~ CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FROM eed ee Date Due PRINTED IN|U. S, A, (bay CAT.| NO. 23233 Cornell University Library vp BS. M86 1866 oy olin ENGLISH WRITERS. VOL. 1.—Part I. VOL. I.—PT. 1. ENGLISH WRITERS. VOL. I.—Parrt I. [ CELTS AND ANGLO-SAXONS; WITH AN INTRODUCTORY SKETCH OF THE FOUR PERIODS OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. By HENRY MORLEY, PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH LITERATURE IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON. LONDON: CHAPMAN AND HALL, 198, PICCADILLY. 1867. GORA f 7]. UNIVER GT y o~ I La RARY [The right of Translation is reserved.] ° UNIVERSITY! \. LIBRARY | LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, STAMFORD STREET, AND CILARING CROSS, » CONTENTS OF VOL. 1. PART I. INTRODUCTION. —+o2—— ODhe Four Periods of English Piterature. Pace The True History of Literature ., 1 Who can be a Historian of Literature? . 2 The Purpose of this Book.. .. se 3 The Four Periods of English Titeratinre ae 4 The One Mind in them all a 4 Sources of Literature .. 5 In Pagan Time sé 6 In Early Christian Days 6 Under the Normans .. .. 8 Influence of Nation upon Nation 8 In the Outset of Italian Teese 3%. Se GR we as In the Outset of German Literature .. 2. 2. OU. OU OD In England under the Early Norman Kings .. .. vo Foundations of the Early Influence of Italy on ances iiiteraiine a 12 In Activity of Commerce .. 12 In the Liberal and Busy Sense of Tahal and Rovial al Rights 12 Relation to its time of Dante’s ‘ Vita Nuova’ oe y we 44 Relation to all time of ‘the Divine Comedy’ . oe : 17 Transmission of certain Forms of Poetry from the Troubadours through Dante to: Petrarch «: <. a5 a5 se Ge Se Ge owe oe wa AF Boccaccio and his. ePecaneriti t sy Tash a. Shae OH dd ai ey 186) Italian Influence on Chaucer... Se er ae | The Native and the Foreign Elements in | Chanoer’s 8 Verse wi ae an 28 Dark Days of English Literature .. ae blige “eps EDD Spread of Petrarchan Poetry, and Rise of Bigbanian, 38 cag Jee. ep 228 Italian Pastoral . es Gea 24: Influence of Pitas and “of Thalian Pastoral on | English ‘Tikeratiine. The English Mind under the Italian Manner. Philip Sidney... .. 24 Reflection ‘af Italian Love-conceits in ‘ Astrophel and Stella’ .. .. 26 Spenser and the Italian Romantic Poets .... Ss oe Wat. Sar) AE Foreign Influences upon Italy. ‘Amadis de Gaul” des WR ol . Gen. 128 ee of the new Taste for Romance. The Pulci. Bojardo. Ariosto 29 The Taste for Quotation .. 0... 6. ee ee eee cee 80 VOL. I.—PT. I. b vi CONTENTS OF VOL. I.—PART I. Growing Demand for Allegory. Tasso .. “ Social and Literary Predominance of the Italians .. The Social Influence of Italy on English Literature . Secondary Causes of the ee of a Taste for Moncaited Witing Euphuism .... gy ay The English Mind under it all, " Out of Decay New Ge Duration of Lyly’s Popularity... .. 0 1. «1 se Lyly himself a Practical Englishman .. .. Influence of Lyly and the Italians on Robert Grane aa *Love’s Labour ’s Lost ;’ a Jest upon the Fashionable Style .. Duration of Italian Influence in the Taste for Conceits .. Ridiculed by Ben Jonson in ‘ Cynthia’s Revels’.. French Euphuism. The ‘Divine Weeks’ of Du Bartas Great English Reputation of Du Bartas, Its Duration.. Ttalian Influence in France .. .. see 88) ES Sn Spanish Influence in France allied to fis Tealiae es Tendency of French eee Conceit to Verbal Criticism. The — of it ee, cee Be afi) ate ee we Ronsard 42 «2 =: <2 aa a Sa se 3 Malherbe .. .. se The Meetings at the Hotel ‘Rambouillet .. The Précieuses 4. nse The French Academy : Settlement of the French Language by the Forty Dictionary ‘Makers . Advance of French Writers from Verbal to Literary Criticism Boileau «wwe ieee Sa ae Influence of Boileau on n English Cltarahize eo ed, he ee The Period of French Influence on English Titenture » SS ats ie English Acceptance and Imitation of the French Classical Critics ‘ What the Polite World and French Polished Critics said of rea Shakespeare endorsed by Pope... .. . .. « we Under French Influence, the English Mind eh ee de we Milton endorsed by Addison ..) 