross, gardener to Captain Carstairs, Welford Park,
Newbury, Eng., from a cross of Nec Plus Meuris and Duchesse d’Angouléme. Fruit
moderate size, obtuse-pyriform, very regular. yellowish-green, with fine spotting; flesh
soft, free from grit, rich, sweet, somewhat of the flavor Nec Plus Meuris; Dec.
Gensbirne. 1. Loschnig Mosibirnen 32, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry and wine pear. Fruit medium, long-pyriform, diminishing toward
the stalk from the center; skin tolerably fine and shining yellow when ripe, densely and
finely dotted with russet; flesh white, coarse-grained, juicy, subacid, astringent; Sept.
George Augustus. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpi. 91. 1872.
A seedling exhibited to the Massachusetts Horticultural Society in 1872 by Francis
Dana. Fruit similar to Winter Nelis, but larger and more oblong, and not quite so rich.
Georges Delebecque. 1. Guide Prat. 104. 1895.
Raised from seed of Joséphine de Malines and distributed by Daras de Naghin, Ant-
werp, Bel. Fruit medium, having some resemblance to Urbaniste, yellow, dotted with
fawn and bronzed around the stem; flesh sometimes very salmon-colored, melting, with
a slight perfume of rose; a good pear for the amateur; tree of moderate vigor and very
fertile; Dec. and Jan.
Gerando. 1. Mag. Hort. 23:161, fig. 9. 1857.
Received by C. M. Hovey in 1845 from M. Jamin of Paris. Fruit large, globular-
obovate; skin rather rough, dull greenish-russet, with a mottled yellow and light russet
tinge when mature, thickly covered with conspicuous dark russet specks; flesh yellowish-
white, coarse, melting and juicy, rich, sugary and slightly perfumed; good; Sept. and Oct.
Gérardine. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:110, fig. 156. 1878.
Obtained by M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel., early in the nineteenth century. Fruit
medium, turbinate, more or less short and swelled, reducing to a point at the top; skin thick,
firm, intense green dotted with large brown specks, changing to dark yellow at maturity,
with golden-russet on the side of the sun and some red blush; flesh white, rather fine, buttery,
melting, gritty about the center, full of rich sugary juice, vinous and highly scented; Nov.
Gerdessen. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:61, fig. 223. 1879. .
According to Diel, this variety was obtained by the Pastor Gerdessen of Weigsdorf,
in the Oberlausitz, Ger. Fruit rather small or nearly medium, almost spherical, even in
contour, the greatest diameter being at the center, intense and somber green, without
any russet; flesh yellow, rather fine, buttery; juice sufficient in quantity and richly
saccharine, vinous and highly perfumed; first; Sept.
Gerippte Pomeranzenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:156. 1856.
Nassau, Bel., 1833. Fruit small, orange-form, ribbed, a good yellow, lightly blushed
with red; flesh juicy, semi-melting, cinnamon-flavored, sweet; second for dessert, good
for the market; Sept.
Gernréder Pomeranzenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fiihr. Obstkunde 2:160. 1856.
Central Germany, 1773. Fruit small, flattened, green changing to yellowish, faintly
blushed, speckled with gray; flesh greenish-white, tender; good; Oct. and Nov.
Gestreiffe Winter-Apothekerbirne. 1. Liegel Syst. Anleit. 132. 1825.
Fruit large; form that of Bon-Chrétien @Eté, light yellow, streaked, aromatic,
sugary; good; Feb. to Apr.
Ghellinck de Walle. 1. Gard. Chron. 3rd Ser. 11:24. 1892.
Raised in the garden of M. Ghellinck de Walle near Ghent, Bel., described as new.
Fruit medium, oblong-obovate, yellowish, speckled with russet; flesh creamy-white, melting,
juicy, sugary, slightly acid and delicately perfumed. Said by M. Pynaert to be one of the
best autumn pears; Nov.
Gibb. 1. Cornell Sta. Bul. 332:482. 1913.
Raised from seed sent by Charles Gibb from Mongolia to Prof. Budd at Ames, Ia.
Said to be very hardy and productive, coming into bearing when young. Fruit about
the size of Bartlett, pyriform, nearly equal to Bartlett in quality, according to Prof. Budd.
Seems to be of a better quality than most oriental pears.
Gilain. 1. Guide Prat. 71. 1876. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:33, fig. 113. 1878.
A gain of M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit medium, pyriform, pale green changing
to yellow, a warm gold and sometimes red on the side next the sun; flesh white, fine, buttery,
melting, rather gritty near the core; juice sufficient, sugary and perfumed; good; Sept.
Gilles 6 Gilles. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:222, fig. 1869. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 219. 18809.
Girogile. 3. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 177. 1920.
A French pear of very ancient and uncertain origin. Jean Bauhin in his Historia
Plantarum, 1580, wrote of a pear which appears to be identical with this and said that
in Burgundy it was styled a Poire de Livre or Pound Pear. Le Lectier in his catalog of
1628 and Merlet as well as Claude Saint-Etienne and La Quintinye also mention it though
spelling it variously. Fruit large to very large, nearly spherical; calyx large, open, set
in deep basin; skin thick, pale dull green, washed with brown-red on the face exposed to
the sun, much covered with thin brown-russet; flesh greenish-white, semi-fine and semi-
breaking, rarely gritty, very juicy, saccharine and sweet, without much perfume, occasionally
spoiled by too much acerbity; third; cooking; Nov. to Feb.
Giram. 1. Mas Le Verger 2:151, fig. 74. 1866-73.
A wilding found on the estate of Giram at Uryosse, Fr., and propagated by Dr. Doat.
Fruit nearly medium, pyriform, sometimes rather turbinate; skin thick and firm, green,
sprinkled with large dots of greenish-brown, becomes yellowish-green at maturity and
blushed with red on the sun-exposed side; flesh very fine, tender, melting, very juicy, sugary
and agreeably perfumed; first; Aug.
Girardon. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:225, fig. 1869.
According to Diel this pear was raised in Paris by a M. Girandoux whose name Leroy
identifies with Girardon. It seems to have dated from about the beginning of the nineteenth
century. Fruit below medium, globular, flattened and deeply depressed at both poles,
one side rather less swelled than the other; skin wrinkled, yellowish-green, dotted with
clear brown and almost entirely mottled and reticulated with dark russet; flesh white,
semi-fine and semi-melting, rather granular; juice very abundant, saccharine, acidulous,
very musky; second; late Sept.
Glace d’Hiver. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:67, fig. 322. 1880.
Winter Eisbirne. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 300. 1889.
Belgian. Fruit medium, globular-conic; skin rather thick, a lively green sprinkled
with brown dots, changing to lemon-yellow, often golden on the side of the sun; flesh whitish,
fine, breaking; juice sufficient, sugary, without appreciable perfume; good; end of winter.
Glastonbury. 1. Jour. Hori. N.S. 22:73, 99, 126. 1872. 2. Bunyard-Thomas Fr. Gard.
140. 1904.
The Benedictine of the English or Glastonbury pear, apparently originated as a wilding
with W. G. L. Lovell, Glastonbury, Eng., but Bunyard believes it to be an old sort intro-
duced by the monks. Grafts were first taken from the tree in 1862. Fruit large, oblong-
obovate, russeted; flesh yellowish, melting, juicy, aromatic; Oct.
Gleck. 1. Guide Prat. 93. 1895.
Distributed by M. Niemetz, Winnitsa, Russia, and on trial with Simon-Louis Bros.
at Metz in 1895. Fruit medium or large, green changing to yellow at maturity; flesh
rather tart in flavor, juicy, good for drying as it diminishes little in volume; it makes good
cider; Sept. and Oct.
Gliva. 1. Ia. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 61. 1880.
A Russian pear imported by J. L. Budd, from the northern steppes where the summers
are ‘“‘ fully as dry and hot as ours and the winter far more severe.”’ It shows marked traces
of the Chinese forms of the pear in shape, serration, thickness and size of leaf and in the
peculiar enlarged character of the scaly, terminal buds.
Gloire de Cambron. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:226, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
772. 1869.
Probably derives its name from the famous Abbey of Cambron near Mons in Hainaut,
Bel. It was in France early in the nineteenth century. Fruit below medium, acute-pyri-
form, generally rather contorted in the lower part, yellow-ochre in color, dotted with very
fine gray-russet points; flesh white, semi-fine, breaking, dry and gritty, sweet and rather
delicate in flavor; third; Nov.
Gloward. 1. Field Pear Cult. 280. 1858. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:228, fig. 1869.
Possibly of English origin. It was cultivated in the garden of the Horticultural Society
of Angers, Fr., in 1838. Fruit medium and above; form rather variable but always ovate,
more or less long, irregular, bossed, clear green sprinkled with grayish dots and a little
stained with russet; flesh white, semi-fine, melting, watery, some grit around the core; juice
sugary, very refreshing, rather savory; second; Oct.
Gnoico. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:229, fig. 1869.
Italian, with the place of its origin in the old principality of Parma. Fruit below
medium, long, obtuse-pyriform, whitish-gray on the shaded side, very clear dull green
on the other face, dotted with russet, washed occasionally with fawn around the stalk and
partially covered with a light bluish efflorescence; flesh greenish-white, fine, dense, breaking
or semi-breaking, watery, almost exempt from grit; juice abundant and sugary, with a
flavor of anis; Aug.
Goat-herd. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126:131. 1908.
On trial in the experimental orchard at Agassiz, B. C., in 1900. Fruit small, acute-
pyriform, green, russeted, flesh red, buttery, juicy, subacid; mid-season.
Gogal. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 135. 1920.
Originated by N. E. Hansen, Brookings, S. D., from Parrot crossed by Pyrus ovoidea,
and introduced by him in 1919.
Gold Dust. 1. Cornell Sia. Bul. 3323482. 1913.
Fruit of Bergamot shape, with slender stem; skin very rough; Oct.
Gold Nugget. 1. Stark Bros. Cat. 28, fig. 1916.
This pear originated with F. H. Davis, Esmeralda, Cal., in the early seventies. A few
years ago Stark Bros., Louisiana, Mo., secured control of the variety and introduced it to
the trade in 1916. Tree vigorous, healthy, productive; fruit large, roundish-obovate-pyri-
form; skin thick; flesh fine-grained, juicy, with a honey-sweet flavor; ripens late.
Goldbirne. 1. Christ Handb. 544. 1817. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:48. 1856.
Austrian, 1851. Fruit small, conic, beautiful light yellow; skin thin, light red blush;
flesh semi-breaking, sweet, with muscatel flavor; best; beginning of Oct.
Goldbordirte Holzbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:196. 1856.
Classed by Dochnahl among varieties of special character. The tree has its leaves
bordered with gold. Fruit small; flesh firm, insipid.
Golden Bell. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 43. 1866.
A seedling fruited by S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass., in 1862. Tree prolific. Fruit
medium, pyriform, golden-yellow; flesh fine, with good flavor; Sept.
Golden Beurré of Bilboa. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 177. 1832. 2. Hovey Fr. Am. 1:99,
Pl. 1851.
Beurré Doré de Bilboa. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 12351, fig. 1867.
Imported to this country from Bilboa, Spain, in 1821 by J. Hooper, Marblehead, Mass.
Fruit medium to large; obovate-pyriform, golden-yellow, speckled evenly with small,
brown dots, and slightly marked with russet; flesh yellowish-white, fine, melting, very
buttery, vinous and excellent flavor; first; Sept.
Golden June. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpi. 135. 1920.
Originated with Joe Houghlin, near Bloomfield, Ky., and introduced by Sunny Slope
Nursery, Hannibal, Mo. Tree reported about 75 years old. Fruit said to have a small
core, to be delicious and to ripen about June 2oth.
Golden Knap. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 587. 1884.
Grown extensively in the orchards of the border countries of Scotland. The name is a
corruption of Golden Knob, the shape being that of a small knob. Fruit very small,
globular-turbinate, russety, of no particular merit.
Golden Queen. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 587. 1884.
Raised at the Royal Gardens, Frogmore, near Windsor, Eng., and was first exhibited
in 1872. Fruit small, obovate, straw-colored, strewed with a few minute dots; flesh very
tender and extremely juicy, sweet and highly perfumed; a delicious pear but when ripe
speedily rots at the core; Sept.
Golden Russet. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 587. 1884.
A seedling raised at the Royal Gardens, Frogmore, near Windsor, Eng., and first
exhibited in 1863; entirely distinct from Japan Golden Russet, which bears the same
name as a synonym. Fruit small, obtuse-obovate, bright cinnamon-russet; flesh yellow,
fine-grained, buttery and melting, juicy, sweet and with a flavor resembling that of Marie
Louise; an excellent little pear; Oct.
Goldwoérther Lederbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 156, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit small to medium, turbinate, diminishing rather acutely
to the stalk, green covered with dark brown-russet; flesh yellow-green, coarse, saccharine,
with an unpleasant acidity; very good for transport; Oct. and Nov.
Gonnersche Birne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:28. 1856.
Hesse, Ger., 1806. Fruit almost medium, turbinate, light green changing to
greenish-yellow, often with a rather pale blush; flesh granular and rather coarse; second;
Goodale. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 773, fig. 1869. 2. Ont. Dept. Agr. Fr. Ont. 163, figs.
Raised by E. Goodale, Saco, Me., from seed of the McLaughlin. Fruit large, oblong-
obovate-pyriform, green, yellowing at maturity, shaded with crimson and fawn in the
sun, slightly netted and patched with russet and sprinkled with small russet dots; flesh
white, fine, rather gritty at core, juicy, sweet, pleasant, perfumed, slightly vinous; fair
for dessert; first for market; Oct.
Got. 1. Field Pear Cult. 280. 1858. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:231, fig. 1869.
Origin unknown. According to Leroy this variety has been cultivated in Belgium
ever since 1855. Fruit above medium; form rather variable, passing from long-conic and
slightly obtuse to ovate, a little swelled; skin rough, fine, dark green; flesh white, semi-fine,
breaking or semi-melting, granular around the core; juice sufficient, sugary, aromatic,
rather delicate; second; Sept. and Oct. is
Governor Carver. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 45. 1866.
Fruited in 1863 by S. A. Shurtleff from seed. Fruit “‘ Diam. 3 in.; flesh firm and very
tich in flavor; keeps perfectly until June or July of following year, and ripens well; fine
flavor, and a valuable pear. Turbinate.”
Grabenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:159. 1856. 2. Léschnig Mostbirnen 64,
fig. 1913.
A German and Austrian pear, common in middle Franconia. Fruit small to medium,
turbinate or conic; skin smooth, shining, yellow-green turning yellow, with green marblings,
sometimes slightly blushed, dotted; flesh whitish, coarse-grained, breaking, juicy,
saccharine, without any perceptible acid; mid-Oct.
Graf Moltke. 1. Guide Prat.g5. 1876. 2. Lauche Deut. Pom. II:No. 80, Pl. 80. 1882.
Named after A. Von Moltke, a Prime Minister of Denmark, 1850. Fruit rather large,
irregular in form although handsome; skin rough, yellowish-green covered with russet;
flesh yellowish-white, fine, melting, very juicy, aromatic; quality variable; a table fruit;
Grand Bretagne. 1. Knoop Fructologie 1:83, Tab. IJ. 1771. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
774. 1869.
Origin French or Belgian. Fruit large, obtuse-obovate, greenish-yellow, dotted with
brown; flesh fine, juicy, buttery and melting; moderately good; Dec. to Feb.
Grand Isle. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 3rd App., 176, fig. 1881. 2. Rural N. Y.
44:242, figs. 135, 136. 1885.
Raised by Benjamin Macomber, Grand Isle, Vt. Tree vigorous, upright, somewhat
alternate in bearing. Fruit medium, roundish-oblong, straw color, covered with many
small russet dots; stem medium long, rather slender; calyx small, open, in a small
basin; flesh whitish, half-fine, juicy, melting, sweet, slightly vinous; very good; Sept.
and Oct.
Grand-Soliel. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:233, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 588.
Introduced by Major Espéren, Mechlin, Bel., in the early half of the nineteenth
century. Fruit medium, globular-turbinate, more or less bossed; skin rough to the touch,
yellow, almost covered with gray-russet, blushed with red on the side next the sun; flesh
whitish, semi-fine, rather stringy, melting, vinous, sugary, with a particularly delicate
aroma; first; Dec. and Jan.
Grant. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 45. 1866.
A seedling fruited by S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass, in 1862. Fruit large, obtuse-
pyriform; greenish-yellow; flesh sweet, fine, rich; first; Oct.
Graslin. 1. Pom. France 3:No. 106, Pl. 106. 1865. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 775.
A wilding found in the Commune of Flée, Sarthe, Fr.; introduced about 1840. Fruit
large, oblate, somewhat irregular, larger on one side than the other, yellow-ochre, dotted
and marbled with gray-russet, and stained with large markings of fawn; flesh fine, white,
veined with greenish-yellow, very melting, juicy, sugary, acidulous, perfumed, delicate;
first; Oct. and Nov.
Grasshoff Leckerbissen. 1. Oberdieck Obst-Sort. 305. 1881. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom.
222. 1880.
German. Fruit medium, pyriform, often rather ovate, inclined or bent at the head;
skin smooth, grass-green changing to yellow-green, thickly dotted, not much russet; flesh
yellowish-white, rather gritty around the core, melting, fine, juicy, good flavor; very good
for dessert and good for household use; early Oct.
Gratiola. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 592. 1629.
“The Gratiola peare is a kinde of Bon Cretien, called the Cucumber peare, or Spinola’s
Graue Herbstrusselet. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:42. 1856.
German, Upper Hesse, 1802. Fruit medium, ventriculous, uneven, rough, entirely
covered with russet, changing at maturity to dull red on the side next the sun; flesh very
juicy, coarsely granular and woody, sugary and musky; first for household purposes; Sept.
Graue Holzbirne. 1. Loschnig Mosibirnen 110, fig. 1913.
A perry pear grown throughout Austria under various names. Fruit medium, globular,
diminishing toward the stalk; skin firm, rough, grayish-green turning at maturity to a dirty
greenish-yellow, dotted with grayish-brown-russet; flesh yellowish-white, coarse-grained,
very juicy, astringent and subacid; mid-Oct.
Graue Honigbirn. 1. Lauche Deui. Pom. 2: No. 84, Pl. 84. 1883.
German. Published by Oberdieck in 1865. Fruit medium, turbinate; skin thin,
rough, yellowish-green or yellow, blushed, and dotted and marked with cinnamon-russet;
flesh yellowish-white, fine grained, breaking, tender, semi-melting, sweet, with an aromatic
flavor of cinnamon.
Graue Pelzbirne. 1. Léschnig Mosibirnen 158, fig. 1913.
An excellent Austrian perry pear. Fruit medium, turbinate, inclining to pyriform;
skin firm, rough, yellow ground when ripe, with cinnamon-brown-russet marking and
grayish-brown dots, blushed on the sun-exposed side; flesh whitish, coarse grained, very
juicy, subacid, with very little aroma; Oct.
Graue Speckbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:188. 1856.
Reported from Germany, 1801. Fruit large, long, broad, conic, yellow, strongly and
thickly dotted with gray; calyx small; stem fleshy; flesh granular, somewhat aromatic, sweet;
third; Sept.
Graue Zuckerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:40. 1856.
Dutch, 1758. Fruit small, rather oviform, smooth, greenish-yellow, dotted with green;
flesh yellowish, semi-breaking, melting, very sweet, vinous, juicy; second for dessert, good
for the market; Aug.
Grazbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 184, fig. 1913.
Grazbirne is a variety of wild pear well distributed in Lower Austria. Fruit medium,
globular, regular in form, green, dotted and heavily marked with russet; flesh subacid,
vinous, astringent, wanting in juice; inferior; early Oct.
Great Cassolette. 1. Prince Pom. Man. 1: 32. 1831.
There appear to be several varieties of Cassolette three or four of which bear the syno-
nym of Lechfrion. The Cassolette is so named from its resemblance to a small vessel made
of copper and silver in which pastilles were burnt. Fruit small, globular-turbinate, 24
inches in height and 24 inches in breadth, entirely light green even at maturity, dotted all
over with numerous green specks; flesh melting, of a very peculiar acid flavor which however,
is not disagreeable when the fruit is ripe; Aug.
Great Citron of Bohemia. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 775. 1869.
Fruit small, oblong, yellow; flesh sugary, juicy, a little coarse-grained, having little
flavor; Sept.
Great Mammoth. 1. Ill. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 239, 240. 1869.
Grown in pioneer days in Indiana, Illinois, and neighboring states.
Green Chisel. 1. Langley Pomona 132. 1729. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 588. 1884.
Guenetie. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:261, fig. 1869.
The origin of this ancient early summer variety is unknown, but it was described by
Mawe and Abercrombie in 1778, and was also mentioned by Philip Miller in 1734 as being
still “‘in prime” in July in England. Under the name of Guenetie it was described by
Merlet in articles written in 1675, and 1690 and appears to have been well known in English
and French gardens. Hogg deems Chisel to be a corruption of the French name Choiseul.
Fruit small or very small, growing in clusters, globular-turbinate, green or rarely yellowish-
green, with sometimes a brownish tinge next the sun, sprinkled with small russet dots; flesh
white, slightly green, fine, semi-breaking, sweet, slightly gritty around centre; juice ample
in amount, sugary, acid, slightly aromatic; second; Aug.
Green Mountain Boy. 1. Elliott Fr. Book 386. 1859.
A native variety. Fruit medium, globular-obovate, or obovate-pyriform, golden
yellow, with russety-brown specks; flesh yellowish, melting, juicy, sweet; very good;
Green Pear of Yair. 1. Trans. Lond. Hort. Soc. 4:214. 1822. 2. Downing Fr. Trees
Am. 776. 1869.
Green Yair. 3. Hogg Fruit. Man. 589. 1884.
An old Scotch pear raised at Yair on the Tweed, Peeblesshire. Fruit below medium,
obovate, smooth, dark green changing to yellow, patched and dotted with russet; flesh
tender, juicy, sugary; good; Sept.
Grégoire Bordillon. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:237, fig. 1869. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy
Fr. 178. 1920.
Raised by Leroy in 1855 from seed of Graslin, and fruited for the first time in 1866.
Fruit large, ovate, rather larger on one side than the other, pale yellow on shaded side
and dark yellow on the exposed cheek, mottled, striped, and dotted with brown; flesh
yellowish, fine, very melting, very juicy and sugary; first; Aug.
Grey Good-Wife. 1. Mawe-Abercrombie Univ. Gard. Bot. 1778.
Fruit medium, globular, brown-red, moderately tender and of good flavor; Oct. to Dec.
Grise-Bonne. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:248. 1768. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:238,
fig. 1869.
Franzésische Gute Graue Sommerbirne. 3. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:16. 1856.
The Dutch pomologist Pierre Van den Hoven writing in the middle of the eighteenth
century affirmed that the Grise-Bonne was the Sucrée Grise de Hollandaise and the Pirum
Falernum of the Romans. It may be noted that in 1586 Jacques Daléchamp thought
he had found the Falernum in the French Autumn Bergamote; and, again, in 1783 Henri
Manger declared it to be still cultivated under the name Bourdon, the Orange Musquée;
similarly Sickler wrote in 1802 that the Bergamote d’Eté appeared to him to be the
Falernum. Fruit medium; form variable, sometimes irregular-turbinate, long and ventric-
ulous, at other times regular-turbinate, clear green, russeted with gray, clouded with
pale yellow on the shaded side and covered with large dots of golden or orange-yellow;
flesh white, fine, dense, semi-breaking, watery, free from grit; juice very abundant, sugary,
acidulous, musky; second; Aug.
Groom Prince Royal. 1. Gard. Chron. 54, 161. 1841. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 589. 1884.
Bergamotte Eliza Mathews. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:235, fig. 1867.
Princesse-Royale. 4. Leroy Dict. Pom. 23561. 1869.
A Mr. Groom, a nurseryman at Clapham near London, introduced this pear in 1841.
Fruit medium, globular or Bergamot-shaped, greenish-brown, with a tinge of yellow and
slight traces of gray-russet; flesh melting, buttery, sometimes rather gritty, sweet, vinous,
perfumed; a good second-rate pear; Jan. to Mar.
Gros Blanquet Long. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:241, fig. 1869.
Large Blanquet. 2. Hogg Fruti Man. 602. 1884.
Kreiselformige Blanketie. 3. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 244. 1889.
This is one of a group of pears which in the seventeenth century were designated by
various pomologists with names such as Blanquet da longue queue, Blanquet d’hiver, etc.
Their origin is ancient, possibly Roman. The variety here described is the largest of the
Blanquettes and was said by Olivier de Serres in 1600 to be also named de Florence from
which it might be adduced that it came originally from Tuscany. Fruit below medium
and often small, obtuse-pyriform, smooth, of a beautiful yellow color, dotted with bright
green and sometimes carmined on the cheek next the sun; flesh white, semi-fine, breaking,
sweet, full of sugary juice possessing a musky-anis flavor; a dessert pear, second; July
and Aug.
Gros Blanquet Rond. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:242, fig. 1869.
An ancient dessert pear mentioned by Claude Saint-Etienne in the seventeenth century
and by Mawe and Abercrombie in their Universal Gardener and Botanist in 1778.
Fruit below medium, globular-ovate, pale yellow covered with very fine russet dots, more
or less washed with rose on the side of the sun; flesh yellow-white, breaking, rather coarse,
almost exempt from grit; juice abundant, sugary, sourish, musky; third for dessert; Sept.
Gros-Hativeau. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:245, fig. 1869.
This pear has been supposed to belong to a class identified with the Pira Hordearia
of Columella and of Pliny, and was mentioned by various French and German writers from
the sixteenth century onward; if its origin is not clear it is at any rate one of the three
varieties of the pear bearing the name of Hativeau in the seventeenth century, H. blanc,
or Bergamotte d’Eté, and the Petit-H. being the other two. Fruit below medium, tur-
binate-obtuse; skin fine, yellowish-green, delicately dotted with olive-gray, washed with
bright vermilion on the side next the sun; flesh whitish, coarse, breaking, gritty; juice
rarely abundant, sugary, astringent and slightly aromatic; third; end of July.
Gros Loijart. 1. Mag. Hort. 9:126. 1843.
Fruit large, irregular-obovate, green and yellow; flesh breaking, tough but neither
gritty nor austere; for cooking purposes; Apr. and May.
Gros Lucas. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:246, fig. 1869.
The fruit garden of the Horticultural Society of Angers, Fr. was formed in 1832 and
the Gros Lucas soon afterwards appeared in its catalog. Fruit large, obtuse-ovate-glob-
ular, irregular and much bossed; skin rather thick, yellow, sprinkled with very small
dots of green color, stained with patches of russet; flesh white, semi-fine, semi-breaking,
spongy, gritty at the center; juice rather deficient, without perfume or much sugar; second,
but good for kitchen use; Jan. and Feb.
Gros Muscat Rond. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:248, fig. 1869.
Although the origin of this variety is doubtful it is almost certainly French. Diel
received it from Holland but German pomologists appear to have regarded it as French.
Claude Saint-Etienne described it in 1670. Fruit medium, globular-ovate, mammillate
at summit, one side always more convex than the other, grayish-green on the shaded side
and pale yellow on that exposed to the sun, dotted and slightly stained with gray-russet;
flesh whitish, semi-fine and semi-breaking, watery, rarely very gritty; juice plentiful,
very saccharine, acidulous and aromatic; second; Aug.
Gros Rousselet. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:250, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 590. - 1884.
Roi d’Eté. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 843. 1869.
Mentioned by Rea as being cultivated in England in 1665 under the name of Great
Russet of Remes, under which name it was also known in France, there being known
these two varieties, the Gros Rousselet de Rheims and the Petit-Rousselet. Father Rapin,
a French Jesuit, who wrote in 1666 the poem Hortorum, mentioned the pears of Rousselet
in the Valley of Amiterne at the foot of the Apennines. In 1783 the German pomologist
Henri Manger wrote that he believed the French Rousselet was none other than the Roman
Favonianum mentioned by Pliny. Fruit medium, obtuse-pyriform, yellowish or bright
green changing to bright lemon-yellow, covered with numerous small brown spots, red on
the side next the sun; flesh yellowish, semi-melting, semi-breaking, rich in sugary and per-
fumed juice; variable in quality, requires a warm, sheltered position; Aug. and Sept.
Gros Rousselet d’Aout. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 8:53, fig. 1860. 2. Downing Fr. Trees
Am. 776. 1869.
Rousselet d’Aout. 3. Pom. France 2:No. 83, Pl. 83. 1863.
This was one of the first seedlings raised by Van Mons and is 201 in his catalog of
1823. Fruit medium, pyriform, yellow washed with rose-red; flesh fine, melting, juicy,
sugary, acidulous, with an agreeable perfume; a very good early fruit, ripening in August
in Belgium.
Gros Trouvé. 1. Guide Prat.95. 1876.
This seedling was found by Gabriel Everard in a garden at Tournai, Bel. Fruit very
large, fusiform, washed with red on the side next the sun; flesh breaking; first for kitchen
purposes; keeps until the autumn of the year following.
Grosse Eisbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:188. 1856.
Reported in 1802. Fruit medium, onion-shaped; skin very smooth, shining and greasy,
yellowish-green changing to light citron-yellow, often somewhat blushed; flesh coarse,
solid and dry; third for the table, first for culinary use; Oct.
Grosse Figue. 1. Guide Prat. 95, 278. 1876.
Fruit large, obtuse-pyriform, yellow stained with brown; flesh semi-melting, juicy,
well perfumed; first; Nov.
Grosse gelbe Weinbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:49. 1856.
Nassau, 1805. Fruit below medium, globular, obtuse-conic, often turbinate, light
lemon-yellow, dotted with fine brown spots, somewhat russeted; flesh extremely juicy,
vinous, mingled sweet and sour; third for dessert, very good for the kitchen.
Grosse-Herbst-Bergamotte. 1. Dochnahl Puhr. Obstkunde 2:169. 1856.
Reported in middle Germany, 1806. Fruit medium, long-pyriform, round, yellowish-
green, russeted, speckled with gray dots; flesh breaking, firm, white, juicy, sweet; third
for dessert, good for household use; Oct.
Grosse Landlbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbiren 66, fig. 1913.
A perry pear grown throughout Austria. Fruit medium, turbinate, otherwise short-
pytiform; skin smooth, shining, yellow when ripe, blushed on the side opposed to the sun,
sprinkled with numerous dots of cinnamon-brown; flesh coarse-grained, yellow-white, very
juicy, sweet, astringent and without aroma; excellent; Oct. to Dec.
Grosse Leutsbirne. 1. Léschnig Mosibirnen 112, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit medium, long-pyriform, green covered all over with
gray-russet; flesh very juicy, astringent, saccharine, with a sourish after-taste; good for
transportation; Oct.
Grosse-Louise. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:253, fig. 1869.
A chance seedling found in a garden of the town of Tourcoing, Fr. Fruit large, conic-
turbinate-obtuse, bossed and generally mammillate at summit, yellow, slightly greenish,
dotted all over with russet and having some small brown stains; flesh white, very fine, dense,
free from grit; juice very abundant, sugary, sweet, delicately perfumed; first; Sept.
Grosse Mostputzer. 1. Loéschnig Mostbirnen 114, fig. 1913.
A perry pear grown throughout Austria. Fruit medium but variable in size, globular,
turbinate, otherwise pyriform; skin firm, leaf-green turning bright yellow at maturity,
with large russet dots; flesh yellow-white, coarse-grained, very juicy, subacid and strongly
astringent; very good for transportation on account of its prolonged season of maturity;
Oct. to Dec.
Grosse Petersbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:168. 1856.
Reported in Thuringia, 1804. Fruit medium, obtuse-conic, yellow, blushed, some
russet, dotted with green, thin-skinned; flesh sweet, deficient in juice; third for dessert,
good for household use, good for the market.
Grosse Poire d’Amande. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 4:97, fig. 1856.
Grosse Angleterre de Noisette. 2. Noisette Man. Comp. Jard. 22524. 1860.
Belgian. Fruit large, long-conic or obtuse-pyramidal, grayish-green becoming yellow
at maturity, slightly bronzed on the side next the sun, speckled all over with numerous
brown dots; flesh yellowish-white, fine, melting, buttery; juice very plentiful, sugary;
flesh sweet and tasting strongly of almond; first; Sept. and Oct.
Grosse Poire de Vitrier. 1. Prince Pom. Man.1:107. 1831.
Fruit large, turbinate, yellow, with red blush, perfumed; Nov. and Dec.
Grosse Queue. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:257, fig. 1869.
This variety probably originated about 1653 when Nicolas de Bonnefond named it in
his Jardinter francais. In 1675, however, Merlet gave a rather complete description of
it and a few years later it was admitted by La Quintinye into the orchard of Louis XIV at
Versailles. Fruit medium, rather variable, always globular in the lower part, bossed and
more or less conic near the summit, a little wrinkled especially on the side next the sun,
olive-yellow, finely rayed and dotted with clear green, and washed with carmine on the
exposed face; flesh very white, semi-fine, breaking or semi-melting, juice deficient, sweet
mingled with sourness, musky; third: Sept. and Oct.
Grosse Rommelter. 1. Guide Prat. 96. 1876.
A French pear valued for perry making. Fruit medium, globular, green; first for
perry; Oct. Tree very vigorous, extraordinarily fertile and succeeding everywhere.
Grosse schéne Jungfernbirne. 1. Liegel Syst. Anleit. 124. 1825.
German. Reported 1805. Fruit below medium, ventriculous-pyriform, sides rather
unequal; skin extremely smooth, light yellowish-green turning to greenish-yellow, often
washed with a slight brownish blush; second for dessert, first for the kitchen; end of Aug.
for two weeks.
Grosse September Birne. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 226. 1889.
Belle de Septembre. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 12211, fig. 1867.
An old variety originated in Prussia and cultivated chiefly in the north of Germany
and especially in Pomerania. Fruit above medium and sometimes large, oblong or globular-
turbinate, generally having unequal sides, pale yellow, stained with fawn, finely dotted
with gray and sometimes washed with brown-red on the cheek exposed to the sun; flesh
greenish, fine, semi-melting, rarely gritty; juice abundant, saccharine, perfumed, delicate
but rather astringent; second; end of Sept.
Grosse Sommer-Zitronenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:24. 1856.
Reported in Saxony in 1803. Fruit medium, long-turbinate, sides uneven; skin
extremely shining, light green changing to lemon-yellow, spotted with gray, rather rust-
colored on the side next the sun; flesh coarse, melting, rather yellow in the interior, very
aromatic, tender and juicy; first for dessert, household and market; end of Aug. for 14 days.
Grosse Sommersirene. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:49. 1856.
Holland, 1804. Fruit small, ventriculous-pyriform, smooth, shining lemon-yellow,
without any russet, watery, with a tart sweetness; third for dessert; best for market.
Grosse spate Weinbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:196. 1856.
Switzerland. Reported first in 1848. Fruit above medium, ventriculous-turbinate,
green-yellow, blushed with a brownish tint, spotted with white, and marked with russet;
flesh coarse-grained, very juicy, astringent, vinous and sourish; very good for perry;
Grosser Roland. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:4. 1856.
First reported from Treves, Prussia, in 1801. One of the group of Volema or Pound
Pears. Fruit large, bent and uneven in form, light green changing to yellowish, blushed;
flesh breaking, aromatic, juicy; first for household use; Sept.
Groveland. 1. Budd-Hansen Am. Hort. Man. 2:248. 1903.
A native variety grown in Alabama and southeastern States. Fruit large, obovate,
obtuse-pyriform, greenish-yellow, with brownish cheek, washed, netted and speckled
nearly all over with russet: flesh creamy-white, tender, buttery, juicy, vinous; good; autumn.
Grubbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 116, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit rather large, irregular in form, diminishing toward the
stem almost acutely, yellow-green slightly blushed, dotted and speckled with russet; flesh
coarse-grained, juicy, astringent, saccharine and with an agreeable flavor; good for keeping
and transporting; Oct.
Grumkow. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:260, fig. 1869.
Discovered by M. Koberstein at Rugenwald, Basse-Pomerania, Prussia. Diel, first
to describe it, placed its origin at about 1806. Fruit medium, very irregular, long, pyra-
midal, always obtuse, contorted and much warted, pale green, sprinkled with a few gray
specks, more or less colored with brown-red on the sunny side; flesh whitish, fine, breaking,
or semi-breaking; juice abundant, saccharine, acidulous, with a musky flavor; second;
Oct. to Dec.
Grunbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obsikunde 2:10. 1856.
A German pound pear. Originated in Wirttemberg and reported in 1830. Fruit
medium, long, sides unequal, dark green, with dark red blush on ripening; flesh greenish-
white, breaking, granular, glutinous, juicy, aromatic; first for kitchen; Aug.
Griine Confesselsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Puhr. Obstkunde 2:193. 1856.
Thuringia, 1797. Fruit small, obtuse-conic, grass-green changing to yellowish-green,
green dots; flesh yellow, firm, insipid; second for table, good for household; May to Aug.
Griine friihe Gewurzbirne. 1. Dochnahl Puhr. Obstkunde 2:32. 1856.
Nassau, 1816. Fruit small, turbinate, yellowish grass-green often rather blushed,
very fine spotting, thick-skinned; flesh granular, seini-melting, aromatic, musky; second
for dessert, good for domestic and market use; early Sept. for 8 days.
Griine fiirstliche Tafelbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:135. 1856.
Wetterau, 1797. Fruit small, globular, thin-skinned, light green changing to yellow-
ish-green, seldom blushed; flesh white, buttery, melting, juicy, full of flavor; first for table
and market; Aug.
Griine gesegnete Winterbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:174. 1856.
Holland, 1802. Fruit medium, globular, light green changing to yellowish-green,
dotted with small brown specks; flesh coarse-grained near centre, breaking, juicy, very
sweet; good for culinary use; Jan. to Mar.
Griine langstielige Winterhirtenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fahr. Obstkunde 2:83. 1856.
Said to be a Belgian variety, published by Diel in 1802. Fruit medium, globular-
oblate, bossed, dark green changing to light green, a rather brownish blush, fine gray dots;
flesh greenish-white, buttery, melting; first for table and household; Feb.
Griine Pfundbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:6. 1856.
Poire Livre Verte. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:11, fig. 102. 1878.
A German Rhineland Pound pear, 1826. Fruit very large, regular in form, five
inches long by three and a half broad, uniform green turning to yellow-green, covered
with dense star-like brown spots; flesh breaking, juicy, aromatic; first for kitchen; Oct.
Griine Pichelbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 118, fig. 1913.
A perry pear extensively grown under a variety of names throughout Austria. Fruit
medium, globular-ovate, shining dark green, yellowish when ripe, white dots; flesh coarse-
grained, yellow-white turning more yellow on ripening, juicy and astringent; Oct. and
Griine Sommer-Bergamote. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:9. 1856.
Saxony, 1803. A Volema or Pound pear. Fruit medium, globular, dark green
changing to yellowish-green, blushed with streaks of brown; flesh glutinous, juicy, aromatic;
first for household; Sept.
Griine Sommer-Citronenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:156. 1856.
Thuringia, 1841. Fruit small, ventriculous, rather variable, shining light green
becoming a uniform light greenish-yellow, russeted with gray, specked with gray dots;
flesh granular near the centre, melting, acid, sweet, strongly scented with musk; first for
table and household.
Griine Wiedenbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 120, fig. 1913.
A perry pear grown throughout Austria. Fruit medium, turbinate, otherwise short-
pyriform, irregular; skin smooth, shining green turning greenish-yellow when ripe, with
numerous very fine green dots; flesh whitish, coarse, juicy, not particularly firm when
ripe, astringent, sourish and saccharine; mid-Oct. for fourteen days.
Griine Winawitz. 1. Loschnig Mostbirnen 122, fig. 1913.
A perry pear grown under a variety of names in Upper and Lower Austna. Fruit
medium, long-ovate, greatest diameter at its center, light green turning yellowish at
maturity, covered with russet and green dots; flesh yellowish, coarse and juicy, saccharine,
astringent; good for transport; Oct. and Nov.
Griinmostler. 1. Léschnig Mosibirnen 84, fig. 1913.
A perry pear widely distributed in Switzerland and Austria. Fruit fairly large,
globular-oblate, ventriculous, one side larger than the other; flesh greenish-white, coarse,
juicy, saccharine and acidulous; mid-Oct., for about two weeks.
Gulabi. 1. Guide Prat. 93. 1895.
Sent out and recommended as one of the best sorts in the Caucasus by M. Niemetz
of Winnitza in the former Government of Polish-Russia. The varieties of the Caucasus
are for the most part highly saccharine, rather coarse, and the vegetation very vigorous.
Guntershauser Holzbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obsikunde 2:196. 1856.
Wirttemberg, Ger., 1848. Fruit medium, turbinate, uniform whitish-green, russet
dots; flesh fine-grained, very juicy, vinous, astringent, sweet; good; Oct.
Gustave Bivort. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 776. 18609.
French. Fruit medium, globular, pale yellow, with stains and nettings of russet,
blushed on side next the sun; flesh white, juicy, semi-melting, sweet, slightly perfumed;
good or very good; Aug.
Gustave Bourgogne. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:262, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees
Am. 776. 1869.
Gained by Van Mons at Louvain about 1840. Fruit large or medium, turbinate-
ovate, flattened at both poles, whitish-green, speckled with fine fawn dots, some bronze-
green on the side next the sun; flesh white, semi-fine, almost melting; juice very abundant
and sugary, delicately perfumed, refreshing, and agreeable; second for both eating and
cooking; Sept.
Gustin Summer. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 575. 1857. 2. Ibid 776. 1869.
Originated in New Jersey. Fruit small, globular, yellow, sweet without much flavor;
Gute Griine. 1. Christ Handb. 524. 1817.
German. Fruit medium, globular, green changing to yellowish, blushed; flesh tender,
melting; beginning of Sept. for several weeks.
Habichtsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:146. 1856.
Rhineland. Described by Diel in 1804. Fruit very large, 5 in. x 3 in., hook-nosed
ot like the beak of a bird, crooked, uniformly light green, densely speckled with light brown
dots and marked with russet; flesh coarse-grained, semi-melting, breaking; third for table
and good for cooking; Nov. and Dec.
Hacon Incomparable. 1. Gard. Chron. 20. 1841. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 591. 1884.
About the year 1792 a Mrs. Rayner sowed the seeds of a Rayner’s Norfolk Seedling
at Norfolk, Eng. Subsequently, about 1814, one of the resultant trees was propagated
from grafts by a Mr. Hacon of the same place. The hardy and productive tree renders
it particularly valuable for climates similar to that of England. The blossoms bear the
sharpest frosts without injury but the tree cannot be made to bear until it is eight to ten
years old. Fruit medium, globular-oblate, flattened and depressed at both poles, pale
yellowish-green, covered with numerous russety spots and markings; flesh yellowish-white,
melting, buttery with a rich, vinous, sweet, musky flavor; Nov. to Jan.
Haddington. 1. Mag. Hori. 13:274. 1847.
In 1828 J. B. Smith, a farmer near Haddington, Philadelphia, raised this pear from
seed of a Pound pear. Fruit above medium, obovate-pyriform, greenish-yellow, with a
brownish cheek and minute russet dots and patches; flesh yellowish, juicy, aromatic;
texture varies, some being quite melting, others. inclined to break; good; Jan. to Apr.
Haffner Butterbirne. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 230. 1889.
Beurré Haffner. 2. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 1, 77, fig. 37. 1866-73.
A variety found as a chance seedling near Nuremberg, Bavaria, by the Brothers
Haffner; first published in 1854 by Biedenfeld. Fruit medium, ovate-pyriform, pale
yellow, speckled and stained with russet; flesh white, sometimes a little yellow, rather
granular but fine, slightly gritty at center, full of sugary, vinous juice, and has a perfume
similar to that of the Beurré Gris; good; Oct.
Hagar. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 777. 1869.
French, according to Downing. Fruit medium, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, pale
yellow, shade of red in sun, some russet; flesh coarse, dry, sweet; poor; Oct.
Haight. 31. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 777. 1869.
An American variety. Fruit medium, globular-pyriform, yellow, shaded and mottled
with red in the sun, with small brown dots and traces of russet; flesh white, pink at center,
a little coarse, breaking, juicy, sweet and pleasant; good; Oct.
Hallische gelbe Honigbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 22149. 1856.
Saxony. Fruit small, oblate, flattened, sides unequal, yellowish-green changing to
light yellow; flesh breaking, coarse-grained, very juicy and sweet; second for dessert,
good for kitchen; Sept.
Hamburg. 1. Can. Hort. 14:12, fig. 2. 1891.
Russian. Fruit medium, yellow-green; flesh juicy, perfumed; Sept.
Hamburger Birne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:5. 1856.
A North German Pound pear; published in 1816. Fruit medium, turbinate or conic-
obtuse, light green changing to light yellow, with dark russet markings; flesh breaking,
juicy, aromatic; first for the kitchen; Oct.
Hamilton. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 777. 1869.
Originated in South Carolina, where it is said to be of good quality. Fruit medium,
oblate; skin rough, yellowish, some stains and numerous dots of russet; flesh yellowish,
coarse, wanting in juice; Nov.
Hammelsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fiihr. Obstkunde 2:170. 1856.
Thuringia, 1794. Fruit below medium, ovate, yellow-green changing to citron-yellow,
numerous small dots, thick-skinned; flesh granular, sweet; third for dessert, not of much
value for culinary use.
Hamon. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom’ 2:264, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 777. 1869.
Raised by M. Nérard, a nurseryman at Vaise near Lyons, Fr., from seed sown by him
in 1834. Fruit medium, irregular-ovate, often a little bossed, pale green, covered with
large fawn dots; flesh slightly greenish, coarse, melting, juicy, sugary, acerb, with an agree-
able flavor; second; Aug.
Hampden Bergamot. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 591. 1884.
An old variety of uncertain origin and possessing many synonyms. Fruit large,
globular, narrowing abruptly to the stalk, even and regular in outline, pale greenish-yellow,
with traces of thin russet and greenish dots, sometimes a tinge of brownish-red next the
sun; flesh white, rather coarse-grained, buttery, sweet, agreeable; handsome, but hardly
more than second class; Sept.
Hampton Bergamot. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 778. 1869.
Originated with W. C. Hampton, Mount Victory, Ohio. Fruit small, globular-oblate,
yellow, netted and sprinkled with russet and green dots; flesh whitish, coarse, juicy, semi-
melting, vinous; good; Sept.
Hampton Cluster. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 778. 18609.
Raised by W.C. Hampton, Mount Victory, Ohio. Fruit borne in clusters, very small,
globular, greenish-yellow, shaded with dull red on the sun-exposed side, netted with russet;
flesh juicy, melting, sweet; very good; Sept.
Hampton Virgalieu. x. Elliott Fr. Book 388, fig. 1859. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 778.
Originated with W. C. Hampton, Mount Victory, Ohio, from a seed of the White
Doyenné. Tree vigorous, hardy and productive. Fruit medium, globular, or slightly
obtuse-pyriform, yellowish-green at maturity, with many russet dots and marblings of
russet, the latter becoming reddish-brown in the sun; flesh white, buttery, juicy, rich,
vinous, brisk; core small; very good; Oct. and Nov.
Hancock. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 44. 1866.
A seedling fruited by S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass., in 1861. Fruit 4} in. long,
3 in. wide, obovate, light green; flesh breaking and juicy, a great bearer, and an excellent
cooking pear, always sells readily; Sept.
Hangelbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:145. 1856.
Holstein, published 1788. Fruit large, long-gourd-shaped, yellow-green, yellow on
the sunny side; flesh breaking, coarse-grained, fairly juicy, sweet; third for dessert, good
for kitchen; Nov. to Apr.
Hannover’sche Jakobsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:172. 1856. 2. Lauche
Deut. Pom. Wl:No. 27, Pl. 27. 1882.
Hanover, Prussia, 1851. Fruit medium, obtuse-pyriform, dull grass-green changing
to yellow, with a brownish blush, dotted with green on the yellow and with bright yellow
on the flush; flesh whitish, fine, sweet, becoming mealy when over ripe; third for dessert,
good for culinary use and market; July.
Hannover’sche Margarethenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fiihr. Obstkunde 2:40. 1856.
Hanover, Prussia, 1851. Fruit medium, turbinate, light green turning to light yellow;
flesh yellowish-white, breaking, soon becoming mealy when ripe; second for table, good
for kitchen use; end of July for 2 weeks.
Hanover. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 779. 1869.
From Hanover Furnace, N. J. Fruit below medium, globular-obovate, green, with
dull green-russet markings, and a brown cheek; flesh greenish-yellow, exceedingly melting
and juicy; flavor pleasant, good; Oct.
Hardenpont friihe Colmar. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obsitkunde 2:100. 1856. 2. Guide Prat.
96, 280. 1876.
This is not the Passe Colmar of Hardenpont, although regarded as such by Dochnahl.
It ripens in August and September whereas Passe Colmar is in season during November and
December. Fruit medium, globular-turbinate, a beautiful uniform yellow; flesh fine-
grained, musky; Aug. and Sept.
Harigelsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:172. 1856.
Wirttemberg, 1830. Fruit medium, obtuse-conic, light green changing to golden
yellow, with a dark blush; flesh rather astringent, sweet, breaking, aromatic; third for table,
not of much account for cooking; Oct.
Harnard. 1. N. J. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 11. 1877.
Shown before the New Jersey State Horticultural Society in 1877. Said to be “a
seedling from the farm of John Harnard, Springfield,” N. J., and to have originated about
30 years previously. A cooking pear, valued for its regular and abundant bearing and
keeping qualities.
Harris (Georgia). 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 779. 18609.
Disseminated from Georgia. Fruit medium, obovate-obtuse to obovate-acute-
pyriform, pale yellow, deep red in the sun, many green and brown dots; flesh whitish,
buttery, not juicy, sweet; good; Sept.
Harris (Massachusetts). 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 153. 1874. 2. Downing Fr. Trees
Am. and App., 149, fig. 1872.
Raised by Lemuel Clapp, Dorchester, Mass., from Urbaniste crossed with Beurré
Bose. Fruit above medium, ovate-pyriform, resembling Beurré Hardy; stem medium
long; flesh yellowish-white, fine grained, very tender, melting, juicy, rich, vinous, spirited,
aromatic; very good to best; Oct.
Harrison Large Fall. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 575. 1857.
Rushmore. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:608, fig. 1869.
A fine old baking pear of American origin. Fruit large, irregular, inclined, obovate-
obtuse-pyriform, pale yellow with a red cheek; Aug. to Oct.
Hartberger Mostbirne. 1. Léschnig Mositbirnen 14, fig. 1913.
A perry pear grown in Hungary and Austria. Fruit medium, globular and irregular,
somewhat acute toward the stalk, dark green turning to yellow-green,.finely dotted and
much covered with russet; flesh greenish-white, abnormally large core and seeds, firm and
juicy; Oct.
Harte Neapolitanerin. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:192. 1856.
Although cultivated mainly at Naples, Italy, in the middle of the last century and
called the pear of Naples, it appears to have been first published in France in 1802. Fruit
medium, turbinate, medium ventriculous, light green changing to lemon-yellow, blushed;
flesh firm, sweetish, aromatic; very good for culinary uses; Jan. to summer.
Harvard. 1. McIntosh Bk. Gard. 2:457. 1855. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 779. 1869.
Belle de Flushing. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:201, fig. 1867.
Originated at Cambridge, Mass. In 1851 it was taken from America to France with-
out a label by Parsons, a nurseryman at Flushing, N. Y., and was named Belle de Flushing
by Leroy. Fruit rather large, oblong-pyriform, russety olive-yellow, with a brownish-red
cheek; in France it seems to develop a vivid red on the side exposed to the sun, finely dotted
with fawn; flesh white, semi-fine, tender, melting, slightly gritty; juice abundant, saccha-
rine, acidulous and agreeably musky; second; a fine commercial variety; Aug. and Sept.
Harvest. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 779. 1869.
An American variety. Fruit below medium, globular, pale yellow, tinged with brown-
red on exposed side, brown and green dots; flesh whitish, not very juicy or melting, but
sweet, pleasant; good; July.
Hassler. 1. Cal. Com. Hort. Pear Grow. Cal. '7:No. 5, 260, figs. 52, 53. 1918.
Originated as a chance seedling with J. E. Hassler, Placerville, Cal. Fruit large,
obtuse-pyriform, greenish-yellow, with russet dots; calyx open: basin large, deep, irregular;
stem heavy, medium long, inclined in a deep cavity: flesh, fine, juicy, buttery, pleasant;
very good; Feb. and Mar.
Hausemerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Frhr. Obstkunde 2:194. 1856.
German, published 1847. Fruit medium, turbinate-obtuse, light green changing to
whitish-yellow, blushed, with brown spots; flesh firm, somewhat aromatic; good for kitchen
use; Dec. to Mar.
Hautmonté. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:266, fig. 1860.
Origin unknown but was propagated in the Garden of the Horticultural Society of
Angers in 1840. Fruit medium, long-turbinate, yellowish-green spotted with russet and
washed with. rose-carmine on the side next the sun; flesh whitish, coarse, breaking, juicy,
gritty at center; second for dessert, first for stewing; Feb. to Apr.
Hawaii. 1. Mich. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 84. 1880. 2. Cornell Sta. Bul. 3323482. 1913.
A Japanese pear; date of introduction unknown. Fruit medium, apple-shaped, light
lemon-yellow, with rough, russet dots: flesh hard, gritty, wanting in flavor, subacid; Oct.
Hawes Winter. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 506. 1857. 2. Elliott Fr. Book 389. 18509.
Originated on the farm of the Hawes family in King and Queen County, Virginia.
Fruit large, globular, slightly flattened, dull yellow at maturity, with russet spots; flesh
a little coarse, very juicy, rich, sweet, vinous; Nov. to Jan.
Hawkesbill. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 593. 1629.
“ The Hawkes bill peare is of a middle size, somewhat like unto the Rowling pears.”’
Hays. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 61. 1844. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 238. 1854.
Exhibited, from the Pomological Garden, Salem, Mass., at the sixteenth annual
meeting of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, September, 1844. Placed on the
rejected list of the American Pomological Society in 1854.
Heathcot. 1. Mag. Hort. 12:438, fig. 33. 1846.
Raised in 1812 on the estate of Governor Gore in Waltham, Mass. Fruit medium,
obovate, greensh-yellow becoming lemon-yellow, very few dots and a few russet streaks,
slightly browned on the sunny side; flesh yellowish-white, fine, very melting, buttery and
juicy; in flavor it is rich, sprightly, juicy and excellent, with little perfume: Oct.
Hebe. 1. Horticulturist 21:1098, fig. 84. 1866.
Raised by William Sumner of Pomaria, 5. C. Fruit large; specimens have often
weighed 28 ounces, 6 of fair size of this pear generally weigh 8 lbs., globular, obovate, with
irregular protuberances, lemon-yellow inclined to greenish, dotted with russet specks and
blotches; flesh melting, sprightly, buttery, slightly vinous, has no matured seeds, and seldom
forms seeds at all; Dec. in South Carolina.
Hedwig von der Osten. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 231. 18809.
Hedwige d’Osten. 2. Mas. Pom. Gen. 3:173, fig. 183. 1878.
Herr Schmidt, Blumberg, received this variety from Van Mons under Number 51 and
dedicated it to the daughter of a zealous pomologist of his country. Fruit rather large,
long-pyriform, rather deformed in contour, water-green changing to dull pale yellow,
usually rather golden on the face next the sun; flesh whitish, fine, buttery, very melting,
very juicy and delicately perfumed; good for amateurs; Sept. and Oct.
Hegeman. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 780. 1869.
Hagerman. 2. Thomas Am. Fruit Cult. 275. 1867.
Originated on the farm of Andrew Hegeman, North Hempstead, Long Island. Fruit
medium, globular-ovate, rather variable in form and color, greenish-yellow, netted and
dotted with russet; flesh yellowish, juicy, melting, sweet; good to very good; Sept.
Heilige Angelika-Birne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:108. 1856.
Coblenz, 1792; published by Diel, 1806. Fruit rather large, obtuse-conic, with unequal
sides, pale green changing to light yellowish-green, dotted with rusty gray, and rather
russeted on the side touched by the sun; flesh whitish, with light green veinings, fine-grained,
buttery; first for dessert and household use; Nov. and Dec.
Héléne Grégoire. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 4:70, fig. 1856. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:270, fig.
Xavier Grégoire, a tanner at Jodoigne, Bel., obtained this pear in 1840 from a bed of
the seeds of the pear Pastorale. Fruit large or very large, ovate, inclined to be contorted
at times, smooth, shining, dotted and veined with russet, stained with the same around
the stem and calyx; flesh white, fine, melting, semi-buttery, green under the skin, free from
grit, full of sweet juice, delicate and possessed of an exquisite buttery flavor; first; early Oct.
Hellmann Melonenbirn. 1. Koch Deut. Obst. 481. 1876. 2. Lauche Deut. Pom. IU:
No. 39, Pl. 39. 1882.
German; first published in 1860. Fruit large, globular-obtuse, very variable; skin
thick, dark green becoming citron-yellow at maturity, large russet dots, slightly washed
with red on the sunny. side; flesh yellowish-white, melting, agreeably sweet and vinous,
very juicy and having a muscatel flavor; Nov. and Dec.
Hemminway. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126:143. 1908.
Madame Hemminway. 2. Ellwanger & Barry Cat. 18. 1900.
Introduced by Ellwanger and Barry. American. Fruit large, obovate-blunt-pyri-
form, green turning yellow, russeted; stem long, thick, in a small, narrow cavity; flesh
yellowish, melting, sweet, juicy; good; Oct.
Henkel. 1. Mag. Hort. 13:61, fig, 5. 1847. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 781, fig. 1869.
Henkel d’Automne. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:272, fig. 1869.
Van Mons raised this pear before 1834 and in 1835 or 1836 it was introduced at Boston
by Kenrick and Manning. This is the Cumberland of the Belgians. Fruit rather
large, broad-obtuse-pyriform, greenish-yellow, netted and patched with russet, sprinkled
with green and brown dots; stem rather stout, inclined, inserted by a ring or lip; calyx
partially open; flesh whitish, juicy, melting, rich, slightly vinous; very good to best; Sept.
Henri Bivort. 1. Mag. Hort. 20:462. 1854. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:273, fig. 1869.
Poire Henri. 3. Mas Le Verger 2:137, fig. 67. 1866-73.
Issued from the last seed beds made at Louvain by Van Mons and bought in 1844 by
Bivort who transplanted the seedlings to Geest-Saint-Rémy near Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit
large or above medium, obtuse-pyramidal, smooth, olive-yellow, dotted with brown, striped
and mottled with greenish russet; flesh yellowish-white, fine, semi-buttery, rather melting,
rarely very gritty, juice plentiful, sweet, acid, aromatic and delicate; first; end of Aug.
Henri Bouvet. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:274, fig. 1869.
Obtained in 1861 by Henri Bouet, a nurseryman at Fougereuse, Deux-Sévres, Fr., from
Duchesse d’Angouléme fertilized by Jargonelle (French). Fruit large, turbinate-ovate,
bossed, mammillate at crown and generally somewhat contorted, pale yellow, dotted and
striated with fawn, spotted with greenish-russet around stalk; flesh very white and fine,
melting, gritty around the core, extremely juicy, sugary, perfumed, acidulous and possessing
a delicious flavor; first; Oct. and Nov.
Henri de Bourbon. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 232. 1889. 2. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I.
Bul. 126264. 1908.
Published in Germany in 1881. In Experimental Orchard at Agassiz, B. C., 1900.
Fruit medium, pyriform, green changing to yellow, some brown; flesh juicy, melting, sweet:
good to very good; mid-season.
Henri Capron. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:275, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 592. 1884.
Stated by Baron Biedenfeld in 1854 to have issued from a seed bed of Van Mons.
it was propagated by the Horticultural Society of Angers in 1848. Fruit medium, long-
ovate-acute passing at the top into the stem; skin rough to the touch, gray-green, clouded
with dark yellow and dotted with russet; flesh white, semi-fine, melting or semi-melting,
inclined to decay before falling, very juicy, sugary, aromatic, often rather astringent;
variable in quality; Sept.
Henri Decaisne. 1. Guide Prat. 96. 1876. 2. Le Bon Jard. 362. 1882.
On trial with Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, in 1876. Fruit large, pyriform, greenish-
yellow, handsomely washed with vermilion at maturity; flesh melting, and of agreeable
flavor; first; Sept. and Oct. —
Henri Desportes. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:276, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
782. 1869.
Raised by Leroy, Angers, Fr., it fruited first in 1862. Fruit large or below, turbinate-
obtuse, ventriculous, strongly bossed, generally irregular and much less curved on one
side than the other; skin thick, orange-yellow dotted with gray-russet, slightly vermilioned
on the side next the sun; flesh white, fine, very melting; juice abundant, vinous, sugary;
first; Aug. ,
Henri Grégoire. 1. Guide Prat. 96. 1876. 2. Ibid 93. 1895.
On trial with Simon-Louis at Metz, Lorraine, in 1876, and in 1895 and was “ very
much recommended’ by the firm in both of those years. Fruit medium; first; Nov.
and Dec.
Henri Ledocte. 1. Guide Prat. 96. 1876.
One of M. Grégoire’s seedlings. Fruit medium size; flesh melting; first; Dec. and Jan.
Henri Quatre. 1. Mag. Hort. 12:173, fig. 6. 1846. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 23277, fig.
Henry the Fourth. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 782. 1869.
On the authority of Diel it appears that this pear was originated by M. de Witzthumb
before 1815, and was afterward described by the Vicomte Vilain XIV, mayor of Ghent
under Napoleon I. Fruit below medium, obtuse-pyriform, rather variable, often contorted
and always has one side larger than the other, greenish-white, becoming deep lemon-
yellow as it reaches maturity, much covered with fine cinnamon-russet on which are small
greenish dots; flesh yellowish, coarse or semi-fine, breaking, gritty at center, very rich,
sweet, juicy and with an aromatic flavor; good; Oct.
Henrietta. 1. Mag. Hort. 4:231. 1838. 2. Ibid 487, fig. 42. 1847.
A seedling of Governor Edwards, New Haven, Conn. Fruit a medium-sized and pretty
pear, obovate, inclining to oval, tapering towards each end and rather obtuse at the stem;
skin fair, smooth, dull yellow, tinged with red in the sun; flesh white, rather coarse, melting,
juicy; good; Sept.
Henriette. 1. Aun. Pom. Belge 6:37, fig. 1858. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 593. 1884.
Raised from seed by Simon Bouvier, Jodoigne, Bel., and produced its first fruit in
1825. Fruit small or medium, globular-turbinate; skin rough, almost entirely washed with
tusset, colored and stained with red-brown, carmined on the side next the sun; flesh white,
rather fine, melting, full of sugary juice, of an agreeable perfume.
Henriette Van Cauwenberghe. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:171, fig. 86. 1872.
From Lievin Van Cauwenburghe, a business man at Audenarde, Bel., where it bore
fruit for the first time about 1827. Fruit medium or nearly large, pyriform-ovate, globular,
a little bossed; skin rather thick and firm, pale water-green and whitish, dotted with gray-
brown specks; at maturity it becomes dull or orange-yellow and golden on the side of the
sun; flesh white, fine, melting, abounding in sweet juice, vinous and pleasantly perfumed;
good; Oct.
Henry (Connecticut). 1. Cultivator N.S. 2:175, fig. 7. 1845.
A seedling raised: by the Hon. H. W. Edwards, Governor of Connecticut and described
by him to the Pomological Society of New Haven in 1845. Fruit small, turbinate, green
turning to yellow, with a coppery blush; flesh juicy, melting and exceedingly rich and sweet,
not surpassed by any in richness; Sept.
Henry (Illinois). 1. Ill. Hori. Soc. Rpt. 302. 1895. 2. Phoenix Nurs. Cat. 13. 1906.
Originated from French pear seed planted in 1871 by Henry C. Henry, Effingham
County, Ill. Said to be a hardy and long-keeping pear of good quality. Fruit large,
resembling Bartlett in shape and flavor.
Herbelin. 1. Guide Prat. 96. 1876.
Fruit medium, having the appearance of Bartlett; flesh fine, a little dense, very
sugary: Sept.
Herbin. 1. Guide Prat. 96. 1876. 2. Baltet Trait. Cult. Fr. 360. 1908.
A French winter pear cultivated particularly at Saint-Erme, Department Aisne.
Fruit medium, long, red; first; Feb. and Mar.
Herborner Schmalzbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:189. 1856.
Nassau, Bel. Published by Diel in 1806. Fruit medium, nearly pyriform; skin
smooth, with fine scales, light yellow turning to citron-yellow, without russet; flesh granular,
gritty, sweet and acid; good for kitchen use; Sept.
Herbst-Citronenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:156. 1856.
Thuringia, published in 1810. Fruit small, globular, yellow-green changing to citron-
yellow, dotted with green, lightly blushed; flesh yellowish-white, breaking, acidulous,
sweet; second for dessert, first for culinary use; Sept. and Oct.
Herbst-Kloppelbirne. 1. Dochnahl Puhr. Obstkunde 2:159. 1856.
A seedling of Van Mons, 1852. Fruit small, turbinate-ventriculous, sides unequal,
green turning to yellowish, blushed on the sunny side with brown; flesh yellowish-white,
fine, semi-melting; second for the table, first for the kitchen; Sept. and Oct.
Herbsteierbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:190. 1856.
Thuringia and Saxony; earliest report 1801. Fruit small, somewhat swelled, green-
yellow, dotted with dark green, often strongly blushed with brown, with yellow dots; flesh
greenish-white, sweet: third for the table, very good for kitchen use; Sept.
Herbstlanger. 1. Loschnig Mosibirnen 36, fig. 1913.
A perry pear growing in the Voralberg and in Switzerland. Fruit large, long-pyriform,
almost like Calebasse in form, greenish-yellow changing to lemon-yellow; finely dotted;
flesh yellow-white, juicy, saccharine, with a slightly aromatic flavor; Sept.
Héricart. 1. Mag. Hort. 8:87. 1842. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 783. 1869.
Cions of this variety were received in 1834 and 1835 by Manning and Kenrick from
Van Mons of Belgium. It was placed on the list of rejected fruits by the American
Pomological Society in 1854. Tree vigorous and productive. Fruit medium, obovate,
often rather oblong, yellow, russety; stem medium long, rather slender, set in a small
cavity; basin shallow; flesh white, fine-grained, buttery, not rich, peculiarly aromatic,
gritty, slightly astringent; good; Sept.
Héricart de Thury. 1. Mag. Hort. 19:102. 1853. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 783.
1869. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:281, fig. 1869.
Thury Schmalzbirne. 4. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:66. 1856.
Raised from seed by Van Mons and dedicated to M. Héricart de Thury, president
of the Society of Horticulture of France. Tree a good grower, rather pyramidal, neither
an early nor a profuse bearer. Fruit medium or above, obtuse-ovate-pyriform, yellow,
thinly shaded with red in the sun, slightly netted, thickly sprinkled with russet dots;
stem long, rather slender, curved, set in a small cavity; calyx closed, set in a small, uneven,
basin; flesh white, not very juicy, slightly astringent; good; Nov. and Dec.
Herkimer. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 783. 1869.
Originated on the farm of S. Earl, Herkimer, New York, previous to 1869. Fruit
medium to large, globular-oblate, pale greenish-yellow, clouded with dull red in the sun;
flesh white, rather coarse-grained at center, juicy, sweet, melting and agreeable; good;
Sept. and Oct.
Herr Late Winter. 1. W. N. Y. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 117. 1880.
Described as a new fruit in 1879 by Barry. It was raised by A. G. Herr of Louis-
ville, Ky. Fruit medium to large, good in quality and a long keeper, sometimes until May
and June of the following year.
Hert. 1. Mas Le Verger 1:145, fig. 71. 1866-73.
From Thomas Rivers, Sawbridgeworth, near London, Eng. Fruit medium or nearly
medium, ovate-pyriform; skin thick, firm, very pale green, sprinkled with gray-brown
dots, citron-yellow when ripe and often golden on the side of the sun; flesh white, fine,
semi-melting, sufficient juice which is sugary, refreshing, agreeable; good, for the season;
end of winter and spring. ,
Hessenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:146. 1856.
German; Hesse, 1815. Fruit medium and above, curved, thin-skinned, greenish-
yellow changing to yellow, with a vivid blush, often mottled with yellowish-brown; flesh
sweet, juicy, becoming mealy; second for dessert, first for kitchen; Sept. and Oct.
Hessle. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 593. 1884. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 180. 1920.
Hessle is an old English pear, and takes its name from the village of Hessle in York-
shire where it was first discovered. Fruit rather small, turbinate, greenish-yellow, much
covered with large russety dots, giving it a freckled appearance; flesh nearly white, tender,
with an agreeable, aromatic juice; a good market-garden pear; Oct.
Hewes. 1. Mag. Hort. 20:269. 1854. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 93. 1852.
Raised at Brandywine, Del., from seed of the White Doyenné which it much resembles
though smaller. In 1852 it was in possession of Aaron Hewes and was said then to
have been in bearing about 28 years. Fruit medium, globular-obovate, yellow; Sept.
Heyer Zuckerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:55. 1856.
Sucrée d’Heyer. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:85, fig. 235. 1879.
A Van Mons seedling sent in 1838 to his friend Herr Heyer, a grafter at Luneburg,
Hanover, Ger. Fruit medium, long-turbinate, sides unequal, slightly bossed, light green
turning to yellow, often flushed with vermilion, speckled with russet; second for the table,
first for kitchen; Sept.
Hilda. 1. Guide Prat. 104. 1895.
Distributed by Daras de Naghin of Antwerp, Bel. Fruit resembles Joséphine de
Malines; flesh yellowish-white tinted with green near the stalk, melting, very juicy, having
the flavor of the Beurré Gris; Nov. and Dec.
Hildegard. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:172. 1856.
A seedling of Van Mons; published in 1852. Fruit medium, turbinate-ventriculous,
light green turning yellow, washed with brown, sometimes rusty red on the side of the sun;
flesh fine, free from grit, very sweet: very good for general household use; all winter to April.
Hildesheimer Bergamotte. 1. Liegel Syst. Anleit. 132. 1825. 2. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 1,
13, fig. 5. 1866-73.
Bergamote d’Hildesheim. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:242, fig. 1867.
Central Germany, 1825. Fruit medium, oblate, medium-ventriculous, sides unequal,
light green turning to citron-yellow, without any red blush but a good deal russeted: flesh
melting, very juicy; a good dessert pear; end of Sept. for 2 weeks.
Hildesheimer Spadte Sommerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:189. 1856.
A seedling of Cludius, Hildesheim, Ger., 1821. Fruit medium, pyriform-ventriculous,
sides unequal, yellowish-green, washed with rusty russet on the side of the sun; flesh ros-
aceous, spongy, sweet, wanting in flavor; third for table, first for culinary use; Sept.
Hildesheimer Winterbirn. 1. Christ Handb. 496. 1817.
German. Fruit medium, Bergamot-shaped, of excellent flavor; Nov. to Mar.
Hingham. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 783. 1869.
Originated in Hingham, Mass. Fruit medium, obovate-acute-pyriform, pale yellow,
-tinged with red on the side next the sun, freely dotted with brown specks; flesh whitish,
melting, juicy, vinous; good; Oct.
Hirschbirne. 1. Loschnig Mostbirnen 16, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear, raised from a wilding in Styria. Fruit one of the larger perry
or wine pears, globular and Bergamot in form, greenish-yellow, brownish-red flush on the
side opposed to the sun, brown dots; flesh yellow-white, fairly firm, juicy; good; Oct.
Hirsenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:36. 1856.
Middle Rhineland, Germany, 1802. Fruit small, pyriform, rounded at the top, sides
unequal, light green turning yellowish, often rather brown-blushed, some russet markings:
flesh fine-grained, very juicy; second for the table, first for the kitchen; Aug.
Hitzendorfer Mostbirne. 1. Loschnig Mostbirnen 86, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit large, globular, somewhat like Bergamot in form, light
green, blushed with a beautiful brown-red on the cheek next the sun, tender, dotted; flesh
greenish-white, firm and very juicy; end of Sept. for two weeks.
Hoe Langer Hoe Liever. 1. Knoop Fructologie 1:93, Tab. III. 1771.
Dutch. Fruit medium, long-pyriform, somewhat ventriculated toward the lower end,
often rather deformed, pale green or yellowish-white; flesh fine, gritty, juicy, agreeable,
savory, when eaten exactly at the right time, otherwise it is insipid; Sept. and Oct.
Hofsta. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126:145. 1908.
Sweden. C. Gibb called it a fine culinary variety. Fruit medium, pyritorm; good;
Holland Green. 1. Coxe Cult. Fr. Trees 190, fig. 26. 1817. 2. Kenrick Am. Orch. 137.
An old variety described by William Coxe in 1817, and stated by him to have been
imported from Holland by William Clifton of Philadelphia. It was sometimes called the
Holland Table pear. Fruit rather large, irregular or turbinate in form, green, with numer-
ous indistinct spots and small cloudings of russet; flesh melting, sprightly, greenish-white
and juicy; thought much of at the beginning of the nineteenth century, but considered by
Manning to be worthless in this country. Was discarded by the London Horticultural
Society before 1837; Sept. and Oct.
Hollandische Butterbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:136. 1856.
North Germany, 1804, at Bremen. Fruit medium or below, sides unequal, light yellow
changing to golden-yellow at maturity, blushed with cinnamon on the sunny side and
speckled with brown dots; flesh white, melting, buttery, juicy and full of flavor; first for
dessert; Sept. and Oct.
Hollandische Gewiirzbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:14. 1856.
Holland, 1849. Fruit medium, ventriculous-turbinate, covered with rough russet;
flesh semi-melting, very juicy and aromatic; second for the table, very good for cook-
ing; end of Sept. ;
Hollindische Zuckerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:33. 1856.
Possibly of Dutch origin but reported in Thuringia, 1799. Fruit small, globular but
variable, light yellow, blushed and dotted with yellowish specks becoming greenish at
maturity, thin-skinned; flesh breaking, musky, aromatic; third for dessert, first for kitchen;
Holmer. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 594. 1884.
A well-known perry pear in Herefordshire, Eng. Fruit very small, globular-turbinate,
even and regular in outline, dull greenish-yellow when ripe, and thickly covered with russet
dots, so as to form a kind of crust on the surface; flesh yellowish, firm, crisp, and very
Homestead. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 2nd App., 150. 1876.
Raised by Asahel Foote, Williamstown, Mass., from seed of White Doyenné. Fruit
medium or above, oblong-obtuse-pyriform, greenish-yellow, often pale yellow when fully
matured, sometimes a shade of brownish-red where exposed, slightly netted and patched
with russet and many russet dot; flesh whitish, rather coarse around the core, semi-fine,
melting, sweet, juicy, slightly vinous and aromatic; Nov. and Dec.
Honey. 1. Prince Pom. Man. 2:216. 1832. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 784. 1860.
Deux Fois L’An. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:20, fig. 1869.
Although known in this country as Honey, its original European name is Deux Fois
lAn, or Two Times a Year, on account of its flowering twice in the season, the second crop
ripening in September or October. It is of ancient and uncertain origin, but Le Lectier
at Orléans possessed it in his immense orchard in 1598, and Merlet described it in 1675.
Fruit medium or below, globular-pyriform, rarely very obtuse, generally much swelled in
the lower part, diminishing abruptly toward the stem, rather bright greenish-yellow,
stained and dotted with gray chiefly on the side exposed to the sun where it is also rayed
and washed with carmine; flesh yellowish, coarse, semi-breaking, granular around the core;
juice sufficient, sugary and possessing a pleasant, musky flavor; Aug.
Honey (Russia). 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 21. 1887. 2. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P.I. Bul.
126:146. 1908.
Introduced from Russia in 1879 under the Russian name Gliva Medovaya. Fruit
small, globular-pyriform, yellow, blushed red; flesh coarse, juicy, sweet; mid-season.
Honey Dew. 1. Stark Bros. Cat. 55. 1921.
Originated by Mr. Raabe of Illinois and introduced by Stark Bros. in 1921. Fruit
large, roundish, golden-yellow, almost covered with rich russet; flesh tender, crisp, very
juicy, sweet; early fall.
Honigbergamotte. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:78. 1856.
Nassau, 1833. Fruit medium, globular, symmetrical; skin smooth, uniformly greenish-
yellow, brownish-red on the side next the sun; flesh semi-melting, aromatic; second for
dessert; first for general culinary uses; Sept.
Honnelbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 38, fig. 1913.
A perry pear grown in Lower Austria. Fruit fairly large, long-pyriform; skin rather
smooth and shining, greenish-yellow changing to yellow; flesh whitish, coarse-grained,
very juicy, saccharine, rather astringent and feebly aromatic; Oct.
Hoosic. 1. W. N. Y. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 116. 1880. 2. Ont. Dept. Ag. Fr. Oni. 166. 1914.
Raised by A. Foote, Williamstown, Mass., from seed of Hacon Incomparable, and
distributed by him about 1870. Fruit large to very large, obtuse-pyriform, somewhat
one-sided, yellow, with russet dots and light red blush in the sun; flesh fine, white, tender,
moderately juicy, with a rich almond flavor; quality ranking as “‘ best” for all purposes;
first class for near market; Oct.
Hopfenbime. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:190. 1856.
Hesse, Germany, 1801. Fruit small, obtuse-conic; skin smooth, pale yellow, blushed
with a dark glow; flesh rosy, fine, acid, juicy; third for the table, first for kitchen; end of
Hosenschenk. 1. Horticulturist 8:458. 1853. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 784. 1869.
Raised from seed about the year 1803 by John Schenk, Weaver Township, Pa. Fruit
medium, roundish-oblate, light yellowish-green, rarely blushed; flesh rather coarse, tender,
juicy, melting, slightly vinous, with a mild and pleasant flavor; first; end of Aug.
Housatonic. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 2nd App., 151. 1876.
Originated in the garden of John J. Howe, Birmingham, Conn. Fruit rather large,
globular-pyriform; surface uneven, greenish-yellow, with many green and brown dots;
flesh white, semi-fine, juicy, melting, rich, vinous; Nov.
Houser. 1. Mo. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 38. 1896.
A native pear reported to the Missouri State Horticultural Society in 1896.
Hovey. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:284, figs. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 784. 1869.
Propagated by André Leroy in 1853 and dedicated by him to the American pomologist
Hovey. Fruit medium or above, conic-pyriform or turbinate-obtuse-pyriform, variable
but always very long; skin fine and very smooth, bright yellow, finely dotted with gray and
stained with patches of russet; flesh yellowish-white, semi-fine, melting, watery and slightly
granular; juice abundant, sugary, acidulous, and possessing a musky perfume; first; Nov.
Howard. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 785. 1869.
Disseminated by D. W. Coit, Norwich, Conn. Fruit medium, globular-obovate, pale
yellow, with patches of russet and thickly sprinkled with russet dots; flesh white, melting,
juicy, sweet, rich, slightly perfumed, pleasant; very good; Sept.
Howe Winter. 1. Field Pear Cult. 273. 1858.
Said to have originated in Virginia. Fruit large, globular, yellow-russeted; good; late.
Hubert Grégoire. 1. Guide Prat.97. 1876.
In the trial orchards of Simon-Louis Bros. at Metz, Lorraine, in 1876. Fruit rather
large; first; Jan.
Huffcap. 1. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 415. 1831. 2. Prince Pom. Man. 2:209. 1832.
Of several varieties of the Huffcap perry pears such as the Brown, Red, and Yellow,
growing in Herefordshire, Eng., this is the best. Fruit middle sized, ovate, pale green
marked with gray russet.
Hiiffel Bratbimme. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:3. 1856.
Upper Hesse, Prussia, 1819. A variety of the Volema class. Fruit large, broad-
turbinate, with unequal sides, light green turning to yellowish, often faintly blushed,
numerous russet spots; flesh aromatic, breaking, juicy; first for household use; Dec. to Apr.
Huggard. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P.I. Bul. 126:147. 1908.
Originated at Whitby, Ontario, Can., from Beurré Clairgeau crossed with Beurré
d’Anjou. Fruit large, obtuse-pyriform, yellow with red blush; flesh sweet, juicy, good;
medium late.
Huguenot. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 394. 1845.
Originated by a Mr. Johonnot of Salem, Mass. Rejected by the American Pomologica.
Society, October, 1850. Fruit medium, globular, smooth, pale yellow, sprinkled with large
spots of bright red; flesh white, fine-grained, semi-breaking, sweet but wanting in flavor
and juice; poor; Oct.
Huhle de Printemps. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:150, fig. 368. 1880.
This pear was received in France by M. Papeleu from M. Hartwiss, director of the
Imperial Gardens at Nikita, Southern Russia, about 1860. Fruit medium, cylindrical-
ovate, rather in form like a small cask or keg, even in contour; skin thick, firm, more or less
intense green, dotted with brownish-gray specks, very small and numerous and mingled
with small strokes of russet over nearly all the surface; flesh yellowish-white, coarse, semi-
breaking, rather gritty near the core, sufficiently juicy, with a refreshing and agreeable
flavor; cooking; end of winter.
Hull. 1. Mag. Hort. 9:432. 1843. 2. Ibid to:211. 1844.
The original tree was found in Swansey, Mass., about 1815. Fruit medium, obovate,
yellowish-green, russeted, some dull red on the sunny side; flesh yellowish-white, coarse,
melting, juicy, gritty at core, pleasantly perfumed; good to very good; Oct.
Hungerford Oswego. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 786. 18609.
From Oswego, N. Y. Fruit medium, globular, yellow, with brown dots; flesh white,
buttery, melting, juicy, gritty, sweet; good; Oct.
Hunt Connecticut. 1. Mag. Hort. 123305. 1846. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 575. 1857.
An American cooking pear. Rejected by the American Pomological Society in 1854.
Fruit medium, oblate, yellowish-green, coarse, dry, and sweet.
Huntington. 1. Mag. Hort. 23:111, fig. 4. 1857. 2. Mas Le Verger 2:155, fig. 76.
A wilding found by James Huntington, New Rochelle, N. Y. In 1857 it was consid-
ered to be 20 or 30 years old. Fruit under medium, globular-obovate, yellow, with num-
erous russet dots and sometimes a red cheek; flesh fine texture, buttery, slightly vinous,
with a delicate aroma; very good; Sept.
Hurbain d’Hiver. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 594. 1884.
Fruit small, Bergamot-shaped, even and handsome in outline, fine golden yellow in
the shade, sttewed and mottled with patches of thin cinnamon-colored russet, with a patch
of russet around the stalk, washed with bright red on the side next the sun; flesh yellowish,
melting, rather coarse, juicy, sweet, without much perfume; second; Nov.
Hussein Armudi. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 594. 1884.
An oriental pear, published in 1832. Fruit below medium, obovate, smooth, bright
green at first changing to greenish-yellow, strewed with russety dots of brown and some
traces of russet; flesh whitish, gritty at core, tender, melting, very juicy, with a rich, vinous,
sweet flavor; first for table; Sept.
Hutcherson. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126:148. 1908.
Reported in the experimental orchard at Agassiz, B. C., in 1900. Fruit medium,
obtuse-pyriform, greenish-yellow; flesh melting, juicy, sweet; mid-season.
Huyshe Prince Consort. 1. Jour. Hort.12:89, fig. 1867. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr.
180. 1920.
Fruited in 1864 by’ the Rev. John Huyshe of Cullompton, Devon, Eng., from Beurré
d’Arenberg fertilized by Passe Colmar. Fruit very large, oblong, uneven and bossed in
outline, grass-green becoming sometimes yellowish-green, thickly covered with large russet
dots; flesh yellow, with a greenish tinge, melting, rather crisp, very juicy, sweet, vinous,
with a very powerful and peculiar flavor unlike any other pear; a first quality, delicious
fruit; Nov.
Huyshe Prince of Wales. 1. Gard. Chron. 51. 1864. 2. Jour. Hort. 1:392, fig. 72. 1880.
Huyshe Bergamot. 3. Gard. Chron. 4:836, fig. 1. 1857. 4. Mag. Hort. 24:276.
Of the same origin as Huyshe Victoria. First fruited in 1856 and named Huyshe
Bergamot but later changed to Huyshe Prince of Wales. Fruit large, globular-oval,
even in outline, lemon-yellow covered with a finely reticulated cinnamon-colored russet;
flesh yellowish-white, tender, melting, juicy and richly flavored; first; end of Nov. to Jan.
Huyshe Princess of Wales. 1. Gard. Chron. 8. 1863. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr.
180. 1920.
This pear, first fruited in 1863, is of the same origin as Huyshe Victoria. Fruit medium,
oblong, even in outline, abrupt at the stalk, lemon-yellow sprinkled with patches, veins
and dots of pale cinnamon-russet; flesh of a deep yellow, fine, very melting, abundantly
juicy, richly flavored and highly aromatic; very excellent; Nov.
Huyshe Victoria. 1. Jour. Hort. 4:76. 1863. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 181. 1920.
Victoria. 3. Gard. Chron. 836, fig. 2. 1857.
Victoria d’Huyse. 4. Pom. Gen. 7:33, fig. 497. 188r.
Rev. John Huyshe, a clergyman at Clysthydon Rectory, near Cullompton, Devon,
Eng., raised, about 1833, three plants from pips of one fruit from Marie Louise, hybridized
with Gansel Bergamot. Of these three plants one produced fruit in 1854 or 1855 and was
named Huyshe Victoria. The other two fruited in subsequent years and were named
Huyshe Prince of Wales and Huyshe Princess of Wales, respectively; these three
together with a fourth, Huyshe Prince Consort, being known as the Royal Pears.
Tree vigorous, spreading, very productive. Fruit medium in size, ovate-pyriform or ovate-
acute-pyriform, yellow, freckled and veined with thin, smooth cinnamon-russet; stem
medium in length, stout, generally inclined and inserted without depression; calyx open;
flesh yellowish, juicy, melting, vinous; good to very good; Nov.
Hyacinthe du Puis. 1. Guide Prat. 93. 1895.
In trial orchards of Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, in 1895. Fruit medium; flesh
rather fine, salmon tinted, savory, juicy; Nov. and Dec.
Ickworth. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 194. 1832.
Originated by T. A. Knight, President of the London Horticultural Society, who in
1832 sent cions to Mr. Lowell and the Massachusetts Agricultural Society. Fruit melting,
rich, rose-flavored; Mar. and Apr.
Ida. 1. Guide Prat. 97. 1876.
On trial with Messrs Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, in 1876. Fruit large, Doyenné-
shaped, yellowish-green washed with red-brown; flesh buttery; first; Oct.
Ilinka. 1. Guide Prat. 94. 1895. 2. Gard. Chron. 3rd Ser. 36:368. 1904.
This variety was published by Messrs Simon-Louis, of Metz, Lorraine, in 1895 as
having been received by them from M. Niemetz, Winnitza, European Western Russia.
Fruit medium to large, yellow, blushed with red on the side of the sun; medium quality;
end of July.
Impériale 4 Feuilles de Chéne. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:228, Pl. LIV. 1768. 2.
Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:287, fig. 1869.
Oak-Leaved Imperial. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 822. 1869.
Impériale. 4. Hogg Fruit Man. 596. 1884.
The origin of this pear is unknown but it was propagated by the Chartreux Monks
of Paris in 1752. The tree is very vigorous and hardy and the leaves are singular in
that, due to their peculiar indenting and puckering, they have the appearance of being
sinuated like those of the oak. Fruit large, ovate, irregular, mammillate at the summit
and always having one side larger than the other, dull yellow, covered with large reddish
dots; flesh whitish, coarse, semi-breaking, juicy, gritty at center, sugary, almost without
perfume; first for cooking, third for dessert; Feb. to May.
Incommunicable. 1. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 376. 1831. 2. Mag. Hort.9:131. 1843.
Flemish. In a list of pears grown in France and the Netherlands sent by Joseph Par-
mentier to the London Horticultural Society in 1824. Fruit above medium, pyramidal
and compressed toward the stalk, pale grass-green, thickly sprinkled with small gray-
russety specks; stem short, stout, inclined; flesh yellowish-white, tinged near the core
with a light shade of orange, a little gritty, melting, juicy, saccharine, with a slight musky
perfume; latter half of Oct.
Incomparable de Beuraing. 1. Guide Prat. 97. 1876.
A French pear, presumably, published first by Grégoire and on trial in the trial-
orchard of Messrs. Simon-Louis in 1876. Fruit very large; flesh fine, melting, juicy; of
rather good quality; Nov.
Indian Queen. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 32. 1870. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 66. 1875.
Exhibited by Henry McLaughlin, Bangor, Me., before the Massachusetts Horti-
cultural Society in 1870. Fruit rather large, long-pyriform, greenish-yellow with a brown
cheek; flesh coarse, semi-melting, sweet, not rich, insipid; good for market only; Sept.
Infortunée. 1. Mas. Pom. Gen. 3:69, fig. 131. 1878.
Said to have been shown at the Exhibition of Gotha, Ger., in 1857. Fruit medium,
turbinate-ovoid, ordinarily regular in contour; skin rather thick, clear green spotted with
gray specks, round, small, numerous; at maturity the basic green becomes a dull pale
yellow and golden on the side next the sun; flesh yellowish, semi-fine and melting, gritty
round the core; juice sufficient and sweet; second; Aug.
Ingénieur Wolters. 1. Guide Prat. 94. 1895.
Sent out by M. Daras de Naghin, Antwerp, Bel. Fruit medium; flesh fine, very
sugary, perfumed; first; Oct.
Innominée. 1. Prince Pom. Man. 2:213. 1832. 2. Kenrick Am. Orch. 155. 1832.
Raised by Van Mons who in 1831 sent cions of it to the Massachusetts Horticultural
Society. Fruit over 4 inches in length and nearly 33 in breadth, rather pyramidal, swollen
at the middle; skin light green, mottled with pale fawn color, partially yellow at maturity;
flesh delicate, melting, sweet, and full of a pleasant odor; good; between summer and
International. 1. Guide Prat. 94. 1895.
Reported in the trial orchards of Messrs. Simon-Louis at Metz, Lorraine, in 1895.
Fruit medium; first; Dec. to Feb.
Iris Grégoire. 1. Mag. Hort. 23:155. 1857. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:290, fig. 1869.
A seedling raised by Xavier Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel., it fruited for the first time in
1853. Fruit variable in size, sometimes below medium, long-conic, swelled at base, bossed,
and corrugated at apex, a clear golden-yellow, finely dotted and streaked with gray, washed
with fawn at either pole; flesh white, semi-fine and melting, rather dry and gritty; juice
insufficient, sweet, having a pleasant aroma; second or even third when especially deficient
in juice; Nov. and Dec.
Isabella. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 46. 1866.
A seedling raised by S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass.; it fruited first in 1866. Fruit
medium, pyriform, light green blushed with red on the side next the sun; flesh white, juicy,
sprightly, agreeable; Oct.
Isabelle de Maléves. 1. Guide Prat.97. 1876. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:81, fig. 329. 1880.
This pear is No. 43 in Les fruits du jardin Van Mons by M. Bivort but is stated
by Mas to have been obtained by Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit small or nearly medium,
fig-like in form, i. e., ovate-conic, regular in contour, a lively green speckled with gray dots,
some russet around each pole; at maturity the green becomes yellowish; flesh whitish,
melting, juicy, vinous, refreshing; first; end of July and early Aug.
Island. 1. Field Pear Cult. 273. 1858. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 788. 1869.
Originated with Cornelius Bergen on Bergen Island adjoining Long Island about 1848.
Fruit medium, short-pyriform inclining to turbinate, often turbinate or Bergamot-shaped,
pale yellow, netted, sprinkled, and patched with russet, covered thickly with small brown
spots and slightly shaded with crimson where exposed to the sun; flesh white, a little
granular, juicy, melting, with a sprightly, perfumed, somewhat aromatic flavor; very good;
Sept. and Oct.
Italienische Winterbergamotte. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:74. 1856.
Italy, 1819. Fruit medium, turbinate, slightly bossed, light green changing to
yellowish-green, often blushed with brown, speckled with numerous fine, brown dots;
flesh yellowish, coarse-grained, juicy, melting and sweet; third for the table, first for
kitchen; Apr. and May.
Ives. 1. Field Pear Cult. 273. 1858. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 788. 1869.
Raised by Dr. Eli Ives, New Haven, Conn. Fruit small to medium, rather globular,
greenish, brownish-red cheek; flesh melting, sugary, juicy; good; Sept.
Ives August. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 788. 1869.
Raised by Dr. Eli Ives. Fruit medium, oblong-obtuse-pyriform, green, with a brown-
ish-red cheek; flesh greenish-white, semi-melting, juicy, rather astringent; good; Aug.
Ives Bergamotte. 1. Field Pear Cult. 273. 1858. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 788. 1869.
Originated by Dr. Eli Ives. Fruit medium or small, globular, greenish-yellow with
some traces of russet; flesh rather coarse, buttery, melting, juicy, vinous; good; Sept.
Ives Seedling. 1. Field Pear Cult. 273. 1858. 2. Elliott Fr. Book 392. 1859.
Raised by Dr. Eli Ives. Fruit nearly medium, rather globular, greenish-yellow,
shaded with crimson; flesh whitish, coarse and granular, melting, juicy, with a refreshing
sugary flavor, perfumed; good; Sept.
Ives Virgalieu. 1. Field Pear Cult. 273. 1858. 2. Elliott Fr. Book 392. 1850.
Raised by Dr. Eli Ives. Fruit below medium, pyriform, greenish blushed with dull
crimson; flesh whitish, granular, juicy, sweet, vinous, buttery and melting; good to very
good; Oct.
Ives Winter. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 575. 1857. 2. Ibid. 789. 1869.
Raised by Dr. Eli Ives. Fruit medium, depressed-pyriform, yellowish, sprinkled
with russet spots; flesh white, coarse, granular; cooking; Dec.
Ives Yale. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 789. 1869.
Raised by Dr. Eli Ives. Fruit medium, globular, mammillate at base of stem, dull
greenish-yellow, blushed with brownish-crimson in the'sun; flesh greenish-white, moderately
juicy; good; early Aug.
Jablousky. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:28. 1856.
Originated at Wittenberg, Ger., in 1799. Fruit small, nearly round, symmetrical;
skin smooth and polished, greenish-yellow turning to light waxy yellow, often slightly
blushed; flesh semi-melting and rather coarse, having a musky aroma; second for the
table, first for culinary uses, first for market; Sept.
Jackson. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 512. 1857. 2. Elliott Fr. Book 392. 1850.
Origin, New Hampshire. Fruit medium, obovate, short-pyriform, pale yellow, some-
what russeted; flesh white and juicy, brisk, vinous; good to very good; Sept.
Jackson Elizabeth. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 789. 1869.
Originated with 8. 5. Jackson, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fruit medium, globular-obovate-
pyriform, greenish-yellow, tinged with crimson on the sunny side and thickly dotted with
russet; flesh whitish, juicy, melting, sweet, pleasant and slightly aromatic; good to very
good; Sept.
Jacqmain. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:292, fig. 1869.
From Simon Bouvier, Jodoigne, Bel., about 1835. Fruit above medium, long-tur-
binate, obtuse, swelled at middle circumference, smaller on one side than the other; skin
rugose, thick, greenish, dotted with clear gray and sometimes vermilioned on the side
exposed to the sun; flesh greenish-white, coarse, semi-breaking, gritty; juice sufficient,
sugary without any pronounced perfume; third; Oct.
Jacques Chamaret. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:2093, fig. 1869.
From the last seed beds made at Laval, France, in 1837 or 1838 by Léon Leclerc.
Fruit above medium, turbinate, slightly obtuse, mammillate at base, bossed at summit,
clear yellow, dotted and stained with russet; flesh white, fine, semi-melting, watery, rather
granular at center; juice abundant, sweet, very sugary and perfumed; first; Nov.
Jacques Mollet. 1. Guide Prat.o7. 1876.
Published by Boisbunel in 1866. Fruit medium or large, oblong; first; Nov. to
Jakobsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:15. 1856.
Reported from Wetterau. Fruit medium, long, green, changing to yellow, some
brown-russet and very fine dots; flesh very sugary, balsamic, mild and tender; first for
dessert, domestic and market uses; Sept.
Jalousie. 1. Duhamel Trat. Arb. Fr. 2:211, Pl. XLVII, fig. 3. 1768. 2. Hogg Fruit
Man. 596. 1884.
This is one of the oldest French pears, having been mentioned by the naturalist
Daléchamp before 1586 and thought by him to have come from the Romans. Merlet
mentioned it in 1667. Fruit rather large, obovate and sometimes obtuse-pyriform; skin
trough to the touch, yellowish-green, very much covered with cinnamon-colored russet,
tuddy on the sun-exposed side, and singularly marked with conspicuous, lighter-colored
specks, which are slightly raised; flesh white, melting, juicy, sugary, sourish, having a
pleasant flavor; hardly first class; Oct.
Jalousie de la Réole. 1. Guide Prat. 97. 1876.
Fruit medium; flesh fine, very melting, very sugary; delicious; Nov. to Jan.
Jalousie Tardive. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:297, fig. 1869.
