ae. Me (UNIVERSITY College of Arebitectare Linsary rer: rae a pa Corneil University KS ee tg aw re 5991 B74 /E94 Cornell atniversity Library S++ F-OP LOllere i Oleye of Arehitect ere Tobe g Cornell Imi rer aphe A.2i 03 2) d]2/07.. 7673-1 G@2 65 Cornell University Library Z 5997.B74 1899 Codman collection of books on land iii “tii # TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. FREDERICK O. PRINCE, President. SOLOMON LINCOLN, Vice-President. JOSIAH H. BENTON, JR. HENRY P. BOWDITCH. JAMES DeNORMANDIE. LrpraRiaAN. HERBERT PUTNAM. Central Library, Copley Square. Branch Libraries. Brighton Branch, Holton Library Roxbury Branch, 46 Millmont St. Building, Rockland St. Charlestown Branch, City Square. Dorchester Branch, Arcadia, Adams St. East Boston Branch, 37 Meridian St. Jamaica Plain Branch, Curtis Hall, Centre St. cor. Delivery Stations. Station A. Lower Mills Reading Room, Washington, near River St. Station B. Roslindale Delivery Sta- tion, 25 Poplar St. Station D. Mattapan Reading Room, River, cor. Oakland St. Station E. Neponset Delivery Sta- tion, 49 Walnut St. Station F. Mount Bowdoin Reading Room, Washington, cor. Eldon St. Station G. Allston Delivery Station. 14 Franklin St. Station H. Ashmont Delivery Sta- tion, 4 Talbot Ave. Station J. Dorchester Station Deliv- ery Station, 1 Milton Ave. Station K. Bird Street Delivery Sta- tion, 6 Wayland St. South Boston Branch, 372 Broadway. q South End Branch, English High I School Building, Montgomery St. j West End Branch, Cambridge, cor. a é Lynde St. West Roxbury Branch, Centre, near Mt. Vernon St. j Station L. North Brighton Reading — Room, 56 Market St. | Station M. Crescent Avenue Delivery 7 Station, 940 Dorchester Ave. Station N. Blue Hill Avenue Deliv- ery Station, 200 Blue Hill Ave. Station P. Broadway Extension De- livery Station. 13 Broadway Ex- tension. Station Q. Upham’s Corner Delivery Station, 756 Dudley St. anid s Station R. Warren Street Delivery Station, 329 Warren St. Station S. Roxbury Crossing Deliv- | ery Station, 1173 Tremont St. Station T. Boylston Delivery Sta- tion, Lamartine, cor. Paul Gore St. Station U. 62 Union Park St. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. TREES AND FORESTRY. (Lee BY THE CODMAN COLLECTION OF BOOKS ON LANDSCAPE GARDENING. ALSO A LIST OF BOOKS ON TREESAND FORESI RY. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletins. SSS SSS : — — (| VLEET ee SSS Sos BREE, SSS Spc BOSTON. PUBLISHED BY THE TRUSTEES. 1899. » 1235 BP A DIOS Bi PREPACE, The list of works on landscape gardening, which form the Codman collection, is reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin of November, 1898. The Card Catalogue should be consulted for works on this and kindred topics, in the General Library, but not here included. The list of books on trees and forestry is reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin of October, 1898. THE CODMAN COLLECTION OF BOOKS ON LANDSCAPE GARDENING. These books were given to the Library by Mr. and Mrs. James M. Codman in memory of their sons Henry Sargent and Philip Codman, landscape architects. The main part of the collection relates to landscape gardening and topics allied to it; but a few of the titles, which have no direct connection with this subject, are here introduced as form- ing part of the original gift. Abbott, Charles Conrad. Upland and meadow. A Poaetquissings chronicle. N. Y., 1886. 12°. ¥LAAIS.S Abel, Lothar. Die Baumpflanzungen in der Stadt und auf dem Lande. Wien, 1882. Illus. Pl. 8°. *L.22.17 Garten-Architektur. Mit 198 Illustrationen, nach Handzeichnungen des Verfassers. Wien, 1876. F° *L.50.26 Ablett, William H. English trees and tree-planting. London, 1880. Pls. 8°. *L.22.15 Ackermann, Rudolph, publisher. | A picturesque tour of the English lakes. With 48 coloured views drawn by T. H. Fielding and J. Walton. London, 1821. 4°. ¥*L.51.7 Aikin, John. The woodland companion: scription of British trees. Pls. Sm. 8°. Alison, Archibald. : Essays on the nature and principles of taste. [2d edition.] Edinburgh, 1811. 2 v. s *L.62.5 or a brief de- London, 1802. *L.22.33 Alphand, Jean Charles Adolphe. Les promenades de Paris. 487 gravures sur bois, 80 sur acier, 23 chromolithographies. Paris, 1867-73. 2v. L. f° *L.70.15 Contents. — 1. Text with woodcuts. 2. Plates. Amherst, Hon. Alicia Margaret. A history of gardening in England. Lon- don, 1895. Illus. 8°. : *L.32.24 Bibliography of works on English gardening, pp. 323-379- Anderson, James. 1739-1808. An essay on quick-lime as a cement and manure. Boston, 1799. Sm. 8°. No. 2 in *L.24.5.2 Anderson, James, of the Royal horticultural society. The new practical gardener, and modern horticulturist. London. [1872-74.] 2 v. Illus. Pls., mostly colored. 8°. *L.32.22 André, Edouard. L’art des jardins. Paris, 1879. Illus. Pls. L. 8°. . *L.31.14 Un mois en Russie. Notes d'un membre du jury a l’Exposition interna- tionale d’horticulture de Saint-Péters- bourg. Paris, 1870. 16°. ¥*L.12,22 Angus, William. The seats of the nobility and gentry, in Great Britain and Wales. With descrip- tions. Islington, 1787. 63 pls. 8°, obl. : : ¥*L.52.1 Antiquarian and picturesque tour round the southern coast of England, illustrated with 84 plates, from drawings by J. M Turner, W. Collins, W. Westall, - .. and others. Engraved by G. Cooke, : [Anon.] London, 1849. 4°. ¥*L51.2 “Arcadia,” pseud. Report, accompanying design, for laying out “Central Park.” N. Y., 1858. 8°, ; : : *L,53.28 Arcadie hellandaise, ou, collection choisie de six-cent vues pittoresques d’antiquités, ruines, chateaux, terres seigneuriales, &c. de Hollande. Amsterdam, 1807. L. f°. " *L.20.2 Art-studies from nature, as applied to design: for the use of architects, designers, and manufacturers. London, 1872. Illus. Sm. 4°. *L.54.8 Contents. — The adaptability of our native plants to the purposes of ornamental art, by F. E. Hulme. — Sea-weeds as objects of design. by S. J. Mackie. — The crystals of snow as applied to the purposes of design, by James Glaisher. — The symmetrical and ornamental forms of organic re- mains, by Robert Hunt. Auswahl von Park- und Gartenverzierungen. Entworfen und ausgeftithrt von Schinkel, Persius ... Zusammengestellt aus dem Architektonischen Skizzenbuch. Berlin, 1891. 32 pls. L. f°. *L,20.8 Bacon, Francis, Lord. Essays. With annotations by Richard Whately. New edition. London, 1882. *L.62.10 2 THE CODMAN LIBRARY Bailey, Liberty Hyde, jr. A list of ornamental plants which are hardy in Michigan. Lansing, 1887. 8°. *L.23.11 Baker, John Wynn. Appendix [to The gardener’s new com- panion] containing the advantages of the drilling and horse-shoeing tillage, above the broad-cast tillage [London, 1767.) Sm. 8°. No. 4 in *L.26.3 Balch, Elizabeth. ‘Glimpses of old English homes. 1890. Illus. Portrs. 8° Baring-Gould, Sabine. Old country life. London, 1890. Illus. Pls. 8° *L.62.12 London, *L.42.1 Bartlett, William Henry. American scenery; or, land, lake, and river. From drawings by W. H. Bartlett en- graved by R. Wallis, J. Cousen... The literary department by N. P. Willis. London, 1840. 2v. 4°. *L.51.10 Batty, Elizabeth Francis. Italian scenery. London, 1820. 8°. *L.51.6 Batty, Robert. 42 ak Select views of some of the principal cities of Europe. London, 1832. F°. *L.51.5 Ninety plates with explanatory text in English and French. There are two impressions of each view, the first in outline, the second the finished proof, Baxter, Sylvester. Greater Boston. A study for a federalized metropolis. Boston, 1891. 8° *L.53.73 Beattie, William. Switzerland. A series of views. London, 1836. 2 v. , *L.s1.8 Benque, W., and Charles Rawolle. Notices of sketches for laying out the Cen- tral Park. N. Y., 1858. 12°. ¥*L.53.25 Bickham, George, the younger. Stow: the gardens of ... Lord viscount Cobham.. [Anon.] London. [1750.] Pls, Sm. 8°. *L.42.21 The plates were drawn and engraved by B. Seeley. Bigelow, Jacob. Florula Bostoniensis. A collection of plants of Boston and its environs. Boston, 1814. 8°. *L.23.1 Same. 2d edition, enlarged. Added, a glossary of botanical terms. Boston, 1824. 8°. *L.23.2 Billing, Robert. An account of the culture of carrots. Dub- lin, 1767. Sm. 8°. No. 3 in *L.26.3 Blomfield, Reginald. The formal garden in England. By Reg- inald Blomfield and F. Inigo Thomas. London, 1892. Illus. Pls. Sm. 8°. *L.34.17 The illustrations are by Thomas. Boitard, Pierre. Manuel de l’architecture des jardins. Nou- velle édition. Atlas. Paris. [1853.] 140 pls. [Encyclopédie Roret.] 24”, obl. *L.56. Bona, T. sei Tracé et ornementation des jardins d’agré- ment. Genéve, 1859. Illus. 12°. *L.34.14 Boreau, Alexandre. Notice historique sur le Jardin des plantes d’Angers, et sur les progrés de la bo- tanique en Anjou. [Angers, 184-?] 8°. *L.53.87 Boston, Joint committee on public lands. Report in relation to the Public garden, July, 1850. Boston, 1850. Folded plan. 8°. *1L.53.60 Park commissioners. Notes on the plan of Franklin park and related matters. [Boston.] 1886.’ Folded map and plan. 8°. *L.53.70 Bouchard-Huzard, Louis. ; Traité des constructions rurales, et leur dis- position. ze édition, augmentée. te par- tie, 2e partie. Paris. [1869.] 3 v. Illus. Pls. Plans. 8°. ¥*L.41.4 Boyceau, Jacques, seigneur de La Baraudiere. Traité du jardinage... Paris, 1688. 16°. ¥*L.24.9 Bradley, Richard. The gentleman and gardener’s kalendar. London, 1718. Pls. Sm.8°. | No. 2 in *L.35.1 New improvements of planting and garden- ing. London, 1717. 2 parts in iv. Pls. Sm. 8°. #L,35.1 Brayley, Edward Wedlake, and John Britton. The beauties of England and Wales. Lon- don, 1801-1816. 18 v. in 25. 8°. *L.44.1 Contents. — Introduction by J. N. Brewer. 1-6. | Bedfordshire; Berkshire; Buckinghamshire; Cam- bridgeshire; Cheshire; Cornwall; Cumberland; Isle of Man; Derbyshire; Devonshire; Dorset- shire; Durham; Glocestershire; Hampshire; Isle of Wight; Herefordshire; by Brayley and Britton. 7, 8. Hertfordshire; Huntingdonshire; Kent; by 9. Lancashire; Leicestershire; Lincoln- shire; by Britton. 10. London and Middlesex; by Brayley, J. Nightingale, and Brewer. 11. Mon- mouthshire; Norfolk; Northamptonshire; by J. Evans and Britton. 12. Northumberland; Not- tinghamshire; Oxfordshire; Rutlandshire; by J. Brayley. Hodgson, F. C. Laird, and Brewer. 13. Shrop- shire; Somersetshire; by Nightingale. 14. Suf- folk; Surrey; Sussex; by F. Shoberl. 15. War- wickshire; Worcestershire; Wiltshire; Westmor- land; by Britton, Brewer, Hodgson and Laird. 16. Yorkshire; by J. Bigland. by Evans. 18. South Wales; Bremer, Fredrika. The homes of the New World; impressions of America [1849-51]. Translated by Mary Howitt. London, 1853. 3 v. Sm. 8°. *L.52.18 17. North Wales, by T. Rees. Bright, Henry Arthur. The English flower garden, with notes. London, 1881. Sm. 8°. ¥*L.34.9 Brockedon, William. Illustrations of the passes of the Alps. Lon- don, 1828, 29. 2 v. Maps. Pls. 4°. *L.51.18 A large paper copy. Road-book from London to Naples. Illus- trated with 5 views, from drawings by Stanfield, Prout, and Brockedon, engraved by W. and E. Finden. London, 1835. 4°. *L.51.19 Brooklyn. Park commissioners. Annual report, Ist-13th. 1861-73. Brook- lyn, 1861-73. Pls. 8°. *L,.53.50 Brown, James. The forester; a practical treatise on the planting, rearing, and general manage- ment of forest trees. 3d edition, enlarged. Edinburgh, 1861. L. 8°. *L.22.8 Brussels. Plan du Bois de la Cambre. Bruxelles. [1888.] Size, 13x 7 inches. Scale, 15mm. =100m. ¥*L, 57.12 OF LANDSCAPE GARDENING. 3 Buffalo, N. Y. Park commission. The wrojected park and garkways on the south side of Buffalo. Two reports by the landscape architects [F. L. and J. C. Olm- sted]. [Buffalo.] 1888. Illus. Map. 8°. *L.53.12 Burroughs, John. Fresh fields. Boston, 1885. 16°. ¥*L.15.9 Contents. — Nature in England.— English woods: a contrast. — In Carlyle’s country, — A hunt for the nightingale. — English and American song- birds. — Impressions of some English birds, — In Wordsworth’s country. — A glance at British wild flowers. — British fertility. — A Sunday in Cheyne Row. — At sea. Campenon, Francois Nicolas Vincent. La maison des champs, poéme. 2e édition, augmentée de quelques poésies. Paris, 1810. 24°. *L.65.15 Central park, The, under ring-leader rule. N. Y., 1871. 8°. *L53.37 Céris, A. de. Parcs et jardins. Paris. [1865.] Illus. 12°. ¥*L.53.104 Chambers, Sir William. Designs of Chinese buildings, furniture, dres es, machines, and utensils. Annexed, a description of their temples, houses, gardens, &c. London, 1757. 21 pls. L. f°. *L.50.1 A dissertation on oriental gardening. Lon- don, 1772. ¥*L.31.24 Same. 2d edition, with additions. London, 1773. 4°, large paper. *L.31.25 Chinese pavilions, gardens, etc. 36 views. 4°, obl. *L.61.24 Clarke, Eliot Channing. Maine drainage works of the city of Boston. 3d edition. Boston, 1888. Illus. Pls. 8°. ¥L.12.9 Cleveland, Horace William Shaler. The aesthetic development of the united cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis. [Min- neapolis, 1888.) Map. 12°. ¥*L,53.102 The culture and management of our native forests for development as timber or or- namental wood. Springfield, 1882. 8°. *7.22.13 A few words on the arrangement of rural cemeteries. Chicago, 1881. 8°. *L.53.119 Landscape architecture as applied to the wants of the West; with an essay on forest planting on the great plains. Chi- cago, 1873. 16°. *L.22.40 Cobbett, William. The woodlands; or, a treatise on. . ._ the planting ... cultivating pruning; and... cutting down of forest trees and 8°. London, 1825. ¥*L.22.11 underwoods. Codman, Henry Sargent. A list of works on the art of landscape gardening. (Cut from Garden and forest. Vol. 3, pp. 131-135. N. Y¥., 1890.) *L.10.1 Colinet, C. Indicateur de Fontainebleau. 22e édition des Guides Dene- Palais, forét, environs. court-Colinet. Fontainebleau. [1888?] Illus. Plan. 16°. ¥*L.57.1 Colman, Henry. European agricultural and rural economy. Boston, 1846-49. 10 parts in 2 v. Pls. 8°. *L.12.8 Columbia university. Report of W. R. Ware and F. L, Olmsted on the occupation of the new site. [N. Y.,. 1893.] 8”. *L.52.11 Conder, Josiah. The art of landscape gardening-in Japan. (Asiatic society of Japan. Transactions. Vol. 14, pp. 119-175. Yokohama, 1886.) *L.53.90 The flowers of Japan and the art of floral arrangement. With illustrations by Jap- anese artists. Tokio, 1891. Illus. Pls. bef. *L.20.15 Landscape gardening in Japan. [With] Supplement. With collotypes by K. Oga- wa. Tokio, 1893. 2v. Illus. Pls. F°. ¥*L.20.14 Cook, Clarence Chatham. A description of the New York Central park. [Anon.] N. Y., 1869. _ Illus. Portrs. Plan. 8°. *L.53.34 Cooke, George. Views in London and its vicinity. 