ie PAA U te WH Me dee eer I etl eynhsk UH en Fahne RA Ae BARC r uy 7 Co crn Apa cttety a1 oa Garnell Law School Library mbna if Cc | cit 1 vers! ry i + lit 689 law it THE Law of Electricity Including Electrolysis, Electrical Injuries, Powers, Duties and Regulation of Electrical Companies, Eminent Domain, Taxation, Electrical Contracts, Municipal Ownership, Abutting Owners, Interfer- ence with Currents, Injuries to Appliances, Conduits, Street Railways, Master and Servant and Evidence COVERING THE DECISIONS OF THE UNITED STATES, ENGLAND AND CANADA By ARTHUR F._CURTIS of the New York Bar, Co-editor of Street Railway Reports, and Griffin and Curtis on Chattel Mortgages and Conditional Sales ALBANY,N. Y. MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY INCORPORATED 1915 i ~O 26 FT} Coprricut, 1915 BY _ MatrHew BEnvER AND CoMPANY, INCORPORATED. 13 J. B. Lyon Company Printers and Electrotypers Albany, N. Y. PREFACE. Tue Law or Exectricity, unlike the subjects of most law books, does not cover a recognized branch of jurisprudence. A book on such a subject, instead of treating of a definite legal topic, discusses the law of a single force, and follows the permeations of this force through the general rules of the various branches of the law. A judge or lawyer examining a text-book on the law of Municipal Corporations, or Evidence, or Real Property, or any one of scores of other subjects, expects to find treated therein certain definite propositions of law and no others. His expectations are, as they should be, anticipated and fulfilled by the author. But obviously the situation is vastly different when the work covers the rules applicable to a single force, such as electricity, rather than following some time-honored branch of the law. A book on the Law or Etecrricrry must treat exhaus- tively such purely electrical matters as Electrolysis, Elec- trical Injuries, Powers and Duties of Electric Companies, etc., and must also, to a certain extent, touch the law of Municipal Corporations, Eminent Domain, Taxation, Con- tracts, Franchises, Streets and Highways, Abutting Own- ers, Nuisances, Street Railways, Telephones and Tele- graphs, Negligence, Master and Servant, Evidence, and many other subjects of lesser importance. The mere state- ment of the various sources of the material, necessarily implies that not all the law relative to such branches can be included in a work of this nature. To treat exhaustively all the law of Municipal Corporations, of Master and Servant, of Evidence, and of Contracts, even neglecting the many other subjects referred to, would require the -publi- cation of a set of books comparable in weight to our modern encyclopedias; and, when prepared, that part of the law directly involving the electric current would be submerged in the flood of legal learning. Thus it is, that the purpose of a work such as this is fulfilled when the well-known rules of law are applied to the electric current. To illustrate with a specific example, a question arises as to the effect of a contract between an electric company and its consumer. It is evident that it [iii] iv PREFACE. may be of advantage to the searcher to have before him in one set of books the law of all kinds of contracts as well as the law of electrical matters, but yet there are other lawyers and other litigations, and he should not expect all the law on collateral subjects in one book or in one set of books. In this book is discussed the law of contracts only so far as the law of that branch has been developed and adjudicated by cases involving electrical contracts. No little difficulty has been experienced in defining the boundaries for a work on the Law or Exscrriciry. The practice adopted by authors and digesters for a century has established definite limitations on the scope of many legal topics. But the Law or Execrricity is too modern to have acquired an established scope. Clearly such a work must cover all matters pertaining directly to the electric current itself, and an earnest endeavor has been made to extract from all sources all propositions of law relative to the current. But how much farther is it permissible to go? Street railway companies use large quantities of elec- tricity for the moving of their cars, but not all street rail- way law is electrical law. The law of street railways includes many propositions, such as the payment of fares, the eviction of passengers, transfers, collisions with travel- ers, premature starting of cars, and others, which have no place in a work on electrical law. In the same way, the law of telephone and telegraph companies must be cur- tailed, for only parts thereof find a place in a work on the Law or Exsecrriciry. It is essential that this book should include, not only the law of the force of electricity, but also the law relative to those appliances which are intimately associated with the current, such as poles, cross- arms, wires, etc. But can the writer legitimately go fur- ther? The temptation to pluck a flower just outside of the boundary of the road may be irresistible, but, when gathered, another equally attractive appears but slightly farther from the main way. Thus, one may be led by scarcely perceptible steps until he loses sight of his course. It is, perhaps, not advisable that the traveler pass along regardless of the situation in adjoining lands, for the way is best understood when its environments are fully known. But it is always to be remembered that a definite journey is to. be made and that diversions into by-ways, except under unusual circumstances, are not advisable. Dexa, N. Y., April 5, 1915. Artruur F. Curtts. TABLE OF CONTENTS. [v] TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. PAGE. SECTION’ 1. Hl6Ctrigity: co c2.55 @ wewin ec pads baw dad ve Mlaw oe Hr Kae ee 1 2. Nature: of iii cce ci nngacanig ne tees tps aR eee ea ek Hoes 2 3.2 —==)As) Property is du sees meee s anne eek ae eee we ee we eale sy 6 4, —— As a Subject of Larceny.......... 0... cc cece cece ees 7 5. Electric Companies; in General............-... 0. cece eee 8 6. —— As Quasi-Public Corporations.............. 0.0. eee eee 9 7. As Manufacturers 0. cece sec e cece eens eeeenee 9 8. Street Railway Companies.......... 0... c cece eee e eens 19 9. Telegraph and Telephone Companies; in General............ 20 10. Contrasted: ..ccidds annie oe seed 14a eee Bae eee Gee des 20 11. —— “Telephone” as “Telegraph ”............ce cece evens 23 12. cAPplAnees Sideciaie.« a diadsi ca aa Mianewalw te Mee eae Anne Bae 27 ‘13. As Real or Personal Property............:eseeeeeeeaee 28 14. Use of Electricity for Effecting Death of Criminals.......... 32 15. Electrical Terms Defined...... 0.0... ccc cece eee cee cece eee 34 CHAPTER II. POWERS AND DUTIES OF ELECTRIC COMPANIES. GEcTION 16. Incorporation ....... 0 cece cece cee cere tee een eet enenes 40 17. Powers; in General o.oo eiiccs ee ice ccs nese aerate eee sued wae 41 18. Power to Supply Current; in General............000. sce ee 42 19. Gas Company’ «02.464 sedan cette tad y saa tanta cea 42 20. Street Railway Company..........0.0eccceeeee scenes 43 21. —— Telegraph and Telephone Companies.................. 44 22. Corporations Dealing in Appliances.................06 44 283. Territorial Limitations ...........0 0: cece cece nent eee eeeeee 45 24. Operation of Street Railway........ 0... c cece cece eee eens 47 25. Furnishing Light and Gas........ 0... ce cece cece eee eeeeee 47 26. Manufacture or Installation of Electrical Appliances........ 47 27. Use of Water Power to Generate Electricity................ 48 28. Rates ......... Bia ccs aang ehbusin sit Grass d dno: sesne Steg Reker ese NR EES 49 29. Minimum Charge ......... cece cece ee cence ent nneees 51 30. Restriction of Competition.......... 2.00 cece cere eeee 53 31. Consolidation ........ 0. ccc ee eee ete eee e eens badieais 55 32. —— Purchase of Stock of Rival Company.............seee 55 33. Mortgage of Property............-+--ee eee esate eae 56 34, Franchises .............+ Sas Dacti calle) subd a tyuilages avasivasaasacs inca euatiacnes © 57 35. Eminent Domain ............ cece cece teen een e eee ceeees 58 viil TasLe or CoNnTENTS. CHAPTER III. DUTY TO FURNISH CURRENT WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION. SECTION SECTION 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44, 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. In, General: os -siue see ov sage as wea wanes eekleelyeeeranegens 59 Municipality Owning Electric Plant........