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Sita Copyright, 1916, By Frank J. WIvstacu. All rights reserved Published, November, 1916 Norwood Press Set up and electrotyped by J. S. Cushing Co., Norwood, Mass., U.S.A, Presswork by S. J. Parkhill & Co., Boston, Mass., U.S.A. TO FLORENCE WILSTACH PREFACE Tue simile is one of the most ancient forms of speech. It is the handmaid of all early word records. It has proved itself essential to every form of human utterance. If our first parents had had a Boswell, many similes which are now in general use would be known as having been current in the Garden of Eden. Undoubtedly, on many occasions, Father Adam, when addressing Mother Eve, made use of “Cold as ice”, “ Busy as a bee’, ‘“‘Proud as a peacock”, ‘Weak as water”, “Angry as a wasp”, and “Bitter as gall.” With reliable data, many a simile which is now marked Anon. would be credited to Adam. In the absence of a Boswell, however, we have other authorities who testify that Father Adam and Mother Eve made frequent use of similes in their Garden conversation. As Moses, in his brief account of creation, failed to report the talks of our first parents, we are deprived of his testimony; but what Moses overlooked, John Milton and Elizabeth Barrett Browning have supplied. Some of the most familiar similes in general use are to be found in the Old Testament. Among them are: ‘‘Multiply as the stars of heaven”, “Unstable as water’’, “Still as a stone’’, “‘ White as snow”, ‘Swifter than a weaver’s shuttle”, “Boil like a pot’, “Firm as a stone’’, ‘Melted like wax’”’, ‘‘ Sharp as a two-edged sword”, and “Bitter as wormwood.” The Songs of Solomon are a rich mine of similes; including, ‘‘Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet ”’, ‘“Thy neck is like the tower of David builded for an armoury”, “Thy teeth are like a flock of sheep that are even shorn, which came up from the washing ’’, and “Cruel as the grave.” From many other sources the antiquity of the simile is proved. In the time of Rameses II of Egypt, 1292-1225 3.c., according to Breasted’s “History of Egypt”, the Poem of Pentaur was written. The Heroic Theban poet’s work was so highly prized that it was carved on the temple walls in hard stone. Pentaur was not ignorant of the simile. Thus he speaks of Pharaoh: “His heart is firm, his courage is like that of the god of war.” “His courage is firm, like that of a bull.” “The King is dreadful as the grim lion in the valley.” “He appeared like the sun-god at his rising in the early morn.” Of Seti, the father of Rameses II, an unlocked inscription says:. ‘‘He is as a jackal which rushed prowling through the land, as a grim lion that frequents hidden paths, as a powerful bull with sharpened horns.” Now this Rameses, Ramses, or Ramessu, was that Pharaoh who oppressed the Israelites, the father of the princess who found the child Moses hid among the bulrushes. vii Vili PREFACE Homer, Virgil, Horace, and all the ancient writers, abound in similes; but the first to confine his literary expression to the making of similes alone was a Pythagorean philosopher, Demophilus, whose history is little known. His work, “Life’s Culture and Conduct”’, is extant only in portions which are in the form of selections called “‘Dialectic Similitudes.” The first known edition of the work was printed in 1638. There were five editions in the seventeenth century, three in the eighteenth, and one in the nineteenth century. There is an interesting reference to Demophilus in ‘“‘The Phoenix”, described as “‘a collection of old and rare fragments’’, published by William Gowans, New York, 1835: “Demophilus appears to have enjoyed the dignity of archon at Athens, where it was no unusual thing for the character of magistrate and philosopher to be united in the same person. Respecting the time when he lived, it is impos- sible to arrive at an absolute certainty. The most probable conjecture is that he flourished about the beginning of the Christian era, and prior to the reign of the Emperor Marcus Antoninus. Such of his writings as are extant have come down to us in company with the philosophical works of Maximus Tyrius. Whether they owe their preservation to the latter philosopher having, from his conviction of their excellence, appended them to his own writings, is, though not unlikely, impossible to determine.” Thus the making of similes has gone on from age to age. The New Testa- ment is not so prolific in the use of this figure of speech as the Old; but the writers of the New had a way, not unknown to the Old, of repeating the same similes many times. Not only that, but many that are found in the Old reappear in the New Testament. Since the very beginning of English literature, the simile has been a favorite figure of speech. This is particularly true of the English writings which obtained before the time of Elizabeth, and all of the great Elizabethans made happy use of it. This volume, so far as I have been able to ascertain, is the first attempt to collect the best similes from English, as well as from all other literatures. It was not until the present collection was finished that I found Demophilus had several rivals. There was one collection of similes made in the sixteenth century, and three during the seventeenth. These books are: (1) Certaine very proper and most profitable similes, also manie very notable virtues. Anthonie Fletcher, London, 1595. (2) A treasurie or store-house of similies: both pleasant, delightful, and profit- able, for all estates of men in generall. Newly collected into heades and common- places: by Robert Cawdray, London, 1600. (3) A century of Similes, Thomas Shelton, London, 1640. (4) Things new and old; or a store-house of Similes, John Spencer, 1658. Of these four books, three, namely, Anthonie Fletcher’s, Robert Cawdray’s, and John Spencer’s, are in the Library of Congress. Only one, John Spencer’s, which is a reprint, is in the New York Public Library. All four are to be found in the British Museum. I have been able to examine three of the four books, missing that compiled by Thomas Shelton. The three I have seen are not as the titles suggest, collections of similes, but are religious dissertations. Of the three, Robert Cawdray’s is the only one with a savor of humor. There is, indeed, some justification for stating on his title page: ‘“‘Similes: both pleasant, delightful, and profitable.” By turning to the index, and examining some of the similes taken from his book, the reader will discover that while Robert Cawdray was an uncompromising ‘‘devil-chaser ”, he was possessed, at PREFACE ix times, with a pungent wit. His statement, ““Newly collected into heades”, does not, as one might suppose, mean that he had collected the similes of the great writers of England up to his time; but merely that they are his own original efforts. His quotations are taken almost entirely from the scriptures. John Spencer appears to have known nothing of Chaucer, Spenser, Shakespeare, or Butler. In fact, his book shows that he was intimately acquainted only with the ecclesiastical writers of his time. Perhaps some student of literature, —a hundred years hence, — will turn to this book to discover if I were acquainted in any degree with some writer now unknown to fame, but whose name will then be on everybody’s lips! This, to me at least, is an interesting speculation. Who will then be remembered ? Will it be George Ade or Henry James; O. Henry or Mrs. Humphry Ward; Joseph Conrad or George Meredith; Alfred Henry Lewis or Ambrose Bierce; Maurice Hewlett or Walter Pater; John Davidson or Rudyard Kipling? Robert Cawdray, in ignoring Shakespeare, — and indeed all the great Elizabethan writers, — thus missed his chance for a niche in the Temple of Fame. The first to make a collection of similes was John Ray, botanist and miscel- laneous writer. His ‘‘A Collection of English Proverbs” was published in 1670, and there have been many subsequent editions. It was not Ray’s purpose to group together the proverbs and incidentally the similes to be found in English literature, but rather those in colloquial use by the people of England. The “Proverbial Similes” which he collected comprise but eight and a half pages of the two hundred and eighty, of the fifth edition of his book. Many of those gathered by Ray are of a character too gross for modern taste, while others are of a distinctly local character. Other collectors added many which came into general use after Ray’s time; but all avoided making use of similes to be found in the works of the writers of preceding ages. The first to overcome this re- luctance was Vincent Stuckey Lean, whose great work, ‘‘Lean’s Collectanea ”’, in five volumes, was published at Bristol, England, in 1903. A part of the second volume of this erudite compilation is given over to “‘A New Treasury of Similes.” Lean not only embodied in his work all of the similes to be found in the various books of proverbs, but added very many from the old English writers. It is evident that he had a very considerable Elizabethan library to delve in; but, oddly enough, he made use of but three modern similes, — one each from Dickens, Tennyson, and George Eliot. Of the four simile books mentioned, Lean knew of but one, and that by Robert Cawdray. I began this Dictionary of Similes in 1894. It did not occur to me at once that there might be any particular need for such a book, — nor had George Moore yet written: ‘‘It is hard to find a simile when one is seeking for one.” One day in the spring of that year, when in Boston, I was looking over the morning papers and, being interested in some incident at the State House, read that “the news spread like wildfire.” Having noted the coincidence of all the newspapers using this simile, and having observed its frequent use in the press, I asked a journal- istic acquaintance if there was no substitute for “‘spread like wildfire.” He replied that he had never heard of news spreading in any other way. My curi- osity aroused, I stepped into the bookstore of Little, Brown & Company, then located in Washington Street, near the Globe newspaper office, and asked for a “Dictionary of Similes.” The clerk looked in vain over the shelves; then, having fumbled through the leaves of a huge volume, returned with the informa- tion that such a book had never been published. As I was actively engaged at the time, I had then no intention of supplying the apparent omission. But x PREFACE from that day I began to copy into a large blank book the similes in every book Iread. Finding this collection of use to others, as well as to myself, it occurred to me that as opportunity presented I would begin with Chaucer and gather all the useful and picturesque similes from all of the important poets and prose writers, down to the present time. It seemed an endless undertaking; but I pursued the work with growing interest and delight. As my occupation during the intervening years took me back and forth from New York to San Francisco and hither and thither to all parts of the country, much of the work was done on railroad trains, and many an evening hour was spent in the libraries of Boston, Washington, Chicago, Detroit, Cincinnati, New Orleans, St. Louis, and other cities. Victor Hugo, in ‘‘Les Miserables”, tells of an old man who never went out without a book, and who seldom came back without two. This has a humorous application to myself. Year after year J have carried about with me some volume or other on which I had set my covetous eyes, hoping during an idle moment in a busy day to rifle it of its similes. And often, like the character in ‘‘Les Miser- ables”, I have ventured forth with a single volume and returned with a precious arm-load. So this work has been carried on through sheer love of the chase. To shake all the similes, as leaves from the forest, of English Literature would be a task beyond the possibilities of one human life. Therefore, such a collection must necessarily be incomplete, except in so far as the great masters are con- cerned, and to, have excluded the best from modern writers would have deprived such a collection of very much of its interest and charm. I have not been in- fluenced by the reputation of any contemporary writer; but have selected those similes which seemed really worth while. When I came to collate the similes under headings, — similes collected during nearly a quarter of a century, and from thousands of volumes, —I discovered that there were hundreds of duplicates. So, I credited the simile to that writer who was the one farthest back in point of time. When any simile was used by a group of authors of the same age, through necessity I have marked it anonymous. In numerous instances, it will be discovered that I have given credit for many similes to authors far back in the reaches of time which are usually attributed to modern writers. There is no certainty, of course, that many of these similes were really original with the authors to whom they are credited. To have ex- amined the writings of all authors would have been an impossibility. While I have been able to find many an apt simile as having been used hundreds of years before any collector has so far discovered them, I have no doubt I shall find, in time, that many similes in this Dictionary, credited to a modern writer, have been “‘picked from the worm holes of old time.” Although I have drag-netted the ocean, as well as the numerous narrow streams and wide rivers of literature, for similes, many a rare and curious specimen has doubtless escaped me. Had all been secured this collection would be of too great a size for general use. To discover the authorship of many curious similes has been a matter of long quest. Here are three examples: ‘Cold as an enthusiastic New England audience ;” “Noisy as a living skeleton having a fit on a hardwood floor;” and “‘About as much privacy as a goldfish.” The first of these I had from the lips of James Whitcomb Riley, in 1886. But when I lately wrote to the Hoosier poet and asked him if he were its father, he disclaimed ever having heard of the child. Years ago, I noted that Opie Read had been given credit for “Noisy as a living skeleton having a fit on a hardwood floor”; but Mr. Read, some years back, PREFACE xi denied the authorship. On the other hand, Irvin S. Cobb informs me that he accepts all blame for having made merry with the privacy of the goldfish. Much of an interesting nature might be said on the subjects chosen for similes during different periods. This will be apparent to any reader who has curiosity enough to examine this volume. Nature it will readily be observed, had well nigh the sole appeal for the ancients, — for Homer and Virgil particularly. As we come down to modern times, we find that new and novel inventions have been seized upon as means for comparison. Byron, shortly after the introduction of gas for illumination in the playhouse, wrote in Don Juan: _ “Grand a sight As is a theatre lit up by gas.” Then came the adding machine, and Oliver Wendell Holmes made use of Mr. Babbage’s calculating machine as a comparison for certainty; Morgan Robert- son wrote ‘‘Faint as the voice of the telephone”, and, lately, a play was adver- tised as ‘‘ Crackling with wit like a Marconi.” Then too, —‘‘Sly asa submarine.” The moving picture also furnishes interesting examples. Its first form was the magic lantern. Thomas Moore made use of it: “But now ‘a change came o’er my dream,’ Like the magic lantern’s shifting slider.” The next invention was the diorama, and we have George Eliot saying: “Shifts its scenes like a diorama.” Finally, when the moving picture was perfected, William Archer wrote: ‘‘Feverishly accelerate, like the movements we sce in the cinematograph.” It would be unwise to credit a dramatist with a simile used in a play, for the reason that actors have, more especially in musical comedy, a way of introducing some happy phrase with or without the author’s consent. It is astonishing how quickly a simile heard in a play will come into current use. Not long ago I over- heard two persons talking in a street car, and one said: “It was as cruel as a barren stepmother’s slap.” I had no notion that this was an original phrase with the person in the street car. That night I went to see a play by Lady Gregory, and then discovered the source of the simile; the authoress, however, had written not ‘“‘cruel”, but ‘‘Hard as a barren stepmother’s slap.” From earliest time poets have been remarkable for their intimate acquaint- ance with the solar system. Astronomers themselves could hardly have made so many observations on the sun, the moon, and the stars, — the moon particu- larly. Also, the bards, when in need of a simile, have been free in their use of the boundless ocean, and with the rippling brook as well. The flowers of the fields, the birds of the air, — of the latter the eagle being easily the favorite, — have graphically served their purpose. While the moon shows signs of waning popularity, the eagle retains an undiminished favor. Indeed, the poets have so delighted in similes that they have written whole poems, every line a simile. A small volume might easily be made of this species of poetistic ingenuity, — the most curious example being the one devised by John Gay. Thomas Hood, in his poem “The Tale of the Trumpet”, relates the adven- tures of an ‘“‘old woman hard of hearing”’, in which he rings the changes on the simile “deaf as a post.” By way of novelty, Sterne began the fifteenth chapter of “Tristram Shandy” with a simile, and added,—‘“‘I don’t think the comparison a bad one :” xii PREFACE ‘An eye is, for all the world, exactly like a cannon, in this respect, That it is not so much the eye or the cannon, in themselves, as it is the carriage of the eye, and the carriage of the cannon; by which both the one and the other are enabled to do so much execution.” In the use of similes, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Spenser, Shelley and Swinburne were the most profuse. Of these, Swinburne, easily led the others in this form of expression. In fact there is hardly a page of his works that does not contain from one to three similes. The poet who made the smallest use of the simile was Walt Whitman. I have taken the liberty, rather broadly, of including in this book, as an aid for reference, a number of comparisons from various sources which would not technically come under the definition of simile. There is, of course, a thin shade of difference, but one overlooked by many grammarians.. However, when one can, without undue license, enlarge the usefulness of a book of reference there is no necessity of allowing research to be embarrassed by unimportant breaches of definition. The reader will find, I trust, the few com- parisons in this dictionary quite as welcome as the out and out similes. To achieve anything like correctness in quotation has proved, at times, a most perplexing matter, for the reason that the texts of many of the poets have undergone, from editor to editor, various alterations. With Shakespeare, be- cause of the imperfect First Folio, this was necessary. But, in tampering with the text of the First Folio, there have been many curious revisions, or new read- ings, well known to students of the Bard. The most singular to come under my observation appears in the Blair edition of Shakespeare, which, according to its editor, J. Talfourd Blair, was “Carefully edited and compared with the best text.”” In this volume one may read: “How sharper than a servant’s tooth it is To have a thankless child.” In this case we may well rely upon the First Folio, which has it “serpent’s”’, not “‘servant’s tooth.” The ideal method would have been to select only those editions of the classics which have acquired authority. But this has been quite impossible, for I have had to accept whatever I have been able to lay hands on, for my purpose. In making verifications there have been disclosed many discrepancies. Take, for example, Thomas Campbell’s verse : “Like angel visits, few and far between.” The words ‘‘angel visits” are often printed as a compound word, but in Hoyt’s “ Cyclopedia of Practical Quotations”, in one place they are printed as two words, and in another hyphenated. Storms have raged around Robert Burns’ best-known simile, beginning: “But pleasures are like poppies spread.” These verses appeared first in Francis Grose’s “ Antiquities of Scotland”, (London, 1791), volume 2, page 199-201, as follows: ‘But pleasures are like poppies spread, You seize the flower, its bloom is shed; Or like the snow falls in the river, A moment white — then melts for ever; PREFACE xii Or like the borealis race, That flit ere you can point their place; Or like the rainbow’s lovely form, Evanishing amid the storm.” Chambers printed the couplet : “Or like the snowfall in the river, A moment white — then melts for ever.” But it will be observed that Burns had it “‘snow falls”, not “snowfall.” The ever careful John Bartlett changed the third verse, making it read : “Or, like the snow-fall in the river.” Several editors have arbitrarily made the line read “Like snow falls on the river.” But Douglas says in his edition of 1877: ‘‘We suspect that Burns would have preferred: ‘‘Like snowflakes on the river.” In conclusion I would quote the final passage of Thomas Fuller’s preface to John Spencer’s ‘‘Things new and old, or a store-house of Similes”: ‘But the reader .will catch cold, by keeping him too long in the porch of the Preface, who now (the door being opened) may enter into the house itself.” Frank J. WILSTACH. New York, July, 1916. INDEX OF A Becxert, GILBERT ABBOTT, 123, 379 | Asout, EpMonp, 382 ACHESON, ARTHUR, 223, 400, 417, 462 ApaM, ALEXANDER, 333 Apams, FRANKLIN P., 56, 138, 255, 332, 8358, 385, 435, 453 ApamMs, JOHN, 261 Apams, Oscar Fay, 405, 427, 429 ApaMs, SAMUEL Hopkins, 75 Apams, SARAH FLOWER, 272, 327 Apams, THomas, 5, 16, 64, 68, 89, 113, 330, 396, 405, 440 ApvIson, JosEPH, 7, 110, 157, 174, 289, 8365, 385, 434, 415, 443 Apz, Grorcsz, 18, 46, 105, 114, 166, 198, 330, 342, 378, 382, 461 ADEE, ALVEY A., 222 A.E. See RusseLt, Grorce WILLIAM Ascuruvs, 31, 33, 52, 76, 85, 86, 116, 130, 140, 147, 154, 205, 310, 330, 386, 395, 400, 405, 435, 445, 467, 469, 475 AGEsSILAvsS, 66 Aint, Hamiuron, 352 AINGER, ALFRED, 9 AINswoRTH, WILLIAM H., 143, 180, 218, 313 Arrp, Tuomas, 411 AKENSIDE, Mark, 41, 76, 80, 126, 138, 140, 145, 151, 152, 239, 284, 410, 411, 442, 457 ALBEE, JOHN, 15 Ausizz1, Niccouo, 352 ALCIPHRON, 362 Aucott, Louisa M., 41, 69 ALpRicH, THomas Batter, 18, 84, 87, 103, 204, 207, 231, 238, 263, 269, 297, 307, 368, 385, 399, 488, 445, 462, 467, 475 ALEMBERT, JEAN Le Ronp vp’, 278 ALEXANDER, Ceci Frances, 136, 275, 315 ALEXANDER, WILLIAM, 470 ALIBERT, JEAN Lous, 67 ALISON, Sir ARCHIBALD, 69, 290 Aurson, Ricnarp, 417 ALLEN, Grant, 159, 220, 257, 274 ALLEN, James Lang, 98, 116, 187, 390, 447, 470 ALLINGHAM, WILLIAM, 67, 116, 160, 365 Americanisms, Dictionary oF. See BARTLETT, J. R. Ames, Fisuer, 210 xV AUTHORS Amicis, EpMonpo pg, 45, 103, 116, 374, 384, 415, 451 AmieL, Henri F., 285 AmRIOLKais, 116, 365, 461 ANACHARSIS, 227 ANACREON, 24, 106, 160, 236, 232, 363, 368 ANCIENT Batutap oF Hinpustan, 126, 362, 429, 483 ANDERSEN, Hans CaurisTian, 14, 88, 232, 303, 392, 431, 432, 452 ANDERSEN, Mary Louisa, 61, 368 ANDERSON, D. R., 209 Anprews, Exiza F., 220 Anprews, Miuss P., 340 ANDREYEV, LEonip, 11, 315, 348, 428 ANEURIN, 82 ANTAR, ROMANCE oF, 123, 144, 417 ANTISTHENES, 112 ANnTROBUS, JOHN, 59 APPIUS AND VIRGINIA, 389 ARABIAN Nicuts, 5, 12, 14, 15, 19, 33, 50, 55, 56, 92, 122, 124, 152, 172, 173, 182,° 221, 222, 236, 266, 271, 273, 276, 310, 330, 344, 369, 385, 392, 403, 405, 417, 422, 459, 470, 476, 485, 487 Arazic, 10, 89, 206, 267, 288, 315, 406, 432, 441, 470 ARBUTHNOT, JOHN, 50 ARCHER, WILLIAM, 2, 55, 83, 100, 114, 124, 140, 185, 219, 265, 312, 391, 445, 470 Ariosto, 50, 140, 250, 284, 344 ARISTIPPUS, 1 ARISTOPHANES, 17, 55, 141, 174 ARISTOTLE, 61, 288 ARMIN, RoBert, 13, 56 Armstrone, JoHn, 52, 331 ARNOLD, Epwin, 20, 59, 73, 76, 116, 146, 147, 154, 174, 177, 184, 190, 200, 219, 236, 242, 261, 293, 335, 357, 358, 392, 406, 418 ARNOLD, GEoRGE, 406 ARNOLD, Marruew, 50, 61, 67, 73, 103, 124, 198, 218, 240, 257, 327, 373, 391, 404 ASBJORNSEN, Peter C., 357 AscHaM, Roacesr, 115 AsHBY-STERRY, JosEPH, 49, 208 AsHE, Tuomas, 18,.126, 150, 155, 176, 192, 236, 275, 438, 466, 476 xvi Asumo.. MS. (15TH CENTURY), 328 ASSYRIAN, 263, 282, 432 .AsTypamus JuNIor, 295 ATHERSTONE, Epwin, 8, 348 ATTERBOM, D. A., 48 AUBER, HARRIET, 369 Avupoux, MARGUERITE, 363 AvuauHey, Joun H., 339 AvuaiER, EMILE, 331 AuaGusTINE, Saint, 81, 350 AvRELIvS, Marcus, 69, 141, 184, 398, 426, 434 Austin, ALFRED, 13, 33, 74, 99, 103, 150, 159, 161, 208, 236, 265, 282, 292, 310, 320, 332, 355, 386, 418, 430, 475, 478 Austin, Henry W., 26 Austin, Mary, 12 AUSTIN, WILLIAM, 392 Ayres, ALFRED, 319, 448 Ayrton, Sir Rosert, 136 AYTOUN, WiuLiaM E., 86, 195, 285, 470 Bacon, Francis, 1, 6, 8, 16, 17, 22, 40, 45, 65, 92, 96, 132, 141, 150, 156, 157, 208, 217, 224, 229, 250, 264, 271, 272, 278, 290, 301, 320, 328, 377, 386, 403, 420, 438, 458, 463 Bacon, GrorcEe Vaux, 467 Baasy, Georce W., 467 Baur, Hermann, 426 Barutey, Partie James, 15, 22, 23, 26, 33, 39, 56, 59, 80, 86, 98, 101, 109, 112, 1380, 133, 136, 140, 142, 144, 151, 156, 161, 170, 174, 182, 189, 192, 195, 199, 201, 205, 211, 213, 223, 234, 236, 242, 256, 276, 278, 285, 292, 296, 299, 304, 308, 310, 322, 331, 337, 341, 343, 344, 349, 359, 369, 379, 389, 398, 403, 404, 406, 420, 423, 441, 444, 449, 461, 484 Bar.uiz, JOANNA, 187, 256, 434, 476 Baker, Miss A. E., 333 Baxer, Sir Samuet WHITE, 99 Batrour, ALEXANDER, 480 BALLANTINE, JAMES, 367 Battovu, Hosea, 112, 155, 416 Batzac, Honors pz, 13, 15, 19, 26, 28, 41, 45, 55, 61, 67, 70, 72, 76, 77, 96, 98, 99, 101, 108, 113, 114, 116, 138, 141, 142, 158, 161, 171, 172, 174, 183, 185, 187, 189, 192, 195, 201, 211, 216, 217, 222, 228, 231, 237, 238, 250, 263, 266, 269, 277, 279, 280, 285, 289, 296, 299, 300, 301, 304, 307, 308, 312, 324, 329, 331, 335, 338, 340, 351, 355, 358, 368, 373, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 384, 387, 391, 397, 398, 399, 400, 403, 404, 406, 420, 422, 430, 437, 439, 446, 453, 455, 456, 460, 461, 470, 478, 481, 487 Bancrort, Grorce, 16 453, INDEX. Banim, Joan, 114, 326 Barser, J. W., 292 Barsour, JoHN, 357 Barciay, ALEXANDER, 167, 206, 220, 344, 362, 389, 392, 425, 446, 447 Baret, Joan, 401, 406 Barwam, RicHarp Harris, 12, 22, 102, 152, 186, 278, 291, 324, 353, 365, 471 Bartow, Georae, 74, 303 BaRLow, JANE, 285 Bartow, JoEu, 28, 263 BaRNARD, Lapy, 103 BaRNARD, WILLIAM F., 56 BarravuLp, A. L., 353 Barriz, J. M., 3, 134, 213, 214, 235, 280, 308, 309, 310, 319, 328, 432, 347, 447, 461 Barry, EvGene, 126, 142, 310 Barry, Jonn D., 403 Barry, Mary, 471 Bartas, SEIGNEUR DU, 116 Bartiett, J. R., 18, 41, 61, 64, 73, 139, 157, 161, 183, 188, 191, 192, 204, 207, 211, 239, 240, 249, 256, 272, 303, 307, 308, 312, 328, 335, 341, 342, 351, 354, 358, 363, 388, 392, 401, 415, 480, 450, 478, 485 Barton, BERNARD, 229, 338 Bates, ARLo, 41, 76, 99, 179, 236, 258, 262, 416 Bates, Hersert, 475 Bates, Lewis J., 76 Bares, Ropert C., 291, 296 Battle oF OTTERBOURNE, 312 BauDELAIRE, CHARLES PIERRE, 10, 232 Bracu, Rex, 41, 211, 269, 320, 334 BEACONSFIELD, Earu or, 26, 58, 110, 145, 200, 217, 289, 324, 377 Beat, SAMUEL, 326 Beattiz, GEORGE, 453 Beattiz, Jamges, 56, 126, 161 Beavucuamp, Mary A., 95, 318 BEAUMARCHAIS, PIERRE AUGUSTINB CARON DE, 382 Beaumont, Francis, 56, 83, 130, 152, 196, 242, 246, 318, 406, 471 Braumont, Sir Harry, 471 BEAUMONT AND FLeEeTcHer, 6, 20, 23, 30, 31, 47, 48, 52, 60, 61, 72, 73, 76, 79, 97, 102, 106, 109, 113, 116, 122, 126, 132, 138, 144, 146, 152, 154, 159, 168, 179, 195, 225, 230, 236, 238, 241, 249, 256, 271, 284, 288, 293, 309, 311, 324, 341, 344, 351, 358, 366, 375, 383, 390, 392, 397, 401, 406, 427, 435, 444, 458, 459, 465, 471, 476, 483, 485 BEAUREPAIRE, JULES Q. DB, 222, 341 Brecker, CHARLOTTE, 232 Brecon, Tomas, 5 BecqumR, Gustavo A., 15, 375 Beppogs, THomas Lovett, 33, 61, 86, 116, 172, 191, 201, 247, 338 Ber, Bernarp E., 384 BrercHer, Henry Warp, 20, 27, 28, 48, 66, 122, 261, 285, 400 BrecHer, Lyman, 377 Bescuine, Henry CHarves, 223 Berersoum, Max, 3, 125, 411, 459 Beesty, A. H., 1, 24, 33, 168, 188 Bean, ApHra, 2, 17, 48, 61, 64, 78, 91, 103, 130, 138, 142, 159, 170, 254, 320, 332, 353, 400, 404, 478 Beut, Caarues D., 282 Bruui, Hitary, 170 Beuu, R. H., 391 Be.tu, Rosert Mowry, 481 Bengt, STEPHEN VINCENT, 480 BENJAMIN, Park, 471 Bennett, ARNOLD, 64, 403, 429, 442 BENNETT, WILLIAM Cox, 50, 369 BENNETT, Srz WitiiaM §., 406 Benson, ARTHUR C., 122, 200, 459, 465 Benson, Rospert Hues, 268, 406 BENTHAM, JEREMY, 4 Browutr, 33 BERANGER, PIERRE JEAN DE, 353 BERNARD, SaAInt, 15, 20 BERNARD, Sir T., 335 BERNARD, W. BAYLeE, 220 BERNARD, WILLIAM B., 292 BuaaGavaD-Gira, 139 Brsuze. See New TESTAMENT; TESTAMENT Brerce, AMBROSE, 15, 26, 28, 47, 90, 93, 116, 133, 141, 178, 187, 248, 292, 303, 334, 353, 367, 396, 406, 430, 464, 485, DEMETRIOS, 323 Bituines, Josu, 4, 6, 11, 56, 69, 71, 73, 85, 90, 109, 132, 145, 155, 169, 170, 187, 190, 192, 196, 200, 202, 216, 228, 234, 245, 242, 264, 270, 272, 280, 289, 297, 303, 304, 326, 333, 344, 389, 426, 432, 452, 486 BrineHam, JoHN A., 215 Binns, Henry B., 451 Binyon, Laurence, 90, 178, 352, 469 Birp, Rosert M., 347 Bisoop, GrorGE, 447 BjoRNSON, BIORNSTIERNE, 55, 145, 156, OLD 330, 341 Buaxe, Mary E., 168 Buaxe, WiuuraM, 78, 122, 124, 165, + 192, 241, 331, 363, 411, 465, 471 Buiackig, JoHN Stuart, 53, 107 Buackuock, THomas, 142, 260, 291, 304, 320, 383, 411 Buacxmore, R. D., 10, 18, 25, 33, 39, ‘41, 59, 72, 80, 88, 144, 148, 151, 161, 165, 170, 171, 172, 174, 177, 182, 192, 195, 216, 227, 229, 232, 233, 241, 265, 268, 308, 310, 315, 325, 335, 342, 344, 355, 369, 376, 380, 381, 387, 388, 389, 895, 397, 399, 401, 402, 411, 432, 448, 449, 459, 460, 461, 463, 487 Buackxwoop, J. H., 170 Xvil Buarr, Rosert, 80, 103, 256, 304, 399, 416, 420, 455, 458 BLaNcHARD, SAMUEL Laman, 56, 106, 158 Bupssineton, Lapy, 337, 415 BuicHer, Steen §., 101 Burnp, MarTuitpe, 53, 108, 174, 180, 182, 210, 364, 406, 471, 488 Buocr, Louris Jamzs, 48 BuoEepE, GERTRUDE, 449 BLooMFIELD, ROBERT, 447 Buiunt, Epwarp, 43 Buiunt, WILFRED &., 37, 61, 455 Boccaccio, 17, 111, 414, 443 Bocart, 85 Botrarpvo, Martreo M.,, 215 BortEavu, NicHouas, 96 Bonar, Horatius, 376 BonaAvVENTURA, Saint, 66 Boxer, Georce H., 11, 33, 103, 247, 256, 293, 396 Boxe oF Mayp Emtyn, 456 Boots, Epwin, 220 Borpz, ANDREW, 105, 249 Bossvet, Jacques BEnienn, 203 BosweE.t, James, 152 Borta, ANNE C. L., 89 Boucicautt, Dion, 1, 4, 20, 35, 388, 476 BourGeEors, EMILE, 355 Bovuraet, Paut, 48, 55, 236, 394, 449 Bourne, VINCENT, 24 Bovis, C. N., 4, 96, 248, 250, 261, 271, 287, 300, 319, 437, 464 Boyp, THomas, 257 Boyesen, Hsaumar Hyorrua, 233, 344, 459 Boyz, RoBert, 9 Boyse, SAMUEL, 134, 184, 213, 232, 282, CAROLINE, 116 Bow tes, 8. G., 72 BRacKENRIDGE, HueH H., 47 BRADSTREET, ANNE, 10, 483 BraitHwaite, W. &S., 63 BRANDES, GEORGE, 144 BRANN, WILLIAM CoOWPER, 394, 442 BrRaTHWAITE, ROBERT, 358 BREMER, FREDERIKA, 375 Brent, JoHn, 240 Breton, Nicnouas, 84, 261, 481 Brewer, ANTHONY, 445 Bripces, Mapruing. See Ds VERE, Mary AINGE Bripces, Mrs. CoLoNngu. TER, Mrs. Briveces, Roperr (American), 116, 155, 169, 205, 226 Briveses, Robert (English), 144, 145, 238, 304, 360 Brizux, Evaene, 485 BricHouse, Haro, 46, 71, 231 Bricot, JoHN, 154 Broapuurst, Greorce, 46, 142, 443 191, 355, 380, 56, 99, 95, 298, See Forrrs- XVill Brome, ALEXANDER, 54, 138 Bronson-Howarp, Grorce, 313 Bronté, ANNE, 100, 106, 192, 196 Bronte, CHaruotre, 41, 61, 64, 77, 81, 94, 98, 111, 116, 136, 211, 219, 275, 282, 296, 298, 299, 322, 341, 344, 347, 349, 353, 360, 389, 392, 404, 480, 451, 452, 462, 463, 476, 488 Bronte, Eminy, 50, 142, 243, 246, 270, 284, 322, 337, 442, 453, 471, 485 Bronté, Patrick, 103, 194, 293, 363 BRooKkE, CHARLOTTE, 320 Brooxs, Henry, 112, 169, 182, 201, 305, 332, 455 Brooke, Lorp. See GrevibLeE, FuLKE Brooke, Rurert, 69, 78 Brooxe, Stoprorp A., 105 Brooxs, Maria G., 33, 402 Brooxs, Puiuiips, 90 Broomn, WILLIAM, 222, 331, 443 BrRotHerton, ALIcE W., 196 Broucu, Rospert B., 435 Brovueuam, Joun, 31, 41, 149, 300, 397 Brown, ALEXANDER, 427 Brown, KATHERINE H., 471 Brown, O. M., 344 Brown, T. D., 404 Brown, Tuomas E., 111 Brown, Tom, 72, 272, 373 Browne, CHARLES Farrar. ARTEMUS Browne, Francis F., 404 Browne, M. A., 205 Browne, Sir Tuomas, 182, 199 Browne, WIuurAM, 246, 305, 344, 369 420, 488 Browne, Henry H., 263, 411 Browninec, EvizABETH BARRETT, 9, 12, 19, 20, 26, 33, 41, 46, 49, 56, 59, 60, 61, 69, 74, 77, 81, 86, 92, 94, 96, 98, 103, 104, 106, 110, 115, 116, 117, 122, 124, 126, 139, 145, 151, 152, 159, 171, 172, 174, 176, 182, 186, 187, 189, 195, 198, 200, 206, 207, 212, 216, 224, 227, 229, 236, 239, 246, 257, 263, 267, 268, 270, 279, 282, 284, 285, 288, 299, 302, 303, 305, 308, 315, 319, 320, 322, 324, 332, 333, 339, 340, 347, 348, 349, 351, 360, 363, 366, 369, 373, 378, 389, 392, 394, 395, 399, 424, A427, 430, 432, 436, 488, 441, 443, 446, 453, 471, 486, 487, 488 Browninec, Ropert, 11, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 38, 39, 41, 49, 50, 56, 59, 60, 73, 76, 78, 79, 83, 87, 88, 100, 104, 108, 116, 125, 137, 140, 148, 145, 150, 174, 176, 180, 185, 188, 194, 199, 205, 217, 229, 233, 234, 235, 238, 241, 242, 249, 263, 277, 280, 289, 297, 308, 304, 305, 308, 309, 313, 317, 328, 334, 335, 336, 337, 339, 349, 350, 356, 361, 363, 365, 379, See Warp, 390, 397, 402, 404, 416, 418, 420, 425, 427, 432, 436, 438, 443, 450, 463, 464, 467, 471 Bruce, MicHar., 127, 161, 246, 305 Bryant, WiLu1AM CULLEN, 7, 15, 59, 92, 127, 138, 139, 148, 149, 176, 180, 184, 196, 205, 235, 264, 285, 290, 321, 324, 328, 376, 386, 394, 404, 406, 419, 459, 461, 462, 464 BucHanan, Rosert, 13, 43, 70, 94, 124, 174, 194, 233, 268, 359, 427, 471 Buck, Cuarues N., 163, 359 Bucxineuam, DUKE oF, 224 BucxsTone, J. B., 348 Buppwa, 88, 290, 340, 349, 428, 432, 446, 447, 448 Burrum, Epwarp G., 95 BuLuEiIn, WiLuIaM, 80 Butwer-Lytron, 1, 5, 8, 14, 15, 17, 22, 23, 26, 30, 33, 38, 50, 56, 68, 65, 67, 72, 76, 77, 78, 81, 83, 84, 94, 98, 107, 109, 110, 117, 133, 141, 145, 149, 151, 156, 159, 176, 183, 192, 208, 210, 212, 219, 223, 224, 236, 229, 243, 251, 254, 260, 263, 270, 273, 276, 278, 280, 282, 288, 305, 312, 319, 320, 332, 333, 342, 344, 348, 359, 365, 367, 368, 369, 373, 375, 380, 381, 386, 387, 389, 391, 392, 395, 399, 416, 423, 426, 427, 432, 438, 440, 448, 447, 455, 457, 465, 467, 468, 471, 476 Bunner, H. C., 25, 56, 59, 81, 91, 98, 111, 141, 181, 204, 283, 234, 254, 259, 298, 324, 344, 356, 388, 392, 401, 403, 406, 418, 420, 439, 461, 471 Bunriine, Neb. Z. Burperte, Rosert J., 133 Burcer, Gorrrriep A., 11, 127 Burecess, GELETT, 201, 250, 238, 353 Burke, Epmunp, 140, 228, 314 Burke, W. T., 6 Burnett, Frances Hopeson, 189, 236, 443 Burns, Rosert, 13, 32, 50, 81, 85, 140, 146, 156, 161, 164, 169, 190, 233, 237, 243, 282, 295, 318, 344, 359, oo 380, 406, 417, 424, 434, 459, 471 Burritt, Exinv, 261 Burrovueus, EuiEn, 309 Burrovueus, Joun, 12, 188, 216, 398 Burton, Henry, 6 Burton, Rosert, 10, 16, 18, 19, 54, 56, 59, 60, 76, 89, 90, 100, 109, 117, 124, 181, 139, 144, 149, 163, 164; 165, 182, 193, 213, 214, 216, 218, 227, 243, 246, 249, 251, 253, 256, 261, 273, 276, 293, 301, 311, 313, 322, 326, 329, 332, 337, 358, 369, 376, 388, 390, 394, 406, 427, 438, 381, 383, 384, See Jupson, Epwarp 338, INDEX. 449, 455, 466, 467, 480, 481, 485, 486 Butter, BENJAMIN F. (GENERAL), 88 Burier, Frances ANNE. Sce KemMBLg,. Frances ANNE Butter, SaMuEL (1612-1680), 19, 31, 88, 40, 41, 46, 54, 60, 69, 74, 76, 83, 109, 131, 185, 139, 146, 151, 165, 191, 195, 208, 206, 209, 213, 225, 230, 248, 251, 257, 272, 277, 282, 307, 329, 418, 428, 436, 437, 440, 456, 478, 480, 485 Butter, SaMuEL (1835-1902), 107, 208, 355, 423, 4387, 483 Butrier, Witu1amM ALLEN, 42, 73, 142, 156, 251 Burts, Mary Frances, 471 BuxTon, CHARLES, 231 Byrp, WituraM, 68, 86, 369, 411, 434 Brrom, JoHn, 55, 56, 95, 145, 255, 330 Byron, Henry J., 294 Byron, Lorp, 8, 20, 22, 26, 38, 39, 44, 48, 59, 69, 76, 78, 80, 81, 82, 85, 91, 93, 98, 103, 127, 134, 137, 140, 141, 151, 161, 166, 168, 174, 176, 180, 196, 198, 199, 205, 216, 233, 234, 239, 246, 248, 250, 257, 261, 266, 269, 271, 289, 291, 302, 303, 305, 322, 325, 326, 328, 338, 340, 344, 349, 350, 358, 360, 369, 373, 378, 381, 389, 403, 406, 410, 411, 418, 424, 425, 431, 436, 443, 444, 445, 451, 453, 455, 459, 460, 461, 467, 471, 487 CABALLERO, FERNAN, 192, 265, 335, 376, 430 Caine, Haut, 475 Carrp, Joun, 314 CALDERON DE LA Barca, PepRo, 257, 305, 384, 398, 401, 411, 445, 481 Catianan, J. J., 331 CALVERLEY, CHARLES Stuart, 10, 25, 31, 37, 95, 144, 146, 196, 299, 317, 327, 392, 487 Campen, Wiii1am, 201, 230, 273 Camozins, Luiz Vaz DE, 322 CampBELL, THomAs, 7, 30, 33, 42, 61, 81, 100, 124, 147, 158, 270, 332, 382, 387, 395, 399, 427, 458, 476 CaMPBELL, WILLIAM WILFRED, 237, 369, 395, 475 Cannine, Grorar, 398 Canton, Wiiiam, 5, 180 Carpucct, Grosuk, 233, 380, 432, 453 Carew, Tuomas, 308, 353, 369, 406 Carry, MarTHew, 350 CarRLeTon, WILL, 204 Cartyte, Tuomas, 2, 13, 15, 18, 20, 28, 29, 39, 46, 54, 73, 81, 82, 86, 88, 91, 92, 98, 111, 114, 117, 124, 131, 141, 142, 150, 151, 154, 178, 182, 184, 186, 188, 195, 200, 207, 210, xix 211, 264, 322, 347, 387, 215, 274, 327, 353, 392, 420, 439, 443, 468, 469, 483 Carman, Burss, 10, 42, 58, 185, 206, 218, 220, 256, 266, 336, 351, 352, 376, 385, 389, 401, 406, 418, 456, 469, 471 CARNEGIE, Sir James, 192 Carr, WILLIAM, 223, 332, 364 CaRROLL, Lewis, 49, 181, 482, 488 CARTWRIGHT, WILLIAM, 17, 321, 404 Cary, Aticr, 44, 50, 81, 101, 103, 117, 127, 171, 208, 233, 341, 345, 349, 362, 369, 386, 404, 469, 471 Cary, Poa@sez, 70, 300 CaASTELLANI, Enrico L., 117 Castr, GIovANNI Bartrista, 453 CastTLE, AGNES AND EcrErRtoN, 361 Cato, 327 CATULLUS, 298 Cavatcanti, Guipo, 189, 300, 341 Cawprayr, RoBErt, 6, 193, 278, 369 CaweEtin, Mapison, 85, 174, 247, 271, 406, 436 CAWTHORNE, JAMES, 84, 87, 88, 222, 240, 356, 369, 406, 476 Ceci, Str RicHarp, 259, 273 CENTLIVRE, Mrs. Susannag, 8, 256 Crrvantes, Micuet pz, 16, 122, 201, 248, 249, 274, 296 CHALMERS, STEPHEN, 445 CHAMBERS, Robert, 360 CuHamisso, ADELBERT VON, 95, 426 Cuane, L1 Hune. See Lit Hune CHana CHANNING, WILLIAM ELLERY, 369 Cuapman, GrorGe, 78, 86, 150, 257, 293, 380, 385, 420, 474 CHARLES, 11, 183 CHARNOCK, STEPHEN, 116 Caarron, P. vz, 90 CHATEAUBRIAND, RENE DE FRANcOoIS, 196, 296, 380 CHATFIELD, Pau, 338 CuattTEerton, THomas, 15, 38, 127, 134, 139, 147, 159, 169, 315, 362, 369, 406, 410, 411, 471 Cuavucrer, GEOFFREY, 20, 28, 33, 38, 56, 61, 72, 81, 83, 106, 127, 135, 139, 140, 161, 165, 166, 223, 229, 231, 233, 237, 241, 254, 256, 268, 271, 282, 303, 305, 315, 328, 342, 345, 355, 365, 386, 389, 391, 392, 395, 406, 411, 416, 418, 420, 436, 457, 467, 468, 471, 487 Curney, JoHN Vancz, 142 CHERBULIEZ, VicTOR, 192 Cu#remon, 159 CuesterR Puays, 169 CHESTERFIELD, EARL or, 136, 224, 229, 238, 254, 261, 335, 338, 366, 458, 481 233, 310, 328, 369, 395, 240, 314, 331, 374, 396, 453, 247, 315, 332, 377, 397, 458, 251, 317, 340, 384, 398, 459, 263, 321, 342, 386, 410, 465, 113, 166, 330, 392, XxX INDEX, CHEsTERTON, GiuBERT K., 13, 45, 86, 92, 106, 131, 133, 165, 186, 211, 214, 232, 303, 311, 399, 400, 465 CHINESE, 141, 353, 471. CHINESE PROVERB, 127, 192 Cuivers, THomas Houser, 37 CarRIsTMas Prince, THE, 207, 259 Curysostom, Saint, 113 CHURCHILL, CHARLES, 159, 257, 267 CHURCHYARD, THomas, 76, 345, 476 CipseER, CoLiey, 68, 69, 122, 131, 152, 217, 307, 353, 420, 458 Cicero, 7, 85 Cuiapp, Henry A., 59, 83, 255, 375, 422 Cuare, JoHN, 199, 453 CuaRK, BapGER, 347 Cuark, JaMEs G., 85 CrarK, W. G., 453 CuLaRKE, HERBERT EpwarpD, 420 CiarKE, JoHN, 183, 207 Cxiaupian, 170 Cray, Henry, 440 CLEANTHES, 96 Ciemens, SamuEL LANGHORNE. See Twain, Marx CLEMENT, Saint, 466 Currrorp, Hvueu, 60 Cuiovues, ArTrHuR Hueu, 442 Cuiymer, Evia D., 61 Coss, Irvin S., 20, 29, 45, 49, 63, 78, 90, 95, 114, 122, 137, 138, 145, 148, 154, 186, 217, 220, 263, 274, 276, 281, 301, 322, 333, 338, 340, 357, 366, 374, 377, 379, 380, 387, 416, 471 Coxes, Sir Epwarp, 227 CoLeRIDGE, Harter, 33, 161, 239, 286, 322, 406, 453, 455, 466, 488 CoLERIDGE, SaMuEL Taytor, 4, 14, 22, 26, 38, 42, 52, 53, 54, 56, 61, 78, 94, 99, 100, 115, 127, 131, 133, 173, 174, 188, 206, 208, 209, 233, 241, 251, 260, 285, 293, 305, 308, 313, 325, 329, 333, 349, 352, 356, 364, 369, 387, 389, 395, 406, 411, 456, 476 Coxprivasr, Sara, 414 Courier, JEREMY, 8, 113, 247 Coutins, Mortimer, 127 Couuins, WILKIE, 107, 298, 392, 444, 480 Cou.ins, WiLu1aM, 24, 76 CouiyerR, Rosert, 341 Cotman, GEORGE, THE ELDER, 60 Cotman, GEORGE, THE YOUNGER, 7, 20, 53, 60, 65, 105, 246, 260, 267, 274, 293, 313, 322, 357 Corton, C. C., 1, 18, 48, 70, 71, 74, 93, 110, 111, 112, 113, 132, 164, 213, 218, 243, 251, 264, 273, 279, 298, 300, 313, 314, 331, 357, 423, 487, 441, 442, 444, 455, 457 Comrort, WiLL Lrevineton, 159 Cons, Hewen G., 42, 43, 126, 246 Conrucius, 87, 222, 385, 458 400, ConGREVE, WittraMm, 9, 10, 33, 42, 74, 135, 139, 198, 200, 203, 209, 219, 224, 241, 243, 299, 311, 338, 354, 375, 388, 396, 442, 448, 455, 463, 481 Conrap, JosEepH, 9, 11, 19, 20, 22, 25, 26, 32, 39, 44, 82, 83, 95, 105, 112, 116, 122, 124, 134, 140, 174, 180, 189, 190, 200, 209, 210, 212, 213, 214, 239, 241, 247, 248, 255, 258, 271, 287, 293, 296, 297, 303, 307, 310, 315, 317, 319, 324, 329, 343, 360, 361, 373, 374, 383, 387, 389, 391, 396, 404, 424, 426, 427, 429, 443, 444, 451, 455, 462, 465, 469, 480 Conrap, Rosert T., 159 ConsciENcE, Henprik, 300 ConsTaBLE, Henry, 50, 117, 237 Conway, Moncure D., 288 Cook, Euiza, 30, 32, 38, 39, 40, 50, 52, 81, 82, 101, 117, 124, 138, 152, 161, 169, 172, 197, 222, 291, 296, 314, 332, 334, 342, 345, 347, 349, 356, 358, 411, 418, 432, 438, 463, 476 Cook, JoszepH, 264 Coox, Witii1am, 443 Cooke, Grace MacGowan, 229 Cooke, Ross T., 279 Cootiper, Susan. See Saran CHAUNCEY Woo.LsEy Cooper, J. Fenimore, 6, 7, 41, 82, 150, 156, 168, 170, 176, 177, 191, 221, 233, 237, 270, 336, 381, 488 Cooprr, JoHN GILBERT, 48, 49, 238, 296, 345, 380, 406, 463 Corpse, Francois, 307 Corset, RicHarp, 275, 342 Corsin, JoHN, 94 Cornwatt, Barry, 4, 11, 26, 28, 32, 33, 50, 117, 127, 156, 246, 249, 259, 266, 372, 376, 411, 432 Cortissoz, Mrs. E. M. H., 94, 345, 391 Coryatr, THomas, 404 Corton, CHARLES, 14 Cotton, NaTHANIEL, 2, 127, 133, 321, 340, 390, 412, 437 CouLevain, Prerre pz, 69, 202, 271 Coventry Mysteriss, 349 Cowan, Frank, 397 Cow.ey, Aprawam, 2, 81, 142, 164, 243, 270, 271, 379, 389, 412, 417, 442, 448, 465, 479 Cowrrr, Witu1am, 15, 20, 24, 30, 33, 39, 52, 66, 85, 100, 104, 106, 107, 108, 110, 124, 133, 136, 146, 156, 161, 165, 169, 194, 214, 230, 248, 256, 295, 302, 312, 325, 341, 344, 354, 368, 369, 374, 397, 412, 431, 432, 435, 436, 446, 450, 462, 463 Cox, Sanrorp, 380, 422 Pe: Freperice §S., 180, 303, 362, 1 INDEX, CraBBE, Greorce, 42, 101, 230, 296, 477 Craic, Isa, 364, 369 Craix,Mrs. See Mutock, Dinan MARIA Craneg, STEPHEN, 78, 80, 102, 139, 173, 218, 337, 391, 397, 405 CrasHaw, WILLIAM, 349 CrawForp, F. Marion, 274, 359 CRAWFORD, Josn, 50, 133 Crawrorp, Rosert, 351 Criveca@ur, J. H. Sr. J. pz, 299 Crockett, Davin, 253 Crouy, GrorceE, 240, 336 Crostanp, T. W. H., 90, 180 Cross, Mary Ann Evans (LEewss). See Exiot, GEorcE Crowtey, ALEISTER, 54, 475 CROXALL, SAMUEL, 132 CucHULAIN, 38, 186, 312 CuMBERLAND, RicHarpD, 13, 61, 102, 112, 145, 219, 282, 308, 342, 370, 438 CunnincHaM, ALLAN, 61, 77, 82, 335 CUNNINGHAM, JOHN, 50, 52, 418, 477 Curran, JoHN P., 157 Curriz, Lapy. See Fang, VIOLET Curtis, GEoRGE W., 115, 148, 310, 316, 401, 435 Curtis, WILLIAM E., 432 CusTER, EvizaBetH B., 420 Dasney, Ricwarp, 276 Date, ALAN, 9 D’AtemBertT. See ALEMBERT Dain, OLoFr von, 437 Datuias, ALEXANDER R. C., 88 Dana, RicHarp Henry (1787-1879), 115, 170, 315 Dana, Ricwarp Henry (1815-1882), 47, 94, 282 ; Dansy, FRANK, 238 DANIEL, SAMUEL, 253 Danish PrRovers, 221, 477 D’Annunzio, GABRIEL, 19, 22, 79, 117, 139, 178, 210, 235, 338, 353, 459, 487 Dante, 5, 17, 99, 108, 147, 308, 339, 360, 374, 376, 386, 431, 469 Darcan, Otive TriLForp, 85 Dar.ey, Gerorce, 50, 74, 186, 305, 351, 370, 398, 412, 463 DaRMESTETER, AGNES M. F., 260, 303, 337 Darwin, CHARLES R., 32, 280 Darwin, Erasmus, 345 Davupst, ALPHONSE, 22, 38, 52, 96, 111, 117, 151, 170, 178, 219, 232, 313, 324, 365, 372, 424, 437, 456 DaveEnNAntT, Sir Wim, 42, 76, 108, 132, 161, 221, 295, 298, 370, 406, 444 Davenport, R., 279, 333, 367 Davipson, JoHn, 24, 86, 98, 108, 115, 144, 159, 207, 248, 376, 384, 385, 406 Davies, JoHn, 152, 194, 220, 233, 365, 401 Davies, Sir Jon, 26, 250, 356, 467 Davies, THomas, 359 Davis, Fanniz Stearns, 391 Davis, JoHn, 293, 324 Davis, Ricuarp Harpine, 405, 446 Davis, THomas Ossorne, 56, 147, 392 Dawes, Rurus, 236: Dawson, WituiAM J., 375 Day, Epwarp Parsons, 4, 28, 75, 311 Day, Joun, 15, 34, 49, 168, 246, 271, 278 Derorz, Danrst, 34, 91, 316, 387 Dz Forzst, Joun W., 257 Dexxer, THomas, 9, 49, 50, 157, 165, 168, 240, 280, 282, 305, 334, 336, 376, 412, 475, 481 Drtanp, MARGARET, 387 De ta Ramen, Louise. See Ovurpa Devevantse, MicHak., 213 Detta. See Morr, Davin Macseta Demopruitus, 4, 52, 97, 110, 145, 157, 164, 165, 203, 221, 251, 261, 263, 291, 299, 311 De Morgan, WittiaM, 62, 190 DemostTHENEs, 378 Dr Musset, ALFRED, 241 DenuaM, S1r Joun, 2, 6, 14, 41, 224 Denuam, M. A., 468 Dennis, Joun, 53, 63, 307, 486 Derew, CHAUNCEY M., 249 Dz Quincey, 7, 19, 45, 62, 88, 158, 182, 184, 215, 217, 258, 338, 351, 410, 448 DerRMopy, THomas, 111 Desnoyrers, Lovis, 172 Dre Tasiey, Lorp, 19, 31, 32, 34, 36, 42, 43, 58, 76, 99, 115, 125, 183, 138, 158, 161, 165, 168, 170, 180, 226, 230,.231, 271, 278, 282, 286, 290, 295, 298, 311, 317, 327, 334, 378, 379, 388, 406, 428, 437, 466, 477 De Vere, AuBREY, 20, -23, 25, 34, 40, 61, 70, 81, 99, 104, 117, 151, 192, 200, 268, 269, 305, 310, 317, 318, 326, 345, 350, 353, 386, 406, 412, 425, 430, 433, 440, 456, 459, 461, 463, 471, 476 De VERE, Mary AINGE, 125, 419 DHAMMAPADA, 424 Dispen, CHarues, JR., 147 Dickens, CHAR es, 10, 15, 20, 22, 23, 27, 31, 39, 42, 44, 46, 52, 53, 56, 59, 61, 62, 63, 69, 74, 76, 78, 81, 82, 83, 94, 95, 98, 100, 105, 106, 109, 114, 145, 151, 161, 169, 171, 172, 177, 179, 186, 189, 196, 198, 201, 205, 208, 210, 212, 217, 220, 236, 260, 274, 276, 280, 282, 286, 293, 296, 308, 309, 316, 317, 328, 329, 334, 340, 345, 351, 353, 358, 359, 361, 364, 365, 372, 376, 379, 382, 388, 392, 401, 418, 421, 426, 444, 453, 455, 466, 471, 480 Dickinson, Emity, 104 Dickinson, JONATHAN, 388 Dickinson, Marrtua G., 314 XXL Dickson, 8. H., 376 Dipgerot, Denis, 230, 340 Ditton, Wentworty, 34, 421 Diogenes LAERTIUS, 85, 186, 228, 378 Disraru. See BEACONSFIELD, EARL OF Drxiz, Lapy Fiorence, 236 Dospett, Sypney, 106, 127, 158, 159, 233, 241, 285, 322, 398, 475 Dogson, Austin, 20, 24, 37, 53, 117, 161, 168, 169, 237, 279, 323, 341, 351, 361, 370, 383, 421 Dover, Henry Irvine, 167, 450 Dopeson, CHarRLes LutwincE. See Carrout, Lewis Domett, ALFRED, 168, 412 * Donne, Joun, 55, 226, 366, 386, 436 Donne.ty, Ignatius, 374 Doran, Dr. Jonn, 34, 105, 178, 305, 335, 376, 381, 404, 406, 426 Dorr, Jui C. R., 49, 61, 65, 70, 127, 171, 174, 199, 209, 286, 305, 361, 370, 372, 389 Dorset, Earu or, 12, 479 Dostorvsky, Fryvopor M.., 182, 201, 216 Dovetas, GAWAIN, 34, 234, 430 Dovetas, WiLtiaM, 38, 425 Dowpen, Epwarp, 136, 161, 337, 359 Downe, BARTHOLOMEW, 85, 270, 468 Downey, W. S., 52, 101, 348, 475, 481 Dowson, Ernest, 38, 370, 430 Dore, Sir ARTHUR Conan, 2, 10, 20, 40, 59, 142, 157, 174, 196, 248, 285, 304, 354, 404, 414, 420, 453 Dore, Sir Francis, 141, 239, 424, 436 Drake, JoserpH Ropman, 11, 147, 152, 176, 305, 365, 412 Draper, JoHn W., 92 Drayton, Micuaet, 50, 159, 219, 238, 259, 260, 370, 397 Drummonp, WILLIAM, 124, 194, 231, 250 Drypen, Joun, 6, 9, 15, 16, 23, 26, 30, 34, 40, 50, 94, 103, 109, 113, 132, 152, 155, 157, 159, 179, 184, 187, 188, 203, 204, 206, 209, 220, 223, 233, 248, 238, 248, 251, 261, 277, 282, 285, 296, 328, 340, 348, 349, 350, 354, 359, 373, 376, 380, 382, 385, 389, 394, 405, 421, 424, 431, 436, 438, 446, 458 Do Barras, SEIGNEUR, 116 Duperon, WiuLiaM, 194 Duer, Atice. Sce M1LLer, ALICE DUER Durrerin, Lapy, 195 Durry, Sir Cuartes Gavan, 180, 288, 302, 423 Duxg, RicHarp, 152, 191, 241, 296, 381, 442 Dumas, Pere, 5, 20, 37, 40, 42, 50, 58, 66, 71, 81, 82, 92, 95, 103, 104, 107, 117, 137, 143, 148, 167, 169, 173, 178, 189, 197, 198, 204, 216, 217, 227, 238, 255, 264, 265, 270, 271, 278, 281, 282, 285, 286, 288, 291, 801, 303, 320, 321, 323, 338, 340, INDEX. 341, 351, 370, 385, 388, 391, 401, 433, 443, 455, 471, 475, 480, 487 Du Maurier, Georce, 49, 212, 365, 370, 397 Dunspar, Pavut Laurence, 52, 144, 156, 345, 407, 463 Dunrar, Wii, 34, 56, 75, 161, 335, 472 Dunuap, Wiuuram, 444 Dunne, Frintey Peter, 116, 192 Duwnsany, Lorp, 379 Durrey, Tom, 24 Durr, R. C., 187 Dwient, TimotHy, 85 Dyer, Joun, 80, 126 131, Earuz, Bisror Joun, 31, 135 Ecuracaray, Jos#, 137, 455 Eppa, Tue Exper, 13 Eppy, ARTHUR JEROME, 93 Eparen, Rosert, 93, 414, 430 Epwarps, ALBERT, 416 Epwarps, Osman, 65 Erxnoup, GEorcss, 292, 485 Ecan, Mavrice Francis, 117, 349 Eaan, Pierce, 64, 186, 241, 388 Eacieston, Epwarp, 168 Eeyptian, 213 EICHENDORFF, JOSEPH VON, 327, 472 Extot, Grorcz, 23, 45, 51, 60, 77, 81, 87, 94, 95, 97, 105, 117, 133, 136, 146, 158, 161, 165, 169, 171, 189, 195, 199, 203, 205, 215, 218, 222, 225, 231, 241, 248, 258, 262, 273, 288, 290, 293, 310, 314, 317, 318, 319, 320, 332, 337, 344, 349, 353, 354, 357, 361, 364, 366, 370, 396, 401, 412, 414, 421, 424, 431, 438, 445, 450, 453, 456, 477, 481 Exuiotr, Esenezer, 13, 15, 94, 146, 170, 180, 185, 207, 284 Euuis, GEorcr, 486 Euuis, HavetocK, 328 Euuis, JAMES, 438 Exuuison, Henry Brown, 241, 361 E.iswortu, Erastus W., 448 ELLWANceER, GrorceEe H., 195 Etyot, Srr T., 404 Emerson, Rate Watpo, 5, 9, 15, 16, 25, 31, 43, 48, 50, 56, 69, 95, 102, 110, 113, 117, 134, 146, 151, 156, 158, 159, 161, 165, 168, 199, 209, 214, 221, 227, 231, 251, 267, 277, 290, 303, 337, 345, 349, 361, 370, 375, 378, 399, 407, 419, 429, 447, 458, 459, 475, 476, 478, 486 EnewisH Bauuap, 38, 40, 50, 103, 105, 106, 116, 124, 154, 161, 236, 324, 330, 464, 470 EncuLisH PRovers, 12, 13, 17, 19, 172, 195, 216, 224, 259, 308, 421 Encuisa Sone, 254 EpicHarmus, 254 Epictetus, 157, 450 Erse, ANCIENT, 51, 117, 127, 365, 472 INDEX. Evripwes, 11, 360, 367, 469 Evans, A. B., 26 Eve yn, Jon, 356 Ewine, MARGARET, 282 Fazer, FREDERICK Wiuiam, 15, 20, 34, 37, 107, 142, 161, 163, 175, 180, 215, 282, 310, 325, 353, 370, 374, 391, 404, 421, 427, 439, 446, 472 Fauy, Francois A., 117, 264, 305 FaLconer, WILLIAM, 127, 370, 407 Fane, Sir F., 228 Fane, VIOLET, 118, 201, 262 FARNOL, JEFFREY, 320 Farquaar, 47, 75, 76, 80, 216, 233, 294, 395, 420, 440, 474, 481 Fawcett, Epear, 49, 462 Fawkes, Francis, 34, 40, 127, 161, 180, 187, 260, 285, 291, 323, 338, 353, 360, 365, 395, 442 Fay, Turopvore §., 430 Fazit-Bey, 237 FELTHAM, Owen, 251, 488 Feuton, C. C., 225 Frnouiosa, Mary M., 82 Fenton, Evian, 147, 186, 260 Ferper, Epna, 239 Fercuson, Sir Samueu, 51, 310, 386 FERROLL, Paun, 175 Ficxs, Artruur D., 61 Fretp, Evcene, 209, 293, 301, 329, 349, 423, 481 Frevp, Kate, 217 Fretp, MicHak., 316, 341, 362 Fretp, NaTHANIEL, 83, 105 Fietp, Rosweiut M., 476 Fieitpine, Henry, 93, 95, 96, 106, 111, 165, 190, 198, 201, 212, 213, 224, 233, 248, 248, 282, 294, 316, 345, 355, 368, 396, 401, 439, 459, 479 Fieips, Jamts T., 71, 388 Ficcis, DaRRrEL, 190 Finck, Henry T., 104, 134, 189 Finn, Henry J., 273 Frirpavust, 22, 51, 82, 147, 246 Fitcu, Grorce, 237, 410 FitzGeRaLp, Epwarp, 198 Fiace, Epwarp Octavus, 102, 362, 424 Frage, James Monteomery, 199 FLaTMAN, THomas, 254 FLauBert, Gustave, 34, 64, 76, 101, 168, 175, 182, 209, 210, 214, 222, 265, 282, 310, 327, 341, 345, 361, 365, 367, 379, 380, 396, 410, 419, 445, 453, 456 Fuiscxnor, Ricwarp, 440 Fiercuer, AntTHony, 9, 208, 323, 451 Firrcuer, Giies, 51, 345, 453 Fietcuer, Joun, 26, 34, 127, 133, 274 FietcHer, Poineas, 20, 243, 267, 453, 472 Fietrcner, R., 24 Fouenco, THEOFILO, 243 Fouteer, Atice A., 127 367, XXII Footsz, SaMuEL, 20, 198, 204, 209, 293, 298, 339 Forsy, Rogert, 227 Forp, James L., 10 Forp, Jon, 7, 19, 49, 71, 78, 89, 169, 171, 205, 206, 247, 272, 305, 320, 337, 376, 395, 396, 399, 407, 451 Forp, S. Gertrupe, 161, 180 Forp, SrweExz, 163, 180, 293, 323, 445 Forp, Simeon, 95, 215 Forest, Joun W. vz, 99, 139 Forsster, Fanny, 289, 325, 439 Forrester, Mrs., 152, 343 Fortserre, 298 Foss, Sam Watter, 42, 169, 227 Fostrer, Joun, 339, 488 Founpuine Hosprrrau ror Wit (1743), 60, 71, 275, 422, 451, Exvten THORNEYCROFT, 336 Fox, Caartes Jamss, 478 Fox, Joun, 342 France, ANATOLE, 11, 105, 122, 204 FRANKLIN, Bensamin, 111, 156, 205, 267, 293, 360, 367, 384 Fraser, Ropert W., 195 Freperic, Harotp, 240 FREDERICK THE GREAT, 9, 200, 259 Freeman, H. B., 127 FReEILIGRATH, FERDINAND, 331, 376 Frencu, Francis M., 463 Frenco PRovers, 319 FRENEAU, Puriuip, 77, 167, 276, 412 Frere, Joun Hooxuam, 76, 487 Frost, THomas, 416 Frouprt, JAMes AnTHony, 84, 124, 216, 293, 299, 455, 484 Futter, THomas, 4, 228, 240, 254, 258, 277, 291, 435 Futter, THomas, M.D., 142, 464 FuLweLt, Uurian, 189 145, 194, , GasorrAu, Emi.e, 446 Gate, Norman, 42, 106, 118, 226, 345, 361, 468, 472 Gauge, Zona, 353 GaLswortHy, JoHN, 205, 272 GaMMER GuRTON’s NEEDLE, 202 GANNETT, WILLIAM CHANNING, 297, 360 Garsoc, ARNE, 359, 453 GaRDINER, JAMES H., 67, 391 GaRLanp, Hamuin, 26, 151, 194, 205, 239, 309, 312, 330, 366, 380, 398 Garnett, Ricuanrp, 316, 378, 472 Garrick, Davin, 51, 302, 415, 486 Garrison, THEopos1A, 359 GaRRISON, WiLuiAM Luoyp, 194, 442 GartH, SAMUEL, 97 ; Gascorange, GrorcE, 118, 147, 172, 223,-. 279, 365, 436 GasKELL, Mrs., 52, 64 Gautier, THEOPHILE, 25, 118, 127, 175, 249, 284, 300, 305, 320, 349, 443, 462 XXIV Gay, Joun, 17, 19, 22, 37, 38, 55, 69, 106, 155, 164, 180, 192, 222, 233, 248, 301, 325, 328, 338, 358, 365, 370, 375, 411, 445, 457, 463, 469, 477 GerpeLt, Franz EMANUEL vVoN, 372, 416 GEOGHEGAN, Mary, 179 Grorcn, Henry, 408 GrorceE, Lyman F., 397 Gracosa AND Iuuica, 127 Gipson, Epwarp; 316, 325 Grsson, WiLu1amM Hamitton, 171, 354 Grrrorp, WILuiraM, 411 GiuBert, Sir Witit1aAm ScHWENK, 23, 42, 78, 85, 159, 199, 211, 216, 291, 805, 385, 407, 424, 436, 437, 447, 468 GivperR,: RicHarp Watson, 51 GILFILLAN, GEORGE, 269 GiLmMorE, JAMES R., 130 GiILmMorE, MINNIE, 372 GIRARDIN, MADAME DE, 215 Gissine, GEorcE, 180. GLADSTONE, WILLIAM Ewart, 250 GLAENZER, RicHARD BuTLER, 438 GuoverR, Ricwarp, 73, 81, 142, 162, 305, 407, 447 Gtynpon, Howarp. See SEARING, Laura R. Gosineau, JosEePH A. DE, 118, 140, 185 Gopwin, WIuLiaM, 453 GoeTHE, JOHANN WOLFGANG VON, 34, 47, 78, 103, 142, 159, 161, 169, 178, 180, 214, 256, 271, 282, 305, 308, 311, 326, 331, 336, 373, 374, 388, 405, 412, 431, 453 Gogot, Nrixouar V., 25, 258, 459, 476, 485 GoupBERG, R. L., 46 Go.tpsmitH, Ouiver, 1; 11, 30, 64, 75, 89, 115, 118, 164, 203, 207, 209, 215, 216, 243, 251, 253, 270, 314, 353, 388, 418, 440, 447, 472 GoncHarov, Ivan, 49, 423 Goncourt, EDMOND AND JULES DE, 99, 417 Goopwin, J. CHEEvER, 74, 248 Gorpon, Apam Linpsay, 381 Gossn, Epmunp, 118, 167, 168, 237, 287, 329, 353, 446, 448, 463, 466, 477 Gosson, Stepuen, 5, 64 Gower, Joun, 47, 330, 381 Gracian, BautTasar, 45 GRAEME, James, 56 Grar, ArTuRo, 125 GRAHAME, JAMES, 138, 158, 202 GraHaME, KENNETH, 424 GRAINGER, JAMES, 342 Grance, Joun, 105, 356 GRANGER, FRANCIS Hitt, Heapon Grant, Rosert, 79 Epwarp. See INDEX, GRANVILLE, GEorRGE, 7, 158, 193, 211} 407, 411 Graves, ALFRED PERCEVAL, 51 Gray, Cuaruss, 407 Gray, Davip, 176, 182 Gray, Tuomas, 73, 85 Grerne, Rosert, 12, 37, 51, 110, 118, 127, 179, 193, 237, 259, 260, 273, 390 GREENWELL, Dora, 159, 364 Greaory, Lapy, 193 Grecory oF Nazianzus, 320 GREVILLE, CHARLES CAVENDISH FULKE, 48, 300 Grierson, FRANCIS, 437 GrirFIn, GERALD, 124, 185, 295, 352, 370 GrirriTtH, FRANK CARLOS, 122, 276 GriswoLp, Rurus W., 213 Grose, Francis, 76, 94, 188, 274 Grove, Henry, 192 GrusB-STREET JOURNAL, 479 Gusrin, Grorces Maurice bE, 488 GUITERMAN, ARTHUR, 127, 130 Guu, Raneer, 91, 178 GuwnsauLus, FrRanK W., 124, 316 Gustavus ADoLPHUS, 435 Gursriz, J. §., 113, 118, 367 Harcxet, Ernst H., 380 Hariz, Pasua, 312 Harz, Suirazi, 299, 345, 428 Hacoromo, 474 Hake, Epwarp, 159, 434 Haxe, T. Gorpon, 168, 237, 275, 391 Hare, Mrs. Saraw J., 109, 468 HaLevi, Jupau, 308, 407, 416 Haus&vy, Lupovic, 86 : Hauisurton, THoMAS CHANDLER. See Stick, Sam Hauirax, Marquis or, 259 Haut, Bisuorp Joseru, 49, 230, 315, 370, 428 Hauu, Mrs. Lourse B., 42 Hatuiam, ARTHUR HENnrRy, 44, 175, 262, 325, 424 Hauitecx, Firz-Greene, 42, 60, 94, 102, 122, 193, 376, 395, 449 HALLIweE.i-Puiuuipps, James O., 337 Hatuocx, CHarves, 135, 387 Hawpinge, CHARLES GRAHAM. O’ReILty, Mitrs HAMILTON, ALEXANDER, 4 Hamitron, ANTHONY, 56, 167, 303, 316, 365, 448, 452, 487 Hamitton, Crayton, 16, 456 Hamitton, Ian, 305 Hamitron, Wiuuiam, 241 Hammonp, JAMEs, 34 HarBen, Wit N., 108 Harsinetron, WILLIAM, 203, 339, 341, 412 Harcourt, Crrit, 216, 423 Harpy, Tuomas, 11, 37, 56, 59, 60, 87, 94, 95, 98, 107, 141, 148, 171, Sce INDEX, 177, 318, 179, 198, 199, 248, 281, 376, 378, 391, 404, 425, 431, 463, 466 Hare, Juutrus CHares, 75, 96, 197, 217, 261, 296, 386, 446, 479 Harney, WILLIAM Wa.uacsg, 175, 325, 407 Harpur, CHares, 40, 174, 312, 396, 439, 463 Harrineton, Joun, 51, 118, 237 Harris, Frank, 15, 309 Harris, JoEL CHanpuerR, 291, 334, 368 HARRISON, FREDERIC, 286 Hartz, Francis Bret, 45, 182, 241, 293, 303, 359, 424, 469, 487 Harte, WALTER, 14, 24, 55, 71, 88, 127, 209, 241, 260, 261, 276, 314, 339, 362, 431, 434, 451, 479 Harte, Witi1am, 399 Hartman, Franz, 448 Harvey, Ricwarp, 449 Haskins, JAMES, 25 Hastines, Tuomas, 176 Havueuton, WIiuiiaMm, 141 HauprmMann, Geruart, 74, 147, 401 Havarp, WILu1aM, 72 Hawes, STEPHEN, 370 Hawker, Ropert STEPHEN, 55 HawTHORNE, NATHANIEL, 15, 17, 42, 56, 93, 99, 105, 107, 112, 116, 124, 158, 178, 180, 194, 198, 204, 210, 214, 215, 256, 268, 272, 295, 296, 301, 303, 305, 320, 341, 352, 361, 384, 395, 400, 405, 419, 439, 440, 445, 447, 453, 462, 463, 474, 476 Hay, Heven. See WHITNEY, HELEN Hay Hay, Joun, 100, 221, 357, 477 Hayes, ALFRED, 485 Hayes, Epna P. C., 113 Hayes, JoHN R., 282 Hayne, Paut Hamiuton, 5, 9, 10, 44, 100, 109, 112, 139, 144, 162, 173, 176, 185, 210, 224, 305, 349, 370, 376, 391, 407, 430, 453, 472 Hazurtt, WiLtu1amM Carew, 183, 401 Hazurr, Wiuuram, 4, 30, 37, 43, 142, 149, 151, 168, 169, 170, 238, 272, 342, 457 Heap, ALFRED, 333 Hearn, Larcapio, 258, 281, 434, 467 Heats, RosBert, 26, 106, 328 Heser, BisHop REGINALD, 260, 320, 356 HeEDDERWICK, JAMES, 52 Heean, Avice CALDWELL, 320, 339 Heace, Rospert, 243 HeverMans, HERMAN, JR., 349 Heine, Heinricu, 79, 90, 118, 206, 254, 266, 454 Hextrorp, Henry, 127 Herp to Discourse, 106, 333 Hers, ARTHUR, 244 HELVEtTivs, 63 HENDERSON, CHARLES, 450, 468 312, 429, 187, 182, 205, 127, xXV Hentey, Wiutram Ernest, 20, 21, 53, 123, 144, 158, 167, 175, 180, 309, 323, 345, 368, 370, 381, 424, 443 Henry, Marruew, 19, 355 Henry, O., 8, 20, 23, 29, 32, 46, 56, 77, 80, 118, 134, 189, 142, 154, 174, 185, 191, 199, 210, 227, 228, 235, 240, 255, 259, 269, 275, 296, 297, 301, 302, 303, 315, 325, 329, 350, 359, 372, 374, 386, 389, 392, 421, 429, 431, 440, 441, 447, 449, 459, 462, 477, 484, 487 Hewssaw, BisHor JoHN Prentiss Kew- LEY, 231 Hersert, Georce, 13 Hererorp, W. R., 312 Herrorp, Ouiver, 441 Heron-Auiten, Epwarp, 9 Herrick, Rosert (American), 419 Herricsx, Rogert, 1, 32, 51, 55, 69, 127, 131, 134, 137, 166, 174, 190, 285, 296, 344, 354, 376, 377, 407, 468 Hertz, Henrix, 180, 390 Hervey, D. M., 407 Hervey, Tuomas Kissie, 34, 451 Hestop, 171, 370 Hewitt, Mary Euzasetu, 99,. 305, 382, 424 Hewett, Maurice, 3, 12, 43, 56, 59, 65, 76, 80, 84, 106, 118, 122, 123, 189, 190, 219, 224, 234, 244, 249, 252, 255, 256, 265, 288, 292, 311, 316, 326, 332, 336, 350, 358, 366, 373, 388, 402, 404, 414 Heywoop, Joun, 37, 63, 101, 114, 193, 256, 258, 300, 323, 324, 329, 342, 360, 478 Heyrwoop, Tuomas, 20, 60, 68, 85, 113, 185, 194, 202, 229, 273, 314, 339, 364, 365, 370, 380, 388, 460, 468, 472 H.H. See Jackson, Heren Hunt Hicuens, Rospert, 214, 377 Hickey, Emity H., 407, 4386 Hiceinson, THomas WENTWoRTH, 169, 381 Hitpretu, C. L., 398 Hriut, Aaron, 165, 182, 216, 238, 257, 260, 275, 277, 312, 328, 370, 407, 479 Hit, Apams §., 417, 427 Hitt, Grorce BrrKsecr, 382 Hii, G. T., 179 Hitt, Heapon, 118 HiutitHovse, James A., 476 Hinxson, Katueritne Tynan, 407 Hipponax, 484 Histop, ALEXANDER, 240 HitopapeEsa, 28, 252, 475, 482 Hosses, THomas, 112 HoFFENSTEIN, SAMUEL, 159, 364 HorrMan, CHARLES Frenno, 147, 169, 316 154, 44, 286, 395, XXvi HorrMann, Ernest THEODOR AMADEUS, 469 Hoaa, James, 26, 40, 137, 244, 316, 396, 487 Housere, Lupvie, 145 Ho.ucomse, WILLIAM HARTLEY, 48 Hotucrort, THomas, 16, 100, 106, 210 Houianp, Jos1sanw GILBERT, 7, 83, 151, 180, 193, 197, 209, 226, 244, 288, 296, 313, 358, 359, 385, 436, 472, 475 Ho.uanp, Lavy, 435 Hoimes, OuIveR WENDELL, 14, 17, 19, 24, 26, 27, 32, 34, 42, 46, 57, 59, 62, 64, 65, 68, 69, 83, 98, 95, 101, 104, 105, 108, 118, 122, 124, 181, 134, 136, 188, 141, 142, 145, 146, 151, 152, 154, 158, 162, 166, 168, 169, 170, 175, 176, 177, 180, 182, 193, 198, 202, 206, 207, 210, 211, 227, 228, 230, 235, 236, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 247, 252, 257, 260, 271, 272, 275, 279, 281, 293, 297, 303, 304, 305, 313, 317, 318, 322, 332, 336, 337, 339, 345, 348, 350, 352, 353, 355, 360, 361, 362, 368, 370, 373, 377, 382, 383, 384, 387, 388, 394, 407, 414, 415, 416, 423, 424, 433, 486, 441, 447, 452, 456, 461, 463, 464, 467, 469, 472, 482, 486 Home, F. Wrvitie, 283 Home, Joun, 6, 43 Homer, 30, 54, 68, 100, 102, 108, 127, 139, 179, 180, 185, 189, 195, 213, 242, 252, 268, 281, 311, 317, 319, 331, 345, 382, 389, 403, 407, 412, 417, 421, 445, 452, 466 Honest Lawyer, THE (1616), 216 Hoop, Tuomas, 2, 12, 17, 20, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, 38, 39, 41, 44, 50, 53, 55, 59, 62, 69, 76, 77, 79, 81, 83, 84, 91, 94, 95, 100, 102, 104, 106, 110, 116, 118, 127, 149, 150, 155, 156, 158, 163, 170, 180, 187, 191, 198, 206, 217, 222, 226, 231, 236, 241, 260, 262, 268, 283, 284, 285, 292, 293, 304, 321, 325, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 337, 340, 341, 347, 348, 353, 357, 358, 359, 360, 367, 370, 373, 377, 378, 379, 380, 382, 384, 385, 387, 391, 397, 399, 401, 403, 405, 414, 416, 421, 424, 428, 429, 433, 434, 436, 439, 444, 448, 453, 454, 459, 464, 472, 477, 486, 487 Hooxsr, Brian, 124 Hooxer, THomas, 302 Horr, AntHony, 396 Hope, Laurence, 118, 237, 283, 412 Hopkins, Gurarp T., 15 Horxins, Lemvus., 180, 411 Hopper, Nora, 203, 227, 407 Horacs, 81, 127, 164, 217, 282, 395, 452, 476 HornsBiLow, ARTHUR, 445 INDEX. Horne, Ricwarp Henerst, 20, 112, 198, 327, 364, 380 Hornune, Ernest Witt1am, 34, 300 HorriwGe, Frank, 165, 454 Hovceuton, Lorp. See Mitnes, RicHaARD Monckton Housman, ALFRED EpwAgp, 97, 104, 178, 258, 279, 322, 345 Housman, Laurence, 172 Hovssayre, Arsenn, 14, 45, 53, 63, 67, 244, 283, 287, 309, 317 Hovey, Ricwarp, 11, 12, 42, 57, 69, 70, 125, 162, 165, 172, 207, 209, 217, 220, 233, 238, 331, 348, 353, 355, 370, 380, 401, 407, 424, 476, 477 How, Wiui1am W., 475 Howe, Jut1a Warp, 367 Howe.u, James, 57, 365 Howes, Witt1am Dean, 45, 127, 137, 207, 305, 340, 389, 419, 451 Hupparp, EvBEert, 46, 140, 235, 279, 304, 327 Husparp, Kin. See Martin, ABE Hupwnauu, Epitu M., 375 Huaues, Joun, 124, 257, 329, 380, 427 Hucues, Tuomas, 359 Hueo, Victor, 2, 3, 8, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 42, 43, 46, 49, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 65, 66, 72, 77, 80, 90, 91, 95, 97, 99, 100, 102, 113, 114, 118, 124, 130, 133, 135, 145, 146, 153, 156, 162, 163, 166, 173, 174, 177, 178, 180, 185, 188, 193, 195, 200, 204, 208, 210, 211, 212, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 230, 234, 240, 255, 257, 262, 265, 267, 270, 271, 277, 278, 279, 280, 282, 285, 286, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 298, 301, 303, 305, 317, 320, 321, 322,'323, 326, 327, 329, 332, 342, 347, 350, 359, 360, 362, 366, 370, 374, 383, 389, 392, 394, 395, 396, 398, 400, 403, 404, 407, 412, 414, 416, 420, 422, 431, 433, 434, 437, 438, 439, 443, 447, 450, 454, 456, 460, 465, 472, 482, 486 Hume, ALEXANDER, 57 Hume, Davin, 29, 170 HuNEKER, JAMES, 7, 19, 77, 80, 95, 111, 115, 192, 216, 218, 241, 293, 318, 327, 345, 356, 441, 446, 468 Hunt, Leicx, 4, 51, 95, 108, 170, 320, 356, 365, 402, 449, 460, 470 Hunter, Mrs. James, 24, 66 Hourois, James, 235 Hutcuinson, ELLEN Cortissoz, Mrs. Houtten, Berrina von, 78, 142, 163, 206, 214, 460, 487 Huxuey, Tuomas Henry, 2, 397 Hype, Doveuas, 38, 412 Hymn to Time, 319, 426 Mackay. See Issen, Henrik, 142, 186, 208 ImuaH, Jonn, 10, 47, 472 IncELow, Jean, 18, 34, 42, 49, 51, 57, INDEX. 63, 87, 101, 118, 123, 124, 125, 156, 159, 162, 185, 202, 233, 257, 265, 268, 283, 293, 311, 316, 318, 322, 347, 366, 370, 389, 418, 421, 433, 436, 462, 472 INGERSOLL, Rosrert G., 25, 43, 95, 114, 132, 288, 418, 448, 450 Incus, Mrs. RicuMonp, 62, 283, 323 IrtsH Batuap, 170 Irish Epic Tauss, 81, 474 Ironquity. See Ware, EuGene Fitce Irvine, WasHinaTon, 2, 9, 40, 75, 82, 132, 192, 246, 258, 349, 353, 368, 400, 418 Irwin, WALLACE, 45, 235 Itat1an Love Sona, 276, 414 Itanian PRovers, 482 Jacke Drum’s ENTERTAINMENTS, 207, 223, 441, 442 JAcKMAN, Isaac, 397 Jackson, Heten Hunt, 180, 309, 407, 439 Jacogps, W. W., 459 Jaao, Ricwarp, 114, 320, 351, 454 JAMES THE First, 34 James, G. P. R., 258 James, Henry, 22, 42, 49, 107, 123, 156, 162, 233, 485 Jamuson, Mrs., 132, 217, 279, 415 Jami, 15, 187, 140, 407 JANVIER, THomas A., 419 JASMIN, JAcquxEs, 20, 77, 91, 147 JAYADEVA, 37, 38, 83, 226, 417, 433 JEFFERSON, JOSEPH, 220, 294, 340 JEFFREY, FRANCIS, 184 Jerrriss, RIcHARD, 96 Jenyns, SoameE, 39, 80 JeEPHSON, Rospert, 34, 115, 136, 141, 218, 320, 341, 378 JEROME, JEROME K., 49, 166, 220, 415 JERROLD, Douauas, 54, 69, 238, 244, 285, 319, 432, 435, 467, 479 JEwETT, SARAH ORNE, 415 JeweETrT, SopuHiz. See ELLEN JOHNSON, PHILANDER CuHaseE, 175, 311 JoHNSON, RosBert UNDERWOOD, 359, 433, 447 Jounson, Rossiter, 25 Jounson, SaMuEL, 8, 10, 15, 68, 77, 98, 111, 158, 164, 167, 170, 171, 204, 238, 252, 262, 278, 299, 305, 356, 362, 420, 429, 437, 475, 479 JoHnson, Vircinta W., 141 Jounston, Mary, 51, 127, 213, 257, 268, 349, 365, 387, 395, 451 Jones, EBENEZER, 257, 388 Jonses, Epwarp C., 15, 42 Jones, Henry ArtTHuR, 199, 290, 314 Jones, Sam, 307 Jongs, Sir Wriii1aMm, 14, 34, 125, 412 Jonson, Ben, 7, 28, 31, 32, 54, 64, 69, 70, 72, 73, 75, 84, 105, 106, 123, 135, 162, 166, 224, 252, 256, 261, Burroueus, XXVil 274, 290, 312, 338, 358, 365, 367, 370, 397, 399, 407, 411, 436, 448, 452, 469, 479 Jousert, JosepH, 73, 208, 211, 258, 483 Jupmus, PutLo, 339 Jupau HaLevi, 308, 407, 416 Jupp, SyLvEsTER, 382, 388 Jupson, Emity Cuussuck. See Forrester, FANNY Jupson, L. Carrouy, 132, 192 Junius, 457 JUSSERAND, J. J., 15, 186, 430 JUVENAL, 9, 85, 139, 158, 218, 348 Kauinasa, 65, 86, 310, 329 Kauinéax; Jan, 79 Kanuri Provers, 78 Karr, ALPHONSE, 97, 192, 249, 475 KaurMman, Gzorce §., 440 Keary, C. F., 349 Keats, Jonn, 7, 8, 11, 15, 17, 18, 34, 48, 53, 55, 57, 59, 62, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 83, 88, 97, 104, 106, 109, 112, 118, 128, 132, 149, 159, 162, 171, 181, 200, 206, 221, 225, 239, 257, 260, 265, 266, 275, 276, 283, 285, 288, 295, 305, 309, 313, 318, 335, 338, 340, 341, 345, 352, 3538, 354, 358, 361, 373, 374, 382, 386, 388, 389, 395, 399, 407, 412, 414, 424, 430, 433, 436, 444, 447, 451, 452, 456, 462, 464, 466, 472, 478, 480, 488 Kesue, Joun, 24, 112, 128, 370 Keer, E. M., 34, 42, 172 Ketuiy, Hues, 51, 353, 482 KemBLE, Frances ANNE, 42, 70, 117, 119, 147, 151, 175, 345, 377, 448, 483 Kenpau., Henry C., 175, 348, 464 Kenxo, Yourpa, 197 Kenyon, James B., 324 Kenyon, Joun, 446 Kerr, OrpHeus C. See NEWELL, Ros- ERT H. Kester, Paut, 58 Kester, VauGuANn, 407 Key, Francis Scott, 159, 286 KicxHaM, CHAarues JosepH, 260 KieLuanp, ALEXANDER Lanes, 61, 142 Kituierew, THomas, 20, 362, 389, 446 Kitmer, Joyce, 88, 209 Kimpaut, Harriet McEwen, 472 Kine, Grace, 329, 385 Kine, Harriet E. Hamitron, 412, 246 Kine, Henry, 252 Kine, THomas, 482 Kina, Witiiam, 114, 138, 189, 142, 162, 205, 347, 416 Kine’s HaLre-PENNY-woRTH OF WIT IN A PENNY-WORTH OF PAPER, 259 143, 305, XXVIII Kinestey, Cuarues, 10, 13, 34, 52, 53, 80, 81, 101, 103, 119, 128, 139, 168, 182, 205, 210, 252, 265, 270, 284, 289, 305, 325, 326, 333, 337, 362, 384, 389, 395, 407, 451, 462, 464, 467, 474 Kreurna, Rupyarp, 2, 20, 25, 47, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 79, 82, 98, 103, 104, 105, 108, 125, 128, 138, 143, 144, 146, 148, 174, 198, 205, 209, 210, 220, 222, 228, 229, 235, 254, 263, 275, 288, 299, 310, 312, 314, 316, 325, 345, 348, 349, 354, 356, 359, 860, 367, 373, 874, 377, 389, 392, 401, 419, 421, 423, 427, 430, 445, 448, 469, 472, 487 Krrx, ELzanor, 4 KisraLupy, CHARLES, 486 Knack to Knowe A Knave (1584), 5, 279 KNICKERBOCKER MaGazineg, 416 Know tss,. Frepertc LAWRENCE, 370, 389 KNow.Les, JAMES SHERIDAN, 134, 137, 140, 279, 313, 329, 342, 365, 378, 472 Knox, Isa Craic. See Craia, Isa Knox, Wiiuram, 154, 182, 262, 286, 378 Kossutu, Lovis, 454 Korzesur, A. F. F. von, 74 Kovner, BENJAMIN, 429 Krasinski, Siamunp, 47, 128, 147, 148, 151, 178, 200, 210, 276, 277, 281, 305, 319, 331, 332, 345, 404, 431, 476 159, La Bruyere, JEAN vz, 71, 94, 134, 156, 475 LacorDAIRE, JEAN B. H., 4 Lapp, Jospreu B., 138 La Fontaine, JEAN DE, 169 La GamMeE, Davip DE, 185 Laine, ALEXANDER, 72 LALLEMAND, CLAUDE F., 244 LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE M. L., 195, 205, 218, 225, 226, 252, 316, 336, 348, 375, 400, 414, 454 Lams, CHARLES, 104, 105, 109, 156, 239, 261, 319, 320, 356, 383, 472 Lamotre-Fovaust, FrizpEricn HEINRICH Karu, Baron DE, 467 Lampton, WILLIAM J., 219 Lancaster, ANNIE E., 250 Lanpon, Letitia Evizaspetru, 26, 30, 34, 51, 88, 103, 114, 119, 128, 172, 174, 175, 187, 233, 239, 262, 358, 868, 377, 407, 472 Lanpor, WauttTER Savaaen, 41, 47, 59, 66, 75, 81, 82, 93, 105, 142, 174, 219, 229, 240, 259, 283, 286, 296, 297, 313, 356, 389, 424, 436, 486, 488 ° Lane, ANDREW, 106, 119, 149, 212, 213, 277, 288, 351, 412, 466° 107, 298, 135, 362, 181, INDEX. Lanar, Ernst, 244 Laneuorne, Joun, 244, 260, 412 LANGLAND, WILLIAM, 49, 64, 83, 229, 271,. 475 Lanier, Sipney, 14, 31, 87, 143, 200, 222, 238, 316, 325, 371, 375, 433, 478 La Rocurrovucavip, Francors. See RocHEFOUCAULD; Duc DE LatHrop, GEORGE Parsons, 338, 464 Latimer, Huau, 94, 284 LAVATER, JOHANN Caspar, 244, 289 Lawtess, Emity, 387 Lays or Ancient Inpia, 34, 41, 311, 407, 472 Lazarus, Emma, 177, 341, 407 Leacock, STEPHEN, 422 Lean, Vincent Stuckey, 18, 26, 28, 34, 64, 93, 141, 166, 193, 240, 330, 385, 392, 478, 484 LeatTHamM, WILLIAM H., 231 Leavitt, Joun M., 36 Lecky, WILLIAM Epwarp HarrTpo.e, 73 Lepwiper, Francis, 197, 301 Lez, AGNES, 292 Lrs-HamMIttTon, EuGENE, 25, 300, 446 Len, NATHANIEL, 254, 392 Le Fanu, JosepH SHERIDAN, 34, 171 Le Gaturenne, Ricwarp, 38, 44, 57, 89, 99, 115, 130, 141, 144, 187, 189, 218, 225, 227, 265, 270, 290, 291, 299, 303, 314, 319, 332, 333, 345, 361, 373, 391, 397, 407, 415, 430, 438, 439, 450, 472, 483 Lecarsé, JAMES MarttTHew, 188 L&EIBFREED, Epwin, 55 LeicHton, Ropert, 314 LELAND, CHARLES GopFrrey, 105, 377 Leuianp, Henry P., 399 LEMONNIER, CAMILLE, 34, 177, 200, 238, 326, 328, 377, 439, 472, 481 L’Enctos, NInon pe, 23, 184 Le Sage, Auain Rene, 68 Lzesuiz, Amy, 1, 58, 62, 65, 74, 91, 96, 101, 110, 140, 142, 166, 191, 247, 260, 264, 283, 300, 302, 309, 337, 353, 407, 414, 436, 460 LrsPinassgE, MapAME DB, 380 L’Estrance, Sir Roger, 160, 200, 380 Lever, Cartes James, 14, 21, 46 227, 307, 345, 389, 395, 439, 459 Lewes, Grorcr Henry, 265, 268, 340, B45 Lewis, ALFRED Henry, 4, 26, 30, 64, 79, 160, 167, 176, 191, 226, 249, 278, 288, 293, 300, 335, 367, 373, 387, 433, 448, 487 Lewis, MatrtHew Grecory, 362, 466 aes JoHn, 12, 100, 257, 345, 433, 472 Lippetzt, Catuerines C. See FRasEr- Tytizr, C. C. 26, 332, INDEX. Lr Hune Cuane, 32, 86, 440 Lincotn, ABRAHAM, 437 Lincotn, JosepH C., 94, 137 LInLEY, Groren, 183 Linton, Witu1AM James, 44, 171, 244, 337, 478, 485 Littie, Frances, 272 Livineston, JoHNn, 69 Lrvineston, WILLIAM, 42, 65, 169, 260 Livy, 113 Luoyp, Rogpert, 10, 29, 60, 75, 143, 175, 217, 232, 297, 308, 326, 329, 331, 360, 384, 448, 479 Locke, W1Lu1aMm J., 220, 380 LopeE, GEorGE CasoT, 21, 111, 206, 248, 283, 365, 472, 476 Loves, THomas, 14, 51, 160, 193, 266, 268, 273, 299, 339, 352, 407 Logan, Joun, 31, 246, 248, 305, 407 Lonpon CHANTICLEERS, 183, 388 Lonpon, Jack, 53 Lonpon TELEGRAPH, 212 LonereLLow, Henry W., 7, 9, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 25, 26, 30, 36, 38, 51, 57, 60, 63, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 94, 99, 100, 101, 102, 119, 124, 1387, 144, 149, 153, 154, 175, 177, 183, 186, 2038, 206, 219, 225, 237, 240, 252, 254, 263, 265, 267, 268, 270, 274, 279, 281, 284, 286, 292, 296, 300, 309, 315, 320, 321, 325, 326, 331, 332, 336, 343, 345, 347, 351, 360, 371, 380,, 384, 385, 386, 395, 396, 399, 400, 403, 408, 412, 414, 418, 433, 440, 444, 450, 451, 454, 461, 464, 465, 469, 472, 476 Lonainvus, 202 Loomis, CHar.zs B., 240, 408 Lorain, Prosper, 378 Lore pE Vega. See Veca, Lope DE Lovextace, Ricwarp, 26, 34, 46, 49, 62, 129, 171, 188, 223, 353, 412 Lovett, Grorce W., 287, 403, 408, 421 Lover, SAMUEL, 25, 26, 28, 34, 81, 105, 108, 119, 128, 185, 189, 197, 220, 238, 257, 273, 292, 293, 296, 332, 362, 382, 412, 472 Lovisonp, Epwarp, 88, 141, 185, 260, 303, 352, 380 Low, Samuet, 460 Lowe.u, Amy, 69, 426 Lowe.tu, James Russet, 9, 15, 24, 32, 47, 74, 80, 108, 119, 141, 153, 158, 166, 175, 182, 202, 247, 263, 268, 289, 293, 317, 339, 351, 352, 355, 385, 399, 408, 414, 434, 437, 442, 468, 472, 483 Lowett, Marta, 153, 376, 476 Lows tery, B., 303 Lucan, 401 Lucas, EpwarpD VERRALL, 44 Lucian, 13, 326, 394, 445 Lucretius, 390 xxix Luptow, Fritz H., 480 Lutaer, Martin, 130, 197, 230, 314, 875 Lutrre.t, Henry, 487 LYALL, Sir ALFRED, 94 LycopHron, 100 : Lypeats, Jonn, 90, 256, 288, 324, 371 Lyty, 3, 12, 16, 21, 29, 34, 41, 60, 64, 67, 76, 83, 85, 93, 95, 112, 119, 135, 141, 163, 164, 186, 189, 193, 197, 205, 235, 244, 254, 256, 262, 273, 280, 293, 301, 303, 312, 319, 345, 365, 371, 403, 408, 428, 430, 432, 457, 466, 469, 472, 484 Lyncu, T. T., 87 Lysacut, Epwarp, 408 Lytrieton, Lorp, 91, 124, 398, 479, 482, 486 Lyrron, Rosert, Earu oF. DITH, OWEN 128, 339, See Mure- Maartens; Maarren, 119 Masiz, Hamitton Wrieut, 451 Masinocion, 187, 487 Macauuay, Mrs. Fannie CC. See LitrLe, FRANCES Macautay, THomas Basineton, 1, 31, 41, 47, 131, 137, 150, 174, 217, 268, 283, 286, 288, 294, 326, 331, 349, 353, 404, 421, 446 McCartuy, Denis FLORENCE, 37, 42, 454 McCartuy, Justin Huntury, 257, 324, 376, 427 MacCouz, Evan, 34, 91, 128, 169, 171, 233, 468 McCuttocn, Hucu, 114 McCutcHEon, GEoRGE BarRR, 229 MacDonatp, GEorGE, 39, 43, 44, 93, 123, 134, 171, 175, 204, 289, 316, 321, 362, 389, 399, 404, 423 McFerrincs, W. 8., 49 McGarrey, Ernest, 94, 233 Mac-Henry, Georce, 35, 38, 49, 128, 138, 177, 260, 275, 305, 332, 371, 464 Macsuin, Louis, 473 Mackay, CHarues, 35, 37, 160, 357 Mackay, GEorRGE Eric, 21, 160, 342, 442 Mackay, Rosert, 105 Mackenziz, Compton, 155 MacKenziz, Henry, 41, 200, 255, 321 840, 417, 419 Mackin, CHarues, 92, 219, 247, 278, 353, 362, 389, 428, 433 Mac.iacHan, Ewen, 35 McLauGHLAN, ALEXANDER, 183 1, 35, Maciean, Letitia E. See Lawnpvon, Letitia McLe.uan, CHarutes M. &., 92, 162, 379 Macteop, Fiona. See SHARP, WILLIAM MacMecuan, ARCHIBALD McKeE.uar, 212, 462 XXX McNeriu, Ancus, 17, 334 - Macpuerson, James, 11, 42, 81, 86, 89, 119, 131, 136, 137, 148, 146, 269, 286, 295, 321, 332, 365, 377, 395, 419, 424, 454, 473 Mapicu, Imre, 88, 104, 449 Mappen, Ricoarp RoBert, 458 Mappen, SaAMuEL, 27 MA&TERLINCK, MavRIcE, 133, 444 Maaoon, Ettas L., 67, 437 MawasHARAta, 15, 31, 112, 119, 143, 147, 156, 169, 305, 377, 392, 414, 426 Manony, Francis, 13 Mainrenon, Mapame ps, 114 Mautet, Davin, 24, 85, 123, 222, 283, 355, 371 Ma.tock, Wiuu1AM Hurrew, 265, 279 Matone, WALTER, 38, 80, 158, 177, 220, 246, 381, 408, 424 Matory, THomas, 275 Manaxkkasu, 175 Manecan, JAMES CLARENCE, 260, 454 Mann, Horace, 319 Mannix, Mary Ewen, 35 MANzoni, ALESSANDRO, 68 MARCELLINUS, 186 MargcHAL, THomas, 244 MarxuHam, Epwin, 87, 113, 119, 148, 172, 200, 303, 305, 469, 476 Mar.Lowe, CHRISTOPHER, 15, 49, 85, 105, 128, 136, 139, 153, 158, 187, 189, 204, 300, 383, 392, 394, 401, 436, 456, 480 Marquis, Don, 45, 149, 150, 177, 263, 286 Marryatt, CAPTAIN FREDERICK, 4 MarsHauu, A. W., 473 MarsHauyt, THomas, 457 Marston, Joun, 5, 203, 298, 306 Marston, Jonn WESTLAND, 40, 392 Marston, Psaiuiep BourKxe, 147, 333, 371 Marti, 67, 172, 463 : Martin, ABE, 112, 231, 382, 422 Martin, Epwarp SaNnrorp, 6 Marveuyt, ANDREW, 35, 105, 326, 425, 439 Marziats, THtorue Juurus Henry, 162 Mas=FIELp, Joun, 206, 326, 347, 350, 377 Mason, Joan M., 11 Mason, WILu1am, 35 Masssy, GeRALD, 13, 15, 16, 37, 59, 62, 81, 123, 128, 138, 149, 151, 154, 162, 166, 169, 179, 181, 185, 189, 191, 193, 197, 200, 207, 224, 227, 231, 234, 249, 259, 266, 276, 283, 292, 309, 321, 323, 324, 333, 345, 353, 354, 362, 364, 367, 371, 382, 388, 391, 395, 408, 412, 419, 421, 425, 428, 449, 454, 465 MassILuLon, JEAN B., 196 35, 38, 62, 35, 172, INDEX. MassincEer, Paiup, 25, 32, 67, 101, 133, 179, 228, 237, 271, 313, 361, 384, 417, 463 Masters, Epcar Lez, 77, 157, 276, 290 Maruer, Increase, 414 Matuer, RIcHarD, 229 Matuews, CHARLES, 54 Matuews, WILLIAM, 93, 107, 166, 232 Matruews, BRANDER, 9, 37, 166, 324, 373, 449 Maupassant, Guy pg, 6, 44, 60, 67, 111, 119, 148, 167, 177, 181, 188, 193, 218, 227, 238, 256, 265, 266, 281, 285, 289, 300, 306, 315, 328, 347, 366, 371, 389, 400, 404, 429, 431, 433, 488, 473, 485, 486 Mazzin1, GIusEPPE, 222, 271 Merap, Rosert, 247 MeacuHer, THomas Francis, 279 MEEK, ALEXANDER BEAUFORT, 411 Mer pancgke, Brian, 153, 202, 205, 376, 436 MELVILLE, Herman, 13 Mencivs, 5 Mencken, Henry L., 138, 355, 404 MeEnpsEs, CATULLE, 51, 119, 237 MerepitH, Greorce, 7, 8, 13, 17, 23, 27, 42, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 62, 67, 70, 72, 73, 77, 83, 88, 93, 94, 95, 98, 102, 103, 106, 107, 108, 112, 130, 135, 141, 142, 148, 150, 153, 158, 162, 183, 184, 186, 187, 191, 198, 201, 204, 209, 215, 224, 233, 242, 253, 256, 260, 263, 272, 273, 275, 277, 279, 280, 283, 288, 294, 296, 298, 303, 307, 309, 312, 316, 318, 319, 327, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 336, 339, 340, 342, 348, 344, 350, 351, 353, 354, 367, 373, 376, 379, 384, 385, 386, 389, 391, 392, 393, 394, 400, 401, 402, 408, 412, 419, 421, 422, 425, 426, 429, 487, 441, 442, 446, 452, 454, 456, 458, 461, 462, 465, 487, 488 MerepiTH, Owen, 24, 35, 42 54, 123, 124, 126, 128, 139, 178, 191, 206, 263, 267, 283, 306, 311, 334, 363, 367, 386, 421, 426, 429, 451 Merivate Henry C., 219, 398 Mermet, Cuaupe, 163 MEYNELL, ALICE, 338 MICHELANGELO, 6 Mickiewicz, Apam, 21, 128 Mickie, Wiuu1AM Juuius, 12, 47, 51, 62, 139, 260, 278, 306, 311, 440, 473 MipptetTon, Tuomas, 23, 119, 136, 189, 248, 302, 306, 328, 334, 436, 467, 485 Mrirruin, Luoyp, 125 Mites, Georce H., 11 MiiuerR, ALIcE Durr, 257 Mitter, Harrier M., 269 Mitter, Joaquin, 18, 153, 206, 229, rie 310, 323, 346, 371, 429, 437, 64 114, INDEX. Miuuzr, Tomas, 27, 173 MILLER, WarReEN H., 110 Miuier, WILLIAM, 438, 473 Miuman, Henry Hart, 202, 233, 350, 374, 452 Mines, Ricwarp MoncxtTon, 118, 128, 146, 162, 172, 265, 266, 350, 390, 407, 422, 440 Mitton, Joun, 1, 16, 29, 52, 77, 86, 104, 139, 212, 216, 228, 242, 260, 270, 276, 281, 301, 302, 325, 346, 353, 363, 364, 382, 400, 412, 419, 421, 467, 483 Mrrseau, Octave, 374, 400, 459 MircHeiyt, Mrs. Acnes E., 63, 126 MitcHe.t, Donatp G., 1, 8, 9, 14, 35, 44, 48, 57, 108, 109, 148, 149, 158, 177, 181, 190, 317, 318, 333, 363, 374, 383, 402, 454, 460 Mitcurtyi, 8. WerrR, 213 Mitrorp, Mary RussE1u, 23, 151, 210, 246, 306, 361, 371 Morr, Davip Macsetu, 160, 426 Mousre, Jean Baptiste PoQuvueELin, 86, 196, 367, 482 Mo..oy, FitzGERALp J., 317 MonxuHovuseE, Cosmo, 177, 441 Monracu, Evizapets R., 254 Montacu, ~Lapy Mary Wort.ey, 334 Montaiene, Micuet Eyquem pz, 110, 200, 457 Montcomery, GrorcE Epa@ar, 216, 476 Montcomery, James, 15, 30, 387, 57, 67, 70, 72, 73, 83, 96, 98, 119, 128, 132, 134, 186, 139, 144, 149, 153, 158, 160, 174, 175, 177, 181, 200, 222, 239, 246, 262, 286, 289, 290, 306, 311, 330, 346, 347, 348, 353, 364, 371, 379, 382, 408, 412, 414, 419, 435, 441, 455, 460, 476 Moore, CHartes L., 1, 8, 10, 54, 58, 97, 119, 318, 340, 344, 367 Moors, CLement C., 153, 227 Moore, Epwarp, 78, 128, 244, 354 Moorsg, Evia D., 289 Moore, Georer, 5,:57, 111, 185, 226, 288, 351, 440, 441, 442 Moors, Spenser, 399 Moore, Tuomas, 11, 14, 21, 23, 25, 31, 35, 42, 47, 49, 80, 91, 102, 107, 119, 125, 126, 135, 144, 147, 150, 151, 153, 160, 162, 169, 180, 181, 183, 193, 195, 225, 233, 236, 239, 241, 256, 257, 269, 286, 287, 289, 303, 306, 314, 318, 320, 346, 350, 352, 356, 367, 371, 408, 411, 436, 464, 476, 486 Moorz, Sir Tomas, 114 More, Hannan, 62, 85, 231, 295, 298, 387, 419 Mors, Sir THomas (Pseudo-Shakespear- ean), 12 Morcan, APPLETON, 452 XXXi Mortey, Henry, 57, 316 Morris, Antuony P., 12 Morris, Grorce P., 30, 156, 257, 295, 301, 306, 333, 467 Morris, Lewis, 9, 23, 47, 49, 59, 73, 84, 125, 128, 134, 152, 155, 232, 239, 244, 283, 286, 303, 306, 363, 368, 375, 378, 381, 390, 399, 417, 425, 434, 439, 470 Morris, RoBErT, 283 Morris, WitL1am, 12, 44, 94, 101, 128, 186, 308, 331, 360, 364, 385, 408 Morton, James M., 416, 438 Morton, Pauvu, 398 Morton, SAMUEL GEORGE, 228 Morton, Sarap W., 23. Morton, Tuomas, 37, 90 MoTHERWELL, WILLIAM, 352, 450, 465 Mortrvux, Pierre A., 302 Movutton, Loutsze CHANDLER, 153 Murr, Joun, 233, 408 MULHOLLAND, Rosa, 31 Mu.ier, F. Max, 90, 318 MU.uer, WitHELM, 144 Moutock, Dinan Maria, 14, 35, 36, 40, 42, 58, 62, 70, 86, 95, 104, 119, 128, 185, 144, 167, 193, 195, 255, 257, 259, 270, 303, 306, 309, 326, 335, 338, 343, 367, 376, 385, 387, 401, 412, 454, 473 Mounsy, ARTHUR JOSEPH, 286 Muncnausen, Baron Karu F. H. von, 77, 102, 149, 179, 204, 286, 289, 309, 326, 438 Muwnpen, Sypney, 13, 29, 77, 78, 81, 84, 94, 98, 108, 145, 155, 160, 191, 194, 210, 218, 223, 247, 307, 308, 331, 342, 353, 385, 397, 423, 442, 443, 444, 447, 456, 460 Monkittricr, R. K., 265 Murcer, Henna, 45, 207, 267, 283 Murpuy, ArtHuR, 173, 408 Muses Recreation, THE (1656), 16, 56, 62, 485, Myers, F. W. H., 169, 183, 213, 297, 355 Nasses, THomas, 346 Napen, Constance C. W., 125, 383 NapoLeon BonapaRTE, 131, 214, 252, 437 Nasu, Tuomas, 13, 37, 291, 297, 316, 355, 371, 384, 412, 421, 473 NatHan, GEORGE JEAN, 93, 411 Neat, JoHn Cuay, 25 NeEcKER, MapaME, 247, 252, 298, 308 Nerparpt, Joun G., 59, 98, 125, 134, 186, 188, 292, 488 Nesatr, 100 NeEncIon1I, Enrico, 473 Newent, Rospert H., 403 Newman, Joon Henry, 57, 181, 287, 334, 338, 350 New Rerusuic, THE, 271 XXxil News FROM CHELSMFORD, 468 New TESTAMENT, 2, 21, 58, 89, 109, 168, 194, 198, 208, 216, 279, 300, 336, 340, 351, 410, 460, 465, 474, 478 Newton, Isaac, 488 New Yor« Sun, 28, 258, 292, 354, 364 New York Times, 47 New Yor«k Tripune, 47 NicHouson, MeReEp1tTH, 279, 488 Nicouu, Ropert, 5, 391, 488 Nicuot, R. B., 18 NIETZscHE, FREDERICH, 230, 383, 395 Nisumi, 244 : Nopier, CHarues, 190, 456 Nort, Rosert, 39, 111, 177, 179, 307, 426 Nott, Ropen, 473 Norpau, Max, 96, 317, 330 Norris, BisHop, 176 Norris, JoHN, 125, 297, 458 NortHa.t, F. P., 21, 277, 351 NortHatu, G. F., 21, 184, 191, 193, 194, 207, 220, 221, 226, 300, 401 Norton, CHARLES ExtoT, 259, 321 Norton, Mrs., 126, 202, 321, 367, 373, 454 Noyes, ALFRED, 343, 469 Nut Brown Mai, THE, 28 Nye, Epaar W., 266, 300, 352 52, 149, 200, O’Brien, Firz-James, 19, 38, 88, 337, 451, 473 O’ConnELL, DANIEL, 42 O’Connor, Witiiam Douauas, 228 OEHLENSCHLAGER, ADaM GOTTLOB, 188, 459 Oup Testament, 2, 4, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 21, 27, 28, 30, 32, 37, 39, 40, 48, 49, 51, 58, 63, 65, 67, 68, 70, 77, 79, 82, 102, 104, 113, 114, 121, 125, 129, 135, 141, 142, 146, 148, 150, 155, 156, 166, 168, 172, 182, 183, 184, 194, 198, 200, 201, 203, 205, 225, 227, 229, 230, 237, 245, 257, 266, 267, 271, 273, 281, 285, 287, 290, 299, 307, 310, 317, 319, 321,. 322, 324, 325, 326, 329, 330, 334, 336, 338, 340, 343, 348, 356, 357, 359, 360, 361, 366, 372, 377, 381, 382, 383, 390, 394, 396, 413, 417, 418, 419, 423, 428, 429, 435, 437, 444, 449, 454, 460, 466, 474, 475, 477, 478, 480, 483, 484 Omar KuaryAm, 128, 209, 316, 472 O’ReILxiy, Joun Boye, 25, 436 O’Reitity, Miues, 128, 181, 207, 316, 462 ORIENTAL Provers, 48, 57, 163, 250, 262, 283, 312, 417 OssournzE, Luoyp, 109, 199 Oscoop, Mrs., 81 O’SHAUGHNEaSY, ARTHUR, 326 O’SHaucunessy, W. E., 131 180, INDEX. Osmanur Provers, 3, 47, 55, 93, 96, 149, 153, 163, 165, 189, 209, 213, 235, 275, 291, 317, 323, 336, 356, 366, 390, 399, 428, 449, 452, 454, 460, 469, 484, Ossrtan, 6, 17, 36, 42, 44, 67, 119, 128, 190, 198, 246, 260, 266, 295, 328, 331, 361, 419, 454, 459 Oris, JAmEs, 189 Otway, Tuomas, 44, 48, 67, 81, 85, 128, 131, 160, 167, 169, 194, 200, 202, 207, 226, 263, 294, 306, 328, 358, 371, 380, 392, 408, 417, 423, 425, 430, 433, 442, 465 Ovurpa, 1, 2, 14, 15, 37, 44, 69, 73, 77, 80, 82, 83, 96, 97, 105, 109, 115, 119, 136, 137, 148, 151, 153, 164, 169, 173, 177, 178, 179, 181, 187, 193, 199, 205, 210, 211, 212, 214, 215, 217, 221, 222, 226, 231, 234, 235, 239, 246, 248, 258, 263, 265, 277, 280, 284, 292, 297, 314, 317, 329, 335, 337, 347, 350, 354, 361, 373, 375, 377, 390, 392, 394, 395, 400, 402, 405, 408, 421, 426, 429, 433, 434, 443, 448, 461, 468, 469, 487 Ovutcautt, R. F., 191 Outram, GEORGE, 382, 402 OverBuRY, Sir THomas, 7, 16, 46, 90, 119, 123, 184, 197, 232, 323, 428, 449, 457 Ovip, 57, 85, 113, 343 PacHMANN, VLADIMIR DE, 75 Pacer, THomas Newson, 204, 209, 246, 397 PaILLERON, Epuarp J. H., 197 Pain, Barry, 103, 461 Paring, ALBERT BiGELow, 321 Parne, THomas, 70, 114, 122, 131, 184, 212, 213, 300, 325, 339 PauGRavE, FrRANcis TuRNER, 131 PauGRAve, JOHN, 207 Patuen, Conpn B., 114, 440 Park, ANDREW, 306, 371 Parke, Watter, 311 ParkER, BENJAMIN F., 408 Parker, Sir GILBERT, 27 Parker, THEODORE, 119 PARNELL, THomas, 35 Parr, Harriett, 14, 176 Pascau, Buaise, 267, 460 PasHa, Hariz, 312 Pasquin, ANTHONY, 250 Pater, WALTER, 29, 215, 279 Patmore, CoventrY, 16, 162, 299, 306, 347, 408 Paton, Sir Josera Nosgt, 128, 411 Patterson, Apa, 309 Pattison, WILLIAM, 381 Pauupine, James K., 193 Payne, JoHN, 91, 119, 146, 152, 258, 260, 275, 283, 256, 421, 431, 464, 473 INDLA, Parnes, Jonn Howarp, 90 PEABODY, JOSEPHINE P., 172, 354 Preazsopy, WiuuiaMm B. O., 444 PracuaM, Henry, 355, 456 Peacock, Toomas L., 14, 21, 27, 120, 153, 378, 265, 290 Pecx, Even B., 101 Peck, SamMuEL Minturn, 149 PEELE, GEORGE, 298 Pree, Joun, 464 Peace, SAMUEL, 343 PEMBERTON, T. Epear, 281 Penn, WILLIAM, 7, 252, 287 PENNYPACKER, Isaac §., 32 Pentaur, 72, 82, 100, 197, 314 Pentecost, Hueu O., 264 PrpLe, Epwarp, 31, 125, 255 Percival, James G., 17, 27 Prercivau, RicHArRD, 5 Percy’s REiiquss, 21 Perry, Buss, 276 PeErRsIAN, 128, 215 Persian Provers, 415 Petit-Senn, J., 113, 157, 170, 197, 244, 263 F Pretor1, SANDOR, 402 PerrarcyH, 32, 47, 62, 112, 128, 146, 158, 356 Preirrer, Emiuy, 405 Parties, AMBROSE, 30, 36, 167, 169, 260, 346, 351, 357, 408, 438, 444, 445 Puitirs, Jon, 21, 195 : Puaiturps, H. W., 142 Puuurps, STEPHEN, 29, 35, 120, 222, 408 Pariures, WENDELL, 437 PuIto, 262 PuHocyrLipEs, 224 Prerpont, Jon, 81, 183, 390 Piterm, James, 39, 47 PILKINGTON, JAMES, 224 154, Pitpay, 4, 32, 57, 175, 259, 298, 393, 395, 416, 484 Pinpar, Perer, 54 Pinepa, PEepRo, 390 Pitt, CHRISTOPHER, 53, 153, 168, 247, 474 Puiancus, JAMES Rosinson, 6, 260, 283, 285, 311, 421 Puaten, Aucust von, 130 Puato, 287, 366 Priavutus, 43, 183, 296, 485 Purny, 262 Piumptre, Epwarp H., 331 Prurarca, 5, 29, 96, 132, 163, 225, 301, 319, 378 Por, Epear Auuan, 30, 52, 81, 86, 89, 120, 176, 177, 213, 235, 256, 282, 306, 347, 348, 352, 414, 436, 455 Potiz, Joun, 347 Po.titock, CHanninGc, 75, 100, 264 Poutuox, Rosert, 35, 371, 412 Pomeroy, Marx M. (‘‘Brick’’), 226 Pomrret, JoHN, 49, 157, 381, 437, 457 XXxill Poor Rosin’s ALMANACK, 12, 186, 259, 402, 421 Porz, ALEXANDER, 6, 16, 29, 30, 35, 49, 54, 97, 100, 102, 108, 115, 127, 131, 140, 189, 192, 195, 213, 221, 225, 229, 242, 252, 256, 260, 268, 273, 281, 287, 297, 299, 301, 311, 317, 319, 323, 342, 345, 378, 402, 412, 421, 442, 447, 466, 476, 478, 483 Porson, Ricwarp, 397 Porter, J. Hamppen, 40, 421 Porter, JANE, 62, 301, 318, 454, 458 Porter, Wituram T., 404 Post, Mretvitue D., 202 Powerit, Mary EvizasBetu, 57 Power, Tyrone, 52 Powers, Hrrar, 120 Pranp, WintrHrop MacKkworts, 25, 47, 51, 143, 306, 364, 415, 473 Pratinas, 408 PRENTICE, GeorceE D., 11, 15, 71, 125, 424 Prescorr, Wituuam H., 3, 112, 205, 357, 421, 454 Preston, ANNA E., 461 Preston, MarGaret JuNKIN, 87 Price, Epwarp D., 198, 225 Price, WiLL1AM THompson, 171 Pripeaux, W. H., 35 Prince, Heven C., 473 PRINGLE, THomas, 149, 378 Prior, Matruew, 47, 83, 128, 193, 244, 246, 262, 329, 354, 371, 393, 402, 473 Procter, ADELAIDE A., 77, 125, 181, 150, 171, 221, 286, 310, 336 Procter, Bryan Wauuer. See Corn- WALL, BARRY Proctor, Epna D., 307, 454 Propertivus, 120 Prout, FatHerR. See MAHONY, FRANCIS PRYNNE, WILLIAM, 65 Pran-Horep, 32 Pusuius Syrvs, 167, 203 Pucks, Jamss, 3, 60, 103, 274, 289 PuistrEux, MADELEINE D’ARSONT, DAME DE, 271 Putcr, Lurer, 130 PuLsForD, JOHN, 188 Puncy, 197, 216, 259, 335 Puritan, THe, 105, 324 Putnam, Ruta, 100, 394, 399 Pynson, RicHarpD, 125 21, QUARLES, FRANCIs, 28 Quick, HERBERT, 432 QuILLer-Coucn, Sir ArtHuR T., 162 Quin, JAMEs, 304 QuineT, Epaar, 352 QUINTILIAN, 262 RaBeExais, Francois, 12, 22, 35, 44, 55, 65, 102, 108, 109, 112, 123, 128, 135, 143, 212, 227, 267, 294, 316, 323, 324, 328, 335, 337, 361, 373, 383, 385, 394, 395, 417, 438, 469, 473 XXX1V Racine, JEAN Baptiste, 83, 115 Raprorp, Douui, 15 Rauixki, 21 Rareien, Sir Water (1552-1618), 90, 135, 137, 145, 181, 225, 268, 287, 346 RaveicH, Sir WALTER (1860-), 303 Rare, James, 50 Raupu, JAMES, 273, 312, 340, 384 Ramayana, 102, 200, 247, 288 Ramsay, ALLAN, 125, 173, 364 Ramsay, Srr Gsorcz, 287 Ranvpoupu, JOHN, 391, 435 Ranvoupe, THOMAS, 222 Ranps, WIitu1aM B., 100, 371 Ransome, ARTHUR, 95 Ray, ANNA CHAPIN, 48 Ray, Joun, 5, 44, 64, 72, 78, 79, 89, 142, 166, 168, 184, 246, 265, 355, 468 Raymer, C. D., 35 Reap, Opie, 21, 402, 473 Reap, T. Bucwanan, 2, 11, 14, 21, 23, 28, 35, 39, 43, 45, 59, 72, 83, 103, 114, 130, 149, 175, 181, 185, 191, 235, 249, 263, 268, 275, 284, 306, 316, 326, 331, 339, 343, 350, 352, 378, 390, 395, 396, 403, 405, 408, 412, 422, 429, 441, 454, 456, 459, 460, 461, 485 READE, CHARLES, 35, 53, 61, 62, 64, 67, 72, 84, 108, 120, 146, 158, 167, 176, 179, 181, 198, 201, 202, 205, 214, 221, 227, 240, 265, 267, 274, 275, 283, 285, 312, 322, 333, 347, 351, 360, 365, 375, 377, 389, 417, 419, 429, 439, 446, 449, 473, 486 Rear, RicHarp, 234, 393, 419, 441 Reece, RosBert, 79 Reepy, Wiut1aM Marron, 25, 249 Reese, Lizette Woopworts, 408 Reenisr, 482 ReEeppriieR, AGNES, 226, 255, 283, 313 REPUBLICA: A MERYE ENTERLUDE, 300 ReyYNOLps, FREDERICK, 295 Ruopes, WILLIAM BaRNEs, 143 Rice, Atice Heean. See Hecan, ALICE CALDWELL Rice, GRANTLAND, 46, 219 Ricu, Hiram, 321 RicHarp, ACHILLI, 44 Ricuarps, Laura E., 35 RicHARDSON, Frank, 3, 222 RicHarpson, SAMUEL, 49, 319, 433 RicHeviev, 458 Ricutser, JEAN Paut, 52, 53, 111, 137, 170, 196, 201, 221, 280, 244, 252, 301, 482 Ricorp, Evizapers, 259 Riwve.., H., 306 Riveout, Henry M., 487 Ritzer, James Wuitcoms, 24, 27, 35, 53, 55, 57, 87, 94, 120, 128, 133, 144, 152, 158, 171, 172, 173, 175, 68, 88, 150, 224, INDEX. 194, 214, 220, 221, 227, 267, 270, 283, 289, 296, 311, 323, 325, 343, 346, 351, 363, 365, 367, 371, 391, 408, 421, 459, 473, 487 Rinewart, Mary Roserts, 381 Rrvarot, ANTOINE, 182, 197 Rives, AMELIE, 262, 364 Roserts, Cuarztes G. D., 77 Rosertson, Morean, 126 Rosertson, THoMAs WILLIAM, 231, 245 Rosins, Epwarp, 460 Rosinson, CLEMENT, 397 Rosinson, Mrs. Mary. TETER, AGNES M. F. Rosrnson, Tracy, 185 RocHEFOUCAULD, FRango!s, 2, 94, 186, 245, 458 Rocnester, Ear or, 215, 245, 436, 484 Rop, Epovarp, 413 Rocers, Danrez, 313 Rocers, SAMUEL, 123, 162, 177, 185, 191, 217, 233, 234, 360, 382, 403, 455 Rowanp, Joun, 14 RoMAINVILLE, 295 RoMANcE oF ANTAR, 123, 144, 417 RomManiaAN Provers, 265 Romanian Sone, 129 RoNSARD, PIERRE DE, 245, THrovore, 55, 60, 108 Roscor, Witii1AM C., 419 Roscommon, Earu or, 146 Rose, Guorce B., 15 RosenTuHaL, Lewis, 75, 424 Rossetti, CuristinA Groratna, 5, 21, 32, 35, 47, 49, 60, 77, 87, 102, 107, 120, 123, 128, 130, 137, 144, 152, 162, 166, 175, 179, 180, 183, 187, 190, 197, 203, 221, 223, 226, 245, 264, 266, 268, 283, 286, 295, 296, 306, 317, 319, 327, 339, 349, 354, 356, 364, 366, 367, 381, 387, 394, 399, 419, 425, 430, 433, 486, 448, 452, 459, 469, 470, 473, 488 Rossetti, Dante Gaprren, 25, 29, 31, 32, 43, 54, 60, 62, 72, 86, 89, 103, 104, 110, 115, 120, 126, 128, 134, 142, 153, 173, 177, 181, 186, 202, 208, 241, 247, 268, 270, 283, 310, 316, 320, 341, 348, 347, 351, 359, 368, 371, 375, 379, 381, 385, 390, 395, 399, 414, 423, 428, 430, 438, 461, 465, 487, 488 Rostanp, Epmonp, 135 RovussEau, JEAN JAcQuEs, 252 Rowe, Nicuotas, 92, 107, 200, 287, 322, 400, 413, 482 ’ Rowtanp, HELEN, 149 Row.anps, SAMUEL, 84, 235 Row.ey, Wiui1am, 287, 375, 397, 457, 477 Rucxert, Friepricn, 135, 359, 426, 454 176, 244, 304, 177, 266, 306, See DarmeEs- Duc ps, 203, 382, INDEX. Rourrini, Giovannt DoMENIco, 78 Ruin or A Ream, 373 Ruskin, Joun, 3, 18, 15, 22, 27, 43, 63, 87, 102, 1138, 120, 189, 185, 228, 233, 268, 306, 311, 316, 326, 343, 347, 354, 373, 383, 389, 400, 419, 431, 4389, 441, 473 Russewy, Irwin, 348 RussEut, W. Cuark, 35, 81, 125, 190, 200, 361, 429, 433 Russian Provers, 163, 228 Ryan, A. J., 57, 120, 158, 202, 262, 306, 333, 358, 371, 380, 390, 408, 473 Rymer, THomas, 447 Sacus, Hans, 397 SACKVILLE, THomas, 21, 94, 364, 376, 422 Sani, 16, 120, 132, 283, 439 Sace, WILLIAM, 381 Saint BERNARD, 15, 20 Saint BoNavENtTuRA, 66 Saint CurRysostom, 113 SarnTE-BEvVE, CHARLES 236, 368 Sarnt-PimrRE, BERNARDIN DE, 37, 48, 91, 148, 340, 366, 431 Samnt-R&AL, Cesar VICHARD DE, 252 Sata, GrorcEe Aucustvs, 226, 232 Sa.tus, Epgar, 131, 178, 209, 321, 379, 446 Sattus, Francis 8., 25, 39, 51, 54, 66, 82, 90, 101, 120, 128, 144, 177, 178, 224, 227, 237, 333, 352, 363, 451, 468 SanpEAv, LEONARD SYLVAIN JULES, 218, 271, 446 Sanps, Haypen, 95, 129, 254 Sanpys, GrorcE, 1, 21, 32, 51, 67, 82, 90, 91, 102, 113, 141, 153, 170, 276, 237, 266, 321, 485 SancsTER, CHARLES, 114, 143, 162, 247, 248, 279, 303, 387, 402, 408, 413, 431, 459 SanasTteR, Marcaret E., 29, 57, 67, 270, 324, 340 Sanskrit, 408, 416 Sanskrit Epic, 421 Santayana, GEORGE, 368 SappHo, 152, 292 SaRcey, FRANCISQUE, 89, 340 Sarcent, Epes, 292, 348 Sartory, Mapam pz, 255 Sass, Grorce Herpert, 173 SAUNDERS, FREDERICK, 123, 301 Savace, Purp H., 234 Savace, RicHarp, 278, 336, 395, 429, AUGUSTIN, 455, 477 SavaGEe-ARMSTRONG, GEORGE FRANCIS, 469 Savite, Grorce. See Hauirrax, Mar- QUIS OF Saxe, Jonn G., 21, 188, 237, 298, 303, 323, 363, 368 Saxe, ManrsHau,373 Scaptock, JAmMEs, 408 ScHEFFAUER, HERMAN GEORGE, 366 Scuerre., Josepa Victor von, 153, 384 Scuprer, Epmonp, 418 ScHiLLer, Frrepricu von, 40, 43, 57, 81, 90, 98, 109, 135, 144, 148, 152, 160, 177, 190, 195, 198, 201, 212, 214, 233, 258, 281, 283, 290, 354, 377, 403, 405, 439, 452, 470 Scnuoonmaker, Epwin D., 38 ScHOPENHAUER, ARTHUR, 8, 11, 54, 98, 196, 218, 232, 252, 258, 280, 368, 423, 487, 478, 484 ScoLiarD, CLInTon, 182, 346, 352 Scott, Duncan C., 343, 390 Scott, Joun, 43, 153, 242, 398, 455, 468 Scott, Mary McNetn: Mary M. Scorr, Micasru, 275, 439 Scorr, Sir Watrer, 8, 27, 47, 70, 73, 82, 102, 107, 126, 129, 133, 138, 143, 145, 148, 149, 153, 162, 170, 172, 178, 183, 199, 207, 211, 241, 247, 257, 270, 283, 289, 324, 327, 347, 348, 352, 360, 379, 384, 385, 403, 413, 421, 427, 442, 449, 454, 455, 465, 473, 474, 476, 477, 486 Scorrish Bauuap, 21, 38, 50, 106, 166, 190, 247, 344, 406 Scottish Provers, 52, 55, 81, 85, 87, 88, 131, 135, 139, 181, 187, 193, 200, 259, 296, 303, 309, 311, 448 Scupper, Euiza, 264 SreacGerR, Francis, 298 SEAMAN, Owen, 91, 233, 311, 312, 405 Srearinc, Laura R., 359 Secxer, THomas, 465 SEDLEY, Sir CHARLES, 24, 482 SeLBy, CHAR gs, 11 SELDEN, Joun, 6, 45, 66, 479 Sexes, Joss, 96, 181, 265 Severre, J. B., 172, 183 | Seneca, 7, 258, 262, 299, 381, 427, 450 Stqur, 245 ServiAn Bauuap, 29, 358, 362, 417, 470 SERVICE, Rosert W., 188, 366 SEWALL, FRANK, 356 SHACKLOcK, RicHaRD, 92 SHADWELL, THomas, 83, 98, 229, 232, 265, 323, 367, 422, 435, 480 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 18, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 37, 38, 39, 43, 44, 45, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 93, 97, 98, 99, 103, 104, 105, 106, 109, 111, 120, 129, 181, 133, 134, 185, 136, 141, 147, 150, 151, 153, 154, 155, 157, 160, 162, 163, 165, 166, 167, 168, 170, 171, 181, 184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 195, 196, 199, 200, See Fenouiosa, XXXVI SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM — continued 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 209, 214, 216, 217, 218, 219, 222, 226, 227, 228, 230, 231, 234, 236, 239, 240, 242, 245, 247, 249, 250, 258, 254, 256, 2538, 260, 262, 264, 265, 269, 271, 277, 279, 281, 283, 284, 285, 290, 291, 298, 294, 295, 298, 300, 301, 302, 303, 306, 308, 811, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 319, 320, 322, 323, 325, 327, 329, 330, 333, 335, 339, 341, 343, 346, 347, 348, 352, 355, 357, 358, 359, 360, 362, 364, 367, 371, 875, 376, 377, 378, 383, 384, 385, 388, 390, 394, 397, 398, 402, 403, 404, 408, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 421, 422, 423, 425, 426, 428, 433, 434, 435, 436, 438, 440, 445, 447, 449, 452, 454, 456, 461, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 469, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 480, 483, 484, 485, 487, 488 Saarp, Wiui1aM, 172, 283, 390, 473 SHARPHAM, Epwarp, 64, 116, 192, 195, 338, 350 SHaw, Greorce BERNARD, 62, 78, 209, 274, 279, 292, 298, 308, 347, 356, 373, 390, 405, 427, 444, 450, 473 Suaw, Henry W. See Bruurnecs, JosH SHEppD, Percy W., 112 Saeit, RicHarp Lator, 157, 178, 246, 388 SHevtey, Percy Byssue, 5, 9, 11, 14, 18, 21, 23, 25, 31, 35, 40, 43, 47, 54, 57, 62, 63, 64, 70, 77, 78, 80, 82, 85, 86, 87, 89, 95, 102, 120, 122, 125, 129, 134, 136, 137, 140, 141, 143, 144, 146, 148, 149, 150, 153, 154, 160, 166, 168, 171, 175, 181, 187, 189, 192, 201, 204, 205, 214, 218, 221, 222, 224, 228, 229, 230, 232, 236, 239, 242, 245, 257, 263, 267, 268, 276, 281, 284, 286, 289, 292, 298, 299, 303, 306, 307, 310, 311, 317, 325, 326, 327, 329, 336, 343, 344, 346, 352, 354, 356, 361, 363, 371, 377, 378, 381, 382, 384, 390, 394, 403, 404, 405, 409, 411, 413, 414, 422, 425, 429, 430, 433, 439, 445, 447, 449, 451, 454, 459, 462, 466, 473, 484 SHENSTONE, WILLIAM, 40, 111, 169, 230, 245, 260, 309, 371 ; SHepparp, Euizasers §., 413 SHERBURNE, Sir Epwarp, 253, 366, 483 SHERIDAN, CAROLINE E. 8S. See Nor- Ton, Mrs. SHERIDAN, RicHaRD BrinstEy, 10, 14, 27, 45, 48, 106, 112, 123, 196, 338, 350, 362, 414, 433 SHERMAN, ELLEN Burns, 449 213, 223, 235, 248, 259, 276, 288, 299, 309, 318, 328, 342, 356, 366, 382, 395, 411, 419, 431, 442, 457, 468, 479, INDEX. SHERMAN, FRANK Dempster, 200, 292, 409, 427 SHILLABER, BENJAMIN P. (Mrs. Parrt- INGTON), 327 Sairuey, James, 30, 165, 296 SHOEMAKER, BLANCHE, 35 Snorter, Mrs. C. K. Sce SicErson, Dora Sipney, Srr Puruip, 7, 49, 129, 185, 197, 228, 260, 366, 458 Sienkiewicz, Henryx, 214, 383, 399 Sicerson, Dora, 5 SrcouRNEY, Lyp1a Huntty, 120, 170, 434 Situ, Epwarp R., 113, 154, 330 Situ, Louisz Morean, 313 SINCLAIR, CATHERINE, 302 Srracu, 163 SKELTON, JoHN, 7, 19, 41, 139, 146, 153, 171, 178, 187, 198, 201, 212, 229, 235, 248, 288, 324, 343, 377, 390, 436, 452, 478, 484 Sxresry, Josern, 188 Siapen, Dovetss B. W., 160, 185 Stick, Sam, 85, 106, 166, 200, 239, 251, 402, 441, 478, 487 SMART, CHRISTOPHER, 35, 82, 226, 313, 452 Smepitey, Meneua B., 37 SMILEs, SAMUEL, 53, 203, 272, 307 Smito, Aprcart A., 67 Smita, ALEXANDER, 13, 37, 44, 121, 173, 175, 178, 193, 227, 266, 267, 280, 290, 308, 328, 354, 363, 366, 425, 426, 454, 464, 466, 478 Smita, Epmunp, 435 Smita, Evizaseru O., 268, 358 SmirH, H. anv J., 229, 234 Smito, Harry B., 156, 286, 473 Smita, Horace, 12, 69, 276, 402, 468, 487 Smita, Horatio. See CHATFIELD, Paun Smitu, J. Russewu, 55 Smita, JAMEs, 37, 41, 82, 229, 270, 294, 402 Smiru, Sepa, 371 Situ, StepHen, 165, 235, 237, 470 Situ, Sypney, 46, 115, 253, 334, 450 SMoLLeTT, Tostas, 27, 105, 131, 178, 213, 226, 274, 291, 312, 350, 357, 366, 385, 390, 392, 396, 409, 444, 445, 452, 480, 484 Smo.tizey, Georce W., 73 Socratses, 145 SoMERVILLE, ‘WILLIAM, 333, 366, 442 SopHocies, 147, 234 SorHesy, Wiuuiam, 346 Soutu, Rozsert, 216, 229, 314, 355 Soutuesx, Earuor. See Carnecin, SIR WILLIAM Sourgzy, Rogperr, 3, 18, 21, 22, 24, 30, 31, 35, 43, 47, 52, 79, 89, 95, 104, 240, 340, 462, 37, 143, 157, INDEX. 99, 102, 113, 125, 126, 136, 137, 139, 140, 148, 144, 146, 149, 171, 175, 176, 184, 234, 240, 242, 247, 253, 268, 277, 286, 306, 316, 327, 336, 346, 347, 363, 366, 381, 387, 404, 413, 414, 416, 419, 421, 434, 443, 444, 454, 469, 474, 484, 488 SouTHEY, CAROLINE, 149, 360 SouTHWELL, Rosert, 448 SPANISH PROVERB, 279 Spears, JoHN R., 480 Spencer, Hersert, 55 Spencer, THomas, 484 Spenser, Epmunp, 19, 32, 35, 51, 52, 57, 74, 94, 97, 103, 105, 121, 125, 129, 189, 144, 153, 162, 165, 166, 168, 216, 226, 228, 229, 237, 242, 248, 273, 308, 316, 322, 330, 333, 346, 383, 390, 413, 421, 433, 462, 464, 465, 474, 480 Speranza. See WiupE, Lapy SporrorD, Harriet P., 454 SpurGEoN, CHARLES Happon, 299 Squire oF Low Dares, 329 Squirr, SAMUEL, 258 Stacpooute, H. pE VERE, 248 STanpDBURG, CARL, 371, 459 STaNLEY, Henry M., 178 StTansBury, JOSEPH, 204 Stanton, EvizaABetTaH Capy, 273 Stanton, Fran«x L., 2387, 480 Sratius, 413 Stressens, Mary E. See Hewitt, Mary E. M. StepMan, EpmunpD CLARENCE, 43, 160, 409, 421 STEELE, Sir Ricwarp, 68, 73, 93, 210, 218, 225, 276, 321, 323, 382, 386, 396, 455 Stein, EvaLeen, 25 SterHen, James KenneETH, 389 Srerney, GEORGE, 103 Steriine, Grorce, 44, 111, 123, 333 STERLING, JOHN, 30, 452 Sterne, Laurence, 17, 121, 132, 189, 262, 281, 294, 327, 357, 371, 427, 464 Sterne, Stuart. See BLOEDE, GERTRUDE Stevens, OTHEMAN, 76 Stevenson, Rospert Lovis, 23, 33, 66, 106, 199, 212, 216, 229, 269, 294, 295, 318, 318, 324, 341, 352, 363, 364, 367, 373, 413, 421, 442, 480, 487 Stickney, JoserpH TRUMBULL, 121, 214, 227, 363, 366, 487 Strruine, Earw or, 153, 213, 371 Strruinc-MaxwELu, Lapy. See Nor- Ton, Mrs. Stopparp, ExizaBeta B., 307 Stopparp, Ricwarp H., 28, 177, 303, 825, 454 Stoxer, Ricwarp D., 269 Story, WiLt1amM WETMORE, 257, 266 39, 245, XXXVil StoucutTon, Joun, 18 Stowe, Harriet E. B., 29 STREET, JULIAN, 298, 379 SrrinpBeRG, AuGusT, 277, 385 Srrone, Austin, 60 Strunskxy, Simeon, 53 SrruTuHers, JOHN, 229 Suckuine, Sir JoHn, 123, 137, 474 SuDERMANN, Hermann, 126, 217, 327, 459 Supraka, 71 Suaes, Simon, 138 Sutuivan, Timotuy Danret, 35 Sutty, JAmMEs, 106 Supré, Franz von, 245 Surtesgs, R. S., 97, 162 SUTHERLAND, Howarp V., 390 Surron, Henry S., 100 SwEDENBORG, EMANUEL, 143 SWETCHINE, MapAmeE, 130, 164 Swirt, 3, 13, 17, 29, 30, 32, 37, 50, 64, 72, 75, 147, 154, 157, 162, 167, 168, 226, 232, 246, 253, 254, 255, 259, 274, 280, 288, 290, 299, 304, 329, 334, 337, 348, 351, 354, 371, 385, 386, 415, 474, 480, 483, 486 SwINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES, 3, 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 21,°23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 48, 49, 55, 56, 57, 61, 62, 63, 66, 76, 77, 81, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 91, 93, 95, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 113, 116, 121, 123, 125, 126, 129, 131, 132, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 189, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 151, 152, 154, 156, 157, 158, 160, 162, 165, 166, 168, 169, 172, 173, 178, 179, 181, 182, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 194, 195, 198, 199, 200, 201, 205, 206, 207, 209, 210, 211, 218, 221, 222, 223, 227, 228, 229, 234, 238, 239, 240, 242, 246, 247, 248, 249, 255, 260, 263, 264, 266, 269, 270, 279, 284, 285, 286, 288, 290, 292, 295, 303, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 312, 318, 314, 815, 316, 317, 319, 324, 325, 327, 328, 329, 330, 333, 334, 336, 341, 342, 343, 346, 348, 349, 350, 351, 354, 356, 357, 358, 360, 364, 371, 375, 377, 378, 379, 383, 387, 388, 390, 391, 393, 394, 395, 396, 398, 399, 402, 403, 405, 409, 413, 414, 416, 418, 419, 422, 425, 426, 428, 429, 431, 433, 434, 435, 436, 438, 443, 449, 452, 456, 460, 461, 462, 464, 465, 466, 474, 475, 477, 480, 481, 484, 485, 487, 488 Swine, Davip, 276 Syuiocus, Pautus, 58, 440, 466 Sytva, Carmen, 176, 469 Symineton, ANDREW J., 150 Symonps, JOHN ADDINGTON, 62, 186 XXXViil 121, 169, 181, 269, 279, 284, Symons, Artruur, 74, 186, 210, 239, 267, 303, 336, 352, 355, 372, 409, 413, 419, 423, 441, 460, 469 Synaz, Jonn M., 100, 237 Tass, JOHN B., 62, 284 Tacore, RABINDRANATH, 396, 485 Taine, HrppotytTe ADOLPHE, 208, 211, 253 Ta.LFrourp, Sir THomas Noon, 189, 195, 301 TALLENTYRE, S. G., 102, 248, 269 Tatmace, T. DeWitt, 253 Tamit PROVERB, 93 TANNEHILL, Rospert, 173 TARKINGTON, Boot, 143, 201, 342 Tasso, Toraguato, 10, 121, 180, 139, 811, 317, 342, 357, 381, 413, 447 TaTHAM, JOHN, 139 Taytor, Bararn, 6, 14, 23, 25, 27, 30, 36, 40, 48, 58, 59, 62, 66, 70, 78, 89, 105, 107, 108, 121, 129, 139, 151, 152, 155, 158, 160, 169, 174, 176, 177, 181, 183, 194, 201, 209, 221, 237, 238, 261, 281, 287, 289, 290, 294, 296, 306, 314, 325, 326, 338, 339, 344, 346, 348, 354, 356, 358, 359, 372, 377, 383, 394, 396, 398, 410, 425, 426, 464, 469 TAYLOR, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, 409 Taytor, Bert Leston, 341 Taytor, JEREMY, 90, 115, 164, 458 Taytor, Joun, 14, 171, 184, 201, 207, 240, 249, 274, 313, 328, 468 Tayrtor, Sir Henry, 84, 121, 223 Taytor, Tom, 277, 343, 365 TcuexHov, ANTON, 2, 23, 108, 200, 207, 440, 450 Traener, Esaras, 25, 121, 134, 241, 260, 372 TreLtucu Provers, 447 TEMPLE, Sir WIutiam, 1, 29, 232, 337 Tennant, PAMELA, 410 TENNANT, WILLIAM, 111, 181, 391 Tennyson, ALFRED, 7, 17, 21, 22, 23, 36, 39, 40, 53, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 73, 77, 79, 80, 85, 87, 91, 102, 111, 129, 131, 140, 142, 143, 146, 147, 149, 158, 162, 168, 171, 173, 176, 178, 185, 186, 201, 202, 207, 229, 234, 246, 247, 257, 269, 273, 284, 285, 287, 312, 317, 323, 325, 327, 332, 343, 346, 360, 364, 373, 377, 379, 389, 404, 405, 410, 415, 422, 427, 435, 441, 474, 477 TENNYSON, FREDERICK, 22, * 346, 394, 433, 452 THACKERAY, WiLuiaM Maxeprace, 12, 25, 27, 38, 43, 56, 97, 107, 108, 122, 131, 158, 162, 168, 181, 185, 193, 197, 230, 236, 249, 250, 284, 297, 303, 304, 316, 321, 326, 328, 329, 348, 350, 354, 367, 372, 375, 385, 386, 399, 402, 416, 426, 452, 474 126, 333, INDEX. Tuaxtnr, Certs, 80, 103, 114, 176, 179, 188, 221, 234, 266, 307, 327, 349, 387, 398, 410, 442, 485 TuayeEr, SterpHEen Henry, 449 THayER, Wi1Lu1AM Roscoz, 354 THEMISTOCLES, 69, 253, 378 THEOBALD, Lewis, 49, 339 TuHxrocritus, 208, 229, 256, 311, 474 Tueroantis, 66, 143, 184, 210 THERSITES, 422 Taomas, Davin, 7, 368 Tuomas, Evita M., 88, 366 Tuomas, FREDERICK WILLIAM, 82 Tuomas, JAMES, 240 Tuomas, J. Penrorp, 253 Tompson, Francis, 10, 43, 100, 121, 157, 170, 190, 205, 259, 274, 279, 334, 342, 347, 394, 425 : Tuompson, JoHN R., 87 THompson, MAvRIceE, 346, 410 THOMPSON, 457, 474 Tuomson, JamMsEs, 23, 77, 80, 95, 121, 166, 207, 307, 340, 447 THomson, WILLIAM, 21, ‘36, 51, 141, 158, 176, 309, 311, 323, 398, 410, 436, 464, 468 TuHorEAv, Henry D., 36, 41, 638, 88, 105, 113, 183, 160, 176, 169, 206, 209, 214, 217, 218, 232, 273, 303, 817, 382, 474, 478 THORNBURY, WALTER, 21, 154, 181, 346, 347, 386, 396 THORNTON, BONNELL, 2, 96, 97, 162, 204, 326, 327, 428 TicKELL, THomas, 372, 413 TicKNor, Francis O., 125 TrerRNAN, Francis C. F., 474 TiLLoTson, Bishop JOHN, 355, 457 Tritton, THEODORE, 139, 143, 310 Timrop, Henry, 43 Tincker, Mary Aanes, 366 Tosin, Joun, 179, 411, 454 Tortre, Rozert, 48 Toutstoy, Lro, 37, 139, 162, 397, 450 Tomxis, THoMAs, 357 Tommasgo, Niccoto (D. G. Rossertt), 186 Tomson, Granam R. Rosamunp Marriorr Tooker, L. Frank, 480 Topéiius, ZACHARIAS, 316 Torriano, GIOVANNI, 219 TourcEE, ALBION W., 269 TournerurR, Cyrrit, 49, 160, 202, 245, 888, 417, 463 Towne, CHARLES WAYLAND, 342 TowNneLEY Mysteries aND MIRACLE Puars, 328, 343 Townsenp, Mary As#.ey, 18, 158, 374 TraiLL, Henry D., 280 Trasan, 114 372, 150, 176, 248, Vance, 38, 58, 206, 314, 114, 372, See WATSON, INDEX. TrencH, RicHarp CHENEVIX, 219, 400 TrRoLiopr, ANTHONY, 164, 185 TROLLOPE, Mrs., 111, 214, 303, 385, 429 Trousetskoy, AMELIn. See Rives, AMELIE , TROWBRIDGE, JOHN T., 44, 73, 130, 152, 154, 320, 334, 350, 400, 422, 474 TRUMBULL, JOHN, 178, 456 TRUMBULL, WALTER, 155, 399, 422, 468 Tupper, 36, 44, 100, 103, 147, 188, 226, 247, 258, 274, 280, 312, 321, 335, 337, 338, 348, 364, 374, 403, 410, 480 TuRGENEV, Ivan 8., 106, 218, 245, 377, 480 TuRNER, CHARLES TENNYSON, 39, 148 TuRNLEY, JosEPH, 3, 36, 138, 178, 185, 465 TusspR, THomas, 5, 60, 436 Twain, Mark, 82, 99, 250, 341, 352, 872, 374, 377, 379, 387, 390, 393, 416, 437, 474 Tru, Joser K., 454 Trier, G. Vere, 114, 383 Tynan, KaTHERINE. Sce KATHERINE T. HINKSON, Userti, Fazio DEGLI, 372 Upatut, Nicuouas, 377, 478 UxnLanp, JoHann L., 97, 171, 336, 379 UNDERWOOD, WILBUR, 410 UNTERMEYER, Louis, 405, 466 UpanisHaD, Karna, 445 Upson, ARTHUR, 192 UzaNNnE, OcTAvE, 487 Vauera, Juan VaLERaA Y ALcaLé GaLiano, 309, 387 Vautmizr. See RAMAYANA Vatois, MARGUERITE DE, 245, 418 VANBRUGH, Sir JoHn, 72, 116, 155, 167, 169, 211,. 240, 245, 247, 255, 263, 354, 462, 486 Vance, Louis JoseryH, 446 Van Dyxz, Henry, 13, 97, 105, 177, 307, 373, 396, 415, 433 Van Dyke, Joun C., 43, 178, 181, 201, 264, 359, 361 Van Vorst, Marie, 410, 477 VaucHan, Henry, 2, 49, 58, 130, 162, 309, 346, 351, 435 Vaux, LESLIE DE, 259 Vazov, Ivan, 266, 393 VeEppER, Davin, 24, 455 Vepic Hymn, 37 Veca, Lope pz, 248, 307 VENABLES, WILLIAM Henry, 190 VENNING, RaupH, 323 Verca, GIOVANNI, 91 VERLAINE, Paut, 97, 121 Veurtitot, Louis Francois, 164 Viereck, Grorce SyLvester, 55, 59, 87, 147, 148, 154, 284, 422 XXXIX VIKRAM AND THE VAMPIRD, 56, 122, 236, 335, 418 VILLEMARQUE, HERSART DE LA, 417 Viturrrs, Grorcr. See BuckINcHaM, DvKE oF Vinton, Frangors, 21, 58, 274 Virert, 20, 102, 109, 148, 176, 179, 199, 211, 266, 313, 331, 359, 382, 410, 418, 422, 447 Vitrovics, Micrity, 164, 245 VoGELWEIDE, WALTER VON DER, 146, 426 Vottarre, 7, 13, 21, 48, 46, 53, 54, 58, 80, 131, 136, 138, 208, 219, 271, 307, 321, 356, 386, 422, 462, 480 Vordsmarry, Micwant, 36, 130 WavpineTon, SaMuBL, 14 Wane, Tuomas, 182, 192, 249, 269, 290, 354, 389, 440, 447, 466 Waacer, Lewis, 150 WaGner, CHARLES, 267 WALKER, CLEMENT, 443 Wauuace, Lewis, 240 WAaLLAcrE, WILLIAM, 183 Water, Epmunp, 5, 7, 85, 179, 228, 242 Wawpotr, Horacsn, 50 WatsH, WiuuiaM 8., 43, 245 Watton, Izaak, 8, 58, 109, 160, 402 Warp, Artemus, 13, 27, 202, 316, 383, 388, 468 Warp, Evizasers S. P., 226, 264, 309, 355 Warp, Nep, 194, 238 Warp, SAMUEL, 234, 372 Warp, Tuomas, 125, 171 Warp, Witram, 160, 188, 326 Ware, Evcene Fircu, 154, 178, 367, 460 Warning ror FarreE WomeEn, 253 Warren, Joun Leicester. See Dr Tasiey, Lorp Warren, SAMUEL, 295 Warton, JoserH, 181 Warton, THomas, 130, 141, 170 Warwick, Artuur, 72, 302 Warwick, Rosert, 164 Wasuincton, Booxer T., 303 Wasuinaton, Grorce, 58, 137 Waters, Frank, 48, 106, 183, 255, 264, 270, 287, 313, 455 Watson, Epwarp WILLARD, 358 Watson, James W., 138, 430 Watson, RosamunD MARRIOTT, 372, 410, 441, 462 Watson, THomas, 31, 43, 52, 109, 138, 270, 460 ; Watson, Wii1am, 33, 46, 62, 84, 89, 169, 172, 196, 204, 235, 245, 255, 438, 475, 486 Wartrrenson, Henry, 377 Warts, Auaric A., 21, 307, 311, 480 Warts-Dunton, Turopors, 10, 58, 121, 257, 316, 333, 346, 360, 390, 431, 433, 442, 474 289, 124, xl INDEX. Warts, Isaac, 2, 14, 43, 138, 171, 179, 248, 340, 387, 396, 413, 455 Wesgsrer, Auacusta, 121 WessTER, BENJAMIN, 425 WesstTErR, DANIEL, 34, 165, 302, 449 Wesster, Joun, 49, 64, 123, 134, 163, 179, 253, 273, 277, 321, 336, 348, 386, 432, 464, 483 Weeks, Ropert K., 9, 455 Weems, Mason L., 168, 354 We sy, Mrs. A. B., 18, 154, 424 Wetts, CHartes J., 9, 135, 352, 391, 474 WELis, CaRotyn, 488 We tts, H. G., 13, 220, 228, 273, 278, 385 WetsH Baap, 277, 376, 470 WetsH Provers, 464 WENDELL, BARRETT, 314 Wes.ey, CHARLES, 43 Wester, Joun, 58, 146, 197 Westry, Samue, 105, 140, 216, 291, 328 West AFRICAN PROVERB, 417 Westwoop, Tuomas, 144, 147, 364 Wuarton, Evirs, 30, 150, 255, 278, 327, 350, 363, 367, 440 Wuate.y, Ricwarp, 132, 374, 483 Wuiprpiez, Epwin P., 313, 350 Waster, JAMES McNEILL, 204 Wurirt, Henry Kirxe, 260, 301, 352 Wurst, RicHarp GRANT, 253 WHITEHEAD, PavuL, 143, 199, 254 WHITEHEAD, WILLIAM, 9, 89, 141, 155, 261, 427 . WHITMAN, Sarau H., 425 WHITMAN, WALT, 43, 249, 354, 402 Wuitney, HELEN Hay, 284, 477 WuirttierR, JoHN GREENLEAP, 8, 16, 24, 27, 29, 37, 43, 48, 58, 59, 62, 64, 67, 74, 82, 103, 105, 121, 130, 133, 140, 147, 155, 156, 160, 162, 172, 173, 179, 183, 185, 190, 197, 207, 223, 234, 236, 237, 240, 246, 266, 268, 269, 275, 287, 307, 321, 325, 330, 332, 334, 336, 343, 354, 363, 372, 374, 382, 383, 390, 391, 404, 410, 413, 483, 434, 488, 448, 455, 460, 468, 474, 475 Wurrtineton, RicHarp, 17 Wayrte, James C., 483 Wauyts-MeEtvitur, Grorce Joun, 48 WIELAND, CurisTtoPpHER Martin, 162 Wieains, Pau, 276, 344, 347 Witcox, Etta WaHercer, 58, 78, 121, 146, 150, 264, 313, 382, 385, 390 Wipe, Lapy, 358, 373, 461 Wipe, Oscar, 39, 43, 51, 73, 76, 78, 101, 116, 121, 123, 149, 176, 178, 267, 272, 287, 288, 348, 403, 428, 434, 448, 461, 474, 475, 483 Wipe, Ricwarp Henry, 232 Wiwxe, A. C., 402 Witxiz, Wiiuiam, 111, 141, 228, 242, 391, 477 Wrxins, J., 328 Witirams, Francis Howarp, 44 Witurams, Joun. See PasqQuin, THONY Wruuiams, Raupex D., 202, 227 Winurams, Sarau, 347, 363, 425 Wituramson, C. N. anp A. M., 58 Wiuus, N. P., 36, 43, 51, 58, 60, 72, 87, 110, 133, 146, 148, 149, 154, 217, 229, 237, 246, 256, 272, 288, 311, 327, 338, 347, 351, 361, 387, 390, 396, 400, 410, 434, 441, 461, 467, 474 Witson, ALEXANDER, 328, 383 Witson, C. P., 36, 85, 172, 311, 410 WItson, FLORENCE, 221 Wixson, Harry Leon, 143, 214, 414 Wison, JAMEs C., 363 Witson, James P., 191 Witson, Joun, 125, 155, 172, 202, 248, 258, 364 Wiutson, McLAnpBuRGH, 82 Witson, Sir THomas, 274 Winter, Wiuuiam, 2, 33, 44, 48, 155, 157, 160, 202, 261, 274, 289, 307, 363, 410, 419, 452, 477 Winturop, THEODORE, 217 WIisTEeR, OWEN, 429 WirTHas, JoHN, 366 WiTHerR, Grorae, 130, 155, 223, 256, 288 Wits Recreation (1640), 253, 299, 309 Wo tcott, Dr. Joun, See PINDAR, PETER Wotcort, Joun, 41, 186 , Wotr, RENNOLD, 248 WOLFE, CHARLES, 228 WotsELey, Ropert, 132, 150, 334, 442 Woman Turnep Butty, 106 WomeEn’s PETITION AGAINST COFFEE, 105 Woop, Mrs. Henry, 198 WoopBEerry, GEORGE Epwarp, 37, 147 Woops, JAMzEs C., 102 Wootsry, SaraH CHAUNCEY, 169 Wootson, ConsTANCE FENIMORE, 122, 344 Worpswortn, WILuiAM, 3, 13, 16, 24, 28, 36, 41, 43, 44, 52, 55, 67, 68, 74, 76, 78, 89, 98, 99, 100, 107, 122, 125, 130, 135, 136, 141, 1438, 146, 147, 148, 150, 156, 160, 162, 167, 171, 174, 176, 177, 187, 193, 194, 195, 197, 198, 199, 200, 207, 210, 221, 223, 226, 234, 239, 242, 247, 256, 270, 271, 272, 280, 284, 287, 289, 295, 300, 307, 309, 310, 316, 317, 319, 321, 326, 336, 340, 354, 358, 366, 367, 372, 379, 381, 385, 387, 390, 396, 402, 405, 410, 411, 414, 416, 429, 430, 431, 434, 436, 439, 448, 444, 455, 459, 460, 462, 464, 465, 466, 468, 477, 552 WORLDE AND THE CuiLpE, 171 Worron, Sir Henry, 6, 58, 75 WRaTISLAW, THEODORE, 36 AN- INDEX. xli Wricut, Jamrs, 294 Wricut, LEonarD, 187, 194 Wricut, THomas, 26, 398 Wou.rrir, JOHANN, 195 Wyatt, Sir THomas, 36, 422 WrycHERLEY, WILLIAM, 17, 45, 106, 157, 163, 225, 255, 263, 294, 319, 410, 435, 445, 452, 475, 483 Xarirra. See TowNsEND, Mary ASHLEY XENOPHON, 148 Ya.pEn, THomas, 130, 169, 216, 246, 478 YanxeEE Doopiez, 422 Yea anp Nay ALMANACK (1680), 60, 63 Yeats, WiLuiAM Boutuer, 21, 36, 80, 126, 183, 186, 237, 296, 441, 465, 485 Youne, Epwarp, 9, 16, 148, 230, 279, 296, 301, 304, 318, 375, 414, 417, 452, 480 Youne, Ripa Jounson, 13 ZANGWILL, ISRAEL, 26, 31, 58, 84, 133, 148, 154, 182, 205, 235, 250, 277, 317, 444, 446 Zmno, ,11, 277 Zoua, Emi.e, 79, 323, 484, 475 ZOROASTER, 91 ZSCHOKKE, JOHANN Hetnnricy, 65, 122, 358 A DICTIONARY OF SIMILES Abandon. Abandoned, like the waves we leave behind us. — Donatp G. MitTcHeE Lt. Abate. Abate, like a flame grown moderate. — Rosert Herrick. Abide. The sweet-laden thoughts come, like bees, to abide in his heart as a hive. —D. F. McCarrny. Ability. Native ability without education is like a tree without fruit. — ARISTIPPUS. Natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning by study. — Bacon. The abilities of man must fall short on one side or the other, like too scanty a blanket when you are abed. — Sir Witiiam Temp _e. Ablaze. All ablaze like poppies in the sun. — Oura. Abortive. Abortive as the first-born bloom of spring. — Miron. Abound. Abound, like blades of grass which clothe the pregnant ground. — GEORGE Sanpys. Abrupt. Abruptly as string that snaps be- neath the bow. — E. W. Hornune. Abrupt as a sultry little thunder shower. — AMy LESLIE. A 1 Absence. ‘Absence, like death, sets a seal on the image of those we have loved. — GOLDSMITH. Absolute. Absolute, sure, as the sun-dial’s gnomon, compassing all the world’s fate. — A. H. Brrsty. Absolute as the art which built the Parthenon. — BuLwer-LytrTon. Absolute as the Sultan of Turkey. — Macau.ay. Abstemious. Abstemious at the banquet as a hermit. — C. C. Cotton. Absurd. Absurd as an excuse. — ANON. Absurd as to ask a man if he'll have salt on his ice cream. — Im. Absurd as to ask if the flowers love the dew. — Ini. Absurd as to expect a beauty to search for her likeness in the back of a looking-glass. — Isip. How absurd you must have looked with your legs and arms in the air, like a shipwrecked tea-table. — Dion Bovcicavtt. As absurd as for an epic poet to disdain the composition of a perfect epigram, or a consummate musician the melody of a faultless song. — Butwer-Lytron. Absurd as if you took a divorce petition to a chemist’s. — ANTON TCHEKHOV. 2 ABSURD. — ACTOR. Absurd — continued. Absurd as giving bread-pills for a broken leg. — Kipiine. Absurd as to imagine that the hair- lip or carbuncled nose a man sees in the glass, belongs to the figure in the mirror, and not to his own face. — BonNneELL THORNTON. Abundant. Abundant as air and water. — ANON. Abundant as the light of the sun. — CARLYLE. As the sycamore trees are in the vale for abundance.— Onn Testa- MENT. Abuse. If abuse, like a weed, be cut down by the scythe of neglect, it will die of itself. — THomas Brypson. Accelerate. Feverishly accelerated like the move- ments we see in a cinematograph. — Witi1am ARCHER. Accounted. We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. — New TEsTaMENT. Accumulate. Accumulate . .. like acorns be- neath the trees of a modern forest. — Tuomas H. Huxtey. Accurate. Could tell the hour by his move- ments as accurately as by a sun-dial. — WasuincTon Irvine. As accurately as a bugler knows the notes of the reveille. — Ouma. Ache. His full heart ached with love’s sweet pain Like a sealed fountain, charged with rain, That longs to sing in the summer air, Yet faints in the caverns of despair. — T. Bucuanan Reap. Acrobats. A troupe of acrobats is like a com- bination to a safe: both have tumblers. — ANON. Action. Like a squirrel in a cage, always in action. — ApHRA BEAN. Actions of the last age are like al- manacs of the last year. —Sm JoHN DrEnHAM. ' A good action like a ring on the finger, the relief of a man of wit, the patronization of a clergyman. — Hugo. Reprehensible actions are like over- strong brandies ; you cannot swallow them at a draught. — Is. Our actions are like the termination of verses, which we rhyme as we please. — RocHEFOUCAULD. No more action than a stalled hearse in a snow storm. — WILLIAM WINTER. Active. Active as a boy climbing a. crab- apple tree for a cargo of cramp- | generators. — ANON. Active as a fire department during a conflagration. — Ism. Active as a pea in a bladder. —Isin. Active as a peaon a griddle. — Inn. Active as quicksilver.— Ipm. As active as the roe. — NATHANIE] Cotton. Active as some mind that turns a sphere. — CowLeEy. Active as an ape. — Sir A. Conan Dove. Active as a griffin. — Hoop. Active as light. — Henry VAUGHAN. Active as the sun. — Isaac Watts. Actor. An actor is like a cigar; the more you puff him the smaller he gets. — ANON. ACTOR. — ADVENTURE. 3 Actor — continued. Actors are like pet birds. When a pet bird dies, there may be, to those who knew him in his day of song and its ruffling plumage, some poor com- fort in the sight of its stuffed body. For others there is only a sense of depression. — Max BrERBOHM. Actors are like burglars: they al- ways change their names for business purposes. — Frank RIcHARDSON. Acute. Acute like the glow of hope. — Tuomas TURNLEY. Addition. Additional, like the cipher on the left. — OsmManii PROVERB. Adhere. Adhere like burrs.— ANon. Adhering . . . like shipwrecked mari- ners on a rock. — J. M. Barris. Adhere like ticks to a sheep’s back. — Maovrice HEWLETT. Adhesive. Adhesive as a postage stamp. — ANON. Adhesive as fly-paper. — IB. Admonition. The admonition of a true friend should be like the practice of a wise physician, who wrappeth his sharp pills in fine sugar; or the cunning Chirurgeon, who lancing a wound with an iron, immediately applieth to it soft lint; or as mothers deal with their children for worms, who put their bitter seeds into sweet raisins. If this order had been ob- served in thy discourse, that. inter- lacing sour taunts with sugared counsel, bearing as well a gentle rein as using a hard snaffle, than mightest have done more with the whisk of a wand, that now thou canst with a pick of the spur, and avoid that which now thou mayest not, extreme unkindness. But thou art like that kind of judge which Pro- pertius noeth, who condemning his friend, cause him for the more ease to be hanged with a silken twist. And thou, like a friend, cuttest my throat with a razor, not with a hatchet, for my more honour. — Lyty, Adorable. Adorable as a dazzling and innocent creature who walks along, holding in her hand the key to paradise without being conscious of it. — Huco. Adorable as is nothing save a child. — SWINBURNE. Adrift. Adrift as a pinnace in peril. — SWINBURNE. Adrift as a spirit in doubt that dis- sembles Still with itself, being sick of division and dimmed by dismay. — Isp. Advance. Where like a fire to heather set, Bauld Thomas did advance. — ANon. Advancing, as the chorus to the footlights. — ANon. Advancing like the shadow of death. — Ruskin. Advance, like sheep before the wolf. — SourTHEY. Advanced, like Atalanta’s star, But rarely seen, and seen from far. — SwIrtT. Adventure. Adventurous as a paladin of ro- mance. — Wiit1am H. Prescort. Adventures are like leaps in hunt- ing, — they bring you into the chase sooner, but may chance to cost you a fall. — James PuCKLE. Adventurous as a bee. — Worps- WORTH. 4 ADVERSITY. — AGE. Adversity. The storms of adversity, like those of the ocean, rouse the faculties, and excite the invention, prudence, skill and fortitude of the voyager. — Cap- TAIN MARRYATT. Sweet are the uses of adversity, Which, like the toad, ugly and venom- ous, Wears yet a precious jewel in his head. — SHAKESPEARE. Advertising. Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does. — ANon. Advice. Advice after mischief is like medicine after death. — ANON. Advice is like kissing: it costs nothing and is a pleasant thing to do. — Joss Bitiies. Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, and the longer it dwells upon, the deeper it sinks into the mind. — CoLERIDGE. To listen to the advice of a treacher- ous friend, is like drinking poison from a golden cup. — DEMoPHILUS. Advice all the world over is like wind in a cage. In the case of lovers, like water in a sieve. — Prupay. Affable. Affable as a wet dog. — ALFRED Henry Lewis. Affairs. Affairs, like a salt fish, ought to be a good while a-soaking. — Anon. Affectation. Affectation is as necessary to the mind as dress is to the body. — Wituam Hazurr. Affection. Affection, like spring flowers, breaks through the most frozen ground at last, and the heart which asks but for another heart to make it happy, will never seek in vain. — BENTHAM. Affection, like the nut within the shell, wants freedom. — Dion Bovci- CAULT. The affections, like conscience, are rather to be led than driven. Those who marry where they do not love, will be likely to love where they do not marry. — Tuomas FULLER. The human affections, like the solar heat, lose their intensity as they de- part from the centre, and become languid in proportion to the expansion of the circle on which they act. — ALEXANDER HaMILTon. Affection, like melancholy, magnifies trifles ; but the magnifying of the one is like looking through a telescope at heavenly objects ; that of the other, like enlarging monsters with a tele- scope. — LzicH Hunt. Affinity. No more affinity for each other than a robin for a goldfish. — ELEANOR Kirk. ’ Affliction. Affliction, like the iron-smith, shapes as it smites. —C. N. Bovis. Afflictions are like lightning: you can not tell where they will strike until they have fallen. — LacorDaIRE. Afraid. Afraid as a grasshopper. — Op TESTAMENT. Age. Age, like a double-faced Janus, looks all ways, and ponders wisely on the past. — Barry CoRNWALL. The age of man resembles a book ; infancy and old age are the blank pages, youth the preface, and man the body or most important part of life’s volume. — E. P. Day. AGE. — ALIVE. 5 Age — continued. Age, like woman, requires fit sur- roundings. — EMERSON. Like mist upon the lea, And like night upon the plain, Old age comes o’er the heart. — Roperr Nico.. Age like winter bare. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Ageless. Ageless as the sun. — SWINBURNE. Aghast. Aghast, like beaten hounds that dare not whine. — ANON. Agile. Agile as a cat. — ANON. Agile as a monkey. — Dumas, PERE. Agitated. Agitated with delight like a waving sea. — ARABIAN NIGHTS. Aglow. Aglow, like fruit when it colors. — Witiiam Canton. Thy lips are aglow As a lover’s that kindle with kissing. — SWINBURNE. Agony. Blind agony, like a scorpion, stung by his own rage. — SHELLEY. Agree. Agree like pikes in a pond, ready to eat up one another. — THomas ADAms. Agree like finger and thumb. — ANON. Agree like the hare and the hound. — Ism. Agree together as harp and harrow. — Tuomas Becon. Agree like a bell and its clapper. — Butwer-Lyrron. Agrees like the note with its meas- ure. — DANTE. Agree like Dogges and Cattes. — STEPHEN GossonN. _ Agree together like bells. — “A Knacks To Knows a Knave,” 1584. Agree as Lent and fishmongers. — JoHN Marston. Agreement is like the uniting of two halves of a seal. — MEnctus. Agree like the wax and the wick of the candle. — RicHarp PERCIVAL. Agree like pickpockets in a fair. — JoHN Ray’s “Hanppook or Prov- ERBS,” 1670. Agree like married music in Love’s answering air. — C. G. Rossetti. Agree as wasp doth with bee. — Tuomas TUSSER. Agree as Angels do above. — Ep- MUND WALLER. Aimless. Aimless as an autumn leaf Borne in November’s idle winds afar. —P. H. Hayne. Alacrity. Expressed their alacrity, like horses full of fire and neighing for the race. — PLuTarca. Alarm. Full of alarm She stood, like a young bird quitting its nest. — Dora SIGERSON. Alert. Alert as a chamois. — ANON. Alert as a bird in the springtime. — Grorce Moore. Alike. Alike as two peas.— ANON. Alike as my fingers is to my fingers. — SHAKESPEARE. Alive. Alive as a vision of life to be. — SWINBURNE. 6 = ALLURE. — AMBITION. Allure. One of ‘those beautiful, brilliant enigmas, which irresistibly allure every one like a sphinx. — Guy DE Maupas- SANT. Alluring as a ripe peach. — Isr. Allured all hearts as ocean lures the land. — Bayarp TaYLor. Alone. Like to the moon am I, that cannot shine Alone. — MicHELANGELO. Alone, like a leper. — ANON. The old man proceeded alone into the waste, like u bold vessel leaving its haven to enter on the trackless field of the ocean.—J. FEntmore Cooper. Alone, like Crusoe. — Epwarp S. Martin. Stands alone like a rock in a sandy vale. — OssIANn. Alone . . . like an owl in an ivy- bush. —J. R. PLancué. I go alone Like a lonely dragon, that his fen Makes fear’d, and talk’d of more than seen. — SHAKESPEARE. Alone, like one that had the pesti- lence. — In. Alone like some deserted world. — Bayarp Taytor. Stand alone like a substantive. — Str Henry Wotton. Alter. ‘Altering, like one who waits for an ague fit. — Drypen. Alteration of Religion is dangerous, because we know not where it will stay: ’tis like a Millstone that lies upon the’ top of a pair of Stairs; ’tis hard to remove it, but if once it be thrust off the first stair, it never stays till it comes to the bottom. — Jonn SELDEN, Alternate. But hope and fear alternate sway my soul, like light and shade upon a waving field. — Joan Homer. Alternate like the moon. — Pops. Amazed. Amazed, as one that unaware Hath dropp’d a precious jewel in the flood. — SHAKESPEARE. Ambition. Ambition is like choler, which is a humor that maketh men _ active, earnest, full of alacrity, and stirring, if it be not stopped: but if it be stopped, and cannot have its way, it becometh a dust (hot and fiery) and thereby malign and venomous. — Bacon. Ambitious as the MONT AND FLETCHER. devil. — Brau- Ambition is like hunger; it obeys no law but its appetite. — Josn Brr-’ LINGS. To reach the height of our ambition is like trying to reach the rainbow ; as we advance it recedes. —W. T. BURKE. Like dogs in a wheel, birds in a cage or squirrels in a chain, ambitious men still climb and climb, with great labor and incessant anxiety, but never reach the top. — Henry Burton. As a tree the higher it is, the greater force the winde hath of it, and euerie little blast will bee puffing at it, so that the sooner and greater is the fall thereof: So the Ambitious man, the higher he climeth, the greater is his fall.—Rosert Cawpray’s ‘A TREAS- URIE OR STORE-HOUSE oF SIMILIES,” 1600. Ambition is like love, impatient both of delays and rivals. — Sir Joan DeEnHaM. AMBITION. —— ANGER. 7 Ambition — continued. Ambition, like a seeled [blind] dove mounts upward, Higher and higher still, to perch on clouds, But tumbles headlong down with heavier ruin. — JoHN Forp. As ambitious as Lady Macbeth. — JAMES HUNEKER. Ambition, like a torrent, never looks back. — Ben Jonson. Ambition, like love, can abide no lingering ; and ever urgeth on his own successes, hating nothing but what may: stop them.— Sir Parup SIDNEY. Ambition Is like the sea wave, which the more you drink The more you thirst — yea — drink too much, as men Have done on rafts of wreck —it drives you mad. — TENNYSON. Amiable. Amiable as the surface of parch- ment. — GEorGE MEREDITH. Amorous. Amorous as a pair of love-birds.— ANON. Amorous as a parrakeet. — Inrp. Amorous as an Arcadian. — GEORGE CoLMAN, THE YOUNGER. Ample. Ample as the largest winding-sheet. ' — Krats. Ample as the wants of man. — LoNGFELLow. Amused. Unbending their minds, and amused with every trifle ; like birds, which, after the serious and important busi- , ness of preparing nests for their young, fly sportfully about, free and disen-, gaged, as if to relieve themselves. from their toils. — C1cERo. Amusements. Amusements are to religion like breezes of air to the flame, — gentle ones will fan it, but strong ones will put it out. — Davip Tuomas. Ancestors. ,! The man who has not anything to boast of but his illustrious ancestors is like a potato,—the only good belonging to him is under ground. — Sir THomas Overzury. Ancient. Ancient as the sun. — WILLIAM Cuuten Bryant. Ancient as the spot on which the bricks of Babylon are found. — J. Fenmore Cooper. Ancient as the stings of death. — Der QuINcEY. As ancient as the world. — GzorcE GRANVILLE. Ancient as the stars. — VoLTAIRE. Ancient as the sea. — WALLER. Angel. Like angel visits, few and far be- tween. — CAMPBELL. Anger. Anger in our mirth is like poison in a perfume. — ADDISON. Like fragile ice, anger passes away in time. — ANon. A fit of anger is as fatal to dignity as a dose of arsenic to life. —J. G. Ho ann. Watch against anger ; neither speak of it nor act in it; for, like drunken- ness, it makes a man a beast, and throws people into desperate incon- venience. — WILLIAM PENN. Anger is like rain which breaks it- self whereon it falls. — SENECA. Anger is like a full-hot horse, who being allowed his way, self-mettle tires him. — SHAKESPEARE. Angry as a waspe. — JOHN SKELTON. 8 ANGLING. — ARCH. Angling. Our Angles are like money put to usury ; they may thrive, though we sit still and do nothing but talk and enjoy one another. — Izaak WALTON. Angling is somewhat like Poetry, men are to be born so. — Ipm. Angling may be said to be so like the Mathematics that it can never be fully learnt ; at least not so fully but that there will still be more new experiments left for the trial of other men that succeed us. — Isp. Answer. Answer like a book.— ANon. Answer like a parrot.— Isp. Answered like a sail taking a breeze. — Isp. Antique. Antiquity is like fame . . . her head is muffled from our sight. — Bacon. Antique as the statues of the Greeks. — Butwer-LytrTon. Antique as if I had been preserved in the ark. — Mrs. CENTLIVRE. Anxious. Anxious as hind towards her hidden fawn. — Keats. : As anxious as a maid To show a decent dress. — Georce MEREpITH. Apart. Far apart as the earth and the arch above. — ANON. Far apart as the poles.— Ipmp. Blown apart Like a rose that ready is For the sun’s perfecting kiss. — Cuartes L. Moore. Lips apart, Like monument of Grecian art. — Sir Wa ter Scort. Sat apart, as one forbid. — Wurr- TIER. Apathy. Full of apathy as a territorial dele- gate during the chaplain’s prayer. — O. Henry. Aphorism. Aphorism, like vinegar, should be used with discretion, — ANON. The aphorisms of wise and excellent men are of great value, like the dust of gold, or the least sparkle of dia- monds. — Dr. JOHNSON. Appalled. Appall’d ; As children discover’d bugbears. — Byron. Appetite. Appetite and reason are commonly like two buckets ; when one is at the top, the other is at the bottom. — JEREMY COLLIER. Appreciate. Poorly appreciated —like a fine landscape in dull weather—or in the reflection of a bad camera obscura. — ScHOPENHAUER. Approach. Approaches his lighter topics as a humming bird approaches flowers. — Donato G. MitTcHett. April. April is like a child that smiles in waking. — Huco. Apt. As apt as new-fall’n snow takes any dint. — SHAKESPEARE. Arch. Arching, like a fish-hook. — ANON. Arched, like a horn. — Isp. Arched like a mule’s back in a hail storm. — Inm. Arch’d like the crescent moon. — Epwin ATHERSTONE. ARCH, — ARTIFICIAL. 9 Arch — continued. Arches like a giant’s bow. — E. B. BRowNING. Arched like the leaf of a peach-tree, — Epwarp HErRon-ALLEN. Arched like the bow of Cupid. — Lewis Morris. Ardent. Ardent as a boy. — ANON. Ardent as the lips of love. — P. H. HAYNE. Ardent in the search as the Argo- nauts of forty-nine. — BRaANDER Mat- THEWS.: Ardent as the sun. — C. J. WELLS. Argument. Argument is like an arrow from a crossbow, which has equal force though drawn by a child. — Rogerr Boy1e. Arguments, like children, should be like The subject that begets them. — Tuomas DEKKER. Arid. Arid as the sands of Sahara, with- out restful shade, without refreshing water. — JOSEPH CONRAD. Arise. Arise like Farianata from his fiery tomb. — LONGFELLOW. Arise as the spring out of tempest and snow. — SWINBURNE. Saw the moon arise like Venus from the sea. — Rospert K. WEEKs. Arm. Behold mine arm Is like a blasted sapling, withered up. — SHAKESPEARE. Army. An army, like a serpent, goes upon its belly. — Freperick THE GREAT. - Aromatic. Aromatic, like the perfume of faded leaves in a china jar. — ALFRED AINGER. Around. She walked in flowers around my fields As June herself around the sphere. — Emerson. Around him like a sun of a system. — Wasuineton Irvine. Arrogant. An arrogant person, is like unto a goodly tall tree, that groweth and mounteth very high, but bringeth forth no fruit.— ANTHONIE FLETCHER’S “Certain Very Proper AnD PRorit- ABLE SIMILIES”’, 1595. Art. Without favor, art is like a wind-mill without wind. — JUVENAL. Oaks, like arts, a length of years demand. — WitLt1am WHITEHEAD. Arteries. Pulseless arteries Are like the fibres of a cloud instinct With light. — SHELLEY. Artful. Artful as the most dexterous cast of the best trout-killing rod. — DonaLp G. MrtcHELL. Artifice. Shallow artifice begets suspicion, And, like a cobweb veil, but thinly shades The face of thy design. — CONGREVE. Artificial. Artificial as clockwork. — ANoN. Artificial as made ice. — ALAN DALE. Artificial as a trellis. — LOWELL. 10 ARTLESS. — AUTHORS. Artless. Artless, as Eve yet unbeguiled. — C. S. CALVERLEY. Artless as Nature’s notes in birds untaught. — CONGREVE. Artless . . . like a lammie. — JoHN ImuaH. Artless as the air. — FRANCIS THOMPSON. Ascend. Ascends like the hoof of a camel. — ARABIC. Ascend, like angels beautiful, a shining Jacob’s ladder of the mind. —P. H. Hayne. Ascended as the smoke of a furnace. — Op TESTAMENT. ‘Ashamed. Ashamed, like Elisha before the entreaties of Elijah’s disciples. — KINGSLEY. She that maketh you ashamed is as a rottenness in the bones. — OLD TESTAMENT. Ashamed, like a guilty thing. — TuroporEe Wartts-DunToN. Askew. Askew, like sheep through a hurdle. —R. D. Biackmore. Aslant. Aslant, like the angels in Jacob’s dream. — DICKENS. Asleep. Asleep, As Cerberus at Thracian poet’s feet. — SHAKESPEARE. Lay asleep like green waves on the sea. — R. B. SHERMAN. Aspire. Aspire, as all the sea’s life toward the sun. — SWINBURNE. Aspires as a flame. — Ini. Assault. J advance to attack, I climb to assault, Like a choir of young worms at a corpse in a vault. — CHARLES BAUDELAIRE. Astray. Gone astray like a lost sheep. — Ot TESTAMENT. Asunder. Asunder like the arches of a bridge. — Rosert Burton. Attend. Attending, As if their lives were on his words depending. — Tasso. Attention. Attracted about as much attention in the artistic world as the advent of an- other fly in a slaughter house. — JAMES L. Forp. Audacious. Audacious as the day. — CHar.zs L. Moore. Austere. Austere as a tree full of owls. — ANON. Austere as the dawn. — Buss Car- MAN. Austere as so many weather-beaten ascetics from the desert.—Sir A. Conan Doy.e. Authority. Authority without wisdom is like an axe without an edge, fitter to bruise than polish. — AnNg BRADSTREET. Authors. Authors, like privateers, are always fair game for one another. — Dr.- JOHNSON. Authors, like maids at fifteen years, Are full of wishes, full of fears. — Ropert Luioyvp. AUTHORS.— AWFUL. 11 Authors — continued. A pin has as much head as some authors and a great deal more point. — Georce D. PRENTICE. Authors I have named are like cer- tain workers in metal, who try a hundred different compounds to take the place of gold —the only metal which can never have any substitute. — ScHOPENHAUER. Automatic. He moved automatically, like a prisoner captured by the evil power of a masquerading skeleton out of the grave. — JosSEPH CoNRAD. Rose automatically as the sap in the twigs. —THomas Harpy. Automobile. Automobiles, gliding like phantoms with burning eyes. — Lronip AN- DREYEF. Avarice. Avarice is like a graveyard; it takes all that it can get and gives nothing back. — JosH BILLines. Avaricious. The avaricious man is like the barren, sandy ground of the desert, which sucks in all the rain and dews with eagerness, but yields no fruitful herbs or plants for the benefit of others. — ZENO. Averse. Averse to change as flesh. — RoBERT BRowninc. Awake. Awaken, like seas by a mighty tem- pest shaken. — Barry CORNWALL. Aware. Aware as the air of the light that fills full all of its girth. — Ricnarp Hovey. Away. Away like a ghost at break of day. — Rosert Brownine. Into the night away they go Like a bolt that’s launched from a steel crossbow. — Gortrriep A. BurGER. Away like a glance of thought. — JoserH R. Drake. Away, like wild pigeons startled in the wood. — EuriripEs. Like two drops of dew Exhaled to Phoebus’ lips, away they are gone. — Kzats. They fall away like the flower on which the sun looks in his strength, after the mildew has passed over it, and its head is heavy with the drops of night. — James MacrHERSON. Away, with never a look behind . .. like an eagle before the wind. —Grorcr H. Mites. Away, like mists that flee from summer sea. — THomas Moore. Away, like mists when winds arise. —T. Bucuanan Reap. Chased away as the vision of the night. — OLp TESTAMENT. Away as with a whirlwind. — Isp. Awful. Awful as the negligence of woe. — ANON. Awful as justice. —Grorce H. Boxer. Awful as the last trump that shall proclaim to mankind the end of the world. — ANATOLE FRANCE. Awful as clouds that nurse the glowing storm. — GoLDsMITH. Awful as the thunder. —Joun M. Mason. Awful as a villain in a domestic melodrama. — CHARLES SELBY. Awful as silence. — SHELLEY. 12 AWKWARD. — BALMY. Awkward. Awkward as a blind dog in a meat shop. — ANON. Awkward as a bull in a China shop. — Isp. Awkward as a cow on ice.— IBip. Babble. Babble like one mad with wine. — SWINBURNE. : Bachelor. The bachelor who passes through life without marrying, is like a fair mansion left by the builder unfinished ; the half that is finished runs to decay from neglect, or becomes at best but a sorry tenement, wanting the addition of that which makes the whole both useful, comfortable, and ornamental. —A. P. Morris. Back. Back . . . with the instinct of hom- ing pigeons. — Mary AUvsTIN. Backward as the wind sweeps flame. —E. B. Brownie. Backward, like a witch’s prayers. — Ear. or Dorset. Like the pace of a crab, backward. — Rospert GREENE. Backward like the long wash of a wave. — Maurice Hew ert. Spelling it backward, like a Hebrew book. — LoneFELLow. Like a rope-maker’s were his ways, for still one line upon another he spun, and, like his hempen brother, kept going backwards all his days. — Horace Smits. Slideth back as a backsliding heifer. — Op TESTAMENT. Awkward as a pig in a parlor. — Isrp. Awkward as a man in a bag. — JOHN BURROUGHS. Awkward .. . like jackanapes swal- lowing of pills. — RaBeE.ais. Bad. Bad as the itch. — ANON. Bad as a blight. — Hoop. As bad, as what is worst. — Lyty. Bad as toothdrawing.—“‘Srr THomas More ” (Pseudo-Shakespearean). Bad as marrying the devil’s daughter and living with the old folks. — ‘‘Poor Rosin’s ALMANACK.”” Bad as the fighting bull of Stamford. — Encusa PRoveRs. Bad as-two kings of Brentford. — Isip. Bald. Bald as a billiard ball. — Anon. Bald as an egg. — Inn. Bald, as ’twere a scalp, reft of its hairs. — ARaBIAN NIGHTS. His head was as bald as the palm of your hand. — R. H. Barnam. Bald as a Greek monk. — Ricwarp Hovey. Bald as is the winter tree. — Wi1- ~iaM Morris. Bald as a coot. — ENGLISH PROVERB. Bald as a cannon ball. — Tuacx- ERAY. Baleful. Baleful as the tomb-fire. — Jonn LEYDEN. Balmy. Balmy, as after vernal rains. — Wiiu1am J. Mickie, BANEFUL. — BARREN. 13 Baneful. . Baneful as the pride of handsome 1 looks. — Luctan. Barbarous. Barbarous as a man who uses his finger for a paper knife. — ANon. Bare. Bare as a Scotchman’s knee. — ANON. Bare as a stone. — Ipmp. Bare as January. — RoBert ARMIN. Bare as the back of my hand. — Bazac. Bare as a naked bairn. — RoBerr BucHANAN. Bare as winter. — Burns. Bare as beggary. — RicHarp Cum- BERLAND. As bare... As the willow of leaves When the bough-breaking wind The warm day endeth. — Tue Exper Eppa. Bare as an Alpine precipice. — KINGSLEY. Bare as a pig in a sty. — FRANcIs Mauony. Bare as lies the mirrored moon in silver sleeping seas. — GERALD Mas- SEY. Bare as hop-stakes in November’s mists. — GroRGE MEREDITH. Bare as my nail. — Tuomas Nass. Bare as a bird’s tail. — ENGLISH PRovers. Bare as the birch at Yule. — Isp. Bare, like a carcass picked by crows. — Swirt. Bare as a beggar. — SWINBURNE. Bare as naked daylight. — Isp. Bare as shame. — Isr. As bare as a hornet’s cell. — Henry Van Dyke. Bare as an ape. — VOLTAIRE. Bare as a goose-egg. — ARTEMUS Warp. Bare as a school-boy’s diary. — H. G. Wetts. As bare As winter trees. — Worpswortu. As bare as Egypt when the locusts got through with it. — Ripa JoHNSON Youna. Barred. Barred, like one infectious. — SHAKESPEARE. Barren. Barren as a New Hampshire granite hill. — Anon. Barren as a South African veldt. — Isp. Barren as winter rain. — ALFRED AUSTIN. Barren as a continent of Branden- burg sand. — CaRLYLE. Barren as routine. —G. K. CHzs- TERTON. Barren as the wind. — EBrnrzer ELuott. A life as barren . . . as is the dust to which that life doth tend. — GEORGE HERBERT. Barren as a desolate moor. — GER- ALD Massey. Barren as a pelican-beach. — Her- MAN MELVILLE. Barren as a Pope’s Bull. — Sypnry MunpDEN. Barren as death. — Ruskin. Brain as barren As banks of Libya. — SHAKESPEARE. Barren as a rainy day. — ALEXAN- DER SMITH. Barren as crime. — SWINBURNE. 14 Barren — continued. Barren as a stock-fish. — JouHn Tay- LOR. Barren as the sea’s bare sands. — SAMUEL WADDINGTON. Base. Baseless as the fabric of a vision. — Anon. Base as spotted infamy. — CoLz- RIDGE. Bashful. Bashful as a school-girl. — Anon. Bashful as a maid. — BuLWER- Lytron. Bashful as a Lenten lover. — Sir JOHN DENHAM. Bashful as an egg at Easter. — Ini. Bashful as a blooming bride. — Sir WILLIAM JONES. Secluded bashful, like a shrine of love. — THomas Moore. Bawl. Baw] like an auctioneer. — ANON. Bawling like sailors in a tavern. — Iw. Bawl like a boatswain of a man-of- war. — LrveEr. Beam. Beaming like stars. — Hans Curis- TIAN ANDERSEN. Beamed like the splendor of an eastern sky. — ANON. His face beamed like a pearl with light. — ARABIAN NIGHTS. Like ray-collecting mirrors, beams. — Watter Harre. Beaming as the summer’s morn. — O. W. Hotmes. Slant yellow beam .. . Like a lane into Heaven that leads from a dream. — Srpney Lanier. BARREN. — BEAU. Eyes beaming, like angel’s looks. — Donatp G. MircHe... Beamed like the rising sun. — Miss Mutocx. Beaming like light on chaos. — Tuomas L. Peacock. Beams like flowers. — SHELLEY. Beard. Long-bearded like kings of the Frankish race. — ArsENE HoussaYE. His beard is cut like the spire of. Grantham steeple. — THomas Lopcasg. It was scarcely a beard at all, more like a deepening of the shadows in which his whole face seemed to lie. — JoHN Rotanp. Bearded like the pard. — SHAKE- SPEARE. A beard like an artichoke, with dry shrivelled jaws. — R. B. SHERIDAN. Beard like foam swept off the broad blown sea. — SWINBURNE. Beat. / Like the walnut tree, ee more he is beaten, the better he’ll be. — ANON. Beaten as a road. — Cuartes Cor- TON. : My brain is beating like the heart of Haste. — Smpnry Lanter. Beaten like a Turco that pawns his musket. — Ourpa. Beats like a maniac drummer in mid-battle. — T. Bucuanan Reap. Each falling hoof Beat like a flail beneath the thresher’s - roof. — Bayarp Taytor. Beat, like the pulse, perpetual. — Isaac Warts. Beau. A beau dressed out resembles the cinnamon tree, the bark is of greater value than the body. — H. Parr. BEAUTIFUL, 15 Beautiful. Beautiful as a remembered single line of perfect poetry. — Joun ALBEE, Beautiful as a chemical blonde. — ANON. Beautiful as Adonis. — Inmp. Beautiful as a sunset. — Ipm. Beautiful as the dawn. — Isp. Beautiful as the face of a young Greek god. — Ibm. Beautiful as the seraph’s dream. — Isp. Beautiful as Zenobia. — Isp. Beautiful as the bough of the myro- balan. — Arabian Nicuts. Darkly beautiful as death. — P. J. BatrLey. Beautiful as a saint. — Bauzac. Beautiful as the day. — Ir. A note as beautiful as a thread of light. — Gustavo A. Becquir. Beautiful as the curtain of Soloman. — Saint BERNARD. Beautiful as _ fire. — AMBROSE BIERCE. Beautiful as ever looked From white clouds in a dream. — Bryant. Beautiful as Absalom. — BuLWER- Lytton: 7 Beautiful as a feather in one’s cap. — CaRLYLE. Beauteous as a summer’s morn. — THOMAS CHATTERTON. Beautiful as April rains. — CowPEr. Beautiful as heaven. — Joun Day. Beautiful as noon-day. — Dickens. Beautiful as a rainbow. — DrypENn. Beautiful as a dying maid. — Epenezer Enwiort. Beautiful as is the rose in June. — Emerson. Beautiful . . . —F. W. Faser. Beautiful as one of the swinging figures on a Greek vase. — FRANK Haris. Beautiful as a fairy palace. — Haw- THORNE. as childhood’s dream. Beautiful as spring. —Gerrarp T. Hopkins. Beautiful as a Houri borne off from the Garden of the Seventh Heaven. — JAMt. Beautiful as the vernal willow. — Dr. JoHNSON. Beautiful, . . . like a fairy pageant floating for a pastime on the tide. — E. C. Jonss. Beautiful as angels. —J. J. Jussz- RAND. Beautiful as an oridle. — Krats. Beautiful as May. — LonereLiow. Beautiful as morning. — Ip. Beautiful as feet of friend Coming with welcome at our journey’s end. — LoweLL. Beautiful like the Moon. — Ma- HABHARATA, Beautiful As was bright Lucifer before his fall. — Mar.owe. Beautiful as dawn in Heaven. — GeraLtp Massey. Beautiful as Dian’s face. — JAMES MOonTGOMERY. As beautiful as sorceress. — Ouma. As beautiful as ’twere a dewy flower. — Grorce D. PRENTICE. Beautiful as youth. — Mrs. D. Rap- FORD. Beautiful as an Olympian divinity. — Grorce Rose. Beautiful as a piece of chalk cliff, — Rusxin. 16 BEAUTIFUL, — BEAUTY. Beautiful — continued. Beautiful as pine bridges over Alpine streams. — RUSKIN. Her face as beautiful as though the rays of Paradise were there. — Sant. Beautiful as sky and earth, When Autumn’s sun is downward going. — WHITTIER. Beauteous as the silver moon. — WorpDSWORTH. Beautiful as heaven. — Ini. Beauteous as the sun. — Epwarp Youne. Beauty. Beauty is like an almanac; if it lasts a year, it is well. — Tuomas ADAM. Beauty without modesty is like a flower broken from its stem. — ANON. Beauty is as summer fruits, which are easy to corrupt and that cannot last. — Bacon. Beauty, like truth and justice, lives within us; like virtue and like moral law, it is a companion of the soul. — Grorce Bancrort. As amber attracts a straw, so does beauty admiration, which only lasts while the warmth continues; but virtue, wisdom, goodness, and real worth, like the loadstone, never lose their power. — Rospert Burton. Beauty in a modest woman is like fire or a sharp sword at a distance ; neither doth the one burn, nor the other wound, those that come not too near them. — CERVANTES. Beauty, like ice, our footing does be- tray : ; Who can tread sure in the smooth slippery way ? Pleased with the passage, we slide swiftly on, And see the dangers which we cannot shun. — Dryven. We cannot get at beauty. Its nature is like opaline doves’-neck_ lustres, hovering and evanescent. — EMERSON. Thy beauty lies Veiled like a violet nestling in the moss. — Crayton Hamitron. The made-up beauties we commonly meet, like artificial flowers, are all show, and no fragrance. — THomas Ho.crort. Beauty’s a slipp’ry good, which de- creaseth Whilst it is increasing resembling the Medler, which, in the moment of its full Ripeness, is known to be in a rottenness. — LyLy. Beautie is like the blackberry, which seemeth red, when it is not ripe, re- sembling precious stones that are polished with honie, which the smoother they looke, the sooner they breake. — Inip. | Beauty, — like a beacon burns above the dark of strife. — GrraLp Massey, Beauty, like the fair Hesperian tree, Laden with blooming gold, hath need the guard Of dragon watch with unenchanted eye, To save her blossoms and defend her fruit | From the rash hand of bold incon- tinence. — MILTON. A chaste beauty is like the bellows, whose breath is cold, yet makes others burn. — Sir TuHomas OveRBuRY. Her beauties were like sunlit snows, Flush’d but not warm’d with my de- sire. — CoventTRY PaTMoRE. Beauties, like tyrants, old and friend- less grown, Yet hate repose, and dread to be alone. — Pore. Ah! yet doth beauty like a dial-hand, Steal from his figure and no pace per- ceived. — SHAKESPEARE, BEAUTY. — BEND. 17 Beauty — continued. Beauty, like truth, never is so glorious as when it goes plainest. — STERNE. Beauty, like supreme dominion, Is best supported by opinion. — Swirt. Beauty passes like a breath. — ALFRED TENNYSON. A beauty masked, like the sun in eclipse, gathers together more gazers than if it shined out. — WycHERLEY. Bedraggled. . Bedraggled, like the flounce of a vulgar rich woman’s dress that trails on the sidewalk. — O. W. Hotms. Beg. Beg like a dog at a fair.