ratotiaaeetntat nies Sete REE Peete nee ee ap teree pe eS ees aera aie tere Seep eee SS as Cornell Muiversity Dibrary L | it LE oe ANN pe cipiaos S474 een University Library 11.S66S66 jon:documents re SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION DOCUMENTS RELATIVE TO ITS ORIGIN AND HISTORY. 1S8ao0-1Ls)9. COMPILED AND EDITED BY WILLIAM JONES RHAHES. IN TWO VOLUMES. Vol. I—1835-1887. TWENTY-FOURTH CONGRESS TO FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. LOO. i sgt At797 84 Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That there be printed of ‘*The Smithsonian Institution: Documents Rela- tive to its Origin and History,” 7,000 copies, of which 1,500 copies shall be for the use of the Senate, 3,000 copies for the use of the House of Representatives, and 2,500 copies for the use of the Smith- sonian Institution. Passed the Senate April 26, 1900. Passed the House May 11, 1900. (Stat., XXXT, concurrent resolutions, p. 10.) Il ADVERTISEMENT. The Smithsonian Institution is an establishment based upon the pri- vate foundation of James Smithson, a British subject, which was accepted by the United States in trust. This establishment was created by an act of Congress, under which act, with one or two unimportant modifications, it has since been governed. The United States Govern- ment has, from time to time, assigned to it important functions, and Congress has passed laws and made appropriations in support of these. While, therefore, it is a private foundation, of which the Government is trustee, it has in itself an extensive legislative history. The Board of Regents in January, 1878, requested the Secretary to prepare and publish a history of the origin and progress of the insti- tution, and, in accordance with this, a volume was published in 1879 under the title ‘* The Smithsonian Institution: Documents Relative to its Origin and History,” in which were contained the will of James Smithson, the proceedings in Congress relative to the acceptance of the bequest, the organization of the Institution, and various matters rela- tive to its operations from 1835 to 1877. A second volume relating to the history of the Institution was pub- lished in 1879, under the title ‘* The Smithsonian Institution: Journals of the Board of Regents, Reports of Committees, Statistics, etc.,” edited by William J. Rhees. At the conclusion of the first half century of the Institution, in 1896, a volume was published under the editorial supervision of the late Dr. G. Brown Goode, giving an account of the history, achievements, and present condition of the Institution, prepared by the Secretary and members of the staff of the Institution, to which were added chapters in appreciation of the work of the Institution in the several branches of knowledge. The present volume has heen undertaken to bring down to date the first historical volume mentioned, namely, the relations of the Institu- tion to Congress, debates on its management, appropriations neces- sary for operations intrusted to its care, etc., which can be found only in the volumes of the Congressional Globe and Congressional Record, the journals of the Senate and House, and the Statutes at Large. The compilation and editing of the present work has been performed under my direction by Mr. William J. Rhees, the keeper of archives, and for many years chief clerk of the Institution. : S. P. LANGLEY, Seeretary, Smithsonian Institution. ir PREPACE, The present volume is undertaken in continuation of a volume bear- ing the title ‘‘ The Smithsonian Institution: Documents Relative to its Origin and History,” prepared by the editor of the present volume, which, besides other matters, gives the legislative history of the Smith- sonian Institution to 1877. Prefixed to this will be found a selection of the documents which passed between the United States and the attorneys in England, antecedent to the actual reception of the bequest of James Smithson, a British subject, who gave his fortune to the United States of America ‘to found at Washington, under the name of the Smithsonian Institution, an establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men.” This fact was communicated