Cornell Mniversity Library BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME FROM THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF Henry W. Sage 1891 R.286%) ee 9734 Cornell University Libra Thi The Wictoria history of the Counties of England EDITED BY WILLIAM PAGE, F.S.A. A HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF BEDFORD INDEX INDEX TO THE VICTORIA HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF BEDFORD LONDON CONSTABLE AND COMPANY LIMITED 1914 “CONTENTS OF INDEX ConrenTs Norte . GeneraL InpEx CorriGENDA AND ADDENDA List. or SupscriBEers VOLUME PAGE iil 57 59 THE VICTORIA HISTORY OF THE COUNTIES OF ENGLAND The publication of the volumes of this series which form the history of the county of Bedford is due to the financial support afforded by the Right Hon. the Viscount Hambleden, the Right Hon. the Viscount Alverstone, G.C.M.G., the Right Hon. the Lord Ashcombe, Mr. O. E. D’Avigdor Goldsmid, D.L., Mr. Somerset A. Beaumont, D.L., and the late Mr. Frank McClean, F.R.A.S., of whose public spirit and generosity it is here desired to make special recognition. GENERAL INDEX Notrre.—The Domesday Introduction and Translation of the Domesday Text are indexed separately in Vol. I. The articles on Geology, Palaeontology, Botany and Zoology being usually in the form of lists are not indexed, The following less obvious abbreviations are used :—adv., advowson; b., brother; college; ct., court; ctss., countess; d., daughter ; chantry; chap., chapel; coll., cast., castle; chant., dchss., duchess; dk., duke; D. and C., Dean and Chapter; f., father; hund., hundred; ind., industries; man., manor ; mchnss., marchioness ; m., mother; mon., monastery; par., parish; pop., population ; sch., viscount ; vsctss., viscountess ; w., wife. Aaron, iii, 2, 363 Abbas, iii, 23 Abbesse, Will., iii, 251 Abbey Close (Bedford), iii, 6 Abbey Farm (Renhold), iii, 215 Abbot, Chas., ii, 173; Rev. Chas., i, 37, 41- 50, 52, 54-6, 58-63, 79; Maurice, ii, 325; Sir Rich., li, 59; Rob., iii, 325 Abbots Lands, ii, 383 Abbots Langley (Herts.), ch., ii, 317 Abbotsley (Hunts.), ii, 71 Abergavenny, Geo., Lord, iii, 229; Jno. de Hastings, Lord, iii, 229, 233 Abernon, see D’Abernon Abingdon (Berks), ii, 48 Abingdon Abbey, ii, 211; iii, 345 Abraham the Jew, iii, 291, 383 Accleia, see Oakley Achelai, see Oakley Achi, ii, 339 Ackroyd, Rawson, iii, 132 Ackworth, see Acworth Aclai, see Oakley Acton Burnell, iii, 71 Acworth, Frances, ii1, 388; Geo., x 3% 360, 362, 363 ; iil, 126, 203, ; John, ii, 362, 373, 374, 380, Rich., iii, 203, 204; Will., ui, 362 Adam (vicar of Oakley), iii, 333; the clerk, iii, 23 Adams, Agnes, ili, 50; J. Reynal, iii, 384; Mrs. J. W., ii, 222; Rob., ii, 335; Theo., ii, 335; 432; ” Thos., iii, 50, "04; : Will, ii, 40 Addington, Gt. (Northants), i, 189 Addington, Rev. Hen., ii, 282 ; Joseph, ili, 206, 209 ; J., i, 123; Luke, ii, 255; P., i, 100, Iot, IIO, 116, IIg, 120, 122, 125, 126, 128, 130, 1393 Thos, A., ii, 282; W., i, 132; W. J., ii, 190 Adelitha, iii, 426 Adeliza, iii, 240 Adelmare, Cesar, ii, 159 Adelold, iti, ror Adey, Dan. Goodson, ii, 317, 319 Adingrave, Alice de, iii, 384; Eleanor, iii, 292; Ellen de, iui, 384; Hen. de, iii, 384; Jno. de, ili, 384; Thos., iii, 217 », 384 Adingrave’s Close (Renhold), iii, 217 Ad Pontes, ii, 4 Adrian IV., pope, i, 359” Adser the Black, iii, 401 Adye, Rev. Fran. W., ii, 317, 319 Adyngraves, see Adingrave FEdgiva, ii, 207 Elfgifu, iii, 345 Aflfhelm, ii, 237 ; iii, 150 3 fElfleda, iii, 124 Elfric, iii, 122 Ethelwine, ii, 19, 20, 21 Affa, w. of Alfhelm, ii, 237 Agricultural Machinery Works, ii, 125, 137 ae Agricultural Organization Soc., ii, 142 Agriculture, ii, 108-9, 129-42 Agylon, Agnes, ii, 234”; Rob., li, 234” Aickin, Eleanor, iii, 133; Fran., iii, 133 Aieworde, see Eyworth Aiken, Pet., iii, 72 ” Ailesbury, earl of, ii, 57, 58, 60, 61, 63, 267; iii, 19, 296, 361, 362; Rob., earl of, iii, 272, 290 ”, 292, 317, 324, 325; Thos., earl of, li, 59; iil, 271, 314, 315 Ailey, Chas., ii, 190 Ailey Green, i, 29 Ailwin, ii, 294 Aisseworde, see Eyworth Akeman Street, ii, 5 Akle, see Oakley Alava, archd. of, iii, 327 Alban, St., arms, ii, 368 Albemarle, ctss. of, iii, 130, 395, 398; Hawis, ctss. of, iii, 284, 285, 286 ; Isabel, ctss. of, iii, 285; earls of, ii, 28 ; iii, 29, 395; Bald., ii, 350; iii, 285 ; Will., iii, 284, 285, 286 Alberd, Amieia, ii, 287; Amy (Anne), iii, 429; Lucy, ii, 287; iil, 429; Reginald, ii, 81; Rich., ii, 81; Will., ii, 287 ; iii, 429 Alberic, cnt., see Vere, Aubrey de Albingi, see Daubeney Albini, see Daubeney Albone, Dan, ii, 127 Albreda, iii, 175 Albyn, Rob., iii, 60 Aldeburgh, Rich. de, iii, 17 Alderman, Robt., iii, 57 Aldermanbury Manor, iii, 23 Aldgate, Friars Minor, ii, Nuns Minoresses, i, 326 ” Aldridge, Amb., iii, 449 Alee, Agnes, iii, 366 ; Eliz., iii, 366 ; Rob., iii, 366 Alevold, iii, 78 Alexander III, pope, i, 314 ”, 353 %, 378, 388; ii, 154, 209, 309, 312, 332, 380; iii, 127, 143, 179, 276, 278 Alexander, E., iii, 426, 428; Jos. T. B. a 60, 76, 80; see Lincoln, bps. of ; Alexandra, Queen, i, 100 Aley Green, Ui, 314 Aleyn, Hen., iii, 230; Jno., ili, 230, 231; Kath. , ili, 230; see also ‘Alien I 239; school ; sis., sister; sts., streets; vsct., Alfelinus, see AZlfhelm Alfhelm, see 4Zlfhelm Alford, Lady, ii, 185 ”; Jno., vsct., li, 66”; Sir Edw., ii, 212 Alfred, King, i, 269, 276, 297, 310; ii, 18, 73; ili, 345 Alfwold, iil, 338 Algae, i, 59-60 Algar, iii, 89, 418 Aliams Fee (Totternhoe), iii, 448, 449 Alington, C., ii, 197; Jno., ii, 207, 301; Julius, ii, 206, 207, 301; iii, 310; Sara, ii, 207, 301 ; Will., ii, 207; Rev. Will., li, 207, 301 Allanson, Jno., ii, 165 Allcroft, John d’, iii, 304 Allen, Eliz., ii, 337; Rev. Hunter B., iii, 189 ; "Jno., ii, 319; J., i, 127; P., ii, 199; Will., ii, 337; —,i, 135; ili, 317; see also Aleyn Allen, W. H., Son & Co., ii, 126 Alley, Fran, ii, 