Origin unknown, but it was among the first trees planted in the garden of the Horti-
cultural Society of Maine-et-Loire, Fr., on its creation in 1833. Fruit large, variable,
long-turbinate, more or less obtuse, or very long-ovate, bossed and contorted, depressed
at both poles, clear russet extensively washed with red-brown; flesh breaking; first for
cooking; Feb. and Mar.
Jalvy. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:299, fig. 1869.
Fruit above medium, long, slightly obtuse, swelled at the middle, contracted at both
ends especially at the summit; skin rough to the touch, yellowish-green, dotted and reticu-
lated with gray, washed with clear brown-russet on the side next the sun and bearing
some black stains; flesh whitish, fine, semi-melting, free from grit, but apt to rot quickly;
juice abundant, refreshing, sugary; second, Jan.
Jaminette. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 195. 1832. 2. Pom. France 3: No. 116, Pl. 116. 1865.
‘From a seedling in the garden of M. Pyrolle early in the nineteenth century. Fruit
medium, turbinate-obtuse, pale yellowish-green, dotted and reticulated all over with gray-
russet; flesh yellowish, semi-fine and semi-melting, very juicy, sugary, vinous and aromatic
on light soils, but insipid and without perfume on clayey and humid land; first; Nov. to
Jansemine. 1. Gard. Chron. 271. 1865. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:302, fig. 18609.
The origin of Jansemine is unknown but it has been cultivated in the neighborhood of
Bordeaux for some 300 years. Fruit below medium or rather small, short-turbinate or
‘globular-conic, grass-green, dotted with gray-russet and clouded with clear maroon on the
side of the sun; flesh greenish-white, semi-fine, granular at the center, slightly breaking,
juicy, sugary and pleasantly perfumed; rather good, but not first; July.
Japan. 1. Horticulturist 23:71, fig. 34. 1868.
Raised by Gideon Ross, Westfield, N. J., from seeds found in the trunk of his nephew
who died on his way from Japan. Fruit medium, oblate; skin rough, reddish-russet-yellow
with large light-colored specks; flesh coarse, gritty, firm, with a consistence and flavor much
like that of a delicate quince; of no value for dessert; Oct. to Feb.
Japan Golden Russet. 1. Thomas Am. Fruit Cult. 770. 1903.
Golden Russet. 2. Cornell Sta. Bul. 332: 482, fig. 162. 1914.
Canners Japan. 3. Huntsville Nurs. Cat. 5. 1918.
Said to closely resemble Gold Dust and Japan Wonder. ‘Tree very hardy and a young
bearer, often blossoming the first year and setting the fruit the second. Fruit large to
medium, apple-shaped, rather flat, regular, light lemon-yellow, with many fine dots, rus-
seted, especially about the stem; flesh juicy, aromatic, slightly sweetish; poor; texture
coarse; Oct.
Japan Wonder. 1. Cornell Sta. Bul. 332:483. 1913.
Japanese, introduced to this country by Doctor Whitaker, who says of it: “‘ the fruit
is rather flat, large, apple-like; color light yellow, with many white dots covering the entire
surface; flesh white, brittle, juicy, poor in quality. Tree an open grower.”
Japanese Sand. 1. Cornell Sta. Bul. 332:483. 1913.
Fruit medium, apple-shaped, lemon-yellow, with russet dots; flesh hard, flavor much
like Daimyo; poor; late Oct.
Jargonelle d’Automne. 1. Guide Prat.97. 1876.
On trial with Messrs. Simon-Louis at Metz, Lorraine, in 1876. Fruit medium, fusi-
form, long, yellow, sometimes washed with red; flesh very fine, very melting and juicy;
excellent; Oct. and Nov.
Jaune Hative. 1. Guide Prat. 282. 1876. 2. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr.2:244. 1768.
Gelbe Fruhbirne. 3. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:41. 1856.
French. Fruit small, pyriform, flattened at the lower end, obtuse at the apex, yellow-
green; flesh white, coarse, sprightly, slightly perfumed; juice deficient; of value only on
account of its early season; July.
Jaune de Merveillon. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:180, fig. 581. 188r.
An old French variety. Fruit very small, turbinate, pale green, free from dots or
marks, changing at maturity to pale yellow, golden on the side next the sun; flesh white,
tinted with yellow beneath the skin, fine, semi-breaking, possessing sufficient juice, sugary,
and refreshing, with an agreeable perfume of musk; good; beginning of July.
Jean Baptist. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:61. 1856. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:305, fig.
A seedling raised at Ath, Hainaut, Bel.; first described in 1833. Fruit large, obtuse-
conic; skin rough, grass-green, spotted with clear brown and stained with gray-russet;
flesh yellowish, semi-melting and semi-fine, juicy, sugary, scented and delicate; second for
the table, first for culinary purposes; Oct. and Nov. (Leroy); Jan. and Feb. (Dochnahl).
Jean-Baptiste Bivort. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 6:45, fig. 1858. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
780. 1869.
Originated at Geest-Saint-Rémy in 1847. Fruit rather large, regular turbinate, bright.
green becoming partially yellow at maturity, marked and dotted with gray-russet; flesh
white, melting, buttery, juicy, sugary and highly aromatic; Nov.
Jean-Baptiste Dediest. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:23, fig. 396. 1880.
Obtained by M. Xavier Grégoire, Jodoigne, Brabant; first reported in 1839. Fruit
medium, globular; flesh fine, juicy, sugary; good; spring until July.
Jean Cottineau. 1. Guide Prat.97. 1876. 2. Ibid. 68. 1895.
On trial in the orchards of Messrs. Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, in 1876 and rated by
them in 1895 as a third-class summer pear. Fruit medium, globular, yellowish-green)
spotted with red on the sun-exposed side; flesh white, sugary; good; mid-Aug.
Jean Laurent. 1. Guide Prat.97. 1876. 2. Ibid. 94. 1895.
On trial with Messrs. Simon-Louis at Metz in 189s. Tree of remarkable fertility;
suitable for large orchards. Fruit small or medium; flesh breaking; first for culinary pur-
poses; Dec. to June.
Jean Sano. 1. Guide Prat. 94. 1895.
Sent out by M. Daras de Naghin, Antwerp, Bel., and on trial in the orchards of Messrs.
Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, in 1895. Fruit medium or rather large; flesh semi-fine,
very sugary and aromatic; Nov. and Dec.
Jean de Witte. 1. Mag. Hort. '7:286. 1841. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:307, fig. 1869.
Passe Colmar Frangois. 3. Ann. Pom. Belge 8:7, fig. 1860.
Raised at Brussels early in the nineteenth century by M. Witzthumb, director of the
Botanical Garden. Fruit below but sometimes up to medium, globular or turbinate,
irregular, surface bossed and undulated, greenish, dotted and marbled with a more or less
gray-russet; flesh white, semi-fine, melting, extremely juicy, sugary, perfumed, with a
buttery flavor, quite delicious; first; Dec.
Jeanne. 1. Guide Prai.g4. 1895.
On trial with Messrs. Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, in 1895, having been received by
them from M. Daras de Naghin, Antwerp, Bel. Fruit large or very large, oblong-obovate;
flesh semi-melting, nearly breaking, juicy, sugary and aromatic; Nov.
Jeanne d’Arc. 1. Rev. Hort. 518, fig. 1904.
Obtained by A. Sannier, Rouen, Fr., from a seedling of Beurré Diel fertilized with the
Doyenné du Comice. Placed in commerce in 1893, and recommended by the Pomological
Society of France ten years later. Fruit large, obtuse, rather of the aspect of the Duchesse
d’Angouléme; skin slightly rough, pale lemon-yellow, tinted with rose on the side exposed
to the sun, speckled with rose, some marks of fawn color; flesh white, granular about the
core, fine, melting, very juicy, saccharine, acidulous, agreeable, only slightly perfumed;
good; Oct. and Nov.
Jefferson. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 791. 1869. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 119. 1873.
In a Report from Georgia to the American Pomological Society in 1873, P. Barry
wrote of a Jefferson pear as a native of Alabama and an early summer fruit. Downing
gives the following description of a pear of the same name originating in Mississippi. Fruit
large, roundish-obtuse-pyriform, straw-color, shaded with red in the sun, and dotted with
small green dots; flesh white, not juicy, sweet, coarse, decays quickly at core, not highly
flavored; Aug.
Jersey Gratioli. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 598. 1884. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 182.
In the Island of Jersey this is known as the Gratioli and was at the beginning of the
nineteenth century grown in England under that name. But as Gratioli is the Italian
name of Bon Chrétien d’Eté, the name was changed in England to “Jersey Gratioli.” Fruit
above medium, globular-obovate, greenish-yellow, covered with large, rough, russet spots,
tinged with pale brown next the sun; flesh yellowish-white, very melting, rich, sugary,
vinous, sprightly; a dessert pear of the highest excellence.
Jerusalem. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 593. 1629.
“The peare of Jerusalem, or the stript pear, whose barke while it is young, is as plainly
seene to be stript with greene, red, and yellow, as the fruit it selfe is also, and is of a very
good taste: being baked also, it is as red as the best Warden, whereof Master William Ward.
of Essex hath assured mee, who is the chiefe keeper of the King’s Granary at Whitehall.”
Jeschil Armudi. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 133. 1841.
A Turkish variety, probably of small value. Fruit medium, pyriform, greenish-yellow;
flesh sweet, perfumed; mid-season.
Jewel. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 135. 1920.
Originated with Captain Bankhead near Edgewood, Mo., about 1860. Said to be
productive and not to have blighted.
Jewess. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:311, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 598. 1884.
From a seedling raised by Major Espéren, Mechlin, Bel., and so named because the
tree grew on a wall fronting the Rue des Juifs (street of the Jews). It first fruited in 1843.
Fruit medium, ovate, always a little bossed and more swelled on one side than on the other,
uniformly pale yellow, dotted, veined, and mottled with gray-russet and often slightly
roseate on the side next the sun; flesh yellowish, buttery, melting, very juicy, sugary and
rich; first; Nov. to Feb. ,
John Cotton. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 32. 1862. 2. Ibid. 45. 1866.
A seedling raised by S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass., and fruited in 1862. Fruit
below medium, turbinate, green; flesh fine-grained, slightly acid; good market pear, ripens
well and bears abundantly; Sept.
John Griffith. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 791. 1869.
Originated in Westchester Co., N. Y. Fruit medium, globular-obovate-obtuse-
pyriform, greenish-yellow, with numerous brown dots, nettings and patches of russet;
flesh whitish, coarse, wanting in juice, melting, sweet, pleasant; good; Sept.
John Monteith. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 598. 1884.
A good quality pear esteemed highly in Perthshire, Scotland. Fruit medium, angular
toward the calyx where it becomes rather foursided; skin bright green changing to yellow-
ish-green at maturity; flesh greenish-yellow, melting, buttery, sweet and pleasantly flavored;
John Williams. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 111. 1873. 2. Ibid. 37, 136. 1875.
An old American variety but not propagated until about 1870. In 1875 it was reported
to be the best winter pear for Tennessee. Fruit large, pyriform, clear yellow washed with
red; flesh white, very juicy, sugary, vinous and perfumed; good; Nov. and Dec.
Johonnot. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 177. 1832. 2. Mag. Hort. 13:484, fig. go. 1847
Raised by George S. Johonnot, Salem, Mass., and first camd unto bearing about 1823.
Fruit medium, globular-obovate, irregular, swollen on one side, hardly tapering to the stem;
skin slightly rough, very thin, pale greenish-yellow, partially covered with dull russet,
and a little browned on the sunny side; flesh white, coarse, melting and very juicy, rich,
brisk, with a delicious, musky aroma; core large and slightly gritty; good; Sept.
Joie du Semeur. 1. Guide Prat. 94. 1895.
Issued from a seed bed of Joséphine de Malines, which fruit it resembles in size and
form, and was disseminated by M. Daras de Naghin, Antwerp, Bel. Flesh fine, melting,
saccharine and aromatic; Nov.
Jolie Lille de Gust. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 792. 1869.
Belgian. Fruit small, globular, acute-pyriform, pale yellow shaded with crimson;
flesh white, coarse, dry; of no value except for its beauty; Sept.
Joly de Bonneau. 1. Guide Prat.97. 1876. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 599. 1884.
First published by de Jonghe. Fruit medium or above, curved obovate, pale green,
strewed with spots and veins of brown-russet; flesh reddened, or white with a pink tinge,
fine, melting, juicy, sugary, vinous; first; Dec.
Jonah. 1. Mag. Hort. 15:70. 1849.
Known early in the last century in the city of New Haven, Conn., and said to be one
of the parents of Howell. Fruit, ‘‘ a very hard and tough winter pear, producing enormous
crops every year that seldom becomes mellow and fit for dessert fruit, but when it does,
it is very good, being full of rich, subacid, slightly astringent juice.”
Jones. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 515. 1857. 2. Ibid. 79, fig. 1869.
Originated at Kingsessing, near Philadelphia. Fruit medium or below, pyriform,
broad at calyx, tapering to the stem which meets it by a fleshy junction; yellow shaded
with russet, bright cinnamon on the sunny side; flesh coarse, granular, buttery, sugary,
brisk and vinous; very good; were it a little larger would be one of the most valuable;
Joseph Lebeau. 1. Guide Prat. 97. 1876.
Originated by Dr. Nelis. Fruit large; flesh melting; first; Mar. and Apr.
Joseph Staquet. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:309, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
793. 1869.
Obtained by Bivort from a seed bed made at Fleurus, Bel., in 1844. Fruit medium,
often smaller, pyriform, somewhat obtuse; skin fine, tender, dull green passing to dark
yellow, dotted, veined and stained with fawn; flesh whitish, fine, melting; juice sufficient,
sugary, with a rather delicate aroma; second; end of Aug. and early Sept.
Joséphine de Binche. 1. Guide Prat. 110. 1876.
Described in 1869. Fruit medium, globular-turbinate, bright yellow ground washed
with brown; flesh semi-melting, very juicy, sugary, with an exquisite flavor; first; Nov.
and Dec.
Joséphine de Maubrai. 1. Gard. Chron. N.S. 18:183. 1882.
Fruit medium, globular-turbinate; flesh fine, melting, juicy, sugary; first; Nov. to
Josephsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:166. 1856.
Austrian. Published in 1819. Fruit medium, obtuse-conic, light green turning to
yellowish, often somewhat blushed; flesh granular, semi-melting, sweet; third for table,
first for kitchen; Sept.
Joyau de Septembre. 1. Rev. Hort. sor, fig. 152. 1897.
Obtained by A. Hérault, Angers, Fr., and first published in 1870. Fruit medium, turbi-
nate, obtuse, curved, golden yellow at maturity, slight greenish near the summit, dotted
with gray and often marbled with bronze-russet; flesh white, fine, free from grit, melting,
very juicy, sugary, pleasantly acid and perfumed; first; Sept. and Oct.
Judge Andrews. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 794. 1869.
Originated in Pennsylvania. Fruit medium, oblong-obovate-pyriform, yellowish,
traced and mottled with red in the sun; flesh coarse, breaking, dry; of no value; Sept.
Jules d’Airoles (Grégoire). 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:105, fig. 53. 1872.
Raised by M. Xavier Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel., and first published in 1857. Fruit
medium or rather large, spherical but somewhat irregular, often a little bossed or deformed
in contour; skin rather firm and rough to the touch, bright green speckled with very
numerous, irregular, blackish dots; at maturity the basic green becomes whitish-yellow;
flesh white, semi-fine, buttery, melting, gritty at center; juice abundant, sugary, slightly
acid and perfumed; good; Oct.
Jules d’Airolles (Leclerc). 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:312, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.
599. 1884.
Obtained in 1836 by Léon Leclerc, Laval, Mayence, Fr. Fruit rather large, long-conic,
greenish-yellow washed with carmine; flesh semi-melting, very sugary, juicy and perfumed:
first; beginning of winter.
Jules Blaise. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:315. 1869. 2. Guide Prat. 73. 1876.
Stated to have been a gain of M. Millet, Nancy, Fr., and to have been known also as
the Bonne-Gris de Nancy. Fruit small or medium, pyriform, mottled and dotted all
over with fawn; flesh yellowish, buttery, melting, juicy, sugary, perfumed, refreshing;
first; Oct.
Jules Delloy. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 600. 1884.
Fruit rather small, globular-obovate, yellow covered with speckles and network of
cinnamon-russet; flesh melting, pasty, flavorless; inferior; Dec.
Julie Duquet. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:316, fig. 1869.
Originated at Chdlons-sur-Marne, Fr., about the year 1860. Fruit medium, globular-
oblate, dark yellow stained and dotted with fawn; flesh whitish, breaking, granular; juice
sufficient, insipid; third for dessert, second for the cuisine; end of Apr. to end of June.
Julienne. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 340. 1845. 2. Ibid. 794. 1869.
A beautiful and productive fruit and profitable for the market. Fruit medium but
varying on different soils, obovate, regularly formed, very smooth, skin fair, clear bright
yellow all over; flesh white, rather firm at first, semi-buttery, sweet, moderately juicy, rich,
sprightly; should be gathered a few days before ripe and kept in the house; Aug.
Juvardeil. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:317, fig. 1869.
Originated at Juvardeil, ‘Maine-et-Loire, Fr.; its age is unknown. Fruit below medium
though occasionally rather larger, turbinate, regular in form, slightly obtuse, swelled at
the base, pale yellow, evenly dotted with russet and slightly tinged with rose on the side
next the sun; flesh white, semi-fine and breaking, gritty about the core; juice plentiful,
sugary, acidulous and scented; second; Nov. and Dec.
Kaestner. 1. Guide Prat. 97. 1876.
Belgian. Raised by Van Mons. Fruit medium to small, oval, lemon-yellow, without
russet, small light brown spots; skin scentless; flesh fine-grained, melting, very juicy, acid,
sweet and aromatic; good; Sept.
Kalchbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 4o, fig. 1913.
A perry pear grown throughout Austria and the Northern Tyrol though under various
names. Fruit fairly large to very large, long-pyriform, crooked toward the stalk; skin
smooth and shining, green turning lemon-yellow at maturity, with a rather shining red
blush, fine green dots; flesh whitish, coarse, very juicy, saccharine, aromatic, rather astrin-
gent, slightly acid; among the richest of the wine pears; Sept.
Kalmerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:53. 1856.
Dutch, published 1758. Fruit large, conic, slightly obtuse, yellow flecked with brown;
flesh rather tender and succulent, sweet and agreeable; second for table, first for culinary
use; Aug.
Kamper-Venus. 1. Oberdieck Obst-Sort. 300. 1881. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:49, fig. 505.
Camperveen. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:556, fig. 1867.
Of ancient and unknown origin. The Kamper-Venus has been cultivated in Holland
for some centuries and a Dutch writer, De Lacour, writing in 1752, said, as M. Leroy thinks,
that ‘‘ the Romans possessed it and called it the Pear of Venus.” Fruit large, pyriform,
obovate, smooth, shining, very pale green, sprinkled with dark brown spots; at maturity
the green changes to a beautiful bright lemon-yellow, marbled on the side of the sun with
red; flesh white, rather fine, firm, melting; juice abundant, vinous, acidulous, perfumed;
first class for kitchen use; winter.
Kathelenbirne. 1. Oberdieck Obsi-Sort. 301. 1881.
German. Fruit small, in form of an orange and Bergamot; surface polished, grass-green
becoming rather golden, russeted, without any red blush; flesh yellowish-white, juicy,
aromatic; best for household use; Oct. and Nov., 6 weeks.
Katy. 1. Pearfield Nursery Cat. 5. 1910.
Said to have originated at New Ulm, Tex., and to be a seedling of Le Conte. It is
reported that the tree is a rapid, upright grower, and an early and abundant bearer; and
that the fruit resembles Howell in size, shape, and color, and is very juicy, buttery and
refreshing, with a pleasant vinous flavor.
Keiser. 1. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 377. 1831.
Fruit medium, turbinate, gradually tapering from the middle to the stalk, pale green
becoming yellowish-green, thickly sprinkled with small, gray-russety specks, and russet
around the stalk: flesh greenish-white, a little gritty, melting, juicy, saccharine, without
any particular flavor; keeps some weeks from mid-Oct.; hardy, and bears plentifully upon
an open standard.
Kelsey. 1. Horticulturist 23:363, fig. 106. 1868. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 794. 1869.
About 1853 a pear seedling came up in the garden of William Kelsey, Columbus,
Ohio, and was named Kelsey. Fruit above medium to large, globular-obovate, surface
uneven, dull green becoming yellow at maturity, traces of russet all over the fruit, many
small dark green spots; flesh greenish-yellow, melting, sweet, buttery, juicy, vinous, slightly
aromatic; good; Oct. to Feb., ripening gradually.
Kennedy. 1. Cal. Bd. Hort. Rpt. 74. 1891. 2. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126:
156. 1908.
Originated by General Bidwell, Rancho Chico, Cal. Fruit globular-oblate, small,
russet; flesh tough, gritty; mid-season. ’
Kentucky. 1. Mich. Sia. Sp. Bul. 27:22. 1904.
Fruit small, turbinate, obovate, yellow, russeted; flesh white, melting, granular,
mild; very poor; Sept. ,
Kenyon. 1. Ja. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 523. 1904.
Originated at McGregor, Iowa, about 1894. Fruit 2 to 23 inches in diameter, globular,
begins to drop in September or October and then apparently of no account, but if picked
then and properly cared for until the middle of November or later, changes in color from
a dark green to a golden yellow or straw color and is tender, juicy, and sweet, with a very
fine flavor.
Kermes. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:141. 1856.
Raised by Van Mons, 1827. Fruit medium; gourd-shaped, green becoming yellowish-
green, speckled with russet; flesh yellowish-white, semi-melting, full of juice; second for
dessert, first for domestic use; Sept.
Kilwinning. 1. Mag. Hort. 9:131. 1843. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 600. 1884.
Fruit medium, oblong, dark green, strewed all over with gray dots, with some patches
of russet, brownish-red next the sun, changing at maturity to yellowish-green and a livelier
red; flesh yellowish-white, tender, pleasant, with a strong perfume; second; Oct.
King. 1. Downing fr. Trees Am. 794. 1869.
Originated at Oswego, N. Y. Fruit medium or below, globular-oblate-pyriform,
greenish-brown in the sun, with many green and brown dots; flesh whitish, coarse, semi-
melting, sweet; good; Sept. and Oct.
King Edward. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:319, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 601. 1884.
3. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 182. 1920.
An English variety cataloged by the Horticultural Society of London in 1842. Fruit
enormous, sometimes 53 in. long and 33 wide, pyriform, gradually tapering to the stalk;
skin smooth and shining, of a beautiful grass-green changing to yellow, speckled with dark
green dots on the shaded side, red on the exposed cheek; flesh yellowish, buttery, melting,
very juicy, sweet and acidulous, with a slight rose-water perfume; good for cooking; Sept.
to Nov. :
King Seedling. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 795. 1869. 2. Thomas Am. Fruit Cult.770. 1903.
Origin uncertain but probably American. Fruit medium, oblate, uneven, yellowish-
green, rough; flesh granular, whitish-green, juicy, sugary, aromatic, perfumed; good; Sept.
and Oct.
King Sobieski. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126:156, 232. 1908.
Fruit medium, obtuse-pyriform, yellow, with red blush; flesh juicy, sweet, perfumed;
good; mid-season.
Kirtland. 1. Mag. Hort. 16:112. 1850. 2. Horticulturist 4:476, fig. 409. 1850.
In 1819 Professor Kirtland, Cleveland, Ohio, raised several trees on his farm in Poland,
Ohio, of which this is one. Fruit medium, globular-ovate, rich crimson-russet, varying
to a dull green; flesh white, fine, melting, juicy, rich, sweet, aromatic; first; Sept.
Klein Landlbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 68, fig. 1913.
A perry pear known as Landibirne in Lower Austria, Green Landlbirne in Upper and
Lower Austria, and by other names in Upper Austria and Istria. Fruit small to medium,
globular or turbinate and very even in contour, leaf-green changing to greenish-yellow
when ripe, densely sprinkled with very fine russet spots; flesh whitish, fine-grained, juicy,
astringent, saccharine, acidulous; good for transportation; end of Oct. to Dec.
Kleine Fuchselbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 160, fig. 1913.
A pear used for perry in Lower Austria. Fruit small, turbinate to ovate, very regular
in contour, yellow when ripe, covered with cinnamon-russet and finely dotted with green
specks, some red on the sunny side; flesh white, tolerably fine, juicy, highly saccharine,
only slightly astringent, very aromatic; Sept.
Kleine gelbe Bratbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:41. 1856.
Rhineland. Reported in Diel in 1812. Fruit small, ovate, pale yellow-green turning
to waxy yellow, dotted with fine, green specks; flesh granular, very juicy, sweet; second for
table, first for kitchen; Aug.
Kleine gelbe Hessenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:37. 1856.
Hesse, Ger. Reported in 1804 by Diel. Fruit small, pyriform, symmetrical, yellowish
light-green changing to lemon-yellow, very fine dots; flesh breaking, white, granular,
wanting in juice; first for culinary use; Sept.
Kleine gelbe Maukelbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:31. 1856. 2. Mathieu
Nom. Pom. 241. 1889.
Hesse, Ger. Published by Diel in 1804. Fruit small, round-ovate, symmetrical, smooth,
light green changing to yellowish green, often lightly blushed; flesh snow white, buttery,
semi-melting, musky, aromatic; first for the table, household and market purposes; Sept.
Kleine gelbe Sommer-Zuckerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:39. 1856.
German. Published by Sickler, 1801. Fruit medium, variable in form, obtuse-
conic, greenish-yellow turning to yellow, with very minute green and gray specks; flesh
semi-breaking, very white, very sweet; second for table, first for cuisine, good for market;
Kleine gelbe Sommermuskatellerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:29. 1856.
Petite Bergamotte Jaune d’Eté. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:18s, fig. 285. 1879.
Nassau. Published by Diel, 1805. Fruit very small, turbinate, shining skin, lemon-
yellow, seldom blushed, very finely dotted with light green; flesh yellowish-white, coarse,
semi-melting, musky, aromatic; first for household, good for market; mid-July.
Kleine griine Backbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 22189. 1856.
German. Published by Diel, 1802. Fruit small, ovate, symmetrical, light green
turning to yellow-green, very finely dotted, rather russeted; flesh glutinous, very sugary,
aromatic; first for household use; end of Sept. for two weeks.
Kleine Lange Sommer-Muskatellerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:39. 1856.
2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 241. 1889.
Petite Muscat Long d’Eté. 3. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:151, fig. 268. 1879.
Thuringia, Ger., 1798. Fruit small, sometimes ovate-turbinate, sometimes conic.
ovate, regular in contour; skin thick and firm, clear green at first, sprinkled with dots of
a darker shade changing to lemon-yellow with the dots little visible, orange-red on the
side of the sun; flesh white, tinted with yellow, rather fine, semi-buttery, very sugary and
musky; moderately good; early Aug.
Kleine Leutsbirne. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 241. 1889. 2. Léschnig Mostbirnen 162,
fig. 1913.
A perry pear grown in Upper Austria under the name of Holzbirne and by that of
Kleine Leutsbirne and other names in Lower Austria. Fruit below medium, variable in
form, mostly long-obtuse-pyriform, gray-green with dark green streaks downward from the
stalk, changing to yellow-green when ripe, densely covered with minute dots; flesh whitish,
moderately fine, juicy, acidulous, saccharine, unusually astringent; Nov. and Dec.
Kleine Pfalzgrafin. 1. Christ Handb. 563. 1817. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:46.
Petite Comtesse Palatine. 3. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:5, fig. 195. 1878.
Appears to be an ancient and perhaps Roman variety. Reported in Germany in 1794.
Fruit small, conic-ovate or ovate-pyriform, water-green dotted with small brown points;
flesh yellowish, semi-fine, breaking, gritty near the center; juice sufficient and rich in sugar
and perfume; good for the table, and first class for all the purposes of the cook; Sept. and
Kleine Pfundbirne. 1. Christ Handb. 559. 1817. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:186.
Wetterau, Ger., 1789. Fruit large, globular-turbinate, grass-green changing to
yellowish-green, rough, dotted with gray; flesh tender, pleasant, good for household; Oct.
to Dec.
Kleine runde Haferbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obsikunde 2:162. 1856.
Thuringia, Ger., 1804. Fruit small, globular, light green changing to pale lemon-
yellow, strongly blushed with dark red, dotted; flesh yellowish-white, coarse-grained, rather
astringent, sourish; good for cooking, early Sept.
Kleine schlesische Zimmbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:46. 1856.
German. Published 1801. Fruit small, pyriform, yellow-green with vivid red blush,
finely dotted with gray and yellow-green; flesh breaking, very aromatic and sweet; second
for table, first for cooking; Aug.
Kleine Sommer-Zuckerratenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:31. 1856.
Rhineland, 1805, Dr. Diel. Fruit medium, turbinate, often rather conic, yellow-
green turning to lemon-yellow, with dark red blush; flesh gritty, sugary, aromatic; second
for dessert, first for kitchen; Sept.
Kleine Zwiebelbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:171. 1856.
Reported in Thuringia, 1819. Fruit small, bulbous or globular-turbinate, lemon-
yellow, blushed, dotted with gray, splashed with gray-russet; flesh whitish, sweet, firm,
breaking, juicy; good for culinary use; autumn.
Kloppelbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:8. 1856. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 242.
Hesse, Ger. Reported by Diel, 1805. One of the Volemas. Fruit medium, almost
round, yellowish-white, changing to lemon-yellow with pale blush; flesh breaking, aromatic,
juicy, perfumed; second for table, first for cooking; Dec.
Knabenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:32. 1856.
German. Published by Diel, 1805. Fruit medium, turbinate, swelled, sides unequal;
skin polished, light green changing to greenish yellow, often has a dark blush, green dots;
flesh granular, very juicy, sweet and acid; second for dessert, first for household; end
of Aug. :
Knausbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:172. 1856. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 242.
1889. 3. Loéschnig Mostbirnen 42, fig. 1913.
A perry pear grown under a variety of names in Austria and Germany. Fruit large,
obtuse-pyriform, sides unequal,. greenish light-yellow, washed and streaked with reddish-
brown; flesh yellow-white, breaking, astringent, saccharine, with little flavor or aroma;
third for the table, but good for cooking use, perry or drying; end of Sept.
Knechtchensbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr Obstkunde 2:2. 1856.
Thuringia, Ger., 1797. Fruit small, round pear-shaped, yellow, russet dots, blushed;
flesh firm, insipid; good for cooking; Aug. and Sept.
Knight. 1. Mag. Hort. 13:449. 1847. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 796. 1869.
Raised by William Knight of Cranston, R. I., and first exhibited before the Massa-
chusetts Horticultural Society in 1835. Fruit medium, oblate-pyriform, yellowish pale-
green with grayish specks; flesh melting, juicy, sweet, rich, aromatic; Sept. and Oct.
Knollbirne. 1. Loschnig Mosibirnen 186, fig. 1913.
A perry pear of Swiss origin introduced into Austria about 1885. Fruit medium to
rather large, long-ovate; skin leaf-green turning to yellow-green at maturity, half the
fruit on the sun-exposed side often being a dark brown-red; flesh yellowish-white, coarse,
very juicy, saccharine and astringent; good for transporting; Oct. and Nov.
Knoops Simmtbirne. 1. Guide Prat. 98, 283. 1876. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 242. 18809.
Potire Canelle. 3. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:143, fig. 552. 1881.
Origin uncertain, possibly Dutch. Dr. Diel received it from Harlém under the name
of Franse Canneel-Peer. Knoop described under the name Fondante de Brest, a variety
to which he gave the synonym Franse Canneel-Peer, but it is not the Fondante de Brest
of Duhamel and other French authors. Fruit medium, nearly short-conic, and sometimes
conic and somewhat pyriform; skin fine and thin, clear green sown with numerous small,
brown dots changing to dull yellow; flesh white, slightly tinted with yellow, buttery or
semi-buttery, gritty around the core, juice sufficient, sweet and perfumed; good for eating
raw and very good for cooking; Sept.
Kolmasbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 164, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit small, globular or longish-pyriform, smooth, shining,
dirty greenish-yellow, golden on the sun-exposed side, dotted with red; flesh yellowish-
white, coarse, very juicy, saccharine, astringent; late Sept.
Kolstuck. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:113, fig. 441. 1880.
Koolstock. 2. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126:158. 1908.
Origin unknown. Reported on trial at the Experiment Station, Agassiz, B. C., in
1900. Fruit medium or nearly medium, obtuse-conic-pyriform, rather like Calebasse in
form, often a little irregular in contour, clear green on which, in parts, are visible very small
specks of gray-black; at maturity the basic green changes to pale yellow and the cheek
exposed to the sun is extensively washed or flamed with bright vermilion; medium
Kénig Karl von Wiirttemberg. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 242. 1889. 2. Lucas Tafel-
birnen 239, fig. 98. 18094.
Roi Charles de Wuriemberg. 3. Guide Prat. 61. 1895.
Obtained about 1886 by Herr Miller, gardener to the King of Wirttemberg. Fruit
large to very large, oval, bossed, obtuse, pale yellow, speckled with russet and brown dots;
flesh fine, nearly melting, agreeably perfumed, juicy, good for dessert and is decorative
for the table; Oct. and Nov.
KGnigliche Weissbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:35. 1856.
Holland, 1804. Fruit medium, obtuse-conic, rounded at the apex, regular; skin shining,
smooth, light green turning to greenish-yellow, green dots; flesh breaking, white, sweet,
aromatic, fairly melting; second for dessert, first for cuisine; early Sept.
Konigsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:142. 1856.
North German, 1773. Fruit large, sides unequal, smooth, light green turning to
yellow, dotted with fine gray; flesh breaking, tender, sweet; second for table, first for house-
hold; Aug. and Sept.
Konstanzer Langler. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 44, fig. 1913.
A perry pear grown in the Voralberg, Austria, and in Bavaria, Baden and other parts
of Germany. Fruit medium to large, long-pyriform, greenish, speckled with brownish-
red dots and patches of russet; flesh greenish-white, juicy, of a saccharine and acidulous
flavor; end of Sept.
Kraft Sommer Bergamotte. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 244. 18809.
Bergamotte @’été de Kraft. 2. Guide Prat. 102. 1895.
Fruit small, §pherical-oblate, fine, bright yellow; flesh breaking, sugary; end of Aug.
and beginning of Sept.
Krauelbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:162. 1856.
Reported in Holstein, Ger., 1788. Fruit small, globular, wrinkled and uneven;
flesh granular, sweet, wanting in juice; third for dessert, good for culinary use; Nov. to
Kreiselférmige Flegelbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:5. 1856.
Upper Hesse, Ger., 1806. Reported by Diel. Fruit large, turbinate, entirely covered
with russet, with very dark dots, breaking, fragrantly scented; first for household; Jan.
Kriegebirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:2. 1856.
Switzerland, Schwaben, published 1804. Fruit small, globular, yellow-green, shining,
dark blush with gray specks; first for household and market; Oct.
Krivonogof. 1. Can. Hort. 27:291. 1894.
Originated in the Province of Toula, Russia. Tree very hardy. Fruit of good quality.
Krockhals. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:101. 1856.
Nassau, 1806. Published by Diel. Fruit medium, pyriform, bent or acutely sloping,
lemon-yellow, cinnamon-russeted, often having a dark blush, heavily dotted; flesh rather
white, granular, buttery, melting, juicy and extremely aromatic; first for table and
cooking; Nov. and Dec.
Krull. 1. Mo. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 36, 112. 1890. 2. Budd-Hansen Am. Pom. Man. 2:252.
Krull Winter. 3. Mo. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 330. 1888.
Originated on the farm of Mr. Krull, St. Charles, Mo., about 1808, and brought to
notice by C. T. Mallinckrodt in 1888. Fruit type of Lawrence, medium, obovate-obtuse-
pyriform, green with a tinge of yellow; stem short, thick, in a shallow cavity; calyx open,
in a shallow basin; flesh yellowish, firm, granular, tough, rather dry, sweet, flat; poor to
above; keeps into winter.
Krummgestielte Feigenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:191. 1856.
Saxony, 1807. Fruit medium, pyriform, thick-skinned, yellow-green with brown blush
and rather rust-colored on the side next the sun, speckled with very fine dots; flesh yellowish-
white, glutinous, very sweet, wanting in flavor; third for dessert, first for domestic use; Oct.
Kuhfuss. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 245. 1889.
Pied-de-Vache. 2. Mas. Pom. Gen. 4:35, fig. 210. 1879.
The origin of this pear, probably German, is not definitely known, but according to
Oberdieck it was cultivated in almost all the large gardens of Hanover, and bore the name
of Pfundbirn or Pound Pear at Hildesheim, Géttingen and Cassel. Fruit large, globular-
turbinate; skin rather thick, of an intense green, speckled with dots of a darker shade, the
green turning to yellow at maturity; flesh white, tinted with green, coarse, semi-melting;
juice abundant, saccharine, acidulous and refreshing; good; Aug.
Kurskaya. 1. Neb. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 30. 1890.
Introduced from Russia in 1879. Fruit oblong-obtuse-pyriform, brownish-green
changing partially to deep yellow when fully ripe; stem set in a narrow, shallow depresssion;
calyx open in a rather wide, smooth basin; flesh nearly white, tender, not very juicy, nearly
sweet; fair; Oct.
L’'Inconnue Van Mons. 1. Mag. Hort. 17:67. 1851. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 596. 1884.
Unbekannte Von Mons. 3. Oberdieck Obst-Sort. 334. 1881.
Fruit large, pyriform, rough to the touch, greenish-yellow, covered with large gray
dots and patches of cinnamon-russet; flesh yellowish, firm, very juicy, rich and sugary,
with an agreeable aroma; first; Feb.
L'Inconstante. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:63, fig. 530. 1880.
Inconstant. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 788. 1869.
A seedling raised either by Van Mons or by his successor, Bivort. Fruit medium,
conic or conic-pyriform, a little variable in form; skin thin, tender, pale green, sprinkled
with very small and inconspicuous dots of gray fawn; on ripening the basic green changes
to clear yellow, often preserving a green tint on the side next the sun, sometimes tinted
with light red; flesh whitish, semi-fine, very melting, rather granular near the core; juice
abundant, saccharine and more or less perfumed; good; Oct.
La Béarnaise. 1. Guide Prat. 94. 1895.
Obtained by P. Tourasse, Pau, Basses Pyrénées, Fr. Fruit above medium or large,
well colored; flesh melting, juicy; first; Nov.
La Cité Gomand. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:105, fig. 149. 1878.
Attributed by Van Mons to M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit small, short-obtuse-
turbinate, usually regular in outline, very clear green, whitish, speckled with very small
dots not clearly visible; at maturity the basic color changes to pale yellow, slightly golden
or washed with a suggestion of red on the side next the sun; flesh white, rather fine, semi-
buttery; juice slightly deficient, sugary, faintly perfumed; second; end of Sept.
LaFrance. 1. Gard. Chron. 3d Ser. 27:350. 1900. 2. Cat. Cong. Pom. Fr. 282, fig. 1906.
Obtained by Claude Blanchet, Vienne, Isere, Fr., about 1864. Fruit medium or rather
large, globular-conic, irregular, strongly bossed, greenish, sometimes pale yellow, freely
dotted with gray; flesh white, fine or nearly fine, very melting; juice very saccharine,
perfumed; very good; Oct. and Nov.
La Moulinoise. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 797. 18609.
A foreign variety, probably French. Fruit large, oblong-pyriform, greenish-yellow,
partially netted and patched with russet and thickly sprinkled with brown-russet dots;
flesh yellowish, juicy, melting, sweet, slightly vinous; first; Sept.
La Quintinye. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:570, fig. 1869.
Raised from a bed made in 1846 by M. Boisbunel, a nurseryman at Rouen, Fr.; first
published in 1860. Fruit above medium or sometimes less, globular, irregular, bossed,
sides unequal, pale yellow, thickly dotted and shaded with gray-russet, and sometimes
reddened on the side next the sun; flesh white, fine, semi-melting; juice abundant, saccharine,
slightly aromatic but agreeably tart; second and sometimes first when the flesh is well
perfumed; Mar. to May.
La Savoureuse. 1. Mas Le Verger 1:25, fig. 19. 1866-73. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
797. 1869.
Probably of German origin. Fruit nearly medium, globular-oblate, intense green
with greenish-brown dots; flesh greenish-white, buttery, sweet, fine, agreeably refreshing,
perfumed like the Bergamots, a little gritty around the center, third; all winter.
La Solsticiale. 1. Guide Prat. 95. 1895.
Reported on trial in the orchards of Messrs. Simon-Louis at Metz, Lorraine, in 1895.
Fruit rather large, elongated, obtuse, yellowish tinted with russet; flesh saffron in hue,
semi-breaking, very sugary and strongly perfumed; May to July.
La Vanstalle. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 178. 1832.
“ Fruit perfectly pyramidal; highly colored with red; of medium size; flesh granulous,
becoming insipid, and finally soft; it keeps till the middle of October. I did not find this
fruit excellent; it is however, better than the Doyenné, (St. Michael).”
Lacroix. 1. Gard. Chron. 3d Ser. 1:442. 1887.
Published in Revue Horticole in 1887. Fruit medium, regular pyriform, yellow blushed
and spotted with red on the exposed side; flesh white, flavor said to be like that of Easter
Beurré; Dec. and Jan.
Lady Clapp. 1. Ill. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 178. 1896. 2. Ellwanger & Barry Cat. 17. 1900.
Fruit large, yellow; flesh juicy, melting, vinous; first; Sept., following Bartlett.
Lafayette. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 796. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:13, fig. 199.
Originated in Connecticut. Fruit small, globular-pyriform, pale yellow, stained with
tusset, passing at maturity to lemon-yellow and the russet becoming golden, numerous
dots of gray-brown; flesh yellowish, rather fine, melting, slightly gritty at the core, buttery,
very juicy, sweet but lacking flavor; medium; Oct.
Lahérard. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:324, fig. 1860.
Origin uncertain, but attributed to Van Mons. Fruit above medium, ovate, mam-
millate at summit, sometimes rather elongated but generally more swelled at the middle,
thin-skinned, yellow-ochre or greenish-yellow, vermilioned on the face exposed to the sun,
dotted with fine specks and stains of gray especially around the calyx; flesh white, fine,
melting, juicy, rather granular around the core; juice abundant, very sugary, acid, and
having an exquisite savor; first; Oct.
Lammas. 1. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 418. 1831. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 601. 1884.
Originated possibly in the Highlands of Scotland, being recommended for that district
by Lindley. Grown alsoin England. Fruit below medium, pyramidal, regular pale yellow,
streaked with red next the sun; flesh melting, tender, juicy, agreeable; good; Aug.
Lammerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:54. 1856.
German. Franken, Bavaria, 1809. Fruit below medium. ovate-conic, whitish-green;
flesh hard, juicy, somewhat aromatic, and sweet and acid; third for table, first for cooking
and market; July.
Lancaster. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 119. 1875.
A seedling grown by T. 5. Lancaster, Gloucester, Mass., and exhibited in 1875. Fruit
medium, oblong-pyriform, yellow, with brown-russet; flesh coarse, juicy, buttery; hardly
good; late autumn.
Landsberger Malvasier. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:126. 1856.
Raised by Burchardt at Landsberg, Ger., 1851. Fruit medium, often large, conic,
even sides, dark yellow, speckled with russet dots; flesh rather white, buttery, melting;
very valuable, first for dessert and market; Nov. and Dec.
Langbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:2. 1856. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 245.
D’Ane. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:129, fig. 1867.
Switzerland and Germany, 1804; particularly popular in the former country where it
is very generally cultivated, and often known as the Etrangle. Fruit medium or above,
very long, like Calebasse in form, greenish-yellow turning to lemon-yellow, somewhat
blushed, and speckled with dots of greenish-gray; first for culinary use; end of Aug.
Lange gelbe Bischofsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:140. 1856.
Holland, 1804. Fruit medium, oblong; sides unequal; skin smooth, yellowish-green
turning to light yellow, sometimes slightly blushed, dotted with yellow; flesh spongy, lack-
ing juice, glutinous, sweet and scented with rose; third for table, first for kitchen and market;
end of Aug.
Lange Gelbe Muscatellerbirne. 1. Guide Prat. 98. 1876. 2. Ibid. 68. 1895.
German. Tree vigorous, fertile, resisted the phenomenal frost in Europe 1879-1880.
Fruit small, yellow, dotted with carmine; of moderate quality; second half of Aug.
Lange Griine Winterbirne. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 245. 1889.
Longue Verte d’Hiver. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:137, fig. 549. 1881.
A German variety cultivated especially in Saxony and Thuringia. Fruit medium or
nearly so, conic-pyriform, often rather deformed, one side being longer than the other at
either end; skin firm, water-green, sprinkled with numerous indistinct dots regularly
spaced, the basic green changing to greenish or yellowish-white; flesh white, rather fine,
semi-melting: juice plentiful, sweet, sugary, agreeable but wanting in perfume; good;
autumn and early winter.
Lange Mundnetzbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:112, fig. 1856. 2. Mathieu
Nom. Pom. 246. 1889.
Thuringia, 1794. Fruit medium, ventriculous, grass-green turning to greenish-yellow,
often faintly blushed, dotted with green; very good for dessert, good for household and
market; Aug.
Lange Sommer-Bergamotte. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:39. 1856.
Thuringia, 1794. Fruit below medium, long-turbinate, yellow-green turning to
whitish-yellow, rough, heavily dotted with brown, slightly russeted, thick-skinned; flesh
yellowish-white, breaking, granular becoming glutinous; first for table; Aug.
Lange Wasserbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 46, fig. 1913.
This perry pear is found spread throughout Upper and Lower Austria. Fruit medium,
long-pyriform, very regular in contour; skin fine, smooth, shining, yellow-green when ripe,
very densely dotted with fine spots, some cinnamon-brown russet around the stem and
calyx; flesh whitish, coarse-grained, juicy, sweet but insipid and without aroma; Sept.
Langstieler. 1. Dochnahl Puhr. Obstkunde 2:171. 1856. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 246.
Switzerland, Baden and Wiirttemberg, published 1830. Fruit small, pyriform, grass-
green, russeted on the side next the sun, gray dots; flesh yellowish-white, fine-grained,
tartish; third for the table, first for cider and culinary use; Oct. Suitable for every situation.
Langstielige Pfaffenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:43. 1856.
Germany. Published by Diel in 1825. Fruit medium, pyriform, otherwise conic;
skin rough and entirely covered with cinnamon-colored russet, often faintly blushed;
second for table; third for household; Sept.
Langstielige Zuckerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:141. 1856.
German. Published by Diel, 1833. Fruit medium, long-pyriform or even gourd-
shaped, light green changing to light yellow, without russet or red blush, semi-melting,
fine, juicy, sweet, with cinnamon flavor; second for dessert, first for culinary use; Nov.
Lansac. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2%241, Pl. LVII. 1768. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
2:326, 327, fig. 1869. 3. Hogg Fruit Man. 602. 1884.
Herbsibirne ohne Schale. Ae Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:86. 1856.
Originated at Hazé near Tours, Fr. Merlet described it in 1667. In the catalog of
the Chartreuse Fathers, Paris, there occurs in 1736 the following passage. ‘‘ The Pear de
Lansac, or Dauphin, which many authors name Satin...... was presented for the first
time to Louis Madame de Lansac...... ” As King Louis ascended the throne
in 1638 the pear would seem to have been originated between that year and 1857, the year
in which Madame de Lansac died. Fruit medium, sometimes less, globular-turbinate,
dull yellow, sprinkled with numerous minute, russet dots; flesh fine, yellowish-white,
melting, juicy, sweet, rich, aromatic, with an after-flavor of anis; second, but first when the
flesh is well perfumed; Oct. to Dec.
Large Duchess. 1. Ala. Sta. Bul. 30:12. 1891.
A variety of Oriental type planted at the Agricultural Experiment Station at Auburn,
Ala., in 1885. It was reported in 1891 as free from blight, and still on trial.
Larissa. 1. Mag. Hort. 19:517. 1853.
Submitted to the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society in 1853 as a seedling by a Mr.
Ladd of Philadelphia. Fruit small, obovate-pyriform, greenish-yellow, a good deal russeted,
with a mottled red cheek; flesh rather dry, saccharine and pleasant; scarcely good.
Laure Gilbert. 1. Guide Prat.95. 1895.
Distributed by M. Gilbert, Antwerp, Bel., in 1886. The fruit bears much resem-
blance to that of the Chaumontel, but its flesh is much more melting and its flavor more
sprightly; Oct. . .
Laure de Glymes. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:328, fig. 1869.
The parent tree was raised from a seed bed made by Van Mons in 1827 at Louvain.
Fruit ovate, or more or less globular and swelled, nearly always mammillate at summit;
skin thick, bronzed, having on the side next the sun some orange-yellow; flesh white, semi-
melting, watery, gritty about the core; juice sufficient, sweet, vinous, perfumed; second;
Laxton Bergamot. 1. Gard. Chron. 26:497. 1886. 2. Jour. Hort. 132339. 1887.
A new seedling pear shown by a Mr. Laxton, Bedford, Eng., at the Royal Horticul-
tural Society’s meeting at South Kensington in October, 1886. Tree fertile and the fruits
are not easily blown off by the wind. Fruit small, exceedingly juicy and rich; a delicious
Le Breton. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 798. 1869.
Origin unknown. Fruit medium, obovate, obtuse-pyriform, irregular, yellow, netted
and patched with russet, with numerous russet dots; flesh yellowish, rather coarse at core,
melting, juicy, sweet, aromatic; good; Nov. to Jan.
Le Brun. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 12503, fig. 1867. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 183.
1920. .
M. Gueniot, nurseryman at Troyes, Fr., sowed seeds the plants from which fruited
in 1862. One of these he named Le Brun. Fruit above medium to large, oblong-conic,
slightly obtuse and generally bossed and rather contorted about the summit, bright yellow,
sprinkled with bright brown spots, and largely stained with fawn about calyx and stem
and often also on the side next the sun; flesh yellowish-white, semi-fine, and dense, melt-
ing, seldom gritty and rarely has seeds; juice abundant, sugary, acidulous, savory but
often with an excessive taste of musk, spoiling its delicacy; first; end of Sept.
Le Congo. 1. Guide Prat.9o5. 1895.
Distributed by M. Daras de Naghin, Antwerp, Bel., and in the trial orchards of Messrs.
Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, in 1895. Tree vigorous and fairly prolific. Fruit medium;
flesh semi-fine, very saccharine and highly scented; Nov. and Dec.
Le Lecher. 1. Gard. Chron. 3rd Ser. 42334. 1888.
This seedling, raised by A. Lesuer, Ypres, Bel., resulted from Bartlett fertilized with
Fortunée. Fruit large, pyriform, yellow, spotted with drab spots; flesh white, juicy, sugary,
brisk and perfumed, free from grit; Jan. to Mar.
Leclerc-Thouin. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:330, fig. 1869.
Raised by M. André Leroy at Angers, Fr., and fruited first in 1867. Fruit above
medium, conic, very obtuse and generally more curved on one side than on the other; skin
uneven, clear yellow, clouded with green and partially covered with russet on which appear
small specks of gray; flesh whitish, semi-fine, watery, very melting, granular around the
core; juice sugary, vinous and slightly acid, perfumed flavor; first; Sept.
Lederbirne. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 89. 1845. 2. Léschnig Mostbirnen 202, fig.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit medium, truncated-pyriform, somewhat bossed and
irregular in outline, leaf-green turning greenish-yellow, gray russet dots, blushed on the
sunny side; flesh yellow-white, coarse-grained, very juicy, subacid; Oct. to Dec.
Lee. 1. Elliott Fr. Book 375. 1854.
Originated at Salem, Mass. Fruit small to medium, globular-oval, greenish-russet,
brown in the sun; flesh white, coarse, juicy, good; Sept.
Lee Seckel. 1. Thomas Am. Fruit Cult. 565. 1885.
Fruit medium to large, obovate, rich russet; flesh buttery, rich, perfumed; very good;
Léger. 1. Guide Prat.g5. 1895.
Obtained from a seed bed of Winter Nelis by M. Sannier. Tree of moderate vigor,
fertile and suitable for all forms of culture. Fruit medium, globular-ovate; flesh fine,
acidulous; Oct.
Lehoferbirne. 1. Loschnig Mostbirnen 126, fig. 1913.
A perry pear widely distributed in Upper and Lower Austria under various names.
Fruit medium to large, globular-pyriform, leaf-green turning yellow at maturity, dotted
and marked with russet, well-exposed fruit blushed; flesh yellow-white, coarse-grained, very
juicy, astringent, saccharine, acidulous:; mid-Oct. and keeps in storage till end of Nov.
Leipziger Rettigbirn. 1. Lauche Deut. Pom. II:No. 92, Pl. g2. 1883.
Radis de Leipsick. 2. Mas Le Verger 2:125, fig. 61. 1866-73.
Leipsic Radish. 3. Can. Exp. Farms. Rpt. 379. 1902.
Originated at Duben near Leipsic, Saxony. It was published by Diel in 1807. Fruit
small, nearly spherical or spherical-ovate, a little more constricted at the stem end then
toward the calyx, light green turning to yellow-green and slightly golden on the cheek
next the sun, brown around the summit, and with numerous light brown dots; flesh yellowish-
white, buttery, juicy, very pleasantly perfumed, having a slight Bergamot flavor; good
for dessert, first for cuisine; Aug. to Oct.
Lemon (Massachusetts). 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 43. 1866.
A seedling of S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass.; first fruited in 1862. Fruit large,
turbinate, yellow.
Lemon (Russia). 1. Ind. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 82. 1886. 2. Ia. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 170. 1894.
Imported from Russia in 1879. It was reported in 1894 to have fruited in Iowa, and
collectively with some other varieties was described as “‘ generally ‘ off’ in color, coarse,
some of them leathery and corky, and all without melting qualities or flavor.”
Lenawee. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 106. 1856. 2. Field Pear Cult. 273. 1858.
Origin unknown. Distributed in Lenawee County, Mich., in 1856; it was named by
the Adrian Horticultural Society. At that time it was supposed to have been introduced
from western New York some twenty-five years previously. Fruit medium to large, oblate-
pyriform, one side generally being larger than the other; surface frequently irregular,
lemon-yellow, with small russet specks, washed with bright vermilion on the side next the
sun; flesh yellowish-white, tender, buttery, with a high and peculiar, aromatic flavor;
very good; early to mid-Aug.
Leochine de Printemps. 1. Mag. Hort. 20:236. 1854. 2. Guide Prat. 98. 1876.
On trial with Messrs. Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, in 1876. Fruit medium, obovate-
pyriform, yellow, netted and patched with russet, sprinkled with russet dots; flesh melting,
white, firm, not very juicy; a beautiful and good fruit; Feb. and Mar.
Léon Dejardin. 1. Guide Prat. 98. 1876.
Obtained at Boussoir, Maubeuge, Nord, Fr. Fruit medium, pyriform, ventriculous,
resembles the Beurré Bollwiller, semi-melting, juicy, sugary, refreshing; good for its season;
May and June.
Léon Grégoire. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 4:63, fig. 1856. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:618, fig.
This variety was gained by Xavier Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel.. and was fruited first in
1852. Fruit large, sometimes medium, oblong-obtuse-pyriform, sometimes more or less
globular, dull yellow, dotted and marbled with fawn on its shaded side and entirely stained
with grayish-russet on the exposed face, becoming pale yellow and golden at maturity;
flesh yellowish-white, coarse, semi-melting, sweet, watery, acidulous, vinous, agreeable;
second, inconstant in quality, sometimes good; Dec. and Jan.
‘Léon Leclerc Epineux. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 23333, fig. 1869.
In the bulletin of the Society Van Mons, 1857, this variety is stated to have been
obtained by Van Mons, though some doubt has been raised as to its origin. Fruit large,
ovate-pyriform, often rather contorted; skin rough, thick, grayish-yellow, finely dotted
with russet and stained with the same around the calyx and stalk and sometimes clouded
and streaked with red on the face exposed to the sun; flesh yellowish-white, coarse, break-
ing, granular at the center; juice sufficient, vinous and sugary; third for dessert, first for
cooking; Nov.
Léon Leclerc de Laval. 1. Pom. France 3:No. 99, Pl. 99. 1865. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.
603. 1884.
This, which is different from Léon Leclerc (Van Mons), was obtained at Louvain in
1825 by Van Mons. Fruit large, turbinate-obtuse-pyriform, yellow-ochre, finely dotted
with gray-russet and marked with some tracing of russet, occasionally washed with a little
red; flesh very white, semi-melting or semi-breaking, watery, gritty, juicy, sweet, slightly
perfumed; third for dessert, first for stewing; Jan. to May.
Léon Recq. 1. Guide Prat.g5. 1895.
On trial with Messrs. Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, in 1895, who received it from
M. Daras de Naghin, Antwerp, Bel. Fruit large or nearly large, pyriform, lemon-yellow
when ripe; flesh fine, slightly acid, sugary, perfumed; Nov. and Dec.
Léon Rey. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:336, fig. 18609.
In 1856, M. Rey, Toulouse, Fr., sowed seeds of the best French pears, and in the
following year selected the most promising seedlings, one of which received the name Léon
Rey. Fruit medium and sometimes rather larger, turbinate, very round in its lower part,
and conic-obtuse at the top, golden-yellow, finely dotted and stained with fawn and
nearly always washed with tender rose on the face exposed to the sun; flesh very white and
fine, melting, free from grit; juice very abundant, sugary, acidulous, having a delicious
flavor; first; Oct. o
Léonce de Vaubernier. 1. Guide Prat. 72. 1876.
Tree vigorous on quince, very fertile. Fruit rather large, ovate, very pale green,
touched with russet and washed with dark carmine; flesh yellowish, fine, dense, of a highly
agreeable flavor; third: second half of Sept.
Léonie. 1. Guide Prat. 95. 1895.
Sent out by M. Daras de Naghin, Antwerp, Bel. Fruit medium, of Doyenné form,
globular-obovate; flesh melting, sugary; good.
Léonie Bouvier. 1. Guide Prat. 56. 1895.
Obtained by M. Simon Bouvier, Jodoigne, Bel. Tree vigorous on quince, fertile.
Fruit medium, pyriform, whitish-yellow blushed with orange-red; flesh fine, very melting
and juicy, sugary, vinous, perfumed; a very beautiful and excellent fruit; Sept.
Léonie Pinchart. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 800. 1869.
Described in 1869 as a new Belgian variety. Fruit medium, globular-obovate, greenish-
yellow, much covered, netted, and patched with yellow-russet and minute russet dots;
flesh whitish, juicy, sweet, melting; very good; Sept. and Oct.
‘Léontine Van Exem. 1. Guide Prat. 108. 1876. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:181, fig. 187.
Obtained by Henri Grégoire, Beurechin, Bel. Fruit small, turbinate or conic-turbinate,
very clear green changing to pale yellow at maturity, dotted with specks of darker green;
some clear russet covers the calyx and the summit, and the side next the sun becomes golden;
flesh white, fine, melting, full of juice rich in sugar and perfume of the almond; Oct.
Leopold I. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 518. 1857. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom, 2:338, fig.
A posthumous gain of Van Mons which gave its first fruit in 1848. Fruit above
medium, ovate, regular, swelled in the lower part, obtuse, grass-green, often yellowish,
dotted, streaked, and stained with russet; flesh white, with some yellow tinge, fine, very
melting, juicy, sweet, vinous, aromatic and delicate; good to very good; Nov.
Leopold Riche. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 801. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 603. 1884.
One of M. de Jonghe’s seedlings. Fruit rather large, obovate, yellow, thickly sprinkled
with large cinnamon-russet dots; flesh rather coarse-grained, crisp, buttery, melting; juice
abundant, rich, thick and sugary, with a fine almond flavor; a very richly flavored pear;
Lepine. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 801. 1869.
Tree of moderate growth but very productive. Fruit small, oblate, yellowish, shaded
with crimson, slightly russeted; flesh coarse, granular, melting, juicy, brisk, vinous, good;
Nov. and Dec.
Lesbre. 1. Gard. Chron. 415. 1863. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:339, fig. 1869.
Raised from seed at Boulogne-sur-Mer, before 1838, by M. Bonnet. Fruit medium
or above, turbinate, very obtuse and swelled, nearly always mammillate at the top; skin
rough, olive-yellow, sprinkled with many large russet dots and small brownish stains;
flesh white, fine and melting, juicy, rather granular at the core; juice abundant, sugary,
vinegary, with a delicate scent of anis; first; end of Aug.
Levard. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:340, fig. 1869.
Grown on the seed beds of M. Leroy, Antwerp, Bel., and fruited in 1863. Fruit
below medium, globular-turbinate, irregular, bossed and always less swollen on one side
than on the other; color yellowish-green, dotted with brown and fawn, and entirely covered
with bronze-russet on the cheek exposed to the sun: flesh greenish-white, fine, melting
and juicy, gritty around the core, sugary, acidulous, musky and very rich in flavor; first;
Levester Zuckerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:172. 1856.
Hanover, 1852. Fruit small, obtuse-turbinate, sides unequal, light green changing
to greenish-yellow, often streaked with red and finely dotted with greenish-russet; flesh
fine, deficient in juice, granular near the center, highly aromatic; first for household and
market purposes; Sept. and Oct.
Lewes. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 592. 1629.
Described by John Parkinson in 1629, in England,as ‘“‘ brownish greene pears, ripe
about the end of September, a reasonable well rellished fruit, and very moist.”’
Lewis. 1. Prince Pom. Man. 1:140. 1831. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 801. 1869.
Originated on the farm of John Lewis, Roxbury, Mass., about 1811. Fruit below
medium, globular, obovate, obtuse, dark green in autumn, pale green at maturity, with
numerous russet specks; flesh yellowish-white, rather coarse, melting, juicy and rich in
flavor, with a slight spicy perfume; Nov. to Feb.
Lexington. 1. III. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 187. 1896. 2. Budd-Hansen Am. Hort. Man. 2:253.
_ Originated in Kentucky and is said to resemble Bartlett, but to ripen two weeks
earlier. Hardy and free from blight, but described as ‘‘ too poor ” in quality.
Liberale. 1. Mag. Hort. 21:519. 1855. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 801. 1869.
Belgian. Introduced to this country as a new variety about 1850. Fruit large,
obtuse-pyramidal or truncate-pyriform; skin fair, smooth, yellowish-green, very thickly
dotted with large, conspicuous, russety specks, and patched with russet; flesh yellowish-
white, a little coarse, melting, juicy, sweet, rich, with a peculiar almond, aromatic perfume;
a very handsome and fine fruit; Oct.
Liegel Honigbirne. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 248. 1889.
Poire de Miel de Liegel. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:47, fig. 24. 1872.
Origin uncertain, probably German. Fruit medium, ovate-pyriform; skin fine and
smooth, at first pale green turning to pale yellow, more golden on the side next the sun
and very rarely touched with rose; flesh yellow, fine, melting, full of sugary juice, vinous,
and with a distinct savor of musk; first; Oct.
Lieutenant Poidevin. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:344, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 604.
Flon-Grolleau, a Frenchman, obtained this variety in 1853. Fruit large, obovate and
undulating; skin fine, yellow-ochre dotted with gray; flesh yellowish-white, semi-fine,
breaking, gritty around the center, sugary, vinous; second for dessert, first for cooking:
Mar. and Apr.
Limon. 1. Mag. Hort. 8:57. 1842. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 802. 1869.
A Van Mons seedling. Fruit rather small, obovate, yellow, with a faint red cheek;
flesh white, buttery, melting and juicy, with a sprightly flavor; very good; mid-Aug.
Linzer Mostbirne. 1. Loschnig Mostbirnen 188, fig. 1913.
A perry pear taking its name from the town of Linz near Hauptstadt in Upper Austria.
Fruit medium, globular to pyriform, yellow, strongly carmined on the sun-exposed side
and dotted with red; flesh yellow-white, coarse-grained, with a saccharine, astringent
flavor; Oct.
Livingston Virgalieu. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 803. 186g.
An old variety, grown to some extent along the Hudson River. Fruit globular-
obovate, greenish-yellow, patched and dotted with russet; flesh whitish, juicy, nearly
melting, sweet, pleasant; good; Sept.
Locke. 1. Mag. Hort. 3:52. 1837. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 442. 1845.
Raised from seed in the garden of James Locke, West Cambridge, Mass., in 1830.
Fruit medium, globular-obovate, full at the crown, ending obtusely at the stem; skin fair,
slightly rough, yellowish-green changing to lemon-yellow when ripe, spots of darker hue
mingled with russet, tinged with red on the sunny side; flesh yellowish-white, coarse, melt-
ing and juicy, rich, sweet and perfumed; good; Dec.
Lodge. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 178, 179. 1832. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 803. 1869.
A native of Pennsylvania and understood to have originated near Philadelphia. Fruit
medium, pyriform, tapering to the stem and larger on one side than on the other, greenish-
brown, the green becoming a little paler at maturity and much covered with patches of
dull russet; flesh whitish, a little gritty at the core, juicy, melting, with a rather rich flavor,
relieved by a pleasant acid; Sept. and Oct.
Loire-de-Mons. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:109, fig. 151. 1878.
A gain of M. Loire, at Mons, Bel. Fruit medium, turbinate, or globular-turbinate,
usually regular in contour; skin rather fine and tender, clear and bright green, sprinkled
with gray-green dots; at maturity the green becomes clear lemon and golden on the side of
the sun; flesh white, fine, very melting, full of juice, acidulous, delicately perfumed; first;
end of Sept.
London Sugar. 1. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 343. 1831. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 605.
English. Much cultivated in Norfolk for the Norwich market. Fruit below medium,
turbinate, pale green approaching lemon-yellow at maturity, with a slight brownish tinge;
flesh tender, melting; juice saccharine and of a rich, musky flavor; an excellent early fruit;
end of July.
Long Green. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 803. 1869.
Belgische Zapfenbirne. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:139. 1856.
Longue-Verte. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:3409, fig. 1860.
Grune Lange Herbstbirne. 4. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 228. 1889.
This French pear is distinct from the Verte Longue which is synonymous with Verte
Longue d’Automne, though these two pears have been confused and have various names
in common. It has been cultivated in France for the last 100 years. Longue Verte has
ten French synonyms. Fruit above medium, very long, fig-like in form, narrowed from
middle to stalk, acute, grass-green passing to brownish-green on the face exposed to the
sun, uniformly sprinkled with dots of gray-russet; flesh greenish-white, fine or semi-fine,
melting, rather granular around the seeds; juice abundant, saccharine, sweet, with a char-
acteristic perfume, often very slight; second; Sept.
Long Green of Autumn. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 804. 1869.
Verte-Longue d’Automne. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:729, fig. 1869.
Lange griine Herbstbirne. 3. Liegel Syst. Anlett. 112. 1825.
The Long Green of Autumn, better known abroad as the Verte-Longue d’Automne
or Verte-Longue, must be distinguished from the Long Green or Longue-Verte. It is of
very ancient origin and mentioned in the catalog, published by Le Lectier, King’s Attorney,
in 1628, of the immense nursery he created in 1598. The German author Henri Manger,
1783, considered the Verte-Longue identical with the Viridium of Pliny. Fruit medium
to large, turbinate, slightly obtuse, often larger on one side than on the other, green clouded
with pale yellow, speckled with large gray spots and very rarely blushed on the exposed
side; flesh white, fine, melting, very full of a saccharine, well-flavored, musky juice; first
when its juice is well perfumed, but rather variable; Oct.
Long Green of Esperin. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 804. 1869.
Belgian. Fruit medium, oblong-ovate-pyriform, greenish-yellow, blushed with crimson
on the cheek next the sun, patched and netted with russet, with numerous brown dots;
flesh yellowish-white, juicy, semi-melting, vinous; good; Sept.
Longland. 1. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 415. 1831. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 605. 1884.
A very old English perry pear chiefly grown in Herefordshire. Fruit small, turbinate,
even, rather handsomely shaped, bright gold, tinged and mottled all over with a
lively russety orange, the side next the sun having a pale red cheek; flesh yellow, very
Longue du Bosquet. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 22348, fig. 1869.
A seedling raised by Leroy. It was reported in 1863. Fruit medium, conic, elon-
gated, regular, obtuse and round at the top, greenish-yellow, dotted with gray, washed
with brown at the extremities; flesh greenish, semi-fine, melting, rather gritty at the center;
juice abundant, very saccharine, acidulous and deliciously perfumed; first; Sept.
Longue-garde. 1. Guide Prat. 98. 1876.
On trial in the orchards of Messrs. Simon-Louis at Metz, Lorraine, in 1876. Fruit
large, highly perfumed; in season until May.
Longue-Sucrée. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:49, fig. 217. 1879.
Either German or Austrian. Cataloged by Jahn in 1864. Fruit nearly medium,
conic-pyriform, dark green, dotted with gray-brown, changing to pale yellow, clouded with
red on the side of the sun, speckled with whitish-gray; flesh whitish, fine, breaking, deficient
in juice and sugar, acidulous, with an unpleasant perfume; third; end of Aug.
Longueville. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 605. 1884.
Much grown in the South of Scotland. It has been conjectured that the tree was
brought to Scotland from France by Douglas when Lord of Longueville in the fifteenth
century. Fruit large, obovate, regular in outline and handsome, greenish-yellow, with a
tinge of pale red next the sun, covered with numerous gray-russet specks, so numerous
sometimes as to appear like network; flesh yellowish, breaking, tender, very juicy, sweet
and richly flavored; good.
Longworth. 1. Jl. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 172. 1892. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 41. 1909.
Originated at Dubuque, Iowa. Its great hardiness and freedom from blight make it
valuable in breeding for the North though its fruit is not of such quality as to recommend
it where choice varieties can be grown. Fruit medium to large, obtuse-ovate, green turn-
ing to yellow; good; mid-season.
Lorenzbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:47. 1856.
Saxony, 1803. Fruit medium, obtuse-conic, light green, blushed with dark brown on
the sunny side changing to light yellow, washed with vivid red, green dots and some cin-
namon-russet; flesh yellowish-white, melting, rather gritty around the center; first for
kitchen and market, second for dessert; Sept.
Loriol de Barny. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:351, fig. 1860.
A gain of Leroy from his seed beds at Angers, Fr.; it fruited for the first time in 1862.
Fruit medium or above, very long ovate-pyriform, often bossed in its contour; skin thin,
yellow-ochre, speckled with minute gray dots and showing some stains of russet; flesh
white, fine, melting, almost free from grit; juice very abundant and sugary having a delicate
aroma; first; end of Aug. and beginning of Sept.
Lothrop. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 46. 1866.
A seedling raised by S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass.; it first fruited in 1866. Fruit
diameter 23 in., yellow with rasset; flesh white, with good flavor; mid-Sept.
Loubiat. 1. Guide Prat. 98, 285. 1876.
This variety bears the name of the owner of the parent tree living in the Dordogne.
Fruit large, of handsome appearance; flesh yellow; third, yet of good quality for its season;
spring until July.
Louis Cappe. 1. Guide Prat. 98. 1876.
A seedling of Easter Beurré and of similar quality. On trial in the orchards of Messrs.
Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, in 1876. Tree very fertile and vigorous. Fruit medium
to large, Bergamot in form; Nov. and Dec. ,
Louis Grégoire. 1.:Mas Le Verger 2:147, fig. 72. 1866-73. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 606.
M. Xavier Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel., obtained this pear from a seed bed made in 1832.
Fruit below medium, obtuse-turbinate, irregular in form, much larger on one side than on
the other, rather rough to the touch, greenish-yellow, dotted and mottled with russet and
generally stained with fawn on the side of the sun; flesh whitish, semi-fine and semi-melting,
juicy, sugary, highly acid, often rather astringent, slightly musky, and sometimes rather
delicate; second and sometimes third when the astringency of its juice is too pronounced;
Louis Noisette. 1. Guide Prat. 98. 1876.
Published by Boisbunel in 1867. Tree very vigorous and fertile. Fruit rather large,
globular-turbinate; flesh fine, very melting and very juicy, sugary and sprightly; first;
Nov. and Dec.
Louis Pasteur. 1. Rev. Hort. 223. 1909.
Obtained by Arséne Sannier, Rouen, Fr. Fruit smooth and fine, clear yellow, strongly
washed with fawn on one face and covered with patches of the same color on the other side;
flesh yellowish-white, the yellow being more noticeable near the skin, very fine, melting,
and sugary, sprightly and perfumed; very good: Dec.
Louis-Philippe. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 169. 1841. 2. Leroy Dici. Pom. 2:354, fig.
Origin uncertain, though it was described by Prévost, Rouen, Fr., in 1848. Fruit
large, turbinate, very obtuse and very irregular in form, swelled, especially on one side
on its lower half; skin rough and bronzed all over on a basis of gray-green, sprinkled with
numerous large, prominent, brownish dots; flesh white, semi-fine and semi-breaking; juice
not abundant, more or less acid, wanting in sugar, slightly perfumed; second; early Oct.
Louis Van Houte. 1. Guide Prat. 108. 1876.
Classed by Messrs. Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, with varieties of doubtful or little
Louis Vilmorin. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:355, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
ist App., 128. 1872.
Originated from seed of Beurré Clairgeau about 1863 by André Leroy, Angers,. Fr.
Tree vigorous, rather spreading, very productive. Fruit medium to large, pyriform,
variable, yellow, netted and dotted with russet, sometimes shaded with red; stem short,
curved; calyx large, open; basin medium, uneven, russeted; flesh white, half fine, juicy,
melting, sweet, slightly perfumed; good to very good; Dec.
Louise-Bonne. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:357, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 606. 1884.
Merlet the French pomologist was the first to write of this pear in 1675. Fruit above
medium, variable in form, ovate-obtuse and swelled in lower half, or long-pyriform, nar-
rowed toward the stalk; skin thick, smooth, bright green changing as it ripens to yellowish-
green, strewed with small dots and some markings of russet; flesh greenish-white, coarse,
semi-melting, gritty at center, juicy, only slightly saccharine, generally sweetish and
deficient in perfume; variable for dessert, but first for compotes; Dec.
Louise Bonne d’Avanches Panachée. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 607. 1884.
A variegated form of Louise Bonne de Jersey, the wood and fruit being marked with
golden stripes. It originated as a bud sport.
Louise-Bonne de Printemps. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:359, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr.
Trees Am. 804. 1869.
Obtained by M. Boisbunel, Rouen, Fr., and first published in 1857. Fruit above
medium, long obtuse-pyriform, regular in contour, mammillate at summit and slightly
bossed at base, yellow-ochre, dotted with greenish-gray; flesh semi-fine and semi-melting,
white, gritty around the center, very juicy, rarely sugary, slightly sweet and slightly aro-
matic; grafted on pear and trained on espalier in a good situation it is a pear of high merit;
Feb. to Apr.
Louise Bonne Sannier. 1. Guide Prat. 110. 1876. 2. Cat. Cong. Pom. France 291, fig.
19006. ,
M. Sannier, Rouen, Fr., obtained this pear; it was first reported in 1868. Fruit rather
small or medium, oval, obliquely obtuse near the stem, dark yellow, touched with bright
red; flesh yellow, juicy, melting, remarkably saccharine, sprightly and perfumed; good to
very good; Oct. to Dec.
Louise de Boulogne. 1. Barry Fr. Garden 317. 1851. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:361.
Described by Barry in 1851 among “ new and rare pears, recently introduced, that
give promise of excellence.” Leroy wrote of it as a seedling of Van Mons. Fruit large,
breaking, keeps through the winter.
Louise Dupont. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 2:59, fig. 1854. 2. Mag. Hort. 23:301. 1857.
Louise Dupont was the product of one of the last seedlings raised by Van Mons and
was harvested for the first time in 1853. Fruit rather large, sometimes of Doyenné form
but usually longer and more turbinate; skin thin, dull green passing to golden yellow at
maturity, colored with russet-fawn on the sunny side, dotted and marked with fawn all
over; flesh white, semi-fine, melting, full of juice, saccharine and well perfumed; first; Oct.
and Nov. ;
Louise d’Orléans. 1. Horticulturist 1:140. 1846. 2. Ann. Pom. Belge 2:35, fig. 1853.
From seed sown by Van Mons in 1827 at Louvain and first bore fruit in 1843. Fruit
medium, oblong-obtuse; skin is of a fine bronzed-green, covered with gray speckles; flesh
very white, fine grained and very melting; juice exceedingly rich, sugary and delicious;
early Nov.
Louise de Prusse. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:362, fig. 1869.
Obtained by Van Mons and published by him in September, 1832, but it had already
been reported in 1826. Fruit large, turbinate-obtuse, more or less long, considerably
swelled toward its lower end; skin thick and rough, yellow-ochre clouded with green,
speckled with fine gray dots and stained with light brown around the calyx and stem;
flesh white, semi-fine, breaking or semi-breaking, granular at center; juice abundant, very
saccharine, acidulous, pleasantly perfumed; second; Sept.
Louison. 1. Prince Pom. Man. 1:86. 1831.
French. Fruit large, oblong and almost conical, terminated obtusely; skin delicate
and smooth, sometimes washed on the sunny side, and in other cases pretty deeply tinged
with red, speckled with brownish-red dots, the other side being of a beautiful yellow, scat-
tered with specks of russet; flesh very white, melting, full of very pleasant juice, slightly
perfumed but not of high flavor; early Oct.
Lovaux. 1. Ohio Hort. Soc. Rpt. 48. 1871.
Reported by the Committee on Foreign Fruits of the Ohio State Horticultural Society
as a new variety which they recommended. Fruit large to medium, juicy, sweet, melting;
good; Sept.
Liibecker Prinzessin Birne. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 249. 1880.
Princesse de Lubeck. 2. Guide Prat. 103. 1876.
German; extensively cultivated about Lubeck, Ger. Fruit medium, long-pyriform,
beautiful yellow, extensively covered with brilliant crimson; flesh breaking, juicy; good;
beginning of Aug.
Lubin. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:187, fig. 579. 1881.
A seedling found by M. Pariset of Curciat-Dongalon, Ain, Fr.; first reported in 1869.
Fruit medium, conic-pyriform, regular in its contour, obtuse, having its largest circum-
ference well below its middle; skin fine, delicate, at first a clear and bright green, sprinkled
with very numerous round, small, brown dots only very slightly visible on the side of the
sun; at maturity the basic green passes to lemon-yellow, with a golden hue on the exposed
side; flesh whitish, very fine, melting, juicy, saccharine, slightly vinous, acidulous; good;
Lucie Audusson. 1. Pom. France 4:No. 172, Pl. 172. 1865.
Obtained by Alexis Audusson, Angers, Fr.; first published in 1861. Fruit large, long,
nearly cylindrical, obtuse and slightly narrowed toward the stem, grass-green, finely dotted
and speckled with fawn-colored russet; flesh yellowish-white, fine or semi-fine, melting;
juice abundant, sugary, vinous, delicately perfumed; first; mid-Nov. to end of Dec.
Lucien Chauré. 1. Guide Prat.95. 1895.
Obtained by Arséne Sannier, Rouen, Fr. Tree healthy, vigorous and adaptable for
all forms of growth. Fruit medium, grayish-yellow; flesh melting, juicy, fine and sugary;
Oct. and Nov.
Lucien Leclercq. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:366, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
806. 1869.
From a seed bed made by Van Mons in 1829, but it did not bear fruit till after his
death in 1844. Fruit below medium and sometimes rather larger, globular-ovate, regular,
rarely bossed, pale yellow on the shaded side and darker yellow where exposed, dotted all
over with fine gray and green spots; flesh white, coarse, semi-melting and juicy, sugary,
acidulous, and aromatic, very gritty around the core; second; latter half of Aug.
Lucné Hative. 1. Noisette Man. Comp. Jard. 2:525. 1860.
Tree vigorous and productive. Fruit medium, elongated, pale green; flesh semi-
melting, sugary, moderately perfumed; good; Sept.
Lucy Grieve. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 607. 1884.
English; bore fruit first in 1873. Named in honor of the little girl who planted and
tended the seed, but died before the tree fruited. Fruit large, oval, rather uneven in
outline, bossed around the waist and about the calyx, lemon-yellow, with occasionally
a brownish-red blush on the side next the sun, sprinkled with cinnamon-colored dots;
flesh white, tender, melting, very juicy and richly flavored; first; Oct.
Luola. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 135. 1920.
Said to be a cross between Seckel and Dana Hovey originated by W. C. Eckard, Water-
vliet, Mich., about 1907. Fruit very small, globular, greenish-yellow, with faint blush,
very rich; excellent; Oct.
Lutovka. 1. Me. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 62, 63. 1899.
Russian. Introduced in 1882. Fruit large; good; mid-season.
Lutzbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:190. 1856.
German, published in 1801. Fruit medium, obtuse-conic, dull greenish-yellow, slightly
blushed, strongly dotted, marked with russet, and covered with rusty russet on the sun-
exposed side; flesh granular, gritty near center, semi-melting, aromatic; first for culinary
uses; Sept.
Luxemburger Mostbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 128, fig. 1913.
A perry pear widely distributed in France, Luxemburg, Germany and Austria. Fruit
large, globular-oblate, like Bergamot in form, gray-green turning yellow-green when ripe
sprinkled with large russet dots and specklings; flesh whitish, coarse-grained, unusually
juicy, astringent and sweet flavor; end of Sept.
Lycurgus. 1. Horticulturist 12:365. 1857. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 806, fig. 1869.
Originated with George Hood, Cleveland, Ohio, from seed of Winter Nelis. The tree
is productive, and of rather spreading growth. Fruit small, oblong-pyriform, greenish- ;
yellow, much covered with thin brownish-russet, many large grayish dots; flesh yellowish,
juicy, melting, sweet, rich, rather aromatic, having some perfume; first, one of the best in
quality of late winter pears: Dec. to Feb.
Lydie Thiérard. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 806. 1869. 2. Guide Prat. 99. 1876.
Originated from a seed of Crassane by Jules Thiérard, Bethel, Fr. Fruit rather large,
Bergamot-shaped, clear green, dotted; flesh fine, very melting, sugary, perfumed; first;
Jan. to Mar.
Lyerle. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 44. 1897.
Raised by a Mr. Lyerle, Union County, Ill., in 1881 from seed of Bartlett. Fruit
medium, pyriform, yellowish-green, with numerous patches of russet; flesh sugary; good;
early July, four weeks ahead of Bartlett.
Lyon. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 807. 1869.
Orignated at Newport, R. I. Fruit medium, oblong-obovate or Doyenné-shaped,
yellow, thick and smooth skin, finely dotted, blushed; flesh coarse, a little gritty at core,
vinous; very good; Oct.
Mace. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 50. 1860.
Francis Dana showed this among other seedlings of his to the Fruit Committee of the-
Massachusetts Horticultural Society in 1860. Fruit medium, oval, russet; flesh has some-
thing of the honeyed sweetness as well as some external resemblance to Dana Hovey.
Machlander Mostbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 48, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit large, pyriform, green turning to yellowish-green,
russeted; flesh granular, green under the skin, subacid; Sept. and Oct.
Mackleroy. 1. South. Nurs. Cat. 4. 1921.
This variety, introduced by the Southern Nursery Company, Winchester, Tenn., in
1921, is said to have been brought to Tennessee by Davis Mackleroy from South Carolina
over 100 years ago.
McLaughlin. 1. Mag. Hort. 8:62. 1842. 2. Ibid. 13:251. 1847. 3. Downing Fr.
Trees Am. 807, fig. 1869.
In October, 1831, General Wingate of Portland, Me., stated ‘‘ That a person in Oxford
County, many years since raised a number of pear trees from seeds, all of which produced
inferior fruit, with the exception of one tree; and from that tree, the scions were taken and
engrafted by a Mr. McLaughin, of Scarborough.” Fruit large, obtuse-pyriform; skin
slightly rough, bright cinnamon-russet, tinged with brownish-red on the sunny side, with
some traces of a bright yellow ground on the shaded side; flesh yellowish, rather coarse,
melting, juicy, rich, sugary; Nov. to Jan.
Macomber. 1. Rural N. Y. 44:263, figs. 145, 146. 1885.
Raised by J. T. Macomber, Grand Isle, Vt. Fruit medium, pyriform, green changing
to yellow, blushed; flesh buttery, melting, juicy, sweet; very good; Oct. and Nov.
McVean. 1. Horticulturist 92340. 1854. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 807. 1869.
Originated in Monroe County, N. Y., about 1850 or earlier. Fruit large, obovate-
acute-pyriform, yellow, with nettings and patches of russet, and numerous green and brown
dots; flesh coarse, not juicy, or melting, sweet; good; Sept.
Madame Alfred Conin. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:371, fig. 1869.
Raised by André Leroy, Angers, Fr., in 1867. Fruit medium, turbinate, obtuse, much
swelled around central circumference, fairly regular, clear yellow often covered all over
with a layer of bronze on which are scattered, uniformly, numerous grayish-brown dots,
scarcely visible; flesh whitish, fine, melting, watery, rarely gritty around the center; juice
abundant, sugary, with an extremely delicious perfume; first; late Sept.
Madame André Leroy. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:372, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.
608. 1884.
Obtained from his seed beds by M. André Leroy at Angers, Fr.: first published in 1862.
Fruit medium to large, long-conic, slightly obtuse, irregular, more or less misshapen,
yellowish-green, entirely dotted, especially at its extremities, with small points and slight
patches of gray; flesh greenish-white, fine or semi-fine, very melting, slightly granular at
center, juicy, sugary, vinous, with a very delicate flavor; first; end of Sept.
Madame Antoine Lormier. 1. Guide Prat. 57. 1895.
Obtained by M. Sannier, Rouen, Fr. Tree vigorous and fertile. Fruit medium or
large, regular pyriform, yellow, dotted; flesh fine, melting, very sugary; first; Sept. and Oct.
Madame Appert. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:373, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 608. 1884.
Raised by M. André Leroy at Angers, Fr., in 186z. Fruit medium, long pyriform,
slightly obtuse, largest circumference around its middle, much reduced at the extremities,
especially at the summit, yellow, with gray-russet, and numerous fawn-colored dots on the
side of the sun and around the stem; flesh whitish, fine, very melting, rarely gritty, juicy,
sugary, with a delicate flavor of almond, acidulous; first; early Oct.
Madame Arséne Sannier. 1. Guide Prat.95. 1895.
Obtained by M. Sannier, Rouen, Fr. Fruit medium to large; flesh sugary, slightly
perfumed and of a pleasant flavor; Oct.
Madame Ballet. 1. Cat. Cong. Pom. France 292, fig. 1906.
Obtained by M. Ballet, nurseryman at Parenty, Fr., and was placed on the market
in 1894. Fruit large, ovate, yellow, dotted with gray, and brightened with a rose blush
on the side next the sun; very good; Jan. to Mar.
Madame Baptiste Desportes. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:374, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.
608. 1884.
A seedling from the nurseries of André Leroy at Angers, Fr., which ripened for the
first time in 1863. Fruit above medium, globular-ovate, rather regular, often a little
bossed about the base; skin rather fine, yellow-ochre, mottled, stained, and dotted with
gray-russet; flesh fine or semi-fine, melting, excessively juicy, saccharine, vinous, with a
very agreeable flavor; first; early Oct.
Madame Blanchet. 1. Guide Prat. 76. 1895.
Fruit medium, greenish-yellow covered with fawn; flesh fine, buttery, of a delicate
flavor; good; Oct. and Nov.
Madame Bonnefond. 1. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 2, 135, fig. 164. 1866-73.
Obtained in 1848 by M. Bonnefond, Rhéne, Fr., and placed on the market for the first
time in 1867. Fruit large, like Calebasse in form, often irregular in contour; skin fine,
delicate, clear yellow-green, sprinkled with very small points of darker green; flesh white,
slightly greenish under the skin, fine, very melting and juicy, delicately perfumed; very
good; end of autumn.
Madame Charles Gilbert. 1. Guide Prat. 95. 1895.
On trial with Messrs. Simon-Louis at Metz, Lorraine, in 1895. Fruit medium sized,
having much in common with Winter Nelis; Jan. to Apr.
Madame Chaudy. 1. Gard. Chron. N. S. 18:211. 1882. 2. Cat. Cong. Pom. France
296, fig. 1906.
Obtained by M. Chaudy at Chaponost, Rhéne, Fr., from a seed bed made in 186r.
Fruit large, sometimes of the form of the Bartlett, generally turbinate, swelled and bossed
in its circumference; skin slightly rough, pale yellow, dotted with gray, reddened on the side
next the sun, marbled and washed with clear fawn around the two ends; flesh rather white,
granular at center, rather fine, melting, very juicy, saccharine, and agreeably acid and
perfumed; very good; Nov.
Madame Cuissard. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:375, fig. 1869.
Cuissard and Barret, nurserymen at Ecully-les-Lyon, Fr., obtained this variety in
1865 and placed it on the market in 1867. Fruit above medium, oblong and obtuse, swelled
at its lower part and generally more enlarged on one side than on the other; skin fine,
golden-yellow, sprinkled with large gray dots and some russet markings, and more or less
stained with clear brown around the stem; flesh white, semi-fine, melting, gritty at the center;
juice deficient; rather savory, but slightly acerb; second; mid-Aug.
Madame Delmotte. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 139. 1871. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:73,
fig. 133. 1878.
Obtained by M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit medium, obtuse-pyriform, dull green
dotted with greenish-gray; flesh white, or slightly tinted with yellow, very fine, buttery,
melting, full of sweet juice, delicately perfumed.
Madame Ducar. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:376, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
808. 1869.
This was-a posthumous gain of Major Espéren, Mechlin, Bel., dating from 1846.
Fruit medium, globular-ovate, regular in form, slightly undulating around the summit;
skin fine, rather dull yellow, finely dotted and streaked with fawn; flesh white, coarse, semi-
melting, very gritty; juice sufficient, sugary, sweet, almost without perfume but having a
certain delicacy of taste; second; end of Aug.
Madame Duparc. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:149, fig. 267. 1879.
Gained by M. Bessard-Duparc, near Savenay, Fr., and fruited first about 184s. Fruit
medium, ovate-obtuse-pyriform, regular in contour; skin rather thick, lively green, speckled
with indistinct darker green spots, the green becoming brighter at maturity, a rather dense
tusset sometimes covering the calyx and the summit; flesh white, coarse, semi-buttery,
gritty around the core; juice rather deficient, sugary and only slightly scented; indifferent;
Oct. and Nov.
Madame Durieux. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:377, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 609.
A variety which came from the seed beds of Van Mons but did not fruit till 1845.
Fruit medium, globular, rather Bergamot-shaped, grayish or greenish-yellow, covered
with patches of thin cinnamon-colored russet, yellowish, semi-fine, very melting, buttery,
juicy, sugary, vinous, aromatic; first; Oct.
Madame Elisa. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 4:31, fig. 1856. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 808,
fig. 1869.
Raised in the seed beds of Van Mons and first bore fruit in 1848. Fruit large, obtuse-
pyriform, often rather irregular in its upper half, greenish-yellow passing to lemon-yellow
at maturity, with numerous small blackish-gray dots; flesh white, a little yellow next the
skin, fine, melting, free from grit, full of rich saccharine juice, vinous; first; Sept. to
Madame Flisa Dumas. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:10, fig. 298. 1880.
A seedling raised by M. Bonnefoy, near Lyons, Fr. He disseminated itin 1857. Fruit
medium, conic-ovate, regular in contour; skin thick, at first whitish-green speckled with
grayish-black dots, changing to pale yellow, and more golden on the side next the sun;
sometimes stains of rough brown-russet are dispersed over its surface; flesh white, only
slightly firm without being breaking, rather gritty around the center, full of sugary juice,
vinous and refreshing; handsome and of good quality; Aug.
Madame Ernest Baltet. 1. Baltet Trait. Cult. Fr. 317, fig. 208. 1908.
French. Fruit large, obtuse-pyriform, reddish-brown-yellow, with light russet; flesh
very fine, melting, very juicy, sugary, sprightly; very good; Sept. and Oct.
Madame Favre. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:379, fig. 1869.
Obtained by M. Favre, president of the section of Arboriculture of the Agricultural
Society of Shalon-sur-Marne, Fr.; it first fruited in 1861. Fruit above medium and often
larger, globular surface unequal and bossed; skin rough, greenish-yellow, dotted, streaked,
marbled, stained with gray-russet and vermilioned on the cheek next the sun; flesh white,
very fine, melting; juice abundant, very sugary, vinous, deliciously perfumed; first; end of
Madame Flon. 1. Guide Prat. 99. 1876.
Published by M. Flon in 1868. Fruit medium, globular, yellow and gray-russet;
flesh very melting and juicy, saccharine, sprightly, perfumed; first; end of Dec.
Madame Grégoire. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 8:97, fig. 1860. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 809.
Obtained in 1860 by M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel., and was published the same year.
Fruit medium to large, long-oval, obtuse; skin greasy, clear green becoming yellow at
maturity, marked with gray-russet, especially around the stem, and some dots of
whitish-gray; flesh yellowish-white, fine, melting, very juicy, sugary, vinous, perfumed
and acidulous; good or very good; Dec. and Jan.
Madame Henri Desportes. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:380, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.
609. 1884.
Raised by Leroy, Angers, Fr.; first fruited in 1863. Fruit large, turbinate, uneven in
outline, yellow, covered with russety dots and patches; flesh yellowish-white, very fine and
very melting, seldom gritty, very juicy, saccharine, acidulous, with a decided aroma and
delicious flavor; excellent; first; Oct.
Madame Loriol de Barny. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:381, fig. 1869. 2. Mass. Hori. Soc.
Rpt. 92. 1872.
Raised by Leroy in 1866 at his nurseries at Angers, Fr., from seed of Bartlett. Fruit
large, ovate and nearly cylindrical, always rather irregular, clear yellow clouded with green,
more or less streaked and mottled with russet, covered with large, grayish-brown or greenish
dots and often stained with fawn around the calyx and stem; flesh yellowish-white,
excessively melting and fine, juicy, rarely gritty, sugary, perfumed, with a tart flavor
and a delicate and agreeable after-taste of musk; first; Nov.
Madame Lyé-Baltet. 1. Cat. Cong. Pom. France 301, fig. 1906. 2. Bunyard Handb.
Hardy Fr. 185. 1920.
Obtained by Ernest Baltet, nurseryman at Troyes, Fr.; placed on the market in 1877.
Fruit medium or rather large, turbinate, obtuse, swelled, truncated at base; skin fine,
green or yellow-green all over, dotted with russet and touched with fawn; flesh white,
fine, melting, juicy, sugary and perfumed; very good; Dec. and Jan.
Madame de Madre. 1. Guide Prat. 95. 1895. 2. Gard. Chron. 3rd Ser. 30:271. 1901.
Sent out by Daras de Naghin, Antwerp, Bel., who raised it from Délices d’Hardenpont,
in 1881. Fruit medium, pyriform, rather elongated, contracted at the lower end terminat-
ing in an oblique cone at the base, compressed on two sides at the narrow end, rounded
at the upper end, citron-yellow lightly speckled with rust-red; flesh amber-white, very deli-
cate, melting, very juicy, sweet, with a pleasant perfume, nutty and rather spicy; very good;
Oct. ,
Madame Millet. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:382, fig. 1862. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 610. 1884.
Raised by Charles Millet of Ath, Bel., in 1840. Fruit large, short-obovate or turbi-
nate, rather uneven in its outline; flesh tender, semi-melting, juicy, richly flavored; first;
Mar. and Apr.
Madame Morel. 1. Guide Prat. 99. 1876.
Published by M. Morel in 1872. Fruit large; flesh very fine, compact, very melting,
juicy, sugary, vinous, sprightly; first; Oct. and Nov.
Madame Planchon. 1. Guide Prat. 99. 1876.
Belgian. Fruit large or very large, in form similar to Bartlett, golden yellow
dotted with russet; flesh granular, very juicy; cooking; end of Oct. and beginning of Nov.
Madame Du Puis. 1. Rev. Hort. 147. 1891. 2. Cat. Cong. Pom. France 208, fig. 1906.
A gain of Daras de Naghin, Antwerp, Bel., in 1878. Fruit rather large or large, long,
obtuse-pyriform, rounded at lower end, yellow but nearly covered with smooth fawn-russet;
flesh very fine, melting, very juicy, sugary, sprightly and perfumed; very gocd; Dec. to
Feb. ;
Madame de Roucourt. 1. Guide Prat. 58. 1895.
Distributed by Daras de Naghin, Antwerp, Bel. Fruit medium to large, yellowish,
dotted with dark brown; flesh fine, saccharine, perfumed; good; Oct.
Madame Stoff. 1. Gard. Chron. 2:220. 1887.
Obtained from seed by M. Stoff. Fruit large or medium, regular-pyramidal, olive-
green speckled with red; flesh fine, melting, buttery, delicate and brisk in flavor; Feb.
Madame Torfs. 1. Guide Prat. 104. 18095.
Described as a new variety and distributed by Daras de Naghin, Antwerp, Bel., in
1895. Fruit medium to large, greenish-yellow, sprinkled with patches of fawn-russet;
flesh fine and juicy, white around center, clouded with green toward the skin, very sugary;
Madame Treyve. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:383, fig. 1869. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy
Fr. 185. 1920. -
Souvenir de Madame Treyve. 3. Pom. France 2:No. 63, Pl. 63. 1864.
