CORNELL UNIVERSITY The WILLIAM D. SARGENT Collection * A Gift to the Laboratory of Ornithology «+ WIR. IAM. DUNLAP SARGENT 1g4o (CORNELL LAB of ORNITHOLOGY LIBRARY at Sapsucker Woods > Illustration of Bank Swallow by Louis Agassiz Fuertes DEPARTMENT oF THE INTERIOR. OUTLINES OF A “9, | NATURAL ARRANGEMENT b rrr at, -FALCONIDS. ROBERT RIDGWAY. [EXTRACTED FROM BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL AND. GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE TERRITORIES, No. 4, SECOND SERIES,} WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. June 10, 1875. ~. SARGENT OL. 6796 Argix Koy ee Ge Wiikivar ‘AM DUNLAP SARGENT \AWO | LARSON Ye Sef yee SIV a hematin ae seaeiemaal By Rosert Riweway. [Read before the Philosophical Society of Washington, April, 1875.] Until very recently, ile Birds of Prey have been classified entirely according to their external characters, the primary division being into three so-called families, as‘ follows: (1) Vulturide, or vultures, char- acterized by their naked heads, sluggish habits, and filthy food 3 (2) Falconide, or falcons, hawks, eagles, and other diurnal birds of prey, distinguished by their feathered head and predatory nature; and (3) Strigide, or owls, known from both the preceding -by having the eyes directed forward, instdad.of laterally, and by being nocturnal. Notwithstanding the fact that occasional genera constituted transi- tional forms intermediate between two “ families”,* the above classifi- cation was adopted almost universally until the year 1867, when Pro- fessor Huxley clearly demonstrated} .thak&the so-called family Velturida had no existence in fact, it being:an unnafiural associatiomof. embers of two very distinct families, viz, the Cathartide, or AM@erican vultures, on the one hand, and a group of the Falconide (the Old-World vultures) on the other. Besides the announcement of the above important dis- covery, Professor Huxley also proved that the secretary bird (Serpenta- rius reptilivorus), previously included among the alconide, was in real- ity the sole representative of a very distinct family, which he named “ Gypogeranide.” To sum up the important results of Professor Huxley’s studies of the osteology of the rapterial birds, they are briefly as follows: (1) The de- molition of the old so-called family Vulturide, the typical members of which were referred to the Falconide ; (2) the recognition of a separate family, Cathartide, to accommodate the aberrant ones ; and (3) the re- moval of Serpentarius from the Falconide and its establishment as a distinct family, “Gypogeranide.” The families of diurnal Raptores, ac- cording to Huxley’s views, then were as follows: (1) Cathartidw (Amer- ican vultures) ; (2) Gypaétide (—Falconide, hawks, S&c., including the Old-World vultures) ; and (3) Gypogeranidw (=-Serpentariide, the secre- tary bird). After a very careful consideration of all that relates to the principles of a naturai classification, I find every reason for adopting, without hesitation, Mr. Huxley’s conclusions. t * Examples of these perplexing ‘‘ intermediate” forms are the genera Gypattus and Poly- borus, among the Falconide, which combine ‘‘vulturine” and “ falconine”’ characteristics of habits and external appearance; while among the Strigide the genus Surnia is strictly diurnal, and its appearance decidedly hawk-like. The falconine genus Circus, on the other hand, has a distinct facial ruff and other characteristics belonging chiefly to the owls. These cases were very embarrassing to the followers of the old classification, and by different authors were shifted from one family to the other. t Proceedings of the Zoédlogical Society of London, 1867, pp. 440, 443, 462, 465. ; +I cannot follow, however, in substituting the name Gypaétide for the old term Falconide, which in its former signification is sufficiently comprehensive to justity its continued use as the proper name for this family; the term Gypogeranide is equally objectionable, since Gypogeranus (Illiger, 1811) is antedated by Serpentarius (Cuvier, 1798), in consequence of which Serpentartide (Selys, 1842), as adopted by Gray (Hand List, 1869, p. 38), is preferable. 