SR Satta aey aan aaa sek patti Tah Set iastin Sayan SE sores eaaeees Tors Pa 5 te € iterate Bs ates ay Cornell Law School Library Cornell a Library KF 1415.B62 1904 Tiiciin CORPORATION LAWS OF NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY CONTAINING IN PARALLEL COLUMNS, BRIEF COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF THE NEW JERSEY “ ACT CONCERNING CORPORATIONS” OF 1896, “ACT CONCERNING CORPORATIONS NOT FOR PECUNIARY PROFIT,” AND OTHER GENERAL ACTS RELAT- ING TO CORPORATIONS WITH AMENDMENTS TO DATE AND THE NEW YORK “GENERAL CORPORATION LAW,” THE NEW YORK “STOCK CORPORATION LAW,” THE NEW YORK ‘ BUSINESS CORPORATIONS LAW” OF 1890 : WITH AMENDMENTS TO DATE ALSO TAX LAWS AND MISCELLANEOUS STATUTES IN REGARD TO CORPORA- TIONS AND THEIR OFFICERS COMPLETE NOTES TO EVERY SECTION BY WILLIAM HARMAN BLACK OF THE NEW YORK BAR SECOND EDITION THE CORPORATIONS ORGANIZATION 11 WALL STREET, NEW YORK 1904. Ly two COPYRIGHT, 1904, BY WILLIAM HARMAN BLACK, PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. These are rough notes showing the cardinal. differences between the general corporation laws of New Jersey and New York. The parallel columns show the law at a glance, and the notes are thoroughly indexed. Their popular size forbids any pretence at elaboration, but the essence of the general corporation laws of both States is put in definite form. General corporation principles alike applicable to all the States are carefully omitted, as are all forms. The latter frequently lead the layman to attempt to act as his own lawyer, a dangerous effort in corporation mat- ters, where too much skill cannot be put into the preparation of papers. The best possible investment is to employ competent counsel and, in case of incorporation outside of the State, to engage the services of a company having an office there to look after technical legal requirements. This book embraces most of the statutes covered in the paper editions of Hon. Frank White’s “ Manual of Business Corporations” of New York, and Hon. John B. Dill’s “General Corporation Act” of New Jersey, both of which are invaluable to the New York and New Jersey lawyer. It is intended as a time-saver for the ready and accurate comparison of the pro- visions of each State on the same subject. The writer will be glad to have members of the Bar point out to him inaccuracies which doubtless appear, painstaking and laborious though the work has been. WILLIAM HARMAN BLACK. New York, 1901. NOTE TO SECOND EDITION. Following my original intention, and encouraged by the reception ac- corded the first edition, this book is presented with complete notes to every section of the general corporation laws of New York and New Jersey. This should increase the usefulness of the volume, because every note fol- lows the exact section to which it relates, and will effect an enormous sav- ing of time to the busy lawyer who can compare not only the statutes of the two States, but the adjudications of the courts upon them. Much space has been saved and greater economy of thought attained by not giving too much 7% extenso the law as it was, but it is given as it is to-day in the large type, and the cases annotated show what the decisions are to date. Amendments since the first edition, and through the legislative ses- sions of 1903, and fuller statement of sections than appeared in the first edition, both in large type, are shown in the interleaves, and these will be kept up in each annual volume. These interleaves contain catch-words which indicate where the matter they contain belongs with reference to the numbered pages between which they are inserted. If not found on the first lettered interleaf, a catch-word may be found on a subsequent one bear- ing the same page number. The decisions are in smaller type and will also be kept up annually. They include all important cases to date including for New Jersey, Vol. 54, No. 8 (April 30th, 1903) of the Atlantic Reporter, and for New York, Vol. 122 of the Official Edition of Law Reports and Session Laws (May 2d, 1903). Notes of decisions on taxation, etc., are omitted. They are so numerous that they require treatment in a volume on that subject. No forms are included, but a volume of corporation forms is in coursé of preparation which will follow the general plan of the work. If included in this volume it would swell its size beyond my original intention. The present edition will answer every question in regard to the private corporation laws of New York and New Jersey, and the book of forms will furnish the technical specimens required under the statutes and decisions. I recommend that the reader carefully peruse the notes to the first edi- tion on page iv, explanatory of the method of treating the subject, and that he freely use the table of sections on page ix. WILLIAM HARMAN BLACK. New York, June Ist, 1908. TO HONORABLE FRANCIS BURTON HARRISON CONGRESSMAN FROM THE STATE OF NEW YORK THIS VOLUME IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED CONTENTS—NEW YORK. 1. CONTENTS. NEW YORK, PAGE Acts Regarding Special Corporations........ 0.0... cece cece eee e sees ceeeeeees xi CASESICITOD eaecininas de B ted Wied ners Agnenana aE Mee a wore RUNG DEWAR NG aeE vives aeeGe xxxii HOGS, OtCnes cei erehe ah weetenenteCens Fey aegis es ya alae Aa COREE Se xxix Circular from Secretary of State. .... 