arent eas saber e pee Tower yn vert aren prea erg) ahi + yer eee eect g ork hs eS Oe tesa el x nies toe . Pun era se Sherer tr) ee Broory » ryan ee - " a 3 oT "7 ae i a Deere fe Tw ER me ey Me Peer Te eS fe tras ae er re ee tk aa Setar) Y= v r : re ey ngs ber panyernPaye SIS Ten *. er wrreerre Se =a) Pern Pere nS meas Pye f om) paren Rk a tale ee ee) ero ae rere eee een mer cat Sees § PE ay eos 5 oree > nator reas ae a " VO re errs Agia Ps Ke SON, aay e _ : vayreryeeerie tera E wr) = ec ona ah cea ey eye Py Ppp poe ee ed " os ore ee a ls * b Peon os ’ rs ryan rere ttle Se ee etal hae A ee hy OF Ane recat Pancake ere erry rire ws oS fore SAO Waren ey Deere ee ee ene Oe re qi . a ama lS Yan he Ys Prat oon CL ay erat) * rey xe o cn a eT 2 et Seer er ee. ee eae er es : eye iy Ya ee eee eee Se ee re tae eee ey tr cee are aaa reer) hate y eli Pabpaned ota eae ee wee ark Peek atCe t sey abate See Soa ants ec SY OE eee nn) ee on rpplerrere ge s aris Pee: eas ate er ; ‘ eRe bisa hn eee ee . * ean le : ers Wa ey nd ee re Brin ar recat. ; See Sete Pee prmcarre nee medal Se Apretiely RaT a . Pa) er Rehabs kanes he ie rr wer EEL TN kara tetas Ne eT het hice re es ees oe ree mrt eee eee ead er oa bate 8 pee oe na he Bevel ett Veen a eee ar tee Cr} ema ees ae aren eee es one iene os 7 en See er eee ee ee ee a ee ee rs — Ceres eee Rotor er eee any enna ; | ey re A . a rae + iy Seah SS cet ey ees Ree a - PA dere bo De . a co *- Pea eet kL Y Sie enter eer er wey ei wy poet wire SEL Xe y ey Srl f Sie op in beers Lees ed ee ere Fe ae ry Re - ae. a eo Sy re Sie et te rpoe EUS CEL toe ig oe ® ee ee “~ roe x ek | a > + o~ t Ny) - 4 \ Garuell Law School Library ———_ A Treatise ON THE LAW OF HOMICIDE By the Editorial Staff of The Michie Company UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THOMAS JOHNSON MICHIE — Voltiume l Tur Micuit Company, Law PusiisHErs CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. 1914 73 $660 CopyricHt 1914 BY THE MiIcHIE COMPANY * TABLE OF CONTENTS. VOLUME. I CHAPTER I. I. Tue Homicipe. ¢ Y%. Definition and General Considerations............ 00.0 cc cece ee cece cece enee 1 S$ 2, Person Subject of Homicides go sauce deecags cies aed die swan on ood ew ea Seabees 3 Sb sGL) in Gidineralll 3:54 vie vee wah eels Wig hog Paden cee) ned Dae Sais Shaeecrdeedsonnudcbos 3 S. 2 (2). Liyang Creature: a oa ccs puntinee ded bea GR AG Rebe se nhepeee aw eeebes 3 $ 2. Nature of Act or Omission Causing Death............ 0000. ce cece cece eee ee 4 § 3. Nature of Means or Instrument Used.......... 0... c ccc cece cece cece eee en eens 6 iat: Nature of Injury to: Bensom Kalled. 32.4204 casiacanian nadie mean on acnad ean wale wa 8 Bo CANT SE! MOE “TD CBU aces cies hv cadectog sy epee Sn wag Toss GENERA DER DA OMAR si UNLSOIE» Sle wea 8 SSG): Tan IGeneral ve 25 ceanaa nen sas wetuns Hes USSOR nays base hae ReoReet eee 8 § 5 (2) Wound Not Necessarily Fatal.... cece ccc eee ene eee 10 § 5 (3) Acceleration of Imp8ndyngsDga Se ee ee eee 10 § 5 (4) Concurring Wounds or Injuries... dese sgesenadeccaginves ooem ees ROS 11 § 5 (5) Intervening Circumstances and Causes.......... 0.00 cece cece ee eeee 12 § 5 (6) Negligence, Mistreatment and Maltreatment....................05. 14 § 5 ¢7) Grossly Erroneous: Treatments... c.c00c00 ananssgeenes diese ays 16 § 5 (8) Absence or Refusal of Medical Treatment................ 00.0000 16 § 5 (9) Failure of Accused to Obtain Aid and Treatment.................. 17 8G: Tie: Of Death ie .2 sansa nade Dene 2 heb LAMINAR AMER Baap nanan Reade 17 § 64%. Capacity to Commit and Persons Liable.......... 0.0.0 cece cece ee ees 18 8 614) Capatity to: Comimiterns2.yssae ces see eee sees ye PURO ES cot Geese cee 18 S616 Cia) En, “Gemeraly Gos waves vinden oe OAS Raedgny ese Fae dod Gedy hea awa eR 18 § 614--Cibd: Insanity: 2c esctcceedaanne ieasGi wenn cea eas ERE eENES 18 SGA. (ey Intoxication: «causes dae edediooes eee h ere eee ess toner nts 37 § 6% (2) Persons Liable and Parties to Offenses... cc.c00 cou nie cee iee es 37 § 6% (2a) Principals and Accessories in General.................0.. 37 § 614 (2b) Aiding and Abetting the Commission of Offense.......... 44 § 61% (2c) Community of Unlawful Purpose................ 0.0. e eee 52 § 6% (2d) Degree or Grade of Offense... 0.0.0... cece eee ce eens 62 CHAPTER II. II. Murper. 8 634. Definition and General Consideration... 0.0.00. 0c cece cece e eee eens 65 § 634 (Ci) In General, 2. hsadantiimigat dan ci sGeeeiy er ses ig Sasa hae eeteneT ss 44 65 § 634 (2) Murder and Manslaughter Distinguished............--......-0. 67 § 7. Nature and Elements in General.......... 0.00 cece eect eee tenet nee 68 § 9. Intent or Design to Effect Death........ 0c. cece eee e eee e etre eee cnet ees 69 Sc SAO. INA Tee aah ocala yt Cec tbe egy Ween ams AEP RUAN AUREL be Serecea toe Bon tecalRrd von Ou 18 Raa 75 Sth: === Tne General avid occ sciawduw oe sae 2s oo RU ea OS arn res anenae ears 75 § 11 (1) Necessity for ...... ce eee cee eee ete nee tenet enon eee eeeneens 75 VI TABLE OF CONTENTS. § 21.) Malice Defitted ..sccccccancee tees eee he tere bat ead accad ure ree eeu as 76 § 11 (3) Against Whom Directed.......... 