ron 1134 Pat + Sb a Gornell aniversity Ribvary BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME FROM THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF Henry W. Saae 1891 oS ne jy for OLENA AL EG ea. (EO pion. 6896-1 4 | The date shows when this volume was taken. | ‘No renew this book copy the call No, and give to | the librarian. _ HOME USE RULES. it Vit, ona All Books subject to Recall. Spica al Books not used for instruction or research i te ’ are returnable within } a, ~. * 4 weeks. ; ; v4 ie Volumes of periodi- pee ene cals and of pamphlets ; are held in the library as much as possible. For special. purposes they are given out for a limited time. Borrowers should not use their library - privileges for the bene- fit of other persons. Books not needed during recess periods uld be returned to ibrary, or arrange- ade for their Pai § Cornell University Library PR 2739.P4A7 1567a wl ii 134 006 incre The Tudor Facsimile Terts Che History of Horestes By Joun PIkERING Date of this the Earliest and only Known Edition 1567 [B.M. Press-mark, C. 34, g. 28] Reproduced in Facsimile . . . . . . . « Igio Ghe Gudor Facsimile Certs Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER Ghe Aistory of Hovestes By Joun PIKERING 1567 Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMX Mn The history of Morestes By Joun PiIkERING 1567 One copy only of this interlude is known to exist: that in the British Museum from which this facsimile reprint has been taken. Likewise, of the Author nothing is known: he ws not even mentioned in the D.N.B. Mr. Herbert, of the Manuscript Department of the British Museum, comparing this facsimile with the original, says the most noticeable fault is that (in places) where any of the lettering from the other side of the leaf shows through in the original over-heavy printing exaggerates the effect, and leads often to letters and even whole words being blurred and illegible which are perfectly clear im the original. Mr. Herbert earmarks as ‘“‘vather too black, heavy, leading to an undue thickening of the strokes,” the twelve following pages: Title ; A. i. v.; A.wi.r.; a word or two on A.ut.v.; and A. tv. 7. ; lines /,.3, 4, 5 and 6 of A. 10. v.; the foot of B. 1. 0.3; the first quarter of B.ut.r.; B.w.r. and v.; E.i.+.; and E.w.r. The remaining twenty-eight pages faithfully follow the printing of the original and some signatures Mr. Herbert characterises as especially excellent veproductions—A.t.v.; C.t.r; C.t.u.; D. uur. JOHN S. FARMER. RTT ert goveetoriontall Jeananennhann + au su 24, i enterlane 4 Gontepninge, ti Abtitope ol poiettes tity the crucll - ae teuchgment of his Fathers death, ye ee eaeon Re Ha: oe = SOREN 2K | * ebbeplapece names Nie Cte mie, 3 Ciptenmettea, Hooper. Trutye: is Suaine Wallterfpcke. Pobuile. Fame. ~ Pempileyng. Hatuce, Wermione, ef. o.. a wy PY, cn } aorettrs fret. @Broutfyon. Delutep. | © ae ‘Menalans, jarranld. Mellenger. . Coancell. @ woman, hagas €geflus. Commonts. ce The names beudved fo} ‘bi toplape, Che tyrlk the Wlee'and ature. anvWetvtey3. 1-Rallicus. Joureas.s. Sodyer. Penelauns. € fobulles.s. & 5 Bonge, cert ae Ren ae. . Peto. eComustoues, 5.” 4. Bozeftes, awoman.€ Prologue, « 4 oe 5. Baulitérlicke. upper. Cis. ‘Warrautd. Fame. Deut and Jdunteus.7. 6 Denptteynge, Clotenthitica, Brotalfpon, efavtone, 4- “a Fmprnted at: Londotr tn Fictettrete, at the- ‘Signe of the Falconbhy Wylliaht@epwith. and are tobe folve at his hope in S. Dunfons ee auto. 15:6. Te \ MEK peveanttinnnnniyaniyinnsiyn ER 7 ¥ o Whe pee. pee epprra nap fott, toate let me fee, GOK! con miozrotoe to pou (p23, bot Do pou fare? ela Sante «men, ¥thincke tt topll be. the nert pap in § miogning, before J com thear Sey) UA Wat ell fozwarde J topli, fo2 to prepare, See Honre weapors € armour, p catines to quell, Bic teaclhe the hurchetes, agapne to rebel, Rebel 2 pe (p2, boto fape pou there to? CAM hatz pou had not belte their partes to takes Houlde the content foole, and do as 3 do, @} elles me chaunce, pour pate fo2 to ake, Pe and thats moze, foz feare thou Malt quake, Wetore Horelles, when in good fonth be, Shall arrpue fr this lande, renenged to bees Wie ellfoztoarde F wyll, thpngesto pournaype, Jn good fouth oz the twares, as J Mall thincke good. Farre well good man dotterell, and marke what F ape, 2 eles tt map chaunce pou, to feke a net hound: cht 39 ou Wonlt cate no moze cakb2ead,9 thinke then by § rou, 9f that, that fante poulle from pour thoulderes tere bent, you Wouldthincke pou were pli, (Fo pou twere(bent, Wear ens Rullpcus, tepth Ku Chypll nenee naboze hodge, hauea glade harte, ffycus , € HL ypll Egiffous the kynge, hath Coz his defacte: hooge. Recelucd delo punnpMhment, fo2 thls tucll J knowe, Hozrelkesto Crete, tottt tdumeous dpd go. Bal hen his father was Hayne, by bis Mother mof pl, And therefoze J thincke, that cont heather he toplt: Aud revenge the iniurey, of his mother mof dpare, tealtinge our land with ee and tuith dpare. odge. ‘Jefu nabo, twfth bpar and stwopdez sape pow sez By gpsnabe2, chplisaue one FZtro: | Foziche hauc fmaull good, by gife forte tote, ‘And therefore (che care tot, bot euer it gofe. But chypll not be slapne, chyll loue notbinge wore, ‘Chyll neuer be bournt, foz the monyin my pourle, - iff. Ache pete Cnterlune. Ache hane (mall roudvockes, and fobpers ¥ kno, WrlWrobbe the riche chosles, andict the pooze knaues go, . ' Afprre, notwe eye, anv paute their a thyle, Be not to battpe, but take all the dayes: neh at Be God J am wearep, with comming thismypie, - And hauing no money, my korfe bepare to pays. WA ho holw, Jrode.on my frte, all the wape, .Jclu what ground, fince pefterday at none, Pane J gut thezoww, po pate of foune, ufticus. | spaboz hodge, be.goge hatche none fdeare, th , What this lyttelt hougehet, the debapaunee noth beare, Come let bs go, and of bin in good fonths. We woll conquear out, eee: . pete (BINGE 135 orchyt, goges oundesgyppe ivith a teanpor,, == At pou fo louttep, infaptygoodmanciound: ~ == ‘Mundes, hart, andnapless{hisisafranton,: = Zlle teache pou to floute me,¥ boul pou apennde, . & that ft tweare not, infapthfozmpgcunde° = Zt woplt J be knoc bur, pet for ail: chat. . a : Hovge.-. * - .; ould good matter, ea Mare mp net bat. re ai » Gipee. : ? een. Ha, ba, be, mar bis bat quoth her theavsnas all his thought: - Sout tout, fo2 the blofe he fet Notappn~ ? SL bat garment ts dyer, that with blote fs bought, GMeliferesto in treat me, (pth poubegyn:z Jam contgyypd, uy blade noty haullin. Bat tell me fperestell me no twhearetoze of me; She caufe on this fozt, pour taulikpuge thoulv be, 2 + 2OV Gisand (che chpll mater, forallmypgreatpayne, =. HE this matter topon totel the bearp pee ee oe | ‘Bp naybo3 hodge and Z,ingondfouth, aes — Pot hear inthe vetoes, Feel veuthe truth: 16 IE Pow As We wear Lallinges marke tbat 3 sape,: mand ee Date re oe 7 each avn i R ; ‘ Q ‘ n vow 46 a ‘rupee... 