-.........000. 61 Discontinuance of Business.......... 0... ccc eee ee eee ee eee 62 What Constitutes Discrimination; in General.............. 65 Difference: sin, “Rate csscsiecnewpaaaw x steeaeulacseesers siete ga 65 —— Experimental Contracts 0... ee eee eee 66 —— Contract and Meter Classes of Patrons................ 67 —— Discount to Customer Furnishing Lamps.............. 68 Procurement of Right of Way to Customer’s Premises.. 68 —— Furnishing Transformers ................00 02 eee eees 69 Excuses for Supplying Current; in General................ 69 Violation of Company’s Rules................0000 eee 70 Defective Interior Wiring................ 00.0 eee 72 ==— Absence: of Contracts sc: ces wesae cucu. cua beat Las 73 Nonpayment of Rates.......... 0... c eee cee eee eens 73 Waiver Of EXCUs@ ccc cc1-olsiuen vedelnln tance ea eed ars 74 Remedies; Mandamus ........... 0... cee cee cece ee eeeeeee 74 Injunction: csieoduicnnes tga eg wag wee eae Ree aee MeeNS 74 —— Damages for Failure to Serve...............2.20.000- 75 Recovery of Difference Charged and Customary Rates.. 75 Penalty for Failure to Furnish Current............... 17 CHAPTER IV. . EMINENT DOMAIN. Eminent Domain is a Sovereign Power.............00..0000 80 Constitutional Limitations ......... 00... cc cece eee eee ee 81 Legislative Questions .......... 0... cece cece ccc e ee eeeees 84 Discretion of Company...........-.... cece ccc eee eee eee 84 Furnishing Electricity as a Public Use; in General Be ue 86 Lighting of Municipal Streets...................000. 91 —— Operation of Railroad................ 02... ccc cece 92 -——— Delivery of Current to Other Electric Companies...... 93 —— Not Necessary That Every Inhabitant Be Benefited... 94 Service to Inhabitants of Another State............... 95 Combination of Private and Public Uses.............. 96 Right to Condemn is Strictly Construed................... 100 Corporations Entitled to Exercise; Statutory Delegation of Power 1s) Required... cccsecins guchacine nee j asa wamny wees 101 Electric Companies .......... 00... 102 —— Municipal Corporations ........................00000, 105 —— Foreign Corporations ................. 0... cece eee ee 106 —— Street Railway Companies................-......0-0, 108 —— Telegraph Companies ............ 0... cece cece eens 110 —— Telephone Companies ............ 0.0.02. cceeecuueee 111 Lessees of Public Service Corporations................ 112 Prerequisites to Exercise of Power...................0000- 113 TasLe oF CoNnTENTS. ix PAGE. Section 78. Prerequisites to Exercise of Power; Municipal Franchise... 113 79, —— Contracts for Furnishing Service..................00. 114 80. Municipal Regulation .............. cece eee eee eee 115 81. Necessity of Taking............ cece cece cece reece eee 116 82. Property Condemnable; Water Power................-+05: 118 83. —— Location for Power Plant........ccceeeee eee e ee eee ees 121 84. Tranemission Line: .ics.scseescsaedesec eee cas ide ross 121 85. —— Railroad Right of Way...........-...... det Groauaiaiers 123 86. Rights of Owners Abuting Highway.................. 128 87. Property of Other Quasi-Public Corporations.......... 129 88. Petition or Complaint.............- Me Nas Was Gieale da dee pee 130 89. Damages; in General........ 0.0... cece cece ee eee eens 132 90. —— Telegraph or Telephone Line along Highway........... 134 91, ——Telegraph or Telephone Line along Railroad Right of Waly so scentepse taney Aap ade. Bg ssdud Uaioe hetero oh aig Aa 136 92. —— Entry on Lands before Payment.............. 0.000 eee 142 CHAPTER V. TAXATION. SecTION 93. Poles and Wires as Realty for Taxation Purposes.......... 143 94, Taxable as “ Manufacturing” Companies.................. 143 95. Exemption from Taxation..........00.c cece ce eee eee ee 144 96. —— Exemption of Municipal Lighting Plant.............. 144 97. Patent: Rights: oseyes 829, 850 160 Pa. St. 511........ 225, 226, 249 188 Mass. 276......... 736, 766, 906 96 N. Y. App. Div. 559...... 437, 443 6 Pen. (Del.) 374.............. 469 213 ‘Pa. St. 229 s0 5.834 yedes 716, 717 102 Fed. 663...... 192, 194, 197, 211. 239, 303, 305, 381 OL ATE. 89. gc on eae oui aaa es 52, 477 (N. J.) 90 Atl. 380............. 253 145 Mich. 86...... 832, 837, 851, 852 882, 887 110 Ga. 165............0005 743, 798 16 Mont. 1....... 405, 421, 425, 429 GL FS 98 asic ste a's gape a3 wade 463 40 Pa. Super. Ct. 644.......... 441 166 Mo. App. 490........... 565, 570 TaBLE OF CaAsEs. (References are to pages.) Logansport, City of, v. Smith........ Lomoe v. Superior Water, L. & P. Co. London Elec. Supply Corp. v. Priddis. London Mills, Village of, v, Fair- view-London Telep. Circuit........ London Mills, Village of, v. White. . Lonergan v. La Fayette St. Ry. Co.. Long v. Johnson County Telep. Co.. Long Acre L. & P. Co., Matter of.... Long Acre Elec. L. & P. Co., Matter OLE Graaaieal namic inshadiasiaarnsee Tontnnntea ats Long Distance Telep. & Teleg. Co. v. Schmidt tome Sault Development Co. v. Ken- ne Looney v. Metropolitan R. Co...... Lord v. Inhabitants of Wakefield.... v. Manchester St. Ry.......... Los Angeles Gas & Elec. Corp. v. City of Los Angeles................04. Lough v. Unterbridge.............. Louisville Bagging Mfg. Co. v. Cen- tral Passenger Ry. Co............ Louisville, City of, v. Cumberland Telep. & Teleg. Co........-...... v. Louisville Home ‘velep. Co.. Louisville, ete., R. Co. v. Hardin’s AGW? ecopasorrnnaavee nae ex oeain Louisville, ete., Tract. Co. v. Worrell. Louisville Home Telep. Co. v. Beeler’s Adm’r —- v. City of Louisville.......... rie vy. Cumberland Telep. & Teleg. Os: a trd eddies nara emawnls eeaiga v. Gasper Louisville Lighting Co. v. Owens... Louisville & N. R. Co. v. Bowling Green Ry. Co.............04. ait v. Hahn’s Adm’r.............. ‘——— v. Mulfinger’s Adm’x......... —— v. Western Union Teleg. Co... Lower Merion Twp. v. Postal Teleg. Cable Co. Lowther v. Bridgeman............. Lucas v. Ashland L., Mill & P. Co.. Ludwig v. Metropolitan St. Ry. Co.. Luehrmann v. Laclede Gas Light Co. Lundeen v. Livingston Elec. Light Co. Lundy v. Southern Bell Telep. & Dele gin Gi. caciceceasssch asivanesereausctin ye sevacoys Lutes v. Fayette Home Telep. Co.... Luther v. Standard L., H. & P. Co.. liii 47 Ind. App. 64...... 592, 595, 605 655, 745, 750 147 Wis. bis cece sesce 705, 709, 757 18 T.L. R. (Eng.) 64........... 178 105 Ill. App. 146...... 303, 390, 391 208 Ill. 289....... 111, 112, 303, 352 379, 391 (Ind.) 3 Am. Electl. Cas. 273.. 558 134 Towa 336...........-4. 834, 856 51 Mise. (N. Y.) 407........ 313, 315 117 N. Y. App. Div. 80...... 313, 314 315, 508 188 Ni We BG lcnintoae- act nestnarsnme: 509 157 Ala: 891 co nasasaumes ess 134, +135 158 N. Y. App. Div. 398..81, 86, 88 200 U. S. 480..............06. 829 185 Mass. 214................. 866 74.N. H. 295.......... 565, 567, 568 163 Cal. 621 « cs hich re ween eer aree 150 143 Ne Ys 271) 20 Tox ocstasesaaass 50 (Ky.) 3 Am. Elect]. Gas. 236..5, 425 426 224 U. S. 649..... 303, 305, 313, 315 322, 385 149 Ky. 284...........008. 343, 344 154 Ky. 282.....0.......c0e eee 875 44 Ind. App. 480...... 565, 568, 914 V25 RY 5, BOG winvecee cere cave wearensee ticle 689 180 Key. 61D cscs ewsnenaeaaes 395 111 Fed. 668.......... 492, 493, 521 522, 423 123 Keys 1282 ossaon wns snore wna 755 32 Ky. Law Rep. 283..728, 909, 910 110 Res FBR. 5. 5 nescee-neroiele oes R62 185. ys QO Vie save nisite’s: guevsraveioes 460, 461 26 Ky. Law Rep. 3............. 459 207 Hed. Daas: ox sae eens 4, 125, 454 25 Pa. Super. Ct. 306.......... . 169 57 W. Va. 306......... 360, 376, 418 92 Neb. 550.......... 18, 84, 86, 119 71 N. Y. App. Div. 210. .582, 901, 916 127 Mo. App. 213...... 585, 661, 699 707, 767 17 Motity 32% 22s aass80s 668, 755, 756 90 S. Car. 25...... 593, 599, 605, 739 155 Ky. 555.........6. 321, 338, 394 2OS NS Va BSS ee sige gv ome ged ws 842 liv TABLE OF CASES. (References are to pages.) Lutolf v. United Electric L. Co...... Lydon v. Edison Elec. lum. Co.. Lydston v. Rockingham County Light & Power COww..cctvee ne aeawees oe Lynch v. Metropolitan St. Ry. Co.. Saginaw Valley Tract Co.. Lynchburg, etc., St. Ry. Co. v. Dam- eron Lynchburg Telep. Co. v. Booker..... Lyons v. City of New Albany...... = Vv. M. Mackay Teleg. & Cable Co. v. City of Texarkana.............eeeeee- Macon v. Paducah St. Ry. Co...... Madison, City of, v. Thomas........ Magee v. Overshiner..............