ee ' KF 543. Ass Pee Ags it Cornell University Bibrary Sthaca, New Qork THE GIFT OF be U. 8, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR -. CHILDREN’S BUREAU _ JULIA C. LATHROP, Chief {7 -ILLEGITIMACY LAWS OF THE 0% UNITED STATES ANALYSIS AND INDEX: / Byte Bee tee: Pos , Bee ERNST FREUND = 5 PROFESSOR OF JURISPRUDENCE AND PUBLIG LAW. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW SCHOOL; 8 “EXCERPT FROM LEGAL SERIES No, 2 Bureau Publication No. 42 a ; WASHINGTON, ” i © - cin tiso 0 $0 osla a ncerema tives se cammeMmme atl nc acit.- 00 cele a we. c2.s occa |s was epee emueece seen kes a skss Sha caecece se mne CORE MNayeemionce Ondaltol duns |scome. same aes port by requiring reasonable fia. Bae icamit Rae aE ane a a ta rea de a aa CATA ORNES. rity. The convicted defendant may be employed on public works and $1.50 in payment for such work may ; be applied in the support of child. Before or after birth, but no proceed- | Warrant.............- Preliminary hearing and examination | Trial by jur i i ict i is di s i i i ings after child 1s 12 months old. before justice in reeoeelll of accused. Be eer Aina Renae Both parties are competent witnesses. . ‘oe 2? yy a, es a. eth | RL ee i ae Eger ery a oo MN rrvimibiorsetieeecesecssssscsngeessssns|esrtarsncesssasseterenstsanectnaaaneanes COM mre If probable cause found, accused costs. If verdict against accused . = ey: bond to appear at next such damages are named as jury erm of district court. deems proper for support of the child. Sum may be paid annually or otherwise. « naires Before or after birth. Complaint | Warrant............-- Warrant is issued by justice or com- | Trial by j i i i j i i i i i iter ees Tal D 3 y jury on request of either | If after complaint mother continues | If judgment is against accused, he |...-.----------ccccccece|cecececccccccccccccccccccccecececececeee Accused must give security bindi Settlement i ened waa three years after fii of ce vere if ee party. it mother fails to carry on constant in accusation, it shall be shall be charged, together with the himself to pay the judgment, On the consent eee feet (aR Re ORE ae ae ae Ne cee ; releases kate © repu able | proceedings after complaint, town | admissible. The good character of| mother, with the maintenance of failure to do so he isimprisoned for | indemnified. The town may settle Pp ee = ; oe oe with | may doso. the accused is admissible or bad the child and for half the costs of six months before he can be released where it has brought the proceed- S = vered 0 : bastard. If court character is rebuttal. confinement. The amount to be as a poor debtor. After release he} ings. ids no probab e cause for binding paid in weekly installments is in continues liable. de: een over, ee may he discretion of the judge. Ifcourt yd oe - Court shail then bind finds no probable cause, it shall be a defendant over to common pleas or bar to future action. superior court as if probable cause : had been found. Complaint before or after birth; trial | Warrant - Justice has com jurisdi i i jud i i i T ; Cece nen cen de el nsec sew c este cence ec ec ere esw ec ewess plete jurisdiction to | Both parties are competent witnesses. | If judgment is against accused, he | 15 years........-.....-)-----ececeeeeeccecceeeeeccccccececcecee- AmONION, Tougt give eCnmMmNRS fg |.5. [loss sddecnuaneticabieccvocesvssloeoes> after birth. try the case; but from his decision | If the mother is dead at the time of | shall be ordered to pay $10 for con- : sum of $1,000 for performance ee ee ee eo obio aii an appeal lies on behalf of the hearing, her accusation in travail finement expenses, $10 tothe attend- judgment. accused to the court of panes ses- persevered in as a dying declaration ing physician, and not less than $5 sions. In this court trialis by jury. is admissible. The mother’s depo- nor more than $25 per month to sition is admissible where she is| mother or custodian of the child. unable to attend. Costs are paid by the defeated party. Complaint before or after birth. Com-| W. Puch sacs. oe nace limin i i i j is i i i ild di Mr per nat te ere seas arran) ~~ z z ae ‘ Prommines bee the Drialevemieapsenoo sc. 5 .scc5s Se css ee e AMOURU on iaemon tis instiamuscres|14 VOATS: . «26 S022. once | Meet occd. sod deococsshcte aces’ scl Se8 Judgment can be enforced y EMM | sic - <= eee =. sss $2 Jt eee ere If child dies and amounts due on bond | DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Pe y pe niveigiie ¢ ourt, oy i tion of the court. rr ante as 7 ie - be roy or amount due up to date of E eased after six months for insol- child’ 5 vency. ‘olent 0 be tatoo - a wet #5 sureties are discharged. org cm la be started before or | Warrant............-- Paes Series a LUTLESTY 025 a Sage ee EN | o-Ps It jndsmentcisseainat sGcHRpmeno:| 10 vOaTste <5 oat ct cs -Yak | ees tones fos. scone ea asec ce ee Must give tad 10: tie spembertate: es. Eee co 68k co ewe eebewccaced Death of the child makes the bond | FLORIDA. io au appears, accuse shall be ordered to pay expenses of execution may issue on this bond as void. Subsequent marriage of the s oun i over wit security to ap- confinement and not exceeding $50 often as money becomes due under parents has similar effect. pear for trial in the circuit court. per year ee ie support, ae bso el On failure Spar nance, and education of the child. ply defendant is imprisoned for ? term specified by court for not longer than one year. Proceedings may be started before or | Warrant...-.......... Justice hears affidavits and testimony | See preceding col i euri i imi i i I 2 f COMME <5. sd Ae | Mother must give security of $750 for | See under heading, “‘ Preliminary pro- | 14 yearS........2--2-2.[--------e seco ccee nen e cece cece een eeecee TE ene IME PE ONT BI fad oan ge os oa sac dn wah ant ded of¥ seeks doh dade ectheneebstnwnatcanchegnn GEORGIA. oe i ae porit a both. ee mn od support of child or discover on oath | ceedings.”’ , may beindicted. Failure to give the . scharge either or oth. He may the father of the child. security is a misdemeanor, but any ere: Leap ye give se. fine collected thereon goes toward I on o the mai i child, also expense of mother’s con- bond | taken by e justice is $ it t0 r en by the justice is sent to — ‘ss My on failure to give: such the ee - the county where the mother resides. When any child over under bond to appear before su- becomes chargeable to the county, perior or county court. La oe gets —* for the ull amount of the bond. When the woman is quick with child | Warrant...........--- Judge examinesinto the character and | On demand of accused trial is by j i i ingi i i i 7 : 2 5 181 I c y jury, | Mother shall be admitted as witness | Iffindingis against accused, heshall be | 14 yearS....-..--.--2.-|.---- 2c eee ence cence cece nec c enc eeccnes Tf accused fails to pay or to execute | The mother can not compromise un- | If after complaint has been made the | HAWAIL, oo ph pga a 2 po rons = np gma of the otherwise not. Trial may roceed and may be compelled to testify. ordered to pay in such installments bond, he shall be imprisoned; he less by consent of the court and au- mother diss or refuses to prosecute, ciate Fee ee hs, omit ng mo er = bein oh was begotten, in absence of accused though bond is Her accusation in time of travail is as seem. best, considering his finan- may be discharged for insolvency. thorized intervener or unless bond anyone entitled to make the com- i er ee " rom terri- a = _— of conception, where | forfeited. admissible at the trialto corroborate | cial ability, for the maintenance of is given to indemnify the parent, | plaint may prosecute. z deems necossory, the applidiat be —— pages creations kee ah ices Pat ’ Jo~ = i ing examined under sath aries sooner cron - PAGE NPY ENE Wen fag babe Wins eth anted]asveSso9 hase anes ssWs #slece sense ~daes.h---0 +0027 0. litem appointed. Death of child confinement; if child is public charge, it is trial. ings’’) gives lien upon real estate of either before or after judgment is no taken to county of mother’s legal residence | accused to the extent of any judg- bar to the suit, but in either case at proper time; if can not establish legal ment which may thereafter be such reduction may be made as is residence of mother, child is taken to ‘ rendered. Proper. A fraudulent marriage for county where born. If mother resident - of escaping ci ences of of another State, she and child are taken 5 ‘ bastardy act subjects father to an there as soon as she is able.) action for a penalty of at least $200 | tea ga ails to support or mis- : : : : S Wi e MOVs ee ea Caicos ca mites aicall jingraies Soh cee Maia aah If marriage is void account nonage, | Subsequent marriage of parents legiti- | See note 1............-eeceeecececeeeceeeeeee Illegitimate child inherits from and trans- | Father is liable to contribute to the su . . . ; ; ; insanity, or idiocy, or because of| mates illegitimate child. Seenote3. mits inheritance to the mother. Mother | port of his illegitimate child, Illegiti- [7777777777777 er ieee ieee ee laint, | Proceedings may be begun before or | Notice asin any ordi- |...-.--.-+2--+++---2+0+20seeeeeeeeeeeees Issue is guilty or not guilty, and is |..............-......0.cceeeeeees eee eeee If judgment, against accused, he shall |.............2..2-.20c0+/ssreeesereeeretetesecesseeeeecesenetees Execution may issue at any time t0 |----.--------------e-e0eeeeeeeeceeeeeeee| te eeeeeececenseecesceeeececeessccneceeees IOWA. prior marriage, if last marriage was Illegitimate child has residence of mother; | ofsuch child may surrenderit tohome for | mate child inherits from father if its ” state tuk a besterd th oe — after birth. nary action. tried as an ordinary action. e charged with maintenance of the compel obedience to order of the contracted in good faith, issue legiti- if she have none, then that of father. friendless children if child is in her care aternity is proved during father’s life. about tal he bere ane ‘st nage 7. child in such sums and manner as court. The filing of complaint mate as . — of con- and custody. his fact may be Soctieeat in a sup- Shotethen st accuse the court may direct, together with creates a lien on the real estate of tracting. — em port proceeding. Such child also in- , the cost of the action. The court accused for performance ofany order Impotency 0 ict tae eae, erits from father ifit has been publicly may increase or decreasethe amount thatmay bemade. Ifcomplaint be toe ee ee a recognized. of the judgment or vacate the same oo judge any, om attach- - i ; toissue wi : suptial pieelancy of Sth mien we upon proper notice to the accused. s out bon has illegitimate child living at time of marriage, which fact was un- eee , pum = wife eet : een eet e eee lee cece ee eet e tee nets eee ee eee eens ildren of parents whose Marriage |... .........---0++--e0e+--eeee---seeee--| Se MOLE G.... 2... eeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeee| Hlegitimate child inherits from mother......| Illegitimate child inherits from father if justi imi fase ; ‘ ; ; ; a. ; may be annulled because of want of See note 7. ane has recognized child publicly or |)"7°77°7 77°77 7777777" ioe hearing; ——s wk bon t ne of or | Proceedings may be started up to 2| Warrant.............. Preliminary hearing beforejustice. If | Issue is tried by court or jury. Gov- | If mother dies before final judement. | If findingisiaoninstiaccimmmmne\counts eis... 2-0208c 25 sec tes os coc easincecessectncécescses we obeens Bond required of accused, in default of | Prosecuting witness may dismiss suit | Death of mother does not abate pro- | KANSAS, age or understanding of contracting in writing. If recognition is mutual . pregnant with bastard child. years after birth or during preg- he finds accused to be the father of | erned by rules of civil actions. her testimony before justiceis admis- | makes an order for support and giving such bond, sent to jail; but | at any time. This bars all other ceedings if child is living, In such parties are legitimate if begotten be- father inherits from child ? nancy. child, he requires bond for his ap- sible in evidence. maintenance of child by payment of shall not be imprisoned for more prosecution for same cause. case guardian is appointed and suit fore such marriage is annulled. fe arance in county court for trial. so much per year to the mother, or than 1 year. Execution may issue continued in name of child. Tf fa- em on failure to give ifshe be cad, to such proper person whenever any amount is due on ther dies after preliminary examina- ond. as the court directs. The amount judgment. tion, the right of action survives and time of payment are in discre- against personal representatives. If tion of court. child dies after judgment, court oa we adjustment in amount : ; e paid. eI WCMe Nt po styl uss knee trae asad. pe daaeasapeas ase Every child begotten or born out of | Subsequent marriage of parents legiti- | See note 3...............-220-.-2-e-ee eSeaans Illegitimate child inherits from and through | Acknowledgment by father after marriage ‘di : : : , : wedlock is illegitimate. Issue ofin-| mates illegitimate child. See note 5. its mother and transmits inheritance to| to ether of illegitimate child Togiti- Laine oir ates ett See oo — eee Voges woman delivered of bas- My end een after a Of | Warrant .......2..2-2./e-ee 22sec e eee eee eee e eee eeeee eee eeees Jury trial. Can proceed in absence of | Mother may testify.................... If for accused, he is discharged unlessa | As jury determines....|...........2222220cececececececececsecee AOGHGOd Hla Bee end a. OOMNT MAD | ~ << shes om 04 0 D6b65 sa venks cGecube cre galesnebeedawesasvevanethessaceeddec cic... KENTUCKY. cestuous es such fact discov- See note 6. her. mates it. hen Go ocuaty Weeks Eee Oe . child until chi 3 years old. accused, new trial is granted. Jury decides carrying out judgment; on failure he ered in lifetime of parties, illegiti- See note & sides. County court has complete what sum is payable per year and for is jailed; may be discharged for in- mate. Issue of marriage of white “Child” in workmen’s compensation statute : jurisdiction, P how many years; judge determines solvency. and colored partiesillegitimate. Is- includes recognized illegitimate child. how often this shall be paid and sue of other void marriages legiti- makes such order for maintenance mate as to both parties. If divorce ; r and education of child as may be granted account antenuptial preg- oF : proper. - : nancy of wife, issue illegitimate. PERN ire thx Paes atibesie sas ereh aan hi Wd alps Kasinsp-a4l san iene tweet galley MaMa Ls WNNE henes -* > ~ kA MMR acd dowalin bugsaawssesws acecamrapenes ana ceesl kay ot pcoueubibh Geadrws cabsags tas aw eel cama Gobee ce ha ee a es ee MAINE Children of incestuous marriages ille- | I}legitimate is heir of both nts if | te 5 I hild inherits f th a ea ee ee ee ee A ee ee TEAM ee se Ape eer Pages en eLh Get ta voce, UO eam e's SRMmntENS ci] everais s #'#) #9 Sie eincte ieieiele Ruse a= = o> ble sie jm o't° otic Ss sleloiS a) oieie Gini 6 => = miata rata as einai nh setar ceo epeneta lar Stele ct atROL OPCs 2 rc Oe ae aca nn ce, Se Ie yarei eta oe cs EE erates [aloicinin's els arolaia Soins Siaiattia min niais ase wyaiaronar sites | ain win Sale = aiepsiotaiao cus Sib tel Os Nate ene Od BNO Sere Wc ciate Ae ee ae ig ed Ga LOUISIANA.1! PEIN Wert cute we Same Sessa Sow nc aR cad stew Se nauieae nese sg vin am dren of inc e egitimate is heir of both parents i OO HOPG We ghia iaisi eh a eee er month as the court tay decide. more than one-half the share of legiti- mother dead, her heirs at law inherit the nates Ghee 0 er to justice or give bond to fother may be required to indem- mate child if father had died intes- property. : indemnify county until child is 12. iis ee cy ib eng a. On tate, ailure to give these bonds, mother may be imprisoned for one year and MASSACHUSETTS I fi t arriages, illegiti- | Marri f t d acknowled; S te 5 d rits f hi d ae seeee joe e cee r tree ero reseeeeereese--seeeee+----| Issue of incestuous mar y Ulegiti- Triage Ol parents and acknowleds- | See Note 5...-...-------------++-++-++--+----| Mlegitimate child inherits from mother and | Man adjudged father of illegitimate child | The getting of a| Where mother or accused. mS ; j 5: ait ; mate; issue of marriages void for| ment by father legitimates illegiti- | See note 7. any maternal ancestor. Issue of illogiti- an adie Colt pate toanaee bly Colts sn lini wth oan |< ben eee Dated ad ae. wT ee haniee ce oe ee ae oe pvaeehile inh abies iitaeh bbe: hater ca Le ena erin etre tee ee ieee ee ee Clie Cogek re tamale OG, | 6 505 occa sie osc is Ne oot acbwnngdatcassnud detec ccesetecaneds — orders as to expenses of con- |----------+-++++++0e0eees esse ee eeee eee Justice may dismiss complaint where | MASSACHUSETTS, nonage, insanity, or idiocy, legiti- mate child. Abandonment statute made _ expressly mate represents him as to inheritance; port during its minority just as if child by a man not her pal. police, or district court; where settlement in commonwealth. Trial may be had before birth also vision has been made for mainte- 1ement, defendant may be com- mother and accused have married. mate as to party capable ofcontract- applicable to illegitimate children. See property of illegitimate descends to and were legitimate; failure to do so, misde- husband is a misde- such courts do not exist, before any unless defendant objects to an adju- nance of child or court is convinced mitted for not more than two ing. (Same is true if marriage void note 2. Decree for adoption of illegiti- through the mother. Mother of illegiti-| meanor. Question of paternity may be meanor. trial justice. An appeal lies on part Heation belors Ghild Ie born or ; that accused is not father or if the months. Defendant may be put on because offormer aoe Ifman mate not made without consent ofmother;| mate child under 2 may give up child to} determined in a support action against of defendant to superior court. mother advanced six months in mother and father have married. If probation and sentence suspended and woman marry when either has fact of illegitimacy not expressly averred | State board of charity ifthey consent and | putative father. Marriage of parents pregnancy accused is adjudged to be the father on condition of making periodical oe living, but act in good faith on record. In birth registration name of} she has borne a good reputation. Mainte-| and acknowledgment by father legiti- : before birth, case is continued until ee for term not exceeding they are deemed legally marrie illegitimate child orits parents not printed | nance bond may be required of parent of | mates. Maintenance bond may be re- birth; defendant then ordered to wo years. Upon violation of the when impediment is removed if by city or town; word “illegitimate” | illegitimate child. quired of parent of illegitimate. Grant- pay expenses of confinement to ee he mn HAY they continue to live together, and used instead. Name of father not stated ing divorce, giving issue to mother, no mother or to probation officer. In be enforced. issue of such subsequent marriage is by physician unless requested so to do by defense to father in support proceeding. addition, before birth court may legitimate as to both parents. Di- father and mother in writing. Person make such orders for care of child as vorce for adultery of wife, legitimacy receiving child under 3 for board or to 5 it deems best. These orders may of issue not affected. secure adoption for it shall learn if possible be revised at any time. if child be illegitimate. Officers of State . board of charity may enter and inspect any building if they think illegitimate child is mistreated therein. MICBIGAN:. .o2scnes oes Children begotten before commence- | Issue incestuous marriages, legiti- | Subsequent marriage of parerits and | Sce note 2......----e-eeececccecececeeccecece Illegitimate child inherits from but not | Subsequent marriage of parents ofillegiti- |...................----- Justice court for preliminaries; circui v= i 7, ‘ : . . 3 : ment of suit for divorce account | mate; issue of marriage annulled for | acknowledgment by father legiti- | See note 3. through its mother. Property of illegiti- |" mate and acknowledgment by the father count tot blak +) Ay vo a ene ee ee tele ee En et ent etotias eS Pea ie iog belore rE Te ete ee eg [ooo oot cnmnee enenaie ae cavewette If accused is guilty, he is charged |......-....--2-02..-2cee/eeceeseeecesececeeer ese eceeeseeseereees Bond is given to the superintendent | Superintendents of POOL MAY QOMLPTO™ |------++--20reeecennreceessesenverses ene. MICHIGAN. adultery presumed legitimate until | idiocy,insamity,nonage,force,fraud, | mates illegitimate child. See note 5. ’ i mate descends to and throughits mother. | of such child legitimates it. Acknowl- ent of poor of county where mother shall be held for trial; ifso, accused guilty. In - ar as a with maintenance of child with ba “a county. Pg failure i future liabilit at, Srecing from contrary is shown. or because of former marriage, legiti- Adoption of illegitimate must be with edgment by father made in same manner asks for aid. gives recognizance for his appear-| bf trial onespt ovioes ad ace assistance of mother in such manner Sis Boe areceee $6 Magen s. it mate as to party capable of contract- mother’s consent. Ifshe has surrendered as acknowledgment to deed of realestate. ab ppe of trial except officers and those re- as court may direct. ter six months may be released as ing. Divorce for adultery of wife control of child to incorporated asylum, : quired by law to be in attendance. poor debtor, but continued liable. does not affect legitimacy ofissue of consent of principal officer of such asylum marriage; if legitimacy of child required. questioned, decided on proof of cause. AUNTS OD AS asec ccs [settles sos eaaes Seance eek eae eS Issue of annulled marriages, legitimate.) Subsequent marriage of parents legiti-| State board of control looks after interests of |.............-..---ececeeeeeee Shon eases If child is conceived of fornication and Justice or municipal court for prelimi- | Woman delivered of or pregnant with | Proceedin rs i ; . : 2 0 ) ate k 1 -- a MUG eewe cies css oscinceeces see C i I ags may be begun before or | Warrant.............. If complaint by mother, justi i i i tf Count mates illegitimate enild. illegitimate child so that latter may have father abscondsfrom State during period naries; district court for trial. illegitimate child. County board of | after birth; trial only after birth. Judes taker. complaleaith seriting | ohare ce ania ete ek nee | {tate cuumination te epee ee ae I ee te ee a aE ele Sediee oy a MARINE foes nnsttwe ven esseiartensees pasednsses MINNESOTA. approximately same ee as a of gestation or within 60 days thereafter county where mother resides or any under oath; issues warrant thatruns | plainant not delivered or can not | to jury if delentent so sees of child. Mon oid : . mG obligations for care malsttenance time fixed by court committed tojail | Putative father of illegitimate child mate child. To do this, board may ini- to escape paternity proceedings, he is member ofit or of State board ofcon- throughout State; makes proper attend or for other good cause case At preliminary proceeding or at entered a init de bndant 1 endedusation of such child and to unless proper bond has been given. as they deem just for expenses for tiate proceedings, cooperate with child- guilty ofafelony. case of petition for trol may apply to justice or munici- entriesin docket. Onreturn of war- may be continued and this renews trial physician may testify as to expenses panied b count : fc all penalties for failure to perform He may be discharged from jail after which county could get judgment —_— organizations, “ ae seahorse adoption father, so adjudged, of illegiti- pal court to inquire into circum- rant accused and complainantexam-| bond. New bond may be required if date of pregnancy of patlont with- ieee and support of Binihcy aed sanive Which are imposed b ate on 90 days’ confinement upon proper State board of control or guardian of to lo Po may eppoiit a a _ we are mate child is notified thereof. stances : ined under oath andsameisreduced | court deems it necessary orsureties | out her consent and shall testify | for care and support of child prior to father of legitimate child of like age | petition to court and notice to rson of illegitimate may accept eects SS da he obieets at the State = weet a com ena or} requireit, All records of court pro- when called as a witness. time of judgment and for costs of and capacity. county attorney and hearing by rom adjudged father of such child a board; if there is no county welfare board, be excluded. Upon finding reason. withhe d py ction and no Jato one Jjudeiont _ that om: oe 2 fgg = ~ eee H beondia orp 9 be Bay oh ee — mot the judge of the juvenile court may ap- able cause to Delieve defendant copies furnished. to ey except paz ar at ptr re ‘St ce defendant adjudged father af Shild tenance, and “sdneabiah of child. oint local agents to cooperate with the guilty, latter bound over under bond ties in interest or upon order of court ral t J h k f _ mother of child may recover of him By this father is discharged from all tate board. If child or woman delivered to appear before district court at : registrar, who makes record of same eo a BearBrar y , , further Hability, elyil or erin inel or pregnant with child is received in ma- , next term or upon date set; if in connection with cifil@’s birth tai ber de te contneiecee cl |. OMtiet UGut of uhothee to oalloct tec Scat onetime ae secsed als "to'give Sond, “sent srr oe Sit oa ot, eee eal eo ee mus used to learn ife¢ egitimate; jail. Justi j i : i 0 : not ee oe ee ee exemination end Tehuns same cs Blow Go ttacloze tose Eee tac’ Sat Woaks Boies ander cneitt also board. The records of such board are clerk of district court. If laint allowed to disclose fact of legitimacy ¢ : ‘ i fact tained tiaraln shall . com except upon proper order of court for expenses of burial of child if private and facts con e erein sha by other than mother, justice or and fact of illegit hall not be latter stillborn or has died soon not be disclosed except upon proper order. judge summons mother and exam- acieee ai i e tiled sha, i birt , after birth. Abandonment statute is made applicable es her as to facts of case. Tn all etidowths races UeasCR acres : to illegitimate as well as legitimate chil- cases mother may be required to abe TENGE UE orn dren. In death certificate, if person ille- attend hearing as a witness. . gitimate, name and residence of father not ven without his consent unless he has en adjudged to be father of deceased. (See column headed ‘‘Judgment.’’) In- corporated hospital may be custodian of person of illegitimate child if latter born there or left there by mother for eat ee of being placed in suitable home. statute governing concealment of birth and death of illegitimate children the word ‘‘bas- tard”’ is eliminated and ‘‘illegitimate” used instead. See note 1. See note 4. ; See note 5. . ; (For Notes 1-8 see Sheet No. 1 of Tabular analysis.) 1 See separate table for Louisiana. 90956—19. No.2. Tabular analysis of American Illegitimacy Laws—Continued. | . pas : t State. ' Presumption of legitimacy. Void marriages and divorce Legitimation by marriage of mother Miscellaneous s rovisions i ; Jurisdiction, Civil or Evidence. Compulsion to disclose ; ee g Pd Boning tatus provisions. Child and mother. Child and father. criminal. Designa- | Courts and locality of jurisdiction. Who may make complaint. Time of complaint and trial. Limi- Process. Preliminary proceedings. Trial. name of father. Accusation in | JU4 ae. ti Lee Period of support. Provisions preg eg as to name Enforcement. Security. Lien. Compromise. Effect ot geet an, Mar State. ed ict te isi te gs iS aliens Here Children of marri ‘ : : ‘ . : . # ‘ ‘ ‘ : previckis mee ieee of Subset Oe of pagel ing bay = a Le pahigere aes se en i — om nee uals Subsequent marriage of parents and ac- |..............-....