PRELIMINARY CHECKLIST OF INDONESIAN IMPRINTS DURING THE JAPANESE PERIOD (March 1942 - August 1945) John M. Echols BIBLIOGRAPHY SERIES MODERN INDONESIA PROJECT Southeast Asia Program Department of Asian Studies Cornell University Ithaca, New York Price —$1.50 SEAP Publications ^Cile Do not remove from room 213 640 Stewart Avenue4 PRELIMINARY CHECKLIST OF INDONESIAN IMPRINTS DURING THE JAPANESE PERIOD (March 1942-August 1945) With Annotations John M. Echols BIBLIOGRAPHY SERIES Modern Indonesia Project Southeast Asia Program Department of Asian Studies Cornell University Ithaca, New York 1963 (C) 1963 by Cornell Modern Indonesia Project b ¥Ill PREFACE This bibliography by Professor John M. Echols initiates a new series in the publications of the Cornell Modern Indonesia Project. Its appearance reflects Cornell's long-term interest in research on the Japanese occupation of Indonesia. This commitment was given initial impetus by Cornell Library's acquisition of an important collection of materials bearing upon this period; and the highly regarded doctoral dissertation of Harry J. Benda*--the first study to draw upon these ma- terials--provided an important additional fillip. The Cornell Modern Indonesia Project's interest in the Japanese occupation has also been reflected in the subsequent work of the Project, most recently Benedict R. O'G. Anderson's Some Aspects of Indonesian Politics under the Japanese Occupation: 1944-1945, published in our Interim Reports Series in 1961. Indicative of our continuing concern with re- search on this subject is the fact that there are currently several Cornell graduate students undertaking field studies relating to the Japanese occupation period; it is anticipated that during the course of the next few years several substantial monographs will result from this work. Those who know Professor John M. Echols will, I am sure, share my judgment that he knows more about publications relating to Indonesia than anyone else in the United States. For approximately a decade now he has been collecting references bearing upon the period of Japan's occupation of Indonesia. Recognizing the great value of his data, the Cornell Modern Indonesia Project has prevailed upon him to prepare them for publication. I should like to record our sincere thanks to Professor Echols for giving so generously of his time in order to undertake this work; this is a gratitude which I am sure will be shared by all of those concerned with this important period of Indonesia's history. It is my hope and expectation that this will be useful to Indonesian scholars as well as foreign scholars interested in that country. Currently Professor Echols is engaged in the preparation of a second and even more expensive bibliography covering the period of the Indonesian revolution, 1945-1949, and it is our hope that this will be readied for publication within the course of the next year. 5jc Later published as The Crescent and the Rising Sun (Van Hoeve, The Hague, 1958).IV We are particularly proud that our Project's new series in bibliography is introduced by a work of such value as this present volume. Ithaca, New York November 29, 1963 George McT. Kahin Director *V TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Preface....................................................... iii Introduction.................................................... 1 Abbreviations .................................................. 3 Books........................................................... 4 Almanacs ...................................................... 36 Folders ....................................................... 36 List of Newspapers (March 6, 1942-August 16, 1945) in the Cornell University Library.............................. 37 List of Periodicals (March 6, 1942-August 16, 1945) in the Cornell University Library............................ . 38 List of Proper Names Cited in Text ...........................40 Subject Index............................................. 44 Title Index................................................... 501 INTRODUCTION There are two reasons for the appearance of this preliminary check list of Indonesian imprints during the Japanese period (March 8, 1942- August 16, 1945). One, this is the sole major gap in Indonesian bibliog- raphy through I960 and, as such, deserves to be filled. Two, it provides an opportunity to indicate the holdings of the Cornell University Library for this area and period and thus to contribute a modest amount of infor- mation on Indonesian library resources in this country. Since the quan- tity of material available is relatively small, I have thought it worthwhile to provide an annotation when I have actually seen the item. In addition to the monographs, I have also listed Cornell Library holdings in almanacs, folders, newspapers, and periodicals in the hope that such information will be of assistance to the researcher. It has not been possible to check exhaustively holdings of this period at the Library of Congress, the New York Public Library, the libraries of Yale University, Hoover Institution, University of California at Berkeley, and others. Nor have I had an op- portunity to check with any thoroughness the holdings at the library of the Lembaga Kebudajaan Nasional in Djakarta which is said to contain the best such collection in existence. I would imagine too that the Rijksinsti- tuut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie in Amsterdam has on its shelves a number of items not listed here. I know that it possesses extensive newspaper and periodical holdings of this period. It is likely too that additional material may be found in Japan. In addition to Cornell University Library’s holdings, I have seen some of the volumes in libraries in Indonesia and some titles have come from advertisements, book reviews, news items, and footnotes found in the newspapers and periodicals iof the period. H. J. Benda's The Cres- cent and the Rising Sun, Indonesian Islam under the Japanese Occupation 1942-1945. The Hague, W. van Hoeve, 1958, contains in its bibliog- raphy those Cornell Library items relevant to his study. M. A. Aziz's Japan's Colonialism and Indonesia. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1955, also lists some Japanese occupation items. One will find in a very recent study on the Japanese occupation of Indonesia by O. D. P. Sihombing en- titled Pemuda Indonesia me nan tang Fasisme Djepang. Djakarta, Sinar Djaya, 1962, an interesting list of items some of which were unknown to me. This checklist contains all Indonesian imprints for the Japanese period for which I could obtain full bibliographical data. The monographs number 216 of which the Cornell University Library holds 139. My files also contain 104 titles of monographs and almanacs for which I have partial data. From my observations I estimate that I have probably cited not more than half of the published output of monographs between March 8, 1942 and August 16, 1945. The areas outside of Java and Sumatra are very poorly represented. Whether this accurately reflects the publishing situation of the time I am in no position to say.2 When in March 1942 the Japanese invasion took place many serial publications ceased to appear. One of these was Het Nieuwsblad voor de Boekhandel in Nederlandsch-Oost Indie (Madjallah Perdagangan Boekoe). Not until January 1949 did a similar journal make its appearance, it was called Madjallah Perdagangan Buku di Indonesia/Maandblad voor de Boek- hande 1 in Indonesie and was under the editorship of G. Ockeloen of G. Kolff and Co. in Surabaya. The first issue (January 1949) contained the fol- lowing heading for its list of publications: "Penerbitan sesudah Augustus 1945/Uitgaven na Augustus 1945," thus indicating that no attention would be devoted to items of the Japanese period. In the first of his valuable postwar book catalogues entitled Catalogus dari Buku-Buku jang diterbit- kan di Indonesia (Djilid 1 1945-1$T9). . . Djakarta, 1950, he clearly states: "In the years of war during the Japanese occupation comparatively few books have been published and the collector misses all data of this period, so that no bibliography can be compiled ..." (p. 9). Except for an item now and then in his later catalogues (1950-1954) he made no attempt to fill this hiatus, the one retrospective gap in Indonesian bibliography. Professor Pigeaud in an article on Indonesian bibliography (Indonesie 3, 1949-50, p. 129), in discussing Ockeloen’s catalogues, laments the ab- sence of bibliographical information about publications of the Japanese period and states that such information could well be of value to the re- search student and scholar. In I960 the editorial staff of P. T. Gunung Agung's Berita Bibli- ografi issued a pamphlet Sekedar tentang Bibliografi Nasional in which we find the statement: "In the wartime years (1942-1945) no recordings have been made, and to compile such a retrospective bibliography again, (it) will in our opinion really take too much energy and time to hunt for rather out-of-date books, if they are available" (p. 32). For help in connection with this checklist I express my thanks to Professors Harry J. Benda and Louis Damais, to Messrs. Daniel Lev, John Smail and A. van Marie. I should like to extend special thanks to Mr. Oey Giok Po, Southeast Asia Bibliographer of the Cornell University Library, for his assistance on innumerable occasions. A number of others provided information on a variety of points and to them I am also grateful. To Professor George McT. Kahin I express my appreciation for his encouragement of this bibliographical paper. In a survey of this kind errors may abound. I would be glad for any corrections and additional data on these items or on monographs I have failed to list here. A revision may be issued if additions warrant doing so.3 ABBREVIATIONS The following abbreviations occur in the text: AR Asia Raya (see no. 223) B. P. Balai Poestaka djl. djilid (volume) Irikura, James K. Southeast Asia: Selected annotated bibliography of Japanese publications. New Haven, Conn., Southeast A sia Studies, Yale University in association with Human Relations Area Files, 1956. Jassin, Η. B. Kesoesastraan Indonesia dimasa Djepang. Djakarta, Balai Pustaka, 1948. NIC Cornell University Library NIOJB De Graaf, H. J. et al. , Nederlandsch-Indie onder Japanse begetting. Gegevens en documenten over de jaren 1942-1945. Franeker, T. Wever, 1960. Peta Pembela TanahAir. Indonesian auxiliary troops in the Japanese period. PP Pandji Poestaka (see no. 247) Pradj. Pradjoerit (see no. 248) SA Soeara Asia (see no. 234)4 BOOKS 1 ABDULKADIR, R. A. B. Kitab tenoen. Peroesahaan Djawa. Djokjakarta, Mardi-Moeljo, 2604. 23 p. 2nd ed. Pamphlet on weaving: a Javanese enterprise. 2 ADINEGORO, DJAMALUDIN, 1904- , comp. Kamoes bahasa Indonesia-Nippon dan Nippon Indonesia. Medan, 2602. 101 L 197p. NIC (photocopy-positive). Compiler, a journalist by profession, was a member of the Lembaga Bahasa in Medan and had earlier compiled a small Indonesian defining dictionary entitled Kamus Kemadjuan (Amsterdam 1928). Preface is dated March 1942 and gives brief informa- tion about the pronunciation of Japanese. Indonesian- Japanese section (1-87), Japanese-Indonesian (89-180), and some aspects of Japanese grammar (181-197). 3 AKIMOTO, SHUNKICHI. Keloearga dan roemah tangga Nippon. Disalin dengan merdeka . . . oleh Tun Sri Lanang. /Medan? Departemen Keboedajaan Soematera Timoer, 2Ϊ>047. 62 p. illus. NIC. Translation of a pamphlet on family life and the house-: hold in Japan. Has chapters on the "Wife," ’’Husband," "The world of children," "The Mother-in-law," "The house and yard of the Japanese," "The symbol of culture in a Japanese household," "Sunday morning in a Japanese household," "The matter of gifts." 4 ALISJAHBANA, SOETAN TAKDIR, 1907-, , comp. . Pelangi. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Balai Poestaka), 2604. 4 v. (B. P. 1232a-d). v. 1. 