From seed sown in 1848 by M. Treyve, Trévaux, Fr. Fruit large, obtusely obovate,
bossed and always very much swelled around its lower part, greenish-yellow, dotted,
streaked, and often touched with fawn on the shaded side, but brilliantly encrimsoned on
the side exposed to the sun and dotted on that side with gray; flesh white, semi-fine, melting,
very juicy, saccharine, acidulous, with a delicate and fine aroma; first, a delicious dessert
pear; Sept. ?
Madame Vazille. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:384, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 610. 1884.
From the seed beds of M. Leroy, Angers, Fr.; first fruit in 1866. Fruit above medium,
conic-obtuse, fairly regular in outline but always having one side larger than the other;
skin thick, somewhat uneven, bronzed all over, sprinkled with dots widely apart and only
slightly visible; flesh whitish, fine, melting or semi-melting, very juicy, saccharine, vinous,
having a very pleasant flavor; first; Sept.
Madame Verté. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:385, fig. 1869.
Origin uncertain, but it was first sent out by M. de Jonghe, Brussels, Bel., and then
extensively propagated in France. Fruit medium, globular-ovate, irregular, yellowish-
green, much washed with brown-fawn and speckled with small ashen-gray dots; flesh yellow-
ish, semi-fine, semi-melting, granular at center; juice abundant, sugary, acidulous, with a
somewhat savory perfume and after taste of anis; second, variable; from end of Nov. to
Madame Von Siebold. 1. Guide Prat. 115. 1876. 2. Cornell Sta. Bul. 332:485. 1913.
Japan. The following description was made on the grounds of Messrs. Simon-Louis
Bros., Metz, Lorraine; ‘‘ Madame Von Siebold.— Fruit very large, rounded, a little narrow
toward the cavity, where it is angular; truncated at the base and indented at the circum-
ference . . . Skin rather smooth, of a pretty brown color, dotted with large gray
specks which are very regular and very apparent. Flesh white, slightly yellowish, medium
fine, crisp, juicy, sweet, perfumed like quinces, almost eatable raw. The most beautiful
of the Japanese — Simon-Louis Fréres.”’
Madeleine d’Angers. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:386, fig. 1869.
From the environs of Segré or of Beaupreau, districts in the same department (Maine),
where it has been generally grown for 150 years. Fruit medium and sometimes below,
conic and very elongated, somewhat contorted at the upper end, grass-green passing to
greenish-yellow on the part near the stalk and dotted with gray-russet; flesh white, semi-
fine or coarse, rather melting, watery and gritty; juice abundant, sugary, more or less acid,
and only slightly perfumed; third; end of July.
Mademoiselle Blanche Sannier. 1. Guide Prat. 96. 1895.
A French variety. Fruit large, oblong-pyriform; flesh fine, melting, perfumed, juicy;
Mademoiselle Marguerite Gaujard. 1. Guide Prat. 104. 1895.
Obtained by M. Gaujard at Ghent, Fr.; described as a new variety in 1895. Fruit
oblong, rather gourd-shaped in form, covered with gray-russet and slightly blushed on the
exposed side; flesh melting, of a sprightly taste, perfumed; Jan. to Mar.
Mademoiselle Solange. 1. Jour. Hort. N.S.15:120. 1888.
Described by the Fruit Committee of the Royal Horticultural Society of England in
1887 as a new variety. Fruit small, nearly globular, green, juicy and of good flavor.
Magherman. 1. Guide Prat. 110. 1876.
Tree very vigorous, beautiful in aspect and extremely fertile. Fruit large or very
large, long-pyriform, regular in outline, yellow streaked with carmine; flesh yellowish,
excessively melting and very juicy, sugary and having an exquisite perfume; first; second
half of Sept.
Magnate. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 610. 1884. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 186. 1920,
A seedling raised by Rivers of Sawbridgeworth, Eng., from Louise Bonne de Jersey.
prior to 1880. Fruit large, obtuse-pyriform, even and symmetrical in outline, yellow covered
with rather dark brown-russet, thickly strewed with large russet freckles, blushed and
streaked with crimson; flesh yellow, tender, melting, rather gritty at the core, richly flavored,
and with a slight perfume of rose-water; very good; Oct. and Nov.
Magnolia. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Cat. 41. 1909. 2. Cornell Sta. Bul. 332:484. 10913.
An oriental hybrid which originated in southern Georgia. Fruit large, globular to
pyriform, smooth, yellowish-russet, with numerous irregular dots; flesh white, crisp, tender,
juicy, mild, subacid; fair; “‘ three or four weeks later than Kieffer in the South.”’
Malconnaitre d’Haspin. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 810. 1869.
Tree vigorous, hardy and productive. Fruit large, globular-obovate, dull yellow,
with brownish-red cheek, stippled with coarse dots, and russeted at the calyx; flesh juicy,
tender, and melting, rich, subacid, perfumed; Oct. and Nov.
Malvoisie de Landsberg. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:171, fig. 182. 1878.
Obtained by Judge Burchardt, Landsberg, Brandenbourg, Ger. Fruit rather large,
pyriform, more or less swelled, even in contour, but often irregular in form; skin some-
what firm, at first water-green, dotted with gray, the green changing to yellow and the side
next the sun being at maturity slightly washed with rosy red; flesh white, rather fine,
buttery, juicy, sweet, acidulous, having a sprightly and somewhat musky flavor; good;
Oct. —.
Manchester. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 810. 1869.
Originated in Providence, R.I. Fruit medium, obovate-pyriform, yellow, with traces
and numerous dots of russet; flesh white, moderately juicy, semi-melting, sweet, agree-
able; good; Oct.
Mandelblattrige Schneebirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:199. 1856.
A French wilding; published 1810. Tree dwarf. Fruit small, globular-turbinate,
green, smooth; flesh firm, astringent; winter.
Manning. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 43. 1866.
A seedling raised by S. A. Shurtleff of Brookline, Mass. Fruited in 1866. Fruit
large, obovate, yellow with russet streaks and dots; flesh fine-grained, white, juicy, with
a rich, pleasant flavor; first; Sept.
Mannsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:187. 1856.
Wiurttemberg, Ger., 1830. Classed among the Pound pears or Libralia. Fruit large,
globular-turbinate, dull green changing to yellowish-green, blushed, both ends covered
with russet, rusty dots; third for table, first for kitchen; Nov. and Dec.
Mansfield. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 811. 1869.
A native variety of uncertain origin. Fruit medium, globular-oblate, yellowish-
green, with considerable russet and many green and brown dots; flesh whitish, coarse,
buttery, melting, sweet, a little astringent; good; Sept.
Mansuette. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:220, Pl. LVIII, fig. 1. 1768. 2. Hogg Fruit
Man. 611. 1884.
Solitaire. 3. Christ Handb. 534. 1817.
Origin unknown. Fruit large, long-obovate, irregular, obtuse, pale green, spotted
with brown and much covered with the same color on the shaded side, and tinged with red
on the side exposed to the sun; flesh white, semi-melting, moderately fine, inclined to
grow soft, juicy, pleasantly acid and well flavored; a dessert pear; Sept. and Oct.
Mansuette Double. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:388, fig. 1869.
This French cooking pear was first described in 1805. Fruit sometimes considerable,
rather variable in form, often conic, obtuse, very swelled in the lower part and slightly
bossed, sometimes very long ovate having one side near the base larger than the other,
dark yellow, much covered with cinnamon-russet and large dots of ashy gray; flesh green-
ish-white, coarse, juicy, semi-breaking or breaking, very gritty at the core; juice abundant,
deficient in sugar, wanting in perfume, often too acid; second; Oct. to Dec.
Marasquine. 1. Mas Le Verger 2:123, fig. 1866-73. 2. Guide Prat. 99. 1876.
Raised by Major Espéren, Mechlin, Bel. Fruit medium, regular-pyriform, tender
green, sprinkled with grayish dots, golden at maturity; flesh very white, fine, buttery,
melting, slightly gritty at the center; juice sufficient, having a characteristic perfume;
end of Aug.
March Bergamot. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 811. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 611.
Raised by T. A. Knight, President of the Horticultural Society of London. Fruit
small or medium, globular, green or yellowish-brown, partially covered with russet; flesh
yellowish-white, buttery, slightly gritty at the core, but very rich; in Europe it is a dessert
pear of high merit; in this country, however, it seems to be of small worth; Mar. and will
keep later.
Maréchal de Cour. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 22390, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 612.
A seedling of Van Mons of which he sent grafts to Alexandre Bivort, five months
before his death, in April, 1842. Fruit large, sometimes very large, oblong-pyriform or
obtuse-turbinate, one side always smaller than the other, thickly encrusted with russet
so that but little of the yellow ground is visible; flesh white, semi-fine, melting, gritty at
center, extremely juicy, sugary, vinous, perfumed; first; Sept. to Nov.
Maréchal Dillen. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:391, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.612. 1884.
Raised by Van Mons in 1818 and was published by him in 1820. Fruit very large,
obtuse-obovate, yellowish-green, mottled with patches and dots of brown-russet; flesh
white, fine, melting, juicy, very saccharine, having a very agreeable flavor of vinegar and
musk; first, an excellent dessert pear; Oct. and Nov.
Maréchal Pelissier. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 523. 1857. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:393.
This pear was raised by M. Flon, Senior, the well-known horticulturist, of Angevin,
Fr., in 1845. Fruit medium, ovate, yellow, blushed with red on the side next the sun;
flesh tender, juicy; Sept. and Oct.
Maréchal Vaillant. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:393, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 612.
A seedling of M. Boisbunel of Rouen, Fr., gained in 1864. Fruit very large, obovate,
uneven in outline, yellowish-green, mottled and dotted with russet; flesh whitish, rather
fine, semi-melting; juice sufficient, sugary, vinous, richly flavored and musky; an excellent
pear; mid-Dec. to end of Jan.
Margarethenbirne. 1. Liegel Syst. Anleit. 119. 1825. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde
2:30. 1856.
German. Reported in 1789. Fruit small, turbinate, greenish-yellow and heavily
dotted with green, seldom blushed; flesh semi-breaking, juicy and aromatic; third for dessert,
first for kitchen and market; mid-July.
Marguerite d’Anjou. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:3094, fig. 1869.
M. Flon, Angers, obtained this from a seedling in 1863. Fruit above medium, irregu-
lar-ovate, and bossed, more enlarged on one side than on the other and often slightly
contorted, clear yellow, slightly tinted with pale rose on the side next the sun; flesh white,
fine, dense, melting, watery, free from grit; juice abundant, highly saccharine, acidulous,
possesses a delicious flavor recalling the perfume of the violet; first; Oct.
Marguerite Chevalier. 1. Guide Prat. 99. 1876.
Fruit medium, nearly spherical, almost entirely covered with fawn-russet; flesh fine,
melting, juicy, sprightly; good; end of autumn.
Marguerite Marillat. 1. Guide Prat. 45. 1895. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 186.
Similar to Souvenir du Congrés but of brighter golden hue, obtained by M. Marillat,
Craponne, near Lyons, Fr., 1874. Fruit large, pyriform-turbinate, pale yellow touched
with fawn-russet, blushed with red on the side next the sun, sometimes a rich golden yellow
at maturity; flesh yellowish-white, semi-fine, very juicy, saccharine, acidulous, aromatic,
slightly musky, very rich; second; early Sept.
Maria. 1. Guide Prat. 96. 18095.
Sent out by M. Daras de Naghin, Antwerp, Bel. Fruit rather large, oblong-ovate;
flesh yellowish, very agreeable; Feb. and Mar.
Maria de Nantes. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 2:39, fig. 1854. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
812. 1869.
Raised by M. Garnier near Nantes, Fr., and reported in 1853. Fruit nearly medium,
globular-turbinate or oval-turbinate, greenish-yellow covered with fawn-russet; flesh fine,
buttery, melting; juice saccharine, highly perfumed, and acidulous; first; Oct. to Dec.
Maria Stuart. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:69. 1856.
Belgian, 1851. A Van Mons seedling. Fruit large, conic, bent, with unequal sides,
lemon-yellow, covered densely with gray dots, lightly russeted; very good for all purposes;
Marianne de Nancy. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:396, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
812. 1869.
A seedling of Van Mons who sent cuttings of it a few days before his death to M. Millot,
a pomologist at Nancy, Fr. Fruit medium, obtuse-turbinate, very regular and even in
contour, grass-green, stained with brown-russet; flesh whitish, fine, melting or semi-melting;
juice abundant, very sugary, acidulous; second, though sometimes first when its flesh is
very melting and its juice full of flavor; mid-Aug.
Marie Benoist. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:397, fig. 1869. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr.
187. 1920.
Obtained from seed by Auguste Benoist, Brissac, Maine-et-Loire, Fr., in 1853. Fruit
large, turbinate, very irregular, obtuse and mammillate at the summit, globular at the base
and generally much more enlarged on one side than on the other, clear green, dotted and
veined with russet, stained with fawn especially around the calyx and stem; flesh white,
fine, melting, a little gritty; juice abundant, saccharine, vinous, delicately perfumed;
first; Dec. to Feb.
Marie Guisse. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:398, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 613. 1884.
Grown from seed of St. Germain in 1834, near Metz, Lorraine. Fruit medium,
obovate-oblong-pyriform, surface uneven, yellow, with shades of red in the sun, and
large, dull dark specks; flesh yellowish-white, granular, melting, sweet, vinous; Dec. to Feb.
Marie Henriette. 1. Guide Prat. 96. 1895.
Sent out by Daras de Naghin, Antwerp, Bel. Fruit small or medium, globular; flesh
granular, very juicy and sugary; first; Oct.
Marie Jallais. 1. Guide Prat. 100. 1876.
Obtained by Jules Buneau, 1868. Fruit medium, form variable; flesh melting, juicy,
very sugary and perfumed, of a sprightly flavor; first; Oct. to Dec.
Marie Louise Nova. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 400. 1845. 2. Ibid. 813. 1869.
Sent by Van Mons to Mr. Manning, and though in some seasons very good, it cannot
compare with Marie Louise. Fruit medium, regular-acute-pyriform, yellow, with a
brownish-red cheek; flesh at first melting, juicy, but quickly decays; good; end of
Marie Louise d’Uccle. 1. Gard. Chron. 1060, 1179. 1865. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy
Fr. 187. 1920.
Marie Louise d’Uccle is a seedling of Marie Louise raised by M. Gambier, a neighbor
and contemporary of Van Mons. It produced its first fruits in 1846. Fruit rather large,
pyriform, pale cinnamon-colored russet, rather similar to Marie Louise; flesh very fine,
very melting, buttery, saccharine, very juicy and richly flavored; good to very good;
Sept. and Oct.
Marie Mottin. 1. Guide Prat. 96. 1895.
On trial with Messrs. Simon-Louis at Metz, Lorraine, in 1895. Fruit large; flesh
melting; first; Oct.
Marie Parent. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:401, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 814.
Raised by Bivort, director of the nurseries of the Society Van Mons at Geest-Saint-
Rémy, Bel., from a seed bed formed in 1844 from seeds of the last generation of Van Mons’
seedlings, Fruit above medium, oblong, more or less cylindrical and bossed, or turbinate,
very much swelled at the base and bossed at either extremity; skin fine ochre or golden
yellow, dotted and stained with russet, washed with brick-red on the cheek next the sun;
flesh white, fine, melting or semi-melting, containing numerous small grits around the core,
juicy, sugary, vinous, perfumed; first; Oct., often till Dec.
Marietta. 1. Corneil Sta. Bul. 3322484. 1913.
An oriental hybrid. Tree is said to be inclined to grow tall, with a single main stem.
Fruit light yellow, with red blush; Oct.
Mariette de Millepieds. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:403, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.
614. 1884.
A very late pear which came from the seed beds of Maurice Goubalt, a nurseryman in
the suburbs of Angers, Fr., fruiting after his death, in 1854. Fruit large, ovate, irregular
and bossed or turbinate, slightly obtuse, one side larger than the other, rough to the touch,
rather thick, yellowish-green, washed with dark russet on the cheek next the sun; flesh white,
very fine, melting, juicy and scented, refreshing, sugary, acidulous, having an exquisite
flavor; first; Mar. often till May.
Markbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:103. 1856.
Mid-Germany, 1797. Fruit fairly large, ventriculous, faint light green turning to
pale green, often blushed and dotted with greenish-gray specks and marked with russet;
flesh white, fairly soft, buttery, melting, full of flavor; very good for the table and good for
culinary purposes; Dec. and Jan.
Marksbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:162. 1856.
Thuringia, Ger., 1799. Fruit small, globular, flattened, greenish-yellow, speckled with
yellowish-gray and greenish dots; flesh firm, breaking, juicy and acidulous; first for house-
hold; Sept.
Marmion. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 814. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:29, fig. 111.
According to the Bulletin of the Société Van Mons this was either obtained or prop-
agated by M. Bivort in Belgium. Fruit nearly medium, turbinate, dull water-green,
sprinkled with numerous and rather large brown spots, the basic green passing at maturity
to lemon-yellow and warmly golden on the side of the sun; flesh white, rather fine, breaking,
fairly juicy, saccharine and sprightly; dessert; Sept.
Marquise. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:221, Pl. XLIX. 1768. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 614.
Of French origin. Merlet described it in 1675 in his Abrégé des bons fruits. Fruit
above medium, turbinate, globular in the lower part, conic and slightly obtuse in the upper,
bright green changing to yellowish, with a brownish tinge on the side next the sun, thickly
covered with dots, which are green on the shaded side and brown or gray on the other;
flesh white, semi-fine, breaking, full of sugary juice, slightly acid and musky, and very
delicate; a good dessert pear; Nov. and Dec.
Marquise de Bedman. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 814. 1860.
Foreign. Fruit medium or below, roundish-pyriform, pale greenish-yellow, with a
few traces and patches of russet and many green and brown dots; flesh white, sweet, rather
firm; good; Sept.
Marsaneix. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:406, fig. 1869.
A cooking pear of no particular merit which originated at the market town of Mar-
saneix, Department of Dordogne, Fr., and was cultivated on the farms of that country in
the middle of the eighteenth century. Fruit small, globular, regular in form; skin rough,
entirely russeted, dotted with yellowish-gray; flesh whitish, semi-fine, breaking, scented,
gritty; juice abundant but deficient in sugar, insipid; second and for cooking only; Jan.
and Feb.
Marshall. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 3rd App. 179. 1881.
Said to have originated on the farm of William Marshall, Cambridge, N. Y., some years
previous to 1881. Fruit medium, globular, inclining to obtuse-pyriform, yellow, netted
and patched with russet over nearly the whole surface and thickly sprinkled with russet
dots; flesh white, semi-fine, juicy, semi-melting, slightly vinous and slightly aromatic; very
good; end of Sept.
Marshall Wilder. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom.2:407, fig. 1869. 2. Horticulturist27:150. 1872.
Originated in the nurseries of M. Leroy at Angers, Fr., in 1866. Fruit large, long-
conic, very irregular, somewhat like Calebasse in form, more or less bossed; skin rough,
clear green slightly yellowish, dotted with gray-russet, marbled with brown and scaly;
flesh yellowish-white, fine or semi-fine, juicy, very melting, sugary, deliciously perfumed and
refreshing; first; Oct. and Nov.
Martha Ann. 1. Mag. Hort. 16:547. 1850.
A seedling raised by Francis Dana, Roxbury, Mass. Fruit medium or below, obovate-
obtuse-pyriform, yellowish-green, with patches and dots of russet; flesh coarse, juicy,
astringent; poor; Oct.
Martin. 1. Kans. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 171. 1886.
Originated in Cowley, Kans., and reported as a new fruit and a good substitute for
the Vicar of Winkfield. Fruit medium to large, oblate-pyriform, irregular, greenish chang-
ing to yellowish-white, smooth; flesh firm, fine grained, buttery, juicy; fair; Jan.
Martin-Sec. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:408, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 615. 1884.
Trockener Martin. 3. Léschnig Mosibirnen 216, fig. 1913. /
Hogg tells us that this and the Martin Sire are among the earliest varieties known to
have been grown in England, for they are mentioned among the fruits delivered into the
Treasury by the fruiterer of Edward I in 1292. In 1530 Charles Estienne of Paris wrote
of it as being cultivated in France and affirmed the Pears of Saint Martin were so named
because their time of ripening coincided with the Festival of that Saint. Again, in 1675
Merlet in his Abrégé des bons fruits spoke of the Martin-Sec of Provins or of Champagne.
Fruit medium or above, long-pyriform-obtuse, regular in form, yellowish and russeted,
dotted with gray points and extensively washed with carmine on the face exposed to the
sun; flesh whitish, semi-fine, very breaking, rather dry, but sweet and perfumed, very
gritty when grafted on quince; third; mid-Nov. to Feb.
Martin-Sire. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:145, Pl. XIX, fig. 5. 1768. 2. Leroy Dict.
Pom. 23410, fig. 1869. 3. Hogg Fruit Man. 615. 1884.
This pear, sometimes known as Lord Martin Pear, was grown in England in the thir-
teenth century. By Claude Saint-Etienne in 1628 it was mentioned under two of its most
ancient names, Martin-Sire and Ronville. In the eighteenth century Mayer in the
Pomona franconica said the name Martin-Sire which was the most generally recognized
of its many names originated from a former Lord of Ronville whose name was Martin.
Fruit medium, pyriform, obtuse and very regular; skin fine, smooth and shining, bright
green changing to a fine deep yellow, dotted and marked with fawn, carmined on the side
next the sun; flesh whitish, semi-fine, breaking, fairly juicy, sweet, perfumed and often with
an after-taste of musk; more fit for stewing than dessert; Dec. to Feb.
Marulis. 1. Mag. Hort. 9:388. 1843. 2. Elliott Fr. Book 397. 1854.
Foreign. Fruit small, globular, greenish-yellow; poor; Sept.
Mary (Case). 1. Downingr. Fr. Trees Am. 815. 1869
Originated in the grounds of William Case, Cleveland, Ohio. Fruit small to medium,
globular-pyriform, greenish-yellow, slight blush in the sun and many minute brown dots;
flesh white, juicy, almost buttery, sweet and acid; very good; last of July.
Mary (Van Mons). 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:411, fig. 1860. ,
A seedling obtained by Van Mons, which gave its first fruit at Brussels about the year
1818. Fruit medium and often above medium, ovate, obtuse, rather regular but generally
a little depressed on one side at the calyx, yellow-ochre stained with fawn-brown around the
stem and sprinkled with light marblings and large dots of green and russet, very numerous
around the base; flesh whitish, very fine, melting; juice very abundant, sugary, with a
vinegary flavor both delicate and refreshing; first; mid-Oct.
Mascon Colmar. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:106. 1856.
Originated from seed at Nassau, Ger., 1825. Fruit medium, obtuse-conic, distorted
in form, light green turning yellowish-green at maturity, free from any red blush, but much
russeted and dotted; flesh white, buttery, melting, juicy, full of flavor; good for dessert and
culinary purposes; Feb.
Masselbacher Mostbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:193. 1856.
A perry pear. Wurttemberg, Ger., 1847. Fruit small, almost a sphere, green turning
to yellow, much covered with russet; flesh firm, granular, acidulous: very good for perry
and good for household use; end of Sept. and early Oct.
Masuret. 1. Baltet Cult. Fr. 374. 1908.
One of the best French perry pears suitable for commercial and amateur growers;
good for the production of sparkling perry; juice clear and very full of perfume; end of
Mather. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 82. 1856. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 815. 1869.
The Mather pear originated with John Mather, Jenkintown, Pa., from seed planted
by him about 1810. Fruit below medium, obovate, yellow, with occasionally a red mottled
cheek and russeted at the insertion of the stem; flesh rather coarse, buttery, of delicate
flavor and agreeable; good; Aug.
Mathilde. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:55. 1856.
A Van Mons seedling, 1852. Fruit medium, ovate, greenish changing to greenish-
yellow, blushed, and speckled with gray dots; flesh semi-melting, granular, sweet, vinous;
second for dessert, first for kitchen and market purposes; end of Aug. for 14 days.
Mathilde Gomand. 1. Guide Prat. 100. 1876.
Published by Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit medium; skin russeted; flesh melting;
first; Jan.
Mathilde Recq. 1. Guide Prat. 96. 1895.
On trial with Messrs. Simon-Louis, at Metz, Lorraine, in 1895. Tree vigorous and
fertile. Fruit, flesh fine, very saccharine and highly perfumed; Nov.
Mathilde de Rochefort. 1. Guide Prat. 96. 1895.
On trial with Messrs. Simon-Louis at Metz, Lorraine, in 1895. Tree vigorous, forming
good pyramids. Fruit small, ovate, covered with russet; flesh fine, melting, very juicy.
and sugary; Dec.
Matou. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:414, fig. 1869.
A variety, known also as Chat-Grillé and Chat-Réti in France and which must not be
confounded with the Chat-Briélé, already described, which ripens in December. Its origin
is unknown. Fruit medium, obtuse-pyriform and enlarged around central circumference,
golden-yellow, dotted and marbled with gray-russet, washed with carmine on the face
exposed to the sun; flesh whitish, semi-fine, breaking, watery, very granular at the center;
juice rather abundant, rarely very saccharine, astringent, almost devoid of perfume; third;
Matthews. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 82. 1903. 2. Hopedale Nurs. Cat. 17. 1913.
Brought from New Jersey about 1835 by a Mr. Chiever and planted at Delavan, Ill.
Tree long-lived, a late bearer. Fruit medium to large, apple-shaped, green turning yellow,
sweet, juicy; Oct. to Feb.
Maud Hogg. 1. Jour. Hort. 20:30. 1871. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 615. 1884.
Raised by John Mannington, Uckfield, in the Weald of Sussex, Eng.; bore fruit in 1871
for the first time. Fruit above medium, oblong-obovate; skin entirely covered with a crust
of warm brown-russet like that of the Beurré Gris, and has a slight orange glow on the
side exposed to the sun, very much like the Chaumontel, no yellow or ground color visible;
flesh yellowish-white, tender and buttery, very juicy, sweet, richly flavored; a dessert
pear of the first quality; Oct. to Dec.
Maude. 1. Guide Prat. 100. 1876.
A French perry pear abundantly cultivated in the Haute-Savoie, Fr. Fruit medium,
globular, grayish-green washed with red; flesh coarse, remarkably juicy.
Maurice Desportes. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:415, fig. 1869.
This came from the seed beds of M. André Leroy, Angers, Fr., and first fruited in 1863.
Fruit medium, oblong-conic, yellow, dotted with gray, blushed on the sunny side; stem long,
rather stout, continuous with the fruit; calyx small, open, in a large cavity; flesh white,
rather fine and rather melting, slightly granular, juicy, sweet; first; Sept.
Mausebirne. 1. Dochnahl Fiihr. Obstkunde 2:138. 1856.
Hanover, Ger., 1852. Fruit medium to large, variable in form, distorted, bossed;
skin fine, greenish turning to yellow when ripe, almost entirely covered with cinnamon-
russet, sprinkled with green spots; flesh yellowish-white, sweet and scented with rose;
first for the table and kitchen use; Oct.
Mayflower. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 44. 1866.
A seedling raised by Dr. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass., which fruited first in 1863. Fruit
“ short diameter 2} inches, long diameter 3 inches; flesh rather dry and firm; skin yellow,
with red cheek; keeps soundly without extra care until May. A most prolific bearer.
Short pyriform.”
Maynard. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 52. 1857. 2. Ibid. 815. 1869.
Origin unknown but thought to have been first grown in Lancaster County, Pa. Fruit
medium, obovate-pyriform, yellow with russet dots and a crimson cheek; flesh white, juicy
and sugary; moderately good; end of July.
Mayr friihzeitige Butterbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 22113. 1856.
Reported at Gratz, Styria, Austria, 1833. Fruit medium, turbinate-pyriform, uni-
formly light yellow, slightly russeted on the side next the sun, often with no russet; flesh
white, soft, melting, full of flavor, keeps well; first for dessert, good for culinary use and
market; Sept. and Oct.
Max. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 73. 1895.
A seedling of Flemish Beauty grown in Ohio. Fruit medium, globular-pyriform, yellow
brightly blushed, flavor vinous, subacid; good; Sept. in Ohio.
Mecham. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 195. 1867.
A seedling pear reported from St. George, Utah, in 1867. Fruit very large, bright
green, ripens in Oct.
Medaille @Eté. 1. Guide Prat. 100. 1876.
On trial with Messrs. Simon-Louis of Metz, Lorraine, in 1876, Fruit large, ovate-
pyramidal, lemon-yellow; flesh semi-breaking, very juicy, highly perfumed; Aug.
Medofka, 1. Can. Hort. 17:292. 1894.
Russian. Fruit very small, conical, clear yellow; flesh very melting, agreeable.
Meissner Grossvatersbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:34. 1856.
Reported to be of Saxon origin, 1833. Fruit small, turbinate, almost entirely covered
with light brown-russet, and sprinkled with round red spots; flesh juicy, semi-melting,
having a strong aroma of cinnamon.
Meissner Hirschbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:7. 1856.
Saxony, 1803. Fruit medium, conic, bossed, pale light green changing at maturity
to light lemon-yellow, often washed extensively with dark blood-red, numerous reddish
dots, scentless; flesh breaking, juicy, aromatic; first for household and market; Aug.
Meissner langstielige Feigenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obsikunde 2:167. 1856.
Saxony, 1805. Fruit medium, obtuse-pyriform, ventriculous and flat, crooked, some-
what uneven, light green changing to yellowish-green, often blushed with dark red, without
dots, marked with russet; flesh yellowish-green white, coarse-grained, sweet, firm, breaking;
third for dessert, first for kitchen; Oct.
Meissner Liebchensbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:167. 1856.
German, chiefly found in Saxony. Fruit small, globular-ventriculous-conic; skin
shining, lemon-yellow, becoming highly polished, strongly dotted with round red spots,
often marked with fine russet on the side next the sun; flesh yellowish-white, coarse-grained,
firm, breaking, wanting in juice; third for the table, first for kitchen and market.
Meissner Zwiebelbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:34. 1856.
Saxony, 1833. Fruit small, globular, light yellow, speckled with numerous fine russety
spots; flesh often melting, with musky aroma, fine-grained; first for table and very good for
culinary purposes; end of Aug. for three weeks.
Mélanie Michelin. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:55, fig. 412. 1880.
Gained by M. Boisbunel, Junfor, Rouen, Fr. Fruit medium, ovate-pyriform, even in
contour; skin rather thick, whitish-green, sprinkled with fairly numerous and rather large
green spots, scarcely visible and often absent altogether; when ripe the basic green takes a
more yellow tone on the side of the sun, and in the case of well-exposed fruits is blushed with
a very light rosy red; flesh whitish, slightly tinted with green, tender, a little soft, melting,
full of sweet juice and delicately perfumed; good; mid-July.
Mellish. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 815. 1869.
Fruit below medium, globular-pyriform, pale yellow, netted, patched and dotted with
russet; flesh whitish, juicy, melting, sweet, pleasant; good to very good; Oct.
Melon. 1. Knoop Fructologie 1:77, Tab. 1. 1771. 2. Leroy Dict.. Pom. 2:417, fig.
Of Dutch origin; first described in the Pomology of Knoop in 1766. Fruit medium,
typically pyriform, slightly obtuse, regular in outline, sometimes a little uneven and crooked,
greenish-yellow when ripe and more or less marked with black, or dark brown, stains, of
poor appearance; flesh delicate and gritty, rather succulent and savory but having no
particular flavor, not sprightly nor does it justify its name; Aug. and Sept.
Melon de Hellmann. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:83, fig. 330. 1880.
Grown by M. Hellmann, Meiningen, Ger. Fruit large, spherical, even in outline,
intense green passing to decided yellow when ripe and warmly golden on the side of the sun,
numerous dark green spots; flesh white, coarse, semi-breaking; juice sugary, perfumed
and agreeable; second, good for cooking; Sept.
Ménagére Sucrée de Van Mons. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:127, fig. 160. 1878.
A seedling of Van Mons who distributed it without name. Fruit medium, conic-
turbinate; skin thick, at first very clear green sprinkled with gray dots, numerous, very
small but clearly visible; towards maturity the green changes to brilliant lemon-yellow and
warmly golden on the side next the sun; flesh whitish, semi-fine, semi-buttery and dis-
tinctly perfumed with clove; Oct.
Mendenhall. 1. Ia. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 88. 1900.
Mentioned as one of the “ newer ” varieties of pears, having given its first ripe specimens
on July sth, 1900. Fruit small, pyriform, yellow, much better in quality than Early
Meresia Nevill. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 616. 1884.
A seedling of John Mannington, Uckfield, Sussex, Eng.; first fruited in 1872. Fruit
below medium, roundish-obovate or oval, even and regular in outline, entirely covered with
thick, dark-brown russet; flesh semi-melting, crisp, juicy, sweet, with a rich vinous flavor;
an excellent dessert pear; Dec. and Jan.
Merlet. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 22418, fig. 1869.
Merlet came from the nurseries of M. Boisbunel, Rouen, Fr.; it fruited first in 186.
Fruit medium, turbinate, slightly obtuse and bossed; skin smooth, fine and shining, yellow-
ish-green, delicately dotted with gray; flesh greenish-white, semi-fine, melting, watery,
granular around the core; juice abundant and saccharine, refreshing and having a highly
delicate flavor; first; Aug.
Merriam. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 524. 1857. 2. Thomas Am. Fruit Cult. 284.
Originated at Roxbury, Mass.; popular in Boston in 1867. Fruit large, globular,
somewhat flattened at base and crown, smooth, rich yellow, covered with pale russet
around the stem and calyx, and netted with russet all over; flesh yellowish, rather coarse,
melting, juicy, sugary, perfumed, very good; Sept. and Oct.
Méruault. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:184, fig. 576. 1881.
Obtained by M. Pariset from a seed bed of the Easter Beurré made in 1856. Fruit
medium, ovate, shortened and thick, water-green sown with dots of fawn-brown, more
often almost wholly covered with russet of fawn color; on ripening the basic green changes
to an intense lemon-yellow, the russet clears, and the side next the sun becomes golden;
flesh whitish, fine, buttery, melting, without grit; juice abundant, rich in sugar, delicately
perfumed with musk; first; throughout winter.
Merveille de Moringen. 1. Guide Prat. 100. 1876.
Originated in the environs of Moringen, Ger., where it is very well thought of. Tree
large, very fertile, resisted the phenomenal frost of 1879-1880 in Europe. Fruit small,
turbinate, a beautiful lemon-yellow; flesh breaking; for cooking; Oct.
Messire Jean. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:173, Pl. XXVI. 1768. 2. Hogg Fruit
Man. 616. 1884.
Of ancient and untraceable origin, but mentioned by Venette, Rochelle, Fr., in 1678
and 1683. Fruit medium, turbinate, sometimes slightly obovate, surface slightly bossed;
skin rough, thick, dark green, passing to buff, washed with dark red on the side of the sun,
strewed with speckles of darker russet; flesh white, slightly tinged with lemon, rather fine,
breaking, juicy, richly saccharine, perfumed, sprightly; good, either for dessert or kitchen
use; Nov. and Dec.
Messire Jean Goubault. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:422, fig. 1869.
This variety dates from 1847 and came from a seed bed of M. Goubault, Angers,
Fr. Fruit large or medium, turbinate, more or less globular, often irregular, bossed and
much larger on one side than on the other; skin fine and wrinkled and entirely reddened
and dotted with large grayish spots; flesh whitish, coarse, semi-melting, always doughy
and containing some grit around the core; juice rather scanty, sugary, tart, slightly per-
fumed and very agreeable; second; Nov.
Michaelmas Nelis. 1. Gard. Chron. N. 8. 30:272, fig. 82. 1901. 2. Bunyard Handb.
Hardy Fr. 188. 1920.
A seedling from Winter Nelis, which Messrs. Bunyard, nurserymen, Maidstone, Eng.,
found by chance in a cottage garden, and sent out in 1901. It was given an award of merit
at a meeting of the Fruit Committee of the Royal Horticultural Society in October, 1902.
Fruit medium, pyriform, very shapely, light greenish skin, somewhat russety; flesh white,
melting, very little grit, juicy and of delicious flavor; end of Sept.
Michaux. 1. Mag. Hort.6:45. 1840. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 239. 1854.
Origin not clear but R. Manning, Salem, Mass., stated that he had received it from a
town in Alsace, Fr. Fruit medium, nearly globular-pyriform, light yellowish-green chang-
ing to yellow, with a slight blush of red; flesh white, coarse, semi-buttery, juicy, sweet;
second; Sept. and Oct.
Mignonne @’Eté. 1. Guide Prat. 111. 1876.
Obtained by M. Boisbunel, Rouen, Fr., and placed in commerce in 1874. Fruit medium
to large, like Calebasse in form; skin glossy and yellow, finely dotted and streaked with
gray-russet; flesh fine and melting; Aug.
Mignonne d’Hiver. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 816. 1869.
An old Belgian variety. Fruit medium, obovate to oblong-ovate-pyriform, light
yellow, mostly covered with thick, rough russet, and veined with crimson and fawn; flesh
yellowish, rather granular, juicy, melting, sweet, vinous, aromatic; good; Nov. and Dec.
Mikado. 1. Guide Prat. 115. 1876. 2. Cornell Sta. Bul. 332:449, 484. 1913.
Among the most successful importers of oriental plants was Freiherr V. Siebold who
maintained a nursery and botanic garden in Leyden, Holland, during the first half of the
nineteenth century. Of the pears imported by him, Mikado was one. This was procured
from Von Siebold’s nursery in 1873 by Messrs. Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine. Fruit rather
large, globular-ovoid; skin rough to the toucli, yellowish-olive, dotted with gray specks;
flesh white, fine, breaking, rather juicy, perfumed, with a pronounced quince flavor,
subacid; poor, uneatable raw; end of Sept.
Milan d’Hiver. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:424, fig. 1869.
A very old pear described in 1675 by Merlet, the French pomologist. Fruit large,
globular-turbinate, usually mammillate at the summit and very regular; skin thick and
rough to the touch, gray-russet, sprinkled around the stalk with large whitish-gray dots;
flesh yellowish, fine, semi-melting, granular at the core; juice rarely plentiful, only slightly
saccharine, acidulous, feebly aromatic; third; Nov. to Jan.
Milan de Rouen. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:425, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 617. 1884.
Gained by M. Boisbunel, Rouen, Fr.; distributed in 1859. Fruit medium, globular,
a little conic toward the summit, slightly bossed and one side less swelled than the other;
skin thick, dull yellow, dotted and streaked with fawn, much stained with gray around the
stem; flesh yellowish, semi-fine, and semi-melting, juicy, rather granular at the core, sugary;
juice aromatic, often spoiled by an unpleasant acerbity; second; end of Aug.
Miller. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:426, fig. 1869.
Raised from seed by André Leroy; first reported in 1864. Fruit medium and some-
times larger; in form it passes from rounded conic to globular, slightly flattened especially
at the base; skin rough to touch, bronzed all over, dotted with russet, and dotted and
mottled with greenish-yellow; flesh white, fine, melting, a little granular at the core, juicy,
sugary, sourish, with a delicious aroma; first; Oct.
Millot de Nancy. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:427, fig. 1867.
Produced in the nurseries of Van Mons at Louvain; first reported in 1843. Fruit
medium, ovate, very obtuse, more or less regular and bossed, often rather globular, yellow-
ochre dotted with gray-russet, mottled with olive-brown, sometimes washed with clear
fawn on the cheek exposed to the sun; flesh whitish, semi-fine, melting or semi-melting,
gritty at the center; juice rarely abundant, but very saccharine, aromatic and full of flavor,
sometimes a little too acid; second; Oct.
Milner. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P.I. Bul. 126:181. 1908.
Cataloged by Silas Wharton in 1824 under the name of Milner’s Favorite. Fruit
small, pyriform; good.
Mima Wilder. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 152. 1874. 2. Ibid. 120. 1875.
A seedling of Colonel Wilder, in a collection of new pears shown by him in 1874. In
November of the following year it was found to have retained its previous good quality.
Ministre Bara. 1. Ga. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 49. 1892. 2. Guide Prat. 96. 1895.
A gain of Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel. It was exhibited by P. J. Berckmans of Augusta,
Georgia, before the Georgia State Horticultural Society in 1892 and 1893.
Ministre Pirmez. 1. Guide Prat. 111. 1876.
Published by Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit medium to large; flesh melting; first;
Jan. and Feb.
Ministre Viger. 1. Rev. Hort. 113. got.
Raised by Messrs. Baltet of Troyes, Fr., from seed of the Pierre Tourasse. It was much
noticed at the International Exhibition at Paris in 1900. Fruit large, turbinate, bossed,
tender yellow clouded with ochre, washed with rosy gray and salmon on the side next the
sun, with speckles of fawn; flesh fine, melting, very juicy, saccharine, with perfume notice-
able on the skin, and flavor recalling that of the Duchesse d’Angouléme; mid-Dec. to mid-
Minot Jean Marie. 1. Guide Prat. 100. 1876.
A seedling of Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit large, pyriform, shortened, covered with
russet on a yellow foundation; flesh yellowish, breaking, very juicy, sugary; first; Dec. to
Missile d’Hiver. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 169. 1841.
A foreign variety recommended by M. Dalbret and M. Jamin, well known pomologists.
Fruit large, buttety, valuable according to M. Jamin; Nov. and Dec.
Mission. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 73. 1895.
Originated at the old mission near Capistrano, California. Fruit medium, acutely
pyriform, long, yellow, nearly covered with russet; flesh very fine and buttery; very mild
or sweet; ripe in Sept. in southern California.
Mr. Hill’s Pear. 1. Langley Pomona 132, Pl. LXIII, figs. 2, 4. 1729.
Mentioned by Batty Langley, Twickenham, Eng., as bearing two crops in the year.
Fruit rather small, obtuse-pyriform, usually distorted at the upper end, grows in clusters;
in 1727 the first crop matured on Aug. 24, and the second crop on Oct. 1.
Mitchell Russet. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 525. 1857. 2. Ibid. 817. 18609.
Originated at Belleville, Ill. Fruit medium or small, obovate inclining to conic; skin
rough, dark russet, thickly covered with gray dots; flesh juicy, melting, rich and highly
perfumed, astringent: scarcely good; Oct.
Mitschurin. 1. Can. Hort. 17:292. 18094.
Probably Russian. Fruit very large; a good kitchen fruit; mid-season.
Moccas. 1. Gard. Chron. 717. 1841. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 617. 1884.
Raised from seed by Thomas Andrew Knight, Downton Castle, Eng. Fruit medium,
oval, uneven, and bossed in outline, lemon-colored, marked with patches and veins of thin
pale brown-russet and strewed with russet dots; flesh yellowish, fine, melting, tender, full
of rich vinous juice, musky in flavor; a delicious dessert pear.
Mollet Guernsey Beurré. 1. Gard. Chron. 36, 85. 1842.
Raised from seed by Charles Mollet of Guernsey, Channel Islands, who died in 1819.
Fruit medium, obovate or somewhat pyramidal, with a remarkable fleshy extension of about
4 inch at the insertion of the stalk, surface of the pear uneven, yellow, but much obscured
with ferruginous russet, sometimes equally scattered, but often disposed in broad, longi-
tudinal stripes; flesh yellowish, very melting, buttery, with a rich Chaumontel flavor though
distinct; Dec.
Monarch. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 312. 1866. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 188. 1920.
Knight Monarch. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 796. 1869.
Raised by Thomas Andrew Knight, Downton Castle, Eng., in 1830. Bunyard says:
“Tree easily recognized in winter by its very large oval buds, which stand out like those
of a red currant.” Fruit medium, globular, yellowish-green, much covered with brown-
russet and strewed with gray-russet specks; flesh yellowish, buttery, melting and very juicy,
with a rich, vinous, sugary, and agreeably-perfumed flavor; first, one of the most valuable;
Dec. and Jan.
Monchallard. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:429, fig. 1869. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr.
189. 1920.
Found about 1810 by M. Monchallard at Valeuil, Dordogne, Fr. Fruit above medium
to large, long-obovate, very obtuse; skin delicate, yellow, clear and dull, speckled uniformly
with greenish dots and often washed with dark red on the cheek next the sun; flesh very
white, fine or semi-fine, extremely melting, juicy, saccharine, acidulous, slightly aromatic
and of delicious flavor; first; end of Aug. and Sept.
Mongolian. 1. ll. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 215. 1896. 2. Cornell Sia. Bul. 3322482. 1913.
Considered by Budd of Iowa to be the best of the oriental varieties yet tested in this
country. Obtained from seed at Ames, Iowa. Fruit medium to large, globular-oval,
narrowing at both ends, with its greatest diameter near the middle, similar to Kieffer in
shape, inclined to ridging near the apex, greenish, with blushed cheeks and russet dots;
flesh tender, melting, juicy; good when ripened indoors.
Monseigneur Affre. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:430, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 618.
Raised by Van Mons though the tree did not produce fruit until 1845, three years after
his death. Fruit medium, form variable, globular-obtuse-truncate, pyriform, greenish-
yellow; flesh white, reddish under the skin, very melting, juicy, sugary, acidulous, aromatic,
with a fine flavor; first; Nov.
Monseigneur des Hons. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 23431, fig. 1869.
M. Gibey-Lorne, Troyes, Fr., raised this pear from seed in 1856. Fruit below medium
and often small, usually turbinate, rather long and obtuse, but sometimes cylindrical and
bossed, olive-green dotted with russet on the shaded side, golden on the exposed face,
sometimes blushed with carmine; flesh yellowish-white, fine, melting; juice abundant,
saccharine, acidulous, aromatic; second; end of Aug.
Monseigneur Sibour. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:432, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
817. 1869.
Originated at Jodoigne, Bel., from a bed made by Xavier Grégoire; it dates from 1855.
Fruit above medium but often less, ovate, swelled in its lower half, yellowish-green, dotted,
marbled and streaked with gray-russet and more or less washed with brown-fawn on the
side of the sun; flesh whitish, rather coarse, semi-melting, juicy, containing numerous
grits around the core; juice saccharine, vinous and aromatic; second; end of Oct.
Moon. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P.I. Bul. 126:183. 1908.
Cultivated by Silas Wharton in 1824. Its synonyms, Moon’s Pound, and Pound,
Moon's, are significant of its size. Fruit described by Ragan as medium sized, yellow;
flesh melting, juicy; good; late.
Moorcroft. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 619. 1884.
Often called in England the Malvern pear, being much grown about that place; esteemed
for perry. Fruit small, globular, even and regular in outline, greenish-yellow on the shaded
side, and with a brownish tinge on the side next the sun, strewed all over with large ashy
gray freckles of russet; flesh breaking.
Moorfowl Egg. 1. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 361. 1831.
Muirfowl Egg. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 619. 1884.
An old Scotch dessert pear partaking somewhat of the character of Swan Egg. Fruit
below medium, globular, dull green changing to yellow-green, mottled with red next the
sun, and thickly strewed with pale brown-russety dots; flesh yellowish, semi-buttery,
tender, sweet and with a slight perfume; Oct.
Morel. 1. Mag. Hort. 21:151. 1855. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:434, fig. 1869.
Propagated by Alexandre Bivort, successor of Van Mons, and can be traced earlier
than 1843. Fruit below medium or small, ovate, sensibly hexagonal, flattened at either
extremity, and one side usually more enlarged than the other, yellowish-green, dotted and
marbled with russet; flesh yellowish, fine, breaking, rather granular at the center; juice
abundant, wanting in sweetness, insipid and of a very unpleasant astringency; second,
but good only for cooking; Apr.
Morgan. 1. Horticulturist 14:250, fig. 1859. 2. Mag. Hort. 25:541. 1859.
Originated on the farm of a Mr. Morgan in New Hanover County, North Carolina.
Fruit large, oblate varying to obtuse-pyriform, greenish-yellow, speckled with gray-russet
intermingled with some tracery of the same; flesh white, a little gritty, juicy, sweet, slightly
vinous; very good, nearly best; Oct.
Morley. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 593. 1629.
Mentioned in Parkinson’s list of orchard pears as a ‘“‘ very good peare, like in forme
and colour unto the Windsor but somewhat grayer.”’
Morosovskaja. 1. Ia. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 61. 1880.
Mentioned in a paper read by Mr. J. L. Budd before the Horticultural Society of Iowa
in 1880. It is a Russian variety, having gritty, thorn-like wood.
Moskovka. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P.I. Bul. 126:184. 1908.
A Russian variety said to be largely grown for cooking. Fruit small, pyriform, juicy
early season.
Mostbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:173. 1856.
Nassau, Ger., 1802. Fruit medium, pyriform, sides rather unequal, whitish-yellow skin
changing to lemon-yellow, without any blush, dotted indistinctly, russeted; flesh yellow,
breaking, coarse-grained, juicy, aromatic, sweet; third for dessert, but first for cooking and
perry; Sept. and Oct.
Moyamensing. 1. Mag. Hort. 13:274. 1847. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 818. 1869.
Supposed to be a native. The original tree stood in 1847 in the:garden of J. B. Smith
of Philadelphia. Fruit medium, variable in form, some globular, others obovate, uniform
light yellow, with patches and dots of russet; flesh whitish, buttery, melting, coarse, sweet;
with a rich, spicy and delicious flavor; good to best; Aug. and Sept.
Mrs. Seden. 1. Garden 76:36, figs. 1912.
A cross between Seckel and Bergamotte Espéren; exhibited by James Veitch and
Sons, Chelsea, Eng., before the Royal Horticultural Society in January, 1912, and received
an award of merit. Fruit small, round, yellow, toning to a bright crimson on the sunny
side; flesh is free from the grittiness which sometimes characterizes the fruits of
Bergamotte Espéren; the flavor is remarkably fine; Jan.
Muddy Brook. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 45. 1866.
A seedling from S. A. Shurtleff of Brookline, Mass., which fruited in 1862. Fruit
diameter 2} inches, short pyriform; skin dark green; flesh white, melting and juicy, with
good flavor; great bearer and good market pear; Sept.
Muir Everbearing. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 135. 1920.
Originated with Hal Muir, Bloomfield, Ky., about 1870. Reported as “‘ delicious;
August to November.”
Mungo Park. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:160. 1856. 2. Guide Prat. 100. 1876.
A seedling of Van Mons named after the celebrated Scotch voyager. Fruit small,
turbinate-pyriform or globular-ovate, very pale green sprinkled with fawn dots, very small,
numerous, and feebly visible, the basic green passing at maturity to pale whitish-yellow
and becoming a little golden on the side of the sun; flesh white, very fine, melting, free from
grit, full of sugary juice, sprightly and agreeably perfumed; first; Oct.
Munz Apothekerbirne. 1. Gard. Chron. 3rd Ser. 302370. 1891.
Presumably German. A medium-sized pear, obovate, oblong, with a stalk rather more
than an inch long, continuous with the fruit, yellowish; flesh white; of good flavor; Aug.
Muscadine. 1. Mag. Hort. 1:364. 1835. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 818. 18609.
The original tree is supposed to have grown on the farm of a Dr. Fowler near New-
burgh, N. Y., and the pear was introduced to notice by Downing. Fruit medium, globular-
obovate, regular in form, pale yellowish-green, thickly sprinkled with brown dots; flesh
white, buttery, semi-melting, with an agreeable rich, musky flavor; good to very good, a
valuable late summer variety; end of Aug. and beginning of Sept.
Muscat Allemand d’Automne. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:437, fig. 1869. 2. Mathieu Nom.
Pom. 256. 1889.
Found in the Horticultural Society’s Garden at Angers, Fr., in 1833. Its origin is
uncertain but the name indicates that it came from Germany. Fruit medium and sometimes
below, rathc: variable in form, from long-pyriform, slightly obtuse and regular in contour,
to irregular-ovate and strongly bossed, somber yellow, dotted with clear gray, extensively
washed with russet, and vermilioned on the side exposed to the sun; flesh white, semi-fine,
melting, rather granular, watery; juice abundant and saccharine, vinous, musky and
almost always marred by too great an acidity; second; Oct.
Muscat Fleuri @Eté. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:121. 1768. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
23441, fig. 1869.
Known at Orléans at the end of the sixteenth century under the name Muscat a
longue queue. Fruit small, globular-turbinate or turbinate slightly ovate, olive-yellow
finely dotted with fawn and washed with red-brown on the cheek next the sun; flesh yellow-
ish, coarse, semi-breaking, juicy, saccharine, acidulous, musky; second; end of July.
Muscat Robert. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:120, Pl. II. 1768. 2. Downing Fr. Trees
Am. 818. 1860.
This pear was mentioned by Le Lectier in 1628 and by la Quintinye in 1690 under
the name of Pucelle de Saintonge. Its name of Muscat Robert dates from about 1672 and
Merlet wrote of it in 1675 as the Amber Pear or Muscat Robert. It has also been widely
known as the Amber Pear. Fruit small, globular, very round in all its lower part but
slightly conic at its other extremity where it is a little wrinkled, yellowish-green, finely
and uniformly dotted with olive-brown and sometimes rather carmined on the cheek
exposed to the sun; flesh whitish, semi-fine, breaking or semi-breaking, inclined to rot
before ripe, granular, very juicy, sugary, very musky; second; mid-July.
Muscat Royal. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:120. 1768. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 22444,
fig. 1869.
An old French pear growing in kitchen garden at Versailles planted about 1670 by La
Quintinye for Louis XIV. It was then called Muscat fleurit d’Autumne or Muscat a longue
queue, on account of its long stem. Fruit small, globular in its lower half but somewhat
conic-obtuse in its upper half; skin fine, grayish-yellow, dotted with clear brown and partly
covered with russet which often passes into brownish-red of a somber hue on the side next
the sun; flesh white, semi-fine, melting or semi-melting, watery, rather granular round the
seeds; juice abundant, very saccharine, more or less acid and having a pleasant flavor;
second; Sept.
Muscat Royal de Mayer. 1. Mas Le Verger 2:225, fig. 111. 1866-73.
This is the Muscat Royal described by the German Mayer in his Pomona Franconia,
1779, and by Diel in 1804, and must not be confused with the Muscat Royal of Duhamel.
Fruit small or nearly medium on a pruned tree, globular-turbinate, largest circumference
around the middle, very obtuse; skin thick, green, covered with a sort of white bloom which
dulls it, sprinkled with numerous round, whitish-gray dots, especially. apparent on the side
next the sun where they are nearly white; at maturity the green brightens somewhat; by
the time it becomes yellow the fruit is already over ripe; flesh greenish, coarse, gritty at the
core, semi-buttery, fairly full of sugary juice, with an agreeable musky flavor; third, should
be eaten promptly on ripening; end of July.
Muscat Roye. 1. Prince Pom. Man. 1:134. 1831.
Fruit small, oblong; skin rough to the touch, yellowish-green on the shaded side, and
of a “ pleasant red” next the sun; flesh breaking and perfumed; end of Aug.
Muscatelle. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:448, fig. 1869.
One of the last gains of Major Espéren, Mechlin, Bel., who died in 1847. Fruit small,
nearly globular or globtilar-conic, at first water-green dotted with numerous round points
brown in color, changing to lemon-yellow; flesh yellowish, transparent, semi- or nearly
melting, full of sugary juice strongly scented with musk; first; Feb. and Mar.
Musette d’Anjou. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 22446, fig. 1869.
Claude Saint-Etienne wrote of this pear briefly in 1687, being the first writer tc mention
it. Probably it originated in the old province of Anjou. Its name and form recall the
rural bag-pipes which the Breton country folk play, and dance to. Fruit below medium,
very elongated, flattened at its extremities, constricted at the middle, the upper part
being often bent so as to make it resemble the musical instrument after which it is
named, lemon-yellow or yellow-ochre, dotted uniformly with gray and brown points; flesh
white, coarse and breaking, watery and gritty; juice sufficient, rarely very saccharine,
more or less astringent, slightly perfumed, and with a disagreeable after-taste; third; Sept.
Musette de Nancy. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 621. 1884.
Fruit large, pyramidal and handsome, with an uneven and undulating outline, shaped
like Beurré de Rance, lemon-yellow covered with a fine, warm, orange-brown or bright
cinnamon-colored russet; flesh yellowish-white, rather crisp like the texture of Passe Col-
mar; juice abundant, rich, saccharine and very finely perfumed; first; end of Oct. and
beginning of Nov.
Muskateller-Bergamotte. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:21. 1856.
Origin uncertain, probably German. Fruit small, globular, light grass-green changing
to yellowish-green, uniform in color, washed with brown on the side exposed to the sun,
strongly dotted with brown; flesh melting, extremely musky; first for the table; Oct.
Muskingum. 1. Cole Am. Fr. Book 153. 1849. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 819. 1860.
Origin uncertain, but probably either Ohio or Connecticut is its native habitat. Fruit
medium, globular to obovate, greenish-yellow, with dark specks and much russet; flesh
breaking, yellow-white, with many dark specks and much russet, juicy, sprightly, vinous,
pleasantly perfumed, aromatic flavor; good; middle and last of Aug.
Muskirte Wintereirbirne. 1. Christ Handb. 508. 1817. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde
2:57. 1856.
A Dutch variety, published in 1801. Fruit small, ovate, medium ventriculous;
skin fine and smooth, light straw-yellow changing to a waxy lemon-yellow and often washed
with a golden blush; flesh semi-breaking, sweet, having a musky aroma; second for dessert,
first for household; Dec. to Feb.
Musquée d’Espéren. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:448, fig. 1869.
A seedling of Major Espéren; probably first reported in 1845. Fruit medium, variable
in form, passing from ovate rounded at each end to ovate nearly cylindrical and more or
less bossed; greenish-yellow, dotted and streaked with russet; flesh whitish, fine, breaking,
perfumed; juice very abundant, saccharine, acidulous and very musky in flavor and agree-
able; first; beginning of Feb. and through Mar.
Mussette. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:169. 1856.
A Normandy perry pear. Fruit medium, rather long-pyriform; skin a dirty greenish-
yellow changing to brown-green; flesh gritty, juicy, sweet, sharp and vinous; good for
household use, first class for perry; end of Oct.
Miitzchensbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:162. 1856.
German, 1807. Fruit small, in clusters, short-turbinate, upper end flat, greenish-
yellow, covered with cinnamon and dotted; flesh whitish-yellow, tender, sweet, vinous;
third for dessert, first for culinary use; Oct. :
Naegelgesbirn. 1. Guide Prat. 80. 1876.
A Rhenish-Prussian perry pear which is exceedingly prolific but produces a perry of
inferior quality.
Nain Vert. 1. Gard. Chron. 914. 1860. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:450, fig. 1869. 3.
Jour. Hort. N. S. 321256. 1896.
This strange variety was obtained from seed by M. de Nerbonne, in the commune of
Huillé (Maine-et-Loire), Fr., and first fruited in 1839. The tree forms a bush between
3 and 4 feet high; it is remarkable for its dwarf habit, and its erect, thick, fleshy branches,
Fruit medium and sometimes larger, globular, irregular, but variable in form; skin thin,
slightly rough, yellowish-green, uniformly covered with large gray-russet dots; flesh white,
semi-fine and semi-melting, rather dry; juice deficient, sugary, sweet, almost without per-
fume; third; Oct.
Napa. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 68. 1895.
Originated in California and was introduced by Leonard Coates in 1886. Fruit very
large, mid-season.
Naples. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:451, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 621. 1884.
This old variety known in France for many centuries and described by Claude Saint-
Etienne in 1670 was also known as the Feuille de chéne or Oak leaf. Its name indicates
that it came from Italy. Henri Manger said in 1780 that it appeared to him to be identical
with the pear Picentia described by Pliny. Fruit medium and often less, turbinate-obtuse
much swelled at central circumference, and more or less bossed at both extremities, olive-
yellow or bright green at first, changing to a beautiful lemon-yellow, finely dotted with
fawn, brownish-red next the sun, changing to bright red as the ground color changes;
flesh whitish, semi-fine, semi-breaking, almost free from grit; juice plentiful, sweet and
sugary, possessing usually a slight after-taste of anis; second; Jan. to Mar.
Napoleon. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 819. 1869. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 189.
Napoleon I. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 23453, fig. 1869.
Napoleon Butierbirne. 4. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 257. 1880.
Napoleon was raised in 1808 by M. Liard, a gardener at Mons, Bel. Fruit large,
obtuse-pyriform, swelled toward the base; skin thin, smooth, bright green changing to
greenish-yellow, covered with numerous brown dots, seldom blushed; flesh white and fine,
tender, melting, rather granular, very juicy, with a very saccharine, refreshing and aromatic
flavor; first, a valuable dessert pear; mid-Oct. or nearly Nov. to Dec.
Napoléon Savinien. 1. Aun. Pom. Belge 4:71, fig. 1856. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
819. 1869.
Obtained in the garden of the Society Van Mons at Geest-Saint-Rémy, Bel., in 1854.
Fruit medium, turbinate-ventriculous or pyriform-ventriculous, acute at the top which
passes into the stalk; greenish-yellow, dotted with gray-russet; flesh white, semi-fine,
melting, juicy and perfumed, saccharine; juice musky, delicate; Oct. to Mar.; the long period
of its ripening is its very valuable quality.
Napoleon III. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:457, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 622. 1884.
The seedling which bore this beautiful fruit came from the seed beds of André Leroy.
It was first reported in 1864. Fruit large, obovate, obtuse, uneven, deep yellow, dotted and
streaked with russet, and marked with numerous brownish stains; flesh white, fine, juicy and
vinous, saccharine, tastes sourish; an excellent pear, first; Sept.
Naquette. 1. Mas Le Verger 2:1009, fig. 53. 1866-73.
Under the name Naquette this pear was described by Claude Saint-Etienne in 1670.
After that time it appears to have been classed in the Caillot family with the name Caillot.
Later still it received among other names that of Bergamot Early (Lindley) and Bergamote
Précoce (Calvel): Fruit medium or smaller, spherical, flattened at both poles; skin thin,
smooth, grass-green dotted with fawn, when ripe clouded with yellow on the shaded side
and washed or streaked with red on the cheek next the sun; flesh white, rather transparent,
fine, melting, full of sugary juice, acidulous, pleasantly perfumed, very delicate; first;
Nassau Ehre. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:47. 1856.
Belgian, 1823. Fruit medium, pyriform, blushed, somewhat streaked with vermilion,
slightly russeted; flesh semi-breaking, fine, cinnamon-flavored, sweet; second for dessert,
first for household use; end of Aug.
Naudin. 1. Guide Prat. 101. 1876.
Published in the Revue Horticole, Fr., in 1869. Fruit medium, long-pyriform, grass-
green stained with gray; flesh extremely melting, very juicy, pleasantly relieved with a
fresh savor; first; Aug. to Oct.
Naumkeag. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 149. 1841.
' Originated at Salem, Mass., by George Johonnot; derives its name from the old Indian
name of Salem. Fruit medium, globular, yellow-russet; flesh juicy, melting but rather
astringent in flavor; good; Oct.
Navez Peintre. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 622. 1884.
Received by Hogg, the English pomologist, from M. Papeleu, Wetteren, Bel., in 1857.
Fruit medium, ovate, even and regular in form, yellowish-green on the shaded side and
marked with bands of brown-russet, but with a blush of brownish-red next the sun; flesh
yellowish, melting, very juicy, piquant and sugary, with a fine aroma; a very fine pear;
end of Sept.
Neapolitan. 1. Brookshaw Hort. Reposit. 2:Pl. 72. 1823.
Described by Brookshaw in 1823 as a valuable acquisition to English collections.
Fruit thin-skinned, green changing to yellow when quite ripe, rich in flavor, and so juicy
that it cannot be pared without a considerable quantity of the juice running from it;
Nec Plus Meuris. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 622. 1884. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 189.
This is not the Nec Plus Meuris of France which is our Beurré d’Anjou. The origin
is uncertain. Fruit small, round-oval, uneven, greenish-yellow, nearly covered with rough
brown-russet; stem very short, stout, continuous with the fruit; calyx large, open, in a
small basin; flesh pale, yellow, melting, deliciously perfumed; Feb. and Mar.
Nectarine. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 622. 1884.
Fruit medium, globular-obovate, yellow covered with large dots and patches of pale
brown-russet; flesh yellowish, buttery, rich, with a fine, brisk, acidulous flavor and agreeable
aroma; first-rate, with a good deal of the character of the Passe Colmar; Oct.
Negley. 1. Mag. Hort. 26:267, 397. 1860. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 820. 1869.
Introduced in 1860 by J. S. Negley, Pittsburg, Pa. Fruit above medium, obtusely
obovate, nearly regular, sometimes a perfect pyriform, rich lemon shaded with bright
crimson in the sun, sprinkled with minute brown-russet dots; flesh white, a little coarse,
moderately melting, juicy, richly saccharine, vinous, slightly aromatic; good to very
good; Sept.
New Bridge. 1. Prince Pom. Man. 2:204. 1832.
Described in the London Horticultural Society’s catalog in 1832 as having been pro-
duced in the Horticultural Garden at Chiswick. Fruit below medium, turbinate, dull
gray covered with thin gray-russet, and light, lively, shining brown on the sunny side;
flesh melting, a little gritty, with a sugary juice, but without flavor; Oct.
New Haven. 1. Mag. Hort. 3:327. 1837.
A seedling raised in the garden of Dr. Ives, New Haven, Conn. It was said to partake
of the habit of White Doyenné, to be a good cropper, and of excellent quality.
New Meadow. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 623. 1884.
A perry pear, grown in Herefordshire, England. Fruit very small, turbinate, covered
with brownish-gray russet, and a brownish cheek next the sun.
Newhall. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 37. 1867. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 820. 1869.
A seedling of F. and L. Clapp, exhibited before the Massachusetts Horticultural
Society in 1867. Fruit large, obtuse-pyriform, inclining to oval, surface rather uneven,
yellow at maturity, with some traces of russet, occasionally blushed on the side next the
sun; flesh melting, buttery, tender, very juicy, sweet, with a musky aroma; very good;
Newtown. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 820. 1869.
Originated at Newtown, Long Island. Fruit medium, globular-obovate, lemon-yellow,
netted and patched with russet; flesh whitish, rather coarse, semi-melting, sweet, and
pleasant; good; Sept.
Nicholas. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 10. 1869.
A seedling shown by Messrs. F. and L. Clapp in November, 1869. Fruit medium,
obovate; skin thin, yellow; very juicy and highly flavored.
Nickerson. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 820. 1869.
Originated from seed planted at Readfield, Me. Fruit large, oblong-pyriform, green-
ish-yellow, with a dull red cheek on the side next the sun; flesh white, juicy, melting, vinous,
sweet; good; Oct.
Nicolas Eischen. 1. Guide Prat. 101. 1876.
Reported in 1876 by Messrs. Simon-Louis as on trial in their nurseries at Metz, Lor-
raine. It was said to be a beautiful fruit, speckled and very musky like the Bartlett, but
more perfumed; Dec. to Feb.
Niell d’Hiver. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126:189. 1908.
Shown at a meeting of the Cincinnati Horticultural Society in 1855. A late variety,
acid in flavor.
Nikitaer Griine Herbst-Apothekerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Puhr. Obstkunde 2:182. 1856.
Bon-Chrétien de Nikita. 2. Guide Prat. 282. 1895.
German, published 1852. Fruit medium, conic, light green changing to light green-
yellow, without any blush, numerous fine dots, russeted on the sun-exposed side; flesh
yellowish-white, sweet, vinous; first for household purposes; Oct., eight weeks.
Niles. 1. Mag. Hort. 20:76. 1854. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 821. 1869.
This variety was imported from France about 1850 by the Hon. J. M. Niles, Hartford,
Conn., without a name. It was consequently designated ‘‘ Niles.’” Some pomologists
have considered it to be the Easter Beurré, but it appears to be more oblong in form, more
yellow in color, to have a longer stem and to be earlier in time of maturity. Fruit large,
obtuse-pyriform, yellow thickly covered with russet dots; flesh juicy, buttery, sweet and
pleasant; Dec.
Niochi de Parma. 1. Guide Prat. 101. 1876.
A summer variety highly esteemed in Piedmont, Italy. It is suitable for cultivation
on a large scale and is hardy, having resisted the phenomenal European frost of 1879-1880.
Noir Grain. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 180. 1832.
A variety very highly esteemed in Flanders in the early part of the last century.
Fruit is of medium size and matures in Sept., the flesh being buttery as is indicated by its
synonym Beurré noire graine.
Noire d’Alagier. 1. Guide Prat. 96. 1895.
A Caucasian variety sent out by M. Niemetz, Winnitsa, Podolia, Russia. On trial
with Messrs. Simon-Louis of Metz, Lorraine, in 1895. The fruit is said to resemble Winter
Nelis, gray, bronze-russeted, rough; flesh fine, juicy.
Nonpareil. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 821. 1869.
A seedling raised by Judge Livingston, of New York. Fruit globular-oblate, russety-
yellow, mostly overspread and shaded with red in sun, and bright fawn-russet in shade;
flesh yellowish-white, melting, juicy, sweet, perfumed; Nov.
Nordhduser Winter-Forellenbirne. 1. Deutschland Obst. 2:Pt. 6, Pl. 10906.
A North German variety of the Forelle or Trout Pear. It is known as the Winter
Forelle or Northern Forelle. Fruit medium, conic-obtuse; skin smooth and shining, green-
ish-yellow, speckled and washed with red on the side next the sun, dotted all over on the
shaded face with fine brownish-red; flesh white, melting, sweet, aromatic and agreeable;
Jan. to Mar.
Norfolk County. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 44. 1866.
A seedling raised by S. A. Shurtleff of Brookline, Mass., and submitted by him to the
Fruit Committee of the Horticultural Society of that state in 1866. Fruit, long diameter
3% inches, short diameter 34 inches, long turbinate, green with dots, good grain, juicy, with
pleasant flavor, ripens well, a handsome fruit and large bearer; Oct. 11.
Normdnnische Ciderbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 168, fig. 1913.
This pear was found growing wild in Normandy, Fr., and in Upper Austria, and is
excellent for making perry and for distillation. Fruit very small, turbinate, greenish-
yellow covered with cinnamon-russet and ashy-gray dots; flesh yellowish-white, rather
dry, sweet but with some sprightliness; Sept.
Notaire Lepin. 1. Rev. Hort. 449. 1880.
Notaire Lepin was obtained by M. Rollet, a horticulturist at Villefranche, Rhdéne,
Fr., about 1860 and was placed on the market in 1879. Fruit large or very large, variable
in size, obtuse-pyramidal but variable, skin fine, somewhat rough to the touch, yellow,
dotted with russet, marbled with fawn, flesh white, granular around the core, fine, melting,
very juicy, saccharine, slightly but agreeably perfumed; its quality very variable, rather
good, and rarely very good; Jan. to Apr.
Notaire Minot. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:465, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 821.
A posthumous gain of Van Mons of only very moderate merit. It fruited in nurseries
at Geest-Saint-Rémy, Jodoigne, Bel., in 1844. Fruit medium, rather variable in form,
but usually irregular ovate-globular or very obtuse-turbinate and ventriculous; skin thick
and rather rough, grass-green, dotted all over with fawn and blushed with dark red on the
side of the sun; flesh yellowish, semi-fine and semi-melting, very gritty around the core;
juice insufficient, saccharine, aromatic, having a disagreeable astringency; third; Oct.
Nouveau Doyenné d’Hiver. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:9, fig. 5. 1872.
Stated by Diel to have been a gain of Van Mons. Fruit medium, spherical or spherical-
conic, slightly depressed at the two poles, even in its outline; skin thick and firm, of a
very clear green, sprinkled with small brown dots regularly placed in a characteristic manner;
at maturity the basic green passes to pale yellow and the side next the sun becomes a little
golden; flesh white, rather fine, compact, breaking or semi-breaking; juice deficient, saccha-
rine but wanting in perfume; not very desirable; end of winter.
Nouveau Poiteau. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:466, fig. 1869. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy
Fr. 190. 1920.
According to Leroy this was a seedling of Van Mons raised in his nursery at Louvain
from a bed made in 1827. Fruit large and sometimes enormous, oblong or irregular-ovate,
always much bossed, swelled around the middle and often more so on one side than on the
other, grass-green, covered with numerous fawn dots, and with some squamose patches of
brown-russet on the side of the sun; flesh white, greenish near the core, very fine, melting,
juicy, saccharine, acidulous, savory; first; Oct.
Nouvelle Aglaé. 1. Guide Prat. 101. 1876.
Obtained by M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Brabant. Fruit medium, long-obtuse-oval, dark
yellow touched with fawn; flesh fine, juicy; first; end of autumn.
Nouvelle Fulvie. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 4:59, fig. 1857. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr.
190. 1920.
Belle de Jarnac. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:203, fig. 1867.
A gain of M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel. First reported in 1854. Fruit large or very
large, pyramidal-pyriform, strongly bossed, lemon-yellow when ripe, colored with vivid
red on the side exposed to the sun, marked and dotted with russet; flesh yellowish-white,
very fine, melting, buttery; juice very abundant, sugary, having an exquisite perfume;
good; Nov. to Feb.
Nussbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:162. 1856.
Schwarben, Thuringer Wald, Ger., 1800. Fruit small, globular-turbinate, green,
thick skin; flesh firm, breaking, vinous and acidulous; first for household; end of Aug.
Nypse. 1. Guide Prat. 101. 1876.
A winter pear received by Messrs. Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, from Italy, and on
trial in that firm’s orchards in 1876.
Oakley Park Bergamotte. 1. Mag. Hort. 13:152. 1847.
Raised from seed by T. A. Knight, Downton Castle, Eng. former President of the
London Horticultural Society. Fruit medium, globular-obovate, greenish-yellow, with
russet; flesh buttery, melting; good; Oct.
Ochsenherz. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:185. 1856.
Caeur-de-Boeuf. 2. Guide Prat. 90, 258. 1876.
South Germany, 1801. Fruit large, pyriform, crooked, light green turning to lemon-
yellow, almost entirely blushed with dull light red, dotted with green; flesh pulpy and
tender, not juicy, very sweet and musky; third for table, first for household and market;
end of Oct.
Ockletree. 1. Hist. Mass. Hort. Soc. 37. 1880.
This was a seedling brought from Pittsburg, Pa., in 1804 and planted near Vincennes,
Ind. In 1837 it produced 140 bushels of pears, the largest crop recorded from it. In 1855
it measured ten and one-half feet in circumference at the smallest place below the limbs,
seventy-five feet across the top, and sixty-five feet in height. In 1867 it was split down by
a tornado, and seven or eight years later the trunk also died. It took its name from Mr.
Ockletree its owner. The fruit was of inferior quality.
Octave Lachambre. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:469, fig. 1869.
M. Octave Lachambre, Loudon, Vienne, Fr., found this variety in the orchard of the
ChAteau of Guériniére about 1825. M. Lachambre propagated it and offered it to Leroy
who placed it on the market in 1860. Fruit medium or less, globular-ovate, bossed, flat-
tened at the top, and always smaller on one side than on the other, dull yellow, finely
dotted and streaked with russet, slightly mottled with fawn on the cheek exposed to the sun
and around the calyx and stalk; flesh whitish, fine, melting or semi-melting, rather granular
around the core; juice extremely abundant, acidulous and saccharine, more or less aromatic
but always full of flavor; first; May.
Oesterreichische Muskatellerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:24. 1856.
Austria, 1851. Fruit medium, globular, medium ventriculous; skin thick, greenish-
yellow, somewhat blushed with brown and without russet; flesh firm, somewhat gritty, very
melting and juicy; first for dessert, household and market; Sept.
CEuf de Woltmann. 1. Mas Le Verger 2:221, fig. 109. 1866-73.
Of German origin. Fruit small to medium, exactly ovate, bright green, sprinkled with
numerous dots, some gray and some dark green; at maturity the basic green changes to
pale yellow the dots becoming less visible and on well-exposed fruits the side next the
sun is slightly blushed with earthy-red on which are some dots of whitish-gray; flesh very
white, semi-fine, semi-breaking, sugary, with a refreshing and agreeable perfume; good;
end of July.
Ogereau. 1. Mich. Sta. Bul. 177239. 1899.
Believed to be European. Fruit obovate-oblong-pyriform, yellow blushed with red,
some russet; flesh white, buttery, vinous, medium quality, for market; Oct. and Nov.
Ognon. 1. Guide Prat. 70. 1895.
Sent out by M. Gilbert, Antwerp, Bel. Fruit small to medium, globular, irregular,
green covered with russet; third class; Sept.
Ognonnet. 1. Baltet Cult. Fr. 375. 1908.
A cider pear used in France for the production of alcohol by distillation.
Oignon. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:473, fig. 1869. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 191.
This is a variety which Leroy found cultivated in the western Departments of France
which he thought might be the same as the pear called by Le Lectier in 1628 Oignon d’ Eté
de Bretagne. In England it is one of the most fertile pears grown. Fruit above medium,
spherical, much flattened at both ends and often smaller on one side than on the other;
skin thick and rough, gray-fawn, entirely covered with large grayish dots; flesh whitish,
coarse, breaking, rather granular around the core; juice moderate in amount, sweet,
saccharine, only slightly perfumed; second; end of Sept.
Oignonet de Provence. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:474, fig. 1869.
The origin of this pear is unknown, but it was propagated by M. Urbain Audibert,
a nurseryman near Tarascon in the South of France. In 1812 M. Audibert sent it to M.
Loiseleur-Deslongchamps who later published at Paris the Nouveau Duhamel. In this
work it was described and illustrated in 1815. Fruit small, globular or ovate, decidedly
rounded; skin fine and thin, grass-green, covered with small gray dots, generally speckled
with fawn and washed with clear reddish-russet on the side of the sun; flesh greenish-white,
fine or semi-fine, melting, gritty at the center; juice stfficient, saccharine, vinegary, with a
rather agreeable taste of anis; second; end of July.
Oken. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:21. 1856. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:475, fig. 1869.
Winter Oken. 3. Hogg Fruit Man. 668. 1884.
A seedling of Van Mons which fruited about 1826. Fruit medium, nearly globular
or globular-ovate; skin fine, tender, pale green sprinkled with gray, extensively stained
with fawn and slightly vermilioned on the side next the sun; flesh very white and fine,
melting, watery, rather granular around the core; juice abundant, saccharine and having
an exquisite aroma; first; mid-Oct. to end of Nov.
Oldfield. x. Prince Pom. Man. 2:210. 1832. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 624. 1884.
This is one of the most popular English perry pears, and took its name from the field
where it was raised near Ledbury in Herefordshire. Fruit small, globular, even and regu-
larly formed; skin uniform yellow, covered with minute dots, and with a patch of russet
around the stalk; flesh yellowish, firm, breaking and very astringent.
Olivenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Puhr. Obstkunde 2:188. 1856.
German Rhineland, 1806. Fruit medium or small, globular-turbinate, dark olive-
green turning to dull yellowish, dotted, and somewhat blushed with brownish-red; flesh white,
fine, cinnamon-flavored, gritty toward center; third for dessert, first for household; Nov.
Oliver Russet. 1. Mag. Hort. 10:212. 1844. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 579. 1857.
Oliver Russet originated about 1832 and was shown before the Massachusetts Horti-
cultural Society in the autumn of 1843 by G. W. Oliver, Lynn, Mass., in whose garden the
parent tree was found growing. Fruit medium or below, obovate, obtuse; skin fair cinna~-
mon-russet on a yellow ground, with a blush; flesh yellowish, coarse, melting, juicy without
much flavor; Oct.
One-third. 1. Iowa Hort. Soc. Rpt. 219. 18709.
Reported to be growing on the Iowa State College Farm and to have been called One-
third, from the fact that it is the third generation from seeds originally sown in Wisconsin.
Oneida. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 823. 1869.
Originated in western New York. Fruit medium or below, globular, pale yellow,
partially netted and patched with light russet; flesh white, coarse, juicy, semi-melting,
agreeable; good; Sept.
Onion. 1. Mawe-Abercrombie Univ. Gard. Bot. 1778.
La Grosse Oignonetie. 2. Brookshaw Pomona 2:P\. LIII. 1817.
The Onion, or La Grosse Oignonette, is a rare pear and is distinct from Oignonet de
Provence. Fruit medium, globular, brown-skinned; flesh sweet, well flavored but rather
dry, and when too ripe becomes pithy; Sept.
Orange. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 44. 1866.
A seedling fruited by S. A. Shurtleff of Brookline, Mass., in 1862. Fruit diameter
3% inches, globular; skin tough and bright yellow, with dots; flesh fine-grained, keeps well
and is a good cooking pear; end of Dec.
Orange-Bergamot. 1. Bradley Gard. 199. 1739. 2. Brookshaw Horticultural Reposi-
tory 1:63, Pl. 31. 1823. 3. Hogg Fruit Man. 625. 1884.
Of English origin. Tree hardy, free bearer, succeeding on either pear or quince
stock. Fruit small, globular-turbinate; skin smooth, pale green changing to yellow or yellow-
green at maturity, blushed with dull red on the side next the sun, strewed with whitish-gray
dots; flesh white, semi-melting, juicy, with a sweet, orange flavor; dessert pear; early Sept.
Orange d’Hiver. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:144, Pl. XIX, fig. 4. 1768. 2. Downing
Fr. Trees Am. 824. 1869.
Winter Pomeranzenbirne. 3. Christ Handb. 507. 1817.
Winter Orange. 4. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 390. 1831.
This is a very old pear, probably of French origin. Tree rather vigorous, said to be
a late but heavy bearer. Fruit medium, round, somewhat flattened at base and apex,
bright yellow, covered all over with numerous brown dots and lined with russet; stem
medium long, stout, inserted in a small, oblique cavity; calyx small, open, set in a small,
round, very shallow depression; flesh white, rather gritty, firm, crisp, very juicy, with a
pleasant, slightly musky, aromatic flavor; a good cooking pear and a fair dessert pear;
Feb. to Apr.
Orange Mandarine. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:483, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 625.
Raised from seed by Leroy at Angers, Fr., and fruited first in 1863. Fruit below
medium and sometimes a little larger, globular, rather regular in outline, more or less mam-
millate at the summit, pale yellow, passing to clear russet on the cheek exposed to the sun,
and covered with minute brown dots; flesh white, very fine and very melting, slightly gritty
at the center; juice abundant, saccharine, acidulous, endowed with an exquisite perfume;
first; Oct.
Orange Musquée. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:140, Pl. X. 1768. 2. Hogg Fruit
Man. 625. 1884.
Miuiskierte Pomeranzenbirne. 3. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 255. 18809.
This is an old pear of uncertain origin, though probably French or Italian. Fruit
medium, globular, more or less bossed, flattened at both ends though sometimes rather
conic and obtuse at the top; smooth skin punctured like an orange, yellow-green changing
to fine lemon, with a lively red next the sun but rather variable; flesh white, coarse, break-
ing, gritty at center; juice not very abundant, rather saccharine, sweet, possessing a musky
flavor and perfume; quality variable, on the whole, good; end of Aug.
Orange Rouge. 1. Duhamel Trait Arb. Fr. 2:141. 1768. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:486,
fig. 1869.
Red Orange. 3. Hogg Fruit Man. 636. 1884.
An old variety of obscure origin. Henri Manger wrote in 1783 that it appeared to
him to be the Favonitanum Rubrum mentioned by Pliny, but it appears according to M.
Leroy more likely to have originated at Poitiers, and to be the Rousette or Orange du
Poitou or Poire de Poitiers. Fruit medium, round, even, regular or inclining to turbinate;
skin thick, clear grayish-yellow, clouded with green on the shaded side, sprinkled with pale
gray dots and extensively washed and streaked with a lively dark red; flesh whitish, semi-
fine; juice abundant, more or less saccharine, acidulous and musky; second, often third;
end of Aug.
Orange Tulipée. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:202, Pl. XLI. 1768. 2. Leroy Dict.
Pom. 488, fig. 1869.
An old French pear grown in the south of France and sold in Paris at a very low price.
It is known to have been cultivated for some three centuries, but is not worth growing today.
Described in the Jardinier Francois in 1665. Fruit medium and often below, globular-
ovate, or turbinate-rounded, with one side larger than the other; skin thick and rough,
yellow-green, sprinkled with large, gray, scaly dots, and well colored with red-brown on
the side next the sun, and numerous carmine streaks and marks on the other side; flesh
white, semi-fine and semi-melting, more or less granular around the core; juice sufficient,
saccharine, slightly astringent, with a slight perfume of fennel; third; Sept.
Orange de Vienne. 1. Guide Prat. 101. 1876.
Wiener Pomeranzenbirne. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:150. 1856.
A Van Mons seedling, 1825. Fruit small to medium, short-turbinate, clear yellow,
with light brown dots; flesh granular, semi-melting, very sweet and sugary, having a Berga-
mot flavor; first for table and all purposes; mid-Sept.
Ordensbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:132. 1856.
Originated in Nassau, a former German duchy, 1806. Fruit medium, even-sided;
skin smooth and tender, yellowish-green turning to light yellowish and light green, seldom
blushed, grass-green dots; flesh white, juicy, semi-buttery; very good for dessert and good
for cooking and the market; mid-Aug.
Orel 15. 1. Ill. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 187. 1896. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 41, 42. 1915.
Introduced from Russia about 1880 by Professor Budd of the Iowa Agricultural College.
Free from blight and apparently valuable as a stock for top-grafting.
Orpheline Colmar. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 2:77, fig. 1854. 2. MathieuNom. Pom.260. 18809.
The Orpheline Colmar was a gain of Van Mons a few years before his death and is
a beautiful and handsome fruit. Fruit very large, pyriform and obtuse-pyramidal, clear
green becoming yellow at maturity, streaked and dotted with grayish-brown and black and
stained with russet-fawn on the side of the sun and around the calyx; flesh yellowish-white,
fine, melting, rather granular around the core, full of saccharine juice and pleasantly per-
fumed; good.
Osband Summer. 1. Horticulturist 1:211, fig. 59. 1846. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2: 492, fig.
Originated in the vicinity of Palmyra in Wayne County, N. Y., about 1840 and was
at first known as Summer Virgalieu and so published in the Genesee Farmer in 1845 or
1846. Fruit small, obovate-pyriform, clear yellow, thickly dotted with small greenish
and brown dots, with a warm cheek on the side next the sun and with some traces of russet
especially around the stem and calyx; flesh white, juicy, melting, with a rich sugary flavor
and agreeable perfume of musk; first in quality and appearance; early in Aug.
Osborne. 1. Mag. Hort. 12:338. 1846. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 825. 1869.
A native variety which originated on the farm of John Osborne, Economy, Ind. It
was introduced by Ernst, and published in the Western Farmer and Gardener (Vol. 5s),
having first fruited in Ernst’s nursery in 1844. Fruit small, short-pyriform, stem planted
on one side; skin thin, yellowish-green, with numerous gray dots; flesh white, tender, juicy,
brisk, sweet, vinous, with a slight astringency and highly-perfumed flavor; first; Aug.
and Sept.
Oswego Beurré. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 825. 1869.
Raised by Walter Read, Oswego, N. Y. Tree vigorous, hardy, and productive. Fruit
medium, oblate, sometimes inclining to conic, yellowish-green, streaked and mottled with
thin russet; flesh melting, buttery, juicy, with a fine, sprightly, vinous and aromatic flavor;
good; Oct. and Nov.
Oswego Incomparable. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 826. 1869.
Originated at Oswego, N. Y. Fruit rather large, obtuse-obovate-pyriform, yellow,
slightly netted and patched with russet, a tinge of crimson in the sun and many russet dots;
flesh whitish, coarse, semi-melting, sweet, juicy, agreeable; moderate quality, sometimes
good; Sept.
Ott. 1. Mag. Hort. 14:424. 1848. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 826. 1869.
Ott is a seedling of Seckel and was originated by Samuel Ott, Montgomery County,
Pa., and introduced to the Massachusetts Horticultural Society by Dr. Brincklé of Phila-
delphia in the summer of 1848. Fruit small, globular-obovate, regular, largest about the
middle, rounding off to the calyx end and narrowing to the stem where it is obtuse; skin
slightly rough, dull green changing to yellow when mature, some russet, bronzy-red on the
sunny side and dotted with russet specks intermixed with some greenish spots; flesh green-
ish-white, coarse, melting, very juicy, rich, sugary, with a spicy aroma resembling the
Seckel; very good; end of Aug.
Owen. 1. Cole Am. Fr. Bk. 174. 1849. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 826. 1860.
Originated in the garden of John Owen, Cambridge, Mass. Fruit small, globular-
obtuse-pyriform, dark green, shaded with dull red in the sun and thickly sprinkled with
green and light dots; flesh tender, delicious and finely colored; one of the finest cooking pears
in its season; Oct. to Dec.
Owener Birne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:10. 1856.
Wiurttemberg, 1830. Fruit globular-turbinate, greenish-yellow, with rather dark blush,
russeted all over; flesh yellowish-white, astringent, juicy, breaking, aromatic, first for
household use and the making of perry; end of Sept.
Ozark. 1. U.S. D. A. Pom. Rpt. 38. 1895.
Originated about 1845 from seed taken by a Mr. Rooks from Kentucky to Polk County,
Missouri. Fruit large, oblate, greenish-yellow, with a few russet veinings and patches,
dots numerous, minute, russet; stem medium long, in a large, deep basin; calyx large,
open; flesh white, with yellow veins, buttery, granular, mild subacid; good; Aug.
Paddock. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 530. 1857. 2. Ibid. 826. 1869.
Sent out by Chauncey Goodrich, Burlington, Vt. Fruit rather below medium, oblong-
ovate-pyriform, light yellow, sometimes with a faint blush; flesh fine-grained, melting,
sweet, but not very highly flavored; good; end of July.
Pailleau. 1. Mag. Hort. 8:58. 1842. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 826. 18609.
Attributed to Van Mons, Belgium. Fruit large, oblong, greenish-yellow, rough, with
brown and green dots and patches of russet; flesh juicy, sweet, rich, good, but rather coarse-
grained; excellent quality; early Sept.
Pain-et-Vin. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:494, fig. 1869. -
Cultivated in Normandy early in the nineteenth century under the two names of
Pain-et-Vin and Chéne-Veri or Green-Oak. Fruit medium, ovate, rather long and swelled;
skin thin, rough, dark yellow ground covered with bronze, freely stained and dotted with
gray and reddened on the side of the sun; flesh yellowish-white, semi-fine, very firm,
although semi-melting, rather gritty at core, very juicy, saccharine, acid, very vinous,
with a particularly pleasant flavor; second; about mid-Sept. to beginning of Oct.
Palmischbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:171. 1856. 2. Léschnig Mostbirnen
190, fig. 1913.
A perry pear grown in Germany and Upper Austria and known in different localities
by various names. It was published in Germany in 1823. Fruit small, turbinate, regular
in contour, greenish-yellow turning to light yellow, often with a dark blush, covered all over
with large gray spots; flesh whitish, coarse-grained, very juicy, acidulous and saccharine,
aromatic; third for the table, but first for perry; Sept.
Paradiesbirne. 1. Christ Handb. 525. 1817. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:182. 1856.
Thuringia, Ger., 1797. Fruit small to medium, conic, yellow-green changing to golden
yellow, slightly blushed, and dotted with brown, thin skin; flesh yellowish-white, very sweet,
juicy; second for dessert, first for household; end of Oct.
Pardee. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 530. 1857.
Raised by S. D. Pardee, New Haven, Conn. Fruit small, globular, greenish-yellow,
much covered with russet; flesh coarse, granular, buttery, juicy, melting, with a high vinous
flavor, strongly perfumed; Oct.
Parfum d’Aout. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:136. 1768. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:496,
fig. 1869.
The Parfum d’Aout described here is the variety described under that name by Jean
Merlet in 1675 and 1690 and afterwards by Duhamel in 1768. It probably originated in
the village of Berny, not far from Paris. Fruit small, long, nearly pyriform, enlarged on
one side more than the other at the lower end; skin smooth, pale yellow, slightly tinged
with green, covered with dots and small speckles of fawn, tinged with a beautiful red on
the side exposed to the sun; flesh white, semi-fine, breaking or semi-breaking, some grit
around the core: juice rarely abundant, saccharine, sweet, with a perfume of musky-anis;
second; end of Aug.
Parfum d’Hiver. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 151. 1846. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:497;
fig. 1869.
As early as 1600, this variety was grown in France under the name Bouvert Musqué.
Tree rather vigorous, very productive. Fruit medium, roundish-turbinate, olive-yellow
washed with bright red; stem rather long; calyx large, partially open; flesh brittle, juicy;
good for cooking; Feb. to Apr.
Parfum de Rose. 1. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 1, 185, fig. 91. 1866-73.
Obtained by Bivort and first introduced in 1849. Fruit small, long-pyriform, rather
irregular in contour; skin fine, a little thick, water-green and whitish at first, sprinkled with
small dots of grayish-green, combined with many stains of the same color, passing at
maturity to dull yellow; flesh nearly white, very fine, buttery, melting; juice sufficient,
having a distinct perfume of rose, which is its chief distinguishing feature; end of
Parfumé. 1. Miller Gard. Dict. 3: 1807.
Fruit medium, globular; skin rather thick and tough, of a deep red color, spotted with
brown; flesh melting, but dry and has a perfumed flavor; end of Aug.
Parfumée. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:186, fig. 578. 188r.
French. Gained by M. Pariset, Courciat-Dongalon, Fr., and fruited for the first
time in 1869. Fruit medium, globular-ovate, short and thick; skin thick, pale green,
sprinkled with numerous greenish-gray dots only slightly visible on the side next the sun,
at maturity pale yellow and the exposed cheek more or Jess warm gold; flesh white tinted
with yellow, fine, melting, gritty around the center; juice abundant, sugary and perfumed;
first; beginning of winter.
Parrot. 1. Bunyard-Thomas Fr. Gard. 140. 1904.
Introduced in England about 1900. Fruit like Bergamot in form: very richly flavored;
Parsonage. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 530. 1857. 2. Ibid. 828. 1860.
Originated at New Rochelle, N. Y. Fruit medium to large, obovate-obtuse-pyriform,
often inclined, orange-yellow, rough, generally shaded with dull crimson, netted and patched
with russet and thickly sprinkled with russet dots; flesh white, slightly coarse, somewhat
granular, juicy, melting, with a refreshing vinous flavor; good; Sept.
Passa-tutti. 1. Christ Handb. 497. 1817. 2. Guide Prat. 101. 1876.
An Italian autumn pear. Fruit medium, obtuse-pyriform, greenish-yellow, much
covered with yellowish-gray russet, lighter yellow on the sunny side, with some red blush;
flesh agreeable, with a Muscat flavor; third; Nov. and Dec.
Passans du Portugal. 1. Mag. Hort. 4:390. 1838. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 626. 1884.
Passans du Portugal would seem from its name to be of Portuguese origin. It should
not be confused with Summer Portugal although the two varieties have various synonyms
in common and have some qualities in common. Fruit medium, oblate, flattened after
the Bergamot type, lively green changing to pale yellow on ripening, red next the sun
brightening toward maturity to a more vivid shade; flesh white, breaking, juicy, with a
fine sugary and perfumed flavor; an excellent dessert pear; Aug.
Passe-Colmar des Belges. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:502. 1869.
Origin unknown but was found growing under this name in the collection of the Horti-
cultural Society of Angers early in the last century. Fruit above medium, turbinate-
obtuse and bossed, yellow, dotted and streaked with russet; flesh white, coarse, semi-
breaking, wanting in juice and sugar, sharp and acidulous; third; Nov.
Passe Colmar d’Eté. 1. Guide Prat. 101. 1876.
French. Fruit small, turbinate, olive-green; flesh very juicy; good; Sept.
Passe Colmar Musqué. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 5:45, fig. 1857. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.
627. 1884.
Obtained by Major Espéren, Mechlin, Bel., from a bed of mixed seeds he made about
1831. It yielded its first fruit and was published in 1845. Passe Colmar Musqué is also
known as Autumn Colmar but is distinct from the variety most usually known by that
name. Fruit medium and sometimes less, turbinate, otherwise obtuse-conic, rather variable
in form; skin thick, tender, green changing to golden-yellow, dotted, mottled and patched
with pale cinnamon-russet and often washed on the side next the sun with a light trans-
parent red; flesh slightly yellowish, very fine, melting, very saccharine, richly flavored,
aromatic and scented; first; Nov.
Passe Crassane. 1. Pom. France 2:No. 82, Pl. 82. 1863. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy
Fr. 192. 1920.
This winter pear was raised by M. Boisbunel, a nurseryman at Rouen, Fr., from a
bed of mixed seeds which he made in 1845; it bore fruit and was first published at Rouen
in 1855. Fruit medium or rather large, turbinate or globular-conic, flattened in Bergamot
fashion; skin rough, thick, of a dull pale green, mottled with russet markings and passing
to yellow on the side turned to the sun; flesh white, fine, melting, very juicy, saccharine,
perfumed, and agreeably sprightly; very good; Jan. to Mar.
Passe-Goemans. 1.,Mas Pom. Gen. 3:111, fig. 152. 1878.
Goemans Gelbe Sommerbirne. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:91. 1856.
Belgian, and probably from Van Mons in 1825. Fruit medium, globular, ventricu-
lous, sides unequal, very obtuse, uniformly citron-yellow, blushed with cinnamon on the
sun-exposed side; flesh very full of flavor; first; end of Sept.
Passe Madeleine. 1. Mag. Hort.g:131. 1843.
