CORNELL UNIVERSITY LAW LIBRARY The Moak Collection PURCHASED FOR The School of Law of Cornell University And Presented February 14, 1893 IN MEMORY OF JUDGE DOUGLASS BOARDMAN FIRST DEAN OF THE SCHOOL By his Wife and Daughter A. M. BOARDMAN and ELLEN D. WILLIAMS ‘ornell University Libra KFN6075.B35 “Ta in NEW TRIALS AND APPEALS, oR THE RULES OF PRACTICE APPLICABLE TO THE REVIEW OF JUDICIAL DETER- MINATIONS IN CIVIL ACTIONS AND IN SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS UNDER THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, WITH AN APPENDIX OF FORMS. BY EDWIN BAYLIES, CouNSELOR-AT-Law. ROCHESTER, N. Y.: WILLIAMSON & HIGBIE, LAW PUBLISHERS. 1886. VG os Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six, - By EDWIN BAYLIES, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. PREFACE. Ir any excuse is needed for the publication, at this time, of a volume treating of proceedings in review, it is to be found in the fact that at the present day the service of a notice of appeal is regarded as a part of the ordinary procedure in an important case ; that a very considerable portion of the business of the legal profes- sion is now transacted in the appellate courts; that no work treating of the practice in those courts has been poblisted 3 in this State during the last ten years ; that during that period the Code of Civil Pro- cedure has been enacted, the old Code has been repealed, the rules of practice have been so far changed or modified as to render the re-examination of each question as it arises, a measure of ordinary prudence ; that the many important practice cases decided during this period are scattered through a hundred volumes of reports ; and that the modern lawyer cannot afford to make extended examina- tions of mere questions of procedure. The object of this volume is to present in a convenient, available form the statutes, rules and authorities relating to the review of judicial determinations in civil actions and special proceedings in all courts exercising appellate jurisdiction. In addition to the statement of the mode in which questions of law or fact are presented for review, an attempt has been made to accurately define the limits of the jurisdiction conferred upon the appellate courts, to specify the orders which are appealable or non-appealable, to indicate what questions may be reviewed, and to state the principles governing the decision of the courts on appeals or on motions for a new trial. In the chapter on costs, the writer has discussed the amount of costs recoverable, the cases in which costs are discretionary or in which they are given to the prevailing party as of course, the right to tax separate bills of costs, the right to the costs of successive trials and [iii] iv Prerace. appeals, and the construction given by the courts to orders awarding costs. In the chapter treating of appeals to the General Term, the pro- visions of the Code relating to the submission of a controversy with- out action have been given, not because they have any connection with the subject of appeals, but for the reason that the practice on the submission is substantially the same as that on appeal to the General Term, and could be stated without interfering with the plan of the work or materially increasing its bulk. It is a common criticism that works on practice contain a full statement of matters of common knowledge, and are discreetly silent upon points not covered by the statutes or decisions. It is the hope of the writer that this volume will not wholly eseape that criticism ; that no purely original procedure has been inserted in these pages ; that the lawyer in search of an authority to support any established rule of practice may find it readily ; that he may not find herein any rule not sanctioned by authority ; and that against the defects he may discover he will set off such matters as he may find to com- mend, and render his judgment accordingly. EDWIN BAYLIES. JOHNSTOWN, Jnue, 1886. ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Appeals in general. : ARTICLE I, REMEDIES FOR THE REVIEW OF JUDICIAL DETERMINATIONS. Page Section 1. Nature of the remedy by appeal............... cee e cece cena ees 1 Section 2, When the proper remedy is by appeal.............000eceeeee eee 3 Section 8. When the remedy in the first instance is by motion............... 6 Remedies for irregularities or errors in fact..........eeceveseeeeeeceees 6 He parle Orders. iscnasccsas 6 cas 656 sucess wes Kas AOE A SER Ree KRa te 8 Orders made out of court upon notice......... cece cece cece cere eer eeee 8 Section 4. Relief from judgments or orders upon default...............0006. 9 Section 5. Relief from void judgments or orders.............e eee reece eee es 11 Want of jurisdiction........ 0... ccc cece ce eee ee cence ence ete ee en eens 11 Fraud. ........0e0sees sGientihcaivin Mavaa wee te Beh EG yaad noansee anche 12 Section 6. When the remedy is by writ of certiorari... ......... 0.0.0 ee eee eee 13 Section 7. Waiver of the right of appeal....... cc. ce cece cece eee eee ee cee 18 By stipulation or agreement.......... cece cece e eee cote eee e eee eeees 18 By acts inconsistent with the right............ ia 84 ¥adGs Cass Gaes wawesns 18 ARTICLE II. CouRTs OR TERMS EXERCISING APPELLATE JURISDICTION. Section 1. The Court of Appeals......... cc ccce cece ec ee eee e ens eceeeenees 23 OF Gani ZAvion’.s 448 = FPACtsi@SStiMed TO/OXISE ooseie cassie a dete a oisieve niara al ornin GLa area vi sia ee Sew ee Giwiars 449 Matters resting in the discretion of the court below........ .......2005 449 Amendment of pleaGings...........0.0:cccecceeecccenneeveseoesvesres 449 Section 4. Principles governing the decision of the appeal.................. 450 Section 5. Entry of judgment............... er@igey a sa 8 4 8.085 4 Seawater sauce 453 Section 6. Restitution upon reversal....,.... cee cece cece cece eee ccce ence .. 454 CHAPTER VIII. Appeal to the Common Pleas from a judgment of a District Court of the city of New York. ARTICLE I. JURISDICTION AND GENERAL PRACTICE. Section 1. Nature and scope of the appeal.......... 0... ccc ccceccecscceerce 455 Section 2. Mode of taking and perfecting the appeal................0 eee. 456 Section 3. Return on appeal........... ccc cece eee cece eect cecceenceceeres 457 Section 4. Stipulation for a reversal. ............. ccc cece cece cs eeeesecneces 459 Section 5. Notice of argument and note of issue..............0ccecceeeeeee 459 Section.6.. POMts 00:5 4064 ecw celsasiaeuulare 6 eee bee's sa ooye aa 8 ened aoa Meeans 460 Section? THe areunient: siescscecewguwenee wou ve dae ves Gave saua cake: are 460 Section 8. Judgment on appeal...........ccccecccceceecs eeeeas es Bek Sera 461 CHAPTER IX. Appeals from the City Court of Yonkers. ARTICLE I. SPECIAL STATUTORY PROVISIONS. Section 1. To what court the appeal must be taken. ...........see00- coceeees 462 Section 2. Appealable orders............. cee ee eencccceeeees Wiese se euly eea's 463 Section 3. Mode of taking and perfecting the appeal........ eben ss 588 oo. 464 Section 4. Time within which the appeal must be taken..... Bie See BG Kick esas 465 Section 5. Transmission of papers to the appellate court........ aledhbichane: oc dna 465 Xxil Tasiy or ConrTeENTS. Appeals from City Court of Yonkers (Continued). Page Section 6. Staying proceedings on the appeal... .s..ecescceceneceeveecs weees 465 Section 7. Hearing and judgment. .......... ccc cee e ee cence eee eeeeeeeeenes 466 Section 8. Subsequent appeals, ......... cece cece eee e eee eeetee seen eeeneees 466 Section 9. Costs on appeals........ cc sees ecebeveseveee Sips eae aieieraseealsre’e 467 CHAPTER X. Costs on appeal. ARTICLE I. Wo ENTITLED To Costs. Section 1. Costs of course to prevailing party........... Se ee Ce ee 468 Section 2. When neither party entitled to Costs. ..........cccceeceeseneeeece 478 Section 8. When costs are in the discretion of the court...........0eeceeeeee 474 Must HOA WATMER. 6 5.550 cave beiay ase Gnas: Dosh coves Wi Mereimie TE NTR ew AES F 476 Mode of exercising the discretionary power...........+-seeeceeeeeveees 476 Section 4. Ultimate right to costs after successive appeals..........++.-++++ 477 Where costs follow, as of course............000. isfe sive tu sro yesecoreiese Sisoresonss 477 Tiny OGhGi; CASeS apse 3 seis oretie seo are ear ee 46 ko Sie als ie ate ww sioy a oun er oevemrerlale se 479 Section 5. Separate bills of COStS.. 0.20. cece cece cece teen cn cereeeeseenes 483 ARTICLE II. Sums ALLOWED As Costs AND DISBURSEMENTS. Section 1. Upon appeal to the Court of Appeals...........seeeeeerseenee oe 485 Section 2. Costs on appeal to the General Term, etc........... ceeeceeeeeee 486 Section 8. Costs on appeal to the County Court................06. Gaara ays 488 Where a new trial is not had in the appellate court ..........00.eeeeeee 488 Where a new trial is had in the appellate court.......-. cece cece eee eens 488 Section 4. Costs on appeal to the Common Pleas from a District Court.. .... 489 Section 5. Double or increased costs cece eee eee te tere eee eeeee 489 Section 6. Disbursements: < cis. ie ceeae ew eas Cav ee eee de bee ee eee aes 491 ImsSeneral isciysee Ss te ewgnes ss ew hehe het enone eeng estas wala Sane ate ohers 491 Upon appeal to the County Court..... 2... cece cece e nee e tence nee eees ». 491 Upon an appeal to the Common Pleas............. cece cece cece ene enes 492 Printing the appeal-book... 1.0... ccc cece cece sence ee ee eee ee eee eececs 492 Olerk'’s fees; Clesicanasgyeie sige os ee cais Saisie S stapeleordls Rents seis aedeaeeriocaeatag 493 ARTICLE III. TAXATION OF Costs. Section 1. By whom costs are to be taxed........ceceeeeeceeenes siden «. 494 Section 2. Notice of taxation or re-taxation.......... ccc cece wesc ecco ee ees 494 Section 8. Proceedings on waives eos 495 Section 4. Review of taxation ............. nebeanere sees esevearewasaee 496 TasLe or ConTENTS XXlil CHAPTER XI. Motion for a new trial. ARTICLE I. APPLICATION AT THE TRIAL TERM. Page Section 1. Whena motion fora new trial on the minutes is the proper remedy. 498 Section 2. Practice on a motion for new trial on the minutes.............6.. 501 Section 3. Principles governing the decision of the motion................. 502 Verdict contrary to evidence, or against the weight of evidence.......... 502 Verdict contrary to instruction. 20.0... . ccc cece eee etre tere een ee eens 505 Excessive or insufficient damages........cceeceececeeeeeeecee seeeeeers 505 Erroneous admission or exclusion of evidence. .........6. ce cece eee eeee 506 Where specific questions of fact have been submitted to a jury.......... 506 Misjoinder of partieS.........csccscee ener ee tees ese neeenereeees eaees 507 Where no exceptions were taken upon the trial............ ec eee eee e ee 507 Terms imposed in granting the MOtION.........66 cede eee e eee e eens 508 COS EB a sree mectiey acvete wloiaaengh gupntuon tus iio ninieis ae Aim eves OA MS eoee ta aasiand nai 508 FRG CATID Gs esse sa nc’ s eons. suede ee ashesis oars Wa ded wae ates Dek dae Sen eae aesren 509 Section 4. Motion that exceptions be heard at General Term................ 509 Outlines of procedure......... ccc cece cence cece ene teen eee e ne eeenees 509 The application to the trial judge. ......... ccc cece cece eee ee ee eneneees 510 Decision:of. the: motloms os <5. ee eise csisig's ennisie gia ee ecaiswweiiena te gee cies a's 511 ARTICLE II. Motion at GENERAL TERM FoR A NEw TRIAL. Section 1. When such motion is authorized....... 0... ccc cece eee eee e eee eee 512 Section 2. Proceedings before argument.......... cece seeeeeeenaeccseeeces 514 Making 8:C0S¢o.c.cccdinaamaniwasc eaace ads 44 swan actin aad a eee aneeeialsaunee 514 Stay of Proceedings. cscccigicsic: sinranivisisacaealaaie de cod aed a Hae eisai nmgidargenee 515 Noticing the motion for hearing. ............ cc ceee eee eee e eee eeeeees 516 Papers and points for the court and adverse party . nner mah ty atituddelae 516 Note Of isstles.s< 1388, 498, 499, 501, 505 1321 LOUD iste. weawcdepy dane as aut 499, 509, 512, 516. 521 1323 513, 515, 522 1324 beam sewisevawaaas va veins adres 408, b20; 582 1325 LOO). ass. ceaen tian 499, 500, 507, 509, 512, 520, 522 1326 Bet May oe nagniers/anwmicnateatie 520, 522, 623 191, 511, 512, 515, 521. 535 edo +71, 82, 94, 99, 249, 250, 253, 312 96, 100, 101, 103, 114, 250, 252, 265 SAO sas ie cice anes aw auaele eg 26, 81, 361, 362 1341.54, 71, 81, 68, 99, 100, 367, 368, 369, 406, 407 1OBD: ici cedinvesdae de aaenurenms 26, 361, 862, 363, 364 1843. ..54, 70, 81, 863, 869, 870, 887, 392, 406, 407 1344 .. . 876, 379 1345... 104, 379 1346. 26, 28, 45, 81, 122, 302, 303, 308, 332, 335, 499 PIO cteacseseind a 26, 29, 47, 50, 122, 505, 311, 4¢3 Aah ate or aesreiians ---26, 29, 311 & dey os Bees een . 28. 212, 203 i 122, 244, 269, 277, 510 IDSA seeeons -54, 70, 81-84, 313, 314. 870. 387, 392 Boe 6-25 SeBsecuMuu eure 81, 99, 100, 104, 314 182, = 316 uinioale . 41, ..4, 26, 29, 55, 312 siete 87, 41, 886, 389, 395 1357... wee 204, 26, 55, 868 .. 41, 42, 395 1808 f snimecwscuniaiuat caassitecigaoadyer kode 363, 376 eae Srastoera tetas Se eaters 41, 395 1859. sive weaereneranerS6y BIB 1300... .62, 64, 66, 67, 240, 245, 247, 248, 314, 1360. 51, 70, 85, 369, 370, 379 368, 369, 406 | 1361... «4, 61, 812, 866, 376 1301..49, 68, 211, 214, 215, 245, 364, 368, 376, 406 1522... naiMlesade eWrrnnaerenatele aims 36 1002} jesisainiianaies enka, Bee 45, Ht 66, 247 1528 ..... : aaaieateeesdse as 36 1303 1204 1305, 1306 1307. « secsenececsesees 80) 91, 249, 251, 258, 464 Taste or Cope Crrations. Section 2260. 4, 31, 53, 56, 363, 368, 405, 417, 419, 425, 456 + eae 53, 88, 198, 242, 426 2575.4... 41, 45, 89, 90, 98, 110, 116, 883, 386, 393 128, 187, 142, 149, 304, 398 efatosat erase eustove unevanovertinesteisr ions 69, 70, 72, 386, 887 69, 94, 111, 886, 888, 389 Section 155, 60, 66, 73, 414, 419, 420 AT wias5s suastiaredhurstednaiais pies wiaivereoels 67, 73, 420, 422 7 «128, 135, 435, 439, 446 “193, 195, 432, 454, 461, 490, 491 3058... 3059, 3060. 489, 492 BOG srt depicaue Rabies oecieeyn ean Gemeente 454 3062. ‘ 3063. «198, 184, 432, 442, 450 3064. ..10, 414, 485, 441, 446 rina Rea bec mabe iniew aie 9 52, 55, T1, 427 81, 52, 55, 69, 71, 74, 418, 419 dhs ye dished tenia wateeiNesianan aie a ne 69, 71, 74, 418 3104 ..... 31, 52, 55, 69, 71, 75, 418, 419, 420, 427 BLOB istsssiawranca sie adantene ++. -69, 71, 42, 75, 418, 427 3190. 9, 85, 54, 70, 81, 99, 100, 132, 813, 1a. an OIDs sited ncvatsies ser reeee e289, 55, 64, 403, 404 3192. .9, 35, 68, 70, 71, 92, 99, 100, 184, 135, 408, 406, 407 S199 aa ueones hae Lsaends 1 .0s.55, 406, 410 Xxvill Section Page 8194.......00006 re 181, 190 3195... «89, 181, 185, 190, 248, 253, 255, 297 8213....9-11, 29, 31, 55, 68, 70, 78, 134, 414, 415, 455, 456, 459, 461, 472, 475 B20... ee eee smlentaeaaaamagetss 475, 485, 487 ORAS “eisis eroirashatienie alice usee ei fdtivin eyes ats 490 . 485, 487, 518 Taste or Copr Orrations. Section BBAB eh atcaica ds. cite cons cuttin vesreciae Rant BA} BOR 8847..2, 59, 116, 117, 125, 142, 156, 165, 385, 469, 513 8555; cicisccdautacuuaieaanswseladesecencs 2416 TABLE OF CASES. A. Page Abbott v. Jewett... ... cc cccc cece cece ees 25 Hun, 608 ......... cece cece eens 309 Aberle V. Pajeti isis scceeaisince cane cece ae 10 Jones & Sp. 217........eeeeeees * 506 Achelis v. Kalman... .......0.see.eeees 60 How. 491 ......... cece cee e eens 807 Ackhart v. Lansing.................. 00 6 Hun, 216.0 icc esis cig ccisie ees sis 125 Ackley v. Tarbox ............eeceeecees BL Ne Xo 064. -seststescraiai pane tareions aietars 168 Adair v. Brunner. .........0cce ese enenes QOUIN:, Yo: 80a) a Ms 2G seeds aeegetneni ges 401 Adams v. Bush.........0..00 ceesseees 2 Abb. N. 8. 104.............. 172, 525 Adams v. Bush.. ...........06 sees eee 1 Abb. App. Dee: Tisccsiescneeneus 529 Adams v. Greenwich Ins. Co...........- NON. Ye 166 .c.s3 cciscee wwsvicewwe 186 Adams v. Oakes. ..........c0eescceenees 20 Johns: 282.5 sisscicscctwesniowes 200 Adams v. Ward.......ccecce0 ceorences GO: HOW, QBS ec: xcieceis 186 Lorrimer v. Kelly.............0.000000 1B: Ka8) 78 ocpsves giashtenean vaewaiele aiears 542 Losee v..Buchanan............22. 2.000 OLN: Ye ANG. «cic nas wewccenmmenwa 183 Lott Vi, SWE€ZY i. wesc ccscewaewcacaee eee 29: Baths 8% oc cccosmewneceges aeons 192 Lounsbury v. Purdy.................04- IB! Nes DLO esid cisanee tote weats 0% 166, 167 Low Wisely sescsisecdare tersamorennecte gs AT Wee 10 vcroci sti nee sind asepaaive eerste 186 LOW Vi PA yD sressssacia ss cicistes Givemaiie niin etd BIN Ne RA beacuse! ead hs stag ona ener 450 Lowber v. Mayor..............0ee ee ee ee D ADD. 268% asco: in edios sens weedeat 104 Lowry Vis TeWesiceccessseuiessesaese sd 25 Mun, 257. cesses cr gesetesesaeas, 113 Lucas v, McEnerna................6005 19 Fun; 140 oe. scccdenncanes acct eae 503 Luce v. Morrison...........-...0.-0 000 2 Law. Bull. 85................005 514 Luckey v. Frantzkee.................6. 1E. D. Smith, 47... ......... 447, 451 Luyster v. Sniffin...................... 3 How. 250................147, 171, 172 Lynch v. McBeth...................005 f HOW, 118 vacucsnacainaia enlas 6-465 378, 446 Lynch v. St. Jobn.............0 000008. BuDaly; 142 it tataoseicive eenes 405 Lynde v. Noble. ............ cee eee eeee 20 Johns, 80..... .....2...0000. 14, 15 Lynsky v. Pendegrast...............0... 2E. D. Smith, 48................. 435 Lyons v. Erie R. R. Co....... 0... cee ee DEIN We ABO sei atu alee we dete eae 145 M. Machen v. Lamar Ins. Co............... 2Civi Pro: Re 28 csccnsaes sani: 507 Macgregor v. Buell...............00008 1? Abby Blecaned cies vas ceaveeeeds. 480 Mackay v. Lewis...............0.000005 WS: Ni Ys B82sccreaaeeonees seans 247 Mackay v. Lewis .......... ec eee ee eee 54 How. 508.............005 64, 234, 339 Macy v. Nelson...........e.cesseeeeeee 49 How. 204....... cece eee e eee eee 486 Magie v. Baker ..... eeRaage oS Goals 14 NOY 148) in oonisialsanada ase ss 128 lvi Taste or Cases. Page Magee v. Badger..........scseseseeeeee 30 Barb. 240.........ceeeee seine Bane 184 Maher v. Central Park, &. R. R. Co....67 N. Y. 52......00c008 ce cee 282, 283 Mahon v. Hall..........6. ceeeee ween 2 Hun, 154.0... 0... cece eee e eens 341 Mahoney v. Decker ....... ......0eeees AS HUH, BOS scessavawreaciecguaxcnaiseas 537 Main v. Eagle........0cecececceeecceree 1E. D. Smith, 619............. 452, 470 Maier v. Homan.............0cseeeeees A Daly, UGB sssie: cose: swines eos wae 125, 336 Mairs v. Manhattan Real Estate Ass’n ...15 Jones & Sp. 31.........00.0eeeee 182 Malcolm v. Hamil................eee eee 65 How. 506.........c. cece eee 486 Maltby v. Green ....... cee eee e eee eee 1 Keyes, 548... 66 eases siewiels sae ore'e 200 Mandeville v. Marvin ...........0.eeees 80 Hun, 282............02. 125, 301, 333 Mandeville v. Reynolds...............5. 68 N.Y. 588. 05 ccies cwacicemaredasarare 12 Mann v. Fairlee.............0cceeeeneee AEN 6: O12 ccc naw suisse arene a mbavevars 539 Manning v. eee eeee 90 N. Y. 476.......... 101, 108, 114, 265 Mapes v. Coffin...........c.eee rece ones 5 Paige, 206.0 <6s000ssesiesonnnden 211 Marine Nat. Bank v. Nat. City Bank... 59 N. Y. 67 2..........-.. ee eee 163, 299 Marckwald v. Oceanic Steam Nav. Co...8 Hun, 547........... cece eceeeee 143 Market Nat. Bank v. Pacific Nat. Bank. .80 Hun, 50...............--.20eee- 807 Marselis v. Seaman..........e.cceeeeeee OL) Barb. 819. os: cies sane aheeaeeras 449 Marsh v. Woolsey.......... ccesecseees 14 OM, do iseccie at ete caseeee seca 82 Marshall v. Macy ..........0e0eeeeceuee 10 Abb. N.C. 87......... cece ee eee 195 Marshall v. Macy .........cceceeeeeeees 5 Week. Dig. 90............. wees 297 Marshall v. Macy ............ecseeeeeee 9 Week. Dig. 21...........2 02 ee eee 192 Martin, Matter of.............0. cee e eee OS ING Ys ADB ay s-ccese- ce aed 294, 401, 477 Martin v. Houghton.................0.. BL. HOW, 82 cae naceeev ces nsen sews 452 Martin v. Kanowse...........seee eee QADY: B90). wie tees wav oteen genes 33 Martin v. Rector........ ee ee 68 How. 362.......... 2c cece ee cee 194 Martin v. Windsor Hotel Co............ WON. Y. 101.......... 216, 221, 228, 306 Martine v. Lowenstein..............-..- 68: Ne Yn 4062 dee chee oe eran 223 Marston v. Gould......-.....eecee ee oe O9UN.. Vy 220bsaatcakieaawasrewanteee 180 Marvin v, Marvin. sci cscs y veisweccenna tae 11 Abb. N.S. 97......... 18, 87, 69, 545 Marvin v. Matvin......... 0.0.0... 0 0 eee MD Nig Net QA0 crerinacae secorarthieraessin vi tuanaresss 61 Marvin v. Universal Life Ins. Co........ SON Wie Sr Bx” Paiicietniierebes os aise 285 Marx ve McGlynn) sccccavacu seems ys SSN EV 80 Te ccnp oecseecasen 288, 398 Masonry. Lord occ ceersectaaenetwainceancs 40 NOM AIGi ccd Aaa a eee 280 Massoth v. Delaware & Hudson Canal Co.64 N. Y. 525...........0.0. cece 187 Mathews v. Arnold............-.2..006. 14 Hun, 376............... 439, 446, 460 Mathews v. Coe. 22... cece ee eee ee eens BOUIN. Mi Digases celiocwasmt anaes 280 Matthews v. Mevbery...............006. 63 NEY. 656 a sccs ccrkesaitennernaies 126 Matter of N. Y. Cent. & H. R. R. R. Co.64.N. Y. 60........ ccc cece cece e eee 7 Matteson v. Hall.............4.. ee ess 64 How. 515 ............. 365, 428, 486 Mattison v. Jones........ ...... Views 9 Hows 152) « scsciwssevies veyed 35, 418 Maxon v. Reed .... oo. cee eee cece cece 8 Hun; 618 isc cc secs come Sanaa’ 378, 448 May v, Stratss..css.cecra ves saw saree acies 8 Abb. N.C. 274... .. 0. cece eee eee 527 Mayor of Albany, Hz parte...........66. 28 Wend: Q7ivaciude. cenwew one 15, 17 Mayor v. Fiegel.........eceeeeee ee eeees 88. Hows 424s ovcnecdee eose esas 520 Mayor v. Green... .. eee e eee eee eee 1 Tilt, B98 ca eeec ec eaactecnusawnsac 448 Mayor of N. Y., Matter of.............. BONY M00. oe cs ceence ieee ata 17 Mayor, etc. of New York v. Erben...... 24 How. 858... oe eee eee e eens «+ 128 McAleer v. Corning........eeseeeeeeene 17 Jones & Sp, 522........000 337, 502 McAlister v. Sexton.....cssseseeeseess4 EB, D, Smith, 41... ...ccceeecee eee 463 TABLE or Cases. lvii ‘ Page McArdle, Matter of......... eee cetyeees 80 Hun; C5 5.s16s owed oredie epee 865 McCann v. Sheeke............ 0.0. ee ee 5 Week. Dig. 420..............0068 444 McCarter, Matter of................2005 O4 N.Y. 658. socccscwases HEEB Sie Et 4°7 McCarthy vi Bly scscec cee ssvesv eves swe 4E. D. Smith, 875................ 449 McClary v. State........... cece cece ee 76 Ind. 260.5 sis osceecanenaiecaeoes 542 McCoimbie v. Spader ...............00-- PAWn W908 escs cciesas ian ane 180, 336 McConnell v. Hampton............