- Mahan v. Michigan Telep. Co........ v. Newton & B. St. Ry. Co.. Maier v. Chicago City Ry.......... Majenica Telep. Co. v. Hee epost Malay v. Mt. Morris E. L. Co....... Malone v. Waukesha Electric Light COs: sprees, Mitre en hemnineuceunnae se Mangan v. Hudson River Telep. Co.. Mangan’s Adm’r v. Louisville Elec. L. Co. Manhattan & Bronx Elec. Co. v. Fornes Mannon v. Camden Interstate Ry. Co. Mantell v. Bucyrus Telep. Co. Maraman v. Ohio Valley Telep. Co.. Marion Elec. L. & Ice Co. v. Roches- ter Marion L. & H. Co. v. Vermillon.... Marion St. Ry. Co. v. Shaffer...... Marquette Cement Mfg. Co. v. Wil- liams Martin v. Boston, ete, R. Co....... Martin v. Citizens’ Gen. Elec. Co... vy. Des Moines Edison L. Co... Maryland Telep. & Teleg. Co. v. Clo- THAN go sa panirgs SONG Rage ha sue dior Mason v. Boston, etc., Ry. Co...... v. Cranbury Township ........ Massy v. Milwaukee Elec. Ry. & L. Ce ee eee cme ee Maudlin v. City Council of Greenville. ‘Maxwell v. Central District & Print- ing Teleg. Co.................005 May v. City of Gothenburg......... Mayfield Water & L. Co. v. Webb’s Adm’r . 194 Mass. 53.......44- 699, 701, 712, 209 Mass, 529......-0-0 eee ceee Ti NG Eb 2S i iadce stasncie ssuacdnte 724, 90 N. Y. Supp. 378......-....-5 153 Mich. 174.......-....-- 867, 95. Vas. 845.0005 ome s mime ss Maes 103 Va. 594........... 686, 739, (Ind. App.) 103 N. E, 20..4, 830, 856, 199 Fed. 347...... 270, 334, 491, 110 Ky. 680...... 601, 704, 705, 736, 756, 1380 Ga. 153..........6. 713, 822, 150 Ind. 127.......... 413, 417, 192) Michi, 242 os. eis-c.0 eigpees-s seepage» 189 Mass. 1........... 761, 763, 166 Ill. App. 500.........----. 43 Ind. App. 306........... 363, 41 N. Y. App. Div. 574...... 841, 120 Wis. 485..... ‘varices ant 50 Mise. (N. Y.) 388...690, 784, 122 Ky. 476.......... 585, 588, 611, 47 Mise. (N. Y.) 209.......391, 56 W. Va. 554...... 0.00 00es 564, 20 Ohio Cir. Ct. 345........ 427, 25 Ky. Law Rep. 784........ 349, 149 Ky. 810........... ere 48, 51 Ind. App. 418.......... 864, 9 Ind. App. 486..............4. 280) TM, 26 iescierwnrndieswamnsas anne 205 Mass. 16..... 565, 566, 29 Ky. Law Rep. 103.......... 131 Towa 724..... 597, 598, 831, 835, 875, OF Md. 620. ieee caseivedavinaens 190 Mass. 255..............4.. 68 N. J. L. 149... .196, 203, 206, 143 Wis. 220............... 814, 33 S. Car. 1 .......... 231, 233, 51 W. Va. 121....418, 422, 423, 88 Neb) 172 ia iseeic emi cae 325, 33 Ky. Law Rep. 909. .685, 694, 695, 704 723 795 809 902 868 200 920 831 873 492 709 823 917 418 317 817 574 470 862 928 423 814 604 726 392 907 428 389 73 877 578 888 914 816 833° 923 838 574 210 888 234 425 328 693 696 TaBLE oF CASsEs. (References are to pages.) Mayhew v. Yakima Power Co....... Maynard v. Memaha Valley Drainage Dist.NOs ies 4si0 eaeute he wa eens 4 oe Mayo v. Town of Washington....... McAdam v. Central Ry. & Elec. Co. . McAllister v. Jung..............06. McCabe v. Narragansett Elec. L. Co. . McCann v. Johnson Co. Telep. Co... —— v. Strang. ....... cece eee McCaughan v. Home Savings Bank. . McCaughna v. Owosso & Corunna Wee.” COs: Scsesuer3 8s coat aars sou a area McCormick v. District of Columbia. . McCrea v. Beverly Gas & Elec. Co.. McDonald v. Postal Teleg. Cable Co. McDonough v. Boston Elev. Ry. Co.. McGilora v. Seattle Elec. Co........ McGorty v. Southern New England Teleps GOs a isge ahave ake Setrerseoagh Boe ive MclIhinny v. Village of Trenton.... McIsaac v. Northampton Elec. L. Co. v. Woonsocket Elec., etc., Co... McKay v. Southern Bell Telep. Co... McKim v. City of Philadelphia...... McLaughlin v. Louisville Elec. Co... McLean v. Brush Elec. L. Co........ McMaster v. City of Waynesboro.... McMeekin v. Central Carolina Power CO lis: sates vine ete sea dine 3 sabe McMullen v. Edison Elec. Illum. Co.. McNamee v. Western Union Teleg. Co. McQuillan v. Willimantic Elec. L. Co. McRae v. Metropolitan St. Ry. Co.. MeWethy v. Aurora El. L. Coe..... Mealey v. City of Hagerstown...... Meehan v. Holyoke St. Ry. Co...... Mehan v. Lowell Elec. L. Corporation. Memphis Bell Telep. Co. v. Hunt.... Memphis, City ef, v. Postal Teleg. Cable C0. x cisdaceeswases dene ees Memphis Consol. Gas & Elec. Co. v. BOM see gusctle. 0-e Se srenesniaee uapans Saauctaute ea —— v. Latson . .......e cee e eee —— v. Simpson . ...........eeees Vi SPOATS se i oad cisely oe pie dss Memphis Street Railway Co. v. Kart- TPH 3 «. savie sence shat eeeablees Meola v. Quincy Mining Co........ Mercantile T. Co. v. Atlantic & Pac. R. lv 72 Wash: 431, wcee.sduee casaca 735 (Neb.) 143 N. W. 927.......... 48 122° Ns (Cand. give sascca oe paces. 247 67 Conn. 445...... 599, 831, 839, 840 112 Il. App. 138.............. 581 26. Rs Teh cectecss 2's siccass yng 726, 820 69 Kan. 210. .400, 401, 402, 4165, 417 422 97 Wis. 551 ............... 638, 640 160 N. Y. App. Div. 123........ 844 129 "Mich. 407.............. 685, 690 4 Mackey 396.................. 417 216 Mass. 495.............. 766, 772 22) Ree De VSI once s 854, 866, 869, 8835 208 Mass. 436......... 570, 904, 915 61 Wash. 38...........02 eee ee 559 69 Conn. 635 ...........00, 851, 854 146 Ala. 679, mem.......... 539, 540 167 N. Y. 208. . 832, 843, 855, 866 4 868 148 Mich. 380.............. 242, 639 172 Maas. 89.2... 00.000000% 853, 866 (R. I.) 83 Atl. 754............ 883 111 Ala. 387.......... 738, 748, 750 QUT Paz. St. 248 on. ccc ae cee ee 8 635 100 Ky. 173. .587, 604, 766, 770, 774 909 8 Ohio S. & C. P. Dec. 619...... 408 122 Ga. 231...... 194, 195, 196, 206 80 S. Car. 512. .86, 94, 97, 102, 640 75 N. H. 258..9, 10, 18, 82, 86, 99 118, 119 13 Mise. (N. Y.) 392...606, 655, 711 160 N. Y. App. Div. 785........ 807 70 Conn. 715). aes c cage cocews 883 125 Mo. App. 562. .563, 570, 571, 914 915 202 Ill. 218. .379, 383, 384, 406, 407 421, 423 92 MG: 74. ne peat acs emia 225, 228 186 Mass. 511 ...........6.... 921 192) Massy 58 iccsis sncinve o's Hawi 835, 886 16 Lea (Tenn.) 456............ 432 145 Fed. 602...... 161, 162, 163, 168 152 Fed. 677...... 765, 782, 815, 817 1385 Fed. 969 ....607, 821, 910, 911 (Tenn.) 109 S. W. 1155..... 816, 880 113 Tenn. 83 .............. 618, 620 110 Tenn. 277..... 602, 605, 740, 903 907 174 Mich. 305..829, 830, 831, 840, 864 £63! Beds 513s ose is-carsnenale eavare 273, 274 lvi TaBLE oF CasEs. (References are to pages.) Merced Falls Gas & Elec. Co. v. Murne? x53 cere so amae esemee ears Merchants’ Mutual Telep. Co. v. Hirshman ...........-. 002 eeeeee Merchants’ Police & Dist. Teleg. Co. y. Citizens’ Telep. Co............ Mercur v. Media Elec. L., Heat & P. COs canes chine cakes nae se Bale Merica v. Ft. Wayne & W. V. Tract. On. sain se ante Sana tine area saa caae Mertinek v. Swift & Co............ Metropolitan Elec. Supply Co. v. Gin- Deri 6 ess Rew Eas oe ces hae ee ee Metropolitan Home Telep. Co. v. WMEPSON scious sais oss MGS Las HHS Metropolitan St. Ry. Co. v. Gilbert. . Metropolitan Trust Co. v. Dolgeville Blee. Le, & oP. CO. sia c c caiaye coe aveuass Metz v. Washington Water Power Co. Meyer v. Menominee L. & Tract. Co. v. Standard Telep. Co......... —— v. Town of Boonville.......... v. Union L., H. & P. Co....... Meyers v. Detroit, etc., R. Co....... Michigan City Gas & Elec. Co. v. Dibka Michigan Telep. Co. v. Charlotte.... v. City of Benton Harbor..... —— v. City of St. Joseph.......... Midwood & Co. v. Manchester Corpo- PAGON: oi oes eee sé oe ake ees eS Miles v. Postal Teleg. Cable Co..... Miller v. Chicago, ete., R. Co........ v. Detroit, etc., Ry. Co........ v. Kenosha Electric Ry. Co.... y. Lewistown Elec. L., H. & P. yv. Missouri & Kansas Telep. Co. v. Ouray Elec. L. & P. Co..... v. Town of Pulaski........... Co. v. United Railways & Elec. Co. Millerville Gas-Light Co. v. Vineland L. & P. Co Millville Tract. Co. v. Goodwin..... Milne v. Providence Telep. Co....... Minden-Edison L. & P.’Co. v. City of Minden Miner v. Franklin Co. Telep. Co.... Minneapolis Gen. Elec. Co. v. City of Minneapolis —— v. Cronon..........20..0es eae Minnesota Canal & Power Co. v. 2 Cal. App. 720...474, 475, 479, 480 484, 485 43 Ind. App. 283...... 428, 429, 441 442, 641 123 Ky. 90....... 350, 353, 394, 395 19 Pa. Super. Ct. 519... .60, 65, 66 67, 176 49 Ind. App. 288.........-. 846, 851 122; Towa: Gllcex ssapees sees 727, 731 (1901) 2 Ch. 799 ......-..45-.- 188 202 Mass. 402......... 291, 292, 293 70 Kan. 261. .586, 592, 600, 601, 761 35 Mise. (N. Y.) 467....... 46, 56 72 Wash. 188......... 650, 659, 705 151 Wis. 279..... 686, 693, 768, 789 122 Towa 514...........-..... 434 162 Ind. 165.......... 198, 353, 389 151 Ky. 332............. . -769, 789 166 Mich. 403............. 459, 464 (Ind. App.) 100 N. E. 877. .592, 597 605, 756, 796 93 Fed. 11...303, 305, 306, 491, 493 121 Mich. 512......... 