Pm 593 fai DATE DUE GAYLORD oT" University Library PM 283.C21 ibn GEOLOGICAL AND Saale OF CANADA | ALFRED R. C. SELWYN, F.BS., F.G.S., Drrazcror. ~~ VOCABULARIES INDIAN TRIBES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. WITH A MAP ILLUSTRATING DISTRIBUTION. ina BY W. FRASER TOLMIE, Licentiate OF THe Facuiry or Paysictans np SuRGEONS, GLASGOW. , AND os ee GEORGE M*#DAWSON, D.S., A.R.S.M., F.G.S., Etc. MONTREAL: DAWSON BROTHERS. 1884, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA, It is requested that publications received from this Department be acknow- ledged by returning the attached form, duly signed and dated. Failure to acknowledge the receipt of publications will be looked upon as an indication that they are not desired. Exchanges, for the Library of the Department are respectfully solicited, The Librarian, Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada. GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. ALFRED R. C. SELWYN, F.RS., F.G.8., Dirzoror. COMPARATIVE VOCABULARIES OF THER é INDIAN TRIBHS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, WITH A MAP ILLUSTRATING DISTRIBUTION, BY W. FRASER TOLMIE, LicENTIATE OF THE Facutry OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, GLASGOW. AND GEORGE M. DAWSON, DS, AS.R.M., F.GS8., &c. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF PARLIAMENT. Montreal ; DAWSON BROTHERS. 1884. + 39S A.zi4 io To Atrrep R. C. Setwyn, Ese., LL.D, F.BS., Director Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada. Si1r,—The functions of the Survey having lately been enlarged so as to render it appropriate to include Hthnological work in its publica tions, I beg to present herewith a series of short comparative vocabu- laries, embracing the various languages spoken by the Indian tribes of British Columbia, togetber with a map illustrating their distribution. The work, of which this is the result, was originaliy begun by Dr. W.F. Tolmie and myself, in 1875, as a private investigation, but we are happy to avail ourselves of your kind permission in regard to its publication. Dr. Tolmie’s long connection with the west coast, and constant intercourse with the Indian tribes, while an officer of the Hudsgon’s Bay Company and subsequently, give special value to the results of his investigations in linguistic matters. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, GEORGE M. DAWSON PRE FACE. The vocabularies of Indian languages of British Columbia here printed, were, for the most part, collected by Dr. W. F. Tolmie and the writer in Victoria during the winter of 1875-76. The result aimed at was to obtain a short series of the principal words of all the languages and dialects spoken in the province on a uniform system. As being the only available basis known to us at the time, the list of words given by Mr. Gibbs in his Instructions for Research Relative to the Ethnology and Philology of America, was adopted, and has been maintained as a basis of arrangement throughout, though experience has shown that in respect to choice and arrangement of words, it is susceptible of some improve- ment. The orthography, also decided upon by us at that time, is not quite the same as that adopted by Gibbs. Had Major Powell’s Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages then been printed, we would in all probability have closely followed his improved alphabet, though it is much to be desired, if practicable, that by some natural phonetic system like that advocated by Mr. A. Melville Bell, the representa- tion of the sounds of Indian languages should be removed altogether from the tangle of diverse values and meanings which has grown about the Roman characters. As above stated, Dr. Tolmie and the writer worked conjointly in the collection of these vocabularies in the first instance. Subse- quently, being unable to continue the work together, Dr. Tolmie proceeding on the same plan, added several vocabularies, and the writer, while chiefly occupied with geological work, has been able to add a few more, the latest being that of the Koote-nuha or Koo- tanie Indians, which, till the past summer (1883) had remained unrepresented in our list. In connection with each vocabulary, the authority (whether Dr. Tolmie, myself, or both conjointly) is stated, merely with the view of assisting in the elimination of any constant personal error, should such be found. As an exception to the general 6B BRITISH COLUMBIA. method above alluded to, the Tshilkotin and Blackwater dialects of Tinne must be mentioned. These are represented by vocabularies taken down by myself during the summer of 1875 before consultation with Dr. Tolmie, and I have exercised my discretion in transliteration to the extent needed to bring them into line with the others. In taking down the Indian words the rule has been in each case to repeat them till pronounced to the satisfaction of our instructor. All the vocabularies here printed appear for the first time, with the exception of the Masset and Skidegate dialects of Haida, which were printed in my report on the Queen Charlotte Islands, (Report of Pro- gress, Geological Survey of Canada, 1878-79). These were taken down according to the list of words given in Major Powell’s publication above , referred to, and are here reprinted at length in the same order. In these the Greek y having been used for the guttural, and having appeared in the former publication, is retained. In this point only their orthography differs from that of the other vocabularies. The Koote-nuha language was also obtained with reference to Major Powell’s standard English vocabulary, and is therefore printed together with and in the same order as the above Haida dialects. Sueh of the words as are common to the vocabularies of these two Haida dialects and the Koote-nuha, and those of Gibb’s list, are, however, repeated in connection with the vocabularies which follow his order, to facilitate comparison. It will be observed, in many cases where what are evidently the same root-words appear variously compounded in a given dialect, that they are not always represented by quite the same combination of characters. In ignorance of the grammatical rules and intimate pecu- liarities of the various tongues, it has been considered best to give such words exactly as taken down rather than to attempt to reduce them to a common spelling, except in cases where the reason for such change is perfectly obvious. Varied pronunciations of the same root- words are found even in the most definite written languages, and there is every reason to believe that such occur to a still greater extent in tongues unfixed by any reference to a written standard. It may also be remarked that in many cases the article appears affixed to the word, but when the two were given together they have been so written down. It is by no means intended to claim absolute accuracy for the voca- bularies, as without complete personal familiarity with the various languages such is not practicable. We have endeavoured, however, to make the lists given as correct as possible, and offer the result asa small, but, it is hoped, substantial contribution to the comparative study of the languages of the west coast. Dr. Tolmie has been almost con- tinuously since 1833, resident in British Columbia, for much of this time DAWSON AND TOLMIE. | INDIAN VOCABULARIES. 