2 A fifth family, the Cariamide, or Cariamas, is quite nearly related to those mentioned, aud has by some authors been even included among the Falconide ; but the degree of its relationship by no means justifies that view of its affinity. The families Strigidw, Falconide, Cathartide, Serpentariide, and Cariamide may possibly be eventually combined to form an order; but whether this association would be a natural one is an undecided question, beyond the province of this paper. Having defined the limits of the family Falconide, it now remains to treat of this alone; the subdivisions of the family being the subject of discussion. j To the present time, the Falconide have been divided into a greater or less number of so-called “ subfamilies”, the number varying accord- ing to the author; those founditig their classification on purely exter- nal characters finding it necessary to adopt a great many, and those relying upon the anatomical characters carefully avoiding any sub- division at all.* To review in this connection all the classifications of the family which have been proposed up to the present time would require far more space than the limits of this memoir will allow; each author, while following a generally-recognized plan, having his own peculiar views regarding certain details of arrangement. It will, therefore, suffice for the pres- ent to give a mere outline of this generally-adopted plan, and supple- ment it by the modified systefns of our latest and best authorities. The “ subfamélies” usually recognized are the following: (1) “ Faleo- nine”, (2) “Milvine”, (3) “Accipitrine”, (4) “Circine”, (5) “Buteonine”, (6) “Aquiline”, and (7) ‘ Polyborine.” Some authors add “ Circetine” and “Pandionine” ; while previous to the important discovery, made by Professor Huxley, regarding the vultures before alluded to, this supposed family was divided into the so-called subfamilies, (1) “ Vaul- turine”, (2) * Gypine”, (3) “ Neophronine”, (4) “Gypaétine”, and (5) “ Gy- pohieracine”,—some authors grouping two or more of these in one, others recognizing all. They are all, of course, typical Falconida, thus making a total of fourteen subfamilies into which this family has been divided, when there are in reality but two. Mr. George Robert Gray, in his “Hand List of Birds in the Brit- ish Museum”,{ divides the Falconide into seven so-called subfamilies, as follows: (1) Polyborinw, LaFR., 1839 (=Polybori of the subfamily Falconine); (2) “ Buteonine, SWAINS., 1837”; (3) *“Aquiline, SWAINS., 1837”; (including Pandion !); (4) ‘\Falconinw, SwAIns., 1837” (including Harpagus!); (5) “‘ Milwine, Bonar., 1838”; (6) “Accipitrine, SWAINS., 1837” (including Herpetotheres and Micrastur, both groups of the sub- family Falconidee) and (7) “ Circine, Br.” Messrs. Philip Lutley Sclater and Osbert Salvin, in their “ Nomenela- tor Avium Neotropicalium”,; divide the American members of the fam- ily into the following “subtamilies”: (1) “Pandionine”, (2) Circinw”, (3) “Buteonine”, (4) “Accipitrine”, (5) “Falconine,” (6) “Milvine MT) “‘Herpetotherinw”, and (8) “Polyborine.” Mr. R. Bowdler Sharpe, in his recently-published great-work upon the diurnal “Accipitres”,§ employs a singularly inconsistent classification, *This has, perhaps, been mainly due, not to the difficulty of finding sufficiently good char- acters, but to the fact that the conclusions arrived at wer i S Tiehed' by ae were so opposed to views long estab- t+London, 1869, (vol. I). { London, 1873, pp. 118-123. § Catalogue of the Accipitres, or diurnal birds of prey, , i riti Mucie Laie Fain ise rds of prey, in the collection of the British 3 which can only be considered a decided retrograde from, instead of an improvement upon, the better classifications which preceded it. In the first place, the genus Pandion is made to form a “ suborder ”—Pandiones ! This would not be so bad, all things considered, were it not that the genus Polioaétus is included in this so-called “suborder”, the latter being a very near relative, probably a subgenus, of Haliaétus, one of the group Buteones‘of the subfamily Buteonine, and not at all allied to Pandion (group Pandiones of Buteoninc), though it represents that genus in its group; that is, is analogous, but not affined toit. In the next place, Serpentarius (= family Serpentariide) and Cariama (= family Cariamide) are placed in the “subfamily ” Polyborine! The subfami- lies which Mr. Sharpe recognizes are the following: (1) Polyborine, (2) Accipitrine, (3) Buteonine, (4) Aquiline, and (5) Falconine. In this connection, it may be well to call attention to the importance of distinguishing between evidences of affinity and those of mere anal- ogy in