355, 358, 360 367, 491 121 Mich. 502..... 303, 307, 313, 491 (1905) 2 K. B. (Eng.) 597..... 512 55S. Car. 408. 5 vice caves ce tae 682 132 Ill. App. 41............ 831, 846 125 Mich. 171.............. 431, 432 1385 Wis. 68............... 738, 741 212 Pa. 593...... 727, 742, 743, 796 141 Mo. App. 462..837, 868, 882, 905 18 Colo. App. 131.......... 729, 730 109 Va. 187......... 84, 87, 89, 95 98, 105, 106 108 Md. 84... ces cies scene ces 581 72 N. J. Eq. 305.......... 331, 348 53 N. J. Hg. 448...... 541, 543, 549 29 ORs BBG ss aca sdinare 8 eruarta es 816 VA NW. 6130.6 6 assets, ee 239 83 Vt. 311....... 832, 844, 862, 864 194 Fed. 215...... 73, 475, 480, 482 166 Fed. 651..... 618, 619, 621, 691 803, 912 97 Minn, 429...... 5, 80, 81, 82, 86 97, 99, 100, 101 TABLE oF CasEs. (References are to pages.) Minnesota Canal & Power Co. v. Missouri v. Murphy................ Missouri Edison Elec. Co. v. Lewis. . Ve Weber oy jas eiwianresa sink yoo Missouri Elec. L. & P. Co. v. Car- MOG Yo aceSaengns stag ween ease Missouri River Telep. Co. v. City of Mitchell . Mitchell v. Charleston L. & P. Co... v. City of Negaunee —— v. Raleigh Elec. Co........... v. U. 8. Coal & Coke Co...... Mitchell, City of, v. Dakota Cent. Telep. Co. Moberly v. Richmond Telep. Co..... Mobile, etc., R. Co. v. Postal Teleg. Gable? CO. cca sey d atin «, bcuceeeass seacauede Mobile Elec. Co. v. Sanges......... Moersdorf v. N. Y. Telep. Co........ Moffat v. N. Y. Edison Co.......... Mogk v. N. Y. & N. J. Tel. Co...... Moglia v. Nassau Elec. R. Co....... Monds y. Town of Dunn............ Monett Elec. L., P. & Ice Co. v. City of Monett) 20s 0 ccanwrcssces sation Monmouth County Electric Co. v. Central R. Co. of New Jersey.... Monongahela City v. Monongahela Elec. L. Co. Monongahela L. & P. Co. v. Rose Hill Elec. L. Co. Montclair L. & P. Co. v. Town of Mo mtelar oii ics 094 wid Bice gies aa wee Montgomery, City Council of, v. 8) FL ANG a. sens rg eeeisteln: Oe Bre Reed eee Montgomery L. & P. Co. v. Montgom- ery Tract: Co. ¢ weisina ro pawns eon Montgomery L. & W. P. Co. v. Citi- zens’ L., H. & P. Co............. Montreal v. Standard L. & P. Co.... Montreal L., H. & P. Co. v. Lawrence. = Ve Vapond s 6 os¢eees seead een Montreal Park & Island Ry. Co. v. MeDougall . 1... 0.60... ee eee eee Montreal St. Ry. Co. v. Gareau..... Mooney v. Borough of Luzerne..... Moore v. Chattanooga Elec. Ry. Co.. v. Camden & T. Ry. Co........ 101 Minn. 197....114, 115, 116, 120) Ui Ss 18s esse ses nesses s 474, 86 Mo. App. 612............ 177, 102 Mo. App. 95........... 497, 72 Mo. App. 584...........0... 92S. Dak. 191............. 291, 45 8. C. 146...... 679, 113 Mich. 359..... 225, 226, 228, 129 N. Car. 166....5, 625, 707, 67 W. Va. 480.......0..06. 832, 25 S. Dak. 409... .172, 38 Mont. 521.606, 613, 686, 738, 126 Ky. 369...... 332, 120 Ala. 21..110, 124, 76 Miss. 731. .137, 138, 101 Tenn. 62...... 124, 169 Ala. 341...... 851, (N. J. L.) 87 Atl. 473.......... 116 N. Y. Supp. 683............ 78 N. Y. App. Div. 560........ 127 N. Y. App. Div. 243... .725, 163 N. Car. 108........ 703, 922, 186 Fed. 360...... 240, 303, 352, by se. Oe 0 oe 31, 12 Pa. Co. Ct. 529..... 475, 480, 485, 30 Pittsb. Leg. J. (Pa.) 301.... 67 N. J. Law 151.............. 148 Ala. 194 ..............000. 19] Wed. 657 accc0c ees ase seve 147 Ala. 359 .......... 342, 472, L: R. (1897) A. C. (Eng.) 527.. 39 Can. Sup. Ct. 326.......... 40 Que. 8. C. (Can.) 196. .515, 517, 36 Can. Sup. Ct. 1......... 830, 21 Canada L. T. 128........ 638, 186 Pa. St, 161 vies densi sawn 119 Tenn. 710......... 846, 875, 72) Ni Se Das S99 saw san cee oa oie. lvii 120 121 476 182 511 176 304 737 244 251 768 818 848 343 391 657 788 394 137 518 864 639 637 884 lviii TasLe oF CASES. (References are to pages.) Moore v. Carolina Power & Light Co. —— v. City Council of Harrodsburg. —— v. Champlain Elec. Co......... ‘ennessee Telep. Co.. Moran. y. Corliss Steam Engine Co.. Morgan v. Bell Telep. Co........... v. Westmorland Elec.Co....... Moren v. New Orleans Ry. & L. Co.. Morhard v. Richmond L. & R. Co.... Morison v. American Telep. & Teleg. COs mane xiowis ses omy ore Oe ees eames Morrice, Village of, v. Sutton....... Morris v. Loughborough Corp....... v. Rounsaville. .............. Morristown v. East Tennessee Telep. Co. Mt. Pleasant a. Co. v. Ohio, etc., a Coy sienneagamets eode esa keels aie a aiaes ecteonanasery adelabece de puedakeat satan Mulligan v. McCaffrey Seine Aves donee Mullin v. Genesee Ce. Elec. L., P. & Gas, CO oa saais ss wins cs doesn ny aes Muncy Elec. Light, Heat & Power Co. v. People’s Light, Heat & Power Co. Munroe v. Fred T. Ley & Co........ Murphy v. Coney Island & Brooklyn Rie COs: tog acgitistenns ttagecing custeeiives Biot —— y. Hudson River Telep. Co.. v. Pacific Telep. & Teleg. Co.. Murray v. Cowherd ............... Muskegon Tract. & L. Co. v. City of Muskegon . .......c csc ee cece ence Musolf v. Duluth Edison Elec. Co... Mutual Union Teleg. Co. v. City of Chicago: ss sisimgas anata ores Seas Myers v. Edison Electric Illuminating Cae oe. Specks Hseaatas Ginter alsa auehoanneussaepavenar Myhan v. Louisiana Elec. L. & P. Co. N. Nacogdoches L. & P. Co. v. Thomas & Richardson cece eens Nagle v. Hake........--...2eseeeee Nat. Automatic Fire Alarm Co. of Oregon v. City of Portland....... 163 N. Car. 300...398, 430, 434, 435 32 Ky. Law Rep. De as Aanaos 244 88 N. Y. App. Div. 289........ 78 T4C.C. A. 220 souweeaeaes 3 876, 884 21 R. I. 386........... 845, 848, 930 11 Quebec Superior Ct. 103. .663, oe 213 Pa. St. 151...752, 768, 782, 933 125 La. 944 ...... 593, 625, 766, 786 111 N. Y. App. Div. 358..... 607, 726 115 N. Y. App. Div. 744........ 466 139 Mich. 643......... 201, 212, 214 (1908) 1K. B. 205.......... 75, 184 182 ‘Gas. 462 sce sees saeins wane 548 115 Fed. 304.303, 312, 331, 390, 391 140 Ill. App. 27........ 338, 349, 521 169 Ind. 214. .109, 110, 112, 123, 638 38 Pa. Super. Ct. 3....602, 768, 773 229 Pa. St. 54........ 602, 768, 773 182: Mass. 4203324 sae gisieve-ecauce 876 202 Ni. Vo 278 ascvanxs 833, 834, 887 218 Pa. St. 636...196, 211, 330, 349 350 Tee Ped AGR nw esomiacpayed 866, 868 65 N. Y. App. Div. 548......... 848 187 N. Y. App. Div. 450........ 850 68 Wash. 643 ............. 866, 924 TAR Whigs BBY nes scniencemn arene 721, 722 167 Mich. 331... .225, 239, 240, 253 264, 328 108 Minn. 369. .4, 585, 593, 604, 651 657, 689, 699, 702, 767, 786, 818 930 16 Fed. 309 ............... 491, 493 225 Pa. St. 387..857, 858, 864, 889 0, 891, 894 63 N. J. L. 573... .368, 370, 371, 374 437 41 La. Ann. 964. .835, 855, 856, 857 876 (Civ. App.), 138 S. W. 1080..9, 60 ; 71, 189 123 Wis. 256.......... 546, 596, 746 59 Oreg. 409 . 0... .. eee eee eee 295 TasLe oF Cassgs. (References are to pages.) National Fire Insurance Co. v. Den- ver Consol. Elec. Co.............. National Subway Co. v. City of St. LOUIS or 9% veneers tue aoeaves National Telep. Co. v. Baker....... Neacy v. City of Milwaukee........ Neal v. Wilmington & N. EH. Elec. Ry. Co. . Nebraska Telep. Co. v. City of Fre- TOD i cas cc Fessasa sess. oe ds tues ersuersoerarnanes v. Western Ind. Long Dist. MTelép.i COs cect Sera thaws rene eatbiasess v. York Gas & Elec. Co........ Nelson v. Branford L. & W. Co...... v. City of Murfreesboro....... —— v. Narragansett Elec. L. Co.. — Vv. v. Union Railroad Co......... Neuert v. City of Boston........... Nevada, City of, v. Eddy........... Newark Elec. L. & P. Co. v. Garden. Newark E. L. & Power Co. v. McGil- Newberry v. Bristol Tramways & Car- riage Co. New Castle Vi Mets. CO's 6 sexes eae New Castle, City of, v. Central Dist. & Printing Teleg. Co. ............ New England Teleg. Co. v. Town of Essex . New England Teleg. & Telep. Co. v. Boston Terminal Co............. —— v. Butler . —— v. Moore . New Hope, Borough of, v. Western Union Tel. Co New Hope Telep. Co. v. City of Con- cordia . Newman v. Village of Avondale..... New Martinsville, Town of, v. Enter- prise Telep. Co.............0.545 Newnom vy. Southwestern Teleg. & Welepy COs vo wceacowaeriiernnseulnen aie New Omaha Thomson-Houston Elec. L. Co. v. Anderson.............. v. Baldwin . v. Dent . a v. Rombold . New Orleans, City of, v. Gon So. Telep. & Teleg. Co New Orleans, etc., R. Co. v. Southern & Atl. Teleg. Co......... eee eee Newport Illum. Co. v. Tax Assessors. lix 16 Colo. App. 86..618, 619, 621, 894 189 Who, BU sicveciveoduaians ‘ex BOE L. R. (1893) 2 Ch. Div. 186.527, 589 151 Wis. 504 .............. 228, 356 3 Pen. 467...592, 595, 654, 757, 797 798 72 Neb. 25........ 