----- Justice court for preliminaries; circuit | Any single woman and where child is | Complaint may be before or after birth; | Warrant.............- Justice has a preliminary hearing and | Trial before jury .......--------------- If mother is dead, her testimony before | If finding is against accused, jury May | 18 years..............2)..2 2002 e ee eeeee eee eee c cece cece eeeeeees Bond -miusibe given to secure folie |... 0k. Spates secs enadceeeess- After death of father pr may | MISSISSIPPI ? : maveaana Sitimate child. , ver aa shothver af eealinehate eh a sane aa et “1 siaatenae reais ile cs al al aoe ae cn b ae meee illegiti- court of county for trial. Complaint apt to become a charge, the board of | trial only after birth. If mother if he decides that there is probable justice is read at the trial and her assess such damages as it thinks ment of judgment; on failure to give continue against his personal repre- ; cf asctaaael Aanth attatiee Gud ineccr ct = ere gi ‘ me e . capable of eriting as if proper either where mother or father supervisors. If mother dies before makes complaint, it must be within cause, then accused is bound over for statements during travail, if dying proper to the mother, or to the child bond, imprisonment. After six sentative. Subsequent marriage of fie neato Cited ba cane of event Geet ee te ° orninlawfulwedlock. Court ofequity resides or where child is born. starting suit it may be brought in 12 months from birth; if supervisors trial. If he decides for accused, the declarations, are admissible. if she be dead, payable annually or months may be released on such the parents cancels bond given for 7 rot oe has epctan o — by — to name of bastard before he reaches 5 do so, it must be within 1 year after mother may appeal to circuit court. otherwise for a period not longer than terms as judge prescribes. The support. If child dies before prose- a were ee » _ i sae eg " a = ° years. child has become a charge and not Persons other than parties, wit- 18 years. judgment may at any time be en- cution but mother is stillliving, pro- A c after it is 10 years old. nesses, and officers may be excluded forced by execution on the bond. ceedings may continue and judgment them to be heirs of petitioner hi i ju ; . from the hearing. may be rendered for amount deemed just. Bond is canceled if both moth- er bet rs ig or Pe mother me — com: suit does not abate but continues in name of child. MINBOU RT (62) 0 cc| ik Issue of annulled marri ctf - saint . ig a alee RE a tae eat i dips «ase Joe t ages legitimate. | Subsequent m of parents and |} See note 3................-------------------| Illegitimate child inherits from mother, also | Subsequent marriage of parents and recog- |.. Divorce does not affect legitimacy of | recognition by father legitimates; | See note 5. through her, and transmits inheritance to | nition by father legitimates. IP apr sibter sss Stay mie barenn eet banner - an geen enapamiohe Fie ha miaar pian ra mR “90° y Rem ANP A aIRg Nan ns} “4 < ARM hin 2 5 SA RMBEN + * $F bode sogetvan s Me ete ON ce etme Oia hte oa hierar seer ot aa ee 10 months after dissolitti ery of bushems, legaumney © See note 6. mate child inherits from mother and she | into his family; if father has so acknowl ? court directs and with cost of suit court and accused may be sent t eae | cory copeme babies seisee beguel, “Child” in workmen’s compensation statute | from him; he does not inherit by represen- | edged the child in writing the child in- es centeh thee ok dae tae ae ‘ai tae Ietate to occa Tiling of i a. e. eras sae tof ak if divorce is for Sane. ve her gag pi legitimized Page| ee of his oe unless child has been herits from the father. judgment on Be plies to defend- contnistaat fixes tien” on any real ree gran : timacy of children z s may a i Fi 5 children begotten before action isbe: | _ten before act of adultery, legitimate; iotake her * a inca ae P Pan egitimated by the marriage of his parents. ant as court may prescribe. property of accused in the county gun presumed legitimate; presump- | legitimacy of other chili en decided ent entitled to custody of child must sup- where the action is pending. tion of legitimacy can be disputed by evidence of case. port him. only by husband or wife or their de- scendents. NEBRASKA........... All children begotten before suit is | Issue of marriages void account of non- | Subsequent i ; sti ildi i i sts site's : . L ages Wi - marriage of ae- | See note 1....-.---------- +--+ eee eee eee ne Illegitimate child is considered heir of mother | INegitimate child is heir of father if latter |.- Complaint may be inatt i i i } irih: i i i iali j a i justice i i i i i i i com: ‘ M As I yt taeher ii latter |.-.-.........----------- y be made to any justice | Any unmarried woman pregnant with | Complaint may be before or after birth; | Warrant............-. Justice examines complainant under | Trialis by jury. County may prose- | Testimony before justice is admissible | If guilty, accused shall be adjudged the |............2.222220 22222 cece cece e cece cee cececcceee Accused must furnish security for ful- | Accused and complainant ma PE Aske id 0 b/s sos Mee ou eee E quner'a i ieee eats eee ee begat Sore by father and hav- } See note 3. but does not represent mother or father in | acknowledges him in writing im presence in State; district court for thal. or delivered of bastard. County | trial only after birth. oath, the accused tavine right to| cute if mother fails to do a P here. Mother is a competent wit- father of child and hadeen with Te eee, oer eR NN mre Yee a MEE gece |e a, Uae ee fillment of judgment or go o jailun- | case before justice if aoaubed — are pon a ? a a a ie , sti ing other issue legitimates illegiti- | See note 6. 3 : matter of inheritance unless before the of witnesses but child can not represent commissioners may make complaint cross-examine her. He takes recog- ness unless ineligible for conviction maintenance in such sums as court til he does furnish it bond to county commissioners to se- , contract ne pe ae Jegiti- | mate. All of these must concur. Abandonment statute appliesexpressly toil-| death of the child the per ents marry, have | either father or mother in matter of in- when security is not given to indem- nizance of accused for his appearance for crime. Any confession of hers | shall order. : cure them from expense; justice ma a “of inogstanne jt np legitimate as well as legitimate children. other —, ae . oe acknowledges Hapttsticn eee Bis death - as nify county and the mother does not before district court. made at any time shall be admissible then discharge accused. * . ee ehild. iNegt es Intestate, amarry, have other c! en, er . i i - marriages between whites ee. ‘a without lawful issue, his estate descends | acknowledgesillegitimate. Subsequent aa tr aC BREE DE OER A Ae 1 groes,i ee oe ae egies te tohis mother, and in case of her deeease,to | marriage of parents, acknowledgment by sora 4, acd ‘ Pe not. ee be ond her heirs at law. father, and having other issue, legiti- mac, ’ . 3 i . € es gitimacy is questioned, it is decided : ao illegitimate; all of these must con: on the proofs. of the case. 5 NEV Ais cctv e0 sew Children of all annulled marriages are | Subsequ i i avith aid i i ; ine illeviti ween ete ee eee eee eee eee eee eee renee ire ent marriage of parents: legiti- | See note 1--.-.---.--------------------------| Illegitimate child is always heir of mother. | Father by publicly acknowledging illegiti- | Begetting of illegiti- |.....- rey Paternity of child ma i Court may adju ther li Refusal to comply with the j No complaint may be s legitimate. mates, note 3. ; ; phy ofillegitimate child not acknowl- | mate child as own, or receiving itinto his mate child is aie BD cs eM ete COMMER do MM em as Age NMR 2 cee a by canual sree oreo ons the or, BUaee eg sac, | Ue ek gpmentaruiee treet: (ieee tachi es dct ea shall be Content of a ngroatinnt of father Sreinn Pe er hee eae Under workmen’s compensation statute | odged if child dies intestate, but passes to | family, his wife consenting, if he bema-- | demeanor. mother or by confession of father, if , { children conclusively presumed to be| his mother, and in case of her decease to| ried, or otherwise treating it as legiti- not denied by mother, or by proof dependent include natural, posthumous, | her heirs at law. Mother has custody of| mate, adopts child assuch; theacknowl- before court in such manner as court or adopted children, whether “legitimate | the illegitimate child. edgment by father must be in writing, determines. Mother may testify or illegitimate.” Parent of illegitimate signed in presence of one credible wit- and may be compelled to testify child who neglects it is guilty of a misde- ness; child so acknowledged is heir of ; | meanor. father. " ND Wate a ease ol Soi at va dec es sc0e sa ccd nd sbaeeree Children of incestuous marriages ille- | Subsequent marriage of parents legiti- | Birth certificate has no statement as to legiti- | I]Jegiti inheri i , : : : Ay , ‘ : : : i . ; Ce : egitimate child inheritsfrom mother and | Subsequent marriage of parents causes |............2.2.22. 2... Where theact was committed or where | Any woman pregnant with or deliv- | Before or after birth for complaint if | Warrant.............. Justice takes recognizance with secu- | Trial by court unless either party asks |..........-....22--------0-2e0ee Tf found chargeable, court shall order Onsetlure to: Obey Order aoCusedeiAy ||s% > a's debics ts kv 6 dws Bere amen cGk vedo ea es FO eiewae wweenaewlan uaneueusdebegusecee NEW HAMP et ieee of pa poo oo mates illegitimate child. macy. through her; he also transmits his inherit- illegitimate to inherit as if born legiti- mother resides. Justice court for ered of bastard; or, if she neglects to, made by mother; suede by cttieiala, rity for appearance before trial court. for tony. Selectmen oe commis- payment oF MER 0S), ec Ee eae te eg be imprisoned; may be discharged peace rg eae ae writ Welnabie aites® neds : ne oe iocthmatemna ti Sree chi mate. cc : ‘koe court of| selectmen of gre or county com- an ig it one year after sioners may ee — reasonable to the mother or to select- on : be He ae court thinks ( tten 4 . i , rf county for tria ssioners may do so. child’s birth. uit, i i i i roper for inability to pay. it be so expressed in the decree. Abandonment statute expressly includes | dren inherit equally. Legitimation by aie Cena | eT : ttt Both Tele aad inthe Gatto ion ere illegitimate child. subsequent marriage of parents causes rant of justice escapes from county, 3 required to indemnify town or See note 1. ti . illegitimate toinherit as if born legitimate. sheriff or deputy may pursue him county. In addition mother ofillegitimate under 3, if and take him in any county and she be of good character, may by writing carry him before some justice of surrender her child to State board of chari- latter county for trial ties, with its consent; this operates as a R consent to any adoption subsequently approved by said board. NE Wi TRB Y <0. o5s8[ oe coesece asses Si egueesens.ssose een Issue of marriage annulled because of | Subsequent marriage of parents and | See note 7 Mother of illegitimate child hes exclusive | Subse i * ee: : : : Reece ; ; ) . aoe en ; ¢ and | See note 7.........---------+-+- pectecet sees t 5 2 quent marriage of parents and recog- |........2.2...2.2.- 2 ene At domicile of mother or where she | Overseers of poor of township; or, if |Complaint may be madeand trialhad | Warrant.............. Mother is examined under oath and | Upon a rance of accused before | Mother may be compelled to disclose | If judgment is for accused on appeal, |........... 02 ccc cee ce cle nce cncecccccccccececes Accused must give bond or be com- |--------------------s0-2-eccecce see eeees Death of mother does not abate the | NEW JERSEY. adi fonts lesiti gee recognition of child legitimates ille- Under workmen’s compensation statute | right to its custody and control; ifshe be | nition of child logitimates, (See ed- may be. Any committing officer | child peinaaiee of publicinstitution, | before or after birth. may be compelled to disclose name he smentaetate he may demandjury | name of father ee magistrate or e & cudnt and bond a oon eae ee ck es, Ree eee tiny las St ae mitted. Action may be brought action. ivorce affec a alae a eae “ gitimate child. “dependent” children includeillegitimate | unfit, child may be committed to care of} ing column.) If person is arrested on has jurisdiction. an officer of Saat institution may of father; refusal to do so is con-| trial by paying jury costs. Either| sent to jail. If on appeal mother} celed. If judgment is against against signers of bond to enforce S marriage pee Gast . children if they are part of deceased’s | an institution. If mother of illegitimate | criminal charge involving bastardy and complain. The action shall then be tempt and she may be sent to jail.| party may appeal from decision in| has died or is insane or out of State, | accused, order of the magistrate the award. These proceedings may cause of previo ge. household at time of his death. child dies and leaves no lawful issue, sur- consents to marry the woman, such mar- for relief of institution. Magistrate then issues warrant for magistrate’s court and a jury may testimony given by her before mag- shall be examined and may be be brought by the county prosecutor See note 5. plusage of goods paid to illegitimate child; | riage may take place at once upon get- father. be demanded in court above by | _ istrateis Sdmiseible, amended. Court may then assess or attorney of to ip in which if iNegitimate child dies intestate and | ting proper license. either party. proper costs and expenses and poe were first begun. leaves no heirs, real property goes to ‘ specify the amount to paid for oney so collected on bond shail be i mother; if she be dead, property goes to ; the support ofthe child. Sum may used to reimburse the county or her heirs at law; if mother has no heirs at be pa t weekly or otherwise. Ac- township or for expenses arising law but has illegitimate children, prop- cused shall pay costs of confinement from confinement of mother. Bee nae rn 5 al | eee eee are ee Date es ee ee a judgment wal daell op inpricend | tpn Seriaches, Oak tieng es een trtttetttteeee NORTH DAKOTA, usband be impotent. In case of dren of ali marriages null in law father legitimates. See note 5. collateral; this applies to cases where child be legitimate or illegitimate if county for trial. started before or after birth. Must Mother must state name of father : establish paternity if reputed father the maintenance of child with the is likely to be ab e on failure todoso. He may be dis- of county commissioners a t divorce for wife’s adultery, children | or dissolved by divorce, legitimate. See note 6. natural father is married to another than | nameoffather beknown. Acknowledg- be begun within one year of the and time and place of conception be dead ” help of the mother, as the judge| tosupport itself.” charged for insolvency. Orders of| suminsatisfactionand bor dis di fan presumed legitimate until contrary Tf divorce be prantod for adultery of Seenote7, ; 5 the mother of illegitimate child. In the ment ofillegitimate child by father must birth, not counting the time father under oath Pp. P * decmas necattery ? pp . the court may be enforced by action to indemnify the 0 7 z seve : shown; children of woman who has} husband, children begotten before : Mother of illegitimate child may appoint | latter caseillegitimate chlld can not dwell | be public; he must be received into : is not an inhabitant of the State or , : on the bond and the arrest ofdefend- | expense, includin, that YH cain been married born within 10 months suit bi are legitimate; if divorce j guardian for it. Boarding houses for with father if he be married to another father’s family, with wife’s consent (if not usually residing in it. ant may be directed. ? 8 otlying-in, after dissolution of marriage ee. granted for adultery of wife, legiti- children include places where illegitimate | thanthe mother. Ifillegitimatechildnot | he be married), and child must be sumed legitimate children of that} macy of children begotten before children arereceived. Everychilddeclared | acknowledged by father dies intestate | treated as iflegitimate. | marriage. Presumption of legiti- doing of act not affected; legitimacy legitimate child of natural parents and is without lawful issue, his estate goes to 3 macy can be disputed only by hus- of other children determined by evi- entitled to supper and education as * mother; in case of her death, goes to her band or wife or descendants of one | dence of case. in lawful wedlock. (Act of 1917.) Neces-| heirs at law. or both of them. sary expenses of mother of illegitimate child under care of ae hospital, if not paid in four months after confine- ment, charged to county of mother’s legal residence. If such child becomes public charge, taken to county of mother’s legal residence; if legal settlement of child or mother can not be established, child becomes ward of county where born. If indigent mother of illegitimate has come from another State and remained in State = uring confinement, she and child may be : returned to other State as soon as practi- : cable. ORION 52a sevice ec pelt ides caro n amen acer cee nst ces Issue of void marriages, legitimate. | Subsequent marriage of parents with | See note 4...........-...-..-------2---20-2-- Illegitimate child inherits from and through | Subsequent marriage of parents ofillegiti- |--...........2..222--+.- Justice of peace for preliminaries, | Unmarried woman. Ifshe fails to do | Before or after birth...............-.-- WAIGtS sucess se Justice shall examine complainant | Trialis by jury. For proceedings in | The testimony given bef ice is | Ifjudgmentis against accused, heshall _| Where accused ean not be found, the | A compromise may be made i .| The death of Divorce has no effect on legitimacy | acknowledgment by father legiti- | Abandonment statute applies expressly to | its mother and transmits inheritance to| mate child and acknowledgment by court of common pleas for trial. 80, proper officers of town or county name cath ta preeesee of conned, cate uk datos: af aamaneh, sos l eduladieaindidenses. ” recires e adjudged a 50 ENS aa “I ees Sr vatetnarie onan pe eeanen tees transcript of the record beforejustice | ence tf Missice oe ouaurerhan taaet Gee = ote as of children of parties to marriage. mates illegitimate child. illegitimate as well as legitimate children. | _ her. father legitimates such child. interested in support of child or the who may cross-examine. Proceed-| umn headed “Enforcement.” and stands charged with its main- shall be filed before clerk of county | plainant agrees to receiveasumin| __living,in which case the name of the director of county infirmary, if the ings shall be reduced to writing. tenance as the court shall order, and court, with affidavit by complain-| satisfaction and accused gives bond child is substituted for that of the mother becomes a charge therein, Justice binds accused over under also with the costs of the suit. ant setting out the facts, and clerk | to indemnify county or town from | mother. After judgment, if child may make complaint, or they may bond tocourt ofcommon pleas. Im- of court shall issue an order of at-| expense. dies, court may make appropriate finish suit already begun if mother prisoned on failure to give bond. tachment. Under this order pro reduction in amount due fails to do so, erty not to exceed $1,000 may be : seized. Upon return of the order service may be had by publication for six weeks. If the accused then be adjudged the father and does not pay the judgment, a requisite amount ofhis property shall be sold. Accused must give security to per- form order of court; on failure to do so may be sent to jail, but may be discharged after three months as an insolvent by notice to complainant. ORUATHOMEA- . 02.5. .>+ All children born in wedlock pre- | Issue ofall marriages nullin law, legiti- Subsea marriage of illegitimate | See note 1.............-.--...2eeeeeeeeeeeeee Mother of illegitimate child is entitled to its | Adoption intofamily of father legitimates |....._..._. saa eae eee Action shall be brought where mother | Any person may make the complaint. | Proceedings may be started before or | Warrant.......-------) 022000 o cc cececccccecccececccecececeeess Tesnbiis auilty: or-not-euiley, Coun o.oo. eee Ifaccused is found guilty, heis charged |_.........-.---ceeeee seh Beacon oe ee Hxoc nay tesunle taunt dol |\:c ae... 95 er ne, oo eer ee ee ea OKL sumed legitimate. All children of} mate. Marriages at forbidden ages ehild’s parents makes child legiti- | See note 3. custody, service, and earnings. Lllegiti-| illegitimate child. If father acknowl- resides. County court has jurisdic- Board of eanty Carurainclahens are after birth, . et —_ ae pel ome "jeunamah ae 5s with pipe Reged Sap fe in pire ike SURI ODe Denia CelenGe| ME rang tS St emo aR ged enc —— woman who has been married born may be authorized by court tosettle mate, See note 5. mate chiid inherits from mother and trans- edges ee child in writing, same tion of entire proceedings. required to bring proceedings in case jury. Ifjury is demanded, case is sum as court may direct. Court ant may be required to secure per- within 10 months after dissolution bastardy suits unless such marriage See note 7. cha mitsinheritance toher. Illegitimate child becomes his heir. the bastard or mother is liable to set for trial at next term and defend- may change its orders at any time formance of orders as court shall of same presumed legitimate chil- would be incestuous. Guardian of person or estate of illegiti- does not inherit as representing his parents become a charge. ant released on bond. Appeal may upon notice to defendant and county direct. The filing of complaint dren of that era Legitimacy mate child may be epponites by. will or unless they have intermarried and the be taken as in other actions. attorney. creates a lien upon real property of can be disputed only by husband deed of its mother. Parent entitled to| father has acknowledged the child. If accused in the county nes action or wife or descendants of one or both custody ofillegitimate child must support illegitimate child dies intestate without ; is brought for payment of any order of them. and educate it. lawful issue not having been acknowl- 5 or judgment. Court may issue at- edged or adopted by his father, his estate tachment on the complaint without goes to his mother, and in case of her bond. If bond forfeited, money is decease to her heirs. _ into court and held in trust for OREGON ..35232.0%:-.22 Issue of wife cohabitating with her |...............-2....+--+--22eee- eee eee Marriage of parents legitimatesillegiti- | See note 1...............--.------.-+---++-- Illegitimate child inherits from the mother | It isa misdemeanor fora man tofailtosup- |...............-...----- Justice for preliminary hearing; cir- | Any unmarried female delivered of or |.-.-----.-----.--+---+e+eee-eeeeeeeeeeee Warrant, runs | If accused appears or is in custody, | Issue is guilty or not guilty. Trialby | Examination of mother before justice | If accused found guilty, adjudged to | 14 years............... Pe meee ea eke sae Te Person adjudged to befather may give | Judge of juvenile court of county |----------------22220ccceeeeeeeeeecceeee OREGON, husband who is not impotent con- mate child. See note 3. and transmits inheritance to pee bus does port child born while he lived with its cuit court for trial. regnant with bastard. If child throughout State. ouanaaeet ia examilnt ar ju ‘ae Saat d on t Aa 4 he ke = cnaw tedehi in cciaakee te at aalier baththerotentl tapas de a charge- y proper bond for performance’ of of mother’s residence may ecmae- : nearing | presumed legitimate; issue See note 5. a notinheritasrepresenting her. Ifparents mother unless he affirmatively shows it ikely to become public charge, any oath. Accused may cross-examine; right ofappeal. Ifmother ofillegiti- be dead and shall be read if accused able with its maintenance as court terms of judgment and may thereb mise matter with putative father porn in lawful wedlock, there being Under workmen’s compensation statute cohabit as man and wife, child is not ille- is not his child. Child adjudged issue ublic officer may cause mother to also other witnesses. Accused mate child fails to prosecute after demands it. No conviction on un- directs and for lying-in expenses of be discharged. Ifhe gives no bond, and thereupon discharge the latter. no divorce from bed and board, pre- “child” includes illegitimate child legiti- | _gitimate so far as inheritance is concerned. | of father within three years after birth Be brought before justice and war- discharged on paying or securing | commencing suit, any public officer | corroborated testimony of female.| mother paid by county and for care he may be sent tojail, house of cor-| Contract of mother and putative sumed legitimate. This is disput- mated prior to injury. and while father is alive has same right rant may then issue. amount satisfactory to mother and or person interested in support of | Mother may be compelled to attend and support of child since birth and rection, or workhouse. He may be | father deemed in allcourts of Statea able, ; to inherit from father as it always had to approved by judge of juvenile court | child may prosecute suit u judg-| and testify: costs of prosecution. Amount not discharged therefrom upon giving | valid contract. inherit from mother. lV pe on giving bond to indemnify | ment. less than $100 nor more than $350 oa proper notice, as in cases of those county; otherwise bond for appear- year for first two years and not less confined to jail upon execution ance or commitment to jail; dis- than $150 nor more than $500 per againstthe person. Execution may charge for lack of evidence does not year thereafter. be issued against defendant or his preclude further proceedings. bondsmen to secure performance of conditions of bond. PENNSVDY AN TAn ec t}e steers reeds ete eesneee Children born during coverture of wife | Subseauent marriage of parents | See note 3..............-2-22---2 eee eee ee eee Tilegitimate child inheritsfrom mother and | Subsequent marriage of parents legiti- | Begetting of illegiti-| If child begotten outside Penmsyl- |............0.... 2. cccc cece cece ee ceca lee eee ec cece eee eee eee seseeneeteceeeeet|eceeseceeeeeee RO Se Re POE ne coe ene | eer py Mea ee ee MOREE EL Tf i i remity of | Ifany man is convicted offornication |.....................- ON Sa a RIC a iets lena Oars Cara Nh OU SIRS O |S 3 cb ie ci Sl i dl ae ei ee ge a PENNSYLVANIA. guilty ofadultery, legitimate. Issue legitimate. See note 5. from grandmother and grandfather on| mates illegitimate child. If father of mate child isa mis- | -vania an born in Pennsylvania, t labor or kr aretha ae isfather | an bastardy and senteaced to pay against all defendant’s goods, no = of certain marriages that were for- See note 7. mother’sside; illegitimatechildalsotrans-| illegitimate child neglects to comply demeanor. jurisdiction is in county of birth, no of bastard, this may be given in evi- the mother any sums forthe support exemption, and his wages may be merly forbidden because incestuous Illegitimate child bears name of mother.