1 ‘Pou came (nn ttenight: anv of bs croft the ape, ‘ Wat bich thinge fozsartyn. when J opdelppe, SChts fancep blouncht; (ainpheadbpaudbp; = se ef And to hodge J sapde that, bygys Jopobeare,. '- Ghat ioroctine, good rahe the Debpauncedoth beare;: - . And be caule pou tueare lpttell, and of fature but Goaaualls ; Ss _ Pfbend goua gains, but chant seve ey rata e: ce | Button is to mepney, the proierbe pouty tells 1° Pour perfon a bourchet, iu fapth J ppd cantl. =. fin cg Wut by gis be contentpd, boz chpil neaner maze, © 7: *, 28 TRE Ss sotthepineace riot tteaphe,3 cated ree pe lies be his ounbdes, J tooutd fobardthistopnt,. And teache them agapnte me; againe to rebelie ; that 3 wear abull, the knaues boz to.quell, | 6 a t! ® When wouldZ peri i meatare, pn seis Bodge. Ma Orth - wentyll tna pentyl ana one te get i! ia Ju fapth we be, and chearnepe weprape, W249 ee Ga bat they name, Be eet toqaee ‘Syname would kno, marcesip outhaatl | wane = Darke frynve; four to the J oplvtebeinces % - Mut com heather nabog hedge, tion rear & Paler pactence ee 2% — By gpschnto they topllnet fpares! °° 5 ak Ube fame foxta hhotue, tohcarfaze mrp frend,’ : - ake Spy name is pacience ifthou it perpeade: Pont 40 102 att thamnea gions ye zapboypatt ante?” Hak siglgonea each ooh la names a GEE 0 _ $Cella mares tall, ano Rypell gerd outa fart - “ Be Se bote theas mp mores, douth myttake,: Coa AE er WH ould tt not anger a faputat the hack: . Garin FETE, ie): SL 0 fe tohat a {coffe cf mp name; he bouth mace ts @D oundes of me, as Citlasa fake. 5D he He Handith, wees Maat — cnt mae Witte *. BR Se | A Pety Enterlud, ‘Be bis tuoundes, J ivod haue a arme, 074 {pds Sought let me le, tt ts be to be tpt, Goodflepinge ina hele fkyune, ould foulkes do apes, Hot withtanving J wis, tll bane mpne ote wyll. Kaye™ topll bereucnged, bp his oundes and J maype, Sprra pou good man Rullycus, marke what x faye: Iarke in thine eare matt, this dyd Flee, A hogeofthpne tuearped to be. a Rullicus. ; Goves gee matfker pactence, J prape pou me tell, | MA hat hoelen chores doge, my hogae fo dyd quell: Ache stware by gife, andbholpe sapne blpuc, ‘i Chpll be swinge bint, and ich be alpue, Ay godes de chant angrp, and mot toell confent, - Choutd ha wear hear, chould make him repent. ch hadrather gpuen,bozeftcpke ofcozne,. _ When to bad mp hogge on this tuple fozlaznes But if Zknewe wyous doggechoul be, Renenged tell (nough che warrenttbe. Mipce. iba, ha, be, by god Rulkicus, J maype faye (n no game, Fknotwe the perfon, whole dogge fo pin fape: Mbp hogge fye Cpe man, (t tas a bearep fhame, 3¥02 thy napho2 hedge, to let tt by this bape, WH ell Z pli goto hin, and le if J mape, By anep nreanes procure bim,to make the amendess Mledothe be J can, to make pou both frenvdeg, Rulicus. -Chpll be no frendes, chad rather be hangen, rll iche bane that onlde karle, wel and thaptteley banged, Mnd tiveare not pour mafhyppe, ppd me with bould, So fwing the ourchet, (chechouln be boulde, ba, ba, be, na ae : » Da, Oe, nap, nap, fpare not fo3 mee. Go to it Grapght, fthearto pegre, tie Boge y bard ( man ak C3 Garde lape, thou fly, hal wrought, . F97 My hogge onto death, with thf dog thon hatke byoughgt bs. soo :, ache ° ‘@OtGpee. Ache byd the thy bante, tome toamterin, D2 cdpll stoaboell the, iche sivearein nip bat enBe Podge. >, Zwardell me godes get? chyll care nt a poytty: Ache haue a good bat, thp bonestoanopnte:: - > :; ihe Whou oldecarie Jsape, thphogehurtyoime, Andtherefore 7 twpll Hane, a mendes now ofthe. Py rpe and my otes, mp beanesandiny peale, . Whey haue eaten bp quight, but (malt fo2 my cafe: And therforciche saye, all thp hogges kepe bake, . 2 (che toyll them twearep, as lounge as they latte. Wp godes get, J can neuer conte tt my ground, But that same stoyne, in ane peafe fcbe bauc founds. ~ Pe. out tout Rutticus, thefe wo2des be but toynd Ho hint man, to htm, and fioaddell him toell: e neauerleane hint, as longe as thou can fynd m tohot, but teathe hint, a gaine to rebeli, Calhat nededel thou tocare, though bis wozkes be fa telly 4 out tout tharte bnivpfe, and follotwe mp mpnde: Qud.j warraunt the in Bat fonte cafe thou thalt finde, fttcus, @ovdes ge hourfon boge, pape me fo2 mp swine, Deles larne to kepe, that cockescome of thyne. ore odge. - bereadpe Codes de,do thy o2k, J carenot.a popntes tofmptes Chpll pave the none, chyll tabard.atopnte, but bods Tpees. -___. frntttteft, Spay Tand J Cpll fore toa, ¥ iwpltlenBs ~~ ann fet p Sake this fo2 aretvard, nowa tape J nut wen oe bite thins Rutticus, ~~ che them D Goveaget, cham stufngedsosoze, 2 = = > * ~both and FIehe thinckecbaul neauer lpue one houre moze. “ SUNnoUte Hoge D aves ge Fthincke, my betones i agen, $767 fitch get home by gis, ittesatpounver; ~ .”’ . : Farinell Ruticys, fo2 by gis fel chanit, ‘wagin % mete the wae bestninge tht bop aly, 3 22° A. tith ‘ull c Be a Peto Enterlar. Maiti 2 , ee ue Mf browne aleat my honfe; giuethe a whole whart: What hedge tyxkeLondes, nron be mecep and lantie, => Wy godes ge ichehys met, thebell end ofthe tate. -.: Mu q1sApodge, c 9hke 3 YFG Cham contend vapho; Rullicns, thaull be ene fo, | goont § ometo thee bonte, a peapetbeletbsgo.. 2k EP Th Be ’ fee: Pie nk, Wocaulltoménde the wabyd rage of wothers-pltattenrpt Cuitrith, Prouckes menow'all prttic gus ght, from mre to be erempt. ot oe 3h a 4 -# > = get lodame natare telea mre that, 9 mut toich willing mind: Forgiuetye farste ard to pytic, forme tohatto be inclpnd. * Wat lo be Hould thad dilires Damte,on Hourdonte moder bill Wath heaped bp not contented, her (panfaute bed to fpll: WAH ith forcapne louse but fonghtall(c, nrpfacalth2ed to hare As ert befoze nty fathers fyil, in fonder. fhe dpo pare. of ene loue.tohy doutte thou fe, of pptep m:requeff, thou teme watt quight denped, mp mother being pretts GA hen tender peres this corps of meine, did hould alas fo2 wo WA hé frend mp mother halo gave bin thé was thechefe mpfo . Db godes therfoze ith pou be (nl, onto whofe ponre € wpll, fii > ose Al thingtes beansn,and earth alfocobaye and farue buitpll, _pi-' y+y Declare tame pour gractous mefnd, hall reuengedbe, - . + yng DE goodkhynge Apes, : WhuLS Hout let hiuralone now, we ntay in good fouth,.. 1-72. F twas not fotulkep, my pourpofe to get: : 1#6. Gee But now of mp honeftep, J tellpou oftrath, 9) In reuenging che Monge, hisiupndhehathfete ‘ St fs not Jountens that hath poure to let. 275) SAS orelles fro (ekinge his mother to kl, : outlet hpm alone, hele havehisownetwpll, ©. t-.. ~ Sith that pour grace hath twtlied me, this my deffar fo Holns Db grattons king this thing ft (9, ¥ let. pour grace tosnaki What tong J haue request to ews, mp fathers kiglep place; ‘And cke foz to revenge the Avgong. done, tomp fatvers genees Js aryne intent tobercforeoking, grayntthatwoutyeldveg Pp-carptage and bono; che, akchpus.agavue A wrapedl io ak CoM yee s, Founens. on ei sotepthete a tobple Bortics mine,tpll councell bo Sere? Whe thingehat tall bntowour Late. m0 fk honorabell bess Shook, dovemthinkes tet bs your councedibanty: think pou by this thignp wodtel) Boraties now dor ccae cund gia sie Pada o¢ Gaumeelber | ies os ontacm F G3 Dothinke nepfoferapire 1020 At horrid be nothing Wa APovarefortorenenged bes onthole which fo spy k Wts fathers: grace but rather Hath, tt be a feareto thofe, — That to the lpke atanpntinte, their ceucll mindes bitotes, 2 Any allo as Jrharbe tt Hall, an hone beta veo! 2) TLeadiauate and helpe him with, fomemenreuengedto bee {Lhisdo 7 thinke mok fpttelt fo2, pour ate and wigallos .