7B connected with the Hudson’s Bay Company, and throughout in con- stant communication with the Indians of all the tribes. Without his critical co-operation it would have been impossible, in many instances, to obtain such an approximation to accuracy as has been reached. In some of the vocabularies collected by myself, the letter r occurs. Though aware, at the time of taking down the words, of the fact that. this letter is generally foreign to the genius of these languages, I could not, in a few instances, otherwise express the desired sound. It was originally intended to publish the vocabularies together with a descriptive account of the various tribes, but in view of the time required for the preparation of the latter in a satisfactory form, it has been decided to issue them in advance. In the appendices Dr. Tolmie has, however, given such linguistic comparisons as he has been able to make up to the present time, and for these he is individually respon- sible. The map accompanying this publication embaces a large amount of information respecting the distribution of the various tribes, covering an area west of the Rocky Mountains of about 200,000 square miles, and filling what has remained as a gap between Mr. W. H. Dall’s eth- nological maps of Alaska and Washington Territory. It brings out in a most striking way the singular linguistic diversity which obtains along the coast line of this part of America, a fact for which it is indeed difficult to offer a reasonable explanation, knowing as we do how essen- tially maritime the coast tribes are in their habits, and how skilled and fearless they are in the management of their excellent canoes. The anomaly appears still greater when we contrast the several clearly defined colonies of the coast with the wide sweep of the languages of the interior of the province, where from the generally rugged and often densely wooded character of the country, and turbulent nature of the rivers, intercommunication must have been by comparison extremely difficult. . GEORGE M. DAWSON. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. In the following vocabularies are presented about 211 words of one or more dialects of every Indian language spoken on the Pacific slope from the Columbia River north to the Tshilkat River, and beyond, in Alaska; and from the outermost sea-board to the main continental divide in the Rocky Mountains. The English words used have been recommended by the late George Gibbs, as having been already translated into many Indian languages by Albert Gallatin, one of America’s earliest philologists. The vocabularies having been got together by the joint endeavours of Dr. G. M. Dawson and myself may be named the Dawson-Tolmie Vocabularies. The alphabet fixed on by us with much care in 1876, closely follows that recommended by Gibbs in his Instructions for Research Relative to Ethnology and Philology of America. Since then (1880) changes have been made in the alphabet last issued from the Bureau of Ethnology, Smithonian Institute, Washington. A copy of this issue having been kindly furnished me by Major J. W. Powell, his recommendations have, wherever practicable, been followed; unifor- mity being desirable above all things, save correctness. In this connexion I must explain, that when the vocabularies were commenced the consonant-combinations ch and gh were employed to denote the guttural sound found in the Scoto-English word loch. Later, on ascertaining that the Greek character y had at the Smithsonian, been adopted for this guttural sound, we used it to some extent. Now (18th March, 1883) when about closing my share of the work,I have thoughtfully reperused the remarks on alphabets for Indian languages in Powell’s introduction to their study, (second edition, 1880.) I am fully satisfied of the importance of Powell’s ‘four fundamental rules, and in particular, that “the Roman alphabet must be used without additions,” and “for sounds in the Indian tongues the same or analogous to the sounds for which they are used in English and other civilized languages.” With nearly fifty years experience of occasional voca- 10 B BRITISH COLUMBIA. bularising I would respectfully suggest that all possible use of English should be availed of in representation of sounds, ere illustrations from foreign languages are resorted to. Much aid may yet be obtained in linguistics from Indian sub-agents and teachers, but not many of this class are acquainted with the languages of continental Hurope. While suggesting, I will venture to add that transliteration may greatly mis- lead, unless performed by one practically versed—by intercourse with the speakers of the dialect or language he may be dealing with—in the sounds of that tongue. In conformity with Major Powell’s fundamen- tals, I will, in what I have yet to write, use simple A as the guttural. ALPHABET. Vowels. @ aS in English......cccccccseeeeeeee sense en eee eeeees fat. a “ HE ~ Lyesgateanie sieges shiv geamana eesti? father. gs Fe cabana diadanut tone aaraian weal San semen met — = SY! .Satutbnmiegneaoabeasendssasacene ay they, ie, sine ate pin a Oe PO* adalah antnirameaca ais aatuanrens nie marine. Oo AE HF aseltanea aad akine ede ge sine nese nein’ pot. 6 “ “cb ji sasswicdiesei in@sunneebueaucarecn go, show. “u % EG! Wadsdhberd dulsiauan Ueideornen seeees - nut, but. cc ce Rs y ie eaenno ios why, year. a Ri _saaiaa Tawa aweeeoe Saw AaEROES aisle. enn . : vein oo ae vem weaNT aes errsisiel uals pool, fool. eu “© French's. cssseneecsceace peu (seldom used). ow © “Wnp lishiss assessor vesareexecsnacesene nies now. The distinction of long and short vowels (following Gibbs) is noted as far as possible, by the division into syllables, joining a following con- sonant to a short vowel, and leaving the vowel open if long. Where this is insufficient, or where greater distinctness is desirable, a horizontal mark above indicates a long, a curved mark a short vowel thus: 4, @, &c. Notes on consonants.