ommonwealth of Massachusetts.
Acts or 1891.)
DECEMBER, 1894. aa
Gommomvealth of Massachusetts,
Acts oF 1891.)
18 Yor Orrick SQUARE.
HE es
Commontwealth of Massachusetts.
Boston, Mass., Dec. 1, 1894.
The Western States of the Union have expended large:
sums of money in advertising the fertility of their soil and
the advantages of a location within their borders. Recently
New England has done something in this line. In 1888,
Vermont, by an act of the Legislature, provided for the.
appointment of a commission to investigate the agricultural
and manufacturing interests of the State, and devise means
to develop the same. Mr. A. B. Valentine was appointed
commissioner under the act. He reported many abandoned
farms in the State of Vermont, and as an experiment three
small colonies of Swedish emigrants were induced to settle
in the State. Much information in regard to the unoccupied
and cheap farms was published in his reports. In 1892 the
Vermont State Board of Agriculture issued a pamphlet.
entitled ‘* Resources and attractions of Vermont, with a list.
of desirable homes for sale.”
New Hampshire provided by act of the Legislature of
1889 for the development of the agricultural resources of
the State, and N. J. Bachelder, secretary of the New Hamp-.
shire State Board of Agriculture, was appointed commis-
sioner of agriculture and emigration. He made report to.
the governor and council in August, 1890. Also, a pam-.
phlet entitled ‘* Secure a home in New Hampshire, where
comfort, health and prosperity abound,” was issued in 1890,
containing a list of farms for sale, a list of summer hotels,
full and interesting statistics and a map of the State. The
results were satisfactory, and another pamphlet with the same
title and similar contents was printed and circulated in 1891.
Other similar publications, illustrating and advertising the
advantages of a home and investments in real estate in New
Hampshire, have been from time to time issued and circulated.
In March, 1892, T. S. Gold, secretary of the Connecticut.
State Board of Agriculture, issued a pamphlet entitled ‘‘ De-.
scriptive catalogue of farms in Connecticut for sale.”
The sixth annual report of the Rhode Island Commissioner
of Industrial Statistics, January, 1893, devoted some forty
pages to abandoned farms in Rhode Island.
Part III. of the twenty-first annual report of the Massa-
chusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor (1890), by Horace
G. Wadlin, was devoted to ‘‘ Abandoned farms in Massachu-
setts.” By authority of an act of the Legislature of 1891,
the secretary of the Massachusetts State Board of Agricul-
ture issued in November, 1891, ‘‘ A descriptive catalogue of
farms in Massachusetts abandoned and partially abandoned.”
The first edition was followed by a second edition in January,
1892, a third in November, 1892, a fourth in November,
1893. The number of farms sold as a result of the circula-
tion of these several editions has been so large that the
present fifth edition, with a large addition to the number of
farms catalogued, is issued.
The object of the above-mentioned publications of all the
New England States is to attract attention to the farms of
their sections, and to show the small sum necessary to pro-
cure a rural home, where the advantages of New England
schools, churches and home markets can be enjoyed. The
‘‘ causes for the decrease in the market value of Massachu-
setts farms” have been written and rewritten by numerous
newspaper and magazine writers. The special local reasons
for such decline are to be found largely in the fact that
Massachusetts is a commercial and manufacturing State.
The census shows that only about four per cent (including
both males and females) of the people follow agricultural
pursuits. The great majority are following other callings ;
and, as men naturally follow the fashion and the multitude,
it is not surprising that the enterprising young men of the
rural districts are attracted from agriculture. As the great
majority of the people follow some other calling than agri-
culture, of course only a small proportion of our successful
men are agriculturists. But we must look further and deeper
for the true reason for agricultural depression in this State.
Prof. W. H. Brewer of the Yale Scientific School, in a
lecture before the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture,
in 1889, said: —
The agricultural depression of New England is not a mere local
fact; it is part of a great depression of the industry, which extends
all over Christendom, except in new regions, and the causes are
general, not local. It is in the West as well as in the East, and
cattle growers of the plains and wheat growers in Dakota are
complaining as loudly as the New England farmers. It is worse
in old England than in New England ; Germany is groaning under
it, and France is bemoaning it. It is sending thousands of de-
pressed peasants from sunny Italy to our shores, hoping to escape
the pressure that has fallen on them there. The causes for such a
wide-spread condition of things must be also wide-spread. They
are not local, and the disease cannot be cured by any local remedy.
The politicians in all the countries are seizing upon the facts to
gain advantage for their own views, promising to cure the trouble
by local legislation. In the United States and New England we are
told that our agricultural depression is caused by our protective
tariff; in Great Britain and old England the politicians say it is
caused. by their lack of a protective tariff, —they attribute it to
free trade ; in Germany the politicians tell the peasants it is caused
by a standing army; in France they are told that it is caused by
the overbearing attitude of Germany; in Italy, because of a
change in the political status; and so on, here one thing, there
another; but in each case the remedy they tell us is to be brought
about in some political way, by a change of administration or by
local legislation.
The real causes are economic, and belong neither especially to
tariff nor to no tariff, to republics, limited monarchies or absolute
monarchies. ,
Bear in mind that the money value of land depends upon a
variety of considerations ; partly on the density of the population,
partly on the desirability of location for business purposes, partly
on the markets, partly upon fertility, partly upon the character of
one’s neighbors; and so on through a variety of conditions, its
agricultural capacity being but one factor.
We hear much of the decadence of New England farming, and
all the great city newspapers are just now speaking of it. They
treat it as if it were an independent economical fact, and this
decline of farming in New England has been the subject of many
a pathetic article. But is it a fact that New England farming is
declining, in any other sense than that which applies to agricult-
ure all over Christendom? If so, in what sense is it declining?
It is changing unquestionably ; so is the farming of every civilized
region that is reached by railroads and telegraph. New England
farming is certainly changing, but I question very much if it is
declining, —I mean declining in the amount of its productions,
declining in the value of its productions, or declining in its relative
profits as compared with farming in other places, or even with many
other kinds of business. No safe investment pays so well to-day
as it did twenty-five years ago. It is more difficult now to make
safe investments yield five per cent than it was then to yield seven
or eight per cent. I believe, from all the data I have been able to
collect, that New England as a whole is not declining in its agri-
cultural productions, either as to amount or value. It is certain
that this State of Massachusetts is not.
We have a census of agricultural products of Massachusetts,
beginning fifty years ago; that is, going back to before the days
of railroad transportation and before the days of reaping machines
or telegraph. I have spent much time and study on agricultural
census tables in general, and of Massachusetts in particular,
because this State is the only one in New England which has a
census of its own, alternating with the national census, and more
complete than that in agricultural details. This is a rich theme for
study, but I can only glance at some of the facts which have an
especial bearing on the subject I am discussing.
The figures show that during the last ten years, the years of
greatest agricultural depression, not only in New England but
elsewhere, the total production did not decline, but actually in-
creased twenty-eight per cent; during this period the total area of
land in farms increased, the acreage of cultivated land increased,
and the number of persons employed in agriculture increased.
The decline, if there was any, was not in the amount of land tilled,
nor in the number of persons employed, nor in the value of prod-
ucts produced. :
If we look at the whole period of fifty years, the results are
very instructive. There has been an enormous increase, instead
of decline; some things have greatly declined, especially mutton,
cheese, wool and some other products ; but even grain-raising has
declined less than is popularly believed. I have constructed tables
showing the amount of each of the cereal grains produced in each
of the census years, and also the total amount of cereals. The
tables would be too extensive for this place ; sufficient to say that
the decline, even in grain, has not been great. Using only round
numbers, the hundreds of thousands of bushels, the decline has
been from 41 (hundred thousand bushels) in 1840 and 29 in 1845,
to 28 in 1880 and 31 in 1885. On the other hand, there has been
an enormous increase in many productions, For example, eggs,
from less than $26,000 in 1845 to over one and one-half millions
in 1885,— an increase of sixty-two fold. Hay has doubled in
value; milk has increased from less than $305,000 in 1845 to ten
and one-third millions in 1885.
I cite these figures more to show the changes in our agriculture
than to show that there is not a relative decline; because I wish
to impress the fact of the actual change going on in our New
England farming, and also the fact that, even rapid and great as
it has been, it has not been fast enough to keep up with the chang-
ing conditions.
Farming is certainly changing here, but the change in New Eng-
land is not so great as it is in old England, nor is it, after all,
attended with so much distress.
The American farmer, who owns the land he tills and is free to
change his methods and his crops, easier adjusts himself to the
new condition of things; and yet the decline in agricultural land
has gone on in all the older States. One writer says that it
amounts to a hundred million of dollars in Michigan; another,
twice that in New York; another states high figures as to the de-
cline in Illinois ; and so the story goes. Another class of writers
is discussing the amount and number of mortgages on farms, and
is trying to make political capital out of it; but foreign papers tell
us the same story of France and Germany and Italy. We all
know how the Italian peasants are now seeking relief by flocking
to America.
The fact cannot be denied that farming is under a cloud, and
has been so for the last few years; but I believe that the bottom
of the decline has been reached, at least in this country. The
United States has given away land, and the old States have had to
compete with land that cost nothing. But the land is practically
all given away now; the ‘‘ frontiers” are gone. So, too, the past-
urage is taken up, and hereafter land must be bought for farming,
and New England farms will again rise in value.
Massachusetts is a State of cities and large towns. Its
population of two and a quarter millions are large consumers
of agricultural products. This great army of consumers are
as a rule thriving or well-to-do. The luxuries of life are in
demand in Massachusetts. Fresh eggs and poultry, pure
milk, sweet butter, fresh fruits and vegetables are in demand
in season and out of season, and the market for such prod-
ucts is a home market.
Pages might be filled with expressions of opinion as to the
causes of the depreciation in value of farms and farm lands,
and with suggestions for reoccupancy ; but lack of space and
a desire to save expense forbid. There are a few things
which bear upon the matter, and cannot in justice be omitted ;
among these are State aid to agriculturists, educational privi-
leges, and facilities for travel and transportation. As has
been before stated, Massachusetts is not a farming State, for,
as shown by the State census, 8.28 per cent of the males
were engaged in agriculture in 1885, against 30.21 per cent
in manufactures, 10.18 per cent in trade, 5.22 per cent in
transportation, 17.63 per cent as scholars and 11.20 per
cent at home. In percentages of classified occupations
agriculture stood fifth. Yet by the United States census of
1890 it is found that the total number of our farms is 34,374,
with a total of 2,998,282 acres; total number of families
connected with these farms, 34,576 (owning free, 20,425;
owning encumbered, 8,945; hiring, 5,206); valuation of
land, fences and buildings, $127,538,284; valuation of im-
plements and machinery, $5,938,940 ; valuation of live stock
June 1, 1890, $14,200,178.
Massachusetts has been very generous to her agricultur-
ists, and has sought in many ways to protect and further her
agricultural interests. Among the institutions created by her
or made recipients of her bounty are the State Board of
Agriculture, established in 1852, with an office at the State
House, and now consisting of forty-five members, including
six members ex officio, suitably divided into committees,
and having six specialists; the Massachusetts Agricultural
College, incorporated in 1863 and located at Amherst in
Hampshire County, with net assets of $309,694.53, a faculty
of eighteen and over one hundred and fifty students ; a State
Agricultural Experiment Station, established at Amherst in
1882, and which has a station force of eleven and property
valued at $42,933.78; a State Board of Cattle Commission-
ers, established in 1860, and now consisting of five members,
with headquarters in Boston; a State Dairy Bureau, com-
posed of three members of the State Board of Agriculture,
with an executive and assistant executive officer in addition ;
and thirty-six incorporated agricultural and horticultural
societies, each having a representative on the Board of Agri-
culture, and each receiving an annual bounty from the Com-
monwealth. There is alsoa State grange organization, seven
Pomona granges, seven district granges, one hundred and
twenty subordinate granges, eight or more horticultural so-
cieties, sixty or more farmers’ clubs, besides poultry associa-
tions, village improvement societies, etc.
The State appropriations for agricultural purposes in 1894
amounted to $249,861.51; of which $100,000 was for gypsy
moth work, under the direction of the Board of Agriculture ;
$21,000 for bounties to agricultural societies ; $57,415.89 for
the Massachusetts Agricultural College ; $35,000 for the State
Cattle Commission ; $12,650 for the Massachusetts Agricult-
ural Experiment Station; and the balance, $23,795.62, for
the State Board of Agriculture.
In educational privileges Massachusetts stands second to
no State. Her colleges are known the world over; her
normal schools, seminaries and academies are models of their
kind; and her public schools are her pride and power. By
income from a large school fund, an efficient Board of
Education, school superintendents, graded schools and free
text-books, the opportunities for giving and receiving an
excellent public-school education are unrivalled, The Mas-
sachusetts’ school fund, Jan. 1, 1894, amounted to $3,670,-
548.14. The income from this fund is used largely to aid
and to promote the efficiency of the State normal schools
and the public schools of the poorer towns. The total State
educational appropriations in 1894 amounted to $538,250.
In addition, the State encourages and assists financially
the formation of free town libraries, and nearly every town
in the Commonwealth can boast of a free library, many of
which libraries are excellent both in size and quality. The
appropriation by the State in 1894 ‘to carry out the provi-
sions of the act to promote the establishment and efficiency
of free public libraries” was $3,000.
By chapter 476 of the Acts of 1893, and 497 of the Acts
of 1894, provision is made for a State Highway Commission,
to improve the public roads; and it is further provided that
‘whenever the county commissioners of a county, or the
mayor and aldermen of a city, or the selectmen of a town,
adjudge that the public necessity and convenience require
that the Commonwealth take charge of a new or an existing
road as a highway, in whole or in part, in that county, city
or town, they may apply by a petition in writing to the
Massachusetts Highway Commission, stating the road they
recommend, together with a plan and profile of the same.”
For the purpose of meeting any expenses that might be
incurred under these acts, the Legislature of 1894 author-
ized the State treasurer and receiver-general to issue scrip
or certificates of indebtedness to an amount not exceeding
$300,000, for a term not exceeding thirty years.
Said the «Boston Journal” of Sept. 18, 1891, ‘* The
problem of the decadence of country towns is made more
difficult undoubtedly by the need of good roads, which
would facilitate social intercourse, make farms more profita-
ble, and heighten the value of produce by bringing it into
more convenient connection with large towns.” Already
several pieces of State road have been planned for, and on
some work has already been begun. It is hoped and be-
lieved that the movement for State highways will prove of
great advantage to our rural communities. Along with bet-
ter roads will come, no doubt, an extension of electric rail-
roads, thus greatly lessening the inconvenience of travel and
Agency of the State Board of Agriculture.
The State Board of Agriculture early became interested
in the work of Vermont and New Hampshire, and efforts
were put forth to do something in this State. The following
pages will give an outline of the methods used in the work,
and some of the apparent results obtained.
In the report of. the Secretary of the Board of Agricult-
ure to the Legislature, January, 1890, it was suggested that
if the Legislature would appropriate a small sum for the
expense, and give some officer authority to collect informa-
tion, good results might be realized. This suggestion was
repeated in January, 1891. At the annual meeting of the
Board of Agriculture, Feb. 5, 1891, it was ‘* Voted, That
the State Board of Agriculture petition the Legislature, now
in session, for such legislation as will provide for ascertain-
ing the number, location, value and other facts pertaining to
the abandoned farms and farm lands in the State; also the
most effective method of securing their reoccupancy.” The
Legislature of 1891 enacted the following law : —
[Cuap. 280.]
Be it enacted, eic., as follows:
Section 1. The State Board of Agriculture is hereby authorized
to collect all necessary information in regard to the opportunities
for developing the agricultural resources of the Commonwealth
through the repopulating of abandoned or partially abandoned
farms, and cause the facts obtained, and a statement of the advan-
tages offered, to be circulated where and in such manner as the
said board may consider for the best interests of the Common-
Secr. 2. In order to properly carry out the provisions of section
one of this act, a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars may be
expended, and the bills for such expenditures properly approved
by the persons authorized by said State Board to investigate the
matter, shall be sent to the Auditor of the Commonwealth, who
shall certify them in the same manner as other claims against the
Secr. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
Approved May 4, 1891.
At a meeting of the executive committee, May 21, 1891,
it was ‘* Voted, That the secretary be instructed to prepare
a circular for transmission to the assessors of the several
cities and towns of the Commonwealth, asking said assess-
ors to return to the State Board of Agriculture, upon a
blank prepared for the purpose, the names of the owners
of abandoned or partially abandoned farms situated in
different parts of the State.” Accordingly the following
circular was prepared and sent to each of the cities and
towns in the Commonwealth : —
CoMMONWEALTH BUILDING, Boston, June 16, 1891.
To the Assessors of Massachusetts.
GENTLEMEN :— The following law has been enacted by the
Legislature : —
(See above, chapter 280, sections 1, 2, 3.)
The object is to make known opportunities for the purchase, at
a low price, of farms in Massachusetts. You will of course notice
that the law does not require you to assist in the work, but it is
belicved that you will be interested in a scheme which has for its
end the prosperity of your towns, and will be willing to help the
Board of Agriculture in gathering information that can be spread
before the public to the advantage of the owners of abandoned
or partially abandoned farms, and of would-be purchasers.
The towns which contain such farms will be benefited by having
them owned and improved by persons residing upon them. The
plan of action is not yet fully matured; but, without question, the
first thing to be done is to get a list and description of such farms.
As the assessors are better acquainted with such lands and their
owners than are any other citizens, we apply to you for informa-
tion. The law makes it our duty to obtain information and
circulate the same in regard to abandoned or partially abandoned
farms in the Commonwealth.
We must leave it largely to your judgment to interpret the
phrase ‘‘ partially abandoned farms,” but would suggest that a
farm which is not occupied for purposes of cultivation or a sum-
mer home, and is for sale at a low price, might be called an
abandoned or partially abandoned farm.
It will of course be of little use to call attention to farms that
have been so long abandoned that the buildings have disappeared
and the land mostly grown up to brush and wood; but sizable
tracts of land suitable for purposes of cultivation or for grazing,
though without buildings, should be considered. It will also be
of little use to call attention to farms that are not on the market
for what would be called a low price in proportion to their pro-
ductive capacity.
Will you kindly write in the enclosed blank the names and post-
office addresses of the owners of such farms, in your town, as
may seem to you to come within the meaning of the law? We
shall issue a circular of inquiry for particular description, location,
price, etc., to the owners whose names you may furnish us. Woe
will keep you informed of the progress of the work, and shall very
likely need your further aid. Any suggestions will be gladly
received and considered.
In order that the necessary information from the owners may
be seasonably obtained, it will be necessary that this blank be
returned before July 1, 1891. If you have no farms that seem to
you to come within the meaning of the law, please return the
blank with such remarks thereon as will describe the situation in
your town.
Wm. R. Szssrons, Secretary.
The following table gives the number of abandoned or
partially abandoned farms by counties, as reported by the
assessors of the several cities and towns in response to the
circular letter ; number of cities and towns in each county,
and the number reporting abandoned or partially abandoned
farms : —
Number Number of
Number Reporting | Abandoned or
Coonsres, oars | Seah eee | gene,
County. Reporting. | Abandoned Farms
Farms. Reported.
Berkshire, . é . é 32 1 17 140
Franklin, . ri : ‘i 26 - 17 103
Hampshire, . . . A 23 2 11 86
Hampden, . 3 ‘ ‘ 22 - 10 83
Worcester, . ‘ ‘1 59 1 30 249
Middlesex, . . . ri 54 - 17 51
Essex, . ‘ ‘ é ‘ 35 3 11
Suffolk, ‘ . : ‘i 4 - - -
Norfolk, . ‘ ; , 27 1 8 89
Bristol, : ‘ 20 1 6 49
Plymouth, . ‘ ; : 27 1 10 33
Barnstable, . : . ‘ 15 - 3 29
Dukes,. : . : . 6 - 2 8
Nantucket, . z 1 - 1 6
Aggregates, . ' i 351 q 135 887
The work was continued by the sending of the following
circular letter to the owners or agents of the abandoned or
partially abandoned farms reported by the assessors : —
CoMMONWEALTH BuiLp1NnG, Boston, Aug. 25, 1891.
To the Owners of Abandoned or Partially Abandoned Farms in Massa-
GENTLEMEN : — The Legislature at its last session enacted the follow
ing law: —
(See page 11, chapter 280, sections 1, 2, 3.)
In discharge of the duty devolving upon the Board of Agriculture
under the provisions of this statute, a circular has been addressed
to the assessors of the several cities and towns of the State, ask-
ing them to report to this board the names of the owners of
abandoned or partially abandoned farms. Your name has been
reported by the assessors of -as the owner of such property.
‘Tf you desire to dispose of the property, please answer the follow-
ing questions in regard to the same, subscribe to the affidavit
below before a justice of the peace, and forward it in the enclosed
envelope. This description and affidavit will be retained in this
office for reference. A catalogue of such farms, with description
and price, will be printed and widely distributed. There will be
no expense to the owners of the property. Please be prompt in
replying, as nothing further can be done by us until all informa-
tion has been received.
Wm. R. Sessions, Secretary.
Located in the town of.
Total acreage.
Acres of mowing land.
Acres in pasturage.
Acres in woodland.
Acres suitable for cultivation.
Can grass be cut with a machine ?
Is there a sugar bush? Number
of trees.
Size of house, if any.
Size of L.
Number of rooms.
Is house in good repair ?
Size of barn, if any.
Is there a barn cellar?
Is the barn in good repair ?
What kind of fences and in what
condition ?
What is the water supply ?
Number of apple trees.
Number of other fruit trees.
Name of nearest railroad station
and distance from farm.
Name of nearest post-office and
distance from farm.
Price at which farm will be sold.
Amount required in cash.
The balance can remain on mort-
gage at what rate of interest?
State any facts of interest.
I hereby certify that the above statements in regard to the farm
owned by me in the town of.
are true to my best knowledge
and belief, and that at any time within one year of the date hereof I will
sell said farm for the price and on the terms named, unless previously
disposed of.
Owner or Agent.
P. O. Address
Before me,
Justice of the Peace.
The circulation of the first edition (3,000 copies) of the
descriptive catalogue of abandoned or partially abandoned
farms, containing 330 descriptions, began Dec. 5, 1891.
Requests for the catalogue came from nearly every State in
the Union, and within two months the entire edition was
exhausted. About one-third of the edition was sent to
owners or agents of the property described, to assessors, to
members of the Board of Agriculture and to officers of
agricultural societies. The remainder were sent or given
only upon request. The matter in this edition was stereo-
typed, to lessen the cost of possible future editions.
The circulation of a second edition of 1,500 copies of the
catalogue began Feb. 1, 1892. Nine new descriptions were
included in this edition, making a total of 339. Requests
for the catalogue were received from time to time, until by
the middle of September the edition became exhausted.
The distribution of this edition was very largely through
requests by mail and at the office.
In order to supply the demand for the catalogues it became
necessary to prepare a third edition, and the issue of 2,000
copies of this began Nov. 26, 1892. The distribution was
made through request only, and by the 1st of October, 1893,
the supply was totally exhausted. Forty-four new descrip-
tions, obtained from various sources, were included in this
edition, making a total of 383 descriptions received to date.
A fourth edition of the catalogue was prepared in the fall
of 1893, and the issue of 2,000 copies began November 5.
Seventeen new descriptions were added to this edition, mak-
ing a total of 400 descriptions received to date. This edition
not being sufficient to supply the demand for the catalogues,
it was decided in July, 1894, to issue a fifth edition. To
make this edition as exhaustive as possible, the executive
committee decided to call upon the members of the Board for
their personal assistance, and the following circular letter was
issued : —
Boston, Mass., Aug. 2, 1894.
Dear Sir:—The executive committee of this Board, at a
meeting held July 25, 1894,’ ‘* Voted, That the secretary be
authorized to expend as much as may be necessary of the amount
remaining of the appropriation for collecting and circulating in-
formation regarding abandoned and partially abandoned farms,
in collecting information and printing and circulating another
edition of the catalogue of such farms.”
Also the committee ‘‘ Voted, That the members of the Board of
Agriculture be and are hereby requested to aid the secretary in
collecting further information to be used in making up the forth-
‘coming catalogue, to the end that said catalogue be as complete
as possible.”
