Cornell Auiversity Library BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME FROM THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND 3 THE GIFT OF Henry W. Saae 18901 A IObEL, sissies MUELI.. aint publications of the Spenser Society. Issue No. 31. "THE PSALMS OF DAVID TRANSLATED INTO LYRICK-VERSE. BY GEORGE WITHER Part I. . PRINTED FOR THE SPENSER SOCIETY. 1881, Ghe Spenfer Society. — i COUNCIL. JAMES CROSSLEY, Esq:, F.S.A., President. Rev. W. E. BUCKLEY, M.A., Middleton Cheney. JOHN LEIGH, Esq. G. H. MIDWOOD, Esq. G. W. NAPIER, Esq: THOMAS SCHOFIELD, Esq. JOSEPH THOMPSON, Esq. RICHARD JOHNSON, Esq., 7reasurer. RICHARD WOOD, Esq., How. Secretary. - =? LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Rs For the First Year 1867-8. 1. The Proverbs and Epigrams of John Heywood. Reprinted from the Original Edition of 1562. 2. The Works of John Taylor the Water Poet. Reprinted from the Folio Edition of 1630. Part J. For the Second Year 1868-9. 3. The Works of John Taylor the Water Poet. Reprinted from the Folio of 1630. fart LI. 4. The Works of John Taylor the Water Poet. Reprinted from the Folio of ' 1630, Part IL, (Completing the volume.) 5. Zepheria. Reprinted from the Original Edition of 1594. for the Third Year 1869-70. 6. The ‘EXaTOMMA®IA or Passionate Centurie of Love, by Thomas Watson. Reprinted from the Original Edition of (crea) 1581. 4. Works of John Taylor the Water Poet, not included in the Folio Volume of 1630. Reprinted. from the Original Editions. First Collection. THE PSALMS OF DAVID TRANSLATED INTO LYRICK-VERSE. BY GEORGE WITHER. Part I, PRINTED FOR THE SPENSER SOCIETY. a es ; LVA SimMs, E. PRINTED BY CHARLES MANCHESTER. THE PSALMS OF DAVID TRANSLATED INTO LYRICK-VERSE. BY GEORGE WITHER. Part II. PRINTED FOR THE SPENSER SOCIETY. 1881. how, Printep By Caaries E, Sintms, MANCHESTER. CONTENTS. THE PSALMS of DAVID Zranflated Into LyRick-VERSE, according to the fcope, of the OricinaL. And ///u/ftrated, with a Short Argument, and a breife Prayer, or Meditation ; before, & after, every Plalme. By Grorce WITHER. Imprinted Zz the Neatherlands By Cornelius Gerrits van Breughel. M. DC. XXXiI. (Lowndes, p. 3966 ; Hazlitt, No. 17.) Bene RORe Ds aon One Tranflated < Into LYRICK-VERSE, according 4 to the fcope, of the ORIGINAL. And e Llluftrated,withaShorth rgument and a breife Prayer, or Medita- tion; before, & after, every P pg soe ots Wrvnre Imprinted 9 In the ‘Neatherlands By Cornelis Gerrits van Breughel. M, DC. XXXII, ? DESESCOCITACOAC IONS Searatasesereeeee To the MaresTIreE of the moft Virtuous and high- borne Princeffe ELIZABETH PRINCESSE of Great Britaine, QvEENE of Bohemia, CovnTESSE of the Palatinate of the Rhyne &c. Moft excellent Princeffe. g May faile in Vulger Titles; p> But, in my valuation of your Y hevoical Virtues, I cannot be deceaved. Therfor,lam theless yy curious in common Attri- “butes. For, thofe Acc6plish- ments, which in my repute, are your greateft glorie, are well manifeft in that, which is the greateft temporall honour; even in thofe Virtues, which have conquered a Kingdome Soryou,inthehartsofmany millions of people: Andprocuredyouthoufands ofaffectionatefer- vants (who never fawe your Majeftie) Not only in your owne Territories, and in the Do- minions of your Freinds; But, in the Citties A2 & & Kingdomesofyour Enimiesalfo:And,they who ave unwilling toconfeffe this, to give you honour ; havehonoved you, in difcovering ithy their envy. Among thofe, who are in Affection, your Maa.ties oyall fervants, [am one: and, in my owneCountry,greatmultitudes have tookeno- tife of a fpectall Obligation, which I had, above many others, to honor & ferve you, For, I do hereby moft humbly, & thanck- Sully acknowledge;that,whenmy over-forwarad Mule firft flutterd out of her neaft, Shee ob- tained the prefervationof her endangered Li- bertie, dy your gratious favour: and perhaps, efcaped alfo, thereby, that Pinioninge, whith would have marred her flieng forth, for ever after. Whichextraordinary Clemencie(infogreat a Princeffe, to a perfon fo undefervinge) did not only much magnify your noblenes, tn the opinion ofothers;butfochayned my hartalfo to the love of your princely Goodnes; that (all- though Iwas hitherto compelled to fmothermy unprofitable thanckfulnes in my breafi, be- caufel wantedmeanes to difcoverit according to my defires) I have everfi ance, bene [piritual- ly prefent with your Ma.tie (& with God, for you, you, by my Prayers)in all your Afflictions, & Exaltations. Azd, faine [ would have effec- ted fomething, which might have witneffed, that I had a Hart, though not a Fortune, to be ferviceable in the beft manner. ; My Mute, was the hopefulle/t meanes I had of this ambition; & by her, L,awhile promtifed myfelf, fome healp. But (after I came to bet- ter underfianding) I preceaved, her over-ear- ly Flights zz/o the world, had (in her prime growth) fo foent thofe tymes of opportunity whereby she should have enabled her felf, for brave A tempts; thatsheecould never be firong enough, to make wing halfe fo high as my Defires. Vet, by your Ma.tes royall Father, of ble/sed Memorie(who,alitle beforehisdeath,wasplea- Sed to honour mee with his gratious refpect) I was commanded to perfect a Tranflation of the Plalmes, which he vnderflood I had be- gunn; & by his encouragment, I finished the Jame about the tyme of his Tranflation to a better Kingdome. Wherein, God foe enabled mee, that many have well approoved thereof ; and, lateliercfolving to make ttpublike(wan- ting other Teftimonieof my thanckfulnes (con- ceived it would be no dishonour to your Ma.¥e A 3 of if before the fame, I convayed your beloved Name @ that Nation, who fo dearlie affect ott. 2 But, when I had well confidered thereon 1 thought it would be a very pertinent comple- ment, fo to doe. For, they were Afflictions or Deliverances from Afflitions, which were occafions of every Plalme: Therfore,none but they who have bene afflicted, cann relish the Sweetnes, or vnderfiand, the depth of thefe Raptures ; And therfore alo, they who come neareft in their Chriftian Juffrings to thofe whome they perfonated, shall beft feel, & underfiand their meaning. In which (if I be not more a firanger to your Highnefte, then [ thincklam)you have bene honored aboueall the kings & princes of theworld: &,inmy opinion you have had more occafion to make perfonall Application of thefe Aymnes vnto your felfe, then any of them. And, there is no shame (moft excellent Princeffe) zz the Croffe of Chrift. For, the higheft honor cofifiethnotin wearing acrown; but, in a Crowne that hath many Thornes in at; & the more Thornes the more honorable. Though the fonns of men, do skoffingly turne this glory into shame, & feek after Vani- ties ; ties ; yet, they who shall fitt neareft unto Chrift Iefus zz his Kingdome, mu/t drinck deepest of his Cupp: And, your Highneshath (amy Obfervation) morelargly, pledged him, then many other, For,in all thefeHymns (all which areprophecties of fuch things as pertaine zo Chrift, & his Myfticall body) there are Sewe paffages, communicable to his Mem- bers, but (even in my owne knowledge) your Ma. may apply them unto your felf,asadepen- dantonhim. And, God let mee not live, if I do not thinck, thatmore honours you, then tobe Empreffe of the world. And, becaufe it ts the greatefthonour tocome fo near, both to the Type & the Prototype, of our fuffrings, as your Ma. hath done, &,to beare fo many marks of the Lord Iefus. Becaufe alfo, fome skoffing Uimaelites have mentioned thefe Glories to your Difhonour ; Lwiltoyour Praife,repeatfome few,outof thofe many which are appliable to your Ma.&, they shal be fuch, thatmoft willconfeffe, they are the very fame Affiictions, whereof (as a type of Chrift) Aing David complained. He, was exalted by God; &, yet, caft downe. He was annonited king, & yet enioyed not the Kingdome. He was driven Ag from from his owne poffeffions, & compelled to foiourne in a forraigne Land. Kings & Rulers, were confederated againft him. He, was remooved from his Kindred; & his Acquaintance were fett far off. His enimies were powrefull, & too ftrong for him. His adverfaries were multiplied : Yea, they infulted over his calamities; & many judged his caufefo bad,that they pronoun- ced him forfaken of God. The proud, for- ged lies againft him. Falfe witneffes layd things to his Charge which he knew not. Princes, fate & fpake againft him. Zhe mighty, perfecuted him without a Caufe. They had almoft confumed him vpon earth. They waited to deftroy him. The Bands of the wicked robbed him. They fpake of peace vnto him when they purpofd warr. Trouble, & anguish, tooke holde vpon him: &, he was perfecuted, when God had fmitten him. The Vn- godly reioiced in his Adverfity ; & cryed There, there, fo wee would have it. He was reproched of his Neighbours. He was the fcorne of fooles. The Drunckerds made fongs of him. They faid he was caft downe, & fhould never rife againe: And many many other fuchiike pafsages, there ave,which my memory confufedly retaines. In all which, (together with your Roiall Confort,) you have beene a partaker, in fuch meafure, as Chriftians of inferior Degree, cannotcommu- nicate in the like Suffrings, in the fame fenfe. Nor are thefe things, only, Appliable vuto your Highnefle zx an extraordinary manner; But, all thofe confolations, Hopes, Delive- rances, promifes of Mercye, Favours en- toyed, Refolutions of Praife, & Thankfgi- ving, wethothers of this nature, throughoutthe Pfalms; areinafinguler manner, pertinetalfo toyou: & (no doubl) fo applied, by your Ma: in your owne hart, as occafion is offred. Which, when I had confidered ( for, your Highnes, as a glorious Member of Chritt Ie- fus, 2s often in my Serious & retived thoughts) And, I, remembring alfo, that, long fince, [ voweda Pilgrimage toyourMa."e( fo fooneasl could be furnished with fomePrefet) [thought thismy endevour wouldnot beimpertinetly pre- JSented: therefore, I thus prepared the fame; &, amnow come, toaccompliskmyVowe, Which Lhumbly defive, may beacceptabletoyour Mate I doubt not, but you often perufe this Bookein other Tranflations. Yet, thee Meditations, A5 may, may perhaps occafion (either now,or hereafter) Someufe or application of them, toyour extraor- dinary comfort. How/oever; [t is,in my owne efteeme, the beft lewel, that I have: and, tf it were anfwerable to my humble A ffeciions, it would be the richeft that ever was prefented to @ Princeffe. But, left my over-long Epiftle become te- dious, I will thinck, by my felfe, what, I have more to Say; craving pardon for thus prefu- minge, upon my hopes of your A cceptation;and, Sormy conceiving itpo/sible,that(after fomany yearves) the memory of his Name should be re- tained, with your Highneffe ; who hath, in all this time, produced unio your veiwe, no Tefit- mony thatheretaines any Memoriall of the be- nifites, whichhe long agoe receaved, by your fa- vour | difiruft not, the obtaining of thatwhich Ldefive; for,my harttells meelam thanckfull, Somelive,whohaveheard meeprofeffeit; God, ts witneffe of it, every time I come vnto him for my owne Soul; And I am, in all that [ am. Your MAIESTIES Moft humble and Long-profeffed fervant GEORGE WITHER. 10 A Preface to the Reader. Ts Tranflation, loug fince, finished in blurred papers (and often called for ) I, lately, made legible to others: & it had my leave, to feck a publike Pafle into the world: which of it merrit to obtaine; Be the fault theirs who shall oppofe wt. waited long, to fee a more exact perfor- mance: But, none appearing, anfwerableto the dignitie of our Englifh-Mufes, 7 have fent forth my Efiay, to provoke others, to difcover their endeavours, on this fub- jet; that, choice being had, the beft might receive the beft Approbation. L have had more care, to fuite the Capacitie of the Vul- ger, then to obferve thofe Critifcifmes which arride the Learned : yet, L hope, with fo much defcretion, that the beftludgmentsshkall have no caufe to de[pife tt. For,though the Language be plaine, itis fignificant; & fuch a Dialect as ts likely to continueunchanged, when fantafticall expref~ frons will growe as unfashionableas our clothes. [tts alfo breifer, by above a fourth Part, then the Tranflations which I have yet feene, in any language of Europe: and preferves, likewit/e, the words of the Profle; the fulnes of the Sence, & che relish of the Scripture phrafe, as well as any of them. VVhich, confidering how much other vulger Tongues haveignorantly bene preferred before ours, (how dificultly the Hebrewilmes are coutracted ; how much the often Tranfition from one Matter, &° from one Perfon to another, interrupts breife knitting of things together ; &* how much the frequent Rimes, & other things confiderable in Lyrick Tranflations, interrupt /uch Breifnes) is @ great honour to our Language : E/pecially, feeing my Bre- witie, hath made no Pfalme obfcurer; But rather, fo eafie to be underflood, that fome Readers have confeffed, it hath bene infeed of a Comment vnto them, in Jundry hard places. f Ir A preface Df you expec? fuch elegant-feeming Paraphrafes, as aré conpofed by thofe, who felecting eafy and Pafsionate Pfal- mes, have trimmed them up with Rhetoricall Iluftrations, (futable to their fancies, & the changable garbe of Affected Language) J /hall deceave your expectation: For, [ have purpofely avoyded thofe Defcants, & confined my felf to the grave, & fimple Language of the Text: And I was thereby the better kept fromwandring after mine owne Jenfe, as in their Circumlocutions they have done. Befide; their Verfions are fitted rather to be Read, then Sung: which giveth a greater Libertie to the Vranflator. For, though it be moft gracefull in a reading-Poeme, when the Period is caft, fometime into one parte of the Line or Stanza, and /ometime into another: Yet,in a Lyrick Com- pofition, where the fame Staff ts often reiterated to one Tune ; che Periods, and words of the fame Quantity, muft be alwaies obferved in the fame Places. For, if there be not allwaies a decent pawfe in the Matter, when the Tune is ended; or, if inthe finging, thenaturall quantity of the word be adulterated; or, uf wee be not carefull, that a full-point fall not, where the Tune is in the height of a continueng firaine; [twill found verie abfurdly to a iudi- tious care: as may appear, by offring to fing Jome of thofe Compofures, which ave plaufible in Reading. L have vfed Jome, varietie of Verfe; Becaufe, Prayers, Praifes, Lamentations, Tryumphs, and /ubiects which are Paftoral, Heroical, Elegiacall, and mixt (all which are found inthe Plalmes) arenot properly expreftin one fort of Meafure. Vet,ve/pecteng thé who cannot attaine to many Tunes, J confined my felfe to fuch kinds of Verfe as I Sound in the old Plalmebooke ; fitting them in Juch man- ner, that every Plalme ix this Booke, may /ung to fome Tune formerly in ufe, ecther in the jingle, or in one of the double Tranflations, And 12 to the Reader. And, becaufe fome will thinck to examine my Verfion by the Profe Tranflations, Z doe here inform them; that the Language of the Mufes, 2x which the Pfalmes were Originally written, ts not/o properly expreftin the profedia- lect as in verfe: &, thatthereis a poeticall emphafis,inmany places, which requires Juch an alteration in the Gramma- ticall expre/sid, as will Jeeme to make fome difference in the zudgment of the Common Reader; whereas, it giveth beft life to the Author’s intention; & makes that per/picuous, which was made obfcure, by thofe meer Grammaticall Interpreters, who were not acquainted with the propriz- ties, & Liberties, of this kinde of writing. L do likewife inform them, that I have not alwaies vfed the Metaphor which zs in the Original; but, otherwhile (tendring the vulger capacity) do expreffe it, by what it Signifies. For, the Hebrewifmes, being in Jome places ob- Jeure (as where the Tongue is interpreted, Glorie; and in many other fuchlike perticulers) I do vfe, expreffions beft agreeable with our Englifh Dialect, & the vulger Capacity. 7 Moreover, when the Repetition of the fame word or Clanfe; Or when two or three Synonama’s togither in one sentence as (Heare, give ear, attend) or, where either a Periphrafis, or a tranfpofition of /ome words, JSeemes not foe gracefull in Englith, as in the Hebrewe; nor Jo powrfully to expreffe the meaning of the Holy-Ghoft, by the fame Idioms of /peach: J have not fuperftitioufly teed my Jelfe to the Hebrewe phra/e, nor to any frict Or- der, or number of words (except fome Myftery /eemed thereby touched upon) but, vfing rather brevitie where Circumlocution appeared needles, & affecting the Dia- lect moft proper to our owne Tongue; L labored to deliver the meaning of the Originall Text, as powrefully, as plain- ly, & as breefly, as I could, for 13 A preface For that Caufe, I have not everie where obferved the fame Tenfe; But, vfed the pretertenfe, the Prefent- tenfe, & che Future-tenfe, indifferently, one for the other, in fome Actions attributed to God. For, moft things, which God is faid in this booke, to have done for his peo- ple, or againft his enimies; he now doth, & will dee hereafter. Zhat, alfo, which he will doe, he may be _JSaid to do now, & to have done heretofore ; decau/e, all time is prefent with God. Nevertheles, I have herein taken fuch care; That I confounded not Hiftorie & Pro- phecie ; But, in thofe places, have religioufly obferved the proper Tenfes; & wherefoever els, f found it material, So to do, And, whereas, I perceaved that this particle FOR, és not alwayes, a Caufual; Wor this particle BUT, an exceptive, iz every place; But(as VE A, NAY, & other fuch like words in our Englith) fometime rather inferted as fupplements, only, becomming the Dialect, {or meerly cuftomary ) without any material fjignificancy, according to their ordinary ufe; And, finding that thofe Particles, i the Englifh, did ix /ome places, either ob- Secure the fenfe, or make leffe powrefull the exprefsion there- of, by interrupting a natural connextion of the fentenfes; [ have there, waved or guallyfied, the ufe of thofe words. For like Reafons, I have in fome places, kept the Perfon wnchanged, throughout the Plalme, which is fometime ~varyed in the Hebrewe (as in the 13 & 104 Pfalmes ) But, with fuch heed, that where any worke ( according to the Schoole diftinction Ad intra, or ad Extra) /eemes more proper to one diftinc? Perfo of the Trinity, thé to the -other (or where els itis Materiall) [have retained the Per- fon according to the Originall. And, in regard fome abufe the propheticall Impreca- tions, as if David had given exemplary warrant of Cur- Jing 14 to the Reader. Jing their enimies, I have (to prevent that prophanation ) otherwhile expreffed that by the Future tenfe, which many do traflate by the imparative moode ; whereby, thofe paffages, the more planely appear, prophetically intended, Ln all which, let what I have done, be duely weighed, (not vashlie condemned ) by thofe who shall by fome profe Tran- flations, examine my Paraphrafe. or, I hope I have preferved the lawful freedomes of an Interpreter, iz all thefe things: Seeing, I have not therein followed my owie opinion only ; but the warrat of bef Hebrew Gram- marians, the Authoritie of the Septuagint, G° Chal- dea paraphrafe, the example of the auntient & of the beft moderne profe Traflators, togither with the generall prac- tife & allowance, of all orthodoxe Expofitors. Before every Plalme I prefixe a fhort Preface, partly declaring the Scope & vie thereof; not thereby limiting either their Scope or vie. For, every Plalme zs divers waies vfefull, according to the feverall parts it hath ; or ac- cording to the many Ages, Eftates, & necefsities of the Church ; or her particuler members. But, that, which L have intended in my breef Prefaces, & in thofe Medita- tions after the Plalmes; 2s, to shew the unlearned, how to make fome good vies, of thofe many, to which they ferve. Much more might be faid as confiderable (if it would not make this Preface overiarge) for, fo tt fares with fome of us, that when wee have taken much paines to doe well, wee muft take as much more to prevent mifconftructions ; & thinck our double paines, well rewarded, if at laft, wee may ofcape without a mifcheef. But (how ever I shall be cert- JSured) I cann be well pleafed when I have recollected my Selfe: &, though I feeke to avoide Rubbs that ave caftinto my way; Yet, Ican skip over them, or contemn them, tf jind it more troublefome, then profitable, to remove them. Though others may performe this, more exactly ; yet, Goodmen A Preface to the Reader. Goodmenwill confeffe, [have bene honeftly employed herein, & attempted an honorable work. But, if I have foe endea- voured; That it manifefily appeareth to be better, then, what the partialitie of this Age will accept, (and that Mumpfimus, mu/ft fill be preferred before Sumpfimus ) Then, this Worke, shall become the ludge of thofe par- tiall Iudges; And, to their diferace, gaine efteeme, here- after, in defpight of their envy. L regard the Cenforious approbation of none, but fuch, as ave (in their underflanding, at leaft) both Divines and Poets: Sor, they, only, ave competent Iudges, who knowe _ how much the Phrafes or Myfteries confine the Trans- lator; wat Proprieties are to be obferved in both Lan- guages; G» what Liberties, & reftraints, belong to a Lyrick-poem. And, but, I will now fay no more Save this; If I have pleafed my Readers, [am glad: if not; Yet, lam glad, [ have hone/ily endeavored it. And, (being affured my labour shal not all be loft) Iwill fing, & be Merry, by my felfe, in the Vfe of this Tranflation, untill others pleafe to fing it with mee; or, untill a more exact Verfion, shall be produced, & allowed, Fare well. 16 THe PSALMES I Or Davip. Pfalme. I, It shewes wherein Happines consifteth 5 Illufirates the prefent and future eftate both of the luk & wniuft; and camforts the Righteous loth by declaring Gods approbation of their Way. It may be fung for an incoragment in the right Path. &c, He man is bleft, who neither ftraies, Where Godles counfellers haue gone, Nor ftandeth in the Sinners waies, Nor fitteth on the Scorners throne. For, in Gods Lawe his pleafures be ; Theron, he day & night beftowes. And, therfore shal be like a tree Which near vnto the riuer growes. 2. His fruites, in feafon, he doth give, Green leaues he shal for euer wear : All things he takes in hand shall thrive But, thus the Sinner doth not fare. For, Wicked men with e’vry winde, Like duft or chaff, are blown afide, And therfor shall no ftanding finde, When they their Judgment muft abide, 3. Nor place, nor fellowship haue they, - Among thofe men that are vpright : For, God approoves the Juft-mans way But, Sinners path-waies perish quite. : Grant oh mercifull God, that shunning all the paths & feats of impietic, we may exercize & refi our Selves in the true love & practife of thy Law, & that (being planted in thy Church, & refreshed by the living waters of thy Word) wee may florish to our comfort & in due time, fo B fru- 2 Pfalme I. [ructifie to thy glorie, that we may be numbred among thine Elect ; de iu/tified in the general judgment ; & become par- takers of eternal bleffednes in the hingdome of heaven, through Yefus Chrift our lord, Amen. Another of the fame. Bit is he, who neither ftraies Where the Godles man mifguideth, Neither ftands in finners waies, Nor in Scorners chair abideth : But, in Gods pure Lawe delights, Thereon muzing, daies & nights. 2 Like a tree fett near the {prings, He doth alway freshlie florish, Still, his fruits he timely brings, And his leaf shall neuer perish : Ev’rie thing shall profper to, Which he vndertakes to do. 3 Thus, the wicked shall not fare, But, be like fuch duftie matter, As the whirl-winde here & there, On the fpacious earth doth fcatter : Nor shall they withftand their doomes, When the day of Judgment comes, 4 Neither haue they place, or ftay, In the righteous congregation : For, God knowes the Juft-mans waie, With a gratious approbation : But, thofe paths that Sinners tread, To affured ruine lead. Pfa. 2. it is a prophecie of Chrift & his kingdom, Act. 4. de- claring the vaine furie of his Oppofers, the wrath of God againft them ; his eternall Decree concerning that King ; & the powre & extent of his kingdom, &. it ox- 18 Pfalme II. 3 exhorts Kings, & fubtects alfo, to fear and ferue him. It may be fung to encreafe Faith amid the Churches erfecutions Gs. Hat mooves the Gentiles to repine? ‘What makes the people foolish growe, That Earthlie Kings do thus combine, And Rulers meet in Counfell fo? The Lord, & his beloved Chri, Rebellioufly they difobay : His powre (fay thefe) let vs refift And break, & caft their cords away. 2 But, God who fitts in heav’n aboue, Their foolish purpofe will deride : His anger shall their torment proue, And, them, in wrath he then shall chide, Ev’n I’ (faith God) my King did place Vpon my holy Syon hill. And, by the Zord, what vttred was To me (faith Chrz/2) now fing I will. 3 Thou art my Sonn begot by me This day ; and (if thou make demande) The gentiles I will give to thee, And make thee King of e’vry land. An yron fcepter thou shalt fway, And (if thy Lore they followe not) Thou shalt compel them to obay Or break them like an earthen pott. 4 Then Kings be wife ; & Rulers lerne To ferue the Lord, with awfull joy: Yea, kiffe the Sov, left wroth he turne And overthrow you in your way. For, when his wrath inflamed growes, (Though but a little moou’d he feem) Then bleft are all who shall repofe Bz Their 19 4 Pfalme II. Their conftant hopes, & faith in him. Lleffed Sonn of God, begotten before all time (and by thy Father, appointed to be King over the whole world) let thy Kingdom come, & all the oppofitions of thy adver- Saries be turned to thy glorie, let thy grace enable vs to pluck downe that Antichrift, which the world, the fleth or the Devil shal feck to fet up again/t thee in the Téple of our harts; that wee yealding due obedience to thee & thy com- mands, may efcape thy burning indignation, fincerely em- brace thy Gofpell, &° with awful ioy perfevere in the way leading to that felicity which is prepared for thofe who put their truft in thee. Amen. Another of the fame. SUch uproars mad, why do the Gentiles make? What follies do the people doate upon? Earths Kings confpire, & Rulers counfel take, Againft the Lord, & his Amointed-one. Oh come! & let us break their bands (they fay) Come, let vs caft from vs, their cords away. 2 But God in heav’n deriding their defigne Shall (vexing them) his minde in wrath declare : Who e’re (faies he) repines this King of mine On Syon fitts; "twas I that plac’d him there. And, what the Lord himfelf, to me hath told, (Concerning him) I purpofe to vnfold. 3 Thou art my fonn, this day begot I thee; Demand therfore (he faid) & I will giue The Gentiles, thine inheritance to be ; And rule of all the world thou shalt receiue. An iron mace, thou shalt vpon them lay ; And break them like a sherd of potters clay. 4..Therfore yee Kings & Rulers be more wife : Come ferve the Lord your God, with awfull ioy. or ni Pfalme III. 5 And kiffe the Sov; left, if his wrath arife, You be deftroid, & perish from the way. For, when inflam’d his burning anger growes, Right bleft are all who truft in him repofe. Pla. 3. A pfalm of David when he fled from Abfolom his Son. L¢ myftically Phrophecied the multitude of Chrifts foes; their bitter cenfures ; the great love of God; the effects of Prayer ; Chrift 42s Death; & Refurrection ; the con- Sufion of his Adverfaries, & the /afety of his Elect. &c. It is vfefull to ftrengthen faith in our tempta- tions Ge, MY foes, how many Lord are they ! ‘What fwarmes of them there be ! And of my foul, how many fay, In God no part hath he ! Yet thou art, Lord, my praife, my gard ; Thou didft my head vprear : And from thy holy-hill, haft heard, What my entreaties were. 2 I lay & flept, & fafe arofe ; Becaufe thou brought’ft me ayd: And though tenn thoufands me enclofe, I will not be afraid. Rife, Lord my God; & from all foes Me fafe, now alfo, make: Their Jaw-bone finite, & let thy blows The teeth of Sinners breake. 3 For, faving health, alone to thee, To thee, oh Lord, pertaines : And whofoe’re thy people be, Thy peace on them remaines. Sweet lefu who being cauflefly compaffed about with all thofe innumerable emnities & perfecutions which wee de- B3 Ser ai 6 Plalme IIII. Serued, didft nevertheles (trufting in the powre of thy God head) ly down without fear, fleeping (as tt were) in the midft of them by a voluntary Death, & wake againe the third day, by the fame powre, to the confusion of thy foes: Grant we pray thee, that the multitude of our corporal & Spirituall enimies never makevs defpaire of thy mercy ; but that in all troubies & temptations, we reioicing & trufting in thy love, may be kept harmles, & confeffe that our {alva- tion, zs by thee only, who liveft and raigneft world without end. Amen. Pfa. 4. To the cheefe mufician on Neginoth a Pialm of David. Lt upraides thofe who deride the Truth, & ex- horts to faith G& Repentance. The common wish of world-lings, &» che adefire alfo of a faithful-foul, is here expreffed. It ferves to confirme vs againft the fcor- nes of Atheifts, & meer carnal men. Gc, O# God my Righteoufnes, give ear ; Enlargd I was by thee : My humble fuite, now alfo, heare, And pitty take on me. Vaine Sonns of men, how long will yee My glorie thus abufe ? Though lies you feek, affured be That God the juft will chufe. 2 Yea God will hear me when I cry, Fear therfore to offend ; And, on your bedd ferch privatly Your thinckings, & amend. Make Righteoufnes your facrifize, On God, affurance place. For worldly Goods, the world-ling cries, But grant me, Lord, thy grace. 3 For, 22 Pfalme V. 7 3 For, thou my hart haft joyed more Then corne & wine’s encreafe : Thou mak’ft me fafe, & I, therefore, In thee will fleep in peace. Oh thou fountaine of all righteouf/nes, & free juftifier of thine Ele&, feeing, by thy common grace we are JSone-whatenlarged from our natural bondage; granta full deliverancefromallour corruptions, by thy [peciall favour. Let neither frailties, difcouragments, nor alurements, incline vs to vanitie: But, fo caufe vs to confider whome thou chufeft, that with a filial fear we may refrain from finn ; & having ourinward man renewed, as wellasour outward ations reformed, we may offer the true facrifize of righ- teoufnes, Excourage vs alfo through, affurance of thy fa- vour, that contemning the defire of world-lings, & rezoz- cing more in thy gratious afpect, then in altemporaladvan- tages, we may ly downe to fleep our laft lleep without horror; & reft in the firme hope of a glorious Refurre- ction, Amen, Pla. 5. Zo the cheef mufician on Neginoth a Pfalm of David. Jt befeecheth audience of God, for fundry re- Spects; & prayeth that he would /ubvert his Adverfaries, & be mercifull to his Church. It may be vfefull when we are oppreffed by the enimies of Chrift, for his Caufe &c, Ly weigh my thoughts, my words attend, King, my God, encline thine ear : My f faites I evil to thee commend, And thou my voice betime shalt hear. I will, oh Lord, betimes arife, And pray, & wait for thy fupplies. 2 For, thou in finn haft no delight, B4 23 8 Plalme V. No evills, in thy dwellings be ; The foole abides not in thy fight, The wicked are abhord of thee. Thou root’ft out all who falfehoods prate, And bloud, & guile, in man, doft hate. 3 But, I, in thy abounding grace, Thy houfe will vifite in thy fear, And worship in thy holy-place ; Oh teach me, Lord, thy Juftice there : Unto my vewe, thy way difclofe, Becaufe of them, that are my foes, 4 Their words & thoughts are falfe & naught : ‘Their throte is like a gaping graue : Therfore, oh God, let them be caught And fall by what they plotted haue, Yea, feeing they thy foes haue binn, Expofe them to their {warmes of finn, ‘5 But, chear vp thofe who trutt in thee, That fuch as well thy name affect, May, till, therin triumphant be, And joy that thou doft them protect. For Lord, the juft thou fhalt reward ; And, sheild-like, make thy grace their gard. Oh, /overaigne Lord God, make vs both timely & dili- gent feekers of thy grace, Let the due confideration of thy perfections, &» of our natural unworthines caufe vs Aumbly to attend on thee; unfainedly frequenting thy Congregation; & there, truly ferving thee according to thine owne ordinance. Lnftruct vs fully in thy way, left our [pivituall adverfaries drawe vs into error: Let our ex- perience of their malice & fubtility, keep vs the more cau- tious: Let them be taken in their owne {nares to thy glorie, Ge let the faithfull alwaces reioice in thy protection, through Tefus Chrift, ovr Lord. Amen. eae a. 6, 24 Pfalme VI. 9 Pla. 6. To the cheef mufitian on Neginoth vpon She- minith a Pfalm of David. Jt bewailes the miferies & corruptions of thehumanenature, & with penetential ex- prefsions emplores Gods mercy &c. It may be fung when oppreffed by our finns & infirmities, we haue in- voked God, & received comforts : Lor, in thy rage correct me not ; To me, oh! do not roughly fpeake, Nor chide me when thy wrath is hott But, pitty me, for I am weake. Oh Lord, vouchfafe to cure my paines ; For, through my bones, the torments goe: My hart is vext, & much complaines, Good God ! how long shal this be foe? 2 Returne, & help my foul oh Lord; Mee, let thy meer compaffion faue : For, who in death shall thee record, Or give thee praifes in the grave ? With groanes I tire; & in the nights My bedd in flouds of teares doth fwim ; Through in-ward greefs, & foes defpights, Mine eies decay, my fight growes dimm, 3 But, Sinners, now depart fro mee: God heares my fuite, my plaint, my crie ; Which let my foes with blushing fee, And vext, & greeu’d, my prefence fly. Moft awfull God, /peake favourably tows, in this day of thy offered grace, left in the day of thy wrathfull indig- nation we be caft into hell fire. Behold our frailties, our torments, & our horrible diftempers : Ob/erve into how great perills our defperation may caft vs, & have mercy (0h lord) have mercy von us miferable offenders. Purify B 5 our 10 Pflalme VII. our poluted flesh ; enlighten our bleared eyes; cure our wounded harts; chear our afflicted {pirits; revive our Sainting foules, & chafe away all our malitious accu- fers ; that we (¢/caping the dungeon in which thy praife is forgotten) may magnify thy mercies in the land of the living ; 20 the vexation of malignant /pirits, & to the honor of thy name, for euer & euer, Amen. Pla. 7. Shiggaijon of David which he fung to the Lord, concerninge the words of Chush the Benja- mite. l¢ zs the Complaint of an innocent, vniu/ily ac- cufed, & referring him/elf to be iudged according to his inno- cency. It may be vied, when the true Church or any members thereof, are flandered by their foes &c. Lond God, on thee I do depend, Me, from the fpoiler fave : Left Lion-like my foule he rend When I no helper have. For, if oh Lord my God, in this, My hands found guiltie be ; If I rewarded him amiffe That was at peace with me. 2 Nay, I to him did mercy shewe Who fought my caufeles blame ; Els, let my foe my foule purfue And ouertake the fame. Yea, let hlm tread (when down I fall) My life into the clay ; And, in a duft-heap, there-withall. Mine honor let him lay. 3 Oh Lord ! thy felfe, in wrath advance, For, wroth my fpoilers be : According to thine ordinance, ; Arife 26 Pfalme VII. It Arife, & judge thou me. That multitudes to thee may come, (For their fakes) great appear : Yea judge them Lord, & giue me doome As iuft, ag I am clear. 4 Confounde the finners wickednes ; But, ftill, the juft maintaine : For, thou (oh God of righteoufnes) Canft ferch both Hart & Reine. God is my sheild, & he protects The Godly from decay. His doomes are juft, & he corrects The wicked ev’ry day, 5 Except they turne, his blade he whetts, A bowe, {till bent, he hath : He, shafts for perfecutors getts, And inftruments of death, For, lo; with mifcheeues being bigg, They firft conceive a finn ; Next, bring forth lies ; then pitt-falls digg, Where, they themfelues fal in. 6 Thus, on their heads, their mifcheeus all Do iuftly tumble downe ; And wicked mens devifes fall On their devizers crowne. For which, the juftice of the Lord, Tle ftrive to glorify ; And, will, in fongs of praife, record The name of God, moft high. Eternal God, defend us from flanderous accufations, & from that roaring Lion who zs alway ready to devour vs: And, though our accufers are often fo malitious, that in refpect of them we may have fome appearance of innocency ; yet, caufevs fo to acknowledg our felves guiltie in thy Legh, that 12 Pfalme VIII. that we may be Iuftifed by the righteoufnes, which we have by imputation from thy dear foun ; for, we have no Innocency but his; No Saviour bet he; nor-dare we (in our greateft puritie) appeare any where, but at the Throne of thy mercy, which let us, who feck the fame, alwaies ob- tain; & letthe feveritieof thy iuftice, fall only onour Adver- Saries who defpife thy grace; that both in mercy & iuttice, thou maift be magnifyed for euer & euer, Amen, Pla, 8. To the cheef Mufitian vpon Gittith a Pfalm of David. lt fings the glory, powre, and dominion of Chrift; &° magnifies the love of God in the admirable exaltation of the humane nature, by the incarnation of his Sonn &c. It may be vied, to praife God for the great priveledges which we haue receaved thereby. How famous, Lord, our God, appears Throughout, the world, thy glorious Name? Above the height of all the Sphears, Thou fpreadft the fplendor of thy fame. The mouths of babes, thy powr to show ; And fucklings tongues, thou didft ordaine : To ftopp the mouth of ev’ry foe ; And, their avengings to reftraine. 