-..6% 12 Johns. 284......... ccc eeeeeeee 345 McCotter v. Hooker...............000ee BING W407. cose sae ound seinen 187 eo Moms ent 7 Hi Ey Cin Re Yi 190 as. asavees 220, 282, 286 McConihe v. New York & Erie R. R. Co..20 N. Y. 495............. cece ences 506 McDonald v. ae \satelo ure theta athens 5 Barb. 560....-........- 000s 448, 449 McDonald v. Walter. . wie ae peeaeteta aie Nic. Yc ODL y ayecarcectaccesrasas 844, 505, 506 McEtecre v. Little............ 0... eee 7 Abb. N. C. 374..125, 404, 405, 411, 412 McGean v. Mackeller.............-.0065 67 How: 278................ 95, 97, 103 McGinley v. United States Life Ins. Co..77 N. Y. 495.22... ..... cc eee e eee 184 McGinniss v. Mayor, etc. of New York. .6 Daly, 416...0........... ccc ee eee 168 McGown v. Leavenworth............... 2E. D. Smith, 24............ 2.8. 309 McGregor v. Comstock..............66- ION: YO8liese ects snag ccsaad 218, 240 McHenry v. Jewett........... cece eee SON X08: oad cores seelat etes treats elas 285 McIntyre v. Hernandez............00005 7 Abb. N.S. 214..........000c eee 405 McIntyre v. New York Cent. R. R. Co. .47 Barb. 515... ... ccc eee eens 845 McIntyre v. Strong........... cee ee eens 2 Civ. Pro, Re 86... eesccceesisiese 250 Mclatyre v. Strong............. cece eee 16 Jones & Sp. 209.............088 90 Mclihenny v. Wasson ...............005 1 Daly, 2803 so: eiels'e'c osans sisvares aerate 457 McKeever v. Weyer..........0cseeeeeee 11 Week. Dig. 258........... 0.08. 506 McKenna v. Bolger............e0e0eeees 94 NN: Ys 64l vas sacgseedsceawseeens 232 McKenzie v. Rhodes............200e000 13: Abb. 887s seers secnsodtoneregees 84 McKeon v. Horsfall.................4.- 88 Ne Ys 400. 3s ssc snugad aan eees 496 McKnight v. Devlin............... ee eee OB Ne Ve BOO es ind Sassi aneteinn sbrenactneneaee 167 McLachlin v. Brett.............. ee. ee ee OF Wun; 18) ies cons aseeseaee ans 38, 117 McLaughlin v. Smith ................0. B HUN, 20s «occ caeoraes maledienlcawiews 487 McMahon v. Allen............-. ee eeeee 22 Barb. 198... 60sec. cee cece eee .. 80 McMahon vy. Harrison...............-.- 5 How. 860........ 0.0. e eee eee 48, 61 McMahon v. Rauhr................0-005 47 N. Y. 67..... 9, 11, 200, 201, 294, 403 McMillan v.-Croin...........ecee eee ee es TOON: Mie AT 4 scsciwGais es saitaweweiine 207 McMurray v. McMurray... ...........- GON 5 Ve 16a es'csece secs Qa ple 12 McNamara v. Canada Steamship Co..... 16 Week. Dig. 86.................. 22 McNish v. Bowers. ... ccc. cee ee cee eens 30 Hun, 214. va cwre sox seaeese 148, 173 McQueen v. Stewart...........e..e eee Ind. 685 ws eccces ass seen sities «» 529 McVickar v. Wolcott........ soaeraianiacpenca? A PONDS! 510 isc as es sacs aches “ane 13 Meacham v. Burke........ ......s..05- OA Neils soos seats Sa eeens 280 Mead v. Mead..........cecceeee eee eens 2 E. D. Smith, 223 ................ 310 Mead Vi Sh@a.sss sececcdcees cee saeenawares O20N i Yi Wee nnues gmbenans 180, 188 Mead vi Shea.i. se ccciecsencicnrdaewnee es 26 Hun, 898 22... 6... eee eeeee 148, 173 Mead v. Smith. .........05 seeseeeneees 28 Hun, 639.......... 128, 126, 128, 384 Mead v. Smith....... 23 sSies Taesisies saws 3 Civ. Pro. R.171........ 0. ee eeeee 124 ‘Meakim v. Anderson...........e.eee000 11, Barb, 210; cc0ive vederdexseeees 531 Megrath v. Van Wyck..............:.+.8 Sandf. 750..... ieee iabameeos 808 Mehl v. Vonderwulbeke............008. 46 N. Y. 589........ iPiea eer eecatea 209 Meltzler v. Doll... ..cccsesceeccceeceee OLN, Y. B65... ccc eccen eevee s 808, 284 lviii TABLE or CaszEs. 7 : Page Menard v. Stevens. ........ceceee ee eeaee 12 Jones & Sp. 215........ see eeee 182 Merceron vy. Fowler............seeeee08 8 Daly).636 cascode cates cceusie aoa se sees 404 Merchant v. Belding......-..........005 DOW. B44, ooo ccscinceisss eee arsine SF is B42 eh aa aseuie oe o eyo bor IN SY BOD ai ae seebusseeesiee cated nomads 477 Merrill v. Pattison. ..............c eee eee 44 How. 289.......0. cc cece ce eeeee 428 Merritt v. Arden...........c.eeeeeeeeee TV Wend, 915.0556 005 sissnwu seis ees 225 Merritt v Seaman..................- pasO Ne Ne 168 ui viee ses eeeGawed nu. os 180 Merritt v. Thompson.........eceseeeeee Dit 000. soc os'e's'p guises sees xa 340 Messenger v. Fourth Nat. Bank......... 48 How. 542...........c eevee 624, 548 Messenger v. Fourth Nat. Bank..........6 Daly, 190.......... seeceeeeeeue 531 Metropolitan Gas Light Co. v. Mayor ...9 Hun, 706..............eee0 123, 342 Metropolitan Nat. Bank v. Sirret........ OT Ni Yi 820. cic ccccasseccssesans 518 Meyer v. Amidon........... ec cee eee eees 45 N.Y: 169.6260 scccas sssewsecees 174 Meyer v. Cullen. .....cscccccsecsecceece B4.N. Y. 892.......... (Feee ease eRe 231 Meyer v. Lathrop......c.esseeeseeeceeee W3 N. V3 818) ccscinwesacaveneas 174, 289 Meyers v. Riley..........csceeeeeeeeees 3G FLUID, 20! os sectiautaieieiesctse. 6.325 Seareuncers 525 Miannay v. Blogg..........seeeeeeeeeee Al IN. Yo Oh es 26s3ea5888 2217, 226, 233 Milbau. v.. Sharp sas scene ccrnencpacens QUIN. Xo. 6240 cc eoce near eseeatee 174 Military Parade Ground, Matter of...... GOIN: Yo SIGS sien a Segoe es oat 225 Miles v. Clark... ...c.. ccs sees cece eens 4 BOsW. 6825.6. is res ab avesearice 100 Miller v. Coates.......... ccc cece ceeeees 2 HUN, 668s osc ciescoes ede wkd waias 484 Miller v. Eagle Life & Health Ins. Co....8 E. D. Smith, 184......... ...... 350 Miller v. Ins. Co. of North America..... 1 Abb. N. ©. 470.............4.. - 342 Miller v. Perrine... ......ccccceeeeeceees 1 Hun, 620............. 00. c eee 66, 421 Miller v. Shall..............05. Kiraeeielee’ 67 Barb. 446 ...... ccc cece eee eens 59 Miller v. Sheldon... .........ceeeeeee 15 Hun, 220.............-.6. 50, 62, 304 Miller v. St Louis R. R. Co.............. 5 Mo. App. 471........... 0.0 e ce eee 541 Miller v. Tyler......... Siseda vieeatvistor ae BEING Me AT Esa ipa earulsiern rhein ted 9, 225 Millerd v. Thorn.............. e ¥sayeero BLN. Y. 402........... 0. cece eee 126 Milliner v. Lucas. .........ceese sees eee SHUN 496 tise ioes caaue dines ae vas 176 Mills'V: Davis css. oie eec ed ec eciey coe BONS Vs B49 wties! Ayana cahawne- sy 237 Mills v. Forbes... 2.22... eeceece cece eee 12 How. 4663 esas sion aacasinaoases 92, 115 Mills v. Hildreth.....................5. SINE Y Oke. acess ean es eee ae 282 MillsvVs Shualtssscujoaid camcaccwdosiessaterions 2 E. D. Smith, 189................ 420 Mills v. Thursby........... cece cece cease 18 How, 261.5. .a%6.swsccue ss des 119 Mills v. Thursby..... 2.0.0. cece eee e eens AL How. 129. 6.6 ccs ssceee ca eeies 82 Minick v. City of Troy..............008 19 Hun, 2583 66 ceecc ace a sand 344, 505 Minor v. Mayor, etc. of New York...... 5 Jones & Sp. 171....-......... 186, 336 Mitchell v. Carter........ .........00.. 14 Hun, 448........0........... 540, 543 Mitchell v. Eble............... 0-20 e eee 1O Wend. 090 sid. de einen easas 541 Mitchell v. Menkle............-. cee eens 1 Hilt, 148......... cee ee 412, 449 Mitchel v. Pike... ....... ccc e cee ce ees VE Han A142) ios cute ateatamanag wowace 27 Moak v. Hayes..........000c cece cece ene 25 Hun, 816................. 70, 82, 314 Moffett v. Sackett...........cce cence eee 18 IN Xi B22 ec istcialsaibie acacnaurna’ 294, 355 Molony v. DowS.......0eeseeeeeeeeeeee PADDING. secs dcusaias agrees 511 Moody v. Osgood ........cceeeeeeeeenes BEN 488 wc crate niceties gies 182 Mojarrieta v. SaenZ.......ece reece eens BOUIN. YS G4 i cccastce, weace avscote-wiasers wri - 219 Montefore v. Favilla ...........0.eeeeee 8 Weck. Dig. 198,.............2005 77 Montefeiore v. Favilla........... rere 63 How. 386 .........c cece eevee 111 TaBLE oF Cases. - lix Page Migpigoneeny Co. Bank v. Albany City by NN.) ¥.400. wsacnwcneaaessees.s. ANT deca: Vi. MOLAR secs asicinewadionuecaacay TB ANG, Min 2D csse.6.c00cohibw ei osevasd wae wi 180, 287 Morange v. Morris...........0.000- eee 20 HOW. 257 ccceeesacieeenae gases 808 Morehead v. Holden..............00008% TCs PIO: Ri ASB csscawwieitceeusiares 46 Morehouse v. Agricultural Ins. Co...... 11 Week. Dig. 228................ 46 Morehouse v. Yeager..........0eeeeeeee TL: Wie B94 soncietaenane awasidosica was 182 Morey v.. Tracey sic ss. cscives once sees 92 N2 Vi S8lacesgsaiecencecsasuenste 104 Morgan v. Reid. ....... .. cc eee eee eee WADD: 215 sc00 ae ncws sien saxcmemaes 177 Moore, Matter of...........5 eereeeeeee G7 N.Y: S05 vcsccode. avewreces 237, 238 Moore v. Appleby.........ce ees eeeeees 86 Hun, 86862. icc tierce tenes 476 Moore v. Noble. .... 2... cece cece eee eee 58 Barb. 425....... alc aseaeatenrisias 448 . Morris v. Morange....... ..... cece eens 26 How. 247... 0... cece cee eee 67 Morris v. Morange.........ccc esse ee eeee BOLING Va LTD chaecrearteein ancient “arses 210 Morris v. Talcott......... ccceveeereees OG NL Vis M00 ss scstss nae ares gienng tio win ss 284 Morris v. Wheeler. ........-.cceeeeeeene AB IN Ys 108 aise ts aig sieeve oieteroseierey et 231, 295 Morrison v, Agate... 0.0... ce eee e eens -20 Hun, 28.... 2.0... cece eee 806, 345 Morrison v. Morrison.......... ....00e- 16 Bun, 507 o06 cc edcedssedes 58, 59, 321 ee eee } 38 Barly, BOS. vxvvixnvnasvewanned 308 Morss'v:. Sherills csccissws ssanseaeceeoies 63 Barb. 21...........2.25 w... 048, 504 Moses v. ere eet 68 HOW. 84.05 ccc cin cndeane cease 76, 94 Mott v.Consumers’ Ice Co.............. Si Dal ys 244 oscscssticsstscaccuevinace nad daanmes 481 Mott v. Lansing. eee e ween 5 Lans. 516.......... ccc eee eee 64, 118 Mount v. Mitchel ...............0006 06 BREN Ye V0 ca icsscew ccraserd yeahs 299, 359 Muldoon v. Blackwell..............0005 BEE INE Wie CBG aca ercsavaiejascielet eisre taacecaie 275 Muller v. Higgins..............00. 00005 dE TOW B24 oinccies ey aneewaiors 508 Mulqueen vy. Duffy ..............65 eee G6 Wun, 209 casecssersiway dees 180, 336 Mundorff v. Mundorff.................. BOUIN. Ye G80 cc ccs enneena bananas 227 Murphy v. Haswell..........6. ce seeeee 65 Barb. 880........... 0. cece eee 508 Murphy v. Spaulding............. 0.08. AG Ne Ve S06. cas. axes sex eesnna ec 18 Murray v. New York Life Ins. Co....... 85 N.Y. 236 cccccessncwin sede eces 126 Murtha v. Curley ........... 00.0 es eeees 92 Ni Xe BO9icceeconawanene 474, 478, 479 Mutual Life Ins. Co. v. Hoyt............ BON. Y. 615.0... . cece eee eee ee 290 Mygatt v. Wilkins. .............: ee eeeee 1 Lang, 55.0... cece cece eee ees 851 N. = eV GH Bok. Hee tot SRDS sence. 170, 171, 172 TG OD conn asicnad 228, 807 Nat. State Bank v. Rising............... AGH, (O8iuc ccgoccerisenseore gee 46 Naugatuck Cutlery Co. v. Babcock...... Oo Min, AGT. weve ciwne wieltewews 843 Naugatuck Cutlery Co. v. Rowe........ 5 Abb. N. C. 142...... waa mea anaing 508 Neff yi Chutes: isiccanneseecsvewsncaoawns 12. Barb. 466. ccccece cas oa secsens 448 Nehresheimer v. Bowe.......-...005 6+ 8 Civ. Pro. R. 368............6. 306, 309 Neil ¥.. Abels iis viacaes nana sacatarinese 24 Wend. 186............0..06. 587, 540 Neil ¥. (PROUD josie us scuineinainn dae Meir BRIN YQ sa; crass vscansudactaaoaaad aeamrancle 177 Nelson v. Neell...... cece cece erence enes 12 Week. Dig. 161...............4. 525 Nesmith v. Clinton Fire Ins. Co ........ SAD be 14s. siaearesievnesened 524, 585, 543 lx TasLe or Caszs. Page New v. Aland ..........0.eeeee sree 62 How. 185........005 f aiigieichona og 365 Newcomb vy. Clark.... eee econ 1 Denio, 226.2... 0 ccc cece vniesceces 285 Newcomb v. Hale..........eeseeeeeeeee 64 How. 400...... siaig distanctsiereleiviotens 479 Newel v. Cutler.......... ccc eeeeeeeee 1D FAM, 74 sess sarevsrs siatecaresvennes woes. 365 Newel v. Doty........ sccceecneeeneeee BSN: YESS ase ine hedaewedawe vanes 276 Newell v. Wheeler.............0000000 A Rob: 190. ects aes vaiewns eeees 358, 359 Newhall v. Appleton. ..............008- 15 Jones & Sp. 88...........6. 528, 581 Newhall v. Appleton..............0 0005 14 Jones & Sp. 6......... «++. -d09, 520 Newman v. 8 Hun). (02sec eset s cea see's cae wes 177 Newman v. Grieff..............00006 0s 8 Civ. Pro. R. 862...... .....eeee 496 Newton v. Pope...... eRe eee 1 Cow. 109s 0 sc. ea cc tessa aie 449 Newton v. Yale.......... cece eee eee eee 15 Week. Dig. 38..........000eeees 46 New York Cent. R. R. Co., Matter of...60 N. Y. 112........ ....005 21,44, 61 New York Cent. R. R. Co. v. Marvin....11 N. Y. 276...... 0... ees e eee eee 239 RCN Svat avant By B On MOE 4 At Alby Tad OVE ea nn mencnans 237 OT OL jeacinas naeiinae na waatnacee Gas New York & Harlem R. R. Co. v. Haws.56 N. Y.175........... cece ee eee 13 Nee ee NG Oy otinaennnet 227, 229 ee t 98 PO Ae enti ach al eine. 282 r ot. & H. R. R. R. iy Ai af BuCT Grn oh 0 Me WB aocnscasrasaneaie 518, 286 New York Ice Co. v. Northwestern Pee ee ee \ 23 Ny Ws Gor cra edcesesieas aos 232 New York Ins. Co. v. Walden.......... 12 Johns. 5138...... 0. cee ee eee 187 ew Yor ilk Pan Co. v. Remington ee Bir) 8b HI, 60s «dieu teadintaaraedee' 309 ye ial 0 7 1 7 . N ae, eee i ue joa Hin; B67 choca reuenseoiees 487 New York & West Shore R. R. Co., { 94 N. Y. 287...215, 218, 227, 239, Matteriofiicai2scccccetansesmlcues 240, 473 ee one econ Sues Te Ee 08 2g Pita B 0B seiko tala 480, 484 Pah cece cco) EN MR ee eaters teat ATT Nicholas v. Nicholas.............0.005- 186 Mass. 256....... 0. cc cece eee eee 5387 Nichols v. MacLean............ seseeee 08 N.Y... 458). seas deauas 94, 95, 96, 270 Nichols v. Voorhis. .............0..00: MAN. W298 sas cr owene ane maoen 207 Niles v. Battershall ...............0000- 26 How: 9352 cceastedguneiceceaesd 70, 82 Noble v. Prescott ..........05 ceeeeeees 4E. D. Smith, 189................ 22 Nolan v. Harris........ .... Sinise 62 HOW: 409 .ainvcsatinuetaseres 506 North v. Sergeant............ adtardigowtnts 83 Barb. 850........ 0... cece eee ees 508 Northup v. Jackson............eeeeeeee 13 Wend. 85......... Sertheniiewe ies 10 Noyes v. Childrens’ Aid Society..... ... TONS Veil ace sicn cas andiewscs 225, 298 Noyes v. Hewill....... SxisduGmmemenncees 18 Wend. 141......... .....08, 878, 448 O. Oakley v. Sears......0c.ceeeese sense eee 7 Rob. 111............ 524, 525, 580, 534 O'Brien v. Browning.........eseseeeeee 49 How. 109........ 0.0.05 ceeeeeee 33 O’Brien v. Merchants’ Ins, Co........... 48 HOW, 448) cscs sada e reas Seulsa es 535 Oakley v. Van Horn... .... pGesntce oh us 21 Wend. 305... ...... eck sae v ES 378 Taste oF Cases. lxi Page Oberlander v. Speiss...... die aia averniose voi 04D ON Yi(0 iis vavinsvemiewasds as 174 O'Gara v. Kearney........0.000 eeeeeees MEN Y ARB anecoedisawuwre aes 194, 195 ; hamplain R: R. etn ee PGB N.Y. 178... eeesseess ens 18, 218 O’Gorman v. Kamack.... ..........00 § Daly; BL. sco0ssiiccueudiiheees 173 O'Keefe v. Shiperd..............0. sees 28 Huns 171s csesiseseesicad Saas s .. 496 Oldfield v. New York & Harlem R. R.Co.14 N. Y. 810.............. 184, 276, 282 Olendorf Vv. Cook .........cceeeceeeeeee 1 Vans: 872 ssasscmwcaciwaceen sede 192 Oliver v. Trustees First Presby. Church,.5 Cow. 283........ .20.seeeeeeeeee 540 Olmstead v. Reed. ............ cece ee eee % Civ: Pros Re 1906..c00s eiescieeinie's 8 46 Onderdonk v. Emmons....... ......-+- 9D G04 a.26 aoacesseniave-cvsrader, saath dete-o 453 O'Neil v. James... cece eee e eee eee 43. NOV BE. sien teaecaeca alsa anaes 185 O'Neil v. Keokuk, &c. R. R. Co...... +45 Towa, 546....... ccc cece ween oe 542 Orcutt v. Cahill. .... 0.2... eee e ee eee 24 Ne VIO (8 gercctisanuee eaten ss 451 O'Reilly: ¥, aD Css cisdeasestewserecaee 28 How: 408 ci.cdiateviencioncaniesy coe 223 Ornes v. Dauchy.............55- ayes erator 82 No ¥ 448 ws nanwouaci serene be « 185 Orser v. GrosSMaD .......scee cece eee eee 4H. D. Smith, 443................ 450 Osborn v. Nelson ...........000. eexeges 59 Barb 875. secawessvsvias ces veces BVT Osgood v. Manhattan Co............... BO Cow. O18 sc54 saa sadiaie weds iis 176 Osgood v. Toole ..........ceceeee eee ees GON. Yi TB cag as ciessat oecaee wares niacass 188 Ostrander v. Harper...... ......-..000- 14 HOW), (Giese os sae c td ceeeanaaicais 38 Ostrander v. People..............-eeee: 28. HUD, 3B)... eecictee news Faycecccens 548 O'Sullivan v. Roberts...............0005 7 Jones & Sp. 860.............0085 Lv? Otis Vi SPenceF «04 wiscsciectuerwade see se SHOW. UA yas crewmen sin ey Coeees 83 Ovenshire v. Adee... ...... cece cece eee 27 How. 368. ........ cece eee cee oe 428 Overing v. Russell.......... ccs cece een 28 Hows: TOV sos sieeie ve gcd seg he aire Owen v. Hudson River R. R. Co........ BOUN Mi BIGy «exe eee eae cae eaiees 182 Owen v. Warburton. ...............2005 4 Bos. & Pul. 826................. 548 P. Pacific Mail Steamship Co. v. Irwin..... GT BAD 2072s ony cece oes ae eee ees 305 Pacific Mail Steamship Co. v. Toel...... 9 Daly: B04, oc ceccuey sais ai ea 331 Paige v. Fazackerly ...............000- 36 Barb. 392..... Ree eyes ee any 275, 449 Painton v. Northern Cent. R. R. Co.....883 N.Y. 7.0... ccc cece cece ee ees 187 Palmer v. De Witt.................000 42 HOw: 466 oes cccs ccc cc eae Gawes 486 Palmer v. Lawrence...........0..0-000: DN Y.0400; sau cesaewed sands 171, 297 Palmer v. Lorrilard ................000. 16 Johns. 848 ....... eee 285 Palmer v. Mulligan................ 0... 8 Caines, 807.00... eee eee ee eee 525 Palmer v. Phenix Ins. Co.............. BO) AUN 224... esacrnamaucmuannw geceke top 128 Parfitt v. Warner .......... cece cee e cues 13. Abbe AT eco s ute eacdex a cue gue: 97 Park Bank v. Titton...............0.008 15 Abb. N.S. 217..........0000.0.. 177 Parker v. Baxter..........cccceeeee eens 86 MY 08G pecan cass e93 503 vies 288 Parker v. City of Cohoes............... 10 Hun, 18d eee esd. ces eee 338 Parker v. Eaton... 2... 2... sc cece ee ee eee 25 Barb, 122.3 ccc cscs case cease cwues 449 Parshall v. Klinck ..............0e ee eee 43 Barb. 293 ........0 6. cc cece wees 528 Parkhurst v. Berdell ...........020-000% 87 N.Y. 145............. aires igtars 219 Parsons V. Brown.......-...seeeeeeee) 5 Hun, 112.0000. cee e cece neces 342 Parsons v. Coburn...........0. cece eens 2N. Y. Sup. Ct. (T. & C.) 824..... 144 Parsons v. Hayes ............... Here taaie 18 Jones & Sp. 29.......... 50, 62, 304 lxii Taste or Cases. Page Parrish v. Parrish.......0...seeeeeesees 42 Barb. 274..... Rgiticacie ey 33 Parsons v. Sprague...........seeeeeeeee 80 Hun, 19......... ccc cece eee eee 307 Parsons v. Travig..........cecceeeeeees 2 DUCE, 6592-5 sessnnas srneraw eroieaare - 90 Parsons v. Winnie. .........ceceeeeeeee 17 Week. Dig. 286................. 60 Patchen v. Devin .........ccecseenceeee 87 Barb. 480.........0... ee eeeeeee 401 Patten v. Elevated R. R. Co............ BTN We ABS asin siete cae os is 220, 228 Patten V.. Stitt. cccccscecesceaassswes se DO. Ni Y 5 DOL: asics tneiesbans aenctiionvs 480 Patterson v. Hamilton...............6.- 26 Hun, 665. sceniewaveasoanceas eres 40 Patullo’s Estate... ....... cc cece cence 1 Turek, 106: s ccisssoswevees aesivere 98 Paul vi. Munger vcwescsccew cine casses sie AT Ns Xe 469i cau cigs cosas evecs 220, 228 TSMC Fe Uae none Weuiea Pe }19 Week. Dig. 78.02... .sseeeeeeees 524 Payne v: Beckeriscccsisesscanasswaacies 80 N.Y. 1088.2 vee caw cesces ceeaseys 206 Peake: Vi Bell sia. wyadawsedadevwieetedie Y Win; 464. se s2c cascuc ties ar 608 503 Pearson v. Fiske...........cccceeeeeeee MADD. 419 po ciesscesoseicineibinidssesscssie sie oa 447 Pearson v. Lovejoy..........sceeeeeeeee 85 How. 193...59, 60, 363, 364, 419, 420 Peck v. Cohen. ....ccccccccserssccseees 8 Jones & Sp. 142..............05- 338 POC Vs TAU CPY wsaserc se Sancie nsetsye sia oieieie Siatals- 2 0.8 30 Barb. 655.......... cece cece eee 525 a ne a PT Ao0 beet aiates 505 fe ee ne ee OHH 286 cn ie waar eens 356 ee ii ee ga Sapte sil daa as 345 Br re EE TON OO caged aaetcnten 284 BOCK Wi POC je lasudsisé saves cara ta ave oes OO EWN 181 aes ciate: eases chris Seg e dc 40 Petrie v. Adams .............0eeceeeeee LANG Ni OF ee cae eeceeealte sige sod 206, 207 BECEIS So MISEY Coase EAtnS 12, 2 bY Barb. 204........eeeeeeeees 77, 78 People v. Alker.......cccccceeccceccees 12: Hiiny' 88)s.4 ses ends oessaceeasenes 83 People v. Allen ...........c eee eeeeeeees BOUN. YY: O88 yaccnsesnseaweecesiwn 16 People v. Assessors of Albany.... ...... 40. N.Y. Wdisce cae ae vidave ses 15, 16 People v. Bergen... .... 2.0... c eee eeees 68 N: YY: 404. ces cee enc Bis cusSanacaus 4 People v. Betts ............. cc eeeeeeeee 55 N. Y. 600.............. 7, 15, 17, 239 People v. Board of Fire Commissioners. .82 N. Y. 858.........-.0ceceececee 16 People v. Board of Police............... TR Ni Ys ALG stints cstente eee gece 15, 16 People v. Board of Police Commissioners.82 N. Y. 506....... cc. ccceeeeeees 214 People v. Board of Police and Excise....69 N. Y. 408............00.000 wee 16 People v. Board of Police Commissioners.86 N. Y. 639...........cccecceeeee 229 People v. Board of Police Commissioners.93 N. Y. 97...........0cccceceeees 16 People v. Board of Police Commissioners.6 Hun, 227..............cccecceees 16 People v. Board of Metropolitan Police. .89 N. Y. 506......... ccc ec eceeaee 15 People v. Campbell............. 2.00000 WO Ne Yi 496 si scnenanaomccavacs aaa 228 People v. Campbell.............eeeeeees Be INL Wah. oo scsc curd eonig a Seeisiae alt 16 People v. Canal Board.................. 7 Lang! 220. ies coin eae adindsaens 17 Peopley: Catal osccscssiecnviaiseeaes 1 Park. Cr. R. 256... .........0.006 536 People ve: Came yincscicsyciscnsGinkese aes QO AUD ADs as Pe isd oe earas coy sa epnlomars 363 People v. Chautauqua Common Pleas ...2 Wend. 618..................005. 98 People vi Clyd@ss sss 20065 6n sainewsiews ad 69 N. Y. 603.......... 220, 226, 228, 288 People v. Columbia Common Pleas...... L WONG. 29% acsieicisinnay aaee toes 543 Pcople v. Commissioners of Cortland Co.58 Barb. 189. ........cccecceseece 19 People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. People v. TasLe or Cases. lxili Page Commissioners of Excise. .....61 How. 514.......... cece eee eens 12 Commissioners of Highways...80 N. Y. 72.........cceeeeee cence 15 Common Council ............- WBN: Ys BO sccccre sagen aevenes 222, 232 Common Council............- 80. Hun, 686 cccvies vi sane edvcceces 8 Common Council of Buffalo.. ..80 Hun, 686.............000005 306, 312 Common Council of Troy ..... B20 NM. O70 usc ceed cea aai Reece 8 277 Contracting Board ........... 46 Barb. 254....... 0... cc cece eens 138 Coopers sien scsesintunmare ses rai AL HUG, Oho ore eddies ene easin oe 14 COVillsssedbownswmaeussed dees 20 Hud, 460. sscsccwieei vances se oes 14 Board of Health.............. 