316, 318, 320, 396 68 Neb. 772 ............05: 361, 642 DT Neb 284: suisse saseccteeiem arses 535, 536 75 Conn. 548 .............. 765, 779 179 Fed. 905...... 197, 198, 325, 327 . 329, 381 26 Re Te 258% fo sbise-satiedsdioes 663, 728 DOR. Te 2OIy ke raanmacen saiearea 728 ZORA 28M cvdeecoetiwancenaies 927, 928 120 Mass. 388 ......... Sines 632 123 Mo: 55 lcscs cesesontoeuenss 22y 78 Fed. 74...686, 689, 693, 765, 769 782, 783 62 N. J. L. 451... .685, 714, 715, 819 62 N. J. L. 505 hoe atts . 598, 737, 906 107 L. T. (Eng.) 801....... 563, 577 16 Pa. Co. Ct. 668.......... 148, 150 207 Pa. St. 871.026.0008. 08 492, 493 206 Fed. 926.......... 161, 270, 272 182 Mass. 397....308, 355, 491, 496 497 156: Fed, 821 cess sicnmarccnesas 874 179 Fed. 364............... 736, 751 16 Pa. Super. Ct. 306.......... 164 81 Kan. 514...... 358, 360, 368, 369 31 Week. Law Bull. (Ohio) 123. 292 296, 304, 314, 316, 351, 642 68 W. Va. 726......... a aes 342 (Tex.) 47 S. W. 669........ 671, 871 73 Neb. 84...585, 595, 625, 691, 715 787 63 Neb. 180 ...........-. eee 887 68 Neb. 668....... 762, 767, 862, 871 67 Neb. 393...... 686, 757, 758, 791 68 Neb. 54 ...........200.- 839, 872 40 La. Ann. 41........ 171, 303, 312 DAT SOU x te cerca 'aanarterateren 110, 274 19 R. I. 682... .29, 43, 195, 218, 295 lx TABLE oF CASES. (References are to pages.) New Union Telep. Co. v. Marsh.... New York Cent., etc., R. Co. v. Daily. New York, City of, v. Interborough R. Co. v. Cen- New York City, ete., tral Union Teleg. Co New York Edison Co. v. City of New York . New York Elec. Lines Co., Matter of. New York, etc., R. Co. v. Russell.... ——— v. Western Union Teleg. Co... —— v. State, Broome New York & N. H. R. Co., Appeal of. New York & New Jersey Telep. Co. v. Bennett . —— v. Borough:of Bound Brook.... —— v. Deixheimer . —— v. Kast Orange Tp. —— v. Speicher . N. Y. & Penn. Teleg. Co. v. Couders- port Borough New York & Queens Elec. Light & Power Co. v. Long Island Machine & Marine Construction Co........ New York Telep. Co. v. DeNoyelles Brick Co. Niagara L. & O. P. Co., Matter of.. Nichols v. City of Minneapolis...... —— v. New York & Penn. Telep. & Tel@g:. COs. ccc ieisee ccs ne.n sare kt Nicoll v. N. Y. & N. J. Telep. Co.... Nolan v. Central Georgia Power Co.. —— v. Newton Street Railway Co.. Noon v. Gem Irr. Dist....+........ Norfolk & P. Traction Co. v. Dailey’s Adm’r Norfolk Railway & Light Co. v. Spratley . North Amherst Home Telep. Co. v. Jackson . North Arkansas Telep. Co. v. Steiner. North Baltimore Pass. Ry. Co. v. North Line Ry. Co............... North Chicago City R. Co. v. Lake View . Northeastern Telep. & Teleg. Co. v. Hepburn . Northern L. & P. Co. v. Stacher.... Northern Telep. Co. v. Iowa Telep. COs isn suicesangiaticcet ga wierapenesecaastete seria taes North River Elec. L. & P. Co. v. City of New York 96 N. Y. App. Div. 122..... 111, 112 116, 129, 332, 347, 362, 492 57 Misc. (N. "Y.) Sieber as 129 125 N. Y. App. Div. 487........ 449 21 Hun (N. Y.) 261........... 362 199: App. Divi. 728. cine inners 218 201 N. Y. 321..... 293, 310, 311, 354 508 83 Conn. 581 ...... cee eee eee 470 36 Hun (N. Y.) 205............ 31 50 N. J. L. 482..... cc eee eee 131 80 Conn. 623 ........ eee eee 497 62 N. J. L. 742... .595, 599, 704, 738 61, $10 66 N. J. L. 168. .367, 368, 372, 375 11 N. J. Law Jour. 246..... 545, 546 42 N. J. Eq. 490..........000.4- 368 BO ING is Das 28 is i wie iseceisisuwiere nein oe 689 49 Pa. Super. Ct. 46............ 172 123 N. Y. App. Div. 552....176, 177 154 N. Y. App. Div. 845... .135, 136 111 N. Y. App. Div. 686. 83, 86, 142 33 Minn. 430..... 636, 704, 739, 764 799 126 N. Y. App. Div. 184... .434, 445 467 62 N. J. L. 733........ 128, 412, 416 134 Ga. 201. .81, 82, 86, 97, 99, 119 130 206 Mass. 384 ................ 926 205 Fed. 402............... 630, 680 111 Va. 665. .596, 680, 681, 711, 764 103 Va. 379. .586, 596, 598, 737, 903 907 26 Ohio Cir. Ct. R. 89.......... 759 95 Ark. 275.......ccceeeeeeeee 859 MO MA. (238) oie-0tisizaseiard ereiate cerns 560 LOS Th, 207. ss cacwns mweeveewas 557 73 N. J. Hg. 657.............. 469 13 Cal. App. 404. .82, 102, 116, 118 120, 130, 477, 487 (Iowa) 98 N. W. 118.......... 521 48 N. Y. App. Div. 14...... 193, 216 TasLE oF CaSEs. (References are to pages.) North Shore Elec. L. & P. Co. v. Port Jefferson Elec. L. Co............. Northwestern Telep. Exch. Co. v. An- Gerson! s+. ssa detec niee canadien ss —— v. City of St. Charles........ — v. Chicago, etc., Ry. Co....... —— v. City of Minneapolis........ Northwestern Telep. Co. v. Twin City Telep. Co Northwestern Elee. Co. v. Zimmer- TAD? isis cs gers Se wea Seabees Norwalk, etc., Elec. L. Co. v. South Norwalk i. swiss gece e sae nies aie Norwich Gas & Elec. Co. v. City of Norwich . Norwood, Borough of, v. Western Union Tel. Co. 0. Oakland Elec. Co. v. Union Gas & Elec. Co Oakley v. City of Atlantic City.... O’Brien v. City of Erie............ v. J. G. White & Co.......... Oconee Elec. L. & P. Co. v. Carter.... O’Connell’s Adm’r v. Louisville Elec. L. Co. O’Connor v. Nova Scotia Telep. Co.. O’Donnell v. Boston Elevated Ry. Co. v. Inhabitants of North Attle- borough . v. Kavanagh * O’Flaherty v. Nassau Elec. L. Co.... O’Gara v. Philadelphia Elec. Co..... Ogden City, City of, v. Crossman.... Ogden City Ry. Co. v. Ogden City... Ohio Postal Teleg. Cable Co. v. Board of Com’rs of Sandusky County.... Ohrstrom v. City of Tacoma........ Old Colony T. Co. v. City of Omaha. v. City of Wichita ........... a v. Glens Falls Gas & Elec. L. Co. Peer me reer erm tree erences Olin v. United Elec. L. & P. Co...... Olson v. Nebraska Telep. Co........ Omaha Elec. L. & P. Co. v. City of Omaha . Opinion of Justices ............... Oregon Short Line R. Co. v. Postal Teleg., Cable. Co's. .:5 seis: suse s 6 2s Orillia, In re 151 N. Y. App. Div. 63........ 349 12 N. Dak. 585... .304, 310, 541, 542 545, 546, 547 154 Fed. 386.......... 294, 295, 385 76 Minn. 334...21, 24, 111, 123, 273 81 Minn. 140. 304, ’306, 307, 358, 360 385, 492, 493, 501 89 Minn. 495 ............ 521, 522 (Oreg.) 135 Pac. 330....... 107, 132 TL Conny. 381) yea wceaienn Seen 374 76 Conn: 865) 4 wade vreau noes as 241 25 Pa. Super. Ct. 406.......... 166 LOT Me. 279) seins cen eanie aces 46 63 N. J. L. 127...198, 202, 204, 207 2 212, 681 7 Pa. Dist. Rep. 491........ 236, 503 105 Me. 308 ............4.. 654, 841 111 Ga. 106. .100, 101, 118, 119, 122 21 Ky. Law Rep. 1362. .587, 766, 839 875 22 Can. Sup. Ot. 278........... 432 205 Mass. 200......... 512, 593, 598 212 Mass. 243 ...........0.05. 630 158 Tl. App. 599.............. 616 34 N. Y. App. Div. 74. .737, 902, 908 (Pa.) 90 Atl. 529............. 776 17 Utah 66 .cscieecs savcw ees 170, 172 7 Utah 207 -.4c.s2ccane es aves 109 140 Fed. 692............... 491, 493 57 Wash. 121.......... 747, 929, 933 230 U. 8. 100. .42, 305, 306, 322, 323 346, 474 123 Fed. 762. .41, 303, 313, 314, 350 107 App. Div. 505....593, 737, 764 906 82 Mise. (N. ¥.) 427........... 185 87 Neb. 598. .624, 832, 843, 859, 874 179 Fed. 455.......... 322, 323, 380 150 Mass. 592 ............ 225, 226 lll Fed. 842.......... 108, 124, 141 7 Ont. L. (Can.) 389.......... 144 xii TABLE OF CASES. (References are to pages.) me v. Southern Bell Telep. & Teleg. Ose. syhtcey + phone ee Sele 2a wate Be Osborne v. Auburn Telep. Co........ Ottawa Elec. Co. v. Cunningham... Overall v. City of Madisonville...... v. Louisville Electric Light Co. Owen. v. Portage Telep. Casta Owensboro, City of, v. Cumberland Telep. & Teleg. Co..........-.06. —— v. Knox’s Adm’r —— v. York’s Adm’r Owensboro City R. Co. v. Haden.... Pacific Postal Teleg. Co. v. Irvine.... Pacific Telep. & Teleg. Co. v. Hoffman CCM. sagem via Maas theirs wo aisuas Pacific Postal Teleg. Cable Co. v. Western Union Teleg. Co......... Pacific Telep. & Teleg. Co. v. Parmen- ter . Vi Starla a iiintene 4 sauaws tyerorniowns Paducah Light & P. Co. v. Parkman’s AOI sori: conan ea tinse gandletes Paducah Ry. & L. Co. v. Bell’s Adm’r. Paine v. Elec. Illum. & P. Co. of Long Island City were mere rer eence —— v. Geneva, etc., Tract. Co...... Palestine, Village of, v. Siler........ Palmer v. City of Helena........... —— v. Kinlock Telep. Co. ........ —— v. Larchmont Elec. Co........ Pamona, City of, v. Sunset Telep. & Melee. (COs sds v.03 weadaacsse Seite ss Sens Panhandle Telep. & Teleg. Co....... Paris Elec. L. & Ry. Co. v. Southwest- ern Teleg. & Telep. Co........... Parkersburg Gas Co. v. City of Par- KGPEDUPE cscs s etn Gees HOw ee eas Parsons v. Charleston Consol. Ry., G & Be Coe ei ciae ss oes eeyae-s ats Passaic, City of, v. Public Service Corporation of New Jersey...... Patapasco Electric Co. v. City of Bal- AUN OLE 5 gee esis eon nib g emus stain S.A Paterson Ry. Co. v. Grundy......... Patten v. City of Chattanooga...... Patterson v. San Francisco, etc., Ry. COi oa patna Reh GRE Re Reese cr 180 N. Car. 627. ....cscccccccee 849 189 N. Y. 393......... 