through the United States legation at London to the Secretary of State, and was made the subject of a special message to Congress by President Tyler on December 17, 1835. The message was referred to committees, and it was at last agreed that, although there was some doubt as to the propriety of accepting it, the bequest should be obtained, if possible, and the Honorable Richard Rush was sent to England in July, 1836, as a special agent of the United States, with power of attorney from the President to prose- cute the claim in the chancery court. The fund was brought to this country in 1838, and after eight years of debate, including consul- tation with all the leading educators of the United States at that time, a law was finally framed on August 10, 1846, ‘‘to establish the Smithsonian Institution for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men.” Under this act. with a few amendments, the operations of the Institution have been carried on to the present time, and a detailed account of the legislation by Congress, as well as of proposed action, from 1835 to March 3, 1899, is given in this work. The leg- islation fully accomplished is shown by acts and joint resolutions, followed in all cases by references to the volumes and pages of the Statutes at Large from which they were quoted. Concurrent resolutions of the Senate and House and separate reso- lutions of either branch of Congress are referred to by the dates of action. An account is also given of action or discussion relative to objects intrusted by Congress to the care of the Institution, and of some of Vv VI PREFACE, the operations of the Government with which it has had direct or inci- dental connection. The proceedings of each Congress are given successively, the first volume containing those of the Twenty-fourth Congress to the Forty- ninth and the second volume those of the Fiftieth to the Fifty-fifth Congress. Under each Congress the subjects are arranged according to the date of their introduction, all action in that Congress on each subject following in chronological order, excepting that estimates and appro- priations are placed at the end of each subject. In the preparation of this work an examination was made of every page of the Congressional Globe and Congressional Record, of the journals of the Senate and House, the Statutes at Large, the Con- gressional documents and reports from 1835 to 1899, together with other printed and manuscript material in the Institution and elsewhere; and the table of contents and index are as comprehensive and minute as possible the latter being alphabetical, analytical, and chronological. The formal details of legislation in most cases are abbreviated, and the quotations from the statutes giving dates and amounts appropri- ated are always given in figures and not in words. Thanks are due to the intelligent and efficient aid of Miss Helen Munroe and Mr. Edward L. Springer, of the Smithsonian Institution. Wituiam J. RHEEs. Wasuinaton, D. C., day, 1901. CONTENTS OF VOLUMES | AND IIL. VOLUME I. Page. Resolution to priittic. cas sacigse Hee cerg sama isles ee eeabe wens suas Gaeeeels I AQVeRISemi Gn trai ce Saers sae a. cae auc taae name aes aie eae ee te ee ent a nt HMCLACO% creoa sedi z sie s fateieeetad te neta lanpencbieat sels Sees ole E be Makes tt Ne v Contents 55s bee aed sete ennada eee Bhs itd te dyes EASE vu Act of organization of the Institution and amendments, etc. to March 3, 1899.. = x xr Acts and joint resolutions of Congress referred to in this work ..............- XXVII PART I. ; Will of James Smithson (made October 23, 1826; proved June 27, 1829) ...._. 5 Correspondence between attorneys in England, the Department of State, Richard Rush, ete., relative to the bequest of Smithson (July 21, 1835- December:3) 1838)... sat sanceeke. Setelnouaeek eas ce Ubleewisenicca a nceseaue 7-111 The case of the United States Government against the English Government in the court of chancery to obtain the bequest..........-.-..------+--.------- 13 Opinion of the English counsel..........---.--.--.