33 Barb::044. occ aurns wesionaignees 14, 15 Daly sccsntewresd aortas sae is 67 Barb. 825 .......... ccc cece eee 14 David... as.4%. s4acessvececwees 15 Hun, 209 wessa cccccesvecene’s tes 363 Dennison............-. 22 cee ee SAN: Vis 222s vead eh cs vets oeeese ees 296 Dennison...........0..-2e0005 28 Hun, 328.0. ceve cess cae awae ss vies 14 DO WEYs ii cee cae icadciet eaees 1 Bun, 529.503 ceva se ose ee eee saree 17 DoOn0ntIe.. 023 see estes ane ee 16 Hun, 4185.00. ..00s.neke ev eeed sede 312 Duchess Common Pleas....... D COWL84 ¢ is.c cere ridesese diecast 98 DWYGP aie ee tea edawee ease 90 N. Y. 402....... 2... 4, 218, 2388, 366 Hggleston ....... cscs ee eeeee 13 How. 123 ....... ccc cee cece nee 11 WEDTISs oases ose ease eed 16 No Ys B26 occ see arene waceewea eareneinaes 228 Fire Commussioners........... EIN: YY . O08 5 sence seahtioe ieee ecatiee 229 Fire Commissioners........... BO Fain, STG sicis a 5 2ietcsie'y eityets aa eateceeeins 16 Fire Commissioners........... 5 Abb. Ni Ce 144s snwieees tees es 477, 485 Power vis wsscniacccuwde eave wv OO IN: Vs Clo nwsevewdecwnsawaes 198, 248 Freemans cowie saw se oe ves ses 8 Lans. 148............... gussets 17 Pronch ..cwccsccwnses cea caces 92 N. Ys 806.0 cac cs seawes ace 16, 17, 278 Genesee Common Pleas....... 4 Weend:208: 5 ssicns cisions ve daereaanees 74 GHIDDONE ic aseis creas eee ecsisacecerernne 88 N. Y. 626. ........ 215, 229, 240, 473 Globe Mut. Ins, Co........... 27 Hun, 589............005 306, 340, 345 GOME ajar ois ad naleie we diaaniedeade ee DING Va 484. 8 osc aacanetnwein aun q Gonzalez: «: csccauasiwneon gwar BONO 40s 05.24 eu Saag vaneina wcll 177 GRACO: «thine Haka someone 16 Week. Dig. 349............ 02. 14 ELBIT vicars sence oe Secon Bk ee neni 29 AUD 125: masta paix euecine ss 17 Hamilton .. 06666) eases cerns POLADD: Boo esi san eA anees 193 HANNS ies dasisnseacewaeess VEHOW: 85: sigs sisiaeacansieacass 537 Ilerkimer Common Pleas...... 1 Wend. 810 cciacaarnasemseviene hee 98 Hileses: ove ecaa wn sen ewlosasins 53 Ni Wedd nk ae cee ediores 228 HitidSsccccswevee sa yeas cx cage 80: Ne Ys 410 e casew scam sdeeec cee os 103 Horton ss s.0e2240 aden eee NG 64 Ne YY, SB sccawscaeadense s 208, 206, 207 Hurlburt) sscacccteasia basins dues AGN Veo VIO sos cron son tele Rake Saks 15 JONSON oeccievere douse cesniere 8 odes S08 BSN. V.08 ss 55 844 ceedereaniwvenen 191, 193 JOUPAH, wae s as BRS 472 Quincy ¥; White sssenccsse crescents 63° Ny Vs B70 xa semendenese cenws 280, 291 Quincey Vi Young occccacesstsasnesese 68 N.Y: 604) vas ccacscsesainicans 64, 292 Quinn v. Halbert....6 562055000 s ects ce 52 Vite 858 ssaceseas yg iaanaasaeAs tes 539 Quinn Vi Moydisc.20s 188 , at » upon the affidavits of and , and upon notice to the defendant, an application was made by the plaintiff herein, to Hon. » for an order (State the nature of the application.) That deponent attended upon the hearing of said motion, and opposed the same upon the affidavits of the defendant and of his agent That upon said hearmg an order was made and signed by said (Justice) granting said order, and the papers upon which said motion was made and opposed were indorsed as read upon the motion, and were delivered with said order to the attorney for the plaintiff. That said attorney has failed and neglected to enter the orderso made, and to file the papers upon which the same was founded, in the office to the Clerk of the County of , that being the county designa- ted in the summons as the place of trial of this action, and by such failure and neglect has prevented, and still prevents, the defendant from appealing from said order to the General Term of this court. That no frior application on the part of the defendant for an order directing the entry of the aforesaid order has been made. (Jurat.) (Signature.) No..2. Order Directing Entry of an Order Made Out of Court. Ante, p. 44; Code of Civil Pro. § 1304. (Title of the cause.) On reading and filing the affidavit of , verified on the day of , 188 ,and on motion of » attorney for the defendant, it is ORDERED : That the order of (describing it) made in this action on the day of , 188 , by Hon. , be entered, and, he papers 550 APPENDIX OF Forms. upon which the same was founded, be filed by the attorney for the plaintiff in the office of the clerk of the county of , within (ten) days after the service upon him of a copy of this order and of the affidavit upon which it is granted. Dated, , 188 , (Signature of Judge.) No. 3. Notice of Appeal with Stipulation for Judgment Absolute. Ante, pp. 64, 245 ; Code of Civil Pro. § 191. (Title of the cause.) Take notice, that the plaintiff appeals to the Court of Appeals from the order of the General Term of the Supreme Court in this action, entered in the office of the clerk of the county of on the day of , 1886, granting a new trial herein ; and the said plaintiff hereby assents that if said order is affirmed, judgment absolute shall be rendered against the appellant. Dated the day of , 1886. : Yours, &c., A. B., Attorney for the Appellant. (Office address.) To C. D., Attorney for Respondent, and To the Clerk of the County of No. 4. Notice of Appeal from a Judge’s Order. (Title of the cause.) Please take notice that the (plaintiff) appeals to the General Term of the (Supreme) Court from the order made in this action, on the day of , 1886, by Hon. , Justice of the (Supreme) Court, entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of , on the day of » 1886, (denying plaintiff’s motion for, etc.) Dated the day of , 1886, Yours, &c., A. B., Attorney for Appellant. (Office address.) To C. D., Attorney for Respondent, and To the Clerk of the County of No. 5: Notice of Appeal from a Final Judgment. Ante, pp. 62, 63; Code of Civil Pro. §§ 1300, 1301. (Title of the cause.) Please take notice that the (defendant C. D.) appeals to the (Gen- eral Term of the Supreme) Court from the final judgment of the Apprnpix or Forms. “551 court entered in this action in the office of the Clerk of the County of , on the day of , 1886, (and that the appellant intends to bring up for review upon such appeal the interlocutory judgment entered in this action on the day of , and also the order entered in said action on the day of ‘ 1886, etc., specifying the nature of the order sufficiently to identify it.) Dated (July 12th, 1886.) Yours, &e., A. B., dttorney for the Appellant. (Office address.) To the Clerk of the County of , and To Y. Z., Attorney for the Respondent. No. 6. Notice of appeal to the Supreme Court from a Surrogate’s decree. See ante, p. 384; Code of Civil Pro. § 2574. (Title as in Surrogate’s Court.) Please take notice, that Y. Z. appeals to the General Term of the Supreme Court, in the department, from the decree rendered in the above entitled proceeding, on the day of , 1886, in the Surrogate’s Court of the county of , aud from each and every part thereof. Dated (July 12, 1886.) (Signature and address of appellant’s attorney.) To How. , Surrogate of the county of ‘i L. M., Attorney for : (Names of parties who have not appeared by attorney.) No. 7. : Notice of appeal to the County Court. Ante, p. 420; Code of Civil Pro. § 3068. JUSTICH’S COURT, County or Jacob Denmark against Andrew White. Take notice, that the above named defendant Andrew White hereby appeals to the County Court of the county of , from the judgment rendered in this action on the day of , 1886, by , Hisq., Justice of the Peace, in favor of the above named plaintiff for dollars damages and dollars costs (if a new trial is desired add), and demands a new trial in the County Court. Dated (July 12, 1886.) Yours, &c. ANDREW WHITE, Appellant, (Or signature and address of his attorney.) To Esq., Justice of the Peace, and To Jacob Denmark, Respondent. 552 APPENDIX oF Fors. No. 8. Stipulation by respondent for a reversal. See ante, p. 432; Code of Civil Pro. § 3062. COUNTY COURT OF COUNTY. Nicholas Van Rensselaer against of Richard McElwain. J It is hereby stipulated that the judgment for $ damages and costs, rendered in favor of the above named plaintiff on the day of , 1886, by , Justice of the Peace, described in the notice of appeal served upon the respondent on the day of j 1886, may be reversed with five dollars costs and disbursements of the appeal. Dated, etc. NICHOLAS VAN RENSSELAER, Respondent. To RICHARD McELWAIN, Appellant. No. 9. Undertaking to perfect an appeal to the Court of Appeals, See ante, p. 71; Code of Civil Pro, § 1326. SUPREME COURT. Thomas Montgomery against Henry Richmond. Whereas, on the 9th day of June, 1886, in the Supreme Court, the above named plaintiff, Thomas Montgomery, recovered a judgment against the above named defendant, Henry Richmond, for $3,900.82, damages and costs : And the said defendant feeling aggrieved thereby, intends to appeal therefrom to the Court of Appeals: Now, therefore, we, David Hoyt, residing at No. River street, in the city of Troy, by occupation a merchant, and James Miller, residing at No. State street, in the city of Albany, by occupation a builder, do hereby jointly and severally undertake that* the appellant will pay all costs and damages which may be awarded against him on said appeal, not exceeding five hundred dollars.t Dated (July 12, 1886.) (Signatures of sureties.) APPENDIX oF Forms. 553 State or New York, 5 County of Albany, § *** On this 12th day of July, A. D. 1886, before me, the subscriber, appeared David Hoyt and James Miller, to me personally known to be the same persons described in and who executed the above undertaking and severally acknowledged that they executed the same. (Signature and official title of officer.) County of Albany, ss.: David Hoyt and James Miller, being severally sworn, each for him- self, says: the said David Hoyt, that he is a resident of this State, is a freeholder (or householder) therein, and is worth the sum of ($1000) over all the debts and liabilities which he owes or has incurred, and exclusive of property exempt by law from levy and sale under execu- tion; and the said James Miller, that he is a resident of this State, is a freeholder (or householder) therein, and is worth the sum of ($1000) over all debts and liabilities which he owes or has incurred and exclu- sive of property exempt by law from levy and sale under execution. (Signatures of Sureties.) Severally subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of July, 1886. (Signature and official title of officer.) No. 10. Undertaking to perfect appeal and to stay execution of a judgment for money. See ante, p. 75 ; Code of Civil Pro. §§ 1827, 1334. Proceed as in form No. 9, to the }, then add) and do also jointly and severally undertake that if the judgment appealed from, or any part thereof, is affirmed, or the appeal is dismissed, the appellant will pay the sum recovered or directed to be paid by the judgment, or the part thereof as to which it is affirmed. Dated (July 12th 1886.) 4 (Signature of Sureties.) Add acknowledgment and affidavit of sureties as in No. 9, making the proper change in the amount specified in the affidavit, See ante, p. 95.) No. 11. Undertaking to perfect appeal and to stay execution of a judgment directing payment of money in installments. See ante, p. 76 ; Code of Civil Pro. §§ 1327, 1334. (Title of the cause.) Whereas, on the day of , 1886, in the Court, the above named (plaintiff) A. B., recovered a judgment agaiust the above named (defendant) C. D., for $ damages and costs, whereby the said C. D. was directed to pay said damages in fixed installments as therein set forth (or otherwise reciting the direction as to the payment of installments in accordance with the judgment) : 554 Apprenpix or Fors. And the said (defendant) feeling aggrieved thereby intends to appeal therefrom to the Court ; ; Now, therefore, we, E. F., residing at , by occupation a , and G. IL, residing at , by occupation a > do hereby jointly and severally undertake that the appellant will pay * all costs and damages which may be awarded against him on said appeal, not exceeding five hundred dollars; and do also jointly and severally undertake that the appellant will pay* each installment which becomes payable pending the appeal, or the part thereof as to which the judg- ment is affirmed not exceeding the sum of (insert the amount fiaed by the judge of the court below) dollars. Dated (July 12th, 1886.) a 7 (Add acknowledgment and affidavit of sureties as in No. 9, but in an amount double that specified in the undertaking.) No. 12. Undertaking to stay execution of a judgment for money. See ante, p. 75; Code of Civil Pro. § 1327. (Proceed as in No. 9, to the *, then add) if the judgment appealed from, or any part thereof, is affirmed, or the appeal is dismissed, the appellant will pay the sum recovered or directed to be paid by the judgment, or the part thereof as to which it is affirmed. Dated (July 12th, 1886.) : (Signature of Sureties, (Add acknowledgment and affidavit of sureties as in No. 9.) , No. 13. Undertaking to stay execution of judgment directing payment of money in fixed installments. See ante, p. 76; Code of Civil Pro. § 1327. (Proceed asin form No. 11, omitting the matter included within the **.) No. 14. Undertaking to stay the execution of a judgment in replevin. See ante, p. 77; Code of Civil Pro. § 1329. (Title of the cause.) Whereas, on the day of , 1886, in the Court, the above named plaintiff A. B., recovered a judgment against the above named defendant C, D., awarding the plaintiff the possession of certain chattels with $ damages and costs ; And the said defendant feeling aggrieved thereby intends to appcal therefrom to the Court ; APPENDIX oF Forms. 555 Now, therefore, we E. F., residing at , by occupation a -and G. HL, residing at , by occupation a , do hereby jointly and severally undertake in the sum of (insert sum "fined by the court below or a judge thereof’) dollars, that the appellant will obey the direction of the appellate court upon the appeal. Dated (July 12, 1886.) ; (Signature of sureties.) (Add acknowledgment and affidaott of sureties. See No. 9.) No. 15. Undertaking to stay execution of a judgment in ejectment. Ante, p. 78; Code of Civil Pro. § 1331. (Title of the cause.) Whereas, on the day of , 1886, in the Court, the above named plaintiff A. B., recovered a judgment against the above named defendant C. D., whereby the plaintiff, among other things, is entitled to the immediate possession of the real property therein described ; And the said defendant feeling aggrieved thereby intends to appeal therefrom to Court, Now, therefore, we, Ez. F., residing at » by occupation a and G. H., residing at , by occupation a , do hereby jointly and severally undertake that the appellant will not while in possession of such real property commit, or suffer to be committed, any waste thereon; and that, if the judgment appealed from be affirmed, or the appeal be dismissed, the appellant will pay the value of the use and occupation of said property, or the part thereof as to which said judg- ment shall be affirmed, from the time of taking said appeal until the delivery of the possession thereof pursuant to said judgment, not exceeding the sum of dollars. Dated (July 12, 1886.) (Signature of sureties.) (Add acknowledgment and affidavit of sureties as in No. 9.) No. 16, Undertaking to stay execution of a judgment of foreclosure. Ante, pp. 78, 79; Code of Civil Pro. § 1331. (Proceed as in No. 15, or as follows :) (Title of the cause.) Whereas, on the day of , 1886, in the Court, the above named plaintiff A. B., recovered a judgment against the above named defendants C. D., E. F., and G. H., for the foreclosure and sale of real property mortgaged ; And the said defendant G. H. feeling aggrieved thereby intends to appeal therefrom to the Court, Now, therefore, we, O. P., residing at , by occupation a ; and 8. T., residing at , by occupation a , do hereby jointly 556 APPENDIX oF Forms and severally undertake, that if the judgment appealed from is affirmed, or the appeal is dismissed, the said appellant will pay any deficiency which may occur upon the sale in discharging the sum to pay which the sale is directed, with interest, and the costs, and all expenses chargeable against the proceeds of the sale, not exceeding the sum of dollars. Dated (July 12, 1886.) (Signature of sureties.) (Add acknowledgment and affidavit of sureties.) No. 17. Undertaking on appeal from order directing payment of money, where security is rehired Ante, pp. 81-85 ; Code of Civil Pro. § 1351. (Title of the Cause.) Whereas, on the day , 188 , the (Supreme) Court, at a Special Term thereof, made an order in this action (state the nature of the order) which order was entered in the office of the clerk of the County of » on the day of , 188 ,and Whereas, the above named (defendant ) feeling aggrieved thereby, intends to appeal therefrom to the General Term of the (Supreme) Court, and the court having made an order that all proceed- ings on the part of the be stayed pending said appeal on the execution of an undertaking on the part of the » With sufficient sureties, conditioned as herein provided, Now, therefore, we, A. B., residing at , by occupation a , and C. D., residing at , by occupation a , do hereby jointly and severally undertake, that the appellant will pay all costs and damages which may be awarded against him on said appeal, not exceeding five hundred dollars; and do in like manner also hereby undertake* that if the order appealed from, or any part thereof, is affirmed, or the appeal is dismissed, the appellant will pay the sum directed to be paid by the order or the part thereof as to which it is affirmed. (Date.) (Signatures. ) (Add acknowledgment and affidavit of sureties.) No. 18. Undertaking on appeal from order directing the assignment or deliv- ery of personal property. (As in preceding form to the *, then add,) in the sum of dol- lars that the appellant will obey the direction of the General Term, upon the appeal. (Date.) (Signatures, ) (Acknowledgment, and affidavit of sureties.) 8 od APPENDIX OF Forms. 557 No. 19. Undertaking on appeal from a decree of a Surrogate. Ante, p. 385; Code of Civil Pro. §§ 2577, 2581. (Title as in Surrogate’s Court.) Whereas, on the day of , 1886, in the Surrogate’s Court of the County of , @ decree was rendered in the above entitled proceeding (state enough of the substance of the decree to identify it), and Whereas, A. B., feeling aggrieved thereby, intends to appeal there- from to the Supreme Court: Now, therefore, we, C. D., residing at , by occupation a , and EK. F., residing at , by occupation a do hereby jointly and severally undertake to and with the People of State of New York,* that the appellant will pay all costs and damages which may be awarded against him upon the appeal, not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars. ‘ Dated, (July 12th, 1886.) (Signature of Sureties.) (Add acknowledgment, affidavit of sureties, and approval of the surrogate or of a judge of the Supreme Court.) No. 20. Undertaking to stay the execution of a decree for payment of money. Anté, p. 388; Code of Civil Pro. §§ 2578, 2581. (Proceed as in last form to the *, then add,) in the sum of $ 4 that if said decree or any part thereof is affirmed, or the appeal is dis- missed, the appellant will pay all costs and damages which may be awarded against him upon the appeal, and will pay the sum directed to be paid by said decree, or the part thereof as to which said decree is affirmed. Dated (July 12th, 1886.) (Signatures, acknowledgment, affidavit, and approval as in preceding form.) No, 21. Undertaking to stay Surrogate’s decree or order for delivery of prop- erty. Ante, p. 388 ; Code of Civil Pro. §§ 2578, 2581. (Proceed asin No. 19 to the * substituting order for decree if neces- sary, thet add) in the sum of $ , that if said decree (or order), or any part thereof is affirmed, or the appeal is dismissed, the appellant will pay all costs and damages which may be awarded against him upon the appeal, and will deliver the property so directed to be deliv- ered, or the part thereof as to which the decree (or order) is affirmed. (Date, signatures, acknowledgment, afidants, and approval as in No. 19.) 558 AppENDIx oF Forms. No. 22. Undertaking to stay execution of decree or order for commitment, ete. Ante, p. 390; Code of Civil Pro. §§ 2579, 2581. (Proceed as in No. 19 to the *, then add) in the sum of $ ; that if the decree (or order) appealed from, or any part therecf is affirmed, or the appeal is dismissed, the appellant will, within twenty days after the affirmance or dismissal, surrender himself in obedience to said decree (or order) to the custody of the sheriff of the county wherein he was directed to be committed. Dated (July 12, 1886.) (Signature of sureties.) ' (Add acknowledgment, affidavit of sw-eties and approval.) No. 23. Undertaking to stay execution on appeal to the County Court. Ante, p. 423; Code of Civil Pro. § 3050. (Title of cause.) Whereas, on the day of , 1886, the above named (plaintiff) recovered a judgment in this action against the above named (defendant) for dollars damages and dollars costs ; and Whereas, the said defendant intends to appeal from said judgment to the County Court of the county of ' Now, therefore, we, and » the undersigned sureties, do jointly and severally undertake that if said appeal is dismissed, or if judgment is rendered against the appellant in the appellate court, and an execution issued thereupon is returned wholly or partly unsatisfied, we, the said sureties, will pay the amount of the judgment, or the portion thereof remaining unsatisfied, not exceeding the sum of dollars. Dated (July 12, 1886.) : (Signature of sureties.) (Add acknowledgment and affidavit of sureties as in No. 9.) (Approval indorsed on the undertaking.) I approve of the within undertaking and of the sureties thereto. Dated (July 12, 1886.) (Signature of Justice or County Judge.) APPENDIX oF Forms. 