0.0 cece ee ence ees Aaaiew aed 6a 81 § 11 (4) How Manifested or Ascertained.......... 0. cece eee eect n ee ence 81 §: 11.5) Malice Aforethought 0.5 ccs ces cease ees see se V dee ees taaden ene a gees 82 § 1144. Express or Implied Malice in General............ cc cee cece eee eens 84 § 12. xpress: Malice gucduary avchas on eagerness Mate ROS eae dag ae aaeee 85 § 12 (1) Express Malice Definéd. csc ccccsicsawugene gs esses ccneneesvecegeeas 85 § 12 (2) Necessity for Design to Take Life.......... ccc eee eee eee eee ee 88 § 12 (3) Against Whom Difected wi. 0c. ccisiecse astern ei ebedaneeee cee ee ened 88 § 12 (4) How Manifested or Ascertained Hie deapenivaca siden a alee y WEA Resa weied ae 89 $13. ——- Tiplied’ Malice: nos sessca Sica pamutea nose set hee anal aoae ae sek eda bas 90 § 13 (1) Defined and Explained ...........-..4.. Pe Nee aialn Senate a uray 90 $13 @) How Determined scisecscse eek dauames wodawes ada oak dees ch tee ook eke es 91 § 13 (3) Acts and Circumstances Evidencing Malice............-...000 ee ee 92 S43 38a) Ta Getietall «os cusses isaals eae Gunde ccbaabd.b 8 deepkiemus Soe ahianedann eeu 92 § 13 (3b) Particular Facts Considered...... 0.0... cece cence eee ence ee 93 § 14. Deliberation and Premeditation ...... 0... 0. cece cece cece cet e teen ene eeeneage 94 S14) In General’ c.aaeeeecceeseae ack ied ea eee Fo pee ee ee 94 § 14 (2) Time Required ..............0. eee Thiseh duaed dalek digs atau den Fede aS RSA 96 § 14 (3) Circumstances Providing or Negativing.......... cee ee ee ee eens 99 § 15. Nature of Act Causing Dédthy cess keais oied sama dde ceveueoean padeuades 26ae hs 101 § 16. Nature of Means or Instrument Used...... 0.0... ccc cece ccc ee eee teens 105 § 17. Killing One with Design to Effect Death of Another.........)........000005 108 § 17 (4): Degree sot Homicide occpeaiiics aeetacaw Rohe eae ke es Pa ee 108 S17? (2) Destee of Murdeéty+ 454 varadeascagrasyaeines seg eu eaiyeeny co uea are 483 110 $ 18. Homicide in Commission of or Attempt to Commit Other Offense.......... 111 S18 Gh Tt General) a acusics courses f4.dlaty cuucgiaa x aa. Quai Sa Ran aca oeaee enema kus 111 §18).(2): ADOKHON: x2axewuenG vee Wrangler GAN iio andere ek weber: 116 $48): Butrelary see ew ony eeariehee ees ceaaaeh rabioincals va oe meeneyads 117 S18 (4 RADE: Sasonie eevee ptadiqls Semen hers hae aid manna haanees A ae Nagas 118 § 18°.) RODD. 2ocadecaaadee cule dadolns eeebew ped eee ese aaadeasaees 118 § 1806) ATS Om spaced we cureienaae uty y aare uae als Here aped eae ade eke be cleo ds ale a ves 121 § 18°07) Assault: oscccaagyvesedeeaseaes ve od aesd eee eke ed ada aa eae nat 121 § 18 (8) Attempt to Escape Penitentiary........ 0... cc cee cece cen e ee nee 121 $18 (9) Detailing Trait sccccsagiwsaugavadwivienas bane ea ge Yaa y eign ona 121 §- 19: Homicide im -Duelicsinjoue ewes aera MeeMes shee ene OU cutee we Oe MOR A aES 121 § 20. Homicide of or by Person Performing Duty...........0 cc ce cence cence enes 122 § 20°C) Tie General”. se: ro calcio ar weligase Cua g Ramauiendarsuinn ka pnmawe Mod eae Pee 122 § 20: (2) Homicide: by OMe? sncvcc wag cca gages ee aed eee maga ae dete ee ate 123 § 20:-(3): ‘Homicide of Offitef veers cs save ca weaieduad camesene soy Ses ewe eta sawoee 123 § 20634): in. (General y59 second crack ua $3 20s TBAAA Srenautdiewn adn Hemea. pronase 123 § 20 (3b) When Making Arrest.... 0.0... cece ccc eee nett eee ee eene 124 § 20 (8ba) In General ........ 0. ccc cece cece e ees Foal aah tetaanteh 124 § 20 (3bb) Illegal Arrést ..4cceceseidneded awe cchbad seewed dene 125 § 20 (3bc) Authority of Officer... .. 0. cece ccc ec eee eee eee ees 126 § 20 (3c) When Recapturing Escaped Prisoner................0000 ee 128 § 20 (3d) When Serving Civil Process.......... cc cece cee eee e eee 129 § 20 (4) Person Summoned to Aid in Arrest....... 0. ccc cece cece eee eens 129 § 20 (5) Private Person Arresting Felon............ 0. cece eee nee e cence 129 S843 4'A1) eGh ee Sl ientnaccaiay manhie nigrs wetreaovamar a neared ames n wake eetreomnsets 130 ROT, eo Th, (General: Aecssaiseh nwt hee PAA ood SAS MOY IRA Eee Jiectlunmlend Gils mdadansieiieted 130 820. St DE RRES credits pac qewths ables h danced Aaa iodine Sannencantan ac lelnaney shaeauatens g 132 S 29-(ty In General wi seautsuema a saaas See eee ooh yamine ueas at aba eoniaal eee 132 § 22 (2) Deliberation, Premeditation and Wallfabaess faites Dy ha athlete 139 § 82) (2a) “Perms. Denmed) 2505 maiad eacnsh ba awlaere Go wulaela salhadngawhaaakiens 139 : 22 (Qhi): Necessity. fot aux cuaws ag uatiek od da GoM Ge betvene wee uemear es 140 § 23. § 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. tor on OP On UN oe CO) UG? DNR Ws Ge OP CO? ON WO) WD. UD WM) HP 31. 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. § 44. TABLE OF CONTENTS, Vil § 22 (2c) Deliberation and Premeditation............... 0. cece eee eee 141 § 22 (ca) In General occu egied cs ederee neve ee een awit tend ais 141 § 22 (2cb) Nature of Act Causing Death................. 