~ Do as pou lp Kieth that pour grace, wtp mind berin Both bride qdunteus. Hith Councelt thinkes tt {pt in. ded, reuengedfoztobe,.: -; What pou or¢fes in good fouth, foto reucnge J gree. And alfo to mapntatne pone. warc,7 graunt pou w god will, G thoufand men of fomake bola, pour enimife to kplt. ake them fozth twoith, ¢ fortoard go, let App notimene tpd, Fforchaunce toleafure to be bound, Z tell pou cannot bpd Wo therfore Kraight proutde pour meng like a manly knight. 3 place of foucr put forth thp felfe,atay.t all thp mi re ‘0 win the fame, foz glozep noite, in cham ‘bering det bat Sparke that J (ape to get thy mcr, 3 take tt 02 theubele Upee, 7 vibe Com on Wopetkes fith thou hatt, obtapneb top befier. . Wout tout man, leks to. ppltrove, ag. doth the Aaming, fier? Whole properte thou knost dath gro,as long as anp. thing As left toher bythe Caine passe, fom fuckco3 fyz to, bing. *' 02 i ¥ thanke pour grace Z Hal fea noes gratis niind Heriny for fe 3 praye poubotw be xt that, be nytt inat begin. @oout. qoumeus,, Hp comcell now declare to ime,bp ss) think ponds tite twiatt @o out, Doth not he feme in (ith to bert ntpme amaryl i Wp all the gotes Z thinks in fate Wah map sé are 0» hale a s sanabltidn, Ul {hott fon he ‘A$, fo Fightae mace vis fathers Heppes folloty Coune : undoubtedly mp fofevapiw tomes he emethtnes mens 7. y e erat bis fathers Reppes, tw feates: oticheualicepss: » Butsathertor co initate, she floure of greattowtany;.: atocd J meante 4 chilles that fame Bntght, bp whole one onlphand Mhtorenciés bane vbtathn at latngth fcdquett of oto olp Drop! F03 th baalon Hott ¢. ree face ,thetr lato, great tnplog: 3 eus, 653 Savi e poirts to puraave,fuch hinges a6 thal in dene; a ‘Del bs vopare e to faruehis fourii {it wares, Whetol he Gat hau eng ; ‘Depart and tbeithe thall, retourne heather a Lol te me hruto2 of bis nen, toe wopll Cure take toe payne, * @oont, *""' \ ‘Palterfpcke, Hey nay : os! She Songe. PE he cirve torll abet; tar domntycRé tats 2 Le ts ang Me] Ni-se SE 0 twarre we tend to gotpe: 300 to 2 ee WC iy’ \ At te good fpozt to fe the frpte;. i Ore 8G cule B Df fodpers onarowe. ~.” : of haueo ¢ ; How merelep they anne 2 uer p toas Whefe ee to Mlape: ter to fos ° * ei tengo Melt YOR ride 2 fes...: ‘Whe irbanners they » Pali eaie lengers Papo 8 pully aris pes cheate. 2 Nf antthe time! ‘ane aon aster tees foullmanepfestes, 2 ha aL be anche bineyn east ey ee couckttige beare, and hete, eel ens Ph bea beatae see Gti rat Sub tyoc? Tod ED ndtoattey lades amin the felbes), ab YS dus Talay Dic ehee ent ea She dzonnt tert and flute pl badicieg CTY Ute adew co go, Hebe Croumpet blofe a soe ome “79 And venteotisknightes Some OF VAY 8 ah De pare b o2¢ eam Toon ogres > “With tpenve htt sia rt Uogemtca get brpghte and 1 98) VG log oe s - | Saheee Petsagatt Mag? - Xheae g a Pear round, ee Gr tatters, *: Whear bantiers they spfplaye. - 3 : giana prempitdinge ceca eR. Goges oumbdes haultertyetses tohat wakes thowheares :) «= iempe dCdini oC Paulterigeke. un srt sd of sy) af 9Ee ging cont _ wtbat 2 Jacke hemperinrge tor bcos Bw ye MCA e 11! 1900 meth ing q2dlre: SpempRetages 2:5 n! caNacc 4d tat WS fpeaketh. Sy bis oundes ee the Come netofe theto telly: 22 : tfpche. Ei odes blows toijat ws > fk thenenetl Mbelle: 1: sca ; HOt C103 1h Aepgeperege oo ovina zn faythethba wet meaep Fhut thls tothe matiets veers Wout thou hear halterfickestachmrembath datas Dl warres, pe ot iwarres toy tpozettes well go> an OMG is crptage te topet, bope tycteath 16 9," ainegl died oe ep BSG Go fc MIC GOt: TINRL tl 2%S Hay but Jacke Pemplytregefeate of this partes: escr s ’ gvf thou caull meboye, yen beware shypgates on id oy wip. 3 t aaithat hould thy price, astaras3fes~ prt on ont SyMeCE We be bople both thearfoze let os gree. : Macey gals? sBove nave be god, thongh 3 bs bat fnraull, ed OHM OBE ie cad —— apet Jacke hemipiivinge, ahartts woth all: 2° ok dt : is nd haue not J an hart, that to warres Dare go> 4 geshaupiringe J wacrantthe, ¢ tharthou hentnefh knot Af oycke balterfpckes mynde,thoe moue tuto cyat, ” Colles neaues bourne, tyll they befetonctyare.: é eof so Tipenmpiivinge, Set FIRE ARS pebut fthey bourne, fotharthepfames © ws 3° aoct ivater dpcke hallterfyche, the bourring cane tame, . But hacke thee mp matter totll dente a toyuit,’ bd ese’; And mie to wapte on bint, he all veadye Doth poyut. ‘But hearte tou, thou knowes my ntater loucs welt, er . Now andthen tobe fuappinge, at fome daputye modell, | Wut bpgagesdlend balltcripcke, ttrbouldacmes ss Lake fome paptepwenche out lsuntartobe, Nag ee | And be gogesbleud; Janrcdatentyoto Yeates *: Vie apes ew | a. : as ) Palfe of ber c argis, when shat hs cotues theate |): if . ea : with. Pallecefpebe. i : a ee Pg oh ee A pew Giterlud, aultorigekes sc}: sid ihe ‘As tpt forthe tarre, Jacke hempffringe toon art, | Zu fapth as abe; iste doawe acartes. 25) Vedi ata i to? ‘7 Be ts ipke to be manne; that hash fuch a knights bis disor Ander his tanwery % Cweard fop vo fight, nau EF s nd Ts GG ees Wozelkes tn fightsmofte oat ee hen tnith thep gpnitep;, wermufl (eke tye. ¢ Lice te et Henpiringe. Goges oundes,- hart, and naples, pon arca fostesty esd0%5 Comte of twith a miplchiefes Bungentell companion, 5p pour lene fire pantecsfickeN Chimbetoat abey ry 15 As good whodperascmentuaspesii6 1 6 nad gods Stuoce oF Apaultertpebte a5 estate. He hath learned his lelon, bubol fouth % feare,. 021572 2¢F We hathquight forgotten; the fwape¥o to {weare, Dundes, hart, and naples, nosrep hes nasadsi 5 wd sq And be be not hanged, be toplbe Carke wud: 291105716 x . * e. _ Bangeme no banginge, plyebefoquiskey © -i,,-0¢5¢ Moube not to bard, tek hempiringenokpchey 2) ou: t Paulterlpcke. ; fort him, par better be yt, anda Nepe in bis beads |: 5 Pg WEE Pla kycke me, mecyaunceto breake bis brady, 5.461 32 he Bempiletngescce 2 pars Goges bioud good nran baitecipcke, begine pou ta foutme ais . 7 Paulterlpcke. .. “15t 4O TE Sho notat all be douth but tout pe. raphe GH bat hempliringe J lave, are pouatigred at {efke, Gort bpm 3 fayth goodman lobcocke, pour bandtomtep ppefhs +11: + tt out plipes i Sey j HPempfringe.: Lopate Veteul pigs aelip Goges bloud fo to flout me; thou art muebve to blameg: 3117S Waulterfpcke, 7a Sige WA bp all that J do man, ts but in gante, t ioe - : soft Demporinge..., WH A gtue bim sake than that tor thep (ete, and Goutmeno mopes 2:45 aboron } Mors Gt r7ig: f aneal sae care poor on biome, shan Sanit have mfeazen 2 i. Datos thy fivazo bylpat, ef thoubeamany: 7 2 ‘sistaoatenc b ia sind then bof the tuontt, thageurs¢hou an, sits 4 Ses B) ei Papilio nges: 637 Wee sf ansttt eee gore sn so eon oh sR WO BA Srarjerero ChudthahythcataSenty:! 5 petite “Port 702 a0: a 1S Pubiiteshicieds La gee, Gao Hgts nce Sitstinugeseaeginmes vite e Bofites iS Be! EN ee wat oping elon de frites Benpiring sence bat botng thea grote? Snmee Feght at Haw lneddell With me. 7: “top Oaereags oat. eb Sut Mu (368 bt Facey In Parttechrke:' hen? ootvses a core ‘apn wade 9: srO (abe: 9 Hacovonght thetpopy tii sion <7 But FZ oyll be reuengpd, 03 eies F hall bourtie. ofthynie Did not call me; trom Hence to departs © 3 could atider toebempticing, euen atthebarte. 