—In Niskwalli is interchangable with m. Gibbs used b often when I thought m more suitable. C, not used, & replacing it for the hard, and s for the soft sound. D and t, have often in Indian languages a thicker sound than in English, to be made by slightly press- ing the tongue on the front teeth. This sound may be represented by dh. G,as in get, English. H, beginning a word, as in hat, English, in the middle of a word h is generally guttural, at the end of a word strongly so. J, ax in judge, English. K, 1, m,n, p, asin English. Q, dis- DAWSON AND TOLMIE. | INDIAN VOCABULARIES. ll B carded, the sound gu being represented by kw. Tas in English. W, as in English, except in the generally terminal syllable often recurring in the Selish family of languages, miwh, wherein w as double u, helps to the pronounciation of a word whichin ordinary English spelling would be meeooch, quickly said, the oo particularly short. ZA, much as in Ul, Spanish, or in tilh, Gaelic. Sh, as in sham, wish, English. Tsh, as in charming, English. Explosive or klicking sounds represented by the letters &, t, etc., in combination with an apostrophe (thus ’%, ’t) are of not infrequent occurrence in some dialects. An acute accent (’) at the end of a syllable indicates its accentuated character, when this is very distinct. In some cases certain syllables are run very hurriedly over and almost whispered, and though really forming a part of the word, might easily be omitted by a careless observer. Where this has been noted it is indicated by smaller type, thus: Hldene. Appendices I. and II. contain comparisons of words in these voca- bularies. Appendix III. compares words in these with Indian words in already printed vocabularies, to which exact reference is given. As far as I have observed, the letters f, r and v do not occur in the Pacific slope Indian dialects, here partially vocabularised. Nor, after pretty careful search, has f been found by me in the Indian tongues ‘of California, printed in Vol. III. of the Smithsonian Institute’s “ Contributions to North American Ethnology.” The tendency of collectors when puzzled by guttural or clicking sounds, to repre- sent them by the letter 7, I have often noticed in print and other- wise. The letter f, is distinctly noticeable in the Kalapooya language spoken in various dialects by the tribes once roaming over the whole Walamet Valley, except at Thlakeimas and Thlowiwalla, the latter now the site of Oregon City, where the Tshinook language had posses- sion fifty years ago, and later. Algo on the Mooleilis River near by, a small tribe of that name ranged, said to have linguistic and other affinity with the Klamath or Thlamalh of the south, who with trading and horse racing objects in view used to visit them occasionally. The affinity of the Selish proper with several languages and dialects of Indians living further west, even to the sea coast, was first noticed early in the century, by a few officers of the Hudson’s Bay Company, and published by Horatio Hale, ethnologist in 1841-2 to Wilkes’ Expedition. More or less distinct, this resemblance is observable throughout, from the Tshinook northward to where the Kamloops dialect of Selish, in the interior, meets a Tinne language ; and to where on the coast the Kwakiool tongue gives place, as shown on the coloured 12 B BRITISH COLUMBIA. map, to the Tshimsian. The two other languages spoken on Van- couver Island, Aht and Kawitshin, have also some resemblance to the Selish. In Appendix III, under the heading of “ water,” will be found words in several dialects, hitherto supposed to be of purely Selish connection, which in this one instance have a resemblance to words with the same signification in several Tinne languages. The affiliation of Tshimsian with certain words of several dialects of the far-spreading Tinne or Athapasco-Apache of Lewis M. Morgan, is first shown in the vocabularies and comparisons now submitted to the public. By the printing of these, further comparisons will be greatly aided. The Thlinket language of Alaska so far shows slight, and the Haida of Queen Charlotte Islands still slighter relationship with the Tinne, although larger vocabularies and more extended comparisons may indicate closer affinity. In my journal of 1839 is noted my transmission to Dr. Scouler of the Andersonian University, Glasgow, of seventeen Indian vocabularies, namely, “ Haeltzuk, Billichoola, Chimmesyan, Haida, Tunghaash, Klikatat, Shahaptan or Nez Percée, Okanagon, Kawitchin, Nooscla- lom, Nusqually, Claoquatoch, Chenook, Cathlasco, Kalapooiah, Yam- kalli, Umpqua.” In 1828, as surgeon and naturalist on a well-manned vessel of the Hudson’s Bay Company, Dr. Scouler had visited several parts of the north-west coast. Since the first year in which the late George Gibbs first visited the Pacific slope (I think 1849) I have, be- sides otherwise aiding in his researches, transmitted to him many vocabularies, some of which have been printed. The vocabularies printed herewith, on account of the care exercised in their collection and orthograpy, are to be considered as superceding those formerly prepared by me. W. FRASER TOLMIE Licentiate of 1832, Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow. 14 Dor wlre oOo om -T B BRITISH COLUMBIA. THLINKIT. TSHIMSIAN. ENGuisu. SkuTKWAN S=PT. Kitunro Sxpr. Tolmie and Dawson. Tolmie and Dawson. MON wis sinseve oncese ee RN Aiea seaesack sesdeavaretss WAI-O0b.. ccs e eee ce eeeeeee Woman J ghd-wut .......6eee ee | bun-nah srpiniaanans BOUYiss sssesoneen dy ncasies Kka-kutz-Ko......: eee eveee til-koolh- im-yoot | Prone GOEL sec vec ane cnctsnine | ancerxane anaes see ee ene aeee ee til-koolh-im-un-nah ... Infant ... . | to-KWUNE-€ «0... eee eee HASOOL Ns siete sew Seesgroes mm father (said by Leeson une ub-ish ......s.seeeeeeeeeee | neUO-n0og-Wadh ....... My | father (said by daughter) .......+. TAS.) contents cant eave’ BDO! ois vasearnacesvcpaanans My mother (said by SOM). caicine srarenasen Uh-kl a... swermersessess TYAWEUS cans cvussnceneaneins My mother (said by : daughter) .......