-----2-----+--2 222 eee mais 14 Decree in chancery awarding Smithson’s bequest to the United States, May TD BBS i cle eas aia a espera Seta Ss hw Go ec pee he i Na ale an ht 56 ACCOUNT OL COStS:OL THE BUI = oc oe irecers occ Seo tees cle esr eee ianbenenenes 70 Account of expenses of Richard Rush.._._..--.-.---.---------+------------- 98 Schedule of the personal effects of Smithson..._...-....-..----------------- 98 Smithson bequest paid into the Treasury of the United States -...-.-.......- 109 Residuary bequest of Smithson (May 16, 1861-February 22, 1867) -......-.--- 112 Increase of the Smithson fund: Hamilton fund (February 24, 1874)_.......-..------------+-------+------ 120 Habel fund (March 15, 1880) ..........---.-------22---- 02 -e ee eee eee eee 120 Hodgkins fund (October 22, 1891-May 19, 1894).......--...------------ 120 Other bequests and gifts to the Institution: _ Avery 1nd: (W894) wccccc oa sceearestacccumaes Pe ns secs ete aes 121 Kiddertbequest(1889))\.ni ccs sceccesn eee tt eisemacisset ese eeeeereoeeewe 121 = Bell gift (1891 \ ae. 3- syeig att terctslaniseos a eatstety iesciatnd deisel sine Gehelelelmrepate eistais 121 PART II. Legislation relative to the establishment of the Smithsonian Institution, 1835- DSA oatadadenacece ad Feteed dee eeiaaee eset ewe eee eee hie ee 123 Twenty-fourth Congress, 1835-1837: Message of President Jackson, December 17, 1835...........---- beans 125 Report of Senate Committee on the Judiciary (Leigh) ..........-......- 135 Report of House select committee (Adams) ..-.-....-.--.-.---.-------- 130 Debates on acceptance of the bequest ..-_..--------.----------------+-- 136 Act to authorize and enable the President to prosecute the claim for the Smithson bequest...... Kevieveradedes iol Heat SIaeiaig slninia Winer eRN ea eC eas 142 VIIL CONTENTS. Twenty-fifth Congress, 1837-1839: Page. Bequest considered .........2.....-.2220 20022 eee eee eee eee 143 Message of President Van Buren, December 6, 1838........------------+ 145 Memorial of Prof. Walter R. Johnson.........-.-.--.-.---------------- 146 Memorial of Charles Lewis Fleischmann..-........--.-.---------+------- 155 Speeches on application of the bequest........--...-..--------------- 163, 173 Bill for disposition of the hequest (Robbins) ............---------------- 171 Debate on establishment of the Smithsonian Institution .............-.- 173 Twenty-sixth Congress, 1839-1841: Bill offered for disposition of the bequest (Adams)...-...---..---------- 184 Estimates of cost of an astronomical observatory...--.-....------------- 206 Statement of investment of Smithson bequest in State stocks .......----- 215 Bill for disposition of the bequest (Linn) ......-....--.---------------- 215 Incorporation of the National Institution..............--------+--------- 217 Bill to establish the Smithsonian Institution (Preston) .......-..------- 219 Care of Government collections. ......-.--....---+----+----------------- 219 International @xchanves 45 seteweeeneh sinc gost cheek ecient 220 Twenty-seventh Congress, 1841-1843: Repeal of act to invest Smithson fund in State stocks .....-...----.------ 220 Message of President Tyler, December 7, 1841.....-.-----.------------- 225 Report of House select committee (Adams) -.-...--------.----2-----+-- 226 Copies of State bonds procured from Smithson fund ...........--------- 229 Statement of stocks in which the fund was invested.......--.----------- 235 Bill to establish the Smithsonian Institution (Adams) .......-.--------- 235 United States exploring expedition..........-...-22.--2-2-2-2--+---+-+---- 239 Twenty-eighth Congress, 1843-1845: Message of President Tyler, December 5, 1843 .........----------------- 241 Condition of the Smithson fund, January, 1844 243 Bonds and stocks purchased from Smithsonian Institution ......-....--- 245 IMteneston StOCks..s.5..0 20s. eee eecin 2 sabes 33.238 see aba alaeinte seeds 246 Correspondence relative to purchase of stocks -..-......-2.--2------+--- 250 Bill to establish the Institution (Tappan) ._........--...---.-1--.------ 266 Report from House select committee (Adams) .......----- eee ae eS 268 Bill to establish the Institution (.\dams).........2..-...--------------- 273 Bill to establish the Institution (Tappan) ......-.....2..--.-----..----- 276 Debate on bills to establish the Institution _...............