20) 2 Mherefoswfarietly cpil-an other apes ci. sisi an q1ygL2 sBurheantte thoutake this; tofpeanbiysgeten peed I Vie rit 8h pyeBtere hint ns te Pempiirtnged cite! lsuas 2 sppaboron > @egesnundestene gory, waveatter stop; lS Gio cy feare € GO And of We tated ‘by bis oundes, J inl as mrp gout. " Bopefles. 2 ty >. ogo out. Ob goves be profperous Bprape, ¢ cke prelerue mp bano, “let pogum Show nows pebegods in. ded; fretch out poururgitp hard plape and And gtit bs hartes¢ Witlesallo, where by we map predapll Hopelics And Tatler not pou yddes J pape; our roasvagis tafaptt : ie Cneee w Bur let our'kattes avdyptypo bée,fozaye as wepeetend,,. ~» Klemené - Gnd of thathile adulltecs. dame,oh gods now make an ends ther lette Hy hads do theytt her bled to yanc nought rammpmidcotert hintknile Wyll § on her J haue pevi fourmed,ch gods pour tult {ubgmét Downe € SPature. e etcts 47 joe Speake. pay.stiee airy child wo wldthers bloud 6 neato the btauop bap fland bp* Woeelles.: io: $0 tought at all oy nature rant.mpparpofe note intthitand, Shall J fo2 giuc wip falders neath, my hart can not agre be Te a Bone et Seer owited es tnpney tpayie e et ei tEaNE Y9 yi aoiyad Wrhye cruel beats} ratig in feldes whofe fanfe te ‘bled ar whe Do not confent thete mothers paunch, incruell wife toca Lhe tpger fierle doth wot deftare, theruins ofhbiskindes .: TD Aud hall vawwe watery hat fir the; Cacy tyeanerance Endep |‘ °°" 5g motehe ceuell belkes bontlate, to vo in aney cafe, | * ‘2 ZLeue notw 3 fap Pogettes nrpne, ¢ fo mp wopdes give place, - * aLeff thatof nen thts face af thine, may fudged faz to be: - Spe latoein fouty, ne (ups eke, Dut cracll rpeaneg. yew erie STAY SNA S Worekkes; eat? : : 381] Putbagosaabeththiuche ito. notpeanep to be, - fori tc | § | Let the fo* sgetnthe-zfayeandthatbpannby, | Bier fpcke gp» tity this Cwv09d, in fapth thou-(palenpe. | fictt, but Woman. - | Let § or MMF sith a good topll, ¥ peld meso the, | MAMEPLE Goon mater fodier, bene ntercpe on me. | Kiel pitt My hufband thou bak dapne, tnmrok ceucll-topfe, fuller. get this my prayer, ve roto nat befppte uiten | Goa fore Come qnthenin hall, mp pepfonecthouart, . | ber, €let Come followeme J (ape, we weak neoes depart, | hepfaldo: =| * Woman. . mnie DPS J holon lane ¥ wll teach thetifave, | the¢alto Wo hanblea womanon, an other waye. . be beate flo put me infcare, with out my desarte. Hint, —-F op teache the in Fave toplave (ack.a parte, s Spey vie footper PE Uiper, | : Sovypers : . 2kad & sel dee Be contentpd good poman, andthou Malt be, speauce heare after molpftedfopme, tr. ; oetddeae fil IGG aye bylipn dane, amegdesehou make, an that thon be foae meas poplirtoz bpbett take,’ SLowe J hane cought the, and mp papfoner thou are, HDT tae by his oundes hozfon Rave, this gofeto they hartes Sovper.! 6 ee ‘ Have Cauesmp lyfe; for F wyltbes! 622 ee oe take bis "--. Speapons Why pzpfoner.and 10-7 pelve metother: ' - eo i owe) Boman he 7 . Come wend thou with me, and they wepow thou thalt haue, Sopth that thoubontlafpie, utp Ipfe fo2 to faut. ¢ Mand backeye flepluge tackes at howe, \ Andlet me go... of 2G UT 7A goon ipe (p2 knauc am J amome, - A agit ey :.. Gl hy fape pou fo. init ANCEY La aout tout, pou bare not come tn felbe, ies S41. ¥. Fog Ceare pou Moule the gotte bp pelde, - WH itlybtofe, he gofe, the gunne thot flpe, Rfeares, it (eares, and theit voth lye, ~ \M@thoundzeth ina moment be, Dilroped quight: v2 fanfe in fapth pf pon thoutve fe; Si Sbbegonne thot lpgbt. . $C o quake fo? feare pou tuould not fynte; Wi benas by fozfe of gounthotesnpnte: 9 ~ She rankes tn rape, are tooke awapes As:pleafethfo2tunc oft to plape, . ut in this tower who beares the fame, ) eS nleyae ve i , ; ehenge, Keurnge, wopll jane thename. ba Dobe wplopesca 3 fpare no. wight, y feavevione pif; 292 Ys 22 dut With thisblade Fiopitthent kyle: © Fo2 when myne capze, is fet ot fpave, FeAp.thent, J Gap chem, that ts mp befpare, Farwel) let btm rpfe bp ¢ _thengo - “out both,” ~~ Enter. , the Upee + fengings tots fong top tune ofthe pa. - @ pets Enterlud, - Farivell a detv to wares J mule . Jn all the haf. : Hp cofert cutpurife topll J trufke, our purile well taf, $But to (f man, and feare fo2 nought, . De faye tothe tt is wellfraught. . ! Gi pth raodockes red be at a becke, Goout. wWewware the arfe, byeake not thy necke, Horekes. Wozefles, Come on mp fodpers fo2 at home, arpuenthetrwebe, entrith W@ Whereas we mull bane our defpare, op els dpe manfallep, - his bande Lhe twalles be bye pet J intend, oppon them fir to go, e€marches Andas J hope poufodierrs wilt,pour captapne cke follow th about 33 foz fake to go befoze then flep pou eke be bynde,. the fage, Andas Zam fo che J tral, mp fodpers fozto finde. - Com hether baraald go proclame this mine intét Frafghtwap Zo ponder citite fap that J, am come te their becape. Unlee they peld ZF witl dekrope, boch man woman €chilve, And eke thetrtotvers that fo the war, fo fronglyp thep do byloe -- $Bydthent in haf to peld te me, foz nougt J doa byde. ro... But fortheteauntfwear 02 elles fourthyd fo2 thé € theres pronto ‘Let peri Parraulde. , petgo tes pour gratious minde fratgbt thalbe don, cum fropetlet bs. qo warbe the Mhat F hau don pour meflage wel, pour grace ful wel hal kno Cite and . Porekes. : blowe. Hype theapafe and let me bage, agapne an aunftwcare fone. Andthen a non thou Mhalt wellle, what quickelp Halbe done. Parraullp, : ; Act frei, Wot thot ls their } kepeathe gate giue earemy twozds nt: pet leaue Clytemnefira, — - na foundpng what wouldf thou haue Berale Breietr eae haft thdts her toda ee {per Mv matker bpdesthe pelo to bint, this citie out of bande, sakee Clis Dz elles be tofll not leane gu Gane, on atherfoxtofand. - “cemneftra Andall things elles toithin this totone.he wil baue athis wil “{peake o- As pleafeth bim by any mearegstafaucazellesto (ppl, “pier 6 toal. TULhat pou toll novo, therfore dectareg aanfwere to bint fend ' , Cipterunedira, = 2 se) oo a eens By hint and hfs tell him tn fouth, we do not fet a pyri. poe OF Upce' MWhis Citle here againt hint, and bis % topll pefende ‘Parrauld, ; Shen {whis name J do detpe, both the anvall with tr, , Clptemneffra. Parrauld. 9f it pleafe pour grace this too20 fhe fends, fhe til not peld to pe Wut pf pou com buto pour barme, fhe fapes that tt halbe, Woreltes. Let p has Sth that my grace and che good toil, they on fuch fort Aifpife, rauloe go FF02 to defFrope both man and chyld, ¥ furelyp do deuyfle: out bere. Com on my nten, bend now pour fozle, this Citic forte wyrt, Saue no mans Ipfe.