It is our plan to issue another catalogue of abandoned and par-
tially abandoned farms for sale the coming autumn. The previous
editions have met with much favor, and have, we believe, been
instrumental in calling attention to the opportunities Massachu-
setts country towns offer for the purchase of farms and summer
homes at avery low price. Many sales have resulted. We desire
to accomplish much more with the coming edition than we have
with any previous one. To that end we are anxious to include in
it all property that has a rightful place therein. We have thought
that the members of the Board could give us needed assistance in
gathering the desired information.
The law authorizes us to collect and circulate information re-
garding ‘‘ abandoned and partially abandoned farms.” The term
*¢ partially abandoned” we interpret to mean such farms as are
not farmed as a business, and are for sale at a low price in pro-
portion to their productive capacity, eligibility and beauty of loca-
tion and cost of the buildings. We must leave it largely to your
judgment as to what property shall be included in the catalogue.
‘Our idea is that the members are probably acquainted with most
of such property lying in their own towns, and with the owners
thereof, and are also very likely acquainted with some prominent,
public-spirited man in each of the towns within the jurisdiction of
their societies, who could and would give to the member of the
Board inquiring the desired information for his town.
What we desire from the members of the Board is a list of the
names and post-office addresses of the owners of such property
within the jurisdiction of the societies they represent. We will
correspond with the owner for description and particulars. The
expense incurred by members of the Board in this work may be
included in the bill of travelling and necessary expenses of each
member, and will be paid from the appropriation for that purpose.
We expect also to be able to pay. each member not less than three
dollars per day for time spent in this work, out of the appropriation
for collecting and circulating information concerning this species
of property. It will also be allowable for members who cannot
spend the time to employ a suitable agent to do the work for them..
‘But, as the appropriation is small, it will be necessary that the.
utmost economy be exercised, so that the expenses shall not ex-
ceed the appropriation. We desire the report of names and post-
office addresses of owners not later than September 1. Shall be-
glad to answer specific questions of members as to the plan of pro-
cedure and amount of money that can be afforded, by letter, on.
Wma. R. Ssssions, Secretary.
The members of the Board gave valuable assistance, and.
reported 541 new farms. Twenty-four new farms were re-
ported from other sources, making a total of 565. As a
partial result of this work, 143 new descriptions have been
received, and are included in the catalogue as an addenda to.
the fifth edition.
A summary of the work of this office to date shows the
following results : —
OS 62 et¢ LP 08 16 IL OLL e6L e9c'T * ‘soyedolddy
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T e é 7 3 = 3 8 P aI nn <5
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TF 18 FOL 0% 03 1g 8% P81 68 Sar ‘+ {19388010 A,
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6r 6 tP § ZL c &I 08 G9 SFT : * ‘Sarysdureyy
0 Il €¢ g 8 Ot It 88 LL oT "+ ‘arpyoeay
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“aung | Sondiased so sores parsodar smite) _,, bromo go | eauarodex iene | aati | 36 eae ea
Up to December 1, returns have been received concern-
ing 354 of the 400 farms described in the four editions of
the catalogue. Of these, 150 owners reported their farm
sold, 79 wished for various reasons to have the description
of their farm withdrawn from the catalogue, and 125 wished
the description of their farm continued in the fifth edition.
Nothing has been heard concerning 46 farms.
The preceding table shows the location of the farms sold
and withdrawn, and the descriptions of these farms are
marked with red ink. One object of this method of desig-
nating farms sold or withdrawn is to save expense, as the
pages of descriptions were stereotyped when set up; and
another object is to show at a glance just what has been done.
Unquestionably a large majority of the purchasers of these
farms are of American parentage. The returns showing
nationality are not as full as wished, but the names substan-
tiate the above statement.
Ninety purchasers were residents of Massachusetts at the
time of purchase, 5 of New York, 5 of Connecticut, 2 of
New Hampshire, 2 of Florida, 2 of Ohio, 1 of Rhode Island,
1 of New Jersey and 1 of Nova Scotia, while the residence
of 41 has not been reported. Fifty-six of the farms sold were
reported as sold for farming purposes, 14 for a home, 11 for
an investment, 5 for farming purposes and poultry raising,
6 for dairying and stock raising, 5 for summer residence,
4 for poultry raising, 2 for sheep raising, 1 for poultry rais-
ing and market gardening, 1 for cranberry culture, 1 for the
wood and lumber, while the intentions of 44 purchasers have
not been obtained.
By the State census of 1885 there were 45,010 farms in
the State, representing a total acreage of 3,898,429}; aver-
age acreage, 86.61; total value of lands and buildings, $185,-
118,925; average value of lands and buildings, $4,112.83.
The total acreage of the 543 farms advertised in the cata-
logue is 61,7634; average acreage, 113.72; total amount
asked for the farms, $907,030; and average amount asked
for the farms, $1,670.40.
The total acreage of the 150 farms reported sold is 15,1103,
or an average acreage of 100.73. The 150 farms sold for a
total of $229,125, or an average of $1,527.50.
The total acreage of the 79 farms withdrawn is 8,0037%,
or an average of 101.30. The 79 farms withdrawn were
valued at $125,925, or an average of $1,593.98.
The cost of this work has been comparatively slight, as
will be seen by the following statement: —
Appropriation under chapter 280, Acts of 1891, . $2,000 00
Amount unused and reverting back to State treas-
ury at the end of two years, Dec. 31, 1892, 858 50
$1,141 50
Appropriation under chapter 46, Resolves of 1893, 1,000 00
——-——. $2,141 50:
Printing 8,500 catalogues, 4 Sree ‘ 3 A $899 61
Special envelopes, ‘ ‘ , 5 ‘ 1387 82
Postage stamps, . : ; ‘ . : : 355 00
Printed circulars, . ‘ ‘i ‘ ij ‘ ‘ 50 38
Advertising, . i . ‘ ‘ BO ; 3 50
Express, ‘ : ‘ ‘ 2 00
Special services, members of Board, 3 : i 54 00
——_ 1,502 31
Balance on hand Dec. 1, 1894, , ‘ ‘é ‘ : $639 19.
Such part of this balance as may be necessary will be used
in paying the expenses of printing and circulating the fifth
edition of two thousand copies.
It is again desired to call the attention of parties having
property of this kind to the opportunities offered, in order
that they may send descriptions, which may be included in
future editions of the catalogue, if published. Two thou-
sand copies of the fifth edition have been printed, and cata-
logues will be sent to any one free of expense upon application
to this office.
Wma. R. SEssions,
Farm of 2 acres; suitable for cultivation. House, two-story,
square; 12 rooms ¢goo air. Is9s” in good repair.
Fences mostly wire Salad Railroad station,
1 mile; post-office, 1 minute’s walk. Price, $350, all in cash.
Address, Charles P. French, Chatham, Mass.
Farm of 40 acres; with shore privilege; mowing, 5 or 6 acres;
pasture, 30; woodland, 1; all suitable for cultivation or pasturage.
Grass can be cut with a machine. There are also 20 acres of salt
meadow and upland with shore privilege, ad om the farm,
which will be included for the price n ble house,
284x334; L, 114x204; 11 rooms ; ged Barn, 25x35, in
poor repair. Outside fegce; we Sndition, cross fences poor.
Good spring a oxi ailroad station, Hyannis, 24 miles ;
post-office, t outh, 1 mile. There are two hen-houses,
one, 8x12, the other, 7x14, with three wire yards; the largest,
40x50. Alsoa store room, 10x12; and an old wood-house, 14x20.
Price, $5,000; all in cash. Address, Elkanah Crowell, West
Yarmouth, Mass.
Farm of 175 acres: mowing, 40; pasture, 85; woodland, 50;
suitable for cultivation, 50 beside the mowing. House, 36x24; L,
16x30 ; 12 rooms ; good repair. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Two barns, each 30x40; shed, 18 Fe in good repair.
Stone wall and rail fe Run 49 to house and barn.
About 30 apple re fruit trees. Railroad station,
State Line, 5 milés; paar ne West Stockbridge, 14 miles.
Price, $3,000; cash at sale, $800; interest on balance, 6 per cent.
Stage passes house twice daily leaving mail at door. Address,
W. C. Hinman, Great Barrington, Mass.
Missing Page
Missing Page
Farm of 330 acres: mowing, 32 to 35; pasture, 100; woodland,
195; suitable for cultivation, 25. One-half of the grass can be
cut with a machine. House, 24x26; w hed, 12x15; 9 rooms;
fair repair. Barn, 30x40, with *wagon-house; barn,
26x86; very good repa Qsyore all and rail and pole fence.
Well at house an » good springs in the pastures. Fruit
enough for family use. Probably 1,000 cords of young wood on
the farm, one-half or more fit to cut. School, 1} miles distant.
Railroad station, Becket, 43 miles; post-office, Becket, 43 miles.
Price, $700; cash at sale, $350; interest on balance, 6 per cent.
Address, C. B. Ferry, Becket, Mass.
Farm of 170 acres: mowing, 40; pasture, 60; suitable for cul-
tivation, 20. Sugar bush, 200 trees. House, 36x24; L, 22x15;
12 rooms; fair repair. Barn, 30x40; horse barn, 22x40; sheep
barn, 20x40; all in good repair. Fences in very good condition.
Good well. Plenty of apples. Railroad station, Becket, 5 miles ;
post-office, West Becket, 14 miles. Price, $1,500; cash at sale,
$800; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address, George G.
Carter, West Becket, Mass.
Farm of 299 acres: mowing, 75; pasture, 199; woodland, 25;
suitable for cultivation, nearly all the mowing land. Nearly all
the grass can be cut with a machine. House, 22x32; L, 15x15;
10 rooms; poor repair. Barn, 30x45; barn, 30x30; both in poor
repair. Stone wall, rail and wire fences. Spring water near
house. Not many apple trees. Railroad station, Cheshire, 24
miles ; post-office, Cheshire, 24 miles. I have only a life estate on
the place, but all the heirs are willing to sign a deed conveying the
same. Price, $2,500; cash at sale, $1,000; interest on balance,
5 per cent. Address, Mary Dalton, Adams, Mass.
Farm of 111 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 50; woodland, 30;
suitable for cultivation, 60. Mostof the grass can be cut with a
machine. Sugar bush, 100 trees. Two-story house, 36x30; one-
story L, 26x20; woodshed and horse shed attached; 11 rooms;
in good repair and roofs slated. Cow-barn, 30x70; horse-barn,
24x30 ; both in good repair with cellars. Stone wall and rail and
brush fence. Well, spring and two brooks. Railroad station,
North Adams, 4 miles; post-office, Florida, 4+ mile. Price,
$3,000; cash at sale, $1,000; interest on balance, 6 per cent.
Address, Nathan D. Beaman, North Adams, Mass.
Farm of 150 acres: mowing, 50; pasture, 40; woodland, 60;
suitable for cultivation, 90. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 2,000 trees. House, 26x36; L, 20x20; 8 rooms;
fair repair. Barn, 20x40; ae 20x3 air repair. Stone
wall and post and SG al a ooh BO Be rcaty- tre apple, 2
plum and 2 pear tre hs: «i? ton, North Adams, 5 miles;
post-office, Florida, gle Price, $1,200 ; cash at sale, $600;
interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, Elisha S. Plumb,
Florida, Mass.
Farm of 98 acres: mowing, 20; pasture, 30; woodland, 48;
suitable for cultivation, 40. Most of grass can be cut with a
machine. Sugar bush, about 150 trees. No buildings. Com-
mon fences in fair condition. Never-failing spring. About 60
apple trees; a few cherry trees. Railroad station, Hoosac Tun-
nel, 2 miles; post-office, Hoosac Tunnel, 2 miles. Price, $500;
cash at sale, $250; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Farm faces
south-east. Address, R. D. Dickinson, North Adams, Mass.
Farm of 400 acres: mowing, 75; pasture, 300; suitable for
cultivation, 75. There are 1,500 cords of wood, and consider-
able good timber on the farm. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Large two-story house ; good-sized L; 16 oo AO er Five
barns of different sizes, all in fair re 489" in poor con-
dition. Water saad Ay ri seems red apple and a few pear
trees. Railroa ee, 3 miles; post-office, South Lee,
3 miles ; scho 05 jot Price, $4,000 ; cash at sale, $1,000 ;
interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address, F. A. Hobbs, Receiver
Stockbridge Savings Bank, Stockbridge, Mass.
Farm of 200 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 50; woodland, 120;
suitable for cultivation, 50. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 300 trees. House, one stor 4x40; L, small; 12
rooms; needs some repairs. ars80 gud pole fences in
fair condition. ees rook. Fifty apple trees,
8 pear trees. nai on, Great Barrington, 11 miles; post-
office, West Otis, 1 mile. Price, $1,200; cash at sale, $500;
interest on balance, 5 per cent. Is on a hill with a southern
exposure overlooking Lake Garfield. Address, M. V. Thomson,
Monterey, Mass.
Farm of 40 acres: mowing, 20; pasture, 18; woodland, 2;
suitable for cultivation, 18. Sixteen acres of grass can be cut
with a machine. Sugar bush, 36 trees. House, 30x40; L, 18x25;
8 rooms; fair repair. Barn, ARO repair, with cellar
and stable in basement. ne ire and rail fence in
fair condition. Rugsi at barn and pump at house. Sev-
euty-five apple, 10 and 6 pear trees and some grapes. Rail-
road station, Great Barrington, 9 miles; post-office, Monterey,
14 miles. Price, $800; cash at sale, $200; interest on balance, 6
per cent. Address, William H. Martin, Great Barrington, Mass.
* Farm of 500 acres : mowing, 40; pasture, 100 ; woodland, 360 ;
suitable for cultivation, 40. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 100 trees. House, 30x36, 8 god repair.
Barn, 26x60; L, 20x40; good repai walks » pole and brush
fences. Well and 4a fook. One hundred apple
trees, 10 o . Price, $2,500; cash at sale, $1,250;
interest on balance, 6 per cent. Railroad station, Williamstown,
10 miles; post-office, New Ashford, 3 of a mile. Address, Elihu
Ingraham, New Ashford, Mass.
* Farm of 224 acres: mowing, 70; pasture, 79; woodland, 75;
suitable for cultivation, 150. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 75 trees. House, 24x30, 8 rooms, fair repair. Barn,
- 28x36, in good repair. Wire and rail fence not in good condition.
Brook, well and springs. Forty apple trees. Railroad station,
Williamstown or Pittsfield, 9 miles; post-office, New Ashford, 1
mile. Price, $1,500; cash at sale, $750; interest on balance, 5 per
cent. Address, N. Chamberlain, Williamstown, Mass.
New Martsorouea.
Farm of 143 acres: mowing, 40; pasture, 83; woodland, 20;
suitable for cultivation, 25. Grass can be cut with a machine
on 25 acres. House, 24x50, with wagon-house attached ; 8 rooms;
good repair. Two barns, 20x40 and 30x40. One hennery, 1
corn-house, 1 hog-house. Barn in good repair. Barb wire and
rail fences. Well and springs. Twenty-five apple trees. Rail-
road station, Norfolk, Conn., 8 miles; post-office, South Sandis-
field, 2 miles. Price, $1,100; cash at sale, $500; interest on
* Not certified to.
balance, 5 percent. Farm situated on high ground but land level.
Address, Francis Sage, Winsted, Conn.
Farm of 330 acres: mowing, 40 to 50; pasture, 100; 180
acres of sprouts, swamp and woodland; suitable for cultiva-
tion, 80 to 100. Most of the grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 20x40; L, 18x20; 11 rooms; good repair. New barn,
24x36; two barns, 30x40; horse barn, 20x36. All barns in
fair repair and a cellar under new barn. Some wood fences
in poor condition and some stone wall and wire fence. Well
at house and spring that could be brought to barns. About
40 apple trees and some cherries and grapes. Railroad station,
Sheffield, 10 miles, Great Barrington, 12 miles; post-office, New
Marlborough, 12 miles. Price, $1,350. Address, Stephen Powell,
New Marlborough, Mass.
Farm of 15 acres: mowing, 5; pasture, 7; woodland, 3; suit-
able for cultivation, 12. Grass can be cut witha machine. House,
30x40, 10 rooms, good repair. Barn, 26x36, fair repair. Stone
wall, board and rail fences. Spring water which runs in house
through iron pipes. Eighteen apple Gaerne trees, 2 crab
apple, 3 cherry and 12 plu trees oad station, Canaan,
Conn., 8 miles, co Oe. post-office, Southfield, 3
minutes’ walk. Pric 0; cash at sale, $300; interest on bal-
ance, 6 per cent. Fifty acres of other land, mostly woodland,
can go with this place if desired. Address, W. G. Cargill,
Canaan, Conn.
Farm of 60 acres: mowing, 15; pasture, 27; woodland, 18, of
fine timber; part of mowing land suitable for cultivation. Most
of the grass can be cut with a machine. Sugar bush, 50 trees.
House large, tumble-down condition though occupied. Barn has
tumbled down. Stone wall and rail fences in poor condition.
Spring, never failing. Seventy-five apple and several cherry and
plum trees. Railroad station, Norfolk, Conn., 5 miles ; post-office,
Southfield, 1} miles. Price, $1,000; cash at sale, $500; inter-
est on balance, 5 per cent. On main road from Norfolk, Conn.,
to New Marlborough. Address, L. D. Alling, Southfield, Mass.
Farm of 125 acres: mowing, 45; pasture, 22; woodland, 58;
suitable for cultivation, 24. Most of the grass can be cut with a
machine. House, 36x30, two stories, 6 rooms, good repair. Two
barns, 50x24 and 40x30, both in good repair. Stone wall and
rail fences not in good condition. Good spring water at the barn
and house. Twenty-five grafted and 50 wild apple trees. Rail-
road station, Great Barrington, 10 miles, and Canaan, Conn., 10
miles; post-office, New Marlborough, 14 miles. Price, $900;
cash at sale, $400; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address,
W.H. Mulhall, Great Barrington, Mass.
Farm of 230 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 100; woodland and
unimproved land, 100; suitable for cultivation, 75. Grass can
nearly all be cut with a machine. Sugar bush, 400 trees. Two-
story house, 40x30; large L; 12 rooms; fair repair. There are
3 barns and other outbuildings, all in good repair. Stone wall
and rail and brush fence. Good spring water at house. About
40 apple and a few pear trees, besides some grapes and currants.
Railroad station, Norfolk, Conn., 8 miles; post-office, South
Sandisfield, 14 miles. Price, $2,200; cash at sale, $1,100;
interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, Mrs. Cesarme Sage,
South Sandisfield, Mass.
Farm of 300 acres: mowing, 50; pasture, 100; woodland, 150,
one-third being sprout land; suitable for cultivation, 50. Thirty
acres of the grass can be cut with a machine. Sugar bush, 40
trees. House, 30x46; L, 40x18; L, 30x18; 18 rooms; fair
repair. Barn, 50x33, in fair repair, with yard enclosed by three
sheds of two roofs. Milk house, 12x10. Rail fence, stone wall
and pole fence, in indifferent condition. Good well at house and
barn, with many springs on the place. Forty apple and some pear
and plum trees and grape vines. School-house 30 rods distant.
Southern exposure. Wood and timber enough on place to pay for
it. Railroad station, Norfolk, Conn., 6 miles; post-office, South-
field, 2 miles. Price, $3,000; cash at sale, $1,200 ; interest on bal-
ance, 6 percent. Address, Ch. Selectmen, N. Marlborough, Mass.
Farm of 220 acres: mowing, 40 or 50; remainder about equally
divided between pasturage and wood; suitable f ltivation, 15
or 20. Grass can be cut with a machine. , £30; L, 24
feet long; 8 or 10 oes need; grepairs. Two barns that
join, 40x28 repair. Rail, pole and brush
fence. eet good well. Fifteen or 20 apple trees.
ee sta orfolk, Conn., 4 miles; post-office, Southfield,
2 miles. Price, $1,000; cash at sale, $500; interest on balance,
5 per cent. Address, M. T. Tobey, East Canaan, Conn.
_ Farm of 115 acres: mowing, 60; pasture, 40; woodland, 10;
suitable for cultivation, 60. Grass can be ¢ut with a machine.
House, 25x30; L, 14x25; 10 rooms; pair. Barn, 40x50;
barn, 20x30; both in gogdsepair, #. Stone wall and
board, rail and wir i od condition. Well and springs,
with running stream. About 50 apple and about 20 other fruit
trees. Railroad station, Ashley Falls, 6 miles; post-office, Mill
River, $ mile. Daily stages from Canaan, Conn., and Great Bar-
rington, Mass. Price, $1,200; cash at sale, $400; interest on
balance, 5 percent. Address, F. T. Whiting, Great Barrington,
Farm of 135 acres: mowing, 25; pasture, 40; woodland, 70;
suitable for cultivation, 20. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, about 100 trees. No buildin Fenced with stone
wall mostly. Good well, neyer yh BOs apple trees. Rail-
road station, Ches ‘Soh 4 oe Se Otis Centre, 24 miles.
Price, $450, all i ‘Se The ala building site is very pleas-
antly located. Address, Milton S. Thompson, Russell, Mass.
Farm of 130 acres: mowing, 35; pasture, 40; woodland, 55;
suitable for cultivation, 35. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 500 trees. House, 37x25, one and one-half story, 9
rooms, good repair. Two barns, 36x26 and 24x22, barn cellar, fair
repair. Stone wall and rail fence in fair condition. Welland spring.
Forty to 50 apple trees and a few pear trees. Railroad station,
Chester, 13 miles; post-office, Otis, 3 miles. Price, $1,000, all in
cash. Farm near school and good water-power on it. Address,
James Kelly, East Winsted, Conn.
Farm of 250 acres: mowing, 25; pasture, 150; woodland, 75;
suitable for cultivation, 12. Part of the grass can be cut with a
machine. Sugar bush, 400 trees. @oe. e. Barn, 24x36, in
good repair. Rail and brush fenc GIP ai Never-failing
well. Large lot pihherat Railroad station, Lee, 10
miles ; post-office, tis, 1 mile. Price, $600; cash at sale,
$300; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address, Edward G. Oles,
West Otis, Mass.
Farm of 400 acres: mowing, 75; pasture, 225; woodland, 100;
suitable for cultivation, 50. Most of the grass can be cut with a
machine. Sugar bush, 400 trees. Two-story house, 26x36; L,
24x18; 9 rooms; good repair. Two barns, 54x30; barn, 26x30;
barn, 16x17; shed, 10x26; all in good repair. There is a barn
cellar. Stone wall and rail and brush fence in good condition. “
Good water supply. There are plenty of apple trees. Railroad
station, Lee, 10 miles; post-office, Otis, 2 miles. Price, $1,500;
terms easy; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, John
Higgins, Great Barrington, Mass.
Farm of 70 acres: mowing, 5; pasture, 12; woodland, 40;
suitable for cultivation, 5. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 24x30; 30-foot L; 10 rooms; good repair. Barn, 20x30,
in good repair. Carriage-house and ice-house in good repair.
Ordinary fences. Good water supply. Thirty apple and 5 other
fruit trees. pair SO oestet agigs ; post-office, Otis
Centre, 3 miles. ald,. 9$500; interest on
balance, 6 per cent. Address, W. C. Broga, 28 Jefferson Street,
Westfield, Mass.
Farm of 60 acres: mowing, 20; pasture, 40; enough wood
in pasture for home use; suitable for cultivation, 6. Grass
could be cut with a machine if the stone were picked up. Sugar
bush, over 100 trees. House, 40x24, 5 rooms, poor repair.
Barn, 40x26, poor repair. Stone wall, rail, pole and brush fence.
Good water supply. Twenty-five apple trees. Railroad station, Lee,
6 miles ; . post-office, West Becket, 14 miles. Price, $400; cash at
sale, $200; interest on balance, 6 per cent. If money is all paid
down will take $250. Address, Benoni Steadman, West Becket,
Farm of 60 acres: mowing, 20; pasture, 20; woodland, 20; suit-
able for cultivation, 10. About half of the grass can be cut witha
machine. House, 22x36; L, 15x30; 5 rooms; needs some repair-
ing. Barn, 26x36, needs some repairs. Some stone wall and
some wooden fence. Good water supply. Plenty of apples;
mostly natural fruit. Farm about 100 rods from White Lily
Pond. Railroad station, Chester, 6 miles; post-office, North
Blandford, 3 miles. Price, $400; cash at sale, $200; interest on
balance, 6 per cent. Address, Elisha Prentice, North Blandford,
Farm of 80 acres; mowing, 20; pasture, 20; woodland, 40;
suitable for cultivation, 10. Part of the grass can be cut with
a machine. Sugar bush, 100 trees. House, 24x32; L, 12x20;
7 rooms ; needs repair. Barn, 28x36, be horse-barn and shed,
needs repair. Some stone a: a ou Soden fence. Good
well. About ee le er them good grafted fruit.