94 p. 7th ed. v. 4. 120 p. 2nd ed. NIC has v. 4. A popular four-volume anthology of reading selections in Indonesian, including fiction and non-fiction recent and old. The first edition appeared in 1936 and this work is still in print. It was also reprinted in Australia during World War II. The author is a well-known novelist, grammarian, lexicographer, poet, professor, publisher, literary critic, and philosopher. 5 AMBRI, MOHAMMAD, comp. Dongeng-dongeng sasakala, kenging ng&mpelkeun Moh. Ambri. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Toshokyoku (Balai Poestaka) 2604. 2 v. (B. P. 1517). v. 1, 32 p. NIC has v. 1. These two volumes contain brief selections from Sundanese folk literature and legends. Volume one, com- piled by Ambri, contains forty selections. Volume two was compiled by R. Satjadibrata. In Sundanese.5 6 AMRULLAH, ABDUL MALIK KARIM, HADJI, 1908- Islam di Soematera. Oleh Hamka. Medan, Badan Pem- bangoenan Semangat Islam /2605?7. 37 p. NIC This work by a well-known Islamic leader and author of many works is a brief history of the introduc- tion of Islam into Sumatra. 7 ARIFIN, HASSAN NUL. Poelau da rah; keboeasan bangsa Belanda memboenoeh bangsa Mentawai. Oleh Hassan Noel Arifin. Medan, Poestaka Antara 72604 ?7. 32 p. 1st ed. NIC Contains a foreword by Hamka dated January 19, 2604 and an introduction by K. Hirato. Author has an introductory chapter entitled "Bangsa Mentawai dan Poelau-nja" in which he provides brief information on the geography, inhabitants, clothing, beliefs, and the language of Mentawai. 8 ASIA-RAYA: oentoek memperingati enam boelan balatentara Dai-Nippon melindoengi Indonesia. /Nomer istimewa ini diselenggarakan oleh Winarno, Anajar Asmara dan Kamadjaja. Djakarta, 2602/ 1 v. (unpaged: 162 p.) illus. On spine: Nomer istimewa, 9 September 2602. NIC An attractively printed volume commemorating the first six months of the arrival of the Japanese Army in Indonesia. The early articles (eight) are by Japanese on various aspects of Japan followed by an article by Ir. Soekarno and thirty-five others by prominent Indonesians on a variety of Indonesian topics. Also contains several short stories, some poems, and short selections from classic legends and stories. Richly illustrated. This special number was published by the major newspaper in Indonesia. 9 ____________: 1 tahoen nomer peringatan. /Djakarta, 26037. 1 v. (unpaged: 108 p. ) illus. NIC Similar to the preceding volume but commemorates the first anniversary of the Japanese landing in Indo- nesia. Contains forty-six articles on all aspects of Indonesia, most of these written by Indonesians. Also contains a very useful list of official offices and organi- zations in Japanese with their Indonesian equivalents. This volume is well illustrated but the paper is of much poorer quality than that of no. 8.6 10 ASIKIN WIDJAJA KUSUMAH, DJENAL, raden, 1891- Diagnosa-kimia dan tafsirkliniknja. Oleh R. D. Asikin W. K. dan Ahmad Ramali. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku, 2605. v. 1 (235 p. ) illus. (B. P. 1577). No more published? NIC Treats in some detail the use of urine analysis as a diagnostic tool in clinical medicine. According to Dr. Itagaki (preface: p. 9) this was the first medical work published in Indonesian and hence an important contribu- tion to the world of medicine in that country. Author is one of Indonesia's most prominent physicians and has written a number of scientific articles in his field. 11 ASJ-SJU1LLAH. Beberapa penggalan dari sedjarah perdjoeangan oemmat Islam. Nomor peringatan setahoen "A sj-Sjoe'lah." Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Syumubu, 2605. 93 p. NIC This is the first anniversary volume of the periodical Asj-sjoe'lah published by the Office of Religious Affairs in the Malay, Javanese and Sundanese languages, all in the Arabic script. It was distributed free to all kiyai's on Java. Contains five articles by prominent Indonesians. 12 ATMOSAPOETRO, M. SOEARTO and M. S. HADIWIJATA. Boekoe penoentoen gerak badan Radjio Taiso. Probolinggo, Pera, 2602. 22 p. A guide to physical exercises and conditioning. 13 AULIA, Dr., 1891- . "Makanan jang sehat" dan beberapa ichtiar jang lain boeat memeliharakan kesdhatan dan meno- long menjemboehkan penjakiL Tj6takan kedoea. Diter- bitkan dengan izin Hodokan. Djakarta, Djawa Goenseikan- boe: Balai Poestaka, 2603. 44 p. (B. P. no. 1519). NIC A manual by a prominent Indonesian physician on "healthy eating" and ways to take care of one's health. The first edition was published at Fort van der Capellen (Batusangkar) in 1937. According to the foreword of the second edition there are very few changes. 14 BAAK, J. A. A comparative study on recent ashes of some Java volcanoes^ Bogor, Chuo Noozi Sikenzyoo, 2603. 57 p. Tables. 15 BALAI PUSTAKA, DJAKARTA. Copernicus atau rahasia- rahasia langit. Bersama riwajat Giordano Bruno, Galilei, Kepler dan Newton. Djakarta, Balai Poestaka, 2602. 39 p. , illus. (Serie no. 1485) NIC One of a proposed series of popular booklets containing vignettes of men of learning. As the title states, this vol- ume treats of Copernicus, Giordano Bruno, Galilei, Kepler, and Newton. According to the foreword, the second volume was to present Pasteur and bacteriology. Not published?7 16 17 BALAΤΕΝΤΑRA DAI NIPPON. Boekoe peladjaran bahasa Nippon» Nippongo Maki 2. Djakarta, Kokoemin Tosjokjokoe (Balai Poestaka), 2603. 2 v. A textbook of Japanese issued by the Japanese Army in Java. BARISAN PROPAGANDA, DJAKARTA. Pemimpin Bahasa Nippon. /Djakarta, Asia Raya, 2602._7 73 p. NIC A very elementary introduction to spoken Japanese for Indonesians with one page devoted to the Katakana. The author is stated to be Tomodji Abe, according to information at the back of the book. 18 BARISAN PROPAGANDA NIPPON. Kamoes Nippon-Indonesia. Soerabaja, Soeara Asia, 2602" 66 p. A small Japanese-Indonesian dictionary. 19 BEKKI, ATSUHIKO, 1908- . Geopolitiek Asia Timoer Raja; koetipan pidato. /Djakarta/ Djawa Shimbun Sha, 2604. 48 p. maps. NIC" The author was connected with the Nampo Bunka Ken- kyusitsu (Southern Regions Cultural Research Center). This booklet contains extracts from talks Bekki delivered while traveling throughout Java. It is a simplified exposi- tion of geopolitics, its history, and the political and economic aspects of the concept. Rev. : SA 3/20/04. 20 BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI. Setya toehoe ing kakoeng. Babon anggitanipoen Giovanni Bocaccio /sicj Djakarta, Bale Poestaka, 2602. 32 p. (Serie no. 1475) NIC A Javanese translation of a Boccaccio tale, "Patient Griselda." 21 Boekoe peladjaran permoelaan bahasa Nippon. Djakarta, -------"Asia-Raya" 6, 255 p. “NIC” An elementary textbook for self instruction in Japanese. Utilizes the Katakana and the Hiragana. Gives Japanese syllabary with romanized transcription on left- hand page and Indonesian equivalent on the opposite page. There is no grammatical explanation or glossary. Con- tains pattern practices and drills in constructions. Boekoe Toelisan "Katakana." Djakarta, Penerbit Irahi, 2602. 40 p. A booklet on the writing of Katakana. 228 23 CHIUSHINGURA. Sandiwara Chusingura. Pemandangan oleh Sakae Shioya. Diterdjemahkan oleh Η. B. Jassin and Karim Halim. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku /26057 219 p. NIC A complete translation of Sakae Shioya (1873- ), Chusingura: an exposition. Tokyo, the Hokuseido Press, 1940. xx, 236 p. , illus. The illustrations and the index of the latter were not reproduced. Shioya attended the University of Chicago from 1901 to 1903 and received a Master of Philosophy degree in English with a thesis en- titled "Literary Influence on Fletcher's 'Faithful Sheperdess 24 DIJK, J. W. VAN. Some experiments on the use of nitrogen as a fertilizer with ammonia dissolved in the irrigation water applied to rice. Bogor, Chuo Noozi Sikenzyoo, 2603. 18 p. 25 Djasa jang ta.' diloepakan. Tjetakan 2. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku /2603/ 40 p. NIC This story, according to the foreword of the unknown author, is based on a true incident but personal and place names have been changed. It depicts the service of a Japanese youth to an Indonesian village. Emphasis is on friendship between Indonesians and Japanese in the common struggle for a Greater East Asia. The title means "An Unforgettable Service." 26 Djawa-koena. Djakarta, Dioesahakan oleh Djawa Gunseikanbu, 2604? 159. (No. daftar 1458) NIC A handbook of Old Javanese written in Indonesian. Contains several reading selections in Romanization. No indication of the author(s). 27 DJAWA SHIMBUN KAI. Iboe dan anak; penghidoepan wanita di zaman baroe. Oleh Djawa Sinbun Kai? Tjetakan 1. Djakarta £2605/ 64 p. NIC The information on mother and child in this volume is provided in the form of a dialogue in three sections. The scene is laid in Tokyo in the 1940's. It depicts the Japanese manner of child rearing and the relationship be- tween mother and child. Interspersed are short quota- tions from prominent Indonesian women. There is a foreword by Mrs. Soenarjo Mangoenpoespito and a word of welcome by Mrs. S. K. Trimurty-Sajoeti. There is no indication of the Japanese original, of the author, or of the translator. 28 DRUIF, J. Η. I. On the occurrence of diaspora and zunyite in detrital sediments of Palembang; II. On the occurrence of the mineral orthite on Sumatra. Bogor, Chuo Noozi Sikenzyoo, 2603. lip.9 29 EDRISY, M. S. Si Giat. (Tjeritera pengetahoean oentoek anak- anak) Djakarta, Djawa Goenseikanboe (Balai Poes taka), 2603. 39 p. (no. 1542) A story for children. 30 GIESSEN, C. VAN DER. Rice culture in Java and Madura; I. Economic data on the rice culture in Java and Madura; II. Irrigation of rice in Java and Madura; III. Green manuring of Sawah rice in Java and Madura; IV. Gogo rantja method of rice cultivation; V. Quality of Java rice. Bogor, Chuo Noozi Sikenzyoo, 2603. 80 p. tables. This item and nos. 14, 24, 28, 41, 73, 127, 171, 194, 195, and 203 have been taken from Bogor, Java. Balai Besar Penjelidikan Pertanian. Daftar pemberitaan Balai Besar Penjelidikan Pertanian Bogor. Bogor, 1959. 411. Have not seen these. 31 Gunseika no okeru J aw a Mazura no shokruyo jijo to sono taisaku. (The food situation in Java and Madura under Japanese military government and relative measures. ) /Java, 2605?7 "Legible carbon copy of handwritten original on offi- cial army stationery. This text is undoubtedly classified research conducted by the Japanese military government on Java." (Irikura 353) This is listed in Irikura, no. 644. Have not seen. 32 HALIM, KARIM. Palawidja. Roman-Pantjaroba. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Balai Poestaka), 2605. 118 p. (B. P. no. 1575) NIC One of the significant novels (for the other, see no. 51) written and published during the Japanese period. The story is laid in Rengasdenglok not far from Djakarta during the early days of the Occupation. It is idealistic, roman- tic, and with a strong bias. The dedication is dated 18 December 2603. 33 HARA HAP, ELISA SUTAN. Kamoes Indonesia. Tjetakan jang ke-7. Djakarta /Bandoeng, Gunseikanbu Kanri Insatu Kodjo £26027 427 p. NIC An Indonesian-Indonesian defining dictionary. In the foreword the compiler says that the previous title of this work was Kitab Arti Logat Melajoe (see no. 34). 34 __________________________· Kitab arti logat Melajoe. Tjetakan jang ke-7. Djakarta/Bandoeng, Gunseikanbu Kanri Insatu Kodjo, 2602. 340 p. A Malay-Malay defining dictionary.10 35 HARAHAP, PARADA, 1899-1959. Nippon di roasa perang: kesan ringkas jang didapat selama toeroet dalam Sekawan Oetoesan Djawa melawat ke Nippon, 2603. Djakarta /Djawa Shimbun Shay 2604. 