CORNELL UNIVERSITY THE Flower Veterinary Library FOUNDED BY ROSWELL P. FLOWER for the use of the N. Y. STATE VETERINARY COLLEGE 1897 This Volume is the Gift of | Cornell University Library _ SF 887.W72v uinin | 31924 021 949 296, Due @© PRINTED | IN U.S. A. Me py Crm nts Pod: phar VETERINARY OBSTETRICS INCLUDING THE DISEASES OF BREEDING ANIMALS AND OF THE NEW-BORN By W. L. WILLIAMS Professor of Surgery and Obstetrics in the New York State Veterinary College at Cornell University PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR AT ITHACA, N. Y. 1909 A. No2 ys COPYRIGHT BY WwW. L. WILLIAMS 1909 SF 667 WTA PRESS OF ANDRUS & CHURCH ITHACA, N. Y. PREFACE, Whatever apology may be due the American veterinary pro- fession for the imperfections of this volume, the author does not deem it necessary to apologize for considering desirable a treat- ise upon Veterinary Obstetrics, and the diseases and accidents intimately associated therewith. In American veterinary colleges, and largely in the veterinary colleges of the world, obstetrics is the most poorly and ineffi- ciently taught of all the major subjects in the veterinary curri- culum. The available obstetric literature in the English language is very unsatisfactory. ‘The author believes that the chief ques- tion affecting this treatise is not the need for a comprehensive volume upon veterinary obstetrics and the closely related sub- jects, but the efficiency of the volume to partly supply that need. We have felt warranted in introducing features which are not usually included in treatises upon obstetrics. We have devoted a chapter to the ‘‘ Accidents and Injuries of Coition.’’ A yet greater space has been devoted to the ‘‘Infections of Coition’’, especially to the specific venereal infections. Still more em- phasis has been placed upon the subject of sterility. The writer desires to heartily express his sense of profound obligation to the various authors and publishers upon whose publications, with their kind permission, free draft has been made for illustrations and material for the text. It has been aimed, at the proper places, to give due credit for the source of the material used. Special mention is due to the authors and publishers of the treatises on Embryology by Bonnet, Heisler and Marshall; the Obstetrics of St. Cyr and Violet, Harms, Franck, DeBruin, and Fleming ; the Teratology of Gurlt ; and the Handbook of Surgery and Obstetrics by Bayer and Frohner. The author is under specially deep obligations to Professor Doctor E. Hess, of the Berne Veterinary School, for his courtesy iv Preface in permitting the insertion in our text of his extensive and ad- mirable contribution relating to sterility in cows. With a keen sense of the many and serious imperfections, this volume is submitted to the veterinary profession of America, hoping that it may awaken new interest in the practice of obstetrics, and extend some aid to those veterinarians engaged in obstetric work. W. L. WILLIAMS. Cornell University, June 1, 1909. CONTENTS. PAGE TN TPRODUCGTORY (tis eo oly Be he Ne tN I OBSTETRIC ANATOMY. ___________---- ee ee 3 A. THE ACCESSORY ORGANS OF REPRODUCTION ______-_-_---_-_ + 3 HE, “PelViss2. 