0... ccc cece nee cea e teen eees xxix Business Corporations Law. See Index to Sections | ete adda ow acini adie wieidhe General Corporation Law. See Index to Sections /-....... MPA Gain ad aie Stock Corporations Law. See Index to Sections J gtd, ERDAS coh. a alec hace tay Schedule of Laws repealed (General Corporation Law)............. cesses eeee xix Miscellaneous Actes sis .cew atcuinusdae es cob Meiearsbe tame es oe 5% 44 80a, 87b, 92, 92a, 93 Joint Stock Associationsi.esscscusses ¢ ese esse duanaewe veld vas gee ees ee aga ledan 118 Ta SEN ET a ecco uN tora A oapaese en anh Net sa ak fa ideas ea A oe Ro 9, 58, 67 New York Laws from which these sections were derived..............0. 000055 xii Miscellaneous Decisions... 0.00 cece eee eee tee eee ee eee nent eeenes 107 Notes Of Late: Decisi Gis. :ajeicicidic a vied nc 2 arose g wm beteece dodges ecm din Pie aie dave. 8 arm bee leceagavees 109 Ind@X 46) SOCtions oi.0.02.% sewer aaa ives hed base nns saa deena tht acteheneeale ae vii General’ Wide xi. ici Gacccccngaiaan oe be haat es eaes ey eRn ieee ese wes eae 169 Practice in Securing Charters in New York......... ccc cece ee eee eee cnn e eens xxxi Note of Explanations. ... 0.6... . cece eee cet eee cee e eee eee eeeeenas epiatsls iv Note to Second Edition.............. digas nis Sicha sats ade dinaed wed < ts caeielaetnn ‘ CONTENTS—-NEW JERSEY CONTENTS. NEW JERSEY. PAGE Act Concerning CorporationsS........ 5.06. ce cece ee cece ee ence SeewNEE aes see N es 1 Supplemental Acts. as..ccr. cesses Wes as do tSes Peake nd CoE EReR ESE oe es aa 92a Acts Regarding Special Corporations.......... ccc ce cece cece een e ener tne nee lv CPIDIES AAC iipesesinn suas sadureiminiesgent sins tobo ceaenie nie: erie s: 8G Adar eeses thts aus ieugior Seal # aeBRNER we Beh aes 89, 90 Tim inal [Proceed Urey ACG -.s.csscsesussesacets sans, cesses. 065. Sw go ence ats semabindunees wna Oe ak EEE 91, 92 Levy, on: Stocks: ss.s.o6.50 anwemeiwam nian’ nae ado Ma MeRN NE Wh tie tnd gure 81 Casesicited ta.5 cccvaneiday see ne wi phe Beda Med Aa de ee womaeWnaeAaey ebed ay xxxii Associations not for Pecuniary Profit........ 0... cece cece cere eee eee ee ee 121 State Branchise Taxes saci cicaunanegre yee yen soa ees Go Pee aGaheeRe ey yee s Dei 57 OCS csi. 4's k3- EGR eS AEDES IMR LE Foc ea ad eee BEROEE RE e ed pe en 51 TAXOB ings is id Hi wb coe dye ee eed ea oe SE ESSE eRe Es oe cE ESE Ode eke TH ETS 57 Record;etes; Of Deedswlsnwebs. cn seve ses casas Waewenewad sales de deciehexs Woeneeee 10a, Record, etc., of Mortgages. ........ ccc cece ec ee eeee citamaewe eR es eae eeaqs 3d, 3e, 10a Miscellaneous and Late Decisions...... 0... .. cc cece ee eee eee cece e eee e eens 111 Notes of Late Decisions............ Qo be he Ol GAS aude damiewee Obs Galan 114 Index:t0 Sectionsiewc 10sec s 2851s aie eye dc nagevw eadcemiiecnecastvnn Rares ertye dts Ou syeys Aaa vii General nd exe pe victas SatiatGan cul desis dniecee de ae a ean RENAE GEOL OOS Suc eee wr.e. 169 Miscellaneous! ACs oaanscnees ied oad dheaege $oas wea a ede taaenin de eseues 92¢ Charter of United States Steel Corporation............. cee eee eee cece eee ee 130 Opinion in Berger v. United States Steel Corporation..................000008 188, 189 Opinion in Hodge v. United States Steel Corporation....................0005 154-156 Practice in Securing Charters in New Jersey.... 2... secs cece ccc ee cece ce eceaes xxxi Note-of Explanations: ineseeing (2 locus ds uie'e aay od sseatat neonate way, WA 09% BE eumeaciis ica iv Note to Second Edition........ ccc cece cece cere nee eeeeene EH LVE ES ean owls iii NOTE OF EXPLANATIONS. “3.” Up to $29,999 charters cheaper in New York; $30,000 charters same as in New Jersey. “4.” This is not forbidden in New York and some other States, but it is expressly authorized in New Jersey. See section 44, p. 35. There are advantages in incorporating in New York especially if in- tending to do business there, chief among which are immunity from attach- ment on the ground of non-residence, and the fact that for the first year it is not necessary to pay the one-eighth of one per cent. occupation tax re. quired of non-resident companies on capital employed there, which of course has to be paid in addition to the usual taxes required, whether the corpora- tion is domestic or foreign. CORPORATION LAWS OF NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY. iv NOTE OF EXPLANATIONS. It will be understood that these notes cover only the “ Act concerning Corporations” of New Jersey of 1896, and the “ Business Corporations Law,” the “ Stock Corporation Law,” and the “General Corporation Law ” of New York of 1890, and tax and miscellaneous acts. They do not cover Banking, Building and Loan Surety, Insurance, ai ones ailroad, | except Companies to construct and maintain these Telegraph, f and telephone lines. Telephone, Canal, Trust, Street Railway, Safe Deposit, Turnpike, Traction Companies, and those having right to condemn land, which are organized under special acts in New Jersey and Banking, - Pipe Line, Insurance, Gas and Electric Light, Railroad, and “ Moneyed” Corporations, Water Works, Telegraph Telephone Companies Turnpike E Plank, Road and Bridge in New York (except in so far as some provisions of the “ Business Corpo- rations Law,” the “Stock Corporation Law,” and the “General Corpora- tion Law” apply thereto). To the oft-repeated inquiry, “ What advantage is there in incorporat- ing in New Jersey?” I answer: 1. More liberal charters can be obtained. 2. Life of a corporation may be perpetual. 