the birds of this family. Certain types of teleological modifi- cations are repeated in members of different subfamilies, and in different groups of one subfamily, to such a degree of perfection, that, if we were to follow external appearance only, we would not hesitate to place them near together in' a systematic arrangement. This is what has led to such confusion and such utterly unsatisfactory results as have characterized most attempts at a natural classification. Among the more prominent instances of analogy between members of different groups or subfamilies, or even different families, the following may be mentioned : The family Cathartide is reproduced in the vultures of the Old World (vulturine series, group Buteones, subfamily Buteoninw, fam- ily Falconide); the Gypogeranide and Cariamide, in a less degree, by Polyboroides and. Geranospizias (Buteones); the Strigide, in a very slight degree, by Circus (Buteones, Buteonine), Micrastur (Micrastures, Fal- conine), and Pandion (Pandiones, Buteonine).* The Falcones are rep- ‘resented in the Buteonine by Ictinia and Harpagus (Buteones); also by Baza (Pernes); oneof the Polybori (Ibycter) by Rostrhamus (Buteones) ; the Micrastures are repeated in the genera Circus and Nisust (Buteones), and Herpetotheres very nearly imitated by Circaétus (Buteones). Taking the Buteonine alone, the Pandiones are mimicked by certain Haliacti (Buteones); Certain Pernes (Elanoid es) by Milvus and Nauclerus (Buteones) ; and others of the same group (Baza and Aviceda) by Harpagus and Letinia. In three widely-distinct “series” of generain the group Buteones, we find a very peculiar type of modification, viz, the excessive abbreviation of the outer toe. This occurs only in Heteropus (an “ aquiline” form, with densely-feathered tarsus), Polyboroides (a long-1 egged terrestrial form, with reticulated tarsus), and Geranorpozias (similar to the last, but with scutelate tarsus); these latter two differ from the first in being of terrestrial habits, and in a very remarkable teleological modification of the tibio-tarsal joint, whereby it can be bent with ease in both direc- tions. The following tabular arrangement expresses the equivalents of the two subfamilies and several groups, adopted in this memoir in the numerous “subfamilies,” or “families” of leading authorities, and suc- * Circus resembles the owls merely in the possession of a distinct facial ruff and large ear- aperture; Micrastur, in the same respects, and also in decomposed downy edges to tle inner webs of the primaries, the rounded, concave wing, as well as in the dimorphic plum- age of some of the species (‘‘rufescent” and “ gray” phases”); Pandion, in having the outer toe reversible and in lacking after-shafts to the feathers. : ; + In general form, Micrastur exactly repeats the genus Nisus, and has, besides, the facial ruff of the genus Circus. 4 ceeding it a series of diagnoses explaining the reasons which justify such a classification :* a 2 a - RE a Ripeway. SHARPE, Sci. & SALv. SUNDEVALL } 3 & (‘'Groups.”’) (‘Subfamilies.”) ('Subfamilies,”) (‘'‘Families.”) ma ui 3 R 8 Falcones. Falconine. Falconine. ‘Falconine. 3 Polybori. Polyborine. , Polyborinz. Polyborinz. 8 Micrastures. Accipitrine (pt.). Accipitrine (pt.). Circaétine (pt.). e Herpetotheres. Aquilinze (pt.). Herpetotherinz. Circaétine (pt.). {| Pandiones. Pandiones. 2 Pandionine. Circaétinz (pt.). . Aquilinz (pt.), i obra 8 Pernes, i Falconinz (pt.), Milvine (pt.). Circaétinz (pt.). 3 Milvinz (pt.). a e4 ( Accipitrine (pt.), ( Falconine (pt.), { Falconine (pt.), £ Buteoninz (pt.), Milvinz (pt.), Circaétine (pt.), fa) Buteones, Aquilinz (pt.), | Sirs, Aquiline (pt.), Falconinz (pt.), Accipitrine (pt.). Gypaétinz, { (Vulturidze (pt.). Vulturine, > Haliaétine (pt.). 1 Férnyad anordning av Dagrovfoglarna (Dispositio nova Accipitrum Hemeroharpagorum), Ofersigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps Ak«demiens Fordhandlingar 1874, No.2. Stockholm. u_? ' Suborder.” A.—Scapular process of the coracoid produced forward so as to meet the clavicle.t_ Nasal bones almost completely ossified, the nostril being a small, usually circular, opening, with a conspicuous, usually central,bony tubercle.{ Inferior surface of thesupramaxillary with a prominent median angular ridge. Superciliary process of the lachrymal consisting of a single piece.§....Subfamily Falconine. B.