Probably a French variety. Tree vigorous and very productive. Fruit medium, long,
lemon-yellow, lightly tinted with gray on the side next the sun; flesh melting, sugary, rather
perfumed; beginning of Sept.
Passe-Tardive. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 506. fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
829. 1869.
Obtained by Major Espéren of Mechlin, Bel., and first published in 1843. Fruit above
medium to large, turbinate, regular, bossed and much swelled in all its lower part and greatly
contracted at the summit; flesh white, semi-fine and semi-melting, gritty around the core;
juice seldom abundant, sugary, agreeable, though but slightly perfumed; second or third
for dessert, first for the kitchen; Apr. to June.
Pastor. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P.I. Bul. 126:197. 1908.
Reported in the Experimental orchard at Agassiz, Br. C., in 1900 and at various Cana-
dian Experiment Farms in 1902. Fruit medium, oblate-pyriform, yellow; flesh melting,
sugary, juicy, perfumed flavor; good; late season.
Pastorale. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:231, Pl. LV. 1768. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.
628. 1884.
Mayer, director of the gardens of the Grand Duke of Wurtzburg, Bavaria, described
this pear in his Pomona franconica in 1776 and 1801, and Duhamel du Monceau wrote of
it in 1768. Earlier still Le Lectier spoke of its cultivation before 1628 under the name
Musette d’Hiver rosate. Merlet called it Pastorale in 1675, and La Quintinye named it
Pastourelle and Musette d’Autumne in 1688. Fruit above medium, pyriform, slightly
obtuse, much puckered at the summit and generally larger on one side than on the other;
skin greenish, nearly covered with gray-russet, sprinkled with large brown dots, vermilioned
on the side of the sun; flesh whitish, semi-fine, more or less gritty around the core; juice
abundant, rather sugary, slightly acid; Nov. to Jan.
Pater Noster. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 532. 1857. 2. Ann. Pom. Belge 6:33, fig.
Mentioned in the Van Mons catalog of fruits cultivated from 1798 to 1823. Fruit
above medium, and often large, variable in form, oblong or long-turbinate, slightly obtuse,
contorted and bossed, clear olive-yellow; flesh white, fine, melting or semi-melting, watery;
juice abundant, saccharine, very vinous, acidulous, with an agreeable aroma; first; Nov.
Paul Ambre. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 830. 1869. 2. Guide Prat. 101. 1876.
A Belgian variety resembling Nec Plus Meuris; origin unknown. Fruit globular or
globular-oval, pale greenish-yellow, shaded with crimson on the side next the sun, dots and
markings of russet; flesh whitish, buttery, melting, juicy, sweet; good to very good; Oct.
Paul Bonamy. 1. Mas Le Verger 2:215, fig. 106. 1866-73.
M. Bonamy, a nurseryman at Toulouse, Fr., obtained this pear and named it after
his son. It was first published in 1865. Fruit large, ovate, bossed; skin fine, thin, oily
and scented at maturity; flesh white, semi-fine, a little fibrous when the fruit is too ripe,
melting or semi-melting, streaming with sugary juice, sprightly, highly perfumed; good;
Paul Coppieters. 1. Guide Prat. 97. 1895.
Sent out by M. Daras de Naghin, Antwerp, Bel., previous to 1895. Fruit rather
large, pyriform-turbinate, yellow, dotted and heavily marbled with reddish-yellow; flesh
white, very fine, free from granulations, buttery, saccharine and aromatic; beginning of
Paul d’Hoop. 1. Guide Prat. 104. 1895.
Sent out in 1895 as a new variety by M. Daras de Naghin, Antwerp, Bel. Fruit
medium, covered with fawn-russet; flesh fine, yellowish-white, buttery, vinous, saccharine,
having a delicious aroma; Jan. and Feb.
Paul Thielens. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:510, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 830,
Paul Thielens came from a seed bed made by Van Mons in 1829 in his nursery at Lou-
vain, Bel. Fruit large, ovate, very irregular, bossed and swelled, or ovate, nearly globular;
skin a little rough, transparent greenish-yellow, dotted and marked with grayish-russet,
slightly blushed with dull red on the side next the sun; flesh white, semi-fine and semi-
melting, gritty at the center; juice rarely abundant, more or less saccharine, slightly aro-
matic; second; Oct.
Pauls Birne. 1. Guide Prat. 102. 1876.
Poire de Paul. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:15, fig. 488. 1881.
Fruit large or rather large, globular-conic or conic-obtuse, dull water-green, usually
entirely covered with a wash of cinnamon color which at maturity becomes golden,
and the side exposed to the sun is blushed with a garnet red on which are numerous
small gray dots; flesh white tinted with yellow, rather fine, breaking, gritty about the
core, juicy, sugary, vinous, slightly perfumed; first for cooking; winter, lasting well toward
the end.
Payen. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:511, fig. 1869.
Raised by M. Boisbunel, a nurseryman at Rouen, Fr., from a mixed seed bed made in
184s. It was reported on in 1860 and propagated in 1863. It is distinct from both Beurré
Payen and Président Payen. Fruit medium, obovate-pyriform, bright greenish-yellow,
mottled with fawn and covered with large and numerous brownish dots; flesh white, fine,
melting, juicy, sweet; first class; Oct.
Payenche. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:512, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 830.
1869. .
Paquency. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 404. 1845.
Found in a hedge at the village of Payenche in Périgord, Fr. It was taken to Paris in
1805. Fruit nearly medium, oblong-ovate-pyriform, light yellow stained or marbled and
dotted with gray-russet and colored with brick-red on the side of the sun; flesh white,
semi-fine, melting or semi-melting, some grit around the core; juice extremely abundant,
very saccharine, acidulous, with a savory perfume and a slight after-taste of anis; first;
According to letters from Nicholas Hallock, Queens, N. Y., this variety originated
on the premises of a Mr. Payton of Flatbush, L. I., and had been known locally as Payton
for some time previous to 1898. Fruit obovate-obtuse-roundish, about the size of
Doyenné Boussock, dull green becoming yellow, thickly sprinkled with small brownish
‘dots; stem short, stout, set in a rather shallow, russeted cavity; calyx open, placed in a
shallow, wide basin; flesh not coarse, not gritty, not stringy, white, moderately juicy,
good but not highly flavored; Sept., later than Bartlett.
Peach. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 533. 1857. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 629. 1884.
Péche. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom, 2:513, fig. 1869.
A variety obtained by Major Espéren, Mechlin, Bel., from a bed of mixed seeds he
made in 1836, and first reported in 1845. Fruit small to medium, globular-obovate; skin
smooth, pale greenish-yellow when ripe, occasionally tinted with a faint blush of red on the
side toward the sun, dotted and mottled with brown; flesh white, citrine, fine, very melting,
very juicy, sweet, richly flavored and delicately perfumed; first in France, but variable
according to climate; Aug.
Pei-li. 1. Ia. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 376. 188t1.
Pei-li or Snow pears: A race of pears grown in northwestern China; globular, white,
juicy and generally regarded as the best fruits in the country.
Pemberton. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 831. 186g.
A seedling of S. A. Shurtleff, Boston, Mass. Fruit medium, inclining to oval, light
green, thickly sprinkled with dark dots, yellowish on the side of the sun, with sometimes a
red cheek; flesh somewhat coarse, but juicy, sweet; good; Feb. and Mar.
Penderson. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 831. 1869.
Raised by Samuel Penderson, New Haven, Conn. Fruit medium, globular, greenish-
yellow; flesh white, breaking, semi-melting, brisk, rather astringent; good; Oct.
Pendleton Early York. 1. Mag. Hort. 14:381, fig. 41. 1848.
York-précoce de Pendleton. 2. Guide Prat. 114, 313. 1876.
Originated by Mrs. Jeremiah York, Connecticut, about 1826 from seed of Rousselet
Hatif. Fruit medium or below, obovate, varying to obtuse-pyriform, pale greenish-
yellow, with russet specks, sometimes with a faint blush; flesh white, tender, sweet, melting,
slightly perfumed; good; last of July.
Pengethley. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 197. 1832.
Raised by T. A. Knight, President of the London Horticultural Society, who, in
February, 1832, sent cions of the variety to Mr. Lowell and the Massachusetts Agricultural
Society. Fruit medium, inclining to oval, obovate, pale green, covered with dark dots,
changing to yellow as it ripens, sometimes having a red cheek; flesh somewhat coarse, but
juicy, sweet, and good; Feb. and Mar.
Penn. 1. Horticulturist 18:58, fig. 1863. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 831. 1869.
The original tree was planted at the beginning of the last century close to the old Penn
Manor in Pennsylvania and on the margin of land which became the track of the Camden
and Amboy Railroad. Inasmuch as its position was so close to the railway the company
threatened to cut it down. Hence it acquired the name of Railroad Fuss by which it was
known for many years. Fruit medium, oblate, sometimes globular-oblate, angular, pale
lemon-yellow, thickly sprinkled with small grayish and russet dots, sometimes with a
few patches and dots of russet around the calyx; flesh white, a little coarse, very juicy,
melting, with a sweet, pleasant, refreshing flavor, slightly aromatic, with a little musky
perfume; good to very good; Oct.
Pennsylvania. 1. Mag. Hort. 10:213. 1844. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 832. 1869.
A seedling found on the ground of J. B. Smith of Pennsylvania. In 1845 the original
tree was stated to be nearly forty feet high, of a pyramidal form and remarkably robust
habit. Fruit medium, obovate, tapering toward the stem, obtuse, brown-russet on dull
yellow ground, ruddy on the sunny side; flesh yellowish-white, coarse, melting, juicy, rich,
sugary, slightly perfumed and with a musky flavor; good but not strictly first rate; as an
American fruit it may be ranked with Buffum, Cushing and Fulton; Oct.
Pepin. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:515, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 629. 1884.
This pear was growing in the orchard of Le Lectier in Anjou, Fr., in the year 1600
and was described by Claude Saint-Etienne in 1670. Fruit below medium and sometimes
small, globular, bossed, always mammillate at the summit, meadow-green, clouded with
pale yellow, dotted with gray and extensively washed with brick red on the side turned to
the sun; flesh whitish, fine or semi-fine, breaking, watery; at the center are numerous
granulations; juice very saccharine, sweet and savory; second; mid-Aug.
Perpetual. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 832. 1869.
Said to have originated on Long Island, N. Y. Disseminated by Messrs. Berckmans,
Augusta, Ga. Fruit medium, obovate-obtuse-pyriform, green and yellow, beautifully
blushed in the sun; flesh whitish, firm, moderately juicy, sweet; good; keeps till May.
Perrier. 1. Guide Prat. 111. 1876.
Obtained by M. Morel in 1873. Fruit medium, globular, green; flesh fine, melting,
juicy; good; beginning of Aug. Tree vigorous and fertile.
Pertusati. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:516, fig. 1869.
Raised in the nurseries of M. André Leroy, Angers, Fr., in 1867. Fruit medium,
globular-ovate, irregular, having one side larger than the other; skin rough, golden-yellow,
finely dotted with gray, marbled with clear brown around the calyx and the stem; flesh
white, fine, melting; juice abundant, very saccharine, with an acidulous flavor, very pleasant
and delicately perfumed; first; Nov.
Petersbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:33. 1856.
Petite Poire de Pierre. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:101, fig. 243. 1879.
Kleine Petersbirne. 3. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 242. 1889.
Altenburg, Ger., 1799. Fruit small, clear green, sprinkled with numerous minute
blackish-green dots, turning to dull yellow at maturity and washed over a large area of its
surface with dark red, on which the dots are of a darker red; flesh greenish-white, very fine,
semi-breaking, sufficiently juicy and agreeably perfumed; a good fruit to preserve or to
dry; Aug.
Petit-Blanquet. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:132, Pl. VI. 1768. 2. Leroy Dicé. Pom.
2:517, fig. 1869.
Little Blanquet. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 802. 1869.
Small Blanquet. 4. Hogg Fruit Man. 646. 1884.
This variety was known in French gardens in the middle of the sixteenth century under
the name Poire Perle, and some years later also by that of Petit-Blanquet. Fruit small or
very small; form rather inconstant, slightly obtuse-pyriform, or more obtuse-ovate; skin
smooth and transparent and shining, clear pale yellow or of a white, waxy and pearl-like
tone, sprinkled with greenish dots, with occasionally a blush of tender rose on the side next
the sun; flesh very white, semi-fine, breaking and firm; juice rarely abundant, saccharine,
savory although only slightly perfumed; a second class dessert pear; Aug.
Petit Catillac. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:3, fig. 98. 1878.
Kleiner Katzenkopf. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 242. 1889.
This pear is probably of German origin. It has points of resemblance in common with
the old French Catillac but is distinguished by its size, being often less than that of the
latter, its time of maturity being earlier, its flesh being less breaking, more saccharine and
without any tartness. Fruit large, ovate-pyriform and much swelled, even in contour,
green at first, sprinkled with large, regularly spaced, prominent, brown dots, the green
passing to lemon-yellow at maturity, with a blush of red-brown on well-exposed fruits
on the side next the sun; flesh white, coarse, semi-buttery; juice abundant, rather vinous
and without any appreciable perfume; good for the kitchen; Oct. and Nov.
Petit-Chaumontel. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:510, fig. 18609.
From the old garden of the Horticultural Society of Angers, Fr., and sometimes errone-
ously confused with Oignon which ripens some six weeks earlier. Fruit medium, globular,
very bossed and irregular in form, clear green, dotted, veined with russet and extensively
washed with carmine on the side turned to the sun; flesh very white, semi-fine, breaking, gritty
at center; juice sufficient, saccharine, vinous, slightly astringent; second; latter half of Aug.
Petit-Hativeau. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:520, fig. 1869.
A variety of ancient and unknown origin, but cultivated among a group of pears
termed Hétiveau for over the last five centuries. It was called by the name Petit-Hétiveau
by Claude Saint-Etienne in 1670 to distinguish it from the Gros-Hdtiveau. Fruit small,
ovate, obtuse and more or less globular; skin smooth and fine, lemon-yellow, dotted with
exceedingly minute greenish points and more or less stained with gray-russet around the
calyx and stem; flesh whitish, breaking, semi-fine, scented, juicy and gritty, juice sugary,
acid, and slightly musky; third; July.
Petit-Muscat. 1. Knoop Fructologie 1:75, Tab. 1. 1771. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:522,
fig. 1869.
Little Muscat. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 802. 1869.
Jean Mayer, director of the gardens of the Grand Duke of Wurtzburg, Bavaria, in his
Pomona franconica published in 1801 showed that the Petit-Muscat was the antique pear
Superba described by Pliny. Various other pomologists wrote of it prior to Mayer as for
instance Jacq. Daléchamp, 1615; Jean Jonston, 1662; and Henri Manger, 1783. Charles
Estienne was the first to write of it in France, 1530,and he named it Musquette. Fruit
very small, turbinate, more or less obtuse and sometimes globular-turbinate; the eye is
placed in a regular-formed cavity and is always naked in consequence of the segments of
the calyx falling off, pale greenish-yellow, finely dotted and slightly clouded with rose on
the side of the sun (in France); flesh yellowish, semi-fine, breaking, not very juicy, sugary,
acidulous and with a pleasant musk flavor; second; June.
Petit-Oin. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:524, fig. 1869.
Winterwunder. 2. Christ Handb. 497. 1817.
Miiskirte Schmeerbirne. 3. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:13. 1856.
Merveille d’Hiver. 4. Hogg Fruit Man: 616. 1884.
Valerius Cordus was the first to describe this pear which originated in Germany and
belongs to the Schmeerbirne or greasy class. About 1650 it was cultivated in France
under the name of Oing or Oin, the French equivalent of the German speck or lard. Fruit
medium or less, globular-ovate or turbinate, slightly obtuse at summit, with thick but
smooth and greasy skin, dull yellow-green, more or less gray, dotted and flecked with green-
ish-russet; flesh whitish, granular, scented, exceedingly melting and juicy, very saccharine,
free from acid and having an exquisite flavor; third; Sept. to Nov.
Petite Charlotte. 1. Guide Prat. 102. 1876.
French. Fruit small, pyramidal, greenish-yellow, highly colored on the side of the
sun; flesh breaking, juicy, vinous; excellent; Aug. and Sept.
Petite Fondante. 1. Mas Pom. Gen..6:153, fig. 461. 1880.
Kleine Schmalzbirne. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 242. 1880.
Origin unknown. Fruit small, nearly spherical, sometimes depressed at both poles,
even in contour; skin rather thick and yet tender, pale water-green, sown with numerous
very faint, very small, brown dots; at maturity the basic green whitens a little and the
side next the sun of fruits well exposed becomes a lighter yellow; flesh whitish, semi-fine,
semi-melting, rather gritty around the core, highly saccharine, vinous and sprightly; good;
end of Aug.
Petite Marguerite. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:526, fig. 1869. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy
Fr. 192. 1920.
Raised in the nurseries of M. André Leroy, Angers, Fr., in 1862 and propagated in
1863. Fruit medium, irregular ovate, bossed, swelled at the base and having one side
always larger than the other, grass-green, dotted with gray and brown and slightly bronzed
on the cheek exposed to the sun; flesh greenish-white, fine and very melting, slightly gritty
at the center; juice extremely abundant and saccharine, acidulous, with a very pleasant
perfume; first; Aug.
Petite Tournaisienne. 1. Guide Prat. 111. 1876.
A variety on trial with Messrs. Simon-Louis, Metz. Fruit medium, oval, oblong,
yellow; flesh very fine, semi-melting; Apr. and May.
Petite Victorine. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:528, fig. 1869.
A seedling of M. André Leroy raised in 1863. Fruit below medium, globular, flattened
at the base but slightly conic at its other extremity, greenish, dotted and marbled with
russet; flesh white, fine, melting, generally free from grit; juice sufficient, saccharine, acid-
ulous, with a specially exquisite, musky flavor; first; Dec. and Jan.
Petre. 1. Mag. Hort. 2:437. 1836. 2. Ibid. 3:83. 1838.
This valuable variety was raised by John Bartram, the proprietor of a botanic garden
near Philadelphia, from seed received in a letter from Lord Petre of England about the
year 1735. The tree still stands, although becoming decrepit. Fruit medium, obovate,
truncate at both ends; skin thin, greenish-yellow, with small pale spots; flesh white, soft,
juicy and buttery, with a delicious flavor, very slightly musky and vinous; very good;
mid-Sept. to Dec.
Pfaffenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:193. 1856.
Wiirttemberg and Baden, Ger., 1847. Fruit small, turbinate, yellow, tinted witha
dark cinnamon-colored blush on the side next the sun; the summit is covered with russet,
thickly sprinkled with gray dots; flesh firm and tasteless.
Pfingstbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:96. 1856.
German seedling, 1851. Fruit medium, globular, green turning yellowish-green,
speckled and dotted with gray; skin thin and scentless; flesh rather white, sweet and musky;
first for table, household and market; early summer.
Philiberte. 1. Guide Prat. 111. 1876.
French. Fruit rather large, nearly globular, a beautiful lemon-yellow; flesh very fine,
melting, very juicy, agreeably perfumed; first; Dec. and Jan.
Philippe-Le-Bon. 1x. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:161, fig. 81. 1872.
Philipp der Gute. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:4. 1856.
According to the catalog of Van Mons of 1823 this was one of his seedlings. Fruit
hardly medium, ovate, or turbinate-ovate, short and thick, usually even in outline; skin
thick, firm, glossy, pale green, whitish-brown dots; at maturity the basic green passes to
pale dull yellow, washed with some clear cerise-red; flesh white, rather coarse, buttery, not
much juice, but vinous and perfumed; good; Sept. and Oct.
Philippe Couvreur. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 264. 1889. 2. Guide Prat. 72. 1895.
Of Belgian origin. Fruit medium to large, orange-yellow dotted with russet; flesh
white, tinted with salmon, fine, juicy, perfumed; good; beginning of Oct.
Philippe Goes. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 3:51, fig. 1855. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 833.
A posthumous gain from the seed beds of Van Mons: The parent tree gave its first
fruit in 1846. Fruit above medium, obovate, uneven and undulating in outline; skin rough
to the touch, of a dark olive, much covered with a bright russet; flesh semi-melting, gritty,
sweet, rather granular at the center, juice rarely abundant, saccharine, vinous and fairly
well perfumed; second; Dec.
Philippot. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:530, fig. 18609.
Originated with M. Philippot, a nurseryman at Saint-Quentin, Aisne, Fr. In 1852
it fruited for the first time and was propagated in 1860. Fruit large to very large, globular-
conic, obtuse, swelled and fleshy at the base; skin yellowish, in part dotted and marbled
with brownish-fawn; flesh very white, coarse, semi-breaking, watery; juice abundant,
sweet, having little sugar or perfume although rather delicate; third for dessert, first for
cooking; Jan. to Mar.
Philopena. 1. W. N. Y.-Hort. Soc. Rpt. 24. 1904.
A chance variety brought to notice by Reuben Ragan of Indiana, about 1850 and
named Philopena by him. Fruit small to medium, oblong-pyriform, yellow, with purple
blush; calyx open, in a small, shallow basin; stem short, cavity small or absent; quality
medium; three or four weeks after Bartlett.
Picciola. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 833. 1869.
Of Belgian origin. Fruit small, globular-oblate, greenish-yellow, sometimes slightly
blushed in the sun, with traces of russet; flesh whitish, very juicy, melting, with a vinous
flavor; good to very good; Sept.
Pie IX. 1. Mag. Hort. 20:86. 1854. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:531, fig. 1869.
PiusIX. 3. Hogg Fruit Man. 631. 1884.
The parent tree of Pie IX sprang from seed sown in 1834 by Van Mons in his nurseries
at Louvain, Bel. Fruit large, turbinate, more or less obtuse and elongated, much swelled
at the middle, bossed and contorted at its summit, lemon-yellow, dotted and striped with
fawn; flesh white, coarse or semi-fine, juicy and melting, rather gritty at the center, saccha-
rine, sour, fairly well perfumed, sometimes disagreeably astringent; second; Sept.
Pierre Corneille. 1. Guide Prat. 104. 1895.
Pierre Corneille was obtained by M. Sannier, Rouen, Fr., from a seedling of Beurré
Diel crossed with Doyenné du Comice; introduced about 1894. The fruit has the appear-
ance of Duchesse d’Angouléme. Tree vigorous, fertile and pyramidal in form. Fruit
large globular-obovate, greenish-yellow; flesh fine, melting, juicy, sugary, deliciously
perfumed; Dec. and Jan.
Pierre Curie. 1. Rev. Hort. 174. 1907.
This is a seedling from Doyenné d’Alengon crossed with Beurré Henri Courcelle by
M. Arséne Sannier, a nurseryman at Saint-Sever-Rouen, Fr., and placed on the market in
1907. Fruit medium, oval, of the form of the Doyenné d’Alengon; skin gray; flesh extremely
fine, with a very agreeable perfume; Jan. to Mar.
Pierre Macé. 1. Guide Prat. 102. 1876.
French, attributed to André Leroy. Tree vigorous and fertile. Fruit rather large,
globular-turbinate, yellow dotted with fawn; flesh fine, melting, juicy, highly perfumed:
first; second half of Sept. and early Oct.
Pierre Paternotte. 1. Guide Prat.60. 1895.
Raised from seed of the Marie-Louise by Pierre Paternotte, at Molenbeck-Saint-Jean,
near Brussels, Bel. Tree vigorous and fertile. Fruit large, long, yellow, dotted and mar-
bled with gray; flesh white, fine, melting, juicy; first; Oct. and Nov.
Pierre Pépin. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:532, fig. 1860.
A seedling raised by Leroy, Angers, Fr., and first reported in 1868. Fruit large, obtuse-
pyriform, bossed, and swelled in its lower half, more or less hollowed at either end, lemon-
yellow, slightly clouded with green and much speckled and spotted with brown; flesh
whitish, fine, melting, some grit around the core; juice abundant, saccharine, vinous, and
agreeably perfumed; first; mid-Sept.
Pierre Tourasse. 1. Rev. Hort. 542. 1894.
Exhibited in France by M. Tourasse, its originator, in 1894. Tree vigorous, upright,
stocky, productive. Fruit of good size, broadly turbinate, spotted with brilliant fawn
color upon a clear yellow ground, washed with orange and saffron; flesh fine, melting, very
juicy, rich in sugar; last of Sept. and first of Oct.
Pimpe. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 593. 1629.
“The Pimpe peare is as great as the Windsor peare, but rounder, and of a very good
Pinneo. 1. Cultivator 304. 1845. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 833. 1869.
Hebron. 3. Mag. Hort. 24:419. 1858.
Boston. 4. Ibid. 500. 1858.
The parent tree of this variety was found growing in a woodland, New Haven, Conn.,
by Dea. Pinneo who transplanted it to a spot near his dwelling about the year 1745. It
was propagated and distributed over many farms and found a good market in Boston.
By error it acquired also the names of Boston and Virgalieu. Fruit medium or below,
globular-oblate, slightly pyriform, pale yellow, netted, patched, and dotted with russet,
slightly blushed on the sunny side; flesh yellowish-white, fine, melting, juicy, rich, sugary,
brisk, with a refreshing and delicious aroma; good; Aug.
Piton. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:533, fig. 1869.
A seedling found by M. Piton who lived at Cholet, Maine-et-Loire, Fr. The Horti-
cultural Society of Angers described it in its Pomology, and it was named after its propa-
gator. Fruit large to very large, long-turbinate-obtuse, depressed at each pole, clear
dull green, sown with large russet dots; flesh white, semi-breaking and semi-fine, watery,
containing some grit below the core; juice rather vinous, sugary, and more or less perfumed;
second for dessert, first for compotes.
Pitson. 1. Gard. Mon. 27:14. 1885.
A handsome pear from Stone and Wellington, Fonthill, Ont. Fruit medium, regularly
pyriform, brown inclining to russet; good; Jan.
Pius X. 1. Gard. Chron. 3rd Ser. 37:309. 1905.
Described in 1905 as a new pear raised by the Alexiens Brothers at Tirlemont, Bel.
Fruit large, somewhat cylindric, greenish-olive, with a few brown spots; flesh creamy-
white, perfumed; reported to be of first rate quality; Oct.
Plantagenet. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom.2:534, fig. 1869. 2. DowningFr. Trees Am. 834. 18609.
The Plantagenet was raised from seed by the old Horticultural Society of Maine-et-
Loire. The parent tree gave its first fruit in 1858 in the Society’s garden at Angers. Fruit
above medium, irregular-ovate, bossed, swelled at the central circumference, of a uniform
bright green, some russet around the calyx and sprinkled with numerous dark brown dots;
flesh whitish, fine or semi-fine, extremely melting; juice very abundant, extremely saccha-
rine, acidulous, possessing a delicious perfume which gives an after-taste of musk; first;
end of Sept. and early Oct.
Plascart. 1. Guide Prat. 102. 1876. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:37, fig. 115. 1878.
Sent out by the Society Van Mons, Bel., without any account of its origin. Fruit
below medium, turbinate-ovate, even in outline; skin firm, pale water-green, covered with
numerous large, brown dots, very prominent, the green changing at maturity to a beautiful
golden yellow, washed on the side next the sun with a lively vermilion on which the dots
are golden yellow; flesh yellowish, semi-fine, rather firm and breaking; juice rich in sugar
and perfumed; good; Oct.
Platt. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 535. 1857. 2. Ibid. 834. 1860.
Originated on the farm of Thomas Tredwell, Beekmantown, Clinton County, N. Y.
Fruit medium, globular-oblate, pale yellow, netted and patched with russet and sprinkled
with russet dots; flesh whitish, juicy, buttery, semi-melting, agreeable; good; Oct.
Platte Honigbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:189. 1856.
Nassau, 1801. Fruit medium, obtuse-turbinate, light yellow-green, with a pale blush,
numerous gray dots, marked with russet; flesh coarse-grained, aromatic; third for dessert,
first for household; Sept.
Pocahontas. 1. Mag. Hort. 13:525. 1847. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 834. 18609.
Originated at Quincy, Mass., and was exhibited before the Horticultural Society of
that State in October, 1847. Fruit below medium, obovate-pyriform, yellow, netted,
patched, and dotted with russet, sometimes shaded in the sun with bright crimson; flesh
white, juicy, melting, sweet, slightly musky; pleasant; good to very good; Sept.
Pockelbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 192, fig. 1913.
A perry pear grown in Lower Austria. Fruit small to medium, globular-turbinate;
skin tough, shining, smooth, green changing to greenish-yellow, blushed and streaked with
red on the sunny side, dotted with yellow-brown; flesh yellowish-white, coarse-grained,
juicy, subacid; good; Nov.
Poéte Béranger. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:536, fig. 1869.
A seedling of Leroy which first fruited in 1867 and was placed in commerce in 1870.
Fruit medium; form rather inconstant, nearly always having unequal sides, globular, or
obtuse-turbinate; skin fine, rough, bright yellow shaded with green, dotted with gray and
almost entirely washed and mottled with brown-russet, more or less scaly; flesh greenish-
white especially under the skin, fine, extremely melting, free from grit; juice very abundant,
saccharine, acidulous, vinous, with a delicate perfume; first; mid-Sept.
Poire d’Abbeville. 1. Guide Prat. 81. 1876. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:99, fig. 338. 1880.
The Poire d’Abbeville probably originated at the city of that name in the Department
of the Somme, Fr.; for M. Jamin, Senior, propagated it about 1837 when he received it
from M. Bennet of Boulogne-sur-Mer, who stated it was very well known and esteemed in
the neighborhood of Abbeville. Fruit large, globular-conic but irregular, water-green
sprinkled with numerous and large dots of fawn; at maturity the green changes to lemon-
yellow; flesh white tinted with yellow, coarse, breaking, slightly gritty at the core, not
very juicy or perfumed; first for culinary purposes, keeps easily for a long period; winter.
Poire d’Ange de Meiningen. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5: 105, fig. 341. 1880.
This pear has been in much request in the neighborhood of Meiningen, Ger., for many
years and should be distinguished from the ancient Poire d’Ange, now called Boutoc, which
it does not resemble. Fruit small, ovate or ovate-pyriform, even in contour; skin fine,
delicate, bright green changing to beautiful bright lemon-yellow, the side next the sun being
blushed and streaked with vermilion; the very numerous brown dots change on the blushed
part to yellow; flesh tinted with yellow, rather fine, semi-breaking; juice sweet and
agreeably perfumed but rather deficient; second; latter half of Aug.
Poire d’Avril. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 536. 1857. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 488.
Stated by Messrs. Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, to have been received by them from
England under this name. Fruit large, pyramidal, obtuse; skin smooth and shining, of
a lively dark green, with a brown tinge next the sun, and patches of gray-russet on the
shaded side, the whole surface being covered with very large pale-colored specks; flesh
crisp, juicy and sweet; first class for cooking according to Messrs. Simon-Louis; Mar. and
Poire Brune de Gasselin. 1. Pom. France 4:No. 165, Pl. 165. 1867.
Gained by M. Durand-Gasselin, architect at Nantes, Fr., from a seed bed made in
1845. Fruit medium, ovate-pyramidal, yellow washed with fawn-russet; flesh very tender,
juicy, very sugary and perfumed; first; Oct. and Nov.
Poire de Casserole. 1. Guide Prat. 89. 1876.
Casserule. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 715. 1860.
Of foreign origin, probably French. Fruit large, obovate-pyriform, yellow, with
much russet and brown on cheek; flesh whitish, coarse, granular, breaking, very juicy, rich,
with high aroma; first quality for cooking; Oct. and Nov.
Poire des Chartriers. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:133, fig. 451. 1880.
This variety is mentioned by Van Mons in his Catalog and is therein considered to be
of Belgian origin. Fruit medium, globular-pyriform, irregular and bossed; skin a little
thick at first, water-green, rather dark, sprinkled with very small and numerous dots of
gray-brown, the basic green becoming brilliant lemon-yellow and on maturity covered on
the side next the sun with golden russet; flesh yellow, very fine, firm, buttery, melting,
full of saccharine juice, vinous, perfumed; first; Oct.
Poire des Chasseurs. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 5:31, fig. 1857.
Des Chasseurs. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 735. 1869.
A posthumous gain of Van Mons tasted for the first time in 1842 and reported on by
M. Simon Bouvier of Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit medium to large, ovate-pyriform, greenish,
dotted with russet, and much stained with russet on the sun-exposed side; flesh yellowish,
coarse, watery, melting, granular; juice vinous, agreeably perfumed; first; Oct.
Poire de Coq. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:600, fig. 1867.
This variety is distinct from the Poire de Cog synonymous with the Beurré de Bruxelles,
and is of unknown origin. It was cultivated for many years in the old gardens of the
Horticultural Society of Angers. Fruit large, long-turbinate, bossed, strongly mammil-
late at apex, citron-yellow, dotted and stained with dark gray, and washed with bright
carmine on the side exposed to the sun; flesh white, semi-fine and melting; juice sweet with
slight perfume but delicate flavor; secon;d Sept.
Poire de Graisse. 1. Knoop Pomologie 1:111, Tab. IV. 1771.
Probably of Belgian or French origin. In Holland it is known as the Smeer-Peer.
Fruit medium, oblong, terminating acutely toward the stalk, greenish and speckled
with blackish-brown; flesh rather gritty, soft, with a slightly spicy flavor; not of much
Poire de gros queue. 1. Miller Gard. Dict. 3. 1807.
Fruit large, taking its name from its very thick stalk, globular, yellow, flesh breaking;
wanting in juice, having a very musky flavor.
Poire de Hert. 1. Mas Le Verger 1:145, fig. 71. 1866-73.
Mas states he received this variety from Thomas Rivers, the well known English
nurseryman of Sawbridgeworth near London, Eng. Fruit medium or nearly medium,
ovate-pyriform, symmetrical in contour; skin thick, firm, very pale green all over, sprinkled
with dots of gray, changing when ripe to lemon-yellow; flesh white, fine, semi-melting;
juice sufficient, flavor refreshing, agreeable; good, of real merit for the season; end of winter
and spring.
Poire de Houblon. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:101, fig. 51. 1872.
Origin unknown, but cultivated for a long time in many localities in Germany. Fruit
small, ovate or globular-ovate, swelled, usually regular in contour, bright green, sown with
grayish dots, passing to golden yellow on the side of the sun; flesh whitish, a little yellow
near the center, coarse, semi-breaking, fairly full of sweet juice, with a fresh perfume of
rose; second rate for eating raw but an excellent variety to dry; end of Aug.
Poire de Klevenow. 1. Mas Le Verger 2:121, fig. 59. 1866-73.
Originated in the environs of Klevenow, a village of Pomerania, Prussia. Fruit small
or nearly medium, regular pyriform, sombre green and yellow blushed with carmine; flesh
white, slightly greenish, fine, buttery; juice very sugary and abundant, vinous, perfumed;
good; mid-Aug.
Poire Noire 4 Longue Queue. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:16s, fig. 563. 188r.
Origin thought to be German. Fruit nearly medium, ovate-pyriform, symmetrical in
outline; skin thick, firm, dull green covered with a net-work of gray-russet, through which
a light yellow shows at maturity: on the shaded side are some gray dots and on the sun-
exposed side are numerous large black-red spots; flesh white, transparent, semi-fine, buttery;
juice sufficient, saccharine, slightly acid; good for cooking; Aug.
Poire du Pauvre. 1. Guide Prat. 102. 1876. 2. Rev. Hort. 163. 18809.
This pear was raised from seed of the Urbaniste sown in 1846. Fruit medium or large,
oval, pyriform, ventriculous; skin fine and shining, white tinted with green, much covered
with fawn around the two ends; flesh white, rather fine, a little gritty around the center,
very melting; juice abundant, saccharine, and pleasantly perfumed, with a fresh flavor
and agreeable astringency; Oct. and Nov. .
Poire des Peintres. 1. Guide Prat. 111. 1876.
Described by Messrs. Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, in 1876 as a new variety. Tree
vigorous and very fertile. Fruit rather large, oval-pyriform, dark yellow, extensively
washed with lively red; flesh melting, juicy, saccharine and highly perfumed; end of Aug.
and Sept.
Poire de Pendant. 1. Prince Pom. Man.1:84. 1831.
“Tt is from the long stem by which this pear is suspended, which is near two inches in
length, that it obtains its title.’ The Pendar of La Quintinye, and the Hanging pear of
Evelyn, although quoted as synonyms of this pear, are probably not the same as they are
said to ripen in October. It is also very doubtful whether the synonyms of Pendar and
Knaves’ pear given by Miller and Forsyth apply to this fruit. Fruit, “The entire height
of the fruit is twenty-eight lines, and its breath two inches, and sometimes a line more; ”
turbinate; skin is ash-colored, approaching russet, and dotted over with small points of
russet; flesh greenish-white, melting, sweet, and partially perfumed; end of Sept.
Poire de Preuilly. 1. Guide Prat. 111. 1876.
Published in the French Revue Horticole, 1870. ‘Tree vigorous and very fertile. This
is a very large fruit used for decorative purposes. In form it is similar to the Bartlett;
skin yellow-green, speckled; flesh breaking.
Poire de Rateau. 1. Noisette Man. Comp. Jard. 22532. 1860.
Tree very vigorous when grafted on pear. Fruit very large, turbinate, greenish-
white, reddish and sown with russet dots on the side next the sun; flesh breaking, slightly.
saccharine and perfumed; eatable raw, and good for cooking; mid-Dec.
Poire Rigoleau. 1. Mag. Hort. 20:136. 1854.
Introduced in 1854 as a new variety. Origin unknown. Fruit small, nearly globular;
skin thick, greenish-yellow, covered with russet specks, little russet at either stem and
calyx; flesh white, tender, juicy, of a very pleasant flavor; first part of Nov.
Poire du Roeulx. 1. Guide Prat. 104. 1876.
On trial with Messrs. Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, in 1876; it was published in the
Revue de l’Arboriculture in France. Fruit medium, pyriform, short, irregular, yellow
clouded with fawn; flesh yellowish, very melting, exceedingly juicy, very saccharine and
with a very exquisite perfume; first; latter half of Sept.
Poire Souvenir d’Hortolés Pére. 1. Pom. France 4:No. 173, Pl. 173. 186s.
A variety unpublished previous to 1865 but cultivated in France, where it had already
existed for more than sixty years. Fruit small, pyriform, usually growing in clusters
strongly attached to the tree, green, dotted, passing to yellow and washed with dark bril-
liant red on the side of the sun; flesh white, firm, melting, slightly gritty; juice abundant,
with a strong perfume of Muscatel; good; July.
Poire Thouin. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:177, fig. 473. 1880.
According to Diel, Poire Thouin was obtained by Van Mons. Fruit medium, ovate,
more or less short, usually symmetrical in contour, largest circutnference at center; skin a
little thick and firm, bright green, sprinkled with numerous inconspicuous spots of a darker
shade, changing to pale yellow, and washed with orange-red on the side next the sun of
well-exposed fruits; flesh white, coarse, breaking, full of saccharine juice, perfumed; third,
for the season of its maturity; early Sept.
Poire de Torpes. 1. Guide Prat. 107. 1876.
Tree hardy, very productive. Fruit rather large, globular, yellow stained with russet;
flesh fine, melting; good; Oct. to Dec.
Poire des Trois Fréres. 1. Guide Prat. 71, 308. 1876.
A wilding found near Maizieres-les-Metz, Fr. It was propagated by Messrs. Maline
and placed in commerce in 1863. Tree vigorous, very fertile, and suitable especially for
wind-blown situations. Fruit medium, long, green; flesh whitish, buttery, sugary an
perfumed; first; end of Aug.
Poire des Trois Jours. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 149. 1841.
Trois Jours. 2. Cullivator, 340. 1847.
Kenrick says: ‘‘ New and large; beurrée; of first-rate excellence, ripening at Paris in
November, according to M. Jamin.”
Poire de Vitrier. 1. Duhamel Trazt. Arb. Fr. 2:139, Pl. XLIV, fig. 4. 1768. 2. Leroy
Dict. Pom. 2:746, fig. 1869.
This is probably a variety of German origin, for Valerius Cordus, who was a native
of Hesse and died in 1544, spoke of it as abounding in Saxony, in the suburbs of Eisleben,
and very common in all Germany. Duhamel du Monceau described it in France in 1768.
Fruit medium, rather regular-ovate, wrinkled and mammillate at the summit, dull yellow,
much clouded over with gray-russet, dotted with light brown, and vermilioned on the side
toward the sun; flesh whitish, watery, semi-fine and semi-melting, gritty around the center;
juice sufficient, sugary, vinous, slightly musky; second; Nov. and Dec.
Poire du Voyageur. 1. Guide Prat. 107, 311. 1876.
Originated by M. Boisbunel of Rouen, Fr. Tree vigorous and fertile. Fruit medium,
pyriform, yellowish-green; flesh juicy, granular around the core; third; summer.
Poirier de Jardin. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:143, Pl. XIX, fig. 3. 1768.
Garden Pear. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 770. 1869.
Origin unknown; probably French. Fruit large, globular-oblate, orange-shaped, sur-
face a little bossed, on the side of the sun a beautiful deep red, spotted with golden-yellow,
the shaded side being streaked and rayed with bright red on yellow; flesh semi-breaking,
a little coarse and somewhat gritty around the core; juice sugary and of a very good flavor;
good; Dec.
Poiteau. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:537, fig. 1869.
Raised by Van Mons, and first fruited at Louvain, Bel., in 1823. Fruit above
medium, long-ovate, variable in form, sometimes being short-ovate and ventriculous,
orange-yellow, dotted with brown, stained with greenish-russet around the calyx and
stem, and mottled with the same on the cheek next the sun; flesh whitish, rather coarse,
melting, gritty, full of saccharine juice, sometimes astringent, without pronounced perfume;
second; Oct.
Polish Lemon. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 61. 1887.
Known as Cytrymova in Poland. It was received in 1882 by the Iowa State Agri-
cultural College, and was subsequently propagated and distributed by the College.
Polk. 1. Mag. Hort. 11:252. 1845.
A seedling raised by H. W. Edwards, New Haven, Conn., at one time Governor of
that state. It came into bearing in 1844. Fruit larger than the Seckel, like Bergamot in
form; flesh juicy, melting, subacid, sweet and rich; first; Sept to Nov.
Pollan. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 834. 1869.
A Pennsylvania pear. Fruit below medium, nearly globular, greenish-yellow, with a
shade of brown in the sun; flesh whitish, a little coarse, moderately juicy, vinous, pleasant;
good; Aug.
Pollvaskaja. 1. Jowa Hort. Soc. Rpt. 61. 1880.
A Russian variety growing on the Iowa State College Farm in 1880, and having thorny
wood; it unites very imperfectly with the apple. It shows “ marked traces of the Chinese
forms of the pear in shape, serration, thickness and size of leaf, and in the peculiar enlarged
character of the scaly terminal buds.”
Polnische griine Krautbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:155. 1856.
Galicia, 1819. Fruit small, globular-flattened, distorted, grass-green changing to
yellowish grass-green and often with a dark blush and brown-russet on the side next the
sun; scentless skin; flesh coarse-grained, melting, vinous, very juicy, acidulous; second for
dessert, first for household; mid-Sept.
Polnische Seidenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fihr. Obstkunde 2:145. 1856.
Galicia, 1812. Fruit medium to large, regular in form, light lemon-yellow, often rather
blushed, sprinkled with numerous small, prominent, light brown and often greenish dots;
flesh breaking, and coarse-grained, sweet, Muscatel in flavor; third for dessert, very good
for household purposes; Sept.
Pomeranzenbirn von Zabergiu. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen go, fig. 1913.
A perry pear found in Germany and Upper Austria. Fruit laige, globular-turbinate;
skin smooth, shining, of a light leaf-green changing when ripe to light greenish-yellow,
finely dotted, without russet; flesh yellow-white, rather coarse-grained, with small grits
around the center, very juicy, saccharine, acidulous, having a strong scent; Oct.
Pomme @’Eté. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:539, fig. 1869.
The origin of the Pomme d’Eté is uncertain, except that M. Leroy of Angers received
it from the old garden of the Horticultural Society of Angers about 1849. Fruit medium
and below, globular, much flattened and similar to the form of Caillot rosat and Naquette,
yellow-ochre, entirely covered with gray dots; flesh white, fine and breaking, watery,
rather granular around the core; juice abundant, saccharine, sweet and very musky;
second; end of Sept.
Pope Quaker. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 834. 1869.
Origin, Long Island, N. Y. Fruit very fair, medium-size, oblong-pyriform, smooth,
yellow-russet; flesh melting, juicy and pleasant; hardly good; Oct.
Pope Scarlet Major. 1. Mag. Hort. 3:15. 1837. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 834. 1869.
Origin, Long Island, N.Y. Fruit nearly large, obovate, yellow, blushed on exposed
side with bright red; flesh white, breaking, rather dry; very indifferent; Oct.
Portail. 1. Miller Gard. Dict. 3. 1807. 2. Christ Handb. 503. 1817.
Origin unknown beyond the fact that it was discovered in the old province of Poitou,
Fr., and was held in high esteem there. Fruit ‘‘ longer than it is round,” greenish: flesh
yellowish, dry, gritty and hard unless in very favorable seasons and upon very good soil,
but may at times be tender and have an unforgetable musky aroma; it bakes well; Jan.
to Mar.
Porter. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 44. 1866.
A seedling raised by S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass. No. 16. Fruited in 1862
Diameter 24 inches, melting, sweet and juicy; ripens soundly; good market pear; Oct.
Portingall. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 592. 1629.
“The Portingall peare is a great peare, but more goodly in shew then good indeed.”
Posey. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 44. 1897.
Found in a fence row on the farm of Jacob Grabel, where it originated about 1880.
It was reported by A. R. Ryman, Cedar Grove, Ind. Fruit medium, pyriform, moderately
smooth, lemon-yellow, with small brown spots; flesh whitish, buttery, mild subacid; good
to very good; Sept. to Dec.
Prager Schaferbirne. 1. Oberdieck Obst. Sort. 321. 1881.
Germany. Fruit medium (33 x 2} in.), ovate and pyriform, smooth, greenish turning
to lemon-yellow blushed on the sunny side, very finely dotted; flesh yellowish-white, tender,
agreeably aromatic and sweet; first for kitchen and household purposes; Oct. to end of
Prairie du Pond. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 835. 1869.
Introduced by A. H. Ernst, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fruit small, nearly globular, greenish-
yellow, with many brown and green dots; flesh whitish, moderately juicy, semi-melting,
vinous, astringent; poor; Sept.
Pratt. 1. Horticulturist 1:210, fig. 58. 1846. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:542, fig. 1869.
The Pratt pear was first brought into notice by Owen Mason, Providence, R. I., who
obtained cions from the original tree at Scituate, R. I., and distributed them in the spring
of 1844. It appears to have originated at Johnson, R. I. Fruit above medium, obovate,
greenish-yellow, sprinkled with numerous gray dots and russet spots; flesh white, tender,
melting, fine-grained, abounding with saccharine, well-flavored juice; second; Sept.
Pratt Junior. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 151. 1862.
Another native which originated on the same farm as the preceding variety and named
by the Rhode Island Society in order to designate its origin; in appearance similar to Winter
Pratt Seedling. 1. Chico Nurs. Cat. 13. 1904.
Originated in Salem, Oregon, with Captain Pratt. Shape and color of Sheldon; keeps
until Mar.
Precilly. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 835. 1869.
Belgian. Fruit medium to large, obovate-acute-pyriform, greenish-yellow, netted
and patched with russet and sprinkled with brown dots; flesh yellowish-white, coarse,
breaking, juicy; good for cooking; Oct.
Précoce de Celles. 1. Guide Prat. 111. 1876.
Described by Messrs. Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, in 1876 as a new variety received
from Belgium. Fruit medium, like Bergamot in form; very good in quality for its season;
early summer.
Précoce de Jodoigne. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:101, fig. 339. 1880.
Obtained by M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Brabant, Bel., and first published in 1865. Fruit
rather small or nearly medium, ovate-pyriform, regular in contour, vivid green covered with
a sort of whitish bloom and sprinkled with green dots of a darker shade, changing to yellow
and occasionally tinged with red on the side of the sun; flesh whitish, fine, buttery, melting,
full of sweet juice, saccharine but not highly flavored; fairly good quality; July.
Précoce de Tivoli. 1. Guide Prat. 102. 1876.
Fruit medium, pyriform, pale yellow, flesh white, gritty, semi-breaking, saccharine;
good; Aug.
Précoce de Trévoux. 1. Cat. Cong. Pom. France 328. 1906.
Obtained by M. Treyve, Trévoux, Ain, Fr., and first published in 1862. Fruit full
medium size, pyriform-truncate, fine and tender skin of a vivid yellow, very finely dotted
with green and washed and streaked with carmine on the side next the sun; flesh white, fine,
melting, juicy, sugary and richly flavored, agreeable perfume; good to very good; beginning
of Aug.
Précoce Trottier. 1. Rev. Hort. 352. 1912.
A French pear described by M. de la Bastie in the Journal of the Pomological Society
of France in 1890. Fruit medium or a little above medium, turbinate-ventriculous; at
first the skin is a very bright green changing to pale yellow with some green mark-
ings, and blushed with somber red on the side next the sun, dotted with brown; flesh
white, semi-fine, nearly melting, juicy, saccharine, agreeably perfumed; good to very good;
Premature. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 157. 1832.
Originated in Scotland about 1830. Fruit below medium; flesh very juicy and
delicious, superior to the Crawford, of Scotland, reputed a most superior early fruit; early
Prémices d’Ecully. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:544, fig. . 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 632.
Obtained by M. Luizet, a nurseryman at Ecully-lez-Lyon, Rhéne, Fr., from a bed of
mixed seeds made in 1847. Fruit rather large, irregular ovate, round and bossed, yellow,
with here and there a green tinge, thickly spotted and stained with small blotches of brown-
russet; flesh tender, whitish, fine, melting, juicy, easily becoming soft, sweet, saccharine,
with a flavor of musk; Sept.
Prémices de Wagelwater. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 836. 1869.
Fruit below medium, globular-obovate-pyriform, sides unequal, yellow with a few
traces of russet and thickly sprinkled with brown dots; flesh whitish, melting, juicy, very
sweet; good to very good; Oct.
Premier. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 632. 1884.
Raised at the Royal Garden, Frogmore, Eng., and first exhibited in 1871. Fruit
above medium, oblong, terminating abruptly and bluntly at the stalk, undulating in out-
line and contracted with a waist at the middle; skin covered with cinnamon-colored russet;
flesh semi-melting, very juicy, sweet, and brisk, with a flavor resembling pineapple; good;
Premier Président Métivier. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:545, fig. 18609.
A variety raised in Leroy’s nurseries at Angers, Fr., in 1867. Fruit above medium or
large, globular, flattened at the poles, more enlarged on one side than on the other; skin
rough, grass-green, dotted and veined with olive-russet on the shaded side, and bronzed
and dotted with bright fawn on the face exposed to the sun; flesh very white, melting, fine
or semi-fine, free from granulations, very juicy, acidulous, highly saccharine, with delicious
perfume and flavor; first; Oct.
Présent de Van Mons. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 23546, fig. 1869.
A seedling of Van Mons raised at Louvain, Bel., but which first fruited with General
Delaage at Angers, Fr., in 1844. Fruit large, turbinate, shortened and ventriculous in
its lower part, very much narrowed and slightly constricted at the top which is rarely very
obtuse, lemon-yellow, strewn with large gray dots, fully colored with dull red on the side
exposed to the sun; flesh white, fine, or semi-fine, melting, gritty below the core; juice
abundant; saccharine, sourish and vinous, with an aromatic flavor; first; Feb. to Apr.
President. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 44: 1865. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 836. 1869.
A seedling raised by S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass., and fruited in 1861. Fruit very
large, globular-obovate, somewhat irregular; skin slightly rough, greenish-yellow, pale red
in the sun, considerable russet next the base of the stalk and traces of russet and con-
spicuous dots all over; flesh yellowish-white, rather coarse, melting, juicy, slightly vinous;
good; early Nov.
Président Barabé. 1. Guide Prat.97. 1895. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 193. 1920.
First fruited in 1870 from a seed of Bergamotte Espéren with M. Sannier, Rouen, Fr.
Fruit medium to below, short-turbinate, deep golden in color; flesh white, fine, melting,
a little acid, juicy and of exquisite flavor; Jan. to Mar.
Président de la Bastie. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 265. 1889. 2. Cat. Cong. Pom. France
330, fig. 1906.
Originated with M. Boisselot, Nantes, Fr. Fruit large, shape of Bartlett; flesh white,
fine, melting; good to very good; Feb. and Mar.
Président Boncenne. 1. Guide Prat. 97. 1895.
On trial with Messrs. Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, in 1895. This firm had received
it from Poitiers. Tree very vigorous and makes a shapely pyramid. Fruit medium,
pyramidal, greenish, slightly blushed with red on the side next the sun; flesh white, semi-
fine, melting, very juicy, perfumed, saccharine and with a flavor of almond; beginning of
Président Campy. 1. Guide Prat. 102. 1876.
On trial with Messrs. Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, in 1876 and stated to have been
received from Belgium.
President Clark. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 98. 1881.
This was a hybrid produced from the crossing of Seckel with Belle Lucrative. It was
raised by Francis Dana, who, before he died, put several seedlings into the hands of
Colonel Stone, Dedham, Mass., saying he thought there might be some very good varieties
among them. This variety was among them, and was named after the first President
of the Massachusetts Agricultural College. Fruit full medium, turbinate, somewhat irregu-
lar and variable; clear lemon-yellow, with a carmine cheek next the sun; flesh white, fine-
grained, very melting, juicy, slightly astringent, sweet and rich; very good to best: a little
later in season than Bartlett.
Président Couprie. 1. Guide Prat. 102. 1876.
French. Fruit medium, oval; flesh yellow, very tender, melting, juicy, highly saccha-
rine and perfumed; Sept. and Oct.
Président Deboutteville. 1. Guide Prat. 102. 1876.
Published by M. Boisbunel. _On trial with Messrs. Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, in
1876. Fruit rather large; first; Dec.
President Dr. Ward. 1. N. J. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 157. 1905.
Awarded a premium by the New Jersey Horticultural Society in 190s.
Président d’Estaintot. 1. Guide Prat. 111. 1876.
Obtained at Rouen, Fr., from a seed of Soldat-Laboureur, and published by Collette.
The fruit is of first quality and is in season from Aug. to Oct.
President Felton. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 836. 1869.
Originated with W. D. Brincklé, Philadelphia, Pa. Fruit medium, globular-oblate,
pale yellow, with a crimson cheek in sun, nettings and tracings of russet, and many brown
and gray dots; flesh fine, juicy, yellowish, semi-melting, slightly vinous, sweet; good;
Président Fortier. 1. Guide Prat. 98. 1895.
Obtained by M. Sannier, Rouen, Fr. Fruit medium, ovate, slightly swelled; flesh
white, very fine, melting, sugary, perfumed; Jan. to Apr.
Président Héron. 1. Rev. Hort. 6. 18097.
A new pear placed on the market in 1897 by Arséne Sannier, a nurseryman at Rouen,
Fr. Fruit medium: form recalling that of Urbaniste, obovate or oblong-obovate; flesh
very fine, juicy, and perfumed.
Président Mas. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 836. 1869. 2. Cat. Cong. Pom. France
333, fig. 1906.
First reported in 1865 as having been raised by M. Boisbunel, horticulturist at Rouen,
Fr., and adopted by the Pomological Congress of France. Fruit large, sometimes very
large, ovate-conic-obtuse and bossed round the stalk; skin rough, yellowish-green, much
dotted with russet, marbled with fawn around the eye; flesh whitish, fine, melting, juicy
with a sugary flavor, vinous and very pleasantly perfumed; very good; Nov. to Jan.
Président Muller. 1. Guide Prat. 102. 1876.
Published by M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Brabant, and on trial with Messrs. Simon-
Louis, Metz, Lorraine, in 1876. Fruit large; first; Nov.
Président Olivier. 1. Guide Prat. 111. 1876.
Gained by M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel., not long previous to 1876.
Président d’Osmonville. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:547, fig. 1869. 2. Bunyard Handb.
Hardy Fr. 194. 1920.
This variety was a posthumous gain of M. Léon Leclerc, Laval, Fr., in 1834, an amateur
well known among French pomologists. Fruit medium, ovate-pyriform; skin smooth,
fine and tender, very pale green changing to pale yellow, more golden on the side of the sun,
or occasionally washed on the more-exposed fruits with a suggestion of rosy red; flesh yellow,
very fine, entirely melting, filled with saccharine juice, vinous, and penetrated with a
lively musk flavor; first; Oct.
Président Parigot. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:548, fig. 1869.
A variety originated by Count Nouhes near Pauzauges in the Vendée, Fr., where the
seedling gave its first fruit in 1852. Fruit above medium, long-conic, narrowed in its upper
part and bossed; skin rather rough, orange-yellow, dotted with greenish-gray and exten-
sively washed with clear gray; flesh whitish, semi-fine, melting, watery, granular around
the core; juice abundant, very saccharine, vinous and with a delicious flavor; first;
Président Payen. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:549. 1869.
This pear issued in 1860 from a seed bed made by M. Briffaut, Sévres, Fr. It was
awarded a silver medal in 1861 by the Horticultural Society of Paris. Fruit medium,
long-pyriform, golden-russet sometimes washed with a red blush; flesh fine, melting, juicy,
saccharine, perfumed, and of good flavor; of moderate merit; beginning of winter.
Président Pouyer-Quertier. 1. Guide Prat. 111. 1876.
A French pear dedicated to a President of the Horticultural Society of Rouen. Fruit
medium, rather long, covered with gray-russet; flesh very fine, juicy, saccharine; first;
Dec. and Jan.
Président Royer. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:549, fig. 1869.
M. Xavier Grégoire, the Belgian tanner of Jodoigne, obtained this pear in 1762 when
it fruited for the first time. Fruit medium; form recalling that of the quince, very bossed,
rather obtuse, base flat, bright yellow, dotted, streaked and mottled with russet and
extensively washed with tender rose on the side of the sun; flesh fine, firm although quite
melting, rather granular at core; juice abundant, saccharine, highly perfumed, possessing
a slight acidity which renders it agreeable and refreshing; first; Oct.
Président Le Sant. 1. Guide Prat. 102. 1876.
Tree vigorous and fertile. Fruit medium, Bergamot-shaped; skin oily, symmetrical,
yellow dotted with fawn; flesh fine, melting, juicy, saccharine, with an agreeable aroma;
first; Oct. and Nov.
Président Watier. 1. Guide Prat. 98. 1895.
Obtained about 1880 by the Chevalier de Biseau d’Hauteville, at Binche, Bel. Fruit
long-gourd-shaped; flesh salmon-colored, melting, saccharine, well-flavored: Nov.
Présidente Senente. 1. Guide Prat. 98. 1895.
Obtained by M. Sannier, Rouen, Fr. On trial in 1895. Tree healthy, of moderate
vigor and pyramidal. Fruit small to medium, globular-oblate; flesh melting, perfumed,
very juicy with a pleasant acidity; Dec. and Jan.
Prévost. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:552, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 633. 1884.
Obtained by Alexandre Bivort, director of the nurseries of the Society Van
Mons at Geest-Saint-Rémy, Jodoigne, Bel. in 1847. Fruit above medium, rather
irregular-ovate, bossed, often much.swelled in the lower half, lemon-yellow or golden,
dotted and a little speckled with bright maroon, carmined on the cheek turned to the
sun; flesh white, semi-fine and semi-melting, having a pleasant muscat flavor; second; Jan,
to Mar.
Pricke. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 593. 1629.
“The peare pricke is very like unto the Greenfield peare, being both faire, great, and
Primating. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 592. 1629.
Mentioned by John Parkinson in 1629, as ‘‘a good moist peare, and early ripe.”’
Prince Albert. 1. Pom. France 4:No. 141, Pl. 141. 1865. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
836. 1869.
This was a seedling of the eighth generation raised by Van Mons at Louvain, Bel.,
sown about 1840. Fruit medium, conic, obtuse and irregular, often contorted, sides unequal,
greenish, striped and dotted with fawn, washed with russet around the stem; flesh white,
semi-fine and semi-breaking, gritty; juice abundant, saccharine, aromatic, rather savory;
second; Nov. and Dec.
Prince Harvest. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 837. 18609.
Raised by William Prince, Flushing, L. I., N. Y. Fruit small, ovate-pyriform, pale
yellow, rarely a brownish blush, red cheek in the sun, sprinkled with brown dots, and some-
times patched with russet; flesh white, firm, breaking, moderately juicy, sweet, slightly
musky; good; end of July.
Prince Impérial. 1. Guide Prat. 65. 1876.
Obtained by M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Brabant, Bel.,in 1850. Tree vigorous and fertile.
Fruit large, ovate, bright yellow all over; flesh salmon-colored, buttery, rather juicy, saccha-
rine and having an agreeable perfume; first; Oct. and Nov.
Prince Impérial de France. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:554, fig. 1889. 2. Downing Fr.
Trees Am. 837. 1869.
M. Grégoire, the well-known Belgian seedsman, obtained this variety at Jodoigne in
1850 from seed of Pastorale sown in 1835. Fruit above medium, irregular-ovate and rather
swelled, having one side usually more enlarged than the other, bright green, dotted,
streaked, patched and spotted with fawn-russet; flesh white, fine, juicy, melting, slightly
gritty below the core; juice abundant, refreshing, saccharine, acidulous, perfumed; first;
Prince de Joinville. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 837. 18609.
Belgian; first fruited in 1848. Fruit medium, globular, green changing to golden
yellow, with a vivid blush on the cheek next the sun, brown spots and some russet; flesh
yellowish-white, semi-fine, melting, acidulous, sweet, agreeably aromatic; first for dessert,
household and market; Nov.
Prince Napoléon. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:556, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
837. 1869.
Raised by M. Boisbunel, Rouen, Fr., from seed of the Passe Crassane in 1864. Fruit
medium and sometimes above, globular, rarely regular and often mammillate at the top,
olive-yellow, covered largely with mottlings of brown and sprinkled with indistinct gray
dots; flesh white-greenish or yellowish, semi-fine, semi-melting; juice sufficient, saccharine,
vinous, with a delicate perfume; first; Feb. and Mar.
Prince d’Orange. 1. Mag. Hort. 21:146. 1855.
Raised by Van Mons at Louvain and numbered 891 in his Catalog of 1823, second and
third series, and regarded by J. de Jonghe, Brussels, as one of Van Mons’ more remarkable
fruits; form and flavor of Passe Colmar.
Prince de Printemps. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 198. 1832.
A Flemish pear imported by a Mr. Braddick in 1819. Fruit small, turbinate, green;
flesh buttery, sweet; good: very late.
Prince Saint-Germain. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 447, fig. 207. 1845.
Raised by William Prince, Flushing, Long Island, N. Y., and known also as Brown
Saint Germain. Fruit medium, obovate inclining to oval-pyriform, green nearly covered
with brownish-russet and blushed with dull red on the side next the sun; flesh yellowish-
white, melting, juicy, with a vinous and very agreeable flavor; very good; Nov. to Mar.
Prince Seed Virgalieun. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:163, fig. 562. 188r.
Origin unknown. Fruit medium, turbinate-conic and ventriculous, usually regular in
form, pale green, slightly tinted with yellow, sprinkled with brownish-gray dots, small
but numerous; at maturity the basic green becomes brilliant lemon-yellow and the side
exposed to the sun washed with pale red; flesh white, fine, buttery, very melting; juice suffi-
cient, saccharine; good; Oct.
Princess. 1. Jour. Hort. N.S. 3:260. 1882. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr.194. 1920.
Raised by Messrs. Rivers, Sawbridgeworth, Eng., from seed of Louise Bonne de Jersey.
Growth compact, upright, free bearer, valuable for market culture, and one to be depended
upon in poor seasons; fine as a cordon. Fruit medium, long-pyriform, tapering almost to
stalk, not very symmetrical, smooth and shining, rarely russety, green and pale green with
a brownish tinge, dark green dots under the skin; flesh white, juicy and melting, briskly
acid; very good; Oct. to Christmas, rather variable in season.
Princess Maria. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 580. 1857.
A seedling from Van Mons. Fruit medium or below, pyramidal, yellow, considerably
covered with rough, dull russet, and thickly sprinkled with dots; flesh whitish, rather
coarse, juicy, melting, vinous, aromatic; good; Sept.
Princesse Charlotte. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:558, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 633.
A pear raised in 1846 by Major Espéren, Mechlin, Bel. Fruit medium, variable in
form, much bossed and rather contorted, turbinate-obtuse to globular-ovate, grass-green
with brown or orange glow on the sunny side, dotted and marbled with russet; flesh white,
semi-fine, semi-melting, watery and gritty, but juicy, saccharine, acidulous, with a fine
aroma, a fine pear, evidently of the Passe Colmar race, but quite distinct from that variety;
Nov. and later.
Princesse Marianne. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:559, fig. 1869.
Calebasse Princesse Marianne. 2. Ann. Pom. Belge 5:67, fig. 1857.
Although very similar in color and form, this pear is distinct from Calebasse Bosc with
which it has been confused. It was obtained by Van Mons at the Fidélité nursery near
Brussels before 1817 from a graft of a wilding. Fruit large, pyriform and gourd-shaped,
swelled in its lower part, more or less contracted near the summit and not very obtuse;
skin rough, greenish-russet, dotted with clear gray and marbled or speckled with brown,
flesh white or semi-fine, melting, some grit around the core, juicy, very saccharine, vinous
and with a highly delicate aroma: first; Oct.
Princesse d’Orange. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom.2:560. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 634. 1884.
According to Van Mons this was found by Count de Coloma in the garden of the
Riches-Claires Nunnery at Mechlin, Bel., about 1788, but remained unnamed for forty
years. Fruit medium, globular or globular-ovate, bossed, seldom very regular in form,
lemon-yellow, largely covered with reddish-brown russet, and more or less carmined on
the side next the sun; flesh white and fine, melting or semi-melting, juicy, vinous,
saccharine, slightly perfumed with anis; a first-class dessert pear; Oct.
Princiére. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:562, fig. 1869.
Of uncertain origin. Leroy received it in 1864 from Charles Baltet, Troyes, Fr., who
also described it in the Revue Horticole that year. Fruit above medium, globular, irregu-
lar, bossed, often much contorted and usually mammillate at the summit, golden yellow
or bright yellow covered all over with large russet dots, streaked with fawn around the
calyx; flesh white, fine, melting, full of juice, only slightly saccharine, vinous and slightly
aromatic; second; Oct.
Priou. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:563, figs. 1869.
This pear which is one of the best ripening in spring-time was made known in 1863 by
M. Priou, a miller at Rondard, near Brissac, Maine-et-Loire, Fr. The parent tree stood
in an open pasturage, and was then about fifty years old. Fruit above medium, rather
inconstant in form, globular-ovate, irregular, bossed, mammillate at the summit, and
pentagonal at its base or almost completely globular, bright yellow, dotted and streaked with
gray-russet; flesh white, fine and juicy, melting, slightly gritty at the center, saccharine,
agreeably acid, with a delicious perfume; first; May.
Professeur Barral. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:56s, fig. 1869.
M. Boisselot, Nantes, Fr., a well known seedsman, obtained this pear from seeds
of Bartlett, in 1862. Fruit very large, globular, rather irregular and bossed; skin thick,
orange-yellow, dotted with gray and lightly washed with bright russet on the exposed side;
flesh whitish, fine or semi-fine, melting, watery; juice abundant, sugary, vinous, acidulous
and full of flavor; first; Oct. and beginning of Nov.
Professeur Bazin. 1. Rev. Hort. 494. 1898.
A posthumous variety raised from a seed bed of M. Tourasse and placed on the market
in 1898 by M. Baltet, Troyes, Fr. Fruit large, often very large, pyramidal, ventriculous
at the middle, water-green, passing to lemon-yellow, mottled with fawn-brown; flesh
extremely fine and melting, juicy, saccharine, with a delicate perfume; very good; Dec.
and Jan.
Professeur Dubreuil. 1. Pom. France 3:No. 97, Pl.o7. 1865. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 634.
Obtained by M. Dubreuil, professor of horticulture, from a bed of seeds of Louise-
Bonne de Jersey made at the Botanical Garden of Rouen in 1840. Fruit medium,
pyriform, more or less swelled; skin rather thick, oily, green changing to lemon-yellow,
dotted with russet and carmined on the side of the sun; flesh white, fine, buttery, full of
sugary juice, with an agreeable perfume; first; end of Aug. and early Sept.
Professeur Grosdemange. 1. Baltet Cult. Fr. 340, 342, fig. 243. 1908.
Fruit large, obovate-pyriform; coloring bright yellow with vermilion blush; flesh of
good quality; Jan. to Mar.
Professeur Hennau. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 8:77, fig. 1860.
M. Xavier Grégoire, a tanner at Jodoigne, Bel., obtained this variety from seed.
Fruited in 1860. Fruit above medium, ovate, more or less irregular, swelled and bossed,
often a little contorted in its lower part, olive-yellow dotted with ashen gray, veined or
speckled with fawn and washed with golden russet on the cheek exposed to the sun; flesh
white, rather coarse, semi-melting, watery, very granular around the center; juice abundant,
saccharine, tartish, delicate although slight perfume; second; Nov.
Professeur Hortolés. 1. Guide Prat. 57. 1895.
Raised by M. F. Morel, a horticulturist at Lyons, Fr. Tree vigorous and fertile,
suitable for all forms of growth. Fruit rather large, pyriform-ventriculous, greenish-
yellow, blushed with brownish-red on the side next the sun; flesh white, fine, melting,
very juicy; first; Sept. and Oct.
Professeur Opoix. 1. Rev. Hort. 532, fig. 240. 1901.
A seedling from the establishment of Baltet Brothers, Troyes, Fr. Reported in 1901.
Fruit rather large, globular, slightly oval, a little bossed, bright green passing to whitish-
yellow, dotted with brown; flesh fine, yellow-butter tinted, very juicy, melting, saccharine,
with a pleasant aromatic perfume: excellent; Jan. to Mar.
Professeur Willermoz. 1. Guide Prat. 98. 1895.
Obtained by M. Joanon at Saint-Cyr near Lyons, Fr. Fruit large or rather large,
pyriform ventriculous; flesh very fine, juicy, melting, saccharine and perfumed; Aug. and
Prudhomme. 1. Guide Prat. 98. 1895.
Published in the Journal of the National Society of Horticulture of France in 1875.
Tree vigorous and very fertile. Flesh saccharine, very sprightly; Sept. to Dec.
Pudsey. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 97. 1875.
A native of Nova Scotia which compares ‘‘ favorably in flavor, richness, and other
qualities with some of the most popular sorts at present cultivated.”
Puebla. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:568, fig. 1869.
A seedling of M. André Leroy, Angers, Fr., reported in 1863. Fruit large, ovate, rather
ventriculous and much bossed, with one side nearly always less swelled than the other;
skin thick and rough, yellow, covered with large patches of russet and grayish dots; flesh
very white and very fine, melting, with some grit at the center, full of sugary juice, with
an acid taste and agreeable perfume; first; Oct.
Pulsifer. 1. Horticulturist 8: 460, fig. 1853.
Dr. John Pulsifer of Hennepin, Ill., in the spring of 1843 planted in his garden a pear
seed which produced a tree bearing fruit of great merit. An early and prolific bearer,
hardy, vigorous. Fruit hardly medium, pyriform, dull golden-yellow, covered with an
open network of slight russet; flesh white, melting, juicy, sweet, and delicious, much like
Louise Bonne de Jersey, but superior to it; Aug.
Pushkin. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 135. 1920.
Pyrus ovoidea x R. & K. 533, a Russian pear. Originated by N. E. Hansen, Brookings,
S. D., and introduced by him in 1919.
Queen Jargonelle. 1. Gard. Chron. 3d Ser. 22369. 1887.
Of unknown origin but it appears to have been disseminated by the Rev. W. Kingsley,
Thirsk, Yorkshire, Eng. Fruit soft, juicy and agreeable; Aug.
Queen Victoria. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 635. 1884.
Raised by Mr. W. Willison, a florist at Whitby, Yorkshire, Eng. Fruit medium, obo-
vate, even in its contour, greenish-yellow at maturity, with a crust of cinnamon-russet on
the side next the sun; flesh tender, juicy, sweet, and with an almond flavor; end of Aug.
Quiletette. 1. Mag. Hort. 9:388. 1843. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 840. 1869.
This is a Van Mons seedling, and was exhibited at the fifteenth annual exhibition
of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society in September, 1843, by R. Manning of Salem.
Fruit nearly medium, globular, a little flattened, greenish, nearly covered with dull iron-
colored russet; flesh white, buttery, melting, rich, sweet and perfumed; an odd-looking fruit,
scarcely good; Nov.
Quince. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 46. 1866.
A seedling raised by S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass., and fruited in 1862. Fruit
diameter 3 inches; skin lumpy and nodular; flesh fine-grained, juicy and sweet; great bearer;
Quinn. 1. Horticulturist 22:42, 117, fig. 25. 1867.
P. T. Quinn, Newark, N. J., submitted specimens of this pear to the Committee of
the Farmers’ Club of the American Institute which issued a report upon it on January
2d, 1867. The pear had been imported by Professor Mapes and the name lost, and at a
previous meeting the Committee had named it Quinn. Fruit below medium, pyriform,
tapering rapidly toward the stem end; skin inclined to golden-russet; flesh rich and juicy
and in flavor and aroma occupies the first rank; good; Jan. and keeps till Mar.
Rainbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:166. 1856.
Hesse, Ger., 1816. Fruit'medium, ovate, somewhat swelled; skin polished, pale light
green turning to lemon-yellow, without any red blush, sprinkled with numerous fine light
brown dots, fine russet on the side next the sun; flesh granular, vinous and highly aromatic;
first for culinary use; mid-Oct. %
Rallay. 1. Elliott Fr. Book 382. 1854.
An old variety of unknown origin. Fruit small to medium, globular-acute-pyriform;
skin rough, dull yellow, dull reddish cheek, dotted all over with russet; flesh yellowish-
white, breaking, juicy, gritty; good; Nov. and Dec.
Rameau. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 239. 1854. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:572, fig. 1869.
Silberastige Gewtrebirne. 3. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:15. 1856.
A seedling of Van Mons distinct from Best des Veterans. Fruit above medium, oblong-
oval; skin thick, rough, greenish, gray or bronzed on sunny side, stained and dotted with
dark russet; flesh yellowish-white, very fine, melting, juicy, sweet, acidulous, aromatic;
Ramilies. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 165. 1841. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 195. 1920.
Described in 1842 in the London Horticultural Society’s Catalog of Fruits. Fruit
large, obovate, yellow obscured with russet, red next the sun, beautiful in appearance;
flesh breaking; very good for cooking; Nov. to Feb.
Rankin. 1. Van Lindley Nurs. Cat. 53. 1913.
Introduced by J. Van Lindley Nursery Company about 1905 and said to be a seedling
of Duchesse d’Angouléme picked up from the side of the Southern Railway by W. H.
Rankin, Guilford County, N. C. Tree strong, hardy. Fruit similar to Duchesse
d’Angouléme but two weeks earlier. :
Rannaja. 1. Iowa Hort. Soc. Rpt. 61. 1880.
Imported by Professor Budd from the northern steppes of Russia, where the sum-
mers are fully as dry and hot and the winters far more severe than those of Iowa; said
to unite well with the apple when root or top grafted.
Rapelje. 1. Horticulturist 1:239, fig. 62. 1846.
A native variety introduced by Professor Stephens, Astoria, Long Island. Fruit
medium, obovate, sometimes obtuse, and sometimes acute-pyriform, yellowish, covered
with cinnamon-russet; flesh whitish, somewhat granular, juicy, melting, with a sweet,
vinous, aromatic flavor; variable, sometimes poor; Sept.
Rastlerbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 18, fig. 10913.
Found in Northern Tyrol and the Austrian Province of the Voralberg. Fruit large,
globular-turbinate, almost acute, green turning yellow-green when ripe, faintly blushed;
flesh granular, greenish-white; a very good perry pear and suitable for baking; Oct. and Nov.
Rateau Blanc. 1. Pom. France 4:No. 155, Pl. 155. 1865.
A variety of unknown origin, but cultivated from very early times in the Gironde, Fr.,
and much esteemed in the markets of the Pyrenees. Fruit above medium, irregular in
form, usually pyramidal or long-ovate, sides unequal; skin rough to the touch, orange-
yellow, shaded with green, whitish on the cheek opposed to the sun, stained with fawn
around the stalk and covered, particularly on the lower part, with russet and large gray
dots; flesh whitish, coarse, semi-breaking; juice rather deficient, slightly acidulous, some-
what saccharine; second for the table, first for the kitchen; Mar.
Ravenswood. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 196. 1858.
Ravenswood was a seedling found in the woods of Astoria, L. I., and transplanted
to the grounds of Charles Ehrard. Fruit small, obovate-pyriform, pale yellow, with
sometimes a tinge of red in the sun and thickly sprinkled with green dots; flesh whitish,
slightly coarse, extremely full of vinous, carbonated juice, with a rich aromatic flavor;
good to very good, superior to most pears of its period; mid-July to mid-Aug.
Ravut. 1. Gude Prat. 71. 1876.
Ravu. 2. Mag. Hort. 25:256. 1859.
Described by M. Baltet, Troyes, Fr., as a new fruit, in 1859. Tree moderately vigorous
and very productive. Fruit medium, turbinate, pale yellow, dotted with russet; flesh fine,
melting, sugary, remaining sound when ripe; Aug. and Sept.
Raymond. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 183. 1832.
Raised by Joseph Wight, Raymond, Me. Fruit medium, obovate-pyriform, yellow,
marked with russet near the stalk and tinged with a little red toward the sun, thickly
sprinkled with russet dots; flesh white, buttery, melting, juicy, sweet, aromatic; good to
very good; Sept.
Raymond de Montlaur. 1. Guide Prat. 103. 1876.
On trial with Messrs. Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, in 1876, and in 1895 placed
in their list of pears of little value. Fruit very large, beautiful in form and color; flesh
very white, fine, melting and very juicy, saccharine, and agreeably aromatic; Oct.
Raymould. 1. Ohio Hort. Soc. Rpt. 8. 1895.
Mentioned in a report of the Committee on New Fruits of the Ohio State Horticultural
Society in 1895. Fruit fair but not of sufficient size or quality to be recommended for
Re Umberto primo. 1. Rev. Hort. 224. 1896.
Published in France in 1896 as a new Italian variety. Fruit ovate, lemon-yellow,
dotted with small rough points; flesh rather breaking, slightly acidulous, very saccharine
and highly perfumed.
Reading. 1. Mag. Hort. 19:173. 1853. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 841. 1860.
A native variety, new about 1853. Introduced by Charles Kessler. Originated in
Oley Township, Reading, Pa. Fruit medium to large, obovate-pyriform, tapering to the
crown, yellow, thickly dotted with brown points and sprinkled with russet; flesh greenish-
white, abounding in juice of a mild and agreeable flavor, melting, vinous; good; Jan. to
Recq de Pambroye. 1. Guide Prat. 104. 1895.
Messrs. Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, in 1895 classed this among “new varieties ”
and stated that they had received it from M. Daras de Naghin. Antwerp, Bel. Tree
rather vigorous, forward according to accounts, fertile. Fruit medium or rather large,
bronze in color, washed with red on the side exposed to the sun; flesh fine, juicy, sugary,
vinous; Jan.
Red Garden. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 841. 1869.
Raised by Josiah Youngken, Richlandtown, Pa. Fruit medium, obovate-pyriform,
pale yellow, shaded and mottled with a few crimson dots on the side next the sun, netted
and patched with russet and thickly sprinkled with brown dots; flesh whitish, a little coarse,
juicy, melting, sweet, pleasant; good to very good; Sept.
Red Pear. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 636. 1884.
A perry pear grown largely in Herefordshire, Eng. Fruit small, globular, even and
regular in outline, inclining to turbinate, almost entirely covered with rather bright red,
yellow around the stalk where shaded, sprinkled all over with pale gray dots; flesh quite
yellow, firm, dry and gritty.
Redfield. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 195. *1867.
Raised from seed by J. W. Crosby, St. George, Utah, and first fruited in 1861. Fruit
in size, shape and color resembles Bartlett, but is a little more tapering at the stem, yellowish-
green, with a brownish-red cheek; flesh sweet, sprightly, melting; ripens a little later than
Refreshing. 1. Rural N.Y. 242, figs. 133, 134. 1885.
Raised by Benjamin Macomber, Grand Isle, Vt. Fruit below medium, bright golden
yellow; stem stout, medium long, in a small cavity; flesh whitish, juicy, melting, sweet;
very good; Sept.
Regina Margherita. 1. Rev. Hort. 224. 1806.
An Italian pear published in 1896 as a new variety. Fruit in form similar to that of
Passe Crassane, greenish-yellow, washed with green; flesh very saccharine, somewhat acid,
buttery, perfumed.
Régine. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 841. 1869.
A Van Mons seedling. Fruit medium, globular-pyriform, greenish-yellow, with slight
nettings of russet and thickly sprinkled with green and brown dots; flesh white, juicy,
melting, sweet, pleasant; good; Sept.
Regnier. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 185. 1854.
A native variety which originated with Madame Regnier, Philadelphia, Pa. Reported
by the Committee on Fruits of the American Pomological Society in 1854. Fruit above
medium, ovate, yellow, with usually a colored cheek; very good;
Reichendckerin. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:10. 1856.
Wurttemberg, Ger., 1847. Fruit medium, globular, dark green, with brownish blush,
gray dots; first for household; mid-Dec. and Jan.
Reine des Belges. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:578, fig. 1869. ;
A seedling raised by Van Mons at Louvain, Bel., in 1832. Fruit above medium,
ovate, tending to globular, always slightly mammillate at the top; skin fine and shining,
pale yellow, sprinkled with very small russet dots, and slightly blushed with tender rose
on the side exposed to the sun; flesh very white, a little coarse, melting or semi-breaking,
watery, rather granular at center; juice saccharine, vinous, perfumed; second; Sept.
Reine d’Hiver. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 841. 1869.
Fruit small, globular-oblate, yellow, with a brownish tinge on the cheek exposed to
the sun and with nettings, patches and dots of russet; flesh yellowish, melting, juicy, sweet,
pleasant; good; Nov.
Reine des Poires. 1. Manning Book of Fruits 84. 1828. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:581,
fig. 1869.
The Count de Coloma came into possession of the garden of the Nunnery of the Riches-
Claires, Mechlin, Bel., directly after the suppression of the order in 1786 and two years
later made seed beds from which were raised, among other good varieties, the Reine des
Poires. Fruit below medium, turbinate-ovate but irregular in form; skin rather thick
and yet tender, green dotted with small brown points, changing to yellow, much covered
with a brownish-red russet; flesh whitish, semi-fine, melting; juice abundant, saccharine
and acidulous, with an exquisite perfume; first; Oct.
Reine des Précoces. 1. Mas Le Verger 2:201, fig. 99. 1866-73.
Probably of Belgian origin. Fruit small, globular-turbinate or nearly globular,
regular in contour; skin thick, at first intense green sprinkled with numerous large, promi-
nent, gray-green dots; the basic green changes to yellow on the shaded side ard intense
brownish-red on the side of the sun; flesh white, rather coarse, semi-buttery, a little gritty
at the center, little juice or sugar, rather agreeable; second; end of July.
‘Reine des Tardives. 1. Guide Prat. 104. 1876.
Published by M. Bruant in 1865. Fruit rather large, vivid yellow; flesh juicy,
saccharine; easily keeps till June.
Reine Victoria. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 842. 1869.
Said to be a seedling from Van Mons. Fruit medium, obovate-acute-pyriform,
greenish-yellow, with shades and patches of fawn; flesh white, tinted with rose, fine, melting,
juicy, sweet; Dec.
Reliance. 1. Ga. Hort. Soc. Rpi. 24. 1890.
Introduced by P. J. Berckmans to the Georgia State Horticultural Society and
accepted by that Society in 1890. It was raised from seed sown in 1857, and named
Reliance ‘“‘ because it bears every year.’”’ Fruit small; a dessert pear almost as good
as Seckel, rated as very good; summer season.
Remy Chatenay. 1. Guide Prat. 98. 1895.
Obtained by M. Sannier, Rouen, Fr. Tree healthy and of fair vigor, very fertile,
and suitable for all forms of cultivation. Fruit of the form and appearance of Beurré
d’Arenberg though not so large or delicate; matures in the spring.
René Dunan. 1. Guide Prat. 98. 1895.
On trial with Messrs. Simon-Louis at Metz, Lorraine, in 1895 and at Agassiz, British
Columbia and other Canadian Experiment Stations in 1900. The tree pyramidal and
very fertile. Fruit very large, lemon-yellow, vermilioned on the side of the sun; flesh fine,
melting, acidulous, recalling the flavor of the Beurré Gris; Nov. and Dec.
Rettigbirne. 1. Christ Handb. 527. 1817. 2. Dochnahl Fahr. Obstkunde 2:34. 1856.
Of German origin. Reported .in 1815. Fruit small, globular-pyriform, medium
ventriculous, light yellow, dotted with gray, and speckled with brown; flesh acid and aro-
matic; first for all purposes; beginning of Sept. for three weeks.
Reuterbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:189. 1856.
Nassau, Prussia, 1807. Fruit almost small, ovate, ventriculous, uneven in outline,
pale yellow-green turning to light lemon-yellow, often covered with thin russet on the side
of the sun; flesh dense, juicy, wanting in flavor, sweet and acidulous; third for dessert,
first for household; Oct.
Rewell. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 593. 1629.
‘The good Rewell is a reasonable great peare, as good to bake as to eate rawe, and
both wayes it is a good fruit.”
Reymenans. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:152. 1856.
A Van Mons seedling. Belgium, 1825. Fruit small, turbinate-globular, even in
contour, light green turning to lemon-yellow, without any red blush, sprinkled with fine
dots, with delicate russet on the cheek next the sun; skin without scent; flesh semi-
melting, sweet, aromatic; second for dessert, first for household and market; Feb. and Mar.
Reynaert Beernaert. 1. Mag. Hort. 26:220. 1860. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:21, fig. 395.
Obtained by M. Bivort, director of the Society Van Mons, Bel. Fruit medium or
nearly large, globular, flattened at both poles, regular in contour; skin rather thick, water-
green, sprinkled with numerous large and regularly-spaced, gray dots, turning at maturity
to dull yellowish-green and the side next the sun golden or orange colored; flesh whitish,
coarse, semi-melting, wanting in juice and sugar, vinous but without appreciable perfume;
second; Nov.
Rheinische Birne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:6. 1856.
Westphalia, a province of Prussia, 1802. Fruit large, ovate, light green turning pale
yellow, without any blush, strongly dotted; flesh breaking, juicy, aromatic; first for house-
hold use; Oct.
Rheinische Herbstapothekerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:178. 1856.
Nassau, Prussia, 1805. Fruit very large, conic, often very irregular in form, light
yellow-green turning to pale light yellow, often stained blood-red, covered with very
numerous and minute spots, speckled and marked with russet; flesh whitish, granular,
semi-melting, sweet and aromatic; second for table, first for cooking.
Rheinische Paradiesbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:169. 1856.
Thuringia, Ger., 1801. Fruit large, conic, yellow, blushed and streaked with light
red, dotted with yellow; flesh yellow, gritty around the center, sweet; third for the table,
first for culinary use; end of Oct. and Nov.
Rhenser Schmalzbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:63. 1856.
The German Rhineland, 1833. Fruit fairly large, pyriform, smooth, yellow, blushed
with blood-red, covered with fine dots; flesh yellowish, breaking, sweet, aromatic; third
for dessert, first for kitchen; Jan. to Mar.
Richards. 1. Mag. Hort. 22:540. 1856. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 842. 1869.
Originated at Wilmington, Del. It was placed on the list of the American Pomological
Society in 1856 at its biennial session at Rochester. Fruit medium, obovate-acute-pyri-
form, yellow sprinkled with numerous small russet dots and patches of russet; flesh buttery,
melting, granular, with a sweet, pleasantly vinous flavor; good; Oct.
Richardson. 1. Thomas Am. Fruit Cult. 570. 1885.
Fruit rather large, obovate; flesh melting, sprightly, pleasant; Oct.
Riche Dépouille. 1. Prince Pom. Man. 2:205. 1832.
A French variety introduced early in the last century. Its name may be translated
Rich-skinned. Fruit large, oblong-obovate, rather irregular in its outline and resembling
in form the Saint Germain, clear lemon-yellow, with a tinge of scarlet on the side exposed
to the sun, a little mottled with russet, and the whole skin rough like the skin of an orange;
flesh white, melting, without perfume but sweet and pleasant; late autumn or winter.
Ridelle. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 87. 1845. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 842. 1869.
Shown at the seventeenth annual exhibition of the Massachusetts Horticultural
Society in September, 1845, by the President of the Society. Fruit medium, oblate-
turbinate, remotely pyriform, yellow covered nearly all over with bright red; flesh semi-
fine, rather juicy, not melting or delicate in flavor; scarcely good; Sept.
Riocreux. 1. Guide Prat. 104. 1876.
Probably French. Fruit rather large, like Calebasse in form, symmetrical, yellowish-
green; flesh fine, extremely melting, juicy, with an exquisite perfume; first; Aug. and Sept.
Ritson. 1. Ont. Dept. Agr. Fr. Ont. 175, figs. 1914.
Originated at Oshawa, Ontario, Can. W. E. Wellington stated that his grandmother,
Mrs. John Ritson, planted the seeds from a pear sent to her from Boston, and that the tree
had stood on the homestead as long as he could remember. Fruit medium, obovate-
pyriform, usually one-sided, yellow, shaded with golden-russet and numerous minute dots
of a darker hue; flesh medium, creamy-white, fine, tender, buttery, juicy, sweet, delicately
perfumed; dessert, very good to best; Oct.
Ritter. 1. Mag. Hort. 23:106. 1857.
Dr. Brincklé, chairman of the Committee on Native Fruits of the American Pomologi-
cal Society, reported in 1857 that specimens had been received from Louis Ritter, Reading,
Pa. The tree from which they were obtained was purchased in the spring of 1851 for Seckel,
but the tree instead of having a rounded head is pyramidalin growth. Fruit small, obovate,
greenish-yellow, a good deal russeted, with occasionally a faint brown cheek; flesh fine
texture, melting and buttery, saccharine, with the full Seckel aroma; best; Oct.
Rival Dumont. 1. Guide Prat. 111. 1876.
Fruit rather large, oval-turbinate, russet washed with yellow; flesh melting, buttery-
juicy, aromatic; first; Nov. and Dec.
Rivers. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:583, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 637. 1884.
A delicious pear raised in 1864 by Leroy at Angers, Fr., and dedicated by him to Thomas
Rivers, the distinguished English pomologist. Fruit medium, turbinate, regular in out-
line, greenish, dotted with brown and almost entirely covered with bright brown-russet;
flesh very melting, white, fine, juicy, saccharine, vinous, refreshing, with a delicate musky
perfume; first; Sept.
Robert Hogg. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:584, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 637. 1884.
Raised by Leroy, Angers, Fr., and named after Doctor Robert Hogg, the English
horticulturist. It first fruited in 1868. Fruit above medium, ovate, more or less irregular
and generally rather swelled in its lower part; skin slightly rough, rather deep green, much
covered with fawn-colored mottles of russet and small gray dots; flesh whitish, watery,
semi-fine, melting: juice very abundant, saccharine, richly flavored, aromatic, with an
agreeable acidity; first; Sept. and Oct.
Robert Treel. 1. Guide Prat. 104. 1876.
Published by J. de Jonghe, Bel. Tree very fertile. Fruit medium; flesh melting;
first; Feb.
Robine. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:174, Pl. XXVII. 1768. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.
637. 1884.
This is an ancient pear of unascertained origin, though the pomologists Turpin and
Poiteau and others have regarded it as French. It is often known as the Royale d’ Eté,
and has had various other synonyms. Fruit below medium, globular-turbinate, bright
green changing to yellow, dotted with greenish-gray; flesh white, fine or semi-fine, almost
breaking, rather dry, very saccharine, sweet and having an agreeable musky flavor; second;
Robitaillié pére. 1. Rev. Hort. 463. 1906.
A French pear raised at the beginning of the present century by M. Robitaillié. Fruit
very large; skin yellow, dotted with green and fawn, becoming golden at full maturity;
flesh fine, saccharine, acidulous, very juicy; first; season late and prolonged until Jan.
Rockeneirbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:2. 1856.
South Germany, 1847. Fruit small, smooth and shining; flesh yellow-white, some-
what blushed; first, for household use and perry; Sept.
Roe Bergamot. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 843. 1869.
Bergamoite de Roe. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:117, fig. 59. 1872.
Raised by William Roe, Newburgh, N. Y. Fruit medium in size, form oblate or
Bergamot-shaped, rather irregular; skin smooth, yellow, with minute yellow dots on the
shaded side, washed with red on the side of the sun; flesh rather coarse, sweet, rich, per-
fumed flavor suggestive of Gansel Bergamot but much more sugary; good to very good;
Sept. Tree fairly vigorous and prolific.
Rogers. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 157. 1867.
Reported as a new pear in 1867. Fruit said to be similar to the Louise Bonne de
Jersey in shape and size but like the Washington in dots, markings and flavor; end of
Roggenhoferbimne. 1. Loschnig Mostbirnen 170, fig. 1913.
A perry pear which came first probably from Lower Austria. Fruit small to medium,
turbinate to pyriform, the apex being rather acute; skin firm, grass-green turning to greenish-
yellow, blushed on the sunny side, dotted all over with numerous gray-brown dots; flesh
whitish, coarse-grained, fairly juicy, subacid; good for cider and drying; end of Aug.
Roi-Guillaume. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:91, fig. 238. 1879.
Gained by Van Mons. Fruit medium, ovate, uneven on all its surface; skin at first
pale water-green, sprinkled with brown dots, changing to lemon-yellow, more golden on
the side next the sun and often washed with orange-red; flesh-white, coarse, granular,
rather gritty at core; juice saccharine and perfumed but rather wanting in amount; third
for the table, good for the kitchen; Sept.
Roi de Rome. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 6:51, fig. 1858. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 843.
The Abbé Duquesnes, to whom we are beholden for many good fruits, found this
pear in Hainaut, Bel. Fruit very large, pyriform, pyramidal, olive-green, with dark gray
shading around the stalk and calyx, strongly blushed with orange-red and dotted with
bright gray on the side next the sun, and yellow at maturity on the shaded cheek, with
brown-black dots; flesh fine, semi-melting, yellowish-white; juice abundant, saccharine,
with an agreeable perfume; second for table, first for household; Sept.
Roitelet. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 843. 1869.
A Flemish pear. Fruit small, globular, yellow,— netted, shaded and sprinkled with
russet; flesh whitish, semi-melting, juicy, sweet; good; Sept.
Rokeby. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 844. 1869. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:73, fig. 37. 1872.
Gained by M. Bivort, Bel., and first published in 1848. Fruit medium or below,
pyriform, swelled in lower half, lower end flat, bright green turning to bright yellow in
the shade and blood-red on the cheek exposed to the sun; flesh white, semi-fine, juicy,
wanting in quality; second; Aug. and Sept.
Rolmaston Duchess. 1. Horticulturist 29:148. 1874.
Published in 1874. Fruit medium, pyriform, yellow-green; flesh fine, melting, juicy,
vinous; very good; Oct.
Ronde du Bosquet. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:586, fig. 1869.
Raised from seed and bore the name of the place where the parent tree, which was
first described in 1863, grew in M. Leroy’s grounds, Angers, Fr. Fruit below medium,
irregularly globular and strongly bossed, bright yellow, dotted with brown, much mottled
‘with russet; flesh whitish, watery, very fine, melting, rarely gritty; juice abundant, vinous,
saccharine, possessing a delicious perfume; first; Oct.
Rondelet. 1. Mag. Hort. 12:340. -1846. 2. Ibid. 18:436, fig. 32. 1852.
Obtained in France by M. Frangois Dehove. Fruit medium, remarkably oblate,
with a slightly uneven surface, much flattened at each end; skin fair, smooth, green turning
yellow at maturity, faintly blushed on the side next the sun, and thickly dotted with russet
intermixed with a few greenish specks; flesh yellow-white, buttery, melting, juicy, saccharine
and musky; first; Oct.
Ropes. 1. Mag. Hort. 12:500. 1846. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 844. 1869.
Originated with Mr. Ropes, Salem, Mass., about 1846. Fruit medium, obovate,
cinnamon-russet; stem short; cavity inclined; calyx small, open, set in a shallow basin; flesh
whitish, coarse, melting, juicy, sugary, aromatic; good; Oct. and Nov.
Rorreger Mostbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 50, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit large, globular-turbinate to pyriform; skin smooth,
shining green turning yellow, numerous small green dots; flesh whitish, rather coarse-
grained, subacid and very juicy; mid-Oct. and Nov.
Rosabirne. 1. Horticuliurist 8:65. 1853.
A foreign pear introduced to this country as a new variety in the middle of the last
century. Fruit medium, obovate-acute-pyriform, surface uneven, dull greenish-yellow,
almost entirely overspread with russet; flesh white, melting and juicy, with a delicious,
brisk, subacid flavor, vinous, resembles Brown Beurré; promised to be very good, one of the
best; Oct. and Nov.