— ANon. Beg like a cripple at a cross. — Warrtineton’s ‘‘VULGARIA.” Behavior. Men’s behaviour should be like their apparel, not too straight or point device, but free for exercise or motion. — Bacon. ' Behind. His tail extended all the while Behind him like a rat-tail file. . —O. W. Hotes. See behind, as doth the hunted hare. — Karts. Always behind, like a donkey’s tail. — Enciuiso PRovers. Belch. Belch... Apara Brean. Belching like a torn balloon. — Aneus McNEILL. Belief. Cherished beliefs are like those * drinking glasses of the ancient pattern, that serve us all so long as we keep as loud as a Musket. —. them in our hand, but spill all if we attempt to set them down. —O. W. Homes. Bellow. Bellows like the vagrant winds. — ANON. Bellow, like a burst of thunder. — ARISTOPHANES. Bellowing as if he was possessed of the devil. — Boccaccro. Bellows as the sea does in a tempest, if by opposing winds ’tis combated. — Dante. Bellowed as a hunted ox. — Hoop. Bellow like a rascal trooper strung up for the cat. — Grorcre MEREDITH. Bellow as bulls. — OLp TESTAMENT. Beloved. Beloved . . . like a plant whose leaf and bud and blossom are all beautiful. — Jonn Gay. Bend. Bends like a willow in the wind. — Anon. Bend on me thy tender eyes, As stars look on the sea. — BuLwer-LyttTon. Bend one way, like a field of corn in a hurricane. — WILLIAM CARTRIGHT. Bending her form towards him, like a torch when it indicates a gentle draught of air. — HawTHORNE. Bend in the blast as blade of grass. —O. W. Hotes. Bends and sinks like a column of sand In the whirlwind of his great despair. — LoNnGFELLow. Bending like a wand of willow. — Isp. Bends . — OSSIAN. . . like a wave near a rock. Bending like corn on the upland lea. — James G. PERCIVAL. 18 BEND. — BIG. Bend — continued. Bends like an angel softly through The blue-pavilioned skies. — Mrs. A. B. WeELsy. Benefits. Benefits, like flowers, please most when they are fresh. — ANON. Benevolence. That is fine benevolence, finely executed, which, like the Nile, comes from hidden sources. — C. C. Cotton. Bent. Bent down like violets after rain. —T. B. Apric#. Bent . . . like some rapt poet o’er his rhyme. — Ini. Bent like a drooping rose. — ANON. Bent like a whip. — Inv. Bent like an old bruised lantern. —R. D. BLackmore. Bent-down like corbels of a build- ing. — CARLYLE. Bent . . . like a soldier at the ap- proach of an assault. — Huco. Bent and trembled like the rushes. — LoNGrELLow. : Bent like some great bow unstrung. — Joaquin Mier. Bent, like a rainbow. — SouTHEY. Bequeath. Bequeath, like sunset to the skies, The splendor of its prime. — SHELLEY. Bereft. Bereft, As trees that suddenly have dropped their leaves. — JEAN INGELOW. Bereft as a man whom bitter time bereaves Of blossom at once and hope of garnered sheaves, Of April at once and August. — SWINBURNE. : Bereft, As when some tower doth fall, With battlement, and wall, And gate, and bridge, and all, And nothing left. — Mary A. TowNsEnp. Besmear. Besmeared like a gypsy or a chimney- sweeper. — Roserr Burton. Betray. Thou hast betrayed thy secret as a bird betrays her nest, by striving to conceal it. — LonGrELLow. Bewailing. Bewailing and tolling within like a funeral bell. — LonereLLow. Bewildering. A sweet bewildering pain, Like flowers in the wind and rain. — Tuomas ASHE. Bewitching. Bewitching like the wanton mer- maid’s song. — SHAKESPEARE. Bible. Like the needle to the North Pole, the Bible points to heaven. —R. B. NICHOL. The Bible among books is as a diamond among precious stones. — J. STOUGHTON. Big. Big as a church debt. —Grorcz Apz. Big as an elephant.— ANon. Big as a house.— Isrp. Big as a whale.— Ini. Big as life and twice as natural. — Ip. Big as all out of doors. — J. R. Barr- LETT’s “DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN- IsMs.” No bigger than an unobserved star. — Kgats. BIG. — BITTER. 19 Big — continued. As big a liar as Tom Pepper who got licked out of hell for telling lies. — Lean’s ‘“‘CoLLEcTANEA.” As big as a parson’s barn, — always ready for more. — Iip. Looking as big as bull-beef. — Ene- ‘LISH PROVERB. Another stain, as big as hell can hold, Were there no more but it. — SHAKESPEARE. Bigot. The bigot is like the pupil of the eye; the more light you put upon it, the more it will contract.— O. W. Homes. Bill. Bill as Doves. — RoBerr Burton. Billing, Like Philip and Mary on a shilling. — SamvueE.t Butier. Bind. Binding as a wedding ring. — ANon. Bind like an adamant-chain. — Arapian Nicuts. Nothing binds so fast as souls in pawn, and mortgage past. —SaMUEL Burier. Bindeth me about as the collar of my coat. Op TESTAMENT. Biography. The biographies of great and good men, like Elijah’s mantle, ought to be gathered up and preserved by their survivors. — Matraew Henry. Bite. Bite like finches when they bill and kiss. — Ropert Brownine. Bite like pepper. — JoHN Gay. Biting like the east wind. —Joun SKELTON. Bites like fire. — SWINBURNE. Bitter. Bitter as the suffering of life. — ANON. Bitter as gall. — Ini. Bitter as chestnut husks. — Bauzac. Bitter as BRrownina. self-sacrifice. —E. B. Bitter, like a day of mourning. — JosEpH CONRAD. More bitter than the sea. — Ini. Bitter as a nausea. — D’ANNUNZIO. Their earthly days were bitter, like the oil-tree. — De QuiINcEY. Love bitter as Despair. — Lorp Dz TABLEY. Bitter as Penthea’s curse. — JOHN Forp. Bitter as truth. — Hueco. Bitter in the mouth as a page torn out of Ecclesiastes. —James HUNEKER. Bitter as home-brewed ale. — Lone- FELLOW. ; Bitter as hemlock. — Firz-JamEs O’BRIEN. Bitter as coloquintida. — SHakeE- SPEARE. Bitter to me as death. — Inn. Bitter as fell. — SPENSER. Bitter as a tear. — SWINBURNE. Bitter as harsh-lipped spring. — Ism. Bitter as the breaking down of love. — Isp. Thy speech is bitterer than the sea. —Izsm. Bitter like blood. — In. Her heart within Burnt bitter like an aftertaste of sin To one whose memory drinks and loathes the lee Of shame or sorrow deeper than the sea. ' —IJpip. 20 BITTER. — BLACK. Bitter — continued. And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands. — OLD TESTAMENT. Bitter as wormwood. — Inp. Bitterer than Sardinian herbage. — VIRGIL. Black. Black as Alaskan sealskin. — ANON. Black as a stack of black cats. — Ipip. Black as a thundercloud. — Inn. Black as a tinker. — Isp. Black as blindness. — Inm. Black as Egypt’s night. — Isp. Black as a sloe. — Ipip. Black as snow in London. — Isp. Black as the Duke of Hell’s black riding boots. — Isr. Black as the inside of a man who drank a bottle of ink. — Ipm. Black as the mantle that shrouds the blind. — Inn. Black as Uncle Tom. — Ism. Black as the bear on Iskardoo. — Epwin ARNOLD. Thoughts as black as hell, as hot and bloody. — BEaumMont anp FLETcHER. Black as a coal pit. — Henry Warp BEECHER. Black as the tents of Kedar. — Saint BERNARD. Black as a young rook. — Dion Bovcicavtt. Black, like plumes at funerals. — E. B. Brownine. Black as death. — Byron. Black as Gehenna and the Pit of Hell. — Cartyte. Black as a crow. — CHAUCER. Blak as fende in helle. — Isr. Black as a cave mouth. — Irvin S. Coss. Black as the devil. — Grorce CoL- MAN, THE YOUNGER. Black as Tophet. — JosepH Conrap. Black as the mine. — CowPER. Black as if lightning-scarred or curst of God. — AuBREY Dr VERE. Black as thunder. — DIcKENs. Black as beads. — Austin Dosson. Black as a wolf’s mouth. — Sir A. Conan Doy.Le. Black as ebony. — Dumas, PERE. Black as night when the tempests pass. — F. W. Faper. Black as starless night. — Parngas FLETCHER. Black as a Foote. Black as the pit. — W. E. Henzey. cassock. — SAMUEL Blacker than a raven in a coal mine. —O. Henry. Black as stormy darkness. — Tuomas Hrywoop. Black as gunpowder. — Hoop. Black as the fruit of the thorn. — Isp. Black as your hat. — In. Blackens like a thunder cloud. — Ini. Black as the fleet from Aulis ’gainst doomed Troy. — R. H. Horne. Black as the wood of the gallows- tree. — Hugo. As black as any Moor. — Jacques JASMIN. Black as the devil in a comedy. — Tuomas KiLuicrew. Black as the sliding water over 3 mill-dam. — Kipuine. BLACK. — BLAND. 21 Black — continued. Black as the king of Ashantee. — LEVER. Black as sightless eyes. — GEORGE Casot LopcE. As blacke as deepest dark. — Lyty. Blacke as jeat. — Ipip. Blacke as the burnt coale. — Isp. My Arab steed is black — Black as the tempest cloud that flies Across the dark and muttering skies. — Apam MIcKIEWICcz. Black as a [chimney] sweep. — F. P. NortTHALL. Black and glossy as the raven’s wing. — Tuomas L. Pracocx. Black as winter chimney. — JoHN PaILuies. Black as despair. — Ipp. Black as autumn’s sky.— W. M. PRAEp. Black as a burned stump. — Orre Reap. As black as the steeds of night. — T. Bucnanan Reap. Black as fiery Africa’s slaves. —IBip. Black as black iron. —C. G. Ros- SETTI. Black as pitch.—THomas Sack- VILLE. Black as the newly-pruned crow. — GrorcEe SANDys. Black as a funeral pall. — Joun G. Saxe. Black as mourning weed. —ScorrisH Baap (“Percy’s RELIQUES”’). Black as Acheron. — SHAKESPEARE. Black As if besmear’d in hell. —Isn. Black as incest. — Ipm. Black as ink. — Inm. Black as Vulcan in the smoke of war. — [pip. Black as a cormorant. — SHELLEY. Black as Erebus and Night. — SouTHEY. Black as the womb of darkness. — SWINBURNE. Black as crushed worms that sicken in the sense. — Ipm. Black as thunderous night. — Ipm. As midnight black. — Inn. Black as flameless brand. — Inm. Black as ashbuds in the front of March. — TENNYSON. Black as sackcloth of hair. — New TESTAMENT. Black as a raven. — Op Trsta- MENT. Black like an oven. — Inm. Blacker than a coal. — In. Black as Hell—WILL1am THOMSON. Black as winter sky. — WALTER THORNBURY. Black as soot. — VOLTAIRE. Black as a berry. — Francois Vi1- LON. : Black as with wrath. — Ataric A. Warts. Black as black. — W. B. Yrats. Blameless. Blameless as the snow. — Eric Mackay. Blanched. Blanched like plants raised in cellars. — Hueco. Bland. Bland as a Jesuit. — W. E. HEeNntey. Bland As ocean-breezes gathered from the flowers That blossom in Elysium. — Tsomas Moore. 22 BLANK. — BLIND. Blank. Blank as an empty bottle. — ANon. Hopelessly blank, like the face of a blind man. — JoszpH ConraD. Look as blank as a pickpocket. — Henry JAMES. Blank as the eyeballs of the dead. — LONGFELLOW. Blank as death. — TENNYSON. Blast. Like a mildewed ear, Blasting his wholesome brother. — SHAKESPEARE. Blasts like a pestilence. — SouTHEY. Blaze. Blaze like the eyes of a maniac. — ANON. Blazed up like a beacon. — Isp. Blaze like the fat in sacramental flame. —P. J. Bartey. Blaze like a couple of lamps on a yellow post-chaise. —R. H. Barua. Blaze like a wyvern flying round the sun. — Ropert Brownrne. Blazed like a sun over the startled East. — BuLwer-LytTon. Blaze like a box of matches. — JOSEPH CONRAD. Blazing like a brace of suns. — Davpet. Blazed as if with inward fire. — D’ANNUNZIO. Her heart blazed up like fire before the wind. — Frepavs!. Blaze like a furnace. — FREDERICK TENNYSON. Blazes like a mighty sword Leaping to the fight. —G. S. Viereck. Bieak. Bleak as the ocean vast. — ANON. Bleak and bare Like furnace-chimneys in the air. — LONGFELLOW. Bleat. Bleat like a lamb. — ANON. Bleeding. Bleeding as if he had been through a thicket of troubles. — DauDET. Blend. Blending all in one long and de- licious tremble like a chord.—P. J. BalLey. Blended Like tints in an immortal gem. , — Byron. Inseparably blend Like two bright dewdrops meeting in a flower. — COLERIDGE. Blended like the colors in the rain- bow. — DIckEns. : Blent, Like the soft aromatic gales That meet the mariner, who sails Through the Moluccas, and the seas ‘That wash the shores of Celebes. — LONGFELLow. Blended, like the sea’s phosphor lustre. — RusKIN. Bless. Blesses, like the dews of Heaven. —Joun Gay. Blest. Blest as the saint to his home above flying. — E. M. KeEtty. Blew. Blew as if he had been to puff up a pig’s bladder. — RaBe.ats. Blight Blighted and forlorn, like Autumn waiting for the snow. — WHITTIER. Blind. Blind as a bank director. — ANON. Blind as a bat. — Isp. BLIND. — BLITHE. 23 Blind — continued. Blind as a white cat with a blue eye. — Ip. Blind as Cupid. — Inn. Blind as the blue skies after aagats —P. J. Barry. Blind as ignorance. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Blind as moles. — Isp. Blind as the fool’s heart. — RoBert Brownine. Blind Ay, as a man would be inside the sun, Delirious with the plentitude of light. —Isp. Blind as fortune. — Butwer-Lyt- TON. Blind as the blindworm. — AuBREY De VERE. Blind as a brickbat. — Dickens. Blind as the Cyclop. — DrypEn. Blindness acts like a dam, sending the streams of thought backward along the already-traveled channels, and hindering the course onward. — Grorce Euior. Blind as death itself. — W. S. Gu- BERT. His eye is blind as that of a potato. — Hoop. Blind as inexperience. — Hueco. Blind as a beetle. — Ben Jonson. Blind as a woman in love. — Ninon DE L’ENcLos. Blind as one that hath been found drunk a seven-night. — THomas Mip- DLETON. Blind as justice. — Miss Mirrorp. Blind as hooded falcons. —'THomas Moore. Blind as he who closes His eyes to the light and will not have it shine. — Lewis Morris. Like fortune in her frenzy, blind. — Saran W. Morton. Blind as the song of birds, — T. Bucuanan Reap. Blind as love. — SHELLEY. Blind as moonless night. — RoBERT Louis STEVENSON. Blind and stark as though the snows made numb all sense within it. — SWINBURNE. Blind as a pilot beaten blind with foam. — Ipm. Blind as glass. — Im. Blind as grief. — Im. Blind as the night. — Ism. Blind and vain As rain-stars blurred and marred by rain To wanderers on a moonless main Where night and day seem dead. — Isp. Blind as any noonday owl. — TENNYSON. Blind like tragic masks of stone. — James THOMSON. Blink. Blinking like a toad in a sand heap. — ANON. Blink my eyes like a whacked donkey. — Anton TcHEKHOV. Blinking like a disreputable, drunken owl. —O. Henry. Blissful. Blissful as a leap to daylight out of a nightmare. — GrorGE MEREDITH. Blissful, as if sin Or more than gentlest grief had never been. — Bayarp TayY.or. Blithe. Blithe as a bird on a cherry bough. — ANON, Blithe as a grig. — Ip. 24 BLITHE. — BLOOM. Blithe — continued. Danced as blithely and briskly as a lost red maple leaf fluttering madly in a keen October breeze. — ANON. As blithe as the bird that rejoices. —A. H. BrEeEsty. Blithe as a boblink. — RoBErt Brownine. Blithe as our kettle’s boiling. — Isp. Blithe as the lark that each day hails the dawn. — CoLLins. Blithe as finches sing. — CowPeEr. Blithe as shepherd at a wake. — Isp. Blithe as a bird new risen from the corn. —— Austin Doxson. Blithe as the first blithe song of birds that waken. — Isp. Blithe as a bird in the spring. —Tom Durrey. Blithe as May. — R. Fiercuer. Blithe, as if on earth Were no such thing as woe. —Joun KEBLE. Blithe as the orchards and birds with the new coming of spring. — LowEL.. Blithe as a blithe bird in air. — Owrn MEREDITH. As blithe and sunny as the summer days. — James Wurtcoms RILey. Blithe as swallows, Wheeling in the summer sky at close of day. — SouTHEY. Blither than Spring’s when her flower- ful tresses Shake forth sunlight and shine with rain, — SWINBURNE. Blithe as the lark on sun-gilt wings High poised, or as the wren that sings In shady places to proclaim Her modest gratitude. — Worpswortu. Bloated. Bloated like a squeezed cat. — ANON. Bloodless. Lips as bloodless as lips of the slain. — WHITTIER. Bloody. Bloody as the hunter. — SHaKe- SPEARE. Bloom. Blooming as health. — ANACREON. Bloomed like a bridal-chamber. — ANON. Blooming as a peach. — Isp. Blooming with promise like an apple in the month of May. — Isp. Her bloom was like the silver flower, That sips the silver dew. — Vincent Bourne. Bloomed like smouldering lilies un- consumed. — Joun Davmson. Blooming as a_ bridal maid.— Water Harte. Blooms like a bower in the garden of Bliss. —O. W. Homes. Blooming as roses in the vale. — Mrs. J. Hunter. Her bloom was like the springing flower, That sips the silver dew ; The rose was budded in her cheeks, Just opening to the view. — Davin MAttet. Verses bloom like a flower. — JAMES Wuitcoms RILEY. Bloom’d in the winter of his days, Like Glastonbury thorn. — Sir Cuaries SEDLEY. Bloomed, as new life might in a bloodless face. — SwINBURNE. Bloomed like a rose in a garden green. — Davip VEDDER. BLUSSUM, — BLUE. 25 Blossom. Blossomed like a rose. — Hugo. Blossomed like a wreath. —D. G. RossErtvi. Blown. Blown up like a tumor. — Emerson. Blowing like a blacksmith’s bellows. — Hugo. Blown like vapor on the summer air. — Rossiter JOHNSON. Blowing like a grampus. — Kip.ina. Puffing and blowing like a porpoise. — Lover. Blown like a leaf on the blast. — JOHN Borie O’REILLY. Blown like leaves before the whirl- wind’s fury fleeing. — Bayarp Tay- LOR. Blubbered. Blubbering like a seal. —C. S. CALVERLEY. Blubbered like a child that’s nursed. — Hoop. Blue. Blue as a whale. — Anon. ~ Blue as blue-bell bed. — Ism. Blue as cobalt. — Inn. Blue as forget-me-nots. — Isp. Blue as indigo. — Isp. Blue as melancholy. — Isp. Blue as October skies. — Ismp. Blue as the soft azure surface of the southern sea. — In. Blue as your nose on a cold day. — Isp. Blue as the sky in spring. —R. D. BLACKMORE. Blue as a vein o’er the Madonna’s breast. — Ropert Browninc. Blue as shimmering steel. — H. C. Bonner. Blue like the sea of a dream. — JosePpH CONRAD. Waters blue as violet banks. — Ausrey Dr VERE. A sky as blue as the enamel on the statuettes of Osiris. — GAUTIER. Blue like a corpse. — Nrxouar V. GocoL. ; Blue as lips of death. — Evcenr Ler-Hamitron. Blue as tint of maiden’s eye. — James Haskins. Blue each visage grew, Just like a pullet’s gizzard. — Hoop. Sky as blue as June. — R. G. IncEr- SOLL. Blue were her eyes as fairy-flax. — LoNGFELLOW. Lips, as blue ‘as salt-water. — MassiIncer. , Blue And beautiful, like skies seen through The sleeping wave. — Tuomas Moore. Blue as blazes. — J. C. NEAL. Blue as autumn’s skies. —W. M. PRAED. Blue... like a patch of fallen April sky. — Witiiam M. Reepy. Blue as the eyes of a saint. — ~RANCIS S. SALTUS. Blue as bilbery. — SHAKESPEARE. Blue as the overhanging heaven. — SHELLEY. Blue As are the violets that hide Our dewy earth from view. — EvALEEN STEIN. Blue as plague. — SWINBURNE. Blue as heaven’s cloudless canopy. — Esaras TeGner. Blue like an ancient Briton. —- THACKERAY. 26 : BLUE, — BLUSH. Blue — continued. Blue as with the cold. — IsrRaEL ZANGWILL. Blunder. Blundyrst as a blynde buserde. — T. Wricat’s “ PotrticaL PorMs AND Sones.” Blunt. Blunt as a hammer. — ANON. Blunt as a meat-ax. — Ism. Blunt as the back of a knife. — Rosert HeEatu. Blunt as the fencer’s foils, which hit, but hurt not. — SHAKESPEARE. Blur. The masthead light . . . blurred like a last star ready to dissolve. — JosEPpH CONRAD. Blurred the air like blown sand. — HAMLIN GARLAND. Blurred like a lamp’s that when the night drops dead Dies. — SWINBURNE. Blurt. Blurted it out like a school-boy. — LONGFELLOW. Blush. Blush like an opal. — Anon. Blush like the heart of flame. — Henry W. Avstin. Blushing like a wedding night. — Bazac. I blushed like any rose. —T. H. Bayty. Blushing like a Worcestershire ‘or- chard before harvest. — BEAcons- FIELD. Blushing like the skies to crimson burning, When Aurora Borealis fires her prem- ises by night. — AMsrose BIErce. Blushes, like the flushes upon high When Aurora Borealis lights her cir- cumpolar palace. — Ini. Blush like rose when Roland speaks, — E. B. Brownine. Blushing like a sea-shell. — BULWER- Lytron. Blush’d like the waves of hell. — Byron. Blushing, like a bride. — CoLErmce. Blushes like a new-born flower. — Barry CoRNWALL. Blush as hot as June. — Izip. Blush’d and smiled like a clear and rosy eventide. — Sir Jonn Davirs. Blusheth like the Indian ivory which is with dip of Tyrian purple dy’d. — Isip. Blushes as adorn the ruddy welkin or the purple morn. — DrypeEn. Blushes like a red bull-calf. — A. B. Evans’ “ Lercester Worps, Phrases . AND PROVERBS.” Make us blush like copper. — Joun FLETCHER. Her cheek of beauty blushed like rose-bud in the rain. — James Hoae. Blushed like blood.—O. W. Homes. A blush like sunrise o’er the rose. — Miss Lanpon. Blushes like the birds of spring. — Isp. Blush as of opening flowers. — Grorer P. Lararop. Blush like the backside of a chim- ney. — Lzan’s “‘CoLLECTANEA.” Blush like a Henry Lewis. sunset. — ALFRED Blushes like a virgin. — RicHarp LovELacer. Blush as lovely as the dawn. — Lover. BLUSH. — BODY. 27 Blush — continued. Blushing like the dogwood crimson in October. — Grorcre MEREDITH. Blushed like timid daybreak when the dawn Looms crimson on the night, and then again is withdrawn. — Tuomas MILLER. Blushing like a summer moming. — Baron MuncHAUSEN. Blushed like a girl fresh from school. —Sir GILBERT PARKER. Blushing as in vintage-hours. — Tuomas L. PEacocxk. Blush’d like a carnation. — Is. Blush like a banner bathed in slaughter. — James G. PERCIVAL. Blush like lads of seventeen. — James WaitcoMB RILEY. Blushes bright pass o’er her cheek, But pure and pale as is the glow of sunset on a mountain peak, Robed in eternal snow. — Ruskin. Blushing, like some shy maid in convent bred. — Sir WALTER Scorr. Blush . . . like a black dog, as the saying is. — SHAKESPEARE. Blushing like the perfumed morn. —R. B. Saerwan. Blush like my waistcoat. — Izrp. Blushing like Aurora. — SMOLLETT. Blushed as with bloodless passion, and its hue Was as the life and love of hearts on flame. — SWINBURNE. Blushes . . . as a young virgin on her wedding night. — Bayarp TayLor. I blush as red as cochineal. — THACKERAY. Blushin as red as the Baldinsville skool house when it was fust painted. — Artemus Warp. A faint blush melting through the light of thy transparent cheek like a rose-leaf bathed in dew. — WHITTIER. Boast. With all his tumid boasts, he’s like the sword-fish, who only wears his weapon in his mouth. — SamueL Map- DEN. Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain. — OLp TESTAMENT. Bobbing. Bobbing up and down like a duck in a mud puddle. — ANon. ‘Bob up like the hammers in a piano- forte. — DicKEns. Bobbing like a quill-float with a “minnum” biting at the hook below. —O. W. Hormes. Body. The body is like a piano, and happi- ness is like music. It is needful to have the instrument in good order. — Henry Warp BEECHER. Man’s Body’s like a House: greater Bones, Are the maine Timber; And the lesser ones, Are smaller Splints: Laths, daubed ore, Plaister’d with flesh and bloud: His Mouth’s the Doore: His Throat’s the narrow Entry: And his Heart Is the Great Chamber, full of curious Art: His Midreife is a large partition-Wall, ’Twixt the Great Chamber, and the spacious Hall: His Stomacke is the Kitchin, where the Meate His His Ribs are ‘Is often but half sod, for want of Heate: His Spleen’s a Vessell, Nature does allott To take the skimme, that rises from the Pott: 28 BODY. — BOOKS. Body — continued. His Lungs are like the Bellowes that respire In ev’ry office, quickning ev’ry Fire: His Nose, the Chimney is, whereby are vented Such Fumes, as with the Bellowes are augmented : His Bowels are the Sinke, whose part’s to dreine All noysome filth, Kitchin cleane : His Eyes like Christian Windowes cleare and bright Lets in the Object and lets out the Sight: And as the Timber is, or great or small, Or strong or weake; ’tis apt to stand or fall. — FRANCIS QUARLES. and .keep the Boil. He maketh the deep to boil like a pot. — Op TESTAMENT. Boisterous. Boisterous as stormy sea-winds.— R. H. Sropparp. Bold. Bold as a blind man. — ANON. Bold as Beauchamp. — Isp. Bold as Joan of Arc. — Inp. Boldly . . . like giants conquering in a noble cause. — Ipm. Bold as a petty provincial attorney. — Batzac. Bold as a bucket. — JozrL BarLow. As boldly as a brigadier Tricked out with marks and signs all o’er Of rank, brigade, division, corps, To show by every means he can An officer is not a man. — Amprose BIERCE. Boold as is Bayard the Blynde. — CHAUCER. As bold as the blast. — Barry Corn- WALL. Boldly, like eagles on the wing. — Hueco. Bold as brass. — LEAN’s LECTANEA.” He was bold as a hawk. — Lover. Bold as an embodied T. Bucnanan Reap. Bold as the glare of the gold. — R. H. Stopparb. As boldly as a sunflower faces the orb of day. — New York Sun. “CoL- storm. — Bold as a lion. — OLp TESTAMENT. Bolde as a Knight. —“Tas Nur- BROWN Mar.” Bold as day. — WogDswoRTH. Bones. His bones are as strong pieces of brass ; his bones are like bars of iron. — Op TESTAMENT. Bony. Bony as an ossified shad. — ANON. Books. A house without books is like a room without windows. — Henry WARD BEECHER. Books, like invisible scouts, per- meate the whole habitable globe, and Timbuctu itself is not safe from British Literature. — CARLYLE. A book, like a grape-vine, should have good fruit among its leaves. — E. P. Day. As a thing on the eastern mountains shineth -by the presence of the sun ; so one of humble birth, even, may be enlightened -by the allurements of good books. — Hrropapgsa. Be as careful of the books you read as of the company you keep, for your habits and character will be as much influenced by the former as the latter. — Paxton Hoop. It is with books as with women, — where a certain plainness of manner BOOKS. — BOUND. 29 Books — continued. and of dress is more engaging than the glare of paint and airs and apparel, which may dazzle the eye, but reach not the affections. — Davin Hume. Gentlemen vse bookes as Gentle- women handle their flowers, who in the morning stick them in their heads, and at night strawe them at their heeles. — Lyty. Books are as meats and viands are : some are good, some of evil substance. — Mitron. A book, like a person, has its for- tunes with one ; is lucky or unlucky in the precise moment of its falling in our way, and often by some happy accident ranks with us for something more than its independent value. — Wa trTer Pater. We ought to regard books as we do sweetmeats, not wholly to aim at the pleasantest, but chiefly to respect the wholesomest ; not forbidding either, but approving the latter most. — PLUTARCH. To buy books only because they were published by an eminent printer, is much as if a man should buy clothes that did not fit him, only because made by some famous tailor. — Pore. Books, like men their authors, have no more than one way of coming into the world, but there are ten thousand to go out of it, and return no more. — Swirt. Books, like proverbs, receive their value from the stamp and esteem of ages through which they have passed. —Sirr Writiam Temple. Boom. Boomed like a split trombone. — O. Henry. Boom, like the advance shout of battle. — Marcaret E, SANGSTER. Bore. Boring in and out... like a stubby needle going through a tuck. — Irvin 5. Coss. Born. Born like a momentary fly to flutter, buzz around, and die. — RoBrert Luovp. Borrowed. Borrowed as beautifully as the moon The fire of ‘the sun. — STEPHEN PHILLIPS. Bosom. White her bosom, like two snowy dovelets. — SERVIAN BaLuaD. Bosom as white as ever The foam-wreaths rise on the leaping river. — WBHITTIER. Bottom. Go to the bottom of things, like a custom house officer. — Sypney Mun- DEN. Bottomless. Bottomless as the foundation of the Universe. — CARLYLE. Bounce. Bounce, like corn poppin’ in a shovel. — Harriet E. B. Stowe. Bound (Adjective). Bound, Like doomsday prisoned underground. — D. G. Rossetti. Fast bound and free, As all the world is girdled with the sea. — SWINBURNE. Fast bound as a frost-bound water. — Isp. Bound as the sun to the world’s wheel. — Isp. Bound Like as thralls with links of iron fast in bonds of doom. — In. 30 BOUND. — BOW. Bound (Verb). My heart bounds like an imprisoned bird against its wiry barrier. — Joun BRouGHAM. Bounds like deer from the hounds. — Euiza Coox. Bounding like nymphs in vales of Arcady. — Witiiam Hazurt. Like an antelope he bounded. — LONGFELLOW. Bounds, light as hind before the hound. — AmBrosE PHILips. Bounded like a madman. — Por. Bound like a stoned horse. — JAMES SHIRLEY. ‘ My pulses bound like a stag at play. —JouN STERLING. Like a greyhound when slipped from the leash, he bounded. — Bayarp TAYLOR. Boundless. Boundless as the ocean. — BULWER- Ly?rron. Boundless as the glory of Texas. — Atrrep Henry Lewis. Boundless as the sheeted sky. — Grorce P. Morris. Boundless as the sea. — SHaKn- SPEARE. Boundless as the wind. — Swirt. Bounteous. Bounteous as nature. — Dryprn. Bounteous as the Nile’s dark waters. — James MonrtTGomeEry. Bounteous as the air which fed Israel. — SouTHEY. Bountiful. Bountiful as April rains. — Cowper. Bountiful As mines of India. — SHAKESPEARE. Bountiful as the showers that fall Into the Spring’s green bosom. —J. SHIRLEY. Bounty. Our bounty, like a drop of water, disappears when diffused too widely. — GOLDSMITH. Bow. : Bow like a field of wheat before the rising wind. — ANon. Bows like a reed in a tempest. — Ipip. Like a field of standing corn, that’s moved with a stiff gale, their heads bow all one way. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Bow’d like CAMPBELL. weeping willows. — Arching bow’d, like color’d rainbows o’er a show’ry moon. — HoMER (Pore). Bowed, like a man sawing marble. — Hoop. Bow’d like a sleeping flower. — Miss Lanpon. Bowed like SPEARE. bondmen. — SHAKE- A life bowed under its own wealth as the vine is bowed under its fruit. — SUDERMANN. Bowed like a flowering weed when May’s wind heaves the reed-bed the stream kisses. — SwINBURNE. Bowed down as briars or palms Even at the breathless blast as of a breeze Fulfilled with clamour and clangour and storms of psalms. — Isp. I bowed down heavily, as one that mourneth for his mother. — Otp TESTAMENT. Bow down his head like a bulrush. —Ism. Bowed to them like a tree in a storm. — Epira Wuarron. BRACING. — BREAST. 31 Bracing. Bracing as an Alpine breeze. — IsraEL ZANGWILL. Brag. Brag boldly, like the cock beside his partlet. — Brain. Brainless as chimpanzees. —C. S. CALVERLEY. Great brains, like brightest glass, crack straight; those of stone or wood hold out, and fear not blows. — Bisuop Ear.e. I suspect that there is in an English- man’s brain a valve that can be closed at pleasure, as an engineer shuts off steam. — EMERSON. My brain, methinks, is like an hour- glass, Wherein th’ imaginations run to sands, Filling up time ; but there are turn’d and turn’d So that I know not what to stay upon, And less to put in act. — Bren Jonson. Brain like liquid lead. — Sourury. Brave. Brave as a Barbary lion. — Anon. Brave as Achilles. — Inm. Brave as a mad bull. — Isp. Brave as Launcelot. — Isp. Brave as a falcon and as merciless. — Witrrip §. Buunt. Brave as a grenadier. — Huco. Is brave like unto the Lord of the Celestials. — MAHABHARATA. Brave and stern as soldier’s mother might be. — Rosa MuLHoLLanp. Brave as winds that brave the sea. — SWINBURNE. ° Brave as bannered chivalry. — Tuomas Watson. i Brawl. Brawls Like jarring steel on ruining walls. — SwINBURNE. Brazen. Brazen as an image. — ANoN. Brazen as alabaster. — Dickens. Break. Break him like a biscuit. — Brav- MONT AND FLETCHER. Break like an o’er-bent bow. — SAMUEL BUTLER. Break as a bubble o’er-blown in a dream. — Smnery LANIER. Their ranks are breaking like thin clouds before a Biscay gale. — Ma- CAULAY. Breaking, like rosy clouds at even-tide Around the rich pavilion of the sun. — Tuomas Moore. The columns break, like shattered foam. — Epwarp PEPLE. Breaking his oath and resolution, like A twist of rotten silk. — SHAKESPEARE. Break like a bursting heart. — SHELLEY. Break forth as laughter on lips that said nought till the pulse in them beat love’s march. — SWINBURNE. Breast. Breasts as the buds of May. — Lorp Dr TaBLey. His breast is like a gentlewoman’s closet, which locks up every: toy or trifle, or some bragging mountebank that makes every stinking thing a secret. —JouHN Earte’s “ Mrcrocos- mocrapHy; A Piece or THE WoRLD DISCOVERED,” 1628. Her brest fairer than the vernal bloom of valley-lily, op’ning in a showr. — JoHN LoGaN. 32- BREAST. — BRIEF. Breast — continued. Breasts half-globed Like folded lilies deepset in the stream. —D. G. Rossetti. Breasts like clusters dropping balm. — GEORGE SANDYS. Her brest like to a bowl of creame uncurdded. — SPENSER. Breasts like spring. — SWINBURNE. Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins, which feed among the lilies. — OLp TESTAMENT. Breath. Her breath is like the fragrant breeze, That gently stirs the blossom’d bean, When Phoebus sinks beneath the seas. — Burns. Breath like the sweets from the hawthorn tree. — BARRY CoRNWALL. Her breath Like a soft western wind, when it glides o’er Arabia, creating gums and spices. — MAssINGER. A breath, Hot as the blasts that dried old seas. —Isaac R. PENNYPACKER. Breath like morn’s young breeze. — PILpay. Breathe. Breathing like the Spring. — ANon. Breathe like toads under ground. — Isp. Breathed out, hard and still, as a statue might whisper. — JosePpH Con- RAD. The young lips breathe like a dewy rose Fanned by the fire-fly’s wing. — Euza Cook. Breathing like the bellows of a forge. — Lorp Dr Tas.ey. Breathing like a second-hand bicycle pump. — O. Henry. Brethe as the Rozert Herrick, damask Rose. — Breathing sweetness like a bridal bower. —O. W. Ho.MeEs. She breathes sweet serene as ’twere a gentle spirit from the skies. — PETRARCH. Breathing like sanctified and pious bawds, The better to beguile. — SHAKESPEARE. Breathe As March breathes back the spirit of winter. — SWINBURNE. Breathless as the deer Driven hard to bay. — Isp. Breed. Bred like rats on a grain ship. — Li Hune Cuane. A breed, like a dialect of a language, can hardly be said to have a distinct origin. — Darwin. Breeds like a rabbit. — SwiFt. Brief. Briefer than the twinkling of an eye. — ANON. Brief as the song Of the wood dove. —Lorp Dr Tas.ey. Brief As sunset clouds in heaven. —O. W. Hommes. Brief as sparkles from the flint. — Hoop. Brief as time. — Ben Jonson. As brief as a dragon-fly’s repose. — Lowe... As brief as the wave’s poise before it breaks in pearls. — Imp. Brief, as the sunshine scattered over the plains. — Mimnermus. Brief as a dream. — PTAH-HOTEP. As the fading of a flower, As the falling of a leaf, So brief its day and its hour. —C, G, Rosser. BRIEF. — BRIGHT. 33 Brief — continued. Brief as the lightning in the collied night. — SHAKESPEARE. , Brief like a signal. — Roper? Louis STEVENSON. Brief as the word strong sorrow saith. — Inn. Brief as a broken song. — Swin- BURNE. Thou art brief as a glitter of sand *twixt tide and tide. — Wituiam Wat- SON. Brief and tremulous as a passing shadow. — WiLL1AM WINTER. Bright. Bright as fair sunshine after winter’s storms. — AZSCHYLUS. Bright as a blister. — ANON. Bright as a dollar. — Ipm. Bright as a new penny. — In. Bright as a pewter pot. — Ism. Bright as at Creation’s day. — Isp. Bright as fairies that in a sunbeam dance. — Inrp. Bright as Japanese bronze. — Ipip. Bright as new silver. — Isr. Bright as saucepans. — Ipmp. Bright as Sharon’s rose. — Ini. Bright as sunshine on the sea. — Isp. Bright as the captain’s cabin of a man-of-war. — Insp. Bright was her soul as Dian’s crest. — Isp. Bright as fullest moon in blackest air. — ARABIAN NIGHTS. Bright as though a moon of the fourteenth night. — Isp. Bright as a beach in the moonlight. — ALFRED AUSTIN. Bright as the great stream of stars which flows through heaven. —P. J. BaILey. Bright like night with stars. — Ip. Bright, like river gold. — Inm. Bright as midnight’s brightest eyes. —T. L. Beppozs. Bright, as Moerice-Queens in June. — A. H. BeEgsty. Bright within As when from the sky there shines unclouded heaven’s candle. — “Browvu.r.” Bright as an iceberg. —R. D. BLACKMORE. Brighter than the wheat. — Ipm. sun through As bright as the waves of a rill. — Grorce H. Boxer. Bright as the rippling ocean in sun- shine. — Rosert Bripces (English). a’ Bright as icicles about a laurel-tree. — Maria G. Brooks. Bright as Paphia’s eyes. —E. B. BRownine. E Bright, like a flash of sunlight. — Butwer-LyTron. Bright as the bow that spans the storm. — CAMPBELL. Bright as day. — CHAUCER. Bright as stars in winter. — Isp. As rody and bright as doth the yonge sonne That in the ram is foure degrees ronne. —Ism. Bright as joy. —Harriey CoLz- RIDGE. Bright as the moon she shone, with silver light, And charmed his sense with wonder and delight. — CONGREVE. Bright as truth. — Barry CORNWALL. Bright as orient morn. — CowPER. 34 BRIGHT. Bright — continued. Bright as innocence. —JoHNn Day. Bright as a flame. — DantEL DE- FOE. Bright as sunset. — Lorp Dr Tas- LEY. Bright as Apollo’s breastplate. — Auprey Dr VERE. Bright as May-day’s morn. — Inn. Bright as the pastures of the sun. — Ism. Shone as bright as sea-foam spar- kling on a moonlit night. — Ibm. Bright as Heav’n. — WENTWORTH DILLon. Bright and steady as a sunbeam. — Dr. Joun Doran. Bricht as chrysolite. — GAWAIN Dovuatas. Bright as goodness. — DrypeEn. Bright as Lucifer. — Witt1am Dun- BAR. Bright and barren as the sea, Bare of sorrow, bare of glee. —F. W. Faser. Bright ... as all the flowers of May. — Francis Fawkes. Bright as Phoebus. — Isp. Bright as live coals in the gloom. — FLAUBERT. Bright as the breaking east. — Joun FLETCHER. Bright as any star in heaven. — GOETHE. Bright as at creation’s day. — Inn. Bright as before the day-star will appear. — James Hammonp. Bright as the visions of youth. — T. K. Hervey. Bright as the jewels of the seven- starr’d crown. —O. W. Hotmes. Bright As the resplendent cactus of the night That floods the gloom with fragrance and with light. — Ip. Bright as noon in a conservatory of smoked glass. — E. W. Hornuna. Bright as a beacon. — Hueco. Bright, Most like a fleet of stars that southing go. —Jran INGELOw. Brycht as gold. — JamEs THE First. Bright as ruddy meteors through the sky. — Rosert JEPHSON. Bright as the lily of the vale. — Sir WILLIAM JONES. Bright as the bow of Iris. — Knats. Bright as the humming-bird’s green diadem. — Ini. Bright as the gold-sparks that glisten and quiver at morning or eve, on the breast of the river. — E. M. Ketty. Bright as an opium-eater’s dream. — Kincstey. Bright as Hope’s first smile. — Miss Lanpon. Bright as autumn’s fleecy clouds with golden glittering lightning decked. — “Lays or Ancrent Inpia.” Bright as a button. —Lean’s “Cot- LECTANEA.” Bright, like a fire-flash that crosses the depth of the night. —J. S. Lz Fanu. Bright as living coal. — CamILLE LEMONNIER. Bright as the argent-horned mornes. — Ricwarp Lovetace. Bright as the ruby’s blaze. — Lover. As bright as glow-worms in the night. — Lyty. . Bright as the sunbeam of the morn- ing. — Evan MacCout. BRIGHT. 35 ‘Bright — continued. Bright as musky moss-rose summer’s sun. — GrorcE Mac-Henry. Bright as the dimpled smiles that spring enwreath. — Inm. As bright as dewdrops in the sun. — Cuartes Mackay. Bright like the moon when the stars are dimm’d with her blaze. —Ewen - Mac acHan. Bright as the sunbeam’s light. — D. F. McCarruy. Bright as new pottery. — Mavricr MAETERLINCK. Bright as the Burning Bush of Moses. — James C. MAncaAn. Bright as beams of Paradise. — Mary E. Mannix. Orange bright, Like golden lamps in a green night. — ANDREW MARVELL. Bright as orb that gives the day. — Wituiam Mason. Rose-bright as a star dipped in sun- set. —Owen MEREDITH. As bright as a spot of June day sun- shine on the grass.— Donat G. MircHe.t. Bright as Minerva’s yellow hair. — Tuomas Moore. Bright, like common things, glorified in love’s light. — Miss Mutock. Bright as an angel new dropt from the sky. — Tuomas PARNELL. Bright, as from blessed place. — STEPHEN PHILLIPS. Bright as the star of morn. — Rosert Potwox. Bright as the rising sun, in summer’s day. — Popr. Bright as the star that fires autumnal skies. — Isr. Bright, as visions of expiring maids. — Isp. Bright As golden morning’s flashing light. —W. H. Pripzavx. Bright as the sun. — RaBr.ats. Bright as the crimson glow when love first sends a missive to a maiden. C. D. Raymer. Bright as a cloud in the sunset air. — T. Bucwanan Reap. Bright as an opening rose fresh with dew. — Cuartes Reape. Bright as the sunset’s glow. — Laura E. Ricnarps. Bright as the light of her glorious eyes. — James Wurrcoms RILevy. His smile as bright as the midst of May when the truce-bird pipes. — Izp. As bright as the morning sun. — Isp. Bright as the golden poppy is that the beach breeds for the surf to kiss. —C. G. Rossertt. Bright as a new bell. —W. C. RUSSELL. ‘Bright as all between cloudless skies and windless streams. — SHELLEY. Bright as Spring. — Ini. Bright as are the Heavens that lie Illumed by stars at night. — BLANCHE SHOEMAKER. As bright ... as the vestal fire. — CHRISTOPHER SMART. Bright as mountain snow. — SouTHEY. Bright as the summer lightning when it spreads its glory o’er the midnight heaven. — Isr. Bright as doth the morning starre appeare. — SPENSER. Bright, like twinckling starres. — Isp. Bright as a rose new blown. — T. D. SULLIVAN. 36 BRIGHT. — BRILLIANT. Bright — continued. Bright as an angel. — Swirr. Bright as a dew-drop engilt of the sun on the sedge. — SWINBURNE. Bright as all above. — Isr. Bright as a warrior’s belt. — Isrp. Bright as burns at sunrise, heaven’s own. — Ini. Song bright as heaven above the mounting bird. — Isr. Bright as heaven’s bare brow with hope of gifts withholden. — Inrp. Bright as hell-fire. — Inip. Bright as hope. — Ini. Bright as Maytime. — Inip. Bright as mercy. — Ipip. Bright as the kindling dews when the dawn begins. — Ipip. Bright as the night is dark on the world. — Izrp. Bright as though death’s dim sunrise thrilled jt there and life re-risen took comfort. — Iprp. Bright like spring with flower-soft wealth of branching tracery. — Isr. Brighter than joy’s own tears. — Ipip. ‘Bloom as bright as opening moon. — Bayarp Taytor. Bright as light. — Tennyson. Bright and light as the crest of a peacock. — Isrp. Bright as the eyes of angels and as pure. — WiLLIAM THoMSoN, Shine bright, As sun-showers at the break of day. — Henry D. Toorgav. Bright as a facet-cut diamond scat- tering light. — Tupper. Bright as the seraphim pointing to eternity. — JosrepH TURNLEY. Bright as the blessings of heaven. — Micuari Vordsmarty. Bright as the promise of a cloudless day. —C. P. Witson. Bright as a sunbeam sleeping till a shower Brush it away, or cloud pass over it. — Worpswortu. Bright as spring. — Isr. Bright as the glimpses of eternity, To saints according in their mortal hour. — Inn. Bright as the dazzling snow. — Ini. As a rainbow bright. — THEODORE WRATISLAW. Bright as Phebus’ Tsomas Wyatt. sphere. — Sir Shining bright as a new lance. — Wituiam B: Yeats. Brighten Brighten like a morning of young spring. —Joun M. Leavitt. Brightened as in sunshine gleam the ripples That the cold wind makes in rivers. — LonGFELLow. Brighten, like a meadow when the sun comes out. — Miss Mutock. Brightened, like the full moon of heaven; when the clouds vanish ‘away, and leave her calm and broad in the midst of the sky. — Ossran. Brightens all my sorrow, Like gleams of sunshine in a low’ring sky. — Amprose Purtips. Brightened As a forest with birds. — SWINBURNE. Brightened like the moon. — Bay- ARD TAayLor. Brightening like a star at eve. — N. P. Wis. Brilliant Brilliant as a dream. — ANon. Brilliant as Indian summer. — Isrp. BRILLIANT, — BROKE. 37 Brilliant — continued. Brilliant as the colors of the rain- bow. — Inn. Brilliant, like chrysophrase glowing Was my beautiful Rosalie Lee. — Tuomas Ho.itey Cuivers. Brilliant as a mirror. — Dumas, PERE. Brilliant as altar fires. — Vepic Hymn. Brilliant as rain-drops, when the west- ern sun Sees his own miniature of beams in each. — MonrTcomery. Brilliant as stars. — Our. Brilliant, like transparent plates of mother-of-pearl. — Sarnt-PIERRE. As brilliant as a spangled dancing girl. — ALEXANDER SMITH. How brilliant and mirthful the light of her eye, Like a star glancing out from the blue of the sky ! — WHITTIER. Brim. Brims with bliss, as a valley brims with life in spring-tide hours. — GER- ALD Massey. Brisk. Brisk as a flea. — ANON. Brisk as bees that settle on a sum- mer rose’s petal. — C. S. CALVERLEY. Brisk as a burger over a bottle. — Austin Doszson. Brisk as a bottled ale.— Joun Gay. Brisk as a cup of wine. — Ropert GREENE. Brisk as a bird. — WiLi1am Haziirtr. Briskly as a revolving firework. — Branper Marruews. Brisk as bank stock. — THomas Morton. As brisk as a bailiff. — James SMITH. Brisk as a snake in merry May. — WILuIAM SOMERVILLE. Brisk as a body louse. — Swirt. Bristle. Bristles all over like a porcupine. — ANON. Bristling . . . like some mad Earth- god’s spiny hair. — THomas Harpy. Bristle like spears in battle ranks. — JAYADEVA. Bristly . . . like a hedgehog. — Lzo ToLstoy. Brittle. Brittle as glass that breaks with a touch. — SWINBURNE. Broad. Broad as barn doors. — JoHN HeEy- WOOD. Broad as Heaven’s Huco. expanse. — Broad as the kingdoms and empires of old. — Cartes Mackay. Broad as a furred stomacher. — Tomas Nasu. Broad and general as the casing air. — SHAKESPEARE. Broadens like the summer morn. — Menetia B. SMEDLEY. Broader than the sea. —Otp Tzs- TAMENT. Broadcast. Broadcast as the light. — Grorcz E. WoopBury. Broke. Broken up like baffled dreams. — F, W. Faser. A gleam of hope through my black night broke, Like a star’s bright form Through a whistling storm, Or the moon through a midnight oak. —D. F. McCarruy. Broke like a sea-bubble on the sand. — James MonrTcomERrY. 38 Brood. Brooding like a dove for its mate. — ANON. Brooded ... like a hen over a chalk egg. — Butwer-LytTon. Broods like an ow]. — Ernest Dow- SON. Brow. Her brow... is like the young moon. — ANON. Her brows like bended bows do stand, Threatening with piercing frowns to kill All that approach with eye or hand These sacred cherries to come nigh. — Eneusa Batiap. Her browe was like the mountain snae Gilt by the morning beam. —ScorrisH Baap: His brow was like the deep when tempest toss’d. — Byron. Brows like cloudless day. — Exiza Coox. Her brow is like the snaw-drift. — Wii1am Dovetas. Brows — thin like the stroke of a pen. — Douetas Hype’s ‘Love Sones oF CoNNACHT.” Thy brow like smooth Bandhika- leaves. — JAYADEVA. Brown. Brown as forest flood. — Cacuu- LAINN. Browne as the fylberte droppyng from the shelle. —THomas CuHatrer- TON. Browne as the nappy ale at Hock tyde game. — Ip. Broun as is a berye. — CHAUCER. Brown, As is the ribbed sea-sand. — COLERIDGE. Brown as a pineapple. — Davuper. Brown as the hearth of a kitchen fire. — Joun Gay. BROOD. —— BULGED. Brown as a bun. — Hoop. Locks... as brown as mavis in May. — Ricnarp LE GALLIENNE. Brown as nut. — LONGFELLOw. Brown as vesper gloamings. — Wa1- TER MALONE. Brown as buckeyes. —Epwin D. SCHOONMAKER. Brown in hue as hazel nuts. — SHAKESPEARE. As twilight brown. — SWINBURNE. Brutal. Brutal as an unclean word. — VANCE THOMPSON. Bubble. Bubbled like a tea-kettle beginning to boil. — Anon. Bubbling and overflowing, like a brazen cup beneath an ardent sun. — Maurice MArrer.inck. Bubbles. Bubbles, Like man’s vain glory, and his vainer troubles. — Byron. Budded. Budded as a thorn to sting. — Grorce Mac-HeEnry. Buffoon. A buffoon is like a mad dog, that has a worm in his tongue, which makes him bite at all that light in his way. — SaMuEL BuTLER. Build Many a thought did I build up on thought, As the wild bee hangs cell on cell. — Rosert Brownine. Bulged. Bulged like pudding. — Frrz-JamMEs O'BRIEN. Bulged out in the sun like a pump- kin. — THACKERAY. vo oe BULK. — BURST. 39 Bulk. Huge bulk like a sea monster among the minnows of the Thames. — Dicx- ENS. Buoyant. Buoyant as wings. — Byron. Buoyant as light. — Exiza Coox. Buoyant as_ the _ thistle-down. — Hoop. Merry buoyancy, as of a boat. — Rosert NoeEt. Buoyant as CHARLES TURNER. summer spray. — Burly. Burley as a Sunday beadle. — Jamrs PitGRmM. Burn. Burn into your soul like a curse. — ANON. Bumed like a spilth of light Out of the crashing of a myriad stars. — Rosert Brownine. Our wasted oil unprofitably burns, Like hidden lamps in old sepulchral urns. — CowPER. Burnt like caustic. — Hoop. Burns, like some absent and im- patient youth, to join the object of his warm desire. —SOAME JENYNS. Burns like hate. —Grorce Mac- Donat. Burn within me like an evil fire. — Ipm. Burn like the red light of the setting sun. —T. BucHanan Reap. Burn like black stars below the Orient moon. — Francis S. Satus. Burn like mines of sulphur. — SHAKESPEARE. Burning like molten jewels. — W. W. Story. Burn and bleed Like that pale princess-priest of Priam’s seed. — SWINBURNE. Burn as if all the fires of the earth and air Had laid strong hold upon his flesh and stung The soul behind it as with a serpent’s tongue. — Ibn. Burn as that beamless fire which fills the skies With troubled stars and travailing things of flame. — Isp. Burning her like flame That feeds on flowers in bloom. —Ism. Burns like joy. — Isp. Burns low as fire wherein no fire- - brands glow. — Ini. Burnt as a living fire of emeralds. — TENNYSON. Burneth as a flaming fire. — Otp TESTAMENT. Burning like the burning of a fire. — Ipip. Burns, like a fiery star in the upper air. — WHITTIER. Burned like a heated opal. — Oscar WILDE. Burned like the ruby fire set In the swinging lamp of a crimson shrine. — Iprp. Burrow. Burrow like a weasel.—R. D. BLACKMORE. Burst. Burst like sand this brave embank- ment of the breast. — P. J. Barter. Bursting like a bean-pod. —R. D. BLACKMORE. Burst forth like the neighing of all Tattersall’s. — CARLYLE. Light burst on me as if a window of my memory had been suddenly flung open on a street in the city. — JOSEPH ConraD. 40 BURST. — BUSY. Burst — continued. Burst, like a morn lighted bubble of dew. — Exiza Cook. Like shallow ice-films ‘neath a courser’s hoof, burst. — AuBREY Dr VERE. Bursting like an overdone potato. —Sir A. Conan Dorie. Burst like bellowing tna. — Dryr- DEN. Burst into sound, like thunder with a shower. — Francis Fawkgs. Burst like rockets into one wide blaze. — CHarLes Harpur. Burst frae their bounds like fiends of hell. — Hoae. Burst like surf. — WEesTLAND Mar- STON. Burst, like an enfranchised dove. — Miss Mutock. : Bursts like the lightning’s flash. — SCHILLER. Burst like morning on dream, or like heaven on death. — SHELLEY. Bursts like one sound from ten thou- sand streams Of a tempestuous sea. — Isp. Burst like a pimple from the vicious tide of acid blood. — Wi1Lu14mM SHEN- STONE. The banners burst, Like buds of April breezes burst. — Bayarp Taytor. Burst, like a thunderbolt. — Trnny- SON. Burst like Heavenly Hope. — In. Burst like new bottles. — Otp Txs- TAMENT. Bury. Burned, like Topeca beneath the bucklers of Sabines. — Dumas, PERE. Buried like a cauliflower. — WasuH- INGTON IRVING. Bushy. Bushy as the fleece of the ram. -- ANON. Business. But certainly, some there are that know the resorts and falls of business that can not sink into the main of it ; like a house that hath convenient stairs and entries, but never a fair room. — Bacon. Let business, like ill watches, go Sometimes too fast, sometimes too slow. — SAMUEL BUTLER. The tide of business, like the running stream, Is sometimes high and sometimes low, A quiet ebb, or a tempestuous flow, And always in extreme. Now with a noiseless gentle course, It keeps within the middle bed, Anon it lifts aloft the head, And bears down all before it with im- petuous force. — Dryven. Bustle. Bustled about like so many ants | roused by the approach of a foe. — J. Hamppen Porter. Busy. Busy as a beaver. — ANON. Busy as a beehive attacked by a bear. — Inrp. Busy as a boy killing snakes. — Isr. Busy as a good wife at an oven. — Inp. Busy as a hen with one chick. — Ini. Busy as a humming bird with two tails. — IB. Busy as a one-armed paperhanger with the hives. — Inrp. Busy as a pigeon at a shooting match. — Isr. Busy as squirrels in a wheel. — Ipp. BUSY. — CALM. 41 Busy — continued. Busy as a ticking clock. — Anon. Busy as a hen with fifteen chickens in a barnyard.—J. R. Bartuert’s “ DICTIONARY OF AMERICANISMS.” Busy as a cross-eyed boy at a three- ring circus. — Rex Bracu. Busy as a child at play. — SamurL BurTLer. Busy as a cow’s tail in fly time. — J. Fenimore Cooper. Busy as the devil in a gale of wind. — Sir Joun Denuam. Busy as the day is long. — Lzan’s “COLLECTANEA.” Busie as a bee. — Lyty. Busy as the day. — Macautay. Calamity. Domestic calamity is like the minia- ture of a friend, which we wear in our bosoms, and keep for secret looks and solitary enjoyment. — Henry Mac- KENZIE. Callous. : Callous as Comus to moral babble. — ANON. Calm. Calm as the Judge of Truth. — AKENSIDE. Calm as a summer sea. — LOUISA M. Aucott. Calm as a convent. — ANoN. Calm as a cradled child in Dreamland slumber. — Inm. Calm as a June day. — Isp. Calm as a midnight sea. — Isp. Calm as a saint in Paradise. — Ip. Death . . . was busy as on a battle field. — SKELTON. As busy as bees in a glass hive. — JAMES SMITH. Busy as the brooks. — Tuorzav. Busy as horses in a field of clover. — Joan Wotcorr. Busy as a wren. — WoRDSWoRTH. Busy as the lightning. — Ini. Buzz. Buzzing like a fly. — Anon. Buzz in the ear like gnats. — ARLo Bates. Buzzed like the bees when they swarm. — Hoop. Buzz’d like bees Fretting and swarming in the linden- trees. — W. 8. Lanpor. Calm as a soft summer eve. — Inip. Calm as a virgin in her shroud.—Ipm. Calm as clam shells. — Ipip. Calm as the society column of a newspaper. — [srp. Calm as deep rivers.— R. D. Biack- MORE. Calm as BRonté. glass. — CHARLOTTE Features are as calm as marble. — JoHN BrouGHam. . Calm, as one who, safe in heaven, Shall tell a story of his lower life, Unmoved by shame or anger. —E. B. Brownine. Like the battle camp’s fearful calm, While the banners are spread, and the warriors arm. — Ipp. Calm as a babe new-born. — RoBERT BRowNING. 42 CALM Calm — continued. Calm as beauty. — RoBert Brown- ING. A calm as out of just-quelled noise. — Isp. Calm as Heaven’s serenest deeps. — * Wittiam ALLEN BUTLER. Calm as the fields of Heaven. — CAMPBELL. Calm as a field of. snow. — Buss CARMAN. Calm, unmoved as the very noon and centre of being. — Isin. Calm like that when storm is done. — Heten G. Cone. Calm as the gliding moon. — CoLz- RIDGE. Calm as a discharged culverin. — CoNGREVE. Calm as infant-love. — CRABBE. Calm as forgiven wits at the last hour. — Sir WituiaAM DAVENANT. Calm as an autumn night. — Lorp Dr TABLEY. Calm as Clapham. — DiIcKEns. Calm as a mirror. — DuMAs, PERE. Calm as a virgin who has never told a lie. — Inn. As calm as evening when caressed By twilight breezes from the west. —Sam WALTER Foss. Calm as a statue-saint. — Norman GALE. Calm as a lake in heaven. — W. S. GILBERT. Calm as the child who, smiling, hears The footsteps of advancing years. — Mrs. L. B. Hatt. Calmly, as to a night’s repose, like flowers at set of sun. — Frrz-GREENE HAtiecx. Calm as ice. — HawTHOoRNE. Calm as the patient planet’s gleam That walks the clouded skies. —O. W. Homes. Calm as a Mandarin. — RicHarp Hovey. ‘Calm as night. — Hueco. Calm as the solitude between wide stars. — JEAN INGELOW. Calm — as if she were always sitting for her portrait. — Henry JAMES. Calm as _ brooding E. C. Jones. Calm as a child in its soft slumber lying. — E. M. Ke.ty. Calmly, like a soul at rest. — Frances ANNE KEMBLE. Calm as a vestal. — WILLIAM Liv- INGSTON. Shone calm . . . like the moon in the midst of the night. — D.F. McCartay. Calm as the calm that follows duty. — Grorcre MacDona.p. Calm as the breast of the lake when the loud wind is laid. — James Mac- PHERSON. clouds. — Calm as a statue of Memnon in prostrate Egypt. — GrorcGE MEREDITH. A calmness like the calmness of a grave. — Owen MEREDITH. Calm as some lonely shepherd’s song. — Tuomas Moors. Calm as an angel from the blessed Jand. — Miss Mutock. Calm as a spent day of peace ideal. — Isp. Calm as a summer evening before the dark begins. — Ipm. Calm as under ground. — Isp. Calm as the smoothest waters. — DaNtEL O’CONNELL. Calm as the breast of a lake when the loud wind is laid. — Ossian. CALM. — CAPACIOUS. 43 Calm — continued. He is as calm as calm weather is wont to be. — PLautus. Calm like the sleep of a soul that is blest. —T. BucHanan Reap. Calm as Force. — D. G. Rossetrt. Calm as . . a deeply sheltered mountain lake. — Ruskin. Calm, as in the days when all was right. — SCHILLER. Calm as the clear evening after vernal rains. — JoHN Scott. Calm as virtue. — SHAKESPEARE. Calm as a cradled child in dreamless slumber bound. — SHELLEY. Calm as a slumbering babe. — Im. Calm as an angel in the dragon’s den. — Isp. Calm as death. — Inrp. Calm, radiant, like the phantom of the dawn. — Isr. Calm like duty. — SouTHEy. Calm as the blind who have not seen the light, The deaf who hear no precious voice. —E. C. SrepMan. A forehead calm as fate. — Ipm. Calm as a Quaker. — THACKERAY. Calm as that second summer which precedes the first fall of the snow. — Henry Tiron. Calm as at Creation’s dawn. — JoHN C. Van Dyxe. Calm as the sky after a day of storm. — VOLTAIRE. Calm as Neptune on the Halcyon seas. — Wituiam WALSH. Calm a conscience as ever blessed an anchorite. — Tuomas Watson. Serenely calm as summer evenings. —Isaac WarTTs. Calm as the hermit in his grot. — CuaRLES WESLEY. Calm as dawn. — Watt WuitMan. Calm as a child to slumber soothed, As if an Angel’s hand had smoothed The still, white features into rest. — WHITTIER. Calm as earliest morn. — Oscar WILDE. Calm and blessed .. . like a rich pearl beyond the diver’s ken. — N. P. Wiis. Calm as a frozen lake when ruthless winds Blow fiercely. — Worpsworta. Calm as the dew-drops. — Ism. Calm as lakes that sleep.— Ii. Calumniate. The calumniator is like the dragon that pursued a woman, but, not being able to overtake her, opened his mouth and threw a flood after her to drown her. — Epwarp Buiunt. Came. He came down the road like hell beating tanbark. — ANon. Came and went like the lighthouse gleam on a black night at sea. — Ros- ERT BUCHANAN. Came out of his shell like the aurelia out of the grub. — Wittiam Hazuirt. Came from all sides like conspirators from a wood in a tragedy. — Maurice HEWLETT. Came, like a ray from Heaven, that shines and disappears. — Joun Home. Candid. Candid as a dove is white. — Huco. Candid as mirrors. — Rosert G. INGERSOLL. Candid as THOMPSON. the skies. — FRANCIS Capacious. Capacious like the storehouse of the rains. — EMERSON. 44. CAPACIOUS. — CAROUSE. Capacious — continued. Capacious as the sky. James A. HILLHOUSE. Capacious as the mind of a boy. — Dona G. MITCHELL. Caper. Caper like a dancing master. — Tuomas Otway. Capers like a fly in a tar-box. — JoHN Ray’s “Hanppook or Proy- ERBS.” Capricious. Capricious as the vagrant wind. P. H. Hayne. Capricious, like the thinkings of a child. — Gzorcre MacDona.p. Capricious as a zephyr. — TuprER. Capture. Captured the eyes as a sharp cry secures attention. — JosepH CoNnRAD. Care. Care is like a husbandman who doth guard our treasures: And the while, all ways he can, spoils our harmless pleasures. Loving hearts and laughing brows, most he seeks to plunder, And each furrow that he ploughs turns the roses under. — Aticr Cary. Second-hand cares, like second-hand clothes, come easily, off and on. — DICKENS. As much care as pilots of ships avoid the rocks of the sea. — RABELAIS. As rust eats iron, so care eats the heart. — A. Ricarp. Careful. Careful as the chief eunuch is of the Grand Seignior’s favorite Sultana. — ANON. Careless. Carelessly as hurls the moth her wing Against the light wherein she dies. — Byron. Careless as the Salmon with its mil- lion young. — RicHarp Lr GALLIENNE. Careless as the wind. — WILLIAM J. Linton. Careless as a man in his first state. — E. V. Lucas. Careless as gods for who might live or die. — Wiit1AM Morris. Careless as the course of a meteor. — OssIAN. Careless as the young flower tossing on the summer breeze. — OvumDa,. Carelessly as the blossoming trees. — ALEXANDER SMITH. Careless as are the brooks, or birds that sing, Of any other song of brook or bird. —Joun T. TRowsripce. Careless . . . as Christians of their souls. — Francis H. WItirams. Careless as the child at play. — Wi1- | tram WINTER. Careless as if nothing were. — WoRDSWORTH. Caress. Caressed him like a lap dog. — ANon. Fast caressed, Like living things that joyed or feared. — Artuur Henry Hatuam. Caressing as a kiss. — Guy DE MAuvpPASSANT. She bent thy pallor to caress, as snow that toucheth snow. — GEorGE STERLING. Carnation. Carnation’d like a sleeping infant’s cheek. — Byron. Carol. Carol like a bird in spring. — Hoop. Carouse. Carouse together Like friends long lost. — SHAKESPEARE. CARRY. — CERTAIN. 45 Carry. Carries it as badly as a callow youth in wine. — ANON. Carve. Carved like an apple-tart Here’s snip, and nip, and cut, and slish, and slash, Like a censer in a barber’s shop. — SHAKESPEARE. Cast. Casting, like a sower afield. — ANon. Cast out of thy grave like an abomi- nable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain. — Ipip. Casual. Casually, like John Drew counting up the house. — Irvin S. Coss. Catch. Catching like fire in dry grass. — W. D. Howe tts. Catch at us, like strumpets. — SHAKESPEARE. Caught. Caught, like a bit of paper between the blades of a pair of shears. — ANON. Caught, like vipers, with a bit of red cloth. — R. B. SHERIDAN. Cautious. Cautious as a fox. — ANON. As cautious as a Scot. — Inn. Cautious as a good housekeeper. — Batzac. Cautious as a G. K. CHESTERTON. cragsman. — A vague caution, like that of a wild beast that is fierce but feeble — or like that of an insect whose little frag- ment of earth has given way, and made it pause in a palsy of distrust. — Grorce Enor. Cautious as a girl. — Arszne Hovs- | SAYE, As cautious as a burglar walking over a tin roof in cowhide boots. — WatL- LACE IRwIN. Cease. Ceased like an exquisite lyric That dies on the breast of night. — Don Marauis. Ceaselessly, Like delicate hands that are clapped in glee. —T. Bucuanan Reap. Celebrated. Celebrated as the sun. — Henrt Murcer. Celebrity. Emile Augier . carried his celebrity not as a mantle but as a flower in his button-hole. — Epmonpo De Amicis. Celerity. Celerity : like the motion of a bullet in the air, which flieth so swift as it outruns the eye. — Bacon. Censure. Censure is like the lightning which strikes the highest mountains. — BattasaR GRACIAN. Censorious . . . as a superannuated sinner. — WYCHERLEY. Central. One central mystery, as a darkness within a darkness. — Dr QUINCEY. Ceremony. = Ceremony keeps up all things: *Tis like a Penny-Glass to a rich Spirit, or some excellent water ; with- out it the Water were spilt, the Spirit lost. — JoHN SELDEN. Certain. As certain as that a brook must have banks. — ANon. As certain as that a squirrel will climb a tree. — Isip. As certain as that your shadow will follow you. — Inip. 46 CERTAIN, — CHANCE. Certain — continued. As certain as that the leaves will fall in autumn. — ANON. Certain as gold. — Is. Certain as that a crooked tree will have a crooked shadow. — Inip. Certain as that a person not guilty of his own death, shortens not his own | life. — Inrp. Certain as that light and heat come and go with the sun. — Izip. Certain as that no mill no meal. — Ipip. Certain as that plants and animals | grow and die. — Inip. Certain as that sticks burn away in the fire. — Isr. Certain as the movements of heav- enly bodies. — Inip. Certain as the multiplication table. — Isp. Certain as that the ocean is the meet- ing-place of all waters ; the skies, the meeting-place of all torches ; the ton- gue, of all tastes; the nose, of all smells ; the mind, of all precepts. — Inip. Certain as the rising of the morning sun. — Isr. Certain as that the Tweed runs from east to west. — Iprp. Certain as Christmas. — HAROLD BRIGHOUSE. Certainly, as evening empties morn- ing into night. — E. B. Browning. Certain as a gun. — SAMUEL BUTLER. As certain as a tail will follow a comet. — CARLYLE. Certain to make his way there as a gimlet is to go through soft deal. — DIckENs. A sound brain should always evolve the same fixed product with the cer- tainty of Babbage’s calculating ma- chine. — O. W. Hotmzs. As certainly as the thunder-crash follows the lightning. — LEVER. Certaine as wayes unto the blinde. — Ricuarp LovELAce. Certain as bodies moved with greater impulse, progress more rapidly than those moved with less. — VOLTAIRE. Certainly as day comes after day. — Wiiiiam Watson. Chagrin. His chagrin was like those newly invented furnaces which consume their own smoke. — Huco. Chambermaid. Chambermaids are like lotteries : you may draw twenty, ere one worth any- thing. — Sir Tuomas OverBury. Chance. About as much chance as a lamb in Mr. Armour’s slaughter house. — GEORGE ADE. No more chance than a hen has of hatching a codfish from a fried egg. — ANON. About as much chance as a man with a wooden leg in a forest fire. — GEORGE BROADHURST. About as much chance as a Ham- burg steak in front of a starving iron- moulder. — R. L. GoLpBERG. Good a chance to win as a man learn- ing to play poker on an ocean steamer. —O. Henry. _ As much chance as a dog with tallow legs chasing an asbestos cat in Hades. — Ersert Hussarp. No more chance than a one-legged man in a football game. — Inm. About as much chance as a fat June bug would have in the pathway of a road roller. — GRanTLAND RIcz. No more chance than a thaw in Zembla. — SypNEy SmitTu. CHANCE, — CHANGE. 47 Chance — continued. About as much chance as a prohibi- tion candidate in a Democratic ward. — New York Times. No more chance than a motorist’s word has against a policeman’s. — New York TRIBUNE. Change. Change as woman, wind and fortune. — ANON. Change, like Proteus. — Inrp. Change, like women’s thoughts and winter weather. — Imp. Changeable as the moons. — Im. Changeful as the ocean bar. — Isrp. Quickly changed as are the winds. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. As changeful as the lights which flick and flash from off the facets of the diamond. — HEATHER Bice. Changest, as the wind upon the wave. — Hues H. BrackEnRivce. Changes like the moonlit cloud. — Ricnarp H. Dana. Changeable as a woman’s whims. — Farquuar. Thy song is changeful as yon starry frame, End and beginning evermore the same. — GOETHE. Change. . . like unto the Camelion whiche upon every sondre hewe, that he behalt, he mote newe his colour. — JOHN GOWER. Changeful as a child. — Joun Imuau. Fortune changeth as the moon To caravel and picaroon. — Kip.ine. Changeful ... as are the waves before the breath of winds. — SigMUND Krasinski. Changeful as the neck of dove In colour. — WALTER SAvaGE Lanpbor. Changeful . . . as windwaved flame. — LowELt. Changes color as a maid at sight of sword and shield. — Macautay. In affection, as light and changeful as the gaudy fly which hastens to the rose with eager speed, and on its dam- ask leaves, with fond embrace, flutters her painted wings a little while, but lift she but her eyes, and the first thistle flower that catches them catches her fancy too, and thither speeds she. — WrLu1am J. Micke. But now a change came o’er my dream, Like the magic lantern’s shifting slider. — Toomas Moore. As changeful as the spring. — Lewis Morris. Changed like one who knows his time must be But short and bitter. Changeful as the lunar ray. — PE- TRARCH. — Isp. Like April, shemay wear a changeful face | Of storm and sunshine. — James PILerim. Changeful as a madman’s’ dream. ——Winturop M. Praep. Like leaves, as chance inclin’d, Those wills were chang’d with every wind. — MarTuew Prior. Changeable, like the sparrow, who stops not on one twig. — OsMANLI PROVERB. Like a chameleon, he changes.— In. Changed me like a_ glove. — C. G. Rossetti. Chang’d, like form in a dream. — Sm Watrter Scott. Changes as a guilty dream. — Isr. Ever changing, like a joyless eye That finds no objects worth its con- stancy. — SHELLEY. Change like the face of fortune. — SouTHEY. 48 CHANGE, — CHASTE. Change — continued. Changed as a cloud in the night.— SWINBURNE. Changeful as the sea. — Bayarp TAYLOR. Change like a weathercock. — Ros- ERT ToFTE. Changeful as a lover’s hope. — Frank WATERS. Changeful as the April sky. — Wi1- LIAM WINTER. Changeless. Changeless as truth. — Kats. Changeless as a ray of light. — Sarnt-PIERRE. Changeless as heaven. — WHITTIER. Character. Characterless as a china shepherdess. — ANON. Character, like porcelain ware, must be painted before it is glazed. There can be no change after it is burned in. — Henry Warp BrEcHer. A character is like an acrostic or Alexandrine stanza — read it forward, backward, or across, it spells the same thing. — Emrrson. Some characters are like some bodies in chemistry; very good, perhaps, in themselves, yet fly off and refuse the least conjunction with each other. — FuLKEe GREVILLE. Your character at present is like a per- son in a plethora, absolutely dying from too much health. — R. B. SHerman. Charitable. Charitable as a whole convent. — Pau. Bourcet. Charity. Charity is like molasses, sweet and cheap. — Anna Cuapin Ray. Charm. Charms Like new-mown meadows, when the grass exhales Sweet fragrance to the foot that tramples it. —D. A. ATTERBOM. Charm, like beauty’s goddess. — Eneuiso Bauwap. Sheds a charm, like to the fabled Cytherea’s zone, binding all things with beauty. — Byron. Charms, as resistless as the fascinat- ing Egyptian, for which Anthony wisely paid the bauble of the world. — C. C. Coron. Charms like gleams of opening Heav’n. — JoHN GILBERT CooPER. Charmed like an April rose. — W. H. Hotcomse. Charming as a god. — Orway. Chase. Chase each other over the wind, as vagrant high-sweeping clouds chase over the sky. — Donatp G. MitcHE.. Chase him as a tempest chases flame. — ORIENTAL PROVERB. Chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind. — Onn Testa- MENT. Chased away as a vision of the night. — Izip. Chased you, as bees do. — Iptp. Chasing like fire. — WaytTs-MEL- VILLE. Chaste. Chaste as marble. — ANon. Chaste as Minerva. — Isp. Chaste as the moon. — Inn. Chaste as ice. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Chaste as angels are. — APHRA Benn. Chaste as the thought of the maid on whose sight first shines the glow of love’s planet. — Louis James Buock. CHASTE. — CHATTER. 49 Chaste — continued. Chaste as Medicean Venus. — E. B. Brownine. As chaste as the silver-white beams of the moon. — JoHN GILBERT COOPER. Chaste as innocent white souls. — Joun Day. Chaste as Cynthia’s Taomas DEKKER. Chaste asa lily. — Jutia C. R. Dorr. Chaste as nudity. —Gzorce Du Maurier. Chaste as though bathed in breaking day. — Epcar Fawcett. breast. — Chaste as fate. — Joun Forp. Chaste as a veiled nun. —JosEPH HA... Chaste . . . as an unfleshed sword. — Hugo. Chaste . . . as the veil of a nun. — HENRY JAMES. Chaste as a chyld. — LancLanp. Chaste as th’ Arabian bird, who all the ayr denyes.— Ricuarp Love- LACE. Chaste as the air. — Ipip. Chaste as the pious rapture of the nun. — Grorce Mac-Henry. As chaste as was Penelope. — Mar- LOWE. *Chaste as snow. — THomas Moore. Chaste as the virgin, and the cold pure saint. — Lewis Morris. Chaste as light. — Joan PomMFret. Chaste as cold Cynthia’s virgin light. — Pops. Chaste as Diana. — SHAKESPEARE. Chaste as ice. — IBip. Chaste as is the bud ere it be blown. —Ism. Chaste as the icicle. — Inn. Chaste as unsunned snow. — Isp. Like faire Venus Chaste. — Sir Pure Sipney. Chaste as purest vestals. — THEo- BALD. Like an unlighted taper, was cold and chaste. — Cyrit ToURNEUR. Chaste . . . as April’s mildest tear. — Henry Vaucuan. Chaste as morning dew. — Epwarp Youna. Chaste as the morning. — Isr. Chastity. Winter, like a cold, unapproachable beauty, retains her character until the lawful season of thaw has arrived. — Ivan GoncHAROV. Chastity, like piety, is a uniform grace. — RICHARDSON. Chatter. Chattering like a flock of daws. — ANON. Our teeth are all achatter like the clinking castanets. — ASHBY-STERRY. Chatters like a BRowninc. Chatter like Lewis CARROLL. Teeth chattering like a Morse sounder. — Irvin Coss. Chatter... Like silly school-girls in their silliest mood. — Jean INcELow. jay. — Rosert bone castanets. — Chatter like a mob of sparrows. — J. K. Jerome. A constant chatter, like a magpie in the trees. — W. S. McFetrmce. Chattering like magpies. —C. G. Rossetti. Chatter like sick flies. —SWINBURNE. Like a crane or a swallow, so did I chatter. — OL_p TESTAMENT. Hear him chatter, like a taught star- ling. — Jonn WEBSTER. 50 CHEAP, — CHEEK. Cheap. Cheap as dirt. — ANON. Cheap as dog’s meat. — Ini. As cheap as pearls are costly. — Rosert BRownine. Cheap as sunshine. — Hoop. Cheap as the withered refuse of a blind-alley stall. — James Cheap as lies) — SHAKESPEARE. Cheap as stinking mackerel. —Ism. Cheap as neck-beef. — SwiFt. Cheap as old clothes. —Horacz WALPOLE. Cheat. Cheat like onie unhang’d blackguard. — Burns. Checked. Checked its hand Like Alpine cataracts frozen as they leaped. — Emerson. Checked like a bondman. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Cheek. Cheeks as brown as oak leaves. — ANON. Cheek as the blood of the dragon bright. — Arabian NIGuHTs. The down on his cheeks dispread like myrtles springing from the heart of a bright red rose. — Isrp. Cheeks like blood-red anemones. — Isp. John Bull looked ruddy and plump, with a pair of cheeks like a trumpeter. —Joun ARBUTHNOT. Upon her tender cheek the mingled dye is scattered, of the lily and the rose. — ARIOSTO. Cheeks, like men who live, and draw the vital air. — Marraew ARNOLD. The blood within her crystal cheekes did such a colour drive, As though the lillye and the rose for mastership did strive. : — Eneuisa Bauiap. Her cheeks like living roses glow. — ScottisH BaLLap. Cheeks as soft as July peaches. — W. C. BENNETT. Her bright cheek, as soft and pure in its bloom as a wild rose. — Emity BRONTE. Cheeks full and swollen, like a ploughboy’s. — BuLwER-LyTTon. Her cheek like the spray o’ th’ sea. — Auice Cary. Cheeks as brown as sun could kiss them. — Inm. Her cheeks are like the blushing cloud that beautifies Aurora’s face. — H. CoNnsTaBLe. There’s a mantling flush that dwells in his cheeks, Like a roseleaf thrown on the snow. — E1iza Coox. With a cheek like a burning rose. — Barry CORNWALL. Like a rose set in snow was the bloom on her cheek. —JOHN CRAWFORD. * Her glowing cheeks like youthful Hebe’s fair. — Joun CUNNINGHAM. A blooming pair of vermeil cheeks, like Hebe’s in her ruddiest hours. — GrorGE DARLEY: Your cheeks of late are like bad printed books, So dimly charactered, I scarce can spell : One line of love in them. — Tuomas DEKKER. Her cheeks were like the roses red. — MicwareLt Drayton. The frighted blood Searce yet recalled to her pale cheeks, Like the first streaks of light broke loose from darkness, And dawning into blushes. DryDEN. Cheeks pearly as those of Pallas of Virgil. — Dumas, PERE. CHEEK, Cheek — continued. A cheek like an apple-blossom. — GrorGE Exror. Lovely her cheeks were, like berries red. — ANCIENT ERSE. Her cheeks are as red as the rose’s sheen. — Str SAMUEL FERGUSON. His cheek is like the rose of spring. — Firpavst. Cheek crimsoned like the bloom of the pomegranate. — Ism. Her cheeks, as snowy apples sopt in wines. — GILES FLETCHER. Cheeks are as round and as red as'a cherry. — Davip Garrick. That human, humorous mouth ; those cheeks [ Lincoln’s] that hold Like some harsh landscape all the summer’s gold. — Ricnarp Watson GILDER. Cheeks like the rose on a bed of snow. — A. P. GRAVES. A cheek wherein for interchange of hue A wrangling strife ’twixt lily and the rose. — Rosert GREENE. Her cheeks, like rose and lily yield forth gleams. — Isip. Her cheeks like ripened lilies steeped in wine, Or fair pomegranate kernels washed in milk, Or snow-white threads in nests of crimson silk, Or gorgeous clouds upon the sun’s decline. — Isp. Cheeks that shamed the rose. — JoHN: HARRINGTON. Cheeks like creame enclairited. — Rosert HErRRIck. Cheeks like roses when they blow.— Izrp. Cheeks as ripe as apples. — LricH Hunt. 51 Her cheeks like winter apples red of hue. — Jean INGELow. Cheeks as pink as a seashell.— , Mary JouHNsTon. Cheeks for all the world like a rose- berry ice upon a ground of custard. — Hueu KEtty. Her cheek was as a rainbow, it so changed, As each emotion o’er its surface ranged. — Miss Lanpon. Her cheeks are like the blushing cloud, That beautifies Aurora’s face; Or like the silver crimson shroud, That Phoebus’ smiling looks doth grace. — Tuomas Loner. Cheeks like the dawn of day. — LoNGFELLOW. ; Your cheeks are roses fair yet pink. —CatTuLtte Menpis. Cheek was wan as clay. — WILLIAM J. Micke. Her cheek was as white and cold as clay. — Wintorop M. Praep. Cheeks like peaches. — Francis 8. SALTUS. Cheeks like Punic apples are. — GEORGE SANDYS. The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars, As daylight doth a lamp. — SHAKESPEARE. Had wet their cheeks, like trees be- dashed with rain. — Iprp. Her cheekes lyke apples which the sun hath rudded. — SPENSER. His cheeks are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers. — OLD TESTAMENT. His cheeks, as roses red, as lilies fair. — Wiiuam THomson. Her cheeks are as the fading stain Where the peach reddens to the south. — Oscar WILDE. Her cheek was like the moist heart of a rose. — N. P. WILus. 52 Cheek — continued. Cheeks were red as ruddy clover. — Worpsworta. Cheeky. As cheeky as a young bantam cock.— ScottisH PRrovers. Cheer. Cheered her soul like dew a dusty flower. — Paut Laurence Dunzar. Great cheare, like one unto a ban- quit bid. — EpmMuNpD SPENSER. Cheerful. Cheerful as the birds. — ANon. Cheerful as a mute at a funeral. — Ipip. Cheerful as the lively morn. — JoHN ARMSTRONG. As cheerful . COLERIDGE. Cheerful as the day. — CowPEr. . - ag singing lark. — Cheerful as the summer’s morn. — JoHn CUNNINGHAM. Cheerful as the day was long. — DIcKENs. Cheerful as a prince. — Mrs. Gas- KELL. Cheered . . . like the bright eye of a friend. — James HeppErwiIck. Cheerfulness is like money well expended in charity; the more we dispense of it, the greater our possession. — Hueco. Cheerful, as one who knows that he is redeemed. — KINGSLEY. Cheering as a suburban London Sunday’s promenade. — GEORGE Merepirtu. Cheerful and yet profound like an October afternoon. — NieTzscuE. Cheerfulness opens, like spring, all the blossoms of the inward man. — J. P. Ricurer. CHEEK. — CHILDREN. Cheerful . . . as the green winter -of the holly-tree. — SouTHEY. Cheering as the hymn of “Hark from the Tombs.” — THomas Watson. As cheerful as a grove in Spring. — WorDSWORTH. Cheerless. Cheerless as the grave. — Eviza Coox. Cheery. Cheery as a June day in Georgia. — ANON. Cheery as a sunbeam. — Izip. As cheery as young day. — TYRonE Power. Chide. Chide as loud As thunder. — SHAKESPEARE. Children. Thou art not dead ; not even though thou didst die, for children are to the de- ceased reputation preserving ; and like corks they buoy up the net, upholding the twist of the flaxen cord from the deep. — AiscHYLUS. Children. . . Like bells rung backwards, Nothing but noise and giddiness. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Children are like grown people ; the experience of others is never of any use to them. — DavupEt. It is the case with children as with plants, that their future character is indicated by their early dispositions. — DEmorHILus. Children are like beggars ; coming without being W. S. Downey. Childhood shows the man, as the morning shows the day. — Mitton. often called. — Children are never too tender to be whipped; like tough beef-steaks, the more you beat them the more tender they become. — Por. CHILDREN. — CHUCKLE, Children — continued. The smallest children are nearest to God, as the smallest planets are near- est the sun. — J. P. Ricurer. Childhood is like a mirror, which reflects in after life the images first presented to it. —Samuren SMILEs. Chill. Chill as death. — Anon. Chill as ice. — Matuitpe Brinn. Chill me like dew damps of the unwholesome night. — CoLERGE. Chilly as a bottle of port in a hard frost. — GEoRGE COLMAN. THE YOUNGER. Chilly as a tomb. — Hoop. Chilly as a dripping well. — Keats. Chill as the scent of a new-made grave. — KINGSLEY. As chill and as green as the sea. — KipLine. Grew chill as an arctic landscape. — Jack Lonpon. Chill as aconite. — Grorce MERE- DITH. Chill as a dull face frowning on a song. — Ipip. Chill as the Gryxabodill. — JamEs Waitcoms RILeEy. Chime. Death and Time, they chime and chime, like bells-at sunset falling. — Wituiam E. HEeNtey. We chime, Like two soft lines when coupled into rhyme. — CHRISTOPHER Pitt. Chimes, like silver hammers falling on silver anvils. — TENNYSON. Chimerical. Chimerical as the existence of the Brobdingnags or the Yahoos. — ANon. 53 Chimerical as stone. — VOLTAIRE. the philosopher’s Chirping. Chirping like a cricket. — ANon. Chirping like a gay Cicala in a sunny bower. — J. S. Buackre. Chirp .. . like new-fledged linnet. — Austin Doxson. Chirping as chirp the birds beneath the eaves. — Hugo. Chirping, like the dry High-elbow’d grigs that leap in sum- mer grass. — TENNYSON. Choleric. Choleric as fire. — CHARLES READE. % He who makes use of a Chorus in Tragedy seems to me to do like a Physitian, who, prescribing a Dose for the evacuation of Peccant Humors, should afterwards order Restringents to be taken in the midst of its kind Operation. — Joun Dennis. Chorus. Christianity. Christianity is like the neutrality of Belgium, which is guaranteed by all the nations and inviolate in times of peace, but which must not be allowed to stand in the way of the interests of a people on the road to great things. — SIMEON STRUNSKY. Chubby. Chubby as a cherub.— ANon. Chubby as the Diana of Jordaens. — ARsENE HovussAYE. Chuckle. Chuckles, like the opening of a bottle of some effervescent beverage. — DICKENS. Chuckling like a setting hen. — Hueco. 54 Cigar. A cigar is like a wife ! Put it up to your lips, and light it ; When you’ve learned to do it right, it Adds a certain zest to life. Mind you keep on puffing it, Or it’s out, and can’t be lit. Ah, the aroma ! Ah, the glow ! Will I have one ? Thank you, No. — ALEISTER CROWLEY. Circle. Circular like Plato’s year. — ALEX- ANDER BROME. Circle, like a bear at stake. — Sam- UEL BUTLER. Circling like a gin-horse. — CARLYLE. Circled . . . like flight of doves. — Grorce MEREDITH. Circling like an eddy. — L. Moors. Circles around it, like the clouds that swim Round -the high moon in a bright sea of air. — SHELLEY. ; Circles round, Like the soft waving wings of noonday dreams. — Isp. Circulate. Circulate like oil. — BEN JONSON. Circumstances. Happy circumstances in life are like certain groups of trees. Seen from the distance they look very well; but go up to them and among them, and the beauty vanishes; you don’t know where it can be; it is only trees you see. And so it is that we often envy the lot of others. — ScHoPENHAUER. City. Cities, like forests, have their dens in which hide all their vilest and most dangerous monsters. — Hugo. CIGAR. —— CLAMOR. I love the city as dearly as a brown thrasher loves the green tree sheltering its young. — CHARLES MATHEws. Civilization. Civilization is like a soldier’s stock ; it makes you carry your head a good ‘deal higher, makes angels weep a little more at your fantastic tricks, and half suffocates you the while. — Vot- TAIRE. Clairvoyant. Clairvoyant as the ANON. X-Ray. — Clambering. Clamb’ring, like a runaway lunatic. —— COLERIDGE. Clammy. Clammy as death. —OwEn Mere- DITH. Clamor. As clamorous as Hecuba. — RoBERT Burton. As when two vultures on the moun- tain’s height Stoop with resounding pinions to the fight; They cuff, they tear, they raise a screaming cry; The desert echoes, and the rocks reply : The warriors thus oppos’d in arms, engage With equal clamours, and with equal rage. — Homer (Pore). Clamored . . . as though a besieging foe was in the house. — Doucias JERROLD. Clamouring like a brazen bell. — GrorcE MEREDITH. Clamorous . — Pinpar. . . like croaking daws. Clamorous like mill-waters, at wild play. — D. G. Rosser. More clamorous than a parrot against rain. — SHAKESPEARE. CLAMOR. — CLEAN. Clam or — continued. Clamorous like as wave to wave at sea. — SWINBURNE. Clamorous as a horn Re-echoed by a naked rock. — Worpswortu. Clang. - Clash and clang like glaives at... Stiklastad. — Witt1am ARCHER. Clanging like a gong. — Hoop. Clanging like a smithy-shop. — Kip iine. Clapped. Clapped his hands like the clapping of wings. — Hugo. Clash. Clashing in a frenzy as of a re- sounding battle. — Pau. Bourcet. Clasp. Clasp like ivy. — Donne. Clasp’d like a missal where swart Paynims pray. — Kuarts. Clasped her like a lover. — Trenny- SON. Clasped like some strange book of sorcery. — G. S. VIERECK. Classic. A good classic is as full of ancient myths, as that of a servant-girl of ghost stories. — HERBERT SPENCER. Clatter. Clatter like a churn-dasher dabbling in buttermilk. — O. Henry. Clatter like armor. — RaBELAIs. Clatter like a loose casement in the wind, — Worpswortu. Claw. Clawed like a parrot. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Clean. Clean as a die. — ANON. Clean as a Dutch oven. — Isr. 55 Clean as a new pin. — Ipip. Clean as a pebble. — Inrp. Clean as crystal. — Isr. Clean as light. — Ipip. Cleaner than our sister the water. — Is. Clean as virgin silver. — ARABIAN Nicuts. Clean as sifted corn. — ARISTOPH- ANES. As clean as a Flemish interior. — Bawzac. Clean. as a maiden’s honor. — BJORNSTJERNE BJORNSON. Clean as a whistle. — Joun Byrom. Clean as a [new] penny. —JoHN Gay. Clean as a beaver. — Bret Harte. Clean as a maid from guile and fleshy sin. — R. S. Hawker. Clean, As if o’erwashed with Hippocrene. —Rosert Herrick. Clean as running water in a cress- | fringed brook. — Epwin Lerprreen. Clean as a red-hot poker. — GEORGE MEREDITH. Clean as the bright from the black. — Isp. His work .is as clean as silver lace. — OsMANLI PROVERB. As clean as a leek. — ScorrisH PROVERB. Clean as a rose is after rain. — JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY. Clean as a hound’s tooth. — THEo- DORE ROOSEVELT. Clean as a sound sheep’s heart.— SHAKESPEARE. Clean as a sponge wipes a chalk problem from a _ blackboard. — J. Russe.L Situ. 56 CLEAN. — CLEAR. Clean — continued. Clean of cloud As though day’s heart were proud And heaven’s were glad. — SWINBURNE. Clean as blood of babes. -TENNYSON. Clean as the carving knife chops the carrot. — THACKERAY. Clear. Clear as a midsummer sky. — Franxiin P. Apams. Clear as a cube of solid sunshine. — ANON. Clear as a die. — Ini. About as clear as a misty morning on the Thames. — Isp. Clear as daylight. — Inm. Traced as clearly as currents upon a marble chart. — Inn. A voice as clear as forest bird. — Ipip. Clear as mountain stream. — Inn. Clear as paint. — Inm. Clear as the notes of a cavalry bugle. — Isr. Clear as the skin of a child. — Im. Clear as pearls and diaphanous gems. — ARABIAN NIGHTS. Clear as day. — RoBert ARMIN. Clear at one glance, as two drops of rain in air might look into each other had they life. — P. J. Baruey. Clear, cold, and icy-blue, like a sea eagle’s eye. — Inn. Clear was her look, Like an open book. — Wituram F. Barnarp. Clear as the skylark’s earliest greet- ing in the morning of the year. — H. H. Bovesen. Clear as heaven’s stars. —JAMES BEATTIE. Her mind, as cleare as aire.— Francis BEAUMONT. Clear as the challenge ov a perlice officer. — JosH BILuines. Clear as virtue. —S. Laman Buan- CHARD. Clear, as God sees through the earth. —E. B. Brownine. Clear as flint. — RoBERT BRownING. Clear as noon. — ini. Clear as a commonplace. — But- WER-LYTTON. His projects are clear to my eyes; clear as if he dwelt in glass. —~ Isip. Clear as if no dirt had been cast thereat. — BuNYAN. As clear and as manifest as the nose on a man’s face. — RoBERT BurTON. Clear as a whistle. —Joun Byrom. Clear as a bell. — CHaucer. Clear as lake. — CoLERIDGE. Clear as the morning. — Inn. Clear as Spring. — Taomas Davis. Clear as the note of doom. — Lorp De TaBLey. Cleared like a doubtful morning when it gives place to a bright noon. — DIcKENs. Clear as stars in frosty night. — Witu1amM Dunsar. His eye is as clear as the heavens. — EMERSON. Clear as the conscious moon. — JAMES GRAEME. Clear as HamMi.ton. noonday. — ANTHONY Clear as the pure River of Life shown to the Evangelist. — Tuomas Harpy. Clear as the mid-day sunshine. — HAWTHORNE. Clear as the water in trout pools. — O. Henry. CLEAR. 57 Clear — continued. Clear . . . as spring water in the high rocks. — Mavuricr HEWtett. Loving eyes that gleam Clear as a starlit mountain stream. —O. W. Hotes. Clear as the glisten of dew on the brier. — Ricuarp Hovey. As clear as rock-water. — JAMES Howe Lt. Clear as if an angel had washed it. — Hugo. Clear like crystal beams. — ALEx- ANDER HuME. Clear as the flame of sacrifice. — JEAN INGELOW. Clear as infant’s eyes. — Kzats. Clear as summer-lightning flare. — Kirtine. Ran clear as the light of heaven ere autumn closed. — W. S. Lanpor. Clear as the finest porcelain. — Ricwarp Le GALLIENNE. Clear as running waters are. — LoNnGFELLOw. Clear as a race course. — GEORGE MEREDITH. Clear as widowed sky. — Isp. As clear as the classics. — DoNALD G. MircHELL. Clear as the blue, sublime, o’er- arching sky. — JamMES MonTGOMERY. Clear Moore. Clear as the rosy dawn. — Henry Mortey. as. well water. — GEORGE The Spirit spake, clear as in Israel. — J. H. NEwMAN. Thoughts as clear as limpid springs. — ORIENTAL. Clear as glass. — Ovip. Clear, like the mysteries of divine science in the bosom of the pious. — PIbpay. As clear as strains by sun-kissed Memnon given.— Mary ELizaBeTu PowELL. Clear as a brook’s chuckle to the ear. —JamES Wuitcoms RILEY. Clear as the Autumn atmosphere. — Isp. As clear as the twitter of birds. — Ipip. Light as clear as that which fills eternity. — A. J. Ryan. As purely clear As crystal drops on vernal grasses. — Marcaret E. SANGSTER. Clear as a mirror. — SCHILLER. Clear As morning roses newly washed with dew. — SHAKESPEARE. Clear as is the summer’s sun. — In. Clear As yonder Venus in her glimmering sphere. — Inrp. Countenance as clear as friendship wears at feasts. — Inip. Clear as founts in July. — Isp. As clear as when a veil of light is drawn o’er evening hills. — SHELLEY. Cleare as the skye withouten blame or blot. — SPENSER. Clear and fair as sunlight and the flowerful air. — SWINBURNE. Clear as a child’s own laughter. — Ip. Clear as heaven of the toils of time. — Isp. As clear as love. — Ibn. Clear as mirth. — Isp. Clear as night beholds her crowning seven. — Isp. 58 CLEAR. — CLIMBS. Clear — continued. Clear as righteousness.—S WINBURNE. Soul as clear as sunlit dew. — Ipm. Clear as the closest seen and kindly star That marries morn and even and winter and spring with one love’s golden ring. — Isr. Clear as the cloudless hour. — Inip. Clear as the flame from the pyres of the dead. —Isrp. Clear as the plume of a bright black } bird. — Inm. Clear as the tocsin from the steeple. — Isp. Clear as thy song’s words or the live sun’s light. — Inn. Clear, as ever fell from angel’s tongue. — PauLus SyLLoeus. Clear as the blast of horn. — Bayarp TAYLOR. Clear as wind. — TENNYSON. Clear as crystal.— New Trsta- MENT. Clear as the sun. —Onp Testa- MENT. Clear as a silver bell. — Vance THOMPSON. Clear as heaven’s unclouded brow. — Henry VAUGHAN. Singers, that troll clear as bells of gold. — Francois VILLON. Clearly as two and two makes four. — VOLTAIRE. Clear as the crystal brooks. — Izaak WALTON. Words clear as the sun in its merid- ian brightness. —Grorce WASsHING- TON. Clear as diamonds. — THroporE Watts-DuNTON. Clear as the unsoil’d mountain-rill. — WHITTIER. Clear as the crystal flood. — Etta WHEELER WILCOX. Clear as the profiles of goddesses. — C. N. anp A. M. WILLIAMSON. A mirror, clear as ’twere a door of air. — N. P. Wizus. Clear as the crystal brooks or the pure azur’d heaven.—Sir Henry Wotton. Clear as daylight. —IsrarL Zanc- WILL. Cleave. Cleave to you as a soul to its free- dom cleaves. — Biiss CARMAN. Cleaving it like a ploughshare. — DuUMAS, PERE. Cleave to me like the skin to my flesh. —Joun WESLEY. Clench. His heart clenched the idea as a diver grasps a gem. — BEACONSFIELD. Cleft. Cleft like a narrow harvest swath, O’ernodded by the plumes of wheat. — Cuaries L. Moors. Cleft, as wax before the fire, and as the waters that are poured down a steep place. —OLp TESTAMENT. Clever. Clever as paint. — ANon. Clever as sin. — KipLina. Clever as Chat-Noir impromptu. — Amy LeEsiiz. Click. Clicked like a spring lock. — Anon. Climax. Climax like a breaking wave. — Miss Mutock. Climbs. She climbs her family tree like a squirrel. — Paut Kester. CLING. — CLOG. 59 Cling. Cling around the soul, as the sky clings round the mute earth forever beautiful. — Anon. : Clinging . . . as ivy clings about an oak ; as tuft-hunters with buzz and purr about a_ fellow-commoner. — Isp. Cling like a forlorn hope. — Inm. Clinging like a wet towel to a nail. — Isp. Cling like moss to a damp wall. — Ini. Clung .. . like a damp dish-cloth around a stove pipe. — Ipm. Clung like a drowning man. — Isp. Clings like the wicked stench of the harlot’s room. — Joun ANTROBUS. Clung like a beast’s hide to his flesh- less bones. — Epwin ARNOLD. Clung to the merry music of her words, like a bird on a bough, high swaying in the wind. — P. J. BarLey. Clings fast as the clinging vine. — E. B. BRowninc. Clings like an octopus. — RoBERT BROWNING. Clinging . . . as friend with friend, or husband with wife, Makes hand in hand the passage of life. — Wituram Cutten Bryant. Cling like H. C. Bunner. Cling like Ivy. — Rospert Burton. Death’s embrace. — Clung like a cuirass to his breast. — Byron. Clinging like a faint odor. — HENRY A. CLapp. Cling to the memory as tenaciously as the fragrance of lavender clings to glove or lace. — Isr. Clung to the soil like Caliban. — DICKENS. Cling to the old house as barnacles to a wrecked and stranded vessel. — Sir A. Conan Doyte. Clinging . . . like pigeons on a roof- slope. — THomas Harpy. Clung ... like ivy to a tree. — Maurice Hew tert. Cling ... like the spokes of a wheel. — O. W. Hotmgs. Clings. . . like the weed in the face of the cliff. — Hoop. Clings cruelly to us, like the gnawing sloth ; On the deer’s tender haunches. — Krarts. Cling like the sloth. — Kipiina. Clings about thee close, like moss to stones. — WALTER S. Lanpor. Cling, like bees about a flower’s wine- cup. — GrRaLD Massey. ; Cling Like flies to the sheer precipice. — Lewis Morris. Clung like a spectral snow. — JoHN G. N&IHARDT. Clung . . . like magnet to steel. — T. Bucwanan Reap. Clung like drowning men beneath the wave. — Bayarp TayYLor. Clung Like serpent eggs together. — TENNYSON. Her kisses burn where they close and cling Like pain of longing or fire of hell. —G. S. Virereck. Clinging like sentry to his post. — VIRGIL. Clings. . . like pitch. — Inrb. _Cling, as clings the tufted moss, To bear the winter’s lightning chills. — WSITTIER. Clog. Clogged like honey. — R. D. BLack- MORE. 60 CLOG. — CLOUD. Clog. — continued. Clogged like a dripping pan. — Tuomas Harpy. Close. Close as clapboards on a house. — ANON. Close as one second is to another. — Ism. Close as heat to fire. — Inrp. Close as lovers sitting upon the sofa. —Isn. Close as Noah in the ark. — Inrp. Close-mouthed as a clam. — Iprp. Close as a cockle. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Close as wax. — Inn. Close as brother leans to brother When they press beneath the eyes Of some father praying blessings From the gifts of paradise. —E. B. Brownie. Fitting as close as fits the dented spine Its flexible ivory outside-flesh. — Ropert Brownina. Close as an BurTON. oyster. — RoBErt Close as the finger nail and the quick. — Hue Cuirrorp. Close as a new cut yew-hedge. — Grorce COLMAN, THE ELDER. Close as your jacket. — GrorcE COLMAN, THE YOUNGER. Close as a pill-box. — Inp. Close as a nut. — Grorcr Enior. Close as hand and glove. — “ Founp- Ling Hosprrat ror Wit, 1743.” , Close as night.—THomas Hey- woop. Close as thorn is to the rose. — Rosert Luoyn. I will sticke as close to thee, as the soale doth to the shoe. — Lyzy. Hide closer than Rachel did her father’s images. — JAMES Puck.e. Close as oak and ivy stand. — C. G. Rosser. Close as the young wheat. —D. G. Rosserm. Stick closer than a bump on your head. — Austin STRONG. Close as a jail. — THomas TussEr. Close as a lover in his hour of bliss. —N. P. W111. Close as a fleain a blanket. — “ Yea AND Nay ALMANACK, ” 1680. Closed. Closed as a shrine. — ANON. Then saw in death his eyelids close Calmly, as to a night’s repose, Like flowers at set of sun. — Firz-Greene Haweck. ? Closed his eyes, like a priest who at , evening service closes the gold taber- nacle after Benediction. — Guy DE Maupassant... Closed over their trail as the waves of the ocean close in the wake of a ship. — THEODORE RooseEvELrt. Crept to the gate, and open’d it, and closed, As lightly as a sick man’s chamber- door. — TENNYSON. Clothes. ~ A simple fellow in gay clothes is like a cinnamon-tree, the bark is of more value than the body. — ANon. He wears his Clotths like a Hide, and shifts them no oftener than a Beast does his Hair. —Samuret Buruer. Cloud. Cloudless as eternity. — ANON. The hooded clouds, like friars, Tell their beads in drops of rain. — LoNGFELLOW. CLOVE. — COLD, 61 Clove. Clove as Ruth unto Naomi. — Anon. Clove as a ploughshare cleaves the field. — SwINBURNE. Cloyed. Cloyed like a quenched and satisfied lust. — ANon. Clumsy. Clumsy as a bear. — ANON. Clumsy as a June-bug.— Ismp. Clumsy as the antics of a leviathan. — Isp. Clumsy as a vine-press. — CHARLES READE. Cluster. Clustering like bees around their commander. — ARISTOTLE. : Clustering like bee-hives on the low flat strand of Oxus. — Marraew ARNOLD. Clutch. Your clutch is like the grasping of a wave. — T. L. Beppors. Clutches . .. like as a cog-wheel seizes whatever comes too near the machine. — ALEXANDER KIELLAND. Coarse. Coarse as fustian. — ANON. Coarse as hemp. — Izin. Coarse in grain as the bark of an oak. — DICKENS. Coiled. Coiled like a snake. — W. S. Biunt. Cold. Cold as loveless duty done. — Mary Louisa ANDERSON. Cold as a dog’s nose. — ANON. Cold as a frog. — Inrp. Cold as a hot-water bag in the morn- ing. — Ip. Cold as an enthusiastic New England audience. — Is. Cold as a ramrod. — Ini. Cold as a tomb. — Inm. Cold as Greenland’s icy mountains. — Isp. Cold as charity. — Ini. Cold as iron. — Inm. Cold as the heart of a courtesan. — Ii. Cold as the grave. — MatTrHEw ARNOLD. Icy cold as a crypt. — Bauzac. Tears as cold as the stones on which sorrowing hearts had caused to be carved their regrets. — Im. Cold as the north side of a January gravestone by moonlight.—J. R. Bartietr’s “ Dictionary or AMERI- CANISMS.”” As cold as cucumbers. — BEAuMoNT AND FLETCHER. Cold ... Asa young nun the day she is envested. — Apura Bran. Cold like a corpse. — CHARLOTTE Bronte. Cold . . . as graveyard stones from which the lichen’s scraped. — E. B. Brownine. Cold as the rocks on Torneo’s hoary brow. — CAMPBELL. As colde as eny froste. — CHAUCER. Colde as ston. — Ini. Cold as the ice on northern sea. —- Exta D. Crymer. Cold as clay. — CoLERIDGE. Cold as a turtle. — Ricwarp Cum- BERLAND. Cauld as the drifting snow. — ALLAN CUNNINGHAM. Cauld as the marble stone. — Ini. Cold as the clod. — Ausruy T. DE VERE. Cold as one who waits for burial mould. —Juia C. R. Dorr. 62 COLD, — COLLAPSE. Cold. — continued. Cold as a leaf long pillowed on a stone. — Antuur D. Fiske. Cold as the coiling water-snake. — O. W. Hoimzgs. Cold, just like a summer grate. — Hoop. Cold as salt. — James HuneKER. Cold as the mountain stream. — Mrs. Ineuis. Cold as a bubbling well. — Keats. Cold as a skeleton. — Amy Lzsiiz. Cold as the breath of winds that blow To silver shot descending snow. — Ricwarp LoveELAce. As cold as an earthworm. — Mau- RICE MAETERLINCK. Cold as the night-dews on the world. — GeRALpD Massey. Cold as a fireless hearth. — Inm. Cold as a fish. — Gzrorce MERE- DITH. Cold as a mountain in its star- pitched tent. — Isp. Cold as Death’s chill hand. — Wi1- uiaM J. MIcKLE. Cold as the snows of Rhodope. — Hannau More. Cold as a- dead maid’s cheek. — Miss Mutock. Cold as the Cloyster’d Nun. — “Tur Muses Recreation,” 1656. Cold as marble. — Perrarcn. Cold as Diana’s Crescent. — JANE Porter. Cold as the world’s Cuartes Reape. Cold as when death’s foot shall pass. — D. G. Rossertt. heart, — Cold as a dead man’s nose. — SHAKESPEARE. Cold as a snowball. — In. My belly is as cold as if I had swal- lowed snowballs for pills to cool the reins. — IBr. Cold as dew to drooping leaves. — SHELLEY. Cold, like a frozen chaos. — Ipm. Cold as blight of dew. —Swin- BURNE. Cold as. . Cold as the cast-off garb that is cold as clay. — Isr. . dawn. — Ipip. Grew cold as a winter wave In the wind from a wide-mouthed grave, As a gulf wide open to swallow The light that the world held dear. ; — Isp. Cold as fears. — Inip. Cold as rains in autumn. — Isp. Cold as winter’s sky. —J. A. Sy- MONDS. Cold as the moon. — Joun B. TABB. As the night-mists ... cold.— ‘Bayarp TAYLOR. Cold, like a star. — Wittiam Wart- SON. Cold as the rank and wasting weeds, which lie in the pool’s dark bed. — WHITTIER. Collapse. Collapsed like a house of cards. — ANon. Collapse, like the Apostle in the pictures of the Conversion of St. Paul. — Witut1am De Morean. Like a dissolving palace of snow, it collapses. — Dr QuincEy. Collapse like the cheeks of a starved man. — DIcKENs. Collapses like a pricked bladder. — G. B. SHaw. COLOR. — COMMENTS. 63 Color. Colorless as a statue. — BULWER- LyTron. Colorless as an etching. — Jonn DENNIS. Colorless as lead. — Joun Ruskin. Coloured as the moon. — Swin- BURNE. Colorless as equal quantity of air. — Henry D. Tuorzav. Colossal. Colossal as the face of Big Ben. — ANON. Come. Where the dreams come in from the Tush and the din Like sheep from the rains and the thunder. —W. S. BRaIrHwaITeE. As the birds come in the Spring, We know not from where; As the stars come at evening From depths of the air; As the rain comes from the cloud, And the brook from the ground; As suddenly, low or loud, Out of silence a sound ; As the grape comes to the vine, The fruit to the tree; As the wind comes to the pine, And the tide to the sea; As come the white sails of ships O’er the ocean’s verge; As comes the smile to the lips, The foam to the surge; So come to the Poet his songs, All hitherward blown From the misty realm, that belongs To the vast Unknown. — LoNGFELLOw. . Airy tinklings come and go, Like chimings from far off tower, Or prattling of an April shower, That makes the daisies grow. — Mrs. Aenes E, MitcuHe.. Cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down. — Otp TEsTAMENT. Comely. Comely as a bride. — Anon. Comely as is a cow in a cage. —JoHN Hrywoop. Comely as Apollo. — ARSENE Houvussarer. Comfort. Comfortable as coin. — ANON. Comfortable as an annuity. —Ipw. Comfortable as matrimony, — to an old woman. — Inp. Comfortable as an anvil. — Irvin S. Coss. Comfortable as the hungry pig was, when he was shut up by mistake in the grain department of a brewery. — Dickens. : Comforting as April air After the snow. — JEAN INGELOw. Love comforteth like sunshine after rain. — SHAKESPEARE. That comfort comes too late; ’Tis like a pardon after execution. — Ini. Comfortless. Comfortless as a truss of straw. — Ouma. Comfortless As frozen water to a starved snake. — SHAKESPEARE. Comfortless, As silent lightning leaves the starless night. — SHELLEY. Command. Commands like a full soldier. — SHAKESPEARE. -Comments. Harsh comments have no effect: they are like hammers which are always repulsed by an anvil. — HEL- VETIUS. 64 COMMIT, — COMPARE, Commit. Commit as many absurdities as a clown in eating of an egg. —JonN Ray’s “Hanpsook oF PRovERss,” 1670. Common. Common as the stones streets. — THomas ADAms. in our Common as a convenient saying. — ANON. Common as backfence cats. — Isp. Common as boiled cabbage. — Inin. Common as coals from Newcastle. — Isp. Common as daisies. — Isr. Common as lying. — Ini. Common as pig tracks in wet weather. — Is1p. Common as pins. — Inip. Common as pug noses in Pittsburgh. — Ini. Common as sawdust around a saw- mill. — Isip. Common as the town sewer. — Ipip. Common as the air. — ApHRA BEN. Common as Robin Adair on a full brass band. — ARNOLD BENNETT. Common as rain. — Prerce Eaan. Common as poverty. — Mrs. Gas- KELL. Friendship as common as a prosti- tute’s favors. — GOLDSMITH. Common as a barker’s chair. — STEPHEN GOSSON. As common as the power of moving the ears voluntarily, which is a mod- erately rare endowment.—O. W. Homes. Common as a mart. — Bren Jon- SON. Comune as the cart-wey to knaves and to alle. — LANGLAND. Common as Get-out. — LEAn’s “COLLECTANEA.” Common as delirium tremens in New York. — Atrrep Henry Lewis. Common as scolding at Billings- gate. — Lyty. Common as the highway. — Ray’s “ Hanpsook or Proverss,” 1670. , Common as_ dirt. — CHARLES READE. Common as the stairs That mount the Capitol. , — SHAKESPEARE. Common as any tavern door. — EpwarD SHARPHAM. Common as light is love, and its familiar voice wearies not ever. — SHELLEY. Common as __ bribery. — JouN WEBSTER. Common as sickness. — Isrp. Common as dew and: sunshine. — WHITTIER. Commonplace. Commonplace as mud. — ANON. Commonplace as a street pave- ment. — FLAUBERT. Companionless. Companionless as a prisoner in his dungeon. — CHARLOTTE BRONTE. Companionless as the last cloud of an expiring storm. — SHELLEY. Company. Bad company is like a dog that dirts those most he loves the best. — Swirt. Compare. Compares with — as the glow-worm compares with the eagle. — ANon, COMPASSETH. — CONFIDENT. Compasseth. Compasseth them about as a chain. — Oto TESTAMENT. Compassionate. If he be compassionate towards the afflictions of others, it shows that his heart is like the noble tree that is wounded itself when it gives the balm. — Bacon. Complacent. Complacent as a cat. — Kxats. Complex. Complex as the Iliad. — Hugo. Complex as a mathematician’s schedule of the Zodiac. — Amy LESLIE. Complexion. Complexion like a pink rose’s. — Mauvricrk Hewett. Complexion clear and warm, like rose-cordial. — O. W. Hots. Her complexion like the jasmine. — “VIKRAM AND THE VAMPIRE.” A complexion like the red glow of evening upon snow. — HEINRICH ZSCHOKKE. Compliment. A compliment is something like a kiss through a veil. — Huco. Composed. Composed as heaven. — WILLIAM Livineston. Concave. Concave as a covered goblet, or a worm-eaten nut. —- SHAKESPEARE. Conceal. Conceal, like cosmetics. — OSMAN Epwarps. Concealed, Like some fair bud close folded in its sheath, Gives not to view the bloonting of its beauty. — Ka.asa. 65 Sorrow concealed, like an oven stopped, Doth burn the heart to cinders. — SHAKESPEARE. Conceit. Strong conceit is a kind of mental rudder which reason should hold for the purpose of steering the mind into its right courses. — ANON. Deep conceits, like maggots, breed in carrion. — Earu or Dorset. Talk about conceit as much as you like, it is to human character what salt is to the ocean ; it keeps it sweet and renders it endurable. Say rather itislike natural unguent of the sea fowl’s plumage, which enables him to shed the rain that falls on him and the waves in which he dips. When one has had all his conceit taken out of him, when he has lost all his illusions, his feathers will soon soak through, and he will fly no more. — O. W. Homes. Conceit is just as natural a thing to human minds as a centre is to a circle. — Isp: Concession. Individual concessions are like polit- ical, when you once begin, there is no saying where you will stop. — Butwer-LytTron. Confident. As confident as a bird committing. itself to the air or a great fish to the deep. — ANON. Confident as justice. — GroRGE COLMAN, THE YOUNGER. Confident as Hercules. — WILLIAM PRYNNE. Confident as of your own fingers. — RaBELAIS. Confident, as is the falcon’s flight. — SHAKESPEARE. Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint. — Op Trsta- MENT. 66 CONFINING. — CONSTANT, Confining. Confining it to such limits as paint- ings are confined in by their frames. — W. S. Lanpor. Conform. Conform your temper to that of each friend. Be like the polypus, which looks like the rock it has twisted its arms around. — THEOGNIS. Confound. Confounds thy fame, as whirlwinds shake fair buds. — SHAKESPEARE. Confounded, as corn blasted before it is grown up. — OLp TESTAMENT. Confused. Confused as in a dream. — ANON. Confused, like the roaring of waves. — Isp, Confusion of voices, like the chirping of young birds when the brood is just hatched under the down. — Dumas, PERE. Confusedly, like a flight of dark shadows. — Hugo. Confused as a soul heavy-laden with trouble that will not depart. — Swin- BURNE. Speaks to confuse, like speech by age o’ertaken. — Bayarp Tay.or. Conscience. Many men carry their conscience like a drawn sword, cutting this way and that, in the world, but sheath it and keep it very soft and quiet, when it is turned within, thinking that a sword should not be allowed to cut its own scabbard. — Henry Warp BeErcuer. A fly or dust shows itself at once in milk; so in a pure conscience, any, the smallest stain, cannot be hid. And, as a fly is quickly cast forth by any one who is drinking milk, so the busy fly of impure thought is cast from the pure conscience. — St. Bona- VENTURA. He that has a sc-upulous conscience is like a horse that is not well wayed, he starts at every bird that flies out of the hedge. A knowing man will do that which a tender-conscience man dares not do by reason of his igno- rance, the other knows there is no hurt: as a child is afraid to go into the dark when a man is not because he knows there is no danger. — SELDEN. Conscientious. Conscientious as a dog. — RoBrrt Louis STEVENSON. Consistent. Simple and consistent as a plant. — ANON. Consoling. Consoling as night. — Francis §. SALTUS. Conspicuous. Conspicuous as pyramids. — ANON. Conspicuous as the brightness of a star. — COWPER. Conspicuous like a cathedral. — Rosert Louis STEVENSON. Conspirator. Conspirators and traitors are like moths, which eat the cloth in which they are bred ; like vipers, that gnaw the bowels where they are born ; tike worms, which consume the wood in which they were engendered. — AGESI- LAUS. Constant. Constant as a shadow in the sun. — ANON. Constant in motion as the spheres. — Ixrp. Constantly in my thoughts, like the lost voice of his victim in those of the murderer. — Isr. More constant than the evening star, Which mildly beams above. — Int. Constant as the dove. — Mars. J. HUNTER. t Constant — continued. Constancy is like vnto the Storke, who wheresoeuer she flye commeth into no neast but hir owne, or the Lap- winge,whom nothing can drive from hir young ones, but death. — Lyzy. Constant as the years are rolled. — Marmiat. Her constancy, that, like a rock, Beats off temptation, as that mocks the fury Of the proud waves. — MassIncEr. Constant in intercommunication as are the sun and earth. — GrorGE MEREDITH. Constant as the day and night from east to west. — James MontTGoMERY. Constant as the stars that never move. — Otway. Constant as the sun. — CHARLES READE. Constant as the constant hours. — ‘ Maraaret E. SANGSTER. But I am as constant as the northern star Of whose true-fix’d and resting quality There is no fellow in the firmament. — SHAKESPEARE. Constantly as the week passes. — AsicarL A. SMITH. Constant as a soaring lark.— WorRDSWORTH. Constant as the motion of the day. — Iprp. Consume. Consume as snow against the sun. — ANon. Consumed her MatrHew ARNOLD. . likea flame. — Consume, like a devouring fire. — GEORGE SANDYS. Consumeth, as a garment that is moth eaten. —Otp TESTAMENT. Consume away like a moth ; surely every man is vanity. — Ip. CONSTANT, — CONTENT. 67 Consumed like smoke. — Inn. Consumed them as stubble. — Inm. Consuming like a WHITTIER. vapor. — Contagious. Contagious as activity. — ANon. Contagious as a yawn. — Inip. Contagious, like the gladness of a happy child. — Butwer-Lyrron. Contagious as the smile of a keeper showing you through the wards of a madhouse. — J. H. GARDINER. Contagious, like silliness. — ARSENE HoussaYeE. Contempt. Contempt is like the hot iron that brands criminals : its imprint is almost always indelible. — ALIBERT. Contemptible. Contemptible as pebbles to an admirer of diamonds. — Bauzac. Contemptible as habitual contempt. —E. L. Magoon. As contemptible as any man who breaks open a lock, or as any rascal on the lookout for a house left defenseless and without protection, or as any adventurer looking for some easy and profitable stroke of business. — Guy DE MAUPASSANT. Contend. Contended, like gales of spring. — OssIAN. Content. Content as infant smiling through its dreams. — WILLIAM ALLINGHAM. Content as the males of Adrianus. — ANON. A contented man is like a good tennis-player, who never fatigues and confounds himself running eternally after the ball, but stays till it comes to him. — Isp. 68 CONTENT. — CONVERSATION. Content — continued. Contented as a Fox when the Hounds were drawn off and gone home from him. — Conley CIBBER. Her sweet content is like a flattering glass to make my face seem fairer to mine eye. —THomas Hryrwoon. Mutual content is like a river, which must have its banks on either side. — Le Sace. Contention. i Contention is like fire; for both burn so long as there is any exhaustible matter to contend with. — Tuomas ADAMS. Contention, like a horse full of high feeding, madly hath broke loose, and bears down all before him. — SHakez- SPEARE. Contentious. As coals are to burning coals, and wood to fire ; so is a contentious man to kindle strife. — Op TEsTaMENT. Continually. As the bees come forth continually in fresh numbers, so fresh bands of Greeks keep continually coming forth from the ships and tents. — Homer. Continue. Continuous, like the brook. — ANon. Continued as long as the sun. — OLD TESTAMENT. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way. — WorDSWORTH. Contract. Her face contracted like the petals of a flower in the sultry heat that precedes a storm. — ALESSANDRO Manzoni. Contract and purse thy brow together Asif thou then hadst shut up in thy brain Some horrible conceit. — SHAKESPEARE. Contrary. As contrary as Dick’s hatband. -- ANON. Contrary, like wind and tide meeting. — Isp. Contrary as light and darkness. — Sir RicHarD STEELE. Contrast. Contrast like twin sparks of fire. — Acnres REPPLIER. Conversation. Jeffrey, in conversation, was like a skilful swordsman flourishing his weapon in the air ; while Mackintosh, with a thin sharp rapier, in the middle of his evolutions, ran him through the body. — Sir A. ALISON. Our conversation with the ladies, like whip syllabub, was very pretty, but had nothing in it. — WiLL1AM Byrp. I have sometimes compared conver- sations to the Italian game of Moral in which one player lifts his hand with so many fingers extended, and the other matches or misses the number, as the case may be, with his own. I show my thought, another his ; if they agree, well ; if they differ, we find the largest common factor, if we can, but at any rate avoid disputing about remainders and fractions, which is to real talk what tuning an instru- ment is to playing on it.—O. W. Homes. A transition from an author’s book to his conversation, is too often like an entrance into a large city, after distant prospect. Remotely, we see nothing but spires of temples and turrets of palaces, and imagine it the residence of splendor, grandeur, and magnificence ; but, when we have passed the gates, we find it perplexed with narrow passages, disgraced with despicable cottages, embarrassed with obstructions and clouded with smoke. — Dr. JoHNSON. C= a CONVERSATION, — CORRUPT. 69 Conversation — continued. The conversation of a man resembles a piece of embroidered tapestry, which, when spread out, showed its figures, but, when it is folded up, they are hidden and lost. — THEMISTOCLES. Conviction. Convictions will come to you in an active career, as the muscles develop in a gymnasium. — Ouma. . Convincing. Convincing as the multiplication table. — ANON. Convivial. Conwivial as a live trout in a lime- basket. — DicKENs. Coo. Coo, Like voices of the gods from Bolotoo. — Byron. Cool. Cool as a snow bank. — Louisa M. ALCOTT. Cool as a November twilight. — ANON. Head as cool as an usurer’s. — Ini. . Cool as a dog’s nose in a wire muzzle. — JosH BILLinGs. Cool as a deep river In shadow. — Rupert Brooke. Cool down like a dish of tea. — CoLLey CIBBER. Cooled, like lust in the chill of the grave. — EMERSON. Cool as a cucumber. — JoHN Gay. Cool as the silent shades of sleep. — Rosert HERRICK. Cool as a moonbeam on a frozen brook. — O. W. Hoimes. Cool as the pool that the breeze has skimmed. — Hoop. Cool as the call of a wind on the still of the sea. — Ricuarp Hovey. Cool as aspen leaves. — Knats. Cool ... like a cutlass blade. — Amy LowELL. Cooperation. We are made for codperation, like feet, like hands, like eyelids, like the rows of the upper and lower teeth. — Marcus AURELIUS. Copious. Copious as rivers. — E. B. Brown- ING. Coquette. The heart of a coquette is like a rose, of which the lovers pluck the leaves, leaving only the thorns for the hus- band. — ANon. A coquette is to a man what a toy is to a child: as long as it pleases him, he keeps on ; when it ceases to please him he discards it. — Ism. A coquette is like a recruiting ser- geant, always on the lookout for fresh victims. — DouGLas JERROLD. A coquette may be compared to tinder, which lays itself out to catch sparks, but does not always succeed in lighting up a match,— Horace SMITH. Corneille. Corneille is to Shakespeare as a clipped hedge is to a forest. — Dr. JOHNSON. Corpulent. Corpulency of the body is like the corpulency of some of our institutions ; the larger they grow the more corrupt they become. — Joun Livineston. Correct. Correct as a machine. — PIERRE DE CouLEVAIN. " Corrupt. Zeal corrupts like standing water. — SAMUEL BUTLER. 70 CORRUPT. — COUNTRY. Corrupt — continued. Corruption is like a ball of snow, when once set a rolling, it must in- crease. It gives momentum to the activity of the knave, but it chills the honest man, and makes him almost weary of his calling: and all that corruption attracts, it also retains; for it is easier not to fall, than only to fall once, and not to yield a single inch, then having yielded, to regain it. —C. C. Cotton. Corrupted as the grave. — JAMES Montcomery. There is something in corruption which, like a jaundiced eye, transfers the color of itself to the object it looks upon, and sees everything stained and impure. — THomas PAIne. Costly. Costly as an election. — PIERRE DE CoULEVAIN. Cosy. As cosy as down among country lanes. — RoBerT BucHANAN. Cosy as the nest of the bird. — Pua@pe Cary. Cosy as a dormouse. — RIcHARD Hovey. , Cosy as a nest of wood-pigeons. — Miss Mutocx. Couch. Couch’d like a lion watching for his prey. — JamMEs MontTGoMERY. He stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion. — Otp Trsta- MENT. Coughed. Coughed like a cow who finds feathers mixed with hay. — Bauzac. Counsel. Counsel to him is as good as a shoulder of mutton to a sick horse. — Ben Jonson. ) deep water ; Counsel in the heart of man is like but a man of under- standing will draw it out. — OLD Tzs- TAMENT. : Count. Counted as sheep for the slaughter. — Oxnp TESTAMENT. Countenance. Her countenance looked like the gentle buds Unfolding their beauty in early Spring. — ANon. Countenance as clear as friendship wears at feasts. — SHAKESPEARE. His countenance is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars. — Otp Trsta- MENT. His countenance was like lightning. — Isp. Countless. Countless, as the drops that glide In the ocean’s billowy tide. — ANON. Countless as locusts. — Ipip. Countless as the stars that roof our night. — Ausrey Dr VERE. Countless as the wraiths of slumber. —Juua C. R. Dorr. Countless as the golden motes That dance upon the sun’s earth-kiss- ing beams. — Frances ANNE KeEMBLE. Countless as motes in the sunbeams. —S$rmr Watrter Scort. Countless. . . as leaves on autumn’s tempest shed. — SHELLEY. Countless as the desert sands. — Bayarp Taylor. Country. He told me that he thought one’s country like one’s wife : you were born in the first, and married to the second, and had to learn all about them after- wards, — ay, and make the best of them. — GrorGe MEREDITH. COUPLE. — COURTLY. 71 Couple. In couples, like the clean and un- clean beasts in Noah’s ark. — ANon. Fall into couples, like the birds on Valentine’s day. — Inin. Wheresoe’er we went, like Juno’s swans, Still we nee coupled, and inseparable. — SHAKESPEARE. Courage. Courage is like the diamond — very brilliant ; not changed by fire, capable of high polish, but except for the pur- pose of cutting hard bodies, useless. —C. C. Cotton. If charg’d with Courage Man should be, (Like Powder in Artillery Proportion’d to the Barrel) Can’st thou, a Blunderbuss so large, With scarce a Pocket-Pistol’s Charge, Presume to bounce, or quarrel ? —“Founpune Hospirau ror Wit,” 1748. Courage, like cowardice, is un- doubtedly contagious, but some per- sons are not liable to catch it. — Grorce D. PRENTICE. Courageous. Courageous as the cocks of Tanagra. — ANON. Courageous and choleric as a hive. — Hueco. Courageous as a tinker. — IBmp. Court. Court favors lie above the common road by modesty and humble virtue trod; like trees on precipices, they display fair fruit, which none can reach but birds of prey. — WALTER Harte. The court is like a marble statue, I mean, it may be finely polished but it is very hard.—M. pe La BRuyERE. Courtesy. How sweet and gracious, even in com- mon speech, Is that fine sense which men call Courtesy ! Wholesome as air and genial as the light, Welcome in every clime as breath of flowers. | —James T. Frexps. Courthouse. The courthouse looks imposing ; it is like a sea whose waters are the advocates deep in sagacious thought, whose waves are messengers in constant movement hurrying to and fro, whose fish and screaming birds are vile in- formers, whose serpents are attorney’s clerks, whose banks are worn by con- stant course of legal action. —SuDRAKA. Courtiers. Courtiers are, with regard to court rumours, like old soldiers who dis- tinguish through blasts of wind and moaning of leaves the sound of distant steps of an armed troop. — Dumas, PERE. Courting. Courting iz like strawberries and cream, wants tew be did slow, then you get the flavor. — JosH BILLINGs. Courting iz like 2 little springs ov soft water that steal out from under a rock at the fut ov a mountain and run down the hill side by side singing and dansing and spattering each uther, eddying and frothing and kaskading, now hiding under bank, now full ov sun and now full ov shadder, till bimeby tha jine and then tha go slow. — Ism. See this ’ere slipper with the paste buckle on to make it look pretty ? Courting is like that, lass — all glitter and of no use to nobody. — Haroip BRIGHOUSE. Courtly. Courtly as the French. — Joun Forp. 72 COVER. — CRACKLE. Cover. Covers the country as the dew. — ANON. They covered mountain and valley like grasshoppers for their number. — PENTAUR. , Covers it, like a stone covered in grass. — D. G. Rossetti. Covered as thick as a pastry- cook’s shop on a Christmas-eve. — SwIrt. Covert. Covert as the birth of thought. — JAMES MonrTcomEry. Stole out as covertly as starlight from the edging of a _ cloud. — N. P. Wiis. Covetous. Covetousness, like a candle ill made, smothers the splendor of a happy fortune in its own grease. — ANON. Covetous persons are like sponges which greedily drink in water, but return very little until they are squeezed. — G. S. Bow zs. Covetousness, like jealousy, when it has once taken root, never leaves a man but with his life. — Tom Brown. A covetous man is like a dog in a wheel, that roasteth meat for others. — Joun Ray’s ‘“HanpBooxk or PRov- ERBS,”” 1670. Coward. Base and crafty cowards are like the arrow that flieth in the dark. — Bacon. A coward in the field, is like the wise man’s fool ; his heart is at his mouth, and he doth not know what he doth profess: but a coward in his faith, is like a fool in his wisdom; his mouth is in his heart, and he dares not profess what he does know. — ArtuuR War-. WICK. Cowardly. Cowardly as a mob. — ANon. Cowardly as a wild duck. — SHaxz- SPEARE. Cower. Cower and shrink as Pariah before Brahma. — Butwer-LytTon. Cower and crouch like an English housemaid when knees are calloused with scrubbing. — Hugo. Coxcomb. Coxcombs keep each other company, like two knives, to whet each other. — VANBROUGH. Coy. Coy as a Croker’s mare. — ANON. As coy and stille as doth a mayde Were newe spoused. — CHAUCER. Coy as ys a mayde. — Isp. Crabbed. Crabbed as a cuckoo. — ANON. Her temper is as crabbed as a thorn. — T. Buchanan Reap. Crack. Every hard head has a crack in it somewhere, like a ‘safety valve, as it were, for the steam. — Bazac. Crack’d your skull through like a bottle. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Cracks like a tortured chord of harmony. — Havarp. Making the floor crack as if an image of stone were walking over it. — Hugo. Crackit like a gun. — ALEXANDER Larne. Cracked as a cocoa-nut bowled by a monkey. — Grorce MEREDITH. Crack and bounce like parched peas. — Cuartes Reape. Crackle. Crackling as artillery. — R. D. BLACKMORE. Crackling, like de bay-leaf i’ de fire. — Brn Jonson. CRACKLE. — CREDULOUS. 73 Crackle — continued. Crackled like charcoal at the flirt of a fan. — Sir Ricuarp STEELE. Crafty. Crafty as a fox. — ANon. Crafty as any Jesuit. —Joseru JOUBERT. Crafty as a snake. — Krats. Cram. Crammed in, like salted fish, in their barrel. — CARLYLE. Cranky. Cranky as a holy friar fed with hail- stones. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Crash. Crashing like thunder nigh, whose burst of ruin strikes the shatter’d ear with horror. — Ricuarp GLOVER. Crashing . . . like the ice of polar sea. — W. H. Lecxy. Crash as if rock were hurled upon rock. — Oumpa. Crash, as when the whirlwind rends the ash. — Srr WaLrer Scort. Crashed, like a hurricane. — TEn- NYSON. Crave. Craves to see thy face as the moon- blowing moon-flower’s swelling heart pines for the moon. — Epwin ARNOLD. Craved the trumpets eager note, As the bridled earth the spring. — Greorce MEREDITH. Crawl. Crawl like a snail. — ANon. Crawl like shadows forth in Spring. — Marraew ARNOLD. Crawl, Like caterpillars on a wall. — James MontTcomery. Crawled like a weed-clogged wave. — Oscar WILDE. | Crazy. Crazy as a loon. — ANON. Crazy as a woman’s watch. — Inrp. Crazy as a bedbug. —J. R. Bart- LeTr’s “Dictionary oF AMERICAN- ISMS.”” Crazy asa June bug. — WILLIAM ALLEN BuTLer. Creak. Wailing creak, Like an almost human shriek. —Jonn T. Trowprce. Creaked like the implacable cicala’s cry. — Rospert Brownine. Creak like the chariot wheels of Satan. — Brn Jonson. Cream. Cream and mantle, like a standing pond. — SHAKESPEARE. Creamy. Creamy as the opening rose. — Lewis Morris. Crease. Creased like dog’s ears in a folio. — Tuomas GRAY. Creation. Creation, says one, lies before us, like a glorious Rainbow ; but the Sun that made it lies behind us, hidden from us. — CARLYLE. Credit. Credit lost is like a Venice glass broken. — ANon. Credit is like chastity; they can both stand temptation better than suspicion. — JosH BILLines. Credulous. Credulous as a child. — GrorcE W. SMALLEY. Like simple noble natures, credulous. — TENNYSON. 74 CREED. — CRITIC. Creed. Creeds are as thistle-down wind-tost and blown, but deeds abide throughout eternity. —GrorcEe Bariow. Creep. Creeping into her innocent heart like a maggot into a rose. — ANON. Crept . . . like a chill.—E. B. Brownine. Creep Like the grey mists upon the mountain side. — GrraartT HavuprMann. Creep like torpid Hottentots. — A. F. F. Von Kotzesus. O’er our silence creep Like whispers of the household gods that keep A gentle empire o’er fraternal souls. ' — Kzats. Creep like shadows. — SHaKE- SPEARE. Creeping like snail Unwillingly to school. —Izsn. Creeping close as snakes in hidden weeds. — SPENSER. Creep Like the downy wing of sleep. — ARTHUR SYMONS. Softly creeping, like a breath of air, Such as is sometimes seen, and hardly seen, To brush the still breast of a crystal lake. — Worpswortu. Crestfallen. Crest-fallen as a dried’ pear. — SHAKESPEARE, Crimson. As crimson as August heather. — ALFRED AUSTIN. Crimson as a comic opera climax. — J. CHEEVER Goopwin. Crimson, as if blood were mingled in it. — LONGFELLOw. Crimson, like a sea of blood Untroubled by a wave. — WHITTIER. Cringe. Cringes like a toad under a harrow. — ANoN. Crinkly. Crinkly as a coon’s hair.— ANon. Crinkly like curled maple. — LowELL. Crisp. Crisp as a head of young lettuce. — ANON. Crisp as the unshorn desert hay. — Grorce DaRr.ey. Crisp as new bank notes. — DICKENs. Crisp as wintergreen berries. —AMY LESLIE. Critic. Critics are like a kind of flies, that breed, In wild fig-trees, and when they are grown up feed Upon the raw fruit of the nobler kind, And by their nibbling in the outward rind Open the pores, and make way for the sun To ripen it sooner, than he would have done. — SaMvEL Butter. . Criticism is like champagne, nothing more execrable if bad, nothing more excellent if good ; if meagre, muddy, vapid, and sour, both are fit only to engender colic and wind; but if rich, generous, and sparkling, they communicate a genial glow to the spirits, improve the taste, and expand the heart. — C. C. Cotton. Critics avaunt! for you are fish of prey, and feed, like sharks, upon an infant play. Beat every monster of the deep away ; let’s a fair trial have, and a clear sea. — CONGREVE. CRITIC. — CROOKED. 75 Critic — continued. A critic is like an idler amusing him- self with a spy-glass ; he looks at the defects of a work through the end that magnifies, then inverts the instrument to discover the virtues. — E. P. Day. The theatre is like a Turkish se- raglio : The critics are the eunuchs. — FarquHar. The critics . . . like Cerberus, are posted at all the avenues of literature, and who settle the merits of every performance. — GoLDsMITH. A critic should be a pair of snuffers. He is oftener an extinguisher; and not seldom a thief. — Jutius C. Hare. Critics are a kind of freebooters in the republic of letters, who, like deer, goats, and divers other graminivorous animals, gain their subsistance by gorging upon buds and leaves of the young shrubs of the forest, thereby robbing them of verdure, and retarding their progress to maturity. — WasH- INGTON IRvING. But some will say, Criticks are a kind of Tinkers, that make more faults than they mend ordinarily. — Ben Jonson. The eyes of critics, whether in com- mending or carping, are both on one side, like a turbot’s. — Walter S. LANpor. Critics, like surgeons, blest with curi- : ous art, Should mark each passage to the hu- man heart ; But not, unskillful, yet with lordly air, Read surgeon’s lectures while they scalp and tear. — Rosert Lioyp. Some critics are like chimney- sweepers ; they put out the fire below, and frighten the swallows from the nests above ; they scrape a long time in the chimney, cover themselves with soot, and bring nothing away but a bag of cinders, and then sing out from the top of the house, as if they had built it. — LonGreLLow. A young critic is like a boy with a gun; he often fires at every living thing he sees; he thinks only of his own skill, not of the pain he is giving. — Isp. Critics are the eunuchs of art ; they talk about what they cannot do. — VLADIMIR DE PAcHMANN. A critic is a legless man who teaches running. — CHanninG Po.tock. Critics, like weather-cocks, are not infallible. — Lewis RosENTHAL. The eye of the critic is often, like a microscope, made so very fine and nice that it discovers the atoms, grains, and minutest particles, without ever comprehending the whole, comparing the parts, or seeing at once the har- mony. — SwIrt. A true critic, in the perusal of a book, is like a dog at a feast, whose thoughts and stomach are wholly set upon what the guests fling away, and consequently is apt to snarl most when there are fewest bones. — Inm. Critics are like brushers of noble- men’s clothes. — Sir Henry Wotton. Croak. Croak like raven and rook. — Wi1- LAM DUNBAR. Crooked. Crooked as a snake with the colic. — SamMuEL Hopkins Apams. Crooked as a dog’s hind leg. — ANON. Crooked as a gimlet. — Inip. Crooked as a ram’s horn. — Isr. Crooked as Crawley brook. — Isp. Crooked as Robin Hood’s bow. — Iprp. So crooked he could hide behind a corkscrew. — Iprp. 76 CROOKED. — CRUEL. Crooked — continued. So crooked he could sleep in a round- house. — ANON. Crooked as the streets of Boston. — Arto Bates. Crooked runs Like a Turk verse along a scimitar. — Rosert BRrownine. Crooked as the letter Z. — FRANcis Grosr’s ‘‘CiassicaL DICTIONARY OF THE VULGAR TONGUE.” As crooked as a cammocke. — Lyty. Crooked as an auger. — OTHEMAN STEVENS. Cross. Cross as a child denied a sugar plum. — ANON. Cross as an old bear with a sore head. — Isp. As cross as nine highways. — Ini. Cross as the tongs. — Inip. As cross as a red donkey. — Batzac. Hang you up cross-legg’d, like a hare at a poulterer. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Cross as two sticks. — DicKENs. Crossed. Ankles crossed as holy statues sit. — Epwin ARNOLD. Like two doomed ships that pass in storm We had crossed each other’s way. — Oscar WILDE. Intricately crossed, Like leafless underboughs, ’mid some thick grove. — WorDsworTu. Crouch. Crouching as for refuge. — ASscuy- LUS. Crouch’d like a slave. — AKENSIDE. Crouched like two bulls locked horn in horn in fight. — Rosert Brownina. He crouched as the panther crouches for its deadly spring. — BuLwer- Lytron. Crouchest like the faunying whelpe. — Tuomas CHURCHYARD. Crouching about like a cat a-mous- ing. — FarquHar. Crouched. . . like a wild beast in his lair. — LonGFELLOw. Crow. Crow like chanticleer. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Crowd. He crouds to the Bar like a Pig through a Hedge. —Samuet Butter. Crowding like the waves of ocean, one on the other. — Byron. Crowding one another like a flock of black goats scurrying down the hills. — FLAUBERT. Crowded like chickens in a cluster. —Joun H. Frere. Crowd, like flocking linnets. — Hoop. Crown. Crowned, as day crowned the dawn- enkindled wave. — SWINBURNE. Cruel. Cruel as a rich coxcomb in a ball- room. — ANON. Cruel as winter. — Inm. As cruel as Medea. — Rosert Bur- TON. Cruel as the Tartar foe, To death inured, and nurst in scenes of woe. — WiLiiaAM CoL.ins. Cruel as Medusa’s sculptured face. —Lorp Der Tasty. Cruel as Herod when he surpris’d the sleeping Children of Bethlehem. — Sir Witu1am DavENANT. Cruel as the sun. — Mavuricz Hew- LETT. : CRUEL, — CUNNING. Cruel — continued. Cruel as the pinch of a painless dentist. —Sypney Munpen. Cruel as love or life. — SwINBURNE. Cruel as a schoolboy ere he grows To pity. — TENNYSON. Jealousy is as cruel as the grave. — Otp TESTAMENT. Cruel, like the ostriches in the wilderness. — Isip. Cruel as death. — James THomson. Cruelty. Cruelty, like every other vice, re- quires no motive outside of itself ; it only requires opportunity. — GrorcE Euiot. Crumble. Crumble like the chaff of a summer threshing-floor. — Mitton. Crumbled like a house of sand. — Oura. Crumble like a ruined tower. — Cuaries G. D. Ropers. Crumble as a crown, Till Ceesar driven to lair and hounded Pope Reel breathless and drop heartless out of hope. — SWINBURNE. Crumple. Crumpled like a leaf. — ANon. Crumpled . . . like a creditor’s unwelcome bill. — Butwer-Lytron. Crumpled like a snowball in his fist. — Hoop. Crush. Crushed him as a timbrel cart crushes eggs. — BALzac. Crushed like an egg-shell. — In. Crushing . . . like a blind Jove feels his way with thunder. — E. B. Brown- ING. Crushed as vermin. = Hugo. Crushed as in a vise. — JACQUES JASMIN, 77 Crushes ... as a child crushes ; grapes. — Epaar Ler Masters. Cry (Noun). Cry of anguish that, like a pebble thrown over a precipice, revealed the depths of his despair. — Batzac. A cry as wild as any coming of mad- ness. — GEorGE MEREDITH. Cry (Verb). My heart is crying like a tired child for one fond look, one gentle, loving word. — ANON. Cry like babe in swathing band. — ALLAN CUNNINGHAM. Crying like Niobe or Niagara. — O. Henry. Cry as an eagle freed. — Huco. Crying, like a wretched Shangodaya. _— LonGFrELLow. Cry of anguish, like the last dying wail of some dumb, hunted creature. — ApELAIDE A, Procter. Cry like famine. — C. G. Rossertt. Cries like the blood of Abel from the dust. — SHELLEY. I ery like a travailing woman. — Otp TESTAMENT. Cunning. Cunning as a fox. — ANon. Cunning as the counterfeit of wis- dom. — Inm. Cunning as the serpent of old Nile. , —Isp. Cunning as two Genoese. — Batzac. Cunning as a witch. — CHARLOTTE BRONTE. Cunning as Satan. — Puitip FRENEAU. As cunning as Becky Sharp. — James HUNEKER. Cunning differs from wisdom as twi- light from open day. — Dr. JoHNSON. 78 CUNNING. — CURSE, Cunning — continued. Cunning, like a miner, safely and unseen. — Epwarp Moore. Cunning as a_ weasel. — Kanuri PROVERB. Cunning as Captn. Drake. — JoHn Ray’s ‘“‘HanpBook ‘oF PROVERBS,” 1670. Cupids. Cupids are like cooks of the camp, they can roast or boil a woman. — ApHRA BEHN. Curd. Curd, like eager droppings into milk. — SHAKESPEARE. Cure. Cures are like causes in law, which may be lengthened or shortened at the discretion of the lawyer. — CHAPMAN. Curious. Curious as a fish. — GorTHE. Curious as a magpie. — BETTINA von Hutren. Curiosity is like a locksmith, who departs when the door is opened. — Sypney Munpen. Curl. The maiden whose lip like a rose leaf is curled. — P. J. Bartey. Curl’d like a lamb’s back. — Wit- LIAM BLAKE. Curled up like some crumpled, lonely flower-petal. — Rupert Brooke. Curled up like incense from a Mage- King’s tomb. — Rosert Browninc. Curled up like a blue racer in a partridge nest. — Irvin S. Coss. Curling, like a wreath of smoke. — CoLERIDGE. Curled and writhed like a snake stepped upon. — STEPHEN CRANE. Curled like a pastoral crook. — DIcKENs. Curled up like hot paper. — Inn. Curled up in his heart, like a little squirrel in its nest. —W. 5. Gu- BERT. Curled like the coat of a poodle. — G. B. Saw. Curling like tendrils of the parasite Around a marble column. — SHELLEY. Curl as if a frost had stung them. — Bayarp TayY.or. Curling like a kinked up ostrich feather. — ELLA WHEELER WILCOX. Curled, as when the Sirian star Withers the ripening corn. — Oscar WILDE. Curls, like ivy. — Worpswortu. Curse. Curse away ! And let me tell thee, Beauseant, a wise proverb The Arabs have, — ‘‘Curses are like young chickens, And still come home to roost.” — Bu.wer-Lytron. A curse is like a cloud — it passes. — Byron. An orphan’s curse would drag to Hell A spirit from on high ; But oh ! more horrible than that Is a curse in a dead man’s eye! — COLERIDGE. Foul and cursed as if some holy temple had been robbed. — Joun Forp. Curses are like processions; they return to the place from. which they came. — GIOVANNI RuFFINI. Curst and shrewd as Xantippe. — SHAKESPEARE. Socrates’ Cursing like a very drab. — Ibm. CURVE. — DANCE. Curve. Curved like the Spring-months’ russet moon. — Ropert BRownina. Curved like a vault. — D’Annunzio. His heroic stature became curved like a maple tree in autumn, bereft of its leaves. — Jan KatinUAx. Curved like a stallion’s crop. — Kiriine. Curved over like the edge of a water- fall. — Isp. Curved like the crescent moon. — SouTHEY. Down-curving like the falling wave. — Ism. Custom. A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept. —Joun Ray’s “HANDBOOK OF PROVERBS,” 1670. Daily. Calls daily like a dun. — Hoop. Dainty. Dainty and fair as a folded rose. — ANON. Dainty as a blushing violet. — Isp. Dainty as Dresden china. — Isp. Dainty as thistle-down. — Ism. A dainty mouth like any crimson rose. — Hrrnricu HEINE. Dainty as a quail. — Zoza. Damnatory. Damnatory as the spot of blood on Blue Beard’s keys. — Ropert REECE. Damp. Damp as a church. — ANon. 79 Old customs are as the blossoms on the tree of a nation’s life ; and, when they wither and fall off, death and carnage are at the roots. — ANON. Cut. Cuts like hail. — Anon. Cuts like ingratitude. — Ism. Cuts like unkindness. — Ipip. Cuts like a cold-chisel. —-ALFRED Henry Lewis. Cut down like the grass. — Op TESTAMENT. Cuts like a two-edged sword. — Isp. Cynic. Cynical as Mephisto. — ANon. Cynical as Sylla. — Ini. Cynic, like that fellow Diogenes. — Rosert GRANT. D Damp like a tomb. — Isp. The air is damp, and hush’d, and .close as a sick man’s room when he taketh repose an hour before death. — TENNYSON. Dance. ‘ Dancing like a solar mote around the atmosphere of her lips. — ANon. Dance .. . like atoms in the sun- shine. — Inn. Dance like corks upon the waves. — Isr. Dancing like popcorn over a hot fire. — Ipip. Dance like a town top. — Brav- MONT AND FLETCHER. like Dance flame. — RoBERT BRownine, 80 DANCE. — DARK. Dance — continued. Dance like a lubber in a net. — Wiiuram BuLtein. Dancing like dervishes, who turn as on a pivot. — Byron. Dance like a school of dolphins. — Joun Dyer. Dance up and down, like a bear asking for supper. — Maurice Hew- LETT. Your dancing, like true wit, is best express’d By nature only to advantage dress’d ; *Tis not a nimble bound, or a caper high, That can pretend to please a curious eye. Good judges no such tumblers’ tricks regard ; Or think them beautiful, because they’re hard. — Soame JENYNS. Danced in his eyes, as the sunbeams dance on the waves of the sea. — LoNGFELLOw. Dancing like naked fauns too glad for shame. — LowELL. Dance like witches in their maniac mirth. — WaLTeR MALONE. Danced, like wan ghosts about a funeral pyre. — Tuomas Moore. Dancing like a Bacchante. — Ouma. Dance, Like SHELLEY. wingtd stars. — Dance like white plumes upon a hearse. — Inm. Dance like a wither’d leaf. — Tenny- SON. Dancing like a bright and buoyant flame. — Cetia THAXTER. Dance, Like the sun wading through the misty sky. — James THomson. Danced like the fairies, — Vottarre. Dance like a wave of the sea. — Wituiam B. Yzats. Dangerous. Dangerous as men milliners. — ANoNn. Dangerous as a machine gun. — O. Henry. Dangerous as the foamy race of ocean surges. — Huco. Dangerous as hammering dynamite. — James HunekER. Dangerous as to check a brute. — KINnGsLey. More dangerous, than baits to fish. — SHAKESPEARE. Dangle. Dangle like a broken bough. — STEPHEN CRANE. Dapper. Dapper as a cock-wren. — ANON. Dark. Dark as the yawning grave. — AKENSIDE. Dark as a cellar. — ANON. Dark as a dungeon. — IB. Dark as a funeral scarf. — Ism. Dark as a thief’s pocket. — Ip. Dark as futurity. — Ip. Dark as midnight. — Inm. Dark as the shades of night. — Ip. Dark like a dead person in a coffin. — Isp. Dark as Death’s BaILey. Eye.—P. J. Dark as a wood.—R. D. Bracx- MORE. Dark as was chaos, ere the infant Sun Was rolled together, or had tried his beams Athwart the gloom profound. — Rosert Buia. DARK. 81 Dark — continued. Dark as a Spaniard. — CHARLOTTE BRonrté. Darkened, as the lighthouse will that turns upon the sea. — E. B. Browninc. As dark as if all the negroes of Africa had been stewed down into air. — BuLwer-LyTron. Dark as mire. — Bunyan. Dark as pitch. — Isp. Dark as misery’s woeful night. — Burns. Dark as a sullen cloud before the sun. — Byron. Dark as winter. — CAMPBELL. Darkly, as through the foliage of some wavering thicket. — CARLYLE. Dark as death. — ALIcE Cary. Darked, as it is wonte to darke by smoked images. — CHAUCER. Dark as a murderer’s mask of crape. — Enza Coox. Dark as the grave. — CowLEy. Dark and cold, like a benighted hemisphere. — AuBReY Dz VERE. Dark as a fiend. — Ism. Ever darker and darker, like the shadow of advancing death. — Dicxk- ENS. Darkened, like the earth on a splen- did day when a cloud flits across the sun. — DUMAS, PERE. Dark as pines that autumn never sears. — GrorGE Exior. Dark as Pluto’s palace. — RicHarp GLOVER. Dark as a cloud that journeys over- head. — Hoop. Dark as the grave. — Inip. Dark as shadows be. — Isp. Dark as the language of the Delphic fane, —- HoRACE. Dark as the back of a stag-beetle. — Trish Eric Taues. Dark as the parentage of chaos. — Kaars. Dark as the pillars of some Hindoo shrine. — KINGSLEY. Dark as Saint Bartholomew. — W. S. Lanpor. Darkness like the day of doom. — LoNnGFELLOW. Dark as a coal-hole. — Lover. Dark as the swelling wave of ocean before the rising winds, when it bends its head near the coast. — JAMES MaAcPHERSON. Dark as it were dipped in the death- shadow. — GERALD Massey. © Dark as a dead man in the ground. — Sypnry MunpEN. Dark as a demon’s dread thought. — Mrs. Oscoop. .Dark as the hush’d silence of the grave. — OTWAY. Dark as night’s protecting wing. — JoHN PrERPoNtT. Dark as the, caves wherein earth’s thunders groan. — Por. See him darkly as in a mirror. — Saint AUGUSTINE. As dark as a Yule midnight. — ScoTtisH PROVERB. Dark as the bottom of a well. — W. C. RusseE.. Dark as care. — SCHILLER. Dark as Egypt. — SHAKESPEARE. Dark as Erebus. — Is. Dark as hell. — Isp. Dark as ignorance. — Ip. Dark as a cloud that the moon turns bright. — SwINBURNE. Dark as fate. — Iprp. Dark as fear. — Isp, 82 DARK. — DAUNT. Dark — continued. Dark in her sight As her measureless measure of shadow- less pleasure was bright. — SWINBURNE. Dark as the heart of time. — Inrp. Galleons dark as the helmsman’s bark of old that ferried to hell the dead. — Ini. Dark as the sire that begat her, Despair. — IB. More dark than the dead world’s tomb. — Iprp. Darkened as one that wastes by sorcerous art and knows not whence it withers. — Ip. Dark as a land’s decline. — Ipip. Silent dark as shame. — Inrp. Dark as the inside of a whale. —F. W. Tuomas. Dark as the brooding thundercloud. — WHITTIER. Dark as the shroudings of a bier, As if the blessed atmosphere, Like his own soul, was dim. — Isp. Dark as the waiting tomb. — McLanpsurGH WILSON. Dart. Darted like an eagle. — ANEURIN. Darted .. . like an arrow aflame. — JosEPH CONRAD. Darted like a skimming bird. — Isp. Darted away like a bird that has been fluttering around its nest before it takes a distant flight. —J. Fent- MORE CoopER. Darting skyward like a rocket. — DIcKENS. Darted like a serpent. — Dumas, PERE. Darting like glittering elves at play. — Mary M. FeEnotiosa. Darting like a flashing flame. — FIRDAUSI. The ravenous shark, darting, like a spectre, through the blue waters. — Wasuineron Irvine. Dart like a rifle-bullet. — Kipiine. Darts on like a greyhound whelp after a leveret. — W. S. Lanpor. Dart like swallows. — LoNGFELLow. Darted like a flight of hawks. — Ourpa. Dart o’er stock and stone like hunted hart. — Sir Water Scort. Their influence darts Like subtle poison through the blood- less veins Of desolate society. — SHELLEY. Dart around, as light from the meridian sun. — [xrp. Darts, like a javelin, to his destin’d goal. — CHRISTOPHER SMART. Darts, like lichtnin’ flashin’. — JAMES SMITH. Darted away like a telegram. — Marx Twain. Dash. Dashed like a Mameluke cavalry upon a charge. — ANON. Dashed on like a spurr’d blood- horse in a race. — BYRON. ~ Dashes, like a fire-flood. — CaRLYLeE. Dash along, like molten diamonds glancing. — E1iza Cook. He dashed down among them as a sparrow-hawk dashes down. — PEN- TAUR. The waves . . . dashed like a tor- rent of pearls. — Francis S. SALTus. Dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel. —OLp TESTAMENT. Daunt. Daunt like a king that draws his troops to fight. — GEorGE SANDYS. DAUNTLESS. — DEAD, 83 Dauntless. Dauntless as deities exempt from fate. — ANON. Dauntless as an ibis. — Ourma. Dauntless as death. —Matrurw Prior. Dawn. A sudden truth dawns on me, like a light through the remainder tatters of a dream. — Hoon. Dazzle. Dazzles like JAYADEVA. Kama’s _sceptre. — It came to passe, that a gentleman . chanced to glance his eyes on her, and there were they dazzled on her beautie, as lookes that are caught in the sunne with the glittering of a glasse. — Lyty. Dazzled like the lightning in the sky. — Racine. Dazzle like a new-discovered star. — T. Bucnanan Reap. Her dazzle like the sun in his Meridian. — THoMAS SHADWELL. Dead. Dead as Chelsea. — ANON. Dead as a man after two doctors have visited him. — Isrp. Dead as leaves on a painted canvas. —Izsm. Dead as mackerel. — Ipip. Dead as the nail in a coffin. — Ip. Dead as the Roman Empire. — Inm. Dead as the wholesale district on Sunday. — Isp. Dead as Aristophanes. — WILLIAM ARCHER. My sweetest child, Which like a flow’r crush’d with a blast, is dead. —Srz Joun Brav- MONT. Dead as a buried vestal whose whole strength Goes when the grate above shuts heavily. — Rosert Brownine. As dead to the life I once lived as if the Styx rolled between it and me. — Butwer-Lytron. As dead to you as the dust of your fathers. — Inn. Dead asa herring. —Samuet Butter. Dede as stoon. — CHAUCER. Dead as Scrooge’s partner. — Henry A. Capp. Dead as Julius Cesar. — JosEpH ConraD. Dead as Pharaoh. — Dickens. Dead as a salmon in a fishmonger’s basket. — GrorcE FarquHar. Dead as Fier. Dead as a perished delight. —J. G. HOLLAND. Dead as the bulrushes round little Moses, On the old banks of the Nile. —O. W. Hotes. Dead to sounds, as a ship out of soundings. — Hoop. charity. — NATHANIEL Dead as bricks. — Izip. More dead than Morpheus’ imagin- ings. — Kzats. Ded as a dore-nayle. — LANGLAND. Ded as dore-tree. — Ipm. Lies dead, As a corse on the sea-shore, whose spirit has fled. — LoncrELLow. Dead as last year’s clothes in a fash- ionable fine lady’s - wardrobe. — Grorce MEREDITH. “The Dead are like the stars by day ; Withdrawn from mortal eye, But not extinct, they hold their way In glory through the sky. — James MonTGoMERY. 