48 pls., engraved on copper by George Cooke, from drawings by Calcott, Stanfield, Prout, .. . &c., after the original sketches by Edward W. Cooke. London. [1834.] F°. ¥*L.50.22 Copeland, Robert Morris. Country life: a handbook of agriculture, horticulture, and landscape gardening. Boston, 1859. Illus. Pls. Plans. 8° *L.34.25 Copeland & Cleveland. A few words on the Central Park. Boston, 1856. i *L.53.20 Cradock, Joseph. Literary and miscellaneous memoirs. In 4 v. Vol. 1, 2. London, 1826. 8°. *L.62.7 Crane, Walter. The claims of decorative art. London, 1892. *L.54.3° No. 72 of an edition of 110 copies. Crocker, Uriel Haskell. : Map and description of proposed metro- politan park for Boston. [Anon.] [Map drawn by Col. Francis G. Lee.] Boston, 1870. 8°. *L.53.62 Crommelin, May, compiler. Poets in the garden. London, 1886. Col. pls. Sm. 4°. *L.64.8 Cruickshank, Thomas. The practical planter: containing directions for the planting of waste land, and man- agement of wood, with a new method of rearing the oak. Edinburgh, 1830. Illus. 8°. ¥*L.22.12 Curten, ——. Essai sur les jardins. Lyon, 1807. 8°. *L.34.24 Czullik, August. . Wiener Garten im Jahre 1890. Wien, 1891. 24 pls. é *L.50.10 Wiener Garten im vorigen Jahrhundert. Wien, 1891. 30 pls. L. f°. ¥*L.50.11 Dame, Lorin Low. Typical elms and other trees of Massachu- setts. Introductory chapter by Oliver Wendell Holmes. Plates by Henry Brooks, reproduced by the photogelatine process. Boston, 1890. 57 pls. F°. *L.20.13 4 THE CODMAN LIBRARY Dana, James Dwight. Manual of geology ... with special refer- ence to American geological history. 3d edition. N. Y. [1880.] Illus. 12 pls. *L.13.2 Darcel, Jean. fitude sur l’architecture des jardins. Paris, 1875. Pls. 8°, large paper. *L.31.20 Darwin, Erasmus. The botanic garden; a poem, in two parts. With philosophical notes. Part 1. Lon- don, 1790. Pls. 4°. *L.51.9 Contents. -—— Part 1. The economy of vegetation. Decaisne, Joseph, and Charles Victor Naudin. Manuel de l’amateur des jardins. Traité général d’horticulture.. Paris. [1862- 72.) 5 v. Illus. 12°. ¥*L.34.21 Delamer, Eugene Sebastian. The flower-garden. New edition. London. N.d. Pl. 16°. *L.24.6 Deland, Margaret. The old garden and other verses. Deco- rated by Walter Crane. Boston, 1894. 12°. +L.64.6 Delille, Jacques. L’homme des champs, ou, les Géorgiques frangoises. Strasbourg, 1800. Pl. 16°. *L.65.13 Les jardins, ou, l’art d’embellir les paysages. Poéme. 2e édition. Paris, 1782. V1. ‘ ¥*L.65.8 Same. Nouvelle édition, augmentée. Paris, 1803. 24°. *L.65.9 Dennis, Jonas. The landscape gardener. London, 1835. Pls. 8°. *L.33.24 Depelchin, Fernand. Les foréts de la France. Tours, 1886. Illus. Pls. L. 8°. *L.22.2 Des Cars, Amédée Joseph, comte. A treatise on pruning forest and ornamental trees. Translated from the 7th French edition by Charles S. Sargent. Boston, 1881. Illus. Pl. 12°. *L 22,32 Description of a plan for the improvement of Central Park. [By] ‘Greensward.” N. Y., 1858. 8°. *L.53.20 Description of the design for laying out the Central Park, bearing the motto “Ars longa, vita brevis est.” N. Y., 1858. 8°. *L.53.260 Desjardins, Gustave. Le Petit-Trianon. Versailles, 1885. Illus. Pls. Plans. L. 8°. ¥*L.51.13 Dezallier d’Argenville, Antoine Joseph. La théorie et la pratique du jardinage. Ou l’on traite 4 fond des beaux jardins apellés communément les jardins de proprété, comme sont les parterres,... [Anon.] Paris. [1709?] Pls. 4°. *L.31.1 Same. Par L. S. A. 1. D. A. Nouvelle édi- tion. 1713. Pls. ¥*L.31.2 The theory and practice of gardening: wherein is fully handled all that relates to fine gardens, commonly called pleasure- gardens. Done from the French original, by John James of Greenwich. London, 1712. Pls. 4°. *L.31.3 Wrongly attributed to Le Blond, who merely il- lustrated some of the editions of this work. Dezallier d’Argenville, Antoine Nicolas. Dictionnaire du jardinage ... Par M D***, Paris, 1777. Pls. Sm. 8°. *L.24.8 Voyage pittoresque de Paris; ou, indication de tout ce quil y a de plus beau dans cette grande ville en peinture, sculpture, & architecture. Par. M. D***. 2e édition, augmentée des cabinets de ta- bleaux des particuliers ... Paris, 1752. Pls. 12. *L.57.3 Diesel, Matthias. Erlustierende Augenweide in Vorstellung Herrlicher Garten und Luftsgebaude, theils irnventiert und angelegt theils nach dermahligen Sito gezeichnet. Aug. Vind. [1730?] 52 pls. 8°, obl. *L.61.21 Downing, Andrew Jackson. Cottage residences; designs for rural cot- tages and cottage-villas, and their gardens and grounds. Adapted to North America. 2d edition. N. Y., 1844. Illus. Pls. 8°. ¥L.41.1 Same. 4th edition. N. Y., 1856. 8°. *L.41.2 Same. New edition. Containing revised lists of trees [etc.], by H. W. Sargent and C. Downing. Edited by G. E. Harney. N. Y., 1873. Illus. Pls. *L.41.3 Rural essays. Edited by George William Curtis. N. Y., 1853. Illus. Pls. Portr. 8° ¥*L,32.10 Duchesne, Antoine Nicolas. Sur la formation des jardins; par ]’auteur des Considérations sur le jardinage. Paris, 1775. 8°. No. 3 in *L.33.15 Dupuis, Aristide. Coniféres de pleine terre. 2e édition. Paris. [1881.] Illus. Pls. 12°. *L.35.5 Duvillers, Francois Joseph. Les parcs et jardins. Paris, 1871, 78 2 v. 80 pls. L. f°. *L.50.7 Dyer, Thomas Henry. On imitative art, its principles and pro- gress. London, 1882. 8°. *L.54.10 Eckman, William H. Public parks. Facts and statistics. . rela- tive to the benefits and profits derived therefrom in large communities. Cleve- land, 1888. 8°. ¥*L.53.84 Edy, John William. Boydell’s picturesque scenery of Norway. 0s Revised by William Tooke. Lon- don, 1820. 80 col. pls. F° *L.50.12 Eggleston, Nathaniel Hillyer. Hand-book of tree-planting. N. Y., 1888. Table. 12°. *L,22.34 Eichler, G. Handbuch des giartnerischen Pflanzeich- nens. Berlin, 1880. Illus. 18 col. pls. 4°. ¥*L.31.19 Same. 1891. Text,8°; Atlas,L.8° *L.31.20 Eidlitz, Leopold. The nature and function of art, more es- pecially of architecture. N. Y., 1881. 8°. dices *L.s4.7 Ekart, Tobias Philipp. Betrachtungen iber bildende Landschafts- Gartenkunst in einer erlauternden Be- schreibung des Fiirstlichen Parks zu Son- dershausen. Potsdam, 1840. Plan. F°. *L.31.20 a OF LANDSCAPE GARDENING. 5 Eliot, Charles. A report upon the opportunities for public open spaces in the Metropolitan district _of Boston, made to the Metropolitan park commission, 1892. Boston, 1893. Maps. Pls. 8°. *L.5 3.64. Elliott, Franklin Reuben. Handbook of practical landscape gardening. ‘ad edition, enlarged. Rochester, 188s. Illus. Pls. 8°. *L,.32.17 Ellwanger, George H. The garden’s story; or, pleasures and trials of an amateur gardener. 2d edition. N. Y. 1889. 16.° ¥*L.24.4 a story of my house. N. Y., 1891. PI. 16° a : L.64.1 A large paper copy. Emerson, George Barrell. A report on the trees and shrubs growing naturally in the forests of Massachusetts. 3d edition. Boston, 1878. 2v. Pls. 8° ¥*L.22.5 Engelhardt, H. A. The beauties of nature combined with art. Montreal, 1872. 16°. *L.22.41 England. Views. Fifty-seven photographs of places in Eng- land. In two cases.. *L.60.1 Ernouf, Alfred Auguste, baron. L’art des jardins. Paris, 1868. 2 v. Illus. Plans. 16°. ¥*L.35.6 Same. 3e édition, entiérement refondue, avec le concours de A. Alphand. Ouvrage orné de 510 illustrations. Paris. [1885.] 4°. ¥*L.31.21 Falke, Jakob von. Der Garten. Seine Kunst und Kunstge- schichte. Berlin. [1884.] Illus. Pls. 2 *L.31.18 Famous parks, The, and gardens of the world. London, 1880. Illus. Pls. L.8°. *L.51.17 Felton, Samuel. Gleanings on gardens, chiefly respecting those of the ancient style in England. London, 1829. Pi. 8°. * 1.33.10 On the portraits of English authors on par- dening. London, 1828. 8°. *L.33.10 Same. 2d edition, with additions. London, 1830. Portr. 8°. * 1.03.5 Fergusson, James. History of the modern styles of architec- ture. 3d edition. By Robert Kerr. N. Y., 1891. 2 v. Illus. Pls. 8°. *L.54.14 Fernow, B. E. Forestry for farmers. Washington, 1895. Illus. [U. S. Dept. of agriculture.] 8°. : * L.22.25 Finden, William, and Edward Francis Finden. Views of ports and harbours, watering places, fishing villages, and other pictur- esque objects on the English coast. En- graved from paintings by J. D. Harding, G. Balmer, ... and other artists. Lon- : don. [1836.] 50 pls. 4°. ¥*L.51.4 ’ Flint, Charles Louis. A practical treatise on grasses and forage plants. Revised edition. Boston, 1888. Illus. 8°. ¥*L,12,21 Follen, Charles Christopher. ; Suggestions on landscape gardening. Thor- ough drainage; by J. Herbert Shedd. Boston, 1859. 8°. *L,33.30 Forbes, Alexander. Short hints on ornamental gardening. Kendal, 1829. Illus. Pls. Plans. Sm. 8°. *L.34.7 France. Views. Twenty-seven photographs of places in France. In two cases. *L.60.2 Gaertnerische Plankammer. Hrsg. von M. Bertram, Fr. Bouché, Carl Hampel. Heft 1-3. Berlin, 1892-94. 3 v. Plans. L. f°. *L.20.9 Garden and forest. A journal of horticulture, landscape art and forestry. Conducted by Charles S. Sargent. Vol. 1-7. N. Y,, 1888-97. F°. ¥LAIL1 Garden annual, The, almanack, and address book for 1892. Prepared under the direc- tion of William Robinson. London. [1892.] 12°. ¥*L.24.13 Geitner, H. Der Thiergarten bei Berlin. Chromolitho- graphischer Plan. Nebst Text. Berlin, 1880. 16°. Gelée, Claude, called Claude Lorrain. Liber veritatis; or, a collection of prints ... in the collection of the Duke of Devon- shire. Executed by Richard Earlom. [Engraved by John Boydell.] I.ondon, tig te 3 Vv. 3 portrs. 300 mezzotints. hee *L.50.19 Geschwind, Rudolf. Beitrage zur Landschaftsgirtnerei. Die Felsen in Garten und Parkanlagen. Stutt- *L.53.86 gart, 1880. 8°. *L.33.11 Gilpin, William. An essay on prints. 5th edition. London, 1802. Pls. 8°. No. 1 in *L.42.15 Forest scenery. Edited by Francis George Heath. London, 1887. Pls. 8°. *L.22.19 The last work published of the Rev. William Gilpin, representing the effect of a morn- ing, a noon tide, and an evening sun. London, 1810. 30 pls. F*. *L.51.21 With the hait-title Gupin’s day. Observations made in 1772, on several parts of England; particularly the mountains and lakes of Cumberland and Westmore- land. 2d edition. London, 1788. Pls. Ss ¥*L.42.10 Same. 3d edition. 1792. ¥*¥L.42.8 Observations made in 1776, on several parts of Great Britain; particularly the High- lands of Scotland. 2d edition. London, 1792, 2 v. ¥*L.42.9 Observations on several parts of Great Britain, particularly the Highlands of Scotland, relative chiefly to picturesque beauty, made in the year 1776. 3d edition. London, 1808. 2v. Pls. 8°. *L.42.11 Observations on several parts of the coun- ties of Cambridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex. Also on several parts of North Wales; made in 1769 [and]. 1773. Lon- don, 1809. 20 col. pls. 8°. ¥*L.42.1 Observations on the coasts of Hampshire, Sussex, and Kent. London, 1804. Pls. 8°. *L.42.17—=No. 2 in *L.42.14 Observations on the river Wye, and several parts of South Wales, &c., made in the summer of 1770. London, 1782. Pls. 8°. No. 1 in *L.42.14 Same. ad edition. 1789. ¥*L.42.19 6 THE CODMAN LIBRARY Observations on the western parts of Eng- land; added, a few remarks on the pictur- esque beauties of the Isle of Wight. 2d edition. London, 1808. Pls. 8° *L.42,.7=*L.42.13 Remarks on forest scenery, and other wood- land views, illustrated by the scenes of New-Forest in Hampshire. London, 1791. 2v. Pls. 8°. ¥*L.42.12 Same. ad edition. 1794. ¥*L.22.18 Three essays: on picturesque beauty; on picturesque travel; and on sketching landscape: added, a poem, on landscape painting. London, 1792. Pls. *L.42.18; No. 2 in *L.42.15 Gilpin, William Sawrey. Practical hints upon landscape gardening: with some remarks on domestic architec- ture, as connected with scenery. 2d edi- tion. London, 1835. Pls. 8°. *L.32.16 Glenny, George. Hand-book of practical gardening. Lon- don. N. d. Sm.8°. *L.34.4 Godefroy, A. Plaintes d’un horticulteur sur la triste situa- tion de la section de culture au Muséum Saint Germain en ¥*L.24.1 histoire naturelle. Laye, 1880. : Goodyear, William Henry. A history of art. 2d edition. N. Y. [1889?] Pls. 8°. *L.54.1 Graef, H. A. Explanatory remarks to a sectional plan of Prospect park. Brooklyn, 1865. 8°. *L.53.53 Gray, Asa. Lessons in botany. Revised edition. The elements of botany. N. Y. [1887.] Illus. 8° ; i 'L.23.3 Gressent, Vincent Alfred. Parcs et jardins. Paris, 1877. Illus, 18°. *L.53.107 Same. 1891. Pls. Plans. 12°. *L.53.108 Grindlay, Robert Melville. Scenery, costumes, and architecture chiefly on the western side of India. London, 1830. 36 col. pls. F°. *L.50.21 Gross, Wilhelm. Ansichten iiber bildende Gartenkunst. 1. Theil. Berlin 1868. 16°. *L.34.15 Guiol, ——. Essai sur la composition et l’ornement des jardins. [Anon.] Paris, 1823. 107 pls. 16°, obl. *L.26.4 Gustin, Samuel I. Plan for Central Park. [N. Y.] N.d. 8°. = ¥*L.53.22 Haenel, C. Moritz. Sachsische Herrensitze und Schldsser. Hrsg. vonHaenel u. Adam und Cornelius Gur- litt. Dresden. [1885?] Illus. 72 pls. *L.50.15 Hall, William Hamilton. Alessandro irrigation district, California. Its physical, engineering and business problems and conditions, W. Hall. Its legal status, Wilson & Wilson. San Francisco, 1891. Maps. 8°. *L.12.14 Central irrigation district, California. Its physical, engineering and business prob- lems and conditions, W. H. Hall. Its legal status, Wilson & Wilson, San Fran- cisco, 1891. Pl. Map. 8°. *L,12.13 Perris irrigation district, California. physical, engineering and business prob- lems and conditions, W. H. Hall. Its legal status, Wilson & Wilson. San Fran- cisco, 1891. Pls. Maps. 8°. ¥*L.12.12 Hallier, Ernst. Grundziige der landschaftlichen Garten- kunst, eine Aesthetik der Landschafts- gartnerei . . Neue Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1896. Illus. Portr. 8°. ¥*L.32.11 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. ‘i The graphic arts. London, 1882, Portrs.' Pls. F°, large paper. ¥*L.60.15 Imagination in landscape painting. Bos- ton, 1895. Pls. *L.55.6 Landscape. With original etchings and il- lustrations from pictures and drawings. London, 1885. F°, large paper. *L.60.14 Handtke, F General-Karte des Schwartzen Meeres mit den Karten des Bosporus und der Dar- danellenstrasse. Glogau, 1877. Size, 255% x 1934 inches. *L.61.2 Harding James Duffield. Seventy-five views of Italy and France, adapted to illustrate Byron, Rogers, Eus- tace, and all works on Italy and France. Engraved by Allen, Brandard ... ete. London, 1834. F°. *L.50.24 Harris, Joseph. Food for plants. Edited by S. M. Harris. [Chicago? 1893.] 12°. ¥*L.23.13 Harvard college. Report of the Committee on fine arts. May,- 1892. Signed by Robert S. Peabody and Arthur Rotch. [Cambridge, 1892.) 8°. ° *L.54.6 Haupt, Lewis Muhlenberg, editor. A move for better roads. Essays on road- making and maintenance and road laws, for which prizes or honorable mention were awarded through the University of Pennsylvania ... Phila., 1891. 