362; Jno., ii, 362 Alli, iii, 52, 77 Allic, iii, 138 Allington Hill, i, 116 All Souls Coll. (Oxf.), ii, 424 Almar, i, 300; ii, 215; iii, 38,92 Alneto, Alice de, iii, 110; Hen. de, ili, 114 n; Hugh de, iii, 110, 200; Sarah de, iii, 110, 111; Will. de, iii, 110, 116 ; fam., iii, 113 Alnthorpe, Alice, ii, 322; Walt., ii, 322 Alnutt, Alf., iii, 338 Alric, ii, 282; iii, 258, 260, 459 Alsey, Will. de, iii, 91 ” Alsi, iii, 37, 44, 77; see also Ulsi Alston, Alex. R., iii, go; Andr., ii, 299; Anne, iii, 66; A. R., iii, 88 ; Sir Crewe, iii, 73 ; Sir Edw., iii, 119; Eliz., ili, 73; Frances, lii, 76; Jno., iii, 78, 83; Sir Justinian, iii, 73; Justinian, iti, 794 Sir Rowland, li, 62, 66”; iii, 50; Rowland C., iii, 50, 73, 77, 102; Temperance, iii, 73”; Sir Thos., ii, 44, 63”; iii, 51, 72, 73; Thos., li, 66”; iii, 73, 77, 83; Vere J., iii, 76; Sir Will., in, 74; Will., ili, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 83, 102; Capt., li, 70; fam., li, 44, 66; iii, 72 Altham, Alicia "Annesley, Lady, iii, 41 Althorpe, iii, 102 Alton (Hants), ii, 31 Alvric, ii, 278, 321, 322, 329; the priest, iii, 159 Alwey, Anne, ii, 354; Dorothy, ii, 354; Mary, ii, 354; Ralph, ii, 354 Alwin, ii, 224, 248, 267%, 277, 753; ili, 114, 137, 211, 276, 314, 344 2 A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Aiwold, iii, 74, 84 Alwyn, see Alwin Amaury, Edm. de, iii, 384; Sir John, iii, 384; Jno. de, tii, 384 Ambrose, iii, 433 Amersham, Jno. of, i, 381 Ames, Levi, ii, 374 ; Lionel, ii, 357, 374 Amesbury Priory (Wilts), i, 404; ill, 403 Amethella, see Ampthill Amphibal, St., arms of, ii, 368 Ampthill, i, 145, 324, 336”, 337, 346, 367 ; ii, 36, 38, 30, 40, 44, 46, 55, 56, 66, 67, 102, I15, 133, 195, 266, 293, 320, 323, 376, 381; iii, 197, 267, 268, 289, 313, 320, 455; adv., iii, 273; ‘Alameda,’ iii, 269; almshouses, iii, 268, 269, 270; castle of, ii, 147; iii, 270; char., WW, 274, 275; Cnas. I at, ii, 41; 315%, 333, 334, 335%, 344, 352; ill, 268, 273; clock- tower, iii, 268; cross, ili, 270; deanery of, i, 347; ‘ Duke’s Cottages,’ iii, 269 ; hosp., iii, 275 ; ind., iii, 268; inns in, iii, 268; man., Ul, 95, 96, 147, 308, 327; iii, 270, 271, 272, 285, 361; mkts. and fairs, ii, 88; iii, 268, 269, 271, 272; moot-hall, iii, 268; pks., li, 270, 272, 292; Queen Kath. at, ii, 122, 123; iii, 353 ; rectory, ii, 273, 333; Rom. rem., ii, 4; schs,, ii, 181 ; vicarage, i, 316 ” Ampthill, hon., i, 357; ii, 39, 145, 147, 267, 295, 321, 322, 376; lil, 82, 205, 251, 252, 271, 272, 276, 281, 285, 287, 290, 292, 294, 301, 306, 314, 317, 318, 321, 324, 325, 326, 331, 339, 347, 361, 376, 396, 418, 419, 442, 443, 452, 459 Ampthill; Emily, Lady, iii, 270; Ld., ill, 144, 149; Arth., Ld., ii, 66 Ampthill, Jno., i, 384 Ampthill Fields (Maulden), iii, 316, Ampthill House, i, 122; ii, 61; iii, 270 Ampthill Moor, i, 50 Ampthill Park, i, 7, 65, 108, 126 li, 61, 147, 197 Ampthill Woods, i, 63 Anabaptists, i, 344; iii, 432 Anable, Will., iii, 145, 366 Ancaster, duke of, ii, 191 Anderson, Awdry, Lady, ii, 233; Cath., ii, 233; Sir Edm., ii, 211, 231, 232, 233; iii, 106, 452; Edm., ii, 231, 233; Eliz., wii, 452; Sir Fran., ii, 233; Fran., ii, 231; Judith, ti, 231, 233; J. O., ii, 199; Magdalen, Lady, ii, 231, 233; Marg., ii, 233; Mary, ii, 233; R. E. H., ii, 200; Simpson, li, 277; Sir Steph., ii, 231, 233; Steph., ii, 231 Andrew, Ann, iii, 222; Benj., ii, 320; Bern., i, 399 Andrews, Benj., ii, 317; Joan, ii, 317; Jno., ii, 262 ; Jonas, iii, 33 ; Rich., ii, 347; Will., ii, 262 Angell, Helen, ii, 382%; Thos., ii, 301 Anglo-Danish remains, i, 282 Anglo-Saxon burials, i, 175, 177, 184, 185; cemetery, i, 176, 186, 187 ; iii, 297, 402 ; remains, i, 175; ii, 8, II, 17, 242; iii, 57, 297, 439; weapons, i, 177, 182, 183, Igo, 285” Anne (of Cleves), Queen, iii, 271; (of Denmark), Queen, ii, 210, 295, 297, 339; iii, 219, 276; (w. Rich. II), Queen, iii, 16 ol Annesley, Alicia, see Altham, Lady ; Joan, iii, 170; Jno., iii, 170; Will, iii, 82 Annestey, Jno., iii, 385 Anscell, see Ansell Anschetil, see Aschil Ansell, Edw., ii, 281; Eliz., iii, 184; Thos., ii, 323; iii, 184, 195 Anselm, i, 371 Ansfrid, iii, 37 Anstey, Eliz., iii, 150; Sir Hen., ii, 4t;—-) ii, 363 Anthony, fam., see Antonie Anti, iii, 418 Antonie, Jno., iii, 92; Lee, ii, 65, 132, 187; Mark, iii, 88, 92; Rich., iii, 92 Apothecaries’ Soc., Gideon de Lanie (Delaune), master of, iii, 219 Appelond, Jno., i, 397 Applewood, ii, 341, 342 Appley Corner (Haynes), ii, 338, 342 Apprentices, iii, 18 Aprice, Edm., ii, 346; Isaac, ii, 346 ; Jane, ii, 346; Jno., ii, 346; Rob., ii, 346; Will., ii, 346; —) i, 363; il, 48 Ap Rys, see Aprice Apsley Green, iii, 296 Apthorp (Apthorpe), E. E., ii, 199; Steph., ii, 280 Archdale, G., ii, 190 Archer, Alice, iii, 50; Gilb., iii, 376; Nich., i, 384”; Rich., iii, 50; Rev. Thos., i. 336 ”; ii, 325; iii, 289 n, 290, 295, 296; Tim., ii, 292; Dr., iii, 233 Archiaco, Aymer de, ii, 351, 352 ”; Mabel de, ii, 351 Ardens, fam., see Ardern Ardens, man., see Arderns Ardern, Eustacia de, ili, 220; Nichola, iii, 84; Rob. de, iii, 84 ; Thos. de, ili, 220, 221; Will., ii, 271, 342 2, 343, 344 Arderns, man. (Roxton), iii, 220 Ardren, see Ardern Ardres, man. (Turvey), iii, 110, 112 Ardres, Baldwin des, see Guines, count of; Ernulf de, iii, 46, 74, 78, 101, 111; Hugh de, iii, 112; Isolda de, iii, 112; Jno. de, iii, 112; Rich. de, iii, 112 ; Rob. de, iii, IIo, III, 112; Sarah, see Alneto; Thos. de, iii, 112 Ardys, Dorothy, iii, 216; Jno., iii, 216; Thos., iii, 216 Argentein, see Argentine Argentine, Dav., iii, 159; Joan, ii, 215, 216; John, ii, 215, 216; Margery, iii, 283; Matilda de, iii, 310; Rich. de, iii, 310 Aris, Eliz., ili, 157; Jos., iii, 157 Arkwright, A., iii, 88; Esmé, ii, 189 ; Rob., ii, 189 Arlesey, i, 173-4, 278, 312; li, 234, 260, 262, 263, 270, 300, 324; adv., ii, 265; char., ii, 265; ch., i, 313, 324 ”, 348%; ii, 261, 263, 264, 265; coins, ii, 