| mits inheritance tosame personsjustasif| with orders of court in fornication or fine but order for support; begotten dence to convict him of fornication. | ofthechild, she may havejudgment attached, 13 made legitimate in so far as incest Failure of any parent to support illegiti-| legitimate. These oo apply also| bastardy proceedings or in any other in Pennsylvania, born outside, juris- entered in her favor against accused _—" is due to affinity and not to con- mate child, misdemeanor. Law applies in favor of the children of illegitimate. proceedings for support of child or diction is in county of conception, for such amount. (Clerk enters sanguinity. whether child born or begotten in or out of Tilegitimate child deemed brother or sister mother’s expenses at childbirth, he may solely to levy fine; begotten in one judgment upon woman’s filing certi- State. Proceedings may ‘be begun upon | of every other child of mother, legitimate | be imprisoned. county of State, born in another, fied copy of court’s sentence with complaint made under oath by parent of | or illegitimate, Mother of illegitimate jurisdiction in county of birth, both him.) If default be made in pay- such child. child and her heirs and her illegitimate fine and support. Prosecution in ment of any installments of judg- child and his heirs enjoy all rights and county where begotten for fornica- ment, writ of fieri facias issues and privileges to each other as if child born in tion will bar bastardy prosecution from this there is no property ex- lawful wedlock. If unmarried woman has in county of birth. Where child emption. In addition, there may child, she may be convicted of fornication. neither begotten nor born in Penn- be issued an attachment execution sylvania, no jurisdiction at all. by which wages are attached; there is no exemption. Upon being con- | victed of fornication man may be | fined for that offense and also sen- | tenced to pay expenses of childbirth | and give proper bond to authorities of poor of jurisdiction where child is born to maintain child as court may es order. PORTO RICO 2.0.22) cece cece cc cen cen ences ccc select eww e nsec een nsec ete estes ete els cea cin sien e cnn nac ecw cn sec ene ance ese cc ese cscs cence meen nance cane se nce sen ees tonl occ cc wen ccen snes se cscs scence sen nceeecsseernale> Bae Peet I. wo Sea wa: cpa'sn oS ohn SOE See Oe ition 8 NCEE ISO ELE INE IEP R OER Sa ee En so 4 6 S| 5 <5 eee ea ea LI eTe Gok Ue eC eG Ee me a «= ='e -ad ae S888) coieasuc vbewesictecetetecwe sn oscsens Seulas Ge Voters. ck atiss oho on seU nes ole eae | Denne ee lemme s ate se esi Se S| ieee cis 1s oslo cose ees sae Seow eee terme se ret an espa s sou eal mee eene emmmE Me ena theme sess os yn /la'y's td a] 4 EE meta ORME ee -ol< san ara N aan 9a 8 a cule" oy chien Seem Mawr seo uewse Sey am pae a PORTO RICO.1 RAODE ISUANM ese: |is. bo. 2. ec seeee erates «ret tee ee Tssii6: Of, all annulled marriages; [les |i. 3.2m tesco. 2c sons en wee eee = BOO MOLE DS seta sri lees Sati Sasso hese ‘iloaieiauie ous ae nenia mre OU EO aROee es 2 0c. 8 So. 2 cto awe ence tee telos cose eee ak cyeade sc! Where the mother resides. The dis- | Complaint may be made by overseer | Before or after birth for complaint; | Warrant.......-.----- Whenever accused pleads not guilty | On appeal, trialin superior court shall | Depositions may be used as in civil | If judgment is against accused, court |.............2..2-2 2222 Jee eee eee cece cece eee nee e eee ees Defendant must give security or on On ce meny stay proceellings when- | If child dies before or after complaint, |; RHODE ISLAND, gitimate, See note 7. transmits inheritance to her as if lawfully trict court for preliminaries and | of poor, If unmarried woman has| _ trialafter birth. in district court, he shall be tried | be by jury unless waived. It may| cases. orders payment to the overseers of failure to do so may be imprisoned; | ever security is given to pay ex-| the court may order payment of Birth registration requires no statement as begotten. trial; appeallies to superior court. noresidence in State and is pregnant there. mail in absence of defendant. poor for costs of lying-in and support he may be discharged as a ee penses of lying-in, of support of costs of lying-in, and al expenses to to legitimacy. with or delivered of bastard, agent , ay grant new trialas in civil cases, ofthe child. Ifsuperior court finds debtor, but can be recommitted on | child, and to indemnify town. town. If complainant dies, action of State charities has all powers and defendant guilty, that court makes breaking terms of discharge. does not abate, but successor in duties of overseer of poor. , a new order as to amount and man- action may appear and continue ner of payment. prosecution, eT TT. CATR O LRG el toe ses os ckcccsoccccasesumeesenesemeners Children of emancipated negroes who |__..... CARRS Seo bak Shoe eee tote sees County board may bind out illegitimate if | Illegitimate child is heir of mother and | If man has wife or lawful children living, |.....................-.- Where mother resides or where child | Any woman delivered of bastard child.| Complaint and trial both after birth...) Warrant. If accused | The magistrate shalltake recognizance | Jury trial in the court of sessions......| Mother must disclose on oath name of | If guilty, the defendant shall be recog- |... . 2... 12... e ele eee eee e eee nee e nen e eee ee eee teens Reeognizance with security.....-.2222)-+-+-eeceeccereccecssassaeerecscecsccseafe sc etree tte anette este eeneeeeeeeeees SOUTH CAROLINA. have lived as husband and wife, mother be unfit; also if child likely to be- | motherinherits fromillegitimatechildasif| hecannot by will or deed give toillegiti- is born. The magistrate for com- resists, indictment | for payment of $25 annually, but if father; if she refuses, she must give | nized with security to pay $25 per made legitimate; if woman has died come chargeable to county. Money re- legitimate. mate child or its mother for its ben- plaint; the court of sessions for trial. and bench warrant. defendant denies he is the father security for maintenance or be com- year; if twins, twice as much. if or parties have ceased to cohabit, all ceived on recognizance in case of such efit more than one-fourth of his estate. there is trial in court of sessions, mitted, ‘ a is for defendant, he shall children recognized byfather deemed pbound-out child invested and expended Illegitimate may not be adopted unless go bet e discharged. legitimate (in case of negroes). . for child. arent, if not married, could lawfully MB De cetbeehes ¢ See note 7. ave married the mother at time of For wrongful death of mother or child, re- child’s birth; also such child can not be covery may be had just as if child were le- adopted if at time of adoption man has gitimate. lawful wife or child living unless wife is mother of illegitimate and unless wife files written. consent to adoption; when child is so adopted, man can not by will or deed give more property to that child than allowed by law unless he has no Lif S lawful wife or issue living at time of 20M EME UT death; if man dies intestate, such child can get no more than he could by will or deed iflawful wife or issue survive intes- tate. SOUTH DAKOTA..... Children born in wedlock presumed le- | Children of all annulled marriages le- | Subsequent marriage of parents legiti- | See note 1-.............-.22222222-22- .----| Inherits from mother and transmits inherit- | Illegitimate child inherits from father iflat- |... ...............0220-- County in which motheris pregnant or | Any unmarried woman pregnant with | Complaint may be before or after birth; | Warrant...........--- Justice examines complainant under | Trial before circuit court is by jury----|.........csecececccecececccececcecceueee If against accused, he shall bé ordetéd | See previous Column..|.......0-cee-ececeeneecceeeneeceeeeeees ,.| Defendant must give undertaking with |.......-.......-----.2----0------2e ee eee Wd eee ree cme sweeter venseussescersneve SOUTH DAKOTA. gitimate; in actions for divorce ac-| gitimate. Divorce granted for adul- mates: in this case, iffather acknowl- | See note 5. ance to mother, but does not take asrep-} ter acknowledges him in writing before where child is born or where accused or delivered of bastard. trial only after birth. oath in presence of accused and lat- to pay sum not exceeding $250 the sureties as security; he may be com- count of adultery of wife, children | tery of husband, children begotten | edges child, latter represents both | See note 6. resenting mother unless parents marryand | witnesses but does not represent father may be found. Justice of peace for ter has right to controvert charge; if first year after birth and $150 mitted for contempt for failure to do begotten before action is begun pre- of wife before action begun, legiti- mother and father in the matter of | See note 7. father acknowledges him, and in that case unless parents marry and father ac- preliminaries; circuit court for trial. . robable cause is found, accused is for each of 10 years succeeding this so, but can not be confined for more sumed legitimate until contrary is | mate; divorcegranted for adultery of | inheritance. Guardian of person or estate of illegitimate | heinheritsasiflegitimate. Mother ofille- | knowledges him, in which case he inher- und over for trial. first year. Judgment cannoi be ren- than 1 year if unable to pay. shown. Children of woman who has wife, children begotten before act, le- child may be appointed by will or deed of gitimate unmarried minor is entitled to its as if legitimate. Father of illegiti- dered for woman who has had inter- i been married, born within10months |} gitimacy not affected; legitimacy of mother. his custody, service, and earnings. mate by publicly acknowledging it, re- course with several men. after marriage is dissolved, pre- other children determined by evi- ceiving itinto family with wife’sconsent, sumed legitimate children of that | dence of case. if he be married, and treating child as if marriage. Presumption of legitima- legitimate, adopts child and it becomes cy may be disputed only by husband as if born in lawful wedlock. Subse- or wife or descendants of either or quent marriage of parents legitimates il- both. legitimate child. MANNERS Et Sos ss ooo sa. do tren es ae aeeasaetkmersseeuetaasssse Dissolution of marriage has no effect |.........-.-. Bee acts So ccs oon te ee See note 8-..c2..-.cccecs egecwul sister aes ceos Tf mother is able to support child, she is en- | Circuit and county courts have original |................0cceenee Where the woman resides. Justice of | Justice on own knowledge may re-| See previous column, Maintenance | Warrant...-........-- Accused may give bail to officer serv- | Trial by county court without jury. | Iffather denies paternity, he shall file | If judgment is for accused, costs may | See previous COUMMN..|..........--2ee eee econ ee ee cece ence eee Defendant must give bond to county. |.....-.-------------0--- 2-22 - cece eee Be ee eer ee ae ee forsceres TENNESSEE, on legitimacy ofissue of marriage. See note 8. titled toits custody. Illegitimate inherits concurrent jurisdiction in matters of le- peace for preliminaries; county court quire any single woman to be brought allowed until the child is 3 years old ing warrant and all justice does is to Appeal to circuit court where trial is affidavit denying sexual intercourse be given against person instituting Judgment will be enforced by execu- County may bind out illegitimate if mother from mother and transmits inheritance to} gitimation. Petition for legitimation, in for trial; appeal to circuit court. before him after she is delivered,or |. only. take this bail or commit. by jury. with mother from tenth to sixth proceedings or thecounty. Iffound tion ‘‘or otherwise. unfit and it appears that child willbe bene-| herasiflegitimate. Ifillegitimate diesin- | writing, signed by applicant, verified by woman may make complaint before month before birth of child and this | guilty, defendant is charged for first fited thereby; ifillegitimate is female, may testate, eaving norelatives entitled totake | affidavit, giving reasons for desiring such or after birth. _ affidavit shall be admitted into evi- | _year ofchild’s life not more than $40, be bound out until she is 21. County can his property, it goes to such persons on action, may be acted upon by above dence, second year $30, third year $20. At make no provision for illegitimate unless | mother’s side as would inherit if he had | courts. Decree of court makes child le- end of third year court shall dispose he is likely to become a county charge. been legitimate. gitimate as if born in lawful wedlock. of child as seems best either by giv- Name may be changed by prayer in pe- ing to the reputed father or binding tition. out tosome suitable person, Award is not for mother but goes to com- missioner of poor. : THA 3s i ive eee een ere rosere satan cbaaunb sc =ctucse sce ss se Children of all annulled marriages, le- | Subsequent marriage of parents and | See note 3............2-2--- eee e eee e eee e eens Tilegitimate child inherits from and receives | Subsequent marriage of parents and recog- |.. 2... .cecccccccccecoa|-cocecccoccccccececececccccccecccccccec: |.senccscneseseenccceenecncesauscacccoce|-ccennssseserscscercncsacccceereneetaeselicccensenesesewene saccelees Bid fs os Wa pl va eee ae abs 5 Bos WSC eE oS |S eioiw so - meed if the L_ If ather | until d to} 1% to} In may | Idas may rged with nner Period of support. Provisions in judgment as to name and status. | As jury determines... . to If defendant is adjudged father of child, he is thenceforth subject to all obhgations for care, maintenance, and education of such child and to all penalties for failure to perform same which are imposed by law on father of legitimate child of like age and capacity. { | | | Enforcement. Security. Lien. | Effect of death of ary of parties. Mar- | Tiage of parents. } Bond is given and an default action is on bond against surety and princi- pal. Commitment for failure to give ; discharge for insolvency. ifin custody ofthe court, Must re the judgment with om 12 months he may be rel for insolvency. Execution may issue on thejudgment whenever any amount may be due. Filing of the transcript by the justice (see under heading ‘Preliminary _ proceed- ings’’) gives lien upon real estate o! ace’ to the extent of any judg- ment which rendered. Execution may issue at any time to compel chothcnce to order of the The i of complaint creates a lien on the real estate of accused for performance ofany order that may bemade. Ifcomplaint be verified, judge may order attach- ment toissue without bond. court. Bond required of accused, in default of giving such bond, sent to jail; but shall not be imprisoned for more aad sacadey x en tatal | leased may thereafter be | } | | } | | | than 1 year. Execution may issue | whenever any amount is due on | judgment. Accused shall give bond to secure his | carrying out judgment; on failure he is jailed; may be discharged for in- solvency. Accused must give bond or be commit- ted. May after 180 days be dis- charged as a poor debtor, though the mother and town may sue gat = ment at any time thereafter. ar- rant issued by municipal or police court official or justice for offense in his county under laws for mainte nance of bastards may beexecuted by any constable of any town therein; if defendant has gone out of country, constable May pursue and arrest him in any county. See column entitled “Judgment” Toenforce orders as to expenses of con- finement, defendant may be com- mitted for not more than two months. Defendant may be put on probation and sentence suspended on condition of making periodical payments for term not exceeding two years. Upon violation of the order the suspended sentence may be enforced. Bond is given to the superintendent of poor of county. On failure to give bond accused is imprisoned. After six months may be released as poor debtor, but continued liable. if defendant fails to pay amount of money judgment at once or within time fixed by court committed tojail unless proper bond has been giver. He may be discharged from jail after 90 days’ confinement upon proper petition to court and notice to county attorney and hearing by court, if it is determined by court that defendant can not pay. If defendant adjudged father of child, — of ee may recover of hi incivilsuit all necessary expenses in- carred_by her in confinement and for suitable mamtenance for not more than eight weeks prior to and eight weeks after con: t; also for expenses of burial of child if latter stillborn or has died socn atter birth. Can compromise $400, or less than that with consent of county judge. The prosecuting witness, if an adult, may at any time dismiss the suit. Ifa minor, she may dismisssuit with consent of court ifit finds that suit- able provision has been made for the maintenance of the child. This settlement bars all other prosecu- tions. by paying mother | Marriage of | | | If putative father dies after the exami- | nation before She pene, the action | survives against his personal As to death of mache sentative. see on evidence. Her death does not abate suit, but the ehild’s is i on record for that of mother and i guardian ad litem appointed. Death of child itt /ppcant _¢ mee foe: gre Iain ienogr apa jects father to an 1 y act so action for a ¥ of at least $200 provided he fails to support or mis- treats wife. Prosecuting witness may dismiss suit | Death of mother does not abate pro- at any time. This bars all other Prosecution for same cause. No woman who has msde complaint | After death of mother her executor or may compromise if that is objected to in writing by the overseers of poor of town. ne Sheis e at. nab ascents cae, Ten el | Justice may dismiss com Superintendents of poor may compro- mise with father, ing him from future liability. County board before or after judgment may make such settlement with putative father of illegitimate child oy. — -— a e aoe for Wi county co t Ju nt. State board of controlar goers of of illegitimate may accept ‘om 2dj father of such child : 3 sum, approved by court, in full set- tlement of obligation for care, main- tenance, and education of child. By this father is di from all further liability, civil or criminal, except right of mother to collect for expenses. ceedings if child is living. In such case guardian is appointed and suit continued in name of child. If f& ther dies after preliminary examins- tion, the right of action survives against re ntatives. If chnd ak “afer edeaent cur makes proper adjustment in amount to be paid. administrator may prosecute to final judgment. On death of child after Judgment court may make appropri- ate reduction in amount due, On death of father, payment may be made out of his estate by the judge, mM No case More than $500 and not More than one-half the share of legiti- — child if father had died intes- ate, mother and accused have INDIANA IOWA. KANSAS. KENTUCKY. LOUISIANA.! MAINE. MARYLAND. MICHIGAN. MINNESOTA. State. plsint where | MASSACHUSETTS. State. MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI?! MONTANA NEBRASKA NEVADA NEW HAMPSHIRE.... NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO- NEW YORK......... NORTH CAROLINA Presumption of legitimacy. Void marriages and divorce. Legitimation by marriage of mother and father. All children born in wedlock pre- sumed legitimate; children of woman who has been married, born within 10 months after dissolution of mar- riage, presumed legitimate; if di- vorce granted for adultery of wife, children begotten before action is be- gun presumed legitimate; presump- tion of legitimacy can be disputed only by husband or wife or their de- scendents. --| All children begotten before suit is commenced for divorce account of ey of wife, presumed legiti- mate. 90956—19. No. 3. -| Children of marriages void because of previous marriage, illegitimate. Issue of annulled marriages legitimate. Divorce does not affect legitimacy of children of marriage. Issue of all marriages nullin law, legiti- mate. If divorce be granted for adul- tery of husband, legitimacy of chil dren begotten before action begun, legitimate; if divorce is for adultery of wife, legitimacy of children begot- ten before act of adultery, legitimate; legitimacy of other children decided by evidence of case. Issue of marriages void account of non- age, insanity, idiocy, and void be- cause of previous marriage, but this contracted in good faith are legiti- mate as to one capable of contracting. Issue of incgstuous marriages or o! rary between whites and ne- gtoes, illegitimate. Divorce for adul- tery of wife does not affect legiti- macy of issue of iage, but if le- gitimacy is questioned, it is decided on the proofs of the case. Children of all annulled marriages are legitimate. Children of incestuous marriages ille- gitimate. Decree of divorce does not affect legitimacy of child born or begotten in lawful wedlock unless it be so expressed in the decree. Issue of marriage annulled because of revious marriage illegitimate. ivorce affects legitimacy of issue of marriage only when divorce is because of previous marriage. Issue of all void marriages is legitimate. No judgment of divorce renders chil- dren in esse or those begotten of wife during coverture illegitimate. No marriage declared void if one party has died and there has been issue ex- cept marriages between whites and negroes or between whites and Indians. Subsequent marriage of parents with acknowledgment by father, legiti- mates illegitimate child. Subsequent marriage of parents and recognition by father legitimates; upon such marriage ents ma: ene name of such Srudren and off cer must record them with certificate of marriage. 3 Subsequent marriage of parents legiti- mates. Subsequent marriage of ac- knowledgment by father and hav- ing other issue legitimates ilegiti- mate. All of these must concur. Subsequent marriage of parents legiti- mates, Subsequent marriage of parents legiti- mates illegitimate child. Subsequent marriage of parents and recognition of child legitimates ille- gitimate child. Subsequent marriage of Barents legiti- mates illegitimate child. Marriage of parents legitimates illegiti- mate child and latter then inherits, except no estate vested before mar- riage shall be affected by reason of the legitimation. Illegitimate child is legitimated b oe of mother and repute ‘ather, Miscellaneous status provisions. There is no birth registration. Provisions of death by wrongful act statute apply in fa- vor of mother of illegitimate child in case of wrongful death of latter and in favor of illegitimate child in case of wrongful death of mother. See note 8. , Abandonment statute applies to child “legitimatized by lawful wedlock.” See note 6. “Child” in workmen’s compensation statute includes illegitimate child legitimized prior to the snr y: Mother may appoint a guardian for her Soe aapripte chi Par- ent entitled to custody of child must sup- port him. See note 1 See note 3. See note 6. ; Abandonment statute applies expressly to il- legitimate as well as legitimate children. See note I See note 3. Under workmen’s compensation statute children conclusively presumed to be dependent include natural, posthumous, or adopted children, whether “legitimate or illegitimate.” Parent of illegitimate child who neglects it is guilty of a misde- meanor. Birth certificate has no statement as to legiti- macy. See note 7. See note 5. Abandonment statute expressly includes illegitimate child. See note 1. . In addition mother ofillegitimate under 3, if she be of good character, may by writing surrender her child to State board of chari- ties, with its consent; this operates as a consent to any adoption subsequently approved by said board. Soo Note:7<...ccsees ce soese seswossecsesseees Under workmen’s compensation statute “dependent” children include illegitimate children if they are part of deceased’s household at time of his death. See note 5. See mote 1.2.2... 2.2 ee ee eee eee ee eee ee eee See note 6. Under workmen’s compensation statute “child” includes acknowledged illegiti- mate child. Birth registration requires no statement as tolegitimacy. Probate court has power to appoint guardian for illegiti- mate child. S06 NOG Bo. osc cessed ed cctscccsosdccecwasedl See note 5. See note 6. Under workmen’s compensation statute “child” includes acknowledged illegiti- mate child dependent on deceased. Guar- dianship of indigent child may be granted to asylum upon Consent signed by mother. In case of adoption of illegitimate child consent of mother necessary unless she be unfit or ju thinks child’s interest de- mands its adoption without such consent or for any reason consent can not be ob- tained. Fact of illegitimacy shall in no case appear upon record of adoption made by the judge. By decision it is held that “parent” does not include the putative father of illegitimate child as far as aban- donment statute is concerned. Official overseer of poor who in neglect of duty fails mn peewee for illegitimate or its mother, guilty of misdemeanor. Birth registration contains statement as to legitimacy but nothing shall be stated on certificate which reveals identity of either poo when he is stated to beillegitimate. Uegitimate child may be bound by moth- er as apprentice; this power ceases upon her subsequent marriage. See note 7. See note 8. Child and mother. Inherits from mother and her kindred unless there be legitimate heirs of the same de- gree. As toinheritance from illegitimates, see text of law. Illegitimate child inherits from mother, also thr her, and transmits inheritance to her. other is natural guardian of illegiti- mate child, entitled to its one and to extent of these must support chi id. Mother of illegitimate child is entitled to its 'y, services, and earnings. Illegiti- mate child inherits from mother and she from him; he does not inherit by represen- tation of his mother unless child has been legitimated by the marriage of his parents. Illegitimate child is considered heir of mother but does not represent mother or father in matter of inheritance unless before the death of the child the parents marry, have other children, and father acknowledges ehild. If illegitimate child dies intestate, without lawful issue, his estate descends to his mother, and in case of her decease, to her heirs at law. IMegitimate child is always heir of mother. Prop of iflegitimate child not acknowl- edged if child dies intestate, but passes to his mother, and in case of her decease to her heirs at law. Mother has custody of the illegitimate child. Illegitimate child inherits from mother and through her; he also transmits his inherit- ance to her. When mother ofillegitimate child dies, legitimate and illegitimate chil- dren inherit equally. Legitimation by subsequent marriage of parents causes illegitimate to inherit as if born legitimate. Mother of illegitimate child his exclusive right to its custody and control; if she be unfit, child may be committed to care of an institution. If mother of illegitimate child dies and leaves no lawful issue, sur- usage of goods paid to illegitimate child; P legitimate child dies intestate and leaves no heirs, real property goes to heirs, mother; if she be dead, property goes to her heirs at law; if mother has no heirs at law but has illegitimate children, prop- goes to them. If Becky of illegiti- mate child marry and child is thus a mated, and later surviving spouse dies intestate, leaving no legitimate children, property passes to illegitimate child. Illegitimate child inherits from the mother and transmits inheritance to her. In case father of. ee recognizes child as his, and recognition is mutual, father may in- herit fromillegitimate, but mother and her ct take precedence over father and his eirs. Illegitimate child inherits from mother when she leaves no legitimate children, and transmits inheritance to his mother. Mother inherits from illegitimate child if he dies without issue (lawful) or illegiti- mate issue entitled to inherit; if illegiti- mate leaves no child or spouse, his mother takes all property and is entitled to letters of administration; if mother be dead, rela- tives of illegitimate on mother’s side in- herit. Mother and father are liable for support of their illegitimate children. Illegitimate child inherits from his mother, except he shall not take land left the moth- er by the father of her legitimate children. Illegitimate does not inherit through the mother. Illegitimate children of same mother shall be legitimate as between themselves. If illegitimate child dies without issue, his mother and all such per- sons as would be his next of kin if all such ae had been born in lawful wedlock inherit. Subsequ nition Father | public. into hi edged herits 1 Wegitim: acknow of witn either f{ heritan: anarry, acknow marriag father, mates i] cur. Father by mate ch family, Tied, or mate, ac edgmen signed i ness; Cl father. Subseque: illegitim mate. Subseque! nition 0 ing colv consent: riage mé ting pro If father edges dl father; if may inh mother ena ent be signe witnesse Marriage « than fab fore mar of the le: are liabl mate ch Illegitima decree Child sc mate ar propert: descent: heirs if | lock. (For Notes IFS see Tabular analysis of American Illegitimacy Laws—Continued. : Jurisdiction. Civil or Child and father. cones Designa- Courts and locality of jurisdiction. Who may make complaint. Time of complaint and trial. Limi- Process. Preliminary proceedings. jon. tation. Subsequent marriage of parents and ac- |..............