3. Fees for securing charters for concerns with over thirty thousand dollars capital are far less, the cost of incorporation in New Jersey being 20 cents per thousand (with minimum sum of $25) as against one-twentieth of 1 per cent. in New York (with minimum of one dollar), and an additional fee of $10 to the Secretary of State for filing the certificate of incorporation. 4 Meetings of Directors may be held outside of State. 4a. Directors not held to such strict accountability. 5. Voluntary dissolution more easily accomplished. 6. Greater number of different purposes may be combined in one charter; the law is more clearly defined; and the settled policy of the State is to encourage corporations. 7. Lower taxation. 8. Bonds may be issued to any amount. 9. No maximum or minimum for par value of shares. 10. Examination of books of the company by inimical interests with nominal holdings may be restricted by the by-laws in New Jersey. ¥ NOTE OF EXPLANATIONS, New York Law. “G, 2.” A club is a membership corporation. NOTE OF EXPLANATIONS. Vi A line, thus (———-———-), indicates that laws of both States are identical. Where partly identical, line will so indicate, and the difference will precede or follow it. Blanks in parallel columns indicate that there is no provision on same subject in that State, or that it is set out in another place. “CO. of I.” means Certificate of Incorporation. “B.” means Business Corporations Law (N. Y.) of 1890, as amended. “G@.” means General Corporation Law (N. Y.) of 1890, as amended. “§.” means Stock Corporation Law (N. Y.) of 1890, as amended. “T. L.” means General Tax Law. “L. T.” means Local Tax Law. “C. C. P.” means Code of Civil Procedure. “ P. C.” means Penal Code. “QO. T.” means Organization Tax. “ZL. L.” means Labor Law. “n.” means Note. The Corporation Law of New York is somewhat puzzling, so I append a following classification, definitions, ete. : G. 2. A municipal corporation includes town, school district, villages, city, or other State territorial division. G. 8. Stock Corporation (one having shares of capital stock) authorized to distribute dividends includes: Moneyed Corporation (¢. ¢., Banking or Insurance). Transportation Corporation (either Railroad, or Other than Railroad), or A Business Corporation. G. 2. A non-stock corporation shall be a religious or membership cor- poration. G. 2. A membership corporation shall include Benevolent Orders, Fire, and Soldiers’ Monument G. 2. A mixed corporation shall be a Cemetery, 7 Library, | Co-operative, : Board of Trade, . Corporation. Agricultural or Horticultural J A domestic corporation is a New York corporation. All others, except as specially provided in code, are foreign. Term “ Directors” used in relation to corporations, includes Trustees or other fiduciaries. Term “Certificate of Incorporation” shall include association articles or other writing required for incorporation. “Member” includes every person having right to vote for directors, except holder of proxy. _ “Office” means principal office or place of business in State. A corporation is a resident of the county of its principal office. Corporations. viia SEC PAGE 5D ssawigwetsteesaieses 39b OG. cain we aies eee el 40g 86> sire doa Ore ee ees 43b INDEX TO SECTIONS. NEW JERSEY. SEC. PAGE OO waitcarses wee eee kes 44b D4 oss cd een sceetinays 45b NOB) satarentiiare etn oe 47b SEC. 109 INDEX TO SECTIONS. Below will be found every section in this volume, and the pages upon which it appears. NEW JERSEY. SEC. PAGE SEC. PAGE SEC PAGE DB scaiwelesn an eate eee ms A) CASAL Acaenicn ence sane BB BTA) yaueccoes bm diduises.aaveres 44 A Solus eoesaneneuraes Be AW ss creases i ieaeinlg ote BB. 188) aise xiedes ne wit'e/ehie es 44 GO. acuaiiesied de eeers gee Bye ABS hdd Wala piesa’ eae eets 8 BO° SOD csrneea sweet aire es 44 1 coe eee ed yea ti asannes 854% AG usnweeeeived. eeccams 96: 1D) ugsstieewuneneeyees ¢ 44 8: casneaned tak neo aenee 0. AT cadagsiads ae Fs wee sree 86. (O92 ssecgeeonshiis ace ss 45 10° sataiwtececareaaiens OTL, CAB! uteri ced a eeere Bi, OD Weekes cae she saat 45 WL bis. cose S260. 6 Qhaeab laine DA, ADP csarclatardetence: aya acu Gia Bile SOD: Tacit aide ieatoins Mose ante carton 45 TP ees reonsn sheen Ag Tl) BOM eisgreas veered Oe Maemiate BS) DOs ceaiieacoase adie aia 45 13 bess cites Rees 12) Sol ties acoe tel eaees BBP OG: acto aciialniiin see ase tele 45 1D wave seed oias tases Ae! 202! ent vinGae oat wd cos OS” OB: recs siatemne alos eas 46 1G wee. essa rs datemceers = TB: 9 BB eg cee views dase sesales BQ OD icrercsia ws amie ’ase e a'eeiat 46 AD sets. stike ARR Sea IS 64: gab visscnaacewnneeus 89 100: ssccspaae's tee ssvs es 47 AS) wags ech can ationsg ete 0) 14> (SC sece te heaeswretebees 99: 10l wewensesieca decay ses 47 19: ctcet ene oenweeen teens 1G: COS ccs ebbing s ates 69 104 a ieee caweves canner 4? 