559 No. 24. Undertaking to perfect appeal from final order in summary pro- ceedings. Ante, p. 88; Code of Civil Pro. §§ 2262, 3050. (Title of the proceeding.) Whereas, on the day of , 188 , in a special proceeding instituted before » a justice of the peace of the town of ‘ in the county of , to recover the possession of certain real prop- erty, a final order was made by said justice, determining that is a lessee (or tenant) of the petitioner , holding over after default in payment of rent, and awarding the possession of said prop- erty to the petitioner : And, whereas, the said , feeling aggrieved by said order, intends to appeal therefrom to the County Court of the county of > Now, therefore, we, and , the undersigned sureties, do hereby jointly and severally undertake that if the said appeal is dismissed, or if judgment is rendered against the appellant in the appellate court, and an execution issued thereupon is returned wholly or partly unsatisfied, we, the said sureties will pay the amount of the judgment, or the portion thereof remaining unsatisfied, not exceeding the sum of dollars. (Date.) (Signature of sureties.) Add acknowledgment and affidavit of sureties as in No. 9.) l approve of the foregoing undertaking, the amount thereof, and the sureties therein. (Daie.) (Signature of County Judge.) No. 25. Undertaking on appeal from final order in summary proceedings to stay issuing and execution of warrant. Ante, p. 88 ; Code of Civil Pro. § 2262. (Title of the proceeding.) Whereas, on the day of , 188 , in the above entitled pro- ceeding before __—, Justice of the Peace, to recover the possession of certain real property, a final order was made by said justice determin- ing that is a lessee (or tenant) of the petitioner, » hold- ing over after default in the payment of rent, and awarding possession of said propery to the petitioner: And, whereas, the said , feeling aggrieved by said order, has appealed therefrom to the County Court of the county of , and intends to apply to the County Judge of said county for an order stay- ing the issuing and execution of a warrant to remove the appellant from said property: Now, therefore, we, and , the undersigned sureties, do hereby jointly and severally undertake to and with said petitioner in the sum of dollars, that if upon the appeal a final determi- nation is rendered against the appellant, he will pay all rent accruing 560 AprenvDix or Forms. or to accrue upon the premises described in said order, or, if there is no lease thereof, the value of the use and occupation of said premises sub- sequent to the institution of special proceeding. (Date.) (Signatures of Sureties.) NS 8) acknowledgment and affidavit of sureties as in No, 9, and approval as in No. 26. Undertaking on appeal from a final order in proceedings against ani- mals straying. Ante, p. 426 ; Code of Civil Pro. § 3105. (Title of the proceeding.) : : Whereas, on the _— day of , 1886, in a special proceeding then pending before him for the sale of animals alleged to have been seized while straying upon the highway and for the disposition of the proceeds thereof as provided in title nine of chapter nineteen of the Code of Civil Procedure, a final order was made by >a Justice of the Peace of the town of , in the county , in favor of the petitioner. And, whereas, the owner of said animals feeling aggrieved by said order intends to appeal therefrom to the County Court of the county of 5 Now, therefore, we, and , the undersigned sureties, do hereby jointly and severally undertake, that if said appeal is dis- missed, or if judgment is rendered against the appellant in the appel- late court, and an execution issued thereupon is returned wholly or partly unsatisfied, we, the said sureties, will pay the amount of the judgment, or the portion thereof remaining unsatisfied, not exceeding the sum of dollars; and we do also hereby jointly and severally undertake that if the final order appealed from is affirmed, or if the appeal is dismissed the appellant will pay all sums which the justice awards against him, on the hearing, after the determination of the appeal, as prescribed in section 3106 of the Code of Civil Procedure, not exceeding the sum of dollars. (Date.) : : (Signatures of Sureties.) Add acknowledgment, affidavit of sureties, and approval. . No. 27. Notice of filing undertaking given on appeal. Ante, p. 99; Code of Civil Pro. § 1334. (Title of the Cause.) To kh. FF, Att'y for Respondent. Sir: Take notice that the within is a copy of an undertaking, duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the county of >on the day of > 188 Yours, &c., C.K, App'lt’s Atty, (Office address.) Appenpix or Forms. 561 No. 28.. Notice of exception to sureties. Anite, p. 100; Code of Civil Pro. § 1335. (Title of the cause.) Siz: Take notice that the respondent excepts to the sufficiency of each of the sureties who executed the undertaking filed by the appel- lant in the office of the clerk of the county of , on the day of , 188 , on appeal to the Court from the judgment (or creer) entered in this action. Dated, , 188 . Yours, &c., R. F., Attorney for Repondent. (Office address.) To C. K., Esq., Attorney for Appellant. No. 29. Notice of justification of sureties in the original undertaking. Ante, p. 101; Code of Civil Pro. § 1335. (Title of the cause.) Sir: Take notice, that and , the sureties who executed the undertaking given by the appellant, on his appeal to the Court from the judgment (or order) entered in this action, a copy of which was served on you on the day of , 188 , will justify before Hon. , Justice of the Court (or County Judge), at his office in the of , on the day of at (ten) o’clock in the forenoon, Dated, ,» 188. Yours, ete. C. K., Attorney for Appellant. (Office address.) To R. F., Esq., Attorney for Respondent. « 186 5 No. 30. Notice of justification of sureties in a new undertaking given on appeal. Ante, p. 101; Code of Civil Pro. § 1335. (Title of the cause.) Sir: Take notice, that , residing at , by occupation a , and , residing at » by occupation a the sureties in a new undertaking executed on behalf of the appel- lant in place of, the same effect as, the undertaking filed in the office of the clerk of the county of , on the day of , 188 , a copy of which was heretofore served on you by said appellant, 36 562 APPENDIX oF Forms. will justify before Hon. , Justice of the Court (or County Judge), at , in the of , on the day of ’ 1/6 , at o’clock in the forenoon. Dated, 188 . Yours, etc. C. K., Attorney for Appellant. (Office address.) To R. F., Esq., Attorney for Respondent. No. 31. Allowance of sureties on justification. Ante, p. 103; Code of Civil Pro. § 1335. I find the sureties in the within undertaking sufficient, and hereby allow them, and each of them. (Date.) (Signature and official title of judge.) No. 32. Notice of allowance of sureties upon justification. Ante, p. 103; Code of Civil Pro. § 1335. (Title of the cause.) Sir: Take notice, that on the day of , 188 , on justifi- cation before Hon. , Justice of the (Supreme) Court, the sure- ties in the undertaking given by the appellant on appeal to the Court from the (judgment) entered in this action, were found sufficient by said Justice, and that he thereupon allowed them, and each of them. (Date.) (Signature of appellant’s atty.) To , Attorney for Respondent. No. 33. Notice of deposit with clerk in lieu of an undertaking. Ante, p. 89; Code of Civil Pro. § 1306. (Title of the cause.) Siz: Please take notice, that in lieu of giving an undertaking, the appellant has this day deposited with the clerk of the county of ‘ the sum of dollars for the purpose of perfecting his appeal to the General Term of the Court from the judgment in this action entered with said clerk and for the purpose of staying the execution of said judgment. Dated, , 188. Yours, ete. A. B., Attorney for Appellant. ( address. To C. D., Esq., Attorney for Respondent. ena APPENDIX oF Forms. 563 No. 34. _ Affidavit to obtain a stay of proceedings on appeal from an order. See ante, p. 82. (Title of the cause.) (Venue.) Thomas Caldwell being duly sworn says: that he is the attorney for the defendant in the above entitled action. That said action is brought (to recover the amount alleged to be due the plaintiff from the defendant upon two promissory notes given to the plaintiff by the defendant.) That on the day of , 188 , issue was joined in said action by the service of defendant’s answer interposing the defense of usury. That on the day of , 188 , on motion of the plaintiff, an order was made by Hon. , Justice of this Court, directing the defendant to appear at a time and place therein specified before , 2 referee appointed in and by said order, to be examined before trial as to the circumstances attending the loan of the moneys for which said notes were given, the negotiations between the parties at the time of making said loan, and the terms thereof. That afterwards, on notice to the plaintiff, defendant moved ata Special Term of this Court held , on the day of ; 188 , for an order vacating the aforesaid order, which motion was denied and defendant was directed to appear before said referee on the day of . , next, and submit to the examination directed by the original order. That said order of the Special Term was entered in the office of the clerk of the county of , on the day of , 188. That defendant has appealed from such order of the Special Term to the General Term of this court: that said appeal cannot be brought to a hearing before the time fixed for defendant’s examination by the order appealed from, and that unless the execution of said order be stayed, the defendant will be deprived of the benefit of his appeal. (7f the motion is to be made ex parte, add,) That no previous appli- cation for a stay of the execution of such order has been made by the defendant. (Jurat.) (Signature.) No. 35, Ex parte order staying execution of order appealed from, Ante, p. 84; Code of Civil Pro. § 1351. (Title of the cause.) On reading and filing the affidavit of ,and on motion of , attorney for the (defendant), ORDERED, that the execution of the order of the (Supreme) Court, made ata Special Term thereof, held at , on the day of , 188 , and entered in the office of the clerk of the county of , on the day of , 188 , be, and the same is hereby 564 APPENDIX oF Forms. stayed until the decision of the appeal taken by the (defendant) there- from to the General Term of this court (upon the filing with the clerk of the county of , of an undertaking executed, on the part of said defendant, by two sufficient sureties, to the effect that the said defendant will pay all costs and damages which may be awarded against him on such appeal, not exceeding five hundred dollars, and upon the service upon the attorney for the plaintiff of a copy of this order and of the affidavit upon which the same was granted, or such other terms, if any, as the judge may in his discretion impose. (Date.) (Signature.) (Official title.) No. 36. Affidavit to procure an order staying the issuing of a warrant in summary proceedings. See ante, pp. 88, 426. (Title of the proceeding.) (Venue.) R.38., being duly sworn says, that on the day of , 188 , in a proceeding then pending before C. D., a Justice of the Peace of the town of , county of » to recover the possession of cer- tain premises therein occupied by deponent, a final order was made by said justice, awarding delivery ot the possession of said premises to the petitioner, L. M., and establishing that deponent is a lessee (07 tenant) of said petitioner holding over after default in payment of rent. That on the day of , 188 , deponent appealed from said final order to the County Court of the county of , by serving upon the petitioner named in said order, and upon said justice, a notice of appeal, a copy of which is hereto annexed, and at the same time paying to said justice the costs of the proceeding awarded to the peti- tioner by said order, and the sum of two dollars as the fee of the jus- tice for making the return. That at the time of serving said notice of appeal upon said justice, deponent delivered to him an undertaking, duly executed by sureties approved by him, a copy of which is hereto annexed, and at the time of serving the said notice of appeal upon the petitioner, deponent delivered to him a copy of said undertaking, with a notice of the delivery thereof to said justice. That deponent has taken said appeal in good faith, and is desirous of staying the issuing and execution of a warrant removing him from said premises until the final determination of the County Court upon the appeal. (Jurat.) (Signature of deponent.) No. 37. Order by County Judge staying warrant in summary proceedings. Ante, pp. 88, 426; Code of Civil Pro. § 2262. (Title of the cause.) : On reading and filing the affidavit of , by which it appears that has appealed to the County Court of the county of APPENDIX oF Forms. 565 from a final order made in the above entitled proceeding by jl Justice of the Peace, determining that the appellant is a tenant (or lessee) of the petitioner , holding over after default in payment of rent, and awarding delivery of the premises so held to the petitioner; and the said appellant having given the security required to perfect the appeal and to stay the execution of. the order appealed from, and also an undertaking to the petitioner in a sum, and with sureties approved by me, to the effect that if upon the appeal, a final deter- mination is rendered against the appellant, he will pay all rent accruing or to accrue upon the premises, or, if there is no lease thereof, the value of the use and occupation of the premises subsequent to the institution of the special proceeding; and on motion of , attorney for the appellant, it is ORDERED: That the issuing and execution of a warrant for the removal of the appellant from said premises be, and ishereby stayed pending said appeal. PY nate.) (Signature of Judge.) No. 38. Order staying proceedings upon a final order in proceedings against animals straying. (Title of the proceeding.) It appearing by the affidavit of , thatonthe day of ¥ 1886, a final order was made by . , Justice of the Peace, in favor of the petitioner in the above entitled proceeding directing the sale of certain animals, the property of the said , Seized as strays upon the highway, and the disposition of the proceeds thereof as provided in title 9 of chapter 19 of the Code of Civil Procedure, and the said having perfected an appeal from said order and given security thereupon as provided in section 3105 of that act, and on reading and filing the said affidavit, and on motion of , attorney for the appel- lant, it is ORDERED : That all proceedings upon said final order be and the same are hereby stayed, and that the possession of the animals so seized be delivered to the appellant. (Date.) (Signature of County Judge.) No. 39. Order staying proceedings on appeal from order determining demand for the return of animals seized as strays. Code of Civil Pro, § 3103. (Title of the proceeding.) On reading and filing the affidavit of , (and the duly authenticated transcript of the proceedings had in this matter before the Justice before whom the proceeding is pending) and on motion of » attorney for the said » itis 566 APPENDIX or Forms. ORDERED: That the execution of the order entered in the minutes of ? Justice of the Peace, determining the demand of for the return of theanimals seized in this proceeding, and all proceedings upon the petition filed therein, be and the same are hereby stayed upon the filing of this order with said Justice. (Date.) (Signature of County Judge.) No. 40. Notice requiring the appellant to file return. Ante, p. 266. (Title of the cause.) Sir: Please take notice, that the respondent hereby requires the appellant to cause the return in this cause to be filed with the clerk of the Court of Appeals within ten days after the service of this notice. (Date.) (Signature of Respondent's Attorney.) (Office address.) To » Attorney for Appellant. No. 41. Affidavit of failure to file return. Ante, p. 266. (Title of the cause.) (Venue.) A. B., being duly sworn, says that he is the attorney for the above named respondent, O. P. That in an action pending in the Supreme Court in which said O. P. was plaintiff, and said 8. 'T. was defendant, a judgment was rendered for the plaintiff for the sum of $ » and that on the day of , 188 , said judgment was duly entered in the office of the clerk of the county of ; and that a copy of said judgment with notice of such entry was thereupon duly served upon O. D., the attorney for the defendant. That the defendant appealed from said judgment to the General Term of the Supreme Court; that on said appeal said judgment was in all things affirmed by the appellate court; that judgment of affirmance was thereupon duly entered in the office of the clerk of the county of ,onthe day of , 188 , and that a copy of said judgment with notice of such entry was on that day served upon the attorney for the appellant. That thereafter the said defendant appealed to this court from the judgment of the General Term; that such appeal was perfected on the day of , 188 , by the service of a notice of appeal, a copy of which is hereto annexed, on said clerk and on deponent, and by the giving of an undertaking, a copy of which is also hereto annexed, in the form and to the effect required by statute to perfect the appeal, and stay the execution of the judgment appealed from. That said appellant failed and neglected to cause the proper return APPENDIX OF Forms. 567 on said appeal, or any return, to be filed with the clerk of this court within twenty days after said appeal was so perfected; that after the expiration of said twenty days, and on the day of , 188 , deponent served upon the attorney for the appellant personally at his office in , notice in writing requiring the appellant to cause said return to be filed with the clerk of this court within ten days after service of said notice; that a copy of said notice, with an admission of due and personal service thereon indorsed, is hereto annexed. That more than ten days have elapsed since the service of said notice; that the appellant has wholly failed and neglected to file any return with the clerk of this court, as appears by the certificate of said clerk hereto attached. (Jurat.) (Signature.) No. 42. Order dismissing appeal for want of prosecution. Ante, p. 266. (Title, ete.) On reading and filing the affidavit of , by which it appears that this appeal was perfected on the day of , 188 ; that on the day of , 188 , the respondent served written notice upon the appellant’s attorney requiring the appellant to file the proper return herein with the clerk of this court within+ten days after such service, and on reading and filing the certificate of said clerk, dated the day of , 188 , by which it appears that no return herein has been filed with him by said appellant, and on motion of. , attorney for the respondent, it is ORDERED: That the appeal to this court from the judgment of the General Term of the Supreme Court, entered on the day of , 188 , affirm- ing the judgment in favor of the plaintiff in this action, entered in the oftice of the clerk of the county of , on the day of , 188, be and the same hereby is dismissed for want of prosecution, with costs, No. 48. Note of Issue—Supreme Court, First Department. Ante, p. 317. SUPREME COURT—Generat TERM. David Davis and Isaac Cohen, | A bram Aaronson, : Appellants, | Attorney for Appellants, against + Appeal from a Judgmett. The Broadway Savings Bank, | McDonald & Skinner, Atty’s for Respondent. Respondent, J Cause tried before Hon. Notice of appeal served ,188 . 568 APPENDIX oF Forms. Printed papers and points served and filed in accordance with Rule 41 of the General Rules of Practice. No. of case of Calendar No. 44. Note of Issue—Superior Court, City of New York. Ante, p. 44. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. GuneraL TERM. The Last Hope Gold Mining Company, Reynolds & Cox, . Appl't., Atty’s for App'lts. against Appeal from a Judgment. The North River Transportation Co., Andrews, White & Andrews, Resp’t. Att’'ys for Resp’ts, Cause tried before Hon. Notice of appeal served Printed papers and points served and filed in accordance with Rnle 41 of the General Rules of Practice. No. 45. Note of Issue—Common Pleas. Ante, p. 318. NEW YORK COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. GENERAL TERM. The Co-Operative Stove Manufacturing ) Company of the Cityof New York, | o.oo... , Atty for Respondent. Respondent, | Appeal from an order of , against made by Hon. , dated 188 Harvey Lake and Richard Cox, | “tttrttttttereeeees , Atty for Appellant, Appellants. Issue joined ,188 . Notice of appeal served , 188 . APPENDIX oF Forms. 569 No. 46./ Note of Issue—City Court of New York. Anite, p. 319. CITY COURT OF NEW YORK. Nicholas Van Antwerp, Resp't. | .--sseseceeeseece , Ai’y for Res t, against Appeal from Judgment entered on the Th : decision of. R. eodoreRichmond, foc ec ecee sees , Atty for Appellant, Appl. Notice of appeal served » 188 No. 47. Note of Issue—Superior Court of Buffalo. Ante, p. 318. SUPERIOR COURT OF BUFFALO. GENERAL TERM. Merchants National Bank, Appellant, | ee enee , At’’y for Appellant. against Appeal from Judgment entered on the report of , Referee. The Buffalo Loan & Improvement Co. | ....0.. ........4. , Att'y for Respondent. Respondent. Issue joined , 188 . Notice of appeal served » 188 . No, 48. Note of Issue—Preferred Cause—Fourth Department. Ante, p. 318, SUPREME COURT—Generat TER. In the Matter of the Probate of the last Will and Testament Preferred Cause, Class 7, Subdivision 5, of section 791, Code Civil Procedure. Andrew McLeod, deceased. Appeal from decree rendered by , Surrogate of the county of » dated , 188 , admitting will to probate. id Wiaahe tsk is aoe sheave , Att’y for Proponents. since area cierateta’s .., Att’y for » Residuary Legatee, Respondent. tage eee oo eee, Att’y for » Contestant, Appellant. Notice of appeal served........, 188 570 Apprenpix oF Forms. Clerk will please file the above note of issue, and place the appeal herein on the calendar of the next General Term of this court as a pre- ferred cause, according to the above note of issue. Yours, etc., Attorney fOr ccescccscees 7 (Affidavit to accompany above note of issue.) (Title of proceeding.) Venue.) ( since ata veeuandiome , being duly sworn says, that he is the attorney for the in the above entitled proceeding ; that the case on appeal has been settled and signed by , the Surrogate before whom such proceeding was tried, and was filed in the office of said Surrogate on the day of , 188. (Jurat.) : (Signature.) No. 49. Notice of argument on appeal to the General Term. Ante, p. 319. (Title of the cause.) Sir: Take notice, that the appeal herein will be brought on for argument before this court at the next General Term thereof, to be held at , in the of , on the day of , 188 , at the opening of the court on that day, or as soon thereafter as coun- sel can be heard. Dated the day of 188 . Yours, etc., (Signature and office address.) LO sesiaeeses; Atty for No. 50. Notice of argument—Court of Appeals. Ante, p. 259, COURT OF APPEALS. James McFarlane, Appellant, against Alexander McLeod, Respondent. J Srrs: Take notice, that the appeal herein, which originated in the judicial district, will be brought on for argument at the next term of this court, to be held at the Capitol, in the city of Albany, on the day of , 188 , at the opening of the court on that day, Apprenpix or Forms. 