130 p. , illus. , Tjetakan II. NIC An account by a well-known journalist, of the visit of twenty prominent Indonesian administrators, educators, and journalists to Japan September 3-23, 2603, to see wartime Japan under Japanese escort. The author had previously visited Japan in 1933-34 and published a de- tailed account in his Menoedjoe Matahari Terbit: per- djalanan ke-Japan, 1933-34. (Batavia, 1934), 25o p. NIC. The work of 2604 contains the names, positions, and photographs of the Javanese members of the delegation together with a brief running account of daily happenings (pp. 127-129). PP 22 (2604), 604 has a brief note on this book. 36 HARDJAATMADJA, R. DJOHARI. Serat woelang beksa. Ngajogjakarta, Mardi-Moeljo, 2603. 30 p. Have not seen. 37 Hikajat Kali la h dan Dimnah. Soesoenan Abdoellah Ibnoel Moeqaffa’. Diterdjemahkan oleh Isma *il Djamil. Djakarta, Balai Poestaka, 2602. 4 v. (no. 1493). Reviewed PP 22 (2604), 599-600. 38 Hikajat Pandji Semirang, menoeroet naskah lama. Dihiasi dengan 11 boeah gambar. Tjetakan 6. Djakarta, Balai Poestaka, 2602. 157 p. , illus. (Serie no. 48) At head of title: Dengan idzin Badan Pengawasan Pengoemoeman. NIC A reprint (6th ed. ) of a well-known hikajat or Malay romance. 39 HINATU EITAROO. Fadjar Masa. Djilid I. Djakarta, Djawa Engeki Kyokai (Perserikatan Oesaha Sandiwara Djawa) 2605. 182 p. , 7 1. An Indonesian reader on Japan. 40 HIRATO, K. , ed. Sendjinkoen dan Tentara Soekarela. /Terkoempoel oleh K. Hirato, et alj Medan, Badan Penjiaran Bunka Ka [ZijQ'iJ 138 p. , illus. NIC The first part (pp. 1-29) provides guidelines for a Japanese soldier. This is followed by an announcement for voluntary military enlistment in Medan. (33-42) Intellectuals of North and Central Sumatra then present short pieces on volunteering for military service. The following contributed: Zoebir Adam, Soehoenan Harahap, Moh. Saidt, Abdoelxarim M. s. , Loeat Siregar, Adi Negoro, Toen Sri Lanang, Jahja Jacoeb, Z. S. Abbas, and M. S. Oemar. It concludes with a poem "Barisan Soekarela" by Surapati who is also the ‘pemimpin soesoenan or head compiler.11 41 HUITSEMA, W. K. and Η. V. A. HEETEREN. The economic gar- den at Bogor; guide and outline of the most important crops. Bogor, Chuo Noozi Sikenzyoo, 2603. 130» 15 p. , illus. , tables. 42 HULZEN, JOH. VAN and MAHJOEDDIN. Tjahaja. Djakarta, Noordhoff-Kolff, 2602. 2 vols. "Kitab batjaan oentoek sekolah rendah." An Indonesian reader for elementary schools. A reprint. 43 IBOE SOED. Mari kita bernjanji. Tjetakan kedoea. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Kosyokyoku (Balai Poestaka), 2605. 44 p. (B. P. no. 1459) An Indonesian songbook with music. 44 IBSEN, HENRIK. Ratna (roemah-roemahan). Dioesahakan oleh Armijn PaniT Djakarta, Balai Poestaka, 2603. 108 p. (Tonil Aneka Warna. Rangkaian 1. ) An adaptation by Armijn Pane, well-known author, of the Dutch version of Ibsen's "Doll House." 45 IKEN, D. and E. HARA HAP. Kitab arti logat Melajoe. Tjetakan ke-6. /2603£7 340 p. A Malay-Malay defining dictionary. See no. 34. 46 "Indone" djoeten. /n. p. , 2603 T] 249 p. Mounted label has: Electrische Drukkerij "Tan", Poerbolinggo. NIC An Indonesian-Japanese glossary in Romanization with a short description of the katakana and examples (pp. 244-49). 47 Indonesia. Djakarta, Kantor Pengadjaran, 2603. 172 p. , illus. ’ (no. daftar 405) School textbook on Indonesia. 48 IRA. "Sakura." Koetaradja, Atjeh Sinbun /Ίί603?_/. 23 p. , illus. NIC A short Japanese story about Fujiyama. No indica- tion of translator or of original title. 49 LSHIKAWA, TEIJIRO. Bertanam kapas di Djawa. Diterbitkan dengan izin Hodohan. Djakarta, Djawa Gunseikanboe (Balai Poestaka), 2603. 27 p. , illus. (B. P. no. 1526) NIC An illustrated manual for the cultivation of cotton on Java. The author is convinced that cotton can be success- fully grown there. Reviewed in PP 21 (2603), 854.12 50 ISHIKAWA, TEIJIRO. Nandoer kapas ing Tanah Djawa. Djakarta, Djawa Goenseikanboe (Bale Poestaka), 2603. 31 p. (No. 1533) NIC A Javanese version of no. 49. 51 ISKANDAR, NUR SOETAN, 1893- . Tjinta Tanah Air. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Balai Poestaka) 2604. 138 p. (B. P. no. 1550) This novel "attempts to depict, through idealistic glasses, all Japanese regulations, without setting forth, and indeed he could not because he was not permitted to show the true spiritual reception on the part of the Indo- nesians who knew hope, anxiety, disappointment, suspi- cion, a rebellious spirit and so forth. Pros and cons were not weighed. The entire work presents the pro side only, and thus does not give a true picture of the character of the people in a real situation'r(Jassin 1948:29). Author is a well-known novelist. There is a brief note on this novel in PP 22 (2604), 650. 52 . tjetakah^. . 2605. 147 p. , illus. (B. P. no. 1550). NIC 53 ISMAIL JA’KUB, TEUNGKU. Teungku Tjhi' di Tiro. Oleh Teungkoe Ismail Jakoeb. Tjetakan 1. /"Medan ? Nafi- Peutoea Hoesin/ 2605. 113 p. , illus. NIC This is a biography of a famous Achehnese hero and patriot. Contains a foreword by Moeh. Daoed Beureu'eh (p. 3). According to a brief introduction by the author, the materials for this work were collected between 1932 and 1940 in Tiro, the home of the subject of the biography and an announcement of this publication was made in the Medan periodical Sinar in 1940, but the then Advisor for Native Affairs, Dr. L. de Vries, forbade its appearance on the ground that the consequences might be harmful since it contained statements concerning the Dutch- Achehnese war. 54 JAPAN. Ministry of War. Sendjinkoen. Penoentoen bagi Balatentara Dai Nippon. Diterdjemahkan oleh M. Joeli. Diperiksa serta diperbaiki oleh T. Itjiki. Djakarta, Pertjetakan Asia-Raya, 2602. 19, 18 p. , illus. NIC Sendjinkoen means the spirit of front line troops, i. e., of the first attackers. This is a translation from Japanese (with Japanese in the last half of the booklet) of the famous Japanese War Ministry publication of May 1941 which explained to the Japanese soldier what his duties and responsibilities as a member of the Armed Forces are. Also intended to foster the Yamatodamashi or Spirit of Japan. Indonesian version was probably in- tended to inculcate this spirit in the Indonesian soldier.13 55 JAPAN. Rikugun. Osamu Butai. Eiseiho dan kyukyuho. /Djakarta? 260 83, 83 p. , illus. NIC A detailed discussion in Japanese and Indonesian of health rules, first aid (with illustrations), resuscitation, and transportation of the injured and other information of a similar nature. . 56 JAVA (JAPANESE MILITARY ADMINISTRATION 1942-45). Peladjaran Bahasa Nippon. Djilid III. /n. p. , n. d.J7 NIC An elementary reader in Japanese. Also has illus- trations for producing the kanji. Contains twenty-eight reading selections in Indonesian with a translation in Japanese kanji. 57 _________________________________________________________. Bunkyokyoku. Didikan boedi pekertL Djakarta, Gunsei - kanbu Kanrikojo "Kolff," 2602. 23 (no. daftar 751) NIC A teaching guide for inculcating high standards of conduct and behavior in school children. 58 _______. Jawa Boei Giyugun. Djawa Boei Giyugun kyoren- kyotei. /Djakarta? 26037 3 v. illus NIC A three-volume military training manual in Japanese and Indonesian on opposite pages. For use in training Peta. 59 _______. Kantor Pengadjaran. Asia Raja dan benoea jang lain- lain. Djakarta, Kantor Pengadjaran, 2603. 104 p. , illus. TbTP. 1502) An elementary textbook of world geography with numerous illustrations. No indication of the author(s). Reviewed in PP 21 (26Q3X108. 60 _______. 3rd ed. On cover "no. daftar 404." NIC 61 _______. ________. Boekoe petoendjoek praktek teknik bagi pemim pin Seinendarv /t>jakarta7 Djawa Gunseikanbu /26047 101 p. , illus. NIC An elementary discussion, with illustrations, of pre- war physics for use in the Seinendan (youth movement). 62 _______. _______. Matahari ter bit; kitab batjaan. Djakarta, 260L Z“v. NIC has v. 2 (96 p. , illus. ). A reader with thirty short reading passages for use in elementary school.14 63 ______Kantor Pengadjaran. Pemboeka akal. Djakarta /Ditjetak oleh Gunseikanbu, Kanrikojo "Kolff"7 2602. 2v. Textbook on elementary arithmetic. _______. ___________________. Lampiran. Djakarta /Ditjetak ol6h Gunseikanbu Kanrikojo "Kolff'!? 2602. 95 p. NIC According to the foreword this supplementary volume is intended to explain and expand the teaching material found in Pemboeka Akal I and II. The set of volumes was to be used in grades 4, 5 and 6 of the elementary school. Pp. 5-19 contain corrections to the main volumes. 64 ______. Kobijutsu Kenkyujo. Tjandi Panataran. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku, 2605. 35 p. , illus. (B. P. 1580). NIC A detailed guidebook to the Tjandi Panataran, the largest and most attractive of Bast Java's tjandis from the Mojopahit period. Located near Blitar. Contains the plan of the tjandi, photographs and explanation of the Rama and Kresnayana story depicted thereon. The author of this guide was Teguh, an employee of Kobijiltsu Kenkyujo. Dr. Poerbatjaraka, an outstanding Dutch- trainfid scholar in Indology, checked the work for accuracy. 65 ______. Laws, statutes, etc. Boekoe pengoempoelan oendang- oendang, disoesoen dengan peroebahan dan tambahan sampai penghabisan boelan 6, tahoen Syoowa 19 (2604). Disoesoen oleh Gunseikanbu. Djakarta, Kokumin Tosyokyoku, 2604. 422 p. NIC This is a compilation of laws; contains, according to the foreword, all laws, decrees, pronouncements and regulations, additions and emendations issued by the Japanese Military Command from March 7, 1942 to June 1944. There are three lists at the back of the book, one giving the laws, etc. , in chronological order, one accor- ding to divisions such as finance, Chuo Sangi-In, etc. , one in alphabetical order. A valuable compilation. Reviewed in Pradj. 1 (Jan. 1, 2605), no. 8, 60. 66 ______. Naimubu. Bunkyo Kyoku. Nichi Ma Jiten. Kamoes bahasa Nippon-Indonesia. /Djakarta ?_/ Djawa Gunseikan- bu ,,£26037 * vi, 950 p. NIC A detailed and extensive Japanese-Indonesian diction- ary. Entries are in Romanization, followed by the char- acters. Has extensive coverage. 67 ______. Saiko Shikikan. Keterangan Saikoo Sikikan, tentang hal toeroet .mengambil bahagian dalam pemerintahan negeri dan pendjelasan Pemerintah. /Djakarta/ Djawa-Gunseikan- bu £2603? 14 p. NIC Notes concerning Japan's willingness to permit Indo- nesian participation in the occupation government with the broad outlines of this participation. Indicates readiness to establish the Tyuuoo /Chuo/ Sangi-In and Sangi Kai.15 68 JAVA. Sangyobu. Bab ngingah oelam loh ing pasabinan ing Tanah Djawi, anggitanipoen Gunseikanbu Sangyoobu. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku, 2604. 28 p. , illus. (B. P. 1570). NIC A practical guide, in Javanese, to inland fish cultiva- tion on Java for commercial purposes. 69 _______. _______. Perihal ikan-moedjair. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku, 2605. 49 p. tables. (B. P. no. 1586). NIC Describes in some detail the introduction of this small fish into Indonesia from Egypt by Hadji Moedjair in 1937, with an account of its care and cultivation for commercial purposes. 70 _______. Shihobu. Gunsei keizirei kaisetu. /Djakarta/ Djawa Gunseikanbu Sihobu, 2604. 63 p. NIC An elucidation of Japanese military government law in Indonesian as it applies to infractions committed in Indonesia. Contains fifty-two articles, plus the text of Osamu Seirei no. 26 of 2604 and no. 7 of 2604. 71 _______. Shomin Kumiai Chuo Jimusho. Gawez saboen. Kang ngimpoen Pakarjan Koperasi lan Padagangan Djeron Nagara (Syomin Kumiai Tyoo Zimusyo), Tjap^an kapindo. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Bale Poestaka), 2604. 11 p. , illus. (B. P. no. 1516) 2nd ed. NIC A simple illustrated guide to the making of soap at home. In Javanese. 72 _______. Soematera Gunseikanbu. Pedjabat Pengadjaran. Fadjar: boekoe batjaan. /Medan?/ 2605. 4 v. (?) NIC has v. 4. A reader containing twenty-seven selections, including one poem and an account of the life of Mohammed. Propagandistic in tone. 73 JONGH, PH. DE. Manual of instruction for the fabrication of acetic acid by the quick vinegar method. Bogor, Chuo Noozi Sikenzyoo, 2603. 18 p. , illus. , tables. 