201 ese eve rene fiaiarst ates Es 0 DT” OD! goes s0d ta. pig sotastacaiesy BO WOD gcse siet ceiceag cade ) & cece All ence te Baebes fe otal a = Sai una Sian Pati eae. rf er ee td A osu ene; a = aaa ae con aback Fie onchi tka ores ia ee ee Dine Ag da ake ae ia ri aia eae eee eed ia = laa iasEaRee neal eter Ls a ee ee ee es mi saga a i MAG oe a oe oe all i An aac EN ee ede a acta a ae Fa eee aoe - oe Sia anth es ale a ee ee Be ae a he wi a 2 la aaa ee ee inlet BGs vic. dn oes opuceucuates a ee eee Be ich ce ts me Te ete a ee mm ee eee Be cede acacia coos a Po Seo seine ee mm eee Fea tae a ‘a ee ae a ee aa ee eas a ea Be ee ic iene aie ii = Tea aaeaneg Rhea igh Boe eed asec cede i te ee hk ec eael a oe Ne oe at ees a ee aR R OED fn iia NE ne an sr anaes ERED RE Fad thes inacaiestensaeinag ut ee eas apt nencide rf = ie ek a Dy eae earn ene ai re Mopac ne coin ech atone a ee Be ere: ace gauredtcnaes a te ee PL Alechees aera es a ee ee et Tele acon mney a 2 ae MNCL iis eed a naa pen SNE Bie: lake tee tt i eda ene bae Mia hha ore aie, a nC Sacepeata a peat re ip Ric eye te aa or Sat alaniaees eam aes Ged eg sn cd rs Ao deen Wen Bie cecslnperecn at citi: ai a aA RI Wee ates toca an ae ae eters BRO ne coca ue pagan a Le cate eg aera tetas ee) Wegt dole a A alia R uecindeoderentd All So in the ori i Wi erro * ginal law, alth y e Session La n gir ’ ough er : eatin aif gz. - neously printed as 1823 in th i ws of 1892, page 1817 ¥* So in the original law, although erroneously printed as 1866 in the Se: ‘ WwW. me ssion Laws of , 1 1892, page 1817 17. SCHEDULE OF LAWS REPEALED. GENERAL Corporation Law. Laws of Chapter Sections. 868ivciwrn eas Gower awa eens DN Dirdsrace ante Gudimelans see All. LS OS x gett iecapeeaened ates MBI pes sie toate Sie Aen aies erence ood All. LB 09s, seis ern seh 24 Gala en eae ea DOR esis Sethi ae kekiGn sewete All. BSG eo begs sous diane Ananese ses es BOE aie sMielae Dees mr Suece # All ASOD csarnd Pa cS Are iee matt emeanan GUD ace oa etary gees All VSOO gob Maciek Gas ane ate Bh a MOG) od ccnce sepals shard trance eee 4 All BOO id Seige agt Hae R eet teas BAA ote nalts Anan eather eek All 1869 joy acini ware raae seers Dios oa Seeneieetia's ewan” Gigaset All TSO icrGiee eee eee rane ve DA 8 eee alee tau pice Gauss uae All TOTO cae Gabo kes otiew ees: TOD Gas ey pote aie ees All LST ly ice wat vous tediies dou OOM Neale sopatn agua ee All LSU Osi clots eee eed eee BAB luo cist ee ware eye yp tee All LST Oiseau see eats oe meets othe OOS ukseig ae. Whees eases All USL ON ewe tas 8 ais s See te hie na a TAD aa bea ahang ele aa Biase a Oe All ASCAY narevg tara s adi waa ACs Din gale iareceee Wate eee Se All ISPL ss shot eew oo os eee hase BBV nee ase hws WANG Re Ree: All IST Ly cgeseresa sesiad weer ese DSO iin wanes es Caw e wae see All IST] eeegr es Sean eee mes ee DOV Guewauiadaeem ue ee sass All IST) st cue ei essa Pete ee sees OOF fe ities wis weeds Vee All IST saia. yyv dees ead aces GOO! 2. nihs hansee genet eens ah iratat es All SV aiscoese aoe ene sere es 286 GOT sects eee asa let heteas All ISP levees neues: Haves ceed ices BSS ics iat aarid deu tog way All Si 2iiowsgu ae aeeeece tal aah ae Slicing Wyn soa e ak wee ae All ASG 2 i eas ira hs os eee sale tenia TDS acted waar ant ewa tas All IST 2) y.4 wage see ew eee ee ee Bas VAG cca Sentai di mete eee All 1872 sia wee ee oc caw iaeone DAB winieiereis gat aleg bee Wile Wg All IS7 2Qisoes ceeit goa ny ale a sea nes DSS ever ad obs age eS All 87 2i0cx cee bies 84s dase eee SOU Aree ie ethe ees House eles All BT 2c acwe wee eee oO See SS Bl bls Gran oie a hong agers All 872s ci8 vendeier eee ewe dened BD G2 held traate ty ekaweds wel oy All IST 2 Geka aemetae te ee eo Mex ers GOD ary ates edie einer edad All AST 2s ckcinneve eo Ree aE GUD ven ea Pea P eae Eek All VOT Di isi 25) ene GAR AM Re TD iisussate Sa neil exasinnee wo alate All LST Diiick sence send ones A ed eee 180 ws cov ereies ee aed aa dees All. BT Dis Gees Ga ae AR B20 aenceae aes oe wales Gewese All, except 20. LBP Diced akan ie teaatngas oak B20 spe yalye cate gee ee est aes All. LB Deere tasirduing 2a osekuatein wane ate S48 iwc wim saiaenen eee nas All AST Sins Ss 5h ae eo een bees Lilie cewwe seen eu vanes ads eas All DBE Bish scat elt Wipeeees sta accleg iy ease aa BOL ote wee Ges eee hey All LSESig ota. ala tite eck Reh winters weeds AO 2a. ath daniee wea Rese RRS All LBD a sriaid ound cemee ia ae sec eae ean BAO) escent aah ate aka ata RAs All LST Bie igs essed os Oa ss wee ale A Ds Mey ee tin cies Megroriansuae tC ace ae 5 All LSTSin peie ees beeen GLO Snsuised os ae NG, tees All IST Sincrataee Gate ae ease CLs 4 eee aie elastic tee so tearece case All Xxili SCHEDULE OF LAWS REPEALED. GENERAL Corporation Law. Laws of Chapter Sections. LST Bis avon sais Maat es alas nee OIA she est aa side eo ae ae eae All NS Acris ay tae ae ehiw lee ae (Oak's wig ny tea ees All NBGA 656i chs Cale oleae de es oes 1438 oe cei kee einen All LSTA drSatys cea Ghnn Witte genes NAG 3s cid tebe ses Seis ete wa We All LO CA oy aia odeiety earls a DA Die aca here eae s All LSTA stein tee eee a lodge pegged ae BESS wai hare HGR ER be Chel s All LOVE o.2eial ne Sorte eee dee Se eases 480 ete ca ed Bea ieee All ABTS stag-sr debs Sea Se Gees cece Bessa Ua hana a eee aa mR aS All USTs. 08ers See - Aide Hb Eke ne eee DO ses Sartk Sineclrndeal ae ata Al LB GOs uke aan eee ely Galt aes eats SOinl cp dds ate asilaietn ies All PSTD sg hoss wow a olsa ge Saaie: Sivne ahd. lxtelaaeaciat LOG i 39% aah dcomh taethae cele inom All VSSED sistsac eae ay. Secaidc ip Mabie ahace fev’ DVDR: 2 seuss Sie Sob lans ioe asso a All ESTO oes eae ae OM eee DEO ecra ah eat hs gs woke ea All VOCED ia oharid tee tad saci vonage oa TD 0), serine aie elatstarwcasarsenies All LSTO2c owed ees LOO een serena Stee Rak ate All LST owececaaw ewe Mee ewes LO ii pee este Soe eee tees ein All POTD whois ache any ae erin a Gs ee as aes DOO es aneataaclecsanaud cere arise ee All. VSL dirs emwlel Ana arenes Bais earns SLY sovig haus So Pacenos dence All TOMO seers Owe Ae ea Rates 9005s eae eee eee ea All VS GOi docs eiwexneeeawees 4 FAO gig hae gen Ae Nee eae