22S ao See ee a eh 3 B. THE GENERATIVE ORGANS -_____--_--- ----------------------- II The ‘OyanieS cess eennseee ded peemee eee ae ie ek IL The Miillerian Ducts ; the Oviducts, Uterus and Vagina._____ 19 OBSTETRIC PHYSIOLOGY... _ 0-2-2. oo 2 eee eens eee 4o Reprodilctiow 225-592 2262 oe eta tS, 40 OMIA OT so cee Se oi rae ae ee ee eee 44 GS CHR ape crpes She td Aad Ree Pan eed fee rye ehh ed San ae 48 Spat EN Baa a a le Ah it ate eel 49 THE DANGERS AND INFECTIONS OF COITION ____-_----_____- 50 Phiysieal InjurieSss222<2--22necscccctesdcacess, ledeeceees 50 GENERAL INFECTIONS OF COITION___--------__-.------ -_---. -- ~~. 64 Contagious Cellulitis_____-_-_---------------- -------------- 68 SPECIFIC INFECTIONS OF COITION____-------------- ---------------- 73 IDOUTING: 3.252 55 eae Sh aos ees ees, 73 Genital: Horse: POs pts he a tet Be eee g2 Venereal Diseases of Cattle______ ____ -----__---------------- 95 Vesicular Exanthem___________---_-_-- ---_------ 2-8 95 Granular Venereal Disease (See also Appendix I page 1075)__ 97 Venereal Disease of the Dog-_____-_-_---------------------- 104 Venereal Disease of Sheep (See also Appendix II page 1114)_ 108 Venereal Disease of Rabbits___________----_---------------- 110 Venereal Diseases of Swine and Goats.._-_. -_------------__- IIo OTHER INFECTIONS OF GENITAL ORGANS_------___--_------------- III Bursattee of the Penis and Prepuce_____.-_-_-._-------_---- III Actinomycosis of the Genital Organs -___-___..--.----------_ 113 MENSTRUATION, .2cscceeeue cs Sete cote se case ecesenee Sees eeees 114 PBRTIMIZATION jee esa oe os Bee eee SuSE ses 115 THE RELATION BETWEEN ESTRUM, OVULATION, FERTILIZATION AND IVI NS TRU ATION: Ss = 2-75 2s es sa ee ee 116 STERTOULY 2225-22225. cesses ieee sesesde se seen sees te eae hoy IIg Sterility of the Male Animal___________ pehonsies (oeueaewe ss 121 e Sterility of the Rémalé.o2 <2. 222 sse ses ees gs sens 153 NostRUMS AND PANACE AGAINST STERILITY ___------------------ 272 ARTIPICIAT; IMPREGNATION.__- 9222 sseseo sess eee eee ene ess 278 BMBRYOUO GYs. nsecceben2c2 eoseest se eee ee bse 2 os 281 Germinal: ayers so -cccewecesee oe so 52 teckel Sc se cess eat The Primitive Streak Formation of the Embryo_ ._---_---------------------------- 286 vi Contents DEVELOPMENT OF THE ORGANS OF SPECIAL SENSE---~------------- 296 The Olfactory Organs__-__------------------_-----+------ ---- 296 Whe: By Gis joa oye See eee ee ace en saase4 298 THE MAb oe ele er eee eee emeee aes 300 FORMATION OF THE DIGESTIVE APPARATUS -_--_---~----------------- 304 "The Tunes). 3222 eo as ns ese esse eee eee cee 310 THE TeSthss 226,26 ee eect ie Re ee ee a ae 311 TT Ga Vets sos a ee ee oe yee ae ee te 318 The Pat Chases 2ceasessee ee aes ee ere eases e 318 ‘THR CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 2. -ace eo ee oe ce Se scce nese senccseeeenas 319 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE URINO-GENITAL SYSTEM__-------------- 332 ‘The: Weolfiant Diets: 2. ney A ei a a 332 The Kidneys, Ureters and Bladder___--__ ---------- .