+. Gaia ws yeicrveveasicneeie’ NAIVOO: nica teaeeaerener? My husband... ...... WhOON! savatags, somndrers FUXEBOO ase st cisiesrreees My wife....ccceccceees Ub-Shit ....0.cecceerer ener HUS2800 sexes cacsrerens My son (said by fa- ChE?) save vaexncennties Wh-hi-ghutti 0... cee [eee eeee eens eeee et eee eee es My son (said by mo- CHOP) os com gansente ve ub-hi-ghutti ...ccccc cee | eee sees cece ee eens ee eeee My daughter (said by father)... shd-wut-ub-@hutti....... |. ceeeeeeeseeeee ene cen eeeees My daughter (said by mother) ......+ sha-wut-uh-Ghutti ...... | cscceeee cerseeeee eee eeeees My elder brother....|uh-hoon-ooh .........++++ shi-li-kit-tim-win-’go .. My younger brother. |\ub-kik .....-...065-.s00ee tsoo - wan-kit-tim -win- UGG) aiderenasananaes [tio My elder sister ...... shoo-ko-uh-tlak.......... shi-li-kit-tim-thlim-ah - My younger sister... | kilk-a-uh-tlak ............ | tsoo’-wan-kit-thlim-ah- OO aussie eravniactaes An Indian........0005 Chit Kt esd ea senteas tshim-si-an...........060 People o.cesccsseceeee ub-shuh, see .csvese ans Jets asspuvae wena eeoedin LOG sisttics winacasesiev tse SNUS-A-WO .ecesee cece cease tumk-oOws. ......6 - eee ait aaceisaxnnsessinee wh-e-yuh oo... seeeeee ee eeu Siisias siser denctasc ass « ACC eecceasrpomeaesien UbKaly sasveweande sere tsalé-gedit ...........66 Forehead ........:000 ka-kook ...........see0e . | Wwoa- puh Iatsagra aeleacasice TG os ssasissin societs seta WAAMA rests cincistets ee seeti C8106 big wanes adereen ace YO sc cringe niseg asses Wn Sisusdriseiiee estes sgn se WUE] sccesedind moracncs NOSE sists ca osm dota KG REO ccs vicnewrents saaigaegrne TOUT sc aignacnendeaenieday Mouth vocccccccccces ka-thloot.. GIN: vost mauccmbiscebapeetern TOnque ....6e ceveeeees Ka-uh or ka-ooh ....... TSOOAWIA. wa.coety nes ceases 2 TCCGN: crreiss seen anionee Kka-ka-tat-sai ..........5 Was ngs askaetirise beanie Beard sarsasrise stietstie |x See wan ie onwaiae aban snes TMH. sects iene capo eet NOCH iwexexgenantieutinns ka-hle-tikt’ .........00068 tum-linl... ....cesesesevess APM: sesvesnasvecatasios Kea-tahin .s..-.-..cesenie.. UDSON! pe verccevinaereneines | ONG sos se versiiewnmwens Uhstlenle, sesame aseaancssann lah-snain | DAWSON AND Toumie. | INDIAN VOCABULARIES. 15 TSHIMSIAN. Hara. Hara. Kivgtia Sept. KaiGani Supt. Massur Drarxcr. Tolmie and Dawson. Tolmie and Dawson. Dawson, 1 youth ......ceeeeeeee es i-thlung-a oo... eee 2 un-mndh ........e eee eee JAC A cis ce cddaviese sacs taeees 3 ’kl-wam-ilk ........... itl-na-huit-soo ..........6 ha-tlel-a 4 tshus-kim-un-nah .. | jé-da-hut-so ........0..0.. ya-da-hit-zoo 5 kl-ku-am-ilk .......... kit-huttso...... .......... | 2a-4-tz00-tz00 6 nenio-noog-wadh .. | té-hung ...........e haung T DDO ssmseeresene s vaeoas te-hung oo... cease hah-ta 8 NOW-US ....ceseeeseeee LO-OW-Bise> seeedeeseesienes oway 9 MAI-VOO ....ceeseeeeee TO-OW-B. cece eeeeecceeeeneee oway 10 nux-s00 .............. Pestlal hl wvscsa seeed encase. 11 nux-800 ...... eee TOMB HE siaccnoasgasecatnesions YD: is dccaciaie! Gum iauees Ci-KItiaiesage vaeeunene oad keet 13 sian CE Kit s.0s cepcassaeesineroes kin UA agconen Seeman onda eae Gadeee Bieketan joan 127 hum-kia ............ as assssiseescns veges ha-um 128 ma........ os [SHUN | MG......cees cceeese ee sene es ma 129 dso-wun or hai-|dso-wun or hai-shun...|dso-wun or hai-shun 32 B BRITISH COLUMBIA. Harpa. Haipa. ENGLISH. SxrppeaTp DIALEct. Kumsutwa Draxecr. 130 Sturgeon.c.ccccccrree | cecceeee citeeeeeeeceeeeeeee [ine porte eete eee aeenen ceenes TVET INGE: secaccasioss swaina:| Peete wemosemearauis FUT cseaned gam racietinr T3O. WCHILE «ccwarias eons, | Resdin seeets days damage hatiseie FEARS assistance. ussciianw aide 133: Bld ..ccncics asnees hai-da-mas-a eit icnnecona ont sadewes 1S4 ROG wccaccessveccweaas INGEN. dardsketanwcoamaswens BUSES wise sjaiainsins aoa danine 135 Light blue. ..ccccccc | ceeee ceeteee eee cnneeee eens KAWOITSIA: vaccoeeeccoeaee 136 Yellow ............./ kun-tlulh .........c..e RGHSCID sccaseancnasnnes ABST LAONEQHECN sic sissisd | sutorenedcariiuneacady tendon SITI-MOMWVS diaminctncninsaatacc 138 Great, large ....... a SOOMIM: sist sete soesieameindiv ine 139° SiHAUE WHE wicnec ee | nan ane ote Bee cree sien on eenee ANTES OD) cide sade atiesaties HAO! ASEFOMG as ssinscss ous ciuc eamnde’Gaed mresaasaazeaa xeees tak OWldessisradsiee vaca TAL, OU sc ieck ova ososnsctoase seins | adtewets clo hnesea ae cen eee Wai A ncasci ae sncdenseataan TAD! YOUNG daabidas aueatenecenane 114 Tortoise chistes Heabae ss | aa mempaenneiins Sinaee at nhciae 9! bebo O Bere “agvieless sanstptanieginaeste DVD) FOPSE sa isaies's: fee's o\| deeees na nwavle coeud Las awk teil Sianmieaca bin oie du adedcudenceres L1G Bly wsesisvesiease cass mats-KWin .........e ee OWeHAOwswesctseaeeane see 117 Mosquito ........... B-ASSILD voices ceieecenens thetz-akus vo... 118 SnahOvcsvisesvesssass WSS VAA) ania sas Benseeaee oe bat’-zds 0.0.0... eee eee DED Rattlesnakes swcesiens | wastaeette 200 sess asdvcnanculns Wabh-p008 «2... 0 eee 120. Bur dis senusavastens 00 MAME seacse se died ceceee boak or moak...........5 TAD, GG a. cess seoccen esey | KUNA AMM ocean ss ocas tens DONS vecceceeeeceeeceeneees 122 Feathers.......0066 moohl-ha-pét ........... StOAK. ...... ces ceee ee aeeees 123 Wings ..........ceee eae ae SLanmeu tse een 2 them-ta-la-had ......... 124 Goose... ..... NOOO: sais siettaiun serena Saas Wha: sswseese sacar. ceesies 125 Duck (mallard). na-ha-titsh ............ 6 hat-hat scvsccccnvecsieess 126 a Seid arustasae owaidulishesd nena: | Seldaleine nee ¥ieweee cgueesa> Sanees 12% Pigeon.. .+» | hum-a-hum hum-m0 «0.0... Jee. 128 Ee ianet cee. eae wgen Sus heneedwahatwrwa fa ween sn is Wiesuemaad once se 129 Salmon..........0005 PROAWIE hic cucesesncasnaaes ko-whitz ....... cee / DAWSON AND TOLMIE. | INDIAN VOCABULARIES, 55 B TSHBHEILIS. STAKTAMISH. TSHINOOK. TsHINOOK TRIBE. TsHINOOK, TituiLoort, Up. TsHinoox. 84 timilh............... 85 ske-ool-ki,......... 91 pé-nilh ............. 93 tlilth 96 tlib-til ......0..... QF Oats ...... .cscceee Bi Sveitaas wae wena teens 3 9 sicauce ae usa estes 100 sma-koom- omsh... TOD: oacasece: hones 102 VOB scceswex a -seaedsceexies 104 8 105 ska-ha LOG) csininetetsnces. axes LOT: estas eaves area eens Ye 108 kai-noon-thli ...... LOG: cps: scrote uehean a aide os 110 stlul-alth............ 111 slit-hin .....-....... 112 tlhuk-illik ......... 113 114 115 116 ee ey seme eee ceeeee pw ee eae tet e et arenes denne meee cece ee seenee 117 pshaik .........06- 118 TUG: cscssrait, se venennitee ware 120 pép-saio .........