All. UB WOins ge ona done ea eee DLO spades Sau eee All UST D aria Sits pias alee seal woke DOO se ikke ahautehica oe leatuth a ites 5 BCR All. USE Dies Seated ded bhatt lew ato aiela- teas DUS miskat aolae oa tanta ade’ All. USD Sein matians Guacece ara Haercnen tas GOB 3 cece ice i bets chide ead ca dare All. NSD esas we eels See aaa tee Oded acacia dese Uede ate e ee All LBEG i coe kere Catena sess dae Uibxidy weonanicnwnddg eo Skaweae All 1876 sca seas sabe Rows eee es ee LOO eine od Saw ebe le All. 18763 62g okche ene hehe wea LOG eh oir cen ban eared webs All 18762 ces cea K ey ox eae ioas OO seis SNynas Navin Bi i Gi All. TSEC ee ee aie Pat ew aie ee ee, De Ocha a dine tila tay wawrig ted eatin an seal All. 187 O2cc i erwd ean rihe da Bes MOKe BiAD: AG se Ranta: eoaieand gi aha Se Skee All LB UG sila harar wel en epee sige kane ANNO sacs cci op Sale ade Gata casos eras OS All VG 6 tise lasers apace ee see ABO beh cSuants aes wu chica Aor All LS EG icsds daiscite ate eaigia yee sete WAG i Sha Gale hlauateearess Roane All SEE shes haath aries dota alata ace a LOB aries oe iecatbuas Geen e aes All DBE T scicataahe pasa earhaanG abe e a LDS sian eA Aenea See All LB TT speicase sons sie a ages Roatege Rutile LOA sialon iieiaus dca ee oS All VSG Tsay oteead oe aca enrlatede tee Res TT cera areincangee estat we Saracen All NSH (iar ce cece aka bet as Da a tie ven ieiia aged aaey eae RH All DOO Ts ae os wes aoa iesieserang Beda Seta 2.0 Gite vice hated eas didcochl avenue All VB (ek eceed hime Raa eee Als DUA acai Sad URS ue eA All S166 eosin ee ete oak eee Glaisiee Hee e heeds kek All 1976 3) uw ee aed acca thio PQ aca hte ahs ace wnecae ens aeare All Si Seca oes wude die Bee he tere DGB s siacg anes Heaegedl techie cheeses All Laws of Chapter Sections. 1B 18s SiR ARSED Ea nase ZO asain dt viaesy stcceseee deel All. LSU Bisa bone Coated esi ge dts 20) ov aeede. Sia deca All. IBIS crc dooce cee aeee owes QOS sy way ase aie don Bde Sad All. IBIS nxn iicntn tea cea Mee ee Ol Ongannuvides aga Dae ts waa All. LOTS wii, ee watwio ne nad ab ear ekr oe Boer titi eG aley ao bateea wis widen dati All. TBS cca Rey eeRde tip aes Wo BOE weds ie ei sae valde selected At “All. BD ioes Stevie asegs Settis ama Bae DNA Sela iad iene lb AY Seale et All. TB(9e acc setyeiee eirem ec aeee ren DDO viineGNireccilsn dns SMe wane pce All. LB 1 ts oitie cys alvin ea ahnwrate. ea OO necdte hive intdh hel aySas eased wont All. TSG sccsrio ttistere a caien Gu yes wah DIO daira Aaa S Sai els eal NO All. TB 09 6 ois oe denis hs Sarees eas See DOO esis ais sensed aia Genat a ahaharaaa Blas All. AB TOs sen wan steve eye avetere as wise atey & Od Tosh Se wid o Geaa shel aS® esana lacs All. TBO pass ose dee ae ese eee Dota dh SEs, tts St yay ed tare recat All. IBE9 sh eateries eat Reena OD care tata Ae a arcane heatae All. 1B(9s dinsle seta ere ee se elas WD ri hoe Miseese enol sl orale tan aca All. NBN ici Beeches eee ieee AN Deo lets tt Sensis iie) cab aie tinetii All. LSC Oicscatetermianion Capt or Rhee ee AN ios cole Gia asapetihe aucun aes All. S79 vie e Samaeiwss ats asew ie tS DO Data's d Hilsoa sated ip asela Seas All. 1819s seceee Gada Pa eee eA DOD pea le seca ein ag Rew a Seah All. STO scisa-ses nannies ee wees Le scare eS ual aaa a aus oS All. ISU D iii secea wie eae eee oe OA Le secan sare catited a de GAG a All. 1880 seein dior twaa eA Deecvieinasre eau steed aaendie taal All. 1880 desk ceeds oot eye bh aes BO aire dain eek aod aarg ainaeiats Gone All. 880 ies Seva ee See Ras DO Ee teas bin tid Bibel s igen es aie All. 1880s :wisoaseeienesdedsa esas Oe se ete erie etry ati aa All. 1880 )..t ose sct ewe cena se LBs bieiene ae Ae hes Mee inc All. W880 neti sa ca ee ote as ews LOB eee a a oS awe ee All. ISSO noice ela eee aeane tas Dd cian eea kee aie eens ae All. VSS Ocoee aceite sate bE ROE 182i gee Sie eee ee All. TB SO: Sne Goatena tts aicueia tangas ies Oi case Aas Meee tae aod All. TSS Oi ssciae Mic Gants dereisuestee esas P20 dee is You Bia bP Sie arcs, Ouse RRA All. LBB Oi sais a ales aie vate sane Aas WO e cae ee B22 Dies oes Vantibee yeaa gme ac ae aes All. VBS Oss easccon eine ous te esare ies gid oniaes DAM eis 2b sie orien sep atesaue aon aS aden All. LS8S8Ob 32 tt pea bre aie Wie a Shakes DOA oie sawate ge aeead eae abe eae Bias All. D880). s Sa SAR Sows ola heeaceels DOO? Gasca arsine arale ese All. L880) gs sient on tanger wa DOM ii radi apatite nxn eloKen oan All. L880) ok cee tadia oka ae ewes 4 BAD natin Galea eine ea haan as All. L880 5 isa see Sy ie ee ea ene a as 1D 22 wecninesGin nage ak Oke ae All. 1880 cecn et skis eens wee AA +. ahs aie, Saselanale eae ae aunarene G All. 1880 5d oweewugneetg pigewes AB hc irewaswnce wae eats We eb All. V880 sais cera eee semaine seneets DLO ic ct. weg re abgeasaw cose All. WSO kad sansa Daereee kee kGits DUD mdcra cae acd sailed eae eave All. 1880 cvanise eases aves aree es DOD ce hale, eet Rea ped All. 18802 es sviwlegea re da ene saw Vag s DOB 5 Ge distal Ris oleae aa nega All. W880 sce sree eeewe deew awe a utes DOO sid Mind weve wae sega eS All. SCHEDULE OF LAWS REPEALED. GENERAL Corporation Law. XXIV XXV SCHEDULE OF LAWS REPEALED. GENERAL Corporation Law. Laws of Chapter A881 5 scesigisivn nates sae tates D2 ees Weed sada was aR TBST ssid hind Mee eens Bs O82 eww cei ee wee ees 18S ccna rena yes Geen es UL Bey wea en eiite regs Maks I88l one swiny bei hae eee ee gees BT ss es ree alaiatea dane ee Wah hare LOSlveuweterecds Sen eed eS Tas DB sea