a Oe Va Oa y RASS i ; ee * eg SS é ce Onica See Slat ——s —R OE RTS a Ss CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Gift of HERBERT FIsK JOHNSON ’22 Cornell University Library RC 116.L59 ntrol in Panama; the eradicati olin Mosquito Control in Panama The Eradication of Malaria and Yellow Fever in Cuba and Panama py _o BY q . Joseph A. Le Prince, c.z., a.m. Chief Sanitary Inspector, Isthmian Canal Commission 1904-1914 and A. J. Orenstein, M.p. Assistant Chief Sanitary Inspector, Isthmian Canal Commission With an Introduction by L. O. Howard, LL.p. Entomologist and Chief, Bureau of Entomology United States Department of Agriculture With 100 Illustrations G. P. PUTNAM’S SONS NEW YORK AND LONDON The Knickerbocker Press 1916 ee 1iG | ae CopyRIGHT, 1916 BY JOSEPH A. Le PRINCE A-SE LF RM The tknickerbocker Press, Hew Work INTRODUCTION RESIDENT ROOSEVELT early appreciated the fact that great as were the engineering difficulties to be surmounted in the making of the Panama Canal, the difficulties of sanitation would be fully as great, if not greater, and, before the first Canal Commission was appointed, he told a committee of the American Medical Association, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the New York Academy of Medicine, consisting of Doctor Welch and Doctor Osler of Baltimore, Doctor Musser of Philadelphia, Doctor Bryant of New York, and the writer, that it was his intention to seek for the best man in the world for the task, to pay him whatever would be necessary, and to give him full power. Fortunately, the man needed was found in the person of Colonel (now General) Gorgas, fresh from his triumphant clean- ing up of Havana with the consequent elimination of yellow fever and malaria. General Gorgas took with him from Cuba to Panama a man who iti iv Introduction had been his right hand in the cleaning up of Havana, J. A. Le Prince, the author of this book. The writer well remembers one morning when, before starting for Panama, General Gorgas and Mr. Le Prince called on him at his office in Washing- ton to talk about mosquitoes, and the confidence which they felt of accomplishing their gigantic task was inspiring. He asked General Gorgas to have specimens of allthe Panama mosquitoes sent to him for naming, and the General said, ‘‘I will assign Mr. Le Prince to see that it is done.’”” Upon which Mr. Le Prince remarked, ‘‘I will have to do it soon, Doctor, for in a year or so there will be no mosquitoes there!” The brilliant results of the work of General Gorgas and his assistants are now known over the whole civilized globe. It has been an object- lesson for the sanitarians of the world and has demonstrated the vitally important fact that it is possible for the white race to live healthfully in the tropics. And now, the whole world wants to know how they did it. Every detail becomes of the greatest interest, and, in consequence, what Mr. Le Prince has written here will be not only of great practical importance as a guide to Introduction Vv future work of the same character, especially in the tropics, but also of permanent historic value. L. O. Howarp. BuREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. CONTENTS PART I. ANTI-MALARIA CAMPAIGN CHAPTER I.—TuHE Status oF KNOWLEDGE or ANTI- MataRiA WoRK IN 1904 AND THE PREVIOUS CAMPAIGN IN HAVANA II.—THE SITUATION ON THE ISTHMUS IN 1904, BEFORE AMERICAN OCCUPATION III.—METEOROLOGICAL AND TOPOGRAPHI- CAL CONDITIONS. ‘TOPOGRAPHICAL CHANGES AND THEIR BEARING ON IsTHMIAN ANOPHELES IV.—TwHE SPECIES oF ANOPHELES ON THE IsTHMUS V.—ANOPHELES PROPAGATION AREAS . VI.—HARBORING PLACES AND Foop OF ANOPHELES VIIL.—FLIGHT AND ATTRACTION oF MosQuI- TOES . : : , : % PAGE 16 27 43 55 83 94 Vili Contents CHAPTER PAGE VIII.ATTACK ON PROPAGATION AREAS BY FILLING. j ‘ < . II5 IX.—ATTACK ON PROPAGATION AREAS BY DRAINAGE . ‘i ‘ ‘ . 122 X.—ATTACK ON PROPAGATION AREAS BY OILING : : ‘ : . ISI XI.—AtTrTackK ON PROPAGATION AREAS BY LARVACIDES : 3 : . 173 XII.—ATTACK ON PROPAGATION AREAS AND ADULT MosquITroEs BY NATURAL ENEMIES. . ‘ . . 180 XIII.—AtTrackK ON PROPAGATION AREAS BY CLEARING BopIEs OF WATER . 190 XIV.—ATTACK ON PROPAGATION AREAS BY REMOVAL OF JUNGLE . . . 195 XV.—SCREENING AND PRACTICAL DESTRUC- TION OF ADULT ANOPHELES IN Houses. : : : - 198 XVI.—THE RESULTS ACCOMPLISHED BY THE ANTI-MALARIA CAMPAIGN . . 218 PART II. THE YELLOW FEVER CAMPAIGN I.—TsEe CampaiGN IN HAVANA . . . 231 II.—TuHE SITUATION ON THE ISTHMUS BEFORE SANITARY WORK WAS STARTED . 261 Contents CHAPTER III.—GEoGRAPHY, METEOROLOGY, ETC., AND THEIR BEARING ON THE PRESENCE oF AEDES CALOPUS . IV.—Tue First Sanitary Work Done IN PanaAMA—ITS PURPOSE V.—TuHeE ANTI-YELLOW FEevER CAMPAIGN AND ITS RESULTS . 5 ‘ VI.—MEAsurRES TAKEN TO KEEP THE IsTH- MUS FREE FROM YELLOW FEVER . VII.—THE VALUE OF YELLOW FEVER ERaDI- CATION IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PANAMA CANAL INDEX ix PAGE 268 271 293 306 314 325 NOTE—The word mosquito refers to the Anopheles in Part I., and to Aédes calopus in Part II., unless otherwise stated. / f Z ; { ‘ { Steger, Ut/ La de ICA rr a f ¥ / f vy ILLUSTRATIONS CHart SHOWING MarariA DEATH-RATE AT Havana, 1871 TO 1914 AntT-Guarpbs: OLp HospitaL aT ANCON . : A DitceH at ANCON: WEEDS RETARDING WatTER FLow . : : : 2 ; JUNGLE COVERING A STREAM . Map oF THE CANAL ZONE METEOROLOGICAL TABLES I TO 9 RAINFALL: CURVES FOR 1909, I9I2, 1913 A TopoGRAPHIC CHANGE: NEAR EMPIRE CONSTANTLY CHANGING TOPOGRAPHY: NEAR MIRAFLORES DaILy CHANGE OF TOPOGRAPHY BLOCKED WATER-CouRSE CHANGED INTO AN ANOPHELES BREEDING PLACE . ; 5 AQUATIC VEGETATION SHELTERING LARVE SWAMP NEAR BALBOA, CAUSED BY BUILDING OF DIKES . ‘ : : ; : ‘ PAGE 13 18 20 22 26 28 37 38 38 40 42 48 52 Xil Tilustrations THE RIsING WATERS OF GATUN LAKE . : CATTLE ON Low PAsTURE LANDS: PANAMA. Tue EFFECT OF FLoops: EMPIRE . : p ALG& UNITED WITH OIL IN MAT-LIKE MAssEs: EMPIRE . ‘ ; : : 3 ; RAILROAD TIE LEFTINA TREE BY A SUBSIDING FLoop. . 3 ‘ ‘ 5 OILING OF BREEDING PLACES ALONG A RIVER- BANK 4 ‘ ‘ ; 4 " ‘ VEGETATION PROTECTING Mosquito LARVA . A SEEPAGE OUTCROP, CONTROLLED BY AN INTER- CEPTING TILE DitcH: ANCON VEGETATION REMOVED FROM THE EDGE OF A PonpD AT BoHIO : ; ; ; : RESULT OF BLOCKING THE RIO CARDENAS PROPAGATION AREA OF GATUN MosQUuUITO INFLUX WHERE Mosquito FLIGHT WAS DISCOVERED . . : : ; ‘: DETAIL OF ANOPHELES BREEDING GROUND WHERE FLIGHT OBSERVATIONS WERE MADE GRASS AND PLANTS ALMOST COVERING THE WATER SURFACE AND PROTECTING Mosquito Larve . : : ‘ : ; j DIAGRAMS SHOWING BEST LOCATIONS FOR SCREENED Doors . ; 3 P : PAGE 54 56 58 58 62 64 66 68 79 72 76 78 78 87 Illustrations xiii PAGE A woPHELES COLLECTED IN THE GROUND CRACKS UNDER THE HOUSEs . ‘ : : - 90 THE RELATIVE Positions oF PANAMA, ANCON, CoROZAL, AND MIRAFLORES : ‘ » 95 Mosourro Trap ATTACHED TO A WINDOW SCREEN . ‘ i i ‘ ‘ - 96 Mosouiro Trap (SEEN FROM INSIDE THE House) . ‘ . : ; ‘ . 96 EXPERIMENT STATION: COROZAL : . 98 THE SHORE OF GATUN LAKE . : . 100 Map oF GATUN: SHOWING ANoPHELES PROPA- GATION AREA AND HOUSES WHERE STAINED SPECIMENS WERE RECAPTURED . ; . IOI FLOATING ISLANDS BLOWN TOWARD GATUN LAKE s ‘ ’ : , ; . 102 Masses oF AQUATIC PLANTS AND FLOATING IsLANDSINGATUN LAKE . ‘ ‘ . 102 THe AwNwoPpHELES BREEDING GROUND NEAR GATUN . : : ; : ‘ . 106 A Device FoR DETERMINING THE FLIGHT DIRECTION OF A NOPHELES ; ‘ . 108 TABLE SHOWING NuMBER OF ANOPHELES CAUGHT IN Houses AT GATUN . ‘ . I10 STAINING ANOPHELES WITH ANILINE DYE TO DETERMINE LENGTH OF FLIGHT : . (12 xiv Illustrations ANOPHELES IN A MosqguiTo-BAR EXPOSED TO AIR CURRENTS AT NIGHT . j ‘ ‘ CRACKS IN A HYDRAULIC FILL ‘ ‘ ‘ LONGITUDINAL SECTION AND CROSS-SECTION OF AN INTERCEPTING TILE DRAIN . ; ; DETAIL OF OUTLET OF A TILE DRAIN : ‘ PLAN AND SIDE VIEW OF A JUNCTION OF TILE LINES. ; ; , : . , CONCRETE LINING OF A DITCH OF SMALL CRrOSS- SECTION i : : : : é REINFORCED THIN CONCRETE LINING OF A ROADSIDE DITCH, AND SUPPORT OF THE SLIDING TOE OF A HILL WITH CONDEMNED Cross-TIES_. : : : : : PLAN AND CROSS-SECTION OF A KEY-WALL AND POSITION OF WEEP-HOLES ‘ : CONCRETE DitcH LINING : i : ‘ CONCRETE LINED DitcH AT BALBOA : Kry-WaALLS TO PREVENT WATER LEAVING LINED DITCHES 3 ; ‘ és ; BrancuH DITCHEs . , ‘i p sj i JUNCTION OF CONCRETE DITCHES, SHOWING SPLASH-WALL . ‘ . : ; ; CONCRETE LINING FOR THE BOTTOM OF A SMALL DitcH . ‘ 7 i ‘ ‘ ‘ PAGE 114 120 131 135 136 138 139 140 140 140 141 142 142 Illustrations JUNCTION oF A Branco DitcH wITH A LINED DitcH BuRNING GRASS FROM THE SIDE OF A DITCcH; CRUDE O1L UsED As FUEL CONDITION OF THE DitcH Two MontTHS AFTER BuRNING. DitcH CLEARED BY HAND Lasor, SHOWING ConDITION Two MONTHS AFTER REMOVING GRass A GaTE To IMPOUND WATER FOR FLUSHING A DitcH: EMPIRE REMOVAL AND DESTRUCTION OF LARVZ AND Mattep ALG& IN A DiTcH BY FLUSHING: EMPIRE A Srmmpce Form oF Or Drip Tue FLat LAMPWICK DRIP FOR HEAvy OILS Or Drip APPLIED TO A HILLSIDE STREAM OILING OBSTRUCTED STREAMS ON CuT-OVER LANDS BRUSH IN VALLEY OF PEDRO MIGUEL RIVER . APPLICATION OF LARVACIDE OR OIL BY KNAP- SACK SPRAYER: MIRAFLORES 2 Spray NozzLes . ° 5 4 . 7 Fre_p SUPPLY TANK . ; F ‘ 3 Om-CartT FOR APPLYING OIL TO ROADSIDE DITCHES ; s ‘ ‘ ‘ 3 xV PAGE 143 144 146 148 150 150 158 160 162 164 164. 166 167 168 168 XV1 Illustrations Pack-MULES, FOR OIL TRANSPORTATION IN JUNGLE TRAILS : : ; _ a THE LARVACIDE PLANT AT ANCON . : ‘ REMOVING VEGETATION FROM OVERGROWN STREAMS : . : ; ‘ 3 SCREENED VERANDAS: ANCON : : : A Goop DEVICE TO PREVENT THE SAGGING OF SCREENED Doors . ‘ ! 5 : Types OF SCREENED HousEs: CoLon HOSPITAL GROUNDS TYPES OF SCREENED Houses: CULEBRA SCREENED CARS IN RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION CAMPS TABLE OF MALARIA INCIDENCE AT CONSTRUC- TION CAMPS SLAPPER, CHLOROFORM TUBE, ACETYLENE Lamp, AND PiLL-Box; USED IN CATCHING ANOPHELES IN HOUSES f j . Mosouito TRAP, WITH DETAILS oF CoN- STRUCTION . : ; : 2 INTERIOR OF LABORERS’ BARRACKS; WHERE ANOPHELES WERE CauGuT DAILY 5 : CHART SHOWING PERCENTAGE OF EMPLOYEES SICK WITH MALARIA IN THE WET SEASONS OF I9II, 1912, AND 1913. . . : PAGE 170 174 192 192 201 204 206 206 209 212 214 216 221 Illustrations xvii PAGE DIAGRAM SHOWING THE YEARLY REDUCTION OF MALARIA AMONG CANAL EMPLOVEES . 226 CHART SHOWING THE MonTHLY MALARIA SICK-RATE FROM 1906 TO 1914 . : . 228 Mar oF HAvANA; SHOWING THE YELLOW FEVER DISTRICT : : : : . 236 CHART SHOWING THE PREVALENCE OF YELLOW FEVER IN HAVANA, CUBA . : ‘ . 244 CHART SHOWING YELLOW FEVER CASES ON THE ISTHMUS FROM 1881 TO 1889 s 4 . 264 PART OF THE PANAMA FUMIGATION BRIGADE . 284 SCREENED VESTIBULE Door : ‘ . 286 A PoorLy CONSTRUCTED EAVE-TROUGH . . 288 A CLoGGED EAVE-TROUGH . : ; . 288 DIAGRAM OF A FIRMLY SUPPORTED EAVE- TROUGH : ‘ 5 : ‘ . 289 A FrrMLy SUPPORTED EAVE-TROUGH WITH A Goop SLOPE . : ‘ , j . 290 MosoguITo-PROOF WATER BARREL . ; . 290 A SHort LENGTH OF EAVE-TROUGH USED OVER ADOooRWAY . ; ‘ ‘ : . 310 PART I Anti-Malaria Campaign. CHAPTER I THE STATUS OF KNOWLEDGE OF ANTI-MALARIA WORK IN 1904 AND THE CAMPAIGN AT HAVANA HE anti-malaria work of importance accom- plished previous to 1904 was that done by Colonel Gorgas in Cuba and Sir Ronald Ross in the British Colonies in the East. The necessity for mosquito control has been appreciated since it was first demonstrated that some mosquitoes may transmit disease. Since 1900 great progress has been made in the study of the life history and habits of mosquitoes. As a result, we find remarkable differences in habits, even among species of the same genus. The determination of such facts is of great importance in the economic control or eradication of the dis- ease-conveying species, and also in that of other genera that affect personal comfort or real estate values. It is realized that conditions pertaining to Anopheles control on the Isthmus and the habits 3 4 The Control of Mosquitoes of the species encountered may differ from those which will be found elsewhere, and that methods of procedure for malaria control must be modified accordingly; but if in a large territory like Panama, where conditions are most favorable for the multiplication of mosquitoes every day in the year, malaria has been controlled at a reasonable cost, the methods which accomplished the change are worth consideration. Health officials from foreign countries have visited the Isthmus to obtain practical infor- mation in order to apply this later in malaria and yellow fever eradication abroad. Much interest was shown by the thousands of Americans who visited the canal, and many of them asked why the same class of work could not be attempted in malarial districts in the United States, and also sought information about the work accomplished and methods of procedure. The canal will be used by the commerce of all nations, and the progress made in sanitation in Cuba and Panama will have far-reaching effects. The character of the work at Havana was quite different from that required on the Isthmus. The general situation resembled more closely the condi- tions and drainage problems occurring in the southern part of the United States, and subtropical The Campaign at Havana 5 countries not having an excessive annual rainfall. This work was started in 1901 when the yellow fever campaign was well advanced. No anti- malaria work had been attempted elsewhere pre- vious to the Cuban anti-malaria campaign. Ross started his practical field work in the East at the same time that work was begunin Havana. There was no previously acquired information available on the subject nor any known practical methods that could be followed, or that could assist those in charge of operations. At that time, very little was known regarding the habits and life history of Anopheles. It was practically all pioneer work, and improvements and methods of procedure were devised as the work progressed. Years of subse- quent experience have shown that for pioneer work the scheme was excellent. A survey was first made to determine the princi- pal sources of Anopheles affecting Havana and its outlying suburbs. The most important propaga- tion areas received first attention. Treatment of pools with oil having a paraffin base was tested. As the wet places harboring Anopheles were widely scattered over a large area, a covered wagon was used for transporting laborers, tools, and oil to control as much territory as possible with the small force employed. The plan of oiling was 6 The Control of Mosquitoes arranged so that areas were not treated at regular intervals, but when Anopheles and other mosquito larve were present. The system of inspection was well carried out, and inspections were independently checked at proper intervals. The result of Anopheles eradi- cation by use of oil was fairly good, and better results were obtained than expected under the climatic and topographical conditions on the Isthmus. Very few topographical changes were being made in the vicinity of Havana. The class of labor available was very good, and fairly intelli- gent. The wages paid to the men in the Anoph- eles brigade were a little above average laborer’s wages; this enabled the sanitary department to obtain the best class of labor and toretain it. The men used their heads as well as their hands, and worked with interest. The unit cost of ditching and of oil application was very low, and much was saved by the proper selection and payment of labor. Poor labor on anti-malaria work is most unsatisfactory, and no saving has ever been made by its employment. It was soon found that there were disadvantages in using oil, as well as much repetition of work that could be eliminated. As rapidly as the limited appropriation would allow, the pools costing most The Campaign at Havana a to control were drained or filled in, and the area under control thus increased. Each place drained or filled became one less to inspect and treat. As time went on, the anti-Anopheles work consisted chiefly of draining and filling depressions in fields where water collected. The use of what is known as the ‘‘herring bone’’ system of ditching, the training of streams to more direct courses, and the reducing of the average wetted section of ditches, rapidly decreased the necessity for regular application of oil and for frequent inspection. The geological formation and topographical conditions were favorable. The watercourses and areas to be treated were often distant from one another, yet the streams were of fair grade, and most of the areas needing treatment were located so that they could be drained. In some cases the impervious surface clay rested upon a coral for- mation. The latter was of a porous nature, and absorbed a large quantity of water in a relatively short time. In some places where there were ponds, and surface drainage was out of the ques- tion, they were connected by one or more ditches, and led to shallow wells in the coral formation, where the water was absorbed. When one well was not sufficient, two or more were made and connected, to increase the absorbent surface. 8 The Control of Mosquitoes It was found that the bottom of these wells became clogged with clay and silt, but that the sides supplied sufficient absorbent surface to give satisfactory results. Fish were used to keep some of the wells free from mosquito life; in others, that frequently became dry, oil was used. Sometimes it was necessary to scrape well walls several times during the wet season to increase absorption. The limited funds available did not permit the permanent lining of ditches, although in many cases it would have been more economical than treating and maintaining them for an indefinite length of time. Anopheles production in wet areas caused by seepage occurs in Cuba, and one case near Havana was especially interesting. In 1900, a few houses were located near the top of the hill known as Jesus del Monte. Malaria prevailed among the tenants, and several deaths from pernicious malaria occurred there immediately before the undertaking of anti-malaria work. The hill appeared to be dry, and was well above the elevation of the sur- rounding ground. Many inspections were made to locate the source of Anopheles with negative results. It was supposed that they came from a distance, but an extended inspection of the surrounding country disproved this conclusion. The Campaign at Havana 9 Finally, it was decided that the breeding place must be local, and the labor force was put in line, men eight feet apart so that every square yard of the hill would be seen, and no wet place, however small, could be missed. They marched along for some time before a piece of partially soft ground was found. There were no surface indications, such as a change in the vegetation or its color, to mark the outline of the wet area. A thin film of water was found to outcrop along a contour line, to run along the surface for a distance of about twenty feet, and then disappear into the ground. The mosquito larve were very plentiful. A ditch was made above the seepage outcrop line, but failed to intercept the water. Two short and deep parallel intercepting ditches were made about nine feet apart, but failed to prevent the water coming up between the two ditches. It became evident that the local porous water-bearing strata were inclined and pointed upwards, and that a distant pressure was forcing the water uphill. Ditching was out of the question. At a small cost the ground affected by the surface flow was covered with gravel and cinders to a depth of about six inches, so that the mosquitoes could not reach the water which continued in its original path. Since that time the importance of hidden mos- 10 The Control of Mosquitoes quito-producing areas, and their relation to the malaria situation, has been fully appreciated by those engaged in anti-malaria work. Beginners usually learn facts by temporary failure. Soon after the completion of this work the adult Anoph- eles disappeared from the vicinity. No new cases of malaria occurred. The houses that had been so long vacant because of the prevalence of malaria were again occupied. When it became known that malaria no longer existed in that locality, it was plotted into lots, and has become one of the popu- lar residential sections of the town. Real estate values have advanced accordingly. On low flat lands where cattle were pastured, it was found difficult to prevent Anopheles propaga- tion in the water retained by hoof-prints. It be- came essential to prevent certain portions of fields from being used for grazing purposes during the wet season. It was also found that plants along the shore line, as well as aquatic plants, reduced the surface velocity of water in streams and rivers to such an extent as to afford protection and harboring places for mosquito larve. The vegetation at the edges of ponds and streams was kept cut short. Aquatic vegetation was pulled up by the roots and removed. Small fish were very efficient larve The Campaign at Havana II exterminators after the clearing and training of natural watercourses was accomplished. Condi- tions affecting growth of vegetation and alge were less favorable in Cuba, and, in consequence, fish are of more use there as destroyers of mosquito larve than on the Isthmus. Beds of watercress in the Chinese truck gardens were a prolific source of Anopheles in Havana. The cress beds were made by erecting small dikes on flat land, and bringing water to them by ditches from nearby streams. When the enclosure was filled, the water was left standing for long periods. In order to control the situation, small wooden sliding gates were installed at each end of the watercress beds, which were flooded at frequent intervals for short periods, and the water then allowed to escape back to the stream. This scheme, when properly carried out, practically stopped Anopheles development. The gardeners who refused to adopt the new method were not allowed to grow watercress. The crops grown in this manner were as vigorous as those raised in the continuously flooded patches. Between the heavy showers that occur near Havana there are dry periods, accompanied by strong winds. When the ditches and watercourses are kept fairly free from vegetation, the heavy 12 The Control of Mosquitoes showers are often beneficial, as they remove any Anopheles larve clinging to banks of ditches or cleared streams. The trade winds assist evapora- tion to a considerable extent, and help to dry the depressions in flat areas that hold water. The soil is of such a character that the trained streams and ditches can be kept to a proper section with less work than is necessary to attain this result at Panama. Washouts and caving of ditch banks did not happen as frequently. In many places apparently well fitted for the support of Anopheles larve, they were absent; yet lived and developed when placed therein as an experiment. The reason why Anopheles eggs are not laid in certain areas apparently in every way similar to those in which larve are found is yet unexplained. The season of Anopheles pro- duction in Cuba is much shorter and less continu- ous than on the Isthmus. It was largely due to these causes that oiling at irregular intervals gave satisfactory results. Conditions of soil, topo- graphy, and climate there do not favor the rapid and continuous production of mosquitoes as much as in the Canal Zone. The drainage connected with the Havana campaign was completed within a year of the time anti-malaria work began, and its maintenance 2 s a 3 & 3 8 8&8 1905 1907 1910 Yo 1912 2S 2 74 75 78 77 "82 784 1901 no deaths 7S a 1890 a a Z Deaths caused by Malaria in Havana 1871-1914 Anti Malaria Campaign was Started in 1901 -Note the Curve from 1901 to 1871 to 1880 - 8415 deaths 1881 to 1890 - 2050» 1891 to 1900 - 6633 1901 to 1910 - 444 4 191t01914- 25» (for 4 yeara) 1871 to 1914 (12,667/ >» Ip 44 years) Chart showing malaria death-rate at Havana 1871 to 1914. 13 14 The Control of Mosquitoes since then has been mostly a question of economy. The sanitary department of the Republic of Cuba has continued the work started by Colonel Gorgas and deserves great praise for the excellent record it has maintained. To review the results of the Havana campaign, the records show: Population of Havana, 350,000. From 1890 to 1900,—5643 deaths from malaria. From 1900 to 1910,—444 deaths from malaria, with a largely increased population. It is interesting to note the rapidity with which malaria control was accomplished, as shown by the following table: TABLE OF DEATHS FROM MALARIA IN HAVANA, CUBA, I90I TO IgI2 No. of No. of No. of Year| Deaths | Yer | Deaths | Year| Deaths 1901 I51 1905 32 1909 6 1902 77 1906 26 1910 15 1903 51 1907 23 I9II 12 1904. 44 1908 19 I9I2 4 Malarial fever is almost eliminated from Havana and its suburbs. The cost of maintaining this condition is very The Campaign at Havana 15 low, and might be further reduced by lining the bottoms of the small streams and ditches with reinforced concrete, in order to lower the cost of cleaning and ditch maintenance. CHAPTER II THE SITUATION ON THE ISTHMUS IN 1904, BEFORE AMERICAN OCCUPATION RESIDENT ROOSEVELT appointed Colonel W. C. Gorgas as Chief Sanitary Officer of the Isthmian Canal Commission, and it was under his leadership that the first sanitary survey was made. He established temporary headquarters for his first assistants at Ancon, where the French had terraced the hillsides and had established a hospital of about twenty wards. The situation selected by the French was excellent, but to-day, from our more advanced knowledge, we can readily under- stand why their sick-rate was so high, and can also realize that it would have been equally so under an American administration working with the limited knowledge pertaining to malaria pre- vious to the year 1900. At the time the American government assumed control of the Canal Zone, there was a succession of villages strung along the line of the canal; most 16 The Isthmus in 1904 17 of them close to the camps occupied by the laborers during the days of the French Canal Company. They were located apparently with reference to proximity to work and many were near a conven- ient source of water supply. At the time these camps were established, nothing was known regard- ing the transmission of malaria. Better locations were available, but they were in nearly all cases far distant from the canal. Some of the camps had been abandoned altogether and could not be reached without cutting pathways through the jungle. In some cases, where the rafters had decayed and the roofs had collapsed, trees with a diameter of ten inches were growing inside the buildings. The natural watercourses were overgrown by dense jungle, and nearly all of the villages were practically in the jungle itself. The French engineers had, for drainage purposes, placed masonry lined ditches near some settlements, and the work was excellent; it is in as good condition to-day as at the date of completion, and will prob- ably remain so for many years to come. In June, 1904, about 1100 laborers were em- ployed in canal work at Culebra; they lived in the adjacent villages, and very few isolated houses existed in the bush. Many of the old French 2 18 The Control of Mosquitoes buildings were occupied by laborers who had re- mained after the financial failure of the French company. Malarial fever was prevalent among these people, and they had neither the knowledge nor the means to combat it. At Paraiso, in September, 1904, there was a population of 350 of which 42 were sick in bed. At Bohio, a village fifteen miles south of Colon, blood samples were taken from natives, and eighty per cent. showed malaria infection. But even this poor and ignorant class of people took steps to do the best they knew how; they prayed for deliverance from fever and shunned certain localities in which the sick-rate was abnormally high as compared with the pre- vailing high fever rate. » At Corozal, the nearest village to Panama, only one house was occupied, and many colored peo- ple told us that ‘‘to live there is to be sick and die.” The situation at Ancon Hospital was extremely interesting. The grounds were magnificent; there were palms, beautiful crotons, and other deco- tative plants near the wards and on the terrace, but the insects, and especially the ants, destroyed them repeatedly. The gardeners partially over- came this difficulty by placing hollow earthenware Ant-guards: Old hospital at Ancon The Isthmus in 1904 19 Tings of a semi-spherical section around each plant. They were kept filled with water and of course contained many larvee of both Aedes calopus and Anopheles as well as alge, vegetable debris, etc. The ditches near the wards were lined with field stone; the spaces between the stones were filled with earth and grass which retarded the current of water. These ditches discharged onto the grass- covered, clayey soils, and pools remained there, distributed over a large area. The natural topography of the hill gave a fairly steep slope with a more gently sloping bench below it. The highest part of the hill is about six hun- dred feet above sea level. The water absorbed by the upper part of the hill came to the surface at a lower level on a clay-like formation covered with grass, making the hillside resemble a bog in many places. The outcrop of water, which oozed slowly from the ground, often followed the contour of the hill for a considerable distance. Conse- quently the-area immediately below that contour was wet almost continually. There was a cow pasture on the top of the hill, and throughout the rainy season the hoof-prints remained wet or full of water. Ditches of varying widths ran down the slope, and the water spread 20 The Control of Mosquitoes over the ground and sometimes did not return to the lower part of the ditch. In addition, the foot of the hill formed the shore line of an extensive swamp. ~ These adverse conditions, and wet areas covered with vegetation, encouraged Anopheles. A more prolific source would be hard to imagine. The number of adult Anopheles present in the hospital wards and buildings corresponded with the numerous favorable propagation areas on and near the hillside. At night, comfort was impos- sible and mosquito bars indispensable. Not a single building was screened. The malaria and yellow fever patients had been accessible to Anopheles and Aedes calopus, and the other patients were near them. The patients in wards were located according to nationality instead of accord- ing to the nature of their illness. Had it been intended to spread yellow fever and malaria with the greatest rapidity among the patients as soon as they arrived, no better plan could have been adopted. Similar conditions have existed in other tropical countries; in fact, were customary in past years. - Before sanitary work was fairly under way, with one or two exceptions, the small hospital sanitary force was down with malaria. During the first year of work, all the force suffered. At one time A ditch at Ancon: weeds retarding water flow The Isthmus in 1904 21 it became necessary for the sanitary inspectors to be employed all night in clerical work. The Anopheles were so numerous that night work had to be done in relays; one set of men using fans to protect those working. We were two thousand miles from the source of supplies and had to wait for screening, its installation, necessary supplies, etc. When the hospital was first opened and treat- ment given without charge to employees, the native laborers who had known of the suffering and deaths in previous years at Ancon refused to go to the hospital, stating that they ‘“‘preferred to die at home.’’ We could readily sympathize with their ideas, knowing what had happened in the past. No attempt was made to approximate the number of Anopheles present. The prevailing species was Anopheles albimanus. Inside one of the buildings near the hospital, fifty-four adult Anopheles were noted on the upper panel of a screen door. It was desirable to know the time of the day or night when the Anopheles would take blood. In July of 1904, men were dressed in white clothing and dark coats and made to lie on cots in an un- screened ward at Ancon. They were furnished with pill-boxes and a clock. Each time a mos- 22 The Control of Mosquitoes quito bit them, or tried to, it was captured and placed in a pill-box and the date and hour written on the box. It was found at that time that Anopheles in the ward attacked men at rest at all hours of the day, and at night they became too numerous to make the work pleasant. It was noticed that they did not bite as freely near the doorway, where there was more light during the daytime, and that they absolutely refused to fol- low a man out into the bright rays of the sun. Before anti-malaria work was begun, a prelim- inary survey was made and Anopheles production areas were found near every existing settlement, as well as all abandoned camps that had been used by the French. The greater part of these areas was covered with dense jungle, and their extent could not be at once determined. There were numerous seepage outcrops and their out- put varied according to the rainfall; and prob- ably the contour line of seepage varied also. The character of the soil was often such as to retain the rainfall for relatively long periods, and innumerable small depressions existed, which might produce mature pups or not according to weather conditions. The survey showed that it would be necessary to clear off large areas of jungle near settlements before any effective results Olog }v IaATQ sarseyD oy} sursejus wealjs & BurI9A09 apsun[ The Isthmus in 1904 23 could be obtained, and it was decided to begin work at the camps that were first to be occupied by the laborers and American forces. It was thought also that oiling of wet areas would be attended with less successful results than in the Cuban campaign, because the rainfall of the Isthmus was often sufficiently continuous to re- move all traces of oil before it had had much effect on the mosquito larve. When pathways were cut through the jungle new mosquito pro- ducing areas were found. The statistics of the days of the French Canal Company are incomplete, and include only a portion of the deaths due to malaria, as only cases in hospitals, or patients able to pay for hospital treatment, were recorded. In the city of Panama, which was not so badly infested with Anopheles as Colon, the malaria sick-rate and death-rate were high. The number of deaths recorded as due to malarial fever was: Date Number of Deaths Population From 1884 to 1893 20,000 to inclusive 3504 22,000 1885 687 20,276 During 1906, the year of highest malaria sick- rate of the American period of occupation,’ among : 24 The Control of Mosquitoes 21,934 malarial fever patients entering the hospi- tals, 195 deaths occurred, or less than one per cent. of the cases. It can be readily understood from these death-rates how prevalent infection was in the city of Panama before 1904. The hospital physicians who were at Colon and Panama previous to 1904 state that over seventy-five per cent. of all hospital patients had malaria. Of course, in the villages out in the Canal Zone surrounded by jungle, breeding places for Anopheles were quite numerous and close to the houses. The question of controlling malaria appeared at first sight to be utterly hopeless. The United States Public Health Reports describe the situation as follows: From Panama to Colon, a distance of forty-seven miles, along the railroad there are many villages, in fact almost a continuous settlement the entire dis- tance, the total estimated population being 15,000 in January, 1904. The population is almost entirely negro and Chinese. All the villages are filthy, with- out regulations or restrictions, without sewers, and having the usual water supply of the country, viz., rain- water during the wet season, and water from streams during the dry season. No attention is paid to the wholesomeness of the source of the water supply. Mosquitoes are prevalent in all these villages, breeding in rainwater barrels, in the swamps, along the streams, and in ponds. Malaria, elephantiasis, and beriberi The Isthmus in 1904 25 are always to be found, and yellow fever and smallpox will occur when favorable clinical material presents itself, unless proper precautions are taken. - In order to obtain certain data concerning malaria transmission, an experimental station was established at Ancon, and non-immunes were isolated there for the experiments, but so many Anopheles al imanus were present that it was extremely difficult to prevent natural malaria transmission. Low lying flat areas occurred for a distance of six miles inland from the Pacific terminal and to a still greater distance from the Atlantic Coast. Much of this area was affected by the highest tides, and Anopheles larvee were present in streams on steep hillsides as well as on the lowlands. The preliminary survey showed that Anopheles and other mosquitoes were present near all the camps, but the impassable jungle made it impos- sible to determine the extent of the propagation areas and it was evident that considerable clearing would have to be done to obtain the data desired. Innumerable small puddles were everywhere, and their possibilities as mosquito producers depended upon the frequency of the successive showers. The rapidity of growth of vegetation was remarkable, and showed that its control would be an important 26 The Control of Mosquitoes factor in the anti-malaria campaign. Alge that protected the larve from their natural enemies was often found and appeared to develop in a few day’s time. It was evident that work would have to be done on an extensive scale and that the climatic conditions would make the campaign a strenuous one. One apparently discouraging feature was the frequent occurrence of showers that removed oil applied to breeding areas before it could accomplish its purpose. , Area of Gatun Lake at Elen 85 Ft, 163 38 Sg Mi } } } ss exptytis )\ Side beh $e" EN HIGUEL LO ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION MAP SHOWING |ISTHMUS WITH COMPLETED CANAL tl SCALE 5s ° s Kilometres oa Ss / / leo : ; 5 70 2 ) 1 $07 BO igo" Loneirupt _wEST|1#OM GREENWICH House Doc. 426; 63d Cong., 24 Sess. CHAPTER III METEOROLOGICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL CONDITIONS. TOPOGRAPHICAL CHANGES AND THEIR BEARING ON ISTHMIAN ANOPHELES HE Isthmian Canal Zone has a tropical climate, high humidity, heavy rainfall, and a short dry season of four months or less. The continental divide occurs at Culebra about twelve miles from the Pacific canal terminal. North of Culebra all drainage goes to the Atlantic Ocean through the Chagres Valley. The attached Table No.1 de- scribing the air temperature for 1912 shows the sea- sonal variation to be very slight, with no excessive heat, and no marked difference of temperature at different points in the Zone. It always remains within limits that are favorable to the development of mosquito life. The yearly rainfall is not equal in all parts of the Canal Zone. The extremes are noted at Colon and Panama. On lands adjacent to the Pacific coast, near the city of Panama, the precipitation 27 geet] OLT tt iT ot" etl | Set SPIT 6 T [2276 [7 7sxB0L Z Joy aveFAY pe et. | | On v ve 1 A ese eee T,..| Sez coef SEITE [96008 we |. 2876. aise gaorethy 98 OL 98° 40° 06° st* SLOL TL ‘OT 26°oL 4011 96°6 3 “sreak Z 10J Z16T : TU oeng ieor | ¥0"e #° 58° ¥8°T seer |oszt fosot | oz-zt | prot __|~ “steed of 40} aaes0ay Teor rae 8. 3B et 98:20, | 08 7cT woe. |.090 wae |. 