74 Kamoes bahasa Nippon-Indonesia-Bali. Disoesoen oleh Syo Sunda Minseibu. Den Pasar, Bali Shinbun Sya, 2604. Ill p. NIC (neg. microfilm) A Japanese-Indonesian-Balinese dictionary in three columns. The Japanese entry is in Romanization followed by the kanji. The work contains approximately 2500 main entries. Printed and published by N. Harasawa, Tohiwa Dori, Denpasar, Bali.16 75 KANE KO, Μ. Sedjarah dosa dan kedjahatan Inggeris dan Amerika. Djakarta, Djawa Goenseikanboe (Balai Poestaka), 2604. 32 p. (B. P. no. 1563) NIC A very brief account of British expansionism with a mention of slavery in America. Reviewed in PP 22 (2604), 322. 76 KASIM, MOEHAMMAD. Si Samin. Tjetakan ke-3. Djakarta, Balai Poestaka, 2602. 112 p. (Serie no. 533) Humorous stories by a very popular writer of the •30 s. 77 Kasoesastraan Soenda I. Djakarta, Kantor Pengadjaran, 2603. 102 p. (no. 1505) On Sundanese literature for the secondary school level. 78 KATAOKA, S. Kanridoo. (Djalan jang haroes dilaloei oleh peg- awai negeri). Disoesoen oleh S. Kataoka, Rikugun Siseikan. /Djakarta "ij Gunseikanbu Soomubu Zinzika [ZbWiJ 92 p. This pamphlet contains nine chapters as follows: True nature of a government employee; The difference between government employees and business employees; The true nature of the evil policy the Dutch East Indies government carried out earlier; The true nature of the native government employees during the time of the Dutch East Indies government; The great spirit since the founding of Japan; A comparison of the basic government system of the Japanese Empire and that of other countries; America, England and the Soviet Union; Basic behavior (spirit) of the Japanese government employee; The basic ideals which have become the basis for new regulations concerning government employees on Java; The duty of native government employees on Java in the sphere of the Greater East Asia War; A useful statement of Japanese ideals for the edification of Indonesian civil servants. Probably a translation from Japanese but there is no evi- dence to confirm this. 79 Kewadjiban pemoeda. Tjetakan ke-II. Djakarta, Djawa Simbun Kai, 2605. 63 p. On the duties and responsibilities of youth. Reviewed: PP 23(2605), 176-77 by Soeardi Tasrif. 80 KI A GOES MAS'OED. Sedjarah Palembang moelai sedari Seri- Widjaja sampai kedatangan Balatentara Dai Nippon. (Djakarta?), Barisan Propaganda Dai Nippon *Sinar Matahari*, 1942. 102 p. pi. "Ditjitak oleh Pertjitakan •Meroeyama,' Palembang.” A history of Palembang, South Sumatra from Sriwijaya to the arrival of the Japanese Army.17 81 Koempoelan. Ber-matjam^ petoendjoek dan resep jang bergoena bagi tiap^ orang. Djakarta, Balai Poestaka, 2602. 104 p. (no. 1490). Book of recipes. 82 83 Kotoba no tebiki; Nippon-Melajoe-Djawa-Soenda-Madoera. £Pjakarta7 2603. 200 p. NIC This is, as the Japanese title states, a word guide to Japanese arranged in columns across two pages as fol- lows: Romanized Japanese, Kana, Malay, Javanese, Sundanese, and Madurese (1-119); Malay-Romanized Japanese (120-140); Javanese-Romanized Japanese (141-58); Sundanese-Romanized Japanese (159-79); Madurese-Romanized Japanese (180-200). Reviewed PP 21 (2603), 482. KURONO MA ISA IC HI, comp. Bahasa Nippon sehari-hari jang terpilih. Disalin oleh Dim Liok Swie dan Kuo Wei Hung. Djakarta, Wakil K. Y. P. Tan Pek Eng (Kung Yung Pao), 2603. 439 p. A grammar of everyday Japanese usage for the use of Indonesians. Author was professor at the Tanon Ajia Gakuin College, Tokyo. 84 ____________________. Boekoe peladjaran bahasa Nippon. Djakarta, Asia Raya, 2603. 151 p. 2nd ed. 2603. A textbook of Japanese for Indonesians. 85 ffiippongo/: moedah dan gampang oentoek dapat berbahasa Nippon. Pener bitan jang ba roe. /D^akarta7 Gunhodobu, Pentjetak Kung Yung Pao, 2605. According to the foreword this grammar was written by Kurono Maisaichi who was at that time at the Hoodoobu (Propaganda Office) and at the Sekolah Tabib Tinggi (Medical School) in Djakarta. It was translated into Indonesian by Poerwadarminta (see no. 134). This work begins with a description of the kana, gana, and kanji. Contains conversational and reading material in kana, with gradual introduction of the kanji. Grammati- cal notes are placed in each lesson. Contains 3, 800 words and 1300 kanji.18 86 LEMBAGA BAHASA INDONESIA. Istilah bahasa Indonesia. Dioesahakan oleh Lembaga Bahasa Indonesia. Medan, Tokaigansyu Seityo, 2604. 5, 84 p. NIC Contains approximately 1700 Dutch-Indonesian en- tries prepared by the Indonesian Language Institute formed in Medan January 15, 2603. Also provides information on the formation and composition of the Institute. Has been reprinted, with abbreviated introduction, by Adinegoro Djamaluddin who was a member of the Institute, as Karooes Istilah Bahasa Indonesia. Disoesoen menoeroet kepoetoesan Lembaga Bahasa Indonesia di Medan dan Djakarta. Boekittinggi, Pertjetakan Peroesahaan N. R. I. /1946/ 5, 79 p. (see no. 2). 87 LIM KWI TIE, NJONJA . Peladjaran bahasa Tionghwa, dengan kamoes harian Indonesia-Tionghwa, perkataan biasa dan sederhana. Tjetakan 1. Malang, Paragon Press, 2602. 126 p. NIC A textbook of Chinese for Indonesians. Contains twenty-five reading selections in Chinese with Malay equi- valents and a vocabulary for the selection. Several appen- dices give the Chinese for the names of months, days, numerals, classifiers, time, kinship terms, followed by an Indonesian-Chinese vocabulary. 88 LING, C. S. Boekoe peladjaran hoeroef Kanji (permoelaan). Memoeat tjara menoelis, tjara membatja dan latihan. Soerakarta, 2603. 96 p. NIC A detailed instruction guide for introducing Indone- sians to reading and writing the kanji, with numerous exercises. The author pays tribute to Professor Uehara of Gun Ken Etsu Han for his valuable help. 89 Logat Nippon: Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Toshokyoku, 2605. 304 p. maps. NIC According to the foreword Balai Poestaka assigned W. J. S-. Poerwadarminta (see p. 3) to the task of com- piling this Japanese-Indonesian pocket dictionary. The foreword, dated January 2605, also states: "Moreover, Indonesia, which has been given promise of independence later on, sharing its destiny with that of Japan, intends to strengthen itself to stand the bitter test." The entries are arranged under Romanized Japanese, kanji and Indonesian. 90 MADJOINDO, AMAN DATUK. Sepoeloeh tjerita kanak-kanak. Oleh Aman. Tjdtakan 3. Djakarta, Balai Poestaka, Z&02. 50 p. illus. (Serie no. 1196). Dengan izin Persdienst Nippon. NIC First edition of these ten children's stories by this writer appeared in 1935.19 91 MADJOINDO, AMAN DATUK. Srigoenting. Dikoempoelkan dan . . disoesoen oleh Aman. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Balai Poes taka) 2605. 96 p. NIC Contains forty-five very short stories for children, plus eleven short poems, all treating of bravery, heroes, etc. 92 Marilah membela tanah air kita dengan darah daging kita i Kitab penoentoen pembelaan tanah air oentoek oemoem. Zn. pj 2604. ii, 188 p. illus. NIC A manual of local defense practices with detailed illustrations for the location of various types of defenses, including civil. Also contains several songs. 93 Meradjoet, oentoek disekolah dan diroemah di Indonesia. Djakarta, Djawa Gunseikanbu, 2605. 66 p. illus. (no daftar 3002) NIC A detailed illustrated guide to crocheting for use in the home and at school. A note in the front states that this is a translation, but there is no clue as to the original or the translator. 94 MOCHTAR, RADEN, 1892- . Adja lara. Anggitane Dokter R. Mochtar. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosho- kyoku, 2605. 40 p. illus. (B. P. no. 1567) NIC A brief manual in Javanese on diseases and nutrition in Indonesia with illustrations showing improved methods of hygiene which can assist in reducing the incidence of such diseases. Author was public health specialist. 95 ______________________________. Toeboeh manoesia. Dengan bantoean R. Soemarna Wirasoedarma. Djakarta, Gunsei- kanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Balai Poestaka), 2605. 52 p. (B. P. no. 1536). A brief elementary manual on human anatomy and hygiene. No illustrations. Reviewed PP 21 (2603), 1060. 96 ______________________________. ________________. Tjetakan kedoea. 2605. NIC 97 MOESLIMIN SOEMATERA BAROE. Rapat besar kaoem Moes- limin Soematera Baroe di Medan, pada 20-6-2603. Disoesoen oleh Badan Penjiaran Bunka-ka, Medan. ZMedan, 26037 62 p. illus. At head of title: Boekoe peringatan istimewa. NIC Report of the Muslim Conference held in Medan, June 20, 2603, with verbatim speeches by Japanese and Indonesian spokesmen and Muslim leaders of Sumatra.20 98 MOHEDE, J. F. Pedoman beternak a jam. Tjetakan ke-II. Djakarta, Kokoemin Tosjokjokoe (Balai Poestaka), .2603. 100 p. (B. P. no. 1494). A guide to poultry husbandry. Reviewed: PP 21 (2603), 854. 99 MOOSDIJK, P. VAN DER. Eenvoudige japansche spraakkunst. Eerste deel. Eerste druk. Batavia, N. V. Boekhandel Visser and Co. , 2602. 112p. NIC Introductory textbook of Japanese for the use of Dutch and Dutch-speaking Indonesians. Entirely Romanized. Grammatical explanations with vocabulary lists for memorization. 100 MOTIK, BASJAROEDDIN RAHMAN, 1912- . 'Ilmoe saraf Indonesia. (Tjetakan kedoea). Djakarta, Poestaka Poespa, 2602. 90 p. According to the foreword of the second edition con- tained in the 3rd ed. 1950, there was no change between the first edition of 1937 and that of 2602. Author is educa- tor and businessman. 101 MUDIGDO, R. Menoedjoe ke Matahari Terbit. Dikarang oleh_ R. Moedigdo, dengan bantoean S. Sugimoto. /Djakarta/ Oesaha Baroe Penjiar /26027. 2 v. NIC has v. 2. An elementary textbook of Romanized Japanese for Indonesians. Contains grammatical explanations with exercises. 102 NAIMUBU, BUNKYOKYOKU. Nippongo jang siapa sadja bisa. Tjetakan jang kedoea. Djakarta, Djawa Gunseikanbu /n. d._7 56 p. A short introduction to Japanese. 103 NAKAMURA, KOYA, 1885- . Sedjarah Nippon. Diterdjemah- kan oleh Habiban-Alwie. Palembang, Barisan Propaganda Dai Nippon, 2602. 97 p. illus. NIC A translation of his History of Japan. Tokyo, Board of Tourist Industry, Japanese Government Railways, 1939. A very short history of Japan from the earliest period to 1937. The appendix contains a list of the emperors of Japan with dates of their reigns. 104 Ndjaga koewarasan. Djakarta, Djawa Goenseikanboe (Balex Poestaka) 2604. 39 p. illus. (B. P. no. 1531). NIC Treats the problems of public hygiene, including T. B. sanatoria. In Javanese. 105 NIEUWENHUIZEN, G. J. and A. C. SPIJKERMAN. Pemboeka akal. Djakarta, Noordhoff-Kolff, 2602. 2 v. Elementary school textbook of arithmetic.21 106 NITOBE, INAZO OTA, 1862-1933. Busido. Disalin dengan merdeka dari oelasan Inazo Niitobe, oleh Tun Sri Lanang. Medan, Poes taka Antara, 2604. 42 p. 1st ed. NIC A free and greatly abbreviated translation by Tun Sri Lanang of Nitobe's Bushido. The Soul of Japan. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1907 with a brief introduction by the translator. 107 Oendang-Oendang dari Pembesar Balatentara Dai Nippon. (Nomor 1 Sampai 20). Betawi, Dai Nippon Gunseibu, 2602. 35 p. Contains twenty decrees of the Japanese Army. 108 OKA MURA. Perdjoeangan Singamangaradja jang ke-12. /n. p._7 Balatentara Pertahanan Soematera Oetara £26057 15 p. NIC A brief account of the life and deeds of the north Sumatra hero, Singamangaradja the 12th (1846-1907). Compiled at the instance of the Bunka Ka Soematera Timoer. 109 Orang Indonesia jang terkemuka di Djawa. Tjetakan pertama. /Djakarta?/ Gunseikanbu, 2604. 552 p. NIC This volume contains biographical sketches of 3070 outstanding Indonesians residing on Java. These are divided into categories according to their jobs or skills, beginning with government officials. In the foreword the compiler (not known) states in some detail the criteria for inclusion. A few failed to turn in their biographical data, but most did so, according to the foreword. There is an alphabetical list of names at the end of the volume, together with a list of defined abbreviations used in the volume. 