Rosalie Wolters. 1. Guide Prat. 98. 1895.
Published in 1878. Fruit medium, oblong, whitish yellow; flesh yellowish, fine, very
saccharine; first; Oct.
Rosanne. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:60, fig. 227. 1879.
Origin unknown; Diel states he had received it from Strasland, Prussia. Fruit medium,
ovate-pyriform, symmetrical in contour, green marked with gray dots, changing at maturity
to lemon-yellow, extensively washed on the side next the sun with wine red, over which
are scattered numerous very distinct, brighter-red dots, giving the pear a great resemblance
to Vermont Beauty; flesh whitish, rather fine, buttery; juice somewhat deficient but pleas-
antly acid; good; mid-Aug.
Rose Doyenné. 1. Thomas Am. Fruit Cult. 713. 1897.
Fruit rather large, obovate, yellow and crimson; flesh coarse, granular, flavor poor,
rots at core; Oct.
Rose Water. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 592. 1629.
An old English pear. Fruit medium, globular, rough skin, brownish-red; flesh break-
ing, of a fine and delicate flavor; of fair quality but superseded; mid-Sept.
Rosenhofbirne. 1. Loéschnig Mosibirnen 92, fig. 10913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit medium, globular-oblate; skin tough, shining, light
yellow when ripe, blushed slightly on the sunny side, with numerous fine dots; flesh yellow-
white, coarse-grained, juicy, very astringent; Oct.
Rosenwasserbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:41. 1856.
Rheinfalz, Bavaria. Fruit medium, long-turbinate, even in outline; tender skin,
green turning yellowish-white, without dots, often flecked with dark specks; flesh juicy,
with a rose-like aroma, very white, semi-melting, very good; mid-Aug.
Rosinenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:73. 1856.
On the Rhine, Ger., 1802. Fruit small, globular-flattened, light green turning to
yellow-green, without any blush, covered with small dots and russet on the side next the
sun, often flecked with dark russet; flesh breaking, fine, very sweet and aromatic; third
for dessert and first for kitchen; Nov.
Roslyn. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 844. 1869.
A wilding found on the land of W. C. Bryant, Roslyn, L. I. Fruit medium, almost
spherical, yellow, netted, patched and dotted with russet; flesh whitish, melting, juicy,
slightly vinous; good to very good; end of Aug.
Ross. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 165. 1841.
A seedling introduced by Thomas Andrew Knight in 1832. Fruit large, obovate,
yellowish-green interspersed with russet; flesh inclining to yellow, gritty near the center,
rich, juicy, saccharine; second-class dessert pear; Jan.
Rossney. 1. Pioneer Nurs. Co. Cat. fig. 1898. 2. U.S. D.A. Yearbook 402, Pl. LIT.
Raised in Salt Lake City, Utah, from a mixed lot of Winter Nelis and Bartlett seed
planted for stocks by William Woodberry about 1881, and introduced by the Pioneer
Nurseries Company, Salt Lake City, in 1898. Fruit medium to large, oval-pyriform,
somewhat angular and ribbed towards the apex, golden yellow, blushed with scarlet and
thinly overspread with a bluish-white bloom; dots numerous, minute, russet; stem rather
long, moderately stout; calyx closed; flesh yellowish, buttery, juicy, suwbacid; good; ten
days later than Bartlett.
Rostiezer. 1. Manning Book of Fruits 72. 1838.
Origin uncertain. It was, however, received from A. N. Baumann, Bollweiler,
Alsace, by R. Manning, Salem, Mass., in 1834 or 1835. Often called Early Seckel in the
west. Fruit medium or below, pyriform, regular in form, grass-green on the shaded side,
reddish on the exposed face and sprinkled with small gray dots; flesh greenish-white, fine,
melting, rather granular below the core; juice very abundant, vinous, acidulous, very
saccharine, with a most delicate flavor; first; last of Aug.
Rote Hanglbirne. 1. Léschnig Mosibirnen 196, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit small to medium, spherical; skin tough, lemon-yellow
when ripe, no blush, dotted with russet; flesh yellowish-white, coarse-grained, juicy, sub-
acid; very good for transportation; Nov.
Rote Holzbirne. 1. Loschnig Mositbirnen 108, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit medium, globular-turbinate, greenish to citron-
yellow, slightly blushed on the sunny side and densely dotted with cinnamon; flesh yellowish,
rather coarse-grained, very juicy, subacid; Oct.
Rote Kochbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 200, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit small, globular-turbinate, greatest diameter at center,
flat at base; skin tough, rough, grayish-green, dull blush on the exposed side; flesh yellowish-
white, very firm, juicy, excessively astringent, subacid; Nov. and Dec.
Rote Pilchelbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen g2, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear of second quality. Fruit fairly large, pyriform-obtuse, also
conic, golden yellow when ripe, red on the sunny side, plentifully sprinkled with small
dots; flesh yellowish, coarse-grained, very juicy, with subacid flavor; Sept. and Oct.
Rote Scheibelbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 94, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit small to fairly large, flattened-globular, symmetrical
in outline, smooth, polished, dark green changing to greenish-yellow, blushed on the sunny
side, densely and finely dotted; flesh whitish, coarse, with an aroma peculiar to itself,
subacid and very juicy; Oct.
Rote Winawitz. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 204, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit small to medium, turbinate to pyriform, very variable;
skin firm and rough, yellow when ripe, without any blush, dotted with numerous fine,
russet spots; flesh yellow-white, coarse-grained, very juicy, subacid, aromatic; Oct. and Nov.
Rotfleischige Mostbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 220, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit small, globular-turbinate, calyx end flat, leaf-green,
dotted with russet and flecked with red; flesh under the skin firm but near the core softer,
coarse-grained, juicy, subacid; Oct. to mid-Nov.
Rothbackige Sommerzuckerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:49. 1856.
Germany, 1801. Fruit small, pyriform, smooth, pale green turning to shining lemon-
yellow, lightly blushed on the sunny side, dotted; flesh rose-tinted, saccharine, semi-
melting, granular, deficient in flavor; second for dessert, first for cuisine and market; Sept.
Rothe Confesselsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:14. 1856.
German, published in 1766. Fruit medium, oblong, somewhat swelled, skin thick,
gray-green with brown russet; flesh yellowish, semi-melting, juicy, aromatic, tender;
second for table, good for culinary use; Oct.
Rothe Jakobsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obsitkunde 2:48. 1856.
Nassau, Ger., 1806. Fruit small, ovate, light green turning yellow-green, with
brownish-red russet; flesh granular, agreeable, sweet; second for the table, good for house-
hold and market purposes; July.
Rothe langstielige Honigbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:11. 1856.
Originated near the Rhine, Ger., 1804. Fruit medium, pyriform, ventriculous and bent,
obtuse, sides unequal, light green, changing to dark red with indistinct yellow and light
red spots; flesh tender, juicy, aromatic; second for the table; good for cooking.
Rothe oder grosse Pfalzgrafinbirne. 1. Christ Handb. 538. 1817. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr.
Obstkunde 2:60. 1856.
Germany, 1797. Fruit medium, conic, entirely covered with dark blush, densely
sprinkled with gray dots and dark speckles; flesh yellow-white, honey-sweet, semi-melting,
aromatic; third for the table, first for kitchen and market; Sept.
Rothe Rettigbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:34. 1856.
Altenburg, Ger., 1821. Fruit small, spherical, yellow-green, covered all over with
dirty red, densely dotted and speckled with russet; flesh whitish-yellow, granular, melting,
juicy; first for table and cuisine; Aug.
Rothe Winterkappesbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:167. 1856.
German, 1805. Fruit medium, long-turbinate, often spherical, flattened and sides
unequal, green turning to lemon-yellow, firm and shining, blushed with red, dotted with
gray; flesh rather white, coarse-grained, acidulous; good for the kitchen; Dec. to Feb.
Rothe Winterkochbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:192. 1856.
Germany, on the Main, 1805. Fruit medium, obtuse-conic, symmetrical in contour,
smooth and shining, light green turning to a beautiful lemon-yellow, finely dotted with
gray, flecked with russet on the side opposed to the sun; flesh coarse, saccharine, juicy,
wanting in aroma; third for dessert, very good for household use and market; Nov. and
Rothe Zucherlachsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:49. 1856.
Nassau, Germany, 1805. Fruit medium, obtuse-long-conic, yellowish light green,
dark red blush, changing to light lemon-yellow with carmine cheek, mottled and flecked
with brown-russet; flesh semi-melting, granular, gritty near core, very sweet, vinous and
acidulous; second for the table, very good for kitchen and market; Aug.
Rother Winterhasenkopf. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:147. 1856.
Nassau, Ger., 1806. Fruit large, irregular in form, sides unequal, crooked, yellowish
pale green turning yellow, with dark blush, very prominent brown dots; flesh breaking,
sweet, acidulous, vinous: third for table, good for household use; considered by Messrs.
Simon-Louis to be analogous to the Catillac; Jan. to Mar.
Rothgraue Kirchmessbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:109. 1856.
Hesse, Ger., 1804. Fruit medium to rather large, conic, slightly bossed, sides unequal;
skin rough and covered with brownish-gray russet, often faintly blushed; flesh yellowish-
green, coarse-grained, sweet, acidulous and musky; second for dessert, first for kitchen;
Rougeaude. 1. Prince Pom. Man. 1:88. 1831.
Fruit medium, pyramidal, fairly regular, skin yellowish on the shaded side, but about
three-fourths of the fruit is of a darker or lighter shade of red; flesh firm, dry, with some
sweetness but insipid and wanting in flavor; indifferent; Jan.
Rouget. 1. Noisette Man. Comp. Jard.2:537. 1860. 2. Baltet Cult. Fr. 404, 405. 1908.
The flesh of this small French pear becomes red when cooked and the confectioners
of Paris use large quantites of it obtained from the neighborhood of Etampes. It is also
considered a first class pear for perry.
Roulef. 1. Can. Hort. 172292, fig. 684. 1894.
Raised from seed by Mr. Mitschurin, Tambow, Russia. Fruit medium, yellow, firm,
vinous; good.
Rouse Lench. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 165. 1841. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 195. 1920.
Raised by T. A. Knight, and first fruited in 1820. In 1850 it was placed on the
“ Rejected Fruits ” list by the second Congress of Fruit Growers at New York. Fruit large,
long-oval, uneven, pale yellow-green, with thin russet; no depression at base of very long
woody stem; calyx open, basin shallow; flesh pale yellow, juicy; fair; Jan. and Feb.
Rousselet Aelens. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 4:92, fig. 1856. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
844. 1869.
A Belgian pear of unknown origin. Fruit small to medium, turbinate, obtuse-pyri-
form, golden yellow at time of maturity, faintly colored on the sunny side, patches of russet,
and dots of grayish red; flesh yellowish-white, rather fine, melting; juice abundant, sweet
and possessing a decided perfume of the Rousselets; quality would be first class if the flesh
were less granular; Nov.
Rousselet d’Anvers. 1. Guide Prat. 58. 1895.
A variety raised by M. Daras de Naghin, Antwerp, Bel. Tree vigorous and fertile,
hardy, resisted the great European frost of 1879-1880. Fruit medium, globular-ovate,
yellowish-green, slightly tinged with dark red; flesh semi-fine, melting, saccharine and well
flavored; first; Oct.
Rousselet Baud. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:177, fig. 185. 1878.
Gained by Dr. Van Mons and mentioned in his Catalog of 1823. Fruit small or rather
small, ovate, more or less swelled, even in outline; skin a little thick, at first water-green
with many very numerous and small dots, sometimes much covered with cinnamon-colored
russet, changing to citron-yellow and the russet becoming golden on the side next the sun;
flesh yellow-white, rather fine, dense, buttery, melting; juice sufficient, richly saccharine
and perfumed; Oct. and Nov.
Rousselet Bivort. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 4:9, fig. 1856. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 845.
Raised from a bed of the seeds of Simon Bouvier made in the grounds of the Society
Van Mons at Geest-Saint-Rémy, Bel., in 1840. Fruit small, turbinate; skin smooth,
bright green turning to lemon-yellow, shaded and mottled with russet-fawn especially on
the side exposed to the sun, dotted with brown-black and brown-russet; flesh yellowish-
white, fine, melting, semi-buttery: juice abundant, saccharine and agreeably perfumed
recalling the scent of the Rousselets; good, suitable for large collections; Oct. to Jan.
Rousselet Blanc. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:37, fig. 307. 1880.
Raised by Van Mons and cataloged by him in 1823. Fruit rather small, globular-
turbinate, even in contour, bright green, whitish, a few very small, bright, gray dots,
no russet, at maturity it becomes pale yellow and the side next the sun is blushed extensively
with bright blood-red, a white bloom covering the whole surface of the fruit and numer-
ous very small dots of golden-yellow appearing on the red; flesh whitish, rather fine, semi-
buttery; juice sufficient, sugary, vinous, with the agreeable perfume of the Rousselets;
first; Aug.
Rousselet de la Cour. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom, 2:589, fig. 1869.
A wilding found on a farm which adjoined M. Leroy’s nurseries of La Cour at
Angers, Fr. Fruit below medium, turbinate, regular, acute, one side usually larger than
the other; skin rough and thick, bronzed all over and covered with gray or white dots;
flesh white, fine, breaking, watery; juice abundant, saccharine, sourish, with an agreeable
perfume; second; end of Sept. and beginning of Oct.
Rousselet Decoster. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 845. 1869.
Raised by Van Mons. ‘Tree of medium vigor but very weak on quince stock. Fruit
small to medium, globular-ovate, pale yellow, mottled with golden-russet and tinted with
brownish-red; flesh yellowish, buttery, very saccharine, with the characteristic perfume
of the Rousselets; first; Oct. and Nov.
Rousselet Doré d’Hiver. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:590, fig. 1869.
Origin unknown, though Leroy, Angers, Fr., possessed it about 1845. Fruit below
medium, variable in form, turbinate, slightly obtuse, or turbinate and spherical and nearly
always larger on one side than on the other; skin thick and rough, shining, some bright
and golden-russet, some small, brown and green spots; flesh whitish, fine, semi-melting,
juicy, saccharine, vinous, fairly well perfumed; second; Feb. and Mar.
Rousselet Hatif. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:148. 1768. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
846. 1869.
Early Rousselet. 3. Hogg Fruit Man. 571. 1884.
The origin of this pear is uncertain though it was probably French, for in 1600 it was
under cultivation at Orléans, Fr., according to Le Lectier. Fruit small, pyriform, slightly
obtuse, sides often unequal; skin fine, lemon-yellow on the shaded side, and vivid red
sprinkled with gray spots on the side next the sun; flesh yellowish, fine, semi-breaking
and crisp; juice well perfumed, saccharine, abundant and aromatic; second; mid-July.
Rousselet de Janvier. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom, 2:594, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
845. 1869.
Gained by Alexandre Bivort, director of the nurseries of the Society Van Mons at
Geest-Saint-Rémy, Bel., in 1848. Fruit medium, generally regular-ovate; skin slightly
rough, lemon-yellow in the shade, washed with red-brown on the other cheek; flesh yellowish;
very fine, melting; juice sufficient and fairly saccharine, vinous and richly perfumed; second;
Dec. and Jan.
Rousselet Jaune d’Eté. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:23, fig. 108. 1878.
Gelbe Sommerrusselet. 2. Christ Handb. 546. 1817.
French, 1801. Fruit small; skin rough, almost entirely covered with brilliant red,
densely covered with small gray dots, scentless; flesh granular, melting, saccharine, sweet;
second for table; first for household; Sept.
Rousselet de Jodoigne. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:60, fig. 419. 1880.
Described in 1876 as a “recent’’ gain of M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit small
globular-turbinate, obtuse at apex; skin rather firm, bright and vivid green, sprinkled
with numerous very small dots of gray-green, russeted around the calyx and lower part
of the fruit; flesh white, tinted with green, semi-fine, semi-buttery; juice abundant,
saccharine, acidulous, having the characteristic Rousselet perfume.
Rousselet de Jonghe. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 639. 1884.
Fruit small, obovate, curved, uneven and irregular in its outline; skin smooth, of a
uniform lemon; flesh yellow, fine-grained, firm, melting and juicy, with a very rich, sugary
flavor; its delicious flavor compensates for its small size; Nov. and Dec.
Rousselet de Meestre. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 639. 1884.
Fruit large, obtuse-pyriform or pyramidal; skin smooth and shining, golden yellow,
thickly dotted all over with large brown-russet freckles; flesh semi-buttery, firm, fairly
juicy, and well flavored; of indifferent quality.
Rousselet Panaché. 1. Guide Prat. 80. 1876.
A variegated variety of French origin and new about 1825. Fruit small, short-ovate,
greenish-yellow, with light and dark streakings; first for dessert and household; end of
Rousselet de Pomponne. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:67, fig. 418. 1880.
Obtained by MM. Pradel, nurserymen at Montauban, Fr. Fruit small, globular-ovate
or nearly globular, even in outline, pale green at first, sprinkled with numerous large,
regularly spaced dots of gray circled with darker green, changing at maturity to pale yellow
and washed on the side opposed to the sun with bright rosy-red on which the dots are
blood-red; flesh white, semi-breaking; juice sufficient, saccharine, with little flavor; second;
Rousselet Précoce. 1. Mag. Hort. 18:151. 1852. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:01, fig. 430.
This is the variety known in Germany as Fruhe Geishirtlebirne and must be distinguished
from the Rousselet hatif or Potre de Chypre of Duhamel. It was classed in 1851 by Mr.
Cabot, President of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, among the new or recently
introduced fruits. Fruit rather small, pyriform, regular in contour, vivid green slightly
touched with yellow, sprinkled with very numerous, very small, gray dots, changing at
maturity to lemon-yellow, preserving sometimes a tone of green, the side next the sun
being washed with blood-red spots having yellow centers; flesh whitish, fine, tender, semi-
buttery, juicy, saccharine, and scented with the perfume of the Rousselets; good;
Rousselet de Rheims. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:147, Pl. XI. 1768. 2. Bunyard
Handb. Hardy Fr. 196. 1920.
This pear is of very ancient and uncertain origin. Many authors have endeavored
to trace it back to the days of the Romans. But Pliny and the other Latin horticulturists
did not give descriptions of their fruits sufficiently technical to enable us to make identifi-
cation of their varieties with ours certain. It is, however, clear that the Rousselet de
Rheims has existed, particularly around the city of Reims, Fr., for some centuries. Fruit
small, turbinate, regular in form, rarely very obtuse, bright green or yellow-green, sprinkled
with large and small gray-russet dots and extensively shaded with reddish-brown on the
side opposed to the sun; flesh white, fine or semi-fine, almost melting, not very juicy, rich
in sugar, acidulous, refreshing, highly perfumed; one of the best early pears for dessert,
very good for candying; Sept.
Rousselet de Rheims Panaché. 1. Leroy Dicz. Pom. 22597, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit
Man. 639. 1884.
A variety similar in all respects to the preceding, of which it is a bud sport, except
that the leaves and fruit are striped with yellow and green. Its propagation antedates
Rousselet Royal. 1. Guide Prat. 104. 1876.
On trial with Messrs. Simon-Louis, Metz, Lorraine, in 1876. Fruit medium; first;
Rousselet Saint Nicolas. 1. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 2, 13, fig. 103. 1866-73.
Obtained by M. Bivort. Fruit small, turbinate-ventriculous, gray-green tinted with
yellow, sprinkled with large brown or green dots, numerous and evenly distributed, changing
at maturity to pale yellow, the side exposed to the sun being washed with brown-red on
which are blackish-red dots; flesh yellowish, very fine, melting, rather gritty at the center,
full of sweet juice, saccharine, agreeably perfumed; good; Oct.
Rousselet Saint-Quentin. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:53, fig. 507. 188r.
De Quentin. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 635. 1884.
Gained by M. Van Dooren, a former director of the middle school at Namur, Bel.
Fruit small or medium on a pruned tree, globular-ovate or globular-conic, symmetrical
in its contour, somber green sprinkled with large, widely spaced gray dots, changing to
yellow, and well colored with brownish-red on the side next the sun; flesh white, slightly
greenish, fine, buttery; juice sufficient, saccharine, having the characteristic perfume of
the Rousselets; first; Sept. and Oct.
Rousselet Saint Vincent. 1. Mag. Hort. 16:296. 1850. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:598,
fig. 1869.
The origin of this pear is uncertain. It seems probable to Leroy that it was raised
by Van Mons. In this country it was placed on the Rejected List by the second Congress
of Fruit Growers at New York in 1850. Fruit above medium, globular-ovate, irregular
in outline especially at the summit, bright yellow, dotted with russet; flesh white, fine,
juicy, saccharine, acidulous, of a delicate flavor though not recalling in the least that of
the Rousselets; first; Oct.
Rousselet de Stuttgardt. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 639. 1884.
Des Chevuriers de Stuitgardt. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 1:558, fig. 1867.
Stutigarier Geisshirtel. 3. Oberdieck Obst-Sort. 289. 1881.
It is said that this was a wilding found by a shepherd in the neighborhood of Stuttgart,
Ger., before 1779. Fruit below medium, pyriform, fine, tender, at first dark water-green
sprinkled with very numerous large dots of a darker shade, changing to yellow-green,
tinged on the side next the sun with brownish-red on which the dots become yellow; the
surface is covered with a characteristic sort of grayish-white bloom which passes to a rosy-
violet on the bright parts; flesh greenish, not very fine but tender, buttery, sufficiently
juicy, aromatic; first; Aug.
Rousselet Thaon. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:73, fig. 229. 1879.
The Bulletin of the Van Mons Society appears to indicate that Rousselet Thaon
was a gain of M. Bivort. Fruit small, short-turbinate, symmetrical in outline; skin thick,
firm, bright green dotted with darker green changing to pale yellow, the side next the sun
being more golden and washed with brown-red on fruits well exposed; flesh white, coarse,
semi-buttery; juice moderate in amount but saccharine and perfumed with musk; second;
Sept. and Oct.
Rousselet Theuss. 1. Mas Le Verger 2:37, fig. 17. 1866-73.
In his abridged descriptive Catalog published at Louvain in 1823 Van Mons stated
that the Rousselet Theuss was raised by him. Fruit small or nearly medium, ovate-
turbinate; skin rather thick and firm, at first bright water-green, sprinkled with gray-
green dots turning pale yellow and encrimsoned on the side next the sun, sometimes very
vividly on well-exposed fruits; flesh white, slightly yellow under the skin, semi-fine, melting,
full of saccharine juice, acidulous, well perfumed with the characteristic Rousselet scent;
owing to its excellence and beauty this pear deserves a place in the fruit garden as well
as in the large orchard; Aug.
Rousselet Vanderwecken. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 3:41, fig. 1855.
Raised by M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel. Tree pyramidal, of good vigor, very pro-
ductive. Fruit small, turbinate to ovoid, yellow; stem short, curved, rather thick; calyx
large for the size of the fruit, open; flesh white, fine, melting, very juicy, very sweet, musky,
strongly aromatic; first; Nov.
Rousseline. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr.2:153, Pl. XV. 1768. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
847. 1869.
Merlet, the French pomologist, writing in 1675 appears to have been the first to
describe this pear and he said it was well named Rousseline being so similar to Rousselet
in the buttery character of its flesh and its extraordinarily musky flavor. Fruit below
medium, pyriform inclining to obovate, swollen in the middle and narrowing obtusely
toward the calyx and more acutely toward the stalk, dull green dotted with brown scales
and partly covered with large russet stains intermingled with gray mottlings; flesh white,
fine, semi-melting, some grit around the center; juice rarely abundant, highly saccharine,
vinous and musky; second; Nov. and Dec.
Rousselon. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:601, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees. Am. 847. 1860.
This variety was gained by Major Espéren of Mechlin, Bel.; it fruited for the
first time in 1846. Fruit medium and above, ovate, much swelled in its lower part
and contracted near its summit; skin very shining, yellow-ochre, dotted with gray-russet,
stained with the same at either extremity and carmined on the cheek touched by the sun;
flesh yellow-white, semi-fine, semi-breaking, granular around the core; juice rather deficient,
saccharine, sweet, more or less perfumed, rather delicate; second; Feb. to Apr.
Roux Carcas. 1. Gard. Chron. 55. 1865. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:602, fig. 1869.
This pear bears the name of a nurseryman at Carcassone, Aude, Fr., who raised it in
1863. Fruit below medium or small, globular, flattened at both poles and often slightly
bossed, yellow-green dotted with small gray points, slightly marbled with russet; flesh
whitish, coarse, semi-melting, gritty at center; juice abundant, musky, and saccharine,
possessing a rather astringent after-taste; second; end of Aug.
Rové. 1. Guide Prat. 83. 1895.
A perry pear which originated in the neighborhood of Metz, Lorraine, and is in much
request there. Fruit rather large, orange-yellow, well colored with red; flesh breaking,
juicy, saccharine, of an agreeable flavor; of first quality for perry and for cooking and
also rather good to eat; end of winter and spring.
Rowling. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 592. 1629.
“The Rowling peare is a good peare, but hard, and not good before it bee a little
rowled or bruised, to make it eate the more mellow.”
Royal. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 847. 1869.
Raised from seed by Thomas R. Peck, Waterloo, N. Y. Fruit medium, globular-
pyriform, yellow largely covered with thin crimson on the side next the sun, sprinkled with
brown and russet dots; flesh white, melting, juicy, sweet, slightly aromatic; good to very
good; Sept.
Royal d’Hiver. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:191, Pl. XXXV. 1768. 2. Hogg Fruit
Man. 640. 1884.
The origin of the Royal d’Hiver is uncertain. In 1704 Le Gentil, director of the
orchard at the Chartreux Convent of Paris, said that it was a new pear and had been
brought from Constantinople for the King (Louis XIV). The Turkish origin of the pear,
however, was probably based on not much more than hearsay. Fruit large, turbinate-
obtuse, bossed; skin fine, dull lemon-yellow, washed with orange-red on the side next
the sun, dotted and marbled with fawn; flesh yellow-white, fine, melting or semi-melting,
juicy, saccharine, sweet and having a pleasant, musky flavor; good; Nov. to Jan.
Royale Vendée. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:607, fig. 1869.
Count Eugene of Nouhes obtained this variety from seed at la Cacaudiére, in the
commune of Pouzauges, Vendée, Fr., in 1860. Fruit medium, globular-ovate, bossed; skin
rough, dark yellowish-green, lightly marbled with gray and bright fawn; flesh citrine,
fine, very melting and juicy, with a saccharine, sprightly flavor and delicate perfume;
very good; Jan. to Mar.
Ruhschiebler. 1. Léschnig Mositbirnen 96, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit small to medium, globular-turbinate, yellow-green,
with large and small russet dots; flesh coarse, juicy, with a strong acid taste; good for
transportation; end of Sept. and Oct.
Rummelter Birne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:193. 1856. 2. Léschnig Mostbirnen
98, fig. 1973.
A perry pear grown extensively in Austria and Germany. Fruit medium, turbinate-
oblate, light green, heavily sprinkled with gray dots, turning orange-yellow, with russet
on the exposed side; flesh white, very coarse, subacid; end-of Sept. to Nov.
Runde gelbe Honigbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obsikunde 2:162. 1856.
Saxony, 1804. Fruit medium, turbinate-oblate, light green turning white and straw
color with a vivid light blush, fine light brown dots; flesh yellow-white, coarse-grained,
gritty near center, astringent, honey-sweet; very good for household use and perry; end
of Sept. for three or four weeks.
Runde Sommerpomeranzenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:150. 1856.
Trieste, Austria, 1805. Fruit small, globular-ovate, flattened, sides unequal, yellowish
light green turning to light lemon-yellow tinged with green and often slightly blushed
with dull red; flesh semi-melting, aromatic; first for dessert, household and market; beginning
of Sept. for fourteen days.
Russbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:173. 1856.
Thuringia, Ger., 1803. Fruit medium, globular-turbinate, variable in form; skin
rough, almost entirely covered with cinnamon-russet, often with light brown blush; flesh
whitish, coarse-grained, saccharine, breaking, juicy; third for the table, first for household;
Nov. and Dec.
Russelet Petit. 1. Langley Pomona 132, Pl. LXIV. 1729.
Fruit small, pyramidal, irregular; stem set on one side obliquely; late Aug.
Russet Bartlett.
About 1893 Robert McHinds, Clarksville, N. Y., planted 700 Bartlett pear trees.
When these trees came into bearing, one was found to produce russet-colored fruits, whence
the name Russet Bartlett. The tree is an exact counterpart of Bartlett in manner of
growth and the fruit differs from Bartlett only in the russet skin. It is, therefore, not
improbable that the variety is a bud sport of Bartlett.
Russet Catherine. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 592. 1629.
“The Russet Catherine is a very good middle sized peare.”’
Rylsk. 1. Can. Hori. 27:292. 18094.
~ Russian. Fruit medium yellow; flesh breaking, sweet; very late.
S. T. Wright. 1. Garden 66:299, fig. 1904.
This English pear raised by Messrs. Veitch, was introduced in 1904 at the Royal Horti-
cultural Society’s fruit show in London. It is the product of Beurré Bachelier and Bart-
lett. Fruit medium, oblate-pyriform, rather swelled; skin rich golden; of good flavor; Oct.
Sabine. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:610, fig. 1869.
The parent tree of this variety was acquired by Van Mons from a garden at Schaerbeek,
Bel., and ripened its fruit first in 1817. Fruit medium, sometimes irregular-conic, some-
times ovate-pyriform and often rather deformed in contour; skin rather rough, bright’
green, dotted uniformly with dark gray changing to lemon-yellow, washed with thin
yet vivid crimson; flesh white tinted with yellow, fine, melting, rather gritty around the
core, full of sweet juice and delicately perfumed; first; Dec. and Jan.
Sabine @WEté. 1. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 348. 1831.
Raised in 1819 by M. Stoffels of Mechlin, Bel. Fruit pyramidal, broadest at the
base and tapering to a round, blunt point at the stalk; skin smooth and even, yellow on
the shaded side, and of a fine scarlet, minutely dotted when exposed to the sun; flesh white,
melting, juicy, highly perfumed; Aug.
Sacandaga. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 849. 18609.
The parent tree was found on the farm of William Van Vranken, Edinburgh, N. Y.
Fruit small, nearly globular, pale greenish-yellow, shaded with brownish-crimson, and
netted and dotted with russet; flesh white, juicy, melting, sweet, rich, slightly perfumed;
good to very good; Sept. ;
Sachsische Glockenbirne. 1. Liegel Syst. Anleit. 130. 1825.
Saxony. First published in 1816. Fruit medium, spherical, light citron-yellow
turning golden yellow, blushed; flesh firm, coarse-grained, sweet and musky; third for
dessert, good for kitchen purposes; Oct.
Sdchsische Lange Griine Winterbirne. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 274. 1889.
Longue Verte d’Hiver. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:137, fig. 549. 1881.
A pear of German origin and cultivated especially in Thuringia and Saxony. Fruit
medium or nearly medium, conic-pyriform, water-green, sown with dots of a darker green,
passing to greenish-white or yellowish-white at maturity; flesh white, rather fine, semi-
melting, full of sweet, saccharine juice but without any appreciable perfume; good; autumn
and early winter.
Safran. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:611, fig. 1869.
An old French pear known in the seventeenth century as the Saffran d’Hyver. Fruit
medium and sometimes less, variable in form, usually ovate, very globular and irregular
or slightly long-conic; skin rather rough, saffron-yellow, shaded with gray, dotted, veined
and marked with brown-russet; flesh yellowish, semi-melting, and semi-fine, granular;
juice sufficient, saccharine, acidulous, with a perfume resembling that of fennel rather
than of musk; third; Oct. to Jan.
Saint André. 1. Hovey Fr. Am. 1:79, fig. 1851. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:613, fig. 1869.
The origin of this pear is unascertainable but it was introduced to this country by
R. Manning, Salem, Mass., who imported cions of it from Messrs. Baumann, nurserymen,
Bollwiller, Fr. (Bollweiler, Alsace), in 1834 or 1835. Fruit medium or below, ovate, rather
symmetrical, bossed and sometimes a little ventriculated in its lower half; skin fine and
smooth, yellow-green, dotted and streaked with gray, very rarely colored on the cheek next
the sun; flesh greenish-white, fine and most melting, extremely juicy, sweet, saccharine,
slightly vinous, delicate and highly perfumed; first; Oct.
Saint Andrew. 1. Langley Pomona 131. 1729.
Described in 1729 as one of the best pears in England. Fruit large, oblong, very
obtuse, greatest diameter two-thirds down toward the base, diminished only slightly
toward the stem; Sept.
Saint Aubin sur Riga. 1. McIntosh Bk. Gard. 2:461. 1855.
“A New Jersey pear of much excellence either as a wall or standard.” Fruit large;
flesh melting, tender, of rich flavor; excellent; Jan. and Feb.
Saint-Augustin. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:230, Pl. LVIII, fig. 3. 1768. 2. Leroy
Dict. Pom. 2:614, fig. 1869.
An old French pear published in 1650 by Ménage. Fruit below medium, pyriform-
ovate, rather regular in form, slightly obtuse, dirty yellow, dotted with gray, stained with
fawn around both poles and sometimes slightly clouded with brown-red on the side next
the sun; flesh white, semi-fine, breaking; juice rather wanting, sweet, saccharine, slightly
musky and pleasant; second; Feb. to Apr.
Saint Denis. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 849. 1869.
Fruit small, turbinate and uneven in its outline, pale yellow, with a crimson cheek
and thickly dotted with crimson dots; flesh semi-melting, very juicy and sweet, with a
fine aroma; good; Aug. and Sept.
Saint Dorothée. 1. Mag. Hort. 14:110. 1848. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 849. 1869.
A variety received in this country from France and fruited here for the first time in
1847. Fruit large, fusiform or spindle-shaped, bright lemon-yellow; flesh fine, buttery,
with a saccharine, sprightly and highly perfumed flavor; good; Oct. and Nov.
Saint Francois. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:616, fig. 1860.
Until 1675 when Merlet described it this variety was little known and he then called
it de Grillon or Bonne-Amet but in 1690 on re-printing and completing his work he spoke
of it as the Saint Francois. Fruit above medium and sometimes very large, long-conic,
slightly obtuse and bossed, one side more swelled than the other, dull greenish-yellow,
finely dotted with brown, widely stained with fawn around the stem and more or less
flecked with the same and slightly carmined on the side of the sun: flesh white, extremely
fine, semi-breaking, rarely gritty; juice scanty and wanting in sugar, musky, delicate in
flavor; third for eating raw, first for cooking; mid-Nov. to end of Jan.
Saint Gallus Weinbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde a:194. 1856.
Germany, on the Rhine, Wurttemberg and Baden. First published in 1830. Fruit
small, apple-shaped, often flat-turbinate, medium swelled, uneven; skin very firm, green,
almost entirely covered with a dark, dirty red blush, scarcely dotted at all; good for house-
hold use and perry; Jan. to Mar.
Saint George. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:617, fig. 1869.
The Saint George was described by Diel, Stuttgart, Ger., in 1812, as a French pear
originated on the Moselle. Fruit above medium and often larger, very long and always
variable, often of Calebasse form, obtuse and contorted, sometimes ovate and regular
in outline; skin thin, rough, greenish, much stained with gray around the calyx and covered
with large brown dots and scaly patches of russet; flesh white, fine, melting, juice abundant,
saccharine, acid and vinous, pleasantly perfumed; first; mid-Sept.
Saint Germain. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:225, Pl. LII 1768. 2. Bunyard Handb.
Hardy Fr. 196. 1920.
Merlet, the French pomologist, wrote in 1680 that this pear originated from a wilding
on the banks of the Fare, a little river in the parish of Saint Germain d’Areé. Fruit medium
or large, long-pyriform, slightly swelled, often irregular in contour; skin rather thick
and rough, greenish-yellow, dotted with russet, slightly golden on the cheek exposed to
the sun; flesh whitish, fine, very melting, very juicy, rich in sugar with an agreeable, per-
fumed flavor; very good, but is gritty and worthless if grown on cold, moist soil; Nov.
to Mar.
Saint Germain Gris. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:623, fig. 1869.
Found by M. Prévost, long president of the Horticultural Society of Seine-Inférieure,
Fr., in the ancient garden of the Friars of Saint-Ouen, at Rouen, about the year 1804.
Fruit medium to large, long-ovate, irregular in its upper part and often bossed and elevated
more on one side of the stalk than on the other, grayish-green dotted with brown; flesh
yellowish, semi-fine, melting, saccharine, juicy, slightly acidulous, with a deliciously scented
flavor; first; mid-Dec. and Jan.
Saint Germain Panaché. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:625. 1869.
This variegated variety of Saint Germain is of French origin; the date of its publication
is about 1819. Fruit simply a variegated form of the Saint Germain, covered with rather
large bands of bright yellow sometimes extending from stem to calyx.
Saint Germain de Pepins. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 850. 1869.
Foreign. Origin unknown. Fruit medium, nearly globular or obovate, slightly
pyriform, pale yellow, lightly shaded or mottled with crimson in the sun, netted and patched
with russet and thickly sprinkled with russet dots; flesh yellowish, coarse and gritty, with
a hard core; good; Feb.
Saint Germain Puvis. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:625, fig. 1869.
M. Pariset, Curciat-Dongalon, Fr., obtained this variety in 1842. Fruit above
medium, long-conic, obtuse, irregular, much bossed, grass-green, clouded with olive-yellow,
sprinkled with small gray dots; flesh whitish, semi-fine, watery and melting, almost free
from granulations; juice rather deficient, saccharine, acidulous, agreeable; second; end of
Sept. and Oct.
Saint Germain du Tilloy. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:626, fig. 1869.
The origin of this pear is unknown though Leroy thought that its name indicated
origin in the Department of the Nord where it formerly existed in important nurseries
and where are two towns bearing the name Tilloy. Fruit medium and above, long-conic
or cylindrical-conic, very obtuse, rather variable, golden-yellow, clouded with olive-yellow,
covered with gray dots and speckles, always rather squamose, more or less washed with
cinnamon-russet on the side next the sun; flesh white, semi-fine and semi-melting, gritty
at center; juice abundant, sugary, acidulous, aromatic; first; mid-Oct. to end of Nov.
Saint Germain Van Mons. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:628, fig. 1869.
Van Mons Hermannsbirne. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:60. 1856.
The parent tree of this variety was a seedling raised by Van Mons at Brussels which
fruited for the first time in 1819. Fruit rather above medium or medium, obovate-pyriform,
one side habitually more swelled than the other, yellow-ochre, sprinkled with numerous
gray and green dots; flesh yellowish, semi-fine and semi-melting, very granular at the
core; juice rarely abundant, sugary, acidulous, rather savory; second; Oct.
Saint Ghislain. 1. Hovey Fr. Am. 2:45, fig. 1851. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:629, fig.
This pear was raised at the village of Jammapes, Hainaut, Bel., by M. Dorlain and
was propagated by Van Mons and others. Fruit medium; form irregular, globular gourd-
shaped and swelled in its lower part or elongated gourd-shaped and sometimes regular-
turbinate, always, however, diminishing acutely to the stalk; skin rather thick and rough,
grass-green, covered all over with large gray dots and shaded with dull red on the side
exposed to the sun; flesh white, fine or semi-fine, melting or semi-melting, watery; juice
very saccharine, vinous, with a delicious perfume and an after-taste of musk; first; end
of Aug.
Saint Herblain d’Hiver. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:147, fig. 74. 1872.
The Saint Herblain d’Hiver was propagated by M. Bruneau, a nurseryman, Nantes,
Fr., where it was raised, cultivated and much appreciated. Fruit medium, conic-ovate,
usually symmetrical in outline; skin rather thick and firm, at first bright green sprinkled
with brown dots very regularly spaced and prominent, changing to citron-yellow with
the side next the sun a little golden; flesh white, semi-fine, dense, semi-breaking, full of
sweet juice, saccharine, refreshing, more tender when eaten at its extreme maturity; a good
winter, cooking pear; end of winter.
Saint Lézin. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:632, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 642. 1884.
First among French pomologists to mention it was Claude Saint-Etienne, in 1670.
Fruit large to very large, pyriform but variable, green clouded with pale yellow, dotted
with small gray specks; flesh white, semi-fine, semi-breaking; juice plentiful, but deficient
in sugar and without perfume; second for dessert, but good for stewing; Sept. and Oct.
Saint Louis. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:634, fig. 1869.
Found in the ancient fruit garden of the Horticultural Society of Angers, Fr., and
without any record of origin. Fruit medium or below, globular-ovate, somewhat bossed,
yellow-ochre all over, sprinkled with dots and very small specks of fawn, more or less
carmined on the face turned to the sun; flesh white, rather coarse, semi-melting; juice
abundant, rather saccharine, sweetish, without any appreciable perfume; third; latter part
of Aug.
Saint Luc. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:29, fig. 495. 1881.
Origin unknown. Fruit rather small, ovate-pyriform, symmetrical in contour, having
its largest diameter somewhat below the center; skin rather thick though tender, at first
pale water-green, with dots of green-gray, changing at maturity to pale golden-yellow,
tinged with very light red on the cheek opposed to the sun; flesh whitish, fine, buttery;
juice fairly abundant, very saccharine and slightly perfumed; good; Aug.
Saint Luke. 1. Garden 66:305. 1904.
Introduced by Rivers, Sawbridgeworth, Eng., about 1900. At the Royal Horticultural
Society’s show of hardy fruits at Westminister in 1904 it was regarded as a valuable intro-
duction, able to compete with the best, owing to its rich mellow flavor and melting flesh,
and perfect shape and finish. Fruit rough, russety, deep cinnamon-brown with green
patches; flesh melting, juicy, rich, sweet; Oct.
Saint Menin. 1. Mag. Hort. 22:231, fig. 16. 1856. 2. Mas Le Verger 2:187, fig. 92.
Omer-Pacha. 3. Mag. Hort. 21:87. 1855. 4. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:478, fig. 1869.
Received in America from Leroy about 1855 under the name Omer-Pacha. It was
known, however, as early as 1846 in this country under the name of Saint Menin. Fruit
rather large, obovate-obtuse, pale yellow, slightly brown in the sun, netted and patched
with russet, and thickly dotted with conspicuous russet dots; flesh whitish, fine, melting;
juice abundant, saccharine, vinous, with a delicate aroma; first; Sept.
St. Michel Archange. 1. Pom. France 1:No. 41, Pl. 41. 1863. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.
324. 1866.
A French pear originated in the neighborhood of Nantes in the middle of the last
century. Fruit medium or rather large, turbinate but irregular in form, sometimes obovate,
sometimes long-pyriform; skin fine, smooth, greenish-yellow, much dotted with gray-
russet, washed with orange-red on the side next the sun; flesh yellow-white, fine, melting,
very juicy, tender, agreeably perfumed; very good; Sept. and Oct.
Saint Patrick. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 45. 1866.
Raised from seed by S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass., and fruited in 1863. Fruit,
diameter 2} inches, short-pyriform, green, with dots and some blush; keeps well, and
ripens perfectly, with a pleasant flavor; Feb. 15.
Saint Pére. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:638, fig. 1869.
Poire de Saint Pere. 2. Guide Prat. 82, 253. 1895.
The origin of Saint Pére is ancient and indeterminate. Without accepting the
doubtful synonyms of Bugiada d’Hiver des Italiens and Brute-Bonne de Rome which have
been applied to it, we may judge from its name, Holy Father, that it came from Italy.
Fruit above medium and often larger, sometimes conic-pyriform and sometimes ovate-
pyriform, but irregular in outline, yellow, much mottled with gray-russet, sprinkled with
very many and rather large brown dots; flesh white, coarse, watery, semi-breaking, juicy,
wanting in sugar, often acrid, without perfume; first for cooking purposes; Feb. to Apr.
St. Swithin. 1. Jour. Hort. 35:149, fig. 20. 1878. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 1096.
Raised by Rivers, Sawbridgeworth Nurseries, Eng., from seed of Calebasse Tougard.
Fruit below medium, obovate or pyriform; skin smooth, grass-green, thickly dotted and
mottled with russet and sometimes with a faint blush on the side next the sun; flesh yellowish-
white, with a greenish tinge, tender, juicy and sweet, with a fine, brisk flavor; good,
superior to Doyenne @Eté; July and Aug.
Saint Vincent de Paul. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom, 2:641, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees
Am. 851. 1869.
M. Flon-Grolleau, a nurseryman, Angers, Fr., obtained this pear which was first
tasted when ripe in mid-January, 1853. Fruit above medium, regular-obtuse-turbinate,
meadow-green, sprinkled with yellow dots and russet, washed with fawn around the stem
and on the cheek exposed to the sun; flesh whitish, fine, breaking and gritty, juicy, having
little sugar, rather astringent and without perfume; third for dessert, second for cooking;
Sainte Anne. 1. Guide Prat. 99. 1895.
Obtained by M. Joanon at Saint-Cyr near Lyons, Fr. Fruit medium, oval, rounded
at either end, greenish-yellow, washed with rose on the side next the sun; flesh white, rather
fine, buttery, very juicy, melting, saccharine; matures after Beurré Giffard, about the
beginning of Aug.
Sainte Thérése. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:642, fig. 1869.
Raised by André Leroy, Angers, Fr. It first fruited in 1863. Fruit medium and
often larger, ovate, irregular and rather long, always larger on one side than on the other,
water-green, dotted and mottled with russet and stained with patches of fawn; flesh white,
fine, melting; juice very abundant, very saccharine, perfumed and possessing an agreeably
acid flavor; latter half of Oct.
Salisbury. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 541. 1857.
A native of western New York. Fruit depressed-pyriform; skin rough, somewhat
covered with russet and thickly sprinkled with russet dots; flesh coarse; of only moderate
quality; Oct.
Salviati. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:137, Pl. IX. 1768. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 643.
Merlet, French pomologist, described this pear in L’Abrégé des bon fruits in 1675.
Fruit below medium to medium; form variable from obtuse-turbinate to slightly long
ovate-turbinate; skin thin, wax-yellow, dotted with greenish spots, sometimes much
stained with scaly russet and sometimes tinted with reddish-brown on the side touched
by the sun; flesh whitish, coarse, semi-melting, gritty at the center; juice scanty, rather
saccharine, sweet, but with a strong and disagreeable odor of musk; third; Sept.
Salzburger von Adlitz. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:14. 1856.
A pear much esteemed in Bavaria, Wirttemberg, and Upper Austria. Fruit nearly
medium, short-conic, even in outline, greenish-yellow, handsomely blushed, densely dotted
with fine points; skin without scent; flesh mild, tender, melting; first for dessert, especially
good for household and market; beginning of Sept.
Sam Brown. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 2nd App. 134, fig. 1872.
Originated with Samuel Brown, Junior, Walnut Hills, Md. Exhibited at Philadelphia
in 1869. Fruit full medium size or under, globular, obtuse-pyriform, a little uneven, pale
yellow partly covered with thin russet, resembling Brown Beurré somewhat in appearance
and very much in flavor, sometimes rather brownish in the sun; flesh white, a little coarse,
melting, juicy, vinous and rich; very good, nearly best; Sept.
Samenlose. 1. Ja. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 382. 1885.
A Russian pear from the province of Vilna, which seems to be a near relative of the
Bessemianka, but differs in expression of tree. Fruit above medium, of Bergamot type
and good in quality.
Sanguine d’Italie. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:647, fig. 1869.
Imported into France about the beginning of the last century. Fruit medium, tur-
binate and regular, rather obtuse, grass-green, dotted with gray on the shaded side and with
yellow-red on the sun-exposed side; flesh breaking, gritty, coarse, dull yellow, veined
with red especially about the core where the yellow almost ‘entirely disappears under the
blood-red; juice never abundant, saccharine, sweet, without much perfume; third; Aug.
and Sept.
Sanguinole. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 851. 1869. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr.
197. 1920.
Sanguine de France. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:645, fig. 1869.
This old pear is of consequence only on account of the color of its flesh. According
to Claude Mollet, 1810, it was imported to France from Switzerland. It was known in
Germany in 1500. Fruit below medium or small, variable in form, turbinate-obtuse, or
globular, bossed; skin rather thick and rough, green dotted with gray and red, sprinkled
with streaks and patches of russet, and sometimes slightly carmined on the face exposed
to the sun; flesh transparent, red, semi-fine, serni-breaking, juicy, saccharine, acidulous,
more or less musky, agreeable; second, sometimes third, the flesh decomposing rapidly;
Aug. and Sept.
Sanguinole de Belgique. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 852. 1869.
Belgische Blutbirne. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:67. 1856.
Raised by M. Berckmans, a Belgian nurseryman who came to the United States but
also maintained the original establishment, where this seedling was produced in 1851. It
is of interest. only on account of its rose-tinted flesh. Fruit medium, long-ovate, vivid
yellow, blushed and dotted with red, with some brown-russet; flesh yellowish-white, tinted
with red, semi-melting, saccharine and highly aromatic; second for the table; Oct. and
early Nov.
Sans-Pareille du Nord. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:648, fig. 1869.
Unvergleichliche. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 291. 1889.
A French variety described first in 1847. Itsoriginisunknown. Fruit large and some-
times very large, very long, cylindrical and contorted, often slightly constricted in the
middle like Calebasse; skin thin, lemon-yellow, sprinkled with large gray dots, some fine
patches of fawn, more or less tinted with vivid rose on the face opposed to the sun; flesh
very white, semi-breaking and semi-fine; juice never abundant, sweetish, rather saccharine,
wanting in perfume, but yet having a slight characteristic flavor; third for dessert, first
for compotes; Nov. to Jan.
Sans Peau. 1. Duhamel Trazt. Arb. Fr. 2:150, Pl. XIII. 1768. 2. Hogg Fruit Man.
644. 1884.
Skinless. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 856. 1869.
Of ancient and uncertain origin; the first certain French description was written by
La Quintinye in 1690. Fruit below medium or small, ovate, more or less long but always
regular; skin exceedingly thin, and slightly rough to the touch, yellow-white, sprinkled
with dots of darker green and often washed with pale rose on the sun-exposed side on
which the dots are gray; flesh yellowish, coarse, melting, watery; juice sufficient,
saccharine, acidulous, feebly perfumed; second; Aug.
Santa Anna. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 68. 1895.
Originated in Santa Anna, California. Fruit large, obtuse-pyriform, yellow-rus-
seted; flesh tough, highly perfumed; first; season late.
Santa Claus. 1. Garden 67:17, 35. 1905. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr.197. 1920.
Colonel Brymer, Dorchester, Eng., introduced this pear to the notice of the Royal
Horticultural Society in 1905 explaining that the parent tree had come originally from
Belgium some thirty years previously. Fruit medium, conical, slightly pyriform, fairly
even, slightly rough, dull brown-red, practically covered with russet; stem long, slender;
calyx partially open, in an even basin; flesh pale yellowish, melting, deliciously flavored;
Santa Rosa. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 68. 1895.
Originated in California. Fruit large, pyriform; flesh buttery, vinous; mid-season.
Sapieganka. 1. Mont. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 56, fig. 1881-2. 2. Cal. Com. Hort. Pear
Grow. Cai. '7:No. 5, 179. 1914.
Bergamotie Sapieganka. 3. Ia. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 83. 1882.
Originated in northern Poland and introduced into this country in 1879. There
is a suspicion that it may be the Bergamotte d’Eté renamed after a Polish nobleman. It
has been found tender in Manitoba and the Northwest, but perfectly hardy at Ottawa
and in Muskoka. Fruit medium, oblate, often somewhat flattened, brownish-yellow,
with brownish-red in the sun, with numerous small dots; flesh white, coarse, somewhat
firm and juicy; poor quality both for dessert and cooking, third for market; Aug.
Sarah. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpi. 37. 1867.
Raised by Thaddeus Clapp of Dorchester, Mass. It was exhibited at the Massachu-
setts Horticultural Society’s rooms in 1867. Fruit medium size, globular-obovate-pyriform,
greenish-yellow, partially netted and patched with russet, and thickly sprinkled with
brown dots; flesh white, fine, juicy, melting, sweet, rich, aromatic; very good; Oct.
Sarrasin. 1. Duhamel Trat#. Arb. Fr. 2:249. 1768. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 644. 1884.
Duhamel du Monceau was the first writer to mention this pear, the origin of which
is unknown. Fruit medium, turbinate, more or less obtuse and elongated, dull yellow,
slightly greenish, dotted all over with bright russet, seldom mottled but amply washed
with rose on the cheek exposed to the sun; flesh white, semi-fine and semi-breaking; juice
abundant, saccharine, acidulous, having a taste of anis; second as a fruit to eat raw, first
for compotes; Duhamel terms it the longest keeping of all pears; Mar. to June.
Sary-Birne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:56. 1856. 7
Published in Germany in 1851. Also known as Sary Armud and the Turkish Musk
Summer Pear. Fruit small, ventriculous-conic, often somewhat bossed, greenish-yellow
turning yellow, seldom blushed, dotted with fine russet points; flesh very sweet, semi-
melting, granular, without any particular aroma; second for table, good for kitchen and
market; Aug.
Sduerliche Margarethenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Frhr. Obstkunde 2:165. 1856.
Marguerite-Acidule. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:43, fig. 22. 1872.
Obtained by Diel in the neighborhood of Nassau, Ger. Fruit small, usually globular-
‘turbinate and sometimes ovate-pyriform, yellowish light green changing to pale light
yellow, often blushed with brownish-red on the side of the sun, on which are numerous
dots; flesh granular, white, semi-melting; juice sufficient, moderately sweet, refreshing;
third; end of July.
Schellesbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:172. 1856.
Wiirttemberg, Ger. First published in 1830. Fruit medium, turbinate, rather bossed
and unequal-sided; skin testaceous, light green turning to yellow-green, light blood-red
‘marblings, sprinkled with dark, grayish-green, round dots; third for the table; good for
‘perry; beginning of Oct.
Schmalblattrige Schneebirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:199. 1856.
Germany, 1809. Fruit grows in bunches, small, spherical; skin thick, yellow-green,
dotted and speckled with brown; flesh coarse; third; Dec. and Jan.
Schmotzbirne. 1. Loéschnig Mostbirnen 136, fig. 1913.
A perry pear known under many names in different parts of Austria. Fruit below
medium, globular-ovate, often turbinate, smooth, yellow when ripe, thickly dotted with
russet; flesh yellow-white, coarse-grained, very juicy, subacid; Oct.
Schnackenburger Winterbirne. 1. Oberdieck Obst-Sort. 338. 188r.
Published in Germany. Fruit rather large, flattened, globular-yellow washed with
brownish-red; flesh breaking; a cooking pear; winter.
Schéberlbirne. 1. Loéschnig Mostbirnen 100, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit medium, Bergamot-form to short-turbinate, light
green turning to greenish-yellow, dotted. with russet; flesh very white, rather coarse, very
juicy, subacid; mid-Oct. to Dec.
Schone Miillerin. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:173. 1856.
Nassau, Ger., published in 1805. Fruit very small, turbinate, or blunt-conic, grass-
green turning to yellow-green, often with dark red blush and having brown dots changing
to green, light brown-russet markings; flesh fine-grained, with sweet, cinnamon flavor,
breaking and juicy; third for dessert, very good for household; end of Sept. to beginning
of Oct. for five to six weeks.
Schénebeck Tafelbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:50. 1856.
Germany, on the Rhine, 1816. Fruit small, conic; skin polished, greenish-yellow turning
to lemon-yellow, blushed with red, heavily dotted with green; flesh marrowy, acid, vinous;
second for the table, good for household and market; beginning of Sept. for two weeks.
Schénerts Omsewitzer Schmalzbirne. 1. Liegel Syst. Anleit. 108. 1825.
Fondante de Schonert. 2. Mas Le Verger 2:223, fig. 110. 1866-73.
According to Diel this pear was raised at the village of Omsewitz, near Dresden,
by a farmer named Schénert. Fruit hardly medium, long-conic-pyriform, its greatest
diameter being below its center; skin rather thick and firm, pale green changing to very
pale yellow, without any blush, sprinkled with small gray-green dots; flesh white, fine,
rather firm yet melting, full of saccharine juice, acidulous, refreshing, and delicately per-
fumed; first for household; Sept.
Schoénlin Stuttgarter spate Winterbutterbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:133. 1856.
Raised from seed at Wiirttemberg, Ger., and first published in 1825. Fruit large,
oblong, slightly bossed, light green turning lemon-yellow, red dots, marked with russet,
thick-skinned; flesh white, buttery, melting, juicy, aromatic and excellent in flavor; first
for dessert, household and market; Feb. to Apr.
Schuman. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 852. 1869.
A native of Bucks County, Pa. Fruit medium, globular-obovate, pale yellow, tinted
with red on the cheek next the sun; flesh coarse, pasty; poor; Sept.
Schwarze Birne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:170. 1856.
Saxony. First published in 1804. Fruit medium, globular-turbinate, grass-green
turning yellowish, almost entirely covered with dark russet, often blushed with dirty
brown red on the side next the sun; flesh yellowish-white, firm, breaking, aromatic, sweet
and vinous; first for household purposes; Jan. to Apr.
Schweizer Wasserbirne. 1. Oberdieck Obst-Sort. 338. 1881. 2. Loéschnig Mostbirnen
206, fig. 1913.
Weingifterin. 3. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:162. 1856.
Used in Austria and Switzerland for the making of perry. Fruit rather large, very
globular, somewhat flattened at both poles; skin fairly rough, green-yellow, tinged with
dull washed-out red, numerous dots and flecks of russet over the whole fruit; late Sept.
to mid-Oct. for four weeks.
Sdegnata. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:653, fig. 18609.
Major Espéren, the Belgian pomologist, raised this pear from seed, but at what date
appears to be unknown. Fruit long-ovate, irregular and bossed; skin rather rough, greenish-
yellow, dotted with russet and changing to meadow-green on the side exposed to the sun,
marbled with gray-russet; flesh white, fine or semi-fine, juicy, dense although very melting,
rather granular at the core; juice extremely abundant, saccharine, acidulous, with a
characteristic flavor, deliciously perfumed; first; Aug.
Seal. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 852. 1869.
Originated in Pennsylvania. Fruit medium or below, globular, pale yellow, lightiy
shaded with crimson in the sun and thickly sprinkled with green and russet dots; flesh
white, coarse, moderately juicy, melting, slightly astringent; good; end of Aug.
Sébastien. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:181, fig. 573. 188r.
Raised by M. Pariset, Ain, Fr., in 1852, and first published in 1867. Fruit medium,
cylindrical-ovate, even in its outline; skin rather thin but firm, at first intensely green;
sprinkled with brown dots, large and prominent, changing to a brighter green at maturity
with russet coloring on the side next the sun; flesh white, slightly tinted with green, especially
under the skin, very fine, entirely melting, full of sweet juice, saccharine, with an agreeable
perfume; first; Dec.
Sebastopol. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:655, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 852.
M. Minot, Jodoigne, Bel., obtained Sebastopol, which ripened for the first time in
1858. Fruit below medium, ovate-turbinate, symmetrical, green tinted with dull yellow,
dotted with brown and mottled with russet; flesh white, rather coarse, semi-melting and
watery, having some grit around the core, juice abundant, saccharine, acidulous, rarely.
much perfumed; second; mid-Aug.
Seckel Seedling No. 1. 1. Iowa Hort. Soc. Rpt. 131. 1915.
Mentioned in a report of the Supervising Committee of the Iowa Horticultural Society
as a valuable seedling raised by Charles G. Patten. ‘“The fruit is larger than the old Seckel,
of excellent quality, and the tree is vigorous, hardy and free from blight.”
Secrétaire Maréschal. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 281. 1889. 2. Guide Prat. 99. 18095.
Obtained by M. Sannier, Rouen, Fr.; published in 1886. Fruit medium, resembling
Beurré Clairgeau; flesh very fine, juicy, perfumed; Nov. and Dec.
Secrétaire Rodin. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 281. 1889. 2. Guide Prat.o9. 1895.
Obtained by M. Sannier, Rouen, Fr. It was first published in 1881. Fruit medium
to large recalling in appearance the Duchesse d’Angouléme; flesh yellow, vinous, of an
agreeable perfume and distinctive flavor; Nov. and Dec.
Seigneur Daras. 1. Guide Prat. 99. 1895.
Tree very fertile, not very vigorous and best cultivated on wild stock. Fruit medium,
of the form of the Doyenné; flesh fine, juicy, saccharine, perfumed; Oct.
Seigneur d’Eté. 1. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 348. 1831.
An old Flemish pear sent to England by M. Stoffels of Mechlin and exhibited by
the Horticultural Society of London in 1819. Fruit above medium, obtuse-oval; skin
fine orange, with bright scarlet on the sunny side, sprinkled with small brown spots and
partially marked with larger ones of the same color; flesh melting, with an extremely small
core, and a rich, highly flavored juice; beginning and middle of Sept.
Selleck. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 854. 1869.
The origin of Selleck is unknown. Some thirty years ago the oldest known bearing
tree of the variety was standing on the grounds of Columbus Selleck, Sudbury, Vermont,
and was then still healthy and very productive. Fruit large, obovate-obtuse-pyriform,
surface uneven; skin a fine yellow, with a crimson cheek and thickly sprinkled with russet
dots; flesh white, a little coarse, juicy, melting, sweet, aromatic; good to very good; Sept.
and Oct.
Semis d’Echasserie. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:188, fig. 580. 1881.
Obtained by M. Pariset, Ain, Fr., from a seed bed made in 1840. It was first pub-
lished in 1862. Fruit below medium, globular-ovate, symmetrical in contour; skin rather
thick and rough to the touch, yellow-green passing to bright yellow at maturity, tinged
with earthy-red on fruits well exposed to the sun; flesh a little coarse, semi-breaking, rather
full of saccharine juice, slightly gritty about the core, insufficiently perfumed; second;
Dec. and Jan.
Semis Léon Leclerc. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:173, fig. 279. 1879.
Sent out by M. Bivort from Belgium about the year 1859. Fruit small or nearly
medium on a well-pruned tree, ovate, often ventriculous, symmetrical in its contour; skin
thin, smooth, green sprinkled with dots of darker green, changing at maturity to whitish-
yellow, rather deeper on the side next the sun, sometimes washed with light red on which
the dots are grayish or yellow; flesh white, semi-fine, melting, full of saccharine juice and
pleasantly perfumed; good for its season; beginning of Aug.
Sénateur Préfet. 1. Guide Prat. 111. 1876.
Published in France by M. Boisbunel. Tree vigorous and very fertile. Fruit medium
or large, oval-pyriform; flesh white, fine, melting, juicy, saccharine, vinous; first; March
to May.
Sénateur Vaisse. 1. Pom. France 4:No. 169, Pl. 169. 1867.
M. Lagrange, a nurseryman of Lyons, Fr., grew this pear from seed in 1861. Tree
pyramidal, rather vigorous, productive. Fruit rather large, obovate, pale yellow, with
a rosy tint on the sunny side; flesh crisp, juicy, very sweet, slightly gritty; good; Sept.
Seneca. 1. Guide Prat. 104. 1895.
A wildling found by James Payne and nurtured by A. C. Clark, both of Tyre, N. Y.,
and reported as about twelve years old in 1896. Similar to Bartlett but of higher quality,
better color, and later season. Fruit large, obovate-pyriform, light yellow, with blushed
cheek, green mottling and black dots on shady side; flesh white, vinous, sprightly; very
good; Oct. and Nov.
Senfbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:183. 1856.
Hanover. First published in 1852. Fruit medium, ventriculous and conic, often
somewhat turbinate, unattractive green turning yellowish, often darkly blushed, spotted;
flesh rather coarse, fairly juicy, sweet; first for household use; Oct. and Nov. for six
Seringe. 1. Gard. Chron. 1045. 1866.
M. Nérard, a nurseryman at Lyons, Fr., obtained Seringe, which was published first
in 1864. Fruit medium, oval, inclining to obovate, a little depressed at the ends; skin
citron or pale yellow, smooth, with some russet specks; flesh white, very melting and sugary;
Serrurier. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 543. 1857. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:660. 1869.
Van Mons obtained this variety from seed at Louvain, Bel., about 1825. Fruit large;
form rather inconstant, passing from irregular ovate, swelled and much bossed, to ovate
more or less globular, and mammillate at the summit; skin thick, olive-yellow, closely
dotted with gray, stained with fawn around the calyx and touched with some brown-
russet and occasionally vermilioned on the side exposed to the sun; flesh whitish, melting
or semi-melting, juicy, vinous and saccharine, possessing a tartish flavor and a particularly
pleasant aroma; first; Oct. and Nov.
Seutin. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 854. 1869.
Poire Seutin. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:143, fig. 360. 1880.
According to Bivort the pear Seutin was obtained by M. Bouvier, Jodoigne, Bel.
Fruit medium, ovate-pyriform, more or less long, sometimes symmetrical, sometimes
rather angular in its contour; skin thick, firm, at first bright green sprinkled with dots
of green-gray, changing to lemon-yellow tinged with golden-russet on the side next the
sun; flesh whitish, rather fine, gritty at the center, semi-buttery, fairly juicy, sweet, and
delicately perfumed; winter.
Sha Lea. 1. Ja. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 303. 1879. 2. Cornell Sta. Bul. 332:485. 1913.
Chinese Sand. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 851. 1869.
A Chinese sand pear imported from China by Wm. R. Prince, Flushing, N. Y., about
1820. Fruit medium, globular-pyriform, dull yellow, covered with a rough, sandy-like
russet; flesh firm, moderately juicy; cooks well and acquires a fine flavor; Sept.
Shawmut. 1. Mag. Hort. 25:209, fig. 14. 1859.
Originated with Francis Dana, Roxbury, Mass. Fruit large, obtuse-pyriform, regular;
skin fair, nearly smooth, dull yellow at maturity, dotted with large, round, russet specks,
most numerous on the sunny side; flesh yellowish, coarse, melting, very juicy, rich, vinous,
sprightly, with a pleasant musky perfume; Oct.
Shenandoah. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 43. 1866.
A seedling raised by S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass. It fruited first in 1862. Fruit
“Skin yellow; flesh fine-grained and sweet, keeps well, and is a good market pear; pyriform.”
Sheppard. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 855. 1869.
Raised by James Sheppard, Dorchester, Mass. Fruit large, obovate-pyriform; skin.
rough, yellow, sometimes with a brownish-red cheek, slightly sprinkled with russet dots
and with some patches of russet; flesh whitish, coarse and granular, buttery, melting, juicy,
vinous, perfumed; good to very good; end of Sept. and first of Oct.
Sheridan. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 44. 1866.
A seedling raised by S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass. “ Fruited in 1864. Short
diam. 3 inches; long diam. 3} inches; good grain, juicy, rather vinous in flavor; color dark
green; ripens soundly. Large bearer, and good market pear. Turbinate.’’
Shindel. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 44. 1897.
This pear has been locally grown about Emigsville, Pa., since the early part of the
last century, and up to 1897 was reported never to have been affected with blight. Fruit
medium, globular-obovate; skin rather smooth, lemon-yellow, with thin golden-russet
patches and veining; flesh whitish, rather fine, granular, moderately juicy, mild, sugary,
moderately rich; good; Aug. and Sept.
Shobden Court. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 646. 1884.
Raised by T. A. Knight, President of the Horticultural Society of London. Fruit
below medium, oblate, symmetrical in form, deep rich yellow, blushed with red on the side
next the sun, sprinkled all over with rough, russety dots; flesh white, coarse-grained, juicy,
briskly acid and sweet, not highly flavored; second; Jan. and Feb.
Shurtleff. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 44. 1866.
A seedling raised by S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass. ‘‘ Fruited in 1863. Short
diam. 24 inches; long diam. 3 inches; flesh rather dry, and firm; skin yellow with red cheek;
keeps soundly without extra care until May. A most prolific bearer. Short pyriform.”’
Sieboldii. 1. Guide Prat. 115. 1876. 2. Cornell Sta. Bul. 3322485. 1913.
Japan. Sieboldii is a variety distinct from Madame von Siebold and was described
by Messrs. Simon-Louis of Metz, Lorraine, as follows: ‘‘ Medium to large pyriform with
elongated tendency, angled and irregular; . . . color slightly red on sunny side,
grayish in shade; flesh white, breaking, sweet, perfumed; cannot be eaten raw with
Sievenicher Mostbirne. 1. Léschnig Mosibirnen 208, fig. 1913.
A perry pear grown in Austria and Germany. Fruit medium to fairly large, globular,
short, diminishing somewhat acutely to the stalk; yellow-green, blushed with brown;
flesh coarse, subacid and dry; end of Sept. and beginning of Oct.
Sikaya. 1. Cornell Sta. Bul. 3322485. 1913.
An Oriental variety. Fruit medium to small, oblate, symmetrical, buff, russeted;
skin tough, almost covered with large russet dots; flesh yellowish-white, coarse, poor, insipid,
subacid, melting, gritty; late.
Simon Bouvier. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom, 2:666, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 646. 1884.
Souvenir de Simon Bouvier. 3. Guide Prat. 108, 305. 1876.
Raised by Simon Bouvier, Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit medium, symmetrical, ovate, always
swelled toward the base, green shaded with dull yellow, dotted and stained with russet ;
flesh whitish, fine, juicy and melting, almost free from granulations; juice extremely
abundant and saccharine, very acidulous, highly perfumed, having an after taste of musky-
anis which adds to its delicacy; first; Sept.
Sinai’sche Buschelbirne. 1. Dochnahl Puhr. Obstkunde 2:198. 1856.
Mount Sinai, Persia, 1815. Fruit very small, globular, flattened, greenish, blushed,
very finely dotted; flesh hard, coarse-grained, juiceless, sour, but sweet when ripe; third;
Sinclair. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:74. 1856. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 646. 1884.
Raised by Van Mons. Fruit large and handsome, long-turbinate, very wide at the
base and tapering abruptly by deep concave curves to a narrow point near the stalk,
even and symmetrical in shape, smooth, fine, clear lemon-yellow, with a faint blush of
red next the sun; flesh fine-grained, buttery, melting, very juicy and sweet, with a rich,
vinous flavor and a slight musky perfume; very good for dessert and also for household
and market purposes; Sept. and Oct.
Sirningers Mostbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 210, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit medium to large, long-conic; skin firm, green turning
yellowish-russet; flesh greenish-white, very firm, rather acid flavor; Oct.
Slavonische Wasserbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:183. 1856.
Originated at Siebenbiirgen, Ger. First published in 1851. Fruit below medium,
ventriculous-conic, green turning greenish-yellow, with light brown wash on the sunny
side; flesh coarse, saccharine, firm, very juicy and sweet; third for the table, first for house-
hold use; beginning of Sept.
Slutsk. 1. Ragan Nom. Pear, B. P. I. Bul. 126:231. 1908.
Originated in Minsk, Russia, and received in this country about 1890. Fruit large,
symmetrical, roundish-obtuse-pyriform, yellow, largely overspread with bright red and
thickly sprinkled with brown dots; stem long, slender, in a deep cavity; calyx open; flesh
moderately juicy, somewhat astringent, not sugary; good; Oct.
Smet Fils Unique. 1. Guide Prat. 106. 1876.
Fruit large, Doyenné in form; flesh fine, melting, juicy; first; end of autumn.
Smith. 1. Corneil Sta. Bul. 3322485, fig. 1913.
An oriental variety or hybrid, very similar to Le Conte but blooms later. Fruit
medium to large, oval, truncate at basin end; skin yellowish-green, smooth, with patches
of russet; flesh white, firm, insipid, dry, mealy; poor; Oct.
Smith Beauty. 1. Cornell Sta. Bul. 332:485. 1913.
An oriental hybrid, similar to Le Conte, with no blush, shorter than Dewey. Variety
name has been listed as Smith's Winter Beauty.
Smith Duchess. 1. Ia. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 101. 1883.
An American hybrid of the Chinese Sand Pear.
Snow. 1. Ja. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 149. 1873.
Originated with Suel Foster, Muscatine, Ia. Reported in 1873 as “‘ better than
Vicar except for size and keeping. Its flesh is very white; valuable for cooking.”
Sceur Grégoire. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:667, fig. 1869.
Xavier Grégoire, the well-known Belgian seedsman, Jodoigne, Brabant, obtained this
variety. It bore its first fruit in 1858. Fruit large, in form variable from irregular long
gourd-shaped to long-cylindrical, usually rather bossed; skin thick and rough, yellow-ochre,
dotted and stained with gray-russet and shaded with dark red on the cheek next the sun;
flesh yellowish, semi-fine, melting, granular at the core; juice rarely abundant but very
aromatic, saccharine and with a delicate flavor; first when sufficiently juicy, otherwise
second; Nov. and Dec.
Soldat Bouvier. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:37, fig. 211. 1879.
Raised by Xavier Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit nearly medium, globular-conic,
regular in outline; skin rather firm, at first a dark green, sprinkled with dots of a darker
shade, brightening to yellowish at maturity and extensively colored with blood-red on
the cheek next the sun; flesh whitish, rather fine, buttery, melting; juice sufficient, saccharine
and delicately perfumed; good to first; Sept.
Soldat Laboureur. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 3:31, fig. 1855. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr.
198. 1920.
Soldat Laboureur was obtained from a seed bed made about 1820 by Major Espéren,
Mechlin, Bel. Fruit medium to large, ovate-pyriform or turbinate, bossed; skin smooth,
rather thick, bright green passing to golden-yellow when perfectly ripe, dotted and shaded
with fawn; flesh yellowish-white, semi-fine, melting; juice abundant, saccharine, perfumed,
and, on land suiting it, very vinous; very good, highest quality; Oct. and Nov.
Sommer-Russelet. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:46. 1856.
Thuringia, 1807. Fruit medium, pyriform, light yellow, blushed all over; flesh breaking,
juicy, with a flavor of cinnamon; second for table, first for household and market; beginning
of Aug.
Sommer-Zuckerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obsikunde 2:53. 1856.
Thuringia, Ger. Published in 1798. Fruit medium, long-pyriform, obtuse, yellowish-
green turning a lighter tint at maturity, with dark blush on the side of the sun and yellow
dots which turn green; flesh yellowish-white, breaking, saccharine; second for dessert and
good for household and market purposes; Aug.
Sommeralantbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:14. 1856.
Poire d'Aunée d’Eté. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:77, fig. 327. 1880.
Upper Hesse, Prussia; first published in 1802. Fruit medium, long-conic; skin fine,
light green turning yellowish, with dark red blush and very fine dots; wanting in juice,
buttery, mild and tender, aromatic; first for table, household and market; Aug. and Sept.
Sommerkénigin. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:109. 1856.
Nassau, Ger.; published in 1804. Fruit above medium, obtuse-conic, inclined to one
side at the top, yellowish-green turning to light yellow, with a pale blush, greenish dots
and flecked with russet; flesh white, juicy, buttery, melting and full of flavor; Sept.
Sommerwachsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:50. 1856.
Nassau, Ger.; published in 1805. Fruit medium, pyriform, symmetrical; skin smooth,
straw-white turning to a waxy light yellow, with often a faint blush, light green dots turning
red, without scent; flesh semi-melting, very juicy and saccharine; third for table, good
for household purposes; first of Sept.
Sophie de l’Ukranie. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 647. 1884.
Fruits rather large, obovate, even and regular, in shape rather resembling White
Doyenné; pale yellow, covered with minute dots on the shaded side and with a tinge of
warm orange on the side opposed to the sun; flesh neither melting nor juicy, only sweet;
an inferior pear; soon becomes soft; Nov.
Sotschnaja. 1. Ia. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 61. 1880.
A northern European variety reported by J. L. Budd as imported by him and on
trial at the Iowa State College. Shows marked traces of the Chinese forms of the pear
in shape, serration, thickness and size of leaf. The wood is gritty and thorn-like and
unites very imperfectly with the apple.
Soueraigne. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 592. 1629.
‘“‘ The Soueraigne peare, that which I have seene and taste, and so termed unto me,
was a small brownish yellow peare, but of a most dainty taste; but some doe take a kind
of Bon Chretien, called the Elizabeth peare, to be the Soueraigne; how truly let others
Soutmann. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:130. 1856.
Holland, 1821. Fruit medium, globular-oblong, light green turning to yellowish-
green, without any blush, small brown dots; flesh white, buttery, melting, juicy, and with
a sweet aromatic flavor of cinnamon; very good dessert fruit; Dec.
Souvenir de l’Abbé Lefebvre. 1. Guide Prat. 100. 1895.
Obtained by M. Sannier, Rouen, Fr. Tree of moderate vigor, fertile and adapts
itself to all forms of growth. Fruit medium in size; flesh very fine, perfumed and excellent;
Nov. and Dec.
Souvenir de du Breuil Pére. 1. Pom. France 4:No. 159, Pl. 159. 1867.
Potre du Breuil Pere. 2. Rev. Hort. 202. 1889.
Obtained from a bed of seeds of Louise Bonne de Jersey made by A. du Breuil, Rouen,
Fr., in 1840. Fruit medium or rather large, sub-spherical, more often inclined by the
oblique truncation of its wide top; skin very fine, yellow at maturity, much mottled and
dotted with bright russet all over, the russet becoming purple on the side next the sun;
flesh white, melting, very juicy, saccharine, pleasantly perfumed and sprightly; excellent;
Nov. to Jan.
Souvenir Deschamps. 1. Rev. Hort. 182. 1891. 2. Gard. Chron. 3rd Ser. 9:57. 1801.
Described in 1891 as a newly introduced seedling raised in the State School of Horti-
culture, Ghent, Bel. Fruit large, elongated, like Calebasse in form, sometimes spindle-
form and straight, slightly constricted about the middle, greenish-yellow, marked with
brown spots; flesh yellowish, delicate, melting, juicy, good; Sept. and Oct.
Souvenir Désiré Gilain. 1. Guide Prat. 108. 1876.
Stated in a Bulletin of the Society Van Mons to have been a gain of M. Grégoire,
Jodoigne, Bel. Fruit medium, ovate-pyriform, symmetrical in outline, having its greatest
diameter well below the centre; skin rather firm, pale green, sown with dots of darker green,
turning pale yellow when ripe, rather golden on the side next the sun and touched with
a tinge of red; flesh white, fine, breaking, juicy, saccharine, vinous, with a flavor difficult
to describe; Aug.
Souvenir d’Espéren de Berckmans. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 3:151, fig. 172. 1878.
Obtained by M. Berckmans at his establishment in this country and should not be
confounded with the Souvenir d’Espéren raised by M. Bivort. Fruit medium or rather
large, conic-pyriform, often a little irregular in contour; skin fine, thin, water-green, sprinkled
with large brown dots, both numerous and prominent and patches of russet, changing
to lemon-yellow at maturity, the russet becoming golden; flesh white, a little tinted with
yellow, rather fine, buttery, melting; juice sufficient in amount and highly saccharine
and perfumed; good; Oct.
Souvenir Favre. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 8:65, fig. 1860. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
and App. 134. 1872.
Originated by M. Favre, Chalons, Fr., from seed of Glou Morceau planted in 1850.
Fruit medium to below, conic-pyriform, pale yellow, dotted with many brown and green
dots; stem short, rather stout, in a slight cavity; calyx open; basin small, uneven, slightly
russeted; flesh whitish, slightly coarse, half-melting, juicy, sweet, aromatic; good to very
good; Oct.
Souvenir de Gaéte. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:671, fig. 1869.
M. Ruillé de Beauchamp obtained the Souvenir de Gaéte from seed of the Beurré
de l’Assomption. It received the recommendation of the pomological committee of the
Horticultural Society of Paris. Fruit above medium and sometimes large, irregular-
turbinate or ovate, mammillate at the top and ventriculated at the middle, bright yellow,
finely dotted and streaked with fawn and extensively washed with tender rose on the
cheek opposed to the sun; flesh white, very fine, melting and free from granulations; juice
very abundant, saccharine, refreshing and vinous with a characteristic perfume and flavor;
first; Oct. ; ,
Souvenir de Julia. 1. Guide Prat. 60. 1895.
Sent out by M. Daras de Naghin of Antwerp, Bel. Tree vigorous and fertile. Fruit
medium, globular, whitish-yellow, blushed with rose; flesh fine, semi-melting, saccharine,
juicy; first; Oct. and Nov.
Souvenir de Leroux-Durand. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 285. 1889. 2. Guide Prat. 100.
Published in Germany in 1879. Tree vigorous and fertile. Fruit large or very large,
oblong, bright yellow, stained with golden-russet; flesh very melting, vinous, highly sac-
charine and very agreeably perfumed; first; Oct.
Souvenir de Lydie. 1. Guide Prat. 58. 1895.
A Belgian variety disseminated by Daras de Naghin of Antwerp. Fruit rather large,
Doyenné in form, greenish-yellow; flesh semi-fine, melting, highly saccharine; first;
Souvenir de Madame Charles. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 285. 1889. 2. Guide Prat. 100.
Raised by M. Sannier, Rouen, Fr., from seed of Serrurier. Tree vigorous, fertile
and suitable for all forms of cultivation. Fruit medium to large, having the form of the
Passe Colmar, gray; flesh very fine, melting, saccharine and perfumed; Dec. and Jan.
Souvenir de la Reine des Belges. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:673, fig. 1869. 2. Downing
Fr, Trees Am. 857. 1869.
Xavier Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel., obtained this pear in 1855. Fruit above medium,
tutbinate, rather obttise, ventriculous and'’symmetrical in its lower part and much contorted
and bossed in its upper, -pale yellow, dotted with gray, mottled with russet, especially
over the side exposed to the sun; flesh yellowish, rather coarse, melting, juicy, gritty at the
core; juice abundant, saccharine, slightly acidulous, with a delicate flavor and aroma;
first and often second when the fruit is devoid of perfume; Oct.
‘Souvenir de Renault Pére. 1. Rev. Hort. 397, fig. 126. 18093.
M. Renault, Bulgnéville, Vosges, Fr., observed that the lower branches of an Easter
Beurré produced foliage variegated with white while the remainder were of a beautiful
green. Grafts from the variegated branches in due course perpetuated the variegation
and produced a fruit similar to that of Easter Beurré but with the skin striped longitudinally
from pole to pole, the variegation being more or less distinct according to the season and
the vigor of the tree. Fruit large, obovate; skin hard to the touch, green turriing to a
golden yellow at maturity, variegated; flesh very white, fine, rather melting, fairly juicy,
highly saccharine, rather gritty around the center; a good dessert pear; Jan. to Mar.
Souvenir de Sannier pére. 1. Guide Prat. 100. 1895.
Obtained by M. Sannier, Rouen, Fr. Tree moderately vigorous. Fruit medium,
dark yellow, tinted with rose; first; Oct.
Souvenir de Simon Bouvier. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:674, fig. 1860.
Obtained by Xavier Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel., and first reported in 1846. Fruit below
medium, turbinate, even in outline, rather swelled in all the lower part and somewhat
obtuse at the summit; color pale yellow, dotted with gray and green, stained with brown-
fawn and vermilioned on the cheek opposed to the sun; flesh white, juicy, semi-fine and
semi-melting; juice very abundant, vinous, saccharine and strongly musky; second; Oct.
Souvenir du Vénérable de la Salle. 1. Rev. Hort. 236. 1886.
Said to have been originated by M. Sannier, Rouen, Fr. Tree of good vigor, medium
productive. Fruit medium, resembling Bon-Chrétien d’Hiver in form; flesh fine, melting,
sweet: of first quality; Oct. and Nov.
Souveraine de Printemps. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 544. 1857.
Of foreign origin. Fruit medium, oblate, obscurely pyriform, angular, yellow, sprinkled
with russet; flesh white, melting, coarse, granular, juicy, somewhat astringent, with a
brisk vinous flavor; Mar.
Spae. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:676, fig. 1869.
Obtained by M. Spae, Ghent, Bel., and was propagated in 1861. Fruit above medium,
long-turbinate, obtuse, rather contorted at the base and always having one side larger than
the other, dull yellow, shaded with bright green, dotted, with more or less brown-russet
on the cheek next the sun; flesh semi-fine or semi-breaking, white, juicy, sweet, saccharine,
rather deficient in perfume but delicate; second; Oct.
Spite Rotbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 54, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. ‘Fruit medium to large, pyriform, dull green changing to
greenish-yellow with widely spread dark blush, thickly speckled with whitish dots; flesh
white, fine, aromatic; Nov. and Dec.
Spate Sommerbirne ohne Schale. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:38. 1856.
Holland, 1806. Fruit very small, conic but variable, even sides; skin tender, greenish-
yellow turning lemon-yellow, densely sprinkled with dark green dots; flesh very juicy,
coarse, melting; second for dessert, first for household; mid-Aug.
Spate Todemannsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:146. 1856.
Nassau, Ger., 1806. Fruit large, shallow-bossed, sides unequal, pyriform, light green
turning to light lemon-yellow, often blushed, dotted, often speckled with russet and russeted
on the side next the sun; flesh breaking, wanting in juice; third for dessert, very good
for household; Dec. and Jan.
Spite Wasserbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:194. 1856.
Wirttemberg, Ger., 1830. Fruit medium, turbinate, rather obtuse, light green turning
dirty pale yellow, dull red blush, large gray dots; flesh firm, very juicy, tasteless; good for
household purposes and perry; Sept.
Spates Graumanchen. 1. Oberdieck Obst-Sort. 291. 1881.
Bohemia. Fruit small, obtuse-pyriform, green changing at maturity to yellowish-
green, very much russeted; flesh fine-grained, semi-melting, aromatic, cinnamon savor,
sugary; good table fruit; Oct. to Jan.
Speckbirne. 1. Loéschnig Mostbirnen 138, fig. 1913.
An Austrian perry pear. Fruit large, turbinate; skin smooth, light leaf-green turning
to dull greenish-yellow at maturity, dotted with russet; flesh yellowish-white, very juicy,
subacid, rather coarse-grained; Oct. to Dec.
Speedwell. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 43. 1866.
A seedling raised and fruited in 1863 by Dr. S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass. Fruit,
“Short diam. 23 inches, long diam. 3 inches; color green; flesh melting, juicy, with rich
flavor; ripens soundly Sept. 1; quality fine; obovate.”
Spillingsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:150. 1856.
Germany, 1806. Fruit small, globular-turbinate, even in contour, pale green changing
to light lemon-yellow, more golden on the side of the sun, with light green dots; flesh snow-
white, breaking and coarse-grained, vinous, acidulous and saccharine; second for dessert,
first for household; Aug.
Spindelftrmige Honigbirne. 1. Dochnahl Frhr. Obstkunde 2:143. 1856.
Grown in the middle Rhine country, Germany. Fruit medium, long-conic, regular,
greenish-yellow, entirely covered with cinnamon-russet; flesh breaking and coarse, often
semi-melting, saccharine and musky; very good for household use; Sept.
Spindelférmige Rehbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:132. 1856.
Westphalia, 1828. Fruit large, oblong, shallow-bossed; skin rough, light cinnamon-
russet all over, dotted with whitish-gray; flesh granular, aromatic, with sweet wine flavor;
first for table and household use; Sept. and Oct.
Spinka. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:80, fig. 429. 1880.
Origin uncertain, though Oberdieck thought it came originally from Bohemia. Fruit
nearly medium, ovate, more or less shortened; skin thick and very firm, pale water-
green, taking a white tint long before maturity, sprinkled with brown dots, changing
to pale yellow and the side next the sun more or less warmly golden; flesh yellow-
tinted, fine, semi-buttery; juice sufficient, saccharine and agreeably perfumed; fairly
good; Sept.
Spreeuw. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:676. 1869.
A rather worthless pear raised by Van Mons at Brussels which gave its first fruit
in 1815. Fruit small, globular-ovate, green turning yellow, dotted with yellowish-red
and blushed; flesh greenish-white, rather gritty, saccharine; in Germany is reckoned as
second for dessert and first for household purposes; in France it appears to possess little
merit; Oct. and Nov.
Star of Bethlehem. 1. Horticulturist 24:334, fig. 1869.
Originated at Bethlehem, Pa., and described in 1869 as a new variety. Tree resembles
a persimmon tree with a low and spreading habit; branches never upright, very enduring
and able to bear heavy weights; very productive and regular in bearing. Fruit very
large, similar in form to the Beurré d’Anjou, obovate-pyriform-obtuse, regular; skin smooth,
deep yellow, slightly russeted, with a handsome red cheek on the side exposed to the sun;
flesh yellowish-white, somewhat coarse, buttery, melting, fine, sweet, rich and excellent
flavor; highly spoken of at the time; Sept.
Steinbirne. 1. Léschnig Mosibirnen 56, fig. 1913.
A perry pear found in Austria and Switzerland. Fruit medium, globular-pyriform,
greenish changing to yellowish-green when ripe, on the sun-exposed side washed with dull
red, speckled with russet spots; flesh granular, firm; good for transportation; Nov. and Dec.
Steinmitz Catharine. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 858. 1869.
Originated in Pennsylvania. Fruit small to medium, oblong-pyriform, greenish, with
a tinge of brown in the sun; flesh white, moderately juicy, semi-melting, vinous; good;
Stevens Genesee. 1. Cole Am. Fr. Bk. 157. 1849.
Orig nated on the farm of M. F. Stevens, Lima, N. Y. Fruit large, globular-obovate,
yellow; flesh white, tender, rather buttery, of a rich, excellent, aromatic flavor; good to
very good; Sept. and Oct. but in some districts as early as Aug.
Sterling. 1. Mag. Hort. 13:443, 444, fig. 36. 1847.
Raised by a Mr. Sterling in the neighborhood of Buffalo, N. Y., from seed brought
from Connecticut about 1828. Fruit medium, almost spherical, slightly oval, yellow,
with occasionally a few small patches of russet and on the sun-exposed cheek a mottled
crimson blush; flesh rather coarse, juicy, melting, with a saccharine, brisk flavor; very
good; Sept.
Stone. 1. Mag. Hort. 9:24, fig. 1843.
Grew in the garden of a Mr. Stone, Cincinnati, O., and named in his honor. Fruit
large, broad-pyriform, sides uneven, globular toward lower end and gradually diminishing
toward the stem; bright yellow at maturity with a bright red cheek next the sun, beautifully
intermixed with yellow streaks and specks; flesh white, somewhat buttery, rather melting,
slightly astringent; Aug.
Stout. 1. U.S. D. A. Pom. Rpt. 39. 1895.
Originated at Monrovia, Ind., about 1840. Fruit large, obtuse-pyriform, green
changing to yellow; flesh buttery, melting, juicy, subacid; very good; mid-season.
Strassburger Sommerbergamotte. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:40. 1856.
Thuringia, 1766. Fruit medium, turbinate, medium ventriculous, greenish-yellow
turning yellowish-white at maturity, with rather grayish spots; flesh semi-melting, very
white, sweet, acid, aromatic; first for household use and market; Aug.
Stribling. 1. S.C. Sta. Rpt. 16. 1914.
A seedling believed to be of French origin brought to notice in r912 by J. C. Stribling,
Pendleton, S$. C. Considered likely to prove one of the most valuable pears for the South
because blight resistant. Fruit large, cordate, sides unequal, base rounded, apex flattened,
light yellow, almost entirely covered with light russet; skin smooth, thin, tough, sprinkled
with numerous light russet dots, indistinct, large at base, smaller and more numerous
at apex; flesh coarse-grained, very juicy, slightly subacid, peculiar pineapple flavor with
after nutty effect, rich, distinctive aroma; fair quality; Oct. and Nov.
Stiimplerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:190. 1856.
Supposed to have originated on the shores of Lake Constance between Germany
and Switzerland. It was first published in 1805. Fruit small, oval, green changing to
light yellow, almost covered with cinnamon-russet; flesh yellowish, dry, becoming mealy,
without much flavor; good for kitchen use; Aug.
Originated with Mrs. Mary S. Sturges, Baker, Ore., about 1905. Fruit medium to
large, obtuse-obovate-pyriform; stem short, thick, set in a very shallow, narrow, russeted
cavity; calyx small, partly open, set in a shallow but broad basin; color dull green, con-
siderably mottled with patches and flecks of russet; dots small, conspicuous; flesh yellowish,
slightly granular, tender, juicy, good; Sept.
Styer. 1. Horticulturist 8:31, 32, fig. 1853.
Originated about 1837 with Charles Styer, White Plain township, Montgomery
County, Pa. Fruit medium, globular, green changing to yellow, with many russet dots
and markings; flesh yellowish-white, somewhat gritty at the core, buttery, melting;
exceedingly rich and perfumed; good; Sept.
Styrian. 1. Jour. Hort. 5:267, fig. 1863.
Beurré Keele Hall. 2. Guide Prat. 87. 1895.
Received in England by the Horticultural Society from M. Bosc of Paris about 1824.
Fruit large, long-obovate or pyriform, fairly even and regular in outline; skin even and
shining, of a clear lemon-yellow, with a bright vermilion cheek next the sun, appearing
as if varnished; flesh yellowish, very fine-grained, tender, buttery, melting and extremely
juicy, sweet, brisk and having a fine flavor of vanilla; a first-rate and delicious dessert
fruit; Oct.
Sucré-Vert. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:189. Pl. XXXIV. 1768. 2. Leroy Dict.
Pom. 2:677, fig.. 1869. 3. Hogg Fruit Man. 649. 1884.
Said to have come from Barmont, a chateau situated on the border of Burgundy.
It was well known in Paris in 1670. Fruit medium or below, globular-turbinate; skin
shining, intense green, dotted with numerous gray and green dots, a little whitened on
the shaded side, yellowish when ripe; flesh yellowish-white, buttery, melting, semi-fine,
some grit about the center; juice plentiful, sugary, slightly perfumed; excellent but variable;
Sucrée de Hoyerswerda. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 582. 1857.
Sucré-Vert d’Hoyerswerda. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:679, fig. 1869.
According to Diel this variety was a new pear in the first years of the last century found
in the village of Hoyerswerda, Saxony. Fruit always below medium, turbinate-obtuse
or globular-ovate, rather irregular; skin a little thick, bright yellow shaded with dull yellow,
sprinkled all over with gray-russet dots on the shaded side and greenish-brown dots on the
‘sun-exposed side on which it is also much encrimsoned; flesh greenish-white, semi-fine,
breaking, watery, granular around the pips; juice sufficient, highly saccharine, acidulous,
with an agreeable musky perfume; second; Aug.
Sucrée de Montlugon. 1. Guide Prat. 48, 294. 1895. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr.
198. 1920.
Found in a hedge at Montlucon, Fr., about 1812, by M. Rochet. Fruit medium,
oval-conic, uneven, lemon-yellow; stem medium long, rather short and woody; calyx
large, closed, in a narrow, shallow basin; flesh palest yellow, transparent, extremely juicy,
well flavored, very delicious; Oct.
Sucrée Blanche. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:191, fig. 96. 1872.
Obtained by M. Boisbunel, a nurserman at Rouen, Fr. It was first published in
1856. Fruit rather large, long-pyriform or sometimes somewhat gourd-shaped; skin
rather thick and firm, at first very bright green covered with a light white bloom on which
are very small and faint dots, brightening still more at maturity but even in coloring all
over the fruit; flesh white, semi-fine, melting; juice sufficient, saccharine, pleasant; good
but not rich enough to be first class; Aug. or a little earlier.
Sucrée du Comice. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:680, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
861. 1869.
Raised by the old Horticultural Society of Angers, Fr., and first fruited in 1855. Fruit
above medium, more or less obtuse, turbinate, irregular, much swelled in its lower half;
color golden yellow, entirely sprinkled with reddish dots and generally rayed with fawn
around the calyx; flesh white, semi-fine and semi-melting, watery, very granular around
the core; second; Sept. and Oct.
Sucrée Van Mons. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:683, fig. 1869.
Brissler Zuckerbirne. 2. Liegel Syst. Anleit. 114. 1825.
A seedling raised by Van Mons. Fruit medium to large, ovate, irregular, sometimes
nearly spherical; skin thick, very bright green, mottled with pale yellow, sprinkled with
numerous large, grayish spots, turning a fine lemon-yellow at maturity and rather golden
on the side next the sun; flesh white, semi-fine, semi-buttery and melting, saccharine,
‘vinous, slightly perfumed; quality variable, due perhaps to differences of soil and climate;
second to third; Oct. and Nov.
Sucrée de Zurich. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:684, fig. 1869.
Zivicher Zuckerbirne. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 303. 1889.
Of doubtful origin but we may fairly assume it was Switzerland and probably Zurich.
Fruit small, turbinate, slightly obtuse or ovate and even in contour, bright greenish-
yellow, dotted uniformly with gray-russet; flesh whitish, fine, melting, juicy, very saccharine,
acidulous, with a slight and agreeable scent of cinnamon; second; Sept.
Suet Lea. 1. Cornell Sta. Bul. 332:486. 1913.
An oriental hybrid. Fruit medium to smafi, apple-shaped to oblong, regular in
contour; light yellow, with large, rough, russet dots; flesh greenish-white, deficient in juice,
hard and gritty, breaking; poor; late.
Suffolk Thorn. 1. Gard. Chron. 816. 1841. 2. Hogg Fruit Max. 649. 1884.
Wilding aus Suffolk. 3. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 298. 18809.
Raised by Andrew Arcedeckene, Clavering Hall, Suffolk, Eng., from seed of Gansel
Bergamot. Fruited first about 1841. Fruit medium, globular-turbinate, pale lemon-
yellow, covered with numerous small dots and irregular patches of pale ashy-gray russet
which are most numerous on the side next the sun; flesh yellowish-white, exceedingly
melting, buttery and juicy, with a rich, sugary juice, exactly similar in flavor to Gansel
Bergamot; first; Oct.