84 DEAD. — DEAF. Dead — continued. Dead as wood. — Lewis Morris. Dead as desire in the dead. — Sypney MunpeEn. Dead as READE. Dead as a dog that lieth in a ditch. —SamMuEL Row anpbs. Dead as earth. — SHAKESPEARE. mutton. — CHARLES Death lies on her, like an untimely frost Upon the sweetest flower of all the field. — Ini. Dead as night when stars wax dim. — SWINBURNE. Dead as dreams of days that were Before the new-born world lay bare In heaven’s wide eye. — Inip. Dead as the carver’s figured throng. — Isp. Dead as the dawn’s grey dew At high midnoon of the mounting day that mocks the might of the dawn it slew. — Ini. Dead as yesterday. — Inm. As dead and sapless as last month’s leaves. —Sir Henry Taytor. Dead as dreams. — Wittiam Wat- SON. Dead as smelts. —DaniEL WEB- STER. Dead as the ropes of roses on St. James street. —IsraEL ZANGWILL. Deadly. Deadly as nightshade. —T. B. ALDRICH. Deadly as the viper of Sumatra. — Butwer-Lytron. é Deadly as the sting of satire. — JAMES CAWTHORN. Deadly as the canker-worm. — FRoupe. Deadly as a night frost. — Maurice HEWLETT. The venom clamours of a jealous woman poison more deadly than a dog’s tooth. — SHAKESPEARE. Deaf. Deaf as a post. — ANON. As deaf as a beetle. — Ini. As deaf as a white cat. — Ipm. Deaf as a door. — NicHoLas Bre- TON. Deaf as any tradesman’s dummy. — Hoop. Deaf as a nail —that you cannot hammer a meaning into. — Isp. She was deaf as a nut — for nuts, no doubt, Are deaf to the grub that’s hollowing out. — Ism. Deaf as a stone — say one of the stones Demosthenes sucked to improve his tones ; And surely deafness no further could reach Than to be in his mouth without hear- ing his speech. — Isp. Deaf as bricks. — Inm. Deaf as God and Magog. — Isp. Deaf as Pharaoh’s mother’s mother’s mummy. — Isp. As deaf, alas! as the dead and for- gotten — (Gray has noticed the waste of breath, In addressing the “‘dull, cold ear of death’’). — Ipp. Deaf as the still-born figures of Ma- dame Tussaud, With their eyes of glass, and their hair of flax, That only stare whatever you ‘‘ax,” For their ears, you know, are nothing but wax. — Isp. Deafe as an adder. — Ben Jonson. DEAF. — DEBT. 85 Deaf — continued. Deaf as winds when seamen pray. — LEE. Deaf as the billows. — Ovp. As deaf as Ailsa Craig. — ScorrisH PROVERB. Deaf as the sea. — SHAKESPEARE. Deaf as a shad. — Sam Stick. Deaf as fire. — SwINBURNE. More deaf than trees. — WALLER. Deafening. Cries as deafening, as the shout that breaks from the bribed audience, when Fesidius speaks. — JUVENAL. Dear. Dear as the land to shipwrecked mariner. — AUSCHYLUS. Dear as her mother holds her in- fant’s grave. — BocaRT. Dear as the nurtured thrill of joy. — Burns. ‘ Dear — as his native song to Exile’s ears. — Byron. : Dear as fairy fable. — Mapison CawEIN. Dear as liberty. — CicrRo. Dear as the soul o’er thy memory sobbing. — James G. CLARK. Dear as freedom is. — COWPER. Dear as a child’s curling fingers. —Otive Titrorp Darean. As dear as to the lover the smile of a gentle maid. — BarTHoLoMEW Dow- LING. Dear as the apple to thine eye. — Tmotray Dwiext. As dear to me as my own right hand. —W. S. GrLBeErt. Dear, as the light that visits these sad eyes ; Dear, as the ruddy drops that warm my heart. — Gray. Dear as his eyeball. — Tuomas Hey- WOOD. Dear as these mine eyes. — Mar- LOWE. Dear as light. — Hannan Mors. Dear as the vital stream that feeds my heart. — Ipip. Dear as the vital warmth that feeds my life. — Orway. Dear as my finger. — SHAKESPEARE. As dear to me as are the ruddy drops That visit my sad heart. — Ixrp. As dear to me as life itself. — Ism. Dearer than eye-sight, space, and liberty. — Isr. Dear As human heart to human heart may be. — SHELLEY. Dear as remember’d kisses after death. — TENNYSON. Dear as the visions of the promised bride lighted by love. — C. P. Witson. Death. Death is like sleep; and sleep shuts down our lids. — Byron. Deathless. Deathless as love. — SWINBURNE. Debase. Debas’d by gross alloy : As gold in mines lies mix’d with dirt and clay. — Davin MALter. Debauch. Debauches are like figs growing on a precipice: the fruit cannot be gathered by men, but only by crows and vultures. — DIOGENES. Debt. Debt is like a millstone about a man’s neck, — ANON. 86 DEBT. — DEEP. Debt — continued. Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of. — JosH BiLiines. Debts are now-a-days like children, begot with pleasure, but brought forth with pain. — MourERE. Decay. Decay like the rainbow’s hue. — ANON. We decay like grass of the hill ; our strength returns no more. —JAMES MacrHerson. All decay, like the glories of the Spring. — Miss Mutocx. As soon decay’d and done As is the morning’s silver-melting dew. — SHAKESPEARE. Decay Like corpses in a charnel. — SHELLEY. Deceitful. Deceitful, like crows. — ZEscHYLUS. Deceitful like the devil. — Wittiam Byrp. Deceive. The world Deceived itself as maidens do with dolls. —Joun Davipson. Deceiver. A base deceiver, like a deep well whose mouth is covered with smiling plants. — Kaumasa. Decency. Decency is like gold, the same in all countries. — Li Hune Cuana. Deceptive. Deceptive as the mirage of the desert. — ANON. Deceptive as the costume of a bal masque. — G. K. CuHEsterton. Decisive. Decisive, like a flash of lightning. — Lupovic Hatkvy. Decline. Declining to change themselves, even as sulphuric acid declines to be sweet milk, though you vote so until the end of the world. — CARLYLE. Declined, like a flower surcharged with dew. — Mitton. Declined — like shadow in the dying of the day. — Por. Deeds. His deeds inimitable, like the sea That shuts still as it opes, and leaves no tracts Nor prints of precedent for poor men’s facts. — CHAPMAN. Deep. Deep as the fountains of sleep. — ANON. Deep as the void above. — Inip. Deep as evening red. — Inrp. Deep as despair. — Izrp. Deep as ever plummet sounded. — Iz. Deep as grief. — Izip. Deep as the North Star. — Inrp. Deep as though the globe were split to let the waters through. — W. E. AYTOUN. Deep as Heaven’s own luminous blue. — P. J. Battery. Deep as death. — Irn. Deep in the heart as meteor stones in earth, dropped from some higher sphere. — Iprp. Deep as midnight’s starry treasure. — T. L. Bepposs. France kept her old affection as deeply as the sepulchre the corse. — E. B. Brownina. Deep as hell from high heaven. — CARLYLE. Deep as Tophet, high as heaven. — Ip. DEEP. — DEGRADED. 87 Deep — continued. Silence as deep as eternity. — Ini. Deep as life and death. — Inv. Deep as the murmurs of the falling floods. — James CAWTHORN. Deep and yet soft, like notes from some long chord responsive to thrilled air. — GrorGe Enior. Deep as annihilation. — THomas Harpy. Sighs as deep as destiny. — JEAN INGELOw. Deep as devils grope. — SIDNEY LANIER. Joy as deep as heaven’s blue. — T. T. Lyncu. Deep as that grave in Hell where Cesar lies. — Epwarp MarkuamM. As deep as Pedwell. — ScorrisH PROVERB. Deep and tender as the blue of a baby’s eye.—JamEs WHITCOMB Ritey. Deep as the unfathomed endless sea. —C. G. Rossetti. Chasms as deep and as drear as the tomb. — Joun Ruskin. ' Deep as hell. — SHAKESPEARE. Deep as the sea. — lpm. Deep as night and Heaven. — SHEL- LEY. Deep as deep in water sinks a stone. — SWINBURNE. Deep as music’s heart. — Ism. Deep as the clear unsounded sea. —Isp. Deep as the deep dim soul of a star. — Isp. Deep as the depths unsought Whence faith’s own hope may redeem us naught. — Isp. Deep as the pit of hell. — Isp. Deeper than men’s dreams of hell are deep. — Isp. Deeper than the green sea’s grass. — Isp. Deep as hate. — Inr. Deep as the grave. — Ini. Deeper than time or space. — Int. A grief as deep as life or thought. — TENNYSON. Deep as the shadow of Rome. — JoHN R. THompson. Deep as the bottomless pit. — G. 8. VIERECK. A tone as low and deep as love’s first whisper. — N. P. WItis. Deeper than the vanities of power, or in vain pomp of glory. — Isr. Deepen. Deepening like the dawn. — T. B. ALDRICH. Defect. The wise man’s defects are like the eclipses of the sun; they come to every one’s knowledge. — Conrucivs. Defiant. Defiant as a rosebud slipped from its parent stalk. — ANON. Defiant as the storied Greek amid his brave Three Hundred. — Mar- GARET J. PRESTON. Deformed. Deformed as guilt. — ANON. Deformed, like the mute dwarfs Which wait upon a naked Indian queen. — Rozert BRownIne. Degraded. Degraded, like a hedge-born swain That doth presume to boast of gentle blood. — SHAKESPEARE. 88 DEIFY. — DEMOCRACY. Deify. Deify me, as if some blithe wine Or bright elixir peerless I had drunk, And so become immortal. — Keats. Dejected. As dejected as a wet hen. — Scort- TISH PROVERB. Deliberate. Deliberate as a lawyer’s brief. — Firz-Jamrs O’BRIEN. Deliberately. Deliberately as Nature. — THoREAU. Delicate. She was delicate and fair as moon- light. — Hans CurisTian ANDERSEN. Delicate as a lily. — ANon. Delicate as flowers. — Ipmp. Delicate as the sunset on the snow- covered summits of Mount Sfiorito. — Isp. Delicate as invisible needle-points. — CARLYLE. Delicate and evanescent as the colored pencilings on a frosty night from the Northern Lights. — Ds QUINCEY. Delicate as a white violet. — Joycr KILMER. Delicate as rose leaves. — AGNES REPPLIER. Delicate as the tension of a lyre. — Epira M. Tuomas. Delicately. Delicately, as fingers play sad music. —R. D. Biackmore. Delicately, like the tap of a finger- nail on a vase. — GrorGe MEREDITH. Delicious. Delicious as forbidden fruit. — ANON. Delicious as trickles of wine poured at mass-time. — Ropert BRownine. Delicious as a dream. — Miss Lan DON. Delight (Noun). These violent delights have violent ends, And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, Which, as they kiss, consume. — SHAKESPEARE, Hold delight as grape-flowers hold their wine. — SWINBURNE. Delight as the wind’s in the billow. —Ism. Delight (Verb). Delight as a wave in the wind. — SWINBURNE. Delight as in freedom won. — Inn. Delightful. Delightful as the song of Philomel. — Anon. Delightful as the all-enlivening sun. — Watrer Harte. Delusion. Delusions, errors, and lies are like huge, gaudy vessels, the rafters of which are rotten and worm-eaten, and those who embark in them are fated to be shipwrecked. — Buppua. Delusions, like dreams, are dispelled by our awakening to the stern realities of life. — A. R. C. Daas. Dear delusions, fairy charms, As fancy dreams in virtue’s arms. — Epwarp Lovizonp. Delusion —like the butterfly to soar. — Imre Mapdécu. Delusive. Delusive as a midnight dream. — JAMES CAWTHORN. Democracy. Democratic as a saint. — ANON. The Democratic party is like a man riding backwards in a carriage: It never sees a thing until it has gone by. — Bensamin F, Burien. DEMOCRACY. — DESOLATE. 89 Democracy — continued. Democracy, like an army, has a way of persuading aristocrats to lead it. — Ricwarp LE GALLIENNE. Demur. Demur like a posed lawyer, as if delay could remove some impediments. —Tusomas Apams. Demure. Demure as a cat. — ANON. Demure as a nun. — Isr. Demure as a Quaker. — Izm. Demurely as a judge that pro- nounceth sentence of death. — Joun Forp. As demure as if butter would not melt in his mouth.—Jonn Ray’s “ HANDBOOK OF PROVERBS.” Denied. Denied, Like spurned beggars at a palace gate. — Anne C. L. Borra. Dense. Dense as the fumes of ascending hell. — SwINBURNE. Dense as the walls that fence the secret darkness of unknown time. — Isip. Dense as darkness. — Ipm. Depart. Departed, like Ichabod’s glory. — ANON. His fame is departed like mist, when it flies, before the rustling wind, along the brightening vale. — JAMES MacpHeErson. Departed as a shadow. — Por. Departed like a gleam, that for a moment in the heavy sky Is opened when the storm is hurrying by. — SourHEY. Departed as a scroll when it is rolled together. — New TEsTamMENrT. be z Depart Like blighted buds; or clouds that mimicked land Before the sailor's eye. — Worpswortu. Descend. Descended like a wolf on the fold. — ANON. Descends like the foot of a crow. — - ARABIC. Dryden, descending to such game, was like an eagle stooping to catch flies. — GoLpsmiTH. Would no more descend from his. calm than a bronze statue from its pedestal. — FRANcISQUE SARCEY. Descending .. . Like the spring whose breath is blend- ing All blasts of fragrance into one. — SHELLEY. The light of speech descends like a tongue of the Pentecost. — Bayarp TAYLOR. Complaints of times when merit wants reward Descend like similes from bard to bard. — WILLIAM WHITEHEAD. Desire (Noun). The passions and desires, like the two twists of rope, mutually mix one with the other, and twine inextricably round the heart ; producing good, if moderately indulged; but certain destruction, if suffered to become in- ordinate. — Rosert Burton. Desire (Verb). As flowers desire the kisses of the rain, She his, and many a year desired in vain. — Wituiam Watson. Desirous. Desirous as the nights of youth. — D. G. Rossetti. Desolate. Desolate as a mausoleum. — ANON. 90 DESOLATE. —~ DEVOTION. Desolate — continued. Desolate as a cave Abandoned even of the breaking wave. — Laurence Binyon. Desolate as a tomb. — HEInricH HEINE. Desolate as death.— Francis S. SALTUS. Despair. Despair is like froward children, who, when you take away one of their playthings, throw the rest into the fire for madness. — P. pr CHARRON. Despicable. Despicable . . . as the old age of a passionate man. — ANON. I kant consieve a more despikable objek than a proud and arrogant man ; he makes me think ov an old Tom Turkey Trieing tew git mad at a red flannel pettycoat on a clothes line. — JosH BrLiines. Despise. Despised as a thing passing into oblivion. — THomas Morron. Despised, like the descending pearls of a misty morning. — Jerremy Tay- LOR. Destitute. Destitute of sense as the gesture of the tree and the sound of the wind. — Huco. Destitute . . . like a beast naked without refute, upon a plain to abide all summer showers. — Joun LyDGATE. Destitute as a stock-fish. — Joun Howarp Payne. Destroy. Destroyeth like the flash of lightning. — Max MULLER. Destroyeth the body as ivy doth the old tree, or a worm that engen- dereth in the kernel of the nut. — Sir Watrer Raeicu. Destructive. Destructive as the bite of the rattle- snake. — ANON. About as destructive as a blank cartridge. — Inip. Destructive as a centre-rush in a football team. — Inn. Destructive as hail in summer. — Ibm. Deteriorate. Deteriorate like a fish in the sun. — AmpBrose BIERcE. Determined. Determined aspect like the iron jawed lady in a circus. —Irvin §. Coss. Detestable. Detestable as exalted wickedness. — RoBert Burton. Detested. _Detested as the gates of hell. — SCHILLER. Detraction. Detraction, like a crab, rian backwards. — ANon. Devoid. Devoid of feeling as a eunuch is of manly joys. — ANON. Devoid of imagination as a brick. — T. W. H. Crostanp. Devoted. Devoted as a faithful dog.— GEORGE SAND. Devotion. Devotion ‘is like the candle which Michael Angelo used to take in his pasteboard cap, so as not to throw his shadow upon the work on which he was engaged. — Puitiirs Brooks. Devotion, like fire in froste weather, burns hottest in affliction. — Sir Tuomas OvEeRBuRY. DEVOTION, — DIFFER. 91 Devotion — continued. Devotion, like fire, goeth upward. — ZOROASTER. Devour. Devour me as an adversary. — BuNYAN. Devoured it like a ravenous wolf that had been starving a fortnight in the snow. — DanieL DEFor. As scorching heat the mountain snow devours, As thirsty earth drinks up the falling show’rs, Ev’n so the grave’s insatiable jaws Those rebels swallow who infringe His laws. — Grorcre SAnpys. Devoutly. Devoutly as the Dervish. — Hoop. Dewy. Dewy as a spring morning. — Amy LESLIE. Dewy as Aphrodite fresh risen from the foam. — OwENn SEAMAN. Die. Die like a dog in a ditch. — ANon. The fresh roses on your cheeks shall die, Like flowers that wither in the shade. — Apura Brun. Parting day Dies like the dolphin, whom each pang imbues With a new colour as it gasps away, The last still loveliest, till — ’tis gone, and all is-gray. — Byron. Dies like cookery with the day that brought it forth. — CARLYLE. Die like a rat in hole. — RANGER GULL. A remnant of beauty was’dying out upon this face of sixteen, like the pale sun which is extinguished by frightful clouds at the dawn of a winter’s day. — Hueco. It died away Like the pale sunbeam of a weeping day. — Jacqurs Jasmin. All my glories die, Like flowers transplanted to a colder sky. — Lorp Lytretton. She died — as die the roses On the ruddy clouds of dawn, When the envious sun discloses His flame, and morning’s gone. — Evan MacCott. Dies away, Like relics of some faded strain, loved voices, lost for many a day. — Tuomas Moore. Die as April’s cowslips die. — Jonn PAYNE. Dies away like a peal of cathedral bells. — Sarnt-Prerre. Dies as dreams that die with the sleep they feed. — SwInBURNE. As a star feels the sun and falters, Touched to death by diviner eyes — As on the old gods’ untended altars The old fire of withered worship dies. — Isp. Die as a leaf that dies in a day. — Izip. Died like odor rapt in the winged wind, Borne into alien lands and far away. — TENNYSON. Died away like a sigh in the shadow of the infinite vault. — GIovANNI VERGA. ‘ Differ. Differ as a clipped hedge and forest. — ANON. 7 Differ as an Indian and a Greek. — Ism. Differ as a Roman stylus and Mr. Waterman’s fountain pen. —Izrp. Differ as a satyr to Hyperion; as a rushlight to the sun. — Ini. Differ as a Vatican fresco and a political transparency. — Ipmp. = 92 Differ — continued. Differ as a whale and a tadpole. — ANON. Differ as a Whistler nocturne and the design on a chocolate box. — Izm. Differ as a zephyr and a cyclone. — Isp. Differ as flint and chalk. — In. Differ as grass and hay. — Inrp. Differ as Hamlet and Hercules. — Isr. Differ as harp and harrow. — Ixrp. Differ as locks. — Ini. Differ as a mangled monkey and a well made man. — Isp. Differ as noses. — IBrp. Differ as pigments and a picture. — Ipp. Differ as shine and substance. — Isr. Differ as simpleton and sage. — Isp. Differ as smoke and flame. — Inip. Differs as stage money from gov- ernment bonds. — Isp. ; Differ as sword and tooth-pick. — Ini. Differ as the Central Park Menagerie and the depths of the jungle. — Ini. Differ as the glow-worm and the eagle. — Ini. Differs as the jimson weed from the violet. — Isr. Differ as the mid-day sun and a convalescent white bean. — Ini. Differ as the Parthenon of Athens and an American court house. — Isr. Differ as the song of the lark to the voice of the crow. — Inn. Differs as the tail of a comet and the tail of a pig. — In. DIFFER. —- DIFFERENCE, Differ as winter and summer. — Inin. Differ most, as salt and sugar. — Bacon. Differ as a nettle and a pink. — E. B. Brownine. Differ as an octave flute and a tavern gong.— Witliam CULLEN BRYANT. The true beautiful ... differs from the false as Heaven does from Vauxhall. — CARLYLE. Differ as a breastplate and a pie- crust. — Dumas, PERE. Differ as a hound of blood and a mongrel. — CHARLES MAcKLIN. Differ as a laughing brook and a cup of water. — C. M. S. McLetian. Differ like human faces. — NicHoLas Rowe. Differ as much as chalcke and chese. — RICHARD SHACKLOCK. Difference. Difference between a bent copper farthing and a nugget of gold. — Anon. Difference between a Greek temple and a bird-cage, the solemn sea and a street puddle. — Inn. The difference between having a woman at your side and on your side. —Isp. Difference between tweedle dum and tweedle dee. — Inm. The difference of savour ’twixt vinegar and wine. — Arapian Nicuts. Difference between ... the ideal priest who is everlastingly by some one’s bed and the real priest who is as glad as any one else to get to his own. — G. K. CHESTERTON. Difference between the race-horse and the Shetland pony, the bantam and the Shanghai fowl, the greyhound and the poodle dog.—Jonn W. Drarer. DIFFERENCE, — DIFFICULTY. 93 Difference — continued. As much difference as between an organ and a bagpipe. — W. S. Lanpor. As much difference between them as between a horse chestnut and a chestnut horse. — Lean’s ‘“‘CoLLEc- TANEA.” As much difference as there is be- tween beautie and vertue, bodies and shadowes, colors and life —so great odds is there between love and friend- ship. — Ly.y. Difference between a sonata of Beethoven and the Battle Cry of Freedom, between a gravestone-cutter’s cherub and the masterpieces of Raphael. — Wittiam MartueEws. The. difference between a Sunday newspaper supplement on the monkeys in the Bronx Zoo and the Darwinian Theory. — GrorcE Jean NaTHan. The difference is as great as that be- tween an elephant and a mosquito. — Tami. PROVERB. Difference . .. between jet and ivory. — SHAKESPEARE. Different. As different as an equinoctial is from an evangel. — ANON. Different as dog-days and those at Christmas. — Isp. Different as gold and platina. — Ip. Different as swan is from goose. — Tsp. As different as paths of storm. — AmBROsE BIERCE. As different as our faces. —C. C. Coton. Different an aim as a child’s first journey across a floor. — HAWTHORNE. As different . . . as a sigh from the southwest is from the northeastern breeze. — O, W. HoLmes. Different as the two hemispheres in the time of Columbus. — GEORGE MEREDITH. Different as dark eyes from golden hair. — SWINBURNE. Difficult. Difficult as a Greek puzzle. — ANon. Difficult as to forgive the virtues of our enemies. — Isip. Difficult as to grasp a shadow. — Isip. Difficult as to hiss and yawn at the same time. — Ip. Difficult as to pin a medal on a shadow. — Inmp. Difficult as to sail the sea in an egg shell. — Ipip. Difficult as to remember a rhyme made in a dream. — Isp. Difficult as to walk a mile on stilts upon a line of feather-beds. — Ini. Difficult as a beginning. — Byron. Difficult . . . as for a rattlesnake to stir without making a noise. —C. C. Cotton. Difficult as it would be to hum an air from an opera bouffe while listen- ing to the overture of Tannhiuser, — Arruur Jerome Eppy. Difficult to grasp as the small end of a hard boiled egg. — Ropert EpGREN. As difficult . . . as to preserve your purse at a gaming-table or your health at a bawdy house. — FIELDING. As difficult as for a slave girl to please a slave-dealer. —Osmanui Prov- ERB. Difficult as to distinguish colors in the darkness. — Sir RicHaRD STEELE. Difficulty. Difficulty adds to result, as the ramming of powder sends the bullet the further. — George MacDona.p. 94 DIFFICULTY. — DIMMED. Difficulty — continued. Difficulties, like thieves, often dis- appear at a glance. — ROCHEFAU- CAULD. Diffuse. Diffused .. . like scatt’red chaffe, the which the wind away doth fan. — SPENSER. Dignified. Dignified as the Chapels-of-Ease. — Tuomas Harpy. Dignified, like a boy with a stiff neck. — JosePpH C. LINCOLN. Dilapidated. She was a little dilapidated, like a 1 house, with having been so long to let. — Dickens. Dilated. Dilated, like a saint in ecstasy. — E. B. Brownine. Diligent. Doubly diligent, like the devil’s apothecary. — Francis Grose. Diligent, like Jacob was unto his master , Laban. — Hueu Latimer. Dim. Dim as the land of shadows. — ANON. As dim as dim might be. — Rozerr BUCHANAN. Dim in a dream. — BuL- WER-LYTTON. Burn dim, like lamps in noisome air. — COLERIDGE. Dim as a ghost. — Mrs. E. M. H. CorTISsoz. Ghastly dim and pale, as if driven by a beating storm at sea. — Ricnarp Henry Dana. Dim as the borrow’d beams of moon or stars, — DryDENn. Dim as the wandering stars that burst in the blue of the Summer heaven. — Frrz-GrEENE HALLEck. Dim and sweet as moonlight in a solitary street. — LONGFELLOW. Dim wrapt in a haze like a shrouded ghost. —Srr A. Lyau. Dim as the dream of an idle dreamer. — Ernest McCarrey. Dim as the shades in the angry shower, — GEORGE MEREDITH. Dim .. . like the far golden lustre of a dark god-like town. — WILLIAM Morris. Dim as the dream of a dream that was dreamed. — SypNEy MunpEn. Dim as the dusk of day. —Jamrs Wattcoms RILey. Dimensionless. Dimensionless as God’s infinity. — EBENEZER ELLIOTT. Diminish. Beauties diminish, like those of a fine prospective viewed too near. — M. ve La Brurerre. Dimly. Dimly traced Like moss-grown letters on a moulder- ing stone. — ARABIAN. Dimly like a half-remembered dream. —Gerorce Enror. Dimmed. Dimm’d . . . like a vague remnant of some by-past scene. — CHARLOTTE Bronte. Dimmed and flattened, like an etch- ing that has gone too often to the press. — Joun Corsin. Dimmed and torn, like the remainder tatters of a dream. — Hoop. Dimm’d, like to the morning mist. — Tuomas SACKVILLE. DIMPLED. — DISAPPEAR. 95 Dimpled. Dimpled as a baby.—O. W. Homes. Dimpling. Dimpling like a brook. — ANon. Dimpling like a maiden’s cheek. — Irvin S. Coss. Din. The inward din, Like a hundred braziers working in A caldron with their hammers. — SourTHEY. Dingy. Dingy, like a grubby lot Of sooty sweeps, or colliers. — Hoop. Dipping. Dipping here and there, like diggers in California “prospecting for a placer” that will pay. — Emerson. Dire. Dire as the face disfeatured of a dream. — SWINBURNE. Dire as when friends are rankled into foes. — JaMES THOMSON. Direct. Direct as a railroad. — Hoop. Direct as antique tragedy. — JAMES HUNEKER. Direct as light. — Robert G. IncEr- SOLL. Direct as the arrow of logic. — Grorce MEREDITH. Dirge. Sad dirges, Like the wind through a ruined cell, Or the mournful surges That ring the dead seaman’s knell. — SHELLEY. Dirt. Dirt is like wickedness ; it is only when it shows so much as to be ap- parent to everybody that we are ashamed of it.— Mary A. Brav- CHAMP. Dirty. Dirty as a hog. — Joun Byrom. Dirty as earth. — FIELDING. Disagree. Disagree like clocks. — Lyty. Disagreeing as fire and water. — Isr. Disappear. Disappear like phantoms.— ANon. Disappearing at day break like foul night-birds of an unclean dream. — W. C. Brann. Disappears like dew on a June morning. — Epwarp G. Burrum. Slowly disappearing, like a day dream. — C. S. CALVERLEY. Disappeared like a shadow. — ADEL- BERT VON CHAMISSO. Disappeared . . . like a man over- taken by an avalanche. — JosepH ConraD. Disappeared, like the shadow thrown by a passing cloud. — Dickens. Disappeared, like a cloud driven by the wind. — Dumas, PERE. Disappeared, like. a passing gleam. — GeorcEe Exror. Disappear like a tale that is told. — Smeon Forp. Disappeared like a shape in a vision — Tuomas Harpy. Disappeared, as a shadow melting into air. — Huao. Disappeared like buttered crumpets. —Leicu Hunt. Disappeared like a shot. — Miss Mutocx. Disappeared like print held too close to the eye. — ArTHUR RANSsOME. Disappear, Like dew late strewn through the trembling grass. — Haypen Sanps. 96 DISAPPEAR, — DISMAL, Disappear — continied. Appeared and disappeared like a succession of lightning flashes. — Josz SELGAS. : Disappeared as if he had vanished in the air. — Inrp. Disappear, as if it all had vanished through the sky. — SHELLEY. Disappointing. Disappointing as wet gun-powder. — Anon. Discipline. Discipline, like the bridle in the hand of a good rider, should exercise its influence without appearing to do so, should be ever active, both as a support and as ua restraint, yet seem to lie easily in hand. It must always be ready to check or pull up, as oc- casion may require; and only when the horse is a runaway should the action of the curb be perceptible. — Junius C. Hare. Disconnected. Disconnected as a dream. — Max Norpav. Discontentment. As for discontentments, they are in the politic body like to humors in the natural, which are apt to gather a preternatural heat and to inflame ; and let no prince measure the danger of them by this, whether they be just or unjust. — Bacon. Discordant. Discordant as the cries of a gull. — Daubert. Discordant as croaking frogs. —Bon- NELL THORNTON. Discourse. Themistocles said that a man’s dis- course was like to a rich Persian carpet, the beautiful figures and patterns of which can be shown only by spreading and extending it out ; when it is con- tracted and folded up, they are ob- scured and lost. — PLUTARCH. Discover. Men of great genius as easily dis- cover one another as freemasons can. — Frevprne. Disease. The disease and its medicine are like two factions in a besieged town; they tear one another to pieces, but both unite against their common enemy, nature. — RIcHARD JEFFRIES. Disguise. Weakness ineffectually seeks to dis- guise itself, —like a drunken man trying to show how sober he is. — C. N. Bove. Disgust. Disgust, as . . . she had touched a snake. — E. B. BRownina. Disgusting, like moving cheese. — EMERSON. With disgust ... like one who draws out a hair from fresh butter. — Osman PRovERB. Dishevel. As disheveled as any naturalist’s wig. — Bazac. Dishevell’d hair, Like eagle’s plumage ruffled by the air. —James MontTcomMEry. Dishonest. Dishonest as a gas meter. — ANON. Dishonest as local elections. — AMY LESLIE. Dishonor. Dishonor is like the Aaron’s Beard in the hedgerows ; it can only poison if it is plucked. — Ouma. Dismal. Dismal as a hearse. — NICOLAS BortEav. Dismal as death, — CLEANTHES. DISMAL, — DISTANT. 97 Dismal — continued. Dismal as a wet Derby day. — A. E. Housman. Dismal as a mute at a funeral. — THACKERAY. Dismal as the month in wich Christmas is celebrated. — BoNNELL THORNTON. Dismissed. Dismiss’d . . . as Jove fans off the clouds. — Kxats. Disordered. His speech was like a tangled chain ; nothing impaired, but all disordered. — SHAKESPEARE. Disorderly. Disorderly, Like to a rancke of piles that pitched are awry. — SPENSER. Dispel. Dispelled, as the sun did the fog. — ANON. Disperse. Disperse Like cloud-obstruction when a bolt escapes. — RoBert BRowNING. Dispersed like smoke wreaths. — Hugo. Dispersed, as by a tempest. — Jonann L. UHLAND. Display. Display is like shallow water, where you can see the muddy bottom. — ALPHONSE Karr. Disposition. The disposition is moulded in a happy manner by instruction, as the shapeless material assumes a beautiful form in the hands of a skilful artist. — DEMOPHILUs. Disputant. True disputants are like true sports- men, their whole delight is in the pursuit; and a disputant no more cares for the truth than the sportsman for the hare. — Popr. Disrobed. Disrobed, like a pure image in a secret shrine. — CHARLES L. Moore. Dissembling. Dissembling as the sea, that now wears brows as smooth as virgins’ be, tempting the merchant to invade his face, and in an hour calls his billows up, and shoots ’em at the sun, destroy- ing all he carries on him. — BrEaumont AND FLETCHER. Dissension. Dissensions like small streams, at first begun, Searce seen they rise, but gather as they run. — SAMUEL GARTH. Dissimilar. As dissimilar as the pure, white, gleaming lily of the hothouse is unlike the wind-tossed, sand-sustained, yellow leaf downtrodden in the mud. — Ourpa. Dissimilar as a trading town and a watering-place. — R. S. SURTEES. Dissipated. Dissipated like fleecy clouds across summer skies. — ANON. Dissolve. Dissolved like a mimic castle of morning frost when the sun exerts himself. — Anon. Dissolved like an unsubstantial pag- eant. — Grorce Exior. Dissolved, like a fragment of ice that melts in the summer sea. — Henry Van Dyke. Dissolve like smoke. — VERLAINE. Distant. Distant as America from Atlantis. — ANON. 98 a Distant — continued. Keep their distances, as if they were Montagues and Capulets. — Dry- DEN. At a safe distance, like mother ducks watching their brood. — Kreiine. Distant as the GrorcE MEREDITH. horizon — sail. — Distant as a dream’s flight. — JoHN G. NEIHARDT. Distant as the dead. — ScHILLER. Distinct. Distinct as a new map. — ANON. Distinct as thunder-peals. —P. J. BaIey. Distinct as vice from virtue. — CHARLOTTE Bronté. Distinct . . . like a gong at mid- night. — E. B. Brownina. Distinct and individual as a pebble. — Dr. JoHNson. Distinct as the billows, yet one as the sea. — JAMES MONTGOMERY. Distinguished. The piece by Voltaire . . . distin- guished itself from the surrounding pieces like a slab of compact polished stone in a floor rammed together out of ruinous old bricks, and broken bottles, and mortar dust. — CARLYLE. Distort. Distort one’s features like a paralytic stroke. — BULWER-LYTTON. Distress (Noun). Distress is forever going about like soot in the air. — DICKENS. Distress (Verb). Distressing us like some bad banquet. — CARLYLE. Distresses ... like old men’s thoughts of love’s first kiss. — Joun Davinson. DISTANT. — DIVIDE. Distrest Like a poor bird — her plundered nest Hovering around with dolorous moan. ; — Worpswortu. Distribute. Napoleon . . . distributed himself about like the five loaves in the Gospel, commanded on the battlefield all day, and drew up his plans at night. — Bauzac. Disturbed. Disturbed like a wind-shaken anemone. — JAMES LANE ALLEN. Disturbing. Disturbing. . . like a tasteless or- nament. — ANON. Disturbing as an unopened tele- gram. — SypNEY MuNDEN. Dive. Dive, like wild-fowl for salvation. — SAMUEL BUTLER. Dive, like ducks. — Tuomas Swap- WELL. Dive, like buckets, in concealed wells. — SHAKESPEARE. Diverge. But with puberty divergence begins ; and, like the radii of a circle, we go further and further apart. — ScHorEn- HAUER. Diverse. Diverse as are the soul and the body. — Bunyan. Divide. Dividing like a splitting stick. — Tuomas Harpy. Divide me like a bribe-buck, each a haunch. — SHAKESPEARE. And flesh from bone divides without a pang As dew from flower-bell drips. — SWINBURNE. DIVINE, — DOWN. 99 Divine. Divine as dreams lit by fire of ap- peased desire which sounds the secret of all that seems. — SwInBURNE. Divine as evening’s death. — Lorp De TaBLey. Dizzy. Dizzy as a goose. — ANON. Dizzy like one in an ill dream. — Inp. Dizzy as a moth that flutters round the flame. — BoyEsEN. Dizzy, like a man in a dream falling from a height and enduring the an- guish of falling. — EpMonp AND JULES DE GoncouRT. Docile. Docile as a lamb. — Bauzac. Docile as a pet spaniel. — Haw- THORNE. Docile as WorDSWORTH. Dodge. Dodge like the Artful Dodger. — ANON. Dodged and scrambled around like a woman who has lost her mind on a managed horse. — account of the arrival of a bat.— | Marx Twain. Doleful. Doleful as a bull-frog crossed in love. — ANON. Doleful as a cavern-well. — CoLz- RIDGE. Dolorous. Dolorous, like some starved shape that cowers in charnel crypt. — AUBREY Ds VERE. Domestic. Domestic as the night. — ALFRED AUSTIN. Domesticated as marmalade. — Ricoarp Le GALLIENNE. Domineering. Domineering as Beelzebub. — Joun W. De Forest. Dote. Dote more on it than a fool on his bauble. — ANon: This sluggard dotes, it seems, on slumber, like an ass on oats. —Huao. Double (Adjective). Double like Janus’ face. — ANon. Double (Verb). Double up like a jack knife. — ANon. Double up like a foot rule. — Inip. Doubled like a hare. — Sir SamuEL Wuite Baker. Doubt. To my doubt I was, As glass is to the color that invests it. — Dante (LonGrELLow). Doubtful. Doubtful antecedent is as fatal to a@ pronoun as to sausage. — ARLO Bates. _ Doubtful it stood ; As two spent swimmers, that do cling together And choke their art. — SHAKESPEARE. Down. Gone down like grass before the scythe. — ANon. His foot came down like the foot of Pantagruel. — Ipip. Went down like Mercury in a chilled thermometer. — Iz. The ship went down like lead. — CoLERDDGE. From heaven down-cast Like red leaves he swept away. — LOoNGFELLOw. Down, like a plummet. — SourHeEy. Down, like the hungry hawk. — M. E. Srespins. 100 Down — continued. He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass: as showers that water the earth. — Otp TESTAMENT. Downcast. Downcast as a woman fearing blame. — Worpswortu. Downfall. Most people’s downfalls are not dangerous ;_ they are like children . who have not far to fall, and can not injure themselves. — Huco. Down-Trodden. Down-trodden, as the untimely fruit Shook from the fig-tree by a sudden storm. — COLERIDGE. Downward. Grew downward like old women and cow’s tail. — Hoop. Downward like a powerless corse. —Joun Lrypen. Wafted downward, like the painted leaves of Autumn. — LoncrELLow. Drag. Drag along like a stage procession. — ANON. Dragged out like a languishing con- certina. — Wittiam ARCHER. Drag like lead. — Dickens. Dragged . . . like a lamb to a slaughter-house. — Tuomas Hot- CROFT. Dragged like a dove into the vul- ture’s bed. — Lycoruron. Like a wounded snake drags its slow length along. — Popr. Drama. (See also Theatre and Play.) The chief difference between drugs and the drama, as habits, is the ease with which one breaks away from the latter. — Cuanninc PoLtocx. DOWN. — DREADFULLY. The drama, like the symphony, does not teach or prove anything. — Joun M. Synce. Drape. Draped round her pallid brow like seaweed on a clam. — SWINBURNE. Draws. Draws as the moon draws the sea. — ANON. Draws tears like an onion. — Ini. As a torch doth Rospert Burton. like oil, draws. — Draws enthusiasm. — Ruta Putnam. Draws ... like a loving kiss. — W. B. Ranps. Dread. Dread as doom. — ANON. Dread like the Day of Doom’s tick. — Rosert Brownina. : Dread as vague imaginings. — Tup- PER. Dreadful. Dreadful as the parting hour. — Anne Brontii. Dreadful as the storm. — Camp- BELL. As dreadful as the Manichean god. — CowPeEr. Dreadful as a gathering storm. — Joun Hay. Dreadful as the God of war. — Homer. The King is dreadful as the grim lion in the valley. — Pentaur. Dreadful, as hermit’s dreams in haunted shades. — Pork. Dreadful as battle arrayed. — Fran- cis THOMPSON. Dreadfully. Dreadfully, as if from realms of mystical despairs. — P. H. Hayne. DREAM. — DRINK. Dream (Noun). Dreams are like portraits; and we find they please because they are confessed resemblances. — GEORGE CRABBE. Dream (Verb). Dreaming, like one in mood of hope by fancy spun, Awaiting to be wooed, and willing to be won. —H. 8. Surron. Dreamy. Dreamy like the far-off chimes of angels’ bells from out the highest heaven. — KinesLEy. Dreamy as music. — Francis S. SALTUs. Dreamy like dim skies. —Swin- BURNE. Dreary. Dreary as an Asian steppe. — BaL- ZAC. Dreary, dull, and sad as Death. — E1iza Cook. Dreary as an empty house. — FLau- BERT. Thou goest like a dromedary, dreary and drowsy. — Joann Hrywoop. Dress. As the index tells the contents of the book, and directs to the particular chapter, even so do the outward habit and garments, in man or woman, give us a taste of the spirit, and point to the eternal quality of the soul; and there cannot be a more evident and gross manifestation of poor, degenerate, dunghill blood and breeding, than a tude, unpolished, disordered, and slovenly outside. — MassINGERr. Drift. Drifting like flakes of snow. — ANON. Drift . . . lightly as a leaf. —P. J. BaILey. 101 Drifted, light-hearted and free, and proud, like the Bedouin. — Strxn §. BLICHER. Weary drifting, driving like a helm- less bark at sea. — AticE Cary. Drifts on the blast, like a wind-wafted leaf, , O’er the gulfs of the desolate sea. —O. W. Homes. Drifting like a flake of fire Rent by a whirlwind from a blazing spire. — Isp. Drifted like a scarlet feather Torn from the folded wings of clouds. — Jan INGELOW. Drifts like April snow. — Amy Lxs- LIE. The snows are driven and drifted, Like Tithonus’ beard Streaming dishevelled and white. — LONGFELLow. Drift as wrecks on the tide. — Inn. Drifted as an unsteered log. — Witiram Morris. Drifting, As the sands on sea-shore shifting. — Exten B. Peck. Drifted ’ Like foam or sand Past swamp and sallow. — SWINBURNE. Drift like satin moons. — Oscar WILDE. Drink (Noun). Strong drinks are like wars, making cripples of some men, and sending others to the grave. — W. S. Downey. Drink (Verb). Drink like a funnel. — ANoN. Drinks like a sieve. — Iw. Drank like a Merman.—R. H. BaRHAM. 102 Drink — continued. Drink hike a fish. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. As the drop feeds its fated flower, As finds its Alp the snowy shower, Child of the omnific Need, Hurled into life to do a deed, Man drinks the water, drinks the light. — Emerson. Drink . . . as wells drink in Novem- ber, when it rains. — LoNGrELLow. I drank as earth imbibes the shower, Or as the rainbow drinks the dew ; As ocean quaffs the rivers up Or flushing sun inhales the sea. — Tuomas Moore. Drink like a templar knight. — RaBELAIS. Drip. Dripping like a laborer in a foundry. — STEPHEN CRANE. Dripping like a mermaid. — Hueco. Dripping as if drowned. — Ramay- ANA. Drive. Driving like a bedlamite. — Cum- BERLAND. Drives him, like a lightning. — Homer (Pore). Drive her foes from their savage job As a mad black Bullock would scatter a mob. — Hoop. Drives like rain to the roots. — Grorce MEREDITH. Drive like chaff before the blust’ring wind. — GEORGE SANDYS. Drive Like mists before the blasts of dawn. — SWINBURNE. Drives out opposition, as the sun drives out the night. —S. G. Ta iren- TYRE. Drove like a cataract. — TENNYSON. As smoke is driven away, so drive them away. — OLp TEsTaMENT. DRINK. — DRONINGLY. The driving is like the driving of Jehu, the son of Nimshi; for he driveth furiously. — Inin. Driven. Driven as leaves in Autumn’s blast. — Epwarp Octavus Fuaae. Driven, like flower-seeds by the four winds sown. — Firz-GreEne Hat- LECK. Driven forth like a sky-rocket. — MUNCHAUSEN. Headlong driven like clouds before the blast of heaven. — Ruskin. Driven like chaff before the wind of heaven. — Sir WaLter Scott. Driven, like the alternations of an ever-changing wind over an Afolean lyre, which move it by their motion to ever-changing melody. — SHELLEY. Driven .. . like leaves before the autumnal wind. — SouTHEY. Driven As foam before the wind that wakes With the all-awakening sun, and breaks Strong ships that rue the mirth it makes When grace to slay is given. — SWINBURNE. Driven like starlets down the wind. — James C. Woops. Droll. Droll as Eliezer who wrote three hundred volumes on sowing cucum- bers. — ANON. Drone. Droned in sweetness like a fattened bee. — C. G. Rossetti. Droningly. Droningly . . . like the sigh of the bleak south wind through the forest, like the crash of the troubled sea as its waves retire from the beach, like the roar of the surging blaze in the closed furnace. — Vinci... DROOP. — DROP. Droop. Droops like a broken lily. — ANon. Droop, like to bees belated in the rain. — ALFRED AUSTIN. Shee droopeth in her minde, As, nipt by an ungracious winde, Dothe some faire lillye flowre. — EneuisH Batzap. Drooping like a falling blossom. — Balzac. She drooped like a lily bedewed in the valley. — Patrick Brontii. Droop like wreaths of snow. — E. B. BROWNING. Droop’d as the willow when no winds can breathe. — Byron. Droops like some unpitied flower that the rain-fall washes down. — ALIcE Cary. She drooped like a blossom bent by the wind. — Epmonpo Deg Amicis. Droops, like a rose, surcharged with morning dew. — DrypDEn. Drooping like plumes. — Dumas, PERE. The maidens droop, like meadow- grass when mown. — GOETHE. Drooping like Hyacinthus beneath the blow of the quoit. — KinGsLEY. Drooped like a lily tired That lolls upon the stalk. — Kopiine. Drooping like a rose rain-laden. — Miss Lanpon. : Drooped like a yacht with idle sails struck by a sudden blast, that dips them in the salt.— GrorcE MERE- DITH. Drooping like crystals in the gulf of time. — Ipp. Droops like a flower. — Barry Pain. Droop like the trees in October. — JAMES PucKLE. 103 Droop, like unfolded wings half spread for flight.—T. BucHanan Reap. Droop like a shower-beaten flower. —D. G. Rossetti. Droops . . . like over-ripen’d corn Hanging the head of Ceres’ plenteous load. — SHAKESPEARE. Drooping like honny dew. — SPEN- SER. As a vine droops, when by divorce remov’d from the embraces of the elm she lov’d. — Grorcr STEPNEY. Drooped Like a flower in the frost. — CELIA THAXTER. Drooping like a dew-laden lily. — TuprPER. Adroop like a rained-on fowl. — WHITTIER. Drop. Dropped, like Icarus, in mid-sky. —T. B. Atpricn. Drop him like a hot potato. — ANON. Drops like a wounded lily. — Isw. Drops like mercury on a cold day. — Ipip. Dropped off like a repleted leech. — Isp. : Drops like a plummet. — MaTrHew ARNOLD. Dropt like a rose o’er-blown. — Apura BEHN. Dropped like a lily broke down by the hail. — Lapy BarNarp. Drop off like leaves in autumn. — Rosert Buarr. Fluttering to the ground, dropped like a wounded bird. — MaTHILDE Buinp. Dropped . . . like a spent horse. — Grorce H. Boxer. 104 Drop — continued. Dropped heavily As century follows century Into the deep eternity. —E. B. Brownine. Drop like shot. — Ropert Brown- ING. Dropped as dead. — Ausrey Dz VERE. : Dropped like flakes, they dropped like stars, like petals from a rose. — Emity Dickinson. Dropped like a flower cut down by the sickle. — Dumas, PERE. The blood dropped out of her cheeks as the mercury drops from a broken barometer-tube, and she melted away from her seat as an image of snow. — O. W. Hoimzs. Music drops like balm into the drowsy ear. — Mrs. E. C. Jupson. Drop like hours into eternity. — Kazats. The slow mists of the evening dropped, Dropped as a cloth upon a dead man’s face. — Kipuine. He dropped like a bullock. — Inn. Men dropped like partridges. — Isp. Drop, like mellow fruit... into the grave. — CHARLES Lams. Dropt from the zenith like a falling star. — MILTon. Dropped like a stone down through the deep sea. — Miss Mutocx. Dropped, as by a thunder-stroke. — SHAKESPEARE. Drop tears as fast as the Arabian trees Their medicinal gum. — Is. Droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven: — Ini. Drop as a leaf drops dead. — Swin- BURNE, DROP. — DRUNK. Dropping like flies, devoured By winter as if by fire, starved, frozen, blind, Maimed, mad with torment, dying in hell. —Ipm. Drought. The drouth Is like sand spread within my mouth. —D. G. Rossert. Drowned. ° Drowned like pigs when they at- tempt to swim. — Hoop. Drowned, as by the flood of Egypt. — Op TESTAMENT. Drowsy. Drowsy as the hum of a bag-pipe. — ANON. Drowsy as the clicking of a clock. — CowPeEr. Drowsy as. . . Andalusiah Seville. — Henry T. Fincx. Drowsy voice, like murmur of a leafy sycamore. — ALEXANDER SMITH. Drudge. Drudge . . . like some blind tread- mill-horse. — Imre Mapacua. Drum. The steady drummer ; Drumming like a noise in dreams. — A. E. Houseman. Drunk. As drunk as a beggar. — ANON. Drunk as a boiled owl. — Isp. Drunk as a bunghole. — Inn. Drunk as a piper. — Ii. Drunk as a tinker. — Isp. Drunk as a top. — Isp. Drunk as David’s saw. — Isp. Drunk as blazes. — Inm. As drunk as three in a bed. — Isp. DRUNK. — DUG. Drunk — continued. Dronken . . . as a rat. — Borpr’s “BokE oF KNOWLEDGE,” 1542. Drunk as a lord. — Grorce CoL- MAN, THE YOUNGER. Drunk as a porter. — NATHANIEL Fie1. Drougen [drunk] as an ape. — Joun GRANGE. Drunk as fish. — Ben Jonson. Drunk as Davy’s sow on a frosty night. — Kip.ine. Drunk like Lot. — AnpREw Mar- VELL. Drunk as a fiddler. — Tue Puritan. Drunk as a wheel-barrow. — SamuEL WESLEY. Drunk as a beast. — WHITTIER. Drunk as a drum.— “Women’s Petition AGAINST COFFEE.” Dry. Dry as a London newspaper. — GzorGE ADE. Dry as a bone. — ANon. Dry as a prohibition fight in Ver- mont. — Ip. Dry as a sponge. — Inip. Dry as nuts. — Ism. Dry as peanut shells. — Isp. Dry as pith. —Izip. Dry as tinder. — Isp. Dry as soon as tears. — In. Drye as clot of clay. —OLp Enc- uisH BALLapD. Dry as desert dust. —Srorrorp A. BRooKkE. Dry as a cinder. — JoszPH ConraD. Dry as a chip. — Dickens. Dry as a lime-basket. — Inp. Dry as the desert. — Inn. 105 Dry as granite. — Dr. Joun Doran. Dry as ashes. — Grorce Exror. Dry as an espalier vine in winter. — ANATOLE FRANCE. Dry as the shell on the sand. — O. W. Hotmss. Dried like a raisin. — CHarues Lams. Dry as the leaves in winter. — W. S. Lanpor. Dry as sand.— Cartes G. Lz- LAND. Dry as a pond in the Summer. — Lover. e Dry as the tomb. — Ropert Mac- KAY. Dry as flame. — Ouma. Dry as dust. — SHAKESPEARE. Dry as the remainder biscuit after a voyage. — Isr. Dry as tinder. — SMOLLETT. Drying up like a brook when the woods have been cleared around. — Bayarp TayYLor. Dry as fossil truths. — THorEAv. Dry and yellow as parchment. — Henry Van Dyke. Drizzle. Drizling like deawy rayne. — SPEN- SER. Duck. Duck as low as any barefoot friar. — MARLOWE. Dug. He now dug into the poor clergy- man’s heart, like a miner searching for gold; or, rather, like a sexton delving into a grave, possibly in quest of a jewel that had been buried on the dead man’s bosom, but likely to find nothing save mortality and corruption. — HawTHORNE. 106 Dull. Dull as a beetle. — ANon. Dull as a convent. — Ini. Dull as a Dutchman. — Isip. As dull as a hoe. — Ini. Dull as a post. — Ibw. Dull as a Quaker meeting. — Inip. Dull as cloudy skies. — Isp. Dull as mutes at a funeral. — Izip. Dull as ditch water. — Inrp. As dull as the debates of Dutch burgomasters on cheese parings and candle ends. — Ii. Dull as Lethe. — Ism. Dull as a dormouse. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Dull as the earth. — Ini. Dull as sin. — S. LAMAN BLANCHARD. Dull as lead. — ANNE Bronte. Dull as any London afternoon. — E. B. Brownine. Dull as an archdeacon.—G. K. CHESTERTON. Dull as laudanum. — Dickens. Dull as an ox. — FIELDING. With eyes as dull as smoky glass. — Norman GALE. Dull as a post. — Jon Gay. Dull as a bachelor beaver. — Sam SLICK. Dull as a boiled codfish. — Ip. Dull as HEatu. a whetstone. — RoBEert Dull as a pig of lead. — ““Hetp to Discourse.” Dull as Hewett. a mud-flat.— Maurice Dull as an alderman at church, or a fat lap-dog after dinner. — Tuomas Hotcrort. DULL. —- DUMB. Dull as a donkey. — Hoop. Dull as lead. — ANpREw Lane. Dull as a tract. —GrorceE Mere- DITH. Dull as night. — SHAKESPEARE. Duller than a great thaw. — Isp. Qull as catalogues. — R. B. Suxni- DAN. ° Dull as a sheep. — Rosert Louis STEVENSON. Sound as dull as unstrung drum. — JAMES SULLY. Dull as the dead fume of a fallen fire. — SWINBURNE. Dark and dull like the mould upon a skull. — Frank WATERS. Dull as a platonic lover. — ‘Woman Turnep Butty.” Dull as a country squire. — WiLLIAM WYcHERLEY. Dumb. Dumb as Philomel. — ANAcREON. Dumb as an oyster. — ANON. Dombe as any stoon. — CHAUCER. Doumb as a tree. — IBmp. Dumb as a senator. — CowPER. Dumb as death. — Sypnry DoBELL. Dumb as a fish. — Bren Jonson. Dumb as the grave. — Krarts. Dumb as_ pillar-posts. — GEORGE MEREDITH. Dumb as a mouse. — ENGLISH Prov- ERB. As dumb as a dead cuddy. — Scor- TISH PRovERB. Dumb as a dream. — SWINBURNE. Dumb and mighty, as a tree grows on a fruitful soil. — Ivan TuRGENEV. DUMPS. —— EARNEST. Dumps. Her dismal dumps, like doleful Dido. — Nicpotas Rowe. Duped. Duped, like a monkey cheated out of an empty nutshell. — Dumas, PERE. Durable. Durable as the black of the negro. — ANON. More durable than steel. — Inn. Durable as yonder spheres. — Cow- PER. Durable as eternity. — Hawrnorne. Durable as bronze. — Henry JAMEs. Durable as manhood. — LAMARTINE. Durable as the firmament. — W11- tiamM MATHEWs. Eager. Eager as a bridegroom. — ANON. Eager . . . like a mettlesome hound, Into the fray with a plunge and a bound. — Joun S. Buackig. Eager as men, when haply they have heard Of some new songster, some gay- feathered bird, That hath o’er blue seas strayed in hope to find In our thin foliage here a summer home, Fain would they catch the Pen things in their mind, And cage them into sonnets as hes come. —F. W. Faser. ~ Eager as a cry for life. — GrorcE MEREDITH. Eager for it as a hound. — Ism. Eager as greyhound on his game. — Sir WALTER Scort. 107 Dusk. Dusk as dying stars. — Bayarp TAYLor. Dwarfed. Dwarfed . .. like starved plants under Greenland skies. — GrorcE. MERrepITH. Dwell. Love’s secret may dwell, Like Zephyr asleep in Some rosy sea-shell. . — Tuomas Moore. Dwindle. Dwindling away like echoes down a valley of rocks. —THomas Harpy. She dwindled, as the fair full moon doth turn To swift decay and burn Her fire away. —C. G. Rosserrt. Eager as hunters in pursuing their prey. — Isp. Eager as a ghoul for blood. — THACKERAY. Eager as a fine-nosed Hound. — Worpswortu. Ear. The public ear is like a common ; there is not much to be got off it, but that little is for the most part grazed down by geese and donkeys.’ —Samuewt Butter (1835-1902). Her little ears were like rosy shells, —they had a pearl dangling from each of them. — WILKIEz CoLLINs. Flapping ears like water-flags. — SWINBURNE. Earnest. Earnest ... as sober Lanesbro’ dancing with the gout. — ANON. Earnest as a seer who invokes the dead. — Butwer-LyTTon. 108 Earnest — continued. Earnest as bees. — LeigH Hunt. In earnest as a mouse in a trap. — Grorcr MEREDITH. Earnest as life and hope. — Donatp G. MrtcHet.. As a guardian Muse thou art earnest. — Bayarp Taytor. Earrings. Earrings like chandeliers. — THack- ERAY. Earth. The earth, like a fallen woman sitting in her dark chamber and trying to for- get the past, seemed tormented with remembrances of the spring and sum- mer, and waited in apathy the inex- orable winter. — ANTON TCHEKHOoV. Ease. Like a coy maiden, Ease, when courted most, Furtherest retires — an idol, at whose shrine Who oft’nest sacrifice are favour’d least. — CowPeEr. He taught them love of toyle; toyle, which does keep obstructions from the minde, and quench the blood ; ease does belong to us like sleep, like opium in our medicine, not our food. — Sir Wittiam DaveENant. As much at ease as a farmer on his own acres. — THEODORE RooseE- VELT. At ease As a flower of the springtime of corn. — SWINBURNE. Easy. Easy as for a blackbird to whistle. — ANON. Easy as a conjurer swallowing a poker. — Isp. Easy as breathing. — Inm. Easy as counting the blossoms on a century plant. — Inn. EARNEST. — EASY. As easy as finding reasons why other people should be patient. — Inm, Easy as for a dog to lick a dish. — Isp. Easy as getting money in a letter. — Isp. Easy as peeling a hard boiled egg. — Isp. Easy as pie. — Ip. Easy as ‘robbing a child’s bank. — Isp. Easy as to say “Jack Robinson.” —Isp. Easy as winking. — Isp. Easy as an old shoe. — RoBert BROWNING. Shall be as easy as going down the river in a boat. — DANTE. As easy as for you to take a drink. —Joun Davison. Easy, as blinding a chicken on the roost with a torch. — W. N. Harsen. Easy as forgetting oaths. —O. W. Holmes. : Easy as swan could bear the snowy fleece. — Homer (Pore). As aisy as winter shakes leaves from the trees. — Lover. As easy as a man dyin’ wi’ due warnin’. — Kip.ine. Easy as for-the grass to be green. — Lowe . Easy as kissing. — Ip. Easy as loving. — Isr. About as easy as to gather a bag of feathers thrown to the four winds. — Sypney Munpen. With as much ease as the sun out- shines and dims the stars with his meridian rays. — RABELAIs. Easy as shelling peas, — CHARLES READE. EASY. — ECHO, Easy — continued. Easy as a down-bed. — Suakr- SPEARE. Easy as lying. — Inp. Easy as to set dogs on sheep. — Isp. Easy as thanks. — Inn. For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. — New TEsTaMENT. With as much ease as whirlwinds move feathers. — Izaak WALTON. Easy as fitting a new harness to an old horse. — Tuomas Watson. Easily. Flows as easily as California wine out of French bottles. — Anon. As easily as an oak looseneth its golden leaves. — P. J. BarLey. Easily —as you'll go to bed. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Easily as a nurse leads a docile child. — Butwer-Lytron. Easily as Hocus Pocus. — SaMUEL Burter. Easily as eagles cleave the air. — Mrs. Saran Hate. Pouring as easily as hour-glass sand. — Keats. Easily as one might wind a watch. — Donatp G. MitcHeE... As easily as persuading a French aristocrat in the Revolution to get aboard the tumbril that was to land him at the guillotine. —Lioyp Os- BOURNE. Easily removable as a pair of spec- tacles from the nose. — RaBELAIS. Easily as the eagles soar. — Scutt- LER. Gluts her vengeance with his hated blood : easily as a hawk, the bird of 109 augury, darting from a lofty rock, comes up with a dove high in the clouds, holds her in her gripe, and with crooked talons tears out her heart, while gore and plucked feathers come tumbling from the sky.— VirGIL. Eat. Eat like a hog. — ANon. Eat like a horse. — Ipm. Eats like rust. — Ipip. Eat like wolves. — Ini. Eat like maggots into an estate. — Cartes Lams. Eating, sharply as aqua-fortis into brass, into the metal of her vanity — and her pride. — Ourpa. Eat up like fire the ashen autumn days. — SWINBURNE. Eat as doth a canker. — New Tzs- TAMENT. Eat your flesh as it were fire. — Isp. Eating. As a lamp is choked with a multi- tude of oil, or a little fire with overmuch wood quite extinguished ; so is the natural heat with immoderate eating strangled in the body. — Roperr Burton. Ebb. Ebb like the tides of a living heart. —P. H. Hayne. Ebb like hopes that wither. — SWINBURNE. Eccentric. Eccentric as comets. — DICKENS. Moves eccentric, like a wandering star, Whose motion’s just, though ’tis not regular. — Dryven. Echo. An echo is like a woman, always determined to have the last word. — JosH BILLines. 110 Echoless. Echoless, as ripe fruit on the ground unshaken. — E. B. Brownina. Ecstacy. With ecstacy . . . like fathers that behold their infants crawl. — Hoop. Ecstatic. Eestatic and inviolate as the red glad mouth of morn. — SWINBURNE. Education. A human soul without education, like marble in the quarry, which shows none of its inherent beauties, till the skill of the polisher fetches out the colors. — ADDISON. Education is, to its possessor, like a golden crown, in which honour is united with intrinsic worth. — DEmo- PHILUS. Eerie. Eerie as a witch’s ballad. — Amy LESLIE. Effect. Produced as little effect as a flake falling on the glaciers of the high Alps. — BEACONSFIELD. Effective. As effective as Gibraltar under a fusillade of grapeshot. — ANON. Effervescent. Effervescent as a sulphur springs geyser. — ANON. Effervescent as young wine. — Amy Les.iz. Efficient. Efficient as a bear trap. — WARREN H. Miter. Effortless. Effortless as stars awakening and melting out, at eve, and morning’s breaking. — N. P. Witus. Egotism. There’s nothing like egotism. It preserves a man as ice preserves meat. — ANON. ECHOLESS. —- ELOQUENT. Elastic. Elastic as a caterpillar. — ANON. Elastic as all flesh. — BuLwer- Lytron. Elastic as the gas of gunpowder. — Emerson. Elasticity. Capable of elasticity as a washed glove. — ANoN. Elate. Elate as Heaven. — SWINBURNE. Elegant. Elegant as a Chesterfield. — ANon. Elegant as a Tuscan. — Ibn. Elegant as simplicity. — CowPEr. Eloquence. Unprofitable eloquence is like the cypress ; great and tall but bears no fruit. — ANoN. Fierce bursts of eloquence like the wail of a clarion thrilling beneath the blasts of a storm. — Ipm. False eloquence, big empty sound, Like showers that rush upon the ground, Little beneath the surface goes, All streams along and muddy flows. — Marrurw Green. Eloquence is an engine invented to manage and wield at will the fierce democracy, and, like medicine to the sick, is only employed in the paroxysms of a disordered state. — MonraicNe. Eloquent. Eloquent as a rattlesnake’s tail. — ANON. Eloquent as Cicero. — Inp. Eloquent as angels. — C. C. CouTon. With her mouth she was eloquent, As if to her ear an angel bent, Whispering her that she might say The word which wipes all tears away. — D. G. Rossertt. ELUDE. — ENDURING. Elude. Elude us like the echo of falling waters in a dream. — ANON. Elude the grasp like an essence. — CHARLOTTE BRONTE. Elusive. As elusive as the pestilence that walketh in darkness. — ANon. Elusive as quicksilver. — Inm. Elusive as sheet lightning playing among June clouds. — James Hune- KER. Elusive as the sea-line far, and all the secret of the wind. — GrorcEe STERLING. Embrace. In close embrace, Like friends that, having liv’d far apart, Meet and relieve in tears the joy- o’erburdened heart. — Wituiam TENNANT. Emotion. All loving emotions, like plants, shoot up most rapidly in the tempes- tuous atmosphere of life. — RicuTer. Emphatic. Emphatic as an oath. — GrorcE Moore. Empire. A great empire, like a great cake, is most easily diminished at the edges. — FRANKLIN. Emptier. Emptier than a reed. — Boccaccio. Empty. Empty as a bird’s nest in December. — ANon. Empty as a politician’s address to the people. — Ini. Empty as a quill. — Isp. Empty of expression as a squeezed sponge of water. — Inn. 111 Empty as Vanity Fair. — Inm. Empty .. . like a shell dishabited. —T. E. Brown. Empty of religion, as the white of an egg is of savor. — Bunyan. Empty as shade. — C. C. Cotton. Empty as a church on a week-day. — Davpert. Empty as a cobbler’s curse. — Tuomas Dermopy. As empty of ideas as an opera. — FIeLpine. Empty as an -idiot’s mind. — Grorce Capotr Lopes. Empty as space. — Guy pe Mav- PASSANT. Empty as air-pumps drain’d of air. — WiLLIAM SHENSTONE... Empty as a skull. — Tennyson. Empty as wind. — Mrs. Tro.uorr. Enchanting. Enchanting as beauty weeping in her weeds. — W1LLIAM WILKIE. Enchased. Walls enchased like chalices. — Rosert Noet. Encircled. Encircled him as a belt. — Anon. Encumber. Encumbering . . . like a cireumam- bient Bedlam. — CARLYLE. Encumbrance. The encumbrances of his fortune were shaken from his mind, as dew drops from a lion’s mane. — Dr. JOHNSON. Ends. I was of late as petty to his ends, As is the morn-dew on the myrtle leaf To his grand sea. — SHAKESPEARE. Enduring. Enduring as marble. — ANon. 112 Enduring — continued. Enduring as the stars. — ANon. Enduring as Conrab. eternity. — JosEPH As enduring as a camel. — Kzats. Energy. Energy, even like the biblical grain of mustard-seed, will remove moun- tains. — Hosza Ba.tov. In energy . . . like unto the Sun. — MAHABHARATA. Enfold. Enfolds . . . like mist. — JOHN KEBLE. Enlisting. Enlisting in the United States navy to see the world is like going to the workhouse to learn broom-making. — Ape Martin. Enlivening. Enlivening as a sneeze. — HENRY BROOKE. Enraged. Enraged as the wild winds to reason deaf. — R. H. Horne. Enshrined. Enshrined, as in a holy altar, under guard of consecrated keepers. — RICHARD CUMBERLAND. Enslaved. Enslaved as a spell. — PeTrarca. Entangled. Entangled like vines. — ANon. Entangled in words as a bird in lime-twigs. The more he struggles the more belimed. — THomas Hospgs. In her faire lookes were his thoughts intangled, like birds of canarie, that have fallen into a silken net. — Lyty. Entangled . . . like a mouse catched in a trap. — RaBELAIs. ENDURING. — ENVY. Enthrall. A nameless charm enthralling, like the ghost of music melting on arain- bow spray of sound. — P. H. Hayne. Enthusiasm. Enthusiasm, like a bottle rid of the cork. — GEorRGE MEREDITH. Enthusiast. The enthusiast has been compared to aman walking in a fog ; every thing immediately round him, or in contact with him, appears sufficiently clear and luminous ; but beyond the little circle, of which he himself is the centre, all is mist, error, and confusion. —C. C. Cotron. Enticing. Enticing as a riddle. — P. W. SHepp. Entrance. Entrancing as the gardens in a fairy romance. — ANON. Entrances like a siren. — Inn. Entrance as young conquerors fresh from spoil. — P. J. Barter. Enveloped. Enveloped, like a martyr’s robe of flames. — Prescott. Envious. Envious people are disarmed by their own dispositions, as iron by rust. — ANTISTHENES. Envious as a pretty woman is of another woman, as a banker is of another banker, as a political adversary is of a rival. — HawTHORNE. Envious as an old maid verging on the desperation of six and thirty. — R. B. SHerman. Envy. As rust corrupts iron, so envy cor- rupts man. — ANTISTHENES. Envy, like merit, doth its shade pursue. — Isp. ENVY. — ETERNAL. Envy — continued. Envy lurks at the bottom of the human heart, like a viper in its hole. — Batzac. Envy, like the worm, never runs but to the fairest fruit; like a cunning bloodhound, it singles out the fattest deer in the flock. — Francis Brav- MONT. A rustinesse consumeth iron: So envie consumeth the envious man. — ANTHONIE FLETCHER’sS ‘ CERTAIN Very PRoPER AND PROFITABLE SIM- ILIES,” 1595. As a moth. gnaws a garment, so doth envy consume a man. — SAINT CHRYSOSTOM. Envy, like a cold prison, benumbs and stupefies; and, conscious of its own impatience, folds its arms in despair. — JEREMY COLLIER. Pity and envy, like oil and vinegar, assimilate not. —C. C. CoLron. Envy excels in exciting jealousy, as a rat draws the crocodile from its hole. — Hugo. Envy, like a flame soars upward. — Lyvy. Envy, like flame, blackens that which is above it, and which it cannot reach. — J. PETIT-SENN. Ephemeral. Ephemeral as dew. — Buiss Car- MAN. Ephemeral, like Michael Angelo’s snow statue. — RusKIN. Epigram. Like a bee or an epigram, all his sting is in his tail. —Tuomas Apams. Equal. Equal as flowers in the field. — Epwin Markuam. Erect. Erect as an Indian. — ANON. 113 Erect as a sunbeam, upspringeth the palm. — Emerson. Erect as a live hydra. — Huao. Erect as alders. — Ovi. Grow erect as the great pine grows. —E. R. Sr. Erect, like pillars of the temple. — SOUTHEY. Erratic. Erratic as electrical phenomena, — Bawzac. Erratic As the strong star smiles that lets no mourner mourn. —— SWINBURNE. Error. Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow; He who would search for pearls must dive below. — DrypDENn. Escape. *Scape as did Arion on the Dolphin’s back. — THomas Hrywoop. My soul escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. — OLD TESTAMENT. Essential. Essential as the dew. — Epna P. C. HayEs. As essential to the river as a fish. — Henry D. TuHoreav. Established. Established for ever as the moon. — Op TESTAMENT. Esteemed. Esteemed as a minstrel at a feast. — GEORGE SANDYS. Eternal. Eternal as life. — ANON. Eternal as the eternal God. — J. C. GUTHRIE. 114 Eternal — continued. Eternal as is Sion. — Huo. Eternal as the peace of God. — Hues McCuutocu. Ethereal. Ethereal as the air. — CHARLES SANGSTER. Ethereal, like a lovely ghost Soft looming in the hazy distance dreaming. —Criia THAXTER. Ethereal as the sensuous pallor of waxen candles. —G. Vere TYLER. Evanescent. More evanescent than the rainbow. — Wituiam ARCHER. So evanescent that it was like a shape made in water. — DIcKENS. Evanescent as the crimson flush that tints the daybreak. — Miss Lanpon. Events. Events, like the pendulum of a clock, have swung forward and back- ward, but after all, man, like the hands, has gone steadily on. — R. G. IncErR- SOLL. Everlasting. Everlasting as the sun. — WILLIAM Kine. Everlasting as the voiceless hills. — Conn’ B. PALLEN. Evident. Evident as Euclid’s axioms. — ANon. Evident, As is the universal light of day. —Joun Bani. Evident as the sun at noon. — CARLYLE. Evident as light in dark. — GrorcE MEREDITH. Evil (Adjective). Evil report, like the Italian stiletto, is an assassin’s weapon, worthy only of the bravo. — MapaMeE DE MaInTENoN. ETERNAL. ——- EXCRESCENCE. 1 Evil as treason. —Sir THomas Mors. As the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare ;so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon themn.—Otp Testa- MENT. Evil (Noun). Evils, like poisons, have their uses, and there are diseases which no other remedy can reach. — THomas Paine. Exact. Exact as clock-work. — CARLYLE. Exacting. Exacting as a senior clerk. — Batzac. Exasperated. Exasperated. . . like the huntsman’s first distant halloo to a stag. — Bauzac. Exceed. As far exceed . . . as doth the flower the weed. — Jonn Heywoop. Excel. As the fair lawn excels the rushy mead, As firs the thorn, and flow’rs the pois’- nous weed. — Ricwarp Jaco. Then I saw that wisdom excelleth folly, as far as light excelleth darkness. — Op TESTAMENT. Excelling, as much as orient gold surmounteth brass. — WILLIAM THOMSON. Exchequer. The king’s exchequer was like the spleen ; for when that did swell, the whole body did pine. — Trasan. Excite. Exciting as a Quaker Meeting. — Grorcr Apr. Excite him, as the donkeys on the green did Betsy Trotwood. — Dickens. Excrescence. A little rounded excrescence like a steel wart. — Irvin S. Cons. EXHAUSTLESS. — EXQUISITE. Exhaustless. Exhaustless as the ocean. — Ourpa. Exhaustless as the choral founts of night. — T. Bucaanan Reap. Expand. Expanded like a flower under the sun. — ANON. Expanding like the dawn. — Joun Davipson. Expand, as tides that ebb, or tides that flow. —Lorp Dr TaBLevy. Expanded like the face of the sun when it mounts over the eastern hill. — Jeremy Taytor. Expect. Expectation, like a fiery steed, antic- ipates the course, and pants to hear the sprightly signal start him for the goal. — Roprert JEPHSON. Expensive. Expensive as glory. — SyDNEY SMITH. Experience. It is costly wisdom that is bought by experience. We know by experience itself, that it is a marvelous pain, to find out but a short way by long wandering. And surely, he that would prove wise by experience, he may be witty indeed, but even like a swift runner, that runneth fast out of his way, and: upon the night, he knoweth not whither. — Roger AscHam. Experience, like a pale musician, holds A dulcimer of patience in his hand, Whence harmonies, we cannot under- stand, Of God’s will in his worlds, the strain unfolds In sad, perplexed minors : deadly colds Fall on us while we hear, and counter- mand Our sanguine heart back from the fairy- land With nightingales in visionary worlds. —E. B. Brownina. 115 Human experience, like the stern lights of a ship at sea, too often illumi- nates only the path we have passed over. — COLERIDGE. Expire. Expired like the sound of a melan- choly echo. — Anon. Expired like hardy plants which lose _ their color and perfume when trans- planted to a hot-house. —Izip. Expiring like the deserted camp-fires of a retiring army. — GrorcEe W. Curtis. Expire like an exhausted taper. — GOLDSMITH. Doomed to expire like blossoms that ne’er see a second sun. — Ractne. Exploded. As exploded as the mysteries of Eleusis. — Ricuarp Le GALLIENNE. Expression. True expression, like the unchanging sun, Clears and improves whate’er it shines upon. — Porr. Expressionless. Expressionless as a cheese. — ANON. Expressionless as a gravestone. — Isip. Expressionless as a Sphinx’s face. — Isp. Expressive. Expressive as the ridge of a cat’s back. — Anon. Exquisite. Exquisite, like the heart of a wild rose. — ANON. Exquisite in their mechanism as the motion of the planets. — JAMES HUNEKER. s . Exquisite Like fiery chrysoprase in deep basalt. —D. G. Rossertt. 116 Exquisite — continued. Exquisite as the coming of spring and quite as natural. — Oscar WILDE. Extended. Extended, like home-bound cranes. — ANon. Extended as the heavens. — Van- BRUGH. Extinct. Extinct as the dodo. — ANon. Extinck as th’ Peter DuNNE. Extinguish. Extinguished as stars by the rising sun. — ANON. bison. — FINLEY Extinguished like a taper’s flame. — AmBrosE BIERCE. Extinguished, like a flame that sinks down hopelessly among the late de- caying embers. — HawTHORNE. Extinguish’d, like the vital spark in death. — Hoop. Extortion. Extortion is like a whirlpool, that swalloweth whatever it catches. — ANON. Extravagance. Extravagance is like a violent fire, that is no sooner stopped in one place than it breaks out in another. — Van- BRUGH. Exult. Exulting like a conqueror. — JosErH Conrab. Exulted as the sunrise in its might. — SWINBURNE. Eye. My eyes like the wheels of a chariot roll around.—#scuyus (E. B. Brown- ING). Her eyes were like a butterfly’s gor- geous wings. — JAMES Lang ALLEN. Eyes like mountain water that’s flowing on a rock. — Winuiam ALLING- HAM, EXQUISITE. —— EYE. Dovelike eyes, depths as of heaven when charged with gloom. — ANon. Eyes like burnt holes in a blanket, — Is. Eyes like saucers. — Izin. Eyes transparent as a cloudless sky, — Isp. Eyes, brilliant and humid like the reflection of stars in a well. — Ep- MONDO DE AmICcIs. Languishing eyes like those of a roe looking tenderly at her young.— AMRILKAIS. Eyes like a hind’s in love-time. — Epwin ARNOLD. Her sparkling eyes, like Orient pearles, Did cast a heavenlye light. — Encutsu Batuap. His eyes, like those of a pitiless judge, seemed to go to the very bot- tom of all questions, to read all natures, all feelings and thoughts. — Bazac. Burning eyes that blaze through a lace veil, like flame through cannon smoke. — Iz1p. These lovely lamps, these windows of the soul. — pu Barras. Eyes like flames of sulphur. — Brav- MONT AND FLETCHER. Eyes, like torches, fling their beams around. — Isrp. Blue violet, like Pandora’s eye. — Tuomas L. Brppogs. Eyes glazed over like harebells wet with dew. — Caroting BowLes. Her eyes are bright as stars In the blue. — Rosert Bripces (American). Her sunken grey eyes, like reflections from the aspect of an angel. —— CHAR- LOTTE BRONTE. EYE, Eye — continued. Her eyes are dark and humid, Like the depth on depth of lustre hid i’ the harebell. — Roserr Brownine. With eyes, like frésh-blown thrush- eggs on a thread, Faint-blue and loosely floating in his head. — Imp. . Doubting eyes,, Like a child that never knew but love Whom words of wrath surprise. — E. B. Brownine. Shining eyes, like antique jewels set in Parian statue-stone. — Iprp. Eyes like the summer’s light blue sky. — BuLwer-Lytron. Beautiful eyes in the face of a hand- some woman are like eloquence to speech. — Inrp. His eyes are like a balance, apt to propend each way, and to be weighed down with every wench’s looks. — Rosert Burton. Eyes like the dawn of day.— F. A. Burier. Brilliant eyes, swift-darting as the stars. — CARLYLE. Twin violets by a shady brook were like her eyes. — ALICE CaRyY. Eyes, shining like thin skins full of blood. — Ixsip. What a curious workmanship is that of the eye, which is in the body, as the sun in the world; set in the head as in a watch-tower, having the softest nerves for receiving the greater multi- tude of spirits necessary for the act of vision. — STEPHEN CHARNOCK. Those dry eyes of his shining more like poisoned stones than living tissue. —JosrerH ConraD. Expectant yellow eyes, like a cat watching the preparation of a saucer of milk. — Iz1p. Her eyes are sapphires set in snow. — CoNSTABLE. 117 An eye like the polar star. — E1iza Cook. O my love has an eye, Like a star in the sky. — Barry CoRNWALL. Honest eyes... . Blue like the tropic skies. — D’ANNUNZIO. Eyes, gleaming and sparkling like lizards’ eyes in the crevices of old walls.— DaupET. Her eyes grew bright and large, Like springs rain-fed that dilate their marge. — AuBREY DE VERE. Her eyes, like stars in midnight waters glossed. — Inn. Her eyes are bright as beryl stones that in the tankard wink. — AusTIN Dosson. Eyes like the morning. — Inm. Eyes like live coals. — DUMAS, PERE. Her eyes like shadows in the light of torches on the Mount of Doom. — Maurice Francis Ecan. Old men’s eyes are like old men’s memories, they are strongest for things a long way off. — GrorceE Exror. When a man speaks the truth in the spirit of truth, his eye is as clear as the heavens. When he has base ends, and speaks falsely, the eye is muddy, and sometimes asquint. — EMERSON. An eye can threaten like a loaded and levelled gun, or can insult like hissing or kicking; or, in its altered mood, by beams of kindness, it can make the heart dance with joy. — Inip. But oh, to see his solar eyes Like meteors which chose their way And rived the dark like a new day. — Isp. Her eyes like the radiance the sun- beams bring. — ANcrENnT Erse. Eyes like the summer skies when twin stars beam above. — F. A. Fany. 118 Eye — continued. Eyes as azure as the wave. — VIOLET FANE. Eyes like dark blue pansies. — Nor- MAN GALE. Eyes as greye as glasse. — GEORGE GASCOIGNE. A burning eye, yellow and phosphoric like the eye of a crocodile or a lion. — GAUTIER. The most dazzling stars are pebbles without lustre beside the diamonds of her eyes. — Joseru A. pr GoBINEAU. His eyes were like the eyes of doves when washed by the dews of the morn- ing. — GOLDSMITH. Mary with her cheerful eyes, Like heartsease where a dew drop lies. — Epmunp Goss. Azure eyes, like stars upon the river’s brink. — Inn. Her eyes, fair eyes, like to the purest lights, That animate the sun, or cheer the day ; In whom the shining sunbeams brightly play, Whiles fancy doth on them divine delights. — RoperT GREENE. Her eyes two twinkling stars in winter nights. — Inin. Her eyes like glassy streams. — Inm. The dame had eyes like lightning, or the flash That runs before the hot report of thunder. — Inn. Two eyes, Like heaven’s bright lamps in match- less beauty shining. — Ini. His eyes were grey, Like Titan in a Summer day. — Ip. Eyes like violets steep’d in dew. — J. C. GUTHRIE. Her eyes, like moonbeams glowing. — Hariz. EYE. Eyes that mock the diamond’s blaze. — Joun HarrincTon. Eyes like twin blue stars. — HeErn- RicH HEINE. Ambiguous. . . blue eyes like the china dog on the mantel piece. —O. HEnry. Eyes frosty blue, like a winter sea that is made bright, not warm, by the sun. — Maurice HEw tert. Eyes like a hare’s, that look sideways for danger. — In. Eyes like stars, robed in dull red. — Ip. Shrewd old party . . . eyes like gim- lets. — Heapon Hr. The lack-lustre eye, rayless as a Beacon street door-plate in August. — O. W. Hotes. An eye as clear and steady as the evening star. — Iprp. Eyes ... mild as a gazelle’s. — Hoop. Brilliant eyes, As deeply dark as desert skies. — Laurence Hope. Dreaming, wistful eyes, Dark and deep as mysterious skies, Seen from a vessel at sea. — Iprp. Wistful eyes, As luminous and tender as Kotri’s twilight spies. — Isp. His eyes . . . deep sunk beneath his lowering brows, Like caverns by a moonlit sea. . —R. M. Mines. Eyes ... overflow like two cups filled above the brim. — Hugo. Sweet eyes . . . tender as the deeps in yonder skies. — JEAN INGELOW. The sophist’s eye, Like a sharp spear, went through her utterly, Keen, cruel, perceant, stinging. — KEats. EYE. Eye — continued. Eyes like two streams of liquid light. — Frances Anne Kemsur. Eyes like the dawn of day. — Inn. Her eye Flames like a fresh caught hind’s. — KiIncs.ey. Eyes that droop like summer flowers. — Miss Lanpon. Eyes like the flower that was Rous- seau’s delight. — ANDREw Lane. ‘ O lovely eyes of azure, Clear as the waters of a brook that run Limpid and laughing in the summer ' sun ! I dislike an eye that twinkles like a star. Those only are beautiful which, like the planets, have a steady, lambent light — are luminous, but not spar- kling. — Isr. Eyes dilated, as if the spirit-world were open before him, and some beau- Ipip. Like the stars that nightly shine, Thy sweet eyes shed light divine. — Lover. Flaw-seeing eyes, like needle points. — LowEL. Eyes pe[alrcing like the Sun beames. — Lyty. Blue eyes, like Delft saucers. — Maarren MAartens. His eyes like meteors of night. — James MAcPHERSON. Bright eyes Which were like lotus-blossoms. — MAHABHARATA. Eyes. . . like restless stars in the pit of night. — Epwin Marxuam. Vacant eyes, blue as the flowers of the flax plant. — Guy pr Maupassant. Unfathomable eyes, which hid their secrets under the undisturbed serenity — LONGFELLOW.. _ 119 of majestic repose, like a mountain lake, whose waters seem black on ac- count of their depth. — Inn. Her eye beams as kindly and bright, As the sun in the azure-tinged sky. — CaTuLLe MEnpEs. Blessed eyes, like a pair of suns, Shine in the sphere of smiling. — Tuomas Mip.eton. And the bright dew-bead on the bramble lies, like liquid upon beauty’s eyes. — James MontTcoMErY. Eyes like setting planets, weak and dim. — Cuaries L. Moore. Each bright eye, Like violets after morning’s shower, The brighter for the tears gone by. — Tuomas Moors. Eyes, whose sleepy lid like snow on violets lies. — Ipip. Eyes as soft as doves. — Miss Mutocx. Eyes, like reflected moonbeams on a distant lake. — OssIAN. Eyes flashed like the sun playing on water. — Oumpa. Eyes like blue heavens in a night of frost. — Inrp. Eyes shining like the planets. — Isp. Her eyes were of a deep brown hue, like the velvety brown of a stag’s throat. — In. Her eyes are like free-booters, living upon the spoile of stragglers. — Sir THOMAS OVERBURY. Eyes like an orange-grove In whose enchanted bowers the magic fire-flies rove. — Isp. What eyes! [Daniel Webster’s] like charcoal fire in the bottom of a deep, dark well. — TuHropoRE PARKER. Eyes blazed like a bale-fire. — JoHn Payne. 120 Eye — continued. Her black eyes sparkled like sun- beams on ariver : a clear, deep, liquid radiance, the reflection of ethereal fire. — THomas L. PEacock. Eyes. . . stared like windows at the peep of day. — STEPHEN PHILLIPS. The eye, like a shattered mirror, multiplies the images of its sorrow. — Por. Luminous eyes, Brightly expressive as the twins of Leda. — Inp. The eye is the window of the soul; the mouth, the door; the intellect, the will, are seen in the eye. —Hiram Powers. The eyes are the pioneers that first announce the soft tale of love. — PROPERTIUS. \ Eyes glittering like basilisks. — CHARLES READE. Her eye worked like an ice gimlet in her daughter’s face. — Ipip. Her eyes are blue and dewy as the glimmering Summer-dawn. — JAMES Wartcoms RIey. Eyes as fresh and clear as morning skies. — Ini. With a pair o’ eyes like two fried eggs. — Isp. Her eyes are like the open heaven Holy and pure from sin. — C. G. Rosserrt. Dim dried eyes like an exhausted well. — Inn. Eyes As of the sky and sea on a gray day. —D. G. Rosserri. Her eyes were deeper than the depth Of waters stilled at even. —Ism. Her dazzling eye ; As liquid in its brilliancy as the deep . blue of midnight ocean, EYE. When underneath, with trembling motion, The phosphor light floats by. — Rusxw. Her eyes were like a heaven, where sunlight always glows. — A. J. Ryan. His eyes like those that Houris wear. — SaDI. Thine eyes Mirage of sultry prisons, flashing in — And out, like fulg’rous lightning through dark skies. — Francis S. Saurus. As a moonbeam white, As a starbeam white, Was her eye of iris ray. —Ism. An eye like Mars, to threaten and command. — SHAKESPEARE, Her eyes, as murder’d with the view, Like stars ashamed of day, themselves withdrew. — Isp. Thy eyes’ windows fall, Like death, when he shuts up the day of life. — Isp. His eye Red as ’twould burn Rome. — Izmp. His eyes, like glow-worms, shine when he doth fret. — Inrp. Her eyes, like marigolds, had sheath’d their light, And canopied in darkness sweetly lay, Till they might open to adorn the day. — Isp. Eyes as fair As star-beams among twilight trees. — SHELLEY. His faint eyes, Like dew upon a sleeping flower. — Ism. Thine eyes are like the deep, blue boundless heaven. — Ism. Eyes like kindling flame. — Lyp1a H. Sigourney. EYE. 121 Eye — continued. In her hazel eyes her thoughts lay clear As pebbles in a brook. — ALEXANDER SMITH. Her goodly eyes like sapphires shining bright. — SPENSER. An eye is, for all the world, exactly like a cannon, in this respect, That it is not so much the eye or the cannon, in themselves, as it is the carriage of the eye, and the carriage of the cannon; by which both the one and the other are enabled to do so much execution. ~_— STERNE. An old light smolders in her eye. There ! she looks up. They grow and glow Like mad laughs or a rhapsody That flickers out in woe. — TRUMBULL STICKNEY. Eyes as glad as summer. — Swin- BURNE. Gold-eyed as the shore-flower shelter- less Whereon the sharp-breathed sea blows bitterness, A storm-star that the seafarers of love Strain their wind-wearied’ eyes for glimpses of. — Isp. Your grave majestic eyes Like a bird’s warbled words Speak, and sorrow dies. —Ipp. Eyes, Pale as the skies. — ARTHUR SYMONS. His threatening eyes Like flaming torches burned. — Tasso. Eyes . . . clear as the unshadowed Grecian heaven. — BAYARD TAYLOR. Like a blue spot in the sky Was her clear and loving eye. —Srr Henry Taytor. Eyes like heaven’s own blue. — Esaras TEGNER. His eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. — OLD TESTAMENT. Thine eyes are like the fish-pools in Heshbon, by the gate of Bathrabbim. —Isn. Eyes like unto a flame of fire. —Ism. But woe’s me, and woe’s me, For the secrets of her eyes ! In my visions fearfully They are ever shown to be As fringéd pools, whereof éach lies Pallid — dark beneath the skies Of a night that is But one blear necropolis. And her eyes a little tremble, in the wind of her own sighs. — Francis Tuompson. Like pansies dark i’ the June o’ the year, grow my Love’s glad eyes. — JAMES THOMSON. Her eyes are like the statues, — mild, grave, and wide. — Pau VERLAINE. Eyes, dark and mysterious as Night’s; but, like Night’s own eyes, ready, I thought, to call up the throb- bing fires of a million stars. — THEo- porE Watrts-DUNTON. Eyes flashing like sapphires. — IB. Eyes like English skies, where seemed to play Deep azure dreams behind the tender grey. —Isp. ; O deep eyes, Darker and softer than the bluest dusk Of August violets, darker and deeper Like crystal fathomless lakes in summer moons. — AuGcusTA WEBSTER. How brilliant and mirthful the light of her eye, Like a star glancing out from the blue of the sky. — WHITTIER. Eyes like a bright blue-bell. — Exta WHEELER WILCOX. Your eyes are like fantastic moons that shiver in some stagnant lake. — Oscar WILDE. 122 Eye — continued. Eyes half veiled. . . Like bluest waters seen, through mists of rain. — Oscar WILDE. Blue eyes shimmer with angel glances Like spring violets over the sea. — Constancre F. Woo son. Her eyes as stars of twilight fair. — Worpsworta. Eyes Like the harebells bathed in dew. —Ism. Eyes like sunbeams. — JoHANN | ZSCHOKKE. : Fabulous. ” As fabulous as Aladdin’s ring. — O. W. Hotes. As fabulous as the immortality of the giants of mythology. — Tuomas PAINE. Fabulous as Bucephalus or Black Bess. — THACKERAY. Face. His face is like a street before they lay the pavement. — ANoNn. Thy face, like dawn when it lights the dawn. — ARABIAN Nicuts. Sweet youthful face, fair as the moon at full. — Epwin ARNoLp. His face looks like a warrant. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. A face that cannot smile is like a bud that cannot blossom which dries up in the stalk. — Henry Warp Bercuer. His face is fair as heaven. — WIL- LIAM BLAKE. EYE, — FACE. Eyebrow. Eyebrows like curved snow-drifts, — Mavrice Hew ett. Her eyebrows like a bent bow. — “VIKRAM AND THE VAMPIRE.” Eyeless. Eyeless as old Destiny. — SuzLury. Eyelid. Eyelids close Calmly, as to a night’s repose, Like flowers at set of sun. — Fiiz-Greene HA.iecx. His face is like the pippin, grown red ripe in frosty suns that shone. — Artuur C. Benson. A sharp face, like a knife in a cleft stick. — E. B. BRownina. He had a face like a benediction. — CERVANTES. That face of yours looks like the title- page of a whole volume of roguery.— CoLLEy CIBBER. His face looked like a face that had ‘refused to jell and was about to run down on his clothes. — Irvin S. Coss. Face, Long as a courtier’s out of place. — Comman. Face like an ancient lemon. — JosrEpH CoNnraAD. A face like a smoked herring. — ANATOLE FRANCE. A face like the setting sun on a sum- mer’s day, when promise of a hot day to-morrow is read in its ruddy hue. —F. C., Grirritu. FACE, — FADE, Face— continued. Her little face is like a walnut shell With wrinkling lines. —W. E. Hentery. Face like a flame. — Maurice | HEWLETT. Her face like roses blown, And in the radiance and the hush, Her thought was shown. — Jean INGELOw. A face that was like an open letter in a foreign tongue. — Henry JAMES. His face is like a squeezed orange. — Ben Jonson. Her face was like the earthen pitcher of Gideon : it concealed the light. — Grorce MacDona.p. His face was like an April morn Clad in a wintry cloud. — Davi Ma ttet. A face, like nestling luxury of flowers. — GreraLtp Massey. Her fair face half hid, like a ripe peep- ing rose. — OWEN MEREDITH. Her face is as white As her pillow by night. —Izsm. She is hid away all but her face, and that’s hung about with toys and de- vices, like the signe of a taverne, to draw strangers. — Sir Tuomas Over- BURY. Faces did glister like the key-hole of a powdering-tub. — RaBEzals. A face open as day.— RocErs. Thy face is like the full moon of heaven, allied to light, but far from my hopes. — “ROMANCE OF ANTAR.” Her own face was like a flower Of the prime, Half in sunshine, half in shower, In the year’s most tender time. —C. G. Rossetti. 123 Her face was like an opening rose, So bright to look upon : But now it is like fallen snows, As cold, as dead, as wan. —Isn. Faces are as legible as _ books, with this difference in their favor, that they may be perused in much less time than printed pages, and are less lia- ble to be misunderstood. — FREDERIC SAUNDERS. *Tis not that she paints so ill but, when she has finished her face, she joins so badly to her neck, that she looks like a mended statue, in which the con- noisseur may see at once that the head is modern, though the trunk’s antique. —R. B. Suerman. Her face was like a lily hidden in holy dusks. — GEorGE STERLING. Her face was like the Milky Way i’ the sky, A meeting of gentle lights without a name. —SiR JOHN SUCKLING. Thy face Was as a water’s wearied with wind. — SWINBURNE. His face was as the must that lies upon a vat of new-made wine. — Oscar WILDE. Factions. These factions amongst great men, they are like Foxes, when their heads are divided, They carry fire in their tails, and all the country, About them goes to wreck for’t. — Joun WEBSTER. Fade. Fade as a passing breath. — GILBERT Azssott A BECKETT. Faded as the iris after rain in April’s tearful weather. — ANON. Fades as the splendor fades from the | sky, when the sun sinks to sleep. — Ini. 124 Fade — continued. He faded away like a pound of soap in a hard day’s wash. — ANON. Fade away like some fabled city of mythology. — In. Fade like autumn leaves, and fade and die With no kind hand to raise the head and gently close the dying eye. — Isp. Fade . . . like ghosts prohibited the day. — Ipm. Faded like snow. — Isp. Faded like the morn. — ARABIAN Nicuts. Fades like an unfixed photograph. — Wituiam ARCHER. Fade like grass. — Matruzw Ar- NOLD. Fades awa’ like morning dew. — ScortisH Bauiap. Fade away like morning beauty from her mortal day. — WILLIAM BLakeE. As flowers kept too long in the shade . . . fade. — E. B. Brownine. Fading like moonlight softly into darkness. — RoBERT BUCHANAN. Beauty fades as a tree in winter. — Rozsert Burton. Fade like stars before the sun. — CAMPBELL. Fade away like a Vesture. — Car- LYLE. Faded . . . like the mist of a breath on a mirror. — JosePH CONRAD. Fade like morning’s blush. — Euiza Cook. Fades like the rainbow’s brilliant arch. —Ipm. Fades Like the fair flow’r dishevell’d in the wind. — CowPErR. A beauty fading like the April show’rs. — WiLL1aM DrumMonp. FADE. Fade away like a cloud and vanish. — Frovupe. Fading, like a morning dream. — GERALD GRIFFIN. Fades as a kiss on lips of light. — Frank W. GUNSAULUS. Fading away, like a pale English flower, in the shadow of the forest. — HAWTHORNE. Faded like a dream of youth. — O. W. Hotmes. Faded . . . like dew upon the sea. — Isp. Fade like the roseate flush, the golden ‘glow, When the bright curtain of the day is rolled. —Ism. Fade unspoken, Like daffodils that die with sheaths unbroken. —Isn. Fades like an old faith grown gray. — Brian Hooker. Fade away like the pale sister of the night, When she resigns her delighted light, Lost in the blaze of day. —Joun Hucues. Faded from me like a dream. — Hueco. Fade like an August marigold. — JEAN INGELOw. Fade, As shadows passing into deeper shade. — LONGFELLOw. Faded slowly from the sight as blushes from the cheek. — Inm. Fade away like a thin vapory cloud. Lorp LytTTELTon. Faded like some rich raiment worn of old. — Rosamunp Marriort-Wat- SON. Is all faded, like fragrance, From the languishing late flowers. — Owen MEREDITH. FADE, — FAINT. Fade — continued. Fading . . . like a lingering star That pales at sunrise in the waters of light. —Lioyp MirrFun. Fades like a funeral lay. — THomas Moore. Fades like a once-heard tale. — Lewis Morris. Fades like sunset flame. — Con- STANCE C. W. NaDEN. Fading like a ghost At gray cock-crow. —Joun G. NEHARDT. How fading are the joys we dote upon ! Like apparitions seen and gone. —Joun Norris. Faded away like a woodcock leaves a weasel. — EpwARD PEPLE. Faded like a wreath of mist at eve. — Grorce D. PRENTICE. Fade. . . like a nightmare’s ghastly presence, in the truthful dawn of day. — ADELADE A. PROCTER. Fade as a flower in May. — R. Pyn- SON. Fade like the gowans in May. — ALLAN Ramsay. Fade... Like stars half quenched in mists of silver dew. — SHELLEY. Fade like vapor. — Inn. Fade, like the hopes of youth. — SouTHEY. Fade like to a flowre that feeles no heate of sunne. — SPENSER. Faded, as fields that withering winds leave dry. — SWINBURNE. Fade like flame. — Ini. Fade as leaves when the woods wax hoary. — In. We all do fade as a leaf. — Op TESTAMENT. Fading as hearts forget, as shadows flee. — F, O. Ticknor. 125 Fade As placidly as when an infant dies. — Tuomas Warp. Fade, like waves breaking on a dreary shore. — JoHn WILson. Fades like the lustre of an evening cloud. — Worpswortu. Fail. Failed Like a brief dream of unremaining glory. — SHELLEY. Failing like an unreplenished stream. —Ism. Fail like the trances of the summer air. — Ip. Fain. Fain of the wild glad weather As famine is fain of feast. — SWINBURNE. Faint. Faint as the hum of distant bees. — ANON. Fainter than scent of soever long- kept lavender. — Max BEErRBoum. Faint . . . like a lost star. — Robert BRownina. Faint as a waft from years Long past. — Heen G. Cone. As faint and helpless as a new-born babe. — Lorp Dr Tastey. Faint as the music that in dreams we hear. — Mary A. Dre VERE. T-hear their cry afar Faint like the death-song of a fallen star. — ARTURO GRAF. Faint as the dim ghost of a dream- sea. — Ricnarp Hovey. Faint as the light of stars and wan. —Jran INGELOw. Faint as a glimmering taper’s wasted light. — Str WILLIAM JONES. Faint as the visions in a dream. — KIpiine. 126 Faint —. continued. Faint as the Spring. — OwEN MzERE- DITH. Faint . . . like chimings from some far-off tower. — AGNES C. MITCHELL. A faint strain, As if some echo, that among Those minstrel halls had slumber’d long, Were murm’ring into life again. — Tuomas Moore. Faint and forlorn . like the breath of a spirit sighing. — Mrs. Norton. Faint as the voice of the telephone. — Morgan Rosertson. ‘Faint as shed flowers. — D. G. Ros- SETTI. Faint . . . as the wavering flame of spirits of wine. — W. CLtark RussELL. Faint, like distant clarion feebly blown. —Srr Watter Scott. ' Faint as the far-off clouds of evening. — SouTHEY. Faint as the moonlight that rests upon your sleep, or the first glow of dawn that wakes you to new endeavor. — SUDERMANN. Faint as the moon if the sundawn gleam. — SWINBURNE. Faint as the shadows of ages That sunder their season and ours. —Ism. Faints like a dazzled morning moon. — TENNYSON. Faint as half-forgotten dreams. — Frank Waters. Fainter than a young lamb’s bleat. — Wim B. Yeats. Faintly. Glimmering faintly like the rack of the moon in her light cast back. — E. B. Brownie. FAINT. — FAIR. Like a pale moon in vapor, faintly bright. — Joun Dyer. Faintly as tolls the evening chime. — Tuomas Moore. Faintly, like falling dew. — Frep- ERICK TENNYSON. Fair. Fair as virtuous friendship : as the candid blush of him who strives with fortune to be just. — AKENSIDE. Fair as Esther. — ANON. Fair as a friar that is invited to dinner. — In. Fair as a saint. — Ip. Fairer than fancy ever feigned. — Isp. Fair as Lady Dove. — Insp. Fair as stars that shine in summer skies. — Inm. ‘ Fair as the garden of Shiraz. — Is. Fair as the glorified isles of the blest. — Ini. Mary is fair as the morning dew. — Isp. Fair as the virgin’s vows. — Ini. Fair as the wild rose. — Isp. Fair as winter lilies. — Ipm. Fair as youths by brides caress’d. — Inn. As fair as summer roses. — THOMAS ASHE. Fair as lotus when the morn kisses its opening petals red. -— ANCIENT BALLAD or HInDUSTAN. Fair as the cup of a lily held in a maiden’s hand. — Eugene Barry. Fair as the floweret opening in the morn. — BratTTiE. Fair as the bud unblasted. — BEau- MONT AND FLETCHER. FAIR, Fair — continued. Fair as the morn. — MIcHAEL Bruce. Fair as the hills of Paradise. — W11- L1AM CULLEN BRYANT. Fair as pearls.—Gortrriep A. BURGER. As fair a thing as e’er was form’d of clay. — Byron. Fair as the crowning rose of the whole wreath. — Isp. Fair, as the first that fell of woman- kind. — Inm. Fair as the forest. — ALicE Cary. Fair as Ambition’s dream, or Beauty’s face. — THomMas CnHat- TERTON. Faire as is the bryghte morwe [morn- ing]. — CHAUCER. Faire as is the rose in May. — Isp. Fair as, Eden’s bowers. — CoLE- RIDGE. Fair, as the bosom of the swan. — Ipw. Fair withal, as spirits are. — Izrp. Fair as any goddess who sweeps through the Ivory Gate. — Mortimer CoLLins. As fair as truth. — Barry Corn- WALL. Fair as cygnet’s down. — NATHANIEL Cotton. Fair as light in heaven, or flowers in spring. — ALLAN CUNNINGHAM. Fair as Spenser’s dream. — SYDNEY DoBELL. Fair as those old fields we knew. — IB. Fair as a sculptor’s marble dream. — Jun C. R. Dorr. Fair as the morning’s snow. — AncIENT Erse. 127 As honor fair. — FaLconer. As Cynthia fair. — Francis Fawkes. Fair. . .as all the flowers of May. —Ism. Fair as the flowers themselves. — JOHN FLETCHER. Fair as Aurora. — Auicr A. Foicer. A face as fair as summer skies, Where many a blush in ambush lies. —H. B. Freeman. Fair as a young maid asleep beneath new fallen snow. — GAUTIER. Fair as the dawn in the spring time. — Gracosa AND ILLica. Fair as Paphos’ brooks. — Robert GREENE. Fair as Helen, Sparta’s pride. — ARTHUR GUITERMAN. Fair as the Harte. Fair as the summer’s evening skies. — Isp. Spring. — WALTER Fair she is as foam-born Venus. — HernricH HEINE. Fair, Lady Mary, as a lily in the sun. — Henry HEtrorp. : Fair as Eve in Paradise. — Ropert HERrRIck. Fair as a god. — Homer (Pope). Fair as the new-born star that gilds the morn. — Izrp. Fair is she as the dreams young poets weave. — Hoop. Fair as the wave-bleached lily of the stream. — Isr. Fair . . . as the spotless moon upon the midnight sea. — Horace. She as fair as any shepherdess That ever was in mask or Christmas scene. —W. D. Howe tts. Fair as a woodland flower. — Mary JOHNSTON. 128 Fair — continued. Fair as some wonder out of fairy land. — Karts. Fairer than Phoebe’s sapphire-re- gion’d star. — Ip. As fair, As Sion in her height of pride. —Joun KeEsie. Fair as a flower, and faded just as soon. — Omar Kuaryam. Fair as the sun. — KINGSLEY. Fair as bar of gold. — Kirtine. Fair as Aphrodite rising from the deep-blue Grecian sea. — SIGMUND KRASINSKI. Fair as the moonlight. — Miss Lanpon. Fair as original light first from the chaos shot. — Ricnarp LovELACE. You’re fair and fresh asa morning in May. — Lover. Fair as the garden of God. — Lorp LYTTELTON. Fair as bride to altar lead. — Evan MacCott. Fair as a Mac-HEnry. Fair as the whitest snow on Scythian hills. — MarLows. Seraph. — GEORGE O, thou art fairer than the evening air, Clad in the beauty of a thousand stars. —Ism. Fair as the spirit of the evening star. —GeraLp Massey. Fair as dreams. — Owen MEREDITH. She is fair as the spirit of light, That floats in the ether on high. — Apam Mickiewicz. Fair as flame. —R. M. Mites. Fair as the noon sky. — Mitton. Fair as Orion.—James Monrt- GOMERY, FAIR. Fair as the rainbow shines through darkening showers. — Inn. Fair as the Moon’s unclouded light. — Epwarp Moore. Your face is as fair and bright As the foam on the wave in the morning light. — Lewis Morais. Fair as the lightning thwart the sky, As sun-dyed snow upon the high Untrodden heaps of threatening stone The eagle looks upon alone. — Witiiam Morais. Fair as an angel from the unknown land. — Miss Mutock. She is as fair as a peach. — MILEs O’REILLY. Fair he was, like the rainbow of heaven. — Ossian. Fair as the summer-beauty of the fields. — Orway. Fairer than snow on the raven’s back. — Ini. Fair as J. N. Paton. Fair as a musk-willow forest. — PERSIAN. Fair like the rose, ’midst paling flowers the queen. — PETRARCH. youth and _ love. — As the opening blossom fair. — Matruew Prior. Fair, like goddesses. — RABELAIS. A face as fair as the summer dawn. —James Wuitcoms RILey. Fine and fair as your school-boy sweetheart’s hair. — Inrp. Fair as a bridal chamber. — C. G. Rossetti. Fair thou art as moonrise after rain. — Isp. Fair as the flowers that maidens pluck for an hour’s. delight. — D. G. Rossetti. Maiden fair as a silvery dream. — Francis S. Sartus, FAIR. Fair — continued. Fair as the summer. — Haypen SANDS. Fair as the earliest beam of eastern light. — Sirk Water Scorr. Fair as any mother’s child. — SHAKESPEARE. Fair as day. — Ini. Fair as text B in a copy-book. — Isp. Her face as fair as tho’ she had look’d on Paradise, and caught its early beauty. — Ini. Fair as breathing marble.— SHEL- LEY. Eyes as fair as star-beams among twilight trees. — Isr. Fair as the fabulous asphodels. — Isp. Fairer than any wakened eyes be- hold. — Isp. . Fair, like stars when the moon is awakened. — Ixpip. Like great god Saturne faire. — Sir Parr Sipney. As fair as the first beams of the morning. — RouMANIAN Sona. Faire as Phoebus sunne. — SPENSER. Fair as a fairy. — SWINBURNE. Fair as a field in flower. — Isr. Fair as all that the world may call most fair, save only the sea’s own face. — Isp. Fair as any poison-flower Whose blossom blights the withering bower Whereon its blasting breath has power. — Isrp. Fair as a star-shaped flower. — Inn. Fair as dawn. — Inrp. Fair as dreams that die and know not what they were. — In. 129 Fair as even the wakening skies. — Isp. Fair as flame. — Isp. Fair as fled foam. — Isr. Fair as heaven in spring. — Ip. Fair as hope divines. — IB. Fair as life. — IBip. Fair as peace. — Is. Clean and fair As sunlight and the flowerful air. — Isp. Fair as the ambient gold of wall- flowers. — Inp. Fair as the eyes are fair. — Ipip. Fair as the face of the star-clothed night. — Isr. Fair as the frondage each fleet year sees fade. — IBip. Fair as the morning. — Isp. Fair as the sunbright air. — Inn. Fair as the sundawn’s flame Seen when May on her first-born day bids earth exult in her radiant name. — Isp. Fair as the world’s old faith of flowers. — Inrp. Fair as thine eye’s beam Hidden and shown in heaven. — Isp. Fair as thought could dream. — Inrp. Fair as youth. — Isp. Fair as some Arcadian dell. — Bay- ARD TAYLOR. Fair as the last star that leaves the morning air. — Isr. Fair as the loveliest landscape of pastoral England. — Jsrp. Fairer than Rachel by the palmy well, Fairer than Ruth among the fields of corn. — TENNYSON. Fair as the moon.— Op TESTA- MENT. 130 Fair — continued. Fair as the daughters of Job. — OLp TESTAMENT. Fair as lily leaves. —J. T. TRow- BRIDGE. Fair as the day that bodes as fair a morrow. — Auaust Von PLATEN. Fair as a statue of marble. — MicHAEL VOROSMARTY. Fair as a gorgeous fabric of the East. — Isp. Fair as the primrose mead, or blush- ing rose. — THoMAS WaRTON. Fair as in Mirza’s Bagdad dream. — WHITTIER. Fair As Pison was to Eden’s pair. — Ibm. Fairer than the day, or the flowery meads in May. — Grorce WITHERS. Fair as a star, when only one Is shining in the sky. — Worpswortu. Fair as beams of light. — Taomas YALDEN. Faith. Faith without works is like a bird without wings; though she may hop with her companions on earth, yet she will never fly with them to heaven; but when both are joined together, then doth the soul mount up to her eternal rest. — Francis BEAUMONT. Faith, like the phoenix, soars and sings. — Ricnarp Le GALLIENNE. Faith, like light, should ever be simple and unbending. — Martin LUTHER. Faith, like the itch, is catching. — Luiat Putct. . Faith is like a lily lifted high and white. — C. G. Rossertt. Faith, amid the disorders of a sinful life, is like the lamp burning in an ancient tomb. — Mapame SwETcuHINE. FAIR. — FALL. Faithful. Faithful as dog, the lonely shepherd’s pride. — AiscuyLus. Faithful as a good book. — Anon. Faithful as the planets. — Inrp. Faithful as wax to one settled impres- sion. — BULWER-LYTTON. Faithful as the sun in the heavens. — JAMES R. GILMORE. Faithful as the knee-joint to its socket. — ARTHUR GUITERMAN. Faithful as the eagle to the sun, as is the steel unto the magnet. — Huco. Faithful as the hands of a clock to the springs. — GrEorcE MEREDITH. Faithful as the star is to the night. — T. Bucuanan Reap. Faithful, from day to day, As Hesperus, that leads the sun his way. — Tasso. Faithful as the sun. — Henry VAUGHAN. Faithless. Faithless as fair weather. — ANON. Faithless. . . as the winds. — APHRA Brun. Fall. (See also FELL.) Sweet-falling as the evening dew. — ANon. Fall like a thousand of brick.— Inip. Falling like Sierra’s April flood that pours in ponderous cadence from the cliff. — Im. Falls like the leaves in October. — Isp. Falling like the tower Siloam. —Inip. Fall like small birds beaten by the storm against a dead wall, dead. — P. J. Barney. Falling... softly as a snowflake. — Isp. . FALL. — FALSE, Fall — continued. Falling like a bolt out of the blue. — CARLYLE. Falls and risings, like a swan upon vaving water. — CoLLEY CIBBER. Fall, like the autumn-kissed leaf. — Paut Laurence Dunsar. Fall on me like a silent dew, Or like those maiden showers, Which by the peep of day, do strew A baptism o’er the flowers. — Herrick. Like a leaf that quits the bough, The mortal vesture falls. —O. W. Homes. Like a city without walls, the grandeur of the mortal falls who glories in his strength and makes not God his trust. — Macav.ay. They fall away, like the flower on which the sun hath looked in his strength. — James MacpHERson. He falls like an oak on the plain ; like a rock from the shaggy hill. —Ism. Falls like some baffled thing. — Artuur W. E. O’SHAUGHNESSY. Falling soft as snow on snow. — - F. T. Pauerave. Falling as gently as an answer to a prayer. — ADELAIDE A. PRocTER. Falls like Lucifer, Never to hope again. — SHAKESPEARE. Fall as a slaughtered beast head- less. — SWINBURNE. Fallen as leaves by the storms in their season thinned. — Inm. Softer falls Than petals from blown roses’on the grass. — TENNYSON. They fall like — before the mower. — THACKERAY. Fall off, like leaves from a withered tree. — VOLTAIRE. 131 False. False as a man with a black head and a red beard. — ANon. False as Dick’s hatband. — Ini. False friendship, like the ivy, decays and ruins the walls it embraces ; but true friendship gives new life and animation to the object it supports. — Rosert Burton. False as suborn’d perjurers. — Sam- UEL BUTLER. False as the father of lies. —G. K. CHESTERTON. False and fair-foliaged as the man- chineel. — CoLERIDGE. False as a bulletin. — Naro.ron. False as the adulterate promises of favorites in power when poor men court them. — Otway. False as the wind, the waters, and the weather. — Iz. False as God is true. — Tuomas PaIne. False eloquence, like the prismatic glass, Its gaudy colors spread on ev’ry place. — Porr. As false as Waghorn, and he was nineteen times falser than the deil. — ScoTTisH PROVERB. False as an obituary. — Epcar SALTUS. False as dice. — SHAKESPEARE. False as dicers’ oaths. — Inm. False as hell. — Ipm. False As stairs of sand. —Ism. False as water. — Isp. False... — Isp. as wolf to heifer’s calf. False as the fowler’s artful snare. — SMOLLETT. False and foul as fear. —SwWINBURNE. 132 Falsehood. Falsehood, like a nettle, stings those who meddle with it. — Anon. A mixture of falsehood is like alloy in coin of gold and silver, which may make the metal work the better, but it embaseth it. — Bacon. Falsehood, like a drawing in per- spective, will not bear to be examined in every point of view, because it is a good imitation of truth, as a perspec- tive is of the reality, only in one. — C. C. Corton. Falsehoods, like weeds, flourish with- out care. Weeds care nothing for soil or rain. They not only ask no help, but they almost defy destruction. — R. G. Incersott. To tell a falsehood is like the cut of a sabre: for though the wound may heal, the scar of it will remain. — SaDI. Falsehood, like the dry-rot, flourishes the more in proportion as air and light are excluded. — WHATELY. Falsetto. Falsetto, like the notes of a split reed. — WasHINGTON IRVING. Falter. Faltering like the skylark’s young. — James Montcomery. Fame. Fame is like a river, that beareth up things light and swollen, and drowns things weighty and solid; but if persons of quality and judgement con- cur, then it filleth all round about, and will not easily away; for the odors of ointments are more durable than those of flowers. — Bacon. Fame is like a crop of kanada thissels, very eazy tew sow, but hard tew reap. —JosaH Bruurnes. Fame is like,a whimsical mistress ; she flies from those who pursue her FALSEHOOD. — FAMILIAR. most, and follows such as show the least regard to her. —SamMuEL Crox- ALL. Fame, as a river, is narrowest wi.e:¢ it is bred, and broadest far off. — Sir Wiituram DaveNnant. Fame, like a new mistress of the town, is gained with ease, but then she’s lost as soon. — DrypDEN. To some characters, fame is like an intoxicating cup placed to the lips, — they do well to turn away from it who fear it will turn their heads. But to others fame is “Love dis- guised”, the love that answers to love in its widest, most exalted sense. — Mrs. Jameson. Fame, like money, should neither be despised nor idolized.—L. C. JUDSON. Fame, like a wayward Girl, will still be coy To those who woo her with too slavish knees, But makes surrender to some thought- less Boy, And dotes the more upon a heart at ease. — Keats. Good fame is like fire: when you have kindled it, you may easily pre- serve it; but if you once extinguish it, you will not easily kindle it again. — PLUTARCH. The way to fame, like the way to heaven, is through much tribulation. — STERNE. Fragrant his fame as flowers that close not. — SWINBURNE. Familiar. Familiar as a popular ANON. song. — Familiar as the sights on our streets. — Isp. Familiar as my sleep, or want of money. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. FAMILIAR, — FAR. Familiar — continued. Familiar as the simple lore That two policemen and two thieves make four. — AmBRoSE BIERCE. Familiar as a cradle-song. —R. J. BurRDETTE. Familiar as a voice of home. — JoHN CRAWFORD. Familiar as an oath.—Lorp Dr TABLEY. Familiar, like the amulet worn on the heart. — Grorce EL tor. As familiar as a fiddler. — Joun FLETCHER. Familiar to me as my own face in the glass; as the speech of my own tongue. — Huco. Familiar as eating. — MAssINGER. Familiar as his garter. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Familiar in his mouth as household words. — Isp. Familiar as the sun and moon. — | Henry D. THoreav. Familiar as our childhood’s stream Or pleasant memory of a dream. — WHITTIER. Familiar as a book. — N. P. Wiis. Familiarly. Talks as familiarly of roaring lions As maids of thirteen do of puppy-dogs. — SHAKESPEARE. Family. His family is like potatoes; all that is good of them are underground. — ANON. The family is like a book — the chil- dren are the leaves, The parents are the covers that pro- tective beauty gives. At first the pages of the book are blank and purely fair, 133 But time soon writeth memories and painteth pictures there. Love is the little golden clasp that bindeth up the trust, Oh, break it not, lest all the leaves shall scatter and be lost. — ANON. Fan. It fanned his cheek Like a meadow-gale of Spring. — COLERIDGE. Fanciful. Fanciful as furnitures. — ANON. Fancy. Fancy, like a spright, Prefers the silent scenes of night. — NaTHANIEL CoTTon. Fancy, like the finger of a clock, Runs the great circuit, and is still at home. — CowPER. Fangless. Fangless as the fat worms of the grave. — JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY. Fantastic. Fantastical, like a sick man’s dreams. — ANON. Fantastic . . . as the sports of a Naiad. — Butwer-Lyrron. Fantastic as a war-dance. —G. K. CHESTERTON. Fantastic as a Chinese weapon. — Maurice MArter.inck. Fantastic as a woman’s mood. — Sir WaLter Scott. A fantastic splendor as of Aladdin and Arabian nights. —IsraEL ZANG- WILL. Far. Far as good is above evil. — ANon. As far from the heart as from the eyes. — Ism. As far as finite is from infinite. — P. J. Batey. 134 Far — continued. Far as mortal eye can compass sight. — Byron. Atom from atom yawns as far As moon from earth, or star from star. — EMERSON. Far as asunder. — J. S. KNowLES. poles Afar as angels or the sainted dead. —Gerorce MacDona.Lp. Far as imagination’s eye can roll. — MonTGoMERY. Far as human man is from the brute. — Lewis Morris. As far as sleep from waking. — Joun G. NEIHARDT. And no star Is from thy mortal path so far As streets where childhood knew the way. —D. G. Rossetti. As far from help as limbo is from bliss. — SHAKESPEARE. So far from sounding and discovery, As is the bud bit with an envious worm, Ere he can spread his sweet leaves to the air, Or dedicate his beauty to the sun. — Isp. Far as the remotest line That bounds imagination’s flight. — SHELLEY. Burning far, like the light of an unmeasured star. — In. Far as heaven’s red labouring eye could glance. — SWINBURNE. Far as hope from joy or sleep from truth. — Isp. Far from earth as heaven. — Ini. Far and wide, like the falcon that hunts through the sky. — Esaras Trc- NER. Fascinate. Fascinate —as a snake would a bird. — JoserH Conrap. FAR. — FAST. Fascinating. Fascinating as a loose tooth. — ANON. Fashion. An Englishman of fashion is like one of those souvenirs, bound in gold vellum, enriched with delicate engravings, on thick hot-pressed paper, fit for the hands of ladies and princes, but with nothing in it worth reading or remembering. — EMrERson. A man of fashion is like a certain blue flower, growing spontaneously in ploughed grounds, which chokes the corn, spoils the crop, and takes up the room of something better. — M.. DE La BRUYERE. For fashion’s sake, as bawds go to church. — JouHN WEBSTER. Fast. Fast as a jack rabbit in front of a prairie fire. — ANon. Fast as a dog will lick a dish. — Inrp. As fast as the foam-flakes drift on the river. — Ipm. As fast as a fisher could let out line. —J. M. Barrie. Fast as Time’s swift pinions can convey. — SAMUEL Boyser. Fast as the streaming rain. — CHAT- TERTON. Gulp it down as fast as a Neapolitan beggar does a plateful of free sealding- hot macaroni. — Henry T. Finck. Served as fast as you throw the five baseballs at the colored gentleman’s head. — O. Henry. Our days run As fast away as does the sun ; And as a vapour, or a drop of rain Once lost, can ne’er be found again. — Rosert Herrick. Fast as the rolling seasons bring The hour of fate to those we love. —O. W. Homes. FAST. — FATAL. Fast — continued. Fast as light. — Huco. Fast as a horse can trot. — Ben JONSON. Spend vows as fast as vapors, which go off Even with the fumes. — CHartes Lams. Fast as windy flames devour. — Grorce MEREDITH. Fading fast as rainbows. — THoMAS Moore. Held her fast, mercilessly, as a snake holds a little bird. — Miss Mutock. Fast as a dog can trot. — RaBELAIS. Fast as the magnet flies. — EbMonD Rostanp. As fast as the simoon’s desert wind. — Friepricu RUcKERT. Fast as an eagle through the air. — SCHILLER. Fast As lagging fowls before the northern blast. — SHAKESPEARE. - Drop tears as fast as the Arabian trees Their medicinal gum. —Isp. Entrap the hearts of men, faster than gnats in cobwebs. — IBm. Faster than thought or time. — Isp. Fast as autumn days toward winter. — SWINBURNE. Fast as fire on earth devours. — Isp. Fast as the gin’s grip of a way- farer. — Ipip. Fast as warriors grip their brands when battle’s bolt is hurled. — Inm. Made fast as with anchors to land. — Isp. Fast in bondage as herded beasts. — Isp. Fast as storm could speed. — [srp. 135 Faster than dolphins do o’ershoot the tide, cours’d by .the yawning shark. —C. J. WELLs. Fast as a. musician scatters sound Out of an instrument. — WorDsworTH. Fasten. Like one drowning fastens upon anything that is next at hand. — JoHN EARLE. Fastened like nails in a cartwheel. — Sir Water Rateicu. Fasten him as a nail in a sure place. — Otp TESTAMENT. Fat. Fat as a bacon-pig at Martlemas. — ANon. Fat as brawn. — Ini. Fat as a sheep’s tail. — Ipm. A red bag, fat with your unpaid bills, like a landing net. — Dion Boucicavtt. Fat as Mother Nab. — SamuEL BuTLer. Fat as a whale. — CHAUCER. Fat as a barn-door fowl. — Con- GREVE. Fat as seals. — CHARLES HALLock. Fatte as a foole. — Lyty. As fat as a distillery pig. —Scor- TIsH PROVERB. As fat as a Miller’s horse. — Isip. Fat as butter. — SHAKESPEARE. Fat as tame things. — Iprp. Fat and fulsome to mine ear As howling after music. — Ibrp. Fat as grease. — OLD TESTAMENT. Grow fat as the heifer at grass. — Ipm. Fatal. Fatal as Herod’s worms. — ANON. 136 Fatal — continued. Fatal as the eye of the basilisk. — ANON. Fatal as the tongue of the serpent. — Isp. Fatal as the shade of Death’s dark valley. —P. J. Barry. Fatal as the scythe of death. — CowPeEr. Anger and power are as fatal as lightning. — Grorce Eniot. Fatal as the Egyptian night, When the eldest-born were slain. — James MontTcomery. Fate. My fate is like that of an eagle, who, being shot with an drrow, observes his own feathers on the arrow that kills him. — CHESTERFIELD. Faultless. Faultless as blown roses in June days. — Epwarp DowpEn. Faultless as a flower. — SWINBURNE. Favors. I do confess thou’rt sweet, yet find Thee such an unthrift of thy sweets, Thy favours are but like the wind That kisses everything it meets. And since thou canst with more than one, Thou’rt worthy to be kiss’d by none. — Sm Rosert Ayton. Fawn. Fawn like spaniels. — MaRLowE. Fawned like hounds. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Fawning like a courtier parasite. — VOLTAIRE. Fear. Fear, like spare diet, starves the fevers of lust and quenches the flames of hell. — O. W. Hotmes. Fear on fear, like light reflected from the dancing wave, visits all places, but can rest in none. — Rosert JEPHSON. FATAL. — FEED. As corn o’ergrown by weeds, so heed- ful fear Is almost chok’d by unresisted lust. — SHAKESPEARE. Trembling fear, as fowl hear falcon’s bells. — Ini. Fear is like a cloak which old men huddle About their love, as if to keep it warm. — WorDSWORTH. Fearful. Fearful as a locust bane. —C. F. ALEXANDER. Fearful, like a dog an old master drives away, and which fears the new one. — Ourpa. Fearful as a siege. — SHAKESPEARE. Fearless. Fearless as the strong-winged eagle. — James MacpHerson. Fearless as a drunkard. — THomas MDLETON. Bred him fearless, like a sea-mew reared In rocks of man’s foot feared, Where nought of wingless life may sing or shine. —— SWINBURNE. Fearlessly. Fearlessly, like a happy child, too innocent to fear. — SOUTHEY. Feast. Feast like Dives. — Anon. Feast like Lucullus. — Isr. Feasting like fiends upon the in- fidel dead. — SHELLEY. Feeble. Feeble as a lamb’s bleat. — Anon. Feeble as the wing of a chicken in the pip. — CuarLorrE Brontii. Feed. Feed like an oxen at a stall.— SHAKESPEARE. Feed on us, as worms devour our body. — SHELLEY. FEEL. — FELL. Feel. Nature meant that a fat man should have an appetite and that he should gratify it at regular intervals — meant that he should feel like the Grand Canyon before dinner and the Royal Gorge afterward. — Irvin S. Coss. Feelings. It is with feelings as with waters : the shallow murmur, but the deep are dumb. — Sir Water RaLeicu. The feelings, like flowers and butter- flies, last longer the later they are delayed. — RicuTer. Feet. Her pretty feet like snails, did creep A little out, and then, As if they played at bo-peep, Did soon draw in again. — Rosert Herrick. To make the tale of her charms complete, They [her hands] were matched by the shape of her exquisite feet, Feet so light no maid might show, So perfectly fashioned from heel to toe, If on the eye of a lover she stepped, Her foot would float on the tear he wept. — Jami. Her feet beneath her petticoat, Like little mice, stole in and out, As if they feared the light. — Sir JOHN SUCKLING. A baby’s feet, like sea-shells pink, Might tempt, should heaven see meet, An angel’s lips to kiss, we think, A baby’s feet. Like rose-hued sea-flowers toward the heat They stretch and spread and wink Their ten soft buds that part and meet. — SWINBURNE. Felicity. Domestic felicity, which, like the small-pox or the plague, a man can have only once in his life. — GzorcE WasHINGTON. 137 Fell. (See also Fall.) Fell like piled-up cards. — Roprrr BROWNING. Fell as thick as harvests beneath hail. — Byron. The charioteer fell like a fluttered leaf ; Or as feather shaken from the wing Of some high-soaring eagle, when the hail Falls in a whirlwind and the woods cry back. —Lorp De Tastey. Jussaic fell like a mass of dead flesh. — Dumas, PERE. Fell like a ninepin. — Jost Ecur- GARAY. The stars of heaven fell calmly away, Like flakes of snow in a winter day. —James Hoae. She fell like a column of water. — W. D. Howe ts. He fell as J. S. His face fell like a cookbook cake. —Josrra C. LIncoin. Fell, like a flail on the garnered grain. — LONGFELLow. Like corn before the sickle the stout Lavinians fell. — Macautay. He fell, like the bank of a mountain- stream. — JAMES MacPHERSON. She ... fell from her full height as a stone drops from a rock into the gulf below. — Ouma. one struck dead. — Like the watch-tower of a town Which an earthquake shatters down, Like a lightning-stricken mast, Like a wind-uprooted tree Spun about, Like a foam-topped waterspout Cast down headlong in the sea, She fell at last. —C. G. Rosserrti. Fell, like ocean’s feathery spray Dashed from the boiling surge Before the vessel’s prow. — SHELLEY. 138 Fell — continued. / Fell, like the unseen blight of a smiling day. — SHELLEY. Fell fast, as the seared leaves that from the trembling tree the autumn whirlwind shakes. — SouTHEY. Fell like ripe grass before the mower’s scythe. — Ini. Fell like a thousand of brick. — Smon Sues. Fell as falls an ember from forth a flameless pile. — SWINBURNE. Fell a spirit, as sinks the star of day beneath its watery bed of western waves. — JoserH TURNLEY. But I fell ; Fell, like the snow-flakes, from heaven — to hell. — James W. Watson. Fell upon his ears like fire-bell at night. — THomas Watson. Ferments. Ferments like boiling yeast. — Grorce Mac-Henry. Ferocious. Ferocious as a catamount searching for its dinner. — ANon. Ferocious as a bogus archangel full of cocaine. — Henry L. Mrncxen. Ferocious as wolves. — VOLTAIRE. Fervent. Fervent as the solar rays. — Franx- un P. Apams. Fervent as fire. — ANON. Fervent as a saint. — Exiza Cook. Fervent as Hesper in the brow of Eve. — Grratp Massey. Fervent as fiery moon. — Swin- BURNE. Fervent as glorious noon. — Isaac Warts. FELL. — FIDGETY. Festered. Festered like buried thorns in the flesh. — Irvin S. Coss. Fetid. Atmosphere as fetid as the stym- phalian lake, over which no bird could fly. — ANON. Fickle. Fickle as friends. — ANon. Fickle as the lightning. — Inip. Fickle as the weather. — Inm. Fickle as love. — Batzac. Fickle as the flying air. — Brav- MONT AND FLETCHER. Fickle... BEuN. as the winds. — APHRA Fickle as a feather. — ALEXANDER BRoME. Fickle as the sea. — WILLIAM CUL- LEN Bryant. Fickle and bright as a fairy throng. — Euiza Coox. Fickle as the sky. —-JamEs GRa- HAME. Fickle as a female in hysterics. — O. W. Hoimes. Fickle as the Kina. flood. — W1ILLiAM Fickle as the breezes blow. — JosEPH B. Lapp. Fickle as a changeful dream. — WALTER Scott. Fidget. In a fit of fidgets, when she behaved like a puppy chewing a string, a clumsy woman in a side-saddle, a hen with her head cut off, or a cow stung by a. hornet. — Kreiine. Fidgety. Fidgety as an old maid. — Bat- ZAC. FIERCE. — FIGHT, Fierce. Fierce as the flight of Jove’s de- stroying flame. — AKENSIDE. Fierce as a Japanese mask. — ANON. Fierce as Jove. — Inn. Fierce as lecherous desire. — Inn. Fierce as a lion of Cotswold. — Inip. Fierce as a mother bird. — Iz. Fierce as a rameat.—J. R. Bart- LeET?’s “‘DicTIONARY OF AMERICAN- ISMs.”’ Fierce as those flames which shall consume, at close of all. — Buacavap- Gita. Fierce as twenty bloodhounds. —E. B. Brownina. Fierce as the shout of victory. — WILLIAM CULLEN Bryant. Fierce as the blast that tears the northern sky. — CHATTERTON. Fierce as the fallynge thunderbolte. — Isw. Fiers as leoun. — CHAUCER. Fierce as sin. — P. H. Hayne. Fierce as a whirlwind. — Homer. Fierce as a tigress plundered of her young. — JUVENAL. Fierce as the hydra. — WILLIAM Kina. Fierce as Achilles was. — Mar.owE. Fierce as a female Leviathan. — Owen MEREDITH. Fierce as mounts the flame in air. — WiuuraMm J. Mickie. Fierce as a comet. — MILTON. Fierce as ten furies. — Ipip. Fierce as a turkey-cock. — James MontTGoMeEry. As fierce as the Pentland Firth. — Scortish PROVERB. Fierce .. . as whetted scythe. — JoHN RUSKIN. 139 As ferce and as cruell as the feende of hel. — Jonn SKELTON. Fierce as a famished wolf. — SouTHEY. Fierce as hauke in flight. — Spensrn.’ Fierce as a blast of hate from hell. — SWINBURNE. Fierce as the fervid eyes of lions. — Is. Fierce as flaming fire. — Tasso. Fierce as aqua fortis. — Joun Tat- HAM. Fierce, as powers at bay. — Bayarp TAYLor. Fierce as wolves. — Totsroy. Fiery. Fiery as the encircling neighborhood of a forge. — D’ANNUNZzIO. Fiery as powder. —Joun W. Dr Forest. Fiery as a stag at bay. — THEODORE TILTON. Fight. Fight as fiercely in defence of his . mistress as Blandimar and Paridel, of romantic fame, are said to have fought for the lovely Florimel. — Anon. Fight like a bulldog. — Inrp. Fight like Kilkenny cats. — Inm. Fight like sin. — Ini. Fight like thunder. — Inm. Fight like a dragon. — Ropert Burton. Fight like mad or drunk. — SamuEL BUTLER. Fight like a cock. — ConGREvE. Fight like hell-roosters. — SrerHEn CRANE. Put up a fight like a welter-weight cinnamon bear. — O. Henry. Fight like a bull in a tether. — KINGSLEY. 140 Figure. She had a figure like a pillow. — ANON. Her figure is like a willow bough. — JosepH A. DE GOBINEAU. File. In files they lay, Like the mower’s grass at the close of day. — Byron. Fill. Fill like a rush of wind and shaft of sunshine. — WiLLIAM ARCHER. My heart feels filling like a sinking boat. —P. J. Barney. Filled as cloud with fire. — Swin- BURNE. Fill like the shadow of a cloud. — WHITTIER. p Filthy. Filthy as the mouth of a fired gun. — ANon. Final. Final as going to Heaven. — JosEPH Conrab. Finance. His finance is like the Indian philosophy ; his earth is poised on the horns of a bull, his bull stands upon an elephant, his elephant is supported by a tortoise; and so on forever. — Epmunp Burks. Fine. Fine as a Maypole on May-day. — ANON. Fine as a mist of lace. — Inrp. Fine as five-pence. — Isr. Fine as gossamer. — Inip. Fine as point lace. — Ipm. Fine as a skein of the casuist Esco- bar’s worked on the bone of a lie. — Rosert BRowninc. Fyn as ducket in Venice. — Cuav- CER. FIGURE. — FIRM. Fine as an ape in purple. — CLARKE’s “PROVERBS.” Fine as a silver dollar saloon. — ELBert Hupparp. A sound so fine, there’s nothing lies ’twixt it and silence. — J. S. KNow Les. Fine as bronze floss. — Amy LESLIE. Fine as light. — SHELLEY. Fine as silkworm’s thread. — SouTHEY. Fine as the gleamy gossamer that spreads its filmy web-work o’er the tangled mead. — Isp. More fine SWINBURNE. than moonbeams. — Fine as ice-ferns on January panes. — TENNYSON. Fine as a hedge in May. — SamMuEL WESLEY. Finger. Like reeds were those taper fingers of hers to write on each heart love’s characters. — JAMI. Fire. Fire the heart devout, like can- tharidian plasters. — Burns. Fired like a planet on its peculiar spot, To draw nutrition, propagate, and rot. — Porte. Fired, as by a spell. — SHELLEY. Firm. Firm as the shaft that props the towering dome. — AiscHyLus. Firm as the solid base of this great world. — AKENSIDE. Firm as adamant. — ANON. Firm as a mountain. — Isp. Firm as the granite base of Mount Washington. — Is. Firm as the iron hills. — Ipm. Firm as the budding fruit. — ARIOSTO. FIRM. — FIT. Firm — continued. ' Firm as well-cured olives. — ARIS- TOPHANES. Stand firm like a rock. — Marcus AURELIUS. Firm as butchers. — Bacon. Firm as the heart of a mountain. — AMBROSE BIERCE. Firm in his sinew as the hind leg of a stag. — BuLWER-LYTTON. Firmer than heaven and earth. — Bunyan. Firm as a fortress. — Byron. Held firm, like a wall of rock. — CARLYLE. Firm-founded, like the bamboo’s clamping roots. — CHINESE. Firm as Sparta’s king. — Sim Fran- cis DoyLe. Rock firm as Harpy. Firm as the band that clasps the antlered spoil. —O. W. Hotmes. facts. — THomas Firm as the rooted mountain rock. —Ism. Firm as Atlas. — Ropert JEPHSON. Firm as steel. — Vircinia W. JoHn- SON. Firm as the tread of lions. — RicHarp Lr GALLIENNE. Firm as the oak on rocky heights. —Epwarp Lovisonp. * Firm as Nature’s self. — LowE.t. Firm as a pillar. — Grorce MeErz- DITH. Hands firm as driven stakes. —Ipip. Firm as the poles, or earth, which never move. — GEORGE SANDYS. Firm as faith. — SHAKESPEARE. Firm as rocky mountains. — Ip. Firm as the world’s centre. — SHEL- LEY, 141 Firm as dust and fixed as shadows. — SWINBURNE. Firm as a stone. — Op TESTAMENT. As virtue, firm. — Wituiam Tuom- SON. Firm as the fabled throne of Grecian Jove. — Ini. Firm as the castle’s feudal roof. — Tuomas WaRTON. As firm as rock in ocean. — WILLIAM WHITEHEAD. Firm as the chain of rocks which guard the strand. — Wi.L1am WILKIE. Firm and unflinching, as the lighthouse reared On the Island-rock. — Worpswortu. Firm as solid crystal. — Ini. Fist (See also Hanp.) Fists like shoulders of * mutton. — BALzac. Fit (Adverb). Fit as a rope for a thief. — ANon. Fit as a shoulder of mutton for a sick horse. — Iprp. Fit as a fiddle. — Wittiam Havcu- TON. Fit as a saddle for a sow. — LEANn’s “ COLLECTANEA.” As fit as a pudding for a dogges mouth. — Lyty. Fit as a fritter for a friar’s mouth. — EncuisH PRovers. As fit as ten groats is for the hand of an attorney, as your French crown for your taffeta punk, as Tib’s rush for Tom’s forefinger, as a pancake for Shrove-Tuesday, a morris for May- day, as the nail to his hole, the cuckold to his horn, as a scolding quean to a wrangling knave, as the nun’s lip to the friar’s mouth ; nay, as the pudding to his skin. — SHAKESPEARE, 142 Fit (Adverb) — continued. A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. — OLp TEs- TAMENT. Fit (Verb). Fit as a banana skin on a banana. — ANon. Fit in like dog’s teeth. — Irv. Fits like the bark on a tree. — Ip1p. Fits like feathers on a duck. — Inrp. Fit like the paper on the wall. — Isp. Fit into his niche like a peg into a hole. — Bauzac. Fits like a bathing suit coming out of the water. — GEorGE BroapHuRsT. Fits in its place, like a marble stone accurately hewn and _ polished. — CARLYLE. Fits as a shell fits a crab. — Sir A. Conan Dore. Fit as a thump with a stone in an apothecary’s eye. — THomas Futter, M. D. Fitted into it like a brilliant into the setting of a ring. — Hazuirr. Fits you like a flannel washed in hot suds. — O. Henry. Fit like Sunday shoes.—O. W. Homes. Fitted as does a key in a well-oiled lock. — Berrina von HutTten. Fit . . . like the leg and trouser, the hair and the comb. — Henrik IBsEN. Fits the present purpose like a ring to your finger. — W. S. Lanpor. Fit her as a helmet might a hero. — Amy LESLIE. Fitted into each other like the art- fully covered pieces of wood which composed the picture puzzles of our childhood. — ALEXANDER K1ELLAND. FIT. — FIXED. Fit, like wheel to nave, or joint to spit. — Wituiam Kine. Fits like a kid glove. — Gzorcx MEREDITH. Fits you like a finger stuck in the mud, — H. W. Paiturrs. Fitful. Fitful and faint, like the shifting mirage of the desert. — EucEnE Barry. Fitful like the talking of trees. — D. G. Rossertt. Fitful as the sea. — SwINBURNE. Fitfully. Comes fitfully like broken music. — TENNYSON. Fits. By fits and girds (starts), as an ague takes a goose. —JoHN Ray’s “HANDBOOK OF PROVERBS.” Fixed. Fixed as fate. — ANON. Fixed as the laws of the Medes and the Persians. — Ipip. Fixed as the laws of the planetary system. — Ibm. Fixed as your name on a note. — Ipip. Fixed like ony stane. — JoANNA BaILLig. Fixt — like ApHRA BEHN. Fix’d as the rock that braves the main. — THomas BLACKLOCK. conscious guilt. — Fixed as the orb of the burning sun. — Emrty Bronre. Fixed as the polar star. — WILLIAM ALLEN ButTuer. Fixed, as in death. — Jonn VANCE CHENEY. Fixt as an island ’gainst the waves and wind. — ABrawam Cow Ley. FIXED. — FLAME, Fixed — continued. Eyes immovably fixed .. . like a miser torn away from his coffers, or like a mother separated from her child about to be led away to death. — Dumas, PERE. Fixed like a statue on his marble throne. — F. W. Faper. Sullen, fix’d like some old oak’s deep-rooted, knotted trunk, which hath endur’d the tempest-breathing months of thrice a hundred winters, yet remains unshaken.—-RicHARD GLOVER. Fixed as a sculptured figure. — GoETHE. Fixedly as rocky marge. — Krarts. Gaze fix’d . . . as one who deep in heaven some airy pageant sees. — Joun KEBLE. Fixed as Lochlin’s thousand rocks. — James MacpHerson. Fixed like a rock. — MananuHaRATa. Fixed as a monument.— W. M. PRAED. Fixt as the monument on Fish street Hill. — W. B. Ruopgs. As fixed as the law of light. — CHARLES SANGSTER. As fixed as Cheviot. — Sir WALTER Scorr. Fixed and indispensable as the majestic laws that rule yon rolling orbs. — SHELLEY. Fix’d as a mountain ash. — WILLIAM SoMERVILLE. Like the stone eyeballs of the statue fixed. — SoUTHEY. Fixed like a sea-rock. — SWINBURNE. Fixt As are the roots of earth and base of all. — TENNYSON. Fixed as the earth. — THEOGNIS. Fixed . . . like churchyard graves. — TuroporE TILTON. 143 Fix’d as oaks. — Paut WuiteHeap. Fixed as a star. — WorDswortu. Fixed as a_ sentinel. — Epwarp Youne. Fizz. Fizzes_ like wildfire. — Ropert Brownine. Fizz . . . like the last sputtering of a firework. — Boots TarKINGToN. Fizzle. Fizzle out like a damp squib. — ANON. Fizzled like freshly opened soda water. — KIpLine. Fizzling like an impatient soda fountain. — Harry Lron Witson. Flabby. Flabby as a Norfolk dumpling. — ANON. As flabby as a sponge. —Guy DE Maupassant. Flags. There is affection in every employ- ment, and it gives the spirit energy, and keeps the mind intent upon its work or study. This if it be not re- laxed, becomes dull, and its earnest- ness flags, — as salt that has lost its savor, so that it has no pungency or relish ; or as bended bow, which unless it be unbent, loses the power that it derives from its elasticity. — EMANUEL SWEDENBORG. Flame. Flamed like a sheet of molten gold. — Wiuuiam H. Arnsworts. Flame like torch-flames in the pas- sionate air. — Sipney LANIER. Flame, like a meteor, to the troubled air. — Ropert Lioyp. Flaming like a carbuncle. — RaBzE- LAIS. Flaming, like the jaws of hell. —Isrp. Flames like morn. — SWINBURNE. 144 Flap. Flapping down behind him like the back-fin of a water-serpent. — RoBert BRownine. Flap as a flag as the winds go by. —James WaHItcoMB RILEY. Flare. Flare Like a spent lamp. about to die. —Joun Davinson. Flare like torches. — LONGFELLOW. Flared like molten brass. — JAMES MontTcoMERY. Flared, like Titan torches flinging flakes of flame and embers, springing from the dale. —James Wuitcoms RILEY. Flares like an angered and storm- redding morn. — SWINBURNE. Flash (Noun). A mere flash; as chaff and straw soon fired, burn vehemently for a while, yet out in a moment. — RoBerr Burton. A flash like a snow avalanche. — Taomas WESTWooD. Flash (Verb). Flashes like cut glass. — ANon. Flash like stars. — Ipp. Eyes flashing, like shooting thunder- bolts. —P. J. Barury. Flashing, like a newly-awakened flame. —R. D. BLackmore. Flashed like the spray of a fountain. — Isp. Flashing like a Grore M. Branpss. Flash’d like a Bripces (English). Flash like a rocket. —C. S. Cat- VERLEY. steel blade. — jewel. — Ropert Flashing . . . like scimitar from its sheath. — Pau Laurence DuNBaR. FLAP, — FLAT. Flashes... like a revelation. — Paut Hamitton Hayne. Flashed like dazzling arrow tipped With amorous heat. — Ism. Flashes like the shining soul of a jest. — W. E. Henry. Flash like a heliograph. — Kipiine. Flashing like a scythe. — Ricwarp Le GALLIENNE. Flashed like a falchion from its sheath. — LONGFELLOW. Flashed, like a sabre in the sun. — Txomas Moore. Flash like golden fire-flakes from the sky. — WitueLM MULLER. Flashing like thought. — Miss Mvu- LOCK. Flashed ... Like a red-hot eye from a grave. —C. G. Rossertt. Flashing like fire-flies. — IBm. Flash like a steel blade tipped with fire. — Francis 5. SaLrus. Flashing like a fiery stream. — SCHILLER. Flashed like a strong inspiration. — SHELLEY. Like a mirror sparkling to the sun with dazzling splendor, flashed. — SouTHEY. Her Fies did flash out fiery light, Like coles that through a silver censer sparkle bright. — SPENSER. Flash and toss Like plumes in battle’s blithest charge. — SWINBURNE. Flat. Fell flat as a damp squib. — ANon. Flat as a pricked bladder. — Inrp. Flat as your hand. — Ixrp. Flat as the beaten coin. — ANTAR. Flat as a flounder. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER, FLAT. — FLED, Flat — continued. Flat as an anvil’s face. — Robert Browninc. Flat as BRownina. a gravestone. —E. B. Flat and bare as Hebrew verse of Bishop Hare. — Joun Byrom. Flat as a fillet of sole. — Irvin S. Coss. Flat as a juryman. — Dickens. Flat as a flail. — Bret Harre. As flat as a pancake. — Lupvic Howpere (1684-1754). Flat as a rose that has long been pressed. —O. W. Homes. As flat as Aschylus in Bohn’s translation. — Hugo. Flat as a willow-pattern plate. — Isp. Flat as an excuse. — SYDNEY Mun- DEN. Flat as the fens of Holland. — Sir Watter Scott. Flat As dead sands be at utmost ebb that drink The drainéd salt o’ the sea. — SWINBURNE. Flatter. A woman who won’t flatter is like a piano that won’t play. — ELLEN Tuor- NEYCROFT FOWLER. Flatterers. Flatterers are cats that lick before d scratch behind. —ANon. For as a wolf resembles a dog, so doth a flatterer a friend. A flatterer is compared to an ape, who, because she can not defend the house like a dog, labour as an ox, or bear burdens as a horse, doth therefore yet play tricks, and provoke laughter. — Sir Water RALEIGH. 145 Flattery. Flattery is like false money: it impoverishes those that receive it. — ANON. Flattery is like Kolone water, tew be smelt of, not swallowed. — JosH BILuines. Your flattery, like a rich jewel, has a value not only from its superior lustre, but from its extraordinary scarceness. — RicHaRD CUMBERLAND. Flattery resembles the picture of a _ suit of armour in this respect, that it is calculated to yield delight, not to render any actual service. — DEMoPH- ILUS. Flattery is the destruction of all good fellowship ; it is like a qualmish liqueur in the midst of a. bottle of wine. — DISRAELI. Flattery is like a painted armor ; only to show. — SOCRATES. Though flattery blossoms like friend- ship, yet there is a vast difference in the fruit. — Ibm. Flaunt. Beauty .. . flaunts like the coral of summer flower. — Roprrt Bripces (English). Flecked. Flecked as a turkey egg. — ANON. Fled. (See also Fly.) The tyrant from our shore, like a forbidden demon, fled. — AKENSIDE. Fled, like the raven from the bird of Jove. — Inp. Filed like leaves on the gale. — Anon. Fled, like rats from a sinking ship. —Ism. Sorrow fled on fleeting pinions, like the icy breath of winter that spring zephyrs waft away. — Isp. Fly around like a bat in the twilight. — BJORNSTJERNE BJORNSON. 146 Fled — continued. Fled from his thoughts like a sickly dream. — Butwer-Lytron. Like a passing thought, she fled. — Burns. Fled like frighted doos. — Isr. Fled like crows when they smell powder. — SaMuEL Butter. Fled like a dream. — Cowper. Each quiet day has fled like the same moth, returning with slow wing, and pausing in the sunshine. — Grorcs Exjot. Like murder, chas’d by conscience, fled. — Epenezer Eviiort. Fled like the flood’s foam. — EMEr- SON. Fled as soon as fleet the violets. — Haroma. Fled like a felon. —O. W. Hotes. Fled like a Parthian. — Huco. Fled like a dusky cloud. — Kipiine. Fled like the mist of Cona. — JAMES MacpHERSON. Fled, as the dawn clouds flee before the sun. — JoHN Payne. Fled like shadows. — Perrarcn. Fled, as fogs disperse before the god of day. — CHARLES READE. Fled like a mist before the radiant day. — Roscommon. Fled at will, as in a wingéd chariot. — SHELLEY. Fled Like insect tribes before the northern gale. — Is. Fled, Like the brief glory which dark Heaven inherits From the false dawn, which fades ere it is spread, Upon the night’s devouring darkness shed. — Is. FLED. —~ FLEE. Fled Like vultures frightened from Imus Before an earthquake’s tread. — Isp. Fledde like a beest. —JoHn SKEL- TON. Like spectres from the sight of morning, fled. — SouTHEy. Fled like a glittering rivulet to the tarn. — TENNYSON. As flies the shadow of a bird, she fled. — Isp. My best years have fled away, like dreams, or like a minstrel’s lay. — WALTER VON DER VOGELWEIDE. Fled away like a dream. — Joun WESLEY. Fled like a flash of light. — Exta WHEELER WILCOX. Fled, as time will in a dream. — N. P. Wrius. Fled as fast as doth the haunted fawn. — WorDSWORTH. Fled Like vapour, like a towering cloud, dissolved. — Is. Flee. (See also Fly.) Flee like desires. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. : Flee like a shamed child. —R. M. MILNEs. Flee like a dream’s dim imagery. — SHELLEY. Flee, like mist from the tempest’s might. — Ipm. _ Flee As clouds and winds and rays across the sea. — SWINBURNE. Flee as a bird to your mountain. — Otp TESTAMENT. Flee, as fleeing from a sword. — Isp. Fleeth also as a. Ipip. shadow. — FLEE. — FLEETING. Flee — continued. Flee as the air. — WurttTieEr. Fleeing like the rose of an Arctic night. — GzorcE E. Woopserry. Fleet. Fleet as a falling star. — ANon. Fleet as a greyhound. — Ini. Fleet as Diana. — In. Fleet as kindled fire. — Ini. Fleeter than hawk that ever flew. — Epwin ARNOLD. Fleet is his foot as the wild roe- buck’s. — C. 8S. CALVERLEY. Fleet as the whirlwind. — Camp- BELL. Flete as fleaynge cloudes that swymme before the syghte. — THomas CHATTERTON. Fleet as leash-slipped greyhounds. — Dante. Fleet as deer the Normans ran Through Curlieu’s Pass and Ardrahan. — T. O. Davis. Fleet as fancy. —Cuartes Drs- DEN, JR. Fleet as the swallow cuts the drift. — JosrrH R. Drake. Fleets as a dream. — Evian Fen- TON. Fleet as the arrow from the bowstring flies, Fleet as the eagle darting through the skies. — Firpavsi. As fleet As had they wings upon their feet. — Jacques JASMIN. Fleet, As silver-sandalled Artemis. — Frances ANNE KEMBLE. Fleet as wind. — MAHABHARATA. Fleet as the Marston. dew. — Pure B. 147 Fleet as zephyr’s pinion. — THomMAs Moors. Fleeter than the roe. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Fleeter than lightning’s flash. — SOPHOCLES. Fleet as light. — SwInBURNE. Fleet as the lightning’s laugh. — Ipip. Fleet As words of men or snowflakes on the wind. — Isp. Fleet and slim as Atalanta. — Tomas WEsTwoop. Fleet as shooting star. — Isr. Fleet as the shadows. — Worps- WORTH. , Fleet as days and months and years. — Is. Fleeting. Light and fleeting as a dream of night lost in garish day. — AiscHYLUs. Fleeting as a shade. — ANoNn. Fleeting as joy of youth. — Epwin ARNOLD. Fleeting like feathers in the winde alofte. — GEORGE GASCOIGNE. As fleeting as April sunshine. — GerHart HAUPTMANN. Fleeting As bubbles that swim on the beaker’s brim And break on the lips while meeting. — Cuartes Fenno HorrMan. Fleeting as a passing sigh. — Sic- MUND KRASINSKI. Fleeting as air. — SwIrt. Fleeting like a beam of light. — TENNYSON. Fleeting as the bow in the clouds. — TUPPER. A thing as fleeting as the thin sea- foam. — G. S. VIERECK. 148 Fleeting — continued. Fleeting as the wings of sleep. — VIRGIL. Fleeting as health or beauty. — Worpsworta. Flesh. All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away. —New Trsta- MENT. Fleshless. Fleshless as a joint of cane. — IRvIN S. Coss. Fleshless as bars of steel. — Dumas, PERE. Fleshless as the talons of a hawk. — Epwin Markuam. Fleshless as a skeleton. — SaIntT- PIERRE. Flexible. Flexible as a riding whip. — ANon. As finely flexible as linen. — GEORGE W. Curtis. Flexible as figures in the hands of the statistician. — IsrazrL ZANGWILL. Flickering (Adjective). Flickering light like the jewels of a broken necklace. — Kipiine. Flicker (Verb). Flickering like a flame in the wind. -—— ANON. Flicker KRaSINSKI. Flickering like dying lamps in sepulchres. — SCHILLER. like a lamp. — Siemunp Flickers like a blown-out flame. — SWINBURNE. Flickering like a wind-bewildered leaf. — Ipm. Flicker like fire. — Ipm. Flickering like a casement ’gainst the sun. — CHarLes T. TURNER. FLEETING. — FLIRTATION. Flickering like a flame, half choked by wind and dust. — G. S. VIERECK. Flimsy. Flimsy as gauze. — ANON. Flimsy as gossamer. — Ip1p. Flinch. Flinch ... like a plant in too burning a sun. — THomas Harpy. Fling. Fling . . . as a bird flings o’er his shivering plumes the fountain’s spray. — Witiiam Cutten Bryant. Flung up like a fortress lifted by powder. —Grorce MEREDITH. Flung like vile carrion to the hound. — Sir WattTeER Scort. Flung as foam from a ship’s swift- ness. — SHELLEY. Flip. Flips away like whalebone from the finger. — R. D. BLACKMORE. Flippantly. Flippantly, as a boy not yet grown bashful. — XENoPHON. Flirt (Noun). A flirt is like a dipper attached to a hydrant; every one is at lib- erty to drink from it, but no one desires to carry it away. —N. P. WILLIS. Flirt (Verb). She had flirted as far and wide as the butterfly flirts with the blossoms, as it flutters on through the range of a Summer day. — Oumpa. Flirtation. Flirtation is like the slime on water- plants, making them hard to handle, and when caught, only to be cherished in slimy waters. — Donatp G. Mrtcx- ELL. FLIRTATION. — FLOAT. Flirtation — continued. Flirtations are like motor cars; they either exceed the speed limit and end in a smashup, or they are so slow that a girl nearly dies of nervous pros- tration waiting for them to get some- where. — Heten Row.anp. Flirtation is like a circulating library, in which we seldom ask twice for the same volume. — N. P. WILLIS. Flit. Flitted away like a bird on a wintry night. — ANoNn. Fiit like a summer cloud. — Ip. Flitting like motes in the sunbeam. -——Joun BrovucHam. Seasons flit before the mind as flit the snow-flakes in a winter storm, seen rather than distinguished. — WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. Flittering here and there, like sun- shine in the uneasy ocean-waves. — Isp. Flitted . . . fitfully as an April sunbeam. — BuLWER-LYTTON. Flitted like a spark. — Hoop. Flit like a ghost away. — Kzats. Fancies flit, and wheel like butter- flies on banks of thyme. — ANDREW Lane. Flit like Marauis. Flitting like a shadow of love. — Donato G. MitcHE.t. Flits, like a living flake of fire. — SamuEeL Minturn Peck. blown feathers. — Don Flit over the brain like the ghosts of the dead. — Tuomas PRINGLE. He flits like a bee. —Osmanut Prov- ERB. Flit like a swallow that stoops to lave its burnished bosom in the wave. —T. Bucnanan Reap. 149 Filit, Like spendor-winged moths about a taper. — SHELLEY. Flit, like life’s enjoyments, on rapid, rapid wing. — CAROLINE SOUTHEY. Flitted awiy like a kite wi’ a brokken string. — TENNYSON. Flits like a sudden drift of snow against the dull grey sky. — Oscar WILDE. Float. Float away like the deluding mist of a mirage. — ANON. Floating like the Hesperian garden of old. — In. Floats like the lotus in the lake, unmoved. — Isr. Floating downward in airy play, Like spangles dropped from the glis- tening crowd That whiten by night the milky way. — Wituiam Cutten Bryant. Floating like the Cyannean Isles in the Euxine Sea. — Ropert Bur- TON. Floats over the troubles of life as the froth above the idle wave. — Wiiuiam Hazuitt. Floats like an atmosphere. — Lonc- FELLOW. : Floats like an Ark safely through all the deluge of the dark. — GrRaLp Massey. Floats like soft-melting murmurs of grief. — James MonTGoMERY. Floating in the air like so many spiders upon their cobwebs. — Mun- CHAUSEN. Floats like oil upon brown seas. — NIETZSCHE. Floating like foam upon the wave. — Sir Water Scorr. Floating like the streamers in the wind. — SouTHEY. 150 Float — continued. Gently floating ... like a faery chime of blue harebells, heard in dreams, beneath the forest trees. — A. J. Symineron. They float in its rythmic measure like leaves on a summer stream. — Evita WHEELER WILCOX. Flock. Flocking into the country like pigeons in the Spring. — J. Fenimore CoorEr. Flocked to his call Like sprites that necromancy Of a Prospero holds in thrall. — Don Manauis. Flood. It flooded the crimson twilight like the close of an Angel’s Psalm. — AvetawE A. Procter. Florid. Florid as a milk-maid. — ANon. Florid as the Spring. — ALrrep AUSTIN. Flounce. Flounce like a Fish. — Ropert WOLSELEY. Flounder. Floundered, like a silly creature chasing a marsh-lamp. — GrorcE MEREDITH. Flounder on, like wounded whales Tossed on the bosom of a stormy sea. — Worpswortu. Flourish. Flourishes like a green bay tree. — ANON. Flourished . . . like scripture-trees called bay. — Ropert Brownine. Flourishing as a Banyan-grove. — CaRLYLE. As cedars beaten with continual storms, so great men flourish. — CHAPMAN. FLOAT. —— FLUCTUATE. Flourishes like the mountain oak. — Acnes REPPLIER. Flourish as a branch. — Otp Tsta- MENT. Flourish like an herb. — Inm. Flourish like grass of the earth. — Isp. Flourish like the palm tree. — Int. As a flower of the field so he flourish- eth. — Inm. Flourishing as the flowers in May. — Lewis Waacer. Flow. Flow like a free and flowing river. — ANoN. Eloquence flows like droppings of sweet poppy syrup. — Macau.ay. Flow, like the dews of the love- breathing night, from the warmth of the sun that has set. — THomas Moore. Bubble, bubble, flows the stream Like an.old tune through a dream. — Mavrice Tompson. Flow as hugely as the sea.— SHAKESPEARE. Flowed like light amid the shadows of the sea cast from one cloudless star. — SHELLEY. Flowed by like the streaming images of sleep. — Epira Wiarton. Flow, Like smoke, along the level of the blast, In mighty currents. — Worpsworta. Fluctuant. Fluctuant, as the ark of Noah. — Bacon. Fluctuate. Fluctuated like a stormy sea, urged by the secret Furies. — THomas ASHE. FLUCTUATE, — FLUTTER, Fluctuate — continued. Fluctuated as flowers in rain That bends them and they tremble and rise again And heave and straighten and quiver all through with bliss And turn afresh their mouths up for a kiss, Amorous, athirst of that sweet influent love. — SWINBURNE. Fluctuates like a sleepy wave. — Bayarp Taytor. Fluent. Fluent as the skylark sings When first the morn allures its wings. — AKENSIDE. As fluent as a parrot is, And far more Polly-glottish. — Hoop. Fluent as the sea. — SHAKESPEARE. Fluid. Fluid as a cloud or the air. — Emer- SON. Flurried. Helpless and flurried as a fish landed on a grassy bank with a barbed hook through his gills. — Ouma. Flush. Flushed to radiance where they stood, Like statues by the open tomb Of shining saints half risen. —E. B. Brownine. Flushed . . . like a rose. — AUBREY De VERE. Rosy flushes, like warm dreams of love. — Frances ANNE KEmBLe. Flushes, like some young Hebe’s lip. — Tuomas Moore. Have ne’er by shame been taught to blush: - Like vernal roses in the sun flush. —Ism. 151 Flushed as one afire with wine. — SWINBURNE. Flutter. Fluttered like a dead leaf in a blast. — P. J. Barney. Fluttered like a winged asp. — Ini. : Fluttering like a raven wounded. —R. D. Biackmore. Its meaning flutters in me like a flame under my own breath. — E. B. Brownina. Fluttering, like dumb creatures be- fore storms. — Ism. Fluttered like a tame bird, in among its forest brothers far too strong for it. — Isp. Flutter . . . like sparrows round an owl. — Butwer-Lytron. Flutters up and down like a butterfly in a garden. — SaMUEL BUTLER. Flutters as wing’d with joy. — Byron. Flutters as an unreal shadow. — CARLYLE. Flutterings as in a _ slumbering aviary. — DAuDET. Fluttered like a bird with broken wings. — DIcKENS. Flutter like snowflakes. — HAMLIN GARLAND. Fluttering like a piece of gold leaf. — Hazurr. Fluttered noiseless as a flame. — J. G. HoLann. Fluttering like new-mown hay. — O. W. Hoimes. Flutter like a flickering, lamp. — SiemuND KRasINsKI. Fluttered like a lark. — Gera Massey. Flutters like a bird fresh caught. — Miss Mrrrorp. dying 152 Flutter — continued. Fluttering like a prisoned bird. — Lewis Morris. Flutters like a flower Along the glory of the hills. — Jonn Payne. Made my own heart flutter as a bird that beats for freedom at the bars that prison it. — James Wuitcoms RILey. Gauzy wings fluttered by Like the ghost of a daisy dropped out of the sky. — Isip. Fluttering like pigeons. —C. G. Rossettt. T flutter like a child after her mother. — SaprHo. Fluttered, like a vision. — SCHILLER. Like snow-coloured petals Of blossoms that flee From storm that unsettles The flower as the tree They flutter. — SwINBURNE. Fluttering like spent fire. — Inm. Fluttered like a callow lark, With dim fore-feeling of the azure free, Sustaining wing and strength of song- ful glee. — Bayarp TayLor. Like an angel’s pinion, fluttereth. — J. T. TRowBRIDGE. Fly. (See also Fled and Flee.) Each mysterious form, Flew like the pictures of a morning dream. — AKENSIDE. Flew along like a bird in a tempest. — ANON. Flies like antic shapes in dreams. — Isp. His arms flew like a windmill. — Ini. Flying, like blown flame. — Inm. Flies like chaff wide scattered by the wind. — Ini. FLUTTER. — FLY. Flew like feathered Mercury. — Isp. Flew like granado. — Inm. Words flew out of his mouth as shot out of a gatling gun. — Ism. Flew like a cloth-yard shaft from a bended yew. —R. H. Barnam. Fly, like a yelping Cur with a Bottle at his Tail. — CoLitey CrpsBer. Fly as the leaves before the autumn tempest. — Isrp. Fly as a bird on the wings of Night. — Arapian Nicuts. Fly like . . . the northern wind. — Francis BrEaumMont. Fly, like a full sail. — Beaumont AND FLETCHER. Fly like chaff before the wind. — JAMES BOSWELL. Flying .. . like scatterings of dead leaves in autumn-gusts.