-2-..2------- 280 Exploring expedition ines 2. mew cosgiestee severe Seeneean foe oe neces 320 Twenty-ninth Congress, 1845-1847: Bill to establish the Institution (Owen)........-.-.222.-2222-2. 222. eee 321 Debate in House on establishment of Institution. .........2....-2.2..--- 333 Bill to establish the Institution (Morse) .............222.2222222222---- 388 Bill to establish the Institution (Hough), passed -......2...22222.222.2-- 423 Act to establish the Institution, approved August 10, 1846._......22.2222 429 Internation anéexchanges.20 so. ccnoeeoee het be ye eewenedicieter'y s dosslee es 434 Exploring expedition. ...sc.esovgeseesndeeeeey eee ss sapeecedcese see ueees 435 Catlin: Indian gallerywess sees sadacecSecaine opisstdeuedaiseaesed Aoaaaatos 435 Appomtmient-of Regents. .2 2: vyecackecieohsp ee pehteenseedeee secede 436 Purchase of city hall for Smithsonian Institution (proposed) ............ 438 ~ Report of the Smithsonian Institution -.....-.. 439 PART TIT. Legislation relative to the Institution and its dependencies, 1847-1899. ..._..- +41 Thirtieth Congress, 1847-1849: Committee on the Smithsonian Institution CONTENTS. Ix iirtieth Congress, 1847-1849—Continued. Page. Appointment of Regents ...--. ah ihige nHscae me aaR ates StiesTe eee See 463 Report of the Smithsonian Institution .............2.-.2-2-5----2------- 464 Amendment to act of organization..............-....------------------ 466 International exchanges ............--2 2222202202 eee eee eee eee ee eee eee 466 Hxploring expeditions... .cemc0rs dev view sveawhateeied eeyeetluestmonnes 467 airty-first Congress, 1849-1851: Exploring expedition.............202-02-0200222 2222 c cece cece eee eee eee 468 Care of Government collections .._.......-.------.-------+--+-----2--2--+-- 470 Report of the Smithsonian Institution ........-........--.------------- 477 Intemational exchanges: ...cc2c.ct oe coe nase auceus nee ei veeeeeseeee 480 Increase of Smithson fund ......--.....--------2-----+-----2---------+--- 481 Appontment/of Regents. .s.evcns sacdueneseeee wer end eiedeessedeeet 482, 1838 hirty-second Congress, 1851-1853: Appropriations for Smithsonian grounds .__...-....--.----------------- 484 Increase of Smithson fund .............--2-------------------+----2---- 484 RCE POStasGs. 53. a 2Sieccdeeeece ewe sane nce Sa recd tests peanneloniltecnsds 485 Report of the Smithsonian Institution .......-.2...-2..----.---2-2-------- 485 Appointnent-of Répentsic eee tetanic Geese cteacaeeees 486 DOCUMENTS ies ale sikde iG se saree New Orlearig: tc .ee eens e pees cee Dooce ees oo oceew sees Cincinnati ss..cecse os ec seeee eee a ended eee eee ees bouisvilll Goss 2c sa. cpnsietsie sass Neeson ess cosets ve Bie Lond om: Mishery wes ccnates cca tee asst knoe: + S24. neeat Report of Smithsonian Institution...........-.--..-------------------- Ventilation of Hall of House of Representatives .....:-...--.---------- Free postage eviccie scarves sive fede eS eeteee ov open cee eeea eee ile Public printing and binding’ 2...2s2222222--e0e¢ee8-+e25e5 25252520082 - Henry statue ost se ceacauae cis ae Boece eee eee ee oye eclee tee Ses Grant relics XIII Page. 887 890 890 891 893 895 895 905 906 907 907 908 909 909 910 913 917 918 923 924 928 929 929 XIV CONTENTS. Forty-eighth Congress, 1883-1885—Continued. Page. DOCUIMEMUS satel ee pect ete tee alt St ratel Sani oan dia See maa aisicied 968 Department of Agriculture, entomology, ornithology ...--..------------ 968 Forty-ninth Congress, 1885-1887: Appointment of Regenis.....-..-.-.----------------2--- 2-2-2 eee eee ee 970 International exchanges .....-.--.---------------- 2222-2 ee eee eee 974, 1840 CSstiimates.24.) sewn stb oodeiee teens sre accaeeeees 978 APPropriations -. casas ncaese vests es seu eee cine 979 Smithsonian building, estimates........-.--.--.----------------------- 980 approprations.¢2.5 2.24 22ecesuaee ys orcdasegees 981 Bureau of Ethnology, estimates -.....-.--.----------------------+-+---- 981 APPrOpriatiOns < 2...0sceder.oed sete vss sea eeessas 981 . “Bureau of Fine Arts......-- Wane mee ete eane ewe ons Aner 981 “ Nelson’s report on Alaska........