2... ck eee wee Latin English .. Origin of Literary Style i in the ‘easential difference between Spoken and Written English .. .. oe Constant Elements in the Neshientits of English Whiting Variable Influences on the Mechanism of English Writing Purpose and Limits of Generalization The Period of Popular Influence .. oe se Me Defoe’s Service of the People .. .. 1. 0. Oe Defoe in the Pillory Defoe in Newgate sets up ‘ the Hate Addison in the way of Patronage Steele represents the People .. .. .. Decreased Influence of the nese on the Stage The ‘ Tatler’ 5 Relation of the Tatler’ ‘to ‘he People CONTENTS OF VOL. L—PART I. vii Addison, drawn by Steele into co-operation, writes for the People better than for Patrons. ‘Tatler,’ ‘Spectator, ‘Guardian’ .. .. .. 87 Steele's ‘Hnglishman? 2. <0: se us ee ewes ae, 8 Pope .. .. ee - 91 Development of Binds ‘Wotioit Robinaon Grnsoo” ghd? Gulliver? . 91 Richardson’s ‘Pamela’... 0 6. ww wee tee tee we Fielding} s «5 we a) Se 4: we we ae 45 ae we ee OB Tom Jones .. .. Fir: ch se GERD Ae Bd, Ady FOE The French Taste of the Lesgat ‘Critics bs i Me ae Ge we OT Samuel Johnson es tT a ee ee ee Goldsmith’s Influence on Goethe de 8S Be el er ks ie ee 00. Relations between English and German Literature .. .. .. .. 100 Germany fastens upon ‘Robinson Crusoe’... ws sa ve 102 The Spirit of Milton is Abroad. Gottsched and Hadiner ay ae ae 102 Klopstock .. .. we me » 103 The Revolt wostust Dasperan i in nT or ‘iteratine a ie ‘os “oe 108 The Revolt most Violent in France .. .. .. .. «. «. 108 Goethe: Schiller Be we: RE a ar ee sae AOS Limits of the German Influence on English Eileratue ie wey cap LOE Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Southey .. «2 .. 6. we ee 108 Byron... .. se ai See Oe Ge, LO: Progress of the Popular Teananps on Liters ie ee ae ae LOT Walter Scott Sag OR en ee ee ee, oe OS Development of J cuitaialiara aS A ae shy oes a oe, ~ ae OD Extension of Public Education. Cheap Popular Literature... .. .. 112 ‘Of some who have not yet learnt to read or write... .. .« . « 112 Defects that may be signs of oa Growth .. 0 0. 0 6. ee we et 15 The Upward Way .. ww 1k ee ee cee ete we we 11S BOOK LI. Period of the formation of the Language. CHAPTER I. Prehistoric England .. 0-2 ee ee ee wee tee we we 17 Were the Celts Cimmerians? .. .. 0 -) ee we ee ee we we 118 Were the Celts ea 2 we Ge ae A ee ce ae, BO Anglo-Saxons .. .. aa Gh a BS ewe cee TDS The Origin of Language .. we Sec Cite eS Uke Ree Ge BS Ethnology. Origin of the Huglish ., ot Sh. ew ee Ae ee BE. he Indo-European Theory... we ee ee we te ne ne we 184 Pedigree of English «. es we we te we we ewe 148 Viil CONTENTS OF VOL. L—PART I CHAPTER II. The Oldest Inhabitant Het RB Stone, Bronze, and Iron Periods .. .. The Stone Period .. Cromlechs .. .. The Bronze Period Barrows The Iron Period The Celtic Britons .. The Belge (?) The Gaels The Cymry a First Stage in the Formation of aah, The Celtic Element in English Celtic in Local Namen - Celtic in Common English...) ww ww we we Faint Traces of the Roman Occupation. Latin of the First Period Twilight before the Dawn of English Literature. Druids Ancient Literature of the Gaels in Britain The Oghuim . Tule ge the Fate of Bailé he Shunt Suchen Poets’ Staves... oe Be gh Old Gaelic oarese in teatime. i Of History among the Ancient Gaol sit, yal Of a Battle Fought on the Plain of Moytura... ats The First Appearance of the Gaedhels in Erin The Origin of the Boromean Tribute ; The Tale of the Cattle-Spoil of aig Old Gaelic Poetry .. .. .. es Fionn, Oisin, and the Peniats i Fergus Finnbheoil Caeilte McRoran ae Gaelic Tales in Prose and Verse .. ‘ The Celtic Influence on English teutiare The Fenian Tales .. Materials for a Study of the Ola Gaclia Tarwsace aid Tikaatase CHAPTER III. The Cymry we Germanic Settlements in Britis pstiea A.D. 449 . Pressure of the Cymry and the Saxons on the Gacle in oT or North Wales . Pressure of the Sacenk on ‘the Cymry. The Recs of ‘Sik Seftlaments Connexion of the Ancient Literature of the Cymry with the Anglo- . 197 Saxon Conquests Pace . 149 .. 150 . 161 .. 152 . 154 « 154 -» 156 . 156 . 157 . 159 .. 160 « 162 .. 162 . 163 . 164 . 167 . 168 .. 170 . 171 we Dd . 173 . 173 » 174 ve 14 . 175 . 177 - 178 .. 180 . 181 .. 183 « 184 « 185 - 187 188 191 - 193 193 195 197 CONTENTS OF VOL. I.—PART I The Bards of Urien Taliesei