—E. B. BRownine. Flew, as if he knew A frenzied wretch was on his back. — Euiza Cook. Fly as from the plague. — Joun Davies. Flies like a feather in the blast. — JosEpH R. DRAKE. Away like a glance of thought he flew. — Ipp. Flies like the nimble journeys of the light. — DrypENn. Fly like doves that the exalted eagle spies. — RicHarp DvuKE. Friends have flown, like leaves whirled away by the blast. — Mrs. FE. Forrester. A headlong crowd is flying Like a billow that has broken and is shivered into spray. —O. W. Hotes. FLY. Fly — continued. Fly Like the cannons that burst on the Fourth of July. — Isp. Flew as in a dream. — Huco. Sparks that fly Like chaff from a threshing-floor. — LonerELLow. Flies like a bird unfettered from her cage. — Maria LowEtt. Flew like sparks in burnt up paper. — Lowe Lt. Fly as fast as Iris or Jove’s Mercury. — Martowe. Fly as fast as the hare from the horn. — Brian MELBANCKE. Flown Like a smoke melted thinner than air, That the vacancy doth disown. — Grorcrt MERreniTH. Flew around like the spray on a storm-driven deck.—Joaquin MiLuer. Flown, like morning clouds, a thous- and ways. — James MonrTcomeEry. All flew like the down of a thistle. — Ciement C. Moore. Swiftly flew as glancing flame. — Tuomas Moore. Flown are those days with their winged delights, as the odor is gone from the summer rose. — LouISsE CHANDLER Movutton. Flew like the swift and dazzling flight of gold-winged orioles. — Ourpa. As before the pike will fly Dace and roach and such small fry ; As the leaf before the gale, As the’chaff beneath the flail, As before the wolf the flocks, As before the hounds the fox ; As before the cat the mouse, As the rat from falling house ; As the fiend before the spell Of holy water, book, and bell ; As the ghost from dawning day. -- Toomas L. Peacock. 153 Some fly, like pendulums, from good to evil, And in that point are madder than the devil. — CurisTorHer Pirt. He flies like a dog that has burnt his paw. — OsMANLI PRovers. Flew as the spirit flies from the dead. — D. G. Rosserri. Fly like eagles which pursue their prey. — GrorGcEe Sanpys. Flew at him, like the young hero Siegfried when he attacked the wild, long-bearded dwarf Alberich. — JOSEPH V. VON SCHEFFEL. Flown like the light clouds of a Summer’s day. — Joun Scorr. Fly, like mist before the zephyr’s sigh. —Srr WALTER Scort. Fly like chidden Mercury from Jove. — SHAKESPEARE. Like falcon to the lure, away she flies. — Ibi. Fly like thought. — In. Like soldiers, when their captain once doth yield, They basely fly. Like a flock of rooks at a farmer’s gun Night’s dreams and terrors, every one, Fled from the brains which are their prey. — SHELLEY. Flew like the wind. —Joun SKEL- TON. Flew at him like an hellish fiend. — SPENSER. —Izm. Flew like a wyld gote. — Isp. Fly, like scattered sheepe. — Inn. Flew away as lightly as the wind. — Isp. Flying fast as roebucke through the fen. — Inn. Flie, as leapes the deere fled from the hunter’s face. —Earu or StTin- LING. 154 Fly — continued. Fly as if the devil drove. — Swirt. Flown as flies the feather. — Inip. Fly as the eagle that hasteth to eat. — Isp. blown foam’s Fly away as a dream. — Isp. Flew like a blossom blown about. — WALTER THORNBURY. Flown, Like birds from the nest when their wings have grown. —Joun T. TROWBRIDGE. Fly, Like doves before the gathering storm. —G. 8. Virrecx. Flown, Like the morning-glory’s cup. — Ameria B. WELBy. Fly like flower-seeds on the breeze. —N. P. Wis. Foam. Foamed like a wounded thing. — SHELLEY. Foamed like a flagon.—M. E. STEBBINS. Foaming at the mouth like Cham- pagne bottles. — IsrarL ZANGWILL. Fold. The soft palms fold like kissing shells. — ANON. Folds up like a crush hat or a con- certina. — Irvin S. Coss. Folded like a wave.—O. W. Homes. Shall fold their tents like the Arabs and as silently steal away. — LoNGrEL- LOW. The flowers fold their cups like praying hands. — Grratp Massey. Folded like thoughts in a dream. — SHELLEY. FLY. — FOLLOW. . Eyelids folded like a white-rose leaf. — SWINBURNE. Folded up as folds a primrose when the gates of day are shut. — EucENE Fircu Wars. Follow. Follow the track of blood .. . Like to some hound that hunts a wounded fawn. — AtscHYLUS. Follow like a flock of sheep.—ANon. Follow . . mon. — IBip. . like geese on a com- Follow one like Anthony’s pig. — Isp. Followed fate as an Irishman a wheelbarrow. — In. Follows like a shadow. — Isp. Followed faithfully As if ’twere his shadow. — Epwin Arwno.. Follow’d her desire, as sunlight tracks the shadow of a cloud.— Tuomas ASHE. I be bounde to followe it, As the carpenter his ruler. — Enouiso Babiap. Follow one another like ducks in a gutter. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. The jackals of the desert follow their prey in families, like the place-hunters ‘of Europe. — JoHn Bricar. Followed like a comet-tail. — Car- LYLE. Followed like a child after the Pied Piper. — O. Henry. Follow each other, like surge upon surge. — Witi1am Knox. Misfortune follows him like a faith- ful hound. — Strepuen Pariyies. Follow, as the night the day. — SHAKESPEARE. Followed . . . like one drawn by 2 charm. — E. R. Sri. FOLLOW. — FORBIDDING, Follow — continued. Youth follows life, as bees the honeybell. — Bayarp Taytor. Will follow thee, As the ripple follows the bark at sea. — WHITTIER. Like geese each other follow. — Grorce WITHERS. Folly. Folly is like the growth of weeds, always luxurious and spontaneous ; wisdom, like flowers, requires cultiva- tion. — Hosea Battovu. Folly is like a sore on a surfeited horse, cure it in one place and it breaks out in another. — DrypDEn. Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour. — Otp TESTAMENT. Fond. Fond as cat is of milk. — ANon. Fond as the miser is of his gold. — Izip. Fond and sad as Juliet. — RoBert Bropces (American). Fond as a bride. — JoHn Gay. Fond as hounds are of running after foxes. — Hoop. Fonder than ignorance. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Fond of an old sweetheart as a brisk widow of her third husband. —Joun WILtson. Fool. Fools are as like husbands as pil- chards are to herrings. — SHAKE- SPEARE. A fool, like a bottle, which would make you merry in company, will make you dull alone. — Vanproucn. Fools, like apes, are mimics from their birth. — WitLiam WuITEHEAD. 155 Foolery. Foolery, sir, does walk about the orb like the sun: it shines every where. — SHAKESPEARE. Foolish. Foolish as a calf. — ANon. _Foolish as an endeavor to make a lobster climb a tree and give a re- port of the atmospheric conditions. — Ism. Foolish as a peacock. — Inn. Foolish as to scratch one’s head with a firebrand. — Inm. Foolish as the tailor who sews sleeves to the pocket holes. — Inn. Foolish as to flash a roll of bills before a lawyer. — Ip. Foolish as to talk of color to a blind man. — Ipip. Foolish as to try to pull hair from a bald man’s head. — Isp. Thare iz just this difference between a fule and a hen, the fule cackels be- fore, the hen not till after the egg iz lade. — JosH BILiines. More foolish than the prodigal who eats The husks of sense. — Lewis Morris. Foolish, as to look for a rainbow in the night. — Sypnrey MunpEN. Foolish as to have confidence to promise himself three years. — RaBr- LAIS. Foolish as the disturbing phantoms of the night. — WaLTER TRUMBULL. Foolish as a search would be for new sunlight to illuminate the marbles of Michael Angelo. — Wittiam Win- TER. Forbidding. Forbidding as a mourning card. — Compton MACKENZIE. 156 Force. Creative force, like a musical com- poser, goes on unwearyingly repeating a simple air or theme, now high, now low, in solo, in chorus, ten thousand times reverberated, till it fills earth and heaven with the chant. — Emerson. Forcible. Forcible as custom. — Bacon. Forehead. Her forehead’s like the show’ry bow, When shining sunbeams intervene, And gild the distant mountain’s brow. — Burns. A forehead more pure than the Parian stone. — WHITTIER. Foremost. Foremost in his mind, Like the keen prow of some on-forging ship. — Pau Laurence Dunzar. Forged. Forged like steel and tempered thought. — SWINBURNE. Forgiving. Forgiving like unto the Earth her- self. — MAHABHARATA. Forgotten. Forgotten like waves on the sea. — ANoN. Thrown aside and forgotten as are the hoofs and horns of a buffalo. — J. FENIMORE COOPER. By all forgot, like a flower whose stem is broken. — BARRY CORNWALL. Forgotten, as the foliage of thy youth. — CowPER. Forgotten like the forms of last year’s clouds. — FRANKLIN. Poor and forgotten like a clod upon the field. — Huco. Forgotten like an almanac out of date. —M. pz La BruyErn. FORCE, — FORSAKEN. Forgotten like an antique tale Of Hero and Leander. — CHARLES Lamp. Forgotten as a fallen star. — Harry B. Smita. Forgotten as changes of dreams. — SWINBURNE. Forgotten like spilt wine. — Isp. Forgotten as a dead man out of mind. — Otp TESTAMENT. Forgotten like a dream. — Worps- WORTH. Forked. Forked like the loveliest lightnings. — SwINBURNE. Forlorn. As forlorn as the faded coquette. — Wituiam ALLEN BUTLER. Forlorn As midnight, and despairing of a morn. — CowPeEr. : Forlorn, As the night-owl’s sob of fear, As Memnon moaning at morn. — Jan INGELOw. Formal. Formal and precise, like rooms which we enter and leave, not those in which we settle and dwell. — BuLwer-LytTTon. Formal ... as the veil of a nun. — Henry JAMES. Formal as a Quaker. — GrorcE P. Morris. Formless. Formless as air. — P. J. Barer. Formless as midnight. — Hueco. Forsaken. Forsaken like some old house one moves out of and locks up when one has gotten a new one. — BJORNSTJERNE BsORNSON. Forsaken, as ships go to old Davy. — Hoop. FORSAKEN, — FOUNDLING. Forsaken — continued. Forsake us soon, like morning-stars. —Joun Pomrret. Forsaken, like the shadows that fly from the dawn. — W1LL1am WINTER. Fortune. Fortune, like other females, delights rather on favoring the young than the old. — ApDISON. Fortune is like women, loves youth and is fickle. — ANon. Fortune is like the market, where, many times, if you can stay a little, the price will fall; and again, it is sometimes like Sibylla’s offer, which at first offereth the commodity at full, then consumeth part and part, and still holdeth up the price. — Bacon. The way of Fortune is like the milky way in the sky ; which is a meeting, or knot, of a number of small stars, not seen asunder, but giving light together ; so are there a number of little and scarce discerned virtues, or rather faculties and customs, that make men fortunate. — Inp. Fortune resembles an unjust dis- tributor of the Olympic prizes, in so much as she most frequently bestows her favours on the undeserving. — DEMOPHILUS. False Fortune, like a fawning strumpet, About to leave the bankrupt prodigal, With a dissembled smile would kiss at parting, And flatter to the last. — DRYDEN. Good fortune, like ripe fruit, ought to be enjoyed while it is present. — EPIcTETUvs. Many fortunes, like rivers, have a pure source, but grow muddy as they grow large. — J. Pretit-SEnn. Fortune is like a widow won, And truckles to the bold alone. — WILLIAM SOMERVILLE. 157 Fortune, like other drabs, values a man gradually less for every year he lives. — Swirt. Fortune is like glass — the brighter the glitter, the more easily it is broken. — Pusuius Syrus. Fortune as well as women must be taken in the humor. — WycHERLEY. Forward. Forward like a fierce hound strain- ing on a leash.—Srr A. Conan Doy1e. Forward like a wind-blown flame. — Francis THompson. Foul. Foul as Zebedee’s hen that laid three rotten eggs to a good one. — J. R. Bartiert’s ‘“ DicTIoNARY OF AMERICANISMS.” Foul, like a birding place. — THomas DEKKER. Foul as a sty. — Epcar Ler Masters. Foul as slander. — SHAKESPEARE. Foul as Vulean’s stithy. — Ini. Foul as bloated pestilence. — RicwarD SHEIL. Foul as plague-polluted gloom. — SWINBURNE. Foundling. The devoted benches of public justice were filled by some of those foundlings of. fortune, who, over- whelmed in the torrent of corruption at an early period, lay at the bottom, like drowned bodies, while soundness or sanity remained in them; but, at length, becoming buoyant by putre- faction, they rose as they rotted, and floated to the surface of the pol- luted stream, where they were drifted along, the objects of terror, and contagion, and abomination. —J. P. Curran. 158 Fragile. Fragile as a lily. — ANon. Fragile as rainbows. — Isp. Fragile as a shade. — Bauzac. Fragile as a dream. — Water Ma- LONE. Fragile as a leaf.— Donat G. MircHe... As fragile as a strand of rain. — James Wurtcoms RILey. Fragile as some dream which Hope with hollow hand hath guided. — Mary A. TowNsEnp. Fragrance. The fragrance of her rich and de- lightful character still lingered about the place where she had lived, as a dried rosebud scents the drawer where it has withered and perished. — Haw- THORNE. Fragrant. As fragrant as clover’s sod. — ANON. Fragrant as musk. — Ip. Fragrant as field-flowers. — Baizac. Fragrant . . . as May. — Lorp Dr TABLEY. Fragrant as a violet on a summer’s night. — EMERSON, Fragrant as the breath of angels. — O. W. Homes. Fragrant as thyme upon the moun- tains. — Dr. JoHNSON. Apples, as fragrant, and as bright a hue, as those which in Alcinou’s gardens grew, mellowed by constant sunshine ; or as those, which graced the Hesperides, in burnished rows. — JUVENAL. Fragrant as the morning rose. — MarLowe. Fragrant as the frosted blossom of a May night. — Grorcr Merepitu. FRAGILE, — FRANTIC. Fragrant as the dewfall. —Swin- BURNE. Fragrant as lilacs. — THACKERAY. Fragrant as the breath of flow’rs. — WILL1AM THOMSON. Frail. Frail as a lily. — ANon. Frail as flesh is. — LAMAN BLANCHARD Frail as the leaf in Autumn’s yellow bower. — CAMPBELL. Frail as the clouds. — Dr Quincey. Frail as a sigh. —Sypnry DoBELL. Frail as the web that misty night has spun. — O. W. Hotmgs. Frail as dishes. — Hoop. Frail as frost-landscapes on a win- dow-pane. — LowELL. Frail as the clouds of sunset. — James MonTGOMERY. Frail as glass. — PETRARCH. Frail as a flake of snow. —A. J. Ryan. Frail As May’s first lily in a Northern vale. , — Bayarp Taytor. Frail As perfume of the cuckoo-flower. — TENNYSON. Frank. Frank as growths of spring. — Grorce Enior. Frank as a _ soldier. — James GRAHAME, Frank as the call of April birds. — W. E. HEn-ey. Frank as the day. — CHARLES READE. Frantic. Frantic as a war dance. — ANON. Frantic like a madman’s dream. — GroRGE GRANVILLE. FRAYED, — FREE, Frayed. Frayed like fretted foam. — ALFRED AUSTIN. Freckled. Freckled like a pard. — Keats. Free. Free, As Thames and Seine, St. Lawrence, Nile, and Ganges, Mingled in one illimitable sea. — Grant ALLEN. Free as a fly. — ANon. Free as a gift. — Ini. Free as a wood sawer. — Inmn. Free as egg-nog on Christmas Eve. — Izr. Free as the diamond is free from alloy. — Isip. Free as the sybil’s leaves of yore. — Isp. Free as thought. — Ini. Free as a hurricane. — Iprp. Free as a mountain goat. — Iprp. As free from artifice as is the dimple in childhood’s cheek. — Atrrep Avus- TIN. Free as Phoebus. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Free as wanton winds. — APHRA Brun. Free, as a young calf, from sorrow. — Isr. Free as whispering air. — Inr. Free as bird on branch, just as ready to fly east as west. — E. B. Brown- ING. Free as light. — Isp. Free as a babe from cheating. — Rosert Brownine. Free as cloud and sunbeam are. — Isp. 159 Free and winding as a poet’s thought through his verse. — BuLWER-LYTTON. Free and graceful... like Dian when the bounding hart she tracks through the morning dew. — CH#RE- MON. Free as the wind. — CHaTTERTON. Free as the light and air. — CHURCHILL. Free as water. — WILL LEVINGTON ComrFort. Free as the sunbeams on the chain- less air. — Ropert T. Conran. Free-handed as a harlot. — JoHN Davipson. Free as a liberated ghost. — SYDNEY DoBELL. Free and noble as clear poesy. — Micuaret Drayton. Free as nature first made man. — DrybDeEn. Free as an Arab. — EMERSON. Free as a mountain bird. — W. S. GILBERT. Free as a tethered ass. — Isip. Free as the hawk. — GOETHE. Smiling free, as rose to summer air. — Dora GREENWELL. Free as the soul. — Epwarp Hake. Free, like one who trails the plough. — SamurL HorrensTEIN. Good and free As when poor Eve was innocent. — JEAN INGELOW. Free as an eagle. — Karts. Free as the sky-searching lark. —Ism. Free as the breeze. — Francis Scott Key. More divinely free Than Pacific’s boundless sea. — Freperic L. 160 Free — continued. Free as ambient air. — Sir RocEer L’EstRANGE. Free as the waters of life. — ALFRED Henry Lewis. Free as a king. — Tuomas Lopce. Free as warmth in summer’s weather. — CuarLes Mackay. Free as breezes be on Nature’s velvet flooring. — Ertc Mackay. Free as the thought that ye canna confine. — D. M. Morr. Free as Severn’s waves, that spring to bless Their parent hills. — James MontTcomery. Free as the fetterless Tuomas Moore. wind. — Free as first innocence. — Otway. Free as mountain winds. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Freer than a jailer. — Isr. Free in spirit as the mountain. — SHELLEY. Free from flaw or stain as diamond from the mine. — D. B. W. SLapEN. Free, As the stars’ mountain-tops be, As the pearl, in the depths of the sea, From the portionless king that wears it. — E. C. SrepMan. Free As birds that breast and brave the sea. — SWINBURNE. Free as the circling sea. — Iip. Free as heaven. — Ibip. * Free-born as winds and stars and waves are free. — Inmp. Freer than birds or dreams are free. — Isp. Free as song. — Bayarp TayLor. As free as the eagle’s wing. — Henry D. Tuorzav, FREE, — FRESH. Free as fishing is. — Izaak WALTON. Free as Emperors. — WILLIAM Warp. Free as our rivers are Ocean-ward going. — WHITTIER. Free to rise As leaves on Autumn’s whirlwind borne. — Inn. Free as India’s leopard. —N. P. WILLIs. Free as the soul of the fragrant wine. — WILLIAM WINTER. Free as the Sun. — WorDswortu. Free as our desires. — IBIpD. Freely. Freely as the streams of Eden flowed. — Inn. Freely, as the firmament embraces the world. — SCHILLER. As freely as a conduit spout. — C. TourNeEUR. Frequent. Frequent as the ‘“‘begats” in the Bible. — Anon. Frequent as figs Rosert Brownine. at Kaunos. — Frequent as telegraph poles on a railway journey. — SYDNEY MuNDEN. Fresh. Fresh as an apple-tree bloom. — WiiuiaM ALLINGHAM. Fresh as May-flowers. — ANACREON. Fresh as a buttercup. — ANON. Fresh as a cherub. — Inn. Fresh as a flower just blown. — Inip. Fresh as an egg from the farm. — Ipip. Fresh as a November chrysanthe- mum. — Isip. Fresh as a sea breeze. — IBrp. FRESH. Fresh — continued. Fresh and charming as Hebe. — Isp. Fresh as if she had been born with the morning. — Inn. Fresh as a young head of lettuce. — Isp. Fresh as summer’s grass. — Isr. Fresh as the dawn. — Inm. Fresh as the dewy field. — Inmn. Fresh as the firstlings 0’ the year. — Isiw. Fresh as Fiumicino’s foam. — AL- FRED AUSTIN. Fresh and fragrant as a rose. — P. J. BalLey. Fresh as a sprouting spring upon the hills. — Isp. As fresh as any flower. — ENGLISH Baap. Her face is as fresh as a frosty morning in Autumn. — Batzac. Fresh as a white rosebud. — Isp. Fresh as dew. — IBip. Fresh as butter just from the churn. —J. R. Bartiett’s é‘DIicTIONARY OF AMERICANISMS.” Fresh, as the floweret opening on the morn. — BEaTTiE. Fresher than the day-star. — R. D. BLACKMORE. Fresh as from Paradise. — RoBrert BRrownina. Lips to lips Fresh as the wilding hedge-rose-cup there slips The dewdrop out of. — Is. Fresh as the flowr amid the sunny showr’s of May. — Micuaet Bruce. Fresher than the morning dawn When rising Phcebus first is seen. — Burns. 161 Fresh as Byron. a nursing mother. — Fressh as a rose. — CHAUCER. As fressh as faucon comen out of mewe. — Ip. As fressh as is the brighte someres day. — Isp. Fressh as is the monthe of May. — Isp. Fresh as sea-born Cythera. — Hart- LEY COLERIDGE. Fresh as the foamy surf. — Exiza Cook. Fresh and as gay As the fairest and sweetest, that blow On the beautiful bosom of May. — Cowper. All show’d as fresh, and faire, and innocent, as virgins to their lovers’ first survey. — Sir WiLLiaM DAvENANT. Fresh as a clover bud. — Lorp Dr TABLEY. Fresh as a lark. — Dickens. Fresh as butter. — Izm. Fresh as a fresh young pear-tree blossoming. — Austin Dogson. Fresh as primrose buds. — Epwarp DowbeEn. As fresh as flovis that in May up spredis. — Wittiam Dunzar. As fresh as rain drops. — GrorGE Eror. Fresh as the trickling rainbow in July. — Emmrson. Fresh as the wells that stand in natural rock in summer woods or violet-scented grove. — F. W. Faser. Fresh as early day. — Francis FAawKEs. Fresh, like the larks, from a dew bath in the daisies. —S, GERTRUDE Forp. Fresh as a peach. — GOETHE. 162 Fresh — continued. Fresh as the May-blown rose. — RICHARD GLOVER. Fresh as a blossom bathed by April rain. — P. H. Hayne. Fresh as the breeze blowing over the heather. —O. W. Homes. Fresh as the dews of our prime. — Isp. Fresh as April when the breezes blow. — R. M. Mines. Fresh and fine as a spring in winter. —Ricwarp Hovey. Fresh as April’s heaven. — Hueco. Fresh as a young girl. — Isp. Fresh as milk and roses. — JEAN INGELOw. As fresh as the fruit on the tree. — Henry JAMEs. Fresh as the morning. —BEn Jonson. Fresher than berries of a mountain- tree. — Kats. Fresh as Aurora’s blushing morn. — Wim kine. Freshening as the morning air. — C. M. S. McLetian. Fresh as a pippin. — THEOPHILUS Manrziazs. Fresh as the drop of dew cradled at morn. — GERALD Massry. Fresh as the orchard apple. — George Merepita. Fresh as light from a star just dis- ‘covered. — THomas Moore. Fresh as Spring. — Coventry Pat- MORE. Fresh as paint.—Sir Artuur T. QUILLER-CoucH. Fresh as the welling waters, — SamMvuEL Rogers. Fresh as dew. — C. G. Rosserrt. Fresh as the sun. — Imp. FRESH. Fresh as the tropic rose. — CHARLES SANGSTER. As fresh as a May gowan. — Sir WALTER Scort. Fresh as an old oak. — Ism. Fresh as a bridegroom. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Fresh as Dian’s visage. — Inm. Fresh as morning’s dew distill’d on flowers. — Inw. Fresh as flower of May. — SPENSER. Fresh as flowers in medow greene doe grow. — Iprp. Fresh as morning rose. — Isp. Fresh as a four-year-old. —R. 5. SURTEES. Fresh as farthing from the mint. — Swirt. Fresh as the spirit of sunrise. — SWINBURNE. Fresh as a sea-flower. — Ibm. Fresh as a man’s recollections of boyhood. — THACKERAY. Fresh as the first beam glittering on a sail. — TENNYSON. Fresh as the foam, new-bathed in Paphian wells. — Ibm. Fresh and ruddy as a_ parson’s daughter. — BonNELL THORNTON. Fresh as a daisy. — TotstToy. Fresh as Eden. — Henry VAUGHAN. Fresh as Spring’s earliest violet. — WHITTIER. Fresh as the moon. — Isp. Fresh as the lovely form of youthful May, when nymphs and graces in the dance unite. — WIELAND. Fresh as banner bright, unfurl’d to music suddenly. — Worpswortu. Fresh as a lark mounting at break of day. — Inrp. FRET. — FRIENDSHIP. Fret. Frets like gumm’d taffety. — ANon. Fretting as fire frets, an inch from dry wood. — Roserr Brownine. Fret as in a cage. — Freperick W. FaBer. Fret, Like a pupil of Walton and Cotton, Who remains by the brink of the water, agape, While the jack, trout, or barbel effects its escape Thro’ the gut or silk line being rotten. — Hoop. Fretting like a wild horse struggling to escape. — Huco. Frets like a gummed velvet. — SHAKESPEARE. Friend. A false friend is like a shadow on a dial ; it appears in clear weather, but vanishes as soon as a cloud approaches. — ANON. A true friend is like sound health ; the value of it is seldom known until it is lost. — Ipm. A real friend is somewhat like a ghost or apparition ; much talked of, but rarely seen. — Cuartes N. Buck. The malyce of a friend, is like the sting of an Aspe, which nothing can remedie, for being pearced in the hande it must be cut off, and a friend thrust to the heart it must be pulled out. — LyLy. But as all floures that are in one Nosegay, are not of one nature, nor all Rings that are worne vppon one hande, are not of one fashion : so all friendes that associate at bedde and at boord, are not one of disposition. — Isp. Friends’ are like melons: to find one good, you must a hundred try. — Ciaupe MerMet. 163 A friend both wise and true amid all shocks resplendent shines, like fire upon a rock’s high top, which dissipates the darkness round and fills the travellers by with joy profound. — ORIENTAL. A friend should be like money, tried before being required, not found faulty in our need. — PLurarcu. A profitless friend is like a fleece without hair. — OsMaNLI PRrovers. An untried friend is like an un- cracked nut. — Russian PROVERB. A new friend is as new wine ; when it is old thou shalt drink it with pleasure. — SrracH. Old friends, like old swords, still are trusted best. — Joun WEBSTER. Friends, like mistresses, are avoided for obligations past. — WycHERLEY. Friendless. Friendless as an alarm clock. — ANON. Friendly. Friendly as a spotted leopard that’s been stirred up with an elephant hook. —SEeweELu Forp. Friendly as a puppy. — BETTINA von Hurtren. Friendship. The friendship of a great man is like the shadow of a bush, soon gone. — ANON. The friendship of the ever-genial man is too often like a grate-fire, exceedingly bright to look at, but not reliable in so far as the dispensation of warmth on a really cold day is con- cerned. — Inm. False friendship, like the ivy, decays and ruins the walls it embraces ; but true friendship gives new life and animation to the object it supports. .— Robert Burton. ' u 164 Friendship — continued. As the Sun is in the Firmament, so is friendship in the world, a most divine and heavenly band.—Rosert Burton. The firmest friendships have been | formed in mutual adversity, as iron is most strongly united by the fiercest flame. — C. C. Couron. Friendship is less apparent when too nigh, Like objects when they touch the eye. — CoWLEY. As the harbour is the refuge of the ship from the tempest, so is friendship the refuge of man in adversity. — DEMOPHILUS. Friendship, like love, is but a name, Unless to one you stint the flame. — The child whom many fathers share, Hath seldom known a father’s care. ’Tis thus in friendship ; who depend On many, rarely find a friend. —Joun Gay. Friendship is like a debt of honor ; the moment it is talked of it loses its real name, and assumes the more un- grateful form of obligation. — GoLp- SMITH. The feeling of friendship is like that of being comfortably filled with roast beef. — Dr. Jounson. Friendship, like love, is destroyed by long absence, though it may be in- creased by short intermissions. —IBip. Friendshippe should be like the wine which Homer much commend- ing, calleth Maroneum, whereof one pient [pint] being mingled with fiue quartes of water, yet it keepeth his old strength and vertue, not to be qualified by any discurtesie. Where salt doth grow nothing els can breede, where friendship is built, no offence can harbour. — Lyty. Houses are like friendship; there is hardly one in a thousand worth a long lease. — Ourpa. FRIENDSHIP. — FRISK. Friendship is like those ancient altars where the unhappy, and even the guilty, found a sure asylum. — MapaMe SWETCHINE. Friendship is like rivers, and the strand of seas, and the air, common to all the world; but tyrants, and evil customs, wars, and want of love, have made them proper and peculiar. — Jeremy Taytor. New friends, like one’s best coat and patent-leather boots, are only intended for holiday wear. At other times they are neither serviceable nor comfortable; they do not answer the required purposes, are ill adapted to give us the ease we seek. A new coat, however, has this advantage, that in time it will become old and comfortable ; so much can by no means be predicted with certainty of a new friend. — ANTHONY TROLLOPE. Friendship — our friendship —is like thebeautiful shadows of evening, spread- ing and growing till life and its light pass away. — Miuaty VirKkovics. The friendship of the world is like the leaves falling from the trees in autumn ; while the sap of maintenance lasts, friends swarm in abundance ; but in the winter of our need they leave us naked. — WaRwWICK. Frightened. As frightened as Macbeth before the ghost of Banquo. — Lours VEuILLoT. Frigid. Frigid as an iceberg. — ANon. Frilled. Frilled like a French chop. — Anon. Frisk. Frisk away, Like school-boys, at th’ expected warn- ing, To joy and play. — Burns. Frisk about like a wanton she-goat. — Horace. FRISKY. — FULL. Frisky. Frisky as colts. — DANIEL WEBSTER. Frizzle, Frizzled like a lawyer’s wig. — R. D. Brackmore. Frolic. Frolic as the Hovey. snow. — RIcHARD Frolicsome. Frolicsome as a boy. — ANon. Front. Always in front, like a cow-catcher on a locomotive. — ANON. Like a camel’s guide, he always keeps in front. — OsMANLI PROVERB. Frown. Frowned like a fury. — WILLIAM BLAKE. Frowning, as if in his unconscious arm He held the thunder. — Cowper. My frown is like a winter house, Laid eastward in a bitter land. —Lorp Dre TaBtey. Frowns, like winter storms. — JAMES SHIRLEY. Frowned like a thunder-cloud. — STEPHEN SMITH. Frowned like Good Friday. — SrEn- SER. Frugal. Frugality, like a short and pleasant journey, is attended with much en- joyment and little toil. — DEmMopuHiLus. Frugal, like a beggar’s child. — EMERSON. Fruitful. Fruitful as Ceres. — ANoNn. As fruitful as Egypt. — Roserr Burton. Fruitful as seeded earth. — GrorcE Eiot. 165 Fruitful as the full-grown year. — Aaron Hit, Fruitful as the free elements. — SHAKESPEARE. Fruitful as the land that-feeds us. — Isp. Fruitful as a sheltering palm. — SWINBURNE. Fruitless. Fruitless as the celebrated bee who wanted to swarm alone.—G. K. CHESTERTON. Fruitless as it would be to explain the most difficult problems of Sir Isaac Newton to one ignorant of vulgar arithmetic. — FreLpine. Fruitless as the lamentations of a prophet crying in the wilderness. — Frank Horripce. Full. Full as a goat. — ANon. As full as a toad is of poison. — In. Full of airs as a music box. — Inip. Full of angles as the book of Euclid. — Inu. As full of blunders as a successful career. — Ipip. Full of events as a dime novel. — Ipip. Full of poetry as a lily is of dew. — Isp. Full of royalty as a pack of cards. — Ism. Full of terror as a tragedy of Soph- ocles. — Int. Full of maggots as a pastoral poet’s flock. — SamureL BUTLER. Full as the hyve is of honey. — CHAUCER. Full of company as a jail. — THomas DEKKER. 166 Full — continued. Full as a bee with thyme. — Ropert HERRICK. Full of life as a multitude. — Huo. Chock full of noble sentiments as a bladder is of wind. —J. K. JzRomn. Full as a piper’s bag. — Brn JONSON. Full of noise as a mill. — Lean’s “COLLECTANEA.” Full of. life and light and sweetness As a summer day’s completeness. — LowE LL. Full of fragrant love as May’s musk- roses are of morning’s wine. — GERALD Massey. Full of folds as a sleeping boa- constrictor. — WILLIAM MatTHeEws. Full of passion as a_ tiger. — Branper Martruews. Full as a_tick.—Joun Ray’s -“HANDBOOK OF PROVERBS.” As fu’ as a biled wulk. — ScottisH PROVERB. As fu’ as a piper. — Isrp. As fu’ as the Baltic. — Inmp. Full as a plenteous river. —C. G. Rossetri. As full of labour as a wise man’s art. — SHAKESPEARE. Full of quarrels as an egg is full of meat. — Ini. Full of spirit as the month of May. — Isrp. As full of sorrows as the seas of sands. — Inip. Full as a cup with the vine’s burn- ing dew. — SHELLEY. As full of wisdom as a cheese of mites. — SPENSER. Full as a feaster’s hand Fills full with bloom of bland Bright wine his cup. — SWINBURNE. FULL. —— FURIOUS. Full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. — Op TESTAMENT. Full as the summer rose. — JAMES THOMSON. Fulsome. As fat and fulsome to mine ear As howling after music. — SHAKESPEARE. Fumbling. Fumbling ... like a ricketty cricket, saying its beads. — DaniEL Henry Homes. Fumbling about her like a drowning person. — Hugo. Fume. Fumed, like champagne that is fizzy. — Buss Carman. Fume like a stew-pot. — Epwarp SHARPHAM. Fun. Fun has no limits; it is like the human race and face; there is a family resemblance among all the species, but they all differ. — Sam SLICK. , Funny. Funny as a wooden leg. — GrorGE ADE. Funny as a barrel of monkeys. — ANON. Funny as a clown. — Ini. Funny as a crutch. — Ini. As funny as a funeral in a snow storm. — Inp. Funny as to throw an egg into an electric fan. — Ini. Funny as an open switch. — Amy LESLIE. Furious. Furious as a favored child Balked of its wish. — Byron. As breme [furiously] as blase of straw yset on fyre. — CHAUCER. FURIOUS. — GAPE. Furious — continued. Furious . . . like a wounded bull in an arena. — DUMAS, PERE. Furious as the wind. — Otway. Furious . . . as a bitch is when she has lost her puppies. — VANBRUGH. Furtively. Embraced her tenderly but furtively like a feather curling round a lovely head, caressing yet scarce touching. — CHARLES READE. Eyes furtively, like a guilty person. — Isip. Gabble. Gabbled like a goose. — Puriip FRENEAU. Gabble like tinkers. —SHAKESPEARE. Gabbles, Like the laborers of Babel. — Swirt. Gad. Like frisking heifer, loose in flowery meads, She gads where’er her roving fancy leads. Gaiety. Gaiety is to good-humor as animal perfumes to vegetable fragrance. — Dr. JOHNSON. Gallant. Gallant as the Abencerrages of Gren- ada. — ANTHONY HamILTON. Gallantly. Gallantly as a good ship meets a heavy sea. — Miss Mutocx. ‘Gallantly, like an old fencer. — RaBELAIS. Gallop. Galloping like a fury. — ANON. — AMBROSE PBILIPS.. 167 Fuss. As much fuss as a bushel of salt thrown into a furnace. — ANON. Futile. Futile as to turn back the hands of a clock. — ANON. Futile as a tenor in a boiler shop. — Henry Irvine Dopes. Future. The Past is like a funeral gone by. The Future comes like an unwelcome guest. — Epmunp Goss. Galloping, as with dispatches from the Pit, Between his hell-bound hounds. —W. E. HENLEy. I had seen the Arab galloping like the wind. — Guy pE Maupassant. Gambol. Gambol like a fawn. — ANON. Gambol like a lambkin. — Inip. Gambol like a young cat and her first kitten. — Iprp. Gambol like a dancing — skiff. — WorpDswoRrtH. Game. Game as a badger. — ANON. Game as a fighting cock. — Isr. Game as a lion. — Isp. Game as a pebble. — Inn. Game as hornets. — ALFRED HENRY LEwIs. Gape. Gaping mouth wide open like a dying codfish. — ANon. Gape as it were dogs for a bone. — ALEXANDER BaRCLAY. 168 Gape — continued. Mouths that gap’d like bung-holes. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Gape like an oyster. — Inn. Gaping like an indolent lion. — J. FENIMORE COOPER. Gapes like a sheriff for execution. —Joun Day. Gape wider than an oyster-wife. — Tuomas DEKKER. Like dead heaps of fishes, stranded by the storm-spray, gaping, staring. — Aurrep Domett. Gaped, like the griesly mouth of hell. — SPENSER. Gaping like a stuck pig. — Swirt. Garlanded. Ribanded and garlanded like a thyrsus. — EpmMunD GossE. Garrulous. Garrulous as an old maid. — ANon. Garrulous as a magpie. — Mason L. Weems. Gasp. Gasping like a fish newly taken from the water. — Epwarp EcGGLEsTon. Gasping ... like a trout after water on a kitchen table. — FLAUBERT. Gasping like — KINGSLEY. frogs in drought. Gather. Gathered like ants. —ANOoN. Gather like a locust’s Byron. Gather like night-dew. — Ini. Like a morning mist it gathered. — O. W. Hoimes. Gathers like a tide. — CuristopHER Pitt. crew. — Gather, Like flocks of clouds in spring’s de- lightful weather. — SHELLEY. GAPE, — GAY. Gathering ... As broken breakers rally and roar The loud wind down that drives off shore. — SwINBURNE. Gather .. . like flies in the sun. — Isp. Gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings. — New TESTAMENT. Gathered as water spilt on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. — OLD TESTAMENT. Gaudy. Gaudy as a butterfly. — WiL1AM Hazurr. Gaudy as the summer. — JamEs SHIRLEY. Gaudy, like a harlequin’s jacket. — THACKERAY. Gaunt. Gaunt as a wolf. — Austin Dogson. Gaunt as a gibbet.—Lorp Ds TABLEY. Gaunt as bitterns in the pools. — Emerson. Gaunt, Like the drear soul of poverty. — T. Gorpon Hak. Gaunt as a _ greyhound. — JoHN Ray’s ‘““HanpBook or PRroverss.” Gaunt as a grave. — SHAKESPEARE. Gaunt as it were the skeleton of him- self. — TENNYSON. Gay. Gay as a blackbird. — ANon. Gay as a bullfinch. — Inip. Gay as a negro funeral. —Inm. Gay as the tropic bird’s sheen is youth’s fresh frolic freeness. — A. H. BEESLY. Gay and gladsome as the air. — Mary E. Buake. GAY. — GAZE, Gay — continued. Gay as Colinette. — Roperr Brivces (American). Gay as a woman’s wish. — Henry Brooke. Gay .. . like a Swiss guard off duty. — Rosert Brownine. Gay as a BucHANAN. guinea. — RoBERT Gay as the gilded summer sky. — Burns. Gaie as all nature at the mornyng’s smile. — CHATTERTON. Gay as gold. — ‘“‘Cuester Puays.” Gay as the dahlia’s bloom. — Euiza Coox. Gay, As the fairest and sweetest, that blow On the beautiful bosom of May. — CowPEr. Gay as a butterfly. — Dickens. Gay as a thrush. — Austin Dos- SON. Gay as a chaffinch. — Dumas, PERE. Gay as larks. — La FontTaIne. Gay as Apollo’s locks. — Joun Forp. Gay as the joy of a maiden’s look. —Sam Watrer Foss. Gay, Like to a light and brilliant butterfly, Around a dusky flower. — GoETHE. Gay as a mote. — WILLIAM Hazuitt. Gay as the thistledown over the lea. — T. W. Hiaernson. Gay and fleeting As bubbles that swim on the beaker’s brim, and break on the lips while meeting. — C. F. Horrman. Gay as bridal bowers with vows of many-petalled maids. —O. W. Houmes. Gay as the morning. — WiLu1AM Livingston. 169 Gay as the hawthorn in May. — Evan MacC io... Gay as sun. — Mana- BHARATA, a rising Gay as lover to the altar. — GeraLp Massey. Colors as gay as those on angels’ wings. — Tuomas Moore. Gay as the starling shoots thro’ the skies. — F. W. H. Myers. Gay as if his life were young. — _Orway. Gay as mischief. — Ourpa. Gay as the primrose-dell in May. — AmBrosE Puitips. As the feathered warblers — WILLIAM SHENSTONE. gay. Gay as April ere he dreams of May. — SWINBURNE. Your voice was gay As the voice of a bird in the dawn of a day. On a sunshiny tree. — ArtTHuR SyMoNS. Gay as the garments of gem- sprinkled gold. — Bayarp Taytor. Too gay .. . like a pink ribbon on the bonnet of a Puritan woman. — Henry D. Tuoreav. As gay as a bridegroom. — VAn- BRUGH. Gay as the dancing wind. — Sarau C. Woo.sey. Gaily, as one who hath no care or pain. — WILLIAM WATSON. Gay as the YALDEN. spring. — THOMAS Gaze (Noun). I gazed a gaze, az tho i wuz triing tu thread the rong end ov a kambrik needle. — Josu BriiLinos. Steady gaze, like little dogs face to face with one of their own kind. — Greorcs Eur. 170 Gaze — continued. Lingering gaze, like a peacock whose eyes are inclined to his tail. — Hoop. Gaze for gaze As baby looks on baby. — Francis THOMPSON. Gaze (Verb). Gazed like one who fronts a foe. — Epsenezer Exiott. Gazed, like WALTER SCOTT. lion roused. — Sir Gazed like the startled deer. — Ipip.* General. Broad and general as the casing air. — SHAKESPEARE. Generosity. Generosity is like the sea, and yet the sea hath its bounds. — ANon. Generous. Generous as a dream. — ANON. Generous as the sun in spring. —P. J. Barney. | Generous as a lord. — J. FENIMORE CoopEr. Generous ag Hunt. daylight. — LriaH Genial. Genial as sunshine. — ANON. Genial as a pawnbroker’s kiss. —J. H. Biackwoop. Genius. Genius, like Shakespeare’s toad, may be out at the elbows and down at the heels, yet still wears a precious jewel in its head. — Hitary BE tt. Men ov genius are like eagles, tha live on what tha kill, while men ov talents are like crows, tha live on what haz bin killed for them. — JosH BILLINGS. Early genius, like early cabbage, does not head well. — Isr. GAZE, — GENTLE, Genius, like humanity, rusts for want of use. — Wittiam Hazzirr. The advent of genius is like what the florists style the breaking of a seedling tulip into what we may call high-caste colors.... It is a sur- prise — there is nothing to account for it. —O. W. Houmes. The richest genius, like the most fertile soil, when uncultivated, shoots up into the rankest weeds; and instead of vines and olives for the pleasure and use of man, produces to its sloth- ful owner the most abundant crop of poisons. — Davin Hume. The mind contemplates genius through the shades of age, as the eye surveys through artificial capacity. — Dr. JoHNson. Genius, like a torch, shines less in the broad daylight of the present than in the night of the past. —J. Prrir- SENN. Genius is the alarm-clock of sleep- ing centuries. — RICHTER. Genius, like fire, is a good ser- vant, but a terrible master. — Mrs. SIGOURNEY. Genius .as with fashion: all those are displeased at it, who are not able to follow it. —THomas Warton. Gentle. Gentle as a fawn. — Irish BALLAD. maid, Gentle as a love-sick — ApHRrA BEHN. Gentle as a turtle-dove.—R. D. BLACKMORE. ( As gentle as the lover’s sighs. — CLAUDIAN. Gentle as the moon. — RicwarD Henry Dana (1787-1879). Gentle and placid as Socrates. — Davpet. Gentle as sleep.— Lorp DE TaBLEY. GENTLE, — GHASTLY. Gentle — continued. Gentle as a feather-stroke.—GrorcEe E.iot. Gentle as the falling dew. —- Hesiop (CooKE). Voice gentle as the breeze that plays in the evening among the spices of Sabara. — Dr. JoHNson. More gentle than the wind in sum- mer. — Krarts. As gentle an’ soft as the sweet sum- mer air. —J. 8. Le Fanu. Gentle as truth. — W. J. Linton. Gentle as chaines that honor binde. — Ricwarp LOvELACE. Gentle as a sigh love-fraught. — Evan MacCot.t. Gentle, loving, kind Like Mary singing to her mangered child. —-Grorce MacDona.p. Gentle as infancy. — W. T. Price. Gentle as the cradle-babe. — SHAKE- SPEARE, They are as gentle As zephyrs blowing below the violet. . — Isp. Gentyll as faucoun Or hauke of the towre. — SKELTON. Gentle as eve. — Joun TayYton. Music that gentler on the spirit lies, Than tir’d eyelids upon tir’d eyes. ; — TENNYSON. The queen as soft and gentle, like a moonbeam white and fair. —Lupwice UHLAND. Gentle as an infant child. — Worps- WORTH. Gentle as the morning light. — Inip. Gentle as a jay on tree. — ‘‘WorLDE AND THE CHYLDE.” Gently. Gently as to make no more noise than a spider attaching its thread. — Bauzac. 171 Gently as a rabbit goes. —R. D. BLACKMORE. Gently, like the morning’s light, Shedding, unmark’d,, an influence soft and bright, Till all the landscape gather in the sight. — E. B. Brownine. Gently as a lamb. — Aticr Cary. Gently as an hand. — DICKENS. angel’s Gently as falls a mother’s tender speech. — Jutia C. R. Dorr. Breathe as gently, as a perfumed pair of sucking bellows, in some sweet lady’s chamber. — Jonn Forp. Gently like thoughts that come and go, the snowflakes fall, each one a gem. —W. H. Gipson. Falling as gently as an answer to a prayer. — ADELAIDE A. ProctTERr. Gently as the dew mingles with the darkening maze. — JAMES WHITCOMB Rivey. Gently as any- — SHAKESPEARE. sucking dove. Gently as the twilight takes the parting day. — THomas Warp. Gently, as morning-dews distil. — Isaac Watts. Ghastly. Ghastly as broad-eyed slumber. — ANON. Ghastly as smiles on some fair maniac’s face Smiling unconscious o’er her bride- groom’s corse. — GEorGE Exjor. Ghastly as a laugh in hell. — Tuomas Harpy. Ghastly as a tyrant’s dream. — SHELLEY. Face ghastly . . . like a dead man’s by the sepulchral lamp. — SouTHEY. 172 Ghost. Ghosts, like the ladies, never speak till they are spoke to. —R. M. Mines. Ghostly as remembered mirth. — Wituram Watson. Gibber. Gibbers like a dead man’s ghost that clamours for the licht it’s lost. — J. B. SELKIRK. Giddy. Giddy as a dancing dervish. — Laurence Housman. As giddy as an hour-old ghost that stares into eternity. — James Wuit- coms RILEY. Gift. Gifts are like fish-hooks; for who is not aware that the greedy char is deceived by the fly which he swallows. — Marriat. A gift is as a precious stone in the eyes of him that hath it : whithersoever it turneth, it prospereth. —OLp Txrs- TAMENT. Gilded. Gilded as a glittering toy. —Dick- ENS. Girl. A girl is like a flower fresh gathered; but a guilty woman is a flower trodden under foot. — BaLzac. The presence of a young girl is like the presence of a flower, the one gives its perfume to all that approach it, the other her grace to all that sur- round her. — Lours DrsNoyvers. Glad. ~f# Glad as one would give me a crown — ANoN. Glad as a fly. — ARasran Nicuts, Every heart was glad, As if the taxes were abolished. —T. L. Beppogs. Glad as BRowninec. singing-birds. —E. B. GHOST. — GLADDEN. As glad as April skies.— Exiza Cook. Glad as children come from school. — GEORGE GASCOIGNE. As glad as fish that were but lately caught And straight again were cast into the pool. — Iz. Glad as the clay-red Blaring of battle-horns. — Ricnarp Hovey. Glad as the bird up the summer vault singing. — E. M. Ketty. Glad as the skylark’s earliest song. — Miss Lanpon. His face as glad as dawn. — Fiona Mac.eop. Glad, like the young spring’s earliest rose. — J. C. MAnaan. Glad as a blossoming tree. — Epwin Marka. Glad of life as leaves in spring. — JosEPHINE P. PEaBopy. Glad as a fowl of a fair day. — EnGiiso PRovERB. Glad as brief delay. — Sir Watrer Scorr. Glad as a bird whose flight is im- pelled and sustained by love. — SWINBURNE. ‘Glad as the golden spring to greet Its first live leaflet’s play. — Ini. Glad as a soul in pain, who hears from heaven The angels singing of his sins forgiven. — WHITTIER. His voice as glad as April bird’s. — Isp. Glad as fruition. — C. P. Witson. Glad as gardens. — Joun WILSON. Gladden. Gladdening to our eyes as_ the flowers in May. — R. D. Biackmore. GLADDEN. — GLANCE. Gladden — continued. Gladdens like a beam in spring . . . making blithe each daisie one by one. — ALEXANDER SMITH. Gladsome. Gladsome as the first-born of the spring. — COLERIDGE. Gladsome as summer. — RoBErr TANNEHILL. Glance (Noun). Glances that shoot and illuminate like the sudden gleams that glow through autumn clouds. — Anon, The glance of the eyes like the fawn’s soft gaze. — ARABIAN NiGHTs. Gave a glance as from: the depths of a tomb. ~— STEPHEN CRANE. like Glance lightning. — Dumas, PERE. A glance as bright as a gnome’s in his mine of gold. — P. H. Hayne. The first glance of a soul which does not yet know itself is like the dawn in the sky. — Hugo. The glances of women are like cer- tain apparently peaceful but really formidable machines. You pass them every day quietly, with impunity and without suspicion of danger. There comes a moment when you forget even that they are there. You come and go, you muse, and talk, and laugh. Suddenly you feel that you are seized ! It is done. The wheels have caught you, the glance has captured you. It has taken you, no matter how or where, by any portion whatever of your thought which was trailing, through any absence of mind. You are lost. You will be drawn in en- tirely. A train of mysterious forces has gained possession of you. You struggle in vain. No human succor is possible. You will be drawn down from wheel to wheel, from anguish to anguish, from torture to torture. 173 You, your mind, your fortune, your soul; and you will not escape from the terrible machine, until, according as you are in the power of a malevolent nature, or a noble heart, you will be disfigured by shame or transfigured by love. — Inn. A glance . such as Voltaire would have thrown upon a provincial academician who had proposed a rhyme to him. — Ip. His glance was like a gimlet, cold and piercing. — Ini. Fair lady, a glance of your eye is like the returning sun in the spring — it melts away the frost of age, and gives a new warmth of vigor to all nature. — Artaur Murpeuy. . A glance like water brimming with the sky or hyacinth-light where forest- shadows fall. — D. G. Rosserrt. A glance like the sunshine that flashes on steel. — WHITTIER. Glance (Verb). Glances like one who expects a blow. _— ANON. Javelins glanced like leven-light on ‘white mail-shirt. — Arabian Nicuts. Glancing white, like streams in sunny valleys. — Tuomas MILLrEr. Glancing like a sabre’s gleam. —- Ourpa. Glane’d like rays of glory. — ALLAN Ramsay. Glance the glints of a thousand gems. —JamEs WuitcomB RIey. Glanced by like a star in a storm. —G. H. Sass. Glance and gleam like the green heights of sunset heaven. — Swin- BURNE. Glancing like a dragon-fly. — TEn- NYSON. 174 Glare. Eye . . . glared like a full moon, or a broad burnished shield. — AppIson. Glares like the maniac’s moon, whose light is madness. — ANON. Glaring like mad. — ARISTOPHANES. Glaring at each other like two gaunt wolves with a famished brood. — Maruitpz Bup. : Glare Like gates of hell. —Rosert BRownina. Glare like the eye of an enemy. —JosEPH CQNRaD. Glaring like a lion in a trap. —O. HEnry. : Glare, Like to a dreadful comet in the air. — Rosert Herrick. Glares like a tiger. — Huco. Glares like an excited cat. — Kir- LING. Glared like hot iron. — Isp. Glaring like red insanity. — Miss Lanpon. Broad and glaring as the eye of the Cyclops. — W. 8. Lanpor. ! As glares the famished eagle from the Digentian rock On a choice lamb that bounds alone before Bandusia’s flock, Herminus glared on Sextus. — Macautay. Glared like a torch amidst creation’s tomb. — James MontTGoMEry. Glare, Like fiery serpents hissing through the air. — Insp. Glare, as when a torch is hurled before a sleeper’s eyes. — BAYARD TAYLor. Glares, like a troubled Spirit. — WorDSWORTH. Gleam. Gleams like a naked sword. —ANON. GLARE. —~- GLEAM. Gleamed like fireflies. — Inn. Gleamed like gold from the evening rays. — Isr. Gleam like sunny heavens. — Isp. Gleaming like the chamomile. — ARABIAN NIGHTS. Gleamed as the lightning glitters against the murky night. — Epwin ARNOLD. Gleamed like a praying-carpet at the foot of those divinest altars. — Ipip. Gleam like glass. — P. J. BAILEY. Gleaming like the white moonlight. — Isp. Gleaming like a flash of lightning. — Bauzac. Gleamed upon the water like a bride at her looking-glass. — R. D. Buack- MORE. Gleamed like star-motes in the milky-way. — MatuitpE Buinp. Gleameth like a seraph sword. — E B. Brownina. Glare Like gates of hell. —Rosert Brownine. Gleamed like Saint Sophia’s dome when all the faithful troop to morning prayer. — Isip. Gleam . . . like the phosphor of the foam upon the shore. — Roserr Bu- CHANAN. : Gleams, like a seraph from the sky descending. — Byron. Gleams like flint. —Mapison Ca- WEIN. Gleam Like the bright rainbow on an evening stream. — COLERIDGE. Golden gleams, Like the bright miracles we see in dreams. — Juuia C. R. Dorr. Gleaming like shot silk in the sun- shine. — Str A. Conan Dove. GLEAM. Gleam — continued. Gleamed like the flocks of cloudlets bright in sunny air at morn. — F. W. Faser. Gleamed . . . like sapphires in the mid-day hours. — Pau FErRRo.t. Gleamed as funeral lamps in a sepul- chral chamber. — FLAUBERT. The sand... gleamed like mica dust. — GAUTIER. Gleamed . . . like a star beam, one star beam of some high predominant star. — ArTHUR Henry Hatam. Gleamed and shone, like a splinter of daylight downward thrown. — Wa ace: Harney. Gleams, like to the angel’s sword. — CuyaRLes Harpur. Gleams like an angel-market. — W. E. HENLEY. Gleams like a diamond on a dancing girl. —O. W. Hotmes. Gleam like CuasE JOHNSON. gold. — PHILANDER Gleaming like rose-hued pearls be- low the wave.— Frances ANNE KemBte. Gleam like pale wells of precious malachite. — Ipm. Gleams like a dream in his face. — H. C. Kenpatu. Gleam like the golden flash of a moon-lit stream. — Miss Lanpon. Gleams like the taper in the blaze of day. — Ropert Luoyp. Like a river, frozen and star-lit, gleamed his coat of mail. — Lone- FELLOW. Gleamed like a grate of brass. — Isp. Gleamed on the hillside like a patch of snow. — Is1p. Gleam, like midnight’s boreal dances. — LoweLL. 175 Gleamed like moonshine on wet sands. — GrorGE MacDona tp. Gleam, like drifted gold in summer’s cloudless beam.— James Monrt- GOMERY. Gleam’d, like the meteors of a northern sky. — pip. Gleam like the pearls that sprinkle A virgin’s golden hair. — NANAKKASH. Gleamed like the young moon’s crescent. — PILPay. Gleam, like a glow-worm in the night. — T. BucHanan Reap. Gleams like a rising harvest moon. — Isp. Gleams like the galleon rare of an Argonaut’s dreams. — James WuIt- coms Riry. Gleams like a beacon from afar. — C. G. Rossetti. Gleam Like islands on a dark blue sea. — SHELLEY. Gleam like the white effigies on tombs in dim cathedrals. — ALEXAN- DER SMITH. Lurid gleam, like the reflection of a sulphur fire. — SouTHEY. Gleams as a ghost’s glory in dreams. — SWINBURNE. Gleam broad as the brows of the billows that brighten the storm with their crests. — Isr. Gleam like a cloud the westering sun stains red ‘ Till all the blood of day’s blithe heart be bled And all night’s heart requickened. — Isp. Gleams like spring’s green bloom on boughs all gaunt and gnarry. — Ini. Gleam Like the green heights of sunset heaven. — In. 176 Gleam — continued. Gleam like a brooklet, whose bed is all unshaded. — CARMEN SYLVA. Gleam like sea-mists o’er the plain. — Bayarp Tay tor. Gleamed like fancy made of golden air. — TENNYSON. Gleam like the rosy east. — WILLIAM THOMSON. Gleamed like a satin ribbon in the sun, or like the pearly inside of a shell. — Henry D. Tuoreav. Gleaming like a sea. — VirGIL. Gleams like an angry lion’s eye. — Oscar WILDE. Gleeful. Gleeful as the Evil One a-counting of his imps. — CHARLES READE. Gleeful as a brook or bird. — Maurice THompson. Glib. Glib as glass. — Ropert BRownina. Glib as wolves. — ALFRED HEnry Lewis. Glib as clockwork. — James Wuit- coms RILEY. Glibly. As glibly as a top kept in vivacious movement by the perpetual applica- tion of the lash. — Butwer-LytTon. Glide. Glide like a gentle stream. — ANon. Glided like a flame of wind-blown fire. — THomas AsHE. Glide like a fallen leaf.—E. B. BRowNING. Glide away Like a ghost at break of day. — Rosert Brownine. Glide like happiness away. — Byron. Glided . . . like naked demons flit- ting among the clouds. — J. FentmorE Cooper. GLEAM. —— GLIMMER. Glide On smoothly, as a river floweth by, Or as on stately pinion, through the gray Evening, the culver cuts his liquid way. — Davi Gray. Glide like the flitting arrow. — Tuomas Hastines. Glide As thought through spirits sanctified. — Pavut Hamitton Hayne. Like phantoms painted on the magic slide, Forth from the darkness of the past we glide, As living shadows for a moment seen In airy pageant on the eternal screen. ——O. W. Homes. Let my soft minutes glide securely on, like subterraneous streams, un- heard, unknown. — Bishop Norris. Glide over her mind as water over a glass. — Harriet Parr. Glide to and fro like ghosts of buried centuries. — Por. Like shuttles through the loom, so swiftly glide My feather’d hours. — GEorGE SAnpys. Gliding like a vision o’er the ground. — SouTHEY. Glided like a dream. — Cretia THax- TER. Gliding like morning mist Enkindled by the sun. — Worpswortu. Glimmer. Glimmering faintly like the rack O’ the moon in her own light cast back. — E. B. Brownine. Glimmer like a star in autumn’s hazy night. — Wituiam CuLLEN Bryant. Glimmers . . . like starry twinklers that momently break Through the rifts of the gathering tempest’s rack. — Josern R. Drake. GLIMMER. — GLISTEN. Glimmer — continued. Glimmering, like the balance-pan That weighs its guinea as he weighs his man. — 0. W. Homes. Glimmer, like the last flicker ofa night-light. — Hugo. Glimmer like a coral grove. — Water MALone. Glimmer like a butterfly. — Don Marquis. The firelight glimmers upon the walls of your cherished home, like the Vestal fire of red upon the figures of adoring angels, or like the flame of Hebrew sacrifice, whose incense bore hearts to Heaven.—Donatp G. Mrircue.. Tresses glimmering and gleaming like glad waters running over shelving shallows, rimmed with clover. — JAMES Wuitcoms Riry. Glimmers like a meteor. — SAMUEL Rocers. Glimmered like fire. — Francis S. SALTus. He glimmered apart In solemn gloom Like a dying lamp in a haunted tomb. —R. H. Stropparp. Glimmered through the misty sphere like moonlit marble. — Bayarp TAYLOR. Glimmered like a faint, vanishing tinge of blood on snow. — Henry Van Dyke. Glimmered like a pine tree dimly viewed Through Alpine vapors. — Worpsworts. Glint. Glints like polished jet. — ANon. Glints like sunshine. — Isp. Glints . . . like a lance that flees. —D. G. Rossertt. 177 Glint, like thousands of suns from the dew-drops. — ScHILLER. Glisten. Glistens like the forehead of morn- ing. — ANON. Glistened as still As when on moonlit eves no zephyr spills the glistening dew. — Epwin Arnot. Glistening, like a maid at her own ideas. —R. D. BLackmore. Glistened like dormer-windows piled with snow. — Inm. Glistened like a plate of beaten silver. — J. Fentmore Cooper. Glistened like the path of diamonds in the sun. — DIcKENs. Glistening .. . like the track of moonlight on the sea. — Tuomas Harpy. Glistens like a star. — Emma Lazarus. Glistened as the tears in a widow’s eyes. — CAMILLE LEMONNIER. Glistened like the dews of morn. — LoncreLLow. Glistened like the sun in water. —Isw. Glistened like the glow of precious stones. — GrorcE Mac-Henry. His eyes dilated and glistened like the last flame that shoots up from an expiring fire. — Guy pE Maupassant. Glistens like a clump of stars. — Cosmo MoNnkKHOUSE. Glistening like gossamer. — JAMES MontTcomery. Glisten like the glistening eyes of nightingales in vernal leaves. — Rosert NoEt. Glistening like satin. — Ouma. Glistened, like a globe of burnished gold. — Por. 178 Glisten — continued. Glistened like an emerald, Beneath the glow-worm’s sheen. — Francis S. Satrus. Glistring lyke glasse. — SKELTON. Eye glistened like that of a rattle- snake. — SMOLLETT. Glistened like a tin roof in the noon- day sun. — Henry M. Stantey. Glistening like the eyes of love. — Josera TURNLEY. Glitter (Noun). Has a cold cheerless glitter, like the new furniture. in a warehouse. — ALEX- ANDER SMITH. Glitter (Verb). Glittering like an Eastern Caliph. — ANON. Glittered like spun glass. — Izip. Robes glitter like young sedge grass. — Ixzip. Glittered in the gloom Like a gilt epitaph within a tomb. — Amprose BIERCcE. Glittering, like a splendid wave that rises out of shapeless gloom. — Lau- RENCE BINyYoNn. Cold glitter as of ice. — CARLYLE. Glittered as if strewn with powdered pumice. — D’ANNUNZIO. Glittering as snow in the sunshine. — Davpet. Glittered like Joun Doran. Glittered like fish from the sweep- net. — DUMAS, PERE. dragon-flies. — Dr. Glitters like a star. — GoETHE. Glitter like heaven new-born. —Izin. Glittered like dew. — Rancrr GULL. Glittering like a lost jewel, which some ill-fated wanderer might pick up, and thenceforth be haunted by strange phantoms of guilt, sinkings GLISTEN. — GLITTER. of the heart, and unaccountable mis- fortune. — HAWTHORNE. Glittered and sparkled as if diamonds had been flung against it by the double handful. — Ini. Glitter like an angel’s ladder. — A. E. Housman. Glittering as a parterre. — Hugo. Glitters like a sea of light. — Sic- MUND KRASINSKI. Glittered like a winter sun. — OWEN MEREDITH. Glittering as steel. — Ourpa. Eye glittered like rattlesnake’s. — CHARLES READE. Genius glittered like the gloriola of a saint. — Isp. Glittered like a sickle of tin. — Epaar Satus. Glittering like the spangled dew- drop. — Sir Water Scorr. His armor glytteryde as dyd a glede. — Ricwarp SHEIL. Glittering as the wine-bright jacinth- stone. — SWINBURNE. Glittering as wine. — In. Glittered like a bed of flowers. — TENNYSON. Glitter like a swarm of fire-flies tangled in a silver braid. — Isw. Glittered . . . like sleet-bound trees in wintry skies. — Jounw TRUMBULL. Glitter . . . like the bayonets of a regi- ment on parade. —Joun C. Van Dyke. Glitter . . . like the glass pendants of a chandelier. — Ipip. They glitter in my fancy like the dis- tant multihedral Steeples, domes and sunlit turrets of some beautiful cathedral. — Evcene Firco Ware. Glittering like an argent shield. — Oscar WILDE. GLOBULAR. — GLOSSY. Globular. Globular like a hazel-nut. — Baron MUNCHAUSEN. Glossy. Glossy as a mole. — ANON. Gloomy. Gloomy as a graveyard on a wet Sunday. — Anon. Gloomy as a hobgoblin. — Dickens. Gloomy outside, like a rusty chest. — DryvdEnN. Gloomy as night. — Homer (Pope). Begloomed like seas empurpled under cloud. — Rosert Noe. Gloomy and dogged like adangerous maniac in his cell. — CHarLes REapeE. Gloomy, like a gathered tempest. — Isaac Watts. Glorified. Glorified ... like the angel St. John saw in the sun. — THomAsS Harpy. Glorified like the illuminated figures in the painted chronicles. — Ouma. Glorious. Glorious as a victory for the victor. — ANON. : Glorious as when Pericles ruled over Athens. — Isip. Glorious as the sun. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Glorious . . . as spreads before us the sky’s unspeakable blue. — Mary GEOGHEGAN. ‘Glorious as the morning star of heaven. — RoBERT GREENE. As glorious as the portal of the sun. — Isp. Glorious as a heavenly promise. —G. T. Hr. Glorious as the rainbow’s birth. ~-GeraLp Massey. ‘ 179 Glorious as the Spring. — Massin- GER. Glorious as a midnight star. —C. G. Rossetti. Glorious as purple twilight. — Inm. Thou art As glorious to this night, being o’er my head, As is a winged messenger of heaven Unto the white-upturned wondering eyes Of mortals. Sweet and glorious as compassion. — SWINBURNE. — SHAKESPEARE. Glorious as the sea. — Inp. Rose glorious as with gleam of gold unpriced. — Inip. Glorious as if a glimpse were given Within the western gates of heaven. — Crura THAXTER. Glorious as unclouded May. — Joun TosIn. Glorious as the new-built town. — WALLER. Glorious, like the seer-seen angel” Standing in the sun. — WHITTIER. Glory. Glory is like a circle in the water, Which never ceaseth to enlarge itself, Till by broad spreading it disperse to naught. — SHAKESPEARE. As the vine is the glory of the trees it clasps, as the grapes of the vine, as the bull of the herd, as the standing corn of the fruitful field, thou and _thou alone art the glory of those who love thee. — VIRGIL. Glories, like glow-worms, afar off shine bright, But look’d too near have neither heat nor light. —Joun WEBSTER. Glossy. Glossy as a shark’s tooth. — ARLO Bates. 180 Glossy — continued. As glossy and black as a scarab. — Rosert Brownine. Glossy like JACKSON. laurel. — HELEN H. Glossy as a heron’s wing.— THOMAS Moore. Glossy as the finest silk. — OrrENTAL. Glow (Noun). Healthy glow, as a fine frosty morn- ing. — GEorGE GISSING. Glow (Verb). Her eye balls . . . glowed like flam- ing carbuncles. — W. H. Ainsworru. Glow like a blacksmith’s forge.— ANON. Glowing like molten iron. — Ipm. Glow like the gates of the New Jeru- salem. — Isp. Glow like the golden fleece. — Inn. Glow like the vernal grass. — Inrp. ‘Glow and glimmer soft as ocean blush of Indian shells. — Matuitpe Bunp. Cheeks glow red as tomatoes. — Rosert BRowninc. Glowing in the green, like flakes of fire. — WILLIAM CuLLEN Bryant. Glow, Asif her veins ran lightning. — Byron. Aglow, like fruit when it colors. — WILLIAM CANTON. Glow... like a pool of flaming blood. — JoszpH Conran. Glowing like sunset-clouds upon the borders of the Tappan-Zee.—F. S. CozzENs. Glows like a painter’s palette. — T. W. H. Crostanp. Glows as some rain-burnished rose. —Lorp De Tastey. Glowed like June. — C. G. Durry. GLOSSY. —— GLOW. Glow like adoration. — EBENEZER ELuorr. Blush and glow like angel’s wings. —Ism. Glow like webs of golden tissue in the sun. — F. W. Faner. Glow like twin roses in the verdant bush. — Francis Fawkes. Glowin’ like a circus poster. — SEWELL Forp. Glowing like a bride robed to meet the bridal hour. — S. GerrrupE Forp. Glow . . . like Laura’s cheek when blushes rise. — JoHn Gay. I glow as with new wine. — GOETHE. Glowed like a household fire. — HAWTHORNE. Glows like a red flame in the dark. — Isp. - Glowed like sunshine. — Isp. Glowed like a coal, In the throat of the furnace. —W. E. HENLEY. Glows like a kiln. — Is. Soft and glowing as a summer’s eve. — Henrik Hertz. Glow like a queen’s missal. — O. W. Homes. Glowed like the mom _ beneath Aurora’s wings. — Isr. Glows like the old prophets. — J. G. HoLianp. Glow like fiery meteors. — Homer (PorPE). Golden glow, Like Iris just bedabbled in her bow. —~ Hoop. Glow like a self-enkindled star. — Lemus. Hopkins. Glows, like a peak at dawn. — Huco. Glow like flashing seas of green. — Herren H. Jackson. GLOW. — GNAW. Glow — continued. Glow Like the northern lights on snow. — Keats. Glows like the diamond in the presence of radium. — ANDREW LANG. Glowed like angels in the sun. — GeratD Massey. Glowed like a watch fire in the Wil- derness. — In. Glowing imperial as the sun-toucht rose. — IBm. Glowing like anthracite coal. — Donato G. MiTcHELL. Glowed like a torch amid creation’s tomb. — JAMES MontTGOMERY. In youthful beauty glows, Like Phoebus, when he bends to cast His beams upon a rose. — Tuomas Moore. -Glowed like the arbutus or beech of the Umbrian hills. — J. H. Newman. Glow like paint on death’s shrunk cheek. — Mites O’REILLy. Jewels . . . glowing like sunbeams. — Ouma. The Court, it glows, and shines like rotten wood.—Srr WALTER RALEIGH. Glows like a golden group of butter- cups. — T. BucHanan Reap. Glowed, like great archangels moving slow On some celestial road. — Inrp. Her white forehead glowed like a rose. — CHARLES READE. Glow like a flower. —C. G. Ros- SETTI. Glowed like the first splendors of the morn. — Jos& SELGAS. Glowed like plated Mars. — SHakE- SPEARE. Glows like solid amethyst. — SHELLEY. 181 Glowing like the vital morn. — Ism. Glow As a heart burns with some divine thing done. — SWINBURNE. Glow ... like the sunset’s flush on a field of snow. — Bayarp Tay- LOR. Glows, like baker’s oven. — WILLIAM TENNANT. Glowed as a cloud worn thin. — WALTER THORNBURY. Glow like a great pearl. — Joun C. Van DYKE. With beauty glows like that of Venus, where she rose naked in blush- ing charms from Ocean’s hoary wave. —JosEPH WaRTON. Glum. Glum as an oyster. — ANON. Glum as mud. — Isp. As glum as a man who has found a penny and lost a sixpence. — ScorTTisH PROVERB. Glum as- an__ undertaker. — THACKERAY. Gluttonous. Gluttonous as curiosity. — Lewis CARROLL. Gnarled. Gnarled like olive branches. — Guy DE MAuPASSANT. Gnaw. Gnaw me, like a burning worm. — Bunyan. Gnawed as with a file.—D. G. RosseErTtI. Gnaw like fire. — SWINBURNE. Pain gnaws at my heart like a rat that gnaws at a bean In the dusty dark of a ghost-frequented house. — ARTHUR SYMONS. 182 Go. (See also Gone.) Go along like sixty. — ANON. Go like a house afire. —Iprp. Going as if he had trod upon eggs. — Rosert Burton. Go along like blazes. — Dr Quincey. The multitude goes, like the flower and the weed, That wither away to let others succeed. — Wituram Kwox. Goeth . . . as an ox goeth to the slaughter. — Op TESTAMENT. Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron. — Ipip. God. For God is like a skilful Geometri- cian, who, when more easily and with one stroke of his Compass he might describe or divide a right line, had yet rather do this in a circle or longer way, according to the constituted and fore- laid principle of his art. — Sm Tuomas Browne. Gold. Gold in the house is like sun in the world. — Arabian Nicuts. Gold, like the sun, which melts wax and hardens clay, expands great souls and contracts bad hearts. — R1IvARoL. Golden. Golden as the fruits of autumn. — ANON. Golden as the sun. — P. J. Barry. Golden as the sunlight. — FLaAuBERT. Golden as honey in the sun. — Lowe. Golden as the glow of morning sun- light. — Cuinron ScoLLarp. Gold as golden as the gold of hives. — SWINBURNE. Golden as water kindled with presage of dawn or night. — In. GO. —— GONE, Golden as a star. — THomas Wank. Golden as the fagade of St. Mark’s with dancing reflections. — IsraEL ZANGWILL. Gone. Gone as a gone goose. — ANON. Gone as a shadow goes. —R. D. BLACKMORE. Gone as evanescent cloudlands. — MartuitpE Biinp. Gone, like traces on the deep, Like a spectre grasp’d in sleep, Dews inhal’d from morning glades, ‘Melting snows, and gliding shades. — Henry Brooke. Quite gone... like a lost star. — Rosert Brownina. Gone . . . like ice on a June day. — CARLYLE. Gone into their snares like a thread into a needle. —Frpor DostTorvsky. Gone, like a vapor which the potent morn kills, and in killing glorifies. — Davin Gray. Gone like the bubble that bursts in the sun 5 Gone like the grain when the reaper is done ; Gone like the dew on the fresh-morn- ing grass ; Gone without parting farewell ; and alas! Gone with a flavor of hydrogen gas! — Bret Harte. Gone like the locust band, when whirl- winds bear Their flimsy legions through the waste of air. — Recinatp HEBER. Gone, like smoke dissolved in air. — Aaron Hit. Gone, like the tenants that quit with- out warning, Down the back entry of time. —O. W. Hotmss. Gone, like the spray. — Kinaster. GONE. — GOOD. Gone — continued. Thou art gone from my gaze like a beautiful dream. — Grorce LInLEY. Gone was every trace of sorrow, As the fog from off the river, As the mist from off the meadow. — LoneGFELLow. Gane, like the flowers o’ spring awa’, or like a vision perished. — ALEXANDER McLaucuian. Seen no more, Gone, like the wind that raised the wave, The spent wave on the shore. — Georce Merepitu. Gone like a meteor. — Tuomas Moore. Gone, like the thoughts that once were ours. — IBID. Gone like all things else that men set life upon. — F. W. H. Myers. To-day we are here, to-morrow gone, like the shadow that vanisheth, like the grass that withereth, or like the flower that fadeth; or indeed like anything, or rather like nothing. — Otway. Gone, as an angel’s wing through an opening cloud is seen, and then with- drawn. — JoHN PrERPoNT. Gone as soon as a grain of corn thrown to an ant. — PLautTus. Gone as an unreturning river. — C. G. Rossetti. Like the dew on the mountain, Like the foam on the river, Like the bubble on the fountain, Thou art gone, and forever. — Sir WALTER Scott. Gone like the bloom upon the heather, —J. B. SELKIRK, Gone, as they never had been. — Bayarp Tay.or. Gone like shadow when it declineth. — Oxnp TESTAMENT. 183 Your early splendor’s gone Like stars into a cloud withdrawn — Like music laid asleep In dried up fountains. — Witiram WALLACE. Gone, like the summer lightning’s gleam. — Frank Waters. / Gone As the fox-hunter follows the sound of the horn. — WHITTIER. The red man has gone like the mist on the air. — Ipip. Gone as a cloud faded into the sky. —W. B. Yzats. Good. Good as a feast. — ANON. Good as an addled egg. — Inm. Good as an idle bird. — Inrp. Good as ever went upon the ground. — Isp. Good as new. — Isp. Beauty is as good as ready money. — Isp. Good as truth. — Inm. Good as dew to flowers. — Insp. Good as gold. — Bauzac. Good as white bread and just as in- sipid. — Isp. Good as wheat. — J. R. BARTLETYT’s “DICTIONARY OF AMERICANISMS.” As good as a show. — BULWER- Lytton. Good as a play. — Cuartes IT. As good music as when pigs play on the organ. — CLARKE’s ‘‘PROVERBS.” Good as ever water wet. — Haz- uitr’s ‘‘PROVERBS.” Good as ever trod upon shoe leather. —“Lonpon CHANTICLEERS.” Good as bread. — LONGFELLOW. 184 Good — continued. Good as puppet show. — Nortu- ALL’S “‘FoLtk PHrases.” Good as ever flew in the air. — JOHN Ray’s “Hanpsook oF PrRoverss.” Good as a sermon. — SOUTHEY. Good as a comedy. — Jonn Taytor. To do good to the base is like sowing the sea. — THEOGNIS. Good-nature. Good-nature, like a bee, collects honey from every herb. Ill-nature, like a spider, sucks poison from the sweetest flower. — ANON. Goodness. True goodness is like the glow-worm in this, that it shines most when no eyes, except those of heaven, are upon ‘it. — Epwin ARNOLD. As a horse when he hasrun, a bee when he, has made honey, so man when he has done a good act does not call out for others to come and see, but he goes on to another act, as the vine goes on to produce again the grapes in season. — Marcus Av- RELIUS. Goodness, like the Sun, enlightens all. —Samurt Boyse. Goodnesse is like the art prospec- tive: one point center, begetting in- finite rayes. — Srr THomas OVERBURY. Your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goeth away. — OLtp TESTAMENT. Good-will. Good-will, like a good name, is got by many actions, and lost by one. — FRANCIS JEFFREY. Gore. Gore like the tusks of a boar.— ANON. Gorgeous. Gorgeous as a sultana, — ANON. GOOD. ——- GRACEFUL. Gorgeous as are a rivulet’s banks in June. — WiLuiam CULLEN Bryant. Gorgeous as the heavens. — DE QUINCEY. Gorgeous as the sun at midsummer. — SHAKESPEARE. Gossip. A gossip in a village is like a viper in a bed. — ANON. Gossip, like ennui, is born of idle- ness. — NinNon DE LENCLOS. Gossipin’ about like a cracked bell- clapper. — Grorce MEREDITH. Gossip must often have been likened to the winged insects bearing pollen to the flowers; it fertilizes many a vacuous reverie. — IBID. Govern, Govern the lips as they were palace doors, the King within. — Epwin ARNOLD. Government, A government tumbling and drifting on the whirlpool and mud-deluges, floating atop in a conspicuous manner, no whither, like the carcass of a drowned ass. — CARLYLE. But when a government is grown in strength, Like some old oak, rough with its armed bark, It yields not to the tug, but only nods, And turns to sullen state. — Drypen. Government, like dress, is the badge of lost innocence. —'THomas Parner. Graceful. Graceful as an Alpine sapling. — ANON. Graceful as a bird on the wing. — Isp. Graceful as a fawn. — Isp. Graceful as the arch of a rainbow. — Ii. GRACEFUL. — GRASP. Graceful — continued. ’ Graceful as a fairy-tale. — WiLtiam ARCHER. Graceful as a black frigate with snow white sails. — Bazac. Graceful as a springborn fairy. — Paut Hamitton Hayne. Graceful as Mars. — Homer (Pore). Graceful as a snake of the paradise of Asia. — Davi pr La Game. Graceful as the willow-bough o’er the streamlet weeping. — Lover. As warm and graceful as May. — Epwarp Lovisonpb. She is graceful as the greenly waving boughs in summer wind. — GERALD Massey. Graceful as a Naiad. —GEORGE Moors. Graceful as a faun. — SAMUEL RoGeErs. Graceful as an ivy, bough born to cling and lean. — C. G. Rossetti. Graceful as a bow just bent. — Rus- KIN. Graceful and free As honeysuckles and the lilies be. —D. B. W. Stapen. Graceful as a couchant goddess. — ANTHONY TROLLOPE. Graceful as the sapphirine tide. — JOSEPH TURNLEY. Graceful as the shawl-designs Of Delhi or Umritsir. — WHITTIER. Gracefully. Flit about as gracefully as a pickax in a sack. — Ipp. Gracious. All gracious and good as when God made the living creatures, and none was afraid. — Buss CaRMAN. 185 Gracious as a medieval queen. — Tuomas Herwoop. As gracious as the morn. — Hugo. Gracious as the golden maiden morn When darkness craves her blessing. — SWINBURNE. Gracious as a duchess. — THack- ERAY. Grand. Grand like Barbarossa’s beard. — ANON. Grand as a victory. — Isp. Grand as thought. — Batzac. Grand as a Greek statue. — RoBERT BROWNING. As grand as the world. — Josrepu A. DE GOBINEAU. Grand as floor-walkers. — O. Henry. Grand as the frigate on the wind. — JEAN INGELOw. Grand as the passion felt but never spoken. — Tracy Rosinson. Grand, As though a distant singing sea broke on a tuneful strand. —C. G. Rossertt. Grand As any stone that decks a monarch’s hand. —D. B. W. Siapen. Grand as doomsday and as grave. — TENNYSON. Grasp. Grasps, like death. — EBENEZER Ex- LIOTT. Grasp as firm As his whose arm is nerved by glory’s zeal. ‘ — GERALD GRIFFIN. Grasp like a scourge.—T. Bv- CHANAN Reap. Grasps as in water, the more she grasped the less she held. —Sir Pup SIDNEY. 186 Grate. Grate like a sawblade under the file. — Henrik IpseEn. Grating like arsenic. — Jonn Wol- coTT. Grateful. Thou touchest me gratefully, like Nature’s wholesome breath. — Nic- coto Tommaseo (D. G. Rossertt). Gratis. Gratis, as yesternight. — CARLYLE. Gratitude. Gratitude is like the good. faith of traders, it maintains commerce ; and we often pay, not because it is just to discharge our debts, but that we may more readily find people to trust us. — RocHEFOUCAULD. Grave. Grave as an old gate-post. — ANON. Grave as Pascal. — Inm. Grave, as the manner of noble men is. — E. B. Brownie. Grave as an organ. — DICKENS. Grave and thoughtful as rich mourn- ers. — DIOGENES. Grave as actors do in Lent. — Pierce Ecan. Grave as a mourning hearse. — Ini. Grave as Libanius, slumbering o’er the laws. — ELuau Fenton. Grave as saints. — J. J. Jusseranp. As grave as Porcius Cato when he met with a repulse which he had never expected nor dreamt of. — MarcELLINUS. Grave as an eye dwelling on blood. — Grorce MerepiTu. Grave as a judge. — “ Poor Rosin’s ALMANACK.” GRATE, — GRAY. Grave As the unwilling herald of the king. — ARTHUR SYMONS. Grave as from a funeral. — TENNY- SON. Gravity. Gravity in a woman is like to a gray beard upon a breaching boise chinne, which a good scholemaister would cause to be clipt, and the wise husband to be avoyded. — Ly y. Gray. Gray as grannun’s cat. — ANON. Gray as the inside of a pewter dish. — Isp. Gray hairs are like the light of a soft moon, silvering over the evening of life. — Inn. Grey as a badger.—R. H. Bar- HAM. Gray as shallow sea. — Cucuu- LAIN. Grey as a hoary monolith. — G. K. CHESTERTON. Misty gray, like a cow’s breath on a frosty morning. — Irvin 5. Coss. Grey as time. — Grorce Dar- LEY. Gray, like a shield embossed in. silver. — LoNGFELLow. Grey, like the soft creeping twilight. — WitiiamM Morris. Gray as smoke.—Joun G. NEI- HARDT. Gray as glass. — SHAKESPEARE. Grey, like a storm-extinguished day. — SHELLEY. Grey as a flower ruined. — SWINBURNE. Grey as the mom.—J. A. Sy- MONDS. Her eyes are grey like morning dew. —W. B. Yzats. GREAT. — GRIEF, Great. Great as a lord. — Frances Fawkes. It is with great men as with high mountains. They oppress us with awe when we stand under them : they disappoint our insatiable imaginations when we are nigh, but not quite close to them : and then, the further we re- cede from them, the more astonishing they appear; until . . . they at one moment seem miraculously lifted above earth, and the next strike our fancies as let down from heaven. —J.C. Hares. I think myself as great As Cesar riding in the Roman street, With captive kings at his triumphant car. — Mar.owe. Greed. Greedy as a hog. — Anon. Greed was like a slip-knot drawn more and more tightly about his heart, till reason at length was stifled. — Batzac. As greedy as ten cocks scraping in a dunghill for ae barley pickle. — Scot- TISH PROVERB. Greedy as a cormorant. — Joun SKELTON. Greedy as hell’s mouth. — Leonarp WRricuT. Green. Green as May. — James Lane AL- LEN. Green as a gooseberry. — ANON. Green as a,gourd. — Inm. Green as a lizard. — Ini. Green as bottled glass. —Ism. Green as emeralds. — Ism. Green as grass. — Iptp. Green as the deep waters. — Ipm. Green as the sea. — Ipp. Green as a leaf. — THomas ASHE. 187 As green as any privet-hedge a bird might choose to build in.—E. B. Brownina. Green as blissful Eden. —R. C. Dutt. Green as the mantled pool. — Hoop. Green as hope before it grieves. — Miss Lanpon. Green as a meadow by Chaucer. — Ricwarp Le GALLIENNE. As green as the leaves of the fir tree. — “ Mapinoaion.” Green as jealousy. — Grorcr MERE- DITH. Green as an arum leaf. — Ouma. Green as the grave of a loved one. — C. G. Rosserrt. Green as leeks. — SHAKESPEARE. Green as the forest’s night. — SHELLEY. Green as summer. — SWINBURNE. Green as the salt-sea_ billows. — WorbDswortu. Greetings. Christmas greetings are like pots of ore ; - The hollower they are they sing the more. — Ambrose BIerce. Grew. Grew like the summer grass. — SHAKESPEARE. Grew, Like a pale flower by some sad maiden cherished. — SHELLEY. : Grey. (See Gray.) Grief. Woman’s grief is like a summer storm, short as it is violent. — JOANNA BarLuxie. Genuine grief is like penitence, not clamorous, but subdued. — Josa Bit- LINGS. 188 Grief — continued. Grief and passion are like floods raised in little brooks by a sudden rain. — DRYDEN. Grief, like wine, the tongue will render free. —J. M. LEGARE. Grief, like night, is salutary. It cools down the soul by the putting out its fevered fires; and if it oppresses her, it also compresses her energies. The load once gone, she will go forth with greater buoyancy to new pleas- ures. — JoHN PULSFORD. Grief Was as a last year’s leaf Blown dead far down the wind’s way. — SWINBURNE. Grieve. Grieve like the stranger-tended child, Which seeks its mother’s arms, and sees and feels them not. — Criia THAXTER. Grim. Grim as a judge. — Anon. Grim as Cerberus. — Inin. Grim as death. — Ibm. Grim as a voice from the grave. — A. H. Brxsty. Grim as a Swiss guard. — RoBert Brownine. Grim as a grizzly fighting for her cub. —Joun G. NEIHARDT. Grim as a crow. — JOSEPH SKIPSEY. Grim as dreams that quicken from dead men’s graves. — SWINBURNE. Grim as hell. — Ip. Grin. Grin like a Cheshire cat, from ear to ear. — ANON. Grinning like one bringing rare news. — J. M. Barrie. Grinning like enchanted apes. — Tuomas CARLYLE. GRIEF. —— GROPE. Grin like a basket of chips. — Francis GROSE. Grins like some. fantastic nightly spectre. —A. G. OEHLENSCHLAGER. Grin like lions Upon the pikes o’ the hunters. — SHAKESPEARE. Grip. Grips like a vise. — ANON. Grips like hoops of steel. — In. Grip like some kind of sinning. — Rosert W. SERVICE. Gripe. Gripe as hard Cassibelan. — SHakr- SPEARE. Gripe like a convulsion. — CoLE- RIDGE. Groan. Groaned Like some sad prophet, that foresaw the doom Of those whom best he loved, and could not save. — DrypeEw. Groans like a Ricwarp LovELAcE. cannon-ball. — Groaneth, like a door on rusty hinges. — TUPPER. Groaning like a dying horse. — Wiii1am Warp. Grog. Grog, like grief, is fatal stuff for any man to sup ; For when it fails to pull him down, it’s sure to blow him up. — Joun G. Saxe. Grooved. Grooved like the sunken spaces between the fingers. —Joun Bur- ROUGHS. Grope. Groping blindly: as in a dream. — Hueco. Groped like a blind man finding his way. — Guy pr Maupassant. GROSS. —— GULP. Gross. Grosse as a hog. — MIDDLETON. Gross as a mountain. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Gross as ignorance made drunk. — Isp. Ground. Ground, Like a thousand vanquish’d men in bloody flight. — SHAKESPEARE. Groundless. Groundless as the dreams of philos- ophy. — LAURENCE STERNE. Group. As the moths around a taper, As the bees around a rose, As the gnats around a vapour, So the spirits group and close Round about a holy childhood as if drinking its repose. —E. B. Brownine. Grovel. Grovel like swine. — ANON. Grow. Grow like a cow’s tail, downwards. — ANon. Grows like Jimson weed in a pile of compost. — Inn. We do not make our thoughts ; they grow in us like grain in a wood. —P. J. Batiey. Growing like smoke. — FraNncEs Hopeson Burnett. Grow like grass in May. — GrorcE Eor. Like some fair plant beneath my care- fulhand — He grew, he flourish’d and he grac’d the land. — Homer (Port). That grows with gazing on, like lover’s beauty. — GeraLtp Massey. Grew like the summer grass. — SHAKESPEARE. 189 Grow like weeds on a neglected tomb. — SHELLEY. Grows great as the moon through the month. — SwINBURNE. Growl. Growled within himself like a little double-bass. — Dickens. Growls, roars and breaks itself, like our eternal and powerless despair. — Dumas, PERE. Growl, like a crescendo in the double bass. — Lover. He growls like a bear that has burnt his paw. — Osman PRovers. Grunt. Grunt like a bear when he is a- moaning. — ULpian FULWELL. Grunting like some pounded animal. — Mavrice Hew err.’ Grunted like a pig under a tub. — Lyty. Grunts like a hog. — Maritowr. Guarded. As well guarded as a prince in his castle. — JAMES OTIS. Guest. A guest, like a fish, has an unpleas- ant odor after three days. — Guipo CAVALCANTI. Guileless. Guileless and simple as a six-year- old child that has never left its mother. — Batzac. Guileless as a candidate. — RicHarp LE GALLIENNE. Guileless as infancy. — T. N. Tat- FOURD. Gulp. Gulped as . . . swallowing sobs. — JosEPpH CONRAD. Gulped it down fast as a Neapolitan beggar a plateful of pure scalding-hot macaroni. — H. T. Finck. 190 Gulp — continued. Gulped down pleasures as a dog does his dinner. — Inrp. Gurgled. Gurgled like the cry of a drowning man, — W. C. Russet. Gush. Gush like a fountain at its source. — Donatp G. MitcHELL. Habit. Habit may be likened to a cable ; every day we weave a thread, and soon we cannot break it. — ANON. Habits are like the wrinkles on a man’s brow; if you will smooth out the one, I will smooth out the other. — Jos BILuines. Bad habits are as infectious by ex- ample as the plague itself by contact. — FIeLpine. Hack. Hacked like a hand-saw. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Hacked like dull wood of every day. — Francis THompson. Haggard. Haggard and wan as slain men. — Epwin ARNOLD. Haggard as spectres. — SCHILLER. Haggard as crime. — SWINBURNE. Haggard as fear. — Inmp. Haggard as hell. — Inm. Haggard as the face of night. — Ini. Hair. Her hair was like the threads of gold. — Scottish Ba.uap. GULP. — HAIRY. Gushes like nectar from Hebe’s Olympian bottle. — W. H. VENABLEs, His heart Gush’d like a river-fountain of the hills, Ceaseless and lavish, at a kindly smile, A word of welcome, or a tone of love. — WHITTIER. Gusts. His speech came in gusts, like linnets in the pauses of the wind. — Wiiuam Dr Morean. Her hair is like the curling mist That shades the mountain-side at e’en. — Burns. Her dusky hair, like silver night elbowing the gloom of twilight. — Darrev Fiaers. Hair like weed. — Maurice Hew- LETT. His blond hair like gold from the furnace. — CuarLes NopIEr. Hair like the mist of the hill, soft and curling in the day of the sun. — Ossian. Her hair is like the golden corn A low wind breathes upon : Or like the golden harvest-moon When all the mists are gone : Or like a stream with golden sands On which the sun has shone Day after day in summertime Ere autumn leaves are wan. — C. G. Rosserti. Her hair, like golden threads, play’d with her breath. — SHAKESPEARE. Hairless. Hairless as an egg. — Ropert HEr- RICK. Hairy. Hairy as a mastodon. — JosEPH Conrab. HAND. — HANG. Hand. He had a hand like a bunch of bananas. — R. F. Ourcautt. Hands like rugged bark. — Hoop. A baby’s hands, like rosebuds furled. — SWINBURNE. Handily. Handily as a Tacoma Indian picks hops. — Amy LEsuiz. Handsome. Handsome as houris. — ANON. Handsome as paint. — Inip. Handsome as a new stake-rope on a thirty-dollar pony. — O. Henry. Handsome as a Detaille chevalier. — Amy L&sLiz. Handsome as one full on drugs. — ALFRED Henry Lewis. Handsome as a hackman’s hat. — Sypney Muwnpen. Handy. Handy as a hen. — ANon. Handy as a poker in Hell. —Ism. Handy as a robin after a rain. — Izip. Handy as a pocket in a shirt. — J. R. Bartuert’s ‘Dictionary oF AMERICANISMS.” Handy as a pig with a musket. — NorrHatt’s ““Fotk Purasss.” As handy as a corkscrew in Ken- tucky. — J. P. Witson. Hang. Hang as high as Haman. — ANon. Hanging like Mahomet’s coffin, be- tween earth and heaven. — Isp. Hang together like bees. — Inm. Hang together like birds. — Inm. Hang together like burrs. — Isin. Hangs together like a rope of sand. — Ip. 191 Like Mahomet’s coffin, the shocking word hung half-way ’twixt the root and the tip of the tongue. —R. H. Barua. One snowy cloud hangs, like an avalanche of frozen light upon the peak of night’s’cerulean Alp. —T. L. BEDDOEs. Hung, like words of transport trembling on the tongue, too strong for utterance. — Roperr BLoomMriELD. Hang like Mahomet in the air. — SaMUEL Butier. You dosed me with a drug that hangs about my tongue like a pound- weight on a humming-bird’s wing. J. FENIMORE Cooper. Hangs his head . . . like bending lilies over-charg’d with rain. — Ricuarp DuKE. Hung like heaven around. — Gzratp Massey. _ Hang like a tail. —Grorce Mers- DITH. Hangs on the heart like a nightmare. — Owen Merepira. Hung like mists o’er sleeping streams In uninhabitable lands. — T. Bucwanan Reap. Hung like a vapor in the cloudless sky. —SamuEL Rogers. Hung like an icicle on a Dutchman’s beard. — SHAKESPEARE. His listless hand Hung like dead bone within its withered skin. — Isp. Hangs like flax on a distaff. — Isr. Hang me in a bottle like a cat, and shoot at me. — Isip. Hang upon him like a disease. — Izu. Hang upon my tongue like a new- married wife about her husband’s neck. — Isp. She hangs upon the cheek of night Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope’s ear. — Isp. 192 Hang — continued. Hang on her lips like a padlock on a pedlar’s budget.— Epwarp SHARP- HAM. Hung like bees on mountain-flowers. — SHELLEY. Hang like night on heaven above me. — Isp. Hangs heavy as the dewiest poppy. — Artuur Upson. Hang like sackcloth on a wanton nun.— THomas WapE. Hanker. Hanker as strongly as do pianists in the presence of an open keyboard. — James HUNEKER. Happiness. Happiness is like sunshine; it is made up. of very little beams. — ANON. Happiness, like the blue of the sky, cannot be lasting, for the earth, to yield its fruits, requires the rain, and man to estimate at their true value this life and the next, has need of tears. — FeRNAN CABALLERO. Happiness, like a refreshing stream, flows from heart to heart in endless circulation. — Henry GRovE. Happiness is reflective, like the light of heaven; and every countenance, bright with smiles, and glowing with innocent enjoyment, is a mirror trans- mitting to others the ways of a supreme and evershining benevolence. — WasH- INGTON IRvING. Happiness, like a snail, is never found from home, nor without a home. —L. C. Jupson. Happiness is like game, if you aim. at it from too long a distance, you must miss it. — ALPHONSE Karr. False happiness is like false money ; it passes for a time as well as the true, and serves some ordinary purposes ; HANG. — HAPPY. but when it is brought to the touch we find the lightness and alloy and feel the loss. — Pore. Happiness is like a sunbeam, which the least shadow intercepts, while adversity is often as the rain of spring. — CHINESE PROVERB. Happy. Happy as a big sunflower. — ANON. Happy as a boy at a baseball game. — Izv. Happy as a June bug. — Inm. Happy as a prince. — Inip. Happy as a pussy that sees cream. — Isp. Happy as a queen. — Izip. Happy as a turtle dove. — Iprp. Happy as a wave that dances on the sea. — Ipip. Happy as the sunlight. — THomas ASHE. Happy as Heaven. —P. J. Barury. Happy as a reprieved thief. — Bauzac. Happy as a clam at high water. — J. R. Barriert’s “ DicTIONARY OF AMERICANISMS.” Happy az a_ dinner-bell. — Josu Briuines. Happy as a May-pole.—R. D. BLacKMOoRE. Happy as birds in the spring. — Witiram Brake. Happy as a lark. — ANNE Bronté. Happy as the kine in the fields. — BuLwer-LytTTon. Happy as birds that sing on a tree. — Sir JAMrEs CARNEGIE. Happy as a fish in water. — VicTor CHERBULIEZ. Happy as Spirits cleansed.— Av- BREY Dr VERE. HAPPY. — HARD. Happy — continued. Happy as ol’ maids an’ died on- married. — Fintey Peter DuNNE. Happy as a king. — Joun Gay. Happy as the blest above. — GrorGE GRANVILLE. Happy as a Sunday in Paris, full of song, and dance, and laughter. — Firz-GreEne HAuieck. Happy as the Day.—J. G. Hot- LAND. Happy as a lord. — Hueco. Happy as the Bird whose nest Is heaven’d in the heart of purple Hills. — Greratp Massey. Happy as a miner when he has dis- covered a vein of precious metal. — Guy DE Maupassant. , Happy as a schoolgirl going home for the holidays. — Ism. Happy as a priest at a wedding. — Gxrorce Moore. Happy as an enfranchised bird. — Tuomas Moore. Happy as a poor man with a bag of gold. — Miss Mutock. Happy as a pig in muck. — Nortu- ALL’s “‘Fotk PHraseEs.” Happy asa young lamb. — Ourpa. Happy as heroes after battles won. — Marruew Prior. As happy as the day is lang. — ScottisH PROVERB. Happy as the fairest of all. — SHAKESPEARE. As happy as a serf who leaves the king ennobled. — ALEXANDER SMITH. Happy as a rose-tree in sunshine. — THACKERAY. Happy as a child. — Worpswortu. Happy as a Lover. — In. 193 As happy as birds in their bowers. — Inip. Happy as a wave. — Ipip. Hard (Adjective). Hard as a brick. — ANon. Hard as a cobble-stone. — Isp. Hard as a cricket-ball. — Ini. Hard as granite. — Ipip. Hard as hail stones. — Ism. As hard as horn. — Inn. Hard as marble. — Inn. As hard as the rocks of Dundee. — Ipip. Hard as flint. — Ropert Burton. Hard as adamant. — Cawpray’s “TREASURIE OR STORE-HOUSE OF SMILIES.” Hard as a 1907 prune. — HELEN GREEN. Hard as a barren stepmother’s slap. — Lapy Grecory. Hard as wire. — JoHN Heywoop. As hard as the heart of a religious foe-curser. —O. W. Houmss. Hard as an egg at Easter. — Lean’s “COLLECTANEA.” Hard as nails. — Inm. Hard as iron. — THomas Loner. Hardeneth like the Adamajn]t. — Ly.y. Fingers, hard as a lobster’s claws. — Guy bE Maupassant. Hard as the devil’s nagnails. — NorrTwaty’s “Fotk PHRASES.” Hard as a sheet of brass. — OurpDa. Hard as a pine-knot.— James K. PAvULDING. Hard as steel. — SHAKESPEARE. Hard as the palm of ploughman. — Ini. 194 Hard — continued. Hard as the push of death. — Swin- BURNE. ' Hard as a piece of the nether mill- stone. — OLD TESTAMENT. Hard as Severn salmon dried in Wales. — Nep Warp. Hard as a flint stone. — LEONARD Wrricut’s “A Dispiay or DuTIE.” Hard (Adverb). Hard as being good. — ANon. As hard as to shave an egg. — Isr. As hard to answer as why cats love fish. — Iprp. Hard to climb as Parnassus. — Ibrp. As hard to hold as an eel by the tail. — Isr. : As hard as for an empty sack to stand upright. — BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Hard as death. — HAWTHORNE. Hard to enter my belief as Dives into heaven. — THomas Hrywoop. Hardy. Hardy as a mountain pine. — ANON. Hardy as Highland heather. — W. DupeEon. . Hardy as a forest pig. — NorRTHALL’S ““FoLtK PHRASES.” Hardy as the Nemean lion’s nerve. — SHAKESPEARE. Harmless. Harmless as a strawberry festival. — ANON. Harmless as Sancho’s ass. — Inm. Harmless as the turtle-dove. — Patrick Bronré. Harmless and pleasant as the murmur of brook and wind. — Rosert BucHANAN. Harmless as an infant’s play. — CowPEr. HARD. —— HASTE. Harmlesse as the bee that doeth but taste the flower and flee away. — WiLuiaAM DrRumMMOND. Harmless as reptiles kept in spirits. —Sypney Munpen. Harmless as the turtle of the woods. — Otway. Harmless as a paper tiger. — CuI- NESE PROVERB. Harmless as my life’s first day. — SWINBURNE. Harmless as the lightning life of song. — IBID. Harmless . . . as petals of a flower. — Bayarp Taytor. Harmless as doves. — NEw TEsTA- MENT. Harmless as a babe. — Worps- WORTH. Harsh. Harsh as blame on ear unused to aught save Angels’ tongues. — RoBERT BRownine. Harsh as. . JoHn Davigs. . a grating wheel. — Harsh as truth. — WiLLIAM Lioyp GARRISON. Harsh as the bitterness of death. — SWINBURNE. Like a jagged shell’s lips, harsh. — Iprp. Of harsher import than the curfew-knell That spoke the Norman Conqueror’s stern behest. — WoRDSWORTH. Haste. Hastened like homing pigeons, which do not look behind. —Hamuin Gar- LAND. Haste... like flaming tapers brightening as they wasted. — JamEs Wuitcoms RIxey. Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore, So do our minutes hasten to their end. — SHAKESPEARE. HASTE, —- HEAD. Haste — continued. Hastes . . . like as war horse to the fray. — WULFFER. Hasty. As hasty as Hopkins, that came to jail over night and was hanged the next morning. — EncuisH PRrovers. Hasty as fire. — SHAKESPEARE. Hasty, like a Scotch jig. — Im. Hate (Noun). Hate is like fire; it makes even light rubbish deadly. —GzoreE Exjot. Hate without ,an object is like a shooting-match without a target. — Hueo. Hate (Verb). Hate like poison. — ANon. Hates as Heaven hates falsehood. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Hate like cat and dog. — CARLYLE. Whose breath I hate As reek o’ the rotten fens. — Hueco. I do hate him as I do hell pains. — SHAKESPEARE. Hate is as an unfilled can. — Ini. Hateful. Hateful as death. — CARLYLE. Hateful to me as the gate of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another. — Homer. Hateful as hell. — Jonn Puruies. Hateful as Cocytus’ misty mouth. — SHAKESPEARE. Hateful to me as the reek of a lime- kiln. — Ini. Hateful as the grave. — SWINBURNE. Hatred. Hatred without a desire for ven- geance is like a seed falling on stony ground. — Bauzac. 195 Haughty. Haughty as the devil. — Pops. Haunt. Haunts like a knell. WituaMm AYTOUN. Haunt us as eagles haunt the moun- tain air. —P. J. Battery. Your beauty haunts me like a fevered dream. — Lapy Durrenin. Haunts... . like some sweet cadenced strain. — G. H. ELLWANGER. Haunts the memory, like the wild imagings of a fevered nightmare. — R. W. Fraser. Haunted as a robber-path through wilderness of wood. — Hugo. : Haunted .. . like a regret. — La- MARTINE. Haunts like a wild melody. — Tuomas Moore. Haunt... like an avenging fiend. — Miss Mutocx. Vex and haunt me like a tale of my own future destiny. — ScHILLER. Haunt thee like a wicked con- science. — SHAKESPEARE. Haunt one like a ghost. — Epwarp SHARPHAM. Haunting like spectres.—T. N. TALFOURD. Haunted me like a passion. — WorDSWORTH. Hazy. Hazy of thought, as a calf looks at a butcher. — Anon. Hazy, like an oil-lamp full of fungus. —R. D. Biackmore. Head. Head as hairy as Faunus. — E. B. BRownInNG. Many heads t’ obstruct intrigues; As slowest Insects have most Legs. — SamureL Burtier. 196 Head — continued. The head of a womanis like a weather- cock on the top of a house, which turns with the slightest wind. — Moers. The head, like the stomach, is most easily infected with poison when it is empty. — RicHTER. His head is like a stomach and in- testines which let the food pass through them undigested. — ScHOPENHAUER. I hang the head As flowers with frost, or grasses beat down with storms. — SHAKESPEARE. Headstrong. Headstrong as an allegory on the banks of the Nile. —R. B. Sueripan. Headway. Making headway like birds aflying. — ANON. Makes such head as a fire does in a raging wind. — DicKENs. Heal. Healing as a Sabbath psalm. — Aurce W. BrorHErTon. Health. A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to look after his tools. — ANon. Health is like munny, we never hav a true idea ov its value until we lose it. — JosH Bintines. Health and good humor are to the human body like sunshine to vegeta- tion. — MassILion. Healthy. Healthy as a May morning. — ANON. Healthy as pity for all the conquered. — Isp. Healthy as a May hedge in bloom. —Sir A. Conan Dov ie. Healthful as poignant brine. — Wi1- Liam WATSON. HEAD. — HEART. Heap (Noun). All in a heap, like a slaughtered lamb. — SHAKESPEARE. Heap (Verb). Heaped like Pelion on Ossa. — ANon. Heaped like a host in battle over- thrown. — Wiii1aM CULLEN Bryant. Heart. A heart is like a fan, and why ? — *Twill flutter when a beau is nigh : Oft times with gentle words he’ll take it ; , Play with it for a while, then break it. — ANon. The heart of a man is like a delicate weed, That requires to be trampled on boldly indeed. — Ism. A flinty heart within a snowy breast Is like base mold lock’d in a golden chest. — Francis BEaumont. The human heart is like Indian rubber : a little swells it, but a great deal will not burst it. If “‘little more than nothing will disturb it, little less than all things will suffice” to break it. — Anne Bronté. The heart is like the sky, a part of heaven ; But changes, night and day, too, like the sky ; Now o’er it clouds and thunder must be driven, And darkness and destruction as on high ; But when it hath been scorch’d and piere’d and riven, Its storms expire in water-drops; the eye Pours forth, at last, the heart’s blood turn’d to tears. — Byron. A maiden’s heart is as champagne, ever struggling upward. — C. S. CaL- VERLEY. The heart is like the tree that gives balm for the wounds of man, only when the iron has wounded it. — CHATEAUBRIAND. HEART. Heart — continued. My heart is like the fair sea-shell, There’s music ever in it. — Euiza Coox. A woman’s heart is as intricate as a ravelled skein of silk. — Dumas, PirRE. Some hearts are like a melting peach, but with a larger, coarser, harder stone. —J. C. Harr. Hearts, like apples, are hard and sour, Till crushed by Pain’s resistless power. —J. C. Hotianp. The heart of a man has been com- pared to flowers ; but unlike them, it does not wait for the blowing of the wind to be scattered abroad. It is so fleeting and changeful. — Yonma KENKO. His heart was like a bookful of girls’ song. — Francis LEDWIDGE. Her heart, like the lake, was as pure and as calm, Till love o’er it came, like a breeze o’er the sea, And made the heart heave of sweet Mary machree. — Lover. The human heart is like a millstone in a mill ; when you put wheat under it, it turns and grinds, and bruises the wheat into flour; if you put no wheat in it, it still grinds on; but then it is itself it grinds, and slowly wears away. — Martin LuTHER. My heart is like a hearth where Cupid is making a fire... me- thinks Venus and Nature stand with each of them a pair of bellowes, the one cooling my low birth, the other kindling my lofty affections. — Lyy. The heart is like an instrument whose strings steal nobler music from life’s mystic frets. —Grratp Mas- SEY. A wise man’s heart is like a broad hearth that keeps the coales [his pas- sions] from burning the house. — Sir THomas OVERBURY. 197 A heart is like a new house — the ones that dry the plastering are not the true tenants. —Epvuarp Pait- LERON. His heart is like a mountain of iron. — PENTAUR. The hearts of pretty women, like New Year’s bonbons, are wrapped in enigmas. — J. PetrT-SENN. A woman’s heart, like the moon, is always changing, but there is always a man in it. — PuNcu. Heavy hearts, like heavy clouds in the sky, are best relieved by the letting of water. — RIVAROL. My heart is like a singing bird Whose nest is in a watered shoot ; My heart is like an apple-tree Whose boughs are bent with thickset fruit ; | My heart is like a rainbow shell That paddles in a halcyon sea ; My heart is gladder than all these Because my love is come to me. —C. G. Rossertt. Her heart is like an ordered house Good fairies harbour in. — Isp. A noble heart, like the sun, showeth its greatest countenance in its lowest estate. — Sir Paiute Sipney. Burning lips and a wicked heart are like a potsherd covered with silver dross. — OLD TESTAMENT. A woman’s heart is just like a lithographer’s stone, — what is once written upon it cannot be rubbed out. — THACKERAY. My heart is like fire in a close vessel : I am ready to burst for want of vent. —Joun WESLEY. Her heart is like an outbound ship That at its anchor swings. — WHirTIER. Heart as calm as lakes that sleep, In frosty moonlight glistening. — Worpswortu. 198 Hearty. Hearty as a buck. — ANon. Hearty as an O.K. — Isp. Hearty as an oak, — SaMvuEt Foors. Hearty . . . like a trombone thor- oughly impregnated with cheerful views of life. — CHARLES READE. Heat. Heats like the hammered anvil. — O. W. Homes. Heave. Heaved and sighed like the dying gasp of a syphon bottle. — ANon. Heaves .. . Like a mighty ship in pain, Facing the tempest with struggle and strain. —E. B. Brownine. Heaves like a water-weed that opens to the wave. — Izrp. Heaves like a long-swept wave about to break. — Byron. Heaved like the surface of the sea. — Dumas, PERE. Heaved as in his breast the waves of life kept heaving to and fro. — Hoop. Heaving ... like the sea in the background of a marine piece at the theatre. — Grorce MEREDITH. Heaved like ridgy waves. — Ossian. Heart heaved as a man’s death-smitten with a dart That smites him sleeping, warm and full of life. — SWINBURNE. Heaven. Heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field. — New TESTAMENT. ; Heavily. Laboring heavily —like a tramp freighter in a heavy sea. —E. D. Prics. HEARTY. — HELD. Heavily, as sorrow-laden. — Haw- THORNE. Heavy. Heavy as a boarding-house dump- ling. — ANon. Heavy as death. — Marruew Ar- NOLD. Heavy as a panegyric. — CONGREVE. Heavy as the hand of death. — DIcKENs. Head as heavy as alderman’s. — FIeLvine. : Hung heavy as an opiate. — THomas Harpy. Heavy and lumpish . . . like a de- funct nightmare, which had perished in the midst of its wickedness, and left its flabby corpse on the breast of the tormented one, to be gotten rid of as it might. — HAWTHORNE. Heavy, like a spade that digs in clay. —R. H. Horne. Heavy as remembered sin That will not suffer sleep or thought to ease. — Kpuine. Lies heavy ... like murder on a guilty soul. — ScHILLER. Heavy as lead. — SKELTON. Heavier than the sands of the sea. — Otp TESTAMENT. Heavy as a Dutchman. — Mrs. Henry Woop. Heavy as frost. — WorpsworTH. Heeds. Heeds As the seven Seas should a pebble cast. — Epwarp FitzGErap. Held. Held on like a summer cold. — GEORGE ADE. Held back like a hearse horse. — ANON. Held on like grim death. — Isp. HELD. — HIDE. Held — continued. Held on to him like a life-belt. — Lioyp OsBourRNE. Held you... As flesh holds flesh, and the soul the soul. — SWINBURNE. Help. As far from help as limbo is from bliss. — SHAKESPEARE. Helpless. Helpless as a babe. — ANon. Helpless, as a cat in a trap. — Ip. Helpless as a corpse. — Ini. Helpless as Balaam. — Inm. Helpless as a king of England. — Emerson. Helpless as an infant caterpillar in a nest of hungry ants. — JAMEs Montcomery Frace. Helpless as the dead. — W. S. Gir- BERT. Helpless as a turtle on its back. — O. Henry. Helpless as a lame beggar. — Ourpa. Helpless and flurried as a fish landed on a grassy bank with a barbed hook through its gills. — Ipmp. Helpless as a ship in stays. — Rosert Louris STEVENSON. Helpless, like doves driven headlong down by a murky tempest. — Viral. Helpless as a sailor cast on desert rock. — WorDsworTH. Helpless . . . as the blind. — Ipm. Helter-Skelter. Helter-skelter . . . like a crowd of frightened porpoises a shoal of sharks pursue. — Ropert Brownine. Heresy. Heresies perish not with their authors, but, like the river: Arethusa, though they lose their currents in one 199 place, they rise up again in another. — Sir Tuomas Browne. Hero. Like the young lion wounded by the dart, Whose fury kindled at the galling smart ; The hero rouses with redoubled rage, Flies on the foe, and foams upon the stage. — Paut WHITEHEAD. Heroic. Heroic as martyrdom. — Ourpa. Heroism. Heroism, like Plotinus, is almost ashamed of its body. — EMERson. Hesitate. Hesitating like stag at bay. — Joun CLARE. Hesitating, fluttering, like the bird with young wing, weak and dubious. — Groree Exiot. Hesitating like a bather about to make his plunge. — Tuomas Harpy. Hesitate, like the submissive voice of an inferior. —Srr Watrer Scort. Hew. Hew’d away, like doctors of theology When they dispute with sceptics. — Byron. Hewn as if with stroke of swords in tempest steeled. — SWINBURNE. Hide. Hid, like a thought of God, un- uttered. — P. J. BarLey. Closely hid as Rameses in the pyramid. — Juris C. R. Dorr. Hide ourself as Adam at the voice of the Lord God in the garden. — EMERSON. ' Hidden . . . like the works of a watch beneath the hands. —H. A. JONES. 200 Hide — continued. Hide like gentle nuns from human eyes. — Sipney Lanier. Hid like incense in a flower’s heart. —Gerratp Massey. Hid like a buried star. — Jamzs MontTGoMERY. Hid, as in a grave. — Rowe. Hid Safe from the glare of the day like an eye under its lid. — Frank D. SHERMAN. Hidden . . . like a dark well, whose unseen brink is overgrown with waving grass. — VALMIKI. Hideous. Hideous as midnight. — ANoN. Hideous as evil. — Huco. Hideous as the witch of Endor. — Henry MAcKeENZIE. Hideous like a savage at his altar. — NIET2SCHE. Hideous as a_ skeleton. — ANTON TCHEKHOV. High. High as a kite. — ANON. High as summer-surge swells. — Iprp. Higher than Gilroy’s kite. — Inm. High as the herald-star. — Epwin ARNOLD. High as man’s desires. — BEACONS- FIELD. High . . . as the stars were above the clouds. — A. C. Benson. Higher than the price ov gold. — JosH BILines. High as the stars. — CARLYLE. High as the head of Fame. — Con- GREVE. High as the spheres. — Ibip. Piled high as the skies. — FreDERICK THE GREAT. HIDE. — HISS. High as the berries of a wild ash tree. — Kats. High as Jove’s roof. —S1ir Rocsr L’EsTRANGE. High as that peak in Heaven where Milton kneels. — Epwin Marka. High as most fantastic woman’s wits could reach. — Orway. As high as Gilderoy. —ScottisH PROVERB. High as heaven itself. — SHAKE- SPEARE. High as the sunniest heights of kindliest thought. — SwINBURNE. As high as heaven. —Otp Trsta- MENT. High as manhood’s noon. — Worps- WORTH. Hilarious. Hilarious as a sailor ashore. — ANON. Hinders. Hinders . . . like water, that by force of its own pressing violence and abundance cannot find a ready issue through the neck of a bottle, or of a narrow sluice. — MonrTaIGNE. Hiss. Hiss like a steam kettle. — ANON. Hiss . . . like shot from guns. — E. B. Brownina. The sea hissed like twenty thousand kettles ! — JosrpH Conran. Hissed like a forked serpent. — Aubrey De VERE. Hiss, like a goose with a flock of goslings. — Sam Suick. Hissing like a snake. — Hugo. Hiss like vipers. — Sremunp Krasin- SKI. Hissed like a rocket. — CAMILLE LEMONNIER. Hisses like red-hot iron. —W. C. RUSSELL. HISS. —- HOLLOW. Hiss — continued. Hisses and roars, as when fire is with water commixed and contending. — SCHILLER. Hiss as of a rushing wind. — SHEL- LEY. Hisses as with mouths of snakes and wolves at bay. — SWINBURNE. Hiss like bottle(d) ale. — Jonn Tay- LOR. ; History. History is like sacred music, because truth is essential to it. — CERVANTES. History, like religion, unites all learning and power. — RIcHTER. Hoarse. Hoarse as the rustling of autumnal breeze. — HENRY BROOKE. Hoarse raven, — CHARLES READE. as a Hoarse as warning prophets in an evil age. — Bayarp Taytor. Hoarse As when a hawker hawks his wares. — TENNYSON. Hoary. Hoary as. the glacier’s head Faced to the moon. — GrorcE MEREDITH. Hoary as ashes that show not a gleam. — SwINBURNE. Hoar as the hawthorn blossom in spring. — IB. Hoary as weeds cast up from the hoary sea. — Ipip. Hobble. Hobbles as a goose.— JOHN SKELTON. Hold. Hold on like grim death. — Anon. Hold him, like an eagle that has seized an eaglet in his talons. — Bauzac. 201 Hold together like burrs. — WILLIAM CampEn’s ‘REMAINS CONCERNING Britain.” Holds as tight as a horse-leech. — Dickens. Holds him fast As a night-flag round the mast. — Gerorce MEREDITH. Her arms the master hold, As on wounds the scarf winds tight. — Isp. Hold like colors shell.— TENNYSON. of a Taken hold upon me, as the pangs of a woman that travaileth. — OLp TESTAMENT. Holds . . . together as the shell does the egg. — Joun C. Van Dyke. Holler. Holler like a loon. — ANon. Holler... like a calf for its mammy. — Boot TARKINGTON. Hollow. Hollow as a gun. — ANON. Hollow as the soul of an echo. — Ii. Hollow as the murmur of the mid- night sea after the tempest nursed it- self to rest. — Ini. As hollow as an egg shell. —P. J. BaiLey. Hollow and wasteful as a whirl- wind. — Izip. Hollow as is the armour of a ghost. — T. L. Breppozs. Hollow as an _ actor’s Geert Burcess. laugh. — Hollow like a niche in a column. — Frpor DosToEvsky. Hollow and dead as the empty shell of last year’s nut. — VioLeT Fane. As hollow as any trumpet in Europe. — FIeLpinc. 202 Hollow — continued. Hollower than an echo fallen Across some clear abyss. — JEAN INGELOW. Hollow as the unbowell’d winds. — H. H. Mitman. Hollow, as a, sepulchre. —M. D. Post. Hollow as a drum. — CHARLES READE. Hollow like a breathing shell. — D. G. RosseErti. Hollow as a ghost. — SHAKESPEARE. Hollow as the hopes and fears of men. — TENNYSON. Holy. As holy, as the symbol that we lay on the still bosom of our white-robed dead. —O. W. Homes. Holy as heaven a mother’s tender love. — Mrs. Norron. Holy as the watch of an invisible spirit. — Por. _ Holy as bowers where angels have flown. — A. J. Ryan. Holy as a choir of nuns. —R. D. WILLIAMS. Holy as a spire rear’d o’er the house of God. — Jounn Wi1son. Holy as one from an angel clime. — Witiiam WINTER. Home. As much at home. . water. — BaLzac. . as a fish in Homeless. Homeless as the dogs in the Constan- tinople streets. — PrmrrRE pE CouLE- VAIN. Homely. Homely as a hedge-fence. — ANon. Homely as the queen of spades. — Isp. HOLLOW. — HONESTY. Homely as a stump fence. — ARr- TeMus WagrbD. Homer. In the Odyssey, Homer may be likened to the -setting sun, whose grandeur still remains, though his beams have lost their meridian heat. — Loneinus. Honest. Honest a man as ever brake bread. — ANON. Honest a man as ever trod on shoe leather. — Inm. Honest as a cat when the meat is out of reach. — Ipip. Honest as a mirror. — [srp. Honest as the day is long. — Ixip. Honest as the sun. — Inm. Honest as the skin between his brows. —“Gammer Gurton’s NEEDLE.” Honest as a tar. — JAMES GRAHAME, Honest a man as ever lived by bread. — Tuomas Hrywoop. Bluffly honest as a northwest wind. — LoweLL. Honest a man as any in the cards, when all the Kings are out. — Brian MELBANCKE. Honest as the skin between his brows. — SHAKESPEARE. Honest as the nature of man first made, ere fraud and vice were fashions. — Otway. Honesty. Honesty iz like a 7 per cent. in- terest ; it will beat all kind of specker- lashuns in the long run. — JosH BILLINGS. Honesty Is like a stock of money laid to sleep, Which, ne’er so little broke, does never keep. — Cyrit TourNneur. HONEYED. —— HOPE. Honeyed. Honeyed as the damask rose. — Nora Hopper. Honor. Honor that is gained and broken upon another hath the quickest re- flection, like diamonds cut with facets ; and therefore let a man contend to excel any competitors of his in honor, in outshooting them, if he can, in their own bow. — Bacon. Honour is like the eye, which can- not suffer the least injury without damage ; it is a precious stone, the price of which is lessened by the least flaw. — BossueEt. Honor is like a widow, won With brisk attempt and putting on ; With entering manfully, and urging, Not slow approaches, like a virgin. —Samuet BuTLER. Honour is like that glossy bubble That finds philosophers such trouble, Whose least part crack’d, the whole does fly And wits are crack’d to find out why. — Isp. r y . : : Woman’s honour is nice as ermine ; *twill not bear a soil. — DRYDEN. Honour doth appeare to statesmen like a vision in the night, And jugler-like workes 0’ th’ deluded sight. — Witi1am Harpineron. Honor and he agree as well together as a satin suit and woolen stockings. —Joun Marston. Honor ... like power, disdains being questioned. — NicHoLas Rowe. Honor, like life, when once lost, never returns. — PuBLIus SyRus. As. snow in summer, and as rain in harvest, so honour is not seemly for a fool. — Op TESTAMENT. Hooded. Hooded like a hawk. — ConGREVE. 203 ” Hoot. Hooted at like an old tale. — SHAKESPEARE. Hop. Hop as light as bird from brier. — SHAKESPEARE. Hope. Our hopes, like towering falcons, aim at objects in an airy height : The little pleasure of the game is afar off to view the flight. — Anon. It is equally precarious to moor a ship by an insufficient anchor, and to ground hope on a capricious temper. — DEMOPHILUS. A woman’s hopes are woven as sunbeams ; a shadow annihilates them. — GrorcE Eniort. Hope, like the glimmering taper’s light Adorns and cheers the way ; And still, as darker grows the night, Emits a brighter ray. — GOLDSMITH. Our hopes, like withered leaves, fall fast. — LONGFELLow. As froth on the face of the deep, As foam on the crest of the sea, As dreams at the waking of sleep, As gourd ‘of a day and a night, As harvest that no man shall reap, As vintage that never shall be, Is hope if it cling not aright, O my God unto Thee. —C. G. Rossertt. Hope is like a harebell trembling from its birth. — Izip. Who builds his hope in air of your fair looks, Lives like a drunken sailor on a mast ; Ready, with every nod, to tumble down Into the fatal bowels of the deep. — SHAKESPEARE. Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey towards it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us.— SamvuEL SMILES. 204 Hope — continued. _Hope has left you like a painted dream. — JoSEPH STANSBURY. As some adventurous flower, on savage craig-side grown, Seems nourished hour by hour from its wild self alone, So lives inveterate Hope, on her own hardihood. — Wituiam Watson. Hopeful. Hopeful as the break of day. — T. B. Avprics. , Hopeful as Prometheus. — GrorcE MacDona.p. Hopeless. Hopeless and as full of fear As are the blasted banks of Erebus. — Mar.Lowe. Hopeless as telling Belshazzar his dream. — T. N. Paces. As hopeless as for the musician to pour his notes into the ear of a deaf man. —J. McNertu WHISTLER. Horned. Horned like the crescent moon. — SHELLEY. Horny. Horny as a camel’s knee. — ANATOLE FRANCE. Horny as a briar rose. — Hueco. Horrible. Horrible as viper-bitten bodies. — Grorce MEREDITH. Horrible, like the shrieks of witches. — MUNCHAUSEN. Horrid. Horrid as a murderer’s dream. — Dr. JOHNSON. Horrid as the witches in Macbeth. — Bonnett Tuornton. HOPE. — HOT. Horse. A white horse and a beautiful woman are akin, and two troublesome things to manage : the first is difficult to be kept clean ; and the second, honest. — SAMUEL Foote. Hospitable. Hospitable as an old Siracusan. — Dumas, PERE, Hostile. By nature as hostile to mystery as the sunshine to a dark corner. — Haw- THORNE. Hostility. Hostility between two people is like fire, and the evil-fated backbiter sup- plies fuel. Afterwards, when they are reconciled together, the backbiter is hated and despised by both parties. — ANON. Hot. Hot as a black pudding. — ANon. Hot as a coal. — Ini. Hot as a pone cake. — Ipm. As hot as hot might be. — Inmp. Hot as Jove. — Ism. Hot as love’s flaming climate. — Isip. Hot as pepper. — Ixnip. Hot as ten thousand suns in one. — Ipip. Hot as the hinges of hell. — Inm. Hot as Tophet. — Ini. Hot as a volcano. — Inip. Hot as the devil’s kitchen. —J. R. Bartiett’s “DicrioNary oF AMERI- CANISMS.” Hot as the fire of the Lord out of heaven could make it. — Bunyan. Hot as a basted turkey. — WiLL CARLETON. Hot as hell-fire. — DrypEn. HOT. — HUDDLE. Hot — continued. Agonies as hot as flames of sulphur. —Joun Forp. Hot as hate. — Hamiin GaRLaNp. Love is as hot as pepper’d brandy. — Wituram Kine. Hot as a toast. — Lyty. Hot as hay harvest. — Brian MEL- BANCKE. Hot as flame. — Ourpa. Hot as coals of glowing fire. — SHAKESPEARE. Hot as gunpowder. — Izip. Hot as molten lead. — Isr. Hot as monkeys. — Ism. Hot as Perseus. — Ini. Hot as hell. — SwinBurne. Hot like Mars. — Ipip. Hot and close as fire. — Isr. Hot as an oven. — OLD TESTAMENT. Hot as a swinked gypsy. — Francis THOMPSON. Hot as Indian ZANGWILL. curry. — IsraEL House. A house without woman or firelight is like a body without soul or spirit. — FRANKLIN. Houses are like friendship ; there is hardly one in a thousand worth a long lease. — Ourpa. Hover. Hover as a hawk. — ANon. Hover like a moth around a flame. — Isp. Hovered round the work like rain- bow round a fountain. — P. J. BaILey. Hovering like the summer sky. — M. A. Browne. Hover — like a moth intoxicated with light. — Jon GAaLsworTuyY. 205 Hovering near, Like some base vulture in the battle’s rear. — Recinatw Heser. Hovered, like a spectre, in the background of all her imaginations. — Kuncs ey. Strives and hovers As a bird above the brood her bosom covers. — SWINBURNE. Hovers as birds that impend on the sea. — Izip. Howl. Howl like a dervish. — ANon. Howl like a vagabond for bread. — Isr. Howled like a just-lugged bear. — Rozsert Brownine. Howling, like a wolf, flies the fam- ished northern blast. — Witt1am CuL- LEN BrYAnrt. Howl’d for help as wolves do for a meal. — Byron. Howl like a wolf. — Dickens. Howls like a thousand demons. — GrorGe Eior. Howling like a pig in a gate. — KINGSLEY. Howl like a wild beast. — Kipiina. Howled like a pack of famished dogs. — LaMARTINE. Howlings, like a herd of ravenous wolves disappointed of their prey. — Wiii1am H. Prescott. Howling like savage creatures grazed. by death. — Cuaries Reape. Howling, like a slaughtered town. — SHELLEY. Huddle. Huddle together at random... like the forms of dreams. — AUSCHYLUS. Huddled in rows, like wrinkles in some old gown. — Rozpert BripGeEs (AMERICAN). 206 Huddle — continued. Huddled like beasts beneath the drovers’ whips. — JoHN MASEFIELD. Hueless. Hueless as a ghost. — CoLERIDGE. Cheeks hueless as a brandy-peach. —O. W. Homes. Hueless as young ivory. — GEORGE Cazsor Lopae. Hug. Hug me as a devil hugs a witch. — ANON. Hug like a bear. —Iziv. Hug like a boa-constrictor. — Isr. To be hugged by a bony man is about as luxurious as sitting on a picket fence. — Isr. Huge. Huge as a planet. — Keats. As huge as Ossa piléd on Pelion. — Owrn MEREDITH. Huge as high Olympus. — SHaxkeE- SPEARE. Hum. Hum like a cobbler. — Anon. Hum, Like listless topers singing o’er their cups. — ARABIC. Hum and murmur like a hive. — E. B. Brownine. Hummed ... as the sea in shells. — Isp. Humming, like bees that are swarm- ing. — Hermyrica Herne. Humming like a hornet. — Lona- FELLOW. Humming . . . like a hive of bees. — Joaquin MILier. Human. Human as a kiss. — Vance THOMP- SON. HUDDLE. — HUNGRY. Humble. ‘Humble as a grateful almsman. — ANoN. Humble as a worm. — Isp. Humble as Uriah Heep. — Isp. Humble as is a lamb. — ALEXANDER Barciay. Humble as a Jesuit to his superior. —SamvueE. Butter. As humble as the grass. — Buiss CARMAN. As humble as the child of one that sweats, to eat the dear-earn’d bread of honest thrift. — Joun Forp. Humbly, like a praying nun. — O. W. Homes. Humble as a stone. — Hoon. Humble as a worm. — Isp. Humbly as they used to creep To holy altars. — SHAKESPEARE. Humility. Humility like darkness reveals the heavenly lights Henry D. Tuorzau. Humor. A sense of humor is to a lonely citizen of the world what is to a ship- wrecked sailor on a desert the knife with which he hews the logs to make his hut, and cuts the fruit by which he lives. — Berrina von Hutren. Humorous. Humorous as April. — ANon. Humorous as wind. —JoHn DryDEN. Humorous as_ winter. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Hunger. Hungering hard as frost that feeds on flowers. — SWINBURNE. Hungry. Hungry as a bear. — ANon. Hungry as a church mouse. — Isp. HUNGRY. — HUSHED. Hungry — continued. Hungry as a diamond without a karat. — ANon. Hungry as a graven image. —J. R. Bartiet?’s “ Dictionary oF AMERI- CANISMS.” Hungry as a tired hound. — “Tus Curistmas Prince.” Hungry as a_ horse. — CLARKE’S “PHRASEOLOGIA PUERILIS.” Hungry as devouring flame. — Ep- ENEZER ELLiotr. Hungry as the chap that said a turkey was too much for one, not enough for two. — O. W. Hotes. Hungry as the jaws of a gaol. — “Jacke Drum’s ENTERTAINMENTS.” Hungry as if it were the last day of Lent. — Henri Murcer. Hungry as a hunter. — NorTHALL’s “Fotk Parasgs.” Hungry as a wolf.—Joun Pat- GRAVE. Hungry as a kite. —Srr WaLTER Scort. Hungry as the sea, And can digest as much. — SHAKESPEARE. Hungry ‘as a hawk.—Joun Tay- LOR. : Hungry as the winter. — ANTON TCHEKOV. Hungry as the grave. — JAMES THOMSON. Hunted. Hunted like a stag. — ANon. A man [Voltaire] hunted by the little devils that dwell unchained within him ; like Pentheus by’ the Menads, like -Acteeon by his own Dogs. — CARLYLE. , Hurled. Hurled as a stone from out of a catapult. — TENNYSON. 207 Hurry. Hurried, like one distraught. — T. B. Atpricu. Hurried like a torrent through a strait. — Joun Davipson. Hurried dike moon-ray flashes through the drifting snow. — Mites O’REILLY. Hurry . . . like the leaf in a roaring whirlwind. — TENNYSON. Hurt Hurts one like the day Let suddenly on sick eyes. —E. B. Brownine. Husband. Husbands are like apples, they shouldn’t be picked till they are ripe. — ANON. Husbands, like spectacles, to fit every age, from fifteen to fourscore. — GOLDSMITH. Hushed. Hushed, as in waiting for a bird to sing. — RicHarp Hovey. Lies hushed, like a seer in a vision. W. D. Howe tts. Hushed like an infant on its mother’s breast. — GERALD Massry. Hushed, as if nature were retired. — Orway. Hush as death. — SHAKESPEARE. Hushed as midnight. — Isp. Hushed soft as the leaves and the grasses Are hushed if the storm’s foot draws near. — SWINBURNE. Hush’d ... as a sick man’s room when he taketh repose. — TENNYSON. Hushed as the warm Numidian heaven. — WHITTIER. Hushed as night. — Worpsworrtu. Hushed As the unbreathing air, when not a leaf Stirs in the mighty woods. — Inmp. 208 Hustle. Hustle like fiery-eyed dragons. — Henrik Issen. Hustle about me like pent-up air. — D. G. Rosser. How close-packed the mob is, they hustle like a herd of swine. — THxEo- CRITUS. Hypocrite. An hypocrite is like unto an apple, that is very faire and beautiful with- Ideas. Our ideas, like orange-plants, spread out in proportion to the size of the box which imprisons the roots. — Buiwer-Lytron. Ideas are for the most part like bad sixpences and we spend our lives in trying to pass them off on one another. — SAMUEL Butier (1835-1902). Ideas are like shadows — substantial enough until we try to grasp them. — Isp. An idea, like a ghost (according to the common notion of ghosts), must be spoken to a little before it will explain itself. — DickEns. A fixed idea is like a gimlet ; every year gives it another turn. To pull it out the first year is like plucking out the hair by the roots; in the second year, like tearing the skin; in the third, like breaking the bones ; and in the fourth, like removing the very brain itself. — Hugo. An idea is like a meteor; at the critical moment, the confused medita- tions which have preceded it open a way, and a spark flashes forth... . These flashes are generated in the HUSTLE, — IDLE. out, but within is corrupted and rotten. —ANTHONIE FLETcHER’s ‘“‘CERTAIN Very Proper AND PROFITABLE Sim- ILES,” 1595. Hypocrites ! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed ap- pear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness. — New TESTAMENT. Hysterical. Hysterical as a tree full of chickens. — Irvin S. Coss. conscience in its states of cloud and darkness. — Ip. Our ideas, like pictures, are made up of lights and shadows. — JoUBERT. A fixed idea is like the iron rod which sculptors put in their statues. It im- pales and sustains. — TAINE. Ideas are like beards ; men do not have them until they grow up. — VoL- TAIRE. Idle. Idle as digging in the bottom of the river for the stars we see reflected on the surface. — Anon. Idle as railing at a deaf man. — Isp. Idle as to aim at inscrutable things beyond the moon. — Isp. Idle as a lazzarone. —J. ASHBY- STERRY. As idle as a dial when the sun Sulks in the clouds. — ALFRED AUSTIN. Idle as the stroke of a cane on the hide of rhinoceros. — BuLwER-LyTron. Idle as air. — Atice Cary. As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean. — COLERIDGE. IDLE. ——- IMMOBILE. Idle — continued. Idle, as the dreams of maids. — Watrer Harre. Idle as a summer noon. — Omar KuayyaM. Looks idle,. perhaps, and foolish, like a hat on its block in the store. — Joyce KILMEr. Idle, and mean as a collier’s whelp. — Kipeiine. Idleness. Idleness feeds on the empty day As a chameleon on the air. — Ricuarp Hovey. Idly. As idly as a babe that sees the painted pictures of a book. — Bayarp TayLor. Ignorance. He makes his ignorance pass for reserve, and, like a hunting-nag, leaps over what he cannot get through. — SaMUEL BUTLER. Ignorant. Ignorant as a pig is of the side pocket of a pool table. — Anon. Ignorant as a bookseller. — CoLz- RIDGE. As invincibly ignorant as a town-fop judging of a new play. — DRYDEN. Ignorant as a Tripoline ambassador, or an envoy from Mujac. — GoLp- SMITH. Ignorant as a raw kitchen wench. — Grorcre MEREDITH. The ignorant person is like a cock out of season, which crows at midnight. — OsMANLI PROVERB. Ignorant as dirt. — SHAKESPEARE. Ignorant as a child. — THOREAU. Ilimitable. Illimitable as the boundless sea. — ANON. 209 Illiterate. Illiterate as the lowliest hedger and ditcher. — Eucenr Fiexp. Tll-Natured. Tll-natured as an old maid. — Con- GREVE. Illuminated. Illuminated him as the ‘burning taper lights up consecrated plate. — Grorcr MEREDITH. Illusion. Illusion like the tints of pearl, Or changing colors of the sky, Or ribbons of a dancing girl That mend her beauty to the eye. — Emerson. Tllusive. Tllusive, like a dream. — Jutia C. R. Dorr. Immaculate. Immaculate as an angel. — ANON. Immaculate as Tanit. — FLAUBERT. Immaculate as a sheet of white paper. — SAMUEL Foote. Hearts immaculate as light. — J. G. HO Lianp. Immaculate as fresh snow. — T. N. Pace. Immaterial. Immaterial as a ghost. — JoserH ConraD. Immaterial as a moonbeam. — Ep- GAR SALTUS. Immediately. Immediately, like a repeating clock of which the spring has been touched. —G. B. Suaw. Immense. Immense as the sea. — SWINBURNE. Immobile. As immobile as an .unruffled lake on a perfect summer’s day. — D. R. ANDERSON. 210 Immobile — continued. Immobile as a Sphinx’s face. — ANON. Immobility. Immobility lay on his limbs like a leaden garment. — JosePH ConraD. Immortal. Immortal as the stars. — MATHILDE BLInp. Immortal as air or as fire is. — SWINBURNE. Immortal as art and as love. —Isrp. Immortal as the sun. — ARTHUR SYMons. Poetry is the first and last of all knowledge: it is immortal as the heart of man. — WorDsworTH. Immovable. Immovable as the figure of Mer- cury. — ANON. : Grenadiers . . . stood their ground immovable, like rocks, steadily spout- ing fire-torrents. — CARLYLE. Immovable as a pump or a lamp- post. — DicKENs. Immovable as a leopard crouching in the jungle. — FLAuBERT. Immovable as a picture. — IBm. Immovable, as if it were painted on the wall. — HawTHoRNeE. Immovable as a setter at the scent of quail. — O. Henry. Immovable, like the owner’s names, cut in brass, and nailed to their doors. — Tuomas Ho.crort. Immovable in the flow of the rout as rocks in running water. — Huao. Immovable as a man of iron. — KINGSLEY. Immovable as the sun. — THEOGNIS. Immovably. As immovably as the pillars that prop the universe. — FisHer AMEs. IMMOBILE. — IMPENETRABLE, Immutable. Immutable as the laws of the Medes ‘and Persians. — ANON. Impalpable. Impalpable as stars-beams in deep seas. — Paut Hamitton Hayne. Impalpable as a rainbow on the clouds. — Miss Mrrrorp. Impartial. Impartial as bullets in a battle. — ANON. Impartially. Impartially as ‘the grave. — Kip- LING. Impassable. Impassable as marble. — Anon. Impassable, as the veil of the Image of Sais. — BuLWER-LyTTOoN. Impassive. Impassive as a figure of carved ivory. — ANON. Impassive as an Indian idol. — Inn. Impassive as the copper head on a penny. — Kipine. Impassive as an angel. — Sir RicHarD STEELE. Impatient. Impatient as a lover. — ANON., Impatient as a boy. —SiamuND KRASINSKI. Impatient as a hungry infant. — Sypney MunpeEn. Impend. Impends, like a crag over the brow of a lofty precipice. —O. W. Homes. Impenetrable. Impenetrable as a hedgehog. — ANON. Impenetrable to the view as the deep blue of a glacier. — D’ANNUNZIO. Impenetrable as granite. — OvumDa. Impenetrable as rhinoceri. — IBD. IMPENITENT. — IMPOSSIBLE, Impenitent. Impenitent as a stone. — ANON. = Imperceptible. Imperseptible as the spots on the sun or the shadows on a sunlit seat. — SWINBURNE. Imperceptibly. Imperceptibly as old age comes on. —W. S. GILBERT. Imperfect. Imperfect as discourses in a dream. — GEORGE GRANVILLE. Imperfection. Our inborn human imperfection is part of the order of things, like the constant deformation of the petal in the plant. — Taine. Imperishable. Imperishable as eternity. —P. J. Balrey. Impersonal. Impersonal as Shakespeare. — CHARLOTTE BRonté. Impersonal as the justice of God. -— Hueco. Impertinent. Impertinent as puns. — G. K. CHEs- TERTON. Imperturbable. Imperturbable as diplomatists. ~ Bauzac. Impervious. Impervious as a statue to all sight and sound. — OumaA. Impetuous. As eager flames, with opposition pent, Break out impetuous when they find a rent. — GEORGE GRANVILLE. Impetuous as a poet. — JOUBERT. Impetuous as a wild boar. —Sir Watter Scorr. 21] Implacable. Implacable as the voice of Doom. — CaRLYLE. Implacable an adversary as a wife suing for alimony. — VANBRUGH. Implacable as the wind. — Viral. Important. Important as a militia officer on a training day. —J. R. Bartiert’s “Dic- TIONARY OF AMERICANISMS.” Important as life eternal and death eternal. — CARLYLE. Important as the linch-pin. — O. W. Homes. Imposing. Imposing as a set of solid gold teeth. — Rex Bracu. Impossible. Impossible as an echo without a voice to start it. — ANoN. Impossible as for a blind man to | describe color. — Isip. Impossible as for .a lawyer to feel compassion gratis. — Inip. Impossible as for one buried alive to lift his gravestone. — Ini. Impossible as for the full-grown bird to live imprisoned in the eggshell. — Ini. Impossible as for the man in the moon to come down. — Izmp. Impossible as for:the poles to come together till the earth is crushed.—Inp. Impossible as for widows to feed on dreams and wishes ; Like hags on visionary dishes. — Isp. Impossible as to count the waves. — Isp. Impossible as to hiss and yawn at the same time. — Isp. Impossible as to hold the wind with a net. — Ipip. 212 Impossible — continued. Impossible as to join in a procession and look out the window. — Anon. Impossible as to jump away from your shadow. — Ism. Impossible as to mend a bell. — Isp. Impossible as to paint a sound. — Isp. Impossible as to recall the days that are past. — Ipip. Impossible as to reconcile cats and rats, or hounds and hares. — Isrp. Impossible as to replace a hatched chicken in its shell. — Ibm. Impossible as to stem the eternal flood of time. — Ism. Impossible as to wash a black man white. — IBip. Impossible as to wet the sea. — Ipip. As impossible for him to take flight of fancy as it would be for a watch- maker to put together a chronometer with nothing except a two-pound hammer and a whip-saw in the way of tools. — JoszrH Conran. Impossible as it would be for a full balloon not to go up. — DicKEns. A little girl without a doll is almost as unfortunate and quite as impossible as a woman without children. — Hugo. Impossible as for a blind man to copy Raphael. — Lonpon TELEGRAPH. Truth is as impossible to be soiled by any outward touch as the sun- beam. — Mitton. As impossible as that a man should walk in procession at his own funeral. — Tuomas Parne. Impossible as to cut fire into steaks, or draw water with a fish-net. — RaBELals. Impossible as a centaur or a griffin. —Joun SKELTON. IMPOSSIBLE, — INCAPABLE. Impossible as to get the whole music of the spheres into a sonata. — Rosert Louis STEVENSON. Impotent. Impotent as ‘‘the strengthless tribes of the dead.”” — ANDREW Lana. Impractical. Impractical as to attempt to satisfy a tiger’s hunger with paté de foie gras. — ANON. Impressionable. Impressionable- as an AXolian harp to the rise or fall of a passing wind. — BuLweEr-LyTTOoN. Impudent. Impudent as a young barrister after getting a verdict by mistake.— ANon. Inaccessible. Inaccessible as the best defended fortress. — FIELDING. Inaccessible, like some tall cliff. — ScHILLER. Inanimate. Inanimate as a statue. — ANON. Inanimate as mutton. — Isr. Inanimate as the picture on a postal card. —Ipmp. Inaudible. Inaudible like spirits. —E. B. BRrownine. Inaudible as dreams. — CoLERDGE. Inaudible . . . like a damp £olian harp. —Grorce Du Maurier. Inborn. Inborn, as fragrance in the heart of flowers. — Ourpa. Incalculable. Carlyle’s course through the world of books is as incalculable as a bee’s in a clover-field. — ArncHrBaLD Mac- Mecnan. Incapable. Incapable as quicksilver of lying still. — Fireipine. INCARNATE. — INDEFINITE. Incarnate. Incarnate, as all summer in flower. — SWINBURNE. Incessant. Incessant streams supplies Like the red star that fires th’ autumnal skies. — Homer (Pore). Incessant . . . as the sound of the sea. — Mary Jounston. Like a broker’s mouth, he speaks incessantly. — Osmanit PRovERs. Incessant as the squeaking cry of a monkey. — Ivan TURGENEV. Incomes. Our incomes,. like our shoes, if too small, will gall and pinch us, but if too large, will cause us to stumble and to trip. — C. C. Coiron. Incomprehensible. Incomprehensible as a man starting a long journey without a good book. — LAMARTINE. Incongruous. As incongruous as a blacksmith with a white silk apron. — ANON. Incongruous as a joke on a grave- stone or a ledger. — Ipip. Incongruous as Matthew Arnold jumping rope. — Isp. Incongruous as a merry dirge, or sacramental bacchanal. —P. J. Baruey. Incongruous as a wedding-dress at a funeral. — J. M. Barrie. Inconsistent. Inconsistent as the seas or as the wind. — Fre.pine. Inconsistent as the sharpest antithe- sis. — Rurus W. GRISWOLD. Inconstant. Inconstant as the wind. — ANon. Inconstant as the shadows we sur- vey. — SaMuEL Boyse. 213 Inconstant as the moon. — SAMUEL BUTLER. Inconstant . . . like the veriest flower ’neath whose dream folds fair Some poisonous germ lies brooding. — MicHarEL DELEVANTE. Inconstant as a ship with a broken helm. — EcypTian. More inconstant than the wind. — SHAKESPEARE. Inconstant as waves. — SMOLLETT. Inconstant as the waving sea. — Ear oF STIRLING. Incorruptible. Incorruptible, unending, free, Liké the moon’s golden road upon the sea. —F. W. H. Myers. Increase. Increase like wind and oil on a fatal fire. — ANON. Increased, like a spreading sore. — ANDREW LANG. Increased as fast as the calendar of saints. — THOMAS PAINE. Increased my fury, as the beating of a drum stimulates the soldier in courage. — Por. Increased as the chant of the dawn that the choir of the noon outsings. — SWINBURNE. Incredible. Incredible as the fulfilment of an amazing and startling dream in which he could take the world in his arms —all the suffering world. — JoszPu ConraD. Indecorum. A great indecorum, to use men like old shoes or broken glasses, which are flung to the dunghill. — Roprert Bur- TON. Indefinite. Indefinite, like the quality of the best manners. —S. Werr MrrcHeE.u, 214 Indelible. Indelible as Domesday Book. — EMERSON. . Indented. Indented like a saw. — RoBert Burton. Independent. Independent as a bird. — ANoNn. Independence, like honor, is a rocky island without a beach. — NapoLEon. Independent as if he had paid two- pence for a park chair. — Harry Leon WILson. Indestructible. Indestructible as are the stars. — SCHILLER. Indifferent. : Indifferent as my right hand and my left. — ANON. Indifferent as rain. —G. K. CHrs- TERTON. Indifferent as the moon. — CHARLES READE. Indifferently. Indifferently as the herring’s back- bone doth lie in the midst of the fish. — ANON. As indifferently as a boy plucks down a cranberry bough. — Ourpa. Indigestible. Indigestible as cold plum pudding. — Berrina von HutTrTEn. Indispensable. Indispensable as your skin. — ANON. Indispensable as Emerson. clean linen. — Indispensable As the majestic laws That rule yon rolling orbs. — SHELLEY. Indistinct. Indistinct, like a vapor exhaled by the earth. — JosrEPpH CoNnRAD. INDELIBLE, — INEFFECTUAL. Indistinct, like language uttered in a dream. — CowPreEr. Indistinct like the echo of a sym- phony dying away. — FLAUBERT. | Indistinct as the premonition of calamity. — HawTHORNE. Indistinct as water is in water. — SHAKESPEARE. Indistinct as a camel’s track be- tween Mourzouk and Darfour. — Henry D. Toorerav. Indistinctly visible as through a white gauze veil. — Mrs. TroLLope. Indistinguishable. Indistinguishable . . . like a celeb- rity in a crowd. —J. M. Barris. Individuals. Individuals, like nations, must have suitable broad and natural boundaries, even a considerable neutral ground, between them. — Henry D. Toorrav. Indolent. Indolent as an old _ bachelor. — GOETHE. Indolent, like the face of a happy lotus-eater. — Rosert HicHens. Indolent as a lazy breeze of mid- summer. — JAMES WuitcomsB RILEY. Indolent as a warm rain. — TRUM- BULL STICKNEY. Industrious. Industrious as an ant. — HENRYK SIENKIEWICZ. Ineffective. Ineffective as a safety razor at a negro ball. — Anon. Ineffectual. Ineffectual as plaint from a tomb. — ANON. Ineffectual, like geese babbling at a vulture. — Ini. INEFFICIENT. — INFREQUENT. Inefficient. Inefficient as Nester Roqueplan’s diatribe against the sun. — ANon. Ineradicable. Ineradicable as sin. — HAwTHORNE. Ineradicable, like some persistent vegetable growth, because its seed is an element of the very soil out of which it springs. — WaLTEeR Pater. Inert. Inert as stone. — ANON. Inert as a dead body. — Huco. Inevitable. Inevitable as death. — ANon. Inevitable as the unfolding of the lily bud to the sun. — Inn. Inevitable as the brute mother shields her young from attacks of the hereditary enemy. — GEorGE E ior. Influences . . . inevitable as those musical vibrations which take posses- sion of us with a rhythmic empire that no sooner ceases than we desire it to begin again. — Insp. Inexcusable. Inexcusable as Peter’s denial of our Lord. — Jonn A. Brneuam. Inexhaustible. Inexhaustible as the hoard of King Neibelung, which twelve wagons in twelve days, at the rate of three journeys a day, could not carry off. — CARLYLE. Inexhaustible as the deep sea. — Ovrpa. Inexorable. Inexorable as that of Destiny and Doom. — CaRLYLE. Inexorable as the grave. — DE Quin- CEY. Inexorably. A premonition embraces inexorably, like the closing of a folding umbrella. — ANON. 215 Infamous. Infamous as Hell. — Eart or Ro- CHESTER. Infatuating. Infatuating as a houri. — ANon. Infectious. More infectious than the poison of the spider. — ANon. Inference. Inferences are like: shadows on the wall — they are thrown from an ob- ject, and are monstrous distortions of it. — GEoRGE MEREDITH. Infidelity. Infidelity, like death, admits of no degrees. — MaDaME DE GIRARDIN. Infinite. Infinite as the dividing of the foam and the sifting of the sea-sand, — ANON. Infinite as Symons. the soul. — ARTHUR Inflamed. Inflamed as spirits damned in hell may feel. — Borarpo. Gloriously inflamed ... like an aerial mist across the sky. —F. W. FABER. Inflamed like the crimson rose. — PERSIAN. Inflexible. Inflexible as a granite block. — ANON. Inflexible as an oak. — GOLDSMITH. Influence. Of as little influence as the letter “p” in pneumonia. — ANON. Infrequent. Infrequent as a porterhouse steak in a ten-dollar-a-week boarding-house. — Simeon Forp. 216 Inherent. Inherent as the sheen of a bird’s plumage, as the texture of a flower’s petal. —JoHn Burrovueus. Inherent, like the laws of gravity. — FrRoupeE. ‘Injurious. Injurious as the tainted breath of fame. — THomas YALDEN. Ink. A small drop of ink, Falling like dew, upon a thought, pro- duces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think. — Byron. Innocence. Innocence is like an umbrella: when once we’ve lost it we must never hope to see it back again. — PuncH. Innocence is like a polished armor ; it adorns and it défends. — Sout. Innocent. Innocent as a cloistered nun. — ANON. Innocent as a dove. — Imp. Innocent as a lamb. — Ini. Innocent as flowers. — Inmp. Innocent as angels. — Bauzac. Innocent as a new-bora babe. — Isp. Innocent as 2 merino lambs. — Joss BILLInes. Innocent as an infant. —R. D. BLACKMORE. Innocent as a_ babe. — Ropert Brownie. As innocent as a new-laid egg. — Witiiam S. GILBERT. Innocent as a child. — Gotpsmrru. Innocent as the wayside fly. — Cyrit Harcourt. ‘ Innocent as sleep. — AARon Hitt. INHERENT. — INSEPARABLE. Innocent as an almanac. — JAMES HuNEKER. Innocent As youth before its charm is spent. —G. E. Montcomery. As innocent as a devil of two years old. — EnetisH PRovERB. Innocent as grace itself. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Innocent as milk. — SPENSER. Innocent as the age of gold. — Rosert Louis STEVENSON. Innocent as a child unborn. — SAMUEL WESLEY. Innumerable. Innumerable as the gay motes that people the sunbeams. — ANON. Innumerable as the stars of night. — Miron. Innumerable as maggots. — RoBERT Louis STEVENSON. As the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable. — NEw TEsTA- MENT. Inoffensive. Tnoffensive as the stone with which, at play, a boy makes ducks and drakes. — Dumas, PERE. Inoffensive as a glass of water. — Hugo. Insatiate. Insatiate as a Puritan. —‘‘THE Honest Lawyer,” 1616. Inscrutable. Inscrutable as a sphinx. — ANON. Inseparable. Inseparable, as a shadow to a body. — Rosert Burton. Inseparable as Athos, Porthos and Aramis. — Frpor DosTorvsky. Inseparable as finger and thumb. — FarquiHar. INSEPARABLE, -— INTERMITTENTLY. Inseparable — continued. Inseparable as peanuts and the Bow- ery. — Kate FIEt. Inseparable as beauty and love. — Mrs. JAMESON. Wheresoe’er we went, like Juno’s swans, Still we went coupled, and inseparable. — SHAKESPEARE. Insidious. Insidious as the odor of poppy leaves. — ANon. Insinuating. Insinuating as a corkscrew boring into a tender cork. — ANon. Insinuating as ink. — IB. Insipid. Insipid company as a looking-glass. — BEACONSFIELD. Insipid as an old acquaintance. — Cottey CIBBER. Insipid things — like sandwiches of veal. — Hoop. Insipid as a garden much watered. — Horace. Insipid, and dull as a drone, Though near to each other As sister and brother, They both take their airing alone. — Rosert Luoyp. Insistent. Insistent as remorse. — Hugo. Insoluble. An enigma, dark and insoluble as that of the Sphinx. — Dr QuINcEY. Inspire. Kindred thoughts inspire, As summer clouds flash forth electric fire. —Samue. Rocers. Instant. Instantly, like a bullet from the barrel. — Anon. 217 Emotion extinguished instantly, like a lighted match in a water-butt. — HERMANN SUDERMANN. Instant as a thought.—N. P. WILLIS. Instinctive. Instinctive in her as its song to a bird, as its swiftness to a chamois. — Ouwa. Intangible. Intangible as a shadow. — Batzac. Intangible and indescribable as the tints of morning or evening. — Henry D. TuorEav. Intellect. The intellect of the wise is like glass : it admits the light of heaven, and reflects it. — J. C. Hare. The highest intellects, like the tops of mountains, are the first to catch and reflect the dawn. — Macautay. Intense. Intense as a trumpet sounding in the knights to tilt. — Ropert BRownina. Intense as the cling of the sun to the lips of the earth. — Ricuarp Hovey. Intense as life. — THEODORE WIN- THROP. Intercede. Intercede like an angel of mercy. — DuMAS, PERE. Interlocked. Interlocked like a couple of pre- posterous gladiators. — DicKENs. Interminable. Interminable as a Lapland day. — ANON. Intermingled. Intermingled like the tares among the wheat. — Bacon. Intermittently. Intermittently, like the click of a blind man’s cane. — Irvin S. Cozs. 218 Intimate. Intimate, fluctant, free, like the clasp and the cling of waters. — Biss Car- MAN, Intolerable. Intolerable as a fortunate fool. — Sypngy MunpEN. Intoxicated. Intoxicated as a colt that has been turned into a meadow.—Guy DE MAUvPASSANT. Intoxicating. Intoxicating, like all joys that are soon lost. — JuLES SANDEAU. Wildly intoxicating as a mad gallop. —W. H. Arnsworts. Intricate. Intricate as the hardest proposition in Euclid. — Anon. Intricate as a thicket. — Hugo. Intrigue. Intrigues of state, like games of whist, require a partner, and in both, success is the joint effect of chance and skill ; but the former differ from the latter in one particular — the knaves rule the kings. — C. C. Cotton. Intrude. Intrude like comets on the heavenly solitude. — MatrHew ARNOLD. Invade. Invades like the ocean. — ANON. Invaluable. Invaluable as the virtue of con- formity in the army and navy. — Henry D. TuHoreav. Invariable. Invariable as the laws of gravitation. — ANon. Invariable as the waxen image of a little old lady under a glass case. — Grorce Evior. INTIMATE, — IRREPARABLE. Inventive. Inventive as an excuse. — ANON. Invigorating. As invigorating as a bath of salt water when the skin is peeled off. — JAMES HUNEKER. Inviolable. Inviolable as recorded oaths. — Rosert JEPHSON. Invisible. Invisible like the gods. — ANon. Invisible as thought. — GEORGE Eniort. Invisible as air. — JUVENAL. Invisible, As a nose on a man’s face, or a weather- cock on a steeple. — SHAKESPEARE. Involuntarily. Work involuntarily, like the heart. — SCHOPENHAUER. Involved. Involved like a cart involved in mud and muddle. — StTepHEN CRANE. Inwoven. Inwoven, Like sunlight through acacia woods at even. — SHELLEY. Irksome. It is irksome to them so to live, as to a bird in a cage, or a dog in a kennel. — Rosert Burton. Irrecoverable. As irrecoverable as a lump of butter in a greyhound’s mouth. — ANon. Irregular. Irregular as a _ toper’s walk. — Ricwarp Le GALLIENNE. Irreparable. Irreparable as taking ‘away life. — Str Ricuarp STEELE. ‘IRRESISTIBLE. — JEALOUS. Irresistible. Irresistible as the force of gravity. — Anon. _ Irresistible, like a man with eight trumps in his hand at a whist table. — Isp. Irresistible as when from some tall peak into the plain Thunder and smoke and crash the rolling rocks. — Epwin ARwNoL. Trresistible as the needle to the pole. — Butwer-Lyrton. Jabber. Jabbering like rooks. — ANON. Jabbering . . . like two intriguing ducks. — RicHarD CUMBERLAND. Jangled. Like sweet bells jangled, out of tune, and harsh. — SHAKESPEARE. Jar. Jarred on the ear like a squeaking lead-pencil. — Wituiam ARcHER. Jarred horrid, like the rusted hinge upon a door of hell, like the shrill scream outbursting from a frightened charger’s throat, like the rasp of a tang of brass against an iron gate. — Hugo. Jars like a butting ram. — WILLIAM J. Lampton. Jarring. Jarring sound, like a cracked bell. — Micwaet Drayton. Jargon. Jargoning like a foreigner at his food. — LonGrELLow.- 219 Irresolute. Irresolute as Adriadne when she was urged to fly. — W. S. Lanpor. Irrevocable. Irrevocable, as death. — CHARLOTTE Bronte. Irritating. Irritating as a hundred needles forgotten in an armchair. — Daubert. Issue. Issuing, as from a fountain. — ANON. Jaunty. Jaunty as the nimble flit of a cabaret dancer in midnight season form. — GRANTLAND RICE. Jaw. A jaw like a nutcracker. — Anon. A jaw like a vise. —- Inrp. An old lady with a jaw like a flat- iron. — Maurice HEw ert. Jealous. Jealous as a barren wife. — Con- GREVE. Jealous as a pet greyhound. — Huco. Jealous as a Spaniard, — Isr. Jealous as a Spanish miser. — Cuartes Mackin. As jealous as a nine-day’s lover. — H. C. MERIva.e. Jealous as a Barbary cock pigeon over his hen. — SHAKESPEARE. Jealous as a cat. — ToRRIANO’S “TraLIAN PROVERBS.” Jealous as a couple of hairdressers. —R. C. Trencu. Jealous as a Venetian. — VOLTAIRE. 