261; earthworks, ii, 261; ind., ii, 261 ; man., ii, 207, 223; mkts. and fairs, ii, 88, 262; mills, ii, 263; Nonconf., ii, 265; pottery (Samian), ii, 4; rectory, li, 265; sch., ii, 181 ; vicar, i, 342 ; vicar- age, ii, 206, 316; wkhouse., ii, 104 Arlesey Bury, ii, 261, 263, 342; man., ii, 262, 263, 265; mills, ii, 262 Arlesey Siding, sch., ii, 181 Armada, ii, 40 Armington, Will., iii, 112 Armstrong, A. A., iii, 297 2 Arnald, see Arnold Arnesby (Leics.), i, 382, 384 Arnold, Edw., ii, 236; Grey, ii, 295; Hen., ii, 91; Jno., iii, 185 ; Kath., iii, 382; Marg., ii, 295; ili, 380 ; Mich., iii, 310 Arrouasians, i, 349, 387%, 388, 388 2 Arschil, see Aschil Arthorw, Jno., iii, 154; Marg., iii, 154 Artificial stone ind., ii, 127 Arundel, earl of, iii, 199 Aschil, ii, 300, 381; iii, 181, 184, 186, 262, 344, 381, 383 Asgar, ii, 361 Ashbrookfield (Wootton), iii, 331 Ashburnham, Sophia, ctss. of, iii, 132; earls of, iii, 22; Bert., iii, 130; Geo., iii, 130,132”; Jno., iii, 130; Eliz., Lady, iii, 126; Kath., Lady, iii, 130; Lds., iii, 270, 311; Jno., iii, 322; Will., iii, 126, 130 Ashburnham, Jno., ii, 51, 52, 61; iii, 270, 272, 322, 323; fam., iii, 132 Ashby, prior of, iii, 148 ” Ashby, Dav. de, ii, 357, 366; Isabel of, i, 360; Jno. of, i, 370; Rob. de, iii, 30 Ashcroft, —, ii, 168 Asheldon Close (Marston More- taine), iii, 311 Ashfield, Florence, ii, 289; Geo., ii, 296 ; Margery, ii, 296 ; Patience iii, 361; Rich., iii, 361 ; Rob., ii, 296; Thos., iii, 302 ; —, iii, 305 Ashley, Alice, iii, 191; Eliz., iii, 207 ; Gilb., iii, 207 ; Hen., iii, 191 Ashridge, iii, 362 Ashridge Coll. (Bucks), iii, 448 Ashton, Sir Edw., ii, 43; Frances, ii, 179; iii, 351, 367, 368; Mary, iii, 436; Matth., ii, 298, 299; Nich., iii, 272, 437; Pet., ii, 299 ; Rob., iii, 436; Will., iii, 436, 8 43 Ashwell, Jno., i, 380, 381 ; Rich., ii, 385 Ashwell Street, i, 176 Askyllus (Anskyldus), ii, 315 Aspedon (Kent), ii. 256 » Aspin, Anne, iii, 91 ; Jno., iii, 91 Aspinall, Jas., iii, 304; Nich., ii, 167, 168, 169 Aspley, Alice de, ii, 337; Nich. de, il, 3375 Rog. de, ii, 337 Aspley Bury, man., ii, 294, 295, 296 Aspley End, ii, 295 » © Aspley Guise, i, 372”; ii, 91, 96, 114, 199, 329; iii, 276, 336, 338, 342, 394, 398; adv,, iii, 339, 342; chants., iii, 342; char., iii, 343; ch., 1, 315, 371”, 378, 379, 380; iii, 338, 340, 342; Glebe Farm, iii, 338; ind., ii, 338; man., iii, 338; mkt. and fairs, ii, 88; iii, 340; mills, iii, 340; Nonconf., iii, 338; Old House, The, iii, 338; rectory, iii, 342; sch., ii, 181 ; iii, 338 Aspley Heath, ii, 181 Aspley House (Aspley Guise), iii, 338 Aspley Woods, , 42, 52, 56, 58, 79, 108 ; iii, 338 Asplion, Kath., ii, 257 Assandun, battle of, ii, 20 Asscheton, see Ashton Assheton, see Ashton Astell, Edm., ii, 356” Eliz., iii, 231; Jno., ii, 228; Rich., ii, 228; ii, 231; Will. ii, 66%, Astell (cont.) 228; Will. H., ii, 228 ; Will. T., ii, 228: fam., ii, 66 Astewood, see ‘Astwood Aston Bury, man., ii, 315 Aston Flamville, ili, 216 n Astrey, Alice, ii, 295%; iii, 293, 300 ; Dorothy, ' ii, 382, 438, 446 ; - Fran. tii, 187, 442 5 Geo., lii., 193 ; Sir Hen. » lil, 442 ; Hen. , iii, 376, 380, 442 ; Jas., iii, 442; ‘Lora, iii, 193 ; Mary, i ii, 338 5 iti, 193, 380; Ralph, li, 407”, 2050; ili, 146, 293, 300, 380, 442, 454; Rich., ii, 442; Susanna, i ili, 382 ; Will., iii, 442; fam., iii, 379 Astwick, ii, 96, 201, 203, 205, 248, 281, 291 ; iii, 69, 96n; adv., ii, 203, 206; chap., i, 314”, 315”, 318, 392; char., ii, 206; ch., ii, 203, 205, 206 ; Ch. Farm, li, 203 : man., ii, 203, 204, 205, 262 ; iii, 44, 77; mills, ii, 203, 204; Samian pottery, ii, 4; Rom. Brit. weapons, ii, 41; rectory, ii, 206 Astwick, Elias of (de), i, 314”; ii, 203; Jno. of (de), i, 379, 381; li, 203, 204, 289 ; Walt. de, ii, 203 ; Will. (de), ii, 203, 204, 205 ; Rich. de, ii, 203; Sim. de, li, 203 Astwick Bury, ii, 203 Astwick Mills, i, 142 Astwood, ii, 187; iii, 116 Astwood, Jno., iii, 428 ; Nich. iii, 30 Asty Wood (Stagsden), iii, 96 Athall, Will., i, 398 Athelgyth, iii, 431 Athelney, i, 276 Athelstan, King, ii, 314", 350”; Ul, 345 a Athol, Dav., earl of, iii, 3, 281 Atkins, Annabella, iii, 133; Edw., iii, 193, 296; Sir Hen., iii, 133; Thos., iii, 133; Will., iii, 246; Lady, ii, 42 Atkinson, Alex., ii, 241; C. B., ii, 199 ; Thos., iii, 201 Atoun, Jno., i, 393. Attelburgh, ‘Sibyl, i, 360 Atterton, Jno., iii, 251 Atwood, Agnes, ii, 363 ”; Thos., ii, 363 , 373, 375 Aubervill, hon. of, iii, 377, 419 Aubervill, Will. de, iii, 377, 419 Auckland, canon of, i, 327 Audele, see Audley Audley, Alice, iii, 192; Anna, iii, 295; Hen., ii, 342, 344, 353; iii, 132, 747, 408; Jas. de, iti, 299; Rob., ii, 43; ‘sir Thos., iil, 13; Thos., ‘ti, 295; Will, ii, 40; —, , 44,54 Audley End, iii, 131 Auferney Wood, ii, 342 Augustinian Canons, Canons Auncells (Milton Bryant), iii, 419 Aungeyn, Rog., iii, 346 Aunsell, see Ansell Austin, Fran. M., iii, 332 ; Rob., ii, 232; Thos. c, li, 119; W., ii, 198 atin Canons, i, 349, 350, 363 %, 371-87, 388", 395"; i, 154; iil, 21 ”, 173 Austin Nuns, i, 387, 388 Austria, Jno., archdk. of, iii, 458 ; Lewis, archdk. of, iii, 458 Avalon, Hugh of, see Lincoln, Hugh, bp. of Aveline, iii, 285, Avenay, Rob., iii, 310 Avenel, Eliz., ii, 296”; Jno., ii, 296, 297; lan ii, 296 ; Kath., see Austin INDEX Avenel (cont.) li, 219; Mary, ii, 219; Rob., ii, 296 Avery, Hen. of, li, 289”; Jno., iii, orn; Will., ili, 368 Aves, Eliz., iii, 361; Rich,, i iii, 361 Avrenches, Matilda d’, iii, 452; Will. d’, iii, 452 Awdley, see Audley Axholme, Isle of, ii, 31 Aydrop, Thos., iii, 106, 195 Aylesbury (Bucks), ii, 46; iii, 383, 393, 401, 402; ch.,i, 311 ; gaol, li, 26; iii, 7 Aylesbury, earls of, see Ailesbury Aylesbury, Jno., ii, 364; Kath., iti, 77, 191; Sir Thos., iii, 191; Thos., iii, 77 Aylesford (Kent), i, 170 Aylyff, Jno., ili, 39 Aynel, Ad., ii, 360; Jno., ii, 360 ; iii, 4533 Rog, ii, 360; will. +, ii, 360 ; ili, 453 