08 80. See Ge 105 S16r ¥6'L iL or" IT 90° 9¢°9 ooet «| sett | ¥9°9t Sawa 0G 10} ZI6I > ‘i BOqUIBA} 196 og'e ee sg° eu" e60r_ | sor | tes 2L°6 zee _|~"-suve g Joy aSereAy yee |e ay ae ae A Sn wooo] 2878.24 78, woe] 2878, us| oe reitole tor eres 129 19°% 10° ¥e° 10° ¥'b weet [ener |esor [ste f---- "steed $205 ZICT a sett | zoe set | | zee 0z't #9°9 eget | ercet[ ircit | excor | zgcor__| *v"s1ea4 9 soy oBes0ny ee lees ee 3 ee 8 aoe] C880 | PETPE || TLUE | eb 00 | £8708 dea oko aerate: st'9 WS 90° g9° 0° ore 90°L asta | eter | aecet. | ego [v7 *sueadg 20} 2161 grit | o8'e 89° oo* Sut 80°L og-zt [som | ect |scor_ | zsc6 __|--smead zg soy oS8100y FL IL TE Ls°* gL° Lot Pris ae eae as eas ae sic sate: SHORE ae Som poor <0 es --sreok 2% JOS £161 ST'8 We z0° eee $0° 18°5 6s"h stot fart =| seer | ator *-sread 2g 10) 2161 weor =| zee ee* 89° set coo fatter. |oret | strt | seor | socrr__|* *-srwad g 30s eSz10ny or ae fe. ae eet 88 seoeef SET | OUEL | SUITE | 6/08 ate rests ie: £9 8-2 £0°E £0° ee° £0" wr 10% 6 orst | er'et *+s1004 8 10} ZI6T 7 pire ML oo B78 teot | esor =| zove w 80°t 66° 86h 66‘0t | ss-2t__| 16"8 +v+sreo£ ¢ JOy OSeIAAY a Be Yeh cecl te ee a Be i, oO gor RE woes -| 08/08.) P9780) 1678. See rien TL°SL 69°6 26°9 &'P 20° 2 00° 16°€ ers $F OL 9L°0T **°+sreod ¢ 10} ZI6L . LPNs O1peg — 2216 seor | zz"6 8L°e 06° 99° 10% 9'8 sret | e6'et | FOIL **sread } 10] 28810AV Bere oo eee Ti) ee pe Bae | ee 4 | ees wooo | 2280, | 66/21 sone| FOr Mout eer eek 6r's8 1S°h 09°L 6L‘F 00° #e° 00° $2°9 est |srst | orot *+sread § 10} 2161 :so10penye 29°02 6% wrk 60°F ¥8° as? IU't 86's __| 60°6 so-6 64°9 --sivad pI JojeseeAy BOE, 1 8 ee oo oe is ae 8673, | 6078 coez| eS eews'| Oren. ore el eee 68°TL 88°9 98°6 88°% 00° sr" 00° 56°F ¥1°9 10‘0t “s1ead FI 10} Z16T : TeoqIedd. ae S1°8 86°8 91% 82° 98° z0'T 81°F Shr , "seh ¢ IO} OsRIOAY *77*sxBaA G 10} ST6T voor seesread JO} ZI6T SOT] 070g + --suvod Zp Oy asBI0AY * "seed Zp 10J CT6T ZWOTOD 88 ‘OT ~*-sivak 9 Joy OsBIDAY c777 7 Ti srwed 9 10J ST6T “sivod 9 10} ZI6T 201] 3400: "greed ¢ JOy oateAy nC “77 tt T*sreed ¢ JO} ST6L eae sreaf § 10} ZI6T :pepronyy, [~ ~-sreet g 10; o8vI0Ay T7171 T7srwed g JO} ET6T vrrcs**siwadk 8 JO} Z161 zBu0dI04) I *-sreek % Joy OFBIOAY <7 s1eod % OJ S16T correo "grea % JO} ZTE relat A TE i “sTBOA CT re ese1aAy v7*** *sxBad ST IO} ST6T rs***"sread ST 10} ZIG, senteqry risepofing -- 30 The Control of Mosquitoes is from seventy to eighty inches per year. Toward the divide the rainfall increases, and between Culebra and Colon is very heavy, increasing as the Atlantic coast is approached. The annual precip- itation at Colon is between 120 and 180 inches. The country along the line of the Canal is low and near tide level for a distance of six miles from the Pacific, and fifteen from the Atlantic ocean. The remainder of the country is thickly studded with hills and contains numerous springs, seepage outcrops, swamps, and streams. The Canal ap- proximately follows the line of the Chagres River as far as the divide at Culebra Cut, and then down the valley of the Rio Grande to the Pacific. There is very little porous soil on the Isthmus, and a large part of the surface soil is of a claylike character and is so densely clothed with luxuriant vegetation that travel is impossible except along the trails, which if not constantly used soon become over- grown and disappear. The lands immediately adjacent to the Canal produce more mosquitoes than places a mile or more east and west of it. There are extensive areas toward the Canal Zone boundary line and in the Republic of Panama in which Anopheles do not exist. The meteorological tables, on the pages pre- viously referred to, show the large percentage of TaBLE No. 2.—Monthly rainfall by sections, Canal Zone— Year 1912 and averages. (Values in inches.) Pacific section. Central section. Ailantic section. Month." 1912 | Average.| 1912 | Averago 1912 | Average. 0.01 1.30 0.44 1.62 0.62 4.79 «23 +97 1.10 1.69 2.02 2.68 -O1 +66 . 1.21 +58 2.64 3.52 3.65 1.51 3.65 1.58 4.46 9.37 9.45 12.29 13.49 14.11 7.10 9.32 11.65 10.99 17.34 15.14 9.81 9.48 1.1L 11.22 16.51 16,31 9.43 8.70 12. 4 11.89 12.60 15, 42 11.74 9. 12.16 11.37 11.05 11.86 11. 82 14.81 3.99 16.79 14.34 7.97 10.78 11.03 15.64 22.17 24.64 a 4.58 6.33 3.88 7.90 10.61 15.55 steve cee cereeneeeeeeseres 76.68 81.36 89. 68 103. 36 125.36 | 141.94 Nore.—Means are based on the records from 6 stations in the Pacific section, 11 in the Central section, and 4 in the Rtlantic section. All available records are used in computing averages. s Tasiz No. 3.—Marimum rainfall in Canal Zone Oct. 1, 1905, to June $0, 1913. Maximum rainfall, Stations. 6 minutes. , Lhour. 24 hours.! Inches.} 4 Date. Inches. Dato. Inches. Date. Ancon (Oct. 1, 1905).......] 0.64] Aug. 7,1908 3.98 | Oct. 9,1911 7.23 | May 12-13, 1912. Balboa (June 10, 1906 -.90| May 12/1912] 6.86 | June 2)1 7.87 | Nov. 16-17, 1906. .60 | Nov. 11,1908 3.30 | Aug. 27,1908 4.56 | Sept. 30-06t, 1, P09. 75 | July 24; 1908 3.10 | Sept. 21,1912 6.00 | Dec. 2-3, 1906. . May 2,1908 3.69 ict. 16, 5.55 | Dec, 3, 1906.2 -60 | July 25,1906 3.63] Oct. 1, 6.15 Do. -59 | July 27,1008 3.32 | May 1, 1911 6.56 | Dec. 2-3, 1906. . July 20,1909 3.40 | Dee. 28, 1900 8.19 | Dec. 3, 1906.2 +62 | Aug. 3,1912 3.82 May 26, 1910 10. 48 Do. Colon (Oct. 1, 1905)... 64 | Aug. 25,1909 4.90 | Oct. 8,1909 8.53 | Dec. 2-3, 1906. Porto Bello (May 1, 1908).| 32.48 | Nov. 29,1911] 4.53 | Nov. 29,1911 | 10.86 | Dec. 23-29, 1909. 1 Maximum fall in any 24 consecutive hours. 2 No automatic record on this date; total for 24 hours ending at Doon, 3 Approximate; automatic record indistinct, due to unusually excessive rate of fall. NotE.—Dates in parentheses opposite station names refer to installation of automatic rainfall registers. Tasie No. 4.—Hourly distribution of rainfall in Canal Zone, Bear 1912. [Values in inches.] 5 Rainfall durin Hourly rainfall. working hours, Total | 9 m. tod p.m. Maximum. Minimum, Station. annual : Accumu- Accumu- Percent | Hour of ‘Hour of Amount. of total. | maximum. as. minimum. obiea 45.37 2-3 p. 0.32 4.3 62 | 2-3 z 2 57.05 77 | 2-3p. 16 63.13 71 | 2-3p. 2 43.45 55 | 2-3 2 68.14 77) 34 5 27 65.70 78|23p. 134 48.28 43 | 3-4 p. 2.56 44.26 38 | 56a. 1.91 72.58 49 | 23p. 2.65 31 32 The Control of Mosquitoes rainy days that occur each year, and particularly during certain months. At Panama from July to ‘Taste No. 5.—Monthly meteorological data—Ancon, Canal Zone, year 1912." Atmospheric é g z ressure Air temperature (degrees Fahrenheit). o SS q a Uinches). 5B By ag 3, |fa| 22 Month, |e 8 Y F = m | 2g 5 & 3 3 a 2 laes| 4 g.|4q EP g- |3 B|3 g | 2 lzala| . |e dlgzge | 8 |i 3 | 4 lea/3|s|g6|2]6|gagcalg |e |a? 3 ° & av * €/ 8 la |s/ais|a)ala Eula la ja 29,742 | 29.838 | 80.6 93 22 91 63 26 7 2 72 70 82 «| 29.762 | 20.858 | 81.3 94 19 1 66 1 7 72 70 82 «| 29.749 | 29.844 | 83.0 96 7 69 12 72 24 3B 7 7 29.770 | 20.865 | 82.1 97 7 92 69 2 72 4 72 8 29,732 | 29.828 | 82.0 96 7 90 7 20 A 21 78 75 87 29, 742 | 29.837 | 80.8 94 21 89 70 16 3B 76 75 29.728 | 29.823 | 80.6 94 27 88 70 14 19 75 74 o1 29. 728 | 29.824 | 80.2 94 31 88 69 7 72 21 6 75 -| 29.726 | 29.822 | 79.4 92 9 87 68 24 72 ty 74 91 -| 29.735 | 29.830 | 79.0 92 86 60 29 72 19 75 A 3 .| 29.736 | 29.831 | 79.0 gL 26 86 69 17 74 21 rey 74 92 .| 29.722 | 29.818 | 80.8 93 90 18 72 21 4 B 89 -| 29.739 | 20.835 | 80.7 7 47 | 89.3 66 61) 72.3 26 | 74.2 | 73.1] 86.8 Precipitation (inches). Wind. Number of days. °. g 8 | Maximum veloc- g 3 8 a ity. g Month. 3 . | Bs A : E 3 & & | go | wd] s : 5 £|8 >| s | 3 | “ed ]g5/4.1 § 21.158 g d b ~13 313 ao 8 |B los ie 1b a/2 1B B/E] el es] e 13 ye a a eile [a ja A;TAO{[/a 1/o}]ale< T. 1.02 0/8, NW.| 24/)NW. 3 17 14 0 1] 3.8 0.08 +86 2/7,705|NW.| 29|NW.} 23 3 17 9 0} 61 +01 +78 1/8, NW.| 30) NW. 1 3 26 2 0} 5.6 2.68 2.76 5|6,300|}NW.) 25] N. 5 8 16 6 6] 5.1 10.71 8.98 14/4,999|NW.| 23) NW. 2 0 15 16 14| 7.7 5.80 8.15 13] 4,118]NW.| 34] 8S. 15 0 18 1 20) 7.4 10.25 8.16 20] 5,176 | NW. | BE. 14 1 10 20 18] 7.8 6.33 7.53 20 | 5, NW. 24) _N. 18 1 14 16 18] 7.3 8.38 7.48 20 | 4,451 | NW. 31 | NE. 23 0 14 16 20) 7.6 17.89 | 10.92 23 | 4,538 | NW. 23] 8. 28 1 iL 19 4) 7.5 6.38 | 10.45 22) 5,105 | NW. 25 | NW. 7 2 13 15 5} 69 3.27 4.18 13 | 6,007 | N 20 | Nw. 16 6 16 9] 5.8 71.78 | 71.25 | 153 170,042 |NW.| 34] S. 815 42] 134] 140] 125] 6.6 1 Elevation of barometer 92 feet above sea level. 4 April. 3 Average Jor 14 years’ record. 6 February. 8 5 Tent ths of sky. ¢ June, November, 1912, inclusive, twenty or more rainy days occurred each month. At Culebra, from nine- teen to twenty-four, and at Colon from twenty Conditions 33 to twenty-seven. These conditions favored rapid development of vegetation and kept in existence Taste No. 6.—Monthly meteorological data—Culebra, Canal Zone, yeor 1912. - 7 . Atmospheric é f 3 Preeus Air temperature (degrees Fahrenheit), ° 3 cS inches). f fe] BS S. oa ea wt ere a awe | ele - d as g 4 EI q 5 q- .| 3 oki a qd > > g q q —S)E |eg) es 3 2 a . gq . q o a 2 3 | 3 |s8 2] H8| 3 | & | 28 dod J a a |a Aa |a a {ja aA |a la -| 29.438 . 79. 29. 29.851 | 79.0 90 8 87 68 27 70 21 7m 70 85 29.460 | 29.874 | 79.2 91 10 88 65 2 7 a 72 70 84 29. 442 | 29.854 | 80.4 92 7 89 68 12 72 2B 70 n 29. 464 | 29.874 | 81.4 96 17 91 67 2 72 27 3 70 nm 29.430 | 29.840 | 81.2 96 5 89 70 2% 74 22 rf] 4 87 29.436 | 29.848 | 80.2 ol 21 88 70 16 3B 2 15 “4 92 29.420 | 29.832 | 79.8 ol LR 86 70 17 3B 18 4 74 92 29.423 | 20.836 | 79.5.) 92 8 87 69 12 72 19 4 73 92 29,422 | 29.834 | 78.7 90 1 86 67 a 72 21 74 23 93 29.430 | 20.844 | 78.6 90 5 86 68 2 72 17 B 73 93 29, 428 | 29.842 | 78.0 88 22 84 69 17 72 17 73 72 93 29.414 | 29,828 | 78.8] 88 1] 86) 67] 18] 72) 19] 73] 7 91 29. 434 | 20.846 | 79.6 96} 45) 87.2 65] 82) 721 27 | 73.2 | 72.1) 88.3 Precipitation (inches). Wind. Number of days. 7 ° g $ | Maximum veloc- g g a ity. ( i 4s Month. 3 BA < . S). | 8] Fe led (8 | g z] |Et8 ba = = a 3 2 : o Z Piao i| 3 |3/$|¢ 2 |e Vale IE lel elslalalzl ale a 2 /el/e |& Ja jalalol as oyalse 0.05 175 2) 7,697) NW.) 2/NW.} 31 17 4 0 Oo} 3.5 33 +56 4| 7,864 )NW.| 30|/NW.| 24 9 2 0 Oo} 4.3 02 +68 1| 8,893 | NW. 35] N. 9 22 Qo oO} 41 3.14 3.80 4| 7,059 |NW.| 30] N. 2 6 21 3 2] 4.9 8.15 | 11.16 15 | 5,538 | NW. 27| Sw. 0 u 20 15] 7.4 7.87 8.86 21 | 3,715 | NW. 25 15 0 9 21 21] 7.8 10.12 9.52 22) 4,962 |NW.} 36] NE. 30 0 13 18 uM] 7.7 12.88 | 10.58 19 | 4,592 |}NW.} 33| NE. 2 2 12 7 23) 7.3 14.12] 11.23 20 | 3,975 |NW. 32 | NE. 2B 1 10 19 22) 7.5 10.15 | 11.54 25 | 3,505 | NW. 21 7 0 9 22 22] 7.6 7.59 | 12.30 24 | 5,039 | NW. 27 | NW. 17 0 16 15 | 7.4 4.87 7.68 15 | 6,567 | NW. a 9 6 2 5 7] 5.2 78.99 | 89.66 | 172 |68,406|NW.| 36] NE.| $30 50} 176} 140] 137] 6.2 4 Elevation of barometer 404 feet above sea level. «May. 3 Average for 22 years’ record. oF ebruary. * Tonths of sky. July. innumerable small collections of water which could not evaporate before being replenished. - The con- tinuity of the rainy periods, rather than the total 3 34 The Control of Mosquitoes volume of rainfall, is the important factor affect- ing Anopheles propagation. Taste No. 7.—HMonthly meteorological data—Colon, Republic of Panama, year 191% 1. ° ‘ Abpospheria g i press Air temperature (degrees Fahrenheit), g Z ge inches), 5 as ag Month. 2 #3/ 82/8 é o a l2,| 4 «| g Bg2 | 2> | #5] 38 € ja q q a =o} B o | eT & {2 ; Ce eee é 3 3 | Ep 3 | a8 8138/4] 5 | 86 lgs8/3 |¢ | 3° a |a Ala a/)/aAala fa A ja |s 29.872 | 82.2 88 22 | 86 76 8| 78 11] 74 72 77 29.892 | 80.8 88 27 | 8 7 10 | 77 15 | 75 73 82 29. 882 | 82.4 88 29 | 87 76 11 | 78 11 | 75 3 79 29.897 | 82.8 90 20 | 88 4 18 | 78 15 | 75 7 7 29.854 | 82.0 91 5 | 87 73 21) 77 14] 77 76 85 29.860 | 80.2 89 9 | 84 73 16 | 76 15 | 77 6 88 29.852 | 80.6 89 27 | 84 7 7 14] 77 76 29.846 | 80.2 89 9] 84 72 7) 76 14 | 76 75 87 29.840 | 79.4 89 17 | 84 71 75 15 | 76 75 87 29. 846 | 79.0 838 12 | 84 72 29] 75 14] 75 74 29.850 | 78.6 88 5 | 82 73 14 | 75 14] 76 74 89 29. 845 | 80.4 87 26 | 84 B 17 | 76 12 | 76 7A 29.861 | 80.7 91 45 | 84.9 71] 610] 76.5 15 | 75.8 | 74.2 | 84.3, Precipitation (inches). Wind. - Number of days. a °. g 3 Maximum veloc- a g a ity. A | 8 Month, 3 » | BS a e E 3 8 é & | gS | wd] s : 9 3 Z| 4 S| 8/8 | "| & | el el ete plo |3 2/3 -| Sj ; ea] EF /al2 (6 |281 El e]a]e}2) 2/8 a 4 |e) |e 1a |A}A]oO;Ta |/o]a 1s ). 28 3.96 10,772 | N. 32] NE. 5 7 23 1 oO} 49 81 1.47 1 ),066 | N. 321 N. 8 5 21 3 0} 5.5 66 1.67 1l 12,550 | N. 33 | NE. 5 13 16 2 oO} 4.4 . 75, 4.08 6 |10,620 | N. 33 | NE. 24 16 12 2 0} 3.7 03 | 12.41 17 | 7,61 N. 26 | NE. 18 2 17 12 12] 6.6 90 | 13.35 241 5,165 | W. 26 | NE. V7 1 15 14 19] 7.3 13] 16.38 26] 7,574] N. 25| NE. 28 3 12 16 TA 87 | 15.01 6,892] N. 29] W. 19 1 18 12 21) 6.8 23 | 12.53 22 | 5,473 | SE, 37] W. 2 3 10 17 16] 7.0 17.05 | 14.29 26] 5,490 | SE. 338 | Sw. 23 1 12 18 14] 7.5 21.81 | 21.86 27 | 7,519 | W 34]/NW.) 17 0 10 20 10] 84 11.47 | 12.31 21 | 8,992 | NE. 29] NE. 13 9 WwW 5 1] 5.3 -| 117.59 | 129.32 | 224 |98,727} N. 38|SW.| 623 G1} 183] 122] 101) 6.2 1 Elevation of barometer 10 fect above sea level, 4 May. 2 Average for 42 years’ record. 6 February, 4 Tenths of sky. £ October. The Isthmus, as may be seen by reference to the map of the Canal Zone, is well supplied with streams and natural watercourses. Some of them Conditions 35 are of great length. At Gatun many flow from the hills toward the settled area. During many rainy periods, when all the soil is well water- soaked, the hillside streams give least trouble, as the larve are washed out of them. Unfortunately Tape No. 8.—Comparative wind records—Ancon and Sosa, fiscal year 1918-18. Ancon., Sosa. ; : Expos Aver- Maxtmum yelooity. | Aver- Maximum velocity. | Month. age | Per age | Per Tne. hourly | cent hourly cent (per win YW: Miles! nirec- D win AWS Miles) nirec- D cent).! move- . | per ay. | move- |. | per ay. ment. nour.| Hon. y | ment. rour.| ton. 7 7.0 70| 24] SE. 44 10.5 90 44) SE 14 50 6.8 55 a N. 18 9.9 16 40| NE. 4B 6.2 48 31| NE. 2B 8.9 7 39] SE 14 4“ 6.1 37 23 5. 28 7.6 59 28) NW. 26 1 aT 25| NW. 17 9.7 66 36] NW. 17 37 6.7 58} 20) NW. 16 9.8 NW. 16 46 7.3 64 21] N. 29 10.7 89 30 | NW. 7 45 9.3 68 26 N. 10 13.3 36 | NW. 17 44 10.6 WW 26) NW. 23 15.6 96 36) NW. B a7 9.7 69 uw N. 2 13.5 36) NW. 5 40 6.7 63 20 N. 1 9.4 79 34] NW. 1 40 5.5 43 32 8. 11 8.0 61 48 8. L 45 7.4 58 32 8. all 10.6 80 48 3 al 43 1 Sosa records compared with Ancon. 3 June, Nore.—Elevation of Ancon auemometer 69 feet above ground and approximately 160 feet above mean sealevel. Sosa anemometer 25 feet above ground and approximately 220 feet above mean sea level. these hillside streams are often transporters of larvee and pupz, and become an important source of mosquitoes when they reach a lower grade, or enter larger streams or rivers near a settlement. During dry periods streams become prolific sources of mosquitoes; and even after the stream becomes dry many depressions still contain water in which larve rapidly develop. As the rain- fall is heavy, there is a rapid run off, and erosion 36 The Control of Mosquitoes and the formation of pot-holes frequently result, often making it difficult to keep a stream properly trained, and unless controlled, larvee will be found at its edges where there is least current velocity. Where branch streams occur, debris, sand, etc., are deposited at their junction with the main stream, TABLE No. 9.—Monthly evaporation—Canal Zone, years 1912, 1913, and averages. [Value In inches.) Ancon, Rio Grande. Gatun. Brazoa Brook, Month. rn Fr K ver- ver- ver= ver- 1912 | 1913 age. 1912 | 1913 age. 1912 | 1913 ‘ago. 1912 | 1913 age. January... 6.363 | 5.392 | 5.577] 7.208 6.322 | 6.066 | 6.387 | 5.842 February 6.134 | 5.844] 5.605 | 6.048 6.468 | 5.672 | 6.616 | 5.493 he... 77.099 | 6.762 | 6.832 | 7.649 8.126 | 7.081 | 8.455 | 7.140 A 6.732 | 6.436 | 5.454 | 7.394 7.364 | 7.321 | 7.468 | 5.663 May. 5.350 | 4.083 | 4.372] 5.335 4.970 | 5.707 | 4.167 | 4.474 June. 708 | 3.836 | 3.812 | 3.388] 3.263 3.031 | 3.729 3. 492 July. 3.386 \- 3.908 |.. 3.889 4.224 | 4,425 3.710 August. 3.648 021 | 3.983 4.316 4.362 | 4.611 3. 906 =| 3.395 3.120] 3.335 3.790 4.191 | 4. 487 - 140 October....] 3.458 3.314} 3.763 4.123 3,866 | 3.970 - 063 -| 3.723 2.956 | 3.275 3.351 3.016 | 3.100 |. . 834 b 5.333 4.025 | 4.723 4.809 |. 5.092 | 4.860 |. . 790 Year.| 57.428 46.877 | 58.501 |.. 61.184 61.032 |60.929 |. Daily moan| .157 |....... +128 +160 167 |. +167] .166 Norte.—Averages st Rio Grandoe and Brazos Brook aro based on four years’ record; Ancon five years’ record; and Gatun two years’ record. Evaporation measurements are from floating pans 4 {ect in diameter ard 10 Inches deep at Rilo Grando, Gatun and Brazos Brook, and insulated tank 10 inches in diameter at Ancon. For monthly evaporation during past years, see provious annual reports. and afford collecting places for larve brought down-stream. Various accumulations of vegetable matter, twigs, branches, etc., are found at the edges of rivers and make suitable hiding places, often inaccessible to the fish that prey upon mosquito larve. At some points, seepage outcrops occur on the stream banks and are constant sources of larve throughout the year. It was not at all Conditions ao unusual for the water in a stream to disappear into the substrata during the dry season and reappear at a lower level. As the areas so affected vary from year to year, it was necessary to inspect the stream beds up to their sources. There are a a < & Ci a} a ° a °° a et Py a Empire Gamboa Frijoles | a a Culebra Bohio Closed Jon,1912 Gatun |e RAINFALL CHART many marshy areas of large extent within fifteen miles from the Atlantic and six miles from the Pacific, in addition to the inland marshes near the occupied camps. There is much marshy hillside caused by seepage outcrops. The impervious character of the soil enables small depressions to hold water for rela- tively long periods, especially where rank vegeta- tion proves a barrier to evaporation by sun and 38 The Control of Mosquitoes wind. The rainfall tables show the number of days a month on which rain fell. The depressions referred to above take time to dry out, and mud contains sufficient moisture to maintain life in larvee of Anopheles and other mosquitoes. Admit- ting that the Anopheles albimanus readily travels half a mile or more, the numerous small depres- sions hidden by vegetation within a circle of half a mile radius are of importance, especially during very wet periods. The climatic conditions of the Isthmus, except during the brief period of a few weeks toward the end of the dry season, are ideal for the propagation and multiplication of Anopheles. It is difficult to conceive of a locality where topographical changes have been made more frequently and rapidly. The cost of anti-malaria work depends largely upon topographical and climatic conditions. Many miles of temporary track were frequently changed and often each tie removed left a water- holding depression. The excavation and trans- portation of material excavated was continuous for ten years. As the depth increased, more water seeped into the new channels or benches being cut by the steam shovels, and the former ditch sites were excavated. As the bottom of the Canal was lower than the 4 A 4 + % A topographic change: near Empire Constantly changing topography: near Miraflores Conditions 39 surrounding country most of the sub-surface water went toward it. The, dumps where the excavated material was ‘‘wasted’’ often blocked natural drainage channels and ditches. Water collected constantly and proposed excavations and fills interfered with or prevented permanent drain- age schemes. As the Canal neared completion, the bottom became too flat to drain economically and numerous small pools were left. Hundreds of acres of this territory had to be inspected and oiled each week. The hilltop of to-day be- comes a depression a month later, and permanent drainage is often out of the question. The history of tropical malaria is generally alike east or west.. It develops most rapidly when the soil is dis- turbed by large and extensive excavations and fills accompanied by the introduction of non- immune labor housed near the site of their work. Until now, no precautions had ever been taken in similar construction work in the tropics to prevent an increase in the num- ber of places suitable for the development of malaria-conveying mosquitoes. Pools and stag- nant water were brought into existence by fills that had settled. By the time the surface of a dump was in condition to hold water it was covered with rank vegetation, often more than 40 The Control of Mosquitoes six or eight feet high, and the pools formed were hidden. If inadequate provision is made for taking care of natural watercourses blocked by uninterested engineers, acres upon acres of new swamp lands may be formed, which are often ideal breed- ing grounds for mosquitoes. They contain few aquatic enemies of mosquito larve, plenty of food supply, and the tangle of vegetable growth protects the eggs and furnishes hiding-places for larve and pupez. Such places are ideal for mos- quitoes as soon as made, and outrival the freshly dug excavation, which is not frequently used by the Anopheles for ovipositing until conditions, such as protection for the young, food supply, and vege- table matter, tempt their presence. It can be readily understood that if the area at the rear of the new dump or blocked portion of the drainage channel is flat or gently sloping toward the dam, a much larger area containing vegetation will become flooded. If the final water surface does not rise above the vegetation, the mosquitoes are better pleased. In many cases, nature lends a helping hand, and the vegetation under the water grows rapidly until it reaches and extends beyond the surface. Under these conditions, aquatic plants develop and fish find the larve with diffi- Daily change of topography Conditions 41 culty and remove few of them. The water-fowl appear and may be the cause of the introduction of the kind of fish they come to catch. It is not at all improbable that fish-eggs stick to their legs and are thus transported from one place to another. Extensive construction work, as a rule, is per- formed by contract. Each of the contractor’s su- perintendents is responsible for one particular phase of the work and his entire time and attention are devoted toit. The foreman on the dump must unload his cars and return them within a minimum of time, the tracks must be moved with equal rapidity. If a culvert is to be elongated and no pipe is available, some makeshift is used and prob- ably no attention is given to grade when the pipe is laid. The work is performed in record time, or possibly a record is broken, and the cost of the work for that day, week, or month is reduced an appreciable amount. Probably such saving and efficiency are properly rewarded, and the increased salary or bonus acts as a spur to even more rapid work. The makeshift culvert is soon covered up and does not show. Ifit collapses some time after- wards, the cause of the collapse is unknown. A lagoon is formed at the back of the dam. Unless the entire valley is filled, the artificial mosquito- producing area created is permanent, and when 42 The Control of Mosquitoes the country becomes settled those living within a half-mile or so will be malarial, and people passing through the district will be affected similarly. It is not an economy to expedite construction in sucha manner. Ifa contract takes along time to execute and the laborers become infected by Anopheles, created by the foreman’s energetic though short-sighted action, what of the reduced energy or vital force of the workmen? Labor receives a daily wage and any decrease of output increases the cost of supervision. How does the loss of the laborers’ efficiency compare with the saving made by neglecting proper care of the natural watercourse? If all, or a large part, of the force becomes infected what is the contractor’s monetary loss? History shows that important contracts have failed in the tropics, and in some cases the entire project has had to be abandoned. The anti- malaria campaign on the Isthmus showed exactly how and why these failures happen, and also pro- vided opportunity for the study that may assist in determining the best and most economical means of overcoming future difficulties of similar or related character. Blocked watercourse changed into an Anopheles breeding-place CHAPTER IV THE SPECIES OF ANOPHELES ON THE ISTHMUS T the beginning of the Isthmian anti-malaria campaign available knowledge on this sub- ject was very limited, and confined largely to the experience gainedin Cuba. It was not known how many different species of Anopheles existed, nor was it definitely known which of them were the important malaria carriers. The preliminary in- vestigations demonstrated that they were not of domestic habits similar to the Aedes calopus and could not be considered house mosquitoes. Nu- merous containers near dwellings were carefully examined for Anopheles larve but none were dis- covered. The propagation areas appeared to be limited to seepage outcrops, pools, ponds, lagoons, ditches, streams, and the edges of rivers. It was not thought that the daily flight range was extensive, nor was any information available on this subject with respect to the different species. It was easy to see that rank vegetation served as a 43 44 The Control of Mosquitoes shelter or harboring place for Anopheles during the daytime, as well as for other mosquitoes. The climatic conditions were so different from those previously encountered that it was evident much investigation or pioneer work was required to ob- tain data pertaining to the general life history and habits of Isthmian Anopheles. We had no means of determining how seasonal changes would affect propagation, and the available data were unreliable. It was generally believed at that time that all mosquitoes traveled more or less with gentle air currents, but there was no positive knowledge of the habits of flight, and the length of flight of Anopheles, or of any other Isthmian mosquito. This was yet to be determined. It was not known if or how topography affected the distribution of species, whether Anopheles larve thriving in small collections of water held by plants were of economic importance, or whether certain species were confined by fixed geographical limits. Dr. O. L. Howard assisted in the work in many ways and furnished valuable suggestions and advice. Important collections of available species of Zone mosquitoes were made by Mr. A. Busck of the Smithsonian Institute and by Mr. A. H. Jennings, entomologist of the Isthmian Sanitary Species of Anopheles 45 Department. The determination of species found was made by Mr. F. Knab. Detailed studies of the relation to malaria of Isthmian Anopheles were made by Dr. S. T. Darling, and portions of his published work are quoted. In order to have sufficient adults for the experi- mental work, the sanitary inspectors along the line of the Canal sent pupe and well developed larve to the laboratory daily. Anopheles larve and pupz are delicate organisms and must not be subjected to rough treatment. They were trans- ported in wide-mouthed jars, not too many ina jar, containing about an inch of water and shaded fromthe sun. If several inches of water are placed in the temporary container and subjected to the direct rays of the sun, or if the larve are too much overcrowded and subjected to constant shaking, many willdie. By having shallow water but slight effort is needed for the larve to reach the surface. In collecting larve in the field white enameled saucers or dippers were found convenient, as the larve are easily visible against a white back- ground. In connection with the experimental work con- ducted at the laboratory, it became necessary to collect live adult Anopheles from houses at the t See his Studies in Relation to Malaria. 46 The Control of Mosquitoes various villages, ship them across the Isthmus, and have them arrive in their normal healthy condi- tion. It was found absolutely essential to keep them shaded from sunlight, rain, and strong air currents. They appear to die rapidly if placedina drying wind, which apparently causes evaporation that is fatal to them. The adults die if left overnight in mosquito-bars out in the open. If transported in cages few will die if the cage is completely covered with paper. ‘ In the biting experiments made by Dr. Darling to determine which of the Isthmian Anopheles were malaria carriers, seventy per cent. of the Ano- pheles albimanus used became infected, about sixty per cent. of the Anopheles tarsimaculata, and thir- teen per cent. of the Anopheles pseudopunctipennis. No Anopheles malefactor became infected although several bit the same person who infected the Ano- pheles albimanus. The conclusions drawn were: that Anopheles albimanus was the all-important transmitter of malaria fever in the Canal Zone at the time the experiments were made. Anopheles tarsimaculata was probably as susceptible to in- fection as Anopheles albimanus. The former, however, had a much more limited geographical distribution at that time, and appeared to be numerous only near Colon on the Atlantic coast. Species of Anopheles 47 Anopheles pseudopunctipennis appeared to be only slightly concerned in the transmission of malarial fever, if at all, as only about twelve per cent. of the specimens used became infected under the most favorable artificial conditions. Anopheles malefactor did not become infected. It also appeared in some cases that even the sus- ceptible mosquitoes possessed immunity toward the malaria parasite and failed to become infected. Unfortunately, Anopheles albimanus is the most abundant of the Isthmian Anopheles, and it makes stronger efforts to obtain entrance into inhabited buildings than any other species. It seems to prefer breeding places exposed well to the sun, and the green algze in such exposed collections of water provides food for its larve. The larve are found in stagnant water but not when heavily charged with sewage; and at the edges of streams and rivers in places where there is practically no cur- rent. Although they are found at the surface in deep bodies of water when plenty of aquatic vege- tation, debris, or other forms of protection are pre- sent, yet they are frequently found in puddles having a depth of only a fraction of an inch. Even after the water disappears the larve often continue to live for some time under a layer of alge or inthe soft mud. The adult will fly a long 48 The Control of Mosquitoes distance to reach occupied houses; but is seldom found in vacant buildings. The Anopheles pseudopunctipennis is found throughout the Isthmus, is not as strong a trav- eler as the other carriers, and is not so commonly found in houses as Anopheles albimanus or Anoph- eles tarsimaculata. Its season of abundance ap- pears to be more limited. Running water that is relatively clear seems to appeal to this species. It does.not bite as persistently as the others, and its relation to malaria on the Isthmus is not con- sidered important. Anopheles malefactor is apparently a non-carrier but a vigorous biter. At times large numbers of this species are found in houses. It recently became the most numerous species at the huts along the shore of Gatun Lake, when the water ele- vation reached eighty feet above sea level. Several months later it became relatively scarce. The other species of Anopheles are not commonly found in buildings, and so far as malarial fever transmission is concerned are not of economic importance. Regarding the identification of lar- ve, Dr. Darling has supplied the following data: I have made no attempt to determine in detail all the anatomical characteristics of anopheline larve of this region; that has been done for some species by Aquatic vegetation sheltering larve Species of Anopheles 49 Knab. The chief differentiating larval characters of the common anophelines of this region are these: A. albimanus or white-footed group: Palmate hairs on all abdominal segments and some- times on postero-external angle of the thorax. Antenne without a tuft of hairs. A. pseudopunctipennis group: Palmate hairs on third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh abdominal segments, but none on the first andsecond. On the latter two, however, there is a rudimentary stalked tuft replacing the palmate hairs. Antenne without a tuft of hairs. A. malefactor or spotted-legged group: No palmate hairs on first and second abdominal segments, but palmate hairs on all remaining segments. Antenne with a tuft of hairs. These characters are very striking and sharply sep- arate the malaria transmitting A. albimanus group from other varieties. With care it is frequently possible even in muddy water, from an examination of the indentations of the surface film caused by the palmate hairs, to at once determine the presence or absence of members of the A. albimanus group. In this group there is no break in the indented film, but in the two other groups there is a well-defined non- indented break in the film, due to the lack of palmate hairs on the first and second abdominal segments. The size of the palmate hairs on the postero-lateral angle of the thorax, and the presence of these hairs on the thorax, first and second abdominal segments, is 4 50 The Control of Mosquitoes subject to some variation. It would seem that the white-footed group is undergoing some variation with regard to the size and location of these hairs, and apparently they are becoming rudimentary on the thorax and first abdominal segment. The larve are easily frightened and remain hidden under water during long intervals, and for that reason are sometimes difficult to detect. Experiments were made by immersing larva in cages in the body of water from which they were taken, and it was found that some of them re- mained alive under water for a period of two hours, even though the surface of the water was covered with oil after the cage was immersed. It is not widely known that Anopheles rest and remain upon dark clothing for relatively long periods although the wearer may be walking rapidly. It has been ascertained by observation that in this manner people convey them into houses that have been properly screened. Large numbers are carried long distances by trains at night. One obser- vation was made in a case where a mosquito (genus unknown) resting on the shoulders of a man wearing a dark blue serge coat was carried from Colon to Porto Bello on board a steamer. The time of the trip was nearly three hours, and the distance about twenty miles. Observers were Species of Anopheles 51 afraid of disturbing the specimen by close approach but it was not an Anopheles. There is no doubt at the present time that the Anopheles albimanus is responsible for practically all of the malaria transmission in the Canal Zone, except at Gatun and Colon, where Anopheles tarsimaculata sometimes exist in numbers large enough to be of equal economic importance. The decrease of malarial fever in Panama will be in proportion to the eradication of these two species. It is now known that both species travel in enormous numbers over long distances (if other suitable propagation areas are not available) between their place of origin and the nearby settle- ments. On the Isthmus, in two instances where breeding was prolific, they have been known to travel from half a mile to a mile to reach houses. They do not seem able to remain long in a very strong light, and as a rule prefer darker places. No other Isthmian mosquitoes are so persistent in attempting to enter screened houses, and yet once inside they seem unable to find a way out, and collect on the screening soon after daylight, and again at dusk. When they find they cannot get out they return to the interior of the building, but make another effort to pass the screened openings at the same hours next day. They are seldom 52 The Control of Mosquitoes found on the screens between 9 A.M. and dusk. When Anopheles in buildings are trying to find openings in the screens of windows or balconies they are not easily frightened and are readily captured. They are so persistent in seeking an opening that it is necessary to alarm them several times before they will leave the screening. When such extensive topographical changes were made that it was temporarily impossible to control the increased influx of mosquitoes at a camp, the laborers of the oiling brigade destroyed mosquitoes found in barracks in the early mornings. A description of Isthmian Anopheles as given in Darling’s Studies in Relation to Malaria is quoted below: The following is a list of anophelines of the Canal Zone: Anopheles argyritarsis, R. D. Anopheles tarsimaculata, Goeldi. Anopheles gorgasi, D. K. Anopheles albimanus, Wied. Anopheles cruzti, D. K. Anopheles apicmacula, D. K. Anopheles punctimacula, D. K. Anopheles malefactor, D. K. Anopheles eiseni, Coquill. Anopheles franciscanus, McCrack. Anopheles pseudopunctipennis, Theob. saxIp jo Burpting Aq pasneo ‘voqjeg svau dweag Species of Anopheles 53 The above eleven species of anophelines have been collected in the Canal Zone during the past eight years. They are not taken nor do they exist in their breeding places in anything like equal numbers. For example: Only one specimen of A. gorgasi has been found. Of the eleven species, the commonest ones are A. albimanus, A. pseudopunctipennis, and A. malefactor, but this again must be qualified by stat- ing that the predominance of a species varies from season to season and from place to place. In certain villages, upon going through the barracks only A. albimanus will be found, while in other villages from five to ten per cent. of the mosquitoes will be A. pseudopunctipennis, and at Ancon during October, 1908, twenty-seven per cent. were A. mulefactor and seventy-two per cent. A.albimanus. A. tarsimaculata appears to be distributed solely near the Atlantic. Mr. A. Busck, of the Bureau of Entomology, United States Department of Agriculture, who collected and made observations on Zone mosquitoes during 1907, gave it as his opinion that A. pseudopunctipennis was the commonest anopheline during the period of his stay. The necessities of the Canal operations in excavat- ing and filling change the topography of districts and localities so as sometimes to convert salt marshes into fresh-water ponds, or to make tracts of land contain- ing few anophelines into a vast swamp in which they luxuriate. On the other hand, swamps and breeding places may be drained or filled in the work of excava- tion. These factors, among others, influence the num- ber and variety of species in a locality. The commoner anophelines of the Canal Zone may be divided into three groups: 54 The Control of Mosquitoes (A) The white hind-footed group, comprising: A. argyritarsis, A. albimanus, A. tarsimaculata. (B) The leg-uniformly-colored group, comprising: A. pseudopunctipennis, A. franciscanus. (C) The spotted-leg group, comprising: A. male- factor, A. apicmacula. These groups present well-marked differences in the markings of adults, in the breeding habits and ana- tomical characters of the larve, and, as will be shown, they possess varying susceptibilities to malaria. The rising waters of Gatun Lake CHAPTER V ANOPHELES PROPAGATION AREAS WATER CONTAINERS HE larvee of Aédes calopus and Anopheles are seldom found in the same water. On the Isthmus the larve of the latter are seldom found in containers, while Aédes calopus are found only in containers near inhabited buildings. If containers are upset or their contents enter into a pond or ditch the larvee of Aédes calopus will develop to ma- turity; again, if broad flat containers are so placed that vegetation growsin them, or if they are covered up in the grass and gather vegetable matter, dead