220 Jealousy. Jealousy is like A polished glass held to the lips when life’s in doubt ; If there be breath, ’twill catch the damp, and show it. — DryveEn. Jerk, Jerky as a ride on a buckboard. — ANON. Jerking . . . like the lid of a boil- ing pot. — Buiss CARMAN. Jerked his head like a bird. — Dicx- ENS. Jerky as a cinematograph. —J. K. JEROME. Jerky like a clockwork snake. — H. G. WELLS. Jest. Good jests bite like lambs, not like dogs. — ANON. Jests, like sweetmeats, have often a sour sauce. — IBID. Jingle. Jingle . . . like rattling handcuffs. — Irvin 8. Coss. Jingled like a carriage horse. — Kipiine. Jingle like a crate of broken erockery. —W. J. Locke. Jocund. Jocund as June. — Water Ma- LONE. Joined. Joyned as burre to burre. — ALEX- ANDER BaRcLay. Joined like a five-fold twisted cord. —Joun Davigs. ; Joints. Like a fishing rod, all joints. — ANON. JEALOUSY. — JOY. Joker. Practical jokers, like physicians, seldom take their prescriptions with pleasure. — JoSEPH JEFFERSON. Jolly. Jolly as a shoe-brush. — Epwin Booru. Jolly as a country host. — ANDREW MarveELt. Jolly as a sandboy. — NorTHALt’s “Fotk PHrasgs.”” As jolly as a play. —James Wuir- coms RILEY. Jolt. Jolted like a solitary penny in an iron bank. — ANon. Jostle. Jostled like a crowd of people rush- ing to catch a train. — ANON. Came jostling together like heads and sticks on the last day of Donny- brook. — W. Baye BERNARD. Joy (Noun). Joy is like a fitful gleam, Discerned through shadowy mists of dream. — Grant ALLEN. For joys that are gone, when remem- bered again, Like flowers bereft of their sweets by the frost, ; Are poor withered things that do but retain The thorns of the rose, when its fragrance is lost. —E. F. Anprews. Joy like the joy of a leaf that unfolds in the sun ; Joy like the joy of a child in the borders of sleep. — Ricuarp Hovey. For joys are like sunbeams, — more fleeting than they, And sorrows cast shadows between ; And friends that in moments of bright- ness are won, Like gossamer, only are seen — in the sun. — Lover. JOY. — JUMP. Joy — continued. Joy is like restless day; but peace divine Like quiet night ; Lead me, O Lord, — till perfect Day shall shine Through Peace to Light. — ADELAIDE ANNE PROCTER. Joy is like the ague ; one good day between two bad _ ones. — DANISH PROVERB. Joy in this world is like a rainbow, ‘which in the morning only appears in the west, or towards the evening sky ; but in the latter hours of day casts its triumphal arch over the east, or morning sky. — RIcHTER. As bitter wormwood never doth de- licious honey yield, Nor can the cheerful grape be reap’d from thistles in the field ; So who, in this uncertain life, deceitful joys pursue, They fruits do seek upon such trees on which it never grew. — FLorEeNcE WILSON. Joy (Verb). Joy’d as the spring, when March his sighs has spent, And April’s sweet rash tears are de- coy’d by May. — DavEnant. Joyful. Joyful as flowers when they are filled to the brim with dew. — Anon. Joyful as a nest. — Inrp. Joyful as a fly. — AraBian Nicuts. Joyful as the back of a gravestone. — Nortuatu’s ‘“FoLtK PHRASES.” Joyfully as the shepherd bears a strayed lamb to the fold. — CHARLES READE. Joyful as the light.—C. G. Ros- SETTI. Joyful as the sea. — SWINBURNE. 221 Joyless. Joyless as the winter days which bound the earth under bands of iron and let no living thing or creeping herb rejoice or procreate. — OuIDA. Joyless as the blind. — Worps- WORTH. Joyous. Joyous as a child. — Anon. Joyous as the trill of a skylark. — Isp. Joyous as the song of the wren. — J. FenrMorE Cooper. Joyous, like a rising star. — JoHNn Hay. Joyous as a bobolink. — Kars. Joyous as the morning ray. — SHEL- LEY. Joyous as the cadence of the sea. — Bayarp TAYLor. Joyous as the laughter of a child. — Cretia THAXTER. Jubilant. Jubilant as old sleigh bells. — JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY. Jubilant as earth. — SWINBURNE. Judgment. The judgment of the wise is, like gold, distinguished for its superior weight. — DEMOPHILUS. *Tis with our judgments as our watches, — none Go just alike, yet each believes his own. — Pore. Jump. Jumping about like a toad in a thunderstorm. — ANON. Jumped at it like a trout at a May- fly. —Ipm. Jumped like a bird for a berry. — Ini. Jump like Harlequin. — Emerson. 222 Jump — continued. Jumps, like a sole from the pan. — Hoop. Jumpy as a cat. — Kip.ine. Justice. Justice is like the north star, which is fixed, and all the rest revolve about it. — ConFUCIUS. Justice is like the Kingdom of God : It is not without us as a fact; it is Keen. Wit as keen as archer’s dart. — ‘A. A. ADEE. : Keen as a bride. — ANON. Keen as the sight of an eagle. — Isp. Keen as the sun. — Inw. Keen, like the horn of the cuspéd moon. — ARABIAN NiGHTs. As keen for profit as a Polish Jew. — Bauzac. Keen as the torture of impending bankruptcy. — Isp. As keen as a miser after his pay. — JULES Q. DE BEAUREPAIRE. Keen as Jove’s lightning wing’d athwart the sky. — WILLIAM Broome. . As keen as anguish. — James Caw- THORN. Keen as a poniard-thrust. — Exiza Coox. Keen as arrows. — FLAUBERT. Keen as a razor. — JOHN Gay. Keen as a hawk. — Hoop. Keen as a sword. — Kip.ina. Keen like a spear. —Smpnry Lanier. K JUMP. — KEEN, within us as a great yearning. — GrorcE Exiot. As honor, just. — Davi Matter. Human justice, like Luther’s drunken peasant, when saved from falling on one side, topples over on the other. — Mazzint. Justice, like lightning, ever should appear ; To few men ruin, but to all men fear. — THomas RANDOLPH. Keen as a wolf.—JAmMEs Mont- GOMERY. Keen of glance as a falcon. — Ova. Keen as steel. — Inm. Keen as a blinded man... . Smells in the dark the cold odour of the earth. — STEPHEN PHILLIPS. Keen as undrawn sword. — FRANK RIcHARDSON. Keen as is razor’s edge invisible. — SHAKESPEARE. Keen as the engine Which tortures and which kills. — SHELLEY. Keen as a sword’s edge. — SwIn- BURNE. Keen as burns the passion of the rose. — IBm. Keen as death to smite. — Inip. Keen as flame. — Ipip. Keen as hate. — Ism. Keen as iron in the flesh. — IBip. Keen as lightning’s life. — Inr. Eyes as keen as pain. — Isr. Keen as sleep and strife. — Inm. Keen as the fire’s own fang. — Inu. KEEN. — KINDNESS. Keen — continued. Keen as the heart of Mars. — Swin- BURNE. Keen as hunger. — Ini. Keen as the heart’s desire. — Isp. Keen as the manslayer’s knife. — Isp. Keen as the sea’s thrill towards a kindling star. — Inm. Keen as desertion. — Srr Henry TAYLOR. Keen as a sabre from its sheath. — WHITTIER. Keen and eager as a fine-nosed hound. — Worpswortu. His face was keen as is the wind That cuts along the hawthorn fence. . — Isp. Kill. Kills the illusion as surely as would the introduction of a Queen Anne cottage in the scenery of a Roman play. — ARTHUR ACHESON. Kill like lightning flashes. — ANon. Kill one another by the look, like cockatrices. — SHAKESPEARE. Killing as a plague. — Massincer. Looks . . . as killing as the basil- isk’s. — Isp. As killing as the canker to the rose. — MILTon. Kind. Kind as a kite. — ANon. Kind as a turtle. — ANON. As kind as the month of maying. — H. C. BEEcuine. Kind as cream. — BULWER-LyTTON. Kind as a glove. — Carr’s “Dra- LECT OF CRAVEN.” As kynde as any wyf from Denmark unto Ynde. — CHAUCER. Kind as is the life of love. — “JackE Droum’s ENTERTAINMENT,” 1601. 223 Kind as kings upon their coronation day. — DrypEn. Kind as Cleopatra. — GrorcE Gas- COIGNE. She’s as kind as new faln April showers. — RicHarD LOVELACE. Kinde as Alceste. — Joun LypGatTE. Kind as consent. —SypNEY Mun- DEN. Kind as hovering dove. —C. G. RosseErmt. Like the sunlight kind. — Swin- BURNE. Kind as harvest in autumn. — Isp. Kind as the fostering air. — Isp. Kind as the sun in heaven. — In. She meeker, kinder than the turtle- dove or pelican. — GEorGE WITHER. Kindly. Kindly as night dew. — P. J. Barney. Kindly as the spirit of society. — WorDSWORTH. Kindle. Kindling like a Christmas feaster When some wild chorus shakes the vinous air. —O. W. Ho Mes. Kindled like as heaven in June. — SWINBURNE. Heart kindling as the heart of heaven. — Isrp. Kindling, as dawn a frost-bound precipice. — Isrp. Kindling as a rose at breath of sunrise. — IB. Kindles and burns, Like a fiery star in the upper air. — Waiitier. Kindness. Little acts of kindness are stowed away in the heart, like bags of lavender in a drawer, to sweeten every object around them. — ANON. 224 Kindness — continued. To do a kindness to a bad man is like sowing your seed in the sea. — PHOCYLIDES. Kindness, like grain, increases by sowing. — ENGLISH PROVERB. King. Kings are like stars, — they rise and set, they have The worship of the world, but no re- pose. — SHELLEY. Kingly. Kingly as Charlemagne on his throne in the West. —Acnres ReEp- PLIER. Kiss. Her kisses were like tire explosions. — ANON. Kissing . . . is as a prologue to a play. — FreLpine. The kisses of thy deathless lips, Like strange star-pulses, throbbed through space. — Paut HamiLTon Hayne. Kiss as close as a scallop.— Bren JONSON. Came kissing like rich airs from secret shores To those who sail into the eternal dawn. — GeraLp Massry. Kisses as unctuous as oil. — FRANCIS S. SaLtus. Kisses like sweet, sad, subtle scents of myrrh. — Ipip. Kisses are like grains of gold or silver found upon the ground, of no value themselves, but precious as showing that a mine is near. — GEORGE VILLIERS. Kneel. Knelt like a child marble-sculptured and white That seems kneeling to pray on the tomb of a knight. —E., B. Browning. KINDNESS. —- KNOWLEDGE. Kneeling . . . like a painted lady on an altar tomb. —Mavricz Hrw- LETT. Knotted. Knotted like water-snakes. — SHEL- LEY. Know. I know him as well as if I had gone through him with a lantern. — ANon. I know him like a book. — Ism. Knowing it as the moon her tradi- tional influence upon the tides. — Grorce MERepITH. To know as well as a beggar knows his dish. — James PILKINGTON. Knowing. Knowing as the stars. — Con- GREVE. Knowledge. He picked up knowledge to wear it on his head like the plumes of horses in a parade. — ANon. The distributions and partitions of knowledge are . . . like the branches of a tree, that meet in a stem, which hath a dimension and quantity of entireness and continuance, before it come to discontinue and break itself into arms and boughs. — Bacon. Knowledge is like money, — the more a man gets, the more he craves. — Joss BILiines. Knowledge is like capital : the more there is in a country, the greater the disparities in wealth between one man and another. — BuLwer-LytTTon. Knowledge . . . like a great rough diamond ; it may do very well in a closet by way of curiosity, and also for its intrinsic value; but it will never be worn or shine, if it is not polished. — CHESTERFIELD. Knowledge, like our blood, must circulate. — DENHAM. KNOWLEDGE, — LANGUAGE, Knowledge — continued. A little knowledge in some people is like little boys throwing stones into mysterious lakes. They make a great clatter but the silence was more won- derful. — Ricoarp Le GALLIENNE. Knowledge of books is like that sort of lantern which hides him who carries ” Labor. Laboring like galley slaves. — ANon. Labour like a_ thresher. — BEav- MONT AND FLETCHER. Labored heavily like a tramp freighter in a heavy sea.—E. D. Pricer. Labours like the drops of rain on the sandy ground.—Srr WALTER RALEIGH. Labyrinth. Labyrinth you there, like a hid scent in an unbudded rose. — Karts. Laced. Laced, Like an hour-glass, exceedingly small in the waist. — THomas Moore. Lady. Ladies, like barristers, must wait to be chosen. — ANON. A fine lady is a squirrel-headed thing, with small airs and small notions ; about as applicable to the business of life as a pair of tweezers to the clear- ing of a forest. — GrorcE Exior. Ladies, like variegated tulips, show *T is to their changes half their charms we owe. — Porz. Great ladies, like great merchants, set but the higher prizes upon what they have, because they are not in 225 it, and serves only to pass through secret and gloomy paths of its own; but in the possession of a man of business, it is as a torch in the hand of one who is willing and able to show those who are bewildered, the way which leads to their prosperity and welfare. — Sir RicwarD STEELE. necessity of taking the first offer. — WYcHERLEY. Lag. Lagged behind, Like boat against the tide and wind. — SaMvueL BUTLER. Lament. Lament like a virgin girded with sackcloth for the husband of her youth. — Otp TESTAMENT. Lamentation. A lamentation, Like some old prophet wailing. — LoNGFELLow. Lamentation is the only musician that always, like a screech-owl, alights and sits on the roof of an angry man. — PLuTarcu. Language. Languages, like our bodies, are in a perpetual flux, and stand in the need of recruits to supply those words that are continually falling, through disuse. — FE.ton. Written language is like a mirror which it is necessary to have in order that man know himself and be sure that he exists. — LAMARTINE. Language rises like a spring among the mountains; it increases into a rivulet ; then it becomes a river (the water is still unpolluted), but when 226 Language — continued. the river has passed through a town the water must be filtered. And Milton was mentioned as the first filter, the first stylist. — GrorcEr Moore. Language is like amber in its efficacy to circulate the electric spirit of truth ; it is also like amber in embalming and preserving the relics of ancient wis- dom, although one is not seldom puzzled to decipher its contents. — G. A. Sata. Languid. Languid as one from slumber newly come. — Lorp Dre Tas.ey. As languid as a lilied pond. — Nor- MAN GALE. A mind languid as a drooping wing. — JAYADEVA. Languid, like a lovesick maid. — SwIrt. Languidly. Languidly, as voluptuously, as a water-lily at rest on the water’s breast. — Ours. Languidly as a lost desire Upon a sumach’s fading fire. — Enizazetu S. P. Warp. Languish. Languish like a withering flower. — Otway. Languisheth As lily drooping to death, As a drought-worn bird with failing breath, As a lovely vine without a stay, As a tree whereof the owner saith, “Hew it down to-day.” — C. G. Rossertt. Even as poor birds, deceived with painted grapes, Do surfeit by the eye and pine the maw, Even so she languisheth in her mishaps, As those poor birds that helpless berries saw. — SHAKESPEARE. LANGUAGE. ——- LAUGH. Languish as the leafe faln from the tree. — SPENSER. Lank. Lank as an unthrift’s purse. — Donne. Lank as a greyhound. — SMOLLETT. Lank as a ghost. — WorpDsworTH. Lap. Lapped her like a vapor. — Hoop. Lapse. Days, weeks and months lapsed like soft measures, rhyming each with each. — J. G. HoLianp. Large. Large as life and twice as natural. — NorTuaLy’s ‘‘Fotk Purases.” Lash. Lashing her ‘face like the wing of a raven driven by the storm. — La- MARTINE. Last. Lasts about as long as a keg of cider at a barn raising. — ALFRED Henry Lewis. Didn’t last him as long as a ten- dollar bill would a Democrat the night before election. — ‘‘ Brick ” Pomeroy. Lasting. Lasting as the pyramids. — AGNES ReEPPLIER. As lasting ... as the vestal fire. — CHRISTOPHER SMART. Lasting, as the lilac crocus of autumn. — TUPPER. Late. Comes too late ; *Tis like a pardon after execution. — SHAKESPEARE. Laugh (Noun). Her laugh is like rare wine. — Rosert Bripees (American). LAUGH. — LAW. Laugh — continued. Her laff is like a singin’ brook that bubbles as it passes. — Sam WALTER Foss. Gave a short laugh like the closing of a padlock. — O. Henry. A laugh like a suffocating wheeze. — LEVER. Her laugh is like a roundelay —so ringing sweet and clear. — JAMES Waurtcoms Ritey. Her laugh is like sunshine. — Fran- cis S. SALTUus. Laugh (Verb). Laugh like a loon. — ANON. Laughing like a stentor. — Ipip. Laughed like a bell. — R. D. Buack- MORE. Laughed as if he had drowned a dog. —E. B. Brownine. Laugh on one side, like the masks of the ancients. — Dumas, PERE. To laugh like Robin Goodfellow — a long, loud, hearty horse laugh. — Rosert Forsy’s ‘“‘VocaBULARY OF East ANGLIA.” Laughed like the sun. — Ricnarp Le GALLIENNE. Laughed as incessantly as a bird sings. — Guy DE MaupassaNT. Laughed like a bowlful of jelly. — CLEMENT C. Moore. Laugh like a swarm of flies. — RaBELAISs. He laughed like the screech of a rusty hinge. —James WHITCOMB RILey. Laugh, like parrots, at a bag-piper. — SHAKESPEARE. Laughed, like a happy fountain in a cave brightening the gloomy rocks. — ALEXANDER SMITH. 227 Laughs like beech-leaves ringing in the light. — TRUMBULL STICKNEY. Laughter. Laughter rich as woodland thunder. — Emerson. Laughter and tears are meant to turn the same machinery of sensibility ; one is wind-power, and the other water-power: that is all.—O. W. Homes. Laughter like a chime of bells. — CHARLES READE. Soft laughter as of light that stirs the sea, With darkling sense of dawn ere dawn may be. — SWINBURNE. Laughter soft as tears. — Ipm. For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool. — Op TESTAMENT. Sweet laughter in mirthfulness art- lessly flowing Like zephyrs at play through a fairy flute blowing. —R. D. Wiis. Lavish. Lavish as the moon. — Nora Hop- PER. Lavish, as all the dew were turn’d to gems. — GERALD Massey. Law. Laws are like cobwebs; the small flies are caught, the great break through. — ANACHARSIS. So he that goes to law, as the prov- erb is, holds a wolf by the ears, or, as a sheep in a storm runs for shelter to a briar, if he prosecute his cause he is consumed, if he surcease his suit he loseth all; what difference? — Rosert Burton. The knowledge of the law is like a deep well, out of which each man draw- eth according to the strength of his understanding. — CokE. 228 Law — continued. Strict laws are like a steel bodice, good for growing limbs ; but when the joints are knit, they are not helps but burdens. — Sir F. Fane. Solon used to say that speech was the image of actions; . . . that laws were like cobwebs, —for that if any trifling or powerless thing fell into them, they held it fast ; while if it were something weightier, it broke through them and was off. — DioGENES LAERTIUS. Law is like a sieve ; it is very easy to see through it, but a man must be considerably reduced before he can get through it. —S. G. Morron. The law is like the axle of a carriage — you can turn it wherever you please. — Russian PRovers. Laws are not made like lime-twigs or nets, to catch everything that toucheth them, but rather like sea- marks, to avoid the shipwreck of ignorant passengers. — Sir PHILip Sip- NEY. oe Lawful. Lawful as eating. — SHAKESPEARE. Lawless. Lawless as a town bull. — Anon. Lawless as the sea or wind. — WAL- LER. Lawless, like the stormy wind. — WILuiAM WILKIE. Lawsuit. A lawsuit is like an ill-managed dispute, in which the first object is soon out of sight, and the parties end upon a matter wholly foreign to that on which they began. — Epmunp Burke. Lax. Lax like cut string. — H. G. WELIs. Lay. Lay like a bank of stage snow. — O. Henry. LAW. — LEAK. Lay, like a smile upon the lips of sleep. — Ruskin. Lay, like winds that die in water. — SHELLEY. In silver slumber lay, Like the evening starre adorn’d with dewy ray. — SPENSER. But he lay like a warrior taking his rest, With his martial cloak around him. . — CHARLES WOLFE. Laziness. Laziness is a good deal like money —the more a man has of it, the more he seems to want. — JosH BILLINGs. Lazy. Lazy as a toad at the bottom of a well. — ANon. Lazy as Joe the Marine, who laid down his musket to sneeze. — Isp. Lazy as a lobster. — Bazac. Lazy as Ludham’s dog that leaned his head against the wall to bark. — Tuomas FuLLer. Lazy as a ship in the doldrums. — Wituram D. O’Connor. Lead. Leads the passions, like the orb that guides, From pole to pole, the palpitating tides. —O. W. Homes. Leads them like a thing Made by some other deity than na- ture. — SHAKESPEARE. Lead thee, as a staff directs the blind. — Swirt. Lead as a mother. — SwINBURNE. Led lovingly like hound in huntsman’s leash Or child by finger. Leak. Leaks like a sieve. — ANon. Leaking like a lobster-pot. — Kip- LING. — Ip. LEAN. — LEARNING. Lean (Adjective). Lean as a dog in Lent. — ANon. Lean as Sancho’s ass. — Ipp. Leene was his hors as is a rake. — CHAUCER. Lean as alath.— Tuomas HEeywoop. Lean as a backgammon board. — W. S. Lanpor. Lean as a lantern. — LANGLAND. Lean like bull-beef. — Ricnarp MATHER. Lean as a skeleton. — THomas SHap- WELL. Leaner than fleshless SHELLEY. misery. — As lean as a lizard. — James Smita. Lean as death. — Tennyson. Lean (Verb). They leaned towards each other like young saplings weakened at the root. — Grace MacGowan Cooke. Leap. Leap like a cock at a blackberry. — ANON. Leaps, like happy hearts by holiday made light. — Bernarp Barron. Leaped in the air like a shot rabbit. —R. D. Biackmore. Leaps like a young horse Who bites against the new bit in his teeth, And tugs and struggles against the new- tried rein. — E. B. Brownine. Leap such leap As lands the feet in Heaven. — Rosrert Brownine. Leapt like a tongue of fire that cleaves the smoke. — Isr. Leapslike a bared sword. — Kiriina. Leap like trout in May. — Isp. Leaped as if stung by an electric shock. — Grorce B. McCurcHeEon. 229 Leapt like a leaping sword. — Joa- Quin MILLER. Leap away lyke froges. —JoHN SKELTON. Leaped like a roebuck from the plain. — H. anp J. Surru. Leaping like wanton kids in pleasant spring. — SPENSER. He leaped like a man _ shot. — Rosert Louis STEVENSON. Leap, like moody madness to the changing moon. — JoHN STRUTHERS. Leaps clear as a flame from the pyres of the dead. — SWINBURNE. Leaps like fire. — Ini. Leap up As red wine mantling in a royal cup. — Isp. Leaps up as the foe’s heart leaps. — Isp. Leapt like a passing thought. — TENNYSON. Leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array. — Owp TESTAMENT. Leapt as lightly as weanling fawns that leap around the doe. — TuEo-. CRITUS. Leap like a caressing angel. — N. P. WILLIs. Learning. Learning is like a lark, that can mount, and sing, and please herself, and nothing else; but may know that she holdeth as well as the hawk, that ean soar aloft, and can also descend and strike upon the prey. — Bacon. Wear your learning like your watch, in a private pocket, and do not pull it out and strike it merely to show that you have one. — CHESTERFIELD. Learning is like mercury, one of the most powerful and excellent things in the world in skillful hands; in unskill- ful, the most mischievous. —’PoPE. 230 Learning — continued. Learning, like money, may be of so base a coin as to be utterly void of use. — SHENSTONE. Learning, like the lunar beam, affords light. — Youna. Leave. Leaves . as silent lightning leaves the starless night. — SHELLEY. Lecherous. Lecherous as a he-goat. — ANON. As lecherous as a_ she-ferret. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Lecherous as a monkey. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Lecture. A new lecture is like any new tool. We use it for a while with pleasure. Then it blisters our hands and we hate to touch it. By-and-by our hands get callous, and then we no longer have any sensitiveness about it. But if we give it up the callouses disappear ; and if we meddle with it again, we miss the novelty and get the blisters. —O. W. Hotes. Leer. Leers like A’sop’s fox upon a crane whose neck he craves for his chirurgian. —Josrrn HAL. Leers at me with eyes askance like a seducer. — NIETZSCHE. Leered at her like a satyr. — THack- ERAY. Legendary. Legendary as the Flying Dutchman. — ANON. Leisure. At leisure, as a laird dies. — ANON. At leisure, as flax groweth. — Witiram Campen’s ‘“REMAINS.” Lenient. Lenient as soft opiates to the mind. — CowrEr. LEARNING. — LIE. Leprous. He was leprous as snow. — Op TESTAMENT. Level. Level as a pond. — ANon. Level as a sea. —Lorp Dr Tastey. Level as the cannon to his blank. — SHAKESPEARE. Lewd. Lewd as drunkards that fall out. — SamuEL But er. Liar. Liars act like the salt miners, they undermine the truth, but leave just so much standing as is necessary to sup- port the edifice. — RicHTER. Liberal. A hand as lib’ral as the light of day. — Cowper. Liberal as the air. — SHAKESPEARE. Libertine. Libertines are hideous spiders, that often catch pretty butterflies. — DiweEror. Liberty. Liberty has its roots in the hearts of the people, as the tree in the hearts of the earth; like the tree it raises and spreads its branches to heaven; like the tree it is ceaseless in its growth, and it covers generations with its shade. — Hueo. Lie (Noun). A great lie is like a great fish on dry land; it may fret and fling, and make a frightful bother, but it cannot hurt you; you have only to keep still and it will die of itself. — GrorcE CRABBE. A lie is like a snow-ball; the longer it is rolled, the larger it is. — LUTHER. A lie is like a vizard, that may cover the face, indeed, but can never become it. — Ropert Soutu. . LIE. — LIFE, Lie (Verb). Lie as fast as dog can lick a plate. — ANoN. Lies like an auctioneer. — Ip. Lies like a tooth-drawer. — Ipr. Lies like print. — Irn. Lie like a charlatan. — Batzac. Lie like a political program. — Ism. Lie like a gas meter. — Haroip BRIGHOUSE. Swere and lye as a womman kan. — CHAUCER. He lies like a hedgehog rolled up the wrong way, tormenting himself with prickles. — Hoop. Lies like a feller with a family horse t’ sell. — Ape Martin. Lies like a smile of sunshine among lilies. — GeRatD Massey. Lie like a book of anecdotes. — Hannan More. Lies like truth. — SHAKESPEARE. Life. Life is like a tale ended ere ’tis told. —T. B. ALpRIcH. In life, as in chess, one’s own pawns block one’s way. A man’s very wealth, ease, leisure, children, books, which should help him to win, more often checkmate him. — CHARLES Buxton. Life, as a windmill, grinds the bread of Life. — Lorp Dr TaBLey. This Life, which seems so fair, is like a bubble blown up in the air by sportive children’s breath. — WiLL1Iam Drummonp. Life is like a game of whist. I don’t enjoy the game much; but [ like to play my cards well, and see what will be the end of it. — Grorcr Exior. Life is a train of moods like a string of beads, and as we pass through them, 231 they prove to be many-colored lenses which paint the world their own hue, and each shows only what lies in its focus. — EMERSON. Man’s life is like unto’ a winter’s day, Some break their fast and so depart away, Others stay dinner then depart full fed; The longest age but sups and goes to bed. Oh, reader, then behold and see, As we are now so must you be. — BisHor Hensnaw. Life is like yon fisher’s boat Gay she quits the friendly shore. —W. H. Leatoam. Life is, after all, like baccarat or billiards. .. . It is no use winning unless there be a gallery to look on and applaud. — Oura. Like a morning dream, life becomes more and more bright the longer we live, and the reason of everything ap- pears more clear. — J. P. RicuTEr. Life, like the water of the seas, freshens only when it ascends upwards. —Ism. After all, life is like soda-water. Childhood, effervescence corked down and wired; manhood, some sparkle, more vapidity; old age, empty bottle, cart it away with the rubbish. — T. W. RoBeERTSON. Life is like a beautiful and winding lane, on either side bright flowers, and beautiful butterflies, and tempting fruits, which we scarcely pause to ad- | mire and to taste, so eager are we to hasten to an opening which we imagine will be more beautiful still. By degrees as we advance, the trees grow bleak; the flowers and butterflies fail, the fruits disappear, and we find we have arrived — to reach a desert waste. — G. A. Sata. Our life is like a journey on which, as we advance, the landscape takes a different view from that which it pre- 232 Life — continued. sented at first, and changes again, as we.come nearer. — SCHOPENHAUER. A wise man is never disappointed. Man’s life is like a game at tables ; if at any time the cast you most shall need does not come up, let that which comes instead of it be mended by your play. — THomas SHADWELL. Life, like a dome of many-colored glass, Stains the white radiance of eternity. — SHELLEY. The vanity of human life is like a river, constantly passing away, and yet constantly coming on. — SwIFt. Life is like wine; who would drink it pure, must not draw it to the dregs. — Str WILiiAM TEMPLE. When all is done, Human Life is, at the greatest and the best, but like a forward Child, that must be Play’d with and Humor’d a little to keep it quiet till it falls asleep, and then the Care is over. —Ism. My life is like a stroll upon the beach, As near the ocean’s edge as I can go. — Henry D. Tuorzav. My life is like the summer rose That opens in the morning sky, But, ere the shades of evening close, Is scattered on the ground — to die. —R. H. Wipe. Lifeless. Lifeless as the grave. — ANON. Lifeless as a string of dead fish. —G. K. CuHesterton. Lifeless and lumpish as the bagpipe’s drowsy drone. — Rozert Lioyvp. Lifeless as a mouse in an exhausted receiver. — Wittiam MatTHEws. Lifeless as the icy moon. — Lewis Morris. Lift. Lifts the head like conscious inno- cence. — ANON. LIFE, —— LIGHT. Lifting my heart to her, as the spring wind lifts the clouds. — R. D. Biacx- MORE. Lifting his feet like a knife grinder. — Davpet. Her favour lifts him up, as the sun moisture. —Srr THomas OVERBURY. Light (Adjective). Light as the leaf that summer’s breeze Has wafted o’er the glassy seas. —ANACREON. Light as flake of foam. — Hans CurIsTIAN ANDERSEN. * Light and clean as the foaming surf that the wind severs from the broken wave. — ANON. Light and speedy as a steam-roller. — Isp. Light as a fly. — Ism. Light as a sack of feathers. — Isp. Light as down. — Isp. Passed as light as October leaves blown over the forest floor. — Ipm. Light as the leaf of the aspen. — Isp. Light as the bow with its gay blossoms springing. — Isrp. Light as the spider’s silken lair. — Isp. Light as thistledown. — Isp. Light as vain praise. — Ipip. Light as whipped cream. — Isp. Oaths as light as wind. — Isp. Light enough to float in the sweat of an ice pitcher. — Isip. Light-hearted as a robin. — Ipip. As light as leafe on tree. — OLr EneusH BALLAD. Light as hope. — BAUDELAIRE. Light as a wind-blown leaf. — CHar- LOTTE BECKER. LIGHT. Light — continued. Light as cobwebs. — R. D. Biack- MORE. Light-footed as a hare.—H. H. BoyEsEn. Light as the fabric which swells in the ambient air. — Samugt Boyse. Light as a feather whisk. — RoBERT BRownIna. Light as the whispers of a dream. — Witi1am CULLEN Bryant. Light as a faint wreath of snow That tremblest to fall in the wind. — Rospert BucHANAN. Light as day. — Bunyan. Light as any lambie. — Burns. Light as a Nereid in her ocean sledge. — Byron. Light as dreams. —Giosuz Car- DUCCI. Light as gossamer. — CARLYLE. Light as winds that stir the willow. — Auice Cary. Light as leef on lynde. — CHaucrr. Light as the busy clouds. — CoLr- RIDGE. ’ Light as the sea-fowl rocking in the storm. —J. FentmorE Cooper. Light as froth. —Joun Davies. Light as a snowflake. — AUSTIN Dosson. Light as an empty dream at break of day. — DrypEn. Light as the vapours of a morning dream. — Isp. Light as the light. — Farquaar. Light as air. — FreLpine. Light as the feather on the head of beaux. — JoHn Gay. Light as vapor. — Ricnarp Hovey. Light like a sunbeam shattered into mist. — Ip. 233 Light-hearted as a boy. — Ipp. Light as a rustling foot on last year’ 3 leaves. — Jean INGELOw. Light JAMES. as cork. — Henry Light as love’s angel. — Miss Lan- DON. Light as fairy footsteps. — Evan MacCott. As light as a leaf unbound From the grasp of its parent tree. — Ernest McGarrey. Light as the flying seed-ball. — Grorce MEREDITH. Light as a bubble that flies from the tub, Whisked by the laundry-wife out of her suds. — Isp. Steps .. . light as though a winged angel trod, Over earth’s flowers, and feared to brush away, Their delicate hues. ' —H. H. Mian. Light as the angel shapes that bless An infant’s dream. — Tuomas Moore. Light as the bridegrooms bound to their young loves. — Inm. Light and feathery as squirrel-tails. —Joun Murr. Light as the breeze that brushed the orient dew. — SamuEL RoceErs. Light as the tinkling leaves, that wan- der wide When Vallombrosa mourns her pride. —Joun Ruskin. Light as a happy wave. — SCHILLER. Light as the dancing skiff borne on the silvery tide. — Isp. Light as the rainbow’s leap into space. — Isr. Light as a beam of Dian. — OWEN SEAMAN. 234 Light — continued. Trifles light as air. — SHAKESPEARE. Light as the mote that danceth in the beam. — H. anp J. Situ. Light as a feather. — SopHOCLES. Light as a lady’s plumes. —SouTHEY. Light as a robe of peace. — IBip. Light as a warrior’s summer-garb in peace. — Isip. Light as a laugh of glee. — Swin- BURNE. Heart is as light as a leaf on a tree. — Isp. Light as a spring south-wind. —Ixrp. Light as foam. — Isr. Light as laugh of flame. — Isp. Light as riotous insolence. — Isp. A hand at the door taps light as the hand of my heart’s delight. — In. Light ds the spray that disperses. — Isp. Light as floating leaf of orchard snow, loosed by the pulse of Spring. — Bayarp TayYLor. Gallop . . . light as any antelope upon the hills of the Gavilén. — Isp. Light as the singing bird that wings the air. — TENNYSON. Light as a dry leaf in the winter woods. — Crtia THAXTER. A step as light as the summer air. — WaiItTIER. Light as'a buoyant bark from wave to wave. — WoRDSWORTH. Light as a sunbeam glides along the hills. — Ip. ‘Light (Noun). Tender light, like the first moonrise of midnight. — Byron. Lights as of dawn beyond the tomb. — Hugo. LIGHT. — LIKE. Happy light, like those dream- smiles which are the speech of sleep. — GERALD Massey. A redder light shone through the dell, As if the very gates of hell Swung suddenly ajar. — Warrier. Lighter. Lighter than vanity. — Bunyan. Lighter than any linnet’s feather. — Ricuarp Reatr. Lighter than air.—Samurt Roc- ERS. Lighter than dandelion down. — Purtie H. Savace. © Lightly. Lightly as the skimming of swallows. — Anon. Lightly and softly, As a queen’s languid and imperial arm Which scatters crowns among her lovers. — Roperr Brownina. Set as lightly as a mouse-trap. — Maurice Hew.err. Lightly as swimming shadows dusk the lake. — Grratp Massey. ‘Lightly as a kite rushes through the gloom of the dawn. — Ouma. Lightly as bird on wing. — SaMuUEL Warp. ~ Like. About as like as an apple to an oyster. — ANON. As like as the two halves of an apple. —-Ipn. As like as two pins. — Inrp. _ As like each other as a sword and scythe. — P. J. Barry. As like him as flakes ov snow. — JosH BrLies. As like as hand to another hand. — Ropert BRownina. Like as twins. — Isp. LIKE. —— LINGER. Like — continued. Is na mare like . . . than the nyght oule resemblis the papingay. —GAWAIN Douctas. Like as chalk and coles. — James Hourpis. As lyke as one pease is to another. — Lyty. As like him as an eagle to an eagle. — Ouma. Like a leaf on a withering limb, The fluttering life still clung to him. — T. Bucuanan Reap. No more like than chalk and cheese. —SamueL Row.anp. No more like my father Than I to Hercules. — SHAKESPEARE. Alike as my fingers is to my fingers. —Isp. As like, as rain to water, or devil to his dam. — Isp. Like as-eggs. — Inmp. As like this as a crab is like an apple. — Is. As like you, As cherry is to cherry. —Isn. Day like to day, face like to face, as waves in some calm sea. — WILLIAM WATSON. Likely. Likely as to see a pig fly. — Anon. As lykely to obtain thy wish, as the Wolfe is to catch [eat] the Moone. — Lyty. Limber. Limber as a watch chain. — ANON. Limber az a lover. —JosH BILLincs. His back as limber as a canker worm’s. —O. W. Homes. Limber as a frog. — Krrxina. Limber as eelskins. — MmppLETon. 235 Limber as a washed paper collar. — STEPHEN SmirH. Limp. Limp as a rag. — ANON. Limp as a glove. — Inn. Limp like cut vine-twig. — Roperr BRownine. Limp as bags of oats. — ELBERT Husparp. Limp as your grandma’s Mother Hubbard gown. — Wa.iace Irwin. Limp as a chewed rag. — Kipiine. Limp (Verb). Limping like a sore-footed soldier striding to the band. — IsraEL ZANc- WILL. Limpid. Limpid as a cold blue lake on a mountain. — ANON. Limpid as a diamond. — D’An- NUNZIO. Limpid as the eye of a heron. — Osmanti PROVERB. Limpid as the mountain stream. — JOHN SKELTON. Line. Lines as vivid and as durable as the exergues of the Carthaginian medals. — Por. Lined. Lined like the rind of a cantaloupe. —O. Henry. Linger. Linger in the memory like the silvery embellishments of a great singer. — ANON. Lingers like an old faith. — Isrp. Lingered . . . like innocent birds loath to be gone from the spot, where their nest has been. — J. M. Barnriz. The soft memory of her virtues . . . lingers like twilight hues. — WILLIAM CuLLeN Bryant. 236 LINGER. Linger — continued. Linger there, Like hopeless love without despair. — Rurus Dawes. Lingering about like a_ bailiff. — DICKENS. I am lingering yet, as sometimes in the blaze of day A milk-and-watery moon ' Stains with its dim and fading ray The lustrous blue of noon. —O. W. Hotes. Ling’ring now, Like the last of the leaves left on Autumn’s sere and faded bough. — Tuomas Moore. Lingered in the air like dying rolls of abrupt thunder. — SaInTE-BEUvVE. She lingers my desires, Like to a step-dame, or a dowager, Long withering out a young man’s revenue. — SHAKESPEARE. Lingering like an unloved guest. — SHELLEY. Lingering a minute, like outcast spirits, who wait, and see, through the heaven’s gate, angels within it. — THACKERAY. Link. ‘Linked, like rose-buds in a wreath. — ANON. Linked like a river by ripples fol- lowing ripples. — Epwin ARNOLD. 4 His vulture nature had already linked itself to this poor little soul as a spider binds a fluttering insect in its web, which the little thing tries vainly to break. — Paut Bouncer. Linked each to each by labor, like a bee. — Hoop. Link in sympathy like the keys Of an organ. — WaiTtirr. Lip. A lip like Persuasion’s, calling on us to kiss it. — ANACREON. —=TIP. Lips just tinted like pink shells. — ANON. Lips that flamed like scarlet wine. — Isp. like Lips coralline. — ARABIAN NIcuHts. Dainty lips like double carnelian. — Isp. Lips, as smooth and tender . . . as rose-leaves in a coppice wild. — Tuomas ASHE. Curving lips like wave half-furled. — ALFRED AUSTIN. Lips like rosebuds peeping out of snow. —P. J. BarLey. Music lives within thy lips like a nightingale in roses. — Inrp. Her lippes, erst like the corall redde, Did waxe both wan and pale. — Eneusn Bauiap. Lippes like roses dropping dew. — Inn. Her lips were like pomegranate blossoms. — ARLO BatTEs. A lip like ripest cherries. — Brav- MONT AND FLETCHER. The Circassian damsel’s . . . lips are like taverns of wine. — Ini. Lips Curved like an archer’s bow to send the bitter arrows out. — FE. B. Brownine. Lips shook Like a rose leaning o’er a brook,. Which vibrates though it is not struck. — Isp. Lips with such sweetness in their honeyed deeps As fills the rose in which a fairy sleeps. — Butwer-LyTron. Lips like the red of Christmas holly. — Frances Hopcson Burnett. Her lips are like the cherries ripe That sunny walls from Boreas screen. LIP. —— LISTEN, Lip — continued. They tempt the taste and charm the sight. — Burns. Her lips like dewy rosebuds are. — WILFRED CAMPBELL. Lippes, rede as rose. — CHAUCER. Her lips are like two budded roses whom ranks of lilies neighbor nigh. — H. ConstaBie. Lips gay like the rose. — Lapy FLorEnce Drxie. Her lips are like the muscatel. — Austin Dosson. Like rubies are created their two lips. — Fazi-Bey. Lips as rounded as a cherry. — Epmunp Gosss. Lips like warm carnations. — Ism. Her lips are roses over-washed with dew, Or like the purple of Narciss’ flower. — Ropert GREENE. With lips, like hanging fruit, whose hue Is ruby ’neath a bloom of blue. —T. Gorpon Hake. Lips that spoil the ruby’s praise. — JoHN HARRINGTON. Red lips like a living, laughing rose. — Laurence Hope. A quiet smile played around his lips, As the eddies and dimples of the tide- play round the bows of ships. — LOoNGFELLOw. Lips, That open like the morn, breathing perfumes, On such as dare approach them. — Purp MAssincEr. Lips .. . like a ripe raspberry. — CaTULLE MENDES. Lips like the carmine’s ruddy glow. — Francis S. Sartus. Lips, like roses dropping myrrh. — GEORGE SANDYS. 237 Lips . . . like roses ere they blow. —~Joun G. SAXE. Ruby lips... like rosebuds in spring. — STEPHEN SMITH. Her lips lyke cherries charming men to byte. — SPENSER. Lips like rose-petals blown apart. —F. L. Stanton. Lips like blood spilt on it. — Jonn M. Syneg. Lips like the honeyed lips of Hylas. — Bayarp TaYtor. Lips, parting like a loose bow, that just has launched its arrow. — Ini. My lips are like a thread of scarlet. — Oto TestaMeEnt. His lips like lilies, dropping sweet- smelling myrrh. — Ip. The red colour of her lipslike that of a gourd. — “VIKRAM AND THE VAMPIRE.” From lips as the lips of Hylas sweet, And moved like twin roses which zephyrs meet. — WHITTIER. Through the open lips shone visibly a delicate line of pearl, Like a white vein within a rosy shell. —N. P. Wiis. Lipp’d like a lily, and as white as it. — Isp. Like sunset were her lips. — W. B. YEATS.. Liquid. Liquid as an Illinois road in April. — Georce Frircu. Liquidation. A liquidation is something like a chemical process, from which the clever insolvent merchant endeavors to emerge as a saturated solution. — Bauzac. Listen. Listened ... like a stag whose mysterious faculties had detected the footsteps of the distant hounds in the gale. — J. Fenimore Cooper. 238 Listen — continued. Listened like one in whom a train of novel ideas had been excited by the reasoning of the other. — Isip. It is like eating vanilla cream in Paradise listening to beautiful music. — CaMILLE LEMONNIER. Holding his breath and listening . . . like a burglar who is going to break into a house. — Guy pe Maupas- SANT. Listened like a cushat dove that listens to its mate alone. —C. G. RossEtt1. Listless. Listless as the summer-stricken air. — SWINBURNE. Literature. Literature, like virtue, is its own re- ward. — CHESTERFIELD. Literature, like nobility, runs in the blood. — Hazuitr. Literature, like a gypsy, to be pic- turesque, should be a little ragged. — Dovcias JERROLD. Lithe. Lithe as a panther.—T. B. AL- DRICH. Lithe as a snake. — ANon. Lithe as a tiger. — Ini. Lithe as leech. — Ropert Brown- ING. Lithe as a feather duster. — GELETT BuraEss. Lithe as a rat. — Frank Danpy. Lyth as lasse of Kent. — Micuarn Drayton. Lithe as willow. — Ricuarp Hovey. Lithe as lips That curl in touching you. — SWINBURNE. Lithe as the dark-eyed Syrian gazelle. — Bayarp Taytor. LISTEN. — LIVID. Little. Little as Tom Thumb. — Nep Warp’s : “ NuptiaL DIALOGUES AND Depates,” 1710. Live. Live like a king..— Anon. Live like a lord. — Isp. Live like a prince. — Inip. Live like fighting cocks. — Isp. Will live together like two wanton vines. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. He would live like a lamp, to the last wink, And crawl upon the utmost verge of life. — DRYDEN. I live in the town like a lion in his desert, or an eagle in his rock, too great for friendship or society, and condemned to solitude by unhappy elevation and dreaded ascendency. — Dr. JoHNson. Lively. Lively and changeable, like a flame in the wind. — Anon. Lively as a cricket. — Inm. Lively as fire. — RoBert Brivces (English). As lively as tints of young Iris’ bow. —J. G. Cooper. Lively as a chaffinch. — Dumas, PERE. Lively as the smiling day. — AARON Hitt. Lively as a Homes. squirrel —O. W. Lively as grasshoppers. — Lover. Livid. As pale and livid as any skull un- earthed from a graveyard. — Bazac. Lips as livid as the opening lilac- leaves. —O. W. Ho.mes. Livid as Lazarus lately from death. — Siwney Lanier, LOATHE. — LONG. Loathe. Loathe worse than a leper’s mouth. — SWINBURNE. Loathsome. Loathsome as the briny sea to him who languishes with thirst. — AKEN- SIDE. Loathsome as death. —JAmMES MontTGomeEry. Loathsome as a _ toad. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Lock. Locked in, like a fly in amber. — ANON. Lock’d up like veins of metal. — Krats. Locked as in a wrestle together. — SWINBURNE. Loll. Lolling, like one indifferent, fabri- cates a heaven of gold. — CuarLes Lams. London. London is like a shelled corn-cob on the Derby day. —O. W. Homes. Lone. As lone as a churchyard. — BuL- WER-LYTTON. Lone as the corse within its shroud, Lone — as a solitary cloud, A single cloud on a sunny day, While all the rest of heaven is clear. — Byron. Lone like an eagle’s nest. — Miss Lanpon. Lone as incarnate death. — SHELLEY. Lonely. Lonely as a deserted ship. — ANON. Lonely as a ghost. — Ip. Lonely as a _ trance. — HarTLey CoLERIDGE. Lonely as a crow in a strange coun- try. —JoserH Conran. 239 There is nothing so lonely in the world as the girl who has got to look after herself. — Ipm. As lonely as the sun. — Sir FRANCIS H. Doyie. Lonely as the Arctic Sea. — HamMLin GARLAND. Lonely in her gloom as a pale Angel of the Grove. — Tuomas Moore. Lonely as the home of kings When the slow hours on leaden wings Oppress the friendless great. — Lewis Morris. Lonely, as sovereigns are. — OuIDA. Lonely as a catamount. — Sam SLICK. Lonely as in a garden-close Slumbers the solitary rose. , — ARTHUR SYMONS. Lonely . . . as a crow on the sands. — Worpswortu. I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills. — Is. Lonesome. Lonesome as a bell-buoy at sea. — ANON. Lonesome as a walnut rolling in a barrel. — Epna FERBER. Long. Long as a day without bread. — ANON. Long as a Devonshire lane, — which has no turning. — Inrp. Long as an obituary. — Ipmp. Long as the moral law. — Irv. Long as a Thanksgiving sermon. —J.R. Bartiett’s “DicTIONARY OF AMERICANISMS.” Long as death. — E. B. Brownine. Long as an epic. — BULWER-LYTTON. Face as long as an undertaker’s. ~ Isp. 240 Long — continued. Longer than a lawsuit. — THomas DEKKER. Long and slender, like a cat’s elbow. — Tuomas FuLier. Long as the spear of Aaron. — B. Loomis. Her sorrow as long As the passage of numberless ages in slumberless song. — SWINBURNE. Long-Winded. Long-winded as a tornado. — J. R. Bartiett’s “‘DicTIONARY OF AMERI- CANISMS.” Look (Noun). His look was like a sad embrace. — Marruew ARNOLD. With a look . . . that would split a pitcher, as the Irish say. — CARLYLE. A look like a noose. — Huco. Look like “COLLECTANEA.” Gave her a look like red lightning. — CHARLES ReADE. Look (Verb). Looks as if butter would not melt in his mouth. — Anon. Looked as if he would jump down your throat. — Isr. Looked as if he had eaten his bed- straw. — Ipip. Let-me-be. — LEAN’s He looked like a composite picture of five thousand orphans too late to catch a picnic steamboat. — O. Henry. Look like the far end o’ a French fiddle. — ALEXANDER Hisiop’s “Prov- ERBS OF SCOTLAND.” To look as if he were hanged already. — Sir. Joun Tayior. She looks like an old coach new painted, affecting an unseemly smug- ness, whilst she is ready to drop to pieces. — VANBRUGH. LONG. — LOOSELY. Lool. Lool about . . . like gorged snakes. — Haroip Freperic. Loom. Looms in the distant landscape of the Past, Like a burnt tower upon a blackened heath. — LONGFELLow. Loose. Loose as .. . negligence. — JAMES CaWTHORN. Loose as the stubble in the field. — GrorcE CROLY. Loose as a vine-branch blowing in the morn. — Austin Dosson. Loose as the wrapper of a two-for- fiver. —O, Henry. Loose as Cossack pantaloons. — O. W. Hotes. Loose as eggs in a nest. — W. &. Lanpor. Hang loose about him, like a giant’s robe Upon a dwarfish thief. — SHAKESPEARE. Loose as the flame that flutters on the grate. — ALEXANDER SMITH. Loose, like a " Comet’s refluent tresses, hung her heavenly hair dis- persed. — SouTHEy. Loose as the petals of roses dis- crowned. — SWINBURNE. Loose as the breeze that plays along the downs. — James THomson. The reins loose as flying ribbons. — Lewis WALLACE. Loose as a cloud-wreath on the sky. — WHITTIER. Loosely. Loosely like embroidered robes thrown o’er some funeral bier. — JoHN BRENT. LOQUACIOUS. —— LOUD. Loquacious. As loquacious as Polonius. — JAMES HUNEKER. Loquacity. Whose loquacity, like an over-full bottle, could never pour forth a small dose. — Cuartes Exror. Lording. Lording it like a Bashaw. — ANon. Lorn. Lorn, As needs must Samson when his hair is shorn. — Rosert Brownina. Lorn as the hung-up lute, that ne’er hath spoken Since the sad day its master-cord was broken ! — Tuomas Moore. Lost. Lost as Eden. — ANon. Lost, like a river running into an unknown sea. — Izip. Lost like a predestined soul. — Ism. Lost, like autumnal leaves, when North winds rage. — CoNGREVE. Lost himself in thought as though he had fallen out of the world. — Josrru ConraD. Lost, like a star in day. — Henry ELuison. Lost like the day of Job’s awful curse, in the third chapter, third and fourth verse. — Bret Harte. Lost, like the lightning in The sullen cloud. —O. W. Homes. As lost, as any needle in a stack of hay. — Hoop. Lost in the gulf of chance to fall, as oblivion swallows thought. — ALFRED pe Musset. Lost like stars beyond dark trees. — D. G. Rosser. 241 Lost, like the light flickering of a cottage’s fire. — Sir WALTER Scott. Lost as in a trance. — Esaras TEGNER. Loud. Loud as a horn. — ANon. Loud as the blows of a hammer. — Isr. Loud as the voice of an auctioneer. — Isp. Loud as Tom of Lincoln. — Ini. Crying your name as loud and hastily as men i’ th’ streets do fire. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Loud as a culverin. — R. D. Biack- MORE. Louder than harvest thunderstorm. — Isw. Loud as Sinai’s trumpet-sound. — WILLIAM BLAKE. Helpless, naked, piping loud, Like a fiend hid in a cloud. — Isp. As lowde as bloweth wynde in helle. — CHAUCER. Loud as a king’s “defiance. — Couz- RIDGE. Tumultuous and very loud . . . like the roll of an immense and remote drum beating the charge of the gale. — JosEPH CONRAD. Loud as thunder. —Sypnry DoBELL. Loud as the sea. — Ricnarp Duke. Loud as Jupiter’s thunder. — Pierce Ecan. As loud as Heav’n’s quick-darted ‘ flame. — Witu1aM HamitTon. Loud as the trumpet rolls its sound. — Izi. Loud as when blust’ring Boreas issues forth, To bring the sweeping whirlwind from the north. — WaLTer Harte. 242 ; Loud — continued. Loud as the storm-wind that tumbles the main. — O. W. HoLmgEs. Loud, as the shout encount’ring armies yield. — Homer (Pope). Loud as the surges when the tem- pest blows. — Inmp. Loud as cavalry to the charge. — GrorceE MEREDITH. Loud as from numbers without number. — MILTON. Dreadful sounds, Loud as tides that burst their bounds. — Joun Scott. Speak as loud as Mars. — SaaKkE- SPEARE. Loud as the clank of an ironmonger. — SHELLEY. Loud as the voice of nature. — Isip. Loud as the summer forest in the storm, as the river that roars among rocks. — SOUTHEY. Loud, as when the tempest-tossed forest roars to the roaring wind. — Isp. Loud as when the wintry whirl- winds blow. — Ini. Lowd as larke in ayre. — SPEN- SER. Loud as the winds when stormy spring Makes all the woodland rage and ring. — SwINBURNE. Loud as when the storm at ebb-tide rends the beach. — Ipip. Loud as the trumpet of surviving Fame. — WALLER. Loud as the ocean when a tempest blows. — WituiaM WILKIE. Loud as the silver trumpet’s martial noise. — Inip. Loud as any mill. — Worpswortu. LOUD. — LOVE. Lounge. Lounged like a boy of the South. — Rozsert BRownine. Love (Noun). Love is like the rose: so sweet, that one always tries to gather it in spite of the thorns. — ANON. Love is like the sunbeam that gleams through the shower And kisses off gently the dews from the flower; That cheers up the blossoms and bids them be gay, And lends the fragrance that perfumes the day. — Isr. Love, like a cough, can’t be hidden. — Isp. ; Love, like fire, cannot subsist with- out continual movement ; as soon as it ceases to hope and fear, it ceases to exist. — Isrp. Like threads of silver seen through crystal beads let love through good deeds show. — Epwin ARNOLD. ; Love is like the rose, And a month it may not see, Ere it withers where it grows. —P. J. Barry. In love, a woman is like a lyre that surrenders its secrets only to the hand that knows how to touch its strings. — Batzac. The wrongs of love, like the notes of a solvent debtor, bear interest. — Ipm. Love is like youth, he thirsts,’ He scorns to be his mother’s page ; But when the proceeding times assuage The former heate, he will complaine, And wish those pleasant houres againe. — Francis Beaumont. Luv is like the measles, one kant alwus tell when one ketched it and ain’t ap tew hav it severe but onst, and then it ain’t kounted much unless it strikes inly. — Jos BiLLinGs. Uo LOVE, Love — continued. Love is like the wild rose-briar ; Friendship like the holly-tree. The holly is dark when the rose-briar * blooms, But which will bloom most constantly ? The wild rose-briar is sweet in spring, Its summer blossoms scent the air ; Yet wait till winter comes again, And who will call the wild-briar fair? Then, scorn the silly rose-wreath now, And deck thee with the holly’s sheen, That, when December blights thy brow He still may leave thy garland green. — Entity Bronté. Women’s love, like lichens on arock, will still grow where even charity can find no soil to nurture itself. —C. N. BovEr. Love, like death, levels all ranks and lays the shepherd’s crook beside the sceptre. — BuLWER-LyTTon. Love’s very much like bathing. At first we go souse to the bottom, if we’re not drowned, then we gather pluck, .grow calm, strike out gently, and make a deal pleasanter thing of it afore we’re done. — Inmw. Oh, my. luve is like a red, red rose That’s newly sprung in June ; Oh, my luve is like the melodie That’s sweetly play’d in tune. — Burns. Love is increased by injuries, as the Sunbeams are more gracious after a cloud. — Ropert Burton. As the Sun is in the Firmament, so is Love in the world. — Ini. Love is a fire that burns and sparkles In men as naturally as in charcoals. — SAMUEL BUTLER. All love at first, like generous wine, Ferments and frets, until ’tis fine ; But when ’tis settled on the lye, And from the impurer matter free, Becomes the richer still, the older, And proves the pleasanter, the colder. — Isp. 243 Love-passions are like parables, by which men still mean something else. — SamMvuEL Buruer. Love in your heart as idly burns As fire in antique Roman urns. — Isp. Love, like the cold bath, is never negative, it seldom leaves us where it finds us ; if once we plunge into it, it will either heighten our virtues or in- flame our vices. — C. C. Couron. Love, like death, a universal leveller of mankind. — CoNGREVE. Love, like a greedy hawk, if we give way, Does over-gorge himself with his own prey. — ABRAHAM COWLEY. Love, like a scene, at distance should appear, But marriage views the gross daubed landscape near. — Drypen. Love, like fire, when once kindled, is soon blown into a flame. — FreLpine. Look as it is with some true April day, Whose various weather stores the world with flowers ; The sun his glorious beams doth fair display, Then rains and shines again, and straight it lowers, And twenty changes in one hour doth prove ; So, and more changing is a woman’s love. — PHineAs FLETCHER. Love is most like an owl that cannot fly, though wings he has, and lurksin every hole. Beware of him; the vil- lain, old in sin, shuns the front door, and by the back comes in. — FoLENGo. Love like a little bird is made, that hops about from bough to bough : Into my bosom it has strayed and at my heart is pecking now. — GoLpont. Love is like a landscape which doth stand, Smooth at a distance, rough at hand. — Ropert HecGe. 244 LOVE, Love — continued. Love, like the opening of heaven to the saints, shows for a moment, even to the dullest man, the possibilities of the human race. — ArTHUR HELPS. Love rushed through him as a river in flood. — Maurice Hewtetr. O, love, love, love! Love is like a dizziness ; It winna let a poor body Gang about his bizziness. — Hoae. Love is like a well profound, From which two souls have right to draw, And in whose waters will be drowned, The one who takes the other’s law. —J. G. Hoanp. Love is like spring: it laughs through the cold and the snow; it perfumes the night and flourishes under graves. — Arsine Houssave. Love is like epidemic diseases, the more one is afraid of it, the more is one exposed to it. — In. Love’s like the measles — all the worse when it comes late in life. — DovucLas JERROLD. Love is like medical science — the art of assisting Nature. — LALLE- MAND. Love, like beauty, strong to lure ; Love, like joy, makes man her thrall, Strong to please and conquer all. — Ernst Lanae. Love, like the flower that courts the sun’s kind ray, Will flourish only in the smiles of day. —Joun LANGHORNE. True love, like the eye, can bear no flaw. — LavATER. Love, like the lark, while soaring sings; Wouldst have him spread again his wings ? What careth he for higher skies Who on the heart of harvest lies, And finds both sun and firmament Closed in the round of his content ? —W. J. Linton. Loue is likened to the Emerald which cracketh rather then consenteth to any disloyaltie, and can there be any greater villany then being secreat not to be constant, or being constant not to be secret. — LyLy. ‘ Love gotten with witchcraft, is as unpleasant as fish taken with medicines unwholesome. — Inin. Love is like a charming romance which is read with avidity, and often with such impatience that many pages are skipped to reach the dénouement sooner. — Tuomas Maricuat. Love, like arm’d Death, is strong. — Epwarp Moore. ’Tis love, like the sun, that gives light to the year, The sweetest of blessings that life can give ; Our pleasures it brightens, drives sorrow away, Gives joy to the night, and enlivens the day. — Isp. Ah! love is like a tender flower Hid in the opening leaves of life, Which, when the springtide calls, has power, To scorn the elemental strife. — Lewis Morris. Love, like the creeping vine, withers if it has nothing to embrace. — N1-* SUMI. Love before marriage is like a too short preface before a book without end. — J. Petit-Senn. Love, like death, makes all distinc- tion void. — Mattuew Prior. Love, like men, dies oftener of excess than hunger. — Ricurter. Love’s as cunnin’ a little thing as a hummin’-bird upon the wing. — JAMES Wuircoms Riney. ‘ LOVE, Love — continued. Love is like a red-currant wine — it first tastes sweet, but afterward shuddery, — T. W. Rozvertson. True love is like ghosts, which every- body talks about and few have seen. — RocHEroucauL. Love, like other little boys, Cries for hearts, as they for toys. — Ear. or RocHEstTer. Love, like flowers, endureth but a spring. — Ronsarb. Love is like a lovely rose the world’s delight. — C. G. Rossertt. Love is like the moon: when it does not increase, it decreases. — SEQUR. Love is like a child, That longs for everything that he can come by. — SHAKESPEARE. Love like a shadow flies, when sub- stance love pursues ; Pursuing that that flies, and flying what pursues. — Isp. Love, that comes too late, Like a remorseful pardon slowly carried, To a great sender turns a sour offence, Crying, that’s good that’s gone. — Isp. Love is like understanding, that grows bright Gazing on many truths ; ’tis like thy light, Imagination. — SHELLEY. Love like air is widely given ; Power nor chance can these restrain ; Truest, noblest gifts of heaven ! Only purest in the plain. . — WILLIAM SHENSTONE. Love is an April’s doubting day : Awhile we see the tempest lower ; Anon the radiant heaven survey, And quite forget the flitting shower. — Iz. Love is like a tune that’s played, and life a tale that’s told. — W. W. Story. 245 True love, like the lightning that flashes, must kindle from eye to eye and strike into the heart. — Franz von SUPPE. Love is awful as immortal death. — Ipip. Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith. — OLD TESTAMENT. The love of a woman is like a mush- room, —it grows in one night and will serve somewhat pleasantly next morning for breakfast, but afterwards waxes fulsome and unwholesome. — Cyrit TourNEUR. Emotional effusions are like licorice- root. When you take your first suck at it, it doesn’t seem so bad, but it leaves a very bad taste in your mouth afterward. — TuRGENEV. In love as in war, a fortress that parleys is half taken. — MAarGuERITE DE VALOIS. Love . . . likea pirate, takes you by spreading false colors. — VANBRUGH. Love, like virtue, is its own re- ward. — Isip. Love, like fortune, turns upon a heel, and ‘is very much given to rising and falling. — Isp. Love, my sweet Lidi! resembles the fugitive shadows of morning ; shorter and shorter they grow and at length disappear. — Minty VirKovics. Love’s like a torch which, if secur’d from blasts, Will fainter burn, but then it longer lasts : Expos’d to storms of jealousy and doubt, The blaze grows greater, but ’tis sooner out. — Wiriu1am Wats. Love, like a bird, hath perch’d upon a spray For thee and me to hearken what he sings. » — Wituiam Watson. 246 Love — continued. Love... as pure as Angel-worship, when the just’ And beautiful of Heaven are bow’d in prayer | — WHITTIER. Love as strong as that which binds the peopled Universe. — In. Love is a lamp unseen, burning to waste, or, if its light is found, nursed for our idle hour, then idly broken. — N. P. Wiuus. Love, like ambition, dies as ’tis en- joyed. —THomas YALDEN. Love (Verb). Love as a cat loves mustard. — ANON. Loved as a guardian angel. —Insmp. As reeds and willows love the water side, So love loves with the idle to abide. — Francis BEAUMONT. Loved as patriots. — E. B. Brown- ING. Love . . . dearly, like pig and pie. — Ropert Burton. Love as a Welshman does toasted cheese. — JoHN Day. Love as the dog does a whip. — JoHn Ray’s ‘‘HanpBook or Prov- ERBS.” Love as the devil loves holy water. — Swirt. Love him as Frenchmen love Napo- leon. — SWINBURNE. My spirit loved and loves him yet, Like some poor girl whose heart is set On one whose rank exceeds her own. — TENNYSON. Loveliness. Loveliness Stays like the light, after the sun is set. — Ricwarp SHEIL. Loveliness, Like a rich tint that makes a picture warm LOVE, — LOVELY. Is lurking in the chestnut of thy tress, Enriching it, as moonlight after storm Mingles dark shadows into gentleness. —N. P. Witus. Lovely. Lovely as the first green in the wood. — ANon. Lovely as Venus. — Isin. Lovely as sleep. — Bion. Lovely as an angel’s dream. — Emity Bronte. Lovely as all excellence. —WILLIAM BROWNE. Lucid and lovely as the morning star. — Micuaeu Bruce.’ Lovely as Love. — Byron. Lovely as day. — GzorcE CoLman, THE YOUNGER. Lovely and piteous, like a frosted flower. — HeLten G. Cone. Lovely as the morning. — Barry CorRNWALL. Lovely as fairies. — Frrpavst. Lovely as seraphs. — WASHINGTON Irvine. Lovely as lilies ungathered. — Har- rier E. Hamiuron Kine. Lovely as May. — Joun Locan. Lovely as is the maiden moon in May. — Water MaLone, Lovely as a bridegroom. — Miss Mirtrorp. Lovely as an infant’s dream On the waking mother’s breast. — JAMES Montgomery. Lovely as the first beam of the sun. — OSSIAN. Lovely as adolescence. — Ourpa. Lovely as an obelisk in a desert. — T. N. Page. Lovely as light. — Matrurw Prior. LOVELY. — LUCENT. Lovely — continued. Lovely as the Lord of Night. — RAMAYANA. Lovely as a queen. —D. G. Ros- SETTI. Lovely as the smiling infant spring. —Sir WALTER Scorr. budding Lovely as oa SOUTHEY. Tose, —— Lovely as nymphs. — Inm. Lovely as the youthful dreams of Hope. — Inip. Lovely as a landscape in a dream. — TENNYSON. Lovely as the violet. — TuprEr. Lovely as a Lapland night. — WoRDSWORTH. Lovely as spring’s first rose. — Inm. Lover. Lovers are like walking ghosts, they always haunt the spot of their mis- deeds. — GrorcE H. Boker. Lovers like sick folks may say what they please. — JEREMY COLLIER. A lover is like a hunter, if the game be got with too much ease he cares not for it. — Rospert Map. The quarrels of lovers are like sum- mer showers, that leave the country more verdant and beautiful. — Ma- DAME NECKER, Young lovers, like game cocks, are made bolder by being kept without light. — VANBRUGH. Loving. Loving as a mother’s voice. — CARLYLE. Low. Low as the grave. — ANON. Low as horse’s hoof. — ScotcH BAt- LAD. Low as zephyr, telling secrets to his rose. — T. L. Beppoes. 247 Lying low, like a malignant little animal under a hedge. — JoseruH Con- RAD. Low as a bushy _ bramble. — CuarLes Mackun. Low as a_baboon’s forehead. — Sypney Munpen. Low as Hell. — D. G. Rossetti. Fall low as Persian to the sun. — CHARLES SANGSTER. Low as to the fiends. — SHaKeE- SPEARE. As low as hell’s from heaven. — Ipip. Low as the softest breath that passes in summer at evening O’er the olian strings, felt there when nothing is moving, Save the thistle-down, lighter than air, and the leaf of the aspen. — SouTHEY. Low as broken crown. — Swin- BURNE. Lower. . Lowers like a storm. — CHRISTOPHER Pirr. Lowering as a storm-flushed moon. — SWINBURNE. Lowly. Lowly as a flower. — Maprtson Ca- WEIN. Lowly as a slave. — TUPPER. Loyal. Loyal as a dove. — ANoN. Loyal to her plighted faith as is the sun in Heaven. — JoHN Forp. Loyal as the Liberty on a golden ten-dollar piece. —O. W. Hotes. Loyal as prairie scout. — Amy Les- LIE. Lucent. Softly licent as a rounded moon. — LoweLL. 248 Lucid. Lucid as a Japanese sphere of rock- crystal. —O. W. Homes. Lucid and lovely as the morning star. —Joun Locan. Lucid as the dawn. — JoHN SKEL- TON. Lucid as daylight. —S. G. Tat- LENTYRE. Lucid as air. — JoHN WILSON. Lugubrious. Lugubrious as a tombstone. — REn- NoLD WoLr. Lull. Lull’d like the depth of ocean when at rest. — Byron. Lulling as falling water’s hollow noise. — JOHN Gay. It lulled like the lull in a storm. — Ouma. Luminous. Luminous as jelly. — AMBROSE BIERcE. Luminous as a panther’s skin. — Sir A. Conan Dove. As luminous as the sun’s intensest beam. — CHARLES SANGSTER. Luminous as a lit-up ballroom. — H. pr VERE STACPOOLE. Lure. Lured as the fowler lures the bird. — Lops DE VEGA. Lurid. Lurid as a comic opera climax. — J. Currver Goopwin. Lurid as hell. —Grorcze Casot Lope. Lurid as anguish. — SwInBURNE. Lurk. Lurk behind, like a concealed root. — CERVANTES. LUCID. — LUST. Lurked as comfortably as a shy bird in its native thicket.—JosrpH ConraD. Lurk like vermin. — Joun Davipson. Lurks like embers raked in ashes. — DRYDEN. Lurks and clings as withering, damn- ing blight. — Grores Exior. Lurking . . . like a concealed enemy. — FIeLpina. Lurks like a mole underneath the visible surface of manners. — THOMAS Harpy. Lurk, like a snake under the innocent shade Of a spread summer-leaf. — Tuomas Mippeton. Lurking like a savage thing Crouching for a treacherous spring. — Maurice Txompson. Luscious. Luscious as locusts. — SHAKESPEARE. Lust. Lust, like a lawless headlong flood, Impregnated with ooze and mud, Descending fast on every side, Once mingles with the sacred tide, Farewell the soul-enliv’ning scene! The banks that wore a smiling green, With rank defilement overspread, Bewail their flow’ry beauties dead. — CowPER. Base lust, With all her powders, paintings, and best pride, Is but a fair house built by a ditch side. —THomas Mipp.eron. Lusts are like agues; the fit is not always on, and yet the man is not rid of the disease ; and some men’s lusts, like some agues, have not such returns as others. — HERBERT SPENCER. Our headlong lusts, like a young fiery horse, Start and flee raging in a violent course. — Isaac Watts. LUSTFUL. —~ MAGNIFICENT. Lustful. As lustful as Messalina. — RoBerr Burton. Lustrous. Lustrous as satin. — ANON. Lustrous, thick like horsehairs. — Rosert Brownine. Lustrous as agate. — GAUTIER. Lustrous as ebony. — SHAKESPEARE. Lustrous as laughter. — SWINBURNE. Lustrous as the day.— Joun Tartor. Lustrous sun-set. — THOMAS WADE. as M Machine. The Ford machine is like a bath- tub. Everybody wants one, but no- body wants to be seen in it. — CHAUN- cey M. Depew. Mad. Mad as a hatter. — ANON. Mad as an adder. — Ibrp. Mad as a rat in a trap. — Ini. Mad as a wet cat. — Ibmp. Mad as blazes. — Isip. Mad as tigers. — IBmp. Mad as all wrath. —J. R. Bart- LeTT’s “ DIcTIONARY oF AMERICAN- IsMs.” Mad as a bull among bumble bees. — Isp. Mad as May butter. — Braumont AND FLETCHER. As Staring madde like March Hares. — Anprew Borne (1490-1549.) As mad as Orlando for his Angelica, or Hercules for his Hylas. — Robpert Burton. 249 Lusty. ; Lusty as leaves in June. — GERALD Massey. Lusty as Nature. — WALT Warrman Luxuriant. Luxuriant as the vine. — ANon. Luxurious. Luxurious as a cluster of grapes. — Wituam M. Reepy. Luxury. Luxury, like wine, both stimulates and weakens. — ALPHONSE Karr. He is as mad as a March hare. — CERVANTES. Mad ... like the warrior in the fight. — Barry CorNnwWaALL. Mad as a drunken squaw. — ALFRED Henry Lewis. Mad as the delirious dream Of one who, on an Indian stream Floating in a Morphean bark, Feeds on the charméd lotus leaf. —T. Bucuanan Reap. Mad as Ajax. — SHAKESPEARE. More mad Than Telamon for his shield. — Isp. Mad as the vexed sea. — Ini. Maddening. Lived maddeningly, like a man who has a drumming in his ear. — Maurice HEWLETT. Magnanimous. Magnanimous as Agamemnon. — SHAKESPEARE. Magnificent. Magnificent as Mrs. Siddons as Lady Macbeth. — THackEray. 250 Maid. The spotless maid is like the blooming rose Which on its native stem unsullied grows. — ARIOSTO. Maidens, like moths, are ever caught by glare, And Mammon wins his way where seraphs might despair. — Byron. Maids are like contentment in this life, Which all the world have sought, but none enjoy’d. — Sir Jonn Davies. A maiden is like a half-blown damask rose, fair as a dream and full of the sweet fragrance of the purity of dawn- ing womanhood.— Annie E. Lan- CASTER. Majestic. Majestic as a statue. — ANON. Majestic as Cesar. — Inrp. Majestic as Juno. — Isp. Like Jove, GRANVILLE. majestic. — GEORGE Majestic as the sun at noon. — ORIENTAL. Port as Majestic as Astley’s horse dances. — Antony Pasquin. Majestic in its movement as a sonnet of Milton. — IsrarL ZANGWILL. Majorities. Decision by majorities is as much an expedient as lighting by gas. — GLap- STONE. Malicious. Malicious as a satyr. — ANON. Malicious as Saul to David. — Ipin. Maliciously like poison. — SuHaKe- SPEARE. Malicious as Satan. — THACKERAY, Man. Man is a social creature, and we are made to be helpful to each other; we MAID. ——- MAN. are like the wheels of a watch, that none of them can do their work alone, without the concurrence of the rest. — ANON. Some men are like a brook, noisy but shallow. — Inip. Man is like a razor, the sharper for being stropped. — Ixnip. Some men, like wagons, rattle most when there’s nothing in them. — In. Tall men, like tall houses, are usually ill furnished in the upper story. — Bacon. The majority of men are like animals — they take fright and are reassured by trifles. — Bauzac. A Manis like unto a fort in a strange land, easy to capture, but hard to hold; but a woman of virtue is like an eel ina bathtub, not easily to be acquired, but difficult to lose. — GEeLeTT BurcEss. Men but like visions are, Time all doth claime, He lives, who dies to winne a lasting name. — WILLIAM DRUMMOND. Men, like musical instruments, seem made to be played upon. — ; C. N. Boveg. An honest man is like a plain coat, which without welt [fold] or guard, keepeth the body from wind and weather, and being well made fits him best that wears it; and where the stuff is more regarded than the fashion, there is not much ado in the putting of it on. So, the mind of an honest man, without tricks or compliments, keeps the credit of a good conscience from the scandal of the world and the worm of Iniquity; which being wrought by the Workman of Heaven, fits him best that wears it to His service ; and where Virtue is more esteemed than Vanity, it is put on and worn with that ease that shows excellency of the Workman. — NicuHotas BRETon. MAN, Man — continued. Men are like old ships, easy towed, but hard to steer. — Ronpert Bripass (American), Man is like a book... the com- monality only look to his binding. — Bunwer-Lyrron. A young man is like a fair new house, the carpenter leaves it well built, in good repair, a solid stuff; but a bad tenant lets it rain in, and for want of reparation fall to decay, ete. Our Parents, Tutors, Friends, spare no cost to bring us up in our youth in all manner of virtuous education ; but when we are left to ourselves idleness asa tempest drives all virtuous notions out of our minds, ete, and nthilisumus, on a sudden, by sloth and such bad ways, we come to naught. ~ Rovert Burton. Man is like a napkin, the more neatly the housewife doubles him, the more carefully she lays him on the shelf. — Iniv. We are like billiard balls in a game played by unskillful: players, continu- ally being nearly sent into a pocket, but hardly ever getting right into one, except by a fluke. — SanugL, Burer (1835-1902). . In fact, man ain’t constructed for a heavy strain of bliss, Human beings are like boilers, and the same rules, it would seem, Have an equal application to affection and stenm. — Wa. ALLEN BUTLER, A young man of high talent, and high though still temper, like a young mettled colt, ‘breaks-off his neck- halter’, and bounds forth, from his peculiar manger, into the wide world ; which, alas, he finds all rigorously fonced-in. Richest clover-fields tempt his eye ; but to him they are forbidden pasture: either pining in progressive starvation, he must stand ; or, in mad exasperation, must rush to and fro, leaping against sheer stonewalls, which 251 he cannot leap over, which only lacer- ate and lame him; till at last, after thousand attempts and endurances, he, as if by miracle, clears his way: not indeed into luxuriant and luxurious clover, yet into a certain bosky wilder- ness where existence is still possible, and Freedom, though waited on by Scarcity, is not without sweetness, — CARLYLE. Some men are like musical glasses, — to produce their finest tone, you must keep them wet. — CoLERIDGE. Great men, like great cities, have many crooked arts‘and dark alleys in their hearts, whereby he that knows them may save himself much time and trouble. — C. C. CoLton. Great men, like comets, are eccentric in their courses, and formed to do ex- tensive good, by modes unintelligible to vulgar minds. — Ini. A good man, like a well trained wrestler, ought to struggle against ad- versity with the whole energy of his faculties. — DEMorHiLus. Why do you make such haste to have done loving me? You men are like watches, wound up for striking twelve immediately ; but after you are satisfied, the very next that follows, is the solitary sound of a single one. — DRYDEN. Men are like Geneva watches with crystal faces which expose the whole movement. — EMERSON. Men are like wine, — not good before the lees of clownishness be settled. — FELTHAM. Such men grew wiser as well as better, the farther they departed from home, and seemed like rivers, whose streams are not only increased, but refined, as they traveled from their source. — GOLDSMITH. Wise men, like wine, are best when old; pretty women, like bread, are best when young. — Sam Sick. 252 Man — continued. As no two pots will boil alike, so with men ; they seethe in trouble with a difference. — Maurice HEwLett. A bad man is like an earthen vessel, easy to break, and hard to mend. A good man is like a golden vessel, — hard to break, and easy to mend. — HITOPADESA. Men, like peaches and pears, grow sweet a little while before they begin to decay. —O. W. Hoimes. As is the race of leaves, such is that of men ; some leaves the wind scatters upon the ground, and others the bud- ding wood produces, for they come again in the season of Spring. So is the race of men, one springs up and _the other dies. — Homer. A man whose great qualities want the ornament of superficial attractions, is like a naked mountain with mines of gold, which will be frequented only till the treasure is exhausted. — Dr. JoHN- SON. Good men, like the sea, should still maintain Their noble tastes in midst of all fresh humours, ° That flow about them, to corrupt their streams, Bearing no season, much less salt of goodness. — Brn Jonson. Like to the falling of a star, Or as the flights of eagles are; Or like the fresh spring’s gaudy hue, Or silver drops of morning dew; Or like a wind that chafes the flood, Or bubbles which on water stood : Ev’n such is man, whose borrow’d light Is straight call’d in, and paid to-night. The wind blows out, the bubble dies; The spring entom’d in autumn lies; The dew dries up, the star is shot; The flight is past — and man forgot. — Henry Kine. Wise men are like moorlands — ride as far as you will on the sound ground, MAN. you are sure to come upon a soft place at last. — KInGsLEy. Man is like a tree which is shaken that its fruit may drop to the ground. — LAMARTINE. Great men stand like solitary towers ! — LoNGFELLOW. Great men are like meteors: they glitter and are consumed to enlighten the world. — NaPoLEon. Men are like money: we must take them for their value, whatever may be the effigy. — Mapamr NeEcKEr. A man, like a watch, is to be valued for his manner of going. — WILLIAM PENN. ‘Man, like the generous vine, supported lives ; The strength he gains is from the em- brace he gives. — Port. Men like bullets, go farthest when they are smoothest. — J. P. Ricursr. Man is like horse-radish : the more it is grated the more it bites. — Isp. Men are weathercocks, which are never constant or fixed, but when they are, they are worn out or rusty. — RoussEav. Most men are like plants: they possess properties which chance dis- covers. — SAINT-REAL. At ten, Mercury is in the ascendant ; and at that age, a man, like this planet, is characterized by extreme mobility within a narrow sphere where trifles have a great effect upon him; but under the guidance of so crafty and eloquent a god, he easily makes great progress. Venus begins her sway during his twentieth year, and then a man is wholly given up to the love of women. At thirty, Mars comes to the front, and he is now all energy and strength — daring, pugnacious, and arrogant. — SCHOPENHAUER. MAN. — MANKIND. Man — continued. Men, like butterflies, Shew not their mealy wings but to the summer ; And not a man, for being simply man, Hath any honour. — SHAKESPEARE. Man, like this sublunary world, is born the sport of two cross planets, love and scorn. — Sir EDwARD SHERBURNE. If you were to say that man was like a time glass — that both must run out, and both render up their dust, I should listen to you with more attention, be- cause I should feel something like sur- prise at the sudden relation you had struck out between two such apparently dissimilar ideas as a man and a time glass. — Sypnry SmITu. It is in men as in soils, where some- times there is a vein of gold which the owner knows not of. — Swirt. Man, like everything else that lives, changes with the air that sustains him. — Talne. A man, like a book, must have an index; he is divided into chapters, sections, pages, prefaces, and appen- dix ; in size, quarto, octavo, or duo- decimo, and bound in cloth, morocco, antique, or half calf; the dress, the gait, the behavior, are an index to the contents of this strange book, and give you the number of the page. — T. DeWitt TaLMAGE. Man is like to vanity : his days are as a shadow that passeth away. — OLD TESTAMENT. Great men are like oaks, under the branches of which men are happy in finding a refuge in the time of storm and rain ; but when they have to pass a sunny day under them, they take pleasure in cutting the bark and break- ing the branches. — THEMISTOCLES. Great men are like great bells ; every sound they utter strikes our ears with the noise of thunder. — J. Prenrorp Tuomas. 253 Man, like to Cassia, is proved best being bruised. — Jonn WEBSTER. Every man is like the apostle Peter in one respect, that his tongue betrays him. — R. G. Warts. Man’s like the earth, his hair like grasse is grown, His veins the rivers are, his heart the stone. — “Wrrts Recreations,” 1640. Man-Worship. This thing of man-worship I am a stranger to; I don’t like it ; it taints every action of life ; it is like a skunk getting into a house —long after he has cleared out, you smell him in every room and closet, from the cellar to the garret. — DaviD CROCcKETT. Manageable. Manageable as chess-pieces. — Grorce MEREDITH. Manful. Manful as the man of stone. — A. E. Housman. Manfully. Manfully, like one who speaks the honest truth. — SouTHEY. Manifest. As clear and as manifest as the nose in a man’s face. — Ropert Burton. Manifest as day. — ‘‘WARNING FOR Farre Women,” 1599. Manifold. Manifold As are the passions of uncertain man. — Samuet DanieE.. Mankind. The world is like a vast sea ; man- kind like a vessel sailing on its tem- pestuous bosom. Our prudence is its sails, the sciences serve us for oars, good or bad fortune are the favourable or contrary winds, and judgment is the rudder ; without this last, the vessel is tossed by every billow, and will find ship- wreck in every breeze. — GOLDSMITH. 254 Manners. Fine manners are like personal beauty, —a letter of credit every- where. —C. A. BarTou. Manners . . . Like a great rough diamond, it may do very well in a closet by way of curiosity, and also for its intrinsic value. — CHESTER- FIELD. Manners, like fashions, still from courts descend, And what the great begin, the vulgar end. — Paut WHITEHEAD. Mantle. Mantle like a flame of fire. — Lone- FELLOW. Cream and mantle, like a standing pond. — SHAKESPEARE. Many. As many lives as a cat. — BUNYAN. As feele (many) as of leves ben on trees in somer. — CHAUCER. As many as the phases of the mind’s emotion. — HayDEN SANDS. March. March like a rough tumbling storm. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. March like an endless rhyme. — Kipiine. Marriage. Marriage is like to casting dice. If chance bring you a virtuous and good- tempered wife, your lot is happy. If you gain instead a gadding, gossiping, and thriftless quean, no wife is yours, but everlasting plague in woman’s garb ; the habitable globe holds not so dire a torment anywhere. — Epi- CHARMUS. Like a dog with a bottle fast tied to his tail, Like vermin in a trap or a thief in a jail, Like a Tory in a bog Or an ape with a clog: MANNERS. — MARRY. Such is the man who, when he might go free, Does his liberty lose For a matrimony noose, And sells himself into captivity. — Tuomas FiaTMan. Marriage is not like the hill of Olym- pus, wholly clear, without clouds. — THomas FULLER. Marriage to maids is like a war to men; the battle causes fear, but the sweet hope of winning at the last still draws them on. — NATHANIEL LEE. It is a signe that nothing will asswage your love but marriage : for such is the tying of two in wedlocks, as is the tun- ing of two lutes in one key, for striking the strings of one, strawes will stirre upon the strings of the other, and in two mindes linked in love, one cannot be delighted, but the other rejoiceth. — LyLy. You know some of our Grub Street. wits compared marriage to a country dance, which scheme I extremely ap- proved, but when I read it I thought it should have been set to the tune of “Love forever”; but they say it never did go to that tune, nor ever would. — Exiasrru R. Montacu. Marriage is like a flaming candle-light Placed in the window on a summer’s night, Inviting all the insects of the air To come and singe their pretty wing- lets there. — ENGLISH Sona. Married. Married people, for being so closely united, are but the apter to part: as knots, the harder they are pulled, break the sooner. — Swit. Marry. Every man who marries is like the Doge who weds the Adriatic sea: he knows not what he may find therein, — treasures, pearls, monsters, un- known storms. — Heinrich HEINE. MARRYING, —~ MEEK, Marrying. Marrying . . . ’tis like going a long voyage to sea, where after a while even the calms are distasteful, and the storms dangerous : one seldom sees wnew object, ‘tis still a deal of sea, sen ; husband, husband, every day, — till one’s quite cloy’d with it. — Arma Bonn, Marrying a widow is an easy busi- ness, like leaping the hedge where an- other has gone over before. — VAN- BRUGUL Marrying to increase love is like gaming to become rich. — WycuerLey,. Mars. Mars like the curse on a woman's lips. — Epwarp Prvus. Masculine. Masculine as 2 fox chase. — Hinny Mack unzig, Masterful. Masterful as the blind instinet that compels the migration of schools of fish. -- TIenry AL Cuarr, Masterful as fate. — SwinBuRNE. Masterless. Masterless as Aq@nes Ruereiisn. Match. As evenly matched as two cubes of the same size. — ANON. will-o'-the-wisps. — Mature. Matured like flowers by the light of the sun. — ANON. Maxim. A maxim is like the seed of a plant, which the soul it is thrown into must expand into leaves and flowers and fruit. — Mapa pe Sawrony. Manims ... have the same use with the burning-glass ; to collect: the diffused rays of wit and learning in authors, and make them point with 255 warmth and quickness upon the reader’s imagination. — Swirt. Meagre. Meager as death itself. — Joun Bytom. Mean. Mean as a miser. — ANON. Mean as an earth-worm. — Dumas, PERE. Mean as falsehood. — Miss Mv- LOCK. Mean as dust, and dead as dreams. — Wiuitam Watson. Meander. Meandered . like a lazy brook among — water-meadows. — Maurice Tew err, Meandering... like a silver scarf outblown On the fluttering of the gale. — Frank WATERS. Meaningless. Meaningless as shredded hay. — Frankuin P. AvAwts. Meaningless as an imprint on a wornout coin. ~ - ANON, Meaningless, tke the head of a corpse, — Joserui Conia. Meaningless as the boom of waves in a drowning head. — Evitn Wuar- TON, Meditate. Meditate deeply, like a warning whisper from Providence. — Hugo. Meditative. Meditative, like a girl trying to decide which dress to wear to the party. — O. Henny. Meek. Meek as a Madonna, — Anon, Meck as a mouse. — Iprp. Meek as mustard. — Ibrp. 256 Meek — continued. Meek as a violet. — ANon. Meek as Moses. — Isip. Meek as a matron in mantle gray. — Joanna BaILuie. Meek as the turtle-dove. — RoBErt Barr. Meek as the man Moses. — Cow- PER. Meeke as is a mayde. — CHAUCER. As meke as ever was any lamb. — Ini. Asa lamb she sitteth meke and stille, as leef on lynde [Linden tree]. — Ipip. Meek as any baby. — Maurice HEWLETT. As Hester meke. — Jonn LypGATE. Meek as a dove. — GrorcE MERE- DITH. Meek as gruel. — Ipip. Meek as the gentlest of those who in life’s sunny valley lie sheltered and warm. — THomas Moore. Meek as a saint. — Pops. Meek as May. — Isp. More meek than lambs. — THE- OCRITUS. Meek, like to a bankrupt beggar. — SHAKESPEARE. Shee meeker, kinder than The turtle-dove or pelican. — GEORGE WITHER. Leans meekly, like a flower By the still river tempted from its stem And on its bosom floating. —N. P. WIus. Meek and patient as a sheathéd sword. — WorpDsworTH. Meet. . As meet as a rope for a thief. — Joun Heywoop. MEEK. —- MELANCHOLY. Melancholy. Melancholy as a graveyard on a rainy day. — ANON. Melancholy as a hearse-plume. — Isp. Melancholy as a mourning-coach in a snowstorm. — Ipip. Melancholy as a squeezed Jemon. — Isr. ; Melancholy as a tailor. — Ipm. Melancholy as the moon at full. — P. J. Barey. Melancholy as a Quaker meeting- house by moonlight. —J. R. BARTLETT’s “DIcTIONARY OF AMERICANISMS.” Melancholy ... like a gamester that has lost his money. — BEauMontT AND FLETCHER. Melancholy as a cow. — GzorcE H. Boxer. Melancholy as Monks and Hermits. — Rosrrt. Burton. Melancholy as Irish melodies. — Buss Carman. Melancholy as an unbraced drum. — Mrs. CEnrtLivee. Melancholy sound . . . like the weeping of a solitary, deserted human heart. — Guy be Maupassant. Melancholy as a slighted damsel. — GOETHE. Melancholy, like the voice of a child that was spending its infancy without playfulness. — HawTHoRNE. Melancholic as midnight. — Ben JONSON. Melancholy as a cat. — LyLy. A melancholy strain, Like the low moaning of the distant sea. — Por. Melancholy as a gib cat. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Melancholy as a lodge in a warren. — Ibm. MELLOW. — MELT. Mellow. Mellow as the far-off lute. — ANon. Mellow, like a plum which has hung in the sun. — Inn. Mellow as the anger of waters in caves of the sea-shore. — Joun W. DE Forest. Mellow like the sunlight. — Mary JOHNSTON. Mellow, like a peach that is ready to drop in your lap. — Lover. Mellow as a lamp in a lighted room. — Auicre Durr Mier. Melodious. Melodious as the strain that floats on high, To soothe the sleep of blameless in- fancy. — Joun, LrypEn. Wild wordless melodies of love like murmur of dreaming brooks in Para- dise. —THropore Wartts-DunTon. Melt. Melts like the fitful vapor. — GRANT ALLEN. _ Melted away like an image of snow. — ANON. Melts like a passing smoke, a nightly dream. — MaTrHew ARNOLD. Melt as in a dream. — THOMAS Boyp. Melted as a star might do, Still smiling as she melted slow. —E. B. Brownina. Melts in the furnace of desire, Like glass, that’s but the ice of fire. — SAMUEL BUTLER. Melt, like man, to Time. — Byron. Melted like a phantasm. — CaLDE- RON. Melt like two hungry torrents. — GroRGE CHAPMAN. Melting, like ghosts before the rising * sun. — CHARLES CHURCHILL. 2M Melt like straggling snow that falls on fire. — Aaron Hitt. Melted like an image of snow. — O. W. Homes. Melting as a lover’s prayer. — JoHN Hucues. Melt away into the darkness like a snowflake in the water. — Huco. Melt like gold INGELow. Melts in, like the smile that sinks in the’ face of the dreamer. — EBENEZER JONES. refined. — JEAN Sweet Pleasure melteth, Like the bubbles when rain pelteth. — Krarts. Melted, as the rose Blendeth its odour with the violet. — Is. Melts like a pearl in pot of vinegar. —J. H. McCartuy. Melting, like mist, away. — THomas Moore. Melted like vapor in the sun. — GrorcEe P. Morris. Fond duties melt away like April snows. — Miss Mutocx. Like frost work in the morning ray, The fancied fabric melts away. — Sir Wa.rer Scott. Melt away, Like dissolving spray. — SHELLEY. Melt, like cloud to cloud. — Ism. Melts away Like moonlight in the heaven of spreading day. —Isn. Melted, as in a crucible. — WILLIAM W. Story. He melted like a cloud in the silent summer heaven. — TENNYSON. Melt like mist. — Inm. Melt away as waters which run continual. — OLp TESTAMENT. 258 Melt — continued. Melted like wax. — OLD TrsTAMENT. Melt as an iceberg in the tropics. — TuprPrR. Melt... like the sun from the day. — Joun WILSON. Memorable. Memorable as the grave.— DE QUINCEY. Memory. Like to a coin, passing from hand to hand, Are common memories, and day by day The sharpness of their impress wears away. — Arto Batszs. Then Memory disclosed her face divine, that like the calm nocturnal lights doth shine -within the soul. — GrorcE Enior. Memory is like a purse, if it be over- full that it cannot shut, all will drop out of it. — Tuomas Furr. His memory was like a miser’s pocket, from which you cannot entice a quarter of a kopek. — NixoLar V. GocoL. Sweet is the memory of departed friends. Like the mellow rays of the declining sun, it falls tenderly, yet sadly, on the heart. — WasHINGTON Irvine. Memory is like moonlight, the re- flection of brighter rays from an object no longer seen. —G. P. R. JAMES. Our memory is like a sieve, the holes of which in time get larger and larger ; the older we get, the quicker anything intrusted to it slips from the memory, whereas what was fixed fast in it in early days is there still. — ScHorEN- HAUER. Memory like books that remain a long time shut up in the dust needs to be opened from time to time; it ~ MELT, — MERCY, is necessary, so to speak, to open the leaves, that it may be ready in time of need. — SENECA. Menace. Swell menacingly like the first whis- per of a rising wind. — JoszrH Con- RAD. Mend. Mend as sour ale in summer. — Heywoon’s ‘“PRovERBS.” Men. (See Man.) Mendacity. We believe that mendacity, like marriage, is essentially a human con- vention and that in Heaven there is neither lying nor giving the lie. — New York Sun. Merciless. Merciless as a male tiger. — ANON. Merciless as Cxesar. — Inip. Merciless as the grave. — Inm. Merciless ... as that of trying to read the Universal Riddle. — Lar- caDIO Harn. Merciless as ambition. — JouBERrt. Merciless as Othello. — Ouma. Merciless as waste desire. — Joun PAYNE. Mercy. As freely as the firmament embraces the world, so mercy must encircle friend and foe. — ScHILLER. The quality of mercy is not strained. It droppeth, as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath : it is twice blessed ; It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes. © — SHAKESPEARE. Mercy is like a rainbow, we must never look for it after dark. — SAMUEL, SQUIRE. MERIT, — MIDDLE. Merit. True merit is like a river; the deeper it is the less noise it makes. — Ha iran. Merit is like musk, which although remaining concealed through the dif- fusion of its perfume, the nostrils are apprised thereof. — Prievy. True merit, like the pearl inside the oyster, is content to remain quiet until it finds an opening. — Punen. True merit, like the light of a glow- worm, shines conspicuous to all except the object which emits it. — EuizaBeTu Ricorp, Merit, like the show inside the cir cus, is of comparatively little use as drawing card; it is the bluff and buncombe, the banging drum and megaphone of the barker, which is the successful magnet. — LESLIE DE Vaux. Merry. Merry as a haystack sleeper. — ANON, Merry as a two-year-old. — Ipm. Merry as cap and can, — Ip. Merry as crickets in an oven. — Inip. Merry as flowers in May. — Ini. Merry as mice in malt. — Isp. Merry as spring. — Isr. Merry as the maids. — Buyyay. Merry as a kitten. — Burrs. Merry as a marriage bell. — Brroy. As merry as a_ fiddler. —‘‘THE Canistuas Prixcr.” Merry as the month of May. — Barry CORNWALL. Merry as popinjay. — Micwarn Drartes. Merry as birds on the bough. — Freperick THE GREAT., 259 As merry as king in his delight. — Rowert GREENE. Merry as an alimony bell. —O. Henry. As merry as a pie. —“ Kine’s HaLre- PENNY-WoRTH oF Wit Ix aA PEnny- WorTH oF Paper.” Merry as larks. — W. S. Lanpor. Merry as spring groves full of birds. — GERALD Massey. Merry as it were June. — Miss Mt Lock. Merry as singing birds. —C. E. Norton, Merry as three beans in a blue bladder. —'*Poor Rosin’s ALMAN- ACK.” As merry as a_ grig. — ENGLISH PROVERB. As merry as the maltman. — Scot- Tish PROVERB. Merry as the day is long. — SHAKE- SPEARE. As merry, as when our nuptial day was done, : And tapers burned to bedward. — Isp. Merry as crickets. — Ipip. Merry as an ape. — SwIFt. Meshed. The red Is meshed in the brown, Like a rubied sun in a Venice sail. — Francis THOMPSON. Method. Method is like packing things in a box ; a good packer will get in half as much again as a bad one. — SIR Ricwarp CECIL. Middle. Standing exactly in the middle of his face like the white in the centre of a target. — Anon. 260 Mighty. Mighty as an ivy-suffocated tower against a field of johnny-jump-ups. — Amy LEsLIz. Mild. Mild and peaceful as Socrates. — ANON. Mild as the ev’ning’s humid ray. — Tuomas BLACKLOCK. Mild as an English summer linger- ing on the brink of autumn. — BuL- WER-LYTTON. Mild, As a mother with her child. — CoLERIDGE. Mild as an emulsion. — GEORGE COLMAN, THE YOUNGER. Mild as any lamb that ever pas- tured in the fields. — DicKkEns. Mild as any maid. — Micwarn DrayYTON. Mild as the gentlest season of the year. — Francis Fawkes. Mild as the dove ey’d morn awakes the May. — Enzsan Fenton. As mild and humble in her thoughts, As was Aspasia unto Cyprus. — Rospert GREENE. Mild as the voice of comfort to despair. — WALTER Harte. Mild as summer’s mildest shower. — RecinaLtp HEBER, Mild as sighing saints. — AARon Hit. Mild as moonbeams crazed with murderous hates. — O. W. Hotmgs. Mild, Like the soft snoring of a child. — Hoop. Mild as a star in water. — Krats. Mild As grazing ox unworried in the meads. — Isp. Mild eye like the dawn.—C. J. Kicknam. MIGHTY — MILD. Mild, as the never wrathful dove. —Joun LANGHORNE. Mild as a saint whose errors are forgiven. — WiLLIAM LivINGsToON. Mild as the zephyr, like zephyr that throws Its sweets on the sweet-breathing May. — Epwarp Lovisonp. Mild as the call of spring to buried flowers. — Grorce Mac-HeEnry. Mild as milk. — James C. Mancan. Mild as an evening heaven around Hesper bright. — Grorce MEREDITH. Mild as the April eve. — WILLIAM J. Micke. Mild, as when Zephyrus or Flora breathes. — Mitton. Mild, like the hour of the setting sun. — OSSIAN. Mild as the moon’s light. — Jonn Payne. Mild as PHIips. Mild as the moon. — J. R. PLANcHE. Mild as May. — Pore. Mild as op’ning gleams of promised heav’n. — Irn. Mild as the murmurs of the Bird of Woe. — Mrs. Mary Rosinson. Mild as a dove. — SHAKESPEARE. the lamb. — AMBROSE Mild as the opening morn of May. — WILLIAM SHENSTONE. As Juno mild. — Sir Purp SIDNEY. Mild as the murmuring of Hymettian bees And honied as their harvest. — SWINBURNE. Mild as very sleep. — Inn. All mild and gentle as the silver moon Sitting heaven’s blue aboon. — Esaras TEGner. Mild as the kisses of connubial love. — Henry Kirke WHITE. MILD. — MIND. Mild — continued. Mild as the murmurs of the moon- light wave. — Inn. Mild as the opening morn’s serenest ray. — Wiuitaat’ WHITEHEAD. Mild as the close of summer's softest day. — Imp. Mild as Mr. Tupper’s precepts. — Wiwtiaa Winter. Mince. Minee like a maiden Nicuo1as Breroy. Minced like a nestling’s food. — Bayard Tar.or. Mind. Qld minds are like old horses ; you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in working order. — Jouy ADAMS, bride. — Little minds, like weak liquors, are soonest soured. — Anon. The mind is like a sheet of white paper in this, that the impressions it receives the oftenest, and retains the longest. are black ones. — Epwix ARNOLD, The mind's action is like that of an engineer who works under water. He gees down in a diving-bell, and is hidden. The work progresses, and the structure rises. but it does not show above water at all. It is there, but it is deep-seated and cancealed. — | Henry Warp BrecHer. Successful minds work like a gim- let, to a single paint. — C. N. Bove. Our minds are like certain vehicles, —— when they have little to carry they make much noise about it, but when heavily loaded they run quietly. — Eurav Brent. A wise man’s mind, as Seneca holds, is like the state of the world above the Moon, ever serene. — Ropert Ber- Tan. 261 The mind, that broods o'er guilty woes, Is like the Scorpion girt by fire, In circle narrowing as it glows, The flames around their captive close. So writhes the mind Remorse hath riven, Unfit for earth, undoom’d for heaven, Darkness above, despair beneath, Around it flame, within it death. — Byron. A weak mind is like a microscope, which magnifies trifling things. but cannot receive great ones. — CHESTER- FIELD. The mind, when imbued with the lessons of wisdom, is like a charioteer ; for it restrains the desires implanted in us, and brings us back to virtue. — DeMopHILts. His mind was like a bottle. extended with the delectable liquor of observa- tion. — Drypex. The mind is like a trunk. If well packed, it holds almost everything; if ill packed, next to nothing. —JtLivs C. Hare. Minds like fine pictures are by dis- tance proved, And objects proper, only as removed. — Wa rer Harte. Sick minds are like sick men that burn with fevers, Who when they drink, please but a present taste, And after bear a more impatient fit. — Ben Jonsey. The mind of man is lke the sea, which is neither agreeable to the be- holder nor the voyager. in a calm or in a starm, but is se te both when a little agitated by gentle cules; and , so the mind, when moved by soft and easy passions or affections. — CHARLES Lan. For as the precious stone Authar- | sitis beeing throwne into the fyre 262 looketh blacke and halfe dead, but being cast into the water glistreth like the Sunne beames: so the precious minde of man once put into the flame of loue, is as it were vglye, and loseth his vertue, but sprinckled with the water of wisdome, and detestation of such fond delightes, it shineth like the golden rayes of Phoebus. — Lyty. The mind is like the eye, for, though it may see all other objects, it cannot see itself, and therefore cannot judge of itself. — Patio. As land is improved by sowing it with various seeds, so is the mind by exercising it with different studies. — Puiny. To the mind’s eye things will appear, At distance through an artful glass, But bring the flattering objects near, They’re all a senseless gloomy mass. — MartrHew Prior. Our minds are like our stomachs ; they are whetted by the change of their food, variety supplies both with fresh appetite. — QUINTILIAN. Thy mind is like a mirror swung in space, And whirling on a thread. Now it reflecteth The heavens, and now the earth. Now doth the lightning Write hieroglyphs upon it, and anon Some deep-sea monster glooms it with his bulk. =£— Ametie Rives. As the soil, however rich it may be, cannot be productive without culture, so the mind without cultivation can never produce good fruit. — SENECA. For ’tis the mind that makes the body rich ; And as the sun breaks through the darkest clouds, So honor peereth in the meanest habit. What, is the jay more precious than the lark, Because his feathers are more beauti- ful. — SHAKESPEARE. MIND. — MIRTH. The chaste mind, like a polished plane, may admit foul thoughts, with- out receiving their tincture. — STERNE. Mindless. Mindless as the beasts that browse. — Vioutet Fane. Mingle. Mingled . . . like the fragments of a couple of broken lantern slides swept up together. — R. C. Bates. -Our two spirits mingled like scents from varying roses that remain one sweetness, nor can ever more be singled. — Grorcr Exror. Mingled in these vulgar controversies like a knight of romance among caitiff brawlers. — Henry Hata. Mingle into one, Like blended streams that make one music as they run. — Hoop. They had mingled their hearts to- gether as they grew up, as two sap- lings planted near, mingle their branches as they become trees. — Hueo. Mingle . . . like sunshine and rain. — Wiuuram Knox. : Mingling foes, Like billows dash’d in conflict. — James MontTcomery. My soul is commingled with thine, As water is mingled with wine. — ORIENTAL. Meet and mingle like human fear and hope. — A. J. Ryan. Mirth. Mirth is like a flash of lightning that breaks through a gloom of clouds and glitters for a moment. Cheerfulness keeps up a daylight in the mind, fill- ing it with a steady and perpetual serenity. — Dr. JoHNSON. Mirth, like light, will all too often take its birth mid darkness and de- cay. — Miss Lanpon. MIRTHFUL. — MOAN, Mirthful. Mirthful as an undertaker’s mute. — Bauzac. Mischievous. Mischievous as a kitten. — ANON. Mischievous as a monkey. — BaL- ZAC. Mischievous as a marmoset. — Ova. Miser. The wealth of misers, like the even- ing sun sinking below the horizon, contributes nothing to the enjoyment of mankind. — DEmopHILus. The miser swimming in gold seems to me like a thirsty fish. —J. Perit- SENN. Miserable. Miserable as a frost-bitten apple. — ANON. Miserable as the fifth act of a tragedy. — Ip. Misfortune. Misfortunes are like the creations of Cadmus, they destroy one another. — BuLwer-LyTron. " Mishap. Mishaps are like knives, that either serve us or cut us, as we grasp them by the blade or the handle. — LowE1. Mistress. Mistresses, like friends, are lost by letting ’em handle your money. — VANBRUGH. Mistresses are like books. If you pore upon them too much, they doze you, and make you unfit for company ; but if used discreetly you are the fitter for conversation by ’em. — WititiaM WYcHERLEY. Misty. Misty as a shape in a dream. — Grorce MEREDITH. 263, Mix. Mix, like bards, the useful with the sweet. — JOEL Bartow. Mix as mists do. — Rospert Brown- ING. Mixed together like jackstraws. — Irvin S. Coss. Are mixed as the mist of some devilish dream. — Kipiine. Mix them up Like self-destroying poisons in one cup. — SHELLEY. Moan. Moaned like a chafed spirit warring with its lot. — ANon. Moaned like a dismal autumn wind. — Tr. B. ALDRICH. Moaned like a drinker in grievous plight. — AraBian Nicuts. Moan like the doves. — ASSYRIAN. Moans like a dying hound. — Henry H. BRowNeELL. Moans . . . like wind through ill- shut casements. — E. B. Brownine. Moan like nightbirds. — CartyLe. Moan, like the voice of one who crieth In the wilderness alone. — LONGFELLOW. Moaned like some stricken thing . strangled with its own despair. — Don Maravis. Moaning, like the voices of spirits departing in pain. —OwrEN MeEre- DITH. A wild and desolate moan, As a sea heart-broken on the hard - brown stone. — Joaquin MILLER. Moans like a tender infant in its cradle, Whose nurse had left it. — Orway. Moan, like me who hath lost the last and best. — T. BucHanan Reap. 264 Moan— continued. As running rivers moan On their course alone, So I moan Left alone. —C. G. Rossrrtt. Moan like the waves at set of autumn days. — Exiza ScuppDER. The forest moans and vibrates like a vast AZolian harp. — Joun C. Van DYKE. Moaned . . . like a dirge. — Frank | WatERS. Mob. The mob, like the ocean, is very seldom agitated without some cause superior and exterior to itself; but ... both are capable of doing the greatest mischief after the cause which first set them in motion has ceased to act. — C. C. Cotton. Mobile. Mobile as humanity. — Dumas, FILS. Mock. Mocks as whom the fen-fire leads By the creed-wrought faith of faith- less souls that mock their doubts with creeds. — SWINBURNE. Modern. Modern as an are light. —Amy Lrsir. Modest. Modest as a squash. — ANON. Modest and shy as a nun. — WIL- LIAM CULLEN BRYANT. In her modesty, like a star among earthly lights. — CARLYLE. Modest as the violet in dewy dell. —F. A. Fany. Modest as a maid a-christening. — Cuartes MAcKLIN. Modest as justice. — SHAKESPEARE. Modest as morning when she coldly eyes The youthful Pheebus. —Ism. MOAN. — MONEY. Modest as the dove. — Inm. Modest as a primrose. — ELIZABETH S. P. Warp. Modest as a WHEELER WILCOX. flower. — ELLA , Moist. Moist as a cold toad’s skin. — ANON. Moist as a desert with dew. — SWINBURNE. Molten. Molten as lead. — SWINBURNE. Momentary. Momentary as a sound. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Monarchy. Monarchy is like a work of nature, well composed both to grow and con- tinue. — Bacon. A monarchy is like a man-of-war —bad shots between wind and water hurt it exceedingly ; there is danger of capsizing. But democracy is a raft. You cannot easily upturn it. It is a wet place, but it is a pretty safe one. — JosEPH Cook. Money. Public money is like holy water : every one helps himself to it. — ANoN. Money is like manure; of very little use unless it be spread. — Bacon. Munny is like promises, easier maid than kept. — JosH BILLines. Money is like the manna of the wilderness : sweet and wholesome if it is gathered and used by faith each day : breeding worms if hoarded by doubt. — Hucu O. PEnticost. Money is like whiskey: a certain quantity of it improves the condition, but too much brings about bestiality. — CHannine PoLtock. A man without money is like a ship without sails. — Dutcu Provers. MONEY, ~~ MONTIONLESS, Money — continued. fis money comes from him like drops of blood, —-Joun Ray's “ TLAND} hook OF Proves.” A man without money is like a bird without wings; if he soars he falls to the ground and dios, — RouMANIAN Provens. Monotonous. Monotonous as the dress of charity children, — ANON. Monotonous as mutton, —- Ricianp Le GALLIENNE. Monotonous as the sea. — RicHanp M. Mines, Mood. Moody as a poet. — Tomas SiAp- WiLL, Mope. Mope like birds that are changing feather, — LonarnuLow, Mopish. T am as mopish as if T were married and lived in’ a provincial town, G. TH. Luwas. Moral, Moral as peppermint, — ANON. Moral ax the tents of Abrahun, —~ W. UU. Manno. Morals. In morals as in metals... you cannot work gold without supporting it with alloy, — Ouipa. Mortal, Mortal as an old man’s life. — SUAKMSPEARB. Mortality. Mortality Weighs heavily on me like unwilling sleep. — Kuan. Motionless. Motionless ay a corpse. — ANON. 265 Motionless as a figure cut in stone. — Tit, Motionless as wu monument, -— To. Motionless, like the sun over Avalon. — Witiiam Actua. Motionless as the fixed rock. — Epwin Annoup. Motionless as a babe asleep. — Aurren Austin, Motionless as in tombstone. — RD. BLACKMORE, Motionless ag a statue, — Punnan CABALLERO, Motionless, like one who sees but does not understand, —- Dumas, pti. Motionless as a king’s mummy in a ealacomb, -- LAURER. Motionless, like m woman of wax, — Maunien Hewnerr, Motionless, as if thunder-stricken. ~- Huao, Standing nus motionless as pillar set To guide a wanderer ina pathless waste. -- JAN INGELow. Postured motionless, Like natural seulpture in cathedral euveri. — Kars, Stood motionless... like some ex- quisite chrys-clephantine statue, all ivory and gold. — Crates KINGSLEY. Motionless as a spectre, — Guy DE MAurassan'. Motionless as the distant purple hills On which the shadows of the white clouds rest. — RK. Munkrrmic, As motionless as death, — Tomas L. Peacock. Motionless, like a bereaved creature. — Crarves Reape. Motionless, nts if she were secking in her mind the explanation of some mystery or the key of some riddle. — Jost SELaas. 266 Motionless — continued. Motionless, As a stone above a grave. — WitiiaM W. Story. Stood motionless, as if transfixed. —Ivan Vazov. Motionless as a pool. — Vircit. Motionless as an idol. — WuIrtIER. Motionless as rocks. — Ipip. Mottled. Mottled and, dappled like an April trout. — ANON. Mount. Mounts as a soul from flesh escap- ing. — Buss Carman. Mounting like a flame.—C. G. RossErvi. Mourn. ‘Mourned like a turtle. — ANon. She mourns, like the sweet wind griev- ing in The pines on an autumn night. — Barry CorNWALL. Mournful and low, like the song of the tomb. — Oss1an. Mourn like a turtle-dove but late robb’d of his mate. — GEORGE SANDYS. Mourn like a sick child. — ALEx- ANDER SMITH. Mourn like a boy beaten. — Swin- BURNE. Mourn as a dove.— Op TersTa- MENT. Mourn’d Like a-living thing distressed. — WHITTIER. Mournful. Mournful as the grave. — ANON. Mournful as the rhythm of the seas. — Isp. A voice as mournful as the dying light in the west —for a vague reminder : MOTIONLESS. —- MOUTH. of Death is divinely set in the heavens, and the sun above gives the same warning that is given here on earth by the flowers and the bright insects of the day. — Bauzac. Mournful — but mournful of another’s crime, She look’d as if she sat by Eden’s doo-, And grieved for those who could re- turn no more. Beso Mournful as . . . Memnon’s: harp. — Keats. Mournful as the dancing of dead leaves. — GERALD Massey. Mournful as the dead below. — R. M. Mines. Mouwrnful, like the voice of one who raves. — CELIA THAXTER. Mouth (Noun). He had a mouth like a whirlpool. — ANON. Her mouth turned up voluptuously like the antique masks of Erigone. — Isp. A mouth as it were Solomon’s seal. — ARABIAN NIGHTS. That little mouth is like in this, The rose-bush that so fair is, For sly envenomed serpents hiss In dark leaves where their lair is. — Hervricn HEINE. A dainty mouth like a crimson rose. — Inip. A mouth like the whale that swal- lowed a whole fleet. — THomas LopeE. Mouth that looked like a red gash from a sabre cut. — Guy pre Mav- PASSANT. His mouth opened like the end of a sawmill. - Epcar W. Nye. Mouth was like a red rose rinsed with rain. — JamMEs Wurtcoms RILEY. Mouth tremulous light as a sea- bird’s motion oversea. — SWINBURNE. MOUTH. — MULTITUDE. Mouth — continued. Her mouth Was as a rose athirst that pants for drouth. — Isp. Red mouth like a venomous flower. — Isp. Mouth sweeter than cherries. — Isp. A red mouth like a wound. — ARTHUR SYMONS. As @ pomegranate, cut in twain, White-seeded, is her crimson mouth. — Oscar WILDE. Mouth (Verb). Mouths a sentence, as curs mouth a bone. — CHURCHILL. Mouthed, like CHARLES READE. a chawbacon. — Move. Moving constantly, like the spheres. — ANON. Gently she moved in the calmness of beauty, Moved as the bough to the light breeze of morning. — ARABIAN. Moving like heaven still in the self- same moving. — PHINEAS FLETCHER. A wizard wind did faintly move, Like a whisper through a dream. — Owen MEREDITH. When everything moves equally, nothing moves apparently : as on a ship. — Pascat. Moving, like a skeptic’s thought, Out of nowhere into naught. — James Wuitcoms RILEY. Moved one like the finest eloquence. — ALEXANDER SMITH. Moveless. Moveless as a worm beneath a stone Which some one’s stumbling foot has spurned aside. —E. B. Brownie. 267 Moveless, as a long-forgotten lyre Suspended in the solitary dome Of some mysterious and deserted fane. — SHELLEY. Muddy. Muddy as a little pigeon-toed drum- mer after a long march. — GrorcE CoLMAN, THE YOUNGER. Muddy as Murcer. sheep-dogs. — HENRI Muffled. Muffled and dumb like dervishes. — EMERSON. Multiply. Multiply in swarms, like vermin. — Hueco. barefoot Their forms and features multiplied, As the reflection of a light Between two burnished mirrors gleams, Or lamps upon a bridge at night Stretch on and on before the sight, Till the long vista endless seems. — LonGFELLow. Multiply in seed like Abraham. — RaBELAIs. Multiplied like grasshoppers upon the face of the land. — Isp. Multiply as the bud of the field. — Op TESTAMENT. Multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven. — Isip. Multiply like insects in the sun. — CHARLES WAGNER. Multitude. Applause Waits on success; the fickle multi- tude, Like the straw that floats along the stream, Glide with the current still and follow fortune. — FRANKLIN. Even as the sand that is upon the sea shore in multitude. — OLp TESTAMENT. As the stars of heaven for multitude. — Isp. 268 Multitudinous. Multitudinous tongues, like the whispering leaves of a wind-stirred oak. — HawTHoRNE. Like coral insects multitudinous. — JEAN INGELOW. Multitudinous as the desert sand Borne on the storm. — SHELLEY. Mum. Mum as an oyster. — ANON. Mumble Mumble as if he were at his matins. — Tuomas LopcE. Murder. Murder, like talent, seems occasion- ally to run in families. — G. H. Lewes. Murderous. Murderous as a cannon ball. — ANON. Murmur (Noun). A vague and monotonous murmur, like that of the waves on a shore where the wind dies away with ap- proaching night. — Anon. Murmurs passed along the valleys, like the banshee’s lonely croon. — Ipip. f A murmur like the sough of bees Hidden among the noon-stilled linden trees. — Lowe Lt. A deep sullen murmur... like the moaning noise that goes before the whirlwind on the deep. — Macautay. Murmurs, like the sea’s, dying un- comprehended. — T. Bucwanan Reap. A murmur like the winds that break Into green waves the prairie’s grassy lake. — WHITTIER. Murmur (Verb). Murmurs like a dreaming sea. — ANON. Murmuring like bees at honey-time. — Isp. MULTITUDINOUS. —- MURMUR. Murmuring like the sound of the sea. — Rosert HucH Benson. Murmured like a shell.—R. D. BLACKMORE. Murmur like a hive. — E. B. BRown- ING. Murmur like the moan of far-off seas. — Rosert BucHanan. They murmureden as dooth a swarm of been. — CHAUCER. Murmured like a whispering priest. — Ausrey DE VERE. Murmur like the gales of spring. — Iprp. Murm’ring they move, as when old ocean roars. — Homer (Pore). Murmured like the humming of a bee. — Hoop. Murmur like the wind in the leaves. — Mary JoHNSTON. Murmur as of waves upon a sea- shore. — LONGFELLOW. Murmur like the rustle of dead leaves. — Ip. Murmuring to her ears Like to a falling stream, which, pass- ing slow, Is wont to nourish sleep and quietness. — Sir WattTer RALEIGH. Murmured like seas that are tem- pesting. — C. G. Rossetti. Low like dirge-wail or requiem they murmured. — D. G. RossErtt. Murmurs. . . like a bell that calls to prayer. — JoHN Ruskin. Murmured like a noontide bee. — SHELLEY. Murmuring like the ocean roar. — Inip. Murmured . . . like breathings of a shell. — EizaBera O. SMITH. Murmur... as when at twilight hour the summer breeze moves o’er the elmy vale. — SouTHEY. MURMUR, — MUTE. Murmur — coniinued. Murmur like a_ shell. — Ropert Louis STEVENSON. Murmurs as who talks in dreams with death. — SwINBURNE. Murmur like the wind among the trees. — 5. G. TALLENTYRE. The verse murmurs... like the moan of doves in immemorial elms. — TENNYSoN. A veiled stream murmurs like thoughts of Heaven in a dream. — Tuomas WaDE. Murmurous. Murmurous as the August bees That fill the forest deep Around the roots of trees. — ARTHUR SYMONS. Muscle. Muscles as tense as those of the tiger waiting for his leap. — ALBION W. TourceEe. Muscular. Muscular as dogmeat. — REx BrEacu. Muse. The muse, like mortal females, mav be woo'd : In turns she’ll seem a Paphian, or a prude ; Fierce as a bride when first she feels affright, Mild as the same upon the second night ; Wild as the wife of alderman or peer, Now for his grace, and now a grenadier. — Byron. Music. Musie at meals is like a carbuncle set in gold, or a signet of an emerald highly burnished. — Anon. The music of Carryl was like the memory of joys that are past, pleasant and mournful to the soul. — James MAacPHERSON, 269 Rippling music like the sweet babble of brook over stones. — Harriet M. MILLER. Music as sweet as the music which seems : Breathed softly and faint in the ear of our dreams. — WHITTIER. Musical. Musical as brooks that run o’er yellow shallows in the sun.—T. B. ALDRICH. Musical as rain drops on a roof. — ANON. Musical as a stream in Bunyan’s delectable Mountains. — Isp. Voices musical as birds or brooks. — Avserey DE VERE. Musically as the pine cone to the breeze. — GEORGE GILFILLAN. Musical as the holes of a flute with- out the flute. — O. HENRY. Bells, as musical As those that, on the golden-shafted trees Of Eden, shake in the eternal breeze. — Tuomas Moore. Sweet and musical as bright Apollo's lute strung with his hair. — SHake- SPEARE. Mutable. Mutable as the wind. — Ricuarp D. STOKER. Mutable as. sand. — SwINBURNE. Mute. Mute as a funeral procession. — ANoN. Mute as a poker. — In. Mute as death. — Ism. Mute as fate. — Inmp. Mute as Mumchance, who was hanged for saying nothing. — IBm. Mute as the Tiber. — Isp. Mute as fishes. — Batzac. 270 Mute — continued. Mute as mice. — Emity Bronte. Mute as snow. — E. B. Browninc. Mute as the dead. — CAMPBELL. Mute, like one who pondered on strange and unaccountable events. — J., FENIMORE COOPER. Mute as the grave. — ABRAHAM CowLey. Mute as the wine we drink. — BaRTHOLOMEW DowLING. As mute as the tomb. — Dumas, PERE. As mute and motionless as statues. — GOLDSMITH. Stood mute as silence was in Heaven. — Minton. Soldiers . . . as mute as on parade. — Miss Mutocx. Mute, like a flame.— D. G. Ros- SETTI. Mute as if I tongueless were. — GEORGE SANDYS. Mute as fox’s ’mongst mangling hounds. — Sir Water Scorr. Mute as the grave. — Ipm. As mute as Pygmalion. — Jamzs SMITH. Mute as a maiden. — SwInBURNE. Mute as the mouth which felt death’s wave o’erflow it. — Inm. As mute as Jedorough Tower. — WorDSWORTH. Mutely. Mutely as birds skim through air. — Bu.wer-Lytron. Mutter. Muttering like the murmur of hurried priest dispatching a prayer. — Hugo, MUTE, — MYTH. Mutter like sullen bulls. — Kines- LEY. He sits muttering in his beard. His voice Is like a river flowing underground. — LonGFELLow. Muttering like smoked bees. — SWINBURNE. Mutters like a dim despair. — Frank WATERS. Myriad. Myriad as the leaves by Autumn sent, Up forest aisles and down. : — Marearet E. Sanaster. Mysterious. Mysterious as a rose leaf. — Anon. Mysterious as a sphinx. — Isr. Rivatestous as a star. — Ip. Mysterious as the sea. — Ipip. Misterious echo. — JosH BILLINGS. ass an Mystery. As great a mystery as the serpent- crest of the king’s crown on the pillars of Egypt. — Anon. Mystical. Mystical . . . like a singing in a ‘dream. — E. B. Brownine. Mystical as an astrological symbol. — Ricwarp LE GALLIENNE. Mystical as some dréamland arched with unfathomed azure. — JAMES Wautrcoms RirEy. Myth. As much of a myth as Lohengrin. — ANoN. Mythical as the glass of blood quaffed by Sombreuil’s daughter. — Tuomas Watson. NAKED. — NATION. Naked. Naked as an Indian’s back. — ANon. Naked as night. — Isp. Naked as the graces. — Ibm. Naked as a frog. — BEAUMONT AND FLETcHER. Naked as CawEIN. As naked . . . as a corowne withe out stones. — CHAUCER. a flower. — Mapison Poor and naked as a fakir. — JoserH ConrAD. Like winter-earth, naked.—CowLey. As naked as Norfolk dumpling. — Joun Day. Naked as a worm. — Dumas, PERE. Naked as a peeled apple. —O. W. Hoimes. Naked as a nedle. — LANGLAND. Naked as my nail. — Massinerr. The country is naked as the sea. — JULES SANDEAU. Naked as the vulgar air. — SHAKE- SPEARE. As naked as their mothers bore them. — SwIrt. Naked as apes. — VOLTAIRE. Naked as a Tower. — WoRDSWoRTH. oe Name. Women’s good name, O my lady, is like curded milk, the least dust fouleth it ; and like glass, which, if it be cracked, may not be mended. — AraBian Nicuts. A good name is like a precious oint- ment ; it filleth all around about, and will not easily away ; for the odors of ointments are more durable than those of flowers. — Bacon. Names like jewels flashing the night of time. — JoSEPH CONRAD. 271 A man’s name is not like a mantle, which merely hangs about him, and which one perchance may safely twitch and pull, but a perfectly fitting gar- ment, which like the skin has grown over and over him, at which one can- not rake and scrape without injuring the man himself. — GorTHE. A great name without merit is like an epitaph on a coffin. —MapaME DE PUISIEUX. A good name is better than precious ointment ; and the day of death than the day of one’s birth. — Otp Trsrta- MENT. A good name is like sweet-smelling ointment. — Inrp. Nameless. Nameless as God. — Hugo. Narrow. The nations narrow and expand, As tides that ebb, or tides that flow. —Lorp Dr TasBtey. Nasty. Nasty as the opaque whiteness of boiled veal. — ANon. Nation. Nations, like individuals, are power- ful in the degree that they command the sympathies of their neighbors. — C. N. Bovéz. T have seen some nations like over- loaded asses, Kick off their burdens, meaning the higher classes. — Byron. Every nation seems to me like a plant, of which the lower class is the root, the middle class the stem, and the upper class the flower. — PiERRE DE COouLE- VAIN. Nations, like individuals, live and die; but civilization cannot die. — Giuseppe Mazzint. 272 Nation — continuéd. A warring nation, like an orator, should know when to stop. — NEW REPUBLIC. Like men, nations are purified and strengthened by trials. —SamMueL SMILES. Natural. Natural as the breeze That stirs amongst the forest trees. — Saray F. Apams. Natural as for ivy to climb a tree. — ANON. Natural as life. — Ipmp. Natural as milk to a calf. — Isr. Natural as nature. — Int. As natural as that a genius should wear queer clothes. — Inm. Natural as the Marseillaise to a French riot. — Ipip. Natural as whooping to owls.— Is. Tis as natural for women to pride themselves in fine clothes as ’tis for a peacock to spread his’ tail. — Ini. Natural to die as to be born. — Bacon. Natural as grinning to a hyena. — J. R. Bartietrr’s “DICTIONARY OF AMERICANISMS.” Natral as the bee tow the flower. — JosH BILunes. Natural as dancing bears to a bag- piper. —Tom Brown. Natural as to eat, sleep, and wear a nightcap. — Joun Forp. Natural as the love of life in the merest dumb thing that knows noth- ing of ideas, of Country, realms, and policies, nothing of war. — Joun Gats- WORTHY. Natural as _ bird-notes. — Haw- THORNE, NATION. — NATURE. Natural as daylight. —Isr. Natural as primping at a looking- glass. —O. W. Homes. Natural as dunghill Grorcre MEREDITH. steam. — Natural as sunlight on the sea. — Oscar WILDE. Natural as light. — N. P. Wrius. Natural as dreams to feverish sleep. — WorDsWoRTH. Naturally. Naturally as a bird warbles in May. — ANON. As naturally as a chestnut bursts its pod, and a chicken its shell. — Ism. Naturally as fungus grows out of a dying tree. — Im. Naturally as pigs squeak. — SAMUEL But ier. As naturally as the descendant from a line of suicides thinks of killing him- self. — HAWTHORNE. Naturally as the bleating of a sheep. — Wiiuiam Hazuirr. Naturally as needles turn to the loadstone. — Frances LiTTLe. Asnaturally as bees swarm and follow their queen. — Henry D. Tuoreau. Nature. Nature, like man, sometimes weeps for gladness. — BEACONSFIELD. Fine natures are like fine poems, — a glance at the first two lines suffices for a guess into the beauty that waits you if you read on. — BuLwer-LytTrTon. Our nature is like the sea, which gains by the flow of the tide in one place what it has lost by the ebb in another. — Sir Ricuarp CEcIL. Nature, like liberty, is but restrained By the same laws which first herself ordained. — Pops, NATURE. — NECK. Nature — continued. Nature, like oil, will rise uppermost. — James Rapa. Nature, like a loving mother, is ever trying to keep land and sea, mountain and valley, each in its place, to hush the angry winds and waves, balance the extremes of heat and cold, of rain and drought, that peace, harmony, and heart may reign supreme. — Exiza- BETH Capy STANTON. The finest qualities of our nature, like the bloom on fruits, can be pre- served only by the most delicate handling. — Henry D. THorzav. Naughty. Naughty as Gautick, where the devil struck for shorter hours. — ANON. Near. Near as two ha’pennies for a penny. — ANon. Near as one second is to another. — Isr. Near as the bark to [the] tree. — Witu1amM CaMpEn’s “REMAINS.” As neere is Fancie to Beautie, as the pricke to the rose, as the stalke to the rynde, as the earth to the roote. — Lyty. More near and near, Like doves about a dovecote, wheeling round. — TENNYSON. Nearsighted. Near-sighted as a mole. — ANON. Neat. Neat as a nail. — ANon. Neat as a new pin. — Isp. Neat as ninepence. — Inn. Neat as wax. — Ip. Neat as fresh Gerorce ELiot. Neat as wax-work.—Hrnry J. FINN. spring herbs. — 273 Neat as a postman’s knock. — Grorce MERepiTH. Necessary. As necessary as breathing is to live. — ANON. Necessary as for the butterfly to escape from the worm to become a butterfly. — Is. As necessary as skin to the apple. — Isp. As necessary as Churches. — Rosert Burton. Necessary ... as friction in me- chanics. — C. C. Coton. Necessary as one’s digestion. — Tuomas Hrywoop. Necessary . . . as rakehells in an army. — JoHN WEBSTER. Necessary . . . as the gargoyle on the spire and the high altar are neces- sary parts of a Gothic cathedral. — H. G. WELLS. Neck. Her neck is like the neck of doe. — ARABIAN NIGHTS. A neck like an ingot of silver. — IB. A neck as white as whale’s bone, Compased with a lace of stone. — Ropert GREENE. Her neck like a stately tower, Where love himself imprisoned lies, To watch for glances, every hour, From her divine and sacred eyes. — Tuomas Lopce. Thy ‘neck is like the swan, and fair as the pearl. — Lover. Her snowie neck lyke to a marble towre. — SPENSER. Thy neck is as a tower of ivory. — Op TESTAMENT. Thy neck is like the tower of David builded for an armoury, whereon there hang a thousand bucklers, all shields of mighty men. — Inn. 274 Need. Need . . . as pansies need the dew. — ANON. Need a wife as much as a dog does a side-pocket. — Grosz’s “‘ DICTIONARY oF THE VULGAR TONGUE.” Needful. Needful as the sun. — Grant ALLEN. As needful to the forest-tree as sun and gentle shower. — TupPER. Neglected. Neglected, as the moon by day. — SwIrt. Negligence. Wanton negligence is like a net, Which for unwary feet the powers have set. — ANon. Nervous. Nervous as a-cat that hears a mouse in the wall. — Anon. Nervous as a witch. — Inip. Nervous as a watch. — F. Marion CRAWFORD. Nervous as a mouse.—G. B. SHAW. New. New as day. — Ben Jonson. New as sight. —Francis THOMPSON. Newspaper. A newspaper, like a theatre, must mainly owe its continuance in life to the fact that it pleases many persons ; and in order to please many persons it will, unconsciously perhaps, tespond to their several tastes, reflect their various qualities, and reproduce their views. — WILLIAM WINTER. Nice. Nice as Marie Antoinette playing milkmaid. — Anon. As nice as ninepence. — Inm. Nyse as a nonne’s henne. — Sir Tuomas WILSON. NEED. — NOISE. Nimble. Nimble as a bee on a tar-barrel. — ANON, Nimble as a cow in a cage. — Ip. Nimble as a lizard. — Inn. Nimble as an eel. — Ism. As nimble as a wireless spark, that hurdles the ether, pole-vaults the oceans and circles the ends of the earth in a flash. — Ip. Nimble as ninepence. — Ini. Nimble as roes. — CARLYLE. Nimble as thought. — CeRvANTES. Nimble as quicksilver. — GzorcE COLMAN, THE YOUNGER. Nimble, like a FLETCHER. shadow. — JoHN Nimble as a hare. — Swirt. Nimble-fingered as a harper. — Joun TAYLOR. Nimble as quarrel from a crossbow shot. — Frangois VILLON. Nimbly. Nimbly as juggler’s balls from cup to cup. — James PuCKLE. Nod. Nodded like a plume. —DickEns. Nodded in bright array, like holly- hocks heavy with blossoms. — Lone- FELLOW. Nodded her head like a mandarin. — CuarLes READE. Nodded at each other like a congre- gation of Anabaptists. — SMOLLETT. Noise. To catch a squirrel make a noise like a nut. — ANon. As much fuss and noise as a one- legged man falling down stairs. — Inrp. Make noises like a drunken Zulu trying to sing a Swedish folk song. — Irvin S. Coss. NOISE, —- NONSENSE. Noise — continued. Make a noise like an assessment. — O. Henry. The noise was in the beast’s belly like unto the questyng of thirty couple hounds. — Tuomas Matory. Noiseless. Noiseless as a shadow. — ANON. Noiseless as a lapwing. — Iprp. Noiseless as the circulation of the blood. — Isp. Noiseless as the gathering storm before the tempest. — Ini. Noiseless as the sunlight. — Taomas ASHE. Noiseless as a bright mist rolls down a hill. — CHarLotre Bronvé. As noiseless as the trail of the swift snake and pilgrim snail.—T. G. Haks. Noiseless as night’s soft shade. — Aaron Hit. Noiseless as fear in a wide wilder- ness. — KEatTs. Noiseless as the passing mountain rain. — Im. Noiseless as a black shadow. — Kip.ina. Noiseless ... as the falling dew — Grorce Mac-HEnry. Noiseless as sleep. — T. BucHAaNaN Reap. Noiseless as the years descend. — Isp. Noiseless as the owlet’s wing. —Isp. Noiseless as if velvet-shod. — Wairt- TIER. Noiselessly. Noiselessly as the daylight comes back when night is done, And the crimson streak on an ocean’s cheek grows into the great sun. — Mrs. C. F. ALEXANDER. 275 Noiselessly as the springtime her crown of verdure weaves, And all the trees on all the hills open their thousand leaves. — Ini. As noiselessly as fairies’ feet that press The dewdropt grass. — Joun Payne. Glide noiselessly as spirits of the night. — MicHaEL Scorr. Noisy. Noisy as a boiler-shop. — ANon. Noisy as a menagerie. — Ipmp. Noisy as a creditors’ meeting. —Ixrp. Noisy as a flock of crow-blackbirds in the migration season. — Izip. Noisy as a cookstove falling down stairs. — Ini. Noisy as burial-howlers at full cry. — In. Noisy as a living skeleton having a fit on a hardwood floor. — In1p. Noisy as a dozen drums. — ‘‘ Founp- ting Hospirau ror Wirt.” Noisy as a kettle-drum.—O. W. Homes. Noisy as at a fair. — GrorcE MEREDITH. Noisy as women bathing in a river. — Osman. PROVERB. As noisy as a hen with one chicken. — Cuartes READE. Nonsense. Nonsense : like to the thundering tone of unspoke speeches . . . like the fiery tombstone of a cabbage. — RicwarD Corset. Nonsense —like swimming on a carpet. — CHARLES READE. _ Low nonsense is like that in the Bar- rel, which is altogether flat, tasteless and insipid. High nonsense is like that in the Bottle, which has in Reality no mere Strength and Spirit than the 276 other, but frets, and flies, and bounces, and by the help of a little Wind that is got in it, imitates the Passions of much nobler liquor. —Sir RicHarD STEELE. Nose. Flabby nose like a brinjall, or egg- plant. — Arapian NIGHTs. Nose like a promontory. — Rosert Burton. Sharp nose like a sharp autumn evening, inclined to be frosty towards the end. — Dickens. With angry bottle nose, Like a red cabbage rose. — Horace Suita. Notch. Notched him like a carbonado. — SHAKESPEARE. Novel. A novel, like a bundle of wood, the more fagots it contains the greater its value. — Butwer-LytTon. A novel is typically as far removed from a play as a bird is from a fish . . . any attempt to transform one into the other is apt to result in a sort of fly- ing-fish, a betwixt-and-between-thing. — Buss Perry. A novel is the world’s truth with a beautiful woman walking through it. — Davin Swine. Nude. As nude as a raw oyster. — Irvin S. Coss. Numb. Growing numb from the feet up, Like one stepping deeper and deeper into a stream of ice. — Epear Lee Masters. Numberless. Numberless as are the dead. — P. J. BaILey. As numberless as they that at last will throng into the valley of Jehosa- phat. — Siemunp Krasinski. Numberless as the gay motes that people the sunbeams. — Mitton. NOSE. —- NUMEROUS. Numerous. Numerous as grains of silver in the bowels of the Rockies. — ANon. Numerous as hailstones. — Ip. Numerous as insects on the banks of the Nile. — Ini. Numerous as maggots in a Cheshire cheese. — Ipip. Numerous as the breaths a patriarch has breathed. — Ipip. Numerous as the heads of Briareus. — Isp. Numerous as the holes in the mantle of Diogenes. — Isr. Numerous as the leaves of the forest. — Isp. Numerous as the mouths of the Ganges. — Ini. Numerous as the mouths of the Nile. — Isp. Numerous as the pearls of morming- dew, which hang on herbs and flowers. — Isp. As numerous as the stars of heaven Are the fond hopes to mortals given. — Ricuarp Dasney. Numerous as sands upon the ocean shore. — PHitip FRENEAU. Numerous as unsold shares in an over-capitalized mining company. — F. C. Grirrita. Num’rous as birds that o’er the forest play. — Watrer Harte. Numerous as the fish that sail the wide sea over. — ITaLIAN Love Sone. Numerous as shadows haunting fairily The brain. — Keats. Numerous as a night of stars. — GERALD Massey. Numerous as leaves that strew the autumnal gale. — SHELLEY. Numerous as the hairs of his head. — Pau. Wiaeins. Numerous as the writings of Ibid. — Ibi. OATHS. — OBVIOUS. Oaths. Lovers’ oaths are like mariners’ pray- ers, uttered in extremity ; but when the tempest is o’er, and that the vessel leaves tumbling, they fall from protest- ing to cursing. — JoHn WEBSTER. Lovers’ oaths are like fetters made of glass, that glisten fair, but couple no restraint. — ZENO. Obdurate. Obdurate as the grave. — WELSH Bayan. Obdurate as a bailiff where his dues are concerned. — BALzac. Obedience. Passive obedience, like jumping off a castle-roof at the word of a czar. — EMERSON. Obedient. Obedient as the needle to the pole. — ANON. Obedient as the yew to the tender’s will. — Ipip. Obedient as a puppet. — GEORGE MEREDITH. Obedient as the scabbard. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Obediently. Obediently bent as a willow wand. — Oura. Obey.: Obeyed, as the she-wolf obeys her mate, with a growl. — Huco. Obey, Like children under wise paternal sway. — SouruEy. Obligation. Like an Irishman’s obligation, all on one side. — F. P. NoRTHALL. Obnoxious. Obnoxious as an alligator. —'Tom TAYLOR. 277 Obscure (Adjective). Obscure as Mallarmé. — IsraEu ZANGWILL. Obscure (Verb). Obscured as with a veil. — ANon. Obscurely. Moves obscurely like the hand of fate. — Aaron HI. Observations. His observations are like a sieve, that lets the finer flour pass, and re- tains only the bran of things. — SAMUEL BUTLER. Obsolete. Obsolete as a Congress shoe. ~ ANON. Obsolete as the coalscuttle bonnet and the hoopskirt. — Isrp. Obsolete as the Minotaur of Crete. — ANDREW LaNc. Obstinate. Obstinate as a discharged school- director. — ANON. Obstinate as a mule. — Ipmp. Obstinate as death. — DRYDEN. Obstinate as a pig, will neither lead nor drive. — THomas FULLER. Obstinate .. . like the corpse in the fable, threatening the driver of the hearse with vengeance dire at every gate of fatal charnel-house. — Sic- MUND KRASINSKI. Obstinate as sin. — STRINDBERG. Obtrusive. Obtrusive as violent colors in a sober woof. — ANON. Obvious. Obvious as circus parade. — ANON. Obvious as noonday sun. — RoBERT BRownine. 278 Obvious — continued. Obvious as stars on a clear night. — Atrrep Henry Lewis. Obvious as the midnight stars. — WituiramM J. Micke. Obvious as the gloss upon a new silk hat. —H. G. WELLS. Occupation. As the Oxe is most apt for the plough, the Horse for the carte, and the hound for hunting: So ought men to chuse that occupation, and Trade of life, wherunto by nature they are most apt. As he which hath no house of his owne, wandereth here and there: So he which followeth no certaine Trade of life, must foolishly assay many sorts and chaunces. — RoBeRT Cawpray’s “A TREASURIE OR STORE-HOUSE OF Srurues,” 1600. Odd. Odd as the gesticulations and antic motions of the Satyrs. — Bacon. Odorous. Odorous as an angel’s fresh-culled crown. — P. J. Barby. Odorous as a bouquet. — Huco. Odorous as incense gathered in the skies. — RicHARD SAVAGE. Off. Off like a snip. — ANoN. Off, like chimera, glinting, flitting, gay and light and free. — Inn. Off like the lid of a pumpkin pie. — Isp. Off like a shot. — R. H. Barwam. Gang off like a squib or a cracker on a rejoicing night, in a noise and a stink, and are never heard of after. — Cuarites Mackin. Offensive. Offensive as the sun to weak eyes. — ANON. OBVIOUS. — OLD, Offensive . . . as a smell of cooking in the drawing room — Epira Wuar- TON. . Office. High office is like a pyramid: only two kinds of animals reach the summit, — reptiles and eagles. — D’ALEMBERT. Ogle. Ogle like a provincial tenor. — Dumas, FILS. Oily. Oily as the King’s constable’s lamp. — Dr. Jonson. Old. Old as a serpent. — ANON. Old as Charing-Cross. — Inn. Old as circus jokes. — Inrp. Old as creation. — Isr. Old as Eve. — Izip. Old as grey eternity. — Inrp. Old as Hercules. — Ipip. Old as Jericho. — Isr. Old as man. — Ipmp. Old as Methuselah.— Isip. Old as Nestor. — Ip. Old as poverty. — Inm. Old as Solomon. — Isp. Old as the age of stone. — Isp. Old as the hills. — Ini. Old as the Prophet Ezekiel. — Inin. Old as the rebuilding of Samaria. — Isp. Old as Trilobites. — Inmp. Old as Zoroaster. — Ip. Old as Paradise. — BuLwER-LyYTTON. Old as my little finger. — Jonn Day. As old as Fate. —Lorp Dr TaBLey. Old as Time. — Austin Dosson. OLD. — OPINION. Old — continued. Ever old and ever new as love. — Grorce Du Maurier. Old as thought. —Etpert Hupparp. Old as Priam. — LonerELLow. As old as human nature. — W. H. Mattock. As old as heartache. — MrrEpITH NICHOLSON. As old as the itch. — Spaniso Prov- ERB. Old as Sibylla. — SHaKrsPEare. Old as the shepherds. —G. B. Saw. Old as the earth is old. — ARTHUR Symons. Wax old like a garment. — New TESTAMENT. Old as hope. — Francis THompson. One. In one, As all the stars found utterance through the sun. — SWINBURNE. Oozing. The damp oozed up through the thick brick floor like water through the sides of a Moorish jar. — Bazzac. Oozing like a leg of mutton on the spit. —T. F. Mracuer. Opaque. Opaque as the sky. — ANON. Open (Adjective). Open as a smile. —E. B. Brown- ING. Open as shore to the sea. — Ross T. Cooke. Open as the mid-day. — R. Daven- PORT. Open as the inn gates to receive guests. — GEORGE GASCOIGNE. Wide open like the church portals when the bride and bridgeroom enter. —O. W. Homes. 279 Open as a plate. — Grorce Merz- DITH. Minds open as a well-read book. — CHARLES SANGSTER. Open as day for melting charity. — SHAKESPEARE. Open (Verb). Opened inertly like the hands of the dead. — Hugo. To lay oneself open like an oyster. — “A Knack To Knowe A KNAvE.” The dreadful truth was opened like a gulf. — James S. Know es. Open-mouthed. Open-mouthed, like a crow at a wal- nut. — Bazac. Open-mouthed as a young child Wondering with a mind at fault. — Grorce MEREDITH. Opera. Old operas are like old bonnets: they ought to be remodelled, re- trimmed from time to time. — A. E. Housman. An opera, like a pillory, may be said, To nail our ears down and expose our head. — Youne. Opinion. Opinions, like showers, are generated in high places. — C. C. Coron. Social opinion is like a sharp knife. There are foolish people who regard it only with terror, and dare not touch or meddle with it; there are more foolish people, who, in rashness or defiance, seize it by the blade, and get cut and mangled for their pains; and there are wise people, who grasp it dis- creetly by the handle, and use it to carve out their own purposes. — Mrs. JAMESON. Opinions ! — they are like the clothes we wear, which warm us, not with their heat, but with ours. — WaLTer Parer, 280 Opinion — continued. Opinion is like a pendulum and obeys the same law. If it goes past the center of gravity on one side, it must go a like distance on the other; ‘and it is only after a certain time that it finds the true point at which it can remain at rest. — SCHOPENHAUER. Opinions, like fashions, always de- scend from those of quality to the middle sort; and thence to the vulgar, where they are dropped and: vanish. — SwIrt. Opportunity. Lost opportunities are like precious jewels locked in the casket of regret, whose key is held in the unchanging past. — ANON. Opportunitays, like eggs, don’t kum but one at a time. —Josn BrLLinos. Opposed. Opposed as the two poles. — RoBert Brownina. Opposite. Opposite as black and white. — ANON. Opposite as fire and water. — Inn. Opposite as oil and vinegar. — Inrp. Opposite as the poles. — Inrp. Opposite as day and darkness. — Tuomas DEKKER. Opposite as the spheres. — Huco. Opposite as men’s thoughts and their words. — Lyty. Opposite as heaven and _ hell. — Worpswortu. Opposition. Opposition to a man in love is like oil to fire. — Ourpa. Oppress. Oppressed like foul air. — Dickens. Oppresses like a crown of gold. — ALEXANDER SMITH. OPINION. — OUT. Oppression. Ideal oppression . . . something like a fly serving spiders. — Huao. Oratory. Oratory, like the drama, abhors lengthiness ; like the drama, it must keep doing. — ButwiEr-LyTTon. Order. Ordered as the morning light. — TUupPER. Orderliness. Painful orderliness, like a city pro- cession under the conduct of the police, — Grorce Merepita. Orderly. Orderly, like fresh veiled nuns. — Bauzac. Oriental. Oriental as a rug. — ANON. Original. Original as original sin. — ANON. Ornamental. Ornamental as a band-wagon. — ANON. Ornamental as the signs of old Lon- don, — In. Orthodoxy. Orthodoxy combined with brilliancy is like glycerine combined with vaccirie — it enables a little to go a very long way. —H. D. Trait. Oscillated. The earth . . . oscillated like a thin crust beneath our feet. — Cuartes R. Darwin. Out. In and out like a needle through cloth. — ANon. Come out like beetles when the lights are out. — J. M. Barrie. Out like a burnt taper’s flame. — R. H. Dana. OUT. — PAINTED. Out — continued. Go out, like an untended lamp. — SCHILLER. Outpoured. Abundance is outpoured Like worship at a shrine adored. — Bayarp Taytor. Outrageous. Outrageous as the sea, dark, waste- ful, wild. — Mitton. Outspoken. Outspoken as a north-wester. — ANON. Overcast. Overcast, Like a snow-covered pine in the vast Dim forests of Orkadale. — LoNGFELLOW. Overcome. Overcome us like a summer’s cloud. — SHAKESPEARE. Overflow. Overflowing like a crock of salt-rising dough in a warm kitchen. — Irvin S. Coss. Packed. Packed like Norfolk biffins. — ANon. Packed like the leaves in a closed book. — O. W. Hoes. Pagan. Pagan as the Muses. — ANON. Pain (Noun). Pain . . . like the bitterness of dis- solution. — THowas Harpy. Pain and pleasure, like light and darkness, succeed each other. — STERNE. 281 My being overflowed, Wert like a golden chalice to bright wine Which else had sunk into the thirsty dust. — SHELLEY. Overtake. Overtake ... like sea waves. — T. Evcar PEMBERTON. Overturned. Idols are overturned like new- mown grass. — SiemuND KrasInskI. Overwhelm. Overwhelmed, like the miner upon whom a roof has just fallen. — Dumas, PERE. As when a torrent, swell’d with wintry rains, Pours from the mountains o’er the delug’d plains, And pines and oaks, from their founda- tions torn, A country’s ruins! to the seas are borne : Fierce Ajax thus o’erwhelms the yield- ing throng. — Homer (Pore). O’erwhelming his fair sight, Like aid vapors when they blot the — SHAKESPEARE. P They shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth. — Op TESTAMENT. Pain (Verb). Pains like a horrible vulgarism. — Larcapio HEARN. Painful. Painful, as a visit to the dentist. — Guy pE Maupassant. Painted. Painted like the leaves of Autumn. — LONGFELLOW. Painted like the sky of morning. — Isp. 282 Painting. As is painting, so is poetry : some pieces will strike you more if you stand near, and some, if you are at a greater distance : one loves the dark ; another, which is not afraid of the critic’s subtle judgment, chooses to be seen in the light ; the one has pleased once, the other will give pleasure if ten times repeated. — Horacz. Pale Pale as an Angel of the Grave. — ANON. Pale as Banquo’s ghost. — Isp. Pale as linen. — Ini. Pale as parchment. —- Isip. Pale as the gleam of a glow-worm. — Isp. Pale as the haggard features of despair. — Isip. Pale as the rose-leaves withered in the northern gale. — Isp. Pale as turnips were his cheeks. — Isp. Pale as with the sickness that promised death. — Inip. Grew pale, like a flower that is cut off. — ASSYRIAN. Pale as a moon that moves alone through lonely space. — ALFRED Aus- TIN. Pale as snowdrift in the frost. — C. D. Bett. Pale as the moon before the solar tray. — SAMUEL Boys. Pale as a white stone. — CHARLOTTE BRonrveE. Pale as baby carved in stone. — E. B. Browninea. Pale ... as one who saw an ec- stasy beyond a foretold agony.—Izm. Pale as crocus grows Close beside a rose-tree’s root. — Isp. PAINTING. —- PALE. Pale as the silver cross of Savoy. — Isp. Pale as a spectre. — BULWER-LYT- TON. Pale like only lily. — Burns. Pale as ashes, or a clout. — SAMUEL But Ler. Pale as death. — Ism. Pale... Like a dede ymage, pale and wan. — Isp. as any lead. — CHAUCER. Palle as asshen colde. — Ini. Pale as a witch. — Ricwarp Cum- BERLAND. Pale as driven by a beating storm at sea. —R. H. Dana. Pale as a new cheese. — THOMAS DEKKER. Pale as a wreath of Alpine snow. — Lorp De TABLey. Pale as a candle. — DICKENS. Pale as a muffin. — IBm. Pale as fires when mastered by the night. — DrypDEn. Pale as a ghost. — DUMAS, PERE. Pale as a sheet. — Inm. Pale Like a white, bright boat in the sky’s vast seas. — Marcaret EwIine. Pale and thin as an autumn moon. —F. W. Faser. Pearly pale, Like a white transparent veil. — Isp. Pale and meagre as a court page. — FIELpine. Pale as a moonbeam. — FLAUBERT. Palé as brow of one on whom the axe is falling. — GorTHE. Pale as a petulant star. — HELEN Hay PALE. Pale — continued. Pale as the tender tints that blush upon a baby’s cheek. — J. R. Haves. Pale as wordless grief. —F. W. Home. Pale as frosty snow-drops. — Hoop. Pale, like cheeks that feel the chill of affright. — Inrp. Pale as the Champa flowers. — LavuRENcE ‘Hope. Pale as a lover dying of despair. — Arsene Houssaye. Pale as a trappist. — Ini. Pale as a corpse. — Huao. Pale she was As lily yet unsmiled on by the sun. — Jean INGELow. Pale as the moonlight beam. — Mrs. Ineuis. Pale as smooth-sculptured stone. — uals. Pale as Orithyia when she was borne away. — W. S. Lanpor. More pale than the meadows of Anjou. — ANDREW Lang. Pale as an unawakened Galatea. — Amy LESLIE. Pale as pale November dawn. — Ini. Pale as is the face of one Who sinks exhausted in oblivion after a night of deep debauchery. — Georce Cazsot LopGer. Pale as light. — Ism. Pale as are the dead. — Macau.ay. Pale as ascending ghost cast back to day. — Davin MaLet. Pale as a lily crowned with moon- light.— GrRaLp Massey. Pale as a pearl. — Isp. Pale as the sister of death. — Grorce MERepITH. 283 Pale as a snowdrop in Cashmere. — Owen MEREDITH. Pale... Morris. as the icy moon. — Lrwis Pale as marble. — Rospert Morais. Pale as the angel of consumption. — Henri Murcer. Pale as despairing woe. — ORIENTAL. Pale as the ended night. — Jouw Payne. Pale as Paris PLANCHE. Pale like those to whom dead Lazarus burst the tomb. — CuarLes READE. plaster. —J. R. Pale as a rain-washed rose. — AGNES REPPLIER. Pale as blossoms. — James Wuit- coms RILEY. Pale As the fair changing moon. —C. G. Rossetti. Pale as whom the Fates astound. — Isr. Pale as Parian statues. — Inm. Pale as transparent Psyche-wings. —D. G. Rossertt. Pale as bread. — Sant. Pale as a whitewashed wall. — SCHILLER. Pale and wan, as watchlight by the bed of some departing man. — Sir WALTER Scott. Pale as clay. — Ini. Pale as any clout in the versal world. — SHAKESPEARE. Pale, as if a bear was at his heels. — Isp. Pale as milk. — Ism. Pale lustre like the silver moon. — Isp. Pale as his shirt. — Isrp. 284 Pale — continued. Pale as the breath of blue smoke in far woodlands. — WILLIAM SHARP. Pale as yonder waning moon. — SHELLEY. Pale — like the white shore Of Albion. —Ism. Pale and pure as a maiden secluded in secret and cherished in fear. — SWINBURNE. ‘ Pale and sweet as a dream’s delight. | — Is. Pale as grass or later flowers. — Ip. Pale as the duskiest lily’s leaf. — In. Pale as the front of oblivion. — Inn. Pale as the glimmer of stars on moorland meres. — IBip. Pale as the moon in star-forsaken skies. — Iprp. Pale . as twilight. — Isp. Paler than young snow. — Inm. Skies as pale, as moonlight in a shadowy sea. — ARTHUR SYMONS. Pale as a tear. — Joun B. Tass. Pale as a tablecloth. — THACKERAY. Pale as Jephtha’s daughter. — TENNYSON. Pale as the passing of a ghost. —Ism. Pale sad faces like faint flames dying. —G. 8. VierEcK. Paled. Paled, as a candle by the sun. — Ourwa. Paleness. A death-like paleness . . . like one who trembling waits his fatal doom. — ARIOSTO. Paleness, like winter. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. PALE. —— PAMPER. A sudden pale, Like lawn being spread upon the blushing rose. — SHAKESPEARE. Pall. Pall on the temper, like a twice told tale. — AKENSIDE. Contemplation palls upon the spirit Like the chill silence of an autumn sun. — Kqcs.ey. Pallid. Pallid as coffined BRONTE. clay: — Emity Pallid as a saint. —E. B. Brown- ING. Pallid as the snow. — EBENEZER ELuortr. Pallid as a corpse. — Hoop. Grew pallid and shrank, As a taper in sunlight sinks faint and aghast. — T. Bucwanan Reap. Pallid and pink as the palm of the flag-flower that flickers with fear of the flies as they float. — SwinBuRNE. Pallid as a ghost. — Worpswortu. Palpitate. Palpitating . . . like a white soul tossed out to eternity with thrills of time upon it.