8°. *L.53.88 Hayes, Samuel. A practical treatise on planting; and the management of woods and coppices. 3d edition. Dublin, 1822. Vignettes. Pls. 8°. *L.22.22 Hazlitt, William Carew. Gleanings in old garden literature. N. Y., 1887. 16°. ¥*L.66.5 Heath, Francis George. Autumnal leaves. With colored plates, and wood illustrations of New Forest scenery, engraved by James D. Cooper, ... 3d edition. London, 1885. Sm.8°. *L.15.3 Burnham beeches. Holiday edition. (6th.) London, 1885. Pls. Fac-simile. Sm. 8°. 22.36 Sylvan winter. London, 1886. Illus. Pis, Sm. 8° *L.15.4 Heely, Joseph. Letters on the beauties of Hagley, Envil, and the Leasowes. London, 1777. 16° * Hibberd, Shirley. ae Rustic adornments for homes of taste. 2d 1857. Illus. Pls. *L.56.5 edition. London, Sm. 4°. OF LANDSCAPE GARDENING. 7 Hibbert, E. R., and Robert Buist. The American flower garden directory. With lists of shrubs, [etc.]. New edition, with additions. Phila., 1841. *L.25.3 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. ‘Out-door papers. Boston, 1871. 16°. *L.15.7 Hirschfeld, Christian Cayus Lorenz. Théorie de l’art des jardins. Trad. de l’al- lemand. Leipzig, 1779-82. 4 v. in 2. Illus. Pls. 4°. ¥*L.21.2 Theorie der Gartenkunst. Leipzig, 1775. 16°, *L.34.1 1779-85. 5 2. Illus. Pls. *L.32.21 Historical sketch, An, of Los Angeles county, California. Los Angeles, 1876. 8°. *L.12.11 ‘Same. Hofland, Barbara Wreaks. A descriptive account of the mansion and ~gardens of White-Knights, a seat of the Duke of Marlborough. Illustrated with 23 engravings, from pictures by T. C. Hofland. London. [1810.] F° ees Hofland, Thomas Christopher. Specimens -of garden decorations apa orna- mental scenery, selected from White- Knichts. Engraved from drawings by T. C. Hofland. London, 1846. Pls. 4°. *T.20.4 Hole, Samuel Reynolds. A book about the garden and the gardener. ad edition. London, 1893. Sm. 8°. ¥*L.24.3 Home. Henry, lord Kames. Elements of criticism. 5th edition. Edin- burch. 1774. 2v. 8°. ¥*L.62.14 Horticulturist, The, and journal of rural art and rural taste. Albany, 1846-66. 21 v. ae & 8°. FL IDS Hovey, Charles Mason. The fruits of America. v. Portrs. Col. pls. Howitt, William. The rural life of England. London, 1841. PI. 8°. ¥*L.15.1 Boston, 1852, 56. 2 L. 8°. ¥*L.22.4 Hughes, John Arthur. Garden architecture and landscape garden- ing. London, 1866. Illus. Pls. Plans. 8°. ¥*L.42.5 Ideenmagazin fiir Liebhaber von Garten, englischen Anlagen und fiir Besitzer von Landgiitern ... Hrsg. von Grohmann und Baumgartner. 3te Auflage. Leip- zig. [1799-180-?] 3v. Pls. Plans. 4°. *L.20.16 Continued under the title, Neues Ideen-Magazin fir Liebhaber von Garten ... [*L.20.17]. Imai, K. A guide to chrysanthemum cultivation: Tokio, 1892. Illus. 8°. L.25.1 Italy. Vews. Twenty-three photographs of places in Italy. In a case. *L,.60.3 Jaeger, Hermaiin. Gartenkunst und Garten sonst und jetzt. Berlin, 1888 Illus. L. 8°. *L.32.25 Lehrbuch der Gartenkunst. Berlin. 1877. 8°. : ¥*L, 33.9 Same. Leipzig. [18777] ¥*L.34.26 James, Joseph Francis. On the geographical distribution of the in- digenous plants of Europe and the north- east United States. Cincinnati. [1881.] 8°. *L.23.10 Japan. Views. Large view with smaller views in margin. *L.53.06 Jaubert, Hippolyte Francois, comte. La botanique a 1’Exposition universelle de 1855. Paris, 1855. 8°. *L.23.16 Jefferies, John Richard. Amaryllis at the fair. A novel. London, 1887. 8°. *L.64.4 Jessen, Peter. Gartenanlagen und Gartendecorationen nach alten Vorbildern. Berlin, 1802. 34 pls. L. f°. 50. Jai, Llewellynn, and Samuel Carter Hall. The stately homes of England. London, 1874, 77. 2v. Tilus. Pls. 8°. Fs; 42.4 Johnson, George William. The gardener’s dictionary. With a gastend supplement including all the new plants and varieties to the end of 1880. Bv N. E. Brown. London, 1882. 8° ¥1.24.23 A history of English gardening. London, 1820. ¥*L.33.26 Johnson. Joseph Forsvth. The natural principles of landscape garden- ing. Belfast. [1874.] Pls. L.8°. *L.31.9 Jones’ views of the seats, mansions, castles, etc. of noblemen and gentlemen ir Eng- land, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Series 4. Scottish seats. London, 1829. 4°. *L.41.11 Kemp, Edward. How to lay out a garden. From the ad London edition. N. Y., 1858. Illus. Pls. 12°. *L..34.10 Same. 3d edition, enlarged. London, 7864. 8°. #134. Ir Same. From the 2d London edition, en- larged. 2d edition. N. Y., 1880. 12°. ¥*L.34.12 Kennedy, John. . A treatise upon planting, gardening, and the management of the hothouse. Dublin, 1784. 8°. ¥*L.24.2 Kern, G. M. Practical landscape gardening, with refer- ence to the improvement of rural resi- dences. 3d edition. Cincinnati, 1855. Illus. Pls. 12°. ¥*L,.34.16 Knight, Richard Payne. The landscape, a didactic poem. 2d edition. London, 1795. Pls. 4°. ¥*L.51.14 Krafft, Jean Charles. Maisons de campagne, plans et décorations de parcs et jardins francais, anglais et allemands. Paris, 1876. 219 pls. : ¥*L.50.3 Plans des plus beaux jardins pittoresques de France, d’Angleterre et d’Allemagne. Paris, 1809, 10. 2v. Pls. 8°, obl. ¥*L.61.22 Recueil d’architecture civile, contenant les plans, coupes et élévations des chateaux, maisons de campagne et habitations ru- rales ... . situés aux environs de Paris et dans les départemens voisins . [Paris, 1806, 07.] 120 pls. L.f°- *L.50.4 8 THE CODMAN LIBRARY La Borde, Alexandre Louis Joseph, comte de. Description des nouveaux jardins de la France, et de ses anciens chateaux. Paris, 1808. 130 pls. Map. L. f°, ¥*L.50.6 Another copy, without the text, and containing galy 45 plates, of which 2 are inserted, is on 50.16. Lalos, J. De la composition des parcs et jardins pit- toresques. 2e édition, augmentée. Paris, 1824. Ps. Plans. 8°. +L.53.08 Lanciani, Rodolfo Amedeo. Ancient Rome in the light of recent dis- coveries. Boston, 1892. Illus. Pls. 8°. ¥*L.52.3 Langley, Batty. New principles of gardening: or, the laying out and planting parterres, groves .. . avenues, parks, &c. London, 1728. 28 pls. 4°. ¥*L.21.1 Laugier, Marc Antoine. Essai sur l’architecture. [Anon.] Paris, 1753. 16° ¥*L.55.18 Le Berryais, René. Traité des jardins, ou le nouveau de la Quintinye. Par M. L. B * * *. Paris, 1775. 2v. 8°. ¥*L.26.2 Contents. — 1. Jardin fruitier. 2. Jardin potager. Lecog, , architecte de parcs et jardins. Le paysagiste. Nouveau traité d’architec- ture de parcs et jardins (école moderne). Paris, 1860. Pls. L. f° *L 57.29 Lefévre, André. Les parcs et les jardins. 1871. Illus. Pls. Leland Standford Junior university. {Senator Stanford’s plan for its organiza- tion. The grant, founding and endowing the university. Description of the prop- erty.] San Francisco, 1888. Portrs. 8°. ¥*L.52.13 ze édition. Paris, ¥*L.53.106 Le Lorrain de Vallemont, Pierre. Curiositez de Ja nature et de l’art sur la vé- gétation: ou, l’agriculture, et le jardinage dans leur perfection . Nouvelle édi- tion, augmentée. Pte r. Paris, 1734. Pls. 12%: ¥*L.26.1 Lemonnier de la Croix. G. E., and Louis Marie Normand. Paris moderne; ou, choix de maisons de campagne et constructions rurales des en- virons de Paris. 3e partie. Liége. [185-?] Pls. Plans. ¥*L.O1.1 Le Rouge, Georges Louis. Détail des nouveaux jardins a Ja mode. Ca- hier 1-12. Paris. [1755-1785.] 291 pls. : *L.61.30 c 4, obi. Letarouilly, Paul Marie. Edifices de Rome moderne. Paris, 1868-74. Text, 3 v. int. Illus. Pls. Plans. 4°; Atlas, 3 v. Pls. Map. L. f°. *L.70.17 Le Tourneur, Pierre Prime Félicien. Le jardin anglois. Londres, 1788. Portr. : Lewis, Frederick Christian Scenery of the rivers of England and Wales, illustrated by painter’s etchings. From pictures in the collection of the Duke of 2 Vv. ¥*L.65.1 Bedford, Lord Northwick, ... Painted and engraved by F. C. Lewis. London. [1845-48.] 68 pls. F°. *L.50.23 Lézay-Marnésia, Claude Francois Adrien, marquis de. Les paysages, ou, essais sur la nature cham- Nouvelle édition, aug- pétre; poéme. 1 mentée. Suivi... de plusieurs piéces fu- gitives... Paris, 1800. 8°. *L.62.8 Liger, Louis. Le jardinier fleuriste. Paris, 1764. Pls. Ligne, Charles Joseph, prince de. Coup d’ceil sur Belceil. Belceil, 1781. 8°. ¥*L.52.15 CEuvres choisies, pub. par M. de Propiac, faisant suite aux Lettres et pensées du mémes auteur, pub. par Madame la ba- ronne de Staél-Holstein. Paris, 1809. 8°. *L.62.18 Nouvelle édition. *L.24.11 Little, William. Letter to the president and council of the Montreal Board of trade objecting “To get rid of the lumber.” Montreal, 1890. 8°. *L.22.9 Loudon, Jane. The amateur gardener’s calendar. A month- ly guide. London, 1867. Illus. Sm. 8°. ; *L.33-4 Gardening for ladies; and companion to the flower-garden. 2d American from the 3d London edition. N. Y., 1860. Illus. 12°, ¥L 33.3 Loudon, John Claudius. An encyclopedia of cottage, farm and villa architecture and furniture ... London, 1833. Illus. Pls. Plans. 8°. *L.42.6 An encyclopedia of gardening; comprising: horticulture, floriculture, arboriculture, and landscape-gardening. London, 1822. Tilus. 8° ¥*L.32.7 Hints on the formation of gardens and pleasure grounds. [Anon.] London. 1812. Pls. 4° *L.31.27 Observations on the formation and manage- ment of useful and ornamental planta- tions; on the theory and practice of landscape gardening and on gaining and embanking land from rivers or the sea. Edinburgh, 1804. Pls. 8°. *L.32.8 The suburban gardener, and villa com- panion. London, 1838. Illus. Pls. . *L.32.6 A treatise on forming, improving, and man- aging country residences. London, 1806. 2v. 4°. ¥L.41.5 Trees and shrubs; an abridgment of the Arboretum et fruticetum Britannicum. London, 1883. Illus. Pls. 8°. *L.22.6 The villa gardener 2d edition. Edited by Mrs. Loudon. London, 1850. Illus. Pls. 8°. ¥*L.32.9 Lubbock, Sir John, baronet. The beauties of nature and the wonders of the world we live in. London, 1893. Illus. Pls. 8°. ¥*L.15.6 Lyell, Sir Charles. Principles of geology. 1887. 2v. Illus. Pls. Maps. 8° Lyon, P. A treatise on the physiology and pathology of trees... Edinburgh, 1816. Pl. 8°. ¥*L.22,28 l1th edition. N. Y., ¥*L.13.1 1 OF LANDSCAPE GARDENING. 9 McDonald, Alexander. _complete dictionary of practical garden- ing. With engravings ... from original drawings by Sydenham Edwards. Lon- don, 1807. 2v. Col. pls. 4°. *L.21.3 McDonald, Edward. Old Copp’s hill and burial ground. With historical sketches. 13th edition. Bos- ton, 1891. Portr. Pls. Fac-similes. 8°. . ¥*L,53. McMillan, William. ae Landscape gardening in high-colored foli- age. [Buffalo, 1889.] 8°. F*L 31.13 Major, Joshua. The theory and practice of landscape gar- dening. London, 1852. Illus. Portr. Pls. 4°. ¥*L.31.12 Mangin, Arthur. ’ Les jardins. Histoire et description. 1867. Illus. Pls. F°. Manning, Warren H. Landscape gardening. Boston, 1893. 8°. ¥*L32.14 Marshall, Charles. An introduction to the knowledge and prac- tice of gardening. ist American from 2d Tours, ¥*L.20.12 London edition. Added an essay on quick-lime as a cement and as a manure, by James Anderson. Boston, 1799. 2 v. Sm. 8°. ¥*L.24.5 Marshall, William. On planting and rural ornament. 3d edi- tion. London, 1803. 2 v. Sm. 8°. ¥L.33.23 Planting and ornamental gardening. [Anon.] London, 1785. 8°. ¥*L 33.21 Planting and rural ornament. Being a 2d edition, with large additions, of Planting and ornamental gardening. [Anon.] Lon- don, 1796. 2 v. ¥*L_.33.22 Mason, George. An essay on design in gardening... Now greatly augmented .. London, 1795. 8° ¥*L.33.2 Mason, William. ns The English garden: a poem. New edition. Added a commentary and notes by W. Burgh. York, 1783. 8° *L.66.3 Mason, William, and Horace Walpole, 4th earl of Orford. An heroic epistle to Sir William Chambers, knight, comptroller general of His Ma- jesty’s works, and author of a late disser- tation on oriental gardening. With ex- planatory notes. [Anon.] London, 1773. Pa No. 1 in *L.31.25 Same. 11th edition. No. 2 in *L.31.25 Massachusetts. Joint board upon the Charles river. Report upon the improvement of Charles river from the Waltham line to the Charles River bridge. Boston, 1894. Pls. Maps. 8° i *L.53.68 Metropolitan park commissioners. Report [preliminary]. [Boston.] Illus. Pls. Maps. Plans. 8°. Mavor, William Fordyce. A new description of Blenheim, the seat of the Duke of Marlborough. With a pre- liminary essay on landscape gardening. improvement of 1893. ¥*L53.65 [Anon.] 8th edition, enlarged. Oxford, 1811. Pls. Plan. ¥*L.57.2 Mawe, Thomas, and John Abercrombie. Every man his own gardener. 24th edition, with improvements, by James Main. Lon- don, 1839. Pls. Sm. 8°. *L.24.14 Mayhew, Henry. The Rhine and its picturesque scenery. Rotterdam to Mayence. London, 1856. Pls. 8°. *L.52.2 Meader, James. The planter’s guide: or, pleasure gardener’s companior. London, 1779. Pls. Be obl. L.22.35 Meason, Gilbert Laing. On the landscape architecture of the great painters of Italy. [London.] 1828. 55 pls. 4°. ¥*L.41.12 Medikus, Friedrich Kasimir. Beitrage zur sch6nen Gartenkunst. Mann- heim, 1782. Sm. 8°. ¥*L.35.4 Meyer. G. Lehrbuch der schénen Gartenkunst. Mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Parkan- lagen. 2te vermehrte Auflage. Berlin, 1873. Tllus. 25 plans. L. f°. ¥*L.20.10 Miller, Philip. Dictionnaire des jardiniers ... Ouvrage trad. de l’anglois, sur la huitiéme édition, par une société de gens de lettres [Lau- rent de Chazelles]. Paris, 1785. 8 v. Portr. Pls. Plans. 4°. ¥*L.21.5 Millin de Grandmaison, Aubin Louis. Dictionnaire des beaux-arts. Paris, 1806. 3v. 12°. *L.54.18 Milner, George. Country pleasures, the chronicle of a year chiefly in a garden. Boston, 1881. 16°. *L.15.8 Milner, Henry Ernest. The art and practice of landscape garden- ing. London, 1890. Pls. 4°. ¥*L.31.22 Monthorin, France. Note sur l’exploitation agricole du domaine de Monthorin, arrondissement de Fou- géres. Fougéres, 1891. *L,12.20 Morel, Jean Marie. Théorie des jardins. [Anon.] Paris, 1776. 16°. ¥*L.32.4 Morren, Charles Jacques Edouard. Correspondance botanique. Liste des jar- dins, des chaires, des musées, des revues et des sociétés de botanique du monde. 8e édition. Liége, 1880. 8°. *L.23.15 Morris, Francis Orpen. A series of picturesque views of seats of the noblemen and gentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland. London. [1866-80.] 6 v. Colored pls. 4°. *L.41.8 Morris, Richard. Essays on landscape gardening, and on unit- ing picturesque effect with rural scenery. London, 1825. Pls. 4°. ¥*L.31.23 Morris, William. Hopes and fears for art. Five lectures de- livered in Birmingham, London, and Not- tingham, 1878-1881. London, 1882. Sm.8°. *L.55.8 Murray, Andrew. The pines and firs: of Japan. London, 1863. Illus. 