110 OZU, SATIO. Djiwa baroe. 1st ed. /Bandung, Tjahaja 26027 142 p. illus. NIC A collection of twenty-seven essays on a variety of subjects, but largely on Japanese subjects. A follow-up of no. 111. 111 _____________. Wadjah semangat. /Bandung, Perpoestakaan Tjahaja, 2602/ 106 p. portrait of author. NIC This is a collection of propagandistic articles wljich appeared originally in the Bandung newspaper Tjahajefc- In the foreword the author acknowledges the help of Mashud Hardjokusumo and Iskandar Widyopranoto in preparing this work for publication. 112 PALINDIH, ROESTAN SUTAN, 1898- . Dasima. Kissah Lama Menoeroetkan langgam baroe. Djokjakarta, "Kabe," 2602. 55 p. An older story.22 113 PAMUNTJAK, KUSUMA SUTAN, NUR SUTAN ISKANDAR and AMAN DATUK MADJOiNDQ. Peribahasa. Djakarta, Kokumin Tosyokijokoe (Balai Poestaka), 2603. 367 p. (B. P. 1504). Contains approximately 2700 Indonesian proverbs from all regions of the country, accompanied by defini- tions, explanations, and variations. Reviewed: PP 21 (2603), 854. 114 Pandangan Hidoep Bangsa Nippon. Tjetakan ke-I. Djakarta, Djawa Sinbun Kai, 2o05. 83 p. According to the title, a view of life of the Japanese people. Have not seen. 115 PANE, ARMIJN, 1908- . Langkah baroe. Peladjaran bahasa Indonesia dengan tjara baroe. (Een nieuwe methode om de Indonesische taal te leeren beheerschen). Djakarta, Oesaha Baroe £2602/ 184 p. NIC The author says (p. 2): "This book is intended for the educated Indonesian and Dutchman. For the student of the Indonesian language the greatest difficulty lies in the syntax." His point of departure, thus, is syntacti- cal. The work consists of fifteen chapters, each with a grammatical introduction, readings, and selections for translation. A vocabulary is to be found at the end of the book. It is in Indonesian and Dutch. Pane is a well-known novelist, playwright, and grammarian. 116 PANE, SANOESI, 1905- . Sedjarah Indonesia. Djakarta, Balai Poestaka, 2603. 3 v. (No. 1500-b) A history of Indonesia: v. 1. (143 p. illus. ): From the earliest period to the end of the Modjopahit period; v. 2 (143 p. illus. ): Up to 1800; v. 3 (145 p. illus.): 1800-1870. Reviewed: PP 21 (2603), 72 by Madikin Wonohito. Author is well-known writer and editor. 117 __________________________. __________________. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Balai Poestaka), 2605. 96 p. , 3 1. illus. (B. P. 1500c) NIC This is volume four of no. 116 and treats the per- iod 1854-1942. Pp. 95-96 give the chronology of Japanese military and naval activity from December 9, 1941 to the surrender of the Dutch in Bandung March 9, 1942. 118 Pangan sing moenpangati. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Bale Poestaka), 2604. (B. P. no. 1551) NIC A booklet in Javanese on nutrition and diet.23 119 Panggoeng Giat Gembira Lakon Sandiwara dan Leloetjoen. Djl. II. Djakarta, Djawa Hookookai Keimin Bunka Shidosho (Kantor Besar Poesat Keboedajaan), £26057» 26 p. Contents: Kotot Soekardi: Koesoema Noesa (lakon dalam 2 babak); Ananta Gs. ; Ajoo . . . Djadi Roomusha! (Leloetjoen dalam 1 babak). D. Djojokoesoemo: A was, Mata-mata Moesoeh (Sandiwara dalam 2 babak). A volume of original plays ■written during the Japanese period specifically intended for presentation in the desa. One of these is a comedy. This is volume two. I have not seen volume one. 120 PANITYA PASAR MALAM. SYUU HOOKOOKAI. Riwajat dan perdjoangan pahlawan-pahlawan Indonesia. Sepintas laloe. Oleh Panitya Pasar Malam Madiun Syuu Hookookai. Bahagian Pertoendjoekan Pembelaan. Madiun, Pertjetakan Hookookai, 2605. 24 p. NIC A volume of brief biographical accounts of Untung Suropati, Imam Bondjol and Diponegoro. 121 PARDI, MAS. 1901- . Boekoe peladjaran ilmoe penje- berangan laoet. /Djakarta, Kaidji Sookyoku, 2603/ 54 p. NIC An elementary navigation manual for use in sea- manship classes. Author has worked with the Hydrographic Division at Tandjung Priok, Djakarta. 122 Peladjaran Bahasa Nippon oentoek oemoem. Djilid pertama. Djakarta, Djawa Gunseikanbu, 2605. 165, 3, 39 p. pt. I. No more published? A textbook of Japanese for Indonesians. 123 Peladjaran Nippon-Melajoe. Djakarta, Asia Raya, 2602. 255 p. A textbook of Japanese. 124 Perdjalanan kearah Indonesia Merdeka. 7Pja^arta£7 Diterbitkan oleh: Dokuritu Zyunbi Tyoosakai Zimukyoku £2605?/ 145 P- Contains some documents and speeches by President Sukarno concerning preparations for indepen- dence. Dokuritu ... is the Japanese equivalent of Badan Penjelidik Usaha^ Persiapan Kemerdekaan (Investi- gating Committee for the Preparation of Independence). 125 Perintis Djalan. Djakarta, Djawa Goenseikanboe (Balai Poestaka), 2604. 35 p. illus. (B. P. No. 1548) 126 ______________. Tjetakan 2. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku, 2605. 35 p. illus. NIC A propagandistic pamphlet for recruiting Indone- sians into the armed services during the Japanese period. An attempt to remove a dislike for the military.24 127 POLAK, B. The Raw ah Lakbok (South Priangan Java); investi- gation into the composition of an entrophic topogeneous bog. Bogor, Chuo Noozi Sikenzyoo, 2603. 44 p. tables, map. 128 PRAWIRA NEGARA, R. ISIS. Lalab-lalaban. Djakarta, Djawa Goenseikanboe (Bale Poestaka), 2603. 100 p. illus. (no. 1527). A book on cold vegetables served with curry. 129 _________________ ________. Oebar kampoeng. Tjetakah-l. . Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Bale Poestaka), 2604. 34 p. 2 1. (B. P. no. 1520). NIC Contains seventy medical recipes with index. In Javanese. Reviewed: PP 21 (2603), 854. 130 . _______________ . Tjitakan kadoea. 2604. 34 p. illus. (B. P. no. Γ520). 131 PRIJONO, RADEN, 1907- . Sedikit tentang sedjarah Asia Timoer Raja dan sedjarah Tanah Djawa. Djakarta, Balai Poestaka, 2605. 40 p. (B.P. 1$?8) NIC A lecture on the history of Greater East Asia and Java delivered on behalf of the Shumubu (Office of Reli- gious Affairs) to a gathering of religious leaders at the Central Advisory Council building in Djakarta May 24, 2604. This lecture formed part of a one-month training course for ulamas and kijahis. The author has been a university professor, faculty dean, and Minister of Education. 132 _____________________________, Tjoeplikan babad Asia Wetan Agoeng serta Babad Tanah Djawi. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Bal^ Poestaka), 2605. 46 p. (B.P. 1584). NIC Javanese version of no. 131. 133 _____________________________. Tjoetatan tina sadjarah Asia Timoer Raja djeung sadjarah poelo Djawa. kenging Prijono: disoendakeun koe R. Satjadibrata. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku, 2605. 39 p. (B. P. 1581). NIC Sundanese version of no. 131. 134 PURWADARMINTA, WELFRIDUS JOSEPH SABA RIJA, 1903- Baoesastra Indonesia-Djawi. Tjap-tjapan kaping tiga. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Bale Poestaka), 2605. 203 p. (B.P. 1450). NIC An Indonesian-Javanese dictionary. An expanded version of no. 135. Author is a well-known lexicographer and taught Malay in Japan from 1932 to 1938.25 135 PURWADARMINTA, WELFRIDUS JOSEPH SABA RIJA, 1903- . Baoesastra Mlajoe-Djawi. Djakarta, Bale Poestaka 2602. ιπΡ;'(ηο. ιΪ5δ)--------- A Malay-Javanese dictionary. Reviewed: AR 22 May 2602. 136 ____________________. Baoesastra Mlajoe-Djawi. Tjet. 2. 2604. 219 p. 137 ___________________. __________________________________. Kamoes hairam Nippon-Indonesia; Indonesia-Nippon. Djakarta, Toko Boekoe Pendidikan, 2602. 168 p. Tjet. 1. NIC A Japanese-Indonesian and Indonesian-Japanese pocket dictionary intended for users of his Puntja Bahasa Nippon (no. 197), but somewhat expanded over the vocabulary of Puntja. Romanized Japanese. 138 ■ __________________________j,________________________________. Kamoes tiairam Nippon-Indonesia; Indonesia-Nippon. Tj6takan,ke-2 ditambah dan diperbaiki. Djakarta, Pendidikan /^602y. 191 p. NIC A somewhat expanded version of no. 137. Author acknowledges the valuable assistance he received from Professor K. Uyehara, chief of the Office for Inspec- tion of Publications. Reviewed: AR 24 Nov. 2602. 139 ___________________________. Kamoes hairam Nippon-Indonesia; Indonesia-NipponT Tjdtakan ketiga, ditambah dan diperbaiki. Djakarta, Pendidikan ^26037 191 p. NIC 140 ____________________________________________________________. Kawi-djarwa. Damelanipoen W. J. S. Poerwadarminta. Djakarta, Bale Poestaka, 2603. (Serie 1446). 48 p. NIC A brief Old Javanese-Modern Javanese glossary in Romanization. 141 _____________________________________s____________________ . Eatihan pertjakapan Nippon. Djakarta, Pendidikan, 2602. 62 p. (Tjetakan l)-- Contains twenty conversations on various topics in Romanized Japanese, followed by the Indonesian equiva- lent. Also provides an Indonesian-Japanese vocabulary list. 142 Latihan pertjakan Nippon. Tjetakan 2, 2602. 62 p. NlC26 143 RASAD, B. Z. Ilmoe toemboeh-toemboehan. Oentoek dipakai di sekolah djoeroe-obat (assistant-apotheke r). Djakarta, Ika Daigaku Yakugakubu, 2605. 92 p. illus. NIC Discusses the science of botany with special refer- ence to those Indonesian plants which can be utilized in the preparation of medicines. Intended for use in School for Pharmacists' Assistants. Contains descriptions of two hundred such plants. 144 RASAD, BG. Z. Langkah ke atoeran. Boekoe soerat-menjoerat dan pidato-pidato dalam bahasa Indonesia. Tjetakan jg kedoea. Djakarta, Poe spa-Sari £2602/ 128 p. A text for correct letter writing and speechmaking. Author was director of Indonesian language courses for employees of the municipality of Djakarta. Reviewed: AR 19 Aug. 2602. 145 SAKURA, pseud. Toedjoean Nippon ke Indonesia. Boekit Tinggi, Pertjetakan Again, 2602. 80 p. NIC A booklet of explanation for Japan's aim in Indonesia. Quotes a lengthy article from Padang Nippo. Foreword by Arifin Zainoen. 146 SAKURAI, TADAYOSHI. Niku-dan, koerban manoesia; boekoe tjatatan seorang opsir Nippon waktoe mengepoeng dan menjerang Port-Arthur. Djakarta, Djawa Goenseikanboe (Balai Poestaka), 2604. 192 p. NIC An account by a Japanese officer of the encirclement and surrender of Port Arthur during the Russo-Japanese war in 1905. The foreword is by Shigenobu Okuma, but there is no clue to translator or to original title. Reviewed: PP 22 (2604), 408-409; 485-486. 147 SANIF, SUTAN, 1891- . Djagoeng. Sing ndjawakake Wasir Reksawardaja. Tjap^an kapindo. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Balai Poestaka), 2604. 25 p. illus. (B.P. no. 1513) NIC Javanese version of no. 148. Author is an agricul- tural expert. Author of many books on agriculture. 148 ___________________________. Djagoeng. Tjetakan kedoea. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin/ Tosyokyoku (Balai Poestaka), 2604. 25 p. illus. (B.P. no. 1329) (Koentji Tani 3) NIC An illustrated manual on the cultivation of corn. ____________________. Hoei Boled. Disoendakeun koe M. A. Salmoen. Djakarta, Djawa Goenseikanboe (Bale Poestaka), 2604. 24 p. illus. (B.P. no. 1545) NIC The Sundanese version of no. 156. 14927 150 SANIF, SUTAN, 1891- . Katjang pendem. Sing ndjawakake Wasir Reksawardaja. tljap2an kapindo. Djakarta, Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Bale Poestaka), 2604. 22 p. illus. (B.P. no. 1515). NIC Javanese version of no. 151. 151 ___________________________. Katjang tanah. Tjetakan kedoea. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosjokyoku (Balai Poestaka), 2604. 24 p. illus. (B.P. no. 1283) (Koentji Tani) NIC A manual on the cultivation of peanuts. 152 . Ketela pohoeng. Sing ndjawakakd Wasir Reksawardaja. Djakarta, Gunsei - kanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Bale Poestaka), 2603. 30 p, illus. (B.P. no. 1514) A discussion of the cultivation of cassava and its use as a food. Well illustrated. Reviewed: PP 21 (2603), 798. 153 . . Tjap^an kapindo..2604. 3ffp. illus. (fe.PJ "no. 1514) NIC 154 . Ketela ram bat. Sing ndjawakake Wasir Reksawardaja. Tjap^an kapindo. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Bale Poestaka), 2604. 