+- 121 kok-stemlh......... 1D aee.cis: ui galenaaess oes 123 . eee cen c ee pretense ceoeoe seca cere neerneee Sees Pew cn wane Teme et cores tae ee eee TUIMBDE ccs nes stnrewsineeie's il-too-el HAW AL scecaesserss@edeoasins e-duma ek-hailh v......ce ce eeeees wimas tSA-D seewees seek deuivan sees with-lula tlak-ta-stimgsh .......... nith-lum-aka vinitoss vandesien agieaesaeaien ni-dum-kaima sman-atsh ..........000 its-bok-omah TOWLE ....cceeeeee cece ee a-ka-he WEAIB on cain resmieiee donates i-kalamut Shima tian caw ied Swed eeayaietoeoene Se es-tzol WIL. go dcameewios aacnvewe 33 eke-waki widee ated debeananogiayenien's el-pitshih swhal-speh . |ih-tshi-komana ubsh .......04 Neiiele Foam skum-ona jo ccauuis SR nous etaceus s tsh-kwonh-ama si tsi’sraie aa aa GRRE. BIRO TIER ish-tsha-kup-shuk klit-sti-ip . 0... watsh-kuti — eee ... | e-tshuksh Sidesis Me RMSE LARN URED TEEY isal BUBOW Dy, s Hecdey deancins dents ni-kei-wak | tloot-tlool .......--....6. kwas-let-hulum BHALUM: ccndnsavaeesssse . | moos-moos-kili-muh CtShoot ...ecereceecceeeeee na-thla-lis-kin-kwa se taidherd Membres veers resets racials skei-look dat eeee Webs da Peewee dow-ap-tow-ap eS Ani Riad? tata cate ge lilu-lah maoal’-ak ......sseeeeee ee im-olak Peaeeeeegeesouet pabeaawarat® ni-kano Ldabisnt yas cay sheuenmetennan dee il-al-ik Libis Savap usd aniewitee absent 6 n-kup-shal-was stleits -umilh . Jcieh chaees keow-tan heptsebiacde euais sitebenineedss n-kainoh-ihi opunitsh -..... eee a-pona-tshuk-tshuk Sania 26 bishaaie Bie Weenies tlali-ksiow “iis ciald nilakivxtlbn sic onderiaeeeoe uk-owl BINALIKO «..c000cexdeae desde ik-tseno shoas-tumilh .......... is-pé-minah i(teaBaesaenetaee: RYERSS dsa-kein-skuk sacdatup duet eee ag evaeeess ispek kulla-kulamuh ........ ha-ho-ma udulibarer echitey Salem eae oan na-gueh-gueh auitene: cuenta genoa Sivnaninns nat-skoon-skoon s aranareicig ada Savio eee eee lan athe n-8kud-ake til-kuluma ......-e seco eee eti-kwin-at 56 B BRITISH COLUMBIA. ABT. NIsKWALLI. ENGLISH. Katoox wut. SINAHOMISH, 130: SEUPGCON: ccsivaranse:| eanexenosims wevaswe inverse | sevesesepwene somber seu ave 131 ANGIE eaatisie Menton | haute eaunciohusoatereneGaenen BUD crs pape varie ate essiny Zed 132 White.........cec000 i800: snninss auteurs whi-ko-ko ..........c000- 133 BACH iscwcss cweraines toop-kuk........eseeeeees nem-ith,....-- cee eeeeee TOA: POD vnc osnhoatentis.s, (ELIS SOOl aa ese nemmovewenns heh-kwetl......... 135 Light blue .......... VUNPS ts VUbyss..crscuice'| Geese agesiuiarcwesnacesyes 136 Veto 1 éccrsacvssas *klih-howk ........ ....5 he-kwatz .......... 0008. 137 Light green ....... tsis-Vook] . .......eceeees he-kwatz ......01..seeee 138 Great, largess caus | Jigen seca deiee a dasccaes he-EWh eee eeee ees 139 Small, Wtile « cosees| vewevescas ia socceis. wosie ower MIM-MAN v0... eee 140 Strong .......-.e ha-uk ..... eee eee sees kwe-K00 ....eseeeeeeceeee LAT, ‘OU + vesccisor waeiodae mih-took LOSTOE] s ciism races ecuawureseit 142 Young .....- cesceee ha-wilkhl .......... 0.00 thlowt.........ceeeeecseee 143 GO0d.....00 v ceceesees kloob-li-e ............000. MASA sac secnavataneveses NAA Bit cccoaacsnisteate dts see Wik hal. osestastecersaste Bab eerahbieys cinusiotelarsaclowieinen ieee 146 Dead .......ccccccc. kub-shitl..... safeacrane eda A-tiM-it ........ ce cece eee 146 } + WUE) ois eve aonane aeeeneiens DU le! easstceacstiianaraswaion 147 ukl-tsim-uh ....... 02.05. SCIEN pecemtsteeccscnndeone acs 148 HOOP 28 ss sie vcs Scannagn gue nooh-skwl ............08. 149 SIV ATE 1 eisbeuere nse ve iia OZER, scare Sore eyure arieese'e oe as 150) DRO a vaseneansecaccn SOO-WUK ....cceeeeeeeeee es Ug-W6 0.0... eee eee DI PIG* soshuis orcansexen epee VAUD occ eccccsessceseeees TSUTELGH vecerescvsorenecscs D2 V8 cccas fetawcaseeeceentvnin déi-malh ........... 000. LOS Mehs Gas ietiuctcontaee | Labowwewnccoun sca wehealeescoccte SOOI-]8-PO occ seeeee 154 They -.ceee ceeeeeeee ut-tshak 0... eee. TSAI, ceseeataowaseanics TOD: EIS es eevee uuccesnee: | taaamernadentes, Ceeueeca du dees ou GOs dis caeaatiadmnancim dene TDG ECHO ic ccs ancaissica| Scatinteus aietawonwenicon ceca: CAL oitsascicractsh erainicins VT, AML ss cea atiancivove.-wes kwu-kwis-ahtki ....... nuk-hil-up wo... see 158 Many, much ....... AIUD, scsssven: asaviex seeds Raine casmakinneguacdicoees MO WENO sxe waa Sacha Woies hiosak oy eee oe Se ankaeapeanenis ee gwa-tshi 160 Far sesiwsscevcessens BEDE as earn ecto een ace TOLLE a cwcpushodeuta tgeldce 16) Near wsssvevcccsacens UN-NGAAS cc scsnuceamecew ee thei-theit ......0.0...0... 162) Per eiesicsias duce ners) a nacsanes apeoaseonsquesovers LIAV.C) cise cis das onganndianatan LOS WNERE: coe watotiracene | sisi van dan danse tee. aanexenwe TA-de seeeecvcnusniaseani ee 164 To-day «ec... HAG. oy tasers eorcee ween te-sla-hel.......ceee. 165 Yesterday .......... a-mi-inti ........ tool-alt-dat 0... 166 To-morrow ......... AMi-itli....... eee da-da-t00....eccceceeseeees LOL MOS: sires con gecssencaee AEA esi. sidrocis secu snseateiny hol-la ee V68) ING aici sd Seceuceouesis Wik-eit .....c.cccceeeeees AVNER davaneicaczun uel Oko ves 169 ONG... eceeseecceees tsoW-Ak oe. eee eee e ee CaN Os capesterenisacdsensinase 170) Two veccceccscececaes WU ALWA a oieiccc cesses vases BERLE: sgrasissescasievs sacsacios 171 Three wo... eee cease kut-tsi-tsuh ........ HHL WH veces cccccesceon 172 Four | MNOO weswemses vce nce ae neaae MHOAS avsssiewersasncesssos V3 PU) os vicaccsvedecses S00-Shuh ...... ceeeeeeee ae t9il-AtZ ..i.cccc.s ceseeeee, T74 SUG vcacesccvccciseees NOO=POw sass seccesaves senses VOlALE ceccnoatersecccc acc 175 Seven ...cccceseeceee WELPOO sereiarsersaseness| FLOORS. 2 eccieaaevorse docs DAWSON AND TOLMIE.] INDIAN VOCABULARIES. 57 B TsHEHEILIS. TsHINOOK. TsHINOOK. STAKTAMISH. Tsuinook TRIBE. Tr1u1Loort, Ur. Tsurnoox. WSOP wal aeeocaaukal cade bas:\l) veers ad soseins fatal deewaees ena-kwun 131. SK WAS wc sise eae sein | caccaen aieedevereeer veansenna yak-ileo AZO TSK OON sacs 2ccsi gecesi] skeee weeds deeesnesigaaaaiu nats-koop 133? TSWMU: seis vaasiess cza|| nosis conese’ vacateasteviasn nat-thlal 134: keh -beilesiseees vtec | ances si nasacdeasdeencies oeaiees nas-pal VSDS aan sans Soest vend aa lice vameeedeaincines t-te vende VBO. cas ccrsacianagae aves sn aves Gane nd ediaaes sanetesiacs AZT cisase soeween ees saiee | Roses. Siew ceases rete 138 tawlh ..sdieierene a ta WHI scsvainccesuscxeexec yakailh 139 whél ...... ....... +) HOOK. wwiseserssreessienes yakaits 140 shwitik.....