-2..2---++ Justice court for preliminaries; circuit | Any single woman and where child is | Complaint may be before or after birth; | Warrant..........---- Justice has a preliminary hearing and | Trial b de- | knowledgment by father renders illegiti- court of county for trial. Complaint | apt to become a charge, the board of | trial only after birth. If mother if he decides that there is probable es,| mate child capable of inheriting as if “proper either where mother orfather | supervisors. If mother dies before | makes complaint, it must be within cause, then accused is bound over for bornin lawful wedlock. Court ofequity resides or where child is born. starting suit it may be brought in| 12 months from birth; if supervisors trial.’ If he decides for accused, the has jurisdiction of petition by person to name of bastard before he reaches 5 | do so, it must be within 1 year after mother may appeal to circuit court. make legitimate his offspring not bornin , years. child has become a charge and not Persons other than parties, wit- lawful wedlock and court may decree after it is 10 years old. nesses, and officers may be excluded them to be heirs of petitioner. | from the hearing. | | Iso | Subsequent marriage of parents and recog- |...........22-2222-00ee-|eeeeeeceeecceeecce cece eeceeeecceeeceees poeeeeaeeeaeeseetececasessaseccaserseses|ecerscaeecsserscececccssccossccaseranets|aesag ease sess eee ce espe eee e eee eee CSET TEST SSSI S SSS LSS ae nition by father legitimates. : iti- to its | Father legitimates illegitimate child by |..........-....--------- Entire proceedings are in district court | Any person pregnant with or delivered | Proceedings may be started before or | Notice as in ordinary |--------------------+-----e- creer rere eee Tssue is iti- | publicly acknowledging it or receiving it of county where mother resides. of bastard. after birth. actions. questi she | into his family; if father has so acknowl- en- edged the child in writing the child in- en. herits from the father. ts. her INegitimate child is heir of father if latter |.-..........---.-------- Complaint may be made to any justice | Any unmarried woman pregnant with | Complaint may ie before or after birth; | Warrant .......-.----- Justice examines complainant under | Trial is ‘in| acknowledges him in writing in presence in State; district court for trial. | of delivered of bastard. County | trial only alter birth. oath, the accused having right to| cute if the | of witnesses but child can not represent commissioners may make complaint cross-examine her. He takes recog- ave cither father or mother in matter of in- | when security is not given toindem- nizance of accused for his appearance ges | heritance unless before his death parents nify county and the mother does not before district court. ute, | marry, have other children, and father act. : nds | acknowledgesillegitimate. Subsequent e , to marriage of parents, acknowledgment by father, and having other issue, legiti- mates illegitimate; all of these must con- cur. ler. | Father DP acknowledging illegiti- | Begetting of illegiti- |.......-.. 22-22-2002 022 2 ccc cece eee ece ce cece eee eee ee ee renee eens cere eee e nett ace ec eee e eee e eee cecscereceseeeseeerseslsccectecesseeserssrsecss serecssersssssssccssssssecsecssecscecscctes sees sees wi- mate child as own, or receiving itinto his mate child is a mis- s to family, his wife consenting, if he be ma-- demeanor. | »to| ried, or otherwise treating it as legiti- | rof| mate, adopts child assuch; theacknowl- | edgment by father must be in writing, | signed in presence of one credible wit- | ness; child so acknowledged is heir of | father. nd | Subsequent marriage of parents causes |........-..-...-.------- Where theact wascommitted or where | Any woman pregnant with or deliv- | Before or after birth for complaint if | Warrant.....-.....--. Justice takes recognizance with secu- | Trial by rit- illegitimate to inherit as if born legiti- mother resides. Justice court for ered of bastard; or, ifshe neglects to, made by mother: if made by officials, rity for appearance before trial court. for ju ate mate. preliminaries, supreme court of selectmen of town or county com- it must be within one year after sioners ril- county for trial, or where father missioners may do so. child’s birth. aband by resides. If person charged in war- or oot ses rant of justice escapes from county, te. sheriff or deputy may pursue him and take him in any county and carry him before some justice of latter county for trial. ve | Subsequent marriage of parents and recog- |.....-..--..--------+--- At domicile of mother or where she | Overseers of poor of township; or, if |Complaint may be madeand trialhad | Warrant.......-..-..- Mother is examined under oath and | Upon a be | nition ofchild legitimates. (See preced- may be. Any committing officer | child beinmateof public institution, before or after birth. may be compelled to disclose name Phe mi of| ing column.) If person is arrested on has jurisdiction. an officer of that institution may of father; refusal to do so is con- trial b ie crams phere es ee oe See eae action shall then be pes and she may be sent to jail. party | = conse y = or relief of institution. Magistrate then i arrani i d;| riage may take place at once upon get- e thee e then issues wi it for ee id | ting proper license. either 50 ' 10 at * i- i- 8 1, r | If father of illegitimate openly acknowl |... _.........2-.--ceceee)oeeeecnec eee ee cece cece scence ec eeceeeece seeteceesececeeecaceceecesseccetsersenes|terceececseceesersrssecercessereressers|ecsererersersserscerseca/sececercecsececcess 8 Be eager NCOs (RT a aaa ak le el car (aaa ae ai ea ad | father;ifthisrecognitionismutual father z may inherit from illegitimate child, but : mother and her heirs take Be lence 3| over father and his heirs. If acknowl- edgment by father be in writing, it must be signed in presence of two competent witnesses. Marriage of parents legitimates and child |_..............-.---2+-+ Application shall be made to justice of | Woman or poor officer..........------ Time of application before or after | Warrant.............. If accused gives no security to appear then inherits, except no estate vested be- peace or police justice or magistrate = birth. before COREE of sessions Creomnty he oe is fore marriage shall be affected by reason of the county where the woman is is brought before magistrate who as- | this o1 of the legitimation. Father and mother and to which the child is chargeable. sociates with himself another magis- are liable for the support of their illegiti- Court of sessions of county in case of trate and inquires into charge, ex- mate children. appeal. amining witness on oath in pres- ence of defendant and hears any tes- timony. An appeal lies from order of megistrate to court of sessions. Illegitimate child may be legitimated by |...........-.----+-+-+++ County where mother resides. Justice| Any woman pregnant with or deliv- | Action may be started before birth, | Warrant.............. |Setaciciehatdind eaigadeSeaneeeaerece’s Ifan ap: decree of court upon petition of father. has complete jurisdiction though | ered of bastard, or county commis-| but the justice, ifhe deems proper,| =f inate Child so legitimated inherits as if legiti- either party may appeal to superior sioners (if mother be single), on affi- may postpone the trial until birth. mate and upon death of such child his court ef county. davit that child may become a Action must be within three years roperty passes according to statute of charge. after birth, Bosconts among those who would be his ae if he had been born in lawful wed- lock. ‘es 1-8 see Sheet No. 1 of Tabular analysis.) 1No bastardy support statute. Laws—Continued. ess. Preliminary proceedings. Evidence. Compulsion to disclose Justice has a preliminary hearing and if he decides that there is probable cause, then accused is bound over for trial. If he decides for accused, the mother may appeal to circuit court. Persons other than parties, wit- nesses, and officers may be excluded from the hearing. Justice examines complainant under oath, the accused having right to cross-examine her. He takes recog- nizance of accused for his appearance before district court. Justice takes recognizance with secu- rity for appearance before trial court. Mother is examined under oath and may be compelled to disclose name of father; refusal to do so is con- tempt and she may be sent to jail. de erate then issues warrant for lather. before court of sessions of county he is brought before istrate who as- sociates with himself another magis- trate and inquires into charge, ex- ining witness on oath in pres- ence of defendant and hears any tes- timony. An appeal lies from order of megistrate to court of sessions. Ifanap Trial. name of father. Accusation in travail. Trial before jury..........-..--.-.---- If mother is dead, her testimony before Issue is tried as an ordinary action and question is, guilty or not guilty. Trialis by jury. County may prose- cute if mother fails to do so. Trial by court unless either party asks for jury. Selectmen or commis sioners may prosecute if mother abandons suit. Issue is chargeable or not chargeable. Upon appearance of accused before he magistrate he may demand jury trial by paying jury costs. Either party may appeal from decision in magistrate’s court and a jury may be demanded in court above by either party. If accused gives no security to eEpeer On epee the party in whose favorthe | The magistrate may com 01 ler was made below must support this order by evidence. trial Shall be there by jury. justice is read at the trial and her statements during ae dying declarations, are admissible. Testimony before justice is admissible here. Mother is a competent wit- ness unless ineligible for conviction for crime. Any confession of hers made at any time shall be admissible when it does not agree with her tes- timony. | Paternity of child may be established by mutual agreement of father and mother or by confession of father, if not denied by mother, or by proof before court in such manner as court determines. Mother may testify and may be compelled to testify. Mother may be compelled to disclose name of father before magistrate or sent to jail. If on appeal mother ie = ded or is insa: ane 3 eee State, estimony given er lore mag- istrate is Zdmissible. 1 the woman to disclose name of father. If she refuses, she shall be commit- ted upon her recovery from confine- ment, 1 be taken tosuperior court, | Mother must disclose name of father on oath or give security for maintenance of child or be jailed. Testimony of mother before the justice shall be “presumptive evidence against the accused.’ Judgment. How and to whom paid. eriod of payment. Amount. If finding is against accused, jury may assess TaGce damages as it thinks proper to the mother, or to the child if she be dead, payable annually or otherwise for a period not longer than 18 years. If found guilty, accused is charged with maintenance of child in such sum as court directs and with cost of suit. The court may at any time amend judgment on such notice to defend- ant as court may prescribe. If guilty, accused shall be adjudged the father of child and charged with its maintenance in such sums as court shall order. Court may adjudge father liable for the maintenance of child. If found chargeable, court shall order payment of such sums as it deems reasonable to the mother or to select- men liable for maintenance of child. Both mother and father may be required to indemnify town or county. If judgment is for accused on appeal, he is discharged and bond is can- celed. If ju ent is against accused, order of the magistrate be examined and may be amended. Court may then assess proper costs and expenses and ‘ify the amount to paid for the puppere ofthe child. Sum may be paid weekly or otherwise. Ac- cused shall pay costs of confinement if mother be indigent. Ifno appeal, the order of the magistrate le in the form above stands. Judgment speeifies sum to be paid weekly or otherwise for support of bastard. If mother is indigent, father shall be ordered to pay for her support and expenses of corfine- ment. — — — may be made a mother who roperty. These orders may be confirmed by the court of sessions. Amount may be reduced by the magistrates or reduced or increased on application of officers and notice to the father or mother by the court of sessions. If judgment is against accused, pay- ment may be ordered of a fine up to $10 and a sum not exceeding $50 to the mother and he shall stand char; with maintenance of the child as the court may order. If judgment is for accused, mother may be forced to ye bond for main- tenance and fined $5. Period of support. 18 years.....-..---..-- Provisions in judgment as to name and status. | | | Enforcement. Security. Bond must be given to sec ment of judgment; on fail bond, imprisonment. _ months may be releaset terms as judge prescr: judgment may at any ti forced by execution on thi Execution may. issue at any compel compliance with court and accused may b jail for failure to comply. complaint fixes lien on property of accused in th where the action is pendiny Accused must furnish securit fillment of judgment or got til he does furnish it. Refusal to comply with the ju shall be contempt of court. On failure to obey order accu be imprisoned; may be di: on such terms as the cour proper for inability to pay. Accused must give bond or mitted. Action may be against signers of bond to theaward. These proceedi be brought by the county pr or attorney of township i ro Rr ceedings were first ‘oney so Collected on bond to reimburse the co township or for e from confinement of motl cused may be discharged | for insolvency. On dese child by mother or putatin their goods may be Seized | or leased, the proceeds goin port of child. Bond shal corded and canceled upo: ment of conditions, Both father and mother m security with sufficient su fulfill the orders of the mag: the court of sessions. On f do so Shey may be cor They may dis f prisonment for inability The poor officers prosecut security is forfeited or they mn the order. Ifparent a © poor officer may be at by two magistrates to take t! personal property. eeanade wee e cece cere n nee leeeecec en enececerererececccccsbeseccceee| ACCUSEd Shall give bond to th toindemnifyit. Hemay b _ for fai a to ae ae bu ischarged for insolven fendant disobeys judgmen rpeidtses pene epee nr inst his goods and propel fondant may bind himee apprentice, the price beings county treasurer. vy and to whom paid. ‘ment. Amount. Period of support. ast accused, jury may | 18 years amages as it thinks nother, or to the child payable annually or period not longer than ccused is charged with | ‘child in such sum as nd with cost of suit. rat any time amend uch notice to defend- ay prescribe. shall be adjudged the | and charged with its 1 such sums as court dge father liable for ce of child. | ble, court shall order ch sums as it deems 1e mother or to select- naintenance of child. and father may be ndemnify town or r accused on appeal, d and bond is can- gment is against of the magistrate ined and may be rt may then assess and expenses and ount to paid for he child. Sum may 7 or otherwise. Ac- costs of confinement ligent. Ifno appeal, gistrate ein ) ma} ss sum to be paid ‘wise for support of other is indigent, ‘dered to pay for her of corfine- — sped be made r who roperty. iy be confirmed by ions. Amount may the magistrates or ased on application tice to the father or ourt of sessions. uinst accused, pay- dered of a fine op 1 not exceeding $5 nd he shall stand aintenance of the rt may order. If accused, mother ve bond for main- Provisions in judgment as to name and status. { | \ | Both father and mother must give Accused shali give bond to the county Enforcement. Security. Lien. Bond must be given to secure fulfill- ment of judgment; on failure to give bond, imprisonment. After six months may be released on such terms as judge prescribes. The judgment may at any time be en- forced by execution on the bond. Execution may issue at any time to compel compliance with order of court and accused may be sent to jail for failure to comply. Filing of complaint fixes lien on any real property of accused in the county where the action is pending. Accused must furnish security for ful- | fillment of judgment or go to jail un- til he does furnish it. Refusal to comply with the judgment shall be contempt of court. On failure to obey order accused may be imprisoned; may be discharged on such terms as the court thinks proper for inability to pay. | Accused must give bond or be com- |- mitted. Action may be brought against signers of bond to enforce the award. These proceedings may be brought by the county prosecutor or attorney of township in which pro i were first begun. oney so collected on bond shail be used to reimburse the county or township or for ex arising from confinement of mother. Ac- cused may be discharged from jail for insolvency. On desertion of child by mother or putative father their goods may be seized and sold or leased, the proceeds going to sup- port of child. Bond shall be re corded and canceled upon fulfill- ment of conditions. security with sufficient sureties to fulfill the orders of the magistrate or the court of sessions. On failure to do so they may be committed. They may be discharged from im- prisonment for inability to iP 3y, The poor officers prosecute if the security is forfeited or they may sue upon the order. If parent absconds, the poor officer may be authorized by two magistrates to take the real or personal property. toindemnifyit. He may beimpris- oned for failure to do so, but will be discharged for insolvency. If de fendant disobeys judgment or can not be found, execution may issue against his goods and property. De- fendant may bind himself out as apprentice, the price being paid to county treasurer. | Compromise. Accused and complainant may settle case before justice if accused gives bond to county commissioners to se- cure them from expense; justice may then discharge accused. Effect of death of any of parties. Mar- Tiage of parents. State. | After death of father pr i may continue against his personal repre- sentative. Subsequent marriage of the parents cancels bond given for support. If child dies before prose- cution but mother is still ees pro- ceedings may continue and judgment may be rendered for amount deemed just. Bond is canceled if both moth- er and child die. If mother dies after complaint, suit does not abate but continues in name of child. No complaint may be settled by the agreement of father and mother. The por officers may compromise with the father, and he is thereupon discharged from all liability. The mother on giving security to indem- nify the county may receive the sum id by the man on the compromise. she is unable to give security and willing to care for her child, she shall be paid the weekly sum out of the amount paid by the father for which he would have been liable on the order of filiation. Death of mother does not abate the action. The vrosecution is dismissed if child is born dead. | MISSISS1PPL MISSOURL! MONTANA. NEBRASKA. NEVADA. NEW HAMPSHIRE, NEW JERSEY. NEW MEXICO. NEW YORK. NORTH CAROLINA. NORTH DAKOTA..... OKLAHOMA........--- OREGON... 2.-222225-+ PENNSYLVANIA PORTO RICO! RHODE ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA... SOUTH DAKOTA..... TENNESSEE 90066—19. Presumption of legitimacy. All children born in wedlock indis- putebly resumed legitimate, unless usband be impotent. In case of divorce for wife’s adultery, children presumed legitimate until contrary shown; children of woman who has been married born within 10 months after dissolution of marriage pre. sumed legitimate children of that marriage. Presumption of_ legiti- macy can be disputed only by hus- band or wife or descendants of one or both of them. All children born in wedlock pre- sumed legitimate. All children of woman who has been married born within 10 months after dissolution of same presumed legitimate chil- dren of that marriage. Tenney can be disputed only by husband or wife or descendants of one or both of them. Issue of wife cohabitating with her husband who is not impotent con- clusively presumed legitimate; issue born in lawful wedlock, there being no divorce from bed and board, pre- sumed legitimate. This is disput- able. Children born in wedlock presumed le- gitimate; in actions for divorce ac- count of adultery of wife, children begotten before action is begun pre- sumed legitimate until contrary is shown. Children of woman who has been married, born within 10 months after marriage is dissolved, pre- sumed legitimate children of that marriage. Presumption of legitima- cy may be disputed only by husband or wile or descendants of either or oth. Void marriages and divorce. Legitimation by marriage of mother and father. Children of annulled marriages be- tten before qudement) legitimate. ‘hildren ofall marriages null in law or dissolved by divorce, legitimate. If divorce be fe for adultery of husband, children begotten before suit bi pra)esieina te; if divorce granted for adultery of wife, legiti- macy of children begotten before doing of act not affected; legitimacy of other children determined by evi- dence of case. Issue of void marriages, legitimate. Divorce has no effect on legitimacy of children of parties to marriage. Issue ofall marriages null in law, legiti- mate. Marriages at forbidden ages may beauthorized by court tosettle bastardy suits unless such marriage would be incestuous. Children born during coverture of wife guilty ofadultery, legitimate. Issue of certain marriages that were for- merly forbidden because incestuous made legitimate in so far as incest is due to affinity and not to con- sanguinity. Issue of all annulled marriages, ille- gitimate. Children of emancipated negroes who have lived as husband and wile, made legitimate; if woman has died or parties have ceased to cohabit, all children recognized byfather deemed legitimate (in case of negroes). Children of all annulled marriages le- gitimate. Divorce granted for adul- tery of husband, children begotten of wife before action begun, legiti- mate; divorce granted for adultery of wife, children begotten before act, le- gitimacy not affected; legitimacy of other children determined by evi- dence of case. Dissolution of marriage has no effect on legitimacy of issue of marriage. Children of allannulled marriages, le- gitumate. Children of persons mar- nied by bond or by unauthorized persons, legitimate. Issue ofall marriages nullin law or dis- solved by divorce, legitimate. Issue of marriages void because one of par- ties has spouse living but latter mar- Tiage contracted in good faith, pro- vided issue born before knowledge of mistake, legitimate Issue of biga- mous marriages born before June 4, 1896, legitimate. Marriage of parents of illegitimate | See note 1 Miscellaneous status provisions. child and acknowledgment by the | See note 3. father legitimates. Subsequent marriage of parents with acknowledgment by father legiti- mates illegitimate child. Subsequent marriage of illegitimate child’s parents makes child legiti- mate. Marriage of parents legitimates illegiti- mate child. Subsequent of legitimate. marriage parents edges child, latter represents both mother and father in the matter of inheritance. Subsequent marriage of parents and recognition by father legitimates. Subsequent marriage of parents legiti- mates illegitimate child. Subsequent marriage of parents legiti- | mates: in this case, if father acknowl- See note 5. See note 6. See note 7. Mother of illegitimate child may appoint guardian for it. Boarding houses for children include places where illegitimate children arereceived. Every child declared legitimate child of natural parents and is entitled to su: and education as if born in lawful wedlock, (Act of 1917.) Neces- sary expenses of mother of illegitimate child under care of maternity hospital, if not paid in four months after confine- ment, charged to county of mother’s legal residence. If such child becomes public charge, taken to county of mother’s legal residence; if legal settlement of child or mother can not be established, child becomes ward of county where born. If indigent mother of illegitimate has come from another State and remained in State during confinement, she and child may be returned to other State as soon as practi- cable. BRO TG 4 oo oad covseiatmdesvonedcusaiascine Abandonment statute applies expressly to illegitimate as well as legitimate children. SOO HOCG Acie cbc cemciccee Dene adateveceeseeeee See note 3. See note 5. See note 7. Guardian of person or estate of illegiti- mate child may be appointed by will or deed of its mother. Parent entitled to custody ofillegitimate child must support and educate it. SOO NOE De ssesoc ssc tdzacecdesdease peuecees See note 3. See note 5. Under workmen’s compensation statute “child” includes illegitimate child legiti- mated prior to injury. See NOb0 3. .a seicc.csscwiscseessandacseseseetes See note 5. See note 7. Illegitimate child bears name of mother. Failure of any parent to support illegiti- mate child, misdemeanor. Law applies whether child born or begotten in or out of State. Proceedings may be begun upon complaint made under oath by parent of such child. See note di. sscGseseegeresG Soar eectatiecuy See note 7. Birth registration requires no statement as to legitimacy. County board may bind out illegitimate if mother be unfit; also if child likely to be- come chargeable to county. Money re ceived on recognizance in case of such bound-out child invested and expended for child. See note 7. For wrongful death of mother or child, re- covery may be had just as if child were le- gitimate. See note 1. See note 5. See note 6. See note 7. Guardian of person or estate of illegitimate child may be appointed by will or deed of mother. See note 3... See note 8. County may bind out illegitimate if mother unfit and it appears that child will be bene- fited thereby; ifillegitimate is female, may be bound out until she is 21. County can make no provision for illegitimate unless he is likely to become a county charge. See MOC $...-...-c-eccneccsenesneesscanscens See note 8. See note 1............ cihkcPAaaraveeKTeoRTbeE See note 3. See note 6. See note 7. Child and mother. Illegitimate child inherits from. natural parents and from their kindred, lineal and collateral; this applies to cases where natural father is married to another than the mother of illegitimate child. In the latter case illegitimate chlld can not dwell with father if he be married to another than the mother. Ifillegitimate child not acknowledged by father dies intestate without lawful issue, his estate goes to mother; in case of her death, goes to her heirs at law. Illegitimate child inherits from and through its mother and transmits inheritance to her. Mother of illegitimate child is entitled to its custody, service, and earnings. Iegiti- mate child inherits from mother and trans- mitsinheritancetoher. Ilegitimatechild does not inherit as representing his parents unless they have intermarried and the father has acknowledged the child. If illegitimate child dies intestate without lawful issue not having been acknow]l- edged or adopted by his father, his estate goes to his mother, and in case of her decease to her heirs. Illegitimate child inherits from the mother and transmits inheritance to her, but does not inherit as representing her. if parents cohabit as man and wife, child is not ille- gitimate so far as inheritance is concerned. Illegitimate child inheritsfrom mother and from dmother and grandfather on mother’sside; illegitimatechildalsotrans- mits inheritance to same persons just as if legitimate. These provisions apply also in favor of the children of illegitimate. Illegitimate child deemed brother or sister of every other child of mother, legitimate or illegitimate. Mother of illegitimate child and her heirs and her illegitimate child and his heirs enjoy all rights and privileges to each other as if child born in lawful wedlock. If unmarried woman has child, she may be convicted of fornication. Illegitimate child inherits from mother and transmits inheritance to her as if lawfully begotten. Illegitimate child is heir of mother and mother inherits from illegitimate child asif legitimate. Inherits from mother and transmits inherit- ance to mother, but does not take as rep- resenting mother unless parents marry and father acknowledges him, and in that case he inherits asiflegitimate. Mother ofille- gitimate unmarried minor is entitled to his custody, service, and earnings. If mother is able to support child, she is en- titled toits custody. legitimate inherits from mother and transmits inheritance to her asiflegitimate. Ifillegitimate dies in- testate, eaving norelatives entitled to take his property, 1t goes to such persons on mother’s side as would inherit if he had been legitimate. Illegitimate child inherits from and receives inheritance through mother. Illegitimate child inherits from mother and transmitsinheritancetoher. Mother ofil- legitimate child has custody of it until child is 10, or ifshe wishes she may consent to the father’s having custody before the childis 10. Ifshe be unfit, she may be de- | prived of child’s custody. | Th tae Sut fa Ado ill ed be Itis: is: of ant to If m: he: efit Tile Dar 1The law like that of Louisiana distinguishes between natural and other illegiti hildren. Ni i i i i ERO tena Sa yoek tet: gui a, illegitimate children. atural children are those whose parents might have been lawfully married. Natural child No. 4. (For Notes 1-8 see Tabular analysis of American Illegitimacy Laws—Continued. | Jurisdiction. Civil or 3 55 Child and father. criminal | Courts and locality of jurisdiction. Who may make comphint. ime ek poempees cee tel 7on Process Preliminary proceedings. ion. | | | } ural Pere eece nie hos- | Secanions a a S i i imi | haw etah se cece dls peace. police magistrate | Any single woman or the county com- | See preceding column...........-----. Warrant.............. Ageused is entitled to preliminary | Tria _ Piial given surmesme of father | for {| missioners, Proceedings may be | hearing as in a criminal case, pa wat legitimate or a eee if | county for trial. | started before or after birth. Must | Mother must state name of father | = Semsodtaties beresen: Acknowledg- | | | be begum within one year of the and time and plsce of conception | the ment ofill te child by father must | birth, not counting the time father | under oath. — be public: Must be received into | is not an inhabitant of the State or | t | | father’s family mith wife’s comsent (if not ususlly residing in it. } i | not| he be married), and child must be | | | | | | —" feud orienta: | | ; to | her \ | | | | | | | | \ magh | Subsequent marriage of parents ofillegiti- -- Justice of insri fe fter bi W: i i i i: Sroceiisndsessweasssee peace for preliminaries, Unmarried woman Ifshe fails todo Before or after birth. .......----------- ‘arramt...........-.. Justice shall examine complainant | Trial e tO) mste child and acknowledgment by court of common pleas for trial. so, proper officers of town or county under oath in presence of accused, cas father legitimates such child. p interested in support of child or the who may crossetamine. Proceed- um director of county infirmary, if the ings shall be reduced to writing. | mother becomes a charge therein, Justice binds accused over under | | may mske complaint, or they may bond tocourt ofeommon pleas. Im- | \ finish suit already begun if mother prisoned on failure to give | fails to do so. i | 1 | fo its | Adoption into family of father legitimates --.____.... _......----- Action shall be wh oth: Any te x taint. Proceedings may be started before or Warrsnt.......-..----. Iss eciti- | illegitimate child’ If father ‘Scknowl es. peer matt jared. Be OA cleatiiy ee sel oan after bin | Meat ies ees ake es YY eee le oat TOS Cy OO g's D Sine a | edges ilk timate child in writing, same of entire proceedings. required to bring proceedings in case jary =| ner. the bastard or mother is liable to seti the | become 8 charge. ant L ie) bet: out | owl | State | f her | other | It iss misdemeanor fera man tofailtosap- __.._.._.._....-.-.----- Justice for preliminary hes Any unmsrried female delivered of or --.-.---.----- 0-22-2022 eect etree Warrant, runs Ij seeused appears or is stodr, i does | port child born while he lived with its cuit court for trial preensat with bastard. Ii caild throughout State. complainsnt is =e sander Test Feats mother unless he affirmatively shows it lixely to become pablic charge. any oath, Accused may cross-examine: rich tille | is not his child. Child adjudged issue public oGicer may cause mother to also other witnesses. Accus ed mate med.| of father within three years after birth t before justice and war- discharged on paying or securing com! and while father is alive has same right eatich sag Is amount satisfactory to mother and to inherit from father as it alwsyshad to 3p pproved by; qadee of: Sean am inherit from mother. ' snd on giving bond to indemnify = men’ county; otherwise bond for sppear- smce of commitment to aoa charge for lack of evidence does not precinde further proceadings. rand / Sabsequent marrisge of parents legit legit? If child ten outside Permsph ooo... eee ee ceee eee c cence cecec ee cect cece cee ec cece cee esccegetecesseesttee seseesscoresceeseeesecey ron| mates illegitimate child. If father of | i i amis| vania porn in Pennsyivanis, : | Pare vane Sree ameter no presses rams-} illecitimste child neglects to comply demesnor. jurisdiction is in county of birth. no | tasif| with orders of court im fornication or t i > begotten - also bastardy proceedings or in any, ocher | e. juris mste.| proceedings for support_of child or diction is in county of conception. sister Mother’s expenses at childbirth. he msy solely to levy fine: beexiten In cme mate} be imprisoned. county of State, born in another. msie jurisdiction in comt of birth, both mste ime and suppert. cation im 2 county where begotten for fornics- rm tion will bar bestardy prosecutien n bas in county of birth. Where child tion. | neither begotten nor born in Penn- | syivanis, no jurisdiction st all. If man has wife or lawful children living. _©__oo eee Where mother resides or where child Any woman delivered of bastard child. Complaint and trial both after bit2-.. asif he can not by will or deed sive toilleziir is born. The mscistrste for cx mate child of its mocher for its ben- pisint: the coart of sessions for tis!. efit more than one-fourth of his estate. Tilecitimate may not be sdooted unless | parent, if not married, could lawiully | : have married the mother sf time of child’s birth: also such child car not be | adopted if at time of adoption man has lawful wife or child hving unless wife is mother of illecitimate and unless wife files written consent to adoption: when child is so adopted, msn can not by will or deed give more property to saat “child than sllowed by lew unless he has no Iswinl wife or issue Hving st time of ' desth: if man dies intestate, sach child can get no more than he could by will or deed if lswfal wife or issue sarvive intes- tate. erit- | Weettimate child inherits from fsther iflat- County in which mother is premmantor Any unmarried womsn pregnant with Complsint mar be before or after birth: Warrant To ines bans mate child inherits rom father iste ss... +.1.+--+2+2- +--+ 7 e pre ¥ unmarricd w preg i wrt Comp Ts Oe OFS carat: TERT -------------- ustice examines compismant under | rep-| ter acknowledges him in writing before where child is bornor whereaccusei of Gelivered of bastard. trial only after birth. cath in pr of | are and witnesses bat does not represent father msy be found. Justice of peace for ter has right to controvert charge: if rase unless parents marry and father ac preliminaries: circuit court for trial. Drobabie cease is oe sccused is | ie Imowledges him, in winch case he inher- Lto| ats as if lentimste. Father of illesiti- Dern Over ka -| mate by publicly acknowledeing it, re | ceivinz it into family with wife’scomsent. | if he be married, and treating child as if legitimate, adoots child and it becomes | as if born in lawiul wedlock. Subse | quent marriace of parents legitimstes il- i legitimate child. \ m | Circuit and coumty courts have origims! |...............-.------- ‘Where the woman resides Justice of | Justice on own knowledge msy re See previous columm. Maintenance Woerrami...-........-- Accused mar giv: odicer serv- | THal its concurrent jurisdiction in matters of le pesce for Dreliminsries: county court quiresny sincle womsn to be broucht ae See tee che waa Shoe aes Apr ‘to| gitmaion. Petition for lecitimation. im for trial: appeal to circuit court. before him sfter she is delivered, or only. take this bail or commit. bv im Writing, signed by sppheant, verified br | woman may make compisint beiore | vi) ake} affidavit, givingressoms for desiring such | of after birth. on} action, may be acted upon by above } } adj} courts. of court makes child le gitimate as if born in Iawiul wedlock | Name msy be changed by prayer m pe — | j | tion. | t | j | | | ves | Sal tage of and Pee hh eae ect toss caeweteesateceu ge taeentaeoeccest | ) ee | legitimate. ad | | vasher of legitimate child by polity ao- enecu coal eskemcnse= .----, County where mother lives if it is be- i-| knowledging it and receiving it mio his | » ald i fil) family with ns wife’s consent, if he be ot be le married, and otherwise trestmg ciuld as if legitimate, thereby adopts it. Child by this means becomes heir of father. | | | i | ral children may be legitimated by the marriage of the parents or may be acknowledged. They are entitled to be recognized if paternity is scknowiedged af established by authentic evidemee. An action lies to compel recognition. The recognized natura 5 1-8 see Sheet No. 1 of Tabulsr analysis_) “wnonomcnesenm anna 1ws—Continued. runs State. accused ictment varrant. Whenever accused Tustice examines complainant under Accused may give bail to officer serv- County attorney examines woman on Preliminary proceedings. Trial. Evidence. Compulsion to disclose name of father. Accusation in travail. Accused is entitled to preliminary hearing as in a criminal case. Mother must state name of father and time and place of conception under oath, Justice shall examine complainant under oath in presence of accused, who may cross-examine. Proceed- ings shall be reduced to writing. Justice binds accused over under bond tocourt ofcommon pleas. Im- prisoned on failure to give bond. If accused appears or is in custody, complainant is examined under oath. Accused may cross-examine; also other witnesses. Accused discharged on paying or securing amount satisfactory to mother and approved by judge of juvenile court and on giving bond to indemnify county; otherwise bond for appear- ance or commitment to jail; dis- charge for lack of evidence does not preclude further proceedings. eset not guilty in district court, he shall be tried there. The magistrate shall take recognizance for payment of $25 annually, but if defendant denies he is the father there is trial in court of sessions. oath in presence of accused and lat- ter has right to controvert charge; if robable cause is found, accused is ound over for trial. ing warrant and all justice does is to take this bail or commit. oath in presence of defendant. If justice finds probable cause, bound eres In default of bond, commit- ted. Trial by county court without jury. party demands jury. Trialis by jury. For proceedings in case of absence of accused, see col- umn headed ‘‘ Enforcement.” Issue is guilty or not guilty. Court tries case unless accused demands jury. Ifjury is demanded, case is set for trial at next term and defend- ant released on bond. Appeal may be taken as in other actions. Issue is guilty or not guilty. Trialby jury if accused asks it and he has right ofappeal. Ifmother ofillegiti- mate child fails to prosecute after commencing suit, any public officer or person interested in support of onl may prosecute suit to judg- ment. On appeal, trial in superior court shall be by jury unless waived. It may roceed in absence of defendant. ay grant new trial as in civil cases. Jury trial in the court of sessions eH cab NS Trial before circuit court is by jury..-- Appeal to circuit court where trial is by jury. Trialshall be before court unless either Under act of 1917 mother not a com- petent witness at trialin action to establish paternity if reputed father be dead. The testimony given before ustice is admissible in evidence. Examination of mother before justice may be read in evidence if mother be dead and shall be read if accused demands it. No conviction on un- corroborated testimony of female. Mother may be compelled to attend and testify. -| If woman persists in extremity of labor or in court that man is father of bastard, this may be given in evi- dence to convict him of fornication. Depositions may be used as in civil cases. Mother must disclose on oath name of father; if she refuses, she must give security for maintenance or be com- mitted. Judgment. How and to whom paid. eriod of payment. Amount. If judgment is against accused, then court shall make such order tosecure the maintenance of child with the help of the mother, as the judge deems necessary. Ifjudgment is against accused also with the costs of the suit. Ifaccused is found guilty, heis charged lemseected ae. aies. 25 ee with maintenance of child in such | sum as court may direct. Court may change its orders at any time upon notice to defendant and county attorney. If accused found fue , adjudged to be father of child, andstandscharge- able with its maintenance as court directs and for lying-in expenses of mother paid by county and for care and support of child since birth and costs of prosecution. Amount not less than $100 nor more than $350 per year for first two years and not less than $150 nor more than $500 per year thereafter. If any man is convicted of fornication and bastardy and sentenced to pay the mother any sums forthe support ofthe child, she may have judgment entered in her favor against accused for such amount. (Clerk enters judgment upon woman’s filing certi- fied copy of court’s sentence with him.) If default be made in pay- ment of any installments of judg- ment, writ of fieri facias issues and from this there is no property ex- emption. In addition, there may be issued an attachment execution by which wages are attached; there is no exemption. Upon being con- victed of fornication man may be fined for that offense and also sen- tenced to pay expenses of childbirth | and give proper bond to authorities of poor of jurisdiction where child is pa to maintain child as court may order. If judgment is against accused, court orders payment to the overseers of poor for costs of lying-in and support ofthechild. Ifsuperior court finds defendant guilty, that court makes a new order as to amount and man- | ner of payment. If guilty, the defendant shall be recog- year; if twins, twice as much. If udgment is for defendant, he shall e discharged. If against accused, he shall be ordered to pay sum not exceeding $250 the first year after birth and $150 for each of 10 years succeeding this first year. Judgment cannot be ren- dered for woman who has had inter- course with several men. If father denies paternity, he shall file affidavit denying sexual intercourse with mother from tenth to sixth month before birth of child and this ae shall be admitted into evi- ence, Evidence is heard as in other cases. Mother and defendant are both com- petent witnesses. If judgment is for accused, costs may be given against person instituting proceedings or thecounty. Iffound guilty, defendant is charged for first _year of child’s life not more than $40, second year $30, third year $20. At end of third year court shall dispose of child as seems best either by giv- ing to the reputed father or binding out tosome suitable person. Award is not for mother but goes to com- missioner of poor. lf for accused, he is discharged and mother pays cost; if found guilty, must pay costs and $200 for first year of child’s life; $150 per year for 17 years thereafter. Money is paid out for support of child as directed by court, if guardian appointed, money Paid tohim. Payments to be made quarterly. heshall | be adjudged the father of the child | | and stands charged with its main- | tenance as the court shall order, and , | Provisions in Judgment as to name | Period ofsupport. | and status. Until the child in the opinion of the judge is likely to be “able to support itself.” | 14 years nized with security to pay $25 per | See previous column... See previous co.umn.. See previous column... ..............-. pas 2 TES... Enforcement. Security. Accused must give bond to c: Judsment and shall be im) on failure todoso. Hema! charged for insolvency. O the court may be enforced b on the bond and the arrest 01 ant may be directed. Where accused can not be fou transcript of the record before shall be filed before clerk of court, with affidavit by cor ant en. the facts, an of court shall issue an ordei tachment. Under this orde: erty not to exceed $1,000 n seized. Upon return of the service may be had by publ ‘for six weeks. If the accuse be adjudged the father and d pay the judgment, a re amount ofhis property shallt Accused must give security form order of court; on failur so may be sent to jail, but n discharged after three month insolvent by notice to compl: Execution may issue at any ti sums ordered to be paid and 4 ant may be required to secu: formance of orders as court direct. The filing of com creates a lien upon real prop: accused in the county where is brought for payment of any or judgment. Court may iss tachment on the complaint w bond. If bond forfeited, mo paid into court and held in tr child. Person adjudged to befather ma proper bond for performan terms of judgment and may tk bedischarged. Ifhegivesno he may be sent tojail, house rection, or workhouse. Hem discharged therefrom upon ; proper notice, as in cases of confined to jail upon exe againstthe person. Executio: be issued against defendant bondsmen to secure performa conditions of bond. On default execution may against all defendant’s good exemption, and his wages m attached. .| Defendant must give security failure to do so may be impri: he may be discharged as a debtor, but can be recommitt breaking terms of discharge. .| Reco@gnizance with security .| Defendant must give undertakir sureties as security; he may b mitted for contempt for failur¢ so, but can not be confined fo. than 1 year if unable to pay. Defendant must give bond to cc Judgment will be enforced by. tion ‘‘or otherwise.” Accused must give bond or b mitted; in which case he may charged for insolvency after ; On default of payments, jud rendered for amount due on pal and sureties on bond and tion issues. In addition on < of payment, father may be cc ted for contempt. n lies to compel recognition. The recognized natural child ha sthe right to the name of the recognizing parent and to hereditary portion, for details of which consult code. Every illegitimate child has a right te support if paternity is established by judgment or r< bee ey: | Period of support. Provisions in jelement as to name Enforcement. Security. Lien. inst accused, then | Until the child in the |......... 0.0.00... 202.2eceeeeeeeeeeeeeee Accused must give bond to carry out such order tosecure opinion of the jud e sudemeey and shall be imprisoned sat Geert he is likely to be ‘‘able pes eter todo a - os aney Fe ea cher, as the judge itself.” charged for insolvency. Orders i judg to support itsel the court may be enforced by action on the bond and the arrest of defend- ant may be directed. | | | | | | | OS ater TL a a a ls te bt Where accused can not be found, the ‘father of the child | 7777777777777” bine 9 2) ie Set cape transcript ofthe record beforejustice ‘ged with its main- | | shall be filed before clerk of county vurt shallorder, and | court, with affidavit by complain- its of the suit. | ant setting out the facts, and clerk | | of court 1] issue an order of at- | tachment. Under this order pro | erty not to exceed $1,000 may be | seized. Upon return of the order service may be had by publication for six weeks. If the accused then be adjudged the father and does not | pay the judgment, a_ requisite | amount ofhis property shall be sold. | Accused must give security to per- | form order of court; on failure to do | so may be sent to jail, but may be | discharged after three months as an | insolvent by notice to complainant. | ity; heis charged. sco ee te Boe eld So eee ead Execution may issue at any time for gain Ee eeeh pibeeeareteeecescecnsee Me eae Clee Ge sums ordered to be paid and defend- may direct. Court | ant may be required to secure per- orders at any time | formance of orders as court shall 2fendant and county direct. The filing of complaint | creates a lien upon real property of accused in the county where action is brought for payment of any order or judgment. Court may issue at- | tachment on the complaint without | bond. If bond forfeited, money is paid into court and held in trust for child. judged to: | 14: years of in absence of defendant. given in evidence. charged with maintenance of child ment ofjudgment; for failure to give the complainant such sum as she abate but shall go on in name of r in in such sum as court shall order. : it, accused shall be imprisoned, but agrees upon and gives bond ap- child. Death of child is no bar to izes after three months ae be dis- proved by justice or judge toindem- suit; if child dies after judgment, rict charged for insolvency. If accused nify county. Agreement must be paces abel make such reduction as absconds, may issue attachment acknowledged before court by both @ thinks proper. order. parties. Other means of legitimation. Acknowledgment. Inheritance. Gifts. In general. ates un- | Either parent may legitimate his child by declaration before a notary, | Child may be acknowledged by either parent be- | Natural children inherit fram mother ifshe has btn them and has left no lawful descend- | Natural children by pts inter vivos or causa mortis can take only | Natural children make no part of children prop- estuous using two witnesses, provided the parents at the time of conception fore a notary in the presence of two witnesses. ants. Ifshe has left such descendants, the illegitimate children receive only moderate alimony. amount necessary for sustenance or occupation to maintain them on. so called unless legitimated. Illegitimate timated could have contracted Marriage and provided there exists on part of | When the parents could legally have married Natural children of the father only inherit from him when he has left norelatives. Adulterous | if legitimate children are left. If no legitimate children, natural| child though acknowledged can not claim rights during arent no legitimate ascendants or descendants. Legitimationmay | at the time of conception, acknowledgment by | or incestuous bastards inherit from neither parent but are allowed mere alimony. Illegitimate | childrenmaytakefullamount. Ifmotherhasleft naturalchildren of legitimate children. Every claim of natural e extended to a deceased child who has left issue and in that case issue benefits thereby. The father may legitimate his natural child by writing in own hand or causing to be executed by the notary public a proper instrument attested by three witnesses in which he acknowledges such person to be his child and designates him by name, Where man has several children by one concubine the ac- knowledgement as above in writing will legitimate them all, though the rest are not mentioned specifically. the father without consent of mother is only effective as regards the father. children do not inherit through the parents. The parents inherit from the naturalchildren. If parents die before natural child his estate passes to his natural brothers or sisters. If wife sur- vives husband who has left no lawful ascendants or descendants, she inherits to exclusion of duly acknowledged natural child; in case husband survive, natural child takes precedence over him. dren who inherit from natural father or mother go into possession only by order of judge. If natural child inherits from mother deceased without lawful issue, child shall not be put into possession without calling relations of deccased who would have inherited in default of natural child. If inheritance be from deceased natural father, faithful inventory must be made by notary in presence of person appointed to defend interest ofabsent heirs of decedent. Natural children must give security amounting to two-thirds value of property into possession of which they havecome. This is security for restitution in case legitimate heirs appear within 3 years. Child legitimated by marriage after its conception takes only those successions opened since marriage of parents. only a part, they have noaction against heirs for more than enough formaintenance. Ifnaturalfather has not left legitimate children, natural children take by these gifts one-fourth if he has left legiti- mate ascendants; one-third if he has left more remote collateral relatives. Beyond these parts he must dispose of property in fa- vor of legitimate relatives. Natural father and mother can in no case dispose of more property in favor of adulterous or incestuous oon than enough to sustain them or to procure them an occu- pation. child may be contested by those interested. REFERENCE INDEX TO ILLEGITIMACY LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES (In Effect January 1, 1919) 59 REFERENCE INDEX TO ILLEGITIMACY LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. {In effect Jan, 1, 1919.] © PREFATORY NOTE. The following references to illegitimacy laws in force in the United States are arranged in two ways: First, according to a topical index, the States being grouped alphabetically under each topic; and, second, consecutively under each State. In the second grouping each reference is followed by a key word, indicating the subject to which it refers. The topical index has two main headings: The first, General and Status Legislation; the second, Support Legislation. The sub- topics—Adoption, Registration of Births, etc.—are those within the scope of which illegitimacy legislation is usually found. Although the specific references cover the provisions concerning illegitimacy only, they may be used as a basis for finding also the rest of the law relating to any given subtopic. For a few subjects the list of States is nearly complete; for example, the birth registration laws of 37 States make some mention of illegitimate births and are therefore cited, and in order to determine the total number of States having birth registration laws, the laws of only the remaining 16 jurisdictions would need to be searched. With a few exceptions, judicial decisions were not examined in connection with compiling these references. ‘ 61 TOPICAL INDEX OF REFERENCES. GENERAL AND STATUS LEGISLATION. ADOPTION.—Consent of mother required for the adoption of her illegitimate child. ARKANSAS)... ivens=- Kirby and Castle's Digest 1916, secs. 1568, 1583. CALIFORNIA......... Deering’s Civil Code 1915, sec. 224, as amended by Laws 1917, ch. 558. IDAHO................