Railroad station, C Gs P : ae North Blandford, 3
miles. Price, oa Gash at sale, $250; interest on balance, 6
per cent. Saw-mill, 4 mile. School-house, 100 rods from house.
Address, Elisha Trentice, North Blandford, Mass.
Farm of 150 acres: mowing, 40; pasture, 60; woodland, 50;
suitable for cultivation, 40. Twelve acres of the grass can be cut
with a machine. Sugar bush, 300 tree se, 30x40, 6 rooms,
good repair. Barn, 30x an Re", fences. Good
well and water in e golds o hundred apple and 2 pear trees.
Railroad station, “Ss miles ; post-office, West Becket, 3 miles.
Price, $800; cash at ‘alles $200; interest on balance, 5 per cent.
Address, Dennis Cahalan, West Becket, Mass.
Farm of 127 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 97; woodland, 20;
suitable for cultivation, 27. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 500 trees. House, 25x30, 8 rooms, good repair.
Barn, 25x52, in good repair, with cellar. Stone wall and barbed-
wire fence. Water from spring. About 50 apple trees. Rail-
road station, Washington, 1} miles; post-office, Washington, 1}
miles. Price, $1,200; cash at sale, $600; interest on balance, 6
per cent. Address, John Fleming, Pittsfield, Mass.
Farm of 200 acres: mowing, 50; pasture, 75; woodland, 75;
suitable for cultivation, 30. The greater part of the grass can be
cut with a mschine. Sngar bush, 100 trees. 2 28x30; L,
13x23 ; 12 rooms; fair repair. Barn, 31x ng shed, poor
repair. Mostly pole fence in Br Sesion Good water supply
from unfailing pg see red and fifty apple trees. School
near by ones! 2 miles distant. Railroad station, Hins-
dale, 53 mil€s; post-office, East Windsor, 2 miles. Price, $1,000;
cash at sale, $500; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address,
Berkshire County Savings Bank, Pittsfield, Mass.
Farm of 100 acres: mowing 20; pasture, 45; woodland, 35;
suitable for cultivation, 10. Nearly all of the grass can be cut
with a machine. Sugar bush, 50 trees. One and one-half story
house, 40x32; L, 38x22; 11 rooms; good repair. Barn, 40x20;
barn, 60x40; small barn in soot es lf other not. Stone
wall, rail and brush fe Well ouse and barn, springs in
pastures. Thirty » other fruit trees. If farm is sold
this fall will give one year’s supply of hard wood now at door.
Railroad station, Hinsdale, 34 miles ; post-office and church, Peru,
2 miles. Price, $800; cash at sale, $400; interest on balance, 6
per cent. Address, John M. Stowell, Peru, Mass.
Farm of 160 acres: mowing, 60; pasture, 75; woodland, 25;
suitable for cultivation, 60. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 100 trees. House, 35x35; L, 35x25; 10 rooms;
good repair. Barn, 40x45; barn, 40x35; both in comfortable
repair. Mostly fenced with stone wall. Never-failing spring.
Railroad station, Hinsdale, 4 miles; post-office, Peru, 14 miles.
Price, $900; cash at sale, $500; interest on balance, 5 per cent.
Address, Frank C. Phillips, Hinsdale, Mass.
Farm of 83 acres: mowing, 53; pasture, 15; woodland, 15;
suitable for cultivation, 63. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House in poor condition. Barn, 40x30, and two good sheds
enclosed, in good repair. Rail and wire fences in good condition.
Good well. Thirty apple trees. Railroad Richmond,
8 mile; p hdres PPANT, rr 3000; cash at
sale, $1 DWE on balance, 6 per Suk, semi-annually.
Address, P. H. Shaw, Richmond, Mass.
* Farm of 1,000 acres: mowing, 100; pasture, 500; woodland,
800; suitable for cultivation, 400. Most of the grass can be cut
with a machine. House, 40x50; L, 20x30; 12 rog A repair.
Two large and one small barn all in fair Gh? ‘Fences in
poor condition. Land well TPA post ; Fifty apple trees.
Railroad station, Ric Asm 8; post-office, Richmond, 1}
miles. Crear +0 church and school. Lenox, 5 miles.
Is in the mark’ ents 200. Would give reasonable terms with
interest as parties may agree. Address, I. F. Noxon, Pittsfield,
Farm of 165 acres: mowing, 33; pasture, 70; woodland, 57;
suitable for cultivation, 93. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 22x33; L, 14x22; 9 rooms; poor repair. Barn, 40x60, in
good repair. Rail and wire fence in good condition. Good water
supply. Sixty apple trees. Railroad station, West Pittsfield,
14 miles ; post-office, West Pittsfield, 1 mile. Price, $4,500; cash
at sale, $1,500 ; interest on balance, 5 per cent. There is a trout
brook on the farm. Address, James F. Coleman, West Pittsfield,
Farm of 97 acres: mowing, 33; pasture, 25; woodland, 38,
heavy timbered; suitable for cultivation, 50. Grass can be cut
with a machine. Sugar bush, 150 trees. House, 80x40; L,
12x22; 9 rooms; fair repair. No barn. Stone wall in good con-
dition. Good well, 2 springs and a brook running through the
farm. One hundred and fifty apple and 4 pear trees. Railroad
station, Norfolk, Conn., 74 miles; post-oflice, Sandisfield, 3 mile.
Price, $1,500; cash at sale, $1,000; interest on balance, 5 per
cent. There is plenty of timber on the farm fit for building pur-
poses. Farm on stage line from Sandisfield to Winsted, Conn.
Address, H. J. Whitney, Glendale, Mass.
Farm of 287 acres: mowing, 40; pasture, large part of the
farm ; woodland enough to supply the wants of the place; suitable
for cultivation, all the mowing land and portions of the pasture.
A large part of the grass can be cut with a machine. Sugar bush,
* Not certified to.
300 trees. Medium-sized house, much out of repair. An old
barn in poor repair. Stone wall and sh fence in need of
repairs. An excellent well at t an unfailing brook
through the fares fl -siz€d orchard. Railroad station,
Norfolk or Winst®®,"Conn., 14 miles; post-office, New Boston.
3 miles. Price, $350, all in cash. Address, Chas. J. Taylor,
Treasurer Great Barrington Savings Bank, Great Barrington,
Farm of 250 acres: mowing, 35; pasture, 65; woodland, 75
acres sprouts and 75 acres of hard wood and hemlock; suitable
for cultivation, 20. Grass cannot be cut with a machine. Sugar
bush, 500 trees. House, 24x30; L, 16x24; 9 rooms; very com-
fortable repair. Barn, 80x40, fair repair. Stone wall and pole
fences. Well at house. Thirty-five apple trees. Railroad station,
Winsted, Conn., 15 miles; post-office, Montville, 2 miles. It is
estimated that there are 60 tons of hemlock bark on the place.
Price, $800; cash at sale, $400; interest on balance, 5 per cent.
Address, Francis Sage, Winsted, Conn.
Farm of 350 acres: mowing, 35; pasture, 215; woodland, 100;
suitable for cultivation, 75. Most of the grass can be cut with a
machine. Sugar bush. House, 21x28; L, 18x23; L, 14x18; 12
rooms; good repair. Barn, 30x40; barn, 26x35; shed and hay
loft, 14x32; fair repair. Stone wall, wire, rail and brush fence in
fair condition. Fair water supply. Seventy apple trees and 7
other fruit trees. Railroad station, Winsted, Conn., 8 miles; post-
oftice, North Coldbrook, Conn., 2 miles. Price, $2,000; cash at
sale, $1,000; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Nice lot of pine
timber on the place. Address, Mrs. Phebe J. Humphrey, Great
Barrington, Mass.
Farm of 80 acres: mowing, 15; pasture, 30; woodland, 35;
suitable for cultivation, 10. Half of the grass can be cut witha
machine. Sugar bush, 150 trees. House, 14x20, 6 rooms, poor
repair. Barn, 24x50, in good repair, with a large shed 50 feet
long.’ Pole fences in poor repair. Poor water supply excepting
river water, which is near. Quite a number of apple and some
plum trees. Estimated that there are 200,000 feet of lumber on
the place. Two saw-mills within 4 of a mile and coal kilns near by,
where there is @ market for wood. Railroad station, Winsted,
Conn., 15 miles; post-office, New Boston, 3 miles. Price, $500;
cash at sale, $250; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address,
Marshall Miller, Tolland, Mass.
Farm of 170 acres: mowing, 28; pasture, 75; woodland, 45;
small growth wood and waste land, 22; suitable for cultivation,
100. Part of the grass can be cut with a machine. Good-sized
sugar bush. Large house; good-sized L; 12 rooms; good repair.
Good-sized barn in fair repair. Stone wall and wood fences in
good condition. Good water supply. Several apple trees and a
few other fruit trees. Railroad station, Winsted, Conn. ; post-
office, New Boston, 3 miles. Price, $1,300; cash at sale, $800;
interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, Joseph H. Norton,
Winsted, Conn.
Farm of 100 acres: mowing, 25; pasture, 60; woodland, 15;
suitable for cultivation, 30. About 15 acres of the grass can be
cut with a machine. Sugar bush, 40 trees. Two-story house,
18x38; L, 16x25, with wood-house attached; 12 rooms; in good
repair. Barn, 30x40; barn, 26x36 ; wagon-house, 18x24; in good
repair. Mostly fenced with stone wall. Good well under cover.
Fifty apple, 1 cherry and 3 young pear trees. Railroad station,
Lee, 14 miles, Winsted, Conn., 16 miles; post-office, Montville,
2 miles. Price, $800; cash at sale, $400; interest on balance, 6
per cent. Address, P. M. Fowler, Winsted, Conn.
Farm of 96 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 40; woodland, 22;
suitable for cultivation, between 35 and 40. About half the grass
can be cut with a machine. Sugar bush, 1,100 trees. House,
26x36; L, 16x24; 7 rooms; poor repair. Barn, 24x36, fair repair,
with cellar. Stone wall and wire fence in good condition. Good
water supply from both well and spring. One hundred and twenty
apple and 9 pear and plum trees. Railroad station, 12 miles; post-
office, Montville, 14 miles. Price, $1,000; cash at sale, $600;
interest on balance, 5 per cent. Many of the figures given
above are estimated. Address, William J. Evans, New Boston,
* Farm of 315 acres : mowing, 100 ; pasture, 100 ; woodland, 100 ;
suitable for cultivation, 150. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 500 trees. Two-story house, 26x36; L, 20x50; 11
rooms; fairrepair. Barn, 30x50; barn, 33x41 ; barn, 28x40; barn,
80x40; barn, 20x38 ; cow-house and shed, 20x40; house and one
barn newly shingled. Mostly fenced with stone wall in fair con-
dition. Fine spring near house and running water to barn;
several springs and brooks on place, one, a fine large trout brook.
Two hundred apple and some pear, quince, plum, cherry and peach
trees, and grape vines. Price, $1,500. Railroad station, Win-
sted, Conn., 12 miles ; post-office, New Boston, 2 miles. Address,
Joseph N. Belden, Bridgeport, Conn.
Farm of 200 acres: mowing, about 50; pasture, 100; wood-
land, about 50; suitable for cultivation, 100. Grass can be cut
* Not certified to.
with a machine. House, 24x40, 5 rooms, fair repair. Two
barns, 20x80 and 40x60, good repair. Barbed wire and rail
fences. Well, brooks and springs. Old orchards of little value.
Railroad station, Washington, 14 miles; post-office, Washington
or Becket, 13 miles. Price, $1,500; cash at sale, $700; interest
on balance, 6 per cent. Land good but run down. Ten thou-
sand feet of logs cut and ready for taking to mill, which is only
4 mile from wood lot. Address, John Corkhill, Pittsfield, Mass.
Farm of 200 acres: mowing, 75; pasture, 75; woodland, 50;
suitable for cultivation, 50. About one-half of the grass can be
cut with a machine. Nearly 200 scattering maple trees but not a
regular bush. One and one-half story, se, 28x26; L, 30x15,
including woodshed ; 7 rooms ; fai 4% wo barns, each 38x28,
both in good repair. Sf wall wooden fence in fair con-
dition. Excellent Yer at both barn and house. Two
hundred to 300 a i) eats Railroad station, Becket, 4 miles;
post-office, Becket, 4 miles. Price, $900; cash at sale, $300;
interest on balance, 6 per cent. Own another farm of 150 acres
adjoining, with good house and two barns, which $800 will buy.
Address, Patrick Dinan, Becket, Mass.
Farm of 200 acres: mowing, 40; woodland, 50; suitable for
cultivation, 30. Grass can be cut with a machine. Sugar bush,
250 trees. House of 18 rooms in good repair. Large barn in
fair repair. Mostly fenced with stone wall in good condition.
Well with pipe to house. @ M6 es, Plymouth, 8 miles; post-office,
Carver Centre, 1 mile. Price, $1,200; cash at sale, $100; interest
on balance, 5 per cent. Address, Henry W. Moulton, No. 103
State St., Boston, Mass.
Farm of 25 acres: mowing, 4; pasture, 10; woodland, 11; suit-
able for cultivation, 14. Grass can be cut with a machine. House,
25x30, 8 rooms, fair repair. Bar in fair repair. Rail
fence in poor cong na: ell. 418935. trees. Railroad
station, Tremont, ; Bost-office, South Carver, 2 miles.
Price, $600; cash at sale, $300; interest on balance, 6 per cent.
Address, William A. Shaw, South Middleborough, Mass.
Farm of 12 acres: mowing, 6; pasture, 54; woodland, 4;
suitable for cultivation, 114. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 33x86; L, 20x20; 12 rooms; fair repair. arn, 16x45,
with L, 12x18; in poor repair, with oy ences, half
in good repair, balance_in Sot PEB gion. =f at house and
barn. Nin oe ue Ti and 6 small pear trees, besides
grape vine i
ad station, Marshfield, 3 miles; post-office,
North Duxbury, 14 miles. Price, $1,200, all in cash. Address,
Henry H. Lewis, North Duxbury, Mass.
Farm of 8§ acres: mowing, 3; pasture, 4; suitable for cultiva-
tion, 8g. Grass can be cut with a machine. Large cottage with
medium-sized L; 7 rooms; in very good repair. Barn, 20x30, in
good repair. Fences in poor condition. Very good water supply.
Eighteen apple and 3 other fruit trees. Railroad station, Island
Creek, 2 miles; post-office, Island Cre Ge iles. Two poultry
houses. This place is pecyliagly ada’ 40 A erniry, being from
fifteen to twenty see O § nai other places within a few
miles. Price, $1,0 cash at sale, $500; interest on balance, 6
per cent. Address, John A. Shaw, Ayer, Mass.
Farm of 10 acres; mowing, 4; pasture, 6; suitable for cultiva-
tion, 10. Grass can be cut with a machine. Good-sized ‘* Cape
Cod house” with small L; 5 rooms; in good re mall barn,
not in very good repair, with cellar. Fence qe0 €ondition.
Well, brook and spring o sari a tieen a> 4 peach and 10
pear trees. ax uth Duxbury, 14 miles. Post-
office, cee a 14 miles. Especially adapted to poultry
raising. Price, $1,500, all in cash. Address, Chas. A. Harris,
Duxbury, Mass.
Farm of 7 acres: mowing, 7; suitable for cultivation, 5. Grass
can be cut with a machine. House, 30x40, 15 rooms. Barn,
30x20, in fair repair. Wooden OS: sect water supply.
Eight apple trees. gaya : post-office, Halifax,
2miles. Price, $4 sale, $200; interest on balance, 6
percent. Wintuxet River borders on one side of farm. Address,
Celie Willis, Eastondale, Mass.
Farm of 20 acres: mowing, 10; pasture, 7; woodland, 3; suit-
able for cultivation, 14. Grass can be cut witha machine. House,
30x35; L, 8x12; 12 rooms; fair repair. Barn, 30x34, in good
repair. Post and rail fence in good condition. Good well.
Twenty apple and 4 pear a: eet) fation, Bridgewater,
44 miles ; post-office, Hali The house is old fash-
ioned, two-story fr Sen, back. Price, $700; cash at
sale, $300; interest On balance, 6 per cent. Will sell house, barn
and six acres of good mowing land for $500; $200 down and $300
to remain on mortgage. Address, Sylvanus Bourne, Halifax,
Farm of 65 acres: mowing, 15; woodland, 30 acres; part young
growth; suitable for cultivation, 10. Grass can be cut with a
machine. House, 30x36; L, 20x30; two-story; 11 rooms; quite
good repair. Barn, 30x40, in poor repair. Post and rail fence in
poor condition. Good water supply. Twenty-five apple and some
pear trees. Railroad station, Titicut, 3 miles; post-office, Halifax,
9 miles. Price, $1,100, all in cash. Address, Harriett N. Cobb,
Middleborough, Mass.
Farm of 75 acres: mowing, 14; pasture, 25; woodland, 7;
suitable for cultivation, 25. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Two-story house, 36x24; one-story L, 28x16; 10 rooms; good
repair. Barn, 58x34; carriage-house d, 24x40; also shed,
59x11. There is a barn c in is in fair repair.
Stone wall and oS et not in very good condition.
Good well. Water hrough farm its entire length. Twenty-
five apple trees. Railroad station, Hanover, 2 miles. Post-
office, Hanover, 2 miles. Price, $2,750; cash at sale, $1,000;
interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address, Sarah T. Curtis,
Hanover, Mass.
* Farm of 171 acres: mowing, 10; pasture, 61; woodland, 100;
suitable for cultivation, 71. Grass can _beacut with a machine.
Large house, large L, sink roows, go “Large barn, not in
very good repair. Sot qin i he condition. Good water
supply. Twenty-sik“apple and 1 other fruit tree. Railroad
station, West Hanover, 1 mile; post-office, West Hanover, 1 mile.
Price, $4,800, all in cash. Address, Mary Emma Litchfield, West
Hanover, Mass.
Farm of 50 acres: woodland, 15; the remainder about equally
divided between pasturage and land suitable for cultization. Two-
story house, 10 rooms. 2 miles. Besides the
buildings mentione 3 Henneries, 4 carriage-sheds and
a work-shop. one level and free from stones and in a
high state of cultivation. Price, $2,000; cash at sale, $1,000;
interest on balance, 6 per cent. There are 60 acres of pasture
and woodland near by that can go with this place for $1,000 extra.
Address, Winslow Pratt, Middleborough, Mass.
New BraInrreEe.
Farm of 125 acres: mowing, 60; pasture, 50; woodland, 10;
suitable for cultivation, 5. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 50x50; L, 16x20; 10 rooms; repair. No barn.
Stone wall, rail and aks -wire 489) wo springs and a
brook. Sixty appl picks Railroad station, North
Brookfield, 4 milo ae, i Braintree, 1 mile. Price,
$2,000; cash at sale, $500; interest on balance, 5 per cent.
Address, Edgar E. Fay, Worcester, Mass.
Farm of 1834 acres: mowing, 25; pasture, 50; woodland, 55;
suitable for cultivation, 35. Most of the grass can be cut witha
machine. Sugar bush, 50 trees. House, 86x36; L, 16x20; 12
rooms; fair repair. Barn, 30x50, 4 pair. Three-fourths
fenced with stone io} il and” brush fence. Three good
‘wells. Thirty-five Ss rees and a few small peach trees and
grape vines. Railroad station, Athol, 84 miles; post-office, Rich-
mond, N. H1., 34 miles. School, 60 rods. Price, $1,000, all in
cash. Address, Chauncey Kellogg, Athol, Mass.
Farm of 130 acres: mowing, 35; pasture, 40; woodland, 55;
suitable for cultivation, 35. Thirty acres of grass can be cut with
a machine. One and one-half story house, 16x20, 6 rooms, fair
repair. Barn, 30x40, fair repair. Stone wall and fence in fair
condition. Good water supply. Seventy-five apple trees of bear-
ing age and numerous small ones. Railroad station, Becket,
34 miles; post-office, Becket, 34 miles. Price, $800; cash at sale,
$500; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Will sell tools and crop.
Address, Thomas Killian, Becket, Mass.
Farm of 279 acres: mowing, 100; pasture, 100; woodland, 79 ;
suitable for cultivation, 50. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 300 trees. House, 40x28; L, 56x24; 16 rooms;
good repair. Two barns, 28x38 and 43x18, good repair, sheds
attached. Rail fence and stone wall in good condition. Running
water at house, springs at barn. One hundred apple and 9 other
fruit trees. Railroad station, Hinsdale, 1 mile; post-office, Hins-
dale, 1 mile. Price, $5,000. House is of stone. Farm well
adapted for dairying. Address, Mrs. S. R. Russell, Hinsdale,
Farm of 130 acres: mowing, 50; pasture, 50; woodland, 30;
suitable for cultivation, 80. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 20x28; L, 12x20; 9 roo very good repair.
Two barns, 30x40, pie ir? Fences in poor condi-
tion. Water from Ss os. Potty apple trees. Railroad station,
Great Barrington, 8 miles; post-office, Monterey, 2 miles. Price,
$1,300; cash at sale, $800; interest on balance, 6 percent. Good
dairy farm, creamery, 2 miles. Address, M. S. Bidwell, Mon-
terey, Mass.
Farm of 75 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 85; woodland, 10;
suitable for cultivation, 20. Part of the grass can be cut witha
machine. Old house, of no value. No barn. Rail fences and
stone walls in poor condition. Twenty apple trees. Railroad
station, South Lee, 7 miles; post-office, Monterey, 2 miles. Price,
$500; cash at sale, $250; interest on balance, 6 per cent. High,
beautiful situation, no good road to it, one-half mile from any
house. Address, M. S. Bidwell, Monterey, Mass.
Farm of 125 acres; mowing, 50; pasture, 50; woodland, 25;
suitable for cultivation, 20. Part of the grass can be cut with a
machine. No house or barn. Fences in poor condition. Excel-
lent spring. Ten apple trees. Railroad station, South Lee, 6
miles ; post-office, Monterey, 3 miles. Price, $500; cash at sale,
$300; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Situated on main road.
Address, M. S. Bidwell, Monterey, Mass.
Farm of 145 acres: mowing, 40; pasture, 80; woodland, 25;
suitable for cultivation, 25. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 300 trees. Two-story house, 20x30; L, 10x12; 8
rooms, good repair. Barn, 20x30 ; 8; cellar under one ;
good repair. Fences in ggodjconditerr Well, spring and stream
of running water. gol trees. Railroad station, Great
Barrington, 9 miles ; “post-office, Monterey, 1 mile. Price, $1,750;
cash at sale, $1,000; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Farm now
occupied by tenant, has a dairy of eight cows, 2 horses and some
young cattle. Address, M. S. Bidwell, Monterey, Mass.
Farm of 85 acres: mowing, 40; pasture, 25; woodland, 20;
suitable for cultivation, 30. Most of the grass can be cut witha
machine. House, 30x40, 8 rooms, poor repair. Barn, 28x38,
barn cellar, fair repair. Stone wall and rail fence in fair condition.
Springs. Twenty apple trees. Railroad station, South Lee, 6
miles ; post-office, Monterey, 3 miles. Price, $500; cash at sale,
$300; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Has quantities of blue-
berries on and adjacent to it. Address, M. S. Bidwell, Monterey,
* Farm of 150 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 40; woodland, 65;
suitable for cultivation, 15. Most of the grass can be cut witha
machine. Sugar bush, 300 trees House, 24x30; L, 16x30; 6
rooms ; not very good repair. Two barns, each 26x36, comfortable
repair. Mostly pole fence in very good condition. Good well.
* Not certified to.
Thirty-five apple trees. Railroad station, Russell, 14 miles; post-
office, Otis, 5 miles. Price, $800; cash at sale, $400; interest on
balance, 5 per cent. There is timber enough, mostly pine, on the
farm to pay for the place. Address, Marshall Miller, Tolland,
Farm of 55 acres: mowing, 8; pasture, 14; woodland, 18;
suitable for cultivation, 8; unimproved, 15. Grass can be cut
with a machine. Sugar bush, 150 trees. House of 5 rooms, not
very good repair. Barn in very good repairgand large enough for
horse, 5 cows, 10 tons of hay. Feng eget: good condition.