Aynsworth, Eliz., ii, 179 ; Sim., iii, 285, 454; Thos., ii, 179 Azelin, iii, 236 Baa, see Bathonia Babs, man., iii, 146 Babyngton (Babington), Sir Will., li, 276, 277, 280, 323; Will., ii, 276, 145 Bach, Maria G., iii, 53, Thos., iii, 53 Backenho, man. (Thurleigh), i, 297 ; iii, 106 Backnoe End Farm (Thurleigh), iii, 104 Bacon, Sir Fran., iii, 253, 285; Rob., iii, 95, 106; Will., iii, 95; fam., ii, 233 Baddyngho, Joan, iii, 217 ” Badelesdone, see Battlesden Badlesmere, Barth. de, ii, 384, 385 ; Giles de, ii, 384; Marg. de, ii, 284, 385 Bagley, an ., lii, 94, 116; Matth., iii, 94, 17 Bagley’ Ss etnasy (Stagsden), iii, Bases, Chas., iii, 434; Frances, iii, Bagshave (Bagshawe), Edm., iii, 193, 326; Edw., iii, 193; Mary, lii, 193; Rev. R.S., Bailey, W., i, Ioo Bailiff’s, man. (Luton), ii, 350, 361 Baird, Sir Dav., ii, 67 Baker, Ann, iii, 278; Jas., iii, 327 ; Joan, ii, 329, 330; Jno., ii, 39; Rev. R. ’S. , i, 291 ; Rev. Thos., ii, 181”; ili, 128; Thos., iii, 327; Will. iii, 329, 330; fam., iii, 277 Baker’s Wood (Leighton Buzzard), ili, 400, 405 Bakeworthe Field (Barton), ii, 309 Baldock (Herts), ii, 207, 214 Baldock (Baldok), Agnes de, ii, ii, 285 254”; Nich., i, 381; — de, ii, 254” Baldric, iii, 426 Baldry, Hen., ili, 400 Baldwin, the ’Miller, iii, 216 Baldwin, Fran., iii, 167; Thos., iii, 167 Baleok, Beatrice de, iii, 281 Baliol, see Balliol Ball, Jno., ii, 35 ; Lucy, iii, 356 ” ; Rich., iii, 356; Rog., iii, 211 Ballard, Sam., iii, 280 Ballidon in the Peak, chap., i, 372"; man., i, 376 Ballington Bottom 337, 455 (Herts), iii, z Balliol (Baliol), Clemence de, i, 354; Devorguilla de, ii, 30, 238; iti, 297; Jno. ee li, 30, 238; iii, 297; fam., ii, 30 Balliol Coll. (Oxf), li, 30 ; iii, 29 Balls, man., see Babs, man. Ball’s Pasture Field (Turvey), iii, 117 Bamford, Rev. Rob., ii, 209, 222 ; ul, 33 Bamforth, Rob., Bamforth & Co., Banbury, iii, 80 Banks, Sir Jos., ii, 135 Bankworth, Judith, iii, 434 Baptist, Jane, iii, 183; Jno., iii, 183 Baptists, i, 344; ii, 214, 222, 241, 242, 245, 255, 270, 271, 280, 299, 303, 312, Pan 374, 375, 381, 384, 387; ili, 6, 31, 32, 49, 89,94, 100, 104, 109, 136, 157, 165, 200, 214, 234, 238, 275, 279, 284, 308, 314, 320, 338, 367, 380, 414, 415, 451 Barantyn, Drew, iii, 299; Eliz., iii, 299 ; Joan, iii, 299; Jno., iii, 299 Barber (Barbar, Barbor, Barbour), Agnes, ii, 316, 373; Alice, iii, 430, 449; Anne, ii, 259, 380; Bridg., iii, 28 ; Christian, ii, et Eliz., ii, 281 2; Geo., ii, 383 ; 449: Hugh, ii, 162; Jno., ry 89n, 281", 373; iii, 21, 28, 293 ; Rich., 1, 334; ii, 383 ; Rob., ii, 316; iii, 259, 425, 430; Rog., ii, 342; ili, 432; Tite, ii, 380; iii, 311, 425; Will., ii, "380; -, iii, 261 Bardolf (Bardolphe), iti, 18 ii, 127 Agnes, iii, 372; Will. ii, 30; ili, 372; fam., iii, 390” Barescote, Sim., i, 382 Baret, Hen., iii, 356”; Jno., iii, 257; Rich., iii, 356” ee (Little Staughton), iii, 165 Barford, Gt., i, 303, 312, 3352; ii, 133, 190, 280, 315; iii, 12; 181-s; adv., iii, 185; bridge, iii, 3, 181, 228: char., iii, 33, 185; ch., i, 315 ”, 380; iii, 181, 184, 185, 222; hall, iii, 181; man., ii, 207; iii, 181, 184; mills, iii, 181, 184; Nonconf., iii, 181 ; rectory, i, 317; iii, 184”; sch., ii, 182; ship money, iii, 180; vicarage, i, 316 ”; iii, 181 Barford, Gt., hund., ii, 113; iii, 34, 180, 195, 199, 205 Barford, Little, ii, 25, 44, 71, 72, 197, 201, 206-9 ; ii, 310; adv., ii, 209; Barford House, ii, 206; char., ii, 209; chs., ii, 206, 207, 208, 209; man., ii, 206-8; mill, ii, 208; rectory, ii, 206; Rowe’s Cottage, ii, 206 Barford, Geoff. of, iii, 184; of, iii, 184; Will., i, 399 Barkedich (Bed.), iii, I ”, 21 Barker (Barkere), Agatha, ii, 334; Hen., ii, 334; Hugh, ii, 162; Jno. le, iii, 143; Rob., ii, 162, 169; Thos., ii, 335 ; iii, 177 Barking Abbey, i, 322 n; lil, 307 ; abbess, i, 312 ; iii, 306 Barle, Alianor, iii, 145; Jno., iii, Hugh 145 Barleigh, Dorothy, iii, 306 Barlow, Will., bp., see Lincoln, bps. of ; ae i, 11g; il, 133 Barnacke, Edm., ii, 243; Joan, i, 243; Jno., ii, 243; Mary, ii, 243; ili, 191; Will., ii, 243; iii, I9I A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Barnard, Ellen, iii, 273; Jno., iii, 273; J. H.,i, 127; ii, 195, 196, 197; Rich., ii, 368, 369, 373; Sir Rob., ii, 64; iii, 20; Talbot, Uli, 301 ; Thos., ii, 66 7; iii, 238; Thos. H., iii, 297; fam., ii, 66; see also Bernard and Burnard Barnardiston, Geo., iii, 245, 246; Hen., iii, 245; Joan, iii, 245; Jno., iii, 245, 246, 255; Marg., ili, 245 ; Sir Nath., iii, 146 ; Rob., lil, 245; Sam., iii, 146; Sir Thos., ii, 356, 359; Thos., ii, 359 Barnes, Geo., iii, 403, 429; Jno., i, 336, 337; ili, 429; Ralph, i, 369”; Sam. E., ii, 242 Barnett, Curtis, ii, 211; —, ii, % 19°; es ae arnham, Fran., iii, 403, 42 Barnhard, see Borah hae Barons’ War, ii, 17, 27, 30, 31, 33, 350 Barre, Agnes de la, ii, 359; Eliz., ii, 256 ; Jno., ii, 256 ; Thos., ii, 256 Barringer, Will., iii, 104 Barrington, Joan, ii, 204 ” Barrows, see Burials and Burial Urns Barr’s Place (Eaton Bray), iii, 375 Barrymore, Ld., ii, 192 Bartholomew, iii, 90; Ellen, w. of, ili, 90 Bartholomew, C., iii, 90 Barthon, see Barton-in-the-Clay Bartlow (Essex), Rom. rem., ii, 12 Barton, see Barton-in-the-Clay Barton, Geoff. of, i, 377; Jas., iii, 117; Louisa, iii, 117; Mary, iii, 117; Dr., ii, 167; —, ii, 169 Barton Hills, ii, 71, 308, 344, 381 Barton-in-the-Clay, ii, 25, 50, 77, 82, 87, 129, 306, 308-13, 384; ii, 59; adv., ii, 312; char., ii, 313; ch., i, 313; li, 308, 311, 312; ind., ii, 117; man, i, 312; ii, 80, 308-10, 313; mills, ii, 310; Non- conf., ii, 312; iii, 32; petrifying spring at, i, 31; ii, 308; prehist. rem., i, 162, 174 ; ii, 308 ; rectory, li, 308, 312; sch., ii, 181 Barton-on-Humber, iii, 131 Barwick, Pet., ii, 295 Barworth, see Barwythe Barwythe (Studham), iii, 429; chant., i, 325”, 326m; iii, 428, 432; chap., i, 318; ch., iii, 431; Grove, the, iii, 430 ; man., iti, 426 Barwythe House, iii, 