tee A ancied cable eee ap eget SST Sue wets vy edude yewa se oee QB): kos vials athe anew e Bis NGS Lo sssige su agieia seams 232) co wee ees hae Rates LSSibs pace tawees o reece eee es DOD sti) sg Stent ertec leninee Nerang as DB Occurs aie ickee eee DIO ics ira ieee seaseteid ey USSd ys erate eases Rha ea ed OULD 3 silo ace eyo ges tasshcoare Sed 1981 nce cara awe tateowad s D1 Bs hoe Se Sita cars LE BiL wa-ae-anecostn areola aa 2c nee aten gy aot hea AGS crys hela naw Vee ele OOM Says SR OR ew ew code aes POST Ce itatcasidcs MUS aus tyre ata DOG c pik aac wicvabind cs Riese TSS acsh eek. 08 Gos fis ee hak a enareee OO en tacs, dantinde ane aah TSB I sceteeveos series cakes asec talegy ODO sieara ste ces seas indedade laueetansle LSS Liesl ete dicate eee Se eS DD sii aka rey ees pains Goaba ig 1881 cv ca pasa eka eka ss x AGA sce ow siea tion PA bole aoe PSlawueeiiavete es meee een BOS cic saws eee Kae ISS 1 cee gaa Ca eee eee es LA ithe ee RARER LOBEL OS US Basa tacn aes eee ndiare ees dutg DU Die sine hd UA GR BR ig Be US ST oe etennd oltohes Walter sole ASD ws) ga sic ae eS USS dive- di ies ea ante us oe en heer OD Mea siahtoca i elena en -fee TOSts gica-Ge eed eget hase Se DBO ig des Suacte Ae brea eee thot 1881.36 S46 teen cnwwlewe casa sd ee Obra Sie oe ayae ucheielatesp aye d VO SW oie clea aware tiers wheeie are Hare B08 cdr dae nonkd tela emues LOS Vins casies dot uea eas sus soreernnG neeuad OWA 206 wae owe Oa eH GS PSUs aa deccadtks gaat arass Gia eve aneeoes OS daca asda: paelanichaea aie NOB 2g sas asad Reece anv gias sts ae ee GO Rage ee week aed eas 1682... va mielvews Nese ee He SD pest feu Sass eta Arun 1882 ok caead saa rer eeeew dee TAO ic bei he ees 1882 vesawods send eevee anya ees DED rss eens e eblnst Doe 1882 osecaieteweawean wale es yolene DED oie bits a RR BBs ele ae 18824 :e aacaioonls ene Phas aie 290 bg cee iaaaseaiaow ewe VSS 2 te stb ee sia ea Ses See DO Ges: asics ah arn eae taat bode ake WG Beta deere cata het ie Lear DOD es oe eerwiag vee eo NGS 2s gre tiaki-wew acid Pes OND So wn es Mak SR Yikes VBS Oi. cicu twin tieso GA eats BOBG dake wie ae BEER Mcrae’ T8823 pares aia lssatek wile en QUO wie. seas Mee Rea UBS 2 stance ces tm Rae Searels AOucsweees eater biked 1883 oi ice ca sens Sates gle dee ae ABs wageude INSPECTORS of election appointed by directors....... 32: of election paid for services ........... 32: of election sworn to QUEY: 44 ue ao eeeaans ae; of election not neces- sarily stockholders 32: of election shall file statement ......... 33: INSUFFICIENCY of consent to mortgage .... 55 INSURANCE company,assignmentby 40 companies exempt from tax........... 60- INTEREST on amount due State for GAR dd arsiisicne Oe OFA ve 62 ISSUE of bonds.........ccee cece eeee 55: OP BtOCKB sa oo seceacsmsee cree 55: ISSUING, fraudulently.............. 90° y JOINT stock companies, tax report.. 65. JUDGMENT against stockholder.... ' 18 against creditors, in- spection of........... 36: JUSTICE Supreme Court examines witnesses, etc.......... 87 LABOR, payment in.............. we 87 claim. for wages for........ 40: ten hours constitutes a day. 85 LABORERS’ debts, liability for..... 17 LAND, taking, for public use........ 82 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 180a NEW JERSEY. NEW YORK. PAGE PAGE LEASE by corporations of others...-- 100 18la NEW JERSEY. LIABILITY of directors..... INDEX TO SUBJECTS. NEW YORK. PAGE PAGE LAWS, conflicting................04. 8a eangiee 37a LIABILITIES, directors, limitations BB 10.6 caches 34¢ LIMITATION as to liability of direct- MERGER, etc............... upon, everything vests new corporation..... INDEX OF NEW JERSEY. PAGE LEVY upon stock, what constitutes. 81 LEV YING officer notifies custodian of StOGK cc.c.ainacisrne ieee via ven 81 LIABILITY, stockholders not re- leased from........ 22 officers for false cer- tificate ............ 38 LICENSE tax, foreign corporations.. 47 LIEN, of, service by publication..... 44 LIST of officers filing................ LIVE stock insurance tax LOAN to stockholder................ MAJORITY constitutes quorum, di- rectors MANDAMUS, transfer of stock by.. 17 MANUFACTURING companies, tax, exempt MARINE companies, tax.......... 66, 68 MEETING, first, how called......... 13 for changes...........-- 21 action of certified, to Sec- retary of State........ 22 action to consider disso- VUIOR. (ois casa tater ees 24 annual, stockholders..... 34 where held.............. 35 of directors...........+- 35 stockholders may call... 36 directors call, on insol- VONCY «22.0% hee EERE 40 MEMBERS’ mutual associations, cap- ital stock..... saeieeee pee 102 SUBJECTS. 181 NEW YORE. PAGE LAUNDRY companies exempt from CAR oes clbeke etnias oe 60 LIABILITY of stockholder........ 17, 18 of stockholder, personal 17 of estate for debts..... 18 LICENSE tax, foreign corporations. 57 tax, when payable........ 58 LIGHT companies exempt from tax. 60 LIMITATIONS, statute of.......... 18 LOANS, none to officers............. 40 none to stockholders...... 26, 37 LOST certificate of incorporation, copy in place of............ 20 MAJORITY of officers may petition for 'dissolution....... 39 MANAGEMENT divided, dissolution 39 MANAGERS, action by............. 27 MANAGING agent served......... 44, 45 MANUFACTURING companies ex- empt from HAR ccrinccnsg 60 companies ex- empt from TAX gackecve's 67 companies, wages of... 85 MARRIED women vote at elections. 11 MAYOR, service On.........-.-..+4. 