-Revised Codes 1908, sec. 2703. ILLINOIS........25..... Hurd’s Revised Statutes 1917, ch. 4, secs, 2, 9a-9c; ch. 23, sec. 183. IOWA...... 0... e eee Code 1897, sec. 3251 LOUISIANA........... Merrick’s Revised Civil Code 1912, art. 214 . MATING ose trcnrsaecreponvars Revised Statutes 1916, ch. 72, sec. ‘36. MASSACHUSETTS. ...Revised Laws 1902, ch. 83, secs. 18, 17-19; ch. 154, sec, 2,:as amended by Laws 10904, th. 302. MICHIGAN...........-Comptled Laws 1915, sec. 14139. MINNESOTA........-- General Statutes 1913, secs. 7153-7155, as amended by Laws 1917, ch. 222. MONTANA. ........... Revised ‘Codes 1907, sec. 376+. NEBRASKA..........-- Revised Statutes 1913, secs. 1616, 1620. NEVADA sentence swexs Revised Laws 1912, secs. 731, 746, 5828. NEW HAMPSHIRE. . . Public Statutes 1901, ch. 181, ser. 2. NEW MEXIOO-_ ........Statutes 1915, secs. 13, 17. NEW YORK...........Bindseye Consolidated Laws (2d ed.) 1917, vol. 2, Domestic Relations, ch. 14, secs. 111, 113. ‘ NORTH DAKOTA.....Gompiled Laws 1913, sec. 4444. Laws 1911, ch. 177, sec. 17. OKLAHOMA..........Revised Laws 1910, sec. 4388. % OREGON......-.---.-.-Lord’s Oregon Laws 1910, sec’ 7099, as amended by Laws 1915, ch. 31. SOUTH CAROLINA. ..Code 1912 (Civil), sec. 3798. / SOUTH DAKOTA. ...-Revised Codes 1903 (Civil), sec. 181. , Laws 1915, ch. 119, sec. 23. TENNESSEE.......... Thompson’s Shannon’s Code 1918, secs. 4436a-65al5. UTAH 2... caseee0 seneee Compiled Laws 1917, sec. 13. VERMONT.......-..+- General Laws 1917, sec. 3757. WEST VIRGINIA. ...: Laws 1915, ch. 70, sec. 20. WISCONSIN.......-..- Statutes 1917, sec. 4022. , APPRENTICESHIP.—Consent to, and binding out by mother and others. ALASKA..............-Compiled Lawa 1913, sec. 446. CALIFORNIA......... Deering’s Civil Code 1915, sec. 265. 63 64 ILLEGITIMACY LAWS, APPRENTICESHIP—Continued. COLORADO............ Revised Statutes 1908, sec. 134. DELAWARE. .....-... Revised Code 1915, secs. 3102, 3112. ILLINOIS......... cyepayars Hurd’s Revised Statutes 1917, ch. 9, sec.-2. MARYLAND.......... Annotated Code, vol. 1,-1911, art. 6, sec. 11. MASSACHUSETTS. ...(Apprenticeship Law repealed by Laws 1918, ch. 257, sec, 402.) ‘ MICHIGAN....... ...--Compiled Laws 1915, sec. 11517. NORTH CAROLINA...Pell’s Revisal 1908, sec. 201. OREGON.............-- Lord’s Oregon Laws 1910, sec. 7059. SOUTH CAROLINA...Code 1912 (Civil), sec. 973. TENNESSEE.......... Thompson’s Shannon’s Code 1918, secs. 2708, 4322, VERMONT............ General Laws 1917, sees. 3732-3733. BIRTHS AND DEATHS, CONCEALMENT OF, BY MOTHER. ALASKA 2.000% os sesene Compiled Laws 1913, secs. 2005-2006. ARKANSAS. ......... . Kirby and Castle’s Digest 1916, secs. 1907-1908. COLORADO............ Revised Statutes 1908, sec. 1641. CONNECTICUT....... General Statutes 1918, secs. 6389-6390. FLORIDA..............General Statutes 1906, secs. 3218-3219. GEORGIA.............Park’s Annotated Code, 1914 (Penal), sec. 79. HAWAII...... ais emery Revised Laws 1915, sec. 4164. ILLINOIS.............. Hurd’s Revised Statutes 1917, ch. 38, sec. 44. KENTUCKY........... Statutes 1915, sec. 1220. . MAINE................. Revised Statutes 1916, ch. 126, sec. 8. MASSACHUSETTS. . .. Revised Laws 1902, ch. 212, secs. 17-18. MICHIGAN............ Compiled Laws 1915, secs. 15469-15470. MINNESOTA.......... General Statutes 1913, sec. 8697, as amended by Laws 1917, ch. 231, MISSOURI............- Revised Statutes 1909, sec. 4470. NEVADA............... Revised. Laws 1912, sec. 6450. NEW HAMPSHIRE. . . Public Statutes 1901, ch. 278, sec. 14. NEW JERSEY......... Compiled Statutes 1910, vol. 2, p. 1784, sec. 118. NEW YORK...,........ Birdseye Consolidated Laws (2d ed.), 1917, vol. 5, Penal Law, ch. 40, sec. 2461. NORTH CAROLINA. . Pell’s Revisal 1908, sec. 3623. NORTH DAKOTA.....Compiled Laws 1913, sec. 9606. OKLAHOMA..........Revised Laws 1910, secs. 2438, 2807, OREGON.............Lord’s Oregon Laws 1910, secs. 2080, 2088. PENNSYLVANIA. . ...Stewart’s Purdon’s Digest, vol. 1, p. 901, sec. 3. RHODE ISLAND..... General Laws 1909, ch. 347, secs. 10-11. SOUTH DAKOTA. ....Revised Code 1903 (Penal), secs. 344, 794. VERMONT............ General Laws 1917, secs. 6804-6805. WASHINGTON........ Remington’s Codes and Statutes 1915, sec. 2452, WISCONSIN..........+Statutes 1917, secs. 4585-4586, REFERENCE INDEX TO LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. - 65 BIRTHS, REGISTRATION OF.—Statement as to whether child is legitimate or illegitimate, and registration on srANDARD CENSUS FORM; miscellaneous. ; ALABAMA............ Code 1907, sec. 711, as amended by Laws 1911, p. 116. ALASKA.........00006- Laws 1913, ch. 35, sec. 2. ARIZONA..........2... Revised Statutes 1913, Civil Code, sec. 4418. COLORADO............ Revised Statutes 1908, sec. 384. DELAWARE........-. Revised Code 1915, sec. 808. DISTRICT OF CO- LUMBIA ............ 34 U.S. Statutes at Large, p. 1010, ch. 2280, sec. 1. FLORIDA.............. Laws 1915, ch. 6892, sec. 14. GEORGIA... seeeeees.-Park’s Annotated Code 1914 (Political), sec. 1676 (bb). HAWATLivsvsescwanwwnts Revised Laws 1915, sec. 1133, as amended by Laws 1915a.48, sec. 1142. TDAH Or sispucicciaaeihcin Laws 1911, ch. 191, sec. 14. ILLINOIS.............. Hurd’s Revised Statutes 1917, ch. 1114, sec. 31. TOW Ac ccsmawcnawsieesiens Laws 1917, ch. 326, sec. 6. KENTUCKY........... Statutes 1915, sec. 2062a,14. LOUISIANA........... Laws 1918, No. 257, sec. 14. MASSACHUSETTS. ... Revised Laws 1902, ch. 29, sec. 1, as amended by Laws 1910, ch. 322, sec. 25. Laws 1912, ch. 280, sec. 2; sec. 3 repeals Revised Laws 1902, ch. 29, sec. 3. MICHIGAN............ Compiled Laws 1915, sec. 5614. MINNESOTA.......... General Statutes 1913, secs. 4651-4652 and 4661-4662 as amended, and 4653a and 4660a-4660b as added, by Laws 1917, ch. 220. Laws 1917, ch. 212, secs. 8-10. MISSOURI............- Revised Statutes 1909, sec. 6677. MONTANA.......000-- Revised Codes 1907, sec. 1769. NEBRASKA..........Revised Statutes 1913, sec. 2748. NEVADA............-Revised Laws 1912, sec. 2965. NEW YORK........... Birdseye Consolidated Laws (2d ed.) 1917, vol. 6 Public Health, ch. 45, sec. 383. NORTH CAROLINA. . Pell’s Revisal 1908, sec. 5438b(14), items 6 and 8, Sup- plement 1913 (1913, ch. 109, sec. 14). ‘ NORTH DAKOTA..... Compiled Laws 1913, sec. 447. Laws 1915, ch. 183, sec. 8. OHIO vice vescian sscayuvaraiasacese General Code 1910, sec. 219 (items 5 and 6), as amended i“ by Laws 1913, p. 194. OKLAHOMA.........- Laws 1917, ch. 168, sec. 14 (6). OREGON............-Laws 1915, ch. 268, sec. 13, as amended by Laws 1917, : ch. 384. ES PENNSYLVANIA. ....Stewart’s Purdon’s Digest, Supplement 1905-1915, vol. 6, p. 7303, sec. 20 (1915, No. 402, p. 900, sec. 14), PORTO RICO........- Revised Statutes and Codes 1911, secs. 231-233, 235. TENNESSEE.......... Thompson’s Shannon’s Code 1918, sec. 3118a-51, TEXAS......-....----Laws 1917, ch. 129, sec. 9. 90956°: 66 ILLEGITIMACY LAWS. BIRTHS, REGISTRATION OF—Continued. TAT soothes rand Compiled Laws 1917, sec. 5052. VERMONT. ........... General Laws 1917, sec. 3786. VIRGINIA............ Code 1904, Supplement 1916, p. 848, sec. 14; sec. 20, as amended by Laws 1918, ch. 58. WASHINGTON........ Remington’s Codes and Statutes 19165, sec. 5435... WISCONSIN........... Statutes 1917, secs. 1022-30 (items 5 and 21). WYOMING...... alahey Compiled Statutes 1910, sec. 2957. CUSTODY.—Surrender thereof to institution, etc. (See also provisions in “Iiz- GITIMacy PRoceEDINGsS.’’) CALIFORNIA......... Deering’s Civil Code 1915, sec. 200. GEORGIA............. Park’s Annotated Code (Civil), sec. 3028. ILLINOIS....:......... Hurd’s Revised Statutes‘1917, ch. 17, sec. 13. LOW Ae cio csrsiastseialsiwiieiinie Code 1897, Supplement 1913, sec. 3260-c. LOUISIANA........... Merrick’s Revised Civil Code 1912, arts. 213, 238. MARYLAND.......... Annotated Code, vol. 3 (1914), art. 27, secs. 484-488, as added by Laws 1916, ch. 210. MASSACHUSETTS. . .. Revised Laws 1902, ch. 83, sec. 13. MICHIGAN............ Compiled Laws 1915, sec. 7230. MINNESOTA.......... General Statutes 1913, sec. 7154, as amended by Laws © 1917, ch, 222. , MONTANA............ Revised Codes 1907, sec. 3745. NEVADA.............Revised Laws 1912, sec. 766. NEW HAMPSHIRE. ..Public Statutes 1901, Supplement 1913, p. 163 (1911, ch. 134, see. 12). NEW JERSEY......... Laws 1913, ch. 331, secs. 1-3. \ NORTH CAROLINA. . Laws 1917, ch. 59, secs. 1-3. NORTH DAKOTA..... Compiled Laws 1913, sec. 4425.. OKLAHOMA.......... Revised Laws 1910, sec. 4369. PORTO RICO......... Revised Statutes and Codes 1911, secs. 184, 3292. SOUTH DAKOTA...... Revised Codes 1903 (Civil), sec. 112. TENNESSEE........-. Thompson’s Shannon’s Code 1918, sec. 7346 (See Court Decision ‘‘1 Yer. 92” under see. 5408). WDA H gie-saceaveisie siakinmeyse Compiled Laws 1917, see. 391. WYOMING............ Compiled Statutes 1910, sec. 5739, as amended by Laws 1915, ch. 143. DEFINITIONS.—(For definitions in certain States, see also “Itzecrrmacy Pro- CEEDINGS.’’) GEORGIA..-.-....----- Park’s Annotated Code 1914 (Civil), sec. 3026. LOUISIANA..........- Merrick’s Revised Civil Code 1912, arts. 27, 178, 180-183, 202, and 3556(8). PORTO RICO.........Revised Statutes and Codes 1911, secs. 3250, 3263. (See also ‘‘LeGitimacy, PREsuMPTION oF, 2) DIVORCE.—(For effect of divorce on legitimacy of children, see “Marriage AND Divorce.”) — RETERENCE INDEX TO LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. 67 GUARDIANSHIP OF MOTHER, CONSENT TO APPOINTMENT OF GUARD- IAN, ETC.: ARIZONA..........-...- Revised Statutes 1918, Civil Code, sec. 1118. ‘ARKANSAS, ........ ~-Kirby and Castle’s Digest 1916, sec. 4155. CALIFORNIA. ........ Deering’s Civil Code 1915, sec. 241. CONNECTICUT......... General Statutes 1918, sec. 4863. GEORGIA............- Park’s Annotated Code 1914 (Civil), sec. 3045. IDAHO... ..- tseesictiectscon Revised Codes 1908, sec. 5781. LOUISIANA.........-- Merrick’s Revised Civil Code 1912, arts. 256, 261. MISSOURI............. Revised Statutes 1909, sec. 403, as amended by Laws 1913, p. 92. MONTANA............ Revised Codes 1907, sec. 3778. NEW MEXICO.......-- Statutes 1915, sec. 2577. NEW YORK........... Birdseye Consolidated Laws (2d ed.) 1917, vol. 2; Domestic Relations, ch. 14, sec. 86. NORTH DAKOTA..... Compiled Laws 1913, sec. 4456. OKLAHOMA............ Revised Laws 1910, sec. 3326. SOUTH DAKOTA...... Revised Codes 1903 (Civil), sec. 144. VERMONT........---- General Laws 1917, sec. 3636. WYOMING. .....-.---- Compiled Statutes 1910, sec. 5739, as amended by Laws 1915, ch. 143. . INCESTUOUS MARRIAGES.—Specifically applied to illegitimate relationship. (For legitimacy of children, see “Marriage anp Divorce.”’) ALABAMA....... aisle eat Code 1907, secs. 4877-4878. ARIZONA.........----- Revised Statutes 1913, Civil Code, sec. 3838. ARKANSAS. .......--- Kirby and Castle’s Digest 1916, sec. 6083. CALIFORNTA.......-- Deering’s Civil Code 1915, sec. 59. COLORADO...........-Revised Statutes 1908, secs. 1769-1770, 4163-4164. TDAFLO} ws acsciss eectpeiece:c-s Revised Codes 1908, sec. 2615. ILLINOIS........-.---- Hurd’s Revised Statutes 1917, ch. 89, see. 1. KANSAS.............--- General Statutes 1915, sec. 6135. KENTUCKY.......---- Statutes 1915, sec. 2096. LOUISIANA...--..---- Merrick’s Revised Civil Code 1912, arts. 94-95. MISSOURI..........--- Revised Statutes 1909, sec. 8280. MONTANA........--.- Revised Codes 1907, sec. 3611. NEBRASKA..........-- Revised Statutes 1913, sees. 1542, 8769. . NEW MEXICO........- Statutes 1915, sec. 3430. NEW YORK.......-.-- Birdseye Consolidated Laws (2d ed.) 1917, vol. 2, Domestic Relations, ch. 14, sec. 5. NORTH DAKOTA....- Compiled Laws 1913, sec. 4359. PORTO RICO.....-.-- (See footnote to section 5717 of the Revised Statutes and : Codes 1911.) SOUTH DAKOTA...... Revised Codes 1903 (Civil), sec. 38. UTAH ion csceea ve canes Compiled Laws 1917, sec. 2966. WYOMING. ..... ..----Compiled Statutes 1910, sec. 3917. 68 ILLEGITIMAGY, LAWS... INHERITANCE. ALABAMA.............. Code 1907, secs. 3760-3761. ALASKA.......2.2205.- Compiled Laws 1913, secs. 597-598. ° ARIZONA........0000-- Revised Statutes 1913, Civil Code, secs. 1103-1104.. ARKANSAS...-....... Kirby and Castle’s Digest 1916, sec. 2852. CALIFORNIA......... Deering’s Civil Code 1915, secs. 1887-1388. COLORADO...........- Revised Statutes 1908, secs. 7046, 7049. CONNECTICUT......... General Statutes 1918, sec. 5061. DELAWARE..........-. Revised Code 1915, secs. 3087, 3087a, as added by Laws 1917, ch. 229, 3269. DISTRICT OF Co- LUMBIA.............. Code of Law 1911, secs. 387, 957-958. FLORIDA............-- General Statutes 1906, sec. 2292. GEORGIA............- Park’s Annotated Code 1914 (Civil), secs. 3029-3030. HAWATI............... Revised Laws 1915, secs. 3248-3249, 2995. TDAH Oss cebaveesaeeares Revised Codes 1908, secs. 5703-5704. ILLINOIS.............. Hurd’s Revised Statutes 1917, ch. 39, secs. 2-3. INDIANA.............. Burns’ Annotated Statutes 1914, secs, 2998, 3000, 3002. TO WAsioorsseeeeaisiee ss Code 1897, secs. 3384-3385. KANSAS «oc cccaaseceis General Statutes 1915, secs. 3844-3847. KENTUCKY........... Statutes 1915, secs. 1397-1398. LOUISIANA........... Marr’s Annotated Revised Statutes 1915, sec. 4142. Merrick’s Revised Civil Code 1912, arts. 206-212, :917- 929, 933, 949, 954, 1483-1488. MAINE..............--. Revised Statutes 1916, ch. 65, sec. 13; ch. 80, sec. 3. MARYLAND.......... Annotated Code, vol. 1 (1911), art. 46, secs. 29-30; vol. 2 (1911), art. 93, sec. 134. . MASSACHUSETTS. ... Revised Laws 1902, ch. 133, secs. 3-5. MICHIGAN...........- Compiled Laws 1915, secs. 11796-11798. MINNESOTA.......... General Statutes 1913, secs. 7240-7241, MISSISSIPPI........... Code 1906, sec. 1655. . MISSOURI......-...-- _ Revised Statutes 1909, sec. 340. MONTANA..........-- Revised Codes 1907, secs. 4821-4822. NEBRASKA...........- Revised Statutes 1913, secs. 1273-1274. NEVADA.............-- Revised Laws 1912, secs. 6117-6118. NEW HAMPSHIRE. . .Public Statutes 1901, ch. 196, sec. 4 (Supplement 1913, p. 462), sec. 5; ch. 174, sec. 18. NEW JERSEY.........Compiled Statutes 1910, vol. 2, p. 1923, sec. 13, as amended by Laws 1917, chs. 139 and 246; vol: 3, p. 3874, sec. 169, as amended by Laws 1918, ch. 63.: NEW MEXICO........ Statutes 1915, secs. 1850, as amended by Laws 1915, ch. 69 (see also Statutes 1915, Appendix, p. 106); 1851; 1856. NEW YORK...........Birdseye Consolidated Laws (2d ed.) 1917, vol. 2, Decedent Estate, ch. 13, secs. 89, 98. NORTH CAROLINA...Pell’s Revisal 1908, secs. 136-137, 264; sec. 1556, ‘rile 9, Supplement 1913- (as amended by Laws 1918, ch. 71); rules 10 and 13, REFERENCE INDEX TO LAWS OF THE. UNITED STATES. 69 INHERITANCE—Continued. NORTH DAKOTA.....Compiled Laws 1913, secs. 5745-5746. Laws 1917, ch. 70, sec. 1. OHIO: ssiazicaninnaiose General Code 1910, secs, 8590-8591. OKLAHOMA.......... Revised Laws 1910, secs. 8420-8421. OREGON ea sceseSoiwasica Lord’s Oregon Laws 1910, secs. 7351-7352. Laws 1917, ch, 48, sec. 14, PENNSYLVANIA..... Stewart’s Purdon’s Digest 1700-1903, vol. 2, p. 2004, secs. 52 (in part repealed by Laws 1917, No. 192, pp. 444-445), 55. Laws 1917, No. 192, secs, 14-15, 27-28. PORTO RICO......... Revised Statutes and Codes 1911, secs. 3265, 3809, 3886-3891, 4001, 4005-4009. RHODE ISLAND..... General Laws 1909, ch. 316, sec. 7. SOUTH CAROLINA...Code 1912 (Civil), secs. 3454, 3562, 3575, 3798. SOUTH DAKOTA..... Revised Codes 1903 (Civil), secs. 1096-1097. TENNESSEE.......... Thompson’s Shannon’s Code 1918, secs. 4166-4167 (sec. 4168 was declared unconstitutional in 130 Tenn. 494), 4169. TEXAS...............-. Revised Statutes 1911 (Civil), arts. 2472-2473. UTA Bisco nsc aie ciweate eat Compiled Laws 1917, secs. 6413-6414, 6428-6430. VERMONT......-...-. General Laws 1917, secs. 3418-3419. VIRGINIA..-.......... Code 1904, secs. 2552-2554. WASHINGTON........ Remington’s Codes and Statutes 1915, secs, 1345-1346. ‘WEST VIRGINIA...-. Barnes’ Code 1916, ch. 78, secs. 5-6, WISCONSIN..........- Statutes 1917, secs, 2273-2274. WYOMING...........- Compiled Statutes 1910, secs. 5731-5733. JUVENILE COURTS.—Petition to state name of mother_of child of illegitimate birth. Notice to mother. (For consent to adoption under juvenile court laws, see ‘‘ADOPTION. ”’) ARKANSAS..........- Kirby and Castle’s Digest 1916, sec. 1568. ILLINOIS........-.---- Hurd’s Revised Statutes 1917, ch. 23, secs. 172-173. KENTUCKY........-.- Statutes 1915, sec. 331e.4. MICHIGAN...........- Compiled Laws 1915, sec. 2017 (juvenile court law -pro- vides relief for unmarried mother of dependents). MINNESOTA.......... Laws 1917, ch. 397, sec. 1 (child of illegitimate birth is classed as a ‘‘dependent” in the juvenile court law). MONTANA......-+-+-- Laws 1911, ch. 122, sec. 5. NEVADA....----..--+-- Revised Laws 1912, sec. 731. NORTH DAKOTA.....Laws 1911, ch. 177, secs. 5-6. SOUTH DAKOTA..... Laws 1915, ch. 119, secs. 5-6. -WEST VIRGINIA.....- Laws 1915, ch. 70, secs. 4; 5, as amended by Laws 1917, ch. 63. LEGITIMACY, PRESUMPTION OF, ETC. CALIFORNIA.........Deering’s Civil Code, secs, 193-195. Deering’s Code of Civil Procedure, secs. 1962 (5}, 1963 (31). 70 ILLEGITIMACY LAWS. LEGITIMACY, PRESUMPTION OF, ETC.—Continued. GEORGIA............. Park’s Annotated Code 1914 (Civil), sec. 3012. LOUISIANA........--.Merrick’s Revised Civil Code 1912, arts. 184-197; 208-212. MONTANA............ Revised Codes 1907, secs. 3738-3740. NORTH DAKOTA..... Compiled Laws 1913, secs. 4420-4422, 7935 (5), 7936 (31), OKLAHOMA.......... Revised Laws 1910, secs. 4364-4366. OREGON....-....---0-- Lord’s Oregon Laws 1910, secs. 798 (6), 799 (32). PORTO RICO......... Revised Statutes and Codes 1911, secs. 3250-3256. SOUTH DAKOTA..... Revised Codes 1903 (Civil), secs. 107-109. LEGITIMATION, METHODS OF. By subsequent marriage of parents, by judicial proceeding, by writing, and by open and notorious acknowledgment or by adoption of child by father: ALABAMA.........--- Code 1907, secs. 5199-5201. ALASKA oc ceeisiesisivicces Compiled Laws 1913, secs. 438, 597-598. ARIZONA...........---Revised Statutes 1913, Civil Code, secs. 1103, 1198, 3840. ARKANSAS. .......--. Kirby and Castle’s Digest 1916, sec. 2853. CALIFORNIA. .... aie -Deering’s Civil Cade 1915, secs. 215, 230, 1387, COLORADO..........-- Revised Statutes 1908, sec. 7046. CONNECTICUT....... General Statutes 1918, sec. 5061. DELAWARE. .........(No provisions.) ’ DISTRICT OF .CO- LUMBIA secssce2 osx Code of Law 1911, sec. 957. FLORIDA. 2 sce sce see os General Statutes 1906, sec. 2602. GEORGIA........-.-.- Park’s Annotated Code 1914 (Civil), secs. 3012-3013. FEA WALL wane cecciacses Revised Laws 1915, sec. 2996. ‘ IDAHO............-. _... Revised Codes 1908, sees. 2699, 2709, 5768. IL LINONS secccaneeaiseas Hurd’s Revised Statutes 1917, ch. 17, sec. 15; ch. 39, sec. 3. INDIANA ofall chahavlbnc Burns’ Annotated Statutes 1914, secs. 3000-3001. IOWA........-.-....-Code 1897, secs. 3150, 3385. KANSAS..... seiaaieaeet General Statutes 1915, sec. 3845. KENTUCKY ........... Statutes 1915, sec. 1898. LOUISIANA.....-..... Marr’s Annotated Revised Statutes 1915, secs. 4142- 4143. Merrick’s Revised Civil Code 1912, arts. 198-201, 203- - 206. MAINE cociesevoacer sc Revised Statutes 1916, ch. 80, see. 3. MARYLAND.......... Annotated Code, vol. 1 (1911), art. 46, sec. 29. MASSACHUSETTS. . ..Revised Laws 1902, ch. 138, sec. 5. MICHIGAN.........- --Compiled Laws 1915, secs. 11387-11391. 11798. MINNESOTA........-- General Statutes 1913, secs. 7105, 7240. MISSISSIPPI......----- Code 1906, sec. 542, as amended by Laws 1910, ch. 185; ‘ sec. 1655. MISSOURI ......00220-- Revised Statutes 1909, secs. 341, 344, REFERENCE INDEX TO LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. LE LEGITIMATION, METHODS OF—Continued. MONTANA............ Revised Codes 1907, secs. 3760, 3770, 4821. NEBRASKA............ Revised Statutes 1913, sec. 1273. NEVADA............... Revised Laws 1912, secs. 2351, 5833, 6117. NEW HAMPSHIRE. .. Public Statutes 1901, ch. 174, sec. 18. NEW JERSEY........Compiled Statutes 1910, vol. 3, p. 3874, sec. 169, as amended by Laws 1918, ch. 63. Laws 1914, ch. 5, see. 1. Laws 1915, ch. 178; secs. 1-3. NEW MEXICO....... .. Statutes 1915, sec. 1850, as amended by Laws 1915, ch. 69 (see also Statutes 1915, Appendix, p. 106); 1852. NEW YORK...........Birdseye Consolidated Laws (2d ed.) 1917, vol. 2, Do- mestic Relations, ch. 14, sec. 24. NORTH CAROLINA...Pell’s Revisal 1908, secs. 263-264. . Laws 1917, ch. 219, sees, I-2. NORTH DAKOTA..... Compiled Laws 1913, secs, 4421, 4450, 5745. Laws 1917, ch. 70, secs. 1-3. OHIO................General Code 1910, sec. 8591. OKLAHOMA. ......... Revised Laws 1910, secs. 4365; 4399, as amended by Laws 1910-1911, p. 169, ch. 73; see. 84260. OREGON........2......Lord’s Oregon Laws 1910, secs. 7026, 7351-7352. Laws 1917, ch. 48, see. 14. ‘ PENNSYLVANIA..... Stewart’s Purdon’s Digest 1700-1903; vol. 3, p. 2445, 7 sec. 31 (in part repealed by Laws 1917, No. 192, pp. 443-444), Laws, 1917, No. 192, sec. 15(d). PORTO RICO......... Revised Statutes and Codes 1911, secs. 235, 405, 3250, 3257-3265, 3389, 3809. RHODE ISLAND..... (No provisions.) SOUTH CAROLINA. ..(No specifie provisions, but consult Civil Code 1919, sec. - 3798.) SOUTH DAKOTA..... Revised Codes 1903 (Civil), secs. 108, 138, 1096. TENNESSEE........-- Thompson's Shannon’s Code 1918, secs. 5402, 5406--54038, 5412-5413, 6027 (10), 6069. TEXAS.......... i hedans Revised Statutes 1911 (Civil), art. 2472. UTAH....... Meoleee Compiled Laws 1947, secs. 19, 393, 6413. VERMONT............- General Laws 1917, sec. 3419. VIRGINIA...........- Code 1904, sec. 2553. WASHINGTON........ Remington’s Codes and Statutes 1915, sees. 1845, 7155. WEST VIRGINIA...-- Barnes’ Code 1916, ch. 78, sec. 6. WISCONSIN.........-- Statutes 1917, secs. 2274, 2339n-25. WYOMING....-------- Compiled Statutes. 1910, see. 5731. MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE.—Effect of void and annulled marriages and of divorce on legitimacy of children, ete.: ALABAMA............ Code 1907, secs. 3807, 4880. ALASKA..........-..--Compiled Laws 1913, sec. 597. Laws 1917, ch. 56, secs. 12-14. 72 ILLEGITIMACY LAWS. MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE—Continued. ARIZONA............4. Revised Statutes 1913, Civil Code, secs. 1103: 3864. as amended by Laws 1917, ch. 54. ARKANSAS. .......... Kirby and Castle’s Digest 1916, secs. 2854, 2887, 6085, 6095-6096, 6098, 6105. CALIFORNIA......... Deering’s Civil Code 1915, secs. 84, 144-145, 194, 1387, COLORADO...........- Revised Statutes 1908, sec. 2112 (apparently superseded by Laws 1915, ch. 74, and: Laws, 1917, ch. 65). - CONNECTICUT. ......General Statutes 1918, secs. 5289-5293, DELAWARE.......... Revised Code 1915, secs. 3029-3030. DISTRICT OF CO- LUMBIA..........-- Code of Law 1911, secs. 972-974. FLORIDA ............ General Statutes 1906, secs. 1929, 2579, 2586. GEORGIA......-....-- Park’s Annotated Code 1914 (Civil), secs. 2180, 2935, 2963, 3012. Park’s Annotated Code 1914 (Penal), sec. 369. AWAD out iciiae ot ease Revised Laws 1915, secs, 2922-2923, 2940-2941. IDAHO voce ssetaiecces + Revised Codes 1908, secs. 2642, 2669, 5703. ; ILLINOIS..........----Hurd’s Revised Statutes 1917, ch. 40, sec. 3; ch. 89, secs. 4, 18. INDIAN Asrnsiics'e ee 05 Burns’ Annotated Statutes 1914, secs. ‘aus TOWA sos seas oonee oan Code 1897, secs. 3175, 3185-3186. KANSAS..............-- General Statutes 1915, sec. 7585. _ KENTUCKY.........-. Statutes 1915, secs. 166, 1399a-1399b; 2098-2099. LOUISIANA........... Marr’s Annotated Revised Statutes 1915, secs. 4453- 4454, Merrick’s Revised Civil Code 1912, arts. 181-183, 198, 204. MAINE...........- ,----Revised Statutes 1916, ch. 65, secs. 13, 16-17. MARYLAND.......... (No provisions.) MASSACHUSETTS. ...Revised Laws 1902, ch. 151, secs. 6, 12-13 (sec. 14 repealed), 15; ch. 152, sec. 22. Laws 1902, ch. 310, secs. 1-2. MICHIGAN...........- Compiled Laws 1915, secs. 11367, 11387-11392, 11418- 11420. MINNESOTA.........- General Statutes 1913, sec. 7105. MISSISSIPPI........... Code 1906, sec. 1670. “MISSOURI...........-. Revised Statutes 1909, secs. 342, 2370, 8291. MONTANA.........-.. Revised Codes 1907, secs. 3638, 3683-3684, 4821. NEBRASKA..........-- Revised Statutes 1913, secs. 1591-1594, 1608. NEVADA.............-. Revised Laws 1912, secs. 2339, 6117. NEW HAMPSHIRE. .. Public Statutes 1901, ch. 174, sec. 3; ch. 175, sec. 7. NEW JERSEY......... Compiled Statutes 1910, vol. 2, p. 2022, sec. 1. NEW MEXICO........ Statutes 1915, sec. 3434. NEW YORK........... Parson’s Code of Civil . Procedure 1918, secs. 1745, 1749, 1759-1760. REVERENCE INDEX TO LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. 73 MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE—Continued. NORTH CAROLINA. . Pell’s Revisal 1908, secs. 1556, rule 13, 1569, 2083. Supplement 1913, p. 2087 (sec also Laws of 1911, ch. 215 and 1913, ch. 123), asamended by Laws 1917, ch. 135. NORTH DAKOTA.....Compiled Laws 1913, secs. 4394-4395, 4370, 5745. QUHIOcas34 wosstoawe ess General Code 1910, secs. 8591, 11987. OKLAHOMA.......... Revised Laws 1910, secs. 4974, 8420. OREGON...............Lord’s Oregon Laws 1910, sec. 7026, PENNSYLVANIA..... Stewart’s Purdon’s Digest 1700-1903, vol. 1, p. 1247, sec. 32; vol. 3, p. 2446, secs. 32-33. PORTO RICO. ........ (No specific provisions.) RHODE ISLAND...... General Laws 1909, ch. 243, secs. 2-3. SOUTH CAROLINA. ..Code 1912 (Civil), sec. 3756 (Slave marriages). SOUTH DAKOTA......Revised Codes 1903 (Civil), secs. 63, 81-82, 1096. TENNESSEER...-....... Thompson’s Shannon’s Code 1918, secs. 4179, 4198-4200, 4229. TERCAS sci sinciccmneeaicce x Revised Statutes 1911 (Civil), arts. 2472, 4614-4616, 4636. UTAH. 3. sasseeeeeue's Compiled Laws 1917, secs. 2968, 6413. VERMONT...........- General Laws 1917, secs. 3546, 3553, 3597. VIRGINIA. .........-. Code 1904, secs. 2227, 2554. - WASHINGTON........ (No provisions. ) WEST VIRGINIA. ....Barnes’ Code 1916, ch. 63, sec. 8; ch. 78, sec. tee WISCONSIN......... -. Statutes 1917, secs, 2339n-24 to 2339n-25. WYOMING..... aks -Compiled Statutes 1910, secs. 3941-3944. MATERNITY HOSPITALS, LYING-IN HOMES, BOARDING HOMES FOR INFANTS.—Provisions for admission of illegitimate children and for records, etc., regarding same. (References are made only to those laws which specify illegit- imacy. Approximately 18 to 20 States have laws on the subject.) of INDIANA..........----Burns’ Annotated Statutes 1914, secs. 3678a-3678n; (secs. 3678c, 3678h-3678k apply specifically). MAINE...............--Revised Statutes 1916, ch. 64, sec. 58, as amended by Laws 1917, ch. 176. Laws 1917, ch. 149, secs, 1-4. MINNESOTA.........- Laws 1917, ch. 212, secs. 8-10. NORTH DAKOTA..... Laws 1915, ch. 183, secs. 3, 8, 10-11. WISCONSIN.......---- Statutes 1917, secs. 1542a-1542¢. ITAME.—Provisiongs as to whose name child shall bear (Consult also ‘(InLearrimacy PROcEEDINGS”’). ALABAMA........---- Code 1907, sec. 5201. AWA Uewnessceeaness Revised Laws 1915, secs. 3070-3071. PENNSYLVANIA....-Stewart’s Purdon’s Digest 1700-1903, vol. 2, p. 2004, secs. 52 (in part repealed by Laws 1917, No. 192, + pp. 443-444), 55; vol. 3, p. 3197, sec. 4. PORTO RICO..,.....--- Revised Statutes and Codes 1911, sec. 3256. TENNESSEE........-- Thompson’s Shannon’s Code 1918, sec. 5412, WISCONSIN.....--...- Statutes 1917, sec. 1022-30 (item 21). 74 ILLEGITIMACY LAWS. RESIDENCE, SETTLEMENT, DOMICILE.—Illegitimate child to have residence of mother; settlement for obtaining benefits of poor laws. ° GEORGIA...........-- Park’s Annotated Code 1914 (Civil), sec. 2184. INDIANA...........--- Burns’ Annotated Statutes 1914, sec. 9745. LOWS wcncwesesinnwias oo Code 1897, sec, 2224(5). KANSAS. ...cceceeee-- General Statutes 1915, sec. 6821 (item 3). MAINE..............005 Revised Statutes 1916, ch. 29, sec. 1. aes MASSACHUSETTS. ..-Laws 1911, ch. 669, sec. 1 (repeals Revised Laws 1902, ch. 80). NEW HAMPSHIRE. ..Public Statutes 1901, ch. 83, sec. 1 (item 3). NEW JERSEY......... Compiled Statutes 1910, vol. 3, p. 4012, sec. 4, supersed- ed by Laws 1911, ch. 196, sec. 9, as amended by Laws 1912, ch. 14. NORTH CAROLINA. .Pell’s Revisal 1908, sec. 1333 (item 4). NORTH DAKOTA..... Compiled Laws 1913, sec. 2501 (item 3). OKLAHOMA.....: -...-Revised Laws 1910, sec. 4534. ; PENNSYLVANIA..... Stewart’s Purdon’s Digest 1700-1903, vol. 3, p. 3566, sec. 60. RHODE ISLAND....-.General Laws 1909, ch. 92, sec. 1 (item 8). SOUTH CAROLINA. ..Code 1912 (Civil), sec. 1530 (item 3). SOUTH DAKOTA..... Revised Codes 1903 (Political), sec. 2764 (item 3). VITAE 55 fe ccszararazeteia verets Compiled Laws 1917, sec. 1400x44. WISCONSIN......