0c eee 142 $22: cba): In 'Gemeral: coc me: sate ears earned eainaanness . 142 § 22 (2cbb) Killing on Provocation..............00 cence 144 § 22 (2cbc) Killing without Provocation................ 145 § 22 (2cc) Nature of Means or Instrument Used.............. 146 § 22 (2cd) Effect of Intoxication.......... 0... ccc eee ee cece aes 146 § 22 (3) Sufficiency of Deliberation...........0 ccc ccc cee e cena ve sneveees 146 § 22 (4) Cruel and Atrocious Homicide.......... ccc ccc ccc cece eens 150 § 22 (5) Poison, Lying in Wait, Starvation, etc...... 0.0... ccc eee ees 150 § 22 (6) In Commission or Attempt to Commit Felony.............00..005 152 BI Cy : Provocation: is aed.2s sass cae Hew ee See oat eae oS A ae aaa DR eae Ha as 294 € 96. —— Self-Defense ..........0.-2 000 Vaden a secsdngratiite te ce Gomes Don hci ae Pee ae 297 8 96.1.) Itt General ic .ccacicciacdeeadiartia HOPES IG Swe eae oe UE BER aU § 297 § 96 (2) Necessity of Act in General...... 0... cece ccc eee eee ene 299 § 96 (3) Aggression and Provocation of Attack.......... eee cece eee eee ee 300 § 9€ (3a) Aggression Dee eee t ete ete n ete t eee ee nee 300 § 06 (8b) PrévoeatiOn 6. casa. wneeas hes cet ROL ISSS Bhan Toke R Nee Ress 302 § 96 (4) Apprehension of Danger ........ ccc eect ene tee eee eee e tenes 305 § 97. —— _ Defense of Anothet....cs.<: ces scawene ee haces o capt eS ean scruance Ant itiaaales 306 § 98. —— Defense of Habitation .......... cece eee eee teeter eneeteennees 306 § 99. —— Defense of Property ........ 0.0 cece cence teen eet eee e enn e ene es 307 § 100. Persons Liable 2.1... ... 0c cc cece ce cee cee tenner eet een ett enanees 307 CHAPTER V V. EXcCuSABLE OR JUSTIFIABLE HoMIcIDE. § 40014. In. Getieral eaccwecccceuaseindlcnasaalors hese ed See e tee Te La Pew eT Taw yess 309 §§ 101-102. Grounds of Excuse or Justification in General.............. 0.00050 ee 310 §§ 103-104. Exercise of Authority or Performance of Duty in General.......... 312 § 105. —— Making Arrest or Preventing Escape Of Prisome iiss csinca vse oww vant 313 § 106. Suppression of Affray or Riot, and Preservation of Peace.......... 319 § 107. Prevention of Commission of Offense........ se seen eet e eee e renee 319 § 108. Self-Defense 0.0... . cece cc ee ne nent tte e tenet e tees e ene es 322 § 109. —— In General 1... . ic ieee nent en eee ee eee ett eenee 322 § 110. —— Nature and Purpose of Attack........cs cs ee cee eee ene eee e eens 326 § 111. —— Resistance of Arrest.... 0... cece cee tte e nee tnt ees 332 § 111 (1) Killing of Officer... ccc cece cece cece tee tenet neta 332 § 111 (2) Killing by Officer.. i... 0c cece eee entre t tet 337 § 112. —— Ageression or Provocation of cece eee 339 § 112 (1) In General 0... .. 0. cece cee ene ee eee e ence teens 339 § 112 (2) Nature and Circumstances of Provocation...........006 aed nests 343 TABLE OF CONTENTS. § 112 (3) Improper Conduct with Accused’s Female Relatives............. 351 § 112 (4) Exercise of Legal Right as Provocation............0.ccceseeeee 352 § 112 (5) Intent of Person Bringing on Difficulty............ 0... cc cece 354 8 112 (6) Relation of Aggression or Provocation to Acts of Resistance. 358 § 113. —— Withdrawal after Aggression .......0..cccccccevccccueeseueeeeeunes 359 § 114. —— Voluntary Participation in Contest, or Mutual Combat............ 364 § 115. —— Nature and Imminence of Danger............ 0. ccc ce eee e tees eee ee 366 S115 Gl) Nate of Danger coc. naik posta sa ered. odduaa bacumunen enusen atvedon 44 366 § 115 (2) Imminence of Danger .........c cece cece e cnet eee e nt enennees 366 § 116. —— Apprehension of Danger ........ 00 cece cece enn ne nee n cnet een eee 372 ST LG Ch) Tr MGener al, a5: esata ay. scaasn.cre: smeladcic- nial w wlan aoesr-weakeoasaatel sa oetanen eke 372 § 116 (2) Real or Apparent Danger.......... ccc cece ce cece eee e ee naee 374 § 116 (3) Necessity of Actual Belief in Danger.............. 0. cece cece 379 § 116 (4) Necessity That Apprehension Be Reasonable.................05- 381 § 116 (5) Sufficiency of Ground for Apprehension............0000 0 cee ee es 387 § 116 (6) Threats as Ground for Apprehension.......... 0... cccccee ee ees 392 § 116 (6a) Threats as Justification -(4i)) “Phireats, “usn.aens aye ested Pa eRe aaoneumnsandda 817 1 Hom—hb XVITI § 171. § 172. § 173. TABLE OF CONTENTS. § 170 (4j) Articles Found at or Near Scene of Crime, or Road Lead- fe THETCLO und oad acta. earagane Sea aa koa ake eS 817 § 170 (4k) Articles Found in Possession of Accused............0+4 818 § 470 ‘(Gkay Tn Général, saciges grea dente adenesakeuranwes aes 818 BS G70: -(4leb). Etter Ss: nce esa hihi yo eee Scntanae can aud neteemtaene ees 819 § 170 (41) Footprints and Other Marks............ ccc cece eee eee 819 § 170 (4m) Habits and Pastimes of Accused...................0.0008 820 § 170 (4n) Noises: -and Outeriess.scgc cus aqzcss Soursadeyecaaawrennse 820 § 170 (40) Weapon or Instrument................20. 008. Nach anak 821 § 170 (4p) Voice or Walk of Accused............ 