25 p. illus. (B.P. no. 1512). NIC The Javanese version of no. 156. 155 ______________ . Nandoer pari. Karangane Soetan Sanif. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku, 2604. 64 p. illus. (B.P. no. 1552). NIC An illustrated popular guide in Javanese to rice cultivation, storing, and processing. 156 ___________________________. Oebi djalar. Tjetakan kedoea. Djakarta, tiunseikanbu kokumin Tosyokyoku (Balai Poestaka), 2605. 24 p. illus. (B.P. no. 1394). (Koentji Tani 4) NIC An illustrated manual on the cultivation of sweet potatoes. 157 . Oebi kajoe (tela pohon). Tjetakan kedoea. Djakarta, Djawa G oen$e ikanboe (Balai Poestaka), 2603. 33 p. illus. (B.P. no. 1298). NIC An illustrated manual on the cultivation of cassava. 158 ___________________________. Soeoek. Karangan Soetan Sanif; kenging njoendakeun RT Saban Achmad. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku, 2604, 22 p. illus. (B.P. no. 1557). NIC Sundanese version of no. 151.28 159 160 161 SARDJITO, MAS, 1891- . Dari hal mentjari kesehatan. Oleh Sardjito dan R. Ahmad. Wongsosewojo. 'Tjdtakan 2. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Toshokyoku, 2605. 60 p. illus. (B.P. 332). NIC Elementary practical handbook on hygiene and hygienic practices with useful illustrations, some in color. By a well-known physician, scholar, and educator. SASEO ONO. Koempoelan gambar^ dalam mengikoeti perang di Djawa. Disoesoen oleh Barisan Propaganda. Djakarta, Djawa Shimbun Sha, 2605. plates. A collection of pictures which relfect the war in Java. Text in Japanese and Indonesian. SATJADIBRATA, RADEN, 1886- . Kamoes leutik Soenda- Indonesia. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Bale Poestaka), 2605. 102 p. (B.P. no. 1585). NIC A pocket-size Sundanese-Indonesian dictionary by the doyen of Sundanese scholars and longtime editor at Balai Pustaka. 162 ____________________________. Kamoes Soenda- Melajoe. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Balai Poestaka), 2604. 379 p. (B.P. no. 1561). NIC A Sundanese-Malay dictionary. 163 164 ____________________________________. Qendak-oesoek Basa Soenda. Djakarta, Bald Poestaka, 2603. 51 p. (daptar no. 1506) A description of levels of language and usage in Sundanese. Reviewed: PP 21 (2603), 595-96. SATO, T. Nichi-djo Nippongo radjio koza. Penoentoen goena pengadjaran basa Nippon tiap-tiap hari dengan radio. Leidraad voor een radio cursus in elementair Nipponsch. £n. p. , Barisan Propaganda, 2603 ?7 2 pts in 1 v. (42 p. ) NIC An elementary course for learning Japanese via the radio. SIAHAAN, L. Ichtisar sedjarah Indonesia, oentoek sekolah menengah. Disoesoen berdasarkan karangannja E. F. E. Douwes Dekker, oleh L. Siahaan. Bandoeng, Poestaka Ksatrian £26047 76 p. map. NIC A brief survey of the early history of Indonesia for use in the Indonesian secondary school. It treats the older periods (pre-European, Mataram, and Padjadjaran) and the later ones (Modjopahit, the coming of Islam and of the Portuguese). Printed by Bandoeng Insatu Kozyo. Pages 13 and 14 of NIC's copy are damaged. 16529 166 SINAR BA ROE (Semarang). Nomer setahoen peringatan. /Semarang, 2603/ 1 v. (104 p. ) illus. NIC This commemorative volume contains 49 articles on a variety of topics, including much information on journalism in Indonesia. Richly illustrated. 167 . Nomor peringatan setahoen pembangoenan -------Djawa BaroeT---Semarang, '26όί/" VT/fl p“in^.' _^iC Contains a large number of articles, accompanied by illustrations, by Indonesian officials of Semarang and vicinity, together with accounts of the Japanese landing and takeover of Java. 168 SINAR MATAHARI (JOGJAKARTA). Njanjian Nippon oentoek oemoem. Djokjakarta [IbQZJ 1 v· Contains thirty-four Japanese songs in Roman- ized Japanese, using numbers instead of musical notes. 169 ___________________________________. ._________________. /Tjetakan jang baharoe/ £2603/ 1 v. Kid 170 Soemo. Djakarta, Kantor Pengadjaran, 2604. 23 p. illus. NIC A detailed description, with many illustrations, of the important Japanese style of wrestling called Sumo. Gives the Japanese terms, illustrates the forty-six holds and the opening and closing ceremony. 171 STEUTEL, Η. E. Nephelometric determination of chloride calomel. Bogor, Chuo Noozi Sikenzyoo, 2603. 10 p. illus. , tables. 172 SUGORO. Pentjak. Oleh Soegoro dan Saksono. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Balai Poestaka), 2605. 39 p. illus. (B. P. no. 1428). A detailed account of pentjak, a stylized dance of defense, and its important role as a true means of self-defense. Various positions and movements are carefully illustrated. 173 . . Tjetakan kedoea, 2605. 39 p. illus. ' (B. P. no. 1428). NIC 174 SUKMONO, R. Kasijate kedele. Pepiridan saka boekoe Mlajoe "Katjang kedelai." Sing ngimpoen R. Soekmono. Tjap-tjapan 2. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Bale Poestaka), 2604. 24 p. (no. 1510). NIC Discusses nutritive value of the soybean and pro- vides a number of recipes for its use. Reviewed: PP 21 (2603), 798.30 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 SUKMONO, R. Noeloengi wong katjilakan. Sing ngarang R. S oe kmοηοΊ Tjap^an kapindo. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Bale Poestaka), 2605. 51 p. illus. (B.P. no. 1565). NIC An illustrated manual on first aid in Javanese. Contains illustrations of human anatomy and explains use of tourniquets, resuscitation, stopping of nosebleed, removal from contact with electricity, etc. SUPARDI, IMAM, 1906-1963. Keris Empoe Gandering. Tjerita riwajat para radja Toemapel. Soerabaja, Soeara Asia, 2602. 71 p. illus. An account of the lives of the kings of Tumapel, based on portions of the Para rat on of the Modjopahit period. Reviewed: PP 21 (2603), 68 by Η. B. Jassin. Author of a number of novels, biographies and grammars. ____________________________. Kintamani. Tjetakan ke-2. Soerabaja, Poespita Poestaka, 2602. 87 p. NIC Appears to be a reprint of a novel first published in 1932. Contains four illustrations by Karyono. This novel is laid in Bali. Reviewed: AR 23 Nov. 2602. . Paramasastera Indonesia (jang sederhana). Tjdtakan ke-I. Soerabaia, Soeara Asia, 2602. 80 p. A short grammatical exposition of the Indonesian language for the use of Indonesians. Discusses the •'Word and the Sentence,” "the Orthography,” ”the Sounds, Form classes and Word Formation.” Olek Imam Soepardi. Tjetakan ke-2. 2602. 80 p. NIC A reprint of no. 178. Tjdtakan ke-111. Soeara Asia Bagian Perpoestakaan, 2603. 78 p. 2 1. . Poesporini. Soerabaja, Poespita Poestaka, 2603. 7Σ p. A novel, Have not seen. . Riwajat Laksamana Togo dengan Perang iiippon-koesia. Soerabaja, Poespita Poestaka, Σ6Ό2; 70 pf iriixi;--- Have not seen. According to the title, it is the account of Admiral Togo in the Russo-Japanese War.31 183 184 185 186 187 SUPARMA SATIADIREDJA, 1907- . Miara njiroean. Karangan Soeparma Satiadiredja; kenging njoendakeun R. Isis Prawiranegara. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku, 2604. 51 p. illus. (B.P. no. 1558). NIC An illustrated beekeeping manual in Sundanese. SURJO-WINARSO, R. M. Serat halad-halad bedhahipoen Tanah Djawi, karanganipoen R. M. Soerjo-Winarso. Poerwokerto, Logawa, 2602. 29 p. NIC On mysticism in Java. In Javanese. SUTIKSNA, S. P. Nangkarake^ wedoes. Anggitane S. P. Soetiksna. Tjap-tjapan kapindo. Djakarta, Gunsei- kanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Bale Poestaka) 2604. 79 p. illus. (B. P. no. 1306). NIC An illustrated manual on goat raising in Javanese. TAKAHASHI, KORYO. Soeara zaman; sja'ir dan pantoen pada masa perang ini. ^Djakarta, Djawa Gunseikanbu, Hon- yakusito, 260ξΙ 7, 133 p. NIC Author of this volume was an army colonel. In the introduction Sudjono states that Takahashi spent a year in Malaya in the middle twenties and began the study of Malay. Contains thirty-five sja'ir of the war period, eighteen pantuns, which are translations of Japanese poems in Indonesian, and several children's songs. The Indonesian and Japanese are on opposite pages. "A remarkable collection of poems which saw the light in 1944 and consisted of war songs in Japanese and Malay. The poet is a Japanese who had lived for years on Java and had mastered Malay so well that he was able to give his feelings a poetic form in that language” (NIOJB, 198). TA KA TO, AKITA KA. Dari sekolah kemedan perang. Djakarta, Poe sat Keboedajaan, 2604. 76, 67 p. illus. NIC Contains the Japanese text and an Indonesian translation by T. Ichiki of a small volume of personal experiences by a Tokyo University graduate who became a naval officer and participated in the struggle in the Solomons and at Guadalcanal. Reviewed: PP 23(260,5), 34. Tembang Djawa. Kanggo ing "Sekolah Pertama" sarta "Sekolah Ka'jat. .·? Kang basane priboemi basa Djawa. Djakarta, Djawa Gunseikanbu, 2604. 101 p. (no daptar 1801). 101 p. An elementary textbook in Javanese. Have not seen. 18832 189 TJAHAJA (Bandung), Nomor istimewa, sebagai tanda ikoet berterima kasih seraja memperingati "Hari Pembangoenan Asia Raja.*’ Bandoeng, 2602. 36 p. illus. NIC Contains fifteen articles, largely by Indonesians, on a variety of subjects, but several treat of Bandung and Priangan specifically. The newspaper of which this was a special number appeared regularly from June 1, 1942 to September 10, 1945. 190 Tjara mengadjar kyoren oentoek "Djawa-Seinendan.” Djakarta, Djawa Goenseikanboe £2603/ 88 p. illus. NIC A military drill and physical exercise manual with accompanying diagrams and illustrations for the use of those participating in the Seinendan (a youth movement with quasi-military training) on Java. Also contains in- formation for a commanding officer together with military commands in Japanese kanji with the Indonesian equiva- lents. 191 Tjeritera lama. Djakarta, Djawa Gunseikanbu, 2603. 148 p. (no. daftar 451, B. P. no. 1503) A volume of older stories. Compiled by the staff of Kantor Pengadjaran. 192 ______________. Tjetakan kedoea. 2604. 193 TOHIR, KASLAN ABDULLAH. 1911- . Pedoman bertjotjok tanam. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku, 2605. 2 v. illus. (B.P. no. 1573). NIC has v. 2. A textbook on agriculture written for the purpose of increasing food production. 194 T OX OPE US, H. J. Notes on the water relations and periodicity of the kapok tree, Ceiba pentandra. Bogor, Chuo Noozi Sikenzyoo, 2603. 19, 5 p. illus. 195 _________________. The variability and the origin of Ceiba pen- tandra (L) Geartn, the kapok tree. Bogor, Chuo Noozi Sikenzyoo, 2603. 20, 3 p? illus. , map. 196 TUMENGGUNG, CHAILAN SJAMSU DATUK. Berbagai-bagai keperloean kaoem isteri. Tjetakan ke-3. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Balai Poestaka), 2604. 64 p. (Pedoman Roemah Tangga 3) (B.P. no. 1380). A household guide by a well-known woman leader and writer. 197 UJI, TAKEO. Basis-Nipponsch. Door T. Uji en W. J. S. Poerwadarminta; in ’t Nederlandsch bewerkt door Lantas H. Barat. Djakarta, Taman Penerbit ’’Pendidikan” £2602/ 278 p. NIC A Dutch language adaptation by Lantas H. Barat of no. 198.33 198 UJI, TA KEO. Poentja bahasa Nippon; berisi: 'Ilmoe bahasa, peladjaran, kamoes (Nippon-Indonesia; Indonesia - Nippon); terkarang oleh T. Uji dan W. J. S. Poerwadar- minta. Tjetakan jang ke-2. Djakarta, Oesaha Baroe, 2602. 305 p. NIC This is a textbook of Japanese for Indonesians. Everything is presented in Romanization. T. Uji was professor at the Takushoku University in Tokyo. Poerwadarminta was lecturer in the Indonesian language at Sekolah Bahasa A sing in Tokyo. The first edition, according to the foreword, appeared in 1934. This is presumably a reprint of the earlier edition. 199 . _· Terkarang oleh T. Uji dan W. J. S. Poerwadarminta. Tjetakan jang 3. Djakarta, Pendidikan £26027 306 p. NIC 3rd ed. This is a reprint of no. 198. Only typographical errors have been corrected. 200 . _ _ Terkarang oleh T. Uji dan W. J. S'. Poerwadarminta. Tjetakan jang 5. Djakarta, Taman Penerbit ’’Pendidikan" £26037 175 p. NIC According to the foreword this edition is the same as no, 199, but with a different format. 