— E. B. Brownine. Palpitating at the least emotion like the nostrils of an amorous tigress. — GAUTIER. Like the birch-leaf palpitated. — LONGFELLOW. Palpitant as men’s pulses palpitate Between the flowing and ebbing tides of fate That wash their lifelong waifs of weal and woe Through night and light and twilight to and fro. — SWINBURNE. Pamper. Pampering of their paunches, like a monk that maketh his jubilee. — Hues Latimer. PANG. — PASS. Pang. A pang As hot as death’s is chill with fierce convulse. — Keats. Pant. Panting like the hounds of summer, When they scent the stately deer. —W. E. Ayroun. Pant like a netted lioness. — E. B. BROWNING. Pant like climbers. — Inn. Pant as in a dream. — COLERIDGE. Panting like a spent hound. — Sir . A. Conan DOoYLe. Panting, like a bird that has often beaten his wings in vain against his cage. — DRYDEN. Softly panting like a bride. — Rosert HERRICK. Panted like a forge bellows. — Huco. Panting, like a run-down hare. — DovGias JERROLD. The country was panting like a wrestler lying under the knees of his successful opponent. — Guy pe Mav- PASSANT. Panting, like an engine with its steam up. —J. R. PLANcHE. Panting, and swept as by the sense of death. — SWINBURNE. Panted like a sick man’s fitful breath. — Inm. Panted hard, Like one that feels a nightmare on his bed. — TENNYSON. As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. — Otp TESTAMENT. Parch. Mouth parched like a shade that comes to salute friends of former days. — DuMAS, PERE. Parch’d like the fallow destitute of corn. — Francis Fawkes, 285 Parch to the peppered palate like a pea. — Hoop. Pardon. God pardons like a mother who kisses away the repentant tears of her child. — Henry Warp BEEcuer. Paris. Paris — like a pretty woman, has mysterious fits of ugliness or beauty. — Batzac. Parted. Parted like a scattered flock be- fore a lion. —Sypnry Dose.t. Parted like a stone from a sling. — CHARLES READE. Parted thence, As pearls from diamonds dropped. — SHAKESPEARE. Parting. Partings are like postscripts to a letter —indiscreet utterances that do as much mischief to the speaker as to those who overhear them. — Bauzac. Pass. Our memory passes like a ripple in the water, or a breeze in the air. — AMIEL. Passes like a mode. — ANON. Passed like an uncurbed cavalry. — Ixip. Time passes like the wind. — Ipm. Pass like a rolled syllable of mid- night thunder from the coming day. —P. J. Barey. One solitary and foreseeing thought, passed, like a planet’s transit o’er the sun. — In. Passed, like the foam of the wave. — Jane Bartow. As shadows cast by cloud and sun flit o’er the summer grass, So, in thy sight, Almighty One! earth’s generations pass. — Witu1am CuLien Bryant. 286 Pass — continued. Passed away as fairies vanish at the break of day. — HartLEy CoLERIDGE. Thy grace must pass As unremembered things. —Lorp Dr Tastey. Time passed away as a tale which is told. — Dickens. Passed out as quickly as a sunbeam. — Isp. New generations pass, Like shadows on the grass. —Juua C. R. Dorr. Passed like a meteor. — Dumas, PERE. Pass away as in vision. — FREDERIC HARRISON. The generations pass, like autumn’s fruits, Garnered, consumed, and springing fresh to life. —James A. HItitHousE. Passed away like waves. — Huco. 2 Pass away — As flowers that bloom at morn, at eve decay. — Francis Scott Key. Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud ? Like a swift-fleeting meteor, a fast flying cloud, A flash of the lightning, a break of the wave, Man passes from life to his rest in the grave. — Wituram Knox. Little troubles pass like little ripples in a sunny river. — W. S. Lanpor. Passed like the mournful cry of sunward cranes. — Lonc- FELLOW. When she had passed, it seemed like the ceasing of exquisite music. — Ir. sailing Passed like a dream away. — Macautay. They pass like a shade away. — JAMES MAcPHERSON. PASS. They pass Like a breath from the face of a glass. — Don Marquis. Pass away, like a thin cloud that melts across the moon. — James Mont- GOMERY. Passed Like autumn foliage withering in the blast. — Isp. Passed like a day-dream. — THomas Moore. All gently pass away, Like mists that flee From a summer sea. — Ism. All my days Passed like an empty vision. — Lewis Morris. Pass’d, like swift clouds across a windy sky. — A. J. Munsy. Passed along the waves like the chariot of Neptune. — MuncHAUSEN. Passed away, like shadows of the moon. — ADELAIDE A. PRocTEr. Passed away, Like the remembrance of a guest that tarrieth but a day. —C. G. Rossetti. Pass’d by me As misers do by beggars. — SHAKESPEARE. Passed, like a cloud on the blast. — SHELLEY. Must pass, as grains of sand must fall, Beneath the infinite calm sea Of ages and eternity. — Harry B. Smrru. Passed away like summer clouds. — SOUTHEY. And pass as love and sorrow pass, As shadows flashing down a glass, As dew-flowers blowing in flowerless grass. — SWINBURNE. Passes as the grey dew from the morning mountain grasses. — Ipip. Pass as the flight of a year. — Inin, PASS. — PAST. Pass — continued. Passed, like a sudden squall that tears the sea, Yet leaves a sun to smile the billows down. — Bayarp Taytor. Pass like a light. — TENNyson. Passeth away as a cloud. — OLp TESTAMENT. Pass through thy hand as a river. — Isp. Passed, like a sweet but transient dream. — Frank WATERS. As a cloud of the sunset, slow melting in heaven, As a star that is lost when the daylight is given, As a glad dream of slumber, which wakens in bliss, She hath pass’d to the world of the holy from this. — WHITTIER. Pass, Like shadows through a_ twilight land. — Oscar WILDE. Passed like a fancy that is swept away. — WorpsworTH. Passion. Passions are like fire and water, good servants, but bad masters. — ANON. The passions are like fire, useful in a thousand ways and dangerous only in one, through their excess. —C. N. BovEE. A man without a passion is like a vessel waiting for wind and not budging. — ArsENE HovussayveE. Passions are like roses, the more you cut them, the more they grow. — Inn. Passions are cheap things, common as nuts, and just as often rotten. — GeorcE W. LovELL. Passions, among pure thoughts hid, Like serpents under flowerets sleeping. — Tuomas Moore. 287 Passion, like the sun at noon, That burns o’er all he sees, Awhile as warm, will set as soon— Then, call it none of these. — Inn. Our passions are like convulsive fits, which, though they make us stronger for the time, leave us weaker ever after. — Port. Passions are likened best to floods and streams; the shallow murmur, but the deep are dumb. — Sir WALTER RALEIGH. Passions are like storms which, full of the present mischief, serve to purify the atmosphere. — Sir GEORGE Ramsay. Our passions, like the seasons turn ; And now we laugh, and now we mourn. — Rowe. Passionate. Passionate as young love. — ANON. Passionate men, like fleet hounds, are apt to overrun the scent. — Ism. Hun. — J. H. Passionate as the NEWMAN. A passionate man is like a weak spring, that cannot stand long locked. — Wim Penn. The passionate are like men stand- ing on their heads; they see all things the wrong way. — PLaTo. Passionate as an April day. — Wit- t1aM RowLey. Passive. Passive as a monument. — ANON. Passive as a tabby-cat. — IBin. “Passive —like dead bodies, with open, fixed eyes. — JosePpH ConraD. Past. The Past is like a funeral gone by. The Future comes like an unwelcome guest. — Epmunp Gossz. 288 Pat. Truths, as pat as paving stones in cities. — N. P. Wits. Pat he comes, like the catastrophe of the old comedy. — SHAKESPEARE. Pathetic. Pathetic as an autumn leaf. — Grorce Moore. Pathetic as the violets that bloom on a grave. — Oscar WILDE.’ Patience. Patience under misfortunes is like opiates in a fever ; tossing and tum- bling only irritate the distemper. — ANON. Patience is so like fortitude, that she seems either her sister or her daughter. — ARISTOTLE. Grisilde-like LypaaTe. in patience. — JoHN Patient. _/Paient as rocks. — ANON. A poor man without patience is like a lamp without oil. — ARABIAN PROVERB. Patient, like a marble man. — E. B. BRownine. Patient as a stone. — CHARLES G. Durry. Patient as a god. — Dumas, PERE. Patient as death. — Maurice Hrew- LETT. As patient under injury as any Christian saint of old.—J. G. Hot- LAND. Patient as destiny.— Ropert G. INGERSOLL. Patient as an ant. — Knrarts. Patient as a hen-bird. — Inrp, Gazing patient at the sky ; Like some marble carven nun, With folded hands when work is done, Who mute upon her tomb doth pray, Till resurrection day. — KINGSLEY. PAT. — PEACEFUL. Patient as sheep. — MAcautay. Patient as earth. — RAMAYANA. Patient as a gentle stream. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Patient as the female dove. — Ipip. As pacient and as styll. And as ful of good wil. As fayre Isiphill. — SxeLton. Patient as the hours. — SWINBURNE. Patient as the lamb is she. —GEORGE WITHER. Patiently. Patiently as an old worn horse. ~ Grorcre MEREDITH. Patiently as the spider weaves the broken web. — BuLWER-LyYTTON. Patterings. Patterings like an April’s rain. ~ O. W. Hotmzs. Pause. A felicitous pause A pause as of a thoughtful reasoner. — BuLwer-Lytron. Paused. Paused, like some slow ship with sail unfurled waiting, in seas by scarce a wavelet curled. — GEorGE Extot. Peace. Like the rainbow, Peace rests upon the earth, but its arch is lost in heaven. — Butwer-LyTron. Peaceful. Peaceful as sleep. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Peaceful as the advance of summer. —M. D. Conway. Peaceful as stars at twilight. — Hueco. Peaceful as two pups in a basket, — AtrreD Henry LEwIs. PEACEFUL. — PEOPLE. Peaceful — continued. Peaceful as two six-shooters on the same belt. — Ini. Peaceful... LowEL. as a virgin lake. — Peaceful as s::mmer woods. — Grorce MacDona 1p. Peaceful as a hired hand. — James Wurtcoms Riry. Peaceful as dew-mist from an even- ing sky. — Bayarp TayLor. Peaceful as falls the dew. — WiLi1am WINTER. Peaceful as the morning. — Worps- WORTH. Peacefully. Sleeping as peacefully as a little girl tired of playing. — Guy pg Mav- PASSANT. Ran the sweet strain peacefully like a river in its flow. — Exta D. Moore. Peaked. Peaked as a pen. — ANON. Peal. Peals Like the eternal thunders of the deep. — Byron. Pearls. Pearls are like girls, they require quite as much attention. — Bzacons- FIELD. Pedantry. Pedantry in learning is like hypo- crisy in religion, — a form of knowledge without the power of it. — ADDISON. Pedantry and taste are as inconsis- tent as gayety and melancholy. — J. C. LA¥ATER. Peel. Peel, like slippery elms in spring. — Evcene Fitce Ware. Peep. Peep like Venus rising from her shell. — James MontaomeEry. 289 Countless eyes, Peeping like stars through the blue ev’ning skies. + Tuomas Moore. Peep, like moss-grown rocks, half-seen, Half hidden in the copse. — Sir Watrer Scort. Peeps like a star o’er ocean’s western edge. — SHELLEY. Peeping like modest virgins from secluded bowers. — Fanny Fores- TER. Peeping and peering like an excited parrot. — KInesLEy. Peevish. Peevish as a sick monkey. — JAMES Puck.e. Pellucid. Pellucid as a pearl. — RoBert Brownina. Pendant. Pendant like berries on the branches. — MuncHAUsEN. Penetrate. Penetrating as fear.— ANON. Penetrating as the east wind. — Isp. Penetrates like a vapor. — Hugo. Penetrated him like a gimlet. — Guy pe Maupassant. Pensive. Pensive as a sailor in a coach. — Bawzac. Pensiv as a wel fed kitten. — Josu BILLines. People. The people in mass are like metal in the ore; and, as all the iron that ever came from a Swedish mine would never hew a block or divide a plank until it was fashioned into the shape of a hatchet or a saw, so the strength of a people can never perhaps be made capable of producing much effect in 290 People — continued. war, till it is extracted partially and moulded into that factitious and highly polished instrument called an army. — Sir ARCHIBALD ALISON. Impatient people,. according to Bacon, are like the bees, and kill themselves in stinging others. — Grorce Exiot. Peoples, like planets, possess the right to aneclipse. And all is well, pro- vided that the light returns and that the eclipse does not degenerate into night. Dawn and resurrection are synonymous. — Huco. It is with narrow soul’d people as with narrow necked bottles, the less they have in them the more noise they make in pouring it out. — Swirt. ‘Perceive. If a fool be associated with a man all his life he will perceive the truth as little as a spoon perceives the taste of soup. — Buppia. Perfect. Perfect as an astronomical chart. — ANON. Perfect as the dew-bead. — GrorcE Euior. A poem round and perfect as a star. — ALEXANDER SMITH. Perfect as a flame That springs and spreads, till each glad limb became A note of rapture in the tune of life. — SWINBURNE. Perfection. Complete in perfection as a great line in poetry, as the flight of a bird, as the curve of a falling wave. — Ricuarp Le GALLIENNE. Perforate. Perforated like a civil war battle flag. — ANoN. Perforate, like Tuomas Wapk. a honeycomb. — PEOPLE. —— PERMANENT. Perfumed. Perfumed like a milliner. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Perilous. The crisis was perilous, but not without its charm : such as an Indian, perhaps, feels when he slips over the rapid in his canoe. — Hugo. Perish. Perish . . . like a microbe in hot water. — ANON. Perish, through their over-confidence, like Icarus. — Bacon. Perish, as the quickening breath of God . . . is withdrawn. — BRYAnrt. They perish as a robe outworn, As faded leaves they float away. — Lorp De Tasiey. Perish like leaves. — EMERSON. Perish as the summer fly. —H. A. JONES. Perisheth, and is past by, like the Pearle in the Fable. — Ben Jonson. Perished with him like a rocket which falls ‘ And quenches its light in earth. — Epear Lez Masters. Perishing, As though they were but things of dust and ashes. — MontcomeEry. Perished like the pageant of a dream. —T. L. Peacock. Perished like some gift of earth. — SCHILLER. Perish, as haze in sunrise on the red sea-line. — SWINBURNE. Perish as the snow built up of sleep: — Isp. Perish forever like his own dung. — Op TESTAMENT. Permanent. Permanent as marble. — BayarD TAYLOR. PERPENDICULAR. — PIERCING. Perpendicular. Perpendicular like _ poplars. — Byron. Perplexing. Perplexing as the question: ‘Do angels ever come back and pay their debts?” — Anon. Persistence. Persistence . .. like the obstinacy of a rancid odour clinging to the hair. — Hugo. , Persistent. Persistent as a mosquito. — ANON. Persons. Vain and frivolous persons, like empty vessels, are easily laid hold of and borne along by the ears. — DEMoPHILUS. Persuasive. Persuasive as the tongue of seraphs. — Tuomas BiackLock. Pert. Pert as a school-girl well can be. — W. S. GILBERT. Peart as a circus pony. —JoEL CHANDLER Harris. Pervade. Pervading his frame like a raging fever. — DUMAS, PERE. Perverse. Perverse as a camel, which can neither be stopped when he is going nor moved when he is resting. — ANON. Perverse as a hog. — SMOLLETT. Phantasmagoric. Phantasmagoric, like a mirage be- yond the horizon.—Ricnuarp Lz GALLIENNE. Philosophy. As swallows give us intimation of fair weather, so the lessons of phi- 291 losophy point out to us the way to attain tranquility of mind. — Dz- MOPHILUS. Physician. One prompt physician, like a sculler plies, And all his art, and all his skill applies ; But two physicians, like a pair of oars, Convey you soonest to the Stygian shores. — ANON. Physicians, like beer, are best when they are old ; and lawyers, like bread, when they are young and new. — Tuomas FULLER. Pick. Picked out like a kernel from a nut. —R. C. Bares. Pick as clean as a bone. — SAMUEL WESLEY. Picturesque. Picturesque as the ‘“‘frolic architec- ture of the snow.” — Anon. As picturesque, | As the figures we see in an arabesque. —R. H. Baryam. Pierce. Pierced like pard by hunter’s steel. — Byron. Pierce as the lightning flashes. — Euiza Coox. Pierced like lightning. — THomas Nasu. He pierces like a lady’s needle. — OsmanLI PROVERB. It shall as level to your judgment pierce As day does to your eye. — SHAKESPEARE. Piercing. Piercing as light. — ANON. Piercing . . . as the air. — Francis FawKkgEs. Piercing as the mid-day sun. — SHAKESPEARE. 292 Piercing — continued. Piercing, like the morn, now it has darted Its lustre on all hidden things. — SHELLEY. Piled. Piled . . . like sacks of wheat in a granary. — LONGFELLOW. Pinch. Pinches like a trap that shuts. — SWINBURNE. Pine. Pines she like to the hyacinth out on the path of the hill-top ; shepherds tread it aside, and its purples lie lost on the herbage. — SaPrHo. Like an eagle caged I pine On this dull unchanging shore. — Epes SARGENT. Pink. Pink as the lip of the sea-shell. — ANON. Pink as the rose in Galatea’s cheek. — AtrRepD AUSTIN. Pink as the cheeks of sweet-and- twenty. — TEMPLE BAILEY. Pink as a rose leaf is pink. — Frank D. SHERMAN. Pinned. Pinned to the mire of the murky, the charnel river Like fair fresh flowers on the filthy - breast of a hag. — Aanes Lex. Pious. Pious as a broken-kneed post-horse. — Wituam B. Bernarp. Pious as a virgin enclosed. — Mavu- RICE HEWLETT. Pious as a Pope. — Hoop. Pipe. A pipe is like a Christian in many ways; sure it’s made o’ clay like a Christian, and has the spark o’ life in f PIERCENG.—PITILESS. it, and while the breath is in it the spark is alive ; but when the breath is out of it, the spark dies, and then it grows cowld like a Christian; and isn’t it a pleasant companion like a Christian ? — Lover. Piquant. Piquant as the waters of the Scheldt. — Grorces Erxuoup. Pirouette. Pirouetted like a bit of fantoccini. — Oupa. Piteous. Piteous as a spirit wailing in a world of tears. — GERALD Massey. Pitiable. Pitiable, like every ignorant man who wins a triumph. — Hueco. Pitiful. Pitiful as he that’s hired for death And loves the slaying yet better than the hire. — SWINBURNE. Pitifully. Pitifully as a poor girl of the pave- ment will pretend to be a clergyman’s daughter. —G. B. SHaw. Pitiless. Pitiless as a Maxim gun. — ANon. Pitiless as northern night. —J. W. BarBer. Pitiless as night. — AMBROSE BIERCE. Pitiless as the grave. — GERALD Massey. Pitiless as driving sleet. — Jonn C. NEIHARDT. As pitiless to them as the Hyrcanian tiger to a lamb chop in the original wool. — New Yorx Sun. Pitiless as the strokes of an iron hammer. — Oumwa. Pitiles: ae hall trom heaven: =O C. Fraser-TyTuer. PITY. — PLAIN. Pity. As much pity is to be taken of a woman weeping, as of a goose going barefoot. — Roserr Burton. And pity, like a naked, new-born babe, Striding the blast, or heaven’s cheru- bin, hors’d Upon the sightless couriers of the air, Shall blow the horrid deed in every eye, That tears shall drown the wind. — SHAKESPEARE. Place. Out of place as a faro layout in a Sunday school.—A.rrep HENRY Lewis. Placeless. Placeless, as spirits. — COLERIDGE. Placid. Placid as a duck pond. — ANon. Placid as a mill-pond. — Inp. Placid as a scarecrow in a field of scoundrels. — Ign. Placid as a soft-shell crab in a plate of parsley. — Im. Placid as Socrates. — Ipm. Placid as Paradise. —Epwin Ar- NOLD. Placid as a hearthstone. — EvucEnrE FIEL. Placid as a stone. — Huo. Placidly waiting to be sheeted home. — Jean INGELOw. Placid as a swan that drifts in a dream. — Lowe... Plain. Plain as A. B. C. — Anon. Plain as a hat on a rack. — Ini. Plain as a steeple. — Isr. Plain as a pack-saddle. — Inm. Plain as the shepherd nymph in russet weeds. — Isr. 293 Plain as two and two make four. — Ini. Plain as your own miniken-breeches. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. As plain as noon-day. — Grorcr H. Boxer. She dresses as plain as the lily that modestly grows in the valley. — Patrick Bronte. Plain as truth. — CHapMAN. Plain as a demonstration in Euclid. ~~ GrorGE COLMAN, THE YOUNGER. Her dress was as plain as an um- brella cover. — Jos—ePpH ConraD. Plain as plainness. — Joan Davigs. As plain to everybody as the sun. — Dickens. As plain as water’s water. — GEORGE Euior. Plain as Foote. a pikestaff. — Samuen Plain as a dropped egg on a plate of hash. — SEWELL Forp. Plain as the way to market. — FRANKLIN. Plain as the sunlight. — Froupz. As plain as the moral law. — Bret Harve. Plain as the man with lantern. — Hoop. Plain as whisper in the ear. — Isp. Plain as the record on the prophet’s scroll. —O. W. Homes. As plain as a hole in a grindstone. — Isp. . As plain as the round shield of the - sun blazing on high. — James Hunz- KER. Plain as print. — Lover. Plaine... Lyty. as the high way. — 294 Plain — continued. Plain as the sun in heaven. — Ma- CAULAY. Plain . . . as a rudimentary sum in arithmetic. — Grorcr MEREDITH. Plain as the light in the sun or as the man in the moon. — Otway. Plain as a nose in a man’s face. — RaBELAIs. Plain as the plain bald pate of Father Time himself. — SHAKESPEARE. Plain as way to parish church. — Isp. Plain and smooth like a Quaker’s meeting. — JAMES SMITH. Plain as the sun at noonday. — STERNE. Plain as the glistening planets shine when winds have cleared the skies. — Rosert Louis STEVENSON. Plain as a weed. — Bayarp TAYLor. Plainly. Plainly as heaven sees earth and earth sees heaven. — SHAKESPEARE, Plainly as shoulder-straps mark a soldier. — ANoN. ~ Plastic. Plastic as potter’s clay. — ANON. Play. A bad play is like a caus —all leaves. — ANON. A play is like a cigar, it requires judicious puffing. — Ism. Most plays are like pills; if you swallow them whole they are sweet ; but, if they are chewed, like a pill, you will, like the critic, find them bitter. — Isp. A play is like a cigar ; if it is a fail- ure no amount of puffing will make it draw, but if it is a success, everybody wants a box. — Henry J. Byron. PLAIN, — PLAY. Like hungry guests, a sitting audience ( looks : Plays are like suppers ; 3 peels 2 are the cooks, The fotinder’s you: the table i is this place : The carvers we: the prologue is the grace. Each act a course; each scene, a dif- ferent dish, Though we’re in Lent, I doubt you’re still for flesh. Satire’s the sauce, high-seasoned, sharp, and rough. Kind masks and beaux, I hope you’re pepper-proof ? Wit is the wine ; but ’tis so scarce the true Poets, like vintners, balderdash and brew. Your surly scenes, where rant and bloodshed join, Are butcher’s meat, a battle’s a sir- loin. Your scenes of love, so flowing, soft and chaste, Are water-gruel without salt or taste. — FarquHar. A play, like a bill, is of no value till it is accepted; nor indeed when it is, very often. — Fie.pine. A play is like a picture: the actors are the colors, and they must blend with one another if a perfect work is to be produced. — JosEPH JEFFERSON. Plays are exactly like Portraits Drawn in the Garb and Fashion of the time when Painted. You see one Habit in the time of King Charles I another quite different from that, both for Men and Woman, in Queen Eliz- abeths time; another under Henry the Eighth different from both; and so backward all various. — JAMES Wricut’s “ Hisrorta HistRionica.” For plays, like women, by the world are thought, When you speak kindly of ’em, very naught. — WYcHERLEY. PLAYFUL. — PLENTY. Playful. Playful as a frolic boy. — ANon. Playful as a rabbit.— Grorcr P. Morris. Playwright. ‘A wise playwright should act like the man who gives a magnificent feast : he should seek to delight the spectators, that each on departing may feel he has eaten and drunk just.the things he would chiefly have chosen himself : not set but one dish for all palates, one writing for all sorts of tastes. — ASTYDAMUS, JUNIOR. Plead. Plead like angels, trumpet-tongued. — SHAKESPEARE. Pleading like a frightened child. — Rosert Louis STEVENSON. Pleasant. Pleasant as youth with all its blossoms crown’d. — CowPEr. Pleasant as a wave. —Lorp Dr TABLEY. Pleasant as health. — GrraLp GrIF- FIN. As pleasant about the house as a gleam of sunshine, falling on the floor through a shadow of twinkling leaves, or as a ray of firelight that dances on the wall, while evening is drawing nigh. — HawrTHoRNE. Pleasant as the shower which falls on the sunny field. —James MacpHerson. Pleasant as the thunder of heaven, before the showers of spring. — Ipm. Pleasant as the gale of spring, that sighs on the hunter’s ear. — OssIAN. Pleasant as budding tree. —C. G. Rosser. Pleasant as a scented mouth to kiss. — SWINBURNE. Pleasant as roses in the thickets blown. — WorpswortTH. 295 Pleased. Pleased as Punch. — Anon. Pleased, as infants are with sleep. — Sir WILLIAM DaAvENANT. Pleasure. But pleasures are like poppies spread, You seize the flower, its bloom is shed ; Or like the snow falls in the river, A moment white — then melts for ever; Or like the borealis race, That flit ere you can point their place ; Or like the rainbow’s lovely form, Evanishing amid the storm. — Burns. Pleasure, like an over-fed lamp, is extinguished by the excess of its own ° aliment. — Hannan More. Pleasures like the flow’r, Frail and fleeting ever ; Now decks the bow’r, Now ’tis gone for ever. — Freprrick RrEyNo1s. Pleasures are like liqueurs: They must be drunk but in small glasses. — RoMAINVILLE. Plentiful. Plentiful as bacteria in bad butter. — ANON. Plentiful as sage brush in the desert. — Isp. Plentiful as shingles on the shore. — Isp. Plentiful as wells in the Old Testa- ment. — In. Plentiful as plebeians in Oxford Street. — SAMUEL WARREN. Plentitude. Spiritual sweets to plentitude, As bees gorge full their cells. — Kzats. Plenty. Plenty as the grass. — ANON. As plenty as blackberries. — SHAKE: SPEARE. 296 Pliant. Pliant as a glove. — Bauzac. Pliant as a reed. — CHARLOTTE Bronte. Pliant as the torrent flows. — JoHN G. Cooper. Pliant as a wand of willow. — Lone- FELLOW. Pliable as wax. — JAMES SHIRLEY. Pliant as the air. — Bayarp TaYLor. Plod. Plods on like a steed in a mill. — Exiza Cook. Pluck. Plucked like a berry from a bush. —R. C. Batzs. Plumed. Plumed like a hearse. — ANON. Plumed like a storm-portending cloud. —P. J. Barry. Plump. Plump as an orange. — ANON. Plump as plenty. — Isp. Plump as a peach. — Dickens. Plump as ripe clusters. — RicHarp Dvuxe. : Plump as a pudding. — HawTHORNE. Plump as a cherry. — Ropert Her- RICK. Plump as a partridge. — Lover. Plump as a melon under a glass. — Grorce MEREDITH. Plump as mastiffs. — PLautus. As plump as a miller’s sparrow. — ScoTTisH PROVERB. Plump, like tiny skins of wine. — James Wuitcoms RIxey. As plump as plump can be. — C. G. Rosserrt. Plump as stall’d theology. — Youna. PLIANT. — POETS. Plunge. Plunged like a mad horse. — ANon. He was plunged in rushing water like a diver holding on to a stake planted in the bed of a swollen river. — JosePH | CONRAD. Plunging like the sea.—J. G. Hoan. Pockets. Pockets . . . looked like a pool table’s after a fifteen-ball run. — O. HENRY. Poems. Poems, like rivers, convey to their destination what must without their appliances be unhandled: these to ports and arsenals, this to the human heart. — W. 8. Lanpor. Poetry. Poetry, good sir, in my opinion, is like a tender virgin, very young and extremely beautiful, whom divers other virgins — namely, all other sciences — make it their business to enrich, polish, and adorn. — CERVANTES. There is as much difference between good poetry and fine verses, as be- tween the smell of a flower garden, and a perfumer’s shop. — Jutius C. Harr. Wisdom and poetry are like fruit for children, unwholesome if too fresh. — W. S. Lanpor. Poetry is to philosophy what the Sabbath is to the rest of the week. — W. B. Yeats. Poets. Poets are like birds: the least thing makes them sing. — CHATEAUBRIAND. For party poets are like wasps, who dart ; Death to themselves, and to their foes but smart. — GrorcE CRABBE. Poets, like Lovers, should be bold and dare, : They spoil their business with an over- care. — DrypeEn. POETS. — POOR. Poets — continued. Poets, like painters, their machinery claim, And verse bestows the varnish and the frame. —O. W. Hoimes. Poets, like candles, are all puffers, And critics are the candle snuffers. — Rosert Lioyp. Poets, like angels, where they once appear, Hallow the place. — Joun Norris. Fir’d at first sight with what the Muse imparts, In fearless youth we tempt the height of arts, While from the bounded level of our mind Short views we take, nor see the lengths behind ; But more advance’d, behold, with strange surprise, New distant scenes of endless science rise. So pleas’d at first the tow’ring Alps we , Mount o’er the vales, and seem to tread the sky ; Th’ eternal snows appear already past, And the first clouds and mountains seem the last ; But these attain’d, we tremble to survey The growing labours of the lengthen’d way: Th’ increasing prospect tires our wan- dering eyes ; Hills peep o’er hills, and Alps on Alps arise. — Porr.} Poignant. Poignant and silent like the terrible questioning of one’s conscience. — JOSEPH CONRAD. Point. Points like death’s lean lifted finger. — Rosert BRrownine. 1 Dr, Johnson, in his ‘Lives of the’ Poets,” says that this simile on poets is ‘perhaps the best the English language affords.” 297 Pointed. Pointed as a wasp’s sting. — ANON. Pointed as a poniard.— Tuomas | Nasu. Poise. , Poise as of humming-birds hanging in air. —F. W. H. Myers. Poison. Poisoned his life, as a rusted nail driven through an oak-tree in its prime corrodes and kills. — Ova. Polished. Polished as the bosom of a star. — T. B. Awpricu. Polite. Perlite as a dancing master. — JosH BILincs. Polite as wax. — O. Henry. Politeness. Politeness is like an air cushion ; there’s nothing in it, but it eases the joints wonderfully. — W. C. Gannett. Political. Political men, like goats, usually thrive best among equalities. — W. S. Lanpor. Politicians. Politicians, like the earth, are flat- tened at the polls. — Anon. Pollute. Polluted as a harlot. — ANON. Pompous. Pompous as an _ undertaker. — THACKERAY.* Poor. Poor as a cab-driver in Venice. — ANON. Poor as a rat. — Isp. Poor as skunk’s misery. — Ip. As poor as winter. —Isp. Poor as wood. — Jos BiL.ines. 298 | Poor — continued. Poor as an owlet. — BUNYAN. As poor as some church mouse. — Lorp De TasBtey. Poorer than a retired Spanish en- sign. — ForTSERRE. Poor as Job’s turkey. — Marston. Poor as a sheep new shorn. — GeorGcE PEELE. Poor as virtue and as friendless. — Ibm. Poor as a pauper’s pottage. — JoHN G. SAXE. Poor as truth. — Francis SEAGER. Poor as Job. — SHAKESPEARE. Poor as winter. — Ipip. Pop. Popping about like a parched pea. — ANon. Popular. Popular as love. — LAMARTINE. Popular as a film drama. —G. B. Suaw. Populous. Populous as a hive. — ANon. Populous as an ant-hill. — Huco: ’ Positions. High positions are like the summit of high steep rocks. Eagles and rep- tiles alone can reach them. — Mapame NECKER. Positive. Positive as a Scotchman. — ANon. Positive as the earth is firm. — SHAKESPEARE. Posture. Posturing, for all the world just like the man on the slack rope at our fair. — Hannan More. Posturing as proudly as a matador. — JULIAN STREET. POOR. —~ POWER. Potent. Potent as Irish whiskey. — ANon. Potent an evil as Shakespeare’s French fiddle. — W. C. Brann. Pounce. Pounced like a kite on a chick. — ANON. Pounce like a vulture. — Isp. Pounced . .. like lightning. — Wi1L- KIE COLLINS. Pounced like a falcon. — GEzorcz MEREDITH. Pout. Pout like a disappointed child. — CHARLOTTE BRONTE. Pouting. With laughing eyes and dewy lips, pouting like the purple tip that points the rose’s bud. — CaTuLLus. Pouting lip like the print upon a pound of butter. — SamuE. Foore. Poverty. Poverty is like an upper story, since the poor take precedency of all. — Pipay. Power. Power, like the diamond, dazzles the beholder, and also: the wearer; it dignifies meanness; it magnifies little- ness; to what is contemptible, it gives authority ; to what is low, exaltation. —C. C. Coton. Power, like the hasty Vine, climbes up apace to the Supporter, but if not skilfully attended and dress’d, instead of spreading and bearing fruit, grows high and naked, and then, like empty title, being soon useless to others, be- comes neglected and unable to sup- port itself. — Srr WrLtL1am DaveENantT. Power, like a desolating pestilence, Pollutes whate’er it touches. — SHELLEY. POWERFUL. — PRECIOUS. Powerful. Powerful as the tyranny of fashion. —J.H. Sr. J. pz Crevecaur. Powerful as the sacerdotalism of Medizval Europe. — Froupr. Powerful as death. — Popr. Powerless. Powerless as an infant. — ANON. Powerless as grubs. — Inn. Powerless as stubble exposed to the draught of a furnace. — CHARLOTTE BRONTE. Powerless . . . as a stone. — FE. B. Brownina. Powerless as the wind That passeth idly by. — SHELLEY. Praise. Praise, like gold and diamonds, owes its value only to its scarcity. — Dr. JOHNSON. Praise to a young wit is like rain to a tender flower. — Pore. ; Praise is like ambergris; a little whiff of it, and by snatches, is very agreeable ; but when a man holds a great lump of it to his nose, it is a stink and strikes down. — Swirt. As the fining pot for silver, and the furnace for gold ; so is a man to his praise. — OLD TESTAMENT. Prance. Prance like uncurbed cavalry. — ANON. Pranced round it like a pair of can- nibals about to eat a victim. — BaL- ZAC. Prancing like a bean-fed horse. — Kipine. Prate. Prate like a parrot. — ANON. Prating of the stars Like an old soldier of his scars. —P. J. Barney. 299 Prate like one i’ the stocks. —SHAKE- SPEARE. Prattle. Prattled like a babbling brook. — C. S. CaLvERLEY. Prattle like GREVE. a magpie. — Con- Prattlers, like swallows, destroy the pleasure of conversation by incessant loquacity. — DEMoPHILUs. Prattles like a child — Coventry PatMorE. at play. Prayers. God puts our prayers like rose-leaves between the leaves of his book of re- membrance, and when the volume is opened at last, there shall be a pre- cious fragrance springing from them. — C.H. Spurceon. Preach. A woman preacher is like a dog walking on his hind legs. It is not done well ; but you are surprised to find it done at all. — Dr. Jonson. Precept. Precepts are like seeds; they are little things which do much good. — SENECA. Precious. Precious as the Sibyl’s leaves. — ANON. Precious as enterprise. — Haruz. Precious as a Grecian vase. — Ricwarp Le GALLIENNE. Precious, As are the conceal’d comforts of a man, Lock’d in a woman’s love. bs — Tuomas LopGe. More precious Than the rich-jewell’d coffer of Darius. — SHAKESPEARE. Precious as is friend. — “Wir Rr- STORED.” 300 Precious — continued. More precious far Than that accumulated store of gold And orient gems, which, for a day of need, The Sultan hides deep in ancestral tombs. — WorDswortTH. Prejudice. Prejudice, like the spider, makes everywhere its home, and lives where there seems nothing to live on. — Tuomas PAINE. Prepared. Prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. — New TESTAMENT. Preposterous. Preposterous . . . as natural color upon a fashionable cheek. — JoHN Brovucuam. Preserved. She was well preserved by a tranquil existence, like winter fruit in a closed cupboard. — Guy pr Maupassant. Press. Pressed it to his heart as holy sinners press the scapular. — E. W. Hornuna. Pressed in my heart, like flowers within a book. — LonGrELLow. Pressed her like corn that has been crushed in the mill. — Guy pr Mav- PASSANT. Press one as men press a sponge. — ““REPUBLICA: A MERYE ENTERLUDE.” Presumptuous. Presumptuous as Haman the halt. —Joun HeEywoop. Pretty. Pretty as a Pingree potato patch. — ANOoN.. Pretty as a red wagon. — Ip. Pretty as aSeptember peach. —Ism. Pretty as a picture. — Izmp. PRECIOUS. — PRIDE. She was as pretty as the spring time. — Batzac. ? Pretty as a peach Such as school boys always long for when they’re hangin’ out of reach. — Pompe Cary. A little girl, pretty as an angel. — HENDRIK CONSCIENCE. Pretty as a seraph. — GAUTIER. Pretty as a rosebud debutante.— Amy LEsLiz. Pretty as a diamond flush. — Aurrep Henry Lewis. Pretty as Paint. — NorTHALL’s “Foik PHRASES.” Pretty, like a toy cowboy with a chamois shirt and a nine-dollar som- brero. — Epgar W. Nye. Prey. Prey ... like a fox in midst of harvest-time. — Mar.LowE. Prey on itself, Like monsters of the deep. — SHAKESPEARE. Prick. Pricks like thorn. — SHAKESPEARE. Pride. *Tis as natural for women to pride themselves in fine clothes as ’tis for a peacock to spread his tail. — ANon. Pride is like the beautiful acacia, that lifts its head proudly above its neighbor plants — forgetting that it too, like them, has its roots in the dirt. —C. N. Bovész. Pride, like the magnet, constantly points to one object, — self, — self ; but, unlike the magnet, it has no attractive pole, but at all points re- pels. — C. C. Coron. Pride, like ambition, is sometimes virtuous and sometimes vicious, accord- ing to the character in which it is found, and the object to which it is directed. — FuLKE GREVILLE. PRIDE. —— PROFESSION. Pride — continued. Pride is like vapour which ascendeth high, and presently vanishes away.— PLUTARCH. Pride, like laudanum and other poisonous medicines, is beneficial in small, though injurious in large quan- tities. Noman who is not pleased with himself, even in a personal sense, can please others. — FREDERICK SAUNDERS. Earthly pride is like the passing flower, that springs to fall, and blossoms to die. — H. K. Wuire. Pride, like anger, builds among the stars; but pleasure, lark like, nests upon the ground. — Young. Prim. Prim as a Quaker. — G. P. Morris. Prime. Prime as a fiddle. — ANon. Prime as goats. — SHAKESPEARE. Primitive. Primitive . . . like the praam and the canoe. — Hugo. Prince. Princes are like to heavenly bodies, which cause good or evil times; and which have much veneration, but no rest. — Bacon. Princes, like beauties, from their youth Are strangers to the voice of Truth. —Joun Gay. The name of a Prince is like the sweete deaw, which falleth as_ well vppon lowe shrubbes, as hygh trees, and resembleth a true glasse, where-in the poore maye see theyr faces with the rych, or a cleare streame where- in all maye drincke that are drye: not they onelye that are wealthy. — Lyty. Principle. A good principle was never found solitary in any breast. — Jane PorTER. 301 Principles, like troops of the line, are undisturbed, and stand fast. — Ricu- TER. Print. He that commeth in print because he woulde be knowen, is like the foole that commeth into the Market because he would be seene. — Ly ty. Privacy. No more privacy than a goldfish. — Irvin S. Coss. Private. Love should be as private a senti- ment as a toothbrush. — O. HEwry. Privilege. Kings will lose their privilege, as stars which have completed their time lose their splendor. — Dumas, PERE. Prize. Prized as a stray gift. — Tuomas N. TALFOURD. Probe. Probing with a cautious touch, like a treasure-seeker in a dark cavern. — HAWTHORNE. Prodigal. Prodigal as winter rain. — Francis LEDWIDGE. Prodigious. As prodigious, as that of the Sun’s swift motion of Heavens. — Ropert Burton. Prodigious as the pyramid of Cheops. — Everenr Firtp. Productive. Vigorously productive, as _ those fabulous dragon’s teeth. — MiILTon. Productive as the Sun. — Pops. Profession. In the long run it is with a profession as with marriage — we come to feel only the annoyances. — Bauzac. 302 Profitless. Cease thy counsel, Which falls into mine ears as profitless As water in a sieve. — SHAKESPEARE. Profound. Profound as an allegory. — ANON. Profound as an Arctic night. —IBm. Profound as a genuflection. — Ipip. Profound as that Serbonian bog. — Mitton. Profuse. As profusely as a raspberry is fur- nished with seeds. — ANon. Progress. A common progress; like vessels on a common tide. — DanreL WEBSTER. Progressive. Progressive as time. — ANON. Progressive as a stream. — CowPER. Prologue. Prologues, like compliments, are loss of time ; Tis penning bows and making legs in rhyme. — Davi GaRRIcK. Prologues are like a forlorn hope, sent out Before the play,-to skirmish and to scout. —P. A. Morreux. Prominent. Prominent as a ten-cent lemon on a fruitstand. — ANon. Promise. Promises are like pie-crust, made to be broken. — Anon. Promises are like Adonis’ gardens, That one day bloom’d and fruitful were the next. — SHAKESPEARE. A large promise without perform- ance is like a false fire to a great piece, which dischargeth a good expectation with a bad report. — Artuur War- WICK. PROFITLESS. — PROUD. Prompt. Prompt as powder to the linstock. —C. G. Durry. Property. Property is like snow ; if it falleth level to-day, it will be blown into drifts to-morrow. — CATHERINE SINCLAIR. Prophetic. Prophetic as the palm of Parsifal’s hand. — Amy LEsLiz. Proportion. Proportioned like the columns of the temple. — Byron. Prosper. Prosper as gardener’s crops do in the rottenest ground. — Mipp.eton. Prosperity. Prosperity destroyeth the fool ; it is like poison, like ratsbane. — THomas Hooker. Prosperous. Prosperous as the angels are. — E. B. Brownine. Protruding. Protruding, like the clue to a Lilli- putian murder mystery. — O. Henry. Proud. Proud as a cock. — ANON. Proud as any prince. — Inm. Proud as a Government mule. — Ipw. Proud as a king. — Inm. Proud as Lucifer. — Inn. Proud as a popinjay. — Inn. Proud as a Spanish Grandee. — Inm. Proud as a tiger-lily. — Ipm. Proud as Juno. — Isp. Proud as Punch. — Isp. Proud as Sheba’s queen. —Ipw. PROUD. — PUFF, Proud — continued. Proud as the man who got rich manu- facturing soldiers’ shoes out of paste- board instead of leather. — Inn. Proud as any queen. — GEORGE Bartow. Proud as a mulatto in a negro con- gregation. — J. R. Bartuerr’s “Dic- TIONARY OF AMERICANISMS.” Proud as the Pope behind the pea- cock-fans. — RoBERT BRowNING. Proud as a freeborn peasant. — BYRon. Proud as a peacock. — CHAUCER. Proud as Gascon. — DuMAS, PERE. Proud as all the Guzmans put together. — AnTHony Hamitton. Proud as a peer. — Bret Harte. Proud as a young bull. — Ricwarp Le GALLIENNE. Proud as a hen with one chicken. — B. Lows.ey. Proud as the day is long. — Lyty. Proud as a lion when passion-stirred. — Epwin Marxuam. Proud as waves that on the beach Lay their war-crests down and die. — Tuomas Moore. Proud as an emperor. — Miss Mv- LOCK. Proud as a lord’s bastard. — Enc- LISH PROVERB. As proud as a Highlander. — Scot- TISH PROVERB. Proud as an empress on her marriage- day. — CHARLES SANGSTER. Proud as a boy with a brand-new top. — Joun G. SAxE. Proud as an enjoyer.— SHAKESPEARE. Proud as a child who will what he would. — ARTHUR SYMONS. Proud as the Bourbons. — THAcK- ERAY. 303 Proudly. Proudly, like a bold swimmer. — Hueco. Flows . . . as proudly as Tiber by Rome. — Epwarp Lovisonp. Proved. Proved like steel in tempering fire. —— Byron. Proverb. Ginowine proverbs ar like good kambrick needles — short, sharp, and shiny. — JosH BILLines. Proverbs are like arrows; they fly not only fast but straight. —Ipm. Proverbs, like the sacred books of each nation, are the sanctuary of the Institutions. — Emerson. Provocative. Provocative of tears as an onion. — HAWTHORNE. Prowl. Prowl, like stealthy cats. — FrEp- ERICK S. CozzENs. Public. The public, like the delicate Greek Narcissus, is sleepily enamoured of itself ; and the name of its only other perfect lover is Echo. — Sir Watrer Raeies (1861-). Puff (Noun). Puff like a paragraph praising a pill. — oO. W. Hotes. Puff (Verb). Puffed himself up like a ship in full sail. — Hans Curistian ANDERSEN. Puffing out like canvas in a gale. — ANON. Puffing like the bellows of a black- smith. — Inip. Puffed like a leaky steam pipe. — O. HEnRy. Puffed like aswimmer in the breakers. — Georce MERepITH. 304 Puffy. Puffy as a cheesecake. — Sir A. Conan Doyle. Puffy as a bolster. — THACKERAY. Pull. Pulled and hauled like a rag baby being contended for by a litter of bull pups. — ANON. Pun. People that make puns are like wan- ton boys that put coppers on the rail- road tracks. They amuse themselves and other children but their little _trick may upset a freight train of con- versation for the sake of a battered witticism. —O. W. Homes. A pun is somewhat like a cherry: though there may be a slight outward indication of partition — of a duplicity of meaning — yet no gentleman need make two bites at it against his own pleasure. — Tuomas Hoop. A pun is like a stumbling-block, that @ man cannot always avoid without hitting his shins against it, but the sooner he clears himself from it the better. — JAMES QUIN. Pun... tongue of a jackdaw, speaks twice as much by being split. — Swirt. Punctual. Punctual as a bride at a wedding. — Bazac. Punctual as Springtide. — Rosert BROWNING. Punctual — like morning. — JamEs Wuitcoms Rizey. Punctual as lovers to the moment sworn. — YOUNG. Punster. A punster is to a humorist what a burro is to a horse. — ELpert Hus- BARD. Pure. Pure as a Madonna. — ANON. where a word, like the | PUFFY. —'PURE. Pure as a plaster cast mummy with cement toes. — Inip. Pure as a virgin’s kiss. — Ipip. Pure as crystal. — Ipm. Pure as Heaven’s snowy flake. — Isp. Like infant’s slumbers, pure and light. — Isr. Pure as love’s heart is. — lpm. Pure as Memphian skies that never knew a storm. — Ixrp. Pure as mountain dew. — Inm. Pure as purest crystallization. — Ism. Pure as the blush of maiden modesty. — Isp. Pure as the dream of a child just descended from the heavens. — Inm. Pure as the lily. — Inm. Pure as the saints above. — IBm. Pure as the pines. — Isip. Pure as the unsullied wing of a bird. — Isp. Pure and pointed as a star. —P. J. BalIey. Pure as the dead. — Inp. Pure as the black of the eye. — Ixp. As pure as the flame that burns upon an altar. — Bauzac. Pure as the breth of a white male infant. — JosH BILLines. Pure az the utterances ov angells. — Ii. Pure as the dawn of Heaven’s un- clouded day. — Tuomas BLacKLock. Pure as the silver from the crucible. — Rosert Buarr. As pure and glad as he whom first God in Eden Brinces (English). placed. — Rosert’ PURE. Pure — continued. Pure as the expanse of Heaven. — Henry Brooke. Pure as blossoms, which are newly blowne. — Witu1am Browne. Pure as the grapes in wine. — E. B. Brownina. Pure as chalk. — Rosert Brown- ING. Pure as the Arctic fox that suits the snow. — Ixsrp. Pure as buds before they blow. — Micuar. Bruce. Pure as the sky. — Butwer-LytrTon. Pure as Psyche ere she grew a wife. — Byron. Pure as the prayer which Childhood wafts above. — Isp. Pure as the first blush of day. — CALDERON. As pure as gold yfined. — Cuaucer. Pure as the babe. — CoLERmGE. Pure as a Saint’s adoring sigh. — Grorce DarLey. Pure as fire. — THomas DEKKER. Pure . . . like aureole round the forehead of a saint. — AuBREY DE VERE. Pure as the stars in yon blue sky. — Dr. Joun Doran. Pure as the breath of the fragrant pine. — Jutia C. R. Dorr. Pure as the angel forms above. — J. D. Drage. Pure as winter snow. — F. A. Fany. Pure as unwritten papers. — JoHn Forp. Pure as consecrated water. — GAu- TIER. Pure as the summer sun of Southern heaven. — W. S. GILBERT. 305 Like GLOVER. Pure like the heart of water, You are pure like the core of earth. — GOETHE. Diana _ pure. — Ricuarp Pure as smooth-carven marble. — Tan Hamitrton. Pure as the virgin who first led Agrippa. — HawtTHorne. Pure as infant’s Hamitton Hayne. brow. — Pau. Pure as the Hindoo’s votive lamp On Ganges’ sacred tide. — Mary E. Hewrrr. Pure as the dew that filters through the rose. — O. W. Hotmzs. Pure as the quarry’s whitest block. — Isp. Pure as starlight shall their deeds of daring glow. — W. D. Howetts. Pure as a burning ember. — Huco. Pure as spirits. — Ipm. Pure as the thoughts of infant innocence. — Dr. JOHNSON. Pure as the ice-drop that froze on the mountain. — Keats. As pure from sin and stain, as his when Eden held his virgin heart. — JoHN KEBLE. Pure as the light of day. — Krnes- BURY. Pure as purest vestal virgin. — Siamunp KrasinskI. Pure as buds before they blow. — JoHNn LoGan. Pure, as the charities of the skies. — Isp. Pure as the kiss that waked En- dymion. — Grorce Mac-Henry. Pure as the white stars sweeping through the sky. — MAHABHARATA, Pure as the wild white rain. — Epwin Markuam. 306 Pure — continued. ' Pure as the first opening of the blooms in May. — Marston. She is as pure, as good, and as beau- tiful as an angel. — Guy pE Mav- PASSANT. As pure as April’s snowdrops are. — Owen MEREDITH. Pure as the snow-rob’d angel that guards the holy altar. — Witu1am J. Mickie. Pure as sanctity’s best shrine. — Tuomas MippLeTon. Pure as the white clouds, That sail around the moon. — Miss Mitrorp. Pure as a wreath of snow on April flowers. — James MontTcomery. Pure as angel thoughts. — Tuomas Moore. Pure as the young moon’s coronet. — Isp. Pure as bright Aurora’s ray. — G. P. Morris. Pure as any maid. — Lewrs Morais. Pure as the pure in heart that shall see God. — Miss Mutock. Pure as Cato’s daughter. — Orway. Pure as the sunbeams gild the placid deep, When zephyrs close their wings in list- less sleep. — ANDREW Park. Pure as a bride’s blush. — Coventry PATMORE. Pure as the permeating fires That smoulder in the opal’s veins. — Is. Pure as the wishes breathed in prayer. — Por. Pure as the summer skies. — W. M. PRAED. Pure and chaste as the falling snow. —T. BucHanan Reap. PURE. Pure as any gowan [daisy]. — H. RIDDELL. As pure and clear as the cherry- blossoms blow in the land of Thus- and-So. — James Wuitcoms RILey. Pure as a joyous prayer. — Isr. Pure as the dove. —C. G. Ros- SETTI. Pure as virgin purity. — Inip. As pure as a mountain spring. — Ruskin. Pure as thoughts that thrill a saint. —A. J. Ryan. Pure as grace. — SHAKESPEARE. Pure as sin with baptism. — sip. Pure as speechless infancy. — SHEL- LEY. Pure as an infant’s thoughts. — SouTHEY. Pure and painless as a virgin’s dreams. — SWINBURNE. Pure as at the daydawn of the world. — In. Pure as faith. — Ipm. Pure as Eden’s dew. — Isp. Desire pure as babe’s that nestles toward the breast. — Isp. Pure as fire or flowers or snows. — Ipip. Pure as heaven. — In. Pure as love’s heart is. — Ip. Pure as one purged of pain that passion bore. — Ixip. Pure as the dawn and the dew. — Ibm. Pure as the depth of pain. — Inrp. Pure as the wind and the sun. — Ipip. Pure as truth. — Ipm. Pure as morns of Paradise. — Bayarp Taytor. PURE. — PUZZLED. Pure — continued. Purer than snow.— Trsta- MENT. Pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. — Isp. Pure as the breath of dawn. — CELIA THAXTER. Pure, As is the lily or the mountain snow. — James THOMSON. Pure as the snowy leaves that fold Over the flower’s heart of gold. — Henry Van Dyke. Pure as meiting dew. — GARCILASO DE LA VEGA. Pure as the snowflake ere it falls and takes the stain of earth. — ALaRic A. Watts. Pure as Angel-worship. — WHITTIER. Pure as the mountains of perpetual snow. — WILLIAM WINTER. Pure as nature is. — WORDSWORTH. Purge. Purges as with fire of purgatory. — SWINBURNE. Purified. Purified from passion’s stain, Like the moon, in gentle splendour, ruling o’er the peaceful main. — Bernarp Barron. Purified as by Copp£E. fire. — Francois Purpose. Purposes, like eggs, unless they be hatched into action, soon run into rottenness. — SAMUEL SMILES. Purposeless. Purposeless as to give a goose hay. — ANON. Purple. Purpled as with stains of wine. — T. B. Aupricu. 307 Purple as a pansy. — ANON. Purple as the Nile. — Isr. Purple like that of a -prelate. — Joun DENNIS. Purple . . . like robes of a king. — Rogert NokE.. Purple like the unplucked plum. — Eizaspeta D. Stopparp. Purple, like the blush of even. — Worpsworta. Pursue. Pursue like a shadow. — ANON. Pursuing like a whirlwind. — Sam- UEL BUTLER. The howl pursued me like a ven- geance. — JoseEPH CONRAD. Pursued like a June bug by a duck. —Sam Jones. Pursued as hawk pursues its prey. — Epna Dean Procror. Pursued like raging hounds. — SHEL- LEY. Pursued them like the Furies. — VoLTAIRE. Pursuit. ‘The pursuit was like Jacob’s ladder — if it did lead to heaven it was cer- tainly an awfully long journey, and very hard on one’s legs. — LEVER. Push. Pushed like a fencing master. — CoLLey CIBBER. Pushed, like a fish to its native sea. —Gerorce MEREDITH. Push on — like ambition. — SYDNEY MunpeEN. Puzzled. Puzzled as a hen when her ducklings suddenly take to the water. — ANoNn. A puzzled look, like a foreigner trying to catch the meaning of words in a language he does not understand. — _ Barzac. 308 Quail. Quails like a naughty child. — G. B. Saw. Quake. Quake like an aspen leaf. — ANon. Quaking like an owl out in the sun- shine. — BaLzac. Quaked like river-shaken rush. — Witi1am Morris. Quarrel. Thus love and quarrels (April weather) Like vinegar and oil together Join in an easy mingled strife, To make the salad up of life. — Rozsert Lioyp. The quarrels of lovers are like showers that leave the country more verdant and beautiful. —Mapame NECKER. \ Quarrelsome. Quarrel like the two halves of a Seidlitz powder. — ANon. Quarrelsome, like a sparrow. — DICKENS. Quarrelous as the weasel. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Queer. As queer as Dick’s hatband, made of pea-straw, that went nine times round, and would not meet at last. — ANON. Quench. Quench in tears like a star in the sea. — P. J. Batey. Quenched . . . like torch-flame choked in dust. — Ropert BRownine. Quenched like a consumed torch. — SPENSER. Quenched as a flame. — SwINBURNE. Querulous. Voice was sweet indeed, but it was thin and querulous like that of a QUAIL. —QUICK. feeble slave in misery, who despairs altogether, yet cannot refrain himself from weeping and lamentation. — COLERIDGE. Question. I was to my questioning like glass unto the color which it clothes. — Dante. Most questions are like a plank: have two sides. — SypNry MunDEN. Quick. Quick as a flash. — Anon. Quick as an arrow. — Isp. Quick as a wink. — Ipm. Quick as gunpowder. — Inm. Quick as the flash of a quail’s wing. — Isp. Quick as the twinkling of a bed-post. —Ism. Quick as you can say Jack Robinson. — Isp. Quick as hell can scorch a feather. — Isin. Quick as a stab. — J. M. Barnrir. Quick as greased lightning. — J. R. Barruert’s “DicrioNARY or AMERI- CANISMS.” “Quick, as a darted beam of light. — R. D. Buackmore. Quick as a fear. — E. B. Brownina. Quick as finches in a blossomed tree. — Ipm. Quick as CaREw. thought. — Tuomas Quick as an eyelid’s beat. — Cavat- CANTI. Quick of scent as a vulture. — Cum- BERLAND. Quick as a dart. — GorTHE. Change quick, like eyes brighten. — Jupan HaLevi. that QUICK. — QUIET. Quick — continued. Quick as barrels popping at a bird. -— GrorcE MEREDITH. Quick as torrents run. — IB. Quick as wings. — Ipm. Quick as an imp. — Apa PaTTrEeRson. Thy wit is as quick as the grey- hound’s mouth. — SHAKESPEARE. Fly as quick to Delia’s arms, as yonder halcyon skims the stream. — WILLIAM SHENSTONE. Quick as the morning ray, or ev’n- ing beam. — WiLL1iam THoMson. Quick as the lightning’s flash. — JuaAN VALERA. Quick as light. — Henry VaucHan. Quick as thought.— ‘Wir ReE- STORED.” Quickening. Quickening as sunshine. — Frank Harris. Quickly. Quickly as a cabbage bed produces snails. — ANON. Quickly as a scalded cat goes through a back window. — Isp. As quickly as iron in the fire passes through the various stages between warmth and white heat.—J. M. Barriz. Quickly as iron to the magnet. — Hewen H. Jackson. Quickly as a dream that dawn de- vours. — Eugene LrE-Hami.ton. Quiet. Quiet as a graveyard. — ANON. Quiet as a wasp in one’s nose. — Ipp. Quiet as death. — Isp. Quiet as dreaming trees. — Im. Quiet as murder. — Ism. Quiet as the hush of evening. — Isp. 309 As quiet as the lighting of a fly on a feather-duster. — Inn. Quiet as two kittens. — Ipm. Quiet fish are talkative in com- parison. — Iprp. Quiet as a woman the first day and a half after she’s married. — BEav- MONT AND FLETCHER. Quiet as despair. — Ropert Brown- ING. Quiet as are quiet skies. — ELLEN Burrouaus. Quiet as a sepulchre. — DickENs. Quiet as a sleeping boa. — HamMuin GARLAND. : Quiet as a statue. — W. E. HeniEy. Quiet as if shod with felt. — Hoop. Quiet as a mouse. — ARSENE Hous- SAYE. Quiet as a stone. — KEats. Quiet as a nest of monasteries. — Amy LESLIE. Quiet as a heart that beats no more. — LoNGFELLOw. Quiet as the tranquil sky. — Isp. Quiet, as of dreaming Trees. — GeraLtD Massey. Quiet as if the finger of God’s will had bade the human mechanism “‘be still.”” — Miss Mutock. Quiet as at anchor in a dead calm. — MUNCHAUSEN. As quiet as a settin’ hen. — ScorrtisH PROVERB. Quiet as a lamb. — SHAKESPEARE. Quiet as the sun. — SWINBURNE. Quiet as a moonbeam. — ELizABETH S. P. Warp. Quiet as a Nun Breathless with adoration. — Worpswortu. 310 Quieted. Quieted like love overcoming strife. — ADELAIDE A. PRocTeER. Quietly. Began as quietly as March. — J. M. Barris. Float quietly, like Angels winnowing by. —F. W. Fazer. Quietly aa a cloud. — Kir.ine. a roaring As quietly as spots of sky Among the evening clouds. — Worpsworta. Quietness. Quietness like the serene glow of a halo. — JosepH ConraD. Better is an handful with quietness, than both the hands full with travail and vexation of spirit. — OLp Trsta- MENT. Quiver. Quiver like a fiddle string. — Anon. Quiver like a leaf in the wind. — Inip. Quiver like jelly. —Ism. Tremulous quiver, like an arrow full drawn by the strong. —EuceEne Barry. Quiver, like a weed in water. — R. D. Biackmore. Quivering . . . like a vibrant music- string stretched from mountain peak to sky. — E. B. Brownina. Race. Races as dust and surf of the sea.— SWINBURNE. Radiant. Radiant . . . as moon that breaks a stormy night. — AEscHYLus. Radiant ... like a young moon. — ARraBIAN Niauts. QUIETED. — RADIANT. Quiver, as if they stood upon the verge of an imminent peril. — GrEorGE W. Curtis. Quivers like the tail of swine glad- dened by a corn feast. — AUBREY DE VERE. Quivering . . . like a cunning ani- mal whose hiding-places are sur- rounded by swift-advancing flame. — Grorce Exot. Quivered like a harp of which the strings are ready to spring. — Fiav- BERT. Quivers as if it were nipped with frost. — KaALIpAsA. Quivered . as a breakwater-pile quivers to the rush of landward-racing seas. — KIPLING. Quivering like a man’s hand when he raises it to say good-bye. — Ini. Quivered like a willow wand. — JOAQUIN MILLER. Quivered like forest-leaves. — D. G. RossErtmI. Quiver... Like weeds unfolding in the ocean. — SHELLEY. Quivering as when life is hard on death. — SwInBURNE. Quiver, Like jewels in the river. — Turopore TILTon. Radiant as morning. — ALrrep Aus- TIN. Radiant like a diamond.—P. J. BAILEY. Radiant . . . like paths of the gods. — CARLYLE. Radiant as the day. — Sir SaMUEL FEraGuson. RADIANT, — RAILROADS. Radiant — continued. Radiant as the queen of love. — Homer (Pope). Radiant as the blossomed lea. — PHILANDER CHASE JOHNSON. Radiant as the starry night. — “Lays or ANcrent InpiA.” Radiant as snow. —OwEN MERE- DITH. Radiant as summer sun in morn. — JAMES Wuitcomsp RILEY. Radiant as a lark. — Owrn SrA- MAN. Radiant as the air around a star. — SHELLEY. Radiant, like the phantoms of the dawn. — Isip. Radiant as the bloom of day. — Witi1am THomson. Radiant as Hope, when Hope was young. — ALaric A. WaTTs. Radiant as sunlit clustering golden- rod. — C. P. Witson. Radiate. Radiated like the stars. — JAMES MonTGoMERY. Rage (Noun). Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned. — CONGREVE. Rage (Verb). Raged like Satan with a toothache. — ANON. Rage like a lion. — Ropert Bur- TON. Immeasurable thirst Raged as a flame. —Lorp Dr Tastiey. Raging like an unexpected fire. — GOETHE. Rages .. . like a leopard caged. — Maurice HEWLeTTr. Rage like a thirst. — Ism. 311 Hector rages like the force of fire. — Homer (Pore). Like a wild thing, suddenly aware That it is caged, which flings and bruises all Its body at the bars, he rose, and raged. —Jran INGELow. Raging as burning Hercules. — Witiram J. Mickie. Raging as Demon of Dante. — WaLrter Parke. Rage like a fury. —J.R. Puancué. Rage, like demons in their Stygian cage. — JoHN RuskIn. Rage like an angry bear, chafed with sweat. — SHAKESPEARE. Raged within me, like a scorpion’s nest Built in my entrails. — SHELLEY. Rage... like boiling liquor in a seething pot. — Tasso. Raging like one mad in flight. — THEOCRITUS. Rage as old Voltaire at Ferney. — N. P. WIxtis. Ragged. Ragged as the mouth of a Cornish cave. — G. K. CuEsTERToN. As ragged and dirty as a Leith carter’s pony. — ScoTTisH PROVERB. Ragged as SPEARE. Lazarus. — SHAKE- Rail. Rail like a rude costermonger. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Raillery. Raillery, like salt, should be used sparingly. — DEMOPHILUS. Railroads. Railroads are like the human race, they have their stopping places and their termini ; but unlike the human race they can make a return journey. —E. P. Day. 312 Rally. Rally like bees. — ANON. Rampant. Rampant, like the split-eagle of the Austrian Empire. — Butwer-Lytron. Rampant, like a lion roused to wrath. — CHarLes Harpur. Ran. Tyll the bloode from ther bassonetts ranne As the roke doth in the rayne. — “Tur Batrie or OTTERBOURNE.” Random. At random, like Bullies Oaths. — Rosert WOLSELEY. Rang. Rang like a God-swept lyre. — ANoN. My head rang like a guard-room gong. — Kip.ine. Rang like a musket-butt on flag- stones. — Isp. Rang out like hollow woods, at hunting-tide. — TENNYSON. Rank. Rank as any pole-cat.—BEn Jonson. Rank as pumpkin-pips. —OwEn SEAMAN. Rank as a fox. — SHAKESPEARE. Rank as any flax-wench. — Ini. Rankle. Rankle like poisons in the soul. — TUPPER. Ransack. Ransacked like an old workbox. — WiLu1aAM ARCHER. Rapacious. As a vulture rapacious. — SMOLLETT. Rapid. Rapid as a charge of Arab horse. — ANON. RALLY. — RARE. Rapid as _ lightning. — WitiiaM BaRTRAM. Rapid as the winds of Spring. — CuCHULAIN. Rapid as the shadow of a cloud. — Tuomas Harpy. Rapid as the ever-wheeling sun. — Aaron Hitt. Rapid as the storm-wind. — Hariz Pasua. Rapidly. Rapidly as drummer-sticks. — Grorce MerrepITH. Rapt. Rapt as sleep. — HAMLIN GARLAND. Rapture. Rapture like the rage of hate allayed With ruin and ravin that its might hath made. — SWINBURNE. Rare. Rare as a blue rose. — ANON. Rare as a snowbird in hell. — Ipm. Rare as a sunflower in the desert. — Isp. Rare as venison in a poor man’s kitchen. — In. Rare as a winter swallow. — Bauzac. As rare almost as hedge-rows in the wild. — CowPeEr. Rare as an Albino in Africa. — W. R. Hererorp. As rare to see the Sunne with-out a light, as a fayre woeman with-out a lover. — LyLy. As rare as wings upon a cat, or flowers of air, a rabbit’s horns, or ropes of tortoise-hair. — ORIENTAL. Rare as a comet. — JAmES RALPH. Rare as a play that does not yawn you, or a woman that does not deceive you. — Caaries Reape. RARE, — REACT, Rare — continued. Rarer than a phoenix. — AGNES ReEpPLiER. Rare to be found as black swans. — DaniEL Rocer’s “MarTrimoniaLu Honovr,” 1642. Rare as the stars upon a clouded night. — Loutse Morean SIL. Rare as a dodo. — Rospert Louis STEVENSON. Like snow at Midsummer, exceeding rare. — JoHN TaYLor. Rare as Homers and Miltons, rare as Platos and Newtons. — Epwin P. WHIPPLE. Rash. Rash as fire. — SHAKESPEARE. Rattle. She rattles away like a woman’s tongue. — W. H. Arnsworts. Rattled in his ear like coins dropped on a barroom floor. — ANon. Rattled like a parchment drum. — Isp. Rattle like peas in a bladder. — In. Rattled like a pair of castanets. — Davpet. His bones Rattle in his skin, like beans tossed in a bladder. — Purp MASsINGER. Rattled like shutters in a blast. — Evita WHEELER WILCox. Rave. Raved like a bedlamite. — ANON. Rave like a madman. — Isr. Rave like an epileptic dervish. — Rosert BRowninec. Rave like beasts Rosert Burton. Rave like a man in Bedlam. — GEORGE COLMAN, THE YOUNGER. stupefied. — 313 Raved like a fiend. —J. G. Hot- LAND. Rave like a fury. — W. S. Lanpor. Raving like a mad creature. — JANE PorTER. Rave like Shakespeare’s Moor. — CHRISTOPHER SMART. jealous Raving . .. like a Maenad start- ing up at the rattle of the sacred em- blems, when the triennial orgies lash her with the cry of Bacchus, and Citheron’s yell calls her into the night. — VIRGIL. Ravenous. Ravenous as winter wolf. — CoLE- RIDGE. Ravenous as the fitful sea. — SWINBURNE. Ravenous as a prairie’s fire. — Frank WATERS. Ravish. Ravish like enchanting harmony. — SHAKESPEARE. Ravishment. Ravishments more keen Than Hermes’ pipe. — Kzarts. Raw. Raw as a Lyndhaven on the half- shell.—Grorce Bronson-Howaprp. Rayless. The lack-lustre eye, rayless as a Beacon-street door-plate in August. — O. W. Homes. Reach. Out of reach of him, As the sun! As the stars — a million, million times Beyond the sun. —J. 5. KNow es. React. React like the pendulum. —C. C. CourTon. 314 Reader. Like the tiger, that seldom desists from pursuing man, after having once preyed upon human flesh, the reader, who has once gratified his appetite with calumny, makes, ever after, the most agreeable feast upon murdered reputation. — GOLDSMITH. Readily. Readily as the smith can labor at his forge. — ANon. Readily as water rushes into a hol- low. — Isp. Met the gale as readily as the butter- flies meet the sun. — Exiza Cook. As readily as a child takes sweet- meats at Mardi Gras. — Oupa. Readily as condemned men take re- prieve. — SWINBURNE. Reading. Much reading is like much eating, —wholly useless without digestion. — Rozsert Sours. Ready. Ready like a porcupine for cold weather. — ANON. Ready like the golden censer for the aloes and cassia. — Inmw. Ready as a primed cannon. — Car- LYLE. Ready as bird that sees the sprinkled corn. — GrorcE Entor. Ready all, As Echo, waiting for a call. — Tuomas Moore. He stood ready for the battle like a bull that has whetted his horns. — PENTAUR. Ready as SHAKESPEARE. a borrower’s cap. — Real. Real as man’s wonder what his soul may be. — Marrua G. Dickinson. READER. —— RECKLESS. Real as the violets of April days. — Isp. Real as the stars. — RicHarp Lz GALLIENNE. Real as a hand. — VANcE THOMPSON. Reality. No more to do with reality than the toy men in a child’s Noah’s Ark. — H. A. Jones. Reason. Reasons are like liquors, and there are some of such nature as none but strong heads can bear. — Epmunp BuRKE. Reason is to faith as the eye is to the telescope. — JoHN Carrp. Reason, like virtue, in a medium lies : A hair-breadth more might make us mad, not wise. — Water Harte. Human reason is like a drunken man on horseback ; set it up on one side, and it tumbles over on the other. — LUTHER. Reasonable. As reasonable as to expect that the tiger will spare the hart, to browse upon the herbage. — C. C. Cotton. Rebellious. Rebellious as the sea. — THomas Heywoop. Recede. Receding as the skies. — Ropert LEIGHTON. Recedes as a dream recedes. — SWINBURNE. Receding as a cloud in air. — Bayarp Taytor. Receded, as mists fade before a morning sun. — BARRETT WENDELL. Reckless. Loud-voiced and reckless as the wide tide-race -That whips our harbor-mouth ! — Kopiina. RECLINED. — RED. ‘ 315 Reclined. Reclined like some vacuous beauty lounging in a guarded harem. — O. HEnry. Recognition. About as much chance of recognition as would the breathings of a lute under an elevated train. — ANon. Recoil. Recoiled as ...he had seen a snake in his path. — Josep Con- RAD. Recoiled as if an unclean creature touched him. — RicHarp H. Dana, SENIOR. Recoiled from its purpose, as from the verge of a crag. — LONGFELLOW. Recoiled, as if she had been face to face with an apparition.— Guy DE Maupassanr. Like an over-charged gun, recoil. — SHAKESPEARE. Recoils, and climbs and closes, As a wave of the sea turned back. — SWINBURNE. Recreation. Recreation is intended to the mind, as whetting is to the scythe; to sharpen the edge of it, which otherwise would grow dull and blunt. He, there- fore, that spends his whole time in recreation, is ever whetting, never mowing : his grass may grow, and his steed starve. As, contrarily, he, that always toils and never recreates, is ever mowing, never whetting; labouring much to little purpose: as good no scythe, as no edge. Then only doth the work go forward, when the scythe is so seasonably and moderately whetted, that it may cut; and so cuts, that it may have the help of sharpening. I would also so inter- change, that I neither be dull with work, nor idle and wanton with recrea- tion. — Josep Hatt. Red. Red as any rose in June. —C. F, ALEXANDER. Red, _ like ANDREYEV. a cardinal. — Leoni Red as a beet. — ANon. Red as a blister. — In. Red as a brick. — Inp. Red as a cherry. — Inm. Red as a coal. — Inm. Red as a danger signal. — Ipmp. Red as a hunter’s face. — Ini. Red as a petticoat. — In. Red as a red wagon. — Inn. Red as Roger’s nose, who was chris- tened with pump water. — Isip. Red as asoka flowers. — Inn. Red as a turkey-cock. — Isp. Red as fields of heather on fire. — —Ism. Red as the fire of a pipe. — Ism. Red as the heather bell. — Inm. Glowed red, like the ishrik seeds, fresh fallen, unbroken, bright. — ARABIC. Red as a plum.—R. D. Buack- MORE. Red as with wine out of season. — E. B. Brownine. Face of him . . . red as that of the foggiest rising Moon. — CARLYLE. Red as the highest colour’d Gallic wine. — CHATTERTON. Red as a fox. — CHAUCER. Rede as blood. — Isr. Rede as rose. — Isp. Rede, As doth where that men melte lede. — Isip. Reed as the bristles of a sowes erys. — Ipp. 316 Red — continued. Red as a tile. — Dante, Deroz. Red as beetroot. — DickEns. Red as gore. — MicHar. Fie.. Red as beef. — FIELDING. Red as the sangaree. — RicHaRD GARNETT. Red as deep as bull’s blood. — GIBBON. Red as the blood-drops from a wounded heart.— Frank W. Gun- SAULUS, Red as coral.— AntHony HAmILTon. Dry red, like old blood. — Mavricr HEWLETT. With hue as red as the rosy bed: Which a bee would choose to dream in. —C. F. Horrman. Red as the beacon-light. — Hoaa. Red as an angry sunset. — JEAN INGELow. Red as the rose is red. —Omar KHAYYAM. Red as slaughter. — Kipiine. Red as the fire of a furnace. — La- MARTINE. Red as a beacon the wind has up- blown. — Sipney Lanier. Red as if he were going to choke.— Grorce MacDona.p. Nose had got as red with passion as the protuberance of a turkey-cock when gobbling out its unutterable feelings of disdain. — Inm. Red as murder. — Grorce MERE- DITH. Red as the British Army. — Inn. Red as a dawn. — Henry Mortey. Red as a lobster. — Tuomas Nasu. Red as Cupid’s bed of red rose- leaves shed on Mount Hymettus. — Mines O’REILLy. RED. ——- REDOLENT. Red as a mazer from an alder-tree. — RaBeELals. Red as Mont Blanc at morning glows. — T. Bucuanan Reap. Red . . Insp. Red as from the broken heart. — D. G. Rossettt. Red, like a ruby. — Ruskin. Red as fire. — SHAKESPEARE. Red as Mars. — Isp. Red as new-enkindled fire. — Inn. Red as Titan’s face. — Ipp. Red, as it had drunk the evening beams. — SouTHEY. Red did show like roses in a bed of lillies shed. — SPENSER. . as the forge’s mouth. — Red as dawn. — SwINBURNE. Red as hate. — Isp. Red as hot brows of shame. — Ipip. Red as love or shame. — Inm. Lips red as morning’s rise. — Inm. Red as the rains of hell. — Inp. Red as a poppy. — THACKERAY. Red as mountain-ash _ berries. — ZACHARIAS TOPELIUS. Red as the Baldinsville house. — ARTeEMuUS Warp. Red as the reddest ruby. — THEo- porE Watts-DunNTON. Red as the banner which enshrouds The warrior-dead when strife is done. — WHITTIER. Red as the naked hand of doom. — Isp. skool- Red as ruddy clover. — Worps- WORTH. 7 Redolent. Redolent . . . as a clover-field of honey. — GrorcsE W. Curtis. REEK. — REJOICE. Reek. Reeking as if with a cloud of incense. — Max Norpav. Reeked as a wet red grave. — Swin- BURNE. Reeked as fumes from hell. — Inm. Reel. Reeling as a clubbed man reels before he collapses. — JosepH Con- RAD. Reel like masts on ocean’s swell. — O. W. Hotmes. Reeling, to and fro, like a reed. — Hueco. He reels like a ship that has met with waves raised by the southeast wind. — OsMANLI PRovERB. Reel like a leaf that’s drawn to a water-wheel. — C. G. Rossetti. Reels as any reed under the wind. — SWINBURNE. Reeled As waves wind-thwarted on the sea —Isn. Reels like a falling cedar. — Tasso. Reels, as the golden Autumn woodland reels Athwart the smoke of burning weeds. — TENNYSON. Reel to and fro and stagger like a drunkard. — Op TESTAMENT. Refines. Refines as by fire. — Roperr BROWNING. Reflection. All serious reflections are like reflec- tions in water — a pebble will disturb them, and make a dull pond sparkle. — George E1ior. Reform. Reform, like charity, must begin at home. — CARLYLE. 317 Refresh. Refreshes like the first gush of spring, or the break of an April shower. — Donatp G. MircHe.. Refreshed, as men in barren lands in drought are soothed by hearing the glad fall of a welcome rain. — Ouma. Refreshed as by the sight of fresh grass in midwinter or early spring. — Henry D. Tuoreav. Refreshes me like a tonic. — IsRAEL ZANGWILL. Refreshing. Refreshing like a quaff from a crystal spring to a dying man. — ANON. Regal. Regal as Juno. — C. S. CALVERLEY. Regretted. Regretted like the nightingale’s last note. — WorDSWORTH. Regular. Regular as sunrise. — ANON. Regular as military drums. — DICKENS. Regular as the private garden of a Grand Duke. — ArsrnE HoussaYE. Regular as a lath. — LoweLL. Regularly. Regularly as light and shadow on April days. — J. Firzcrratp Motxoy. Regularly as clock-work. — Sir Watter Scott. Rejoice. Rejoice As at our first love’s voice. —Lorp Dre TABLey. Like the mother of some victor chief rejoices. — AuBrEY Dr VERE. Rejoice like grasshoppers on summer days. — Homer (Pope). Rejoicing like a cloud of morn. — SHELLEY. 318 Rejoice — continued. + Rejoice, Like Kouli-Kan, in plunder of the proud. — Young. Relations. Relations are like drugs, — useful, sometimes, and even pleasant, if taken in small quantities and seldom, — and the truly wise avoid them. — Mary A. BEAUCHAMP. Relax. Beneath his glance the strong-knit joints relax As the weak knees before the heads- man’s axe. —O. W. Homes. * Relent. Relent her As blooming spring unbends the brow Of surly, savage winter. — Burns. Relentless. Relentless as fate. — ANON. Relentless as a curse. — GEORGE Eiot. As relentless as a Greek tragedy. — JAMES HUNEKER. Relentless as an invalid. — Grorcr MEREDITH. Reliable. Reliable as an old whecl-horse. — ANON. Religion. Religion is like the Fashion: one Man wears his Doublet slashed, an- other laced, another plain ; but every Man hasa Doublet. So every man has his Religion. We differ about Trim- ming. — SELDEN. Without a belief in personal im- mortality, religion is surely like an arch resting on one pillar, like a bridge end- ing in an abyss. — Max MULLER. Reluctantly. Reluctantly . . . like the steps of a bride to the altar.— Donat G. MircHELL. REJOICE. — RENEW. Rely. On Thee let my spirit rely — Like some rude dial, that, fix’d on earth, Still looks for its light from the sky. — Tuomas Moore. Remain. Remaining, like’ marten-holes in a sand-cliff. — Tuomas Harpy. Remorseless. Remorseless as an infant’s bier. — Kaats. Remorselessly. Remorselessly as the ocean moves in upon the shore. —O. W. Hoimss. Remote. Remote as a dream. — ANON. Remote, like echoed voice of one the tombs among. — AuBREY DE VERE. Remote, as the dead lords of song, Great masters who have made us what we are. — Jan INGELOw. Remote and minute as the chief . é scene of our infancy. —Grorce Mrre- DITH. Remote as the stars are. — CHARLES L. Moore. As remote in thought as.. the Apostles or the Czsars. — RoBert Louis STEVENSON. Removes. Two removes are as bad as a fire. — ANON. Rend. Whose rage doth rend Like interrupted waters. — SHAKESPEARE. Renew. Renewed, like Juno’s virtue. — ANoN. As embers touch’d with sulphurs do renew, So will her sight kindle fresh flames in you. — Francis Beaumont. RENEW. — RESEMBLES. Renew — continued. Renew thy youth, as eagle from the nest. —C. G. Rossetti. Thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s. — Otp TESTAMENT. Renewable. Renewable, as some appetites are. — Cuartes Lams. Renowned. Renowned as the sun. —Homer (Pore). - Rent. Is rent as carrion by the vulturous beaks That feed on fame and soil it. — SWINBURNE. Repeating. Repeating . . . like a drunken man with a tune in his head. — Ricnarp Le GALLIENNE. Repel. Repel one like a cudgel. —C. N. Bovée. Repellent. As repellent as a boy’s drum. — J. M. Barriz. Repelling. More repelling than an abyss. — GrorceE MEREDITH. Repetition. To tease by ceaseless repetition ; like the unvaried continued action of a bore. — SamueL RiIcHARDSON. Repose (Noun). Half-repose, like a shepherd keeping sheep. — E. B. Brownine. Repose, like that of a sphinx. — BuLwer-LytTTon. © Repose (Verb). Repose, as feebler wings do in a quiet nest. — Grorcr Exior. 319 Repose, like birds who nightly nestle in the trees.—‘‘Hymn to Time.” Reposes, Like relics in an urn. — Worpswortu. Reposeful. Reposeful as a statue. — ANON. Reproduce. He could have reproduced like an echo. — JosePpH ConraD. Reproof. Reproof is a medicine like mercury or opium; if it be improperly ad- ministered, it will do harm instead of good. — Horace Mann. Reputation. Reputation, like beavers and cloaks, shall last some people twice the time of others. — Doucias JERROLD. The reputation of a man is like his shadow; it sometimes follows and sometimes precedes him, sometimes longer and sometimes shorter than his natural size. — FRencH PROVERB. Reputation, like other mistresses, is never true to a man in his absence. — WYCHERLEY. Repute. Good repute is like fire: once kindled, it is easily kept alive; but when extinguished, not easily lighted again. — PLUTARCH. . Requisite. Requisite . . . as steele in a weapon. — Lyty. Resembles. Resembles, as a pastoral resembles a symphony. — ALFRED AYRES. Resembles, as bottles bottles. — Grorce MEREDITH. Resemble . As much as an apple doth an oyster. — SHAKESPRARE. 320 Resistless. Resistless as the wind. —’THomas BLACKLOCK. Resistless as the spirit of the night. — CHaRLoTTE Brooks. Resistless as a cannon ball. — JEFFERY FARNOL. Resistless as a flash that ‘strikes from Heaven. — Ropert JEPHSON. Resolute. Resolute as a drunken Irishman. — ANON. Resolute as thunder. — Jonn Forp. Resolute as iron. — HAWTHORNE. Resound. Voice, resounding as a brass trum- pet. — GAUTIER. Resounds like Sylvan revelry. — Recinatp HEBER. Resounding, like the blast of funeral trumpets. — LoncrELLow. Resounds like heaven’s thunder. — SHAKESPEARE. Resourceful. Resourceful as D’Artagnan. — ANON. Respectable. Respectable as a long face. — BuL- WER-LYTTON. Resplendent. Resplendent as the noonday sun. — ANON. Resplendent as the autumn moon. — Isp. Resplendent as a_ bridegroom. — Grecory or Nazranzus. Resplendent as the summer noon. — Tuomas Moore. Resplendent as a beam of the morn- ing star. —J. T. Trowznrince. Respond. Respond as steel answers to the magnet. — ANON. RESISTLESS. —- RESTLESS. Responds like the strings of an fEolian harp. — Isp. Responsive. Like the tun’d string responsive to the touch. — Ricwarp Jaco. Rest. At rest, as the ark in the temple. — Bacon. Rested on him as lightly as freckles on his nose.—ALicE CALDWELL HeEean. Rest, Like beauty nestling in a young man’s breast. — CuarLes Lams. Rested in strange wise, As when some creature utterly outworn Sinks into bed and lies. — D. G. Rossetti. Restless. Restless as a gypsy. — ANON. Restless as ambition. — Inm. Restless as Hamlet. — Inm. Restless as leaves. — Isp. Restless as quicksilver. — Ipm. Restless as the sea. — ALFRED Avus- TIN. Restless as a riot. — Rex Braca. Restless Apura Brun. Restless as the nest-deserted bird. —E. B. Browntnea. as the winds. — Restless, like a dog whose master is absent. — Dumas, PERE. Restless as the fire that blows and spreads and leaps from high to higher where’er is aught to seize or to subdue. — GeorceE E ior. Restless as the winter storm. — REGINALD Hezer. Restless as water that winds on- ward through the plains. — Huco. Restless as butterflies. — Lercu Hunt. RESTLESS. — REVEALED. Restless — continued. He was as restless as a wild beast in a cage. — Grorce MacDonaLp. Restless as if fluttering wings bore thee on thy wanderings. —C. E. Norton. Restless as the desert wind. — ALBERT BicELow PAINE. Restless as a brook. — Hiram Ricu. Restless as hyenas. —Epcar Sar- TUS. Restless . . . like the touch’d needle till it find the star. — Grorce Sanpys. Restless as Ulysses. — THACKERAY. Restless as Niagara. — TuppEr. Restless as a veering wind. — Worps- WORTH. Restoration. A restoration is like an old oil paint- ing, blackened by time, and re- varnished. — Hugo. Restored. Restored Like a re-appearing Star. — WorpDsworta. Restraint. This restraint, Like English mastiffs That grow fierce with tying, Makes her too passionately apprehend Those pleasures she’s kept from. — Jon WEBSTER. Retain. Retained their wonted vigour .. . as clocks once set in motion do yet go, the hand being absent. — WILLIAM CaRTWRIGHT. Retire. Calmly retire, like evening light. — NATHANIEL CoTToON. Retired . . . like the moon in the west, when she foresees the shower and hides her fair head in a cloud. — JAMES MAcPHERSON. 321 Gloomily retired ; like clouds that long having threatened rain, vanish behind the hills. — Inm. Retire within himself, like a tortoise when attacked. — VoLTarRE. Retired as noontide dew. — Worps- WORTH. Retreat. Retreated . . . like a panther which draws back to take its spring. — Dvu- MAS, PERE. Return. Return, like the postman. — ANON. Return, like a late summer when the year grows old. — Witu1am CuL- LEN BRYANT. Return upon you like pent waters. — CARLYLE. Return, like stars replenished at Joy’s golden urn. — Hoop. Returned, like the first messenger of Noah. — Henry Mackenziz. Returning like dew that hath been to heaven, dropping in rain. — GEraLp Massey. An echo returned on the cold gray morn, Like the breath of a spirit sighing. — Mrs. Norton. Returned like a leaden shilling. — Sir Ricwarp STEELE. As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly. —Onp TESTAMENT. Returning like the Patriarch’s dove, Wing-weary from the eternal sea. — WHITTIER. Returning, like a ghost unlaid.— Worpswortu. Revealed. Through the driving mists revealed, Like the lifting of the Host, by incense: cloud almost concealed. — LoneFrELLow. 322 Revel. Revelled in my changefu] dreams, like petrel on the sea. —Emity Bronte. Reverend. Reverend as Lear. — JEAN INGELOw. Reverential. Reverential, as though he were handling sacred vessels. — Irvin 5. Coss. Tender and reverential a nun over her missal. — O. W. HoLMEs. Reverently. Reverently as any pilgrim to the papal seat. — E. B. Brownine. Reverie. A certain amount of reverie is good, like a narcotic in discreet doses. — Huco. ° Reverie, like a mist, leaves no trace behind. — Isp. Revive. Revive, like a dash of cold water in the face of the fainting. — Anon. Revive, like Hector’s body. — E. B. BRownine. She was like a fading plant revived by showers of rain. — CuarLes Reape. Nature revives, like a dim winking lamp, That flashes brightly with parting light, And straight is dark forever. — NicuoLas Rowe. Sad death, revived with her sweet inspection, And feeble spirit inly felt reflection ; As: withered weed through cruell win- ter’s tine, That feels the warmth of sunny beams reflection, Liftes up his head that did before de- cline, And gins to spread his leafe before the faire sunshine. — SPENSER. REVEL. — RICH. Revive as the corn. — Otp Tes- TAMENT. Reviving. As reviving as a friend’s visit. — CHARLOTTE BRONTE. As reviving as an epigram. — A. E. Housman. Revolve. Revolving what I had heard, like a curious man over a riddle. — ANON. Rheumatic. Rheumatic as two dry toasts. — SHAKESPEARE. Rhythmic. Rhythmic as the swish of a swinging scythe. — ANON. Rich. Rich as flakes of virgin gold. — ANON. Rich as Golconda. — Ini. Rich as lords. — Isp. Rich as mud. — Isp. Rich as the mint. — In. Rich in invisible treasures, like a bud of unborn sweets, and thick about the heart with ripe and rosy beauty. —P. J. Bartey. Rich as Croesus. —Rozert Bur- TON. Rich as Byron. Stamboul’s diadem. — Rich and as red as the mellowing blushes of maiden of eighteen. — Luiz DE CaMoENs. Richer than Ormuz bazaars. — Car- LYLE. Rich and ripe as Autumn’s store. — HartTiey CoLeRivce. Rich as Pluto. — Grorer Corman, THE YOUNGER. Rich as Chaucer’s speech. — Syp- NEY DoBELL. RICH. — RIDGY. Rich — continued. Rich as love. — Emerson. Rich as the merchant ships that crowd the strand. — Francis Fawkes. As feathers do lift up, and carry high, the foules and birds of the aire: So the riches and dignities of this world, are wont to extol and carry men, into the air and clouds of vanitie. — ANTHONIE FiercHer’s “CERTAIN VERY - PROPER AND PROFITABLE SIMILES,” 1595, Rich as a platter of gravy. — SEWELL Forp. Rich as newshorn sheep. — JoHN Herywoop. Rich as the rose’s dye. — Mrs. INnGLIs. Rich as a Millais in its tint and tone. — GERALD MAssEy. Rich as a rose can be. — JOAQUIN MILLER. A wise rich man is like the backe or stocke of the chimney, and his wealth the fire ; he receives it not for his own need, but to reflect the heat to others’ good. — Sir Tuomas OvVERBURY. Rich as an alum seller. — OSMANLI PRoveERB. Rich as Job. — RaBELAIs. As rich with unconscious art as the first song birds of May. —Jamzs Waurrcoms RItey. Rich as the robes of heaven. — Joun G. SAXE. And I as rich in having such a jewel, As twenty seas, if all their sand were pearl, The water nectar, and the rocks pure gold. — SHAKESPEARE. Rich... As is the ooze and bottom of the sea, With sunken wrack and _ sumless treasuries. — Is. Rich as Emperor-moths. — TENNY- SON. 323 Rich as for the nuptials of a king. — Ini. Rich as the pillars which support the sky. — WitLiamM THomson. Riches. Riches are like muck which stinks in a heap, but spread abroad, make the earth fruitful. — Anon. Riches, like insects, while concealed they lie, Wait but for wings, and in their season fly. — Popr. Worldly riches are like nuts ; many clothes are torn in getting them, many a tooth broken in cracking them, but never a belly filled with eating them. — Ratru VENNING. Riddle. Riddled like a pepper castor. — Austin Dosson. Riddled with thrusts like a sieve. — DuMASs, PERE. Riddled like a piece of lace. — Zona. Ride. Ride Like fire on some high errand of the race. —W. E. Hentey. Ridiculous. Ridiculous as a wig on the head of Apollo. — ANon. A lord without riches is like a soldier without arms— very ridiculous. — Ie. Ridiculous as Trios BIKELAS. a_ lover. — DEME- As ridiculous as to venture your life for another man’s quarrel. — Suap- WELL. Ridiculous as to imitate the inimi- table. — Sir RicHarp STEELE. Ridgy. Ridgy as backs of mountain-chains. — Hueo. 324 Rife. Rife as flies at midsummer. — ANoNn. Right. Right as a glove. — ANON. Right as a golden guinea, — Ibm. Right as a nail. — Ipip. Right as a pie. — Ibm. Right as a right angle. — Isp. Right as ninepins. — Ipp. Right as rain. — Inp. Right as the Church of England. — Tap. Right as the day. — Inp. Right as a conquerour. — ENeLisH Baap. Right as a trivet.—R. H. Bar- HAM. Right as the town clock. — Bracons- FIELD. Right as a gun. — BrEauMoNT AND FLETCHER. Right as a line. — Joun Heywoop. Right as a fiddle. — LypeaTe. Right as my leg. — RaBetais. Right as right. — “Tue Puritan.” Right as my glove. — Sir WALTER Scorr. As right as a ram’s horn. — SKEL- TON. Right as ninepence. — Roperr Louis STEVENSON. Righteous. Righteous as redemption. — Swin- BURNE. Righteousness. Righteousnesses are as filthy rags. — Bunyan. Thy righteousness is like the great mountains; thy judgments are a great deep. — OLD TESTAMENT. RIFE. —— RINGED. Rigid. Rigid as a rock. — ANON. Rigid as if chiselled from stone. — Iz. Rigid as a sheet of metal. — Baxzac. Rigid as the will of Fate. — WinL1am CuLLen Bryant. About as rigid as a concertina. — JOSEPH CONRAD. Rigid as embodied duty. — Dauner. Rigid as his starched collar. — Ipip. Rigid as stone.— James B. Ken- YON. Rigid as a Greek masque. — Bran- DER MATTHEWS. Stood rigid, as if in a trance. — J. H. McCartay. Rigid as a prison’s blank stone wall. — Marcaret E. SancsTer. Ring. Ringing like mad. — Anon. Rings like a bugle in the night. — Isp. Ring like Dodonzan brass. — E. B. Brownine. Ringing, as if a choir of golden- nested birds in heaven were singing. —E. C. Jupson. My heart rings out in music, like a lark hung in the charmed palace of the morn. — GrraLp Massey. Ring as trumpets blown for battle. — SWINBURNE. Rings as the blast of martial mirth when trumpets fire men’s hearts for fray. — IBip. Rings clean as the clear wind’s cry through the roar of the surge on the rocks. — Isrp. Ringed. Ringed like curtain rods. —JouNn Davies. RIPE. — ROAR. Ripe. Ripe as the melting cluster. — Joun Gay. Ripe as June. — Hoon. As ripe and rosy . . . as a mellow little pippin that had tumbled in the weeds. — James Wurtcoms RILey. Ripe as the wine. —R. H. Srop- DARD. Ripen. Ripened into speech, Like the sap that turns to nectar in the velvet of the peach. —W. W. Harney. The peril ripens like a wound o’ the flesh That gathers poison. — SWINBURNE. Rippled. Rippled like flowing waters by the wind. — Byron. Rippled like an over-fleeting wave. — TENNYSON. Rise. Rises and falls like a swan upon roaring water. — ANON. Rise as a vapor. — In. Rose like a phoenix, from the fires of time. — Isp. Rose like sunlight from the sea. — Isp. Rise like the white clouds on April skies. — Isp. Rising like springs ingathered. — R. D. Buackmore. Rising like water-columns from the sea. — BYRON. Joy rises in me, like a summer’s morn. — COLERIDGE. Rose like a kite. — CowreEr. Rose like a bewildering strain of oriental music. — F. W. Faser. 325 Rise out of the hearth, like the garden of Hesperides. — GrBzon. Rising like pillared fire. — ARTHUR Henry Haiam. Rising in the middle of it like a lump of self-raising dough. —O. HEnry. Rising in the air like eagle on the wing. — Hoop. Rose like dim fancies when a dream begins. — Inrp. Rising like Aphrodite from the wave. — KINGSLEY. Rose red as a beacon the wind had upblown. — Smney Lanier. Rising like the ruined arch of some aerial aqueduct. — LoNGFELLow. Rose like an exhalation. — Mitton. He (Burke) rose like a rocket, he fell like a stick. — THomas Paine. Rise from the ground like feather’d Mercury. — SHAKESPEARE. Rises as ocean at the enchantment of the moon. — SHELLEY. Rising as a shoreward sea. — Swin- BURNE. Rose like dust before the whirl- wind’s force. — Bayarp TAYLOR. Rise up as a great lion. — Op TESTAMENT. True to rise as leaves on Autumn’s whirlwind borne. — WHITTIER. Rise, Like spring-doves from the startled wood. — Isp. Roam. Roam as wolves in a wolfish horde. — SWINBURNE. Roar (Noun). A single roar like the roar of a mortar-battery. — KIpLine. Roar . . . like the sound of a beast in pain. — IBp. 326 Roar — continued. The roar of battle rose, Like the roar of a burning forest, when a strong north wind blows. — Macautay. Roaring like thunder borne upon the breeze. — JoHn Ruskin. Roar as of an ocean foaming. — SHELLEY. Roar, Like the din of wintry breakers on a sounding wall of shore. — Bayarp TAyLor. Roar (Verb). Roar as doth the sea. — ANon. Roared like a burning devil. — Inip. Roared like a burning lumber yard. — Isr. Roars like a demon in torture. — Ism. Roars like a lion. — Isp. Roars like a mad bull. — Inm. Roared like an angry sea. — Inp. A roar deep as the murmuring of AXtna. — Joun Bani. Roaring like Juno in the Tragedy. — Rosert Burton. Roared and murmured like a moun- tain stream dashing or winding as its torrent strays. — Byron. Roared like breakers in the night. — AuBRey Dr VERE. Roar as by the evil one possessed. — GOETHE. Roaring like a foundered horse. — Maurice Hew ert. Roaring like a tempest. — Huco. Roars in the gloaming Like an ocean of seething champagne. — Kinesiey. Roared like water which rushes from a lock when the gates are open. — CamILLE LEMONNIER. ROAR. —— ROCK. Roaring like a lion for his food. — Rosert Lioyp. Roars like a flame that is fanned. — LoncrELLow. Roared as if smitten by some god. — Lucian. Roar like a devil with a man in his belly. — ANDREW MarvELL. Roared like a battle. — Joun Mase- FIELD. Roar like mad waves upon the shore. — Miss Mutocx. Roars like a bull. — MuNcHAUSEN. Roars... like a swift pursuing hound. — Arruur O'SHAUGHNESSY. Roar Like ocean battling with the shore. —T. Bucwanan Reap. Roareth like the sea. — Otp TEsTA- MENT. Roars like a bull of Bashan. — THACKERAY. Rough repetition roars in rudest rhyme, As clappers clinkle in one charming chime. — BonNELL THORNTON. Roaring like a bear. — WILLIAM Warp. Roar like lions for their prey. — Worpsworta. Robber. Robbers are like rane, tha fall on the just and the unjust. — Josa Bru- INGS. Robust. Robust as ever rural labor bred. —- Worpswortu. Rock. Rocked like a leaf. — Anon. Rocked like a ship at sea. — Inm. The earth rocking as a ship borne over the waves. — SamurEL BEAL. ROCK, — ROTTING. Rock — continued. The burning phrase Rocked on like ocean’s tidal swell. —Lorp De Tastey. Rock’d like Yankee in his chair. — Hoop. Rocking like the stately lilies be- neath the stately sky.—C. G. RossErt1. Like sea-birds in the sunny main, rock idly. — SouTHEY. Rocked like a mass of jelly that has been invisibly shaken. — HERMANN SUDERMANN. Head was on her breast, rock’d like a nautilus in calm mid-ocean. — N. P. WILUus. Roll. Rolls like a whale in the sea. — ANoNn. Rolling like a ARNOLD. I rolled myself like a hedgehog against the sharp points of my own thoughts. —JoserH von E1cHENDORFF. sea. — MaTTHEW Rolled in money like pigs in mud. — Hoop. Rolls like a scow-in the wake of a liner. — ELpert Hupparp. Rolled up like a scroll.—C. G. Rossetti. Rolled like the willowy and tumultu- ous sea. — SOUTHEY. Rolling like a wreath of snow. — Isr. Roll As waves that race and find no goal. — SWINBURNE. Roll’d about like tumbled fruit in grass. — TENNYSON. Romans. The Romans were like sheep, for that a man might better drive a flock of them, than one of them ; for in a flock, if you could get some few to go right, the rest would follow. — Caro. 327 Romantic. As romantic as a Bouguereau canvas. — James HuNEKER. Romantic as the Alcoran. — Bon- NELL THORNTON. Root. Rooting . . . like pigs arter ground- nuts. — Benyamin P. SHILLABER (Mrs. Partineton). Rosy. ; Rosy-cheeked as a winter apple. — ANON. Rosy as a peony. — Isr. Rosy as pinks. — C. S. CaLVERLEY. Rosy as the dawn. — FLAUBERT. Rosy .. . like ripened peaches in the morning light. — R. H. Horne. As rosy as a bride. — Huco. Rosy as a victorious candidate. — Grorce MEREDITH. Rosy as the morn. — SHELLEY. Rosy as rifts of dawn. — Cra THAXTER. Rosy as the candle-shade. — Eprra WHARTON. Rot. Rot as corn ungarnered. — SWINBURNE. Rotten. Rotten as the poisonous heap the sea throws up for waste. — SARAH FLowrer ADAMS. Rotten as the gills of an old mush- room. — ANON. Rotten As ever oak or stone was sound. — SHAKESPEARE. Rotten as dirt. — STERNE. Rotting. Rotting in my gizzard, like Sancho’s suppressed witticisms. — Sir WALTER | Scorr. 328 Rough. Rough like butter spread over stale bread. — ANon. Rough as the back of a hedgehog. —J. RB. Bartiett’s ‘‘DIcTIONARY OF AMERICANISMS.” Rough as hemp. — CARLYLE. Rough as a Sea Porkypine. — Dickens. Rough as a storm. — DryDEN. Rough as __ bearskins. — RoBERT HEatu. Rough as nutmeg-graters. — AARON Hitt. Rough as the winds. — Otway. Were she as rough As are the swelling Adriatic seas. — SHAKESPEARE. Rough as a Russian bear. — Jonn TAYLOR. Round (Adjective). Round as a circus ring. — ANON. Round as a dish. — IBm. Round as a dumpling. — Isp. Round as a juggler’s box. — IBip. Round as a length of stovepipe. — Isp. Round as a pearl. — Ipm. Round as a rosebud. — Isp. Round as a turnip. — IB. Round as a windmill. — Inn. Round as the full moon. — Inm. Round as the globe. — Isp. Rounde as a thymbyll. — Ms. Asa- MOL. (15th Century). Round like wells. — Bacon. Round and sound as a mountain apple. — Rosert BRownina. Round as any Jonian jug. — Joan Byrom. ROUGH. — ROUND. Round as Giotto’s O. — CARLYLE. Rounde as appille was his face. — CHAUCER. + A round disc of fire, somewhat like a guinea. — Havetocx EL1is. Round as the globe. — Jonn Gay. Round as Norval’s shield. — Hoop. Round as platter of delf. — Isp. Round as a quoit.— CamILie Le- MONNIER. Round like pumpkins. — Guy DE MAuvpaASSANT. Round as a tun. — MmDLeTon. Round as the shield of my fathers. — Ossian. Round as a dish. — RaBELaIs. Round as a hoop. — Isp. Round and perfect as a star. — ALEXANDER SMITH. Round as a pearl or tear. — Swin- BURNE. Round and pale as a pair of suet dumplings. — THackKERAY. Round as a moyn. — “ TOWNELEY Mysteries AND Mrracie Pays.” Round as a kettle. —SamuEL WEs- LEY. Round as an Orbe. —J. WILKINS. Round as a_ horn. — ALEXANDER WILSON. Round (Adverb). Round and round like a boiling potful. —J. M. Barrir. Round and round, like a dance of snow In a dazzling drift. — Isp. Round and round they flew, As when, in spring, about a chimney- top, A cloud of twittering swallows, just returned, Wheel round and round, and turn and wheel again, Unwinding their swift track. — Wituiam CuLien Bryant. 4 ROUND. —— RULE, Round — continued. Round and round in the same circle, like a dog in a wheel, or a horse in a mill. — Rospert Burton. Go round and round like Catherine wheels. — O. Henry. Circles round, like the soft waving wings of noonday dreams. — SHELLEY. Round-Shouldered. Round-shouldered as a grindstone. — ANoN. Rouse. Rouses me, as with a cherub’s trump. — CoLERIDGE. Roused, like homeward wishes in wanderer’s heart. — EpmunD GosseE. Rouse ... like rattling peal of thunder. — Jonn HucuHes. Rouse and startle, like a call to arms. — Grace Kine. Rous’d like a huntsman to the chase. — SWINBURNE. Rousing. Rousing as a bugle. — Oumpa. Routed. Routed . . . like a lost army. — SWINBURNE. Rows. In rows, like figures in a sum. — DICKENS. A row, like a Quaker gone delirious. — Hoop. Ruddy. Ruddy as a parson’s daughter. — ANON. Ruddy like a winter apple. — JosEPH ConraD. Ruddy and fresh as the waking morn. — EvcEne FIExp. Ruddy as if baked by heat of sun or glowing forge. — Hoop. Ruddy as bimba fruit. — Kauipasa. 329 Ruddy as gold his cheek. — Mar- THEW Prior. Ruddy read as any chery. — “‘SquirE ' oF Low DEcRrEE.” His lips waxed ruddy as light. — SWINBURNE. More ruddy in body than rubies. — Otp TESTAMENT. Rude. As rude as rage. — ANON. Rude as a bear. — Swirt. Ruffles. Ruffles as a breeze ruffles the sur- face of a pond. — ANon. Rugged. Rugged as a Saracen. — SAMUEL BUTLER. ‘Rugged as the coat of a colt that has been bred upon a common. — Isr. Rugged as burrs.—Joun Hey- woop. Rugged as Ailsa crag.—J. S. Know es. Ruin. Fell slowly into ruin, like all dwell- ings to which the presence of man no longer communicates life. — Huco. Ruinous. Ruinous as guilt. — THACKERAY. Rule (Noun). Rules, like crutches, ne’er became of any use but to the lame. — RoBERT Lioyp. He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls. — OLD TESTAMENT. Rule (Verb). Ruled as straight as a sheet of music-paper. — Bazac. Ruled, like a. wandering planet. — SHAKESPEARE. 330 RUMBLING, Rumbling. Rumbling like a restless torrent lashing the mountain-side. — Aiscuy- LUS. Ruminate. Ruminates like an hostess that hath no arithmetic but her brain to set down her reckoning. — SHAKESPEARE. Rumor. Rumors fructify about it like the burgeoning of toad stools on a fat muck heap. — Anon. Run. Run from it as a mendicant friar from an alms. — Tuomas ApAms. Running like a high sea. — ANon. Running like a lapwing. — IB. Ran like a madman. — Ini. Run like a millrace. — Isp. Runs like a spout. — Ibm. Run like fire through ‘stubble. — Is. Run like the devil. — In. Running like the Devil’s mill. — In. Run like the east wind. — Ism. Running things into the ground, like a dog after the hare. — Ipm. Run like wildfire. — Isp. Run like winking. — Isp. Runs... as the surge of health returning to the sick.— ARABIAN Nicurs. Runne like a fountayne free. — EneuisH BALuap. Running as if they had hot coals in their shoes. — BsOrNsTJERNE BsdRN- SON. Just as a wheel, that’s * down a hill Which has no bottom, must keep run- ning still. — Joun Byrom. running — RUSH. I ran like the drift on the ice low curled When the winds of Yule are abroad on the world. — Burss CARMAN. Ran like hell-hounds. — Hamuin GARLAND. Ran a wolfe, that taketh his praye. — Joun GowzEr. Running like a hunted deer. Hoop. Run like fire in summer furze. GrorGE MEREDITH. Runs like the prey of the forest. Inm. Ran, as in the terror of a dream. JAMES MontTGOMERY. Ran like a shiver. — Max Norpav. Run like water off a duck’s back. — Ray’s ‘‘CoLLECTANEA.” Running like a leaping wave. — E. R. Sri. Ran, Like scatt’red chaffe, the which the wind away doth fan. — SPENSER. Run ravening as the Gadarean swine. — SWINBURNE. Run like oil. — Otp TESTAMENT. Run like the lightnings. — Izm. Rush (Noun). Arush somewhat like the opening of an Oklahoma reservation.— Grorer ADE. A rushing like the rushing of mighty waters. — OLD TESTAMENT. Sullen rush upon the air, Such as the unseen wings of spirits make. — WHITTIER. Rush (Verb). Rushes . . . like a tempest-troubled brook. — ANon. As the billows fling shells on the shore, As the sun pours light o’er the sea, As the lark scatters song evermore, So rushes my love to thee. —Inw. RUSH. — RUSTLE. Rush — continued. Rushed as a storm. —Joun ARM- STRONG. Rush, like a rocket tearing up the sky. —P. J. Baey. Rush . . . open-mouthed, crow at a walnut. — Batzac. The blood rushed like a burning torrent through his veins. — Isp. like a Armies rush’d like warring mighty seas. — WILLIAM BLAKE. Like an unruly deluge, rushed on. — Wit1i1am Broome. Rush Like clans from their hills at the voice of the battle. —J. J. CaLLanan. Two souls, like two dew-drops, rushed into one. — CARLYLE. Rush like FREILIGRATH. rain. — FERDINAND Rush, like mountain torrent, swollen by the melted snow. — GoETHE. Rush like a fiery torrent.— Homer. Rushed like fairies. — Ipm. Rushed like a torrid hurricane. — Hoop. Rushed upon us like a lava torrent. —Siemunp KRrasInskI. Rush like gudgeons to the bait. — Rozert Luoyp. Rushed like a man insane. — Lonc- | FELLOW. Rushed as a wind that is keen and cold and relentless. — Inip. Like prisoners from the dungeon gloom, Like birds escaping from a snare, Like schoolboys at the hour of play, All left at once the pent-up room, And rushed into the open air. — Isp. Rushes like a boar against the shouting chase. — Macautay. 301 Rushed out upon the wayfarers like ambushed bandits. —Grorce MErE- DITH. Rushed in as rush the waters through @ cave That tunnels half a sea-girt lonely rock. — Witi1am Morris. Rushed like the hot blood in the veins of a fever-stricken child. — Sypney MunpeEn. As rusheth a foamy stream from the dark shady steep of Cromla .when thunder is rolling above, and dark brown night rests on the hill; so fierce, so vast, so terrible, rush for- ward, the sons of Erin. — Ossian. Rushing like a flood.—E. H. PLUMPTRE. Rush . . . like ravenous wolves in night’s dark cloud, driven abroad by the blind rage of lawless hunger. — VIRGIL. Russia. Russia, like the elephant, is rather unwieldy in attacking others, but most formidable in defending herself. She proposes this dilemma to all invaders — adilemma that Napoleon discovered too late. The horns of it are short and simple, but strong. Come unto me with few, and I will overwhelm you; come to me with many, and you shall overwhelm yourselves. —C. C. CoLTon. Rustle (Noun). The rustling of their gowns seems like the crumpling of bank bills. — Eate Avcrer. A silken rustle, Like the meeting of guests at a festival. —T. Bucuanan Reap. Rustle (Verb). Rustling . . . like autumn leaves that tremble and foretell the sable storm. — Hoop. Rustling like the secret darkness of the soul. — RicHarp Hovey. 332 Rustle — continued. The dead laurels of the dead Rustle for a moment only, Like withered leaves in lonely Churchyards at some passing tread. — LONGFELLOW. Rustling like a flock of sea-fowl. — JAMES MACPHERSON. Rustling like a summer rain. —Is1p. Sacred. Sacred as cats to a priest in Thebes. — ANON. Sacred as Hindoo gods. — Inm. Sacred as a_ shrine. — BULWER- LytrTon. Sacred as the crocodiles were to the ancient Egyptians. — Isr. Sacred as churchyard turf. — Euza Cook. Sacred as an unvoiced prayer. — GerorcE MEREDITH. Sacred as the monarch’s hall. — WHITTIER. Sad. Sad as the sunless sea. — FRANKLIN P. Apams. Sad as a subpoena. — ANON. Sad as a wail over the dead. — Inn. Sad as doom. — Inm. As sad as Fate. — Inip. Sad as if steering to dim eternity. — Isp. Sad as the eyeball of sorrow behind a shroud. — Inm. A song as sad as the wild waves be. — Isp. Sad as silence when a song is spent. — ALFRED AUSTIN. RUSTLE. — SAD. Ruthless. Ruthless as the sea. — Maurice HEWLETT. Ruthless as a baby with a worm. — TENNYSON. Ruthlessly- Ruthlessly as you lop a branch. — Ricnarp Le GALLIENNE. Sad as death. — Arnra Bran. Sad as the groans of dying innocence. —Ism. Sad as a thousand sighs, when the dark winds sob through the yews. — Henry BRooxe. Sad as wisdom cut off from fellow- ship. — E. B. Brownine. Sad as Melancholy. — Rosert Bur- TON. Sad as angels for the good man’s sin. — CAMPBELL. Serenely sad as eternity. — CARLYLE. Sad as bull liver. — WILLIAM Carr’s “Tar DIALECT OF CRAVEN.” Sad as twilight. — Grorcsr Exror. Sad as the gust that sweeps the clouded sky. — O. W. Hotes. Sad as eve. — Huco. Sad as an image of despair. — Sic- MUND JXRASINSKI. Sad as raindrops on a grave. — Grorce P. Larurop. My heart is as sad as a black stone under the blue sea. — Lover. Sad as the tears the sullen Winter weeps. — GrorcE Mac-Henry. Sad, like the’sun in the day of mist, when his face is watery and dim. — JAMES MacPHERSON. SAD. — SAG. Sad — continued. Sad as the wind that sighs Through cypress trees under rainy skies. — Puirie B. Marston. Sad as the shriek of the midnight blast. — GeraLp Massry. Sad as wailing winds. — Isp. Sad as the last line of a brave romance. — GEORGE MEREDITH. Sad the ghostly past. — Owen MEREDITH. Sad my thoughts as willows bending, O’er the borders of the tomb. —G. P. Morris. Sad as tears to the eyes that are bright. — A. J. Ryan. Sad Like the echo mad Of some plaintive spirit strain. — Francis S. Sarrus. Sad as night. — SHAKESPEARE. Sad as a lump of lead. — SPENSER. Sad as twilight on the deep. — GEORGE STERLING. Sad as a soul estranged. — Swin- BURNE. | Sad as a wintry withering moon. — Isip. Bare and sad as banishment. — Ipip. Sad as doom. — Isp. Sadder than a banquet skeleton. — FREDERICK TENNYSON. Sadness. A little tinge of sadness floats upon her eye, like the haze upon a summer landscape. — Donatp G. MircHELL. Safe. i Safe as a tortoise under its shell. — ALEXANDER ADAM. Safe as a blockhouse. — ANon. Safe as a child on its mother’s breast. — Irv. 333 Safe as a crow in a gutter. — In. Safe as a mouse in a cheese. — Inrp. Safe as a mouse in a mill. — Ip. Safe as a rat in a trap. — Ipip. Safe as a sardine. — Ini. Safe as Solomon’s birds. — Isr. Safe as a thief in a mill. — Ip. Safe as a wall of brass. — Inn. Safe as caged. — Ipip. it: Safe as brandy.— Miss A. E. Baxer’s “ NORTHAMPTONSHIRE GLOS- SARY.” Saif tu take as a fotograph. — JosH BILines. Safe from harm as sings the lark when sucked up out of sight in vortices of glory and blue air. — E. B. Brown- ING. Safe as the Bank of England. — Butwer-LyTTon. As safe and sacred from the step of man As an invisible world. — CoLERIDGE. Safe as my life. — R. DAVENPORT’s “New Tricks TO CHEAT THE DEVIL.” Safe as a stone in a peach. — ALFRED Heap. Safe as a fish. — ‘Hep To Dis- COURSE.” Safe as a fox in a trap. — KINGSLEY. Safe as in the bank. — Ricnarp Lz GALLIENNE. Safe as in bed. — CHARLES READE. Safe as Priam is in Ilion. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Safe as thy gold in the strong box. — WILLIAM SOMERVILLE. Safe as hunted wolf within his lair. — Turopore WarTts-DUNTON. Sag. Sags like a fisherman’s hat. — Invin S. Coss. 334 Sag — continued. Sagging down like a Welsh wallet. — Tuomas Dekker. Saggy. Saggy, like a paper bag full of sour milk. — Rex Bzaca. Saggy as a sponge full of treacle. — Ancus McNEILL. Sagacious. Sagacious as the Roman. —J. H. NEWMAN. Sage. Sage as Cato. — ANon. Sail. Sailed skyward, like burnt onion- ‘peelings. — RoBeRT BRownina. Sallow. Sallow as Autumn. — Owen MERE- DITH. Salt. Salt as a sea MEREDITH. sponge. — OWEN Salt as the sea-wind. — WHITTIER. Salute. Salute as ceremoniously as lawyers when they meet after a long vacation. — MppLeTon. Sane. About as sane as a lunatic’s dream. — ANON. Sanguine. Sanguine as the morning skies. — Lorp Dr TaBLey. Sanguine, like a globe of blood. — Francis THOMPSON. Sank. Sank into the bottom as a stone. — Op TESTAMENT. Sap. Sapped as weak sand by water. — SWINBURNE. SAG. — SAVAGE. Sarcasm. A true sarcasm is like a sword-stick; it appears, at first sight, to be much more innocent than it really is, till, all of a sudden, there leaps something out of it— sharp and deadly and in- cisive — which makes you tremble and recoil. — SYDNEY SMITH. Satire. Satire should, like a polished razor keen, Wound with a touch that’s scarcely felt or seen. —Lapy Mary Wortiey Monracu. Satire is a sort of glass wherein beholders do generally discover every- body’s face but their own. — Swirt. For Satyre, that most needful part of our Poetry, it has of late been more abus’d, and is grown more degenerate than any other; most commonly, like a Sword in the hands of a Mad- man, it runs a Tilt at all manner of Persons without any sort of distinction or reason; and so ill-guided is this furious Career, that the Thrusts are most aim’d where the Enemy is best arm’d. — RoBert WOLSELEY. Saucy. Saucy as the wave. — Euiza Cook. Sassy ez a jay-bird. — JoEL CHAND- LER Harris. Saucy as sin. —AmpBrose BIERCcE. Saucy, Like a proudly waving plume. —Joun T. Trowsrince. Saunters. Saunters . . . like an idle river very leasurely strolling down a flat country to the sea. — DickENs. Savage. Savage as a bear with a sore head. — Anon. Savage as an Apache. — Inip. SAVAGE, —— SCATTER. Savage — continued. ‘Savage at heart as a tiger chained. — Epwin Arno. Sayings. Great men’s sayings are like silver gilt ; use wears the gilt off the silver, and all the sparkle goes out of the sayings if they are repeated. — Bauzac. Scald. Scald like molten lead. — SHaKe- SPEARE. Scamper. Scamper off and disappear like a flight of partridges. —FernAn Ca- BALLERO. Scampering as if the Devil drove them. — RaBELals. Fitfully scampered like fireflies over the waste. — “‘VIKRAM AND THE VaM- PIRE.” Scandal. Scandal, like dirt, will rub out when dry. — Sir T. Bernarp. In scandal, as in robbery, the re- ceiver is always as bad as the thief. — CHESTERFIELD. Scandal, like a reptile crawling over bright grass, leaves a trail and a stain. — ALLAN CUNNINGHAM. Scandals are like dandelion seeds, —they are arrow-headed and stick where they fall, and bring forth and multiply fourfold. — Ovuma. Scandal, like the Nile, is fed by innumerable streams, but it is ex- tremely difficult to trace it to its source. — PUNCH. Scant. Scant as hair in leprosy. — RoBert BRownina. Scant as winter underwood. — Grorce MeErREpITH. Scanty. Scanty as the gleaning after harvest. — TUPPER. 335 Scarce. Scarce as feathers on a fish. — ANON. Scarce as furs in hell. — Isp. Scarce as orange plumes on St. Patrick’s Day. — Inm. Scarce as pin-feathers on a bullfrog. — Isp. Scarce as Scotch orators. — In. Scarce as snakes in Ireland. — Ism. Scarce as hens’ teeth. —J. R. Bart- LETT’s “ DicrionaRy oF AMERICAN- IsMs.” Scare. Scaring the ladies like a crow-keeper. — SHAKESPEARE. Scared. Scared like a wild bird flies. — R. D. BLACKMORE. Scared, like to a man that with a ghost was marred. — Wittiam Dun- BAR. Seared as a jack-rabbit that has heard the howl of a wolf. — ALFRED Henry Lewis. Seared look, like a bird’s driven right into the fowler’s nest. — Miss Motock. Scarlet. Scarlet as Major Bagstock. — Dr. JoHN Doran. Scars. Hath more scars of sorrow in his heart Than foeman’s marks upon his batter’d shield. — SHAKESPEARE. Scathe. Love doth scathe The gentle heart, as northern blasts do roses. — Kuarts. Scatter. Scatters them like a shot in a pre- serve. — ANON. Seattered like the bones of dead bodies torn from one another by wolves after the battle. — Ism. 336 Scatter — continued. Scattered like chaff before the wind. — ANON. Scattered like a flock.—E. B. BRownine. Scattered with as little premeditation as the birds scattered their songs. — Buiss CARMAN. The people I love most are scattered as the sands of the dry river beds fly before the fall hurricane. —J. Feni- MORE COOPER. Scattered like foam along the wave. — GrorcE CROLY. Like the Jews, scattered. — THomas DEKKER. Scattered like mown and withered grass. — GOETHE. Scatter like HEWLETT. Scattered all along, like emptied sea- shells on the sand. — O. W. Hoimzs. Scattered... As leaves when wild winds blow. —Ism. smoke. — MAvuRICE She scatters the spray as the chaff in the stroke of the flail. — Ism. Scattered like a mad sea. — La- MARTINE. Scattering drops like beads of wam- pum. — LoNGFELLow. Scattered were they, like flakes of snow. — IB. Scattered wide Like silt and seaweed by the force and fluctuations of the tide. — Inip. Scattered, like treasures of the lost Hesperides. — ADELAIDE A. Procter. Scatter... as if they had been balloons in a wind. — Grorce MrErz- DITH. Scattered . . . like loose spray be- fore the wind. — Inm. They scattered like a brood of partridges. — OSMANLI PROVERB. SCATTER, — SCENERY. Scattering, like hope through fear, — RicHarp SAVAGE. Scattered like foam on the torrent. — SHELLEY. Like a glow-worm golden In a dell of dew, Scattering unbeholden Its aérial hue : Among the flowers and grass, which screen it from the view. — Isp. Scattered, like a cloud of summer dust. — Inn. Like sheep from the wolf, scatter- ing. — SOUTHEY. Scattered them as crows. — SwIn- BURNE. Scatter as wild swans parting adrift on the wan green waste. — Isp. Scatters as leaves blown down the wind. — ARTHUR SYMONS. Scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. — New TESTAMENT. Scattereth the hoarfrost like ashes. — Op TESTAMENT. Scatter them as the stubble that passeth away by the wind of the wil- derness. — Isip. Scattered upon the hills, as sheep that have not a shepherd. — Isp. Scatter like WEBSTER. Scattered like dust before the storm. — Lupwic UHsLanp. Scattered . . . like chaff before the winnower’s fan. — WHITTIER. Scattered like the chaff blown from the threshing-floor of God. — Inip. Scattering, like birds escaped the fowler’s net. — WorDswortTu. quicksilver. — Joun Scenery. Fine scenery is like fine music — you have to fill it up with your own fine thoughts or there is no fineness in it. — ELten T. Fow er. SCENTED, — SCRUPLE. Scented. Sweetly scented as the incense smoking on Vesta’s altars. — Joun Forp. Sceptics. Sceptics, like dolphins, change when dying. — Lapy BLEssIncTon. Science. The sciences, even the best, — mathematics and astronomy, — are like sportsmen, who seize whatever prey offers, even without being able to make any use of it. — EMERSON. Science is, like virtue, its own ex- ceeding great reward. — CHARLES ‘KINGSLEY. Scintillate. Scintillate and snap like sparks from an electrical conductor. —Ep- WARD DowDEN. Scintillate like a human St. Cather- ine wheel. — RicHarp LE GALLIENNE. Scintillating as a poet’s rapture. — Amy LESLIE. Scold (Noun). As arrant a scold as Xanthippe. — Rosert Burton. Scold (Verb). Rail and scold like Futtar-wamen, —Isp. Seold like a wet parrot. — STEPHEN CRANE. Scold like an oyster-woman at Billingsgate. —Hatuwew’s “ Dic- TIONARY.” Scold like shrewish wives at tavern door. — Hoop. Scold and rail Like porters o’er a pot of ale. —Swirt. Scorch. Scorched like a drop of fire from a brandished torch. — RoBert Brown- ING. 337 Scorches like a cave-hid dragon’s breath. — GzorcE Exior. Scorched _ like JAMES O'BRIEN. lightning. — Frtz- . Scorn. Scorn you as old Asop’s bull the frogs. — TUPPER. Scornful. Scornful as spirit fallen, its own tormentor. — O. W. Homes. Scornful as honor is. —W. J. Linton. Scowl. Scowled like a thunder cloud. — Emity Bronté. Scowling like a winter sky. — Mrs. Mary Rosinson. Scramble. Scrambling like a cat up a wall. — RaBELAIS. Scratching. Seratching like a death-watch-tick. — Rosert Brownine. Scream. Screaming like a pigge half stickt. — ANon. Scream, like a trumpet whining through a catacomb. — P. J. Bartey. Scribbler. For the Scribblers are infinite, that like Mushrooms or Flys are born and dye in small circles of time ; whereas Books, like Proverbs, receive their Chief Value from the Stamp and Es- teem of Ages through which they have passed. —Srr Witiiam TEMPLE. Scruple. There are less worthy offerings, than the first scruple of an unscrupulous life. It is like the first pure drops that fall from & long turbid and dust- choked fountain. — Ouma. 338 Scud. Scud like a wild bird. — Kzats. Scuttle. Scuttle off . . . like a brace of teal ducks getting out of a walrus’ way. — Irvin 8. Coss. Sealed. Sealed up, like the valley of Ras- selas, against the intrusion of the world. — DE QUINCEY. Sealed as the voice of a frost-bound stream. — SWINBURNE. Seamed. Seamed as if by a burn. — D’An- NUNZIO. Sear. Seared like hot iron. — ANON. Sears like a brand. —J. H. NEwMan. Seasonable. : Seasonable as snow in summer. — ANON. Seasoned. Seasoned as twin beams of soundest oak. — Bayarp TAyYLor. Seclude. Secluded as an anchorite. — Brer- NAaRD BARTON. Secluded as a chimney corner. — JoHN BuRROUGHS. Secrecy. Dissimulation and secrecy are like the alloy mingled with pure ore: a little is necessary, and will not de- base the coin below its proper stand- ard. — CHESTERFIELD. Secret (Adjective). Secret as rocks under sea. — T. L. BEDDOES. Secret as the grave. — Byron. Secret as the head” of Nilus. — CONGREVE. SCUD. —— SECRETLY. Secret as the night. — Inm. Secret as thought. — Francis Fawkgs. Secret as a confessor. — JOHN Gay. ~— More secret than a nest of nightin- gales. — Kuats. Secreter than the isle of Delos. — Ip. Secret as the magnet-stone. — G. P. LaTHRop. Secret as your midwife. — Epwarp SHARPHAM. Secret as a coach-horse. —R. B. SHERIDAN. Secret (Noun). Secrets are like maidens _ the closer they are kept locked up, the more certain they are to escape. — BaLzac. A secret is like silence : you cannot talk about it, and keep it. It is like money ; when once you know there is any concealed, it is half discovered. — Pav CHATFIELD. State secrets are like mortal poison: as long as that poison is in its box and the box closed, it is not injurious ; out of the box, it kills. — Dumas, PERE. A secret in his mouth is like a wild bird in a cage, whose door no sooner opens, than ’tis out. — Ben Jonson. Keep your own secrets, as the seed keeps the color of the flower. — AticE MEYNELL. A secret at home is like-a rock under tide. — Miss Mutock. Secretly. Secretly as a lion in his den. — OLD TESTAMENT. Lieth secret, as a serpent. — Tup- PER. In secret, as a miser tells his gold. —N. P. Wiuus. SECURE. — SENSUAL. / Secure. Secure as the grave. — ANON. Secure as in the cell of a saint. — SAMUEL Foote. Secure as LowE Lu. happy yesterdays. — Secure as the firmament. — GEORGE MEREDITH. Secure, as evening shuts behind the day. — T. Bucnanan Reap. Secure as sleep. — SHAKESPEARE. Secure as the orchard-turf. — Bay- ARD TAYLOR. Secure as a mathematical demon- stration. — THEOBALD. Sedate. Sedate, like Plato. — Tuomas Paring. Seedy. Seedy as a raspberry. — ALIcE CaLp- WELL HEGaNn. Seedy as a caraway umbrel late in the season. — O. W. Homes. Seek. Seeking, like a bleating lamb Left out at night in shutting up the fold. —E. B. Brownie. Seeks as does an old tailor his needle’s eye. — DanrE. As rivers seek the sea, Much more deep than they, So my soul seeks Thee Far away. —C. G. Rossetti. Seemly. Seemly as a cow in a cage, a dog in a doublet, or a sow with a saddle. — ANON. Seethe. Seething, like the waves of an angry sea. — ANON. Selfish. Selfish as a fox. — ANON. 339 Self-praise. Self-praise is like water poured on fire to make it burn the brighter. — ANon. Sense. No more sense than a shoat (young pig) in pickle. — Tuomas Loner. Plain good sense, like a dish of solid beef or mutton, is proper only for peasants ; but a ragout of folly, well dressed with a sharp sauce of wit, is fit to be served up at an Emperor’s table. — Lorp LyTTELTon. Senses. Our senses like false glasses show, Smooth beauty where browes wrinkled are, And make the cosen’d fancy glow. — Witiiam HarsinerTon. The senses are like the sun. The sun makes the heavens invisible and the earth clear; the senses obscure heavenly things and open up earthly ones. — Puito Jup£us. Senseless. Senseless as flint. — ANoNn. Senseless as stones. — THomas Hry- woop. Sensibility. Fine sensibilities are like woodbines, delightful luxuries of beauty to twine around a solid, upright stem of under- standing ; but very poor things, if, unsustained by strength, they are left to creep along the ground.—Joun Foster. Sensitive. Sensitive as a flower. — ANON. Sensitive as truth in Heaven. — Water Harve. Sensual. Sensual pleasures are like soap bubbles, sparkling, evanescent. The pleasures of intellect are calm, beau- tiful, sublime, ever enduring and climb- ing upward to the borders of the unseen world. —Jonn H. AuGHEY. 340 Sensuous. Sensuous as ether. — ANON. Sentences. Sentences are like sharp nails which force truth upon our memory. — DDERoT. His [Bacon’s] sentences bend beneath the weight of his thought like a branch beneath the weight of its fruit. — ALEXANDER SMITH. Sentiment. How beautiful is noble sentiment : like gossamer gauze, beautiful and cheap, which will stand no wear and tear. — CARLYLE. Sentiment, like religion, had its superstition and its martyrdom. — Henry MAckEnziz. Separate. ; Separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats. — New TESTAMENT. Sere. Sere and dead As any leaves of summer shed From crimson bough when autumn grieves. — W. D. Howe is. Serene. Serene and ephemeral as a little smiling sun. — ANON. Serene as a star in a bright mist. — Batzac. Serene, like a deep, smooth, and still lake. — Buppua. Serene as night. — Byron. Serene ... like envoys from the skies. — NATHANIEL CoTTon. Serene and calm, as when the Spring The new-created world began. — Drypen. Serene as the dawn. — Huco. More serene than Cordelia’s coun- tenance. — KEats. SENSUOUS. — SET. Serene as summer in Arcadian hills. — Cuanrzes L. Moore. Serene as a Quaker’s meeting. — JAMES RALPH. Serene as a winter sunset. — SAINT- PIERRE. Serene, as in armour of faith. — Marcaret E, SANGSTER. Serene and pleased a look as Pa- tience ere put on. — James THOMSON. Serene as light. — Isaac Watts. Serene as day. — WorDSWORTH. Serenely. Serenely as the stars gaze through the air Straight on each other. —E. B. Brownine. Serious. Serious as a philosopher. — MiLEs P. ANDREWS. Serious as an owl. — ANON. Serious as a portmanteau. — Isp. Serious as a doctor. — Dumas, PERE. Serious . . . as one would whisper that a lion’s near. — Hoop. Serious as the fifth act of a tragedy. — JoserH JEFFERSON. Serious as taxes. — GrorcE HENRY LEWES. Serious as a pope. — FRANCISQUE SARCEY. Serviceable. Serviceable as his Grorce Me&reEpITH. inkstand. — Set. Her jaw was set like a steel latch. — Irvin 5S. Coss. Set, as a piece of sculpture. — Dickens. Set my face like a flint. —Ozp TESTAMENT. SETTLEMENTS. — SHAKE. Settlements. Settlements between married people are like throwing oneself out of the window a second time in order to discover how it happened the first time. — BJORNSTJERNE BJORNSON. Sever. Sever’d, like a flight of fowl Scatter’d by winds and high tempes- tuous gusts. _— SHAKESPEARE. Severe. Stood severe . like a Greek temple at mid-day in a southern clime. — Butwer-Lytron. Severe as vengeance. — CowPER. Shabby. Shabby as a sheepskin book. — Austin Dosson. Shade. Shaded over, like rainy clouds just ripe for showering tears. — Hoop. Shadow. Shadow . . . like a puddle of ink. — Marx Twain. Shadowy. Shadowy, like half-comprehended notions that float dim through chil- dren’s brains. — CHARLOTTE BRONTE. Shadowy as a dream. — Emma Laz- ARUS. Shadowless. Shadowless as Heaven. — RoBert COLLYER. Shady. With a past as shady As the grove where Dian hides. — Bert Leston Taytor. Shake. (See also Shook.) Shake like an aspen leaf. — ANon. Shakes like jelly. — Inm. Cease those aching sighs, Which shake the tear-drops from thine eyes, 341 As morning wind, with wing fresh wet, Shakes dew out of the violet. —P. J. Battey. Shake him up like a shirt in a hurri- cane. —J. R. Bartiert’s “Dicrion- ARY OF AMERICANISMS.” Shakes like a tenant recreant. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Shakes with passion, like a horse shaking off a fly.—Jutes Q. DE BEAUREPAIRE. Shake like withered leaves. — ALICE Cary. Shake like a shadow. — Gumo Cav- ALCANTI. Head shaking like one of those drunken satyrs in‘ the pictures of Rubens. — Dumas, PERE. Shaken as if an earthquake passed. — Micwasn Fix. Shaken as by a shudder. — FLav- BERT. Shaking like an ague. — WILLIAM HARBINGTON. : Shaking as with the cold fit of the Roman fever. — HAWTHORNE. Shaking like pent up winds. — Rosert JEPHSON. Tremulous shake, As in a palsied Druid’s harp unstrung. — Kzats. Shaken like a press of spears. — D. G. RosseErtt. Shaked like a coward. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Shake like a field of beaten corn. — Isr. Shakes, like a thing unfirm. — Isp. Shaking . . . like a drunkard after a debauch. — Rosert Louis STEVEN- SON. Shakes like flame. — SwINBURNE. Shaken like spray from the sea. — Isp. 342 Shake — continued. Shake, As winds tall cedars toss on mountains hoar. Tasso. Shaky. Like the magnetic needle, shaky but steadfast. — CARLYLE. Shallow. As shallow as a pan. — Boot Tar- KINGTON. Shame (Noun). Shame sits, like a foul vulture on a corse. — J. S. KNow Legs. . Shame (Verb). Would shame those stars, As daylight doth a lamp. — SHAKESPEARE. Shamed as a Mayflower shames an autumn leaf. — SWINBURNE. Shameful. Shameful . . . as impotence in love. — Pops. Shameful as a_ sin. — FRANCIS THOMPSON. Shameless. Shameless as a nude Sypney Munpen. Shaped. Shaped like an olive. — GEORGE ADE. A female shaped like a washer. — CHARLES WAYLAND TowNE. statue. — Shapeless. Shapeless as an old shoe. — ANoNn. Shapeless as a shadow. — Swin- BURNE. Sharp. As sharp as a razor. — ANON. Sharp as a steel trap. — Isp. Sharp as a tiger’s tooth. — Inn. As sharp as if he lived on Tewks- bury mustard. — Ipp. SHAKE. — SHARP. Sharp as the bristles of a hedgehog. — Isp. Sharp as the tooth of time. — Ism. Sharp as vinegar. — Isp. Sharp, like the shrill swallow’s cry. — Isp. So sharp that you could shave a sleep- ing mouse without waking her. — Isrp. Sharp as the little end of nothing. —J.R. Barriert’s “DIcTIONARY OF AMERICANISMS.” Sharp, like the crack of a pistol. — R. D. BLackmore. A pang as sharp as ever wrenched confession from the lips of a prisoner in the cells of the Inquisition. — But- WER-LYTTON. Like the prick of a needle, duly sharp. — CARLYLE. Sharpe as brere. — CHAUCER. Sharp as the gore-soaked lashes Of men’s whips. — Euiza Coox. Sharp as a winter’s morning. — Ricnarp CoRBEtT. Sharp-sighted as a hawk. — Ricuarp CUMBERLAND. Sharp like the claws of ravening beasts. — Joun Fox. Sharp as the bee-sting. — JamEs GRAINGER. Sharp like a quince. — WILLIAM Hazuitt. Sharp as a handsaw. — Joun Hey- Woop. Sharp as her needle. — Inm. Sharp as a beak. — Huco. Sharp as truth. — Ism. Sharp as frost. — Eric Mackay. Sharp as a sickle is the edge of shade and shine. — Greorce MEREpITH. Sharp as the enchanter’s sword. — Isp. SHARP. — SHIFT. Sharp — continued. Sharp as a ferret at a field-rat’s hole. — Miss Mvtocx. Sharp as a sword drawn from a shuddering wound. — ALFRED NovsEs. Sharp as thistles are. — Ovi. Short and sharp, like a donkey’s gallop. — SAMUEL PEGGE. Sharp as javelins. — Ruskin. Sharp as dirk rammed down in its sheath. — Duncan C. Scott. Sharp as my needle. — SHaKE- SPEARE. More sharp than filed steel. — Inn. How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is To have a thankless child. — Isp. Nose was as sharp as a pen. — Isr. Sharp as his spur. — Isr. Sharp as a bayonet. — SHELLEY. Sharp as tenterhooks. — SKELTON. Sharp as . oyster strumpet. — Swirt. Sharp as the north sets when the snows are out. — SWINBURNE. More sharp than is the naked side of war. — Isp. Sharp as a terrier. — Tom TaYLor. Sharp as reproach. — TENNYSON. Sharp as a two-edged sword. — OLD TESTAMENT. Sharper than a thorn. — Isp. ' Sharp as a thistle. — ‘“TowNELEY Mysteries, on Mrracte Piays.” Sharply. * Breaking as sharply as the ice blade that loosens from the eave to slice the air and splinter into scales of flying frost. — James Waitcoms RILEY. 343 Sharply as the blow which breaks Prison bolts and chains. — WHITTIER. Shatter. Shattered as if a shell had exploded inside. — JosePpH ConraD. Shattered like Grorce MEREDITH. Shattered, as though they had stood a siege at Rome.—T. BucHanan Reap. Shattered, like a stranded bark On the wrathful woful marge of earth and sea. — SwINBURNE. Shed. Sheds gladness like a morn of sweet sunshine. — ANON. stormy spray. — Shed great thoughts as easily as an oak looseneth its golden leaves in a kindly largess to the soil it grew on. — P. J. Barry. The glory of the morn is shed, like a celestial benison. — LONGFELLOW. Shed loose as the petals of roses dis- crowned On the floors of the forest. — SwINBURNE. Sheer. Sheer as chaos to the irrevocable past. — D. G. Rosserrt. The rays run sheer as fire from the sun through the dusk of the pine- wood. — SWINBURNE. Shelter. Shelters him As birds within the green shade of the grove. —D. G. Rossert. Shield. Shields me like an angel’s wing. — Mrs. Forrester. Shift. Shifting as a weathercock. — ANON. Shift as the sands. ~ Isp. 344 Shift — continued. Shifting as the tints of the rainbow. — Butwer-LytTon. Shift, BuRNS. Shifting, like the weather. — Cow- PER. like fortune’s favours.— Shifts its scenery like a diorama. — GrorcE Extor. She shifts and changes like the moon. — Rozsert Herrick. Shifting like the boundaries of a dream. — CuHarLes L. Moore. Shifted like restless clouds. — SHEL- LEY. Shifty. Shifty as a huckster’s opening deal For bargain under smoothest market face. — George MEREDITH. Shimmer. Shimmered like silver. — ARABIAN Nicuts. Shimmered like the sun. — ScoTTisH BALuaD. Shimmered . . like meteor-fires that haunt a fairy dell. — Bayarp TAYLor. Shimmered like moonbeams on danc- ing water. — PauL WIaGGENS. Blue eyes shimmer with angel glances, Like spring violets over the lea. — Constance F. Woo.son. Shine. Shone like a glowworm’s head. — ANON. Shines like a nigger’s heel. — Inm. Shines like armor. — Isp. Shines like burnished metal. — Ism. Shines like fire in cat’s eye. — Inm. Shines like frost in the moonlight. — Isp. Shine like immortals. — Isp. SHIFT. —— SHINE. Shone like the bristles of a blacking- brush. — Isp. Shines like the gleam of a sword. — Isp. Shone like the jetty down on the black hogs of Hassaqua. — Isp. Shone like polished ebony. — Isp. Shone like satin. — Inp. Shines like shot silk in the sunshine. — Isp. Shining like glowing flame. — ARISTO. Shine at all points like a constella- tion. — P. J. Baruey. Shine like a diamond on a dead man’s hand. — Isp. Shine through them as live coals through ashes. — Isp. Shine as Phcebus doth in a May morning. — ALEXANDER BaRCLAY. Shine like dragon’s scales. — Brav- MONT AND FLETCHER. Shines like a newly lit flame. — Josa BILiines. Shone like a cherry by candle-light. —R. D. Buackmore. She shines like the birch in the sun- light’s play. — Hyatmar H. Boyssen. Shine like Bronté. jet. — CHARLOTTE Shone like flames blown in the wind. —O. M. Brown. Shone Like yealow flowres and grasse farre off, in one ; Or like the mixture nature doth dis- play Upon the quaint wings of the popinjay. — Witu1am Browne. Shine like the sun in the firmament of heaven. — BuNYAN. Shone as seraphs shine. — Byron. Shines like a phosphoric sea. — Izm. SHINE. Shine — continued. Shines like snow. — In. Shining like a bed of daffodils. — Auice Cary. Shine like red buttons set on a holi- day coat. — In. Shoon as the burned gold. — Cuav- CER. Shine as brighte as sunne. — THomas CHURCHYARD. Shining out like the gold that ’ d been purged of its dross. — Exiza Cook. Shine like gleams which sparkle in the crowns of kings barbaric. — J. G. Cooper. Shine, like a veil before a holy shrine. — Mrs. E. M. H. Cortissoz. Shine with such lustre as the tear that flows down Virtue’s manly cheek for other’s woes.— Erasmus Dar- WIN. Shine out like the spine of a frosty hill in the wintry sun. — Auprey Dr VERE. Shine out like flowering meads in spring. — Isip. Shine _ like DIcKENS. cherub’s cheeks. — Stalks shine Like the burnished spears of a field of gold. — Pau Laurence DUNBAR. Shines like a beau in a new birthday suit. — FIELDING. Shining as a saint on a holy pyx. — FLAvuBERT. Shine in heav’n as bright As doth the sun in his transcendent might. — Gites FLETCHER. Shine as bright as smiling day. — Isp. The winking buttons on the gown Shone like the lamps of London Town. — Norman GALE. 345 On prince or bride no diamond stone Half so gracious ever shone, As the light of enterprise Beaming from a young man’s eyes. — Hariz (Emerson). The wistful stars - Shine like good memories. —W. E. HEentey. Shone like the evening star. — O. W. Homes. Shone like Jove’s own lightning. — Homer (Pope). Shone like an aureole round the bead of some modern saint. — A. E. Housman. Their souls shine like living torches. — James Hunrxer. Shone like the bubbling foam about a keel. — Krats. Shone like a friendly twinkling star. — Frances ANNE KEMBLE. Shining as the Alps, when that the sun Gems their pale robes with diamonds. — Isp. The pile of fish . . . shone like a dump of fluid silver. — K1piine. A smouldering fire, shining like lamps through rents in sepulchres— Siamunp KRrasINsKI. Shone like an illuminated letter. — Ricnarp Le GALLIENNE. Lakes . . shining like polished mirrors. — LEVER. Shone beneath, as the fire shines through the ashes. — Grorce HEnry Lewes. Shone like ocean’s snowy foam. — JoHNn LEYDEN. Shine as immortal poems. — Lone- FELLOW. Shining like the Sunne in earth. — Lyty. Shone like Joshua’s sun. — GERALD Massey. 346 Shine — continued. Shone like love’s eyes soft with tears. — Joaquin MI.usr. Shone like a meteor streaming to the wind. — Miron. Shine sweetly through the gloom, Like glimpses of eternal day beyond the tomb. — James Montcomery. Shine, Like golden ingots from a fairy mine. — Tuomas Moors. Shine like Nereid’s hair. — Ip. Shine like a goldsmith’s shop in Cheapside. — THomas NaBses. Shine, like woodland flowers which paint the desert glades, And waste their sweetness in unfre- quented shades. — AMBROSE PHILIPs. Shines like rotten wood. — Sir WALTER RALEIGH. Gleam and shine Like jewels in a stream of wine. —James Wuitcomp RILey. Shone like a keen Damascus blade. — Ciinton ScoLLARD. Shine As gloriously as the Venus of the sky. — SHAKESPEARE. Shone like mountains in the morn. — SHELLEY. Shine like obelisks of fire. — Inn. Shine like pyramids of fire. — Inn. Shone like the reflex of a thousand minds. — Inm. Shone like a sunbeam. — WiLLIAM SoTHEBY. Shone like a single star, serene in a night of darkness. — SourHEy. Shone like silver in the sunshine. — Ip. Shone like the brook that o’er its pebbled course runs glittering gayly to the noontide sun. — Ism. SHINE. Shone like the waves that glow around a midnight keel in liquid light. — Isp. Shyne as brightest skye. — SpEn- SER. Shone as heaven’s light. — Ism. Shined far away, like glauncing light of Phebus brightest ray. — Ipm. Shone and shivered like wings of angels blown by the sun’s breath. — SWINBURNE. Shines as a cloud-constraining star. — Isp. Shone like a burning brand. — Ism. Shone like a drop of dew. — Ism. Shining like all April in one day. — Isp. Shining like a sunbeam-smitten tear. — Isp. Shone like the star that shines down storm. — Ini. Shine sweet like stars when darkness feels them strong. — Isp. Shone like suns aglow. — Inrp. Shone like isles of tawny gold. — Bayarp Tayior. Like a sheathless sabre . . — Isp. . shines. Shines like fires in swamps. — TENNYSON. Shone as a wintry sun. — FREDER- Ick TENNYSON. Shine as the brightness of the firmament. — OLD TESTAMENT. Shone like silver threads in tangles blown. — Maurice Tompson. Shone like the robe of a queen. — Water THORNBURY. Shin’d like molten glass. — Henry VAUGHAN. Shine like fairy flags unfurled. — THroporE Warrs-DunTon. SHINE. —- SHOOK. Shine — continued. Shines like burnished brass. — Pau. WIGGENS. Shines as calmly as some distant star. — Saran WILLiaMs. Shine, eminent as a planet’s light. — N. P. WIus. Ship. Ships are like flies in the spider’s web of the sea. — Hugo. Shiver. Shiver as the swimmer when he. makes his first plunge. — ANON. Shivered like a tyrant king when he smelt gunpowder. — Isp. Shivered as if in a deadly chill. — J. M. Barris. Shivered as with an ague-fit. — Rosert M. Birp. Shivered in my heart like a suffer- ing child in a cold cradle. — CHaRLoTTE BronrTsé. Shiver Like the lotus in the river. —E. B. Brownine. A shivering thing ; Like a young bird missing its mother’s wing. — Exiza Coox. Shivers, like a signal-flame held high. — Hugo. Shivered . . . like tautened wire. — JoHN MASEFIELD. Made one shiver unpleasantly, as when the Espanfia comes to close quarters with the infuriated brute at a bull fight. — Guy pe Maupassant. Shiver’d, like wither’d moss. — JAMES MonrTGoMERY. Shivering in the wind like the sails in the sea song. — JoHN Poo.e. Shiver’d like SPEARE. Shivering as if a bullet had struck him. — G. B. SHaw. an egg. — SHAKE- 347 Shock. Shock like tornado tempests. — CARLYLE. Shocked me like a bullet. — BapGER CLARK. Shock my spirit like the vibration of a bell. — Covuntry PATMORE. Shook. (See also Shake.) Shook like a strong oak in a blast. — ANON. Shook it like a terrier with a rat. — Hoop. Shook as one that looks on death. — JEAN INGELOW. Like bullrushes on side of brook, Or aspen leaf, her joints all shook. — Wituam Kine. Shook like windy weeds. — Lone- FELLOW. Shook like custards. — Ouma. Shook as the quivering plumes upon the hearse. — Por. Shook like a spied spy. — Ipmp. Shook . . . like cold CHARLES READE. Shook like an autumn leaf. — D. G. Rossetti. Shook ... like shingle at the ocean’s mercy. — JoHN RUSKIN. Shook, like reeds beside a frozen brook. — Sir WALTER Scott. Shook, like the Aspen leaves in the wind. — Inm. Shook like SouTHEY. jelly. — a palsied limb. — Shook like loosened music. — FRAN- cis THOMPSON. Her waving hair shook like music. — Isp. Shook like a poppy-field. —G. W. THORNBURY. 348 Shook — continued. Shook, as the blackbird’s throat With its last big note. — Oscar Wipe. Shoot. Shot like a bullet from a gun. — O. W. Homes. Shot like a rabbit in a ride. — Kipiine. Shot, like meteors changed from stars to gleams of lightning. — JamEs MonrTGoMERY. Shoot through the sparkling foam like an ocean-bird set free. —EpEs SARGENT. Shoots like a meteor through the storm. — Sir WALTER Scort. Shoots, as a fire to smite some towering town. — SWINBURNE. Shorn. Shorn as Samson. — TupPER. Short. Short as the life of a wave. — Lronip ANDREYEV. Short as Mahomet’s ANON. Short, thick and round, —like a suet-pudding. — Inm. dream. — Short as a militia drummer-boy. — J. B. Buckstone. Short as wash-day-dinner graces. — Irwin RussELL. Short as SPEARE. any dream.— SHAKE- Short as a lawyer’s beard. — Jonn WEBSTER. Shout. Universal shout, like a volcano’s burst. — Epwin ATHERSTONE. Shout, like the hoarse peals of vul- tures. — DrypEn. Shouted and laughed, like a school full of boys from their benches set free. —O. W. Hommes. SHOOK. — SHRIEK. Shouts like Egypt, when her priests have found, A new Osiris, for the old one drowned. — JUVENAL. Shout like a storm on hills of pine. — Bayarp Taytor. Shout, as they that tread the grapes. — Op TESTAMENT. _ Shrew. As a mushroom is among roses, so is a shrew in a costly establishment. —W. S. Downey. Shrewish. Shrewish to a jest as a woman to advice. — BuULWER-LYTTON. Curst and shrewd as Socrates’ Xanthippe. — SHAKESPEARE. Shriek (Noun). A shriek, as of a soul in Hades. — ANon. Shriek ... such as might have risen only out of hell. — Por. Shrieks like mandrakes’ torn out of the earth. — SHAKESPEARE. A shriek and a yell Like the devils of hell. — THACKERAY. Shriek (Verb). Like one who wakens in a grave and shrieks, The still house seemed to shriek. —E. B. Brownine. Shriek, Like a frayed bird in the gray owlet’s beak. — Hoop. Shrieks like laughter in the demoned hills. — Ricnarp Hovey. Shriek . . . as if a frightful memory whipped thy soul for some infernal crime. — H. C. Kenpa.u. Shriek . . . during shipwrecks, like the cursed inhabitants of the Bay of the Dead, who await their prey in the ships lost at sea. — LAMARTINE. SHRIEK. — SHRINK. > Shriek — continued. Shriek like a storm-wind. — Swin- BURNE. Shrieking, like a soul in pain. — Cra THAXTER. Shrill. Shrill As ever started through a sea-bird’s bill. — Byron. Though thy voice be shrill, like rasping file on steel. — EMERSON. A cry more shrill than Diana sur- prised by Acteeon. — GAUTIER. Shrill . . like the tingling steel of an elfin gong.— P. H. Hayne, Shrill as bird on topmost twig. — C. G. Rossetti. Shrink. Shrink as from a haunted place. — ANON. Shrinking like an old man into his shoulders. — Isw. Shrinks inward like a walnut, — Ipip. Shrinks like a Yonkers celebrity when he hits Broadway. — Isp. Shrunk like a withered hand. — P. J. Batey. Shrink, as if I had been wandering among volcanic-looking hills, and had suddenly felt the ground quiver.— CHARLOTTE BRONTE. Shrink into a point like death. — E. B. Brownine. Shrink up like a crushed snail. — Rosert Brownine. Shrunken... like a branch. — BupDHA. Shrunk up like a bean in a pod. — Auice Cary. Shrinking back, like one that had mistook. — COLERIDGE, withered 349 Shrink, As from a precipice’s brink. — Exiza Cook. Shrink as a_ snail. — ‘“‘CovEenTRY Mysterirs.” Shrinks, like the sick moon at the wholesome morn.— WiLuIAM Cra- SHAW. Shrink like parchment in consuming flame. —Joun DrypDEn. Shrinks as some fair tulip by a storm oppressed Shrinks up and folds its silken arms to rest. — Isp. Shrank As one who sees a loathed sight. — Maovrice F. Kean. Shrank like the snow that watch- ers in the vale see narrowed on the height each summer morn. — GEORGE Eiot. Shrank like a leaf in Fall. — EucENE FIEL. Shrinking like a snail withdrawing into its shell. — Herman HevERMans, JR. Shrunk away as a frost-bitten apple. — Wasuineton IrvING. Shrunk away, within him, like a dried filbert in its shell. — Iprp. Shrank as from a sudden and mortal danger. — Mary JOHNSTON. Shrank, like things with breath, Whose ripeness feels the touch of death. —C. F. Kmary. Shrank as the beetle shrinks beneath the pin when village children stab him in their sport. — KipLine. Shrank, like boys, who, unaware, Ranging the woods to start a hare, Come to the mouth of the dark lair where, ' : Growling low, a fierce old bea Lies amidst bones and blood. — Macavtay. 300 Shrink — continued. Shrink as though Death were pass- ing in his shroud.—Joun Mass- FIELD. Shrank as at prick of steel. — Gerorce MEREDITH. Shrank —like parchment at the touch of flame. — Inrp. Shrink, as from a serpent in a knot of flowers. — H. H. Mirman. He shrinks, as from a viewless blow. — Ricnarp M. Mites. Shrinking as violets do in summer ray. — THomas Moore. Shrink as though some cowardly sin were between them. — Ouma. Shrank, As a taper in sunlight sinks faint and aghast. —T. BucHanan Reap. Shrinks like scorched parchment from the fiery ordeal of true criticism. —R. B. Saerman. Shrinks, as might love from scorn. — SWINBURNE. Shrank away tremulously, as fairies in the story-books, before a superior bad ‘angel. — THackERay. Shrinks like a beggar in the cold. —J. T. Trowprmce. Shrink . . . like guilty things sur- prised. — E. P. WuHrppte. Shrivel. Shrivelled like belated daisies, before a north wind. — ANon. Shrivels like a scroll.—O. W. Homes. Shrivelled like a burning scroll. — H. H. Mian. Shrivel, like leaves when summer’s green recedes. — J. H. Newman. Shrivelling up his face, like an autumn leaf. — SMoLuert. SHRINK. —— SHUN. Shriveled. Shriveled . . . like the pictures of mummies you see in books. — Marx Twain. ; Shrouded. Shrouded as a corpse with storm’s grey shroud. — SwINBURNE. Imagination shrouded, like the draw- ing-room furniture. — Epita WuHar- TON. Shudder (Noun). He felt the sort of shudder which a bull-dog would feel who should scent a wolf in his master’s clothes. — Hugo. A shudder like that of the deer when he sees the hounds again upon his track. — Ini. Shudder (Verb). Shuddered like some woman’s over- fat pug when a street dog bristles up at him. — O. Henry. Shuddered like 'a man in a fever. — Mavrice Hew ert. Shuddered as at a swift cleaving of cold steel. — Grorce MerepitTu. Shuddering like a shot bird. — SWINBURNE. Shun. Shun wickedness as swallows shun pestilent, places. — St. AUGUSTINE. Shun him like the plague. — Roserr BRownine. Shun her like garlic. — Byron. % Shunned like a viper.— MaTHew Caney. Shunned like base praise and hire- ling’s mart. — Ausrey Dr VERE. Shunn’d him as a sailor shuns the rocks. — DrypEn. Shun as moles shun light. —O. Henry. Shun him like the pest. — Epwarp SHARPHAM. SHUN. — SIGH. Shun — continued. Shun as sullen night-ravens do the sun. — Henry VAUGHAN. Shun, like a shattered bark, the storm. — WorpsworTu. Shut. As shut as evening flowers. — ANon. Shut as the leaves of a white rose may Ere the wan bud blooms out perfectly. — James Wartcoms Ritey. Shut like a purse. — Swirr. My heart is shut As a sealed spring of fire. — SWINBURNE. Shut from approach like sea-nymph in a shell. — N. P. Wins. Shy. Shy as lightning. — Dz Quincey. Shy As some stray fawn that seeks its mother. — Austin Dosson. As shy and secret as a maid. — LowELL. Shy as MEREDITH. Shyer than the forest doe Twinkling slim through branches green. — Isp. the squirrel. — GrorcE Shy as a wren in the hedgerow. — Grorce Moore. Shy as_ the PHILIPS. fawn. — AMBROSE Sick. Sick as a cat with eating rats—ANON. Sick as a horse. — J. R. BartLett’s ce ” DicTIONARY OF AMERICANISMS. As sick as a dog. — Ricuarp Jago. Sick as a Dover packet-boat. — Grorce MEREDITH. Sick at heart as the mouse, that the cat lets go a little way, and then darts and replaces. — CHARLES READE. 301 Sick as Lent. — SwINBURNE. Sickly. Sickly as faint weather. — Bravu- MONT AND FLETCHER. Side. All on one side, like a bird with one wing. —F. P. NorTHa.. Sideways. Sideways, like an amorous dove. — GerorcE DARLEY. Spread sideways like a drawing net. — SWINBURNE. Went sideways as a big fish flaps And shoves with head and body. — Isp. Side by Side. Side by side, Like tombs of pilgrims that have died About the Holy Sepulchre. — D. G. Rossertt. Sift. Sifted fine as flour. — DicKEns. Sifted, drifted, like the sun of sands in wastes Arabian. — ANDREW LANG. Sifted like great snowdrifts o’er the landscape. — LoncrEeLLow. Sift you as wheat.— New Tersta- MENT. Sigh (Noun). A sort of sigh, like the grunt of an overburdened St. Joseph. — Bauzac. Sighed with such a sigh as drops from agony to exhaustion.—E. B. BROWNING. A sigh like driven wind or foam. — Buiiss CARMAN. My sighs, like silent air, unheeded, never move her.— Ropert Craw- FORD. Profound sigh, like a man unloosed from the tightest bonds. — Dumas, PERE. 352 Sigh — continued. Pitiful sigh, like a gust of chill, damp wind out of a long-closed vault, the door of which has accidentally been set ajar. — HAWTHORNE. A sigh like the long-drawn breath of a fog-horn. — Epear W. NYe. A great sigh, like that of a giant who is stoned. — EpGAR QUINET. With low, uneasy sigh ; Like the voice of wandering spirits, Lamenting through the sky. — Francis 8. Satus. A sigh like that of a saint desirous of dissolution. — Sir WALTER Scort. Sigh (Verb). Sighed like the dying gasp of a syphon bottle. — Anon. Sighing though the sea were mourning above an ancient grief. — Buiss CarMaN. The sails did sigh like sedge. — CoLERIDGE. Sighed like Boreas. — GERALD Grir- FIN. Sigh like a dog that hath lost his master. — THomas LonGE. He sighs like David’s son for Sheba’s queen. — Epwarp Lovisonp. Sighs as men sigh relieved from care. — LowELL. Sighing . . . like a tomb-searcher. — Tyomas Moore. Sigh, Like some sweet plaintive melody of ages long gone by. — Wituiam MoTHerwet... Sighed as if a deadly burthen had been taken from her breast. — Por. Sighing as April sighs for May. — T. Bucnanan Reap. Sighing like SPEARE. furnace. — SHAKE- SIGH. — SILENT. Sigh, like a school-boy that had lost his A, B, C. — Isp. Sigh like Tom o’ Bedlam. — Isp. Sighed like a man near fainting. — Rosert Louis STEVENSON. Sighs As a voiceless crying of old love That died and never spoke. — Artaur Symons. He sighed like a zephyr. — Marx Twain. Sighs, like a spirit, deep along the cheerless waste. — H. K. Wuire. Silence. Silence . . . like an adoring host in ecstasy. — LAURENCE BInyon. Silence sank Like music on my heart. — COLERIDGE. A silence like that of dreams. — O. W. Hotmes. Silence, like a poultice, comes To heal the blows of sound. — Isp. We rest in silence, like two gems up- curl’d : In the recesses of a pearly shell. — Keats. A deep silence, like the fearful calm That slumbers in the storm’s porten- tous pause. — SHELLEY. Silence . . . like a flower closed in the night. — CHaRLES WELLS. Silenced. Silenced with a scorn as bitter to the taste as myrrh. — CLINTON Scol- LARD. Silent. Silent . . . like a forgotten melody. ° — Hamitron Apr. Silent as a man being shaved. — Niccoto ALBIzzi. Silent as a catacomb. — ANON, SILENT. Silent — continued. Silent as a father confessor. — Ipm. Silent as death. — Inm. Silent as Fate. — Inm. Silent as Messina during a. sirocco. — Isp. Silent as the day gives way to night. — Isr. Silent as the lips of “Memnon.— Ipp. Silent as the Sphinx. — Insp. Silent men like silent waters are deep and dangerous. — Isp. Silent as the foot of time. — A. L. BaRBAULD. Silent as the growth of flowers. — ApHra Bran. Silent as thought. — BERANGER. The living seemed as silent as the slain. — AMBROSE BIERCE. Silent as a church. — CHARLOTTE BRONTE. Silent as an Indian. — Inn. Silent as a ghost.—W. H. Bur- LEIGH. Silent as night. — THomas Carew. Silent . . . like Sleeping Beauty’s Castle. — CARLYLE. Silent as snow falls on the earth. — CHINESE. Silent as your shadow. — CoLLEY CIBBER. Silent and pure as the heaven above. — D’ANNUNZIO. Silent as a saint.—AuBrREY Dr VERE. Silent as a flame that fails. — DICKENS. Silent as the elves. — Grorcs Exiot. Silent and troubled, like a man who feels he hath done that which he shall one day rue. — F. W. Faser. 353 Silent as Fawkes. evening. — FRANCcIS Silent as shut cups And windless reeds. — Zona GALE. Silent as a Japanese. — GOLDSMITH. Silent like a glacier bed. — Epmunp GossE. Silent as midnight’s falling meteor slides into the stillness of the far-off land. —O. W. Hotmes. Silent as a mummy. — Hoop. Silent as a stone. — Isp. Glide as silent as a Dryad That disappears among the trees. — Ricuarp Hovey. Silent as sleep or shadow. — JEAN INGELOow. Silent as at the gentle Lethe’s tide. — Wittiam Irvine. Silent as a consecrated urn. — Kats. Silent as a tomb. — Inm. Silent as a sentinel on an outpost. — Hucw Ke ty. Silent as the Trafalgar Square lions. — Amy LESLIE. Silent as the ev’nings Ricuarp LovELace. ayre. — Silent as a country churchyard. — Macau.ay. Silent as a hound at fault. — Cuartes MACKLIN. Silent as the sleeping seas. — GER- ALD Massey. Silent as the evening sky. — GEORGE MEREDITH. Silent as the moon. — MItTon. Silent as the depth of night. — JAMES MoNTGOMERY. Silent, like a sundial in the shade. — Sypngey MunpEn. 354 Silent — continued. Silent as a tree. — JOSEPHINE P. PEABODY. Silent as the silence where men lie slain. — C. G. Rossetti. Silent and slight as the fall of a half-checked tear on a maiden cheek. — RuskIn. Silent as the grave. — SCHILLER. Silent as a corpse. — SHELLEY. Silent as a noonday sky when larks with heat are mute. — ALEXANDER SMITH. Silent as a steam calliope with a broken boiler. — New York Sun. Silent as a politician. — SwiFt. Silent as a mountain lawn. — SwIn- BURNE. Silent as time. — Inip. Silent as a stooping cloud. — Isp. Silent as a cloud that sleeps in mid- day on a mountain peak. — BayarpD TayYLor. Silent in conversation as a country lover. — VANBRUGH. Silent as the mighty marching Of earth and all the planets round the sun. — Tuomas WapzE. Silent . . . as the hush’d grouping of a dream. — WHITTIER. Silent as despair. — Ip. Silent as a picture. — WorpDsworTu. Silent as a standing pool. — Ipm. Silent as the skies. — Iprp. Silently. Silently as a snail slips over a cabbage leaf on a dewy morning. — J. R. Bartierr’s “ Dicrionary oF AMERICANISMS.” Silently as a dream. — Cowper. Silently as a fish in a stream. — Sir A. Conan Dov e. SILENT. — SIMILE. Fall silently like dew on roses. —~ DRYDEN. Silently, like thoughts that come and go, the snowflakes fall, each one a gem. — W. H. Grsson. Silently . . . as colours steal into the pear or plum. — Rosert Herricx. F’en like the passage of an angel’s tear That falls through the clear ether silently. — Keats. Silently as a cloud rolls out of the mouth of a valley. — Kreiine. Silently as the winds of the desert sweep upward and northward over the plains. — Ouma. Eat his dinner as silently as a brother of La Trappe. — TaackeEray. Silently as bubbles burst. ~— WI- uiaM R. THAYER. As the water follows the moon, silently, with fluid steps, anywhere round the globe. — Watt WuHrITman. Silly. Silly as calves. — ANon. Silly as an old maid at a marriage. —— CONGREVE. You look . . . as silly as a tumbler when he’s been upside down and has got on his heels again. — GrorcE Euior. Silly as an owlish roysterer’s glazed stare at the young aurora. — GEorGE MEREDITH. Silly as a booby.