571 or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard (and will be moved as a preferred cause on the ground that, etc., stating the ground of prefer- ence.) Yours, etc., O. P., Attorney for To A. B., Esq., Attorney for » and To the Clerk of the Court. : (Add to notice filed with the clerk proof of, or admission of service as below.) No. 51. Admission of service of notice of argument. Ante, p. 259. Due service of a copy of the above notice is hereby admitted this day of , 188. A. B., Attorney for No. 52. Affidavit of service of notice of argument. Ante, p. 259. (Title of cause.) ( Venue.) G. H., being duly sworn says, that on the day of , 188 , at , N. Y., he served the annexed notice of argument on A. B., the attorney for the above named (respondent), by delivering a true copy thereof to said A. B. personally, and leaving the same with him. (Jurat.) F (Signature.) No. 53. Stipulation reserving a cause for a day certain. Ante, p. 261. (Title of the cause.) It is hereby stipulated that the above entitled cause, being No. , on the general calendar, be reserved and the argument thereof be deferred, until the day of , 188 ; and that it be placed on the calendar for that day. (Date.) (Signatures of attorneys.) 572 APPENDIX OF Forms. No. 54. Note of exchange of causes. Ante, p. 261. COURT OF APPEALS. Fall River Barge Co. against (= No. 47. New York Elevator Co. COURT OF APPEALS. Arthur McCormick against Calendar No. 204. Nicholas Van Dorn. Stipulated that the above causes be exchanged one for the other, and be placed upon all subsequent calendars accordingly. (Date.) (Signatures of attorneys or counsel.) No. 55. Case containing exceptions to review judgment entered on a verdict. See ante, p. 141. (Title of the cause.) This action was commenced on the day of » 188 , by the service of the summons therein with a copy of the plaintiff’s com- laint. The defendant’s answer was served on the day of ; 188 . The issues thus joined come on for trial before Hon. » and a jury at a Circuit Court held at the Court House in the of county of ,onthe day of , 188. The plaintiff’s counsel, after opening the case for the plaintiff, called as a witness , who testified as follows: (I reside at ‘i in this county, and know the parties to this action. I was present at the office of the plaintiff on the fifth day of October last, and heard a conversation between the plaintiff and defendant in regard to the sale of, ete., setting forth ull the testimony of the witness, material to the questions raised, in the narrative form.) The following question was then put to the witness by the plaintiff’s counsel: . At that conversation, did you hear, ete, giving the words used. 2 The defendant’s counsel objected (state objection.) The court overruled the objection, to which ruling defendant’s counsel duly excepted. APPENDIX oF Forms. 573 The witness then answered as follows: (Insert answer of the wit- ness and the remainder of his testimony.) The plaintiff’s counsel then called as a witness , who testified as follows: (Insert testimony of the witness so far as material to the a to be reviewed, and the objections and exceptions of the appel- lant. The plaintiff here rested. The defendant then moved for a non-suit upon the following grounds. First: That the plaintiff (etc., stating the grounds in full.) The court denied the motion, to which ruling the defendant duly excepted. The defendant’s counsel, after opening his case, called as a witness for the defendant, , who testified as follows: (Insert so much of the testimony of the witness as is material to the questions raised.) Upon his cross-examination the witness testified as follows: (Insert testimony given on cross-ecamination.) Upon his re-direct examination the witness testified, etc. The defendant here rested. The plaintiff then offered in evidence the letter, shown to the wit- ness , marked Plaintiff’s Exhibit No. 1. The defendant objected to the evidence upon the following grounds: First: That, ete. The court overruled the objection and received the letter in evi- dence, to which ruling the detendant’s counsel duly excepted. The case was then presented to the jury by the counsel for the respective parties, and the court then charged the jury as follows: (Insert so much of the charge as is material to any question presented by uppellant’s exception to the charge or to a refusal to charge.) The defendant excepted to the charge as follows: First: To that portion of the charge in which the court states the rule of damages substantially as follows: “If you find that the defendant” (etc., giving substance of portion excepted to). The defendant requested the court to charge the jury as follows: (State the request). The court declined so to charge, to which defend- ant excepted. The jury, after deliberating on their verdict, returned into court, and 1endered a verdict for the plaintiff for dollars. The defendant’s counsel then moved upon the minutes of the judge to set aside the verdict and for a new trial upon the ground (stute grounds of motion.) The court entertained the motion, and denied the same. All the evidence material to the questions sought to be reviewed and all the proceedings had upon the trial are above stated. (Signature of Attorney.) (Office address.) 574 APPENDIX oF Forms. No. 56. Notice indorsed on proposed case. (Title of cause.) Sir: Please take notice that the within is copy of the case proposed by the defendant in this action. (Date.) (Signature and office address.) To » Att’y for ‘ No. 57. Proposed amendments to case. Ante, p. 148. (Title of the Cause.) Please take notice that the plaintiff hereby proposes the following amendments to the proposed case containing exceptions heretofore served by the defendant herein: viz. First amendment: At page 7, line 22, strike out the words, “to which ruling defendant duly excepted.” Second amendment: At page 8, line 9, strike out the word “stocks ” and insert instead the word “ bonds.” , Third amendment: At page 11, line 4, after the words “ without notice to me,” add “except as I have before stated.” Fourth amendment: At page 11, line 9, strike out, etc. (Signature of Attorney.) (Office address,) To , Esg., Att’y for Defendant. No. 58. Notice indorsed on proposed amendments to case. See Ante, p. 148. (Title of the cause.) ; tee Str : Please take notice that the within is a copy of the amendments proposed by the plaintiff to the case proposed by the defendant in this action, (Date.) (Signature and office address.) To , At’y for Defendant. , Apprenpix oF Forms. 575 No. 59. Notice of settlement of case. See Anite, p. 159. (Title of the cause.) Ste : Please take notice that the proposed case heretofore served upon you, together with the proposed amendments thereto, will be submitted for settlement to Hon. , the before whom this cause was tried, at , in the of , on the day of ; 188 , at ten o’clock in the forenoon. (Date.) Yours &c., (Signature and office address.) To » Esq., Att’y for No. 60. Order at foot of case, directing clerk to file, etc. Ante, p. 152. (Title of the cause.) The foregoing case and exceptions having been settled and signed by me as above on the day of , 188, ORDERED: That said case and exceptions, as settled and signed, be filed in the office of the clerk of the county of » and be by him annexed to the judgment-roll in this action. Dated, , 188. (Signature of Judge or Referee.) No. 61, Affidavit of omission to file case. Ante, p. 152. (Title of the cause.) ( Venue.) C. D., being duly sworn says, that he is the attorney for the plaint- iff in the above entitled action. That on the day of ,188 , a case containing exceptions proposed by the defendant herein, together with the plaintiff’s proposed amendments thereto were, pur- suant to notice, submitted for settlement to Hon. , the Justice before whom this cause was tried; that on said day of i 188 , said case was settled and signed by said Justice, and an order was made by him, dated on that day, directing that said case, as set- tled and signed, be filed in the office of the clerk of the county of and be by said clerk annexed to the jndgment-roll in this action, And deponent further says, that more than ten days have elapsed 576 ApprenDix or Forms. since said order was made; and that said case has not been filed in the office of the clerk of the county of ,as in and by said order directed. (Jurat.) (Signature.) No. 62. Order declaring case abandoned. Ante, p. 152. (Title of the cause.) On filing the affidavit of , the attorney for the plaintiff in the above entitled action, verified on the day of » 188 , and on motion of said attorney, it is ORDERED: That the case in this action settled and signed by Hon. 5 Justice of this court, on the day of , 188 , and directed to be filed in the office of the clerk of the county of , by an order made by said Justice dated on that day, be and the same is hereby declared abandoned. (Date.) J.L., Clerk, No. 63. Notice of motion for a new trial. Ante, p. 524, (Title of the cause.) Sir: Take notice, that upon the case and exceptions made, settled and signed in this action (or upon the affidavits of , copies of which are herewith served upon you, and upon all the pleadings and proceed- ings in this action), this court will be moved at the next Special ‘Term thereof, to be held at the in the of , on the day of , 188 , at the opening of the court, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, for a new trial of this action. Dated , 188 . Yours, etc., Attorney for . N. Y. To » Attorney for tke Appenpix or Foras. 577 No. 64. Order granting a new trial. At a Special Term of this court held at » in the of » on the day of 188 , Present, Hon. » Justice. SUPREME COURT. Arthur Arrundell against John St. John. A motion for a new trial of this action having been heard at this term upon a case containing exceptions, Now on motion of ; counsel for the defendant, after hearing , counsel fur the plaintiff in opposition thereto, it is* ORDERED: That a new trial of this action be and the same is hereby granted on payment of (insert the directions as to terms.) —_—. No. 65. Order denying motion for a new trial. (Proceed as above to the *, then add) ORDERED : That the motion for a new trial of this action be and the same is hereby denied with costs. No. 66. Order directing that exceptions be heard at General Term. Ante, p. 510. Code of Civil Pro. § 1000. (Title of the cause.) This action having been brought to trial before Hon. , Justice presiding, and a jury, at a Circuit Court held at the Court House in the of , on the day of 188 3; (and the jury having rendered a verdict upon such trial in favor of the plaintiff ;) and the defendant having taken certain excep- tions to rulings made by said justice upon said trial, now, on motion of , attorney for the defendant, after hearing » attorney for the plaintiff, in opposition thereto, it is ORDERED: That the exceptions taken by the defendant upon the trial of this action be heard in the first instance at the General Term of this court; a7 578 APPENDIX oF Forms. and that the entry of judgment (upon the verdict) be suspended in the meantjme. ; Let this order be entered in the office of the clerk of the county 0 (Date) (Signature.) No. 67. Order on affirmance of judgment. At a General Term of the Supreme Court held at , on the day of , 188 . Present, Hon. , Presiding Justice, and and , Justices. (Title of the cause.) A The appeal in the above entitled action having been heard at this term, Now, on motion of , for the respondent, after hearing for the appellant, it is ORDERED: That the judgment entered in this action in the office of the clerk of the County of ; on the day of , 188 , be and the same is hereby in all things affirmed, with costs of said appeal to the respondent. No. 68. Judgment of affirmance. Code of Civil Pro. § 1317. (Title, etc.) The appeal taken by the (defendant) from the judgment entered in this action on the day of , 188, in the office of the clerk of the County of , having been brought to a hearing and heard at a General Term of the (Supreme) Court held at , on the day of > 188 , and an order of said General Term having been made and entered affirming said judgment with costs of said appeal to the respondent. Now, on motion of attorney for the respondent, it is hereby ADJUDGED, That said judgment be and the same is hereby in all things affirmed, and that the respondent recover of the appellant » the sum of dollars, costs of said appeal. APPENDIX oF Fors. 579 No. 69. Order on reversal of judgment. At a General Term of the Supreme Court, held at on the day of , 188 , Present : Hon. , Presiding Justice, and , and > Justices. (Title of the cause.) The appeal in the above entitled action having been heard at this term, now, on motion of , attorney for the appellant, after hear- ing , attorney for the respondent, it is ORDERED: That the judgment entered in this action in the office of the clerk of the county of , on the day of , 188 , be and the same is hereby wholly reversed and a new trial ordered, with costs (to abide the event, or such other direction as is indicated in the memorandum of the decision.) No. 70. Judgment of reversal. (Title, etc.) The appeal taken by the (defendant) from the judgment entered in this action in the office of the clerk of the county of , on the day of , 188 , having been brought to a hearing and heard at a General Term of the (Supreme) Court, held at on the day of , 188 , and an order of said General Term having been made and entered reversing said judgment, and ordering a new trial (with costs to abide the event.) Now, on motion of , attorney for the appellant, it is hereby ADJUDGED: That the judgment entered in this action in the office of the clerk of the county of , on the day of , 188 , be and the same is hereby wholly reversed; that a new trial of said action be had in this court; and that (Insert direction as to costs.) No. 71. Order for judgment on remittitur from Court of Appeals. At a Term of the Supreme Court, held at on the day of , 188. Pesent, Hon. , Justice. SUPREME COURT. James Jackson against Duncan Steriing. J The above named defendant having appealed to the Court of Appeals from the judgment of the General Term of this court, entered 580 APPENDIX oF Forms. in this action on the day of , 188 , affirming the judgmen entered therein on the day of , 188 , in the office of the clerk of the county of , and the Court of Appeals having heard said appeal, and ordered and adjudged that the judgment so appealed from be affirmed, and judgment entered for the plaintiff, with costs, and the record remitted from that court having been filed, now, on motion of , attorney for the plaintiff, it is ORDERED: That the said judgment of the Court of Appeals, be and the same is hereby made the jndgment of this court; and that the judgment entered herein on the day of , 188 , be and the same is hereby affirmed, and that judgment of this court be entered herein affirming said judgment, with costs of said appeal against the defend- ant to be taxed. No. 72. Judgment of affirmance on remittitur. (Caption and title of the cause.) The above named defendant having appealed to the Court of Appeals from the judgment of the General Term of this court, entered in this action on the day of , 188 , affirming the judgment entered therein on the day of , 188 , in the office of the clerk of the county of , and the Court of Appeals having heard said appeal, and ordered and adjudged that the judgment so appealed from be affirmed and judgment rendered for the plaintiff, with costs, and the record remitted from that conrt having been filed, and an order having been entered thereon making the judgment of the Court of Appeals the judgment of this court, and directing the entry of a judg- ment of aftirmance herein with the costs of said appeal against the defendant, to be taxed, Now, on motion of , attorney for the plaintiff, it is ADJUDGED: That the judgment in this action entered on the day of 5 188 , be and the same is hereby affirmed. And it is further adjudged: That the plaintiff , recover of the defendant , the sum of dollars, the amount of his costs herein as taxed, and that he have execution against said defendant therefor. No. 73. Judgment on appeal to the County Court. (Caption and title of the cause.) The above named (defendant) having appealed to this court from the judgment rendered against him in this action on the day of ,188 , by , Justice of the peace of the town of , county of , and the said appeal having been APPENDIX oF Forms. 581 heard, and an order of this court having been entered thereon affirming (or reversing) said judgment, with costs of said appeal to the 5 Now on motion of , attorney for the respondent (or appel- lant, it is AJUDGED: That the judgment rendered by said , Justice of the peace, on the day of , 188 , in favor of the plaintiff (or defendant) in this action for the sum of damages and dollars costs be and the same is hereby wholly reversed (or affirmed). And it is further adjudged, that the said recover of the the sum of dollars, the amount of his costs herein as taxed, and that he have execution therefor. No. 74. Judgment of reversal on stipulation of respondent. Code of Civil Pro. § 2062. Ataterm of the County Court of the County of , held at in the of ,on the day of , 188 Present, Hon. County Judge. (Title of the cause.) The aboved named (defendant) having appealed to this court from the judgment rendered against him in this action on the day of , 188 , by , Justice of the peace of the town of in said county, and the respondent, within twenty days of the service upon him of the notice of appeal, having served a written stip- ulation upon (the attorney for) the appellant that the judgment so appealed from may be reversed with five dollars costs, and disburse- ments of the appeal, Now, on motion of , attorney for said appellant, and in pursuance of said stipulation, it is ADJUDGED: That the judgment rendered by , Justice of the peace, on the day of , 188 , in favor of the (plaintiff) in this action for dollars damages and dollars costs be and the same is hereby reversed. And it is further adjudged that the said recover of the said the sum of , the amount of the costs specified in said stipulation and of the disbursements of the appeal, and that he have execution therefor. 582 AppENDIx or Forms. No. 75. Offer of judgment on appeal to the County Court. Code of Civil Pro. § 3070. (Title of the cause.) Take notice, that the above named , hereby offers to allow judgment to be rendered in the County Court of county in favor of the in this action for the sum of dollars. (Date.) Yours, &c. (Signature of party making offer.) No. 76. Notice of acceptance of offer of judgment. Code of Civil Pro. § 3070. (Title of the cause.) Please take notice that the above named , hereby accepts the offer of the above named , dated the day of > 188 , to allow judgment to be rendered in the County Court of the county of in favor of the in this action for dollars. (Date.) (Signature of party.) No. 77. Affidavit of service of notice of acceptance. Code of Civil Pro. § 3070. (Title of the cause.) (Venue.) sii Sora ace ianeeade , being duly sworn says, that he is the attorney for the in the above entitled action; that on the day of : 188 , the above named served upon the deponent an offer in writ- ing, dated on the day of , 188 , to allow judgment to be rendered in the County Court of the county of , In favor of the in this action for the sum of dollars; that on the day of ; 188 , at , deponent served the annexed notice of acceptance of such offer on , the attorney for the , by delivering a copy St said notice to said attorney personally, and leaving the same with im. (Jurat.) (Signature.) APPENDIX OF Forms. 583 No. 78. Judgment in the County Court upon offer. Code of Civil Pro. § 3071. (Caption and title of the cause.) This action having been brought into this court by an appeal taken thereto by the above named , from a judgment rendered against him on the day of , 188 , by , Justice of the Peace, for dollars damages and dollars costs, and the above named having served upon the above named an offer in writing, dated the day of , 188 , to allow judgment to be rendered in this court in favor of the , for the sum of dollars; and the said having by a notice in writing, dated the day of , 188 , duly accepted said offer. Now on filing said offer, the notice of acceptance thereof, and the affidavit of of the service of the same upon the , itis ORDERED AND ADJUDGED: © That the said recover of the said the sum of dollars, the amourt of said offer, and have execution therefor. No. 79. Notice of the entry of judgment. (Title of the cause.) Siz: Please take notice that the judgment in this action, of which the within is a copy, was entered in the office of the clerk of the county of , on the day of , 188. (Date.) Yours, etc., Youne & Ricuarps, li?ys for : (Office address.) To » Esq., Att’y for No. 80. Notice of taxation of costs. (Title of the cause.) Sir: Take notice, that the within is a copy of the items of the costs and disbursements in this action, and that the same will be taxed by the clerk of the county of , at his office in the on the day of , 188 , at o’clock M. (Date.) Yours, ete., (Signature and office address.) To » Hsq., Ad’y for ; 584 APPENDIX oF Forms. No. 81. Affidavit of disbursements. (Title of the cause.) (Venue.) A. B. being duly sworn says, that he is the attorney for the , in the above entitled action; that the foregoing disbursements have been actually made and incurred on the part of the » except those hereinafter to be incurred, and those deponent believes to be correctly stated; that the cause was necessarily on the calendar of the court, the terms above stated exclusive of the term at which it was argued or otherwise finally disposed of ; (and that all the require- ments of Rule 6 of the Court of Appeals have been complied with in all papers printed for use in that court.) (Jurat.) (Signature.) INDEX. ACKNOWLEDGMENT : Page Of undertakings on appeal...........06 satel GeuwUNew Mawseseieeea se sc, 96 ADMINISTRATOR : Must be substituted in place of deceased party........csecceceeeesees 37, 41 Time within which an appeal may be taken by...........sseeeeeeoseees 59 When security not required to perfect appeal by ............ceeeeeeeeee 69 Preference of appeals to which administrator is a party... ...........0.