—Scapular process of the coracoid not produced forward, but separated from the clavicle by a wide interval.|| Nasal bones very incom- pletely ossified, the nostrils large, without bony tubercle, and frequently with an incomplete septum. Inferior surface of the supramaxillary without median ridge. Superciliary process of the lachrymal usually consisting of two pieces, joined by a cartil- aginous hinge.** ...... 02.2.2... 20.0005. .Subfamily Buteonine. * It is proper to explain here that the key to the leading character was furnished by Pro- fessor Huxley in the paper before referred to (p. 464), in the following words: ‘‘The scap- ular process of the coracoid sometimes is * [ * e.g., inthe Falcons proper, and in Polyborus] and sometimes is not produced to the clavicle’—having reference to the family Falconide. Following up this clew by examining the coracoid apparatus of every genus available, I was surprised to find it to be a character which separated trenchantly not only the ‘‘ Falcons proper” (—Falcones) and Polyborus, but also all the genera related to the latter, besides Mi- crastur and Herpetotheres, from all other Falconide. +See Plate XI, Figs. 1-4, ; {Except in Micrastur. (See Plate XII, Fig. 4.) § See Plate XIII, Figs, 1-4. || See Plate XI, Figs, 5-11. 1 In Fig. 6, Plate XII, the tomium of the supramaxillary is so deeply sinuated as to Allow the middle portion of the under surface to be seen from the side; but this has no anal- ogy to the raised median ridge of the falconine forms. Me si tions ae ve pie ( ee ee Pernes (Elanoides, Cymindis, Regerhi- nus, Aviceda, Baza, &c.), in which this bone much resemble yf th hori i in Figs, 6 and 7, Plate X1IL s that of the Polybori, as shown er) Subfamily FALCONINA. The term Falconinw has been restricted in most previous arrange- ments to the true falcons (= Falcones of the present system), but in view of its being a subfamily-name it becomes necessary to make it cover all the forms allied to these by subfamily-characters ; hence the wider sig- nification given it here. The subfamily Falconine is composed -of four well-defined groups, the Falcones, Polybori, Micrastures, and Herpetotheres, which are distin- guished as follows: A.—Posterior toe abbreviated, very much shorter than the lateral pair ; tarsi and toes covered with small hexagonal scales, larger in front. a. Nostril a small, round, or oblique opening, with a bony rimmed margin and central tubercle. (Plate XII, Figs. 1-3.) 1. Superior tomium with a conspicuous tooth, and inferior tomium with a corresponding notch. (Plate XII, Fig. 2, and Plate XV, Fig. 1.) Superciliary process of the lach- rymal elongated, narrow, reaching nearly across the orbit. (Pl. XIII, Fig. 2.) Posterior margin of the sternum nearly even, with a pair of large oval foramina. One or two outer primaries with their inner webs emarginated near their tips. (Plate XVIT, Figs. 1 and 2.)..Group 1, Falcones. ~ 2. Tomia without tooth or notch.* Superciliary process of the lachrymal abbreviated, reaching only half-way across the orbit. (Plate XIII, Fig.1.) Pos- terior margin of the sternum with a pair of deep indenta- tions. Three or more outer primaries with their inner webs sinuated near the middle portion. (Plate XVII, Figs. 3 and 4.)...... 2.2... .0e 2s eeeee Group 2, Polybori. b. Nostril a large opening without bony-rimmed margin or central tubercie. (Plate XII, Fig. 4.) 3. Superciliary process of the lachrymal elongated, broad, ex- tending nearly across the orbit. (Plate XIII, Fig..4.) Tomia without tooth or notch. (Plate XII, Fig. 4, and Plate XIV, Fig. 2.) Posterior margin of the sternum as in Falcones. Four or more outer primaries with inner webs sinuated near the middle portion...Group 3, Micrastures. B.—Posterior toe elongated, almost equal to the lateral pair. Tarsi and toes covered uniformly with thin, rough, imbricated scales. 4, Tomia without tooth or notch. (Plate XII, Fig. 3, and Plate XIV, Fig. 1.) Nostril as in Falcones and Polybori. Su- perciliary process of the lachrymal elongated, very broad, reaching nearly across the orbit. (Plate XIII, Fig. 3.) Posterior margin of the sternum nearly even, entire, and withont foramina. Primaries as in Polybori_ and Micras- TUNES caccdssRioae ow acia cae ae eee Group 4, Herpetotheres , The pterylography of the members of this subfamily affords some very important diagnostic characters. From the descriptions given by Nitzscht (pp. 55-57), the following arrangement may be tabulated, * Though faint indications of these are observable in some genera ( Milvago and Phalco- benas (see Plate XV, Fig.2) in the horny sheath, they cannot be detected in the bone of the bill. (See Plate XII, Fig. 1.) : ih + Nitzsch’s Pterylography, translated from the German, edited by Philip Lutley Sclater, M. A., Ph. D., F. R. a secretary to the Zodlogical Society of London. London: Published for the Ray Society, by Robert Hardwicke, 192 Piccadilly. 