0. cece eee eee eee 821 § 170 (5) Other Offenses ccc daccancecan< sabe cana neiys tp iale are dne ayo puderse aa Ae a 821 § 170 (6) Conspiracy to Commit Other Crimes........ 0.0... cece cece eee 822 § 170 (7) Evidence Explaining Presence of Accused...............05 eee ", 822 S120 4(8) ALBIe cljas eondun acum dbe ae ante dane mnnnetanne Peale pe angeles ease 823 Nature of Act and Attendant Circumstances...... 0.0... cece cece cee eee eee 823 Sih “Ge Tat “General: ie we see ue coe ued Oameautaa te ea eeemeane nals do Dose ubucsaas aaa 823 § 171 (1%) Acts and Conduct at Time of Killing................ 0.000.005. 826 S47d Gi4a) Ol (Parties? wns ney ered s mQunes baasaan kaa ewes emis 826 $171 Gi4b) OF Third Persons: ; a. + cca genic dei seenenee ness Festa 828 § 171 (134) Time and Place of Killing........ 0... ccc ec e ee eee 829 S171 Gia) Im Gétieral ..cccaccainecisdeaw eee egaa eeniew eaasiawnaies 829 § 171 (134b) Condition and Surrounding Circumstances............. 829 § 174, @) Physical Conditions a. daciiaseyycceegiceeernteiegestaanemea nese 832 SAT - (Ba) (OL Partless 2. cian es aabna eae e darsne aw Aa na AA RGR ease 832 St (8b) OF Ehird Personsinaseid eas tok ye ae ae aee 833 § 171 (3) Other Substantive Offense Part of or Connected with Same EASA CHONS) Ly aduss Ge HA a REA ES EAG AEA aa edea en See A OENS EES 833 § 171 (31%) Nature of Act—Circumstances of Difficulty and Surrounding COnGtionss scaly dived geod wie ha eee OLA daaiege rig tk pomauliss egies 833 S271 GYa) In. General | se o:s5 sun sa versenden sere gyce senenses ae eees 833 § 171 (3%b) Injury and Cause of Death.............. ce ce eee eee 836 § 171) (8'4c) Position. OF “BOGys vacciss neue sa wean iiamns Dasma maw tea e A 836 § 171 (3%4d) Clothing and Material Worn or Used by Parties........ 836 § 171. (4) Declarations. GF Actusedisacscs sie cous eeyeea wee tes aaegae er Rasta es 837 § 171 (5) Declarations of Persons Killed or Assaulted...................04. 838 § 174. (6) Declarations of Third. Persons 0. .isicsiswau scene cen sav aew oes 840 Commission of or Attempt to Commit Other Offense or Unlawful Act.... 843 § 172) (2) By Detendant isis view d's yee soins ie Gag eine Bae eae aE a oRsagan 843 § 172 (1a) Separated and Distinct Offenses................ 0.000000 ee 843 § 172 iGlaa) In Genetall .oscendeccmniis vag geen nees eee te 843 § 172 (lab) To Show Conspiracy or Concerted Action........ 845 § 172 (1ac) To Show Motive for Escaping or Resisting Arrest 845 § 172 (1b) Substantive Offense Part of or Connected with Homicide 846 § 172; (2) By. Deceased vise eaveag dadea tae veidtearsidevivs gua tanreses ones 850 § 179) (3). By “Phitd: Persons s+.c si. .cccmons evel das nee eeema te eens yee sae eels 851 Means: or Instrtiment Used). scao24 a aaier dens oodtaal onus quelale.e! ofmele eave cada macweor ons 851 § 173 (1) Establishment of Manner and Means of Death.................05. 851 § 173 (2) Weapon, Bullets or Other Instrument.......... 0: cece cece ee eee 854 § 173 (3) Description of Instrument or Other Means...................04. 85k § 173 (4) Instruments and Weapons Found and Evidence Relating Thereto 855 § 173 (5) Identity of Weapon or Instrument.......... cc ee eect eee eee 856 § 173 (6) Possession of Means, Instruments or Weapons................4. 857 § 173 (7) Evidence as to Location or Disposition.............. 0c senses 860 § 172 (7a): Prior to Killing: onsyoeaeh er es parame eee s Mounier. cee 860 § 773. (7b) Stbsequent to Killing esis .s oc ausvewaes ces am eeeeadsawdene: 860 § 173 (8) Condition of Weapon before and after Killing...............00. 861 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XIX § 174. Subsequent Incriminating and Exculpatory Circumstances................ 861 $74 1) In: General. ccvvsvenscawivd ccaea wed eae a gugedaw seeded edd Gndoumne dees 861 § 174 (1a) Relevancy and Materiality in General.................5. 861 § 174 (1b) Actions and Conduct of Parties........ 00... cece eee ee ee 863 $174 Ciba Tir General a.cccceasce sinece negcsacod mina deueae ace movndaeeae 863 § 174 (1bb) Conduct Respecting Witnesses................0055 868 § 174 (1bc) Other Offenses by Accused.............000ee000e 868 § 174 (1c) Circumstances of Arrest ...... ccc cece eee ce cece eeeeeens 870 § 174 (1d) Circumstances Attending Discovery of hats and Clothing 870 § 174 (1e) Circumstances Attending Disposition of Body and Cloth- WE 4b 88 See 8s HORE Y HE DOME RIE OPLA HELA EER Aes 871 § 174 (1f) Subsequent Conduct of Person Killled or Assaulted...... 871 § 174 (1g) Acts and Conduct of Third Persons.................000% 871 § 174 (2) Physical Condition ........ 0... c cece cece cece e eee ee cece esteeees 872 § 174 (3) Mental Condition ........ 0.0... Aichnids aewee gs 873 § 174 (3%) Objects Found Subsequent to Homicide....................... 873 § 174 (4) Subsequent Threats or Attempts by Accused................008. 874 § 174 (5) Possession of Money or Property Similar to That of Deceased.. 