-....... BUPH-UK: siceeesiscreswnees in-jas-kow-ilik 141 at-nawlh .......... BHOON eee ee eee ya-keook 142 mai-in.......e eee kwalimh .. ..........04 kas-kas 143 t1B-K6: cc cecerersescey|| HAD socenesisicsis: oven’ . | i-tookti 144 hust........ ......... | huh-sas’ . | ya-kumula 145 a@tim-in............. Ati-MIN ......6. cee ee eee yoom-uks 146 is-pul-loohum...... tlawk-atsh ....---sesseee aw-komni TAT tb chesiens cian vanes BATES: .ssccenesdatna oes tshas-tshuk 148 whulla............... WHUDAS -osacismrorer sede scss sa-ta 149 untsa........ eee (| MENGE. “4 Seve ee cose eeon sone ni-ka 150! HOOT cance cwsice eons TOO a, vans dnc camiamaanct aes mi-ka DDL Gosia atnecre-reneeenee koo-bai-ka ........ c66e- uh-ka 152 e-nim ...........006 UNCIM. «jac sweannaaserve nis-aika 153 ei-lopa ....... 6... tla-dai-ka ........s:eeeee mis-aika 154 tsini-oumilh ...... kla-bai-ka ..........0000 thlas-ka 155 te-0 .....ceceeeeeeeees YOOK-OOk .....06 ceeeee es kowia 156 tak .....ce eee koos-alla ......eee cece yah-ta 157 wha-ko ....... 0.006 thlewish ........-....066 tung-ow IDS ahd vis. ceenccs eens? thluh-awi .. .......:..06 a-da-tilh 159 wakl .... ....:.c.00e Wal bis vad esiedars Coane qougaee tshan 160: 18 ie. ecees penises sae tA-OO] rece ceecsesercecees yatlste 161 ya-kimlh .......... VAtSD.. eee ceeee eee veee es kwameihi AG2; JOA ave wss geuneaw c- |eameneessaaveeievaleeed «ces ee tsaba 163 hi-an.......... cece seeevew ie as . | yah-eiba 164 te-skeh ............- tits-kwilh ........-.006 tsawi-e-loogwa 165 keilt . 0.0.0... TI-CHLIB: gas sce ice dom seen silk 166 sidivsvcecioreenes oven WAUNE . creescccseeeceees kudoh TOT sc weeive veNsnrasencet ah-dhig ives sdes steawaces es un-wit 168 mélta ......... eee MEI Loesssvwsaentbenaens na-kai 169 Oteis ....ceeee ese ee ee PAOW ceeecereeseeerereees tht 170 sa-le........ cesecere Bald. acces vactntigsseaer sine moht 171 kialthle............- fShAls ss: cde necsdes omeees thloon V2: MOS) -ecedeuewis aes’ WGAS. asses snsssavioes ers se lakit 173 0... seas | SCLIGNE...-.eceece eeu eee eres kwinum 174 tuhum ............. BOLI, sacdescaneiccsaea Vacs tuh-um 175 t9O0ps «1... secs eees ESO-APS seseeeeeeererceeees sini-moht 58 B BRITISH COLUMBIA. ABT. NisKWALLI. EnGuisi. KarooKwAat. SINAHOMISH. DTG: BAGG swatesuagniatinn ut-la-kwhl 2... .......06 ta-ka-the .........ccceee LUT NING: 5 Sessa nce aaietces tsow-waghl .........666 WHOL 2. searencesecne socveen WES. TL Ciittsrainetavecines TAIFOG secon dag sane secession OADUDH sscensa cucu soacdess L79 Hleven......c.csceee hai-oo-tsow-ak .......... oalum-youb-nits-ho.... 180 Twelve hai-oo-ois-ut’-luh ...... ‘aod eee 181 Twenty .....cccceee tsush-keaitz .. sees {SALATSDL occ ee eee eee. LBZ CP NPLY. soxicsis oan tsush-keaitz- oie had. HOO. | assasuientatewsion Seas Meameenead 183 Forty ..cc0ec. ccaees WUBI seiiuiscs ceacucas, [sed centinre sn seigancy see c cumsy LB FUPLY sn. sssawnasassees ut-tliaik-Oi8-hai-00 ....|..ccecseceeeeee ceeeee ceeeees ASD SITY avcenvaieoares IeWb-tS1tecEle - vacsaes seen sa} |lsun cereus voeeee veces noeare LS Gr ISCRENEY swessenasiaaad: les eeses. ammeeatemanae Faedae | sveu nares 1s Fae eenees USE SEG NEY 3) Soa seine gaa) Creu ddaveravads cxubee udetert | bas iain doame teks pa eeeoseats TOSSING E EI sce cocuttca aes | eechadn garde: ee aueawed aden | eatind aaeosaeley encase. 189 One hundred....... haioo-ook.......... ...... | Smuk-witshi ..........., 190 One thousand ...... haioo-pet-ook............ | hakws-smuk-witshi ... LOD, LO! CAE ccc seu sacs azOOly, cise ccveiccva caweny a ACh sciecea ea genevceor 192 To drink............ nuk-shitl ....-........6006 Ko-KW8 oo... ecce eee coon es 193 Torun...ccecccccceee kum-miet-ta-ka-kook....... til-d-wil....... ceeeeceeeeee 194 To dance ..... ..... hoo-yalh .......... eee dzo-bo-lik .........ceeee 195 To sing . sc... noon-00k ....... sees COIMM: 3. secs encaydoneweas 196 To sleep ..... ...... WAHL USI i sige cents canis ee 2 GOOG sect cosas sno usine sete 197 To speak.........06 WOW sevesiwaaseceer conse gwad-ug-wad .........0.. PIS DONS CG Ly dvetosmiceyall tested tear, cha eee taeecos SHO=O12 vececeece sa vcacecee 199 To love... 0... ya-ak-O0k ........cccceeee SAU «baci setsncdenastey 200 To kill 0... wc. KUb-S8). i scse. cca seeeeens gool-al-tim «0.0... 201 To Sit oe ee TOMS ws cee saan sedsica. sa ve SWUdAL, ervessets. seceeanis 202 To stand ............ ATIEaS sade vases er Santen IRGSG. avila ss unten ceuencaee ce 203 TO GO ..iececcceceees ku-i-tshe ..........-000e- OD sevennseves suens encore 204 To come tshoo-kWa....c.ecceeeeeee 1G) Biss ae oe stas Gecede ws ewarees 205 To walk ........000 ya-ts00k ...... eee see eee C1Mash) ices actesavweeten BUG LO WOT cisaassaation | sirie sevnks, pnabhanaiganinen VAlOOS: corecey sac unsuadtieas OMT. LO: SLE sind odieaeneiy | 109 FOR visas aaeseavecins at-shai-a oo... eeeeeee ya-ho-un-li or nan-shis. 110 Deer onscccssssavee ox tshoo-pa-nilh ............ WNL RDb da ees.s aa dontaes eaves Le Ui es as cecus vets SICNIMG ss6¥ejsseeroceceateel) coe hociiueesaieee Sih gio6 th ysiah'e dopaguare 16 My elder brother.... | in-a-kait/-tsh ............ nimi-pl-ap ........ 17 My younger brother. is-sin-ts@! ......6 0. ce. nimi-ishup ............... 18 My elder sister...... is-kws-sum-ém’ ......... nimi-na-Na-nas......... | 19 My younger sister . | inl-tst-tso-dps’ .......... nimi-in-stats ........... ZO? Ay AMANO shoe sessiatos |pae ccs dacs grain -neteos tose a ete LOU sic enmacanecameaetuaan DL eB COMO stats asiess.s cis aw: | ous vebossemy ec oanagencmmaset hilak-tein ....... 0... 22 FGM swesuwsawivds con SPI KEIN wens sey craves anes thlim-tuh, or palka.... 23 FLOW cvsiosis dumionesaes kaw-makun ......-.0006. too-ta-nik «os. ee. Bb MOCO Sova encase skul-loos cc. BINNS cient svamerdacind tea 25 Forehedad...... we... tsis-hil-tha’-mish-in ...... SOO WA: cicku nelcpannaase sven OE LOD cas cicascety sais TOREIMIGS. ta eack y hewacsreg MUSHIOO weress crvcesesen QT LY: va cvasie naman sean a n-huk-a-klus’-tan’......./utshas..ccc eee 2S NOSE sss santo san wen vous SPSISNISS sigais demmalestunne NOSNO! sasarcnesveesedcceras 20) MOU: ssncia nes vveonine spil’-eim-tsin ........... UM ce stesshmeseasseeter cin 30 Tongue ...c ec tiwh -ts-tsth 00... cece ees TLDS 5 say sie eis sGy opines BL. Leet hicsctenverssnce aces HUA aesssvesatences WH sis tcepsweninan ccnat 32 Beard execs vex ncasees SO=PtZIM sacsevesswedenees ShOO-WOW . .....cee ceee es BB NC Cl isancenua asm cae TUBS Pl seid aeiweweee ss TAR AWUlbsicsce Guo oseetene cs 34 Arm. -)is-tho-wah-an so... PAD. ceceeeeesec eee ereceeeeee BD AGRE. cos scevece wenn nsVALISHy -tacaisaes st hwenacs apapup, or thluh-thla. BO PINgers ..ccceceeecceee is’-téb-ist. ee, TERIA Giinarss aderastatceburyettsn 37 Thumb... ....6 cee. is-to-mihst oo... cece apap-untshi ............. ther) is’-whuh-sé-whult DAWSON AND TOLMIE. | INDIAN VOCABULARIES. 