leaves, twigs, etc., resembling natural breeding places, Anopheles will at times be found in them, but these conditions rarely occur and are not of practical importance. Isthmian Anopheles are not container breeders, and the sum total produced by water conta:ners is very small. They are found occasionally in large wells or cisterns where 55 56 The Control of Mosquitoes the water is near the ground surface, and into which dead grass, sticks, and leaves have fallen. The number of these collections of water is limited. HOOF-PRINTS The hoof-prints of cows and horses become important Anopheles producers. Riders often take horses over soft ground and in the wet season each hoof-print may become a source of larve. Cows seem to be particularly fond of walking in soft-bottomed ditches, and remaining at the edges of ponds. In this climate they are not stabled. Where the soil of the pasture is of a soft or clayey character, the foot-prints may be one to six inches or more in depth. These depressions often hold water throughout the wet season, and retain it from showers during the dry season. It is a difficult and expensive task to locate and fill, or treat, all hoof-marks holding water in a large flat field. The conditions are not improved if such a pasture is subjected to occasional flooding. It has been necessary in some instances to place fences around ponds and portions of pasture lands that become prolific sources of mosquitoes. Ina few cases, where wet pasture lands were close to thickly settled suburbs, or villages, it became necessary to have the cattle removed elsewhere. Cattle on low pasture lands: Panama Anopheles Propagation Areas 57 In the dry season pasturage is not good on dry lands, and the owners of animals are then inclined to turn them loose, or fasten them in low spots, and near ditches. An active animal can spoil a trained ditch in one night, and leave it in a condi- tion to become the most prolific source of mos- quitoes in the vicinity. This matter was found to be so important that legislation became neces- sary to keep ditches in proper shape. It is unlaw- ful now for horses or cattle to be at large, or tied in places where their presence interferes with anti-Anopheles operations and becomes a sanitary nuisance. Even so, it is necessary to put up sign boards along ditches and in places where animals are not desired. When sign boards were first placed on soft ground to notify people not to tie animals in that vicinity, some poor ignorant natives who could not read thought the sign posts were excellent objects to which to tie their animals. Night policing is still essential to enforce the ordinance. WHEEL TRACKS OF WAGONS On bad roads, not frequently used, the rut marks produce Anopheles and Culex, but where travel is frequent there are no larve. Where wagons pass through pasture land in the wet 58 The Control of Mosquitoes season and haul material over fields for construc- tion purposes, areas of considerable extent are cut up and the drivers seldom use the same route twice; they find hauling easier over untrodden ground, and temporary roadways may thus be widened as much as a hundred feet. Near settle- ments the matter is of sufficient importance to make the filling of these new ruts necessary. It is more economical to fill in than to treat with oil weekly for an indefinite period. EFFECT OF LONG RAINY PERIODS AND FLOODS Floods occur during the rainy season and are generally preceded and followed by showers; and the rapid currents thus caused removed many if not most of the larvee from the banks of rivers, streams, ditches, and the pools or depressions near them. Unfortunately the overflow reached depres- sions on adjacent lands and caused new temporary breeding places. When the flood was of short duration and was followed by dry weather and strong winds it was even advantageous. The latter condition rarely happened on the Isthmus. Continuous rainy periods with daily showers for twelve days or more, whether accompanied by floods or not, are the cause of prolific mosquito production on flat lands. Practically all Canal Algee united with oil in mat-like masses: Empire Anopheles Propagation Areas 59 Zone land is covered with luxuriant vegetation whichretards evaporation. On flatlandsmosquito eggs were laid in shallow water pools or films of water and accumulated in the relatively low spots. These places were grass covered and before they dried sufficiently to kill off the developing larve, another shower fell. If the wet mud was col- lected and dissolved in water, mosquito larve in all stages of development were often found. In excessively long rainy periods it is not easy to locate, reach, and treat small places dispersed over large areas, but if they are neglected, enor- mous numbers of mosquitoes ensue. Evapo- ration and ground absorption may or may not dry ground sufficiently to prevent the develop- ment of the greater part of the mosquito crop. Just what will occur cannot be foreseen, nor can it be estimated in advance during which month of the rainy season such ideal mosquito conditions may prevail. A variation of rainfall at villages three miles apart often resulted in a large influx of adults in one village and not in the other. At times the areas apparently needing attention were so exten- sive that the situation appeared hopeless, but experience gained in each locality by the inspector in charge was of great value. A new man requires 60 The Control of Mosquitoes time to become thoroughly acquainted with the conditions peculiar to his district, that each day’s work may produce the maximum of effective results. In time he becomes expert in omitting much that is but apparently necessary. STREAMS Large and small streams and natural water- courses, although dry for several months of the year, often become important propagation areas. Their relative importance or output of adults varies with the season. Asa rule, during the wet season larve are found in quiet places along the banks where vegetation occurs or overhangs the banks or where debris collects. It seems to be an instinct of the Anopheles to lay her eggs where there will be a maximum of protection, or hiding places, and of food supply for her brood. Small detached bodies of water adjacent to the stream are favorable; and where the banks are muddy, the footprints of those looking for larve may become filled with water by seepage from the stream, and later contain larve. Where the water is quiet or shallow, green alge develop rapidly and by retarding the current assist the Anopheles. These places offer favorable harboring places for larve. Anopheles Propagation Areas 61 “‘Pot-holes,’”’ or circular depressions, often form in the stream bed. The current may be swift only at the center and larve may be present at the edges where the debris collects. A sharp down- pour will often collect most of the debris, alge, eggs, larvee, and pup and carry them on downstream. They may, and often do, collect in quieter places in the larger stream or lagoon below. Where streams flow toward a settlement and empty into quieter waters near it, the adult mosquitoes in houses often increase suddenly, due to the new supply of pupe and larve thus transported toward ti It must not be assumed that alge in ditches when treated with oil or larvacide will cease to exist. A week or less may start and complete a new growth. Often crude oil and alge unite and form a mat that floats on the surface and in a few days a part or all will settle to the bottom of the stream; or may collect in irregular depres- sions along the bank. Such conditions offer hiding places for larve and make inspection both slower and more difficult. In shallow streams having coarse gravel or stones on the bottom and along the wetted perimeter, when debris, grass, or well-developed algz are absent, larve hide under the small stones, and though none may be detected 62 The Control of Mosquitoes at the water surface it is always well to remove sufficient stones to be sure that they are not hiding underneath. Frequently they remain hidden for long intervals. When the stone under which the larve are hiding is moved, they will rapidly travel to the next nearest stone that affords a suitable hiding-place. As the dry season advances, the source of hill- side streams moves farther downhill, the upper part remaining dry. In case the stream bed is of irregular grade and contains deep depressions, as the bed becomes dry pools remain and become breeding places. Should the stream be of great length it is so easy to assume that its entire upper length is dry that such places are apt to be over- looked. Eventually the pools become dry, but generally produce one or more crops of mosquitoes before this happens. During the dry season, if a shower falls, the stream bed will probably be dry within a day or two, but it is never certain that these depressions have not collected water which they may retain for a week or more. In the upper portion of the stream bed and higher than its dry season source, the sub-surface flow may outcrop at one or more points, and, due to the soil formation, grade, etc., flow along the stream for a short distance and again disappear ACA SuUBVYD oY} UL pooy sulpisqns wv Aq 9o1} vB UT JOT 91} pvolpey, Anopheles Propagation Areas 63 into the ground. The locations of the portions of the stream that act in this manner may change from year to year, and the observer is never sure that a dry stream is not producing mosquito larve until he has followed it throughout its entire length. A minimum of mosquito larve will be present in a stream when it has been properly trained, that is, reduced to the minimum width of uniform cross section and freed from stones, grass, and debris that would interfere with the flow or velocity and furnish hiding-places for larve. RIVERS The larger rivers, where the banks are steep, are not sources of larve. As a rule they are less troublesome in the wet season than in the short dry one. If the banks are not much above the average water level, where flat lands are adjacent and floods occur, we have conditions similar to those in lagoons. At times of great floods, twigs, branches, and even whole trees are carried down- stream and when they come to rest may act as collectors and hold grass, vines, and finely divided debris. Such places become sources of mosquitoes that larve-eating fish or top minnows often cannot catch. Obstructions of this nature at times change 64 The Control of Mosquitoes the direction of the river bottom and leave new isolated pools as the water recedes. The high water causes much silt containing plant food to collect on the banks. This in turn produces luxuriant vegetation at the water’s edge. Fre- quently the vegetation extends into the water and retards the current near the shore sufficiently to create suitable areas along shore in which Anopheles larve accumulate and remain. The Rio Grande on the Pacific slope of the Isthmus has been expensive to control because of these conditions, and it has been necessary to have workmen in boats continually on the river for mosquito control. Rivers may or may not assist mosquito develop- ment in the wet season as above described. They are generally a most prolific source in the dry season. As the pools, ponds, streams, and marsh lands dry, the rivers become more sluggish and are the only available water sources remaining. Naturally the mosquitoes use them. Where the banks are kept clean, free from vegetation, debris, and stones in shallow water, the larve are seldom found. Mosquitoes instinctively avoid places that fish and other enemies reach easily, and lay their eggs in more favorable places. They select shallow pools with stony bottoms in the river Oiling of breeding-places along a river bank Anopheles Propagation Areas 65 bed. Then vegetation grows around the edges in shallow water giving the desired protection. As the water is shallow, it becomes warmer and this assists the rapid development of alge. The larve can penetrate the alge but small fish cannot. Alge containing larve may be detached and floated downstream. Fish swim -to and fro around it, and follow it, trying to seize the larve, but they seldom appear to succeed. Where the slope of the river bank is gradual, and the water at the edges shallow, with gravel or stone at the bottom, Anopheles larve are often found, providing other nearby and better pro- tected breeding places do not exist. With the first heavy floods of the rainy season most of these river production areas are promptly eradicated. SEEPAGE Seepage water is water that flows underground along an impervious stratum and reaches the ground surface when that stratum becomes exposed at the surface, or approaches it. Or it may come through a stratum that is more or less porous and water bearing. The places where the water appears at the surface are called seepage out- crops. They are frequently found on benches, hill- sides, and in small valleys. In areas where they 5 66 The Control of Mosquitoes are present, sharp changes of grade, such as steep hillsides terminating on flat ground, or on more gentle slopes, should be carefully examined. The seepage on a hillside outcrop may approxi- mately follow a contour line. The escaping water then flows downhill, and may again be absorbed by the soil, or continue to flow until it reaches a natural drainage course, or come to rest in a depression and form a pool or pond. On hill- side seepage areas only a thin film of water is present, but small depressions in the ground give a depth of water sufficient for mosquito develop- ment. Naturally the temperature of the water is relatively high and frequently seepage areas con- tain much alge and few enemies of larve. Cattle complicate the situation by leaving deep hoof- prints. The outcropping water may be present throughout the year or only during short periods. Each outcrop is a law unto itself. Strange as it may seem, some places produce more water immediately after the rainy season, than during it. One such area was discovered at Balboa at the foot of a hill composed largely of trap rock. In several localities seepage outcrops had been present only twice in ten years. Of course if such places are neglected it will be extremely espaip YOUsSIY plo ue Jwou wary] oymbsour BZuryoojo1d uoryeyosa,, Anopheles Propagation Areas 67 difficult to account for the presence of mosquitoes, and more distant production areas, winds, etc., may wrongly be held responsible for a temporary influx. Seepage may be found at most unexpected places during or after long rainy periods; it almost invariably produces mosquitoes, and in many cases may not be noticed until some adults have been produced. Nearly all seepage outcrops as well as areas flooded by seepage water were covered by the same class of vegetation that grew above the outcrop, and there was nothing to denote their presence. One cannot appreciate the number of mosquitoes produced by even small seepage out- crops without actually inspecting them. LAGOONS, LAKES, PONDS, ETC. Many parts of lagoons in the tropics are impass- able and trochas or paths have to be cut through the heavy growth to penetrate some parts of them. Examination, or mosquito inspection, when the bottoms are soft deep mud is tedious but interest- _ ing, and the splashing of an occasional alligator removes any sense of monotony. It is surprising how many of these areas do not produce mos- quitoes although conditions as to food, protection, etc., seem to be ideal. After examining many of this character the observer is apt to take it for 68 The Control of Mosquitoes granted that Anopheles are absent. There are some prolific breeding areas whose importance cannot be determined without a thorough and painstaking examination. Many lagoons, ponds, etc., have been seen where larve were not present near the shore line, but were very numerous in protected portions of deeper water. Water more than a foot deep, free from vegetation, debris, alge, etc., is generally non-productive. It often happens that numerous larve are present only in particular parts of a large and apparently suitable breeding place, and it should be thoroughly investigated before any conclusions are drawn regarding its possibilities. Again, some areas may produce a species of Anopheles larve only at certain times, and it is wrong to conclude that because results are nega- tive to-day the conditions will not change sooner or later. Seasonal changes have an important bearing upon mosquito propagation. In clear water such as reservoirs with clean edges and abrupt banks, more or less finely divided debris collects and is often removed from one side of the lake to the other by winds. Larve are frequently present in this mass, and apparently the small fish cannot reach them. Marked wave action prevents mosquito production. If the uoouy Hyp apy Suydeosezur ue Aq poyjoryuco ‘dosoyno a8vdees y Anopheles Propagation Areas 69 wind direction is uniform and continuous, larve will be absent on the shore affected by wave action. However, if there are small inlets along the shore line the wave action may not affect the larve in them, and they will need attention. NON-PRODUCTIVE ANOPHELES PROPAGATION AREAS In the Cuban anti-malaria campaign as well as on the Isthmus, there were so many apparently suitable places for mosquito development in which the larve were absent, that attempts were made to determine why Anopheles did not oviposit in them. The attempts were not successful. Larve were placed in many of these places and be- came fully developed. Mosquitoes were some- times induced to lay their eggs in non-productive places by putting dead grass there. Investigation and research along this line is essential. Probably new facts will be discovered that may enable us to make existing production areas unattractive as breeding places and render them sterile. A dark brown or reddish substance resembling iron rust (name unknown), which is often accompanied by a small amount of natural oil, is found occasionally on the Isthmus at the edges of ditches or ponds in the form of a limited seepage outcrop and appears to be repulsive to Anopheles. Larve are never 70 The Control of Mosquitoes found in that part of a body of water affected by it, although they are found in other parts of the same body of water to which this substance has not extended. PROPAGATION AREAS CREATED BY MAN It is surprising how many mosquitoes are unnecessarily brought into existence by people who are aware that the construction work they are doing will cause Anopheles to multiply. They do this even when it would cost no more to arrange for proper drainage. Borrow pits or excavations are made where they tap seepage water planes, and are sometimes left to collect water, in places where they cannot be drained. River channels are blocked up near settlements, flooding hundreds of acres with shallow water. Culverts are situated in a way that causes ponds to be formed, and streams and ditches to fill with silt. They are often entirely closed up, and the water allowed to spread where it will. Such condi- tions have been created by engineers who knew the ensuing results, but were apparently in no way interested providing they did not suffer personally or financially. The additional cost of controlling malaria in these localities has been enormous and made the Vegetation removed from the edge of a pond at Bohio Anopheles Propagation Areas 71 cost of the anti-malaria campaign very much higher than it would have been had sufficient authority been given to the sanitary officials to prevent the unnecessary formation of hundreds of acres of artificially created mosquito-producing areas, with the corresponding attendant costs for their control, and for the care of sick laborers affected. DITCHES Even where anti-malaria work is being per- formed, parts of ditches or pools not kept in proper condition will harbor larve. Any obstruction or change of conditions that interferes with the flow of water in a ditch, and any condition that brings about the breaking of the continuity of the oil film may attract mosquitoes. Production is increased if the amount of water flowing in the ditch decreases. Where the matted alge breaks up and some portions of it sink, the direction of the small current in the ditch bed changes frequently, and increases the number of places and the extent of area where larve may be found. Conditions are aggravated if cattle have access to the ditch. If treatment is neglected or faulty inspection is made, the ditch becomes a menace and produces large numbers of mosquitoes daily. The flatter the 72 The Control of Mosquitoes grade the more likely are such conditions to occur. The higher the temperature of the water the more favorable it becomes for rapid development. Anopheles larve have been taken in ditch water having a temperature of 102 degrees Fahrenheit. CRAB HOLES AND PLANTS AS SOURCES OF ANOPHELES Anopheles larvee have been taken from crab holes both in depressions on flat land and on river banks which received larvee from receding waters. It is known that Anopheles seldom if ever lay eggs in crab holes where water is below the ground surface. One species of mosquito, which does not bite man, habitually lays its eggs in sub- surface water incrab holes. Itisnot an Anopheles. While larve of some species are found in water held by stems of plants, and in tree holes, the species that enter dwellings and are known to be malaria carriers seldom oviposit in such places. Propagation in water held by plants and trees was not considered of economic importance on the Isthmus. CHANGE OF SPECIES CAUSED BY CHANGES OF SEASON OR OF LOCAL CONDITIONS AT BREEDING PLACES It would be natural to expect a prolific source of Anopheles albimanus, or Anopheles malefactor, to on napa OT RE epee tip Result of blocking the Rio Cardenas. A change of species of Anopheles occurred here Anopheles Propagation Areas 73 remain favorable to that species. We do not think this to be true. Certain changes take place the nature of which is not yet well understood. The fact remains that within a short period one species will sometimes disappear and be replaced soon afterwards by a large number of larve of another species. There are changes in the food- stuffs present, formation of alge, plant growth, etc., and also other factors and changes that are at the present time unknown. Changes of species have been observed in relatively large bodies of water, such as lagoons, wide parts of rivers containing much aquatic growth, and in large ponds. In 1913 when the lake at Gatun was formed, conditions appeared to be quite favorable to the development of Anopheles malefactor and it became the prevailing species at Gamboa from November, 1913, toFebruary,1914, while previously the Anopheles albimanus was more common in houses. Since the last mentioned date the Anoph- eles albimanus has replaced it and later constituted about ninety per cent. of all Anopheles at Gamboa. A similar change is taking place at Cafio Camp, southwest of Gatun, on the shore of the lake. At that point the jungle is flooded with water and most of the trees and brush are now dead. Much of this growth was alive when the camp was first 74 The Control of Mosquitoes established, about December 1, 1913. The month- ly Anopheles catch at this camp was, December, 1913, 320; January, 1914, 1969; February, 1914, 2834. Recently the Anopheles albimanus is be- coming the predominating species. Strange to say until January, 1914, there has been no influx of Anopheles from the lake at Gatun and practically no breeding along the shore of the lake near that town, although within a mile conditions along the lake shore appear quite similar to those near Cafio and Gamboa. Condi- tions may change and become favorable at a later date. OCCURRENCE OF ANOPHELES IN BRACKISH WATERS At Cristobal, Beach Island, in the Rio Grande valley, and at Gatun, Anopheles larvee have been found in brackish and salt water. In the first three locations the propagation areas were affected directly by tide water. At Cristobal, in that part of the tidal flats covered by high tides and by excessive tides, larvee were found to be numerous wherever clearings were made and leaves remained in the water. Clumps of plant stems afforded hiding-places to the larve of Anopheles albimanus and Anopheles tarsimaculata, even when small fish were present. Invariably larvee were most Anopheles Propagation Areas 75 numerous where the fallen leaves were most plentiful. These leaves were about eighteen inches wide and four feet or more in length. At Beach Island, the wet area, a mangrove swamp, was less brackish and well shaded by trees. It had a depth of from two to twelve inches and was filled with stumps of young trees relatively close together. No alge and very little debris were present. The young larve were more numerous than those further developed. The older larve kept closer to the stumps. Probably the fish preferred them; this would account for the relative absence of large larvee. In the swampy area in the Rio Grande valley the percentage of salt water varied with the tide and rainfall. Anopheles albimanus was the prevailing species. The deep water contained many mangrove trees and drift from upstream, while the more shallow water was well covered with grass, dead leaves, and plants that thrive in brackish water in the tropics. Larve could always be found in untreated portions of this area where there were sufficient hiding- places. The area was about a mile in length. GATUN PROPAGATION AREA IN IQI3 The largest influx of Anopheles that occurred in the Canal Zone during the canal construction 76 The Control of Mosquitoes period came from a flat depression north of Gatun Dam. In making the channel near the entrance to the lower lock the material was excavated by dredges and passed through pipes onto the area referred to.t| The canal channel at points where the dredges operated was several hundred feet wide and subject to the usual rise and fall of the tide. Previous to the introduction of salt water into this area it produced some Culex but not many Anopheles. It was covered with high grass and in many places with brush. The brush and trees began to die soon after the intro- duction of salt water. As the work of filling progressed, the increasing body of water spread over many acres and this sheet of water, about six inches deep, was hidden by tall grass. The water was deeper farther off shore. The area was more than a mile long and about half a mile wide. Flight observations indicated and fairly proved the direction the influx was taking before it was known by actual inspection of the swamp that this water was the source of thousands of mosquitoes that affected the settlement from half a mile to a mile distant. The water in the grass around the edges of the newly formed lagoon remained nearly fresh and no salt could be tasted along shore. In some See Map of Gatun No. 36 DQIOAOINSIP SVM YS oyNbsour srayM xnpur oymnbsour unyey jo vaie uoryesedor Pp Ip 19! : poy w) F ! d Anopheles Propagation Areas 77 places where tall grass grew salt was not percepti- ble to taste six hundred feet from the shore line. In wading out from the shore the water was tasted every few yards, and it was noted that young Culex and Anopheles larvee appeared with the first indication of brackishness. In going farther from the shore as the water became more brackish the Anopheles larve found were more numerous and more mature. When the water became salty enough to be decidedly disagreeable to taste, Anopheles larve were most numerous. They were more numerous per unit of area than had been noted anywhere on the Isthmus during the previous nine years of anti-mosquito work. The absence of Anopheles and the scarcity of Culex larve in the wet zone not affected by salt water was unique. Tests made along shore at many points established the fact. The condition was so uniform that by wading slowly from shore to shore with eyes closed, and testing by taste alone, we were able to reach the infested zone and secure larve in collecting cups. The water surface contained large quantities of leaves that had fallen from the dying trees. Small larvee-destroy- ing fish were quite numerous, but larve of Anoph- eles and Culex were so plentiful in the salty water that it was impossible for the fish to make 78 The Control of Mosquitoes any reduction. As time went on the density of larve increased. The observers studying the situ- ation were bitten continuously by Anopheles of both species while standing in the water in full sunlight. The adult species present was chiefly Anopheles tarsimaculata although Anopheles albi- manus and Culex were very plentiful. This was the only time or place on the Isthmus in which Anopheles were known to come out into the open and bite freely in full sunlight. This production area continued in existence for several months and frequent analyses of the water for sea water content were made. In places where the larvee were very numerous the water contained sixty per cent. or more of sea water and at times above eighty per cent. Although the Anopheles tarsimaculata appears to thrive best in salty water, yet the larve have been found in fresh water in small quantities, and a few adults have occurred ten miles away from water affected by tide water. METHODS OF DETERMINING THE PRESENCE OR ABSENCE OF ANOPHELES LARVA In general we may expect to find larve in relatively quiet water where aquatic growth, vegetation, dead leaves, debris, and twigs have Grass and plants almost covering the water surface and protecting mosquito larve Anopheles Propagation Areas 79 accumulated. If not disturbed or frightened they can be seen at rest on the water surface but often they dive or hide before the observer is sufficiently near to notice them. It is not usual to find them where such natural protection or source of food are absent. Grass and plants growing in the water are favorable, but dead vegetation appears to be more satisfactory. After a little practice an observer becomes expert in judging whether parts of a body of water contain larve. It is found convenient to use a small white enamel-ware saucer to dip for larve; this can be carried in a coat pocket when not needed. For continuous inspection work a white enamel-ware dipper is used to advantage. Where vegetation is present and larve are hiding in it, the saucer or dipper may be pushed up to the plant or grass stalks rapidly, and the larve drawn out of theif hiding-places by suction as the water enters the saucer, or dipper. This method will obtain larvee that are not detected in the water by the eye alone. When either of these methods fail, the larve may be detected by the application of larvacide. This substance spreads quickly under the water surface, and the larve rise rapidly in their efforts to escape. It is much used in the Canal Zone and many places can be rapidly examined by using a small quantity. 80 The Control of Mosquitoes The commercial kresol preparations on the market have similar qualities but are more expensive than the product we use. If these aids are not at hand, fairly good results may be obtained in water of less than a foot deep by thoroughly stirring up the mud below the water. This generally makes the larve come to the surface in a short time. In shallow water where a large number of places must be examined in a short time, inspection is made by walking in the water and stirring with the foot. If grass or debris is present it must be pushed or held back to leave a clear area for observation. Where the water has almost dis- appeared from depressions, or only soft mud remains, samples may be washed in clear water to determine the presence of larve. The observer should walk along the beds of streams, or the edges of ditches or ponds, and examine all places that appear favorable, including floating debris on the surface of deep water. In ponds and lagoons in which tall grass grows examination should be made by boat, or if none is available the inspector must wade out until he knows the condition of all places that may harbor larve. It must always be re- membered that the productive portions of a rela- tively large area may be limited to certain small ones, either in fresh or brackish water marshes. Anopheles Propagation Areas 81 Seasonal changes must be also borne in mind. The unexpected happens very frequently in this class of work. Only a few of the negro laborers wore hip boots for work in deep water. In the wet season the sanitary inspectors dressed in khaki, heavy leather ~shoes, and stiff pig-skin leggins. When heavy showers fell unexpectedly it was impossible to keep dry, and when bodies of water had to be examined they waded into them, and let the hot sun dry their clothing asit could. It was fortunate that the inspectors’ enthusiasm lasted longer than their clothing! They found being drenched to the skin several times a day less fatiguing than wear- ing surveyor’s boots for work in lagoons having soft mud bottoms. Boots would have been too heavy for the amount of walking and work of a day in such a hot and humid climate. The leggins were essential for protection from thorns, spines, and the red bugs that make life a misery to some. It is often stated that sewage and polluted waters are favorable to the development of Culex, and that Anopheles are not found in it. This assertion did not hold true under the condi- tions in Cuba and Panama. The farther from the sewer outlet, the less will be the amount of organic substance carried by the water, and a 6 82 The Control of Mosquitoes point is reached where the quality of the water becomes satisfactory to Anopheles. In cases where sewers have broken on grass- covered hillsides mosquito larve have been found numerous within one to two hundred feet of the point of discharge. CHAPTER VI HARBORING PLACES AND FOOD OF ANOPHELES N uninhabited regions this species feeds on the blood of birds and animals, juices of fruits and of plants, and probably on the pollen of certain plants. Some observers think that blood is the normal food of female Anopheles and that other food is taken only when blood cannot be obtained. Anopheles apparently try. to obtain more of it than other mosquitoes. We have observed that they do not bite in full sunlight. Constant observations on the Isthmus for a period of eight years, 1904 to 1912, failed to establish a single case. During these years, when numerous, they bit freely in the shade of woods. In 1912, at the breeding area of Gatun, direct sunlight on brightest days did not prevent six or eight Anoph- eles biting the face at one time. The species were Anopheles tarsimaculata and Anopheles albimanus. They attacked us while up to the knees in water as well as on shore. It is interesting to note that 83 84 The Control of Mosquitoes both species were to some extent afraid of the light of a lantern at night in that particular lo- cation. If the lantern were behind the neck the face was bitten, and on bringing the light around toward the face, they immediately ceased oper- ations on it and collected on the back of the neck, and continued biting vigorously. The same was true of the biting of the hands. The hand farthest from the light was the one bitten. They invari- ably left the lighted side of the hand, if it were slowly moved to about eighteen inches from the lantern. The same rule held true with regard to their settling on the observers’ clothing, which continually occurred. This apparent fear of arti- ficial lights had been noted in previous years at Corozal, three miles from the Pacific Ocean, but in that locality Anopheles tarsimaculata were then absent and Anopheles albimanus was the prevail- ing species. When bright acetylene lights with reflectors (automobile lamps) were used at Corozal, an observer standing in the direct rays and holding his bare arms in them ten feet away from the lamp was never bitten. Yet when an obstruction was placed in the column of light and one inch of finger put behind the obstruction, in its shadow, several Anopheles albimanus settled on that finger in less Habits and Food 85 than one minute. Four observers were present when these tests were carried out. One of the men was known to be more attractive to mos- quitoes than the others, but when, having started with his arms literally covered with Anopheles, he reached the zone of a certain intensity of light not one remained. They fled with a rapidity similar to the movement of people or animals whose eyes had been suddenly hurt. In all cases the light was sufficiently distant to cause no increase in temperature. It is difficult to account for the instance of biting in full sunlight at Gatun (near the breeding place only) as compared with all other cases of absolute repulsion caused by artificial light. Of course it is possible that the Anopheles at Gatun bit us while in the sunlight because other- wise they could never have obtained any blood. Their natural instincts are difficult to determine. In general, they are most ravenous at dusk and soon after daylight. When numerous they bite freely in shady places near the production area and at places distant from it where they rest during the daytime. Many were noted less than a foot above the ground on the leeward side of trees near the breeding area. On one tree forty-three were counted. In a similar manner they are found on wire 86 The Control of Mosquitoes screens on the leeward side of houses in large num- bers while absent from screens on the windward side. At Gatun, when the mosquito influx was at its maximum, they were found at rest in brush and under dead grass on the wind-swept hillside, in large numbers under houses, and in any place that afforded protection from sun and wind. This condition existed for several months during the dry season. No natural flight in the sunlight has yet been observed. While no suitable hiding places except vacant houses were without mos- quitoes in the daytime, yet beyond the settled area none were found. They only rested in places between the brackish body of water and the vil- lage limits; and when grass in which they were resting was disturbed in the full sunlight they flew about ten feet to the next nearest shaded place. Large numbers were collected under houses where the breeze was sufficiently strong to make the lighting of a match difficult. These inhabited houses were on posts from two to ten feet above ground. The dry weather ground-cracks under the houses were several inches deep and the mos- quitoes collected in them, but when small bunches of grass or dry hay were placed under the houses they hid in these in preference to the cracks. None rested on the floor beams under the houses, Influence of Prevailing Wind Direction and its relation to Anopheles entering houses. Front > Se Direction of prevailing wind Tt? ENF PR A.-Attime of wind Anopheles collect at rear of house. (leeward side). Door (b) is the danger point. Door (a) may be held open by wind, Arrows denote.resting or aollecting places of Anopheles. Pott th tt B.