1867. pp. 118, ppl. 10. 6 which, in the main, supports the one founded on the osteological struc- ture. : A.—Dorsal portion of the spinal tract deeply divided, and each branch dilated exteriorly ...... 02.20. 222-20 ce ee eee eee eee Faleones B.—Dorsal portion of the spinal tract enlarged on all sides, undivided, and sparsely feathered. a.—Eyelids with distinct lashes; lumbar tract present ; dorsal por- tion of the spinal tract sparsely feathered to the caudal pit, thence diminished and continued as a narrow band along the caudal vertebre to the oil-gland ........-- Herpetotheres. b.—Eyelids without distinct lashes ; lumbar tract absent; dorsal por- tion of the spinal tract in the form of an elongated ellipse, only contracted into a band immediately in front of the oil- gland (but even there still broad), consisting exclusively of scattered. feathers, which become stronger posteriorly. Micrastures. The only close relationship between any two groups of this subfamily isseen in the generalized forms of the Falcones and Polybori (Hieracidea and Milvago), whose specialized forms (Falco and Polyborus) are so ex- tremely dissimilar in appearance. In the two genera mentioned, the ap- proach is so very close as to almost form a transition between the two groups.* There is a wonderful similarity in the general form and relative proportions of all the parts, the arrangement of the scutelle of the tarsi and toes, the character of the plumage, and the size of the species. But notwithstanding this apparent correspondence of external characters, they are found to differ in all those osteological characters diagnostic of their respective groups, and, when their external structure is ex- amined closely, agree severally with the other members of the groups to which they belong in an apparently trivial yet really pertinent character, viz, the cutting of the inner webs of the outer primaries, which is always essentially different in the two groups. The external diagnostic charac- ters (associated with osteological, indicated on p. 229) are thus reduced to the structure of the primaries, as follows: FALCONES.—Two, or less, outer primaries with their inner webs cut; this always an abrupt emargination on the first, and situated near its end. Second or third quill longest ; first longer than the fifth. PoLy3Bori.—Three, or more, outer primaries with their inner webs cut; this an oblique sinuation on the first, and near its middle. Third or fourh quill longest; first shorter than the fifth. The Falcones comprise very few genera in proportion to the number of species, which is very considerable; but it is outside the purpose of this paper to discuss the subject of what the genera of the group are. Suffice it to say that neither Baza nor Harpagus belong here, as many have supposed, being members of different groups (Pernes and Ictinie) of the subfamily Buteoninw. The genus Spiziapteryx, however, which many consider a synonym of Harpagus, is a true Falcon. The groups Micrastures and Herpetotheres have but one genus each, so these are passed by without further notice; but the Polyborine genera are numerous, and, as they have never been satisfactorily defined, the following diagnoses are presented : .* The typical Hieracidee will, upon examination, probably be found to have the super- ciliary process of the lachrymal much shorter than that of the*typical Falcones, if it does not approach the extreme brevity of this bone which characterizes the Polyborine group. a * Genera and subgenera of POLYBORI. A.—Tarsus 3-8 its length longer than the middle toe; outer toe but little longer than the inner; posterior toe very decidedly shorter than the inner; claws slightly curved, blunt. Inner webs of primaries deeply sinuated. Habits chiefly terrestrial. a. Nostril linear, obliquely vertical, its tubercle concealed. 