— Mason L. WEEMs. Silvery. Silvery as a song.— Grratp Mas- SEY. Simile. And similes in each dull line, Like glow-worms in the dark should shine. — Epwarp Moore. What liuely similitudes & compari- sons, as the righteous man to a baie SIMMER. — SINFUL. tree, the Soule to a thirstie Hart, vnitie to oyntment and the dew of Hermon. — Henry Pracuam. Similes are like songs in love ; They much describe; they nothing prove. — Prior. Similes prove nothing, but yet greatly lighten and relieve the tedium of argument. — SourTu. Simmer. Simmer like a sea pent volcano. — O. W. Hoimzs. Simper. She simpers as a mare when she eats thistles. — ANON. Simper like a porrage pot in the fire when it first begins to seethe. — Tuomas Nasu. Simper like a bride on her wedding day. —Joun Ray’s “HANDBOOK OF PROVERBS.” Simple. Simple as A. B. C. — ANon. Simple as a Greek temple. — Isr. Simple as a nun’s prayer. — Isp. Simple as a schoolboy’s logic. — Isp. Simple as a squash. — Ip. Simple as rolling off a log. — Isp. Simple as the choice of Hercules between virtue and vice. — Iprp. Simple as a child. — Bauzac. Simple as the flowers in the field. — R. D. BuackMoRE. Simple as milking. — Isp. Simple as playful lamb. — Ropert BLOOMFIELD. Symple as byrde in bouer. — Caav- CER. Symple as dowve of tree. — Isp. As simple as a saint might bathe in lakes of prayer. — Ricuarp Hovey. 355 Simple as miracles always are after they are wrought. —F. W. H. Myers. Simpler than the infancy of truth. — SHAKESPEARE. Simple as breath. — ArTHUR Symons. Simple as a snow-drop. — Exiza- BETH S. P. Warp. Simply. Simply as Augustus went on foot to the Capital. — Emits Bourczois. Simply as breathing. — LowE tt. Heart-whole, and simply as a bird that feels the onset of the spring. — F, W. H. Myers. Sin. Sin is like a mountain with two as- pects according to whether it is viewed before or after it has been reached : yet both aspects are real. — SAMUEL Butter (1835-1902). Sins are like circles in the water when a stone is thrown into it — one produces another. —Matraew Henry. Sincere. Sincere as sunlight. — ANoN. As truth, sincere. — Davip MALLeT. About as sincere as the look upon the face of an undertaker conducting a nine-hundred dollar funeral. — Henry L. MENCKEN. Sincerity is like travelling on a plain, beaten road, which commonly brings a man sooner to his journey’s end than byways, in which men often lose them- selves. —JoHn TILLOTSON. Sinew. Sinews like a vine. — ALFRED AUS- TIN. Sinful. Sinful as sin. — FIeLpIne. 356 Sing. Sing like a bird called a swine. — ANON. Sing like a cobbler. — Ism. Singest like an angel in the clouds. — COLERIDGE. Sing like a swan, as if thou went’st to bliss. — Sir Joun Davis. Sing like an angel.—Joun Eve- LYN. Singing as sweetly and making as heavenly a noise as doth an arbour of nightingales in a calm-winded night. — JoHN GRANGE. Sing-song like a stiff puffet on a humdrum barrel-organ. — Leicu Hunt. Sings like the sighing of a tempest spent. — Dr. JoHNSON. Singing . . . like the shouting of a backstay in a gale. — Kipuine. Sings, like an inspired young Sibyl. — Tuomas Moors. He sings like an empty water jar. — OsMANLI PROVERB. She sings As if a choir of spirits swept From earth with throbbing wings. —C. G. Rossetti. About the caldron sing, Like elves and fairies in a ring. — SHAKESPEARE. Sang like sirens. — VoLTAIRE. Single. Single as the sun. — SwINBURNE. Singly. The good things of life are not to be had singly, but come to us witha mixture, — like a schoolboy’s holiday, with a task affixed to the tail of it. — CuaRLes Lamp. Sinister. Sinister as murky midnight pools. — JaMES HuNEKER. SING. — SINK. Sink. Sink like a lark falling suddenly to earth. — ANon. Sinks like a plummet. — Isp. Sinks, like a seaweed, into whence she rose. — Inm. Sunk Like a blade sent home to its scabbard. — Rospert BRownine. Sink lower than the grave.— Bunyan. Then sinks, as beauty fades and passion cools, The scorn of coxcombs, and the jest of fools. — James CAWTHORN. Sunk like lead into the sea. — COLERIDGE. Sinks like a lily from the storm. — Eiza Cook. Sink like fall of summer eve. — REGINALD HEBER. The erect body sank like a sword driven home into the scabbard. — Kipiine. The nerves of Power Sink, as a lute’s in rain. — W. S. Lanpor. Sank As one that kneels before a virgin shrine. —Joun Payne. Sinks eclipsed, as at the dawn a star when cover’d by the solar ray. — PETRARCH. Sinks, like a strain of vesper-song. — Frank SEWALL. I sank under it like a baby fed on starch. — G. B. SHaw. Sink down as a sunset in sea-mist. — SWINBURNE. Sink as the pausing of music. — Bayarp TayYtor. They sank into the bottom as a stone. — OLp TESTAMENT. Sank as lead in the mighty waters. — Isp. SINLESS. — SLEEK. Sinless. Sinless as Eden. — SHEetiey. Sinless as the spring. — SWINBURNE. Sit. Sits careless of wave’s ebb and flow, Like a love beacon on a desert coast, Showing where all her hope was wrecked and lost. — Hoop. Sat like patience on a monument, Smiling at grief. — SHAKESPEARE. Sit up all night like a watching candle. — THomas TomkIs. Skeptic. The skeptic, when he plunges into the depths of infidelity, like the miser who leaps from the shipwreck, will find that the treasures which he bears about him, will only sink him deeper in the abyss. — C. C. Cotton. Skilless. Skilless as unpractis’d infancy. — SHAKESPEARE. Skim. The little man skimmed down the hill, Like a swallow down the wind. —Joun Hay. Lightly skimming. . . . Like winds which gently brush the ply- ing grass. — AMBROSE PHILIPS. Skinny. Skinny as an anchorite. — CHARLES Mackay Skip. Skip like a young kid. — ANon. He skips like hail on a pack-saddle. — Isp. Skip like a calf. — Otp TesTaMENT. Mountains skipped like rams, and the little hills like lambs. — sip. Skulk. Skulk like the dishonor’d. wretch, whose hireling steel, in secret lifted, reeks with human gore. — SMOLLETT. 357 Skulk . . . like a dog shivering. — SWINBURNE. Slacken. Slacken like a bow-string slipped. — Epwin ARNOLD. Slain. Slain and lost, Like a sweet flower nipp’d with un- timely frost. — Tasso. Slam. Door slam like the smacking of an iron lip. — Irvin. 8. Cops. Slander. Slanders are like flies, that pass all over a man’s good parts to light on his sores. — ANON. Slander, like the pestilence, which rages at noonday, sweeps all before it, levelling without distinction the good and the bad. — STERNE. Slanderous. Slanderous as Satan. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Slash. Slash, Like to a censer in a barber’s shop. — SHAKESPEARE. Slaughter. Slaughtered like cattle shambles. — PREscort. in the Slay. Slay like thunderbolts. — ANon. Slay, as folk that nae defence might ma. — JoHN BaRBour. like Slays lightning. — GrorcE ELioT. Slays as plague’s blind breath. — SWINBURNE. Sleek. Sleek and round as a German sausage. — Peter C. ASBJORNSEN. Sleek as a dray horse. — GEORGE CoLMAN, THE YOUNGER. 358 Sleek — continued. A skin as sleek as a maiden’s cheek. — Euiza Cook. Sleek as Mr. Pecksniff. — DickEns. Sleek as a mouse. — Gay. Sleek as a cat.— Mavricze Hew- LETT. Sleek as silk. — Hoop. Sleek as a horn-book.— Ben Jon- SON. Sleeker than Night-swollen mush- rooms. — KrEats. Sleep (Noun). My sleep was like a summer sky that held the music of a lark. — GEORGE STERLING. Sleep (Verb). Never bothered — sleeps like a hall- boy. — FRANKLIN P. ADAms. Sleep like a bud. — Anon. Sleep like a dead man. — Isp. Slept like a log. — Isp. Sealed sleep as water-lilies know. — Epwin ARNOLD. Sleep like a top. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Sleep as soundly as a constable. — RosBert BRATHWAITE. Dante sleeps afar, Like Scipio, buried by the upbraiding shore. —Byron. Sleep like a jewel on the breast of faith. —J. H. Hotuanp. Time Slept, as he sleeps upon the silent face Of a dark dial in a sunless place. — Hoop. Sleep, like wrecks in the unfathom’d main. — Miss Lanpon. Like a lull’d babe she slept, and knew no fear. — Orway. Sleeps like a dream in a grave. — A. J. Ryan. SLEEK. — SLICK. ‘Sleep she as sound as careless in- fancy. — SHAKESPEARE. She slept, as sleeps the blossom, hushed amid the silent air.—E. O. SMITH. Sleep as a slain man sleeps. — Swin- BURNE. As a pearl within its shell, the happy spirit sleeps in me. — Bayarp TaYtor. Sleep . . . like sinless flowers that heed not the world and its maddening din. — E. W. Watson. Sleeping, like the darkness at noon- tide. — Lapy Wipe. Sleeps, like a caterpillar sheathed in ice. — WoRDSWORTH. Sleepless. Sleepless as owls. — ANON. Sleepless of soul as wind: or wave or fire. — SWINBURNE. é Slender. Slender as a cat’s elbow. — ANON. Slender as a lath. — Isp. Slender as a reed. — Isp. Fair and slender as the pine tree. — SERVIAN BALLAD. Slender as a young poplar. — BaL- ZAC. How slender a tract, as scant as Alcibiades his land in a Map.— Rosert Burton. As slender in the middle as a Cow in the waist. — Ipm. Like the hazel-twig Is straight and slender. — SHAKESPEARE. A girl tall and slender as a palm. — Heinrich ZSCHOKKE. Slick. Slick as a ribbon. — ANon. Slick as greased lightning. —J. R. Bartietr’s “DIcTIONARY OF AMERI- CANISMS.”” SLICK. — SLIPPERY. Slick — continued. Slick as sin. — Inm. Slick as a whistle. — Inm. Slick as grease. — Ipm. Slick as a butterfly’s Tuomas Daviss. wing. — Slick as soap grease. — O. Hrnry. Slide. Slid like water.—Jonn G. Hot- LAND. Slide off them like July rain off a duck’s back feathers. — Tuomas HucuHEs. Slid like an evil dream. — Kipiine. Slid like a corpse afloat.—D. G.° Rossettt. Around him slid like a wave. — Bayarp Tayior. Slideth back as a backsliding heifer. — Op TESTAMENT. Slight. Slight as a dew-drop. — Dickens. Slight as a crescent moon at night. — THEODOSIA GARRISON. Slight as a vagrant plume Shed from some passing wing. — Laura R. Srarine. Slight as indeed a dew-drop. — SWINBURNE. Slight as the sea’s sight of the sea-mew, Slight as the sun’s sight of the star. — Isp. Slighted. Slighted and betrayed ; And like a rose, just gathered from the stalk, But only smelt, and cheaply thrown aside, To wither on the ground. — DRYDEN. Slighted like a rivalled toy. — Rosert U. JoHNSoN. 359 Slink. Slinking ... like a sad and hu- miliated man. — Hugo. The stars slink off like thieves, in company with Night. — Frrepricu RUcKERT. Slink like spectres. — Jouw C. VAN Dyke. Slip. Slip away like shadows into shade. —P. J. Batuey. Slips on like the lapse of. water. — Butwer-LyTTon. Slip frae me like a knotless thread. — Burns. Slipped from his fingers, like drops of quicksilver. — F. Marion Craw- FORD. Time slipping by you, as if it was an animal at rustic sports with his tail soaped. —~ DICKENS. Slippes as a dew-drop slips from some flower-cup _o’erweighted. — Epwarp DowvEn. Slip like bending rushes from your hand. — DrypEn. Slipped like a Harte. Slips like water through a sieve. — Hoop. shadow. — Bret Slipp’d me like his greyhound, Which runs himself and catches for his master. — SHAKESPEARE, All earthly things are doomed to fall away and slip back into Chaos, like a boatman who just manages to make head against the stream, if the tension of his arms happens to relax,-and the current whirls away the boat headlong down the river’s bed. — Virai. Slippery. Slippery and smooth as a serpent. — ARNE GARBOG. 360 SLIPPERY. Slippery — continued. Slippery as an eel’s tail. — Joun Herywoop. As slippery as the Gordian knot was hard. — SHAKESPEARE. Slippery as ice. — THEODORE WarTTs- DunrTon. Slope. Sloped, as if leaning on the air. — CHARLOTTE BRONTE. Sloping like a roof. — JosmpaH Con- RAD. Sloped, As slopes a wild brook o’er a little stone. — TENNYSON. Sloth. Sloth, like rust, consumes faster than labor wears, while the key often used is always bright. — FRaNnkKLIN. As the door turneth upon his hinges, so doth the slothful upon his bed. — Op TESTAMENT. Slow. Slow as a plumber going for his tools. . — ANON. Slow as cold molasses. — IBip. Slow as molasses in January. — Isp. Slow as the hand on clock’s face. — Rospert BucHANAN. Slow as the white cloud in the sky. — Isp. Slow, like water-lilies floating down a rill. — Byron. A voice as soft and slow As might proceed from angel’s tongue If angel’s heart were sorrow-wrung, And wish’d to speak its woe. — Ropert CHamBeEnrs. Slow as minor friars on sacred errands go. — DANTE. Slow-swelling like God’s thunder underground. — Euriprprs. . — SLOW. Slow as at Oxford, on some gaudy day, Fat beadles, in magnificent array, With big bellies bear the ponderous treat And heavily lag on, with the vast loady meat. — Francis Fawxgs. Slow as old Saturn through prodig- ious space. — Inmp. Slow as an oak To woodman’s stroke. — Ricuarp GARNETT. Slow, like the tired heaving of a grief-worn breast.— O. W. Hotmes. Slow, as the strokes of a pump. — Hoop. Slow, like a bell. — Huao. Slow as a worm. — KIpuine. Exact and slow, Like wooden monarchs at a puppet show. — Rosert Lioyp. Slow, Like a sexton ringing the village bell, When the evening sun is low. — LoNGFELLow. It goes slow, comes slow, like a big mill-wheel i On some broad stream, with long green weeds a-sway, And soft and slow it rises and it falls, Still going onward. — Wituiam Morris. Slow as lawyers mount to heaven. — CHARLES READE. Slow as the snail. —SamuEL RocErs. Hobbled slow as a broken-winded mare. — Str WALTER Scott. Seldome and slowe, like the scantye droppes of a fountaine neare a drye. — CAROLINE SOUTHEY. Slowlier than life into breath . . . it moves. — SWINBURNE. Slowly. Slowly, as a man in doubt. — E. B. BROWNING. SLOWLY. — SMART. Slowly — continued. Slowly like one impelled by an un- seen force. — AGNES AND EGERTON CasTLE. It came on slowly, like a cloud when there is no wind. — Dickens. Slowly as shadows creep at set of sun. — Juuia C. R. Dorr. Works as slowly as old Doctor Time in curing folly. — Grorex Euior. Her heart beat more and more slowly, more gently and uncertainly, like a spring which is growing ex- hausted, like an echo which is sinking away. — FLAUBERT. Slowly, as falls a tear that slowly starts From some great agony. — NorMan GALE. Slowly filling with life as a moon with silver. — RicHarp Lz GALLIENNE. Slowly, as when walking-beam first feels the gathering bead of steam. — O. W. Hotes. Sail, slowly as an icy isle Upon a calm sea drifting. — Karats. He slowly moves, like a cloud of thunder, when the sultry plain of sum- mer is silent and dark. — Ossian. As slowly, as sadly, as a hare that the greyhounds have coursed drags itself through the grasses and ferns. —Ovua. Slowly like the heave and roll of a glassy sea. — Joun C. Van Dyke. Sluggish. Sluggish as “‘the dull weed that rots by Lethe’s wharf.” — Anon. Sluggish . . . like a greasy bog. — JOSEPH CONRAD. Sluggish as liquid pitch. — W. C. RUSSELL. Slumber. Slumbers as in a grave. BRowNING. — RoBErt 361 Slumbered like Goldsmith’s Madam Blaize, bedizened and _ brocaded. — Austin Dosson. Slumbers like a beam of moonlight. — Henry Ex.ison. Slumber like a stone. — Emrrson. Slumber like the leaves of a lily at nightfall. — O. W. Homes. Slumbering quietly, Like forms which sculptors carve. — SHELLEY. Slumberest here like a caged bird that never knew its pinions. — N. P. WILLIS. : Sly. Sly as a fox. — ANon. Sly as old boots. — Inm. Sly as submarine. — Is. Sly as a ring-dove.— Miss Mrr- FORD. Slyly. Slyly as a wild deer. — HawTHorne. Smack. Smack like a tight cork from a bottle. —O. W. Homes. Smail. Small as tiny stars lighting some ruined world. — Anon. Smaller than the point of a fine needle. — Inm. Small as atoms. — MassIncEr. Small as minced meat. — RABELAIS. Small as the dust before the wind. — Otp TESTAMENT. Beat them as small as the dust of the earth. — Inip. As small as the hoar frost on the ground. — Isp. Smart (Adjective) Smart as a whip. — Anon. Smart as a sixpence. — DICKENS. 362 Smart (Verb). Smart as lizards’ stings. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Smashed. Smashed like a cocoa-nut by a sledge- hammer. — ANON. Smashed, as glass when it encounters adamant. — pip. Smell. Smells like a fertilizer factory on a sunny afternoon. — ANON. Smellynge as the rose ay fresh and redolent. — ALEXANDER Barciay. Smells as sweet as any posy. — Tomas KILLIGREW. . Smells worse than a tallow-chandler’s shop in the dog-days. — CHARLES Mackin. He smells like a fish ; a very an- cient and fish-like smell. — SHAKE-° SPEARE. Smells of gunpowder like a soldier’s pouch. — R. B. SHeripan. Smile (Noun). The smiles of his dark-blue eyes sparkle like the sea when first lighted up by the rays of the sun. — ALcI- PHRON. Smiles and tears, like sunshine and rain, are necessary for the development of life. — Anon. Smiled, as mountains smile to see the spring. — ANCIENT BaLLap or Hin- DUSTAN. Her smiles were like the glowing sunshine. — SERVIAN BALLAD. Her smile was like a summer morn. — Burns. Smile as gay as th’ sun o’ th’ May. — Aticr Cary. Charming smiles thy beauteous face adorn, As May’s white blossoms gaily deck the thorn. — CHATTERTON. SMART, — SMILE. Smiles . . . sweet as the flow’rs in bloom of spring array’d. — Ini. Asmile as fine as wine. — FREDERICK S. CozzEns. *Twould force a misanthrope to hang a smile upon his lip, as dewdrop on a thorn. — MicHar. Frei. Smile like the bloom of the morning. — Epwarp Octavus F.ace. Smiles, like meteors of the night, Just give one flash of momentary light. — Water Harte. Smiles as thick on rosy lips as ripples on the sea. — O. W. Hommes. A grim smile, like lion that has found a way of exit. — Hueco. Smile like morning gold. — Isp. Her smile was such as a sultan might, in a blissful and fond moment, bestow on a slave his gold gems had enriched. — Izin. Her smile grateful as the dissolution of the ice. — Dr. JoHNSON. Wan smiles flickered, like the north- ern dawn, across her worn cheeks’ ice- field. — KinGs.ry. He strove to clothe his agony in smiles, Which he would force up in his poor pale cheeks, Like ill-timed guests that had no proper dwelling there. — Lamp. The smiles which play on my cheek in public are to my heart as moon- beams falling on some rock of ice; they shine, but warm not.—M. G. Lewis. Capacious . . . smile, like the ex- aggerated reflection of a concave mirror. — Lover. A half smile, like the moonlight of laughter, dawned on her face. — GrorceE MacDonatp. Her smile as sunshine on a ripening land. —Grratp Massey. SMILE. Smile — continued. Its smile is as a thankful hymn. — Isp. Her smile —it was like the golden wine Poured in the spirit, as in a cup. — Owen Mereniru. Thy. smiles, like sunflowers in the golden light they love. —H. H. Mr- MAN. Childhood . . . smiles, like glimpses of heaven. — Donarp G. MrrcHett. Smile like sunlight in a rippling sea. — Lewis Morris. Her smile is like the noon-splendor of a day of June. — James WHITCOMB Riney. As a meteor bright, As a comet bright, Was her smile of pearl and spray. — Francis 8. Saurus. How like the dewdrops on a drooping flower are smiles from gentle eyes.— Joun G. Saxe. Smiles, which spread like radiance from the cloud-surrounded moon. — SHELLEY. A half smile hovering round her happy lips like a bright butterfly around a flower. — ALEXANDER SMITH. Smile... like sunshine opening through a shower in vernal skies. — SouTHEY. A smile Sweet as good Angels wear when they present Their mortal charge before the throne of Heaven. — Isp. Smile, it was like sunshine in a shady place. —Rosert Louis STEVENSON. Crimson smile, Like seas hid by a meadow-land. — TRUMBULL STICKNEY. Smiles more sweet than flowers. — SWINBURNE. 363 A smile that was like sunrise on a sea strewn with wreckage. — EpITH WHARTON. Her smile is as a listening child’s Who hears its mother’s call. — WBSITTIER. A smile which cheered — like the breaking day. — Isp. A smile as joyous, frank, and innocent As that with which a babe awakes from sleep. — Saran WILLIAMS. Around the lips a smile played like the shadow of a silver cloud upon a sunlit stream. — J. C. WILSON. Asmile . . . as sleeps a sunbeam on a stone. — WILLIAM WINTER. An innocent smile, like a sunbeam kissing a velvet rose. — Ipip. Smile (Verb). She smiled as though somebody were talking to her inside. —Marcusr- ITE AUDOUX. Like the wine and roses, smiles. — ANACREON. Smiling like a star on the darkest night. — ANON. Smiles like a sweet June rose. — Ii. Smiling triumphantly the while like one who had discovered a cure for duty. —J. M. Barriz. Smiling as a basket of chips. — J. R. Bartiett’s ‘“DIcTIONARY OF AMERICANISMS.” Smile like a cherub. — WILLIAM BLAKE. Smiled like a siren. — Inm. Smiled like the flowers of Eden. — Patrick BRontT#. Smiled like Italy. —E. B. Brown- ING. Smiling like a fiend who has deceived God. — Rozert BRownina. 364 1 Smile — continued. Smile, as infants at a sudden light. — COLERIDGE. Smiling, like a sickly moralist. — Ini. Smiling like a child in the grass, dreaming deep of the flowers, and their golden beguiling. — Isa Craita. Smiles like clockwork. — DIcKENs. The singer smiled, as doubtless Orpheus smiled, to see the animals both great and small, the mountainous elephant and the scampering mouse, held by the ears in decent audience.— George Exot. Smiling free as a rose in summer air. — Dora GREENWALL. Smiling like a cherry. — THomas HeEywoop. Smiling like a new-blown flower. — R. H. Horne. Faint-smiling like a star Through autumn mists. — Keats. Smiled like a paradise. — GERALD Massey. Smiled with superior love, as Jupiter On Juno smiles, when he impregns the clouds That shed May flowers. — Mitton. Smiling like heaven. — Wini1AM Morris. Smile, like the sun in his glory on the bud. — W. M. Pragn. Smiles like a May morning. — ALLAN Ramsay. Smile like summer after snow. — C. G. Rossertt. Smiled, as all the world were his. — Tuomas SACKVILLE. Smiling, as some fly had tickled slum- ber, Not as death’s dart, being laughed at. — SHAKESPEARE. SMILE. — SMITE, Smiling as smiles the fowler when flutters the bird to the gin. — Rosrrr Louis STEVENSON. Smile like an Oil Trust. — New York Sun. Smiled as dawn on the spirit of man. — SwINBURNE. Smiled as one living even on craft and hate. — Inm. Smiling dim As the smile on a lip still fearful. — Isp. Smiled, As though the spirit and sense unrecon- ciled Sank laughing back, and would not ere its hour Let life put forth the irrevocable flower. — Isp. Smiled . . . like song’s triumphant breath. — Ibm. Smiling, like a star in the blackest night. — Inm. Smiling as a master at one That is not of his school, nor any school But that where blind and naked Ignorance Delivers brawling judgments, un- ashamed, — TENNYSON. Smiling . . . like beauty waking from a happy dream. — Joun Wixson. Smirk. Smirk . . . like a dog scratching his ear. — Ametie Rives. Smite. Smiting like a cry. — MarTHinpe Bump. Smites it as acid smites the red rust. — Samue.t Horrenstein. Smote him like a judgment from above. — James MontcomEry. Smiteth as a staff. — Tupper. Smote on my ears like a tocsin. — Tuomas Westwoop. SMOKE. — SMOOTH. Smoke. Smoked like a herring. — Ropert BRownine. Smoking like a crater. — DaupEt. Smoked like a gammon of bacon. — AnTHony HamIron. Smoked like a chimney. —R. H. BarHAM. Smoking like a boiler at the heat. —J. S. Kyow gs. Smoking like an iron works. — Tom TAYLOR. Smoky. Smoky as an Irish hut. — James HowEL. Smooth. Smooth as the surface of a pebble. — ADDISON. Smooth like a china cup. — W1- mam ALLINGHAM. Smooth as the stem of a young palm. — AMRIOLKaIS. Smooth as a bowling green. — ANON. Smooth as a bulrush. — Isp. Smooth as a carpet. — Isr. Smooth as a die. — Insp. Smooth as a door knob. — Isp. Smooth as an oil’d thunderbolt. — Isp. Smooth as a perfect peach. — Inm. Smooth as a poker table. — Ipm. Smooth as a rose leaf. — Im. .Smooth as the mirrors in the Palace of Peace. — Inip. Smooth as the palm of one’s hand. — Isp. Smooth as wax. — Insp. Smooth as a snow cloud. — Isip. Smooth as a spirit’s wing. — Bul- WER-LYTTON. 365 Smothe it was as it were late shave. — CHAUCER. Smooth as smoothest beaver hat. — Joun Davizs. Smooth as a new laid egg. — Dickens. Smooth as sheet of polished brass. — Joseru R. Drake. Smooth as the back of a razor. — Grorce Du Maurier. Smooth as the dusky down on the elk. — Ancient Ersz. Smooth as fungus, daughter of the rain. — Francis Fawkes. Smooth as the surface of well polish’d brass. — Inrp. Smooth and shining; as a sword out of a sheath. — FLAUBERT. A skin as smoth as silke. — GzorcE GASCOIGNE. Smooth as glass. — Joun Gay. Smooth as a billiard-table: — Any THoNY HaMILToNn. Smooth as ice. — THomas Hey- woop. Smooth as the pond can be. —O. W. Ho.mes. Smooth as a file. — Lean Hunv. Smooth as a road in Venice. — Mary JOHNSTON. Smooth as a billiard ball. — Bren JONSON. Skin as smooth as any rush. — Inm. Smooth as a silver shield. — Grorcu Casot LonpcE. Smooth as jet. — Lyzy. Smooth as the gliding stream.— JAMES MACPHERSON. Smooth as velvet. — CHARLES READE. Smoother than the fur of cats. — JAMES WHITCOMB RILey. 366 Smooth — continued. Tones as smooth as honey. — C. G. RosseEtvi. Smooth as a _ mirror. — SAINT- PIERRE. Smooth as oil. — SHAKESPEARE. Smooth as monumental alabaster. — Ipm. Smooth as the elephant’s new polished tooth. — Sir Epwarp SHER- BURNE. Smooth as Pan. — Sir Pari SIDNEY. Smooth as a billow. — ALEXANDER SMITH. As Parian marble smooth. — Wi- LIAM SOMERVILLE. Smooth as the level lake, when not a breeze Dies o’er the sleeping surface. — SouTHEY. Smooth as the liquid passage of a bird. — TRUMBULL STICKNEY. Smoother than butter. — Otp TEs- TAMENT. Smooth as the flight of a dream. — Epita M. Tuomas. Smooth as a floor.— Mary A. TINCKER. Smooth as a mole.—Joun WitHats’ “Dictionary IN ENGLISH AND LATIN.” Smooth as marble or a waveless sea. — WorDsworrTu. Smoothly. When things went smoothly as a baby drugged. — E. B. Brownina. Smoothly glide As ships drop down a river with the tide. — Jean INGELow. Smoothly . . . like the noiseless flow of a river of oil. — Puato. Smothered. Smothered like a whisper in a storm. — Herman Grorcre ScHEFFAUER. SMOOTH, — SNIFF. Smudged. Smudged, like a shopkeeper’s ac- count-book. — OsMANLI PROVERB. Smug. Smug as April.— BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Snap. Snapped like a fiddle string. — ANon. Snap like a pipe stem. — Isp. Snap like the lash of a whip. — Ipip. Snapping like too high-stretched treble strings. — Donne. Snapping like a mad dog. — Grorcr Exror. Snapped up—like a steel gin. — Maurice Hew ett. Snapped like the threads of a lyre. — ADELAIDE A. PROCTER. Snappy. Snappy as a fresh string bean. — ANoN. Snarl. Snarl at pleasure, like a stoic. ~ CHESTERFIELD. Snarl like a monster at meat. — HaMuin GARLAND. Snarled like an old dog. — Maunricz HEWLETT. Snarling like the hound a wolf has checked. — Hugo. Snarled like Malemutes over a mildewed bone. — Rozert W. SEr- VICE. Snarl like Guthrie for the public weal. — SMOLLETT. Sniff. Looked at it and sniffed at it daintily — like a reluctant patient going under the ether. — Irvin S. Coss. Sniffing like a dog after game. — Guy pe Maupassant. SNIGGER. — SOB. Snigger. Snigger, like a yokel’s smile. — Grorce MErepira. Snobbishness. Snobbishness is like death in a quotation from Horace, which I hope you never have heard, “‘beating with equal foot at poor men’s doors, and kicking at the gates of Emperors.” — ‘THACKERAY. Snore. Snoring like a pig. — Anon. Snored like an organ. — AMBROSE BIERCE. A groaning intermitting sound like Gog and Magog snoring. — Hoop. Snore like a porc-pisce (porpoise). — Ben Jonson. Snore like over-gorged humans. — Kupiine. Snores like sawin’ planks. — ALFRED Henry Lewis. Snoring like old boots. — Moire. Snores like the base-pipe of an Organ. — SHADWELL. Snort. Snorting like an under-sea volcano. — SAMUEL FERGUSON. Snorting like a horse. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Snug. As snug as a pig in pea-straw. — Ricnarp DAVENPORT. Snug as a parson. — FLAUBERT. Snug As a bug In a rug. — FRANKLIN. I’m as snugly shut As a glad little worm in the heart of a nut. — James Wuitcoms RILEy. As snug as a snag in a hog. — Eugene Firch Ware. 367 Fitted as snugly as bits in a puzzle. — Epira Waarton. Snug as a child that hides itself in sport *Mid a green hay-cock in a sunny field. — WorDsworTu. Soar. Soars like a bird on the wing. — ANON. ‘Soars like a cloud. — Ism. Soars like smoke. — Eurremes. Soaring like pride. —Jutia Warp Howe. The burthened heart should soar in mirth like Morn’s young prophet- lark. — GeraLtp Massey. Soars like a seraph. — OwEn MERE- DITH. Up, like a kite made of foolscap, it shall soar, with along tail of rubbish be- hind, to the skies. — Tuomas Moors. Soar like white-winged sea-birds into the Infinite Deep. — Miss Mutocx. Soars, like a wild bird from a cypress bough, into the poets’ heaven. — Mrs. Norton. Soared like incense to the skies. — C. G. Rossertt. My fancy soars like a kite and faints in the blue infinite. — Roprrtr Louis STEVENSON. Sob. Sobs like an Aolian. — ANon. Sobs like a child in a dream. — JAMES BALLANTINE. Sobbing, as if the body and soul were torn. — BULWER-LYTTON. Sobbing like a lover by his false one left in sorrow and in pain. — J. 8. GUTHRIE. Sob, like ocean’s tremor when it turns to ebb. — CHartes L. Moors. Sobbed like tears at the heart of May. — D. G. Rossetti. 368 Sober. As sober as an ice-cream soda on New Year’s Eve. — ANON. Sober as if he had supped with Diogenes. — BuLwer-LyTTON. Sober as a judge. — FreLpine. Sober as a hymn. — W. E. HENLEY. Sober as is the tender voice of home. — Lewis Morris. : Sober as a vicar. — JoHN G. SAXE. Sociable. Sociable ez a basket er kittens. — JoEL CHANDLER Harris. Society. Society is like air; very high up, it is sublimated — too low down, a perfect choke-damp. — ANON. Society, like the Roman youth at the circus, never shows mercy to the fallen gladiator. — Bauzac. Man in society is like a flow’r, Blown in its native bed; ’tis there alone His facilities expanded in full bloom Shine out, there only reach their proper use. — CowPER. Society as cold as the glacier of an unsunned cavern. — O. W. Hommes. Society is like a lawn, where every roughness is smoothed, every bramble eradicated, and where the eye is de- lighted by the smiling verdure of a vel- vet surface. — WASHINGTON IRVING. Society is like a large piece of frozen water ; and skating well is the great art of social life. — Miss LANDON. Society, like a woman, requires a special painter to delineate it in ac- cordance with its own taste. — SaintTE-BEvuveE. Society is like the air — necessary to breathe but insufficient to live on. — GEoRGE SANTAYANA. SOBER. — SOFT. Society is in this respect like a fire —the wise man warming himself at a proper distance from it; not coming too close like a fool, who, on getting scorched, runs away and shivers in solitude, loud in his complaint that the fire burns. — SCHOPENHAUER. Society is like the echoing hills. It gives back to the speaker his words ; groan for groan, song for song. — Davip Tuomas. Soft. Soft as the satin fringe that shades the eyelids of thy fragrant maids. — T. B. Atpricu. Soft as the broken solar beam, That trembles in the solar stream. — ANACREON. Soft as misted star. — Mary Louisa ANDERSON. Soft and creamy as a charlotte russe. — ANoN. Soft and supple as lady’s glove. — Isp. Soft as a Dartmoor bog. — Im. Soft as a flute. — Inm. Soft as a government job. — Isp. Soft as a jelly fish. — Inm. Soft as a shadow. — Inn. Soft as foot can fall. — Ipw. Soft as marshmallows. — Ini. Soft as mush. — Ip. Soft as pudding. — Ism. Soft as sad music. — Iprp. Soft as showers that fall on April meads. — Ipm. Soft as soap. — Inm. Soft as the evening wind murmuring among willows. — Inip. Soft as the hands of indolence.—Izm. Soft as the murmurs of a virgin’s sigh. — Inm. SOFT. Soft — continued. Delicately soft as the sand that has been trod on by dainty seraphs. — ANON. Soft as the snow on the sea. — Insp. Soft as zephyr of a summer sky. — Isp. Softly as a milk tooth leaving a baby’s gum. — Isp. Softly as on ice that will scarcely bear. — Ipm. Softly . . . like the footfalls of de- parted spirits. — Ipip. Soft as silk in her touch. — ARABIAN NIGHTS. Soft as threaded pearls. — Isp. Softer than zephyr’s wing. — Isr. Soft as the breath Harriet AUBER. of even. — Thy sweet words drop upon the ear as soft as rose leaves on a wall. —P. J. Battzy. Softly sublime like lightnings in repose. — Isp. Soft as the BENNETT. sunlight. — W. C. Softly like a stream of oil. — Wi- L1aM BRowNE. Soft voice as a laughing dream. — R. D. Buackmore. Soft as the breeze flitting over the flowers. — Ini. Soft as the dew on flowers of spring, Sweet as the hidden drops that swell their honey-throated chalicing. — Rosert Briwpeces (English). Soft as Muses’ string. —E. B. BRowNIne. Soft as a mother’s kiss. — Inr. Soft as a silent hush. — Ipm. Softly, as the last repenting drops Of a thunder-shower. — Isp. 369 Soft as a sofa. — Butwer-Lytton. Soft as wool. — Roserr Burton. Soft as the murmurs of a virgin’s sigh. — Wituiam Byrp. Soft as the callow cygnet in its nest. — Byron. Soft as the gentler breathing of the lute. — Isp. Soft as harp that houri strings his long entrancing note. — Isp. Soft as the melody of youthful days. — Isp. Soft as the memory of buried love. —Ism. Soft as the unfledged birdling when at rest. — IBip. Soft as the eyes of a girl. — WiL- FRED CAMPBELL. Soft as a bed of roses blown. — Tuomas CaREw. Soft as duffel. — CARLYLE. Soft as sunset. — Ipp. Soft as snow that falls on snow. — Alice Cary. Soft as a bank of moss. —CawDRaAyY’s “TREASURIE OR STOREHOUSE OF Smiuies,” 1600. Soft as love. — JaMES CAWTHORN. Soft as silence. — W. E. CHANNING. Soft as the breath of morn in bloom of spring. — CHATTERTON. Soft as the cooing of the turtle dove. — Isp. Soft as the moss where hissing adders dwell. — Isp. Softe as the sommer flowrets. — Insp. As soft as honey-dew. — CoLERIDGE. Soft as the passing wind. — Cow- PER. Soft as the breath of a sleeper. — Isa Craia. 370 Soft — continued. Soft, his accents fill, like voices of departed friends heard in our dreams, or music in the air, when night-spirits warble their magic minstrelsy. — Ricnarp CUMBERLAND. Soft as pity. — Grorcr DaRLEy. Soft as the murmurs of a weeping spring. — Srr WittiaM DAvVENANT. As soft and sleek as girlish cheek. — Austin Dosson. Soft as a baby’s breath. — JuLia C. R. Dorr. Soft as spirit’s sigh. — Isp. Soft as summer. — Ernest Dow- SON. Soft as prayer. — Ipm. Skin as soft as Naples silk. — |. Micuart Drayton. Soft as Lempster wool. — In. Soft and caressing as a melody. — DuMAS, PERE. Soft as a whisper. —GrorcE Du Mavrier. Soft . . . like a whispered dream of sleeping music. — Grorce Exior. Soft as pattering drops that fall from off the eaves in fancy dance when clouds are breaking. — Inin. Soft and fluid as a cloud on the air. — Emerson. Soft as the songs of some shy hidden bird From the low fields of woodlands nightly heard. — F. W. Faner. Soft as the voice of summer’s even- ing gale. — Wituiam Fatconen. Soft as love. — Ism. Soft as the breath of distant flutes at hours When silent evening closes up the flowers. — Joun Gay. SOFT. Soft as when Venus stroked the beard of Jove. —Ism. Soft as the stringed harp’s moan. — GERALD GRIFFIN. Soft as is the falling thistle downe. —JosrrH Hatt. Cheeks, soft as September’s rose Blushing but faintly on its faltering stem. — P. H. Hayne. Soft as silkworms. — STEPHEN Hawes. Soft as the whisper shut within a shell. — W. E. Henry. Soft as jelly. —'THomas Heyrwoop. Soft as sleep. — Heston. Soft as pity, and as blest. — AARON HI. Soft as upper air. — Inm. Soft as rain. — O. W. Homes. As soft as swan’s down. — Ism. Soft as the moonbeams when they sought Endymion’s fragrant bower. — Isp. Soft as a flute. — Hoop. Soft as flowers. — Ism. Sounds upon the air most soothing soft, Like humming bees busy about the brooms. — Isp. Soft as a dream of beauty. — Ricuarp Hovey. Soft as the division in the wool of a sheep. — Hugo. Soft as love’s first word. — JEAN INGELow. ‘ Soft... SON. Soft as cream. — Ism. as cob-webs. — Ben Jon- Soft as Memnon’s harp at morning. —Joun Kesie. Soft as imprison’d martyr’s deathbed calm. — Inip. Soft as the face of maid. — FrEDERIC L. Know es. SOFT. Soft — continued. Soft as a dying violet-breath. — Sripney LANIER. Soft and still, like birds half hidden in a nest. — LONGFELLOW. Soft as velvet. — Joun Lypeate. Soft as silke. — Lyty. Soft as the swan-down where Sum- mer sleeps. — GeorcE Mac-HEnry. Soft as the sighings of the gale, that wakes the flowery year. — Davip Matter. Soft as dew-drops when they settle In a fair flower’s open petal. — Pau B. Marston. Soft as light-fall on unfolding flowers. — GERALD Massey. Soft and thick as a feather bed. — Guy pE Maupassant. Soft as a kiss. — Joaquin MILter. Soft as moonlight. — Miss Mitrorp. Soft as evening o’er the ocean, When she charms the waves to rest. — James MontTcoMeEry. Soft as in moments of bliss long ago. — THomas Moore. Soft as lightning in May. — Inm. Soft as the back of a swan. — Tuomas Nasu. Soft as angels. — Orway. Soft as a baby’s cheek. —T. N. Paae. Soft as twin-violets moist with early dew. — ANDREW Park. Her voice . . . soft as Zephyr sighs on morning’s lily cheek. — RoBErt PoLLox. Soft as yielding air. — Matraew Prior. Soft as a pillow. — W. B. Ranops. Soft as angels’ Wartcoms Rizey. wings. — JAMES 371 Soft as a sunny shadow When day is almost done. —C. G. Rosserri. Soft as music’s measure. — Isrp. Soft as spring. — D. G. Rossrtt1. Soft as the gleam after sunset That hangs like a halo of grace Where the daylight had died in the valley. —A. J. Ryan. Soft as air. — SHAKESPEARE. Soft as sinews of the new-born babe. — Ip. Soft as dove’s down. — Izip. Soft as the parasite’s silk. — Ism. Soft as young down. — Inn. Soft as an Incarnation of the Sun. — SHELLEY. Soft as sleep. — Isp. Soft as thoughts of budding love. — Isp. Softer than the West wind’s sigh. — Isp. Soft as the wild duck’s tender young, that floats on Avon’s tide. — SHENSTONE. Soft as a spirit prayer. —SEBA SMITH. Soft as a man with a dead child speaks. — CARL STANBURG. Whispering soft, like the last low accents of an expiring saint. — STERNE. Soft like the waxe, each image shall receive. — EARL OF STIRLING. Soft as pap. — Swirt. Softer than the dawn. — Isin. Soft and listless as the slumber- stricken air. — SWINBURNE. Soft as a low long sigh. — Ini. Soft as lip is soft to lip. — Im. Soft as at noon the slow sea’s rise ,and fall. — Ini. 372 Soft — continued. Soft... as desire that prevails and fades. — SWINBURNE. Soft as fire in dew. — Inm. Soft as hate speaks within itself apart. — Imp. Soft as heaven the stream that girdles hell. — Inm. Soft as lips that laugh. — Inm. Soft as o’er her babe the smile of Mary. — Isp. Soft as a weak wind blows. — Ip. Soft as sleep sings in a tired man’s ear. — Ii. Soft as snow lights on her snow-soft flesh. — Isp. Soft as swan’s plumes are. — Isp. Borne soft as the babe from the bearing-bed. — Ini. Soft... As the clouds and beams of night. — Isp. Soft as the least wave’s lapse in a still small reach. — Ipm. Soft as the loosening of wound arms in sleep. — Inn. Soft As thoughts of beauty sleeping. — ARTHUR SYMONS. Soft, as Heaven’s angelic messenger might touch the lips of prayer, and make them blest. — Bayarp Taytor. Soft as lonely maiden’s thoughts on him she loves. — Esaras TEGNER. There is sweet music here that softer falls Than petals from blown roses on the grass. — TENNYSON. Softer than oil. —Oxtp TEsTaMeEnr. Soft as satin. — THACKERAY. Soft as a sleeping cat. — Tuxoc- RITUS. SOFT. — SOFTLY. Soft as the nightingale’s harmonious woe, In dewy even-tide, when cowslips drop Their sleepy heads, and languish in the breeze. — Wiitiuam THomson. Soft as the blowbell. — Tuomas TICKELL. Soft, like summer night. — Marx Twain. Soft as a peacock steps. — Fazio: DEGLI UBERTI. The air as soft as lovers’ jest. — EMANUEL Von GIEBEL. Soft as summer breeze. — SAMUEL Warp. Soft as the wind of spring-tide in the trees. — RosamMunD Marriotr Watson. Soft as WHITTIER. Soft as the flow of an infant’s breath.—_Ism. — fall of thistle-down. — Soft as the landscape of a dream. — Isp. Soft as a lady’s , hand. — Ena WHEELER WILCOX. Soft as a cloud. — Worpsworts. Softly. Tread softly, — softly, like the foot Of winter, shod with fleecy snow. — Barry CoRNWALL. Softly as if over a pavement of down. — DavupeEt. Walked as softly as the ghost in Hamlet. — Dickens. Softly as moonlight steals upon the skies. — Jutta C. R. Dorr. Softly ... as music that floats through a dream. — Minnie GILMoRE. Softly as HEnry. a burglar goes. —O. Stepping softly like a scout. — Isp. SOFTLY. —'SOLID. Softly — continued. More softly than the east could blow Arion’s magic to the Atlantic isles. — Keats. Softly among the pines as a young witch gathering simples. — RicHarp LE GALLIENNE. Softly as full-blown flower Unfolds its heart to welcome in the dawn. — Henry Van Dyke. Softly ... like low aérial music when some angel hovers near. — Lapy WILDE. Softness. A softness like the atmosphere of dreams. — Mrs. Norton. Soil. Soil’d, like the soil’d tissue of white violets left, freshly gather’d, on their native bank, by children whom their nurses call with haste indoors from the sun’s eye.— Matraew ARNOLD. Soilless. Soilless as pearls. — Ouma. Soldier. Though a soldier in time of peace is like a chimney in summer, yet what wise mat -would pluck down his chimney because his almanac told him it was the middle of June. — Tom Brown. A good soldier, like a good horse, _ cannot be of a bad color.—O. W. Homes. Soldiers are like cloaks, — one thinks of us only when it rains. — MarsHAL SAXE. Solemn. Solemn as a judge. — ANON. Solemn as a slate gravestone. — Isp. Solemn as a thunderbolt. — Isp. As solemn as any catafalque. — Isip. Solemn as organ music. — In. 373 Solemn as a king on a five-franc piece. — Bauzac. Solemn, as a thought of God. — E. B. Brownina. Solemn as despair. — BuLWER-Lyt- TON. Solemn, like the cloudy groan of dying thunder on the distant wind. — Byron. Solemn as the long stops upon an organ. — DRYDEN. Solemn as an owl. — GorTHE. Solemn as a dying nun. — Maurice HEWLETT. Solemn as putty. — Kipiine. Solemn as a parson’s clerk. — Grorce MEREDITH. Solemn as a monkey after com- mitting a mischief. — RaBELals. Solemnly. Moved as solemnly as a dowager when she condescends to complete a quadrille at the close of a ball. — Bat- ‘ZAC. Solemnly as Gargellis (gargoyles) on a wall gryn and stare. — ‘Ruin oF A Ream.” Solid. Solid as old times. — ANon. Solid as the eternal rocks. — Ini. Solid like -a_ principle. — JosrrH ConraD. Solid as glass. — Hoop. Solid as a sod house. — A. H. Lewts. Solid as the Pyramids. — BRanDER MatTruews. Solid as a haystack. — Ruskin. Solid, like a cactus stem. — Ipp. Solid as bricks. — G. B. Saw. As solid as a landed estate. — Rosert Louis STEVENSON. 374 Solid — continued. Solid as a wall. — Tupper. Solid as a globe of mud, — Marx TwaIN. Solitary. Solitary ... like some colossal Pillar of the Cyclops. — CaRLYLE. Solitary ... like a lighthouse keeper above the sea. — JosErH Con- RAD. Solitary . .. like a- swallow left behind at the migrating season of his tribe. — Isp. Solitary as a tomb. — Huco. Solitude. Solitude, like some unsounded bell. — Mary A. TowNsEnp. Sombre. Sombre as sorrow. — ANON. Sombre as the night. — DANTE. Sombre as Othello. — Icnatius DONNELLY. Sombre like a cathedral. — Hugo. Song. Songs are like painted window-panes ! In darkness wrapped the church re- mains, If from the market-place we view it ; But let us now inside repair, And greet the holy chapel there! At once the whole seems clear and bright, Each ornament is bathed in light, And fraught with meaning to the sight. — GoETHE. Sonorous. Sonorous as a fountain’s notes. — ANON. Sonorous as the inside of a violin. — Octave Mrrseav. Soothe. Soothes the ear like the echo of distant music. — EpMonDo DE AmICciIs. SOLID. —— SORROW. Soothed like the music of a tom- tom. — O. Henry. Soothes like a caress of angels. — Donato G. MitcHe... Soothing. Soothing as the gospel. — ANON. Soothing as the breath of spring. —F. W. Faser. More soothing than the pretty hummer That stays one moment in an open flower And buzzes cheerily from bower to bower. — Keats. Soothing as the wash of the sea. — Krrtine. Soothing as the gale of eve.— H. H. Mitman. Soothingly. Soothingly as childhood pressed to bosom. — WHITTIER. Sophistry. Sophistry is like a window curtain —it pleases as an ornament, but its true use is to keep out the light. — ANON. As creeping ivy clings to wood or stone, And hides the ruin that it feeds upon, So sophistry cleaves close to and pro- tects Sin’s rotten trunk, concealing its defects. — CowPeER. Sophistry, like poison, is at once detected and nauseated when pre- sented to us in a concentrated form ; but a falsity which, when stated barely in a few sentences, would not deceive a child, may deceive half the world if diluted in a quarto volume.— WaatTELy. Sore. Sore as a mashed thumb. — Irvin 8. Coss. Sorrow. Youth’s sorrows, like April showers, are transitory. — ANON. SORROW. — SOUND, Sorrow — continued. Sorrow for a husband is like pain in the elbow, sharp and short. — Ism. Sorrowful as death. — Outwa. Sorrow concealed, like an oven stopp’d, Doth burn the heart to cinders. — SHAKESPEARE. Sorrow, like a heavy-hanging bell, Once set on ringing, with his own weight goes ; Then little strength rings out the doleful knell. — Ism. Sorrow, like cloud that flies, Like a cloud in clearing skies, Passed away. — SWINBURNE. . Soubrette. A soubrette is like a bottle of vinegar, — mother is always there. — Epita M. HupNa.. Soul. The humble soul is like the violet, which grows low, hangs the head downward, and hides itself with its own leaves. — FREDERIKA BREMER. Souls fly forth, like sparks of light From clear white fires by whirlwinds fanned. — Wiiu1am J. Dawson. My soul is like those sieves in which gold-washers of Mexico gather bits of the pure metal in the torrents of the Cordilleras. The sand falls through them, the gold remains. — LaMARTINE. My soul is like the oar that momently Dies in a desperate stress beneath the wave, ~ Then glitters out again and sweeps the sea = Each second I’m new-born from some new grave. — SmNeEY LANIER. As the waifs cast up by the sea change with the changing season, so the tides of the soul throw up their changing drift on the sand, but the sea beyond. is one for ever. —D. G. RossErti. 375 An evil soul, producing holy witness, Is like a villain with a smiling cheek ; A good apple rotten at the heart. O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath. — SHAKESPEARE. Body and Soul like peevish man and wife, united jar, and yet are loath to part. — Epwarp Young. Soulless. Soulless as the fragments of a broken statue. — ANON. Soulless as is the brute. — Lewis Morris. Sound (Adjective). Sound as an acorn. — ANon. Sound as a trout. — Isp. Sound as a watch. — Inm. Heart as sound as an oak. — Brav- MONT AND FLETCHER. Sound as old wine. — Inn. Sound as a rock. — BuLWwER- Lytton. Sound-hearted to the core, like some perfect fruit ripened in a sunny nook of an English garden. — Henry A. CLapp. Sound as a biscuit: — ConcREvE. Sound as a nut. — Emerson. Sound as a roach. — Jon Gay. Sound as a fish. — Martin LUTHER. Sound as json. — CHartes READE. Sound as an honest man’s conscience when he’s dying. — Witi1am Row ey. He hath a heart as sound as a bell, and his tongue is the clapper. — SHAKESPEARE. ‘Sound as a top. — THACKERAY. Sound (Verb). No one was at the organ, yet it went on sounding — sounding like the songs of the archangels in their bursts of mystic ecstasy. — Gustavo A. Brc- QUER. 376 Sound — continued. The voice sounds as a prophet’s word, — Firz-Greene HAtieck. Sounded like a felon’s heart in skeleton ribs. — Gzorcr MEREDITH. Soundless. Soundless as a tomb. — THOMAS Hanpy. Soundless as light.— Miss Mv- LOCK. Sour. Sour as Melancholy. — Ropert Burton. Sour as verjuice. —THomas DEKKER. As sour as though he had swallowed A sloe-bush. — Marta Lowe tt. Sour as a rotten orange. —J. H. McCarruy. Sour as lees in wine. — BRIAN MELBANCKE. Sour as sorrel. — THOMAS SACKVILLE. Sovereign. As sovereign as the blood of hearts. — SHAKESPEARE. Spacious. Spacious as the element. — JoHn Davipson. Spangle. Spangled . . . like leaves that laden are with trembling dew. — Roperr ‘HERRICK. Sparkling spangles . . . like morn- ing sunshine tinselling the dew. — Isp. Sparkle. Sparkles like a fresh glass of cham- pagne.— ANON. Sparkle like a ruby. — Inm. Sparkle like a seething caldron. — Isp. Sparkled as a sword-blade in the sunshine. — Inm. SOUND. — SPARKLE. Sparkled as a bubbling spring. — We so BaLuaD. Sparkling like the dancing of new stars. — R. D. BLACKMORE. Sparkling like an ocean flower. — Horatius Bonar. Sparkle like brooks in the morning sun. — WILLIAM CULLEN Bryant. Sparkling like snow-wreaths in the early sun. — Isp. Sparkled like a garnet in the light. — Fernan CABALLERO. Sparkling like a star. — In. The sea sparkled as if it smiled. — Buss CARMAN. Sparkling . . . like creatures in whose sunny veins The blood is running bright. — Barry CorRNwALL. Sparkle . . . like iron that comes molten from the fire. — Dants. Sparkling all over, like a harlequin. — Dickens. Sparkle like half-seen fairy eyes. — 8. H. Dickson. Sparkling as Mercutio. — Dr. Joun Doran. All sparkling, like a goddess. — Dryden. Sparkles . . . like the glimmer of a lance. — Francis M. Finca. Sparkles like a lusty wine new broached. — Jonn Forp. Sparkles like the sea, whose wave at Algiers breaks upon the shore. — FERDINAND FREILIGRATH. Sparkling, as if a Naiad’s silvery feet In quiet and coy retreat, Glanced through the star-gleams on calm summer nights. — P. H. Hayne. Sparkles like Ariadne’s crown. — Ropert Herrick. SPARKLE. — SPEECH. Sparkle — continued. Sparkle like the celestial mountains in the visions of the saints. — RoBERT HICHENS. Sparkling and roseate as the dewy fingers of Aurora. — O. W. Homes. Sparkle like fairy boon. — Hoon. Sparkling like diamond rocks in the sun’s rays. — Frances ANNE KEMBLE. Eye sparkled, like the wine-cup’s brim. — Miss Lanpon. Sparkling as dewdrops.—C. G. LELAND. Sparkled like white bait in the meshes of a net.— CamILLE LeEmo- NIER. Sparkle like the sea round the boat at night. — James Macruerson. Sparkling like lightning on a dusky sky. — MAHABHARATA. Sparkling . . . like a man’s thought transfigured into fire. — Joun Masz- FIELD. Sparkling . . . like a coquette in a vaudeville. — Oua. Sparkled like a jewel in the light. — Isw. Sparkling like a son of morning. — SCHILLER. Sparkle like the beaten flint. — SHAKESPEARE. Sparkled like falling tears. — Bay- ARD TAYLOR. Sparkles like a grain of salt. — TENNYSON. Sparkled like the colour of bur- nished brass. — OLD TESTAMENT. Sparkling like young wine which has ceased to ferment. — TURGENEV. Sparkling like all the stars of heaven had fallen down. — Marx Twain. Sparkle as a gold mine. — Hengy Watterson. 377 Spasm. No spasms are like the spasms of expiring liberty, and no wailing such as her convulsions extort. — Lyman BEECHER. Spasms are like waves, they cannot go down the very moment the wind of trouble is lulled. — Cuartes Reape. Spattering. Spattering off in a steady stream, like a buck-shot spilling from a canister. — Irvin S. Coss. Lightning spattered the sky as a thrown egg spatters a barn door. — Kiriina. Speak. Parliamentary speaking, like play- ing on the fiddle, requires practice. — BEACONSFIELD. Speak as if he would jump down your throat. — JoHN SKELTON. Spake As who bids dead men wake. : — SWINBURNE. Speak like a capon that had the cough. — Nicnoxas UDALL. Speck. Many a speck, Like the water-snake’s belly and the toad’s back. — SHELLEY. Speckled. Speckled like a toad. — SHELLEY. Speech. Long and curious speeches are as fit for dispatch as a robe, or mantle, with a long train, is for a race. — Bacon. Considered as the last finish of educa- tion, or of human culture, worth and acquirement, the art of speech is noble, and even divine ; it is like the kindling of a Heaven’s light to show us what a glorious world exists, and has perfected itself, in a man. — CARLYLE. 378 Speech — continued. As a vessel is known by the sound, whether it be cracked or not, so men are proved by their speeches whether they be wise or foolish. — Drmos- THENES. Her artless speech, like chrystal, shows the thing it would hide, but only covers. — J. S. KNOWLES. Solon used to say that speech was the image of actions; .. . that laws were like cobwebs, —for that if any trifling or powerless thing fell into them, they held it fast; while if it were something weightier, it broke through them and was off.— Diogenes Larrtius. A printed speech is like a dried flower : the substance, indeed, is there, but the color is faded and the perfume gone. — Prosper Lorain. Speech is like the cloth of Arras, opened and put abroad, whereby the imagery doth appear in figure, while in thoughts they lie but in packs. — PLuTaRcu. His speech was like a tangled chain ; nothing impaired, but all disordered. — SHAKESPEARE. Swift with speech like fire in fiery lands To melt the steel’s edge in the heads- man’s hands. — SwINBURNE. Speech was like to tapestry ; and like it, when it was spread it showed its figures, but when it was folded up, hid and spoiled them. — THeEmis- TOCLES. Speechless. Speechless as a stone.—E. B. BRownine. Speechless as a mummy. — Hoon. Like some sad statue, speechless. — Porr. Speed. Sped, like a phantom.—P. D. Gray. SPEECH. — SPIN. Sped like meteors through the sky. — Byron. Like a shaft dismissed I sped away. — RicHarp GARNETT. Speeding . . . like Tuomas Harpy. an arrow. — Sped like plagues and pestilences. — Ropert JEPHSON. Speeds from the earth like a bird on the wing. — Wittiam Knox. He sped as speeds the wind. — Lewis Morris. Speed, like yellow leaves before the gale, When Autumn winds are strongest. — T. L. Peacock. Speeds like the horseman who travels in haste. — THomas PRINGLE. As a swallow chases the summer, we sped. — T. Bucnanan Reap. Sped, like some swift cloud that wings the wide air’s wilderness. — SHELLEY. Speedy. About as speedy as a steam-roller. — GrorceE ApDE. Spellbound. Spellbound as in a vice. — ANON. Stood spellbound, like a child to whom his nurse is telling some wonder- ful story. — Bazac. Spent. Past and spent, Like stars extinguished in the firma- ment. — Hoop. Spicy. Spicy as a cinnamon bear. — ANON. Spin. Spin like a dervish. — Anon. Spins like a top. — Inm. Spin round like a withered leaf blown from the tree. — Iprp. SPIN. —— SPOTTED. Spin — continued. Spinning like a plummet down Into the spacious gulf of deep blue air. —Lorp Dr Tastey. Spinning like water flung from a top. — Lorp Dunsany. Spinning like bubbles in a river. — Emerson. Spins like a fretful midge. — D. G. Rossetti. Spinning like mill wheels. — Jutran STREET. Spineless. Spineless as a chocolate eclair. — ANON. Spineless as a jelly-fish. — Ipmp. Spirit. Spirit is like the thread whereon are strung the beads or worlds of life. — P. J. Barey. A healthy spirit like a healthy frame craves aliment in plenty. — RoBEert BRownine. Spiritual. Spiritual as a bunch of roses. — C. M. S. McLean. Spirituality. - Spirituality . . . asrefined and spot- less as the Jungfrau’s silvery peak. — Marx Twain. Spit. Spit like fire. — Aon. Spitted them like larks. — GrLBERT Axssott A. BECKETT. Spit like hump-back’d cats. — Hoop. Spiteful. Spiteful as an old maid. — ANon. Spiteful as a monkey. — Batzac. Spiteful as the light. — ABRAHAM Cow Ley. Splashed. Splashed like a sweet star-spray. — D. G. Rossetti. 379 Splendid. Splendid as the sun. — FLAUBERT. Splendid as a general’s plume at the gallop. — Grorce Merepitu. Splendid as Epe@ar SALrus. trembling gems. — Splendid as the limbs of that supreme incarnate beauty through men’s visions gleam, Whereof all fairest things are even but shadow or dream. — SWINBURNE. Cold and splendid as death if dawn be bright. — Ipm. Splendid and strange as the sea that upbears as an ark. — IBip. Splendor. Splendor like an angel’s love. — Lorp Dr TaBLey. In fearful splendor, like the Northern Lights’ red glare. — Lupwic UHLAND. Splinter. Splinter’d like an icicle. —TENNYSON. Split. Split like a fired shell. — Dickens. Split, Like fields of ice rent by the polar wind, — Worpswortu. Splotched. Splotched like a brandy drunkard’s face with red stains. — Irvin S. Coss. Spontaneous. Spontaneous as a crystal fountain. — Anon. Spontaneous as... a tree resign- ing its leaves to the wind. —Sir Watter Scott. Sported. Sported like gilded insects on the wing. — JAMES MonTGOMERY. Spotted. Spotted like a pack of cards. — ANON. 380 Spotted — continued. Spotted, as thickly as the leopard’s dappled skin. — Hoop. Spotted, like the field-bean’s flower. —R. H. Horne. { Spotless. Spotless as snow. — RoBert Bioom- FIELD. Spotless as the flow’ring thorn. — Burns. Heart as spotless as the doves. — J. G. CooPER. Spotless as an angel.— THoMAs HeEywoop. Spotless as the noon. — Isip. Spotless as a Glastonbury nun.— Ricuarp Hovey. Spotless as Saint Dorothy. — Ism. Spotless as lilies. — LonarELLow. Spotless and sincere, as the chaste vows of the holy vestals are. — Otway. Spotless as a lily’s leaf.—A. J. Ryan. Spouting. Spouting like a sperm-whale. — Irvin S. Cozs. Sprawl. Sprawl like a toad. — ANon Sprawling . . . like a cowherd tak- ing a siesta. — FLAUBERT. Spread. Spread out like a circus parade. — ANON. Spreads like an inflammation. — Isp. Spreads like ivy. — Inm. Spreads like gossip. — Inp. Spreads like honeysuckle in Vir- ginia. — Inm. Spreads like a lie. —Ipp. SPOTTED. — SPREAD. Spread like a rushing torrent. —Ism. Spreads like measles in a country school. — Isw. Spread like a drop of oil on a pool. — Isr. Spread like a cinder shower from Vesuvius. — Isp. Spreads .. . like the great voice of the sea. — Bauzac. Spread like fingers. — R. D. BLack- MORE. Spreads like fire. — Butwer-Lyr- TON. Spreading his hands and all of his fingers, like the threads of a spider’s web. — Isp. Spread like wild-geese. — CHAPMAN. The conflagration spread like a flaming garland. — CHATEAUBRIAND. Spread like fire among stubble. — Sanrorp Cox. Spreads like a memory. — Giosuz CaRDUCCI. Spread like fog. — DrypEN. An innumerable crowd spread like a black robe over the shore. — Hamun GARLAND. Roots ... spreading like huge creeping snakes over the surface of the evil. — Ernst H. Harcke.. Spread, like distant morning in the skies. — Joun Hucues. Calumny spreads like an oil-spot : we endeavor to cleanse it, but the mark remains. — MADAME DE LeEsPI- NASSE. The fancy of this exclusion spread immediately, like a gangrene, over the whole body of the monarchy. — Siz Rocer L’Estrance. Spreads like a snow-ball. — WiLL1AM J. Locke. Spread like an ocean. — EDWARD LovIBoNnD. SPREAD. — SPRING. Spread — continued. Spreading like a mighty flock of sheep. — Watter MALone. Spread out, wide as the width of mind. — Lewis Morris. Spreads like a surface. — Joun Pom- FRET. Spread like wildfire. — Ray’s “COLLECTANEA.” Spread like a contagion. — Mrs. Mary Rozerts RINEHART. As the delicate rose To the sun’s sweet strength Doth herself unclose, Breadth and length ; So spreads my heart to thee. —C. G. Rossertt. Silence spread . . . like water that a pebble stirs. — D. G. Rossrrtt. Spreads like scandal after a sewing bee. — WILLIAM SaGE. Spread like evil ulcers. — SEnEca. Spread like a quenchless fire. — SHELLEY. Spread Like radiance from the cloud-sur- rounded morn. — Isp. Spreads, like the round ocean, girdled with the sky. — SouTHEY. Her rich locks spread like sunbeams on the wind. — Tasso. Spread ... abroad as the four winds of heaven. — OLD TESTAMENT. As the valleys are they spread forth. — Isp. Spreading himself like a green bay tree. — Isp. Spread like a halo round a misty moon. — WorDSWORTH. Spread like a sea. — Inv. Spread like plagues. — Isr. Spread like day. — Ini. The slaughter spread like flame. — Ini. 381 Sprightly. As sprightly as a jumping-jack in the hands of a man with St. Vitus dance. — ANON. Sprightly, as a hayfield.—R. D. BLACKMORE. Sprightly as Ricnarp Duxks. unyok’d heifers. — Sprightly as light. — Witu1am Pat- TISON. Spring (Verb). Springs like a hunted deer. — ANon. Sprang to his feet like one recalled to life. — Isp. Spring up like mushrooms. — Inp. Spring up as weeds in neglected soil. — Ip. Springing up like dandelions after a spring shower. — Isp. Sprang to his feet like a startled roebuck. — Bazac. Sprang, like an uncaged beast. — Rosert Browninec. Sprang like sparks from an anvil. — Butwer-LytTTon. Sprang as from a sudden trumpet’s clang. — Byron. Sprang forward like a courser for the goal. — J. Fenmmore CooPer. Sprang, like the twin fountains of Benasji, from a divided source. — Dr. JoHn Doran. Spring like a stag. — A. L. Gor- DON. Springeth up as doth a welle. — JoHN GOWER. Sprang like a wave In the wind. —W. E. HeEntey. Spring Like an arrow released from the strain of the string. —T. W. Hicacinson. 382 Spring — continued. Spring up like mushrooms in a September night. —G. B. Hr. Springeth like Neptune. — Homer. Oh never despair, for our hopes often- time Spring swiftly as flows in some tropical clime, Where the spot that was barren and scentless at night Is blooming and fragrant at morning’s first light. — Lover. Sprang like a lily from the dirt of poverty. — Grratp Massey. Sprang, as smitten with a mortal wound. — JAMES MontTGoMERY. Spring as at the shout of war. — SaMuEL RocErs. Springest like a cloud of fire. — SHELLEY. Springs like a mettled steed when the spur stingeth. — M. E. STEBBINS. They shall spring up as among the grass, as willows by the water courses. — Op TESTAMENT. Spring as the grass. — Inn. Spring forth like spectres starting from the storm-swept earth. — Wurr- TIER. Sprang like an arrow shot straight from the bow. — ELLA WHEELER Wiz- cox. Spring (Noun). The coming of spring is like the creation of Cosmos out of Chaos and the realization of the Golden Age. — Henry D. Tooreav. Sprinkled. Sprinkled with stars, like Ariadne’s tiar. — Keats. Sprout. Sprout like saplings on French soil. — Batzac. Sprout like rose-buds. — DrypEn. SPRING. — SQUAT. Spruce. Spruce and shining like a new sabre. — Epmonp AxzovtT. Spruce as an onion. — ANON. Spry. Spry as a Sparrow. — Gzorae Apr. Spry as a cat. — ANON. Spry as the chaff in the stroke of the flail. —O. W. Hotmgs. Spry as a life-long Dimmycrat. — Ase Martin. Spry as a_ cricket. — SYLVESTER JUDD. Spunky. As spunky as a growin’ flea. — GrEorGE OvuTRAM. Spurn. Spurned like any reptile. — Dick- ENS. I spurn thee like a cur out of my way. — SHAKESPEARE. Sputter. The words came sputtering out of his mouth like the beer from a barrel with- out a bung. — Frreprich Ruckerr. Squabble. To pass life in squabbling thus is to bear on the collar without relaxing, like the luckless remount horses at the rivers, who do not rest even when they stop, and who always draw though they cease to march. — BEav- MARCHAIS. Squabble like brother and sister. — Sim Ricwarp STEELE. Squalid. Squalid, like the traveler when he emerges from his bath of dust. — VIRGIL. Squat (Adjective). Squat as the figure of bronze upon a Chinese drawing. — CAMPBELL. SQUAT. — STALE. Squat — continued. Squatting things like toads. — Hoop. Squat as a flounder. — RaBELals. Squat (Verb). Squat like a toad. — Mitton. Squat like a hermit on a tree stump lonely. — NiETzScHE. Squat into the ground like moles. — RaBeEtais. The soul squats down in the flesh, like a tinker drunk in a ditch. — SWINBURNE. Squeak. Squeaks like a rusty hinge. — Anon, Squeaked like guinea-pigs. — Ipip. As Pokers do, whose tails are Squeaked. — Austin Dosson. Squeak like a Bart’lemew fiddle. — CuHartes Lams. Squeaking like a metal banner on a tower. — HENRYK SIENKIEWICZ. He squeaks out like a hurt chicken. ~- ALEXANDER WILSON. Squirm. Squirming like a scorched moth. — G. VERE TYLER. Squirm like a speared Eel. — Artr- mus Warp. Stable. Stable as earth. — THomas BLAckK- LOCK. Stage (sce Theatre). Stagger. Staggered away as a defeated man staggers away from the field of battle. — JoserH ConrapD. Staggered . . . like a child that is just allowed to go alone. — Huco. Staggers, like a sinking mast. — Isp. Staggering like a quivering aspen leaf. — MartowE. 383 Staggers like a starveling cripple. — Donato G. MrtcHE.t. Like an old oke, whose pith and sap is seare, At puffe of every storm doth stagger. — SPENSER. Stagger like a drunken man. — OLp TESTAMENT. Staggering . . . like tiplers answer- ing Father Mathew’s call. — Wuir- TIER. Stain. Stains, like sunshine falling through heraldic panes that rise between the altar and the sky.— Bayarp Tay- LOR. Stained. Stained like pale honey oozed from topmost rocks Sun-bleached the lifelong summer. — Rosert Brownina. Stained, like meerschaum, through and through. — O. W. Homes. Stain’d, as meadows yet not dry, With miry slime left on them by a flood. — SHAKESPEARE. Stainless. Stainless as a star. — ANON. Stainless as driven snow. — Inip. Springing stainless, like some moun- tain stream.— Constance C. W. Nave. Stainless as the air of Heaven. — Ruskin. Stainless white, Like ivory bathed in still moonlight. — WHITTIER. Stale. Stale as the hot rolls dug out of Pompeii. — ANON. Stale as old beer. — Isp. Stale as a black velvet cloak. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. ex 384 Stale — continued. Unspeakably stale Like vats in desuetude shrunk. —Joun Davipson. Stale as custom. — “Srr THomas Mors” (Pseudo-Shakespearean). Stale as sea-beef. — Tuomas Nasu. Stalk. Stalk like an imperial peacock. — ANON. Their words, like stage processions, stalk along. — Ropert Lioyp. Stamp. Stamping her feet like an Italian actor representing anger. — EpMonpDo DE AMICIS. Stamp themselves upon his con- sciousness as the signet on soft wax. —O. W. Hommzs. Stand. Stands as firm as Gibraltar. — ANON. Stands forth like morning from the shades of night. — Ism. Stands like Mumphazard, who was hanged for saying nothing. — Iprp. Stands where he did, like Scotland. —Ism. Stood like some erring angel that had lost his radiance. — Bauzac. See! There is Jackson standing like a stone wall. — Bernarp E. Brz. Stands at gaze As might a wolf just fasten’d on his prey. — CaALDERON. Grenadiers . . . stand there, like a fixed stone-dam in that wild whirl- pool of ruin. — CARLYLE. Stood like the Law and Gospel, one with the sanction of earth and one with the blessing of heaven. — Lonc- FELLOW. Stood like a sentinel under inspec- tion. — Grorce Murepritu. STALE. — STARE. Stand like statues cut in stone. — GEORGE SANDYS. Stood, like veteran, worn, but un- subdued. — Str Water Scott. Stand at your door like a sheriff’s post. — SHAKESPEARE. Stand Like wonder-wounded hearers. — Izv. Stood like a man at a mark with a whole army shooting at me. — Isp. Stand on end, Like quills upon the fretful porcupine. — Ism. Stand like flame transformed to marble. — SHELLEY. Starch. Starched as a formal City Matron. — James Rawpu. Stare (Noun). The stare, like that of a child who begins to see for the first time. — Bauzac. Stare (Verb). Stare like a glass eye. — ANON. Stare like a mad bull. — Inp. Staring like an idiot. — Isp. Staring like a sick face. — Inm. Stared in my face like a flash of light. — Bauzac. Mortals stare aghast As though heaven’s bounteous win- dows were slammed fast Incontinent. — Rozsert Brownine. Stared like a pig poisoned. — BEN- JAMIN FRANKLIN. Stared . . . like a detected thief. — HAWTHORNE. Staring like Pythoness possessed. — Hoop. Staring at her as if she had been an angel out of Heaven. — KINGSLEY. STARE. — STARTLE. Stare — continued. Stare, like wild things of the wood about a fire. — Lowe... Stares as he had seen Medusa’s head. — Massincer. Stared, as one who would command Sight of what has filled his ear. — Grorce MEREDITH. Stared listlessly, Like those who walk in sleep. — Witi1am Morris. Eyes staring like a dead pig’s. — RaBELals. Like dumb statues, or breathing stones, Stared each on other. — SHAKESPEARE. Stared . .. as professional critics do at a new poet. —JosepH V. von SCHEFFEL. Stared like the Gorgon’s head. — SMOLLETT. Staring like a stuck pig. — SwiFt. Stared aghast at her a minute, as Macbeth might on beholding Banquo’s sudden appearance at his ball-supper. — THACKERAY. Stared like a dead body. —H. G. WELLS. Stark. Stark, as the soul of sin. — FRANKLIN R. ApAms. Stark as a statue. — T. B. ALDRICH. Stark as a gust of the sea. — Buss CARMAN. Stark, Like the sea-rejected thing Sea-sucked white. — Georce MEREDITH. Stark as the winter snow. — D. G. RossETtmt. Start. Start like sparkles from a fire. — GEoRGE CHAPMAN. Start as from some dreadful dream. — Drypen. 385 Starting as at the sight of an enemy. — Dumas, PERE. Start, like a frightened roe. — W. S. GILBERT. I started as one startles from a dream. — J. G. Honianp. Starts like a ghost. — Hoop. Start like lightning greased. — Ipm. Start as LONGFELLOW. flames from ashes. — Start and quiver, as when some ignorant hand touches the barb hid in a long healed wound. — Miss Motock. ‘ Started, like a greyhound from the slips when the sportsman cries halloo. — Sir Water Scott. Starts, like one that spies an adder. — SHAKESPEARE. Start like a shying horse. — Strrnp- BERG. Started like a guilty thing. — Mrs. TROLLOPE. She starts like a sleeper who wakes from dreaming. — Etta WHEELER WILCox. Startle. Startles . . . like a blasphemy. — ADDISON. Startled like shying steeds. — ARra- BIAN NIGHTS. Startle like a wound in the flesh. — ConFucius. Startled like a moon-caught ghost. —Joun Davison. Startle, like a call to arms. — Grace Kine. Startles like a pistol shot at a wed- ding. — Sypnry MunpEN. Startled, as if some new-created thing Enriched the earth, or Faery of the woods Bounded before him. — WorpsworTH. 386 State. States, as great engines, slowly. — Bacon. move A great modern state is like a gigantic vessel built without any watertight compartments, which, if it be unskil- fully steered, may perish when it strikes Bryce. a single rock. — ViscouNT It is with states as with clocks, which must have some dead weight hanging at them to help and regulate the motion of the finer and more useful parts. — Swirr. Stately. Stately as a column. — ’scHyLus. Stately as a Roman legion. — ANon. Stately as an oak. — Isp. Stately as a steeple. — Ipm. Tall and stately as a pine. —Izrp. Stately as a forest, monarch. — Isp. Stately and pure as the swan on the lake. — Sir SAMUEL FERGUSON. Stately as a deer with antlers. — LoNGFELLOw. Stately as a palm-tree standing before the moon. — Grorce Merrepitu. Stately as a ship under full sail. — Owen MEREDITH. Stately like the stars. —C. G. Ros- SETTI. Stately as a queen. — THACKERAY. Stately as a King. — Watrer THORNBURY. Statesman. A statesman, we are told, should follow public opinion. Doubtless . . . as a coachman follows his horses ; having firm hold on the reins, and guiding them. — J. C. Hare. STATE. — STEADFAST. I look upon an able statesman out of office like a huge whale, that will endeavor to overturn the ship unless he has an empty cask to play with. — Sir Ricwarp STEELE. An honest statesman to a prince, Is like a cedar planted by a spring. The spring bathes the tree’s roots, the grateful tree, Rewards it with its shadow. —Joun WEBSTER. Stationary. I am somewhat like the weather- cocks, which only become stationary when they are rusty. — VoLTAIRE. Staunch. Staunch as a bloodhound. — Anon. Staunch as steel. — Iprp. Stay (Noun). Stand at a stay; like a stale at chess, where it is no mate, but yet the game can not stir. — Bacon. Stay (Verb). Stay, like fairies, till the cock crow them away. — Donner. Stay . . . about as long as a tender- foot would stick on an untamed bronco. —O. Henry. Steadfast. Steadfast as the steered-by star. — ALFRED AUSTIN. Steadfast as the light of a diamond. — Butwer-Lyrtron. Steadfast as the sun. — CARLYLE. Steadfast as the eternal throne. — ALICE Cary. Steadfast as a wall. — CHaucer. Stands steadfast, like tower which blast of wind can never shake. — Dante. Steadfast, as the throne of God. — Ausrey Dr VERE. Steadfast as a principle. — Keats. STEADFAST. Steadfast — continued. Steadfast as the Hannan More. Steadfast as a fixed star. —C. G. Rossetti. pole-star. — Steadfast as the everlasting rocks. — SourHeEy. Steadfast as a sea-mew’s wing. — SWINBURNE. Steadfast as clouds or hours in flight. — Isp. Steadfastly. Steadfastly as look the twin stars down into unfathomable wells. — N. P. WILus. Steady. Steady as a church. — ANoN. Steady as a clock. — Isp. Steady as a rock. — In. Steady as Old Time. — Ism. Braced and steady, like a game man facing a firing squad. —TIrvin S. Coss. Steady, Like eyes suffused with rapture. — COLERIDGE. Steady As if our footsteps had begun To print the golden streets already ! —O. W. Homes. Steady as a church. — ALFRED Henry Lewis. Steady as clock-work. — Miss Mv- LOCK. Steady as the ocean waves.— CHARLES SANGSTER. Steady as tramp of marching feet. — Ceti THAXTER. Steady as a mill. — Marx Twain. Steady as a hay wagon. — JUAN VALERA. Steady as the pole. — Isaac Warts. — STERN. 387 Steadily. Like the drip from a loose faucet... steadily. — Margaret DELAND. Burned steadily, like a candle set in a window. — Mary JoHNSTON. Steadiness. T looked with steadiness, as sailors look On the north star, or watch-tower’s distant lamp. — WorDsworTH. Steal. Steal o’er my soul in sweetness As the moonlight steals over the sea. — ANON. Steals lingering like a river smooth along its grassy borders. — CAMPBELL, Steal along like an Argus. — CuarLes Haock. Stealthily. Stealthily, as if on shoes of felt, as if on paws of velvet. — CARLYLE. Stealthily like rocks that tear a ship’s life out under the smooth sea. — JOSEPH CONRAD. Stealthy. Stealthy as a cat. — Bauzac. Steep. Steep, like the ladder of a hay-mow. —R. D. Biackmore. Steep as a house-side. — DANIEL DEFOE. Steep as a sheet of glass. — EMILy LAWLEss. Steaming. Steaming like a brewer's vat. — Hoop. Stern. Stern as a stone bust of Augustus Cesar. — ANON. Stern as block of bogwood oak. — R. D. Buackmore. Stern as LytTTon. Vengeance. -— BuLWER- 388 Stern — continued. An iron Queen, Stern as her flinty judgment seat of doom. —Lorp De Tastey. Stern as Richard in Bosworth Field. — Pierce Eean. Stern as Pluto’s sceptre. — Keats. Stern as a mailed knight that had been grappling death. — GrrRaLp Massey. Stern as the noon of night. — Isrp. As stern as e’er was knitted in the folds of rancorous discontent. — RicHarD SHEIL. Stern and still As hours and years that change and anguish fill. — SWINBURNE. Stern as Medea in her dragon car. — Isp. Stick. Sticking as close together as two dried figs. — ANON. Sticks like a cockle burr to a sheep’s coat. — Isr. Stick like a leech. — Inm. Sticks like a porous plaster. — Iprp. Sticks like fly paper. — Inm. Stick like wax. — Isr. Stick like a Comanche on a mus- tang. The worse it jumps, the tighter he sticks. —J. R. Barruerr’s ‘“Dic- TIONARY OF AMERICANISMS.” Stick to it, like a clenched nail. — R. D. Blackmore. Stick to her point like a fox to his own tail. — Dion Boucicavtt. Stick like burrs. — Bunyan. Sticks as close . . . as a shadow to a body. — Roserr Burton. Stick like pitch. — Concreve. Sticks like a weasel. — GoLtpsmrru. STERN, — STIFF. Stuck together like a sheet of buns. —O. W. Hotes. Sticks to me like a bobolink on a sapling, in a wood. — SYLVESTER Jupp. Stick as close as my shirt does to my back on a sultry, sweating day. — “‘Lonpon CHANTICLEERS.” Like fruit unripe, sticks on the tree. — SHAKESPEARE. Stick like rust. — Cyrriz Tourneur. Stick . . . as a country postmaster to his offiss. — ArTemus WARD. Stiff. Stiff as a board. — ANon. Stiff as a fakir in a box left too long buried. — Isp. Stiff as a frozen shadow. — Inm. Stiff as a plaster mask. — Ipm. Stiff as a poker. — Ini. Stiff as a post. — Isp. Stiff as hedge-stakes. — Ip. Stiff as steel. — Ipm. Stiff like a DICKENS. state coachman. — Sitting stiffly by, like a functionary presiding over an interview, previous to an execution. — Ini. Stiff as a dead body. — JonaTHan Dickinson. Stiff as the corpse of a hanged man. — Dumas, PERE. Stiff like a side of coarse leather. — J. T. Frerps. He stood... statue. — GoETHE. stiff as a marble Stiff as a pointer’s tail. — Maurice HEWwLerr. Stiff as a rubbing brush. — Tuomas HeEYwoop. Stiffly, and like one slain and cold. — EBenezer Jones. STIFF. — STILL. Stiff — continued. Stiff as coat of mail. — W. S. Lan- DOR. Stiff as a ramrod. — Lever. Stiff as Mackin. a turnpike. — CHARLES Stiff as iron bars. — Guy pe Mav- PASSANT. Stiff as oak-leaves after frost. — Grorce MerepitTa. Stiff as logwood. — Ipm. Stiff like a soldier on parade. — CHARLES REapE. Stiff as a stone. — Jonn Ruskin. As stiff as a brick-built-wall. — J. K. STerHen. Stiff as a viper frozen. — TENNYSON. Stiff as Lot’s wife. — Isp. Stiff as a dry Quaker. — Tuomas WaDE. Still (Adjective). Still as a church mouse. — ANON. Still as a sheltered place when winds blow loud. — Isp. Still as a tomb. — Ipp. Still as the stump of a tree. — Ism. Still as a cat in a gutter. — “‘Ap- PIUS AND VIRGINIA.” Great thoughts are still as stars. — P. J. Batuey. Still as one in sleep. — ALEXANDER BaRcLay. Still as a crow’s nest, in the ded ov winter. — JosH BILLINGs. Still as a log. — R. D. Biackmore. Still as a mouse. — CHARLOTTE Bronte. Still as a prostrate column. — In. Still as a vision. — E. B. BRownine. Still as when a silent mouth in frost Breathes. —Ism. 389 Still as if spell-bound, — Butwér- Lytron. Still as the moonbeam. — Inm. Still as a statue. — Byron. Still as a summer noon. — Buiss CARMAN. Stille as any stoone. — CHaucer. Sat stille, as if he were in a traunce. — Ism. As stille as the dede were. — Inp. Still as a slave before his lord. — CoLERmDGE. Still like leaves forged of heavy metal. — JoszpH ConraD. Still as old Chaos, before Motion’s birth. — Cow ey. Still as if struck with death. — Juuia C. R. Dorr. Still like a clock worn out with eating time, The wheels of weary life at last stood still. — Drypen. Still as a graveyard. — O. Henry. Still as tombstone. — Homer. Still as salt. — W. D. Howe ts. Still as a pool. — Hugo. Still as a rock set in the watery deep. — JEAN INGELOw. Dead-still as a marble man. — Krats. Still as children’s Tuomas KILLIGREW. Still as a chimney. — KINGSLEY. thoughts. — Still as beggars at the gate of great- ness. — KIpLine. Silence stiller than the shore Swept by Charon’s stealthy car. —F. L. Know es. Still as the moonlight. — Grorce MacDona1p. Fall still as oak-leaves after frost. ~ Grorce MEREpITH. 390 Still — continued. Still as an island stood our ship. — Ricuarp M. MILnes. Still as the Spring-tide comes. — Lewis Morris. As still As snowflakes fall upon the sod. — JoHN PIERPONT. Still as a sow in beans. — PEDRO Prinepa’s ‘SPANISH DICTIONARY.” Still as the hour of death. — T. BucHANAN Reap. Still, as one who broods or grieves. — D. G. Rossetti. Still as the gleam of a star through the dark. — A. J. RYAN. Still as a shadow. — Duncan C. Scort. Still as the grave. — SHAKESPEARE. ” Still as a wavelet in a pool. — WILLIAM SHARP. Still as some far tropic sea where no winds murmur, nor waves be. — Ipm. Still as a brooding dove. — SHELLEY. Still as clapper in a mill. — SKEL- TON. Still as the gentle calm, when the hush’d wave no longer foams before the rapid storm. — SMOLLETT. Still as any stake. — SpENnsER. Still as a ghostly lake. — Howarp V. SUTHERLAND. Still as fair shapes fixed on some won- drous wall Of minster-aisle or cloister-close or hall To take even time’s eye prisoner with delight. — SWINBURNE. Still as a stone. — OLD TresTAMENT. Still, like Sunday. — Mark Twain. Still as an image of a boy in stone. — TuHEopore Watts-DunTON. Still as the dawn. — ELLA WHEELER WILcox. STILL. — STINK. Still as a picture. — WHITTIER. Still as Eden ere the birth of man. —N. P. WItuis. Still as starlight. — Isp. Still As the mute swan that floats adown the stream. — Worpswortu. Still (Verb). Stilling her spirit like the waving of a wand of peace.—JamMes Lane ALLEN. a Stimulating. About as stimulating as a mouthful of sawdust and water. — ANON. Stimulating as ginger cordial. — G. B. Suaw. Sting. Sting like a hornet. — ANon. Stung like a nettle. — Isp. Stung like bees unhived. — Ropert BRownine. Sting like a Burton. serpent. — RoBERT Care stings like pois’nous asps to fury wrought. — NATHANIEL CorTon. Stung like amber asp. — MartrHew GREEN. Stinging, like the wind when frosts are keen. — Henrix Herrz. Stings like fire. — Lucrettus. Stung like a bee in the warm core of a rose. — OUIDA. He stings like a scorpion. — Os- MANLI PRovERB. Stung like fire. — SwinBuURNE. Stingeth like an adder. — Oxp Tzs- TAMENT. Stink. Stink like a polecat. — ANon. Stink like carrion. — Ini. Stinks like a poison’d cat behind a hanging. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. STINK. — STOP. Stink — continued. His memory stinks like the snuff of a candle when it is put out. — Roserr Burton. Stank as the pitte of helle. — CHav- CER. Stynken as a goot. — Inm. Stinks and shines, and shines and stinks, like a dead mackerel in the moonlight. — JoHN RANDOLPH. Stunk like wash-polluted pigs. — WILLIAM TENNANT. Stir. Stirs the blood like trumpet-blast. — WILLIAM ARCHER. Stirr’d, like a MatrHew ARNOLD. clarion-blast. — Stirred her soul like organ music. — Bauzac. Stirring like the sight of glorious triumph. — JosepH CONRAD. Stir as with hope and bliss. — Mrs. E. M. H. Cortissoz. Stir like tide-worn Fannig STEARNS Davis. That dream is in my heart, stirring, like spring within the unconscious earth setting the unborn summer in array. —F. W. Faser. sea-weed. — Stirs one like a martial tune. — Ricuarp Lz GALLIENNE. Stirring as music. —J. H. GARDINER. Stirred like drifted snows. — THomas G. Hake. Stirred . . . as thedive of a kingfisher stirs a quiet pool. — Tuomas Harpy. . Divinely stirred, As if the vanished soul of Keats, Had found its new birth in a bird. —P. H. Hayne. Stirred as tempest stirs the forest branches. — Hoop. Stirred, like insects settled on a dancing leaf. — Ism. 391 Stir like the hail of musketry in fight. — Sie¢munp Krasinsk1. Love’s sweet mystery stirring at their hearts, like first spring motions in the veins o’ the flowers. — GERALD Massey. My heart is stirred, Like childhood’s when it hears the carol of a bird. — Rosert NIco.t. Stirred him up like the tap of a drum. —James Wuitcoms RILEy. Stirred like springtide waters. — SWINBURNE. And with such song the hollow ways were stirred As of a god’s heart hidden in a bird, Or as the whole soul of the sun in spring Should find full utterance in one flower- soft word. — Isrp. Stirs my spirits like a raging sea. — CuaRLES WELLS. Stirs, like the trumpet’s call to strife. — WHITTIER. Stirr’d like the ocean when a tempest blows. — Wittiam WILKIE. Stolid. Stolid as a Dutchman. — ANon. Stolid as an ox. — IB. ‘Stoop. Stoop Like timid silence shrinking from the breeze. —R. H. Bet. Stoops like a bow. — Butwer-Lyt- TON. Stooped like sprinters before a signal. — STEPHEN CRANE. Stooped, like a bird with a broken wing. — Dumas, PERE. Stop. Stop progress, like a block in the pit entrance to a theater. — GEORGE MEREDITH. 892 Storm. Storm like a caged lion. — ANon. Storm like a mad thing. — Ouma. Stormed like a perfect hurricane.— SMOLLETT. Stormy. ‘ Stormy as a multitude. — Huco. Story. A good story is like a bitter pill with the sugar coating inside of it. — O. Henry. Stout. Stout of fibre as hemp. — CARLYLE. Stout: as bergs of Arctic ice. — Gzorce Merepits. Stout as death. — Orway. Straight. : Straight as a candle. — Hans CuRISTIAN ANDERSEN. , Straight as an angel’s flight. — ANON. Straight as an Indian’s hair. — Ipmp. Straight as a lance. — Ini. Straight as a pine. — Isp. Straight as a ramrod. — Ip. Straight as a rush. — Isp. Straight as a string. — Ipm. Straight as columns of fire. — Inm. Straight, as if he had swallowed a stick. — Inn. Straight as the backbone of a herring. — Isp. Straight as a NIcutTs. cane. — ARABIAN Straight as a temple-shaft. — Ep- WIN ARNOLD. Straight as a shooting star. — WIL- LIAM AUSTIN. Straight as a die. — ALEXANDER BaRcLay. STORM. — STRAIGHT. Straight as a loon’s leg.—J. R. Bartiett’s ‘‘DicTioNARY OF AMERI- CANISMS.” Straight as a shingle. — Inm. Straight as truth. — Beaumont AND FLETCHER. Straight as poplars. — CHARLOTTE Bronte. Straight . . . like graves dug side by side at measured lengths. — E. B. Brownine. Straight to its aim as the aim of the rifle-ball of a Tyrolese. — BuLwer- Lytron. Straight as a rule. — BuNYAN. Straight as a beadle’s wand. — C. S, CALVERLEY. Straight as a bull’s back against the white sky. — Buiss CaRMAN. Straight as line. — CHaucEr. Straight as a lily on its stem.— WILKIE COLLINS. Straight as a tower. — T. O. Davis. Straight as any plummet line. — Dickens. Straight as a crow flies. — Ipm. As straight as a beggar can spit. — Kortine. Go as straight as a schoolboy at Christmas. — LEan’s “‘CoLLECTANEA.” Straight as a spear. — NATHANIEL LEE. Straight like a HABHARATA. Straight as Circe’s wand. — Mar- LOWE. Gleams straight like the glow which a ploughing keel doth break From the grim sea around, with light on her bow and light in her raging wake. — WrstLanp Marston. sala-tree. — Ma- Straight like vine poles. — Guy DE Maupassant. STRAIGHT. —— STREAM. Straight — continued. Fly straight as the emissary eagle back to Jove. — Grorce Merepitu. Straight as the flight of the dove. — Isp. Straight, — like a webfoot to water. — Isp. Straight as a dart. — Pinpay. Straight as the palm tree. — Prior. Straight as a Seer’s thought into the blue of the immaculate heavens. — RicHarD REALF. Straight as thought could span. — SWINBURNE. Straight as bolt from crossbow sped. — Marx Twain. Straight as a wall. — Ivan Vazov. Straight as a Sioux chief. — Booker T. WasHINGTON. Straighten. Straightened himself up like a liberty- pole. — Marx Twain. Straightforward. As straightforward as a tile falling on your head. — JoszPpH ConraD. Strain. A faint strain, As if some echo, that among ‘Those minstrel halls had slumber’d long, Were murm’ring into life again. — Tuomas Moore. One great strain of the sea breaking. — SwINBURNE. Strange. As strange as a wedding without a bridegroom. — ANON. Strange As Hindostanee to an Ind-born man Accustomed many years to English speech. —E. B. Brownine. Strange as death. — Isp. Strange to me as dreams of distant spheres. — Isp. ; 393 Strange as the stars. — G. K. Curs- TERTON. Strange as a vision. — Aenes M. F. DaRMESTETER. Strange as a dream. — Lewis Mor- RIS. Strange as a dreamer’s mad imag- ings. — SHELLEY. I feel as new and strange as a free spirit which had shaken off the wrap- pings of this life. — ALEXANDER SMITH. Strange as the curlew’s song. — R. H. Sropparp. Strange . . . like a fine lady swap- ping her moles for the mange. — SwIrt. Strange as are night and morning, stars and sun. — SWINBURNE, Strange as chance or doom. — Inip. Strange as hope’s green blossom touched with time’s harsh rust. — Ipip. a Strange as life. — Inn. Strange as light That cleaves in twain the shadow of night Before the wide-winged world takes flight That thunder speaks to depth and height Aud quells the quiet hour with sound. — Isp. Strange as sleep. — Isp. Strange as heaven. — Ini. Strange as fate. — Inrp. Strange as the sea. — Inp. Strange as a wild flower. — THOREAU. Strangely. Strangely there, as would a bower of roses in Siberia. — Mrs. TROLLOPE. Stream. Streaming like feathers of a shuttle- . cock. — AMBROSE BIERCE. 394 Stream — continued. Branches stream like the dishevelled hair Of women in the sadness of despair. — Witiiam CuLLEN Bryant. Streamed o’er his memory like a- forest’s flame. — O. W. Hotmes. Streaming like a flag of battle. — Grorce MEREDITH. Streamed like curtain-rents Fluttered by a wind. — Isp. Her locks streamed like the torch Borne by a racer at full speed, Or like the mane of horses in their flight Or like an angel when she stems the light Straight towards the sun, Or like a caged thing freed, Or like a*flying flag when armies run. —C. G. Rossetti. Stream like a comet’s flashing hair -— SHELLEY. Stream, like a sunset. — FREDERICK TENNYSON. Strengthening. As strengthening to the mind as drinking sweetened wind out of a toy balloon. — W. C. Brann. Strengthless. Strengthless as a noon-belated moon, Or as the glazing eyes of watery heaven, When the sick night sinks into deadly swoon. — Francis THompPson. Strenuously. Strenuously as ever Cavalier strove for the White Rose. — Ouma. Stretch. Stretch away, like the perspective of a dream. — Paut Bourcet. Stretch . . . like a bow-string by the forceful arm of some bold archer strained. — Lucran. STREAM. — STRIKE. Stretched as far as doth the mind of man. — MARLOWE. Stretching out his hand like the wings of a bird. — RaBE.ais. Laura stretched her gleaming neck. Like a rush-imbedded swan, Like a lily from the beck, Like a moonlit poplar branch, Like a vessel at the launch When its last restraint is gone. —C. G. Rossertr. Stretched along, like a wounded knight. — SHAKESPEARE. Stretch _ like Bayarp TAY or. imploring arms. — Stretched out the heavens as a cur- tain. — OLp TESTAMENT. Strew. Strewn round as like a dead world’s shroud in ghastly fragments torn. — E. B. Brownine. Strewed like the leaves that vanish in the soil. —O. W. Homes. Strewn . . like bridal chamber floors. — SHELLEY. Stricken. Stricken down as a broken pillar. — Ruts Putnam. Stride. Fortune striding, like a vast Colos- sus. — DRYDEN. The strides of the lame are like the glances of the one-eyed ; they do not speedily reach their aim. — Hugo. Strife. Dark with strife, Like heaven’s own sun that storming clouds bedim. — SwInBURNE. Strike. Strike like a battering ram. — ANON. Strike like a trip-hammer. — Ism. Strikes like Burton. lightning. — RoBERT STRIKE. — STRONG. Strike — continued. The ocean strikes like a lion with its heavy paw, seizing and dismember- ing at the same moment. — Huco. Striped. Striped like a viper’s loins. — R. D. BLACKMORE. Striped like a zebra. — Kzats. Strive. Strive not as doth a crocke (pitcher) with a wall. — CHaucrr. Strove As toward the sundawn strives the lark. — SWINBURNE. Strove as in toils. — Isp. Strove . . . like song’s triumphant breath. — Inm. Strong. Strong as the mainstay of the labor- ing bark. — A’scHyLus. Strong as Zeus. — Aiscuyus (E. B. BROWNING). Strong as an eagle. — ANON. Strong as a Filander’s mare. — Isp. Strong as hate. — Inn. Strong as Hercules. — Isr. Strong as mustard. — Isp. Strong as an ox. — Isp. Strong as the voice of Fate. — But- WER-LYTTON. Strong as the spirit of the storm. — W. Witrrep CAMPBELL. Strong as beechwood in the blast. — CAMPBELL. Strong as bulls. — CaRLYLE. Strong as the Harz-rock, rooted in the depths of the world. — Imp. Strong as an host of armed Deities. — COLERIDGE. Strong as brandy. — Farquyar. 395 As the Fawkes. lion strong. — Francis Strong in silence as mysteries locked up in Jove’s own bosom. — JouHN Forp. Strong as earth’s first kings.— Frrz- GREENE HALLEcK. As strong as_ instinct. — Haw- THORNE. Strong as the enginery that works the world. —J. A. HILLHouse. Stronger than thunder’s winged force. — Horace. Strong as the wind. — Mary Joun- STON. Strong as fire. — KINGSLEY. Strong as a jail. — Lever. Strong as iron bands. — Lonc- FELLOW. Strong as a storm. — James Mac- PHERSON. Strong as a sea-swell. — GERALD Massey. Strong as God. — NreTzscHE. Strong as a young goat. — Ouma. Strong, like an iron chain. — PILpay. Strong as the devil himself. — Ra- BELAIS. Strong as Sampson. — Inm. Strong . . . as young Desire. — T. Bucuanan Reap. Strong as strong Ajax’s red right hand. — C. G. RosseErrt. Strong as necessity. — RICHARD SAVAGE. Confirmations strong As proofs of holy writ. — SHAKESPEARE. Strong as Pluto’s gates. — Iprp. Strong as the axletree. — Isp. Strong as... rash gunpowder. — Isp. 396 Strong — continued. Strong as a wild swan’s pinions. — SWINBURNE. Strong as grows the yearning of the blossom toward the fruit. — Isr. Strong as love. — Inrp. Strong as the seas. — IBrp. Strong as the worldwide sun. — In. Strong as sheer truth. — Isp. Strong as time. — Isp. Strong like fate. — Isp. Strong, and bold, and free as the milk-white foal of the Nedjidee.— Bayarp TAyLor. Strong as death. — OLp TESTAMENT. Strong as iron. — Ini. Strong as an oaken staff. — Henry Van Dyke. As the Watts. deluge strong. — Isaac Strong as a Monarch’s signet. — N. P. Wits. Strong as guilty fear. — Worps- WORTH. Struggle. Struggling like a flower towards Heaven. — ANon. Struggling like a man led towards death and crucifixion. — CARLYLE. Struggled, like an old lawyer be- tween two fees. — CONGREVE. Struggled instinctively like an ani- mal under a net. — JosePpH CONRAD. Struggles, like a living creature making its way from under a great snowdrift. — GrorcE Exior. Struggling like a captive dove which wishes to resume its flight. — Fiav- BERT. Struggled, like a dragon-doubt glooming a lonely spirit. — Cuarizs Harpur. STRONG. — STUBBORN. She struggled against silence like soda-water against the cork. — An- THONY Hope. Struggle, like a wild, frantic bird that is rending its plumage in its des- peration. — Hugo. Struggling like black spirits in hell. — Ism. Struggled together like foes in a burning city. — LoNGFELLow. Struggle, like a stricken hare When swoops the monarch bird of air. — T. BucHanan Reap. Struggling like an animal in an air pump. — Sir RicHaRD STEELE. Struggling . . . like a wild beast tangled in a net. — RaBINDRANATH Tacore. Struggled like a bird chained and restive. — WALTER THORNBURY. Strut. Strut like a new church warden. — Tuomas ADAms. Struts like a cock o’ the walk. — ANON. Strut like a peacock. — Inn. Struts like a Thespian. — Ism. Strutted through hell, and pushed the devils by, Like a magnifico of Venice. — Grorce H. Boker. Strutting like a turkey cock. — FIeLpine. Struts like a juggler. — Joun Forp. Struts like a crow. — SMOLLETT. Stubborn. Stubborn as a mule. — ANON. As stubborn as the will of kings. — AMBROSE BIERCE. As stubborn as Muirkirk iron. — Hoae. Stubborn as a stone. — Huco. STUBBORN. — SUBDUED. Stubborn — continued. Stubborn people are like reproaches, and we have a right to laugh at them. — Isp. Stubborn as the Rocky Mountains. — Ricuarp Le GALLIENNE. Stubborn as an elephant’s leg, no bending in her. — Witt1am Row ey. More stubborn-hard than hammer’d iron. — SHAKESPEARE. Stuck. Stuck on like burrs. — Beaumont AND FLETCHER. ‘ Stuck to me like cobbler’s wax. — R. D. BLackmore. Stuck like leeches. — Inm. Stuck there like a curious seal. — MicHaeL Drayton. Stuck as close ter ole Marster’s heel as de shadder sticks to de tree. — T. N. PaGeE. Studded. Studded with I’s as a boiled ham is stuck full of cloves.— Lyman F, GEORGE. Study. Study is like the heaven’s glorious sun, That will not be deep-search’d with saucy looks. — SHAKESPEARE. Stuff. Stuff up his lust, as minutes fill up hours. — SHAKESPEARE. Stumble. Stumbling, like a cat shod with wal- nuts. — ANON. Stumbled like fat sheep. — STEPHEN CRANE. Stunning. Stunning as a shock of electricity. —Joun BroucHam. Stupid. Stupid as an excuse. — ANON. 397 Stupid as a sloth. — Isp. Stupid as a fact. — Bauzac. Stupid as astone. —RosBrert Brown- ING. Loftily stupid, like dumb idols. — CARLYLE. Stupid as a coot. — Cowan’s “Dic- TIONARY OF SEA PROVERBS.” Stupid as a little downy owl. — Grorce Du Maurier. Stupid . . . like Falstaff in his old age. — Tuomas H. Huxtey. Stupid as a log. — Isaac JacKMaN. Stupid as hounds chasing an iron deer. — Sypney Munpen. Stupid as a post. — CLEMENT RoBin- SON. Stupid as the swine. — Hans Sacus. Stupid as a hog. — TotsToy. Sturdy. Sturdy as a wild ass colt. — Cow- PER. Style. Our style should be like a skeine of silke, to be carried and found by the right thred, not ravel’d and perplex’d ; then all is a knot, a heape. — Brn JONSON. Gibbon’s style is too uniform ; he writes in the same flowing and pompous style on every subject. He is like Christie, the auctioneer, who: says as much of a ribbon as of a Raphael. — Ricuarp Porson. Subdued. Subdued like some strong stream made placid in the fullness of the Jake. — Anon. Subdued like Argus by the might of sound. — Hoop. Subdued and grave, Like schoolboys when the master’s in a passion. —Ism. 398 Sublime. Sublime as Niagara. — ANon. Sublime as the cliffs and the clouds, —Ism. Sublime as the sky overhead. — Bauzac. Sublime as a fact. — GrorGE Can- NING. Sublime, like a gilt crockery Idol. — CARLYLE. Sublime as Milton’s immemorial theme. — SypnEY DoBELL. Sublime the combats of Homer. — Hueco. Sublime, as tropic storm. —H. C. MERIVALE. Sublime . . . like the sun’s fir’d flame. — Joun Scorr. As faith sublime. — SwINBURNE. _ Sublime and triumphant as fire or as lightning. — Isp. Sublime, As God were man, to spare or to forget. — Isp. Sublime as storm or sorrow. — Isip. Sublime as truth. —Isw. As Liberty, THoMson. sublime. — WILLIAM Sublime as heaven. — Isp. Submissive. Submissive as a neophyte. — ANon. Submissive as clay. — Ipm. Submissive as putty. — Inn. Submissive as earth. — HaMLIn GARLAND. Subside. Subside like a lanced boil. — ANon. Subside, like a swollen bubble on the ocean tide. — GrorGE DaRLey. Substance. Substance is like a river in a con- tinual flow, and the activities of things SUBLIME. — SUCCESSIVE. are in constant change, and the causes work in infinite varieties. — Marcus AURELIUS. Substantial. Substantial as the shadow of a shade. — CALDERON. Subtle. Subtle as a serpent. — ANON. About as subtle as a sidewalk- worker for a second-hand clothing store. — Ism. Subtle as the tone of the voice or the glance of the eye. —Joun Bur- ROUGHS. Subtle as a snake. — Lorp LytrTe1- TON. A point as subtle As Ariachne’s broken woof. — SHAKESPEARE. Subtle as the fox for prey. — Isp. Subtle as BURNE. thin water. — Swin- Subtle as a serpent. — Bayarp Tay- LOR. Subtle as light. — CrLia THAXTER. Subtle as a dead pig. — T. Wricut. Subtly. Subtly as a failing of the sight. — C. L. Hiwrers. Success. Success is like the sunshine, —it brings the rattlesnakes out. — PauL Morron. Succeed. Succeed each other, like monster de- vouring monster in a dream. — Car- LYLE. Successive. Successive, as the seasons to the sun. —P. J. Battey. SUDDEN. — SULLEN. Sudden. Sudden, like a Fate. —T. B. At- DRICH. Sudden as an April shower. — ANoN. Sudden as a meteor’s flight. — Ibi. Sudden and swift as a raging cyclone. — Isp. Sudden as a sunbeam’s ray. — Isp. Sudden as a tidal wave on a sum- mer sea. — Ini. Sudden as the babbling brook or robin’s whistle. — Isp. Sudden as the call of spring to buried flowers. — IB. A sudden brightness, as when meteor swift opens the darkness. — Isp. Sudden, as creation burst from naught. — CAMPBELL. Sudden as conscience. —G. K. CHESTERTON. Sudden as the crack of rifle. — EMERSON. Sudden as kindling flames arise. — Water Harte. Sudden as a snap. — Hoop. Sudden as lightning. — Ben Jonson. Sudden sound as of a bowstring snapped in air. — LONGFELLOW. Sudden as a stab. — LowELt. Sudden as Aphrodite from the sea. — Grorce MacDonatLp. Sudden as the slapping of a wave. — Spencer Moore. A sudden flash, as from a sunlit jewel. — Lewis Morris. Sudden like a pool that once gave back Your image, but now drowns it and is clear Again. —D. G. Rossertt. Sudden like a hamadryad before a dull fawn. — HENRYK SIENKIEWICZ. 399 Sudden as a flame. — SWINBURNE. Suddenly. As suddenly as sudden death. — ANON. Rise up suddenly like the dry corpse which stood upright in the glory of life when touched by the bones of the prophet. — Isin. Suddenly, like a thunder-bolt. — R. D. Buackmore. Flashed suddenly ... as love of youth at first sight. — Bunwer-Lyt- TON. Suddenly as a rain sound can pass from your ear. — JoHN Forp. More suddenly than doth a moment go. — Kzats. Suddenly . . . like a ghost from the tomb. — Ruta Putnam. Broke as suddenly as a widow’s saving bank. — Water TRUMBULL. Sue. Beggars sue as king with king Before the Throne of Grace on high. —C. G. Rosser. Suffer. Suffers like a snipe shut up in a snuff- box. — Henry P. Le.anp. Suicide. Every suicide is like an awful poem of sorrow. — Bauzac. Sulk. Sulking like Achilles in his tent. — ANON. Sulky. Sulky as a ghost. —E. B. BRownine. Sulky as a bear. — THACKERAY. Sullen. Sullen, like lamps in sepulchres. — Rosert Buarr. Sullen as an Algerine colt. — Os- MANLI PROVERB. 400 Sullen — continued. Sullen as a storm. — NICHOLAS Rowe. Sullenly. He looks as sullenly as a routed general. — ArpHra Brun. Sultry. Sultry . . . asif the air had fainted, and the pulse of, Nature had run down, and ceased to beat.—N. P. WILLIS. Sunburnt. Sunburnt as the leaves of autumn. — ANON. Sunday. A world without a Sabbath would be like a man without a smile, like a summer without flowers, and like a homestead without a garden. — H. W. BEECHER. Sunday is like a stile between the fields and toil, where we can kneel and pray, or sit and meditate. — Lone- FELLOW. Sunken. Sunken as Atlantis. — G. K. Cuzs- TERTON. Hopes deep sunken like anchors under the ice. — J. T. TRowpripas. Sunlight. Sunlight is like the breath of life to the pomp of autumn. — HawTHorne. Superfluous. Superfluous as a fifth wheel. — ANon, Superfluous as bells on idle horses. — Ricuarp C. TRencu. Supernatural. Supernatural as the Florence. — LAMARTINE. Dante of Superior. As superior . . . as a peak of the Alps to a highland of the Hudson. — WasuIncton Irvine. SULLEN. — SURE. Superstitious. Superstitious as sailors. — ANON. Supper. Your supper is like the Hidalgo’s dinner; very little meat and a great deal of tablecloth. — LoNGFELLow. Supple. Supple as a young panther. — ANon. Supple as the neck of a swan. — Isp. Supple as tobacco pouches. — Bat- ZAC. Supple a young cat.— Wikre CoLLins. Supple as water. — Hugo. Supple as a snake. — Guy pz Mav- PASSANT. Supple as if they were on springs. — Isr. Supple as the Scythian’s bow. — Grorce MEREDITH. Supple as a peau de Suéde glove. — Octave Mirpeau. Supple as Damascus steel. — Ouma. Suppliant. Suppliant . . . like a white-spotted heifer on the lofty rocks, where trust- ing for aid she lows, telling to the herdsman her troubles. — AscuHy Lvs. Support. Support themselves as swarming bees do, hang on by each other. — Ruskin. Supreme. Supreme as a pope. — MItron. Sure. Sure as monument of brass, Their fame to future time shall pass. — Artuur ACHESON. Sure as a club. — Anon. Sure as a stone drops from the hand which lets it go. — Isp. SURE. Sure — continued. Sure as birth and death. — Anon. f Sure as day and night succeed each other. — Izrp. Sure as eggs in April. — Isp. Sure as gravity. — Inip. As sure as Heaven. — In1p. Sure as God’s in heaven — Inip. Sure as I’m standing here. — Inrp. Sure as March in Lent. — Izip. Sure as needles point to the north. — Isp. Sure as Silas Wegg is to drop into poetry. — Ini. Sure as tares. — IBrp. As sure as that bubbles are in the form of a hemisphere. — Inip. As sure as that wild goose never laid a tame egg. — Inip. As sure as that the world is turned upside down every twenty-four hours. — Insp. Sure as the coat’s on your back. — Ini. Sure as the foot of a mule. — Isp. Sure as the opportune arrival of the detective on the final curtain of a melodrama. — Isip. Sure as the sun shines. — Inm. Sure as the steeple bears the bell.— Ipip. Sure as two and two make four. — Isp. Sure as water is water. — Inn. Sure as you’re alive. — Inn. Sure as shootin’. — Isp. As sure as eggs and bacon. — Isip. Sure as an obligation sealed in the butter. — Joun Barer. 401 Sure as a gun. —J. R. Bartiert’s “DICTIONARY OF AMERICANISMS.” Sure as wedlock. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Sure as stars of hope.—R. D. BLackmore. ‘ Sure as sunrise. — Inm. Sure as you are there. — BUNYAN. Sure as death. — CaLDERON. Sure as the wold gulls make sea- ward. — Buiss CARMAN. Sure... as the witch-hazel to- wards treasure. — GrorGE W. CurTIS. Sure as a rock. — Joun Davies. Sure as sun-up. — DIcKENs. Sure as the gospel. — Dumas, PRE. Sure as roundness in the dewdrop. — Grorce E jor. Sure as the devil’s in London. — FIELDING. Sure as the fishes swim and birds do fly. — GrrHart HavuPTMANN. Sure as a juggler’s box.—W. C. Hazurr’s “ENGLISH PROVERBS AND PRovERBIAL PHRASES.” Sure as Dover stands at Dover. — Hoop. Sure as a horse when he knows his rider. — RicHarp Hovey. Sure as Time. — Kip.ine. Sure as the shaft that leaves the Parthian bow. — Lucan. As sure as Heaven rained manna for the Jews. — MarLoweE. Sure as the date on a bill. —Grorcre MEREDITH. Sure as earth lives under snows, and Love lives under pain. —Miss Mv- LOCK. Sure as fate. — NorTHALL’s “FoLk PHRASES.” 402 Sure — continued. Sure as God made little apples. — NortTHAL’s “FoLtk PHRASES.” Sure as I’m alive. — Isp. Sure as you are born. — Isp. As sure as Christmas comes. — GEORGE OuUTRAM. Sure as is the march of doom. —San- poR Perort. Sure as death and taxes are. — “Poor Ropin’s ALMANACK.” As sure as cold engenders hail. — Pore. Sure as key of lock. —Matrarw Prior. ; As sure as a gun is iron. — OPIE READ. Sure as the sun rolls up the morn, Or twilight from eve is born. — CHAr.Les SANGSTER. Sure as bark on a tree. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Sure as day. — Ini. Sure as I live. — Ipm. Sure as J have thought or soul. — Inrp. Sure as God made Moses. — Sam SLIck. Sure as eggs is eggs. — Ipm. As ‘sure as any gun. — Horace SMITH. As sure as wax-candles have wicks. — Izm. Sure as I hobble on ten toes. — JAMES SMITH. Sure as night is known from day. — SWINBURNE. Sure as present pain is. — Im. Sure as truth. — Ini. Sure as sense of beast or bird.—Inrp. Sure as comes the postman and the sun. — THACKERAY. SURE. — SURELY. Sure as creed. — IzAak WALTON. Sure as the most certain sure. — War WHITMAN. Sure as brook to run to river. — A. C. WILKE. As sure as there’s a moon in Heaven. — WorpswoRrTH. Sure-footed. Sure-footed as a goat. — Ouma. Surely. Surely as night is the shadow of the earth. — ANON. Surely as oxygen eats iron. — Inrp. Surely as that if two men ride a horse, one must ride behind. — Izip. Surely as the earth is moving in the spheres. — Iprp. Surely as the sea-gull loves the sea, and the sunflower loves the sun.—Izp. Surely as a fallen stone must fall to its mother earth. — Izrp. Surely as we wish the joys of Heaven. — Isp. Surely as fame belongs to earth. — R. D. Biackmors. As surely as the internal motions of the watch are indicated on its face. — Marie G. Brooks. Surely as the starry multitude Is numbered by the sailors. — Rozsert Brownine. Surely as a blind man is pulled by his dog into the butcher’s shop. — Maurice Hew err. Surely as the same sunshine of heaven is on the mountain tops of east and west. — Leigh Hunt. Surely as musical ears are pained by a discord. — Grorce Merepriru. Surely as the heavens are mirrored in the quiet seas. — Ipmp. Surely as there is hope in man. — Donatp G. MrrcHe it. SURELY. — SWAY. Surely — continued. Surely as cometh the Winter, I know There are Spring violets under the snow. —R. H. Newe tu. Surely as Winter taketh all. — T. BucHanan Reap. Surely as the hours came round. — SAMUEL RoGErs. Surely as the day-star loves the sun. — SWINBURNE. Surely and as certainly as the haw- thorn must blossom in spring and the corn burn to gold at harvest time, and the moon in her ordered wander- ings change from shield to sickle, and from sickle to shield. — Oscar WILDE. Surge. : Surge, like hope upon a deathbed. — Byron. Surging as a sea. — TUPPER. Surly. Surly as a butcher’s dog. — ANON. Surpass. Surpasses, as a teal does a gander ; as a coach does a wheelbarrow, or a game-cock a sparrow. — ANON. Suspense. Suspense .. . like the irresolution of the sea at turn of tide.—P. J. BalIey. Suspicion. Suspicions amongst thoughts are like bats amongst birds, they ever fly by twilight. — Bacon. Suspicion, like the fabled upas, blights All healthy life. — Grorce W. Love... Suspicious. Suspicious as a cat. — BALZAC. Swallow. Can... swallow down sin like water. — BuNYAN. 403 Swallowed her steps like a pursuing grave. — Hoop. Swallow .. . as easily as a great pit a small pebble. — Lyzy. Swallowed Persia, as the sand does foam. — SHELLEY. Swarm. Swarmed like an ant-hill. — Anon. Swarmed like bees. — Izip. Swarming after, as a tail follows a comet. — Inp. As wasps, provok’d by children in their play, Pour from their mansions by the broad high-way, In swarms the guiltless traveller en- gage, Whet all their stings, and call forth all their rage : All rise in arms, and with a gen’ral cry Assert their waxen domes, and buzzing progeny. Thus from the tents the fervent legion swarms, : So loud their clamours, and so keen their arms. — Homer (Pops). Place swarmed like a fair. — ScHIL~ LER. Swart. Swart as the night. — LonereLLow. Swart as the smoke from raging fur- nace. — Sir WALTER Scott. Swart, like my shoe. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Sway. Swayed like a column in an earth- quake. — ANON. Swaying like a lily. — Isp. Like a branch she sways with supple ply. — Arabian NIGHTS. Swayed like a flower stalk in a gale. —Joun D. Barry. Swayed like a bird on a twig. — ArnotpD BENNETT. 404 Sway — continued. Swayed and bent as gracefully as doth a lily-bell, when by the summer zephyr gently kissed. — CarTwricHt. Sway, like a water-plant in a wave. — Auice Cary. Swayed at the top like a tree. — JosEPH CONRAD. Swayed rhythmically in one direc- tion like a wheatfield in a squall. — Sir A. Conan Dov.e. Sway, like a trim galley, at her anchorage between two seas. — F. W. FaBer. Swayed like a river weed. — THomas Harpy, Swayed like a pole in the tideway. — Maurice HEewtert. Swayed . . . as the sling swings its projectile. — Huao. Swaying like a reed. — Ism. ‘Swayed, like grain-fields when the wind breathes over them. — SigmuND KRrasInskI. Swaying like wind-swung bell. — Grorce MacDona.p. Swaying about like a fat goose with enormous legs and yielding knees. — Guy DE Maupassant. Sway, as the calm joy of flowers, and living leaves before the wind. — SHELLEY. Sway’d Like those long mosses in the stream. — TENNYSON. Swayed as the reeds sway in the blast. — WuittiEr. Swear. , Swear like a freighter. — ANon. Swear like a costermonger. — Inn. Swore like a Tartar. — Bauzac. Swear like a tinker. — Tuomas Cor- YATE. SWAY. —— SWEEP. Swear like a drunken tapster. — Dr. JoHN Doran. Swear like a lord. — Srr T. Etyor. Swears like an imp. — Huco. Swore like a porter. — Macautay. Swore like a preacher’s son. — Henry L. MEncKeEn. Swears like a printing-office foreman and yearns for close quarters with a knife. — Inm. Swear like a comfit-maker’s wife. — SHAKESPEARE. Swore like any trooper. — SourHEy. Sweat. Sweat like Cits in May-day Coaches. — Apura Brun. Sweating like a porous pitcher. — Maurice Hew ert. Sweating like a pitcher with ice- water in it. — Witu1amM T. Porter’s “TALES OF THE SOUTHWEST.” Sweep. Sweep like a simoon. — ANon. Sweeps... along, like the broad volume of the insurgent Nile. — Matraew ARNOLD. Sweep around... like angered eagles cheated of their prey. —P. J. Barney. Swept .. . like sullying cloud from pure blue sky. — CHar.LotTre Bronté. Sweep like wolves on a lambkin. — T. D. Brown. Swept in like tides of Fundy. — F. T. Browne. Sweep like a sea, barred out from land. — Rosert Brownine. Swept like surge, i’ the simile Of Homer. — Isp. Sweep, like currents journeying through the windless deep. — Wiu1AM CuLLen Bryant. SWEEP. — SWEET. Sweep — continued. Swept ... like leaves before the autumn gale. — Ini. Swept . . . like ocean-tides uprising at the call of tyrant winds. — Inm. Sweeping along like the Huns. — STEPHEN CRANE. They swept him out of the street, as a fire-hose flushes the gutter. — Ricnarp Harpine Davis. Like chain-shot, sweeps all things in its way. — DRYDEN. like Sweeps spectral GoETHE. Swept like a tempestuous sea. — HaAwTHoRNE. Sweeping like rivers that seek the main. — Hoop. Sweeping the country like locust- swarm. — Ouma. Sweep like a wing’d will. — Emity PFEIFFER. Sweep like bitter Nor’land gales. — T. Bucuanan Reap. Sweep as the tempest o’er the deep. — SCHILLER. Swept the lists like an Egypt’s plague of locusts. —OwEN SEAMAN. Sweep it away like a leaf before a hurricane. — G. B. Saw. Swept Like waves before the tempest. — SHELLEY. Swept As storm across his soul that kept Wild watch, and watched not well. — SWINBURNE. Swept like a torrent. — TENNY- SON. Swept like a conquering army through my blood. — Louis UNTER- MEYER. Swept As by a plague. — WorpsworTu. shade. — 405 Sweet. Sweet as odorous white lilies are. — Oscar Fay Apams. Sweet as new-blown rose. — THomas ADAms. Sweet as fresh fount to thirsty wanderer. — AESCHYLUS. Sweet as a girl graduate. — ANON. Sweet as a nut. —Ipm. Sweet as the infant spring. — Isip. Sweet as a rose. — Ipm. Sweet and wholesome as a sprig of mignonette. — Ipm. Sweet as a sugar plum. — Ipp. Sweet as a vial of rose oil. — Inm. Kiss as sweet, As cool fresh stream to bruised and weary feet. — Isp. Sweet as honey bee. — Iprp. Sweet as honeysuckle. — Ism. Sweet as lilies in May. — Ipm. As sweet as spring’s first song heard in the grove’s retreat. — Inn. Sweet as sugar. — Ip. Sweet as the cup of Circe. — Im. Sweet as the harmonies of Spring. — Isp. Sweet as the liquid notes of a plover. — Isp. Sweet as the notes of a fountain. — Isp. Sweet as the perfume of roses. —Ipm. Faintly sweet as the reapers hear a lark afar in the sky. — Isp. Sweet as the solemn sounds of cherubs, when they strike their golden harps. — Isp. Sweet as unblown hawthorn buds. — Isp. Sweet as maidens deckt and dight. — ARABIAN NIGHTS. t 406 Sweet — continued. Sweet as that which is forbidden. — ARABIC. Sweet as the last smile of sunset. — Enwin Arno. Sweeter than the comb its sweetness. — Ism. Sweet as the honeyed dews that drip from the budding lotus-flower. — Grorce ARNOLD. Sweet and calm as is a sister’s kiss. —P. J. Bartiey. Sweete as the infant spring. — Scortish BALLAD. Sweet as the joy which sorrow hushes. — Bauzac. Sweet as new wine. — JoHN Baret. Sweet As where smooth Zephyrus plays on the fleet Face of the curled streams. — Francis BEAUMONT. Sweet as applause to the actor. — BraumMont AND FLETCHER. As sweet as April. — Inm. Sweet as the Spring. — Isp. Sweet as the moonlight sleeping on the hills. — Sir Witiiam 8S. BENNETT. Sweet as the light of the stars. — Rosert Hucu Benson. Sweet as the look of a lover saluting the eyes of a maid. — AmMBRosE BIERcE. Sweet as odour of the upland thyme. — Marais Burp. As sweet as perfumed shroud which the gay Roman maidens sewed for English Keats. — E. B. Brownina. As sweet as window-eglantine. — Isp. Sweet, as when winter storms have ceased to chide. — Bryant. SWEET. Sweeter than all perfumes. — Bun- YAN. Sweet as the dewy milk-white thorn. — Burns. Sweet as yon hawthorn’s blossom. — Isp. Sweet Burton. as matrimony. — Ropert ‘Sounds sweet as if a sister’s voice reproved. — Byron. as May. — THomas Carew. as the - Sweet Sweet sundown. — Biss CARMAN. Sweet as the song of the wind in the rippling wheat.— Mapison Ca- WEIN. Sweet as the warbles of the vocal woods. — JAMES CAWTHORN. Sweet as the voice of thraslarks [Thrushes] in the spring. — CHATTER- TON. Sweete as is the brembul-flour That bereth the rede hepe [Fruit of the dog rose]. — CHAUCER. Sweet as pity.— Harriey Co.n- RIDGE. Sweet as the whispered breeze of evening. — CoLERIDGE. As sweet as Western wind breathes from the violets’ fragrant beds. — J. G. Cooper. Sweet as the hopes on which starv’d lovers feed. — Str WILLIAM DaVENANT. ‘ Sweet as aerial chimes Of flower-bells. — Joun Davison. Sweet as sails in summer sky. — Lorp Dr Tas ey. Sweet as some immeasurable rose, expanding leaf on leaf. — AusRrEY DE VERE. Sweet as Anadyomene rising from the sea. — Dr. Joun Doran. SWEET. Sweet — continued. Sweet as are the orchards, when the fruit is hanging ripe. —Paun LavuRENCE DUNBAR. Sweet as the murmur of the brook and the rustle of the corn. — EMERSON. Serenely sweet as vernal air. — FALCONER. As sweet as a violet. — Joun Forp. Sweet . .. as the new-mown hay. — W. S. GILBERT. Sweet as the vernal flow’r in early prime. — RicHarp GLOVER. Sweet as the rosy morn in May. — GEORGE GRANVILLE. Sweet as a youthful poet’s dream. — CHARLES GRAY. Sweet as the harps that hung by Babel’s stream. — Jupan HaLxvi. Sweet as summer days that die when the months are in the bloom. — W. W. Harney. Sweet as tropic winds at night. — P. H. Hayne. Sweet as the blossoms of the vine. — Rosert Herrick. Sweet as vestry of the oracles. — Isp. Sweet as the sweetest song of bird on summer’s eve. — D. M. HEervey. As sweet as dewy turf to wayworn feet. — Emity H. Hickey. Sweet as new-blown breath of open- ing flow’rs. — Aaron Hi. Sweet As a meadow at noon. —Karuerine Tynan Hinxson. Sweet as the breath from an oda- lisque’s fan. — O. W. Hommes. Sweet as the dawn star. — Inp. Sweet as the first snow-drop, which the sunbeams greet. — Inn. Sweet as honey. — Homer (Pope). 407 Sweet as scarlet strawberry under wet leaves hidden. — Nora Hopper. Sweet as the hills. — Ricnarp Hovey. Sweet as a rosebud crowned with moss. — Hugo. Sweet as music. — Inn. Sweet as the twilight notes of the thrush. — Heten H. Jackson. Sweet as jasmine. — Jami. Sweet as the morning of life. — Isp. Sweet as drops of balme. — BEN JONSON. Sweet as a muskrose upon new- made hay. — Knrats. Sweet as blue heavens o’er enchanted isles. — Inm. Sweet as love. — Inm. Sweeter than the rill To its old channel. —Ipm. Sweet as a cat with syrup in its paws. — VAUGHAN KESTER. Sweet as mountain honey. — Kines- LEY. Sweet as the sigh of the spring gale. — Miss Lanpon. As sweet as a woman’s flashing eye. — “Lays or Ancient Inpia.” Sweet . . . as the sad spirit of the evening breezes. — Emma Lazarus. Sweet as the sound of bells at evening. — Ricuarp Le GALLIENNE. Sweet as a bell in the woods. — Amy LESLIE. Sweet as morning dew upon a rose. — Tuomas Lover. Sweet as the cadence of a poet’s song. — JoHN LoGan. Sweet was her breath as the breath » of kine that feed in the meadows. — LoncGreLLow. 408: Sweet — continued. Sweet as the songs of Sappho. — Cartes B. Loomis. Sweet as heaven’s image in an un- rippled lake. — Grorce W. Lovett. Sweet as over new-born son the croon of new-made mother. — LowELL. Sweet as the sweet tooth of a calfe. — LyLy. Sweet as the dew-drops of a wild rose. — Epwarp Lysacut. Sweet as summer’s showers. — Grorce Mac-HEnry. Sweet as seraph’s bliss. — WALTER Matone. Sweet as first love. — Geratp Mas- SEY. Sweet as first spring violets. — Inm. Sweet as Eden. —Grorce MERE- DITH. Sweet as victory half-revealed. — Inp. A secret sweet as songs of dawn That linnets sing when mists are gone. —R. M. Mies. Sweet as Angel accents. — JAMES MonrTeomeEry. Nothing half so sweet in life as Love’s young dream. — THomaS Moore. As sweet as the rose-scented zephyr those do meet who near the happy is- lands of the blest. — Witt1am Morais. Sweet as every-day sunshine. — Joun Murr. Sweet, like an angel’s Mary R. Murray. Sweet as the shepherd’s pipe upon the mountains. — Orway. sigh. — Sweet, like a silver whistle. — Ouwa. Sweet as the morning BenJAMIN F. Parker. air. — SWEET. Sweet and white As the most heretofore sin-spotted Soul. — Coventry Patmore. Sweet as violet-borders growing over fountains over-flowing. — AMBROSE Pui.ies. As sweet as mown grass in the even. — STEPHEN PHILuirs. Sweet as the melody of swans, that lave their nestling pinions in the silver wave. — PRATINAS. Music sweeter than the sweetest chime of magic bells by fairies set a-swinging. — T. Bucaanan Reap. Sweet as blossoms after rain. — Lizette W. REEsE. Sweet as the dew’s lip to the rose’s. — James Waurtcoms RIxey. As sweet as the life of the lily.— Isp. As sweet as the soul of a babe.—Ism. Sweet as smiles to the lips that are pale. — A. J. Ryan. Sweet as the dew-drops that fall on the roses in May. — Isp. Sweet as the Summer’s birds. — Ip. Sweet as the dreamings of the nightingales. — CHARLES SANGSTER. Sweet as the note of a nightingale. — SANSKRIT. Sweet as Flora’s favorite flower. — JAMES SCADLOCK. Sweet are the uses of adversity, Which, like the toad, ugly and ven- omous, Wears yet a precious jewel in his head. — SHAKESPEARE. Sweet as balm. — Ipp. Sweet, and musical, As bright Apollo’s lute. — Isp. Sweet as damask roses. — Inm. Sweet as ditties highly penn’d, Sung by a fair queen in a summer’s bower. — Isp. SWEET. Sweet — continued. Sweet as spring-time flowers. —IBm. Sweeter than the lids of Juno’s eyes, Or Cytherea’s breath. Sweet as a summer night without a breath. — SHELLEY. — Isp. Sweet as if angels sang. — Inm. Her looks were sweet as Heaven’s when loveliest in Autumn eves. — isp. Sweet as the blossom is sweet. — F. D. SHERMAN. More sweet than the honey of the Hybla bees. —- SMOLLETT. Sweet as the songs of homestead birds. — E. C. STEDMAN. Sweet-hearted as a bird that takes the sun With clear strong eyes and feels the glad god run Bright through his blood and wide rejoicing wings, And opens all himself to heaven and sings. — SWINBURNE. Sweet as April-clouded skies. — Ipp. Sweet as a child’s heart-lightening laugh to hear. — Isp. Sweet-souled as a dove. — Inp. Sweet as all the wide sweet south. — Isp. Sweet as death-annihilating song. — Isp. Sweet as dream’s delight. — Inn. Sweet and comely as a dove’s throat strained out to sing. — Isp. Sweet as early kisses of a mouth Scented like honey. — Isp. Sweet as hope’s first note of jubila- tion. — Isr. Sweet as life or death can be. — Ipp. 409 Sweet as rest. — Inm. Sweet As running streams to men’s way- wearied feet. — Isp. Sweet as sleep on sorrow shed. — Isp. Sweet as sound the moving wings of night. — Inm. Sweet and good as summer air. — Isp. Sweet as forgiveness. — Iprp. Sweet as night’s dim dawn to weari- ness. — IIb. Sweet as the balm of sleep. — Im. Sweet as the change that leaves the world in flower when spring laughs winter down to deathward. — Ism. Sweet as the dewfall. — Isp. Sweet as the flower that itself is May. — Isip. Sweet as the kiss wherewith sleep kisses pain. — Ipm. Sweet as the spasm of erotic emo- tional error. — Isp. Sweet as the winds that beat Round banks where Tyne is born. —Ism. Sweet as when earth was new. — Is. Sweet as when Laughs a child of seven. —Ispm. A sound more sweet than April’s flower-sweet rain. — Ipm. Sweeter than joy-bells ringing. — Isp. Sweet as the voice of a mountain brook. — ARTHUR SYMONS. Sweet as the blushing planet of the dawn. — Inp. Sweet as a vesper chime. —B. F. TAYLOR. 410 Sweet — continued. Songs of love are sweeter than Bas- sora’s nightingales. — BayarD TaYLor. Sweet as a morn of Paradise. — Inn. Sweet as children’s prattle. — PaMELA TENNANT. Sweet as new buds in spring. — TENNYSON. Sweet as honey.— New Tersta- MENT. Sweeter than honey to my mouth. — Isr. Sweet as the Cra THAXTER. apple-blossoms. — Sweet and fresh As the flower-skirted streams of Staf- fordshire. —Ism. Sweet as the music of Apollo’s lyre. — Is. Sweet, as when Venus and Love went hand in hand. — Maurice ‘THOMPSON. Sweet as the early pipe along the dale. — Witt14m THomson. Sweeter than the waters of the Nile. — TupPEr. Sweet as the dawn star. — WILBUR UNDERWOOD. Sweet as Vorst.” regret. — Marie Van Sweet is your strain to my ears, heavenly poet, as is sleep to tired limbs on the grass, as is the quenching of thirst in mid-day heat in the stream where sweet waters play. — VIRGIL. Tinkling bell-notes falling sweet and cold as a stream’s cadence, while a skylark sings high in the blue. — Rosamunp Marriorr Watson. Sweet as the maiden’s dream of love. — WHITTIER. Music as sweet as the music which seems SWEET. — SWELL. Breathed softly and faint in the ear of our dreams. — Isp. Sweeter than the song of birds, Is the thankful voice. — Isp. A voice sweet as an angel’s, —N, P. WILLIs. _ Sweet and joyful as the earliest note of the brown brilliant harbinger of spring. —C. P. Witson. Sweet as the faint, far-off, celestial tone of angel whispers, fluttering from on high. — WiLtiam WINTER. Sweet as the lips that once you pressed. — Izrp. Sweet as morning fragrance shed From flowers. — Worpswortu. - Sweet as the head of your cane. — WYCHERLEY. Swell. Swells as the poised ocean to the attracting moon obedient swells. — AKENSIDE. Swells like an angry hen ruffling her feathers. — ANon. Swelling like a tragic organ note. — Isp. Swells like mushrooms. — Inm. Swelled like the gourd. — Isp. Voice swells up like mutter’d. thun- der. — Byron. Hearts swelling in presence of the Queen of Hearts ; like the sea swelling when once near its moon. — CARLYLE. Swellynge like bubbles in a boillynge welle. — CHATTERTON. His voice swelled like a sanctus rising from the choir of a cathedral. — Ds QUINCEY. Swell like a corporation which has been attached to a hose. — GEORGE Fircs. Swelled like a sail by the sea-breeze. — FuavuBert. SWELL. — SWIFT. Swell — continued. Swell like bubbles, shine and break. — Joun Gay. Swells like a filthy toad with secret spite. — WILLIAM GIFFoRD. Swelling like a torrent. — GrorGE GRANVILLE. Swelled, like toad that meets dis- aster. — LemuEL Hopkins. Swell like a boil. — Ben Jonson. Swells like the chant of serenader or the chimes of silver bells. —A. B. MEEK. Swelling on Like the waves of eternity. — Tuomas Moors. Swell up like a stock company lead- ing man. — Grorce JEAN NATHAN. Swelled like a psalm. — J. N. Paton. Swell, like round and orient pearls. — SHAKESPEARE. Swells like a sail before a favouring breeze. — SHELLEY. Swell like a shirt bleaching in high wind. — Jonn Tosin. Swells like the bosom of a man set free. — WORDSWORTH. Swerve. Swerved as from a blow. — Byron. Swift. As the breezes swift. — THomas AIRD. Swift as the lightning flash. — AKENSIDE. Swift as a cannon ball. — ANon. Swift as fate. — Ipm. Swift as kindling flames arise. — Isp. Swift as the glance of a falling star. — Ism. Swifter than fleeing Daphne’s twinkling feet. — Inrp. 411 Swift as the steed that feels the slackened rein. — Ini. Swift like a simoon of the desert. —Ism. Swifter than the falcon. — Max BEERBOHM. Swift as a sun-beam. — THomas BLAcKLock. Swift as the summer lightning. — R. D. Biackmore. Swift as arrow. — Wrttzam BLAKe. Swift as the eye can mark. — H.H. BROWNELL. Swift as Jove’s lightning. — WILLIAM Byrp. Swift almost as a human smile may chase A frown from some conciliated face. — CALDERON. Swefte as descendeynge lemes [rays] of roddie lyghte plonged to the hulstred [secret] bedde of loveynge [washing] seas. — CHATTERTON. Swefte as a feether’d takel [Arrow]. —Isn. Swefte as my wyshe. — Isr. " Swift: as the flying clouds distilling rain. — IBrp. Swefte as the rayne-storme toe the erthe alyghtes. — Inn. Swefte, as the rayne uponne an Aprylle daie. — Ini. Swefte as the roareynge wyndes. — Isp. Swift as fowel in flight. — Caaucrr. As swifte as pelet out of gonne. — Isp. Swift as a spirit. — CoLERIDGE. Swift as dreams. — Isr. Swift as a sun ray. — Exiza Cook. Swift as a lover’s dreams. — BARRY CoRNWALL. 412 Swift — continued. Swift as Care. — NaTHANIEL Cort- TON. As swift and fierce as tempest from the north. — ABRAHAM CowWLEY. Swift as the wings of Morn. — Inm. Swifter than a shadow flee. — Cow- PER. Swift as a star falls through the night. — GeorGE DaRLEY. Swift as a sunshot dart of light. — Isp. Swift as a whirlwind. — Tuomas DEKKER. Swift as dead leaves by tempest borne. — AuBREY DE VERE. Swift as the scattered clouds on high. — ALrrep Domett. As swift as the glance of the arrowy lance That the storm spirit flings from high. —JoszpH R. Drake. Swift as the wings of sound. — GrorcE Exior. A swift movement, which was like a chained up resolution set free at last. — Isp. Swift as fate. — Partie FRENEAU. Swift as vision. — GOETHE. Swift as the flight of lightning through the air. — Witi1am Harpinc- TON. Swift as a flood of fire. —HomER (Pore). Swift as the vulture leaping on his prey. — Ism. Swift as the wind. — Ip. Swift as a swallow heading south. — Laurence Hopr. Swifter than the rush of wind That lifts the sea-gull off the lake. — Dovetas Hype. Swift as a star. — Sir WILLIAM JONES. SWIFT. Swift as a fathoming plummet down he fell. — Keats. As swift As bird on wing to breast its eggs again. — Isp. Swift as fairy thought. — Isr. Swifter than centaurs after rapine bent. — Ini. Swifter than sight. — Isp. Swift as the cloven tongues of Pentecost. —H. E. Hamiuton Kina. Flies as swift as shafts the bowmen pour. — ANDREW Lane. Swift as the lightning’s rapid flame darts on the unsuspecting sight. — JoHN LANGHORNE. Swift as a flash. — LoNGFELLOw. Swift as the thunderbolt. — RicHarp LOVELACE. Swift as the sea-bird’s wing. — Lover. Swift as runs a wind-wave over grass. — GERALD Massey. Swift as a blush in the cheeks of seventeen. — GEORGE MEREDITH. Swift as the lightning glance. — MILron. Swift as the sparkle of a glancing star. — IBID. Swift as Death’s own arrows dart. — James MontTcomEry. Swifter than the frighted dove. —Ism. Fly swifter than light. — Miss Mv- LOCK. Swift as mercury. — THomas Nasu. Swift, like some fierce bird of prey. — Rogpert Po.tox. Swift as an arrow soaring from the bow. — ALEXANDER Pops. Swift as a cloud gust-driven from the sun. — T. BucHanan Reap. Swift as a shadow o’er the meadow grass chased by the sunshine. — Inmp. SWIFT. Swift — continued. Swift as signal fires. — Ism. Swift as memory. — Epovarp Ron. | Swift as the fleeting shades upon the golden corn. — Nicuotas Rowe. Swift as a hawk. — Cuarves SANG- STER. Like a sunbeam, swift. — Sir Wat- TER Scott. Swift as a shadow. — SHAKESPEARE. Swift as breathed stags. — Inim. Swift as frenzy’s thoughts. — Isr. Swift as lead. — Ini. As swift As meditation, or the thoughts of love. — Isp. Swift as quicksilver. — Isp. Swift as stones Enforced from the old Assyrian slings. — Isp. Swifter than arrow from the Tartar’s bow. — Ixip. Swift as thought. — Isp. Swift in motion as a ball. — Inm. Swifter than he that gibbets on the brewer’s bucket. — Isp. Swifter than the moon’s sphere. — Isp. Swift as a cloud between the sea and sky. — SHELLEY. , Swift as fire. — Isp. Swift as greyhounds. — Isp. Swift as leaves on autumn’s tempest shed. — Inm. Swift as smoke from a volcano springs. — Iprp. Swift as twinkling beams. — Ism. Swifter than summer’s flight. — Isp. Swifter than youth’s delight. —Ism. Swift as a beam of morning. — Evizasetu S, SHEPPARD, 413 Swift as an arrow in its flight. — SouTHEY. Swift as a falling meteor. — Ipip. Swift as the bittern soars on spiral wing. — Ipp. Swift away like fabrics in the summer’s clouds. — Isr. Swift as any bucke in chace. — SPENSER. More swift than Myrrh’ or Daphne in her race. — Isr. Swift as the flame devours the crackling wood. — STatius. Swift as the headlong torrents of a flood. — In. Swift as a passing bird. — RoBErt Louis STEVENSON. Swift and steadfast as a sea-mew’s wing. — SWINBURNE. Swift as a shadow. — Isp. Swift as eternity.— ARTHUR Sy- MONS. As swift as fiery lightning kindled new. — Tasso. As swift as the eagle flieth. — OLD TESTAMENT. As swift as the roes upon the moun- tains. — Inrp. Swift as the waters. — Ip. Swifter than a weaver’s shuttle. — Izip. Swifter than the eagles of the heaven. — Ini. Now my days are swifter than a post : they flee away, they see no good. — Isp. Swift as desire. — THomas TICKELL. Swift as the motions of desire. — Isaac Warts. Swift as the Polar breeze. — H. K. WHITE. Swift as the eagle’s glance of fire. — WHITTIER. 414 Swift — continued. Swift as a rocketing woodcock. — Harry Leon WI1son. Swift as a Thracian Nymph o’er field and height. — Worpsworrtu. Swift as darted flame. — Youne. Swiftly. As swiftly as a reach of still water is crisped by the wind. — Anon. Swiftly like a cloud scud on a breezy day. — Str A. Conan Doyte. Swiftly as the explosion of a rifle cartridge follows the falling of the hammer. — Rosert EpGrEn. Swiftly as smiles are caught in looks that meet. — GzorcrE Exior. Swiftly as the dolphins glide.— Hoop. Swiftly as a bright Phoebean dart. — Kzrats. Swiftly, like birds that skim the air. — MAHABHARATA. Swim. Swim like a _ cork. — INcREASE Martue_r. Swims, like an eagle, in the eye of noon. — JAMES MonTGoMERY. Swim like a duck. — SHAKESPEARE. Swim like beams through floating clouds. — SHELLEY. Swimmingly. Go on as swimmingly as old Noah’s Ark. — Hoop. Swing. Like rudder to the ripple veering, When nobody on board is steering. — Hoop. Swinging like a reed in the air. — Huco. Swing like the compass in its brazen ring. — LoNGFELLow. Swish. Swished his tail, As a gentleman swishes a cane. — SouTHEy. SWIFT. — SYSTEMATIC. ‘Swollen. Swollen as the cheeks of jubilant cherubim. — O. W. Hotmzs. Swollen immensely, like that of a man who has been drowned and lain under water for many weeks. — Por. Swollen like a bladder. —R. B. SHERIDAN. Swoon. Sickly swoon, like lillies ’mid the blaze of noon. — Sara COLERIDGE, Swoon like spring’s daffodillies. —Irauian Love Sone. Swoon Into the silence languidly As a tune into a tune. —D. G. Rossetti. Made my blood burn and swoon Like a flame rained upon. — SWINBURNE. Swoop. Swooped down upon the kitchen, even as a vulture swoopeth upon carrion. — Boccaccio. Swooped into the fray like a sea- eagle into a school of mackerel in a shallow. — Maurice HEw1err. Sympathetic. A sympathetic heart is like a spring of pure water bursting forth from the mountain side. — ANON. Sympathetic as sentiment. — La- MARTINE. Sympathetic as chameleons. — Amy LESLIE. Symphony. Delicious symphonies, like airy flowers, Budded and swell’d, and, full-blown, shed full showers Of light, soft, unseen leaves of sounds divine. — Keats. Systematic. Systematic as a country cemetery. — LoweLL. TALENT. — TALL. Talent. A man of great talents, but void of discretion, is like Polyphemus in the fable, strong and blind, endowed with an irresistible force, which for want of sight is of no use to him. — App1- SON. Talent, like gout, sometimes skips two generations. — Bauzac. Men of talents are variable as ther- mometers : genius alone is essentially good. — Ism. Talent, like beauty, to be pardoned, must be obscure and unostentatious. — Lapy BLEssINcTon. Talk. (See also CONVERSATION.) Fish are talkative in comparison. — ANON. Talkative as a magpie. — Im. Like a bagpipe, he never talks till his belly’s full. — Ipm. . All talking and no listening, after the manner of a Woman’s Rights Conven- tion. —J. R. Barrietr’s ‘“Diction- ARY OF AMERICANISMS.” 7 Talk like poor Poll [Goldsmith]. — Davip GarRIck. Talking is like playing on the harp ; there is as much in laying the hand on the strings to stop a vibration as in twanging them to bring out their music. — O. W. Hotes. Writing or printing is like shooting with a rifle ; you may hit your reader’s mind or miss it;—but talking is like playing at a mark with the pipe of an engine ; if it is within reach, and you have time enough, you can’t help hitting it. — Inw. There are men of esprit who are excessively exhausting to some people. They are the talkers that have what may be called jerky minds. Their 415 thoughts do not run in the natural order of sequence. They say bright things on all possible subjects, but their zigzags rack you to death. After a jolting half-hour with one of these jerky companions, talking with a dull friend affords great relief. It is like taking the cat in your lap after holding a squirrel. — Inm. Talk without truth is hollow brass ; talk without love is like the tinkling cymbal, and when it does not tinkle it jingles, and when it does not jingle, it jars. — Mrs. JaAMEsoN. He talks as a piano-organ grinds out music — steadily, strenuously, tire- lessly. —J. K. JEROME. Talking away like a mill-clapper. — Saran ORNE JEWETT. Talks like music set on fire. — Ricnarp LE GALLIENNE. His talk is like a stream which runs With rapid change from rocks to roses ; It slipped from politics to puns ; It passed from Mahomet to Moses ; Beginning with the laws that keep The planets in their radiant courses, And ending with some precept deep For dressing eels or shoeing horses. — Praep. Great talkers are like broken pitchers, everything runs out of them. — Persian PROVERBS. Talks like a knell, and his hum is a battery. — SHAKESPEARE. A talkative person is like an English sparrow, —a bird that cannot sing, and will, and ought to be persuaded not to try to sing. — Henry Van Dyke. Tall. Tall and slender like an ode in quinary verses. — EpMONDO DE AmIcis. Tall as a steeple. — ANon. Tall as a May-pole. — Swirt. 416 Tall — continued. Tall as a figure lengthened on the sand. — TENNYSON. Tall as a grenadier. — THACKERAY. Tame. Tame as a kitchen cat on a house- boat. — ANon. Tame as tepid milk. — Arto Batzs. Tame and humble, like a child that’s whipp’d. — Ropert Buarr. She lies in my hand as tame As a pear late basking over a wall. — Rosert BRownine. Tame, as an lilye whyt. — CHAUCER. Tame as a sheep. — THomas Frost. Tame as a cat. — Wituiam Kina. Tamer than sleep. — SHAKESPEARE. Tangle. Tangled in the Past, like a bird in a snare. — Huco. Tantalize. The rattling of dice is as tantalizing to a penniless man as the sound of drums to a dethroned monarch. — SANSKRIT. Tap. Tapping like woodpeckers. — Hoop. Taps light As the hand of my heart’s delight. — SWINBURNE. Taper. Tapering, like an icicle. — ANon. Tapering like a lizard’s tail. — O. W. HoLmes. Tarry. Tarries . . mould of lapis lazuli. — Puupay. Tart. Tart and crisp . . . as the autumn butter that creams the sumac berry. — Marx Twain. . like quicksilver in a_ TALL. — TEAR. Taste (Noun). As bad taste as a wig from the barber’s on the head of a marble statue of Apollo. — Butwer-Lytton. Left a taste in his mouth like a tin- type factory. — Irvin S. Coss. A fastidious taste is like a squeamish appetite ; the one has its origin in some disease of the mind, as the other has in some ailment of the stomach. — SouTHEY. Taste (Verb). Mouth tasted as if a Chinese family had just moved out. — ANON. My mouth tastes like a rusty cent. — “KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE.” Taunts. Taunts, like Vulcan out of heaven. — Worpswortu. Taut. Taut as a fiddle string. — ANon. Taut as a forestay in a gale.— ALBERT Epwarps. Teacher. The teacher is like the candle, it lights others in consuming itself. — Hosea BAutov. Tear. Tears of joy, like summer raindrops, are pierced by sunbeams. — Hosea BaLov. Pearly tears, like rose’s dew, wept she. — EManuaL Von GEIBEL. Sheds ceaseless tears, like dew on Hermon’s hill. — Jupau HaLevi. Tearful and trembling as a dewy rose The wind has shaken till it fills the air With light and fragrance. —O. W. Homes. Tears like pears. — Hugo. Tears herald smiles, as weeping April does this sunny May. — JAMES M. Morton, TEAR. — TEETH. Tear — continued. From his eyes a stream of tears descended like a broken necklace of pearls. — ORIENTAL. Shining through tears, like April- suns in showers, that labor to o’ercome the cloud that loads them. — Orway. Tears as big as ostrich’s eggs. — RaBeEtais. - Then fresh tears Stood on her cheeks, as doth the honey- dew Upon a gather’d lily almost wither’d. — SHAKESPEARE. Tears . . . shone as the dew on a lily, at the rising of the sun. — HEr- SART DE LA VILLEMARQUE. Her tears, like drops of molten lead, With torrents burn the passage to my heart. —Epwarp Youne. Tedious. Tedious a task for the mind as oakum-picking or stone-breaking can be for the body. — ArTHUR ACHESON. Tedious as a_ twice-told tale. — Homer. Tedious and dull as truth. — Henry MACKENZIE. Tedious as dull sorrows. — Mas- SINGER. Tedious as a king. — SHAKESPEARE. Tedious As a tired horse, a railing wife. — Isp. So tedious is this day, As is the night before some festival To an impatient child, that hath new robes, And may not wear them. — Iz. As tedious as a guilty conscience. — Cyrit TouRNEUR. Teeth. Those cherries fairly do enclose Of orient pearl a double row ; 417 Which when her lovely laughter shows, They look like rosebuds filled with snow. — Ricwarp ALIson. Teeth, as the gourd’s white seed. — ANoN. Teeth like string pearls in carceneto of gold. — AraBian Nicuts. Teeth like the tusks of jinni who frightened poultry in henhouses. — Ini. Teeth Like pearls a merchant picks to make a string. — Epwin ARNOLD. Her teeth were like pearls array’d in order. — Servian Ba.waD. Her teeth are like a flock of sheep, With fleeces newly washen clean, That slowly mount the rising steep. — Burns. Teeth like falling snow For white, were placed in a double row. — Cow Ley. A girl with teeth like the pieces of broken glass people put on their walls. — EpMoND AND JULES DE Gon- COURT. White teeth showing like pearls dropped in a rose. — Apams S. Hitt. Thy teeth like rows of Kunda-petals. — JAYADEVA. Red like lips disclosing Twin rows of fairy pearl. — Lewis Morris. Teeth serve as a fence to the mouth. — West AFRICAN PROVERB. Teeth like ivory mixed with pearl. — CaarLes Reape. Thy teeth resemble stringed jewels ; but how can I liken them to lifeless pearls ? — ‘‘RoMANCE or ANTAR.” Thy teeth are like a flock of sheep that are even shorn, which came up from the washing; whereof every one bear twins, and none is barren among them. — OLD TESTAMENT. 418 Teeth — continued. Her teeth like pomegranate grains. — “VIKRAM AND THE VAMPIRE.” Tell-Tale. Tell-tale as a register of birth. — Ba.zac. Temper. Good temper, like a sunny day, sheds a brightness over everything ; it is the sweetener of toil and the soother of disquietude. — WASHINGTON Irvine. Temperate. Temperate as the morn. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Tempestuous. Tempestuous as a hurricane out of heaven. — EpMonD SCHERER. Temple. Thy temples are like a piece of a pomegranate within thy locks. — Op TESTAMENT. 3 Tempt. And as a bird each fond endearment tries, To tempt its new-pledg’d offspring to the skies, He tried each art, reprov’d each dull delay, Allur’d to brighter worlds, and led the way. — GOoLDsmMITH. Temptations. Temptations, when we meet them at first, are as the lion that roared upon Samson ; but if we overcome them, the next time: we see them we shall find a nest of honey within them.— Bunyan. Temptations, like misfortunes, are sent to test our moral strength. — MarcueErite DE VALOIS. Tempting. Tempting as a barmaid. — ANon. Tempting as a paradox. — Is. Tempting as a baked apple dump- ling. — Ini. TEETH. — TENDER. Tempting as Eve without a fig leaf. — Isr. Tempting as any fresh cowslip of spring. — E1iza Cook. Tenacious. Grasp tenacious as a viper’s. — SwINBURNE. More tenacious than birdlime or than the pitch of Phrygian Ida. — VIRGIL. Tender. Tender as a bud. — ANon. Tender as a capon. — Ii. Tender as a woman. — Isp. As tender as the murmur of the rain when great clouds gather. — Epwin ARNOLD. Tender as the midnight moon. — ALFRED AUSTIN. Buds tenderly ... Like a smile striving ‘with a wrinkled face. — Rosert BROWNING. He is as tender of his clothes, as a coward is of his flesh, and as loath to have them disordered. — SAMUEL But er. Tender light, like the first moonrise of midnight. — Byron. Tender as April twilight. — Buiss CARMAN. Tendre CHAUCER. as dewe of flouer.— Tendre as is a chicke. — Inp. Tender as a fond young lover’s dream. — JoHN CUNNINGHAM. Tender as a lamb. — Dickens. Tender as russet crimson dropt on snows. — JEAN INGELOw. Tender as the breast of a mother. — R. G. INGERSOLL. Tender as a summer night. — Lone- FELLOW. TENDER. — TERRIBLE. Tender — continued. Tender, as if it twinned with sorrow. — Henry Mackenzie. Tender as a summer heaven. — GERALD Massey. Tender, like a mother’s dream of her child. — Grorce MEREDITH. Tender as a woman when wounds should be staunched for the broken and ruined and routed. — RicHarp REAtr. Tender as dawn’s first hill-fire. — C. G. Rossetti. Tender as infancy and grace. — SHAKESPEARE. Tender as a youthful mother’s joy. — SouTHEY. Tender as a hurt bird’s note. — SWINBURNE. Tender as tears. — Isr. Tender as sun-smitten dew. — Inrp. Tender as the inside of the eyelid. — Isp. Tender as love’s tear when youth and beauty die. — Wi1LLIaM WINTER. Tenderly. Tenderly, as round the sleeping in- fant’s feet, We softly fold the cradle-sheet. — Witiiam CuLien Bryant. Tenderly as lovers may Who know the breaking dawn will be their wedding day. — Mary A. De Vere. Tenderly as Robin Redbreast covered the dead babes with forest leaves. — HawTHorne. Tenderly, as a mother might kiss a hot, impulsive child trying to still a restless spirit within. — Ropert Hrr- Rick (American). Tenderly . . . like the song of the robin in the tree. — W. D. Hower 11s. Tenderly, like one that leads the blind. — Wittuam C. Roscoe. 419 Tenderly be led by the nose, As asses are. — SHAKESPEARE. Tenderly as a bee that sips, Your kisses settle on my lips, — ARTHUR SYMONS. Tense. Tense as that cartilage which we have seen attaching the two Siamese. — Emerson. Fibres tense like a greyhound’s sinews after a race. — CHARLES READE. Tense as a war-steed girth. — SwIn- BURNE. Tense as wire. — Inip. Tensely Tensely as the drawn wire rope of a suspension bridge. — K1pLine. Terrible. Terrible as a Cerberus. — ANON. Terrible as the curse of a dead man’s eye. — Ipm. Terrible as Jove. — Isr. Terrible as the god of war. — FLav- BERT. Terrible ... something like the shriek of a giant in pain. — Tuomas A. JANVIER. Terrible as a meteor of fire. — JAMES MACPHERSON. Terrible ‘as hell. — Mitton. Terrible as torrents in their fall. — JAMES MonTGOMERY. Terrible as war. — Hannan More. Terrible . . . like flames of death. — OSSIAN. Terrible as the sea. — Ruskin. Terrible as fire. — SWINBURNE. His countenance was like the coun- tenance of an angel of God, very terrible. — Otp TESTAMENT. Terrible as an army with banners. — Isp. 420 Terrifying. Terrifying as the monologue of a storm. — Hugo. Terror. In terror . . . like a child that has lost its mother and sees a maatiff coming. — CARLYLE. Testimony. Testimony is like an arrow shot from a long bow ; the force of it de- pends in the strength of the hand that draws it. Argument is like an arrow from a cross-bow, which has equal force though shot by a child. — Dr. Jonnson. Theatre. (See also Stace). A theatre, unfortunately, is like a stage-coach : empty or full, it starts at the same time. — Bauzac. The stage is more beholding to love than the life of man; for as to the stage, love is ever matter of comedies, and now and then of tragedies ; but in life it doth much mischief, some- times like a siren, sometimes like a fury. — Bacon. Theatrical Favour, like Publick Commerce, will sometimes deceive the best Judgements by an unaccountable change of its Channel; the best Com- modities are not always known to meet with the best Markets. — Cottry CrsBER. The Theatre is like a Turkish seraglio : the critics are the eunuchs. — Farquaar. Thick. Thick as ants. — ANON. Thick as beans in a pod. — Ism. Thick as blackberries in July. — Isp. Thick as blanks in a lottery. — Inn. Thick as Charon’s ferry boat is with phantoms. — Ip. TERRIFYING. — THICK. Thick as dust in vacant chambers. — Isp. Thick as gutter mud. — Isp. Thick as hair on a dog’s back. — Inm. Thick as lichens on marble slab. — Isp. Thick as molasses in December. — Insp. Thick as peas in summer weather. -~ Isp. Thick as pea soup. — Isp. Thick as pitch. — Ipm. Thick as strings on a harp. — Ipm. Thick as the bark on a tree. — IBm. Thick as the spawn of a fish. — Inm. Thick as thistles. — Isr. Thick as wax. — IBID. Stars which stand out as thick asdew- drops on the field of heaven. —P. J. BaILey. Thick as burning stones that from the throat of some volcano foul the benighted sky. — Im. Stand thick as dewdrops on the bells of flowers. — Ropert Buarr. Thick as starlings in a fen. — WitLiam Browne. Thick like a glory round the Stagi- rite. — RoBerT Brownine. Thick As stars which storm the sky on Autumn nights. — Isp. Thick as hail. — Bunyan. As thikke as is a branched ook. — CHAUCER. As thikke as motes in the sonne beem. — Inm. Thick like two hungry torrents. — CHAPMAN. . Thick as spray. — H. F. Cuarke. Thick, like wool. — Euizaseta B. CUSTER. THICK. Thick — continued. Thick as scarecrows in England. — Dickens. His Pills as thick as Hand Granadoes flew, And where they Fell, as Certainly they slew. — WentwortsH DILLon. Thick as bees. — Austin Dosson. The air was as thick as the main deck in a close-fought action. — Sir A. Conan Dov Le. Thick as Egypt’s locusts. — DrypDEN. Thick as stars above. — GEORGE Eiot. Thick as stars that gem the Dol- phin’s brow. — Sanskrit Epic. As thick as the sands of the wide wilderness. — F. W. Faxner. Thick as two body-snatchers. — O. Henry. Thick as autumn leaves or driving sand. — Homer (Pope). Thick as in spring the flow’rs adorn the’land, Or leaves the trees; or thick as in- sects play. — Isp. Thick as London fog. — Hoop. Thick as a swarm of bees. — JEAN INGELow. Thick as butter. — KipLine. Thick as swallows with the summer. — GeorcE W. LovELL. Thick as flakes of snow. — Macav- LAY. Thick As starry mysteries written on the night. — GeraLtp Massey. Thick as feathers. — GrorcE MERE- DITH. Thick as the gems on chalices Kings keep for treasure. — Owen MEREDITH. Thick as autumnal leaves that strow the brooks In Vallombrosa. — MILTon. 