--------- 334 THE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS. -~__-------------------------------+-- 335 WISER SaUMBS <3 Ste oe bees See cesta cadet eee ous caueeeEsineeoee, 341 THE FRTAL MEMBRANES..2-.5-24ese0ese.c554-sse4 See ee ee eeecneaee 347 The Vitelline, or Yolk Sac____________--__--_.---_---------- 347 hes AunmiOn, 2. 2ee ss iccec aca ceeee oes cee oe ee 347 Whey Allantois.e os etc ene ow eca coset eae ceee A 353 hes CROTON we sere as ae ye eee et ees, 355 Whe: Placenta 88 i pe oh eS ee 358 The Umbilie Gord, --..2--- 25-2225. e222 225--525254s 555-4545 364 TE RAT OGM 232252265 uses ts Geil sa soar eS eek a eer Bees 367 PREGNANCY OR GESTATION_-_------_---.. ---- ------------------ 369 The Form of the Pregnant Uterus______-------- -_---------_- 375 The Position of the Fetus in Uterus____ ._--__ --_---_-________ 379 SIGNS ‘OF PREGNANGY <2. -seuisscosecsecesseeccssubiieeeses oo 4-5 384 The Duration of Pregnancy___----_..--------------------- 2. 395 HYGIENE OF THE PREGNANT ANIMAL.-__--------------_ | 404 ANOMALIES IN FECUNDATION AND GESTATION-____-.________ 413 Supertecundation, 0.1.5. coseenesseeccsscnsttesso a2 clk 413 Extra-Uterine Pregnancy________-__. -.-------- ee eee 415 DISEASES OF THE PREGNANT ANIMAL._____-_-_-__2 ee 421 Ostecimalacie nt ose eid rete ne te OY 423 Dropsy of the Amnion and Allantois_____.___________-._______ 424 Dropsy of the: Uterus: oo eee enc eckuae 430 Paraplegia, 220. Sp) tee os 2 ve a eee 431 PAUL OSIS( ins ais ae he et Sa Rh ot Senet 435 Rupture of Prepubian Tendon___-______________- 436 Herniaot: the: Uteris esac se gh ote Se eke 445 Rupture of the Gravid Uterus___________-___-e ee 447 Ante-Partum Prolapse of the Vagina__.____-._-____._-_ 449 Metrorrhagia 3 as leds. hee ln eae c aa 457 DISEASES OF THE FETUS AND ITS MEMBRANES____._____ 460 Death Of the: Petus: -.- 2 oss ee 460 Maceration or Putrid Decomposition of the Fetus___..________ 463 BOR MDION. 222 2oa se Se eee ea 466 Contents vii Enzootie Abortion... 5-2. coce cc coeceeeceeacseeceeecees 473 Infectious Abortion_____________..-------_ ee ee 474 NORMAL PARTURITION _______-__--_---- ee eee 509 EXPULSION OF FETAL MEMBRANES, AND INVOLUTION OF THE UTERUS 529 PRESENTATIONS AND POSITIONS OF THE FHTUS__-.-_-.-_------------ 530 MANAGEMENT OF NORMAL PARTURITION____.-_-------------------- 538 THE CARE OF THE PARTURIENT ANIMAL AND OF THE NEW-BORN-__-- 550 DW Si-O Kal Ase soos eo ae eee eee ecu ease caeneaaS 568 EQUIPMENT FOR OBSTETRIC WORK._______--_---_----------- 576 Cordsiand! (Band's... he reer ee ee ees 476 Falters: 25-9 os 2 oe ae os se 577 PONCE PSs s'sce-22 2 sbi ce ces esceseelns ces ewe oun ote eee 582 “BraAGtON 2222 2cco bone oe peta phan l Gea SAE Naa Se 586 Repellérsatid. Répulsidis.5-5 22s ese nesses 595 INSTRUMENTS HOR: 'SHCTION .nc2co se core essa eee eee eee ee ees 599 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS UPON THE CONSTRUCTION OF OBSTETRIC INSTRUMENTS) 320 22) ose ceorceeee cytes eee meveneces 608 OBSTETRIC OULBITS- = 2226.5. sc52465- ce toto eee eee eee 611 ‘THE DRESS OF THE OPERATOR_-_---------------- ------ -----. ------- 613 POSITION AND CONTROL OF THE PATIENT __~~---~------.------------- 615 Vv OBSTETRIC OPBRA TIONS ewes: ose soe Soe seay ose es eS Mutations... 35). 225 seseene Sodees eeseeezeessueeeces Foreed: Extraction. -— 2-2-2425 2A pe et ek ees Mitibry OhOm yess eke de tes sc subeccéeesecsssycn ess esac Exercises in Mutations and Embryotomy Céessarian Sections. cee so ao Se ene tec as MATERNAL DYSTOKIA.......-+-- 2 ess sn csosonecsccce see newescous Inadequate Expulsive Powers_______----- ------ ------------- Pelvie Constriction’ .-.-5-sssescieoe-se52 Sse see esse eces Rigidity or Spasm of Cervix Uteri__--------------~-- -------- Induration of Cervix Uteri__-.------------------------------ Malignant and Other New-Growths of Genital Passages___-_-- 690 DYSTOKIA DUE TO DISPLACEMENTS OF UTERUS-_--_---------- 692 Herniaiof Uterus. 2.5.5- acon es esse esse sees eesescee 692 Deviation of Uterus... cewseee sees ses ceees ese esesae cess 692° Torsion.of Uterus__--=.. <2 ssespeesesceseeeteesiesseeees ss 693 FETAL DYSTORKIA...022-0<..22---2-----3-5---sesessessssesesssess 714 Development of the Fetus in an Abnormal Position in the Uterus 716 Bicornual Pregnancy or Transverse Development of the Fetus 716 ABNORMALITIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT, OR DISEASES OF THE FETUS_- 727 Excess of Volume of the Fetus______ .---------- .--. ---------- 727 Hydrocephalus -_-- ------------- ----------------- ---------- 736 Ascites and Hydrothorax -__- ------------~---- ---- ----.-------- 739 Anasarca ___. -------- -------- ---------------------- -------- 740 Cysts and Cystic Degeneration of Fetal Organs___..---------- 740 Vill Contents TUMORS OF THE FRTUS.-22-2-- -2l23-222--25-s+sceeseeensssessas sees 741 ANOMALIES AND DISEASES OF THE FETAL MEMBRANES--~---~---- --- 742 ABERRATIONS AND ANOMALIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FETUS_ 744 Campylorrhachis: i229 acce fence ee eee 744 Schistocormus Reflexus_____________. ---_ ---- --------------- 744 Contractions of Extremities_....__...-._._.-_--__------------ 746 Double and Triple Monstrosities______-____--.---------------- 748 THE DVSTORIA OF “TWINS. o252s2sccceehese sae sco seus assesses 752 ABNORMAL PRESENTATIONS AND POSITIONS OF THE FETUS 753 DYSTOKIA IN THE LONGITUDINAL PRESENTATIONS-__-_~-------------- 753 DYSTOKIA IN THE TRANVERSE PRESENTATIONS ____------------------ 786 PATHOLOGY OF THE PARTURIENT OR PUERPERAL STATE_-. 791 PATHOLOGY, OF ‘THE PLACENTA ..ccess cu ses ee eck cb eee eS 791 Retention of Fetal Envelops.____-_---.---------------------- 791 WOUNDS AND INJURIES TO THE GENITAL AND NEIGHBORING ORGANS. 812 Post-Partum Hemorrhage______-_-.____--------------------- 812 Rupture of the Uterus and Vagina____.__.-___-_------------- 814 Rupture of the Bladder______-__-----__-_---------------------- 820 IU ptine-Of thes ntestines 2.2 eo eo ee ed 820 Rupture of the Diaphiagin 0. <2 oss ee ese cae 821 Rupture of the Sacro-Sciatic Ligaments____-_-_---_--------_- 821 Prolapse of the Intestines through the Ruptured Walls of the Wtertision Vaeina: 222222 esis rece 2h ee elena ee se 821 Prolapse of the Bladder through a Rupture in the Vagina. ___ 822 Uterine: Prolapse. 2. coho eos cee elo cecae eases 823 Eversion Of Vabilia... Wo weiiccccec se coco Sete ae 848 Prolapsé of the Rectwim_._...2 22 -- 4-4 ese ete e esses cee esee 854 Hyersion ofthe Bladdetas... cee yeas pee eee ee ec es 855 Ruptureof the Perinewm..2_---....