------------22--00 202-2222 eee eee eee 982 sTurnér’s réport.on Aldsk@. 22. s.ncccc ence wees nncteseless Piseseeeeese* 983 Report of the Smithsonian Institution........-..----------------++------ 986 Capron Japanese collection......-...-.-..----.-----------+------------- 988 Ethnology, bulleting...<. a s.sesceeders see eeeetadstededuus se sevecienenes 1002 Grantirelits. 2.25.22 sche cen e can kekeewee es ees Ceeenecedee'e eel caseas 1009 National Museum, Government collections. ......---------------------- 1011 Sunday opening... ss0s cise vecesedcesscee yes eteescs 1014 section of transportation ...-.....--.-----.---------- 1014 estimates: iwc Gea ceceicae ceo one cese tes eaeoemnete 1018 APPLO PTIAHONG a5 see raisrsaistse st cink ccc eeloewetencese 1022 Manuscripts commission... 22. 12.2560 scesneceniase ces tects ecseeae ess 1032 Expositions, Centennial celebration of the Constitution ._.....-...------ 1033 Minneapolis ......---.------: Bars iavnstnaeie nee naymiaasee oe eae te 1039 Rock Greek Park. co scisevescee secs ace cecwcanie sce e veeicemesceeees 1040 Neumann’s Sik Hag cscsceccssean teecccmcoentenchtwkioscmansaaeeseeae 1041 Sinithsoniandtund. 45.) Asdsdeceiese ets so. cell areesea eh ae cecsaasee eee 1042 Public printing: and binding. 222 22 sacle ee ae rt aka SeSOSeiees ese 1042 Smithsonian erounds x2 .2.s 202 scenes ce cceioe seeceke oa seieeeeeee ey 1043 School of Research and Medicine...-...---.....----------+--+----------- 1043 Army Medical Museum and Library............--.---------------+----- 1043 REWES SWOrds .ccaaconreera tees ceeecummenceeaewnier cen cameuameane teen 1044 VOLUME II. Fiftieth Congress, 1887-1889: Bureau of Ethnology, estimates......-----.--------+-------------------- 1045 APPTOPMANONSs......sccsacsecccceceee ae eeee eee se 1045 Spencer E. Baird, Sérvites Obcus occ ocescisaccaua cig eens cack cee necid 1045 StatuehOls tcc. sane eee eaae onanasoeosceaieeneecoe 1104 BUréa. OL WING ATS .cngeeats sd cantectnsicd oid eu. che anedddseeannnaeer 1105 G. Brown Goode, Fish Commissioner........-.-------------+----------- 1106 Rock Creek National Park. 26. cccnk cena seu seelmieecceaacaeadtenat 1106 AppointmentiOl Regents oo iseis saiscis cemisieisialg snnoilase deeds ys ceudemse . 1109 Capron Japanese collections... .cassseeseees peeeeeeresetdes ee teceaecles 1110 Army Medical Museum and Library......-.....--.-2-----2---2---+------ 1112 Semon Bache: Coe.) ues es Bie ic ake ee eee hos Sc, Sanaa 1112 Expositions, Washington ............-2-22-2----2..----2 22002-2222 eee eee 1113 Melbourme. ....0.suedswe 2 dneeneemesidensees Secuonueegeece 1113 BaneClOnane. ts ta soas sau sam tele pth cil aul Ae OS 1114 PAT cernsctonakiete eke ve de eldaglateae sate sow aeeeinue™ 1114 IBTUSS6lS < Saysctoes eae See Sue eee, nein aee eee se 1119 CinGliNa tl s5522a5accnc85 ce seat taatanecaaesaaeeek exe 1119 CONTENTS. iftieth Congress, 1887-1889—Continued. “ National Zoological Park American Historical Association a Ethnology, Gen. James Shields’ swords Report of Smithsonian Institution National ar Neumann’s Privilege of floor of the House of Representatives Stanley Indian paintings Methods of Statue of Robert Dale Owen International exchanges bulletins reports t commission silk flag Government: Work... 22... 2 os cosets coase eee ceeeeided eee Fireproofing Smithsonian building --.............-..---.-.------------ Vail telegraphic instrument Documents National Museum, new building..............-.----------------------- Armory building ...............200.222..2------0--- classified service.......--..--.-.-------------------- livinganimals’s | i003 ss5suieeeiee S35, a8 cones cease Cstlina tes ssc ed. enagannasace een engeneweameaenmes Military and Naval Museum... ...22-220.22.52224e2ee-eeeseeeeeeesece Detailed statement of expenditures required.....-.....----------------- Government publications restricted to public business. ........--..------ Geological Survey building........-.---------2---------- 0-22-22 e eee ee Astrophysical Observatory :..2.c2cc5 08 25 eh.cciec nev ales ie teccea peel anize ifty-first Congress, 1889-1891: Appointments of Regents _-........-----..----------------------------- Fireproofing Smithsonian building.......---......