} once hould make,rplittaunce there win, And toben pou fhall polles the towne, ¢ haue all things at wil, iLoke out my mother but to her, do pe no kpnde of pli, Let ber not dic, though that he would, deffar the death to hane F023 other tuple mp ci te death, reuengnient doth crauc. obdper. We hall pour hefles obape with (pede,oh captapne we defiar, What we were there fo? to reuenge, our hartes are fet onfpar, Upee. iLyke men by God, F fiveare tell fapd, Bo2elFes letbs gow, otve to thy men Ipke manlep bart, F prape the foztotowe. cog mae And as thou feitke be firlke the man, that hallthe Citte pn, ke pour lt How, how, now fo; to flpe, all readp thep begynne. ely bate | | | | | Woreftes, teleletit | WA ith lpuelp hartes mp troumpeters,cranit pourtubal found. be longe And now mp fodpers in pour barts, Ietcourtage ckebefound. care pou Comet bs go the godes fo2 bs, hallmakeancalep wape, rcanwinp Spare ttone alpuc fo? Z am bent, tofeketheit great decape. Citieand Clptemneffra, when pou | A lack what heaps of mpfchefes great,me fellp ofght toxment. hane wor: | frow ts the tyme falune me bpon, which J thought to prenent ftlet oz pet bet J feke nry lyfe to (aue, perbappes he will mebere, eftes bate G lacketeuengment be Dothe crane, fo2 Aaping his father dere. nge out 3of ancy fparke of mothers bloud, remapnd twithin thy beefe, his moths Mh gratious child let noto thine eares,buto mp two2ds be paetk er bp the Pardon J craue Wozelles mpne,faae now my coppes rd dDeatly arme € Let D4. Let $ deount Ceafe play DE Cipce. De Ing € {be » ct no man faye tyat thou tuatk caufe, J pelopd bp utp barath, truyapet, haucoiendyo ¥ do confelle, pet faue mrp lpfe ¥ prape, alfo olen Gupio they mother tyis requetl, oknight do not oenape, ke et bee seater pret ee SieieE lat o2to repent this facte of thyne, nolv that tt {s to late, kneledo- a0 tot ee eet arecompence, fo kplitng of typ mate. — INE AND os Haue hee hence therfore with (pede, ¢ fe ber fucctep keate, fpeake. Gy fo2 p facta fogz thou dpdetk, thou furlep ould pane wep: - Upee. hee go out 5 f2ay,far pou Wel, in fapth pou have arraunfwer,get pou hence, on ofth © ‘unases of ute J twquid not be, in ber cote fo2 forty pence, fodiares, May napa way, far well a dew, now now, itisftolate, . h WA ben fede ts Hollen fo2 pou in fouth, to ut tye fable gate, | She thould haue wept whe firk the went, p bing about to flay, ' Let og Bt makes no matier Me foull twell,opo bzede her owne decape elisipth Dunds of me what meane pou man,begpn pounolw to fapnt bard, Fefugodhow Cyl! be(pttes, ¥ thinke he beafapnt. D oa, poucare not fo2 mez,nap fone F haue don FJ warrant pe to:pe but Hoektes. ict Po2er Wy all the godes mrp hart dyd faple, my mothe foz to fe, fesrple Irom hpe eflate fo2 to be bought,ts lo great mpierey. e bia hint. hat all mot J had graunted lyfe, to yer had not tyts be, peate My fathers death wiofe neat in fouch,chcfe caufer of was he yi pee, Cucnas pou fape bat harke at band, C gifusb2a-veth nve, . Who purpoficth the chaunce of war, Wozelkcs fo; to crpe. et giz - Worelkes, usenter any by the godes 3 purpofe cke, mp honoar to defend, € fet DPS Com onmp men kepe pour arape, fo2 now we Do pactend, Mena Cather to be the conqerer, 02 elles to Dye infetde, rape ¢ let. iLpft bp pour bartes and Ict 0s (e, bow pe pour blofe can pela. the D0 Cattus. : Plave tell » oke mantep men adgetfe pour felucs. to get fintoptall fame, Borclles se yeno fipe lo what doth elk, behpnde butfoulldefame.. (prakieth, strite bp pour dyhsict tedipots foid,pour banerscke difplap, And FZ mp felfe as eee pe Wwyll leadthe wape, £( oz2eues, | Loew how trapto; to mp Cather deve, what maket the here rn $ ae tpeng MF Tipce. Repent the of thy eee a to me Trapght do peld. gt as. . hou pypncoks boy ¢ balkard daue,thinks thou me to fubdew? At lpeth not tity in thp pow;2c, thou bope g teil the trew. Wut pf FJ take tp corpes, tt (halbe a fooe ‘he byedes to fede. ivece sotepke bp pour doums ¢ Spont now, to wars let bs profede. HTPES OV ozettes. _ Db bpllayne trapghto2 now p gods,ne ntogtall man fhall faue sah tonil hyp coaps frd death fo2 blud fo2 blad my fathers deth doti) crauc ~ ‘he he Db tpraunt fpate couldett thou boutlafe, my father fo to ape? ; OT aE te ut now no foele fog thou hat wrought, at laf thine one decay t = €sittus. giftus ime pourdrti, tfpght a zs Siacke a lacke pet {pare me ne ozelkcs F the paape, fe oat Poocttes, . Ly lpfeznape trapahto2 bple, that chefe J bo denape. ve ea F 02 as thou hak oelerupd, fo J hall typ factercquit, bim byas hat oncecouldik feme to me ¢ mine, forto toork fuch oifpight lintlye € Eberfoze com forth and fo3 thp fae, receaue dew punnithines ict § cag Repent J fay this foamer {pfc, fo2 this {s mp tudginenc. fates Ghat fo2 my fathers death, the which we finde the chefets be, Lhe caafer of thou salt be hanged, where we th p death map (e And as thou fo2 mp fathers Death), dew punnithmnent receive, fo thall mp mother-in tpkewwile, for that Me qaue the leaue, Wim £o2 to Maye, and cke to tt, toith good will condpfende, herfoz: com of and fone dpfpatcy,that we bad made an end. Catfus. Ab beauep fate ¢ chaunce mofk pll,wo woth this hap of mine, F 02 giue my faute pou facrpd godes,and to mp wo2des incline our gracious care fozcaufer furl, yz wasthisismoplaine, fing him DE 4 gamemnous Death, therefore J mal reccauethts pains. of placer ardor F craue, deurlafe pe godes, the fame to graunt it me, ¢ ther let Sow fodice wozke thp wll bhatt, % prape the hartelep. on binge Clpiemneftra. fn his nro Ab heauep fate toould god J had.1n tozmople great bpn faite ther Cly« Sopth nothing can Wozelles hands, frd heding bloud reftraine tencAra Clpee. bnt tether Wotv chaunce you Dyd not the lament bis father tohe pou Neto loke toler IBut now when death doth pou pecuent, todate ites fo2 to rev, Cgiftus ’ D.if. Clptemnefira, hungetbe E | Wake do a7 A pew Enteriue. Cilyptemnefira. | Bet hope ¥ that he twill me graunt,myp Ipte that z moulo bane, Uypce. uen as much as thon boutfafell, hisfathers Ipfe tofaues- DWherfoze com of we mu not ftey, all bape to wapghton the. Lo mpghtye prince Foz whom pe (ent, lo pecafent here ts the. Clptemneftra. Haue mercy fone ¢ quight remitte,this fante of mine Z pyaps we mercpfull Pozeltes mypne, anddonotmedenape. = Confider that tn me thou hadell,thep hetumapne thape copofta What thou thouldf day thy mother fon, let it not be difclofpp; Spare to perfe ber harte with ftvo2d, call eke bnto thp mynd, Edyppus fateandags Nero, Pontes thpfelfe bnkpnde, . - o2eftes, inne C at Lpkeas a boaunche once (et atpare. doth caule $ tree to Hott ffus a bear nit D As Socrates (uppoleth fo,.a wicked wight doth tourne. Whole that be goodand caule them eke, his cuell to fequefk,: Wherefore the poete tuvenal doth thinke ft for the bette: SUbat thofe that lpuc tycentiouflep, tould bapolpd be w payne And fo others that elles would fpu,therby thep might reftrain F-02 thus he lapeth that Cities arc, tucil goucrned in dede, - WA here punnithment fo2 wycked ones, by latue is fo decrede, . And not decrede but ererfpeld, in punnpihinge of thofe, TA hich law ne pain frd waloing Mill, vice thet mind difpafs, And as thou halt byn chiefes caufe, of pelding bp thcp b2cath, 0 call to minde thou wal thecaufe, of 2 gamemnons death, F 02 which as death is recompence, of Death (o eke Witt the, Forkpilinge of mp father thou, now kplled eke,. his thinge to (eaccomplphypd, renege with the hall go, =. : Spo'n baue ber hence fieth p pouall, my tudgurent bere do kno. Ciptemneftra. » Qlackea lack 5 dyatwe thp Hand, my fon from tering blow, . | nele bo wne, Gpce. | {hou art a foule thus fo2 to pate, this voth Pozeltes goon; Conrona tay thou douff no moze, but bim with too2ds mole <. a roulyihy foutt that thou {wart ded, be takes it fo2 ee betty * -Ciptemmeffra,.. 