403, 416, 421 20 Quebec K. B. 481........ 590, 911 125 Ky. 684. .230, 231, 237, 244, 250 20 Ky. Law Rep. 759....4, 587, ate 82 126 Wis. 412...... 792, 821, 896, 897 174 Fed. 739..292, 303, 305, 307, 313 323, 345, 346, 379, 382, 495 116 Ky. 451. .630, 634, 700, 746, 766 TT] Key: 298 ots aeaine gaege oie 822, 823 155 Ky. 283... cieee eveasscaves 461 49 Fed. 118: oc icdicygnwase ce 398, 415 208 Fed. 221... 6. sc esisne ees 672, 756 50 Fed. 493 3.4 neces ine ee cee es 447 170 Fed. 140.......... 654, 664, 721 206 Fed. 157 ..........00. eee 850 156 Ky. 197.........4, 604, 766, 787 27 Ky. Law Rep. 428...... 766, 832 64 N. Y. App. Div. 477....677, 746 747, 748, 810, 818 115 N. Y. App. Div. 729... .563, 565 567, 568, 569, 903, 914 225 Ill. 630. .630, 632, 633, 635, 757 810 40 Mont. 498 ................. 250 91 Mo. App. 106........... 47, 848 158 N. Y. 231..... 404, 405, 407, 427 224 U. 8. 330.............. 26, 226 (Civ. App.) 136 S. W. 1129..... 686 757, 801 (Tex. Civ. App.) 5 Am. Electl. COB: 262) oo siete se seis 4 esse 534, 536 30 W. Va. 435....196, 199, 218, 324 69 S. Car. 305... .594, 703, 768, 788 75 N. J. Eq. 379. .46, 320, 481, 482 642 110 Md. 306........... 297, 300, 352 51 N. J. Eq. 213. .538, 558, 641, 642 108 Tenn. 197................. 353 147 Cal. 178. .565, 568, 569, 901, 902 914 TaBLE oF Cass. (References are to pages.) Patterson Coal & Supply Co. v. Pitts- burg Rys. Co. ......... 0.0 eee Patterson & Passaic Gas & Elect. Co. v. State Board..............0005- Payne v. Golbach .............004. —— v. Witherbee, Sherman & Co... ae v. Tri-State Telep. & Teleg. Oe ree eer rrr e Peaty v. City of New York......... Peck v. Newburgh L., H. & P. Co..... Bethan, Town of, v. Pelham oo Pence v. Chicago City Ry. Co....... Peninsular Telep. Co. v. McCaskill. . Pemebaket y. San Joaquin L. & P. oO. . Pennsylvania R. Co. v. Lilly Bor- ough . Pennsylvania Telep. Co. v. Hoover... —— v. Varnau . Pensacola, City of, v. Southern Bell Telep. Co. Pensacola Teleg. Co. vy. Western Union Teleg. Co. ..ccs cece ecccreeecsens cay People v. Board of Assessors of City of Brooklyn .............eeeeeee —— v. Board of R. R. Com’rs...... —— v. Campbell . —— v. Central Union Telep. Co.. —— v. Chicago Telep. Co. ......... — . -————- .. —— v. Consolidated Teleg. & Elec. Subway Co. v. Coler . vy. Com’rs of Taxes............ v. Durston . v. Eaton . y. Ellison . Oem e eee ete mentee v. Feitner . Kemmler . v. Metropolitan Telep. & Teleg. a . Monroe . . Public Service Commission. . Rice . ee adaa_ x Squire: 6 csi dneaerseeas sede . Stevens . 7 Thompson mee . Transit Development Co.... Wells . Ue) Ce assaa Omer ee er owen te eenn lxiii 37 Pa. Super. Ct. 212.......... 909 (N. J. L.) 54 Atl. 246..146, 150, 151 14 Ind. App. 100.............. 289 200 Nis Vis 572s caenss woeaesay 76, 186 111 Minn. 331 ................ 549 33 Mise. (N. Y.) 231.......... 631 132 N. Y. App. Div. 82...... 638, 644 131 Ga. 826 oo. cccsceeewess 895, 396 VOT Mase: 477 2 iiss cadets 858 155 Til. App. 480.............. 838 64 Fla. 420................ 680, 898 158 Cal. 579...... 584, 691, 715, 790 B07 Paw 180: aia sd wom s eae 457 24 Pa. Super. Ct. 96......... 25, 111 5 Lanc. Law Review (Pa.) 401.. 703 742, 748, 797, 930, 931 AO Bas IGL. iss cipal essen oe aveiae 170 96 U.S. 1....265, 266, 267, 269, 271 272, 274 19 N. Y. App. Div. 599...... 145, 146 30 N. Y. App. Div. 69........ 562 88 Hun (N. Y.) 527...... 11, 16, 145 192 Ill. 807............. ,..808, 314 220) Tih. 2986-0 a deg a ea geese 351, 386 245 Ill. 121..303, 321, 354, 355, 356 378, 379, 380, 385, 386 ASTON, V5 68 2 ssiecsis cad ances sea tieutss 505 190. Nis. Yo 268) osvie is atiaeed. 655 aint 387 58 Mise. (N. Y.) 249.......... 146 VIS NG Yi s569 sss: ss ie senate ye kes 33 100 Mich. 208 ................. 417 115 N. Y. App. Div. 254... .293, 310 504 45 Mise. (N. Y.) 12............ 29 119 N. W. 580...... cece eee 33 31 Hun (N. Y.) 596........ 362, 394 85 N. Y. App. Div. 542...... 505, 508 163 N. Y. App. Div. Tbe scutes 189 188 N. Y. 151 ............. 43, 55 162 N. Y. App. Div. 207....146, 150 151 145 U. 8. 175....476, 497, 498, 500 504 2038) Na Ys Tis ase ved seas ava nee 478 65 How. Pr. (N. Y.) 451...... 405 131 N. Y. App. Div. 174..... 92, 637 135 N. Y. App. Div. 644...... 29, 30 129 N. Y. 543.........10, 11, 13, 16 lxiv TasBLE or CASES. (References are to pages.) People v. White.................65 We WAN COX io ae saig seionn ob Scseand gris People’s Elec. L. & P. Co. v. Capital Gas & Elec. Co..............2005 People’s Home Telep. Co. v. City of Gamesville . ..ccesees cans cesses People’s Telep. Co. v. Conant....... People’s Telep. & Teleg. Co. v. East Denn. Telép. C0... ccccecsiace ess —— v. President, etc., Turnpike Roads Giswy sontnorncugiesMoncnan dae ee Waterworks Co. v. Peoria Ry. Ons seg es MOAN ee ee Sees Perham y. Portland General Elec. Co. Perry v. Ohio Valley Elec. Ry. Co.. Peters v. Lynchburg Light, etc., Co.. Pettingill v. City of Chelsea Phelan vy. Edison Elec. Ilum. Co..... Phelps v. Berkshire St. Ry.......... v. Board of Com’rs of Howard GOUNb Ys: te syecer ts eisoritetuy carer sue Philadelphia, City of, v. American Union Teleg. Co.............2.005 — v. Atlantic & Pac. Teleg. Co... —— v. Postal Teleg. Cable Co...... —— v. Western Union Teleg. Co.... —v.—. v. Philbin v. Marlborough Elec. Co.. Phillips v. American Telep. v. Teleg. Co. . v. Postal Teleg. Cable Co...... Philipsburg v. Cent. Penn. Teleg., EE COs sericss nar so: aie gant cas accra Seaeee ochasnincney Phillipsburg Elec. L., Heating & P. Co. v. Inhabitants of Town of Phil- Tipp BUT Bo: co. sion: ssiectcshers ist farses arate Phoenix L. & Fuel Co. v. Bennett... Piedmont Elec. Ilum. Co. v. Patter- BOTA Sj AI Riki ee teh gids cea tarot s Pierce v. Camden, G. & W. Ry. Co... Vi IDECW er oie a en atad aekie seals een —— v. United Gas & Elec. Co...... Pike v. Cedar Rapids & M. C. Ry. Co. Pike’s Peak Power Co. v. City of Colorado Springs Pikesville, ete., R. Co. v. State...... Pinney & Boyle Co. v. Los Angeles Gas & Elec. Corp................. Pittsburg Hydro-Elec. Co. v. Liston. Platt v. City of Englewood......... Plattsburg, City of, v. People’s Telep. Platismouth, City of, v.° Nebraska Telep. Co. Pee eee ee ere ee ew te eens 11 Barb. (N. ¥.) 28........+.... 99 207 Nu Ne 86 0cass exes as 477, 478 116 Ky. 76...326, 349, 394, 478, 479 (Tex. Civ. App.) 141 S. W.'1044. 332 334, 359, 360 198 Weds: 624.00 siaise aac vac 870 103 Feéd. 242 2 ccc case newewnae 524 199 Pa. St. 411............. 24, 25 181 Fed. 1001....34, 35, 36, 37, 38 39, 550, 551, 552, 553 33 Oreg. 451. .585, 593, 605, 768, 778 809, 810 70 W. Va. 697..........00% 618, 619 108 Va. 333......-.... 618, 619, 912 IGN: Wass: (368 5.3 etn dasa araieie ane 631 24 Mise. (N. Y¥.) 109........ 55, 57 210 Mass. 49.......... aimee THR 472 117 Md. 175..........-. 716, 717, 801 TG? Pais St: AG io cieists ccdietwiavercangie 162 102 Ned. 254.0... asic a escna ecg steers 165 67 Hun :2)) scswncgenny aware 2 162, 163 81 Fed. 948............005. 164, 168 11 Phila. (Pa.) 327........... 268 89 Fed. 454...... 162, 164, 165, 166 (Mass.) 105 N. E. 893...... 770, 772 TAS. Carn Bilic conse icnieve nace 472 130 N. Car. 518: 2245 s0cas aeawes 452 22 W. N. C. (Pa.) 572........ 172 66 N. J. Law 505. .289, 304, 319, 320 8 Ariz. 314..584, 601, 605, 671, 674 680 SS Wile, BAT 2 ese assoc tess dutucheuraaleevars ce 881 58 N. J. Law 400.......... 875, 885 1386 Mass. 75.......... 398, 414, 417 161 Cal. 176........... 697, 808, 822 152 Towa 58............-...08. 840 105 Fed. 1....49, 194, 287, 303, 382 392, 835. 88 Md. 563 0 siiceesaesiewe aes 875, 885 (Cal.) 141 Pac. 620........ 487, 488 70 W. Va. 83..84, 87, 95, 102, 107 115, 835 G8 ON. Ds i 28 Mecscansanenaa pais 204 88 Mo. App. 306....... 171, 172, 393 80 Neb. 469. .304, 307, 379, 380, 492 493 TasLe oF Cases. (References are to pages.) Point Pleasant Elec. L. & P. Co. v. Borough of Bay Head............ Politowitz v. Citizens’ Telep. Co..... Pomeroy v. Boston, etc., Ry. Co..... Poor v. Madison River Power Co.... Portland, City of, v. Metzer........ —— v. New England Telep. & Teleg. Co. . Portland ‘Ry. L. & P. Co. v. City of Portland Posey v. Town of North Birmingham. Post v. Suffolk, L. H. & P. Co...... Postal Teleg. Cable Co. v. Adams... Postal Telegraph-Cable Co. v. Ala- bama, ete., R. Cov... 0... ee eee ee Postal Teleg, Cable Co. v. Baltimore. v. Borough of New Hope...... Brantley Breult sees saws aeacnnne coo Charleston. .... see ey ay Chicago, etc., Ry. Cesare City of Chicopee ce City of Los Angeles........ City of Newport............ City of Norfolk............ City of Richmond........... City of Worcester.......... Cleveland, ete., R. Co....... Hatons so 9 sass oo seed ee sews SAAS SASS AS AA's . Farmville, ete, R. Co...... VONEBS (a s8ise) is adioas ors oiowe Son are LTT FEET adssa 1A e Se . Southern Ry. Co............ . State v. Taylor Postal Teleg. Cable Co. of Idaho v. Oregon Short Line Co............ Postal Teleg. Cable Co. of Louisiana v. Morgan’s, ete.; 8. 8. Co TT v. v. v. Patton . etal WV ear cease ape giao SVG v v Poston v. Cumberland Telep. & Teleg. Q S Potera v. " City of Brookhaven...... Potsdam Elec. L. & P. Co. v. Village of Potsdam —— v. Village of Potsdam......... Potter v. Collis............ 0.00.0 — v. Swanton Tract. Co.......... Potts v. City of Philadelphia....... —— v. Shreveport Belt Ry. Co...... Poulson v. Nassau Elec. R. Co....... lxv 62 N. J. Hq. 296....... 368, 374, 481 115 Mo. App. 57....... 703, 704, 738 193 Mass. 507............. 573, 574 41 Mont. 236.835, 864, 872, 879, 888 58 Oreg. 276. .469, 480, 482, 487, 488 103 Me... 240... ces cece eew ences 29 200 Fed. 890.......... 474, 475, 476 154 Ala. 511. .231, 233, 234, 629, 632 77 Mise. (N. Y.) 369..409, 421, 441 158: Ws Ss 688: di tacss anes ts 154, 156 68 Miss. 314..............0.... 141 79 Md. 502........ 161, 168, 265, 272 192 U.S. 55, 248. Ct... 0.0000. 165 TOT Ala. 683 isc a. oa sssiets oases £ 436 39 N. Y. Supp. 220............ 135 153°UW. S. 6920 cease acnwwdss 159, 160 30 Ind. App. 654........... 124, 125 207 Mass. 341............. 491, 494 164 Cal. 156. .155, 156, 161, 358, 359 25 Ky. Law Rep. 635....... 163, 272 TO] Via. 128 a5. ites eile s 162, 168 99 Va. 102........ 154, 155, 160, 265 202 Mass. 320.............005. 499 04. Hed. 234). 2 ¢ sas eas ges ccs savass 124 170 Ill. 513..110, 398, 415, 437, 442 443 96 Va. G61... wicca ea ce een wees 127 133 Ala. 217..704, 706, 724, 740, 742 VS: Gia QB) 6 ssa crais 4 oa boa 666, 721 107 Ala. 640.............00005. 436 225 Ill. 249. .626, 650, 831, 843, 856 857, 872, 873 49 La. Ann. 1270.............. 126 23 Utah 474..85, 108, 110, 116, 125 126, 131, 137, 139, 140, 142, 278 114 Fed. 787..110, 123, 124, 140, 141 SS Vie: G20 GF a diets ores ete ae scans 127 163: Key. 1ST ec eice es eee eas 130, 134 89 Fed. 190................ 131, 142 110 Md. 608................... 494 192 U.S. 64...... 163, 165, 167, 168 104 Fed. 623. .108, 124, 131, 137, 273 49 La. Ann. 58....124, 127, 137, 138 139, 141 94 Tenn. 696.............-.05: 435 95 Miss. 774. .603, 728, 736, 822, 910 112 N. Y. App. Div. 810........ 227 49 Mise. (N. Y.) 18........... 227 19 N. Y. App. Div. 392........ 562 16 Pa. St. QT esiscs sok oSaes ¢ nace 559 195 Pa. St. 619............. 55, 208 110 La. 1....586, 759, 760, 801, 817 18 App. Div. 221...... 565, 567, 914 Ixvi TABLE OF CASES. (References are to pages.) Poulson v. Nassau Elec. R. Co....... 30 App. Div. 246. .565, 566, 903, 914 Poumeroule v. Postal Teleg. Cable OO. tee meeiGemiaonaansadennes 167 Mo. App. 533...... 755, 758, 759 Powers v. Independence Long Dis- tance Telep. Co.............0000 19. Wdaho 80 ties ste totic ev sad 723 v. State Line Telep. Co........ 116 N. Y. App. Div. 737... .403, 416 Prather v. Jeffersonville, etc., R. Co.. 52 Ind. 16...........00e cece eee 456 v. Western Union Teleg. Co... 89 Ind. 501............ 449, 451, 456 Predmore v. Consumer’s L. & P.Co.. 99 N. Y. App. Div. 551. .745, 747, 822 Prentiss v. Cleveland Telep. Co...... 32 Week. Law Bull (Ohio)..... 427 Presbyterian Church, Trustees of, v. State Board ..................-- 55 N. J. L. 4386...........0.26. 499 Presley v. Kinlock-Bloomington Welep.: COs. sssic ecpive'g ndteauen oasis 158 Ill. App. 220. .626, 738, 745, 748 v. Kinlock-Bloomington Telep. CO) 6s, o sie bee sieeleaan aes casio < 164 Ill. App. 167.............. 616 Previsch v. Butte Elec. R. Co....... 47 Mont. 170.............. 574, 576 Primrose v. Western Union Teleg. Co. 154 U. S.1........... 02.0000 20 Prince v. Lowell Elec. Light Corpora- PLOWS: ogo. ce hea bern doo SKC DA Pore 201 Mass. 276....736, 793, 794, 795 803, 925 Pritchard v. Edison Elec. Ill Co..... 92 App. Div. 178...... 639, 640, 644 v. Edison Elec. Illum. Co..... V79. NG Ns; S64 oso. nave ves arses aca 639 Proctor v. San Antonio St. Ry. Co... 26 Tex. Civ. App. 148. .626, 889, 890 Providence, City. of, v. Providence Wes, Bo. Cis icine niologssanideasts en dpaces cxgae V22: Keys 280 ss ssie 0 suasecs: os cote 208, 217 Public Service Corp. v. Town of West- fel de. isco Ge anata ce ae some casinear orn 80 N. J. Eq. 295............ 364, 368 Purnell v. McLane, Mayor of Balti- more: City’ 6 sa swuse esa ose sais 98) Md. 589 50s cesers oe svnene eaccvare 236, 503 Putman v. Grand Rapids........... 58 Mich. 416. .196, 212, 213, 218, 222 236, 503 Q. Quebec Ry. L. & P. Co. v. Fortin.... 40 Can. Sup. Ct. 181........... 872 Queen City Telep. Co. v. City of Cin- CINNALA wiceyia ete sg wee ss xen s 73 Oh. St. 64......... 375, 376, 505 Queensboro Gas & Elec. Co. v. Schoneke .. 1. cece eee ewe eee 76 Misc. (N. Y.) 190....... 174, 177 Quill v. Empire State Telep. & Teleg. Cop aera Seat steree os Mom meecanmaws AB OL ING Yi Decsasnscade? avcnne acs Gane 623, 659 Quincy Gas & Electric Co. v. Bau- MANN wh. 2 ses Keew eae news or msess 104 Ill. App. 600. .585, 587, 592, 595 675, 917 —— ¥, Schmitt: 20.0054 co00 scar oes 123 Ill. App. 647...... 676, 726, 911 Quinlan v. Lackawanna Steel Co.... 107 N. Y. App. Div. 176........ 887 Raab v. Hudson River Telep. Co..... 139 N. Y. App. Div. 286... .832, 843 855, 880 Raines v. East Tennessee Telep. Co.. 150 Ky. 670................... 755 Raker v. Toledo & Indiana Ry....... 30 Oh. Cir Ct. 78...... 835, 860, 918 Raleigh R. R. v. Davis............. 19) Ni © i AGT scsi ae 5 a pon de sive 99 Raley v. Evansville Gas & Elec. Co.. 45 Ind. App. 649.............. 766 812, 813 Rambo v. Empire Dist. Elec. Co..... 90 Kan. 390...... 766, 782, TABLE OF CasEs. (References are to pages.) Rand v. Marshall.................. Randall v. Ahearn & Soper......... Ratterman v. Western Union Teleg. COs weraieieila sec nay Sar aheteials Mises wea He v. Kansas City Long Dist. Telep. Os 6's sg ve dais ow anne oe Nae e's ae Read v. City & Suburban Ry. Co..... Readfield Telep. & Teleg. Co. v. Cyr.. Reagan v. Boston Elec. L. Co....... Redding v. Central Georgia Telep. Co... Reed v. American Dyewood Co...... v. City of Anoka............. —— v. Norristown Elec. L. & P. Co. Reeder v. Lehigh Valley Coal Co..... Reeve v. Colusa Gas & Electric Co... Reeves y. Philadelphia Traction Co.. Regina v. United Kingdom - Elec. Teleg. Co. 20... eee ccc ee nce eee Register v. Tidewater Power Co.. Reid v. Nfld. Co. v. Anglo-Am. Teleg. Co. . —— Vv. “Trowbridge Svvanereie bye ‘ecu Bere eae Reidel v. West Jersey & 8. R. Co..... Reiser v. Edison Elec. Illum. Co. of Brookl yo «6 s.cwas evi bce snc aes Reynolds County Telep. Co. v. City of Piedmont Rhode Island Suburban Ry. Co., Mat- ter of Richmond, City of, v. Lincoln....... v. Southern Bell Telephone Co.. Richmond Passenger & Power Co. v. Robinson . . Richmond Ry. & Elec. Co. v. Rowles. v. Gathright v. Hudging............eeeeeee Richmond & P. Elec. Ry. Co. v. Rubin Ridley Park, Borough of, v. Citizens Elec. L. & P. Co Riker v. New York O. & W. Ry. Co... ee Riley v. City of Independence...... v. New England Teleg. & Telep. Co. . Riverside, ete., Ry. Co. v. City of Riverside. Roake v. American Telep. & Teleg. Co... Roaring Springs Townsite Co. v. Pa- ducah Telep. Co..............00- Roberts v. City of Fargo........... —— v. Wisconsin Telep. Co........ Robinson v. City of St. Thomas..... Rocap v. Bell Telep. Co. of Philadel- phia. .. Roche v. New York Edison Co....... 84 Vt. 161, 78 Atl. 790....174, 228 230, 244, 245, 255 34 Can. Sup. Ct. 698........... 819 127 Un Sv 4b sicuee acces svseess 189 87 Kan. 665.......c0cec ese eeee 74 115 Ga. 366............... 744, 825 95 Me. 287........0000. 30, 291, 356 167 Mass. 406......... 776, 771, 815 6 Ga. App. 831.............005- 872 231 Pa. Ste 48h oie sj davesck aces 832 85 Minn. 294..192, 194, 196, 197, 211 239 Pas, SOV wos ss sss esas ccsvend 40d ane 819 231 Pa. St. 563............ 742, 840 152 Cal. 99............ 856, 870, 880 152 Pa. St. 153...........0.005 560 9 Cox ©. C. 174, 6 L. T. (N. 8.) soUe Layee eae Tee Re we 641 an ee "81 8. E. 926 vices eae 869 C. R. (1910) A. C. (Eng. P. C.) 449 78 Miss. 542. .196, 204,. 