2 When on the heav’ns I fixe mine eye, And moone & ftarrs (thy creatures) heed ; Why careth God for man (think I} Or why regardeth he his feed ! He was below thine Angells plac’d, And, higher, now advanc’d is he: To rule thy works, him raifd thou haft, And, at his feet, all creatures be. 3 O’re heards & flocks, in ftall & folde, O’re cattell which at randome goe, The a8 Pfalme 1X. 13 The fov’raigne place he now doth holde And, over foules & fishes, to. Yea, rule throughout the fea, he bears, And over all within the fame: How famous, Lord our God, appears Throughout the world, thy glorious Name } Moft glorious Lord God, thou fo loved ft the humane na- ture, that it pleased thee to be made man; by the mouths of babes & fucklings magnifienge thy great powre; & by humbling (as it were) of the Deitie for a tyme, to ex- ait the Manhood for euer. For this thy unexpre/sible hu- miliation, & incomprehenfiblefavour, we/ubmi/sively pro- Srrat our Joules, and bend the knees of our bodyes to the honor of thyName; befeeching thee, that as all other creatures are obediently fubiected to thy Sonns Dominion, fo wee may trulyfubmitourwillstohis good pleafure; & in AG, word & thought, bethanchkful for our many priveledges, by hts blefed Incarnation, Refurrection, & Afcention, ow & for euer, Amen, Pia. 9. To the cheef Mufitian vpon Muth-labben a pfalm of David. Herein, the faithfull praife God, for many good caufes, & exhort others to do the fame. It may be vfed, to praife the Lord, for his manyfold mercies vouchfafed to his Church; &, for his juft judgments on their foes. &c. Now Lord, with all my hart, & voice, Thy wondrous works I,le magnify : Of thee, I’le fing ; Of thee, reioice ; And praife thy name (oh God moft high) For, thou didft put my foes to flight ; They fell, & fled out of thy fight. 2 My lawfull caule thou doft vpholde ; ai ou 29 14 Pfalme IX. Thou fit’{t enthron’d, thou judgeft right ; The Gentiles, are by thee contrould ; The wicked, thou deftroieft quite : And, thou their names away doft blot, For evermore, to be forgot. 3 Thy flaughters, now, thou cruel Foe, Are to an end, for ever, brought ; Thofe Townes which thou did’ft overthrowe, Are nameles now, & out of thought : But, God ftill fitteth on his throne, Preparing judgment thervpon. 4 The world, he shall vprightly doome ; And, juftly judge the nations all. The pore, when times of trouble come, He gardeth, like a caftle wall. And, they who feek & know his name, Are fafe, by trufting in the fame. 5 To God, therfore, in Syoz fing ; To nations all, make known his deeds : For, when to light, he blood will bring, He poremens wrongs, & criengs, heeds. Now alfo, Lord, thy grace I crave: Oh! mark what woes, & foes I have. 6 Thou fav’ft me from the gates of hell That I thy praife, with chearfull voice, To Syon’s daughters may reveal, And in thy faving-health rejoice. The Gentiles, had a pitt-fall wrought ; But, they themfelves therin were caught. y Their Nets haue their owne feet en-fnar’de, And, God is by his iudgments knowne ; The Sinners hands have trapps preparde, 7 Whereby themfelves were ouerthrowue. Shiggaijon. Thus, downe to hell the wicked goe, clk As 30 Pfalme X. iS As, all who feare not God shall doe. 8 There is a time to minde the pore, Their hope shall not, for ever, faile ; To judge the Gentiles Lord, therfore, Arife, and let no man prevaile. The Nations fright, vntill they fee, That they are men as others be. Selah. VV e haue oftenexperience, oh God, that by thy favour all opprefiions, infultings, & fecret cruelties, shall come to an end; and that thy Mercies, & thy Juttice, shall ever- laftingly continue, both for the favegard of thy fervants, & to reward the wicked, according totheir deferts. Let this ex- perience, therfor, be alwaies remembred when we are perfe- cuted or affiucted, & let our confidence be ever fo fixed upon thee, that we may neither be difcouraged in Adverfitie, zor Sorget{full in profperitie, to magnifie thy mercies; but, be readie upon alloccafions, to glorifiethee, both for the/uppre/- Sion of our foes, & for all our other deliverances, through Iefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. Pfa, 10. The Pride, Crueltie, Prophaneffe, & fraude of Anti- chrift, Atheifts, & Hipocrites zs de/eribed: Godisinvoked to redreffeit: his Dominion acknowledged, & his mercifull regard of the afflicted is, confeffed. It may be vfed, when we are oppreffed by temporall or Spirituall Op- preffors. TH face, oh Lord, why doft thou hide, And ftand aloofe, fo farr? Lo, Sinners, meerely out of pride, The Spoile of poremen are, Infnare them, by their owne devife, For, of their Luft they boaft And praife thofe Freindes to Avarice, Who- 3t 16 Pfalme X. VVhome God abborreth moft. 2 Their fcornefull eies regard not thee, Their hartes do thee denay. Too high for them thy judgments be ; Stil greeuous is their way. They fnuff, & fleight their greateft Foes, And (come what mifcheeves will} Within their hartes, they doe fuppofe, That they shal profper ftill. 3 Their mouthes, with curfings overflowe ; Their tongues, lie, fwear, & vaunt : The pore to catch & overthrowe, Obfcured paths they haunt. They watch, unfeene, for fimple-men, To ceaze them vn-aware. They lurck like Lions in their denn, And flielie them infnare. 4 To catch the pore, by lowlie shewes, Their ftrength, doth help them on, They think in hart, that God nor vewes, Nor careth what is done. But, rife oh Lord, thy powre to fhowe, Leaue not the pore forgot. For, why fhould Sinners fleight thee foe And think, thou mind’ft them not? § Thou fee’ft, yea fee’{t their wickednes, That punishd it may be: And loe, the pore & Fatherles, Commit their Caufe to thee. Lord God (their helper) break the ftrength Of ev’ry wicked-one ; Serch out their finnes, & thou (at length) Shalt caufe them to have none. 6 Our everlafting king thou art, Thou, 32 Pfalme X. 17 Thou, from the Realme likewife, Haft fore’d the Gentiles to depart, And heard the poremans cries. Their harts thou shalt eftablish to, And hear & judge, the pore ; That, earth-bred man, the Orphanes foe, May them oppreffe no more. Almighty God, feeing our fafetie con/fifieth in thy loving presence, be thou near at hand, to defend & affift in all ex- tremities. Abate the malice & wickednes of our foes, & let their pride, fraude, & crueltie, make vs the more heedfull that we depart not willingly out of thy proteCtion. Vouch- Safe alfo, fo to raigne in our Joules, to the Jupprefsion of all intrufions, that (our affections being ordered by tlluminated Reafon, & Janctified by Grace) Chrift may have the fole dominion there; &, that we may fin- cerely embrace him with our whole harts; honor him with all our faculties ; confeffe him with our tongues ; & glo- rify him by our works, together with thee, oh father, & the bleffed Spirit, now & for ever. Amen. Another of the fame. Ord, why ftandeth thou fo farr? Why at need, am I forfaken? Poremen, wrondg’d by Tirants are ; Let them in thofe guiles, be taken, Which by them contrived were. 2 For, in boaft, the Sinner fayes ; That, his longings he poffeffeth : He, the Covetuous doth praife, (And their practifes he bleffeth) Though the Lord abhors their waies, 3 Proud & loftie lookes, hath he, God, nor feeking, nor beleeving : Pe Cc 18 Pflalme X. All his Courfes greevous be ; And thy judgments (Ja/t conceivinge) Are too high for him to fee. 4 With contempt he fleights his foes, Fearing neither falls nor fliding : From his mouth much curfing flowes, Vnderneath his tongue, ftill hiding, Mifcheef, finn, & guilefull showes. 5 In blinde paths, he lurks & pries, Harmles men to fpoile & murther : At the pore he darts his eyes, And (unfeene) his drifts to further, Like the denned lion, lies. 6 He doth watch the pore to fpoile, Whome he fnares & ouerthroweth : For, to take him in his toyle, He with humble crowchings boweth, Ceazing him by force, the while. 7 Then, in hart, thus muzeth he ; God shall fleightly paffe it over : Hide his face, & never fee : But, rife Lord, thy ftrength difcover, That the meek aven’gd may be. 8 Let not Sinners mock thee foe, As if thou didft nought regard it : Lo ; thou fee’ft, yea fee’ft them do Spightfull wrong ; &, to reward it, Thou shalt fet thy hand there-to. 9 Thou, art poremens hopefull ftay, Orphanes helper, in oppreffion : Break the Sinners armes I pray, Serch thou after his tranfgreffion, And, then, purg it all away. 10 God who reignes for evermore, From 34 Pfalme XI. 19 From his land, the Gentiles driueth ; Hears, & chears, & helps the pore ; And, the Orphane fo reviveth, That, he feares not, as before. Pfa, 11. To the cheef Mufitian a Pfalm of David. The faithful foule (being tempted to de[paive) makes faft the Anchor of his Hope by confidering Gods powre, his love to Such as truftin him, & his hatred totheirunfaithful adver- Jaries &c. Tt may be vied, to comfort vs in def- perate temptations, & imminent perills. i God, my truft is placed ftill ; Then, wherefor do you fay, That, as a bird vnto the hill, My foul should fly away? For, loe, their bow the wicked bend, And arrowes they prepare, That they, vnfeene, their shafts may fend, At fuch as needie are, 2 If overthrowne the Ground-works lie, ‘What cann the beft men do? Gods holy feat, is heav’n on high, And he muft look therto. Man-kinde, with clofd, & open eyes, (Ev’n righteous men) God prooues ; And, him he doth, in foul, defpize, That wicked Courfes loves. 3 For wicked men, the Lord prepares, (And raines into thir cupp) A ftorme of brimftone, fire, & {nares, Which they muft {wallow up. But, being in himfelf vpright, He, juftice doth affert ; C2 And, 35 20 Plalme XII. And, godly men, have in his fight, A looke of good refpect. Permit not oh God! the accufings of our confciences, nor the bitter cenfures of others, (whether iufily or vniufily pronounced) to overthrow our hopes of thy Mercy. Let not the groundworks of our faith be undermined by any Temptation ; but, /ecing thou Sercheft the Secrets of our harts, & findeft that (raked up among our many frailties & corruptions ) there ave yet unquenched in our foules, the fmokings of that fire, which was firft kindled by thy grace; Re-znflame, we pray thee, our [piritual affections to thee & thy lawe. That, when malitious offenders receive the bitter draught prepared for them, we may thanckfully take the Cupp of Salvation, &° reiozce 7x thy gratious fa- vours, through Telus Chrift our Lord. Amen, Pfa, 12. To the cheef Mufitian vpon Sheminith, A Pfalme of David. The elect are prayd for; The circumvention & infultings of thewicked are mentioned, with a promife of re- dreffe; & the fabilitie of Gods word is declared. It may be vfed when herefie, or prophaneffe beginnes to fpread. Gc. HEP Lord; for, no Good man is left : All faithfulnes is quite bereft, And from the race of men departs : They, lies vnto their neighbours, tell ; Vpon their lippes, faire {peaches, dwell. When falfhood lurketh in their hearts. 2 But, God fhall cut their lipps that gloze, And, pluck away the tongues of thofe Who proudly make their vauntings, thus : Wee of our tongues will mafters be ; Our lipps are ours, & who is he That 36 Pflalme XIII, 21 That fhall have Lord-fhip over vs ? 3 But, I (faith God) will now arife, Ev’n for the fighengs & the cries Of thofe that wrong’d or greeved are: And, I will them in faftie fett, Beyond their powre, who in their nett, The poremans footfteps would enfnare, 4 Gods wordes refinde, the Teft will bide, Like filver feav’n tymes purifide ; And, God will keep them ever true : Though, for a while, men lewd & bafe, Do fitt in honors higeft place, And, ev’ry where their folly thewe. Confider (oh Lord) the general vnfaithfulnes which now overpreads the whole earth; Obferve the falshood, pride, hypocrifie, & infolences of the Adverfaris of Truth; Behold the fuffrings of thy /mall flock; Convertorconfound their oppreffors; fulfill thy gratious promtifes made to the pore in Spirit ; pre/erve thy word from being made fruf- trate or perverted, by thofe wicked-ones, who are now exal- ted, both in church & commonwealth, to thy dishonor ; and (when they have acted their follies, during the tyme which thou shalt permit) let thy purified word prevaile to the purging of this corrupt world, & to the encreafing of the number of thy elect, through lefus Chrift our Lord, A- men. Pla. 13. To the Cheef Mufitian a Pfalm of David. J¢ ex- prefeth hartielonginges after /pirituall Confolations, & shews the perplexties of a Joule, Jeeking reft in her owne Coun- Jells &c. Jt may be fung, when feeling our natural defects, & the malice of our foes, we defire the comforts of the Holy-gloft &c. Cc How 37 22 Pfalme XIII. Ho” long forgetft thou mee ! Shall thus obfcured be Thy cheerful face, oh Lord, for aye? Still, in my foul, thal I Perplext, & muzing lie, With hart oppreffed all the day? 2 My God! fhall ftill my foe, Iufult vpon me foe? Hear, & mine eyes enlighten thou : Els, death wil me furprize ; And then mine enimies, Will fay; we have prevailed, now. 3 For, they who malice mee, ‘Will Ioy my fall to fee : But, Lord, thy mercies I will minde, V’le in thine ayde rejoice, And praife thee, with my voice ; Becaufe, to me thou haft bene kinde. Dear God ; vn/ufferable is a troubled fpirit /eeking veftin it felfe. Or in any thinge without thee. when thou art abfent, the prefence of all temporall confolations doe but encreafe torment; & vunles thou fpeake peace to our Joules all thy creatures help to aggravate our afflittions. Revive therfor our hartes by thy /weet presence; Enlighten the eyes of our mindes that we fleep not in finn, & fo chear us by the light of thy Countenance that our foes infult not over us: but grant rather, that we reioicing in thy Salua- tion, may both live & dy with Comfort, to the honor of thy blefed Name, Amen. Another of the fame. H Lord, how long wilt thou drawe back, And hide thy face fro me? How long thal I felfe-Counfell take And, 38 Pfalme XIV. a6 And, greev’d in fpirit be? How long thal my oppreffors thrive, And, I their fcornings beare ? Left, of my life, it me deprive, Behold, oh Lord, & heare. 2 For, els my foes will fay, in boaft, That I the foile have had, And, they who now afflict me moft, Will of my fall be gladd. But, in my hart, are hopes of thee Which health & joy will bringe ; And, thou haft dealt fo wel with mee That I thy praife will fing. Pfal. 14, To the cheef Mufitian a Pfalme of David. J¢ sheweth mans general corruption, & our natural eftate be- Sore we become regenerated by Gods efpectall Grace &c. We fhould fing it to minde vs, what we are of our felves, & how much we fhould defire a Reno- vation. "THe foole, his God in hart denayes ; And, quite corrupt mankinde is growne : Their walkings are in hatefull waies ; Vpright, or good, there is not one. The Lord, from heav’n declinde his eye, And, all the fonns of men he fcannd ! That he from thence might ferch & trie, Who did him feek, or vnderftand. 2 But, all of them corrupted were, All men befide the way are gone ; He faw not one deal juftlie there, Not one man good ; oh no, not one. So bruitith are Tranfgreffors all, C4 That 39 24 Pfalme XV. That they like bread my people eat : On God, (likewife) they never call ; And, therefor is their terror great. 3 For, God preferves the faithfull feed, Ev’n them who righteous waies affect ; And, though his Counfel none doth heed, Yet, God, the poreman will protect. Would we Gods ayde from Syon had, Which mutft his folke, from thraldome bringe ! For, /acob would therof be glad, . And Ifr’el fhould rejoice & fing. Acknowledginge (oh! moft gratious Redeemer ) our ge- neralcorruption, & that in vs there is nogoodnes; we hum- bly befeech thee (by the Salvation promifed out of Syon) to deliver us from our /pirituall captivitie; & fo to fanctt- Sy our poluted nature, that our terrors may be rento- ved ; our lives amended; thy evangelical countells hartelie embraced ; and that we (becomming true Uraelites zn- whome there is no guile) may at laft be faved by thy Mer- cie, & reivice among the faithfull in thy new Jerufa- lem, for ever & ever. Amen. Pla, 15. A Pfalm of David. J¢ gueftions & anfweres, who shal be admitted into Gods famelie (to wit) fuch as are fancti- Jied in thought, word, & deed, &c. It is vfefull to inform vs, what our Converfations ought to be, who profeffe our felues to be of God’s houthold. Los, who fhall reft within thy tent, Or on thy holy hill? But, he that’s trulie innocent, And theweth mercy, ftill. Whofe hart emploies a truth-full tongue ; And none by flander greeves : Who 40 Plalme XVI. 25 Who neither doth his neighbours wronge ; Nor lies of them beleeves. 2 Who favours thofe that feare the Lord, And, finners doth abhor : Who fhifts not from his promif’d word, Though to his loffe he fwore. Who putts not coine to griping loane, Nor takes a wicked fee, He, doubtles, is a bleffed one, And, fhall vnmooved be? Fleth & bloud, oh God, is neither able to fulfill thy lawe, nor to enter into the kingdome of heaven before it be purged & Janctified by the pretious body & bloud of thy dear Sonn. Seeing, therfor, thou requireft that both our outward & inward man should be conformable to that example of perfec? Righteoufnes which he hath left who és gone up, before (into thy holy Tabernacles, to prepare manfions for all who defire to be followers of him) make us we befeech thee, fo obedient to the difcipline of the Ca- tholick Church (is dwelling place on earth) that we may have his righteofnes imputed; & be kept immovable in thy favour, untill we /halbe tranflated to thofe heavenly habitations, where thou liveft & raigneft world without end. Amen. Pfa, 16. Michtam of David. J¢ zs a deteral prophecie of Chrift. Act, 2. 25, &° it hath relation to the communion of faints, The fole mediator hip of Chrift, his refurrection, & his Sitting at the right hand of God, &c. Itis ufefull to con- firm vs in thefe articles of our faith afore men- tioned, Sc. SAve me, oh Lord; for, I haue laid My truftfull hope, alone, on thee : Cs And, 26 Plalme XVI. And, to thy felf, my Soul hath faid, That thou (oh Lord) her Lord fhalt be. My goods, to thee are nothing worth : But, in their vfe I will declare, That I affect thy Saints on earth ; And, fuch as well-defervers are. 2 All they who ferve another God, Shall gaine encreafe of greefs & blame ; Their drinck-oblation ftaind with bloud, T'le nor prefer, nor fpeake their Name. God is my birth-right, & my fhare ; He fills my Cupp ; maintaines my Lot ; Faire portions, my divifions are, And pleafant places I have gott. 3 The Lord be praifd, who wrought it fo: For, he in this, did me advize. My Reines, by night, inform’d me to; And, God I place before mine eies. Who ftands at my right-hand fo near, That, me no fears of chaing moleft : It both my heart & voice, doth cheare : My fleth likewife, in hope doth reft. 4 For, Lord, thou neither wilt permit That left in hell my foul fhould lie ; Nor wilt thou fuffer in the Pitt, Thy holy-one to putrifie. But (through lifes path-way) me thalt bring, Where, in thy fight (at thy right hand) All Ioyes, and each delightfull thinge For ever, & for ever, ftand. Grant, oh Lord, our Joules may fo truly affect thee, that thy pore members may reap the fruites of our charitable affections. Let vs continue fo conftant alfo, in thy true worship, that all our offrings may be made acceptable by the mediation Pfalme XVI. 29 mediation of Chrift lefus, and that we may inherit our portion with him: So, his biefed Soul & body (againf#t which nor hell nor corruption could prevaile) shall drawe after him, our foules, owt of the hell of an aflicted con- {cience, &° our bodies from the graves of finn, & mor- talitie, 40 exioy with him, a toyfull refurrection at his right-hand; &» the fudlnes of all pleafures, in thy glorious presence, for evermore. Amen, Another of the fame. PReferve me Lord ; for, I on thee depend ; And, for her Lord, my foul profeffes thee. Though to thy felf, my wealth no profit lend, Thy Saints on earth, my love fhall therby fee. But, they fhail feel their forrow ftill encreafed, Whofe offrings are to other Gods addreffed. 2 Their bloudie-drinck-oblation to prefent, Cr, with my lipps fo name them I difdaine : Thou art my Lott, where with I am content ; Thou art my cupp, a portion fhalt maintaine. To me, the Lines a goodly fhare divided ; And praifd be God, that me fo well hath guided. 3 My reines likewife, inftruct me in the night : Before mine eyes, the Lord ftill feemes to ftand ; And, fure, I fhall preferved be vpright, Becaufe, the Lord remaines at my right-hand. It glads my hart ; with joy my tongue now fingeth ; And, hopefull reft, vnto my fleafh it bringeth. 4 For why; my foul thou fhalt not leave in hell, Nor let thy holy-one corruption fee : But, vnto me, thy path of life reveal, Which thither tends, wher joies perfections be ; Ev’n thither, where at thy right hand attending, Thofe pleefures are, which never shall haue ag ‘te ‘a, 17. 28 Plalme XVII. Pla, 17. A prayer of David. Jt per/onates Chrifts members in persecution defiring fuccour, & comforting thé felvesin hope of the bleffed vifion of God, after their Refurretion; &c. It is vfefull, when we have cdfidered the quality of our foes, & by faith applyed vnto our felves, the innocency of Chrift, with an affection therevnto. Lor, hear my caufe, my fuites, my cries, ‘Which from vnfained lipps doe flowe ; To rightful] things decline thine eyes, And, from thy felf, let fentence goe. My fecret thoughts are in thy fight ; Thou vew’ft them, in the darkeft night. 2 Thou trid’ft my fault, & foundft it none ; For, from offence I kept my tongue : And (as for things by others done) My words preferved me from wrong. Oh! be thou pleafd my courfe to guide ; And ftay my feet, left els they flide. 3 On thee I call; for thou wilt hear : Lord, hear, & my complaint attend. Let thy great love to me appeare, And thy right-hand my life defend ; Ev’n that right-hand which from their foes, Gards them, who truft in thee repofe : 4 From Tiraunts, me befeiging round, From Sinners, who my harme affay, Lord, as thine eye-ball keep me found ; And, over me, thy wings difplay. For, they with fatt, quite round are clad ; And, haughtie braggs, their mouths have made. 5 Me, in my waies, they have withftood, And fought about with downe-caft eyes, Like 44 Pfalme XVIII. 29 Like lions (when they hunt for food) Or lions whelp, which lurking lies. But, rife, refift ; and foile them Lord : From Sinners, gard me, by thy fword. 6 Lord, from thofe world-lings gard thou me, Who in this life, their lot receive ; Who full of wealth, and children be, And for their babes large portions leave. To wake from finn, & looke on thee, In thine owne forme, contenteth mee. Accept oh Lord, our weak endeavours, & So teach us to moderate our thoughts, 20 govern our tongues, & Zo or- der our converfations ; that no temporal or /pirituall ad- verfarie, may it, fily accufeor harm vs. Takeusintothy /pe- ciall protection ; becau/e, our foes are powrfull, cruel, & deligent in feeking our deftruction : but, above all, keep us Srom the poluted converfations & affections, of thofe whofe belly is their God, and whofe portion of happines, ts in this life; that when we shal awake out of our graves, we may appear in thy righteoufnes ; reiorce in our happy lot ; & be fully fatified in the fruition of thee, who liveft & raigneft world without end, Amen, Pfa 18. A Pfalm of David the fervant of the Lord, who fung vnto the Lord, the words of this fong, when the Lord delivered him from the hand of al his foes, and from the hand of Saul. l¢ my/ticallie decla- reth Gods mazeftical proeeding in the work of our redzption. And it may be vfed to praife God for our delive- rances, by the Incarnation, refurrection, & exalta- tion of Chrift; & for the benifits which we re- ceive thereby. ] Love the Lord ; for, my fupport, My horne of health, is he : My 30 Pfalme XVIII. My Rock, my truft, my Sheild, my fort, And, oft hath helped me. He merrits praife ; for, when I cry Me, from ail foes he faves ; Though wrapt in pangs of death, I lie And plungd in forrowes waves? 2 Yea, when by death & hell en-fnar’d, I fought the Lord, in fear ; My God, within his Temple heard, And my complaints did hear : Earths ground-work fhook to feel his yre ; The trembling hills, did quake : His noftrills fum’de, his mouth breath’d fire, Which burning-coales did make. 3 Then, downe he came, & heayn he bow’d His feet thick darknes hid. A flieng Cherube he beftrode ;- The winged windes, he ridd. A dutkie fogg, his Cov’ring was ; Dark waters were his tent ; Before the brightnes of his face, Clouds, fire, & hayle, he fent. 4 The Lord, from heav’n did alfo make His thunders to be heard : Yea, when that great Almighty Spake, Both fire & haile appear’d : His darts, on ev’ry fide he threwe, Till they difperfed were : His burning Lightninghs, flafhing flewe, And caufed them to fear. 5 When he did frown, a dreadfull blaft He from his noftrills blow’d, Which, vp the feas lowe Depths did caft, And, Earths foundations fhow’d. Shen 46 Pfalme XVIII. ar Then downe he fent, & from among Great flouds, advanced me; And from thofe foes that were too ftrong ; He likewife garded me. 6 They in my Cares did me prevent ; But, ftill, God was my hope: He, for his love-fake, fuccour fent, And gave me larger fcope. The Lord, my Righteoufnes obferv’d. His favour he beftow’d ; And, as mine innocence deferv’d, So, he his mercy fhow’d. 7 For, in Gods wayes my walkings were, From him I have not ftept ; Still in my fight, his indgments are, And I his lawes haue kept. In him, I iuftifide became ; For, I did leave my finn: And, as I iuft & righteous am, Rewarded I haue binn. 8 As he my hands did guiltles finde, He, fo did me requite : For, to the meek the Lord is kinde, To righteous men vpright. Among the pure, he will be pure, And, on the froward frowne. The poreman he will make fecure, And, pluck the proud-man downe. 9 My Darknes, God fhall brightnes make ; My Lampe, enlight he fhall. By him, I through an Army brake, And overleap’d a wall, Gods way is right, pure is his word ; He faves if fought he be: For 47 32 Pfalme XVIII. For, who is God, except the Lord, Or who cann fave but he? 10 About my Loines, he ftrength did binde, He, fett my path-way ftreight : He, made my feet out runn the Hinde, And rais’d me to this height. My hands to fight, my Armes to bend A bowe of fteel, he taught ; His Buckler, he to me did lend, And, faving-health it brought. 11 His right-hand hath fupported me, His love hath made me great ; My ftepps, by him enlarged be, And, fafe my feet are fett. I did perfue (yea tooke) my Foes, And flewe til all were flaine. They fell downe wounded by my blowes, And could not rife againe. 12 For, he (to fitt me for the war) With powre, did me indue, And, thofe who my oppofers are, Beneath my feet he threwe. To conquer them, who mee envide, Me, ftrong enough, he made. They cride, and (though to God they cride) Replies, nor helps, they had. 13 Then, as the duft which whirl-windes tofle, So fmall I them did beat ; And threw them forth as myrie-droffe, Which lies about the ftreat. Thus, from the peoples vp-roares freed, I (through his grace) became : And, now to be the Gentiles ead ; By him, advanc’d I am. 14 A- 48 Plalme XVIII. a3 14 A nation fhall my Servants be, which knowes me not as yet: Affoone as they have heard of me, Themfelves they fhall fubmit. The firanger fhall ftand out no more ; But, in his Bullworks feare : Oh praife the living Lord, therfore ; Aloud, Gods praife declare. 15 Let God, my faving-health, be praifd, By whome to paffe it came, That, I above the people raifd, And thus avenged am, Above all them that me oppofe, He doth exalt my throne ; And, faveth me from all my foes, Ev’n from the Cruel-one. 16 Among the gentiles, now, therfore Tle thanck him for the fame ; My fong fhall be for evermore, In honor of his Name. His king, & his anointed-one He glorioufly hath freed ; And, everlafting mercie fhown To David & his feed. Vouchfafe, moft gratious Lord, according to thy accufto- med mercie, to be fill our Protector; & let thy Name be alwaies glorified for the miraculous deliverances of thy Church, now S-inal Ages; e/peciaily from the great worke ofmans generail redemption. [nfiruct vs in the {piritual warfar ; exable vs againft all our vifible & invifible foes ; Subdue vnio vs all our owne rebellious Affections ; deliver ws out of all our fuffrings ; Give vs victorie over everie temptation: Encrea/ethy kingdome by the calling of thofe, who are not yet thy People; And make vs ss D thanck 34 Pfalme XIX. thanckful unto thee for thefe, & all the reft of thy mercies through lefus Chrift, our Lord, Amen. Pfal. 19. To the cheef Mufition a Pfalme of David. declares the univerfal preachiug of Gods Divinity by the book of Ais Creatures, G» zt zs a prophecie of the gene- vall publication of the Gofpel, Rom. 10. Lt /heweth alfo the properties, of the divine word. Jé may be ufed to praife God for the priveledges which we have by his word; &, as a prayer for fanctification. Gc. Goss glorie, fhines among the Spheares ; The heav’ns, his handie-works difclofe ; Their daylie fpeach, his powre declares ; And e’vry night, his wifedome fhowes. Their language, in al tongues is found ; Their Line, about Earths globe, doth runn : Through-out the world their words do found ; And, there’s the Pallace of the Sunn. 2 He Bride-groome-like, refrefh’d appears, When he forgoes his lodging place ; Or gyant-like, when vp he rears And chears himfelf, to runn a Race. His Iorneies, are from thence begun, Ev’n where, the bounds of heav’n are fett ; And, he quite round the world doth runn, Refrefhing all things with his heat. 3 God’s Rule is plaine, & foules convarts ; His witnes firme, & maketh wife : His lawes are juft, & glad our hearts ; His Precepts pure, & clear our eyes. His blameles Feare is vn-confin’de, Both true & right, are all his doomes, More worth then gold (ev’n gold refin’de) More 50 Pfalme XIX. 35 More {weet, then hony in the combes, 4 Moreover, they thy fervant warne, By keeping them, he profit winns : But, Lord, his guilt who cann difcerne? Oh! therfor purge my fecreat finns. From daring Crimes, thy farvant fave, And, let them bear no fway in me: So, I the leffe rebuke fhall have, And, from the great-offence, be free. 5 Oh! when I fpeake, let ev’ry word, And ev’rie muzing of my hart, Be pleafing in thy fight, oh Lord, For, though my ftrength, & faviour art. No excufe is left, oh mercifull Father, if we be ignorant of thee, or unconformable to thy will: for, by the book of thy Creatures, z¢ was long-/ince declared unto the whole world, which Text, being corrupted by humane Inven- tions, thou did/t explaine tt againe in the volumes of the Prophets ; Sizce then, it was more illuftrated by the wri- tings of the Apoftles; And the prime fcope of ail thefe Bookes, thy bleffed Spirit daylie preacheth & interpre- teth throughout the world, by ordinarie or extraordinarie meanes. Thepowre,truth, puritie, /weetnes, & profitabelnes of this divine word wee do, or muft, confeffe alfo, to be evi- dent, Nevertheles (becaufe wee have much wilful igno- vance, & many fecret corruptions, we humbly pray thee, fo extraordinarilie to enlighten our darknes, & to purge our concealed polutions, that (we being illuminated & fancti- fied by the holie-ghoft) ze vnpardonable Sinn may be avoided, & we made acceptable to thee in Chrift Tefus. Amen. Pfa, 20. To the cheef Mufitian a Pfalme of David. J¢ i D2 a prayer 51 36 Pfalme XX. a prayer for {pirituall graces, with aprotefation of afiance Fig God Te miftically toucheth the Preft-hood & royal dignity of Chrift &c. It may be vied to defire Gods acceptance of vs in his Sonn; & may ferve, in fome cafes, as a prayer for chriftian princes and paftors. Sc, “THe Lord, at need, vouchfafe thee grace, Let Jacobs God, thy caufe defend, Protect thee from his holy-place, And, ftrength to thee from Syon fend. Thy guifts, let him remember, ftill, Let him accept thy Sacrifize, Selah. Thy harts requeft, let him fulfill, And, profper all thou fhalt devife. 2 We wil reioice thy peace to fee, And in Gods name our Enfignes wave, When al thy fuites are granted thee : For, God (I know) his Chrift will fave. By his right-hand’s almightie force, God hears vs from his holy-hill. Some truft in charrets, or in horfe, But, we Gods Name remember, ftill. 3 In that regard, we raifed are, And ftand upright, when they do fal. Oh ! let the king, our prayers hear, And fave vs, Lord, when we do call. A/fsift vs mercifully oh God, in all our AfliCtions ; Accept the Sacrifife offred for vs by Chrift Iefus, the high-preift of our Joules; & in his Mediations, grant wnto vs, all our faithful petitions ; That fo (renouncing al temporall Affurances, & truftinge only in thy defence) we may arife from thofe finns,intowhich many fallwithout re- pentance; and that we may be made partakers of thy Sal- vation, with our kinglie Mediatour, who hiveft & raighneth 52 Plalme X XI. a9 raighneth with thee oh father, & thy holy-fpirit, world without end, Amen, Pfa, 21. To the cheef Mufitian a Pfalm of David. tis a literal prophecieof the kingly dignitie of Chrift, mentioninge Some of his royall prerogatives, &c. It may be vfed as a thanckfull commemoration of the preheminence of our fpirituall king. Ge. Lo in thy ftrength, how joies the king? ‘And, of thine aide, how glad is he? His harts defires, in ev’rie thing, Have bene beftow’d on him, by thee Selah, With bleffings, thou didft him prevent, With pureft gold, thou cowud’ft his head, To ask for life, was his intent ; And, he of endles life, hath fped. 2 Through thy defence he famous growes, And, is to high preferment reard ; On him, thy bliffe-evernal flowes, Thy gratious lookes his hart have chear’d. Through thy meer love, the king fhal ftand Still firme, if he on thee repofe. And, Lord, thy hand (ev’n thy right-hand) Shall ferch, & finde out all thy foes. 3 As ovens, hot with flames, will do, So, thou fhalt fcorch them in thyne yre : And, in thy wrath confume them fo, As if they burned in the fire. Yea, thou fhalt from the race of man, Root out their fruite, & pluck their feed ; Becaufe, to wrong thee, they begann, Although they could not act the deed. 4 Thou fhalt expofe them (as it were) D3 A Mar- ou Sai 38 Plalme XXII. A Marke, within thy fhooting place 5 Thy ftringed thafts thou fhalt prepare And, Stick thine Arrowes in their face. Thus, be thou ftill exalted, Lord, By thine owne powre, thy trophies raife : And then, with joye wee will record Thy Matchles might, in fongs of praife. Bleffed be thy Name, oh God, for that high preferment which thou haft vouchf{afed the Manhood, by affuming the Jame to thy Deitie, & by befowing theron a foveraign- tie, over al the reft of thy Creatures. Give vs humility to afcribe al the glorie therof to Chrift Iefus ; Hear all our petitionsinhim; Teachvs by his example, fo to truft in thee, that we may obtaine the priveledges of his glorious kingdome, & become partakers of that Life-eternal to which he afcended. So; e/caping thofe terrible Iudgments which thou infiicteft on thy malitious foes, we shall behold their confufion, to the exaltation of thy powre, to whome de all honor & glorie, xow & for evermore. Amen. Pla. 22. To the cheef Mufitian vpon Aijleth Shahar A Pfalm of David. J¢ is a prophecie of Chrift his pa/sion, unfolding divers paffages thereof, &metioning alfothecalling of the Gentiles, &c. It may be fung to commemorate the Paffion, & fome other mifteries of our Re- demption, Sc. WH haft thou, oh my God, my God, Why haft thou me forgone? Why, nearer is not thy abode ; To hear & help my mone? Vnheard of thee, I cry whole daies ; Whole nights the fame I doe ; Yet, thou art Ifr’els cheefeft praife, And Pfalme X XII. 39 And, thou art holy to. 2 Our fathers did on thee depend, And, thou didft them fecure: They cride, & thou didft them defend ; Their faith did them affure. But, I, pore worme, an Abiect am, No man, but one forlorne : The people make of me their game, Their proverb, and their fcorne. 3, When me they vewe, their heads they nod, Make mouths, & jeering, fay ; God was his hope, now then, if God Him loves, him fave him may. But, thou didft gard me in the wombe, Thou didft convay me thence : At nurfe, my hope thou didft become, And, keptft me everfince, 4 Er’e-fince my birth, my God thou art ; My trutt is all in thee: Oh ! do not far fro me depart, For, perills compaffe mee. Strong Bulls (ev’n herds of Bafhan race) Befet me round about : They ftand wide-gaping in my face ; Like Lions, roaring-out. 5 Like water, I am pour’de afide ; My bones are ftrain’d apart : Ev’n pottherd-like, my ftrength is dride ; Like wax, diffolues my hart. Vnto my Iawes, my tongue is glew’d ; For, thou didft me confound, With cruel doggs I am perfu’de ; By Sinners, clofed round. 6 My hands & feet, they nailed Le ; 4 My 55 40 Pfalme XXII. My bones apparant were : Vpon my vefture, lots they caft, My garments they did fhare. Thine ayde, therfore, no more delay, But, Lord my ftrength, draw near, Caufe not the fword, my foul to flay, Nor doggs to rend my dear. ” Me, from the mouthes of Lions, garde, As I, in former daies, From hornes of vnicornes was heard : So, I will fing thy praife. Thy fame, I’le in thy church record, My brethren being there.. Oh! praife him yee that fear the Lord, And Jacobs offpring are. -8 Hin, oh yee feed of Ifr’el, fear ; For, he doth nor defpize Afflicted foules, nor ftop his eare, Nor turne from them his eyes. But, when thy crie, their cries are heard ; For which, his praife I fing: And, in great throngs, where God is feard, My vowes to him I’le bring. 9 The meek fhal feed till they are full, And praife the Lord therfore. All yee, who feek him in your foul, Shal live for evermore. The worlds far ends, to minde fhall call Their dutie to the Lord : And, he of heathen kingdomes, all, Shall fee him felf ador’de. io For, his the kingdome is, indeed, All nations, ruleth he. Earths fatlings on his bread fhal feed, And 56 Pfalme XXIII. 41 And, thanckful they fhalbe. Yea, they fhall all before him bowe Whofe lodging is the grave, For, none but he hath powre enough, The foul from death to fave. i1 A feed, whome he fhall count his owne, Shal then, to God returne ; And, make his Acts of Juftice known To people yet vnborn. Oh thou glorie of Ufrael, & the hope of all who truft in thee; feeing by a voluntarie humiliation, thou haf? in thine own perfon felt the bitternes of reproches, the crueltie of perfecuters, the sharpnes of povertie ; the extream torments of the fleth, the firongeft Agonies of the foul, and every horror which may affright vs, (when in our greatef? tryalls G temptations we /eem (as it were) wtterly for faken both of God & man) remember (oh remember) thine owne pafiion, & have mercie vpon vs. Hear us, when we crie; help vs, when we can crie no lon- ger: And when all our firength faileth, let thy powre pluck us out of our tormenters Iawes; that we & they whom thou haft promtfed to collect from al places & Ages of the world, may meet in thy heavenly kingdome, to glorify thee, for ever & ever, Amen. Pla. 23. A Pfalm of David. Zhe Chriftian foul acknowledgeth Chrift her paftor enritching, feedinge,reioicinge, reforming, beautifieng her, & providing for her aneternall habitation, in his owne prefence &c. It may be fung to praife God for the benifits herein mentioned, &c. THe Lord my Paftor daignes to be, T nothing, now, fhall need : To drinck {weet fprings he bringeth mee, D5 And A or “Gr 42 Pfalme XXIV. And on green Meads to feed. For his Name-fake, my hart he glads, He makes my wayes vpright : And, I, the vale of deaths black fhades, Cann paffe, without affright. 2 Thy ftaffe, thy prefence, & thy rodd, My joyfull comforts are, And, thou before my foes (oh God) My Table fhalt prepare. Oyle on my head, pour’d out thou haft, My Cupp doth over-flowe, And thou, on me, whilft life doth laft, Thy favours wilt beftowe. 3 Yea, Lord, thy goodnes & thy grace, Shall alwayes follow me: And, in thy houfe, my dwelling place For evermore fhall be. Keep us, oh thou faithfull Sheapherd of our foules, that the Devil take vs not out of thy folde, nor eniife us Srom thy paftures by faire alurements. Setle vsin thy Church, Refre/h vs by thy Spirit, Lnfiruc? us by thy Sa- craments, Guzde us by thy example, reforme vs by thy Satherly correCtion, & fo comfort vs by thy prefence ; that we may acknowledge, there is no need of thofe beggerly af/sifiances whereon worldlings depend; and, that we may walke without repininge, through the aflictions of this life ; & without fear, through the fhaddowes of Death, to thofe manfions, which thou hafappointed for thy chofen flock; in the kingdome of heaven. Amen, Pla 24. A pfalme of David. Jt de/cribes the largnes of Chrifes inheritance, & shewes who are members of his Church. Then, by a poetical profopopeia, the everlafting Gates are 58 Pfalme XXIV 43 are fummoned to give paffage for the Afcention of that glorious King, It is vfed, in commemoration of the Afcention. THe Earth’s the Lords, with her encreafe ; The world, & all her goods : He founded it vpon the feas, And layd it on the Flouds. What man is he that fhal have grace To climbe the hill of God ? Or Who fhall in his holy-place, Obtaine their free abode? 2 Sure, they whofe hands are innocent, ‘Whofe meanings are vpright. Whofe harts to folly are not bent, Who fwear, without deceit. Such, gaine from God, a bleffed meed, And, from their faviour grace : And, fuch (oh Iacob) are their feed Who truly feek thy face. 3 Yee Gates, lift vp your heades on high, (Yee dores which laft for aye) The king of glory paffeth-by, Vuclofe, & give him way. Who is the king of glorie? tell, Oh tell! who might he be? The Lord, who doth in ftrength excell, That glorious king, is he. 4 Yee Gates, aloft your Arches heave, (Yee dores that have no ende) Vnto the king of glorie, give, Free paffage to afcend. Who is the king of glorie? fay‘ Oh fay ! who might he be? The Lord of Armies in aray, That 59 44 Plalme XXV. That glorious king is he. Seeing thou hafe evidently declared, oh Chyift the Kinge of glorie, who they are whome thou wilt admit into that kingdome whzther thou art afeended ; and who are truly of that {pirituall feed, 20 whome thy promifes appertaine. Grant, we befeech thee, that we may make our Election /ure, by the workes of regeneration, & not be deluded by the falfe perfwafions of a fruitles faith. So, all thy Creatures, shall give both way, and afsiftance, to our Afcention after thee; to whome with the father & ho- ly fpirit, be afcribed all praife, powre, & glorie, now & Sor evermore. Amen, Pla. 25. A Plalme of David. Jt containeth many petitions of an afflicted penitent Soul; declares the excellence of the Lawe of Grace, & the priveledges of the regenerate &c. It may be vfed when we are dejected by the fight of our guiltines, & are truly penitent, Sc. I Lift my foul to thee ; My truft in thee is plac’d : Oh let me, Lord, nor {corned be, Nor by my foe difgrac’d. But, keep reproches all From thofe who thee attend, And, let on them Confufion fall That without Caufe offend. 2 Thy waies to me me impart, Let me thy Truth be taught ; For, thou, oh God, my Saviour art : Whome I have alway fought. Be ftill, to me as kinde As thou of old haft binn ; And, bear thou not thofe faults in minde, Which cy Lal Pflalme X XV. 45 which I have erred in. 3 But, grace to me afford, Ev’n for thy goodnes fake ; As thou art good, & gratious, Lord, On me compaffion take. Dire&t al thofe that ftray, In iudgment, guide the meek, And, them informe thou in thy way, That humbly, thee de feeke. 4 For, Truth & Mercie, Lord, Are found in all thy wayes, By ev’ry one who keeps thy word, And thy Commands obayes. Remit (though great they are) My finns, for thy Name fake, And, fuffer him who thee doth fear, His chofen-path to take. 5 Then, eafd his hart thal growe, His feed the Land thal fill, And, he that feares the Lord, fhall know His Counfells, & his will. Myne eyes attend on thee, That thou maift me releafe : In mercie, Lord, returne to mee Forlorne & in deftreffe. 6 My greefs enlarged are ; Oh come, & me releeve, My forrowes heed, regard my care, And all my finns forgive. Obferve, oh Lord, my foes ; Marke how abuf’d I am; And (fince I truft in thee repofe) Defend my foul from fhame. 7 Yea, keep thou me vpright ; e e- 46 Pfalme XXV. Becaufe, I hope in thee : And, from all wrongs, & all defpight, Let Ifr’el faved be. Remember not, oh Lord, our offences; but of thy meer Mercieblotoutall ourtran/grefsions. Let neither the follies of our youth, nor the greatnes of any other finns, deprive vs of thy wonted compaffion. Confider our weaknes, our fuf- Srings, & the condition of our adverfaries, as motives of thy pittie; That our finns beinge remitted, our fetters vnlofed, and thy fecrets (even the mifteries of Saving- grace) revealed ; wee may in true meeknes, follow him, who is the way, the Truth, and the Life; &° be kept by thy /peciall Grace from all futurefinns & dangers, unio our lives end, Amen. Another of the fame. Abt I raife my foul, oh Lord, to thee ; ¢ And I in thee alone, my truft have placed. By thofe therfore, that feek to mifcheeve me, Oh, let me not be fhamed, nor difgraced. Confound not thofe who feek to do thy will; But, fhame thofe mé that Caufeles have offended, Direct thou me in thy Truths pathway, ftill ; For (Lord my health) on thee I have attended. Eternall God, in mercie, thinck on me, As it hath bene of old, thy gratious fafhion : Forgot, let all my youthfull errors be ; For thy love fake, Remember thy compaffion. Great is thy grace, & great thy Iuftice, Lord: Thertor, thy waies to finful men thou thoweft Healp to thee meek, thou doft, likewife, afford Whé he is iudgd; & guid’ft him where tho goeft. In all thy waies, both Truth & Mercie be, For 62 Pfalme X XVI. 47 For fuch, as have thy league, & word obferved : Keep therfor, Lord, thy grace in ftore for me ; (For thy namefake) though I have ill deferved, Let thofe, in whome thy facred feare is found, In their defired pathway, Lord, perfever. Make true content, in all their foules abound ; And, let their feed, poffeffe the land, for ever. No man oh Lord, who ftands in fear of thee, Shall from thy league or Counfels, be debarred. On thee, therfore, mine eyes attending be, That from the net, my feet may be vnfnared ; Pleafd be, in love, to vifit me againe ; For, lo, defpis’d I am, & fore deftreffed. Quit me, from all my forrowes & my paine ; For, my hart-greefs (oh Lord) are much encreefed. Regard my wants; Behold, & mark my woes ; Remitting all wherin I have offended. See, See, oh Lord, what numbers are my foes ; And, what defpights to me they have intended. To heip & fave my foul, entreated be : Thou art my Garde, oh! keep me vndifgraced, Vpright, & pure ; becaufe, I truft in thee: And, from all Cares, let Ifr’el be releafed. .Pfal. 26. A Pfalm of David. Jt /etés downe Jome marks of the true church &» of her members; & perfonates her, iufti- jeing her felf againfi the Secret imputations of her foes (from whome she defres to be diftinguisht) &c. “It is vfe- full for thofe members of Chrift, who are falfly accufed, &c. Gre fentence, now, oh Lord, with me; For, I have walk’d aright ; And, 48 Pfalme XXVI. And, fince I have relide on thee, Preferve me ftill vpright. Proue thou my hart & Raines, oh God ; Search there, what thou canft finde : For, I the Paths of Truth have trodd; And, bear thy love in minde. 2 With wicked men I have not fate, Nor with diffemblers gone: Prophane Affemblies I do hate, And fhunn the finners throne. With hands wath’d clean in fimplenes, Tle round thine Altars goe ; And there ; in fongs of thanckfulnes, Thy wondrous works I’le fhowe. 3 For, I that place affe, oh God, Where thou fo much art fam’de : Therfor, with finners, thirfting blood, Oh ! let me not be nam’d. Their hands (their verie righthands) be with bribes, & mifcheefs fraught : But, Lord, redeeme & pitty me; For, I truths Paths have fought. 4 In ftedfaft waies, with fixed feet, Firme ftanding, I poffeffe : For which, where great Affemblies meet, I, will the Lord confeffe. Give vs grace, oh Lord, fo to avoide the focietie, & prattifes of wicked men; that neither our con{ciences may accufe vs, to be willfully guiltie of their crimes, nor thou condemn vs for hypocrites, when thou Jerchefi & zudgeft the fecrets of our harts. TLoine to the puritie of manners, a /incere devotion ; ‘hat honefty & Reli- geon (leing knit & married together in our foules by thee) may never be divorced, Let our zeal alfo a ae oufe 64 Plalme X XVII. 49 houfe, & our Love to thy Service, be fuch as may diftin- guish vs from prophane worldlings ; & fo linck vs by charity ¢o thy farthfull members, that we may continue thine to our lives end, Amen, Pla, 24. A Pfalme of David. J¢ expreffeth confidence in Gods & a longing to enioye the priveledges of his fanctuarie. It vowes alfo to feck & Serve him; defires Gods.afsifiance, & exhorts to faith & perfeverance &c. It is vfefull, for all Chriftians, to thefe purpofes, Gor is my light, my health mine Ayde ; My lifes defence: whome fhould I fear? When wicked foes my death affayd, They tript, & fell, & ruinde were. I, therfor, will not faint, nor fly, Although an hoaft befeigeth me ; If God, will not this boone deny, For which, Ile now a fuiter be. 2 Ev’n that he grace to me afford, My life-time in his houfe to spend ; To vewe the beautie of the Lord, And in his Temple to attend. For, in his Tent, when dangers threat, In fecret, he fhould me enclofe ; Vpon a Rock, my footing fet, And, raife my head above my foes. 3 Then, in God’s houfe, a Sacrifife Of praifes, I would alfo give: Hear therfor, Lord ; & let my cries A gratious Anfwere, now receive. When thou doft bid me feek thy face ; Thy face I’le feek, wy hart replies : Reiect not therfor, nor difgrace, E Thy 50 Pfalme XXVIII. Thy Servant who on thee relies. -4- Oh Lord, who didft my foul preferve When, me my parents did forfake ; (Becaufe of them who me obferve) Now, plaine to me, thy path-waies make. Yea, from the pleafure of my foes, Protect me Lord : for, lo ; with lies, Falfe witneffes do me oppofe ; And, cruel words they do devife. 5 That, had I not beleef to fee Gods grace (within that land of bliffe Where endles life fhal granted be) My foul had fainted, long e’re this. Attend thou {till vpon the Lord, And faint thou not (who eve thou art) Attend I fay, vpon the Lord ; And, he fhall fortify thy hart. Lt is an unfpeakable favour oh Lord, to live where wee may peaceably affemble in thy houle, & obtaine thy com- Sortable prefencein thy blefed word & Sacraments. How many, oh God! how many? are deprived of this confola- tion? And, oh how long? & with how little Jenfe of our happines, have wee entoyed this great blefiing? Grant unto vs, we befeech thee, more thanckfulnes, left thou iufilie withdrawe thy abufed grace ; Give in due time, this great Benifit, 40 all who unfainedlie defire it for thy glorie: In the mean while, vouchfafe them patience, to /ufiaine their burthen w7thout fainting; & let the hope of that, which zs prepared for thie faints, iz the Land of the living, Sir up them & vs, to a farthfull performance of our whole dutie towards thee, through the affiftance of thy holy- fpirit, Amen. , Pfa. 28. A Pfalme of David. ¢ craves Gods afsiftance, impre- cate 66 Pfalme XXVIII. 51 cates his Iudgments againf? the wicked, profeffeth affu- vance in the divine protection, & afcribes glorie, & powre, & thancks, to the Almighty, &c. It may be vied as a prayer, and proteftation of our faith in perfecu- tion. Oz# Lord My ftrength, I crie to thee, Give eare, & Silence do not keep: Leg. not vnlike to thofe I be, Which downe defcend, into the deep. Obferve my Cries, & what I pray, When to thine Arke, my hands I rear : With finners, pluck me not, away, Who fpeake of peace, yet purpofe warr. 2 Give them what their ill deeds require ; As they deferve, fo them reward. For their lew’d works, pay them their hire, Becanfe, thy works they nought regard. Yea, feeing they thy works defpize, Deftroy them, never to be raifd: But, hear my fuite, & heed my cries, And be thou, Lord, for ever praifd. 3 For, thou art, Lord, my fheild, mine ayde; My ftrength, of whome I hopeful am : Therof, my hart is well apaid, And, of thy praife, my Songs I frame. Thy Chrift, thou alway halt protect : Thou art his rock; &, fav’d by thee, Thine heritage & thine Elect, (Bleft, fedd, & magnifide) fhall be. Immortal God, fo manie & fo greaq perills do alway threaten vs, that we are fill at the brinck of deftruction 3 & unles thou be gratious, we shall foone be fwallowed vp. lear vs therfor, when we cal on thee, in the Mediation of Tefus Chrift; &° gather vs not among Hypocrites, or E 2 notorious 67 52 Plalme X XIX. notorious Malefactors; But, when they shal receive their due reward, who by a diffembled Vnitie, trouble the peace of thy Church, or dishonor thy Name, dy Atheifme or prophanes; let vs reap the fructe of our hopes, to our zoyfull exaltation among thine elect, & to the glorifieng of thy Mercie, through lefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. Pfa. 29. A Pfalme of David. £¢ miftically expreffeth the powre of Gods voice (or evangelical word ) over all forts of people, zn all places. It may be vfed to praife God, for ha- ving thereby (according to this prophecte) converted thofe, who were naturally as obdurate as trees, mountaines, feilds, & brute-creatures. A Sxtibe, yee Mightie, to the Lord, Afcribe al powre & fame : Let him be in his houfe ador’d, And, honor yee his Name. The Lord, commandeth, with his voice, The feas, & greateft Floud ; And, when the thunder makes a noife, It is the voice of God. 2 With powre, the God of glorie, fpeaks, And, awfull are his words. His voice, the ftrongeft cedars breaks, That Zidanon affords. Ewn Libanon & Shirion to, He makes to ftart (through feare) As Vnicornes & Bullocks do, That yonge & frightful are. 3 God’s voice, between the flames doth flie, God’s voice, the Defert fhakes : God’s Voice, doth Cade/h terrifie, The Hinde, it Calfeles makes. Yea, 68 Pfalme X XX. 53 Yea, with his Voice, the thickeft grove, To plaineft veiwe he laies ; And, in his Temple, thofe things move All tongues, to fing his praife. 4 The Lord, likewife, doth in the Floud An endles rule poffeffe ; And, bleffeth al the Folke of God, With fortitude, and peace. Honor & praife, be given to thee, oh Lord God, for the powrful preaching of thy word, let the found of thie voice be Sill in our eares. When we rage like a troubled fea, let it calme vs; VVhen we are like over-loftie Cedars, let it humble ws; when we are as vnmoveable as mountaines (in our owne opinions) let it fhake vs; when we are wanton like young Bullocks, let it tame vs ; when we are as rude, or barren as a wildernes, /et z¢ civilize G make vs fructful ; when we are pregnant with anie, mifcheef, let zt make our conceptions abortive ; when we are enfnared among, the thick bufhes of ignorance, or worldlie Cares, let it difcover a paffage out of error, & difentangle our harts from carnall afteCtions : that, the whole world may be fubiected unto thee; & that we & al tongues may praife & magnifie thy Name, for ever & ever Amen. Pfa. 30. A Pfalm or fong of the dedication of the houfe of David. /¢ /eems a thancksgivinge for the refurrection of Chrift, whofe true houfe or Temple, was his Body. Jt confeffeth Gods gratioufnes, & mans weeaknes, &c. We may vfe it, when, arifing from our finns, we refolve to dedicate our felves as téples to the holy-ghoft. Lor God, thy praife I will declare ; For why, thou me haft magnifide ? My foes infultings thou did’ft bar, E 3 And, 9 54 Pfalme XXX. And, fav’dft me, when for help I cride. Yea, from the dungeon & the pit, Thou keptft my foul & life, oh Lord ; Let all thy faints (remembring it) With praife, thy holines recorde. 2 Thy wrath, abides not long in thee, But, in thy favour, life appears ; And, joy fhall in the morning be, Though, over-night, there may be teares. In my advancement, once I fayd, That nothing fhould my foot remove ; Becaufe, my mountaine thou hadit laid So firmelie, Lord, by thy meer love. 3 Yet, when thy face thou didft but hide, I quickly was oppreft, againe ; And, then, to thee againe I cride ; And in my crie, did thus complaine. What profit will my bloud afford, When, I, fhal to the grave defcend? Oh! cann it fing thy praifes, Lord? Or cann the duft thy truth comend? 4 Lord, hear, & pittie take on me; To fuccour me, thy help employ : That, chang’d to fongs, my fighes, may be ; My mourning-weeds to robes of ioy. So, I, for ever, with my tongue Will praife the, (oh my God my Lord) And, in a never-ending fong, Thy mercies, thanckfully record. Sweet Yefu, fo great are thy Mercies, that in a night thou converteft into trivmphs, the moft defperate Affli- Ctions ; yea, in the very moment of greateft horrors, thou Srrangly infufeftonenpreffible ioyes: yet, fuchis our corrup- tion, that upon thy favours, we often build thofe falfe af- furan- qo Pfalme XX XI. 55 furances which deget more pride then thanckfulnes ; & fo,weareiufily shakagaine fro our confidence; that (ma- hinge the foundation thereof more firme ( by true humilia- tion grounded meerly on thy mercies) we may fland inmoveable for ever. Oh! grant, that by meditating thy voluntarie-humiliation we may defcend to the true An- nihilation & renouncing of our Selves, & that by virtue of thy Burial & Refurrection we may e/cape the Dungeons of the Grave & Hell; Change the mourning-garmét of our flesh, into the robes of immortalitie, & pratfe thee for thy nrercies, world without end, Amen. Pla. 31. To the cheef Mufitian a Pfalm of David. J/¢ Zer- Sonates Chrift & his Church in perfecution; containes a large intermixture of many petitions, complaints &c, & aa- murably Jets forth thevarietieof affections, incident toafoul, working out falvation with fear & trembling. It is vie- full in great agonies & afflictions of minde, &c, BE, I do on thee depend, (That fham’d I may not be) Lord, in thy Iuftice me defend, And, quickly hear thou me. Be ftill my rock, my walled-bowre ; And, me vouchfafe to fave ; For, thou art my defenfive towre, And, all the firength I have. 2 Be pleaf’d (for my namefake) to come And be my hopeful ftay ; Direct thou me, & pluck me from Thofe netts my foes do lay. Thou art my ftrength, & vnto thee My fpirit I commit : For, thou Lord God of Truth, art he “Who haft redeemed it, E 4 I them 71 56 Pfalme XX XI. 3 I, them abhorr who lies approve ; But, Lord, I truft in thee : And of thy grace, & in thy love, My whole reioicings be. For, me thou didft from cares difcharge ; Thou knew’ft my foul in woe : My fettred feet thou didft enlarge, And keptft me from my foe. 4 Have mercie, Lord, for I am vext ; Mine eies with greef decay: In foul & flesh, I am perplext ; Greef, wafts my life away. My yeares, with figheng, fhortned are ; My fight, to faile beginns : My bones confume, my ftrength doth wear ; And, al is for my finns. 5 My fcornefull foes do me vpraid ; My neighbours, more then they : My freinds, to fee me are afrayd, And, far they fly away. As one long dead, (vnthought vpon) Ev’n pot-fherd like, I fare. I flander’d am of many a one, And, round me, terrors are. 6 Yet (when to take my life fro me They plotts againft me layd) Relieng ftill, oh Lord, on thee, Thou art my God, I fayd, Thou know’ft the times, when me to take From my perfueng foes : Therfor, to me (for mercie fake) Thy cheerfull face difclofe. 7 Lord, let me not be made afham’d, Becaufe, thy help I crave : But we we Pfalme XX XI. 57 But, let the wicked be defam’d, And, filenc’d in the grave. Their lieng lips, for ever clofe, Who murmur in defpight, Difdainfull words, in f{corne of thofe, Whofe courfes are vpright. 8 Oh! what great favours wilt thou thew, To fuch as honor thee. And bring to paffe, in publike vewe, For them that faithfull be? Thy fecret prefence fhal prevent The Tyrants hautie wrongs ; And, they fhall in thy privie-tent Avoyd the ftrife of tongues. 9 Praife God ; for, when I rath lie thought, That I quite loft had binn ; Me, to a warlike Towne he brought, And, honord me therein. My fuites, & cries, he likewife heard : Yee faints of his, therfore, The Lord your God, with good regard, Love, honor, & adore. 10 The faithfull, he doth keep from harme, And their proud foes contemn. Be bolde: & he your harts will arme Who put your truft in him. Our finns (oh Lord) bring on us many great afflictions: They confume our fleth, blinde our eyes, rott our bones, fraght our harts, & affict our con{ciences: They caufe vs to beuprayded, fcorned, betrayed, & perfecuted, by our foes; They make vs tobe envyed, contemned, reproched, & abufed among our neighbours; They occafion, that we avemifcenfured, for/ak?, yea & forgottenof our beft affected freinds ; and (which is worft of all) they bring on vs thy £5 difplea- 58 Pfalme XXXII. difpleature, &° make vs almoft defperatly to forfake thee. Deliver vs (oh deliver vs) from thefe evills: but ¢fpecially Jfromthefnswhichoccafionthem. Thouartourfolerefuge, & the God into whofe hands we have committed our {pi- rits: So embolden vs therfor, in thy grace, that we, & the reft of thy Saints (feeing how great favours thou befowef? on all them that fear thee) may pratfe thy Name, for ever & ever, Amen. Pla, 32. A Pfalm of David Mafchil. Jf shewes the free forgive- nes of finn by grace, Rom, 4.6. The danger of hidinge, the binifit of confe/sing our finns, and the powre of timely prayer; It exhorts alfo, that we do not brutishly abufe the grace of God &c, It fhould be fung, to remember vs of Gods mercies, & of thefe duties, &c. A Bleft eftate, that man is in Whofe crimes the Lord forgives, & hides : Ev’n he, to whome God laies no finn, And in whofe hart no fraud abides. Till I, my faults, did open lay, My bones with paine were tired out : Thy hand oppreft me night and day, And, I became like Summers drought. 2 My Trefpas, I reveald therfore : I fhewd my fecret faults to thee ; And vowd to hide my finns no more: So, thou, their guilt forgaveft me. For this: the Iuft, on thee fhall call, At feafons when thou maift be found : And he fhall have no harme at all, Though mighty Flouds enclofe him round. 3 Thou art, oh Lord, my hiding-place, Wherein, (when peril greateft growes) From 74 Pfalme XXXII. 59 From dangers, thou fhalt me releafe, And, me with fongs of health enclofe. (Seah. ) Thus, thou doft alfo feem to fay: I will inftruét thee with mine eye, And, fo inform thee in the way ; That thou fhalt never walk awrie. 4 Then, be not like the Horfe or Mule, That void of vnderftanding be; Which thou with Bitt, & Raines, muft rule, Left, els, they fling, or fall on thee. The Sinners plagues grow more & more ; But, they finde grace, who truft in God. Let jwit, & righteous men therfore, With Shouts, proclaime theyr joye, abrode. it is not, oh gratious Redeemer, our Innocencie, or any good which of our felves we can performe, that inftifies us in thy fight; but thy free grace, thy hiding, & thy not-imputing our finns. That, which thou expecteft & accepte/t fromvs, toward the procuring of this favour, is no- thing els but humble foules, contrite {pirits, vnfaigned harts, &» /incere confeffions ; which, thou thy Jef alfo, mufe prepare & help perfect in vs, or we shall never per- Sorm them: no, though al the dangers & torments of the world werebeforeoureies. Taketherfor, fromvus, our brutish ignorance; curb our head-ftrong wilfulnes; Rain our unbridled appetites ; inftruct vs, by thy favorable a/pect ; &, fo guide us by the bridle of reafon, & religeous awe; that (we being governed according to thy will) thou may/t be found of vs in all troubles, at all feafons; &,weretoice it thy mercy, for ever & ever, Amen. Pla, 33. It exhorts to pratfe God 3 declares who are moft obliged thereunto; In what manner we should performe this dutie, & for 75 60 Pflalme X XXIII. & for what principall caufes &c. We fhould often ufe it to put vs in minde how much we are obliged to raife God, &c. E Righteous, in the Lord reioice : For, praife with Godly men doth fute : Praife God with Pfaltry, Harpe, & Voice, And on the twice-five-ftringed Lute, To him, new ditties, fing & play ; And tune them to the loudeft kay. 2 For, God is righteous in his word, His Actions, ful of truth appear : His Bounty, all the world hath ftorde : His Darlings, Truth, & Iuftice are. The Heav’ns were form’d when he but fpake ; His breath, did all their Armies make. 3 The feas huge waves, aloft he rear’d, The Deeps, as vp in ftore, he layd: _ Oh ! let him through the world be fear’d, And make Earths-dwellers all afraide. For, his Commandings are fulfill’d ; And all is done as he hath will’d. 4 God, makes the Genéiles proiects vaine, And, brings the Peoples plotts to nought : But, his decrees, for aye remaine, And, everlafting is his thought. ; Moft furely bleft therefore are thofe, Whome for his owne, the Lord hath chofe. 5 For, God from heav’n doth caft his eye, The Sonn’s of meu to veiwe & knowe: Yea, from his dwelling-place on high, He marketh all on earth belowe : Their hearts, alike, he fhapeth to, And heeds, ev’n ev’ry work they do. 6 Great Armies cannot fave a kinge, 46 Plaime XX XIII. 61 No ftrong-mans powre his life preferves, The ftrength of horfe, vaine fuccours bringe ; But, thofe who fear him, God obferves : And, whofoce’re on him depends, From dearth, & death, he them defends. 7 Our foul vpon the Lord thall waite, Who hath our fheild & fhelter binn ; And, he fhall be our harts delight ; Becaufe, his Name, we trufted in. Oh ! let vs Lord, ftill fuccour’d be, As we repofe our truft in thee. Bleffed God | at thy word al things were created, & by thy providence they are ftil governed. Thou haft fashioned the harts of all men, to be in fome meafure capable of thy grace; & obferveft how they emploze that Talent. Thy eternal decree remaines firme; & therfor, theie whome thou chufett shall be bleffed for ever. Neither their owne frrength, nor any powye (but thine) is able to keepthem fafe: Thou therfor, on whome their foul waiteth, shait prevent the famine of that which 7s the meanes of their preferva- tion; & therby, keep them from totall or final-falling. Lord, make vs, to retoice in this unf{peakable mercie. En- creafe our faith, &° continue vs in the meanes whereby we are to make our Election fure. VVe beleeve tt is alreadie granted; & yet we praie for it, becaufe it is our dutie; & becaufe we cannot chufe but praie for that,which we beleeve, & hope, to obtaine, through lefus Chrift our Lord, Amen. Pfa. 34. A Pfalme of David when he changed his beha- viour before Abimeleck, who drove him away & he departed. lt /eems to typefy Chrift, who being (as it were) difguifed by taking our nature, & infirmities, became therby contemptible to the great-ones of the world, We fhould fing it to 77 62 Plalme XX XIIII. it to praife God, for difcovering to vs, what is hid from the worldly wife, &c. Nov thall the Lords, eternal praife, The fubiect of my fong be made : My Soul fhall fing it, all her daies ; The meek fhall hear it, & be glad. Let others come, & ready be, To ioine in praifing of his Name: For, when I cti’de, he helped me; And kept away my feared blame. 2 He lightneth fuch as him obferve, And, no difgrace vpon them falls : He heares the pore, and will preferve From all his troubles, when he calls. His Angell-gards, will them enclofe, Who, of his God head, awfull be: Therfor, his goodnes, vnto thofe Who truft in him, come Taft, & See. 3 Yea, fear the Lord, yee Saints of his: For, he to fuch will al things grant. The Lions whelps their food may miffe, But, they that ferve him, nothing want. Yee Children come, attention give ; And I will teach th’Almighties feare, How, yee long time on earth may live, And, gaine a bleffed-being, here. 4 Your tongues from flandrous words preferve, Diffembling, let your lipps efchewe ; Ill deeds avoid, good works obferve, Seek peace, & after it perfue. For, God beholdeth fuch as thofe, And heares the Righteous when they pray : But, wicked men he doth oppofe, And, roots their Name & Fame away. 5 The 78 Pfalme XXXIIII. 63 5 The Lord, will hear the Righteous crie ; From dangers he will them affure ; He, to the broken hart is nigh, And, wounded Spirits, he will cure. Although the Iuft hath many greeves, The Lord fo helps, that they are gone ; In all his troubles, him releeves, And keeps him found, in ev’rie bone. 6 By finn, the finners death is wrought : He fhall not thrive, that hates the Iuft. But, God his fervants lives hath bought ; And, faileth none that in him truft. Hear vs oh merciful God, in our prefent neceffities, and preferve us from thofe future evills which we may infilie fear. Enlighten our vnderftandings, rectifie our affec- tions, guide our tongues, /anctifie our actions, cure our defeafed bodies, & heal our wounded foules. Let thine Angells, card us; let thine owne eyes, watch over vs; and let us be fo infiructed in thy fear ; that when our lon-like adverfaries are emptie, we maie be filled with thy good- nes, & delighted in thy {weetnes: Grant, alfo, that when their memorial perisheth, we (being preferved found both in foul & body) may enzoie the promifed blefing of long-life, even of life-eternall zz thy heavenlie king- dom, for ever & ever, Amen. Another of the fame. A’ al tymes with my tongue I’le bleffe the Lord ; To fing of him I never will forbear, But, in my Soul, his praife with mirth record ; And publifh what the meek fhall ioy to hear. Come, therfor, helpe his praifes to declare ; To magnify his Name, let vs agree. Difcharg’d I was, by him, of all my fear ; j An 79 64 Plalme XX XITII. And, when his ayde I fought, he ayded me. Enlightned are their eyes that look on him; And, no difgrace or fhame, or thofe cann fall: For, he in all their troubles helpeth them ; And hears the pore, when he on him doth call. God’s Angell-gards, round thofe that fear him, be Encamped ftill to keep them from their Foes. His greatnes, and his goodnes, taft, & fee ; For, all are bleft, who truft in him repofe. In him, let all his Saints, confine their fear ; For, povertie from fuch reftrained is. Kept hungry, oft,-the whelps of Lions are, But, they who fear the Lord, no goodnes miffe, Let me from you (yee babes) attention gaine ; That, I the fear of God to you may fhowe. Mark alfo this (all yee that would attaine Long life on earth, & happie daies, to knowe) No fland’rous tales envre your tongues to tell ; And, let your lipps diffembling fpeach efchewe : Of wicked words beware ; Vprightly deal ; Enquire our Peace, & after it perfue. Plac’d are Gods eyes, vpon the Righteous race ; He to their cries, an open ear doth lay: Quite oppofite to finners, is his face ; And from the land, he rootes their name away. Right willingly, the Lord inclines his ear, To hear, & fave the righteous, when they cry. Sinn-wounded foules, & harts that broken are, He never fhunns ; but, vnto fuch is nigh, Though many greefs, vpon the Godly fall, The Lord, will ev’ry one of them remove. Vnbroke, ev’n all his bones, preferve he thall; But, finn, the death of finful men thal prove. Whoe fo doth hate the Iuft, fhall hated be, For 80 Plalme XXXV. 65) For, God his faithful fervants wil redeem, Yea, all their foules from thral he fetteth free, And leaveth none, that put their truft in him. Pla. 39. A Pfalm of David. ¢ containes divers petitions, & prophetical Imprecations, concerning the Adverfaries of Chrift, &° of kis members; & perticulerly mentioneth fome of thofe mifufages which he fuffred by the Iewes &c. We may properly fing it, when we commemorate the Paffion Sc. with fuch oh Lord, as me oppofe, Vouchfafe to plead my right ; And, pleafed be to warr on thofe, Who now againft me fight. Both fheild & Buckler, take in hand ; Rife, for my help, I pray: Bring out the fpear, & for me ftand, In my Perfuers way. 2 Say to my foul; Thy health, I am; And, bring to fhameful wrack, All thofe who feek my death or fhame ; Yea, fham’d repell them back. Let them before God’s Angell fly, As chaff, before the winde; Let them before God’s Angel fly. Through paths, vnfafe & blinde. 3 Since pitts they digg’d; &, therein fnares For me, vniutftly, laid ; Let them be flaine at vn-awares, In their owne trapps, betraide. Then, Lord, in thee, my foul thal ioy 3 Thy help, my mirth fhall be : And, all my bones, oh Lord, fhal fay, F That 66 Plalme XXXV. That none cann equall thee. 4 Thou fav’ft thee pore, & men oppreft, From thofe that are too ftrong : Thou free’ft the pore, who are deftreft, From fuch as do them wrong. Falfe witneffe rofe, & charged me With words I never fayd ; And, that my foul might fpoiled be, They, Good with Ill, repaide. 5 Yet, when great ficknes them oppreft, In fack-cloth cladd, I mourn’d : I fafted ; &, into my breft, My prayers back return’d. I greev’d for them, as men bemone A Brother or a Freind ; And fadly walk’d, as when that one Bewailes his Mothers end. 6 But, when my greefs did me befett, Their Merry-meetings were : The bafer fort, in private mett, And, none did fcofs forbear. Yea, at their Feafts, in mock of me, The Scorners gnafh’d their teeth. No longer, Lord, {pectator be, But, fave my foul from death. 7 My Darling, from the Lion fave : So, thy great love, oh Lord, Where many folk their meetings have, Vle to thy praife record, Oh ! let not thofe who me defpize, Deride my pore eftate ; Or, lear on me with fcornful eyes, Whome they vniuftly hate. 8 They feek not Peace, but Projects lay For 82 Plalme XXXV. 67 For them that peacefull be : With gaping mouthes, AH! H A, fay they, Our with, we now do fee. Thou faw’ft it; Therfor, make no pawfe, Nor abfent, long, abide : But, wake, arife, & let my caufe By thee, Lord God, be tri’de. 9 Lord, judge me in thy righteoufnes, That they deride not me ; And fay in hart, this Fall of his Is that, which wee would fee. Oh! never give them caufe to fay, We have devour’d him quite ; But, fhame, & root them out, for aye, That in my harme delight. 10 Let them, with fhame, & fcorne, be cladd ; That have my foul defeas’d : And, let them trivmph & be gladd, Who in my caufe are pleafd. The Lord be prais’d, let all men fay, That with thy Servants Peace : And, with my tougue, I’le all the day, Extol thy Righteoufnes, Oh bleffed Redeemer! let thy gratious afsifiance be alwaies readie to garde vs from the furious malice of our Foes: And, feeing their condition is not hidd from thee, let thy iudgments be executed vpon all thofe who shall continue unrepentant in their wickednes ; that thy Jultice may be glorified, as wel as thy Mercie. Makevs, alfo, mindful (oh Chrift) from what height of glovie, thou didft voluntarilie humble thy félfe; to what extream contempt thou wert abafed ; how unkindlie, yea, how defpight{fully handled (even by thofe for whofe Redemption thou wert pleafed to defcend) And, by thy example teach vs to be humble, F2 patient, 68 Plalme XXXVI. patient, & charitable in our fuffrings ; that bearing thy croffe, & imitating thy virtues; we may be pertakers x thy exaltation, who liveft & raigneft, world without end. Amen. Pla. 36. To the cheef Mufitian, a Pfalm of David the fer- vant of the Lord. J¢ mentions the impiety & corrup- tions of the wicked. Tt declareth alfo, the infinite Love, mercie, fweetnes, & Iuftice of God &c. It may be fung to bring to confideration, God’s goodnes, whé the over-flowings of vngodlines circumvent vs? MY hart, within me, fayes ; That, Sinners fear not God : And, their felf-pleafing courfe, difplaies Their hatefull guilt abrode. Their words, are wicked wiles ; Nor wife, nor juft are they: Vpon their bedds they ftudy Guiles, And, curfed is their way. 2 The heav’ns, thy Mercy fills ; Thy Truth doth reach the fkye : Thy juftice, Lord, or’e-topps the hills, And, deep thy judgments lie. Thou fav’ft both man & beatt ; For, Lord, thy grace excells ; And, vnderneath thy wings, in reft, Man-kinde fecurely dwells, 3 With daineties of thy houfe, They fhall replenifh’d be ; And, ftreames of bliffe, they fhall carowfe : For, Life doth flowe from thee. Thy light is, Lord, our light : Therfore (where thou art knowne) Prolong Plalme XX XVII. 69 Prolong thy grace, that men vpright, May make thy works, their owne. 4 Let not the foot of pride, Oppofe, or hinder me ; Nor let me be remoov’d afide, By hands that wicked be. For, thence the overthrowe, Of Sinners, firft begann ; And, when they fell, they fell fo lowe, That, rife they never cann. VVee confeffe (oh Lord) that by the corruption fill remaining in our owneharts, we are plainlieinformed, how Sinn, being firft conceived in thought, will at laft break Sorth into publike A&, if thy great Mercie prevent not. Vouch{afe vs, therfor, not onlie thy common grace, which thou /preadeft over all; but be pleafed alfo, to difplaie over us, the wings of thy fpecial Mercies, that being nourished in thy houfe with /piritual Banquet (/uch as thy word, thy Sacraments, &° the Illuminations of thy Spirit) we may efcape the falling into thofe offeces from which there zs no rifing againe; Let thy Saving-grace, be extended alfo to thofe who yet know thee not, to the muttiplieng of thy Elect, hrough Iefus Chrift our Lord, Amen. Pia. 37. A Pfalm of David. Zt propofeth many counfells, & ex- perimental Arguments, to move vs, not to be offended at the Profperitie of world-lings, &° to perfuade a patient per- Severance in well-doeng &c, It is vfefull, to keep vs contented with our eftates, & hopefull in all temp- tations, & afflictions &c. At Sinners, take thou no offence, Nor vex thy felf, at fuch as they : For, they fhall foone be {wept from hence, F3 And, 85 70 Pfalme XX XVII. And, like the graffe confume a way. Beleeve in God, & live vpright ; So, where thou dwell’ft, thou fhalt be fedd : And, if in him, thou take delight, Of all thy hopes, thou fhalt be fpedd. Commit thou, to the Lord, thy way ; Truft him, & all fhall well be done: Thy Iuftice fhall out-fhine the day, Thy judgment, paffe the funn at noone. Delight in God ; his leafure bide ; And, fret thou not that others thrive ; But, thy difpleafure lay afide ; Left, thou offence, by vexing give. Expect awhile, & thou fhalt fee The wicked fall ; & men vpright Poffeffors of the land to be, When Sinners dwellings vanifh quite. For, meek-men fhall poffeffe the land, And, peace enioy (at full) therein ; Though wicked men, do them withftand, Confpire, & gnafh their teeth, & grinn, God, fees & mocks the Sinners end. His Blade, in vaine he drawes to fmite, He fhall his Bowe as vainely bend, To flay the pore, & men vpright. His Blade, ev’n his owne hart fhall gore ; His bowe fhall breake ; and, that fmall fhare The Right’ous hath, fhall profit more Then all their heaps, that wicked are. It fhall be foe ; becaufe, the Lord (Who breaks their arme, that are vniuft) To Godlie-men, will healps afford, Which never fhall deceive their truft. Knowne to the Lord, are all their waies ; Their Pfalme XX XVII. 71 Their heritage will alwaies laft. They fhall not feare in ev’ll-daies : Nor emptie be, when others Faft. Lewd men (& they who parte have tooke Againft the Lord) fhall, then, become Like fatt of Lambes, or like the fmoke, Which melts, or quite away doth fume. Much, borrowe thofe ; but, never pay. The Righteous lends, & mercie fhewes, Where he doth bleffe, right bleft are they ; Where he doth curfe, a curfe enfues. No courfe he takes, but God will guide His feet ; & in his waye delight : He falls not quite, although he flide ; Becaufe, God holds him, ftill, vpright. Olde-age & youth, I now have feene, Yet, faw no Iuft-man, or his feed, Forlorne or begg ; For, they have beene So kinde ; that they finde healp, at need. Proceed thou in this way, therfore, Depart from Sinn, tread virtues path ; That thou maift live for ever more : For, God, in Iudgment, pleafure hath. Quite, roots he out the Sinners race ; But, ftill, his faints preferved are. The Land, they fully thall poffeffe ; And, fafelie dwell, for ever, there. Right fitt ; for, they difcreetly talke, The Lawe of God, they ponder, ftill, And in their waies, dinedtly walke ; Though Sinners wait, their life to fpill. Still, therfor, God will them defend, And, clear them, when arraign’d they be. If thou, likewife, on him attend, F4 God, 87 72 Plalme XX XVIII. God, in the Land, will profper thee. The Sinners fall, thine eye fhall veiwe : For, I have feene them, like the Bay, Spread wide, and make a goodlie fhewe Then, fuddenly confume away. Veiwe thou the Iuft; Obferve them all ; For, peace their later daies attends : But, wicked men togither fall ; And, mifcheef brings them to their ends. Which comes to paffe, becaufe the Iuft, The Lord (at need) their helper have : For they in him do put their truft, And, them from Sinners, he doth & fave. Almightie God! make vs contented with our portion, without medling in what appertaines to others. Let not the profperitie of the wicked, caufe vs to be envious, fretfull, or difcouraged ; confidering the ficklenes, & perill of their cftate: But, give vs grace to be rather carefull, that we adifcharge our owne duties. Make vs faithfull, chear- full, patient, meek, charitable, prudent, diligent & conftant 2 the wayes of well-doeng ; that fo we may be delivered from defpaires, {cornes, flanders, confpi- yacies, perfecutions, wants, Gd» all other temporal difadvantages of this aes & be iuftified in fight of the whole world at the Refurrection: where, it will be evident, that the florishings of the wicked were never worth our envie3 & that (according to thy word) the later end of the Righ- teous, zs the beginning of eden Sor ever more, Amé. fa. 38. A Pfalme of David to bring to Remembrance. Lt is a penitentiall Pfalme, emploring the pacification of God’ swrath, & exprefingour natural miferies, & corrup- tions Gc. It is vifefull when we feel the guilt & punifhment of Sinn, with a true repentance, & harty 88 Pfalme XX XVIII. ws harty defire of pardon &. : I Ord, chide not when thou wroth fhalt be, or in thy rage, my finn chaftife ; For, deep thy fhafts do ftick in me, And, ftrict, thy hand vpon me lies. Paines in my flefh, thy frownes have bredd ; My faults have rob’d my bones of reft ; My flouds of Sinn, have drown’d my head, And by their waight I am oppreft. 2 My wounds corrupt, & foule they growe ; My Crimes have caufd that thus I fare: With forrowes, I am preffed lowe ; And, all day long, my mournings are. My Raines are grip’d, & fore defeas’d ; Throughout my body I am fore : A waftinge-greef on me hath ceaf’d ; And paind at hart, aloud I roare. 3 Oh Lord! thou know’ft what things I want ; My mournings are not hidd from thee : My ftrength decayes, my hart doth pant, Mine eye-fight alfo faileth me. My freinds & kindred, fhunn my greef ; My lovers, hide themfelves away : And, they who feek to take my life, Clofe-engines, to enfnare me, lay. 4 Yea, they who for my harme awaite, Speake words, that full of mifcheef are : Vet, how al day they muze deceit, I (hearing) will not feeme to hear. Nay, I have ftood, as mute, as he Whofe tongue is partcht, whofe throte is dry, Whofe eares depriv’d of hearing be ; And, in whofe mouth is no replie. 5 For, I oh Lord, on thee relie, F 5 And, m 89 74 Pfalme XX XVIII. And, anfwere I expect from thee : Oh! therfor, now attend my crie, Left els my foes infult on me. For, if my foote but flip afide, They, in my fall, them felves delight ; My feet (alas) are prone to flide, And, ftill, my greefs are in my fight. 6 Beholde, for my offence I greeve ; And, my tranfgreffions I bewaile: Vet, ftill, my foes encreafe & live ; Yea, ftill, my caufles-foes, prevaile. Moreover, they, who render ill For doeng well ; have mee with ftood, And, borne me hate for my good-will, Becau‘e, I love the thing that’s good. 4 Lord, go not far, therfore, from hence ; From me, my God! depart not farr : But, make thou fpeed in my defence ; Becaufe, from thee, my fuccours are. Moft awfull God! dreadfull is thy frown when we be- holdetheeangrie for Sinn: lothfomeareour finns, when they appeare toa wounded confeience: & unfufferableour afftic- tions when our confciences accufe vs: VVe have finned, oh Lord, (we have finned) and are therfor tormented both in Soul & bodie: yet, we befeech thee deal not with vs according to our finns; but, for thy mercie-Sake vouchfafe vs a favo- rablecorrection, & thoferemedies& confolations which thou hnoweft beft for our infirmities: VV hi thouartoffended,our foes ave not only mifcheevousvexations, but our kindred alfo Sorfakevs ; our beft beloved freinds afflict vs; & (which is yet more) we our felves are our owne tormentors. VVhat- Soever therfor, betidesvs (or whofoeverisiniurious ) weehave nothing to replie, nor any to accufe, but our felves. Oh' pittie our diftempers, hear vs, help vs, & deliver vs, for the bitter go Pfalme XX XIX. 75 bitter paffion fake of \efus Chrift our Lord, Amen. Pla. 39. To the cheef Mufitian E Iduthun a pfalme of David. Zhe Prophet refolves a patient watchfulnes over the tongue; Bemoanes the vanitie, & miferie of mankinde & petitions for God’s mercie, &c. It may ferve to in- ftrucét & comfort vs, during the provocations of the wicked, & in other afflictions. I Vow’d to keep my waies vpright, And, that in words, I none would wrong. While finners were, therfore, in fight, I fhut my lipps, & ftayd my tongue : What er’e they fayd, I filent ftood ; Refraining words, though they were good, 2 But, greefs did then to ftirr beginn, Which, hot in me, my hart did make ; My thoughts inflam’d a fire within, Which loos’d my tongue, & then I fpake. Lord, of my end, informe thou me 3 And, what my dayes, & frailties, be. 3 For, loe, my life is but a fpann ; It feems as nothing, in thine eyes: Ev’n at his beft, moft vaine is man, And, like the fhade away he flies. He tires himfelf, with needles paines, And knowes not who fhall reap his gaines. 4 On thee, therefore, I do attend ; My truft, oh Lord, I place on thee. From all my finns, my foul defend ; From flouting-fooles, preferve thou mee : For, I forbare to fpeak a word, Becaufe, it was thy doeng, Lord. 5 Thy hand, with blowes, doth me afflict ; Oh ! take thy heavie ftrokes away. When gt 76 Pfalme XL. When thou for finn doft man correct, Thou, Moth-like fretft their Forme awaie. Therfore, no caufe of doubts remaine, That ev’ry man is wholie vaine. 6 Lord, hear my fuite ; my criengs hear ; Let not my teares vnmention’d goe: For, as thy Guefts, my Fathers were, (And ftrangers here) ev’n I am foe. Oh ! fpare, & grant me ftrength, I pray, Before I paffe from hence, for aye. Give vs Grace, oh Lord, that our tongues neither offend, by undifcreet or evill [peakings, nor by continueng filent whé we ought to [peake, Remember vs how short and vaine our lives are, & how foolish itis to wearie our felves, & con- Sume ourtime, forthatwhich wemay never enioy ; loofing,in the meane while, affured blefings. Enable vs to Juftaine the croffe (which thou shalt lay upon us) without re- pininge, & lay no more on vs then thou shalt make vs able to beave. Deliver vs from the fcorne of fooles ; but ofpeciallie, from thofe tran/greffions, by which our beauty zs confumed, Mark our teares, hear our cries, and {pare vs in this our pilgrimage, untill we have atained the Strength bywhichwe may frand firminthy favour, through Tefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. Pla. 40, To the cheef Mufitian a Pfalme of David. J¢ zs applied unto Chrift, Hebr. 10. Lt praifeth God for our Re- demption, declares the abolishing of the Ceremonial Law, the obedience of Chrift, & the preaching of the Gofpell, &c. It is vfefull to commemorate Chrifts obedience ; to give praife for former deliverances, & to pray for future prefervation. MY conftant hopes on God are fett, Who, when I cride, gave eare to me: Plalme XL. on He brought me from the myrie-pitt: Ev’n from the denn, where horrors be. Vpon a Rock, my feet he plac’t ; He fetled there, my ftanding faft. 2 And, that his praife I might declare, A new-made fong, to me he taught ; Which many men fhall hear, with fear, And, to depend on God, be brought. For, they, who truft in him, are bleft : And, they who pride & lies, deteft. 3 Thofe wonders, Lord, which thou haft wrought ; Thofe things (my God) fo many are Which thou concerning vs haft thought ; That none cann them to thee declare : O Lord ! to order them to thee, Is far too great a task for me. 4 No offrings thou doft now require, But, only, that thy words I hear: No Sacrifize confum’d in fire, By thee, for finns, defired are. Then, Loe, (//ayd) I come, to be That, which thy Book foretold of me. 5 I ioy to do thy will, oh God ! Thy Law, is in my hart enrowld ; And, Lord, thy Iuftice, all abrode, In great Affemblies, I have tolde. hou know’ft my lipps thy Truth reveald ; And, that my hart hath nought conceald. 6 I, made thy faithful-dealing knowne ; I, did thy faving-health declare : I have not kept thy Love vnfhowne, Nor hidd thy Truth, where hearers were. Therfor, to me thy mercy fhowe ; Thy Truth, & Love, Lord, make me know. 7 For, 93 78 Plalme XL. 4 For, mifcheeves more then cann be tolde, Have now enclos’d me round about ; My finns, on me have layd fuch holde, There is no place of looking out : Their number doth my haires out goe, And, therfor, faint my hart doth growe. 8 Oh Lord! vouchfafe my life to fave, With fpeed oh God ! affift I pray ; That they with fhame, a fall may have, Who feek to take my Soul away: Let thofe that with amiffe to me, With fhame & fcorne, repelled be. 9 With rooting-out, thofe men requite, (And paie them with deferved fhame) Whoe in thofe words of fcorne delight, Which bring on me, difgrace, or blame. But, give him ioy in his defires, Who after thee, oh Lord, enquires. 10 Let them who love thy faving-health, Confeffe thee Lord, for evermore : For, thou art mindfull of my wealth, And, heedeft me, though I am pore. Lord God my helper, make thou {peed, To help me, ftill, at ev’rie need. Allmightie God, by whofe divine powre, Iefus Chrift was raifed out of the myrie pitt of the Grave, &° with try- umph afcended from the Dungeons of Hell, zo the higheft heavens: Grant, that by his example we may continually offer up the fweet, & ever acceptable Sacrifize, of Obe- dience fo thy Will. VV rite thy Lawe in our Harts; Let our Tongues publish thy Righteoufnes, & ¢hy Truth, to all-the world, And, though our manyfold Sinns make vs unworthy of thy grace, yet deliver us from that shame & punishméet which they deferve, that our Foes may be difap- pointed 94 Pfaime XLI, 79 pointed of their hope ; & that, we, (together with all thy Saints) may toyfully confeffe thy great Mercie, through Tefus Chrift ovr Lord, Amen. Pfal. 41. To the cheef Mufitian, a Pfalm of David. J¢ de- clares the reward of Charitie towards, the pore members of Chrift ; expreffeth the Hypocrify of his foes; Befeecheth Goa’s affiftance, & pratfeth him for our exaltation by Chri. At is vfefull, for thefe purpofes aforemen- tioned. &*c. [TH man is bleft that heeds the pore, From dangers, God will him repreeve ; He will preferve his life, therefore, And, vnto him preferment give. The Lord, will gard him from his foes, ‘When him they labour to furprife ; Refrefh him, when that weak he growes, And, make his bedd, when fick he lies, 2 In mercie, cure my foul I pray ; For, Lord, ev’n thee, I did offend. Vile words, of me, my foes do fay ; And, wifh my fame & Life, had end. ‘When me they fpie, fair fhowes they make : But, in their harts my harm defire ; Which when they come abrode, they fpeake, Where all my foes, my wrong confpire. 5 Some ill defeafe hath he (they fedd) Hee’s downe, & fhall no more arife : Nay, he whome I have lov’d & fedd, (My trufted-freind) did me defpife. But, help me Lord, & raife, me now, That, I their dealings may requite. I fhall thereby, thy favour knowe, If 80 Plalme XLII. If thon prevent my Foes defpight. 6 Thou doft maintaine my Righteoufnes, And, in thy fight {till placeft me: The Lord, the God of Ifr’el bleffe ; Oh ! let him bleft for ever be. Amen, Amen, Lufufeinto vs, oh Chritt, /uch brotherly compaffion, & Such true Charitie toward thy pore members, that we may obtaine all timely confolations in this life, & be well-comed with Come yee bleffed, at the laft-day. VVe confeffe, there is a difeafe in our Joules, difenabling vs to performe this dutie; and, as wee are neither truly compaffionate to others, nor faithfull acknowledvers of thy love tovs; So, we JSinde others iufilyunmerciful, in our A fictions, & encrea- Jing our vexations, by neglect, confpiracies, or bitter Cen- JSures: Yea, they whome wee have cherished & releeved, in their wants &/orrowes, dounthanckfully takepart with our Oppreffors. Oh! deliver vs therefor, from our owne vit- thanckfulines, & want of charity, that we may be comforted by others, in our need; & become more perfat andconfiant, in all good works, to the praife & glory of thyName. A- men, Pfal. 42, To the cheef Mufitian “Mafchill for the Sonns of Chorah. Jt miftically expreffeth a Chriftian mans eftate -wandring through the Hopes, Doubts, & Feares, of this life &c. Tt is vfefull, when inward or out ward af- fliGions tempt to defpaire of God’s love; or, when we are hindred from frequenting 7s affemblies, &°c. Los as that Hart which water wants, So, longs, my foul for thee : Eternal God ! fo thirfts & pants My foul, thy face to fee. My teares, are day & night my meat - And, 96 Plalme XLII. 81 And, when I hear them faie, VVhere ts thy God? the greef of it Confumes my hart awaie. 2 For, heretofore I went among Thy folke on holy-dayes ; Them, to thy houfe, I ledd along, And, there wee fung thy praife. My Soul, why art thou fo oppreft ? In mee, why art thou fad? Still, praife thou God, & on him reft ; For, he will make thee glad. 3 My Soul, oh God ! is faint in mee, Yet, thinck on thee I will, Though Jordans land I cannot fee, Nor Hermons little Hill. The, deepes vpon each other call, When thy loud ftormes defcend ; And, over me, thy Billowes fall. But, Lord, thou help wilt fend. 4 For day & night, I’le fing & pray Oh God (my life) to thee : My God my Rock ; to thee, I’le fay, Why thus forfak’ft thou mee? Why am I fuffred ftill to mourne, Afflited by my foes? VV here is thy God? they fay in fcorne; And, through my bones it goes. 5 My foul, why art thou fo oppreft? Why art thou fad in mee? Stil praife thou God; & on him reft For ; he my God will be. How defirable (oh Holy-ghoft the Comforter) ave thy confolations to afflicted fouls! & how thirftely fwallo- wed, being mingled with our teares'! Our finns oft greeve G thee, a 97 82 Pfalme XLIII. thee; therfor, thou iufily greeveft vs to make vs fenfible of our unkindneffes: Therfore, wee are fomtime cenfured as Hypocrites; & have all our piety & devotion mentioned with fcorne, to our vexatio: Therfor, mifcheeves like waves, Sollow vs, one after another; yea, & therfor alfo, our owne confeiences fo accufe vs, that wee are fomtime forrowfull to the death, & almoft defperate of thy favour, But, blefed Spirit, Peake thou (oh /peake thou) comfortably to our Soules ; & to whatfoever outward miferie thou expofe vs, (yea though we appear miferable to our Selves ) be thou fill our God, & our Comforter, that our forrowes may at the laft be turned into toy, to thy glorie & our everlafling confolation, Amen, Pla, 43. The Prophet prayeth for affiftance, promifeth to be thanckefull, & concludes, withrowszing up his deiected Soul to perfeverein praifing, & reiieng on God. Ttmay be fung, to keep vs undifcouraged in our {piritual greevances. Ord, judg thou me & plead my right With fuch as cruel be ; From wicked men, that vfe deceit Oh God ! deliver met. For, fince thou Lord, my fortreffe art Why fhouldft thou fro me goe? Why fhould I walke fo fad in hart Oppreffed by my foe? 2 Mee, let thy light & Truths bright raies, Vnto thy dwelling bring : And, at thine Altars ; to thy praife Oh! God my Ioye, V’le fing. My Soul, why art thou fo oppreft ? Why art thou fadd in mee? Still praife thou God, & on him reft : For he my God will be. VVhen 98 Pfalme XLIIII. 83 VVhen our Joules are afflicted, expofe vs not (oh God) to fuffer longe, the fcornes of our Adverfaries; nor leave vs to the terror of thofe cruel iudgements which our owne con- Setences do often pronounce againfivs: But, when wee are moft feverely iudged by the world, & by our owne Selves, doe thou abfolve vs. Depart not fromvs, when wee are compaffed about with iniuries, neither give vs over to thofe melancholy cogitations which will oppreffe our harts when Sorrowe hathentred into our foules, But, let the truth of thy promifes, & the light of thy countenance, /o appeare to vs, that we may be revived thereby; to the encreafe & con- tinuanceofour confolation; and, that( depending alwaieson thee as our fole comforter) we may magnifie thy Name for ever & ever, Amen, Pla, 44. To the Cheef Mufitian, for the Sonns of Chorahy The Church pleads for God's mercie, becaufe hee is her aun- cient deliverer; & becaufe he is yet, her only Trufi, though shee hath long fuftained the fcornes & oppreffions of Ty- vants, Gc. It may be vfed, when the Church or commonwealth is afflicted, &c. Or God! thy work’s in Ages paft Wee heard our fathers tell : How, thou the Gentiles forth didft caft, And, broughtft them there to dwell. For, nor their {word nor Arme it was By which that land they gaind But, Lord, thy hand, thyne arme, thy grace, And favour, them fuftain’d, * 2 Oh Lord my God, my king thou art, Thy Jacob, ftill, defend, And, we fhall thofe through thee fubvart That harme to ys intend. G2 Wee 99 84 Pfalme XLIIII. Wee through thy Name fhall tread them lowe, That vs refift, oh Lord ; For, I depend not on my bowe, Nor truft I to my fword. 2 Wee from our foes were kept by thee, And thou didft work them fhame : In thee therfore, much joy’d were wee And, wee did praife thy Name. Yet, now difgrac’d, thou throw’ft vs by ; Our Hoatft thou doft forfake : Before our foes, thou mak’ft vs fly And, fpoiles from vs they take. 4 Thou makeft vs the Gentiles meat, And, vs like fheep they flaie ; We, fcattred, & for fale, are fett To thofe, who nothing paie. At vs our neighbours laugh & ieer, Of vs, they proverbs make : The people round vs, mock & flear ; At vs, their heads they fhake. 5 Difgrace is alwaies in my fight ; And, redd with fhame, I grow, To hear the fcornfull words of fpight, And, railings of my foe: Yet, wee, oh Lord, forget not thee, Nor from thy cov’nant ftray ; Nor changed in our harts are we, Nor gone out of thy way. 6 Nay, though (oppreft, in death’s black fhade) Wee lodg’d with Dragons, lie: Thy Name, wee not forgotten had, Nor to ftrang Gods did crie. Yea Lord, thou know’ft (who know’ft each thought) That, daylie, for thy fake, We 1900 Plalme XLIIII. 85 We fare like fheep, to flaughter brought And, fo our deaths wee take. 7 Lord, wake, & rife; why fleepit thou fo! Reiect vs no for aye. Why fhouldft thou difrefpect our woe, And hide thy face away? Behold, ev’n to the duft wee make Our foules & bodies bend : Redeem vs for thy mercie fake ; Arife, & vs defend. Deliver vs, oh Lord, from all our adverfaries: & make ws to be fill mindfull what wee have aunciently heard con- cerning thee, from others; & what experience we our felves have had of thy tudgments and Mercies, from time to time: that, neither our profperities make vs arrogate any thing to our felves, nor our Affluctions or perfecutions caufe vs to bla/pheame, or forget thee. Yea, though we f/hould become the fcorne & laughing-ftockof our Neighbours, a preyto our Soes, & be alwaes as the fheep appointed for flaugher ; yet, keep vs unchanged in the true Religeon, & 2x our love to thee: That, thou (to whome both our outward Trialls, & our inward finceritie, zs ever knowne) may/t in due time, help & fave vs whome thou haft redeemed, through lefus Chrift our Lord, Amen. Pfa. 45. To the Cheef Mufitian vpon Shofannim for the Sonns of Chorah Mafchil. /¢ zs, as it were, Chrifl’s marviage-fong, and fetts forth theglorie of that bridegroome & of his Spouze, It is vfefull to ftir vp our fpirituall affection to Chrifts, &c. MY tongue fhall prompt the writers penn, My thoughts of thee, oh King! to tell: For, thou excell{t the Sonns of men ; G3 And, Iol 86 Plalme XLV. And, on thy lipps, all graces dwell. God, wil thee bleffe, for evermore. Great Conquerour, vnto thy fide, With honor, gird thy fword, therefore, And, forward in thy Triumphs ride. 2 Thy Righthand fhall, by deeds vpright, (By Truth, & Meeknes) wonders doe : Thy fhafts, thy foes, to death fhall {mite, And make the people ferve thee to. Eternal is thy Throne of ftate ; Thy Scepter, from all wrong is free ; Thou Iuftice lov’ft, thou Sinn doft hate ; And therfor, God anointed thee. 3 Yea, thine owne God, thy head anoints, Ev’n with his oyle of Ioyfulnes ; And, thee (above thy Mates) appoints, The place of Sov’raigne to poffeffe. The pretious Robes, which thou put’ft on Of Aloes, Caffia, & of Mirrh, Smell round about thine yv’rie throne, When, they thy hart have cheared, there. 4 Kings daughters, have at all times bene Among thy Maides of honour, found : And, at thy righthand, ftands the Queene, In Ophir gold, arayd, & crown’d. Hear, daughter, & my words refpect ; Forget thy fathers kindred, now : And, that the king may thee affect, Hin, for thy Lord, acknowledg thou. 5 Then, fhall the Daughters come from Zyre, And, bring rich prefents vnto thee ; The wealthy, fhall thy grace defire, And, Suitors, for thy favours be. The Daughter of the King, doth wear 102 Pfalme XLV. 87 An vpper garment wrought with gold : But, if her in-fide fhould appear, You, all perfections would behold. 6 Her, to the kinge, prefent they fhall, In Robes which are by needels wrought ; Ev’n with her fellowe Virgines all, (Attending her) fhee fhall be brought. They fhall into his pallace come, With ioyfull hart, & merry chear : And, fhee, fhall in her fathers Roome, To be her comforts, Children bear. 7 Great Kings, (on earth) fhee, them fhall make ; And, caufe, that men in future daies, Such notice of her Name fhall take, That nations all, fhall fing her praife. Moft amiable Bridegroome of our Joules, (whofe ex- cellencies ravish, with fptrituall affections, all thofe who cann apprehend thebeamingsof thy marefty, with true faith. ) Proceed on, in themanifefation of thy powre; Enjlame our harts by the vifion of thy perfections ; make our perfons acceptable by the retection of thy beauties ; enrich vs out- wardly with the goldé embroideries of goodworks ; adorne vs inwardly with the Iewells of Divine graces; and let thy holie-Spirit bring vs unto thee, acompanied with Jo many unpoluted Affections ; that, thou mareft take plea- Jure in our comelines; and, that we, forgetting our carnall defires, (and wholie renouncing our [elves ) may have our Sull contentationinthy dear embraces; and enioy all the pri- zeledges belonging to thy Spouze, for ever and ever. Amen, Pfa. 46, To the cheef Mufitian for the fonns of Chorah, a fong vpon Alamoth. Jt expreffeth on Affurance of G4 Gods 103 88 Pfalme XLVI. God's protection, & the reafons thereof, with an exhor- tation alfo, to give notife of God’s powre. It is vfefull to vs, for thofe purpofes, &c. CG, is my ftrength, when dangers are ; A ready healp approved : Therfore, wee would not ftand in feare, Though all the world were mooved. No, though the Flouds had flowed-o’re The higheft earthlie dwellings ; And Seas did make the hillie fhore, To tremble at their fwellings. ( Selah.) 2 There is a River, which doth glad The place where God refideth ; and, happie is that Cittie made, Becaufe, he there abideth. Her, vn-remoov’d, & firme to fett, He, timelie vndertaketh ; And, though Realmes rave, & heathens frett, Earth melts, when he but fpeaketh. 3 The Lord of hoafts, our part will take ; Vs, Jacobs God, protecteth. (Selah, Oh come therefore, & notife take What wonders God effecteth : What waft, & fpoiles, when he fhall pleafe, Among mankinde he fendeth ; And, how he makes, both warr & peace, As far as land extendeth. 4 He cuts the fpear, he breakes the bowe, And, he the Charret fireth : Be full, faith hee, & alfo, know Your God the fame requireth. I will divulge my fame abrode To ev’ry ethnick Nation. The Lord of Hoafts, ev’n Zacods God, (With 104 Pfalme XLVII. 89 (With vs) is our Salvation. (Selah) No diftruft have our Joules, oh Lord, of thy loving pro- lection; yet when the cofitract betwixt thee & vs was firft published, the whole world of owr enimies raged at our pre- ferment ; Gall the Corruptions of our Naturedid furioufly oppofe our union: And, but that wee were ftrengthned by thy continuall presence ( & refreshed by theever-flowing Rt- ver of thy grace) they had shaken ( & perhaps overthrown ) our Conflancie. Oh continuethy afsifiancetoour comfort, & their further vexation. Protect vs fromevery evill; con- frmosinall goodnes; and fo break theweapons & engines of wngodlines; that, all the world may extoll, &, wee continue, for ever, in thy Salvation, through lefus Chrift our Lord Amen. Pia. 47. To the cheef Mufitian, a Pfalme for the Sonns of Chorah. 2 provoketh to reivicinge, for the Afcention of Chrift; praifeth him, forfubiecting theworld to his/piritual dominion ; & for uniting Tewes & Gentiles &c, VVee should vfe it to thofe purpofes. T° God, all people, ioyfullie Clapp hands, with exultation 5 For, dreadfull is the Lord, moft high, Great king of ev’ry Nation. He, vnto vs, by his great powre, Much people hath fubjected ; And, made our heritage, the flowre Of Jacob, his elected. (Selah) 2 With trumpets, & with merry noife, Is God the Lord afcended : Oh! let him be (with joyfull voice) In fongs of praife, commended. Of God our kinge, the praife now fing ; G5 Sing oO 105 90 Pfalme XLVIIL. Sing praife, & honour do him, The Lord, of all the world is king ; Sing praife, with knowledge, to him. 3 God fitts vpon his holy throne Or’e all the Gentiles raigninge ; And, calleth ev’ry willing-one, ~ To Jacobs God pertaininge. For, vnto God (whome ev’rie tongue With high applaufe commendeth) The worlds protection doth belonge ; And, he the fame defendeth, Eternal Sonn God, great in powre, terrible in Iudg- ment, King of Kings & Lord of Lords; who fitting on the right-hand of thy Father, haft /ubiected the world to thy Dominion, & elected unto thy Jelfe out of all Nations thofe willing-ones who are obedient to thyCall. Oh grant, that wee may not hide thy Talent, or belie thy bountie, (by their perfwafions, who tell vs that, thou expecteft to reap where thou fowedft not) dud, let vs thanckfully, acknowledge thy Common grace: VVhen we are particu- lerly called, letus runn unto thee by thy afsifiing Spirit; & obtain that /peciall Favour, which makes a fure Election, and from which there is no falling. So, we /hall fee that Truth, at which fo many fumble; & with cheerfull harts & thiumphant voices, afcribeour Salvation, wholy, to thee; & all honor, & powre, & glory, to thy Matefty, now & for ever more, Amen. Pla. 48. A Pfalm & fonge for the Sonns of Chorah. / extolls the Lord, & the place of his dwelling ; confeffeth his mercy, his Bounty, & exhorts others to confider & publish he Jame. Wee, above many other Nations, fhould vfe this, to praife God for our Syon, &c. The 106 Pfalme XLVIII. gi THe Lord is great, & great his Fame Should in his holy mountaine be: For, Syoz is a goodly Frame ; The praife of all the world, is fhee. Shee north-ward flands, & fhee doth hight The Cittie of the King of might. 2 The Lord, is knowne to be her garde ; For, when great kings againft her came, They much admir’d ; admiring, feard ; And, fearing, fledd away with fhame: Ev’n with fuch pangs, & fuchlike feare, As women that in travaile are. 3 For, thou, didft raife an Eafterne winde, Which all the thipps of Zaz/us brake : And, Lord of Hoafts, now true we finde, What others of thy Cittie fpake : Yea, wee have heard, & now wee fee, That, God will ftill her keeper be. (Selah) 3 Within thy Temple, wee oh God, Vpon thy loving-kindnes thought ; Thy Name is published abrode ; With Juftice, thy Right-hand is fraught : And, in thy Iudgments, Syox fhall Reioice, with /udah’s daughters all, Through Syoz goe; about her walke, Her Bullworks marke, her Turrets heed ; That, of her beauties you may talke And, tell her glories to your feed : For, God in life will be our guide; And, in our death, our God abide. Thou art worthy oh Lord God, to receive honor, & praife & powre; for, thou haft beautified, & foe fortified thy Cittie the Catholick Church; & thy auncient promifes concerning her, are fogratiouflie fulfilled,thatma- ny 107 92 Pfalme XLIX. ny famous Nations, Kingdomes & potentates, (who defpi- Sed & oppofed her fmall beginning) having, fince, vewed her (with reverence terror & admiration) are driven back JSrom their Idolatries & ashamed of their malitious Inten- tions. Makevs oh God! faithfull Citizens of this thy Citty, & delighted, fo to obferve & publish the beauties & prive- ledges thereof, that the number of her inhabitants may be in- creafed, & that wee & they, may there live, under they protection, for ever & ever. Amen. Pfa. 49. To the Cheef Mufitian a Pfalm for the Sonns of Chorah. J¢ declares the common vanity, & the folly of men in honor &c. It is vfefull, to comfort the weak Chriftian againft the fcandalls of the croffe ; & ftrengthens him that is offendeth at the prof- perities of the wicked Sc. YEe dwellers all on earth, give eare, Both rich & pore, & high, & lowe ; For, mufings deep, I will declare, And, wifdom from my tongue fhall flowe. Dark Problems I will harken out, A Ridle to my harpe, T’le fing ; For, of that day, what fhould I doubt, Which, all my faults, will round me bring? 2 They, who their truft in Riches have, And, glorie in their wealths encreafe, Their brothers life, fhall neither fave, Nor with his God, procure him peace. For, foules redemptions are fo deare, That, no man cann fufficient have To purchafe life, for ever, here ; Or, fcape the Dungeon of the grave. 3 Men fee, both fooles & wifemen die, And, i08 Pfalme XLIX. 93. And, that their gettings others watt : Yet, to their Names, their lands they tie, And, thinck their houfe will ever laft. But, man’s vaine honor foone decaies, Ev’n as the brutith creature dies : And, (though their feed, their courfe do praife) Their waies are neither fafe, nor wife. Selah 4 Like fheep, they food for death are made, Whe fhall a cov’ring on them laie : Their glories in the grave fhall fade, And, Iuft-men rife more bleft, then they. Selah Defpaire not then, though fome thou fee, Surpaffing thee in place, or pelfe : Since, God, thy foul from hell will free, And, home receive thee to him felf. 5 For, though their life more bleft they thought, (And, others did their path commend) They to their grave fhall carry nought, Nor fhall their pompe to them defcend, No; to their Fathers, they mutt paffe, And lie in darknes quite forgott ; For, foolith men in honor’d place, Are like the beaft, which dies, to rott. itis a Riddle (oh Father of Wifdome) chat happi- nes, should be attained without wealth honours and /uch tranfitoriethings; Therfor,worldlings magnify them /elves, & applaud others, according to their temporal acheiv- ments; but when Sinn followes at the heels to Iudgment ; when the grave shalldevour our beauties; & when the price of Soules 2s required ; then, their vainty will be apparent. Grant therfor, oh Lord, that neither the worlds efteem of Such things, make vs to overvalue them ; nor our want of them, to be difcouraged; but, let vs be fully contented in our Salvation by thee: So, when they perish like beafts, ( & are con- 94 Pfalme L. confumed & forgotten in the grave) who were honorable & rich, without underftanding ; wee, whome they tudged un- happie, shal at the Refurrection arife bleffed and glorified, zhrough Tefus Chrift, our Lord, Amen. Pfa. 50. A Pfalm for Afaph. J¢ prophecies of the laft Iudge- ment, & fummons Lewes & Gentiles there unto ; it declares by what lawe they shall be iudged; Reprehends Hypocrites; & exhorts to Repentance, &c. It is vfeful, to warne that wee be not hypocriticall; in regard, all fhall one be difclofed, &c. He Lord our God, th’ Almightie-one Hath fpoke, & fummon’d all, That are betwixt the rifing Sunn, And places of his fall. God’s glorie, Syoz, firft will fhowe. With noife, approch will hee ; Before him, burning fire fhall goe, A ftorme, fhall round him be. 2 Through heav’n & earth, he fhall, aloud, His folke to iudgment call ; His Saints, that Sacrifizes vow’d, Appear before him fhall. His luftice, heav’n fhall fhewe abrode ; For, God the Iudge will be. Hark J/r’el ; for, evn I, thy God, Will thee accufe, faith hee. 3 I, for thine Offrings blame thee not, Which were my due of olde; Nor Bullock ask I, neither Goate, Out of thy Stall or Folde. For, I, more heards of Cattell owne, Then all the Mountaines yeald ; To 110 Pfalme L. 95 To mee all Beafts, & Birds are known, That live in wood or feild. 4 IfI were hungrie, doft thou thinck, (Since all the world is mine) Thy Goates bloud, I would ask to drinck? Or, feed on Bulls of thine ? No; rather pay, in thanckfulnes, Thy Vowes ; and call on me: So, I thall pittie thy deftreffe And, have due praife from thee. 5 But, to the wicked, faies the Lord, How dareft thou to prate . Of my commands, & of my word, Whilft thou doft Counfell hate? For, when thou doft a Theef perceive, A fhare with him thou tak’ft ; Thou, in Adulterie doft live, And, wicked words thou {peak’ft. 6 Thy Brother, (thine owne Mothers fonn) Thou caufles, doft revile. I, filent was, & thou haft done Thefe wicked things, the while. Yea, thou haft therevpon fuppos’d, That, I, was like to thee ; But, all thy folly fhall difclos’d, And, now apparent be. 7 Yee, that of God forgetfull are, Of this, Remembrance have, Els, I fhall you in peeces tear, When there is none to fave. For, I am glorifide of thofe, That give due praife to mee, And, fuch as well their lives difpofe, By faving health fhall fee. Al. 96 Pfalme LI. Almighty God, who with maieftie & terror, shalt come to iudge the world & require an Account of everie one ac- cording to the Talent receaved (efpecially of us, who are Saints, dy ax ordinarie & vifible Callinge) give vs grace to offer the acceplable Sacrifize of Righteoufnes & true obe- dience. Let not our Religeon be meerly formall, without the fruites of good life. Letvs not be of thofe hypocriticail talkers & profeffors of thy word, whoe hate reformation, & -uncharitably cenfure ther owne Brethren ; neither let thy long forbearance of our Sinus caufevs any way to abufethy mercies: but, grant rather, that we may fo unfainedly em- brace thee in our harts, & fo truly ferve thee in our lives, that thou maift be glorified by vs, & wee faved by thee in the laft Iudgment, Amen. Pla. 51. To the cheef Mufitian a Pfalme of David when Nathan the prophet came vnto him, after he had gone into Bethfheba. J erfonates a man trulie peni- dent; and, atrueconfe/sion, contrition, & purpofeofamend- ment, is the fubiect of this Pfalme, Everie true peniten- tiarie may fing it in his humiliation, &c. OH Lord, of thy abounding Love To my offence, remiffive be : My Follies Purge, my Sinn remove, And, of thy grace, daigne grace to me. For, ftill, my fault before me lies ; Yea, by my felfe, I am accus’d: Thee, thee alone, my confcience cries, Ev’n to thy face, I have abus’d. 2 Which, here I do confeffe, oh Lord, That, when to cenfure thou art brought, Men, true my finde thy Truthfull word, And, judge thy Iudgments as they ought, For, {12 Pfalme LI. 97 For, (finfull though my parents made, My Beeing, & my Birth to bee) From thee, a fecret grace I had, To forme the Truth thou feek’ft in mee. 3 And, if I purg’d with hyfope were, Mee, thou fhouldft make more white than fnowe Yea, thy Glad-meffage when I heare, The bones thou brak’ft, will heathfull growe, Then, from my faults, thy face divart ; Blot all my follies out of fight ; Creat in me a fpotles hart, And, make my Spirit, Lord, vpright. 4 Oh! let me not rejected be ; Take not thy Holie-ghoft away ; To joiefull health, reftore thou mee ; Let thy free Spirit be my ftay. So, I will other Sinners guide, To feek thy grace, & walk thy waies ; And, (if my bloudie finn thou hide) Thy Iuftice, oh my God, I’le praife. § Which praifes, that my tongue may fing, My lipps, oh Lord my God, vnclofe : For Burnt-oblations I would bring ; But, thou haft quite reiected thofe. A greeved Soul, a contrite hart, Is God’s beft-liked Sacrifize : With fuch, oh God ! thou pleafed art ; And, fuch thou never fhalt defpife. 6 As thou art pleaf’d, Mount-Syox bleffe, And wall about Zeru/alem. The Sacrifize of Righteoufnes, Shall then obtaine thy good efteem. Yea, thou fhalt then their Guifts receive, And, they fhall all their Offrings pay ; H Ey’n 98 Pfalme LII. Ev’n whole Burnt-offrings they fhall give, And, Oxen on thy Altar flay. Oh Lord! our owne Confciences accufevs, & will pro- nounce thee iult if thou condemn vs : for though it might Somewhat moove thy compaffion, to confider our difabili- ties, by Original Polution ; yet, knowing what grace thou haft Secretly infufed, both, to refift that naturall corrup- tion, and to forme alfo within vs that Righteoufnes which thou requireft; wee have no excufe (no hope) but to appeal to thy mercie. To thy Mercie therfor, wee appeal, beleeving to be perfectly purified by the [princkling of thy dear Sonns bloud. Oh! forgive vs for his fake; Reftore vs to thy fa- vour; repatre what ts decaied in foul or bodie; & fo com- Sort, renue, guide, & firengthen us, by the continual pre- Jence of the Holy-ghoft; that our conver fation may be more upright; & all our future endeavours become acceptable; to thy glorie, to the Saving of our Soules, & to the confola- tion of other penitent Sinners, through Yefus Chrift our Lord: Amen. Pfal. 52. To the cheef Mufitian Mafquil a Pfalm of David when Doeg the Edomite came & told Saul, & faid vnto him, David is come vnto the houfe of Abhi- melech. ¢ miffically, perfonates the Elect, upbraiding their perfecutors, foreteling their shamfull ruine, & reiot- cing in their owne deliverances, &c. It is vfefull in per- fecutions, Wy vaunt’ft thou Tiraunt of thy wrong? God’s love will ftill the fame appear, Although thy mifcheef-working tongue, Faines lies, as keen as Razors are. Thou, evill more then Good refped?’ft ; Thou loveft falfhood more then right : ( Selah.) All IIl4 Pfalme LII. 99 All harmefull {peaches thou affedV’ft, And, tongues which publifh forth deceit. 2 But, thee from hence, the Lord fhall tear, And, from the Land thy dwelling take. (Seah. ) The Iuft fhall fee the fame with feare, And, fport at thy deftruction make. Yea, they fhall fay ; Loe, this was hee Who fought not God to make him ftronge ; But, labour’d how he great might be, By getting wealth, & doeng wrong. 3 Then, as for mee, I profper fhall As Olive trees that have their place Within Gods holie temple wall, And, ftill depend vpon his grace. There, Lord, I’le fpread abrode thy fame ; Yea, then, I’le praife thee for thy love, And, truft for ever in thy Name; Which, all thy Saints will well approve. Deliver vs oh gratious Lord, from the cruell infolencies & falshood of thofe, who Seek their Advancement by iniu- vious & wicked meanes. Preferve vs alfo from the guilt of their abhominations ; but efpecially from being fo shameles, as tomakevaunts of oppre/sion, or of any other finn. Difen- able, & root out of the land, all fuch infolent Offenders; that the Righteous florishing as green Olive trees, & behol- ding thy Iudgments, may with reverent awe, reioice in their JSulverfion who are freinds to Vorighteoufnes ; &» (with a fearles confidence in thy love) magnify thy Holy Name, Sor ever & ever, Amen. Pla. 53. To the cheef Mufitian Mafchil, A Pfalm of David. Lt is almoft the fame with the 14. Pfalm. And may be vfed to minde vs that our Nature was wholie depra- Ha ved, 115 100 Pfalme LIII. ved, and that wee fhould defire the comming of Chrift, by whome wee are to be renewed, &c. THe foole, doth God in hart denay, And, all corrupt are growne ; Perverfe & wicked is their way, There is no Righeous-one. For, God from heav’n his eye declin’de, Man’s of-{pring to behold ; And, fearched who did feek to finde, Or, know him as they fhould. 2 But, all their waies prepoftrous were ; All, fillthie & vnfound : None fawe he live vprightlie, there ; Not one good man, he found. Ev’n brutifhlie. fond Sinners eat God’s people, as their bread. They, feek not God ; and horrors great They feel, where is no dread, 3 The Lord will breake the bones of them That have befeiged thee ; And, thou fhalt fhame them, fince, of him They difrefpected be. Would wee God’s healp from Syon had! For, facoé, triumph thall, And, Ifr’el, will thereof be glad, When them he brings from thrall. Free vs, oh Lord, from that univerfall corruption which overfpreadeth our Nature; that wee neither become fo foo- lishto deny thee in our harts, nor fo perverfe as to dishonour thee in our waies. Soe behold our polutions, that thou maift cleanfe vs from them; Soe confider our weaknes that thou maift breake the bands of all our foes; So make us to fear thee, that all our other feares may be turned into doye 5 116 Pfalme LITII. 101 oye; And caufe vs to be fo defirous of that falvation, which was promifed out of Syon, that (being delivered Srom the thraldome of finn and death) wee & every true Ifraelite, may triumph in our Salvation & Redemption through Tefus Chrift our Lord. Amen, Pla. 54. To the cheef Mufitian on Neginoth Mafchil. 117 102 Pflalme LV. ved; But, as thou ha/ft bene alwaies heretofore our Healper (and the upholder of them who have befriended vs.) So, continue, we pray thee, to reward our freinds, according to their kindnes; to vequite our foes according to their defer- vings; & to deliver us from all our forrowes, through Lefus Chrift; Towhome with thy bleffed Spirit, wee will offer up the free Sacrifize of praife and thancksgivinge, now & for ever, Amen, Pfa. 55. To the cheef Mufitian Necinoth Mafchil, a Pfalm of David. Zt per/fonates the faithfull, complaining & pe- titioning againft the inhumanitie of their foes, It deciphers, alfo, falfe brethren ; declares their deftruttion, & the fecu- ritie of the Ele&t. It may be vfed as the former. OH God! my praiers hear ; Hide not away thine eare ; But, hear, & caft on mee thine eye. For, loud my foes doe roare ; The wicked greeve me fore ; And, therfore Lord, thus loud I crie. 2 With wrongs, they mee perfue, A wrathfull fpight they fhewe, And, I, at hart am greatlie vext : Deaths torments mee oppreffe, I fhake through fearfullnes, With horrors great, I am perplext. 3 I fayd; Doves wings, had I, To reft, I then would flie. Lo, then farr hence I would abide. I, then would hafte away, And, in fome Defert ftay Which fro the Tempeft mee fhould hide, (Selah.) 4 Deftroy & flitt their tongues ; For, ftrife, oh Lord, & wrongs, Pof- 118 Pfalme LV. 103 Pofieffe their Cittie night & day ; In midft thereof I fpi’de Sinn, fraud, & guile abide ; Thefe, in her ftreats, ftill made their ftay, 5 A foes contempt, or fcorne, I could have fhund or borne 3 But, mee no publike foe abus’de: It was my trufted Peer ; As freinds, wee freindlie were, And, wee God’s houfe togither vs’d. 6 Arreft them, Death & Hell, With whome fuch Mifcheevs dwell: For, I, vpon the Lord will call. To God, at night I’le pray, At morninge, at nooneday ; And, mee both hear, & fave, he fhall, 7 In warr, he gave mee peace, And, mee will ftill releafe : Ev’n me, the Lord will hear, and fave. But, God will punifh them : (Selah. ) For, they his feare contemn ; Becaufe, that they no Changes have. 8 Their hands, the Peace did breake, (Where they a league did make) And, though their {peach moft freindlie were, Yet are, fometime, their words, Like darts or naked fwords. Let God, therefore, thy Burthen bear. 8 For, God is thy defence, He gardeth innocence ; And, Sinners downe to Hell will thruft. Not half their daies they live, Who murther or deceive : But, in the Lord I put my truft. H4 Many 119 104 Pfalme LVI. Many & greevous (oh Lord) are thofe troubles which exercife thy Children ; efpecially in thofe places, where pro- phanes, or falfe worfhip zs openly approoved: but, the greateph afflictions are occafioned by Hypocrites, Falfe breathren, & ¢hofe who abufe vs under cullour of Re- ligeon, or by pretences of deareft Amitie. Defend vs therfor, oh God, from thofe harmfull Serpents; Give vs the wings of Dovelike innocence, to carryvs above their fnares: Grant us thofe enterchanges of Profperitie & Adverfity, which may keep us both in thy Frare, & Love: Suffer not the tri- bulatious of the world, nor the temptations of the Devill, nor the miferies of the Flesh, to opprefeus: But, let us lay all our burthens upon thee, confidently; Truft in thee firm- ly; Seek thee duly ; love thee fincerely ; & enioy thy gratious protection for ever more Amen. Pfa. 56. To the cheef Mufitian vpon the mute Dove in the Defert, a golden Pfalm of David, when the Philiftims took him in Gath. J¢ typically perfonates the Church in perfecution, & is a prayer, & a complaint againft her Foes, acknowledging Gods regard of her fuf- Srings, profefsing affurance in him, & promifing to be thanckfull &c. It is vfefull to thofe ends. &c. Have Mercie Lord, for, man hath fought To fwallowe vp, & mifcheeve mee. My Foes with mee have daylie fought ; And (Lord moft high) they many bee. Thou art my hope, when doubts arife, Thy word hath brought me comforts, to, On thee alone, my hart relies, And, fearles is, what Flefh cann do. 2 They wreft my words, Lord, ev’rie day ; To worke me harme, they ftill devife : They 120 Pfalme LVII. 105 They meet vnfeene, they mark my way, And, how they might my Soul furprife. Therfore, in thy juft wrath, oh God! Correct them for this Crime of theirs : And, as thou doft my Faults record, Recorde, & botle vp my teares. 3 For, thou wilt fave me, Lord, I knowe; ‘When thee I feek, my Foes flie back : Thy promife makes mee joyfull growe, And, of thy word, my fongs I make. My, truft, oh God ! is all in thee, And, of man’s powre, I fearles am. Thy vowes are all perform’d on mee And, I will praife thee for the fame. 4 For thou haft freed my Soul from death ; From falls, thou doft my footing ftay, To walke, by thee, within that Path, Which leads to Life, a lightfome way. Oh thou faithfull preferver of all who put their truft in thee! Our vifible & invifible Adverfaries do continually Seck the deftruction of our Joules & bodies, by many Secret & mifcheevous devifes: But, our truft being placed upon thee, wee need not fear the malice of any Adverfarie. Grant vs grace therfore, fo to depend on thy promifes, & fo zo lament our errors (with tears of true Repentance) that as our enimies mark our wayes to entrap vs, wee our Selves may mark them to prevent enfnarings ; & that thou ob- Serving their hatred, & our penitence, mayft caufe vs to walke ioyfully, in the way of eternal life, through Telus Chrift, Amen. we Pfal. 57. To the cheef Mufitian Altafchith, A Pfalm of David, when he fledd from Saul in the Cave. J¢ H5 my q 12 106 Pflalme LVII. myftically expreffed the lewes perfecutinge Chrif, even unto the Grave, wee that are his members, & partake in his Juffrings, may fing it, to declareouriniuries, & to pray, & praife God, for deliverances. &c. Ord, grant (oh grant) me thy compaffion ; For, I, in thee my truft have placed. Difplay thy wings for my Salvation, Vntill my greefs are over-paffed. To thee I fue (oh God moft high) To thee, that canft all want fupplie. 2 From their defpights who feek to rend mee, Let help, oh Lord, from heav’n be daigned, And let thy Truth & Love defend me; For, I with Lions am detained : With men inflam’d, whofe biting words, Are fhafts, & fpears, & naked fwords. 3 Let over heav’n Gods praife be reared, And through the world, his glorie fhowed. For, they who netts for mee prepared, (They who my foul to ground had bowed) Ev’n they, who in thofe trapps are caught, Which for my fall, their hads had wrought. Séah 4 Oh God! my hart now ready maketh, My hart is for thy praife preparing ; My Tongue, my Harpe, my Lute awaketh And, I my felfe, betimes vprearing, Will fpeake & fing, in praife of thee, Where greateft throngs of people be. 5 For, Lord, thy Mercies forth are ftretched, As farr as are the Sphears extended ; Thy Truth vnto the Clouds hath reached And, thou thy felf art high afcended Let, ftill, thy, Fame & praife, oh God! Through heav’n & earth be fpread abrode. r oO 122 Pfalme LVIII. 107 Oh Lord to whome Mercy belongeth, ave mercy upon vs; & let the Wings of thy protection be gratioufly Spread over vs, untill the Stormes of this life be overpaft: For, fo great & fo manyfold are thofe dangers, & thafe Miferies wherewith wee are alwaies enclofed, by /pirituall & temporal foes ; that they have brought our bodies to the Grave, & our Joules near unto Hell. Of! let thy Truth & Love defend vs from our Lion-like perfecuters ; that our Harts (being timely cheared) our Thoughts, Words & Actions, may harmonioufly agree in manifefiing thy prai- Jes. And, Seeing thy holy Spirit hath plainely declared the Vniverfality of thy proffered Grace; let not us prefume to Sett Limmits thereunto; but publish thy glorieasuniverfaly as thou haft extended thy Mercies, through Vetus Chrift our Lord. Amen, Pia, 58, To the cheef Mufitian Altafchith Michtam of David. lt reprehends & characters, that Serpentine ge- neration, whoe are obftinate enimies to the Gofpel of Chrift, & prophecies & tlluftrates their deftruction, &c. It is vfefull to encourage vs againft their malice, &c. YEe congregation, faid yee right? Yee Mortalls, are your Doomes vpright? No; for you mufe on works of Sinn: Your hands with mifcheevs filled are, You from your Births vntoward were ; And, from the wombe have liers binn. 2 Your poyfon, like the ferpents, flowes ; Deaf-Adder-like, your eares you clofe, Though powrfull Charmes are wifely fung Oh God! their mouthes of teeth difarme 3 And, that their Fangs may do no harme, Make tootheles (Lord) the Lion’s young. 3 Like 123 108 Pfalme LIX. 3 Like fudden Flouds, their furie flale ; When they would fhoot ; their arrowes, breake : Yea make them quite confume away. . Like fnailes, confume them from the earth ; Or els, like fome vntimely birth, Deftroy, them, er’e they fee the day. 4 Before wee feel them, prick or burne, Them, whirle-winde-like, Lord, overturne ; And fweep them hence, in wrath alive. Which Vengance, when the Righteous vewe, (And vewing Sinn receive her due) They, joyfull thancks, to thee fhall give. § Yea, they fhall trample on their bloud, Who have bene Foes to doeng good ; And ev’rie man fhall fay, & fee, That Righteous men fhall have their meed ; And, that there is a God, indeed, By whome the world fhall iudged be. Keep vs, oh LORD, from having fellowship in the Con- gregations of thofe, who are perverted in their ludg- ment, mi/cheevous in their Converfation; Draf to good Inftructions, Ob/tinate in their herefies; & willful continuers in all their natural Corruptions. Deliver vs Srom their malice; Breake their Inftruments of mifcheef ; and let their deferved confufion fall /uddenly upon them: That, the Faithfull Congregation, may vewe tt ; & that all men may fee & confeffe thee, to be the Righteous ludge of the world, & the rewarder of all thofe who put their truft in thee, Amen, Pfa. 59. To the cheef Mufitian Altafchith Micham a Pfalm of David, when Saul fent & they watched the houfe to kill him. Jt cheefly prophecied the Tewes dogged 124 Pfalme LIX. 109 dogged crueitie to Chrift, & that they should be preferved to wander in a vagabond Condition (as wee fee at thisday) for an example to others &c, It ferves to warne vs, that wee refift not God’s grace once offred. &c. Y God, protect mee from my Foes ; From them, who ftrive with mee : From Sinners gard mee, & from thofe, That bloodie-minded be. For, loe, the mightie do combine ; They waite my foul to teare: And, without caufe or fault of mine, With {peed there to prepare. 2 Lord God of Hoafts, & Ifr’el, wake, To heed & fuccour mee : The Gentiles Curbe, & vengance take, Where finns malitious be. (Selah) At night, like Doggs, they Bawling come, They round the Cittie goe And flanders ranck, & threatnings, from Their Mouths, & lipps, do flowe. 3 For why, fay they, none hears the fame ; But, God fhall them detect ; The Gentiles alfo to defame, His ayde I will expect. For, God’s my ftrength, God healpeth mee, Preventing grace beftowes ; And, what my hart requires to fee, Inflis vpon my Foes. 4 Oh Lord our help, difperfe with fthame, Difperfe them by thy powre ; But, left my Folke forget the fame, Them, doe not quite devoure. Vntill their tongue, all words of fpight And falfhood, vttred hath ; And, 110 Pfalme LIX. And, when their pride is at the height, Confume them in thy wrath. 5 Yea, Lord, confume.them vtterlie, Till, notife they obtaine, That, God, throughout eternitie ; Doth over facod raigne. Selah At night, vnto the Cittie wall Like doggs they fhall retreat ; Without it, they fhal barke & bawle, And whine, for want of meat. 6 But, in the Morne, aloud Ile fing, Both of thy powre & grace ; And fpeake what fuccours thou didft bring When fore deftreft I was. Ev’n vnto thee, oh God my powre, My praife-full fong fhall be : For, thou art my defenfive Towre, And, gratious vnto mee. Luft Avenger of all malitious iniuries 5 According to thy promifes thou haft fubiccted the Gentiles to thy Sonns Dominion, & fcattred the lewes (with a Cain-lzke marke preventing their viter extirpation) that fo, their vagabond life may be a perpetuall memoriall, both of their crueltie, & of our Savious Pafion, Let all thofe who hall make them/felves partakers of their malitious herefie (without re- pentance) be partnersin their punishment; and letthem hunt through the earth in error, bawling like doges without the walls of thy new lerufale (for an example to all Ages): But, let fo many of them as have bene miffeled, by ignorance only (without willfull malice) oh let them, returne from their obftinacie,in the Evening of their life( or of this world ) & let them hunger & thirft after the true Mefhiah ; that tn the Morning of their & our Refurrection, we may, altogether, praife & glorifie thy holy Nane. Amen. Pfa. 60, Pflalme LX. II! Pfa, 60, To the cheef Mufitian vpon Shufhan Eduth Michtam of David, to teach when he ftrove with A- ram Naharaym & with Aram Zobath, when Ioab returned & flew of Edom in the falt vallie 12000. It bemones the prefent calamitie; mitigates it by remem- bring God’s promifes; Defires his conduct ; & profeffeth Affurance in him, It is vfefull to encourage thofe who fight vnder God’s banner. &c. O# God! wee are defpis’d of thee, And, in thy wrath difperfed be : But, now returne to vs againe. Thou fmot’ft our land, & Loe it quakes, Oh ! ftopp the breach, for, ftill it fhakes ; And, many cares thy folk fuftaine. 2 A giddie wine thou mad’ft ys drink ; Vet, they that feare thee, do not fhrinck They Truths difplaied Flagg to beare. Selah Oh! that thy Darling, fafe may be, Let thy Right-hand or’efhaddow mee ; And, bowe thou downe to me thine ear. 3 Then (as God’s holy voice declar’d) All Shechem, fhall by mee be fhar’d ; Tle Succhoth Dale by Line receive : Tle Gilead & Manaffeth take ; Mount £p/’rim, I my gard will make ; In Judah, I, my law will give. 4 My fervile worke fhall AZoaé doe ; O’re Edom I will fling my fhoe ; And Paleftine, of mee fhall boaft For, who to Edom is my Guide? Or to the Cittie fortifide, But, God, that had forfook our Hoaft ? 5 That 1z2 Plalme LXI. 5 That Lord, who did our Hoaft forfake, Shall of our greefs an ending make: For, man’s vaine help wee do contemn. Through God, we valiant Acts have done, Our Foes, by him, fhall downe be throwne And, Hee fhall fet his feet on them. Notwithfanding our many outward A fictions make vs appeare as reprobaies in the worlds opinion; & though (by reafon of our finns) weeour [elves are fometimehalfafraids, that thou, oh God, haft forfaken & defpized vs: yet, ha- vinge among us the Enfigne of Truth as a teftimonie of thy favour; wee beleeve that thy [pirituall kingdome shall be continued with vs, & be etablished in thofe places alfa, which are not yet of thy vifibleChurch. Fulfill oh Lord, our hopes herein ; that wee may breake through the fortifica- tions of the miftical Babilon, & that thy Spirituall Ar- mies may be victorious, through the conduct of our Lord & Caftaine Iefus Chrift. Amen. Pla. 61. To the cheef Mufitian a pfalme of David. J¢ de- Sireth God's affifiance; confelfzth former protections, & promifetn futuretrufiin him. It containes alfo, a predic- tion of Chrifis kingdome, a petition for Grace, and a vowe of thanckefulnes. To thefe ends it may be vied, Lo, let my plaint attention move, When greev’d at hart I lie; And, lead mee to the Rock above, When from Earth’s ends I crie. For, as a Cittie fortifide, From foes thou gardeft mee, Within thy Tent, ftill, fafe I bide ; Thy Wings my Cov’ring bee. Selah, 2 Thou hear’dit my vowes, & gav’ft mee fhares, With 128 Pialme LXII. 113 With fuch as fear thy Name ; And, fpar’dft the king, till hee in yeares An aged man became. Oh! let thy Truth & Mercie, Lord, Preferve him ftill by thee ; That, ftill thy praife I may record, And pay my vowes to thee. Hear our Prayers, oh Lord, & let our cries come unto thee. So firmiie eftablish vs on that Rock whereon thy Church 7s founded, that it may be our Bullwork of de- JSenfein all dangers. Cover vs with the wings of thy Mer- cie; Succour vs in thy Tent; & be gratious unto vs, from what place, or in what/foever affiiction, wee call upon thee: That fo (having an outward portion among those who pro- Sele thee, & performing thofe vowes, which wee made unto thee in our Baptifme) wee may be continued in thy favour, ontil we shal be admitted into thy triumphant Church, & enioy life eternall with Chrift lefus. Amen. Pla, 62. To the Cheef Mufitian to Iduthan a Pfalm of Da- vid. Lt profeffeth truft in God; threatens & Characters out, Antichrift & his Members; Exhortsto faithin Chrift; & declares the vanitie of man & of all tzporall affifiances & nD 2 Pfalme CIX. 207 have heretofore prevailed againft us. VVee rely on thee on~ ly: On thee only, our harts are fixed: And, for thy good- nes; we defire, with all our faculties, to praife & mag: nify thy Name, for evermore. Amen, Pla, 109. To the cheef Mufition a Pfalme of David. J¢ is applied unto ludas Acts 1, 20. and is it vfefull to ter- rify Gods foes, & all Hypocrites, by fhewing the Iudgments pronounced by the holy-ghoft, againft allfuch. But, let noneabufethis, or any fuch like Plalmes, by repeating them in their owne quarrels ; left the Curfes fall on themfelves. O# God my praife ! now filence breake ; For, wicked men that guileful be, With open Iawes, againft me fpeake, And, with falfe tongues, have flandred mee. With hatefull words they mee enclofe ; Without all Caufe, with mee they warr, And for my Love, they are my foes: Yet, for their weal, my prayers are. 2 For my goodworks, ill deeds I gett ; My love with hate, they do requite : Or’e them therefore, fome Tyrant fet ; At his right-hand, let Sathan waite. Let Iuftice, them to death perfue ; Account it finn for them to pray : Cutt fhort their dayes ; & make them fewe: Let others take their place away. 3 Keep fatherles, their Orphane-breed, And, husbandles, their widdow’d wives ; Yea, Caufe thou their accurfed feed, To begg & wander all their lives. Their vncouth denns, let then forfake ; 223 208 Pfaime CIX. To begg, what muft their life fuftaine : Their labors, let oppreffors take, And, Strangers rob them of their gaine. 4 Let none regard, though they lament, Nor pitty take on fuch a race : But, quite away (in one defcent) Their of-{pring, & their Name deface. Let God, ftill, minde the guilt they drewe, From both their parents, at their birth, And, keep it allway’s in his vewe, Till they are nam’d no more, on earth. 5 For why, they no compaffion fhew’d, To him that greev’d & pained lay. But, they the needy foul perfu’de : The broken hart, they fought, to flay. They Curfings Lov’d: let them be made The part, therefore, of their juft lot. In Bleffings, they no pleafures had ; And, therfor, they poffeffe them not. 6 With curfes, they, themfelves did clothe, As with a gowne, or with a cloke ; Therefore, as oyle or water doth, Through bones & bowells, let them foke ; Let Curfes, them like Belts, inclofe ; And, as their clothes, fuch men aray : Ev’n thus, oh Lord, requite my Foes Who of my foul, amiffe do fay. 7 But, (for thy Name fake) fave thou mee ; Deal wel with me, & mercy daigne : For, wounded is my hart in mee; And, I am pore, & full of paine. I vanifh like an Evening fhade, I, Locuft like, am toft about: My knees, are weake through fafting made ; 224 Pfalme CX, 209 My flefh is leane, & wafted out. 8 They, mee defpife ev’n to my face, And, fcornfull nods, at mee they make. Oh Lord my God! of thy meer grace, To bring me help, now vndertake, Make them to fee, & then confeffe, That by thy hand I helped am ; Lord, though they Curfe, yet do thou bleffe. And, let them rife, to fee their fhame. 9 But, make oh Lord, thy Servants glad ; Whilft they, that my illwillers are, With thame (ev’n their owne fhame) are clad, As if with Robes arayd they were, My tongue fhall praife thee then, therfore, Confeffing, where Affemblies be, That God is Patron of the pore; __ . And, from falfe doomes, their foules doth free. Oh God terrible art thou in thofe tudgments, which thou doft pronounce againf? all malitious & unrepitat Sin- ners. VVee befeech thee therfore grant us grace, to repent allour tranfgrefsions, & toshewe compassion toall thy pore members in their Afflictions ; that we may finde Mercy in our forrowes. WVVee often fee thy tudgments ; but, wee neither know whome thou correcteft in love to amend- ment, nor whome in fury to their deftruction : For, thou veferveft that fecret unto thy elf (To heep vs, both in our dealings & Cenfures, alway charitable to thofe whome thou Smiteft) Oh teach vs, therefore, true Charity; & letvs never doe, or wish evill to any man, in our owne Caufes: But, let as apply thy indgméts,to finningenerall; & imprecate that they may fall only, on the enimies of our Lord and Saviour Tefus Chrift. Amen. Pfa, 110, A Pfalme of David. /¢ zs Literally of Chrift, Math, 22. P & it 210 Pfalme CX. & it mentioneth, the Deity, Humanity, Soveraignety, Preifthood, Powre, Conquefis, Paffion, & Refurrection of the Meffiah. Wee may fing it with refpect to thofe perticulers, VN to my Lord, the Lord, thus fpake, Sitt downe at my right hand ; And, of thy foes, ’le footftooles make, Whereon thy feet fhall ftand. The Lord, fhall out of Syon bring, The fcepter of thy might ; And, over them thou fhalt be king, Who now refift thy right. 2 On thy great Day, in ferving thee, Men, willing mindes will fhewe ; And, from the wombe, thy birth fhall be, As is the morninge dewe. The Lord, hath fworne, (& will nor check, Nor change the word he fwore) Thou art, (as was Melchizedek) A preift, for evermore. 3 The Lord, fhall fmite when wroth he growes Great kings, at thy righthand. The Gentiles judge, &, flay his foes Which are in ev’ry land. The heads of kingdomes he fhall flay ; And, as he paffeth-by, Shall drinck the Torrent in the way, And, raife his head on high. Almighty God, who haf given thy eternal Sonn (with whome thou art the fame in Effence) to bein an vnfpeak- able manner conceaved in the Virgines wombe: To de made an everlafting preift, for us, after the Order of Melchizedekh, And in his Paffage through this life, to drinck 226 Plalme CXI. 2.1 drinck the bitter Torrent of his Paffion: Grant wee be- Seech thee, that by virtue of his bleffed Incarnation, our nature may be fanctified & prepared for Grace; that by his Death, we may dye to finn ; that by the powre of his Re- furrection wee may arife to righteoufnes ; & by his glo- vious Afcention, be victorious over all our enimies, both /piritual & temporall, for ever & ever, Amen, Pla, 111. Halelujah. £¢ praifeth God for his miraculous works, his wifdome, Mercy, Luftice, & for the Covenant of his Grace &c. It may be Jung to continue in vs, the fear of God, & to praife him for his benifits; efpecially, for our Redemption, Wit all my hart, God’s praife I’le fing, Where faints affembled are. For, they, God’s works to minde will bring, Who, love to them doe bear. Moft famous deeds, the Lord hath done, His Iuftice, hath no ends : His works are worthy to be knowne, His bounty, farr extends, 2 All them that feare his Name, he feeds ; His League he thinks vpon ; And, for his folke, by wondrous deeds, The Gentiles Realmes he wonn. His hands, have Truth & Iuftice, wrought ; His precepts, all, are fure ; With Truth & Iudgment, fully fraught, For ever to endure. 3 God fent, and hath his Flock redeemd ; His Leagues eternall are: His Name is rev’rently efteem’d ; And, full of holy-feare, P32 The 212 Plalme CXI. The feare of God, is Wifdome’s gate ; And, therefore wife is he, Who feekes to enter in thereat : His praifes, endles be. Moftmercifull Father (woderfullinthy workings,dread- full in thy cudgments, unfallable in thy Truth, & un- JSpeakable in thy Mercies) fill us wee pray thee with that sanctified Feare which is the beginning of true VVifdome; So manifeftunto us thy eternal Truth ; fo remember vs of thy Covenant; & fo feede us with /pirituall nourishments, that we may be firengthned to walkin thy wayes; & at the lah, enter the Gates of eternall bleffednes, through the me- diation of Telus Chrift ovr Lord Amen, Another of the fame. At praife to God, my hart now render fhall. Before the Iuft ; of him I’le mention make, Confeffing that his wond’rous Actions, all, Deferve that wee fhould pleafure in them take. Exceeding great, his glorious deeds appear, From age to Age, his Iuftice doth extend ; Growne famous, all his glorious workings are, His Bounties, & his Mercies have no end. In feeding fuch as feare him, he is free ; Kept firme, his promife is, from age to age. Long fince, that fo, his Folk his powr might fee, Made were, the Gentiles lands their heritage. Nor Truth nor Iuftice paffe, but from his hand. Of all his lawes, the firme fulfillings, be, Provided foe ; that, they fhall ever ftand Quit, from all wrongs, & from all falfhoods, free. Redeemer of his people, he became. So firme a League likewife, he did ordaine, That, he hath fixt, & fortifide the fame, Vnchan- se 225 Pfalme CXII. 213 Vnchangably, for ever to remaine. With holines & feare, he clothes his Name : Yea Wifdome’s firft foundation is his fear. Right wife are they, that well obferve the fame: And fuch, from Age to age, commended are. Pfa. 112, Halelujah. /¢ mentions many priviledges & properties of the Ele&t ; & shewes, that the wicked (for their greater vexation ) shall behold their happines &c. It is a confo- latory Hymne; and ferves to keep vndifcouraged, thofe whoe are exercifed by the skoffs & profpe- rities of worldlings. Wie on Gods lawe his love doth place, And, feareth him, right bleft is hee : God, will on earth advance his race, And, bleft his faithfull feed thall be. His houfe with plenty fhall be dight, His Inftice, fhall not be confinde ; In darknes, he fhall ftill have light, For, he is meek, & juft, & kinde. 2 The righteous lends, & helps the pore, His dealings, he difcreetly weighes ; His fame, abides for evermore, And in a ftate vnchangd, he ftaies. He ftarts not, evill Newes to heare, On God, his hopes & muzings be. His hart is fixt, & will not fear Till on his foes, his with he fee. 3 He, on the pore, doth Almes beftowe, And, alway juft, he doth abide. For which, his horne thall powrfull growe, And, with renowne be dignifide. Which, when vngodly men perceave, P3 They 229 214 Pfalme CXII. They fhall, through envy & defpight. Growe furious, gnafh their teeth, & greeve. And, locfe thir hopes, & longings quite. VVe humbly befeech thee oh mercifull God, to infufe into ourharts, fucha filial fear of thee; Sucha firme truftin thy Mercies; Such a prudent regard to all things which are neceffarily pertinent to our Selves ; So charitable a refpect onto the nece/sities of our pore brethren: & foe confiant a willingnes, to performe all the duties in which we are obli- ged to any of thy Creatures; That, being without flavifh ter- rors, wemay becouragious, what rumors Joever wehear ; & entoy the commodities of this life, to thevexation of our [piri- tual foes; & eternall Bleffednes hereafter to thy glory. Amen. Another of the fame. At they that fear the Lord, attaine to bliffe ; Becaufe, that, fuch delight God’s will to doe. Conferd on them, fhall honors be, for this, Deriving to their feed, great bleffings to. Encreafing wealth, their houfes, full fhall fill. For aye, the Iuftman’s righteoufnes remaines. Great light, on him, in darknes beameth ftill. He righteous is, & kinde, & Mercy daignes. If need reqnire he lends, & gives befides. Kept ftreight are all his waies, by prudent care. Layd faft his groundworke are ; & firme he bides, Made endles, his memorialls (likewife) are. No fears he feels, though evill Newes there be ; On God with fixed heart he doth relie : Puts truft in him ; not fhrincking, till that hee Quite overthrowne doth all his foes efpie. Releef among the pore beftoweth he ; So keeping, ftill, his dealings, all, vpright, That, 730 Pfalme CXIII. 215 That, him advanc’d, Vngodly men fhall fee ; Vex, gnafh their teeth, & loofe their logings quite. Pfa, 113. Halelujah. /¢ magnifieth God for his great love to mankinde both in generall & in perticuler. But, cheefly for extending his Church fo vniverfally ; for raifing us from the dunghills of corrupted Nature, to the thrones of Grace; & for taking away our [piritual ferrillity, &c, The vile appears, VEe fervants of the Lord, With praife, God’s Name, adore ; The Name of God the Lord, ‘ Bleffe, now & evermore. Oh fing his praife ! Through ev’ry place, which in his race, The Sunn, furvaies. 2 All nations, fear his powres, His glory mounts the fky. There is no God like ours : No other Lord, fo high. Yet, he doth bowe, All things to fee, that in heavu be, Or Earth belowe. 3 The pore, from ground he fetts, From dyrt, the meek, he brings ; And, them with kings he fetts, Ev’n with his peoples kings, And, her that had A barren wombe; he, made become A mother glad. Glorious Lord God\ who( tothe confufion of theproud & hauty) hafimade choife of the vile & defpifed things of this world, thereby to magnify thy Name. Raife us, we pray Pq a 231 216 Pfalme CXITI. thee, from the Dunghill of our Corrupted Nature ; that by thy Grace, wee may become Rulers over our owne Af- Jettions: And make us alfo (who have bene heretofore bar- ren in all Goodnes) fo fruitfull, hereafter, in Faith & good works, that our Joules, may be faved, & thy Name glori- fied, throughout the whole world, for ever & ever. A- men. Another of the fame. PRaife yee the Lord, & bleffe his Name ; Yea, now & ever bleffe the fame, Yee fervants, of the Lord our God. For, from the Sunns afcending place, Ev’n to the vtmoft of his race, His Name’s due praife, is fam’d abrode. Or’e Nations all, yea, or’e the Sphears, The Lord our God, his glory rears, : And, never was his equall found. For, though his dwelling he on high, He doth beholde with humbled eye, All things in heav’n, & on the ground. 2 The pore, from duft & mire he brings, To fit with Princes, & with Kings ; Ev’n of his people to be King. And, he, a joyfull mother made Of her, that erft no children had. Wnto the Lord, oh therefor fing. To God the Father, To the Sonu, And holy-Ghoft, (thofe, three in one And, that eternall Oxe ix three) All glory bee, for ever more ; All pouve & praife, as heretofore, Afcribed, now & ever be. Pla, 114. Pfalme CIV. 217 Pla. 114. By alluding to thedeliverance from Egipt, tothe driving back of lordan & the Redfea, to the trembling of Sinay, & forcing watersfromthehard rocks; our [pirituall delive- vances, & reformations, are typified. Therefore, our Church vfeth this Pfalme, as proper for Zaflerday, Wien ZT/r'e, brought from Egipt was And, /acod from a forraigne tongue ; In Judah was his holy place, To him, did I/7’és rule belong. The Sea faw that, & fledd away, Ev’n Jordan alfo, backward flipt. The mountaines then, like Rams did play ; Like Lambes, the leffer hillocks tript. 2 Thou fea, what made thee fo to fly? Why did’ft thou, Jordan, backward goe? Why daunc’t like Rams the mountaines hye? Yee hills, like Lambs, why tript yee fo? Shake earth, at prefence of the Lord, When Zacod’s God is prefent, fhake ; For, he, from Rocks, a ftanding Ford, And, fountaines, in the flints doth make. Almighty God, the deliverer of all pore deftreffed Cap- tives; wee are by Nature the flaves of Sinn, Death & the Devill, who do labour to hold us in eternall bondage: But, wee praife thee, thou haft made a miraculous paffage for our efcape: Oh\ grant therfor thatthy pre/ece,may fo flartle us out of our fecuritie, & foe mollifie our flintie nature, that the teares of true penitence may flowe plentifully from us; &that, we (thanckfully walking inthatway which thou haft prepared for our entrance into the Land of the li- ving) may be quite freed from our fervitude; & enioy peace & reft in thy Kingdome, for ever & ever. Amen. P5 Pfa. 115. ss 233 218 Pfalme CXV. Plal. 115. The Faithfull defire that al honor may be afcribed to God alone, & that their foes may not bla/pheamoufly queftion his powre. Then, in the name of heathen Idolls, & their worshippers, reprooves the vanity of all thofe afsiftances whereon carnall men rely &c, It is vfefull when falfe worfhippers blafpheame God, by reafon of our af- fliction &c, Not ours the glory make, Lord, give not vs the fame : But, for thy Truth & Mercy fake, Afcribe it, to thy Name. 2 To fay, where is their God ! Why fhould the Gentiles dare? Since he in heav’n hath his abode, And, works his pleafure there ? 3 Men’s hands, their Idolls make ; They, gold & filver be : Poffeffing mouthes that cannot fpeake And, eyes that cannot fee. 4 Their eares are fenfeles to; Their noftril fmelleth not: Their hands & feet, nor feel, nor goe ; No breath is in their throte. 5 All they, whoe thofe adore, (Or forme them) like them be : In God, let Z/7’e/ truft therefore, For, their defence is he. 6 On God, preferving them, Let Avon’s houfe depend : Let thofe, who feare him, truft in him ; For, he will fuch defend, 7 God, will remember vs, And, 234 Pfalme CVI. 219 And, on vs, Mercy fhowe. On J/r'el, & on Aron’s houfe, He, bleffings will beftowe. 8 He profpers great & fmall, That, fear of him profeffe : You & your feed, likewife, he fhall Still, more & more, encreafe. 9 Of God, you bleffed be Who. made both earth & heav’n: The heav’n of heav’ns, inhabits, he, And, earth to men hath given. to Lord, none cann thee adore, Who dead, & filenc’t are: But, I, both now & evermore, Thy praifes will declare. Not for our owne defervings, cann wee claime any thing (oh Lord God) neither for our owne Jakes, or our owne glorie, ought wee to defire any deliverances, or benifits from thy Maieftiie. As much, therfor, as our felf-love will permit, wee defire, meerly for thine owne honour fake, that publike Idotaters, & carnall minded men (who ferve Gods of their owne making) may not fcandalize thee, or thy Truth, by occasion of fuch Miferies or Difgraces, as fall on vs, who profeffe the fame. But, make vs (oh God) to love thee & thy glory, fo farr above our owne lives & repu- tations; That, whether wee be delivered or no, wee may Submit our Selves to thy pleafure; & be truly comforted, hartely pleased, & reioyce unfainedly, that wee are counted worthie to fuffer for thy glorie. Amen. Pfa. 116, The Faithfull profeffe affection to Chrift ; Acknowledg their condition, both by Nature & Grace; encourage others to truftin Gods favour ; & refolve the fame in then Selves. We 235 220 Plalme CXVI. We may fing it, when, after fome great Affliction or temptation, wee are comforted, & fenfible of our prefent, & paffed eftate &c. I love the Lord ; for, hee an eare To my complaints doth give : And, fince he pleafeth me to hear, Tle feek kim, whil’ft I live. The feares of death, enclofd me round ; Hell torments, mee enthrald. But, ftill, when paind my felf I found, On God’s great Name, I cal’d. 2 Preferve my foul, oh Lord, I fayd ; For, thou art full of grace. Tuft, kinde, & ev’ry pore man’s ayde. My healp, when greev’d I was. My foul, to this thy refuge fly ; For, God is thy larg meed. From death my foul; from teares, mine eye ; From falls, my feet he freed. 3 I hall, with God, enioy my life Where livinge meu abide. This I profeffe, with firme beleif, Though I was terrifide. Yea, though in rafhnes I did fay, That all men liers were ; What for thy guifts I fhould repay, Now, Lord, my queftions are. 4 Thy Cupp of faving-health I’le take. Vpon thy name, Tle call; And, of my vowes, I’le payment make Before thy fervants all. Thy faints, their deaths, & fuffrings, be Right pretious in thine eye. Oh Lord, thy fervant ferving thee, Pflalme CXVII. 12 Thy handmayds Childe, am I. 5 My fetters all, thou brak’ft away, And, I, oh Lord, therefore, The facrifize of thancks will pay ; And, thy great Name adore. To thee, oh Lord, V’le pay my vowes, Where thy Affemblies be ; Ev’n in the Courts of Gods owne houfe Lerufalem, in thee, ffaleluiah. fear our prayers oh Lord God, & deliver our foules Srom the Death of Sinn. For, we are compaffed with ma- ny perills & fearfull Temptations; Infomuch that wee are Sometime almoft ready to defpaire, & diftruft that there ts noe Truth in any of our hopes. Oh keep us ( by thy [peciall grace) from fallingintothofewhirlpooles, out of which there zs no returning. VVhen the guilt of Sinn, the fears of Death, the torments of hell, & the /ugeftions of the Devill (confpiring with our frailties ) have once enclofed vs. VVee have then, no powre of refifiance in our felves; & it is thy great Mercy, of the little [park of our faith be not wholy quenched. Help us therfore in our extremityes, Break the chaines of our Sinns, unlofe the [nares of Sathan, & giveus grace to praife thee in thy lerufalem, & to magnify thy Mercy in the Land of the living, world without end, A- men. Pla, 117. This is the leaft Plalme ; but it hath vefpect unto the greatef Myfterie. For it provokes all Nations to pratfe God, for extending his grace to the whole world; as appears. Rom. 15. We fhould fing it to praife God for his Vuiverfal Grace. Goes praife, yee Nations all declare ; The Lord, yee people all adore : 237 222 Pflalme CXVIII. For, large to vs, his Mercies are, His Truth endures for evermore. Haleluiah. VVee praife thee oh Father of Mercy, for that Vuiver- fall Grace which thou haft vouch{afed, in offring thy fal- vation (without refpect of perfons) unto all mankinde, for- Soaking none untill they have firft forfaken thee. Make effectualluntovs, wee beseech thee, this generall favour; That wee embracing the fame, by the Will (which thou firft makefi capable of what thou prefenteft thereunto) and that co-operating with thy Spirit (according to the powre which thou fhalt give vs) we may be pertakers of that {peciall grace, which makes us the Obiects of thy eternall Elec- tion; &°from which there is no falling away. Grant this, even for Telus Chrift Azs fake. Amen. Pla. 118, This Pfalme Chritt applied unto himfelf. Math 24. For, he is that Corner-ftone here mentioned, Here alfo are miftically touched upon, his Paffion, RefurreCtion, & Sonne other Evangelicall Verities. It is therefore ufed by our Church, as proper for Eafterday. ‘THe Lord is good, him therfor bleffe ; And, for his Grace that faileth never, Let Ift’el alfo, now confeffe, His Mercy doth abide for ever. Yea, let the houfe of Arox fay, His Mercies have no ending day. 2 Let all, who fear him, publith out, His Mercies, that eternal be: For, when at need, his healp I fought, Hee, heard my plaint, & fett me free : And, fince the Lord, is thus mine Aide OF man, I cannot be afraid. 3 My helpers, God’s affiftance have ; And, Pfalme CXVIII. 23% And, I perceave it on my Foes. More fafe it is God’s help to crave, Then on man’s healping to repofe, Yea, faith in God, more fafety brings, Then to rely on mighty kings. 4 All Nations, feige to mee did lay, But, in God’s Name, I them deftroyd ; They me beleaguer’d ev’ry way, But, in God’s Name, I them deftroy’d. As Bees, they compaft me about, Like fire in thornes, foone in, foone out. 5 I foone deftroy’d them in Gods Name, For, when they fought to do, me wrong, The Lord, my gratious ayde became, My ftrength, my health, my ioyfull fong. And, in his houfe, the Iuft may fing, What God’s right-hand to paffe did bring. 6 For, God’s right-hand is lifted high, Greats things the Lords right-hand hath wrought ; And, from the Grave efcap’l am I To tell, what God to paffe hath brought, For, though he fore afflicted me, Yet, he from death did fett me free. 7 Of Righteoufnes vnclofe the gate, That, I God’s praifes may expreffe : This Gate is God’s; yea, this is that, By which the Righteous have acceffe, And, him T’le praife ; for it is hee, That heares, & healps, & faveth me. 8 That’s now the cheefeft Corner-ftone, Which once the builders did defpife ; It was the work of God, alone, And, feemeth wondrous in our eyes. This is the day the Lord hath made; Come, 239 224 Pfalme CXIX. Come, let vs all, therein be glad. 9 Save Lord ; oh fave vs, Lord, wee pray ; Bleffe him, that commeth in thy Name. That from his houfe God bleffe vs may, We pray, & much defire the fame. For, God’s the Lord, by whome our fight Obtaines the Vifion of his Light. 13 With Cords the Sacrifices binde ; Them, to the Aulters Corners, tye. Thou art my God, whofe praife I’le minde ; My God, whome I will glorify. Oh! praife the Lord, for, great is he, And, without end his Mercies be. Oh Lord Chrift our faviour! Zhou art that pretious corner-{ftone which unites, not Iewes & Gentiles only, but even the Godhead and the Manhood izfo one /pirituall Buildinge. Thou, art he by whome all our Enimies are deftroyed, Thou, art hee, by whome wee efcape the grave of finn, & the terrors of everlafting Death. Thou, only, art that Gate of Righteoufnes, dy which wee enter in- to life eternal; And, thou only, art that Light, in whofe bleffed Vifion, our happines doth confift. Oh give vs part in all that, which thy Incarnation, Paffion, Death, Buriall, Refurrection, G»° Afcention, hath merrited & conquered for us; & (if it pleafe thee) let this be the Day, which thou haftmade to filluswith fuch a gladnes, as shall make vs toyfull, for ever more, Amen, Pfa. 119. This Plalme con/ifteth of many exhortations, promifes, prayers, complaints, confolations, directions, Refolutions, & thancksgivings ; varcioufly intermixt, according to the Churches various Occafions: & principally informes, that God’s word is the Rule of Life, &c. Alaph. 1. 240 Plalme CXIX. 225 Alaph. 1. HEe’s bleft, that in the perfect way Of God’s pure Zawe hath trod Who doth his 7z/aments obay, And, wholy feeketh God. For, fuch will take no ill in hand, _ Nor, from his Pathway fwarve, But, Lord, as thou doft give command, Thy Precepts, they obferve. 2 Would God! my waies were fo direct That keep thy Zawes I might. For, whilft I thy Commandes refpect On mee, no fhame cann light. With vpright hart, thee praife I will, When, learn’d thy Judgments be ; And, then I will thy Zawes fullfill ; Therefore, forfake not mee, Another of the fame. Au thofe are bleft that in a blameles way, Have by the Zawe of God their feet confinde, As bleft are thofe, that his Decrees obay, With all their harts, defiring him to finde. An evill act, they never take in hand, Nor frd Gods Pathway, fhail their footing fwarve Wee, likewife, are inioyn’d by thy Command, That wee, thy Precepts, duely fhould obferve, Ah! therefor, would my wayes were guided fo, That, all thy Stad«¢es, well obferve I might. For, if thy Zawes, I have regard vnto, No fhame at all, on mee fhall then alight. And, when thy righteous Judgments I have learn’d With hart fincere, I’le fing thy praife therefore. To keep thy Zawes, I will moreover learne. bi ! hh 241 226 Plalme CXIX. Oh! then, forfake me not for ever more. Give us, oh Lord, fuch perfect knowledge of thy Lawe ; Such regard of thy Teftimonies ; /uch practife in thy Waies ; /uch obedience to thy Precepts; /uch love to thy Statutes ; Such diligence in thy commands, & uch awe of thy Tludgments : that our underfianding may be freed from error, our Converfations from polution, our Affec- tions from vanity: & that thou mayft ever be glorified by us; & wee, never be forfaken of thee, Even for lefus Chrift his fake, Amen. Beth. 2. H™% cann youth’s pathway cleanfed be But by thy word, oh Lord? With all my hart, I feek to thee, Oh! guide mee by thy word, T'le keep thy Zawe, with all my hart, That I difpleafe not thee. Oh Lord (that alway bleffed art) Thy Statutes, teach to mee. 2 To preach the Judgments of thy Mouth, My lipps I will employ. For, in thy Zé¢fmonzes, truth ; As, in great wealth, I ioye. Vpon thy Lawes, & VVaies, alone, My thoughts, & Love are fett. Thy Statutes, my delight is on : Thy VVord, le not forget. Another of the fame. BY what, may yongmés wayes made blameles be ; But, by their taking heed vnto thy VVord? With all my hart, I have defired thee, From thy Commands, let me not wander, Lord. By layeng vp thy /Vord within my hart, To 242 Pfalme CXIX. 227 To keep me from offending thee I thought. Oh Lord my God, thou alwaies bleffed art, Vouchfafe to me thy Sta¢utes may be taught. Betweene my lipps, I oft have founded forth The /udgments of thy mouth ; and I have deem’d Thy Ze/timonies path of greater worth Then riches are, (by others moft efteem’d) Both on thy facred Precepts I do mufe, And, ever, to thy VVaies have borne refpect. Thy Statutes, as my pleafures I will vfe ; And, Lord, word, I never will neglect. Su , 40 deferr the amendment of our “u we be decrepit with age; but let thy word reform in our youth ; at leaft, from this prefent howre, let us beginn the cleanfing of our waies with our whole harts. Let us Seek, thee, bleffe thee, [peak of thee, Mufe on thee, & Jo delight in thee; that thou maift delight in us, & keep us inthe way of thy Commandements, for ever & ever. Amen, Gimel. 3. Lor: grace thy fervant fo, that he May live, & keep thy VVord. The wonders of thy Zawe to fee, Enlight mine eyes oh Lord, A ftranger here on earth, IJ, am ; Thy Precepts, let me knowe. My foul, with longings, faint became, Thy Zudgments, love I fo, 2 Their Curfed pride thou haft contrould, Who from thy Zawes do fwarve: But, fhame & fcorne, from mee withhold, For, I thy 77th obferve, Enthroned Princes mee reproov’d, Q2 Yet, 243 228 Pfalme CXIX. Vet, on thy Zawes I thought. Thy Zé/ftimonies I have lov’d : To mee they Counfell taught. Another of the fame. COnfer fuch Bountie on thy fervant Lord, That to fulfill thy Zawe, furvive I may: That, I may fee the wonders of thy VVord Vnclofe, likewife (oh Lord) mine eyes I pray. Confid’ring that on earth I am a ftranger, Hide not from me the knowledge of thy Zruth. My foul, to leave the body is Shee fo defires the Judgments of thy Controld thou haft, the Curfed pride of them Who from thy iuft Commandements have fwarved. Remoove away their fcornes who mee contemn ; For, I thy Ze/timonies have obferved. Contefted with, by Princes, I have binn : Yet, I thy fervant, on thy Statutes mufe. Thy Zéfzmonies, my delights are in, And, them to be my Counfellers I chufe. Almighty God (/eeing wee are but Pilgrims here on earth (fuliect to many wants, many Infirmities, & many opprefsions ) gratiouflyvouchfafeus, that whichis outward- ly neceffary for the body; Supply that which ts defective in our Joules; & let thy Lawe arme us againft the oppofi- tion of all our Adverfaries, through Yefus Chrift our Lord, Amen. Daleth, 4. A Coording to thy word, now chear, My foul, which lowe is brought. My life’s Confeffion, thou fhalt heare, Let mee thy Zawe, be taught. Mee, in thy way appointed, fet : And, 244 Plalme CXIX. 229 And, Lle they works record. Greef tires my foul, oh comfort it, According to thy word. 2 Me, from the path of Lies, remoove, And, by thy Lawe, direct. For, I the waies of Truth do love ; Thy Judgments, I affe&. Difgrace me not, for, firme I ftand, To what thou haft decreed: And, I will runn at thy Command, When thou my hart haft freed. Another of the fame. LD Eciinea is my foul, ev’n to the ground ; Oh quicken mee, according to thy word. My waies I fhew’d, & I thine anfwere found ; Thy Statutes, alfo, teach to mee oh Lord. Difclofe to me thy 7e/monies path, And, of thy wondrous works my talke fhall be. My life confumes, becaufe much greef it hath ; According to thy /Vord, eftablifh mee, Divide mee from that Path which liers love, And gratioufly vouchfafe to mee thy Zawe. The way of Zruth, is that which I approve ; And, of thy Judgments, I do ftand in awe. Diftruftfull of thy word I never grewe, Permit me not, oh Lord, to be difgrac’t. The way of thy Commands I will perfue, As foone at thou my hart enlarged haft. Indowe our harts oh God with fuch unfained humi- liation, with /uch true Confeffion, with /uch harty con- trition, wth /uch love to thy Truth, with hatred of error, & with a renewing of the whole man; that wee may be more & moreenlarged from our finns & Corruptions, untill wee 245 230 Plalme CXIX. wee be perfectly veflored to the full liberty of the Souns of God, through lelus Chrift our Lord. Amen, He. 5 GHewe mee thy 77uth, & from that way, I never will depart. Teach mee thy Lawes; & them, for aye, Tle keep with all my hart. Thy Statutes Paths, to mee declare ; For, I delight theron. To love thy VVord, my hart prepare, And, Avarice to fhunn. 2 From folly, turne my eyes, oh Lord, And, keep mee in thy way. Confirm thy Servant in thy /Vord, That, fo, I fear thee may. Becaufe thy Judgments gratious be, My feared fhame remove. And, in thy Statutes quicken me, For, Lord thy Zawes I love. Another of the fame. FxTemall God, thy Statdtes teach to mee, That til their end, I may fulfill them all. To keep thy Zawe let me inftructed be, And, I with all my hart, obferve it fhall. Enable me, to keep each Lawe of thine, Becaufe, that in their path, I pleafure take. My hart vnto thy 7é¢/aments, incline, That fo, all Avarice I may forfake. Eftrange mine eye, from Obiects that are vaine, And, let mee be revived in thy Path. Thy word, to mee thy fervant, now make plaine Who, to thy fear, him felf devoted hath, Expell thou far away, the fhame I fear : For 246 Pfalme CXIX. 231 For, juft, & good (oh Lord) thy zdgments be. See, what my longings for thy Precepts are, And, in thy righteoufnes, revive thou mee. Oh Lord\ Ignorance of thy Lawe, is the Caufe that wee neither love nor beleeve it; & want of Love & Beleef, are the occafions of all our errors. Giveus therfor, wee pray thee, that Love, that knowledge, & that beleef of thy word, which may keep us in thy Paths. Root Cove- tuofnes, ovt of our harts; let no folly allure our eyes to wander afide, hereafter: & (becaufe there is Mercy in all thy Iudgments ) keep us from the shame which wee fear, &* have already deferved: Even for lefas Chrift his Jake. A- men. Vau. 6 TH, loving ayde, vouchfafe mee ftill, As thou hatt promis’d, Lord: So, I my fcorners anfwere will ; For, I beleeve thy word. Since, on thy Zadgments I rely, Oh! do not, Lord, with drawe Thy VVord of Truth; & then, fhall I For ever keepe thy Zawe. 2 Now I to feek thy way, am bent, I cann with freedome walke And, I will of thy Zefament, To Kings, with boldnes talke. In thy Commands, I will delight : For, I have them approov’d. Tle minde thy word, & keep aright Thy Lawes, which I have lov’d. Another of the fame, FP vail thy promifd word, & favour daigne ; Yea, grat thou mee thy faving-health oh Lord ! Q4 So, 247 230 Pfalme CXIX. So, I fhall make replies to them, againe, Who flout at me, becaufe I truft thy word. Firme truft, vnto thy Zudements, Lord I have, Therefor, to leave thy 7+wth permit me never : But, make me to thyne Ordinances cleave ; And, keep thy Zawes, for ever & for ever. Free, fhall my walkings be, & vncontrould ; Becaufe thy precepts are belov’d of me. Thy Zefaments, to kings I will vnfold, And, of the fame, no whit afhamed be. Full dearly, I have loved thy commands ; And, they my moft affected pleafures prove. Tle in thy Jrecepte, exercife my hands, And, mufe vpon thy Zawes; for, them I love. VV rite thy Lawes in our harts, oh Lord, & engrave them in our minds wee humbly befeech thee. Soe regenerate us, that wee may become a Lawe unto our Selves; & have no defires in us, but thofe which are agreable to thy Will. So, wee shall neither flavishly fear, the powre of any Au- thority ; nor be made ashamed by any bitter Cenfurers, or Scornfuilreproovers: but, maytakeconfidently, &ufeconfcio- nably our liberty in Chrift Iefus. Amen. Zain. 7. Tt promife keep, which thou haft made, Thy fervant’s hope to be. From thence (in greefs) I comforts had : Thy word, revived mee. Though my difgrace, the proud have fought, Vnto thy Zawe I clave. Vpon thy Zudements paft, I thought : And, ear to them I gave, 2 Of finners, who thy Zawe forfake, i am in greevous feare. Yet, 248 Pfalme CXIX. 233 Yet, where my Pilgrim-Inn, I take, My fongs, thy Precegts are. I kept thy Zawe, & on thy Name, I mus’d when many flept. And, thus to paffe, oh Lord, it came, Becaufe thy Zawe I kept. Another of the fame, : Give heed vnto that /Vord, which thou haft fayd ; That VVord which thou didft make my hope to For, thence in my Afflitions I have ayde: (be. It is thy VVord that ftill reviveth mee. Growne quite defpif’d I was, in proudmens eyes, And, yet, I from thy Zawe, declined not. Thy ludgments, paft, did in my thought arife ; And Lord, from them, I confelation got. Great horrors have furprized me, becaufe, The wicked from thy drecepts have gone wrong. And, in my houfe of Pilgrimage, thy Zawes, And thy Commandements, have beene my fong. Good Lord ! I mention of thy Name have made, Ev’n in the night ; & I thy Lawe have kept. And, ev’ry profitable thing I had ; Becaufe, I from thy Precepts, have not ftept. Oh Lord \ there is no better comforter in trouble, then a Saithfull remembrance of thy gratious promifes ; nor any meanes to prevent the feare, thedifyraces, or the mifcheevous prattifes of the proud oppreffor, then by the Meditation, & prattife of thy Lawes. Grant therfore, wee may Joe minde ¢he One, & fo performe the other; That wee may veioyce in this houfe of our Pilgrimage, all.our lifelong. A- men, Chith. 8. Vow’d oh Lord, to keep thy VVord, For, thou my portion art. Q5 Thy Zé 249 234 Pfalme CXIX. Thy promisd Mercies now afford ; I begg them with my hart. I turned to thy Zefaments, When I had fcann’d my waies ; In keeping thy Commandements, I vfed no delaies. 2 By troups of finners, robd I was : Thy Lawes, yet, minde I ftill. And, that thy /#/tice I may praife, At midnight, rife I will. Whoe e’re dreads thee, & keeps thy word, Shall my Compainon be. Thy Mercy fills the world, oh Lord, Oh! teach thy Zawes to mee. Another of the fame. Ho that thou art my portion, Lord, I fayd, And, I to keep thy Zawe have made a vowe. With all my hart, I for thy grace have prayd, According to thy /Vord, have mercy now. Here, I have called vnto minde thy wazes, And, turn’d my feet vnto thy Zé/aments. Yea, I have ready bene, without delayes, In executing thy Commandements, Huge Troupes of wicked men have robbed mee: Yet, ftill thy Precepts, in my hart I bear. At midnight, I will rife, & fing to thee, Becaufe thy Judgments, true & righteous are. Here, I have gain’d the fellowfhip of thofe, Who ftand in fear of thee, & keep thy VVord. Throughout the world, thy ¢ender-Mercy flowes, Let me be train’d in all thy Statutes, Lord. Grant us Grace oh God! foe to examine the Courfe of our life paft, & what waies wee intend to walk hereafter; that ; wee Pfalme CXIX. 235 wee may returne to thee with [peedy repitance: &[o refolve to keep thy commandements during the tyme to come; that wee may enioye thee for our Portion; & (both in the Night of our afflictions, & among the troups of our perfecutors) be comforted in the remembrance of thy abundant Mercyes, through lefus Chrift. Amen. Teth. 9. THy, fervant, Favour hath receiv’d According to thy word. And, thy Commands I have beleev’d, Therfore inftru&t me; Lord. Though till my troubles, I mis-trod, Thy VVord, I follow now. Thy Precepts, teach to mee, oh God : For, Good, & kinde, art thou. 2 Thy Zawe, with all my hart I feek ; Though, mee the proud belye. Their harts are fatt, (ev’n Brawner-like) But, lov’d thy Zawes, have I. Now, I have learn’d thy Statute’s Truth, My Cares, I bleffings deem : And, I the Precepts of thy Mouth, Above all wealth efteem. Another of the fame. [NX all things, to thy Servant thou art juft, According as thy /Vord, oh Lord, hath fhowne. Since therefor, to thy Covenant, I truft, Thy Judgméts, & thy Truth, to mee make knowe. If that, I had not bene, by forrowes croft, I, ftill had err’d: But, now I keep thy VVord. Moft Good thou art, & all is well thou doft : Therefore, thy Sta¢uées teach to mee, oh Lord. I, by the proud, have greatly bene belide ; a et, 236 Pfalme CXIX. Vet, ftill, I keep thy Zawe within my breft : Their hart (with fat) like brawne is ftupifide ; But, with delight, thy Zawe hath mee poffeft. It is my weal, that I afflicted was ; For, by that meanes, thy Statutes, now, I heed. That Zawe of thine, which from thy mouth did Great fums of gold, & filver doth exceed. (paffe, Sanctifie unto us (oh Lord, all our Afflictions ; that, being by them purified from our Corruptions, wee may be- come upright in all our wayes. Suffer vs not to be fo fatted in our profperities as to become infenfible of thy Mercies or Iudgments. Let our experience in thy word, teach us, to See & acknowledge, that our Afflictions are blefings; And what foever Scandalls do arife, let us continue in Obedience to thy Lawe, & thanchfully cfteeme the fame as wee ought, Sor ever & ever, Amen. Tod. 10, T° learne thy Zawe, inftruct mee, Lord, For, mee thy hands have made: So, when they fee mee truft thy word, Thy fervants will be glad. I knowe thy Judgments righteous are ; And all thy Stripes are Love. Now, let thy grace, thy fervant chear And, true, thy /Vord approve. 2 E love thy Zawe, grant mee therefore, Thy grace, that live I may, Defame the proud, who wrong mee fore ; For, I thy VVord obay. Who knowes thy /V2//, & feareth thee, All fuch to mee convart : And, in thy Zawes, left fham’d I bee, Lord, rectify my hart. Another aga Plalme CXIX. a27 Anather of the fame, ] Indle the knowledge of thy Zawe in mee. For, by thy hands, I fafhion’d was, oh Lord, Thy fervants will reioice, my face to fee, Becaufe I have relied on thy word. Knowne, well, thy Zudgments are, to be vpright. And, Lord, on mee thy ftripes in love thou laydft. Oh, make thy Zender-mercies my delight, And comfort mee, as in thy VVord thou faydft. Kinde, let mee finde thee Lord ; that I may live: Becaufe contentement in thy Zawe I finde. Defame the Proud, who mee vniuftly greeve ; For on thy Precepts, I employ my minde. Pe thofe who thee do feare, & know thy VVii/, That they may be converted vnto mee. And in thy Zawes, my hart confirme thou, ftill, That from difgrace, I may preferved bee. : Lord, wee are the workmanfhip of thy hands: Soe in- Struct vs therfor, in the vnderfianding and performance of thy Lawe, that wee may accomplish the end of our Crea- tion, Make our knowledge of thy Statutes, our Faith in thee, & our conformity to thy Will, foe evident ; that thy Servants may reioice, our foes become ashamed, our correc- tions appear tokens of thy Love; our fname be prevented, our harts cheared, & life eternal obtayned, Amen, Caph. IT. MY foul, for fuccour panting lies. = Yet, is thy word my ftay. I feek thy Zruth with longing eyes, Oh Comfort mee, they fay. I, like a fmoke-dride botle feeme ; Yet, on thy ZLawe, I4hought : Summ vp my dayes, & zadge all them, i at 253 238 Plalme CXIX. That have my ruine fought. 2 For mee, the Proud funck pitts, which be Forbidden by thy Lawes: Thy VVords are true, oh fave thou mee, Perfu’de without a Caufe. Quite from the Land, they drove me nigh, Yet, to thy Zawes I cleave. Oh chear mee, by thy grace, that I Thy VVord may never leave. Another of the fame. Los for thy healp my longing foul doth pant, And, on thy Promz/e al my hopes do lye. Mynes eies do faile, becaufe thy VVord I want, Come comfort mee, with {peaking looks, they crie. Like botles in the {moke I do appear, Yet, ftill, thy Statutes minded are of mee. How long fhall I thy fervant fuffer hece ! Thy Judgments, on my foes, oh, let mee fee. Le, for my life, the proud deep pitts have made, Such as thy Zawe forbiddeth to prepare. They mee perfued, though no caufe they had ; Oh helpe ; for all thy Precepts, faithfull are. Long fince, my ruine they had nigh contriv’d : I, naitheles, thy States did not leave. Let mee by thy compaffion be reviv’d, And, to thy Teftimonies, I will cleave. Oh Lord, wee have Adverfaries, continually digeing pitts for our foules. VVee are fenfible of great A fflictions, & our life dayliewears out byunperceaved infirmities. Vet, wee feel not that longing to obtainean incorruptible cftate, as to continue our prefent vanities. Oh let that experience, which wee have of miferies here; & that Faith which vve ought lo have of vuhat thou haft promifed hereafter, make our 254 Pfalme CXIX. 239 our harts pantovith longingafter the accomplishment of thy Truth, & for our full fruition of thee, through lefas Chritt our Lord, Amen, Lamed. 12. T#y VVord, in heav’n remaines for aye ; Thy Truth thall ftill abide. The earth, fo firmely thou didft lay, It cannot fwarve afide. Thy Lawes keep ev’ry thing vpright ; For, all, thy fervants be. But that thy VVorde was my delight, My Cares had ruin’de mee. 2 I will not from thy Z7u¢h decline ; For, life to mee it brought. Oh fave thou mee; for I am thine; And, thy Decrees, have fought. Though finners do my fpoile intend, Thy VVord, in minde I bear. Of all good works I fee an end ; But, large thy precepts are. Another of the fame. M4* firme in heav’n, thy promi/é is, oh Lord, And, fhall for ever, & for ever, laft. Thy Faith fulines, all ages will record, For as earths globe, the fame thou fixed haft. Moft firme to thy Decrees thy works do ftand, And, all things as thy fervants, wait on thee. But, that I pleafure take in thy Command, My forowes, long er’e this, had ruin’d mee, My hart fhall never from thy Zavves decline ; For, I, by them, to life againe, was brought. Vouchfafe to fuccour mee, for I am thine: And, after thy Commandements have fought. i Muc 255 240 Pfalme CXIX. Much waiting, hath among the wicked bene, My fall to fee ; but, I thy Statutes minde. Of all perfections, I an end have feene, Save of thy Zawe ; which cannot be confinde. Almighty God, by being obedient unto the Lawe of their Creation, thy other Creatures are preferved inorder, & coti- nuethy faithfull fervants. Man-kindeowly zs rebellious; & yet, wee have had often experience that a litle delightin thy Lawe, is rewarded with great Blefsings. Soe encreafe therfor, our beleef of thy Truth, & ozr love to thy Lawe; that wee may be more & more conformable to thy Will, & at laft be faved, through lefus Chrift, our Lord, Amen, Mem. 13. [* thy Commands I pleafure take, My dayly thoughts they bee ; Mee, wifer then my foes ¢hey make, And, ftill, remaine with mee. More, learne I from thy Statutes, then, My Teachers vnderftand. And, wifer am, then aged men, By keeping thy Command. 2 My feet, from evill waies I kept, That keep thy Zawe I might. I, from thy Zudgments have not ftept, For, mee thou holdft vpright. Though hony to the mouth be {weet, Thy VVord more fweetnes hath. Through thy Commands I grewe difcreet, And fhun’d the Liers Path. Another of the fame. N° parte of all the day I cann forbear To minde thy Zawe; becaufe I love the fame. It makes me wifer then my haters are, For 256 Plalme CXIX. 241 For my companion ftill thy Zawe became. Nay, more then all my teachers I conceave ; Becaufe, my Mufings are vpon thy VV7/2. And, more then aged men I do perceave ; Becaufe they 7e/monies I fulfill. No wicked pafe, or Path, my feet fhall vfe, That fo, thy VVord the better keep I might. And, I thy Judgments never will refufe, Becaufe thou haft inftructed mee aright. Not halfe fo fweet is honie to my mouth, As are thyVVords : for, perfect {weet are they. Thou haft encreaft my knowledge, by thy 7ruth: And, therfor, I abhorr each evill way. The wifdome (oh Lord) of this world, is but foolishnes, in refpect of that which ts learned by thy Word: For, no- thing is foe profitable or pleafant, as that ; if rt be meditated aright. Giveus grace, therfor, wee pray thee, fo to love tt, & fo to meditate thereon; that wee may crack the shell which hides the fweet kernell thereof, from the world; &, by help of thy [pirit, thereby attaine that wi/dome which (our Ordinary Teacher ) the bare Letter hath not powre to dif- cover; & let it guide us out of all error, both in life & doc- trine, though lefus Chrift. Amen. Nun. 14. Ty, word is to, my feet a light : ‘ A Lampe, my way to fhowe. I vow’d thy doones to keep aright, And I will keep my Vowe. I, fore am greev’d; Lord, me revive, According to thy 7ruéh. Teach mee thy /udgments; & receive The Praifes of my mouth. 2 Although my foul in danger be R Thy kh 257 242 Pfalme CXIX. Thy Statutes I obay ; And keep thy Zawes, although for mee, The wicked, {nares do lay. Thy Cov’nants are mine Heritage ; They much reioice my minde ; And, thy Decrees, from age to age, To keep, I am inclinde. Another of the fame. O# God, thy VVord like Laps my way doth fhow, And, to my feet, it is a fhining flame. To keep thy righteous Judgments, I did vowe ; And, I refolve that I will keep the fame. Oppreft Iam; Me, therefor Lord revive As by thy /Vord, thy promife is to do. Accept that praife which I fhall freely give ; And, in thy Zadgments Lord, inftruct me to. On thy Commands, my thoughts are alway fett, And, lo, my foul is alwaies in my hands. Vngodly men, for mee have laid a nett ; Vet walk I not aftray from thy Commands. Of all my Ioyes thy VVord, alone, is caufe : Thy Teftaments I make mine heritage. My hart refolves, to love & keep thy Lawes While time endures, & throughout evry Age. Many waies (oh Lord) is thy Lawe healpfull unto vs. Zt is a@ Schoolmafter, to teach us; A Rule, whereby to /quare our Actions; A glaffe, to shew us our deformities; A light, to guide us out of error; & a Remembrancer, to shewe vs what we are lable unto by Nature; That fo, the terrors thereof may make the flesh more obedient to the Spirit (& their harts the more thanckfull, whome Grace hath freed from theCurfe& condemning powre thereof )yea, it is alwazes ufefull in fome kinde or other, Oh, wrete it therfor 258 Pflalme CXIX. 143 therfor in our harts & engrave it in our mindes, for ever & ever, Amen. Samech. 15. TY, Lawe I love with all my hart, And wicked thoughts deteft. The place of my defence thou art ; And, on thy VVord, I reft. Lewd men avoyd ; for I would faine My God’s Commands obay. According to thy VVord, maintaine My life, & hopes, I pray. 2 Support mee, & I nought fhall dread : For, to thy word I cleave. Vpon thy Zawes tranfgreffers tread : For, guile fhall them deceive. Purgd out like droffe, the wicked be : I therefore love thy Zawe. And, of thy Zudgments, & of thee, My flefh doth ftand in awe, Another of the fame. PRroud thoughts I hate, and fuch as caufe offence But, with much love thy Zawe I do embrace. Thou art my fheild, oh Lord, and my defence ; And in thy VVord, my confidence I place. Pack hence, all yee, that evill doers be ; For, all my God’s Commands, I will obay. According to thy VVord, vphold thou mee ; That both my life & hopes, enioy I may. Protect me, & no dangers I hall fear : For, in thy Statudes, I will then delight. Suppreffe all thofe that from thy Precepts err : For why, they mufe on nothing but deceit. Purg’d out by thee, like droffe, thee wicked are ; And, I thy Zé/zmonies love therefore, Ra2 My 259 244 Pfalme CXIX. My flefh doth dread thee with a trembling fear ; And, by thy Judgments, I am frighted fore. Oh Lord, let the confideration of thy ladgméts purge out all our wickednes, & foterrifyour wanton flesh, that wtmay tremble to offend thee, Let the Meditation of thy Lawe of Love, /o work upi our harts, that our verie thinckings may be fanttified. And let us be continually fupported by thy afsifting Grace, that in thought, word, & deed, wee may perfevere in obedience to thy Will, & be fafe under thy protection, for ever & ever, Amen, Aijn. 16,- IN Iudgment, I yprightly deal ; Let no man mee oppreffe. Be {uretie, for thy fervants weal ; From Tyrants, me releafe. Mine eyes, are dimm’d fince for thy VVord, And faving-health I fought. Deal well with mee thy fervant, Lord, Let me thy Zawe be taught. 2 Since, thee I ferve, Lord, grant I may Thy Ze/emonies knowe. Now, is the time to work ; for they, Thy Zaw would overthrowe. Far more then gold, (then fineft gold} Thy Statutes I affect. Thy Zawe, in all things, I vphold, And, errors way, reject. Another of the fame. Quit me from fuch as doe my harme affay ; For, I according to thy Zawe have wrought. Be furetie, for thy Servants weal, I pray, That, to the proud, in thrall I be not brought. Quite wafted are mine eyes, & almoft blinde, Since thy juft /Vord, & healp I did expect. Accor- 260 Pfalme CXIX. 245 According to Mercie, be thou kinde ; And, me thy fervant, by thy Zaw direct. Quench not that Light by which thy Zach is known But, give thy fervant knowledg in thy VVord: For, they thy bleffed Zawe have overthrowne, And, it is time that thou thy healp afford. Quick therfore be: For, I above all gold, Yea more then gold refinde, thy VVord affect. Thy Statutes all, to be vpright I holde ; And all erroneous waies, I difrefpect. Preferve us, oh God, from their wickednes, who preten- ding a Chriftian Libertie, /eek to overthrowe, & make voyd thy Lawe (to the quenching of the [pirit, & tothe full- filling of their fleshly Will) Grant rather, that the more wee are freed, from the Bondage of the Lawe (& the leffe obliged to the works thereof, for our Jultification ) the more we may labour to fullfill the fame; even for the love of Righteoufnes zz Iefus Chrift, Amen. Pe, 17. RAte things, thy Ze/faments comprife, And are my foules delight. Thy Statutes make the fimple wife, Their knowledg giveth light. Through longing for thy Zazwe, I drewe My breath with panting Mouth. Veiwe mee in Love, as thou doft veiwe The Lovers of thy Z7ruth. 2 So guide my goengs by thy VVord, No finn in mee may raigne. From {poile of men, preferve me Lord, For I thy 7+wdh retaine. Teach mee thy Lawes, & let thy face, Vpon thy fervant fhine. R3 For 246. Pfalme CXIX. For, Streames I weep, when men tranfgreffe, Or break a Zawe, of thine. Another of the fame. Right wonderfull thy Z¢/zmonies are: And, therfor Lord my foul to keep thé ftrives, Thy VVord’s approching, makes great light ap- And, Vnderftanding to the fimple gives. (pear, Refpire & pant I did, with mouth vnclo’fd ; So greedy of thy Precepts, I became. Oh look on mee, as when thou art difpofd, To look vpon the Lovers of thy ame. Reftraine my ftepps according to thy VVord ; And let no finn, in me domion gaine. From Cruel men, defend thou mee oh Lord, So, I thy facred Precepés will retaine. Reflect on mee the brightnes of thy face, And, fhewe thy 7e/zmonies vnto mee. For, downe my cheeks the teares do flow apace, Becaufe, thy Zawes defpifd & broken be. Sweet Iefus, though we defire to feeme wife; wee are very Simpleinthebeft knowledge: Ohencreafeourunderfianding. Though vvee profeffe great Affection to thee & thy Lawe; yet vvee foone deny (yea forfovear) both, if vvee are in danger to partake of thy Juffrings. Oh look uponvs therfor, wvith fuch an afpect, as thou didft caft on thy Apoftle St? Peter, that vueeping bitterly for our Sinns & unkindeneffes as he did; vve may obtaine the fame forgivenes, Amen. Zade 18, ‘TH juft in all thy doengs, Lord, And in thy Judgments art. Thy Zeftimonies, & thy VVord, Are true in ev’ry part. I burne with zeal, becaufe I fee My aG2 Pfalme CXIX. 247 My foes, thy 7ruth neglect. Thy VVord is pure, which caufeth mee That I the fame affect. 2 Thy precepts, I will ftill retaine, Though I defpifd am growne. Thy Zu/ftice, alway fhall remaine ; Thy Zavve, & Truth, are one. In thy Commands, my pleafures are, Though troubles on mee fall. Thy juft eternall VV72d7 declare, And, thereby, live I fhall. Another of the fame. Incere thou art, oh Lord, in all thou doft : A true, & righteous /adgment thou haft paft. Thy Ze/fimonies are exceeding juft : And, fo is all that thou Commanded hatt. Spent, through my zeal I am, & almoft pin’de, Since of thy 7ruth my foes regardles growe. Thy VVord, is to the vttermoft refin’de ; And, for that caufe, thy fervant loves it foe. Scorn’d & defpif’d I am ; yet cannot this, My thoughts from thy Commandements withdrawe. Thy Ju/flice an eternall Lu/tice, is ; And, Zruth it felf, thou giveft for thy Zazve. Sore paines & forrowes, have layd hold on mee: Yet, I from thy Commands content receive. Thy righteous Ze/zmonies endles be : Oh let me know them, Lord, that I may live. It is true oh Lord, that vvhat ever thou willeft zs Jutt, & needs no other veafon thereof, but that thou Willett zt, becaufe thy Will is Truth & Juftice zt /elf Keep us therfor, from queftioning the Jultice of any thing vvhich thou haf Willed or Decreed: & preferue us, alfo, from R4 their 263 248 Plalme CXIX. their madnes, vuho fancie Decrees which thou never mad ft; & fuch as doe not make thee iuftifiable by humane Reafon. Teach us to knovve, that, though thy Juftice is incomprehen/fible, yet fo much as thy vvord hath expreffed of it, ts fuch a Jultice, as makes thee (even in our capaci- ties) Juftifiable, when thou art indged; & /uch, as may encourage ws, to endeavour, to be juft as thou art juft, &° holie as thou art holy, dy thy example. This grant, for lefus Chrift Azs fake. Amen. Coph. 19. Ord hear ; for, in my hart I crie, And, I thy VVord obay. To hear my call, thine ear apply, That keep thy Zavves I may. Relieng on thy VVord, I call’d, Before the Morning-light ; To mark thy VVords mine eyes foreftald, The Watches of the night. 2 As iuft & loving, Lord, thou art, So, hear & quicken mee, Lo, fuch as from thy Zavve depart For mifcheefe, comming be. Oh Lord, to mee, now nearer drawe : Thy V’Vord all truth containes, And, long agoe, I knewe thy Lavve, Eternally remaines. Another of the fame. THe, healp oh Lord, with all my hart I crave, Thy juft Commands refolving to obay. To thee I call aloud ; mee daigne to fave, That fo, thy Zeftimonies, keep I may. To thee, before the break of day, I call, And, for my certaine ayde, thy /Vord I take. The Plalme CXIX. 249 The watches.of the night mine eyes foreftall, That on thy Zavve, my muzings I may make. Thine ear, vnto my voice, in mercy, bowe ; That, mee, thy /udgments may revive, oh Lord. They faft approach, who feek my overthrowe, Ev’n they, who ftrangers are ynto thy VVord. To mee, oh Lord, at all tymes, be thou nigh. Thy Statutes, all perfection do containe. And, many daies agoe, informed was I, That thy Commands, for ever fhall remaine. VV ee rife carly, (oh Lord) & cann fit up late at night, to profecute our common affaires, or to prevent the mifchee- vous purposes of any temporall Adverfary, Caufe us, vee bray thee, to be as vigilant, in feeking thee; in Meditating the deep Mifleries of thy Lawe; & in forefeeing vvhat /pt- rituall enimies are approching to endanger our Soules. Vouchfafe this, oh Lord: & in all our endeavours, afsift us; in all our prayers, hear us; & in all our necefsities be prefent vvith us, in Yefus Chritt our Lord, Amen. Refh, 20. REgard my greef, & fave me Lord, For, I obaie thy Zavves. : Hear me, according to thy VVord, Oh fave, & plead my Caufe, Becaufe thy /Vord they mufe not on, From health are finners far. Revive mee Lord, as thou haft done, For, great thy erczes are. : 2 My foes, & {poilers many be ; Yet, I thy VVord profefte, And greeve when I the wicked fee, Thy Staduzes to tranfgreffe. Thy ZLawe I love ; oh quicken mee, R5— As dé 265 250 Plalme CXIX. As thou haft promif’d Lord. For, endles thy juft Zudgments be ; And, ever true, thy VVord. Another of the fame. VeEwe Lord, what forrowes have oppreffed mee: For, to obferve Zawe, My minde I give. Let mee adiudged, & deliver’d be ; And, mee according to thy zvord revive. Vngodly men from faving health are far, Becaufe they do not feek thy Statutes, Lord ; Exceding great thy Zender-mercies are 3 Reviue thou mee according to thy word. Vext & perfude, by many, I have beene ; And, yet, I from thy Precepts, have not ftraid. I greeved was when finners I had feene ; Becaufe, thy holy-vvord, they difobayd. Vnto thy Zawe, obferve what love I fhew ; And, of thy tender mercie, quicken mee. Thy zvord, through all eternitie is true ; And, everlafting thy juft Zudgments be. ~ Oh Chrift the Mediatour; in our minds wee are lovers & obfervers of thy Lawe; but in our mcberswee are captivated unto the Lawe of Sinn: for which, our greeved /pirits do complaine with fighes & groanes, that are neither viterable by the voice, nor fenfible to the flesh. Oh deliver us from this bondage; Plead thou our caufeto thy Father; Comfort our deiected Joules; & let our love & practife of thy Lawe, quicken us, in the way of Righteoufnes, & make us par- takers of thy Tender-Mercies, for ever more. Amen. Schin. 21. "[ Hough Princes, caufeles, wrong’d mee much, Thy Zazwe I fleighted not : But, in thy word, my ioies were fuch 266 Pfalme CXIX. 251 As his that Spoiles hath got. The lienge lipps I do abhorr ; But I affect thy vvord. Seav’n times a day, I praife thee, for Thy righteous Doomes, oh Lord. 2 The Lovers of thy Zawe have peace ; And, harme they fhall have none. Lord, on thine aide my hopes I place ; And, thy Commands have done. My foul thy 7¢/timonie kept ; In love therewith I grewe. I, from thy Precepts have not ftept ; For, thou my waies doft veiwe. Another of the fame. Wie caufe was none, ev’n Princes wronged mee ; But, of thy word alone, my hart had feare. And, in that word, my Ioies, moreover, be As great as their’s that fharing booties are. With much diflike, all falfhood I deteft : And, I thy Zawe, vnfainedlie affect. Sev’n times a day, thy praife I have expreft ; Becaufe thy righteous Judgments I refpect. What perfect peace have they that love thy word ? Ev’n fuch, that nothing cann their quiet marr. For thy falvation, I have hoped, Lord ; And, thy Commands by mee performed are. Well pleas’d, & with exceeding much delight, My foul thy Ze/monzes keepeth ftill ; Thou know’ft ; for all my waies are in thy fight ; That I, thy Precepts, & thy Lawes, fulfill. Oh bleffed Redeemer, who wert perfecuted by Princes, for my fake, without a Caufe; Thy many Prayers, daylie offred to thy Father ; thy true delight in his Word ; thy detefiation ane Pfalme CXIX. detefiation of falshood, & thy perfect fulfilling of the Lawe, have obtained, that thy righteoufnes may be afcribed unto us, Oh grant, that by performing what thou haft enabled us to do, wee may retaine & encreafe the Talent freely given; & enioy thy Peace, which paffeth all vnderfian- ding 5 for ever & ever, Amen. Tau, 22. R Eceive my cry, & guide thou mee As thou haft promifd, Lord, Give ear, & faved let mee be ; . According to thy word, When thou to me haft fhowne thy wares, My lipps thy praife will thewe. My tongue thy bleffed vvord thall praife ; For, all thy Zawes are true. 2 Mee, let thy powrfull hand protect ; For, 1 thy Zawe approove. Thy Saving-health I do affect, Thy Precepts I do love. Oh, let mee live to fing thy praife ; In Judgment, mee preferve. Thy fervant feek, who fheep-like ftraies ; For, I thy Zawe obferve. Another of the fame. VY Eald my Complaint, oh Lord, thy graitious ear, And, knowledge of thy Zawe, to me afford. My humble fuite, vouchfafe, I pray, to hear ; And, fave thou mee, according to thy word. Yea, fave thou mee; & I thy praife will preach, When thou fhalt thy Commands to mee declare. Thy vvord likewife, to others I will teach ; For, all thy Precepts, true & righteous are. Veald me thy hand, my faftie to affure ; For, 268 Pfalme CXX. 253 For, thy Commands my chofen part, I make. Thy Saving-health, I labour to procure, And, in thy Zavve, oh Lord, I pleafure take. Yet, longer let me live, to fing thy praife ; And, let thy Judgments Lord, my helpers be. Now, mee thy fervat feek, who fheep-like ftraies, For, never is thy Zawe forgot of mee. Moft mercifull Father, wee have all erred & ftrayed Srom thy waies like loft sheep; give us therefore that Lawe of Faith, dy which wee may be brought home to thy Folde. VVhen wee have obtained this Grace; let us truely eftecmte it, hartly pratfe thee for it, &° diligently preach it to others. Oh fpare our lives, untill the New-man shall be fully per- fected in vs; that wee may accomplish the work for which wee were created, & glorify thy Name, world without end. Amen. Pfa. 120. A fong of Degrees. VVhy thefe Plalmes are fo called, it 1s uncertaine (for, Iewish fancies are not voorth heeding) but, perhaps, our Degrees tovvard the /pirituall Temple, are here myftically included: for, the firft degree thithervvara, is to have a fight of our mifery, & a deteflatio of the worlds vanities ( figured by Mefech & Kedar, 27 this Pfalme. Tt is vfefull, when wee are conftrained to live among falfe worfhippers, or wearied by our owne corruptions &c. J Call’'d on God in my deftreffe, Who heard mee when I prayd : From lieng & deceitfulnes, Lord, fave my Soul ; I faid. What hire, oh thou deceitfull tongue ! Prepared is for thee? But, arrowes that are fharp & ftrong, And 254 Pfalme CX XI. And coales that burning be? 2 Ah! woe is mee, that I fo long, In Mefech mutt refide ! And, that, perforce, I muft among The Tents of Kedar bide. My foul hath beene too long, alas ! With fuch as wranglers are : For, when I fpeake to them of peace, For warr, they do prepare. Father of Mercie; Keep us from the lieng deceits of the Devill, & 42s Members ; & reward them according to their malice. Vouchfafetous, alfo, fucha fight, & loathing, of our naturall eftate; that wee may have an carneft lon- ginge to be tranflated from the Tents of Vugodlines, & be incorporated into thy heavenly Terulalem through Tefus Chrift, our Lord, Amen. Pfa, 121. A fong of Degrees. Another Degree, is to fixe the eye of our foul on God, acknowledging him only, the meanes of our deliverance, & our defence &c. It directs vs, to whome wee fhould feek; & encourageth to de- pend on God in all our waies. Mire eyes above the hills, I reare, And, thence, of healp, I hopefull am ; For, from the Lord my fuccours are, From him, that heav’n & earth did frame. My feet vnmoov’d, he alway keeps ; He, is my garde, that ever wakes : For, he nor flumbers, neither fleeps, Who charge of Z/ref vndertakes. 2 The Lord, ev’n as thy fhade, will ftay On thy righthand, for thy defence. Nor Moone by night, nor Sunne by day, Shall Pfalme CX XII. 255 Shall harme thee by their Influence’: For, God will fave thee from all woe, Hee, will thy foul from dangers free ; And (whether in, or out, thou goe) Thy gard, at all times, he will bee. Gratious Protector ; Cau/e us, to expect all our deli- verances from thee, with a conftant dependance upon thy Savegard, in all proceedings. Keep us without flavish fear, or wavering, in our Faith: And, be thou allway foe watchfull over vs, & fo near unto us; that neither thofe dangers whereto wee are commonly fubiect, nor the extraor- dinarie Influences of the heavens, nor any other unex- pectede Evits, harme our bodies, endanger our foules, or in- terrupt our lawfull callings, either now, or hereafter. A- men. Pla, 122, A fong of Degrees. Another Stepp, zs a delight in the puetie of others, toined with love to God's worship, & ac- companied with harty wellwishing to his Church. The Elect ave here perfonated reivicing on this Degree. Wee fhould vfe it to provoke vs vnto the fame. I Toyed, when they faid to mee, God’s houfe let vs afcend vnto : For, now Jerufalem, to thee And, through thy Ports, our feet {hall goe. Lerufalem is fairly Scited ; A Towne well-built, & well-vnited. 2 There meet the Tribes (God’s Tribes alone) Hus name in If’el, to declare. There, placed is, the Judgment Throne ; The Thrones of Davids houfe are there. Oh feek her peare, for, they are bleffed ; That have to Salem, love expreffed. 3 Let 271 256 Pfalme CX XIII. 3 Let Peace, a Bullworke round her make, Let Plenties in her Turrets be: This Peace wee with, ev’n for their fake, Who, mates, & Brethren are to mee. Yea, God our Lord’s faire habitation, Thus, makes mee pray for thy Salvation. Inf pive us, oh Lord, with a delight, & mutuall defires, - to further each other in thy fervice. Let us take pleafure in thy Sanctuarie: &», be alwazes, to our powre, helpfull &- zealous, to effect & continue the Peace of Syon ; even for the fakes of our brethren, for our owne fakes, & for thy glory fake (oh Father) that, wee may reap the benifit of her Peace & Plenties, through Telus Chrift, our Lord. Amen. Pla. 123. A fong of Degrees. Another Stepp is obedient at- tendance of God's will, in all Jugrings, with affured faith in him; vuhich is here profeffed by the faithfull foul. It is vfefull, to advance vs to this Degree. H Lord, that in the heav’ns remaineft, Lo, wee advance our eyes to thee : And, Lord our God, till healp thou daigneft, They hall on the affixed bee, As men or Maides, that waiting fland, Vpon their Lord, or Ladie’s hand. 2 Oh, grant vs Lord, thy dear compaffion ; For, wee extream contempts have borne. Vouchtafe vs, Lord, thy Confolation, For why? our harts are greev’d with fcorne, Ev’n by the fcornes, & pride of them, Who live at eafe, & vs contemn. Hovv ever thou shalt pleafe to afflict vs, oh Lord (or hovu long foever thou deferr any defired Blefsing ) let vs be con- 272 Pfalme CX XIV. 257 contented to attend thy Pleafure; &watchfull, to performe what thou shalt require further at our hands; foe our fuf- Srings, shall the Jooner, be redreffed, & our dutifull obe- dience, be rewarded through lefus Chrift our Lord, A- men. Pla, 124. A fong of Degrees. Amother Staire, 7s acknowledg- ment of former deliverances, & of the beginnings of Gods graces already obtained, as in this Plalme. Wee may vfe it after any Deliverance, but efpecially, fuch as are moft publike. But that the Lord, our part did pleafe to take, But that God holpe vs, (Z/r’el now may fay) When men did their Affaults againft vs make, Wee to their throtes had bene a living-prey ; For, wroth at vs, with fpighfull rage were they. 2 Wee by the Flouds, had then bene clofed round ; Ev’n quite above our foul, the ftreames had gone: The {welling flouds, our foul had furely drownd. Wee, therfor, bleffe & praife the Lord, alone, That, by their teeth wee were not ceaz’d vpon, 3 For, as a bird, out of a fouling fnare, Ev’n fo, our foul efcaped from the ginn : The nett is broke, & wee deliver’d are ; (binn) And, God, (whofe work, the heav’ns & earth have Is hee, whofe Name, our healp confifteth in. Many times oh Lord, wee are delivered, by thy Mercy, from evident & vnavoitable pertlis: But, there ts no mo- ment in which wee are not compaffed about with invifible Joes (& unthought of Dangers) far more fearfull & more impo/sibletobeavoyded ; unles thou didft gratioufly defed us. Grat therfor, that a filiall awe of thy ludgmets & a true eficeme of thy Mercies, may saa us hartily thanckfull unto mm 273 258 Plalme CX XV. unto thee, for them, now & for ever, Amen. Pla, 125. A fong of Degrees. Azother Afcent, is firme Be- leefin God. The fafetie of fuch, is here alluded to the im- pregnability of Mount-Syon, & Ierufalem: &° the punishment of wavering Apottates zs threatned &c, It is vfefull to raife vs to this Degree &c. M Ount-Syon like, for ever fixt are thofe Whofe hopefull truft vpon the Lord is founded For, he his faithfull People will enclofe (Ev’n as with hills Zevu/alem is rounded) As long as Time’s perpetuall motion goes. 2 The Rod of wicked men fhall not alight, Where God the Lot of righteoufnes beftoweth. Left righteous men pertake in evill might. For, to the Good, the Lord his mercy fhoweth And, favours all that are in hart vpright. 3 But, Sliders-back, & fuch as wander wide, In their owne crooked paths, & waies vneven, Shall by the Lord, be thither ledd afide, Where, portion due to hypocrites, are given : But, //r’e/ fhall in endles peace abide. Oh God, many ignorances & errors, both in ludgment, & Manners, wee are naturally /ubiect unto. Teach us therfore what wee ought to Beleeve, or practife; & then preserve vs unwavering in our Faith, & fo fincerely con- Jfiant in a holy Life; That wee may not have our portion, with Apoftates, or Hypocrites, but, be pertakers in the true Peace of Ifr’el, through Iefus Chrift our Lord, A- men, Pla, 126, A fong of Degrees. another Degree ts a reioicing in our Electio & /pirituall freedome; which is here typically ex- ore. 274 Pfalme CX XVI. 259 prelfed, with a prophetical prayer for that ioye promifed by Chrift unto the true Mourners. /oh. 16, 20. Wee may fing it as a thanckfgiving for our Redemption; & to comfort in fpiritual mournings, Wie God made Syon free; _ And her from thrall did bring, It feemed as a Dreame to be; And, wee did laugh & fing. 2 The Lord (the heathen fedd) Great Marvailes wrought, for vs. Great marvailes he hath, wrought, indeed, And, therfor, fing wee thus. 3 Lord, back our Captives bringe, As Flouds to fea-ward flowe, So, they fhall then reioice & fing, Who did in forrowe fowe. 4 Who, outward-bound, doth mourne, If he good feed employ, Shall doubtles, back againe returne, oe And, bring home fheaves with ioy. lb Let our greateft reioicings (oh Lord) be in thy redeeming us from the Bondageof Sinn; & that our Names arein the Book of Life: for, marvailous was thisdeliverance. Let our greateft orrowes be for our Offences, and for the loffe of thy favour; which are, indeed, Caufes of the greateft Lamenta- tion: foe, our short forrowe shall be turned in to everlafting Loyes, & glorious Triumphs, world without end, Amen, Pla, 127, A fong of Degrees for Solomon. Another Staire zs to ascribe our beeing & well-being do the Mercie & providence of God. It may be fung to acknowledge the fame, in all our works, & endeavours, &c. - S52 : 260 Plalme CX XVIII. JF God the Pallace build not, The workmen loofe their paine, If God the Cittie theild not, The watchman wakes in vaine. In vaine is early ftirring, In vaine, late watch wee keep, Or eat the bread of caringe, But, thofe God loves, may fleep. 2 A fruithfull wombes poffeffing, At God’s difpofing ftands : And, Chrildren are a bleffing, Like fhafts in Giants hands. Right bleft is he, that beareth His Quiver ful of thofe ; For, in the Gate, he dareth, To meet, & {mite his foes. Grantalmighty God; thatwhether weeendeavour for our Soules or bodies, we never glory or truft in our owne wor- kings; for, thou muft bleffe the beginning, procee- ding, & conlufion of every endeavour, or all our induftry zs loft. Nay, wee have not, fo much as powre over our bodie, or the fruite therof. Let us therfor, neither forget thee in the afe of the meanes, nor neglect the meanes which thou hafe appointed. That, (what ever the events be) our vnderta- kings may, bring profit tous, & glory to thy holy Name, So be it. Pla, 128. A fong of Degrees. Another Stepp, 7s filiall feare of God; to which, many temporall blefsings are here promi- Jed. It is vfed at the folemnization of mariages; & ferves to encreafe in vs, the feare of God. IF God thou feare, & keep his way, He, bleflings will beftowe : Thy Pfalme CX XIX. 261 Thy labour fhall thy food purvay, And, happie thou fhalt growe. Like fruit-full vines vpon thy houfe, Thy wife fhall proove to thee ; Thy Children, like faire olive-boughes, Shall round thy Table be. 2 Thus, thou that feareft God halt thrive ; From Syoz he fhall bleffe : And, thou fhalt fee (whilft thou doft live) Lerufalem in peace. He fhall prolong thy life, till thou Thy Childrens Children fee ; And, that thy ioye may greater growe, In //rell, reft hall bee. Oh Lord; of thy abundant Mercy, thou hafipromifed, not only the ble/sings of the next life; but alfoe,all thofe which are moft comfortablein this world, fo far forth as shall con- duce to their happines, who truly Jerve & feare thee. Oh teach us that filrall fear, & that obedience, for which thou haft made thofe promifes, that weemay performe what thou requires. Yet, not for the outward blef/sing fake; but meer- ly for the love of lefus Chrift our Lord. Amen, Pfa. 129. A fong of Degrees. Another Step, is a patient /uf- Siaining of the Cr offe. VV hich patience of the faints, is here mentioned; & both thetiranny & condition of their oppref- Sors, bree fly illuftrated. Wee may, vie it to increafe & continue Chriftian Patience. pul often fince my youth, may J/7’e/ fay, Full often fince my youth, they mee affailed ; And, ftill, without fucceffe they went away: (trailed, Yea on my back, their ploughs, the ploughers And, on the fame, long furrowes ploughed they. 53 The 277 262 Pflalme CX XX. 2 The Lord, (who is a perfect Righteous-one) The Cords of wicked men in peeces breaketh. And, Syons foes, fhall quite be overthrowne, Ev’n like that graffe, which root on houfes taketh, And, fades away, before it ripe is growne. 3 For, nor his Armefull, nor his handful, there, Remaines for him that bindes, or him that mo- Nor is there any high-way Paffenger, (weth. Who, there, is bleffing, in God’s Name beftoweth. Or, doth fo much, as, bidd them well to fare. Sweet lefu, (who wert perfecuted, even from thy cradle, to thy grave; &on whofe back, the sharpe ftripes, ploughed long furrowes for our Sinns) worthelte have wee deferved to be whipped with reproches to our face; to be furrowed with flanders behinde our backs, and to fuffer all other indignities. Nevertheles, fince by thy Juffrings, thou haftas well prevailed for us, as for thy felf; make voya the attempts of our Adverfaries; & enable us to fufiaine with Chriftian patience, that part of thy Crofle which thou ap+ pointe? us to bear: that being chearfull partakers of thy Jufirings, we may partake alfo, thyvictorious Ti vivniphs in the Kingdome of heaven, Amen. Pfa. 130. A fong of Degrees. Another Afcent, is earneft prayer: VVhich the Faithfull foul here powreth forth for af- Jiftance, Gc. It may ferve as a forme of prayer in great extremities. Ord, from the depths, to thee I fue ; My vocall prayer hear. And, when my Voice, my wants doth fhewe Encline to mee thine ear. Lord, who cann bear it, if fevere, To mark our faults thou be? But, that wee faint not in thy fear, Com- Plalme CX XXI. 262 Compaffion waites on thee. 2 On God I waite, & on his word, My foul her hopes doth lay : My foul, more waiteth for the Lord, Then watchmen, for the day. Oh Ifr’ell, truft in God; for, hee ; Hath gratious help, in ftore. And, from thy finns delivers thee, Both now & evermore. Gratioufly hear our prayers, oh Lord, in all our troubles & enter not into iudgment with us thy fervants, unles thou overshaddoweus by the wings of thy Mercie; for, our iuftice is unrighteoufnes in thy fight. Give us grace to hope in thee, with patient expectation of thy good pleafure; & foe enable vs (at leaft in our true defire) to fulfil our promifes to thee, that without infringment of thy Jultice, we may be delivered both from the guilt & punishment of our finns, through thy Mercie in Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. Pla, 131. A fong of Degrees. Another Degree is unfained humilitie : For, fuch as humble them felves {hall be exalted. Here, all arrogance, ambition, & felftruft is difclaimed, a fole dependance on God profeffed, and others exhorted to the fame. It is vfefull, to beget humility. O# Lord, I have no fcornfull eie, Nor proud nor loftie minde. I feek not things that are too high, But, humbly am inclinde. My foul is like an infant wean’d, (Ev’n from his mothers breft) And, Ifr’el, fo (to be fuftaind) On God, fhould alway reft. None of thy Creatures, oh God, have made them Selves $4 to be, 279 264 Plalme CX XXII. to be fo vile as wee; yet, none are more proud or felfecon~ ceited; none more prefumplioufly inquifitive into thy for- bidden Seacrets. Oh give us more humility ; & leffe de- Sire to thofe curiofities which are above vs, & pertinent to advance the Kingdome of Sathan, rather then the Kingdome of Heaven; which is to be entred which a Childlike Obedience & humiliation. Zhis Humilia- tion, wee againe befeech thee to grant vs, for Tefus Chrift his fake Amen. Pla. 132. A fong of Degrees. Another Degree, zs a hartie purpose to preparea Temple for God, in our harts; & to endeavour the felling of his outward worthip, which is here myfuically applied. It is vfefull to ftirr vs to this Degree. RR Emember Lord, what David’s troubles be, And, what to Zacod’s mightie God, he {wore. In houfe or bedd, I will not reft, faid he, Nor fhall mine eyes, or fleep, or flumber more ; Vntill a place be found, of my providing, For, Zacob’s God, the mighty Lord’s abiding. 2 Lo, Ephrata, wee heard, the place fhould be, And, in the forreft-feilds, wee found the fame. Thy houfe therefore, to enter, purpdfe wee, And, at thy footftoole, will adore thy Name. Arife, oh Lord, afcend thy refting bowre ; Thou, & the Arck, of thy Almightie powre. 3 Let Righteoufnes, thy facred Preifts aray, And, let thy faints a ioyfull tryymph make : Oh turne not thy J7e/szah’s face away, For, thy beloved Servant David’s fake, To whome thou fwar’ft thy promife, vnrecalled, That on his Throne, his Seed fhould be inftalled. 4 2890 Plalme CX XXIII. 265 4 If they, faidft thou, my League & word refpect ; Thy Children, on thy Throne fhall ever fitt : For, I the Lord, did Syov hill, elect ; And, for my dwelling, I have chofen it, My fetled reft is there, & I’le poffeffe it ; I love it, & with plenties, I will bleffe it, 5 The pore thereof, with bread I will fuftaine, Her Preifts I’le clothe with health, her faints fhal A Lamp for mine Anointed, I’le ordaine, (fing, And, I will make the horne of David {pring : I, thofe will fhame, that for is harme endeavor ; But, on himfelf, his Crowne fhall flourith ever. Suffer vs not, oh Lord, to take reft in any thing, untill wee have provided thee a dwelling in our Joules; & then, let vs entertaine there, nought els, but that which may be serviceable unto thee. Take thou poffe/sion of us, & furnish ws, as becommeth Temples for thy prefence. Remember all thy promifes to the Faithfull; for they only are that feed of David, to whome thy Covenants belong; they are thofe Elect-ones whome thou haft promifed never to forsake, Gwe vs, all outward meanes, of this invifible grace; Con- tinue among vs the facceflion, of holy & faithful Pa- ftors; Zhe Bread of thy Word; the Clothings of Righteoufnes ; the Lampe of Li/umination ; the Horne of good Goverment; & the Ioye of the Holy-ghott ; that the enimies of thy Church, may be ashamed, & shee crowned, with honour & bleffednes, for ever. Amen. Pla 133. A fong of Degrees. Another Step, is that, which the prepofterous Zeal of Schifmaticks hath much defaced, (to wit) Charitie, G brotherly Vuitie; which is here, excellenly Illuftrated, to moove vs to afcend it, Wee fhould fing it, to encreafe Vudtie & Love. $5 See an 281 266 Plalme CX XXIV. Ee Breth’ren, fee, how fweet a bliffe It is our lives in love to lead. It like that pretious Oyntment is, Which once anointed Avon’s head ; And, on his beard, from thence did flowe, Ev’n to his garment fkirts belowe. 2 It like refrefhing dewe doth prove, Which downe on Hermon’s topp diftills ; Ev’n like the dewe, which from above Defcendeth downe on Syoz hills. For, there, God promifd, heretofore, To bleffe with life, for ever more. Oh God! fo deare to thee, is brotherly Love, that all Faith, (yea, & Martirdome) wanting that Virtue, is of no efeeme: So profitable is it unto vs; That (like pre- tious oyntment on the head, or like shewres falling on high mountaines ) it defcends & /preads vnitill every member be refreshed therewith. Encreafe therfor, wee befeech thee, this Virtue among us (without which, all others are coun- terfeits) & let vs fo preferve Vnity & brotherly kindnes in this life, that wee may enzoy thy eternall Love & Vnio, in the life to come, through Iefus Chrift our Lord, A- men, ‘Pla 134. A fong of Degrees. This ts the lafi Degree: For the higheft Afcent, zs, the glorifieng of God. Mote, that the fut & laft Degrees only, are placed according to their Order; decau/fe, neceffarily, our firft rep to Godward, muft be the fight of our Mifery; Zhe highe/t, zs, to praife him: Zhe ref are not afcended by all, in one and the fame order; & therefore no precife order is obferved in their pla- cing. Wee fhould fing it to provoke to this Dutie. C Ome now, & praife the Lord, all yee, That his attendants are ; Ev’n 282 Pfalme CKXXV. 267 Ev’n you, that in God’s temple be ; And praife him, nightly, there. Your hands, within Gods holy-place, Advance, & praife his Name ; - And, yov, from Syoz, he fhall bleffe, That heav’n & earth did frame. Lord, wee were created for thy Glorie; All the time of our Pilgrimage on earth is to fitt us for thy praife; & the higheft Degree which wee cann attaine to, either in that life, or the next, is to fing Halelujah vio thy Name. Oh grant wee may fo honour thee in thefe Temples of our Bodies (here, upon the Way) on whome the Nights of affliction, & the Dayes of confolation, doe interchangably Succeed ; that in thy Jerufalem wee may fing pratfes unto thee, in that [pirituall Temple, wherein, the prefence of the Lambe, maketh a continuation of Day, of Loy, & of all happines, for ever more. Amen. Pfa. 135. Halelujah. J¢ exhorts to praife God, in regard of his greatnes; for our election; for his omnipotency, Mercy, Iu- Srice, elernitie; & becaufe other Gods are but ridiculous fic- tions, &c. To this end, wee (who are miftically the Sonns of Avon & Levy) thould fing it &c. O# all yee fervants of the Lord, His Name with praife confeffe ; Ev’n you, that of our God the Lord, The houfe & Courts poffeffe. Oh praife God’s Name ; for, {weet it is, To fing of his renowne. For, Zacob, he hath chofe for his, And //r’é, for his owne. 2 God is, (I knowe) a powrfull one ; He doth all Gods excell : In 283 268 Plalme CX XXV. In heav’n, his pleafure he hath done ; In earth, in fea, in hell. He maketh vapours to arife, Ev’n from Earth’s fartheft ends : And, he out of his Treafuries, Winde, raine, & lighting, fends. 3 The firft-borne, through the Zgiptian coatt, Of man, & beaft he flewe. And, on king Pharoh, & his hoatft, Rare wonders, hee did fhewe, Great kings & kingdomes, downe he brought, Ev’n Schon, Heshbon’s king, And, Og, of Bashan; yea, to nought All Can’an’s Realmes, did bring. 4 Then, for his Z/7e/s heritage Their lands, he did beftowe : For which, hee’s fam’d, from age to age, And, ftill fhall famous growe. When he to judge them doth appeare, His people, fhall be fav’d : But, heathen God’s, man’s makings were, Of gold & filver grav’d. 5 Their carved mouthes are fpeachles found, Their eyes, no light cann fee : Though they have eares, they heare no found ; Their throates, quite breathles be. Much like to thefe, their Makers are ; And they, that ferve them, toe. The Lord, therefore, let Z/7’e/ fear ; And, fo, let Avon doe. 6 The Lord, let Zevze’s houfhould bleffe.; In Syon, let all them Who fear the Lord, the Lord confeffe That keeps Leru/alem. Haleluiah, Oh 284 Pfalme CX X XVI. 269 Oh Lord our God, wee hartely thanch thee, for our creation & prefervation, VVee magnify thy wifdom, thy powre, thy providence, thy Iudgments, & thy Mercies; and wee acknowledge that the Deities of heathentsh and carnall men) yea & all other things in which wee truft (are but vanities, & falfe Gods, fashioned by our owne wicked fan- cies. Grant therfore, that all of us (even preife & people) who in Word profeffe thee; may in hart, fear thee; & in deed, faithfully Jerve thee; now & for ever. Amen. Pla. 136, This Plalme, exhorts to praife God both for generall and perticuler benifits; & shewes, that all are beftowed for his meer mercy-Jake, which is eernall, It may be fung, literally to commemorate, what God did for the Patriarks: or, miftically, as a thanckfgivinge for the fpirituall deliverances, which thefe typified. He Lord is Good ; him therfore bleffe : And, for his Grace, that lafieth ever. The God of Gods, let vs confeffe ; Becaufe, his Mercie fatleth never. The Lord of Lords, with praife extoll ; Lor, where he loves, he alway loveth, His Acts, alone, are wonderfull ; Becaufe, his Favour endles proveth. 2 His Wifdome, did creat the {pheares, (For, to all times, his Kindnes lafteth) And, earth above the feas he rears ; Becaufe, his Pittie never wa/fteth. He, did the greater Lights provide ; for, through each Age, his Grace extendeth, He made the Sunn, the day to guide; Becaufe, his Goodnes never endeth, 3 He fram’d the Moone & ftarrs, for night ; For, without bound, ts his Compaffion. a nd, 285 270 Pfalme CX X XVI. And, Zgifis eldeft-borne did {mite, Becaufe, his grace hath no ceffation. He brought forth 7/7’d from their land ; (For, foe his endles grace procured) With ftretcht-out Arme, & powrfull hand ; Becaufe, his Mercie /till endured. 4. Hee did the Red fea, then divide; (For, fill, his Kindnes, he retaineth) And, //r’e through the fame did guide ; Becaufe, his Favour, fill, remaincth, There, he did Pharoh’s Army drowne 3 (For, Love, hee freely, flill, beftoweth ) And through the Deferts brought his owne ; Becaufe, eternall Grace he showeth. 5 Both huge, & powrfull kings he flewe ; (For, everlafting are his Graces) Yea, famous kings he overthrewe ; Becaufe, his Love, times date /urpaffes. Great Schon, king of th’ Amorites, for, his AffeQtion never faileth And, Og that ruld the Bashamites, Becaufe, his Mercy, full prevaileth, 6 Their heritage beftow’d hath he, (For, fo, his endles Love, required) His //rel’s heritage to be ; Becaufe, his Grace is unexpired, } He did exalt vs, from belowe ; (For, he to Pittie, fill, enclineth ) And, hee redeem’d vs from our foe ; Becaufe, no time his Grace conjineth, 4 Hee to all fleth their food hath given ; for, his great Mercy fatleth never. Oh glorify, the God of heav’n : Becaufe his Grace abideth ever. VVhen 286 ‘Pfalme CX X XVII. 171 VVhen wee looke back, oh Lord, unto the beginning of thy vifible workings (pondering, the never interrupted fuc- cefsion of thy Mercies, vnto this day) & therewithall ob- Serve the performance of all thy promifes to thy Church heretofore; & the continuance of thy abundant Loving- kindnes, fo zs at this prefent: VVee are affured that thy Goodnes & Compaffion zs eternall, VVee therfore, befeech thee to give vs true thanckfulnes, for the fame; that wee may confeffe it afwell in deed, as word; & praife & magnify thy Name for ever & ever, Amen. Pla. 137. This Elegiacal Hymne, miftically expreffeth the Zeal, & love of the Faithfull, to the Citty of God: And Pro- phecies, the fall of the /pirituall Babilon. Wee may fing it to comfort vs during the continuance of our Naturall bondage, & the tirranies of Avii- chrift. AS’ wee nigh Badel River fate, Wee, overcharg’d with weepings were, To thinck on Syoz’s pore eftate ; And hung our harpes, on willowes there : For, they to whome wee were inthralled, On ys, for fongs of Syon, called. 2 Come fing, they fayd, a Syon-hymne. Lord! cann wee fing thy fongs in thrall ? Vnles (oh dear Zerz/alem) Thee, in my mirth, preferr I thall ; Or, if the thought of thee forgoe mee, Let hand & tongue, prove vfeles to me. 3 Oh Lord, remember Zdom’s brood, And, how, whilft thy Zerz/alem, Vnfackt, & vndefaced ftood, Her fpoile was haft’ned on, by them, ¥ or, 287 27D Plalme CX X XVII. For, loud thy cryed, race it, race it; And, to the groundwork, downe deface it. 4 Oh daughter of proud Badilon, Thou fhalt, likewife, deftroyed be ; And, he will prove a bleffed-one, ‘Who bhall avenge our Caufe on thee : Ev’n hee, that payes thee our difgraces ; And, braines thy babes, in ftony-places. Oh Lord, many of thy people, fuffer the fcornes, & in- JSultings, of that Babilon which was typified, by the Chaldean Cztty; And the My/tciall Edomites, labour the viter defacing of thy Church, But, deliver us oh Lord, & reward them according to their intentions againft us. Let us take no pleafure tn any temporall thing, till wee have prevailed againft the fury of our [piritual deftroyers: & giveus grace, foto crushall finns, & herehes,intheir firft birth; thatwemay bemadeeternally fafe & happy,through Tefus Chrift, our Lord. Amen, Another of the fame. AS nigh Bade ftreames wee fate, (Full of greefs, & vnbefreinded) Minding Syon’s pore eftate, From our eyes, the teares defcended ; And, our Harps wee hanged, by, On the willowes, growing nigh. 2 For, (infulting on our woe) They, that vs had there inthralled, (Their imperious powre to fhowe) For a fong of Syon, called. Come yee Captives, come, faid they ; Sing vs now, an Hebrewe Lay. 3 But, oh Lord, what hart had wee? In a forraigne habitation, To 288 Pfalme CX XXVIII. 273 To repeat our fongs of thee, For our fpoiler’s recreation ? Ah, alas! wee cannot, yet, Thee, Jeru/falem, forget. 4 Oh Lerufalem! if I Do not mourne (all pleafure fhunninge) Whilft thy walls defaced lie; Let my right-hand, loofe his cunninge : And, for ever, let my tounge To my Pallet, faft be Clung. 5 Oh remember, bleffed Lord, E’re Lerufalem was wafted, How the fonns of Zdom roar’d ; And, her totall ruine hafted : Till, they levell, all had laid, Rafe it, rafe it quite, they faid. 6 But, thou thalt be fpoiled thus ; And, be vi’d (oh Badels daughter) Iuft as thou haft vfed vs, And, that man, who in thy flaughter, On the ftones, thy Child’ren braines, Shall be bleffed, for his paines. Pla. 138. A Pfalme of David. God is here pratfed for the truth of his Word; for glorifieng his Sonn Chrift; for confir- ming his Ele; & for the Common grace vouchfafed to all, &c. It may be fung for any Deliverance; But, efpecially for our Redemption. With all my hart, I’le fing abrode thy fame, And praife thee, where the Gods affébled are ; Ev’n in thy houfe, le magnify thy Name, And, for thy Truth, & Love, thy praife declare : For, thou thy Name, & word, o’re all, doft a When 00 289 274 Pfalme CX XXVIII. 2 When I did call, thou mad’ft replie to mee, And, ftrength vnto my foul, thou didft afford, All kings of earth, fhall, therfor honour thee, As foone (oh God) as they have heard thy word ; And, fing thy praife, in thine own Paths, oh Lord. 3 For, thou art great, & thou oh Lord, art high, Yet, haft regard of humble men, belowe. ; Thou vew’ft the proude, but, with a fleighting eye. Therefore, altho through many greefs I goe, I certaine am, thou comforts wilt beftowe. 4. Thy righthand Lord ; fhall my falvation bee, My foes feirce rage, thy ftretcht-out had thal ftay. Thou fhalt performe all things concerning mee. Thy mercies, Lord, abide the fame, for aye ; Reiect not then, thy handy-work, I pray. Oh Lord our Creator, thou cauflefly reieteft none whome thou haft made; neither art thou /uch an accepter of Persbs,as, toomany fanciethee bee: Butimpartially accepteft in every Perfon that which is the Obiect of thy edernall Election; & (where foever thou findeft the fame) loveft that, unto the end. Therefore, thou extendeft thy Truth and Mercy to all; vouchfajing, alfo, thy Afsifting powre, to perfect that work which thy free-grace hath begunn; yea & thou effectually perfecteft that work, in foe many as do humbly fubmit them felves to thy will, & refift not proudly the motions of thy [pirit: And (though they paffe through many temptations & hazards) thy hand fall reacheth unto thé comforts, & meanes of fafeperfeverancevntotheend, Oh give us wifdome to perceave, & grace humbly to acknow- ledge this great Mercie (which who foever.denies; Denies thy oreatefiglory ) &makethou, our endeavoursanfwereasle to the grace & powre which wee have receaved through Tefus Chrift, o#7 Lord. Amen. Pla. 139. 290 Pfalme CX X XIX. 275 Pla. 139. To the cheef Mufitian a Pfalme of David. confeffeth, the all-feeing providence, powre, wifdome, and Mercy of God; And expreffeth a defire of the Faithfull, zo be Jerched, & rectified, by him, &c. It warnes vs, not to live Hypocriticallie; in regard, God beholds vs, at all times, & in all places &c. O# Lord, thy all-beholdinge eies, Have ferch’d, & well obferved mee. Thou, fee’ft me fitt, thou fee’{t mee rife ; Thou, know’ft my thoughts e’re thought they be, Thou, vew’ft my wayes & walkings Lord ; Thou fee’ft what in my bedd I doe; And, I do never fpeak a word, But, lo, thyne ears do hear it to. 2 Thou ftandft before me, & behinde ; Thy hand, on mee, doth alwaies lie : Thy wifdome cannot be confinde, And, for my reach it is too high. Then, from thy fpirit, & from thee, Oh whither cann I fly, or goe? If heav’n I clime, thou there wilt be ; If hell I dive, there art thou to. 3 If on the Mornings wings I ride, And, thinck to fly beyond the feas ; Thy hand, ev’n there, cann be my guide, They right-hand, there, on mee cann ceaze. Or, if I fay, the Dufkie night Shall hide mee ; Night fhall me bewray ; For, darknes, is to thee as light ; The day like night, the night like day. 4 My Reines, to thee apparant are ; For, in the wombe, thou clofedft mee : T2 I, ftran- 291 276 Plalme CX X XIX. I, ftrangely was compofed there, And, therefore, I will honour thee. Thy wondrous works, my foul doth knowe ; And, that my fubftance thou didft marke, Ev’n when (as in the earth belowe) I was compofed in the darke. 5 Before I perfect Beeing, tooke, Or, Forme, or Matter, for this frame ; My Members all, were in thy booke, And, thou forefaw’ft what now I am. Therefore, thy thoughts of vs; how dear ! And, Lord, how infinite they bee! As num’rous as the Sands they are ; And, wake mee, {till to muze on thee. 6 Vngodly men, & men of blood, Deftroy, & caufe them to be gone $ For, they fpeak ill of thee, oh God, And, vainely proude, thy foes are growne. Thy haters, I have hated, Lord, And, greev’d at fuch as thee oppofe ; With perfect hate, I them abhord, And, thofe accounted as my foes. 7 Oh God! a ftrict enquiry make ; My hart, & ev’ry thought furvay : Search, if an evill Courfe I take ; And, fhowe mee thy eternall way. There is nothing, oh Lord, in the frructure of our bodies or in the difpofition of our mindes, but it is knowne to thee, with every Caufe & effect thereof. Neither darknes nor diftance of place cann fo hide us from thee, but, that, thou Seefi our Actions, heareft our words, & perceavefe our thoughtes; Yea, & what they are enclinable unto, before wee thinck them. Give us grace therefor, to behave our Jelves, alwaies, as in thy fight. Let our fecret intentions be upright, 292 Plalme CXL. a7? upright; & caufeus to loveand hate, as thoudoft. Purge awayallthatwhichisevillinus; & infufeintoour hartsall thofe graces, which may make us acceptable to thee in Chrift Tefus. Amen. Pfa, 140. To the cheef Mufitian a Pfalme of David. J/¢ per- Sonates Chrift’s myfticall body, defiring deliverance, from Oppreffors ; And defcribing their malice, pride, & Tre- chery &c. It is vfefull, when any Congregation is gree- ved by the bitter fcandalls, lieng doctrines, or mifcheevous infinuations, of Atheifts, & falfe brethren &c. LE me, oh God, from finners be defended. ‘From thofe that are to violence inclined : For, in their harts, they mifcheef have intended, And in malitious Leagues, are faft combined. Their flinging togs the vipers teeth have matched Between their lipps, is Adders poyfon hatched. 2 Lord, frd the teas of wicked men releafe mee ; From Cruel-men, vouchafe fecure to make me : For, to fupplant my goengs, they oppreffe me ; And lo, the proud prepareth fnares to take mee. Yea, they have netts, & ginns, & trapps prepared. In al my waies that I might be infnared. 3 Lord, hear I pray, & mark my fupplication ; Thee, for my God, oh Lord, I have profeffed : And, thou (Lord God, the ftrength of my Salvation) Did’ft gard mee, when in Fight I was oppreffed. Oh, grant not, what the wicked man defireth, But, croffe his plotts, left hee too high afpireth. 4 The Mifcheef of their lipps will fal vpon them Ev’n on their heads, that mee have circumvented. Coales burning-hot ; fhall downe be hurled on the. They thal with flames, in dung’ons be tormented ; T3 And 293 278 Pfalme CXLI. And, in thofe Pitts infernall, be detained, From whence, Redemption never cann be gained. 5 On earth, hee fhall not thrive, that’s evill togued, For, wicked men, Reveng, to death perfueth. But, God (I knowe) doth patronize the wronged And, in the pore man’s caufe, his judgmet fheweth. For which; the juft, within his prefence living, Shall glorify his name with praifes-giving. Deliver us, oh Mercifull God, from the cruel purpofes, Singing flanders, & mifcheevous practifes of our wicked & proud Adverfaries, who feek the ruine of our foules, Arme us againft them, as hither to thou haft bene pleafed: Fruf- trate their devifes ; bring on them, their owne wickednes 5 & inflict on them that vengance which ts prepared forimpeni- tent Perfecutors: That wee being faved by thee, thou may/ft be glorified by us, for ever & ever, Amen, Pa. 141. A Pfalme of David. Jt perfonates Chri, (the lifting up of whofe hands on the Croffe, ts accepted, infwed of the legall facrifice) prayeng in the behalfe of his Members. And it is vfefull for vs, to defire God’s accepta- tion of our Prayers; to give us the Goverment of our tongues, & to rectify our thoughts &c. Lor hear with {peed my voices lamentation ; ‘Vouchfafe to give my mournfull clamors hea- As incenfe, or an Afternoones Oblation, (ring. Accept my Prayers, & my hands vprearing. Lord, let my mouth, as with a watch, be warded ; And, let the Portalls of my lipps be garded. 2 Left I to finn, with finners, may be trained, Preferve my hart, oh Lord, from finns infection Who, rather then, their pleafures to have gained, Defire in Love, the righteous man’s correction. & S 294 Pfalme CXLII. 279 As curing balme, the fame fhould be received ; And, I would pray for thé, whé they were greeved. 3 Whé fro the Roks, their judges down are heved, The reft wil hear: for, I {weet words have fpoken : As on the Land, where blocks are hew’d & cleaved Our bones before the Grave, lie ftrow’d, & broke. Vet, ftill, mine eye on thee oh Lord attendeth, And, ftill, my foul on thee alone, dependeth. 4 Then, fuffer not my foul to be reiected. - And, (that I be not by their wiles enfnared) Let me from thofe clofe engines be directed, Which for my foul, the wicked have prepared. _ (thé, Let their own fnares, which they have layd, intrap And, let me, Lord, for evermore, efcape them. Accept oh Lord, our petitions, in the mediation of Chrift Iefus. Make us watchfull over our tongues, & Jo purify our harts from all evil affections ; that the pleasant baites of the wicked alure vs not to be partners in their finns. To that end, teach us to bear patiently, &° accept thanckfully, the reproofs & Corrections of thy Children ; yea, let us pray for them, who shall charitably reforme us. And, though by perfecution wee should be fcattred like bones among graves, (or chipps upon the face of the earth ) yet, let us alway trufe in thee; & at laft be gathered up, revive, & be made blefed everlaftingly, through \elus Chrift. Amen, Pla. 142. Mafchil of David, when he was in the Cave. Jf JSeemeth miflically to perfonate Iefus Chrift, expre/sing the agony of his foul in the Garden; Or his being forfaken at his Pafsion, It may be fung when wee are left com- fortles of the world. MY voice to thee, Oh God, I reare, To thee, oh Lord, I fue; T4 To 295 280 Palme CXLIII. To thee, my troubles, I declare, My greefs, to thee I fhew. For, when o’re whelm’d my fpirit was, My Path was knowne to thee: Ev’n when they hidd, where I fhould paffe, A feacret fnare for mee. 2 I looked on my right-hand fide, But, noe man knew mee there. All fuccours faild ; not one I fpide, That of my foul had care. Then, Lord, thou art my hope faid I, My Lot, whilft life I have. In my deftreffe, obferve my-crye ; From fpoile, thy fervant fave. 3 Yea, fince for mee they are too ftrong, To praife thee, fett mee free: So, righteous men to mee fhall throng, When thy great Love, they fee. Sweet lefu, 2 thy bitter Agony, thou hadft not any one (no not among thyne owne defciples ) fo fenfible thereof, as to watch with thee one howre. A /ecret /nare was layd for thee in that Garden, whither thou went ft to pray Sor confolation ; And, when they ledd thee to thy Paffion; None would knowe thee; None afsift thee; Neither had any one, care of thy foul. Oh Deareft Redeemer, this, is of ten the Cafe of us thy Members in /ome Degree; And, when our Spirits are moft overwhelmed with forrowes, it fo happens; That no man pitties it; No eye beholds it, but thyne. For, thy Pafsion fake, do thou behold us with com- miferation in thefe extremities, that wee may be comfor- ted; & that wee & others, may magnify thy great mercie, Sor ever & ever, Amen. Pla. 143. A Pfalme of David, J¢ expreffeth with much for- Vencie, Plalme CXLIII. 281 vencie, many conflicts of the fpirit; emploreth God's free Mercy; inregardof ourvniverfallimpurity, of themahceof our oe & adifability of our nature Gc. The vie is ma- nifeft, Lov my humble fupplication, ‘Heed, & heare with acceptation, in thy Doomes, of Truth & Right. Iudge, but judge thou not feverely 5 For, if thou obferve vs nearly, None are blameles in thy fight. 2 By the foe, my foul is chafed, Wounded, & in darknes placed, As one buried, long agoe. I, am inwardly, perplexed, Yea, my fpirit fore is vexed ; And, my hart is full of woe, 3 On the times, now paft, I ponder, And, on all the works of wonder, Which were framed by thy hands. Thee, I feek, with due fubmiffion ; And, my foul, for thy fruition Longeth, as the thirftie Lands. Selah, 4 Lord, with fpeed, give ear vnto me, And, thy face divart not fro me ; For, my fpirits, feeble growe, Since, on thee I have depended, Let mee timely be defended, Left, into the grave I goe. 5 Guide my feet by thy direction, For, thou haft my hart’s affection. Me from all my foes releafe. Lord my God (my fafe abidinge ) Bring mee, by thy fpirits guiding, To the Land of Righteoufnes T5 6 Grace 282 Plalme CXLIII. 6 Grace, to do thy pleafure give mee : For, thy Namefake, Lord, revive me ; . Let thy Iuftice be my gard. Yea, deftroy (of thy compaffion) Thofe that feek my foules vexation : For, I am thy fervant Lord. Oh Lord God ; if thou shouldftiudg us according to our defervings, wee & all flesh, should everlaftingly perish, VVee appeal therefore, to thy Mercie; &, with a thirfly longing, defire [peedy afsiftance, according tothyaccuftomed Loving-kindnes ; /e/t wee be fwallowed-up by Def/paire, or devoured by our foes. For thine owne fake (even for thy Iuftice, for thy Mercy, & for thy Name fake) direct us in thy wares; Infiruct usinthy VVill; protect us from all evills; & bring vs into the Land of the Living, through Tefus Chrift ovr Lord. Amen. Another of the fame. Lor, mark my fuite; my fad complaining hear ; ‘And, in thy Truth & Juftice, anfwear give. Iudg not thy fervant, with a doome fevere, For, in thy fight, not one doth blameles live. The foe hath chas’d my foul, of life nigh reft mee. And in the dark, as one long dead hath left mee. 2 In mee, therfore, my fpirits downe are caft ; My hart is fill’d with many a heavie thought : I mufe vpon the dayes, that now are paft, And on thy works, (ev’n al thy hads have wrought) With ftretchtout hands, & with foul-thirfty pating I thirft for thee, as Land, when raine is wanting. 3 My {pirit faints (oh God) with {peed give ear, If longer, thou thy face obfcure, I dye. Oh let thy Love to mee betimes appear ; For, I on thee; on thee alone, relye. Yea, let me Lord, within thy Paths be trained ; For, 248 Pfalme CXLIV. 283 For, vnto thee, I lift a foul vnfained. 4 Protect mee, Lord; in thee is my abode: Keep off my foes, & teach thy will to mee. Let thy good fp’rite, (becaufe thou art my God) My guide vnto the Land of Iuftice be. Yea, mee,.oh Lord, for thy Namefake, revive thou, My foul, ev’n for thy Iuftice fake, reprive thou, And, of thy grace, all thofe that mee oppreffed, Deftroy thou Lord, for, I am thine profeffed. Pla, 144. A Pfalme of David. J¢ bleffeth God, for his regard of the humane Nature; Defires Chrift’s approch to Iudg- ment; And requefieth to be delivered from worldlings &c, It is vfefull to thefe purpofes, & to inform vs, con be God’s chofé-ones, is the greateft happi- nes &c. Oz praife the Lord, for, he is all my Powre, My hands & Armes, in warlike feats directing ; My grace, my gard, my fheild, my healp, my Towre, My trufty freind, my foes to me fubiecting. Lord, what is ma that thou art pleafd to know him? Or what his cAz/d that thou fholdft favor fhow him? 2 Ma@ is as nought, his ioys like fhades forfake him. The heavn’s, oh Lord, decline, & down defcéd thou But touch, the Hils, & thou to fmoke, fhalt mak thé ; To fcatter them, thy dreadfull lighting, fend thou : Shoot out thy thafts, vntill they be deftroyed ; Let thy ftrong hand, to healp mee, be employed. 3 Oh fave mee, from the water’s over-fwelling ; Let mee from forraigne Children be fecured, Whofe mouthes, are alwaies lies & folly, telling, And, whofe righthands, to falfhood, are envred. Then, to thy praife, new fongs, I will be finging, 284 Pfalme CXLV. On harp, & Pfalt’ry of a tennfold ftringing. 4 Let him, who doth on kings beftow falvation, (And, from the fword, his fervant David faveth) Protect me fr that forraine generation, . (ceaveth Whofe mouth fpeakes lies, & whofe right-hand de- Who beg for fonns & daughters, in their prayer, Like plants & pretious ftones, welfhap’d, & faire. 5 Who pray for Granards, fully ftored ever, Whos ‘floks yong breed, evn in their ftreets aboun- Whofe wellfed Oxe, in labour, faileth never; (deth: &, in whofe Townes, nor cry, nor tumult foundeth, For, tho fuch men a Dleffing have poffeffed ; (fed. Yet, they whofe God’s the Lord, are much more Dlef- Lather of Mercy & God of all Confolation; thou art al- waies, our powrefull deliverer, & becommeft every thing unto us, which our hartscann defire. Oh, make vs thanck- Full unto thee, for thy great regard of foeunworthy Creatu- ves: And, though meer worldlings, &* Carnall Pro- feflors, /eeke thee for temporall Blefsings; Let vs, love, Serve, & praife thee, meerly for thine owne fake. Keep us Srom their falshood, Hypocrifie, & felfelove, with all their other wicked conditions; And, though they boaftof thy tran- JSitorie Blefsings, which wee enioy not: Let us be contented that thou art our God. Let that be our portion of happines, & let us enioye it, (oh Lord) for ever & ever, Amen Pla. 145. Davids Plalme of Praife. J¢ may be vfed asa Pat- terne wherby to glorify God, according to his principal At- tributes, fuch, as his Infinitenes, Omnipotencie, Ma- jefty, Juftice, Mercie, Goodnes, Providence &c. VVhich are mentioned in this Pfalme. I *Le honour thee oh God my king, And, laud thy Name for aye : Ev’n 300 Pfalme CLXV. 285 Ev’n to thy Name, Ile alway fing, And praife thee ev’ry day. For, thou art great, beyond all bounds, And, great, thy praifes are : Through Ages all, thy glory founds, Thy wonders they declare. 2 Tle, alfo, fhew thy royall ftate, And thy rare works vnfolde ; That men thy wonders may relate, When I thy powre have tolde: That, they thy Righteoufnes may fhow, And, much, thy glorie minde ; For, thou to anger, Lord, art flowe, Right gratious, meek, & kinde. 3 Thy goodnes, & thy mercies, be In all thy workes expreft ; Ev’n all thy works, Lord, honour thee, And, thee, thy Saints have bleft. Thy kingdomes glory they will fhowe, And, fing thy greatnes forth ; That, all mankinde thy powre may knowe, And, fee thy Kingdomes worth, 4 For, thou for evermore fhalt raigne, And, rule through Ages all. The weak, oh Lord, thou wilt fuftaine And, lift vp thofe, that fall. On God, all creatures fixe their eyes, And, fedd, in feafon be ; For, all things living to fuffice, An open hand hath hee. 5 The Lord is juft in all his waies ; His works, are facred all. Nigh them who call on him, he ftaies ; Nigh thofe, who truly call, Their 286 Plalme CXLV. Their hopes, who fear him, he effects ; Ands, hears, & faves all thofe: - Ev’n thofe who love him, God protects ; But, finners overthrowes.- 6 Oh let my mouth due praife, therefore, Vnto the Lord expreffe ; And, let all flefh, for evermore, His holy Name confeffe. Great oh Lord, is thy Kingdome, thy Powre & thy glory’ great are thy VVorks, thy VVonders & thy Pratfes: Grea’ alfo, is thy VVifdome, thy Goodnes, thy Luftice, & thy Mercy: Yea, fo infinite art thou in thefe, & all other ex- cellencies; That no attributes, are Sufficient to expreffe thee. Nevertheles, wee thy Creatures, being partakers of thy Abundance, & witneffes of thy Bounty, towards all whome thou haft made; Do (according to themeafure of our Capa- cities) bleffe thee for the fame: And defire, to praife and magnify thy Name, for ever & ever, Amen, Another of the fame. AA Prance I will, thy Name, oh God my king ; For evermore, I will extoll the fame. Bleffe thee, I will, oh Lord, & alway fing, A daylie fong of praifes, to thy Name. Confid’ring, that thy, Greatneffe, bound hath none (And, how thine honor fhould as boundles be) Declare I will, thofe wonders thou haft done ; That, men from age to age, may {peak of thee. Ev’n of thy Fame, & glories, I will treat, And, fhewe how rare, thy wondrous workings For, when thy dreadfull Acts I fhall repeat, (are: Then, other men their largnes will declare. Great {peach, of thy great goodnes, they fhal make, And, (finging of thy Iuftice) they fhalt fhowe, How 302 Plalme CXLV. 287 How apt thou art, compaftion ftill to take ; How prone to pitty ; &, to wrath, how flowe, In doeng good ; to all, thou Lord, art free. Thy Mercies are, vpon thy Creatures all. Kept glorious, by thy deeds, thy praifes bee And, therfor, all thy Saints, confeffe thee fhall. Lord, of thy kingdome’s glorie, they fhall tell, And (fhewing ev’ry where, what powre, thou haft) Make knowne how much thy mighty Acts excell ; And, with what ftate, thy royall Throne is plac’t. Not as a king that’s only temporall ; For, endles & eternall, is thy throne. On thee, who e’re depends, though he fhould fall, Thou, Lord, wilt lift him vp, when he is down. Plac’t are on thee, all creatures eyes, oh God! And, thou doft give them food, in feafon, ftill. Quite open, thou doft reach thy hand abrode, Each living Creatures longing, to fulfill. Right juft, thou art, oh Lord, in all thy wayes ; And (as in all thy works thou holy art) So, thou art near to ev’ry one that praies ; To all, that feek to thee, with honeft hart. To thé, that fear thy Name, their wifh thou giv’ft ; And, fuch as call vpon thee, thou wilt fave. Vngodly men, of fafety thou depriv’ft But, all thy Lovers, thy protection have. Wherefore, oh Lord to publith out thy fame, In praifefull wife, my mouth shall ftill endeaver Yea, & all fleth, fhall bleffe thy holy Name, And praife the fame, for ever, & for ever. Oh Lord thy /pirit hath faid, thou art good to all, & that thy Mercy is over all thy Works. Stop the mouthes therfore of all thofe perverters of thy Truth (and blafpheamers of thy moft glorious Attribute) who es af- rme, 33 288 Pfalme CXLVI. firme, that thou haft eternally Dereed, purpoffely Crea- ted, & tvrevocably neceffitated, that the greateft number of foules, should be veffells of wrath & condemnation, with- out any refpect unto Sinn ; Good God, let this damnable blafphemy, fpread no further. Give all men grace to per- ceave, that they who pretend to honour thee by this doc- trine, do (confequently & unavoydably )imputeunto thy fa- cred Majeftie, all the wickednes both of men, & Devills ; contrary to all piety, contrarie to thy expreffe Word (which zs perverted to maintaine this herefy) &° contrarie to that which naturall Reafon, hath written in our harts. Lord, thefe are they, which have made thoufands hide their Ta- lent, by fayeng, that thou expecteft to reap where thou fowedft not : & they have foe corrupted their owne iudg- ments (& moft of their hearers) that there 7s no meanes to prevent this, peflilence of the foul but by prayer. VWnto thee, therforweepray. Oh hear us; even for thineowne honor fake, & for thy Mercie fake, in Iefus Chrift our Lord Amen. Pla. 146. Halelujah. Zt ftirreth up the foul to perpetual thank/- giving, & todepedancevpon Godalone;giving reafons forthe oe &c. Wee may fing it to minde vs of thofe uties. MY. foul, praife thou the Lord ; f (As long as thou haft breath) In fong his praife record, And, honour him till death. No credit place In earthlie kings, or fuch vaine things As humane race, 2 Breath failes, & duft they be ; One day, their pompe deftroies : Right bleft therefore, is hee That 304 Plalme CXLVI. 289 That Zacob’s God enioyes ; And hopes in him, Who framed thefe, heav’n earth, & feas, And all in them. 3 For, God is Faithfull, ftill, Men wrong’d, affift will hee, The hungry he doth fill, And, fetts the prif’ner free. He, Sight beftowes, Loves men vprignt, & maketh ftreight What crooked growes. 4 The ftranger he receives, To Orphanes, help imparts : The widdowe he releives, And Sinners paths fubvarts. 4 The Lord, therefore, Oh Syox, fhall be king of all For evermore. Haleluiah, Almightie God, Creator of heav’n & earth, & the fure healper of all whotruftin thee; pitty our opprefsions ; Jatif- Ty our [pirituall hunger ; free vs from the bondage of finn ; curetheblindnes of our Vnderftandings, & bemercifulltovs in all the reftof our neceffities & infirmities. Grant, alfa, that (renouncinge all other Confidence, & depending only, on thy favour) wee may praife thee, for these, & all thy Mercies, in Chrift Iefus. Amen. Plalme 147. Lt exhorts to praife God, for encreafing & building his Church, typyfied by lerufalem ; for many particuler mercies lo his people, & for overthrowing the proud &°c. The vfe is apparant. O# glorify the Lord ; For, of God’s praife to fing, V Wiih 19 395 290 Pfalme CXLVII. With juftice doth accord : Yea, ’tis a pleafant thing. Lerufalem, Hee will ereét, and recollect His Flock to him. 2 The Contrite hari, hee heales, Hee cures their bruifes, all. The Starrs, he, alfo, tells ; And, them by Name cann call. This Lord of our, In wife forefight, is infinite, And great in powre. 3 The Lord, the Meek doth raife, The proud, he brings to ground. Oh therfor, fing his praife, Let Harps, his praife refound. He, Clouds doth bring, And, fhewres diftills, which on the hills, Makes graffe to fpring. 4 Ew’n Beafts, & Ravens yonge, He feedeth when they call : In horfe, or footmen ftrong, He ioyeth nought at all: God loves all them ; Who in his grace, their hopes doe place, And honor him. 5 Syon, & Salem, bleffe The Lord your God, (in fong) Who doth your feed encreafe, And, hath your Gates made ftrong. His Peace hath, yet, Your bounds vphild ; &, you he fild, With flowre of wheat. 6 Through earth, his Mandates goe, His 306 Pfalme CXLVIII. 291 His word, with {wiftnes flies, Like wooll, he giveth fnowe ; His froft ; like Afhes lies : And, then (befide) He forth doth flice, cold flakes of Ice, Which who cann bide? 7 He fpeakes, & ftreight it thawes : He breaths, & water flowes, His, Statutes, & his Lawes, He, to his people fhowes : No nation els, His Iudgments know, & therfore, foe With none he deals. Haleluiah. Moft mercifull God, who buildeft up thy heavenly leru- falem, by the gathering together of all the Faithfull; Not only taking notife of them, who have fiarr-like perfections ; but even of vs alfo, whoe are of thofe Blind and Lame, whome thou haf caufed to be called to thy ban- guet: Nay; though wee are as brute Beafts, or uncleane Birds, thou art ready to extend thy Mercy, whenfoever wee Seek thee. Oh make vs thanckfull for thy great Bounty. Send out thy word to compell us by Stormes, or to allure by Calmes, according asitshal findevs difpofed: & let the gra- ces of thy Spirit, fo thawe our congealed harts, that the teares of true penitence may flow from vs, & produce all Such other effects, as may caufevs to know thy Ludgments ; & to be of thofe people, whome thou loveft in Telus Chrift. Amen. Pla. 148. Halelujah. Ad? Creatures are here, in a Poetical man- ner exhorted to glorify their Creator. Wee fhould vfe it to remember vs, that God requireth all his Creatures (& vs e/pectally) to praife him according to their natures. V2 The 307 . 492 Pfalme CXLVIII. "THe Lord of heav’n, confeffe ; On high, his glories raife : Him, let all Angells bleffe ; And, all his Armies er Him, glorifie Sunn, moone & ftarrs; yee higher Sphears, And, Cloudie skie, 2 From God, your Beeings are ; Him, therefore, famous make : You, all, Created were ‘When he the word, but, fpake. And, from that place, Where fixt you be by his Dccree, You cannot paffe, 3 Praife God, from Earth belowe, Yee Dragons, & yee Deeps ; Fire, haile, Clouds, winde, & fnowe, Whome, in Command, he keeps, Praife yee his Name Hills, great & fmall; Trees, low & tall ; Beafts, wilde & tame. 4. All things, that creep or flye, Yee Kings, yee vulger Throng, All Princes, meane or hye, Both men, & Virgines yonge : . Ev’n yong & old, Exalt his Name; For, much his fame, Should be extold. 5 Oh let God’s Name be praifd Above both earth & skye: For, he his Saints hath raifd, And, fett their horne on hye : Yea, they that are Of J/rels race, are in his grace And 308 Pfalme CXLIX. 293 And, ever dear. Haleluiah. Almightie God (worthie to be praifed of all Creatures both in heaven & earth) vouchfafe, that thy whole Crea- tion, may ioyne in afcribing to thee, that glorie for which it was ordained: And let vs (whome thou haft exalted above the reft of thy workmanship ) advance the higheft Trophies tothy glorie, At left, grant this, that, wee who have disho- nored thee in all thy Creatures, may fome way (& in fome degree) magnify thee, al/o, in every thing which thou haft made: That fo, wee may be, yet, more exalted; &° contiuue to be of thofe people whome thou haft elected, & loveft eter nally, in Chrift Iefus. Amen, Pfa. 149. Halelujah. Zhis Plalme exhorts to praife God, in the New fongs of the Gofpell; &° declares the powre, which shall be given thereby both to convince the Confciences of heathen Idolators ; &° to chaine up our imperious Affec- tions Gc. Wee fhould vfe it, to provoke vs to raife God, for the many priveledges, given vnto is Saints. &c. IN fongs-newe made, your voice employ, God’s praife among his Saints to fing : Let /7’e in his maker ioye, And, Syoz tryvmph in her king. The praifes of his Name, advance ; With Harpe & Tymbrell, in the dance. 2 The Lord, his people doth refpect ; And, with his healp, the meek arayes. Then, let the Saints his praife affect, And, on their bedds, gladd Voices raife. Let in their mouths, his praife remaine ; And, two-edg’d blades, their hands retaine. 3 Vpon the heathen people, then, V3 They 294 Pfalme CL. They fhall inflit avenging paines, And, binde their kings, & noblemen, In yron Fetters, & in Chaines. For, to fulfill the written doome ; The Saints, thus honor’d fhall become. aleluiah. Grant Almighty God, that wee may fing unto thy Glorie, the New-fongs of the Gofpell, to the tenn- ftringed Inftrument of thy Lawe; & by thy grace, at- taine that meeknes ; & that holines which becommeth fuch, as ave thy Saints, by their Vifible Callinge. Replenish our harts with ioyes of the holy ghott; fill our mouthes with Songs of thy praife; Strengthé our handes to execute Tuftice without partialitie; give vs powre to chaine up thofe hea- thenish AffeQions, & thofe noble-feeming Paffions, which had the Soveraigntie over vs heretofore; & fo enable vs to Sullfill all Righteoufnes which thou haft commanded in thy word: that, wee may enioy all the Priveledges, & honours, pertaining to thy Saints, in Chrift Iefus Amen. Pfa. 150. Halelujah. Z¢ exhorts all Creatures to praife God, & shewes in what manner wee fhould pratfe him ; mtflically exprefsing the fame by Infiruments of Mufick. Wee fhould vfe it, to ftirr vs vp to glorify God, with every facultie which he hath beftowed on vs. Come praife the Lord, come praife him, With in his holy-feat : In all his glories, praife him, And his great Acts repeat. As he excelleth, praife him, With Trumpet, and with Flute ; With Harp & Pfaltry, praife him, With Viol, & with Lute. 2 Vpon the Tymbrel praife him, In Song, his praife advance ; Vpon 310 A concluding Hymne. 295 Vpon the Organs praife him, And, praife him in the Dance. On tingling Cimballs praife him, On Cymballs loud that found ; And, let all Creatures praife him, In whome, life-breath is found. Haleluiah. Oh bleffed God; thou beftoweft all things neceffary, & re- guirefinothing backagaine, butthanckf{ulnes. Granttherfor, wee pray thee, that our foul, & every faculty thereof; our body & every member of the fame ; our fighs, our teares, our grones, our toyes,our paines, our profperities, our Adverfities, our Virtues which wee have by thy grace; our very finns (which wee have committed by our owne corruption ) our lives; our deaths, our falvations ; the condemnations of the unrepentant (& all other things which in vs, & in thy whole Creation, have either Beinge, or poffibility to bee, or to be thought upon; may altogether ( & feverally ) both in their Difcordes & Agreeméts; makeupa pleafantharmony, to the glorifieng of thy Maiefty, for ever & ever Amen. FINIS. A concluding Hymne. YEt among thofe many Creatures, VVhich for living-breath are debters, (Though unworthy) I am one. But, not many weekes are paffed, Since, the Blatt that’s now poffeffed, VVas in danger to be gone. 2 They, that prayd for my Salvation, (Far beyond their expectation ) My defired prefence have: And, I fing, among Livinge, Vv Songs 311 296 A concluding Hymne. Songs of Thancks, & praifes-givinge, VVhome they look’d for, in my Grave. 3 Hee, (oh Freinds) for whome yee mourned, From thee Pitt, is back returned: Loie, with him, in God, therefore. Hee(my Foes) whome you oppreffed, Lives; & praies you may be bleffed: VVish him evill, now, no more. 4. Come; imagine, I were lieng Ln my Grave; & let envieng, (Spight, & evill Cenfures) goe: VVee shall all (e’re long) come thither ; And, be quiet, there, togither : Let us, whil’ft wee live, b¢ /oe. 5 Or, though God hath fo permitted, That wee muft, for him, be fitted, By each others wounding blowes : Naitheles, his praife, endeavour ; And, Affent in what foever, (Any way) his glorie showes. 6 VVhen I fawe life’s Taper wafting, (And, my end by fichnes hafting) Many things, to minde it brought: And, among my Meditations Mufings, G° Expoftulations, Thefe, were often in my thought. 7 Lord, ave all thofe hopes bereaved, VVhich I formerly conceaved, That I should have here enioyd? Shall, as well my good intentions, As my vaine & fond Inventions, Now, be fruftrate, & deftroi’d? 8 L haved looked, everie Morrowe,. for an ending of may forrowe. And, 3r2 A concluding Hymne. 297 And, once thought, an end I had. But, perceaving newe Afflictions God, (fayd 1) whoe gives Corrections, May, yet, one day make mee glad. 2 He hath feene fuch Follies iz mee, That his Mercies cannot winn mee ; Therefor, he his Rodd extends : But, when that hath purer made me, Peradventure he will glad mee, And, declare that wee are freinds. 10 Thus, from tyme to tyme, I eafed My nigh fainting hart, & pleafed My Delires, which did rebell : And I ftrongly, Lord, beleived L, ome Good should have received ; Till this deadlie Arrow fell. 11 But, J finde, my great Corruption Fath bene fuch an Interruption To my Earthlie hopes zz mee ; That, ther’s now no expectation Save, the hope of that Salvation VVhich my Soul in heav’n shall fee. 12 VVhen my Sicknes mee tormented Thus I muf'd; & was contented, in my Soul, it should be thus. And, I praifed God in Spirit, For the lot shee should inherit ; But, ther’s Fleth & bloud in vs. 13 Twas enough this Grace was showne me: But, my Flethlie-part, was o7 me, VVhich was loth, her works to lofe. J, (Said thee) have watch’d, & cared, Lfoly Hymns to have prepared: VVhat shall now become of thofe? yA rr 313 298 A concluding Hymne. 14 Al my Youth J have confumed, (VVhere as els, it ts prefumed: VVealth or eafe, I might have wonn) Pyous Laies to have compofed, To reftraine men ill-difpofed, From thofe Paths in which they runn, 15 Had J Honour fought, or Treafure ; Thad witt in equall Meafure, To the moft that walk thofe waies : But, another Path I prized, VVherein, Death hath mee furprifed Luft at Noonetide of my daies, 16 And I fee, & fee it plainely, That I [pent my time as vainely As the moft whome I condemn’d: They, had Fruits of their Endeavor ; Mine, to me, zs loft for ever ; And, of others, is contemn'd, 17 Many things that I intended, Are begunn, & almoft ended; VVherein, I my paines have loft, VVhat, on David’s Hymns J mu/fed, Lies unperfect, unpervfed ; And, (of all) that, greeves me mofi. 18 Suchke Thinckings, partly holie, (Guilt with Good, & mixt with Follie) Did poffeffe my wafting braine. God, had promif’d Mack to mee, (And, the Blefsing he did show me) Yet, of Ifm’el J was faine. 19 On the Handmaid of Perfection (By her Miftreffe’s direction) L begot the Birth you See ; And, when Life was halfe expired, In 314 A concluding Hymne. 299 In my hart, I much defired, That the Fruite might fpared be. 20 which, behold, my God hath granted ; And, fome hopes I have not wanted That I shall preceave the Same Glad my hart, (that hath bene fory) And, be fung unio the glory, And the honor of his Name. 21 Beit fo, as God hath willed: Though this hope, be not fulfilled, L have Hopes that shall remaine. Nay ; thofe Hopings which have failed Are not loft: but, much prevailed My cheef Longings, to attaine. 22 For which Grace, Almighty maker, And, for that I am partaker Of the Common-life, thes day ; L do offer, as Oblations, Thefe my harty Meditations : Them, & mee, accept [ pray. 23 All my former finns forgivinge, Grant, that (fince among the living, L obtaine a fecond Breath) f, in manners, & Affection, May beginn that RefurreCtion, VVhich prevents the Second-death. 24 Lere, let these my Meditations Veald mee, fill, weet Confolations, VVhilft thy Grace this life prolongs. And, at laft, advance me thither, VVhere all Bleffed Saints, togither, Sing to thee, eternall Songs, Amen. A Table 315 A Table directing to what Tunes, here- tofore in vfe ; every Pfalme in this Trans- lation, may be fung. T? the Tune of the firft Plalme zn the olde Tranfla- tion & ¢o 30. other Tunes there vfed, fing thefe; 3.4. 5. 7. 10. Il, 13. 15. 18, 22. 23. 24. 26, 29. 31. 35. 37+ 42. 43. 44. 40. 47. 50. 53. 59. 61. 62. 64. 65. 70. 73. 75. 76. 77. 85. 86. 88. 92. 95. 102. 110, III. 116. 119. 120, 128, 130. 131. 134. 135. 142. 145. To the Tunes of the 51. Plalme & of the 100. F/alme heretofore ufed; & to the Tunes of the X commande- ments. Of the Lamentation tmgrinted at the end of the old Pfalmbooke, & to the Tune of the Songe, beginning thus, From Turke & Pope. &¢. Being five feverall Tunes, may thefe Plalmes be fung. 1. 2. 6. 14. 16. 19. 20. 21. 27. 28, 30. 32. 34. 38. 41. 45. 49. 51. 52. 54. 56. 63. 66. 69. 72. 79. 81. 83. 84. 89. 90. 91. 96. 95. 99. 100. IOI. 103, 109, 112, 114. 117. 121. 136. 139. To the Tune of the Pater nofter at end of the old Pfalmebooke, may be Jung thefe. Pfal. 5. 9. 17. 33. 39 40. 48. 57. 87. 94. 118. 105, 122. 123. 233. 137. 149. To the Tune of the 25. Plalme heretofore: fing the/2. 25. 36. 67. 82. 115. 126. Zo the Tune of the 50. Plalme heretofore: fing thefe 16. 68. 78. 194, 106. 107. 132. 140. 141. 143. 144. To the Tune of the 113. Plalme heretofore, jing thefe. 12. 58. 60. 80. 108. 113. To the Tune of the 122. Pialme heretofore: fing thefe. 13. 55. Zo the Tune of the 124. Pla. heretofore: fing thefe 71.74. OI. 124, 129. 138. To the Tune of the 130. Plalme heretofore: fing the/e, 39. 100. 127. 150. To the Tune of the 148 heretofore: fing thefe. 113.146. 147. 148. The Pfalmes ¢iat ave Aphabeticall are doubly tranflated, & Jome few other: One of which tranflations zs ¢o be /ung to French Tunes. 316 Issue LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. For the Fourth Year 1870-1. 8. A Handefull of Pleasant Delites, by Clement Robinson, and divers others. 10. i 12, 14. 15. 16. 7. 18, 19. 20, 21. 22. Reprinted from the Original Edition of 31584. g. Juvenilia: Poems by George Wither, contained in the collections of his Juvenilia which appeared in 1626 and 1633. Part J. Juvenilia: Poems by George Wither. fart //. For the Fifth Year 1871-2. Juvenilia: Poems by George Wither, contained in the collections of his _ + Juvenilia which appeared in 1626 and 1633. art LI. Miscellaneous Works of George Wither. Reprinted from the Original Editions. First Collection. for the Sixth Year 1872-3. . Miscellaneous Works of George Wither. Reprinted from the Original Editions. Second Collection. Works of John Taylor the Water Poet, not included in the Folio Volume of 1630. Reprinted from the Original Editions. Second Collection. : for the Seventh Year 1873-4. Flovvers of Epigrammes, ovt of sundrie authours selected, as well auncient as late writers. By Timothe Kendall. Reprinted from the Original Edition of 1577. Miscellaneous Works of George Wither. Reprinted from the Original Editions. Third Collection. For the Eighth Year 1874-5. Belvedére ; or, The Garden of the Muses. By John Bodenham. Reprinted from the Original Edition of 1600. Miscellaneous Works of George Wither. Reprinted from the Original Editions. fourth Collection. For the Ninth Year 1875-6. Works of John Taylor the Water Poet, not included in the Folio Volume of 1630. Reprinted from the Original Editions. Zhird Collection. The Worthines of Wales. By ‘Thomas Churchyard. Reprinted from the original edition of 1587. For the Tenth Year 1876-7. Works of John Taylor the Water Poet, not included in the Folio Volume of 1630. Reprinted from the Original Editions. Fourth Collection. ; Miscellaneous Works of George Wither. Reprinted from the Original Editions. Lifth Collection.