8°. *L.22.29 \ Io Nash, Joseph. The mansions of England in the olden time. Re-edited by J. Corbet Anderson. With the original illustrations reduced and exe- cuted in lithography by Samuel Stanesby. London, 1869-72. 4v. Pls. F°. *L.60.10 Neale, John Preston. Views of the seats of noblemen and gentle- men in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ire- land. [1st series.] London, 1818. Pls. 4°. *L.41.9 Neide, Eduard. Ausgefiihrte Gartenanlagen. Geitner. Berlin, 1884. Plans. Neubert, Wilhelm. Schliissel zur bildenden Gartenkunst ... Stuttgart, 1853. Col. pls. 8°. ¥*L33.1 Neues Ideen-Magazin fiir Liebhaber von Garten, englischen Anlagen und fir Be- sitzer von Landgiitern ... Hrsg. von Baumgartner. [Heft 1-12] Leipzig, 1806. Pls. Plans. 4°. *L.20.17 This continues the Ideenmagazin far Liebhaber von Garten ... [*L.20.16]. New York, city. Board of commissioners of the Central park. Annual report, 1st, 3d, 13th. N. Y., 1857, 1860, 1870. 3 v. Pls. Maps. Plans. 8°. ¥*L.53.18 Special committee Hrsg. von H. F° *L.20.11 Municipal government. on parks. Report, relative to laying out a new park in the upper part of the city. N. Y., 1852. Map. 8°. ¥*1.53.15 New York, state. Board of commissioners of the state survey. Special report on the preservation of the scenery of Niagara Falls, and 4th annual report on the triangulation of the state, for 1879. James T. Gardner, director. Albany, 1880. Maps. Pls. 8° *L.53.8 Newhall, Charles S. The trees of northeastern America. With an introductory note by N. L. Britton. N. Y., 1890. Pls. 8°. ¥L.22.7 Newton, Joseph. The landscape gardener. pls. Sm. f°. Nicholson, George, editor. The illustrated dictionary of gardening, a practical and scientific encyclopedia of horticulture for gardeners and botanists. Edited by George Nicholson, assisted by London, 1876. 24 *L, 31.28 J. W. H. Traill and J. Garrett. London, 1885-88. 4 v. Illus. L.8° ¥*L.21.4 Ogawa, K. Matsushima. (one of the three most famous views of Japan). Tokyo. N. d. 6 pls. F°, *L.50.27 Scenes in Nikko and vicinity. Tokyo. N. d. 12 pls. F°. *L.50.28 Olmsted. Frederick Law. A consideration of the justifying value of a public park. Boston, 1881. L.8°. *L.53.4 Mount Royall, Montreal. N. Y., 1881. Plan. 12°, *L.53.07 The spoils of the park. With a few leaves from the deep-laden note-hooks of “a wholly unpractical man.” [N. Y.] 1882. 8° é ¥*L.53.4 Relates to Central park, New York. . THE CODMAN LIBRARY Olmsted, Frederick Law, and Jonathan Bax- . ter Harrison. Nes Observations on the treatment of public plantations, more especially relating to the use of the axe. Boston, 1889. 8°. *L.22.10 lisse, Peeves Law, and John C. Olm- sted. Plan of public recreation grounds for the city of Pawtucket. Report. Boston, 1888, Map. Sm. 4°. 4431.100=*L.53.6 Olmsted, Frederick Law, and Calvert Vaux. General plan for the improvement of the Niagara reservation. N. Y., 1887. Plan. L. 8°. *L.53.9 Olmsted, Vaux & co. : Observations on the progress of improve- ments in street plans. With special refer- ence to the park-way proposed to he laid out in Brooklyn. Brooklyn, 1868. 8°. *L.53.56 Preliminary report to the commissioners for laying out a park in Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn, 1866. Plan. 8°. ¥*L.53.54. Ompteda, Ludwig Friedrich Christian Carl, Freiherr von. Rheinische Garten von der Mosel bis zum Bodensee. Bilder aus alter und neuer Gartnerei. Berlin, 1886. Illus. Pls. Plans, 4° ¥*L.31.15 Palladio, Andrea. The second [and third] book of Palladio’s Architecture . Translated from the Italian, and the designs carefully copied by B. Cole, engraver. London, 1733. Pls. Plans, F°. ¥*L.41.14 Papworth, John Buonarotti. Hints on ornamental gardening: consisting of a series of designs for garden buildings, gates, fences, railings, &c. London, 1823. 29 colored pls. L. 8°. ¥*L.41.6 Rural residences. With some observations on landscape gardening. London, 1818. Col. pls. L. 8°. ¥*L.41.7 Park Jurjavés [nachst Agram in Kroatien]. Wien. [1853.] 11 pls. F°, obl. *L.50.14 Parsons, Samuel, jr. Landscape gardening. N. Y., 1891. Illus. Pls. &°. ¥*L. 32.23 Péan, Armand. L’architecte paysagiste. Paris. [1886.] Iilus. Pls. Plans. 8° ¥*L 31.11 Percier, Charles, and Pierre Francois Léonard Fontaine. Choix des plus célébres maisons de plaisance de Rome et de ses environs. 2e édition. Paris, 1824. 75 pls. L. f° *L.70.6 Plans de plusieurs chateaux, palais et rési- dences de souverains de France, d'Italie, d’Fspagne et de Russie. [Anon.] Paris. [1833.1 38 pls. F°. *L.70.7 Perelle, Adam. Receuille des plus belles veiies des maisons royale de France. Paris. [1685?] 106 pls. Tos ft ¥*L.50.25 Perkins, George Henry. Catalogue of the flora of Vermont, includ- img phenogamous and vascular crypto- gamous plants growing without cultiva- tion. Burlington, 1888. L.8°. *L.23.14 a OF LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Petzold, E. Beitrage zur Landschafts-Girtnerei. amar, 1849. Illus. Map. *L.31.5 First Hermann v. Piickler-Muskau in seinem Wirken_ in Muskau und Branitz, sowie in seiner Bedeutung fiir die bildende Gartenkunst Deutschlands. Leipzig, 1874. ig Portr. 8°. ¥*L.53.92 Die Landschafts-Gartnerei. Mit erldutern- ‘den Figuren, nach Originalaufnahmen von Friedrich Preller. 2te vermehrte Auf- lage. Leipzig, 1862. L.8 *L.31.6 Same. 1888. 8°. ¥*L.31.7 Same. 1896. *L.31.8 Der Park von Muskau. Hoyerswerda. [1856.] Plan. 16°. ¥*L.53.04 Philadel pies Commissioners of Fairmount park. Annual report. [1oth.] Phila., 1878. Portr. Pls. Maps. 8°. *L.53.83 Phillips, Henry. Sylva florifera: the shrubbery historically and botanically treated. London, 1823. 2v. 8°. *122.23 Photographs. Collections. Fourteen miscellaneous photographs, in- cluding five of Berlin. Inacase. *L.60.7 Nine photographs, including five of An- twerp and four of Brussels. In a case. *L 60.5 Picturesque sketches of rustic scenery inchid- ing cottages & farmhouses. By Prout, varie, etc. [London?] 1860. +t pls. z 60.12 Pinchot, Gifford. Biltmore forest. Chicago, 1893. Pls. 12°, obl. *L.53.110 Pindemonte, Ippolito. Su i giardini inglesi e sul merito in cio dell’ Italia; e Sopra l’indole dei giardini mo- derni: saggio di Luigi Mabil, con altre operette sullo stesso argomento. Verona, r817. Pl. 8°. ¥L,.33.25 Piringer, ——. Garten-Versch6nerungen oder Entwiirfe zu geschmackvollen Gartengebaiuden und Zierden. Wien. [1823.] 14 pls. F°, obl. ¥*L.61.23 Wurzbach identifies the author with Benedict Piringer, the engraver. Platt, Charles Adams. Italian gardens. N. Y., 1894. Pls. L. 8°. ‘ ¥*L.31.10 Pontey, William. The profitable planter. A treatise on the theory and practice of planting forest trees. 3d edition, enlarged. London, 1809. Pl. 8°. *L 22.27 Practical observations on the culture of lu- cerne, turnips, ... &c. Communicated by letters to Dr. Templeman. Added, a comparative view of the broad cast and drill husbandry ... Dublin, 1767. Sm. 8°. No. 2 in *L.26.3 Price, Sir Uvedale, baronet. An essay on the picturesque, as compared with the sublime and the beautiful; and on the use of studying pictures, for the purpose of improving real landscape. London, 1794. 8°. *L.32.1 II Same. New edition, with additions. 1706, 2. ¥L,32.2 The picturesque: with an essay on the origin of taste, and much original matter, by Sir Thomas Dick Lauder, hart., and 60 illus- trations on wood by Montagu Stanley. Edinburgh, 1842. 8°. ¥L, 32.3 Pueckler-Muskau, Hermann Ludwig Hein- rich, First von. Andeutungen iiber Landschaftsgirtnerei, verbunden mit der Beschreibung ihrer praktischen Anwendung in Muskau Stuttgart, 1834. Text, 16°; Atlas, 44 col. pls. 2 folded maps. 2 folded plans. F°. *L.70.19 Apercu sur la plantation des pares en géné- ral, joint 4 une description détaillée du parc de Muskau. Traduit de l’allemand. Stoutgart. 1847. 8°. *1..53.93 Pyne, James Baker. The English lake district. Manchester, 1853. Illus. Pls. L.f*. ' *L.70.10 Quincy, Mass. Board of park commissioners. Annual report, 1892. Quincy, 1893. Map. 8°. *L.53.77 Rand, Edward Sprague, jr. The rhododendron and “American plants.” Boston, 1871. 12°. ¥*L.25.2 Rapin, René. Les jardins, poéme en quatre chants: trad. » nouvelle, avec le texte. Par MM. V * * * ' [Voyron] et G * * [Gabiot]. Amster- dam, 1782. 8°. ¥*L, 34.20 Of gardens. A Latin poem. English’d by Mr. Gardiner. London. [1706.] Pls. Sm. 8°. ¥*L..34.18 Same. 2d edition. [17167] ¥*L.34.19 Rauch. John Henry. Public parks: their effects upon the moral, physical and sanitary condition of the in- habitants of large cities; with special reference to the city of Chicago. Chicago, 1860. 8°. *L.53.80 Reber, Franz von. History of mediwval art. Translated bv To- seph Thacher Clarke. N. Y., 1887. Illus. Plans. 8°. ¥*L.54.12 Reform association, New York city. Andrew H. Green and Thomas C. Fields. Secret management of the Central park commission. N. Y., 1874. 8°. *L.53.40 Renton. Humphry. Desions for the Pavillon at. Brighton. With the assistance of John Adey Repton and G. S. Repton. London. [1808.] Vign- ettes. Col. pls. Plan. L. f°. *L.50.5 An enquiry into the changes of taste in land- scape gardening. London, 1806, 8°. ¥L_.33.28 The landscape gardening and landscape ar- chitecture of the late Humphry Repton, being his entire works on these subjects. New edition. By J. C. Loudon. London, 1840. Illus. Portr. Pls. 8°. ¥*L 33.27 Observations on the theory and practice of landscape gardening. Including remarks on Grecian and Gothic architecture. Lon- don, 1803. Illus. Portr. Pls. 4°. *L.31.32 Same. 1805. ¥*L.31.33 I2 Sketches and hints on landscape gardening. Collected from designs and observations now in the possession of the different noblemen and gentlemen, for whose use they were originally made. London. [1794.] Pls. F°, obl. ¥*L.31.31 Repton, Humphrey, and John Adey Repton. Fragments on the theory and practice of landscape gardening. Including some remarks on Grecian and Gothic architec- ture. London, 1876. Illus. Col. pls. 4°. : ¥*L.31.34 Richou ——. Art de composer, de distribuer et de dé- corer, a peu _de frais, toute espéce de jar- ne .. Paris, 1828, 29. Text; Atlas, 24 pls. 12°. ¥*L.34.8 Rieth, Otto. 2 Architektur-Skizzen. 120 Handzeichnungen _ in Autotypie. Berlin, 1891. F° *L.41.15 Riviera of Italy. Views. Twenty-three photographs, which include thirteen of Monte Carlo, eleven of Cannes, one of Avranches. In a case. *L.60.4 Robbins, Mary Caroline. The rescue of an old place. Boston, 1892. 16°. *L.65.2 Robinson, John. Ornamental trees for Massachusetts planta- tions. Boston, 1881. 8° *L.22.31 Robinson, William. The English flower garden: style, position, and arrangement; followed by a descrip- tion of all the plants best suited for its embellishment. 2d edition. London, 1889. Illus. 8°. ¥*L.32.19 Garden design and architects’ gardens. Two reviews. London, 1892. Illus. Pls. 8°. *L.32.18 Gleanings from French gardens: an account of such features of French horticulture as are most worthy of adoption in British gardens. London, 1868. Illus. Pls. Sm. 8°. ¥L.34.13 The parks and gardens of Paris, considered in relation to the wants of other cities and of public and private gardens. 2d edition. London, 1878. *L.53.1 Same. 3d edition. 1883. Illus. Pls. *L.53.2 The subtropical garden. 2d edition. Lon- don, 1879. Illus. Pls. Sm.8°. *L.34.5 Rochester, N. Y. Board of park commission- ers. By-laws. Rochester, 1889. 12°. Royal botanic gardens, Kew. The gallery of Marianne North’s paintings of plants and their homes, Royal gardens, Kew. Descriptive catalogue. 4th edition. enlarged. London, 1886. Maps. Sm. 8°. *L.24.12 Official guide to the museums of economic botany. No. 3. Timbers. London. 1886. Sm. 8°. ¥*L.23.5 Route niap and index to the Royal botanic garden and arboretum. [London.] 188s. Broadside. ¥*L.51.12 Ruskin, John. Lectures on architecture and painting, de- livered at Edinburgh, November, 1853. N. Y., 1890. 12° *L.55.10 The poetry of architecture: cottage, villa, etc. N. Y., 1890. 12° *L.55.11 *L.53.11 THE CODMAN LIBRARY i The seven lamps of architecture. 2d edition. N. Y., 1890. 16°. *L.55.12 St. Louis. Forest park. Report of the commissioners. 1875. St. Louis, 1876. Pls. Plans. 8°. ¥*L.53.82 Samuels, Edward Augustus. Among the birds: a series of sketches for young folks. Boston, 1868. Illus. Pls. 16°. ¥*L.15.10 Ornithology and odlogy of New England. Boston, 1867. Illus. Pls. 8°. *L.13.20 Santos, Francisco de los. The Escurial; or, a description of that won- der of the world for architecture and magnificence of structure. Translated into English by a servant of the Earl of Sandwich. London, 1671. Sm. 4°. ¥*L.52.20 Sargent, Charles Sprague. Asa Gray. Boston, 1886. 8°. ¥*L.23.4 Report on the forests of North America (exclusive of Mexico). Washington, 1884. Maps. 4°. ¥*L.22.1 The woods of the United States. With an account of their structure, qualities, and _ uses. N. Y., 1885. 8°. ¥*L.22.24 Sargent, Henry Winthrop. Skeleton tours through England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Denmark, Norway, Swe- den, Russia; Poland, and Spain. N. Y., 1870. 16°. ¥*L.57.10 Sauvan, Jean Baptiste Balthazard. Picturesque tour of the Seine, from Paris to the sea. Illustrated with 24 coloured en- gravings, from drawings by A. Pugin and J. Gendall. London, 1821. Map. 14S *L.51.20 Schabol, Jean Roger. La théorie du jardinage. Ouvrage rédigé aprés sa mort sur ses Mémoires, par M. D * * * [Antoine Nicolas Dezallier d’Ar- genville]. Nouvelle édition, augmentée. Paris, 1774. Portr. Pls. Sm. 12°. *7.24.7 Schleiden, Matthias Jakob. The plant; a biography. Translated by Arthur Henfrey. 2d edition. London, 1853. Illus. Pls. 8°. ¥*L.23.6 Schmidlin, Eduard. Die biirgerliche Gartenkunst, oder, prak- tische Anleitung zur zweckmassigsten An- fange, Eintheilung und Bestellung der Haus- und Wirthschafts-Garten ... 2. Auflage. Stuttgart, 1852. Pls. Plans. 8° *L.34.22 Schmidt, Otto. Burgen und Schlésser in Oesterreich. 50 Heliogravuren, mit Text von Julius Meurer. Wien, 1894. L. f°. *L.50.17 Schneider, Carl Ernst. Die Aesthetik der Gartenkunst. Leipzig, 1890. 8°. ¥*L.34.27 Die schone Gartenkunst, in ihren Grund- ziigen gemeinfasslich dargestellt. Stutt- gart, 1882. 16° ¥*L.34.3 Sckell, Friedrich Ludwig von. Beitraege zur bildenden Gartenkunst. Min- chen, 1819. Pls. Plans. 16°. ¥*L.33.7 Same. 2. Ausgabe. ([1825.] Portr. Pls. 8°. ¥*L.33.8 OF LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Scott, Frank Jesup. The art of beautifying suburban home grounds of small extent. N. Y., 1881. Tlus. Pls. 8°. *L.33.20 Scoville, Joseph A. Plan for Central park. [N. Y., eee 8°... 2 Sedding, John D. mae Garden-craft old and new. London, 1801. Illus. 8°. *L.32.12 Same. 2d edition. ¥*L,32.13 Seeley, J. Stowe. A description of the house and gar- dens of _George-Grenville-Nugent- Temple, marquis of Buckingham. Buck- ingham, 1797. Pls. Plans. 