45 MEETING, stockholders, to amend certificate of incorpo- TAUOD asisswadsneceess 20 official, called same as ADU: sy cicccucinay soared & 27 PIACE. OL sieisniecaceisie decent 33 to consider sale or lease 42 MEMBERS at meeting, quorum..... 33 two-thirds vote to extend existence, or.......... 2 two-thirds, written con- Sent. 2. .iasseweesa canes 2 shall present sworn state- THON Gs ics eschinerereromc Sees 33 MERCANTILE companies, wages of 85 MERCHANDISE of foreign corpora- tions, tax......67, 70 182 INDEX OF NEW JERSEY. PAGE MERGER of corporations...... 47, 48, 49 MINUTES, directors’, evidence con- . tract ....ccececeeceee . 36 MISCELLANEOUS statutes......... 80 MISTAKE in repealing charter cor- TCO: wiiaeeen es cea eee 69 MONEY, chattel mortgage for....... 43 capital stock payable in.... 37 embezzlement of........... 89 MORTGAGES on realty, superior lien Of aswexcnaie ei aanceae se 43 law not definite as to how created........ 3 must be by direetors.. 4 must have consent ma- ‘jority stock......... 4 chattel, superior to employee’s lien..... 43 MUTUAL associations, members, capital stock......... 52 NAME, change of................05- 20 change of, fee for........... 51 NOT guilty, plea of...........85 vere 92 NOTICE, personal, on incorporators. 18 thirty days’, for stock as- Sessments ............0. 19 four weeks’, of dissolution meeting ..... is ahs demeiouste 24 NOTICES, where sent............... 35 SUBJECTS. NEW YORK. PAGE MERGER of corporations.......... 47, 49 MINING corporations, wages of..... 85 corporations exempt from ta® woseewnis ras eoeniwwes 60 MINUTES proceedings entered..... . 16 MISCELLANEOUS statutes......... 80 MONEY, must not sell vote for...... 33 MONTHLY wages, failure to pay, penalty ............. 88 MORTGAGE does not include fran- ChISG: seceaiedse sana be 4 not exceed two-thirds paid capital ......... 10 presumption regarding 55 validity not impaired... 55 NAME may be changed.............. 5, 6 of, in certificate of incorpora- tion, by purchaser of old... 54 assumed, no business under.. 90 NAMES and post-offices of directors 54 NAVIGATION company, tax rate... 60 NEW incorporation, dividend by.... 55 NON-RESIDENT taxed same as resi- CEN ge caes seans 70 exemption from TAR aeevense idan 70 NON-STOCK corporations may hold property worth $3,- 000,000, or paying $500,000 yearly...... 2 NOTE due Sunday, payable when.... 87 NOTES) 5 scisiésé vcsntns oh oacees hewn Ke 4eaes 12 none discounted in payment SUOCK, - 23 -ca,n oavnaugete’s-c2tala 37 NOTICE of election of directors..... . 26 NOTICES may be waived in writing. 86 NUMBER of shares decreased, how.. 22 of directors in case of re- incorporation .......... 54 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 182a NEW JERSEY. NEW YORK. PAGE PAGE MONOPOLIKES, act to prevent...... 87b MORTGAGES exempt from taxation. 94 registry of........... 3c, 3d MUNICIPALITIES, no water for un- MUNICIPALITIES, may consent to der general act 93 readjustments 53b NOTICE, waiver Of.....cceeeeeeeeees 13b 183a INDEX TO SUBJECTS. NEW JERSEY. NEW YORK. PAGE PAGE ORGANIZATION, survivors designate others for....... 99 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. NEW JERSEY. OBJECTS: « vsisniiwveesvepsuweaesss net 6 OBLIGATION of contracts, no law impairing ......... 82 OFFICE, principal .................. 6 must have, ‘ registered,” in New Jersey...........00. 8 OFFICERS, liable to directors other corporations ......... 11 Shall be................. 12 liable, failure to make certificate ............ 20 names and addresses.... 34 post office addresses not required .........e00. 35 failing to call meeting.. 36 loan tO....... ccc cece eee 37 liable for certain loans.. 387 liable for false certifi- COLES: caratercare denne leis 38 filing list of, fee for..... 51 levying, notify custodian OE, StOCKE. a.055 6 ssigvincdedes 80 OIL or pipe line tax................ 66, 68 OUTSIDE State corporations may transact business...... 3 State corporations may hold property.......... 4 OUTSTANDING, when capital stock 1S) idacd eanaewies: 67 OWN stock, corporation can’t vote... 28 PALACE Cars; taX ss vsiccsievane«s 66, 68 PAR value of shares...............- q PARLOR CarSs............. 2 cesses 66, 68 PARTNERS, members liable as..... 34 PATENTS are property............. 37 capital in, exempt....... 68 PAYMENT on stock................ 19 PENALTY for exercising charter re- PEAIED. ssvcccurecesoase 69 PERPETUAL, unless otherwise in certificate of incor- poration .......... 2 by vote two-thirds stockholders ...... 2 by vote directors.... 2 PERSONAL liability, suits enforcing 80 liability arising under foreign laws.......... 80 PERSONS having custody of CODES) ciscdetoanireaneimasians 40 aggrieved, appeal to Chan- 42 cery ee etm rere rere eseene 183 NEW YORK. PAGE OBLIGATIONS overdue, no transfers 40 overdue, transfers VOU: ss rcsesenavan cowiaiece 40 OFFICER, fraud of, penalty......... 90 need not be director...... 12 policy-holders eligible as. 31 liable criminally......... 31 overissuing stock, corpo- ration liable ........... 82 liable for violation of Sec. QD: 5d etainlaaeectiers 8 asses aiocwacs 37 guilty of perjury, making false return ............ 68 OIL or pipe line tax.................. 66 OMISSIONS in incorporation cor- TOCEER. sieves scoicmmece 80 ORGANIZATION, none in two years, charter forfeited 85 tax tax, until paid, no charter PALACE-CAR tax................. 60, 66 PAPER, false, penalty for exhibiting 90 PARLOR-CAR tax 66 PENALTY for unsatisfactory report 62 for restraint of trade.... 