20: aE a ever aney peti was vr plante fn nee Gu miytige. ye hee Let é Teme si ee ti eae Cs adi i er sie Manage 2 Let ftapeare Pozelkes mpne, and holve ft brito me, «ocr ——_— Veh Dt Upc, P Porekes. | Ss ‘WA hat ppttte thou on father myne, dpoek curfedley beftotve, be fame to the at this prefent, 3 purpole fo2 to thotve. herfoze Keuenge haue her.a way; andasFiudgment gauc: So fe that the in ogder lpke, ber punithment dety hane, Let me alone, com on a way, that thou toeart ont of fights A peftelaunce on the crabpb queane, J thinke thou do Delpght, Wet Clys Pim to molett, cout of in hall, andtroubell me no moze, temnefira Come oncom on, itesall tn baine, andget pouona foze, — wepe and ed . Boettes. "-" goont ree Pow (peth we haue the conquett got, ofall our moztallfole, ueng allo ILet bs proutde that occalton, fue Do Not chaunce to lofe. Stryke bp pour deoumesfoz enter tow, we wypll the citte gate Enter in Foznolwe refekaunce nonethereis,toletbsinthereat. — fame tet Fame. x | all } (oop As eache man bendes bim felfe, fo F report hisfame(n dede, ers foloto got pll the pll thaough farne trip, bis fame doth fratgh paofede: jim in as gf god, then gad, thzough golden trip, 3 blo bis lpuciy fante: rape, {hough heaues,thogh earth ¢furgig feale 3 bere abzod H fame perhaps what wind me heathernaiues, win pour mids you mute. From Crete J com fo pou my frends,7 bzing this kind of newle- Ghat 4 2amemnons beother fs. artupd in this land, ba die Gndeke with btm bis ladep faye, Nuene Helen dnbderftand, Wi bom fortofe a great frequent, of people thelr arpuc, his netwle to lhew at this prefent,meheather now dpodgfuc. - pees » enter the = Meine matter, a newwe; - 5 pre bral sho lenger J mape: - ene ee bis eS)Abpdebpthisdape =~ - BOISE. am AS, Worelles notw doth re, .. Pow We anew mafterane, — FSi, eet! AND Wasit not ple . me) ~~ is mother to kpllz. - “3 pray pow how fape pous:'* * Anco materanewy, " esi % : | Ae 55 wR ES Diy ot ‘A Pet Cnterluve, otve (tes fo lates Wo thut the gate? ; Dozeles gines tore. Fame. Denignon psruas animo dati gloria vires: Etfacunds facit pectora laudis amor, As Ouid fapeth ¥ antin deve, the {pure to each cate, Forhy uty troumpe FJ often caufe the wicked man to hates - 3s fplihey lyfe, andeke J Toure, the good moze goovto be: So much the yartand will of aan, islynked onto me. He ; Upce, A ney mafer a new, nape Fy topll go, _ Dout,tonc, Wozrek&es is be com a newe man? SPoly he fozroweth to bad that ft ts fo, Pet J topll opefe bint, bp his oundes and ¥ can. Who Saintse amen, God mozrolwe mplkres frat, Bp his oundes J am glad to fe the fo trycke, | Shap may FZ be fo bould, at pour ipppes ta hauea Ipeke. ‘ Zelus hotw cope, do,pou make the fame, Ou neauer krew mre afoze J dare fapes ‘Ain fayel, tn fapth, % twas to blame, Bhat J made na courchepto pou by the waype. Who berladpe Pan, thouart trpym and gape, WH oundes of me, the hath twinges alfa, Tabo twbhother witha myplchefe, doutt thou thinke foto go? Lo beauen-o2to bell to pourgatazpe? 02 fpapner Lo Wenps?to pourtugaully 03 to the epiles Canarey? SPay Cay a tobple fo2 a mple o2 tlwayne. 3 topll go with tbe, ¥ fweare by fapnt mMarep, TA pit thou bane abote an, oucr leap the to carep, 502 pf it chaunceto2 to rapne, as the eaters not barde, at map chaunce this coe geare of thine, to be marbde, ante. Omnia fiperdis fansam feruare memento, Q ua femel ami fieypoftia nullus cris, A boue eache thinge kepe well thy fame, tohat ener § thou lafe F032 fame once gone they memozyp, With famea wap it gofe, Audit once lof thou thalt in fouth accomptyd pke to bey ~~ thts gq \ Me tipee. A dzope of raprie tat faulpth in, the bofom sftbe fe, Pe fame therfore as Ovidthinkes,no man bath powreto bolo, So thole with whom J pleate to diwell, Jam Moze rich the gold UWA hat cauftd fom fo2 countris fople,them (elucstoperrell cat ee Wut that the kneww that after death, Sfameotthers thall lak, - Hot on, butall, dome deflare, both goodand bad ipkewpfe, Ss mape apeare pf we perpend, of Nevofe enterpapfe. WA hich irk oid caufe his matters death, € eke twheras he lape Jn mothers wound to fe in fouth, his mother dyd Qraight hap. With this Wozelkes eke takes place, whofe father being days, thaogh mothers gile frd mothers biob, his habs could not refraie 35ut tpke ag he rcucngypd the death, of father tn bis epare,. So fathers beother (n lpke fort, Renenge bath fet onfpare. F032 hets gon Foz to requef, the apde of prpnces great, £0 (o2e hts hartis Cot on fpare, thzougbt raging rigozus beat. WU bat to oetarmapne all the kpnges, of Orece arpucd be, At Neffores totwne that 1 thens highte,thetciubgment to Becee ; UWpre. Dundes harte and naples, nape now ¥ ant dyefk, 3s the kingeMnsleus at Archenesarpuede Ant J am behind: to be packinges tye bell, Weak the mattcr in fouth, to fone be contrpeed:. Auxiltalumslia firma, confenfus facit, this aliwayes pronlder : shat confent makerh fuckers moft (ure fo2 to be, Cel Z wpll be thetr krapght, wapfe pou hall fe, Fame. AsPublius doth tell declare, toe ought chetcl to fe, Unto our felues that nought be don, after ertremite. So out: tb alioexpectes, alters quod feceris, deta F ozloke what mefure thou dol mente, f fame againe Hhalbe, Atother tyme at otoers banw, repapoe againe to the. Gherefoze Z opie cache Wuight to 00, to othrrs as he Would, &° hat they ta lpke cccafion, tito him offcr gould. : WA cl forth J mak fonincwf- to yere,fozfame no there cd Tap oxy one, $Sut twohat he bears theotghsut $ wealoabzov the toth vifplay : Jazeuicior. Make rounte and gpurplacc, laud backe there a fore, Foz all my (peakinge, you prele Qplltbe moze, ED.Uit. lve {, q fret Enterluo. : a "Dad bie Spue roe fapequickelep, anvitakenddalpauice; = Zt fs not notw tynte, to make aneptarpautites Heh he kinges bere do com, therefore giue ways D2 elles by the godes, 3 wyll make pou Ffape. — ILo where my 107d ipnge Nefor Doth com, Pate And Horeftes with him Lgamemnons fonnes Menclaus akong lpketople, of great fantes | Make rome F fape, befoze their with tame, : SPetko2. Polwe fyeth te be here lkynge Menalay ( @nto bs twe prape pou, pour mratter to faye. VE a ought be amys, it hall be amendpd, ut (pera prouttton, go (tt hafte and fet, Good kynge Ldumens,tell him te are fet. Go out, ; Pzoutfion. As pour gracts haue wylled, fo tend Z to Do; pantea 3B well ferche bim Grapght, and bzinge him pou to, | whilectil Hovetes. seas | yebegon Hf ought be amps, the fame fone hall be, | guteé the ZeFZ haue conmptted amendpd of mute: | fpeakztres 2But lo Idumens the good kpng of Crete, | tablp, Ascome toth(s place, bs fozto mete, ee " -) Jdunreus. ae | Cnter yz, Whe ods prefarne Sen all,¢ fend pow health fog ape. dumius ¢ So Choy, 4 ey | prouttion Well com fer kinge thefame to pe, contpnetvallep te peay, | comming ‘se _- ®enalaus, ‘ wWhiscap Lwo thigs ther iso kings, § moues me thus pour apdsto pray: | {nhishao Andthele be tethe which to pou, J-purpofe fo2 Co faye. ; afore tim Che one is this where with Ffynde, my (elfeagreuid tobe, emaking bat on {ach fopt my {pers Marne, as all pour gracts fe. pape. Mbeotheristhat fo ber. fonne, twithout all kind of right, _- Should to hts mother in (ach cafe, (¥ fay) wozke (uch otfpight. Thefetwobethep,wherfore J craue, pour apdstotopn w ates” Bo the intent of (uch great piles, reucnigpd ¥ may be, ome | ahat thus he bpd betjould the Late, of all mp bothers