- 157 AFFIDAVIT : Want of title or defect in title disregarded. ........... 0. cece cece een eee 166 When a motion for a new trial may be made upon.............0-.eeeee 523 Of jurors not received to impeach their verdict..............0 es ee eee eee 543 That rule of Court of Appeals as to printing papers has been complied with. 492 OF CISHWFSEMISM TS. oo cei evaseisaieresess sleeateys acv-v. 00 ¢-dinasvbend Ml ekeinaaleena Keto, eiagetee we 496 Of service of notice of acceptance of offer of judgment........ ..... 430, 431 Cannot be used to aid or controvert return... 6... , cece eee eee cee eee ee 435 When return cannot be had, affidavits may be resorted to........... 434, 435 To present error in fact to County Court........... eee cece ee eee eee 439, 441 To excuse default below on appeal to County Court ...............0.0 0 441 To support motion to strike a cause from General Term calendar..... 824, 325 To accompany case on submission of controversy........ ricieaiteh tee Sates 346 To accompany note of issue in the Fourth Department...... ........... 318 On motion to compel entry of judgment......... cee cece ee eee ee ee eee 43 On motion to compel entry of order... .... cee ee cece ee eee cece eee eee 44 Of facts entitling a person, not a party, to appeal................... 006 384 Of sureties, as to property qualifications. .......... cee cece ee ee eens 95 To obtain order dismissing appeal to Court of Appeals for failure to serve COSC aie ists ee bes F2G as ow Aw Sawa AM AAISE RENEE ENRERbES Base eee es 267 To obtain order dismissing appeal to Court of Appeals, for failure to file TORN Mjsmsecs dw e4 Che 6bs Cee O SO EEORee UeEshee Mad LET eRtes 266 To obtain order restoring dismissed appeal.......... ccc cece ee eee teens 263 AFFIRMANCE : Power of an appellate court to affirm wholly or in part.189, 350, 400, 412, 450 Judgment of, must not expressly award the relief in judgment below.189, 350 Judgment absolute on affirmance by Court of Appeals..............068. 295 Final judgment by General Term on affirmance........ .ssseeeeeeevees 352 When the General Term may affirm in part.............. heriendemtde Hees 350 By General Term as to some of the parties.........cseesceeesecessees .» 351 586 InpEx. AFFIRMANCE—(Continued): Page Staying remittitur on affirmance by default in Court of Appeals......... 272 By default, on appeal to General Term. ...........-c-e cece eee eeeecees 330 Judgment by County Court on affirmance... ......... cece eee e eee eres 453 ALBANY, CITY COURT OF: Name of Justice’s Court of City of Albany changed to City Court of AMMAN Ys sasaie ss sea aveseveracbeayss sae ge see Sav ea wenger ee eons 416 Appeals from judgments of, taken to County Court.............ee00- 31, 415 Proceedings to compel return by, regulated by local rules..............- 434 Rules of Albany County Court as to amendment of pleadings on appeal.. 487 Rules of Albany County Court as to presenting errors in fact...........- 0 Rules of Albany County Court as to points for the court..............+. 442 Hearing of the appeal at law term only......... see ee ee see e ee eeeeeeee 445 Costs on appeal from judgment of.......... 6. cee ec cece erence ene eeneees 472 (See County CouRT.) ALIMONY : When order granting or refusing, reviewable by Court of Appeals....... 230 ALLOWANCE: Of sureties on justification. ........ 6. cece cence cece teen cen e teen eeeee 103 EN Gti GEOL cechacssiare teaseie vein saad oiacaudeasiavaue'oue avaxetantuaybiace te nies deesG nciaetosanes “aualeiaaseGane 103 Of appeal to the Court of Appeals....... cc cece eee cece eee eee te eeees 241 AMENDMENT : Not permitted, if it will extend time in which to appeal.............. 59, 117 Of proceedings to take an appeal, or to stay execution............... 74, 116 Of notice:of appeal)... ccs ccnette cee sani che we Bead e lec Meee ee 59, 117 OF Undertaking. iicisis sods eisigscree hoes g bay ea ee glalelg eu bee ale ee wee CeeNCeE 118 Proceedings to obtain amendment....... 0.6... cece eee eee e eee ee eens 119 Proposed amendments to @ CASC...... cece cece cece ewer ete e ee es 148 Of process, pleadings and proceedings generally.................... 164, 165 OE POTUT I sa iacsiessints (eeace aus 4 areiats Wite 8 a 1o eid Oa Le cdee eeang 4 SiS eres IRE 165, 170 Of pleadings on appeal....... Je sie ee ere ay is Celene e See hors Oehd 166-170, 437 Of ordersion- appeal oss s sk sae es sees curse need anh eens sed oray en. ves 170 Of case Oniappetlhanisiss aieieciis waeeeatiewenaieye atanddwuieidiiey seagis.s 171 Of remittitur of the Court of Appeals.......... ce cce esse eee eee eee e ees 297 APPEAL : Nature of the remedy by appeal..... 6... cece e eee e ee eee eee tena eens 1 When the proper remedy is by appeal.......... 0 eee e ccc e eee cence 3 When the remedy is by motion instead of by appeal.................005 6 Not generally authorized to review defaults.............. eee 9 May be taken from void judgments or orders............ 00. see c scenes il Waiver of the right to appeal... .... 0... c ce cece cece eee eee cece e ee 18 By stipulation or agreement ......... 0... cee cece eee 18 By acts inconsistent with the right... 0.6.6... 0. eee eee 18 Appellate courts or terms... 1.6.6... cece ee ee eee eee eee eee 23-31 Parties to appeals. ..... cece cece cece cece ce ee ete e neon ener es “ibisiere gti 31 By whom an appeal may be taken.......-.. eck cece eee eee eee tees 31 Who should be made parties respondent...... ccc. cece sce e vee eeee 89 Bringing in, or substituting parties on appeal..............0008 eens APPEAL—(Continued): Page Title of the cause on appeal.............. Sibiu disieis iaubiorsidiele ewrelw edia'e eaale 38 Preliminaries tocanappenl sess sacs ciea.siacess ceuiewisa sileioee ele ve'ss aa de a HN 43 Compelling the entry of judgment..... cc... cece eee cece eee eee nes 43 Compelling the entry of the order....... 0... ccc ee cee cee ee eeee 44 Motion for @ new trial sawatas ecwa seed sada soe tees Hees 45 Procuring certificate or order allowing the appeal.................. 241 Taking and perfecting theappeal... 1.0... cc cece eee cece eee eee eee 47 When the appeal should be from the judgment only... ............ 47 When the appeal should be from the order only................660- 48 ‘When the appeal should be from both judgment and order.......... 49 When the appeal should be from both final and interlocutory judg- TAG Mites sx 3% iaieicehdavaha wise salt Barada ays sie eine a doaelaelabeinig ns cial aeraens 50 Mode of appealing from determinations in special proceedings........... 51 Insmandamuss <6: sek caros caw vend cares tas tos eae saese ce caes sense 51 APDUPAtON so 4.00 a aaiecae wos Raids eee e Fa HES ETT 6 ROSS Re ees 52 GOBLIOTATL 5 )h5 5.0 cao capstan Sraceardudieicomnciaern’s ase sees weenie hbe alge A se. 52 Proceedings against animals straying...............- ioe SAAD TORN 52 SUMMA POCO OMIM GS 5. icon eine cee dale owen s oaene de waeneee soem 52 In proceedings under the General Assignment Act..............000. 53 Time within which to appeal..... 2.0.6... cece cee eee ence eee nees 53 ToiCourtof Appealsiai s ois oweiaeaise eis ees satepistolsmriaeuese-gs's ew ace ere Gistanone 53 To General Term of same COUTE.. 0... 6c cece eee ec eee cee ence eens 54 To Supreme Court from inferior court. .... cece ee eee ee eens 54 To Supreme Court from Surrogate’s Court........ (cess cece eee eee 54 To Superior City Court from inferior court.............. 0c cee ee eee 55 To County Court from inferior Court...... 0... cece eee eee eee e eee 55 Tn special proceedings ii. casey ee es 28's ce ese 846 04 ba yeide matron eertS 55 Limiting time within which to appeal......... 6. cece cece ee cee eee eee 56 Time cannot be extended... 0... c cece ee cnns ence ce seamen ecceeeenae ones 59 Waiver of the statutory limit as to time to appeal...................00- 60 Computation of time allowed for an appeal......... cee eee e seen eer e eee 61 PremiaturevappeallSicicysie'e eile gic wicle te practias partes euinas caneaecdak ge yee eee: 61 Notice of -appedhnasnevickale'ss's tose be seo seiewier etapa iw ug caneds ceeds 62-67 (See Notick oF APPEAL.) Security to perfect the appeal...............00 cece eee e ce er ee ceeeees 68 When security required.a..acievocs ses scck ani eses san sass vaevenaes 68 When security not required . <3 i2% wisveadoscueans atid nied rack ceees 69 Appeal not perfected until security is given.............. ee ee ee eee 71 Requisites of the undertaking. ....... 6... eee eee eet e tent eee nees 1 (See UNDERTAKING.) Staying execution on appeal....... 2... cece ccc eee eee twee ence eeeeene 5 (See Stay or Execution.) General provisions as to security on appeal.......... eee eee ee eee eens 89 Waiver of security..........0. cece eee La /eew see teleawdlerese « 89 Deposit in lieu of undertaking. ......... 0... cee e cee eee ween 89 (See Deposit.) Dispensing with or limiting security... ...... 0... cece sec e eee e ee nees . 91 Requisites as to form and execution of undertakings..............+- 93 (See UNDERTAKINGS ; SURETIES.) Effect of a perfected appeal and stay of proceedings.............000- «.. 104 588 InpEx. APPEAL—(Continued): Discharging levy upon personal property .......seeceeeeeeerecereceees 106 Suspending lien of the judgment appealed from..........+..26.- pee eeee 107 Curing defects in proccedings to take the appeal or to stay execution.... 116 Mode of presenting questions of fact for review............- a aeueigia ws RS 120 After trial of all the issues by a jury..........e cess ee eee aad yerarde 120 After the trial of specific questions of fact by a jury........... sees 120 Upon challenge to a juror..... ccc. ccc cc eee e eee eaeeceeeeenenees 122 After jury trial of issue of fact in a special proceeding.............. 122 After a trial before a surrogate...........0.. eee ee se aiavecoistel actgrns 128 After a trial before a justice of the peace... 2.6... cece eee eee eee. 123 Mode of presenting questions of law for review..... fis Crea ARES 124 (See ExcErrion.) Papers upon which the appeal will be heard.............cceee cee eeenes 129 Upon appeal to the Court of Appeals. ...... cece eee e eee een ee ee 129 Upon appeal to the Supreme Court from an inferior court..... secwew 18L Upon appeal to the General Term of the same court..............-- 132 Upon appeal to the Common Plea8........... cece cece cece eee e eee 183 Upon appeal to the County Court........ ce cece eee eee 134 Transmission of papers to the appellate court............ cece eeeee eens 185 When questions for review must be presented by a case...... . Sei ceoeeare te 137 (See CasE.) Filing case or exceptions... 0.0... ccc cece eect e cence teen n eee ten enna 152 Points........... Gibiasia-scemed pid b. sokg pe Pancha tein. weiels RUINS, bende Ranetacdee .ee. 158 Printing the appeal-book and serving and filing printed copies........... 155 Preferred CAWSeS seco e soe aan see Ree aa LB cae eRe aw eens eS 156 Proceedings to obtain preference of a cause on the calendar............. 159 Introduction of evidence upon appeal. ...... eee cee teen eee 161 Amendments on appeals x. os iwiscsa ede $Aa Rise tweed etawe ved eee eiaad t< 164 General provisions of the Code.......... eee cece cece e eee eee tees 164 Amendment of pleadingS.... 1... ... cece cece cece eee erences 166 Amendment of orders........ ...0 GS VisiGte! Gates ee aoeseameneh oes Le SESS 70 Amendment of the case. ...... cece cece eee ce eee ee ee eee ees 171 General principles governing the decision of appeals. .................4. 173 Presumption in favor of the judgment or order appealed from....... 173 Presumptions in support of findings. .......... 0... cece cece eee ene 174 Appellant must SHOW CIYOT. .... 6. eee eee eee eee eee eens 173 Error in receiving or rejecting evidence, when a ground for POVCUSAL. 2.4 aanconguaeiiewei ee ee tee waar ro een eet rie 175-180 Review of determinations as to the weight of evidence.............. 180 Review of errors in charging or refusing to charge the jury.......181-184 Errors in taking or refusing to take the case from the jury.......... 185 When objections not taken upon the trial will be considered........ 188 Judgment or order on appeal... ... eee cece e ee cee eee eee eee ee ees 189 General power of appellate courts in respect to jadgment........... 189 By what court entered and enforced..........cee cece cece eee eee 190 (See JUDGMENT.) Restitution........ gute Aileixc ores cowtare paatoeedalenaawele baw seis gunvanernivtes 191-195 (See RESTITUTION.) Appeal to the Court of Appeals...... seus pa sea views se aeees'e as «196-800 (See Court or APPEALS.) INDEX. 589 APPEAL—(Continued): Page Appeal to General Term of same Court......... cece ee cee cent eeeee ees 301-360 (See GENERAL TERM.) Appeal to Supreme Court from inferior court............ ces eee eee 361-380 (See SuPREME CouRT.) Appeal to Supreme Court from a Surrogate’s Court...........0..000 381-401 (See SuRROGATE’s CouRT.) Appeal to Common Pleas from City Court of New York............. 402-413 (See Common PLEAs.) Appeal to the County Court... 0... eee eee eens 414-454 (See County Court.) Appeal to the Common Pleas from a District Court.................. 455-461 (See Common PLEAs.) Appeals from the City Court of Yonkers.............ccceceeeseeeees 462-467 (See Yonkers, Crry Court oF.) Costs on, appeal. isaac occa siconnsanasusowadian oeds eee eae O24 naledinens 468-497 (See Costs.) APPROVAL : Of undertakings given on appeal......... ccc ee ce ewes econ een ee enes 96-424 ARBITRATION: Appeal from judgment or order in, how taken..............cceecee eens 52 Time in which to appeal... ..... cee cece cc ccc cece nce n ence ennenees 56 Case not required on appeal from order confirming report............... 189 ARGUMENT : Of the appeal in the Court of Appeals... 2.0.0... . ccc eee ee ee eee eee 271 Atithe General Termy.é vncsavedecevcecs 644 ¢adrines eure 331, 876, 397 Inthe Common Pleasiss< vase oxsevcesschescstes tease sats 410, 411, 460 In‘the County Courtsacincccsea ccm sscitaeneevadas te vees seeded 445, 446 Notice of argument on appeal to the Court of Appeals........ ...... 259, 270 On appeal to the General Term. ......... 00.0.0 eee cece cece ee eeee 319 On appeal to Supreme Court from inferior court sgch Stahatevaue ots) mie Bolter 375 On appeal to Supreme Court from Surrogate’s Court................ 396 On appeal to Common Pleas from inferior court................ 409, 459 On appeal to the County Court......... 20. cece cece ee cece eee eeee 438 Costs allowed £02 isi ce :scevescaui'e biewars s0s.4 oa e's cpnnteale’s meewrwine sinece 6 485, 486 ARREST, ORDER OF : Preference of the cause where defendant is imprisoned under ........... 158 Review by County Court of order of arrest issued by a justice........... 448 Review by General Term of order refusing to vacate..............00000- 307 Review by Court of Appeals of orders of arrest, Cte... 6... eee eevee 228, 284 ASSIGNEE : Of interest in the estate, may appeal from decree of surrogate........... 36 Preference of appeals to which assignee for benefit of creditors is a party. 157 ATTACHMENT : Review by the Court of Appeals, of orders granting, denying, or vacat- IND es cor darasaloiteinas Maiiaueie oy Ge Suan aie eee anaes 219, 227, 228 590 Inpex. ATTACHMENT—(Continued): Page Review by the General Term of order refusing to vacate...... sisi Moses 307 Review by County Court of attachments issued by a justice.... ........ 448 May issue to compel return by inferior court..........2..2000ee 434, 409, 457 Cause preferred where property of the defendant is attached............ 158 ATTORNEY : Review by Court of Appeals of order denying admission.............-.+ 227 Of orders punishing attorney for misconduct............00eeeeeeees 281 AUBURN, CITY COURT OF: Appeals from judgments of, taken to County Court of Cayuga county.... 415 Appeal governed by general provisions as to appeals to County Courts... 415 Costs on appeal from judgment Of............ cece cere cece enone een eeee - 472 (See County Court.) BANKRUPT : When he has sufficient interest to maintain appeal.........-...seeseeee- 33 Introduction of evidence of discharge on appeal..... ....... sista’ evi wise 162 BILL OF PARTICULARS : Order granting or denying not reviewable by Court of Appeals.......... 227 BOARD OF CLAIMS : When award of, may be reviewed by Court of Appeals................ 5, 207 Time within which appeal must be taken.............ccceeeeseeecenens 53 Notice of appeal from award Of. ..... 0.0... cece eee cence ence eee eneeeee 68, 245 Service of the notice of appeal...... 0... ce eee cece e eee e eee eeeee -66, 248 Case on appeal from...... 2... cece ec cece cece ence ee ee teeeeeeeeeeens 180, 248 Security to perfect the appeal not required. ............. eee cece ee eee 249 Security to stay execution not required............ 6.6. cee eee cece eee 251 BROOKLYN, CITY COURT OF : Judges, officers and attendants of the court. ...... 0... ccc cence eee eee e ee 28 Appointment of General Terms ......... 00.0.0 e ccc ccc eee eee wean eees 28 General Term must be held by at least two judges... 00... ......0c cease 28 Concurrence necessary to a decision......... 0. eee eee eee ee een eee 28 Appellate jurisdiction ......... cece cece eee cece teen t eee ee nee 28, 29 Appeal to the General Term from determination of same court....... 301-360 (See GENERAL TERM.) BUFFALO : Organization and jurisdiction of Superior Court of................085 28, 29 (See SUPERIOR Court OF BUFFALO.) Municipal court of Buffalo, review of judgments of...............00 29, 414 (See MunicrpaL Court oF BUFFALO. CALENDAR: Order in which preferred causes will be placed on the calendar..... .... 156 Putting cause on the calendar of the Court of Appeals...............00, 259 Of causes heard as MOLIONS........ cc ce eee cece eee ceca eee eesenns 260 Of preferred causes... ic. ovevee cee tees cus vue cea serves eeeres. 159, 260 Reserving or setting down causes for a day certain in Court of Appeals... 260 Day calendar of the Court of Appeals. ........ cc cce eee ce nee eeeeee rene 261 InpeEx. 591 CALENDAR—(Continued): Page Exchange of causes on Court of Appeals calendar.......-...seeeeeeeeee 261 Striking cause from calendar of Court of Appeals...........0.ecee eee 262 Call of the calendar of the Court of Appeals ...... 0... cece eee cence eee 271 General Term calendar... 2.0.20 ccc eee eee ee ence eee renee schanuacaucints 522 HOWAMAUG UPd. 2, Ww codigos on G08SS0 see Roh Dadietieamue ys 822 Putting cause ou the calendar... ... cece eee eee eee 3817, 319, 322, 374 Correcting the Culewd any, os cccicsisce sisi aen aie eiaeie cae eee s meeete: een tee 824 Striking cuuse from the calendar ....... 0... c ee eee eee 324, 375 Day culendersy os v2 see. acta steed Paetedenneaet kes wae alas 326 Reserved cuss canesccdevaden eed siedeles ees eea6 22 v8.04 Hina edie ete avers GesR Sees Gees esas es 305 Orders resting in discretion. .......... 0... c eee e eee tense enone 306 Orders as to provisional remedies. .......... cece ee eee e ence 307 Orders granting or refusing a new trial...............0 eee eee 308 Orders involving some part of the merits...................2005 308 Orders affecting a substantial right.............. 02... eee eee eee 310 Orders determining action and preventing judgment............ 310 Orders determining unconstitutionality of a statute............. 310 Orders upon a summary application after judgment............ 811 Orders made out of court.......... 00. cece cece eee eet ee eee eeee 311 Orders made in a special proceeding. ..............0. cece eens 312 Of the Supreme Court an appeal from an inferior court................ 361 From what courts an appeal may be taken to Supreme Court....... 26, 27, 361, 362 What judgments of inferior courts may be reviewed................ 362 Review of interlocutory judgments and intermediate orders......... 364 Upon appeals from orders in actions...... 0.0... .. cece eee ee eee 364-368 Orders affecting a substantial right............. 0... c ee eee eee 365 Discretionary orders: scsi. 0c dvaivocoavenre@seassacesvess 365 Upon appeals from orders made in special proceedings.............. 366 Upon appeal from a Surrogate’s Court............. .. 381, 382, 397, 400 Decrees or orders made upon default... ...........--. 0002 ee eee 381 LE DONC. OTGELS 5.55 fecais iavasia eee held LEGS TAREE WERE S EMR RON Mobs 381 Orders affecting a substantial right........... 0.2... cece ee eee 382 Orders opening, vacating, modifying, a prior order or decree.... 398 Orders granting a new trial for fraud, newly discovered evidence, Otis tepednebiseta bocunisiaae sata antics sreeurtere sss ele taeda weet 398 Upon appeal from the City Court of Yonkers................... 462, 463 Of the Common Pleas upon appeal from the City Court of New York.... 402 General statutory provisions ......... 0... cee cece ce eee eee eee ee 402 Upon appeal from a judgment. 2... 0... 0 ce cce eee cece ene eee 403 Upon appeal from an order granting a new trial................5.5. 404 Upon appeals from orders generally. ....... 60... cece eee e eee eee 404, 405 Questions of discretion. ....... 00. c cece cece cence eee ete eens 412 QireStidNs Of facta cee ceecsesaitineiewinwia. soeee eed evans ctlen pebn es 412 Of the Common Pleas an appeal from a District Court...............06. 455 Of:the- county Courts ois eu caradedemiernne eigen eatery eG ee ee 6s pe ee ws Ftd 414 To review judgments rendered by a justice of the peace............. 414 To review judgments and orders of certain city courts.............. 415 Of City Court of Auburn... 2... ccc ccc eect ween 415 Of Municipal Court of City of Rochester................00e eee 415 Of City Court of Albany. ...... (cece cece cence cece eee e eee naee 415 Of City Court of Yonkers....... 0... cc cece eee eect ee eee eens 416 Of City Court of Utica... .... ccc cece ccc ee ee eee rete etree nee 417 To review orders made in special proceedings .............--..005- 417 In summary proceedings... ...... ccc cece cece nce eee e ences 417 Proceedings against estrayS....... cee cece cece eee ee eect ee eens 417 614 InpEx. JURY. (See QuEsTions or Fact.) Page What interference with jury will be a ground for new trial...... seeeeees 536 Sending papers not in evidence to jury OOM. ........ eee eee ee eee ee 536 Statements by third parties as to credibility of witness...........-.- 536 Interference by officer in charge..........56 ceecceee seer eter etenee 536 Communications between jurors and officer.......-. .6- eeeeeeeees 537 Furnishing intoxicating liquor to jurors...........00: ee ee eee eens 537 Communications between judge and jury during dceliberations....... 587 Compelling the jury to agree .. 2... .. ccc cece eee cee nent e tenes 538 Disqualification of a juror as a ground for new trial.......6.5- -- serene 539 What misconduct of.the jury will be a ground for new trial........ ...- 540 Irregularities which could not affect the verdict, disregurded..... 540, 542 Reading papers not in evidence............. ee eee cere eee 540, 541, 542 Determining verdict by lot...... 0... cece ec ee eet cece teen ee en eees 541 Making independent investigations.............:seeee ee ee eee neces 542 Receiving liquors, refreshments or favors from prevailing party..... 542 Affidavits of juror not received to impeach their verdict.............--.. 543 Affidavits of jurors may be received to show misconduct of others....... 543 May be received to sustain verdict...........020e cece eee e nent eee 543 May be received to show mistake in entry of verdict .............+- 543 Error in charge to jury a ground for new trial..........+-.. essence eee . 548 Verdict of jury contrary to instructions will be set aside........... .... 505 Review of exceptions to rulings on challenge to a juror..........2-se eee 122 Verdict contrary to evidence as a ground for new trial...........-.-20e 502 Review of errors in taking or refusing to take the case from the jury..... 185 (See VERDICT.) JUSTIFICATION : Service of notice of exception to sureties.......- seeseeeereeees 100, 387, 429 Time within which sureties must justify after exception........ 100, 387, 430 Waiver of justification........ 0... cece cee ee cence eee nee ences 100, 101 Proceedings on justification. .... 0.0... cece eect e eee eee eee eens 101, 480 Qualification of the sureties........-.....008 afd eaiee wad eee oe tanks as . 102 Decision of the judge. ...... 2... cc cc cece eee e eee ee eee eeeeneeee 103, 387, 430 Effect of failure to justify... 2.0.00. cece cece eee e eect te eeeees 1038, 430 Service of notice of allowance of the sureties..............eeee eens 108, 387 JUSTICE’S COURT. (See Jusricz of THE PEACE.) Review of judgments of, by appeal to the County Court................ 414 Review by Court of Appeals of actions originating in............. see. 208 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE: Judgment of, reviewed by appeal to County Court...............5 shames 414 Has jurisdiction of summary proceedings to recover lands.............. 417 Mode of reviewing final order of, in summary proceedings........... 417, 419 Mode of reviewing orders of, in proceedings against strays...... 417, 419, 426 Service of notice of appeal UPOD....... 2... ee eee eee eee 421 Costs in judgment and fee for return must be paid to................... 422 Approval of undertakings on appeal by justice or County Judge......... 424 Undertaking on appeal must be filed with the justice.............. .605. 425 Justification of sureties before... 1.0... eee eee eee eens 429, 430 Return of, on appeal... i.e cece cree ence cece een enenee Miia winds aioe 134, 433 INDEX. 615 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE—(Continued): Page Time within which return must be made.......... ceseeeeeeeeesees 433 Payment of fee for making the return essential................. 422, 433 Contents -of the returns ss6 sessccarcesnes smesecus Sertsassenee sea 433 Compelling return or a further return....... 0... cee eee eee ee 433-435 Substitute for return where the justice is dead, etc..............e08- 434 Exception to ruling of, not necessary to present qu°stion for review..... 124 Want of jurisdiction of, may be first raised on appeal.................-. 447 Review of orders of arrest made DY... . csc cece eee cece eee ee ce eeeaee 448 Review of attachments issued by........... 0. cece eee e sree eee eeeeeeeeee 448 Conclusiveness of determination of, upon questions of fact.............. 448 New trial before justice, when ordered by County Court...............4 441 Appeals to the Court of Appeals in actions commenced before........... 208 LACHES : May defeat application for leave to amend........... cece eee e eee ee ences 119 LEGATEE : When entitled to appeal from decree of surrogate ...........ceeceeeeees 36 When to be made respondent ........... ccc cee cece cece cece eeeeeeeaeeae 40 LEVY: Upon personal property not superseded by stay of proceedings.......... 106 Proceedings to obtain discharge of levy pending appeal............. 106, 107 LIEN : Proceedings to suspend the lien of a judgment appealed from........... 107 Suspending lien in another county.......... ccc ccc cc eee eee ee ee reees 108 From what time the lien is suspended.............. 00sec eee eee ee ee eee 109 Effect of the order....... Settee neta ete e tenn ee tenet teense en nenes 109 MANDAMUS : How appeal should be taken from order in............ sce eee ee ence ee eee 51 Time within which to appeal from order granting..............-0..0005 56 Security on appeal from order in....... cc. cee cece cece ete e eee e ene 87 Preference of cause on appeal. .... 2. cc -ce ec eee etre teense ensue eeeoes 158 Review by Court of Appeals of order granting ..................0 06 228, 232 MODIFICATION : Of judgment or order on appeal........... ce cece eee eee eee 189, 354, 400, 412 By the General Term on appeal ......... 0. cece cece een cee e ees 354, 400 Reducing the recovery .ics.i ees. dee east owe tag aes sews eneenee aeons 355 Increasing Uhe:lccOveryis sis esc s och tegen sors aka sea Ree Gewenenetie 356 Of OrderSieckucena sy coe oes det MesbeeGmeN eae Vad co 5 Feo sR 4 BRR 856 Review by Court of Appeals of modified judgment..................... 276 MOTION : For substitution of party on appeal... 2... .. cece eee ee en eee eens 41, 395 For dismissal of appeal for failure to procure-order of substitution. ...42, 395 For order directing the entry of judgment............ ccc cece eee e eens 43 For order directing the entry of am order.......... cc cece eee ee ee ec eeene 44 For order vacating order not entered .............. cee e eee ania. 45 For a new trial when a preliminary to appeal........... sees eeeeees 45, 120 616 Inpex. MOTION—(Continued): Page To set aside judgment for irregularity or error in fact........++++e+eeees 6 To correct a mistake in a judgment..........-0..ceeeeceeee cece eee eeees q To correct error in the taxation of Costs..........eeeeeeeeeeeereeceere 7, 496 To set aside ev parte Order... 1... ccc cece eee ee cece cece ee eeenerseeeeee 8 To vacate order made out of court upon notice..........6.eeeeeeere ees 8 Towpenr d elAUle, sei seesece vasaieies se Mawecs Re aw Seema Wen rwas sents 9 To set aside judgment for want of jurisdiction ...........0:.0eseeeeeeee 12 That a writ of certiorari issue............ cece cece ee eee cee cote ee eneee 13 For a stay of execution of judgment or order appealed from........-.. 82, 85 That security on appeal be dispensed with or limited.............- 91-93, 371 For the discharge of a levy on personal property ..........0eseeeeeeeeee 106 To suspend the lien of a judgment appealed from.... .........+eeeees 107 That appellant file a new undertaking. .............eeeseeceeee 110, 111, 393 To amend proceedings to take an appeal or stay execution...... 116, 119, 254, 872, 888, 407 To amend a notice of appeal ........... 0. cece cece eee ee erent eeeee 117, 119 To amend an undertaking. .......... cece cece eee eee e cece eens 118, 119, 120 For extension of time in which to file exceptions................2..006 129 For dismissal of appeal for failure to procure return................ 136, 266 For extension of time within which to make a case............0.0008 6 140 That cause be preferred on the calendar.............00.00 sews eeee 169, 260 For amendment of pleadings on appeal.............0..eeeeeeee 166-169, 437 To amend an order or record of the appellate court.................005- 170 TOvamM end O,CHSO ice o-cs.5s6 ek he ok NG «oe poe RE tees be genera e Das dseaiesnaGaeoe 171 For restitution after reversal, CtC........ ccc cece cece cece cece eeenee 194, 454 Bringing on appeal to Court of Appeals as a motion................0005 20 To restore a dismissed appeal......... 0... ce cece cece ener ee eeeeeeeeeeeee 262 To dismiss appeal for failure to serve a CaSC........... 0. eee eee eee 267, 325 POP @FUTHE? TETUTD oo vc eae des aeana soda asda ewan we whe Mees eee 268 To stay the filing of the remittitur....... 0.0... cc cece eee eee eens 297 To amend the remittitur.. 0.00... ccc cece ee eee nee tine Ba ate sa a ida RA 297 For re-argument in Court of Appeals....... 0... cece cece cece e eee ee cece 299 For dismissal of appeal to the General Term................0 ecco 821, 325 To put a cause on the calendar............ cc cece eee e ee tence eee nee 824 To Correct thé. CAlCNOALS d:c.0cccege wieeriwenveargedetas eaee aeyeiesenes 382 To strike a cause from the calendar.............cccc ec ececcceceaes 324, 875 For re-argument at General Term........... ccc cece cece eee eens 358, 360 To stay issuing of warrant in summary proceedings................. 425, 426 To stay proceedings against animals straying, etc.................. 426, 427 To compel justice to file return... ... 6... cece cece et cee eee eee eee 433 For:asfurther return vis.csig csces deccdisiesiowtays Seo is gen ses eon amentaideaneas 434 To transfer appeal to law calendar...........c. cece cece cece eee neeeneee 436 For a new trial, on the minutes..... 0... ccc cece eee ee ee ence eee ees 498 That exceptions be beard at General Term................ ccc eceeeeeaee 509 For new trial, at General Term... .. 10... cece cece cect eens teerene 512 For new trial, at Special Term. .......... ccc cece cece cece cece eee eees 519 (See New TRIAL.) MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS : When required to give security on appeal............. ie acavaneecebsnssraneieeiae 91 Execution of undertakings by........... sees Wai duewaes Sidi eluie si eoiae . 91 InvEx. 617 MUNICIPAL COURT OF BUFFALO: Page Judgments of, reviewed by appeal to Superior Court of Buffalo...... 29, 414 Procedure on the appeal the same as on appeal to County Court from Justice's COUP caciseseoiss ae aaediavivernesubeanscdaw esi 29 Person not a party cannot appeal from judgment of...............6.-6- 35 Time within which an appeal must be taken from judgment of.......... 55 Payment of costs of action and fee for return.............. cece eens 73, 442 Requisites of note of issue on appeal... ... ccc eee cee cece cee eee eee 318 (See County Court.) Costs on appeal from judgment of....... 0... cece eee eee eee eens 472 MUNICIPAL COURT OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER : Judgments of, reviewed by County Court of county of Monroe. ..... 81, 415 Practice on appeal the same as on appeal to County Court.............. 415 Costs of appeal same as on appeal to County Court from Justice’s Court.. 472 NEWLY-DISCOVERED EVIDENCE: When a ground for granting a new trial......... eee cece ee oe 524-529 Must have been discovered since the trial. .......... ce eee eee eee eee 524 Inability to obtain it at the trial must be shown................- 524, 526 Must be material to the issues............ 0... cece eee ee eect eens 525 Must go to the merits and not merely to impeach................ 525, 527 Must not be cumulative...... 00... cece cen eee e eect eeeeeees 525, 528 Must be decisive of the case. ..........0. cc ace c eee ee ee eenes 525, 527 Names of witnesses must be Ziven......... cece cece eee e ee ee ee eee ee Affidavits of newly discovered witnesses should be produced........ 528 Motion must be made at Special Term............. 0... e eee eee eee ee - 520 Motion must be based both upon affidavits and case.................-06- 524 Office of the case on motion for new trial........ cc eee eee eee eee 547 Decision of the motion rests in discretion of the court................60. 529 Moving party must pay costs of former trial............. cc eee ee enone 529 Motion costs only allowed, if aMy.......... ec eee eee ee ence ence e eee ennee 547 Order granting new trial for, not reviewable by Court of Appeals. ...... 234 Surrogate may grant new trial upon the ground of newly discovered evi- ONCE oi en's onda Bie Saeed sae vate s su tancatanddatbocasa cea 398 Review of order of surrogate by Supreme Court...............cc00e eee 398 Special Term cannot grant new trial for, in a proceeding before surro- Alls dorediscaewaren twas ene oe wR TSS AG Gs Se ees MHaRReN Ow eRENCaw.S 398 Order of County Court granting new trial for, not appealable............ 366 Order of City Court granting new trial, not reviewed by Common Pleas 412 NEW TRIAL : Jurisdiction of Court of Appeals to review orders granting or refusing... 196, 197, 202, 233-235 Where the matter in controversy is less than $500........... 197, 202, 288 Where a controverted question of fact was involved and the trial was by Gury iiss casas tieesade ups Uae ee cles ad 283, 273, 281, 296 Upon reversal of a judgment entered on decision of court or report of Veleree s vxvis ic 24 ges ete acinkeeeedecwtaweww euesies eeaes ove we eae 278 Where the motion was on the ground that the evidence did not sus- tain the: Verdicts.i:c-c0sscccccsaevew sejcee celeiuweads eevee eat eae 284 Where the motion was based on excessive damages..............55- 284 618 Invex. NEW TRIAL—(Continued): Page Where the motion was based on newly discovered evidence...... . » 284 Where the motion was based on misconduct of the jury...........+- 234 Where the motion is based on improper communication to jury....... 284 Where the motion was made at General Term..........2 0.00 eee sees 234 Where the order grants a new trial in a special proceeding.......... 34, Stipulation for judgment absolute on appeal from order granting.... 64, 233, 246 Risks attending an appeal from an order granting................+- 246 Court of Appeals may grant new trial without wholly reversing judg- MEN bei: seine ses esse eee seo yess eves ceeeee es oa She soe ce meen 204 Jurisdiction of General Term to 1eview orders granting or refnsing. . .805, 308 Questions reviewed on appeal from order granting or re!..cing. . ..387-3° When the General Term must order new trial on reversal......... 852-354 ‘When new trial may be ordered on affirmance in part........... 350, 351 Review by Supreme Court of orders of inferior court granting or deny- WMP is sae Sede se BE AEE MANAG @ couande Hig ed de ees 365, 366, 377, 378 Power of the surrogate to grant a new trial........... 20... eee eee eee 46, 308 Review of orders made by surrogate granting or refusing........ 46, 398, 500 Review by Common Pleas of orders of City Court granting new triai..... 402, 404, 412 Stipulation for judgment absolute............... eee eee eee eee 64, 404 In the appellate court, not authorized on appeal from a District Court.... 455 In the District Court, may be ordered on reversal by Common Pleas..... 461 In the County Court, on appeal from an inferior court.................. 443 Must be demanded in the notice of appeal... ....... ccc cece eee eee ee 421 Demand for new trial cannot be inserted by amendment............ 421 When the appellant may demand a new trial in the County Court.... 428 Respondent’s remedy where new trial is demanded in improper case. 436 Security required to perfect appeal for........ stig AMAL eer aai nay acew ore 423 Offers to compromise on appeal for new trial..............000 eee ee 430 Return on appeal for new trial... 0.0.6... cece cece eee een ee cae. 488 Note of issue and notice of trial... .......... oi bret pao weitere cnitinfereeatan'ate 438 Proceedings on new trial in the appellate court..... ............0.- 443 Judgment on the appeal for new trial......... 0c. cece eee ee 454 Costs on the appeal for a new trial... ... 6... cee ee eee 488 When the County Court may order new trial before a justice............ 441 When a motion for a new trial is indispensable to areview of the facts.45, 499 When all the issues were tried by a jury... ........ ce eee e eee ee eee 45, 337 Where surrogate has sent certain coutroverted questions of fact to a GUIY ss ceeded bes 434545 Seer Cdde a Wea bRRee Eve L awe ag 46, 47, 500 Where issues or fact in an equity case have been sent to ajury....47, 500 When an appeal must be taken from the order granting, only...... ..... 48 When the appeal should be taken from both judgment and order........ 49 Motion for a new trial on the minutes of the presiding judge............ 498 Grounds upon which the motion may be made...................0. 498 Discretionary with the judge whether the motion will be entertained. 498 When the motion on the minutes is proper................0..00. 499-501 Where issues in an equity action have been sent to a jury..... ...... 499 Must be a verdict to authorize the MOLION...... 6... cece ee ee ee eee 501 Cannot be made on the ground of surprise........-....eeeceee ee OL Inpex. 619 NEW TRIAL—(Continued): Page Time at which the motion may be made. ....,.....0..0esceeee -. .. 501 Case not necessary: .acissxsuw ace seae eect ace edad sawed vide ince weees 501 Reference to notes of stenographer as part of the minutes.......... . 502 Grounds of motion must be stated. ........ 0... cece cece eee nee ee 502 Duty of the court to examine the questions on the merits........... 502 Decision of the Motion. ......6.. 00. c cece cece eee nets teen eee 502-509 Verdict contrary to evidence or against weight of evidence. . 502-504 Verdict contrary to instructions ... ..... ists Sih raha ta diate is seeee 505 Excessive or insufficient damages. ..........6 ce ece eee e eee eeees 505 Erroneous admission or exclusion of evidence sk ee a Aree cusaneies 506 Where specific questions have been submitted to jury... ....... 506 Erroneous rulings as to misjoinder of parties.................45 507 Where no exceptions were taken on the trial .......... +++ -507, 508 Terms imposed on granting the motion............6.6--. cece seen 508 Costs on motion on the minutes... 0.0.0... cece eee ee eee eee eee 508 Rehearing of the Motion. ........ 0.0... cee cece eee e eee eee ee anee -.. 509 Motion that exceptions be heard at General Term .................-.-.- 509 When the motion is authorized................ seduce Gals teaevadees 509, 511, 512 When and where the motion must be made ........... cece eee 510, 511 Decision of the motion...............2. miei ae Saeaseva aghast eee. O11 Entry of the. Orders scc00 asananncecasudeag ey esesseevest abu sa svete 511, 512 Revocation or modification of the order...... ..... ew eWeek eee 509, 512 Outline of proceedings subsequent to the order..... dsiaads4 eae 509, 510 Motion at General Term for a new trial...............666 6 cee eee 512-519 Where exceptions have been ordered heard at General Term......... 512 Where the trial was by the court or referee and interlocutory judg- MENU GIVE CHEM MCU Gy ss 55 cccpensdx oS. a Gg dea ce ootsbvens Goonies ony a Seuunereaoanatateieies 513 Making, serving and settling a case.... 16... cece cece eee eee tenes 514 Obtaining a stay of proceedings.. . cece eee eee eee eee ee 515 Noticing the motion for hearing........... 0. cece cece cee eee eens 516 Papers and points for the court and adverse party........ ace sete eit 516 Note: of iss sooo. uty sans uateord a yee ee ela asa See Paani 517 Practice on the argument... 2.0.0... cee ec cee eee teen een ee en ees 517 Principles governing the decision of the motion............... teas OLT Costs allowed by statulé ccccccccwasseecdaieces sede ves dee sees tawes 518 Proceedings subsequent to decision............... ski A Ree aaeee aT 510 Motion at Special Term for a new trial ........... cc eee e ee eee eens 519-547 When the motion is authorized....... 0.0... cece cee eee eee eens 519 Grounds upon which the motion may be made...-......... se. - 520 Newly discovered evidence, when a ground for new trial......... 524-529 Surprise, when a ground for new trial... ........ 0. cece eee e eens 530-585 Improper interference with the jury is a ground for.... ........... 536 Communications between the court and jury...... Saisie s oe iat 537 Compelling agreement by jury. .......... 0c. cece eee eee setabivetdiseye 588 For disqualifications of a juror... 60.6... eee eee e cence eee ceeee 539 For misconduct of the jury............ .eeeee oe ewes pes Sia ce 540-548 For erroneous charge to the jury....... 0... ccc eee e ee eens WeOROEt 543 For error in receiving or rejecting evidence ......... a tie SR Aeeyeaie 548 For error in granting or refusing 4 nonsuil. ............. te ceeeeee B44 When and at what term the motion must be made...... Bde s.2 aks 519-522 620 Inpex. NEW TRIAL—(Continued): Page The motion papers............cececececececeeecneotnseeeeeees 528, 524 When the motion may be made on affidavits............+000005 523 When the motion must be made on a case... ....2eeeeeeeee 528, 524 Affidavits of jurors not received to impeach their verdict........ 548 Notice of the motion........... 0... cece cece cece eee e eens 524 Terms upon which motion granted for newly discovered evidence.... 529 Costs on motion for new trial..... 0.0... cee ce eee ee eee renee 546, 547 In: ejéctment tics. ccna woue s chien de awncas aa. carck ete eeaties vee camer 544-546 Terms upon which a new trial may be claimed asa right... ... ... 544 Terms upon which second new trial may be granted in.............. 545 But one new trial as a matter of legal right ........ 0... cece eee e eee 545 Where the judgment was not rendered on trial of issue of fact....... 545 When the motion may be made in case of disability............-..66 546 When the statute does not apply ....... 0. . cece cece ee ce ee cece veces 546 Defenses upon new trial in ejectment......... ccc cee ee ee ee eee eee 546 Restitution may be ordered when new trial is granted...............005. 191 NEW YORK, CITY COURT OF: Formerly the Marine Court....... 00.0 cceec cece eee rence eeeeneeee 29, 403 Justices, officers and attendants of the court......... 00. eee cree ance eens 29 Appointment of General Term. ......... 0... cece eee cere ee eee ene eeee 29 Number of justices sitting at General Term.......... 60. e eee e ee eeeeee 29 Concurrence necessary tO a AeCision.......: cece eee e eee e eee eee eee eae 29 Appellate jurisdiction... os eaceicieayere seeds needs weaileegeeceaee¥e 30 Appeals to the General Term from determinations of the same court. 