1, PoLyBorvus. Nostril linear, obliquely vertical, its posterior end the upper one ;* situated in the upper anterior corner of the cere. Anterior outline of the cere nearly straight and vertical. Occipital feathers elongated into a depressed crest. b. Nostril circular, in the middle of the cere, its tubercle exposed;+ an- terior outline of the cere doubly curved. 2, PHALCOBAZNUS. Tooth and notch of the tomiaof the bill near- ly obsolete ; lower jaw nearly naked; outer toe not apprecia- bly longer than the inner; posterior toe reaching much be- yond the first joint of the middle toe; claws remarkably blunt, slightly curved ; posterior face of the tarsus without distinct rows of quadrate scales; upper tail-coverts remarkably de- veloped, covering nearly two-thirds the tail; size large. a. Frontal feathers (of adult) recurved, very soft, lanceolate; loral and maxillary regions naked; fore-neck feathered. In the adult, the abdomen, anal region, crissum, upper tail- coverts, and lining of the wing white; secondaries and tail tipped with white; other parts deep black. .Phalcobenus. f. Frontal feathers pointed backward (normally), stiff and lanceolate; lower jaw and lores densely covered with strong bristles; fore-neck naked. In the adult,abdomen and anal-region ochraceous; crissum and upper tail-coverts black; lining of the wing and tibiz black mixed with ochra- ceous; breast and nape longitudinally streaked with dingy whitish ; secondaries not tipped with white. ...... Senex. 3. MILvaco. Tooth and notch of the tomia of the bill distinctly indicated ; lower jaw normally feathered ; outer toe decidedly longer than the inner; posterior toe not reaching the first joint of the middle toe; claws sharp, strongly curved (as in the Falcones); posterior face of the tarsus with two distinct rows of quadrate scales. Upper tail-coverts normal, covering about one-third the tail; size small. B.—Tarsus scarcely longer than the middle toe; outer toe very much longer than the inner, which is but little longer than the posterior one. Inner webs of primaries shallowly sinuated. Habits strictly arboreal. 4, IpycTER. Nostril circular, near the middle of the cere, its tubercle either concealed or exposed; anterior outline of the cere doubly curved. Tarsus without transverse scutelle either in front or behind. a. Size large. Bill slender, the tip much produced ; gonys barely convex, nearly horizontal. Bare superciliary region very narrow. (See Plate XVIII, Fig. L.)..Ibycter. 6. Size small. Bill thick, the tip only slightly produced ; gonys strongly convex, decidedly ascending terminally. Bare superciliary region very wide. (See Plate XVIII, Fig. 2.) .....- sialeslie wyeswideapaicaitis es avai nina was Daptrius. 7 * This is exactly the reverse of the position of the nostril in all other J alconide, in which its direction is oblique! tAs in the Falcones! Fic. 1. pe ON9ranprww moet HS fy => e PLATE XI. CORACOID APPARATUS. (All natyral size.) Falco anatuu. . Ibycter americanus. . Micrastur semitorquatus. . Herpetotheres cachinnans. Pandion carolinensis. . Elanoides forficatus. . Elanus leucurus. . Ictinia mississippiensis. . Rostrhamus sociabilis. . Buteo borealis. . Aquila canadensis. Anterior process of the coracoid. . Basal process of the scapula. . Scapular process of the coracoid. ] PLATE XII. SUPRAMAXILLARY AND NASAL BONES. (Natural size.) . Fig. 1. Phalcobenus australis. — 2, Falco anatum. 3. Herpetotheres cachinnans. 4, Micrastur semitorquatus. 5. Pandion carolinensis. 6. Ictinia mississippiensis. 7 Antenor harrisi. 8. Harpagus bidentatus. {a. Bony tubercle of the nostril. . Median ridge of the supramaxillary. ] o PLATE XIII. SUPERCILIARY PROCESS OF THE LACHRYMAL. (Natural size.) Fig. 1. Phalcobzenus australis. 2. on non P Ww Falco anatum. Herpetotheres cachinnans. . Micrastur semitorquatus. . Antenor harrisi. . Pandion carolinensis. . Elanoides forficatus. . Harpagus bidentatus. . Superciliary process of the lachrymal. . Accessory piece. ] PLATE XIV. (Natural size.) Fic. 1. Herpetotheres cachinnans. 2. Micrastur semitorquatus. PLATE XY. (Natural size.) Fre. 1. Hieracidea berigora. 2. Milvago chimango. AN ee PLATE XVI. (Natural size.) Fic. 1. Hieracidea berigora. 2. Milvago chimango. | PLATE XVII. (One-half natural size.) Fig. 1. Falco aurantius. 2. Hieracidea berigora. 3. Milvago chimango. 4. Phalcobeenus megalopterus. PLATE XVIII. (Natural size.) Fic. 1. Ibycter americanus. 2. Ibycter (Daptrius) ater. SS S ¥ _ \\ \ \ UES . s : = "y ; , Rey ip Serer! Fons usar share eae has : f : eres es ee es peers St apn ep eee Ce re! eile