308, 207, 208 211, 215 177 Fed. 374.......... 580, 687, 694 76 Misc. (N. Y.) 563..... 77, 78, 79 152 Mo. App. 361...... 510, 726, 911 DOR DGB wisswreecd aise 6 eis ialens eis 110 167 Ind. 468...........2... 630, 631 174-U.S.. 16h. wecesccawes 24, 25, 275 100 Va. 394............ 0. ce eee 579 92 OV 8. 1885 eek wdc eaie y 571, 572, 928 OP V8 G2T omc 2ce sine a dane a et ae 564 100 Va. 409........... 578, 905, 916 102 Va. 809...594, 596, 674, 746, 747 750, 763, 821 9 Pa. Super. Ct. 615............ 147 64 N. Y. App. Div. 357..836, 837 851, 852, 854 (Mo.) 167 S. W. 1022.......... 925 184 Mass. 150......... 341, 716, 719 118 Fed. 736........ 74, 75, 187, 243 41 N. J. Eg. 35.............00. 440 (Tex. Civ. App. ) 164 S. W. 50... 416 10 N. Dak. 230............ 202, 203 77 Wis. 589...... 667, 862, 869, 878 23 Ont. Rep. 489........... 322, 326 230 Pa. St. 597........ 674, 682, 913 84 Mise. (N. Y¥.) 427.......... 752 lxvii xviii TaBLe or CasEs. (References are to pages.) Rochester, City of, v. Bell Telep. Co. of Butfalo Rochester Telep. Co. v. Ross........ Rockebrandt v. City of Madison..... Rockingham County Light & Power Co, Vi, Hobbies cccctaceevscoaies Rock Island, Cy off., v. Central Union Telep. Co..............24- Rocky Mountain ‘Bell Telep. Co. v. Salt Lake City R. Co............. Rodgers Adm’r vy. Union Light, Heat & Power COs 0386566568 060 beviae Roebling v. Trenton Pass. R. Co..... Rollo v. Alladio...........cceeeee Romana v. Boston Elev. Ry. Co..... Romano v. Vicksburg Ry. & L. Co... Rosenstein v. Fair Haven & W. R. CO ate sates eas, acats Sates aha fe tenes Rough River Telep. Co. v. Cumber- land Telep. & Teleg. Co........... Rowe v. New York & N. J. Telep. Co. —— v. Taylorville Elec. Co......... Rowley v. Am. Illum. Co............ —— v. Newburgh L., H. & P. Co.. Roy v. Great Northwestern Teleg. Co. of Canada..........cccenees Royal Electric Co. v. Heve.......... Rucker v. Sherman Oil & Cotton Co.. Rugg v. Commercial Union Teleg. Co. Rumovicz v. Scranton Elec. Co...... Runyon v. Kanawha W. & L. Co..... Rural Home Telep. Co. v. Arnold... v. Kentucky, etc., Telep. Co.... Rushville Gas Co. v. City of Rush- Ville! pcre da aceteaens seaviins symas Russ v. Pennsylvania Telep. Co...... Russell v. Bell Telep. Co........... Russellville Home Telep. Co. v. Com- MONWEA. i citcns everdeae tee too ve Rutland Ry., L. & P. Co. v. Claren- don Power: Coveccas cows eeasige cos Rutland Elec. L. Co. v. Marble City Hlees Dus COvscsxwa sears sae aed os Rutledge v. Swinney............006 Ryan v. Oshkosh Gaslight Co....... v. St. Louis Transit Co........ Rylands v. Fletcher..... oi Sphere esti ze 52 N. Y. App. Div. 6....... 333, 337, 338, 492, 500, 501, 504, 125 N. Y. App. Div. 76.. 345, 9 Ind. App. 227... ....00ee cerns 72 N. H. 531..9, 59, 61, 81, 82, 87, 92, 102, 103, 132 Ill. App. 248...... 303, 323, (Utah) 3 Am. Electl. Cas. 356. . 526, 528, (Ky.) 123 8. W. 293. .685, 689, 58 N. J. L. 666..........-..6- BU OPER. VOM e ssccisceias oeasiesoxaisvavecuse (Mass.) 105 N. E. 598........ (Miss.) 9 Am. Elect]. Cas 624.. 78 Conn. 290 sia visevaewons ver OG ig. WO scccergica dive 350, 66 N. J. L. 19....598, 613, 737, 746, 750, 761, 762, 796, 114 Ill. App. 535. .584, 592, 714, 83 N. Y. App. Div. 609... .851, 151 N. Y. App. Div. 65...... 655, (Can. ) 2 one Superior Ct. BD: coe cassts os ceacosadg tender nvarie ah ossveeee (11 Kings Bench) 594, 607, 608, 726, 29 Tex. Civ. App. 418. .595, 686, Quebec ‘Rep. GG Vib: 208 i. sca tramcstapecann atiitiatrosy 44 Pa. Super. Ct. 582...... 691, 68 W. Va. 609........ 768, 778, (Ky.) 119 S. W. 811.......... 128 Keys 209s ccc ca pins nase van ae 12] Indy 212. iscs eens 225, 228, 15 Pa. Co. Ct. 226......... 427, 110. W. R. 800............0.. 33 Ky. Law Rep. 182.......... 86 Vt.46 0+ peices ams 84, 87, 65 Vt. 377... .304, 515, 516, 517, 170 Mo. App. 251. .832, 838, 852, 869, 138 Wis. 466............... 707, 19U Mo. 621......., 767, 790, 812 L. KR. 3 H. L. C. (Eng. ) 330.532. 384 498 562 363 255 86 122 350 525 532 7866 784 559 688 729 584 389 738 802 765 786 854 789 432 436 911 768 776 418 790 908 732 322 252 429 857 444 129 519 854 883 757 890 589 TasLe or CasEs. (References Saginaw v. Swift Elec. Light Co.. Saginaw Power Co. v. City of Sag- inaw Saginaw Union St. Ry. Co. v. Michi- gan Central R. Co Salem, City of, v. Anson........000- Salmon v. City Elec. Ry. Co....... San Antonio Edison Co. v. Dixon... San Antonio Gas & Elec. Co. v. Bad- CET S8.i5: cd. tendo iv anes uen crac denuded San Antonio Gas & Elec. Co. v. Mou- TON: 6 4 6 odes tee Eee Raha e oes v. Speegle San Antonio, etc., hibeahigh ete., Telep. Ry. Co. v. South- GOS snrnnesuecaxerdie Sandgaive v. Independent Telep. Co.. San Francisco, City of, v. Western Union Teleg. Co.............0.08 San Juan L. & Tr. Co. v. Requena.... San Marcos Electric L. & P. Co. v. Compton .. Santa Rosa Lighting Co. v. Wood- ward Saratoga Springs, Village of, v. Sara- toga Gas, Electric Light & Power COs sa nice 204 Rane KR ERK wedi es Saures v. Stevens Mfg. Co.......... Savage v. Rhode Island Co......... Savannah Elec. Co. v. Bell Savannah, etc., R. Co. v. Postal Teleg. Cable: €0s, cisacessosmas aeaeesone Saxton v. Northwestern Telep. Exch. Scannevin & Potter v. Consolidated Mincral Water Co. saa Vv. eee Water Power Co. Scheiber v. United Telep. Co... esse vy. Western Union ‘Teleg. Co. . Schenck v. “Borough | of ‘Olyphant. . Schenkel v. Pittsburgh, etc., Tract. COs 39 a aie rgrarnia anderson can teies Schmidt v. City of Chicago -——~— v. Coney Island, ete, R. Co.... Schultz v. Faribault Consol. Gas & BCG. WOy. axicajese cus mareaaaiere, sueabeupstegiacs Schweitzer’s Adm’r v. Citizens’ Elec. Co. Scofield v. Town of Poughkeepsie. . lxix are to pages.) 113 Mich. 660................. 149 193 Fed. 1008.......... 303, 319, 321 OL MICH. 687 vcccccr ent caaeae 541 40 Oreg. 339...... 333, 339, 340, 346 354, 355, 356, 375 124 Ga. 1056.............. 573, 578 17 Tex. Civ. App. 320. .649, 689, 837 844 46 Tex. Civ. App. 559. .625, 705, 763 782 (Tex. Civ. App.) 145 S. W. 1040. 835 (Tex.) 60 S. W. 884...655, 768, 786 93 Tex. OSs asin ted ie salen 24, 111 56S. W. 201............ 25, 137 38 Wash. 313. .858, 861, 862, 885, 887 96 Cal. 140... scnex aeneees newer 155 224 U. 8. 88.......55. 607, 725, 910 48 Tex. Civ. App. 586.......... 758 119 Cal. 30...........0008- 207, 222 191 N. Y. 123....474, 475, 477, 478 ‘ 487, 488 196 Mass. 543............. 844, 853 28 RTs BOE aoncceeeinsewarna aie 874, 884 124 Ga. 663........... 596, 600, 720 115 Ga. 554...84, 102, 124, 132, 142 81 Minn, 314.........-..00005. 838 25 RK. T. 818... cece es eees 30, 31 63 Wash. 18...... 738, 741, 903, 907 66 Oh. St. 215..........00- 409, 439 153 Ind. 609............... 623, 631 26 Pa. Super. Ct. 343...... 165, 166 181. Pas 19] wscisveweeewaeas 250, 251 194 Pa. St. 182............0.. 740 107 Tl. App. 64.........00008, 635 26 N. Y. App. Div. 391...... 573, 574 82 Minn: 100%... sc. esea cee 767 21 Ky. Law Rep. 608. .588, 766, 790 122 N. Y. App. Div. 868. .635, 638 lxx TABLE oF CASES. (References are to pages.) Scott v. Iowa Telep. Co............. an v. Scranton Elec. L. & P. Scranton, City of, v. Scranton Elec. Di CET. CO vic: cravein i danai oatepaninwien-s Scranton Elec. L. & H. Co. v. Seran- ton, ete., Power Co............... Scrymser v. Seabright Elec. L. Co.. Seaboard Teleg. & Telep. Co. v. Kear- TROY? hy a. oo) faster csc stie id ccnp steers bus aduince sit Seattle Elec. Co. v. Snoqualmie Falls OWED COe i.ce3 a tesla at acncmiacerin monsoons Seattle, etc, Ry. Co. v. Seattle- Tacoma Power Oo.............0645 Sedlmeyer v. City of Fitzgerald..... Seith v. Commonwealth Elec. Co..... Seitzinger v. Borough’ of Tamaqua. . Selectmen of Wellesley v. Boston & We St RY COs. eae oman asmades Selkirk, Town of, v. Selkirk Elec. Co. Shade v. Bay Counties Power Co.... Shank v. Edison Electric Illuminat- Inp CO} sacaswemas ewemee cece es v. Great Shoshone, etc., Power Oe ie ssuser as heist aio ststsibaviiicecapgvnie i aittcauaneie cs Shasta Power Co. v. Walker........ Shawinigan Hydro-Elec. Co. v. Shaw- inigan Water & P. Co............ Shawnee Light & Power Co. v. Sears Sheehy v. Clausen..............06. Sheffield Co. v. Morton...°......... Shelbyville Water Co. v. People ex rel, Craddick ............-0.0005 Sheldon v. Western Union Teleg. Co. Shelfer v. City of London Elec. L. Shelton v. United Elec. R. Co....... Sherman Gas & Electric Co. v. Bel- CL OTN) gntes coro ecrts ceaterinnaserakorteeeRarene enone des