---.---..------------ Bureau of Hin écArts 2. ccccicucuten cae ooasicesetekciocnes tesa ese Vail original telegraphic receiver ....-------.- Laitinen ase naan - Capron Japanese:collection s2ess ts nsaesnck ee cnc sees oe At Ad adeibaeaitet ete Report of Smithsonian Institution ---.- saree ae cata te pA sda tatafatet Rock Créek Park. = o.. es sce lee eed eevee sera eye eee cee eee Statue of Christopher Columbus .............-------------------------- National Military and Naval Museum.......--..-..-------------------- Geological Survey building-~----- Stine lala Se DAE AOSS ERY Rau OR eed ek bites National Museum, evening opening...-....--...----------------------- armory. building’. o32.u2ccce.8 Sesce an Conneeaacseees new building... 2... secce..e0sccen se seeuseeeimecsese ses baseiilent's. see nes psoeeiscat ee ive nsiev Pasta doe eae estimates: 2.2): even fesae cede eke re cecinoet teeters appropriations: =. ¢secncG) cc se salve ee yaawenreeeee Report on expenditures...........---------+--+-----++ 22-22-22 ee eee Reid’ ss word's... 2s se senso s pozesedaenlsecs cas caney decease Baird statue c.cu.svex ce ociege sac. ee eeceeeecacecnsbeeetesonssceaer ss National Zoological Park, appropriations. -.....-----------------+--+----- report of commission....-..----.------------- Olpanization. =<. s4cse2s.eersseceedsses sess @stimMates. so cscewesetdyes shes seiozeecasdeiscies XVI CONTENTS. Fifty-First Congress, 1889-1891—Continued. : Page. International exchanges ............2------ 2-02-22 --- 22 eee eee eee ee eee 1492 OstlMates:.c2 scree seenaceagee cee eres cceeieee 1496 ‘ BPPYOPMatlOns 22.2 verenceuseecee genesis 1497 Stanley Indian paititings. <.o.22..245. ssocesece wench ll deeeeeeeenees 1500 Christopher Columbus memorial -.........---------------------------- 1501 Expositions, Chieago) aces . ede cecae ee Seecmann eee seat ons 1501 Db LOWS ecusceccemsennad ade cee neeaman anes mea eke eeyacnrecies 1514 TGWSVillGi nn. oeeeci icant oes eteeeeeceaneeseetaneane 1514 Heirs of Joseph: Henry <2..:-nesssinccarses cece cemiietwees eee 1514 Society of Sons of the American Revolution........----.-.------------- 1527 .* University of the United States.......-..2.--.---2----2--- 22-222 e ee 1530 * American Wianversity +2 Scoala ee de hk ae is BE ee tee etion 1531 -American Historical Association Report..........-..--.---------------- 1534 OWEN StAtUG: Qo. siieids oes seca dammecewie credewe netamersn ae seane se 1537 DUveaW OL MOAN ON OOy 66sec iste ais yea cae Satyr SEER rn cate ESE Den 1539 @stiMAtes: 2ced2ncoenetiniedd OG eseecennsteeee eseete 1541 APPTOPNMAtONs -.....4.0c.000c0c0 geese eenseneseegesees 1541 Perkins collection of copper implements ........-.-.-.-.--------------- 1543 Printing reports from Executive Departments.........-...------------- 1544 Astrophysical Observatory, estimates .__......----.-------------------- 1544 appropriations. .........--.--2.------------ 1545 BthnOlOgy 5 TEPORt ci asieeeteese bts see eee Shee eels awe bese 1546 Fifty-second Congress, 1891-1893: Smithsonian building, estimates.......-..--.-------------------------- 1547 APPLOPTAtiONnS...2cccses2canseceneiucoseearseess 1547 International exchanges, estimates ...-........-------------------+---- 1548 ApPPropriatONns cae a sdsecce cece eee 1549 Ethnology. sestiinates s4faseac cc s-ceteicttaantsaeinaniet ys tea ee aaa ese 1551 Ap Pro PriatlOus! sive sees ewe asiesy Hoes Shake See ee eas 1551 Astrophysical Observatory, estimates ........-.-.---------------------- “1551 APPVOPMAONS: .. 600 s2cocsese ene see ees 1552 Owen, SRA co4 Wi fos eee se wars cote e aoe a ihan abt BeSeaen were 1552 Appointment of Regents.........-2...--2.. 2020.2 e eee eee eee ee ee eceee 1553 platue-ol Spencer We Bainhan< soos ei sor ee ah he Gages ne eecmetadsea esas 1557 GCopray MeImaMess 3325555: ancccc nec chee omaree dake etme taanereiie 1557 Report On expen cities 2 4scecoues as Ala nesltseie ee ema ee ee 1558 Vail original telegraphic receiver. .........2.-2---..22-------02002----- 1559 HtDMOlo py PEP Orts thts ccta slaw ia ates eyes el aN eyed rN ts tal ie lok 1559 Colonial: Dames of Aimerica.c<=. <.s cece ceca ees be cescenteeseeOk 1732 Appomtmentiar ReGen tSs 2 2