201 US MA N. Peladjaran Bahasa Indonesia oentoek Sekolah Rendah. Oleh Oesman. Djilid I. Djakarta, Balai Poestaka, 2602. 52 p. Elementary school textbook in the Indonesian language. 202 UYEHARA, KUNZO. Goenoeng djin. /Bandoeng7 Poestaka Ksatrian, 2602’ 26 p. Have not seen. Author has written several Malay grammars. He was attached to the Java Expeditionary Force Headquarters with the coming of World War II and later was assigned to General Staff Headquarters (Irikura 411). 203 VOORT, M. VAN DER and F. A. WENTHOLT. Soil expedi- tion North New Guinea; II. The backcountry of Manokwari. liogor, Chuo Noozi Sikenzyoo, 2603. 17 p. tables. 204 WASIR REKSAWARDA JA. Dadi bijoeng. Djakarta, Gunsei- kanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku (Bah: Poestaka), 2604. 97 p. (B. P. no. 1308). Have not seen. Appears to treat of obstetrics.34 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 WASIR REKSAWARDAJA. Nggedekake asli boemi. Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Kokumin Tosyokyoku, 2604. ?2 p. illus. , tables. (B. P. no. 1553). NIC A Javanese language pamphlet on increasing agricul- tural production. WIRAHANDAJA, S. Panoelakipoen sesakit ajarn. Tjap-tjapan kaping kalih. Djakarta (Bale Poestaka), 2604. 52 p. (B.P. no. 1530). NIC Third edition of a popular work on poultry diseases in the Javanese language. WIRAPUSTAKA, NGABEHI. Tatatjara. Anggitanipoen Kjai toewin Njai Padmasoesastera; dipoen bijantoe dateng Bagoes Ngarpah. Djakarta, Bale Poestaka, 2604. (Serie no. 1464). 192 p. NIC A work in Javanese on Javanese customs and manners. List of contents found on p. 192. WIRJODIHARDJO, M. WIKSAKSONO. Nephelometric deter- mination of sulphate. Bogor, Chuo Noozi Sikenzyoo, 2603. 12 p. illus. , tables. YAMIN, MUHAMMAD. 1903-1962. Sedjarah peperangan Dipanegara, pahlawan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Djakarta, Sinbun Kai, 2605. v, 149 p. An account of the Javanese hero, Diponegoro, by a well-known writer and government official. This edi- tion contains an introduction by Ir. Soekarno dated July 31, 2605. YANG KUANG. Peladjaran bahasa Nippon Chunghwa Indonesia, ^pleh/ Yang Kwong. Djakarta, Kwong Tay, 2603. xii, 280, viii p. 4th ed. NIC A Japanese grammar for the use of Chinese and Indonesian speakers. The words, phrases, and sen- tences appear in three columns: Japanese kanji and Romanization, Chinese, and Malay, with grammatical notes from time to time in Chinese and Indonesian (Malay). YUJI ISOBE. Njioer melambai. /Sepatah kata penjongsong, oleh Soekarno7 Djakarta, Kokumin Toshokyoku, 2605. 128 p. (B. P. 1574). NIC This is a series of fifty essays and vignettes by a Japanese journalist which appeared in Asia Raya. The subject matter ranges widely. The author was a special correspondent for As ahi in New York and London before the war. Maruyama Takashi has a few words of welcome and Darmawidjaja, an Indonesian journalist, writes a foreword. Ir. Soekarno also introduces the work with some words of welcome. P. 126 contains brief biographical data. Reviewed: Pradj. 1 (15 May 2605), no. 16, 21-23. Among other things, the author compares the oratory of Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Ir. Soekarno.35 212 ZAIN, SUTAN MOHAMMAD, 1887-1962. Djalan ba has a Indonesia. Surabaja, Ksatria, 2602. 198 p. A widely used grammar, Soetan Mohammad Zain says, for the secondary school and teachers' col- leges. It is still in demand, as shown by the 11th edition of 1958. Author was professor and well- known scholar of Indonesian. 213 214 ______ . Tjetakan jang kedoea jang diperbaiki dan ditambahi. Soerabaja, Soeara Asia Bagian Perpoestakaan, 2604. 198 p. NIC A slightly enlarged and revised edition. __________________________________. Kitab soerat- menjoerat dalam bahasa Indonesia. Djakarta, Doenia Baroe £26027 55p. , ϊ E NIC A manual of correspondence in Indonesian. "Diterbitkan dengan seizin Pemerintah Balatentara Dai-Nippon." Later 214A 214B additions, hence out of order, and not included in index, HAT TA, MOHAMMAD, 1902- . Beberapa fasal ^konomi. Djalan ke ekonomi dan kooperasi. Djakarta, Oesaha Baroe "Penjiar" 2?6O27 13^ p. " NIC A series of essays on the subject of economics and cooperatives. According to the foreword these were written between 1935 and 1941 while the author was in exile in Eastern Indonesia. JAVA (JAPANESE MILITARY ADMINISTRATION 1942-45). JAWA HO KO KA I. Peratoeran-peratoeran Himpoenan Kebaktian Rakjat (Boelan 2 Tahoen 2604). Djakarta, Panitia Persiapan Himpoenan Kebaktian Rakjat, 2604. 47 p. , diagrs. NIC Contains the regulations and structure of the People's Loyalty Organization, probably better known by its Japanese name, Djawa Hokokai. Nominally headed by Soekarno, it was directly under the command of the Gunseikan, the Japanese commander in chief. Asa highly developed organization, it possessed branches in virtually every desa.36 ALMANACS 215 ALMA NA K ASIA RAYA Tahoen ke-I. Djakarta, Asia Raya Bagian Penerbitan (2603). 258 p. illus. NIC. 216 ________________________ Tahoen ke-II. Djakarta, Djawa Sjinboen Sja (2604). 280 p. illus. NIC. 217 ALMA NA K DAI TOA (Asia Timoer Raja) Disoesoen oleh Hassan Noel 'Arifin. Medan, Toko Boekoe "Antara” (2602). 36 p. NIC. 218 JAWA NENKAN Djakarta, Jawa Shinbunsha, 2604. 473 p. illus. NIC. In Japanese. 219 ALMANAK SOEARA. Soerabaja, Soeara Asia, 2603. 220 . Soerabaja, Soeara Asia, 2604. 216 p illus. NIC. FOLDERS 221 DAI NIPPON ORHANISASI KEBUN PERTARUHAN KELUAR KAN SAJUR-SAJURAN DAN LAIN-LAIN HASIL BUMI. Kema'moeran masjarakat kaoem tani Indonesia. Persatoean balatentara dan ra’jat. Membantoe pembangoenan A sia Raja. /Djakarta? Dai Nippon Orhanisasi P. K. S., Bagian Propaganda, 2602/ folder (2 p. ) illus. 33 cm. NIC.37 LIST OF NEWSPAPERS (MARCH 6» 1942-AUGUST 16, 1945) IN THE CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 ALGEMEEN INDISCH DAGBLAD v. 47, no. 57 (March 9, 2602) and "Speciale editie” no. 1-12 (March 11-25, 2602). Bandung. ASIA BA ROE v. 1, no. 5 (March 24, 2602). Djakarta. ASIA RAYA Poesat persoeratkabaran di Djawa. v. 1-4, April 29, 2602-Sept. 7, 2605. Djakarta, Djawa Shimbun Sha. 4 v. illus. ASIA RAYA Register Asia Raya, Oct. 2603-Sept. 2605 /n. p. 194- ?7 In Dutch. BERITA OEMOEM v. 6, nos. 51 (March 5, 2602), 53-58 (March 9-14, 2602), 60-95 (March 17-28, 2602). Djakarta. KAOEM MOEDA v. 21, nos. 64 (March 24, 2602), 67-70 (March 27-April 1, 2602), 74-82 (April 8-17, 2602), 84 (April 20, 2602). Bandung. KUNG YUNG PAO Bagian bahasa melajoe. v. 2-4, 2603-2605. Djakarta, Djawa Shimbun Kai. Incomplete. NATIONALE COMMENTAREN v. 5, no. 10 (March 7, 2602). Bandung. NOOD-EDITIE VAN DE SEMARANGSCHE DAGBLADEN. nos. 10-30 (March 19-April 11, 2602). Semarang. PEMANDANGAN v. 10, nos. 51 (March 9, 2602), 54 (March 12, 2602), 56 (March 14, 2602), 57 (March 16, 2602), 59 (March 18, 2602), 60 (March 19, 2602), 62-94 (March 21-April 29, 2602), 95-98 (May 16-20, 2602). Djakarta. SINAR BAROE v. 1-2. 2602-2603. Semarang /Djawa Shimbun KaJ7 Incomplete. SINAR MA TA HA RI Jan. 27, 2603-March 28, 2605. Soerat kabar Minseibu, Ambon. Incomplete. Imprint varies: Beginning with tahoen II, no. 30: Ceram Sinbun-Sya. ”Terbit hari Raboe dan Sabtoe.”38 234 235 236 237 SOEARA ASIA v. 1-4, 2602-2605. /Soerabaja, Djawa Shimbun Kai, Tjabang Soerabaja. Ceased publication with v. 4, no. 220. SOEARA OEMOEM v. 11, no. 23-26 (April 4-8, 2602), 28-30 (April 10-13, 2602). SOERABAIASCH HANDELSBLAD v. 90, no. 66 (March 27, 2602) Surabaja. TJAJA TIMOER v. 7, no. 1818 (March 24, 2602). Djakarta. LIST OF PERIODICALS (MARCH 6, 1942-AUGUST 16, 1945) IN THE CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 ASJ-SJOE’LAH Djakarta, Gunseikanbu Syumubu, 2604-- Published in Indonesian, Javanese, and Sundanese, all in Arabic script. NIC has the commemorative volume only. BERITA GUNSEIKANBU /Djakarta?? Hoodoobu, 2605. First number issued by the Djawa Gunseikanbu. Sept. 10-24, 2605. DJAWA BAROE Djakarta, Djawa Shimbun Sha, Jan. 1, 2603- Aug. 1, 2605. Illustrated biweekly in Indonesian and Japanese. Complete. INDONESIA MERDEKA Djakarta, Hokokai, Himpoenan Kebaktian Rakjat, 2605. A biweekly which replaced Pandji Poes taka. KAN PO (Berita Pemerintah) Djakarta, Gunseikanbu, Bahagian Kikakuka, 2602-2605. nos. 1-74. The biweekly official gazette of the Japanese military administration on Java. ΚΑΝΑ JAWA SHIMBUN, nos. 1-86. Jan. 1, 2604-Aug. 18, 2605. Djakarta, Jawa Shimbun. Entirely in kana. KEBOEDAJAAN TIMOER. Djakarta, Keimin Bunka Shidosho, 2603-2605. 3 vols. illus. No more published. A cultural review published annually. Contains plays, poetry, short stories, and essays on cultural topics. Also cultural news notes on Indonesia and other sections of Asia.39 245 246 247 248 249 250 MINA MI Madjallah boelanan bergambar. Medan, Syonan Sinbun Kai, Medan Sibu. thnl-- Des. 2602-- NIC has the following issues: v. 1 (26.02), no. 1; v. 2 (2603), nos. 4-7; v. 3 (2604), nos. .1-2, 5-7. OSAMU KANPO Djakarta, Jawa Gunseikanbu 2603-2605. Incomplete. Decrees, etc. in Japanese. PANDJI POESTAKA Djakarta, 2602-March 15, 2605. vols. 21-23. The only magazine continued from the Dutch era. A weekly until the end of 2603, when it became a biweekly. Replaced by Indonesia Merdeka. Complete. PRADJOERIT Djakarta, Kantor Be ear Badan Pembantoe Pembelaan (with the assistance of Booei Giyugun Sidoobu and Gun-Hoodoobu). v. 1 (Sept. 15, 2604- July 30, 2605). An illustrated weekly. Complete. SHIN JAVA Djakarta, Jawa Shinbunsha, 2604-2605. Incomplete. SOEARA Μ. I. A.I. (Soeara Madjlis Islamil a'laa Indonesia) Djakarta, 2603-2605. Biweekly, Later changed its name to Soegra Moeslimin Indonesia (Dec. 2603 to Dec. 6, 2606).40 LIST OF PROPER NAMES CITED IN TEXT Abbas, Z.A., 40 Abdoellah Ibnoel Moeqaffa*, 37 Abdoelxarim M. S., 40 Adinegoro, 40, 86 Aman, see Madjoindo, Aman Datuk. Ananta Gs, 119 Andjar Asmara, 8 Arifin, Hassan Noel, 217 Arifin Zainoen, 145 Barat, Lantas H., 197 Beureu’eh, Moeh. Daoed, 53 Bruno, Giordano, 15 Copernicus, Nicolaus, 15 Darmawidjaja, 211 Diponegoro, 120, 209 Djamil, Isma *il, 37 Djojokoesoemo, D. , 119 Douwes Dekker, E. F. E. , 165 Galilei, Galileo, 15 Habiban-A lwie, 103 Hadiwijata, M. S. , 12 Halim, Karim, 23 Hamka, see Amrullah, hadji Abdul Malik Karim, 7 Harahap, Elisa Sutan, 45 Harahap, Soehoenan, 4041 Heeteren, Η. V. A., 41 Hirato, K., 7 Ichiki, see Itjiki. Imam Bondjol, 120 Imam Supardi, see Supardi, Imam. Iskandar, Nur Sutan, 113 Iskandar Widyopranoto, 111 Isma 'il Djamil, see Djamil, Ismaiil. Isobe, Yuji, see Yuji Isobe. Itagaki, 10 Itjiki, 54, 187 Jahja Jacoeb, 40 Jassin, Hans Bagug, 23, 176 Joeli, M. , 54 Kamadjaja, 8 Karim Halim, see Halim, Karim. Karyono, 179 Kepler, Johannes, 15 Kotot Soekardi, 119 Kuo Wei Hung, 83 Lanang, see Tun Sri Lanang. Lim Liok Swie, 83 Madikin Wonohito, 116 Madjoindo, Aman Datuk, 113 Mahjoeddin, 42 Mangoenpoespito, Mrs. Soenarjo, 2742 Mashud Hardjokusumo, 111 Moedigdo, see Mudigdo. Moedjair, 69 Moeqaffa1, see Abdoellah Ibnoel Moeqaffa'. Newton, Isaac, 15 Ngarpah, Bagoes, 207 Oemar, M. S. , 40 Oesman, see Usman. Oeyehara, see Uyehara. Okuma, Shigenobu, 146 Padmasoesastra, see Wirapustaka. Pane, Armijn, 44 Poerbatjaraka, 64 Poerwadarminta, see Purwadarminta, 85, 197, 198, 199, 200 Prawiranegara, R. Isis, 183 Ramali, Ahmad, 10 Reksawardaja, Wasir, see Wasir Reksawardaja. Saban Achmad, R. , 158 Saidt, Moh. , 40 Sakai Shioya, 23 Saksono, 172 Salmoen, M. A. , 149 Satjadibrata, raden, 5, 133 Singamangaradja, 108 Siregar, Loeat, 40 Soeardi Tasrif, 79 Soegoro, see Sugoro.43 Soekarno, 8, 126, 209, 211 Soekmono, see Sukmono. Soepardi, see Supardi. Soeparma Satiadiredja, see Suparma Satiadiredja. Soerapati, 40 Soerjo-Winarso, see Surjo-Winarso. Soetiksna, see Sutiksna. Spijkerman, A. C. , 105 Sudjono, 186 Sugimoto, S. , 101 Surapati, see Soerapati. Takashi, Maruyama, 211 Teguh, 64 Toemenggoeng, see Tumenggung. Togo, Admiral, 181 Tomodji Abe, 17 Trimurty-Sajoeti, Mrs. S. K. M. , 27 Tumapel, 176 Tun Sri Lanang, 3, 40, 106 Uehara, 88, 138 Untung Suropati, 120 Uyehara, see Uehara. Wasir Reksawardaja, 147, 150, 152, 154 