Good well. Twent. treéS, grape vines -and currant
‘bushes. Railroad 0 augatuck, Winsted and Housatonic,
each 12 miles; post-office, South Sandisfield,1 mile. Price, $300,
allin cash. Address, Daniel Meagher, South Sandisfield, Mass.
Farm of 75 acres: mowing, 20; pasture, 30; woodland, 25;
suitable for cultivation, 25. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 300 trees. House, 36x28; L, 32x22; 15 rooms;
good repair. Barn, 30x40; good repair. Stone wall in good
condition. Eight good springs. Fifty apple, 7 plum and 2 cherry
trees. Railroad station, West Norfolk, Ct., 8 miles; post-office,
Sandisfield Centre, 13 miles. Price not given. Woodland
covered with hard wood, pine and hemlock timber. Address,
John H. Whitney, Sandisfield Centre, Mass.
Farm of 120 acres: mowing, 25; pasture, 75; woodland, 20;
suitable for cultivation, 25. Most of the grass can be cut with a
machine. Sugar bush, 35 trees. House, 24x30, 7 rooms, poor
repair. Woodhouse attached, 14x20. Barn, 24x30, barn cellar,
fair repair. Stone wall. Running water. Fifteen apple trees.
Railroad stations, Adams and Cheshire, each 43 miles ; post-office,
Savoy, 2 miles. Price, $600; cash at sale, $400; interest on
balance, 5 per cent. Address, Henry J. Bliss, Adams, Mass.
Farm of 100 acres: mowing, 12; pasture, 20; woodland, 70,
2,000 cords of standing wood ; suitable for cultivation, 12. Grass
cannot be cut with a machine. Sugar bush of many trees. Forty
thousand feet of spruce, hemlock and sofm lumber. One-story
house, 32x20, 7 rooms, po 2 26x36, good repair.
Rail and brush feygé. ing Water from unfailing spring.
Thirty apple trees. Si road station, Adams, 43 miles; post-office,
Savoy Centre, 2 miles. Price, $1,000; cash at sale, $700; inter-
est on balance, 5 percent. Address, Henry J. Bliss, Adams, Mass.
* ‘WInpsor.
Farm of 130 acres: mowing, 35; pasture, 55; woodland, 40;
suitable for cultivation, 20. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 200 trees. House, 34x24; L, 16x14; 13 rooms; good
repair. Barn, 52x30, barn cellar, good Ae Stone wall and
wire fence. Well at house, spring a 4c Aixer through pasture.
Three hundred apple trees. . Railro tion, Hinsdale, 9 miles ;
post-office, West Cuganj g neha Price, $800; cash at sale,
$550; interest on b e, 6 percent. A large wood lot on the
north and west of house, row of maples leading to house beside
the road, large pine and beech in front of house. Out-buildings
in good repair. Address, Charles F. Mason, West Cummington,
Farm of 160 acres: mowing, 60; pasture, 70; woodland, 30;
suitable for cultivation, 40. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 120 trees. House, 24x30; 14x24; 9 rooms; fair
repair. Two barns, kes ew bee, very fair repair.
Mostly fenced with wre, ae water at barns, well at
house. Seventy-fiv@ipple a Railroad stations, Dalton and
Hinsdale, 8 miles each; post-office, Windsor, 14 miles. Price,
$1,600; cash at sale, $600; interest on balance, 4 per cent.
Address, Wm. P. Francis, Hinsdale, Mass.
Farm of 50 acres: mowing, 8; and 6 acres of swale in pasture ;
pasture, 36; woodland, 6; suitable for cultivation, 44. Grass can
be cut with a machine. There is a new barn. Stone wall.and
barbed-wire fence in good condition. Good water supply. Twenty
apple trees. Railroad station, Chartley, 15 miles; post-office,
Chartley, 14 miles. Price, $850; cash at sale, $300; interest on
balance, 5 per cent. There is pine timber enough on it to build a
house, and several acres of market wood. There is a four-tenement
house across the road from this farm where one could get a tene-
ment cheap. Address, Diana L. B. Perry, Attleborough, Mass.
Farm of 60 acres: mowing, 5; pasture and woodland, 45; suit-
able for cultivation, 10. Grass cannot be cut with a machine.
No house or barn. Stone wall in good condition. Good water
supply. Fifteen apple trees. Railroad station, Chartley, 4 miles ;
post-office, North Rehoboth, 1 mile. Price, $500; cash at sale,
$250; interest on balance, 5 per cent. There are a number of
acres of cedar on it, some of which is large enough for shingles, and
a hundred cords of wood suitable for market. The pasture is very
sweet feed. Address, Diana L. B. Perry, Attleborough, Mass.
Farm of 70 acres: mowing, 18; pasture, 40; woodland, 10;
suitable for cultivation, 18. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 20 trees. House, 30x40, 4 rooms, fair repair. Two
barns, one 30x40, one 24x30, fair repair. Rail, stone and wire
fences in good condition. Good running water at house and barn.
Fifty apple and some peach and plum trees. Railroad station,
Bernardston, 2 miles; post-office, Bernardston, 2 miles. Price,
$1,100; cash at sale, $600 ; interest on balance, 6 percent. Within
2 miles of churches, free library, schools and high school. Address,
M. V. Davenport, Bernardston, Mass.
* Farm of 125 acres: mowing, 10; pasture, 25; woodland, 90;
suitable for cultivation, 10. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 150 trees. House, x rooms, poor repair.
Barn, 40x60, poor repair. Rail 48 fence and stone wall.
Good water suppl ple“trees. Railroad station, Shel-
burne Falls, 4 mil®s’; post-oftice, Shattuckville, 2 miles. Price,
$600; cash at sale, $300; interest on balance, 44 per cent.
School, 14 miles. Address, R. F. Davenport, Shattuckville, Mass.
Farm of 100 acres: mowing, 25; pasture, 50; woodland, 25;
suitable for cultivation, 25. Nearly all the grass can be cut with
a machine. Two-story house, 30x36; L, 450 ig. rooms ; fair
repair. Barn, 60x30, barn cellar, fair rea one wall and
railfence. Two ee wells gua Bar trees. Railroad station,
Orange, 2 stp ee Orange, 2 miles. Price, $1,200; cash
at sale, aN Seat ¢ on balance, 6 per cent. Two miles from
stores and churches. Trout brook running through farm. Address,
James M. Lee, Athol Centre, Mass.
* Not certified to.
Farm of 185 acres : mowing, 60; pasture, 75 ; woodland, 50 ; suit-
able for cultivation, 40. About three-fourths of the grass can be
cut with a machine. Sugar bush, 900 trees. House, 24x30; L,
16x30; 8 rooms; good repair inside, wants *s . Barn,
30x40; L, 20x30; barn cellar; goo air. ne wall and wire
3 ts §
fence in good conditjon water at house and barn.
Numerous NTS good pear and peach trees. Railroad
station, Zoar, iles ; post-office, Rowe, 14 miles. Price, $1,500,
all in cash. Farm somewhat broken and stony, but warm and well
sheltered. Good roads. Address, C. B. Newell, Rowe, Mass.
Farm of 160 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 100; woodland, 30;
suitable for cultivation, 30. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 400 trees. House, 24x36 ; 24; 7 rooms; com-
fortable repair. Barn, 30x40; L; OS eo ccsue repair.
Mostly fenced with sjaye 1a. unfling water at house and barn.
Two hundred apple ‘S other fruit trees. Railroad station, 1
mile ; post-office, Monroe Bridge, 1 mile. Price, $800; cash at
sale, $400; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address, Crosby A.
Perry, Monroe Bridge, Mass.
* Farm of 100 acres: mowing, 25; pasture, 50; woodland, 25 ;
suitable for cultivation, 15. Part of the grass can be cut with a
machine. Sugar bush, 200 trees. Old house in fair repair.
Large barn, barn cellar, good repair. Mostly fenced with stone
wall. Running water at house and barn. . Young grafted apple
trees and plenty of other fruit trees. Railroad station, Huntington,
4 miles; post-office, Littleville,i mile. Price, $900; cash at sale,
$200; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, M. R. Fisk,
Huntington, Mass.
Farm of 105 acres: mowing, 46; pasture, 47; woodland, 12;
suitable for cultivation, 30. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 28x38; L, 16x18; Ogoomeg GO Geir. Barn, 60x38,
barn cellar, good ref¥yO mge house, hog house, hen house,
ice house, etc. Stone wall and rail fence in fair condition. Good
running water at house and barn. Ninety apple, 6 pear, 17 plum,
* Not certified to.
4 peach trees, currant bushes and grape vines. Young apple
orchard in addition. Railroad station, Southbridge, 9 miles;
post-office, Holland, 3 mile. Price, $1,600; cash at sale, $600;
interest on balance, 5 percent. Land is level and free from stone.
Good trout brook on farm. Only } mile from church, school and
town hall. Address, Mary J. Blodgett, Fiskdale, Mass.
Farm of 125 acres: mowing, 25; woodland, 50; pasture, 50;
suitable for cultivation, 25. Half of the grass can be cut witha
machine. Sugar bush, 408 trees. House, 20x28, 4 rooms, poor
repair. Barn, 28x35, poor repair. Stone wall and pole fence in
good condition. Well. Fifty apple trees. Railroad station,
Chester and Becket, each 14 miles; post-office, Tolland, 3 miles.
Price, $400; cash at sale, $100; interest on balance, 6 per cent.
Address, C. N. Marshall, Tolland, Mass.
* Farm of 160 acres; mowing, 30; pasture, 40; woodland, 60;
suitable for cultivation, 20. Most of the grass can be cut with a
machine. Sugar bush, 800 trees. House, 26x30, 7 rooms, com-
fortable repair. Barn, 26x30, very good repair. Shed, 16x20.
Stone wall and board fence. Good well. Twenty-five apple trees.
Railroad station, Winsted, Ct., 12 miles; post-office, Tolland, 1
mile. Price, $600; cash at sale, $300; interest on balance, 5 per
cent. Address, Marshall Miller, Tolland, Mass.
Farm of 100 acres: mowing, 35; pasture, 40; woodland, 30;
suitable for cultivation, 30. All but 4 or 5 acres of the grass can
be cut with a machine. Small, unfinished cottage, planned for 5
rooms and basement. Barn, 30x40; barn, popAeott in good
repair. Stone wall and rail fence, part in ondition, part in
poor. Six wells of first-class w eOne hundred apple and a
few plum and pear tr Psthoad station, Monson, 6 miles;
post-office, W: ~ Price, $1,200; cash at sale, $600;
interest on , 6 per cent. Two ice houses. Place on shore
of lake. Two brooks, never dry. House can be put in living
shape for $200. Large house sold with place if desired for $1,400.
Address, Rev. Harlan P. Smith, Waltham, Mass.
Farm of 20 acres: mowing, 10; pasture and woodland, 10;
suitable AMF ith? ph : Sart S3O h a machine.
Story and 2 Hal , ¥ Aes on : =40x50, barn
cellar, needs some repairs. Rail fence and stone wall in fair condi-
* Not certified to.
tion. Good well and running brook. Thirty apple, 3 quince, 4
cherry and 1 crab-apple tree and grape vines. Railroad station,
Monson, 6 miles; post-office, Wales, } mile. Price, $800; cash
at sale, $400; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Can sell more land
with place if desired. Place situated on beautiful lake. School
and town house in sight. Address, Rev. Harlan P. Smith,
Waltham, Mass.
Farm of 86 acres: mowing, 40; pasture, 46; woodland, 10;
suitable for cultivation, 40. Grass can be cut with a machine.
‘One-story house, 24x24; L, one story, 24x15; 7 rooms; good
repair. Barn, 24x36 ; barn, 15x30 ; barn cellars ; comfortable repair.
Wagon house, 12x15, with cellar. Stone wall in good condition.
Well at house and barn. Twenty-five apple and a few plum trees.
Railroad station, West Ware, 10 rods; post-office, Belchertown, 4
miles. Price, $1,800; cash at sale, $1,000; interest on balance,
6 per cent. Swift River 8 rods from house and large paper mill
on the other bank. Church,.4 mile distant. Address, Mrs. H. R.
‘Shaw, Windsor, Mass.
HO. iisTon.
Farm of 4 acres: suitable for cultivation, 2. House, 28x38,
8 rooms, good repair, bath room, attic and basement. Barn,
20x28, barn cellar, good repair. Wire fences. Well with wind
engine. Three apple trees and about 40 other fruit trees. Rail-
road station, East Holliston, 2 minutes’ walk; post-office, East
Holliston, 2 minutes’ walk. Price, $2,800; cash at sale, $1,000;
interest on balance, 6 per cent. Good poultry farm with the best
of drainage. Address, Mrs. F. E. Dyer, East Holliston, Mass.
Farm of 200 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 30; woodland, 140;
suitable for cultivation, 30. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 32x20; L, 30x16; 11 rooms; go epair. Barn, 56x50,
barn cellar, good repair. Stgne wal, @ wood fences in fair
condition. Three | ‘1 istern“and 2 brooks. Fifty apple
trees. Railroad sfrtion, East Billerica, 1 mile; post-office,
East Billerica, 1 mile. Price, $5,000; cash at sale, $2,500;
interest on balance, 5 percent. Address, Z. P. Foster, Tewksbury,
Farm of 73 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 25; woodland, 18;
suitable for cultivation, 40. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, two story, 28x34; L, 14x28, one and one-half story; L,
14x28, one and one-half story; 20 rooms; good repair. House,
one and one-half story, 24x32; L, one and one-half story, 14x16;
8 rooms; good repair. House, one and one-half story, 30x30; L,
one story, 14x14; 10 rooms; good repair. House, one and
one-half story, 22x30; 7 rooms; good repair. Barn, 40x60,
barn cellar, good repair. Stone walls and wood fences in
good condition. Wells at all houses, and running water in
first two houses and barn. Sixty apple, 6 pear and 12 plum
trees. Railroad station, S. Bellingham, 14 miles; post-office,
S. Bellingham, 1} miles, Woonsocket, R. I., 2 miles. Price,
$7,000; cash at sale, $5,000; interest on balance, 6 per cent.
Handsome shade trees, good roads and low taxes. Address,
Edwin C. Wilcox, 29 Milk St., Boston, Mass.
Farm of 8% acres: mowing, 6; pasture, 24; suitable for cul-
tivation, 7. Grass can be cut with a machine. House, 23!x30 3.
L, 14x24; 8 rooms; good repair. Barn, 20x24, good repair.
Stone wall in fair condition. Good water supply from well and
spring. Thirty apple, 1 pear and 2 cherry tree ad station,
East Millis, 4 mile, Millis, 4 mile; post- * Millis, 4 mile;
+ mile from church and store. i 700; cash at sale, $1,00Q;
interest on balane ; », semi-annual. Elm shade trees,
grape vinegar gooseberries. Situated on main road
within from 40 to 70 rods of large manufacturing establishments,
sheet iron, copper, tin, boots and shoes, lead and brass works.
About 700 men employed. Five trains a day each way. Sixty
good building lots of from 10,000 to 12,000 feet each on the farm.
Place building up rapidly. Address, H. M. Bullock & Co., 325
Washington St., Boston, Mass., or S. G. Burton, 125 6th Avenue,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Farm of 2 acres: mowing, 1; sprout land, 1; suitable for cul-
tivation, 1. Grass can be cut with a machine. One and one-half
story house, 24x45; one-story L, 11x14; 8 rooms; good repair.
Barn, 25x60, barn cellar, good repair. Store house and shed, 18x36.
Stone wall in fair condition. Good wells. Eighteen apple and 5
other fruit trees. Railroad stations, Ashburnham and North Ash-
burnham, 34 miles; post-offices, Ashburnham and North Ashburn-
ham, 33 miles. Price, $750; cash at sale, $250, or less if well
secured ; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, Daniel Ellis,
Jr., Ashburnham, Mass.
Farm of 100 acres: mowing, 18; pasture, 30; woodland, 40;
suitable for cultivation, 30. Most of the Ro be cut with a
machine. Sugar bush, 100 trees. No 469 fn, 30x50;
barn cellar; good repai oe anf stone wall. Never-
failing well ik and several pear trees. Railroad
station, Wiki Ms » 2 miles; post-office, Barre, 24 miles ; Wil-
liamsville, 2 miles. Price, $1,200; cash at sale, $700; interest
on balance, 6 per cent. Address, E. W. Bates, Barre, Mass.
Farm of 52 acres: mowing, 12; pasture, 20; woodland, 12;
suitable for cultivation, 30. Nearly all the grass can be cut with
a machine. House, 18x30; L, 14x30; 14 rooms; very good
repair. Two barns, 26x38 and 26x40; barn cellars; one in good
the other in poor repair; silo in one. Wire fence in good and rail
fence in poor condition. Wells at house and one barn, and brook.
Twelve apple, 1 pear and 2 plum trees. Railroad station, Still
River, 1 mile; post-office, Still River Village, 2 miles. Price,
$1,500; cash at sale, $1,000; interest on balance, 6 per cent.
Five or six acres of muck land which can be made very valuable
by draining. Creamery } mile and school 1 mile. Address, E. W.
Carr, Lancaster, Mass.
Farm of 11 acres: mowing, 10}; suitable for cultivation, 103.
Grass can be cut with a machine. House, 42x36; L, 25x15; 12
rooms ; excellent repair. Barn, 4 Q02? cellar, good repair.
Barn, 20x20, good repair. Carving %5x14. Stone walls
and wire fence in goo n istern in house, well outside,
pump in barn. Ab ple and 10 other fruit trees. Railroad
station, Hopedale, 14 miles; post-office, Mendon, 4 mile. Price,
$4,100; cash at sale, $1,500; interest on balance, 5 per cent.
Modern improvements, steam heat, etc., in house. Beautiful shade
trees, lawns and shrubbery about the house. Has been used as a
gentleman’s residence, and everything is in good repair. Seventeen
acres of woodland 1 mile away can go with place if wanted, at
$600. Address, Gustavus B. Williams, Milford, Mass.
Farm of 36 acres: mowing, 17; pasture, 13; woodland, 53;
suitable for cultivation, 19. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 22x30, 7 rooms, good repair. orch with woodhouse
attached. Barn, 30x50, quite a9 Q ®. Stone walls need
some repairs. ‘Two we : spwags. Fourteen apple, 13 pear
and 2 plum trees station, Hopedale, 84 miles; post-
office, Mendon, 1£ miles. Price, $1,000; cash at sale, $400;
interest on balance, 6 per cent. One-half acre of cranberry
meadow. Fine blueberry patch in pasture. Address, Mrs, H. E.
Williams, Mendon, Mass.
Farm of 240 acres: mowing, 70; pasture, 130; woodland, 40;
suitable for cultivation, 100. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 42x20; L, 42x30; 10 rooms; good repair. Barn, 50x100,
barn cellar, good repair, slated roof. Stone wall, rail and wire
fence in fair condition. Four wells and running water at house
and barn. One hundred apple and 60 pear trees, and 200 Concord
grape vines. Railroad station, West Rutland, 2} miles; post-
office, Paxton, 24 miles. Price, $8,000; cash at sale, $2,500;
interest on balance, 6 percent. Silo to hold 600 tons. Hen house
for 150 hens. Farm will cut 100 tons of timothy hay. Address,
I. N. Keyes, Worcester, Mass.
* Farm of 45 acres: mowing, 5; pasture, 28; woodland, 12;
suitable for cultivation, 7. Three-fourths of the grass can be cut
with a machine. House, 24x32; L, 14x24; 9 rooms; good repair.
Barn, 28x32, good repair. Stone walls. Well at house. Thirty
apple, 7 pear, 3 peach trees and 10 grape vines. Railroad station,
South Royalston, 2 miles; post-office, South Royalston, 2 miles.
Price, $550; cash at sale, $75; interest on balance, 5 per cent.
Address, C. S. Petteplace, South Royalston.
Farm of 90 acres: mowing, 22; pasture, 50; woodland, 18;
suitable for cultivation, 30. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 30 trees. House, 98x36; L, 16x20; 10 rooms; fair
repair. Barn, 30x75, fair repair. Stone wall, wire and wood
* Not certified to.
fence. Good water supply. Seventy-five apple and some pear
trees and grapevines. Railroad station, Athol, 6 miles; post-office,
Phillipston, 14 miles. Price, exclusive of pine timber, $1,100; cash
at sale, $600; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Fine shade trees
around house. Address, Philastus Powers, Phillipston, Mass.
Farm of 200 acres: mowing, 45; pasture, 140; woodland, 15;
suitable for cultivation, 50. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 24x30; L, 17x40; 12 rooms; good repair. Barn, 36x70,
barn cellar, fair repair. Stone wall, rail and wire fences in good
condition. Three wells and running water at house and barn.
Fifty apple, 20 peach and some plum and pear trees. Railroad
station, Rutland, 23 miles; post-office, Rutland, 2 miles. Price,
$6,000; cash at sale, $2,000; interest on balance, 6 per cent.
Silo to hold 400 tons. Hen house for 450 hens. Address, I. N.
Keyes, Worcester, Mass.
Farm of 30 acres: mowing, 10; pasture, 7; woodland, 13;
suitable for cultivation, 10. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 20x40; L, 10x16; 5 rooms; very good repair. Barn,
24x40, good repair. Stone wall in good condition. Good well.
Forty-five apple, 1 plum, 3 peach, 10 pear and 1 crab-apple tree.
Railroad station, Charlton Depot, 24 miles; post-office, Charlton
Depot, 24 miles. Price, $1,200; cash at sale, $500; interest on
balance, 5 per cent. Woodland covered with good wood and
lumber. An early vegetable farm. Address, B. C. Dustin, 223
Trumbull St., Worcester, Mass.
Farm of 111 acres: mowing, 15; pasture, 45; woodland, 46;
suitable for cultivation, 20. Most of the grass can be cut with a
machine. House, 30x41; L, 12x31; 9 rooms; comfortable repair.
Barn, 31x63, barn cellar, very good BIS ere and hennery,
12x42. Stone walls in fai ditios ells at house and barn,
springs and brook ing Seventy-five apple, 4 peach and 8
peartrees. Railroad®tation, Charlton Depot, 3 miles ; post-office,
Charlton Depot, 3 miles. Price, $1,800; cash at sale, $1,000;
interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address, Olen McNoll, Charlton
Depot, Mass.
Farm of 25 acres: mowing, 10; pasture, 5; young woodland,
10; suitable for cultivation, 15. Grass can be cut with a machine.
One and one-half story house, 20x30 ; 5 roo fair repair. Barn,
30x36, barn cellar, very good repa 19 Aeerse, 10x15. Stone
wall in very good conditi ey Twenty apple and 10
other fruit trees. wo Roe Westborough and Upton, 34
miles; post-offices estborough and Upton, 33 miles. Price,
$700; cash at sale, $200; interest on balance, 6 per cent.
Address, Francis D. Cobb, 158 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.
Farm of 155 acres: mowing, 40; pasture, 85; woodland, 30;
suitable for cultivation, 25. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 400 trees. House, 26x30; L, 80x20; 12 rooms;
very good repair. Barn, 36x46 ; barn ce ar; good repair. Stone
wall and rail fence in ak ea cas water. One hun-
dred and twenty-five i er fruit trees. Railroad sta-
tion, Hinsdale, eee Hinsdale, 2 miles. Price,
$2,800; cash at sffe, oh »200; interest on balance, 5 per cent.
Good school very near. Address, Mrs. D. F. Benson, Hinsdale,
Farm of 70 acres: mowing, 20; pasture, 35; woodland, 15;
suitable for cultivation, 15. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 26x80; L, 20x30; 15 rooms; not in very good repair.
Barn, 36x40; barn cellar; fair repair. Rail fence and stone wall
in poor condition. Water from spring. Fifty apple and 15 other
fruit trees.. Railroad station, Washington, 1 mile; post-office,
Washington, 1 mile. Price, $900; cash at sale, $300; interest on
balance, 6 per cent. Near school-house, church and good neigh-
borbood. Address, Jennie C. Bowen, Hinsdale, Mass.