-.--- Statutes 1917, sec. 1500 (item 3). WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION LAWS.—Those specifically applied to illegiti- mate or to acknowledged illegitimate children in defining children entitled to the benefits of the law. © : LAWALL nsietisie ssiecas Laws 1915, act 221, sec. 10, as amended by Laws 1917, act 227. IDAHO. uci eccaees sa ccen Laws 1917, ch. 81, sec. 14. INDIANA...........-.- Laws 1915, ch. 106, sec. 38. KENTUCKY........--- Laws 1916, ch. 33, sec. 14. LOUISIANA........-.. Marr’s Annotated Revised Statutes 1915, sec. 3967, as amended by Laws 1918, No. 38. MONTANA..........-- Laws 1915, ch. 96, sec. 6p. NEVADA...........--..Laws 1913, ch. 111, sec. 26, asamended by Laws 1917, « ch. 233. NEW JERSEY.........Laws 1911, ch. 95, sec. 12,as amended by Laws 1914, ch. 244, NEW MEXICO........ Laws 1917, ch.-83, sec. 12 (j and k), NEW YORK........... Birdseye Consolidated Laws (2d ed.) 1917, vol. 8, Workmen’s Compensation, ch. 67, sec. 3. OREGON.........0.05-- Laws 1913, ch. 112, sec. 14, asamended by Laws 1917, ch. 288. PORTO RICO........- Laws 1918, No. 10, sec. 3, VERMONT ....--.----- General Laws 1917, sec. 5759. VIRGINIA........266 s..Laws 1918, ch. 400, sec. 40. WASHINGTON......-- Remington’s Codes and Statutes 1915, sec. 6604-3, a3 amended by Laws 1917, ch, 120, sec. 1. REFERENCE INDEX TO LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. 5 MISCELLANEOUS. MISSISSIPPI........... Code 1906, sec. 721, as amended by Laws 1914, ch. 214 (Death by wrongful act—illegitimate child may re- cover for death of mother). SOUTH CAROLINA...Code 1912 (Civil), secs. 3454, 3562, 3575 (Death by ~ wrongful act—illegitimate child may recover for death of mother). y SUPPORT LEGISLATION, ILLEGITIMACY PROCEEDINGS.—Legislation for the support of the illegitimate child; procecdings against the father. ALABAMA. ..........- Code 1907, secs. 6361-6388. ALASKA. cccscsceeeesax (No provisions.) ARIZONA.............-Revised Statutes 1913, Penal Code, secs. 369-381. ARKANSAS .......-.-. Kirby and Castle’s Digest 1916, secs. 587-600, sec. 1493 (Jurisdiction); Constitution art. 7, sec. 28 (Jurisdic- tion). CALIFORNIA....-...- Deering’s Civil Code 1915, sec. 196a (Support of illegiti- mate child); secs. 138-140 (Provisions for enforcement of section 196a). COLORADO...........- Revised Statutes 1908, secs. 353-358. CONNECTICUT. ...... General Statutes 1918, secs. 6006-6015, 6160. DELAWARE........-- Revised Code 1915, secs. 3072-3076; 3077, as amended by Laws 1917, ch. 228; 3078-3088 (Secs. 546, 3804, 3992, 4001-4003, 4237, 4466 constitute certain jurise dictional and other provisions). DISTRICT OF CO- LUMBIA.........---- 37 U.S. Statutes at Large, p. 134, ch. 171, secs. 1-8. FLORIDA..........-.-- General Statutes 1906, secs. 2598-2602; GEORGIA.........---- Park’s Annotated Code 1914 (Penal), secs. 682, 1330-1336. HAWAII. 2 scacccs0s ores Revised Laws 1915, secs. 2272-2278, 2478, 3005-3015. TDAH On. ec ccieeis ces ceed (No provisions.) ILLINOIS.........-----Hurd’s Revised Statutes 1917, ch. 17, secs. 1-17. INDIANA........-.---- Burns’ Annotated Statutes 1914, secs. 1013-1034, 1063, 1382 (10), 8377-8380. : TOWA Jo. oscenia re ost Code 1897, secs. 5629-5636. KANSAS. ...-.-------- General Statutes 1915, secs. 5117-5138. KENTUCKY .........-- Statutes 1915, secs. 166-181. LOUISIANA.........-- Merrick’s Revised Civil Code ge arts. 210, 239-245. (See also ‘Care anp Surrorr.” Louisiana has no law conforming to provisions in other States.) MAINE o:cie- cosmic o's seen Revised Statutes 1916, ch. 85, sec. 59. Ch. 102, secs. 1-6;7,as amended by Laws 1917, ch. 84; 8-9; 10, as amended by Laws 1917, ch. 158, sec. 11. MARYLAND.......... Annotated Code, vol. 3 (1914), art. 12, secs. 1-12. MASSACHUSETTS. . .. Revised Laws 1902, ch. 84, sec. 4, as amended by Laws 1909, ch. 208. Laws 1913, ch. 563, secs. 1-7; 8, as added by Laws 1918, ch. 199. MICHIGAN...,--..00+- Compiled Laws 1915, secs. 7753-7763, 7794, 15700. 76 ILLEGITIMACY LAWS. ILLEGITIMACY PROCEEDINGS—Continued. a MINNESOTA.......... General Statutes 1913, secs. 3214-3224, as amended by Laws 1917, ch. 210, sec. 1; 3225a-3225e, as added by Laws 1917, ch. 210, sec. 1 (sec. 2: Constitutionality); 8703a, as added by Laws 1917, ch. 211. Laws 1917, ch. 194, secs. 2-5; ch. 212, sec. 10. MISSISSIPPI. ........Code 1906, secs. 268-283. MISSOURI...........-- .(No provisions. ) MONTANA........0.5-- Revised Codes 1907, secs. 9576-9583. NEBRASKA...4.-....-Revised Statutes 1913, secs. 357-364. NEVADA.............Revised Laws 1912, secs, 765-766. NEW HAMPSHIRE. . .Public Statutes 1901, ch. 87, secs. 1; 2, Supplement 1913, p. 161; 3-12; ch. 204, sec. 4. NEW JERSEY......... Compiled Statutes 1910, vol. 1, p. 184, secs. 1-34; vol. 3, p. 3981, sec. 35; p. 4004, sec. 133. Laws 1912, ch. 103, secs. 1-3. NEW MEXICO........ (No provisions.) NEW YORK...........Birdseye Consolidated Laws (2d ed.) 1917, vol. 4, Judiciary Law, ch. 30, sec. 4; vol. 5, Penal Law, ch. 40, sec. 1843; vol. 6, Poor Law, ch. 42, secs. 60-75; vol. 7, Second Class Cities, ch. 53, sec. 185. Bender’s Code of Criminal Procedure 1918, secs, 838-886. NORTH CAROLINA...Pell’s Revisal 1908, secs. 252-264, 1915-1919. NORTH DAKOTA..... Compiled Laws 1913, secs. 10483-10500. Laws 1917, ch. 70, secs. 1-3. OHIO: seeeene ss meuree General Code 1910, secs. 12110-12135. OKLAHOMA.........- Revised Laws 1910, secs. 1816, as amended by Laws 1917, ch. 119 (Jurisdiction of County Court); 3885, 4401-4406; 4407, as amended by Laws 1915; ch. 91, 4408-4411. . OREGON.............Laws 1917, ch. 48, secs. 1-14. PENNSYLVANIA..... Stewart’s Pufdon’s Digest 1700-1903, vol. 1, p. 955, secs. 247-248; Supplement 1905-1915, vol. 5, p. 5852, secs. 52-57, Laws 1917, No. 145, secs. 1-3. PORTO RICO.........Revised Statutes and Codes 1911, secs. 8263-3267. (No provisions conforming to laws in the States.) RHODE ISLAND..... General Laws 1909, ch. 95, secs. 1-3; 4-5, as amended by Laws 1915, ch. 1215; 6-8; 9, as amended by Laws 7 1915, ch. 1215; 10-11; 12-14, as amended by Laws 1915, ch. 1215, 15-18, SOUTH CAROLINA...Code 1912 (Criminal), secs. 691-695; (Civil), sec. 974. SOUTH DAKOTA..... Revised Codes 1903 (Civil), secs. 107-109. (See also “LEGITIMACY, PRESUMPTION OF”). Revised Codes 1903 (Civil Procedure), secs. 807-816. TENNESSEE.......... Thompson’s Shannon’s Code 1918, secs. 2707, 6040, 6931 (1), 7332-7353. TT TDICAS ocaievaiae scciwiniersie ss (No provisions. ) UTAH .....e.e0eee0-2--Compiled Laws 1917, secs. 380-395, REFERENCE INDEX TO LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. 77 ILLEGITIMACY PROCEEDINGS—Continued. VERMONT............ General Laws 1917, secs. 2343-2351, 2417-2419, 3608- 3632. (For jurisdiction of city and municipal courts, see Laws of 1908, No. 62.) VIRGINIA............ (No provisions.) WASHINGTON........ (No provisions.) WEST VIRGINIA..... Barnes’ Code 1916, ch, 80, secs. 1-6. WISCONSIN.........-. Statutes 1917, secs. 750.2, 1530-1533, 1533a-1533b, 1533m, 1534-1542. ‘ WYOMING............ Compiled Statutes 1910, secs. 6371-6394. CARE AND SUPPORT.—Legal liability of parent to support child; support by public authorities, etc. : CALIFORNIA......... Deering’s Civil Code 1915, sec. 196 (apparently appli- cable to mother who, under sec. 200, has custody of the child), 196a. (See also ‘‘Innza@rtmmacy Pro- CEEDINGS.’’) Deering’s. Political Code, sec. 2290: Care and Support of Foundlings. CONNECTICUT....... General Statutes 1918, sec. 1795. DELAWARE.......... Revised Code 1915, sec. 3034. GEORGIA...........-. Park’s Annotated Code 1914 (Civil), sec. 3027; (Penal), sec. 379. HAWAT 365 'ccsseasses Revised Laws 1915, sec. 2995. TOW As cssrces ses oeeewns Code 1897, secs. 2216, 2250. LOUISIANA........... Merrick’s Revised Civil Code 1912, arts. 239-245. MINNESOTA.......... Laws 1917, ch. 194, secs. 2-5; ch. 397, sec.1. (Juvenile court laws: Illegitimate classed as ‘‘dependent.’’) MONTANA..........-. Revised Codes 1907, sec, 3741. NORTH DAKOTA.....Laws 1917, ch. 70, sec. 1. 1 OKLAHOMA.........- Revised Laws 1910, sec. 4367. PORTO RICO......... Revised Statutes and Codes 1911; secs. 3266-3267, 3283-3290, MOTHERS’ PENSIONS.—By the end of 1918, 36 States had adopted mothers’ ‘pension laws. One of these States—Michigan—specifically makes provision for aid to “unmarried” mothers. In Massachusetts, New Hampshire, North Dakota, and _ Utah the laws apply to ‘‘all mothers,” but the conditions imposed as to character might exclude the mother of a child of illegitimate birth. Under the language of the laws of the other States listed it would seem possible to extend aid to the mother of a child of illegitimate birth also; restrictions as to character are imposed in these States also. In 26 States the mothers of children of illegitimate birth are not included. COLORADO...........-Revised Statutes 1908, sec. 558, as amended by Laws 1913, p. 694. MASSACHUSETTS... .Laws 1913, ch. 763, secs, 1-4. MICHIGAN.........-.- Compiled Laws 1915, sec. 2017. MISSOURL......0+-«.+ Laws 1917, p. 151, secs. 1-10. MONTANA...... 20000. Laws 1917, ch. 83, secs. 1-7 (apparently supersedes Laws 1915, ch. 86). 78 ILLEGITIMACY LAWS. MOTHERS’ PENSIONS—Continued. NEBRASKA............ Revised Statutes 1913, sec. 1250. Laws 1915, ch. 187, secs. 1-4. NEVADA Jatsceseeecne ss Revised Laws 1912, sec. 739, as amended by Laws 1913, ch, 133. Laws 1915, ch. 131, secs. 1; 2, as amended by Laws 1917, ch. 11, secs. 3-8. NEW HAMPSHIRE. ...Laws 1915, ch. 132, secs. 1-10. NORTH DAKOTA.....Laws 1915, ch. 185, secs. 1-8. UTAB. sercccces ce Compiled Laws 1917, secs. 3960-3968. ABANDONMENT, DESERTION, NONSUPPORT.—First hereunder are given the laws specifically applying to illegitimate children; and second, laws specifying “any parent,” “every person,” “his or her child,’’ etc., since this terminology would appear to apply both to the putative father and the mother of an illegitimate. child; but certain judicial authorities have decided that the putative father is not included. Only the more advanced type of family desertion and nonsupport leg- islation has been included. LAWS SPECIFICALLY APPLYING TO-ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN, CALIFORNIA......... Deering’s Penal Code 1915, secs. 270, as amended by Laws 1917, ch. 168; 270b, 270d, 271, 271a, 273h. COLORADO...........- Laws 1911, ch. 179, secs, 1-10. DELAWARE.......... Revised Code 1915, secs. 3034-3046, 3088. r ILLINOIS.........-.--- Hurd’s Revised Statutes 1917, ch. 58; secs. 1-3. MASSACHUSETTS. ...Laws 1911, ch. 456, secs. 1-4; 5-6, as amended by Laws 1918, ch. 257, secs. 453-454; 7; 8, as amended by Laws 1912, ch. 310. (Made applicable by Laws 1918, ch. 563, sec. 7.) Laws 1917, ch. 163, as amended by Laws 1918, ch. 257, sec. 455. a MINNESOTA.........- General Statutes 1913, secs. 8666-8668 as amended, and 8668A as added, by Laws 1917,ch. 2138. (Made applicable by sec. 3218, as amended by Laws 1917, ch. 210. (See “ILLecrtmmacy Proceepincs.’’) NEBRASKA...........- Revised Statutes 1913, secs, 8614-8616. NEVADA...........---- Revised Laws 1912, sec. 766. NEW HAMPSHIRE. ...Public Statutes 1901, Supplement 1913, p. 518 (1913, ch. 57, sec. 1), QBIO vscsaic soisisirensincie's General Code 1910, secs, 13008-13017; 13018, as amended by Laws 1918, p. 913; 13019, as amended by Laws 1911, p. 115, 18020-13021. PENNSYLVANIA..... Laws 1917, No. 145, secs. 1-8; No. 290, secs. 1-6. WEST VIRGINIA....- Laws 1917,.ch. 51, secs. 1-9. WISCONSIN..........- Statutes 1917, secs. 4587c.1 to 4587c.6, 4587d. LAWS APPARENTLY APPLYING TO ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN, ALABAMA...........- Laws 1915, p. 560, sees. 1-11. ALASKA.......-.--.--- Laws 1915, ch. 12, secs. 1-3. ARIZONA.............-Revised Statutes 1913, Penal Code secs. 249, 251. ARKANSAS..........- Kirby and Castle’s Digest 1916, secs. 1589-1590 (1650- 1651 not applicable). REFERENCE INDEX TO LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, 79 ABANDONMENT, DESERTION, NONSUPPORT—Continued. CONNECTIOCUT....... General Statutes 1918, sec. 6416. DISTRICT OF CO- LUMBIA..... weisvisiaes 34 U.S. Statutes at Large, p. 86, ch. 1131, secs. 1-3 (see ' also Code 1911, p. 417). (The term ‘any person * * * applies only to parents of lawful children, and not to parents of bastards.’”’—Moss v. United States, 29 D. C. App. 188.) FLORIDA.........-----Laws 1918, ch, 6483, sec. 1. é HA WALI -scseewesiceew ss Revised Laws 1915, sec. 2970, as amended by Laws 1915, act 100; sec. 2971. PAE cdcieeeceaexes Revised Codes 1908, secs. 6781-6782, as amended by } Laws 1915, ch. 83. : % ILLINOIS...........--- Hurd’s Revised Statutes 1917, ch. 68, secs. 27-87 (secs. 24-26 are superseded by a later act). INDIANA...........--- Burns’ Annotated Statutes 1914, secs. 2635; 2635a, as amended by Laws 1915, ch. 179; 2635b. KANSAS... ......-...- General Statutes 1915, secs, 3410-3416. KENTUCKY......... ,- Laws 1916, ch. 6, secs. 1-3. MAINES ustagaecteles Revised Statutes 1916, ch. 420, secs, 38-41. MICHIGAN............ Compiled Laws 1915,.secs. 7789-7793. MISSOURI..........--- Revised Statutes 1909, sec. 4495, as amended by Laws 1911, p. 193. MONTANA....... Hinkes Revised Codes 1907, sec. 8346, as amended by Laws 1917, ch. 78. . Laws 1917, ch. 77. NEVADA...........----Laws 1913, ch. 272, secs. 1-2. ‘ NEW JERSEY.......-- Laws 1916, ch. 45, sec. 1. Y Laws 1917, ch. 61, secs. 1-5. NEW YORK...........Birdseye Consolidated Laws (2d ed.) 1917, vol. 5, Penal Law, ch. 40, secs. 480-481. (The term “parent” does not include the putative father of an illegitimate child.—People v. Fitzgerald (1915), 167 App. Div. 85, 152 N. Y. Supp. 641.) NORTH DAKOTA..... Compiled Laws 1913, secs. 9595-9600. - OKLAHOMA....... ..-Laws 1915, ch. 149, secs. 1-2. OREGON......----6-+++ Laws 1913, ch. 244, secs, 1,as amended by Laws 1917, : ch. 136; 2-8. TENNESSEE......-..- Thompson’s Shannon’s Code 1918, sec, 4249a-11 et seq. (The phrase ‘‘any person legally chargeable” does not appear applicable.) > TEXAS.......-.-.--+---Laws 1913, ch. 101, secs. 1-7. UTA jcc ance ewsicics sees Compiled Laws 1917, secs. 8112-8115. VERMONT.........--- General Laws 1917, secs. 3536-3543. VIRGINIA.-.....------ Code 1904, Supplement 1916, p. 1030 (Laws 1915, ch: 114). : ie ch. 416, secs. 1-11. WASHINGTON......-.Remington’s Codes and Statutes 1915, secs, 5933-1 to 5933-3. WYOMING.......-.--- Laws 1915, ch. 72, secs. 1-6 (apparently supersede Laws 1913, ch. 81). REFERENCE INDEX BY STATES. (Citations consecutive.) ALABAMA: Code 1907, sections— : 711 as amended by Laws 1911 p. 116... Births, registration of. BHCOSS TOU cisiwigrecs wil caiten onsen arian ercing ces Inheritance. ~ wi ® BSOT s.ccispeyd wis aieiaie ware teiaiermatdnesisaneee oeuts Marriage and divorce. AS I=AB 1B s cratewiaisters as caieizauiasiuneaiaade Incestuous marriages. ABS Ole seinen e oat vad aera aenramsararectateiens iad Marriage and divorce. 5199-5201. ....... beswe se Svsamesesiee Legitimation, methods of. Nese acted saa despaic fuaelinin andus eysuesstauesersiapniciciele Name. B8G4 26888 o.oo iacocieen ni wie 2 ssermemredanace Tilegitimacy proceedings. Laws 1915, p. 560, secs. 1-11.............-Abandonment, desertion, nonsupport. ALASKA: Compiled Laws 1913, sections— ASG i sal ajay hay cblale eta mieten -s wiptevensrevescions ® Legitimation, methods of. WAG as cctemamernrvaaeesrakaceuesecurooees Apprenticeship. 097-598 « civsese see csce eaxea seeder seems Marriage and divorce; inheritance; legitimation, methods of. SOO S=200G 2s zis; evecduanseimreccis Rei olacecivateiere Births and deaths, concealment of, Laws 1913, ch. 85, sec. 2....-.-....020000- Births, registration of. Laws 1915, ch. 12, secs. 1-3...............Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. Laws 1917, ch. 56, secs. 12-14.............Marriage and divorce. ARIZONA: Revised Statutes 1913, Civil Code, sections— 1103-1104 ow scnmmaneewnwecrcetawede sss Marriage and divorce; inheritance; legitimation, methods of. 1 DING). cs: shcarsieicntsreiaruoae site wiealareiersedarad Guardianship. NOS cain Sacesciareietnsa aerate Rees ecees Legitimation, methods of. BOO il nebrcitrarbycianeyeare/aiavesacaseiate'n wlalbiaieleis Se Incestuous marriages. RAO in sin sles lateralctaggiataiaiapstassialonasteis eines eer Legitimation, methods of. . 3864 as amended by Laws 1917, ch. 54..Marriage and divorce. AA Bios Sess ce eee ee nub aetetay deen ahaa Births, registration of. Revised Statutes 1913, Penal Code, sections— 240), 251 cies owes amauaervarieeweree ss: Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. ‘ SO9S8B Len. cxwunacccaennncenscecscceiles Illegitimacy proceedings. ARKANSAS: : Kirby and Castle’s Digest 1916, sections— 587-600, 1493, Constitution, art. 7, sec. 28. [legitimacy proceedings. 1568, 1583 2:08 ov gqeewicsisleeeeaueeseokx s Adoption and juvenile courts. 1589-1590, 1650-1651.............00000- Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. 1907-1908. ous secnsiciemameseed eeuceeese Births and deaths, concealment of. DOOD sci ciarpiare ie. e. cial alatatepay anand, aisisiatetiaieitiate Inheritance, ABS a: s/cscsenpiaidinieieiwdiotarceremsrdiseteienstanigatan Legitimation, methods of. OBB 4 OBB To dtioe ussidea choswigitigearercreccieiciee eit Marriage and divorce. WDD acone va Weert vin eisinwenttansielone mein dale Guardianship. BOBS is aynanGs ier ta 2 te ei nerinel bate Incestuous marriages, 6085, 6095-6096, 6098, 6105............ Marriage and divorce. 80 REFERENCE INDEX TO LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. 81 CALIFORNIA: Deering’s Civil Code 1915, sections— BO ic cvsanaie we Wie a oieteess cranangsiewtearretaneds eves ele Tncestuous marriages. BAe cieineis's ore estate tea ammmientees 2 ts eg Marriage and divorce. 188-140. ......... aire aaere sae eeweeey Ilegitimacy proceedings. 144-145. 2.2.22... Saweew ewe cGRWRisee sees Marriage and divorce. 19° 795. eee eee eee eee eee ee eeaeeess LOgitimacy, presumption of. LOM islets ascveinsd arate arsperereatacue amercmes p22. Marriage and divorce. DQG 1968s a:4 cs sirsiaiiorclsseoimeadss cece Care and support. DOG eee dated eeaenen dein faites Illegitimacy proceedings. 200 ose s Seitagesaeceiie ones oecumig Custody. DTDs state's |statatonayAah Savin austere yia ae eta Legitimation, methods of. 224 as amended by Laws 1917, ch. 558.. Adoption. 230 |. ous seedics saeaeseeeeeeaiwes xs oe 8's Legitimation, methods of. DAN: ois. 2 eid Sceocarnas enced daa see te ed Guardianship. 260i 45 ot farsaicransinccicnelacrtecsicinin ees Apprenticeship. T3BPSUSSS! icc cistnne aGaiela waite aeente we Marriage and divorce; inheritance; legitimation, methods of. Deering’s Code of Civil Procedure 1915, Legitimacy, presumption of. secs, 1962 (5), 1963 (31). : Deering’s Penal Code 1915, secs. 270 ag Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- amended by Laws 1917, ch. 168; 270b, port. 270d, 271, 271a, 273h. Deering’s Political Code 1915, sec. 2290.....Care and support. COLORADO: Revised Statutes 1908, sections— TSA: eie's ee wrprcteleiatey scion tsa gh Sw eweistatelele' e's Apprenticeship. 53858 sx x mavermaissaisiars Wie ietaiainiaie'a ea'e sae Ilegitimacy proceedings. $84. oo. ek ese oerenieeeeentotseemeny = Births, registration of. 558 as amended by Laws 1913, p. 694...Mothers’ pensions. DOA opt, cin ayn cece aeocmsneiaten io xen eae Births and deaths, concealment of. 176921770 sco. cerns oriesmona nies eases Incestuous marriages. 2112 (superseded by Laws 1915, ch. 74, Marriage and divorce. and 1917, ch. 65). 4163-4164... .ccccccc nee e eee weeeneees Incestuous marriages, FOG cars deccrcrnicigliginivia amarsitinweacaisece os Inheritance; legitimation, methods of, 04D oejouys ensrenee apeiese staiaietecareernie'e 4 0a waar Inheritance. Laws 1911, ch. 179. secs. 1-10.........-.---- Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. Laws 1915, ch. 74, sec. 1 (superseded by Marriage and divorce. Laws 1917, ch. 65). CONNECTICUT: General Statutes 1918, sections— OD ie dcpeicisqeiem re sie MRO SH Tomes Slee Care and support. ABCD tow eeGes's worineeeicnen tee etneneee Guardianship. BOG]... cccwwas o steceesiecse ees emeer es Inheritance; legitimation, methods of. 5289-5203... acca ccavarece and eneeee- es Marriage and divorce. 6006-6015, 6160.........2.--sseeeee eens Illegitmacy proceedings. 638936390 sa ccieinet wane eine eee Mae's Serebione Births and deaths, concealment of. 6416... ee cece ewes cere cen esacenseces Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- : port. 90956° —19-—6 §2 ILLEGITIMACY LAWS. DELAWARE: Revised Code 1915, sections— BAG ie acne asase abeates u's se eeeatDsee se [llegitimacy proceedings. BOB ac cncacig setae neue Nod 4s ei’as'ylslaalseraenatoe Births, registration of. §029-8080.... dense odcencmmnnimeseesceees Marriage and divorce. - $054=S046 . cscs wecczsexses caereeseeees Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. BOS4iicicarse eases ta.o8 Sanaa tenewgicles Care and support. 3072-3076; 3077, as amended by Laws Illegitimacy proceedings. 1917, ch. 228; 3078-3088. 3087; 3087a, as added by Laws 1917, Inheritance. ch. 229, 8088 ocssicceswee seers sre Paver eahatin ety Sle deceit Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- * port. 3109, SID. cos cen side cecw sanewess aeeeeeee Apprenticeship. BAGO a atniendek Spadiys ee Seer wesc nee ees Inheritance. 3804, 3992, 40014003, 4237, 4466....... IHegitimacy proceedings, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Code of Law, 1911, sections— BST ecu anbinsc Rae Sener octet Inheritance. QB erase umciaeisynresg cyele eve apt seerarciatoveisie Inheritance; legitimation, methods of. DOBicdeaenteceuad Su sot wea mae newtdiaeynen Inheritance. 972-974......-..4-- ...Marriage and divorce. 34 U. S. Statutes at Large, p. 86, Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- ch. 1131, secs. 1-3 (Code1911, p. 417). port. 34 U. S. Statutes at Large, p. 1010, Births, registration of. ch, 2280, sec. 1. 37 U. &. Statutes at Large, p. 134, Lllegitimacy proceedings. ch. 171, sees. 1-8. ‘ FLORIDA: General Statutes 1906, sections— NQ29 2 takai vi acne a aiate eee Marriage and divorce. DOD Dae ariea Natracare ees etciete's platetatrarara tats Inheritance. 25719; 2086 vasaasecseemenees Sees aneseies Marriage and divorce. 2598-20602 -ccceciumensiceve sous 4s faeeeser Ilegitimacy proceedings. 2002s ccc heheciese ie ekuce nse shee Aeerees Legitimation, methods of. S2VB=89 10..~ sacusseated NeMoeines Sas cease Births and deaths, concealment of. Laws 1918, ch. 6483, sec. 1... 22... eee eee Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. Laws 1915, ch. 6892, sec. 14........2....... Births, registration of. : GEORGIA: Park’s Annotated Code 1914 (Political), .Births, registration of. sections:—1676 (bb). Park’s Annotated Code 1914 (Civil), sections— 2180 ovis saws teen ve ve se de've's 4 MEMEO ERS Marriage and divorce. DUB 4 sey scipitints it ais win O's bigeeedraraier ted ace Residence. 2939; 02968 vic crise Ge vielen aja Sitesasieercreile Marriage and divorce. 3012...... ies dike Ga Marks bare sae e OAeeS Marriage; legitimacy, presumption of. 3012-3018 ccvascneenesnseusoubonumacent Legitimation, methods of. BOG ats cdwnedaniicn ses Sage adne gies’ Definitions. DOD rani tcieG ae eines oucheentio eeistee NG Care and support. ‘ BO 282 cx unmcnmicmne ce cigs ween oaad meatier Custody. 8029-3080....---..-...--6- iaigiattcre clei 2x Inheritance. OAD sicisew siete caju's n'y 's stmararmaidicves aualeeote Guardianship, REFERENCE INDEX TO LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. 83 GEORGIA—Continued. Park’s Annotated Code 1914 (Penal), sec- tions— 19.2 eee eee eee eee ee eee ceeesees---- Births and deaths, concealment of. OD ccicin:e Sciciacess co ardibiciardl os. sisid wes faralereeboesictes Marriage and divorce. OD 1D ser a uiniarsin dr alslaraieiaieinioieisieielaieiseraniaine aed Care and support. 682, 1330-1336. ... 2... cece eee e ee ee eee Illegitimacy proceedings, HAWAD: Revised Laws 1915, sections— 1133 as amended by Laws 1915, act Births, registration of. 48; sec. 1142. 2272-2273; 2478 wa cananwciniewecaciarres sess Illegitimacy proceedings. 2922-2923, 2940-2941................... Marriage and divorce. 2970, as amended by Laws 1915, act Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- 100; sec. 2971. port. 290 Ds Giamsanninieescte eaunisraeaoaeeetls Inheritance, and care and support. 2996 tak cwiniaie aatniaeclemiaaiemrcieaeeioneee Legitimation, methods of. S008 B01 Se occ nes a tusecinesaviasaseseu Illegitimacy proceedings SO 7FO=3071 -acisintesreiciniers aaieisiarsie:eterareiaia nasser Name. 8248-3249. ooce saws eamisnisrenesianaaica ge Inheritance. AIG4 oon oe tems meena aiwdeawernaess Births and deaths, concealment of. Laws 1915, act 221, sec. 10, as amended by Workmen’s compensation. Laws 1917, act 227. IDAHO: Revised Codes 1908, sections— DG LD icp crcpstajnksorcteldjeini- tw sins vigielerassigrarcleimrsla Incestuous marriages. DEAF G6 a arctersistewiciajaninnisisicislarstecearsa ns Marriage and divorce. DOOD ek setae chap miutaelemiennera aang Legitimation, methods of, 2103 -cissscucenenetestex neds eeneenes: Adoption. 2109 ajc mcncdnaincieeerteroectur ances Legitimation, methods of. D100. cexexewsreseeiscsmeamssseweeraaaes Marriage; inheritance; legitimation, methods of. 10S ccs eceiessseed io crwiaiaystonstoers aieiscisrnere’s Inheritance. 7B Lscwe cise winceicacier . Guardianship. 6781-6782 as amended “hy: Tews 1915, Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- ch. 83. port. Laws 1911, ch. 191, sec. 14.............--.-- Births, registration of. Laws 1917, ch. 81, sec. 14..............----. Workmen’s compensation, ILLINOIS: Hurd’s Revised Statutes 1917— Ch. 4, secs. 2, 9a-9C ...-.....--00-000--- Adoption, CH, 95666, Dacca ccasinia cidiepmeeia tic gesiornisier Apprenticeship. Ch,.17, sees. V1? cc esisiecnenweadsacinns Illegitimacy proceedings. eG. IS: Maciedetapeieisieiateieiscctawieee see Custody GeO U5 pcmcia eyes lermizejstelarate oriaion Legitimation, methods of, Ch. 23, secs. 172-173.......--------00+- Juvenile courts. Sec. 183.....0..0..00ee eee rene eeee Adoption. Ch. 38, sec. 44.......---2- 0 ee eee eee eee Births and deaths, concealment of. Oh, 39, se08. 2B. cccssvccecendesncenceses Inheritance; legitimation, methods of. Chi AO 866s S) casece sca crtewesmeeeces Marriage and divorce. Ch. 58, secs. 1-3.......- Spisisis seeemcmneets Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. 84 - : -- ILLEGITIMACY LAWS. ILLINOIS—Continued. Hurd’s Revised Statutes 1917—Continued. = Ch, 68, secs. 27-37 (24-26 superseded)..Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. Ch, 89, sec. 1...-.....--.-- sane sbae cele Incestuous marriages. « S668 4; 18. oss tc kcentedrasaeecee Marriage and divorce. Oh TT, 8005 ST jcccac. sae sentenmaneen .. Births, registration of. INDIANA: Burns’ Annotated Statutes 1914, sections— TOUS 1034 ses sens ap ceies o's’ e'sienis's iactctovcints Illegitimacy proceedings. 1060-1064..........-2225- ia Hi eyeeeenee de Marriage and divorce. 1063, 1382: (WO )icceciacen 22 eee eas saggones Ilegitimacy proceedings. —. 2635; 2635a as amended by Laws 1915, Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- ch. 179; 2635b. port. 2998, 3000, 3002...........--- 2. eee eee Inheritance. $000, S00D. écsvichnen sreciecewdamene ness Legitimation, methods of. BO7BaH=BO1BM a wicrcwisisiis sis oie ee wiewisists eee Maternity hospitals. 8377-880 wee we woeesemieicls 4s s'ele's seeeaiare Tllegitimacy proceedings, 9745 (item. 3) acs sccewx sees cast cemeawes Residence. Laws 1915, ch. 106, sec. 38.......--...-+---+ Workmen’s compensation. IOWA: Code 1897, sections— DONG 2m utcesand ete eaee uae ae Oo paeaeee Care and support. D094 DY occascmianay yee poe cenaueee Residence. 2250 2 ain sists wie wierorauid wieloid o's a: 8's alaie's Satevasetes Care and support. 8160 a: cosas seams weddeiawes ex dee ee votes Legitimation, methods of. 3175, 8185-3186.2ccecewswee sees secceee Marriage and divorce. SEO via ccinw sis ste see aig Eos 8 SoS eRe Adoption 3260c (Supp. 1913).....-..-.........-- Custody. B3B4=BB 8B nescroiciniaice Ss nomiasisiece pea cals arene Legitimation, methods of; inherit- ance. 5629-5636 35ers eoeeheaw ee eee Illegitimacy proceedings. Laws 1917, ch. 326, sec. 6............ averees Births, registration of. KANSAS: ‘ General Statutes 1915, sections— 3410-3416. ................+-..2....--.-Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. S844 3847 ccescaseanccviere bceeeenoeeees Inheritance. 3846 coon; Sew es begun se oa eke edie Legitimation, methods of. 5117-5138...... spciste sratetenanavierats chee: ciule teks Illegitimacy proceedings, - O1 BD saan a ovis Shahiskaela was eas kk gama Incestuous marriages, 6821 (item 8)..: mesagien esse as eedslansnts Residence. VOBOs tesemstwems ewe aiiae eve b8% S45 Sameer Marriage and divorce. KENTUCKY: Statutes 1915, sections— DGG esi vete ceeds cee eee cate seeaioninews Marriage and divorce. 166-181............. sais SEG S MEO NCASAeS Ilegitimacy proceedings, 331e.4........ etiheiviadttaed sacra acute Juvenile courts. 1D20 ba east cawiniauee tue Sa Brahe ocramameeaied Births and deaths, concealment of. TOOTH 13 OB sscsat a ctatectiste alae carte aeieraaicress Inheritance. M308 eG cceaeaus thao ys vec eels s Canale Legitimation, methods of. 13998318 90 wicesecien aicc'ces ba voles Marriage and divorce. | REFERENCE INDEX TO LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. 85 | KENTUCKY—Continued. Statutes 1915, sections— 20628. 14s cinoma ecalesy uisdawintw ewe . Births, registration of. 2096 vancsns waeeecan'e! As cnnetiee mm iaeles Incestuous marriages, 2098-2090 nscwcswsstnsecicasameee sec ese. Marriage and divorce. Laws 1916, ch. 6, secs. 1-3.................- Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. Laws 1916, ch. 33, sec. 14..............200-- Workmen’s compensation. LOUISIANA: Marr’s Annotated Revised Statutes 1915, sec- tions— 3977 as amended by Laws 1918, No. 38. .Workmen’s compensation, — V4 24148 otic strains wdiaiy sss eisinisieeie seas Inheritance, legitimation, methods , of. 4458-4454 oes vnc cene vac saws eeweeceames Marriage and divorce. Merrick’s Revised Civil Code 1912, articles— DT sete hss dlactcneeinie bara arsarsiistiaetie se eines Definition. DA OB is siacyuiaid chaiataterayecala a ecork Seseparenigie eaevee Incestuous marriages, B78) WS0A188 «.cicicins cicig sn neaniownu eandese Definition. TSIE1 83 a, s aeietsielaisiasere ce Adoption. 8770s 2 peenidteewewssciss niemmdaeresaels Legitimation, methods of. 3778.5 descwaesegesvsss ees dureesewenis Guardianship. 48214828. Ccwesie sees ss tateeeeandees Marriage and divorce; inheritance; legitimation, methods of. 8346 as amended by Laws 1917, ch. 78..Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. 95769688 occ cc semcnieie aie ale a 'gieieisieiateigieics INegitimacy proceedings. Laws 1911, ch. 122, sec. 5.........-220-0-- Juvenile courts. Laws 1915, ch. 96, sec. 6p.......---..0---- Workmen’s compensation. Laws 1917, ch. 77, secs. 1-8...............Abandonment, desertion, nonsup port. Laws 1917, ch. 83, secs. 1-7 (This appar- Mothers’ pensions. ently supersedes Laws 1915, ch. 86). NEBRASKA: Revised Statutes 1918, sections— SDT SO4 si sicteasaeceweue eeuiea vee ceaaen Illegitimacy proceedings, L250 idse ss atresia pemmenasehee ey ceaae see Mothers’ pensions. V273 ope so ctianpa sien bee sane ne euee vse eee Legitimation, methods of, 1273-12745. sasesouieceewkie sees saaamee Inheritance. VO 42 eo vabsdaiseineaeiney es ea 38 aelarereteece Incestuous marriages, 1591-1594, 1608.........0..-22.22- 222 .-Marriage and divorce. NGUG, VO20 etecsispaiscark ees ied icidecres o.0.0'e.beceeontce Adoption. DTA isc siete Sema Gia aR CR Maneatis ea See Births, registration of. BOL4=861 Gizc ca cise icacad fe ceen aati Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- : port. SHOO eg ois anstetpasiatiedice weeeeaaes Incestuous marriages, Laws 1915, ch. 187, secs. 1-4....-.........-Mothers’ pensions. NEVADA: Revised Laws 1912, sections— TS), TAGs pues vase sausedeee oes ss Adoption; juvenile courts. 739 as amended by Laws 1913, ch. 183..Mothers’ pensions. (G9 100 cceiseisaipopeered ecg Sewiee 24.8 2S0eS Illegitimacy proceedings. WOO :s ond cia dacs raieisiorerepertie nema menesesieone Abandonment, desertion, nonsuy- port; and custody. ZOO0 ib 's.5 ale a 5 aninisrnn noe ewan eau s eee Marriage and divorce. ab Diks tae, tySjaya/ayathr oGuesarardra wee Se ahee eiatela ges Legitimation, methods of. ZIG i aaas aigiorecctaivielwehars eie's dGeisiee Go's S84 Births, registration of. 5828. .....000- (aiaiSeaesameabeneces <5 Adoption. O8daiaadss cle euiels slaeanaes ous awa eae Legitimation; methods of. G17 O11 Bissau acta re casiseinceee dames + Inheritance; legitimation, methods of; marriage and divorce. GADD R ci): 4 louelee aw san acardaweemedoaes Births and deaths, concealment of. Laws 1913, ch. 111, sec. 26asamended by Workmen’s compensation. Laws 1917, ch. 233. Lawes 1913, ch. 272, secs. 1-2................ Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port.” Laws 1915, ch. 131, secs. 1; 2 as amended Mothers’ pensions, by Jaws 1917, he 11; 3-8, REFERENCE INDEX TO LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. 89 NEW HAMPSHIRE: Public Statutes 1901— Ch. 83, sec. 1 (8d)..........e cee eee eens Residence. Ch. 87, secs. 1; 2, Supp. 1913, p. 161; Illegitimacy proceedings. 3-12. Ch. 174, sec. 3............. bass snadecas Marriage and divorce. SOC. 1S whi samestecsuwemiscaes oscce Inheritance; legitimation, methods of. : Ch. 175, 80.7. 2 onsiwaneeinewwe ss isnnses Marriage and divorce. Ch, 181, 8eC:.22ccscsdeced ee ves iaansews Adoption. Ch. 196, secs. 4, Supp. 1913, p. 462; 5. . Inheritance. Ch, 204, se@.4.. soc. ccee ee cee eatin ..-Ilegitimacy proceedings. GhYy 278,866. 14. scesyces ec oc eg eens Births and deaths, concealment of. Supplement 1913, p. 163 (1911, ch. 134, sec.12).Custody. Supplement 1913, p. 518 (1913, ch. 57, sec. 1).Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. Laws 1915, ch. 132, secs. 1-10..............- Mothers’ pensions, NEW JERSEY: Compiled Statutes 1910— Vol. 1, p. 184, secs. 1-34..............-- Ilegitimacy proceedings. Vol. 2, p. 1784, sec. 118...............- Births and deaths, concealment of. P, 1923, sec. 18 as amended by Inheritance. Laws 1917, chs. 139 and 246. P, 2022, sec. 1..... ivetaviodive aeicesetoe Marriage and divorce. Vol. 3, p. 3874, sec. 169 as amended Inheritance; legitimation, methods by Laws 1918, ch. 63. of. P:3981, BOCs 80 ciesis swananeeras siecees Illegitimacy proceedings. P. 4004, sec. 133.......-.......02 00+ Illegitimacy proceedings. P. 4012, sec. 4 (superseded by Laws Residence. = 1911, ch. 196, sec. 9). Laws 1911, ch. 95, sec. 12, as amended by Workmen’s compensation. Laws 1914, ch. 244. ; Laws 1911, ch. 196, sec. 9, as amended by Residence. Laws 1912, ch, 14. Laws 1912, ch. 103, secs. 1-3............---- Ilegitimacy proceedings. Laws 1913, ch. 331, secs. 1-3.........--00+-- Custody. : Laws 1914, ch. 5, sec. 1..........-.2--200--- Legitimation, methods of. Laws 1915, ch. 173, secs. 1-3.........2+-0--- Legitimation, methods of. Laws 1916, ch. 45, sec. 1..........0-ceeeeees Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. Laws 1917, ch. 61, secs. 1-5...........-2---- Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. NEW MEXICO: Statutes 1915, sections— 1385 17 sols geccen es keedesciedebels eae see's Adoption. 1850 as amended by Laws 1915, ch. 69 Inheritance; legitimation, methods (Statutes 1915, Appendix, p. 106). of, 1851, 1856. .....22.-- 22 eee eee eee eee eee Inheritance. 1852... cc ecceeeeeececeececceceecesees+- Legitimation, methods of. DT Testeiateisiea sins stem gusterniarsr pe Nermiaseseis Bisce spec Guardianship. 9430 soc scree dentate esate se eee Incestuous marriages. . BABE oo cc ccznknowameee aceon dd sede dele Marriage and divorce. Laws 1917, ch. 83, sec. 12 (j and k).....-+..Workmen’s compensation. 90 ILLEGITIMACY LAWS. NEW YORK: Birdseye Consolidated Laws (2d ed.), 1917— Vol. 2, Decedent Estate, ch. 13, secs. Inheritance. 89, 98. Domestic Relations, ch. 14, sec. 5. -Incestuous marriages. SOC: 24. cegscceteneenuess sess te Legitimation, methods of. NOC: 6; wceciiescsesiegacss see Guardianship. SOG. Le wecevsdceesoecaveetes Adoption. DOC 118 ao. cepnneaeieleee sence Adoption. ' Vol. 4, Judiciary Law, ch. 30, sec. 4...-Illegitimacy proceedings. Vol. 5, Penal Law, ch. 40, secs. 480, 481.Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. Sec. 1843.........2---- Naceneuees s Illegitimacy proceedings. SOC DAG aierearate vidimjaaic ence asraseiereiele 2% Births and deaths, concealment of. Vol. 6, Poor Law, ch. 42, secs. 60-75....THegitimacy proceedings. Public Health, ch. 45, sec. 383--.-.. Births, registration of. Vol. 7, Second Class Cities, ch. 53, sec. Illegitimacy proceedings. 185. Vol. 8, Workmen’s Compensation, ch. Workmen’s compensation. 67, sec. 3. Parson’s Code of Civil Procedure, 1918, Marriage and divorce. secs. 1745, 1749, 1759-1760. Bender’s Code of Criminal Procedure, 1918, Illegitimacy proceedings, secs. 838-886. NORTH CAROLINA: Pell’s Revisal, 1908, sections— PGT Tyna isleciarisetians aceite tages ¢ Inheritance. 20 Pees seins slotinigjate ne eles steering BIate ..-Apprenticeship. 252-264. os ceewcdesine sod qemebaeeeeee + Illegitimacy proceedings, 263-264. ccceecieewans s Canveeneeesawene . Legitimation, methods of. 204. ive sie aie'n o's Guclgnwidecoteen senses s Inheritance. 13335, tem 4 < vec os eeceee eee exes Residence. 1556, rule 9, Supp. 1913 (as amended Inheritance; marriage and divorce. by Laws 1913, ch. 71); rules 10 and 13. TOGO sess eSstele Satsidhess, 2.2 spemerioe aloes na bts Marriage and divorce. 1915-1919. 2.22... Sew Soasceneace chines Illegitimacy proceedings. 2083, Supp. 1913, p. 2087 (as amended Marriage and divorce. by Laws 1917, ch. 135). DODDS eer coc-a Sa etacnsrbevelansthes Cus alate aloes Births and deaths, concealment of. 5438b (14), items 6 and 8, Supp. 1913 Births, registration of. (Laws 1913, ch, 109, sec. 14). Laws 1917, ch. 59, secs. 1-3... ...,........Custody. Gh, 219, S609, N=) vied sos mockeyemesic eeces Legitimation, methods of. NORTH DAKOTA: Compiled Laws 1913, sections— BAT es oee ets Weng anenaabanneanucsed Births, registration of. 2501 (item 3)............2... Se nee Residence. B00 V vino an ah Mca aad tached es Incestuous marriages. 4370, 4394-4395 02.2... cee Marriage and divorce. AW 20244 20) ns. 5 Sai varstcar wae neatly wens Legitimacy, presumption of. A A ices ticalachse. 0 dd ev cepacia eS Lie wid oe Legitimation, methods of. BA DO akin Gate a rae aes eres tedsumaanegu ate Custody. AA AA re sioete'e ws we hOE TE Rade R LEME -.- Adoption. REFERENCE INDEX TO LAWS OF NORTH DAKOTA—Continued. Compiled Laws 1913, sections— 7935 (5), 7936 (BL)... eee eeeceeeeeceee OGG SOOO ay clas arin vewgctsci ced Laws 1915, ch. 185, secs. 1-8 Laws 1917, eh. 70, sec. 1 Secs. 2-3 OHIO: General Code 1910, sections— 219 (items 5-6) as amended by Laws 1913, p. 194. 8590-8591 POUIOIUSS 6. sw enitiniine os ee seteoennee 13008-13017; 12018 as amended by Laws 1913, p. 913; 13019 as amended by Laws 1911, p. 115; 13020-13021. OKLAHOMA: Revised Laws 1910, sections— 1816 asamended by Laws1917, ch. 119.. 2438, 2807 Be ee ee ee re eee eee 4399 as amended by Laws 1910-1911, ch. 73. 4401-4406; 4407 as amended by Laws 1915, ch. 91; 4408-4411. 8420-8421 Laws 1915, ch. 149, secs. 1-2......... Laws 1917, ch. 168, sec. 14-(6) THE UNITED STATES. 91 4 Legitimation, methods of. Guardianship. Inheritance; marriage and divorce; legitimation, methods of. Legitimacy, presumption of. Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. Births and deaths, concealment of. Illegitimacy proceedings. Juvenile courts. Adoption. Maternity hospitals. Births, registration of. Mothers’ pensions. Care and support; inheritance. Illegitimacy proceedings; legitima- tion, methods of. Births, registration of. Inheritance; legitimation, methods of; marriage and divorce. . Marriage and divorce. Illegitimacy proceedings. Abandonment, desertion, port. nonsup- Illegitimacy proceedings, Births.and deaths, concealment of. Guardianship. Ilegitimacy proceedings. Legitimacy, presumption of. Legitimation, methods of. Care and support. Custody. Adoption. Legitimation, methods of. Illegitimacy proceedings. Residence. Marriage and divoree. Marriage and divorce; legitimation, methods of. Inheritance. .-Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. Births, registration of. ¢ 92 i ILLEGITIMACY LAWS. OREGON: Lord’s Oregon Laws 1910, sections— 798 (6), 799 (82). oc wae sc cataremewewes Legitimacy, presumption of. 2080; DOBB ic chen ccicars ocd = carstenie sa See Res Births and deaths, concealment of. 1026 22 2x satsaiialeduataveare Solna nates Marriage and divorce; legitimation, methods of. TODD. cisidesss aie iniadets cle 's's'sle siaisivteiaeaierdsceictels Apprenticeship. 7099, as amended by Laws 1915, ch. 31. . Adoption. (80118028 sc o's wade neseewane vee ss os Inheritance; legitimation, method: of. Laws 1913, ch. 112, sec. 14as amended by Workmen’s compensation. Laws 1917, ch. 288. Laws 1913, ch. 244, sec. 1 as amended by Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- _.. Laws 1917, ch. 136; secs. 2-8. port. Laws 1915, ch. 268, sec. 13 as amended by Births, registration of. Laws 1917, ch. 384. Laws 1917, ch. 48, secs. 1-14............-.-- INegitimacy proceedings. Sees [4 vaceuctiienesencense st caeeieess, Inheritance; legitimation, methods of, PENNSYLVANIA: Stewart’s Purdon’s Digest 1700-1903— Vol. 1, p. 901, sec. 3..... 22... cee eeee - Births and deaths, concealment of, P. 955, secs. 247-248. ............- Illegitimacy proceedings, Py 247, BOG: 3 2isc chs os Ges ccaes Marriage and divorce. Vol. 2, p. 2004, secs. 52 (in part re- Inheritance; name. pealed by Laws 1917, No. 192, pp. + : 444-445), 55. Vol. 3, p. 2445, sec. 31 (in part re- Legitimation, methods of, pealed by Laws 1917, No. 192, pp. 443-444), P. 2446, secs, 32-33. .........20--- Marriage and divorce, PSU97 SOC. A ss isaiacace’s 6 nrslare arsierercuie Name. P. 3566, sec. 60. .....eeeeeeeeeceee Residence. Supplement 1905-1915— Vol. 5, p. 5852, secs, 52-57 (Laws 1907, Illegitimacy proceedings, No. 293, p. 429). Vol. 6, p. 7303, sec. 20 (Laws 1915, No. Births, registration of. 402, p. 900, sec. 14). Laws 1917, No, 145, secs. 1-3. ..........00- Illegitimacy proceedings; abandon- ment, desertion, nonsupport. No. 192, secs, 14-15; 27-28...........-- Inheritance. Sec. 15(d)..........2.. Ete sate datameaes Legitimation, methods of. No. 290, secs. 1-6. ...........02. eee eee Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. PORTO RICO: Revised Statutes and Codes 1911, sections— DOD ets weitsidih testa clause niteee stig sc emeenny Custody B31 2233 28D vie cai aia acts alalatem a cra’s vate g'evien Births, registration of. 230) SOD ecisnanec/abeiavenceaniones see ccigs Legitimation, methods of. OLD isides, naa vareerara ee cee ine te one donbeaawln Legitimation, methods of; defini- tion. ZOU ASO Ok.c set sensmasaee aetuid's ew ag umes Legitimacy, presumption of, DOO uacsracchardlsiaieiacialcemiewe nists Boab eeeiens Name. REVERENCE INDEX TO LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. 93 © PORTO RICO—Continued. Revised Statutes and Codes, 1911, sections— 9297-3265» srisisisiwce ce eee eee auawen Legitimation, methods of. 79268-8267 . 6 cswisiicsecewecienesndacanees Illegitimacy proceedings. SAO Vap sierra atSazesecs stone aiuciaaveiein weeelomgiabeleiernte Inheritance. 3266-3267, 3283-3290...........2..0000. Care and support. DIO D va nsaie ovata naierasain dureeimE ea aystekatets aid Custody. OOO x sraihavace Gioia wiarupontresictcane ceiter eats Legitimation, methods of. S00 oe ra ais wisniesarspeininte ote lamta ne eeepc Legitimation, methods of; inheri- tance. 3886-3891, 4001, 4005-4009............. Inheritance. Laws 1918, No. 10, sec. 3. .......--...200e- Workmen’s compensation. RHODE ISLAND: General Laws 1909— Ch. 92, sec. 1 (item 3)................. Residence. Ch. 95, secs. 1-3; 4-5 as amended by legitimacy proceedings, Laws -1915, ch. 1215; 6-8; 9 as amended by Laws 1915, ch. 1215; 10-11; 12-14 as amended by Laws 1915, ch. 1215; 15-18. Ch. 248, sees. 2-3...... 0... elec cence Marriage and divorce. CHr816, SEC. Tscmscwicwaeieacnacciers cipsaiats Inheritance. Ch. 347, secs. 10-1]................-.-- Births and deaths, concealment of. SOUTH CAROLINA: Code 1912 (Civil), sections— QS anc edee esas vanes s seeeness eee Apprenticeship. 97425 scoeteee dccweeeect sidan hades Illegitimacy proceedings, 1590 (Item 8) .n..cccc cd ec cecis tees anecee Residence. 3454, 3562, 3575.2... cacecentwceees Inheritance. DOO wa GS tiniwaemtacte madame balsas Marriage and divorce. 1B ssa eesiisiah cs arcteacsndentatevacaras ieewcrar ooo iagapee Adoption; inheritance. Code 1912 (Criminal), secs. 691-695: . ......Illegitimacy proceedings, SOUTH DAKOTA: / Revised Codes 1903 (Political), sec. 2764 (MLCT Wesiee eee aetdage ree Scheuer Sai Srstdieie sine eres Residence. Revised Codes 1903 (Civil), sections— OSs Sar oniemdsmetecetnmebheees ee Tncestuous marriages. 63, 8182 cay cigiciaias Siejeleiassipieiiginteteeue eis Marriage and divorce. NOT HNO ace cca creek estes stove slstaareatin woes Legitimacy, presumption of. 108 cexcenseareeaie eeracoesse saeco ees Legitimation, methods of. D2 vcreseensnteewwee ede seaad eseeeees Custody. TS Selects si comicme acct cemcmmneanee Adoption. SBS Ae cies Gismisea.cind saahaeoeneceemes Legitimation, methods of dA oo cctsasatipanpsemaae Dewees snes Guardianship. 1096 sec acceoreeneet eecegnecnsauunneger! Marriage and divorce; legitimation, methods of. 1096-1097 cwucceenecaniec'e'y eoaanseencinle Inheritance. Revised Codes 1903 (Civil Procedure), secs. 807-816... 22-222 e eee eee eee strand geet as Mlegitimacy proceedings. Revised Codes 1903 (Penal), secs. 344, 794.. Births and deaths, concealment of. Laws 1915, ch. 119,secs. 5-6............-. Juvenile courts. SOG 28 ocak ccedeciuaicecesmasieiweeeticn Adoption. 94 ILLEGITIMACY LAWS. TENNESSEE: Thompson’s Shannon’s Code 1918, sections— QIOT. c ccecncccereceec reece esserrrets Illegitimacy proceedings, DTNB... eww n ccc cence nce sencseceeees Apprenticeship. QUISA-5 1a pone neswvewad ee gemcet eee coum Births, registration of. 4166-4169 (4168 unconstitutional)....... Inheritance. 4179, 4198-4200, 4229 ...-...-.-0-0-0-- Marriage and divorce. On ee ee es Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. DOO ae sede aa pipes apes tay cba maane ie al seagteatolaisiee® Apprenticeship. AAS Ga-BHO— IDs wie secwncctieescene cere ces Adoption. 5402, 5406-5408, 5412-5413, 6027 (10) Legitimation, methods of. 6069. AL Diasec gonyapns tse ar ZS TNS RE Bia we miei Gece Sie Name 6040, 6931(1), 7332-7353. ..--.----+---- Illegitimacy proceedings. TEXAS: Revised Statutes 1911 (Civil), articles— DANO! cnicase ciainvernieiond ecaveinniaic se SAS OURS RIES Legitimation, methods of; marriage and divorce. DAD OATS awl ad Rineisiciejatajaveiore aleiyaraicies ose Inheritance. 4614-4616, 4636.......-..0.0-22- eens .-Marriage and divorce. Laws 1913, ch. 101, secs. 1-7......-..----- Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. Laws 1917, ch. 129, sec. 9... ..--2---2--e- Births, registration of. UTAH: Compiled Laws 1917, sections— De ave bay emi ek teeriacione Hambaininlelamiem nas Adoption. I Dip Dele Witintomesates! tdewidie tee sedaeennaes: Legitimation, methods of. S80 B95 icone d spe cist cranscaiacg aaista retarted occa Illegitimacy proceedings. $9). scenes eeemetaa ne teswersiege se Custody. O98 |. <.cceitawae Samee seid Seiad se.siereietaters Legitimation, methods of. 1400-44. 2c vescsensneacsseseees sseswene Residence. QO GCs. minucraiscasarnse ate teisis aspera eR NSE SEES Incestuous marriages. DOG Bie scnascraidy ian sia awe aus eke suatcteieiaese eects Marriage and divorce. 8960239684. ose s cee euuicnctaamatinnascis Mothers’ pensions. 5 Dis copa cist nctnacctcard dha auereemqueere wmnenera eee ove Births, registration of. C418 H6414 2 cca c signa were eslersia emer Marriage and divorce; legitimation, methods of; inheritance. GAS 6480 nn sewecelelebupiesialaesiaceinsae Inheritance. R112 Bb ocean abeeeyess danieedecs Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- ; port. VERMONT: General Laws 1917, sections— 2343-2351, 2417-2419_.....2.. 2.2222. legitimacy proceedings. DH SHOAL Ac iaicdacaenmernnoalmemnds Inheritance. BANOS oe capi Srasbeivaaatablars ieawnaaneeceene Legitimation, methods of. BONO HDA is cece ncutcinieicisiemacewcceiedielper Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. $546, 3553, 3597 2c i scemewsceneseenenes Marriage and divorce. 30083632 scan sweoreseecrmmeentse dey legitimacy proceedings, 8636... 2... eee eee meprewetese bas Guardianship. 8192-3738 on caceeoeeecccake@mnes seen Apprenticeship. REFERENCE INDEX TO LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. 95 VERMONT—Continued. General Laws 1917, sections— Ole enwbatrines taslarispeacunaenee metas Adoption. SIBG x. css cp s:dcia crete ial sale de aod siarchartiars Births, registration of DUDG a ccrassidicid aie ciate. aekiw claweldhe eee eowtareieres Workmen’s compensation. 6804-6800 c5268 ssc ouek neue tsade ovewmcs Births and deaths, concealment of. VIRGINIA: : Code 1904, sections— 220i AOD w aie is atsinie actarnierernieleeve-ciee swiss Marriage and divorce. 2002-2004. cw cke cas enewaedasce cess see Inheritance, 25D ccs cis: dae Rtageateencaesstiasanis Legitimation, methods of Supp. 1916, p. 845, secs. 14; 20 as amended Births, registration of. by Laws 1918, ch. 58. P. 1030, sec. 1 (Laws 1915, ch. 114) ap- Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- parently superseded by Laws 1918, port. ch: 416). Laws 1918, ch. 416, secs. 1-11.............Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. Laws 1918, ch. 400, sec. 40................ Workmen’s compensation, WASHINGTON: Renrington’s Codes and Statutes 1915, sec- tions— : 194D. ssohee ee veciteamnveckien ses esens Legitimation, methods of, 1940-1946). o30 222 sadcevessckewes 256 ....-Inheritance. 2462) oe vee ss nnaneneeeeees sees es steose Births and deaths, concealment of. B48 De siren vue ss eeiis ea ddees cmcdeis ceisie Births, registration of. 5933-1 to 5933-3....2... 222.2 e eee eee Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. 6604-3 as amended by Laws 1917, ch. Workmen’s compensation, 120, sec. 1. (IDOL eee a hoes enn yerecacemeke tase Legitimation, methods of. WEST VIRGINIA: _ Barnes’ Code 1916— Ch;.(63 se@) Bo ince cae ve 2 os meelonswescees Marriage and divorce. CB 78.SeCw' canescens jase sabi eee ee Inheritance. , Sec. 6...........--..----.---..-----Legitimation, methods of. BECr (ze iesiesteistsisitsciauaiie seers Marriage and divorce. Ch. 80, secs. 1-6..........2-.2-.-22024- .Ilegitimacy proceedings. Laws 1915, ch. 70, sections— 4; 5 as amended by Laws 1917, gh. 63...Juvenile courts. 20 codoielistenlslisngaaaknaeonlneamehiale Adoption. Laws 1917, ch. 51, secs. 1-9........ staieteete :-Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. WISCONSIN: Statutes 1917, sections— 10:2 Scaicusawebec.2 se aaeatteescigeciese ee Tilegitimacy proceedings. 1022-30 (items 5 and 21)..............- Name; births, registration of. 1500 (item 3)...........2..22.22.22-0-- Residence. 1530-1533, 1533a-1533b, 1533m, 1534-1542. legitimacy proceedings. M54 2G 1542 oi ona 'aic isteraigiee aonmree o's Maternity hospitals. DOT Diy inleisialwieierere slate ersctapeapate de Kicwteinere’e’s = Inheritance. 96 ILLEGITIMACY LAWS. WISCONSIN—Continued. Statutes 1917, sections— UA apnea ote wears a eeteivand ciaas eideseateiore Sceisae ties Inheritance; legitimation,~ methods of. -2339n-24 to 2339n-25......-...------- Marriage and divorce; legitimation, methods of. A022). s wes algeiineueceeentdaweenwancd Adoption AGB D458 Gag ceive oa cinta cs dale Gipbiereisiore eis = Births and deaths, concealment of. 4587c.1-4587¢.6, 4587d........---.---- Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. WYOMING: Compiled Statutes 1910, sections— DOD Tia stare srasseraccrerstrasa Suapviuoeeuetae eee psoas es Births, registration of. SOM Tic Sorechmatevee Gaede cmangnde se eneecede Incestuous marriages. 3041, 3942-3044... ese cece een ee seeee Marriage and divorce. SIBLE OSB iis ciaiste sictininieaiepaesiisrsiarare aces weve tetas Inheritance. DUD Les cel eceiaarstenstachatalitel ciate ale avn ieee nate ars Legitimation, methods of. 5739 as amended by Laws 1915, ch. 143..Custody; guardianship. 6371-6894. -sccvewsspaceesaxmenecsiccese Illegitimacy proceedings. Laws 1915, ch. 72, secs. 1-6............2.--- Abandonment, desertion, nonsup- port. CODES, REVISIONS, OR COMPILATIONS USED. Alabama. cusacaseccsessaacwcesae wes Code 1907. Alaska. ...cccsccssccccsccees aecmess Compiled Laws 1913. Arizona. ....... wisi Wiis Sieswinie ejejsiaieiais Revised Statutes 1913. Arkaneas....cccee see e eee cee eeeeeee Kirby and Castle's Digest 1916, California........... sistas dcasdieraselaierdiciel ia Deering’s General Laws 1915. Deering’s Penal Code 1915 Deering’s Civil Code 1915. Deering’s Code of Civil Procedure 1915, Deering’s Political Code 1915. Colorado......sseeeeeee------02------ Revised Statutes 1908. Connecticut. .... 2.0.2... cece eee eee ‘General Statutes 1918. DElAWATE), -ongsnscasrcinicnicecasaceass Revised Code 1915. District of Columbia.................- Code of Law 1911. U.S. Statutes at Large. Florida. ..........+----..-.---+------- General Statutes 1906. Georgia.........-..20--00+00--520++--Park’s Annotated Code 1914, Supplement 1917. HSWallscsjssweaccneessdeeewseeenees Revised Laws 1915. TNO 2s: .nis oiararoiaiorscwisraraie oieue Gib einedieisisiose Revised Codes 1908. VUNG 18 5c. 2.c:a,ascie.cceynersitie cr sbinsasicdeete teers Hurd’s Revised Statutes 1917. THA ISN eisceis «cisrnane Done cieleeieadcde Burns’ Annotated Statutes 1914. TONG B rized cinie eieioiataisyernbreersreceiwGe's dieasberevertee Code 1897, Supplements 1913 and 1915. Kansas...............-----.+-----..-General Statutes 1915. Wentue he ysieiareieiaiscivisrcreraous es acaayer Statutes 1915. Louisiana..................-.-.--..--Marr’s Annotated Revised Statutes 1915. 2 Merrick’s Revised Civil Code 1912. Maines. <.s,cjsjcwinies cca caaaes sees eeeee Revised Statutes 1916. Maryland.........--...-----eeeeeeee Annotated Code 1911 and 1914. Massachusetts.......-..------eeeee-- Revised Laws 1902. MICH BAT a sieccciesien seiciceiajsieieblale amcor Compiled Laws 1915. Minnesota.......-..0.-- eee cee eeeeee General Statutes 1913, Missisei p Ptvc visiee cisiemisisvisiateiarasetsis'siewiees Code 1906. MARS OUT arsine ee iecenun cheas rae laeerueee Revised Statutes 1909. Montana...-.scese-ceee ese eeeeeaees- Revised Codes 1907. W@W TASCA: wis-s:soearsicinin io tecinnceeesees Revised Statutes 1913. Nevadaiisccctcviewdascecexaamenseoeees Revised Laws 1912. New Hampshire.............--------Public Statutes 1901, Supplement 1901-1913. New Jersey....-....cseeseeeeereeee- Compiled Statutes 1910. New Mexico......cceee-eeeeeeeee ee. Statutes 1915. New Birdseye Consolidated Laws (2d ed.) 1917. Parson’s Code ot Civil Procedure 1918. Bender’s Code of Criminal Procedure 1918. North Carolina.......2scsee----------Pell’s Revisal 1908. Supplement 1913-19165. North Dakota..... conceccccceseee----Compiled Taws 1913. Ohio... .....---eeee-eereecceeeees- General Code 1910. 90956°—19 q* 97 98 ILLEGITIMACY LAWS. Oklahoma. ........0..-- eee eeeeeeee Revised Laws 1910. OVE POD iss siccnvs asia wie denrsraraseracs oes ieiwioinie Lord’s Oregon Lawe 1910. Pennsylvania.......---------e+e0--- Stewart’s Purdon’s Digest 1700-1903 volumes 1-4, Supplement 1905-1915, volumes 5-7. POrt@ ARCO sisisacaiceigieeccin-s scisaieess ane Revised Statutes and Codes 1911. Rhode-Ialand -:nicee ness soviccineiseess General Laws 1909. South Carolina...............-.+..---Code 1912. South Dakota.............--..----.--Revised Codes 1903. TONNCS8CC # os'0e sci dies one nee st ewenees Thompson’s Shannon’s Code 1918, VeXO8 jwsaxeescevawoecceeses canes Revised Statutes 1911. Utalieseccmosvezceciwcawagen ves sece Compiled Laws 1917. VieimOntrisscseecscekecomsen eocseaciee General Laws 1917. VAT GUND as, < iis laine em ateisiolevecrcigresieie niecicse Code 1904 and Supplements 1910 and 1916, Wasi Stn. <0 osicc2. seenicieamaesieeiees Remington’s Codes and Statutes 1915. West Virginia..........00.--es-eeee-- Barnes’ Code 1916. Wisconsin........ ahiatcremmstavremeecaa’ Statutes 1917. Wyoming....... a ccccccsccccccccces- Compiled Statutes 1910, O aes Bee ‘ie pA i 0 ia": a 4 ues, pr ae area e