8°, *L.42.20 ee plates were drawn and engraved by T. Med- 1892. Same. 8°, large paper. *Lq4r. 10 Select collection, A, of views and ruins in Rome, and its vicinity. London. [1798?] 62 col. pls. F°. ¥*L.50.8 Shenstone, William. Works, in verse and prose. 3d edition. Fongens 1768, 69. 3v. Illus. Portr. Pls. *L.66.8 Siebeck. Rudolph. Die bildende Gartenkunst in ihren modernen Formen. Leipzig, 1853. 16 col. pls. F°, obl. *L.70.12 Plates 17-20 are lacking. Same, 2. Ausgabe. 1856. Text, 8°; Atlas, 20 col. pls. Lt ¥*L.70. 13 Guide pratique du jardinier-paysagiste a lusage des propriétaires, amateurs, archi- tectes, ingénieurs, jardiniers, etc. Tra- duction par J. Rothschild. 3e édition. Paris, 1870. Atlas only. F°. *L.20.1 Silva, Ercole, conte. Dell’ arte dei giardini inglesi. [Anon] Milano. Anno IX [1800]. Illus. Pls. . *L.20.20 Simond, Louis. Voyage @un Frangais en Angleterre pen- dant les années 1810 et 1811. Paris, 1815. 2v. Pls. Sm. 8° ¥*L.52.16 Sinclair, James. The beauties of nature: and how far they transcend those of art, in landscape gar- dening. A poem. London, 1852. Pi. Sm. 8°. ¥*L.65.4 Sinclair, Sir John, bart. The code of agriculture; including observa- tions on gardens, orchards, woods, and plantations. 1st American edition, with notes. Hartford, 1818. Pls. 8°. *L.12.7 Sloan, Samuel. Homestead architecture, containing 4o de- signs for villas, cottages, and farm houses, with essays on style, construction, land- scape gardening, furniture, etc. 3d edi- tion. Phila., 1870. 8°. *1.42.3 Smith, Charles H. J. Parks and pleasure grounds; or, practical notes on country residences, villas, public aye and gardens. London, 1852. Sm. 8 *T_.53.100 Smith, Francis Hopkinson. American illustrators. Part 1-5. N. Y., 1892. Illus. Portrs. 15 pls. F°. *L.50.20 Smith, John, publisher. Select views in Italy. London, 1792, 96. 2v. 72 pls. Map. 4°, obl: *L,.61.20 13 Smith, John Thomas. Remarks on rural scenery, with 20 etchings of cottages, from nature ... London, 1797. 4°. ¥*L 51.11 Smyth, Thomas. Who own the Province lands, the common- wealth or its tenants? [Boston, 1890.] *L.53.78 Refers to the shore front lands in Provincetown. Snelling, George Henry. [Memorial to the Legislature of Massachu- setts, with remarks and letters in favor of a modification of the Back Bay plan.] [Boston, 1859.] Pl. Plan. 8°. *L.53.61 Society instituted at London for the encour- agement of arts, manufactures and com- merce. The gardener’s new companion: added, an appendix, containing the manner of keep- ing bees... By a lover of improvement. Also, a collection of letters on agriculture. Dublin, 1766, 67. Pl. Sm.8° *L.26.3 Some artists at the Fair. N. Y., 1893. Illus. Pls. 8°. *L.54.2 Contents. — The decoration of the Exposition, by F. p. Millet. — Types and people at the Fair, by J. A. Mitchell. — The art of the White city, by W. H. Low. — Foreground and vista at the Fain, by W. H. Gibson. — The picturesque side, H. Smith. Spain, Se : ; Fifteen photographs of places in Spain. In a case. *L.60.6 Spectator, The. New edition, with prefaces by Alexander Chalmers. London, 1817. io v. Sm. 8° ¥*L.66.1 Speechly, William. A treatise on the culture of the vine. York, 1790. Pls. No. 1 in *L.24.10 Starke, Julius. California,woods. San Francisco, 1889. 8°. *L.22.16 Steele, Richard, of Sion Hill, near Thirsk. An essay on gardening, containing a cata- logue of exotic plants for . .. green- houses. York, 1793. Pls. L. 8°. No. 2 in *L.24.10 Steuart, Sir Henry, baronet. The planter’s guide: or. a practical essay on the best method of giving immediate effect to wood, by the removal of large trees and underwood. Chiefly intended for the climate of Scotland. 2d edition, enlarged. London, 1828. 8°. *L.22.20 Same. 1st American, from the 2d London edition. N. Y., 1832. 8° *L 22,21 Stieglitz, Christian Ludwig. : Descriptions pittoresques de jardins du gotit le plus moderne. Leipzig, 1802. Pls. i ¥*L, 33.13 im neuern Ge- Sm. 4°. ¥*L.33.12 Gemahlde von Garten schmack. Leipzig, 1798. Pls. Strutt, Jacob George. Sylva Britannica [et Scotica]; or, portraits of forest trees, distinguished for their an- tiquity,. magnitude or beauty. London. [1830.] 50 pls. F° *L.22.3 Sulzer, Johann Georg. Allgemeine Theorie der sch6nen Kiinste in einzeln, nach alphabetischer Ordnung der Kunstworter auf einander folgenden Ar- tikeln abgehandelt. Neue verm. 2te Auf- lage. Theil 1-4. Leipzig, 1792-94. Pls. 8°. ¥*1_.63.1 14 Switzer, Stephen. Ichnographia rustica: or, the nobleman, gentleman, and gardener’s_ recreation. Containing directions for the surveying and distributing of a country-seat into rural and extensive gardens... 2d edi- tion, with additions. London, 1742. 3 v. Pls. Plans. Sm. 8°. ¥*L.35.3 Taylor, Isidore Justin Séverin, baron, and others. Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans Yancienne France. Par J. Taylor, Ch. Nodier et Alph. de Cailleux. Paris, 1820- 77. 17v. Pls. Plans. L. f°. *L.40.1-8 The vol. for Bourgogne is lacking, also vol. 3 of Champagne and vol. 3 of Normandie. Temple, Sir William. Works. Prefixed, the life of the author. inburgh, 1754. 4 v. 8°. Thaxter, Celia. An island garden. [Appledore, Isles of Shoals.] With pictures and illuminations by Childe Hassam. Boston, 1894. 8°. *L.15.2 Thomson, James. The seasons. Prefixed, the life of the au- thor by P. Murdoch. N. Y., 1820. 24°. *L.64.10 Same. With engraved illustrations, from designs drawn on wood by John Bell, C. W. Cope... Edited by Bolton Corney. London, 1842. I[llus. 8°. *L 64.11 The illustrations, 77 in number, are from designs furnished by members of the Etching club. Thouin, Gabriel. Plans raisonnés de toutes les espéces de jardins. 3e édition. Paris, 1828. 58 col. pls. L. f°. *L.50.18 Tipton, Ed. A. Trotting and thoroughbred stock, the prop- erty of Leland Stanford, Palo Alto, Cal. San Francisco, 1888. 8° ¥*L.12.10 Tokio Daigaku, Tokio, Japan. Catalogue of plants in the herbarium of the College of science, Imperial university. Toky6, 1886. 8°. ¥*L.23.8 Trianon, palaces, Versailles. Guide illustré des palais et jardins de Tria- non. Versailles, 1887. Illus. Pls. Plans. 16°. *L.57.8 Tuckermann, W. P. Die Gartenkunst der italienischen Renais- sance-Zeit. Berlin, 1884. Illus. Pls. Plans. 8°. ¥*L.31.4 Turner, Joseph Mallord William. Picturesque views of England and Wales. With descriptive and historic illustrations Ed- *L.62.20 by H. E. Lloyd. London, 1838. 2 v. L. 4°. *L.5t.1 The rivers of France. London, 1837. 61 pls. 4°. ¥*L.51.3 {Twenty essays on literary and philosophical subjects.] [Dublin, 1791.] *L 65.11 Useful and ornamental planting. London, 1832. Illus. 8°. ¥*L,.32.15 Useful plants of Japan described and illus- trated. Contents of and indices to Yuyo shokubutsu zusetsu mokuroku oyobi sa- kuin. Tokyo, 1891. 8°. ¥*L.23.9 Vallés, F. de P. F. X. H. De l’aliénation des foréts aux points de vue gouvernemental, financier. climatologique et hydrologique. Paris,1865. 8°. *L.22.37 THE CODMAN LIBRARY ‘ a Van Rensselaer, Mariana Griswold. . Art out of doors. Hints on good taste in gardening. N. Y., 1893. 12°. *L.34.6 Client and architect. Chicago, 1891. 8°. ¥*L.52.9 Vasey, George. : Exotic trees in Washington. [Washington, 1875.] ¥*L.22.14 Vaux, Calvert. Villas and cottages. execution in the United States. 1857. Illus. Plans. 8°. Veitch, James Herbert. A traveller’s notes ... of a tour through India, Malaysia, Japan, Corea, the Aus- tralian colonies and New Zealand, 1891- 1893. Chelsea, 1896. Illus. Pls. Map. L. 4° ¥*L.51.16 A series of designs for N. Y,, ¥*L.42.2 Vergnaud, N. L’art de créer les jardins. Paris, 1839. 24 colored pls. and plans. ¥*L.50.13 Nouvelle édition. oO Viart, ——, vicomte de. need, Le jardiniste moderne 2e édition. Paris, 1827. Pl. 12°. *L.34.2 Victoria illustrated. Containing a description of the province of British Columbia, and a review of the resources [etc.] of Vic- toria. Victoria, 1891. Illus. Portrs. 4°: ¥*L.S1.15 Vierling, Frank C. : Arbori-culture. Proceedings before the Ordinance in- Chicago, 1890. ¥*L.22.26 Committee on judiciary. troduced Nov. 11, 1889. 12°. Walpole, Horace, 4th earl of Orford. Anecdotes of painting in England. Also, a catalogue of engravers who have been born or resided in England. Collected by George Vertue. With additions by James Dallaway. New edition, by Ralph N. Wornum. London, 1849. 3 v. _ Illus. Portrs. 8°. *L.54.16 The correspondence of Horace Walpole, earl of Orford and the Rev. William Mason. Edited by J. Mitford. London, 1851. 2 v. 8°. ¥*L.62.1 Essay on modern gardening. [Essai sur Yart des jardins modernes. Traduit en francois par M. le duc de Nivernois en 1784.] _Imprimé a Strawberry-Hill. 1785. Sm. 4°. ¥*L.32.20 In French and English. Ward, Lester Frank. Directions for collecting and preserving plants. Washington, 1882. 8°. *L.23.12 Warder, John Aston. Hedges and evergreens. A manual for the cultivation, pruning, and management of all plants suitable for American hedging; especially the Maclura, or Osage orange. N. Y., 1858. Illus. Pls. ¥*L23.7 Warton, Joseph. An essay on the genius and writings of Pope. [Anon. 2d edition. London, 1762-82. 2v. 8°. *L,62.16 Watelet, Claude Henri. Essai sur les jardins. Paris, 1774. 8°. No. 2 in *L.33.15=*L.33.6 2 OF LANDSCAPE GARDENING. 15 Weale, John, editor. Designs of ornamental gates, lodges, pali- sading, and iron work of the royal parks. London, 1841. Illus. 50 pls. F°. *L.60.20 Weichardt, Carl. Motive zu Garten-Architekturen ... Wei- mar, 1879. 25 pls. 3 sheets of details. F°. *L.20.7 Weidenmann, J. Beautifying country homes. A handbook of landscape gardening. N. Y. [1870.] Illus. 24 col. pls. 4°. ¥*L.31.30 Wesmael, Alfred. Catalogue raisonné des arbres forestiers & dornement de pleine terre en Belgique. Gand, 1864. 8°. *L,22.30 Whately, Thomas. L’art de former les jardins modernes. [Anon.] Trad. de l’anglois [par Francois de Paule Latapie]. Paris, 1771. 8°. ¥*L.33.14 Same. Paris, 1771. No. 1 in *L,33.15 Observations on modern gardening. [Anon.]} Dublin, 1770. Sm. 8°. *L.33.16 Same. 2d edition. London, 1770. 8°. ¥*L,33.17 Same. 3d edition. 1771. ¥#L.33.18 Observations on modern gardening, and _ laying out pleasure-grounds, parks, farms, ridings, &c. New edition: with notes by Horace (late) earl of Orford. London, 1801. Colored pls. 4°. *L.33.20 Wilkins, Gouverneur Morris. In the matter of the extension of Central Park. [N. Y., 1861?] 8°. ¥*L.53.32 Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner. On colour, and on the necessity for a gen- eral diffusion of taste among all classes, with remarks on laying out dressed or geometrical gardens. London, 1858. Illus. Pls. 8°. *L.62.3 Many of the plates are colored. Wint, Paul de. Essais historiques sur les jardins. 1855. a Wood, John George. . Insects at home. A popular account of in- Paris, *L.33.5 sects, their structure, habits, and transfor- mations. N. Y., 1872. Illus. Pls. 8°. ¥*L,13.10 Woodward, George Evertson. Architecture and rural art. No. 1. 1867. N.Y. [1867.] Illus. Pls. 12°. *L.56.3 Suburban and country houses. N. Y. [1873.] Illus. Pls. 12°. *L56.2 Woodward, George Evertson, and Francis William Woodward. Country homes. sth edition. N. Y., 1866. Plans. 12°. ¥*L.56.1 Woolnoth, William. The ancient castles of England and Wales. With historical descriptions by E. Brayley. London, 1825. 2v. Pls. 4°. : ¥*L.41.13 World’s Columbian exposition. , Classification adopted by the World’s Co- lumbian commission. Chicago, 1891. Pls. ° *L.52.7 [D. H. ¥*L.52.6 Report of the director of works Burnham]. Chicago, 1892. 8°. Young, Arthur. General view of the agriculture of Oxford- shire. Drawn up for the consideration of the board of agriculture and internal im- provement. London, 1813. Pls. Maps. 8°. ¥*L,12.6 General view of the agriculture of the county of Essex. London, 1807. 2v. 8°. *L.12.4 General view of the agriculture of the county of Lincoln. London, 1799. Pls. Maps. : #LI12.1 General view of the agriculture of the county of Norfolk. London, 1804. Pls. Map. 8° ¥*L,12.2 General view of the agriculture of the county of Suffolk. 3d edition. London, 1804. Pls. Map. 8°. ¥*L.12.3 General view of the agriculture of the county of Sussex. London, 1813. Pls. Maps. 8°. ¥L.12.5 Zeyher, Carl, and J. G. Rieger. Schwezingen und seine Garten-Anlagen. Mannheim. [1826.] Pls. Plans. 8°. ¥*L.35.2 LIST OF BOOKS ON TREES AND FORESTRY. This list is based on the one published in the Bulletin for July, 1878, and reprinted in the Bulletin for January, 1879, with the addition of the titles of such books as have since then been received at the library. Abel, L. Die Baumpflanzungen in der Stadt und auf dem Lande. Wien, 1882. 8°. ¥*L.22.17 Ablett, W. H. English trees and tree planting. London, 1880. 8°. *L.22.15; 3844.54 Adams, J. F. A. Sanitary forest-culture. (In Massachusetts medical society. Medical communications. Vol. 13, pp. 289-301. Boston, 1886.) *7737-7-13 Aikin, J. The woodland companion: or a brief de- scription of British trees. London, 1802. ¥*L 22.33 Akerly, S. On the cultivation of forest trees. [N. Y., 1823.] 8°. No. 1 in *5845.22 Remarks on the cultivation of the locust tree. [1817.] 8°. No. 2 in *5845.22 Aldrovandi, U. Dendrologie libri duo. Bononiz, 1668. F°. : 3870.10 Allan, J. T. Prize essay on forest-growing. Nebraska horticultural society. Brownville, 1873. 8°. No. 4 in *4263.58.2 Alphand, J. C. A. Arboretum et fleuriste de la ville de Paris. Paris, 1875. F°. | *5840.57 American forestry asociation. ied: The forest reservation policy. [Washing- ton, 1896?] 8°. 3852.85 Proceedings, 1882, 83, 85-88, 90-97. Wash- ington, 1883-97. 8°. * 3852.61 Anders, J. M. ; Sanitary influences of forest growth. Phila., 1885. 8°. No. 1 in 5844.21 Andersson, N. J. Salices Boreali-Americane, a synopsis of North American willows. Boston, 1860. (In Proc. Am. Acad. of arts and sc., vol. 4, pp. 50-78.) *3370.6.4 Andrews, C. C. Report on the forests and forest culture of Sweden. Washington, 1872. ‘ No. 1 in 5845.28 Annales forestiéres. Paris, 1842-65 . 24 v. 3850a.50 Annuaire des eaux et foréts. 1862-89, 94-97. Paris, 1862-97. 12°. 5849a.50 Apgar, A. C. Trees of the northern United States. N. Y., 1892. 12°. 5849.65 Bagneris, G. Elements of sylviculture. London, 1882. : 3859.61 Manuel de sylviculture. Paris, 1878. 8°. 3847.39 Bailey, L. N. A list of ornamental plants which are hardy in Michigan. Lansing, 1887. 8°. *L.23.11 Barck, Harald. On the foliation of trees. Upsal, 1753. (in Stillingfleet. Literary life, etc. Vol. 2, pp. 361-404. London, 1811.) 6571.24.2 Barney, E. E. Facts and information in relation to the catalpa tree. Dayton, 1878. 8°. No. 15 in *5845.22 Additional facts and information. Dayton, 1879. 8°. No. 22 in *5845.22 Baudrillart J. J. Traité général des eaux et foréts, chasses et péches. Paris, 1813. 5 v. 4°. **G.150.11 Becquerel, A. C. Des climats et de l'influence qu’exercent les sols boisés, et non boisés. Paris, 1853. 