87 PERSON for service of process....... 46 PERSONALITY exempt, when...... 65 foreign corpora- tions, tax........ WU PERSONS, three (including women), incorporators ......... 5 using assumed name, re- quirements ............ 90 184 NEW JERSEY. PAGE PERSONS in charge books, inform levying officer.......... 81 in charge books, non-resi- Cenk: ci aseakaacere sa as 81 in charge of books, duty of, in case of levy...... 82 in charge of books failing in duty, liability....... 82 three (including women) may incorporate........ 5 PIBR: 266i 20ieus comsuueeetancteesiees 38 PIPE lines vc casnseniaseaakaess so35 66, 68 POLLS, open at directors’ election... 26 verified ............- 86 POWERS, New Jersey corporations have usual............. 1 implied to borrow and en- dorse, but not for others 3 PREFERENCES, stock.............. dividend .......... PREFERRED stock, may issue, if permitted by certifi- cate of incorpora- TOD gis de'eisdsae ware 3 stock exchanged..... 14 shareholder not liable for debts........... 14 stockholder, prefer- , ence in insolvency. 14 stock, how created... 16 stock, surplus after, to creditors......... 17 stock, creation of.... 21 PRESIDENT .......... ccc eee e ees 20 report of...... $24 Rowe 34 tax report by..... vevee 6F not found, indictment, how served.......... 92 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. NEW YORK. PAGE PIPE line tax rate.........c..eee- 60, 66 PLAN of new corporation........... 54 of readjustment by purchasers 55 PLEADINGS, domestic corporations, foreign corporations, VOTIMGd. issecescd ec ecaie 86 PLEDGE, fraudulent, penalty........ 90 PLEDGER, proxy to..........0.0005 27 POLICY-HOLDERS eligible as offi- COIS | ssieou a icinks 12 POWER companies, tax exemption... 60 PREFERENCES by new corporation. 35 PREFERRED stock, how exchanged 16 PRESIDENT ..............++..12, 19, acknowledges exten- sion certificate .. makes transcript, etc.. appointed by directors signs annual report... designates person for Service ......5. service on ......... de facto corporation SOrved canis sss veviacs attests dissolution con- BONG eniiceas ound aes service of process on .. affidavit to tax report. delivers statement to ASSESSOFS .....eeeeee eee * 21 21 30 31 34 44 45 45 24 43 72 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 184a NEW JERSEY. NEW JERSEY. PAGE PAGE POWER, irrevocable to vote stock.... 92c PREFERRED, retirement of......... 98 185a NEW JERSEY. INDEX TO SUBJECTS. NEW YORK. PAGE PAGE PRINCIPAL office, borough where locatedss soc ccconaess 6b PROPERTY acquisition in other States. i. i265 esav ees 2a INDEX TO SUBJECTS. NEW JERSEY. NEW YORK. PAGE PRESUMPTION as to mortgages.... PRINCIPAL office................. 34, 36 PRINCIPAL, right to convert into office, meeting at........ 36 StOCK xxnieswevne oss PRIVATE property for public use... 82 office changed ........ PROCESS, service on foreign corpora- PROCEEDINGS on minutes......... TOD wanes exiirawewenes 44 supplementary .. SOTVICE. ahd iacisssuweresss 43 book, by Secretary of State 35 served on foreign corpora- TION Ss hsce’s-a'sivsirlemeaiae erie da 43 name of agent against WHOM «8c cisvesseves sce 35 PROCLAMATION by Governor an- nulling charter 69 PROPERTY, patents, are...........- 37 payment in............ 38 full schedule furnished OMGCEN scicsecescaeuses 40 in New Jersey, Receiver appointed ........... 40 private, embezzlement. 89 private, for public use 82 PROXIES: ...60.0csaseuever sag veaans 18 PROXY, wrong use of.............-- only good three years.... 27 who may bé............e0ee not rejected for informal- required take oath........ ILYS eaciesiegs Do ose 32 must be filed.............. to pledgor .............65% directors cannot vote by... for stock not owned ten CLAYS) isisciecisiscestis Sesriem eS in writing ............eeeee revocable at pleasure....... regulated by by-law....... none for religious corpora- LIONS: sa vce weevecarceseyss need not be stockholder.... not valid after eleven MONTHS .... cee eee eeee securing debt, invalid if ir- revocable ...........e.08 bondholders may vote by.. PUBLICATION, indictment served by 92 PUBLICATION of notice dissolution PUBLISHING certificates..........- 22 meeting ......... PURCHASE of stock not above par.. 22 PURCHASE money mortgages, con- sent required........ PURCHASER may incorporate...... may adopt readjust- ment plan ........ QUO warranto ..... cece eereee ee eeee 8 QUARRYING companies, wages of.. warranto, Attorney-General may proceed DY....eeeeeeetereeeee 23 QUORUM ...cce esc e eee cere ree er ees 14 QUORUM, members constitute....... 185 PAGE 55 29 32 32 32 33 33 32 32 33 5D 24 10 54 85 186 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. NEW JERSEY. NEW YORE. PAGE PaGh QUORUM, not more than majority.. 9 majority of stockholders... 26 RAILROADS ........ cana «sss... 88 RAILROAD, domestic, may increase, CLG, asuiidieiaiomie’s sew. 22 Board of Commissioners 55 company, assignment by 40 incorporation fee...... 51 organization tax paid before _ certificate STanted casdiecasccias 57 steam and elevated, tax TALC sce shahee et ceees 59 companies, wages of... 85 elevated, not steam.... 60 READJUSTMENT applied for by offi- READJUSTMENT, municipalities COTS .... ee eee ee 70 consent to.. 57 REAL estate mortgages, superior lien REAL estate, foreign corporations, Ol o Fks es Set da seamen 43 how taxed ae o y x Behe 7 te err nee ae pits Sees ria aarti: pears ate hate se aRSaETTITS ES eh Sy Spada dyes eee Seances toh