Sugar Top. 1. Mag. Hort. 3:49. 1837.
Said to be a native fruit and is called also July or Harvest Pear. Fruit globular,
top-shaped, skin smooth, yellow; flesh juicy, breaking, sweet, with but little flavor; July.
Siilibirne. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 288. 1889. 2. Loéschnig Mostbirnen 172, fig. 1913.
A perry pear found in Austria and Germany. Fruit small, globular-pyriform, greenish-
yellow, flecked and dotted with russet all over the fruit, frequently somewhat tinted with
a brownish blush; flesh yellowish-white, coarse-grained, very acid; Oct.
Sullivan. 1. Mag. Hort. 8:57. 1842.
A seedling sent to this country by Van Mons and named by Manning. Fruit medium,
pyriform, smooth green skin, with russet specks; flesh greenish-white, fine-grained, tender,
very juicy, pleasant but not highly flavored; second; Sept.
Summer Beurré d’Arenberg. 1. Jour. Hort. 13:315. 1867. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy
Fr. 199. 1920.
Raised by Rivers of Sawbridgeworth, Eng., about 1860 and produced its first fruit
in 1863. Fruit rather small, turbinate, even and smooth in outline; skin clear and very
thin; flesh very fine throughout, scarcely any core, no trace of grit, melting, yellowish,
buttery, tender, very juicy, with a sweet, rich and distinctive flavor; excellent; Sept.
Summer Hasting. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 593. 1629.
“The Summer Hasting is a little greene peare, of an indifferent good rellish.”
Summer Popperin. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 592. 1629.
“Both of them are very good dry firme peares somewhat spotted, and brownish on
the outside.”
Summer Portugal. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 651. 1884.
Fruit quite small, pyriform, bright grass-green, with a brownish blush on the side next
the sun and dotted all over with dark green dots, at maturity becoming clear yellow, with
a red cheek; flesh yellowish, tender, breaking, very juicy, sweet and pleasantly flavored; Aug.
Summer Saint Germain. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 347. 1845.
Saint Germain d’Eté. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:622, fig. 1869.
Of French origin. Imported to France from Belgium or Holland by Louis Noisette
previous to 1830. It is better known in this country and in England as the Summer Saint
Germain. Fruit below medium, obovate-pyriform, generally irregular, bright greenish-
yellow, dotted with russet on the shaded side and extensively washed with vivid rose on
the other cheek where it is sprinkled with gray points; flesh white, fine, soft, semi-melting,
slightly gritty at the center; juice sufficient, saccharine, often rather astringent but always
full of flavor; second and sometimes third; Sept. and Oct.
Summer Virgalieu. 1. Downing Fr. Trees. Am. 864. 1869.
Virgalieu d’été. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:5, fig.3. 1872.
Origin unknown. Tree moderately vigorous, productive. Fruit roundish, pyriform,
yellow, slightly netted and patched with russet, thickly sprinkled with russet dots; stem
rather long, set in a small cavity; calyx open; segments recurved; basin shallow, uneven;
flesh yellowish, juicy, melting, slightly vinous; good; Aug.
Superfondanta. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 153. 1841.
Received by Simon-Louis Bros., Metz, Lorraine, from Italy. Fruit medium, obovate,
smooth, pale yellow, marked with a few dots and sometimes marked with russet; flesh
white, buttery, melting, very good; Oct.
Supréme Coloma. 1. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 2, 40, fig. 121. 1866-73.
Kopertscher. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 796. 1869.
Count Coloma, Mechlin, Bel., made seed beds in 1786. From these beds came the
Supréme Coloma, a fruit of exquisite flavor. Fruit above medium, ovate, shortened,
obtuse; skin delicate, olive-yellow, always mottled with greenish-russet and thickly covered
with brown dots; flesh whitish, fine, melting, nearly free from grit, very full of saccharine
juice, acidulous, with a special perfume of much delicacy; first; Oct.
Surpasse Crassane. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:687, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 652.
A seedling of Van Mons obtained about 1820 in his nursery at Louvain, Bel. Fruit
medium, globular or globular-turbinate, flattened at the base, mammillate at the summit;
skin dark olive-yellow, much covered with russet and tinted with dark red on the cheek
touched by the sun; flesh whitish, fine, melting, juicy, granular around the center; juice
abundant, very saccharine, highly perfumed, with an agreeable tartish taste; first; Oct.
to Dec.
Surpasse Meuris. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:688, fig. 1869. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 653. 1884.
The Surpasse Meuris was gained by Van Mons at Brussels before 1818. Fruit large,
pyriform or turbinate-obtuse, always ventriculated toward the base and generally rather
bossed; skin rough, olive-yellow dotted with gray, mottled with fawn and often colored
with brown-red on the side next the sun; flesh white, tinged with yellow, semi-fine and
semi-melting; juice extremely abundant, very saccharine, tartish and savory; first, some-
times second when the juice is slightly perfumed; Sept.
Surpasse St. Germain. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 198. 1833.
A seedling of Van Mons imported in 1819. Fruit rather large and oblong, rounded
at the base and tapering toward the stalk, irregular in outline, green and brown; winter.
Surpasse Virgalieu. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 416, fig. 189. 1845. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom.
2:868, fig. 1869.
The origin of this variety is unknown. Andrew Parmentier introduced it from his
nursery at Brooklyn under this name about 1800. Fruit rather large, obovate; skin
smooth, pale lemon-yellow with a very few minute dots and rarely a little faint red on the
sunny side; flesh white, exceedingly fine-grained and buttery, abounding with delicious
highly flavored, aromatic juice, differing from that of the Doyenné; first; Oct.
Surprise. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 41. 1916.
Surprise is a valuable blight-resistant variety belonging to Pyrus communis and
promises to make a blight-resistant stock on which to top-work commercial varieties.
Siisse Margarethenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:53. 1856.
Germany; first published in 1833. Fruit medium, pyriform, light yellow, often
blushed with light red and thickly dotted; flesh semi-melting, granular, sweet, agreeably
cinnamon-flavored; second for dessert, good for household and market; Aug.
Siisse Sommerlahnbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obsikunde 2:52. 1856.
German; published in 1805. Fruit fairly large, variable in form, ovate, often conic
and ventriculous-pyriform, sides rather unequal, dull greenish-yellow turning to a fine
citron-yellow, without any blush but russeted on the side next the sun, indistinct dots;
flesh not juicy, saccharine, with flavor of black currant; second for dessert, very good for
kitchen use and market; Aug.
Suwanee. 1. Griffing Bros. Cat. 13, fig. 1909.
Originated in southern Georgia and introduced by Griffing Brothers Company in
1909. Fruit large, oblong, tapering towards both ends, blunt; skin tough, dark golden-
russet over a yellow ground, with a slight tinge of red; flesh white, crisp, tender; good.
Suzanne. 1. Mas. Pom. Gen. 3:120, fig. 161. 1878.
Received by Oberdieck from Van Mons without a name. Fruit rather small, ovate,
short and ventriculous, symmetrical in contour with its greatest diameter about the center;
skin delicate, bright green, sprinkled with extremely numerous small brown spots, changing
to pale yellow, golden on the side next the sun or sometimes touched with red; flesh white,
tinted with yellow, very fine, buttery, melting, sufficiently juicy, saccharine and delicately
perfumed; good; Sept.
Suzette de Bavay. 1. Pom. France 2:No. 80, Pl. 80. 1863. 2. Downing Fr. Trees
Am. 865. 1869.
Major Espéren of Mechlin, Bel., obtained this long-season pear. It fruited first in
1843. Fruit small or medium, globular, generally mammillate at the top; skin rough,
pale yellow, dotted with greenish-brown and speckled with russet and reddish stains;
flesh white, semi-fine, melting or semi-melting, juicy, almost free from grit; juice abundant,
saccharine, acidulous, more or less perfumed with anis; Jan. to Apr.
Swan Egg. 1. Langley Pomona 132, Pl. LXIV. 1729.
An English variety recommended by Lindley as suitable in the Highlands of Scotland.
Fruit medium, globular-ovate; skin smooth, yellowish-green on the shaded side and clear
brownish-red on the cheek exposed to the sun and covered with pale brown-russet; flesh
yellowish-white, tender, very juicy, with a sweet and piquant flavor and musky aroma;
good; Oct.
Sweater. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 593. 1629.
“The Sweater is somewhat like the Windsor, for colour and bigeness but nothing:
neare of so good a taste.”
Sylvie de Malzine. 1. Guide Prat. 100. 1895.
Sent out by Daras de Naghin, Anvers, Bel. Tree vigorous and fertile. Fruit medium,
globular; flesh rather fine, melting, recalling the Beurré d’Angleterre by its flavor; Nov.
and Dec.
Taglioretti. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:73, fig. 517. 1881.
Tree bell-shaped, pyramidal; leaves: bluish-green and dull, characteristically folded;
stipules remarkably short. Fruit medium in size, ovoid, short, broad, resembling the
Bergamotte d’Eté and the Vallée Franche; skin rather firm, bright lemon-yellow to golden;
dots conspicuous; calyx medium, open; basin narrow, rather deep; flesh white, medium
fine, medium breaking, juicy; good; Aug.
Takasaki. 1. Ga. Hort. Soc. Rpi. 49, 54. 1892.
Exhibited by P. J. Berckmans at the Georgia State Horticultural Society Meeting
in 1892. Said to be a Japanese pear.
Talmadge. 1. Horticulturist 25:125. 1870.
Northford Seckel. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 123. 1881.
Originated in the garden of Levi Talmadge at Northford, Conn., as a chance seedling
of Seckel. Tree hardy and vigorous, with spreading head, very symmetrical, attaining
double the size of the Seckel, very productive. Fruit larger and more uniform than Seckel,
almost identical in form, with the same russet ground, slightly less ruddy coloring; flesh
white, juicy, melting; inferior to Seckel; ripens with Seckel. .
Tardive d’Ellezelles. 1. Guide Prat. 111. 1876.
Probably originated in Beligium. Fruit large, grayish-green, pleasantly aromatic;
heat resistant; Apr. and May. :
Tardive Garin. 1. Guide Prat. 111. 1876.
Tree very vigorous and very productive. Fruit large, roundish, grayish-yellow;
flesh medium, melting, juicy, sweet; May and June.
Tardive de Mons. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 331. 1866. 2. Ibid. 654. 1884.
Fruit medium in size, oblong-obovate, even and regularly formed; skin uniformly
yellow, orange tinge next the sun; dots large and russet; calyx large, open; stem rather
slender, obliquely inserted without depression; flesh white, tender, buttery, melting, very
juicy, rich, sugary; rated as an “excellent pear;” Nov.
Tardive de Montauban. 1. Guide Prat. 107. 1876.
Tree very productive. Fruit medium to small, rather long, reddish on the sunny
side; flesh fine, yellow, sweet, medium melting; first; very late.
Tardive de Solesne. 1. Guide Prat. 100. 1895.
Tree vigorous and very productive. Fruit large to very large; flesh breaking, very
sweet; first; Jan. and Feb.
Tatnall Harvest. 1. Mag. Hort. 19:424. 1853.
The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society rated specimens of this variety submitted
to it by Thomas Hancock, Burlington, N. J., as ‘‘ scarcely good.”
Tavernier de Boulogne. 1. Field Pear Cult. 283. 1858. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:696,
fig. 1869.
Found in 1836 by M. Tavernier in a woods near Trelaze, Fr. Tree scraggly, produc-
tive, a good orchard tree. Fruit medium to above, longish-conic, greenish-yellow; flesh
white, firm; of first quality for cooking; late spring and early summer.
Taylor. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 112. 1852. 2. U.S. D. A. Pat. Off. Rpt. 282. 1853.
Mr. Merriweather, Charlottesville, Va., is credited with having originated this pear,
although it may have come from France about 1780. Tree vigorous, young wood olive;
productive; fruit medium, roundish-oblate; skin light green, mottled with dark green;
stalk rather long, fleshy at its termination in a very slight depression; calyx very small,
set in a wide, superficial basin; flesh fine in texture, buttery; flavor vinous, with a delicate
vanilla aroma; very good; Nov. to Feb.
Taynton Squash. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 654. 1884.
Squash. 2. Thacher Am. Orch. 191. 1822.
An old pear which originated in Gloucestershire, Eng., previous to the year 1805
and which is widely known as a remarkably fine perry pear much grown in Herefordshire.
It is early, tender of flesh, and “‘ if it drops ripe from the tree it bursts from the fall, whence
probably the name.” Fruit medium to below, turbinate, dull greenish-yellow on the
shaded side and dull brownish-red next the sun, covered with rough, russet dots; calyx
open; stem slender; flesh white, with a brisk, sweet flavor.
Tea. 1. Mag. Hort. 16:154. 1850. 2. Ibid. 20:466, fig. 22. 1854.
Mrs. Ezra Merchant, Milford, Conn., found seed from which this pear was raised in
a pound of tea which she purchased, hence the name. Similar to White Doyenné, if not
identical with it. Tree vigorous, with bright yellow wood and deep green foliage. Fruit
medium, obtuse-pyramidal, with often a suture on one side, yellowish-green becoming
blushed in the sun; stem short, stout, fleshy at the base; calyx open; flesh whitish, melting,
juicy, vinous; very good to best; Sept.
Templiers. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 22697, fig. 1869.
The place of origin is uncertain but the time is at least prior to 1838. Fruit large,
short-turbinate, dull yellow, spotted with ashy gray; of first quality for cooking, beginning
of Sept.
Tepka. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 24, fig. 1913.
A perry pear common to lower Styria, Carniola, and the maritime regions of Austria.
Fruit Bergamot-shape, pale green becoming yellowish-green; calyx large, open, star-shape;
stem brown, medium short, often bent; flesh juicy, sprightly; rots at the core and keeps
poorly in storage; Sept.
Test. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 135. 1920.
Reported by Luther Burbank, Santa Rosa, Cal., as “ A large pear, being four inches
long by two and one-half across. In form much like Bartlett and in quality more like
Le Conte, but far better and far more prolific than either. Ripens four weeks later than
Le Conte. When canned is firm and white and fully equal to or better than Bartlett.”
Tettenhall. 1. Gard. Chron. 733. 1841.
“ This pear, supposed only to flourish in the parish of Tettenhall, near Wolverhampton,
though a very profuse bearer, has fruit almost worthless; but as a forest tree it is remarkable
for its beauty, far surpassing in size, shape and masses of deep green foliage any other
Pear-tree I ever saw.”
Teutsche Augustbirne. 1. Christ Handb. 563. 1817. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde
2:51. 1856.
Reported from the regions of Thuringia, Hesse, and Wiirttemberg about 1799. Fruit
medium in size, oblong-oval, bright yellow, dotted, thick-skinned; calyx star-shape; stem
fleshy; flesh breaking, sweet; fair, a good commercial variety; Aug.
‘Texas. 1. Ragan Fr. Recom. by Am. Pom. Soc., B. P. I. Bul. 151241. 1909.
This is a whitish-yellow, medium-large, pyriform pear of good quality, at one time
considered promising along the Gulf Coast; said to have originated in Texas.
The Dean. 1. J. Van Lindley Cat. 34. 1890.
‘“* A very large pear that has been bearing regularly near Oak Ridge, Guilford County,
N. C., for more than 4o years. In appearance it resembles both Bartlett and Duchesse
[d@’Angouléme], and is as large as Duchesse and better in quality. Ripens between
Bartlett and Duchesse, making a very valuable pear and of good quality.”
Theilersbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:195. 1856. 2. Léschnig Mostbirnen
174, fig. 1913.
A perry pear said to have appeared in Switzerland about 1848 as a wilding. ‘Tree
spreading, large, vigorous, strong, productive. Fruit small, ovate, yellowish-green becoming
yellow, dotted strongly with russet; calyx open; stem medium long; flesh dull white, juicy,
piquant, without aroma.
Theodor Korner. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obsikunde 2:126. 1856.
A seedling raised by Van Mons of Belgium about 1851. Tree rather vigorous, an
early and good bearer. Fruit medium to above, conic, greenish-yellow; calyx star-shaped;
segments long; flesh melting, juicy, vinous; first; Sept.
Theodore. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:16. 1856.
According to Dochnahl this pear may have originated in Belgium about 1833. Fruit
medium large, 2 inches wide and 24 inches long, smooth, bright yellow, sunny side washed
with red; dots numerous; sweet, vinous; last of Aug.
Theodore Van Mons. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 164, 234. 1854. 2. Ann. Pom. Belge
4:29, fig. 1856.
Originated by Van Mons in 1827. Tree vigorous, pyramidal, productive. Fruit
medium to above, obovate-pyriform to oblong-pyriform, greenish-yellow, russeted; dots
gray-green, numerous; stem curved, about an inch long; cavity slight; calyx open; flesh
yellowish-white, rather coarse, juicy, melting, vinous; good to very good; Sept. and Oct.
Theodore Williams. 1. Stark Bros. Year Book 5:40. 1914.
A seedling of Kieffer raised by Theodore Williams, and introduced by Stark Brothers
Nurseries & Orchard Company about 1914. Tree hardy, is reported to have stood a
temperature of 4o degrees below zero without injury. Fruit medium, yellowish-green,
sweet, juicy.
Théophile Lacroix. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 290. 1889. 2. Guide Prat. 50. 1895.
Tree productive and of good vigor. Fruit large to very large, pyriform, similar to
the type of Beurré Diel, deep yellow, plentifully spotted and marbled with cinnamon-red;
flesh yellowish, fine, juicy, with an aroma suggestive of orange, a little gritty about the
core; first; Dec. and Jan.
Thérése. 1. Guide Prat. 111. 1876.
Fruit rather large, Bergamot-shape, yellowish-green; flesh very melting, delicately
aromatic; first; Oct.
Thérése Appert. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:699, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 2d
App. 136, fig. 1872.
First fruited in 1861 from seed of Beurré Clairgeau by André Leroy, Angers, Fr. Tree
vigorous, productive. Fruit medium, oblong, turbinate, yellowish-orange, washed with
vermilion ; stem short, a trifle inclined; cavity small; calyx open; basin shallow; flesh whitish-
yellow, very juicy, very sweet, aromatic; very good; Sept.
Theveriner Butterbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:125. 1856.
Said to have originated in France about 1852. Fruit medium large, turbinate, bright
green becoming greenish-yellow, somewhat clouded and striped with red, covered with
russet; calyx star-shaped; stem thick, one inch long; seeds mostly abortive; flesh yellowish,
sweet, vinous; Oct.
Thibaut Butterbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:126. 1856.
. According to Dochnahl this is a seedling from Van Mons which originated in Belgium
in 1851. Fruit medium large, turbinate, irregular and ill-shapen, bright green becoming
yellowish-green, with gray dots, and spotted with russet; skin thin; calyx small, erect;
stem slender, 2 inches long, fleshy at the base; core and seeds small; sweet, aromatic;
very good; Oct.
Thick Stalked Pear. 1. Mawe-Abercrombie Univ. Gard. Bot. 1778.
Mentioned in the reference cited as a minor variety of winter pear having a very
large, roundish fruit.
Thimothée. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:181, fig. 574. 1881.
This variety was raised from seed by M. Pariset, a seedsman of Ain, Fr., about 1852.
Tree rather vigorous, upright, symmetrical. Fruit medium, roundish-pyriform, regular,
greenish becoming pale -yellow; calyx almost closed; stem very short, rather stout; flesh
whitish, very fine, very melting, subacid, refreshing; good; Nov. and Dec.
Thompson (Eng.). 1. Mag. Hort. 8:64. 1842. 2. Pom. France 4:156, Pl. 156. 1867.
Said to be a seedling of Van Mons originated about 1819. R. Manning, Salem, Mass.,
received cions in 1841. Tree vigorous, productive; fruit medium, obovate, lemon-yellow,
russeted around the stem; stem short; almost no cavity; calyx medium, open, slightly
depressed in a small basin; segments often united; flesh whitish-yellow, buttery, juicy;
flavor rich, sugary, aromatic; seeds large, long; Oct.
Thompson (N. H.). 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 198. 1833. 2. Mag. Hort. 3:51. 1837.
Originated on the farm of Judge Thompson, Portsmouth, N. H. Fruit medium to
below, turbinate, quite russeted; ‘‘ esteemed for its extraordinary productiveness and
long keeping ’’ by those in the vicinity of its origin but regarded by R. Manning, Salem,
Mass., as “‘ unfit for cultivation.”
Thooris. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 6:27, fig. 1858. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 868. 1869.
This Belgian pear fruited for the first time in 1854 in the garden of the Society Van
Mons. Fruit medium to below, round ovoid to oval, or Bergamot-shape; skin yellow,
shaded and striped with grayish-red. Alexander Bivort gives, ‘‘ flesh yellowish-white,
half fine, melting; juice abundant, sugary, and with an agreeable perfume ° - +
of first quality,” whereas Downing says, “ flesh white, coarse, dry, sweet, and poor
: unworthy of cultivation.” Sept.
Thuerlinckx. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 553. 1857.
Beurré Thuerlinckx. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 529. 1884.
This pear was found in 1848 upon an estate purchased by M. Thuerlinckx, Mechlin,
Bel. It is said to be a very large, coarse, showy pear of long-obovate shape, with a some-
what tender and juicy flesh but without any aroma, and very soon becoming mealy; Oct.
to Dec.
Thurston Red. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 655. 1884.
Hogg says, “‘ a new Herefordshire perry pear of some repute.” Fruit small, turbinate,
even in outline, greenish-yellow, with a thin red cheek and a large patch of thin, pale-
brown russet, especially around the calyx; calyx small and open; stem an inch and a quarter
long, slender; cavity none; flesh yellow.
Tiffin. 1. U.S. D.A. Rpt. 289. 1893.
Originated with Henry Loose, Tiffin, O. Fruit described as large, broad-ovate,
smooth, greenish-yellow; dots numerous, brown; stem medium long, slender, curved,
inserted with no depression; basin wide, russeted; calyx small, open; skin thin; core large;
seeds large, plump, brown; flesh white, buttery, subacid; good; Oct.
Tigrée de Janvier. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:141, fig. 71. 1872.
Raised by L. J. Berckmans from seed produced by Major Espéren and obtained
by the former after the latter’s death. Tree vigorous, rather slender. Fruit small to
below medium, ovoid-pyriform, yellowish; stem long; flesh yellow, medium fine, melting,
very juicy, vinous; not of the most beautiful appearance yet of the highest flavor; Dec.
and Jan.
Tillington. 1. Trans. Lond. Hort. Soc. 42521. 1822. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 868.
Exhibited by Thomas Andrew Knight before the London Horticultural Society in
1820 as “a Seedling Pear raised from a seed of the Autumn Bergamot impregnated with the
pollen of the Jargonelle.” Tree hardy, productive. Fruit medium, short-pyriform,
greenish-yellow, with light brown russet dots; stalk short; calyx open; flesh yellowish,
tender, buttery, melting, not juicy, vinous, aromatic; good; Oct.
Timpling. 1. Buckman Fruit Var. in Ex. Orch. 6. 1901.
Included in the list of varieties in the experimental orchard of Benjamin Buckman,
Farmingdale, Ill. Mr. Buckman reports that it was from Ludwig Hencke, Collinsville,
and that he received it in 1893. Mr. Hencke brought the Timpling with him from Germany.
According to Mr. Buckman the tree is rather free from blight, moderately productive, and
still in good shape at the age of 27 years. Fruit medium; good quality and color.
Tindall Swan Egg. 1. Trans. Lond. Hort. Soc. 6:396. 1826.
Specimens of a new variety of Swan Egg pear were sent to the meeting of the London
Horticultural Society in 1824 by George and William Tindall, Beverley, Yorkshire, Eng.
“Tt is larger and browner than the Common Swan’s Egg, and equal to it in flavor. It
keeps well till the end of January, and sometimes later.”
Tollbirne. 1. Loschnig Mostbirnen 214, fig. 1913.
A very productive perry pear of Europe with fruit notable because of its beautiful
color. Tree vigorous, upright. Fruit medium, round-obovate, very uniform; skin tough,
smooth, glossy, green changing to yellow, side next the sun blushed with bright carmine
and dotted heavily with brown-russet dots, russeted at top and bottom; calyx small, open;
stem medium long, slender; flesh almost white, juicy, tart; mid-Oct. to Dec.
Tolstoy. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 135. 1920.
Originated by N. E. Hansen, Brookings, S. D., from Clapp Favorite x Pyrus ovoidea,
and introduced by him in 1919.
Tom Strange. 1. Buckman Fruit Var. in Ex. Orch. 6. 1901.
This variety is found in the experimental orchard at Farmingdale, Ill, of Benjamin
Buckman, who writes: ‘‘ The ‘Tom Strange’ pear is a small local variety received from
a person of that name, not worthy of disseminating under a name and had better be
Tonkovietka. 1. Mont. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 53. 1882.
Limbertwig. 2. Ia. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 321. 1885.
Thintwig. 3. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 59. 1887.
One of the Russian pears imported by Prof. J. L. Budd from Dr. Regel, Petrograd,
Russia, about 1879 and known by the Iowa Agricultural College under the numbers 513 and
14m. Chas. Gibb, Abbottsford, Can., says this is the hardiest pear tree which bears edible
fruit of which he knows. The name means slender stalk. Tree hardy, fine, productive.
Fruit medium, conical, yellow, with red on the sunny side; flesh porous; ripens beginning
of Aug. and keeps until Sept.; commendable for commercial orchards.
Tonneau. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:237, Pl. LVIII, fig. 5. 1768. 2. Hogg Fruit
Man. 656. 1884.
Fassbirne. 3. Christ Handb. 564. 1817.
This large cooking pear has been confused by Leroy and others with Uvedale
St. Germain, but Hogg and Mas agree that the two are quite distinct. The French word
tonneau and the German word fass are both translated ‘‘ cask,” a term which describes
the shape of this pear very well. Tree vigorous; shoots upright; leaves pubescent, light
green, young leaves yellowish-green. Fruit very large, oblong-ovate or cask-shaped; skin
clear yellow; calyx large, open; basin deep, wide; stalk an inch long, straight, woody;
cavity deep, irregular; flesh very white, rather dry; flavor brisk; more an ornament than
a dessert fruit; Nov. to Feb.
Toronto Belle. 1. Ont. Fr. Gr. Assoc. Rpt. 82. 1882.
“We tested the fruit late in December and found it in grand condition; in quality
it is equal to Beurré Bosc, and almost identical in form and color. The tree is a slow
grower but a heavy and regular bearer. It is without doubt the finest winter pear we
know of, opening, as it does, a new era in the quality of winter pears.”
Totten Seedling. 1. Mag. Hort. 14:109. 1848. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 868. 1869.
Raised by Col. Totten, New Haven, Conn. Tree vigorous. Fruit small to medium,
roundish-pyriform to obovate, pale yellow, slightly tinged with red in the sun; stalk long;
calyx open; flesh white, sweet, perfumed; Sept. and Oct.
Tournay d’Hiver. 1. Guide Prat. 111. 1876.
Tree vigorous and productive, upright. Fruit large to very large, broadly turbinate;
flesh buttery, melting, fine, vinous; first; Jan. and Feb.
Tout-il-faut. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:107, fig. 54. 1872.
One of Van Mons’ seedlings. The pear does not possess all the qualities that the name
indicates. Tree hardy, productive, of medium vigor, early bearing. Fruit medium,
regular, conic-pyriform, yellowish-green mostly covered by a brilliant crimson, very
beautiful; flesh white, tender, sweet, rather juicy, agreeably aromatic; mid-Aug.
Tréublesbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:194. 1856. 2. Loéschnig Mostbirnen 140,
fig. 68. 1913.
This perry pear, named ‘Traublesbirne because of the racemose or bunch-like
manner in which the fruit develops, is said to have had its origin in Wirttemberg about
1830. Tree rather vigorous, broad-pyramidal, scantily foliaged, thrifty, early bearing, pro-
ductive. Fruit long-pyriform to oval, somewhat blunt at the base, greenish, russeted at
both base and apex; dots fine; calyx open; stem long; flesh white, juicy; good; Oct.
Tressorier Lesacher. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 290. 1889. 2. Guide Prat. 101. 1895.
Tree of moderate vigor, very fertile. Fruit medium, resembling White Doyenné;
flesh very fine; of highest quality; Oct.
Trinkebirne. 1. Christ Handb. 518, 562. 1817. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:14.
Originated in Saxony, Ger., about 1802. Twigs thick and long, heavily dotted;
buds small; leaves round. Fruit medium, large, conical, yellowish, somewhat blushed,
very juicy; good; last of Sept.
Triomphe de Jodoigne. 1. Mag. Hort. 14:112. 1848. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:706,
fig. 1869. 3. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 200. 1920.
Raised by Simon Bouvier, Jodoigne, Bel., in 1830. Fruit large, oval-pyriform, taper-
ing markedly toward stem, uneven, green becoming lemon-yellow; calyx small, open, in
a small, uneven basin; stem rather long, stout, woody, fleshy at insertion; flesh whitish,
coarse, juicy, half-melting, sweet; good to very good; Oct.
Triomphe de Louvain. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 154. 1841. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:880,
fig. 1889.
Originated by Van Mons about 1820. Fruit medium, roundish-oblate, rather rough,
greenish-yellow, mostly covered with dull russet, many brown russet dots; stem rather
short, stout; calyx large, open; flesh whitish, coarse, not juicy, sweet; good; Sept.
Triomphe de Touraine. 1. Guide Prat. 104. 1895.
From the name, one infers that this variety originated near Touraine, Fr. Tree
vigorous, very productive. Fruit large to very large, green, reddish on the side next the sun,
clear yellow at maturity; flesh firm, fine, juicy, sweet, similar in taste to Duchesse d’Angou-
léme but of better quality; Nov.
Triomphe de Tournai. 1. Gard. Chron. 20:760, fig. 139. 1883. 2. Rev. Hort. 512, fig.
M. Daras de Naghin, Tournai, Bel., originated this fruit from seed produced in 1868.
The Pomological Committee of Tournai after testing it in 1882 and 1883 unanimously
awarded its raiser a bronze medal. Tree vigorous and productive, pyramidal, upright.
Fruit medium, turbinate to long-pyriform, symmetrical, uniformly green becoming yellow,
faintly pitted; stem short, stout; calyx medium, open; basin shallow; flesh white, melting,
juicy, sweet; good to very good; Jan. and Feb.
Triomphe de Vienne. 1. Can. Hort. 11:261. 1888. 2. Soc. Nat. Hort. France Pom.
446, fig. 1904.
Triumph. 3. Can. Hort. 25:442, fig. 1902.
Raised in 1864 by M. Jean Colland, Vienne, Fr., and first distributed in 1874, this pear
has been the recipient of several awards of merit. Tree vigorous, heavy-cropper, pyramidal.
Fruit large, obovate-pyriform, rather irregular, greenish-yellow, with russet patches,
often blushed with red; calyx open; core small; seeds usually imperfect; flesh white, melting,
juicy; flavor rich, sweet, spicy; very good; Sept. and early Oct.
Trompetenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:140. 1856.
Poire Trompette. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:97, fig. 49. 1872.
Diel obtained this variety at Schaumburg, Westphalia, but it appears to have originated
at Nassau, Prussia. Published in 1805. Fruit medium, pyriform-conic, often irregular
in form and uneven on the surface; skin rather thick and firm, light green changing to light
yellow, covered with numerous small, round, brown spots and on the side next the sun
blushed with wine-red; flesh whitish, semi-melting, granular; juice sufficient in quantity,
very vinous but a little too astringent; third for dessert, first for household; Oct.
Troppauer Goldgelbe Sommermuskatellerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:41.
Troppauer Muskateller. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 291. 1889.
Said to have originated about 1851 in Troppau, Silesia, Austria. Fruit medium
large, roundish, regular, bright yellow, frequently strongly russeted, flecked and dotted with
brown; stem thin, medium long; flesh coarse, very sweet and somewhat musky; Aug.
Truchsess. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:20. 1856.
Dochnahl credits this pear with having originated from seed in Dietz on the Lahn
River, Ger., about 1826. Tree largeand very fruitful; twigs long, glabrous; lenticels long;
leaves ovate, entire. Fruit produced in clusters, medium large, roundish-ovate, bright
green becoming yellowish, frequently russeted, strongly dotted; Nov.
Truckhill Bergamot. 1. Mag. Hort. 11:327. 1845. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 869.
1869. :
Probably of English origin. Fruit medium or above, roundish-oblate, yellow with
crimson and fawn in the sun, sprinkled with gray and green dots; stalk rather short; cavity
deep; calyx open; basin deep, abrupt, uneven; flesh half-melting, somewhat coarse and gritty,
moderately juicy; good; Sept. and Oct.
Tsar. 1. Can. Hort. 173293. 1894.
This is a Russian variety and may be synonymous with Czar and Tsarskaya. It
has been grown successfully in the Russian Province of Tambow, 53° north latitude.
Tree very firm and wonderfully productive, pyramidal. Fruit moderate in size, conical,
yellow, red on the sunny side; flesh soft, mellow, agreeable; flavor mild; Aug. and Sept.
Tudor. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 157. 1867.
Said to be a seedling of Fulton and to resemble it very closely. Fruit peculiarly
shaped, russeted; stem short; flesh melting, juicy; first; Sept. and Oct.
Turban. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 1: 121, fig. 61. 1872.
A beautiful early pear the origin of which is unknown. Tree vigorous, dependably
productive, hardy, late in coming into bearing. Fruit medium in size, spherical-turbinate,
green becoming pale yellow, covered with brown around base and apex; dots very large,
dark green; calyx small; stem characteristically very short and very thick; flesh white,
streaked with yellow, very fine, melting, juicy, sweet, aromatic; Aug.
Tiirkische miiskirte Sommerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:19. 1856.
The origin of this pear is ascribed to the Orient about the year 1832. Tree vigorous
and productive; twigs glabrous; buds long and pointed. Fruit medium large, bulging,
blunt, roundish, solid yellowish-green, sprinkled with russet; dots fine and bright-brown;
calyx usually closed; stem woody, medium long; seeds numerous; flesh buttery; quality
of the best; Sept.
Turnep. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 593. 1629.
“The Turnep pear is a hard winter peare, not so good to eat rawe, as it is to bake.’’
Twice flowering Pear-tree. 1. Mawe-Abercrombie Univ. Gard. Bot. 1778.
“It often produces blossom twice a year, the first in the spring, and the second in
autumn, so is preserved in many gardens as a curiosity.” Classified as an autumn pear.
Tyler. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpi. 5. 1843. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 869. 1869.
Probably one of Gov. Edwards’ seedlings which originated at New Haven, Conn.,
about 1840. Tree moderately vigorous; young wood reddish-yellow-brown. Fruit
below medium, roundish-pyriform, yellow, netted and patched and dotted with russet;
stem long, slender, in a moderate cavity, surrounded by russet; calyx open; basin shallow
and uneven; flesh white, coarse, granular, buttery, melting, juicy, brisk, vinous; fair to
good; Oct.
Ulatis. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 135. 1920.
A seedling of Bartlett originated by R. E. Burton, Vacaville, Cal., and introduced
in 1916. Fruit medium, pyriform, yellow; flesh white, fine, sweet; good; Sept.
Unterlaibacher Mostbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 142, fig. 69. 1913.
This perry pear is a native of Carniola and probably gets its name from the city of
Laibach in that region. Tree of moderate growth, upright, tall, with strong wood, a late
and alternate bearer, long-lived. Fruit round, large, greenish-yellow, russeted about
the calyx end, finely dotted; calyx open, wide; basin shallow; stem short, thick, brownish-
yellow, set at an angle; flesh yellowish-green, granular; Oct.
Upper Crust. 1. Horticulturist 4:276. 1849. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 870. 1860.
A seedling introduced by Col. Wm. Sumner, Pomaria, 5. C., in 1849. Tree pyramidal,
with ‘‘switchey ” limbs and gray bark. Fruit below medium, roundish, green, covered
with distinct, irregular, russet patches; stalk rather short, stout; cavity broad, shallow;
calyx large, open; flesh granular, not juicy, rots at core; poor; Aug.
Ursula. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:7. 1856. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 872. 18609.
Said to have originated in Belgium about 1826. Tree vigorous and very productive;
twigs green, thickly dotied; buds small, long; leaves cvoid. Fruit below medium to above,
oblong-acute-pyriform, yellowish mostly covered with golden-russet; stem long, curved;
calyx open; basin shallow; flesh white, juicy, melting; good to very good; late Aug.
Uwchlan. 1. Horticulturist 6:35, fig. 3. 1856. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:714, fig.
Originated on the premises of Widow Dowlin, near the Brandywine, in Uwchlan
Township, Pa. It fruited first in 1851. Tree of good growth, productive, pyramidal.
Fruit below medium, roundish, inclining to obovate, pale whitish-yellow, shaded, mottled
and dotted with crimson, and thickly covered with conspicuous brown dots; stem curved,
inclined; cavity shallow, sometimes lipped; calyx partially closed; basin abrupt, large,
deep; flesh white, very juicy, very sweet, melting, aromatic; good to very good; Sept.
Valentine. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 872. 1869.
Said to have originated on Long Island. Fruit above medium, oblong-acute-pyriform,
pale yellowish-green, tinge of red in the sun; flesh white, juicy, melting, sweet, pleasant;
good; Aug.
Vallée Franche. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:74. 1768. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 658.
Poire de Vallée. 3. Mas Le Verger 2:113, fig. 55. 1866-73.
A pear of ancient and unknown origin. It was grown in France in the fourteenth
and fifteenth centuries. Tree very large, exceedingly vigorous, very hardy, a regular
bearer. Fruit medium or below, obovate or obtuse-pyriform, smooth, shining yellowish-
green, sprinkled with small russet dots; flesh white, breaking, medium fine, very juicy,
sweet, slightly musky; well reported from the Old World but as ‘“‘ unworthy of cultivation ”
from the New; last of Aug.
Valley. 1. Brookshaw Hort. Reposit. 2:185, Pl. XCVII, fig. 2. 1823.
Possibly of English origin. Fruit oval or lemon-shape, yellow, strewn with fine dots;
skin thick; flesh soft, buttery; flavor very pleasant; mid-Aug.
Van Assche. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 55. 1852. 2. Horticulturist 3:60, fig., front. 1853.
Van Assene. 3. Mag. Hort. 8:58. 1842. 4. Ibid. 13:60, fig. 4. 1847.
M. Bouvier, Jodoigne, Bel., originated this pear about 1828. M. Manning received
cions of the variety from Van Mons in 1835 under the name Van Assene, and this has
led to incorrect statements in America that Van Assche is a seedling of Van Mons and
should be called Van Assene. Tree productive, vigorous, erect, an early bearer. Fruit
rather large, roundish-obovate-pyriform, pale yellow, covered with rather large russet
specks; stem long, slender, curved; cavity medium deep; calyx closed; basin abrupt, deep-
flesh white, juicy, melting, sweet, pleasant; good to very good; Sept.
Van Buren. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 5. 1843. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 873. 1869.
A cooking pear raised from seed by Governor Edwards of New Haven, Conn. Fruit
medium, roundish-oblate, yellow, with a rich orange-red blush next the sun, regularly
dotted with conspicuous brownish specks; flesh white, crisp, sweet; Oct.
Van Deventer. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 873. 1869.
Originated in New Jersey. Tree very vigorous, very productive, an early bearer.
Fruit rather small, oblong-ovate-pyriform, greenish-yellow, shaded with brownish-red in
the sun, with many gray and green dots; stem inclined, inserted by a lip and sometimes
rings; calyx partially closed; basin shallow; flesh whitish, juicy, tender, half-melting, sweet,
pleasant, good; mid-Aug.
Van Marum. 1. Pom. France 3:No. 125, Pl. 125. 1865. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
873. 1869.
Calebasse Grosse. 3. Hogg Fruit Man. 541. 1884.
Originated by Van Mons in 1823. Tree vigorous, productive. Fruit very large,
sometimes measuring six inches long, oblong-pyriform, yellow; stem rather long, slender;
cavity flattened; calyx large; basin shallow, regular; flesh white, apt to rot at the core,
half-melting, not especially juicy, sweet, aromatic; fair to good; Oct.
Van Mons friihe Pomeranzenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obsikunde 2:159. 1856.
Originated by Van Mons about 1852. Fruit broadly turbinate, light green becoming
yellow, thickly dotted, specked with russet: stem thick, one inch long; flesh half-melting;
second-rate in quality; Aug.
Van Mons Sommer Schmalzbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:142. 1856.
Originated by Van Mons of Belgium about 1852, from seed. Tree vigorous and
productive. Fruit medium large, 2 inches wide, 34 inches high, with protuberances, light
green becoming greenish-yellow, without red, spotted with russet; calyx open, star-shaped;
stem curved, medium long; flesh fine, moderately melting; last of Aug.
Van Mons spidte Wirthschaftbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:187. 1856.
Said to be a seedling of Van Mons originated about 1854. Twigs long, red; leaves
small. Fruit oval, 2% inches wide, 34 inches high, with the bulge in the middle, green
becoming yellowish-green; dots black; calyx almost closed; segments erect; stem woody,
1 inch long; flesh breaking, sweet; last of Nov.
Van Mons siisse Haushaltsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 21182. 18 56.
Said to have been originated by Van Mons about 1852. Fruit conic-pyriform, 24
inches wide, 3 inches tall, bright green becoming lemon-yellow, sometimes striped with
red, more or less flecked with russet; dots not conspicuous; basin shallow; stem thick, 3 inch
long, inclined; flesh yellowish-white, fine, smooth, sweet; Sept. and Oct.
Van Tertolen Herbst Zuckerbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:89. 1856.
Sucré de Tertolen. 2. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 1, 120, fig. 63. 1868.
Tertolen Herbst Zuckerbirne. 3. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 289. 1889.
Of Dutch origin. Tree light green; petioles long and very slender; leaves curved
and sharply acuminate. Fruit nearly medium, globular-turbinate; skin rather thick,
green, with large brown spots; flesh white, granular, buttery, rather gritty around the
core, acidulous, perfumed; first; Nov.
Van de Weyer Bates. 1. Mag. Hort. 18:417. 1852. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. §:71, fig. 324.
Said to have been originated by Van Mons about 1823. Tree vigorous, large, rather
tall, an early and good bearer. Fruit below medium, roundish-obovate, pale yellow,
covered with small brown dots and a few brown veins; stem short, rather stout; calyx
large, open; flesh yellowish, buttery, juicy, rich, sugary, pleasantly aromatic; a fine late
pear; Mar. to May.
Vanderveer. 1. Prince Pom. Man. 1:156. 1831.
Originated from seed of White Doyenné with Dr. Adrian Vanderveer of Long Island,
and was named after the originator by William Prince. Tree vigorous, very productive.
Fruit medium, yellow, with a tinge of russet; flesh melting, buttery; Sept.
Varuna. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 44. 1866.
A seedling fruited by S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass., in 1862. Tree productive.
Fruit turbinate, 34 inches wide, 4 inches long, greenish-yellow; core small; flesh white,
juicy, slightly acid; Sept.
Vauquelin. 1. Mag. Hort. 14:112. 1848. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:723, fig. 889. 1869.
Saint-Germain Vauquelin. 3. Pom. France 2:No. 65, Pl. 65. 1864.
Raised by M. Vauquelin, Rouen, Fr., from seed sown about 1816. Tree vigorous,
pyramidal. Fruit medium to above, obovate-pyriform to oblong-obovate-pyriform,
undulating in outline, yellow, brownish next the sun, with patches and traces of russet
and russet dots; stem inserted without depression; calyx large, open; flesh white, very
juicy, brisk; good; Dec. and Jan.
Venusbrust. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:178. 1856.
Said to have originated in Thuringia about 1796. Tree upright, leafy, very productive;
leaves large, truncate. Fruit roundish-turbinate, rather large, beautiful bright yellow,
usually red next the sun, dotted with fine brown dots, russeted at both ends; calyx segments
short; flesh coarse-grained, granular, aromatic, sweet; Dec. to Apr.
Vergoldete oder wahre grave Dechantsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:92.
Said to have originated in Austria about 1836. Tree an early bearer. Fruit small
to above, roundish-turbinate, greenish-gray becoming golden, russeted and dotted with
gray, very agreeable; Nov.
Verguidete Herbstbergamotte. 1. Christ Handb. 551. 1817.
A German variety. Fruit large, Bergamot-form; skin rough, yellow-brown and gray,
golden-yellow when ripe; flesh tender, breaking and somewhat musky; end of Sept.
Verlaine d’Eté. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 7:29, fig. 1850.
Verlain. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 874. 1860.
First reported in 1823 as a seedling of Van Mons. The name Verlaine d’Hté has
been applied to two other varieties, Flemish Beauty and Bergamotte Heems. The pear
here described is distinct from the former but resembles the latter somewhat closely.
Tree vigorous, productive, carrying its branches horizontal. Fruit medium, oblong,
obovate-pyriform, pale yellow-orange in the sun, with patches and dots of brownish-red;
stalk slender, inserted in a small cavity; calyx with short, stiff segments; flesh white, half-
fine, melting, juicy, sweet, vinous; Sept.
Vermillon d’en Haut. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:726, fig. 1869. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
874. 1869.
Originated by M. Boisbunel, Rouen, Fr., and first reported in 1858. Tree moderately
vigorous, productive, pyramidal. Fruit medium, turbinate-pyriform, olive-yellow, shaded
with red in the sun; stem short, stout, inserted without depression; calyx large, open; flesh
fine, melting, juicy, sweet; Sept.
Vermont. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 874. 1869
Supposed to be a seedling which is said to have been taken from Vermont to Oswego,
N. Y., where it fruited. Tree upright. Fruit medium or below, obovate-pyriform, pale
whitish-yellow, slight red in the sun, traced, netted and dotted with russet; stalk slender;
cavity deep; calyx with erect segments; flesh whitish, juicy, melting, sweet, pleasant;
good to very good; Oct.
Vernusson. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:727, fig. 1869.
In 1694 this variety was mentioned as having been named after the place Vernusson
in Anjou, near Angers, Fr. Fruit medium in size, turbinate, pale yellow, shaded with
rose on the side next the sun, covered at the base and apex with brown; calyx medium,
open; flesh white, very fine, melting, juicy, sweet, aromatic; of first quality; Dec. to
middle of Feb. ;
Verte-longue panachée. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr.2:195, Pl. XXXVII. 1768. 2. Amn.
Pom. Belge 1:65, fig. 1853.
Long Green Panache. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 804. 186g.
A striped variety of Long Green of Autumn, differing from the original in having
the wood and fruit striped with green and yellow bands, and in having the leaves occasionally
striped with yellow.
Verte-Longue de la Sarthe. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:732, fig. 1869.
Grosse Verte-Longue Précoce de la Sarthe. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:79, fig. 1880.
A variety well known and esteemed for many years in the country around Mans
in France. Fruit nearly medium, globular-conic, obtuse, bright green, speckled with
grayish dots, often rather russeted toward the poles; at maturity the green changes to
greenish-yellow; flesh whitish, fine, very melting, full of sugary juice, vinous and relieved
with a refreshing savor; good; end of July.
Verulam. 1. Gard. Chron. 805, fig. 1855. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 202. 10920.
A very old pear the origin of which is uncertain. Tree hardy, forming a round,
spreading head, productive. Fruit rather large, almost oval, rough, entirely covered with
yellowish-brown russet appearing almost black; stem woody; calyx open; flesh crisp, coarse-
grained, assuming a fine red when cooked; seldom better than cooking quality; Jan. to Mar.
Vezouziére. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 88. 1856. 2. Leroy Dic. Pom. 2:734, fig. 1869.
Bergamoite von Vezouziére. 3. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 177. 18809.
From information gathered by André Leroy from M. Hutin, manager of the nurseries
of M. Léon Leclerc of Laval, it would seem that this variety was found by Léon Leclerc
in a field near the Chateau de la Vezouziére, Mayenne, Fr. Tree vigorous, productive.
Fruit medium to below, roundish-turbinate, yellowish, sprinkled with minute gray and
green dots; stalk long, curved, inserted in a broad, shallow cavity; calyx open, persistent,
in a wide, uneven basin; flesh very juicy, melting, sweet; agreeable; good to very good;
Vicar Junior. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 92. 1872.
Hon. M. P. Wilder notes: ‘A seedling of my own from the Vicar of Winkfield.
Large, long, ovate-pyriform, color dull yellow, with a few traces of russet, and a brownish,
red cheek; in shape and color resembling Louise Bonne de Jersey more than its parent.
Flesh melting, very juicy and tender, flavor acidulous and rich. ‘Very good.’ Season the
whole month of October.”
Vice-Président Coppiers. 1. Gard. Chron. 3rd Ser. 37:69. 1905.
A chance seedling raised by M. Coppiers of France. Fruit medium, regular-pyrifo1m,
brown, assuming an orange tint at maturity; stem moderately long; calyx slightly depressed;
flesh delicate, with a slight almond flavor; Sept. and Oct.
Vice-Président Decaye. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 294. 1889. 2. Guide Prat. 101. 1895.
Tree of medium vigor, very productive. Fruit medium in size; flesh very fine, highly
flavored, sweet; Sept. and Oct.
Vice-Président Delbée. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 294. 1889. 2. Guide Prat. 64. 1895.
Originated by M. Sannier, Rouen, Fr. Tree productive, of good vigor. Fruit
medium to large, resembling Passe Crassane, borne in clusters; flesh fine, melting, of a
peculiar flavor; through the winter.
Vice-Président Delehoye. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 1:53, fig. 27. 1872.
Originated by M. Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel. Tree of good vigor, an early bearer.
Fruit medium, oval to oblong-turbinate, clear bright yellow; flesh melting, juicy, delicately
aromatic; first; Oct. and Nov.
Victor. 1. Mo. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 235. 1886.
Miller Victor. 2. Mo. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 235. 1886.
W. P. Stark of Missouri, one of the introducers of this variety, states that he received
it from Judge S. Miller, who said that it originated in Chester County, Pa., about 1856.
Tree said to be little affected by blight. Fruit large, pyriform, smooth, greenish-yellow,
slightly blushed; dots numerous, small; flavor subacid to sweet; Sept.
Victoria de Williams. 1. Guide Prat. 112. 1876.
Of English origin. Tree hardy. Fruit large, turbinate, lemon-yellow, with patches
of brownish-red; stem fleshy; flesh fine, very tender, melting, buttery, very juicy, richly
flavored, finely perfumed; first; Oct.
Victorina. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 59, 60. 1887. 2. Ia. Hort. Soc. Rpi. 170. 1894.
A Russian sort received from Russia by the Iowa Station in 1879 and again in 1882.
It is described as a hardy tree free from blight or sun scald and is given two stars for
productiveness and quality by Dr. Fischer of Voronesh, a German pomologist. In this
country it is said to be of no commercial importance.
Vigne. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:242, Pl. LVIII, fig. 2. 1768. 2. Leroy Dict.
Pom. 2:736, fig. 1869.
Vine Pear. 3. Mawe-Abercrombie Univ. Gard. Bot. 1778.
Lady. 4. Prince Pom. Man. 1:59. 1831.
Demoiselle. 5. Mas Le Verger 3:Pt. 2, 145, fig. 169. 1866-73.
Said to have originated in France, possibly near Anjou, prior to 1675. Tree large,
vigorous, scraggly, very productive. Fruit small, turbinate, rough, dull red, covered
with gray specks; calyx large, open; stem long, slender; flesh yellowish, slightly granular,
juicy, well perfumed; Oct.
Villain XIV. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:40. 1856.
Said to have originated in Belgium in 1825. Tree an early and heavy bearer. Fruit
medium in size, variable, oblong-turbinate, unequal, greenish-yellow, strewn with fine
russet dots; calyx small, open; stem thick, medium in length; flesh melting, gritty near
the core, sweetly perfumed; Sept.
Villéne de Saint-Florent. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:730, fig. 1869.
' It is said that this variety, which was known prior to 1846, may have been oriyinated
near and named after the village of Saint-Florent near Saumur, Fr. Tree of medium
productiveness. Fruit large, variable in shape from ovoid to globular, unequal, green dotted
with reddish-gray; flesh breaking; a cooking pear; Oct.
Vin de Anglais. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:740, fig. 899. 1869.
An old pear of uncertain origin. Tree vigorous, very productive. Fruit small,
turbinate, greenish-yellow, largely washed with bright red; flesh juicy, very sweet, high in
quality; Aug.
Vineuse. 1. Pom. France'4:No. 148, Pl. 148. 1859.
Vineuse Esperen. 2. Ann. Pom. Belge 7:8, fig. 1859.
Raised by Major Espéren, Mechlin, Bel., and introduced about 1840. Tree vigorous,
productive. Fruit medium, pyriform, pale yellowish-green, patched and netted with
russet, dotted with many small, brown and green dots; calyx large, open; stem short,
fleshy; flesh yellowish-white, half-fine, melting, very juicy, vinous, delicately perfumed;
good; Oct.
Vingt-cinquiéme Anniversaire de Léopold I*. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 7:17, fig. 1859.
2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:742, fig. 901. 1869.
Twenty-fifth Anniversaire de Leopold I. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 869. 1869.
Souvenir de Leopold I”. 4. Mas Pom. Gen. 7:171, fig. 566. 1881.
Obtained by Xavier Grégoire, Jodoigne, Bel., in 1855. Fruit medium, spherical;
skin fine, thin, soft, very pale green sprinkled with small, faint grayish dots, few in number
and unequally spaced, changing to jonquil-yellow; flesh very white, fine, semi-melting, only
fairly juicy, but saccharine, with a flavor of sweet wine; first; Oct.
Virginale du Mecklembourg. 1. Mas Pom. Gen. 4:43, fig. 214. 1879.
Originated, probably in Mecklenburg, previous to 1864. Tree pyramidal, vigorous,
moderately productive. Fruit medium, regularly conic to conic-pyriform, bright yellow,
sown with gray dots; calyx large, open; stem rather long, continuous with the base of the
fruit; flesh white, half-fine, breaking, rather abundant in a rich sugary juice, agreeably
high-flavored; Aug. .
Virginie Baltet. 1. Rev. Hort. 546. 1903. 2. Ibid. 92, fig. 1905.
Raised, and introduced in 1904, by Charles Baltet, Troyes, Fr. Tree vigorous, pyra-
midal, very productive. Fruit large to very large, club-shaped, oblique at the base,
‘yellowish, blushed with red; stem short; flesh melting, juicy, sugary, delicately perfumed;
very good; Nov. and Dec.
Virgouleuse. 1. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:224, Pl. LI. 1768. 2. Brookshaw Hort.
Reposit. 1:Pl. XLIX, fig. 1. 1823. 3. Hogg Fruit Man. 661. 1884.
This variety originated at the village of Virgouleé, near Limoges, of which the Marquis
‘Chambrette was the baron, and by whom it was first introduced about 1650. From this
circumstance it has often been called Chambrette, after the marquis. The tree is strong
and vigorous but is a late and indifferent bearer and is apt to drop its fruit before ripe.
It is said that the fruit is very susceptible to absorbing odors and flavors and must be
stored near materials which will improve rather than impair the flavor. In Europe it
is regarded as an excellent dessert pear, but in this country it has not met with great
success. Fruit medium to large, pyriform, rounded towards the eye and tapering thickly
towards the stalk; skin smooth, delicate, lively green becoming a beautiful pale lemon-
yellow, sprinkled with numerous gray and red dots; calyx small, open, set in a small shallow
basin; stem an inch long, fleshy at the base, attached with no depression; flesh yellowish-
white, delicate, buttery, melting, very juicy, with a sugary and perfumed flavor; Nov.
to Jan.
Vital. 1. Rev. Hort. 271, 428, figs. 110, 111. 18gr.
Beurré Vital. 2. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 185. 1880.
Found near Pontoise, Fr., prior to 1890 by M. Vital. Tree vigorous, productive,
an annual bearer. Fruit 34 in. long, 3 in. broad, resembling White Doyenné, unequal,
sloping towards both top and bottom but more towards the stem end; skin beautiful
golden-yellow in color; stem short; flesh whitish, melting, slightly granular, sweet, agreeably
perfumed; sometimes keeping as late as May.
Vitrier. 31. Duhamel Trait. Arb. Fr. 2:139, Pl. XLIV, fig. 4. 1768. 2. Prince Pom.
Man, 1:106. 1831.
Valerius Cordus, a botanist, who died in 1544, mentions a Pyrum Vitreum common
in Saxony, and it may be, then, that Vitrier is of this origin. Fruit large, oval, deep red
speckled with brown points on the sunny side and light green dotted with deeper green
on the shady side; stem moderately large, an inch long; flesh white but not very delicate,
agreeable; Nov. and Dec.
Volkmarserbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:13. 1856. 2. Lauche Deut. Pom.
II:No. 96. Pl. 96. 1883.
Volkmarsen. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:750, fig. 1869.
It is thought that this pear may have originated near the town of Volkmarsen, Ger.,
prior to 1795. Tree large, vigorous, hardy, very productive. Fruit small, oval, yellow,
almost entirely covered with brown, sprinkled with numerous dots of a brighter color;
calyx open; flesh half-melting, juicy, piquant, sweetish; Sept.
Von Zugler. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 877. 1869.
Said by Downing in 1869 to be a new Belgian variety. Tree slender, productive.
Fruit medium, roundish-acute-pyriform, yellow, nearly covered with cinnamon-russet;
stem rather short, inclined in a slight depression by a fleshy lip; calyx small, open; segments.
short, erect; basin small: flesh white, juicy, melting, sweet, slightly aromatic; very good;
Voscovoya. 1. Ja. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 320, 323. 1885. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 60, 61.
Waxy. 3. Ia. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 323. 1885.
A Russian variety introduced by the Iowa Agricultural College from P. J. Tretjakoff,
Orel, Russia, about 1883, and said to be “an extra fine pear.’’ Professor Budd thought
it identical with Vosovoya or Waxen.
Vosschanka. 1. Can. Hort. 17:291. 18094.
A variety grown by M. Mitschurin, one of the most celebrated Russian horticulturists,
in the Russian Province of Tambow, 53 north latitude. Fruit medium, yellow; ‘‘ flavor
excellent, ripens in the month of August, and keeps till October.”’
Wade. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 135. 1920.
Grown by J. C. Wade, Cornelia, Ga. Fruit rather large, roundish, short-pyriform,
irregular, yellow; dots raised, russet, very prominent; stem short, very stout, fleshy, inserted
in a round, very small, shallow, abrupt, russeted cavity; calyx small, closed, in shallow,
abrupt basin; flesh white with yellow fibers, moderately juicy, tender, rather ‘coarse, nearly
sweet; good; mid-season.
Wadleigh. 1. Cole Am. Fr. Book 154. 1849.
Originated in New Hampshire. Tree rather hardy, moderately vigorous. Fruit
medium, almost globular, yellow, slightly netted and patched with russet; stem short,
stout, inserted in a slight cavity, sometimes by a fold or lip; basin slight; calyx with small
short lobes; flesh white, fine, a little gritty, juicy, melting, pleasant; good; Sept.
Wahre Canning. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:56. 1856.
Said by Dochnahl to have originated in England about 1842. Tree vigorous and
very productive. Fruit medium large, obovate, bright green becoming greenish-yellow,
often blushed with bright brown, sparsely dotted; stem thin, 12 inches long; flesh non-
aromatic, not juicy, sweet, becoming mealy; Aug. and Sept.
Wahre Faustbirne. 1. Dochnahl Puhr. Obstkunde 2:3. 1856.
According to Dochnahl this pear originated in Germany about 1801. Tree very
large and productive. Fruit very large, pyriform, regular, even yellow, flecked and dotted
with russet; calyx large, deep set; stem an inch long; Oct.
Wahre Schneebirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:199. 1856.
Probably a wild pear of Austria, first mentioned in 1810. Fruit round, green becoming
yellow, somewhat blushed on the sunny side; dots yellowish; stem thick, flesh very sour
becoming sweeter; Dec.
Wallis Kieffer. 1. Stark Bros. Year Book 5:40. 1914.
The introducers of this pear, Stark Brothers Nurseries and Orchards Company, received
it from Henry Wallis of St. Louis County, Missouri. It is reported as a strong-growing
tree, blight resistant, and a heavy bearer, fruit of better quality than Kieffer and two
weeks earlier.
Warner. 1. Ind. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 123. 1885.
Originated in Indiana in 1832. Tree said to be blight-resistant. Fruit medium,
symmetrical, light yellow; flesh buttery, melting, mild; fair to good; last of Aug. and first
of Sept.
Washington. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 187. 1832. 2. Mag. Hort. 10:2096, fig. 1844.
Robertson. 3. N. E. Farmer 72259. 1830.
Discovered in a thorn hedge at Naaman’s Creek, Del., about 1801, by General
Robertson or Robinson, the owner of the land, and said to have been named by him in
honor of his friend and commander, George Washington. Tree vigorous, not large, an
abundant bearer. Fruit medium, obovate, ending every obtusely at the stem, regular,
smooth, clear yellow with a sprinkling of reddish dots on the sunny side; stem an inch
and a half long, inserted in a slight depression; calyx small, partly closed, set in a shallow
basin; flesh white, very juicy, melting, sweet, agreeable; very good; Sept.
Waterloo. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 663. 1884.
Fruit medium, turbinate, broad at the apex, pale greén becoming brownish-red, with
a few streaks of brighter red next the sun, thickly covered with gray russety dots; stem
rather short, inserted in a small round cavity; calyx open, in a deep, wide, even basin;
flesh yellowish, crisp, juicy, sugary, perfumed; second-rate; Sept.
Watson. 1. Mag. Hort. 10:212. 1844. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 878. 1869.
Originated in Plymouth, Mass., on the farm of William Watson prior to 1843. Tree
productive. Fruit below medium to above, roundish to obtusely obovate, yellowish,
covered mostly with russet; flesh whitish, coarse, moderately juicy, sweet; of low quality;
early Sept.
Webster. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 878. 1869.
Said to have originated at Hudson, N. Y. Tree a moderate grower, productive.
Fruit medium, globular-obtuse-pyriform, yellow with traces and nettings of russet and
many brown dots; stem long, slender, inclined, set in a small russeted cavity; calyx open,
segments long, reflexed; flesh white, juicy, melting, sweet, slightly aromatic; good to
very good; Nov.
Weeping Willow. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 37. 1867.
A seedling by Asahel Foot “called Weeping Willow, from the remarkably pendulous
habit of the tree, but the fruit is of third quality.”
Weidenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:189. 1856.
Said to have originated in Germany about 1807. Fruit medium large, pyriform,
uneven, bright green becoming golden yellow, often blushed with red and strongly dotted
with gray, flecked with dark spots; calyx large, open; stem crooked, an inch and a half
long; flesh firm, fine-grained, sweet, aromatic; Sept.
Weidenblittrige Herbstbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:15. 1856.
Said to have originated in Wtrttemberg, Ger., about 1830. Tree of medium size.
Fruit in clusters, medium large, pyriform, pale greenish-yellow, becoming somewhat striped
with red or marked by reddish dots; Sept.
Weihmier Sugar. 1. Hopedale Nurs. Cat. 18. 1912.
It is said by the Hopedale Nursery Company, introducer of this variety, that it is
not a new pear but an unknown old one renamed. Tree thrifty, blights somewhat. Fruit
medium to large and regarded by some as of “ highest possible flavor.”
Weiler’sche Mostbirn. 1. Guide Prat. 107. 1876. 2. Léschnig Mostbirnen 178, fig.
A native of Austria and valued highly for perry. Tree vigorous, an early and heavy
bearer. Fruit small, globular, greenish-yellow, dotted, russed at the apex; stem medium
in length, somewhat curved and set in a slight depression; calyx open; flesh yellowish-
white, firm, with a sweet, aromatic flavor; Oct. and Nov.
Weisse Fuchsbirne. 1. Loschnig Mostbirnen 180, fig. 1913.
A perry pear probably of Austrian origin. Tree rather vigorous, pyramidal, becoming
more spreading. Fruit medium, usually turbinate, light yellowish-green, covered with
numerous fine dots, flaked with russet around stem and calyx; calyx small, open; stem
long, same color as the fruit and continuous with it; flesh white, rather fine-grained, juicy,
sweet; Oct.
Weisse Hangelbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 70, fig. 1913.
A perry pear probably of Austrian origin. Tree vigorous, broadly pyramidal, large,
a late but regular and heavy bearer. Fruit small, round, greenish-yellow, covered with
numerous fine, brown-russet dots and small russet splotches; calyx small, open; stem
short, inserted without depression; flesh pure white, granular, very juicy, slightly acid; Oct.
Weisse Kochbirne. 1. Léschnig Mostbirnen 102, fig. 10913.
A perry pear of unknown origin. Tree pyramidal, not a dependable bearer. Fruit
medium to above, globular, light-yellow, covered with numerous russet dots; calyx open,
set in a narrow, abrupt basin; stem medium, brown; flesh pure white, slightly granular,
very juicy, pleasantly sweet; Oct.
Weisse Pelzbirne. 1. Loschnig Mostbirnen 144, fig. 1913.
A perry pear of Austria. Tree moderately vigorous, compact, an early and regular
bearer. Fruit medium, variable, turbinate, greenish-yellow to yellowish-white, heavily
dotted and splotched with russet, especially about stem and calyx, often marked with
scab spots; calyx open; stem medium, strong, set with little or no depression; flesh yellowish.
white, slightly granular, juicy, sweetish, sometimes slightly bitter; Sept. and Oct.
Welbeck Bergamot. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 89. 1845. 2. Hogg Fruit Man. 663. 1884.
Bergamotie Welbeck. 3. Mas Pom. Gen. 5:87, fig. 332. 1880.
Fruit above medium, roundish, uneven in outline, bossed about the stalk, smooth,
shining, lemon-yellow, thickly sprinkled with large russet specks, blushed with light crimson
on side next the sun; calyx small, open, set in a shallow depression; stem medium, inserted
in an uneven cavity; flesh white, rather coarse-grained, half-melting, very juicy, sugary,
without flavor; inferior; Oct. and Nov.
Wellington. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 43. 1864. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 879. 1860.
This, with other seedlings, was imported from France about 1854 by A. Wellington,
Braintree, Mass. It was exhibited before the Massachusetts Horticultural Society in
1864. It may be that there is a second Wellington pear, or even a third, for in 1852 there
was exhibited before the Massachusetts Horticultural Society ‘‘ Wellington, (two varieties).”’
A description of a Wellington pear is given in the Magazine of Horticulture of
the following year, while in 1854 the American Pomological Society included
a variety of similar name in its list of rejected fruits. At all events, the pear
herein described is the one now known as Wellington. Fruit large, similar in shape to
Beurré d’Anjou, but longer, yellow, clouded with green; calyx small, open, with short,
stiff, slightly incurved lobes, basin shallow; stem very short, set in a slight cavity; flesh
yellowish-white, somewhat coarse, juicy, melting, sweet, with a peculiar “ confectionery ”
flavor or aroma; Nov.
Welsche Bratbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:2. 1856. 2. Léschnig Mostbirnen
26; fig. 1913.
A perry pear of first rank which is said to have originated in Wiarttemberg about
1823. Tree a very late yet regular and productive bearer. Fruit medium, roundish-
oval to turbinate, whitish, splotched with yellowish-green, covered with numerous fine
russet dots; calyx large, open, star-shaped; stem medium, rather stout, set in a small cavity
as though stuck into the fruit; flesh greenish-white, granular, slightly firm, juicy, sweet;
last of Sept. and Oct.
Weltz. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 52. 1871.
A seedling introduced by Leo Weltz, Wilmington, Ohio. Fruit large, oblong-obovate-
pyriform, good for cooking only.
Wendell. 1. Mag. Hort. 16:460. 1850. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 879. 1869.
The name given, in honor of H. Wendell, Albany, N. Y., to one of Van Mons’ seedlings
which fruited in the Pomological Garden at Salem previous to 1850. Tree moderately
vigorous, upright, productive. Fruit rather small to medium, roundish-pyriform, yellow,
having a somewhat russety skin, tinged with red on the sunny side, sprinkled with dots;
calyx small, partially open; stem short, stout; flesh whitish, fine-grained, juicy, melting,
buttery, sweet, pleasant; good; Sept.
Wesner. 1. N. J. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 32. 1886.
A pear from W. D. Wesner, Prairiesville, Ark., which is said to be a very productive
early variety and one that may be valuable for shipping.
Westcott. 1. Mag. Hort. 13:515. 1847. 2. Mag. Hort. 17:261, fig. 30. 1851.
Trescott. 3. Horticulturist 2:241, 287. 1847.
The Westcott, or Wescott, and the Trescott are the same. Through a typographical
error in the description of Westcott, later corrected, the name Trescott first appeared.
Westcott originated on the farm of Niles Westcott in Cranston, R. I., previous to 1847.
Tree vigorous, an early bearer, productive. Fruit medium, roundish-obovate, occasionally
slightly flattened laterally, greenish-yellow becoming a light orange-yellow, covered with
numerous minute russet dots and with many conspicuous specks of the same color; calyx
medium, open, set in a shallow basin; stem very long, rather slender, curved, inserted
by a fleshy nob in a shallow cavity; flesh whitish, rather coarse, melting, juicy, sweet,
agreeable; good; last of Sept. and early Oct.
Westphilische Melonenbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:116. 1856.
First reported from Westphalia and Thuringia, Ger., about 1803. Tree very pro-
ductive. Fruit oblong-obovate, pale green becoming pale yellow; dots grayish; skin
thick; calyx open; stem rather short; flesh yellowish, deliciously melon-flavored; Jan.
and Feb.
Westrumb. 1. Liebel Syst. Anleit. 132. 1825. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:754, fig. 1869.
Raised by Van Mons about 1825. Tree very productive. Fruit medium, turbinate,
greenish-yellow, overcast with bronze and netted with gray; heavily dotted; stem very
short, thick, continuous with the fruit; flesh very juicy; of a very savory perfume; of
highest quality; Sept.
Wetmore. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 879. 1860.
Raised by E. B. Wetmore; Westmoreland, N. Y. Tree upright, vigorous. Fruit
small, roundish-oval, pale yellow, with nettings and patches of russet, and thickly sprinkled
with russet dots; stem long, slender, set in a small cavity, sometimes by a lip; calyx open;
lobes short, erect; basin shallow, slightly corrugated; flesh white, juicy, melting, sweet,
aromatic; good to very good; Oct.
Wharton Early. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 560. 1857.
Précoce de Wharton. 2. Guide Prat. 113. 1876.
Origin unknown. Fruit medium, oblong-acute-pyriform, pale yellow, with traces of
russet, and thickly sprinkled with russet dots; stem long, curved, rather slender, set in
a slight cavity, sometimes by a lip; calyx open in a small basin; flesh whitish, juicy, melting,
sweet, slightly musky; good to very good; Aug.
Wheeler. 1. Mag. Hort. 24:505, fig. 21. 1858. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 880.
About 1836 a maiden lady of Greenwich, R. I., planted the core of a Gardener pear,
from which sprang a tree, fruit of which was brought to the attention of the Massachusetts
Horticultural Society by Dr. Wheeler of Greenwich in 1851. The Society named the
pear in honor of Dr. Wheeler. Tree vigorous, upright. Fruit medium, roundish-obovate,
pale yellowish-green, mottled with greenish patches and dotted with numerous gray and
green dots; stem medium, set in a small contracted cavity; calyx open, set in an uneven,
abrupt basin; flesh white, juicy, melting, sweet, pleasant; good; Aug.
Whieldon. 1. U.S. D.A. Rpt. 127, fig., Pl. XI. 1863.
McLellan. 2. Am. Pom Soc. Rpt. 151. 1862.
Originated in the garden of Wm. W. Whieldon, Concord, Mass., and first brought to
notice about 1862. Tree moderately vigorous, upright-spreading, a profuse bearer. Fruit
medium or above; obtuse-obovate, yellowish-green, tinged with red in the sun, dotted
and netted with russet, stem long, slender, slightly inclined, set in a shallow cavity; calyx
open, set in a medium sized, uneven basin; segments recurved; flesh whitish, a little gritty
near the core, juicy, melting, buttery, sweet, pleasant, slightly aromatic; good to very
good; Sept.
White Genneting. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 593. 1629.
“The White Genneting is a reasonable good peare, yet not equall to the other.”
White Longland. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 664. 1884.
Said to be a good stewing pear, cooking to a splendid red color, but coarse and rough
in flavor; also used for perry. Fruit medium, turbinate, even, regular, yellowish-green,
pale red next the sun, thickly sprinkled with large russet dots, with lines of russet and
a patch round the stalk; calyx open, set in a shallow basin; stem rather short, straight,
inserted in a narrow, shallow cavity; flesh yellowish, firm; coarse-grained, with a brisk,
sweet juice.
White Seedling. 1. Mag. Hort. 19:522. 1853. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 881. 1869.
Semis de White. 3. Guide Prat. 75, 292. 1895.
A native of New Haven, Conn., exhibited in 1853. Tree vigorous, very productive..
Fruit medium, roundish-obovate to oblong-obovate, greenish-yellow, sometimes with a.
brownish-blush in the sun, considerably netted and patched with russet, sprinkled with
many russet dots; stem long, inclined, set in a shallow cavity, often by a fleshy lip; calyx
open, with short, erect lobes, set in a small, uneven basin; flesh yellowish, juicy, melting;
sweet, aromatic; good to very good; Oct. to Feb.
White Squash. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 664. 1884.
A Herefordshire, Eng., perry pear. Fruit medium, roundish-turbinate, even and
regular in outline, yellowish-green, strewn with small russety dots, with here and there
a patch of russet, but always russety round the stalk and the calyx; calyx open, set in a
saucer-like basin; stem medium, inserted without depression and with a fleshy swelling
on one side; flesh coarse, crisp, very juicy, harshly astringent.
White Star. 1. Spring Hill Nurs. Cat. 10, fig. 1921.
Tree reported as hardy, productive and fruit as of the size of Bartlett, keeping until
May and June, and good for dessert.
Whitfield. 1. Cultivator 66. 1839. 2. Mag. Hort. 16:296. 1850.
Placed on the list of Rejected Fruits by the second Congress of Fruit Growers in
1850. Tree a good bearer. Fruit medium, oblong-obovate, yellowish-brown, buttery,
very good; Oct. and Nov.
Wiest. 1. Mag. Hort. 18:492. 1852. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 882. 1869.
Reported from Pennsylvania in 1852. Tree vigorous, an early bearer, inclined to
be alternate. Fruit medium or below, roundish-obovate, green, shaded with dull red
and sprinkled with green and gray dots; stem rather stout, medium in length;
calyx small, closed; lobes connivent; flesh whitish-green, juicy, melting, subacid; good;
Sept. ‘
Wilbur. 1. Mag. Hort. to:211. 1844. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 882. 1869.
Early Wilbur. 3. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 4. 1843.
The original tree, which was found growing wild in a piece of mowing land on the
farm of D. Wilbur, Jr., in Somerset, Mass., was said in 1844 to be 66 yearsold. Shoots
slender, light olive-brown. Fruit below medium, roundish-obovate, dull green, becoming
pale yellow, slightly netted and patched with russet, and thickly sprinkled with russet
dots; stem small, set ina small cavity; calyx open; segments long; basin small; flesh yellowish,
juicy, melting, slightly astringent; good; Sept.
Wilde Filzbirne. 1. Dochnahl Puhr. Obstkunde 2:1. 1856.
A wild pear reported from Belgium about 1800. Fruit small; roundish, greenish,
becoming yellowish, dotted with gray; stem long; flesh acid, becoming sweetish; poor;
fall and winter. May be used for dwarfing.
Wilde Herrnbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:188. 1856.
Reported from Germany about 1804. Tree very large. Fruit medium, broad,
bright green becoming yellowish-green, often somewhat blushed on the sunny side, often
flecked and patched with russet; dots light gray; stem rather long, inserted by a fleshy
protuberance; flesh white, slightly musky, sweet; fair and below; Sept.
Wilde Holzbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:196. 1856.
Reported as wild and widely disseminated as early as 1641; its seedlings are said
. sometimes to be used for stocks. Tree very large and productive. Fruit small, round,
green, dotted with light russet; seeds numerous, dark brown; flesh very acid; Oct.
Wilder Sugar. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 135. 1920.
Reported by Orange County Nursery Company, Anaheim, Cal., as ‘‘ Medium large,
greenish yellow shaded brown, excellent quality. Vigorous and productive. August.”
Wilding von Einsiedel. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:2. 1856. 2. Léschnig Most-
birnen 182, fig. 1913.
This perry pear, which has also been recommended as a street tree, was reported
from Wiirttemberg about 1832. Tree very vigorous, pyramidal, not leafy, very productive.
Fruit bluntly: conic pyriform, small, greenish-yellow, brownish on side next the sun; covered
with characteristic brown to reddish-brown dots, russeted about stem and calyx; calyx
half open; stem short, thick; flesh juicy, firm, acid; Oct.
Wilding von Gronau. 1. Dochnahl Frhr. Obstkunde 2:96. 1856.
Reported from Hesse, Ger., about 1844. Fruit small, blunt, broad-conic-pyriform,
yellow, blushed on the sunny side, flecked and dotted with gray, russeted about base and
apex; calyx closed; stem short; flesh sweet-scented, sweet; end of Sept.
Wilford. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 592. 1629.
“A good and fair pear.’
Wilkinson. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 187. 1832. 2. Mag. Hort. 20:470, fig. 25. 1854.
This pear, one cf the oldest American kinds, was introduced by the exhibition of
specimens before the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, in October, 1829, and given
the name “ Wilkinson,” in compliment to the owner of the farm on which the tree originated
and was then growing, Mr. Jeremiah Wilkinson, Cumberland, R. I., brother of the noted
Jemima Wilkinson. Tree thrifty, hardy, a regular bearer; shoots long, upright; stout,
olive-yellow, with oblong white specks. Fruit medium, ovoid, obtuse at both ends, smooth,
glossy, yellow dotted with brown points; stem rather long, rather stout, inserted obliquely
in a rather wide and deep cavity; calyx medium, open, set in a shallow basin; flesh very
white, juicy, melting, sweet, rich, with a slight perfume; good; Oct. to Dec.
Wilkinson Winter. 1. Ill. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 113. 1876. 2. Ibid. 83. 1880.
A variety raised near Peoria, Ill., from seed planted by A. Wilkinson, and first reported
before the Illinois State Horticultural Society about 1876. Tree said to be hardy, vigorous,
productive, blight-resistant. Fruit said to be large, golden; very good; season until spring.
Willermoz. 1. Mag. Hort. 20:86, 461. 1854. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:756, fig. 1869.
Fruited with M. Bivort, Jodoigne, Bel., in 1848. Tree an extremely good grower,
forming a fine pyramidal growth, with young shoots dark, dull, olive-brown, very pro-
ductive. Fruit large, obtuse-pyriform, greenish-yellow, tinged with red, with nettings and
some large patches of russet and with many small russet dots; stem medium, rather stout,
inclined; set in a small cavity; calyx open or partially closed, set in an abrupt basin; flesh
whitish, buttery, juicy, melting, coarse at core, slightly vinous; good to very good; Nov.
to Jan.
William. 1. Cultivator 17s, fig. 8. 1845. 2. Mag. Hort. 11:252. 1845.
William Edwards. 3. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 420. 1845.
This seedling pear is said to be a “species of Virgoulouse,” and was raised by
Governor H. W. Edwards of New Haven, Conn., previous to 1845. Tree very productive.
Fruit medium, obtuse-pyriform, terminating rather abruptly at the stalk, yellow,
becoming profusely dotted with red and russet points or dots on the sunny side; flesh
yellowish-white, sweet, buttery, not juicy or melting enough for dessert purposes but good
for baking; Sept.
William Prince. £. Mag. Hort. 17:472. 1851. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 883. 1869.
Other than that this variety was reported from the United States about 1848, nothing
of its origin is known. Tree vigorous, upright, productive. Fruit medium, roundish-
pyriform, greenish-yellow, shaded with crimson in the sun, covered with many brown
dots; stem medium to below; calyx open, set in a shallow basin; flesh white, juicy, melting,
sweet; good to very good; Sept. and Oct.
Williams Double Bearing. 1. Prince Pom. Man. 2:215. 1832.
Raised from a seed of the Saint Germain, in the garden of Mrs. Williams, Salem, Mass.
Tree said to bear two crops, the fruit of the first of the size herein mentioned and ripening
in early October, that of the second much smaller and ripening from two to four weeks
later. Fruit large, resembles its parent but greater in diameter; flesh of fine quality,
melting, but not highly flavored.
Williams Early. 1. Mag. Hort. 3:51. 1837. 2. Ibid. 143344, fig. 37. 1848.
Originated with Aaron Davis Williams on his farm in Roxbury, Mass., probably
about 1830. Tree a moderate grower, young shoots brownish red. Fruit medium to below,
roundish-pyriform, ending obtusely at the stem, yellow, covered with bright crimson
and thickly sprinkled with scarlet dots on the sunny side; stem rather long, stout, slightly
fleshy at the base, inserted without any cavity; calyx open, slightly sunken in a furrowed
basin; flesh yellowish-white, a little coarse-grained at first, becoming juicy, half buttery,
with a slight musky flavor; good; middle of Sept.
Williams d’Hiver. 1. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:760, figs. 1869. 2. Am. Jour. Hort. 9:210,
fig. 1871.
Williams Winter. 3. Can. Exp. Farms Rpt. 380. 1902.
Raised by M. Leroy, Angers, Fr., and first fruited in 1862. Tree vigorous, pro-
ductive. Fruit blunt-pyriform, variable in shape, somewhat bossed, yellow, finely dotted
and veined with yellow in basin, with lightish gray about stalk and on face next the sun;
stem short, strong, thick, set rather obliquely and often to one side of the axis; calyx medium,
half-closed, slightly sunken; flesh white, very fine, very melting, very juicy, sugary, acid-
ulated, with a fine, fresh perfume, Dec. to Feb.
Williams panachée. 1. Guide Prat. 80, 312. 1876.
From the name, it is to be supposed that this is merely a striped-leaf variety of Bartlett.
Williamson. 1. Horticulturist 6:494. 1851. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 883. 1860.
This seedling sprang up in a piece of woodland belonging to Nicholas Williamson
on the south side of Long Island. Tree hardy, vigorous, a good bearer. Fruit medium,
roundish-obovate to roundish-oblate, obtuse at stem, greenish-yellow, sprinkled with
russet dots and considerably russeted at both ends; stem short, stout, set in a medium
sized cavity; calyx open, often wanting, set in a deep, rather narrow basin; flesh yellowish-
white, rather coarse, half-melting, juicy, sugary, vinous; good to slightly above;
Wilmington. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 90. 1856. 2. Horticulturist 12:111, fig. 1857.
This is a seedling of Passe Colmar, raised in 1847 by Dr. Brincklé of Philadelphia,
and first fruited in 1855. ‘Tree a moderate grower, late bearer; young wood dull yellowish-
brown. Fruit medium, obtuse-pyriform to roundish-ovate, greenish-yellow, netted and
patched with russet, thickly sprinkled with russet dots; stem long, curved, inserted obliquely
in a small cavity, often by a lip; calyx medium, open, set in a wide, moderately deep basin;
flesh whitish green, juicy, buttery, melting, sweet, pleasant, slightly aromatic; good to
very good; Sept.
Windsor. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 592, fig. 10. 1629. 2. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr.
204. 1920.
Madame. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:360, fig. 1869.
Summer Bell. 4. Thomas Am. Fruit Cult. 571. 1885.
According to Leroy this variety originated in Holland, and was published in 1771
under the name Hallemine Bonne by Knoop. In French gardens it received the
name Madame. In England, Windsor is often called Cuisse Madame. A ‘“‘ Windsor,”
which appears to be identical with the Windsor of Knoop, is described by English writers
as early as 1629. Hogg quotes an English writer as saying, ‘‘ It was raised from seed of
the Cuisse Madame, by a person of the name of Williamson .” before
1750. Moreover, it is mentioned in 1592 as being cultivated about Naples, and 1563
in England. What the origin is appears undeterminable. Tree one of the strongest
growers, upright, tall, a regular and abundant bearer; shoots remarkably stout, perfectly
upright, dark brown. Fruit large, pyriform or bell-shaped, very smooth, greenish becoming
pale yellow; stem long, fairly stout, inserted without depression; calyx open, set on level
with prominent ribs around; flesh white, tender, buttery, rather coarse-grained, slightly
acid, somewhat astringent; rots at the core; Aug.
Winship. 1. Mag. Hort. t0:212. 1844. 2. Ibid. 13:485; fig. 41. 1847.
Originated in the nurseries of the Messrs. Winship, Brighton, Mass., about 1832.
Tree vigorous, an early and productive bearer; young wood yellowish-reddish-brown.
Fruit medium, oblong-acute-pyriform, greenish-yellow with traces and patches of russet:
stem long, rather slender, inserted with no cavity; calyx large, closed, set ina small, corru-
gated basin; flesh white, rather coarse, not juicy, not melting; poor to fair; Aug.
Winslow. 1. Mass. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 45. 1866.
A seedling pear fruited by S. A. Shurtleff, Brookline, Mass., in 1865, and described
by him as, ‘“‘ Diam. 23 inches; color, brown russet; flesh, sweet, juicy; buttery and high
flavored; ripens well. Oct. 21. Roundish.”
Winter. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 60. 1887. 2. Ia. Sta. Bul. 3:74. 1888.
Osimaya. 3. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 60. 1887.
Received by the Iowa Agricultural College in 1879 from R. Shroeder, Moscow, Russia.
The tree is said to be hardy and free from blight and the fruit to be large than Bessemianka,
quite as good in quality, and in season in central Russia the last days of September.
Winter Jonah. 1. N. J. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 214. 1889. 2. Can. Exp. Farms Rpt. 422. 1903.
Tree a medium grower. Fruit medium, roundish, pale yellow with a faint blush
on the sunny side, a few small, dark greenish-yellow spots, and many small, gray dots; stem
medium, short, set in a very slight depression; calyx large, open, set in a narrow and shallow
basin; winter.
Winter Pear. 1. Mag. Hort. 20:75. 1854.
Sent to the Fruit Committee of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society in 1854
by Charles Kessler, Reading, Pa. Fruit medium, roundish, yellow, scarcely “‘ good” in
Winter Popperin. 1. Parkinson Par. Ter. 592. 1629.
‘very good dry firme peares, somewhat spotted, and brownish on the
One of two
Winter Rousselet. 1. Mawe-Abercrombie Univ. Gard. Bot. 1778.
Rousselet d’Hiver. 3. Leroy Dict. Pom. 22593, fig. 1869.
An ancient French pear of unknown origin, though it was described by Claude Saint-
Etienne in 1670 and by Duhamel in the eighteenth century. Fruit small, turbinate, more
or less obtuse, usually somewhat contracted toward the top, and often depressed on one
side and mammillate on the other, yellow-green dotted with gray russet and blushed with
reddish-brown on the face exposed to the sun; flesh white, semi-breaking, watery, rather
granular, juice abundant, saccharine, rarely having much aroma and sometimes acid;
second; Feb. and Mar.
Winter Seckel. 1. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 562. 1857.
Said to have originated near Fredericksburg, Va., and to have been introduced by
H. R. Roby. Fruit small, obovate, yellow; with a brownish cheek in sun, patched and
netted with russet, and covered with many large and brown dots; stem slender; calyx
large, open; flesh white, a little coarse at core, juicy, half-melting.
Winter Sweet Sugar. 1. Brookshaw Hort. Reposit. 2:151, Pl. 81. 1823.
Tree productive. Fruit turbinate, greenish, juicy, sweet, not very richly flavored;
will keep till March.
Winter Williams. 1. Garden 67:18. 1905.
A cross between Bartlett and Glou Morceau shown before the Royal Horticultural
Society in r905 by Messrs. James Veitch & Sons, England. Fruit said to resemble Glou
Morceau in shape; skin yellow: flavor like Bartlett; later than Bartlett.
Winterbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:70. 1856.
Reported from northern Germany about 1773. Fruit medium, turbinate, smooth,
bright green, dotted with gray; stem long; flesh yellowish, half breaking, sweetish; Dec.
to Apr.
Winterliebesbirne. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 301. 1889.
Poire d’Amour d’Hiver. 2. Mas Pom. Gen. 6:15, fig. 392. 1880.
This pear is of German origin and bears also the name of Kirschbirnen or Church
Pear. Fruit small or nearly medium, conic or globular-conic, sometimes short and
sometimes long; skin thick, firm, rough, water-green with numerous and conspicuous
brown dots; changing to pale yellow covered over a large area of the side next the sun
with a vivid currant red on the central part and more brown on the borders; flesh
white, coarse, breaking, a little gritty around the core, juice sufficient in quantity and
sweet, vinous and musky; good for kitchen purposes and keeps a long time; Oct.
and Nov.
Winterrobine. 1. Christ Handb. 500. 1817. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:111. 1856.
Thuringia, Ger., 1799. Fruit fairly large, ventriculous-conic, obtuse; apex inclined,
sides unequal, green turning yellow-green, often somewhat blushed, dotted with dark
green, speckled with russet; flesh gritty near the center, whitish-yellow, sweet, musky,
buttery, melting, aromatic; first for all purposes; Jan. to Mar.
Witte Princesse. 1. Knoop Pomologie 96, 139, fig. 1771.
An old pear, probably of French origin. Tree vigorous, productive. Fruit medium
to above, oblong-pyriform, drawn to a point at the stem; whitish-yellow or whitish-green,
dotted with pale brown dots and occasionally patched here and there with brown; stem
medium to above in length; flesh mellow, gritty, agreeably but not highly flavored; Aug.
and Sept.
Wolfsbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:2. 1856. 2. Léschnig Mostbirnen 104,
fig. 1913.
A perry pear common to Wiirttemberg from an early date. Tree medium vigorous,
large, roundish, a late but good bearer. Fruit medium, roundish, yellow, covered with
russet dots, devoid of red; calyx large, open; stem very long, set obliquely without depression;
flesh yellowish-white, firm, acid; Oct.
Woodbridge Seckel. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 121. 1860. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am.
885. 1869.
In 1860 a Mr. Woodbridge, Detroit, Mich., exhibited a seedling known as No. 2 before
the Fruit Committee of the American Pomological Society. This seedling was subse-
quently named Woodbridge Seckel. Tree. moderately vigorous. Fruit small, pyriform,
pale yellow, shaded and marbled with crimson in the sun, thickly sprinkled with brown
and crimson dots; stem long, slender; calyx open; flesh yellowish, juicy, melting, sweet,
vinous; very good, but rapidly decays at the core; Sept.
Woodstock. 1. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 201. 1856. 2. Elliott Fr. Book 416. 18509.
Said to have originated at Woodstock, Vt., and first reported about 1856. Tree
a moderate grower, very productive; young wood olive-brown. Fruit medium to below,
roundish-obtuse to obovate-pyriform, pale yellow, netted and patched, and thickly
sprinkled with russet dots; stem long, rather slender, inserted in a small cavity, often by
a lip; calyx large, open, placed in a rather deep, abrupt basin; lobes long, slender,
persistent; flesh white, juicy, melting, sweet, pleasant, slightly musky; good to very
good; Sept.
Worden Meadow. 1. Cultivator N. 5. 2:340. 1845.
Schuyler Worden, who originated the Worden grape, stated in 1845 that he had raised
this pear in Oswego, N. Y., from grafts given him by an old countryman. Tree vigorous,
productive. Fruit medium to large, shape variable and surface uneven; skin yellow at
maturity; flesh fine-grained, melting, juicy, sweet, with a musky flavor; ripens about the
middle of Sept.
Worlesbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:194. 1856.
A perry pear reported from Wurttemberg about 1830. Tree not vigorous, large,
long-lived, very productive. Fruit small, oval or pyriform, solid bright green, turning
lemon-yellow, numerously dotted with gray, ‘somewhat flecked with russet; calyx in a
slight depression; flesh juicy, acid, bitter.
Wormsley Grange. 1. Kenrick Am. Orch. 187. 1832.
This is a variety which is said to have been sent to the Hon. John Lowell by Mr.
Knight with the remarks that it requires to be gathered before it is quite ripe and that it
is a variety of first-rate excellence in Herefordshire, Eng. In 1842 it was listed as having
been removed from the gardens of the London Horticultural Society because of inferior
Wurzer. 1. Liegel Syst. Anleit. 114. 1825.
Wurzer d’Automne. 2. Mag. Hort. 16:296. 1850. 2. Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt. 240.
Reported from Belgium about 1821. Tree vigorous, leafy, thorny. Fruit rather
large, pyriform, solid green, becoming covered with russet, heavily dotted with reddish-
brown; calyx small, set in a shallow basin; stem medium long, fleshy, set in a rather deep
cavity; flesh pithy, sweet, vinous; Nov.
Yat. 1. Lindley Guide Orch. Gard. 351. 1831. 2. Leroy Dict. Pom. 2:762, fig. 1869.
Gute Graue. 3. Liegel Syst. Anleit. 124. 1825.
Beurré Gris d’Eté de Hollande. 4. Mas Le Verger 2:85, fig. 41. 1866-73.
Beurré Gris d’Eté. 5. Guide Prat. 70, 245. 1876.
This pear is said to have been brought to England from Holland about 1770 by
Thomas Harvey. It is not to be confused with the Grise-Bonne. Tree large, vigorous,
hardy, very productive. Fruit variable, small to above medium, obovate-pyriform to
oblong-turbinate, green, thickly covered with russet, sprinkled with numerous gray
specks, sometimes colored brownish-red when exposed to the sun; calyx small, open, set
in a shallow basin; stem rather long, slender, obliquely inserted without depression
and often by a fleshy protuberance; flesh white, tender, melting, juicy with a rich,
sugary and highly perfumed flavor; rated as of little value by Downing, of first quality
by Mas, as highly estimable by the Germans, and as an excellent early pear by Hogg;
Aug. and Sept.
Yellow Huff-cap. 1. Hogg Fruit Man. 669. 1884.
A Herefordshire perry pear. Fruit quite small, obovate or turbinate, entirely covered
with rough brown russet, and with only portions of the ground color showing through
in specks; calyx small, open, with short horny segments, set even with the surface; stem
rather long, inserted without depression; flesh yellowish, with a greenish tinge.
Youngken Winter Seckel.
According to correspondence this pear was raised from seed of Seckel by David
Youngken, Richlandtown, Pa., about 1868. The tree is reported as being upright and
prolific, and the fruit as keeping through the winter.
Zache. 1. Mich. Sta. Bul. 177239. 1899. 2. Ibid. 187275. 1901.
A Chinese sand pear, of value only as a novelty, grown at the South Haven
Substation of the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station in 1894. Tree a fine,
strong grower with large, thick, glossy leaves. Fruit roundish oblate, resembling an apple
in appearance, orange with many light yellowish dots and specks; flesh coarse, crisp;
poor; winter. ,
Zapfenbirn. 1. Christ Handb. 559. 1817.
Tree large, very productive. Fruit long-acute-pyriform, yellow, finely dotted; flesh
breaking, not juicy, musky; used for drying and for cooking; early winter.
Zarskaja. 1. Ia. Hort. Soc. Rpt. 61. 1880.
Reported by J. L. Budd to be a Russian variety which has gritty thorn-like wood
and which therefore does not unite well when grafted upon apple stock.
Zénon. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 302. 1884. 2. Guide Prat. 62. 1895.
Of European origin, first reported in 1884. Tree moderately vigorous, producing
excellent fruit upon quince stock. Fruit medium, of the form of White Doyenné; flesh
very fine, juicy, sweet, agreeable, slightly aromatic, granular near the core; first; end of
Zéphirin Grégoire. 1. Horticulturist 9:78, fig. 1854. 2. Ann. Pom. Belge 3:79, fig.
1855. 3. Bunyard Handb. Hardy Fr. 205. 1920.
M. Grégoire, pomologist, Jodoigne, Bel., raised this variety supposedly from seeds
of Passe Colmar about 1831. Tree pyramidal, vigorous, very productive, succeeds best
upon pear stock; young wood smooth, light olive-yellow-brown. Fruit medium to above,
roundish-obovate, pale greenish-yellow, becoming uniform pale waxen-yellow, covered
with patches of russet and many green and gray dots, often reddish in the sun; stem medium
in length, fleshy, very fleshy at insertion, set obliquely without depression; calyx small,
open, set in a slight depression; lobes long; flesh yellowish-white, buttery, melting, juicy,
rich, sugary, vinous, highly aromatic; good to very good; Nov. to Feb.
Zéphirin Louis. 1. Ann. Pom. Belge 4:95, fig. 1856. 2. Downing Fr. Trees Am. 886.
This pear was raised by M. Xavier Grégoite, Jodoigne, Bel. It was first reported in
1849. Tree a moderately healthy grower, rather scraggly, moderately productive. Fruit
medium or below, roundish, slightly obovate, greenish-yellow, rusty-red becoming bright
vermilion in the sun, thickly sprinkled with large dark brown-russet patches and dots;
stem very short, inserted in a small round cavity; calyx small, open, set in a deep basin;
flesh yellowish-white, tinged with green, coarse-grained, crisp, rather half melting, juicy,
sweet, slightly aromatic; good; Dec. and Jan.