8°. 66.6, Belgrand, —. cape De Vinfluence des foréts sur l’écoulement des eaux pluviales. (In Annales des ponts et chaussées. 1854.) | 8°. *4010a.225.3€ SEr., V. Bell, R. : oe d The geographical distribution of the forest trees of Canada. Montreal, 1882. 8°. 844.2 Berenger, A. di. aaa Dell’ antica storia e giurisprudenza forestale in Italia. Venezia, 1860. 8°. 3664.14 Saggio storico della legislazione veneta forestale dal secolo vir al x1x. Venezia, 1863. 8° 3844.52 TREES AND FORESTS. Berg, C. H. E. von, Geschichte der deutschen Walder. Dresden, 1871. 8°. 3846.64 Blanquart de Septfontaines, L. M. Foréts et bois; leur semis et plantations. Paris, 1791, 95. 2 partsiniv. 4°. *7405.2 Bosc, L. A. G., and J. J. Baudrillart. aes Dictionnaire de la culture des arbres, &c. Paris, 1821. [Encyclop. méth. Agricul- ture. Vol. 7. *7405.1. Boussingault, J. 4 ae Agronomie, chimie agricole et physiologie. ze édition. Paris, 1860-64. 3 v. 87. 12 Boutcher, W. sad Treatise on forest tree culture. Edinburgh, 1785. 4°. Bowers, E. A. The present condition of the forests on the public lands. (In American economic as- sociation. Publications. Vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 55-74. Baltimore, 1891.) No. 3 in *5560a.10.6 Bradley, C. B. A new study of some problems relating to the giant trees. San Francisco, 1886. 8°. 843.41 Bradley, R. ards New improvements of planting. London, 1717. 4 *L.35.1 Same. 3d edition. Part 1. 1719. 5999.67 Brewer, W. H. Woodlands and forest systems of the United States. (In Walker, F. A. Statistical atlas. Washington, 1874.) *Cab.23.12.2 Brisbin, J. S. Trees and tree-planting. N. Y., 1888. 12°. 3856.57 Brown, J. The forester. 2d edition. Edinburgh, 1851. 8°. 4003.5 Same. 3d edition. 1861. ¥L.22.8 Same. 5th edition. 1882. 3852.55 Brown, J. C Finland: its forests and forest management. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. 3859.72 Forestry in Norway. Edinburgh, 1884. 8°. a vee 3859.78 Forestry in the mining districts of the Ural mountains in eastern Russia. Edinburgh, 1884. 8°. 3859.80 Forests and forestry of northern Russia. Edinburgh, 1884. 8°. 3859.79 Forests and moisture. Edinburgh, 1877. 8°. 3963-51 The forests of England ... in bye-gone times. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. 3850.64 Introduction to the study of modern forest economy. Edinburgh, 1884. 8°. 3859.76 Management of crown forests at the Cape of Good Hope. Edinburgh, 1887. 8°. 3856.52 Pine plantations on the sand wastes of France. Edinburgh, 1878. 8°. 3846.68 Reboisement in France. London, 1876. 8°. ao ee ag OS School of forest engineers in Spain. Edin- burgh, 1886. 8°. _ 3857.73 Schools of forestry in Germany. Edinburgh, 1887. 8° 3857-77 Le Browne, D. J. Sylva Americana. Boston, 1832. 8°. 3845.14 Trees of America. N. Y., 1851. 8° 165.2; B. H. Ref. 451.5 Bryant, A. Forest trees. N. Y., 1871. 12°, 3848.50 Buehler, A. Der Wald in der Culturgeschichte. Basel, 1885. 8 Buesgen, M. Bau und Leben unserer Waldbiume. Jena, 1897. ae 3842.68 Bulletin administratif et judiciaire des Annales forestiéres. Sér. 1-3. 1827-64. Paris, 1844-65. II v. 8°. *3840a.51 Succeeded by Répertoire de législation et de ju- risprudence forestiéres [*3854.50]. Burns, W. W. Preservation of moisture for seasonable rainfall. Washington, 1883. F°. No. 203 of *3950.25 Caimi, P. Cenni sulla importanza e coltura dei boschi. o. Io in *2go0a.50.8 Milano, 1857. 3843.51 Canada. Secretary of state. Reports on the forests of Canada. London, 1885. F°, 5840.69 Cannon, D. Le propriétaire-planteur. Traité . . . du reboisement et des plantations des parcs et jardins. Paris, 1894. 8 3844.80 Carpenter, W. L. Destruction of pine-timber in the Rocky mountains. (In U.S. Geol. surv. of the terr. 7th ann. rept., pp. 538-539. Wash- ington, 1874.) *7863.1.1873 Castellani, —. Dell’ immediata influenza delle selve sul corso delle acque. Torino, 1818. 3841.73 Cerini, G. Dell’ impianto e conservazione dei boschi. Milano, 1844. 8°. 5845.6 Chevandier, E. Recherches sur l’emploi de divers amende- ments dans la culture des foréts. (In Comptes rendus des séances de l’Acad. des sci., Dec. 8, 1851.) 3223.1.33 Clavé, J Etude sur l’économie forestiére. Paris, 1862. 12°. 3847.60 Various important articles in the Revue des deux mondes. See the Table générale. 1831-93. 3315.2 Cleveland, H. W. S. The culture and management of our native forests for development as timber or or- namental wood. Springfield, 1882. 8°. 5844.46—=No. 2 in 5844.21=-L.22.13 Landscape architecture as applied to the wants of the West; with an essay on forest planting on the great plains. Chicago, 1873. 16° 3999.136=*L.22.40 Cobbett, W. The woodlands. London, 1825. 8°. *L.22.11 Cooper, J. G On the distribution of the forests and trees of North America. [Washiington, 1858.] No. 4 in *5845.22 Coultas, H. What may be learned from a tree. N. Y., 1860. 8°. 3845.16 18 Courval, E. A. de. Taille et conduite des arbres, etc. Paris, 1861. 3843.55 Coutance, A. Histoire de la chéne. Paris, 1873. 8°. 3849.61 Lrolivier. Paris, 1877. 8°. 3991.52 Cruickshank, T. The practical planter. Edinburgh, 1830. 8° ¥*L,22,12 Curtis, C. E. The manifestation of disease in forest trees. London, 1892. 5849.64 Practical forestry. London, 1898. 8°. 3849.71 Dame, L. L. Typical elms and other trees of Massachu- setts. Boston, 1890. 4 *3840.66=*L.20.13 Demontzey, P. Traité pratique der reboisement. 2e édition. Paris, 1882. 8°. 3845.66 Depelchin, Fernand. Les foréts de la France. Tours, 1886. 8°. ¥*L.22.2 Des Cars, A. J. L’élagage des arbres. Paris, 1870. 8°. : . §849a.54 A treatise on pruning forest and ornamental trees. Boston, 1881. 12°. 5849.53=*L.22.32 Dexter, T. E. A description and history of vegetable sub- stances, used in the arts, and in domestic economy. London, 1829. 8°. 5849.56 Same. Boston, 1830. 16°. 5849.28 Dorrien, S. v. Forests and forestry. N. Y., 1879. 8°. No. 3 in *5844.21 Du Breuil, A. Culture des arbres et arbrisseaux d’orne- ment. Paris, 1878. 12°. 3847.61 Du Hamel du Monceau, H. L. De l’exploitation des bois. Paris, 1764. 2 v. 4°. ; . 4013.15 La physique des arbres. Paris, 1788. 2 v. es 3842.9 Des semis et plantations des arbres. Paris, 1760. 4°. Traité des arbres et arbustes. Paris, ees 7v. FF, 2e édition. 3860.1 Dunnell, M American forestry. Washington, 1882. 8°. No. I in *4325.108 Dupont, A. E., and B. de La Grye. Les bois. Paris, 1875. 8°. 3849.65 Dupuis, A. Coniféres de pleine terre. 2e édition. Paris, 1872, 12°, *1L.35.5 Ebermayer, E. Die physikalischen Einwirkungen des Waldes auf Luft und Boden. Aschaffen- burg, 1873. 8°. 3849.62=Atlas, 3840.50 Ebermayer, T. Die Lehren der Forstwissenschaft. Miin- chen, 1872. No. 2 in *5845.28 Egleston, N. H. Hand- book of tree-planting. N. Y., 1884. 12° 3859-75 Same. 1888. 41.22.34 Emerson, G. B. Forest trees. [1859.] 8°. 3846.81 TREES AND FORESTS. Report on the trees and shrubs growing naturally in Massachusetts. Boston, mes 3845, Same. 2d [enlarged] edition. Boston, 1875. 2v. 8°. 3845.59 English forests and forest trees. Historical, legendary, and descriptive. London, 1853. 8°. **K. 54.9 Evelyn, Gyive pee a discourse of forest trees. With notes by A. Hunter. York, 1776. 4°. +5851. 8 Féraud-Giraud, L. J. D. Police des bois, défrichements et reboise- ments. Paris, 1861. 8°. 3846.60 Fernow, B. E. . Address on forestry . . Trenton. Prince- ton, 1897. 5841.37 Washington, 1895. Forestry for farmers. 8°. *L.22.25= 3844.83 L’ industrie forestiére aux Etats- Unis. Paris, 1889. 8°. No. 12 in *5992.70 Bracticabiltty of an American forest admin- istration. (In American economic asso- ciation. Publications. Vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 75-92. Baltimore., 1891.) No. 3 in *5560a.10.6 The relation of forest to farms. Washington, 1896. 8°. No. 1 in 3844.84 Fischbach, H. Katechismus der Forstbotanik. 5. Aufl. Leipzig, 1894. 16°. 5849.80 Fischbach, J., and H. Masius. Deutscher Wald und Hain. Miinchen. [1872.] 8°, obl. 3849.51 Fisher, W. R. Forest protection. London, 1895. 8°. 5846.12.4 Forest utilization. London, 1896. 8°. 5846.125 Flagg, W. Trees in assemblages. (From Atlantic monthly, Aug., 1861, pp. 129-141.) No. 6 in *5845.22 Woods and by-ways of New England. Bos- ton, 1872. 8° 3849.52 Forest protection and the tariff on jumber. Spirit of the press. N. Y., 1883. 5844.45—-No. 1 in #5844. 20 Numerous selections from speeches and news- papers. Forester, The. [Monthly.] Vol. 4, 1808. Washington, 1898. 8°. *3840a.58 Forsyth, W. Culture of fruit trees, etc. London, 1824. 8°. 4003.3 Fox, W. F. The Adirondack black spruce. Albany, 1895. 8°. 3846.77 Fraas, Carl Nicolaus. Geschichte der Landbau- und Forstwissen- schaft. Miinchen, 1865. 8°. 3915.54.3 Fraser, H. Handy book of ornamental conifers and rhododendrons, etc. Edinburgh, 1875. 8°. : _ 3858.54 French forest ordinance of 1669. Edinburgh, 1883. 8° 3847.78 Fries, E. Novitiarum florz Suscies mantissa prima. Accedit commentatio de salicibus. Lun- dz, 1832. Sm. 8° 5849a.30 TREES AND FORESTS. Ruste H. ustriertes Forst- und Jagd-Lexikon. Ber- lin, 1888. 8°, ae 3834.54 the protection of woodlands. N. Y., 1883. ec Edinburgh, 18 8°. ore gh, 1 5 Fuller, A. S. io ieee The forest tree culturist. N. Y., 1870. 12°. ; 5998.7 Practical forestry. N. Y., 1884. 12°. 859. Garden and forest. eel Var ee N. Y., 1888-97. F°. *8000a.50 No more was published. Same. Vol. 1-7. 1888-94. *L.II.10 Gerlach, M. Baumstudien. Wien, 1895. 4°. *4070.96 Geyer, P. Der Wald im nationalen Wirthschaftsleben. Leipzig, 1879. 8°. 3858.72 Gilpin, W. Gilpin’s forest scenery. London, 1879. 8°. 0 Same. 1887. ee Remarks on forest scenery. London, 17901. 2v. *7_.42.12 Same. im edition. 1794. *4062.11—*L.22.18 Same. 3d edition. 1808. **4066.7=**G.155.9 Gilson, F. H. Trees of Reading, Mass. Reading, 1288. 8°. 5841.40 Goeppert, H. R. Uber die Reisen des Pflanzenreichs. Berlin, 1869. 8°. No. 66 in *5914.50.3 Gordon, G, - e pinetum. London, 1858. 8°. 3845. Same. London, 1875. 8°. Pie Gray, A Forest geography and archeology. Boston, 1878. 8°. No. 14 in *5845.22 Notes on tree growth. (In Estes. Half- hour recreations in popular science. 2d series. Boston, 1879.) 3918.54.2 Sequoia and its history. Salem, 1872. 8°. No. 4 in *5845.28 Edinburgh, 1868. 8°. 3846.51 Grigor, J. Arboriculture. Grindon, L. H. Trees of old England. Boston, 1868. 8°. 5859.3 Grisebach, A. Die Vegetation der Erde nach ihre klima- tische Anordnung. Leipzig, 1872, 2 v. 8°. 3845.62 The most important modern work on the distri- bution of forests and plants in general. Haldeman, R. J. Preservation of forests and encouragement of tree-planting. Washington, 1872. 8°. No. § in 5845.28 Hale, P. M. The woods and timbers of North Carolina. Raleigh, 1883. 16° 5849.57 Hartig, R. Text-book of the diseases of trees. Lon- don, 1894. 8°. 3843.75 Traité des maladies des arbres. Paris, 1891. 8°. 5841.32 19 Hayes, S. A practical treatise on planting; and the management of woods and coppices. 3d edition. Dublin, 1822. 8°. *L.22.22 Heath, F. G. Autumnal leaves. London, 1881. 8°. 3858.71 Same. 3d edition. 1885. ¥*L15.3 Sylvan winter. London, 1886. 8°. *L.15.4 Tree gossip. London, 1885. 8°. 3857.61 Trees and ferns. London, 1879. 8°. 3841.71 London, 1878. 8°. 3847.68 Our woodland trees. Hemsley, W. B. Handbook of hardy trees, shrubs, and her- baceous plants. London, 1873. 8°. 3845.51 Same. Boston, 1873. 8°. 3845.52 Hennig, C Beitrage zur Begrundung des Ejinflusses der Walder auf das Wohl der Bevolkerung zu- sammengestellt. Leipzig, 1871. 8°. 5845.5 Hersey, E. Facts .. . relating to the white pine. Cam- bridge? 8°. 5844.37 Hess, R. Die forstliche Unterrichtsfrage. Berlin, 1874. 8°. No. II in 5216.50.3 Uber Waldschutz und Schutzwald. Ham- burg, 1888. No. 6 in *5216.50.N.F.3 Heyer, é. Das Verhalten der Waldbaume gegen Licht und Schatten. Erlangen, 1852. 8°. 3852.50 Hillhouse, A. L. Description of the European olive tree. Paris, 1818. 8°. **£5844.1 An essay on the history and cultivation of the European olive-tree. Paris, 1420. 8°. 5847.4 Hodges, L. B. The forest tree planters’ manual. St. Paul, 1879. 8°. *5845.23 Practical suggestions on forest tree planting in Minnesota. St. Paul, 1874. - No. 6 in *5845.28=No. 9 in *5845.22 Hoeffer, J. C. F Le monde des bois. Paris, 1868. 8°. 5844.8 Hoffmann, C Paper on the eucalypts of Australia. Mon- treal, 1873. 3849.59 Hohenstein, A. ta : Der Wald sammt dessen wichtigem Ein- fluss auf das Klima der Lander. Wien, 1860. 8°. 3846.50 Hough, F. B. The elements of forestry. Cincinnati, 1882. 3844.64 12 A familiar talk about trees. Concord, N. H., 1883. 8°. No. 2 in e844. 20 Memorial. . . upon the cultivation and care of forests. 1873. 4°. No. 4 in *5845.27 On the duty of governments in the preserva- tion of forests. Salem, 1873. 8°. No. 7 in *5845.28 Public health interests concerned in the preservation of certain primeval forests and in the cultivation of groves and trees. 1875, 8°. No. 11 in *5845.22=No. 8 in *5845.28 20 Report of the committee [A. A. A. S.] on the preservation of forests. [18747] 8°. No. 5 in *5845.27 See also United States. Department of agricul- ture. Hough, R. B. The American woods. Lowville, N. Y., 1888. 8°. *5843.20 Houston, E. J. Outlines of forestry. Phila., 1893. 12°. 3848.76 Howitz, D. a Forest protection and tree culture on water frontage. (In International fisheries ex- hibition. Fisheries exhibition literature. Vol. 7, pp. 263-278. London, 1884.) : *3906.58.7 India. Forest department. Review of the forest administration in Brit- ish India, 1882-83, by W. Schlich. Simla, 1884. F°. *5850.11 Inquiry, An, into the uses and abuses of the practice of scraping and washing trees. By a committee of the Mass. horticultural society. Boston, 1854. 8°. No. 7 in *5992.22 Jacquot, Charles. Les codes de la législation forestiére. 4e édition. Paris, 1866. 8°. 5669a.8 Jarchow, H.N. Forest planting. N. Y., 1893. 12°. 5845.62 Johns, C. A. Forest trees of Great Britain. London, 1869. 12° 3847.55 Journal of forestry. Vol. 2, nos. 13-13. Lon- don, 1878. 8°. ¥7841.2 Kahl, A. Forstgeschichtliche Skizzen. Strassburg, 1894. 8°. *2904.53, Heft 19 Kansas state horticultural society. Report on Kansas forestry. 4th-6th. 1883- 85. Topeka, 1884-86. 3 v. 8°. *5843.8 Kasthofer, K. Der Lehrer im Walde. Bern, 1828. 8°. 3859.51 Keffer, C. A. Tree planting in the western plains. Wash- ington, 1896. 8°. No. 2 in 3844.84 Kingzett, C. T. Nature’s hygiene: with special reference to the chemistry and hygiene of the eucalyp- tus and the pine. London, 1880. 8°. 3768.25 Kinney, A. Eucalyptus. Los Angeles, 1895. 8°. : 5843.56 Kirby, M. and E. Chapters on trees. London. [1873.] 8°. 1175.10 Kirwan, C. de. Flore forestiére illustrée. Paris, 1872. F°. *Cab.58.19.4 Klase, L. M. Dissertatio botanica de Betula nana. Stock- holm, 1743. 4°. No. 11 in *5855.17 Knobel, E. A guide to find the names of all wild-grow- ing trees and shrubs of New England by their leaves. [Endicott, Mass., 1894.] 24°. 3849.68 TREES AND FORESTS. Koch, K. ; Dendrologie. Erlangen, 1872. 2 v. in 3. 8°. . 3843.58 Vorlesungen iiber Dendrologie. Stuttgart, 1875. 8°. 3846.65 Kurz, S. Forest flora of British Burmah. Calcutta, 1877. 2v. 8° 3840a.55 Lambert, A. B. Description of the genus pinus. London, 1832. 2 v. 8°. *3841.68 Landolt, E. Die forstliche Betriebslehre. Ziirich, 1892. 8°. : 5844.49 Der Wald. Zurich, 1872 . 8°. 3847.55 Lanessan, J. M. A. de. Introduction a la botanique. édition. Paris, 1890. 8°. Lauterburg, R. Ueber die Einfluss der Walder auf die Quel- len und Stromverhaltnisse der Schweiz. Bern, 1877. 7843.2 Lavalle, A. Arboretum Segrezianum. Paris, 1877. 8°. Le sapin. 2e 3855-100 3847.58 Lefevre, G. J. S. English commons and forests. London, 1894. 8° 3843.73 Lewis, P. Historical inquiries concerning forests and forest laws. London, 1871. 4°. 4520.24 Little, J. The timber supply question of the Dominion of Canada and the United States of America. 2d edition. Montreal, 1876. 8°. No. 3 in *5844.20 Little, W. Letter to the .. . Montreal Board of trade objecting “To get rid of the timber.” Montreal, 1890. 8°. *L.22.9 Loeffelholz-Colberg, F. von. Die Bedeutung und Wichtigkeit des Waldes, etc. Leipzig, 1872. 3847.64 Lorentz, B. Cours élémentaire de culture des bois, etc. se édition. Paris, 1867. 8°. 3847.51 Lorenz von Libernau, J. R., Ritter. Wald, Klima und Wasser. Miinchen, 1878. 16°. 3917.50.29 Loudon, J. C. Arboretum et fruticetum Britannicum. Lon- don, 1844. 8&v. 8°. 3845.4; **G.155.2 The Derby arboretum. London, 1840. 8°. 3830.10 An encyclopedia of gardening, etc. Lon- don, 1822. 8°. ¥*L. 32.7 Same. 1830. 3834.52 Encyclopedia of trees and shrubs. Lon- don, 1842. 8° 3834.8 Hortus lignosus Londinensis. London, 1838. 8° 3830.9 Trees and shrubs; an abridgment of the gp oerctan et fruticetum, London, 1883. ; *L.22.6 Lowe, J. The yew-trees of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1897. 8° 3843.79 Tyan, P, treatise on the physiology and patholo of trees. Edinburgh, 1816. 3". *L.22. 28 TREES AND FORESTS. Macgregor, J. LL. he organization and valuation of forests. London, 1883. 8° 3844.68 Manning, J. W. Forest and opmatental tree planting. [Read- ing? 187-?] No. 24 in *5845.22 Trees, fruit and ornamental. [Groton? 1880.] 8°. No. 4 in *5844.21 Manteuffel, H. E. de. L’art de planter, etc. Trad. par S. P. Stumper. 2e édition. Paris, 1874. 16°. 5849a.51 Marchand, A. Ueber die Entwaldung der Gebirge. Bern, 1849. 12°. 3847.65 Maron, E. W. Forst-Statistik der sammtlichen Walder Deutschlands. Berlin, 1862. 8°. 3845.68 Marsh, G. P. The earth, as modified by human action. Nu Ys; 1874. 3 5822.16 Man and nature. N. Y., 1864. 8°. ee Marshall, H. Arbustum Americanum,. Phila., 1875. 8°. 3859.20 Marshall, W. Planting and ornamental gardening. Lon- don, 1785. ¥*L, 33.21 Massachusetts society for promoting agricul- ture. Circular in regard to timber trees and the tax thereon. Boston, 1879. - 4°. No. 23 in *5845.22 Prizes for arboriculture. Boston, 1876. 8°. No. 9 in *5845.27—-No. 12 in *5845.22 Mathews, F. S. Familiar trees and their leaves. Y., 1896. 12°. 5846.20 Same. 1897. 5846.22 Matthew, P. On naval timber and arboriculture. Lon- don, 1831. 8° 5849.22 Maury, L. F. A. Histoire des erate foréts de la Gaule, etc. Pane 1867 3846. 59 Mayr, H Die Waldungen von Nordamerika. Miin- chen, 1890. 8°. 5844.28 Meguscher, F. Ast : : Memorie sulla migliore maniera per rimet- tere i boschi della Lombardia. Milano, 1859. 3846.69 Menzies, W. Forest trees and woodland scenery. Lon- don, 1875. F° 3840.55 Meyer, G. é Forstwirtschaft. Berlin, 1865. 16°. 5849.74 Michaux, A Histoire des chénes de Amérique. Paris, 1801, 1802. 4°. * 3860.11 Michaux, F. A. Histoire des arbres forestiers de ’ Amérique septentrionale. Paris, 1810-1813. 3 v. ¥5841.22 Histoire des chénes de ’Amérique septen- trionale. Paris, 1811. 5844.7 North American sylva. Paris, 1819. 3 v. e **G_151.3 8°. Michie, C. Y. The larch: ... culture and general man- agement. Edinburgh, 1882. 8°. 3858.74 21 ee practice of forestry. Edinburgh, 1888. 856.6 ee C. A. gee Sketch of the forestry of West Africa. Lon- don, 1887, 8°. 3857.81 ongrédien, A. Trees and shrubs, for English plantations. London, 1870. 8°. 7841.1 Montluisant, —. Note sur les desséchements les endigue- ments et les irrigations. (In Annales des ponts et chaussées, 1833, 2e sémestre, pp. 281-294.) 16.1 Mouillefert, P. Seca Traité des arbres Cea beees oe ... cultivés . .en Europe. Paris, 1891. 8°. +3854.6 Muller, E. e cima a forét. Paris, 1878. 8°. 3841.56 Murray, A a The pines and firs of Japan. London, 1863. 12° *L.22,29 Nanquette, H. Cours d’aménagement des foréts, etc. Nancy, 1860. 8°. 3847.50 National academy of sciences. Report of the committee . .. upon the in- auguration of a forest policy. Washington, 1897. 8°. 5844.65 New Hampshire. Forestry commission. Report. June session, 1885. Concord, 1885. 8°. *5846.5 New York, state. Senate. Report of the committee on agriculture re- lating to the subject of the forests. March 20, 1885. [Albany, 1885.] 8°. No. § in *5844.21 Forest commission. Annual report. 1-3, 5,9. Albany, 1886- 95. 5 v. 8°. *5843.12 Newhall, C. S. eo trees ot northeastern America. N. Y., 3841.63==*L.22. 7 Ne yee den Einfluss des Waldes auf das Klima. Berlin, 1886. 8°. No. § in *5216.50.N.F.1 Nisbet, J. British forest trees and their sylvicultural characteristics. London, 1893. 8°. 5844.58 Studies in forestry. Oxford, 1894. 8°. 3848.79 Northern transcontinental survey. Forest department. Map bulletin r. N. Y., 1883. *Map 47.4 Northrop, B. GC. Economic tree-planting. N. Y., 1878. 8°. 3846.67 Reprinted from the report of the Connecticut State board of agriculture. The schools of forestry and industrial schools of Europe. N. Y., 1878 8°. 5844.41=No. Io in *5845.28 Tree planting, forestry in Europe, and other papers. New Haven, 1880. : No. 6 in *5844.21—5844.19 Nuttall, T. a North American sylva. Phila., 1842-49. ** 3842. 3—**G. 151.2 Ohic. "State forestry bene Annual report. 1-5, 1885-89. Columbus, 1886-go. 8°. *5843.15 22 Ohio state forestry association. Proceedings at its meeting... March 28th, 1884. Columbus, 1884. 8°. *5843.6 Olmsted, F. L., and J. B. Harrison. Observations on the treatment of public plantations. Boston, 1889. 8°. 843.19—=*L.22.10 Orlandini, O. aii Trattato di boschicultura o elementi d’arte forestale. Firenze, 1883. 16°. 3859.70 Paris. Exposition universelle de 1878. Catalogue raisonné des collections exposées par l’administration des foréts. Paris, 1878. Sm. 8° 4026.53 Notice sur le débit et les emplois du safin, de l’épicéa et du méléze, par M. Gallot. Paris, 1878. 4°. 3843.56 Parks, C. W. Forestry education. (In United States. Bureau of education. Report for 1893/94. Vol. 1, pp. 809-818. Washington, 1896.) *7595.1.1893/94, vol. I Parsons, C. W. 7 Forests: their influence on climate and soil. Providence, 1878. 8°. No. 11 in *5845.28=No. 16 in *5848.22 Peaslee, J. B. Trees and tree-planting. Cincinnati, 1884. i No. 4 in *5844.20 Same. (In United States. Bureau of edu- cation. Planting trees in school grounds. Washington, 1885.) No. 11 in *5844.20=5844.55 Same. (In Ohio. State forestry bureau. 3d annual report. Columbus, 1888.) *5843.15.1887 Peck, C. H. The black spruce. [Albany, 1875?] 8°. No. Io in *4472.52 Perry, G. B. An essay on the cultivation of the oak, and other forest trees. (In Essex agricultural society. Agricultural essays. Pp. 11-19. Danvers, 1847.) 5992.68 Pfeil, W. Ueber Befreiung der Walder. Zilichau, 1821. 8°. 3067.30 Phillips, H. Sylva florifera. London, 1823. 2v. 8°. 41.22.23 Pinchot, G. Biltmore forest. Chicago, 1893. 12°. §849a.72—=*L.53.110 Government forestry abroad. (In American economic association. Publications. Vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 5-54. Baltimore, 1891.) No. 3 in **5560a.10.6 Pinchot, G., and H. S. Graves. The white pine. N. Y., 1896. 16°. 3858.21 Piper, R. U. The trees of America. No. 1-4. Boston, 1858. 4°. 5840.11 Planchon, J. E. The Eucalyptus globulus, from a botanic, economic, and medical point of view. Washington, 1875. 8°. No. 12 in *5845.28 Pontey, W. The profitable tree planter. London, 1809. 8° 3d. edition. *L.22.27 TREES AND FORESTS. Porcher, F. P. Resources of the southern fields and forests, Charleston, 1863. : 4475.10 Same. New edition. 1869. 8°. 4475.11 Powell, Baden Henry Baden-. Forest law. London, 1893. 8°. 3844.82 Pueschel, Alfred. 4 Kurzgefasste Forst-Encyclopedie, Leipzig, 1860. 16° 3848.80 Puton, A. L’aménagement des foréts. 2e édition. Paris, 1874. 16°. : 5849a.52 Manuel de législation forestiére. Paris, 1876. 16°. 3999.67 Rattray, J.. and H. R. Mill, editors. Forestry and forest products: prize essays Edinburgh ... 1884. Edinburgh, 1885. 8°. 3843.70 Ratzeburg, J. T. C. Die Waldverderber und ihre Feinde. Ber- lin, 1869. 8° 5804.2 Die Waldverderbniss. Berlin, 1866. 4°. 5890.3 Ravenscroft, E. Pinetum Britannicum. Edinburgh, 1884. Biv, Fes **Cab.58.13.1=**Cab.58.12.1 Read, M. C. Forest culture in Ohio. (In Ohio. Secre- tary of state. Annual report for 1878. Pp. 541-549. Columbus, 1879.) *6394.9.1878 Rentzsch, H. Der Wald im Haushalt der Natur und der Volkswirthschaft. 2te Aufl. Leipzig, 1862. 3847.70 Répertoire de législation et de jurisprudence forestiéres. Paris, 1863-1896. 22 v. 3854.50 The successor of Bulletin administratif et judi- ciaire des Annales forestiéres [3840.51]. Revue des eaux et foréts. T. 1-36. Paris, 1862-97. 8°. 3853.50 Ribbe, C. de. La Provence au point de vue des bois, des torrents et des inondations. Paris, 1857. Ze 3843.50 Roberts, M. Voices from the woodlands. London, 1850. 168,12 Robinson, J. Ornamental trees for Massachusetts planta- tions. Boston, 1881. 8°. No. 8 in *5844.21=*L.22.31 Our trees. . . Salem, and Essex county. Salem, 1891. 8°. 5844.52 Our trees in winter. Salem, 1882. 8°. No. 5 in *5844.15 Same. (In Essex institute. Bulletin. Vol. 13, pp. 38-51. Salem, 1882.) *§451.1.13 The pine: its life and importance in Essex county. Salem, 1878. 8°. No. 21 in *5845.22 Report of the committee on forest trees. [Essex agricultural society.] Salem, 1884. 8°. No. 5 in *5844.20=5844.35 Robinson, W. Parks, promenades and gardens of Paris. London, 1869. 4635.1 Roe, E. P. The home acre. N. Y., 1889. 12°. 3992.70 TREES AND FORESTS. Roland, A. Farming for pleasure and profit. 3d sec- tion. Tree-planting. London, 1879. 8°. Rossmaessler, E. A. seers Der Wald. Leipzig, 1863. 8°. 5842.1 Roth, C. Geschichte des Forst- und Jagdwesens in Deutschland. Berlin, 1879. 8°. 3843.65 Rousset, A. Les études de maitre Pierre sur Pagricul- ture et les foréts. Paris, 1864. 12° 849a. Ruiz Amado, H. ions Estudios forestales. Tarragona, 1870. 2 v. 3845.69 8°. Russell, J., duke of Bedford. Pinetum Woburnense. London, 1839. 8°. ¥#3851.103 Saint-Morys, £. B. V., comte de. Observations sur les plantations en général et particuliérement sur celles des arbres résineux. [?] No. 2 in *6675.83 Salisch, H. von. Forstasthetik. Berlin, 1885. 16°. 3857.70 Sargent, C. S. A few suggestions on tree-planting. Bos- ton, 1876. 8°. No. 13 in *5845. 22 Forest flora of Japan. Boston, 1894. 4°. #5840, 67 A on trees and tree-planting. Boston, 187: : No. 17 in *5845.22=No. 12 in *5845.28 The above are reprinted from the 23d and 2sjh re- ports of the Mass. State board of agriculture. Report on the forests of North America. Washington, 1884. [roth census. Vol. 9.] 4°. *L.22.1=*C.280.1.9 The silva of North America. Boston, 1891- g7. Irv. F°. ** 3840.65 The woods of ‘the United States. N ¥.., 1885. 8°. 3845.67—=*L.22. 24 Schacht, H. Les arbres. Bruxelles, 1864. 8°. 3844.51 Der Baum. Berlin, 1860. 8°. 3845.20 Schleiden, M. J. Fir Baum und Wald. Leipzig, 1870. 8°. 3846.63 Schlich, W. A manual of forestry. London, 1889-096. 5 v. 8°. 5846.12 Schurz, C. The need of a rational forest policy in the United States. Phila. 1889. 8°. 3852.79 Schwappach, A. Forstpolitik, Jagd- Leipzig, 1894. Schwendener, S. Aus der Geschichte der Culturpflanzen. Basel, 1872. 8°. No. Io in *2900a.50.1 Sears, J. H. Notes on the forest trees of Essex, Clinton and Franklin counties, New York. Salem, und Fischereipolitik. 35061.138 1881. 8°. No. 6 in *5844.15 Same. (In Essex institute. Bulletin. Vol. 13, pp. 174-188. Salem, 1882.) *4451.1.13 Seckendorff-Gudent, A., Freiherr von. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Schwarzfdhre. Wien, 1881. ‘i 5841.14 Das forstliche Versuchswesen. Wien, 1881. 8°. 3844.63 23 Die forstlichen Verhaltnisse ee Leipzig, 1879. 3844.58 Verbauung der Wildbiache, Aufforstung und Beracnn der Gebirgsgrinde. Wien, 1884. 3942.55; Atlas, *3940a.26 Selby, ‘P. J. History of British forest- trees. London, 1842. 8° 3845.6 Semler, H. Tropische und nordamerikanische Wald- wirtschaft und Holzkunde. Berlin, 1888. ° 3851.56 Siemoni, G. C. Manuale teorico-pratico d’arte forestale. 2a ed. Firenze, 1872. 8°. 5859.50 Relazione sui boschi ed i loro prodctti.. . a di Vienna. ale ee eee 1873. Pe 0. 3 in 2 Small, H. B. : ae Canadian forests. Montreal, 1884. 8°. 5845.40 Smith, Capt. John. England’s improvement reviv’d. London, 1670. 4°. ¥*#H1 92.55 Smucker, I. Prairie forestry. (Cut from Newark Ameri- can, May 25, I No. 10 in *5844.21 Springer, J. S Forest-life and forest-trees. N. Y., 1851. 12° *4504.114 Starke, a California woods: San Francisco, 1889. 8°. ¥*L.22.16 Stearns, R. E. C. Forest tree culture in California. 1872-82. [1882.] 8°. 5844.34 Stewart, H. The planter’s guide. Edinburgh, 1828. 8°. 4003.6 Same. 2d edition. 1828. *L.22.20 Same. Ist American edition. N. Y., 1832. *L.22.21 Same. 3d edition. 1848. 4003.7==3982.5 Strutt, J. G. London, 1826. F°. ¥#** Cab,58.13.2=**G.20.4 *L.22.3 Sylva Britannica. Same. Surell, A. Etude sur les torrents des Hautes-Alpes. Paris, 1870-72. 2 v. 3043.52 Thiéry, E. Restauration des montagnes, correction des torrents, reboisement. Paris, 1891. 8° 1830. 3941.64 Townsend, E. C. Cypress (Cupressus-disticha). A brief his- tory of the most noted and wonderful wood in the world. N. Y., 1890. 8°. 5849a.78 Trees and how to grow them. London. [1881?] 8°. 3859.59 United States. Cultivation of timber and the preservation of forests. Report from the committee on public lands. Washington, 1874. 8°. No. 8 in *5845.27—=No. 6 in *5844.20 Letters, reports, etc., on the subject of the establishment of a school of forestry. Washington, 1880. 8°. No. 7 in *5844.20 24 Message from the president communicating information in relation to the cultivation of timber and the preservation of forests. Washington, 1874. 8°. No. 7 in *5845.27 Census bureau. t1oth census. Forestry bulletin. No. 1-25. Washington, 1881-83. 4°. *5850.5 Consuls. Forestry in Europe. Reports from the consuls of the United States. Washing- ton, 1887. 15843.7 Department of agriculture. Forestry in the United States. Address of George B. Loring. Washington, 1883. 8°. No. 8 in *5844.20 Preliminary report on the forestry ot the Mississippi valley. Washington, 1883. 8°. No. 9 in *5844.20 The proper value and management of gov- ernment timber lands and the distribution of North American forest trees. Wash- ington, 1884. 8°. *SQQ1.71.5 Report upon forestry. Prepared by F. B. Hough. Washington, 1878-82. 3 v. 8°. ¥*3845.61 Forestry division. Bulletin, No. 1-14. Washington, 1887-906. Sv. 8°. *5843.25 Untersuchungen aus dem _ forstbotanischen Institut zu Miinchen. B. 1-3. Berlin, 1880-83. 3 v. 8°. 5843.27 No more was published. Useful and ornamental planting. London, 1832. 8°. Valles, F. de P. F. X. H. De I'aliénation des foréts aux points de vue gouvernemental, financier, climatologique et hydrologique. Paris, 1865. 8° 3846.61=*L.22.37 5997.63=*L.32.15 Vasey, G. Exotic trees in Washington. Washington, 1875. fs *L.22.14 Vaupell, C. Bggens Indvandring i de danske Skove. Kjgbenhavn, 1857. 8° 3846.62 Vierling, F. C. Arbori-culture. Chicago, 1890. 12°. *L.22.26 Villa, A. G. B. I boschi nella Lombardia, Milano, 1873. 8°. Walker, Campbell. Reports on forest management in Germany, Austria, and Great Britain. London, 1873. 8°. 3843.76 ae forestry: 1876. ga ed. 5996.4 ete: its aim and object. fs No. 14 in *5844.21 State forestry; its climatic and financial as- pect. [Wellington, 1887.] 8°. No. 15 in *5844.21 Walker, J. B. An address upon the forests of New Hamp- shire. Manchester, N. H., 1872. 8°. No. 2 in *4393.43 The forests of New Hampshire. Concord, N. H., 1883. No. 6 in *4393.43 Our New Hampshire forests. Concord, N. H., 1891. 8° No. 9 in *4393.43 TREES AND FORESTS. The preservation and control of our forests. Concord, N. H., 1894. 8°. ; No. If in *4393.43 Ward H. M. The oak. London, 1892. 8°. 3848.73 Warder, J. A } An address on forestry. [Nebraska City, 1878?] 16° No. 20 in *5845.22 An essay on timber planting in Ohio. Co- lumbus, 1880. 8°. No. 12 in *5844.21 Forestry and its needs. Washington, 1878. e No. 19 in *5845.22 Hedges and evergreens. N. Y., 1858. 12°. 5999.13-=*L.23.7 Report on forests and forestry. Washing- ton, 1875. [Vienna exhibition, 1872.] 8°. No. 11 in *5844.21 The western catalpa. Washington, 1881. 8°. No. 13 in *5844.21 Wesmael, A. C. Catalogue raisonné des arbres forestiers & d’ornement . en Belgique. Gand, 1864. ge as L.22.30 Wessely, J. ; Die oesterreichischen Alpenlander und ihre Forste. Wien, 1853. 2v. 8°. 3843.57 Williams, J. O. Mammoth trees of California. Boston, 1871. or: 5847.6 Wisconsin. Report on the disastrous effects of the de- struction of forest trees. Madison, 1867. ; 5996.2 Wood, S. The tree planter and plant propagator. London, 1880. 12°. 3847.76 The tree pruner. London, 1880. 12°. No. 2 in 3847.76 Wood industries, The, of Canada. London, 1897. F°. *8010.64 Wood industries, The, of Sweden. London, 1896. F° §010.155 Wright, E. The voice of a tree from the Middlesex Fells. By Pinus Strobus. Boston, 1883. 32°. No. 10 in *4490b.84 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Baldamus, A. C. E. Die deutsche Literatur der Forst- und Jagd- wissenschaft. 1881-1885. Leipzig, 1886. Ps *2176.82 Bjerregaard, A. P. Bibliography of forestry and kindred topics. (Cut from New York, state. Forest com- mission. Annual report, 1887-88. Troy, 1889. 2176.105 Jordana y Morera, J. Apuntes bibliografico-forestales. Madrid, 1873. 8°. ¥*2172.56 Switzerland. Département fédéral de Tin- dustrie, etc. Foréts, chasse et péche. Foréts. Berne, 1894. [Bibliographie nationale suisse. Fasc. Vgc.] 8° *2152.58. Vgc. TREES AND FORESTS. 25 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. _ In addition to such separate re eicnt publications as are referred to in the fore- ° e+ ppoing list, the following articles will be found in the United States documents: Forest cultivation on the Plains, by L. Blodget (Report of the Department of agricul- ture for 1872). — Forest culture (Report for 1870. — American forests, their destruction and: preservation, by F. Starr, jr. (Report for 1865). — Culture and management of forests (38th congress, 2d session, exec. doc. 68). — Preservation of forests, and mem., from the Ameri- can association for the advancement of sciene, on the cultivation of timber and the preser- vation of forests (43d congress, Ist session, House doc. 259). — Preservation of forests (43d congress, Ist session, Senate doc. 28), — Forests and their climatic influence, by A. C. Becquerel (Smithsonian report for 1869, 41st congress, 3d session, exec. doc. 153). — Dis- tribution of forest trees in Montana, Idaho, and Washington territory, by W. W. Johnson (Smithsonian report for 1870, 42d congress, 1st session, exec. doc. 20). — Distribution of forests and trees of North America, with notes on its physical geography, by J. G. Cooper (Smithsonian report for 1858, 35th congress, 2d session, Misc. doc. 49). — Forests and for- estry, by J. A. Warder (44th congress. Ist session, exec. doc. 196). — The forests and trees of Northern America (Report of the Commissioner of patents, 1860). — Message relating to forestry. President R. B. Hayes, 1870 (45th congress, 3d session, House exec. doc. 29). — Report on forestry, by F. B. Hough. 1880 (46th congress, 2d session, House exec. doc. 37). — Message on forestry. President R. B. Hayes, 1880 (46th congress, 2d session. House exec. doc. 37). — Letters, reports, etc.. on the establishent of a school of forestry (46th con- gress, 2d session, Senate misc. doc. 91). — Report of the forestry division, Department of agriculture, 1883 (47th congress, 2d session, exec. doc. 109). — Annual report, chief of for- estry bureau, 1884 (48th congress, Ist session exec. doc. 178). — Forest culture and forest preservation in New South Wales, by G. W. Griffin (Consular report 81, 1887). — Annual report, forestry division (Department of agriculture, 1887). — Memorial of the American as- sociation for the advancement of science in behalf of a proper forest policy, 1890 (51st con- gress, Ist session, Senate exec. doc. 36). — Memorial of A. Bocherdt in relation to the destruction of forests in the United States, 1890 (51st congress, Ist session, Senate misc. doc. 51). — Forests of Hanover, by A. M. Simon (Consular report 115, 1890). — Forests of Germany. by J. H. Smith (Consular report 113). — Influence of forests on water sup- plies by B. E. Fernow (Annual report, Department of agriculture for 1889). — 5th annual report of the division of forestry (Annual report, Department of agriculture, for 1890). — Annual report of the division of forestry, 1891 (Annual report, Department of agriculture, for 1891). — Plates prepared . . . to accompany a report on the forest trees of America, by A. Gray (Smithsonian publication 800). — Report from the committee on agriculture and forestry favoring bill to provide for. . public forest reservations (52d congress, Ist session, Senate report 1002). — Trees in French cities by H. G. Knowles (Consular report 147). — Forestry in the United States, by B. E. Fernow (Paris exposition, 1889; reports of the U. S. commissioners, vol. 5). — Report from the committee on public lands favoring bill to pro- tect forest reservations (52d congress, 2d session, House report 2437). — Report of the division of forestry for 1892 (Department of agriculture, 52d congress, 2d session, House exec. doc. 1, part 6).—Forests in Belgium, by G. W. Roosevelt (Consular report 154).—Additions to the forest flora of North America, by G. B. Sudworth (Annual report, Department of agri- culture, for 1892). — Report from the committee_on public lands favoring bill to protect forest reservations (53d congress, Ist session, House exec. doc. 78). — Report from the committee on public lands favoring bill to protect public reservations, May 14, 1894 (53d congress, 2d session, House report 897). PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS OF GREAT BRITAIN. In the Sessional Papers issued by the British government are annual reports on forests, etc., relating especially to Great Britain. These can be consulted on the Special Libraries floor. MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. The annual reports of the Secretary of this Board [6445.4] contain many valuable ar- ticles on this subject. The importance of tree-culture is treated of in the reports for 1853, 54, 57, 59, 61, 65, 71, 72, 75, 76. — Desirability of extending the growth of forests, 1853,54 50, 57, 59, 61, 62, 65, 69, 71, 72, 75; Destruction of forests increasing the liability to drought, 1854, 56, 50, 61, 69, 75. — Temperature of soil in forests, 1854, 56 59, 65. — Extent of the destruction of forests, 1854, 65, 72, 75. — Profit of growing forests, 1856, 57, 65, 75. — Influence of for- ests, 1854, 56, 59, 61, 69, 71, 72, 75. — Number of valuable species of forest trees in this coun- try, 1854, 57, 66, 69, 72. — Methods and times o planting and transplanting forest trees, 1856, 60, 62, 65, 66, 75, 76. — Rotation in forest trees, 1860, 69 (for another article on this subject, see H. D. Thoreau’s “Excursions,” 4506.14) —- Time of felling forest trees, 1856. — Char- 26 TREES AND. FORESTS. acteristics of different trees, 1866..— Change of the foliage in autumn, 1875. — Forest schools in Europe, 1875. — Characteristics of the foliage of northern compared with that of south- ern trees, 1865. — Action of frost on trees, 1874. — Effect of girdling, 1873, 74. — Value of farms increased by trees, 1875. — Purification of the atmosphere, 1875. — Nearness to dwell- ing-houses, 1875. — Notes on trees and tree-planting, by C. S. Sargent, 1875, 77. — Forest fires, by C. S. Sargent, 1882. — Forest tree planting, by A. P. Slade. — Discussion on forestry. — Report of the committee on forest trees, by John Robinson, 1883. — Forestry and arboriculture in Massachusetts, by John Robinson, 1887. — Report on forestry, 1890. — Act... for the preservation and reproduction of forests, 1893. See also the Transactions of the Massachusetts horticultural society, and of the . American association for the advancement of science, passim. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE BY THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON. The Central Library. Annual List of new books, 1896-97. .05; by mail, .15 Annual reports. Free: by mail, .o7 Handbook for Readers, 1890. .10; by mail, .17 Monthly Bulletin. Free upon application: by mail, .03 Quarterly Bulletins. 5 cts. a number; by mail, -lo. Nos. 1-3. 10, 12-28, 35, 36, 46, 47, 52, 54- 56. 62, 64. 71, 72, 74, 101-102, out of print. English Prose Fiction. 8th edition, 1893. -10; by mail, .18 — Supplement. 1893-1897. .05; by mail, .o8 Periodicals, Newspapers. Transactions, and other Serial Publications currently received in the Principal Libraries of Boston and Vicinity. Publ. 1897. .25; by mail, .33 Selected List for Younger Readers. 3d ed. 1808. ot: by mail, .03 Chronological Index to Historical Fiction. 3d ed. In Bulletin from Jan., 1892 to Jan., 3896. (When finished to be issued as a separate work.) Bates Hall Index. Supplement of 1866 (in- cluding Parker Collection). Unbound. $1.00 Books in raised type for the Blind. List. —.go French Fiction. .10; by mail, .13 History, Biography, and Travel. 3d ed., 1892. .25; by mail, .42 Russian works in the Library. 05 A List of Books on Social Reform. .05; by mail, o9 In Bul- Electric Telegraph and Telephone, letin no. 92. Electricity and Magnetism. In Bulletin no. 88. Memoranda of Lieut. Col. Eld, 1779 and 1780. Original Letters of Earl Percy, 1774-1778. In Bulletin no. 87. Memorandums made in a tour to the Eastern States, 1797, by Robert Gilmor. In Bulletin no. 88. Notes on some writing which may be by Shakespeare in the Library. In Bulletin no. 79. Spanish and Portuguese Books not restricted to “Hall use.” In Bulletin no. 84. Facsimiles. Chart of Boston Harbor, in color, made by order of Andros. In Bulletin no. 92. First Draft of the Freemen’s oath. In Bul- letin no. 97. : Five Broadsides of the Boston Committee of Correspondence, 1773, 74. In Bulletin no. 93. Five Revolutionary Broadsides. In Bulletin no. go. ; Four Broadsides relating to the American Colonies, 1696, 1697, 1774, 1775. In Bulletin no. 94. Latin ersten of 1493 of the First Letter of Columbus on the Discovery of America, with a new Translation. List of Passengers in the Speedwell, 1656. In Bulletin no. 96. Petition of the Handycraftsmen of Boston, 1677, against the Intrusion of Strangers. In Bulletin no. 95. Plan of Boston, drawn by Chevalier Daux in 1692, In Bulletin no. gs. Catalogues of Special Collections. Barton Library. Catalogue (complete). .00 Part 1. Shakespeare Collection. ee .00 Part 2. Miscellaneous. Jad Chamberlain Collection of Autographs. Brief description, with portrait. : : Make application; by mail, .03 Franklin Library. List of portraits. In Bul- letin no. 8&4. John A. Lewis Library of Early New England Books. Catalogue. In Bulletin no. 80. Prince Library. Catalogue. $1.00 Thayer Library. Catalogue. In Bulletin no. 100. Galatea Collection. Catalogue. 15; by mail, .18 Subject Catalogues. Reprinted from the Public Card Catalogue. No.1. Annuals. In Bulletin no. 94. No. 2. Egypt. In Bulletin no. 94. No.3. Alps. In Bulletin no. 9s. No. 4. Steam Engines. In Bulletin no. gs. No.5. Works relating to the Blind. In Bul- letin no. 95. No.6. Africa. In Bulletin no. 95. No.7. Arctic Regions. In Bulletin no. 96. No.8. Health and Hygiene. In Bulletin no. 97. No.9. Tracts of the Time of Charles 1., and English Commonwealth. In Bulletin no. 98. No. ro. Architecture, Construction, Decora- tion. .25; by mail, .33 No. 11. Roads. In Bulletin no. 99. No. r2. Corea, Japan, China. In Bulletin no. 99. No. 13. Goethe. In Bulletin no. 100. Special Bibliographies. No.1. Franklin Bibliography. No. 2. List of Spanish Grammars. No. 4. Maps in the Publications of the Geo- logical Society. No. 5. Bibliography of Special Subjects. Also in Bulletin no 80, and in Handbook, oth ed. No.6. Bibliography of the Official Publica- tions of the Continental Congress, 1774-80. No. 7. Catalogue of Family Histories. No.8. Higher Education of Women. .15; by mail, .18 A List of Books on Social Reform. .05: by mail, .08 Other Publications. Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, 1629- 1818. By T. B. Wyman. 2 v. $8.00 Journal of the Quebec Expedition, 1775; Jour- nals, 1776 to 1783. By Henry Dearborn: each, .75 Map of Old Boston, compiled from the Book of Possessions. By George Lamb. Branches. Finding lists. Free upon application. West End Finding List (and Supplement). .10 The Public Library of the City of Boston: Printing Department.