428 Basingham (Basingeham), Agnes (de), ii, 234; iii, 70; Beatrice de, iii, 71”; Jno. de. iii, 71; Rob. (de), ii, 234m; iii, 70; Walt. de, iii, 426 Baskerfield, Mary, iii, 415 Baskerville, Thos., iii, 351, 363 Basmead, man., ili, 190, 192, 193; man. house, i, 306 Basmey, see Basmead Basset (Bassett), Agnes, i, 398; Alianor, iii, 145; Fran., ii, 66”; Fulk, iii, 84; Sir Jno., iii, 145, 146; Jno., ii, 289; iii, 145; Juliane, i, 357; Kath., iii, 145; Nich., i, 353; Norman, iii, 145; Ralph, iii, 57, 58; Rich., i, 353; ii, 23; iii, 107; Rob., iii, 125 , 145; Sim., i, 398”; Sybil, iii, 145; Thurstan, iii, 107; Will., ili, 145, 146; fam., li, 66; iii, 22 Bassets, man. (Milton Ernest), iii, 145, 146 : Basseville, Alice de, i, 360 Bassingbourn(e), Kath., ii, 346; Mary, ii, 219; Thos., ii, 346; iii, 22; Warin de, ii, 219 Bates, Geo., iii, 404; Rev. Thos., li, 316, 318 7” Bateson, Will., ii, 385 Bates’s Close (Cardington), iii, 238 Bath, Jno., earl of, ii, 336, 339; Thos., mgs. of, ii, 341 Bath, Agnes de, iii, 192; Eliz. de, iii, 192; Fulk of, ii, 238; Joan of, ii, 238; Osbert de, iii, 192 ; Reg. de, iii, 192 ; see Bathonia Bath and Wells, bp. of, ii, 38, 310; iii, 192 Bathonia, Anne de, iii, 221 ; Walt. de, iii, 221; see Bath Bathurst, Allen, Ld., ii, 60”; iii 344, 384 Batrachians, i, 102-3 Batsford, Sampson de, iii, 74; Wm. de, iii, 74 Battams, Geo., iii, 52; Thos., ii 138; iii, 52 Batten, Eliz., iii, 335; Jas., iti 335; Rich., iii, 335 Batthyany, count, ii, 194 Battison, Thos, ii, 172 ; iii, 17 Battlesden, ii, 96, 356; iii, 336, 343-5; adv., iii, 345; char., ili, 345, 368; ch., iii, 343, 344, 345; Hill Farm, iii, 343; lake, i, 136; man., ili, 343, 344; pk., i, 125 ; iii, 343, 400, 421 ; rectory, iii, 343 ; sch., ii, 181 ; vicar of, iii, ’ ? 345 Battlesden, Thos., i, 401 Battlesden Abbey, iii, 65 Battye, Will., iii, 437 Bawde, Jane, iii, 391; Thos., iii, 391 Bawdery, Will., iii, 407 Baxter, Jno. de, ii, 309 ;—, i, 343 Bay, Sim. de, iii, 85 Bayeux, man., see Ocle-cum-Clap- ham Bayeux, bp. of, i, 313; iii, 96, 114, 126, 223, 370, 376, 419, 449 ” Bayeux, Eliz. de, iii, 154: Joan de, tii, 155; Marg. de, iii, 155; Rich. de, iii, 130, 154; Rob. de, ili, 154; Sim. de, iii, 130; Will. de, iii, 130 Bayford, ii, 317 Bayley, Ellen, iii, 428; Jas., iii, 310; Will., iii, 428 Bayliffe, Chas., ii, 280 Bayncroft, see Beancroft Baynes, Mary, iii, 31, 32 Bayonne, bp. of, ii, 38 Bayons, Will., iii, 162 Beacher, see Beecher Beadlow Farm (Clophill), ii, 321 Beamont, see Beaumont Beancroft (Marston Moretaine), iii, 308 ; man., iii, 311 Beancroft Farm (Marston More- taine), iii, 311 Beauchamp, bar., i, 300”, 393; ili, 61, 92, 97, 386 Beauchamp, Lord de, iii, 162 Beauchamp, Alice de, iii, 191; Ant., ii, 337; Beatrice de, iii, 44, 46, 97, 114, 215, 235, 329, 330, 383 ; Cicely de, ii, 351, 352; Edith, Lady, iii, 136; Edith de, li, 203 ; iii, 137; Ela de, ii, 30”; iil, 14, 44, 45, 46, 136, 186, 215, 234, 235, 295, 329, 330; Eliz., Lady, ii, 324; iii, 140, 230, 317, 380; Eliz. de, i, 357, 383”; li, 248, 296, 324; iii, 295, 326, 330; Ellen de, i, 377; Emma, iii, 41; Geoff. de, ii, 211, 324; Hen., ii, 339; iii, 41, 403; Hugh de, i, 297, 361, 377, 381 ”, 382 n, 383, 384, 385, 386, 394; ii, 143, 203, 204, 207, 208, 2II, 215, 4 Beauchamp (cont.) 243, 271, 281, 300, 302, 336, 339, 344, 381; ili, 9, 36, 37, 40, 42, 44, 61, 9I, 96, 107, 113, 114, 136, 138, 145, 159, 171, 181, 186, 190, 193, 197, 199, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 210, 216, 234, 238, 240, 248, 257, 258, 259, 260, 262, 266, 291, 292, 315, 375, 418, 424; Ida de, i, 379 ; iii, 213, 235, 334; Isabel de, iii, 329; Joan de, ui, 324; Ml, 12, 234, 330, 331; Sir Jno., iii, 136, 137; Jno. de, i, 29, 31, 203, 307, 339; iii, 12, 41, 44, 45, 190, 196, 215, 234, 235, 295, 329, 351; Marg., iil, 41, 137; Maud de, ii, 243, 300, 339; tl, 44, 77, 97, 262, 329; Miles de, ii, 24, 25; iii, 9, 24; Oliver de, i, 385 ”; iii, 190, 193; Payn (Pain) de, i, 377, 392; ii, 206, 267, 271, 276, 339, 341, 343 ; li, 9, 24, 166, 240 ; Philippa, li, 248; iii, 190, 210; Ralph, ii, 208, 243, 251; iii, I91, 199, 200-1, 221”; Reg. de, ii, 34”; Rich. de, ii, 296; iii, 219, 403; see also St. Amand, Lord; Roais de, see Rohesia; Rob. de, iii, 9 ; Rog. de, i, 325 », 386; ii, 34, 243, 245, 321; Ul, 41, 42, 52, 136, 190, I9I, 196, 199, 200, 201, 272; ohesia (Rohese, Rose) de, i, 390, 392; ii, 154, 267, 271, 274, 276, 341, 343; iii, 9, 210; Sibyl de, see Patishull ; Sim, de, i, 303, 314 m, 361, 371 ”, 377, 378, 379, 385 %, 390m, 391, 392; ii, 23, 24, 26, 29, 154, 155, 203, 206, 218, 267, 271, 276, 302, 338, 339; ui, 8, 9, 10, 12, 37, 98, 100, 137, 139, 159, 185, 203, 208, 210, 214, 235, 236, 237, 242, 261, 266, 329, 334, 342, 348, 378, 402; Thos. de, i, 373; li, 321; Sir Walt., ili, 317; Sir Will. de, ii, 324; iii, 140, 187, 230, 380; Will. de, i, 361, 362, 379, 380, 390%, 391, 392%; ii, 27, 28, 29, 71, 203, 206, 243, 244, 245, 248, 267, 271, 276, 296, 300, 339, 341, 343; 1, 10, Il, 12, 14, 44, 52, 98 n, 137, 162, 166, 192, 199, 203, 208, 210, 213, 215, 216M, 235, 237, 242, 292, 293, 295, 317, 331, 334, 375, 383; fam., i, 382, 385, 390%; ii, 23, 25m, 31) ili, 43, 52, 61, 212, 236, 237, 342 Beaudesert (Leighton Buzzard), iii, I Beaufort, Hen., bp., see Lincoln, bps. of; Jno., see Somerset,dk, of ; Lady Marg., iii, 41 Beaulieu, man., i, 351 ”, 352 Beaulieu Priory, i, 313, 315%, 316 m, 318 n, 349, 350, 351, 352; 377”, 385; ii, 87, 270, 321-5, 342, 344; iii, 148, 273, 316, 318, 319, 320; priors, 1, 352 Beaumanor (Leics.), iii, 380 Beaumont, Edw., iii, 432; Hugh de, ii, 24, 39; Joan, ili, 437; Jno., iii, 28; Marg., ili, 301; Rob., ii, 379, see also Leicester, earl of; Thos., iii, 437; Will. ii, 379, iii, 432; capt., iii, 297; et i, 99; fam., 1, 3 2 Bechelesworde, see Biggleswade Becher, Jno., iii, 215 ; Sir Will. iii, 215, 216”; Will. ii, 224, 316 ; ili, 215; capt., ii, 194 Beck, A. C., iii, 64, 66 Beckering, John de, iii, 322 Beckerings Park (Ridgmont), ii, 145, 147; ili, 322 Beckerings Pk. Farm (Ridgmont), iii, 320 Beckerings Pk. Lodge Farm, iii, 322 Becket, Rob., iii, 316; Thos., i, 378; li, 26, 27, 154; —, ii, 168; iii, 19 Beckford, Will, iii, 372, 448 Beckworth, Jos. F., iii, oe : Mary, iii, 335 Bedanforda, see Bedford Bedcanforda, see Bedford Bedcott, Rich., iii, 209; Sarah, iii, 209 ; Will. » iii, 209 Beddington (Surr. ), tii, 427 Bedeforda, see Bedford Bedell, Gabriel, iii, 113 ; Matth., 304 : Thos., iii, 259; Will., a 326 Bedford, ii, 23, 34, 39, fe, 54%, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60%, 63, 64, 73, 105, 116, 340; iii, 1-33, 73, 117, 253; Adams Manufacturing Co., ii, 127; Agricultural Inst., iii, 320; Allen Inst., ii, 127 ; Angling Club, i, 99; A. S. rem, i, 176, 185, 190; archdry., ii, 214; archds., i, 313, 315”, 319, 320, 323, 332, 334, 336 1, 341, 348, 378, 384”, 396, 397; ii, 29, 152, 154, 155, 213, 265, 279, 356 , M, 334, 355, 359, 431 ; artificial stone works, ii, 127; assessment, li, 153; iii, I, 2; assizes, iii, 22, 71, 276; bailiff, ii, 155; iii, 19; bedell of beggars, iii, 3, 8; bp. of, i, 332; Black Death, i, 328; bridge, iii, I, 4, 30, 44; bridewell, iii, 7; chamberlain, ii, 58; chant. i, 329”; chaps., i, 324; iii, 6; char., ii, 153, 156, 157, 170, 172, 174, 181; iii, 31, 32, 33; Chas. L., ii, 52-53 : chs., i, 107, 176, 281, 310, 311, 311”, 312, 315%, 324”, 325, 326, 331”, 339, 340, 343, 346 m, 347 , 371 n, 380, 396, 397; li, 92, 152, 153, 155; lii, 2, 4, 24, 52; coll. ch. (St. Paul's), ti, 25, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 161, 172, 176, 214, 311-13, 315, 345, 349, 379, 380; ili, 2, 4, 24, 25, 114, 236 , Corn Exchange, ii, 176 ; Crown Build- ing Soc., iii, 214; deanery, i, 347; Earl Cowper buildings, ii, 177; earthworks, i, 280, 281, 282, 284 ; engineering works, ii, 126; elec- tric works, ii, 126; gaols, ii, 26, 55, 103 ; iii, 1, 7, 8, 306, 361, 3793 gate-houses, iil, I, 4, 7; gilds, i, 23° ii, 92, 155, 156; hosp., iii, : ind., ii, 109, 126, 127; iii, 5; ne ii, 62, 99, 170, 209, 222; ili, 5, 6, 7; rt, 12, 30; ironworks, li, 125, 126, 137; Jewry, i, 321; iii, 2; King’s ditch, iii, 8; leper hosp., i, 349; library, ili, 4; Longholm Meadows, i, 110; man., iii, 23, 75, 114, 184; mkt. cross, iii, 2; mkts. and fairs, ii, 88, 105, 140, 268; iii, I, 3, 21, 24, 35, 441; mayor and corp. i, 354, 395-398; ii, 41, 55, 57, 58) 59, 64, 153, 155, 156, 160, 161, 162, 165, 166, 167, 169, 173; iii, 3, 5, 16-23, 29, 30; mills, i, 397 ; iii, 9, 24; mint, ili, 2 ; Moot Hall, iii, 2; ‘Nonconf., i, 3443 iii, 30, 31; pars., iii, I, 5; 6; pk., iii, 5; parl. repre., ii, 34, 64; tii, 20, 21; place-names, ili, 8; postal service, ii, 99; prehist. rem., i, 146, 147, 150, 161, 174; races, ‘iii, 8; rebellion, iii, 33 recorder, ii, 58; iii, 19, 155; rectors, i, 337, 338, 341”, 343; INDEX Bedford (cont.) ii, 164, 176; rectories, i, 331 ”, 339”; Rom. rem., ii, 1, 4, 5, 8; Rupert, pr., ii, 46; schs., i, 42; un, 109, 141, 149-85 ; iii, 2, 3) 5, 6, 9, 25; sessions, i, 369; iii, 159; ship-money, ii, 41; siege, iii, 1; tournaments, iii, 2 ; vicar- ages, i, 316”; ii, 168; Vulcan Works, ii, 127; Yeomanry, ii, Oo Bedford, bar., i, 364, 377, 379; ii, 22, 26, 215, 218, 300, 305, 339, 344, 381; iii, 9, 12-15, 40, 46, 52, 71%, 77; 83, 89, 99, 96-8, 107, 114, 125, 134, 136-8, 145, 159, 162, 166, 181, 186, 199, 204- 5, 210-12, 215-16, 236, 238, 240, 248, 258, 260, 264, 293, 295. 329-31, 338-9, 375, 383, 418, 4233 hon., ii, 283; iii, 90, 166, 203, 206, 210, 216, 346 Bedford, barons of, iii, 12, 37; Jno., iii, 77; Payn, i, 385 ”, 390; Isabella, ctss. of, ii, 39; Marg., ctss. of, ii, 277; Mary, ctss. of, ii, 39 ”; dchss. of, i, 110, 136; Gertrude, iii, 318, 361; Jaquetta, ii, 225, 282; iii, 118; dks., i, 99, 102, 103, 186 ; ii, a 15, 63, 64, 65, 66, 70, 108, 130, 131, 132- 36, 138, 139, 141, 146, 147, 171, 172, 173,177, 181 n, 183 n, 184%, 185, 188, 189, 192, 193, 194, 197, 267; iii, 11, 12, 19, 20, 23, 30, 94, 95, I00, 102, 107, 139, I40, 142, 149, 150, 159, I9I, 195, 201, 203, 204, 205, 207, 210, 211, 224, 240, 242, 262, 264, 266, 270, 272, 273, 276, 286, 288, 291, 292, 296, 305, 306, 307, 308, 310, 311, 313, 315, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 342, 343, 344, 345, 361, 362, 376, 391, 395, 396, 398, 417, 418, 419, 421, 422, 423, 458, 461, 462 ; Fran., ii, 130, 135, 137, 139, 140; ili, 104, 204, 214, 271, 286, 305, 458, 459; Geo., ii, 39, 39”; Hastings, ii, 140; Herbrand A., ti, 140; iii, 104, 292, 396, 459, 461; Jasper, ii, 39; Jno., i, 39, 62, 68, 135, 358; iii, 18, 207, 209, 286, 290, 314, 318, 324, 457, 461, 462; Will., ii, 61 ; Wriothesley, i ii, 61; iii, 376; earls of, ii, 54, 56; iii, 142, 302 ; Edw., iii, 143, 203 ; Fran., ii, 40, 42, 185 ”, 277; ili, 203, 376, 459, 462 ; Hugh, ii, 24, 39; iii, 9; Ingelram, ii, 39; Jno. ji, 39, 266; iii, 459; Will., 43 Bedford, Cecilia of, iii, 215; Hen. of, i, 326; Hugh de, ii, 39; Isaac de, iii, 2”; Jno. (of), i, 381, 384; Martha, iii, 236 ; Matth. °° i, 384; Rob. of, i, 388; Sam., 54”; Rev. Thos., iil, hae Thos. oe 236; Will. (of), i, 399; ii, Bedford Abbey, i, 311, 377; iii, 1,6 Bedford Castle, i, 186, 281, 285, 296, 320, 362, 364, 372, 378; i, 5; 23, 27-9, 33; Mi, 2, 12, 13, 204, 353; mill, iii, 23; siege, i, 382; ii, 24, 28, 144”; iii, 7, 9, 10, II, 24 Bedford Coll. (Lond.), ii, 177 Bedford-cum-Kyrkeby, see Bedford Major Bedford Grammar Sch., ii, 152-77, 199, 200 Bedford House (London), ii, 57%, 149, 63” Bedford Level, ii, 61 ” 5 Bedford Major, preb., ii, 153 Bedford Minor, preb., ii, 153-4 Bedford St. Mary, see Bedford Major Bedfordshire, agricultural societies, ii, 140, 142 Bedfordshire Chamber of Agricul- ture, ii, 140, 142 Bedfordshire Game Society, ii, 198 eo Regt., ii, 45, 67-70; iii, 14 Bedford Verd, see Bedford Minor Bedingfield, Sir Edm., iii, 15; Sir Edw., i Ai aa, Hen., iii, 296; Marg. Ad iu, Bedlow, aan (Clophill), ii, 322, 325; fair, ii, 323; mill, iii, 387 Beech, Mary, ili, 328; Thos., iii, 326 Beecher (Beacher), Eliz., iii, 218 ; Mary, iti, 304; Sir Will., iii, 203 ; Will., iii, 218, 304; —, ii, 262; fam. iii, 218 Beeches, man. (Pulloxhill), ii, 377 Beechwood Park (Hemel Hemp- stead), i, 116 Beedles, —, ii, 170 Bee-keeping, ii, 142 Beers, Geo., ii, 188 Beeston, i, 365; ii, 242; iii, 227, 242-4, 246-8, 250; chant., ii, 242 ; man., i, 364; iii, 247; ‘mill, iii, 2473 "Nonconf. , li, 246 Beeston, Hen., ii, 166, 171 Beeston-Caldecote, man., see Perots Beeston Leys (Northill), iii, 247, 251 Beetles, see Coleoptera Beggary, hamlet, see Begwary Beggary, Joan de, iii, 196; Rich, de, ili, 196; Rog. de, iii, 196 Begwary (Eaton Socon), iii 198; man., i, 305; iii, 196-7 Begwary Brook (Eaton Socon), iii, 189 Begwary Farm (Eaton Socon), iii, Protection 190, 197 Beidforda, see Bedford Bek, Thos., bp., i, 362 , 401 Bekering, Jno. de, ii, 322 Bekeryng, see Beckerings Park Bel, see Bell Belcher, Miss, ii, 177 Bele, see Bell Belers, Rog. de, ii, 336 Belfield, Ant., iii, 428; Hen., iii, 428; Jno., iii, 428; Will., iii, 382, 428-30, 432 Belgrave (Leics.), ii, 162 Pees Marg., iii, 196; Rich., 196 Belknappe er Juliana, ii, 296; Rob., ii, 287, 296 Bell (Bel, Bele, Belle), Joan, iii, 403; John (le), i iii, 184, 258, 403; Rob., iii, 105, 443; Sim. le, ili, 257, 258 ; Thos. iii, 184; Will., iii, 220 Bellamy, Rob., ii, 40 Bellasis, Jane, ii, 345; Jno., ii, 345 Belle, see Bell Bell End (Kempston), iii, 297 Bello, Jno. de, iii, 353 Bells, man., iii, 155 Belrap, Alward, iti, 386 Belsham, Thos., iii, 9 ; Will., Belturbet, Will., Ld., iii, 140 Belvoir, hon., iii, 107, 112, 113, 149, 426 Belvoir, Rob. de Ros, ld. of, ii, 31 ” Belvoir Castle, iii, 112 Bendish, Hen., ii, 252 ; Will., iii, 163 Bendlowes, Will., iii, 300 Benedict, St., i, 350, 355, 363%, 367, 392 iii, 9 A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Benedictine monks, i, 349, 374, 376; ili, 403, 446 Benedictine nuns, i, 353-61 Benery (Oakley), iii, 149 Benett, see Bennett Benham (Ravensden), iii, 210 Benington, Eliz., i, 360 Benison, Geo. T., ii, 382, 383 Bennell, Will., iii, 355 Bennets, man., ii, 350, 359, 361 351-3, Bennett (Benett, Bennet), Grace, iii, 282; Jno., ili, 8”; J., i, 123, 136, 137; Sim., iii, 282; Thos., ii, 106, 136, 137; Will., ii, 107, 137; —, ii, 130; iii, 387 Benson, Jas., iii, 208 Bentham, Rev. "Jos., iii, 122, 417; Sam., ii, 166 Bentley, Anne, iii, 429; Jno., iii, 429; Thos., iii, 364 Beodeford, i, 310” Beranforda, see Barford Berdefeud, Jno. de, iii, 4o Bereford, par., see Barford Bereford, Agnes de, ii, 362; Alice de, ii, 362 ; Bald. de, ii, 360, 362 ; Edm. de, ii, 362; Eliz., ii, 362; Hen. de, iii, 184; Humph. de, iii, 184; Joan de, li, 362; Will. de, ii, 362; fam., ili, 181” Berell, Jno., iii, 247 Berells, man., see Buddenho Beresford, Anne C., ii, 343 Berewode (Studham), ‘ii » 428 Bergh, Rob. de, ii, 309 Berkeford, see Barford Berkeley, "Isabel, Lady de, ii, 340; Ld., iii, 346 ; Jas., Ld. de, li, 340; Will. , visct, , di, 301; iii, 13; Cath., iii, 205; G.C. G,, ii, 187, 188, 194; Sir Jno., ii, 51, 52; Jno., iii, 205; Maurice, iii, 13 x; fam. iii, 342 Berkford, see Barford Berkhampstead (Herts), ii, 47, 157, 317; iil, 358; cast., iii, 362 Berkley, see Berkeley Bermondsey Priory, iii, 9, 24 Bernake, see Barnacke Bernard, St., i, 361 Bernard, ii, 223; iii, 5 Bernard, Alice, iii, 116; Eleanor, li, 286; Sir Jno., ii, 286; Marg., ji, 286; Nich., ii, 223; ‘Odo, li, 223; Rich., iii, 116; Rog., ii, 223"; see also Barnard and Burnard Berners, Mary, ii, 252 Berridge, Jno., i, 345, 346 Berrington, —, iii, 234 Berry, Dan. , iii, 61 Berryfield (Lidlington), ili, 305 Berrystead (Goldington), iii, 205 Bertona, see Barton-in-the-Clay Bertuna, see Barton-in-the-Clay Besebrigg (Sharnbrook), iii, g1 Beseville, Marina de, ii, 275 Best, Ant., iii, 212; Hen., Mary, iii, 206 Bethune, Alice de, ii, 356 ; Bald. de, li, 349-50, 357, 360 Beton, Cicely, ii, 249, 250 Betterton, Fran., ii, 162 Bettesworth, Charlotte G., ili, 443; Jno., ii, 357; Dr., ii, 357 Betts, Jno., ii, 171 Bevan (Bevin, Beywin, Beyum), Benj., iii, 322 ; Rich., iii, 322; iii, 23; Thos., iii, 322; Walt., iii, 321, 322; Will., iii, 320, 322; fam., ili, 322 Bevans, man., iii, 322 Bevell (Bevill), Fran., iii, Hen., iii, 361 ; W., ii, 194 Beverley, Eliz., iii, 198; Jas., ii, 44, 323-4; ili, 201, 273; Rob., 392; Beverley (cont.) ii, 322, 374; Thos., Will., iii, 198 Bevin, see Bevan Beyum, Beywin, see Bevan Bicheno, —, ii, 133 Bickenhill (Warws. ), i, 360 Bickleswade, see Biggleswade Bickley, Fran., iii, 261; Rich., ui, 261 Biddenham, iii, 31, 34, 36, 46, 66, 82, 175, 176, 210, 219; adv., iii, 36, 37, 39, 40; bridge, iii, 44; chants., i, 324, 325”, 329, 334; ii, 92; iti, 40, 43, 47, 49; Char., iii, 40; ch., i, 326, 329”; iii, 36, 38, 39; *ind., ii, 138; man., ili, 36, 37, 38, 78, 110; mills, iii, 38, 473 palaeolithic impl., iii, 36; place-names, iii, 40; pop., ii, 115; prebends, li, 153; prehist. rem., 1, 28, 33, 145,174; a iii, 40; Rom, rem., ii, ae a he sch., ii, 181; vicarage, » 329%”, 341 ; wells, ii, 2,57 Biddenham, Jno. of, i, 381; Will. of, i, 381 Biddlesden (Bucks), iii, 343 ” Bidwell (Houghton Regis), iii, 390 Biedcanforda, see Bedford Bigg, Abigail, iii, 444; Abra., iii, 444; Agnes, iii, 444; Fran., iii, 443, 444; Jno., iii, 201; Mary, ili, 444; Sarah, iii, 444 Biggin Spinney (Roxton), i, 121 Biggin Wood (Everton), ii, 226 Biggin Wood (Tempsford), i, 307; earthwork, ii, 251 Biggin Wood, Little (Everton), ii 226 Biggleswade, ii, 44, 45”, 54, 95, ? I16, 201, 209, 214; ili, 7, 18, 79, 75%, 202, 205, 227%, 242, 260 ; adv., ii, 214; agric., ii, 133 ; bridge, ii, 209, 210; boro., li, 212; chaps., ii, 214; char., ii, 179-81 n, 214-15 ; ch., i, 317; ii, 