79 B Uppmr Koorpnava TRIBE. Koorsnuna, Dawson. 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 37 tit-kat-th pabtl-ke un-stat-nun now-te-nun’ tl-kamoo ka-tit’-too kam-ma kan-oo-kluk-un-na ka-tl-nam-oo kun-hut-lé ka-soo-win kut-tat a-klam’-a-na a-ku-ke-klan’-e-na a-kun-kun-e-in-na a-kin-kutl-e-nam a-ko-ko-ut'-té-na 4-ka-klih!-e-na a-kun-am a-kat]-man’ watl-hloo-nak a-koo-nuten’-am ka-kloo-khluh’-a a-koo-kuk a-klut’-e-nam. a-ki-nam a-kits-kai’-e-nam too-tsak-e-nam 80 BRITISH COLUMBIA. SBLISH. ENGLISH. KuLLEsPELM TRIBE. BO IVGIUS wens vecceaees vans koh’-kin’-tshist .......-. BO Body ...ceceeeeeeeeeeee ISA ceeteido sees es AQ: ONESE siccisecumexwes sé shts-hits-mauhts ...... f AY Belli sezscrccige see aoai OIA bsctcnca setiodes eens 42 Female breasts...... ska-Ciin’ ., .0dcewesedxesans WS Ted arccimunsavvedaavse tsim-aux-shin .....-.... BAA POOR thc. wea ceesaden ees stsd-wus-shin ........ ... AD LOGS sc sease inca osenaten is-te-uh’-shin ........666+ AG BON voc. cccccsee seeee TRESOATN ~vaesees smcarweeds AY Flea tenescas? cactaevs 182 POOB! wissesssasergennss AS” ROO vaxiascineavennes® is-sin-a-hool’...........-- 49 Town, village ....-.. whe’-elt-whooh ......... 50 Chief ... {il-a-mih’-hoom ......... 51 Warrior ..........06+ il-tshul-th-ut ............ 52: TIONG. wexisigenccsvien TSANG eeccaseh cet seasencees 53 HOUSe «1.0.0. cecceeeee BISOFHOGH sayin nes noecesciains 54 Skin lodge..........+5 spi-yetl-hooh ............ 55 Kettle ......ccceeee thE Ps as eacaceie es cuar BO BOW scciwes cemctanssses’ st-kwintsh’..... .......6- BT Arrow ...secseeeeeen ee tap-a-men! ........eeeeee 58 Axe, hatchet......... és-si-ya'-ah oo... cee HO: nif essscsesarcaceness pin-tsha-Min .........66- 60 Cande .......cceeeeeee klt-yih-ih ..............4. 61 Moccasins ......... kai-a-tshin’! G2. Pipe secais s vamnsiounsn te sin-e-min-ooh-tin ...... 63 Tobaccd.....sccsseeeee sin-en-O0h.........000. 00 O4 SRY isis ea ssgehass hih-a-mas’-kat .......... 65 SUReciacewcacs onadecse spuk-un-ne! we... eeee ee GO: DOG Scan eictekiaesiaden | anne ond tack nentenen cameo eGaaS Ot SEOs csaidid sosaadun i kukoo’-sum ....... eee C8 Days sees veccd ccccicas SAtlHait «cccemosstescens 69 Night ......+ccceeeee spo-ko00-CtZ! oe... cece ee eeee 70 Morning .....0 0.0.0 skwé6é-kust. ......0.. 0000+ T1 Bveniag oc... skai-akadle.............. 72 Spring. ..crecerseeee skai’-aputz.. wc... 73 Summer oo... cee sd-ahtl-keh ....... sce. 74 Autumn..........cccc0e stih-eal ..........66. eee 45 Winter ..........0.00. BI-18-tith ........scceeeees 16 Wind.....0.ecceseceeee SNG-O0t ....ceeeeeeeeee eee TY Thunder ........0..4. stil-til-d’-um «2.2... ...... 78 Lightning .........066 ist-sa-kumi ............. TD BAIN veeeececcceeeeees BtL-PAis ..... cee eee 80 Snow . cccceseceeeeee sim-a-hoap’...eeceeeeeees BL Fire. ciseccccsccees ..-- | Saudl-shit’-tin............ 82 Water ...cceccceceeeee SO-WEKG i. .exicenasvawanawes 83. ICE .seiouasarccacsaces $00-YeM-tuk-kuh.....e eee SHAHAPTANL WautwHaieum TRIBE. aaa ee west e reece ceencons WALD Av wcaeeaiss Cnscieesiets WATLI-KOWAB... cee cece sees ow-hai-huh-thla........ LOODI-WAN.... css es eeoeee hilak-nid .... ws... mi-ow-ah shatawi halve va vesknreecsaremarnen: unid, or nisha tsoo-whilli kupoos, or tooksai...... TOO-IN-PaS ....--- eee Sais at kai-asso [was kaistun, or wahbtl-ko- hapil-thlimi, or suh-tl- WASAS........ eee kowas] seve ec eeseeees TOUWALL 5 a sce Sassen seen to-whun Ser pat-shwai ...... cc. pat-shoomish..........4. maistki kwul-owit SHAG css ass eedaemasansics wi-sik-nin kiam anum eee ee ete eens tshawsh, or tshish... 2 toah emcee cee e eee e nee eeee DAWSON AND TOLMIE. | INDIAN VOCABULARIES. 81 B Koormnuna. Uprrr Koormnvuna TRIBE. 38 a-kook-pi-nam [ha 39 a-kitl-hl-hluk’-e-noo 40 41 a-koo-woom 42 a-koo’t-kak-e-na 43 a-ksuk-e-naim 44 a-klik-e-nim 45 a-kits-kai’-e-nim 46 a-ko-kla 47 4-kit-hloo-in 48 wuh’-num-oo 49 a-ke-kloo’-e-ne 50 51 na-soo-ooké 52 53 a-koo-kla-a-ne 54 55 its-ké-a-ma 56 tow-00 BT avk 58 uk-koo-tal 59 a-ke-tshum-a 60 ya-ka-tsd-mtl 61 hla-ene 62 koos 63 yai-ket 64 a-kitl-mi-it 65 no-kun-mi-tun 66 na-tun-e-ke 67 a-ktl-nds 68 69 tshl-mi-tun 70 witlnum 71 wutl-kwai’ 72 13 74 75 76 a-koo-oo-mé 77 num-a [lib 78 a-kut-lim-koo-at-tit- 79 wut-luk-ook-oot 80 a-a-kloo 81 a-kin-ko-ko 82 wuh-6, or wo-00 83 a-koo-it-a 6 82 B BRITISH COLUMBIA. SBLISH. SHAHAPTANI, ENGLISH. KuLiasppim TRIBE. Wuutwuairum Tripp. 84 Earth, land......... Sto-liwh .....ceeeeeeeeee ee PRAM sis aeeaneasaiscietidte OD SEG ssesssadeussnueny in-tsau-luk-tse-whulh (?) | ata-tshis ............e0000 B86 RW eeceeccees cess n-twait’-a-kooh. ........ wana, or atwan......... BT LG viv scautavsasess tehlk-ul-li’ ee WA LAIN: siicercete seis npew a 88 Valley 0... TSTTLOK! aves oiewseene (UM tLa sccciies see ves se neous B89 PRAITIO W366 LIDELUE! cavers sala taivell einai huiganinnas seus mouedbarinn klal-wok-stoon 206 LUACC ON: pein cones eee hye deo hansen aaneieeade klal-wok-tl-kwun-ihl 20 AVNET ON ore ctie vasciate [Notecww nid ania a taapisiat abana s klal-wok-stan-sung-a 208 TC CN EG dacs canctaras | oxinesananenunuan unaeaneaan lug-ws-wan-go 209 TWwenty-One .csecscce| ccoees ccceeercsenerevene vee lug-ws-wan-wok-swan- sung 210 Twenty-t000......202 | ccesecssescoeneteetee cnees lug-ws-wan-wok- stoong 211 Twenty-three 2.6.0) cceceeeneenecentee ec eeeeenees lug-ws-wan-wok-tl- kwul-ihl 212 Twenty-four ...ccce | veces cneversceseecceesenees lug-ws-wan-wok-stan- Division or TIME, 213 A YeOr eves ceccccees 214 A MOON ..... eee 215 New moon uu... 216 Half moon.......... 217 Half of the moon... 218! Da Yowecesexivesn tae ss 219 Might) cusvesvisassene 220 A day (twenty- four hours) 221 Dawn 222 Sunrise ....-++-0+ : 223 NOON . .oreseceeeerees name ree teers eee aeecosene sung sim-kina kung-kais-gh kung-ké-dlaing kung-in-oe kung-kais-kin-oe ut-ka-gun al-gi, sin-swan-sin sand-lin-hait sing-di sin-tut-za 94 B BRITISH COLUMBIA. ENGLISH. Hapa. SxipEGATB DIALEcT. Hapa. Masser Dianect. 224 Sunset 225 Midnight .........4. 226 Day before yester- da 227 Yesterday 228 To-day . 229 Now 230 231 . ANIMALS. Beaver 233 Bear (grizzly) .... 234 “ (black) ...... 235 Caribou :......006 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 Porcupine.......... 246 re) Soret 247 We 248 249 250 251 252 232 Goat (mountain) a Mouse (wood)...... MOVE siscsicisstdrce satis Otter Whale (whalebone) Whale (killer)... Porpoise voc.cccee DEM ca vesivstvecrioens ANIMALS (Parts of body.) 254 Antlers 255 Bone (of animal)... 256) Cli ies scons cntenseve 257 Dung 258 Entrails wo... 259 Fat 261 Hoof ee ee eevee ete nent eo ceew ee voce renee eee ee cece ee cece ee nce ereeens Ka-PU nl sists accra tees ee = Bint Give arcs kwoon SI Wl ss scersiceiss copesohe Se hoot kwa-i-hil-kian SkO0d-Ze ..... cee cece eee. stl-kwun KERIJOO visi cuiecebs peraaearos teKOWsiicecrsa sae dadendncoe sta-KOON ........cceseeeeee ole (0 sing-i-a al-yak . | 4-dahl-tal-ist a-dahl ai-yut et-ain a-wahl kwai ee a ee oe DAWSON AND TOLMIE. ] INDIAN VOCABULARIES. 95 B Hara. Hara. ENGLisn. Sxipecatp Dragcr. Masser Dracecr. 263 Gullel oc... ccccceee Kka-Gin-200. 00... cceeeeeeee 264 Heart wees KO0-88 ooo eee cece es 265 Lungs ...ccccrseccees tl-koo-hoo-whe.......... ANIMALS (Birds.) 266 Crane wo... sees BEKO: ssevvessnecceroavaen 267 Crow .oecceeseressees Kaltz-da wo... 268 RAVEN oe ceeceees NO=VAdiecaqiverencsaonsen 269 Duck (mallard)... |ha-ha.......cccceeeeceeees 270 Eagle (white- headed) ......... FSO seid Sahat saeearoreauisy 271 Goose (Canada)...|hl-ki-toon .........606... 212 Gull: cciossarcouencrse BIC ase acusesoueueauennens 273 Grouse (blue)...... BROW sinsncuyasnieraraeneus 274 Humming-bird ....|ka-tsi-ta-tsoo-a ......... 2ZTB LON wecececseeseeees Tart isc sevaneaiwacamceus DUG MOL ccesramrtanenwnes: | ROT WT-BB econ wea oes 277 Pelican vce. BIGAL. seahterscccsaeaeanadowns 278 Pigeon (sea).......|skatung-a ........000000 279 Swan. .ceceeecceees tl-whoon..........ceee 280 ShAg ...ceeceeeeeeeee Belo ccsensivecetea riences 281 Teal (green- WINGED) vrereereee shi-goots-rid............. 282 Woodpecker ....... sloots-a-da@ oo... cece 283 Bluejay.....cee Waist al es cevcesecesaneee ANIMALS (Parts of body of birds.) 284 Wings .....cccccevees IIB: |S ieeade cee uaeiuaetisins 28D HOG: cede sccnnmsicie OW, acisshtamnien aaaeaee nes 286 Shell of egy......... hl-tul-ga-re ............ 287 Yolk of egg... Vis-kai-de-gai .......... 288 White of egq....... Nik-a-de-gai ............. 289 Beak, or bill ...... KOO Ge wsisecnicentancdonnas 290 Mouth......0cc00 Nhetelb. sssieseacte, ccaesitns 291 Tongue ...ccce cee tangle nssencesteesess 292 Claws ...cccceccceeee ta-KOOD woe eee ee ANIMALS (Fish.) 293 Salmon (hook-Dill) | tai-e.........-sseceeseseeees 294 Salmon (small red) | ta-hit.........cecceeeeeeee 295 Salmon (dog tooth) | 8Ka-Qi .....-.seeeeeeeeeees 296 Salmon (largest) . | ta-rum .......cccccceeeeeees 291 Lrout cevewvesewecces tartlut, seaicscvesiaecvare 96 B BRITISH COLUMBIA. Hapa. Hapa. ENGLISH. SkipEGATH Dratecr. Masser Draxacr. 208 DG -flSlloo ec ven oa Have keachtid-Aics wna secos cox cee oe 299 FTauibut.. coscsaea ve hah-ko ssseasceess con ene vs B00 Shark vo ceceei eens ka-hut-ta-ow-ga ....... ‘3 BOL Fernings cxsesaeses TMUNS ssecsnsancarnewea a 302 Flounder ......+.4. Pail sists wh ates cpneees alee ns 303 Oolachen . ........ BROW odanciody wis wales abe'e 304 Pollock... BIS sasus can tevienag yeaee 305 Mackerel... skill-te-ga wo... BOG Od cccsscnasds ceneny BCAA. a ediosadioasacad oe 307 Large-headed cod. |\ska-gai.........ceceee 308 Sculpin ..cccceeees fkai-yé and kla-ma...... 309 Caraium ..........6 SET ele siiieisiancesaa acts neve aee ts 310 Clams (small spe- OUCS in aide etieition ead Karas cc cosines convene ese 311 Clums (large spe- CLES): swiss «neeare BEOW spucasewseaney ae nosey BIS Mussel socvvecs veers ISA, $2, pean ietaehes odes tee topes 313)“ (large)... | ta-haow oo... 314 Rock cod (red)....|SKUN ...... eee eee es 315 “ (black)... | kits-ha-lang « 316 Crah (common)....| Ko-stan ....... ce 317 “ (large rough)... | hoo-ga..... oc 318 Octopus ..........- TOG wine cesatcialucalsinies wayne 319 Sca-urchin, large... | Ki-un-@a oe 320 Small ssxcees kai-oots-ai-ool-ta ....... B21 Starfish: .rsexecesn SIAM. serves erantiors save SU) ISROIO 2 sewcica tna SVISGIED xs wise sepsis om ers ANIMALS (Parts of body of fish.) 323 Tailfin «occ SEAL « sneaaadnnouiy eee vaeresien B24 Seales. ececeee HT sescseseecpdstes tage es aes B20 Mouth... ccs Vin-e-he-tli....cce. BE Or LOYE cities visa dates wee | wins coFa patna eee GEO ORE coh RS | 4 Nos ou age oe Ass Sona hn he Wd eRe FE Sa Naw [opie Bok Pee See DO LP URGCTS «1 coseeess | vase vere cvcsveceses Evliente ss edie lathi- coe eesscts PE oh Seco gta: ck ge eee a Pe oe eee area errr gerry ge ere a ar Ol Fie was eae deEO “TELS Gon. ercedascan es tsi-walluks-atshi ....... Sin-klai-OOSIS .........66 pint -|A-lit-BI8 Sarpy} Lysuoep| ooyyyzeuo3) qo-,qyxUe4}* ++ YHyUy!qe-,tpyteq] ++ apap UY) BF sosrsoseglees +++ £oq}s- Bysuepy]’ + -Aqzeq]+ ++ Loyae] “qos, qyealss ss eases see sgoyf ess Eg] red-ey yey) § * qnyyeul’‘tySsuoul*+-eyyeu|’ inqseu|::: +: teeelqe- tpypeu) + Ueu):-qe-youl: aye “yoy-ueulyNy-ueu Zz “ PUBEHE)"* Keyopo}-“-yepouel + Aqoeps}ee esse fees qeqo + TLL Fe Tey se] TeOOT + ETE | -opDT uowmpy |uospanyorgy| arzuayongy | *8qqoqy "CMOTOI, | ‘edn | THAVTIBAY | cofeaeny | TMA, |-wyoyrysy, Z -ayoudy 5 MATE | HINABL | “AN0C laucmodayy g s,uospnyy *RIUIOFT[VO Jo A[rMEg vdngT | 0° Jo Atay oumyy, |, “g8-Fg dd oy | ‘OIL “4 “9 | ‘a —! poyeavdes Ajoprm SOL}TTBOO] ULOAF SOL[TUBZ ULTPUT 0} Surureztod sperouNU [wIoAos Jo uostIedwoD v-spIOP o[qe} FULaMor[oy oyg, eologiial wand Natwal History Siwvep of Canada. Alfred R.C.Selwyn LL.D. FR‘. &.Director. 1883. etal 120: 119 116 115 oP : : Y : : E oon E =: A ke Bu Oe 4, ee GHip Ao yy ae Jo el, ‘ 10} THe, Mbit ay Mh, ny wide, ‘ “ Av a MY 2. " Ole DD IGRANTS OUSE & D ‘ K Hea es spre . é era p ‘ oy at core _ sah 4, a ae a See a fi eH Mae. i f ¥ - os. to ( ers of ee RS Fetes 3 & \ eee ‘ TAY, Phe ; ae ~4ay ~~ 4 Me - aes \ < per H Cw Pe Ss ILE. iY) BE ir er Pia pe e \ Se Ways es ie alae 2 2 \ ANSI ek BN ait a am ESE Ny ee. oO \ tp ae NN MON LPP! Hh A > PE TA cel EONS PU TG z e ‘ on Fe LWW It Lot ls eC | 4 sea et | Poe : JA \ ( f / ee Taek ay OARMY sy r wv Z “a 1 ¥ Sh WD PN AWN vive ayaa 7 “Ov TN AHN His ise Be S Milf Ss Hip sie fi, i i pay uy nt y a! 6 ) “We es gs Wi : My, no "Me uty ut i hi mie AA SG eS shag pee Fig sSS x “wid; ay le Thiinkit. 2 Tshimsian. vy fine wy) aN Sa 1 I) é 3) | Haida | t rahe | 3are eon | = A Af " =