Zieregger Mostbirne. 1. Loschnig Mostbirnen 146, fig. 1913.
A perry pear which is said to have sprung from seed in Styria. Tree medium, roundish,
a rather late and rather light bearer. Fruit roundish-oblate, medium in size, similar to
Rummelter Birne but smaller, greenish-yellow, finely dotted, russeted; stem short, thick,
brown; calyx half open to open, with erect lobes; flesh granular, whitish-green, not especially
juicy, rich in sugar; Oct. -
Zimmtfarbige Schmalzbirne. 1. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:58. 1856. '
Middle Germany; first published in 1826. Fruit rather large, pyramidal, often obtuse,
slightly ribbed; skin rough, entirely covered with light cinnamon russet, without dots;
flesh granular and pulpy, sweet; third for dessert, very good for household use; Oct.
Zink Pfalzgrafenbirne. 1. Mathieu Nom. Pom. 302. 1889.
Weisse Pfalzgrafenbirne. 2. Dochnahl Fuhr. Obstkunde 2:49. 1856.
Reported from ‘Germany about 1766. Tree a late but productive bearer. Fruit
medium, bulging pyriform, irregular, greenish-yellow, becoming lemon yellow, often blushed,
dotted with yellow, later dotted with brown and green; stem thick, fleshy, rather long;
calyx open; lobes long; flesh sweet, perfumed; fair; early Sept.
Zoar Beauty. 1. Mag. Hort. 13:110. 1847. 2. Elliott Fr. Book 347, fig. 1854.
Belle de Zoar. 3. Guide Prat. 112, 234. 1876.
Originated at Zoar, Ohio. Tree vigorous, an early and abundant bearer; shoots
dark brown. Fruit medium or below, acute-pyriform, light yellow, thickly dotted with
minute green dots, beautiful crimson or carmine in the sun with deep red dots; stem long,
curved, slender, fleshy at insertion, often by a ring or lip, in a small cavity; calyx large
for size of fruit, open; lobes erect or recurved; flesh white, granular, half breaking,
moderately juicy, sweet, aromatic; good; early Aug.
Zoé. 1. Ont. Fr. Gr. Assoc. Rpt. 72. 1883. 2. Guide Prat. 101. 1895.
A foreign sort, probably French. Tree very vigorous, thrifty. Fruit very large,
oblong, deep green; flesh tender, melting, sweet; Dec. and Jan.
The list of books which follows contains all American pomological
works in which the pear is discussed at any length. Only such European
books are listed, however, as were found useful in writing The Pears of
New York. Only periodicals are listed to which references are made in the
text of the book. The reports and bulletins of experiment stations and
horticultural societies are not included since the abbreviations used for
such publications will be recognized by all. The date of copyright has
been preferred to that of publication, though sometimes it has been
necessary to use the latter, as when there were several editions from the
same copyright.
Aepfel u. Birnen......... Aepfel und Birnen. Die wichtigsten deutschen Kern-
obstsorten. Herausgegeben im engen Anschlusse an
die “Statistik der deutschen Kernobstsorten” von
R. Goethe, H. Degenkolb und R. Mertens und unter
der Leitung der Obstund Weinbau-Abteilung der
Deutschen Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft. (Illustrirt.)
Berlin: 1894.
Am, Gard. ..44cnae nae American Gardening. An Illustrated Journal of Horticulture
and Gardener’s Chronicle. New York: 1892-1904. Copy-
right, 1903. (Before its union with Popular Gardening in
1892, the publication was known as The American Garden.
Both Popular Gardening and The American Garden resulted
from the union or absorption of several other horticultural
Am. Gard. Mag.......... The American Gardener’s Magazine, and Register of Useful
Discoveries and Improvements in Horticulture and Rural
Affairs. See Mag. Hort.
Am. Hort. An........... American Horticultural Annual. A Year-book of Horticul-
tural Progress for the Professional and Amateur Gardener,
Fruit-grower, and Florist. (Illustrated... New York: 1867.
Copyright, 1867. New edition. New York: 1870. Copy-
right, 1869.
Am. Jour. Hort.......... The American Journal of Horticulture and Florist’s Companion.
(Illustrated.) Volumes 1-5. Boston: 1867-1869. Copy-
rights, 1867-1869. Continued as Tilton’s Journal of Horti-
culture and Floral Magazine. (Illustrated.) Volumes 6-0.
Boston: 1869-71. Copyrights, 1869-1871.
Am. Pom. Soc. Rpt....... Proceedings of the American Pomological Society. Issued
usually biennially from 1850 to date. First published as the
Proceedings of the National Convention of Fruit Growers in
Ann, FOrt: icy ackeieeve-a aes Annal of Horticulture and yearbook of information on prac-
tical gardening. 5 Volumes. London: 1846-1850.
Ann. Pom. Belge......... Annales de Pomologie Belge et Etrangére; publiées par la Com-
mission royale de Pomologie Instituée par S. M. le Roi des
Belges. (Illustré.) Huit Tomes. Bruxelles: 1853-1860.
Bailey, Ann. Hort........ Annals of Horticulture in North America for the Years 1889-
1893. A Witness of Passing Events and a Record of Progress.
By L. H. Bailey. New York: 1890-1894. Copyrights,
1889, 1891-1894.
Baltet, Cult. Bis svsaaseks Traité de la Culture Fruitigre Commerciale et Bourgeoise.
Par Charles Baltet. (Illustré.) Quatriéme Edition. Paris:
Barry, Fr. Garden........ The Fruit Garden. By P. Barry. ([llustrated.) New York:
1852. Copyright, 1851. Revised Edition, 1896. Copy-
right, 1883.
Black, Cult. Peach & Pear. The Cultivation of the Peach and the Pear, on the Delaware
And Chesapeake Peninsula; with a Chapter on Quince
Culture and the Culture of Some of the Nut-Bearing Trees.
By John 8. Black, M. D. (Lllustrated.) Wilmington: 1886.
Copyright, 1886.
Bradley, Gard........... New Improvements of Planting and Gardening, both Philo-
sophical and Practical. In three parts. By Richard
Bradley. (Illustrated.) Seventh Edition with Appendix.
London: 1739.
Bridgeman, Gard. Ass’t... The Young Gardener’s Assistant, in three parts. By Thomas
Bridgeman. New Edition, with an Appendix. New York:
1857. Copyright, 1847.
Brookshaw, Hort. Reposit. The Horticultural Repository, containing Delineations of the
best Varieties of the Different Species of English Fruits. By
George Brookshaw. (Jilustrated.) In Two Volumes. Lon-
don: 1823.
Brookshaw, Pom. Brit....-Pomona Britannica, or A Collection of the Most Esteemed
Fruits at present Cultivated In Great Britain; selected
principally from the Royal Gardens At Hampton Court, and
the remainder from The Most Celebrated Gardens Round
London; Accurately Drawn and Colored from Nature, with
Full Descriptions of their Various Qualities, Seasons, &c.
By George Brookshaw. Volumes I and II. London: 1817.
Vol. II. The Pear.
Budd-Hansen, Am. Hort.
IMAI sisen a eames Garey Bl American Horticultural Manual. By J. L. Budd, assisted by
N. E. Hansen. (llustrated.) In Two Volumes. Volume
2, New York and London: 1903. Copyright, 1903.
Bunyard, Handb. Hardy
PE ieaasanerd Wnosmenss A Handbook of Hardy Fruits more commonly grown in Great
Britain. Apples and Pears. By Edward A. Bunyard.
London: 1920.
Gard icine aeeces .... The Fruit Garden. By George Bunyard and Owen Thomas.
(Illustrated.) London and New York: 1904.
Can. Hortis i540 weneaee.g The Canadian Horticulturist. (Illustrated.) Toronto and
Peterboro: 1878 to date.
Cat. Cong. Pom. France.. Société Pomologique de France Catalogue Descriptif des
Fruits Adoptés par le Congrés Pomologique. Lyon: 1887.
Ibid.: 1906.
Cecil, Hist. Gard. Eng.... A History Of Gardening In England. By the Hon. Mrs.
Evelyn Cecil. Third and enlarged edition. (Illustrated.)
New York: 1910.
Christ, Handb........... Handbuch wither die Obstbaumzucht und Obstlehre. Von J.
L. Christ. Vierte, sehr verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage.
Frankfurt: 1817.
Cole, Am. Fr. Book...... The American Fruit Book; containing directions for Raising,
Propagating, and Managing Fruit Trees, Shrubs and Plants;
with a description of the Best Varieties of Fruit, including
New and Valuable Kinds. By S. W. Cole. (llustrated.)
Boston: 1849. Copyright, 1849.
Country Gent........... The Country Gentleman. Albany: 1853-1865. The Culti-
vator & Country Gentleman. Albany: 1866-1897. The
Country Gentleman. Albany and Philadelphia: 1898 to
Coxe, Cult. Fr. Trees..... A View of the Cultivation of Fruit Trees, and the Management
of Orchards and Cider; with accurate descriptions of the
most estimable varieties of Native and Foreign Apples,
Pears, Peaches, Plums and Cherries, cultivated in the middle
states of America. By William Coxe. (Illustrated.) Phil-
adelphia: 1817. Copyright, 1817.
Cultivatoriccncne axeeeyes The Cultivator. Albany: 1834-1865. In 1866 united with
The Country Gentleman.
Cult. & Count. Gent..... The Cultivator & Country Gentleman. See Country Gent.
De Candolle, Or. Cult.
Plants. 2s eeu eeaceaes Origin of Cultivated Plants. By Alphonse de Candolle.
Geneva [Switzerland]: 1882. New York: 188s.
Decaisne & Naudin, Man.
Amat. Jard............ Manuel de L’Amateur Des Jardins Traité Général D’Horti-
culture. Par Jh. Decaisne et CH. Naudin. (Iilustré.)
Quatre Tomes. Paris. Vol. 4. Pears.
Deut. Obstsorten......... Deutschland’s Obstsorten bearbeitet von Miuller-Diemitz,
Grau-Korbelitz, Bissmann-Gotha unter Mitwirkung her-
vorragender Fachmanner. Sechs Bande; Hefte1-18. Stutt-
gart: I905-I0.
Dochnahl, Fuhr. Obst-
Tend s.2 saciid Seaside Der sichere Fithrer in der Obstkunde auf botanisch-pomo-
logischen Wege oder Systematische Breschreibung aller
Obstsorten. Von F. J. Dochnahl. Vier Bande. Niurn-
berg: 1855-60. Vol. 2, 1856. Pears.
Downing, Fr. Trees Am... The Fruits and Fruit Trees of America: or the culture, propaga-
tion, and management, in the garden and orchard, of fruit
trees generally; with Descriptions Of All The Finest Vari-
eties Of Fruit, Native and Foreign, Cultivated In This
Country. By A. J. Downing. (Illustrated.) New York &
London: 1845. Copyright, 1845. Second edition, same
text, with colored plates, 1847. First revision, by Charles
Downing. New York: 1857. Copyright, 1857. Second
revision by Charles Downing. New York: 1869. First
appendix, 1872. Second appendix, 1876. Third appendix,
Downing, Selected Fr .... Selected Fruits: from Downing’s Fruits And Fruit-Trees of
America. With Some New Varieties: including Their Cul-
ture, Propagation, and Management in the Garden and
Orchard. By Charles Downing. (Jilustrated.) New York:
1872. Copyright, 1871.
Duhamel, Trait. Arb. Fr.. Traité Des Arbes Fruitiers; Contenant Leur Figure, Leur
Description, Leur Culture, &c. Par M. Duhamel Du Mon-
ceau. (Iilustré.) Tomes I et II. Paris: 1768. Edition
publié en 1872, en trois tomes. Nouvelle Edition en six
tomes, 1807-1835.
Elliott, Fr. Book......... Elliott’s Fruit Book; or, the American Fruit-Grower’s Guide in
Orchard and Garden. By F. R. Elliott. (llustrated.)
New York: 1858. Copyright, 1854. Revised edition, 1850.
Field, Pear Cult......... Pear Culture. A Manual for the Propagation, Planting, Culti-
vation, and Management of The Pear Tree. By Thos. W.
Field. (Zilustrated.) New York: 1859. Copyright, 1858.
Plots G6 Pomiss.ceccnse sek The Florist And Pomologist: A Pictorial Monthly Magazine of
Flowers, Fruits, and General Horticulture. Conducted at
first by Robert Hogg and John Spencer, later by Thomas
Moore and William Paul. (Illustrated.) London: 1862-1884.
Forsyth, Treat. Fr. Trees. A Treatise on the Culture and Management of Fruit Trees.
By William Forsyth. London: 1802. Same with an Intro-
duction and Notes, by William Corbett. Albany: 1803.
Seventh edition [English] London: 1824.
Gard. Chron............. TheGardener’s Chronicle. (Illustrated.) London: 1841 to date.
Gard. & For............. Garden And Forest. A Journal of Horticulture, Landscape
Art and Forestry. Conducted by Charles S. Sargent.
(Illustrated.) Volumes I-X. New York: 1888-1897. Copy-
rights, 1888-1897.
Gard. Mon.............. The Gardener’s Monthly and Horticultural Advertiser.
Edited by Thomas Meehan. (Illustrated.) Philadelphia:
Garden. ...............- The Garden. (Illustrated.) London: 1872 to date.
Gaucher, Pom. Prak. Obst. Pomologie des Praktischen Obstbaumziichters. Von N. Gau-
cher. (Illustrirt.) Stuttgart: 1894.
Gen. Farmer............ The Genesee Farmer. Edited by Luther Tucker, Rochester:
1831-1839. Then consolidated with the Cultivator. Another
periodical of the same name was published in Rochester
from 1845 to 1865. Also New Genesee Farmer and Monthly
Genesee Farmer. :
Gerarde, Herball......... The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes. By John
Gerarde. Enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson.
London: 1633. Reprinted without alteration, 1636.
Guide Prat.............. Guide Pratique de L’Amateur De Fruits. Description Et
Culture Des Variétés De Fruits classées par séries de mérite
Composant Les Collections Pomologiques De L’Etablisse-
ment Horticole des Fréres Simon-Louis. A Plantiéres-Les-
Metz (Lorraine Annexée) Suivi D’Une Table Générale
Alphabétique de Tous Les Synonymes Connus, Frangais et
Etrangers, appartenent a chaque variété. Par O. Thomas.
Nancy: 1876. Deuxiéme Edition. Paris et Nancy: 189s.
Hoffy, N. Am. Pom...... Hoffy’s North American Pomologist, containing numerous
Finely Colored Drawings, accompanied by letter press
descriptions, &c., of Fruits of American Origin. Edited
by William D. Brincklé. Book No. 1. Philadelphia:
1860. Copyright, 1860.
Hoffy, Orch. Com........ The Orchardist’s Companion. Alfred Hoffy, Editor and
Publisher. A quarterly journal. Vol. I, 1841-2; Vol. II,
1842-3. Philadelphia.
Hogg, Fruit Man........ The Fruit Manual: A Guide to the Fruits and Fruit Trees of
Great Britain. By Robert Hogg. First edition, London:
1860. Second edition, 1861. Third edition, 1866. Fourth
edition, 1873. Fifth edition, 1884.
Hort. Reg, (Am): sis...
Hort. Reg. (Eng.)
Horticulturist. ...
Hovey, Fr. Am..
Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc.....
Kenrick, Am. Orch.......
Knoop, Fructologie.......
Koch, Deut. Obst
Kraft, Pom. Aust
Horticultural Register and Gardener’s Magazine. Edited by
T. G. Fessenden and J. E. Teschemacher. Volume I.
Boston: 1835.
The Horticultural Register and General Magazine. By
Joseph Paxton and Joseph Harrison. Vol.I. London: 1833.
The Horticulturist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste.
Founded and first edited by A. J. Downing. (Iilustrated.)
Volumes 1 to 30. Albany, Philadelphia and New York:
The Fruits of America, containing Richly Colored Figures, and
full Descriptions of all the choicest Varieties cultivated in
the United States. By C. M. Hovey. Volume I. Boston
and New York: 1852. Volume II. Boston: 1856. Copy-
right, 1851.
The Journal of Horticulture: Began as The Cottage Gardener;
or Amateur’s and Cottager’s Guide to out-door gardening
and spade cultivation. 25 Volumes. London: 1849-1861.
Continued as The Journal of Horticulture, Cottage Gard-
ener, and Country Gentleman. A Journal of Horticulture,
Rural and Domestic Economy, Botany and Natural History.
New Series. 38 Volumes. London: 1861-1880. Con-
tinued as The Journal of Horticulture, Cottage Gardener,
and Home Farmer. A Chronicle of Country Pursuits and
Country Life, including Poultry, Pigeon, and Bee-keeping.
Third Series. 59 Volumes. London: 1880-1909.
The Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society. London:
1846 to date. Vols. 1-9, 1846-55, bear the title of The
Journal of the Horticultural Society of London.
The New American Orchardist. By William Kenrick. Bos-
ton: 1833. Copyright, 1832. Second edition. Boston:
1835. Copyright, 1835. Seventh edition, enlarged and
improved, with a supplement. Boston: 1845. Copyright,
Part I. Pomologie, ou Description des meilleures sortes de
Pommes et de Poires. Part II. Fructologie, ou Descrip-
tion des Arbres Fruitiers. Par Jean Herman Knoop.
(Illustré.) Amsterdam: 1771.
Die Deutschen Obstgehélze. Vorlesungen gehalten zu Berlin
im Winterhalbjahr 1875-76. Von Karl Koch. Stuttgart:
Pomona austriaca, Abhandlung von den obstbadumen worinn
ihre gestalt, erziehung und pflege angezeigt und beschrieben
wird. Von Johann Kraft. Zwei Theile. Vienna: 1792.
Langley, Pomona........ Pomona, or the Fruit Garden Illustrated. By Batty Langley.
London: 1729.
Lauche, Deut. Pom....... Deutsche Pomologie. Chromolithographische Abbildung,
Beschreibung und Kulturanweisung der empfehlenswerthes-
ten Sorten Aepfel, Birnen, Kirschen, Pflaumen, Aprikosen,
Pfirsche und Weintrauben. Nach den Ermittelungen des
Deutschen Pomologen-Vereins herausgegeben von W.
Lauche. (ilustrirt.) Bande I-VII. Berlin: 1882-3. Vol.
II. Pears.
Le Bon Jard:.seese0e8ne% Le Bon Jardinier. 126° Edition Almanach Horticole, 1882 et
129° Edition, 1884. Paris.
Leroy, Dict. Pom........ Dictionnaire de Pomologie. Par André Leroy. (Lllustré.)
Six Tomes. Paris: 1867-1879. Vols. 1 & 2. Pears.
Liegel, Syst. Anleit....... Systematische Anleitung zur Kenntniss der vorztglichsten
Sorten des Kern-, Stein-, Schalen- und Beerenobster. Von
Georg Liegel. Passai: 1825.
Lindley, Guide Orch. Gard. A Guide to the Orchard And Kitchen Garden; or, an account
of the most valuable fruit and vegetables cultivated In
Great Britain: with Kalendars of the Work Required in the
Orchard and Kitchen Garden during every month in the
year. By George Lindley. Edited by John Lindley.
London: 1831.
Lindley, Pom. Brit....... Pomologia Britannica; or, Figures and Descriptions of the
most important Varieties of Fruit cultivated in Great
Britain. By John Lindley. Three Volumes. London:
1841. Vol. 2. Pears.
Lond. Hort. Soc. Cat..... A Catalogue of the Fruits Cultivated in the Garden of the
Horticultural Society of London. London: 1826. Second
edition, 1831. Third edition, 1842. A supplement was
published in 1853.
Loudon, Enc. Gard.. .... An Encyclopedia Of Gardening. By J. C. Loudon. (Iilus-
trated.) New edition. London: 1834.
Lucas, Handb. Obst...... Vollstandiges Handbuch der Obstkultur. Von Ed. Lucas.
(Illustrirt.) Stuttgart: First edition, 1880; second edition,
1886; third edition, 1893. Third edition edited by Fr.
Lucas, 1894.
McIntosh, Bk. Gard...... The Book of the Garden. By Charles McIntosh. (Zilus-
trated.) Two Volumes. London: 1853-5.
McMahon, Am. Gard. Cal. The American Gardener’s Calendar. By Bernard McMahon.
Philadelphia: 1806.
Mag. Hort.........--+-- The Magazine of Horticulture. Boston: 1837-1868. First
published as The American Gardener’s Magazine, 1835-6.
Edited by C. M. Hovey with P. B. Hovey, Jr., associate
editor during 1835-6.
Manning, Book of Fruits.. Book of Fruits. By Robert Manning. (Illustrated.) Salem:
1838. Copyright, 1838.
Mas, Le Verger.......... Le Verger ou Histoire, Culture Et Description avec planches
coloriées Des Variétés De Fruits Les Plus Généralement
Connues. Par M. Mas. Huit Tomes. Paris: 1866-73.
Vols. 1-3. Pears.
Mas, Pom. Gen.......... Pomologie Générale. Par M. Mas. (Illustré.) Douze Tomes.
Paris: 1872-83. Vols. 1 & 3-7. Pears.
Mathieu, Nom. Pom...... Nomenclator Pomologicus. Von Carl Mathieu. Berlin: 1889.
Mawe-Abercrombie, Com.
Gard. cvs cet piesseee The Complete Gardener. By Thomas Mawe and John Aber-
crombie. London: 1829.
Miller, Gard. Dict........ The Gardener’s Dictionary. By Philip Miller. Sixth edition.
London: 1752. Revised edition. By Thomas Martyn.
London: 1807.
Nat: NUE ii cacarduneeues The National Nurseryman. Published by The National
Nurseryman Publishing Co. (Iilustrated.) Rochester: 1893
to date,
Noisette, Man. Comp.
Vard siete. auar esas Manuel Complet du Jardinier; Maraicher, Pépiniériste, Botan-
iste, Fleuriste et Paysagiste. Par M. Louis Noisette.
Quatre Tomes. Paris: 1860. Vol. 2. Pears.
Oberdieck, Obst-Sort..... Deutschlands beste Obst-Sorten. Von F. G. C. Oberdieck.
Leipzig: 1881.
Parkinson, Par. Ter...... Paradisi in Sole. Paradisus Terrestris. By John Parkinson.
(Illustrated.) London: 16209.
Phillips, Com. Orch...... The Companion for the Orchard. An Historical And Botanical
Account of Fruits Known In Great Britain. By Henry
Phillips. New Edition. London: 1831.
Pom. France............ Pomologie De La France ou Histoire Et Description de tous
Les Fruits Cultivés En France Et Admis Par Le Congrés
Pomologique. (Illustré.) Tomes J-VIII. Lyon: 1863-
1873. Vols. 1-4. Pears.
Powis, Mag. ies: ee gues The Pomological Magazine; or, Figures And Descriptions of
the Most Important Varieties Of Fruit cultivated in Great
Britain. Three Volumes. London: 1828-30. This work
has also been published under the title Pomona Brittanica.
Popular Gard............ Popular Gardening. An Illustrated periodical devoted to
Horticulture in all its branches. Volume I. Buffalo: 1886.
Continued as Popular Gardening and Fruit Growing. Vol-
umes II-IV. Buffalo: 1887-1891. Consolidated with The
American Garden and continued as American Gardening.
New York: 1892-1904.
Prince, Cat. Fr. Trees.... Catalogue of Fruit And Ornamental Trees & Plants, Bulbous
Flower Roots, Green-House Plants, &c. &c. Cultivated at
the Linnean Botanic Garden, William Prince, Prop.
Twenty-second edition. New York: 1823.
Prince, Pom. Man........ The Pomological Manual: or, A Treatise on Fruits. By
William Robert Prince, aided by William Prince. Second
Edition. Part I. New York: 1832. Copyright, 1831-
Part II. New York: 1832. Copyright, 1832.
Prince, Treat. Hort....... A Short Treatise on Horticulture. By William Prince. New
York: 1828. Copyright, 1828.
Prince, Treat. Trees &
Plants sci. i4 cence a veteas A Treatise on Fruit and Ornamental Trees And Plants, culti-
vated at the Linnzan Botanic Garden, Flushing, Long-
Island, near New-York. By William Prince. New York:
Ragan, Nom. Pear, B. P. I.
Bulls nwaige ce teases eateaut Nomenclature of the Pear; A Catalogue-Index of the Known
Varieties Referred to in American Publications from 1804 to
1907. Complied by W. H. Ragan. Issued as U. S. Dept.
Agr. Bur. Pl. Ind. Bul. 126: 1908.
Rea; Flora: saves isicciia acess Flora: Seu, De Florum Cultura; or A Complete Florilege. By
John Rea. 3 Books. London: 1676. Book 3. Pears.
Revi. Horticg oscieu yas Revue Horticole. Journal D’Horticulture Pratique. (Illustré.)
Paris: 1829 to date.
Ritral Ns Yo aeteeaeewedhs The Rural New-Yorker. A Journal for the Suburban and
Country Home. (Lilustrated.) Rochester and New York:
1850 to date.
Soc. Nat. Hort. France
POM wseare a tase eee Société Nationale D’Horticulture De France. Section Pomo-
logique. Les Meilleurs Fruits au début du XX® sidcle.
(Illustré.) Paris: 1904.
Thacher, Am. Orch....... The American Orchardist. By James Thacher. Boston:
1822. Copyright, 1822.
Thomas, Am. Fruit Cult.. The American Fruit Culturist. By John J. Thomas. (Illus-
trated.) First Edition. Geneva and Auburn, N. Y.: 1846.
Copyright, 1846. Revised Edition. Auburn, N. Y.: 1851.
Copyright, 1849. Revised Edition. New York: 1860.
Copyright, 1867. Revised Edition. New York: 188s.
Copyright, 1875-1885. Twentieth Edition, Revised and
Enlarged. New York: 1897. Copyright, 1897. Twenty-
first Edition, Revised and Enlarged. New York: torr.
Copyright, 1903.
Thompson, Gard. Ass’t. ..
Tilton, Jour. Hort........
Trans. Lond. Hort. Soc...
U.S: Di As Rptics sewaaes
U.S. D. A. Yearbook.....
U.S. Pat. Off. Rpt.......
Wickson, Cal. Fruits......
Willich, Dom. Enc. .....
Wilson, Nat. W. China...
The Gardener’s Assistant; Practical and Scientific. By
Robert Thompson. (Iilustrated.) Two Volumes. London:
1859. Same, revised by William Watson. Six Volumes.
London: gor.
Tilton’s Journal of Horticulture and Floral Magazine. See
Am. Jour. Hort.
Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London. Volume
I. London: 1815. Volume II. London: 1817. Volume
III. London: 1820. VolumeIV. London: 1822. Volume
V. London: 1824. Volume VI. London: 1826.
Reports of the United States Department of Agriculture:
Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture:
1894 to date.
Reports of the Agricultural section of the United States Patent
Office: 1837 to 1861.
The California Fruits and How To Grow Them. By Edward
J. Wickson. (Illustrated.) Second Edition. San Fran-
cisco: 1891. Copyright, 1889. Fourth Edition. Los
Angeles: 1909. Copyright, 31908. Seventh Edition. San
Francisco: 1914. Copyright, 1914.
Domestic Encyclopedia or a Dictionary of Facts. By A. F.
M. Willich. First American edition with additions by
James Mease. In five volumes. Volume 4. Philadelphia:
A Naturalist In Western China with Vasculum, Camera, and
Gun. Being some account of Eleven Years’ Travel, Explora-
tion, and Observation in the More Remote Parts of the
Flowery Kingdom. By Ernest Henry Wilson. Two Vol-
umes. New York: 1913.
A Gobert (syn. of Angobert), 248
A. J. Cook, 236
Aarer Pfundbirne, 236
Abbé Fétel, 236
Abbé Pérez, 236
Abbott, 236
Abbott, Mrs. T., orig. of Abbott, 236
Abdon Birne, 236
Abele de St. Denis, 236
Abercromby, 236
Achalzig, 237
Achan, 237
Acidaline, 237
Acme, 237
Adams, 237
Adams, Dr. H., orig. of Adams, 237
Adanson Apothekerbirne (syn. of Aglaé Adanson),
Adélaide de Réves, 237
Adéle (syn. of Adéle de Saint-Denis), 237
Adéle Lancelot, 237
Adéle de Saint-Denis, 237
Admirable, 238
Admiral Cécile (syn. of Amiral Cécile), 245
Admiral Farragut, 238
Admiral Foote, 238
Adolphe Cachet, 238
Adolphe Fouquet, 238
Adolphine Richard, 238
Aehrenthal, 238
Agathe de Lescours (syn. of Agathe de Lescourt), 238
Agathe de Lescourt, 238
Aglaé Adanson, 239
Aglaé Grégoire, 239
Agnés, 239
Agricola, 239
Agua de Valence, 250
Ah-Mon-Dieu, 239
Aigue, 239
Aiken, 239
Aime Ogereau, 240
Aimée Adam, 240
Akatsupo, 240
Alamo, 240
Albertine, 240
Alcinéus, pear in garden of, 4
Alexander, 240
Alexander Lucas, 240
Alexandre Bivort, 240
Alexandre Chomer, 241
Alexandre de Ja Herche, 241
Alexandre Lambré, 241
Alexandre de Russie, 241
Alexandrina, 241
Alexandrine Douillard, 241
Alexandrine Hélie (syn. of Belle Julie), 265
Alexandrine Mas, 241
Alexiens Bros., orig. of Pius X, 500
Alfred de Madre, 242
Alice Payne, 242
Allerton, 242
Alliance franco-russe, 242
Alouette, 242
Alpha, 242
4, Alphonse Allegatiére, 242
Alphonse Karr, 242
Amadotte, 243
Amande Double, 243
Amandine, 243
Ambrette, 243
Ambrette d’Eté, 243
Ambrette d'Hiver (syn. of Ambrette), 243
Ambrosia, 244
Amédée Leclerc, 244
Amelanchier, relationship of, to pear, 57
Amélie Leclerc, 244
America, 244
America, arrival of pear in, 40; climate of, uncon-
genial to pears, 38; importation of European pear
varieties into, 52; pear in, 37
American pear culture, influence of Oriental pears
on, 55
American pear districts, 38
Amie Verdier, 244
Amiral, 244
Amiral Cécile, 245
Amiré Joannet, 245
Amlisberger Mostbirne, 245
Amoselle panachée (syn. of Bergamote de Hollande
Panachée), 269
Amour, 245
Amstettner Mostbirne, 245
Ananas, 245
Ananas de Courtrai, 245
Ananas de Courtray (syn. of Ananas de Courtrai), 245
Ananas d’Eté, 246
Andenken an den Congress (syn. of Souvenir du
Congrés), 218
Andouille, 246
André Desportes, 122
Andrew Murray, 246
Andrews, 246
Ange, 246
Angel, 246
Angeline, 246
Angélique de Bordeaux, 247
Angélique Cuvier, 247
Angélique Leclerc, 247
Angélique de Rome, 247
Angers, Horticultural Society of, orig. of Cassante
du Comice, 329; Colmar d’ Automne Nouveau, 342;
Dhommée, 359; Gros Lucas, 404; Sucrée du
Comice, 555
Angleterre (syn. of Beurré d’Angleterre), 284
Angleterre d’Hiver, 247 :
Angleterre Nain, 247
Angobert, 248
Angoisse, 248
Angora, 248
Angoucha, 248
Angouleme (syn. of Duchesse d’Angouléme), 154
Anjou (syn. of Beurre d’Anjou), 127
Anna Audisson (syn. Anna Audusson), 249
Anna Audusson, 249
Anna Nelis, 249
Anne de Bretagne, 249
Anne of Brittany (syn. of Anne de Bretagne), 249
Ansault, 123
Anthoine, Dieudonné, orig. of Dieudonné Anthoine,
Anthony Thacher, 249
Antoine, 249
Antoine Delfosse, 249
Antoinette, 249
Anversoise, 250
Apfelblattrige Azerolbirne, 250
Apotherkerbirne, 250
Apple, 250
Apple Pear, 250
Apples, relationship to pears, 58
Appoline, 250
Aqueuse d’Esclavonie, 250
Aqueuse de Meiningen, 251
Arabella, 251
Arbre Courbé, 251
Arcedeckene, Andrew, orig. of Suffolk Thorn, 556
Archduke of Austria, 251
Archiduc Charles, 251
Archiduc @’Eté, 251
Archiduc Jean d’Autriche, 251
Archiduchesse d’Autriche, 251
Arendt Dechantsbirne, 252
Argent, 252
Argusbirne, 252
Arkansas, 252
Arkansas Mammoth (syn. of Arkansas), 252
Arlequin Musqué, 252
Arlingham Squash, 252
Armand Prévost, 253
Arménie, 253
Arnold, 253
Arnold & Frazier, orig. of Arnold, 253
Arthur Bivort, 253
Arthur Chevreau, 253
Arundell, 253
Aspasie Aucourt, 253
Aspidiotus perniciosus on pear, 117
Aston Town, 254
Audibert, 254
Audusson, Alexis, orig. of Lucie Audusson, 453
Audusson, Anne-Pierre, orig. of Beurré Audusson,
Augier, 254
Augustbirne, 254
Auguste de Boulogne, 254
Auguste Droche, 254
Auguste Jurie, 254
Auguste von Krause, 254
Auguste Miguard, 255
Auguste Royer, 255
Augustine, 255
Augustine Lelieur, 255
Augustus Dana, 255
Aurate, 255
Auray, 255
Autocrat, 256°
Autumn Bergamot, parent of Gansel Bergamot, 391
Autumn Bergamot (English), 256
Autumn Colmar, 256
Autumn Joséphine, 256
Autumn Nelis, 256
Avocat Allard, 257
Avocat Nélis, 257
Avocat Tonnelier, 257
Ayer, 257
Ayer, O. H., orig. of Ayer, 257; Douglas, 150
Aylton Red, 257
Azerole, 257
B. S. Fox (syn. of Fox), 168
Bachelier, Louis-Frangois, orig. of Beurré Bachelier,
Bacillus amylovorous, cause of pear blight, 112
Backhouse, James, orig. of Beurré Backhouse, 285
Bacterium tumefaciens, cause of crown-gall on pears,
Baguet, 257
Bailly, orig. of Beurré Bailly, 285
Bakholda, 258
Baking, 258
Baldschmiedler, 258
Balduinsteiner Kinderbirne, 258
Ballet, orig. of Madame Ballet, 456
Balosse, 258
Balsambirne, 258
Baltet, Charles, introd. of Roosevelt, 213; orig. of
Virginie Baltet, 573
Baltet, Ernest, orig. of Beurré d’Avril, 285; Comte
Lelieur, 346; Madame Lyé-Baltet, 458
Baltet Bros., orig. of Beurré Baltet Pére, 286;
Charles Ernest, 334; Docteur Joubert, 361;
Guyot, 174; Ministre Viger, 473; Professeur
Opoix, 514
Baltet Senior (syn. of Beurré Baltet Pére), 286
Bankerbine, 258
Bankhead, Capt., orig. of Jewel, 430
Banks, 258
Baptiste Valette, 258
Bar Seckel (syn. of Barseck) 260
Barbancinet, 258
Barbe Nélis, 259
Barker, 259
Barland, 259
Barnadiston, 259
Baron Deman de Lennick, 259
Baron d'hiver (syn. of Baronsbirne), 260
Baron Leroy, 259
Baron Trauttenberg, 259
Baron Treyve, 259
Baronne de Mello, 260
Baronsbirne, 260
Barry, 260
Barry, Patrick, biography of, 203
Barry, William Crawford, biography of, 204
Barseck, 260
Barthélemy du Mortier, 260
Barthére, discov. of Duchesse d’Hiver, 372
Bartlett, 124
Bartlett, Enoch, dissem. of Bartlett, 125
Bartlett, parent of Barseck, 260; Big Productive,
309; Dempsey, 357; Eva Baltet, 379; Favoriet
Morel, 381; Félix Sahut, 381; Le Lecher, 444;
Lucy Duke, 194; Lyerle, 454; Professeur Barral,
514; S. T. Wright, 533; Ulatis, 567; Winter Wil-
liams, 584
Bartlett and Kieffer leading commercial pears, 84
Bartram, 260
Bartram, Ann, orig. of Bartram, 260
Bartram, John, orig. of Petre, 497
Bartranne, 260
Baseler Sommer-Muskatellerbirne, 261
Basiner, 261
Bassin (syn. of Jargonelle (French) ), 178
Baudry, 261
Baumann Brothers, orig. of Beurré Bollwiller, 288
Beacon, 261
Beadnell, 261
Beadnell, John, orig. of Beadnell, 261
Beau de la Cour, 261
Beau Présent d’Artois, 261
Beauchamp, orig. of Beurré de l’Assomption, 284;
Beurré Beauchamp, 286; Souvenir de Gaéte, 550
Beaufort, 262
Beauvalot, 262
Beernaert, Reynaert, discov. of Fondante de Cuerne,
Beier Meissner Eierbirne, 262
Belgische Blutbirne (syn. of Sanguinole de Belgique),
Belgische Pomeranzenbirne (syn. of Fondante des
Pres), 385
Belgische Zapfenbirne (syn. of Long Green), 449
Belgium, pear in, 16
Belle Angevine, 262;
Vermont, 315
Belle Angevine (syn. of Pound), 208
Belle aprés Noél (syn. of Fondante de Noél), 164
Belle des Arbrés, 262
Belle Audibert (syn. of Audibert), 254
Belle de Beaufort, 262
parent of Bon-Chrétien
Belle Bessa, 262
Belle de Bolbec, 263
Belle et Bonne de Hée, 263
Belle et Bonne de la Pierre, 263
Belle de Brissac, 263
Belle de Bruxelles sans Pepins, 263
Belle de Craonnais, 263
Belle de la Croix Morel, 263
Belle de Décembre, 264
Belle Epine Dumas (syn. of Epine du Mas), 377
Belle de Esquermes (syn. of Fontenay), 165
Belle de Féron, 264
Belle du Figuier, 264
Belle de Flanders (syn. of Flemish Beauty), 163
Belle-Fleurusienne, 264
Belle de Flushing (syn. of Harvard), 412
Belle Fondante, 264
Belle de Foréts, 264
Belle de Guasco, 264
Belle Guérandaise, 264
Belle Hugevine, 265
Belle Isle d’Angers, 265
Belle d'Ixelles, 265
Belle de Jarnac (syn. of Nouvelle Fulvie), 483
Belle de Juillet, 265
Belle Julie, 265
Belle de Kain, 265
Belle de Lorient, 265
Belle Lucrative, 125; parent of P. Barry, 203;
President Clark, 509
Belle de Malines, 265
Belle de Martigny, 265
Belle-Moulinoise, 265
Belle de Noél (syn. of Fondante de Noél), 164
Belle de Noisette, 266
Belle de l'Orient (syn. of Belle de Lorient), 265
Belle Picarde, 266
Belle Rouennaise, 266 .
Belle de Septembre (syn. of Grosse September Birne),
Belle de Stresa, 266
Belle Sucrée, 266
Belle de Thouars, 266
Belle Williams, 267
Belle de Zoar (syn. of Zoar Beauty), 588
Bellissime d’Automne, 267
Bellissime d’ Eté (syn. of Jargonelle (French)), 178
Bellissime d’Hiver, 267
Belmont, 267
Beman, 267
Benadine, 267 ,
Benoist, Auguste, orig. of Duchesse de Brissac, 372;
Marie Benoist, 463; prop. of Beurré Benoist,
Benoist, Jean-Henri, orig. of Belle de Brissac, 263
Benoist Nouveau, 267
Benoit Caroli, 268
Bensell, 268
Bensell, orig. of Bensell, 268
Benvie, 268
Béquesne, 268
Berckmans, Louis, orig. of varieties, 240, 308, 373,
389, 540, 549, 563
Bergamot de Chantilly, 268
Bergamot Louvain, 268
Bergamot Seckel, 268
Bergamot Winter, 268
Bergamote Arséne Sannier, 268
Bergamote d’Automne Panachée, 269
Bergamote Balicq, 269
Bergamote Boussiére, 269
Bergamote du Bugey (syn. of Bergamotte Bugi), 270
Bergamote Espéren, parent of Directeur Varenne,
Bergamote Gansel (syn. of Gansel Bergamot), 391
Bergamote Hamdens, 269
Bergamote d'Hildesheim (syn.
Bergamotte), 418
Bergamote de Hollande Panachée, 269
Bergamote Lucrative (syn. of Belle Lucrative), 126
Bergamote de Pdues (syn. of Easter Bergamot), 374
Bergamote de la Pentecéte (syn. of Easter Beurré),
Bergamote Philippot, 269
Bergamote Rose, 269
Bergamotte d’Anvers, 269
Bergamotte d’Automne, 270
Bergamotte Ballicq (syn. of Bergamote Balicq), 269
Bergamotte Bouvant, 270
Bergamotte Bufo, 270
Bergamotte Bugi, 270
Bergamotte de Coloma, 270
Bergamotte de la Cour, 271
Bergamotte Crassane (syn. of Crassane), 350
Bergamotte Crassane d’Hiver (syn. of Beurré
Bruneau), 289
Bergamotte de Darmstadt, 271
Bergamotte de Donauer, 271
Bergamotte Double, 271
Bergamotte Dussart, 271
Bergamotte Eliza Mathews (syn. of Groom Prince
Royal), 403
Bergamotte Espéren, 271; parent of Beurré Henri
Courcelle, 297; Bergamotte la Gantoise, 272;
Président Barabé, 508
Bergamotte d’Espéren, parent of Frau Louise
Goethe, 389
Bergamotte d' Espéren (syn. of Bergamotte Espéren),
Bergamotte Espéren Souvenir de Plantiéres, 271
Bergamotte d’Eté, 271
Bergamotte d’été de Kraft (syn. of Kraft Sommer
Bergamotte), 438
Bergamotte d’été de Lubeck, 272
Bergamotte Fertile, 272
Bergamotte Fortunée, parent of Le Lecher, 444
Bergamotte Fortunée (syn. of Fortunée), 387
Bergamotte la Gantoise, 272
Bergamotte Heimbourg, 272
Bergamotte Hérault, 272
Bergamotte Hertrich, 272
Bergamotte-d'Hiver de Furstenzell, 273
of Hildesheimer
Bergamotte d’Hollande, 273
Bergamotte Jars, 273
Bergamotte de Jodoigne, 273
Bergamotte Klinkhardt, 273
Bergamotte Laffay, 273
Bergamotte Leséble, 273
Bergamotte Liabaud, 274
Bergamotte Mico, 274
Bergamotte de Millepieds, 274
Bergamotte Nicolle, 274
Bergamotte Euf de Cygne, 274
Bergamotte d’Oisan, 274
Bergamotte de Parthenay, 274
Bergamotte Picquot, 275
Bergamotte Ploskui, 275
Bergamotte Poiteau, 275
Bergamotte Pomme, 275
Bergamotte du Quercy, 275
Bergamotte Reinette, 275
Bergamotte de Roe (syn. of Roe Bergamot), 522
Bergamotte de Rouen, 276
Bergamotte Rouge, 275
Bergamotte Rouge de Mayer, 276
Bergamotte Sageret, 276
Bergamotte Sanguine, 276
Bergamotte Sannier, 276
Bergamotte Sapieganka (syn. of Sapieganka), 541
Bergamotte Silvange, 276
Bergamotte de Souchait, 276
Bergamotte de Soulers, 277
Bergamotte de Stryker, 277
Bergamotie Suisse (syn. of Bergamote d’Automne
Panachée), 269
Bergamotte Suisse Rond, 277
Bergamotte Tardive Collette, 277
Bergamotte Tardive de Gansel (syn. of Gansel Late
Bergamot), 39!
Bergamotte Thuerlinckx, 277
Bergamotte de Tournai, 277
Bergamotte de Tournay, 278
Bergamotte von Vezouziére (syn. of Vezouziére), 571
Bergamotte Volltragende, 278
Bergamotte Welbeck (syn. of Welbeck Bergamot), 577
Bergbirne, 278
Bergen, 278
Bergen, Cornelius, orig. of Island, 425
Berlaimont, 278
Bernard, 278
Berriays, 278
Bertrand Guinoisseau, 278
Berzelius, 279
Besi de Caen, 279
Besi de Caffoy, 279
Besi-Caréme, 279
Besi de Chaumontel (syn. of Chaumontel), 335
Besi Dubost, 279
Besi de l' Echasserie (syn. of Echasserie), 374
Besi Espéren, 279
Besi Garnier (syn. of Garnier), 392
Besi Goubault, 279
Besi de Grieser de B6hmerkirsch, 279
Besi d’Héry, 280
Besi Incomparable (syn. of Best Sans Pareil), 281
Besi Liboutton, 280
Besi de Mai, 280
Besi de Moncondroiceu, 280
Besi de Montigny, 280
Besi de la Motte, 280
Besi de Naghin, 281
Besi de la Pierre, 281
Besi de Quessoy, 281
Besi de Saint-Waast, 281
Besi Sans Pareil, 281
Besi Sanspareil (syn. of Besi Sans Pareil), 281
Besi Tardif, 281
Besi de Van Mons, 282
Besi des Vétérans, 282
Besi de Vindré, 282
Besi de Wutzum, 282
Bessard-Duparc, orig. of Madame Duparc, 457
Bessemianka, 282
Best Favorite, 282
Bettina, 282
Betzelsbirne, 283
Betzy, 283
Beurré Ad. Papeleu, 283
Beurré Adam, 283
Beurré d’Adenaw, 283
Beurré Alexandre Lucas, 283
Beurré Alexandre Lucas (syn. of Alexander Lucas),
Beurré Allard, 283
Beurré Amandé, 283
Beurré d’Amanlis, 283
Beurré Ananas, 284
Beurré d’Angleterre, 284
Beurré d’Anjou, 127; parent of Huggard, 421;
place in commercial pear culture, 84
Beurré Antoine, 284
Beurré Antoinette, 284
Beurré d'Apremont (syn. of Beurré Bosc), 130
Beurré Aqualine, 284
Beurré d’Arenberg, 129; confusion of, with Glou
Morceau, 129
Beurré d'Arenberg (syn. of Glou Morceau), 172
Beurré de 1’Assomption, 284; parent of Souvenir de
Gaéte, 550
Beurré Andusson, 284
Beurré des Augustins, 285
Beurré Aunéniére, 285
Beurré d’Automne de Donauer, 285
Beurré d’Avoine, 285
Beurré d’Avril, 285
Beurré Bachelier, 285; parent of S. T. Wright, 533
Beurré Backhouse, 285
Beurré Bailly, 285
Beurré Baltet Pére, 286
Beurré Baud, 286
Beurré Beauchamp, 286
Beurré Beaulieu, 286
Beurré Beaumont (syn. of Beurré de Mortefontaine),
Beurré Beek, 286
Beurré des Béguines, 286
Beurré Bennert, 286
Beurré Benoist, 287
Beurré Berckmans, 287
Beurré de Biseau, 287
Beurré Blanc Doré, 287
Beurré Blanc de Nantes, 287
Beurré Boisbunel, 287
Beurré Bollwiller, 288
Beurré de Bordeaux, 288
Beurré Bosc, 130; parent of Harris, 412; place of, in
commercial pear culture, 84
Beurré Bourbon, 288
Beurré de Bréme, 288
Beurré Bretonneau, 288
Beurré de Brigné, 288
Beurré Bronzé, 288
Beurré de Brou, 288
Beurré Brougham, 289
Beurré Bruneau, 289
Beurré de Bruxelles, 289
Beurré Burnicq, 289
Beurré du Bus, 289
Beurré Bymont, 289
Beurré de Caen, 289
Beurré Capiaumont, 289
Beurré Caty, 290
Beurré Caune, 290
Beurré du Cercle Pratique de Rouen, 290
Beurré du Champ Corbin, 290
Beurré Charron, 290
Beurré Chatenay, 290
Beurré Chaudy, 290
Beurré Christ, 290
Beurré Citron, 290
Beurré Clairgeau, 132; parent of Cardinal Georges
d’Ambroise, 328; Huggard, 421; Louis Vilmorin,
451; Thérése Appert, 562; place of, in commercial
pear culture, 84
Beurré Clotaire, 290
Beurré de Coit, 291
Beurré Colmar, 291
Beurré Coloma, 291
Beurré du Comte Marcolini, 291
Beurré de Conitz, 291
Beurré Copretz, 291
Beurré Curtet (syn. of Lamy), 184
Beurré Dalbret, 291
Beurré Daras, 291
Beurré Daviss, 291
Beurré Defays, 292
Beurré Degalait, 292
Beurré Delannoy, 292
Beurré Delbecq, 292
Beurré Délicat, 292
Beurré Derouineau, 292
Beurré Diel, 133; parent of Jeanne d’Arc, 429;
Pierre Corneille, 499
Beurré Dilly, 292
Beurré Docteur Pariset, 292
Beurré Doré de Bilboa (syn. of Golden Beurré of
Bilboa), 398
Beurré Doux, 292
Beurré van Driessche, 293
Beurré Driessen, 293
Beurré Dubuisson, 293
Beurré Duhaume, 293
Beurré Dumont, 293
Beurré Dumortier, 293
Beurré Dupont, 293
Beurré Duquesne, 293
Beurré Durand, 293
Beurré Duval, 294
Beurre Duvivier (syn. of Général Duvivier), 395
Beurré d’Ellezelles, 294
Beurré d’ Enghien (syn. of Beurré Colmar), 291
Beurré Epine, 294
Beurré Epine (syn. of Colmar Epine), 343
Beurré d’Espéren, 294
Beurré d’Esquelmes, 294
Beurré Eugéne Furst, 294
Beurré Fauve de Printemps, 294
Beurré Favre, 294
Beurré Fenzl, 294
Beurré de Février, 294
Beurré Fidéline, 295
Beurré Flon, 295
Beurré Fouqueray, 295
Beurré Gambier, 295
Beurré Gaujard, 295
Beurré van Geert, 295
Beurré Gendron, 295
Beurré de Germiny, 295
Beurré de Ghélin, 296
Beurré Giffard, 134; parent of August Jurie, 254;
Fin Juillet, 382
Beurré Gilles, 296
Beurré Goubault, 296; parent of Fertility, 381
Beurré Graue Herbst, 296
Beurré Grétry, 296
Beurré Gris, 296; parent of Cabot, 323
Beurré-Gris d’Enghien, 296
Beurré Gris d’ Eié (syn. of Yat), 586
Beurré Gris d’ Eité de Hollande (syn. of Yat), 586
Beurré Gris d'Hiver Nouveau (syn. of Beurré de
Lugon), 300
Beurré de Grumkon, 296
Beurré Grumkower, 296
Beurré Haffner (syn. of Haffner Butterbirne), 410
Beurré Hamecher, 297
Beurré d’Hardenpont, parent of Directeur Tisse-
rand, 360
Beurré d'Hardenpont (syn. of Glou Morceau), 172
Beurré d’Hardenpont d’Automne, 297
Beurré Hardy, 135
Beurré Hennau, 297
Beurré Henri Courcelle, 297; parent of Cardinal
Georges d’Ambroise, 328; Pierre Curie, 499
Beurré Hillereau, 297
Beurré d’Hiver, 297
Beurré d’hiver de Dittrich, 297
Beurré d’Hiver de Kestner, 297
Beurré de Hochheim, 297
Beurré Hudellet, 297
Beurré Jalais, 298
Beurré Jean Van Geert, 298
Beurré de Jonghe, 136
Beurré Keele Hall (syn. of Styrian), 554
Beurré Kennes, 298
Beurré Kenrick, 298
Beurré Knight, 298
Beurré Knox, 298
Beurré de Konick, 298
Beurré Kossuth, 299
Beurré de Ladé, 299
Beurré Lagasse, 299
Beurré Lamoyeau, 299:
Beurré Langelier, 299
Beurré de Lederbogen, 299
Beurré Lefévre, 299
Beurré de Lenzen, 299
Beurré Liebart, 299
Beurré de Lindauer, 300
Beurré Loisel, 300
Beurré de Longrée, 300
Beurré de Lucon, 300; parent of Casimir, 329
Beurré Luizet, 300
Beurré de Mans, 300
Beurré Mauxion, 300
Beurré Menand, 300
Beurré de Mérode (syn. of Doyenné Boussock), 152
Beurré Millet, 300
Beurré Moiré, 300
Beurré Mondelle, 301
Beurré Monfontaine, 301
Beurré de Mons, 301
Beurré de Montgeron, 301
Beurré Morisot, 301
Beurré de Mortefontaine, 301
Beurré de Mortillet, 301
Beurré Motte, 302
Beurré des Mouchouses, 302
Beurré de Naghin, 302
Beurré de Nantes, 302
Beurré de Nesselrode, 302
Beurré Obozinski, 302
Beurré Oudinot, 302
Beurré de Paimpol, 302
Beurré de Palandt, 303
Beurré Pauline, 303
Beurré Pauline Delzent, 303
Beurré Payen, 303
Beurré Perran, 303
Beurré Perrault (syn. of Duchesse de Bordeaux), 371
Beurré Philippe Delfosse, 303
Beurré Pointillé de Roux, 303
Beurré de Popuelles, 303
Beurré Preble, 303
Beurré Précoce, 304
Beurré Pringalle, 304
Beurré de Quenast, 304
Beurré de Ramegnies, 304
Beurré de Rance, 304
Beurré Reine, 304
Beurré Richelieu, 304
Beurré Robert (syn. of Doyenné du Comice), 153
Beurré Roland, 304
Beurré Romain, 304
Beurré Rome Gaujard, 305
Beurré Rose, 305
Beurré Rouge d’Automne, 305
Beurré Rouppé (syn. of Easter Beurré), 159
Beurré Royal de Turin, 305
Beurré de Saint-Amand, 305
Beurré de Saint Arnaud, 305
Beurré Saint-Aubert, 305
Beurré Saint-Francois, 305
Beurré Saint-Marc, 305
Beurré de Saint- Nicolas (syn. of Duchesse d’Orléans),
Beurré Samoyeau, 305
Beurré Scheidweiller, 306
Beurré Seutin, 306
Beurré de Silly, 306
Beurré Six, 306
Beurré Soulange, 306
Beurré Spence, 306
Beurré Stappaerts, 306
Beurré Steins, 306
Beurré Sterckmans, 306
Beurré de Stuttgardt, 307
Beurré Sucré, 307
Beurré Superfin, 137; parent of Comte de Lam-
bertye, 346
Beurré Thoury, 307
Beurré Thuerlinckx (syn. of Thuerlinckx), 563
Beurré Triguer, 307
Beurré de Ulm, 307
Beurré Vanille, 307
Beurré Varenne de Fenille, 307
Beurré Vauban, 307
Beurré Vert d’Eté, 307
Beurré Vert Tardif, 308
Beurré Vert de Tournai (syn. of Bergamotte de
Tournai), 277
Beurré Vital (syn. of Vital), 574
Beurré Wamberchies, 308
Beurré de Wetteren, 308
Beurré Winter, 308
Beurré Witzhumb, 308
Beurré Woronson, 308
Beurré Zotman, 308
Beyer Martinsbirne, 308
Beymont, 308
Bezi Blanc, 309
Bezi de Naples, 309
Bezi Vaet (syn. of Besi de Saint-Waast), 281
Bezy de Caissoy (syn. of Besi de Quessoy), 281
Bidwell, General, orig. of Kennedy, 434
Bied-Charreton, 309
Bierbaumer Mostbirne, 309
Big Productive, 309
Bijou, 309
Bill Campbell, 309
Binsce, 309
Birn von Fontenay (syn. of Fontenay), 166
Birne von Turschud, 309
Biseau d’Hauteville, A. de, orig. of Beurré de
Biseau, 287
Biseau d’Hauteville, Chevalier de, orig. of Président
Watier, 511
Bishop Thumb, 309
Bivort, Alexandre, orig. of varieties, 237, 241, 264,
269, 284, 287, 303, 326, 340, 355, 431, 464, 465,
475» 490, 511, 520, 523, 528, 530, 531, 544, 581;
work as pear breeder, 19
Bivort Zuckerbirne, 309
Black Hawk, 310
Black Huffcap, 310
Black mold of pear, 117
Black Pear of Worcester (syn. of Black Worcester),
Black Sorrel, 310
Black Worcester, 310
Blackeney Red, 310
Blanchet, Claude, orig. of Claude Blanchet, 340;
La France, 440
Blanquet Anastére, 310
Blanquet Long, 311
Blanquet 4 Longue Queue, 311
Blanquet Précoce, 311
Blanquet de Saitonge, 311
Blanquette de Toulouse, 311
Bleeker Meadow, 311
Blessed, 311
Blickling, 311
Blight, pear, control of, 113; notes on, III
Blight resistance of Pyrus ovoidea, 81;
ussuriensis, 78
Blight resistant pear varieties, 112
Block, 311
Block, A., orig. of Acme, 237; Block, 311
Blodget, 312
Blodget, David, orig. of Blodget, 312
Bloodgood, 138
Bloodgood, James, introd. of Bloodgood, 139
Bloodgood’s Sommerbirne (syn. of Bloodgood), 138
Blooming season of pear varieties, 88
Blooming time of pears, notes on, 87
Blumenbirne, 312
Blutbirne, 312
Bocksbirne, 312
Bodiker Dechantsbirne, 312
Bogenakerin, 312
Béhmische frithe Jakobsbirne, 312
Boieldien, 312
Boisbunel, orig. of varieties, 200, 243, 245, 266, 275,
278, 287, 290, 295, 324, 344, 347, 349, 361, 366,
379 395; 427, 440, 451, 452, 462, 469, 470, 471,
472, 491, 493, 505, 509, 510, 512, 544, 555, 570
Boisselot, orig. of Fortunée Boisselot, 387; Président
de la Bastie, 509; Professeur Barral, 514
Bolarmud, 312
Bollweiler, orig. of Bollweiler Butterbirne, 312
Bollweiler Butterbirne, 312
Bologna, 312
Bonamy. orig. of Paul Bonamy, 492
Bon-Chrétien d’Auch (syn. of Bon-Chrétien d’Hiver),
Bon-Chrétien d’Auch (Calvel), 312
Bon-Chrétien d’Automne, 313
Bon-Chrétien Bonnamour, 313
Bon-Chrétien de Bruxelles (syn. of Bon-Chrétien
Fondant), 313
Bon-Chrétien d’Espagne, 313
Bon-Chrétien d’été, 313
Bon-Chrétien Fondant, 313
Bon-Chrétien Fred Baudry (syn. of Baudry), 261
Bon-Chrétien Frédéric Baudry, 313
Bon-Chrétien d’Hiver, 314
Bon-Chrétien d’Hiver Panaché, 314
Bon-Chrétien Mathieu Joseph Lamarche, 314
Bon-Chrétien de Nikita (syn. of Nikitaer Grtne
Herbst-Apothekerbirne), 482
Bon-Chrétien Prevost, 314
Bon-Chrétien de Rance (syn. of Beurré de Rance),
Bon-Chrétien du Rhin d’Automne, 314
Bon-Chrétien Ricchiero, 314
Bon-Chrétien Vermont, 315
Bon-Chrétien de Vernois, 315
Bon-Chrétien de Vernois (syn. of Flemish Bon-
Chrétien), 382
Bon-Chrétien Williams’ (syn. of Bartlett), 124
Bon Gustave, 315
Bon Parent, 315
Bon-Roi-René, 315
Bon Vicaire, 315
Bonne d’Anjou, 315
Bonne-Antonine, 315
Bonne de Beugny, 316
Bonne Carmélite, 316
Bonne de la Chapelle, 316
Bonne Charlotte, 316
Bonne-Ente (syn. of White Doyenné), 228
Bonne d’Ezée, 316
Bonne de Jalais, 316
Bonne-Jeanne, 316
Bonne Louise d'Avranches (syn. of Louise Bonne de
Jersey), 193
Bonne de Malines, parent of Léger, 444
Bonne de Malines (syn. of Winter Nelis), 232
Bonne Sophia, 316
Bonne de Soulers (syn. of Bergamotte de Soulers),
Bonne Thérése, 317
Bonne des Zoes, 317
Bonnefond, orig. of Madame Bonnefond, 456
Bonnefoy, orig. of Doyenné Nérard, 368; Madame
Elisa Dumas, 457
Bonners, 317
Bonneserre de Saint-Denis, 317
Bonnet, orig. of Beurré Hardy, 136; Lesbre, 447
Bonnet Zuckerbirne, 317
Bordeaux (syn. of Duchesse de Bordeaux), 371
Bordine Musk, 317
Borers on pear, 120
Bosc, introd. of Styrian, 554
Bosc (syn. of Beurré Bosc), 130
Bosc's Butterbirne (syn. of Beurré Bosc), 130
Bosc’s Flaschenbirne (syn. of Beurré Bosc), 130
Boston (syn. of Pinneo), 499
Botany, structural, of pear, 58
Bouchamp, 317
Boucqueau, Albert, orig. of Fondante Albert, 383
Boucquia, 317
Bouet, Henri, orig. of Henri Bouet, 415
Bourdon de Roi, 317
Boussock (syn. of Doyenné Boussock), 152
Boutoc, 317
Bouvert Musqué (syn. of Parfum d’Hiver), 490
Bouvier, Simon, orig. of varieties, 184, 240, 241, 315,
318, 328, 343, 355» 356, 378, 416, 426, 446, 545,
546, 565, 568; work as pear breeder, 19
Bouvier d’Automne, 318
Bouvier Bourgmestre, 318
Bouviers Herbstbirne, 318
Bouzin, Norbert, orig. of Doyenné de Ramegnies,
Bowdoin, 318
Bowne Winter Russet, 318
Boyken June, 318
Braconot, 318
Brandes, 318
Brandywine, 140
Braunrote Speckbirne, 318
Braunrothe Frihlingsbirne, 319
Braunrothe Sommerrusselet, 319
Brederode, 319
Breeding pears, Van Mons’ theory of, 18
Bremer Butterbirne, 319
Brewer, 319
Brewster, 319
Brialmont, 319
Brielsche Pomeranzenbirne, 319
Briffaut, 319
Briffaut, orig. of Président Payen, 510
Brincklé, Dr. W. D., orig. of Catherine Gardette,
330; Edward Seedling St. Germain, 375; Presi-
dent Felton, 509; Wilmington, 582
Brindamour, 320
Bringewoad, 320
British Queen, 320
Brockworth Park (syn. of Bonne d’Ezée), 316
Broncirte Winterbirne, 320
Bronx, 320
Bronzée Boisselot, 320
Bronzée d’Enghien, 320
Brookline, 320
Broom Park, 320
Brough Bergamot, 320
Brown, Samuel, orig. of Sam Brown, 539
Brown Beurré (syn. of Beurré Gris), 296
Brown-Blotch of pear, 116
Bruant, introd. of Figueira, 382; orig. of Com-
mandant Belaieff, 345
Bruce, A. L., orig. of Alamo, 240
Bruderbirne (syn. of Pound), 208
Brugmans, 321
Brumbirne, 321
Brune Minéme, 321
Brunet, 321
Brisseler Herbstbergamotte, 321
Briissler Zuckerbirne (syn. of Sucrée Van Mons), 555
Brute Bonne, 321
Bryan, Edwards, 321
Bryant, mention of fruits in California by, 54; orig.
of Cedarmere, 331
Brymer, Col., introd. of Santa Claus, 540
Buchanan, 321
Buchanan, Isaac, orig. of Buchanan, 321
Buckman, Benjamin, orig. of Timpling, 563
Bud-moth on pear, 120
Budd, J. L., introd. of Russian pears, 56; orig. of
Gibb, 396
Buffalo, 321
Buffam (syn. of Buffum), 141
Buffum, 141
Bugiarda (syn. of Bon-Chrétien Fondant), 313;
(Epine a’Eté), 377
Buneau, Jules, orig. of Marie Jallais, 464
Bunte Mannabirne, 321
Buntebirne, 321
Burbank, Luther, orig. of Test, 560
Burchardt, Judge, orig. of Malvoisie de Landsberg,
Burchardt Butterbirne, 322
Buree Winter, 322
Burgoyne, 322
Burkett, 322
Burlingame, 322
Burlingame, Mrs., orig. of Burlingame, 322
Burnett, 322
Burnett, Joel, orig. of Burnett, 322
Burton, R. E., orig. of Ulatis, 567
Butt Pear, 322
Butterartige Bergamotte, 322
Butterbirne von Saint- Nicolas (syn. of Duchesse
d’Orléans), 156
Buttner Sachsische Ritterbirne, 322
Cabot, 323
Cabot, J. S., orig. of Cabot, 323
Cadeau, 323
Cadet de Vaux, 323
Caen de France, 323
Caesar, 323
Caillot (syn. of Naquette), 480
Caillot Rosat (English), 323
Caillot Rosat (French), 323
Calbasbirn, 324
Calebasse, 324
Calebasse Abbé Fétel (syn. of Abbé Fétel), 236
Calebasse d’Anvers, 324
Calebasse de Bavay, 324
Calebasse Boisbunel, 324
Calebasse Bosc, 324
Calebasse Delvigne, 325
Calebasse d’Eté, 325
Calebasse Fondante, 325
Calebasse Grosse (syn. of Van Marum), 569
Calebasse d’Hiver, 325
Calebasse Kickx, 325
Calebasse Leroy, 325
Calebasse Oberdieck, 325
Calebasse d’Octobre, 326
Calebasse princesse Marianne (syn. of Princesse
Marianne), 513
Calebasse Rose, 326
Calebasse Tougard, 326
Calebasse Verte, 326
Calhoun, 326
California, first commercial pear orchard in, 54
Caliorosa, 326
Caliroa cerasi on pear, 119
Calixte Mignot, 326
Calliot (syn. of Caillot Rosat (French)), 324
Calvillebirne, 326
Calvin, 326
Camak, 326
Camak, J., orig. of Camak, 326
Cambacérés, 327
Camerling, 327
Camille de Rohan, 327
Camperveen (syn. of Kamper-Venus), 433
Canandaigua, 327; parent of Ontario, 202
Canners Japan (syn. of Japan Golden Russet), 428
Canning, 327
Canning pears, 109
Canourgues, 327
Cantelope, 327
Canton, 327
Capeinick, orig. of Duchesse de Brabant, 372
Capiaumont, orig. of Beurré Capiaumont, 289
Capsheaf, 328
Capucine Van Mons, 328
Carasi, 328
Carcas, orig. of Roux Carcas, 532
Cardinal Georges d’Ambroise, 328
Cardinale (syn. of Amiral), 244
Carleton, 328
Carmel, 328
Carminbirne, 328
Caroline Hogg, 328
Carpocapsa pomonella on pear, 118
Carriére, 329
Cartheurserbirne, 329
Case, William, orig. of Mary (Case), 467
Casimir, 329
Cassante du Comice, 329
Cassante de Mars, 329
Cassel, 329
Cassel Nurs. Co., introd. of Cassel, 329
Casser, orig. of Columbia, 344
Casserule (syn. of Poire de Casserole), 502
Cassolette, 329
Cassolette (Knoop), 329
Castelain, Florimond, orig. of Caste!line, 330
Castelline, 330
Catch crops for pear orchards, 102
Caterpillars on pear, 120
Catherine Gardette, 330
Catherine Lambré, 330
Catherine Royal, 330
Catillac, 330
Catinka, 330
Cato, mention of pear by, 7
Cauwenberghe, Liévin Van, orig. of Henriette Van
Cauwenberghe, 416
Cavaignac, 330
Cavelier de la Salle, 331
Cecil, Mrs. Evelyn, mention of pears by, 31
Cedarmere, 331
Cels Butterbirne, 331
Century, 331
Cephalothecitum roseum, cause of pink-rot of pear, 117
Cerise Brune, 331
Cerise Double, 331
Cerruttis Durstlésche, 331
Certeau, 331
Certeau d’Automne, 331
Certeau d’Eté, 331
Certeau d’Hiver, 332
Cesile, 332
Chaenomeles, relationship of, to pear, 57
Chaigneau, 332
Chair-a-Dame, 332
Chalk (syn. of Crawford), 350
Chambers (syn. of Early Harvest), 158
Chambrette, Marquis, introd. of Virgouleuse, 573
Chamness, 332
Chamness, orig. of Chamness, 332
Champ Riche d’Italie, 332
Champagner Bratbirne, 333
Chancelier de Hollande, 333
Chancellor, 333
Chancellor, orig. of Chancellor, 333
Chantry, 333
Chaploux, 333
Chapman, 333
Chaptal, 333
Charlemagne, promotion of pear culture by, 12
Charles Bivort, 333
Charles Cognée, 334
Charles Ernest, 334
Charles Frederickx, 334
Charles de Guelin, 334
Charles Smet, 334
Charles van Hooghten, 334
Charles Van Mons, 334
Charli Basiner, 334
Charlotte de Brouwer, 334
Charlotte de Roucourt, 335
Charnock, 335
Charon, orig. of Beurré Charon, 290
Chat Brulé, 335
Chatenay, Pierre, orig. of Beurré Chatenay, 290
Chattanooga, 335
Chaudfontaine, 335
Chaudy, orig. of Madame Chaudy, 456
Chaumontel, 335; parent of Chaumontel Gras, 335
Chaumontel Gras, 335
Chaumontel Swan Egg, 336
Chaumontelle d’été, 336
Chelmsford, 336 —
Cher & Dames (Knoop), 336
Cherroise, 336
Chesill, 336
Chesneau, discov. of Fondante de la Roche, 385
Chevreau, Arthur, orig. of Arthur Chevreau, 253
Chilton, 336
China, 336
Chinese Pear. (See Pyrus serotina)
Chinese Sand (syn. of Sha Lea), 545
Chio, 337
Choak-pear, 337
Choisnard, 337
Cholwell, 337
Christmas, 337
Christmas Beurré, 337
Church, 337
Churchill, Mrs., orig. of Alexander, 240
Chypre, 337
Cincincis, 338
Cincincis Seedling, 338
Cinquantiéme anniversaire, 338
Cire, 338
Cité Gomand, 338
Citrina, 338
Citron, 338
Citron des Carmes (syn. of Madeleine), 195
Citron d’Hyver, 339
Citron de Saint Paul, 339
Citron de Sierentz, 339
Citronnée, 339
Clairgeau, Pierre, orig. of Beurré Clairgeau, 132
Clairgeau (syn. of Beurré Clairgeau), 132
Clairgeau's Butterbirne (syn. of Beurré Clairgeau),
Clap, 339
Clap, William, orig. of Clap, 339
Clapp, F. & L., orig. of Newhall, 481; Nicholas, 481
Clapp, Lemuel, orig. of Dorset, 149; Frederick
Clapp, 169; Harris (Massachusetts), 412
Clapp, Thaddeus, orig. of Clapp Favorite, 143;
Sarah, 541
Clapp Favorite, 142; parent of Tolstoy, 564; place
of, in commercial pear culture, 84
Clapp No. 22 (syn. of Frederick Clapp), 169
Clapp’s Favourite (syn. of Clapp Favorite), 142
Clapp's Liebling (syn. of Clapp Favorite), 142
Clara, 339
Clara Durieux, 339
Claretenbirne, 339
Clark, 339
Clarksville, 340
Claude Blanchet, 340
Claude Mollet, 340
Clay, 340
Clean culture versus sod for pear orchards, 102
Clémence de Lavours, 340
Clémence van Rumbeck, 340
Clément Bivort, 340
Clementine, 340
Climate adapted to pear culture, 85
Climate of America uncongenial to pears, 38
Clinton, 340
Clion (syn. of Vicar of Winkfield), 227
Cloche de Wittenberg, 340
Clot, orig. of Beurré Clotaire, 290
Cludius, orig. of Hildesheimer Spate Sommerbirne,
Codling moth on pear, 118
Cour-de-Boeuf (syn. of Ochsenherz), 484
Coit, Colonel, orig. of Beurré de Coit, 291; Coit
Beurré, 340
Coit Beurré, 340
Cold resistant pears, 86
Cold storage of pears, 109
Cole, 341
Cole Winter, 341
Colland, Jean, orig. of Triomphe de Vienne, 566
Collins, 341
Colmar, 341
Colmar d’Alost, 341
Colmar d’Arenberg, 341
Colmar Artoisenet, 341
Colmar d’Automne Nouveau, 342
Colmar Bretagne, 342
Colmar Charni, 342
Colmar Daras, 342
Colmar Delahaut, 342
Colmar Demeester, 342
Colmar Dewez, 342
“Colmar Epine, 342
Colmar d’Eté, 343
Colmar Flotow, 343
Colmar-Hirondelles, 343
Colmar des Invalides (syn. of Colmar Van Mons), 344
Colmar de Jonghe, 343
Colmar de Mars, 343
Colmar du Mortier, 343
Colmar Navez, 343
Colmar Neill, 344
Colmar Sirand, 344
Colmar Van Mons, 344
Colmart, 344
Coloma, Count de, orig. of Beurré Coloma, 291;
Coloma Carmeliterbirne, 344; Reine des Poires,
519; Supreme Coloma, 557
Coloma Carmeliterbirne, 344
Coloma's Herbst Butterbirne (syn. of Urbaniste), 224
Colonel Wilder, 143
Colorado Seedless, 344
Colorée de Juillet, 344
Columbia, 144
Columbia (syn. of Barseck), 260
Comet (syn. of Lawson), 186
Cometbirne (syn. of Lawson), 186
Comice (syn. of Doyenné du Comice), 153
Comice Horticole, originator of Doyenné du Comice,
Commandant Belaieff, 345
Commercial varieties of pears, 84; in New York, tor
Commissaire Delmotte, 345
Commodore, 345
Compotbirne, 345
Compote d’Eté, 345
Comprette, 345
Comstock, 345
Comte Canal de Malabaila, 345
Comte de Chambord, 345
Comte d’Egmont, 346
Comte de Flandres, 346
Comte de Lambertye, 346
Comte de Lamy (syn. of Lamy), 184
Comte Lelieur, 346
Comte de Meladore, 346
Comte de Morny, 346
Comte de Paris, 346
Comtesse d’Alost, 346
Comtesse de Chambord, 346
Comtesse Clara Frijs, 347
Comtesse de Grailly, 347
Comtesse de Paris, 347
Condorcet, 347
Conference, 347
Congrés de Gand, 347
Congrés Pomologique, 347
Conkleton, 348
Conklin, 348
Connecticut, 348
Conseiller de Hollande, 348
Conseiller Ranwez, 348
Constant, Thomas, orig. of Sudduth, 220
Constant Claes, 348
Constitutional characters of pear-trees, 59
Cooke, 348
Cooke, Elijah, orig. of Beurré Preble, 303
Coolidge, D. W., introd. of Winter Bartlett, 231
Copia, 348
Coppiers, orig. of Vice-Président Coppiers, 572
Cordus, discussion of pears by, 20
Cornélie Daras, 348
Cornemuse, 348
Cornewell, 349
Cost of growing pears, II0
Coter, 349
Coule-Soif de Cerutti, 349
Courte-queue d’Automne, 349
Courte-queue d’Hiver, 349
Cousin Blanc, 349
Couteau, 349
Coxe, experimental orchards of, 52; first American
pomology by, 52
Craig, 349
Craig Favourite, 350
Crassane, 350; parent of Boieldien, 312; Lydie
Thiérard, 454
Crassane Libotton, 350
Crassane du Mortier, 350
Crawford, 350
Crawford, N. W., orig. of Carmel, 328
Crede kegelformige Zuckerbirne, 350
Crede Sommerrusselet, 350
Crescenzi, discussion of pear by, 11
Crisco, 351
Crisco, Robert, orig. of Crisco, 351
Crnivka, 351
Crocker, 351
Croft Castle, 351
Crosby, J. W., orig. of Redfield, 518
Cross, 351
Cross, orig. of Cross, 351
Crouch, 351
Crow, 351
Crown-gall on pear, 116
Cuissard and Barret, orig. of Madame Cuissard, 456
Cuisse Madame, parent of Windsor, 583
Cuisse Madame (syn. of Jargonelle (French)), 178
Cullem, 351
Culture, pear, notes on, 83
Cumberland, 351
Curé (syn. of Vicar of Winkfield), 227
Curé d’Oleghem, 352 ;
Curtet’s Butterbirne (syn. of Lamy), 184
Cushing, 352
Cushing, Col. Washington, orig. of Cushing, 352
Cydonia, relationship of, to pear, 57
Czernowes, 352
D’Amboise, 352
D’Ane (syn. of Langbirne), 441
D' Aout Allemande (syn. of Deutsche Augustbirne),
D’Arad, 352
D’Auch, 352
D’Guf, 352
Daimyo, 353
Dallas, 353
Dame, 353 .
Dame-verte, 353
Dana, Francis, orig. of varieties, 146, 238, 244, 255,
380, 388, 396, 455, 466, 509, 545
Dana Hovey, 146; parent of Luola, 454
Dana’s Hovey (syn. of Dana Hovey), 146
Dana’s No. 16 (syn. of Dana Hovey), 146
Danas Hovey (syn. of Dana Hovey), 146
Daras de Naghin, orig. of varieties, 242, 250, 260,
268, 269, 296, 324, 335, 342, 347, 348, 392, 396,
418, 424, 429, 444, 446, 458, 459, 463, 464, 492,
493; 517, 527, 550, 559, 565
Darimont, 353
Darlington, 353
Dathis, 353
Dauvesse, orig. of Esther Comte, 378
David, 353
David d’Angers, 353
Davis, 354
Davis, orig. of Davis, 354; Gold Nugget, 399
De Bavay (syn. of Autumn Colmar), 256
De Cerciaux, 354
De Chasseur, 354
De Croixmare, 354
De Duvergnies, 354
De la Farge, A., orig. of Belle et Bonne de la Pierre,
263; Besi de la Pierre, 281; Citron de Saint Paul,
De Fer, 354
De Fosse, 354
De Jonghe, J., introd. of varieties, 450; orig. of
varieties, 261, 280, 292, 334, 343, 348, 370, 447,
522; work of, as pear breeder, 19
De Jonghe’s Butterbirne (syn. of Beurré de Jonghe)
De Lamartine, 355
De Longueval, orig. of Louise Bonne de Jersey, 193
De Louvain, 355
De Nelis, work of, as pear breeder, 19
De Prétre, 355
De Quentin (syn. of Rousselet Saint-Quentin), 530
De Rachinquin, 355
De Serres, discussion of the pear by, 14
De Tongres (syn. of Durandeau), 373
Dearborn, 147
Dearborn, Gen. H. A. S., biography of, 147; orig.
of Dearborn, 147
Dearborn's Seedling (syn. of Dearborn), 147
Dechantsbirne von Alencon (syn. of Doyenné
d’Alencon), 150
Defays, Frangois, orig. of Beurré Defays, 292;
Doyenné Defays, 366
Degaud, Isidore, orig. of Délices de Froyennes, 356
Dehove, Francois, orig. of Rondelet, 523
Delannoy, Alexandre, orig. of Beurré Delannoy, 292
Delcange, 355
Délices d’Angers (syn. of Fondante du Panisel), 385
Délices de la Cacaudiére, 355
Délices de Charles, 355
Délices de Chaumont, 356
Délices Everard, 356
Délices de Froyennes, 356
Délices d’Hardenpont, 356
Délices d’'Hardenpont d’Angers (syn. of Fondante
du Panisel), 385
Délices d’Hiver, 356
Délices de Huy, 356
Délices de Jodoigne, 356
Délices de Ligaudiéres, 356
Délices de Lovenjoul, 356
Délices de la Meuse, 357
Délices de Naghin, 357
Délices de Saint-Médard, 357
Délices de Tirlemont, 357
Délicieuse de Grammont, 357
Délicieuse de Swijan, 357
Délisse, 357
Delpierre, 357
Delporte Bourgmestre, 357
Democrat, 357
Demoiselle (syn. of Vigne), 572
Demorest, 357
Dempsey, 357
Denis Dauvesse, 358
Derouineau, orig. of Beurré Derouineau, 292
Dervaes Bros., orig. of Bérgamotte la Gantoise, 272
Des Chartreux, 358
Des Chasseurs (syn. of Poire des Chasseurs), 502
Des Chevriers de Stuttgardt (syn. of Rousselet de
Stuttgardt), 531
Des Deux Sceurs, 358
Deschamps, Monseigneur, orig. of Beurré d’Aren-
berg, 129
Description blank for pear, opposite 68
Désiré Cornélis, 358
Desportes, Francois, orig. of Doyenné Downing,
Dessauer Weissbirne, 358
Deutsche Augustbirne, 358
Deutsche Glasbirne, 358
Deutsche Kimmelbirne, 358
Deutsche Muskateller, 358
Deux Fois I’An (syn. of Honey), 420
Deux Tétes, 359
Devergnies, 359
Devergnies, orig. of Devergnies, 359
Dewey, 359
Dhommeée, 359
Diamant-peer (syn. of Gansel Bergamot), 391
Dickerman, 359
Dickinson, orig. of Eureka, 379
Diego, 359
Diel (syn. of Beurré Diel), 133
Diel’s Butterbirne (syn. of Beurré Diel), 133
Dienstbotenbirne, 359
Dieudonné Anthoine, 359
Dikeman (syn. of Dickerman), 359
Diller, 360
Dilly, V., orig. of Beurré Dilly, 292
Diman, 360
Dion, orig. of Belle Guérandaise, 264
Directeur Alphand, 360
Directeur Hardy, 360
Directeur Tisserand, 360
Directeur Varenne, 360
Dirkjes Peer, 360
Diseases of the pear, 110
Dix, 360
Dix, Madame, orig. of Dix, 360
Dixie, 360
Doat, 361
Doat, orig. of Doat, 361
Docteur Andry, 361
Docteur Bénit, 361
Docteur Bourgeois, 361
Docteur Bouvier, 361
Docteur Capron, 361
Docteur Chaineau, 361
Docteur Delatosse, 361
Docteur Gromier, 361
Docteur Joubert, 361
Docteur Jules Guyot (syn. of Guyot), 173
Docteur Koch, 361
Docteur Lentier, 362
Docteur Lindley, 362
Docteur Meniere, 362
Docteur Nélis, 362
Docteur P. Bruzon, 362
Docteur Pariset, 362
Docteur Pigeaux, 362
Docteur Rhéder (syn. of Reeder), 211
Docteur Trousseau, 362
Doctor Bachmann, 362
Doctor Engelbrecht, 363
Doctor Hogg Bergamot, 363
Doctor Hoskins, 363
Doctor Howe, 363
Dr. Jules Guyot, 173
Doctor Reeder (syn. of Reeder), 211
Doctor Turner, 363
Dodge, 363
Dodoens, mention of pear varieties by, 16
Doktorsbirne, 363
Donatienne Bureau, 363
Dones, 363
Donville, 363
Doppelte Philippsbirne (syn. of Doyenné Boussock),
Doppelttragende gelbe Muskatellerbirne, 364
Dérell Herbst Muskateller, 364
Dorlain, orig. of Saint Ghislain, 536
Dorothée Nouvelle, 364
Dorothée Royale Nouvelle, 364
Dorr, 364
Dorschbirne, 364 7
Dorset, 149
Dosoris, 364
Double d’Automne, 364
Double Blossom (syn. of Double-Fleur), 364
Double-Fleur, 364
Double de Guerre, 365
Double-Plouvier, 365
Double Rousselet, 365
Douglas, 150
Douillard, orig. of Alexandrine Douillard, 241
Dow, 365
Downer, Samuel, introd. of Andrews, 246
Dowler, 365
Downton, 365
Doyen Dillen, 365
Doyenné (syn. of White Doyenné), 228
Doyenné d’Alencon, 150; parent of Bergamotte
Tardive Collette, 277; Pierre Curie, 499
Doyenné Bizet, 365
Doyenné Blanc (syn. of White Doyenné), 228
Doyenné Blanc Long, 366
Doyenné Boisnard, 366
Doyenné Boisselot, 366
Doyenné de Bordeaux, 366
Doyenné Boussoch (syn. of Doyenné Boussock),
Doyenné Boussock, 152; parent of Fondante des
Emmurées, 384
Doyenné Boussock Nouvelle (syn. of Doyenné Bous-
sock), 152
Doyenné Bouyron, 366
Doyenné du Cercle, 366
Doyenné 4 Cinq Pans, 366
Doyenné du Comice, 153; parent of Directeur
Tisserand, 360; Doyenné Georges Boucher, 367;
Jeanne d’Arc, 429; Pierre Corneille, 499
Doyenné Defays, 366
Doyenné Downing, 366
Doyenné d' Effay (syn. of Doyenné Defays), 366
Doyenné d’Eté, parent of Eliot Early, 375
Doyenné d’ £té (syn. of Summer Doyenné), 221
Doyenné Flon Ainé, 367
Doyenné Fradin, 367
Doyenné Georges Boucher, 367
Doyenné Goubault, 367
Doyenné Gray (syn. of Doyenné Gris), 367
Doyenné de la Grifferaye, 367
Doyenné Gris, 367
Doyenné Gris, parent of Avocat Allard, 257
Doynné Guillard, 367
Doyenné des Haies, 367
Doyenné d’ Hiver (syn. of Easter Beurré), 159
Doyenné Hudellet, 368
Doyenné Jamin, 368
Doyenné de Juillet (syn. of Summer Doyenné), 221
Doyenné de Lorraine, 368
Doyenné Louis, 368
Doyenné de Mérode (syn. of Doyenné Boussock),
Doyenné de Montjean, 368
Doyenné Nérard, 368
Doyenné Nouveau, 368
Doyenné Perrault, 368
Doyenné Picard, 368
Doyenné Rahard, 369
Doyenné de Ramegnies, 369
Doyenné Robin, 369
Doyenné Rose, 369
Doyenné Saint-Roch, 369
Doyenné de Saumur, 369
Doyenné Sentelet, 369
Doyenné Sieulle, 369
Doyenné Sterckmans (syn. of Beurré Sterckmans),
Drapiez, 369
Driessche, orig. of Beurré van Driessche, 293
Driessen's Pomeranzenbirne (syn. of Beurré Dries-
sen), 293
Drone, 370
Drouard (syn. of Président Drouard), 210
Du Breuil, Alphonse, orig. of Du Breuil Pére, 370;
Souvenir de du Breuil Pére, 549
Du Breuil Pére, 370
Du Mirror, 370
Du Mortier, orig. of Bergamotte de Tourni, 278
Du Roeulx, 370
Dubreuil, orig. of Professeur Dubreuil, 514
Dvbrulle, 370
Dubuisson, Isidore, orig. of Beurré Dubuisson, 293
Duc Alfred de Croy, 370
Duc d’Aumale, 370
Duc de Brabant, 370
Duc de Morny, 370
Duc de Nemours, 370
Duchess of Angouléme (syn. of Duchesse d’Angou-
léme), 154
Duchess Bronze (syn. of Duchesse d’Angouléme
Bronzée), 371
Duchess of Orleans (syn. of Duchesse d’Orléans), 156
Duchesse d’Angouléme, 154; parent of Bill
Campbell, 309; Cassel, 329; Dempsey, 357;
Douglas, 150; Duchesse Précoce, 372; General
Wauchope, 395; Henri Bouet, 415; place of, in
New York pear culture, 85
Duchesse d’Angouléme Bronzée, 371
Duchesse d’Angouléme Panachée, 371
Duchesse Anne, 371
Duchesse d’Arenberg, 371
Duchesse de Berry d’Eté, 371
Duchesse de Bordeaux, 371; parent of Doyenné a
Cinq Pans, 366 ;
Duchesse de Brabant, 372
Duchess de Brabant (De Capeinick), 372
Duchesse de Brissac, 372
Duchesse Grousset, 372
’ Duchesse Héléne d’Orléans, 372
Duchesse d’Hiver, 372
Duchesse Hybrid, 372
Duchesse de Mars, 372
Duchesse de Mouchy, 372
Duchesse d’Orléans, 156
Duchesse Précoce, 372
Duchovaya, 373
Dudley, 373
Dudley, mention of pears by, 45; orig. of Dudley,
Duhamel (syn. of Duhamel du Monceau), 157
Duhamel du Monceau, 157
Duhamel’s Butterbirne (syn. of Duhamel du Mon-
ceau), 157
Duke, Lucy, orig. of Beaufort, 262; Lucy Duke, 194
Dumas (syn. of Epine du Mas), 377
Dumon-Dumortier, 373
Dumont, Joseph, orig. of Bergamotte de Tournai,
277; Beurré Dumont, 293; Beurré’ d’Esquelmes,
Dundas, 373
Dunmore, 373
Dupuy Charles, 373
Duquesne, Abbé, orig. of Colmar Van Mons, 344;
Marie Louise, 198
Durand-Gasselin, orig. of Poire Brune de Gasselin,
Durandeau, 373
Durandeau, Charles Louis, orig. of Durandeau, 373
Durée, 374
Durst-Lésche, 374
Dussart, orig. of Bergamotte Dussart, 271
“Dutch Jacob ”, discoverer of Seckel, 215
Duval, orig. of Archiduc Charles, 251; Beurré Duval,
Dwarfing, best pear varieties for, 95; of pears, 94
Earl, S., orig. of Herkimer, 417
Early Ely, 374
Early Green Sugar, 374
Early Harvest, 158
Early Butter of Indiana (syn. of Craig), 349
Early Rousselet (syn. of Rousselet HAtif), 528
Early Wilbur (syn. of Wilbur), 580
Early Wilder (syn. of Wilder Early), 230
Easter Bergamot, 374
Easter Beurré, 159; parent of Directeur Varenne,
360; Louis Cappe, 451; Souvenir de Renault
Pére, 550
Eastern Belle, 374
Echasserie, 374
Eckard, W. C., orig. of Luola, 454
Economic considerations in pear culture, 94
Edle Somerbirne, 375
Edward Seedling St. Germain, 375
Edwards, Bryan, orig. of Bryan Edwards, 321
Edwards, Henry W., biography of, 375; orig. of
varieties, 326, 327, 338, 340, 353, 375, 388, 416,
567, 568, 581
Effe Holt, 375
Eliot, Judge Charles, orig. of Eliot Early, 375
Eliot Early, 375
Elisa d’Heyst, 375
Elizabeth, 161
Elizabeth (Edwards), 375
Elizabeth de Manning (syn. of Elizabeth), 161
Elizabeth Maury, 376
Ellis, 376
Ellis, Annie E., orig. of Ellis, 376
Ellis (New York), 376
Ellison, M. P., orig. of Ford, 386
Ellwanger, George, biography of, 205
Ellwanger & Barry, introd. into America of Alex-
ander Lucas, 240
Ely, Silas, orig. of Early Ely, 374
Emerald, 376
Emile d’Heyst, 376
Endicott pear tree, 41
Enfant Nantais, 376
Enfant Prodigue, 376
England, pear in, 29
English and American pear-growing
Epargne (syn. of Jargonelle), 177
Epine d’Eté, 377
Epine d’Eté Rouge, 377
Epine d’Hiver, 377
Epine de Jernages, 377
Epine du Mas, 377
Epine Royale, 377
Bpine-Royale de Courtray, 378
Eriophyes pyrt on pear, 119
Ermsinde, 378
Ernestine Auzolle, 378
Ernst, A. H., introd. of Prairie du Pond, 506
Eseme, 378
Espéren, Major, orig. of varieties, 165, 180, 219,
242, 271, 279, 288, 289, 315, 325, 329, 330, 334,
338, 362, 365, 375, 376, 384, 400, 430, 457, 462,
477, 478, 491, 492, 494, 513, 531, 542, 548, 558,
563, 573; work of, as a pear breeder, 19
Esperen Waldbirne (syn. of Belle de Foréts), 264
Esperen's Herrenbirne (syn. of Belle Lucrative), 126
Esperine, 378
Esperione, 378
Essex, 378
Essington, W. E., orig. of Autumn Joséphine, 256
Esther Comte, 378
Estienne, list of pears given by, 13
Estranguillon, 378
Esturion, 378
Eugéne Appert, 379
Eugéne Furst, 379
Eugéne Maisin, 379
Eugéne des Nouhes, 379
Eugéne Thirriot, 379
Euratsfelder Mostbirne, 379
Eureka, 379
Europe, eastern and central, pear in, 19
European pear varieties imported into America, 52
Eva Baltet, 379
Everard, Gabriel, orig. of Délices Everard, 356
Excellente de Moine, 380
Excelsior, 380
Eyewood, 380
Fabraea maculata, cause of leaf-blight, 115
Fall, 380
Fall Beurré d’Arenburg, 380
Famenga, 380
Farragut (syn. of Admiral Farragut), 238
Fassbirne (syn. of Tonneau), 564
Faurite, 380
Fauvanelle, 380
Favorite de Clapp (syn. of Clapp Favorite), 142
Favorite Joanon, 380
Favorite Morel, 381
Favre, orig. of Madame Favre, 458; Souvenir
Favre, 550
Feast, 381
Feast, Samuel, orig. of Feast, 381
Feaster, Aaron, orig. of Bleeker Meadow, 311
Félix de Liem, 381
Félix Sahut, 381
Feraut, orig. of Augier, 254
Ferdinand Gaillard, 381
Ferdinand de Lesseps, 381
Fertility, 381
Fertility of pear, 99
Fertilizers for pears, 98
Feuille de chéne (syn. of Naples), 479
Figue, 381
Figue d’Alengon, 382
Figue de Naples, 382
Figueira, 382
Fin Juillet, 382
Fin-Or d'Orléans, 382
Fin-Or de Septembre, 382
Fine Gold of Summer (syn. of Fin-Or d'Orléans),
Fitzwater, 382
Flack, W., orig. of Essex, 378
Fleming, Mrs. Maria, orig. of Lincoln, 191
Flemish Beauty, 163; parent of Bergamotte Nicolle,
274; Doctor Hopkins, 363; Eva Baltet, 379;
Max, 469
Flemish Bon Chrétien, 382
Flon, orig. of Bertrand Guinoisseau, 278; Beurré
Flon, 295; Doyenné Flon Ainé, 367; Fortunée
supérieure, 387; Maréchal Pelissier, 462
Flon-Grolleau, orig. of Général Bosquet, 394; Lieu-
tenant Poidevin, 448; Saint Vincent de Paul, 538
Florelle (syn. of Forelle), 167
Florent Schouman, 383
Florida Bartlett, 383
Florimond Parent, 390
Flower-buds of pear, characteristics of, 62
Flowers of pear, characteristics of, 62
Fluke, 383
Fluke, N. K., introd. of Fluke, 383
Fondante Agréable, 383
Fondante Albert, 383
Fondante d’Angers, 383
Fondante d'A utomne (syn. of Belle Lucrative), 126
Fondante de Bihorel, 383
Fondante des Bois (syn. of Flemish Beauty), 163
Fondante de Brest, 383
Fondante de Charleville, 384
Fondante de Charneau, 384
Fondante de Cuerne, 384
Fondante des Emmurées, 384
Fondante d’Ingendal, 384
Fondante de Ledeberg, 384
Fondante de la Maitre-Ecole, 384
Fondante de Malines, 384
Fondante de Mars, 384
Fondante de Moulins-Lille, 385
Fondante de Nees, 385
Fondante de Noél, 164
Fondante du Panisel, 385
Fondante des Prés, 385
Fondante de la Roche, 385
Fondante de Rome ou Sucré Romain, 385
Fondante de Saint-Amand, 385
Fondante de Schénert (syn. of Schonerts Omsewitzer
Schmalzbirne), 542
Fondante-de-Septembre, 385
Fondante Sickler, 386
Fondante de Thines, 386
Fondante Thirriot, 386
Fondante Van Mons, 386
Fondante de Wollmet, 386
Fontaine de Ghélin, orig. of Général Totleben, 395
Fontarabie, 386
Fontenay, 165
Foote, Asahel, orig. of Fall Beurré d’Arenburg, 380;
Foote Seckel, 386; Homestead, 420; Hoosic, 420;
Weeping Willow, 576
Foote Seckel, 386
Ford, 386
Forelle, 167
Forellenbirne (syn. of Forelle), 167
Forme de Bergamotte Crassane, 387
Forme de Curtet, 387
Forme de Délices, 387
Fortune, 387
Fortunée, 387; parent of Bergamotte Hertrich, 272;
Fortunée Boisselot, 387; Fortunée supérieure,
387; Olivier de Serres, 200
Fortunée Boisselot, 387
Fortunée de Printemos (syn. of Fortunée), 387
Fortunée supérieure, 387
Foster, Suel, orig. of Snow, 547
Fouqueray, orig. of Beurré Fouqueray, 295
Fourcine, W., orig. of Comtesse de Paris, 347
Fourcroy, 387
Fouron, 387
Fowler, Dr., orig. of Muscadine, 476
Fox, 168
Fox, Bernard S., biography of, 168; orig. of Colonel
Wilder, 144; Fox, 168; P. Barry, 203
Franc-Réal, 388
Franc Réal d’Hiver (syn. of Franc-Réal), 388
France, pear in, 12; rapid increase in pear varieties
in, 15
Frances, 388
Franchimont, 388
Franchipanne, 388
Francis, 388
Francis Dana, 388
Frangois Hutin, 388
Frangipane (syn. of Franchipanne), 388
Frangipane d’Hiver, 388
Frankenbirne, 389
Frankfurter Birne, 389
Franzésische Gute Graue Sommerbirne (syn. of
Grise-Bonne), 403
Franzésische Zapfenbirne (syn. of Brute Bonne),
Frau Louise Goethe, 389
Frederic Leclerc, 389
Frédéric de Wurtemberg, 389
Frederica Bremer, 389
Frederick Clapp, 169
Fremion, 390
French, connection of the, with history of pear in
America, 46
French pear stocks, notes on, 95
Frensdorff Kothe Flaschenbirne, 390
Frihe Backhausbirne, 390
Frithe Schweizer Bergamotte, 390
Fruit characters of pomes, 63
Fruit setting of pears, discussion of, 99
Fuller, 390
Fullero, 390
Fulton, 390; parent of Tudor, 567
Fulton, orig. of Fulton, 390
Fumago vagans, cause of black mold of pear, 117
Fusée d’Automne, 390
Fusée d’Hiver, 391
Gabourell Seedling, 391
Gakovsky, 391
Gallo, mention of pears by, 12
Galopin, orig. of Chaudfontaine, 335
Galston Muirfowl Egg, 391
Gambier, orig. of Beurré Gambier, 295; Fondante
d’Ingendal, 384; Marie Louise d’Uccle, 464 —
Gans, 391
Gans, Joseph, discoverer of Gans, 391
Gansekopf, 391
Gansel, Lieutenant-General, orig. of Gansel Ber-
gamot, 391
Gansel Bergamot, 391; parent of Gansel Seckel, 170
Gansel Late Bergamot, 391; parent of Doctor Hogg
Bergamot, 363
Gansel Seckel, 170
Gansel-Seckle (syn. of Gansel Seckel), 170
Garber, 171; place of, in commercial pear culture,
Garber, J. B., orig. of Garber, 171
Garber’s Hybrid (syn. of Garber), 171
Garden, pomological, of Robert Manning, 53
Garden, T. J., introd. of Cole Winter, 341
Garden Pear (syn. of Poirer de Jardin), 505
Garnier, 392
Garnier, orig. of Garnier, 392; Maria de Nantes, 463
Garnons, 392
Gassenbirne, 392
Gaston du Puys, 392
Gaudry, 392
Gaujard, orig. of Mademoiselle Marguerite Gaujard,
Géant, 392
Gefleckte Pomeranzenbirne, 392
Gefleckte Sommerrusselet, 392
Gefundene, 392
Geigenschnabel, 392
Geishirtle, 392
Gelbe Friihbirne (syn. of Jaune HAtive), 428
Gelbe frahe Sommerapothekerbirne, 392
Gelbe Fiursten-Tafelbirne, 393
Gelbe Heckenbirne, 393
Gelbe Holzbirne, 393
Gelbe Landlbirne, 393
Gelbe langstielige Alantbirne, 393
Gelbe Laurentiusbirne, 393
Gelbe Leutsbirne, 393
Gelbe Scheibelbirne, 393
Gelbe Sommerrusselet (syn.