- Screened porch advantageously located, Diagrams showing best locations for screen doors 87 Influence of Prevailing Wind Direction and its relation to Anopheles entering houses. Direction of Prevailing wind oO Lee ? oF A Door in a re-entrant angle facilitates entrance of mosquitoes. They enter when the dvor C-Anopheles collect on screen is opened, and enter if door is left open long enough, t , € The.door of screened porch (E.) is better located than thatat(F), 4fttAnopheles - Diagrams showing best locations for screen doors 88 Habits and Food 89 where there was enough light to read by with comfort. In order to determine to what extent the mos- quitoes rested in the shade under houses, mos- quito bars were hung up to clear the ground by a few inches. A laborer was placed under each net. The mosquitoes did not hesitate to leave their day- time resting places and soon reached the nets, where they were collected. Account was kept of the number taken between six-thirty a.m. and five P.M. During a period of twenty-two days it was observed that thirty-three per cent. of their total number entered the nets between six-thirty and eight a.m. The total catch by this method under five houses in the same period was 14,322 adult Anopheles, mostly Anopheles tarsimaculata. These came from ground-cracks under the house and from the small quantity of dead grass that had blown there. In another five-day test, with a man under a mosquito bar beneath each of the five houses, 4389 female and 132 male Anopheles tarsimaculata were captured inside the nets. All these mosquitoes had been resting on the ground or in the ground-cracks under the houses. By poking the cracks with a stick they were disturbed, but flew away only a few feet to another hiding-place; none went out into the open where the sun was 90 The Control of Mosquitoes shining. Although so many were under the houses none came out to bite anyone standing in the sun. The Gatun salt-water swamp was the source of these mosquitoes.* The houses affected were numbers 3, 184, 185, 195, and 220, located near the railroad depot.? There are many other houses at Gatun, some less and some equally distant from the propagation area. Under most of them no mosquitoes were present in the daytime. Although it is customary for mosquitoes to bite soon after sunset, cases have been known where observers remaining in one place from six P.M. were not bitten until eleven p.m., when Anopheles albimanus became suddenly numerous and fed freely. When the jungle surrounding houses was cleared, for several days mosquitoes entered them in much larger numbers than before the clearing was made. It is said that a fairly brisk wind prevents the flight and biting of mosquitoes, but on the Atlantic slope where the trade winds blow nearly all the year round, they often bite at dusk whether the wind blows or not. In infested settle- ments mosquitoes are seldom found in vacant houses. When houses are imperfectly screened Anopheles are more apt to find defects than other mos- 1See map p. IOI. 2 See map p. IOI. unqery jo deur oy} uo poyseut ore osparp pue sasnoy syy, ‘espoip yueysIp oy} Ivou sem vole Sulposlq OUL “WY ydeas-pura oy} UO punosse10j oy} Ul sasnoy ay} JapuN syowID punoss oy} ut poyarjoo sapaydouy- Habits and Food gI quitoes, but they have difficulty in finding their way out of buildings. In the daytime, they are more commonly found in the bedrooms than in any other part of the house. Some people are more attractive to Anopheles than others. One of the sanitary inspectors was known to possess this quality, and the arms of three men were placed around his bare arm, so that any Anopheles desiring to bite him had to find their way to him through an inch wide opening between the bared arms of two other men. Several Anopheles albimanus did this. Some time later the same person and two observers trying to locate the principal source of Anopheles causing the influx at Cristobal were not bitten once from dusk to nine o’clock. A brown horse nearby was examined and found to be well covered with Anopheles albimanus. The observers sat down near the animal, but failed to attract a single mosquito in thirty minutes. They then began to catch the Anopheles that were biting the horse, using chloroform tubes: the mosquitoes attacking the horse arrived more quickly than they could be captured and kept the party busy. The catch- ing was continued for an hour, and during that period none of the men were bitten. They had lamps and noticed that no mosquitoes settled on 92 The Control of Mosquitoes their clothing, although they frequently examined the parts which were not exposed to the direct rays of light. Mosquitoes not only enter trains to bite people, but remain in passenger cars that are in motion for long periods during the night time; they usually leave the car soon after daylight. Some are accidentally trapped in train closets and freight cars and are then transported long distances. The importance of Anopheles settling on people’s clothing, and being transported long distances and into screened houses has not received the attention it deserves. Cases have frequently been noted in which they remained on a man’s coat during a stiff wind while he walked a hundred yards; and even longer transportation by this means, or on the backs of animals, is quite possible. While flight observations were being made at Gatun, a chicken coop was examined at eight o'clock on two consecutive nights. The observers were bitten by Anopheles while watching the chickens, but failed to note any mosquitoes trying to bite the fowls. The Culex resting in large numbers on the chicken roost were not gorged and did not bite the fowls, but their position gave them shelter from the breeze. Those outside this shelter bit us freely. Habits and Food 93 In one instance three mosquito bars were placed in the woods for one night with a man under one bar, a dog under the second, and a coop containing fowls under the third. The net with the man collected 274 Anopheles and fifteen Culex, the dog’s net had five Anopheles and nine Culex, and the fowls’ net contained twelve Anopheles and six Culex. CHAPTER VII FLIGHT AND ATTRACTION OF MOSQUITOES HE various species of mosquitoes have not the same habits. The differences of time of biting, of selection of propagation areas, quality of water in which larve are found, etc., are well known. Every night at certain periods of the year, hundreds of Culices are found dead in the globes of electric arc lights. Anopheles on the contrary are practically never found in the globes and will not fly close to a bright light. Apparently only a few species of one genus of mosquito are attracted by light sufficiently to be destroyed by the flame, while the Isthmian Anopheles and possibly others find a strong light repulsive. It is possible that some Anopheles associate lights with man. The general direction of the wind at Panama is from north to south and it blows from south to north on but few days in the year. Many years of careful observation on the Pacific slope of the Isthmus gave fairly conclusive evidence of a marked 94 SOIOPCIPY puw ‘yezo1og ‘uoouy ‘eueuRg jo suorzsod oalqepor oyy $33 3 3 8 a 3 e "Yeeg wi 9ayvIG twmouYy pus WOrUL jexos0, ‘arsayfoatyy {? wexvr0/ aay med Grmoys PPS F340) fon, © | Flight and Attraction of Mosquitoes 95 flight of Anopheles in a northerly direction, or against the wind, and this was reported by Le Prince at the International Congress of Hygiene, 1912. Anopheles propagation areas occur near Ancon and the city of Panama, and the wind blows from those places toward the houses: if the flight of Anopheles was assisted by gentle winds the houses should contain many.? As a matter of fact, there are few at Ancon as compared with other settlements, and the production area there has been under observation for nine years. Panama touches the Pacific Ocean. Beginning at the base of the hill on which Ancon, its suburb, is located, a swampy area extends for about two miles northwards, and the village of Corozal is three miles north of Panama. Three miles north of Corozal is the village of Miraflores, and a prolific Anopheles-breeding area lies between the two villages, extending over the larger part of the intervening distance. The southern end of this area is nearer Corozal than any part of the Ancon- Corozal swamp. In 1911, work was concentrated on the southern portion of the Corozal-Miraflores swamp, in order to reduce the Anopheles arriving at Corozal. The «See map opposite p. 95. 96 The Control of Mosquitoes work on the windward side was ineffective, and the influx of Anopheles albimanus increased. Work in this swamp was then stopped and the force con- centrated in a larve-infested portion of the Ancon- Corozal swamp about a mile south of Corozal. Since the latter area has been controlled no large influx of Anopheles has taken place at Corozal, except during short periods when the wind changed and blew from south to north. The large swamp between Corozal and Mira- flores was difficult to control in a satisfactory manner. It was neglected for a certain time to ascertain if, when producing Anopheles at its maximum capacity, many of them would reach Corozal, traveling with the wind. Apparently this did not happen, as the number of adults at Corozal did not increase while the other area a mile to the south of Corozal was kept under proper control. Soon after the Corozal-Miraflores area was purposely neglected the catch at the laborers’ barracks at Miraflores increased and the influx continued. The maximum catch in a single trap on one night was more than a thousand. This trap was attached to an 8” x 24’ opening in the screening and the total area of small openings in the trap screen through which mosquitoes passed (osnory dy} SPrsur WoO1f Uses) Dery oymbsoyy uael9S MOPUIM & 0} poyoezye desz oymbsoyy Flight and Attraction of Mosquitoes 97 was less than eight square inches. During this high influx at Miraflores the low catch at Corozal continued. The most prolific part of the interven- ing production area was much nearer to Corozal than it was to Miraflores. Is it the usual custom for this Anopheles to fly against light breezes? Is it possible that they are attracted by scent? Or when the number of Anopheles being produced in a limited area amounts to millions, do the habits of flight to obtain blood then change? These questions are exceedingly difficult to answer, but as they are of the utmost importance in successful and economical control of Anopheles they should be investigated. The increase or decrease of electric lights in buildings apparently does not make much difference in the number of Anopheles entering. In several instances, by increasing the amount of light in a small experimental house at Corozal, the number of Culex (species not determined) increased even when vacant. When the building was empty or without lights, only an occasional Anopheles entered, but when one or two men were sleeping in the building Anopheles crowded through small openings and bit them whether the building was lighted or not. Where buildings are well screened and Anopheles 7 98 The Control of Mosquitoes outside are numerous, they will try to force their way through incredibly small cracks or defects in the screen. Many cases have been noted where they have become tightly wedged in their efforts to pass through openings that were too small, and then were unable to free themselves. While this experimental work was being done it was found that although the breeding of Anopheles pseudo- punctipennis and Anopheles malefactor was taking place much nearer to the buildings at Corozal than Anopheles albimanus, mosquitoes of the former species were not found at Corozal camp. It is evident, from the long-distance flights described above, that in some instances it was essential to locate and control the principal source or sources of Anopheles, which although more distant than other propagation areas located relatively near, may be, and in the two instances above mentioned actually were, the source of malaria-carrying Anopheles that reached the houses. Gatun, about seven miles south of Colon, is one of the largest settlements in the Canal Zone. Above five thousand canal employees live there. Between January and March, 1913, more mos- quitoes were found there than had been found in any settlement since work began on the canal. The weekly catch of the Anopheles that gained Experiment Station, Corozal, where studies were made of mosquito attraction by light Flight and Attraction of Mosquitoes 99 access to the interior of dwellings varied from 7000 to 22,000. It was necessary for office men to burn smudges and wear leggins. The seats of cane- seated chairs were covered with paper, and many devices invented to make life more pleasant. During the worst part of the period of influx any- one out of doors at dusk was bitten many times per minute. It was evident that some new source of Anopheles had been brought into existence. Wherever anti- malaria work had been done before, all known production areas were thoroughly examined, but gave no clue to the new situation, as they were in normal condition. The area under inspection for propagation places was extended. Mosquitoes were present in the daytime in all places sheltered from the sun and wind, except at the east of the settlement. To the south, was the shore of Gatun Lake along which much plant growth, debris, and floating islands collected. Certain aquatic plants were growing in solid masses from the shore line out into the water, and filled the spaces between the floating islands that had collected near the shore. Vines were growing on the debris, and the floating mass was more or less continuous along the shore. All of this new possible production area was care- fully examined and very few larvae were found. too The Control of Mosquitoes The daily inspection was supplemented by night observations; the shore and the lake just off shore being observed. No mosquitoes were present on the lake at night and people in small boats close to the lake shore not far from the settlement were not bitten. It was evident after making many observations that the lake was not the source. Careful examination of all the territory to the north of the settlement failed to show any breeding places of sufficient extent or importance to account for the influx. The area to the west was examined last, because of the extensive cleared area west of the settlement which was known to be free from possible breeding places. To the west of the old French canal there was some flat land into which the sea water and mud from the American canal was being pumped. This place had never before produced mosquitoes that affected Gatun, and was so located that to reach the settlement the adults would have to fly from half a mile to a mile straight across or at right angles to the stiff breezes which prevail at Gatun in the dry season, over ground containing very little protection from wind by high grass or bushes. Flight of this length under such conditions was not thought to be possible. Between the wet area t See map. aNVT unjzer) Jo aoys sy, Indicates houses where stained Anopheles were retaken Agua Clara Reservoir L.L.POATES CO. N.Y. Map of Gatun: Showing Anopheles propagation area and houses where stained specimens were recaptured 102 The Control of Mosquitoes find blood sufficient to satisfy them. It appeared within the limits of possibility that they might fly high at night during the lulls in the wind, and not be noted by people in boats on the French canal. The assumption was also made that the period of long flight might be of limited duration. Other factors bearing on the problem and all previous information obtained relating to Isthmian mos- quitoes were given due consideration. We contin- ued the investigation, beginning by making several careful observations on the French canal lasting more than twenty-four hours each before reaching any partial conclusions. On January 20, 1913, at 4.30 P.M., two ob- servers were posted on the opposite bank of the French canal from the propagation area, and, facing the latter, watched carefully for any indication of flights. They were prepared for a twenty-four hour watch, although extra night work had robbed them of much sleep in the past week. For two hours nothing happened. At 6.20 p.m. birds ap- peared in the air, apparently catching insects. They were at an elevation of thirty feet or more above the water surface. A little later it was noted that these birds fed at a lower elevation. At 6.30 interest deepened. The birds kept on feeding and then flew rapidly back and forth at six Floating islands blown toward Gatun a an Masses of aquatic plants and floating islands in Gatun Lake Flight and Attraction of Mosquitoes 103 feet or less from the water surface. It was then that Le Prince, looking over the side of a flat bottomed boat toward the clear sky line, dis- covered the first appearance of the flight of Anoph- eles accompanied by Culex. The flight was from west to east and quite marked. He then selected a place on the opposite bank of the canal from the propagation area and faced it. As it became darker, the quantity of flying Anopheles increased, and, by bending low and looking past a dark object at the clear sky line, hundreds of Anopheles could be seen passing by in one definite direction. They not only traveled in a fixed direction but many appeared to hurry about it. After dark the flight was reduced to practically nothing. During the period of flight, the observers were bitten continuously. Soon after the flight ceased one could remain on the east bank (in the path of the recent flight) and be attacked only once or twice in an hour’s time. All night long on the west bank, near the propagation area, and between it and the French canal, hundreds of mosquitoes surrounded and bit an observer. There was no secondary flight period, although observers re- mained to note if this occurred. During subsequent evenings, the flight was recorded; it started about the same time each day. 104 The Control of Mosquitoes On the second evening, directly after the birds arrived and began feeding, several were shot and examined. It was found that they were catching the Anopheles, some of which were found in their throats. These birds are called ‘‘night-jars”’; they were feeding between thirty and forty feet above the canal and had not fed at a lower elevation. After the flight direction near the canal was ascertained points of observation were selected between it and the settlement, and the direction of flight was noted to be relatively constant. When the winds came in short strong puffs, the Anopheles headed directly into it, but ‘‘skidded”’ sideways and were able to fly for short intervals at right angles to the direction they were facing. Some remained on the wing in a fixed location and as soon as they succeeded in controlling themselves, and conditions were right, dashed off eastward, at right angles to the direction of the wind. This forward flight of Anopheles tarsimaculata and Anopheles albimanus was so decidedly marked that after its discovery by the senior author it was easily noted by many, including those who at first scarcely believed it could be true. No one in the entire area so thickly infested noticed the flight direction until instructed how to observe it. It was thought that with thousands of mos- Flight and Attraction of Mosquitoes 105 quitoes traveling from the swamp to the settle- ment each night, an appreciable number might fly beyond the settlement. Large numbers passed occupied houses and appeared at more distant ones; but apparently none passed the houses most distant from the breeding area. We remained in the shade in the day and thrashed the bush for a hundred yards beyond the settlement and stayed there at night without securing any specimens. Yet during this period they were present in practically all occupied houses, and particularly numerous in screened houses where the doors were frequently used, as at the hotel, Y. M. C. A. building, bache- lors’ and laborers’ barracks, etc.* The results of the numerous observations showed that the Anopheles knew where they desired to go; that they traveled in a direct route at practically right angles to a strong breeze, and that large numbers went forward between 6.30 and 7.00 P.M. daily. It was not ascertained whether any of them made more than one forward trip to the feeding ground. It may be that several trips were taken, but had none returned the thousands passing out daily were sufficient to continue the influx at the settlement. 1See map opposite p. 101. 106 The Control of Mosquitoes As it was definitely proved that the forward long- distance flight was of limited duration and occurred just at dusk, it was assumed that there should be a visible return flight at or before dawn. The first morning this was carefully waited for from mid- night to 6 A.M. but did not occur, and the observers noticed very few mosquitoes, although thousands had passed them on the forward flight. It was thought that there must be a return flight to the propagation area of a nature not yet understood. It had been noted that at the start of the forward flight (z.e. over the canal) the Anopheles were forty feet up in the air, and it was possible that the end of the return flight was also above the range of vision. Additional investigation, however, showed that there was a marked return flight and though this happened on several successive mornings, other mornings showed practically no return flight from the village, or houses, to the breeding place, so far as could be noticed. This return flight did not begin until 6.00 A.M. although there was sufficient light to read by ten minutes before that time. The return flight, once fairly started, was of much shorter duration and more rapid than the forward flight. The ‘‘night-jars’’ accompanied the return flight, but were absent on those mornings when no return flight occurred. As the daylight became ABMV SOI XIS SI OUISIP 9} UT UBIO OTURY OY “spunois Burpasiq sayaydou py ayy JO o10ys IVOU JY} ST [Jes Oo] oy} puodsq ouy eyed oy, “Surpying “y ‘O “JL A OY} St punossai0} oY} Ut ‘WYsIW 9yy OL, Flight and Attraction of Mosquitoes 107 Stronger the speed of the returning Anopheles increased. The termination of both forward and return flight was remarkably abrupt, or as one ob- server expressed it, “‘the flight stops with almost mechanical precision when there is too much daylight or too much darkness.” As already mentioned, the Anopheles travel at incredible speed toward the end of the return flight. The only change taking place was the increasing intensity of light. This, together with the fact that when sheltering from the wind or sun- light they will remain hungry rather than fly three feet out into the sunlight to bite a person standing in the sun, but will immediately attack him if he steps into the shade, is at least sug- gestive. Are both heat and a certain intensity of light repulsive to Anopheles, or is it the light only? The latter would seem to be the case under natural conditions, as they do not come out into the sun to bite after 7.00 A.M. One of the obser- vers, Mr. Zetek, noted some males in the return flight, and also found blood in the mosquitoes returning. During the flight observations Mr. E. F. Quimby conceived the idea of using an apparatus for registering the direction of the flight of Anopheles with a view to determining the direction of, and 108 The Control of Mosquitoes the area covered by, heavy flights. The appara- tus is here shown. It consists of four glass plates set in a metal frame; the latter mounted on a tripod. The plates are set in two vertical planes at right angles to each other. The in- struments can be set up so that the plates point north, south, east, and west. The glass was painted with a mixture of resin and castor oil giving a practi- 7 cally transparent A device for showing flight direction of coating capable unophelas of holding any mosquitoes that came into contact with it. The solution was made by adding small quantities of pulverized resin to heated castor oil; constant stirring was necessary. The proportions used were one quarter pound of resin to a pint of castor Flight and Attraction of Mosquitoes 109 oil. The instrument was used and the results obtained checked with the results of personal ob- servations on both forward and return flight, with the exception of one case, where a male Anoph- eles was apparently traveling at least temporarily in an opposite direction from the main flight. It is possible that where anti-malaria work is to be taken up in badly infested regions observations of flight made in connection with this apparatus will indicate which, of several possible production areas, is the principal source of the particular species of mosquito that it is desirable to eradicate. One interesting feature in connection with this long-distance flight was that the malaria sick-rate did not increase much although the number of malaria-carrying species of Anopheles present in houses increased enormously. Eight men were employed daily catching mosquitoes in houses at Gatun. The indoor catch of each week and corresponding cases of malaria are given in the table on the following page. Although, as already stated, long flights of mosquitoes on the Isthmus were known to some of us, we were unfortunately unable to trace any individual mosquito and find out by actual obser- vation how far it went, and in what direction. The necessity for this information was apparent. 110 The Control of Mosquitoes The chief sanitary inspector assigned to Mr. J. Zetek the task of marking mosquitves in such a manner that they could be recognized. We had previously tried to induce them to mark themselves Number | Malaria | Percentage of adult cases per | of employ- Week ending— Anopheles} week per | ees sick destroyed | 1,000em- | with ma- in houses. | ployees. laria. Per cent. 207 2.7 0.27 149 3.5 235 199 4.5 245 404 2.5 «25 666 6.8 - 68 779 6.8 68 3,397 6.1 61 3,150 10.1 1.01 3,296 6.1 61 5, 430" 5.1}, 51 9,415 3.9 239 11,698 5.0 -50 22,074 4.1 41 22,988 5.5 55 19, 873 6.2 .62 15, 746 7.6 75 5, 580 8.2. 282 15, 676 9.3 +93 11, 441 6.8 68 11, 234 5.4 | 54 Table showing number of Anopheles caught in houses at Gatun each week during the heavy influx with red ink while escaping from cages, but the experiment failed. Fortunately Mr. Zetek solved the problem before the influx at Gatun took place. The method devised for following up the individual mosquito was as follows: Larve and preferably pupe of Anopheles were collected and developed into adults. These were placed in cages, protected from sun or wind, and Flight and Attraction of Mosquitoes 111 stained with an aqueous solution of an aniline dye. They were given a period of rest and liberated toward evening. Aqueous solutions of eosin, me- thylene-blue, etc., were used, one gram of dry stain to fifty cubic centimeters of water. An atomizer was used to direct a fine spray upon the mosquitoes, When spraying care was taken to avoid covering them entirely with the stain; only minute particles were allowed to touch them. It was found that too much stain rendered the mosquitoes useless for purposes of experimental flight. The stained mosquitoes were liberated at known distances from the laborers’ barracks at Corozal and to the south of it. All mosquitoes noted in the building at that camp were carefully collected; those from each house placed in a separate box, dated and labeled. Later they were placed on a glass plate that rested on white paper and spread out. Each one was treated with a small amount of a solution that dissolved the dye on any stained specimen. When stained specimens were encountered, the color was seen to be present as soon as the testing solution came in contact with it. The solvent for testing consisted of three parts alcohol, three parts glycerine, and one part chloroform. As a result of this method of staining and consequent ability to follow the movement of mosquitoes 112. The Control of Mosquitoes near Corozal, the previous northward flight al- ready referred to (¢.e. against the wind) was established beyond a doubt. One of the many dif- ficulties in this work at first was due to seasonal changes. From time to time the supply of mosquitoes gave out and we had to transport larve and pupe across the Isthmus; many died of the rough han- dling and shaking unavoidable with inexperienced collectors, and when many larve must be collected quickly. At Gatun, where staining methods were again used to check the flight already observed, we collected mosquitoes in tents near the breeding places, and also tried small paper houses. The work was tedious, and it was difficult to move about in such small places, or to keep quiet while being bitten by hundreds of mosquitoes and still more sand flies. This method of collection was replaced by using mosquito bars. They were hung up in the woods and the lower edges pinned up and kept a few inches from the ground. It was soon found that by occasionally brushing the mos- quitoes from the hands, face, and clothing, they would fly upwards and eventually come to rest in the upper part of the net. Sometimes they were but half an inch apart. This method was so Staining Anopheles with aniline dye to determine length of flight Flight and Attraction of Mosquitoes 113 successful that other methods of collecting were abandoned. When the first net was installed the biting was so continuous that after it became well filled with mosquitoes the observers crawled out from under and tied up the bottom of the net. Conditions were becoming unbearable even to those persons who were accustomed to be bitten frequently. Next morning soon after daylight nearly all the mosquitoes within the bar were dead, apparently killed by the drying action of the wind during the night. After this experience, as soon as a sufficient quantity of mosquitoes collected in the upper parts of the mosquito bars, they were sprayed very lightly with aqueous solution of aniline dye and liberated by turning the mosquito bar inside out. This operation was repeated as long as the obser- vers could keep their tempers, and then a general retreat was made to the other side of the canal where there were no mosquitoes. Very patient negroes were necessary to act as bait under the mosquito bars! Had the boat used for crossing the canal been conveniently near the bait might have escaped. Many of the stained mosquitoes were recovered, and even two weeks after the last catch was stained, some of them were captured near the place where the nets had been. 8 114 The Control of Mosquitoes Considering the small number that were stained compared with the enormous number that took part in the Gatun flights, it was not to be expected that many stained specimens would be recaptured. Forty stained specimens were recovered at dis- tances varying from 1200 to 6250 feet from the liberation station: 2 between 1000 and 2000 feet distant ce “e “ ce 7 2000 3000 Oo ce 3000 et 4000 ce “et 24 ce 4000 ce 5000 c ce 2 “ 5000 cc 6000 “cb “ 5 at 6250 “ a At the time of the staining the Anopheles tarsimaculata was the most numerous species, although Anopheles albimanus and Culex were present both at the breeding place and in the flight. Among the specimens recovered, thirty- three were Anopheles tarsimaculata; five Anopheles albimanus; one Culex, and one undetermined. Some of them were captured in mosquito bars under houses. Of the five that made the longest flight, four were Anopheles tarsimaculata and one Anopheles albimanus. They were caught by an observer under a net placed in the shade of a building 6250 feet from the liberation station. Anopheles in a mosquito-bar exposed to air currents at night CHAPTER VIII ATTACK ON PROPAGATION AREAS BY FILLING N beginning anti-malarial work near a village where this work has not been done before, the filling of depressions, etc., that hold water should be accomplished. These places may be controlled by the application of oil or larvacides, but this method is not as good, because the work needs to be repeated at frequent intervals, and also because the personal equation is involved and some propagation areas may be left untreated suf- ficiently long to produce one or more broods. All small depressions that hold water, including cow- hoof marks, badly cut-up land, wheel-track marks, small ponds that cannot be drained satisfactorily, and flat lands that do not dry with sufficient frequency to prevent the development of pupe during the wettest periods, should receive atten- tion. There is nothing to be gained by filling depressions having such absorbent qualities that they become dry before a brood of mosquito TI5 116 The Control of Mosquitoes larve can mature. Lowlands that cannot be drained and those parts of extensive swampy land that produce Anopheles can often be filled to advantage. It is also important to enact laws preventing excavation or filling from becoming the source of new broods of mosquitoes. In borrowing material for fills, relatively porous material should be se- lected, if available, because depressions in a fill made of clay will retain rain-water. If the ma- terial is taken from a hillside, the bottom of the borrow pit should be left properly graded. If seepage planes are suspected, the proposed site of the borrow pit should be examined with an earth augur to determine the depth of any seepage plane that may be present, and the borrow-pit floor must be kept well above the damp soil overlying the plane of seepage. If this is not done it may become necessary, later, to install seepage intercepting ditches to take care of the borrow pit. The finished surface of fills should be properly graded and allowance made for subse- quent settlement, which always takes place after filling. Attempts to cover wet places where subsurface water under pressure is the difficulty will often fail when a fill is shallow, and the entire new fill ‘Attack by Filling 117 may become saturated. If there are but a few springs or sources of water, the fill can be kept dry by making small ditches care for the water. It is more economical and satisfactory to treat flat ditches than to attempt to oil wet grass- covered areas. In the latter case, as the work is performed by laborers who are fatigued by carry- ing loads of oil in mud and water all day long, we cannot count on their vigilance to ensure the entire surface of every small body of water covered by grass being completely covered by oil. Consequent- ly it is essential to use large quantities of oil and thoroughly saturate all of the wet land. The area of the ditch as compared with the area of the wet land to be filled will indicate the relative cost of oiling each. Small areas are filled by pick, shovel, and wheelbarrows. For larger areas where suitable material is near, drag scrapers or wheel scrapers drawn by horses are used. On the Isthmus much excavated material was available and many acres were filled by dump cars and Lidgerwood cars from which the mate- rial was removed by a plow drawn by a steel rope. On some of the heavy or deep fills made by dump cars the soft land at the toe of the new fills was sometimes thrust up by the weight of the fill or rolled up in front of it. In making fills of 118 The Control of Mosquitoes this nature when the heavy rocks roll down the slope faster and go farther than the accompany- ing earth, it generally happens that a layer of rocks and boulders lies under the heavy fills thus made. Much of the rock used in filling taken from Cule- bra Cut decomposes rapidly when exposed to the air, and turns into soilinafew months time. The freshly made dumps are at first sufficiently porous to absorb the rain-water that collects in the low parts of the uneven surface of the dump. However, in a year’s time settlement takes place and also the impervious particles of the decomposed rock as well as clay are washed by storm water into the depressions. When the depressions cannot be economically drained it is frequently possible to get rid of the water by leading it down to the spaces in the layer of loose stones at the bottom of the dump. This is done by drilling a hole near the pond and using a little dynamite. Within a year’s time the new dumps on the Isthmus were covered with dense vegetation and had to be frequently inspected as the older they became the more numerous were the small surface pools. The vegetation may make travel difficult. Sometimes it is burned in the dry season, to facili- Attack by Filling 119 tate the finding of newly formed breeding places at the early part of the wet season when much Anopheles production takes place. After the deep fills are made there is sometimes a considerable flow of water under them, which outcrops near the toe of the fill and has to be cared for, either by an intercepting ditch, or by oiling. HYDRAULIC FILLS In digging the canal channel near the Pacific and Atlantic terminals, pipe line dredges were used. These dredges cut the material near the suction end of the pumps and draw it in with the water. This muddy liquid, containing from ten to twenty per cent. of solid material, is then forced through pipe lines for long distances. The lowlands are surrounded by dykes and the liquid mass fills the enclosure. When the surface water is at first drained off, the mass of silt and mud dries very slowly. Its depth may be anywhere from one to ten feet or more. In many places pools and depressions produce mosquitoes before the fill has time to settle and dry. As the mud dries numerous cracks are formed which catch and hold rain-water. As the drying proceeds the cracks widen from a fraction of an inch to three inches and sometimes are more 120 The Control of Mosquitoes than afoot deep. The dried surface soil is at first merely resting on liquid mud and if a person stands on one of the solid portions it frequently sinks beneath him. When the crust becomes thicker, the cracks are more numerous, and so are the numbers of Anopheles developing in the cracks after showers. To control similar conditions we installed surface drainage to assist the drying. This had to be accomplished without drowning the laborers. Large sheets of waste galvanized iron roofing were thrown forward and heavy planks used to bridge the space between these sheets and put only light pressure on the thin crust. Shallow ditches were then dug by laborers standing on the planks. They do not prefer work of this nature! This preliminary ditch rapidly dries the soil at its sides so that it will bear a man’s weight if he does not stay too long in one place, and it can then be made deeper. The process is repeated until the desired depth and grade are obtained. When the cracks do not become filled by the action of rains, as soon as the crust is sufficiently strong to support a mule, an iron rail is dragged over the surface, to level and fill the cracks. When the material contains much sand or gravel, the cracks do not form. About one half of the area on which Colon is Cracks in a hydraulic fill Attack by Filling 121 built was filled by this hydraulic method at the request of the sanitary department and is now producing a revenue. The cost of this work at Colon was charged against the sanitary depart- ment, but the large ground rents accruing have not been placed to its credit. The extensive area on which the new town of Balboa is being built was formerly a tidal swamp. It was filled by dumping soil from Culebra Cut upon it. It was more expensive to dump waste in that locality than at other established dumps, where it would have served no purpose and had no future value. But the difference of cost of dumping was also charged against sanitation, although the sanitary department has not been credited with the rise in value of property formerly worthless. The work of filling the large swampy area north of Ancon will be similarly charged. Of course the paper cost of Isthmian sanitation is increased by these charges. After the hydraulic fills near settlements become thoroughly dry and receive the necessary surface drainage, the value of formerly useless property increases. CHAPTER IX ATTACK ON PROPAGATION AREAS BY DRAINAGE GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ITHOUT doubt, proper drainage is the all- important and most effective method of eliminating malaria. It should be more generally known that so far as mosquito eradication is con- cerned, the drainage scheme should be planned with a view to destroying them. The sanitarian and the engineer often look at the problem from different points of view. The sanitarian wishes to elimi- nate all Anopheles-propagation areas permanently. If that end cannot be obtained at a reasonable cost, to ensure success he plans a scheme of drain- age which would eliminate or reduce the possible breeding areas as much as possible, keep the annual maintenance expenses at the lowest figure, and eliminate to the utmost conditions favorable to mosquito development and the necessity for continuous future inspection of ditches. Any 122 Attack by Drainage 123 scheme that prevents a possible failure due to improper or neglected inspection, or which abolishes the personal equation, is worthy of consideration. The engineer often has another point of view. He plans the ditches for rapid removal of storm water, but gives no thought to the condition of the ditch between showers, and seldom has any interest in or responsibility for the future success of the mosquito drainage work. The sanitary officer in charge may be replaced by a man inexperienced in Anopheles control. The engineer who planned the work may be in another part of the world and probably has not designed his drainage scheme to meet these conditions. In general, he tries to be rid of a body of standing water at the lowest first cost. To him the problem is very simple, and apparently not worth much consideration. He may not be interested in the habits of mosquitoes and is generally ignorant of the fact that small puddles or even a fraction of an inch of water left standing will defeat the sanitarian’s object. He may not care if the water in the ditches runs rapidly enough to remove Anopheles larve, but in the tropics the width of the bottom of a ditch often determines whether it is to be a means of reducing Anopheles or of producing an additional supply. 124. The Control of Mosquitoes If a competent civil engineer devotes his entire attention to these matters, he not only makes a study of details affecting the problem, but will probably invent new methods of procedure and new short cuts. It is not unusual for an engineer to leave minor ditching work to the judgment of a gang foreman, who makes the ditches too wide, spoils the grades, and frequently the work is not only unsuccessful, but expensive to maintain, and ultimately becomes a dangerous source of Anoph- eles. It is possible for an improperly drained area to produce more mosquitoes after the ill- planned work is concluded, than before the drain- age was begun. - An ideal scheme of drainage would be a plan to remove all standing water from the Anopheles- producing area, and take care of all storm water in such a manner that within a short period after a storm the ground surface and ditches would become dry. These conditions would eliminate Anopheles and many other species of troublesome mosquitoes. In many places in the tropics this ideal cannot be attained, because of such factors as geological formation, texture of surface soil and subsoil, topography, vegetation, the extent and distribu- tion of rainfall, and air movement. The mere fact Attack by Drainage 125 that open ditches are not always followed by perfect ‘‘ Anopheles drainage”’ need not in any way discourage the sanitarian. He must overcome many apparently difficult problems, or his work will not be successful. Open ditches should be made as straight as possible, and have narrow bottoms. The side slopes should be clean cut. Drains with flat grades may often deteriorate to conditions that actually produce Anopheles. Sometimes it is difficult to prevent the formation of “‘pot-holes”’ in ditches on heavy grades, and as each foot of open ditch means an item of expense for maintenance, the drainage scheme should be planned to use the least total length of ditches. To attain the best results, we must be sure the drain is correctly located. There is often a choice of locations for a drainage ditch. The character of the surface soil may be such that the necessity for certain branch ditches is doubtful. When working in wet areas it is often best to locate and install the main ditches before the laterals are definitely located. This is especially true of extensive areas covered with water and jungle where the low places are not yet known, and their drainage can be planned better after the deep water has been removed. Additional advantages ensue in cases where 126 The Control of Mosquitoes seepage water and springs complicate the problem. Where these conditions are found the use of the herring-bone type of ditch is often unsatisfactory, and the position of the branch ditches may depend to a large extent on the location of the seepage water and the points at which it comes to the surface, ‘‘seepage outcrops.” A man who has had extensive practice in drain- age for anti-malaria purposes can do much of the minor detail work without supervision, but where grades are light and work extensive, it is essential to have levels taken, to profit by all the existing grade. If ground and relative elevations are judged by the eye alone, wrong conclusions may easily be drawn as to the possibilities of drainage, and it is too late, or at least more expensive, to cor- rect errors after the actual work is well advanced. It must be kept in mind that some swampy areas, for reasons not yet thoroughly understood, are not sources of Anopheles. In other cases they may be the source of non-malaria conveying species. Where possible, without increasing the cost of the drainage work, it is often advisable to determine the most prolific sources of the malaria- carrying Anopheles, and to give the drainage of these places preference over other work. Seasonal changes may affect the production of Attack by Drainage 127 mosquitoes, and certain breeding grounds may be harmful only at one short period of the year, or only during the wettest part of an unusually rainy year. The latter condition calls for attention when Anopheles originate in water coming from seepage outcrops. Many problems on the Isthmus differ from those encountered in other parts of the tropics where mosquito eradication or control measures will be undertaken in the near future, and it may become necessary to modify Isthmian sanitary practice to attain results rapidly and economically in other localities. However, it is thought that an outline of difficulties encountered, and a brief account of the methods used to overcome them, may be of assistance to other communities suffering from malarial fever. OPEN DRAINS OR DITCHES This type of drain may be divided into two classes: First, those that are intended to carry off storm water during rainy periods, and becoming dry a day or two after the rain ceases, are known as storm-water drains. Secondly, those that carry off water for a period of more than a week, or which hold more or less water continuously. Some storm-water ditches may fall under the 128 The Control of Mosquitoes second classification for varying periods of time during the wet season, depending upon the rain distribution in respect to time or continuity. Storm-water drains may fail to give satisfactory results because of a tendency of the bottom or sides to scour at times of heavy flow. The charac- ter of soil at the bottom and sides of the ditch de- termines its ability to remain standing with fixed cross-section. It should be remembered that at times of maximum rainfall the ditch water may carry large quantities of gravel and stones, which assist in causing more erosion than usual. Other conditions being equal, the steeper the grade of the ditch the greater will be the tendency to the scouring of the sides and bottom. Soft spots or places are often found along the line of the ditch where the texture of soil lends itself to erosion; and washouts may be expected at these points. Again, where the ditch becomes temporarily obstructed by stone or otherwise, excessive local scouring action may ensue, removing soil from below the grade line of the ditch bottom, and causing a hole in it. During subsequent storms one or more stones may collect in this depression, and travel with a circular grinding motion, that enlarges the hole. These cavities are known as pot-holes, and retain water long after the storm Attack by Drainage 129 ditch is dry. In many cases these depressions may be filled with stone, well rammed into place and chinked, and the original grade of the ditch bottom reéstablished before much harm is done. There is a tendency to neglect these holes, and to assume that the ditch is dry and does not need inspection. This assumption would result in Anopheles pro- duction in the depressions below the ditch grade line. - When ditches contain water continuously, or for periods long enough to bring Anopheles larve to full development, they must receive regular weekly inspection. During the part of the year when large volumes of water pass off in short periods, the ditches are generally swept free of mosquito larve. When the average flow is fairly rapid, the same effect is produced. It is when the velocity of the water becomes retarded that conditions become most favorable to mosquito development. In open ditches having a rather flat grade such conditions often prevail, and vegetation within them may develop rapidly. Both grass and aquatic vegetation assist in re- tarding the stream flow, besides furnishing food and hiding-places for mosquito larve. The retard- ing of the current causes silt to deposit and this affords sufficient plant food to make vegetation 9 130 The Control of Mosquitoes grow rapidly, and also raises the grade of the ditch bottom. Ditches in soft soil and having a low grade are the most expensive to maintain, and may become a prolific source of Anopheles. Vegetation on the sloping sides of open ditches prevents the banks from scouring, but when the grass grows long it falls into the water, retards the current, and often assists in making conditions favorable to mosquito propagation. Streams and ditches are treated similarly; by straightening the channel and re- grading parts of the bottom, we confine the normal water flow and increase its velocity, which removes the hiding-places of larve. TILE DRAINS When rock, hard-pan, or other impervious material underlies the surface soil, the ground water not being able to penetrate it follows down- hill on its upper surface, and where the impervious stratum comes to the surface of the ground or close to it, there may be a source of water. When small quantities of water appear in this way on the ground surface, they are called ‘‘seepage outcrops.” The line where water seeps out of the ground may be short, or may extend along the entire side of a hill, and become the source of a hillside swampy Attack by Drainage 131 area. The extent of the seepage outcrop line may vary with the duration of a rainy season. Some seepage outcrops may be permanent, others intermittent, and yet others may be active only for a short time, during periods of excessive rain, and may not become active every year. The character of the surface soil below the Longitudinal Section ae ee Tile Drain sae Oross Section Intercepting Tile Drain Longitudinal section and cross section of intercepting tile drain. seepage area may vary. If more or less imper- vious, water remains on the ground surface, and Anopheles are produced. In places where seepage water is commonly found, it is well to examine all sharp changes of grade in surface topography, and the ground near the toes of abrupt slopes. As the rainy season advances, the line of seepage outcrop often moves up the slope, and in controlling this water the highest points of the outcrop must be determined. Under the conditions existing at Panama it was found best, as a general rule, to 132 The Control of Mosquitoes control seepage water outcrops by tile drainage, with a minimum grade limit of one foot in two hundred. The plan adopted is to intercept the seepage water by tile drains placed approximately at right angles to the line of flow of seepage water. The line of seepage outcrop is determined during the wet season, when the seepage is most pronounced, and levels taken with an instrument. The proposed ditch to take the tile drain is staked in the field, and a profile map made. The profile, compared to surface conditions, will show any changes that can be made with advantage, and at times it is essential to try out several lines in order to obtain the best and most economical location for the tile drain. When the uphill portion of the tile line had a long steep grade, no harm was done by using a flatter grade for a short length toward the outlet, as the excessive rains in Panama caused the pipes to run full section or nearly so. The tile ditches are made as narrow as conven- ient, and their bottoms are kept at the established grade. The openings left between the successive tile lengths are from one eighth to one quarter of an inch, and the joints are not wrapped with muslin or covered in any way. If soft spots are found in the bottom of the trench, stones are rammed into place until a solid foundation is Attack by Drainage 133 obtained. After the tile is wedged securely in place the trench is filled with stone to the height of a few inches above the original ground surface. Earth excavated is placed only on the downhill side of the excavation. Small stone is preferable for the top layer of cover stone at the ground surface. This scheme of drainage has given excellent results. There are conditions under which intercepting tile drainage should not be used. If unforeseen future changes of topography produce these con- ditions, the tile line will probably operate in an unsatisfactory manner. The soil over the greater part of the Isthmus contains a large percentage of clay. If the lands above the tile line are kept covered with vegetation or left in their natural condition, the surface water running down the hillsides is not heavily charged with clay and silt, and passes through the cover stone above the tile line and then off through the tile. Should the soil be bared or excavated above the tile line, or a hillside road located across the tile line, large quantities of impervious material will be washed onto the cover stone, and fill up all the spaces between the stones, and no water can reach the tile. Tile drains are not planned to meet these conditions, and cannot operate under them without costly maintenance. 134 The Control of Mosquitoes Under normal conditions the subsurface drainage systems cost practically nothing to maintain. Many of the drains installed seven years ago have received no attention whatever since they were laid, and are doing their work now as well as when new. Anopheles are not produced in subsurface drains. A few essential points to be kept in mind for intercepting tile drainage for Anopheles eradication are as follows: No water should be allowed to enter the upper end of the tile drain or of its branches. The grade of the trench bottom should be true; tiles must not be located on soft mud, where they may sink. Where the tile line comes near the surface, due to topographical variations, proper bridge crossings must be made, so that wagons will not pass over and crush the tile. Greasy water and house waste must not be allowed to discharge into any part of the tile line system. If drainage from roadside ditches or excavated areas is turned onto the cover stone, a tile line will probably become useless. The profile of a proposed line will indicate the amount of material to be excavated, and the depth of the trench. It may often be advisable to use one or more branch lines to include all the seepage water, as the cost of excavation and cover stone may be less than that of a single deep ditch. Attack by Drainage 135 The outlet or point of discharge of a tile drain must be well above the ground surface or above the body of water onto which it is to discharge its contents. Much solid matter is transported through the pipe, and may in time block the outlet at the point of discharge. This condition might O a 7 Cross Section of Outlet ‘le Drai Wall at Outlet of Tile of Tile Drain Drain Detail of outlet of a tile drain. result in the clogging of a part, or all of the line. It is well to arrange for periodical inspection of all outlets, especially where the lower end of the tile line has a relatively low grade. Branch lines should be connected to the main line by means of Y joints and approach it at an acute angle or on a curve. Water-bearing strata may be deep enough to necessitate the installation of several parallel branch lines placed to prevent seepage water outcrop between the lines of tile. 136 The Control of Mosquitoes Where seepage outcrops on bare hillsides, or at the foot of slopes where there is insufficient grade for the use of tile drains, open ditches are used. In these cases the water is intercepted as in the Side View | <— Junction of Two O Tile Lines showing t “Y Joint" and Grades Y Joint Plan of Junction of Tile Lines, Plan and side view of junction of tile lines. case of a tile ditch, but the side of the ditch nearest the hill must be given flatter slope than the other side, because it is wet and more apt to break off and fall into the ditch. If such a ditch is expensive to maintain, it should be lined with concrete, and plenty of weep holes left to care for seepage water. Attack by Drainage 137 PERMANENT LINING OF DITCHES The method that is most economical and durable for any special locality should be used. It is often more economical in the long run to line ditches with stone or concrete in permanent villages and suburbs of towns. A ditch may be properly shaped and roughly lined with field stones, and the bottom finished with cement mortar. If a flat V- shaped section is used, it is found best to round off the bottom, so that obstructions will not remain in the ditch and collect other debris. Elaborate or very smooth finish for ditches is not essential. It may be thought more economical to maintain open ditches than to line them, and in this case the actual cost of maintenance, including cleaning, regrading, and oiling treatment, should be accu- rately kept. If one or more ditches are lined, a true comparison of cost of the open ditch versus the lined ditch can be made. Experience on the Isthmus has indicated that in most cases it is better to line permanent small ditches which would otherwise have to receive treatment throughout the year. Before lining a ditch an estimate of cost of lining was obtained, and compared with the estimated cost of mainten- ance and treatment necessary for the unlined ditch. 138 The Control of Mosquitoes In some cases lime mortar and rough stone have been used to advantage, with a small amount of cement mortar for a finishing surface, or the bottom was lined with flat stone, the interspaces chinked with small stone and sealed with cement mortar. Where it was necessary to line the bottom of the ditch only, the sides were given a slope beyond the angle of repose, and allowed to become covered with grass. As stone is sometimes costly, the quantity used should be reduced to a minimum. REINFORCED CONCRETE LINING FOR DITCHES Where broken stone ‘‘screenings’’ or gravel can be obtained at a reasonable rate, a reinforced concrete ditch of light section may be the best method of ditch lining. In the Canal Zone, a thickness of about two inches is used for small ditches with two-inch mesh hexagonal poultry netting for reinforcing. In one case where a steep embankment slid, a section of seven feet of this lining was lifted out in one piece. It was only necessary to regrade the ditch and replace the section where it belonged. With most ditches it is sufficient to line the bottoms and a few inches up each side, as we are interested in the flow line of the stream only after the rain has ceased. Work of this nature cost about twelve cents per qT rey JO 90} Surpys. jo ys0ddns pue ‘YO}P eprspeo1 B Jo SUIUT] oJaINVOD UIYY Poosojulay UO]S-SSO1D [JEWS JO YOHIP B JO Burul ojyarou0| Attack by Drainage 139 linear foot, in place, for ditches a foot wide, with unsatisfactory labor costing ten cents per hour. Reinforced concrete lining should be selected for Cross Section of Key Wall Plan of Key Wall [Concrete Lining of Ditch ‘Weep Hole ["—~Key Wall Wee Plan and cross section of key wall and position of weep holes. ditches near permanent settlements that are possible mosquito producers throughout the greater part of the year. The work should be accomplished during the dry season, and the ditch 140 The Control of Mosquitoes water temporarily diverted until the concrete has set. A thin layer of concrete about one inch thick should be laid on the prepared ditch bottom, the Retaining Wall used at Sharp Curve of Concrete Lined Ditch Key Walls used at Outside Edge of Sharp Curve of Concrete Lined Ditch To Prevent Storm Water Leaving Ditch Key Wall Retaining Wall To prevent water leaving lined ditches at bends or sharp curves, key walls are used to break the current, or the outside wall is made higher. wire mesh pinned down on it, and the second layer of concrete installed, leaving the wire mesh embedded in the concrete. River gravel is as good as broken stone or screenings and sand for this purpose. In larger ditches the sides are sloped, and lined for about a foot above the floor line. Concrete-lined ditch at Balboa Attack by Drainage 141 When natural watercourses are treated in this way advantageous realignment is first made; and grades are used that fit the topography; in many cases causing the actual length of the stream to be considerably shortened, and its velocity increased. Whenever ditches are lined, sufficient weep holes CA Junction of Branch Ditch and Main Ditch Branch ditches should join main ditches at an acute angle or on a curve. must be installed to enable the water that follows the sides of the concrete lining to enter the ditch. When weep holes are omitted water is apt to stay in puddles near the stone lining. Water has a tendency to flow along the side walls and under lined ditches. In many instances this is sufficient to tear away the earth supporting the ditch sides and at times even to undermine the lining. This action is prevented by installing key walls at right Junction of concrete ditches, showing splash wall to confine water within the ditch Attack by Drainage 143 Where sharp bends or curves occur in lined ditches, and especially on heavy grades, provision must be made to prevent storm water climbing out of the ditch, and undermining a considerable section of the lining. This is easily arranged by introducing one or more key walls on the outer side of the curve, widening the ditch near the point of curvature, or by raising the outer wall in ff Splash Wall Oross Section Bottom Branch Ditch Bank-of Main Ditch Showing 2722 Junction of Concrete j Lined Ditch Concrete Lining / 7h rms 7 land A Branch Reinforcing Wire “2,-===—" | Ditch Reinforced Concrete Lining 4 a Junction of branch ditch with a lined ditch. the vicinity of the point of curvature. In small ditches the same result is obtained by decreasing the slope of the outer wall, or making it vertical near the point of curvature. It is not advisable to have a branch ditch meet a larger ditch and be at right angles to it. It is better to curve the small ditch near the junction of the two so that they meet ina Y joint. If this is not done, much vegetable debris, mud, and stone may be deposited in the smaller ditch. It is well to make the main ditch somewhat wider at junc- tion points, sharp bends, and points of curvature. Attack by Drainage 143 Where sharp bends or curves occur in lined ditches, and especially on heavy grades, provision must be made to prevent storm water climbing out of the ditch, and undermining a considerable section of the lining. This is easily arranged by introducing one or more key walls on the outer side of the curve, widening the ditch near the point of curvature, or by raising the outer wall in Splash Wall \Oross Section Showing Junction of Concrete = Lined Ditch 777 Scere of land A Branch Reinforcing Wire “%»~===—" Ditch Reinforced Concrete Lining 1 Junction of branch ditch with a lined ditch. B Bottom of Branch Ditch Concrete Lining the vicinity of the point of curvature. In small ditches the same result is obtained by decreasing the slope of the outer wall, or making it vertical near the point of curvature. It is not advisable to have a branch ditch meet a larger ditch and be at right angles to it. It is better to curve the small ditch near the junction of the two so that they meet ina Y joint. If this is not done, much vegetable debris, mud, and stone may be deposited in the smaller ditch. It is well to make the main ditch somewhat wider at junc- tion points, sharp bends, and points of curvature. 144 The Control of Mosquitoes In wide ditches the stone or concrete floor lining should slope toward the center. MAINTENANCE OF DITCHES Maintenance of a ditch implies keeping it in a condition to carry off water and not produce mosquitoes. The work in Panama consisted of keeping the bottom to proper grade, the cross section of uniform width, the removal of all ob- structions that affected the velocity of the water, and also vegetable growth and alge that furnished food and protection for the larve. It included treating the ditch with oil and other forms of larvacide when necessary to destroy larve, and periodical inspection to make sure that the ditch was in satisfactory condition and free from mos- quito larve. In comparing an open earth ditch with a con- crete lined one, we found the following advantages in favor of the lined ditch: The velocity of water is increased to such an extent that mosquito larve cannot live in it but are washed away or destroyed. The increased velocity prevents the deposit of silt, etc. Each shower cleans the ditch out, and gen- erally removes any debris that has collected. The cross section of the ditch remains uniform. No grass or other vegetation clogs the ditch. Alge Burning grass from side of ditch; crude oil used as fuel Attack by Drainage 145 only occurs in lined ditches having practically no grade, and then only at periods of minimum flow. It is rapidly removed by the application of a small quantity of copper sulphate used at the head of the ditch. Food and protection for Anopheles larvee are absent, and they appear to avoid in- stinctively ovipositing in places where these conditions prevail. On fair grades there is no necessity for oiling or treatment of a lined ditch. Inspection may be made less often and as rapidly as one can walk. Defects may be noted at a glance. If the lining has been properly planned and installed, there is but little maintenance cost, and in most cases none at all. Where ditches are practically without grade, and the soil in the higher lands above the ditch is heavily eroded by storm water, as the velocity decreases, the depositing of matter in suspension increases, but generally only a fraction of the amount is deposited in a lined ditch that remains in an open earth ditch. In fact, concrete lined ditches often take care of themselves, and they need very little attention. The disadvantage of concrete lined ditches is the higher first cost, and in case of construction work, where the topography is being constantly ro 146 The Control of Mosquitoes changed, it is not advisable to install permanent work that must soon be destroyed or covered up. Under the conditions existing on the Isthmus, the proper maintenance of open ditches is often a difficult task. It is necessary at all times to keep them free from obstructions. Even a small twig caught by an irregularity on the bank will cause other matter to collect and form a temporary dam. When this happens in a ditch of low grade, it may result in the deposit of silt, sand, and clay for one or several hundred yards above the obstruction. In a deep ditch regrading and cleaning are expensive. The current velocity may be increased on the side of the ditch opposite an obstruction, undermining that bank completely, and deposit- ing large amounts of material at points lower down. Where a ditch passes through soft material, the channel frequently becomes out of alignment, and constant cleaning and regrading tends to widen it. During dry periods it may develop into a semi- stagnant pool, in which alge forms rapidly, making a new small temporary ditch necessary within the larger one. The small one has a tendency to close up, and is often destroyed by the first shower. If cattle walk in the ditch, the water in each hoof- print must be separately oiled. In general, as the Condition of ditch two months after burning Attack by Drainage 147 dry season advances, the cross section of the wetted portion of a ditch grows smaller, and little puddles capable of mosquito production are left in the stream bed detached from the oiled water in motion. All these depressions must be sepa- rately oiled, and only an intelligent and inter- ested laborer can be trusted to do this. As the quantity of ditch water decreases, the rate of growth of vegetation increases, and it is then nec- essary to remove it, or smear it thickly with oil to leave the film free from air holes. Then the work must be thoroughly inspected to see that it has been properly accomplished. A sudden show- er may remove all the oil and the work have to be repeated. When the grade becomes flat by removing the vegetation, the ditch may gradually change into a long stagnant pool, and the advantage gained by velocity is lost. It can readily be seen how im- portant it is to have for foreman in charge of the ditching maintenance gang a man who knows the necessity of working correctly, and who can be held responsible for results. Spoiling the grade of ditches causes more costly future oiling and ditch maintenance. Ditches and streams should have a uniform grade, and as straight a course as local conditions permit. Least 148 The Control of Mosquitoes larve will be found where steep banks stretch above and below the normal flow line. The width of ditches should be no more than is absolutely essential, and the water in them should be kept in motion. Prompt removal of obstructions and attention to minor detail save much future ex- penditure and reduce propagation. Laborers at work cleaning or regrading a ditch frequently pile the excavated mud in such a manner that sooner or later it returns to its original position. This practice is common along railroads, and laborers should be closely watched to prevent it. Ditch maintenance gangs often make ditches wider and deeper. On hillsides the banks of ditches are apt to collapse from constant deepening of flood water. This can be partially controlled by giving a proper slope to the ditch sides, allowing grass to grow on them, and preventing holes forming in the bottom of the ditch. As soon as the soft spots are formed, they must be filled with stone, thoroughly tamped into place. When it is definitely known that the erosion cannot be stopped, and that the material carried away will be deposited in the ditch at a point lower downstream, to be removed at regular intervals, an estimate should be made of the cost of constant removal compared with the expense of lining the parts of the ditch being ssvis BULAOUIO Io]ye SYJUOW OM} UOTIpPUOS SuIAOYs ‘IOqe, puey Aq pereapd you Attack by Drainage 149 washed away. ‘The grades of pipe lines conveying ditch water under roads or buildings should be slightly more than that of the ditch leading to them. Their entrances should be screened to prevent debris entering the pipe without causing water to be impounded above the pipe at time of floods. A stone or board floor, or apron, at the pipe outlet will prevent erosion. The stability of open ditches and the cost of keeping them to true grade and uniform cross section with freedom from larve depends upon the following factors: Character of the soil. Frequency of heavy rainfall. Grade of the ditch bottom. Change of grade with corresponding deposit of material carried in flood time. Presence of seepage water in banks of ditch. Natural angle of repose of ditch banks when wet. Presence or absence of vegetable matter washed downstream. Absence or presence of grass on the banks. Natural watercourses are classified as ditches, and have to be trained to keep the water at maxi- mum velocity during dry periods. The question of uniform cross section of ditches has already been referred to, and variations of width in a body of flowing water may not only 150 The Control of Mosquitoes cause silt, etc., to be deposited, but decreases the surface velocity near the banks in the wider section, and in such places alge will grow and mosquito larve thrive. Near Empire the topography was suitable for the temporary impounding of water, and by placing a gate at the entrance to a culvert, sufficient water was obtained to thoroughly flush the ditch below it and remove all mosquito larve whenever desired. srtdurg :8urysnyg Aq yoqrp eB ut airdurg :yoqrp es[e pojjVUl PUL VAIL] Jo UoTjONIYsap puv [eAouIay. e Zulysny 10} 1078. punodun 0} 9783 y CHAPTER X ATTACK ON PROPAGATION AREAS BY OILING NDER unfavorable conditions larve will prob- ably be found in various bodies of water notwithstanding all that may be done by filling and drainage to reduce to a minimum the areas favor- able for breeding, and if they are to be prevented from maturing into adults some other method of destruction must be adopted. Oil is the most commonly used larvacide, and being generally applicable is the most useful. Kerosene, crude oils of paraffin and of asphaltum base, and the various distillates have been used, and also crude creosote, eucalyptus, and juniper oil.* Just how oil kills mosquito larve and pupe, the writers are not prepared to assert. The generally accepted theory is that oil clogs the breathing tubes of the larve and pupe. Another theory is that by reducing the surface tension, the oil film makes it difficult, if not impossible, for the larve tSee Ross on the Prevention of Malaria. 151 152. The Control of Mosquitoes to hold themselves at the surface. Possibly a combination of three causes kills the larve: I. Specific toxicity of the oil to the larve and pupe. 2. Minute particles of oil clogging the breath- ing tube. 3. Reduction of surface tension, making it difficult for the larvee to remain long enough at the surface to make a rupture in the oil film and thus obtain air. Oil appears to be toxic to mosquito larve. We have observed that a number of larve die shortly after coming in contact with it. Mere deprivation of air does not cause death very rapidly in mos- quito larve. In submerged cages the larve and pupe of Anopheles often survive more than an hour. Probably the minute particles of oil find their way into the breathing tubes, and cause death by clogging. We have seen larve take their breathing tubes into their mouths after the contact with the oil and apparently make frantic endeavors to remove some offending substance. The decrease in surface tension is also a factor, although its importance varies with the various genera of mosquitoes. The Aédes calopus can remain at the bottom of a water vessel for a long Attack by Oiling 153 time; the Anopheles larve remain on the surface of the water unless frightened, and are more rapidly killed by the oil film than others. There is little, if any, ovipositing by mosquitoes on water heavily treated with oil. Kerosene has its merits. Its especial desir- ability is its property of rapidly forming a thin film. It was tried in Panama, but rejected in favor of crude oil. The objections to its use are: 1. The film is so thin that very slight disturb- ances of the water surface, by flotsam, vegetation projecting through the surface of the water, ripples caused by wind or current, etc., break the con- tinuity of the film. 2. Kerosene is expensive. 3. It is transparent, and is wasted by oilers because it is difficult to see where the film is satisfactory. 4. Liability to fire, where sparks may drop into it; for instance, near a railroad. Crude oil of asphaltum base is used extensively in Panama. Its great advantage is its low cost, and because of that, its poor spreading qualities and high specific gravity may be overlooked in a warm country. We doubt if the quality of oil used in Panama would serve in a cooler country during spring and fall months. The oil delivered in 154 The Control of Mosquitoes Panama is imported from California. It averages 20° Baumé. Oil from the same source, testing 30° Baumé, was much more satisfactory, but only a limited amount could be obtained. The crude oil was mixed with kerosene in varying propor- tions to increase its spreading qualities, but the resulting mixture proved more expensive and less effective for practical field work than treating this particular grade of oil with larvacide which con- tained phenol compounds. It is possible that some other grades of relatively heavy oils may be more advantageously used after mixing them with kerosene, when its cost is not excessive. METHODS OF APPLICATION The methods of applying oil for larvacidal purposes may be classified as continuous or inter- mittent. The most serviceable for continuous effect is the “drip method” in which drops of oil fall upon the surface of the water from a specially designed container with sufficient frequency and in such a manner as to form a continuous thin film of oil over a certain area of water. This layer of oil is usually known as the ‘‘oil film.” ‘“‘Drips”’ are used advantageously where there is a moderate surface current, where the water Attack by Oiling 155 surface flows smoothly, where the channel is fairly free from obstructions and flotsam, and where there is very little vegetation and alge. In a word “drips” are most useful where there are few, if any, impediments to the formation of a good unbroken film. An important advantage gained by using oil drips is that oil is transported by the stream, and left in the form of an oil film on the quiet water along the bank where there is little or no current, and where mosquito larve are most apt to be found. Circumstances occasionally arise which call for the installation of a drip on a stream that does not offer the requirements mentioned. For instance, a rapidly moving, tortuous stream may empty into a quiet, wide pond, in which conditions are favor- able to mosquito breeding. This stream may flow close to a road along which oil may be easily transported. The pond may be at an inconvenient distance from the road, and difficult of access for wagon or cart. Under these circumstances, it may be advisable to install a drip on the stream at some point near the road, and by this means carry the oil to the pond, where it is needed. This example shows the possibilities of utilizing a stream as an oil carrier. Our construction camps were fre- quently situated near sluggish streams or branches 156 The Control of Mosquitoes of rivers. Hillside streams from distant hills joined the quieter water near the camp. Larve and pupe were frequently carried by storm water toward the settlement and remained to develop in the quieter water in its vicinity. A rainstorm thus produced a sudden influx of mosquitoes at the settlement. This was prevented by installing oil drips on all streams flowing toward settlements. The drip may be used on temporary lagoons, as an auxiliary to intermittent treatment. In the rainy season in Panama lagoons are formed in certain depressions from which drainage is difficult. These lagoons rise and fall several feet in a few days. Each fall of the water surface causes the deposit of a large quantity of oil upon the banks, where it is soon absorbed by the soil. After every fall the oil film on the lagoon may have to be restored by reapplication. This is, of course, a great waste of labor and material. In many instances labor and oil can be saved in such places by introducing a few crude rafts carrying drips and moored at suitable intervals in such a way that they will readily rise and fall with the move- ment of the water, and yet remain in about the same position on the lagoon. The drips auto- matically maintain the desired oil film, and are replenished from time to time from a punt or boat. Attack by Oiling 157 Breeding places for mosquitoes have been found in catch basins of sewers, particularly during long intervals between rains. This condition has been remedied by small drips, but it would be better to use a device making it impossible for mosquitoes to enter catch basins except at the time water flows into the basin. The measure of success in the operation of a drip is that it shall work as nearly automatically as possible. The ideal drip is one that, once adjusted, requires no further attention except refilling. With heavy oil, the ideal has not been attained in Panama. We were compelled to use drips that worked in a fairly satisfactory manner. Although far from perfection, the drips were extremely useful. The difficulties encountered in devising a satis- factory drip are: That crude oil is too thick to permit of making use of capillary attraction, as may be done with kerosene and light oils. It contains a large quantity of suspended solids, which in time block a small hole or wick, and the flow either stops altogether, or is greatly impeded. The oil becomes more viscid in the cooler temperature of the night, and may stop flowing until it is warmed later in the morning. 158 The Control of Mosquitoes These difficulties have been partially overcome by using the following drips: The simplest form of drip is a vessel with a small hole punched in the bottom. This form is still much used in places where the installation is temporary, as on temporary ditches that are wet .o (a) Nail as Oot ; BS ow estes of Of] Can s - Nye Oil Drip made by Kea Inserting Nail in | Bottom of Container A simple form of oil drip. for relatively short periods, small pools shortly to be drained, etc. A five-gallon kerosene can is commonly used, having a hole punched in it by a nail. A small quantity of cotton waste is wound around the nail just below its head. The nail is then pushed through the small hole from the inside of the can. The quantity of oil allowed to drip through the opening is regulated by pushing the nail point upward or pulling the nail downward. Attack by Oiling 159 Barrels fitted with various adjustable spigots are also used, and work fairly well. The ordinary wooden spigot serves for barrels located on the larger streams. On the whole, perhaps the most satisfactory drip is one made of a standard garbage can of thirty gallons capacity. A slot 3% inch by 1% inch is cut in the side of the can about five inches from the bottom. Into this slot a flat spout about three inches long is soldered, and an ordinary lamp wick inserted and made to project inside and out- side the spout. Water is poured into the bottom of the can until it reaches within an inch of the flat spout. Oil is then slowly poured in after previous mixing with about five per cent. by volume of larvacide, the latter thinning the oil. The amount of oil flowing from the can is regulated by compressing or prying open the spout until the drip gives the desired number of drops of oil per minute. In order to spread, the drops of heavy oil must strike the water surface with considerable force, hence it is best to elevate the drip so that the oil drops at least three feet before striking the surface of the water. On streams having an average width of one to two feet, from ten to twenty drops of oil per minute are applied. The quantity of oil 160 The Control of Mosquitoes Oil Can used to Drip Light Oils, Wick Holder if 4 t j Ys Detail of Drip cased for Heavy Oils * Oil Drip for Heavy Oils Oil Drip Can Support The flat lamp wick drip for heavy oils. Attack by Oiling 161 required depends upon the spread of the oil, the alignment of the stream, roughness of banks, grade, alge present, obstructions, etc. For economic control a trial should be made at each ditch or stream where a drip is used to determine the re- quisite rate of flow. In many cases the drip need only be operated continuously for one or two days a week. On long streams or ditches it was some- times necessary to use several drip cans, so placed that where the effect of the drip at the source of water ceased, the next drip was installed. Settled dry weather may permit the discontinuance of some drips and allow their location to be changed. The isolated pools remaining in the drying stream bed were treated by using knapsack sprayers. In practice it was found that drips required periodic attention. Each drip should be visited and adjusted at least twice a week; when new, three or four times a week. Even the best designed drip has required this periodic attention. Occasionally it may be necessary to install drips on streams subject to freshets. On such streams they should be secured to prevent their being carried off by a flood. Another way to obtain a continuous application of oil is to use cotton waste impregnated with it. This method has a limited field of application, but It 162. The Control of Mosquitoes may occasionally be used with advantage. Dis- carded oil-soaked cotton waste is tied into small bundles, immersed in crude oil, and then placed in small seepage streams and outcrops. If there is danger of its being washed away, it can be tied toa stone. These oil-soaked bundles of waste give a thin film of oil to the water passing by or under- neath them during seven to ten days. They may be resoaked in oil and used many times. This method of oiling is used where the volume of water is insufficient to warrant the use of a drip can. Other uses may suggest themselves under varying local conditions. As the conditions under which continuous oiling can be successfully carried out are rather limited, it follows that the larger part of oil application to mosquito breeding areas must be done by the periodical application of oil or ‘‘intermittent method.” In the intermittent method the aim is to produce a continuous film, and to retain it in place suffi- ciently long to kill all larve in the water covered by the oil film. Given a perfect film, it must remain unbroken at least several hours to insure a marked reduction in the larve under it. In- tentionally we do not say ‘‘destruction of all the larvee under the film,” because in the tropics it is Oil drip applied to hillside stream Attack by Oiling 163 not always possible, in the field, to produce and Maintain an oil film on a large body of water at reasonable cost that will insure the death of all the larve under the film. We have found Culex larvee under an apparently good oil film that had been in place several days in succession. The explanation may be found in the fact that the oil film, in the field, is frequently not continuous, and that defective places may be found in it by which the larve and pupe obtain air. However, a very great reduction in the larvae may be achieved by proper oiling, and Anopheles larvee succumb much more rapidly than the Culex. The question of how frequently the oil must be applied, can be answered only after a knowledge of local conditions has been acquired. The rule is to oil at least once within the minimum of time required to mature an egg into an adult. In the Canal Zone for the mosquitoes most frequently encountered, this period is about eight days, and oil was therefore applied weekly. In the intermittent method enough oil must be applied to produce a continuous film, heavy enough to withstand the tearing action of small ripples, and the light flotsam and vegetation projecting through it. It is difficult, if not impossible, to say just how 164 The Control of Mosquitoes much oil must be applied to a given area of water surface. Such an estimate may be made for laboratory work, but it cannot be made for success- ful field application. Many factors operate to make such an estimate difficult: Wind and wave action; presence of vegetation, grass and brush projecting through the water surface or floating on it, and alge; the varying density of the heavier oils, the diverse quality of various lots, and the varia- tions in a given lot under differences in tempera- ture. In Panama just enough is applied to attain the desired result. Where large quantities of oil are to be used, the first consideration, from a standpoint of economy, is the distribution of the oil from its source to the places where it is to be used. The following meth- ods of distribution were used in Panama. About 600,000 gallons of crude oil have been used annually for the sanitary work in the Canal Zone. The oil was brought from California in tank steamers, principally for use as fuel, and the supply for sanitary purposes was obtained from the oil company. The oil steamers discharged their cargo into storage tanks situated at the Pacific Ocean canal terminus. From these tanks it was pumped across the Isthmus of Panama through pipes owned by the oil company. At various [LO OY} JO NILA [VIPUT ay} SOUIT}] [e1DAOS 0} JUOW}LOIY PUL uor}eyIodsuv1} JO 4SOO dy} Posvarour suoT}puUoo Teorydess -odo} URIUIYYST BUIOG “AAT JansIp[ O1peg jo Aeyyea Ur Usnig SpUuv] JOAO-jNd UO sUIvAI}S PoponIjsqo BUITIO Attack by Oiling 165 points on the Isthmus this oil main was tapped, and smaller storage tanks connected with it. Part of the oil used was obtained from the storage tanks at various places along the line, either directly, or by running small branch pipe lines from these tanks to smaller ones nearer the areas where the oil was to be applied. Part of the oil supply was transported in two railroad tank cars to places where connections could not be economi- cally made with the trans-isthmian oil line. These tank cars were filled at the Pacific storage tanks, and discharged their cargo into small tanks at various points. The aim was to have the tanks as near the ultimate destination of the oil as possible, but an adjacent location was sometimes imprac- ticable, because of the absence of railroad and road facilities. The tanks were properly covered, their faucets kept locked, and sand was piled near them for fire protection purposes. From the small tanks the oil was transported to the points where it was to be applied, through pipes, in mule-drawn tank carts, in canisters, on mule back, or rolled in drums or barrels. Where none of the above methods was feasible, it was carried by hand, or on the backs of laborers. The Isthmian topographical conditions fre- quently raised the cost of transportation and 166 The Control of Mosquitoes application to several times the initial value of the oil. Heavy oils are best applied to water in the form of a stream or spray. When applied in this manner, the tendency to form a film is much greater. A number of pumps on the market are entirely satisfactory for this purpose. The pump found most satisfactory in the Canal Zone was called a “‘barrel pump”’ and was especially strong. The smaller types of hand boiler-pumps are also serviceable. The requisites of a good pump for heavy oils are simplicity and strength of construc- tion, and valves without rubber. It will be found occasionally that the heavier fuel oils, those below 25° Baumé, are too thick for the pumps ordinarily used. These oils may be thinned by adding kerosene, two per cent. by volume of crude carbolic acid, or five per cent. of the ‘‘larvacide” described in this chapter. Other compounds of a character similar to the “‘lar- vacide”’ can also be used. A “knapsack sprayer” of the type used for spraying in orchards has given satisfactory ser- vice. This knapsack is made of heavy galvanized steel, or of copper; it contains a small powerful pump and has a capacity of five gallons. It pumps very satisfactorily the asphaltum base Application of larvacide or oil by knapsack sprayer: Miraflores Attack by Oiling 167 fuel oil used in Panama, about 20° Baumé, pro- vided five per cent. to ten per cent. by volume of larvacide is added. The advantages of its use are that oil may be applied properly on the water surface wherever desired from one to twenty feet from the operator. Bordeaux Special Spray nozzles. He pumps with one hand and directs the oil-stream or spray with the other. The work is less tiring than using a watering can, and while traveling over rough ground the laborer has both hands free. No oil is spilled or wasted by too rapid application. It is not necessary to have the spray as fine or its particles of liquid as minute as those used in the application of insecticide. All that is desired is that the oil should spread rapidly upon the water and form a thin film. 168 The Control of Mosquitoes Oil may also be applied by using a garden watering can; this method is useful where a very heavy layer of oil is desired, and where the places to be treated are accessible. In oiling shallow waters inaccessible from the shore, a flat bottomed boat with an oil tank may be used. The boat may be propelled by a small motor, or by hand, and may have a motor or hand-driven pump. A spray nozzle of the type shown is very useful, and saves time. Two and four-wheel horse carts of special design are used on the Canal Zone for applying oil. The carts were designed by Mr. H. R. Trask, an inspector in the sanitary service of the Canal Zone. They consist of iron tanks, holding two hundred to five hundred gallons of oil, mounted on suitable wagon gear. To the lower sides of the tanks are attached three-inch pipes leading to a transverse pipe mounted in front, at the feet of the driver. This pipe is ten feet long, and the outer- most three feet of it is perforated with three rows of one-eighth-inch holes set an inch apart. The pipe is mounted with a universal joint, and is controlled by a leather-operated valve. It is raised and lowered by a pedal. In addition, each cart is provided with a large valve at the back, for withdrawing the oil. SAN DEPT. Le anvacie Field supply tank Oil cart for applying oil to roadside ditches Attack by Oiling 169 These carts are very useful where they can be driven, and save much labor in transposting and applying oil. The illustration shows their con- struction. They are especially useful in applying heavy coatings of oil to roadside ditches, for inhibiting vegetation, and preventing collapse and erosion. They may also be used for transporting oil from the storage tanks to service tanks and drip devices. In the jungle covered country of the Canal Zone, there are many places where the lightest of carts cannot penetrate, and yet are accessible to pack animals. These animals carried two fifteen- gallon cylinders of oil fastened to the regulation pack saddle. These little tanks are provided with a two-inch screw stopper for filling, and a one-inch spigot for discharging. The pack mule is especially useful when filling drip barrels situated on streams flowing through the jungle, where only trails can be used. Trails had to be cut for the mule, but the trouble was repaid. One good mule carried as much oil as six porters on each trip, and in less time. The photograph shows the pack mule which has done valiant service in the cause of sanitation for about five years. The equipment shown is of the simplest type. After the oil is sprayed on the water, the 170 The Control of Mosquitoes problem of keeping the oil film in place arises, for on water surface of more than a few square feet the oil film tends to drift to leeward under the impulse of a moderate air current, and leaves much water uncovered. The tendency to drifting is very difficult to overcome. Various devices are in use, all being modifications of the ‘‘boom” principle used by lumbermen to catch log drifts. The simplest method is to anchor planks at intervals of five or six feet at right angles to the prevailing wind move- ment. Where the winds are variable and strong, a wooden grille may be employed, with spaces inversely proportional to the wind force. Stumps, brush, grass, and stones projecting through the oil film tend to form oil-free rings around themselves by their oscillation, and by the breaking of the ripples against these obstructions. All such obstructions should be removed from areas to be treated with oil. The heavier oils in conjunction with alge form a tangled heavy mass, and while some of these masses sink, many do not, but remain on the surface, and produce defects in the film by drifting with the surface current. It is well to remove all alge from water to be oiled. When heavy oil is poured repeatedly and liber- Pack mules, for oil transportation in jungle trails Attack by Oiling 171 ally on the common grasses, their growth is in- hibited and in time the grasses die. This property of the oil is used to advantage on the sides of ditches and in shallow depressions where water stands during rainy periods, when draining and filling is not economically feasible. Oil in any form is not an entirely satisfactory larvacide for the following reasons: Its effectiveness depends on a perfect film. Films are unreliable. Perfect films can be ob- tained only under exceptional circumstances, and even a perfect film frequently develops defects. The larvacidal action of oil is slow. In some instances several hours must elapse after the oil is applied before the larve of Culex are killed. During this time many opportunities may arise for the development of defects in the film. The light oils are expensive, and the heavier oils do not always spread well, unless treated in some manner to decrease their specific gravity and viscidity. A relatively large amount of oil is needed to cover a given water surface, thus increasing the cost of handling, especially where the oil has to be transported a long distance by hand. There is always more or less danger from fire, while the oil is in storage. The application of oil in the quantity necessary 172. The Control of Mosquitoes to kill mosquito larve spoils water for use for domestic or industrial purposes. For certain purposes, however, oil is very useful, and in the absence of a more acceptable larvacide, the sanitarian must depend largely upon it. The defects of oil were soon recognized in Panama, and persistent efforts made to find a more desirable larvacide. The product named “larvacide” in Panama was thus introduced, and although short of perfection, is under many condi- tions superior to oil. CHAPTER XI ATTACK ON PROPAGATION AREAS BY LARVACIDES HE requirements for a good larvacide are: 1. That it shall be of high toxic power, so that a small quantity may suffice for a large volume of water. This requirement is important for its economic use in water lying far from roads and trails. 2. That it shall kill rapidly, preferably in less than ten minutes, that rain intervening, and con- sequent dilution and weakening, may have as little effect as possible. 3. That it be uniform in its toxic power and capable of standardization. 4. That it shall mix freely with brackish and alkaline waters. 5. That it be harmless to man, and domestic animals, when in the dilution necessary for larvaci- dal action. 6. That it shall not be susceptible to rapid deterioration through age, and exposure to the 173 174. The Control of Mosquitoes air or light, ze. it must have good keeping quality. 7. It must be inexpensive. A number of commercial products now on the market satisfy these conditions to a large extent. Many of these have been tried and a few have proved equal to some of the requirements. Others were frauds. None fulfilled all the requirements desired. All commercial products were quoted at high prices. The larvacide we finally adopted cost one half less than commercial products. While working out the problem of a satisfactory larvacide, Mr. Jacobs, the chemist of the Board of Health laboratory in Panama, suggested the fol- lowing formula for a larvacide: Resin, 150 to 200 pounds Soda, 30 pounds Carbolic acid, 150 gallons This product is a black liquid resin soap, that freely emulsifies with fresh water. In brackish or alkaline water emulsion does not take place. The active ingredient of the larvacide being carbolic acid, to secure uniformity in the larvacidal power of the product it is necessary that the active constituent of crude carbolic acid, phenol, shall be uniform in quantity. It is found that the best uoouy ye yuryd sproearey ayy, Attack by Larvacides 175 results are obtained with a content of not less than fifteen per cent. phenols. In order that the finished product may neither float nor sink rapidly to the bottom, but diffuse through the water uniformly and with fair rapidity, the crude carbolic acid should have a specific gravity of about 0.97. The process of manufacture is as follows: One hundred and fifty gallons of the carbolic acid is heated in a steel tank fitted with a steam coil. When the acid is steaming hot, two hundred pounds of powered resin is added and the mixture continuously stirred by means of a paddle agitator, until complete solution is effected. Thirty pounds of caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) is dissolved in six gallons of water, and this is added to the resin-carbolic acid mixture. The heating and stirring is kept up for about five minutes, and then a sample of the product is withdrawn, and poured into water. If complete and rapid emulsion results, the larvacide is ready and is withdrawn from the mixing tank into shipping drums. If emulsion does not occur, or is incomplete, the heating is continued until a sample emulsifies satisfactorily. Each lot of carbolic acid should be assayed for phenol content. Carbolic acid containing less 176 The Control of Mosquitoes than fifteen per cent. of phenols, or of a greater specific gravity than 0.97, will not make a satis- factory larvacide. From time to time, preferably from each lot, a specimen of the larvacide should be tested for its larvacidal powers. If a 1 to 5000 emulsion does not kill full-grown Anopheles larve in ten minutes, the product is unsatisfactory. This larvacide, however, loses some of its effi- ciency when exposed, in emulsion, to the action of the air, and still more when exposed to contact with alge and other organic matter. Under the latter conditions its efficiency is lowered con- siderably after twenty-four hours’ contact, and after a few days’ exposure its larvacidal power is practically extinct. The advantages of this phenol-resin soap larva- cide are: 1. High toxicity to mosquito larve. A I to 5000 emulsion kills full-grown Anopheles larvee in from three to ten minutes. 2. Concentration. Being effective for practi- cal use in a I to 5000 emulsion, only a relatively small quantity of the larvacide need be transported to a given body of water. 3. Uniformity of toxic power. This proauct, when carefully made, is uniform in toxicity. Attack by Larvacides 177 4. Simplicity of composition. The manu- facture of this larvacide requires neither compli- cated apparatus nor highly skilled labor. 5.. Low toxicity to higher animals. It is practically harmless in ordinary dosage or in dilution to cattle, poultry, etc. 6. Rapidity of toxic action. When used in the field, it killed all Anopheles larve and pupe in ten to twenty minutes. 7. Cheapness of the product. In Panama, the cost is about eighteen cents a gallon. 8. Absence of danger from fire. The con- centrated larvacide is inflammable, but not easily ignited. In dilution it is not inflammable. 9g. It is useful in the rapid determination of the presence of mosquito larve and kills those at rest embedded in the mud. 10. In addition to its toxicity for mosquito larve the phenol-resin larvacide is also highly toxic to protozoa and alge, as well as most of the varieties of the common grasses encountered in Panama. The algacidal and herbicidal properties of this larvacide are of frequent use in mosquito eradication. The disadvantages of this larvacide are: 1. It does not emulsify and is inert in brackish water. This is a serious disadvantage because 12 178 The Control of Mosquitoes many Anopheles breed in brackish water and Culex breed in salt-water marshes and pools. This defect, however, is shared by all the com- mercial larvacides tested on the Isthmus. 2. The pure larvacide deteriorates upon expo- sure to the air and must be kept in drums, barrels, and other tightly closed containers. 3. It rapidly loses its toxicity after mixing with water containing alge and other organic matter. After twenty-four hours its toxicity is so far diminished that it is practically non-toxic from the standpoint of field practice. The ideal mosquito lavacide should, in addition to possessing all the desirable qualities of the phenol-resin soap described above, possess none of the disadvantages enumerated. We have not yet found such a product, either on the market or by experimenting with various mixtures. The toxic action of the pheno-resin larvacide upon mosquito larve is probably due to the action of its phenol content upon the protoplasm of the larve, probably intensified by the fact that the phenol is in emulsion. We have had practical field experience with Pyrocresol. In composition and action this pro- duct closely resembled the pheno-resin larvacide Attack by Larvacides 179 manufactured in Panama. Its greatest dis- advantage was variability of toxicity. Some samples were practically inert. The cost of this larvacide is considerably higher than the cost of the product we used. CHAPTER XII ATTACK ON PROPAGATION AREAS AND ADULT MOSQUITOES BY NATURAL ENEMIES PROPAGATION AREAS MALL top-feeding fish which prefer to obtain their food at or near the water surface are of great value in reducing the number of mosquito larve that would otherwise pupate. It was frequently observed that they seemed to prefer the full-grown larvee and pupe. Many different kinds of these fish are found in all parts of the Isthmus, in rivers, streams, and drainage ditches connected with them. On the arrival of the dry season they were often left stranded in small puddles and died as these became dry. While fish remain in small bodies of water they greatly assist in reducing mosquito possibilities, but if the water in the pool contains much green alge the small fish destroy only a portion of the larve. Where larve can hide easily, fish catch the fewest. 180 Natural Enemies 181 In ditches, streams, ponds, and at the edges of lakes and rivers the less the amount of debris, grass, alge, or other obstructions, the more useful the fish become. It follows that in countries where rank vegetation and alge are produced rapidly, fish are less reliable as destroyers of mosquito larve than in more northern climates. During the first American anti-malaria cam- paign at Havana, fish were of greater assistance, and reduced the mosquito propagation more than in the Canal Zone. Large amounts of finely divided debris with bits of twigs and leaves are washed down the streams during heavy downpours of rain and collect in the lakes and quiet parts of rivers. The constant winds collected this material and concentrated it. At these places small fish were nearly always to be seen, and darted about catching the larve as soon as the sheet of debris was stirred up or disturbed. By dipping out and stirring a small portion of it in a white enamel pail Anopheles larve in all stages of development were seen as well as large pup; it was evident that the fish caught but few of the larve so hidden. When portions of green alge are detached from the stream bank, fish invariably follow the float- ing mass and work hard for the few larve they catch. They cannot penetrate the mass, nor 182. The Control of Mosquitoes pass through the small openings into which the larve dart. When larvacide is applied at the edges of streams, mosquito larve sometimes escape beyond the treated zone and are immediately snapped up by fish. When rainstorms remove the alge, debris, etc., and break up the hiding-places in streams and ditches, the fish are most actively employed and have a feast. In quiet waters they pick up the larve that venture far from their hiding-places. In one instance two solid embankments were placed across the Corundu River and extended from Diablo Hillto Balboa. Between the embank- ments was a large flat area of about five hundred acres. During the rainy season much water col- lected in it and was followed by a change in the character of the vegetation. One of the growths was a moss-like weed that had not been seen before. It grew in the water to within an eighth of an inch or less of the surface but did not quite reach it. There was enough water above the growth to support Anopheles larve, but not sufficient for the fish to swim in. This area was about a mile south of Corozal and was not treated until it had produced thousands of full-grown larve. This happened before the flight of Isthmian Anopheles was understood as it Natural Enemies 183 is to-day, but the adults that traveled against the breeze to Corozal were tracked back to this source. Small fish were useless in this case, they could not reach the larve. In certain parts of the Bas Obispo River during the dry season, shallow water varying in depth from an inch to a foot ran over a bottom covered with stones and gravel. A thin film of oil was generally present, but seemed in no way to interfere with the numerous small fish, We knew that mosquitoes were still there in spite of oil and fish. The film was apparently inadequate to suppress many of the larve, probably owing to free air spaces on the downstream side of some of the partially exposed stones. In the camps affected by this river the malaria fever rate had been higher in the dry than in the wet season, At all other camps in the Canal Zone we had more cases of fever in the wet season. When a heavy application of larvacide was given to this moving water, numerous Culex and Anopheles larve immediately appeared at the surface. Some of the fish affected jumped out on to the banks and the remainder were killed. Since that time the local fever rate during the dry season has not exceeded that of the wet season, and year after year the adjacent camps have had few mosquitoes 184 The Control of Mosquitoes and a very low fever rate. These instances in which fish alone have not proved satisfactory are not intended to give the impression that fish are of small service in combating mosquitoes, but to show that on the Isthmus recently developed methods of control are more swiftly effective than nature’s methods of more limitedcontrol. Fish are most useful under many conditions, but the places in the tropics where their control reaches perfection are limited. Undoubtedly if all fish were removed the number of adult mosquitoes including Anopheles might become so great as to be unbearable and many places would be uninhabitable. We believe that the introduction of the proper species of top feeding minnows into lakes and large ponds would be of decided advantage for purposes of mosquito control in countries less favorable to mosquito propagation than Panama, and that the introduction of fish should be accom- plished and the species selected with care, after consultation with those competent to give advice regarding fish propagation. Probably in the near future artificial control of mosquito propagation by means of top feeding minnows will be used extensively. Many miles of drainage ditches on the seacoast meadows of the Natural Enemies 185 State of New Jersey are now being kept entirely free from mosquito larve by small fish. In Isthmian practice we examine places for larve. If fish are able to give us satisfactory results so much the better, if not, then fish must be temporarily sacrificed to prevent human suffering. To profit as much as possible by fish control in general mosquito reduction, the sanitary authorities introduced the Guirardinus pecillodes of Barbadoes into the Isthmus. This is a small fish commonly called a ‘top min- now” which feeds at the water surface. The female is about an inch and a half long and is a rapid breeder. It was bred successfully in tanks. The young were liberated in the reservoirs, rivers, and ponds and at various parts of Gatun Lake, but not in places where fish were unable to control the situation and larvacide and oil were used. Tadpoles were found in cow hoof-prints when water was present, but the Isthmian species did not reduce the larve in the depressions and obser- vation failed to prove their value as mosquito destroyers. The larve of dragon flies and water beetles were of great value and were found in places of a temporary character in which fish could not live long and were not found. Probably other aquatic insects were of value. 186 The Control of Mosquitoes DESTRUCTION OF ADULT ANOPHELES Spiders are useful as destroyers of mosquitoes. Because mosquitoes prefer to rest on dark sur- faces, a black band two feet wide was painted on the walls of the barracks at Balboa between three and five feet from the floor that they might collect where they could easily be reached by the men employed to catch mosquitoes. The walls above and below this band were white. It was noted that after the black band was applied spiders collected on it while they were not to be seen on the white paint. Certain insects are caught and held fast when they rest on spider webs, but it is not definitely known that Anopheles and other mosquitoes on the Isthmus are destroyed in this way. They may be caught by spiders while at rest on or near the webs. Anopheles appear to have no difficulty in leav- ing the strand of a spider web which they have selected for a resting place. Thousands of spiders and millions of ants are to be seen on tall grass and weeds growing in shallow water on the Isthmus and they probably destroy many newly emerged mosquitoes. The small lizards of different colored markings, Natural Enemies 187 found in Cuba and on the Isthmus, are constantly catching mosquitoes. They collect insects out of doors on the patio walls as well as indoors, and after watching them at work, we were satisfied that they should be propagated or at least pro- tected in every way possible. Near Havana in the afternoons they come out on the whitewashed walls and never miss a mosquito that dares to alight within fifteen feet. They often take four moves forward accompanied by rests, before making the final rapid dash at the mosquito. Sometimes they patrol the walls from about four o'clock until dark, and are hard at work again in the morning when the mosquitoes come out of the rooms and settle on the walls. In the Canal Zone they were found in the old French barracks. Cunnette camp, near Empire, held more than other camps. The buildings are on posts about six feet from the ground and one or more of the little brown lizards with brownish orange colored heads can be seen on the house walls at any time. One of these little fellows if kept in a screened room would take care of any mosquitoes or flies entering when the door was temporarily opened, or carried in on clothing. Small ants destroy mosquitoes whenever they have the opportunity; they even interfered with 188 The Control of Mosquitoes our mosquito trap experiments and caged mosqui- toes at the experiment station. As soon as they find a mosquito trap there is a constant stream of them going to and from it and when they have disposed of the dead mosquitoes they begin on the live ones. One ant catches a mosquito by a leg and almost immediately others come to assist. In one instance they were seen catching a mosquito larva in the cup of water at the base of a banana leaf. The “night jar” is the most interesting of the numerous birds that feed on mosquitoes while in flight. At Gatun, these birds invariably appeared just before the evening flight began. And in the morning they could be heard at the settlement, and followed the returning flight from the settle- ment back to the breeding place. They dis- appeared when the morning return flight stopped. After dusk it was too dark to see how late they fed. Bats destroy large numbers of mosquitoes near houses. Before the houses on the Isthmus were screened they passed back and forth through the balconies, and the flight range extended only a short distance beyond the house. Since the balconies were screened they have been more numerous between half-past six and seven o’clock, which is the time the Anopheles assemble on the Natural Enemies 189 screens. They invariably fly back and forth in wind-shaded gullies containing brush, where mosquitoes are more numerous than on the adjacent higher land. In these sheltered places when Culex were swarming about the observers and biting them, the bats approached closely, while when they were not being bitten by mosqui- toes the bats were fully ten feet away. CHAPTER XIII ATTACK ON PROPAGATION AREAS BY CLEARING BODIES OF WATER Y removing vegetation, alge, and drift from bodies of water, much of the food and most of the protection of Anopheles larve are withdrawn. Under normal conditions these larve prefer to remain at the surface of the water where they find their food. Where vegetation in the water is plentiful, it is difficult to use oil effectively, and in order not to leave any air holes large quantities must be used. Vegetation interferes with the spreading of the oil film; it also interrupts the action of the larvacide. When rank grasses come up through the water it is not easy to see if the oil film is satisfactory or not. In moving water, such as ditches and streams, where the vegetation is removed the current velocity is in- creased, and tends toward washing the larve away; and by leaving no hiding-place during rainstorms, the stream or ditch can be swept clear of larve. 190 The Clearing of Water 191 Another advantage is that fish and aquatic insects that prey on the larve have no difficulty in capturing them and under these conditions are extremely valuable in eradicating them. In large ponds and at the edges of lakes where larve are frequently found it is often necessary to remove all vegetation in the water, and along the shore, if it will ultimately reach over into the water. Once this is accomplished the fish will keep down mosquito propagation until the vegetation again becomes rank, or until alge gives the required protection. Theapplication of small quantities of copper sulphate along the shore or periodical appli- cations of larvacide to the small area infested with algee will destroy it. Lagoons and many streams of slow current contain water surface vegetation, such as leaves of lilies, etc., which affords excellent protection to the larveof both Culex and Anopheles. Culex are seen in large patches under these condi- tions and may be so close together as to form a. black mass of thirty or more square feet. This takes place even when there are fish. When all vegetation is removed, additional fish arrive and the larve soon disappear. To sum up the advan- tages to be gained, the clearing of water may in- crease the stream velocity, destroy the food supply, remove the hiding-places, enable fish to become 192 The Control of Mosquitoes more useful, and produce conditions that cease to attract the mosquito. Most species of Anopheles will not deposit their eggs in bodies of water that would be unfavorable to their complete development. They shun locali- ties that expose them to natural enemies, lack of food, drying up of water, etc. The difficulties in clearing bodies of water on the Isthmus are the rap- idity with which certain grasses grow up through the water and along shore, and the rapid formation of alge in shallow water exposed to the sun. Where the bottom of a pond is soft some of the grasses may be pulled up by the roots by means of long-handled potato hooks, and give little future trouble. On the Isthmus various attempts have been made to prevent the growth of vegetation, but no satisfactory economical and permanent method has yet been devised. Pre- parations containing arsenical compounds were tested both in the dry and the wet seasons, in ditches, ponds, and depressions on low flat lands that became dry. The results were never perma- nent, although in some cases vegetation was retarded for several months. Certain grasses that run flat along the ground and throw out roots at each joint grew over ground recently treated with arsenical compounds without forming roots, Removing vegetation from overgrown streams: Machetes are used Screened verandas: Ancon The Clearing of Water 193 but as soon as they reached the water in a ditch their roots penetrated the soft mud. Experience indicated that the results obtained by applications of grass and weed destroyers in the dry season were better than similar treatment in the wet season. In some instances Bermuda grass was planted, or encouraged, in order to replace and kill other grasses and plants that grow taller and are more troublesome and costly to control. When it was purposed to use lands near settle- ments in the Canal Zone for reservoirs, etc., the edges were cleared of vegetation and debris, before the water rose, and the grass was cut very short just above and below the proposed water surface elevations. All dead vegetable matter on the ground to be flooded that might float on the water surface was collected and burned. As a result we had bodies of water that were relatively free from floating timber, sticks, leaves, debris, etc., and with edges in a condition that allowed oil or larvacide to be rapidly and economi- cally applied whenever and wherever necessary. Near small or temporary camps where conditions did not warrant much expenditure of funds, the trees in lagoons and flooded areas were not removed. Under the above conditions it was found best to remove brush, grass, and: floating sticks and 13 194 The Control of Mosquitoes debris, which afford better protection to mosquito larve than is given by standing trees. When trees are not standing close together, unless their branches reach the water surface, collections of debris are not apt to gather and remain near them. In the absence of an oil film small fish devour most of the larve close to the tree trunk. After the tree decays and falls, its twigs and branches may tend to collect floating debris and afford protection to larve. In the tropics vines and plants may grow on floating logs and become the nucleus of floating islands. CHAPTER XIV ATTACK ON PROPAGATION AREAS BY REMOVAL OF JUNGLE ANY square miles of jungle in the Canal Zone have been removed since the American occupation, including all camp and town sites with their surrounding cleared areas, and charged against sanitation. In 1904 some of the houses could not be reached without cutting a way through the intervening jungle. This first clearing was made by using the ‘“‘machete,”’ and the native laborer is at his best in using this instrument. Until this clearing was made, it was impossible to locate the breeding places near settlements, or to follow up streams or small natural watercourses. The seepage areas, pools, and water-holding depres- sions were frequently covered and hidden. Clearing uncovers many propagation areas, and when the sun and wind act on the cleared spaces, evaporation is greatly increased, and numerous small ones become dry before a brood of 195 196 The Control of Mosquitoes mosquitoes matures. It also facilitates inspection and enables the location and extent of the seepage outcrops to be determined. It shortens the effec- tive length of the wet season so far as mosquito production is concerned, and makes it possible to locate all new small temporary production areas that may exist during excessively wet periods. We found it advisable to clear the ground before locating ditches, to ensure their correct placing. The jungle was so thick that on relatively flat lands it was impossible to determine the position of the low places by inspection, for when wander- ing around in the brush it is easy to lose all sense of direction. Adult Anopheles and other mosqui- toes rest in the shade, and the removal of the jungle reduces the number that enter dwellings. Clearing made it impossible for the negroes to throw containers into the tall grass or brush near their houses without detection. They were accus- tomed to throw them away and would’ carry unserviceable containers a long distance to dispose of them rather than put them in the nearby garbage cans! We cut pathways along the edges of streams and ditches, cleared the edges of ponds, and removed grass from puddles and wet lands to facilitate the application of oil and larvacide. Much of the clearing in lagoons had to be done Removal of Jungle 197 from boats. In wet periods certain grasses and plants grew an inch or more per day, and the work had to be done repeatedly over the same territory. Toward the end of the dry season, spaces were cleared by fire, whenever they could be b-rned over without danger to property because of the trade winds that assist in spreading flames. Near all permanent settlements where the topography permitted, the ground was prepared for using mowers, and on some steep hillsides heavy spikes were used on the wheels to prevent the machines from sliding downhill. This was especially neces- sary where the hillside terminated at the abrupt canal banks. At times, when the tall grass needed cutting, the ground was so soft that the use of horses meant the creation of many new breeding places by hoof-prints, etc. If the grass remained uncut, evaporation was retarded and mud breed- ing aggravated conditions. The day’s work had to be arranged according to weather conditions. CHAPTER XV SCREENING AND PRACTICAL DESTRUCTION OF ADULT ANOPHELES IN HOUSES INCE Sambon and Low with their two com- panions lived for three months in their screened hut in Ostia, Roman Campagna, where malaria is usually prevalent, without contracting it, attention has been directed to the possibility of securing protection from mosquitoes by pro- tecting the dwellings with mosquito-proof material and a variety of fabrics have been used in various places and many details of technique have been elaborated. After many experiments, both in the laboratory and in practice, the methods of mos- quito-proofing described are now used in the Canal Zone, where screening of dwellings has been carried out on a scale never attempted elsewhere. Because of the atmospheric humidity and the salt laden air it was found that only the best copper gauze will resist corrosion and subsequent deterioration. The copper gauze used in the 198 Screening and Destruction —_199 Canal Zone must have not less than ninety per cent. of pure copper, and not more than one half of one per cent. of iron. The cost of this screening is approximately fifty cents per square yard for the 18 mesh, No. 31, B. W. G. gauze, 7.e., gauze having eighteen strands of wire of one one hundredth of an inch diameter in each linear inch, which is the number of strands necessary to reduce the apertures to a size that will not permit the passage of Aédes calopus and the smaller specimens of Anopheles and Culex, and yet retain reasonable strength of material and open space area. Verandas are usually screened as shown on the photograph. In the tropics the veranda is practi- cally the living room; people usually spend their evenings in it, and it must be screened. Aside from the fact that screened verandas contribute very largely to the comfort and probably to the health of the occupants‘of the dwellings, screening on verandas is easier and cheaper to maintain than the screening of many doors and windows that would otherwise have to be screened. And because of their larger air and light admitting area, screened verandas do not exclude quite as much air and light as screened doors and windows. A decided advantage is gained by having but one door through which mosquitoes may enter. 200 ‘The Control of Mosquitoes Unless near a wall mosquitoes do not congregate about the door of a screened veranda as they do about a screened door in a solid wall. They are too busy examining all the screened surface to concentrate at its entry. If there is a prevailing wind direction during the mosquito breeding season it is advisable to have the balcony door on the windward side of the house. Where windows have to be screened, the sashes, shutters, and frames are so arranged that a per- manently fixed screened frame can be fastened in place. Sliding screen frames are very unsatis- factory in practice; they warp and refuse to shut tightly, they cost more to install and maintain, and are often left open. A light solid door, well designed and made, and rapidly self closing is preferable for a mosquito- proof house. In damp countries such doors should be made of close-pored lumber, well dried and carefully filled and varnished, or painted, and designed to reduce to the minimum the tendency toward sagging, warping, and swelling. The doors should be provided with efficient self- closing devices, and they should open outward to frighten away any mosquitoes resting on or near the door or hovering in the vicinity. Occa- eenimmanen a} * i AFTER | APPLIED A good device to prevent the sagging of screened doors Screening and Destruction 201 sionally, when mosquitoes are very numerous on hospital buildings, especially yellow fever wards, it is desirable to double-guard the entrance by providing a screened vestibule. Such a vestibule should be at least six feet wide from door to door, and should be arranged so that one door must be closed before the other can be opened. A number of devices will readily suggest themselves. One that has been used with considerable success is a pulley and rope arrangement. If screened doors are to be used, the frame should be made of light material that will resist warping and swelling, and should be provided with a brace to prevent sagging. A good contrivance for this purpose is two rods connected by a turnbuckle. One free end is fastened at the upper corner on the hinge side of the door, and the other free end to the corner diagonally opposite, as shown on the diagram opposite. Tendency to sagging is cor- rected by twisting the turnbuckle. The screen panels should be protected from injury by hands and feet by fastening over the gauze on the outside of it, so as not to interfere with any mosquito catching that may be required, one quarter inch or three eighths inch galvanized wire netting made of wire sufficiently thick to resist denting by a push of the hand or foot against 202. The Control of Mosquitoes the panel. Screen panels should not be more than three feet wide and eight feet long. Wider or longer panels resist wear less satisfactorily. The screening should be fastened with copper tacks to prevent galvanic action, and the edges. overlaid with wooden strips three-eighths of an inch by one inch, and fastened with galvanized wire nails. The tacks should be placed at least one half inch from the edge of the screening. The screening should be drawn as tight as possible, without the aid of special stretching devices; i.e., it should be stretched tightly enough to prevent denting and consequent breaking in cleaning, but not so tightly as to put immoderate strain upon the strands bearing against the tacks. It was found advantageous to protect in a similar manner the lower panels of verandas, the lower parts of the panels above hand rails, panels immediately adjacent to doors, and other panels subjected to hard usage by the inhabitants. Strips of wood have not proven satisfactory in the protection of screening. They have the inherent defect of interfering seriously with the success of mosquito destruction within the houses. When screening is kept clean, by frequent removal of the dust and the products of corrosion, the amount of light and air excluded by the eigh- Screening and Destruction = 203 teen-mesh gauze used on the Canal Zone is negli- gible. The best proof that screening does not materially interfere with the comforts of the house occupants is the fact that not a single complaint has ever been heard on that score from the people on the Zone. It was occasionally necessary to use tents and railway cars for quarters. The method of making tents mosquito-proof was as follows: A matched lumber floor is laid, and on this are built up the sides of a framework of two by fours, with the necessary doors. These frames are screened. The ridge pole is formed by two vertical two by fours, and one horizontal member, properly braced. Brackets of the right length and height are fas- tened to the wall frames at intervals. The tent is fastened to these brackets by pulling it tightly over the upper horizontal members of the wall frames, and fastening it to the members by clamping strips of wood to form mosquito-proof joints. Over the tent roof a fly is drawn, and its edges fastened near the ends of the brackets to leave a space of at least fifteen inches between the tent and the fly edges. ' In the railroad construction camps, screened cars are used. The cars are screened in the same manner as the dwellings. The illustration shows 204. The Control of Mosquitoes ' some of these cars. A camp consisting of screened cars, and a tent hospital screened in the manner outlined above, have been in use for about four years. Although Anopheles were very numerous, as shown by the daily catches in the cars, and although very little oiling, etc., was done in this locality, the screening, plus daily catch of mos- quitoes in the cars, kept the malaria incidence to almost the average incidence of the Canal Zone. The crucial point about screening is the thor- oughness with which the work is done, and the constant vigilance and care that must be exercised in speedily detecting and remedying defects. Mosquitoes, and particularly Anopheles, will readily find a very small aperture in their endeavor to enter a house to find blood, but once within a house, the mosquito very seldom, if ever, finds its way out again unless doors or windows are open. A screened house with rents in the screen- ing, cracks in the floor, openings between the plate and roof, or any of the many imperfections of mosquito-proofing, is a veritable trap, and from the point of view of the protection of its inhabitants from mosquitoes, more dangerous than an un- screened house. A perfectly screened house may yet offer in- Types of screened houses: Colon Hospital grounds Screening and Destruction 205 numerable avenues for the entry of mosquitoes. To enumerate a few of these: cracks and knot holes in the floor; ill-fitting doors; spaces between a corrugated iron roof and the plate left uncalked; cracks in the siding of an unsealed frame building; open spaces around plumbing, stove pipe, etc. In the Canal Zone, with the extreme variation in humidity between the dry and wet seasons, defects develop constantly in the woodwork of the light frame constructions employed. The screen- ing is also exposed to rather severe strain. To maintain efficiently the mosquito-proofing of the dwellings, a weekly inspection was made of all the screened houses, and the needed repairs noted, and made at once. Since 1908 the repairing of screening has been delegated to the Quarter- master’s Department for administrative reasons. From the standpoint of sanitation, it is wiser to maintain a screen-repairing force under the immediate control of the sanitary authorities, to insure this important work being done by a force specially trained to detect defects in mosquito- proofing, and to render dwellings mosquito-proof unhampered by the interference of other duties. After experience with both systems, the writers earnestly recommend that all questions of mos- quito-proofing should be entrusted to the sanitary 206 The Control of Mosquitoes authorities, who are more competent to judge the importance of the defects deemed unworthy of attention by the average layman, builder, and architect. In a malarious locality the screening of dwellings is a necessity. With a view to determining as nearly as possible the difference in malaria infec- tion between the inhabitants of screened and unscreened dwellings at Gatun, a study was made by. Dr. Orenstein. The conclusions reached were that screened dwellings reduce the malaria inci- dence by at least one third. It is almost certain that the protection afforded is greater than this study showed, for the reason that while the people residing in the screened quarters of Gatun were obliged to consult a govern- ment physician when incapacitated for duty by illness, the residents of the unscreened section were not required to adhere to this rule, and con- sequently there is no record of a probably large number of cases from these houses. INFORMATION CONCERNING METALLIC MOSQUITO SCREENING 16 mesh copper alloy gauze will permit the passage of Aédes calopus only under stress of circumstances. Screened cars in railroad construction camps Screening and Destruction 207 17 mesh and 18 mesh will exclude this species. 16 mesh will exclude Anopheles. 16 mesh—Area of aperture 0.00235 square inch. Wire No. 28 B. W. G.—Diameter 0.014 inch. Weight per square foot 0.2224 lb. It is twice as strong as 18 mesh. 60.16% of open space. 95% increase in area over No. 31 B. W. G. 17 mesh—Area of aperture 0.00219 square inch. Wire No. 30 B. W. G.—Diameter 0.012 inch. Weight per square foot 0.17339 lb. It is 50% stronger than 18 mesh. 63% of open space. 43% increase in area over No. 31 B. W. G. 18 mesh—Area of aperture 0.00208 square inch. Wire No. 31 B. W. G.—Diameter 0.01 inch. Weight per square foot 0.12835 lb. 67.39% of open space. All copper alloy used in screening should contain not less than ninety per cent. copper and less than one half of one per cent. of iron. DESTRUCTION OF ADULT ANOPHELES In addition to the screening, a further decrease in the possibility of infected mosquitoes transmitting malaria can be accomplished by daily destroying 208 The Control of Mosquitoes the Anopheles found in the dwellings. This has been systematically carried out in all the barracks in the Canal Zone, and is considered a very valu- able measure when painstaking men are employed. Systematic mosquito catching in dwellings as a prophylactic measure against malaria originated in the Canal Zone. Briefly, it was the adaptation to sanitary purposes of the method employed by the entomologist in securing specimens. It was first tried in 1908 by W. R. Proctor, sanitary inspector, in a temporary camp known as Cocoli. This camp was in close proximity to extensive Anopheles breeding areas. Because of the camp’s temporary character, more thorough methods of eradication were not used. Malaria soon developed among the laborers in the camp, and the incidence of this disease became very high. Although there was much doubt concerning the efficacy of mosquito catching as a means of reduc- ing the malaria incidence, it was tried as other measures could not be applied. To the surprise of all, the systematic destruction in the camp speedily reduced the malaria incidence. The catching was done at sunrise and sunset, by a negro laborer. Mosquito catching in dwellings was then adopted as one of the regular prophylactic measures, Screening and Destruction 209 During I909 a number of camps were located along the new line of the Panama Railroad, officially known as the Panama Railroad Reloca- tion. This is to be the permanent railroad after the Canal is completed. Four of these camps, 1909, 1910. 1911. Months. Con- Con- Con- Remarks. struc- | Entire | struc- | Entire | struc- | Entire tion Zone. tion Zone. | —tion Zone. Camps. Camps. Camps. 1.55% | .96% | .67%| .72% | Dry Season. 67% |. .11% | .42% | .17% | Dry Season. 1.44% | 1.04% | .28% | .85% | Dry Season. 2.50% | .81% | .56% |} .68% | Dry Season. 2.80% | 1.16% |-1.94% | 1.91% | Rainy Season. -| 2.41% | 2.42% | 5.06% | 3.59% | Rainy Season. 3.29% | 8.89% | 2.84% | 4.14% | Rainy Season. 1.34% | 2.81% | 1.36% | 1.82% | Rainy Season. | 96% | 1.76% | 2.64% | 1.40% | Rainy Season. 2.59% | 1.25% 2.58% | 1.00% "| Rainy Season. -50% | 1.16% | 2.58% -82% | Rainy Season. 11% | 1.16% | 1.21% -76% | Rainy Season. Averagepermonth| .94% | 1.50% | 1.53% | 1.65% | 1.84% | 1.54% Table of malaria incidence at construction camp. with an aggregate population of about 1200, were located along twelve miles of the road, at intervals of three to four miles. It would have been costly to attempt drainage and oiling operations of sufficient magnitude to protect all these camps from malaria, and it was decided to house the employees in screened cars, and to carry out daily mosquito catching in all of 14 210 The Control of Mosquitoes them. The number of Anopheles caught in the cars, which were surrounded by mosquito breed- ing places, reached 1800 a week. The malaria incidence in these camps was but slightly above the incidence for the Canal Zone shown in the table. It will be observed that in 1910 the malaria incidence was two one hundredths of one per cent. less for the camps, and in 1911, three tenths of one per cent. more, as gauged by admis- sions to the hospital. It must be remembered, however, that the percentages for the whole Zone are based on the final diagnoses made by the exam- ining physician. Experience has shown that the examining physicians sometimes give a provisional diagnosis of malaria in a somewhat larger number of cases than the final diagnosis sustains. Another instance of the application of this prophylactic measure under more favorable condi- tions occurred near Corazal. In this case the camps were remote from native habitations. In June, 1908, several hundred United States marines were quartered for two months on Diablo Hill. During that period the malaria incidence among them averaged fourteen per cent. a week. No mosquito catching was done. Some cars in which railroad laborers lived were located at the foot of the same hill. From the early part of May to Screening and Destruction 211 the end of November, in the rainy season, when malaria incidence is high on the Isthmus, only four cases of malaria occurred among the forty laborers occupying these cars—a weekly incidence of three tenths of one per cent. The difference was due to having a man devote half an hour a day to the destruction of the Anopheles found in these cars. The work cost five cents a day. The technic of hand catching is as follows: A glass tube about four and one half inches long and one inch in diameter, of the variety used for packing small camel hair brushes, is used. An inch layer of small rubber bands is packed into the bottom of the tube. They are held in place bya plug of absorbent cotton, which in turn is covered by a disk of blotting paper to facilitate the removal of mosquitoes from the tube, by preventing their entanglement in the cotton. A few cubic centi- meters of chloroform are poured into the tube, which is then covered, and the chloroform allowed to become absorbed by the rubber bands. A tube thus prepared will be lethal to mosquitoes for several days. The chloroform tube has the ad- vantage of being safer than the cyanide tube in the hands of a more or less careless laborer. To catch a mosquito with the tube, the cork is re- moved, and the mouth of the tube quickly placed 212. The Control of Mosquitoes over the mosquito while it is at rest on some object. In afew moments the mosquito drops to the bottom of the tube. Equipped with one of these tubes, a “slapper” made of a six-inch square of wire gauze fastened Slapper, chloroform tube, acetylene lamp, and pill box; used in catching Anopheles in houses. to a two-foot stick, and, if necessary, a bright search-lamp or portable electric light and cord, an ordinary laborer will soon learn to catch a surprising number of mosquitoes. That mosquito catching in dwellings may be facilitated, prefer- ably white or light colored walls should be insisted upon. Anopheles rest during the day in the Screening and Destruction 213 darkest nooks in the room; in remote dark corners, behind various objects on the wall, and under window ledges, etc. Careful search is required to find them and on a dark colored wall they are almost invisible. In the early morning hours soon after daybreak, and in the twilight hour of the evening, Anopheles usually collect on the screening of verandas, doors, and windows, and are more easily caught than when indoors. The chloroform tube does not work very well on screening and the ‘‘slapper”’ is employed. The cost of mosquito catching in dwellings is very slight. We employed common laborers at ten cents an hour. One man can cover a score of barracks in two or three hours. If the houses are in a group, an experienced mosquito catcher will examine as many as twenty in three hours. Of course, the number of houses covered depends on their size, the number and interior arrangements of the rooms, the number of mosquitoes found, and the distance from one house to another. The statement made above regarding the number of houses a man can examine, refers to the standard barrack of the Canal Zone, a one-room, one-story building about forty by sixty feet. In the early part of 1911 hand catching was 214 The Control of Mosquitoes Wire Screen High Ridge Frame of White Pine . 46 ——— i = - 1 1 0 % ee oe eee f Wire Screen Low 43) Ridge . sh Frame of White BU gay gs ate ate mHla| Pine YX e/ r Mosquito trap, with details of construction. Screening and Destruction 215 supplemented by mosquito traps. The evolution ae gs 25 Ze a3 nm OD § BS et Sg Be Pag aa 3 aa twisted & turned down =| 2 3 Hy § a wi 3 as oS a a er) 4 Re 3 i. E es & t 3 g ‘3 s o sj 25— Wire Screen Cover Arch Frame of White Pine of the mosquito trap into the model used at present has been gradual. The first trap constructed, 216 The Control of Mosquitoes while ingenious, failed in its purpose—mosquitoes simply would not enter it. Gradually by develop- ing the original ideas and plans of the senior author and by constant experimenting under his immedi- ate direction, Messrs. Bath and Proctor, sanitary inspectors in the Canal Zone service, evolved the Anopheles trap now in use. This trap is essentially a labyrinth built of wire gauze on a wooden framework. The illustrations on pages 214 clearly show its construction, and method of application to a screened window. As a mosquito catcher, the trap is of great service when properly used. It was found that in order to catch Anopheles the traps must be attached to the lee side of buildings, and that usually more Culex are caught if the trap is fastened on the windward side. The reason for this is yet to be determined, but the phenomenon is a fact, and should always be remembered when installing the traps. The possibility of some species of Anopheles being attracted by scent was considered. When two adjacent buildings were supplied with Anophe- les traps, one inhabited and the other vacant, no Anopheles entered the traps attached to the vacant building. It is found that more mosquitoes are caught when they are attempting to enter a building. Interior of laborers’ barracks, where Anopheles were caught daily Screening and Destruction 217 Therefore traps are installed with their openings turned outwards and are not used for collecting the Anopheles which have already gained access to the building. Traps are of little use on unscreened houses and are never used on them. The number of mosquitoes caught in these traps has been surprisingly large and it is not uncommon to catch several hundred per night in one trap. . In order to determine whether any mosquitoes escape, a trap in which a number of mosquitoes were confined was fastened to an empty trap. None passed from one trap to the other. If they could have found the openings in the trap in which they were confined they would have collected in the other trap. Mosquito traps, built after the model used on the Canal Zone, are of distinct value as a prophy- lactic measure in anti-malaria campaigns, as an auxiliary to screening, and the destruction of mos- quitoes by hand. These mosquito traps cost about $1.25 each when made by hand by the dozen. CHAPTER XVI THE RESULTS ACCOMPLISHED BY THE ANTI-MALARIA CAMPAIGN HE methods of malaria control applied and developed on the Isthmus were put to a severe test and gave successful results. The topography, meteorological conditions, and con- stant changes due to the construction work, to- gether with the character and constant moving of the population and their dwellings, and social conditions, were peculiarly unfavorable to the control work undertaken. The natives and em- ployees, infected or well, were at liberty to live where and how they chose. We had no control over their movements or methods of living. The area covered by anti-malarial operations was about fifty square miles, with a shifting population of many nationalities. It is now evi- dent that even under such adverse conditions, malaria in the tropics may be kept down to a minimum rate without prohibitive cost. 218 Results 219 Much valuable experience has been gained, that will aid future anti-malarial campaigns, and these newly devised methods of procedure and the important discoveries made as the work progressed will now make it possible for many sections of the tropics to develop their agricultural and natural resources. Until now Aédes calopus and a few species of Anopheles have prevented the Caucasian race from settling and developing the tropics. In some of the richest parts of the United States more than fifty per cent. of the agricultural population is infected with malaria. In some parts of the tropics the malaria rate exceeds seventy-five per cent. of the rural population, and the transmission of infection often continues throughout the year. Under such conditions can progress or social development be expected? In South America there are parts of the sea- coast, and even cities, to which laborers from the hill-country cannot be induced to go. They refuse a high rate of wage, and their reasons and judgment are sound. In recent railroad construction in Brazil, European laborers would not remain in the company’s employ although paid an exceedingly high rate of wage. Where eighty per cent. of the laboring force is 220 The Control of Mosquitoes sick at the same time their actual earnings are small. The rich lands in malarial sections of the tropics cannot be economically developed without syste- matic malaria control. It is no longer a question of whether a corporation can afford to pay for the necessary anti-malaria measures; it is now admitted to be foolish to attempt development without reasonable sanitary precautions. The preventive measures taken in the Canal Zone cost less than one cent a day for each person. During the reconstruction of the Panama Railroad, in many camps we housed laboring forces in outfit-cars surrounded by extensive swamps, where drainage or economic control of mosquito life was impossible. By screening the cars, and destroying Anopheles in them once a day, the infection of laborers was prevented. Live mosquitoes caught daily in the cars were examined for parasites, but no infected specimen could be found. These preventive measures had not been attempted before, but can be applied again, and the efficiency of our troops on the Isthmus, and elsewhere, may be kept up to the standard. Large forces of men employed in commercial enterprises may now be kept in good health where Results 221 sickness formerly made their day’s work uncertain. MALARIA CHART FOR 1911, 1912 ann 1913 Showing the number of malaria cases each month among employees, expressed as a per- centaBe of the entire working force. al 547) 0% Lt : cg TPe>dxHReE ES S@seagclsszsFse The item of high labor cost, because of malaria, has been a controlling factor in preventing progress in the South. 222 The Control of Mosquitoes It has been ascertained that marked differences exist in the habits and life history of different Anopheles, and between Anopheles and other mosquitoes. We learned how to observe their flight, and that the malaria-carrying species can be stained, and by this means it can be determined how far and in what direction they travel; and by intercepting them in the path of their flight, they are made to register its general direction. It was established that some species of Anopheles travel farther than others. It was observed that while Culex, and possibly other mosquitoes, enter a residence on the wind- ward side, Isthmian Anopheles seldom do this. The importance of placing screened entrances and verandas on the windward side is now under- stood, but had not previously been considered. A method of making Anopheles trap and destroy themselves has been perfected; and it has been determined that some species avoid bright artificial light. New methods of collecting specimens have been devised. The migration of one species across the Isthmus was closely observed. Previously it was thought that malaria increased in proportion to the number of Anopheles in a malaria-infested community, Results 223 but Isthmian observations show several instances to the contrary. Where Anopheles tarsimaculata and Anopheles albimanus traveled long distances from the breeding to the feeding grounds their. number at the settlements greatly increased, but the malaria rate did not rise. It is of great importance to know if these facts hold true in regard to other malaria-conveying species, as such facts determine the right areas for malaria control operations. Due to factors not fully ascertained the same species do not always fly long distances, or even a quarter of a mile, to reach a house or village. Since learning how to observe and follow a flight we can now decide correctly which location to drain or treat for the protection of a town or settlement, and leave out the unessential. The varying distance of mosquito flights of which so much, assumed and untrue, has been said and written, no longer appears impossible to solve. At present the important point to decide is the length of flight of different species of Anoph- eles in so far as it affects malaria transmission, and this may differ from the flight length probably essential for the propagation of the species. The decidedly brackish marshes and the edges of shallow tidal flats, which were once the chief 224 The Control of Mosquitoes sources of Anopheles at Gatun, Christobal, and Colon, presented conditions that may not be limited to the tropics, and afford precedents for future anti-malarial work near seacoasts farther north. Although the Anopheles is usually considered a night-biting mosquito, Isthmian observation has proved that some species bite people in the day- time, both in houses and in forest shade; and when very numerous these insects appear less afraid of capture or exposure to natural light. In one instance Anopheles tarsimaculata and Anopheles albimanus bit freely all day in the sunlight, but this was the sole exception noted during more than twelve years of observation. Other new facts of importance ascertained and improvements devised relating to control measures that resulted in reducing the cost and increasing the efficiericy of anti-malaria work were: Concentrated larvacide, effective when and where oiling is useless, is now made and trans- ported economically. Practical tests were made to discover the cause of the decay of copper alloy screening. It was found that monel metal mosquito wire, sixteen or eighteen mesh, remains intact after the best grade of copper bronze wire has decayed. Results 225 Devices for making wire screening continuously effective, together with systematic inspection and repair. The complete eradication of mosquito-producing conditions in hillside ditches and the elimination of maintenance costs by the introduction of a thin reinforced concrete lining of special design. The elimination of seepage water breeding areas by the use of special methods designed to suit local conditions, where standard methods of sub- surface drainage were valueless. The use of automatic oil drips to control mos- quito breeding in running water in streams and ditches, and that of oil-soaked waste for small see page outcrops. In describing the use of oil on the Isthmus Dr. Malcom Watson, who has had extensive experi- ence in measures for malaria eradication, and directed the successful control of malaria in the Federated Malay States, after inspecting the methods used at Panama, reported to the Royal Colonial Institute as follows: As the greatest sanitary achievement the world has seen, it has a lesson for us. I went there because I wanted to study the details of their methods, in particular how much of their excellent results was due to drainage, and how much to screening, oiling, 15 226 The Control of Mosquitoes and quinine. From my visit I concluded the results were mainly from oiling, which was done for practi- cally half a mile on each side of the canal, or at least the inhabited portions of the Zone. The - great majority of the population do not live in screened houses and very few take quinine. Drainage is constantly interfered with, and there is no agriculture. Colonel Gorgas had therefore everything against him except the determination to win and money to back him. Depending on oiling the organization has to be, and is, perfect, for failure for a single week would allow mosquitoes to develop. Their position is as if they had a wild beast by the throat, but were not allowed to kill it; yet if for a moment their grip were to be released, the beast would be on them. No greater sanitary work has been done: I doubt if we will see as great again. It is perfect work, and its organization is the only kind that would have suc- ceeded under the circumstances. Some of the methods I saw are already being put into action in the Fed- erated Malay States on my advice. The health officials had no control over the selection of camp sites, yet were expected to main- tain the standard of good health of the laborers. In some cases the camps were placed near prolific Anopheles production areas, and no extra funds provided for their treatment. Similarly difficult problems and conditions were brought about by unnecessary obstructing of natural watercourses and flooding hundreds of acres of jungle near |_| J a | 7 LI pee hE olsp Tee etre MALARIA IN THE CANAL ZONE; ISTHMUS OF PANAMA i t | Malaria cases among the employees of the Isthmian Canal Commission [FROM NOV. 1905 TO 1913] \! | This Chart shows the number of Malaria cases, admitted to hospital each Month; J i. rl expressed as 6 percentage of the entire working force | eT al ae ee ees | | Av'g eA FO ly —j { } | j 4 2 E== ph PEC EEE EE EEE EPR EC PT TT Ty yy Arise ont Month ly Hate 1913 Set TTT olvag Pitt Pe Ll] [| 2) pena aaa tae a eee = Per . x = Tsor & s 1908 s 1909 S| ts St} |} | + 34814 tt & eld =] os] atl el pl 2 2] os] sl sl Sls a gp a al 3]: rz 518 giél sl 8 292) 9 Si cl ol glel gs) 6 2 ala 5i Sl ois shel | ml Al AL) 5} a) 9] 9} HO] 3] &! Al a] A} Ss] 5} a] a] OH Als Malaria in the Canal Zone: Isthmus of Panama Results 227 populated districts. Had the necessary topo- graphical changes been considered or foreseen, the advantage of selecting other camp sites would have been obvious. The proximity of proposed camp sites to exten- sive Anopheles producing areas, or native villages in which many cases of malaria exist, merits careful consideration. The old idea of locating a house on a small hill to escape ‘‘malaria miasma”’ is of little importance. The slight advantage gained is only that of in- creased air motion causing temporary protection from mosquitoes. The selection of poor locations for camps, and the creation of new and extensive Anopheles pro- duction due to topographical changes, and other causes, produced fluctuations in the malaria sick rate, many of which might have been avoided. By studying each problem separately and devising methods to solve it, and concentrating effort on the most important points of attack in order to obtain the largest net returns for each dollar expended, we were able to reduce, from year to year, the malaria sick rate of the force employed. The malaria charts show the results accom- plished. 