874 § 174 (6) Possession and Condition of Weapons'and Other Physical Ob- ECCS” re cao eis wero pee Wee HES eA eR CSET BA vine aoe eke 877 § 174 (7) Flight and Pursuit of Accused.................. Dai soachets isis dcianey 878 § 174 (8) Declarations of Accused .........ccccc cc ceeeeeeceveeeeseneeveeees 882 § 174 (8a) Declarations in General.......... ccc cece ccc n eae 882 § 174 (8b) Remoteness as Affecting Admissibility.................... 884 § 174 (8ba) In General—Self-Serving Statements.............. 884 § 174 (8bb) Statements Operating against Defendant.......... 886 § 174 (8bc) Implied Admissions ............ 0.0 ccc ccc eens 889 § 174 (8%) Declarations of Person Killed or Assaulted...........00..00 05 890 § 174 (81%4a) Res Geste, Dying Declarations and Statements in Pres- ence. Of ACcuséd 5 skeses negexg te nee teased a haneeaws 890 § 174 (8%b) Remoteness as Affecting Admissibility................ 893 § 174 (8%c) Right to Elicit Entire Conversation.................... 895 § 174 (9) Declarations of Third Parties............ 0. ccc cece nce een e eens 895 § 175. Gatise. ef Death esas jax ccicains saws ear saan ge otdwis (attnaaninats ba, naan ermucuiens 897 S075 (1) dn, General: 426 ceeadatas eysmaann meneame t eee eas 897 § 175 (2) Means or Instrument Used and Wounds Inflicted................ 898 § 175 (3) Treatment and Care for InjurieSwc: cis ccveeswo ote de vane amtouace 899 § 175 (4) Health and Character of Deceased.......... 0... cece 899 § 175: (5) Declarations of Deceased ssccc. conve eici sce tear erin ge seekers 900 § 76 (6) Opinion Evidence .s.2s24essnsaneanev es beavasiadaga ergs seeeye an aot 900 § 175 (7) Post-Mortem Examination and Chemical Analysis Bie ast fiat gant 903 § 175 (8) In Abortion’ Cases s.0ncs0i we vcesamsuu orc pees ma seem ates tear 904 § 176. Extent of Injury from Assault with Intent to Kill......................05, 905 Tc SCT ey — cecal surg ends a slated babel ola) AE acide x ees Baee: Brae eeiadubule dk Shgueenpabentes Bm Banacaal een cat eee 906 § 178. Incriminating® Others .juycnicewr tsa cg eae oat ae oa ene eee 909 S178 (i). In (Genetal. scree suave snake Se tes dered Web sdy oy Scuba thie Poe 909 § 178 (2) Motive, Malice and Opportunity of Others...................0.. 910 S78) (3) -“Dhreéats: ‘by: Oither stag yaoscisiccns tik pes ¢aoniele ews poeta gies thane 912 § 178 (4) Declarations of Deceased and Others................ seen eee ey 914 § 178 (5) Conduct and Appearance of Others.......... 0. cece cece e eee eee 915 $178: (6) ‘Character of Otherscc os cccewse pe paras dae aengedeniald Awe Of Acrmaene 916 S178: (7) Assault. By Othersiwccvexvces esse 2a Cad roe wee ee kwaene de hae 916 § 178 (8) Possession of Weapon by Others........ cc eee e cee cece ee eee eee 916 § 178 (9) Arrest, Indictment or Conviction of Others.................000, 917 § 178 (10) Killing by- Several... .cacusscsvesoecesgaisansereaw re geeaau sears 917 § 178 (11) Evidence in Rebuttal............. spat = RGEC AE che aliGuihad 918 XX TABLE OF CONTENTS. § 179s Insanity: f1cekisee aatieve ee oa,aa inet Ne ach ae aadiduan eae SER hs Maa arise Se a oes 919 S79 le GemeR al | | ckeions Ren wee ae na Geered bdcsew bat areateioa yk gee ea wie emda 919 § 179 (2) Evidence of Actuating Causes..........c cc cece cece cece eeneeeue 924 § 179 (3) Evidence of Insanity before and after Homicide................. 928 $180. TnitGxieatiOnt . Pe salersnc a Soa aaeg mans ae ado een Gta dacate es cone dace ateee 1237 S237) Tim Geneal cigs caeind coda tine acd vat ceee oe PE Od AMR Bee Se oe esc 1237 §. 237° (2) Particilan Cinctimstances. wi iaccawcnd een gt aged eae deieie ta niendeedons 1238 $237. (3) Déeree Of (Proofi ig nens ge sage peaienges side) chaise dealing ema eee 1240 § 237° (4). Evidence an Rebuttales. cidetcex dedae sees eases reseed ewer ses 1242 §: 238. IMtOMiCatiOfi, 2.5.26 niisincu eal ais manawa deel setae Seedy nya cart htt. Gem steatl om apean erage 1242 § 239, Passion ‘atid: ProvoOcatiOfvs: icc goss co eiavewniag eataar aed ohaun eke aE Dae OV 1243 § 240. Unlawful Character of Act of Deceased, and Resistance by Accused...... 1248 § 241, Excuse or Justification. in Generales. .cccosesn gar ceauaia ds caw eta tam aes e 1249 § 242. Exercise of Authority of Duty... 6... cece ee eee ee nase ee nedenene 1251 § 243. Prevention of Commission of Offense in General............ 0.00 -02000 0 eee 1252 S244 « Selt: Sheng. a visendines sea trelt Magen Sule stews Mine Niet e nen eres GAN Ce ne Abe a eels were 1252 § 244: (1) Tn General. vsansudsacvagdameeet detined dds dd asian ob ase eee 1252 § 244 (2) Defendant’s Statement Alone and Affected by Other, Statements and Circumstances ........ Eye cg ates te dea fede eR are a RE 1253 § 244 (3) Degree of Proof Required...........0 ccc ts ccee eens eeeueeecceee 1259 § 244.-(8a) Tn; General oc.2c acs edereiane otaags ne oh Hed Sa asnaee ee eae eee as 1259 § 244 (3b) By Preponderance of Evidence...............ceeeeee eee 1259 § 244 (3c) To Satisfaction of Jury.....ccccecc eeu cnssaeneeeaeevenn 1260 § 244 (3d) Beyond Reasonable Doubt............. 00.0 cc cece cee ee 1261 § 244 (3e) To Raise Reasonable Doubt............ 