d’Eté), 529
Gelbe Wasserbirne, 393
Gelbmostler, 394
Gellert’s Butterbirne (syn. of Beurré Hardy), 135
Gemeine Kochbirne, 394
Gemeine Pfundbirne, 394
Gendron, orig. of Beurré Gendron, 295
Général de Bonchamp, 394
Général Bosquet, 394
Général Canrobert, 394
Général Delage, 394
Général Dutilleul, 394
Général Duvivier, 395
General Kearney, 395
General Lamoriciére, 395
General Sherman, 395
General Taylor, 395
of Rousselet Jaune
Général Thouvenin, 395
Général Totleben, 395
General Wauchope, 395
Gensbirne, 395
George Augustus, 396
Georges Delebecque, 396
Gerando, 396
Gerarde, mention of pears by, 32
Gérardine, 396
Gerdessen, 396
Gerdessen, Pastor, orig. of Gerdessen, 396
Gergoneil (syn. of Jargonelle), 177
Gerippte Pomeranzenbirne, 396
German Muscat (syn. of Deutsche Muskateller), 358
Germany, pomological literature of, 20
Gernréder Pomeranzenbirne, 396
Gestreiffe Winter-Apothekerbirne, 396
Ghélin, Fontaine de, orig. of Beurré de Ghélin, 296
Ghellinck de Walle, 396
Ghellinck de Walle, orig. of Ghellinck de Walle, 396
Gibb, 396
Gibb, introd. of Russian pears by, 56
Gibey-Lorne, orig. of Monseigneur des Hons, 474
Giffard (syn. of Beurré Giffard), 134
Giffard’s Butterbirne (syn. of Beurré Giffard), 134
Gilain, 397
Gilles 6 Gilles, 397
Giram, 397
Girandoux, orig. of Girardon, 397
Girardon, 397
Girogile (syn. of Gilles 6 Gilles), 397
Glace d’hiver, 397
Glastonbury, 397
Gleck, 398
Gliva, 398
Gloire de Cambron, 398
Glou Morceau, 172; confusion with Beurré d’Aren-
berg, 129; parent of Bergamotte de Tournai, 277;
Beurré Ad. Papeleu, 283; Souvenir Favre, 550;
Winter Williams, 584
Glout Morceau (syn. of Glou Morceau), 172
Gloux Morceau (syn. of Glou Morceau), 172
Gloward, 398
Gnoico, 398
Goat-herd, 398
Goemans Gelbe
Goemans), 491
Gogal, 398
Gold Dust, 399
Gold Nugget, 399
Goldbirne, 399
Goldbordirte Holzbirne, 399
Golden Bell, 399
Golden Beurré of Bilboa, 398
Golden June, 399
Golden Knap, 399
Golden Queen, 399
Golden Russet, 399
Golden Russet (syn. of Japan Golden Russet), 428
Goldwérther Lederbirne, 399
Génnersche Birne, 399
Sommerbirne (syn. of Passe-
Goodale, 400
Goodale, E., orig. of Goodale, 400
Goodrich, Chauncey, orig. of Paddock, 489
Gore, Gov., orig. of Heathcot, 413
Got, 400
Goubault, Maurice, orig. of varieties, 138, 274, 279,
281, 293, 296, 304, 310, 367, 465, 471
Governor Carver, 400
Grabel, Jacob, orig. of Posey, 506
Grabenbirne, 400
Grading of pears, 108
Graf Moltke, 400
Grafting pears, 106
Graham, F. J., orig. of Autumn Nelis, 256
Graham Autumn Nelis (syn. of Autumn Nelis), 256
Grand Bretagne, 400
Grand Isle, 400
Grand Monarque (syn. of Catallac), 330
Grand-Soliel, 400
Grant, 401
Graslin, 401
Grasshoff Leckerbissen, 401
Gratiola, 401
Graus Flaschenbirne (syn. of Calbasbirn), 324
Graue Herbstrusselet, 401
Graue Holzbirne, 401
Graue Honigbirn, 401
Graue Pelzbirne, 401
Graue Speckbirne, 401
Graue Zuckerbirne, 402
Grazbirne, 402
Great Cassolette, 402
Great Citron of Bohemia, 402
Great Mammoth, 402
Greece, ancient, pear in, 3
Greeks, monographs on husbandry by, 7
Green, Charles A., introd. into America of Président
Drouard, 210
Green Chisel, 402
Green Mountain Boy, 402
Green Pear of Yair, 402
Green Yair (syn. of Green Pear of Yair), 402
Gregoire, Xavier, orig. of varieties, 238, 239, 249,
255, 257, 259, 273, 302, 303, 304, 338, 342, 345,
362, 396, 397, 414, 415, 425, 429, 432, 440, 445,
446, 451, 457, 458, 467, 473» 474, 483, 507, 510,
511, 512, 514, 529, 531, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551,
572, 573, 587; work as pear breeder, 19
Grégoire Bordillon, 403
Grey Good-Wife, 403
Gris, M. le, orig. of Doyenné de la Grifferaye, 367
Grise-Bonne, 403
Grolez-Duriez, orig. of Belle-Moulinoise,
Fondante de Moulins-Lille, 385
Groom, introd. of Groom Prince Royal, 403
Groom Prince Royal, 403
Gros Blanquet Long, 403
Gros Blanquet Rond, 403
Gros-Hativeau, 404
Gros Loijart, 404
Gros Lucas, 404
Gros Muscat Rond, 404
Gros Rousselet, 404
Gros Rousselet d’Aout, 405
Gros Trouvé, 405
Grosse Angleterre de Noisette (syn. of Grosse Poire
d’Amande), 406
Grosse Eisbirne, 405
Grosse Figue, 405
Grosse gelbe Weinbirne, 405
Grosse-Herbst-Bergamotte, 405
Grosse Landlbirne, 405
Grosse Leutsbirne, 405
Grosse-Louise, 405
Grosse Mostputzer, 405
Grosse Petersbirne, 406
Grosse Poire d’Amande, 406
Grosse Poire de Vitrier, 406
Grosse Queue, 406
Grosse Rommelter, 406
Grosse schéne Jungfernbirne, 406
Grosse September Birne, 406
Grosse Sommer-Zitronenbirne, 407
Grosse Sommersirene, 406
Grosse spite Weinbirne, 407
Grosse Verte-Longue Précoce de la Sarthe (syn. of
Verte-Longue de la Sarthe), 571
Grosser Roland, 407
Grousset, orig. of Enfant Nantais, 376
Groveland, 407
Grubbirne, 407
Grumkow, 407
Grunbirne, 407
Grtne Confesselsbirne, 407
Grane frihe Gewurzbirne, 407
Grune furstliche Tafelbirne, 407
Griine gesegnete Winterbirne, 408
Griine Lange Herbstbirne (syn. of Long Green), 449
Grune langstielige Winterhirtenbirne, 408
Griine Magdalene (syn. of Madeleine), 195
Grine Pfundbirne, 408
Grane Pichelbirne, 408
Griine Sommer-Bergamote, 408
Griine Sommer-Citronenbirne, 408
Griine Sommer- Magdalene (syn. of Madeleine), 195
Grane Wiedenbirne, 408
Grtine Winawitz, 408
Granmostler, 408
Guenette (syn. of Green Chisel), 402
Gueniot, orig. of Le Brun, 443
Guéraud, orig. of Adéle de Saint-Denis, 237
Guillot, orig. of Bon-Chrétien Bonnamour, 313
Gulabi, 409
Guntershauser Holzbirne, 409
Gustave Bivort, 409
Gustave Bourgogne, 409
Gustin Summer, 409
Gute Graue (syn. of Yat), 586
Gute Griine, 409
Gute Louise von Avranches (syn. of Louise Bonne de
Jersey), 193
Guyot, 173
Habichtsbirne, 409
Habit of growth of pear-trees, 59
Habitat of Pyrus auricularis, 73; Pyrus betulaefolia;
79; Pyrus calleryana, 80; Pyrus communis, 70,
Pyrus nivalis, 72; Pyrus serotina, 75; Pyrus
serotina culta, 76; Pyrus serrulata, 78; Pyrus
ussuriensis, 77
Hacon Incomparable, 409; parent of Hoosic, 420
Haddington, 409
Haffner Bros., orig. of Haffner Butterbirne, 410
Haffner Butterbirne, 410
Hagar, 410
Hagerman (syn. of Hegeman), 414
Haight, 410
Hallische gelbe Honigbirne, 410
Hamburg, 410
Hamburger Birne, 410
Hamilton, 410
Hammelsbirne, 410
Hamon, 410
Hampden Bergamot, 410
Hampton, W. C., orig. of Hampton Bergamot, 411;
Hampton Cluster, 411
Hampton Bergamot, 411
Hampton Cluster, 411
Hampton Virgalieu, 411
Hancock, 411
Hancock, Thomas, orig. of Tatnall Harvest, 559
Hangelbirne, 411
Hannover’sche Jakobsbirne, 411
Hannover’sche Margarethenbirne, 411
Hanover, 411
Hansen, N. E., orig. of Pushkin, 515; Tolstoy, 564
Hardenpont, Abbé, efforts in breeding pears by, 16;
orig. of varieties, 172, 206, 304, 356, 385
Hardenpont frithe Colmar, 411
Hardenpont's Winter Butterbirne (syn. of Glou
Morceau), 172
Hardy (syn. of Beurré Hardy), 135
Harigelsbirne, 412
Harnard, 412
Harnard, John, orig. of Harnard, 412
Harris (Georgia), 412
Harris (Massachusetts), 412
Harrison Large Fall, 412
Hartberger Mostbirne, 412
Harte Neapolitanerin, 412
Hartwiss, M. De, orig. of Beurré Woronson), 308
Harvard, 412
Harvest, 412
Harvesting pears, 106
Harvey, Eli, owner of original tree of Brandywine,
Hassler, 413
Hassler, J. E., orig. of A. J. Cook, 236; Hassler, 413
Hastings, J. C., introd. of Frederica Bremer, 389
Hausemerbirne, 413
Hautmonté, 413
Hawaii, 413
Hawes Winter, 413
Hawkesbill, 413
Hays, 413
Heat resistant pears, 86
Heathcot, 413
Hebe, 413
Hebron (syn. of Pinneo), 499
Hedwig von der Osten, 413 «
Hedwige d'Osten (syn. of Hedwig von der Osten),
Hegeman, 414
Hegeman, Andrew, orig. of Hegeman, 414
Heilige Angelika-Birne, 414
Héléne Grégoire, 414
Hélin, Dr., orig. of Beurré Caty, 290
Hellinckx, orig. of Colmar d’Alost, 341
Hellman, orig. of Melon de Hellman, 470
Hellmann, Melonenbirn, 414
Hemminway, 414
Henkel, 414
Henkel d’Automne (syn. of Henkel), 414
Henrard, Denis, orig. of Beurré Fenzi, 294; Bon-
Chrétien de Vernois, 315
Henri Bivort, 414
Henri Bouet, 415
Henri de Bourbon, 415
Henri Capron, 415
Henri Decaisne, 415
Henri Desportes, 415
Henri Grégoire, 415
Henri Ledocte, 415
Henri Quatre, 415
Henrt Van Mons (syn. of Fleur de Neige), 382
Henrietta, 416
Henriette, 416
Henriette Van Cauwenberghe, 416
Henry, Henry C., orig. of Henry (Illinois), 416
Henry (Connecticut), 416
Henry (Illinois), 416
Henry the Fourth (syn. of Henri Quatre), 415
Hérault, A., orig. of Bergamotte Hérault, 272; Fin
Juillet, 382; Joyau de Septembre, 432
Herbelin, 416
Herbin, 416
Herborner Schmalzbirne, 416
Herbst-Citronenbirne, 417
Herbst-Kloppelbirne, 417
Herbstbirne ohne Schale (syn. of Lansac), 443
Herbsteierbirne, 417
Herbstlanger, 417
Herbstsylvester (syn. of Frédéric de Wurtemberg),
Héricart, 417
Héricart de Thury, 417
Herkimer, 417
Herr, A. G., orig. of Herr Late Winter, 417
Herr Late Winter, 417
Hert, 417
Hertrich, orig. of Bergamotte Hertrich, 272
Hervy, Michel-Christophe, orig. of Chaptal, 333
Herzogin von Angouwléme (syn. of Duchesse d’An-
gouléme), 154
Hessenbirne, 418
Hessle, 418
Hewes, 418
Heyer Zuckerbirne, 418
Hicks, Isaac, orig. of Durée, 374
Higginson, mention of pears by, 45
Hilda, 418
Hildegard, 418
Hildesheimer Bergamotte, 418
Hildesheimer spate Sommerbirne, 418
Hildesheimer Winterbirn, 418
Hingham, 419
Hirschbirne, 419
Hirsenbirne, 419
History of pear, long lapse in, 11
Hitzendorfer Mostbirne, 419
Hochfeine Butterbirne (syn. of Beurré Superfin), 137
Hoe Langer Hoe Liever, 419
Hofsta, 419
Holland Green, 419
Hollandische Butterbirne, 419
Hollandische Gewitrzbirne, 419
Hollandische Zuckerbirne, 419
Holmer, 420
Holt, L. W., orig. of Effie Holt, 375
Holzfarbige Butterbirne (syn. of Flemish Beauty),
Home ripening of pears, 109
Homer, mention of pear by, 4
Homestead, 420
Honey, 420
Honey (Russia), 420
Honey Dew, 420
Honigbergamotte, 420
Honnelbirne, 420
Hood, George, orig. of Lycurgus, 454
Hoosic, 420
Hopedale Nurs. Co., introd. of Weihmier Sugar, 576
Hopfenbirne, 421
Hosenschenk, 421
Houdin, orig. of Belle des Arbrés, 262
Houghlin, Joe, orig. of Golden June, 399
Housatonic, 421
Houser, 421
Hovey, 421
Howard, 421
Howe, Dr. John P., orig. of Doctor Howe, 363
Howe, John J., orig. of Housatonic, 421
Howe Winter, 421
Howell, 174; place in commercial pear culture, 84
Howell, Thomas, orig. of Howell, 175
Howell’s Seedling (syn. of Howell), 174
Hubert Grégoire, 421
Hudellet, Jules, orig. of Doyenné Hudellet, 368
Huffcap, 421
Hiffel Bratbirne, 421
Huggard, 421
Huguenot, 422
Huhle de Printemps, 422
Hull, 422
Hungerford Oswego, 422
Hunt Connecticut, 422
Huntington, 422
Hurbain d’Hiver, 422
Hussein Armudi, 422
Hutcherson, 422
Huyshe, Rev. John, orig. of ‘‘ Royal Pears,” 423
Huyshe Bergamot (syn. of Huyshe Prince of Wales),
Huyshe Prince Consort, 423
Huyshe Prince of Wales, 423
Huyshe Princess of Wales, 423
Huyshe Victoria, 423
Hyacinthe du Puis, 423
Ickworth, 423
Ida, 423
Idaho, 175
Ilinka, 424
Impériale 4 Feuilles de Chéne, 424
Incommunicable, 424
Incomparable de Beuraing, 424
Inconstant, 424
Indian Queen, 424
Infortunée, 424
Ingénieur Wolters, 424
Ingram, Thomas, orig. of British Queen, 320
Innominée, 424
Insects affecting pear, 117
International, 425
Iris Grégoire, 425
Iron Pear (syn. of Black Worcester), 310
Isabella, 425
Isabelle de Maléves, 425
Island, 425
Italienische Winterbergamotte, 425
Ives, 425
Ives, Dr. Eli, orig. of Dow, 365; Ives, 425; Ives
August, 425; New Haven, 481
Ives August, 425
Ives Bergamotte, 426
Ives Seedling, 426
Ives Virgalieu, 426
Ives Winter, 426
Ives Yale, 426
Jablousky, 426
Jackson, 426
Jackson, S. S., orig. of Jackson Elizabeth, 426
Jackson Elizabeth, 426
Jacqmain, 426
Jacques Chamaret, 426
Jacques Mollet, 427
Jakobsbirne, 427
Jalais, Jacques, orig. of Beurré du Champ Corbin,
290; Beurré Jalais, 298; Bonne de Jalais, 316;
Chaigneau, 332; Duchesse Anne, 371
Jalousie, 427
Jalousic de Fontenay (syn. of Fontenay), 166
Jalousie de Fontenay Vendée (syn. of Fontenay), 165
Jalousie de la Réole, 427
Jalousie Tardive, 427
Jalvy, 427
Jamin & Durand, origs. of Doyenné Jamin, 368
Jaminette, 427
Jansemine, 427
Japan, 428
Japan Golden Russet, 428
Japan Wonder, 428
Japanese Pear. (See Pyrus serotina)
Japanese Sand, 428
Jargonelle, 177; ancient names of, 177
Jargonelle (French), 178; parent of Henri Bouet, 415
Jargonelle d’automne, 428
Jaune HAtive, 428
Jaune de Merveillon, 428
Jean Baptist, 428
Jean-Baptiste Bivort, 428
Jean-Baptiste Dediest, 429
Jean Cottineau, 429
Jean Laurent, 429
Jean Sano, 429
Jean de Witte, 429
Jeanne, 429
Jeanne d’Arc, 429
Jefferson, 429
Jersey Gratioli, 430
Jerusalem, 430
Jeschil Armudi, 430
Jewel, 430
Jewess, 430
Joanon, orig. of Favorite Joanon, 380; Professeur
Willermoz, 514; Sainte Anne, 538
John Cotton, 430
John Griffith, 430
John Monteith, 430
John Williams, 430
Johonnot, 431
Johonnot, G. S., orig. of Huguenot, 422; Johonnot,
431; Naumkeag, 480
Joie du Semeur, 431
Jolie Lille de Gust, 431
Joly de Bonneau, 431
Jonah, 431; parent of Howell, 175
Jones, 431
Joseph Lebeau, 431
Joseph Staquet, 431
Joséphine de Binche, 431
Joséphine de Malines, 179; parent of Autumn
Joséphine, 256; Georges Delebecque, 396; Joie du
Semeur, 431
Joséphine de Maubrai, 431
Joséphine von Mecheln (syn. of Joséphine de
Malines), 179
Josephsbirne, 432
Josselyn, mention of pears by, 45
Joyau de Septembre, 432; parent of Fin Jullet, 382
Judge Andrews, 432
Jules d’Airoles (Grégoire), 432
Jules d’Airolles (Leclerc), 432
Jules Bivort (syn. of Délices de Lovenjoul), 356
Jules Blaise, 432
Jules Delloy, 432
Juli Dechantsbirne (syn. of Summer Doyenné), 221
Julie Duquet, 432
Julienne, 432
Juneberry, relationship of, to pear, 57
Juvardeil, 432
Kaestner, 433
Kalchbirne, 433
Kalmerbirne, 433
Kamper-Venus, 433
Kathelenbirne, 433
Katy, 433
Keiffer (syn. of Kieffer), 180
Keiser, 433
Kelsey, 434
Kelsey, William, orig. of Kelsey, 434
Kennedy, 434
Kenrick, William, introd. into America of Beurré
Bose, 131; Doyenné Boussock, 152
Kentucky, 434
Kenyon, 434
Kermes, 434
Kessler, Charles, introd. of Reading, 517
Kieffer, 180; parent of Cassel, 329; Douglas, 150;
Eureka, 379; Theodore Williams, 561
Kieffer, Peter, orig. of Kieffer, 181
Kieffer and Bartlett leading commercial pears, 84
Kieffer’s Hybrid (syn. of Kieffer), 180
Kilwinning, 434
King, 434
King Catherine (syn. of Catherine Royal), 330
King Edward, 434
King Seedling, 434
King Sobieski, 435
Kingsessing, 182
Kirtland, 435
Kirtland, Prof., orig. of Kirtland, 435
Klein Landbirne, 435
Kleine Fuchselbirne, 435
Kleine gelbe Bratbirne, 435
Kleine gelbe Hessenbirne, 435
Kleine gelbe Maukelbirne, 435
Kleine gelbe Sommer-Zuckerbirne, 435
Kleine gelbe Sommermuskatellerbirne, 435
Kleine grune Backbirne, 435
Kleine Lange Sommer-Muskatellerbirne, 436
Kleine Leutsbirne, 436
Kleine Petersbirne (syn. of Petersbirne), 495
Kleine Pfalzgrafin, 436
Kleine Pfundbirne, 436
Kleine runde Haferbirne, 436
Kleine schlesische Zimmbirne, 436
Kleine Schmalzbirne (syn. of Petite Fondante), 497
Kleine Sommer-Zuckerratenbirne, 436
Kleine Zweibelbirne, 437
Kleiner Katzenkopf (syn. of Petit Catallac, 496)
Kloppelbirne, 437
Knabenbirne, 437
Knausbirne, 437
Knechtchensbirne, 437
Knight, 437
Knight, Thomas Andrew, orig. of varieties, 289, 320,
351, 365, 373, 380, 423, 462, 473, 474, 484, 494,
524, 527, 546, 563
Knight, William, orig. of Knight, 437
Knight Monarch (syn. of Monarch), 474
Knollbirne, 437
Knoop, Herman, orig. of Calebasse, 324
Knoop, Misses, orig. of Des Deux Soeurs, 358
Knoops Simmtbirne, 437
Kolmasbirne, 438
Kolstuck, 438
K6nig Karl von Wiurttemberg, 438
K6nigliche Weissbirne, 438
K6nigsbirne, 438
Konstanzer Langler, 438
Koolstock, 438
Koonce, 183
Kopertscher (syn. of Supréme Coloma), 557
Késtliche Van Mons (syn. of De Duvergnies), 354
Kraft Sommer Bergamotte, 438
Krauelbirne, 438
Kreiselformige Blankette (syn. of Gros Blanquet
Long), 403
Kreiselférmige Flegelbirne, 438
Kriegebirne, 439
Krivonogof, 439
Krockhals, 439
Kréten Bergamotie (syn. of Bergamotte Bufo), 270
Krull, 439
Krull, orig. of Krull, 439
Krull Winter (syn. of Krull), 439
Krummegestielte Feigenbirne, 439
Krummholzige Schmalzbirne (syn. of Arbre Courbe),
Kuhfuss, 439
Kiimmelbirne (syn. of Besi d’Héry), 280
Kurskaya, 439
L’Inconnue Van Mons, 439
L’Inconstante, 439
La Béarnaise, 440
La Bonne Malinoise (syn. of Winter Nelis), 232
La Cité Gomand, 440
La France, 440
La Grosse Oignonette (syn. of Onion), 486
La Moulinoise, 440
La Quintinye, 440
La Savoureuse, 440
La Solsticiale, 440
La Vanstalle, 440
Lachambre, Octave, orig. of Octave Lachambre, 484
Lacroix, 441
Lady (syn. of Vigne), 572
Lady Clapp, 441
Lafayette, 441
Lagrange, orig. of Sénateur Vaisse, 544
Lahérard, 441
Lamartine (syn. of De Lamartine), 355
Lammas, 441
Lammerbirne, 441
Lampe, orig. of Belle de Juillet, 265
Lamy, 184
Lancaster, 441
Lancaster, T. S., orig. of Lancaster, 441
Landsberger Malvasier, 441
Langbirne, 441
Lange gelbe Bischofsbirne, 442
Lange Gelbe Muscatellerbirne, 442
Lange griine Herbstbirne (syn. of Long Green of
Autumn), 449
Lange grine Winterbirne, 442
Lange Mundnetzbirne, 442
Lange Sommer-Bergamotte, 442
Lange Wasserbirne, 442
Langelier, Réné, orig. of Beurré Langelier, 299
Langstielege Zuckerbirne, 442
Langstieler, 442
Langstielige Pfaffenbirne, 442
Lansac, 443
Large Blanquet (syn. of Gros Blanquet Long), 403
Large Duchess, 443
Larissa, 443
Laure Gilbert, 443
Laure de Glymes, 443
Lawrence, 185; place of, in New York pear culture,
Lawson, 186
Lawson, owner of original tree of, 186
Laxton, orig. of Laxton Bergamot, 443
Laxton, Bergamot, 443
Le Breton, 443
Le Brun, 443
Le Congo, 444
Le Conte, 187; parent of Big Productive, 309;
Conkleton, 348
Le Curé (syn. of Vicar of Winkfield), 227
Le Lecher, 444
Le Lectier, 188
Le Lectier, improvement of pears by, 14
Leaf-blight of pear, notes on, 115
Leaf-buds of pear, characteristics of, 61
Leaf-spot of pear, notes on, 115
Leaves of pear, characteristics of, 61
Leclerc, Léon, orig. of varieties, 190, 244, 247, 318,
426, 432, 510
Leclerc-Thouin, 444
Lederbirne, 444
Lederbogen, orig. of Beurré de Lederbogen, 299
Lee, 444
Lee Seckel, 444
Leech, Isaac, owner of original tree of Kingsessing,
Lefévre, orig. of Beurré de Mortefontaine, 301
Lefévre-Boitelle, orig. of Beurré Pauline Delzent,
Léger, 444
Lehoferbirne, 444
Leipsic Radish (syn. of Leipziger Rettigbirn,) 444
Leipziger Rettigbirn, 444
Lemon (Massachusetts), 445
Lemon (Russia), 445
Lenawee, 445
Leochine de Printemps, 445 -
Léon Dejardin, 445
Léon Grégoire, 445
Léon Leclerc (Van Mons), 189; parent of Rutter, 214
Léon Leclerc Epineux, 445
Léon Leclerc de Laval, 446
Léon Recgq, 446
Léon Rey, 446
Léonce de Vaubernier, 446
Léonie, 446
Léonie Bouvier, 446
Leonie Pinchart, 446
Léontine Van Exem, 446
Leopold I., 446
Leopold Riche, 447
Lepine, 447
Leptothyrium pomi, cause of brown-blotch of pear,
Leroy, André, discussion of increase in pear varieties
by, 15; introd. of varieties, 258, 260, 262; orig. of
varieties, 122, 123, 157, 238, 240, 242, 299, 300,
304, 315, 325, 349, 354, 362, 372, 379, 381, 403,
415, 421, 447, 450, 451, 455, 456, 458, 459, 466,
468, 472, 479, 486, 495, 497, 499, 501, 506, 508,
515, 521, 523, 528, 539, 562, 582
Lesbre, 447
Leséble, Narcisse, orig. of Bergamotte Leséble, 273
Lesuer, A., orig. of Le Lecher, 444; Le Lectier,
Levard, 447
Levester Zuckerbirne, 447
Lewes, 447
Lewis, 447
Lewis, John, orig. of Lewis, 447
Lexington, 447
Liabaud, orig. of Alexandre Chomer, 241; Berga-
motte Liabaud, 274
Liard, orig. of Napoleon, 479
Liberale, 448
Libotton, orig. of Crassane Libotton, 350
Liegel Honigbirne, 448
Lieutenant Poidevin, 448
Limbertwig (syn. of Tonkovietka), 564
Limon, 448
Lincoln, 190
Lincoln Coreless, 192
Linzer Mostbirne, 448
Little Blanquet (syn. of Petit-Blanquet), 495
Little Muscat (syn. of Petit-Muscat), 496
Livingston, Judge, orig. of Nonpareil, 482
Livingston Virgalieu, 448
Livre (syn. of Black Worcester), 310
Locations and soils for pears, 91
Locke, 448
Locke, James, orig. of Locke, 448
Lodge, 448
Loire, orig. of Loire-de-Mons, 449
Loire-de-Mons, 449
Loisél, orig. of Beurré Loisel, 300
London Sugar, 449
Long Green, 449
Long Green of Autumn, 449
Long Green of Esperin, 449
Long Green Panache (syn. of Verte-longue pana-
chée), 571
Longland, 449
Longue du Bosquet, 450
Longue-garde, 450
Longue-Sucrée, 450
Longue- Verte (syn. of Long Green), 449
Longue Verte d’Hiver (syn. of Lange Grane Winter-
birne), 442; (Sachsische Lange Grtine Winter-
birne), 534
Longueville, 450
Longworth, 450
Loose, Henry, orig. of Tiffin, 563
Lorenzbirne, 450
Loriol de Barny, 450
Lothrop, 450
Loubiat, 450
Louis Cappe, 451
Louis Grégoire, 451
Louis Noisette, 451
Louis Pasteur, 451
Louis-Philippe, 451
Louis Van Houte, 451
Louis Vilmorin, 451
Louise (syn. of Louise Bonne de Jersey), 193
Louise-Bonne, 451
Louise Bonne d’Avanches Panachée, 452
Louise Bonne de Jersey, 193; parent of Du Breuil
Pére, 370; Magnate, 460; Princess, 512; Professeur
Dubreuil, 514; Souvenir de du Breuil Pére, 549
Louise Bonne of Jersey (syn. of Louise Bonne de
Jersey), 193
Louise-Bonne de Printemps, 452; parent of Baron
Leroy, 259
Louise Bonne Sannier, 452; parent of Boieldien, 312
Louise de Boulogne, 452
Louise Dupont, 452
Louise d’Orléans, 452
Louise de Prusse, 452
Louison, 453
Lovaux, 453
Lovell, W. G. L., orig. of Glastonbury, 397
Lowell, John, introd. into America of Forelle, 167;
Marie Louise, 198; Winter Nelis, 233
Libecker Prinzessin Birne, 453
Lubin, 453
Lucie Audusson, 453
Lucien Chauré, 453
Lucien Leclercq, 453
Lucné Hative, 454
Lucrative (syn. of Belle Lucrative), 126
Lucy Duke, 194
Lucy Grieve, 454
Luizet, orig. of Prémices d’Bcully, 508
Luola, 454
Lutovka, 454
Lutzbirne, 454
Luxemburger Mostbirne, 454
Lycurgus, 454
Lydie Thiérard, 454
Lyerle, 454
Lyerle, orig. of Lyerle, 454
Lyon, 454
Mace, 455
Machlander Mostbirne, 455
Mackleroy, 455
Mackleroy, Davis, orig. of Mackleroy, 455
McLaughlin, 455; parent of Goodale, 400
McLaughlin, Henry, orig. of Eastern Belle, 374;
Indian Queen, 424
McLellan (syn. of Whieldon), 579
Macomber, 455
Macomber, Benjamin, orig. of Grand Isle, 400;
Refreshing, 518; prop. of Vermont Beauty, 226
Macomber, J. T., orig. of Macomber, 455
McVean, 455
Madame (syn. of Windsor), 583
Madame Adélaide de Réves (syn. of Adélaide de
Réves), 237
Madame Alfred Conin, 455
Madame André Leroy, 455
Madame Antoine Lormier, 455
Madame Appert, 456
Madame Arséne Sannier, 456
Madame Ballet, 456
Madame Baptiste Desportes, 456
Madame Blanchet, 456
Madame Bonnefond, 456
Madame Charles Gilbert, 456
Madame Chaudy, 456
Madame Cuissard, 456
Madame Delmotte, 457
Madame Ducar, 457
Madame Duparc, 457
Madame Durieux, 457
Madame Elisa, 457
Madame Elisa Dumas, 457
Madame Ernest Baltet, 458
Madame Favre, 458
Madame Flon, 458
Madame Grégoire, 458
Madame Hemminway (syn. of Hemminway), 414
Madame Henri Desportes, 458
Madame Loriol de Barny, 458
Madame Lyé-Baltet, 458
Madame de Madre, 458
Madame Millet, 459
Madame Morel, 459
Madame Planchon, 459
Madame Du Puis, 459
Madame de Roucourt, 459
Madame Stoff, 459
Madame Torfs, 459
Madame Treyve, 459
Madame Vazille, 459
Madame Verté, 460
Madame Von Siebold, 460
Madeleine, 195; parent of Eliot Early, 375
Madeleine d’Angers, 460
Mademoiselle Blanche Sannier, 460
Mademoiselle Marguerite Gaujard, 460
Mademoiselle Solange, 460
Magherman, 460
Magnate, 460
Magnolia, 461
Maine-et-Loire, Horticultural Society of, orig. of
Plantagenet, 500
Maisonneuve, Francois, orig. of Beurré Favre, 294
Malassis, Abbé, orig. of Doyenné d’Alengon, 151
Malconnattre d’Haspin, 461
Malines (syn. of Joséphine de Malines), 179
Malus, relationship to pear, 58
Malvoisie de Landsberg, 461
Manchester, 461
Mandelblattrige Schneebirne, 461
Manning, 461
Manning, Robert, biography of, 162; introd. into
America of varieties, 131, 162; orig. of varieties,
264; pomological garden of, 53
Manning’s Elizabeth (syn. of Elizabeth), 161
Mannington, John, orig. of Caroline Hogg, 328;
Maud Hogg, 468; Meresia Nevill, 470
Mannsbirne, 461
Mansfield, 461
Mansuette, 461
Mansuette Double, 462
Mapes, Prof., orig. of Quinn, 516
Marasquine, 462
March Bergamot, 462
Maréchal de Cour, 462
Maréchal Dillen, 462
Maréchal Pelissier, 462
Maréchal Vaillant, 462
Margaret, 196
Margarethenbirne, 463
Marguerite-Acidule (syn. of Sauerliche Margare-
thenbirne), 541
Marguerite d’Anjou, 463
Marguerite Chevalier, 463
Marguerite Marillat, 463
Maria, 463
Maria de Nantes, 463
Maria Stuart, 463
Marianne de Nancy, 463
Marie Benoist, 463
Marie Guisse, 464
Marie Henriette, 464
Marie Jallais, 464
Marie Louise, 197; parent of British Queen, 320;
Marie Louise d’Uccle, 464; Pierre Paternotte, 499
Marie-Louise Delcourt (syn. of Marie Louise), 197
Marie Louise Nova, 464
Marie Louise d’Uccle, 464
Marie Mottin, 464
Marie Parent, 464
Marietta, 464
Mariette de Millepieds, 465
Marillat, orig. of Marguerite Marillat, 463
Markbirne, 465
Marketing pears, 106
Markets, local, pears for, 101
Marksbirne, 465
Marmion, 465
Marmorirte Schmalzbirne (syn. of Doyenné d’Alen-
gon), 150
Marquise, 465
Marquise de Bedman, 465
Marsaneix, 465
Marshall, 466
Marshall, William, orig. of Marshall, 466
Marshall Wilder, 466
Martha Ann, 466
Martin, 466
Martin-Sec, 466
Martin-Sire, 466
Marulis, 467
Mary (Case), 467
Mary (Van Mons), 467
Mary (syn. of Margaret), 196
Mas, orig. of varieties, 241
Mascon Colmar, 467
Masselbacher Mostbirne, 467
Masuret, 467
Mather, 467
Mather, John, orig. of Mather, 467
Mathilde, 467
Mathilde Gomand, 467
Mathilde Recq, 467
Mathilde de Rochefort, 467
Matou, 468
Matthews, 468
Maud Hogg, 468
Maude, 468
Maurice Desportes, 468
Maurier, discov. of Duchesse d’Orléans, 156
Maury, Ruben, orig. of Elizabeth Maury, 376
Mausebirne, 468
Max, 469
Mayflower, 468
Maynard, 468
Mayr frihzeitige Butterbirne, 469
Mechan, 469
Medaille d’été, 469
Medaille d’Or (syn. of Frédéric de Wurtemberg), 389
Medicine, pears used for, 10
Medlar, relationship of, to pear, 57
Medofka, 469
Meissner Grossvatersbirne, 469
Meissner Hirschbirne, 469
Meissner langstielige Feigenbirne, 469
Meissner Liebchensbirne, 469
Meissner Zwiebelbirne, 469
Mélanie Michelin, 469
Mellish, 470
Melon, 470 .
Melon de Hellmann, 470
Ménagére Sucrée de Van Mons, 470
Mendenhall, 470
Merchant, Mrs. Ezra, orig. of Tea, 560
Meresia Nevill, 470
Merlet, 470
Merriam, 470
Merriweather, orig. of Taylor, 560
Méruault, 471
Merveille d’Hiver (syn. of Petit-Oin), 496
Merveille de Moringen, 471
Mespilus, relationship of, to the pear, 57
Messire Jean, 471
Messire Jean Goubault, 471
Meuris, discov. of Beurré Diel, 133
Michaelmas Nelis, 471
Michaux, 471
Mignonne d’été, 471
Mignonne d’Hiver, 472
Mikado, 472
Milan d’hiver, 472
Milan de Rouen, 472
Miller, 472
Miller, Judge S., introd. of Victor, 572
Miller Victor (syn. of Victor), 572
Millet, orig. of Jules Blaise, 432
Millet, Charles, orig. of Madame Millet, 459
Millot de Nancy, 472
Milner, 472
Mima Wilder, 472
Ministre Bara, 473
Ministre Pirmez, 473
Ministre Viger, 473
Minot, orig. of Sebastopol, 543
Minot Jean Marie, 473
Missile d’Hiver, 473
Mission, 473
Mitchell Russet, 473
Mite on pear, 119
Mitschurin, 473
Mitschurin, orig. of Roulef, 527; Vosschanka, 575
Moccas, 473
Mollet, Charles, orig. of Mollet Guernsey Beurré,
Mollet Guernsey Beurré, 473
Monarch, 474
Monchallard, 474
Monchallard, discov. of Monchallard, 474
Mongolian, 474
Monseigneur Affre, 474
Monseigneur des Hons, 474
Monseigneur Sibour, 474
Moon, 475
Moorcroft, 475
Moore, Jacob, orig. of Barseck, 260
Moorfowl Egg, 475
Morel, 475
Morel, Francois, orig. of Favorite Morel, 381;
Perrier, 495; Professeur Hortolés, 514; Morgan,
475; Souvenir du Congrés, 218
Morgan, orig. of Morgan, 475
Morley, 475
Morosovskaja, 475
Mortier, M. du, orig. of Beurré Daras, 291
Mortillet, M. de, orig. of Agricola, 239; Bijou, 309;
Bon-Chrétien Ricchiero, 314
Moskovka, 475
Mostbirne, 475
Mount Vernon, 199; value of for local market in
New York, ror
Moyamensing, 475
Mr. Hill’s Pear, 473
Mrs. Seden, 476
Muddy Brook, 476
Muir, Hal, orig. of Muir Everbearing, 476
Muir Everbearing, 476
Muirfowl Egg (syn. of Moorfowl Egg), 475
Mulkey, Mrs., orig. of Idaho, 176
Miller, orig. of Konig Karl von Wurttemberg, 438
Mungo Park, 476
Munz Apothekerbirne, 476
Muscadine, 476
Muscat Allemand d’Automne, 476
Muscat Allemand d'Hiver (syn. of Deutsche Muska-
teller), 358
Muscat Fleuri d’Eté, 476
Muscat Robert, 477
Muscat Royal, 477
Muscat Royal de Mayer, 477
Muscat Roye, 477
Muscatelle, 477
Musette d’Anjou, 477
Musette de Nancy, 478
Muskateller-Bergamotte, 478
Muskiert Pomeranzenbirne (syn. of Orange Musquée)
Muskingum, 478
Muskirte Schmeerbirne (syn. of Petit-Oin), 496
Muskirte Wintereirbirne, 478
Musquée d’Espéren, 478
Mussette, 478
Mitzchensbirne, 478
Mycosphaerella sentina, cause of pear leaf-spot, 115
Naegelgesbirn, 479
Nain Vert, 479
Napa, 479
Naples, 479
Napoleon, 479; parent of Fondante de Moulins-
Lille, 385
Napoleon I. (syn. of Napoleon), 479
Napoleon III., 479
Napoleon Butterbirne (syn. of Napoleon), 479
Napoléon Savinien, 479
Naquette, 480
Nassau Ehre, 480
Naudin, 480
Naumkeag, 480
Navez Peintre, 480
Neapolitan, 480
Nec Plus Meuris, 480; parent of General Wauchope,
Necplus Meuris (syn. of Buerré d’Anjou), 127
Nectarine, 480
Negley, 481
Negley, J. S., orig. of Negley, 481
Nelis, Jean Charles, orig. of Joseph Lebeau, 431;
Winter Nelis, 233
Nélis d’Hiver (syn. of Winter Nelis), 232
Nérard, orig. of Bergamotte Jars, 273; Beurré
Antoine, 284; Colmar de Mars, 343; Hamon, 410;
Seringe, 545
Nerbonne, M. de, orig. of Nain Vert, 479
Neuburg, orig. of Bremer Butterbirne, 319
New Bridge, 481
New England, introduction of pear in, 45
New Haven, 481
New Meadow, 481
Newhall, 481
Newtown, 481
Nicholas, 481
Nickerson, 481
Nicolas Eischen, 481
Nicolle, orig. of Bergamotte Nicolle, 274
Niell d’Hiver, 481 :
Nikitaer grine Herbst-Apothekerbirne, 482
Niles, 482
Niles, J. M., orig. of Niles, 482
Nina (syn. of Elizabeth), 161
Niochi de Parma, 482
Noir Grain, 482
Noire d’Alagier, 482
Noisette, Louis, introd. of Buerré d’Hiver, 297;
Summer Saint Germain, 556; orig. of Bon-
Chrétien d’Hiver Panaché, 314; De Rachinquin,
Nonpareil, 482
Nordhauser Winter-Forellenbirne, 482
Norfolk County, 482
Normannische Ciderbirne, 482
Northford Seckel (syn. of Talmadge), 559
Notaire Lepin, 483
Notaire Minot, 483
Nouhes, orig. of Délices de la Cacaudiére, 355;.
Président Parigot, 510; Royale Vendée, 532
Nouveau Doyenne d’Hiver, 483
Nouveau Poiteau, 483
Nouvelle Aglaé, 483
Nouvelle Fulvie, 483
Nussbirne, 483
Nypse, 484
Oak-Leaved Imperial (syn. of Imperiale A Feuilles
de Chéne), 424
Oakley Park Bergamotte, 484
Occidental pears, description of species of, 69
Ochsenherz, 484
Ockletree, 484
Ockletree, orig. of Ockletree, 484
Ockletree pear tree, 49
Octave Lachambre, 484
Oesterreichische Muskatellerbirne, 484
uf de Woltmann, 484
Ogereau, 484
Ognon, 485 és
Ognonet (syn. of Archiduc d'Eté), 251
Ognonnet, 485
Oignon, 485
Oignonet de Provence, 485
Oken, 485
Oldfield, 485
Olivenbirne, 485
Oliver, G. W., orig. of Oliver Russet, 485
Oliver Russet, 485
Oliver, discov. of Président Drouard, 210
Olivier de Serres, 200; parent of Cavelier de la
Salle, 331
Omer- Pacha (syn. of Saint Menin), 537
One-third, 486
Oneida, 486
Onion, 486
Onondaga, 201
Ontario, 202
Orange, 486
Orange-Bergamot, 486
Orange de Briel (syn. of Brielsche Pomeranzenbirne),
Orange County Nurs. Co., introd. of Wilder Sugar,
Orange d’Hiver, 486
Orange Mandarine, 486
Orange Musquée, 487
Orange pear tree, old, 42
Orange Rouge, 487
Orange Tulipée, 487
Orange de Vienne, 487
Orchards, pear, care of, 97; catch crops for, 102
Orchards of mixed varieties of pears, 100
Ordensbirne, 487
Orel 15, 487
Oriental pears, descriptions of species of, 74; influ-
ence of, on American pear culture, 55
Orpheline Colmar, 488
Orpheline d’Enghien (syn. of Beurré d’Arenberg),
Osband Summer, 488
Osborne, 488
Osborne, John, orig. of Osborne, 488
Osimaya (syn. of Winter), 583
Oswego Beurré, 488
Oswego Incomparable, 488
Ott, 488
Ott, Samuel, orig. of Ott, 488
Owen, 488
Owen, John, orig. of Owen, 488
Owener Birne, 489
Oyster-shell scale on pear, 120
Ozark, 489
P. Barry, 203
Pacific states,
Paddock, 489
Padres, early growers of pears, 54
Pailleau, 489
Pain-et-Vin, 489
Palmischbirne, 489
Papeleu, Adrien, orig. of Beurré Payen, 303; Navez
Peintre, 480
Paquency (syn. of Payenche), 493
Paradiesbirne, 489
Pardee, 489
Pardee, S. D., orig. of Dickerman, 359; Pardee,
Parfum d’Aout, 490
Parfum d’Hiver, 490
Parfum de Rose, 490
Parfumé, 490
Parfumée, 490
introduction of pear-growing in,
Parigot, orig. of Appoline, 250; Beurré Bourbon,
288; Comptesse de Chambord, 347; Doyenné
Fradin, 367; Eugéne des Nouhes, 379
Pariset, orig. of varieties, 239, 249, 279, 292, 307,
329; 344, 453, 471, 490, 536, 543, 544, 562
Parkinson, discussion of pears by, 32
Parkinson’s pears known at present, 36
Parmentier, Andrew, introd. of Surpasse Virgalieu,
557; orig. of Bergamotte de Stryker, 277
Parrot, 490
Parry, William, orig. of Cincincis Seedling, 338
Parsonage, 490
Passa-tutti, 490
Passans du Portugal, 491
Passe Colmar, 205; parent of Alexandrine Mas, 241;
Félix Sahut, 381; Wilmington, 582; Zéphirin
Grégoire, 587
Passe-Colmar des Belges, 491
Passe Colmar d’été, 491
Passe Colmar Francois (syn. of Jean de Witte), 429
Passe Colmar Musqué, 491
Passe Crassane, 491; parent of Prince Napoléon, 512
Passe-Goemans, 491
Passe Madeleine, 491
Passe-Tardive, 492
Pastor, 492
Pastorale, 492
Pastorenbirne (syn. of Vicar of Winkfield), 227
Pater Noster, 492
Paternotte, Pierre, orig. of Pierre Paternotte, 499
Patten, Charles G., orig. of Seckel Seedling No. 1,
Paul Ambre, 492
Paul Bonamy, 492
Paul Coppieters, 492
Paul d’Hoop, 493
Paul Thielens, 493
Pauls Birne, 493
Payen, 493
Payenche, 493
Payne, James, discov. of Seneca, 544
Payton, 493
Payton, orig. of Payton, 493
Peach, 494
Pear, adaptability of the, to soils and locations, 92;
black mold of the, 117; brown-blotch of the, 116;
codling moth on the, 118; crown-gall on the, 116;
descriptive blank of the, opposite 68; fertility of
the, 99; history of the, 1; leaf-blight of the, 115;
leaf-spots of the, notes on, 115; oyster-shell scale
on the, 120; pink-rot of the, 117; San Jose scale
on the, 117; structural botany of the, 58
Pear-blight, control of, 113; early occurrence of, in
America, 51; notes on, III
-borers, 120
-breeding, Van Mons’ theory of, 18
-characteristics of the, unchanged since time of
Pliny, 9
-culture, climate adapted to, 85; economic con-
siderations important to, 94; importance of
stocks in, 94; notes on, 83; statistics of, 83
Pear-diseases, 110
-districts in America, minor, 51
-growing, a comparison of English and American,
-insects, 117
-mites, 119
-orchards, care of, 97; catch crops for, 102; sod
versus clean culture for, 102; tillage of, 102
-psylla, 118
-scab, 114; treatment of, 114
-slug, 119
-stocks, notes on, 95
-thrips, 121
-trees, characters of, 59; description of leaf-buds
and leaves of, 61; description of trunk and
branches of, 60; flower-buds and flowers of, 62;
age of, 40; setting of, notes on, 101
-varieties, adaptability of, for dwarfing, 95;
blight resistant, 112; blooming season of, 88;
ripening season of, 88
Pears, canning of, 109; cold storage of, 109; com-
mercial, leading varieties of, 84; cost of growing,
110; descriptions of species of, 69; discussion of
the setting of fruit of, 99; fertilizers for, 98; grad-
ing of, 108; grafting of, 106; hardy, notes on, 86;
harvesting and marketing of, 106; home ripening
of, 109; local market for, 101; methods of planting
of, 99; mixed varieties of, in orchards, 100; occi-
dental, description of species of, 69; oriental,
description of species of, 74; pruning of, 103; self-
fertile varieties of, 100; self-sterile varieties of,
100; soils and locations for, 91; wild, 1; wild,
species of, 2
Peche (syn. of Peach), 494
Peck, Thomas R., orig. of Royal, 532
Pei-li, 494
Pemberton, 494
Penderson, 494
Penderson, Samuel, orig. of Penderson, 494
Pendleton Early York, 494
Pengethley, 494
Penn, 494
Pennsylvania, 494
Pepin, 495
Perpetual, 495
Perrier, 495
Perry, William, introd. of Lincoln Coreless, 192
Pertusati, 495
Pests, damage to American pears by, 38
Petersbirne, 495
Petit-Blanquet, 495
Petit Catillac, 496
Petit-Chaumontel, 496
Petit-Hativeau, 496
Petit-Muscat, 496
Petit-Oin, 496
Petite Bergamotte Jaune d’ Eté (syn. of Kleine gelbe
Sommermuskatellerbirne), 435
Petite Charlotte, 497
Petite Comtesse Palatine (syn. of Kleine Pfalzgrafin)
Petite Fondante, 497
Petite Marguerite, 497
Petite Muscat Long d’Eté (syn. of Kleine Lange
Sommer-Muskatellerbirne), 436
Petite Poive de Pierre (syn. of Petersbirne), 495
Petite Tournaisienne, 497
Petite Victorine, 497
Petre, 497; first variety to originate in America, 51
Pfaffenbirne, 497
Pfingstbirne, 498
Philiberte, 498
Philipp der Gute (syn. of Philippe-Le-Bon), 498
Philippe-Le-Bon, 498
Philippe Couvreur, 498
Philippe Goes, 498
Philippot, 498
Philippot, orig. of Philippot, 498
Philopena, 498
Picciola, 498
Pickering, or Warden pear tree, 44
Pickering (syn. of Pound), 208
Pie IX, 498
Pied-de- Vache (syn. of Kuhfuss), 439
Pierre Corneille, 499
Pierre Curie, 499
Pierre Macé, 499
Pierre Paternotte, 499
Pierre Pépin, 499
Pierre Tourasse, 499
Pimpe, 499
Pink-rot of pear, 117
Pinneo, 499
Pitmaston, 207
Pitmaston, William, orig. of Bergamot Seckel, 268
Pitmaston Duchess (syn. of Pitmaston), 207
Pitmaston Duchesse d’Angouléme (syn. of Pit-
maston), 207
Piton, 500
Piton, discov. of Piton, 500
Pitson, 500
Pius IX (syn. of Pie IX), 498
Pius X, 500
Plantagenet, 500
Planting methods for pears, 99
Plascart, 500
Platt, 500
Platte Honigbirne, 500
Pliny, medicinal qualities ascribed to pears by, 10;
mention of pear varieties by, 8; pear character-
istics given by, 9
Plutarch, discussion of the pear in Greece by, 4
Pocahontas, 500
Péckelbirne, 501
Poéte Béranger, 501
Poire d’Abbeville, 501
Poire d'Amour d'Hiver (syn. of Winterliebesbirne),
Poire d’Ange de Meiningen, 501
Poire d'Aunee d’Eté (syn. of Sommeralantbirne),
Poire d’Avril, 501
Poire Baronne Leroy (syn. of Baron Leroy), 259
Poire du Breuil Pere (syn. of Souvenir de du Breuil
Pére), 549
Poire Brune de Gasselin, 501
Poire Canelle (syn. of Knoops Simmtbirne), 437
Poire de Casserole, 502
Poire des Chartriers, 502
Poire des Chasseurs, 502
Poire de Chevalier de Butiner (syn. of Buttner
Sachsische Ritterbirne), 322
Poire de Coq, 502
Poire Dingler (syn. of Lamy), 184
Poire de Graisse, 502
Poire de gros queue, 502
Poire Henri (syn. of Henri Bivort), 414
Poire de Hert, 502
Poire de Houblon, 502
Poire de Klevenow, 503
Poire de Lard Brune (syn. of Braunrote Speckbirne),
Poire Livre Verte (syn. of Grane Pfundbirne), 408
Poire de Miel de Liegel (syn. of Liegel Honigbirne),
Poire Noire 4 Longue Queue, 503
Poire des Nonnes (syn. of Beurré de Brigné), 288
Poire de Paul (syn. of Pauls Birne), 493
Poire du Pauvre, 503
Poire des Peintres, 503
Poire de Pendant, 503
Poire-Pomme (syn. of Apple Pear), 250
Poire de Preuilly, 503
Poire de Rateau, 503
Poire Rigoleau, 504
Poire du Roeulx, 504
Poire de Saint Pere (syn. of Saint Pére), 538
Poire Seutin (syn. of Seutin), 545
Poire Souvenir d’Hortolés Pére, 504
Poire Thouin, 504
Poire de Torpes, 504
Poire des Trois Fréres, 504
Poire des Trois Jours, 504
Poire Trompette (syn. of Trompetenbirne), 566
Poire des Urbanistes (syn. of Urbaniste), 224.
Poire de Vallée (syn. of Vallée Franche), 568
Poitre de Vitrier, 504
Poire du Voyageur, 505
Poirer de Jardin, 505
Poirier sauger. (See Pyrus nivalis)
Poiteau, 505
Poiteau, orig. of Bergamotte Poiteau, 275
Poiteau (des Frangais) (syn. of Bergamotte Poiteau),
Polish Lemon, 505
Polk, 505
Pollan, 505
Polivaskaja, 505
Polnische grine Krautbirne, 505
Polnische Seidenbirne, 505
Pome, definition of, 58; fruit characters of, 63
Pomeranzenbirn von Zabergau, 506
Pomme d’Eté, 506
Pomological garden of Robert Manning, 53
Pomology, first American by Coxe, 52
Pope Quaker, 506
Pope Scarlet Major, 506
Portail, 506
Porter, 506
Portingall, 506
Posey, 506
Pound, 208
Pradel Bros., orig. of Rousselet de Pomponne, 529
Prager Schaferbirne, 506
Prairie du Pond, 506
Président Drouard (syn. of Président Drouard),
Pratt, 507
Pratt Junior, 507
Pratt Seedling, 507
Precilly, 507
Précoce de Celles, 507
Précoce de Jodoigne, 507
Précoce de Tivoli, 507
Précoce de Trévoux, 507
Précoce Trottier, 507
Précoce de Wharton (syn. of Wharton Early), 579
Premature, 508
Prémices d’Ecully, 508
Prémices de Wagelwater, 508
Premier, 508
Premier Président Métivier, 508
Present Royal of Naples (syn. of Beau Présent
d’Artois), 261
Présent de Van Mons, 508
President, 508
Président Barabé, 508
Président de la Bastie, 509
Président Boncenne, 509
Président Campy, 509
President Clark, 509
Président Couprie, 509
Président Deboutteville, 509
President Dr. Ward, 509
Président Drouard, 210
Président d’Estaintot, 509
President Felton, 509
Président Fortier, 509
Président Héron, 510
Président Mas, 510
Président Muller, 510
President Olivier, 510
Président d’Osmonville, 510
Président Parigot, 510
Président Payen, 510
President Pouyer-Quertier, 510
Président Royer, 510
Président le Sant, 511
Président Watier, 511
Présidente Senente, 511
Preul's Colmar (syn. of Passe Colmar), 205
Prévost, 511
Pricke, 511
Primating, 511
Prince, William, introd. of Sha Lea, 545; orig. of
Prince Harvest, 511; Saint-Germain, 512
Prince Albert, 511
Prince Harvest, 511
Prince Impérial, 511
Prince Impérial de France, 512
Prince de Joinville, 512
Prince Napoléon, 512
Prince d’Orange, 512
Prince de Printemps, 512
Prince Saint-Germain, 512
Prince Seed Virgalieu, 512
Princess, 512
Princess Maria, 513
Princesse Charlotte, 513
Princesse de Lubeck (syn. of Litbecker Prinzessin
Birne), 453
Princesse Marianne, 513
Princesse d’Orange, 513
Princesse-Royale (syn. of Groom Prince Royal, )403
Princiére, 513
Pringalle, Célestin, orig. of Beurré Pringalle, 304
Priou, 513
Priou, discov. of Priou, 513
Professeur Barral, 514
Professeur Bazin, 514
Professeur Dubreuil, 514
Professeur Grosdemange, 514
Professeur Hennau, 514
Professeur Hortolés, 514
Professeur Opoix, 514
Professeur Willermoz, 514
Prud’homme, 515
Pruning pears, 103
Psylla, pear, 118
Pudsey, 515
Puebla, 515
Pulsifer, 515
Pulsifer, Dr. John, orig. of Pulsifer, 515
Pushkin, 515
Pyrolle, orig. of Jaminette, 427
Pyrus, characters of, 57
Pyrus amygdaliformis, note on, 73
Pyrus auricularis, habitat of, 73; specific description
of, 73
Pyrus betulaefolia, habitat of, 79; specific description
of, 79
Pyrus calleryana, habitat of, 80; specific notes on, 80
Pyrus communis, behavior of, as a wild pear, 2;
habitat of, 70; specific description of, 69
Pyrus communis cordata, specific notes on, 72
Pyrus communis longipes, specific notes on, 72
Pyrus communis mariana, specific notes on, 72
Pyrus communis pyraster, specific notes on, 71
Pyrus communis sativa, specific notes on, 72
Pyrus eleagrifolia, relationship of, to Pyrus nivalis,
Pyrus heterophylla, note on, 73
Pyrus kotschyana, relationship of, to Pyrus nivalis,
Pyrus lindleyi, relationship of, to Pyrus serotina, 75
Pyrus nivalis, behavior of, as a wild pear, 2; habitat
of, 2, 72; specific description of, 72
Pyrus ovoidea, blight resistance of, 81; parent of
Tolstoy, 564; specific description of, 80
Pyrus pashia, distinction of, from Pyrus variolosa, 82
Pyrus salicifolia, note on, 74
Pyrus salvifolia, relationship of, to Pyrus nivalis, 73
Pyrus serotina, behavior of, as a wild pear, 2;
habitat of 3, 75; specific description of, 74; value
of, as a pear stock, 96
Pyrus serotina culta, habitat of, 76; specific descrip-
tion of, 75
Pyrus serotina stapfiana, note on, 75
Pyrus serrulata, habitat of, 78; specific notes on, 78
Pyrus sinensis, relationship of, to Pyrus serotina, 74
Pyrus syriaca, note on, 74
Pyrus ussuriensis, blight resistance of, 78; habitat
of, 77; specific description of, 77
Pyrus variolosa, notes on, 81
Queen Jargonelle, 515
Queen Victoria, 515
Quiletette, 515
Quince, 515
Quince, Japanese, relationship of, to the pear, 57
Quince stocks for pear, 96
Quinn, 515
Quintinye, La. (See La Quintinye)
Raabe, orig. of Honey Dew, 420
Radis de Leipsick (syn. of Leipziger Rettigbirn), 444
Ragan, Reuben, discov. of Philopena, 498
Rahm, Rev. W. L., introd. into England of Vicar of
Winkfield, 227
Rainbirne, 516
Rallay, 516
Rameau, 516
Ramilies, 516
Rankin, 516
Rankin, W. H., discov. of Rankin, 516
Rannaja, 516
Rapelje, 516
Rastlerbirne, 516
Rateau Blanc, 516
Ravenswood, 517
Ravu (syn. of Ravut), 517
Ravut, 517
Raymond, 517
Raymond de Montlaur, 517
Raymould, 517
Rayner, Mrs., orig. of Hacon Incomparable, 409
Re Umberto primo, 517
Read, Walter, orig. of Oswego Beurré, 488
Reading, 517
Recq de Pambroye, 517
Red Doyenné (syn. of Doyenné Gris), 367
Red Garden, 518
Red Muscadel (syn. of Jargonelle (French)), 178
Red Orange (syn. of Orange Rouge), 487
Red Pear, 518
Redfield, 518
Reeder, 211
Reeder, Dr. Henry, orig. of Reeder, 211
Reeder's Seedling (syn. of Reeder), 211
Refreshing, 518 —
Regentin (syn. of Passe Colmar), 205
Regina Margherita, 518
Régine, 518
Regnier, 518
Regnier, Madame, orig. of Regnier, 518
Reichenackerin, 518
Reine des Belges, 518
Reine d’Hiver, 519
Reine des Poires, 519
Reine des Précoces, 519
Reine des Tardives, 519
Reine Victoria, 519
Reliance, 519
Remy Chatenay, 519
René Dunan, 519
Rettigbirne, 519
Reuterbirne, 520
Rewell, 520
Rey, orig. of Léon Rey, 446
Reymenans, 520
Reynaert Beernaert, 520
Rheinische Birne, 520
Rheinische Herbstapothekerbirne, 520
Rheinische Paradiesbirne, 520
Rhenser Schmalzbirne, 520
Richards, 520
Richardson, 521
Riche Dépouille, 521
Ridelle, 521
Riehl, Edwin H., discov. of Riehl Best, 212
Riehl Best, 212
Riocreux, 521
Ripening of pears in the home, 109
Ripening season of pear varieties, 88
Ritson, 521
Ritson, Mrs. John, orig. of Ritson, 521
Ritter, 521
Ritter, Louis, discov. of Ritter, 521
Rival Dumont, 521
Rivers, 521
Rivers, Thomas, orig. of varieties, 308, 345, 347,
363, 381, 417, 460, 502, 512, 537, 538, 556
Robert, orig. of Belle du Figuier, 264; Général
Canrobert, 394
Robert & Moreau, orig. of Beurré Fidéline, 295;
Fondante de la Maitre-Ecole, 384
Robert Hogg, 521
Robert Treel, 522
Robertson (syn. of Washington), 575
Robin, orig. of Doyenné Robin, 369
Robine, 522
Robitaillié, orig. of Robitaillié pére, 522
Robitaillié pére, 522
Roby, H. R., introd. of Winter Seckel, 584; orig. of
Cooke, 348
Rockeneirbirne, 522
Roe, William, orig. of Roe Bergamot, 522
Roe Bergamot, 522
Rogers, 522
Roggenhoferbirne, 522
Roi Charles de Wurtemberg (syn. of Konig Karl von
Wurttemberg), 438
Roi d’ Eté (syn. of Gros Rousselet), 404
Roi-Guillaume, 522
Roi de Rome, 523
Roitelet, 523
Rokeby, 523
Roland, orig. of Beurré Roland, 304
Rollet, orig. of Notaire Lepin, 483
Rolmaston Duchess, 523
Rome, ancient, pear in, 7
Ronde du Bosquet, 523
Rondelet, 523
Rongiéras, orig. of Beurré des Mouchouses, 302
Rooks, orig. of Ozark, 489
Roosevelt, 213
Ropes, 523
Ropes, orig. of Ropes, 523
Rorreger Mostbirne, 523
Rosabirne, 523
Rosalie Wolters, 524
Rosanne, 524
Rose Doyenné, 524
Rose Water, 524
Rosenhofbirne, 524
Rosenwasserbirne, 524
Rosinenbirne, 524
Roslyn, 524
Ross, 524
Ross, Charles, orig. of General Wauchope, 395
Ross, Gideon, orig. of Japan, 428
Rossney, 524
Rostiezer, 525
Rote Bergamotte (syn. of Bergamotte d’Automne),
Rote Hanglbirne, 525
Rote Holzbirne, 525
Rote Kochbirne, 525
Rote Pilchelbirne, 525
Rote Scheibelbirne, 525
Rote Winawitz, 525
Rotfleischige Mostbirne, 525
Rothbackige Sommerzuckerbirne, 525
Rothe Confesselsbirne, 526
Rothe Jakobsbirne, 526
Rothe langstielige Honigbirne, 526
Rothe oder grosse Pfalzgrafinbirne, 526
Rothe Rettigbirne, 526
Rothe Winterkappesbirne, 526
Rothe Winterkochbirne, 526
Rothe Zucherlachsbirne, 526
Rother Sommerdorn (syn. of Epine d’Eté Rouge), 377
Rother Winterhasenkopf, 526
Rothgraue Kirchmessbirne, 527
Rougeaude, 527
Rouget, 527
Roulef, 527
Rouse Lench, 527
Rousselet Aelens, 527
Rousselet d’Anvers, 527
Rousselet d’Aout (syn. of Gros Rousselet d’Aout),
Rousselet Baud, 527
Rousselet Bivort, 527
Rousselet Blanc, 528
Rousselet de la Cour, 528
Rousselet Decoster, 528
Rousselet Doré d’Hiver, 528
Rousselet Enfant Prodigue (syn. of Enfant Prodigue),
Rousselet d’été Brun Rouge (syn. of Braunrothe
Sommerrusselet), 319
Rousselet Hatif, 528
Rousselet d’Hiver (syn. of Winter Rousselet), 584
Rousselet de Janvier, 528
Rousselet Jaune d’Eté, 529
Rousselet de Jodoigne, 529
Rousselet de Jonghe, 529
Rousselet de Meestre, 529
Rousselet Panaché, 529
Rousselet de Pomponne, 529
Rousselet Précoce, 529
Rousselet de Reims, parent of Bon Chrétien Ver-
mont, 315
Rousselet de Rheims, 530
Rousselet de Rheims Panaché, 530
Rousselet Royal, 530
Rousselet Saint Nicolas, 530
Rousselet Saint-Quentin, 530
Rousselet Saint Vincent, 530
Rousselet de Stuttgardt, 531
Rousselet Thaon, 531
Rousselet Theuss, 531
Rousselet Vanderwecken, 531
Rousseline, 531
Rousselon, 531
Roux Carcas, 532
Rové, 532
Rowling, 532
Royal, 532
Royal d’Hiver, 532
Royale Vendée, 532
Ruhschiebler, 532
Rummelter Birne, 533
Runde gelbe Honigbirne, 533
Runde Sommerpomeranzenbirne, 533
Rushmore (syn. of Harrison Large Fall), 412
Russbirne, 533
Russelet Petit, 533
Russet Bartlett, 533
Russet Catherine, 533
Russian pears, introduction into America, 56
Rutter, 214
Rutter, John, orig. of Rutter, 214
Rylsk, 533
S. T. Wright, 533
Sabine, 533
Sabine d’Eté, 534
Sacandaga, 534
Sachsische Glockenbirne, 534
Sachsische Lange Griine Winterbirne, 534
Safran, 534
Sage-leaved Pear. (See Pyrus nivalis)
Sageret, orig. of Angleterre Nain, 247; Beauvalot,
262; Bergamotte Sageret, 276; Doyenné Rose, 369
Saint André, 534
Saint Andrew, 534
Saint Aubin sur Riga, 534
Saint-Augustin, 535
Saint Denis, 535
Saint Dorothée, 535
Saint Frangois, 535
Saint Gallus Weinbirne, 535
Saint George, 535
Saint Germain, 535; parent of Marie Guisse, 464;
Williams Double Bearing, 582
Saint Germain Gris, 536
Saint Germain Panaché, 536
Saint Germain de Pepins, 536
Saint Germain Puvis, 536
Saint Germain du Tilloy, 536
Saint Germain Van Mons, 536
Saint-Germain Vauquelin (syn. of Vauquelin), 570
Saint Ghislain, 536
Saint Herblain d’Hiver, 537
Saint-Laurent Jaune (syn. of Gelbe Laurentius-
birne), 393
Saint Lézin, 537
Saint Louis, 537
Saint Luc, 537
Saint Luke, 537
St. Martial (syn. of Angélique de Bordeaux), 247
Saint Menin, 537
Saint-Michael (syn. of White Doyenné), 228
St. Michel Archange, 538
Saint- Nicolas (syn. of Duchesse d’Orléans), 156
| Saint Patrick, 538
Saint Pére, 538
St. Swithin, 538
Saint Vincent de Paul, 538
Sainte Anne, 538
Sainte Germain d'Eté (syn. of Summer Saint Ger-
main), 556
Sainte Madelaine (syn. of Madeleine), 195
Sainte Thérése, 539
Salisbury, 539
Salviati, 539
Salzburger von Adlitz, 539
Sam Brown, 539
Samenlose, 539
San Jose scale on pear, 117
Sand Pear. (See Pyrus serotina)
Sand pear, Chinese, parent of Garber, 171; Kieffer,
181; Le Conte, 187
Sanguine de France (syn. of Sanguinole), 539
Sanguine d’Italie, 539
Sanguinole, 539
Sanguinole de Belgique, 540
Sannier, Arséne, orig. of varieties, 241, 276, 283, 297,
315, 360, 361, 381, 429, 451, 452, 453, 455» 456
499, 508, 509, 510, 51I, 519, 543) 549 550 551,572
Sans-Pareille du Nord, 540
Sans Peau, 540
Santa Anna, 540
Santa Claus, 540
Santa Rosa, 541
Sapieganka, 541
Sarah, 541
Sarrasin, 541
Sary-Birne, 541
Sauerliche Margarethenbirne, 541
Scab, pear, 114; treatment of, 114
Scale insects on pear, 120
Scented (syn. of Duchovaya), 373
Schellesbirne, 541
Schenk, John, orig. of Hosenschenk, 421
Schmalblattrige Schneebirne, 542
Schmotzbirne, 542
Schnackenburger Winterbirne, 542
Schéberlbirne, 542
Schéne Angevine (syn. of Pound), 208
Schone Millerin, 542
Schéne Zuckerbirne (syn. of Belle Sucrée), 266
Schénebeck Tafelbirne, 542
Schénerts Omsewitzer Schmalzbirne, 542
Sch6nlin Stuttgarter spate Winterbutterbirne, 542
Schénste Sommerbirne (syn. of Jargonelle (French)),
Schuman, 542
Schwarze Birne, 542
Schweizer Wasserbirne, 543
Sdegnata, 543
Seal, 543
Sébastien, 543
Sebastopol, 543
Secher, orig. of Duchesse de Bordeaux, 371
Seckel, 215; parent of Adams, 237; Barseck, 260;
Eureka, 379; Feast, 381; Gansel Seckel, 170;
Luola, 454; President Clark, 509; Worden Seckel,
234; Youngken Winter Seckel, 586; place of, in
commercial pear culture, 84
Seckel Seedling No. 1, 543
Seckle (syn. of Seckel), 215
Secrétaire Mareschal, 543
Secrétaire Rodin, 543
Seigneur (syn. of Belle Lucrative), 126
Seigneur Daras, 544
Seigneur d' Espéren (syn. of Belle Lucrative), 126
Seigneur d’Eté, 544
Self-fertile and self-sterile pears, 100
Selleck, 544
Semis d’Echasserie, 544
Semis Léon Leclerc, 544
Semis de White (syn. of White Seedling), 579
Sénateur Préfet, 544
Sénateur Vaisse, 544
Seneca, 545
Senfbirne, 545
Seringe, 545
Serrurier, 545
Seutin, 545
Sha Lea, 545
Shawmut, 545
Sheldon, 217; place of, in commercial pear culture,
Sheldon, Major, owner of original tree of Sheldon,
Shenandoah, 545
Sheppard, 546
Sheppard, James, orig. of Sheppard, 546
Sheridan, 546
Shindel, 546
Shobden Court, 546
Shroeder, R., introd. of Winter, 583
Shurtleff, 546
Shurtleff, Dr. S. A., orig. of varieties, 238, 242, 258,
319, 320, 328, 335, 336, 338, 360, 387, 388, 395,
399, 400, 401, 411, 425, 430, 445, 450, 461, 468,
476, 482, 486, 494, 506, 508, 515, 538, 545, 546,
552, 570, 583
Sieboldii, 546
Sieulle, Jean, orig. of Doyenné Sieulle, 369
Sievenicher Mostbirne, 546
Silberdstige Gewiirzbirne (syn. of Rameau), 516
Siluange (syn. of Bergamotte Silvange), 276
Sikaya, 546
Simon Bouvier, 546; parent of Rousselet Bivort, 527
Sinai’sche Buschelbirne, 547
Sinclair, 547
Sirningers Mostbirne, 547
Six, orig. of Beurré Six, 306
Size and habit of pear-trees, 59
Skinless (syn. of Sans Peau), 540
Slavonische Wasserbirne, 547
Slug on pear, 19
Slutsk, 547
Small Blanquet (syn. of Petit-Blanquet), 495
Smet Fils Unique, 547
Smith, 547
Smith, J. B., orig. of Haddington, 409; Moyamen-
sing, 475; Pennsylvania, 494
Smith, S. F., orig. of seedling pears, 338
Smith, W. & T., orig. of Ontario, 202
Smith Beauty, 547
Smith Duchess, 547
Snow, 547
Snow Pear. (See Pyrus nivalis)
Society Van Mons, distrib. of varieties, 264, 320,
500; orig. of varieties, 259, 316, 479, 527
Sod versus clean culture for pear orchards, 102
Sceur Grégoire, 547
Soils and locations for pears, 91
Soldat Bouvier, 548
Soldat Laboureur, 548; parent of Président d’Es-
taintot, 509
Solitaire (syn. of Mansuette), 461
Sommeralantbirne, 548
Sommerdechantsbirne (syn. of Summer Doyenné),
Sommerkénigen, 548
Sommer-Russelet, 548
Sommerwachsbirne, 548
Sommer-Zuckerbirne, 548
Sophie de 1’Ukraine, 548
Sotschnaja, 549
Soueraigne, 549
Soutmann, 549
Souvenir (syn. of Souvenir du Congrés), 218
Souvenir de l’abbé Lefebvre, 549
Souvenir de du Breuil Pére, 549
Souvenir du Congrés, 218
Souvenir Deschamps, 549
Souvenir Désiré Gilain, 549
Souvenir d’Espéren, 219
Souvenir d' Espéren (syn. of Fondante de Noél), 165
Souvenir d’Espéren de Berckmans, 549
Souvenir Favre, 550
Souvenir de Gaéte, 550
Souvenir de Julia, 550
Souvenir de Leopold I* (syn. of Vingt-ciniquiéme
Anniversaire de Léopold I*), 573
Souvenir de Leroux-Durand, 550
Souvenir de Lydie, 550
Souvenir de Madame Charles, 550
Souvenir de Madame Treyve (syn. of Madame
Treyve), 459
Souvenir de la Reine des Belges, 550
Souvenir de Renault Pére, 551
Souvenir de Sannier pére, 551
Souvenir de Simon Bouvier, 551
Souvenir de Simon Bouvier (syn. of Simon Bouvier),
Souvenir du Vénérable de la Salle, 551
Souveraine de Printemps, 551
Spae, 551
Spae, orig. of Spae, 551
Spanish Warden (syn. of Bon-Chrétien d’Espagne),
Sparbirne (syn. of Jargonelle), 177
Spate Rotbirne, 551
Spate Sommerbirne ohne Schale, 551
Spate Todemannsbirne, 552
Spate Wasserbirne, 552
Spates Graumanchen, 552
Species of oriental pears, descriptions of, 74
Species of pears, 57; characters of, 57; descriptions
of, 69
Speckbirne, 552
Speedwell, 552
Spillingsbirne, 552
Spindelf6rmige Honigbirne, 552
Spindelférmige Rehbirne, 552
Spinka, 552
Spreeuw, 553
Squash (syn. of Taynton Squash), 560
Stair, discoverer of Bartlett, 125
Star of Bethlehem, 553
Stark, W. P., introd. of Victor, 572
Stark Bros., introd. of Florida Bartlett, 383
Statistics of pear culture, 83
Steinbirne, 553
Steinmitz Catharine, 553
Stephens, Prof., discov. of Rapelje, 516
Sterckmans, orig. of Beurré Sterckmans, 307
Sterility of pear, 99
Sterling, 553
Sterling, orig. of Sterling, 553
Stevens, M. F., orig. of Stevens Genesee, 553
Stevens Genesee, 553
Stocks for pears, importance of, 94; notes on, 95
Stoff, orig. of Madame Stoff, 459
Stoffels, orig. of Sabine d’Eté, 534
Stone, 553
Stone, orig. of Stone, 553
Stone & Wellington, orig. of Pitson, 500
Stout, 553
Strassburger Sommerbergamotte, 553
Stribling, 554
Stribling, J. C., introd. of Stribling, 554
Striped Bon Chrétien (syn. of Bon-Chrétien d’Hiver
Panaché), 314
Structural botany of pear, 58
Stiimplerbirne, 554
Sturges, 554
Sturges, Mrs. Mary S., orig. of Sturges, 554
Stuttgarter Geisshirtel (syn. of Rousselet de Stutt-
gardt), 531
Stuyvesant, pear tree in garden of, 49
Styer, 554
Styer, Charles, orig. of Styer, 554
Styrian, 554
Sucré de Tertolen (syn. of Van Tertolen Herbst
Zuckerbirne), 569
Sucré-Vert, 554
Sucré- Vert d’Hoyerswerda (syn. of Sucrée de Hoyer-
swerda), 555
Sucrée Blanche, 555
Sucrée du Comice, 555
Sucrée d'Heyer (syn. of Heyer Zuckerbirne), 418
Sucrée de Hoyerswerda, 555
Sucrée de Montlugon, 555
Sucrée Van Mons, 555
Sucrée de Zurich, 555
Sudduth, 220
Sudduth, Titus, dissem. of Sudduth, 220
Suet Lea, 556
Suffolk Thorn, 556
Sugar Top, 556
Stlibirne, 556
Sullivan, 556
Summer Bell (syn. of Windsor), 583
Summer Beurré d’Arenberg, 556
Summer Franc Réal (syn. of Bergamotte d’Eté), 271
Summer Hasting, 556
Summer Popperin, 556
Summer Portugal, 556
Summer Saint Germain, 556
Summer Virgalieu, 557
Summer, Col. William, introd. of Upper Crust, 567;
orig. of Hebe, 413
Superfin (syn. of Beurré Superfin), 137
Superfondanta, 557
Superstitions based on pears, 10
Supréme Coloma, 557
Surpasse Crassane, 557
Surpasse Meuris, 557
Surpasse St. Germain, 557
Surpasse Virgalieu, 557
Surprise, 558
Stisse Margarethenbirne, 558
Stisse Sommerlahnbirne, 558
Suwanee, 558
Suzanne, 558
Suzette de Bavay, 558
Swain, James R., orig. of Bronx, 320
Swan Egg, 558
Swan's Orange (syn. of Onondaga), 201
Sweater, 558
Sylvie de Malzine, 559
Taglioretti, 559
Takasaki, 559
Talmadge, 559
Talmadge, Levi, orig. of Talmadge, 559
Tardive d’Ellezelles, 559
Tardive Garin, 559
Tardive de Mons, 559
Tardive de Montauban, 559
Tardive de Solesne, 559
Tardive de Toulouse (syn. of Duchesse d’Hiver), 372
Tatnall Harvest, 559
Tavernier de Boulogne, 559
Taylor, 560
Taynton Squash, 560
Tea, 560
Templiers, 560
Tepka, 560
Tertolen Herbst Zuckerbirne (syn. of Van Tertolen
Herbst Zuckerbirne), 569
Test, 560
Tettenhall, 560
Teutsche Augustbirne, 561
Texas, 561
Thacher, Anthony, pear tree, 43
The Dean, 561
Theilersbirne, 561
Theodor Kérner, 561
Theodore, 561
Theodore Van Mons, 561
Theodore Williams, 561
Théophile Lacroix, 561
Theophrastus, mention of pear by, 5
Thérése, 562
Thérése Appert, 562
Theveriner Butterbirne, 562
Thibaut Butterbirne, 562
Thick Stalked Pear, 562
Thiérard, Jules, orig. of Lydie Thiérard, 454
Thimothée, 562
Thintwig (syn. of Tonkovietka), 564
Thirriot, orig. of Fondante Thirriot, 386
Thirriot Bros., orig. of Eugéne Thirriot, 379
Thompson, Judge, orig. of Thompson, 562
Thompson (Eng.), 562
Thompson (N. H.), 562
Thooris, 562
Thorp (syn. of White Doyenné), 228
Thouin (syn. of Winter Nelis), 232
Thrips on pear, 121
Throop, Calvin, orig. of Calvin, 326
Thuerlinckx, 563
Thurston Red, 563
Thury Schmalzbirne (syn. of Hericart de Thury),
Tiffin, 563
Tigrée de Janvier, 563
Tillage of pear orchards, 102
Tillington, 563
Timpling, 563
Tindall, George & William, orig. of Tindall Swan
Egg, 563
Tindall Swan Egg, 563
Tollbirne, 564
Tolstoy, 564
Tom Strange, 564
Tonkovietka, 564
Tonneau, 564
Toronto Belle, 564
Totten, Col., orig. of Totten Seedling, 564
Totten Seedling, 564
Tougard (syn. of Calebasse Tougard), 326
Tourasse, orig. of Comte de Lambertye, 346; Direc-
teur Hardy, 360; La Béarnaise, 440; Pierre
Tourasse, 499; Professeur Bazin, 514
Tournay d’hiver, 565
Tout-il-faut, 565
Traublesbirne, 565
Tredwell, Thomas, orig. of Platt, 500
Trees, pear, characters of, 59
Trescott (syn. of Westcott), 578
Trésor (syn. of Amour), 245
Tressorier Lesacher, 565
Treyve, orig. of Madame Treyve, 459; Précoce de
Trévoux, 507
Trinkebirne, 565
Triomphe de Jodoigne, 565
Triomphe de Louvain, 565
Triomphe de Touraine, 565
Triomphe de Tournai, 565
Triomphe de Vienne, 566
Triumph (syn. of Triomphe de Vienne), 566
Trockener Martin (syn. of Martin-Sec), 466
Trompetenbirne, 566
Troppauer Goldgelbe Sommermuskatellerbirne, 566
Troppauer Muskateller (syn. of Troppauer Goldgelbe
Sommermuskatellerbirne), 566
Trottier, orig. of Doyenné de Montjean, 368
Trous Jours (syn. of Poire des Trois Jours), 504
Trout Pear (syn. of Forelle), 167
Truchsess, 566
Truckhill Bergamot, 566
Tsar, 566
Tudor, 567
Turban, 567
Turkische mtskirte Sommerbirne, 567
Turnep, 567
Turner, mention of pears by, 32
Tusser, mention of pears by, 32
Tussock moth caterpillars on pear, 120
Twenty-fifth Anniversaire de Leopold I (syn. of Vingt-
cinquiéme Anniversaire de Léopold I*), 573
Twice flowering Pear-tree, 567
Tyler, 567
Tyson, 222; value of, for local market in New York,
Tyson, Jonathan, owner of original tree of Tyson,
Ulatis, 567
Unbekannte Von Mons (syn. of L’Inconnue Van
Mons), 439
Union (syn. of Pound), 208
Unterlaibacher Mostbirne, 567
Unvergleichliche (syn. of Sans-Pareille du Nord), 540
Upper Crust, 567
Urbaniste, 224; parent of Harris, 412; Poire du
Pauvre, 503
Urbanister Sdmling (syn. of Urbaniste), 224
Ursula, 567
Uvedale, Dr., orig. of Pound, 209
Uvedale’s St. Germain (syn. of Pound), 208
Uwchlan, 568
Valen‘ine, 568
Vallée Franche, 568
Valley, 568
Van Assche, 568
Van Assene (syn. of Van Assche), 568
Van Buren, 568
Van Deventer, 568
Van Dooren, orig. of Rousselet Saint-Quentin, 530
Van Geert, Jean, orig. of Beurré Jean van Geert
298; Beurré Van Geert, 295
Van Lindley, J., introd. of Alice Payne, 242
Van Marum, 569
Van Mons, Dr., discov. of var., 533; orig. of varie-
ties, 131, 152, 161, 221, 237, 239, 240, 242, 243,
246, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 260, 265, 269, 272,
273, 278, 279, 282, 284, 285, 286, 288, 290, 291,
293, 297, 298, 299, 305, 307, 308, 312, 318, 319,
320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 330, 331,
333» 334, 339, 349 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346,
348, 349, 351, 353, 354) 355, 356, 358, 361, 362,
365, 368, 369, 370, 372, 373) 377) 378, 379, 381,
383, 385, 386, 387, 390, 392, 394, 405, 409, 413,
414, 415, 417, 418, 433, 434, 441, 443, 444, 445,
446, 448, 452, 457, 462, 463, 464, 467, 470, 472,
474, 476, 483, 485, 487, 488, 489, 491, 492, 493,
498, 502, 505, 508, 511, 512, 513, 515, 516, 518,
519, 520, 522, 527, 528, 531, 536, 545, 547, 553,
555» 556, 557, 558, 561, 562, 565, 569, 570, 578;
prop. of var., 160; theory of, in pear breeding, 18;
work of, in pear breeding, 17
Van Mons Butterbirne (syn. of Léon Leclerc (Van
Mons)), 189
Van Mons frihe Pomeranzenbirne, 569
Van Mons Hermannsbirne (syn. of Saint Germain
Van Mons), 536
Van Mons Sommer Schmalzbirne, 569
Van Mons spate Wirthschaftbirne, 569
Van Mons stsse Haushaltsbirne, 569
Van Tertolen Herbst Zuckerbirne, 569
Van Vranken, William, discov. of Sacandaga, 534
Van de Weyer Bates, 569
Vancouver, mention of fruits in California by, 54
Vanderveer, 570
Vanderveer, Dr. Adrian, orig. of Vanderveer, 570
Varet, A., orig. of Beurré Vauban, 307
Varro, fifty monographs of husbandry by Greeks
named by, 7; forerunner of modern pear manage-
ment, 7
Varuna, 570
Vauquelin, 570
Vauquelin, orig. of Vauquelin, 570
Veitch, Messrs., orig. of S. T. Wright, 533
Venturia pyrina, cause of pear scab, 114
Venusbrust, 570
Vereins Dechantsbirne (syn. of Doyenné du Comice),
Vergoldete oder wahre graue Dechantsbirne, 570 |
Verguldete Herbstbergamotte, 570
Verlain (syn. of Verlaine d’Eté), 570
Verlaine d’Eté, 570
Vermillion d’en Haut, 570
Vermont, 571
Vermont Beauty, 225; place of, in New York pear
culture, 85; possibility of, being identical with
Forelle, 167
Vernusson, 571
Verschwenderin (syn. of Enfant Prodigue), 377
Verte-Longue d’Automne (syn. of Long Green of
Autumn), 449
Verte-longue panachée, 571
Verte-Longue de la Sarthe, 571
Verulam, 571
Veterans (syn. of Besi des Vétérans), 282
Vezouziére, 571
Vicar (syn. of Vicar of Winkfield), 226
Vicar Junior, 571
Vicar of Winkfield, 226
Vice-Président Coppiers, 572
Vice-Président Decaye, 572
Vice-Président Delbée, 572
Vice-Président Delehoye, 572
Vice-Président d’Elbée, parent of Cavelier de la
Salle, 331
Victor, 572
Victoria (syn. of Huyshe Victoria), 423
Victoria d'Huyse (syn. of Huyshe Victoria), 423
Victoria de Williams, 572
Victorina, 572
Vigne, 572
Villain XIV, 572
Villéne de Saint-Florent, 573
Vin de Anglais, 573
Vine Pear (syn. of Vigne), 572
Vineuse, 573
Vineuse Esperen (syn. of Vineuse), 573
Vingt-cinquiéme Anniversaire de Léopold i*, 573
Virgalieu (syn. of White Doyenné), 228
Virgalieu d'été (syn. of Summer Virgalieu), 557
Virginale du Mecklembourg, 573
Virginie Baltet, 573
Virgouleuse, 573
Vital, 574 ;
Vital, discov. of Vital, 574
Vitrier, 574
Volkmarsen (syn. of Volkmarserbirne), 574
Volkmarserbirne, 574
Von Muckenheim, orig. of Argusbirne, 252
Von Zugler, 574
Voscovoya, 574
Vosschanka, 575
Wachsbirne (syn. of Cire), 338
Wade, 575
Wade, I. C., orig. of Wade, 575
Wadleigh, 575
Wahre Canning, 575
Wahre Faustbirne, 575
Wahre Schneebirne, 575
Walker, Samuel, owner of original tree of Mount
Vernon, 199
Walker (syn. of Amande Double), 243
Wallis, Henry, orig. of Wallis Kieffer, 575
Wallis Kieffer, 575
Walnut (syn. of Echasserie), 374
Walsche Birne (syn. of Jargonelle), 177
Warden pear tree, 44
Warner, 575
Warwicke (syn. of White Doyenné), 228
Washington, 575
Waterloo, 576
Watson, 576
Watson, William, orig. of Watson, 576
Waxy (syn. of Voscovoya), 574
Weber, orig. of Duchesse d’Angouléme Bronzée, 371
Webster, 576
Weeping Willow, 576
Weidenbirne, 576
Weidenblattrige Herbstbirne, 576
Weihmier Sugar, 576
Weihnachtsbirne (syn. of Fondante de Noél), 164
Weiler’sche Mostbirn, 576
Weingifterin (syn. of Schweizer Wasserbirne), 543
Weisse Fuchsbirne, 576
Weisse Hangelbirne, 577
Weisse Herbst Butterbirne (syn. of White Doyenné),
Weisse Kochbirne, 577
Weisse Pelzbirne, 577
Weisse Pfalzgrafenbirne (syn. of Zink Pfalsgrafen-
birne), 587
Welbeck Bergamot, 577
Wellington, 577
Wellington, A., introd. of Wellington, 577
Welsche Bratbirne, 577
Weltz, 578
Weltz, Leo, introd. of Weltz, 578
Wendell, 578
Wesner, 578 \
Westcott, 578
Westphalische Melonenbirne, 578
Westrumb, 578
Wetmore, 578
Wetmore, E. B., orig. of Wetmore, 578
Wharton Early, 579
Wheeler, 579
Wheeler, Dr., discov. of Wheeler, 579
Whieldon, 579
Whieldon, Wm. W., orig. of Whieldon, 579
White Beurré (syn. of White Doyenné), 228
White Doyenné, 228; parent of Beurré Antoine, 284;
Christmas Beurré, 337; Collins, 341; Hewes, 418;
Homestead, 420; Vanderveer, 570
White Genneting, 579
White Longland, 579
White Seedling, 579
White Squash, 580
White Star, 580
Whitfield, 580
Wiegel, Christopher, orig. of Margaret, 197
Wiener Pomeranzenbirne (syn. of Orange de
Vienne), 487
Wiest, 580
Wight, Joseph, orig. of Raymond, 517
Wilbur, 580
Wilbur, Jr., D., orig. of Wilbur, 580
Wilcomb and King, introd. of Lawrence, 185
Wild Pears. (See Pears, Wild)
Wilde Filzbirne, 580
Wilde Herrnbirne, 580
Wilde Holzbirne, 580
Wilder, Col. Marshall P., biography of, 128; introd.
into America of varieties, 127, 472, 571
Wilder (syn. of Wilder Early), 230
Wilder Early, 230
Wilder Sugar, 580
Wilding von Einsiedel, 581
Wilding von Gronau, 581
Wilding aus Suffolk (syn. of Suffolk Thorn), 556
Wilford, 581
Wilkinson, 581
Wilkinson, A., orig. of Wilkinson Winter, 581
Wilkinson, Jeremiah, orig. of Wilkinson, 581
Wilkinson Winter, 581
Willamette Valley, introduction of pear culture in,
‘Willermoz, 581
William, 581
William Edwards (syn. of William), 581
William Prince, 582
Williams, orig. of Gansel Late Bergamot, 391;
Gansel Seckel, 170; prop. of Bartlett, 125
Williams, Aaron Davis, orig. of Williams Early, 582,
Williams, John, orig. of Chaumontel Swan Egg,
336; Pitmaston, 207
Williams, Mrs., orig. of Williams Double Bearing,
Williams, Theodore, orig. of Theodore Williams, 561
Williams (syn. of Bartlett), 124
Williams’ Apothekerbirne (syn. of Bartlett), 124
Williams’ Bon Chrétien (syn. of Bartlett), 124
Williams Christbirne (syn. of Bartlett), 124
Williams Double Bearing, 582
Williams Early, 582
Williams d’hiver, 582
Williams panachée, 582
Williams Winter (syn. of Williams d’hive1), 582
Williamson, 582
Williamson, Nicholas, orig. of Williamson, 582
Willison, W., orig. of Queen Victoria, 515
Wilmington, 582
Windsor, 583
Winship, 583
Winship, Messrs., orig. of Winship, 583
Winslow, 583
Winter, 583
Winter Bartlett, 231
Winter Bell (syn. of Pound), 208
Winter Bon Chrétien (syn. of Angoisse), 248
Winter Dechantsbirne (syn. of Easter Beurré), 159
Winter Doyenné, parent of Doyenné 4 Cing Pans,
Winter Eisbirne (syn. of Glace d’hiver), 397
Winter Jonah, 583
Winter Meuris (syn. of Beurré d’Anjou), 127
Winter Nelis, 232; parent of Colmar Sirand, 344;
Comptesse de Chambord, 347; Lycurgus, 454;
Michaelmas Nelis, 471; Reeder, 211; place of,
in commercial pear culture, 84
Winter Oken (syn. of Oken), 485
Winter Orange (syn. of Orange d’Hiver), 486
Winter Pear, 583
Winter Pomeranzenbirne (syn. of Orange d’Hiver),
Winter Popperin, 584
Winter Rousselet, 584
Winter Seckel, 584
Winter Sweet Sugar, 584
Winter Thorn (syn. of Epine d’Hiver), 377
Winter Williams, 584
Winterbirne, 584
Winterliebesbirne, 584
Winterrobine, 584
Winterwunder (syn. of Petit-Oin), 496
Witte Princesse, 585
Witzthumb, orig. of Jean de Witte, 429
Wolfsbirne, 585
Woodberry, William, orig. of Rossney, 524
Woodbridge, orig. of Woodbridge Seckel, 585
Woodbridge Seckel, 585
Woodstock, 585
Worden, Schuyler, orig. of Worden Meadow, 585
Worden, Sylvester, orig. of Worden Seckel, 234
Worden (syn. of Worden Seckel), 234
Worden Meadow, 585
Worden Seckel, 234
Worlesbirne, 585
Wormsley Grange, 585
Wormy pear, cause of, 118
Worster (syn. of Black Worcester), 310
Wredow (syn. of Délices de Charles), 355
Wright, Zaccheus, orig. of Chelmsford, 336
Wurzer, 586
Wurzer d’Automne (syn. of Wurzer), 586
Yat, 586
Yellow Huff-cap, 586
York, Mrs. Jeremiah, orig. of Pendleton Early York,
Vork-précoce de Pendleton (syn. of Pendleton Early
York), 494
Youngken, David, orig. of Youngken Winter
Seckel, 586
Youngken, Josiah, orig. of Red Garden, 518
Youngken Winter Seckel, 586
Zache, 586
Zapfenbirn, 586
Zarskaja, 587
Zénon, 587
Zéphirin Grégoire, 587
Zéphirin Louis, 587
Zieregger Mostbirne, 587
Zimmtfarbige Schmalzbirne, 587
Zink Pfalzgrafenbirne, 587
Zoar Beauty, 588
Zoé, 588
Ziiricher Zuckerbirne (syn. of Sucrée de Zurich),
Zwibotzenbirne (syn. of Deux Tétes), 359
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