land,” Aud le J pray. pou in what place, the fame doth pyefent Wand. bie ul aka na, I | ¢ F 02 thefe prpiices here after they haue perpendpd, i . a - * ve - Chat icttedonce his palage, but f(s hyought onto the ground: -, Dyce. * Wis crueltle (s (uch in fouth, as nether toiwet ne foione, © he fatherles he pyttped not, tohere as he ever went, : agyd wight whole peres before, their pouthly poure had (pent he mapd tohole parentes at the fege, defending of thetrright Was flaine,p fame this tyrant hath opzeffpd th2ouh hismight he tido $ through forrapne twars was left now comfoztles, He (parednot, but them ¢€ theres, he cruelly dpd tpfres, MN iyerfore fith that he thus hath wm2onght, as far as ¥ can fey From Mycene land we thould proutd, him erplyd to be. _. Pozelfes, gob uhy 0% fue Sypth that you baue accufpd me, XJ muff my aunfwere make, Gnod here before thele kings of Grece, this fo2 mp aunfwer take ®D ounckel that Z neuer went, reucngment foztodo, On fathers fole tyll by the godes, F was comaund there to. Ua hole heafkes no man dare once refule, but twpllingly obape hat Z haucflapne her twoplfallp, dntruelp poudofape, — 2 bpd but that J could not chute, ttes hardfoz me to kpcke, Sypth godscommaund as on twouldfap, infapth againd p prick Jn chat pou (ap, J {paryd none, pour grace full well wap fe, What lpttell mercy thep fappofpd, tn fouth to thot to me. WA hen as they bad me do my work, requefting them to peid, Ft is no fefk when fodpares topne, to fight withina felde, hus J (uppofe fufficientlp, J aunfwerdbaue to end, Pour great complapnt.the which pou fo,mightely did defend, Zdumeus. Bu Dede as Hermes Doth declare, no man canonce efkew, Whe tudgment of god moff tuk, that fo2 his fautes is detv, Andas godts mot ntercpfull, fo is be tukipke wyle, And twyll coxrece mok fuerlep sida bis heattes difpptet sretto2. As pou good Lyng [dumcus, haue fapd fo lpkeiwife ¥, Do thinke (t tre therefore as Nowe, J do him bere defpe. Phat one dare lap $ be bath wrought, p thing § ts not right iLo here my glouc to him I gtue, in pledge with himto fyghe. ZF pzomyps here to prone there by, Pozeles nought ppd do, Aut that toas (ull ¢€ that be gods,contmaundyd him there ta, © Phat he ts hinge of Adycanc eye euct Do Denep, 4. ; : A PeteGuterluse, J offer here mrp gloue twit him, therfozeto lpueanddpe. 39f none therebe wwyll onder take, bistygbtull to tofth fape. Let bs be frendesbnto hint nove, mp Lo2des J do pe pape, Bt was the parte of fuchaknyght, reuengydfortobe, Should Wozeltes content hint lelfe, his father Aapne to fe, s20,no,a rpghtuous face F thinke, the fameto be Mmdede, Sopetty that {t wasaccompl pit fo, as godes be foze becrede, Penelaus. aa4 Jn dede J muk confelle that J, reuengyd thould haue be, ZF that my father had byn Mayne, with Much great rrocite. Sut pet J ould foz natures (ake, hauc {pard my mothers Ipfe D Wwzetched man,o crucit beatt,o moztall bladeano knpfes = Jogo nti deta! Fbumews YE aS Seale of (p2 kpngleaue mozning lo,nonghtcandt pouauapite Spot with fanding be rulpd now, te p2ap by our counfapite, f Confiver fick pourone eflate, confider whatmapebe, = A fopefull mene-to enbatlepugth,this pourcalamptie,..) ~ Wooeftes he is pounge of pearcs, and pou are fourtobat olde, * Mndfo2roe may pour grace to fone, within-her het in folvg; Dherefoze ites bef pou do forget, (othall poubeatcate, And J amlure Bozelles twpli, indensz poutopieate. a far as it fo2 bimmap-be, with bone? lefe to do, He twplinot hepnke but wopll confent,your gracis byodingte | F¥o2 afuraunce.of pour good wll, Worries bere dothcrane, pour Danghter fapre Hermione, th marpagefozfobaue, '* SM hereby fozto contpyety fyll, trac loue and anptie, Mat ought in fought betwwirte to Cuch, tndetFerent fo2 fo be, : « ay ot) SBenalans, As for mp feendihyp hemhall hauc, the godes bis helper be Iot Foz my daughters marpage, Acan not granuttobe. = > ‘Sbe ts bat pong and much oufet, {uch holp rpghtesto take, nn pester amifwcce J can make, . ANE EL) oo" eae ae +f Oe. ‘ . Sbessadame of comley grace; therefoze kprg Atenalzy-,’ © - we ¥ “ Graunt this to vs-this ttrple to endo kyng we do the prape. - F 02 cache of them « gredebesthe otberfortobaue, bi." Cand.Szgraunt this that at thy bandes fodaRlep tec be thare-* j ' §penalaus, - fh GLI Awe D Se a e fF Apee. D fobell king that that tt were, J conld nor you venaye, HX mu nedes graunt whe nought J hauc,again£ pou torepley tpozettes bere befozs ane oe: mip fonne J the Do make, orcites. And the o kyuge twhyple fpr laff, fo2 father 3 os take. SRetko2, 9g Ryght fopfull ts this thinge to bs, and happep fo2 pour fates Lhertoze with tpede let bs ge hence, the macyage to felepbeate And all the godes F prape prefarue, ¢ kepe pou both from wo, Com on (pe king, mall we from hence, bnite our pallace go. eual 3 Penalaus. . As ft hall pleafe pour grace (1 Dede, fo oe content to do, Zdumeus. And te lpkeluple ob rations pepnce; do condifend there to. cuenge. % woulde J ivere Ded, andlapde in imp grauc, goout all “TApce ett, Mundes of me, J ant teymley promouced: -trith a Ab, ab, ob, Well notw fo3 my 1abo3, thefe trynketes Ahauez «Matte ta TW by fe pou not ¥ pape pou, holw J am flouted. Q bagge and a bottell, ¥ loutcd2 Cache knauc nol a Dayes, would make me bis matt, Wat chpll maker thent, J be his oundes andZ can. A begginge, abegginge, napnolw J mukgo, - Pozelles (¢ marped, god fend him much-care: And J Kenenge, am d2pucw hint fro. And then ites to maruayli, though J be thus bare. Dut peace, tbo better then beggars. doth fare. Fozallthepbe beggares, and hauenogreat port, Who is merper, then the poorpttc fort. What Hal! J begges nap thates to bad, Js thefr neare a man, that a farnaunt doth lack?: Of mpne honeflpe gentle woman, ¥ would be glavz Pou tofarue but fo2 clothes, to put on mrp backe. A wape withthele rages, from nre the thall packe. bottell 02 Dphhe and wallet, a of 5 TAI bat thinke pou {cozne, me-ponr feruanntto make, ‘beggares A nother topll have me, pf pou me fo; fake. - ‘cote € all pPachappes pouall meruapll, of this fodapne mutation, How fene,¥ was Pepmnes onan fobpe adrgre; c.f, Lo a aa eS _ ——~ thy thyne ges, phe & Peto Enecriud, _ Wo fatittpe your mpndes, F topl pute a perfwatfor. his one thinge pou knotwe, thatoncaulpdampte, Js onto me renenge motcontrarey. And twe twapneto geather, couldnotabpde, Wl hych caulpo.mte fo fone, front hye Mate to Apde. Pozelkes and his ounckell, wpnge Menslans, Js made (ach (ure frendes, without paraducnture, hough the pollpcpe, of olde tdumense What ag, far as J can (e, tt ts to bard to enter, Peandthates wore, when ¥ fought to benture. % twas dapuen with ont comfort, atvape from thetr gate, 3 twas glad to be packinge, foz feareofmyp pate, - Pet befor X went, my fanceyp to pleate, Ube marpage felebzatyd, at the church J ppd fe, Wipllinge J was, them all to dpleafe: But J durk not be fo bold, foz maker Ampte. Sot by Menalaus, and.boze him companye, Mn the other (poe Dewtey with Pozekkes boure faye, So that J could not enter, by no kpnde of tuape? Well fpeth from them both, J am bannypfhpp fo, ¥ whit (eke a nets maffer, pf Zz can bim finde: Pct J am tn.good comfort, fo2 this well J knowe, hat the mok parte of wwemen, to me be fullkpnde, jaf