30, 301, 402 Appeal governed by the general provisions as to appcals to a General DOM sy cess vac: ae Sele des be eed eu ea Eee nei aoe wet teen 402 Jurisdiction of the General Term... ........... cose sence ee 302, 305, 311 Time within which the appeal must be taken ..................- 54, 313 Requirements as to contents and filing of note of issue.............. 319 Rule as to filing case and exceptions. .............06 ceeceeeeces 152, 153 Papers upon which the appeal will be heard...... ..........000000 132 Appeal book must be printed............ ESAS ERAN Rae teu, Seer 182 Contents of the appeal DOOK.. 2.2. c ccc ccc cee cc eee eee e eens 182 Service of printed copies of appeal papers............00.. 0 ccc enue 320 Effect of failure to serve printed copies...........0.. cece cues ee eees 325 The General Term calendar......... 2.0.0... cece eee eee e cee e ees 823 Delivery of papers to the clerk on the hearing.............0..e0e0e 330 Time allowed counsel on the argument of the appeal................ 832 (See GENERAL TERM.) Submission of controversy without action.............. cc cece ee ee eee 346-349 Appeal from City Court to Court of Common Pleas................55 402-413 (See Common PEs, Court oF.) Transmission of papers to Common Pleas in appeal from City Court.. 185 Requisites of the return to the Common Pleas..................00008 184 Resettlement of the case by the City Court on appeal.,............. 172 Judgment absolute by Common Pleas on affirmance of order for new trial.......-.. peacgaies paused’ sia ose> cain ade a's in's Gola Reatalchvats 190, 412 Invex. 621 NEW YORK, CITY COURT OF—(Continucd) : Page Judgment of Common Pleas remitted to City Court to be enforced.131, 412, 413 Allowance of an appeal to Court of Appeals ia actions brought in City Court ........... ddd anethes Aaraelbees Suen esa a ataice shad AMIS 208 No appeal to Court of Appeals from judgment of City Court on TOEMUUU a e2 ti 254 sis Apaaa Wee es Gs SER Goa Clay comienste 200 Transmission to Court of Appeals of the judgment, etc. of Common PIAS senior casigew: Sipe sidiawa setae iae sakes eens ead 181, 135 Judgment or order of Court of Appeals remitted to City Court....... 190 Costs on appeal in the City Court....... 0.0... cece cece eect ee ee eee 468, 497 NEXT OF KIN: When entitled to appeal from decree of surrogate... .....-...-.eeeeeeeee 36 Must be substituted before the hearing of the appeal.................006 37 When to be made respondent............2.. ce cece cece cee e een eeeees 40 NONSUIT : Review of errors in granting or denying a nonsuit............ .....0. 185-188 Exception to a nonsuit may be heard in first instance at General Term.... 511 Cannot be reviewed by motion on the minutes fora new trial............ 501 May be reviewed by motion at Special Term for new trial......... ..... 544 NOTE OF ISSUE: Not used on appeal to Court of Appeals. ............ ce eceeec ec ee ee eeee 259 On appeal to General Term. ......... 0. cee cece cece e ee eee eens 317, 319 On appeal to Supreme Court from inferior court................ ... 374, 396 On appeal to the Court of Common Pleas ..................22 cee 409, 460 On appeal to County Court........ 0... ccc cece cence cece ee eeee cee 438 NOTICE : Of entry of judgment to limit time to appeal............. 2.0... e cae 56 Of appeal ...cesc sangyeuineauicnveneiss 62, 245, 314, 368, 384, 406, 420, 456, 464 Of filing undertaking on appeal............ 0.0... cece eee eee eee 99, 253, 425 Of exception to sureties .....-..... 0.2 eee ee eee cece eee 100, 264, 387, 429 Of justification. 6.0.02... .ccceceee ce eeeeeeeee caveeeseneeeeeuees 101, 430 Of allowance of sureties. ...... 0.0... ccc ee eee cece eect eee eenenees 108, 480 Of exception to findings of the court or of a referce........ ........220. 127 Of settlement of a Ca8€ ess. cvsweaa cess oh Coens e eee ed ee be be ead eee -. 149 Of the day upon which a preferred cause will be moved................. 159 Of argument of appeal.......... ,. .259, 270, 317, 319, 375, 396, 409, 488, 459 Of affirmance on default......... 0.66.66 cece ce cece ee eee cena 272, 273 To appellant to file return... .. 0... ..... 6 cece cece ee cee cence eee 409, 457 Of acceptance of offer of judgment. ......... 20... 0. cece eee ee eee 430, 431 Of trial in County Court................085 Wwialsieie'els s'earielems 6 se sone Be 438 Of taxation or retaxation Of COStS....... 0... cee eect cece ee eee ee eeeees 494 NOTICE OF APPEAL : Requisites of the notice. . 6.66: sccseseeee sera ca se ceedseesaceees 62, 245, 384 Need not state the grounds of the appeal....... 0.0.0... cece eee eee eee 62 Must state grounds of an appeal from award of Board of Claims....... 68, 245 Should be signed by attorney of record, or attorney substituted....... 62, 420 622 Inprx NOTICE OF APPEAL—(Continued); Page Signed ‘“ of counsel” irregular.......... Sassen agus RGR etait NREL wa Sate ees 62 From Surrogate’s Court..........ccccececccesceecenseee eeeees ....-68, 384 From a justice’s Court....... 0.0... cece cece cence cere ceeseees 68, 420, 421 Specifying interlocutory judgment or intermediate order...... 62, 64, 245, 406 Stipulation for judgment absolute on appeal from order granting a new TAL a siccec. Aciuairs saa pains Pee Ghee eheuaeen eaare ed een oe 64, 245 Upon whom served...........ccc cee e eee eeeeeee 64, 65, 66, 247, 314, 368, 406 OW SOPVE i6 ocsie-s 2 sista er 2 yee oo Bde oe ee ea 66, 67, 68, 369, 384, 421, 456, 464 Curing defects in the service of the notice..... ........ 65, 116, 254, 372, 388 When the service of the notice perfects the appeal........... faerie 69, 70, 392 Amendment of the notice...........2.0.0 0 ce ce ee ee eee eee 59, 60, 117, 118 Certified copy of, must be returned on appeal. pstieg ae eataxraaasiaite 134, 135, 254 With: whom Dle@ice cave xeeas cg ce pene lvedelseen's saaiag, Mendgueesiene, 247, 248 When service of the notice stays execution. ... 0.0... cece sewer ee eee 251 Service of affidavit showing right of person not a party to appeal........ 384 OPINION: Of the court below, a part of the papers on appeal.............-- 129, 131-134 Not referred to by Court of Appeals to, ascertain ground of reversal. .278, 281 ORDER : When reviewable only by appeal.........c..ecce eee e eee eee eee eee 3, 4 Order made by one judge cannot be reviewed on motion by another...... 4 Ex parte orders not appealable. ...... 2... eee eee cece cet ete ence eeeeees 8 Review or orders made out of court upon notice...............00 eee ee 8 Made upon default not appealable........ 0. cee cece eee cee eee een eee 9 Relief from order void for want of jurisdiction or for frand.......... 11, 12 Waiver of right to appeal from.... 2... c cece cece eee e rene ee ee eee 19-22 In supplementary proceedings, how reviewed... .......eseeeeee coeeee 8 Right of a person not a party to appeal from................eeee eee eee 34 When person not a party must be made respondent..................265 39 To bring in or substitute parties. ..... 0 62... eee cee cece eee teen ee 41 Dismissing appeal for failure to procure substitution ................... 42 Directing the entry of judgment by adverse party......... Sieeevsvaky vse 43 Compelling the entry of an order...... 1... cece eee cece ee ee cence eens 44 When appeal should be taken from an order only........... see eeeeeee 48 When appeal should be from both judgment and order...............- 49 Mode of reviewing orders in special proceedings...........-. 0... cece eee 51 ‘Time within which an appeal must be taken from an order............. 53-62 When security is required to perfect an appeal from .... .......... e000 68 When security not required to perfcct appeal from.................2008. 69 To stay execution on appeal ...... ccc cece ee cece ee ne neces 82, 85, 425, 426 Dispensing with, or limiting security on appeal.............+...-. 91-93, 253 Discharging levy upon personal property .......... Oe re eee 106 Suspending lien of a judgment..........ssseee seen eee e ree cene cere eeen 107 Requiring appellant to file new undertaking,.......-.....eeeseeee eens 110 Extending time to make a case... 1... cee cece cece cece eect et eee eee e ees 140 Preferring a cause on the calendar. ......... cece eee ee eee tees enees 159, 160 Amendment of orders on appeal. ...... 00... cece cece e ee cone eee ee eeee 170 On decision of appeal ..... cece ect cece ee teen ceneeeeees Risla:nie s winatay 189 InpEx. pot, “by, 623 ORDER—(Continued) : Page Intermediate order reviewable on appeal from final judgment...... eee’ 211 Jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals ou appeal from orders.............. 214 Orders which affect a substantial right... 0.0.0... ce. ec eee cece eneee 215 Orders which do not affect a substantial right..............00.0-00e 220 Discretionary orders not reviewable. ..........ceceeeeeesee ees eees 221 Determining action and preventing final judgment................., 2382 Granting or refusing a new trial. ......... 0 ccc eee cece cece cece eee 233 Striking out a pleading or part of a pleading.................2..+-+ 235 Deciding an interlocutory application or practice question..... ... » 236 Determining constitutionality of a statute........... see e cere eeeeee 236 Made on summary application after judgment.............eeseeeee 237 Final orders in special proceedings. .............ces eee eee ee eeceees 237 Made conclusive and non-appealable by statute............e.eees eee 239 Allowing an appeal to the Court of Appeals........ cece eee ee renee 241 Vacating order dismissing appeal...........02 ceceeee eee eee nee e ees 262-264 Dismissing appeal for failure to file return............ cece cece eee eee 266 Dismissing appeal for failure to serve case....... Kgiae'e toy vgseera Wiel Few Base 267 Jurisdiction of General Term on appeal from orders........ .......-..- 304 Discretionary ordersics eis «6's vos oh esiee eaeravlbesaenneewes eeate dyes ee 306 Granting, refusing, continuing or vacating provisional remedy....... 307 Granting or refusing a new trial.. ...... ee ea 308 Involving the Merits.< 66 ccsac ceca wwnadseermed cg s Faces eee wees 308 Affecting a substantial right... 0.0... .. cc ccc ccc cece ee eee eee eees 310 Determining action and preventing judgment.................0000. 310 Determining the unconstitutionality of a statute.............00ee eee 310 Made on summary application after judgment..................008- 311 Made: Olt Of COUP: “acacia Siatsveusiaieua 76 From judgment for deficiency in foreclosure...........--e.eeee 76, 78 From judgment requiring payment in the alternative............... 76 From judgment requiring payment out of a fund in court........... 76 From judgment for assignment or delivery of a document or per- SONA PLOPETbY siiakiss.os Saw wit eae eee tie e wena eae mnemenelus 7 From judgment for recovery of a chattel..........6. ceeeeeeeeeeee 17 From judgment for payment of money in hands of receiver......... 7 From judgment or order directing execution of an instrument...... 17 From judgment directing conveyance of lands to a receiver......... 7 From judgment entitling respondent to possession of lands ... ..... 78 From judgment or order directing sale or delivery of possession of TANS ccicgeu een uiegainoste paises eee Sule Geo wie sae atrig le waste wa 78 From judgment for forclosure and sale of real property mortgaged. . 76, 78, 79 From judgment restraining further use of real property ............ 78 From judgment for specific performance of contract for sale of lands. 79 From orders made in special proceedings. .............0 eee ee ee ee 85-88 When an order is necessary to stay execution pending the appeal.79, 80 Proceedings to obtain an order for a stay pending the appeal..... 79. 80 When the execution is stayed by the service of the notice of appeal.91, 251 Nature of the security required to stay execution..............e ease 251 Form and contents of an undertaking given to stay execution....... 252 Filing the undertaking and serving a case............. eee ee eee 98, 253 Obtaining an order limiting or dispensing with security............ 253 Curing defects in proceedings to stay execution................ 116, 254 Effect of a perfected appeal and stay of execution thereon........... 104 Where the appeal is from a judgment restraining the appellant.. 105 Continuance of: the stay. scss asa an oseieons sc oraeesawa seen 106 Discharge of levy upon personal property..............0005 106, 107 Exception to suretics and justification and allowance of sureties..... 100 On appeal to the Supreme Court from an inferior court ............. 80, 369 On appeal from a judgment... .... 0... ccc cece cece cence ene e eens 80 On appeal from an Order... ... cece cece eee cere neat eee eeeees 81, 370 Limiting or dispensing with security... 00... ccc cee e cence ee eeeees 371 Curing defects in proceedings to obtain a Stay... .ccceceecceee eee 372 Inpex. 681 STAY OF EXECUTION—(Continued): Page On appeal to the General Term of the same court....... .....eeeeee 81, 314 By giving:an undertaking. 5 ou. sccwcencaessac teed eee sense ewinn a1 By obtaining an order for a stay........ cece eee ee ee eee e nee wee 82 Motion for an order staying execution pending the appeal........ 82, 84 On appeals from orders under the General Banking Act............. 84 On appeals from orders made in special proceedings. .............6- 85 On appeal to the Supreme Court from a Surrogate’s Court.............. 388 Of decree for payment, etc., of money or delivery of property...... 688 Of order granting leave to issue execution. ..... . 6. cece weer eee eee 389 Of decree or order directing commitment.............. 00. esse eens 390 When an appeal does not operate as a stay... 26... eee eee eee ee ee 391 When a perfected appeal effects a stay........ giants eeu woee is ebe'ad 392 Curing defects in proceedings to obtain a stay............ ee eee 116, 393 Motion by respondent for increase of security.................0005- 893 Waiver'of security: scsneccwsece spss ce eee os 545 80 2 owe mnie een, . 89 Deposit in lieu of undertaking ............. eee eee eee ee eens 89, 90 Requisites of an undertaking to stay execution of a decree... .97, 388-890 Filing the undertaking. ........ 0.0.0. cece cece eee reece es 98, 99 Compelling the execution of a new undertaking............ 110, 112, 392 On appeal to the Common Pleas from the City Court of New York...... 407 On appeal to the Common Pleas from a District Court of New York..... 456 On appeal to the County Court......... 0. ccc ee cece cece ee eee tence eeens 428 Pron AGU SMe be asa ys igre. cas sh neefas oi ela Sh tieddcaig oda or ek epee ye wisi gre ears 423 Form and contents of the undertaking. ............0. ee eevee 72, 98, 423 Approval of the undertaking. ...............66. ise wwe ewueee oF 96, 424 Service and filing of the undertaking............. 0... cece eee eee 425 On appeal from an order in summary proceedings. ............. 425, 426 On appeal from an order in proceedings against estrays............. 426 Exception to sureties and justification of sureties...............6.- 429 Allowance of surcties and notice thereof............. 0.0. cece eee 430 On appeal from the City Court of Yonkers. .......... 0... eee e cence ees 465 STAY OF PROCEEDINGS : On appeal pending motion for resettlement of the case.................- 172 Objection on appeal that proceedings are stayed for non-payment of costs. 331 On motion at General Term for a new trial......... 2.0. c eee eee eee eee 515 STIPULATION : Waiver by stipulation of right to appeal.................000% 514 aansiauele 18 Power of the court to set aside stipulations and orders thereon.......... 224 Setting a cause down for a day certain. ........ ec ee eee cee 261 SUBMISSION OF A CONTROVERSY : Who may submit a controversy... ... 66.66 cee eee ee ee eee ence eee 346, 347 What controversies may be submitted. ......... 20... 200k cee eee eee eee 347 Case containing statement of the facts........... 0.000. e cece eee ee 346, 348 Affidavit to accompany the case... ...... eee eee eee eee eee eee eens 346, 849 Submission must be acknowledged or proved, and certified............. 346 Where filed, and effect of the filing. ...... 0... ccc cece cece eee e cere eens 346 ‘Arrest, injunction or attachment cannot be granted.............0sseeeee 346 Printing papers and bringing on the hearing....... ....cseeeveeeveees . 34s 632 * Typex. SUBMISSION OF A CONTROVERSY—(Continued): Page Must be tried upon the case at Gencral Term.... ....seeceeeeeee ieterainis 346 What questions will be considered.............cceeeceeeseeceeeueeeneee 348 Dismissal of submission for defects in the Case........cecceeeeeeeee cere 347 Judgment, and judgment roll......... ccc. cece eens ee eeee eset ee eeeee ces 346 COStS ieahiattrireere acta: os weadaluis crabs Suda pie oaweio exe wcae dear detkwre owe swale 846 SUBSTITUTION : Of stranger to the record in place of a party..........0.+ec00 seeeeee 35, 41 Of heir, devisee, executor or administrator of deceased party ......... 37, 41 Proceedings to substitute or bring in parties on appeal..............- 41, 395 Remedy for failure to procure substitution. .........eccceceeseeneeereee 42 SUMMARY PROCEEDINGS : Appeal from orders in, how taken...........ccceeececeeeseeceeaeces 52, 417 New trial in County Court not authorized............ccce cece e cece eee . 58 Time within which appeal must be taken.... .........-008 ceeneeeeees 56 Security to stay execution of Warrant........ccsececueeeececneesceece 88, 425 Restitution upon reversal... ..... 0... eee e es cece eee eeeeet et eeesecntenes 193 SUPERIOR CITY COURTS: What courts are included in that term.............cccceceseeceereeence 28 Judges, officers and attendants Of.......... ccc ees ece eee e cee een eeees 28 Appointment of General Terms..............05 ce cee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 28 General Term must be held by at least two judges.............ce eee eee 28 Concurrence necessary to a decision.......... 0 ce cece eee eect cence eeece 28 Appellate jurisdiction of........... vaieuiacspuniaia oyacehenesdl Stem fteuotedetdiais uaa ac 28, 29 Appeal to the General Term from judgment or order of the same court. 301-360 (See GENERAL TERM.) Appeal to the Common Pleas from City Court of New York.......... 402-413 (See Common PLEAs.) Appeal to Common Pleas from District Court................0..0 eee 455-462 (See Common PLEAs.) Appeal from the Municipal Court of Buffalo to Superior Court of Buffalo 29, 414 (See County Courts.) Appeal to Court of Appeals from determinations of.................. 196-301 (See Court oF APPEALS.) - SUPERIOR COURT OF BUFFALO : Judges, officers and attendants of the court.......... 28 Appointment of General Terms. ......... 06.00 cee ec cece cece erence ens 28 Number of judges sitting at General Term. ......... ccc cece cee eee ee eeee 28 Concurrence necessary to & Gecision......... 6. eee cece eect ee ee ee eees 28° Appellate jurisdiction of the COUrt......... cece cece cece eee tee e teen es 28, 29 Review of judgments of the Municipal Court of Buffalo.............. 29, 414 Person not a party cannot appeal from judgment of Municipal Court, 35 Time within which the appeal must be taken............... 0. ccc eee 55 Payment of costs of action and fee for return.............. cece ee 72, 422 Appeal to the General Term from the judgment or order of the same court 301-360 (See GENERAL TERM.) InnrEx. 633 SUPERIOR COURT OF BUFFALO—(Continued): Page Requisites of notes of issue for the General Term ..............005. 318 Calendar of the General Term...........cccee cee ece cence esesences 323 Delivery of copy of appeal papers to clerk for law library........... 330 Submission of controversy without action. ......... ccc. cece eee eae 346-349 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. (See GruneraL TERM.) Judges, officers and attendants of the Superior Court................005 28 Appointment of General Terms......... 0.0 cee cece cece eee e ence eeaenes 28 General Term must be held by at least two judges..........c sce e eee wees 28 Two judges must concur in a decision. .........ccsc cece een cence enone 28 Appellate jurisdiction of the General Term of......... ....... 28, 29, 301-313 Time within which an appeal must be taken to........... 00... ceeees 54, 318 Rule as to filing case or exceptions,......... 6. cece eee eee cece eee 152, 153 Rule as to points on an appeal based upon errors of fact............. 154, 316 Requisites of notes of isSU€ 1... 6. cece cece eee eee eee e etree tee eens 3818 Time Of ANDE NOG OF ISSUE. occ eccnaonanee Gargiretalocsioaie GeameEds 319 Effect of failure to comply with requirements as to note of issue......... 325 Rule as to filing printed copies of case, papers and points...... ..... 321, 330 Order of causes on the calendar........... ccc cece e cece eee ee eneees 822, 323 Appeals from orders placed on a special calendar................-. eee 323 Call of the: general calendars: scccsewcwesasrraos anew usmeraeseaww aes 327 Sctting down or reserving CaUSCS...... 66... cece cece ee eee eect neees 823 Papers for the Superior Court reporter... ........ cece cece cece cere eens 329 Pa persPor thes elenk i ovscc teanacessnieieieveiawe La aera lemeacaarecaouebonn guaaleenamains 329 Default may be taken on the hearing of appeals from orders........ ... 330 Proceedings where the appellant fails to serve the case, &.............. 831 Motion for reargument must be submitted on the papers................ 360 General practice on an appeal to the General Term of the court..... ..301-860 (See GENERAL TERM.) Submission of a controversy without action............ 0... cece eee 346-349 Appeals from the Superior Court to the Court of Appeals............ 196-300 (See Court or APPEALS.) SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEEDINGS : Who may eppeal from order made in... ... cece cece eee cece eee 382 OTAEP IT, HOW TEVICWER: a5, ccc rneaieiecwie eis vince wo te watee @ieasendrerg parenaeeaeienonstaca 8 Time within which appeal must be taken... 20.1... 0. .e cece cece enone 56 (See SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS.) SUPREME COURT. (See GeneRraL TERM.) Organization of the General Terms..... . 26... cece cece cence eee eeee 24 Judicial departments of the state 2... ccc e eee cence eee renee 24, 25 GET CTA VOM FUSECES) ss. ameivave onsiarsraved ania trie aaviohesedeieeta seats weaeraatacdmnanveege 25 Officers and attendants of the General Term.............. 0c. cece cee eee 25 JAPpOINtMentiOM terms: