BB77 ‘ees CORNELL UNIVERSITY. THE Roswell P. Flower Library THE GIFT OF ROSWELL P. FLOWER FOR THE USE OF THE N. Y. STATE VETERINARY COLLEGE. 1897 | G2 Cornell University Libra | 7 “Tu mt | Date Due eich | Aha ££ VETERINARY OBSTETRICS A COMPENDIUM FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS AND PRACTITIONERS BY W. H. DALRYMPLE, M.R.C.V.S. ConxsuLTInG VETERINARIAN To THE Baton Rovce, La. (District) Boarp or HEaLTH MEMRER OF THE U.S. VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, PRINCIPAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY SCIENCE, LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY AND A. AND M. COLLEGE } VETERINARIAN TO THE LOUISIANA STATE BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE AND AGRICULURAL EXPERIMENT STATIONS ETC., ETC. NEW YORK WILLIAM R. JENKINS VETERINARY PUBLISHER AND BOOKSELLER 851 anp 853 SixtH AVENUE } Ered eed E87 Copyright, 1898, by Witt1am R. JENKINS. Oy All Rights Reserved. al a" ae Nos fi PRINTED BY THE Press oF WILLIAM R. JENKINS, New York. TO ALEXANDER LIAUTARD, M.D., V.S., AS A TOKEN OF PERSONAL ESTEEM, AS WELL AS FOR HIS UNTIRING EFFORTS TO ADVANCE THE INTERESTS OF OUR NOBLE PROFESSION IN AMERICA, IS THIS LITTLE VOLUME Respectfully Medicated BY THE AUTHOR. PREFACE, In offering this little volume to the Veterinary Profession of America, it is not my desire to encourage the student in the neglect of the more voluminous works on Veterinary Obstetrics, but more with the idea of aiding him, when time is an object, in reviewing his studies on the subject. It is with the hope, also, that it may be of service to the busy obstetrician, in refreshing his memory when quick reference is required, or when larger works may be inaccessible. In the preparation of this compendium, the follow- ing literature has been consulted, and, in several of the sections, somewhat freely quoted: ‘“ Fleming’s Obstetrics,” ‘Chauveau’s Comparative Anatomy” (Fleming), ‘“Vade Mecum of Equine Anatomy” (Liautard), Friedberger & Frohner’s ‘‘ Pathology and Therapeutics of the Domestic Animals,” ‘“ Moller’s Surgery,” ‘Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics” (McFadyean), articles in published reports of the U. S. Department of Agriculture (Law); and I am much indebted to my friend Mr. John Renfrew, M.R.C.V.S., of Glasgow, Scotland,. for numerous and copious notes. I am under many obligations to Dr. George Fleming, C.B., of Higher Leigh, Combe Martin, North Devon, England, for his kindness in granting permission to use the cuts (from 5 vi PREFACE. his valuable work on obstetrics) for the purpose of illustrating the text. The printer and publisher, William R. Jenkins, New York City, deserves my thanks, not only for the style and neatness with which he has executed his work, but for the promptness with which he has facilitated the reading of the proof, ete. Should this little work seem to fill a gap, and find a modest but useful place in our veterinary literature, I will feel fully repaid for any time or trouble expended. W. H. DALRYMPLE. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, U.S.A. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE PREFACE. ....... sasieigwied ¥S0e SARs TO pou wis Seley eaMeaawioseaGg on eda Oea w v ANATOMY—FEMALE ORGANS CONCERNED IN GENERATION AND PARTURITION. .......0eeceees iseweewe 46 BES ca WB Weaeieimieaiausla tees 50 7 "The: Pelvis saiuuien wisciaciogenieewereveste star atwuaidheicusieortveeace ones 7 The Os Innominatum or Coxa........... sites pesca eer 7. MUM sesiiwnsien oes dee deticeawsaee vedi edcatigteatnhe aia 8 ASCH IUD sacs cteis ciaisivia 5 spaanara dilbia tease a oietatsansetiroeanetanee se 9 PUDIS soins ces beater beeteswhe eave cede ignaieie 9 The Sacrum.............08. sae A NON Ss Wet Sas Baiaiameewanies Io PhO Coc yX sascsscaawik ssa camcaniosaeaeneesee ays iGaeie See II The differences in the pelvic bones of other animals...... paeaMades I The Cows ws ceawan cases ose headin wacaanoeaee ted oe e Sebewegauy II The Sheep and Goat. .....-...ceees feet tee ete neers etteeeees I2° The Bitch and Cat.............. esaiomeahois biswisemee'd ose ais Wars: 12 TNE HOG i siiss tebe ciegiiwriaricubice'scis vaesawsaa vide fiero be Same 13 Pelvic Articulations. ............00008 sla ea aeraine de wate woes sas ROaE 13 Differences in other animals............0000e0008 Sessions aineaeeeetrs 14 THe Cow sas isiesseaded ee cos aise areal teussanale ele 6 ascere wad esse vk eels 14 The Sheep.sanid: Goat seis csieass oa aieeeeaetedn sen Gales esa 14 The Pig .. ...... abe Gincpinle SY ciara wen Wie sie y's eBay ata eer tentenh eae ¥ x 14 The Bitch and ‘Gat oc iccsivic esicwiiie's'es vais We aisioee@aaiew dass 14 Pelvic: Cavity ss v2sesis vs os dees ten sees seeees iets ac sie exe ees taa 15 Pelvic: Lilet. aisisisiaie'e sie cravsres io no be: atwavainaca sete ie-o. 6 ad dieses side wieseveraynlatauorme 15 PelVic: Outletisscccs kfonsdeniclnciecician siete wardens Memencne eu waamees 16 Diffefien Ces ccc eeaiieeeiorasiin sian annie dadaasiee 16 TG CO Welt 's iain soos ieiv'e es ctew fe tl oaidle cian antes en egey Baldoinmees 16 The Sheep and Goat..... ...... Dah asunnaeTaiae sila damier ohs ea 17 The: Pig'.s.ceessssnieeeesew ees RARER REA ONSEN GAs 17 The Biteh aid Cats cs visite ovsiccacos cas saaasdieciesin ete etecaatas 18 The! Villvaisiscec ws eek ce dadsedoeaa cera Sueewead sialelnds a enemas 18 The Clitoris. ......0..ssseseeeeeeees ssta(siaju oe Ginisielajevarateistaie wiotwtatsieiststaialace 18 The: Hymenisi seuss iesed ess vevsesie cages: grenens sa smed ews Suwees 19 The Meatus Urinarius.........25 ccsccceececeeeesnns seceieeeenes 20 The Vagina.....cccscccccccccccccereeeesesesnssenseeneseensaneus 21 vii viii TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE The Uterus. seis vo vessccsee oo we ve seaeeneewecueae te seine seieneene® 22 Fallopian “Tubesiis ini. ccn.cenrtadtasciciens sieieed soo 3a es Sarat sisi 23 HE OVANIES (cine: Sr WendeOerReeiasdews sd Gives seweesenae eevee es 24 Mammary Glands.........ccccccsecreceeee eee ee eeeeeer eee pease ees 24 Tithe s COW a cise.cie' alicia oom ao aodgnes saa ue aeecaeeeae eevee 25 In Small Ruminants.......... 0.0... c eee cece eee ence ceeeees 26 Inthe Pig...... ieee ee wees e slSeete dilate a abate tnceaststabaiaietsya stave aiaies's 26 In the. Bitchs is sccieslceaasgeesdsvaseeeteegee Qusaeeveaees oes 26 CHAPTER II. PHYSIOLOGY. 55 ex cscirewnieae ieackcanaine awk Ais see Oden tein ceedecmewigemied 27 Age of Puberty.......ccsceceeeee ceeeeeces Satine eeu taidadeneacatis 27 Iii the COWi2c% sou iene tay. cht gee eee ate peed ada 27 Tin the Mares e:sccissesavenaie ais nag eidiggancegian si aie aig w gies Se vere bie avelelsie dios ones - 28 Period of CHstrum se00 cde ade cee oN va ihe wowawesioas dwenecawed 29 Tin the: Mare cssciiisicsitseca: oo ole Fou see ahisiee lene nerabarelnereemeleaiese 29 In the COW. cs ceivsciiciens wo feadsa aomeeeesaa sake adios etre 29 Inthe: Bitehvsai ss ss2 sais vaveaeeicosamarieie tseanwaee sae 29 In the Ewe...........0005 HPL TIS DAKO RANA Ranne ae manasa 29 Period of Gestation...........cccccccnncee cece net eeeeee ceneenees 31 In the Different Animals............ccceeeec serene eeeeeseeees 33 Fetal Envélopés teobieru eh egeles 33 The: Chorio cacaiaisaso ieee nudinadesiwniiisswlenia Momgeetadaddeadetdds 33 The Amnion...-.........cceeeeeeee eres isle teaGilsitviegioul Ghee epee oa 33 The) Allantois:. osc. 0s steparwevenveamoganss ccs seep cevegs3aae 0% 34 Umbilical, Vesicléss.:.:.ecee ss cisedvam sa aweieaiinaieeiae wea Gein 36 Placental Circulation: 14 0+4s 001% csexsue sewer rvetsaae cnet eae eeeen 36, 39 Unibiliéal Cord icccasesscecceeees vasencinwee., ones adauannanbenisas 38 Symptoms of Pregnancy and Parturition.............-......eeeeee 40 CHAPTER III. ANOMALIES OCCURRING IN GESTATION... 1+... +--+ eceeceeceecescneeeuces 45 Superfoetations..00s. gases css ss tacausuaeanessnewasioanneana acon 45 Extra Uterine Gestation............ceceecce cence eeee reser erences 45 Spurious Pregnancy.........sccsecceseceneecenneeeseeeeees «daisies 46 Hydrops Uteri.......-00:scecsceceetereenserereacecesecsane + 47 CHAPTER IV. SoME CONDITIONS INCIDENTAL TO PREGNANCY...seeseccsecsececcece 48 Hydrops Amnii........-.-. cee eeeeeeeeees tem eee eee nec ateaes 48 TABLE OF CONTENTS ix PAGE Rachitis and Osteomalachia................cceeeeeereeeceseeeees 48 CRS Sri 2 isso Scie taae eter cpnastnv we acer agcaraen aoe eam raseemnare elatio ears entetscw syria 49 Ante-partum Paresis..............0006 sonenay Bates ne haeanet sian 50 CHAPTER V. Some ACCIDENTS OF PREGNANCY.........00008 ar shai oh elayle OUiala tae eNere Weeser8 51 Abnormal Retention of Foetus........ als cteeoraieaane ees btuiy vciglerialers 51 Metrorrhagia.... ......... dysiaveislareie' seals OO er rT ee er 51 Prolapsus Vaginal (ante-partum)..........cceeeceeeceeeceeeescnees 52 Hysterocele..........cceecsereecrevecs eames WatSeeaata cert eee yas 54 Rupture of Uterus (ante-partum)......... eeipa siete cs sionjnvaye naked maar 55 ADOMIGH cise sco ososinaesidaies Vox a ena aisle Sa wainynttate eee ators 56 CHAPTER VI. DDYSTORIA GS os Adiveinseeindes soe os Ba Giese Las eRe ta eee ese es E epdcacareias sears 60 Causes of Foetal Dystokia ..............06 ibarg: Sb RRI Bid saeisey racranees 60 Causes of Maternal Dystokia...........ccseee sence cence cece eeees 60 Mal-Presentations of Foetus.........0.e008 sGhine ceeca ee ats sstchopupaaiele 61 Anterior-Presentations............00008 Wa wie sche esas oa meeless 61 Vertebro-Publews iiss si ccna ces vecssaleaee cee es sas sar sseeens . 61 Vertebro-WMide scii.cs cies ois aa ss Gans eee entewawine eR TEA oe eieiace 62 Vertebro-Sacral (fore legs over neck).........e.eeee eeee eee 63 Vertebro-Sacral (fore legs flexed at fetlocks with headnormal). 63 Vertebro-Sacral (fore limbs flexed at knees).............0005 64 Vertebro-Sacral (head normal, but fore limbs back under body)... CR rece try ce) shay APR eae 65 Vertebro-Sacral (head bent downwards)........cseeeseeeenee 66 Vertebro-Sacral (head turned to one side)...........0eeeee eee 68 Vertebro-Sacral (head bent backwards and upwards)......... 69 Vertebro-Sacral (obstruction due to hind limbs).............. 69 Vertebro-Sacral (all four feet presented). .... Riadeneeanetc hat 70 Posterior-Presentations.......... A dy Suavhareek eis ie ince ERO is aletmateonets 70 Tim bo-Sactall siieacsss o's 6 'sic eieasisiecein nies ieiede 0s is eseseinareenaseieiecdiaie 70 Lumbo-Sacral (hind limbs flexed at fetlocks)............... - 70 Lumbo-Sacral (hocks flexed).....2.eceeeee coeececesevenenes 7 Lumbo Pubic: c.cccs cscs cea seenweew eves es sseblsinnieeneemmiees 73 Thigh and Croup. .......csscrecce cece cen ceeesensceeeeencnaes 73 Sterno-Abdominal..........ccccccceeeeeeeeeer seers en eeeeeeee 75 Dorso-Lumbar .....0cccecsceseccccsescceeereescssaeceeneenas 76 x TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER VII. PAGE EMBRVOTOMY 6 ii ii..es6ss0esoe5 tes bis etee ered oe fawe ye ee ceate gassaee we 79: Decapitation. cacdc dad didaiesis sak oad HeGNete cainhwtun Seles atk 80. Removal of Limbs (partial or complete)...........eceeeeseeereees 81 DetttinCatlot cove iia ances eee siok's cisieis d Gisle seapiows cane natant 82 wEVISCeT at ONs 00s seve esd waceucedaumaics ex eiesiacs sigs Saenger Gites 82 Rotationiss essae: anew oswunee waedemie unbie da vax sale d oersisinemmewnts ox 83. Versions «ov os ses wawnsnneierwe reas save vos e esndewaews weaties 83 Cesarian Operations: scdecseseamawie vad sees cs sais s stem nemis deeee 84 CHAPTER VIII. MONS TROSITIES 4.2 3s danse wauiiie ll Meeededdedes eton- on aun wees 86 DISEASES OF FCETUS....... 00. ce cece cece nee e cnet eee e esse tneeneeanet 89. Abdominal Ascitis...........ccceeeeeeceeeveecee Kehoe ses 89 ANASAL CAG: «:c:5s anesaina der aauakwneewesie ese s vest 1s Bae asleee Vee. 89. CHAPTER X. MATERNAL. DYSTOKIA..s5.0ceieceiecee Gnupeesbiieee esos canopy caanayys go Deformity of Pelvis..........0ccceeeeeeee ‘Civiwiohddenerans go Fractutesss.cinswite teint dh ennuenneuchasee cane ecu su auleaguda Geeky ss go FEXOStOSES.45 sbitieviasiee our ahs sie eee eee a ele duane wee go Hernia of Uterus. siesecsnssewewcaee egies sis evessnseneeeeses » 92 Deviation of Uterus.............seeeeceeaee {Use Ress Aol ee 93. Torsion Of Uterus.....---- sees ce se eee cece cece eter cette eeeeeees 94 THMOPS jeoc2 ose aeewewe wr ceipeunsaoten dis ess Oe se es eee HEURES Reales 97 Hernia of the Bladder..........ceceecee cece cee ee cet ee een cece tees 97 Spasin Of OS*UtePiesiscssen sce shane Seaway isa. bh sees wndees Rude 97 Induration of Os-Uteri............ Ie ssusisvideten meine eee ANUeRE TE 99 Scirrhous Chorion......see0e:.ssee8s awacaeueeeriaee Geessces 35 “99. Persistent. Hymen isis oes: 2 cuwseaws cane avowebetaddusaina naar deden 99 Want of Muscular Power to Expel Foetus............. 0. ...2..000- 100 CHAPTER XI, Some ACCIDENTS FOLLOWING PATURITION.....0..0cececeeeeseeseeee IOr Post-Partum Hemorrhage........... ccc cceee cece sees ensesecceeee Io Retention of Foetal Membranes............ Beis Hie CSRS C0 OXpave ateitin 102 Inversion-of Uterisieiedscccs eects dad acaene: lecwcilas bacase cee + 104 MGtfOtoimys siecGeeined nce acc tart acca Pelee Saale eden Sead eseece TIO Inversion of Vagina....... cc. cecce eee e eee eseee ceeeeee tee eves TIT Inversion of Bladder.... ....... ccc eccccecuencecsececceveeueeues IIT TABLE OF CONTENTS xi CHAPTER XII. 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