tlep fape near a wo2de, pet J knowe their mpnve,! pf they hauc not all thinges, whenthep do deftare, SLhep topll be renengyd, 3 elles lpeinthe myare. — Pay FJ knowe their quallptes, the tee ts mp cares As well as they doknowe, Keuengys operation, 2% faull to ft good pues, and do them not (pare. May Blle helpe you forward, pe pou lacke but perfwactort,- - WA hat man a mofte fs free, from tnuafior. F 02 as plapnelp Socrates declareth bnto-bs, WMemenrfo2 the mof part, are bogne malitioug, ~ Perhappes pou wylifape, mancy on that Fipe, Sind other {ume Jam Cure, alfo wyll take my parte: MA fot withtandinge tbat ¥ haue fapde; they topll berpfpe, » pe and dp tt 3 twps, tn fppghe of thy bart.. POT MER: . Pl theretoze thou wplt ipue quyetipe, after thelr efarts | #2 0) . Rewarde Dl Upce. Retwardthern fo hault, thou bypoell thelvatfeaiow, ‘And bnto thep toyll, hall hane them tn (ubtedion. Zn Arhenes dipellpd Socrates, the phyllofopherdpuine,: GU ho had a topfe namypd Exantyp, both penclpheandpil: Which twoapne beenge faulne out bppowatymes -~: —. erbappecanle Exancyp, couldnot haue hertopll, 9) oo! Pe went out of does, (pttinge there Tpit. She cround him with a pyfpot, andtheir be Was twet to the fkpnne, mofke pptifull co fe. ¥ prave god that (uch dames, be not in this place, _ Fos then J might chaunce neare a miftres to get, Hay vf pe anger them, they topll tape you on the face, D> elles their naples it pour chekes, thep furl {et, Spay lpke arafoz, fome of thelr naples are tobet. Chat not foz to pare, but to cut to the bone, J count him mot happet, that mevdelles tolth tone, -— Whell far pou weil, for % multbepackinge, Remembar my wozdes, and beare tt in urpnde? WAbat fuffer the ntpit, a whyple to be clackinge, gf that pou intend, anep cafe fozto fpnde. Chen toyll thep be to you, both loulngeand kinde. Farwell cofen cutpurile, and be ruled by me, D> elles pou may chaunce, to end on atte, - - - - @oout, ; Horekes, eos - Sypth $ the gods hate geucn bs grace, this realntefozto poles Cnter WA hich floxpheth aboundauntlpe, with golo¢ great riches... Wozelkes Wet bs now fe how much the wilds,¢ minde of allthisland, ¢ ibcrmfs Js bnto bs and of their fate, lpketvple tobnderftand, - one spobi Hermione. ~~ fptpe and % deme of them Wozeltes myne, that they contentpobes — Cominys WHith humbell bart foz to fubmpte, o kpng them feluesto pe, alte trucl WA herefoze my loue tnqulare, thetr-atethis preafentetpme, getty And of thew. bartes good ae is bs, o kittg let them beupue. - ; ozeffes,. ; Pts As %do loue the lapdye beight, fo eke ¥thynke fn dede, - SL hat loue fo2 lowe ag equallpe, fhalbe retvardof mede.. ~~ Wermione, | Let Dee Hhe godesnener prolonge mp ts that dap J halla peare, wtp and { _ , C.ty. qo A Netw Enterlude. ruth ta Mobscake stpfapth te the now plyght, my louirtglozdfo dere. ke f cro? Bord Porettes. tonettt Conrommp Hordes ¢ commons eke, let me now bnderand, theirriges OF allpoucmindes fo) % defare, Co koto twhat cafe thisland Ht bands, Doth naty confel bentlate the fame therfore to yet to mc, - Qnd pf that ought be now ample, amtendpo lt halbec. ' Srobeltes. Spot regall pzpnce toe now are boyd, of moptall wars beratts And thzeugh pour grace we ar iopned, tn loue ws eucrp uation: 0 $ pour nobeiles may now lpuc,in pleafaunt fate fartainc, Denopd of tuars € ciuill Irpies, whple $ pour grace doth ratne Che tobichyou map J peay the god, with bappp daps and bips nod atter death to fend pou there, where tople Hall neuce mys. et truth 28 {yne of our obedpence, lo Detoty doth the Crotwnd, ; | eWetvty And ruth alfo which Me memes fubtectetabe found, L nt er ozeftes, partes. Py Mobelsall ¥ gyuc pou thankes,fo2 thisstots Howedto me And as pou haue fo eke topll J, the dyke thow bntope. Spy comons hot gofe it w pos, pour Rate nowiet meknew, Commons. Wl vere as (ach on as pou do raine, there nedes mut richesgra We are o king eafpdof the poke, tuhich we bauelobefiard, - ‘4 ) Bbe fkate of this our common welth, nedanot tobe ingutart,: eace,Wwelth, lope, and felpeitic, okinge ft is we Hane, © Aud what ching istbeir p Solan ought moze to crane ozeltes. > peth allthinges ts {1 fo good fate, mp.conumons as-pou ape What it map focontynety Cpll, thefacred godes 3.prsye. And as to me pour truflepacs, hall anpe twapes be found, So Tpll to mapntapre pour elate, J (urelep thatbe bound. And fo3 pour fapthfull pares, the which pou gralitenhaue tome: Ioth powinp logdes,and contnens eke, Z thaskepou-hartele. Therfoe fity tinte wil baue an end,¢ now my iwindpou know: Let bs giuc placeto tpmic,and to ourpallafe let bs go, srobelles. ; . THe both wil walghtbpon pour grace, pft pleafe vow to Depart. - Commons euen when pow pleat ta tuaigh porto Mat! wall my hart aS ruth, Ol Uypee. ruth. { vend Akyngdome kept (n Ampte, and vopde of diftentiort, fre dcupopits hint felfe, by aneyp kpnde of wape, eather prouoked by'wozves, of repgebhention, Sv nedeslong contynety;as Wruth vothfayes F002 delcntionand dept, tthe path to vecayes: °” dh 38 $0°R And continuinge therein; miutt ofinelecttie; 6 if We quight ruinate, and-bzoughe batomplerye, | pos ‘PDetetey. et UG here J Welvtey art rieclerted, of ancy effate, Tete ficpfe and ypTertiony mp plati-po fupplys; Cankred mallpfe papde, and debate, Cherefore tore, albmeaisdotrtye. = hen rain comes atter,of there Kate wherebps: Whey are btteriyertprguythed, leningensugh behpnds,. . CarberegtGeitanch as these, wane See wREE AEN b. DHethat leaveth his lyfe, as his phantey doth pit ; | hough fora whple, the fame he maye hyde: Me es pee (ruth, the daughter of Mpme, wylltt teks, - “Gnd fo in a tyme, (t wll be dilegpde, see: etinfuch tpricasitcan not, beDenped? ut reccauc beWwpunniihmentsasgon Hallie, ~ Fosthe faye conumypttes.moll contenienttobes see tat oats Bas oe eet itbaue bynmarked, much prophet utap aryler F248 Wruth Caythy, nothinges ected be a ; SBucto; ony eaeningesinanpe bende ot twples:, By twbich te 1 Kasur GN é And the truth to imitate, thus Wrurh nth leper -- Whe wh b foz pe » Shekect om Ine.mape.—.' me erg fg NY - ae bemtey. % ‘ Forponrgentle rience. lor gene pouthaukes hartely, . Ae thetstapa our aclotey tweped, let bg all piape, . a Foz Fbqabeth our Quehe, thotoar tons matetitc: k. = PRY yy Ee y erbs, inde + ‘fi 5 met es yn sarigcmy ‘3 Poa snab AAS, fit.» cong 30 - 2 a3 Hem go outall ~ g let truth eDewt pe Speake, Eo siti Sagi Rap Ss SS eee es BA fre Enterlude of Upee. “Su lettinge bpbertue, and bpce tocozrede, phe tines ele #4 oh Th ate Baie Wrath. : , sassal« Fozall the Nobylytie, and (piritualtic, tet bs peape, | qictecey S02 Judges, andhead officers, tobat euerthepbe: : | spss y) Accogding to oupebounvaunt Detoties, efpetiallp z (ape, Fo2 mp Lod Papreslofetennaunt ofthis noble Cytic, And fo2 all his baptherne, with the comrinualtic. shat cache of them, dotige thelr detuties arpght, Pap after death poles heaucw, to their bartes belpgbt, ee a ee ? t) - = FW ee a tg \ = NEESAZDY i [9 See LN > aie 8 ; \S Vs D\\ |X fara seed DTS. t iy y fe o* \ ; Ricyebioe Hoag [..6.0c60 , un + : . 1a ye 2 &y/ cee at London in #letettrete, at the fig 1+ | igneRE The P WA plliam Gevffity, and areto betoln at bis Thoppe in Sapnte Dunttones Church parde. Anno. Doni, 156 7, Satan AT er RIE)