0.000. cece ee eee 1262 § oo (4) Sumiciency of Particular acts ncweac ccd nanan sa aeawde te nada 1262 § 244 (5) Sufficiency to Show Provoking Difficulty..................000005 1266 $945. Defense of Another. aico-2ssseueess he pea saay es cee nee kee es AAO YE ee QOR Y eRSS 1269 $046. Defense of Habitation ee 2 vce es ee ea waa ene whe b oaubune Lew euunNl ee 1270 § 47: Defense: Of PrOpertyes sande. said nose aw PO aa Aenea de dag eae yaw aac 1270 § 248. Accident. of Misfortune sciccauteamcanascamaraeecawnne aee We eRe Hag a qindlys 1270 § 249. Principals and Accessonesis. 4 va vax cna wae ss aed meh aes 4 wR Eee EOS Lae See SS 1274 S249 (1 ytd eM S Teall 8s canal act ks scare caged tiee ev et ak ee aE 1 Alaa EG nash odoaateee SEG 1274 § 249 (2) Particular Facts in Evidence.............0ccececee ee eeenes Paine 1274 § 250. Grade or Degree of Homicide in General................ 0.000 c eee ee ee 1280 § 2500.41) -In- Genétal. ..cayssesues vs pear eis we etes cauress FREE Cee eae see eS 1280 $125.0" (CQ Mitr Gre s Sn de ashes a hag Gah gd ih. hccotinsy waka eae uaa na meine la ees eed ua tacaniaed eg 1281 $250: (28) Tin: General jo aacccc der. names acmnaay aa rama ur aivad Gone Godin Bae 1281 § 250 (2b) Intent ....... sAntat A Ups eR Ina ud Somes AO le ee eee Nate 8 tare ehh alae 1282 § 250 (2c) Passion and Provocatiotives.2.s0nteintanees eee ssn eeuues 1283 § 250 (2d) Mutual Combat ....... 0... cece cece ete e ee tect ee een as 1285 § 250: (e) Threats ‘and Tl Peeling: oss ccavnicaaaiscccaawats tame iy 1286 § 250 (2f) In Commission of Other Offense................. Kus aZeEs 1288 § 250 (2g) Killing One in Attempt to Kill Another................ 1288 § 250) (3) .Manslag enter” cya same dae seb AA Aaa AAO Nee WRN Ce ORs aenni de 1289 §- 250 (Sa) Ins (General vaya diteard. oe e- Sanaga epee es acadntes eh de o due 1289 § 250 (3b) Passion, and ProvocatiOnys.: sce. ca cnasnce save senses boas 1290 § 250 (3c) Assault and Mutual Combat.......... 0... cece ee eee eee 1292 § 250 (3d) Exercise of Authority or Duty..............0. 0 ccc eee eee 1295 § 250 (3e) Previous Threats and Ill Feeling..................e ce eeee 1296 § 250 (3f) Nature of Act Causing Death............... ccc eee eens 1296 § 250 (3g) Negligent Homicide under Texas Statute................ 1297 § 250 G) Justifable Homicide: osicnncwin gua ges weevawgive enim dea samples 1297 §§: 251-259.. Degree of Murder ojss sescaesisesinnad en eee Goes Grae CON 4s Saw eet eR EES 4 1298 $953, Banst. Degree 3). ae eakaieg te tet ginans omg taro w ania od oaces a taernck AweaueN eas 1298 $955): Degree Of Prools. 2.4 wed oanantwacome cay need Ge Gwe wmin Laan gees 1298 § 253 (2) Sufficiency of Circumstantial Evidence in General.............. 1298 § 253 (3) Circumstances of Cool Blood, Deliberation, and Premeditation..1299 § 253 (4) Circumstances of Atrocity, Cruelty, Malignity, and Depravity..1300 § 253 (5) Nature of Means or Instrument Used.................0.0 0c cee 1300 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXV § 253 (6) Commission of or Attempt to Commit Other Offense.......... 1304 § 253 (7) Threats, Preparations, and Previous Attempts.................. 1307 § 253 (8) Provocation or Other Extenuating Circumstances............., 1312 § 253 (9) Proof of: .Death Aloneissciscsvisccacessag catcas sa ey recs datees a9 1316 § 253 (10) Proof of Intent and Motive......... ic ccc e ccc eeceeeeee eens 1317 § 253 (11) Conduct and Appearance of Defendant.....................00. 1317 $253 (12) Statements of Defendant... 0... cc t054 cdensectanseciesccioneneese 1319 § 253 (13) Testimony of Accomiplice.. i. ..cs cece cee cen ne eet news ene. 1321 S954. ———-Second, Degrée:. ss suing cpowaede daiasees Wwawtl aud se eb eee eas 1321 § 254 (i) In General ac scaieced ye ssa eendistuae wee ee gees ees 1321 § 254 (2) Bodily Harm [mniwient.« < cossecsautcia wa dicen deeds caenn hh as 1323 § 254 (3). Passion and Provocation. aids cesua ss bynes dager scans Vea eva oe 1325 § 254° (4) Affray or Mutual. Combatveis.csisiascsedicrvaiesvedapaienders dais 1329 § 254 (5) Previous Ill Feeling, Threats and Preparations.................. 1331 § 254 (6) Manner and Means of Killing.....2.00c.csewne ewe cee tenes ne 1334 § 054. (7) Mote. ixeevews pee ins we tera sents ceed whee oe gue oa sealed sooeatens 1334 SEQ5A CB) AC OMS PIRAES 4 sss adciie dates Gelthacd ee Sowesc nh 5G dueso ee Hud weal Wicsenudsl adem IN Maeda asl ecavaue 1335 § 254 (9) In Committing Other Offense. oss sci ccaciecwetne ay ee reed neg ee 1335 § 2544. Lesser Déstees: velusudisa sna canes nun ers aaeava me bee ERA egee Sea a 1335 § 255, Degree OF .Manslaweniter cc sows d vee tial weg bbc oe Race ne <4 Muar e sie Coleg Pees las 1335 § 256. Attempts, Threats, or Solicitation to Kill....... cee eee ee eee 1336 § D572 Assault: with. Intent tor Kil ogoceaekti hse tae kieemae enemies a eteesen as 1337 $257 “CL Int (General) eens cavsaen eu cate teen aces ees ONES ae eee 1337 § 257 (2) Ability to Exeétite Intéft.n ccs cas as need eu eeee da ee da ede eee 1341 § 257 (3) Showing as to Grade of Offense Had Death Ensued.......... 