80% Z0% 60% 30% 40% 50%) 202) T 10% 2% 0% = eo a aga gg Ss 8 § € § & & & HosPiTal CASES oF MALARIA AMONG EMPLOYEES -1906-19/3 Compiled by adding monthly percentages of force sick with malaria PART II The Yellow Fever Campaign 229 CHAPTER I THE CAMPAIGN IN HAVANA HE measures adopted to eradicate yellow fever from the Isthmus were based upon the knowledge gained from the work done by Colonel Gorgas and his associates in the eradi- cation of yellow fever in Havana, Cuba. Havana was the first place in which anti-yellow fever measures were carried out with success, working along lines suggested by the theory of Carlos Fin- lay, and observations of H. R. Carter, which greatly aided and were confirmed by the experi- ments of Reed, Carroll, Lazear, and Agramonte, that the Stegomyia fasciata, now known as the Aédes (Stegomyia) calopus, was the only trans- mitting agent of this disease. In order that the methods adopted in Havana may be better understood, it may be advisable to review the status of the knowledge regarding the transmission of yellow fever at the time the work of its eradication was inaugurated in Havana, 231 232 The Control of Mosquitoes under the direction of Colonel Gorgas, in February, Igol. Colonel Gorgas has treated this subject so comprehensively in his final report to General Leonard Wood that we quote from it: For over 200 years this disease had, at short inter- vals, devastated the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, causing great loss of life, and still greater financial loss, due to the entire cessation of commerce which occurred during the epidemic of 1878, which affected particularly the lower Mississippi Valley, amounted to $100,000,000, and in years when there was no epidemic, quarantines had to be kept up against the infected regions around the Gulf of Mexico, which stopped almost all travel and greatly interfered with commerce. The United States had come to look upon Havana as the particular point from which infection was spread. Yellow fever had been con- tinually present in this city since 1762. Every month in every year during that time there have been some cases. In all other localities of North America where yellow fever occurred, it occurred epidemically; that is, the locality was free from the disease for a longer or shorter time. In places above the frost line, winter always puts an end to the dis- ease, and in localities in the tropics it always termi- nates after a greater or lesser period of years from the exhaustion of the non-immune material. Briefly stated, on February 1, 1901, the date of the commencement of anti-yellow fever work The Campaign in Havana — 233 based upon the theory of mosquito transmission, the following facts were known concerning the method of the transmission of this disease, and concerning the transmitting agent, the Stegomyia (Aédes) calopus, then known as Culex fasciatus (Fabricius) : The Army Medical Board had proven: 1. That yellow fever is capable of being trans- mitted by the female of the mosquito now known as the Aédes (Stegomyia) calopus. 2. That this mosquito must have previously fed on the blood of an individual sick with yellow fever, within the first three days of the disease. 3. That an interval of twelve days or more, after feeding on a yellow fever patient, is necessary before the infected mosquito is capable of convey- ing the infection. 4. That yellow fever can be produced by the subcutaneous injection of the blood of a yellow fever patient, taken in the first and second days of the disease.. 5. That the period of incubation of the disease is between forty-one hours and five days and seventeen hours. 6. That “fomites’ cannot convey the disease. 7. That the Stegomyia fasciata (Stegomyia 234 The Control of Mosquitoes calopus; Aédes calopus) is a house-haunting mos- quito. Its breeding habits, however, were not known. After the conclusions of the Army Medical Board were made known, the next problem of importance was the application of this knowledge to the best advantage. Whether it would be possible to eradicate, or reduce to a non-infective minimum, the Stegomyia calopus was then not known, and did not appear practicable. It was noted that the Aédes calopus entered and left buildings, and that its larvee were mostly found out of doors. It was generally thought that it oviposited in the open, under conditions similar to those suitable for various other species of Culicide; and that it could fly long distances to reach habitations. The limits of its flight were not known. It had been observed that some Culicide travel with air currents, and it was supposed by many that the Aédes calopus did likewise; there being no evidence to the contrary. These theories brought into the project of eradi- cating the Aédes calopus the question of drainage or filling of all the tidal and swampy land near Havana Bay, a very extensive area. Further investigation and research was carried on to determine the possibilities of immunizing the non-immune or foreign population, by subject- The Campaign in Havana =. 235 ing them to the bites of infected Aédes calopus, in the hope of producing mild attacks of yellow fever, and thus conferring immunity. It was soon found, however, that the severity of the attack could not be controlled, and this work was abandoned. The board of army surgeons who verified Dr. Carlos Finlay’s theory of the transmission of yellow fever by the mosquito, and made use of Dr. H. R. Carter’s observations on time of incubation, had no opportunity to study the natural life history or the possibilities of controlling the Aédes calopus; it was therefore natural that they did not suggest the methods of procedure needful for yellow fever control. Colonel Gorgas decided to ascertain at once the possibility of Aédes calopus destruction on a large scale throughout the city, to determine what could be accomplished along this line. Work of this nature had not been attempted before, and all facts of importance relating to Aédes calopus destruction were collected as the work progressed. He believed that the propagation of this mosquito could be controlled, but few other people at that time believed as he did. It was the general opinion, with few exceptions, that an impossible task had been undertaken. The possibilities of the use of oil for purposes 236 The Control of Mosquitoes of mosquito destruction and control were dis- covered by Dr. L. O. Howard and published by him as early as 1892. This information was of great value to the American officials in Cuba and has since been used extensively in many other parts of the world. In 1892 he published an article in Insect Life on the use of kerosene against mosquito larve; in 1896 in Bulletin No. 4, Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C., several pages were devoted to the subject of remedial measures against mosquitoes; and again in 1900 in Bulletin No. 25, he published ‘‘ Notes on Mosquitoes of the United States, Giving some Account of their Structure and Biology, with Remarks and Remedies.’’ In the latter publi- cation he summarized everything which had been done up to that time on the remedial question. The first systematic work of mosquito destruc- tion in Havana was started on March 27, I9o1. Before this time a considerable number of adult mosquitoes had been destroyed by fumigation directed against fomites. Operations were at first confined to the area lying between Monserrate Street and Havana Bay (see map). This portion of the city was known as the yellow fever district. In this district were the commercial houses, and the hotels and boarding-houses the immigrants MAP OF -o THE CITY OF ~ HAVANA AUGUST 18T1899. 3 G L hi ie 4» \\ A Y X ATE eS Ny } 4 66 SS Scale in yards. 300 400 500 o g So —_ y) Se “e. GZ E \\ ‘87 s S 4 Map of Havana: Showing the yellow fever district The Campaign in Havana = 237 occupied while looking for employment. It is the custom in Havana for clerks and employees to live and sleep in the stores or establishments where they are employed. This arrangement helped to make a concentration of non-immunes, and hence the yellow fever cases in the locality men- tioned. In the preliminary mosquito destruction cam- paign one inspector and two oilers were employed to visit all houses and yards, and to destroy all mosquito-producing containers. The length of time necessary for the thorough inspection of the district above mentioned was soon determined, and it was then divided into sections, of such sizes that one inspector and two oilers could destroy or con- trol any mosquito breeding places in every house and yard in their section once a week. Later this system was extended throughout the entire city, which was divided into thirty districts. The first inspection of the city showed a total of 26,000 water containers with mosquito larve. Most of these were producing Aédes calopus, whith were very numerous in the residences. The method of procedure was as follows: A list of all houses was kept at the main office. The district inspectors turned in each day a report of containers found, and an entry was made on 238 The Control of Mosquitoes , a card kept for each house, thus giving a history of the Aédes calopus producing status of every house in Havana. The entire clerical work was accomplished by two men. Abbreviations were used to save time on reports: thus, ‘‘Real No. 3, 2B, 3T, 1Tna”’ re- corded the fact that at No. 3 Real Street were two barrels, three tanks, and one tinaja, in which mosquito larve werefound. Similar abbreviations were used for all classes of water containers. The inspectors’ report forms were designed to save time, and were arranged as follows: District No. 5 Date——_____ Street No. B T Tna (Aljibe) Latas Pozos Misc. Name of House Tenant Jose Real 1 Gomez Juan m8 B38 FT Perez Rosa fo Be) OE I Eave Mora trough Ant Alez Guards Rito sg in Garden Manuel Moreno (Inspector) The Campaign in Havana = 239 The reports were read at a glance, and rapidly transferred in the office to the house card show- ing the names of owner and tenant, with dates showing when mosquito larve were found, and in what class of containers. These reports were of great use, in showing progress made in Aédes calopus control and preventing the continuance of mosquito propagation, besides furnishing valid evidence in courts adjudging fines. A system of checking the daily inspection was employed. Each day a trustworthy man made an independent inspection of several houses in every district, both before and following the visit of the district inspector. It was thus known to the office, beforehand, what the district inspector should find and report as well as whether several reports of the previous day’s work were reason- ably correct. In the early stages of the campaign this checking was very useful, and kept the in- spectors up to the mark. Later, however, the inspectors worked more thoroughly, and the preinspections and reinspections seldom differed from the district inspectors’ reports. In addition, the inspectors were transferred from one district to another at irregular intervals, and thus a check was obtained, and the force kept very much alive. The chief sanitary officer and his assistant made 240 The Control of Mosquitoes frequent inspections, and kept in close touch with the daily work. : It will be readily seen that such a system made the possible mosquito producing water containers disappear speedily. The number of adult Aédes calopus in houses quickly decreased, and to this is attributed the rapid disappearance of yellow fever from Havana. When the work of Aédes calopus destruction was commenced, it was not known how far they could travel or migrate, nor was it then known that they were exclusively container breeders. Culex with banded legs were seen at a distance from dwellings, and were reported as Aédes calopus. Little had been written concerning the habits and life history of mosquitoes up to that time, and it was vaguely supposed that all mosquitoes were more or less alike in their habits, and that all traveled long distances. It was not known that Aédes calopus do not breed in pools and puddles, or that the larvee of this mosquito are never found far from houses, unless conveyed by man. Asa matter of fact, we occasionally find a few larve in streams and ditches, but it was not known at that time that they had been washed out of containers. As the larve destruction in houses and yards progressed, fewer adults were observed in dwell- The Campaign in Havana = 241 ings. The floors of all rooms were swept after each fumigation, and definite evidence obtained of the decrease in the number of Aédes calopus. Having definitely established the possibility of greatly reducing the number of these mosquitoes in Havana, it was easy to foresee that by con- tinued reduction very few of them need exist in the city; and that it was within the bounds of possibility to eradicate them. It was found that the tenement house districts, locally called Casas de vicino, were the most difficult to control. In these houses several fami- lies used in common a yard, or patio, in which their water-holding containers were placed. It frequently happened that the owner of a container holding mosquito larve preferred not to claim ownership through fear of arrest, and at times it was very difficult to prove who was the real owner. At one time many tenants hid the red earthen- ware jars (fimajas) containing their day’s water supply. The coming of the inspector was signalled along the street and the water containers disap- peared as though by magic. It even became neces- sary to use a list of all water containers in some districts to avoid missing any having larve, and to save time during inspection. The experimental work on the prophylactic 16 242 The Control of Mosquitoes inoculation of yellow fever proved unsatisfactory, but fortunately at that time the destruction of Aédes calopus had progressed far enough to show what could be accomplished in a few months of effort and persistence. The discovery that yellow fever propagation could be arrested by destroying, by fumigation, the Aédes calopus in the dwelling where the case occurred, and the houses immediately adjacent, showed that they do not fly long distances. This also indicated that even if these mosquitoes bred in the country, they did not find their way into the city in dangerous numbers. This discovery was very useful, as well as encouraging. The scheme of the work being carried out was strongly supported by General Leonard Wood, military governor of Cuba, who had full confidence in the ability of the chief sanitary officer. The people of Havana, being mostly immune, took small interest in yellow fever eradication, but submitted with little objection to the enforcement of the sanitary regulations. They thought that the Americans did not know how to control the situation, and had seized upon something new to occupy their time and make a showing. There was more opposition, in proportion, from foreigners than from natives. It was most fortunate that The Campaign in Havana = 243 so little opposition interfered with the campaign, for it must be remembered that this was all pio- neer work. There was much ridicule of our methods at that time, but fortunately this spirit of raillery and its pernicious influence in encour- aging active and passive opposition to sanitary methods is now decreasing. Sanitarians need the interest and coéperation of the general public. In July, 1901, while the sanitary department was busy with yellow fever in Havana, six cases were reported from Santiago de las Vegas late one afternoon. Before daylight on the following morning a complete sanitary brigade was on its way to that town. In six weeks yellow fever was eradicated, and it became exceedingly difficult to find Aédes calopus there. At the instigation of Colonel Gorgas, a law was enacted, making it compulsory for physicians to report every case of yellow fever; and also all cases of fever, of whatever nature, occurring among foreigners. In locating yellow fever cases, the sanitary department also received assistance from the hospitals in Havana connected with the societies known as Centros. The larger part of the foreign population is Spanish, mostly unmarried men. The majority join one of these Centros, each of which has a 244 The Control of Mosquitoes well-equipped hospital, where the members receive medical and hospital treatment without extra cost above the annual dues. Because of this custom, the hospitals in Havana receive most of the sick Spaniards, and the detection of yellow fever cases was greatly facilitated. All American ’ “‘yellow fever suspects,’’ as well as yellow fever patients, were sent to Las Animas Hospital, then under the direction of the chief sanitary officer, and as a rule such cases were reported in the earlier stages. All cases were advised to take hospital treatment, and most of them did so. When a patient preferred to remain at his resi- dence, it was allowed; his room was screened, and the screen door was kept locked and continuously guarded. Only persons authorized by the chief sanitary officer could enter. Non-immunes were not allowed in the patient’s rooms under any circumstances. As soon as a ‘yellow fever sus- pect”’ was reported, he was conveyed to the hospi- tal, or put in a screened room. Next, the history of his recent visits was traced, recorded, and verified as thoroughly as possible, in order to determine the source of his infection. Then his house and the adjacent houses were fumi- gated. When the patient preferred treatment at home, his room was not fumigated until he re- EVER CURVA DE MUERTES POR FIEBRE AMARILLA. CURVE LINE OF DEATHS BY YELLOW F JUL MAY 0 =e | 0 $9 | 8I = 0 FL | 9G | | g co | 81 | & oF | 8 | l TI o8 | & | 0 8 I | | 0 0 t 0 & | T I 9 0 | L T | ie | “VNVAVH i ea | ‘WO6L «= VNVAVH V7 3d GVdNIO VIN VITINVWY Yaad YOd SALUSNW = “068 Lg 898 9bF egy 8 08 tL 88 6 06 THB) CR 8B HG &9 FB SI : @AON oF OFZ | BOL] OF oF Fo SP BR 2()] 4090999 99 MOT] CHL] OL R90 OL 99 88 doquadag GOT] B9%] OBL ROT] SIT] RR RL OOT] 29 99 oo LL RIL] 18 99 19 FLT] oF | or | Te | 69 | BL | Th | Re ge | 26 |] of | or | ee | 2 L 8B IL | FE ¥ 8 8 g 8I tuqy) [dy 08 z P I ¥ p “(oarBRY) Tre (Osa1geaq) ALeNIQoT tenses (orang) Svonuusp S383” ‘SLHNOW sONV “SUVA ¥ 9 ot g ¥ L ST QT OL OL O ALIO AHL NI oS N “we | 8 |g Ae EAST] Chart showing prevalence of yellow fever in Havana, Cuba The Campaign in Havana =. 245 covered, but all the other rooms were fumigated immediately, together with all places visited by him within a week before the onset of the disease and during three days following. Wherever he might possibly have been bitten, fumigation was ordered to destroy the mosquitoes which had infected him, or might have become infected by biting him. It was found important to investi- gate his history very thoroughly, and to verify and check all obtainable information. Some- times the history proved inexact, and certain foci of the infected mosquitoes were left undestroyed. It may also be true that walking cases of yellow fever occurred, which would account for so-called sporadic outbreaks of yellow fever. As the cam- paign progressed, and the mosquitoes were slowly but surely reduced in number, these instances became of less importance. The storehouse for all materials and apparatus necessary for fumigation operations on a large scale was established near the stables where the wagons and ambulances of the sanitary depart- ment were kept. The fumigation brigades, each consisting of a foreman and ten men, reported every morning for duty at the storehouse. In addition, each foreman knew where to find his men at any hour in case of emergencies, either during or after 246 The Control of Mosquitoes working hours. Material was kept in such readi- ness that required quantities could be measured out and issued rapidly, and the brigades relied on for quick service at short notice. Time was also saved by transporting men and supplies in ambulances. When a suspected case of yellow fever was reported, the yellow fever commission at once saw the case, and if fumigation was decided upon, the tenants were immediately notified of the proposed fumigation, verbally, and by written notice posted on the house, stating the time work would be started, and the probable time of com- pletion. At the date and time arranged for, the fumigation brigade commenced operations. First, openings such as doors and windows were closed, to retain all mosquitoes within the building. As little disturbance as possible was made, in order that they should remain at rest in the rooms. The doorway through which supplies had to pass, was kept closed as much of the time as cir- cumstances would permit. One or two laborers were assigned to each room, to paste with paper strips all cracks, and other communications with the outside air, to make the room air-tight. Large openings were subdivided by wooden strips so arranged that single sheets of manilla paper would The Campaign in Havana = 247 reach from one piece to the other. On windy days a center support for each large sheet of paper was used. The paste was made of flour and water. Paper strips of different widths were kept in stock to expedite the work. The cubic contents of each room was ascertained to determine the number of fumigation pans required. Just before a room was finally closed, the pans containing the sulphur or pyrethrum were placed in position on the floor. Each pan was placed inside a larger shallow iron vessel containing water as a precaution against fire, in the event of the iron pan containing sulphur or pyrethrum breaking during the progress of the fumigation. Small boxes holding exactly one and two pounds of sulphur or pyrethrum powder were used for measuring, and it was the duty of thesanitary inspector in charge of the fumigation to supervise the placing of the fumigants in the pans, and the correct number of pans in each room. When as much of the sealing was accomplished as could be performed without closing the door, or other exit, the inspector arranged the fumigation pans in the most advantageous way, sprinkled the surface of the sulphur or pyrethrum powder with a small amount of wood alcohol, and then ignited the 248 The Control of Mosquitoes fumigating material. After igniting the contents of the pans, the inspector remained in the room uutil he was sure that the fumigating powder was burning properly, and that the fires were not likely to go out before the fumigants were entirely con- sumed. A man was ready to paste up the exit the moment the inspector left the room. Room after room was treated in this manner, and hall- ways were treated last. The laborers engaged in pasting work remained at the doors long enough to detect escaping fumes, and repair defects in the sealing. The amount of pasting varied with the nature of the building treated. In some cases the entire wall of a room had to be covered with paper. All ceilings or roofs, walls, and floors were carefully examined, and every opening closed. Each room was dealt with as a separate unit, to prevent the formation of air currents and the traveling of fumes to a possible avenue of escape. During the entire fumigation period in Havana absolutely nothing was burned by the fumigation operations, although wooden houses might easily have caught fire. Every precaution was taken against accident. It was always necessary to make sure that no cats or dogs were hiding in out-of-the-way places. In well-built stone houses we used one pound of a The Campaign in Havana 249 superior grade of pyrethrum powder per thousand cubic feet of air space. Sulphur, in the form of “flowers of sulphur,’”” was used in the same pro- portion. Where a probable leakage of fumes was seen to be more or less unavoidable, the quantity of fumigants was increased proportionally, and the inspectors became quite expert in gauging the amount required; as a matter of fact, they usually erred on the side of safety. In loosely built houses, the wind velocity had to be considered. Sometimes it was not advisable to paper the entire wall area of a house to prevent the leakage of fumes. Time was of value, and too much moving around of laborers and the manipu- lations incident to the papering might cause the mosquitoes to fly away, so that it became neces- sary to avoid any commotion that would result in sending out of doors the very infected mosquito the fumigation was intended to destroy. After all the sulphur pans were burning, and the last door of the house was locked and sealed, a notice was posted upon it stating the hour of closing and that of reopening by the sanitary department, and also that any person, other than the inspector in charge, who opened the door would be guilty of a misdemeanor and treated accordingly. A laborer was detailed to watch 250 The Control of Mosquitoes the house, and attend to any additional pasting that became necessary. When the fumigation period had elapsed (or after three hours), as many doors and windows as possible on the lower floor of the leeward side were first opened to let out the fumes. Those on the windward side were opened next. The inspector entered the building as soon as the fumes would permit, and inspected the pans, to see that none had been prematurely extinguished, and ascertain that the fumigation was entirely satisfactory. A repetition of fumi- gation was seldom necessary. Floors were then swept and mosquitoes carefully collected. These, although nearly always dead, were at once burned, to obviate danger from their revival. We had established by experimental fumigation that apparently dead mosquitoes revived after several hours’ exposure to the air. Immediately on the return of tenants to their rooms, they were requested to examine their effects, and verify their good condition. All traces of paper and paste were removed after each fumigation, by hot water and scrubbing brushes where necessary. Before the fumigators left a house, the inspector obtained a signed state- ment to the effect that no articles belonging to the tenants were missing. Great care was taken to The Campaign in Havana = 251 select honest laborers, and practically no thefts occurred. As soon as the brigade completed one fumigation, the next was started. Occasion- ally the removal of paper, cleaning up, etc., was delayed for a day or two and the men were em- ployed at this work while other houses were closed during fumigation. In Havana houses were being fumigated before February, 1901, and where pyrethrum was used at that time it was bought from local merchants. The results varied considerably. Sometimes the mosquitoes were killed, and at other times they were not. The quality of the pyrethrum varied greatly. Samples were obtaind from the dealers, and tests made to determine the quality on which the quantity needed for a given volume of space depends. A room at Las Animas Hospital was used for the fumigation tests. The cubic content was about 1500 cubic feet. A glass transom over the door served as an observation window to note the effect of fumes on mosquitoes subjected to fumigation. It so happened that house flies were in the room during the first series of tests, and after the killing of Aédes calopus it was noted that the flies still lived. The amount of pyrethrum per 1000 cubic feet was increased until it was sufficient to kill the 252. The Control of Mosquitoes flies. When all flies were killed, no mosquitoes re- mained alive. An hour longer was required to kill flies. Cages containing both were hung near the windows, close to the glass, that they might be ob- served through the fumigation period, and it was realized that the pyrethrum on the local market varied so much in quality as to be useless for prac- tical fumigation, and samples for experimental purposes were obtained from the United States. On receiving a satisfactory quality of powder, larger quantities were purchased, with the privilege of rejection if there was variation in quality as to generation of fumes and culicidal powers. The contractors kept the quality up to standard, and good results on a large scale were obtained. The experiments determined the fact that in a room with air-tight walls, floor, and ceiling, one pound of this particular grade of pyrethrum pow- der per thousand cubic feet and a three-hour exposure to the fumes was sufficient to kill all mos- quitoes in the room. Subsequent experiments proved that with any possible chance of leakage of the fumes, the quantity of pyrethrum used must be increased to allow for the leakage. Where the room was not reasonably air-tight and the leak- age was large, pyrethrum could not be relied upon, unless all walls, ceilings, roofs, etc., were covered The Campaign in Havana = 253 with paper to prevent the escape of the fumes. Where the leakage was extensive it was not effective. In the experimental work it was observed that there were most dead mosquitoes per unit of area near the source of light. It was also noticed that before they were overcome by the fumes of pyrethrum many of them pulled off one or more of their legs, but that this did not occur when fumigating with sulphur, tobacco, or formalde- hyde. Pyrethrum powder deteriorates rapidly when stored in a humid tropical atmosphere. The proprietors of tobacco warehouses and shops objected to pyrethrum fumigation of their premises because of the odor, and experiments were made to determine the value of tobacco stems as a culicide for Aédes calopus. It was found that the results from its use were equal to sulphur, and the tobacco merchants reported no harmful effect or deterioration of value in the stored tobacco and tobacco products. It-was found that sulphur fumes injured all ordinary metals, unless they were protected by vaseline or some other greasy substance; and that it bleached and stained many fabrics, and stained certain painted surfaces. Pyrethrum only stained some materials slightly, but left an odor. 254 The Control of Mosquitoes The results of experimental tests with the three substances, as obtained at Las Animas, were as follows: Pyrethrum, burned at the rate of one pound per thousand cubic feet in layers not greater than one inch in thickness, destroyed all mosquitoes in a well sealed air-tight room within three hours. Tobacco, at the rate of two pounds of stems (waste from Havana factories) per thousand cubic feet, if it all burned, killed them in three hours. Sulphur, at the rate of one pound per thousand cubic feet, was effective with an exposure of three hours or less. It is almost impossible to find a satisfactory grade of pyrethrum powder for fumigation pur- poses on the market at the present time. In 1906 Kendall experimented with campho- phenique as a fumigant; his methods and con- clusions are quoted: This substance first used in the Gulf States, has been tried with great success here. Berry, experi- menting with this mixture, found that a shallow pan placed upon a short piece of stove pipe formed a good apparatus for volatilizing the campho-phenique, and his method was tried here. The results were dis- appointing, and except for a fortunate trial of the fumes of this substance, they would have been dis- continued. It was observed that the fumes killed The Campaign in Havana = 255 mosquitoes with great rapidity, and that the insects were actually dead, not merely stupified, as is the case with pyrethrum. With this observation as a basis, a piece of apparatus, which will be described in great detail later on, was evolved, which has given excellent results in our hands. The apparatus was constructed with the idea of removing every possible source of danger which would occur with the mixture, as well as to provide for the fact that unskilled labor would have to be employed in practical fumigation. Cheapness is the first consid- eration, because it is frequently necessary to use large numbers of pots in fumigating large buildings. The use of galvanized iron, which is comparatively inexpensive, not only reduces this factor, but makes the apparatus light and not easily broken. To provide for the notorious lack of skill shown by native workmen, steps have been taken to make it absolutely necessary for the apparatus to be set up correctly. It is practically impossible to make it work in any other way than the correct one. Each and every part must occupy its correct relation to every other part, and of necessity this must be carried out in order to evolve fumes. In order to prevent any possible accident due to the catching fire of the camphor, a special fumigating pan has been constructed—this pan is circular in shape, with the edges turned downward and outward, making a total diameter of seven inches. In section it is concave, so that in reality it is a shallow bowl having a diameter greater than that of the stand upon which it is supported, with the edges turned down at an angle of 45° with the perpendicular. This shaped pan is especially adapted to the evapo- 256 The Control of Mosquitoes ration of any liquid; the concavity causes the last remaining portions of liquid to remain in the center of the apparatus, where it is exposed to the hottest part of the flame, and the convexity presented tothe flame permits the maximum effect of the latter for evaporation. Inasmuch as it is made of galvanized iron, hammered out of one piece, there are no joints to leak, or solder to melt, and the form is eminently suited for stacking a large number, one inside the other, for transportation. The stand of galvanized iron, riveted into a cylindri- cal shape, 6 inches in diameter, and 514 inches high. Near the top is a row of holes through which the hot air from the lamp escapes, forming a natural draft. This hot air acts upon the campho-phenique that may be near the edge of the pan, away from the direct action of the flame, causing rapid evaporation at this point as well as in the center of the pan, which sets into the top of the stand. The stand is supported on three iron legs two inches long in the clear, which is turned outward at right angles at the bottom one- half inch. This is done so that they may fit into appropriate straps in the bottom of the safety pan, in which the stand sets, to assure the correct placing of the latter. The safety pan is also made of galvanized iron eleven inches in diameter. In the bottom are three straps into which the “turned out” part of the legs of the stand fit. In the center of the safety pan there is a ring one-half inch high, three inches in diameter, into which the alcohol lamp fits. With the stand confined in its proper place by straps, the lamp like- wise placed in its ring, it will be seen that there is no possibility of any portion of the apparatus occupy- The Campaign in Havana =. 257 ing an incorrect position. The safety pan not only holds the stand in position, but when half-filled with water forms an effective protection in case the alcohol lamp should begin to leak. Any lateral spurt- ing of the alcohol is prevented by the sides of the stand, and the excess alcohol would immediately be extinguished by the water. It should be mentioned in passing that the edge which is turned down on the fumigating pan is to prevent the flame of the alcohol lamp passing over the edge of the. pan, and thus setting fire to the camphor and carbolic acid. To summarize: ’ We have an apparatus consisting of four parts, a fumigating pan, designed to evaporate campho- phenique, formaldehyde, or other similar liquid, with an especially moulded edge designed to prevent con- tact of the liquid with the free flame, and to concen- trate the fluid as it is evaporated in such a manner that the last portion shall be distilled off. The stand is designed for steadiness, protection of flame from drafts, and to give rigidity to the evapo- rating (fumigating) pan. The safety pan is intended to support in their proper relations both the stand with its pan and the lamp which supplies the heat for evaporation, as well as a safeguard against leakage of the lamp. The lamp found to give the best flame, everything considered, is No. 15 metal spirit lamp manufactured by Whitall, Tatum & Co. The whole apparatus is made as cheaply, durably, and easy of transportation as possible. It is so con- structed as to permit its use by unskilled labor, with a minimum chance for damage both to itself and 258 The Control of Mosquitoes to the house or other structure in which it may be used. The fumigating pan will use 8 ounces of campho- phenique when made in the dimensions given, namely, 6% inches in diameter exclusive of the overhanging edge, and 134 inches in depth in the center. With the alcohol lamp one-third full, ample time is given for complete evaporation of the liquid, with about five minutes to spare to allow for conditions which slow down the rate of evaporation. Ina fairly tight house, with corrugated metal roof, tightly papered, campho- phenique has given practically perfect results. Four ounces of the camphor-carbolic acid mixture and sul- phur in amounts varying from one to three pounds per 1000 cubic feet have been used for comparative tests. In several instances considerable leakage, due to the wind passing over the metal roof carrying off fumes, has occurred, but even when small leaks of known size have been made purposely no change in the results have occurred. We feel justified in saying that cam- pho-phenique in moderately well-built tight houses will give as good results as sulphur, and considering the extra time needed for sulphur fumigation, at an equal, or more probably, a lesser cost. In order to test the action of pyrethrum, sulphur, and campho-phenique upon fruit, a series of two ex- periments have been made under the same conditions. Bananas, quite ripe, mangoes, and oranges have been used in these experiments. The mosquitoes were not only placed in the customary positions in houses, but were also carefully hidden as much as possible in bunches of bananas to simulate conditions which would occur on ship board. The results showed that cam- pho-phenique is less harmful than sulphur or pyre-