-.-.---5-- 22+ elon cee 857 Vesico- Vaginal: Fistula 0. <= 2411 sone 8 pee cesecce 863 Hematoma of the Vulva______-___-__-_-_____ eee 864 Relaxation of the Pelvic Symphysis__________ -._-_-_.--________ 866 Contusion of the Lumbo-Sacral Nerves -_._____________-______ 866 Contusion of the Gluteal Nerves_______ .-__ -.-. ee eee 867 Contusion of the Obturator Nerves__________ 5-8 868 PUERPERAL, INFECTIONS....---05--25-4-<.c222e5 seco cc 871 ACUTE ME DRIES) j= 2025220 eae Se Se ee ete Se 872 Acute Endometritis in the Mare_____________________-___ 874 Acute Metro-Peritonitis in the Mare__________ --__--o--_- 877 Acute Metritis and Metro- Peritonitis in the Cow______________ 878 Acute Metritis in the Smaller Animals____________. --_-___ 884 CHRONIC METRITIS, PYOMETRA_____________ ee 885 Chronic Metritis in the Mare_________.--_-- ee 885 Chronic Metritis in the Cow___.-______- eee 894 Pyometra in the Bitch and Cat_________. -_-- ee 895 teri A DSCCs9 ete ss eta 8S os sae 896 Contents ix OVS UTES oe pee Oe ee he SES ole ALA Ch ttt goo PERI-VAGINAL ABSCESSES______________---_--__--___________ gor PYRMIC INFECTION. 3 oo 22055 soeenw envio weteemnetercoeece; cesses 902 PUERPERAL SEPTICEMIA.___-_____------- eee 905 PUERPERAL LAMINITIS _____-_-_-- eee 907 PURRPERAT, “TETANUS 2222 occ pee ee 909 PUERPERAL ECLAMPTIC DISEASES.___________ eee ee gIl Parturient Eclampsia in the Mare__________________-________- 914 Parturient Paresis in the Cow _.. _______-___-_____ ---__ eee 920 Puerperal Eclampsia in the Sow____-_________-__.____-____. - 936 The Milk Disease of Sheep_____________.-___-___-_------- eee 937 Puerperal Eclampsia in the Bitch ____ ..__________ 1. -_-.___ 938 DISEASES OF THE MAMMARY GLANDS_________--_ eee 939 Mammitis in the Cow__________________-__- 940 Acute Mammitis: oo. 222-522 eco ee ese eee 941 Infectious Mammitis of Cows______-_________.___-_--_-__.---- 965 \yienntheaia of the Udder Botryomycosis of the Udder_____.__--___.__------ ee _-ee 974 Infectious Gangrenous Mammitis of Ewes__________..________ 976 Infectious Agalactia in Goats and Sheep____.__.-_____________ 977 Mastitistin: Swit@ieeece. es Sc 8 978 Mammitis in the Bitch____________ Sasose cece oes e te te 978 Edema.of the Udder. .- -- cc---nescenseesess cecestieseseoce 979 Tumors of the Mamme______._____-_--_-- ee ee 981 Hemorrhages in the Udder_______-______--------_-_-_---______ 983 Milks Histulee 2. oxi ee tees os a ee es 985 IM he ea a a ah ps pe ee a 987 Pendulous Udder __...-------+-2-2---4-2s--2--cceennsense 988 Dermatitis of the Udder____------___-___-_-------_----------- 988 Furunculosis of the Udder______--_--------------------------- ggo % Wounds of the Teats and Udder_____.____-.---------- = 991 Warts on the Teats 2. seus cecssee sede gsegcceeesee cose ececes 992 ™ Stricture or Atresia of the Teats___.--____-_-----__--.----__-- 993 DISEASES OF THE NEW-BORN..--_____-_-_-_-_------------------ INFECTIONS OF THE NEW-BORN_-__---------- ------------------ ------ ~) Omphalo-Phlebitis__._.._-.---.-----------------------------