Farm of 145 acres: mowing, 50; pasture, 65; woodland, 10;
suitable for cultivation, 40. Forty acres of grass can be cut with
a machine. Sugar bush, 140 trees. House, 9: 4; L, 18x28;
9 rooms; good repair, Barn, 20x30; bar. 4 BO arn, 30x35;
barn cellar under one; fair ee gene 1 and fences in fair
condition. Well at h 9 One hundred apple trees.
Railroad sta % ve nie: poatoltive, Hinsdale, 2 miles.
Price, $1 wah at sale, $800; interest on balance, 5 per cent.
School, 3 minutes’ walk distant. Address, Charles F. Fischer,
Hinsdale, Mass.
New Mar.porovueu.
* Farm of 135 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 60; woodland, 45;
suitable for cultivation, 60. Nearly all the grass can be cut with
amachine. Sugar bush, 70 trees. Cottage house, 28x26; L,
14x24; 9 rooms; good repair. Horse barn, 20x30; hay barn,
30x40; good repair. Fences in fair condition. Never-failing
spring at house. One hundred and forty apple trees and an
abundance of plum, pear, cherry trees and grapevines. Railroad
station, Norfolk, Conn., 5 miles; post-office, Southfield, 2 miles.
Price, $3,000; cash at sale, $1,500; interest on balance, 5 per
cent. Address, L. D. Alling, Southfield, Mass.
Farm of 90 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 20; woodland, 15;
suitable for cultivation, 25. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 24x36; 7rooms. Barn, 28x40; good repair. Wire fence,
in good condition. Four springs. Seventy-five apple, 3 cherry
and 5 pear trees. Railroad station, Sheffield, 2 miles ; post-office,
Sheffield, 2 miles. Price, $900, on easy terms; interest on bal-
ance, 6 percent. Address, John O’Hara, Great Barrington, Mass.
Farm of 140 acres: mowing, 16; pasture, 108; woodland, 1;
suitable for cultivation, 20. Fourteen acres of grass can be cut
with a machine. House, 24x27; L, 12x18; 12 rooms; fair re-
pair. Barn, 27x40; barn cellar; fair repair. Mostly fenced
with stone wall, in good repair. Brooks and springs. Thirty
apple and 5 other fruit trees. Railroad station, Woods Holl, 18
miles; steamboat, 10 miles; post-office, Squibnocket, 14 miles.
Price, $5,000; cash at sale, $3,000; interest on balance, 6 per
cent. Good boating and bathing facilities. Some fish and game
privileges. Address, Herman V. Mayhew, West Tisbury, Mass.
Farm of 55 acres: mowing, 14; pasture, 41; plenty of wood in
pasture; most of the pasturing can be improved for cultivation.
Grass can be cut with a machine. House, 2} story, 8 rooms, good
repair. Barn, 40x82; barn cellar; good repair. Stone wall and
* Not certified to
wire fence in good condition. Well at house, springs and brooks
in pasture. Sixty apple and some pear and peach trees. Railroad
station, 24 miles; post-office, South Byfield, 1 mile; mail-box in
front of house. Price, $2,000; cash at sale, $1,000; interest on
balance, 5 per cent. Fine cranberry meadow on the place. One-
half mile from school; 3 mile from church; 1 mile from Dummer
Academy. Address, 8. P. Hale, Box 644, Newburyport, Mass.
Ho ianp.
Farm of 1} acres: mowing, 13; suitable for cultivation, 1}.
One acre of grass can be cut with a machine. House, 14x38; L,
8x14; 5 rooms; comfortable repair. Barn, 24x30; not in good
repair. Fenced with stone wall, gf it in good repair.
Good well 50 feet from h pple, 1 large peach, and
several young pea io) Vhs trees. Railroad stations, Palmer,
Warren and Southtefige, 11 miles; post-office, Holland, 1 mile.
Price, $175; cash at sale, $50; interest on balance, 6 per cent;
will sell for $150 cash. Address Ossian Crawford, Wales, Mass.
Farm of 160 acres: mowing, 25; pasture, 80; woodland, 50;
suitable for cultivation, 25. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 15 trees. House, 24 story, 25x30; L, 1} story, 36x
45; 13 rooms; good repair. Barn, 30x50; 12-foot posts; fair
repair. Stone wall and rail fence AOU as Running
water at house and barn. i: ple and 4 peach trees.
Railroad station, i 9 8 miles; post-office, Mashapaug,
Conn., 1 mile. roa 300; cash at sale, $800; interest on
balance, 6 per cent. One mile from a noted summer resort; 6
miles from a free high school; 1 mile from churches, stores, hotel
and blacksmith shop. Good-sized pond on the place, well stocked
with pickerel. Address, Harriet Vinton, Mashapaug, Conn.
* Farm of 175 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 30; woodland, 115;
suitable for cultivation, 25. Two-thirds of the grass can be cut
with a machine. Sugar bush, 2,500 trees, 600 tubs and sugar pan.
House, 25x30; L, 25x30; 10 rooms; not in very good repair.
Barn, 25x36; horse barn and woodshed, 25x35; tolerable repair.
Pole fences in good condition. Well near the house. Fifty apple
and afew plum trees. Railroad station, Becket, 13 miles; post-
office, Tolland, 2} miles. Price, $750; cash at sale, $350; inter-
est on balance, 6 per cent. If more land is wanted will sell the
* Not certified to.
place adjoining on the north for $500. Address, Chas. N.
Marshall, Tolland, Mass.
Farm of 90 acres: mowing, 20; pasture, 40; woodland, 30;
most of it suitable for cultivation. Most of the grass can be cut
with a machine. House, 2} story; L, 1 room; 10 rooms; good ,
repair. Barn, 82x32; good repair. Stone walls in good condi-
tion. Well and springs. Twenty-five apple trees. Railroad
station, Acton and Montreal, 2 miles; post-office, Dunstable, 2
miles. Price, $2,500; cash at sale, $1,250; interest on balance,
6 per cent. Address, J. A. M. Larney, 213 Middlesex Street,
Lowell, Mass.
Farm of 1} acres: suitable for cultivation, 1}. House, 18x20;
5 rooms; fair repair. No barn. A good w pple trees.
One mile from sgagl Aiawaten like; school, 1 mile;
church, oa UR ad station, Bournedale, 2 miles ; post-
office, Bournedale, 2 miles. Price, $250, all in cash. Address,
Alvin E. Nightingale, Bournedale, Mass.
Farm of 80 acres: mowing, 37; pasture, 36; woodland, 7;
suitable for cultivation, 29. Grass can be cut with machine with
the exception of 8 acres of swamp grass. Sugar bush, 50 trees.
House, 36x27; two L’s, 80x14 and 14x8; 14 rooms; fair repair.
Barn, 40x60; barn cellar; fair repair. Silo, ice-house, and 'L for
carriage house and corn chamber attached. Mostly fenced with
stone wall in good condition. Well, cistern and stream. One
hundred and twenty-five apple and 40 other fruit trees. Railroad
station, Berlin and South Bolton, 1} miles; post-office, Bolton, 2
miles. There isa workshop and a 12 horse-power engine for cutting
silage, sawing wood, threshing, etc. Price, $3,600, all in cash.
Address, H. J. Wheeler,Kingston, R. I.; or A. V. Wheeler, Box
120, Hudson, Mass.
* Farm of 4 acres: mowing, 3; pasture, 1; suitable for cultiva-
tion, 3. Grass can be cut with a machine. House, 1} story, 36x
24; L, 16x14; 5 rooms; good repair. Barn, 16x24, fair repair.
Stone wall in good condition. Well at house and spring. Forty-
two bearing apple trees, 12 just set out; 2 quince, 2 cherry, 6
pear, and 5 peach trees and a lot of currant bushes. Railroad
station, Charlton Depot, 24 miles; post-office, Charlton City, 13
miles. Price, $700; cash at sale, $350; interest on balance, 5
per cent. School-house, 4 mile; church, 14 miles. House newly
painted and papered. Address, Chas. J. Miller, Charlton City,
Farm of 50 acres: mowing, 15; pasture, 25; woodland, 10;
suitable for cultivation, 40. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 50 trees. House, 24x24; L, 14x14; 8 rooms, fair
repair. Barn in good repair. Stone wall in good condition.
Well at house and another at barn. One hundred apple and many
quince, pear, plum and cherry trees. Within 10 rods of school-
house and church. Railroad station, Charlton Depot, 5 miles;
post-office, Charlton, 3 miles. Price, $1,000; cash at sale, $500;-
interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, Francis Rice, Stow,
Farm of 88 acres: about equally divided into tillage, pasturage
and woodland. Grass can be cut with a machine. House, 32x24;
L, 27x16; 12 rooms; good repair. Wood-house, carriage-house,
and hen-house attached. Barn, 42x30; barn cellar; fair repair.
Stone walls in fair condition. Never-failing well at house and barn.
Twenty-five apple and 17 other fruittrees. Railroad station, Mill-
bury, 1} miles; post-office, Millbury, 1} miles. Price, $4,000;
cash at sale, $2,000; interest on balance, 6 per cent. There is
$1,000 worth of timber and wood ready to be cut on the place.
Address, Mrs. Lydia Park, 532 Morris Avenue, Elizabeth, N. J.
Farm of 1} acres: mowing, 1}; suitable for cultivation, 13.
Grass cannot be cut with a machine. Cottage house, 5 finished
rooms; good repair. Barn, eo iain t=) Adair repair.
Stone wall in good repair. at sé. Twenty-four
apple and 6 o ee GEe irodd station, Templeton, 34
miles ; pos empleton, 2 miles. Price, $600; cash
at sale, $400; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, George
H. Stearns, East Templeton, Mass.
* Not certified to.
Farm of 20 acres: mowing, 8; woodland, 12; suitable for culti-
vation, 8. Grass can be cut with a machine. House, 38x32;
L, 22x15; 8 rooms; good repair. Barn, 29x24; poor repair.
A few wooden fences. Two cisterns for rain water. Four
apple and 6 pear trees. House fronts on a nice pond. Stage
passes four times daily, leaving the mail. School, 1 mile. Rail-
road station, West Barnstable, 3 miles; post-office, Marston’s
Mills, 1 mile. Price, $600; cash at sale, $300; interest on bal-
ance, 6 per cent. Address, John Bursley, West Barnstable,
Farm of 80 acres: mowing, 1; pasture, 65;. woodland, 15, pine
wood; suitable for cultivation, 12. House, 30x16; L, 16x20;
4 rooms; poor repair. Barn, 32x22; annex, 14x32; vegetable
cellar and cellar under annex; very good repair. Mostly fenced
with stone wall. Good well. Thirty pear trees. On the shore
of a very nice pond well stocked with pickerel and black bass.
Railroad station, Barnstable, 2 miles; post-office, Barnstable, 2
miles. Price, $1,500; cash preferred, but other arrangements
might be made. Address, R. E. Childs, Hyannis, Mass.
Farm of 8 acres: mowing, 6; pasture, 2; suitable for cultiva-
tion, 6. Grass can be cut with a machine. House, 22x30; L,
15x15; 8 rooms; good repair. Barn, 25x25; fair repair. Good
fences. Good water supply. Very few fruit trees. Railroad
station, Barnstable, 1 mile; post-office, Barnstable, 1 mile.
Price, $900; cash at sale, $450; interest on balance, 5 per cent.
Address, Esther Grace, Barnstable, Mass.
Farm of 90 acres: mowing, 15; pasture, 60; woodland, 15;
suitable for cultivation, 30. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 20x20; L, 12x15; 5 rooms; fair repair. Barn, 25x25;
barn cellar; needs shingling; shed, 10x25. Mostly fenced with
stone wall. Water from large pond. Seven apple trees. Farm
is on high land, overlooking large pond of fresh water. Railroad
station, West Barnstable, 24 miles; post-office, West Barnstable,
24 miles. Price, $700; cash at sale, $300; interest on balance,
6 per cent. Address, Edwin T. Howland, Osterville, Mass.
Farm of 54 acres: mowing, 24; pasture, 2; suitable for culti-
vation, 54. Grass can be cut with a machine. Barn, 33x30;
good repair. Mostly wooden fences, in bad condition. Good
water supply. Twelve apple and 8 pear trees. Railroad sta-
tion, West Barnstable, 14 miles; post-office, West Barnstable, 14
miles. Price, $350; cash at sale, $200; interest on balance,
5 per cent. Address, Mrs. Mary Annie Jenkins, West Barn-
stable, Mass.
Farm of 2? acre: suitable for cultivation, 2. Grass cannot be
cut with a machine. House of 10 rooms, in good repair. Barn of
good size; barn cellar; good repair. Good board fence. Water
from cistern. Twelve apple and 6 other fruit trees. Railroad
station, Orleans, 1 mile; post-office, East Orleans, 4 mile. Price,
$500, all in cash. Address, Thomas A. Atkins, Orleans, Mass.
Farm of 14$ acres: pasture, 144; suitable for cultivation, 144.
Grass can be cut with a machine. House, 234x282; L, 184x11;
10 rooms; good repair inside, poor outside. No barn. Cedar
post and rail fence, poor condition. Good water supply. Seven-
teen apple and 3 other fruit trees. Railroad station, Orleans,
2 miles; post-office, East Orleans, # mile. Price, $300, all in
cash. Address, Mrs. Icie J. Sparrow, Orleans, Mass.
Farm of 30 acres: mowing, 15; pasture, 12; woodland, 6;
suitable for cultivation, 20. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 24x28; L, 16x30; 14 rooms; good repair. Barn, 35x45;
good repair. Post and rail fence and stone wall. Cistern and
spring. Fifty apple and 25 other fruit trees. Railroad station,
West Barnstable, 2 miles; post-office, West Barnstable, 2 miles.
One acre of cranberry bog in bearing and more meadow that can
be put into cranberries. Price, $1,200; cash at sale, $600; inter-
est on balance, 6 per cent. Address, Francis R. Holway, Spring
Hill, Mass.
Farm of 70 acres: mowing, 40; pasture, 15; woodland, 4;
suitable for cultivation, 40. Grass can be cut with a machine.
One and one-half story house, 22x25; L, 29x16; 10 rooms;
excellent repair. Barn, 21x22; barn cellar; very good repair.
Wire and picket fence in good condition. Excellent spring
water. orty apple and 10 pear, peach and crab-apple trees.
Two acres of cranberry bog in good bearing condition with facil-
ities for flooding. Railroad station, East Sandwich, 4 mile;
post-office, Spring Hill, 3 mile. Price, $2,800, all in cash.
Address, Orrin H. Howland, Sandwich, Mass.
Farm of 4 acres: mowing, 14; 24 suitable for garden or
pasture. Grass can be cut with a machine. House, 20x20; L,
10x12; 3 rooms, pantry and L; good repair. Rail and wire
fence in good condition. Well in the L. Boating, bathing, etc.,
% mile distant. Near three churches, and library and school
3 mile distant. Railroad station, Yarmouth, 13 miles; post-
office, Yarmouth, 2 mile. Price, $400; cash at sale, $150;
interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, Kilburn M. Taylor,
Yarmouthport, Mass.
Farm of 375 acres: mowing, 75; pasture, 250; woodland, 50;
suitable for cultivation, 150. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 150 trees. House, 33x41; L, 20x50; 9 rooms, bath-
room and conservatory; good repair. Barn, 44x33; barn cellar;
barn, 40x30; wagon shed, 21x45; slaughter-house, 36x20; cel-
lar under; sheep sheds, with house attached; hen-house, 21x12;
all in good repair. Stone wall and wire and rail fence. Spring
water, well piped, at house and barn. One hundred and fifty
apple and 25 other fruit trees. There is also corn-house, tool-
house, ice-house, kettle-house, smoke-house, creamery and shed.
There is also a tenement-house of 8 rooms, with woodshed and
hen-house, supplied with running water. Railroad station, Dalton,
1 mile; post-office, Dalton, 1 mile. Price, $12,000; cash at sale,
$4,000; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, S. M. Ray-
mond, Hinsdale, Mass.
Farm of 150 acres: mowing, 50; pasture, 25; woodland, 25;
suitable for cultivation, 50. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 500 trees. House, 26x30; L, 24x30; 9 rooms;
good repair. Two barns, 70x40 and 28x40; two barn cellars;
good repair. Barbed-wire fence and stone walls in good condition.
Running water at house and barn. One hundred apple and some
small fruit trees. School, 4 mile; church, 2 miles. Cream taken
zat the door. Trout pond fed by spring near the house. Railroad
station, Washington, 13 miles; post-office, Washington, 14 miles.
Price, $3,000; cash at sale to suit purchaser; interest on balance,
5 per cent. Address, Stephen W. Gleason, Hinsdale, Mass.
Farm of 115 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 60; woodland, 25 ;
suitable for cultivation, 25. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 26x30; 8 rooms; not in very good repair. Barn, 36x40;
barn cellar; good repair. Rail and wire fence in good condition.
Good water supply. Fifty apple trees. Railroad station, Wash-
ington, 1 mile; post-office, Washington, 1 mile. Near school and
eburch. Price, $1,200; cash at sale, $600; interest on balance,
5 per cent. Address, C. W. Goodrich, Hinsdale, Mass.
Farm of 250 acres: mowing, 40; pasture, 110; woodland, 100;
suitable for cultivation, 35. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 36x40; 8 rooms; good repair. Barn, 40x60; barn,
30x40; barn cellar, 40x60; good repair. Stone wall, wire and
rail fence. Spring water. Three hundred apple trees. Railroad
station, Hinsdale, 1 mile; post-office, Hinsdale, 1 mile. Price,
$3,000; cash at sale, $1,000; interest on balance, 5 per cent.
Address, Peter Telly, Hinsdale, Mass.
Farm of 260 acres: mowing, 50; pasture, 75; woodland, 135;
suitable for cultivation, 50. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 150 trees. House not in good repair. Small barn in
fair repair. Stone wall, rail and wire fences in fair condition.
Abundance of water. Fine spring near the house. Twenty-five
apple trees. Railroad station, Pittsfield, 5 miles; post-office,
Lanesborough, 24 miles. Price, $2,000; cash at sale, $1,000;
interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address, H. A. Reed, Lanes-
borough, Mass.
Farm of 60 acres: mowing, 25; pasture, 30; woodland, 5;
suitable for cultivation, 30. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 25 trees. Two-story house, 26x30; L, 20x30;
12 rooms; good repair. Barn, 26x40; fair repair. Stone wall,
rail and wire fence, fair condition. Good water supply. Forty
apple and some pear trees and small fruits. Overlooks Lake Gar-
field, 4 mile distant. Railroad station, Great Barrington, 9 miles ;
post-office, Monterey, 1 mile. Price, $2,000; cash at sale,
$1,000; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address, M. S. Bid-
well, Monterey, Mass.
Farm of 375 acres: mowing, 75; pasture, 175; woodland, 125,
in wood and timber; suitable for cultivation, 50. Grass cap be
cut with a machine. Sugar bush, 100 trees. Two-story house,
25x40; L, 15x30; 12 rooms; good repair. Four barns, average
size 28x36; fair repair. Stone wall and rail fence in fair con-
dition. Spring water running to house. Seventy-five apple
trees. On route of cream gatherer. Railroad station, Great Bar-
rington, 8 miles; post-office, Monterey, 14 miles. Price, $3,500;
cash at sale, $1,750; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address,
M. S. Bidwell, Monterey, Mass.
New AsHForRD.
Farm of 212 acres: mowing, 50; pasture, 50; woodland, 112;
suitable for cultivation, 60. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 100 trees. House, 20x30; 8 rooms; poor repair.
Barn, 20x40; poor repair. Rail fence in poor condition. Wells
and springs. Thirty apple and 20 other fruit trees. The wood
on the farm is worth twice the price asked. Railroad station,
Williamstown, 7 miles; post-office, New Ashford, 1 mile. Price,
$1,000; cash at sale, $500; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Ad-
dress, F. K. McLaughlin, Williamstown, Mass.
Farm of 115 acres: mowing, 25; pasture, 40; woodland, 50 ;
suitable for cultivation, 20. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 100 trees. No buildings of any value. Mostly
fenced with stone wall. Good well. Fifty apple and 3 plum
trees. Considerable pine timber. Railroad station, Chester,
10 miles; post-office, Otis, 2 miles. Price, $500; cash at sale,,
$300; interest on balance, 5 percent. Address, John E. Merritt,
West Becket, Mass.
* Farm of 200 acres: mowing, 50; pasture, 50; woodland, 100;
suitable for cultivation, 50. A portion of the grass can be cut.
with 2 machine. Sugar bush. Good sized house and L in fair
repair. Large barn in good repair. Stone wall, pole and wire
fences. A good well. Railroad station, Russell, 3 miles; post-
office, Russell, 3 miles. Price, $1,500; cash at sale, $900; inter-
est on balance, 6 per cent. Address, J. H. Norton, Winsted,
* Not certified to.
Farm of 185 acres: mowing, 40; pasture, 50; woodland, 35;
‘suitable for cultivation, 15. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Small house, 6 or 7 rooms; notin good repair. Large barn; good
repair. Stone wall and wooden fence. Fine spring brook in back
‘lot and good well near the house. Railroad station, Hinsdale,
4 miles; post-office, Peru, 4 mile. Church, school-house and
store, } mile distant. Price, $800; cash at sale, $200; interest
on balance, 6 per cent. Address, Jane E. Barber, Utica, N. Y.
Farm of 112 acres: mowing, 25; pasture, 30; woodland, 57.
‘Grass can be cut with a machine. Sugar bush, 75 trees. Old-
fashioned farm-house of 9 rooms; good repair. Barn, 25x40;
very good repair; barn, 30x60; not in very good repair. Stone
walls and wooden fences in fair condition. Spring and pumps at
house and barn. Fifty apple and 5 pear trees. Corn-house,
wagon-house and shed. A lot of cut wood in the shed. About
$500 worth of standing timber. Railroad station, Hinsdale, 14
miles; post-office, Hinsdale, 14 miles. Price, $700, all in cash.
Address; Charles R. Buckland, 135 West 23d Street, New
York, N. Y.
Farm of 117 acres: mowing, 40; pasture, 57; woodland, 20;
‘suitable for cultivation, 50. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 100 trees. House, 30x32; 8 rooms; fair repair.
Woodshed, 20x25. Barn, 32x42; good repair. Shed, 22x84.
Barbed-wire fence in good condition. Running water in lead pipe
to house and barn. One hundred apple trees, good only for cider.
Railroad station, Hinsdale, 6 miles; post-office, East Windsor,
14 miles. Price, $800. Address, Wesley A. Peirce, Chester,
Farm of 360 acres: mowing, 150; pasture, 150; woodland, 60;
suitable for cultivation, 200. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 2,000 trees. House in fair repair; 14 large rooms.
Barn, 40x50; barn cellar; good repair. Stone wall and wire fence
in poor condition. Good wells and springs. Five hundred apple
‘trees and 1 pear tree. Railroad station, Hinsdale, 6 miles; post-
-office, Peru, 38 miles. Price, $1,200; cash at sale, $800 ; interest on
balance, 8 per cent. Address, Frank Logan, Topeka, Kan.
Farm of 100 acres: mowing, 20; pasture, 40; woodland, 40;
‘suitable for cultivation, 25. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 400 trees. One and one-half story house, 30x20; L,
18x28, wood-house connected ; 9 rooms ; good repair. Two barns,.
30x36 and 28x30; barn cellar under each; good repair. Fenced
with stone wall and poles in very good condition. Well at house
and barn; two springs near by. One hundred and fifty grafted
apple trees and some pear trees. Railroad station, Lee, 10 miles;
post-office, West Otis, 14 miles. One mile from school and 14
miles from church. Price, $700, all in cash. Address, G. M.
Beach, Otis, Mass.
Farm of 250 acres: mowing, 25; pasture, 50; woodland, 150;
suitable for cultivation, 75. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Two-story house, 24x32; L, 15x20, with wood-house; 8 rooms;
good repair. Three barns, tool-room and workshop connected ;
all in good repair. Fenced with stone wall and poles. Well and
spring ; trout brook within 30 rods of house. One hundred and
fifty apple, and peach, plum and pear trees. Railroad station,
Winsted, Conn., 15 miles; post-office, New Boston, 2 miles.
From 400,000 to 500,000 feet of thrifty pine and hemlock
lumber on place, besides hard wood enough for fire-wood. Price,
$1,600 with pine, without pine, $600; half cash at sale; interest,
on balance, 6 per cent. Address, G. M. Beach, Otis, Mass.
Farm of 300 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 100; woodland, 255 ;
suitable for cultivation, 15. Half the grass can be cut with a
machine. Sugar bush, 600 trees. One and one-half story house 3.
one and one-half story L; 15 or 20 rooms; not in very good.
repair. Barn, 30x40; underground stable; almost new. Stone:
wall and brush fence, almost new. Good spring. A number of
apple trees. Railroad station, Winsted, Conn., 12 miles; post-
office, New Boston, 14 miles. Price, $800; cash at sale, $400;
interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, John A. Northway, New
‘Boston, Mass.
Farm of 275 acres: mowing, 45; pasture, 100; woodland, 135 ;
suitable for cultivation, 30. Most of the grass can be cut with a
machine. Sugar bush, 2,000 fine trees. Two-story house, 28x38 ;
L, 18x22, with wood-house connected; 14 rooms; L and wood-.
house need shingling. Barn, 25x35; barn, 28x32; barn, 28x35 ;
all in good repair. Fenced with stone wall and rails. Water
supply from spring; trout brook 15 rods from house. Three
hundred apple trees, and pears, plums and grapes. Railroad
station, Winsted, Conn., 14 miles; post-office, Otis, 4 miles.
Hard wood enough, aside from sugar bush, to pay for the farm, if
cut and put in the market. Price, $1,400; cash at sale, $1,000;
interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address, G. M. Beach, Otis,
Farm of 180 acres: mowing, 42; pasture, 100; woodland, 38 ;
suitable for cultivation, 30. Thirty-five acres of grass can be cut
with a machine. Sugar bush, 400 trees. Two and one-half story
house, 38x28; L, 24x12; 10 rooms; good repair. Barn, 25x32;
barn, 28x38; barn, 28x38; two barns in good repair. Stone
walls in good condition. Two wells and good spring. Twenty
apple and 2 pear trees. Railroad station, Norfolk, 8 miles; post-
office, Sandisfield, 1 mile. Situated on cream route, 25 miles
from creamery. Price, $1,300; cash at sale, $1,000; interest on
balance, 6 per cent. Address, John E. Clark, Sandisfield, Mass.
Farm of 140 acres : mowing, 25 ; pasture, 35 ; woodland, 80 ; suit-
able for cultivation, 35. Grass can be cut with a machine. Sugar
bush, 350 trees. Two-story house, 26x30; L, 16x16; 9 rooms;
fair repair. Barn, 24x30; barn, 26x30; both in fair repair. Stone
wall. Good well and spring close to house. Thirty apple and 4
pear trees and 1 grape vine. Fifty thousand feet of pine timber
ready to cut. Twenty acres can be flooded at slight expense, and
a trout pond, fed by spring water, made. Railroad station, Great
Barrington or Lee, 12 miles; post-office, Montville, 24 miles.
Price, $1,000 ; cash at sale, $600 ; interest on balance, 6 per cent.
Address, Hiram E. Whitney, Montville, Mass.
Farm of 255 acres: mowing, 50; pasture, 100; woodland, 90;
suitable for cultivation, 15. Most of the grass can be cut with a
machine. Sugar bush, over 200 trees. House, 24x30; L, 18x28;
11 rooms; fair repair. Barn, 30x40; barn cellar; barn, 24x28;
barn, 24x26; shed, 14x28; good repair. Stone wall and wood
fences. Good spring. Five hundred apple, 9 pear and 40 plum
trees. Railroad station, Washington, 2 miles; post-office, Wash- :
ington, 2 miles. Price, $2,300; cash at sale, $1,100; interest on
balance, 5 per cent. Address, A. K. Beach, Washington, Mass.
Farm of 200 acres: mowing, 40; pasture, 60; woodland, 100;
suitable for cultivation, 10. Most of the grass can be cut with a
machine. House of little account. Barn, 30x40; poor repair.
Fences of all kinds, in fair condition. A foreclosed mortgage
with time for redemption will prevent the giving of a clear title
until July, 1895. Railroad station, New Lenox, 4 miles; post-
office, New Lenox, 4 miles. Price, $650, all in cash. Address,
A. B. Clark, Lee, Mass.
Farm of 120 acres: mowing, 38; pasture, 60; woodland, 32;
suitable for cultivation, 830. Two-thirds of the grass can be cut
with a machine. Sugar bush, 100 trees. House, 22x26; 5
rooms; not in first-class repair. Barn, 30x36; barn cellar; fair
repair. Brush fence in poor condition. Good spring water.
Forty-five apple trees. Railroad station, Becket, 4 miles; post-
oftice, Becket, 4 miles. Price, $700; cash at sale, $350; interest
on balance, 5 per cent. Address, N. J. Conroy, North Adams,
Farm of 160 acres: mowing, 20; pasture, 110; suitable for
cultivation, 60. Grass can be cut with a machine. House,
30x20; L, 10x15; 8 rooms; tolerable repair. Barn, 30x30; poor
repair. Fences in fair condition. Water from well. Near church,
town-house and school. Railroad station, Washington, quite near ;
post-office, Washington, quite near. Price, $500; cash at sale,
$150; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address, W. R. Plunkett,
Pittsfield, Mass.
* Farm of 210 acres: mowing, 60; pasture, 60; woodland, 40;
suitable for cultivation, 30. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Large number of maples. House, 22x30; L, 20x25; 12 rooms;
good repair. ‘Two barns, in need of repairs. Stone walls and
rail fence in good condition. Good spring water running in
pipes to house. A young orchard and a number of scattered
apple trees; one pear orchard. Five hundred cords of wood
standing. Railroad station, New Lenox, 2 miles; post-office,
New Lenox, 2 miles. Price, $2,200; cash at sale, $1,000; inter-
est on balance, 5 per cent. Address, Ezra Warburton, Spring-
field, Mass.
Farm of 113 acres: mowing, 60; pasture, 30; woodland, 20;
suitable for cultivation, 75. Nearly all of the grass can be cut
with a machine. House, 25x30; 6 rooms; needs an expenditure
of about $75 to put it in good repair. No barn. Wooden fences
and stone walls in fair condition. Water from well. About 30
apple trees. Is a good hay farm. Railroad station, Dalton,
8 miles; post-office, Windsor, 8 miles. Price, $1,000; cash at
sale, $300; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, John C.
Crosby, Pittsfield, Mass.
Farm of 230 acres: mowing, 45; pasture, 100; woodland, 85 ;
suitable for cultivation, 35. Thirty-five acres of grass can be cut
with a machine. House, 38x30; L, 30x18; 10 rooms; fair
repair inside, good repair outside. Barn, 32x42; barn, 32$x26 ;
lean-to, 324x16; horse-barn, 14x28; three barn cellars; good
repair. Stone wall, wire and pole fence in good condition. Good
water supply at house and barn and pastures well watered. Thirty
apple trees. Hog-house, 234x12. There are about 2,500 cords
* Not certified to.
of wood on the place. Railroad station, Dalton or South Adams,
8 miles; post-office, Windsor Hill, 12 miles. Price, $1,500; cash
at sale, $500; interest on balance, 5 per cent, purchaser to pay
taxes. Address, Wm. E. Frederick, 333 Onota Street, Pittsfield,
Farm of 250 acres: mowing, 65; pasture, 100; woodland, 85;
suitable for cultivation, 65. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 450 trees. House, 30x40; two Ls, 15x30; 12 or
more rooms; good repair. Barn, 42x84; barn cellar, 30x84;
very good repair. Some stone wall and some brush fence in very
fair condition. Running spring and never-failing well. Two.
hundred apple and 12 plum trees. Railroad station, Hinsdale, 9
miles; post-office, East Windsor, 1 mile. Has at least 3,000:
cords of wood. Is three miles from the Bryant Homestead, and
one mile from two post-offices and four stores. Price, $3,000;
cash at sale, about $1,500; interest on balance, 5 per cent.
Address, Lozern E. Packard, West Cummington, Mass.
Farm of 150 acres: mowing, 50; pasture, 50; woodland, 50;
suitable for cultivation, 50. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 150 trees. House, 30x40; L, 20x30; 9 rooms; fair
repair. Barn, 30x40; barn, 22x40; rather poor repair. Mostly
fenced with stone wall in fair condition. Farm well watered by
springs and brooks. One hundred grafted apple trees and a few
pear trees and one cherry tree. One hen-house, 12x50. Two
good trout brooks flowing through farm. Railroad station, Dal-
ton, 8 miles; post-office, Windsor, 2 miles. Price, $800; cash
at sale, $300; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address, F. L.
Warren, Dalton, Mass.
Farm of 1 acre: suitable for cultivation, 1. Grass can be cut
with a machine. House, 20x26; L, 10x14; 6 rooms; newly
painted and papered. Barn, 12x18; good repair. Stone walls.
Pump in house. Ten apple and 10 other fruit trees. Railroad
station, Eastondale, 4 mile; post-office, Eastondale, 4 mile.
Price, $1,250; cash at sale, $250; balance at $10 monthly pay-
ments to a co-operative bank until the loan is paid up. Address,
Wu. H. Clements, North Easton, Mass.
Farm of 20 acres: mowing, 4; pasture, 2; woodland, 4; suit-
able for cultivation, 10. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 20x30; L, 16x20; 11 rooms; good repair. Barn, 40x40;
barn cellar; not in good repair. Good rail fence. Water from
well. Forty apple and 25 other fruit trees. Railroad station,
Craner, 2 minutes’ walk; post-office, East Norton, 2 miles.
Price, $1,300; cash at sale, $600; interest on balance, 6 per
cent. Address, Albert C. Crane, East Norton, Mass.
Farm of 80 acres: mowing, 10; pasture, 80; woodland, 40;
suitable for cultivation, 30. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 86x26; L, 16x14; 6 rooms; poor repair. Barn, 80x30;
poor repair. Largely fenced with stone wall, some rail fence.
Water from wells. Large number of apple trees of no value.
From 600 to 800 cords of wood and timber on the place. Rail-
road station, Barrowsville, 1 mile; post-office, Barrowsville, 1
mile. Price, $1,600, all in cash. Address, C. W. Hodges,
Foxborough, Mass.
Farm of 165 acres: mowing, 20; pasture, 40; woodland, 80;
suitable for cultivation, 30; also orchard, meadow and intervale
land. Grass can be cut with a machine. Main buildings burned ;
has one tenable house. Stone wall and cedar fences. Five wells
and river. Thirty apple trees, pear, quince and plum trees and
small fruits. Heavily wooded; 4 mile to saw-mill. Excellent
cranberry privilege, bog in bearing. Railroad station, N. orton, 3
miles; post-office, Easton, 2 miles. Price, $2,850; cash at sale,
$850; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address, J. Herbert
Leonard, Bridgewater, Mass.
West Tispury.
Farm of 50 acres: mowing, 7; pasture, 20; woodland, 20;
suitable for cultivation, from 15 to 20. Grass can be cut with a
machine. House, 30x30; 6 rooms; fair repair. Barn, 25x30;
good repair. Stone wall, wire and wooden fences in fairly good
condition. Well and cistern. Thirty apple and 15 other fruit
trees. Farm on high land. Twenty minutes’ walk from Vineyard
Sound. Steamboat, Vineyard Haven, 4 miles; post-office, North
Tisbury, 14 miles. Price, $1,000, all in cash. Address, Hiram
Luce, West Tisbury, Mass.
Farm of 190 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 120; woodland, 40;
suitable for cultivation, 25. Most of the grass can be cut with a
machine. Sugar bush, 200 trees. House, two-story in front, one
and one-half story in back part; not in good repair. Two barns;
barn cellar; poorrepair. Almost entirely fenced with stone wall.
Well at house and running water at barn. Many apple trees,
a few plum, pear and peach trees, and grape vines. Railroad
station, Shelburne Falls, 8 miles; post-office, Ashfield, 3 miles,
East Hawley, 2 miles. Price, $1,000; cash at sale, $400; inter-
est on balance, 6 per cent. Address, Frederick Forbes, Shel-
burne Falls, Mass.
Farm of 60 acres: mowing, 15; pasture, 835; woodland, 10;
suitable for cultivation, 14. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 500 trees. One-story house, 30x35; L, 20x25;
9 rooms; comfortable condition. Barn, 40x40; barn cellar;
good repair. Mostly fenced with stone wall in good condition.
Three hundred apple, 5 plum and 2 apricot trees. Spring that
will fill a three-inch pipe fifteen feet from the house; no ice
needed in summer. Railroad station, Buckland, 5 miles; post-
office, Buckland, 14 miles. On farm is a new grist-mill, fully
equipped; a fully equipped cider-mill; a variety of saws for cut-
ting wood, and a new Coleman water-wheel of fourteen horse-
power. Cream gatherer passes the house. Barn full of hay, and
fifty loads of manure on the farm. Price, $2,500; cash at sale,
$1,300; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address, Henry A.
Smith, Shelburne Falls, Mass.
* Farm of 70 acres: mowing, 25 to 30; woodland and pasture,
40, mostly pasture; suitable for cultivation, 50. Grass can be
cut with a machine. Two-story house; 11 rooms; good repair.
Barn burned, but there is a barn cellar. Stone wall and post and
rail fences. Running water and well. Fifty bearing apple trees
and a small number of other fruit trees. School, 4 mile. Rail-
road station, Greenfield, 7$ miles; post-office, Colrain, 14 miles.
Price, $1,600; cash at sale, $400; interest on balance, 5 per cent.
Address, John F. Spring, Greenfield, Mass.
* Not certified to.
* Farm of 175 acres: mowing, 20; pasture, 60; woodland, 95;
suitable for cultivation, 40 to 50. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 200 to 300 trees. House, 30x40; L, 20x30; 10
or 12 rooms; excellent repair. Barn, 40x60; barn cellar; good
repair. Rail fence and stone wall in poor condition. Spring
water through pipes to house and barn. About 200 apple, 20
quince and some pear trees. Good water-power for a saw-mill,
and a mill that could be put in repair if desired. Railroad station,
Charlemont, 24 miles; post-office, Charlemont, 24 miles. Price,
$4,000; cash at sale, $1,000; interest on balance, 6 per cent.
Address, Barnes & Ladow, Mechanicsville, N. Y.
Farm of 130 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 40; woodland, 20;
suitable for cultivation, 40. Seven-eighths of the grass can be cut
with a machine. Sugar bush, 300 trees. One and one-half story
house; L, 28x18; 10 rooms; not in very good repair. Barn,
60x26; passably good repair. Stone wall, rail and barbed-wire
fence. Never-failing water supply at house and barn. Fifty
apple, 5 pear, 2 cherry and some quince trees. Wood lot heavily
timbered with beech, birch, hemlock and maple. Railroad station,
Greenfield, 10 miles ; post-office, Leyden, 14 miles. Price, $2,500;
cash at sale, $1,250; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address,
Samuel C. Brown, Leyden, Mass.
Farm of 1274 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 50; woodland, 47;
suitable for cultivation, 25. Most of the grass can be cut with a
machine. Sugar bush, 600 tubs. House, 30x40; L, 16x32; 8
rooms; fair repair. Barn, 32x40; barn, 26x30; one barn cel-
lar; fair repair. Mostly fenced with stone wall. Well at
house and barn and springs in pasture. One hundred and fifty
apple, 7 pear, 2 plum and 7 quince trees. Sugar-house built but
a few years, with all the modern improvements. Railroad station,
Monroe Bridge, 14 miles; post-office, Rowe, 14 miles. Price,
$900; cash at sale, $400; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Ad-
dress, Clarence Truesdell, Zoar, Mass.
* Not certified to.
Farm of 13 acres: mowing, 4; pasture, 7; woodland, 2; suit-
able for cultivation, 5 or more. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 34x25 ; 18 foot L, with summer cook-room and woodshed ;
7 rooms ; good repair; newly painted inside and out, with new win-
dows. Barn, 40x22; barn cellar; good repair; hennery attached.
Mostly new wire fences with board or rail on top. Fine well.
Three fine trout brooks running through farm. LEighteen apple
and 10 other fruit trees. Carriages, wagons, harnesses, tools, etc.,
will go with the farm. Railroad station, North Amherst, 4 miles ;
post-office, Shuteshury, 14 miles. Price, $550, all in cash. Ad-
dress, Moses A. Wood, Shutesbury, Mass.
Farm of 300 acres: mowing, 25; pasture, 25; woodland, 250,
mostly white pine; suitable for cultivation, 25. Grass can be cut
with a machine. Sugar bush, 400 trees. House, 28x40; L,
20x24; good repair. Barn, 40x26; comfortable repair. Pole
fence and stone wall in good condition. Two never-failing
springs, and well in house. One hundred apple trees. Rail-
road station, Russell, 10 miles; post-office, Otis Centre, 4 miles.
Price, $1,600; cash at sale, $800; interest on balance, 6 per
cent. The buildings and improved land are in Blandford, the
valuable timber in Otis. Will sell the portion in Blandford for
$900. Address, G. M. Beach, Otis, Mass.
Farm of 400 acres: mowing, 35; pasture, 30; woodland, 300;
suitable for cultivation, 35. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 200 trees. No house or barn. Fences in fair con-
dition. Two hundred apple trees; many huckleberries in pasture.
Railroad station, Russell, 11 miles; post-office, Otis Centre, 4 miles.
The value of the land is in the pine timber that is growing on it,
though the mowing is good. Saw-mill, 14 miles. This farm is
within a quarter of a mile of the above farm, and as the small piece
of land between them can be bought cheap they can be brought
together in one farm. Price, $800; cash at sale, $400; interest
on balance, 6 per cent. Address, G. M. Beach, Otis, Mass.
*Farm of 165 acres: mowing, 50; pasture, 50; suitable for
cultivation, 75 ; wood and timber land, 65. Grass can be cut with
* Not certified to.
amachine. Barn, 40x65; in good repair; cellar under barn; shed
attached to barn. Fence, stone wall and rail; fair. Brook in
pasture. Fruit, apples and pears. Railroad station, Southbridge,
6 miles; post-office, East Brimfield, 4 mile; also school, church
and auger shop, 4 mile. Price, $2,000; cash at sale, $1,000;
interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, I. Hiscock, Wales,
*Farm of 132 acres: mowing, 50; pasture, 50; suitable for cul-
tivation, 85; woodland, 32. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, two story, with L; 8 rooms. New barn, 38x56; cellar
under barn. Running water to house and barn. Fence, stone
wall and wire; good. Brook in pasture. Fruit, apples, pears and
grapes. Railroad station, Palmer, 8 miles; post-office, school
and free high school, Brimfield, 3 mile. Price, $2,500; cash at
sale, $1,000; balance, easy terms. Address, Patrick White,
Brimfield, Mass.
* Farm of 180 acres: mowing, 50; pasture, 90; wood and tim-
ber land, 40; suitable for cultivation, 50. Grass can be cut with
a machine. House, with L; 12 rooms in excellent repair. Barn,
32x74, in good repair; barn, 20x40, in good repair. Hen-house,
hog-house and wood-house, in good repair; work-shop, 15x20, in
good repair. Fence, wire and rail; fair condition. Two never-
failing springs running to house and barn. Fruit, apples, pears
and quinces. Railroad station, Monson, 8 miles, Palmer, 10
miles ; post-office, Wales, 14 miles; Brimfield high school, 14
miles; three woollen mills, 1 mile. Farm on stage line from
Wales to Palmer. ‘Price, $2,700; cash at sale, $1,000; interest
on balance, 5 per cent. Address, John 8. Bogan, Monson, Mass.
Farm of 200 acres: mowing, 25; pasture, 15; woodland, 45;
suitable for cultivation, 100. All except 6 acres of the grass can
be cut witha machine. House, 28x21; L, 29x14; 10 rooms; good
repair. House, 25x16; L, 16x12; 6 rooms; good repair. Barn,
54x36; good repair. Rail fence. Good water supply. One hun-
dred and fifty apple trees. Railroad station, Indian Orchard, 2
miles; post-office, Indian Orchard, 2 miles. Price, $4,500, all in
cash. Address, Geo. H. Pease & Bros., Indian Orchard, Mass.
Farm of 100 acres: mowing, 5; pasture, 75; woodland, 6;
suitable for cultivation, 75. Grass can be cut with a machine.
* Not certified to.
Story and a half house, 20x28; one-story L, 14x20; 7 rooms;
fair repair. Barn, 26x80; barn cellar; fair repair. ail fence in
fair condition. Two wells, one good spring and brook. Twenty
apple trees. Railroad station, East Longmeadow, 24 miles ; post-
office, East Longmeadow, 24 miles. Price, $2,000; cash at sale,
$1,000 ; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address, S. B. Warner,
101 Allen Street, Springfield, Mass.
Farm of 60 acres: mowing, 15; pasture, 30; woodland, 10;
suitable for cultivation, 30. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 100 trees. House, 20x40; L, 18x16; 10 rooms;
fair repair. Barn, 30x50; fair repair. Stone wall and rail and
wire fence. Running water to house. Extra good apple orchard
and quite a number of peach, pear and plum trees. Railroad
station, Westfield, 7 miles; post-office, Granville, 2 miles. School,
100 rods from house; mail-coach passes twice daily. Price, $700;
cash at sale, $500; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address,
W. C. Clark, Box 220, Westfield, Mass.
*Farm of 380 acres: mowing, 75; pasture, 155; woodland,
150; suitable for cultivation, 75. Grass can be cut with a
machine. Sugar bush, 500 trees. Two-story house; large L
and back kitchen; 11 rooms; good repair. Barn, 60x45; good
repair; also one other large barn. Wire and rail fences in good
condition. Two wells and a good spring. Five hundred apple
and 60 or 70 other fruit trees. Good trout fishing and gunning
on the farm. Railroad station, Westfield, 13 miles; post-office,
West Granville, 1 mile. Price, $2,500; cash at sale, $1,000;
interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address, A. R. Hayes, West
Granville, Mass.
*Farm of 60 acres: mowing, 40; pasture, 10; woodland, 10;
suitable for cultivation, 40. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 45x50; L, 35x60; 15 rooms; good repair. Three large
barns in good repair. Half fenced with wire, half with stone
wall. Three wells and one spring. Fifty apple and 15 other
fruit trees. Railroad station, Westfield, 12 miles; post-office,
West Granville, next door. House is known as the Highland
House, and has always been a hotel. Good summer trade; fine
mountain scenery, and extra good trout and pond fishing. The
livery business connected is very good. Price, $2,500; cash at
sale, $1,250; interest on balance, 5 percent. Address, A. R.
Hayes, West Granville, Mass.
* Not certified to.
Farm of 40 acres: mowing, 15; pasture, 25; considerable wood
in pasture; suitable for cultivation, 10. Grass can be cut with a
machine. Very large square house; L and shed, 25x15; 6 large
rooms and garret; good repair. Barn, 25x30; good repair.
Wire and rail fences and stone wall in good condition. Well,
brook and springs. Thirty apple and 4 other fruit trees. Rail-
road station, Westfield, 12 miles; post-office, West Granville,
4 mile. Price, $500; cash at sale, $300; interest on balance,
6 per cent, or 5 per cent and taxes. Address, Israel Harmon,
361 Main Street, Springfield, Mass.
Farm of $ acre: large garden suitable for cultivation. A large
double house with two Ls; 10 rooms in one and 6 in the other;
good repair. Well in house. Twelve apple and 2 peach trees
and grape vine. In the centre of the village. Have 10 acres of
land, part wood and part mowing, a little way out of the village,
to sell cheap. Railroad station, Westfield, 12 miles; post-office,
West Granville, 10 rods. Price, $500; cash at sale, $300; inter-
est on balance, 5 per cent. Address, Gilbert M. Miller, West
Granville, Mass.
*Farm of 250 acres: mowing, 60; pasture, 100; woodland,
90; suitable for cultivation, 60. Most of the grass can be cut
with a machine. House, 25x30; L, 25x40; 12 rooms; good
repair. Barn, 44x44; barn, 30x40; barn, 25x25; all in good
repair. Rail fence and stone wall. Good spring water. About
500 apple trees. Railroad station, Westfield, 12 miles; post-
office, Granville, 24 miles. Price, $3,500; cash at sale, $1,750;
interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address, M. C. Moore, West-
field, Mass.
Farm of 125 acres: mowing, 25 to 30; pasture, 50; woodland,
20 to 25; suitable for cultivation, 20 to 25. Grass can be cut
with a machine. Sugar bush, 335 trees. One and one-half story
house, 25x30; 8 rooms; not in very good repair. Barn, 35x40;
fair repair. Stone wall and rail fence; not in good condition.
Good well at house and fine spring. Forty or 50 apple and 38 pear
trees. Railroad station, Westfield, or Winsted, Conn., 10 or 12
miles; post-office, West Granville, 4 mile. Price, $1,000; cash
at sale, $500; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Will sell for $800
cash. Address, B. W. Pease, Thomaston, Conn.
Farm of 238 acres: mowing, 40; pasture, 80; woodland, 60;
suitable for cultivation, 20. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Two-story house; one and one-half story L; 14 rooms; good
repair. Barn, 40x60; under-ground stables; good repair. Wire
and rail fences in fair repair. Well, brooks and springs. Fifty
* Not certified to.
apple, 400 peach and 12 quince trees. Railroad station, West-
field, 7 miles; post-office, Granville, 14 miles. Price, $2,500;
cash at sale, $1,000; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address,
Edwin A. Warner, 35 Orange Street, Westfield, Mass.
Farm of 100 acres: mowing, 40; pasture, 30; woodland, 25 to
30; suitable for cultivation, 24. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 32x25; L, 30x16; 11 rooms; pretty good repair. Barn,
42x30; fair repair. Rail fence and stone wall in fair condition.
Running water at barn, well at house. Seventy-five apple and 17
other fruit trees. Railroad station, North Wilbraham, 4 miles;
post-office, Wilbraham, 2 miles. Price, $3,500; cash at sale,
$2,000; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, H. Louise
Hitchcock, Box 159, Wilbraham, Mass.
Farm of 47 acres: mowing, 12; pasture, 12; woodland, 4;
suitable for cultivation, 43. Grass can be cut with a machine. One
and one-half story house, 20x42; L, 12x16; 7 rooms and summer
kitchen; good repair. Barn, 40x44; good repair. Wagon-house,
20x16, with basement and chamber for corn storage. New hen-
house. Barbed-wire and rail fence in good condition. Never-fail-
ing spring. Thirty grafted apple trees and 8 other fruit trees.
Graded school 4 mile distant. Railroad station, East Long-
meadow, 4 miles ; post-office, Hampden, 1? miles. Price, $2,000;
cash at sale, $1,200; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address,
S. P. Chapin, Hampden, Mass. ‘
* Farm and hotel, 150 acres: mowing, 40; pasture, 50; wood-
land, 60; suitable for cultivation, 65. Grass can be cut with a
machine. House, two story, with L; shed attached; 20 rooms;
in good repair. House, 10 rooms; good repair. Barn, 40x70, and
shed; cellar under barn; barn, 26x36; good repair; cellar under
barn; corn barn, 18x25. Fence, stone wall and rail; fair condi-
tion. Running water to house and barn. Brook in pasture. All
kinds of fruit. Railroad station, Palmer, 10 miles; post-office,
school and church, 4 mile, at Holland. Price, $5,000; cash at
sale, $2,500; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, I. His-
cock, Wales, Mass.
* Farm of 170 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 30; woodland, 100;
suitable for cultivation, 40. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, two story, with L and shed; 8 rooms; dance hall; fair
* Not certified to.
condition. Barn, 30x40; good cellar under barn. Fence, stone
wall and rail; fair. Near reservoir. Pond good. Accommoda-
tion for fishing and renting boats. Running water to house.
Brook in pasture. Plenty of apples and some pears. Railroad
station, Palmer, 10 miles; post-office and church, Holland, 1 mile;
school, 4 mile. Price, $2,000; cash at sale, $1,000; interest on
balance, 6 per cent. Address, I. Hiscock, Wales, Mass.
* Farm of 100 acres: mowing, 25; pasture, 30; suitable for cul-
tivation, 35; sprout and timber land, 45. Most of grass can be
cut with a machine. House, one story, with L; 7 rooms; in fair
repair. Barn, 26x36, and shed; in fair repair. Fence, stone wall
and rail; fair condition. Well at house. Brook in pasture.
Fruit, apples, peaches, plums and grapes. Railroad station,
Palmer, 10 miles; saw and grist mill, 4 mile; post-office and
church, 14 miles, Holland. Price, $800; cash at sale, $400; bal-
ance at 6 per cent. Address, I. Hiscock, Wales, Mass.
*Farm of 2 acres: mowing, 2; suitable for cultivation, 2.
Grass can be cut with a machine. Small house, with L; fair.
Barn, fair; barn, 15x20; fair. Fence, stone wall; fair condition.
Well at house. Some fruit. Railroad station, Palmer, 10 miles;
post-office, Holland, 14 miles. Price, $300; cash at sale, $150;
balance at 6 per cent. Address, I. Hiscock, Wales, Mass.
*Farm of 60 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 20; woodland, 10;
suitable for cultivation, 30. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, two story; 8rooms; poor. Rail fence, in poor condition.
Good well. Brook in pasture. Railroad station, Southbridge, 9
miles ; post-office and school, Holland, 4 mile. Price, $800 ; cash
at sale, $500; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, Francis
White, Holland, Mass.
Farm of 150 acres: mowing, 50; pasture, 60; woodland, 25;
suitable for cultivation, 125. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 40x24; L, 50x20; 8 rooms; good repair. Barn, 42x60 ;
good repair. Wire and rail fence and stone wall in good condi-
tion. Running water at house and barn. Forty apple and 25
other fruit trees. Splendid trout brook on farm. Railroad
station, Ludlow, 3 miles; post-office, Ludlow Centre, 1 mile.
Price, $4,000; cash at sale, $2,000; interest on balance, 5 per
cent. Address, G. S. Atchinson, Ludlow, Mass.
* Not certified to.
*Farm of 98 acres: mowing, 10; pasture, 60; woodland, 28;
suitable for cultivation, 40. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, one story, with L; 7 rooms; in good repair. Barn, 30x40,
in good repair; wagon shed and hen-house. Some fruit. Fence,
wire and rail; good. Running water to house and barn. Brook
in pasture. Railroad station, Monson, 4 miles; post-office, Mon-
son,4 miles. Price, $1,350, all in cash. Address, Henry Barton,
Monson, Mass.
Farm of 101 acres: mowing, 15; pasture, 35; woodland, 51;
suitable for cultivation, 20. Grass can be cut with a machine.
No house or barn. Stone wall and rail fence in fair condition.
Extra fine well and springs. Seventy-five winter apple trees and
pear and cherry trees. Three or four hundred cords of wood,
and some railroad ties could be cut. Cellar of house and barn in
good condition. Railroad station, Southampton, 4 miles; post-
office, Montgomery, 1 mile. Price, $800; cash at sale, $400;
interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address, Fred L. Dalton, West-
field, Mass.
Farm of 50 acres: mowing, 8; pasture, 26; woodland, 2; suit-
able for cultivation, 48. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 26x20; L, 14x10; 8 rooms; good repair. Barn, 30x40;
good repair. Wagon shed, 20x40; cow shed, 24x16; small barn,
24x16. Rail fences, in need of repair. One never-failing well.
Eighteen apple and 15 other fruit trees. Farm within half a mile
of stone quarries. Railroad station, Indian Orchard, 2 miles,
Armory Hill, 3 miles; post-office, Sixteen Acres, 30 rods. Price,
$2,500; cash at sale, $1,500; interest on balance, 6 per cent.
Address, Imogene A. Cooley, Sixteen Acres, Mass.
Farm of 60 acres: mowing, 20; pasture and woodland, 40;
suitable for cultivation, 20. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 100 trees. No house, but cellar to build on. Barn,
50x32; needs shingling on one side. Fences not very good. A
good spring of soft water. A number of apple trees. Railroad
station, Westfield, 16 miles, Winsted, Conn., 13 miles; post-office,
Tolland Centre, $ mile. School, $ mile distant. Plenty of wood
* Not certified to.
on place, and timber enough to build a house with. Price, $400;
cash at sale, $200; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address,
Erastus Smith. Southington, Conn.
* Farm of 500 acres: mowing, 50; pasture, 60; woodland, 390 ;
suitable for cultivation, 35. A portion of the grass can be cut
with a machine. Sugar bush. Good sized house in fair repair.
Good sized barn in fair repair. Stone wall and pole fence. Good
well and springs near by. A number of apple trees. Railroad
station, Winsted, Conn., 133 miles; post-office, New Boston, 14
miles. Price, $4,000; cash at sale, $2,500; interest on balance,
6 per cent. Address, J. H. Norton, Winsted, Conn.
*Farm of 125 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 60; suitable for
cultivation, 30 ; wood and timber land, 35. New house, two story,
with L; 10 rooms. New barn, 40x50, with silo. Running water
to house and barn. Some fruit. Large strawberry bed. Good
fences. Railroad station, Monson, 8 miles ; $ mile to three woollen
mills ; post-office, Wales, 1 mile. Price, $1,700; cash at sale,
$500; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, Orril Shaw,
Wales, Mass.
* Farm of 118 acres: mowing, 35; pasture, 40; suitable for cul-
tivation, 35; wood and timber land, 35. Grass can be cut with a
machine. House, one and a half story, with L; 10 rooms in good
condition. Barn, 30x60; poor; cellar under barn. Stone walls
and rail fences; fair. Three never-failing wells. Brook in pas-
ture. Fruit of all kinds. Railroad station, Palmer ; post-office,
Wales, 3 miles. Price, $1,200; cash at sale, $400; balance,
easy terms. Address, H. A. McFarland, Wales, Mass.
*Farm of 150 acres: mowing, 25; pasture, 75; suitable for
cultivation, 25; sprout and timber, 50. Grass can be cut with
amachine. Two wells. Some fruit. Fence and stone wall poor.
Railroad station, Monson, 4 miles; post-office, Wales, 3 miles.
Price, $800; cash at sale, $400; interest on balance, 6 per cent.
Address, H. A. McFarland, Wales, Mass.
* Farm of 70 acres: mowing, 10; pasture, 20; suitable for cul-
tivation, 20. Grass can be cut with a machine. House, one and
a half story ; 7 rooms; in fair condition. Barn, 20x25; fair; cellar
under barn. Fence, stone wall and rail; fair. Good well. Brook
in pasture. Railroad station, Monson,7 miles; post-office, Wales,
14 miles. Price, $400, all in cash. Address, 8. D. Colburn,
Brookfield, Mass.
* Not certified to.
* Farm of 115 acres: mowing, 20; pasture, 60; woodland, 35;
suitable for cultivation, 20. Part of grass can be cut with machine.
House, one and a half story; 6 rooms in good repair. Barn,
28x36; good; barn, 20x30; good; barn, 20x30; good. Well at
house. Brook in pasture. Fence and stone wall; good. Railroad
station, Monson, 34 miles; post-office, Wales,’ 3 miles; three
woollen mills, 3 miles. Price, $1,500; cash at sale, $700; bal-
ance, easy terms. Address, Henry Lynch, Wales, Mass.
Farm of 60 acres: mowing, 20; pasture, 82; woodland, 6;
‘suitable for cultivation, 52. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 20x26; L, 18x18; 7 rooms; good repair. Barn, 32x52;
‘barn cellar; nearly new and painted. Fences in good condition.
Good water supply; running water before each cow in stable.
A good many apple but not a great number of other fruit trees.
Milk taken daily at the door. Two railroad stations within 14
miles ; post-office, Ludlow Mills, 14 miles. Price, $3,500; cash
at sale, $1,000; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, Monroe
Pease, Wilbraham, Mass.
Farm of 23 acres: mowing, 8; pasture, 8; suitable for cultiva-
tion, 7. Grass can be cut with a machine. House, 28x30; TL,
38x34; 8 rooms; good repair. Barn, 40x50; good repair. Wire
and rail fence. Three good wells. Thirty apple and 15 other
fruit trees. Railroad station, Indian Orchard, 4 mile; post-office,
Ludlow, $ mile. Five large mills within 4 mile of the farm, and
electric cars running to Springfield ten minutes’ walk away. Price, .
$3,000; cash at sale, $1,000; interest on balance, 54 per cent.
Address, Michael Walsh, Box 190, Ludlow, Mass.
Farm of 150 acres: mowing, 40; pasture, 45; woodland, 65;
suitable for cultivation, 65. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Two-story house, 39x22; one-story L, 29x19; 12 rooms; very
good repair. Barn, 76x44; barn, 30x40; barn, 30x36 ; very good
repair. Stone walls, board, rail and wire fences. Well at house
and another at barn ; excellent water. One hundred and ten apple,
10 pear, 8 plum, 2 cherry trees and quince bushes. Also, on the
place, a small tenement-house, two ice-houses, a milk-house, car-
riage-house, shed and shop, 60x18, and four other sheds attached
to the barns. Railroad station, Indian Orchard, 24 miles; post-
office, Wilbraham, 13 miles. Price, $7,000; cash at sale, $4,000;
interest on balance, 5 per cent. Have another lot of land about
4 mile from the home farm consisting of 150 acres of very good
* Not certified to.
land, part tillage and part wood and timber. No buildings.
Price, $2,500; cash at sale, $1,800; interest on balance, 5 per
cent. Address, Harvey Kent, Wilbraham, Mass.
Farm of 18 acres: mowing, 7; pasture, 7; suitable for cultiva-.
tion, 18. Grass can be cut witha machine. Sugar bush, 18 trees.
House, 25x18; L, 22x14; 10 rooms; good repair. Barn, 40x32;
good repair; shed connected, 30x20; ice-house, 12x12. Mostly
stone wall, but some rail fence. First-rate well. Ninety apple,
6 peach, 3 pear and 2 plum trees. Railroad station, Indian Or-
chard, 13 miles ; post-office, Ludlow, 14 miles, Wilbraham, 2 miles.
Price, $2,800; cash at sale, $1,400; interest on balance, 6 per:
cent. Also have 50 acres of plain land, no buildings, 1 mile distant;
mowing, 3 acres ; woodland, 4 ; suitable for cultivation, 46. Stream
on one side of field. Lot 14 miles distant from Indian Orchard.
Price, $800; cash at sale, $400; interest on balance, 6 per cent.
Will sell either the home farm or the plain lot separately, or will
sell both together. Address, F. E. Clark, Wilbraham, Mass.
Farm of 96 acres: mowing, 20; pasturage, 56, not fenced;
woodland, 20; suitable for cultivation, 40. Most of the grass.
can be cut with a machine. House, 36x25; L, 30x20; 11 rooms;
good repair. Barn, 40x30; comfortable repair. Fences rather
poor. Good water supply. Fifty apple and a number of other
fruit trees. Railroad station, Dwight Station, 3 mile; post-office,
Dwight. Price, $1,600; cash at sale, $800; interest on balance,
5 per cent. Address, G. R. Dickinson, Dwight, Mass.
Farm of 1 acre. House of 7rooms; notin good repair. Barn;.
not in good repair. Stone walls and fences in poor condition.
No water. Ten apple, 2 cherry trees and 1 crab-apple tree.
Railroad station, Williamsburg, 6 miles; post-office, Chesterfield,
close by. Price, $600; cash at sale, $500; interest on balance,
5 per cent. Address, Augusta R. Edwards, Northampton, Mass.
Farm of 60 acres: mowing, 20; pasture, 25; woodland, 153.
suitable for cultivation, 20. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 300 trees. House, 30x24; wood-house, 18x20; 5
rooms; fair repair. Barn, 30x40; good repair. Part stone wall
and part wooden fence in good condition. Two wells, and pump.
in kitchen. Fifty to 75 apple trees and 5 other fruit trees. Rail-
road station, Williamsburg, 7 miles; post-office, Chesterfield, 1
mile. Price, $700; cash at sale, $100; interest on balance, 6 per
cent. Address, Mrs. Emily Culver, Swift River, Mass.
Farm of 200 acres: mowing, 75; pasture, 75; woodland, 50;
suitable for cultivation, 50. Almost all the grass can be cut with
amachine. Sugar bush, 200 trees. Very large house, but in no
condition to live in. Very large barn in good condition; barn
cellar. Mostly fenced with stone wall, in good condition. Good
water supply. One hundred and thirty-three young apple trees.
Fine spruce and hemlock timber suitable for building purposes.
Railroad station, Hinsdale, 7 miles; post-office, East Windsor, 14
miles. Price, $1,200, all in cash. Address, Melissa E. Dawes,
Cummington, Mass.
Farm of 5 acres: mowing, 5; suitable for cultivation, 5. Grass
can be cut witha machine. Sugar bush, 30 trees. House, 20x24;
L, 10x16; 9 rooms; fair repair. Barn, 20x24; fair repair.
Stone wall in good condition. Well. Twenty-five apple trees.
Was the birthplace and early home of ex-Senator Henry L. Dawes
and is ? mile from the Bryant place. Railroad station, Williams-
burg, 14 miles; post-office, Cummington, 1} miles. Price, $300,
all in cash. Address, Eliza A. C. Porter, Cummington, Mass.
Farm of 107 acres: mowing, 15; pasture, 20; woodland, 12;
suitable for cultivation, 25. Grass can be cut with a machine.
One and one-half story house; L, 30x15; 9 rooms; fair repair.
Good well. Twenty apple trees. Railroad station, Greenwich,
4 mile; post-office, Greenwich, 4 mile. Trout brook running
through farm. School and church, 4 mile distant. Price, $800,
all in cash. Address, John S. Russell, Greenwich, Mass.
Farm of 280 acres: mowing, 70; pasture, 90; woodland, 120;
suitable for culivation, 60. Most of the grass can be cut with a
machine. Sugar bush, 700 trees. House, 30x35; L, 20x30; 9
rooms; ordinary repair. Barn, 40x70; good barn cellar; ordi-
nary repair. Stone wall and rail fence in good condition. Spring
water to house and barn. Forty apple and 12 other fruit trees.
Six hundred cords of wood on place. School-house 30 rods dis-
tant and cream route past door. * Railroad station, Middlefield,
43 miles; post-office, Middlefield Centre, 2 miles. Price, $1,500;
cash at sale, $700; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address,
Henry Sternagle, Jr., Middlefield, Mass.
Farm of 275 acres: mowing, 60; pasture, 75; woodland, 140;
suitable for cultivation, 40. Half the grass can be cut with a
machine. Sugar bush, 250 trees. House of 8 rooms; L, 20x20;
fair condition. Barn, 50x40; barn, 40x30; barn, 40x40; two
barns, 30x25; some repairs needed. Stone wall and brush
fences. Running water at the house in lead pipe. Two hundred
grafted apple trees and one pear tree. Considerable fine wood
and timber on the place. Railroad station, Becket, 3 mile; post-
office, Becket, # mile. Price, $7,000; cash at sale, $3,000;
interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, David H. Geer, 24
Ellery Street, South Boston, Mass.
Farm of 200 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 140; woodland, 30;
suitable for cultivation, 15. Most of the grass can be cut with a
machine. Sugar bush, 500 trees. House, 30x40; L, 40x20;
8 rooms; fair repair. Barn, 30x50; fair repair. Stone wall and
brush fence. Well at house; running water at barn; small brook
through farm. Fifty apple and 15 other fruit trees. Railroad
station, Bancroft, 6 miles; post-office, Middlefield, 24 miles.
Price, $1,200; cash at sale; $600; interest on balance, 6 per
cent. Address, Jacob Robbins, Middlefield, Mass.
Farm of 96 acres: mowing, 6; pasture, 10; woodland, 80,
mostly small chestnut; suitable for cultivation, 6. Grass can be
cut with a machine. House, 18x30; L, 15x15; two finished
rooms; poor repair. Rail fence and stone wall in poor condition.
Well and springs. Twelve apple, 12 peach and 3 pear trees.
Railroad station, Enfield, 5 miles; post-oflice, Pelham, 1 mile.
Price, $500; cash at sale, $200; interest on balance, 5 per cent.
Address, Jay W. Seaver, New Haven, Conn.
' Farm of 48 acres: mowing, 10; woodland, 38; suitable for
cultivation, 5. Five acres of the grass can be cut with a machine.
One-story house, 30x32; L, 30x16; 6 rooms; needs repairs
inside. Barn, 12x20; poor repair. Stone wall. Three wells.
Forty apple and 4 other fruit trees. School within 50 rods;
store, town hall and church, ? mile. Railroad station, Amherst or.
Enfield, 64 miles; post-office, Pelham, # mile. Price, $650; cash
at sale, $250; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address, George
H. Willson, Pelham, Mass.
Farm of 116 acres: mowing, 10; pasture, 15; woodland, 90;
suitable for cultivation, 20. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Two-story house, 30x32; L, 20x16; 8 rooms; poor repair. Barn,
26x30; barn, 20x26; good repair. Rail fenee in poor condition.
Good water supply. Ten apple trees. One hundred and seventy
thousand to 200,000 feet of lumber on the place. Will sell for
less without the lumber. Railroad station, Enfield, 6 miles;
post-office, Pelham, 24 miles. Price, $1,000; cash at sale, $300;
interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address, George H. Willson,
Pelham, Mass.
Farm of 200 acres: mowing, 15; pasture and orchard, 95;
woodland, 75; suitable for cultivation, 30. Most of the grass
can be cut with a machine. About 100 young sugar maples.
Two-story house, 30x40; two Ls and shed; 9 rooms; good
repair. Barn, 40x66; also two wings for tool-house and wagon
shed; barn cellar, 40x66; good repair. Stone wall and rail
fence in passable condition. Running water from spring to house
and barn. Two hundred apple and some cherry, quince and
peach trees. Good granite quarry on farm. Railroad station,
Southampton, 3 miles; post-office, Southampton, 3 miles. Price,
$2,500; cash at sale, $1,500; interest on balance, 5 per cent.
Will reserve part of the woodland and make a lower price. Ad-
dress, Edward H. Bell, Northampton, Mass.
Farm of 95 acres: mowing, 15; pasture, 40; woodland, 40;
suitable for cultivation, 15. About 12 acres of the grass can be
cut with a machine. Sugar bush, 60 trees. House, 28x38; L,
15x20; 9 rooms; fair repair. Barn, 30x47; lean-to, 12x47; fair
repair. Both rail and wire fences in fair condition. Running
water, also good well. Fifty-five apple, 45 pear, 2 peach trees
and 1 plum tree, 4 grape vines and 72 currant bushes. Within 1
mile of saw and grist mills. Strawberries, raspberries and black-
berries growing wild on the farm. Railroad station, Southampton,
4 miles; post-office, Southampton, 4 miles. Price, $1,500; cash
preferred. Address, L. F. Fish, Southampton, Mass.
Farm of 250 acres : mowing, 60; pasture, 100 ; woodland, 90 ; hard
wood and pine timber. Grass can be cut with a machine. Sugar
bush, 50 trees or more. House, 28x40; L, 14x24; L, 24x20; 12
rooms ; not in very good repair ; repairs now under progress. Barn,
36x50; barn cellar; good repair. Stone wall in very good condi-
tion. Running water at barn and well at house. Fifty apple and
12 other fruit trees. Blueberries and blackberries in pastures.
Railroad station, West Townsend, 5 miles ; post-office, Ashby, 1
mile. Price, $3,500; cash at sale, $2,000; interest on balance,
5 per cent. Address, L. R. Richardson, Townsend Centre, Mass.
Farm of 45 acres: woodland, 7, 3 of oak and 4 of pine; other
divisions unknown. Grass can be cut with a machine. Two
houses; two small Ls; 8 and 9 rooms, respectively; very good
repair. Barn, 33x48; 2 carriage sheds; corn-house; pig-house ;
good repair. Stake-and rail fence not in extra good condition.
Extra good water supply, two new pumps. Forty apple, 6 pear,
1 peach and 7 cherry trees. Railroad station, Bridgewater, 3
miles; post-office, North Middleborough, ? mile. Price, $2,000,
all in cash. Three hay rakes, 1 Buckeye single horse mower, 1
sleigh, 2 wagons, 1 roller, 1 corn-sheller, 2 ploughs, single and
double, 2 logging sleds, and a number of other farming tools will
be thrown in. Will sell with the adjoining farm of 18 acres for
$2,500. Address, R. E. Fobes, 110 Myrtle Street, Brockton,
Farm of 18 acres: mowing, 7; pasture, 5; woodland, 2; suit-
able for cultivation, 4. Grass can be cut with a machine. House
for carriage repairing and painting, 23x33; needs shingling.
Barn, 26x38; barn cellar; fair repair. Post and rail fence not
in extra condition. Water from well. Seven apple and 2 pear
trees and 1 grape vine. Railroad station, Bridgewater, 3 miles;
post-office, North Middleborough, # mile. The carriage shop
could be made into a cosy home for a small outlay. Price, $600,
allin cash. Will sell with the above farm of 45 acres for $2,500.
Address, R. E. Fobes, 110 Myrtle Street, Brockton, Mass.
Farm of 28 acres: mowing, 10; pasture, 16; woodland, 2;
suitable for cultivation, 12. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Two-story house, 28x32; small L; 12 rooms; somewhat out of
repair. Barn, 33x36; needs slight repairs. Good well and
spring near house. Twelve apple and a very few other fruit trees.
Good wood-house, 13x19; and good poultry house. Railroad
station, Titicut, 33 miles; post-office, Halifax, 13 miles. Price,
$800; cash at sale, $400; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Ad-
dress, Georgiana F. Drew, Bridgewater, Mass.
Farm of 14 acres: mowing, 6; woodland, 7; suitable for culti-
vation, 44. Grass can be cut with a machine. House, 28x30;
L, 12x12; 9 rooms; good repair. Woodshed, 12x30. Barn,
25x30; good repair. Wooden fences in fair condition. Well
and pump. Eight apple, 7 peach, 2 pear, 3 plum trees, 1 cherry
tree and 1 grape vine. Situated on creamery route; good market
for eggs and poultry. Railroad station, Titicut, 3} miles; post-
office, Halifax, 12 miles. Price, $1,000; cash at sale, $500; inter-
est on balance, 6 per cent. Address, Morton §. Thompson,
Halifax, Mass.
Farm of 100 acres: mowing, 20; pasture, 55; woodland, 25;
suitable for cultivation, 75. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 30x40; L, 25x15; 11 rooms; good repair. Barn, 36x45;
barn cellar; good repair. Rail fence in good condition. Water
from well. About 100 apple trees. Railroad station, Lakeville,
1 mile ; post-office, Lakeville, 1 mile. Price, $3,500 ; cash at sale,
$2,500; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, Chas. E.
Jenney, Hyde Park, Mass.
Farm of 70 acres: mowing, 10; pasture, 37; woodland, 5;
suitable for cultivation, 18. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Large house and L; 15 rooms; good repair. Horse barn, 18x35;
cow barn, 30x45; L, 20x30; cellar under both; in good repair
except floors. Stone walls in good condition. Two wells and
a spring. Two hundred and twenty apple, 11 peach, 2 pear, 3
plum trees and a number of grape vines. Desirable both as a
summer residence and as a farm. Railroad station, Precinct
Station (Taunton), 14 miles; post-office, Lakeville, 33 miles.
Price, $2,500; cash at sale, $1,000; interest on balance, 5 per
cent. Address, Maude Livingston, P. O. Box 3204, Boston,
Farm of 100 acres: mowing, 40; pasture, 30; woodland, 30;
suitable for cultivation, 40. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House worthless. No barn, but cellar. Fences in good con-
dition. Twenty apple trees. Large and valuable pine on farm,
at least 1,000 cords worth $1.50 per cord standing, or $4.25 deliv-
ered at pail factories. Railroad station, North Ashburnham, 6
miles; post-office, Ashburnham, 44 miles. Price, $2,000; cash
at sale, $500; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address, Wilbur
F. Whitney, South Ashburnham, Mass.
Farm of 130 acres: mowing, 30; pasture, 90; woodland, 10;
suitable for cultivation, 30. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 28x16; L, 20x12; 8 rooms; poor repair. Barn, 40x60;
barn cellar; good repair. Stone walls in good condition. Well
and barn supplied with an aqueduct. Fourteen apple and 4
pear trees. Railroad station, South Ashburnham, 2 miles; post-
office, South Ashburnham, 2 miles. Price, $1,000; cash at sale,
$200; interest on balance, 5 per cent. Address, Wilbur F. Whit-
ney, South Ashburnham, Mass.
Farm of 110 acres: mowing, 35; pasture, 60; woodland, 15;
suitable for cultivation, 30. The larger part of the grass can be
cut with a machine. Possibly 20 large maples. House, 30 ft. 5
in. x 39 ft.; L, 20 ft. 5 in. x28 ft. 8 in.; 8 finished rooms and
several store-rooms ; fairly good repair. Barn, 30 ft. 3 in. x 86 ft. ;
also two additions ; fairly good repair. Mostly stone wall in fairly
good condition. Wells at buildings, springs in pastures. Sixty
apple and 10 other fruit trees. Railroad station, Ashburnham,
12 miles ; post-office, Ashburnham, 13 miles. Price, $2,000; cash
at sale, $1,000; interest on balance, 6 per cent; right reserved to
add the value of any permanent improvements which may here-
after be made to the price asked. Address, C. E. Woodward,
Leomiuster, Mass.
Farm of 79 acres: mowing, 25; pasture, 30; woodland, 24;
suitable for cultivation, 25. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 22x24; L, 12x17; 9 rooms; fair repair. Barn, 80x35 ;
barn, 18x20; barn cellar; both in fair repair. Mostly fenced
with stone wall in good condition. Three wells and two running
streams. Ninety apple and 10 or 15 other fruit trees. Three
mills 14 miles, and a large box shop 4 mile from farm, where
employment may be obtained. Railroad station, Oxford Mills,
14 miles; post-office, North Oxford, 2 miles. Price, $1,200;
cash at sale, $400; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address,
Patrick Cahill, Rochdale, Mass.
Farm of 73 acres: mowing, 20; pasture, 30; woodland, 23;
suitable for cultivation, 35. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 24x36; L, 16x50; 11 rooms; good repair. Barn, 50x36;
barn cellar; good repair. Stone wall in good condition. | Never-
failing running water at house and barn. Two hundred apple
trees and numerous pear and peach trees and grape vines. Fifty
thousand feet of lumber and 300 cords of wood on place. Rail-
road station, West Dudley, 2 miles; post-office, West Dudley,
2 miles. Price, $1,600; cash at sale, $800; interest on balance,
6 per cent. Address, Leonidas Ballard, Webster, Mass.
Farm of 80 acres: mowing, 7; pasture, 8; woodland, 15; suit-
able for cultivation, 10. Grass can be cut with a machine. House,
20x30; 5 rooms; poor repair. No barn. Good stone walls.
Running water most of the year and good well. Twenty apple
and some pear and cherry trees. The wood lot is a fine one and
worth the whole price asked. Railroad station, Charlton Depot,
4 mile; post-office, Charlton Depot, $ mile. Price, $1,100; cash
at sale, $500; interest on balance, 4 per cent. Address, Henry
G. Lamb, Charlton Depot, Mass.
Farm of 782 acres: mowing, 8; pasture, 25; woodland, 45;
suitable for cultivation, 30. Grass can be cut with a machine.
No buildings. Stone walls in good condition. Good well. Three
hundred apple and 10 other fruit trees. Railroad station, Web-
ster, 3 miles; post-office, Dudley, 2 miles. Price, $700; cash at
sale, $200; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, F. E. Cor-
bin, Southbridge, Mass.
, FircuBurG.
Farm of 148 acres: mowing, 47; pasture, 94; woodland, 7;
suitable for cultivation, 47. Grass can be cut with a machine.
No house, but good cellar and walls ready to build on. No barn,
but good cellar to build on. Stone walls in good condition.
Wells and running water. One hundred and seventy-five apple
trees. Railroad station, West Fitchburg, 1 mile; post-office, West
Fitchburg, 1 mile. Price, $4,605; cash at sale, $3,000; interest
on balance, 53 per cent. Address, Nicholas Parker, Fitchburg,
Farm of 55 acres: mowing, 20; woodland, 35; suitable for
cultivation, 20. Grass can be cut with a machine. House,
25x30; L, 14x40, including shed; 8 rooms; needs painting.
Barn, 20x20; barn cellar; poor repair. Stone wall in some
places. Well and spring. One hundred and forty apple and
afew pear trees. Railroad station, Fitchburg, 14 miles; post-
office, Fitchburg, 14 miles. Price, $2,500, all in cash. Address,
Mrs. Abbie D. T. Whitney, Fitchburg, Mass.
Farm of 65 acres: mowing, 9; pasture, 40; woodland, 4; suit-
able for cultivation, 18. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 28x30; 5 rooms; poor repair. Barn, 28x34; barn cellar ;
poor condition. Partly fenced with stone wall and the rest with
poor fences. Good water supply. Ten apple trees. Railroad
station, Gardner, 24 miles; post-office, West Gardner, 24 miles.
Price, $600; cash at sale, $300; interest on balance, 6 per cent.
Address, Albert Lovejoy, Gardner, Mass.
Farm of about 55 acres: mowing, 12; pasture, 15; woodland,
28; suitable for cultivation, 12. Grass can be cut with a
machine. Cottage house; 6 rooms; comfortable repair. Shed,
20x10. Barn, 50x30; not very good repair. Mostly fenced with
stone wall, somewhat down. Well at house and at barn. About
$300 worth of wood and timber on the farm. Twenty old apple
trees. Railroad station, Lunenburg, 4 miles; post-office, Lunen-
burg, 3 miles. Price, $900; cash at sale, $500; interest on
balance, 5 per cent. Address, Sarah S. Conant, or Mary I.
Conant, Lunenburg, Mass.
Farm of 48 acres: mowing, 18; pasture, 20; woodland, 10;
suitable for cultivation, 18. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House burned two years ago. Barn, 48x36; good repair. Stone
wall. Never-failing well at house and running water at barn.
About 20 grafted apple trees, 7 other fruit trees and 8 grape
vines. Railroad station, North Oxford, 30 rods; _ post-office,
North Oxford, 1 mile. Forty rods from school, 2 miles from
churches, 1 mile from store and 9 miles from Worcester. Cream
taken at the door. Price, $1,800; cash at sale, $1,000; interest
on balance, 6 per cent. Address, Peter Kidder, North Oxford,
* Farm of 142 acres: mowing, 10; pasture, 52; woodland, 80;
suitable for cultivation, 10. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 25 trees. Two-story house, 30x40; L, 20x40, one
and one-half story; 14 rooms; good repair. Barn, 40x60; barn
cellar; very poor repair. Stone wall, rail and wire fence in
good condition. Good well and springs. Fifty apple and 25
other fruit trees. Railroad station, North Dana, 6 miles; post-
office, Nichewaug, 1 mile. Price, $3,000; cash at sale, $1,200;
interest on balance, 6 per cent. Will sell for $1,200, and reserve
the timber. Address, John A. Carter, Petersham, Mass.
* Not certified to.
Farm of 250 acres: mowing, 60; pasture, 150; woodland, 40;
suitable for cultivation, 50. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Two-story house, 25x32; one-story L, 18x40; 11 rooms; house
built in 1890. Barn, 40x50; barn, 30x56; barn, 32x56; barn
cellar; all new within five years. Stone wall and wire fence in
good condition. Extra good well and spring. House and barns
all clapboarded and painted. Three hundred apple and 100 other
fruit trees. Railroad station, North Dana, 6 miles; post-office,
Petersham, 2 miles. Price, $5,000; cash at sale, $2,500; inter-
est on balance, 6 per cent. Address, John A. Carter, Petersham,
Farm of 47 acres: mowing, 12; pasture and woodland, 29;
suitable for cultivation, 6. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 30x40; L, 15x40; 6 finished rooms; good repair. Barn,
30x40; cellar under half of it; fair repair. Stone walls and
rail fence. Well, and never-failing spring.* A good number of
fine grafted apple trees. Railroad station, Athol, 5 miles; post-
office, Petersham, 8 miles. Price, $800; cash at sale, $200;
interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, Rachel Lee, Athol
Centre, Mass.
Farm of 140 acres: mowing, 20; pasture, 50; woodland, 30;
suitable for cultivation, 40. Most of the grass can be cut with a
machine. House, 40x30; L, containing back room and woodshed,
with unfinished chamber; shop and carriage-house attached; 8
rooms in main part; fair repair. Barn, 40x60; barn, 24x26;
barn cellar, 24x26; fair repair. Hen-house and _ tool-house.
Mostly stone wall in fair condition. Three wells. One hundred
apple, 1 quince, 6 pear trees and several grape vines, also blue-
berries, blackberries and cranberries and several butternut trees.
Railroad station, Athol, 5 miles; post-office, Petersham, 3 miles.
Price, $2,500; cash at sale, $1,200; interest on balance, 6 per
cent. Address, Ensign A. Marsh, Athol Centre, Mass.
Farm of 116 acres: mowing, 20; pasture, 40; woodland,
sprout-land, more than enough for fire-wood ; suitable for cultiva-
tion, 15. Three-fourths of the grass can be cut with a machine.
Two-story house, 41x22; L, 29x27; 10 rooms; not in good
repair; wood-house, 42x18. Barn, 34x75; bam cellar; not in
good repair; poor roof. Mostly rail fence in poor condition.
Well at house and one across the road. Twenty-six grafted
apple trees. Place assessed for $1,000. Railroad station, Barre
Plains, 8 miles; post-office, Petersham, 3 miles, Barre, 5 miles.
Price, $700; cash at sale, $350; interest on balance, 5 per cent.
Address, Harriet S. Paige or Mary S. Paige, Hardwick, Mass.
Farm of 110 acres: woodland, 25; the remainder formerly
divided into mowing and pasture, but lately it has all been
pastured. Woodland: pine, hemlock and some chestnut. Two-
story house, 28x30; one-story L, 34x16; 9 rooms; poor repair;
wood-house, 15x20. No barn. Two wells on place. Seventeen
grafted apple trees and many more in the pastures. Railroad
station, Barre Plains, 7 miles; post-office, Petersham, 3 miles,
Barre, 4 miles; best road to Barre. Place assessed for $1,000.
Price, $700; cash at sale, $350; interest on balance, 5 per cent.
Address, Harriet S. Paige or Mary 8. Paige, Hardwick, Mass.
Farm of 270 acres: mowing, 25; pasture, 75; woodland, 170;
suitable for cultivation, 25. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 125 trees. No house. Barn, 30x40; barn, 30x40;
shed, 40x18; sap-house andshop. Mostly fenced with stone wall.
Two good wells and good water in pasture. Fifty apple trees
and a good supply of pear, peach and plum trees and grape vines.
There is estimated to be $1,500 worth of wood and timber on
the farm. Railroad station, South Athol, 24 miles; post-office,
South Athol, 24 miles. Price, $3,000, all in cash. Address,
Lucius B. Simonds, Petersham.
Farm of 57 acres: mowing, 10; pasture, 25; woodland, 22;
suitable for cultivation, 10. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 40 trees. Cottage house; 30-foot L; 7 rooms; good
repair; painted inside and out this fall. Also a new shop with
chamber, 12x28; painted. Barn, 30x40; good repair. Mostly
fenced with stone wall. Two good wells and good water in
pasture. Fifty apple trees and a good supply of pear, peach and
plum trees and grape vines. There is estimated to be $300 worth
of wood and timber on the place. Railroad station, South Athol,
24 miles; post-office, South Athol, 24 miles. Price, $1,800, all
in cash. Address, Lucius B. Simonds, Petersham, Mass.
Farm of 13 acres: mowing, 4; pasture, 9; suitable for culti-
vation, 4. Grass can be cut with a machine. Sugar bush, 31
trees. House, 47x25; L, 14x14; 9 rooms; good repair. Barn,
30x26; barn cellar; good repair. Stone walls in good condition.
Good water supply. Twenty apple, 7 pear, 2 quince, 2 plum,
2 apricot and 4 peach trees. Never-failing spring in pasture.
House and barn connected by a shed. Railroad station, Athol, 5
miles; post-office, Nichewaug, 1 mile. Price, $1,200; cash at
sale, $600; interest on balance, 6 percent. Address, William A.
Smith, Petersham, Mass.
Farm of 102 acres: mowing, 40; pasture, 30; woodland, 32;
suitable for cultivation, 20. The greater part of the grass can be
cut with a machine. Sugar bush, 50 trees. House of 7 or 8
rooms; not in the best repair. Very good barn; barn cellar ;
good repair. Mostly stone walls in good condition. Never-fail-
ing well, springs and brook. Forty or 50 apple trees and 6 pear
trees. Plenty of hard and soft wood on place and market for the
same good. Railroad station, North Dana, 4 miles; post-office,
Nichewaug, 1 mile, Dana, 14 miles. Price, $2,000. Address,
Charles Stone, Nichewaug, Mass.
Farm of 115 acres: mowing, 25; pasture, 65; woodland, 25;
suitable for cultivation, 50. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Two-story house, 30x40; one-story house, 22x35; L, 20x40;
11 rooms; fairrepair. Barn, 40x75; poor repair. Mostly fenced
with stone walls. Never-failing well and running spring in house.
Seventy-five apple and several pear trees and some grape vines.
Large carriage house. Railroad station, South Athol, 6 miles;
post-office, Petersham, 14 miles. Four acres of pine timber will
be reserved. Price, $1,000; cash at sale, $400; interest on bal-
ance, 6 per cent. Address, John A. Terry, Athol Centre, Mass.
Farm of 65 acres: mowing, 12; pasture, 45; woodland, 8;
suitable for cultivation, 20. Part of the grass can be cut with a
machine. House, 30x80; L, 18x24; 6 rooms; not in first-rate
repair. Barn, 60x36; fair repair. Stone walls and rail fence in
good condition. Abundant water supply. Twenty-five apple trees
and 1 plum tree and a nice row of currant bushes. With a little
expense running water could be put in house and barn. Railroad
station, North Dana, 4 miles; post-office, Petersham, 24 miles.
Price, $800; cash at sale, $400; interest on balance, 6 per cent.
Address, C. S. Coolidge, Box 234, Petersham, Mass.
Farm of 134 acres: mowing, 8; pasture, 3; woodland, 23;
suitable for cultivation, 8. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 22x32; L, 14x25; 6 rooms; needs shingling, other-
wise in fair condition. Woodshed, 10x25. Barn, 18x20; needs
shingling on one side. Stone wall and barbed-wire fence. Spring
in front of house and running pond water. Thirty apple and 2
pear trees and 2 grape vines. Located in a village near church
and saw-mill. Railroad station, Templeton, 24 miles; post-office,
Phillipston, 1 mile. Price, $700, all in cash. Address, James
E. Bacon, Phillipston, Mass.
Farm of 85 acres: pasture, 50; woodland, 20; suitable for
cultivation, 15. Grass can be cut with a machine. Sugar bush,
30 trees. Two-story house, 24x34; L, 20x40; 9 rooms; needs
shingling and painting. New barn, 18x24; old barn, 30x30;
barn cellar; not in good repair. Stone wall, mostly in good con-
dition. Excellent water supply. Fifty apple and 12 pear trees.
Railroad station, Templeton, 14 miles; post-office, Phillipston,
# mile. Three-fourths of a mile from church, town hall and store.
Price, $700; cash at sale, $500; interest on balance, 5 per cent.
Address, C. S. Viall, Baldwinsville, Mass.
Farm of 60 acres: mowing, 15; pasture, 30; woodland, 15;
suitable for cultivation, 25. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 40x30; L, 20x15; 8 rooms; good repair. Barn, 30x40;
barn cellar; fair repair. Heavy stone walls. Two wells with
seven feet of water in them in the dryest seasons. Twenty young
shade trees. Railroad station, Fitchburg, 4 miles; post-office,
Princeton, 1$ miles. Price, $1,500, cash down. Ground high
and scenery beautiful. Address, Caleb Woodward, 16 Princeton
Street, Worcester, Mass.
Farm of 72 acres: mowing, 20 to 25; pasture, with some wood
on it, 47 to 52; suitable for cultivation, 20 to 25. Most of the
grass can be cut with a machine. House, 28x36; L, 20x42;
11 rooms; comfortable repair. Barn, 28x30; very good repair.
Mostly fenced with stone wall. Well at house and stream
through the farm. Good supply of apples and some small fruits.
Good neighborhood and near to school. Railroad station, South-
bridge, 6 miles; post-office, Fiskdale, 14 miles. Price, $1,200;
cash at sale, $600; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address,
Ellenor Spence, Fiskdale, Mass.
Farm of 40 acres: mowing, 22; pasture, 10; woodland, 6;
suitable for cultivation, 22. Grass can be cut with a machine.
House, 40x30; L, 25x15; 8 rooms; fair repair. Barn, 40x30;
barn cellar; fair repair. Stone wall in good condition. Good
water supply. Seventy-five apple and 6 pear trees, also grape
vines. Railroad station, Phillipston, 4 mile; post-office, Temple-
ton, 14 miles. Price, $1,000; cash at sale, $500; interest on
balance, 6 per cent. Address, Samuel Douglas, Templeton,
Farm of 59 acres: mowing, 20; pasture, 35; woodland, 4;
suitable for cultivation, 20. Nearly all the grass can be cut with
a machine. House, 30x40; L, 14x16; 9 rooms; good repair.
Barn, 20x36; nearly new. Stone wall in very good condition.
Never-failing well of excellent water. Fifty apple and 12 other
fruit trees. From 35 to 75 bushels of blueberries grow in the
pasture. Hen-house, 30 feet long, nearly new. Railroad station,
Westminster, 2 miles; post-office, Westminster Village, 14 miles.
Price, $1,600; cash at sale, $1,000; interest on balance, 6 per
cent. Address, John C. Goodridge, Westminster, Mass.
Farm of 20 acres: mowing, 8; pasture, 10; woodland, 5; suit-
able for cultivation, 8. Grass can be cut with a machine. House,
40x30; 8 rooms; fair repair. Barn, 30x30; fair repair. Fences
not very good. Well and pump at house. Forty apple, 10 pear
and 2 cherry trees. Natural meadow in pasture, good spring.
Good hen-house. Railroad station, Westminster, 3 miles; post-
office, Westminster, 2 miles. Price, $1,000, all in cash. Ad-
dress, Maria E. Larrabee, Box 155, Westminster, Mass.
Farm of 38 acres: mowing, 10; pasture, 6; woodland, 22 ; suit-
able for cultivation, 6. About two-thirds of the grass can be cut
with a machine. House, 20x20; L, 12x12; 4 rooms; not in good
repair, but quite a warm house. Barn, 22x24; fairly good repair.
Partly stone wall in fairly good condition. Well at house, spring
in pasture. Twenty-five apple trees. A nice lot of hard wood on
the farm, also quite a lot of chestnut, making the larger part of
the value of the farm. Railroad station, Ashburnham, 2 miles;
post-office, Ashburnham, 2 miles. Price, $1,000; cash at sale,
$700; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Address, C. E. Wood-
ward, Leominster, Mass.
Farm of between 45 and 60 acres: mowing, 10; pasture, 30 to
40; woodland, 10; suitable for cultivation, 30. Grass can be
cut with a machine, except on low meadow. House, 29x39; L,
18x40; 5 rooms; fair repair. Barn, 30x40; barn cellar; good
repair. Mostly fenced with barbed wire in good condition. Two
rivers, a never-failing well and spring near house. Twenty-one
apple and 10 other fruit trees. Railroad station, Baldwinsville,
2 miles; post-office, Baldwinsville, 2 miles. One mile from
church and a pail factory; near school-house. First-class high
school in town. One-half acre in small fruit, + acre in straw-
berries, large asparagus bed, and house for 100 hens. Price,
$1,300; cash at sale, $650; interest on balance, 6 per cent. Ad-
dress, Asa Child, Baldwinsville, Mass.
Farm of 85 acres: mowing, 20; pasture, 50; woodland, 15;
suitable for cultivation, 20. Grass can be cut with a machine.
Sugar bush, 35 trees. House, 20x25; L, 15x36; large carriage-
' 161
house and woodshed attached ; 6 finished rooms; needs paint and
shingling. Barn, 30x40; good repair. Wire fence and stone
wall in medium condition. Good well and never-failing spring.
Fifty apple, 8 pear, 2 cherry and 2 peach trees. Railroad station,
North Ashburnham, 3 miles; post-office, North Ashburnham, 3
miles. Price, $1,200; cash at sale, $600; interest on balance,
6 per cent. Address, W. H. Nutting, 1285 Main Street, Fitch-
burg, Mass.
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