————— CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY GIFT OF Professor B, S, Monroe | 10 Ke ay Conall ge ler BY ALFRED TENNYSON. 22 ILLUSTRATIONS BY ALFRED FREDERICKS, GRANVILLE PERKINS, FREDERIC B. SCHELL, EDMUND H. GARRETT, F. S. CHURCH AND HARRY FENN. PORTER & COATES, PHILADELPHIA. CorpvriGcur 1884, By Porrer & Coares. SuBJEcT. AxtTISsT. Lady Clare. 2 ee ee a ne a. Alfred Fredericks. Headpiece. . . . . . . . . 1. . Edmund H. Garrett. Vignette. soo ee es ke Ea A Garret?. “Tt was the time when lilies blow” . . .) Frederic B. Schell. “Lily-white doe” , 2. « « s 4 4 « « Fredentce B. Schell. “T trow they did not part in scorn"... Alfred Fredericks. “He does not love me for my birth” =. Frederic B. Schell. “In there came old Alice the nurse”... Alfred Fredericks. ““«Oh, God be thanked!’ said Alice the murse” . 2... we) Granville Perkins. ILLUSTRATIONS. Supjecr. “Are ye out of your mind, my nurse, my nurse" “ Falsely, falsely have ye done”’ “« Tf I'm a beggar born,’ she said” “«Nay now, my child,’ said Alice the nurse” “Yet give one kiss to your mother, dear!” . “She clad herself in a russet gown” . “The lily-white doe Lord Ronald had brought” . “Down stepped Lord Ronald from his tower