421 Stood thick as stars. — Ip. Thick as oatmeal. — Tuomas Nasu. Thick as the fleeces of the winter snows. — OumpA. Thick as the violets cluster round the spring. — JouHN Payne. Thick as onions on a string. —J. R. PLANCHE. Thick as hops. —‘‘Poor Rosrn’s ALMANACK.” Thick as lotus flowers in Paradise. —J. Hamppen Porter. Thick as rain-drops. — Prescott. As thick as thieves. — OLp ENGLISH PROVERB. Thick as the daisies blown in grasses fanned by odorous midsummer breezes. —James Wuitcoms RItey. Thick as the schemes of human pride. — Sir WattTer Scott. Thick as SPEARE. honeycomb. — SHAKE- Thick as Tewksbury mustard. — Isp. Thick as thought could make ’em. —Ism. Thick as the snowflakes. — SoUTHEY. Thick as the stars that stud the wintry sky. — Imp. Thick as corn-blades in a field. — SPENSER. Lay scattered over all the land, As thicke as doth the seede after the sower’s hand. — Isp. Thick as swallows after storms. — E. C. STEDMAN. Thick as a mob. — Rosert Lous STEVENSON. Thick as a snow fall. — Inm. Thick as driving rain. — Inn. Thick as the stars at night when the moon is down. — Isip. 422 Thick — continued. Thick and silent like ants. — RoBERtT Louis STEVENSON. Thick as buds in April. —Swin- BURNE. Thick as the darkness of leaf- shadowed spring is encumbered with flowers. — Inip. Lie thick as the blades of the grasses The dead in their graves. — Ism. Thick as grave-worms. — Isp. Thick as Autumn rains. — TENNY- SON. Thick as dust in vacant chambers. —Ism. Thick as hail. — THERSITES. Thick as sparks above the rushing train. — J. T. TRowBRIDGE. Thick as three rats in a little boy’s stocking. — Inm. The air is thick as incense-wreaths That waver in the candles’ gleam. —G. 8. VimREcx. Thick as the hail with which the storm-clouds rattle on the roof. — VIRGIL. Thick as seagulls. — VoLTAIRE. Thicke, as shining lights, which we call starres. — Sir Tuomas Wyatt. Thick as hasty pudding. — ““YANKEE Doon.” Thin. Thin as a groat. — ANon. Thin as a rail. —Ipm. Thin as a snake. — Ipm. Thin as a wafer. — Inm. Thin as famished rats. — Inm. Thin as gold leaf. — Inm. Thin as wall paper. — Inn. Thin as a reed. — Inm. Thin as a spindle. — Inm. Thin as a toothpick. — Ibm. THICK. — THINLY. Thin as the shadow of a hair. — Ipip. Thin as a pair of shears. — ARABIAN Niauts. His poor body is as thin as a nail. — Bawzac. Thin as the petal of the cotton blossom. — Henry A. CLAPP. Thin as a lath. — ‘‘Founp1iine Hos- PITAL FoR Writ,” 1748. So thin that he was obliged to put lead in his shoes so as to not be blown away by the wind. — Huco. Thin as a Ritz-Carlton sandwich. — STEPHEN LEACOCK. Thin as a carriage painter’s arm. — ABE Martin. Thin as a weasel. — GrorcE MERE- DITH. Thin as mist. — Isp. Thin as the shell of a sound. —Ism. Thin as a brief forgotten dream. — R. M. Mies. A Spectre, thin as that dismal flame That burns and beams, a moving lamp, Where the dreary fogs of night en- camp. — T. BucHanan ReaD. Her body thin and bare as any bone. — SACKVILLE. Thin as a skeleton. — THomas SHap- WELL. Thin of substance as the air. — SHAKESPEARE. Thin as Fraud. — SHELLEY. Thinned, as the shades in a vision of spirits that sinned. — SWINBURNE. Thin as a costume worn by a Salome dancer. — WALTER TRUMBULL. Thinly. The early judicial circuits of Indiana. like the young gentleman’s whiskers. —extensively laid out, but thinly settled. — Sanrorp Cox. THIRST. —— THOUGHT. Thirst. Thirst for them as Tantulus for in- accessible water, and the fruit that the wind blew away from him. — ANON. My soul thirsteth after thee, as a thirsty land. — Otp TESTAMENT. Thirsty. Thirsty as a fish. — ANON. Thirsty as a sponge. — Ipip. Thirsty as a dry road. — Crrin Harcourt. ‘ Thirsty as Tantalus. — SYDNEY MunbpEn. Thought. Thoughts, like snowflakes on some far-off mountain side, go on accumula- ing till some great truth is loosened, and falls like an avalanche on the waiting world. — ANon. Great thoughts, like great deeds, need no trumpet. — P. J. BaiLry. Dark wretched thoughts, like ice- isles in a stream, choke up my mind, and clash. — Ism. Thoughts, like nuns, ought not to go abroad without a veil. — BuLweEr- Lyrron. Thoughts, like waves that glide by night, are stillest when they shine. — Ism. Thoughts are like persons met upon a journey ; I think them very agree- able at first but soon find, as a rule, that I am tired of them. — SAMUEL Butier (1835-1902). Our thoughts, like the waters of the sea, when exhaled towards Heaven, will lose all their bitterness and salt- ness, and sweeten into an amiable humanity, until they descend in gentle showers of love and kindness upon our fellow-men. — C. C. Couron. Curran’s airy thoughts, like purple birds that shine and soar.-—C. G. Durry. 423 Human thought is like a monstrous pendulum : it keeps swinging from one extreme to the other. — Eucrne Frexp. A thought would wander like a free bird over his features, flutter in his eyes, light on his parted lips, hide itself in the wrinkles of his brow, then utterly vanish away. — Ivan A. GoncHaRov. Some kinds of thoughts breed in the dark of one’s mind like the blind fishes in the Mammoth cave. We can’t see them and they can’t see us ; but sooner or later the daylight gets in and we find that some cold, fishy little negative has been sprawling all over our beliefs, and the brood of blind questions it has given birth to are burrowing round and under and butting their blunt notes against the pillars of faith we thought the whole world might lean on. — O. W. Homes. A little thought in life is like salt upon rice. — KipLinae. Thoughts, common as clay, and the trodden earth. — Grorce MacDona.p. My thoughts, like birds, were fright- ened from their nest.— Otway. Beautiful thoughts that fall like rain Are droughts for pleasure or balm for pain. — D. G. Rossetti. The presence of a thought is like the presence of a loved one. We deem that we shall never forget this thought and that the loved one can never become indifferent to us. But out of sight, out of mind! The most beautiful thought runs the risk of being irrevocably forgotten if it is not written down, and the loved one to be torn from us if she has not been wedded. — ScHOPENHAUER. A thought unknown is as a thought unacted. — SHAKESPEARE. An old thought turns with the old tune in my head As a windmill turns in the wind on an empty sky. — ARTHUR SYMONS. 424 Thought. — continued. Sweet thoughts, like honey-bees, have made their hive of her soft bosom cell, and cluster there. — Ametia B. WELBY. Thoughtful. Thoughtful and dark, like the sun when he carries a cloud on his face. — James MacpHerson. ( Thoughtless. Thoughtless as a lark. — Knats. Thoughtless as if dead already. — ““DHAMMAPADA.” Thrash. Thrash invaders rash, like barley with a flail. — Hoop. : Thrashed him like a wheat-sheaf. — W. S. Lanpor. Threadbare. Threadbare as a lazzarone’s velvet coat. — Lewis RosENTHAL. Threatening. Threatening as a porcupine. — ANON. Threatening . . . like precipices. — Burns. Threatening, like a storm, just breaking on our heads. — DrypEN. Thrill. Thrilling as the meteor’s fall through the depths of lonely sky. — ANon. Thrilled like the juice of the purple vine. — In. Thrilled like the string of a lyre. — Ipip. : Thrilled as was Rome when Cesar returned laden with the spoils of conquest. — Isrp. Thrills in leafy tremblement, Like a heart that after climbing Beateth quickly though content. —E. B. Brownrna. Thrill like his lyre-strings. — Byron. THOUGHT. — THRILL. Thrilled like a revelation. — JosErH ConraD. Thrilled in ecstasy, like an Oriental saint. — DAUDET. Her timbers thrilled as nerves, When through them passed the spirit of that shock. — Sire Francis H. Dove. Thrilling her as with fire of rage divine And battling energy. — GrorceE Enior. Thrill in your veins like shouts of victory. — Isp. Thrill like the nightingale’s song. — Epwarp Octavus Fiaae. Thrills... like a thing of song and gladness. — W. S. GILBERT. Thrill with sound like a harp. — KENNETH GRAHAME. Thrilled like witch-notes. — ARTHUR Henry HAuiaM. Thrill like some fanciful land of romance. — Bret Harte. Thrills As if the Enchanted Castle at the heart Of the wood’s dark wonderment Swung wide his valves, and filled the dim sea-banks With exquisite visitants. —W. E. HENLEy. Thrill like a battle shout. — Mary E. HewIrr. Memories thrill, Like a breath from the wood, like a breeze from ‘the hill. —O. W. Homes. A leap and a thrill like the flash of a weaver’s shuttle, Swift and sudden and sure. — Ricwarp Hovey. Thrilling like the trump of battle. — Water MALoNnrE. Thrill, Like sounds upon the wind-harp’s chords when all the winds are still. — Grorce D. PRENTICE. THRILL. — TIGHT. Thrill — continued. My heart like a touched harp-string thrilled. — ALEXANDER Srru. Thrill as a theatre thronged at ap- peal of an actor’s appalled agitation. — SWINBURNE. Thrilled as by the clangorous call Of storm’s blown trumpets from the core of night. —Ism. Thrill, Like the whole world’s heart, with warm new life and gladdening flame. — Isp. Thrilled . . . like Memnon waking from his marble dream. — Saran H. WHITMAN. Thrive. Thrives like sin. — ANon. Thrives like evil weeds. — ANDREW MARVELL. Throat. Her throat is like the swan. — WIL- uiaM Throb. Throbbed like some branch against some river swift. — AUBREY Dr VERE. Throbbed As with some spiritual ecstasy. — Lewis Morris. Throbbed, as by sudden fever stirred. — Bayarp Taytor. Throbbing like a wounded bird. — Francis THOMPSON. Throng. Thronged like a shower of gold king-cups in meadows sunny. —GER- ALD MAssEy. Thronged, as to storm sweet heaven’s triumphal gate. — SWINBURNE. Through. Through like a shot. — ANON. Goes through ’em like the grace of heaven through a camp meeting. — Isp. 425 To go through me like water through a sieve. — ALEXANDER Barclay. Through you, as through a breast of glass, I see. — Ropert BRrownina. Through me like a flash of lightning through a gooseberry bush. — BENga- MIN WEBSTER. Throw. He threw me from his breast, like a detested sin. — Orway. Thunder. Thunder like a whole sea overhead. — Rosert Brownine. Thunder like the ocean when in strength and breadth and length it sets to shore. — C. G. Rosser. Thunder as Jove himself does. — SHAKESPEARE. Thunder as of earthquake coming. — SHELLEY. Thundering. Thundering like ramping hosts of warrior horse. — GrorcE MEREDITH. Thunderous. Thunderous, like some Gregorian chant. — SaraAH WILLIAMS. Tick. Tick, Like the death-watch, within our ears the ills Past, present, and to come. — Byron. Ticking like the love-making of a grasshopper. — Tuomas Harpy. Tidy. Tidy as a candy shop. — ANon. Tied. Mutual hate tied, Like two dark serpents tangled in the dust. — SHELLEY. Tight. Tight as a drum head. — ANon. 426 Tight — continued. Locked tight as an oyster. — ANON. Tight as a wad. — Ini. Tight as Dick’s hatband. — Inin. Tight as the skin of a gooseberry. — Ibrp. Tight as a bow-string. — BuLWER- Lytron. Tight as a bottle. —Josera Con- RAD. Tight as a gooseberry. — DIcKENs. Skin tight like a bursting vest. — Amy Lowe Lt. Tight like teeth. —Grorcre MERE- DITH. Time. Time is like a river made up of the events which happen, and a violent stream; for as soon as a thing has been seen, it is carried away, and another comes in its place, and this will be carried away too. — Marcus AURE- LIUS. Time is like money ; the less we have of it to spare, the further we make it go. — JosH BILLiNes. Time, like a brilliant steed with seven rays, and with a thousand eyes, imperishable, full of fecundity, bears all things onward. —“‘Hymn To Time.” Time’s shadows, like the shuttle, flee. — D. M. Morr. Time, like a seven-wheeled, seven- naved car, moves on. His rolling wheels are all the worlds, his axle is immortality. — Frreprich RUckert. For time is like a fashionable host That slightly shakes his parting guest by the hand, And with the arms outstretch’d, as he would fly, Grasps in the comer: welcome ever smiles, And farewell goes out sighing. — SHAKESPEARE. TIGHT. — TINGE. Time is like the peacefulness of grass, which clothes, as if with silence and deep sleep, deserted plains that once were loud with strife. — ALEx- ANDER SMITH. Time is as wind, and as waves are we. — SWINBURNE. Time, like the earth with flowers be- spread In youthful spring, is dark and Dead when age and cares come on And friends and pleasures are all gone. — WALTHER VON DER VOGELWEIDE. Timid. Timid as a child deserted by its nurse. — ANON. Timid as a falling snowflake. — In. Timid as a mouse. — IBmp. Timid voice, like a baby afraid of punishment. — HerMANN Baur. As timid, touching and inquiring, as she who charmed the gods from the threshold of Olympus. — Dr. Joun Doran. Timid as a youth can be. —Ma- HABHARATA. Timid as a doe. — Roperr Nogt. Timid as a sheep. — Oumpa. Timid as a fawn. — THACKERAY. Timorous. Timorous as a bird. — ANON. Timorous ... as the first chirrup of a callow bird. — OWEN MEREDITH. Timorous as a truant child. — Bay- ARD TAYLOR. Tinge. Tinged like the face of the rainbow. — Anon. The crimson stream, as if flowing from the dark-tinted rose, tinged her fair hand as with the purple current. — ADELBERT VON CHaMISso. TINGLE. —— TOGETHER. Tingle. Tingling, like cords of shaken lyres. — F. W. Faper. Tingled in my veins like streams of liquid fire. — Apams S. Hi. Tingled like a lute that is tuned too high. — J. H. McCarruy. Tingle like fagots. —F. D. Suer- MAN. Tinkling. Tinkling . . . like armourers at work upon their anvils. —Srr WALTER Scorr. Tiny. Tiny as the temple of Nike. — ANON. Tipple. Tippled like a fish. — CAMPBELL. Tip-tilted. Tip-tilted, like a thirsty duckling’s bill After much guzzling in a pool. — Oscar Fay Apams. Her slender nose Tip-tilted like the petal of a flower. — TENNYSON. Tip-toe. On tip-toe like escaping murderers. —E. B. Brownine. Tired. Tired as old Nick. — Anon. Tired as the dickens. — Isrp. Tired as twilight. — Isip. Tired as BROWNING. tombstones. — RoBERT Tiresome. Tiresome as when poor Sisyphus reaches the top of the mountain vainly to feel his burden go rolling back from his shoulders. — SENECA. Titter. A titter Like the skipping of rabbits by moon- light. — RosBert BRowNING. 427 Title. The title of knight, on the back of a knave, is like a saddle upon a sow. — ALEXANDER Brown. Titles of honor are like impressions on coin, which add no value to gold and silver, but only render brass cur- rent. — STERNE. Titles and birth, like diamonds from the mine, Must by your worth be polish’d ere they shine. — Wituiam WHITEHEAD. Together. Stick together like birds. — ANon. Together like birds of prey watching a carcass. — Isr. Come in together like dinner and wax tapers. — Inip. We all live together like two wanton vines, : Circling our souls and loves in one another. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Grow together like tares and wheat. —E. B. Browning. Hang together like bees or Scotch- men. — BuLWER-LYTTON. Cluttered together like so many pebbles in a tide. — Ropert Burton. Together unavoidably, like two ships becalmed near each other. — JosEPH ConraD. Together, like meeting rivers. — JoHN HucuHEs. Gathered herself together like a watch spring. — KIpPLine. Paths now lie together, as our foot- | prints on the strand. —T. BucHanan Reap. So we grew together, Like to a double cherry, seeming parted, But yet an union in partition ; Two lovely berries moulded on one stem ; 428 Together — continued. So, with two seeming bodies, but one heart, Two of the first, like coats in heraldry, Due but to one and crowned with one crest. — SHAKESPEARE, Join they all together, Like many clouds consulting for foul weather. — Inn. Gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit. — Op TEsTaMENT. Together like the two kings of Brent- ford smelling at one nosegay. — Bon- NEL THORNTON. Toil. Toiled like a dog in a wheel.— ANon. Toiled like branded — slaves. — GERALD Massey. Tolerant. One who does his duty is tolerant like the earth .. . he is like a lake | without mud. — BuppHa. Tolerate. Tolerate as lions tolerate lice. — G. B. SHaw. Toll. Deep bells toll, Like a last knell over the dead world’s soul. — Hoop. Tongue. Your tongue is like a jaded nag. When the spurs prick its flanks it can only switch its tail.—Lzonip AN- DREYEFF. His tongue is like any kind of car- riage, the less weight it bears, the faster and easier it goes. — SaMUEL BUTLER. His tongue is like a Bagpipe Drone, that has no Stop, but makes a continual ugly Noise, as long as he can squeeze any Wind out of himself. — Inrp. Their tongue was like a mellow turret bell Yo toll hearts burning into wide-lipped hell. —Lorp De Tastey. TOGETHER. — TONGUE. All tongue, like the lily. — Harz. His tongue, like the tail of Sam- son’s foxes, carries firebrands, and is enough to set the whole field of the world on a flame. — JoserH Hatt. The tongue of a louer should be like the poynt in the Diall, which though it go, none can see it going, or a young tree which though it growe, none can perceiue it growing, hauing alwayes the stone in their mouth which the Cranes vse when they flye ouer moun- taines, least they make a noyse, but to be sylent, and lyghtly to esteeme of his Ladye, to shake hir off though he be secreat, to chaunge for euerything though he bewray nothing, is the onely thing that cutteth the heart in peeces of a true and constant louer, which deepely waying with my selfe, I pre- ferred him that woulde neuer remoue, though he reueiled [reveal] all before him that woulde conceale all, and euer be slyding, thus wasting to [o] and fro, I appeale to you my good Violet, whether in loue be more required, secrecie, or constancy. — LyYLy. Whose tongue, like the dart of death, spares neither sex nor age. — CuarLes MAcktin. A fool’s tongue is like the buye of an anchor, you will find his heart by it where soever it lyes. —Srr Tuomas OVERBURY. His tongue is like a biscuit-seller’s shovel — long tongued. — OsMANuI PROVERB. Her tongue, which rosily Peeped as a piercing bud between her lips. — D. G. Rossetti. With tongue is like a sword’s point. — SWINBURNE. Thy tongue deviseth mischiefs ; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully. — Op TESTAMENT. Your tongue is like a scarlet snake that dances to fantastic tunes. — Oscar WILDE. TONGUELESS. — TOUCH. Tongueless. Tongueless as she whom a man- snake stung. — SWINBURNE. Tooth. The dentist pulled her tooth just like a serial, every day another piece. — BENJAMIN Kovner. Top. Everything at the top and nothing at bottom, like a midshipman’s chest. — W. C. Russet. Topple. Toppled like a descending kite. — Owen WISTER. Tore. Steamer .. . Tore its way out like a savage sawfish. — O. Henry. Torn. Torn, * Like the remainder tatters of a dream. — Hoop. Torpid. Torpid as a toad in marble. — Dr. JOHNSON. Tortuous. Tortuous — like byways of despair. — JosrEPH ConraD. Tortuous as a labyrinth. — Guy DE Maupassant. Torture. Torture . . . like poisoned sword. — Ancient BaLuap or HinpusTan. Torture, like a stoical fly on a pin. — ARNOLD BENNETT. Toss. Millions of grass blades that tossed like an emerald sea in the sunshine. — Oscar Fay ApAms. Aside I’m tossed, As an old sword whose scabbard’s lost. — ANON. Tossing like an awakened conscience. —Isp. 429 Tossed like a peanut at sea. — Ipip. Tossed like a feather in a whirlwind. —Ism. Tossed like a plebe in a blanket. — Isp. I’ve been tossed like the driven foam. — EMERSON. Tossed ... like a cork on the waves. — THomas Harpy. Tosses you about like cork crumbs in wine opened by an unfeed waiter. — O. Henry. Tossed it just like a haymaker at work. — Hoop. Tossing like field-flowers in Spring. — Grorce MEREDITH. Tost like the bearded and billowy wheat by the winds of the mountain driven. — Owen MEREDITH. Tossing like a flower’s head. — Oura. Tossed like a fretted shallop-sail Between ocean and the gale. —T. Bucuanan Reap. Like a frail bark thy weakened mind is tost. — Ricwarp SAVAGE. I am tossed up and down as the locust. — OLD TESTAMENT. Tossed about like a few potatoes in a wheelbarrow. — Mrs. TROLLOPE. Toss like a ship at anchor, rocked by storms. — WORDSWORTH. Totter. Tottering like a man on a tight rope. — ANon. Tottered away like a corpse set moving. — CHARLES READE. Tottering . . . like lean herds pur- sued by gadflies. — SHELLEY. Touch. Her touch was as warm as the tinge of the clover Burnt brown as it reached to the kiss of the sun. — Joaquin MILLER. 430 Tough. Tough as any bough. — ANon. Tough as leather. — Isp. Tough as nails. — Isp. Tough as shoe-leather. — Ibm. As. tough as whit-leather. — Inip. Tough as old hickory. — J. R. Barr- Letr’s ‘“‘DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN- ISMS.” Tough as an India-rubber ball. — CHARLOTTE BRONTE. Tough as a Cape Cod fisherman. — Rosert EpGren. Tough as a telegraph wire. — Ricuarp Le GALLIENNE. Tower. Towering above mortality, Horace’s swan. — ANON. like Towered above them as the eternal firmament above the ephemeral butter- fly. — Isp. Towers like another Saul. — Isp. Towering, like the keel-compelling sail that takes the topmost tempest. — AuBrey De VERE. Towering above the common level of days, as cathedrals above houses. — J. J. JUSSERAND. Towers like an ocean-cliff. — Kats. Towering like rocks of jet Crowned with a diamond wreath. — SHELLEY. Traceless. Traceless as a thaw of bygone snow. — C. G. Rossettt. Trackless. Trackless as the desert. — ANON. Trackless as the sea. — In. Trackless as a sound. — Bauzac. Trackless as the immemorable hour When birth’s dark portal groaned and all was new. —D. G. Rossertt. TOUGH. — TRANQUILIZING, Tractable. Tractable as a Sheepe. — Lyty. Trailing. Trailing like a wounded duck. — Korine. Traitor. Traitors in their fall are like the sun, Who still looks fairest at his going down. — Orway. Trample. Trample like dust under his feet. — ANON. Trampled as the filth in the street. — James W. Watson. Tranquil. Tranquil as night. — ANon. Tranquil as a star. — ALFRED AUs- TIN. As tranquil and unmoved as Fate. — AmpBrosE BIErce. Tranquil like a summer cloud Which, having rained itself to a tardy peace, Stands still in heaven as if it ruled the day. —E. B. Brownine. Tranquil as a child who goes to gather flowers. — FERNAN CABALLERO. Tranquil as a marble statue. — Tueopore S. Fay. Tranquil as the clear moonlight, that woos the palms on Orient shorcs. —P. H. Hayne. More tranquil than ja musk-rose blowing in a green island. — Kzats. Tranquil as a WoRrDSWORTH. summer sea. — Tranquil as a dreamless sleep. — Isip. Tranquilly. Rest tranquilly like lilies under leaves. — Ernest Dowson. Tranquilizing. Tranquilizing, like oil in the water. — Gawain Douctas. TRANSFORM. Transform. Transform like magic. — ANoN. The power of beauty will sooner transform honesty from what it is to a bawd, than the force of honesty can translate beauty into his likeness. — SHAKESPEARE. Transformed as night or as day by. the kindling year. — SwInBURNE. Transforming. Transforming sleep, like that of the chrysalis. — Ipm. Transient. Transient as the summer storm. — ANON, Transient as the inconstant sigh. — Byron. Transient . . . asis the fleeting hour. — CowPEr. Transient as breath shaking a flame. — Groree Eniort. Transient as lightning. — Taomas Harpy. Transient as vapours glimm’ring thro’ the glades. — WaLTEeR Harte. Transient as the dew. — RusKIN. Transient as faith or as terror that bows men’s knees. — SWINBURNE. Transient as the glance Of flying sunbeams. — WorpDswortu. Transitory. Transitory as April showers. — ANON. Translation. Translations are like busy match- makers: they sing the praises of some half-veiled beauty and extol her charms, and arouse an irresistible longing for the original. — GoETHE. Translucent. Translucent as the pearly Wave ; Of that fair star that rules the night, With an internal glory bright. —Joun Payne. « — TRAVELER 431 Translucent as CHARLES SANGSTER. pure crystal. — Translucent, like a virgin’s veil. — THEODORE Warts-DunTON. Transmitted. Transmitted, like the Lord Mayor’s barge, To the next comer. — Byron. Transparent. Transparent as a_ veil. — Hans Cristian ANDERSEN. Transparent as a young sardine. — ANON. Transparent as crystal. — Ipm. Transparent as gossamer: — IBrp. Transparent as light. — Ini. Transparent . . . as a ruby smitten by the sun. — Dante. Transparent as a rock of solid crystal. — DRYDEN. Transparent as a Gerorce ELtot. rock-pool. — Transparent as mica. — O. Henny. Transparent as pure water. — Sic- MUND KRASINSKI. Transparent as glass. —Guy DE Maupassant. Transparent as air. —SaIntT-PIERRE. Transparent as __ barricadoes.— SHAKESPEARE. Transparent as the soul of innocent youth. — WorpDsworTu. Trapped. Trapped like a rat. — ANon. Trapped like bears in a pit. — Huco. Traveler. I am of this minde with Homer, that as the Snayle that crept out of hir shell was turned eftsoones into a Toad, and thereby was forced to make a stoole to sit on, disdaining hir own house: so the Trauailer that stragleth from his 432 own countrey, is in short tyme trans- formed into so monstrous a shape, that hee is faine to alter his mansion with his manners, and to liue where he canne, not where he would. — Ly ty. Treacherous. Treacherous as the memory. — ANON. Treading. Treading warily, like one on the top of a tower. — HERBERT QUICK. Treason. Treason is like diamonds; there is nothing to be made by the small trader. — DoucLas JERROLD. Treason, like spiders weaving nets for flies, By her foul work is found, and in it dies. — Joun WEBSTER. Tremble. Trembled as though she were going to commit a wicked action. — Hans CurisTIAN ANDERSEN. Trembled as a flame blown by the wind. — ANon. Trembled like a hymn. — Isp. Trembling like needle to the pole. — Isp. Trembled . . . like some high oak by a fierce tempest shaken. — Ism. Tremble like the body of a guitar. — Isw. Trembled like cold jelly. — Isr. Trembled like the devil. — Inm. Trembled like the strings of a violin. — Is. Trembles .. . As the distracted herd, when they the lion meet. — ARaBIc. She trembled, like the stem of a reed. — ASSYRIAN. Trembling like a man with the palsy. —J. M. Barris. TREACHEROUS. — TREMBLE, Trembles like the luv-smitten harte ov a damsell. — JosH BILLines. Trembling, as sunshine comes through aspen-leaves. — R. D. Biack- MORE. Trembled like a folded sheep at the bleating of her lamb. — Inn. Tremble, like the trembling of an arch ere the key-stone is put in. — Isp. Trembling, like water after sunset. — Isp. Tremble . . . like a netted lioness. —E. B. Brownine. Trembling like a tub of size. — Rosert BRownine. As a fish taken from his watery home and thrown in the dry ground, our thought trembles all over in order to escape the dominion of Mara [the tempter]. — Buppna. Trembling like an ague. — BuLWER- LytTTon. Trembled as at an earthquake. — Grosuz Carpucct. Trembling like a frightened deer which is seeking a place of refuge. — Lewis CaRROo.LL. Tremble like a fragile reed. — Exiza Cook. Tremble like dew on violet’s leaves. — Isp. Tremble, Like the loose wrack in the sky, When the four wild winds assemble. — Barry CorNnwaL.L. Trembling, as if eternity were hung In balance on his conduct. — CowPEr. Tremble, as the creatures of an hour Ought at the view of almighty pow’r. — Isp. Trembling like an Eastern slave before the pasha. — Wituiam E. Cur- TIS, TREMBLE, . Tremble — continued. Trembling like a bridal veil. — Ausrey De Vers. Trembling like a little child. — Dumas, PERE. Trembling as the dewy rose the wind has shaken. —O. W. Homes. Tremble like the stars in the sky. — Hoop. Trembles like a reed in flower. — Hueco. Trembled in the social anxiety like leaves at the approach of the storm. — Isp. Trembling, like Paris, on the brink of an obscure and formidable revolu- tion. — Inm. Trembled like a thing about to die. — Jean INGELow. Tremble as a trembling leaf. — Jay- ADEVA. Trembling like a falcon’s game. — Rosert U. JoHnson. Trembling like an aspen-bough. — Kaarts. Trembles like a harp full strung. — Swney Lanier. A-tremble like a new-born thing. — Ip. Fell a-trembling like as the lips of lady that forth falter yes. — Ip. Tremble like a shot pigeon. — AL- FRED Henry LEwIs. Trembling . . . like beauty shining through a tear. — JoHn LEYDEN. Trembling like a steed before the start. — LONGFELLOW. Trembling, like a man that loves to be a soldier, yet is afraid of a gun. — Cartes MAckiin. Lips trembled like those of a man caught in the act of doing wrong. — Guy DE Maupassant. 433 Trembled as a man in fear. — Wiz- uAM Morris. Trembling like a hunted prey. — Otway. Trembling like a leaf in a hurricane. — Oura. Trembling like a coward. — SamuEL RicHARDSON. Trembled like a frightened child. — C. G. Rosserti. Trembled like a freezing man. — W. C. Russe. Tremble like aspen leaves. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Trembled Like ten thousand clouds which flow With one wide wind. — SHELLEY. Like a clipp’d guinea, trembles in the scale. —R. B. SHERIDAN. Trembled like a lambe fled from prey. — SPENSER. Tremble as with love that casts out fear. — SWINBURNE. Trembled like a stricken thrall. — Ipm. Tremble like lute-strings. — Ism. Trembling, like fiery light on crisped streams. — FREDERICK TENNYSON. Tremble, like the light that strikes the zenith when the sun is down. — Isp. Trembling, like those battlements of stone That fell in fear when Joshua’s horns were blown. — Henry Van Dyke. Trembling like a storm-struck tree. — THEoporE Watts-Dunton. Trembles like a tender spark. — Isr. Tremble in the sunny skies, As if, from waving bough to bough, Flitted the birds of paradise. — WHITTIER. 434 Tremble — continued. Tremble like a guilty thing surprised. — Worpswortu. Trembling, as if with fear of some unconfessed peril, which she felt to be near at hand. — Zoua. Tremendous. Tremendous, as that of trying. to read the Universal Riddle. — Lar- caDIO HEARN. Tremor. A slight tremor in thy tone, Like that of some frail harp-string blown By fitful breezes, faint and low. — WHITTIER. Tremulous. Tremulous the voice .. . like any one’s when jesting with a subject not a joke. — Hoon. Tremulous as a nest. — Hugo. Tremulous as the mimosa leaf. — Lyvia H. Sigourney. Tremulous like fire. — SWINBURNE. Tremulous as brook-water. — Os- caR WILDE. Tremulous as a leaf forsaken of the summer. — N. P. Trepidation. Eternal trepidation — like the tick- ing of a death watch to patients lying awake in the plague. — ANon. Trickles. Trickles down as from a wound. — Epwarp Hake. Tricky. Tricky as a concierge. — ANON. Tricky as a clown. —Isrp. Tricky as an ape. — Izip. Tried. Tried us as silver is tried. — OLp TESTAMENT. TREMBLE, — TRIUMPH. Trifles. Trifles light as air Are to the jealous confirmations strong As proofs of holy writ. — SHAKESPEARE. Trifling. Trifling as hobby-horses. — ADDISON. Empty and trifling, like little dogs biting one another, and little children quarreling, laughing, and straightway weeping. — Marcus AURELIUS. Trill. Trilled at the rising sun almost like a stag which inhales the universal love and feels the April sap mounting and boiling in his veins. — Hugo. Trim. Trim as a lady of gentle degree. — JOANNA BAILLIE. Trimmed like Alexandrine verses. — Hueco. Trimm’d like a younker prancing to his love. — SHAKESPEARE. Trip. Tripping like winsome fairy through the woods at break of morn. — ANON. Tripped . . . as light’s a bird upon a thorn. — Burns. Tripping light as a sandpiper over the beach. — LowEL.. Tripp’d, like a lamb playful and void of fear, through daisied grass and young leaves. — Lewis Morris. Trippingly. As trippingly as a_shepherdess’s feet in a pastoral. — Ouma. Trite. Trite as Priam’s tale, and twice as old. — Water Harve. Triumph. Triumph like a king. — WiLLIAM Byrp. TRIUMPH Triumph — continued. Triumph like the bitterness of death. — SWINBURNE. Triumphant. Triumphant like a God. — SouTHEy. Triumphant as the sun. — SwIn- BURNE. Triumphantly. Triumphantly ride, Like foam on the surges, the swans of the tide. — James MonTGoMERY. Trivial. Trivial as a parrot’s prate-—CowPeEr. Trivial as to attempt to blow out the stars. — Grorce W. Curtis. As trivial as if a painter should put real gold upon his canvas instead of representing gold by means of paint. — Isp. Trivial as the giggle of a housemaid. — Henry JAMEs. Trivial as the tears of infancy. — JoHN RANDOLPH. Trodden. Trodden as grapes in the wine-press of lust. — SWINBURNE. Shall be trodden down under him, even as straw is trodden down for the dunghill. — Otp TEsTaMENT. Trot. Trot like a doe. — ANON. Trot, like a servile footman, all day long. — SHAKESPEARE. Trouble. Troubles, like babies, grow larger by nursing. — Lapy Houianp. Troubles are like babies — they only grow by nursing. — Doueias JERROLD. Troubled, like a fountain stirr’d. — SHAKESPEARE. Troubled, as Cretan seas when vext by warring winds. — EpMuND SMITH. . . — TRUE, 435 Troubled, as if with anger or pain. — TENNYSON. Troublesome. Troublesome as a wasp in one’s ear. — THomas Futter, M.D. Troublesome as THOMAS SHADWELL. a monkey. — Troublesome ... as a young cox- comb-rhyming lover. — WYCHERLEY. Trudge. Trudge like a poor pedler. — Anon. Trudge Like a circuit-beast, plagu’d with a gouty judge. — Henry VAUGHAN. True. True as that an apple is a fruit. — Frankxun P. Apams. As true as God’s own word is here. — Gustavus ADOLPHUS. True as the faithful watchdog of the fold. — Aiscuy us. True as the helm, the bark’s pro- tecting guide. — Isr. ‘True as a die. — ANON. True as God is in heaven. — Isp. True as gold. — Inrp. True as holy writ. — Ini. As true as that nothing is but what is not. — Isp. True as that a man who has shaved has lost his beard. — Izrp. True as that is is. — Ipmp. About as true as that the cat crew, and the cock rocked the cradle. —Ipip. True as that the king has an egg in his pouch. — Ip. True as that the world is turned upside down every twenty-four hours. — Ini. True of his promise as a poor man of his ‘eye. — Izrp. 436 True — continued. True as the gospel. — Braumontr AND FLETCHER. True as written gospel. — RoBErT B. Brovuau. True And pauseless as the pulses. —E. B. Brownina. True as that heaven and earth exist. — Rosert BRownina. True as the dial to the sun. — SAMUEL BUTLER. As true as a shepherd to his flock. — Byron. True as truth. — Mapison CawEIn. Trewe as any bonde. — CHAUCER. Lovers be as trewe, As eny metal that is forged newe. — Isp. True as turtill dove. — Inm. As trewe as ever was any steel. —IBmrp. True as a needle to the pole. — CowPeER. A clock so true, as might the sun control. — Donne. True as an arrow to its aim. — SIR Francis H. Doy.e. As true as Tristram and Isolde were. — DryDeEN. True as the College clock’s unvarying hand. — Georce ELLs. True as thy coat to thy back. — GEORGE GASCOIGNE. : True as the sun. — W. S. GiLBErT. True as swallow to the roadless blue. — Emity H. Hickey. As true as God. — J. G. Hottann. True as the dial’s shadow to the beam. — O. W. Hotes. True as the watchman to his beat. — Hoop. True as time. — Jean INGELOW. TRUE. True as a gun. — Ben Jonson. True as innocence. — Kzats. True as the magnet is to iron. — W. S. Lanpor. True as the Apocalypse. — Amy LEsLIz. True as death. — Martowe. True to one as a beggar to his dish, — Brian MELBANCKE. True as a barber’s news on Satur- day night. — MmpLeton. True as stars. — THomas Moore. True as the lute, that no sighing can waken. — Isp. True as the homing-bird flies with its message. — JOHN Boye O’REILLY. True as the Pentateuch. — Por. True as Heaven. — Ear or Rocues- TER. She kept in time without a beat As true as church-bell ringers. — C. G, Rossert. True as steel, as plantage to the moon, As sun to day, as turtle to her mate, As iron to adamant, as earth to the centre. — SHAKESPEARE. As true as truth’s simplicity. — Isp. As true as truest horse, that yet would never tire. — Isr. Keep as true in soul As doth that orbed continent the fire That severs day from night. — Ism. True as I live. — In. Is as true as black is blue. — SKEL- TON. Trewe as the gospell. — Ipip. True as truth’s own heart. — SwiIn- BURNE. A friend: as true as guardian-angels are. — WILLIAM THomson. True it is, as cow chews cud. — Tuomas Tussrr. TRUMPET. — TUMBLE. True — continued. True as the Stock-dove to her shallow nest And to the grove that holds it. — Worpswortu. Trumpet. ‘Frumpeted like figures of Fame. — Hueco. Trustful. Trustful as Don Juan’s famous Mon- sieur Dimanche. — Dauner. Trustful as innocence. — W. S. GiL- BERT. Truth. Truth like a torch, the more it’s shook, it shines. — ANON. Truth and falsehood ... are like the iron and clay in the toes of Ne- buchadnezzar’s image, they may cleave, but they will not incorporate. — Bacon. Moral truths, like human beings, change their aspect according to their surroundings, to the poimt of being unrecognizable. — Bauzac. Truth, like the sun, submits to be obscured ; but, like the sun, only: for a time. — C. N. Bovee. Catch truth and wisdom unawares, As men do health in wholesome airs. — Samueu Butier. The use of truth is like the use of words ; both truth and words depend greatly upon custom. — SAMUEL But- LER (1835~1902). Truth, like the juice of a poppy, in small quantities, calms men ; in large, heats and irritates them, and is at- tended by fatal circulation, because men have discovered that it is far more in- convenient to adulterate the truth than to refine themselves. — C. C. CoLtTon. He who will tell the truth appears at times like a hen on a perch in windy weather. — OLor von Datin. Truth itself is sometimes like aruddy apple which requires to be cut in halves 437 before we can tell which portion con- tains the worm. — Francis GRIERSON. Truth, like beauty, varies in its fashions, and is best recommended by different dresses to different minds. — Dr. JoHNson. The advent of truth, like the dawn of day, agitates the elements, while it dis- perses the gloom. — E. L. Macoon. Truth . . . shines like the sun, and like the sun it cannot perish. — Na- POLEON. Truth, like a single point, escapes the sight, And claims attention to perceive it right. —Jonn Pomrrer. Truth that has been merely learned is like an artificial limb, a false tooth, @ waxen nose; at best, like a nose made out of another’s flesh; it ad- heres to us only because it is put on. — ScHOPENHAUER. Truthful. Truthful as the genial spring. — NatuanieL Corton. Truthful as a knight of old. — WENDELL PHILLIPS. Tug. Tug as a flag in the wind. — Lowe 11. Tumble. Tumbled and jumbled, as in Titan wars. — Lorp Dr TaBLey. “Squatter Sovereignty” squatted out of existence, tumbled down like a temporary scaffolding. — ABRAHAM Lincoun. Tumbling about in her head like a world in disruption. — Grorcr MEre- DITH. Time eftsoon will tumble All of us together like leaves in a gust, Humbled indeed down into the dust. — Joaquin Minter. Tumbling .. . like rolling empty barrels down stairs. — Marx Twain. 438 Tuneful. Tuneful as woods with the music of love. — WILLIAM MILLER. Tuneless. Tuneless as a bag of wool. — GEorGE Eior. Tuneful, like a caged canary. — Ricuarp BurTLeR GLAENZER. Turbid. Turbid as passion. — WILLIAM Wat- SON. Turbulent. Turbulent as a children’s ball at Christmas. — BuLWEeR-LyYTTON. Turbulent as is the ocean. — Huco. Turn. Turned upon me, as the lion turned upon the hunter’s spear. — ANON. Turn’d, as a vessel holds to sea, when near a Siren strand. — THomas ASHE. Turn it, as a nose of wax, to their own ends. — Rosert Burton. Doubling and turning like a hunted hare. — DrypDeEn. Turn, as upon pivots. — Hueco. Turned like a weather cock with every wind. — Guy pE Maupassant. Turned me about as did Lot’s wife. — RaBeELals. Turns as a bucket turns in a well. —D. G. Rosserti. Turn him off, Like to the empty ass, to shake his ears, And graze in commons. — SHAKESPEARE. Turn o’ the toe like a parish-top. — Isp. Turning as a turning wave Against the land-wind. — SWINBURNE. Turned, like a panther in his lair. — WHITTIER. Turning like a windmill sail. — Ism. TUNEFUL. — TWINKLE. Turned, like Lot at Sodom. — Izm, Turn Like sunflowers to the pure and best. — Isp. Twilight. Twilight is like death; the dark portal of night comes upon us, to open again in the glorious morning of immortality. — James ELLs. Twine. My thoughts twine and bid about thee, as with vines, about a tree. — E. B. BRrownina. Twined in Memory’s mystic hand, Like pilgrim’s withered wreath of flowers plucked in a far-off land. — Lewis CaRROLL Twineth, like a lover’s arm, With sweet devotion. — Exiza Cook. Twine, like pole ivy round the polished bark. — CUMBERLAND. Sweet thoughts are twining in with bitter ones, as roses twine with rue. — James M. Morton. Twines round it as the ivy does the ash. — MuncHAUsEN. Like the tendrils of the vine, Do her auburn tresses twine. — AmBRosE PaIips. Twinge. Twinged like a hollow tooth. — Ricnarp Le GALLIENNE. Twinkle. Eyes twinkled like diamonds. — T. B. Atpricu. Twinkled like a candle flame where salt is sprinkled. — ANon. Twinkling as the morning’s tremu- lous gloss of balmy dew. — Isp. Sharp eyes twinkled, Like a candle-flame where salt is sprinkled. , — Rosrert Brownine. TWINKLE Twinkle — continued. Twinkling like the stars. — Bunyan. Twinkled Like a smooth golden lake breeze- wrinkled. — F. W. Faper. Twinkling like fireflies in the emerald grass. — Fanny Forester. Lamps twinkled like stars along the water’s edge. — CAMILLE LEMONNIER. Twinkle like lanterns in a sepulchre. — SCHILLER. Twinkling like a dawn out of a speckled cloud. — SHELLEY. Twinkling . . . like a sullen star Dimly reflected in a lonely pool. — Worpswortu. Twirl. Twirling like a Dervish. — ANON. Twirling like a weather cock in March. — Isp. Twirling like a top. — CHARLES READE. Twist. Twisted as an Egyptian cripple. — ANON. Twisted as Dick’s hatband. — Ism. Twisting like a mop. — Isp. Twist like pearl white fire. — Ip. Twisted like a house that has been enveloped and carried away by a waterspout. — BaLzac. Twists like a whiskee phit. — JosH BILLINGS. . — UGLY. 439 Twisted like knotted snakes. — CuaARLES Harpur. A writhing horror twisted itself across his features, like a snake glid- ing swiftly over them. — HawTHORNE. Twisted like an S. — Hoop. Twisted like a rope. — Hueco. Twisted in the maw of the wave like the angler’s hook in the jaws of a pike. — Inn. Twisted like an eel. — KinesLry. Twisting like a serpent. — CHARLES LEVER. Twist like fell ghosts, that fear the light. — Lewis Morris. Twisted . . . like old olive branches. — Ruskin. Twists, like the curls of a bride. — Savl. Twisting and twining like a conger eel. — MicHarL Scort. Twitter. Twittering like a flock of angry sparrows. — ANON. Twitter like the tuning of myriads of violins. — HELen H. Jackson. Typical. Typical as the sparrow is typical of London. — Ricuarp Le GALLIENNE. Tyrant. Tyrants, like lep’rous kings, for public weal should be immured. — ANDREW MARVELL. U Ubiquitous. Ubiquitous, like law’s dread majesty. —EF W. Faser. Ugly. Ugly as a scarecrow. — ANON. Ugly as sin. — Ip. As ugly as were ever born of mud. — CARLYLE. Ugly as the devil. — FrE.pINe. 440 Ugly — continued. Uely as the devil’s dam. — Ricnarp FLECKNOE. Ugly as a bear. — SHAKESPEARE. Ugly as apes. — PauLus SyLLoeus. Ugly as a worn-out cabhorse. — ANTON TCHEKHOV. Ugly as the angel of a sign-board. — Tuomas Wane. Unabashed. Unabashed as a little child. — GrorcE Moors. Unalterable. His will is like the Persian law, un- alterable. — Tuomas ADAms. Unalterable as the spots on a leopard. — ANon. Unanswered. Unanswered, like a vast sounding board gathering the uttered syllables and whispering them back in barren echoes. — ConpE B. PALLEN. Unappetizing. Unappetizing as the floor of a parrot’s cage. — ANON. Unappetizing as a cold sausage in the midst of its coagulated white grease. — Grorcr 5. Kaurman. Unappetizing as the remains of a feast. — Ep1ra WHaRTON. Unapproachable. Unapproachable as a_ star. —O. Henry. Unarmed. Unarm’d as bending angels. — SHAKESPEARE, Unasked. Like Dian’s kiss, unasked, unsought Love gives itself, but is not bought. — LonGFELLow. Unattractive. Unattractive as a gargoyle. — ANon. UGLY. — UNCALLED. Unavailable. As unavailable as for a man to whistle in the teeth of a gale, or to cast a jug of water against a tidal wave. — Li Hune Cuane. Unavailing. Unavailing, as the cry of a spoiled child in its nurse’s arms. — Henry Cuay. Unaware. Catch Truth and Reason unawares, As Men do Health in wholesome Airs. — SaMuEL Butier. Unawares, like the stroke of sudden death. — HawTHORNE. Great thoughts, great feelings come to them, like instincts, unawares. — R. M. Mites. Unbecoming. Unbecoming as grace after meat. — FarquHar. Unbidden. Unbidden as the dews. — BuLwer- Lytron. Unblemished. Unblemished as the white-robed virgin choir. — Wiiu1am Livinaston. Unbounded. Unbounded, like infinity. — AUBREY Ds VERE. Unbounded as the ample air. — GoLpDSsMITH. Unbridled. Unbridled as the northern storm. — WiiuraM J. MIcKLE. Uncalled. As light November snows to empty nests, As grass to graves, as moss to mildewed stones, As July suns to ruins, through the rents, As ministering spirits to mourners, through «a loss, UNCALLED. — UNCOMFORTABLE. As Heaven itself to men, through pangs of death, He came uncalled wherever grief had come. —E. B. Brownine. Uncared. Uncared for, like a useless wayside stone. —T. BucHaNAN Reap. Uncaressable. Uncaressable as puppets. — GEORGE MEREDITH. Unceasing. Unceasing as marriage. — ANON. Unceasing as the murmur of the sea. — RosamunpD Marriott Wat- SON. Unceasingly. On —like a comet—on, unceas- ingly. — Cosmo MonxkHouse. Unceasingly, like song in the time of birds. — N. P. Wius. Unceremonious. Unceremonious as a colony of flies. — ANON. ‘ Uncertain. Uncertain as a comet. — ANon. Uncertain as horse flesh. — Isp. Uncertain as weather. — Isp. Uncertain as the wind.—C. C. Coton. Uncertain as the almanac. — “Jacke Drum’s ENTERTAINMENT.” Uncertain in her temper as a morn- ing in April. —Sam Szicx. Uncertain as a child’s swift moods. — ARTHUR SYMONS. Uncertain as a vision or a dream. — TENNYSON. Unchainable. Unchainable as the dim tide. — ' Wom B. Yeats. 441 Unchangeable. Unchangeable as the past. — ANon. Unchangeable as space.—P. J. BaILey. Unchanged. Unchanged, like the cat which be- came blind, and still hankered after mice. — ARABIC. Unchanging. Unchanging as the belt Orion wears. —O. W. Hommes. Unchanging still from year to year, Like stars returning in their sphere, With undiminish’d rays. — James MonTcomeEry. Unclean. Unclean as sin. — RicHarp REatr. Unclose. Lids unclose Like petals of a pearly rose After the rain. — OLIVER HERFoRD. Uncoil. Uncoiling, — Like the rattlesnake’s shrill warning the reverberating drum. —O. W. Hoimes. Uncoiled itself like a huge boa about to engulf a tiny rabbit. — James HUNEKER. Uncomely. Uncomely as a drove of pigs running down a lane. — GEorGE Moore. Uncomfortable. Uncomfortable as a rooster in a pond. — ANON. Uncomfortable as a girl sleeping with curl-papers. — Inrp. Uncomfortable as a raw oyster served with sweet pickles. —O. HENRY. Uncomfortable as the Lilliputians made Gulliver with their arrows. — Ruskin. 442 Uncommon. Uncommon as common sense. — ANON. Uncommon as pug noses in Jerusa- lem. — SypnNey Munpen. Uncomplaining. Uncomplaining as a lamb. — Emity Bronte. Uncompromising. Uncompromising as justice. — WiL- t1aM Lioyp GARRISON. Unconfined. Unconfined as day. — AKENSIDE. Unconfin’d as ' DuKE. Unconfined as FAWKES. light. — Ricwarp air. — FRANCIS Unconfin’d as our first parents in their Eden were. — Otway. Unconfined, like some free port of trade. — Popg. Unconquerable. Unconquerable as chewing gum. — ARNOLD BENNETT. Unconscious. Unconscious as the sunshine. — Lowe Lt. Unconscious as a_ statue. — Sir WALTER Scott. Unconscious as a flower. — CELIA THAXTER. Unconsciously. Unconsciously as a flower exhales its perfume. — GrorGe Moore. Unconsciously as water drops over a coral reef in a tropical sea alive with the eyes of a thousand sharks. — TaEopore Watts-DunTON. Unconstant. Unconstant as the fashion. —“Jacxr Drum’s ENTERTAINMENT.” UNCOMMON. — UNDISTURBED. Uncontrollable. Uncontrollable as the wave. — C. C. Cotton. As uncontrollable as fate. — Wiz- LIAM SOMERVILLE. Uncorrected. Uncorrected as outstretched swine. — GrorceE MEREDITH. Uncouth. I was as uncouth as a sea-fish upon the brae of'a mountain. — Ropert Louis STEVENSON. Unctuous. Unctuous as Sir Toby Belch. — ANON. Unctuous as a hot-corn. dodger slathered with sap. — W. C. Brann. Undefiled. Undefiled like mountains made of snow. — Eric Mackay. Understanding. Understandings seem perfect Solids, as dead to Wit and as insensible of Reason as if their Souls and their Bodies (according to Hobbes’s Philos- ophy) were both made of the same stuff and equally impenetrable. — Rozsert WotsELeY. Understood. Harder to be understood than a piece of Egyptian antiquity, or an Irish manuscript. — CONGREVE. Undimmed.: I have carried your glance within me undimmed, unaltered, as a lost boat, the compass some passing ship has lent her. — ARTHUR Hucu CLoucu. Undistinguishable. Undistinguishable, Like far-off mountains turned into clouds. — SHAKESPEARE. Undisturbed. Undisturb’d as Death. — CowLey. UNDISTURBED. —— UNFATHOMABLE. Undisturbed — continued. Undisturbed as Justice. — SouTHEY. Undisturbed ; As on the pavement of a Gothic church Walks a lone Monk, when service hath expired, In peace and silence. — Worpsworts. Undone. All undone, As earth from her bright body casts off night. — SWINBURNE. Undone, as we would undo an oyster. — CLEMENT WALKER. Undulate. Undulating like the sea. — Boccac- CIO. Undulating like diluvian billows fixed into stone in the midst of their stormy swell. — BuLwer-Lytron. Undulating, like the mane of a lion. — Dumas, PERE. Undulating like a snake rearing on its tail. — GauTIER. Long seaweed undulated beneath the water, like the waving of long tresses in the wind. — Hueco. Unearthly. Unearthly ... like the remem- bered tone of a mute lyre. — Byron. Uneasy. Uneasy as a pig in a parlor. — ANon. Uneasy like a baffled thief. — JOSEPH CONRAD. Unelastic. Unelastic as a mathematical fact. — Sypney MunpEN. Unemotional. Unemotional as a frozen flounder. — Grorce BROADHURST. Unending. Unending as the river and the stars. — W. E. HENLEY. 443 Unerring. Unerring as a logarithm. — ANon. Unerring as light. —R. G. IncEr- SOLL. Unerring as a leopard’s leap. — Ova. Unexciting. Unexciting as the rain-sodden land- scape. — Frances Hopeson BurRNETT. Unexpected. Fortune came like Agag, unexpected. — ANON. Unexpected as chastity at the bar of a tavern. — Isp. Unexpected, like a thunderbolt. — Ini. As unexpected as a serpent comes. — Rosert BROWNING. Unexpected as seeing a vision. — JosEPH CONRAD. Unexpected as a fifth ace in a poker deck. — ALFRED Henry LEwis. Unexpectedly. Unexpectedly, like a bolt out of the blue. — CaRLYLE. Unfaded. Unfaded, as before it grew. — WiL- 1AM BROOME. Unfading. Unfading as the garden of kindness. — ANON. Unfair. Unfair to rest upon such decision, as it would be to ascribe wisdom to a judge, merely because he is dressed differently from other men. — WILLIAM CooKE. Unfashioned. Unfashioned, like a jewel in the mine. — ADDISON. Unfathomable. Unfathomable as the Pythagorean number. — ANON. 444 Unfathomable — continued. Unfathomable as the WILKIE COLLINS. Unfeeling. Like cold marble thou art all un- feeling. — Hoop. heavens.— Unfeeling as rocks. — SMOLLETT. Unfelt. Unfelt, like the release of death. — SouTHEY. Unfettered. Unfetter’d as the windes. — Sir WILLIAM DAVENANT. Unfettered as the matin bird that cleaves the radiant sky. — W. B. O. PEABODY. Unfettered as bees that in gardens abide. — Worpsworru. Unfit. Unfit... as pure gold for cir- culation. — C. C. Cotton. Unfold. Unfold themselves like flowers. — P. J. Barer. Unfolding, like the tree-tops of the forest, ever rising, rising. — Lonc- FELLOW. Ungracious. Ungraciousness in rendering a benefit, like a hoarse voice, mars the music of the song. — ANon. Unhappy. Unhappy as King Lear. — Anon. Unharmful. Unharmful as the dove. — AMBROSE Puiiirs. Unharmonious. Unharmonious as a screech owl’s serenade. — ANon. Unhealthy. Unhealthy as the liver of a goose intended for paté. —IsrarL ZANGWILL. UNFATHOMABLE, — UNIVERSAL. Unheeded. Unheeded as if life ‘were o’er. — Byron. Unheeded as a threshold brook. — Kzats. Unimaginative. Unimaginative as a Chicago pig- sticking. —G. B. SHaw. Unintelligible. Unintelligible as any dream. — Dickens. Unintentional. Unintentional as the birth of a thought in the head. — JoserH Con- RAD. United. United, as flesh and soul in man. —P. J. Bariey. United as the good thoughts that dwell in the same soul. — Maurice MAETERLINCK. United, like a hook and eye. — Sypney MunpEn. In harmony united, Like guests that meet, and some from far, By cordial love invited. — WorDswoRTH. Unity. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity | It is like the precious oint- ment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his gar- ments. —Otp TESTAMENT. Universal. Universal as the sun. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. The desire to pry into the future is as universal as the longing after im- mortal life. — WitLiam DuNLaP. Universal as seasickness. —G. B. SHaw. UNIVERSAL, —- UNMUSICAL, Universal — continued. Universal as the light. — SHELiey. Unjust. Unjust, like the Jedburgh judges of Border history, it first hangs the prisoner and then tries him. — Wi- LIAM ARCHER. Unkind. Unkind as fate. — ANon. Unkind as hail. — AmsrosE Puitirs. Blow, blow, thou winter wind, Thou art not so unkind As man’s ingratitude. — SHAKESPEARE. As winter’s frost unkind. — SmoL- LETT. Unknown. Unknown, like a seed in fallow ground. — T. B. Avpricu. Unknown as bells within a Turkish steeple. — Byron. Unknown as the Arimaspians. — Grorce E1iot. Unlike. Unlike as a wasp is to an ant. — ANON. Unlike as intellect and body. — Isp. Unlike as the pearl is unlike the inother shell-fish. — Ipm. Unlike as birth to death. — AnTHony BREWER. As unlike as Luna is to a stage moon. — STEPHEN CHALMERS. Unlike as diamond is to charcoal. — GrorcE Euior. Unlike as an apple-dumpling and soda-cracker. — SEWELL Forp. Unlike as British beer and sparkling Burgundy. — Arruur HorRnsiow. Unlikely. Unlikely as that a mouse should fall in love with a cat. — ANON. 445 Unlikely as that the wolf is to eat the moon. — Inn. Unlikely as sweet fruit plucked from a dry tree, or sweet leaves on a dead stem. — Ini. Unlikely . . . as to-teach an alli- gator the polka. — Isp. Unlikely as that a moth intends to be burnt when it flies into a candle flame. — Isip. Unlikely as to see a hog fly. — Inw. Unlovely. Unlovely as the corpse of a man. — Kupiina. Unlustrous. Unlustrous as the smoky light That’s fed with stinking tallow. — SHAKESPEARE, Unmanageable. Unmanageable as a ton of iron ore. — HawTHorNeE. Unmanageable, like vicious horses of a charioteer. — Kataa UPaNisHap. Unmeaning. Unmeaning words, like some of those who call themselves physicians, but of the healing sciences nothing know. — Lucian. Unmerciful. Unmerciful as the billows. — Joun Gay. Unmerciful as the physician who with new arts keeps his miserable patient alive and in hopes, when he knows the disease is incurable. — WYCHERLEY. Unmoved. Stand unmoved, like a rock ’mid raging seas. — CALDERON. Unmoved as a statue. — FLAUBERT. Unmoved as death. — Homer. Unmusical. A strain unmusical, like adumb night- ingale insatiate of song. — AESCHYLUS. 446 Unnatural. Unnatural as the feverish life of the boulevard. — IsraEL ZANGWILL. Unnoticed. Unnoticed as a drop of water in a torrent. — GABORIAU. They think they pass themselves off unnoticed, like the Irishman’s bad guinea, in a handful of halfpences. — Juuius C. Hare. Unpitied. Unpitied as fossils in a rock. — CHARLES READE. Unpredestinate. Unpredestinate as the clouds over our heads. — ANon. Unprofitable. Unprofitable as picking feathers out of molasses. — ANON. Unprofitable as smoke. — ALEXAN- DER BARCLAY. Unprofitably. Our wasted oil unprofitably burns, Like hidden lamps in old sepulchral urns. — CowPEr. Unquenched. Unquenched . . . like Vesta’s sacred fire. — MAcauLay. Unquiet. Unquiet as noise shaken. — ANON. Lay unquiet as absinth on a baby’s stomach. — Ricuarp Harpine Davis. Unreal. Unreal as a dream. — F. W. Faser. Unreal as the shell-heard sea. — Evucene Lez-Hamitton. Half unreal, like music mingling with a dream. — Joun Kenyon. Unreal as a painted city on a stage backdrop swayed by a wandering draft. — Louis JosepH Vance. UNNATURAL, — UNSEEN. Unreasonable. Unreasonable as to expect a hook to hold soft cheese. — ANon. Unreconcilable, Unreconcilable as cats and rats, as hounds and hares. — ANon. Unremonstrant. Unremonstrant as a fallen tree. — GrorcE MEREDITH. Unresponsive. Unresponsive to desire . . . as pup- pets in a peepshow.—Lorp Der TABLEY. Unripe. Like fruit unripe, sticks on the tree. — SHAKESPEARE. Unruffled. Unruffled as time. —Epcar Sarvs. Unruffled as a mirror. — JULES SANDEAU. Unsatiate. Unsatiate as the barren womb or grave. — DrypDEN. Unscrupulous. Unscrupulous as Siegfried. — JaMEs HUNEKER. Unseasonable. Unseasonable as snow in summer. — ANON. Unseasonable as long graces at a feast. — THomas KILLIGREW. Unseeing. Unseeing stare, like that of a child who begins to see for the first time. — Bauzac. Unseen. Not seen, like arrows shot by night. — Buppua. Unseen, like the wind. — EpMuND GossE. UNSEEN. —— UNSULLIED. Unseen — continued. Crept stealthily and unseen, like earth-worms to a carcase. — BULWER- Lytron. More unseen Than Satan in his exile. — Krats. Unseen as a disbanded rainbow. — SypNEY MunpDEN. Unseen, as lamps in sepulchres. — Pore. Like a star of Heaven, In the broad daylight, Thou art unseen. — SHELLEY. Unsettle. As unsettling to us as a change of Government to Londoners. —J. M. BaARRIE. Unsettles Like a bed of stinging nettles. — W. S. GILBERT. Unshaken., Unshaken like a Thracian hill. — RIcHARD GLOVER. Like a rock in the sea, stands un- shaken ; like a rock in the sea before the rush and crash of waters, which, amid thousands of breaking waves, is fixed by its own weight ; the crags and the spray-foamed stones roar about it in vain, and the lashed seaweed falls idly by its side. — ViraiL. Unshunnable. Tis destiny unshunnable, like death. — SHAKESPEARE. Unsightly. Unsightly as the Monster in the Tempest. — THomas Rymer. Unsordid. Unsordid as a bond of love. — Rosert U. JOHNSON. Unsparing. Unsparing as the scourge of war. — RoBert BLOOMFIELD. 447 Unspoken. Unspoken, Like daffodils that die with sheaths unbroken. —O. W. HoLmzs. Unstable. Unstable as the wind. — ALEXANDER BARCLAY. Unstable as the waves of the sea. — GrorGcE BisHop. Unstable as water.—Otp Trsta- MENT. Unstaid. Unstaid as rolling waves in ocean flood. — Tasso. Unstained. Unstained as snow. — James LANE ALLEN. Unstainéd as the sun. — EMERSON. Unstained and pure as the lily or the mountain snow. — James THom- SON. Unsteady. Unsteady as a shadow. — ANoN. Unsteady as the eye looking at the sun. — IBip. Unsteady as the ocean. — GoLp- SMITH. Unsteady on his legs, like a young roe scared by a leaf. — Huco. Unsubstantial. Unsubstantial as a ghost. — ANON. Unsubstantial as a BuppHa. mirage. — Unsubstantial, like the teasing phan- toms of a half-conscious slumber. — HAWTHORNE. Unsubstantial as a bag of money in a looking-glass. — TrLucu ProveErs. Unsubstantial as a dream. — Tuomas WabDE. Unsullied. Unsullied in life and deed as a holy saint. —O. Henry. 448 Unsullied — continued. Unsullied as a cloistered nun. — WHITTIER. Untasted. My youth’s dear sweets here spent untasted, Like a fair taper, with his own flame wasted. — Ben Jonson. Untenanted. As untenanted of man As a castle under ban By a doom. — Erastus W. ELtsworts. Unthinkable. Unthinkable as trees without roots. ALFRED AYRES. Unthinkable as a mirror that would not reflect the objects before it. — Franz HartTMan. Unthrifty. Our hedges like a wanton courtezan Unthrifty of its beauty. | — Oscar WILDE. Untimely. Like winter rose and summer ice, Her joys are still untimely. — Ropert SouTHWELL. Untiring. Untiring as the law of gravitation. — ANON. : Untiring as an Indian on trail. — Ova. Untouched. Like the lotus, which, although it grows in the water, yet remains un- touched by the water. — Buppua. Untouched as any islet Shrined in an unknown sea. —C. G. Rossertt. Untrue. It’s as true as Biglam’s cat crew, and the cock rock’d the cradle. — Scorcu PROVERB. UNSULLIED. —- UNWELCOME, Untwined. Arms untwined, like some twin stream That parts at last in hastening to the sea. — Epmunp Gosse. Untwist. Untwisted the fond links that bound us, Like frost wreaths, that melt in the morning’s first beam. — Frances ANNE KEMBLE. Unuseful, Unuseful, as if void of mind. — R. D. Biackmore. Unusual. Unusual as a sailor on horseback. — AntHony Hamitton. Unvaried. The same unvaried tone, Like the Scotch bagpipe’s favorite drone. — Rosert Lioyp. Unvexed. Unvexed . . . like the candles round a shrine. — KipLina. Unwasted. Like painted lamps they shine un- wasted. — ABRAHAM COWLEY. Unwatched. Unwatched, unwept, as commonly a pauper sleeps. — Hoop. Unwearied. Unwearied as the heavens. — Dr QUINCEY. Unwelcome. Unwelcome as snow in summer. — ANON. Unwelcome as water in a leaking ship. — Inn. Unwelcome as water in your shoe. — Ip. Unwelcome to a woman as a look- ing-glass after the small-pox. — Con- GREVE. UNWELCOME. — UPSOAR. Unwelcome — continued. Unwelcome and unasked, like Ban- quo’s Ghost, in walked the long-lost Spouse. — Hoop. Unwelcome to any conceit as sluttish morsels, or wallowish potions to a nice stomach. — Sir Tuomas OveER- BURY. Unwinding. Unwinding themselves as so many clocks. — Rosert Burron. Unworthy. As unworthy as to reject a comrade In envy of his share of victory. — Emerica Mapicu. Unworthy of credence as an anony- mous letter. — BranpER MatTtuews. Unyielding. Unyielding as a rock. — ANon. Up. Up and down like a bucket in a well. — ANon. Up like a lark in the air. — RicHarp Harvey. Up and down like a milk punch in the shaker. — O. Henry. Up and down, like a chicken drink- ing. — LeieH Hunt. Went up as the smoke of a furnace. — Op TESTAMENT. Upborne. Upborne, like Aphrodite upon a meadowy swell of emerald sea. — GERALD Massey. Uplift. Uplifted like the everlasting dome Which rises in the miracle sublime over eternal Rome. — ANON. Uplift as the hearts and the mouths of the singers, on the leaside and lawn. — SwINBURNE. 449 Uplifted like a quivering dart. — S. H. Tuayven. Uplifting as a jack-screw. — DANIEL WEBSTER. Upright. Upright as a ramrod. — ANON. Upright as a sentinel. — Ipm. As upright as a stake. — Ipp. Upright as a young apple tree. — R. D. Biackmore. Upright, like a taper. — OSMANLI PROVERB. Upright as a tower. — CHARLES READE. Upright as a wooden sentinel at the door of a puppet-show. — Str WALTER Scorr. Upright as the cedar. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Upright as a wild Morisco. — Inm. Upright as a sheer cliff’s wall. — SWINBURNE. Upright as an heap. — Otp Trsta- MENT. Uprise. Uprisen as a prayer. — P. J. Barry. Uprising, like a bubble in a stream. — GrRTRUDE BLoEDE. Uprise like the islands of the Cy- clades as seen from the mountains of Negroponte. — Pau, Bouraet. Uprise, like a tempestuous ocean. — SHELLEY. Uprising like the smoke wraith, Blue ascending into heaven’s blue. — E.ten Burns SHERMAN. Uproar. An uproar like ten thousand Smith- field fairs. — ANon. Upsoar. Upsoaring like an eagle’s wings. — Firz-Greene HaLieck. 450 Upstart. Upstarting wild and haggard, Like a man from dreams awakened. — LoNGFELLOw. Upward. Upward tending although weak, Like plants in mines which never saw the sun. — Rosert Brownine. Upward, like the simulated pyramid of flame on a monumental urn. — Grorce Exior. Upward flies ; Like holy thoughts to cloudless skies. — Wituiam MorserweE Lt. Useful. About as useful as a button on a hat. — ANoN. Useful as a shin of beef, which has a big bone for the big dog, a little bone for the little dog, and a sinew for the cat. — Inip. Useful as a cow. — Ipip. Useful as daylight. — Isr. Useful as the useful. — Huco. Useless. Useless as a chimney until you light your fire. — ANON. Useless as a gun without a trigger. — Isrp. Useless as a disabled pitcher. — Ini. As useless as a monkey’s fat. — Isp. Useless as a sedan chair on a rail- way. — Isip. Useless as a shoulder of mutton to a sick horse. — Ipip. Useless as whispering in the ear of a corpse. — Ipip. Useless as a clock without wheels. — Isp. Useless as to stop up a rathole with an apple dumpling. — Inrp. UPSTART. — UTILITY. Useless as whistling psalms to a dead horse. — Bartuett’s ‘Diction- ARY OF AMERICANISMS.” Useless as a candle in a skull. — CowPeER. Useless as a buttonhole without a button. — Henry Irvine Dopce. Useless as for her hand to try to grasp a shadow. — GrorcE Exior. Useless as to enlarge upon the ob- vious. — EPicTEeTus. Useless as the leg of a man with a sprained ankle. — Ricaarp Le Gat- LIENNE. Useless as a skyrocket without powder. — CHaRLES HENDERSON. Whose talk is as busily useless as the babble of a stream that hurries by a ruined mill. — R. G. INGERSOLL. Useless as the canal constructor without water. —G. B. Suaw. Useless extra, like a sixth finger. — Anton TCHEKHOV. Useless as perfumery to a hog. — ToLstToy. : Uselessly- Uselessly and without any plan, just like ants crawling over bushes, which creep up to the top, and then down to the bottom again without gaining anything. Many men spend their lives in exactly the same fashion, which we may call a state of restless indolence. — SENECA. Utility. It is only the public situation which this gentleman holds which entitles me, or induces me to say a word about him. He is a fly in amber; nobody cares about the fly ; the only question is, How the devil did it get there? Nor do I attack him for the love of the glory, but from the love of utility, as a burgomaster hunts a rat in a Dutch dyke, for fear it should flood a province. — SypNry SMITH. VACANT. — VAIN, V Vacant. Vacant like air. — CHARLOTTE BRONTE. Vacant as the beach from which the tide has receded. — Hamitro Wricat Masiz. Vacantly. Vacantly As ocean’s moon looks on the moon in heaven. — SHELLEY. Vagrant. Vagrant as the Forp. wind. — JoHN Vague. Vague as a shadow. — ANON. Vague like a suggestion of solid darkness. — JosrEPH CONRAD. Vague . . . like feathers wafted back- wards From passage birds in flight. —W. D. Howe tts. Vague and unmarked as desert sands, — Mary JoHNSsTON. Vague as solitary dove, Nor knew that nests were built. — Krats. Vague, like the thoughts of a child. — Kincs.ey. A vague presentment of impending doom, Like ghostly footsteps In a vacant room. — LONGFELLOW. Vague surmise Shines in the father’s gentle eyes, As firelight on a window-pane Glimmers and vanishes away. — Isp. Vague as futurity.— OwENn Mernz- DITH. Vague as the music of a moon- bathed brook.— Francis 8. Sat- TUS. 451 Vaguely. Vaguely, like certain luminous scenes of the theatre back of those thin curtains which suddenly descend on the scenic stage, transporting the spectators from the tumult of a ball- room to the silence of a private house. — Epmonpo per Amicis, Vaguely, as in a dream. — Fitz- James O’BRIEN. i Vain. Vain as a peacock. — ANON. Vain as chasing a bug in the dark. — Isp. Vain as the leaf upon the stream. — Isp. Vain as the promises of a patent medicine advertisement. — Iprp. Vain as to water the plant when the root is dead. — Inrp. Vain as a rattle in a baby’s clutch. — Henry B. Binns. Vain as the passing gale. — CHar- LOTTE BRONTE. Vain As for a brook to cope with ocean’s flood. — Byron. As organ plaiers, vnlesse some body blowe vnto them the windie bellowes, do make no sound at all: Euen so, vaine men, vniess they be pricked for- ward, with commendations and praises of others, haue neuer any minde, or purpose to lend themselves to any good action. — ANTHONIE FLETCHER’S “CERTAINE Very Proper anD Most PROFITABLE SIMILES.” Vain as Niobe. — ‘‘Founpiine Hos- PITAL FoR Wir,” 1743. Vain as the sick man’s vow, or young man’s sigh. — WALTER Harte. Vain as the summer’s glowing spoils Flung o’er an early bier. — Tuomas Kippie Hervey. 452 Vain — continued. Vain your feeble cry, As the babe’s wailings to the thunder- ing sky. —O. W. Homes. Vain as a sick man’s dream. — Horace. Vain as swords Against the enchased crocodiles. — Krats. Vain . . . as to attempt to erase what Time has written with the Judgment Blood. — Grorcr MerrReEpITH. Vain and unprofitable, as is the sunshine to a dead man’s eyes. — H. H. Mian. Vain as to strike an axe on a rock. — Osmanit PRovERB. Vain as a leaf from a tree, As a fading day, As veriest vanity, As the froth and the spray Of the hollow-billowed sea, As what was and shall not be, As what is and passes away. —C. G. RosseErtt. Vain as an idiot’s dream. — Curis- TOPHER SMART. Vain as to count the April drops of rain. — SMOLLETT. Vain as a dead man’s vision, — SWINBURNE. Words as vain as wind. — FrepER- IcK TENNYSON. Vain as a girl. — THACKERAY. Troubles of this world are vain as billows in a tossing sea. — Worps- WORTH. : Vain as a Frenchman newly re- turned from a campaign. — WycHER- LEY. Vain as a gaudy-minded man. — Youn. Vainly. Vainly spent, as dews on the sea. — CHARLOTTE Brontii. VAIN. —— VALUABLE. Vainly as the hydra bleeds. — ScHILLER. Vainly given like rain upon the herbless sea poured down by too be- nignant heaven. — JoHN STERLING, Valiant. Valiant as the Cid. — ANTHONY HAMILTON. Valiant as Mars. — Homer. Valiant as fire. — Ben Jonson. Valiant as a lion. — SHAKESPEARE. Valiant as the wrathful dove or most magnanimous mouse. — Ii. Valiant as Hercules. — Ism. As valiant a man as Mark Anthony. — Iznip. Less valiant than the virgin in the night. — Ipm. Valiant as Hector in every marciall nede. — SKELTON. Valor. True valor is like honesty; it enters into all that a man sees and does. — JosH BIL.ines. Valor higher than that which casts out fear. — SWINBURNE. Valorless. Valourless as a hare. — ANON. Valorous. Valorous as Cesar. — ANON. Valorous as Hector of Troy. — SHAKESPEARE, Valuable. Valuable as chiselled gold or facetted gems. — ANon. About as valuable as the prayers for divine guidance in selecting a bishop. — APPLETON Moraan. Common sense is as inestimably valuable as the solar light. — WiLLIAM WINTER. VANISH. Vanish. Vanished like a trifling sigh. — Franxiin P. Apams. Vanished altogether, like the last spark on a burnt piece of paper. — Hans Curistian ANDERSEN. Vanish like a bursted bubble. — ANon. Vanished like a guilty thing. — Ism. Vanished like a pantomime demon. — Isp. Vanished like a pie. — Inn. Vanished like a Titanic world of spectres. — Inm. Like a vain> dream... vanish’d hence, we know not how. — Ism. Vanishing, like eerie bubbles, on the rough, tried sea of care. — Iprp. Vanishing like noxious exhalations. — Isp. Vanish like the figments of a dream. — Isp. Vanish like the mist in the morn- ing. — Ipm. Vanish like a ghost before the sun. —P. J. Barey. Vanished like the furrow cut by a ship’s keel in the sea. — Bauzac. ' Vanished like dew before the morn- ing sun. — GEorGE BEATTIE. All vanished, like a vision vain. — Emity Bronte. Vanished like a fairy.—E. B. BRownine. Vanished like a corpse-light from a grave. — Byron. Vanished like dawn to the daylight — Giosuz CaRpUcct. Vanishes, as is his wont, too like an Ignis Fatuus, leaving the dark still darker. — CARLYLE. Vanished, like a ghost at cock- crowing. — Inip. 453 Vanish like a shot. — GIovANNI Battista Cast. Vanishing as flies a dream. — JoHN CLARE. Vanish’d like dew-drops from the spray. — W. G. CLarK. Passed away As Fairies vanish at the break of day. — Hartiey CoLeripce. Vanished away, like spectres. — Dickens. Vanish like a breath. — Isp. Vanished like a discontented fairy. — Ism. Vanish easily as an eel into sand. — Sir A. Conan Dorie. Gradually vanished like the receding hill-tops. — GroreEe Exsot. Vanish as mist before the sun. — FLAUBERT. Colors, like the rainbow, ever vanished. — GILes FLETCHER. Vanished like an empty shade. — Puineas FLETCHER. Vanished like a beautiful evening cloud. — Arnr GARBORG. Vanished like the shades of night upon the burst of a glorious morning in July. — Witi1am Gopwin. Vanish like an echo or a dream. — GoETHE. Vanish, as by the waving of an enchanter’s wand. — HAWTHORNE. Vanish, like a glimmering light, that comes we know not whence, and goes we know not whither. — Inip. Vanish like ephemeral things. — Isp. Vanish out of life as completely as if... he lay at the bottom of the sea. — Ip. Vanished like a baleful star. — P. H. Hayne. 454 Vanish — continued. Vanished like an empty dream. — Henrico HEINe. Vanished . . . like the shadow of a cloud. — Hoop. Vanished like the enchanted castle on the approach of the conqueror. — Franx Horripce. Vanished like the beautiful sparkling hoarfrost. — Hugo. Vanish together, as a dream of morning flies. — Ibn. Vanish like a fleeting dream, The shadow of a chariot, or flash of sword. — Isp. Vanished like the fleeting forms drawn in an evening cloud. — RicHarp * Jaco. All vanish as you shall vanish, like a bubble thrown up from the deep. — Louis Kossutu. She vanished like the lightning’s sudden gleam. — LaMARTINE. Vanished like a fleet of cloud, like a passing trumpet-blast, are those splen- dors of the past. — LonerELLow. Vanish ... like the mist of the lake. — James MacpHERSON. Vanished . . . like the body in the’ tomb. — D. F. McCarrtuy. Vanished . . . like the day branch in the fire. — Inrp. Like the dreams of the Blind, Vanish the glories and pomps of the earth in the wind. —Jamrs CLarence Manecan. Vanish like a dew-drop in a rose. — GrraLp Massey. Vanish like a view caught out of darkness by lightning. — Grorce MEREDITH. Vanished, like a blasted thing. — Donatp G. MircHe.t. Vanish like gossamers of autumn eve. — Miss Mutock. VANISH. Vanished like the feathery snow in summer’s running brooks. — Mrs. Norton. Vanished like a mist that melts on the sunny hill. — Ossian. Vanished like a scene of enchant- ment. — JANE PorTER. Vanished, like the airy fabric of an Eastern tale. — Prescott. Vanished, like a shadow fled. — Epna D. Proctor. He vanishes like a man who has caused his property to be snatched from a swindler. — Osmanu Prov- ERB. Vanished, like the writing from the sand. — T. BucHanan Reap. Like the swift shadows of Noon, like the dreams of the blind, Vanish the glories and pomps of the earth in the wind. +— Frieprica Rucker. Vanished from our -eyes, like sun- beam on the billow cast. — Sr WALTER Scott. Vanisheth as smoke from tna. — SHAKESPEARE. Vanish like hailstones. — Isr. Vanish, like smoke before the tem- pest’s stream. — SHELLEY. Vanished, like a star into a cloud. — ALEXANDER SMITH. Vanish like a vision of the night. — SOUTHEY. Beauty vanishes like a vapor. — Harriet P. Sporrorp. Vanish like smoke of incense. — Ricwarp H. Stopparp. Vanish away like smoke. — OLD TESTAMENT. Vanish like a shooting star. — JoHN Toxin, Vanished like a mere soap-bubble. —Josrr K. Ty1. VANISH. — VAST. Vanish — continued. Vanished . . . like a feathered shaft frae a yeoman’s bow. —Davip VED- DER. Evanished like a blink Of starlight ere the mind can think. — Frank Waters. Vanished, like a rush Of self-consuming flame. — Rosert K. Weeks. Light as a sunbeam glides along the hills She vanished. — WorDSsworRTH. Vanity. Vanity acts like a woman — they both think they lose something when love or praise is accorded to another. — Batzac. Vaprous. Vaprous as a witch’s cauldron. — DIcKENs. Variable. Variable as a shadow. — Anon. Variable as color. — C. C. Cotton. Variable as the weather. — FROUDE. Variable as flickering flames. — James MontTGoMERY. O, woman!... variable as the shade, By the light quivering aspen made. — Srr Water Scotr Varied. Varied as the day. — ANon. Varied as nature. — Inp. In France, political principles are as varied as a restaurant bill of fare. — Batzac. Varied as humanity. — Dumas, FILS. Varied as the shapes of nothingness. — Josz EcHEGARAY. Varied as varying Nature’s ways. — WHITTIER. 455 Various. Various as the words we speak. — ANON. Their aims as various, as the roads they take in journeying thro’ life. — Roserr Buarr. Various as woman’s will. — Henry Brooke. Various as our palates. — RoBERT Burton. Various as the voices of the wind. — Hartley CoLERIDGE. Various as flowers on unfrequented plains. — ConcREVE. Various as the hues of a rainbow. — Por. Various as human life. — Samuen RoGeErs. Like SAVAGE. nature various. — RicHarp Various as an April day. — JoHN Scott. Various as the weather. — Sir Ricwarp STEELE. Various as the moon. — Isaac Watts. Vary. Ever varies, she can pass from gay to severe, from fancy to science — quick as thought passes from the dance of a leaf, from the tint of a rain- bow, to the theory of motion, the problem of light. — Butwer-Lytron. The color also of this mixture varies in proportion to its degrees of heat and coldness ; as a burning coal, when it is hot, shines ; and when it is cold, looks black. — Rospert Burton. Vary like the rainbow’s hue. — Byron. Vast. Vast as all heaven. — WILFRED S. Bunt. Vast as all space. —JosEPH ConRAD. 456 Vast — continued. Vast as cathedrals. — DaupET. Vast as Phoebus on his burning wheels. — O. W. Homes. Vast as the mid bulk of a roof-tree’s beam. — SWINBURNE. Vaulted. Vaulted like rebounding hail. — CoLERIDGE. Vaulted, like a balloon or kite. — JOHN TRUMBULL. Veer. Veers and swings, Like an homing swallow with night- fall in her wings. — Buiss CaRMAN. Veered like changing memories. — GrorcE Exior. Veer As the storm shifts of the tempestuous year. — SWINBURNE. Vehement. Vehement as_ party SypNEY MunpEn. Veiled. Veiled like noontide AuBRey Dr VERE. spleen. — stars. — Thy beauty lies, Veiled like a violet nestling in the moss. — Ciayton Hamiuron. Veiled like a nun. — T. Bucnanan Reap. Venice. Venice is like a melancholy face of a former beauty who has ceased to rouge, or wipe away traces of her old arts. — Grorce MEREDITH. Venomous. Venymous as a snake. — “‘BokrE or Mayp Emtyn.” More venomous than the asp or the blue spider. — Huco. VAST. — VICE. Venture. I have ventur’d, Like little wanton boys that swim on bladders, This many summers in a sea of glory, But far beyond my depth: my high- blown pride At length broke under me; and now has left me, Weary and old with service, to the mercy : Of a rude stream, that must forever hide me. — SHAKESPEARE. Verse. “ A sweete verse is that which, like a dish with a delicate Sauce, inuites the Reader to taste, euen against his will. — Henry Pracnam. Vertical. Vertical like a stake. — CHARLES NopiEr. Vexed. Vexed like a morning eagle, lost and weary, And purblind amid foggy midnight wolds. — Keats. Must I be vexed like the nightly bird, Whose sight is loathsome to all winged fowls. — Marlowe. Vibrate. Vibrated, like a coffee mill in opera- tion. — ANon. Vibrate like a, soft musical note. — Batzac. Vibrating Like some becalmed bark beneath the burst Of Heaven’s immediate thunder. — COLERIDGE. Felt all her being vibrate as if a violin bow were drawn over her nerves. — FLAUBERT. Vice. Vices, like beasts, are fond of none but those that feed them. — SaMUEL BUTLER. VICE. — VIRGINITY. Vice — continued. Vice, like disease, floats in the at- mosphere. — WiLLIAM Hazuirr. The vices operate like age, — bring on disease before its time, and in the prime of youth, leave the character broken and exhausted. — Juntus. Vice leaves repentance in the soul like an ulcer in the flesh which is always scratching and lacerating itself. — MowntTaIcNne. Every great vice is like a pike in a pond, that devours virtues and lesser vices. — Sir THomas OVERBURY. He that is deeply engaged in vice, is like a man laid fast in a bag, who, by a faint and lazy struggling to get out, does but spend his strength to no purpose, and sinks himself the deeper in it: the only way is, by a resolute and vigorous effort to spring out, if possible, at once. — JoHn TILLOTSON. Vice-President. The Vice-President of the United States is like a man in a cataleptic state: he can not speak; he can not move; he suffers no pain, and yetheis perfectly conscious of everything that is going on about him. —’THomas Ritty MarsHAL.. Vicious. As vicious As any feend that lith in helle adoun. — CHAUCER. Victorious. Victorious like the crest of Mars. — ANON. Victory. Triumphant in victories lyke the Palme tree, fruitfull in hir age lyke the Vyne, in all ages prosperous, to all men gratious, in all places glorious: so that there be no ende of hir praise, vntil the ende of all flesh. — Lyty. Vigilant. Vigilant as the stars. — ANON. 457 Vigilant as a cat to steal cream. — SHAKESPEARE. Vigorous. Vigorous as fire. — Joun PomMrRret. Vile. Wealth vile, as the dross upon the molten gold. — AKENSIDE. Vindictive. Vindictive as Philip II. — Anon. Vindictive as a parrot. — BULWER- LyTTon. More vindictive than jealous love. — SHAKESPEARE. Violent. Violent as a river, swollen with rain, rushes from the mountain. — ANON. Violent as botel in the [store-room]. — CHAUCER. spence Violent as steam. — C. C. CoLron. Violent as hunger. — WiLL1aM Row- LEY. Violent as poison. — VaNcE THoMP- SON. Virgin. Virgins are like the fair flow’r in its lustre, Which in the garden enamels the ground, Near it the bees in play flutter and cluster, And gaudy butterflies frolic around. But when once plucked ’tis no longer alluring, To Convent-garden ’tis sent (as yet sweet), There fades and shrinks, and grows past all enduring, Rots, stinks, and dies and is trod under feet. —Joun Gay. Virginity. Virginity, like an old courtier, wears her cap out of fashion. —SHakkE- SPEARE. 458 Virtue. Virtue, like the sun, retains its re- splendence, though frequently obscured by clouds. — ANon. Virtue is like a rich stone, best plain set; and surely virtue is best in a body that is comely, though not of delicate features, and that hath rather dignity of presence than beauty of aspect. — Bacon. Virtue is like precious odors, most fragrant when they are incensed, or crushed ; for prosperity doth best dis- cover vice, but adversity doth best discover virtue. — Inrp. Virtue is like health, the harmony of the whole man. — CARLISLE. Like other plants, virtue will not grow unless its roots be hidden, buried from the eye of the sun. — Inn. Virtue and learning, like gold, have their intrinsic value ; but if they are not polished, they certainly lose a great deal of their lustre ; and even polished brass will pass upon more people than rough gold. — CHESTERFIELD. The pleasure of a fine woman is like that of her own virtue — not so much in the thing, as the reputation of having it.— CoLLEy CIBBER. * Virtue is like the polar star, which keeps its place, and all stars turn towards it. — ConFUucIus. My virtue, like a string, wound up by art To the same sound, when yours was touched, took part, At distance shook, and trembled at my heart. — Drypen. The virtues, like the muses, are always seen in groups. A good prin- ciple was never found solitary in any breast. — Jane PortEr. The virtues. are lost in interest, as rivers are lost in the sea. — Rocue- FOUCAULD. VIRTUE. ~— VIVID. Virtue, like the clear heavens, is without clouds. — Sir Pare Smney. Virtues and discourses are like friends, necessary in all fortunes ; but those are the best which are friends in our sadnesses, and support us in our sorrows and sad accidents : and in this sense, no man that is virtuous can be friendless. — JEREMY TAYLOR. Virtuous. Virtuous men. . . like some herbs and spices that give not out their sweet smell till: they be broken or crushed, — Bacon. Virtuous as holy truth. — Brav- MONT AND FLETCHER. Virtuous as a briar-rose. — EMERSON. A truly virtuous person is like good metal,—the more he is fired, the more he is fined; the more he is opposed, the more he is approved. Wrongs may well try him and touch him, but they cannot imprint on him any false stamp. — RicHELIEU. Visible. Visible like evanescent grave-lights. — Grorce MEREDITH. Visitors. (See also Guests.) Fares with him as it does with a tranquil lake, which is generally. dis- turbed by visitors. — R. R. Mapprn. Visits. Visits Like those of angels, short and far between. — Buarr. Like angel visits, few and far he- tween. — CAMPBELL. Like angels’ visits, short and bright. — Joun Norris. Vivid. Vivid as a photograph. — ANon. Vivid as a dream. — Inip. VIVID. — VOICE. Vivid — continued. Vivid as from painted glass.—Hoop. Vivid as light.— Apam GorTLos OEHLENSCHLAGER. Vivid as a dream. — WorpsworTu. Vividness. A vividness as of fire in dark night. — CARLYLE. Vocal. Vocal like a harpsichord touched in its ancient neglect by a master hand ; its voice comes back and is eloquent again. — ANON. Voice. A voice like a broken phonograph. — ANON. Her voice was like a bagpipe suffer- ing from tonsillitis. — Ini. For thy voice like an echo from Fairyland seems. — Isp. A voice like the whistle of birds. — ARABIAN NIGHTs. Her voice is like the harmony of angels. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. A voice like a concertina that has been left out in the rain. — Max BrERBoHM. A voice like the cry of an expiring mouse, shrill and thin. — Arraur C. BENSON. Gruff voice, like the creaking of the gallows-chain. — R. D. BLackmoreE. It was a voice so mellow, so bright and warm and round, As if a beam of sunshine had been melted into sound. — Hysatmar H. Bovesen. Voice like the music of rills. — WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. Her voice is like the evening thrush That sings in Cessnock banks unseen, While his mate sits nestling in the bush. — Burns. His voice is like the rising storm.— BYRON. 459 Liquid voice resounded like the prel- ude of a flute. — D’Annunzio. Voice, as pure and sweet as if from heaven. — Aubrey Dr VERE. Voice . . . as sweet as the murmur of the brook and the rustle of the corn. — Emerson. A voice as sweet as the evening breeze of Boreas in the pleasant month of November. — FIe.pine. Delicate voices, like silver bells. — Nixotar V. Gogo. Voice like a coyote with bronchitis. —O. Henry. A voice like a strained foghorn. — W. W. Jacoss. A voice like the fourth string of a violoncello. — LEvEr. Something like the voice of a frog with a quinsy. — In. Voice like dish-water gurgling through a sink. — Octave MIRBEav. Voice was like hollow wind in a cave. — OSSIAN. Voice, low as the summer music of a brook. — T. BucHanan Reap. With full voice, pute and clear, up- lifted, as some classic melody in sweetest legends of old minstrelsy. — James Wuitcoms RILzEy. Voice, as hollow as the hollow sea. —C. G. Rossetti. Thy voice like rills Of silver, trills Such sounds of liquid sweetness. — CHARLES SANGSTER. Voice . . . is soft like solitude’s. — SHELLEY. A voice like a north wind blowing over corn stubble in January. — Cari STANBURG. Voice . . . likea peace-giving orison. — Hermann SuUDERMANN. 460 Voice — continued. Voice like quiring waves. — SwIn- BURNE. Voice... That rings athwart the sea whence no man steers Like joy-bells crossed with death-bells in our ears. — Isp. Bernhardt’s . . . voice is like a thing detachable from herself, a thing which she takes in her hands like a musical instrument, playing on the stops cun- ningly with her fingers. — ARTHUR SYMONS. A great voice, as of a trumpet. — New Testament. I have heard a voice as of a woman in travail, and the anguish as of her that bringeth forth her first child. — Op TESTAMENT, The tones of her voice, like the music which seems Murmur’d low in our ears by the Angel of dreams. — WHITTIER. A fall of voice, Regretted like the nightingale’s last note. — Worpswortu. Voiceless. Voiceless as silence. — ANON. Voiceless as the sphinx. — Inm. Voiceless as the tomb. — IBip. Voiceless as a funeral train. —T. BucHAaNnan REApD. Voiceless as the past. — Tuomas WATSON. VOICE. — WAG. Void. Void of pity as chased bears, — Tuomas Hrywoop. Void of sense as the movement of the trees and the sound of the winds. — Hueco. Void of meaning as an oak wainscot. — Honr. Volatile. Volatile as fragrance from a flower. — James MontTcoMERY. Volatile as a bell. —Sypney Mun- DEN. Volatile, like autumn leaves. — EvucGeEne Fitcu Ware. Voluptuous. Voluptuous as the first approach of sleep. — Byron. Voluptuous as a tropical night. — Amy LEsLiz. Voluptuousness, like justice, is blind ; but that is the only resemblance be- tween them. — Pascat. Voracious. Voracious as the monster of the Nile. — SamvueE. Low. Voracious as a camel, swallowing his leaven. — OsMANLI PROVERB. Vulgar. Vulgar as money. — ANON. Vulgar as the face of Commerce. — Batzac. Vulgar as a church warden. — Donatp G. MitcHELL. WwW Waddle. Waddle like a duck. — Anon. Waddled to her with the graceless speed of a seal on land. — Berrina von Hutrern. Waddles like an Armenian bride. — OsMANLI Provers. Wag. Wags like a lamb’s tail. — ANon. Wagging, like a bed of clover-leaves in the morning. —R. D. Buacx- MORE. Wagging like bell-clappers. — Ep- WARD Rosins. WAGGLE. —- WALLOW. Wagele. Waggled like the hilt of a sword. — J. M. Barrie. Wail (Noun).. A lonely wail, like a lost child’s ery. — ANoN. A wail, as of a babe new-born. — Grorce MEREDITH. Continuous wail, like the moaning of a winter wind. — Ourpa. Wail like echoes from the sea. — D. G. Rossertt. A wail Of impotent despair, Like the sound that frightened marshes hear From some leper in his lair. — Oscar WILDE. Wail (Verb). Wailed like starving infants. — ANON. Wailing like a midnight wind. — Ausrey Dr VERE. Wailing like voices of woe. — ANNIE E. Preston. Wailed as in some flooded cave Sobs the strong broken spirit of a wave. — SWINBURNE. Wail . . . as one making moan for her child. — Ipm. Waist. A waist, tapered as a well-twisted cord. — AMRIOLKAIS. Her waist like the cup of a lily. — N. P. Wits. Wait. Wait, Like trees fast rooted in the ground. — ANON. Wandering fires wait even on rot- tenness like a stray gleam of thought in an idiot’s brain. — P. J. Baruey. Waiting, like a lamp-post. —R. D. BLACKMORE. 461 Thy pleasant youth, a little while with- drawn, Waits on the horizon of a brighter sky ; Waits, like the morn, that folds her wings and hides Till the slow stars bring back her dawning hour ; Waits, like the vanished spring, that slumbering bides Her own sweet time to waken bud and flower. — WittiamM Cutten Bryant. Idly wait Like lovers at the swinging gate. —O. W. Hotes. Waited with a frown, Like some old raat ate ae Who, having thrown his gauntlet down, Expectant leans upon his lance. — LoNGrELLow. My love is waiting like corked soda- water to fly towards her.— Barry Parn. Wake. Was waked as by a bugle call. — T. Bucnanan Reap. Memories waken, like golden strings ‘neath the player’s hand. — Lapy WILDE. Walk. Walks like he had gravel in his shoes. — GEORGE ADE. Walked like a chicken with frozen toes. — ANON. She walked with a proud, defiant step, like a martyr to the Coliseum. — Bauzac. She walks in beauty like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies. — Byron. Walk like sprites To countenance this horror. — SHAKESPEARE. Wallow. Wallow like a boar. — Bunyan. 462 Wallow. — continued. Wallow ... like a stalled cow. — KINGSLEY. Wan. Wan as moonlight. —T. B. At- DRICH. Wan as a sea cliff. — ANON. Wan as the watery beams of the moon. — Isp. Wan and mute as vapor. — Isip. ‘Wan was her lip as the lily’s petal. — Isp. Wan, Like a fat squab upon a Chinese fan. — CowPER. Wan as a wasted ember. — Epcar Fawcett. Wan, As a lily in the shade. — JEAN INGELOW. Wan As snow at night when the moon is gone. — Isp. Wan as primroses gathered at mid- night. — Kzats. Wan As shows an hour-old ghost. —C. G. Rossertt. Wan, Like the head and the skin of a dying man. — SHELLEY. Wan as ashes. — SPENSER. As a dead face wan and dun. — SwINBURNE. Wan as foam blown up by the sun- burnt sands. — Ipp. Wan as a withered flower. — Gra- HAM R. Tomson. Wander. Wandering like a passportless man. — ArTHurR ACHESON. Wanderings as wild as those of the March-spirit. — CHARLOTTE BRronrii. WALLOW. — WANE. Wander — continued. Wandering as the wind. — WILLIAM CuLLEN Bryant. Wandered up and down there like an early Christian refugee in the cata- combs. — JosEPH CoNRAD. Wandering like a plaintive shadow about the places where I dwell. — GAUTIER. Wanders like an unfettered stream. — HawrTHorne. Wander like a lost soul in a Sam Lloyd puzzle. —O. Henry. Wanders up and down the world like the noble Morninger. — ARCHIBALD MacMecuan. Wandering, like a leaf off the tree. — GrorcE MEREDITH. Wander like streams through the snow. — Mies O’REILLY. Wanderest Like the world’s rejected guest. — SHELLEY. Wander like a desert wind, without a place of rest. — ALEXANDER SMITH. Wander from mistress to mistress, like a pilgrim from town to town, who every night must have a fresh lodging, and ’s in haste to be gone in the morn- ing. — VANBRUGH. Wandered about at random, like dogs that have lost the scent. — VoLTAIRE. I wander’d lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills. — Worpsworta. Wanders like a gliding ghost. —Ipm. Wane. Each with an aspect never. twice the same, Waxing and waning as the new-born host of fancies, like a single night’s . hoar-frost. — Ropert Browning. WANE. — WARM. Wane — continued. Wane, Like melodies upon a sandy plain, Without an echo. — Keats. Wanes, As a dream dies down and is dead. — SWINBURNE. Want. Want’s like an Irish bog, wherein who sticketh, By striving to get out, still deeper sinketh. — Martiat. Want is like the rack: it draws a man to endanger himself to the gallows rather than endure it. — Crrit Tour- NEUR. Wanton. Wanton as a calf with two dams. — ANON. Wanton as a young widow. — Con- GREVE. Wanton... as a cat in a bowl of water. — MASSINGER. Wanton as a_ child. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Wanton as youthful goats. — Ibm. War. A civil war, indeed, is like the heat of a fever ; but a foreign war is like the heat of exercise, and serveth to keep the body in health; for, in a slothful peace, both courages will effeminate and manners corrupt. — Bacon. Warble. Warbled like a bird in a sweet summer place. — ANON. Warbled like a happy bird. — Ep- MUND GOSSE. The ‘spring of life warbled through her heart as a brook sometimes war- bles through a pleasant dell. — Haw- THORNE. Warble like the birds in June. — Hoop. 463 Wariest. It is good to take the safest and wariest way in general, like the going softly by one that cannot well see. — Bacon. Warlike. Warlike as the SPEARE. wolf. — SHAKE- Warm. Warm as a mouse in a churn. — ANON. Warm as sunbeams. — Ipip. Warm as the glow of a topaz. — Isp. Warm as Venus. — Inp. Warm as a cricket. — R. D. BLAcK- MORE. Warm as red sky’s passing blush. — CuarLorre BRONTE. Warm as the spark Prometheus stole. — E1iza Cook. Warm in affection as Phoebus at noon. — JoHN G. CoopER. Warm as ecstasy. — CowPER. Warm as a prayer in Paradise. — GrorcE DarLey. Warm as mead by May breezes fanned. — AuBREY De VERE. Warm as sun at noon’s high hour. — Pau. Laurence DunBaAR. Warms the soul, Like the blushing bowl. — Francis M. FRENcH. Warm as toast. — JoHN Gay. Warm as the zeal of youth when first inspired. — Inrp. Warm as a sunned cat. — Taomas Harpy. Warmed, like a dove fledging in its downy nest. — CHARLES Harpur. Warm as if the brush Of Titian or Velasquez brought the flush Of life into their features. — 0. W. Homes. 464 Warm — continued. Warm as young blood. — Hoop. Warm as when Aurora rushes Freshly from the god’s embrace, With all her shame upon her face. — Isp. Warm as a dove’s nest among sum- mer trees. — KEats. Warm as Cytherea. — Grorce Mac- HEnry. Her touch was as warm as the tinge of the clover Burnt brown as it reached to the kiss -of the sun. — JoAQUIN MILLER. Warm and meek, Like curls upon a rosy cheek. — Tuomas Moore. Warm as life. — JoHn Payne. Warm as wool. — JoHN PEELE. Warm and cosy as a bird nest. — ALEXANDER SMITH. Warm as a stove. — STERNE. Warm and soft as the dome aloft. — SwINBURNE. Glow warm as the thyme. — Inip. Warm as a new-made bride. — Bayarp Taytor. Warm as a love-sick poet’s muse. — WILLIAM THOMSON. Warm as sunshine. — Worpswortu. Warn. ‘Warn, like the one drop of rain on your face, ere the storm. — GrorcE P. Laturop. Warrior. Great warriors, like great earth- quakes, are principally remembered for the mischief they have done. — C. N. Bove. Wary. Wary as a fox. — ANON. Wary as a blind horse. — THomas Futier, M.D. WARM. — WATCH. Wary as those that trade in poison, — JoHN WEBSTER. Waste. Wasted like the mountain snowe, before warme Phoebus’ shine. — Enc- LisH BALLAD. Wasted, like a sermon for the dead. — AMBROSE BIERCE. Wasted like well-streams. — RoBEert BRownine. Waste ... like April snow in the warm noon.— WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. Waste as fast as dyke water. — WILLIAM Carr’s “THE DIALECT oF CRAVEN.” As the drained fountain, filled with autumn leaves, The field swept naked of its garnered sheaves ; So wastes at noon the promise of our dawn, The springs all choking, and the harvest gone. —O. W. Ho.mes. Waste like a wilderness. — Lonc- FELLOW. Wasted, as the snow congealed When the bright sunne his beams there- on doth beat. — SPENSER. Wasted Like an ember among the fallen em- bers. — SWINBURNE. Waste like death. — Isp. Wasteful. Wasteful as a hen. — WELSH Prov- ERB. Watch. Watch, like a mourner.—H. C. KENDALL. Watch, like terriers at a rat’s hole. — Kincs.ey. Watch, like one that fears robbing. — SHAKESPEARE. WATCHFUL. — WEAK. Watchful. Watchful as a sentinel. — ANon. Watchful as the eye of a bird. — Isp. Watchful as a bellman. — Brav- MONT AND FLETCHER. Watchful as a spider sits in his web. — Butwer-Lytron. Watchful as the step of a mother by the couch of her sick child. — Ism. Watching every glance of him like a British house-dog that will not be taken in with suspicious travelers if he can help it. — CARLYLE. Watchful like owls awake. — G. K. CHESTERTON. He was trying to see, with that watchful manner of a seaman who stares into the wind’s eye, as if into the eye of an adversary. — JosEPH ConraD. Watchful as spirits. — CowLry. Watchful as when fowlers their game will spring. — Orway. Watchful, as a leopard is. — D. G. Rosser 1. Watchful as a wheeling eagle. — Worpswortu. Watchfulness. A soul without watchfulness is like a city without walls, exposed to the inroads of all its enemies. — THOMAS SECKER. Wave. Waving like mermaids’ ANON. Waving like the bosom of an Amazon. — Inp. His fair hair waved backward like that of the angel upon his sombre car of stars. — Huao. Waving like a hand that beckons. — LONGFELLOW. hair. — 465 Waved like blessing hands. — GeRALD Massey. Waved like autumn-corn. — Sir Watter Scorr. Fence . . . waved like cobweb in the gale. — Ism. Waved like the enridged sea. — SHAKESPEARE. Waved like a penon wyde dispred. — SPENSER. Wave as with swing of the sea When the mid tide sways at its height. — SWINBURNE. Her slender figure waved, like some light cypress when the merry winds carol midst the yielding boughs. — JosEPH TURNLEY. Waver. Wavering as Hamlet. — ANon. Wavers like a dry flame. — ARTHUR C. Benson. Wavers like a_ will-o-the-wisp. — Witiiam Back. He that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. — New TESTAMENT. Wavered like a summer rill, As her soft bosom rose and fell. — Wiuuiam B. Yrats. Wax. His face waxed like as sunburnt grass. — SWINBURNE. Wayward. Wayward as a flame. — ANon. Wayward as the swallow overhead at set of sun. — Grorcn MEreEpITH. Wayward as wind. — WILLIAM MortTHERWELL. Weak. Weak as a cat. — ANON. Weak as alamb that can’t stand the weight of its own wool. — Isip. 466 Weak — continued. Weak as unfledged nestling in the falcon’s grip. — THomas ASHE. Weak as fear of shame. —HARTLEY CoLeRmcE. Weak as palsy. — Lorp Dr TaBLey- Weak as a reed. — DICKENS. Weak as flesh. — Isr. Weak as an eddy in the sandy wind. — Epmunp Gossz. Weak as a bled calf. — THomas Harpy. Weak as spider’s skein. — Krats. Weak as young corn withered, whereof no man may gather and make bread. — ANDREW Lana. Weak as a poor straw upon a tor- rent’s breast. — M. G. Lewis. Weake as sheepe. — Lyty. Weaker than a woman’s tear. — SHAKESPEARE. Weaker than the wine. — Isp. Small at first, and weak and frail Like the vapor of a vale. — SHELLEY. Weak as a flower that sways with every wind. — ALEXANDER SMITH. Weak as foam on the sands. — SwINBURNE. Weak as hearts made sick with hope deferred. — Iprp. Weak as snow. — Inip. Repentance . . . weak as night de- voured by day. — Inp. Weaker than the worm. — Inn. Weak as the Roman Chief, who strove to hide His father’s cot (and once his father’s pride) By casing a low shed of rural mould With marble walls, and roof adorned with gold. — Pautus SyLiocus. Emanations weak as rain. — IBip. WEAK. —— WEDGE. Weak as the puny rillets of the hill. — Isp. Weak as water. — OLD TESTAMENT. Weak as gruel.— Louis Unrter- MEYER. Weak as a lamb the hour that it is yeaned. — WorDSWORTH. Wealth. Wealth, like rheum, falls upon the weakest parts. — ANON. Wealth is like a child’s rattle, which pleases for a moment, and is enjoyed no more. — Rosert Burton. His wealth increaseth, and the more he hath, the more he wants: like Pharaoh’s lean kine, which devoured the fat, and were not satisfied. —IBip. Wealth is like a viper, which is harmless if a man knows how to take hold of it ; but if he does not, it will twine round his hand and bite him. — Saint CLEMENT. Weary. Wearied as a finch in a cage. — ANON. Weary as Isp. a haystack-sleeper. — Weary, with her hard embracing, Like a wild bird being tamed with too much handling, Or as the fleet-foot roe that’s tired with chasing, Or like the froward infant still’d with dandling. — SHAKESPEARE. Wearily. Wearily, Like those whom living tires. — Tuomas Harpy. Weatherbeaten. Weatherbeaten as a fisherman’s oar. — THomas Wank. Wedge. Wedg’d in one body, like a flock of cranes. — Homer (Pope). WEDLOCK. — WELCOME. Wedlock. Wedlock, indeed, hath oft compared been To public feasts, where meet the public rout. Where they that are without would fain go in, And they that are within would fain go out. —Sir Joun Davis. Wedlock’s like wine, — not properly judged of till the second glass. — Dove tas JERROLD. Honest wedlock Is like a banqueting house built in a garden, On which the spring’s chaste flowers take delight To cast their modest odours. — Tuomas Mmp.ieron. Weep. Weeps like a walrus o’er the waning moon. — ANON. Wept like a lost child. — GzorcE W. Bacsy. Weep like a cut vine-twig. —RoBErt Brownine. Wept like a baffled child. — Bui- weEr-LyYTTron. Weep like a crocodile. — Ropert Burton. Weepe as dooth a child that is ybete. — CHAUCER. Weep . . . like a dear innocent child bitterly afflicted. —La Morre Fov- QuE. I must seem like a hanging moon, a little waterish for a while. — THomas MIpDLeTon. Like a fair flower surcharged with dew, she weeps. — MILTon. T’m weeping like a willow That droops in leaf and bough. —G. P. Morris. Weep, like a young wench that had buried her grandam. — SHAKESPEARE. 467 Weeps like a wench that had shed her milk. — Isp. Weigh. Weigh like the shillings on a dead man’s eyes. —O. W. Hotmrs. ‘Weighs a man down like a hod of mortar. — N. P. WILus. Weird. Weird as the elfin lights that glim- mer of frosty nights. — T. B. AL- DRICH. Weird as a_ witch’s scream. — CHARLES KINGSLEY. Weirdly. Weirdly, like a dream. — Larcap1o Hearn. Welcome (Adjective). Welcome as land to sailors long at sea. — AESCHYLUS. About as welcome as a bullet. — ANON. Welcome as water in a leaking ship. — Isp. About as welcome as a coffin at a wooden wedding. — Isp. Welcome as the clang of the dinner bell. — In. Welcome as an engagement ring to an old maid. — Ism. Welcome as a good-natured friend who makes short calls. — Inm. Welcome as dew on parched flowers. — Isp. As welcome as sunshine In every place Is the beaming approach Of a good-natured face. — Isp. Welcome as a rainstorm in Hell. — Grorce Vaux Bacon. Welcome as Eden. — Byron. 468 Welcome — continued. Welcome, like one tiny islet of Reality amid the shoreless sea of Phan- tasms, to the reflective mind, seriously loving and seeking what is worthy and memorable, seriously hating and avoiding what is the reverse, and intent not to play the dilettante in this world. — CARLYLE. Welcome as water into one’s shoes. — Drenuam’s ‘“‘Foik-Lore NortH or ENGLAND.” As welcome as the haven to the tempest-driven ship. — BARTHOLOMEW Dow.inea. Welcome as flowers that bloom in the spring. — W. S. GiLBErt. Welcome as a pole-cat at a picnic. — CuarLes HENDERSON. Welcome as peace after destructive war. — Ropert Herrick. Welcome as the bird to the elm-tree bough. — Lowe tt. Welcome as a boon long sought. — Evan MacCott. Welcome as stones in oats to horse. — “NewS FROM CHELSMFORD.” Welcome as flowers in May. — JoHn Ray’s “ HANDBOOK or PROVERBS.” Welcome . . . as the deluge of early spring rain. — Francis S. Saurus. Welcome . . . as dewy cherries to the taste in June, As shady lanes to travelers at noon. — Joun Scorr. Welcome hither As is the spring to the earth. — SHAKESPEARE. The night to the owl and morn to the lark less welcome. — Ini. Welcome as dogs unto a church they are. — JOHN TAYLor. Welcome! as beauty to the lovesick swain, For which he long had sigh’d in vain. — Wiiuiam TxHomson. WELCOME. —— WHANG. Welcome as the discovery of a five- dollar bill in an old coat to a salaried man the morning before pay day. — WALTER TRUMBULL. Welcome as the rear view of a grizzly bear to a hunter who has left his fire- arms at home. — Inm. Welcome to my tranced view, As battle-yell to warrior’s ear. — WHITTIER. Welcome as a star. — WoRDSWwoRTH. Welcome (Verb). Welcome as a child left in the haunt- ing dark welcomes the entrance of light. — BuLwer-Lytron. Well. Welled from out her happy heart like the carol of a bird. — Saran JosepHa Har. Welter. Weltering, shall I say, like an Egyp- tian pitcher of tamed vipers, each struggling to get its head above the others. — CARLYLE. Poor Mugno! there he welters, like a toast at bottom of a tankard!— Horace Smita. Wet. Wet as a fish. — ANON. Weet, as beest is in the reyn. — CHAUCER. Her face with little drops was wet Like pansy petals after rain. — Norman GALe. Wet as a drowned rat. — THomas HeEywoop. Wet as a dog in the rain. — James HUNEKER. Wet as the slush of a quagmire. — Ovuma. Whang. Whanged agin my ribs like a old- fashioned wheat Flale agin a barn door. — ArTemus Warp. WHEELING. —— WHISPER. Wheeling. Grenadiers continually wheeling, like so many reapers steady among wind- tossed grain. — CARLYLE. Wheeze. Wheeze like a calliope with sore tonsils. — ANON. Whelmed. Whelmed me like a flood. —C. G. RosseErmt. Whelmed like the Egyptian tyrant’s impetuous host. — SouTHEY. Whet. Appetite whets, like the world- famous bark of Peru. — Bret Harve. Whimper. Whimper like a child for dread. — Buiiss CARMAN. Whimpers like a lowing cow. — JoHN Gay. Whimpered like a woman. — Lone- FELLOW. Whimpers like a cur. — ARTHUR Symons. Whine. Whine like wind at a keyhole. — ANoN. Whyning like a Pigge halfe rosted. — Ly ty. Whined like a leashed wolf-pack. — ALFRED NoyEs. He whines like a Jew whose house is burnt. — OsMANLI PROVERB. Whip. Whipped like a cur. — ANON. Whipped like tops in Lent. — Ben JONSON. Whipped like green rye. — RaBe- LAIS. Whir. Whir like the noise of an eagle’s wings. — Ouma. 469 Whirl. Whirl’d away like flakes of foam. — ARSCHYLUS. Whirl like a scourge in the air. — ANON. Whirl’d like a leaf.—G. F. S. ARMSTRONG. Blades whirled like spirited spray. — Laurence Binyon. Whirling like dust. — JoszpH Con- RAD Whirling . . . like the- sand doth when the whirlwind breathes. — DANTE. Whirled like Ixion’s wheel. — Eurir- IDES. Whirling . . . as in jubilee of child- like sport. — E. T. A. Horrmann. Whirl along, like pebbles in a stream. O. W. Hommes. Whirling like a windmill. — Kir- LING. Whirled it round him like a rattler. — LoNGFELLOW. Whirl, like maelstrom in the ocean. — Epwin Marxuam. Whirled like a potter’s wheel. — SHAKESPEARE. Whirl ... like the leaves of a forest grown withered and dry. — Car- MEN SYLVA. Whirl as if a tempest flung them. — Bayarp TAayYLor. Whirled in a swift and cloudy tur- bulence, as when some star of Eblis downward hurled by Allah’s bolt, sweeps with its burning hair the waste of darkness. — Ipip. Whisker. (See also Beard). Fetlock whiskers, like that worn by a Percheron stallion. — ANon. Whisper. Whispers like the low wind’s sighs. — AuicE Cary. 470 Whisper — continued. Whisper like the voice within the shell. — Lewis Morris. Whispered like the restless brook. — C. G. RossErrt. Whistle. Whistling like the thrushes With voice in silver gushes. — Leicn Hunt. Whistles like the jackal’s scream. — SCHILLER. Whistle, like a devil’s baby. — STEPHEN SMITH. White. White as a moonlit sail. — Witt1am ALEXANDER. White as the necks of swans. — JAMES LANE ALLEN. White as a bean. — ANon. White as lime. — Inip. White as a baby’s arm. — IBm. White as a diamond. — Isp. White as a doll. — Inip. White as a dove. — Insp. White as a fish. — Ini. White as a flock of sheep. — Isip. White as a ghost. — Ini. White as a live terrier. — IBin. White as a pillow. —Isp. White as arsenic. — Inn. White as a sheet. — Inm. White as a shroud. — Isp. White as a spirit. — Isp. White as a statue. — Isp. White as a sycamore. — Ipm. White as a whale’s tooth. — Inn. White as chastity. — Ipm. White as his neck-cloth. — Inm, White as salt. — Ipip. WHISPER. — WHITE. White as silver. — Ibm. White as sin forgiven. — Ipm. White as sunbeams. — Inn. White as the breakers’ foam. — Isr. White as the breast of a gull. — Ip. White as the blossoms of the almond tree. — IBrp. White as the foam that danced on the billow’s height. — Isp. White as the gown of a bride. — Ipip. White as the hand of Moses. — Ipm. White as the snowy white rose that in the moonlight sighs. — Isip. White as white satin. — Ii. White like the inside of a shoulder of mutton. — Isip. White as the stem of a young palm. — ARABIAN. White as paper of Syria. — Ini. White Nicuts. as camphor. — ARABIAN Brow white as day. — Is. White as morning. — IBip. White as the full moon when it mooneth on its fourteenth night, — Isp. White like egg of the pigeon hen. — Isp. White ARCHER. White as frost on field. —W. E. AYTOUN. as. bismuth. — WILLIAM A maid as white as ivory bone. — EneusH Bauuap. White as Baap. snow-drops. — SERVIAN Purely white as the mountain snow. — WetsH Batiap. White as porcelain. — Bauzac. WHITE. White — continued. White as soap. — R. H. Barwam. White as the hawthorn’s crown. — Mary Barry. White as a thread by hands of angels spun. — Francis BEAUMONT. Whiter than mountain snow hath ever been. — Is. White as swanne.—Sim . Harry BEAUMONT. Soul as white as heaven. — Brav- MONT AND FLETCHER. White as innocence herself. — In. White as the foaming sea. — Park BENJAMIN. White as snow. — Bion. White as an angel. — WILLIAM BLAKE. White as foam-drift in the moony shimmer of starlit, wave-pavilioned dells. — MataitpE Buiinp. White as the sun. — Emity BRronté. White as candles against the altar’s gold. — Katuerine H. Brown. White as foam thrown upon rocks from the old-spent wave.—E. B. BRownine. White as gulls. — Isp. White as moonshine. — IBmp. White as wax. — Ini. White like a cloud at fall of snow. — Ipm. White like a spirit’s hand. — Inm. White with coming buds, like the bright side of a sorrow. — RoBERT BRowNING. White as a curd. — Izrp. White as the winding-sheet. — Rosert BucHANAN. White as death. — Butwer-Lytron. White, as if she lived on blanched almonds. — Isp. 471 White as a clout. — Bunyan. As white’s a daisy. — Burns. White as the thoughts of an angel. — Mary Frances Butts. White as a white sail on a dusky sea. — Byron. White as fleece. — Atice Cary. White as a cloth. — Briss CARMAN. White as the chaulkie clyffes of Brittaines isle. — CHATTERTON. Whyte hys rade [neck] as the som- mer snowe. — IB. Whit as chalk. — CHAUCER. Whyte as floure. — Inm. Whit as is a lylie flour. — Iprp. Whyte as lylye or rose in rys [twig]. — Isp. White as snowe falle newe. — Inm. White of hewe, As snowe on braunche snawed newe. — Ism. White was his berd as is the dayesie. — Isp. Whit was as the flour delys (Flower- de-luce). — Ii. White as CHINESE. a flock of egrets. — Gleaming white, like peach and plum blossoms. — Isp. Dressed in white — all white, like a bride or a bandaged thumb. — Irvin S. Coss. White as new-plucked cotton. — Freperick S. Cozzens. White as an AvuBREY DE VERE. White as ashes. — DICKENS. Hands . . . white, as if the blood began to chill there. — Dumas, PERE. infant’s spirit. — As white as teeth of twenty-five years old. — Ipm, 472 White — continued. A sail as white as blossom upon spray. — Wituiam DunsBar. The beautiful young lady, all in white, like a lily in the night, or the moon sweeping over a cloudless sky. — JOSEPH VON EICHENDORFF. White as the canna upon the moor. — Ancient Erse. White as snow-wreath in the eye of spring. — F. W. Faser. White as molten glass. — PHINEAS FLETCHER. ‘ Breasts As white as hedgeside May. — Norman GALE. White and awful as a_ shroud- enfolded ghost. — RicHarD GARNETT. His beard was whiter than the feathers which veil the breast of the penguin. — GoLpsMITH. ~ Pure and white, As some shy spirit in a haunted place. — P. H. Hayne. White as the lips of passion. — Ini. As white as bear’s teeth. — THomas HeEywoop. As white as the pale ashes of a wasted coal. — J. G. Hotianp. White as sea-bleached shells. — Homes. White as the sea-gull. — Inm. White as Irish linen. — Hoop. White as parading breeches. — Inn. White as a chicken. — Hugo. White as the gowan [daisy]. — JoHN IMLAH. White, Like ships in heaven full-sailed. — Jean INGELow. White as the snowy rose of Guelder- land. — Isp. White as flocks new-shorn. — Krats. WHITE. Whiter than a star. — Ism. White as the moon. — Omar Kauay- YAM White as the wonder undefiled of Eve just wakened in Paradise. — Harriet McEwen KImMpat. White as an embodied hush. — Ipm. Thin-flanked woman, as white and as stale as a bone. — Kipiina. White as an angel clad in light. — —J. S. KNowtes. White, like the apparition of a dead rainbow. — CHARLES Lams. White as maiden purity. — Miss Lanpon. White, Like a gravestone seen in the pale moonlight. — Inw. White as Ketak’s snow flower. — “Lays oF ANCIENT INDIA.” White as a nun.—Ricnarp Ls GALLIENNE. White as ivory. — Isp. White as the face of the dead. — CAMILLE LEMONNIER. Whiter than the downy spray. — JoHN LEYDEN. White as a live terror.—GEORGE Casot LopGE. White as a cloud that floats and fades in the air. — LonGreLLow. White as a schoolboy’s paper kite. — Ini. White as seas’ fog. — Iprp. White as the gleam of a receding sail. — Inn. White as a dove. — Lover. White as thistle-down. — LowEL. White as alabaster. — Ly zy. White as driven snow. — IBp. WHITE. White — continued. White as untrod snow. — Lewis Macuin. White as the foam of streams. — JAMES MacpHERSON. White as the whitest foam of the sea That tosses its waves under fervent skies, Or a feather dropped from an angel’s wing As it leant o’er the walls of Paradise. —A. W. Marswatt. White and pure as any bridal veil. — Guy pe Maupassant. Sightless white, like eyes of lifeless stone. — Wittiam J. MIcKLE. White as the bloom o’ the pear. — — Wituiam Miter. White as a sinner’s shroud. — Miss Mutock. White as virgin’s pall. — Inn. Lilly-white as a lady’s marrying smock. — THomas NasH. Venerable beard White, hoary like the foam o’ the sea. — Enrico NENcIonI. White Like girls for a first communion dight. — Ropen Noe. White . . . like angels in their as- cension clothes, waiting for those who prayed below. — Firz-Jamzs O'BRIEN. White as a winter home. — JoHN Payne. White as is the new blown bell Of that frail flower that loves the wind. — Isp. As clay. —W. M. PRAED. White as the waxen petal of the flowers. — HELEN C. PRINCE. White like a young flock, Coeval, newly shorn, from the clear brook recent, and branching on the sunny rock. — Matruew Prior. 473 White as swans. — RaBELAIsS. White as fear. — Orr Reap. White as the living cheek opposed. — CHARLES READE. White as grit. — James WaItcomp Riney. ° White as the cream-crested wave. — Ini. White as the gleam of her beckoning hand. — Inn. White a hand as lilies in the sun- light. — C. G. Rossetti. White as the moon lies in the lap of night. — Ipm. White like flame. — Inm. Whiter than sawn ivory. — Ruskin. Wings as white as a dream of snow in love and light. — A. J. Ryan. White as Dinlay’s spotless snoe. — Smr Watter Scott. White as a lily. — SHAKESPEARE. Soft as dove’s down and as white. — Ipw. White his shroud as the mountain snow. — IBID. Teeth as white as whale’s bone. — Inw. : Perfect white Show’d like an April daisy on the grass. —Ism. White as the foam o’ the sea That is driven o’er billows of azure agleam with sun-yellow. — WILLIAM SHARP. White as isinglass. — G. B. SHaw. Whitens like steel in a furnace. — Isp. White with the whiteness of what is dead, Like troops of ghosts on the dry wind past. — SHELLEY. White as a swan’s stray feather. — H. B. Sirs. 474 White — continued. White . . . like the flying cloud at noon. — SOUTHEY. White as the swan’s breast. — Isp. White, withouten spot or pride, that seemed like silke and silver woven neare. — SPENSER. White . . . like a dazie in a field of grass. — Sir JoHN SUCKLING. White as a custard. — Swirt. White as dead stark-stricken dove. — SWINBURNE. White as faith’s and age’s hue. — Isp. White as moonlight snows. — Ipm. White as the live heart of light. — Isp. _ White as the sparkle of snow-flowers in the sun. — Ipip. White as the unfruitful thorn-flower. —Ism. White as mountain cotton-grass. — “Trisa Eric Tass.” White as any flower. — TENNYSON. White as privet. — Im. White as utter truth. — Inm. White as the light. — New Tzsta- MENT. It was like coriander seed, white. — Op TESTAMENT. Whiter than milk. — Is. White as a ceiling. — THACKERAY. I turned as white as cold boil’d veal. — Is. White, and ghastly, like an army of tombstones by moonlight. — Ipm, Like the mists of spring, all silvery white. — “ Tue Hagoromo.” More white than curds. — TaEoc- RITUS. WHITE. — WHOOP. Slight and white as a peeled wand. — Vance THompson. White as sculptured stone. —F. F. TIERNAN. _ White as the down of angel’s wings. — J. T. TRowBrwes. White, like the Shah of Persia’s diamond plume. — Mark Twain. White as Carrara marble. — TuEo- DORE Watts-DUNTON. White as evening clouds. —C. J, WELLS. White as the wings of prayer. — WHITTIER. Stainless white, Like ivory bathed in still moonlight. — Isp. Whiter than a moony pearl. — Oscar WILDE. White as a charnel bone. —N. P. WILLIs. White as flashing icicle. — Inm. Whiz. Whizzes like a hot iron. — Far- QUHAR. It whizzes like the waters from a mill. — CHRISTOPHER PITT. Whole. Whole as a fish. — SHAKESPEARE. Whole as the marble. — Ini. Wholesome. Wholesome as ass’s milk. — ANON. Wholesome as the morning air. — CHAPMAN. Wholesome as Heaven. — Haw- THORNE. Whoop. Whoop like boys, at rounders. — KIncsLey. Whooped like a Bacchanal. — Sir Watter Scott. Whooping like artillery. — Henry D. Tuorgav. WICKED. — WILD. Wicked (Adjective). Wicked as a lie. — Zoua. Wicked (Noun). The wicked, even whilst receiving favors, incline to their natural disposi- tions, as a dog’s tail, after every part of anointing and chafing, to its natural bend. — HiropapEsa. But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. — Op Testa- MENT. Wide. Wide as a barn door, — ANon. Wide as the poles asunder. — Isip. Wide stretching as the earth. — Ism. As wide as land. — ALFRED AUSTIN. Wide as the sea’s perpetual flow. — HeErsert Bates. Wide as night is wide. — WILFRED CAMPBELL. Wide as the mouth of a wallet. — Tuomas DEKKER. Wide as Shakespeare’s soul. — Syp- NEY DoBELL. Wide-awake PERE. as mice. — Dumas, Wide as hope. — Emerson. Wide as the unbridged gulf that yawns between the rich man and the beggar. — J. G. HoL.anp. As wide as the world is. — LANGLAND. Wide as a church door. — SHAKE- SPEARE. Wide as life. — SWINBURNE. Wide as woe. — WILLIAM Watson. Wide as human thought. — Wuirt- TIER. Wide as the difference between death and life. — Iip. Widespread. Widespread as a tent at noon.— Oscar WILDE. 475 Widow. Widows, like ripe fruit, drop easily from their perch. — BRUYERE. A widow is like a frigate of which the first captain has been shipwrecked. — ALPHONSE Karr. Wife. A cigar is like a wife! Put it up to your lips, and light it ; When you’ve learned to do it right, it ‘Adds a certain zest to life. Mind you keep on puffing it, Or it’s out, and can’t be lit. Ah, the aroma! Ah, the glow! Will I have one? Thank you, No. — ALEISTER CROWLEY. Scolding wives, like bad clocks, are seldom in order. —S. Downey. A wife is like an unknown sea ; Least known to him who thinks he knows Where all the Shores of Promise be, Where lies the Island of Repose, And where the rocks that he must flee. — J. G. Hotianp. A wife, domestic, good, and pure, Like snail, should keep within her door ; But not, like snail, with silver track, Place all her wealth upon her back. — Wituam W. How. A good wife is like the ivy which beautifies the building to which it clings, twining its tendrils more lov- ingly as time converts the ancient edifice into a ruin. — Dr. JoHNSON. Our wives, like their writings, are never safe except when under lock and key. — WYCHERLEY. Wiggle. Wiggle like a knot of vipers. — Hay Carne. Wild. Wild as vulture’s cry. — AEscHYLUS. Wild as the winds that tear the curled red leaf in the air.—T. B. ALDRICH. 476 Wild Ee continued. Wild as a buck. — Anon. Wild as a hawk. — Inrp. Wild as a maniac’s dream. — Ism. Wild as a mountain lion. — Isp. Wild as Scott’s Macbriar. — Isr. Wild as Whiston’s prophecies. — Isp. Wild as wild Arabs. — ARABIAN NIGuHTs. Like a cowslip, growing wild. — Tuomas ASHE. As wild and as skeigh as muirland filly. — Joanna Baru. Wild as Winter. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. As wild as game in July. — Dion Bovcicavurt. Wild as one whom demons seize. — CuHarLoTre BRonNTE. Legends wild as those culled on shores licked by Hydaspes. — But- wER-LYTTON. Wild as that hallow’d anthem sent to hail Bethlehem’s shepherds in the lonely vale, When Jordan hush’d his waves, and midnight still Watch’d on the holy towers of Zion hill. — CAMPBELL. Wild and capricious as the wind and wave. — JAMES CAWTHORN. Wilde as chased deere. — THomas CHURCHYARD. A landscape rose More wild and waste and desolate than where The white bear, drifting on a field of ice, Howls to her sundered cubs with piteous rage And savage agony. — CoLERIDGE. Wild as a maniac’s mirth. — Exiza Cook. Wild as the lightning. —AuBrey Dr VERE. Wild as the waves. — Ipm. Wild as dreams. — EMERSON. Wilder than the Adrain tides which form Calabrian bays. —Rosweit M. Frew. As wild as the whirlwind. —N1- KOLAI V. GOGOL.. Wild as asea-breeze. — HAWTHORNE. Wild as if creation’s ruins Were heaped in one immeasurable chain Of barren mountains, beaten by the storms Of everlasting winter. —James A. HILLHouse. Wild as coursers with unsubdued neck. — Horace. Wild as a tameless horse of Tartary. — Ricaarp Hovey. Wild as a KRaSInskKI. Wild as a burst of day-gold blown through the colors of morning. — GerorcGE Cazot LopGE. Wild and woful, like the cloud rack of a tempest. — LonGFELLow. fiend. — StemunpD Wild as an unbroken horse. — Maria LowEt.. Wild as the heart of a bird. — Epwin Marxuam. Wild as flowers upon a river’s brink. — GrorcEe Epcar Monrcomery. Wild as the changes of a dream. — JAMES MoNnTGOMERY. Wild as Tomas Moors. Wild as the winds. — Pops. Wild as ocean gale. —Srr WALTER Scorr. Wild, like trumpet-jubilee. —Inw. Wildly as some vex’d and angry sea madly throws up its ancient firm foundation. — SHAKESPEARE. mountain-breezes. — WILD. — WINTRY. Wild — continued. Wild as young bulls. — Im. Wild as haggards of the rock. — Inrp. The other wild, Like an unpractised swimmer plunging still. — Is. Wild . . . as regret. — Martz Van VorsT. Wild as an errant fancy. — HELEN Hay Wuitney. Wild like the stormy wind. — Wi1- LAM WILKIE. Wild as the tempests of the upper sky. — Wituiam WINTER. Wild and rude As ever hue-and-cry pursued, As ever ran a felon’s race. — WorpswortTu. Wilful. “ Wilful as a pig that will neither lead nor drive. — ANon. Wilful as the Hovey. wind. — RIcHARD Wilful as a mule. — DanisH Prov- ERB. ' Wilful as a prince. —Sir Water Scort. Willing. Willing as a turtle. — Joun Gay. With a heart as willing As bondage e’er of freedom. — SHAKESPEARE. Willing as the springtide sea gives up Her will to the eastern sea-wind’s. — SWINBURNE. Willingly. As willingly as any singing bird sets him to sing his morning roundelay, because he likes to sing and likes the song. — GeorcE Exior. : Willingly As birds make ready for their bridal time. — TENNYSON. 477 Wily. Wily as an old fox. — Sir WALTER Scort. Wind. Winds about like a hare. — ANon. Winds about like a snake in the grass. — IBmp. Winds like a lover’s knot. — Inip. Winding like the maze of love. — JoHN CUNNINGHAM. Windy. Windy as a dog-day in Kansas. — O. Henry. Wine. Wine is like anger; for it makes us strong, Blind and impatient, and it leads us wrong ; The strength is quickly lost ; we feel the error long. — GEORGE CRABBE. Wine is like rain: when it falls on the mire it but makes it the fouler, But when it strikes the good soil # wakes it to beauty and bloom. —Joun Hay. Winged. Winged as Hermes’ heels. — ANon. Wink. Winks like the stars. — Hoop. Wink with one eye like a gunner. — Wituiam Row ey. Winning. As winning as the Queen of Love. — RICHARD SAVAGE. Winter. Winter, like a felon ghost, that with its viewless presence chills the blood. — Epmunp Gosse. Wintry. Wintry as despair. — Lorp Dz TaB- LEY. 478 Wipe. Wipe My life away like a vast sponge of fate. — Kzats. I will wipe Jerusalem as a man wipeth a dish, wiping it, and turning it upside down. — OLD TESTAMENT. Wisdom. Wisdom is like electricity. There is no permanently wise man, but men capable of wisdom, who, being put into certain company, or other favor- able conditions, become wise for a short time, as glasses rubbed acquire electric power for a while. — Emerson. Wisdom which. is only theoretical and never put into practise is like a double rose ; its color and its perfume are delightful, but it withers away and leaves no seed. — SCHOPENHAUER. Wisdom excelleth folly, as far as light excelleth darkness. —Oxtp Txs- TAMENT. Wise. Wise as Minerva. — ANON. Wise as Solomon. — Ini. As wise as the men of Gotham, who went to build a wall about the wood to keep out the cuckoo. — Inrp. Wise as Time and Silence are. — Autrrep AUSTIN. Looking wise, As men find woodcocks by their eyes. — SamMvueEL Butter. Wise as Thurlow looks.—C. J. Fox. As wise as a woodcock. — Joun Heywoop. Wise as an owl. — Keats Wise as the Mayor of Banbury, who would prove that Henry III was be- fore Henry II.—Leran’s ‘“‘Couec- TANEA.” Wise as age. — W. J. Linton. Wise as nature. — Popg. WIPE. — WIT. Wise as Waltom’s calfe. — Jonn SKELTON. Wise as serpents. — New Testa- MENT. Wiser than the children of light. — Ini. Wise as Shakespeare. — THorEauv. Wise as her mother’s apron string. — Nicnotas UDALL. Wish. Wishes, like castles in the air, are inexpensive and not taxable. — Sam SLICK. Wishes, like painted landscapes, best delight, Whilst distance recommends them to the sight. Placed far off, they beautiful appear ; But show their eoarse and nauseous colours, near. — Tuomas YALDEN. Wistfully. Wistfully, Like to some maiden spirit pausing pale, New-wing’d, yet fain to sail Above the serene gulf to where a bridegroom soul Calls o’er the soft horizon. — Smney LANIER. Wit. Wit is like a ghost, much more. often talked of than seen. — ANON. Wit kills the soul, as argument kills reason. — Bauzac. Full of wit as a ginger-bottle is of pop. —J. R. Bartierr’s “Dicrion- ARY OF AMERICANISMS.” Wits, like Physicians, never can agree, When of a different Society. — Apura BEHN. His wit is like fire in a flint, that is nothing while it is in, and nothing again as soon as it is out. — SAMUEL BuT- LER, WIT. Wit — continued. All wit and fancy, like a diamond, The more exact and curious ’tis ground, Is fore’d for every carat to abate, As much in value as it wants in weight. — Is. Wit’s like a luxuriant vine ; Unless to virtue’s prop it join, Firm and erect toward Heaven bound, Though it with beauteous leaves and pleasant fruit be crown’d It lies, deformed and rotting, on the ground. — CowLey. Wit, like fierce-claret, when’t begins to pall, Neglected lies, as ’f of no use at all ; But, in its full perfection of decay, Turns vinegar, and comes again in play. — Earu or Dorset. Wit, like hunger, will be with great difficulty restrained from falling into vice and ignorance, where is great plenty and variety of food. — Henry FIELDING. True wit is like the brilliant stone, Dug from the Indian mine, Which boasts two different powers in one, To cut as well as shine. — ‘ GRUB-STREET JOURNAL,” 1730. Homebred wits are like home-made wines, sweet, luscious, spiritless, with- out body, and ill to keep. — Jutius C. Hare. Wit, like an insect clamb’ring up a wall, Mounts to one point, and then of course must fall, No wiser, if its pains proceed, than end, And all its journey to descend. — WatrTer Harte. Wits, like misers, always covet more. — Isp. Wit is like love — the softest is the best. — Aaron HILL. Wits, like drunkenemen with swords, are apt to draw their steel upon their best acquaintances. — Doucias JER- ROLD. 479 Wit, like money, bears an extra value when rung down itnmediately it is wanted. Men pay severely who require credit. — Inip. Wit, like every other power, has its boundaries. Its success depends on the aptitude of others to receive im- pressions ; and that as some bodies, indissolute by heat, can set the furnace and crucible at defiance, there are minds upon which the rays of fancy may be pointed without effect, and which no fire of sentiment can agitate or exalt. — Dr. JoHNSON. Bring all wits to the Rack, whose Noses are euer like Swine spoyling and rooting vp the Muses Gardens, and their whole Bodies like Moles, as blindly working vnder Earth. to cast any, the least, hilles vpon Vertue. — Ben Jonson. For wits, like adjectives, are known to cling to that which stands alone. — Rosert Luiovp. Nor make to dangerous wit a vain pre- tense, But wisely rest content with modest sense ; For wit, like wine, intoxicates the brain, Too strong for feeble women to sus- tain : Of those who claim it more than half have none ; And half of those who have it are undone. — Lorp Lyrrerron. Wit and wisdom differ; Wit is upon the sudden turn, Wisdom is in bringing about ends. Nature must be the ground-work of Wit and Art ; otherwise whatever is done will prove but Jack-Pudding’s work. Wit must grow like Fingers. If it be taken from others, ’tis like Plums stuck upon black Thorns; there they are for a while, but they come to nothing. — SELDEN. Wit . . . blunt as the fencer’s foils. — SHAKESPEARE. 480 Wit — continued. One wit, like a knuckle of ham in soup, gives a zest and flavor to the dish ; but more than one serves only to spoil the pottage. — SMOLLETT. Some men’s wit is like a dark lantern, which serves their own turn and guides them their own way, but is never known (according to the Scripture phrase) either to shine forth before men or to glorify their Father in heaven. — SwIrt. As in smooth oil the razor best is whet, So wit is by politeness keenest set. — Youna. Wither. Withered like a Normandy pippin. — ANON. ‘Withered like a rose without light. — Isip. Like the rainbow in a summer shower, Or gaudy poppy, of fugacious bloom, Tis thine to flourish for a transient hour, Then, withered, sink in dark oblivious tomb. — ALEXANDER BALrour. Her white soul withered in the mire As paper shrivels in the fire. — SrerHen Vincent BENeET. Wither away like a flower un- gathered in a garden. — Rosert Bur- TON. Withered as an autumn leaf. — WILKIE COLLINS. Withered like a plucked flower ready to be flung on some rotting heap of rubbish. — JosepH Conrap. Withered and pale as an old pauper. — Dickens. Withers like debauchery. — Dumas, PERE. Withers, like a palm Cut by an Indian for its juicy balm. — Keats. Withered like a leaf in the breath of an oven. — Fritz H. Lupiow. WIT. — WITNESS. Withered like some short-lived flower. — MarLoweE. Withered like an old apple-john. — SHAKESPEARE. Like a blasted sapling, withered up. — Isr. Withered like green corn under the hot winds of the unirrigated American desert. — Joun R. Sprars. Withered like hay. — SPENSER. Wither like a dying rose. — Frank L. Stanton. Withered like stars in the morning. — Rosert Louis STEVENSON. Withered all our strength like flame. — SWINBURNE. My heart is smitten, and withered like grass. — OLD TESTAMENT. Wither as the green herb. — Isin. Withered like an apple that the snow Finds still upon the bough. —L. Franx Tooker. Withered, as in death congealed. — Tupper. The egoist withers like a solitary barren tree. — Ivan 5. TurGENEV. Withered as if struck by a blight. — VoLTAIRE. Wither like a thing of earth. — Ataric A. Watts. Withheld. Withheld as things forbidden. — SWINBURNE. Within. Within another, like the ivory balls in a Chinese carving. — DIcKENS. Witless. Witless as a jackdaw. — Tuomas SHADWELL. Witness. Witnesses, like watches, go Just as they’re set, too fast or slow. —SamueL Burer WITTY. — WOMAN, See also Wit.) Witty. Witty as a Frenchman. — Anon. Witty as a roll of ten dollar bills. — Isp. Witty as Diana. — Inm. Witty as two fools and a madman. — Isp. Witty men commit the most fatal errors, as the strongest horses make the most dangerous stumbles. — Im. Wizen. An old man, wizened as a dried plaice. — CAMILLE LEMONNIER. Wizen, like a small dry tree. — SWINBURNE. Woman. A painted woman is like a gilded pill ; fools admire the former, and children the latter, for the disguise. — ANoN. A woman, like a melon, is hard to choose. — Isp. Women are like melons : it is only after having tasted them that we know whether they are good or not. — Isrp. Pretty women are like sovereigns : one flatters them only through in- terest. — Isip. Woman, like good wine, is a sweet poison. — Ixip. Women, like the plants in woods, derive their softness and tenderness from the shade. — Iprp. Most women proceed like the flea, — by leaps and jumps. — Bauzac. Women, like birds, are shy of a single spring; perplex them by a choice, their heads become giddy, they flutter, and drop into the trap. —Rosert M. Bet. Women, like conjurers’ tricks, are miracles to the ignorant. — Isp. 481 Women, like loadstones, lose their attraction, when they suffer the rust of a fretful temper to eat away their brightness. — Inrp. Women are like wasps in their anger. Not so, for wasps leave their stings, but women never leave their tongues behind them. — NicHoLas BRETOoN. Pleasant at first she is, like Dio- scorides’ Rhododaphne, that fair plant to the eye, but poison to the taste, the rest as bitter as wormwood in the end and sharp as a two-edged sword. — Rosert Burton. Your women Are like new plays, which self-com- placent authors Offer at some eight hundred royals each, But which, when once they’re tried, you purchase dear Eight hundred for a royal. — CALDERON. Women, and men who are like women, mind the binding more than the book. — CHESTERFIELD. Women are like tricks by sleight of hand, Which to admire, we should not understand. — CONGREVE. Women are like medlars, no sooner ripe than rotten. — THomas DEKKER. Beautiful peaches are not always the best flavored ; neither are hand- some women the most amiable. — W. S. Downey. The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history. — Gerorce Enior. Women are like pictures; of no value in the hands of a fool, till he hears men of sense bid high for the purchase. — FarquHar. The womenfolk ‘are like the books, — most pleasing to the eye, Whereon if anybody looks he feels dis- posed to buy. — Everne FIrxp. 482 Woman — continued. Woman is like a pot of oil, and a man a burning coal. A wise man will not put the oil and the fire together. — HITOPADESA. Women, with their tongues, like polar needles, ever on the jar. —O. W. Homes. You look at a star from two motives, because it is luminous — and because it is impenetrable. You have at your side a softer radiance and a greater mystery — woman. — Hueco. A fine woman, like a fortified town . .. demands a regular siege; and we must even allow her the honors of war, to magnify the greatness of our victory. — Hue KE ty. I have been servitor in a college at Salamanca, and read philosophy with the doctors; where I found that a woman, in all times, has been observed to be an animal hard to understand, and much inclined to mischief. Now as an animal is al- ways an animal, and a captain is always a captain, so a woman is always a woman ; whence it is that a certain Greek says, her head is like a bank of sand ; or, as another, a solid rock ; or, according to a third, a dark lanthorn: and so, as the head is the head of the body ; and that body without a head, is like a head without a tail ; and that where there is neither head nor tail, ’tis a very strange body; so, I say, a woman is, by comparison, do you see? (for nothing explains things like compari- sons). I say by comparison, as Aristotle has often said before me, one may compare her to the raging sea; for as the sea, when the wind rises, knits its brows like an angry bull, and that waves mount upon rocks, rocks mount upon waves, that porpoises leap like trouts, and whale skip about like gudgeons ; that ships roll like beer-barrels, and mariners WOMAN. pray like saints; just so, I say, a woman —a woman, I say, just so, when her reason is ship-wrecked upon her passion, and the hulk of her understanding lies thumping against the rock of her fury; then it is, I say, that by certain emotions, which — um — cause, as one may suppose, a sort of convulsive — yes — hurri- canes — um — like —in short, a woman is the devil. — THomas Kina. Hard is the fortune that your sex attends ; Women, like princes, find few real friends : And who approach them their own ends pursue ; Lovers and ministers are seldom true. — Lorp LytTre.ton. A woman is like the ivy, which grows luxuriantly whilst it clings to some sturdy tree, but never thrives if it is separated from it. — Moire. A woman who loves to be at the window is like a bunch of grapes at the wayside. — ITatian PROVERB. A woman possessing nothing but outward advantages is like a flower without fragrance, a tree without fruit. — REGNIER. Women are like thermometers, which, on a sudden application of heat, sink at first a few degrees, as prelimin- ary to rising a good many. — RICHTER. Women, like summer storms, awhile are cloudy, Burst out in thunder and impetuous show’rs ; But straight the sun of beauty dawns abroad, And all the fair horizon is serene. — Nicnotas Rowe. Women, like things, at second hand Do half their value lose; But, whilst all courtship they with- stand, May at their pleasure choose. — Sir Cuariss SEDLEY. WOMAN, — WORDS. Woman — continued. Women use lovers as they do cards ; they play with them awhile, and, when they have got all they can of them, throw them away, call for new ones, and then perhaps lose by the new ones all they got by the old ones. — Swirr. Women are as roses, whose fair flower ‘Being once displayed, doth fall that very hour. — SHAKESPEARE. A woman that is like a German clock, Still a-repairing, ever out of frame, And never going right, being a watch, But being watch’d that it may still go right f — Isp. A woman mov’d is like a fountain troubled, Muddy, ill-seeming, thick, bereft of beauty ; : And while it is so, none so dry and thirsty Will deign to sip or touch one drop of it. — Isp. Woman the other world resembles well, In whose looks Heav’n is, in whose breast is Hell. — Sm Epwarp SHERBURNE. A continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike. — Op TESTAMENT. Women are like curst dogs : civility keeps them tied all day-time, but they are let loose at midnight ; then they do most good, or most mischief. — JoHN WEBSTER. Woman is like the reed that bends to every breeze, but breaks not in the tempest. — WHATELY. You say, sir, once a wit allow’d a woman to be like a cloud, accept a simile as soon between a woman and the moon ; for let mankind say what they will, the sex are heavenly bodies still. — James C. WHYTE. Women are like minors; they live on their expectations. — Oscar WILDE. A83 Women, like old soldiers, more nimbly execute than they resolve. — WYCHERLEY. Wonderful. As wonderful as calves with five legs. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Wonderful as a. starlit Ricuarp Lz GALLIENNE. sky. — Wondrous. Wondrous as a dream. — FRANCES ANNE KEMBLE. Wooden. As wooden as tho shoe on a Dutch peasant. — ANoNn. Words. Words ... as sweet as founts that murmur low, To one who in the deserts drear, With parched tongue moves faint and slow. — Ancient BaLiap or HInpustTan. Sweet words are like honey; a little may refresh, but too much gluts the stomach. — ANNE BRADSTREET. Words are like money ; there is noth- ing so useless, unless when in actual use. — SAMUEL BUTLER (1835-1902). Burning Words, like so many full- formed Minervas, issuing amid flame and splendor from Jove’s head. — CARLYLE. Words, like glass, darken whatever they do not help us to see. — JosEPH JOUBERT. There comes Emerson first, whose rich words, every one, Are like gold nails in temples to hang trophies on. — LowELL. His words, like so many nimble and airy servitors, trip about him at com- mand. — Mitton. Words are like leaves; and where they most abound, Much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found. — Pore. 484 Words — continued. But obscene Words, too grosse to move Desire, Like heaps of Fuel do but choak the Fire. That Author’s Name has undeserved Praise Who pall’d the Appetite he meant to raise. | — Lorp ROCHESTER. These words, like daggers, enter in mine ears. — SHAKESPEARE. My words hang together like feathers in the wind. — SKELTON. Thy words, like genial showers to the parch’d earth, refresh my languid soul. — SMOLLETT. With words as with sunbeams, — the more they are condensed, the deeper they burn. — SouTHEY. My words are like spoken roses. — SWINBURNE. With all the rhymes like stars above you, And all the words’ like flowers. — Ip. Words like swords and thunder- clouded creeds. — Ipmp. A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. — OLp ‘TESTAMENT. Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. — Inup. The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly. — In. Work. Work like a horse. — ANon. Worked like a fury. — Inm. Worked like a Trojan. — Ism. Worked like a miner in a landslide. —Ism. Work like beavers. — Inip. WORDS, — WORLD. Working like the gills of a fish, — O. HEnry. Work like a galley slave. — Lzan’s “‘COLLECTANEA.” Work like a brick. — Lyzy. World. The world is like yon children’s merry-go-round ; what men admire are carriages and hobbies. — P. J. Barney. The world is like the shifting scenes of a panorama : ten years convert the population of the schools into men and women, and make and mar fortunes ; twenty years converts infants into lovers, fathers, and mothers, and decide men’s fortunes; thirty years turn fascinating beauties into bear- able old women, and convert lovers into grandfathers ; forty years change the face of all society ; and fifty years will, alas ! find us in a world of which we know nothing, and to which we are unknown. — Froupg. The world is like a great staircase, some go up and others go down. — HIpronax. This world is like carrion, round which are thousands of vultures: this one strikes that one with his claws, that one darts at this one with his beak, till at length they all fly away, and all that remains is the car- cass. — PILPAY. The world is like a tree trunk full of ants ; he who comes into it knows nothing ; he who goes from it, comes not again. — OsMANLI PRovers. Everything in the world is like a hollow nut ; there is little kernel any- where, and when it does exist, it is still more rare to find it in the shell. — ScHOPENHAUER. Worlds on worlds are rolling ever From creation to decay, Like the bubbles on a river, Sparkling, bursting, borne away. — SHELLEY. WORLD. — WRIT. World — continued. The World is not unfitly compared to a fishing-net, the end of the world to be the drawing up of the nets. While the nets are down, there is nothing said to be caught; for the nets may break, and the fish escape: But at the end of the world, when the nets are drawn up, it will then evidently appear, what every man hath caught. —JouNn Spencer’s “Tuines New anp OL; or, A STORE-HOUSE OF SIMILES,” 1658. Worn. Worn down .. . like a shape in a shroud. — AraBian NIGHTS. Worn like a cloth Gnawn into rags by the devouring moth. — GrorcE SaNpys. Worried. Worried as a toad under a harrow. — ANON. Worried, Like a tempest-driven bark. — T. Bucnanan Reap. Worry. Worry as a wolf a lamb. — ANon. Worship. Worship me like an Idol. — RoBert Burton. Worthless. Worthless as withered weeds, or idlest froth amid the boundless main. — Emity Bronte. Worthless all as BURNE. Worthless as the lightest falling leaf. — Cetia THAXTER. Wound. Wounds . . . show Like graves i’ the holy chufch-yard. — SHAKESPEARE. Ss sands. — SwIn- Woven. Woven like winter serpents in a pit. — AmprosE Bierce. 485 Woven as raiment. — SWINBURNE. Woven . . . like bubbles in a frozen pond. — Wiitiam B. Yeats. Wrap. Wrapped, as in a mist. — ANON. All wrapped up in flannel, like a race horse. — Eucrne Brirux. Wrathful. Wrathy as a militia officer on a training day.—J. R. Barrietr’s “DicTioNARY OF AMERICANISMS.” Wrathful as Justice in her earnest mood. — W. J. Linton. Wriggle. Wriggles, as though she had the itch. — BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Wriggle, like a screw. — SAMUEL Butier. Wriggle in and out like an eel in a sandbag. — MippLEToN. Wriggling about like a mouse in the middle of a wall. — Piaurus. Wriggle . . . like sleep struggling to wake up. — RABINDRANATH TAGORE. Wrinkle. Wrinkled as a raisin. — ANon. His face wrinkled like an old parch- ment. — Grorces ErxHoup. Wrinkled like a baked apple. — Noxotuar V. Gogot. Wrinkled like a fresh-blown poppy. — Aurrep Hayes. Wrinkled like a last year’s apple. — Guy DE MAvpPAssantT. Wrinkles, like a Book Of Vellam, at a fire. — “Muses ReEcreEaTION.” Writ. Writs like wild-fowl, fly abroad, And then return o’er cities, towns, and hills, With clients, like dried straws, between their bills. — Toomas Mipp.eton. 486 Write. A witty writer is like a porcupine ; his quill makes no distinction between friend and foe. — Josa BILLines. Our writings are as so many dishes, our readers guests, our books like beauty, that which one admires, another rejects ; so are we approved as men’s fancies are inclined. — RosBert Burton. The writer, like the priest, must be exempted from secular labor. His work needs a frolic health: he must be at the top of his condition. — EMERSON. Write like an angel (Goldsmith). — Davin GARRICK. Writing or printing is like shooting with a rifle ; you may hit your reader’s mind, or miss it;—but talking is like playing at a mark-with the pipe of an engine; if it is within reach, and you have time enough, you can’t help hitting it. — O. W. Hotmes. Clear writers, like clear fountains, do not seem so deep as they are; the turbid looks most profound. — W. S. Lanpor. Witty Writings, when directed to serve the good ends of Virtue and Religion, are like the Lights hung out Yawn. Yawned much as a bored tiger does in the face of a philosophical student of savage manners in the zodlogical gardens. — BuLwer-LytTTon. Yawns like a grave in a cemetery. — Hueco. Yawn’d like a gash on warrior’s breast. — Siz WALTER Scott. WRITE. — YAWNING. in a Pharos, to guide the Mariners safe through dangerous Seas; but the Brightness of those, that are impious or immoral, shines only to betray, and lead Men to Destruction. — Lorp LytTTELTon. This much I have discovered, that it is in writing as in building, where, after all our schemes and calculations, we are mightily deceived in our ac- counts, and often forced to make use of any materials we can find that the works may be kept a-going. — Swirt, Writhe. Writhes like Saint Laurent on the gridiron. — Anon. Writhed _ like Izrp. Writhe like the Pythian. —E. B. BRownine. twisted locks. — Writhing o’er its task, As heart-sick jesters weep behind the mask. — Hoop. Writhed like a feather on the fire. — Guy pE Maupassant. Writhed like a worm on a hook. — CHARLES READE. Writhe as a dragon by some great spell curbed and foiled. — Wituam Watson. Yawn and stretch like a greyhound by the fireside. — VanBRUGH. Yawning. Yawning wide like the mouth of a cavern. — JoHN DENNIs. Yawning destruction, deep as the grave. — CHares KisraLupy. Yawning, like some old crater rent anew. — Tuomas Moore. YAWNING, — YELLOW. Yawning — continued. Yawning silently like an image. — Octave UZzaNnNE. Yearn. Yearned as the parched land for summer’s rain. — ANON. Yearn’d as the captive toiling at escape. — Byron. Yearning, like the first fierce im- pulse into crime. — Hoop. Yearning, like a swallow in the void. — TRUMBULL STICKNEY. Yearning as with child of death. — SWINBURNE. Yell. Yelling like savages. — ANON. Yolleden, as fendes doon in helle. — CHAUCER. Yelling like a maniac. — Dumas, PERE. A discordant universal yell, like house-dogs howling at a dinner-bell. —Joun H. Frere. Yell like a wronged panther. — Atrrep Henry Lewis. A yell as of wild beasts in their famine. — Oumpa. Yelled like incarnate fiends. — Micwaet Scott. Dire yell, As when, by night and negligence, the fire Is spied in populous cities. — SHAKESPEARE, Yell’d out Like syllable of dolour. — Ism. Yelled like all-possessed. — Sam SLICK. Yelled as beasts of ravin. — Swin- BURNE. Yellow. Yellow as * 7at’s eye. — ANON. Yellow as a corpse. — Inrp. Yellow as a guinea. — Ism. 487 Yellow as a hopeless lover. — ARABIAN NIGHTS. She was as yellow as a quince. — Bauzac. Yellow as gamboge. — R. D. BLacx- MORE. Yellow like to fire. — E. B. Brown- ING. Yellow, like April bees. —C. S. CALVERLEY. As yelowe of hewe As ony basyn scoured newe. — CHAUCER. Yellow as liquid honey. — D’An- NUNZIO. Yellow as HAMILTON. Yellow as saffron. — Bret Harte. jealousy. — ANTHONY Yellow as a Chinaman. — O. Henry. Yellow as cowslips. — James Hoae. Yellow as the amber. — Hoop. Yellow as Nature, abetted by time. — Bettina von Hutren. Yellow and ill-fitting as the shuck on a dried cob. — Kiprine. Yellow, like a lion’s mane. — Henry LutTTREL. Yellow as MEREDITH. jaundice. — GEORGE Yellow as corn in the sun. — Ouma. Yellow as wood ashes. — Henry M. Rmeovr. Yaller —like you’ve saw custard- pie with no crust.—James Wauit- coMB RILEy. Yellow, like ripe corn. —D. G. RosseEtTTt. His face grew yellow as gamboge. — Horace Smiru. Yellow as sulphur. — Rosert Louis STEVENSON. Yellow as pestilence. — SwINBURNE. As yellow as the blossom of the broom. — “‘Masrnocion.” 488 Yellow — continued. Yellow like canned corn. — CAROLYN WELLS. Yield. Yielded like melted snow. — J. Frnt- MORE CooPER. Yielded like the mist Which eagles cleave, upmounting from their nests. — Keats. Yielded, like bruised limb to leech. —Grorce Merepitu. Yielding as light. —Joun G. Nzi- HARDT. Young. Young as the hour of birth. — MatutipE Buinp. Young as Eve with nature’s day- break in her face. — E. B. Brownie. Young as old Homer’s song is young. —Grorce Mrrepita. Young as morn. — MEREDITH NIcHOLSON. Young as Truth. — D. G. RosseErrt. Young as dawn. — SWINBURNE. Youth. Youth, like white paper, will take any impression. — ANON. Youth is like green corn, all sap and promise. — Inrp. The rose, like ready youth, enticing stands, And would be cropt if it might choose the hands. — Wituiam Browne. Zeal. Zealous, like a Quaker railing at lace. — ANON, Zeal without humanity is like ship without a rudder, liable to be stranded at any moment. — OWEN Fe.LTHaM. YELLOW. — ZIGZAG. Youth like genius gives its best at first. — CHARLOTTE BRONTE. Youth, like spring-time, light and nimble, Evanescent in its glee. — Hartiey CoLermce. Youth is not like a new garment which we can keep fresh and fair by wearing sparingly ; youth, while we have it, we must wear daily ; and it will fast wear away. — JoHN Foster. Youth is like those verdant forests tormented by winds: it agitates on every side the abundant gifts of nature, and some profound murmur always reigns in its foliage. — M. pz GuERIN. Youth, like the aloe, blossoms but -once, and its flower springs from the midst of thorns: but see with what strength and to what height the aloe- flower rises over them. — W. S. Lanpor. Blithe youth is like a smile, So mirthful, and so brief. — Rosert NIcHOLL. Youth passes like the odour From the white rose’s cup When the hot sun drinks up The dew that overflowed her. —C. G. Rossetti. Youth like summer morn, age like win- ter weather, Youth like summer brave, age like winter bare. — SHAKESPEARE. Youthful. Youthful as the month of May. — ANON. Zeal without knowledge is like ex- pedition to a man in the dark. — Newton. Zigzag. Zigzag like lightning. — SouTHeEy. rrr reer Porat ob aa eee vee eee Re etiae Brae YE de Ee Or nt Color pepe esse es 5 50 3e ; = ee eee gatoeets See Menten ter a Soy DUDES pS Peary Meme hy Para Pe Py paP ees Eee apaseinu hepa ak apts rer RSE ys ¥ oe ts teed Se SRD e De SL DED OE DERE SEO ONDE: ane Pesestorsbstc sesh psn peae rns naest eS Seat SESE BLSE SED! 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