1342 § 257 (4) Sufficiency of Circumstantial Evidence in General.............. 1343 § 257 (6) False and Improbable Statements Accompanied by Other Evi- CENCE > ac car aiden ae ne Deas Ghd ka Mae Hen Hake eee re 1344 § 257 (7) Threats Accompanied by Other Evidence...................00.. 1344 $257 (8) Deadly ‘Character of Assaults sioccea cad asia sid sad yes cade o Seba 1345 CHAPTER XII. VIII. Trac. A. Conpuct IN GENERAL. § 258. Preliminary Proceedings ..........-0 sees cece nee e eee e teeters 1346 § 25814. Jurisdiction and Venue.....-.... eee e cece eee ete eee ee tee tee teens 1347 § 25814 (1) In General ....... cece cece eee teen eet ees 1347 § 258% (2) As between the United States and the Individual States...... 1348 § 25814 (3) As between Different States in the United States............ 1348 § 25814 (4) As between Different Counties in the Same Stat@.. cas. 4e 94 1349 § 258% (5) Of Homicides Committed upon the High Seas.............. 1350 § 259. Course of Trial in General........ 0. 0c cece eee cette tenet tenes 1351 § 260. View of Place of Homicide.......... 60s cece cece eee eet tent eee n ees 1354 § 261. Exhumation and Examination of Body of Deceased. sik kidath sedan eens 1356 § 262. Presence and Use of Articles Connected with Offense................ 1357 § 263. Reception of Evidence.......... 0. cece eee e rennet teen tne tne tne es 1360 § 264. ——In General ...... cee ccc cee teen tnt n tenet trent ees 1360 § 264 (1) Order of Proof... .. cc cece cee cee eee tent eee e ees 1360 § 264 (1a) Regular Order ........ cece eee eect teen eens 1360 ( § 264 (1b) When Evidence Will Be Admitted Out of the Regular OPdEP 9 ke ysvrmiadiaras avn nasties we SUED TY SR Oe Cea Meese ea es 1361 SAVE TABLE OF CONTENTS. § 264 (2) Proof of Defendant’s Case by Prosecution ppRke hea dea seen 1362 § 264 (3) Limiting Number of Witnesses.......... 0... cc cece eee Sasiear ee eet 1362 § 266. —— Compelling Calling of Eyewitnesses............ cece cece eee ee eee es 1362 § 267. —— Use of Dying Declarations... 0.0... ccc cece cece e cee eeceteevunenes 1364 CHAPTER XIII. B. QUESTIONS FoR Court or Jury. § 268. Questions of Law or of Fact in General............ ccc eee cece ee nee ee 1366 § 269; Elements of OffenS@. i. iec ceca ae seared ee gevarew waim tee ead eadanialeewienea at 1372 § 270; Insanity. or Tntoxicatio ttc, is anaes ca gay cea dnd ive ete eee vat een a wig’es a gies hate 1375 $971. (Passion: -atd:Provocatioties neces is oteeeeaaaes s oicawe stad deeeeeade somes 1376 § 272. Unlawful Character of Act of Deceased, and Resistant of Accused....1379 § 273. Excuse or Justification in General...............0 0.0036 Bh dca ena pcan 1379 § 274. Exercise of Authority or Duty. .i.cieseiesaeasiawevesi ae suse eediraeh ees 1380 § 275. Prevention of Commission of Offense............ 00 ccc cece cece cee eens 1380 $276. SelHsDerense: sites tia hacsdiny ea babe a a Bleed seconded scaliadae ak. Avalanche ate 1380 S207. Délense Gb AnGthers sie: setcee soe dun doe aedee een Lanne Gea waesunveds 1385 $278. Defense of. Habitation... cies sad aceswe siernawe Sd nog ag Shaw aete aye Kame seaey ees 1386 § 280. Accident or Misfortune.............00.0 eee Washodrcesirst Os yatta CS A hnienase tba Bop 1386 § 281... Principals dnd, ACCeSSOfes . og sa cas cme dade eed a maue Showa d RSS ee RPEA SEES 1386 § 282. Grade or Degree of Offense... 0.2... ee cen net e en ee teas 1388 § 28205. Extent of Punishinent iecsecc-aecgcagieles- anes eae cee yes HeMe Ee ee eed eee eee 1390 CHAPTER XIV. C. INsTRuUCTIONS. § 283. Province of Court and Jury in General.......... cc eee eee eee 1394 § 283 (1) General Rules as to Power and Duty of Court................ 1394 § 283 (2) Applicability to Evidence... 0.0... cece cece cece eee teens 1395 § 283 (3) Instructions as to Matters of Fact.......... 0. ccc cece ee ee ee eee 1399 § 283: (3a)-In:: General, ccepe.vsee- deci aan date eae nedaaeaticdeeamuian 1399 § 283 (3b) Weight of Evidence............ cc cece cece ete ee eee neees 1400 § 283 (3c) Credibility of Witnesses, Statements and Conduct of Ac- used! sebC. | Luycedee kere mo sh seee een KeO eed Semin ea ees 1403 § 283 (3d) Expressions Showing Opinion of Court as to Facts....1404 § 283, (3e) Assimption of Facts cc: cicsiws oeee sas wvanda cia Case aess 1406 § 283 (4) Limiting Effect of Evidence.............c ec ec cece e een Susrawe 1408 § 283 (5) Withdrawal from Consideration of Jury of Counts as to Which Byiden@e: Inisaiicie nt ic dosed weasieee Base edo ana Bemis und bb notes doy ac 1408 8-283. (6) Ditty (Of JURY accecacee dite deg ieee Yo PR ied roca baw mee ena nas 1409 S904. Corpus: Delicti. wssucies devise obese syeaei isu re Ceased san ees eas uel 1410 § 285. Elements of Offense in General........ 0... ccc cece cece tenet cee n eens 1411 § 286. Intent, Malice, Deliberation and Premeditation................ 000: eee ee 1413 S286: Ch) Tntemt:\ yk sauce isn unk Saw eI Gis HI OA een dais Gears ey adatom 4S § 286 (1a) Necessity and Propriety............ ccc ccc eee eee ene 1413 S286. (lad) Ini General: siaGcanatat shes dhsnaueecutsaeg awab ae eee § 286 (lab) Presumption of Intent.......... cece cee eee eee jal? § 286 (1b) Requisites and Sufficiency.......... LaBNE da Og DERE TOR a es 1419 § 286) (2) Malice: adsense oes ee EEE Oe ates Ry asta ee ae 1424 § 286 (2a) Necessity and Bropriety ahaha deal shins dents eda na Aarne hat 1424 § 286 (2b) Requisites and Sufficiency..... ee ere eer ee 1428 - § 287. § 288. § 289. § 290. § 291. § 292. § 293. § 294. § 295. TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXVII S986" @ba)- Un: Genetal, soiescevonwines Soy vacate dons eaawees 1428 § 286 (2bb) Misleading and Confusing...............cce ee eaee 1429 § 286 (2bc) Charge on Malice as an Element................ 1429 § 286 (2bd) Definition of Terms............ 0. cece eee e ee eens 1430 § 286 (2be) Applicability to Case in General................ 1433 § 286 (2bf) Relative to Presumption of Malice.............. 1438 § 286 (2bg) Charge as to Evidence of Malice................ 1439 § 286 (2bh) Summing up or Connecting on, Evidence........ 1440 § 286 (2bi) Invading Province of Jury.. cc... cece cece eee ee ee 1440 § 286 (3) Deliberation and Premeditation.......... 0... ccc eee ee eee ee cence 1441 § 286 (3a) Necessity and Propriety............ ec cee ecec ee ee erences 1441 § 286 (3b) Requisites and Sufficiency............ cc cece ee eee eee 1443 Motive: vi sassee evn sd Pee eee eee Loethadg eceetaeenictgaane aa 1447 § 287 C1) Necessity and. Propriety... cccecc ees eek seus ae seem de aamend anes 1447 § 287 (2) Requisites and Sufficiency.......... 0... cece eee cee cee een enenes 1448 Nature and Circumstances of cc eeee ee ee ee aee ee Ble eee aaa 1452 Commission of or Attempt to Commit Other Offense.................00 1454 Nature of Means or Instrument Used........ 0... cc cece cece ee een een nne 1460 Cause: of (Déathia i cmuuven ns ag Meare eG ae ree os ees s OM KE sere e eteeee Ae 1463 Elements of Assault with Intent to Kill...... 0.0... cece cece ee cee te eee 1466 S299) Gy li, (Get eral | rs.2.c.aceaus coca nelpe rian QuptiexsaseGiecu sai wend Ge eAe on Monmalioa eat es 1466 § 292 (2) Necessity and Subject Matter.......... 0... cece cece ee cece eee 1467 § 292 (3) Confused, Misleading and Inconsistent Instructions.............. 1470 § 292 (4) Application to Facts and Evidence in Case..........-000esse vues 1471 § 292 (5) Instructions Excluding or Ignoring Issues, Defenses, or Evi- CENCE: vara acca ues tu beware ia Ae caniaete anace in eeieen fhog Shak ise RAS 1474 Matters of Defense: in (General, . occ pee bla mata swe te ep inw ed b4 ie bea mew Saene 1475 Tfisanity OF: WntOxicatOnaiiandan anucad aadees epee gucida yas se birne dew ee aldany 1478 S204 iy Psainity: hee cee ee eae eee ius Rae Penis wile ea Swed SRN Gade eae 1478 S294 162) Un CORI CA Otis cc ate cies iccaieecs ca anise race daa Se Sued! Ae deauhael Bacalavaes ane Meas Ode 1482 Passion: and: Provocation: ix ic secc sce san eho pa tandas avec ta we yee ea wee 1485 § 295 (1). Province. of Court cand: Jutyssiviscavrcsunienaaopeeas weve ae geleean 1485 § 295 (2) Necessity and Propriety..........c cc ccc ee cece cece eee e eee n nen 1489 § 295 (2a) In General.................05. He. aah Sach Vaden daw ada: pe meniers 1489 § 295 (2b) Charge as to Particular Facts............0.0e cece cece 1494 § 295 (2ba) Assault and Battery.... 0.0... eee 1494 § 295 (2bb) Mutual Combat and Affray..................0005 1501 § 295 (2bc) Threats, Insults, etc. ........ cece eee eee eee eee 1501 § 295 (2bd) Insults to Female Relation...................005 1502 § 295 (2be) Adultery—Abduction of Wife.............. 0 cess 1504 § 205: (obi) Tnjury to: Property: sacs ivinws Giaadee tee caw seweahres 1505 83095 (Eb SU SEADE: -pawenas Hadden nds eameiugadawmaed ate oak pod eee 1505. § 295 (2bh) Other Equivalent Circumstances...............20. 1505 § 295 (2b1) Intent and Malice siseciiiaoiaveses oosaci ened wu ee 1505 § 295 (2bj) Previous Provocation .......... eee cece ee eee eee 1506 § 295 (2bk) Fresh Provocation ...........c cece ee eee ee heaaiee 1509 §. 295 .(@bh) Cooling Tame: aucicoetmisnateiinces dears scenes 1506 § 295 (2bm) Difficulty Abandoned ................00 0 cee eee 1512 § 295 (2bn) Provoking Difficulty ............ 0... cece eee eee ee 1512 § 295 (2bo) Concurrence of Provocation and Passion.......... 1515 § 295 (2bp) Provocation by or to Third Person...... eeseeet 1516 § 295 (8) Requisites and Sufficiency........ cc cece cece ce rece eter eee e eee ees 1518 § 295 -(3a): In (General. us sede scacenacuniy cee r dice Marto ee sag aes 1518 § 295. (3b) Particular Charges ..c.caswciais yt oeorss eaters eeneas aise 1523 § 205 (4). Request ‘for ‘Chatge si sicisnnecwe nied. oan «pees alee pamela te 1534 XXVIII TABLE OF CONTENTS. § 295 (5) Charge Construed 2... cece cece tent nn eee nnes 1535 § 296. Resistance to Unlawful Act.................00 008 gies ae ht Nin deals ay ave tae 1536 § 206 (C1) Tn, General: cossiceetiiaentcande tiie c.eeetoeedes eee ess 1536 § 206 (2) ATTESE. nace