Wentholt, F.A., 203 Winarno, 8 Wirasoedarma, R. Soemarna, 95 Wongsosewojo, R. Ahmad, 159 Yang Kwong, see Yang Kuang. Zoebir Adam, 4044 SUBJECT INDEX Acetic acid, 73 Agriculture, 24, 30, 41, 128, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 193, 205 America, 75 Anatomy, 95, 96, 175 Arithmetic, 63, 105 Asia, 19, 59, 60, 131, 132, 133 Bali, 74, 177 Balinese language, 74 Beekeeping, 183 Biographical directory, 109 Biography, 15, 53, 108, 109, 120, 146, 176, 182, 187, 209 Botany, 143 Bushido, 106 Cassava, cultivation of, 152, 153, 157 Chemistry, 24, 73, 171, 208 Children's stories, 29, 90, 91 Chinese language, 87 Chuo Sangi-In, 65, 67 Civil defense, 92 Conduct and behavior of children, 57 Corn, cultivation of, 147, 148 Cotton, 49, 50 Crocheting, 93 Customs and manners, Javanese, 207 Customs and manners, Sundanese, 16345 Dictionaries, 2, 18, 33, 137, 138, 34, 45, 46, 66, 74, 82, 86, 89, 134, 135, 136, 139, 140, 161, 162 Dictionaries, Balinese, 74 Dictionaries, Indonesian, 2, 18, 33, 34, 45, 46, 66, 74, 82, 86, 89, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 161, 162 Dictionaries, Japanese, 2, 18, 46, 66, 74, 82, 89 Dictionaries, Javanese, 82, 134, 135, 136, 140 Dictionaries, Madurese, 82 Dictionaries, Old Javanese, 140 Dictionaries, Sundanese, 82, 161, 162 Drama, 44, 119 Dutch language - Materials in, 86, 99, 115, 164, 197 England, 75 Essays, 110, 111, 145, 211 Fiction, 20, 23, 25, 32, 37, 38, 44, 48, 51, 52, 76, 90, 91, 112, 177, 181, 191, 192 First Aid, 55, 175 Fish, cultivation of, 68, 69 Food, 13, 31, 81, 128, 193 Geography, 19, 59, 60 Geology, 28 Geopolitics, 19 Goat raising, 185 Government employees, 78 Government, Indonesian, 67, 124 Grammars, Chinese, 87 Grammars, Indonesian, 100, 115, 178, 179, 180, 201, 212, 213 Grammars, Old Javanese, 26 Grammars, Japanese, 16, 17, 21, 83, 84, 85, 99, 101, 102, 122, 123, 141, 142, 164, 197, 198, 199, 200, 21046 Guadalcanal, 187 Handicrafts, 1 Health, 12, 13, 55, 94, 95, 96, 159 Hindu monuments, 64 History, 75, 80, 103, 108, 116, 117, 120, 131, 132, 133, 146, 165, 176, 182, 187, 209 History - Asia, 131, 132, 133 History - Indonesia, 53, 80, 116, 117, 131, 132, 133, 165, 209 History - Japan, 103, 146, 182 History - Java, 131, 132, 133, 176, 209 History - Russia, 146, 182 History - Sumatra, 7 Household, 93, 196 Hygiene, 12, 55, 94, 95, 96, 104, 159 Indonesian language, 2, 4, 18, 33, 34, 42, 45, 66, 74, 86, 89» 100, 115, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 161, 162, 178, 179, 180, 201, 212, 213 Indonesian literature, 4, 25, 29» 32, 38, 51» 76, 90, 91, 112, 119, 191, 192 Islam, 6, 11, 97, 131, 132, 133 Islam in Indonesia, 6, 11, 97, 131» 132, 133 Japan, 3, 35, 39, 40, 54, 103, 106, 107, 110, 111, 114, 145, 146, 182 Japanese family, 3, 27 Japanese language, 2, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 46» 56, 66, 74, 82, 8i. 84, 85, 88, 89, 99, 101, 102, 122, 123, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, 164, 197, 198, 199, 200, 210 Japanese language - Materials in, 31, 55, 58» 160, 168, 169 Japanese literature, 23 Japanese people, 114 Java, 30, 31, 41, 49, 50, 64, 68, 127, 131, 132, 133, 160, 167, 184, 190» 20747 Javanese dance, 36 Javanese language, 82, 134, 135, 136, 140 Javanese language - Materials in, 20, 31, 36, 50, 68, 71, 94, 104, 118, 128, , 129, 130, 132, 147, 150, 152, 153, 154, 155, 174, 175, 184, 185, 188, 204, 205, 206, 207 Journalism - Indonesia, 166 Kapok, 194, 195 Laws, statutes, etc., 65, 70, 107 Letterwriting, 144, 214 Madura, 30, 31 Madurese language, 82 Malay language, see Indonesian language. Medicine, 10, 129, 130, 143, 159 Mentawai, 7 Military affairs, 40, 54, 58, 65, 107, 125, 126, 160, 187, 190 Military government, 70 Military training, 58, 190 Mysticism - Java, 184 Navigation, 121 Navy, Japanese, 187 New Guinea, 203 Newspapers - Special issues, 8, 9, 166, 167, 189 Novel, 32, 51, 52, 177, 181 Nutrition, 13, 94, 118, 129, 130, 174 Old Javanese language, 26, 140 Old Javanese literature, 26 Older stories - Malay, 37, 38, 112, 191, 192 Oratory, see Speechmaking.48 Peta, 58 Peanuts, cultivation of, 150, 151, 158 Pharmacology, 143 Physical conditioning, 12, 190 Physics, 61 Pictures, 160 Plays, 44, 119 Poetry, 186, 188 Poultry diseases, 206 Poultry husbandry, 98, 206 Proverbs, 113 Radio courses, 12, 164 Readers, Indonesian, 4, 39, 42, 47, 56, 62, 72 Readers, Japanese, 56 Recipes, 81, 128, 129, 130, 174 Rice cultivation, 24, 30, 155 Russia, 146, 182 Russo-Japanese War, 146, 182 Sangi Kai, 67 Science, 15 Seinendan, see Youth movement. Self-defense, 172, 173 Soap, 71 Soils, 28, 127, 203 Solomons, 187 Songs, 43, 168, 169 Soybeans, 174 Speechmaking, 144, 21149 Sumatra, 6, 7, 28, 40, 53, 80, 97, 108 Sumo, see Wrestling. Sundanese language, 82, 161, 162, 163 Sundanese language - Materials in, 133, 149, 158, 183 Sundanese literature, 77 Sundanese tales, 5 Sweet potatoes, cultivation of, 149, 154, 156 Technical terms, Indonesian, 86 Textbooks, Chinese, 87 Textbooks, Indonesian, 47, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 72, 77, 84, 85, 93 100, 105, 115, 165, 178, 179, 180, 201, 212, Textbooks, Japanese, 16, 141 17, 21, 56, 83, 142, 164, 188, 88, 99, 101, 102, 122, 123, 197, 198, 199, 200, 210 Tjandi Panataran, 64 Translations, 3, 20, 23, 27, 37, 44, 48, 50, 54, 55, 58, 70, 78, 93, 103, 106, 146, 147, 149, 150 Translations from Dutch, 44 Translations from English, 20, 23, 103, 106 Translations from Indonesian, 50, 133, 147, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154, 158, 174, 197 Translations from Japanese, 3, 27, 48, 54, 55, 58, 70, 78, 83, 146, 187 Usage - Sundanese language, 163 Volcanoes, 14 Weaving, 1 West Java, 189 Western literature in translation, 20, 44 Who's Who, 109 Wrestling, Japanese, 170 Writing system, Japanese, 22, 88 Youth movement, 61, 79, 19050 TITLE INDEX Adja lara, 94 Asia Raja dan benoea jang lain-lain, 59, 60 Bab nginah oelam loh ing pasabinan ing Tanah Djawi, 68 Bahasa Nippon sehari-hari jang terpilih, 83 Baoesastra Indonesia-Djawi, 134 Baoesastra Mlajoe-Djawi, 135, 136 Basis-Nipponsch, 197 Beberapa penggalan dari sedjarah perdjoeangan oemmat Islam, 11 Berbagai-bagai keperloean kaoem isteri, 196 Bertanam kapas di Djawa, 49 Boekoe peladjaran bahasa Nippon, 16, 84 Boekoe peladjaran hoeroef kanji (permoelaan), 88 Boekoe peladjaran ilmoe penjeberangan laoet, 121 Boekoe peladjaran permoelaan bahasa Nippon, 21 Boekoe pengoempoelan oendang-oendang, 65 Boekoe penoentoen gerak badan Radjio Taiso, 12 Boekoe petoendjoek praktek teknik bagi pemimpin Seinendan, 61 Busido, 106 A Comparative study on recent ashes of some Java volcanoes, 14 Copernicus atau rahasia-rahasia langit, 15 Dadi bijoeng, 204 Dari hal mentjari kesehatan, 159 Dari sekolah kemedan perang, 187 Dasima. Kissah lama menoeroetkan langgam baroe, 112 Diagnosa-kimia dan tafsir-kliniknja, 1051 Didikan boedi pekerti, 57 Djagoeng, 147, 148 Djalan bahasa Indonesia, 212, 213 Djasa jang ta· diloepakan, 25 Djawa Boei Giyugun Kyoren-Kyotei, 58 Djiwa Baroe, 110 Dongeng-dongeng sasakala, 5 The Economic garden at Bogor; guide and outline of the most important crops, 41 Eenvoudige japansche spraakkunst, 99 Eiseiho dan kyttkyuho, 55 Fadjar; boekoe batjaan, 72 Fadjar Masa, 39 Gawe Saboen, 71 Geopolitiek Asia Timoer Raja, 19 Goenoeng Djin, 202 Gunsei keizirei kaisetu, 70 Hoei Boled, 149 Iboe dan anak; penghidoepan wanita dizaman baroe, 27 Ichtisar sedjarah Indonesia, 165 'llmoe saraf Indonesia, 100 Ilmoe toemboeh-toemboehan, 143 Islam di Sumatera, 6 Istilah bahasa Indonesia, 86 Kamoes bahasa Indonesia-Nippon dan Nippon-Indonesia, 2 Kamoes harian Nippon-Indonesia; Indonesia-Nippon, 137, 138, 139 Kamoes Indonesia, 33 Kamoes leutik Soenda-Indonesia, 16152 Kamoes Nippon-Indonesia, 18 Kamoes Soenda-Melajoe, 162 Kanridoo. Djalan jang harus dilaloei oleh pegawai negeri, 78 Kasijate kedele, 174 Kat jang pendem, 150 Kat jang tanah, 151 Kawi-djarwa, 140 Keloearga dan roemah tangga Nippon, 3 Keris Empoe Gandering, 176 Ketela pohoeng, 152, 153 Ketela rambat, 154 Keterangan Saikoo Sikikan, tentang hal toeroet mengambil bahagian dalam pemerxntahan negeri dan pendjelasan pemerintah, 67 Kintamani, 177 Kitab arti logat Melajoe, 34, 45 Kitab soerat-menjoerat dalam bahasa Indonesia, 214 Kitab tenoen. Peroesahaan Djawa, 1 Koempoelan gambar^ dalam mengikoeti perang di Djawa, 160 Lalab-lalaban, 128 Langkah baroe. Peladjaran bahasa Indonesia dengan tjara baroe, 115 Langkah ke atoeran. Boekoe soerat-menjoerat dan pidato-pidato dalam bahasa Indonesia, 144 Latihan pertjakapan Nippon, 141, 142 Makanan jang sehat dan beberapa ichtiar jang lain boeat memeliharakan kesehatan dan menolong menjemboehkan penjakit, 13 Manual of instruction for the fabrication of acetic acid by the quick vi negar method, 73 Mari kita bernjanji, 43 Matahari terbit; kitab batjaan, 6253 Menoedjoe ke matahari terbit, 101 Miara njiroean, 183 Nandoer kapas ing Tanah Djawa, 50 Nandoer pari, 155 Nangkarake" wedoes, 185 Nephelometric determination of chloride with calomel, 171 Nephelometric determination of sulphate, 208 Ngged^kake asil boemi, 205 Nichi-djo Nippongo radjio koza, 164 Nichi ma jiten, 66 Niku-dan, koerban manoesia; boekoe tjatatan seorang opsir Nippon waktoe mengepoeng dan menjerang Port Arthur, 146 Nippon di masa perang, 35 Nippongo jang siapa sadja bisa, 102 Nippongo; moedah dan gampang oentoek dapat berbahasa Nippon, 85 Njanjian Nippon oentoek oemoem, 168, 169 Njioer melambai, 211 Noeloengi wong katjilakan, 175 Notes on the water relations and periodicity of the kapok tree, Ceiba pentandra, 194 Oebar kampoeng, 121, 130 Oebi djalar, 156 Oebi kajoe, 157 Oendak-oesoek Basa Soenda, 163 On the occurrence of diaspora and zunyite in detrital sediments of Palembang; II. On the occurrence of the mineral orthite on Sumatra, 28 Palawidja. Roman-pantjaroba, 3254 Panoelakipoen sesakit ajam, 206 Paramasastera Indonesia (jang sederhana), 178, 179, 180 Pedoman bertjotjok tanam, 193 Pedoman beternak ajam, 98 Peladjaran bahasa Indonesia oentoek Sekolah Rendah, 201 Peladjaran bahasa Nippon, 56 Peladjaran bahasa Nippon-Chunghua-Indonesia, 210 Peladjaran bahasa Tionghwa, 87 Pelangi, 4 Pemboeka akal, 63, 105 Pemimpin bahasa Nippon, 17 Pentjak, 172, 173 Perdjoeangan Singamangaradja jang ke-12, 108 Peribahasa, 113 Perihal ikan-moedjair, 69 Poelau darah; keboeasan bangsa Belanda memboenoeh bangsa Mentawai, 7 Poentja bahasa Nippon, 198, 199, 200 Poesporini, 181 Rapat besar kaoem Moeslimin Soematera Baroe di Medan pada 20-6-2603, 97 Ratna (roemah-roemahan), 44 The Raw ah Lakbok (South-Priangan Java); investigation into the composi- tion of an enthropic topogeneous bog, 127 Rice culture in Java and Madura, 30 Riwajat dan perdjoangan pahlawan-pahlawan Indonesia, 120 Riwajat Laksamana Togo dengan perang Nippon-Roesia, 182 Sakura, 48 Sandiwara Chusingura, 2355 Sedikit tentang sedjarah Asia Timoer Raja dan sedjarah Tanah Djawa, 131 Sedjarah dosa dan kedjahatan Inggeris dan Amerika, 75 Sedjarah Indonesia, 116, 117 Sedjarah Nippon, 103 Sedjarah Palembang moelai sedari Seri-Widjaja sampai kedatangan Balatentara Dai Nippon, 80 Sedjarah peperangan Dipanegara, 209 Sendjinkoen... Penoentoen bagi Balatentara Dai Nippon, 54 Sendjinkoen dan tentara soekarela, 40 Sepoeloeh tjerita kanak-kanak, 90 Serat halad-halad bedhahipoen Tanah Djawi, 184 Serat Woelang Beksa, 36 Setya toehoe ing kakoeng, 20 Si Giat, 29 Si Samin, 76 Soeara zaman; sja 'ir dan pantoen pada masa perang ini, 186 Soeoek, 158 Soil expedition North New Guinea; II. The back country of Manokwari, 203 Some experiments on the use of nitrogen as a fertilizer with ammonia dissolved in the irrigation water, applied to rice, 24 Srigoenting, 91 Tatatjara, 207 Teungkoe Tjhi’ di Tiro, 52 Tjahaja, 42 Tjandi Panataran, 64 Tjinta Tanah Air, 51, 52 Tjoeplikan babad Asia Wetan Agoeng sertaBabad Tanah Djawi, 13256 Tjoetatan tina sadjarah Asia Timoer Raja djeung sadjarah poelo Djawa, 133 I Toeboeh manoesia, 95, 96 Toedjoean Nippon ke Indonesia, 145 The Variability and the origin of Ceiba pentandra (L) Geartn, the kapok tree, 195 Wadjah Semangat, 111 !