210, 213, 214, 217; coins (Brit.), i, 173; ii, 210; common, ii, Igo, 209; dean of, i, 347; fishery, ii, 212; gilds, i, 330; ii, 179, 214; harriers, ii, 190 ; highway robbery, ii, 99; ind., i, 39; ii, 127, 138, 139, 212, 213; man., ii, 88, 210-12, 214, 253; mkts. ‘and fairs, ii, 88, 209, 210, 212,214; mills, ii, 212; moat, ii, 209; Nonconf., ii, 214; parl. div., ii, 66, 67; place- names, ii, 210; pop., ii, 113; prebend., i, 324, 334, 338, 343; prehist. rem., i, 173, 174; races, li, I9QI; rectory, i, 329; ii, 214; Rom. rem., ii, 4, 6, 209, 212; schs., ii, 179- -8r, 214; sports, ji, 189, 199: vicar of, i, 320; vicarage, i, 317, 341; ii, 214; wells, 1, 13, 26 Biggleswade, hund., ii, 18, 113, I16 N, 143, 201-55 Biggleswade, Jno., i, 385 Bigland, Cornelius, ii, 183 ”, 374 Bigod (Bygod), Hugh, ii, 223; Maud, ii, 223; Rog. le, ii, 268; see also Norfolk, earl of Bilenda, Hen. de, i, 372 Bilkemore, man., ii, 377, 378 Bilkemore, Anastasia de, ii, 378; Matilda de, ii, 378; Sir Rob. de, ii, 337, 338; Rob, de, ii, 378 Billenden, see Billington Billesdon, see Billington Billing, Walt. de, iii, 173 Billington (Gt. and seh iii, 399 400, 402, 404; chap., 1, 341; ii, 114; iii, 414, 417; ch., iii, 411; 6 iii, 198, 201 ; Billington (cont.) Cock Inn, iii, 400; man., ili, 406, 407; man. house, iii, 400; Noncont.,, ili, 415; prehist. rem., i, 162; rectory, iii, 414; sch., ii, 181 Billington, Joan, iii, 406; Jno., iii, 406, 4 07 Billyndon, see Billington Birchall’s Wood (Eversholt), iii, 375 Birchfield, man., iii, 181, 182 Birchmore, i, 370; "ch, i, 370; iii, 462; man., il, 461 ; ‘man. house, iii, 462; rectory, i, 370; water- works, iii, 457 Bird, Jno., ii, 344; Thos., 311 Birds, i, 104-37 Birdshill, i, 50 Birrell, Eliz., ii, 289; Hen., ii, 289 Biscott (Biscot), i, 310; ii, 374; Bear’s Moat, ii, 360”; ch., i, 346; i, 374; earthworks, 4, 305; man., ii, 359, 360-3; mill, ii, 366 ; Nonconf., ii, 374; springs, i, 19; vicarage, ‘ii, 374 Biscott (Biscot), Ad. of, i, 322”, 395 »; Godfrey of, ii, 356 Biscott Grange, Rom. rem., ii, 8 Biscott Place, ii, 362 ” Bishop, Hen., iii, 120 Bissopescote, see Biscott Bithray, Chas., iii, 52; Thos., iii, 52; Uriah, iii, 51 Bitlesden, see Battlesden Blachesou, see Bletsoe Black, Ad., ii, 357 ”; Arth., iii, 331 Blackborne Hall, iii, 104, 183; man., iii, 105 Blackborne Hall Farm (Thurleigh), iii, 22, 104 Black Death, ii, 88-90, 278; iii, 3, 78, 93, 100, 158, 299, 301, 318 Black Friars, see Friars, Black Black Pond (Thurleigh), i, 289 Blackwell, iii, 456 Blaigny (Blegner), Ernald de, ii, 2157; Thos. de, ii, 215 ” Blake (Blak), Jex, ii, 175; Steph., ii, 276” Blakelandes (Wootton), iii, 331 ” Blakesley (Northants), i, 394 Blankfront, man., see Potsgrove Blankfront (Blancfront), Hen., iii, 422, 423; Rob., iii, 422; Will.; ili, 422; W. de, i, 315” Blaydes, Fanny M., ii, 385; —, ii, 8 Bleadon (Somers.), iii, 54 Bleak Hall (Biggleswade), ii, 209 Blechesham, see Bletsoe Blechesho, see Bletsoe Blegner, see Blaigny Bletchley (Bucks), ii, 30 », 71 Bletnesho, see Bletsoe Bletsoe, i, 297; ii, 30, 40, 96; iii, 34, 49-43, 59, 61, 234%, 29% 461; adv., iii, 41, 43; cast., 301, 302; iii, 40, 42; chant., ‘iii, 433 chap., i, 3252; char., ili, 43; ch., i, 325 ”; lii, 40, 42, 43; earth- works, i, 301, 302, 303 ; hermit, i, 350; man., 1, 325; ii, oe iii, 40, 41; mill, lii, 42; pk, i, 44; pop., ii, 115; rector, iii, 43; sch., ii, 181; vicar, ii, 327 ”, 336 Bletsoe, ‘Agnes, iii, 119; Anne, iii, 119; Eliz., iii, 119; Will, iii, IIg, 120 Blikeslane (Caddington), ii, 315 Bliss, Math. F., iii, 310 Blisworth (Northants), i, 386 Blofield, Edw., iii, 286; Eliz., iii, 294 ; Giles, iii, 294; Mary, iii, 294 Blomfield (Bloomfield), Sir Arth., ii, 214; Fran., ii, 349; Rob., ii, 266 Biden, Chas., iii, 60; Nich., u, 345" Bloody Battle Bridge, i, 285 ” Bloomfield, see Blomfield Bloomsbury Square (London), ii, 57% Blosseville, Gilb. de, iii, 64, 65; Sim. de, iii, 65 Blott, Jno., iii, 67; Will., iii, 67 Blounham, see Blunham Blount, Mountjoy, see Newport, earl of Blow, T. B., i, 43, 50 Blows Downs’ (Dunstable), prehist. rem., i, 170, 172 Bluck Moor (Maulden), iii, 316 Bludeworth, see Bloodworth Bluet, Will., ii, 224 ” Blundell, Alan, li, 210; Eliz., Lady, ili, 235; Emma, ii, 210; Sir Fran., iii, 13; Sir Geo., li, 59; iii, 13, 14, 15, 235; Geo., ii, 44; Jno., i, 210, 253, 268 n, 271, 275, 286 n, 329 ; iii, 246 ; Rich., ii, 253 ; Rob., ii, 289 n; Rog., ii, 329; Sim., ii, 210; Will. , li, 210; Will. lil, 15, 235; fam., iii, 247 Blundells, farm (Harlington) , wi, 381 Blundells, man. (Caldecote), see Caldecote, Upper Blundells, man. (Harlington), iii, 380, 381 Bieridalls, man. (Silsoe), ii, 329, 330 Blunham, ii, 147, 201, ; ili, 31, 243; adv., iii, 233; char., iii, 233; ch., iti, 228, 231, 232, 233; fraternity, ii, 245, 325; iii, 233, 237, 255, 264; gild, i, 330; lands in, i, 380; ii, 92; iii, 231; man., ili, 228, 229, 236; man. house, iii, 228; mkt., ii, 88; iii, 229; pop., ii, 116; sch., ii, 181 Blunham, Dan. L., i, 368 ”, 369 Blunham House (Blunham), ii, 197; iii, 228 Blunham Mill, i, ror Blunham with Moggerhanger and Chalton, iii, 227, 228-33 Blunt, Eliz., iii, 366; Hugh le, iii, 98; Jno., iii, 225, 366; Mountjoy, see Newport, earl of; Rich., iii, 225; Will., iii, 225; —, ii, 165 Blyth- -King, Mrs., ili, 453 Bobelin, Sim. , iii, 391 2 Boderigan, Hen, de, ii, 354; Sibil 6, 3, 994 ae Bodleian Library (Oxford), iii, 295 Boheme, Geo., ii, 69 Bohun, Eleanor de, iii, 171; Eliz. de, iii, 172; Frank de, ii, 351; Humph. de, see Hereford, earl of ; Jno. de, ii, 306, 351, 354; iii, I7l, 1753 ‘Marg. de, iii, 175; Maud de, ii, 223”; Sybil de, ii, 351, 353, 354; Will. de, see Northampton, earl of; fam., iii, 283 Boileau, W. H., ii, 195 Bokland, man., ii, 230” Boklond, Kath. de, ii, 219; Ralph de, 219 Bold, Rev. Arth., iii, 61 ; iii, 61 Bole, Thos., i, 384 ; Will., iii, 240 Bolebec, Hugh de, i, 366; iii, 310, 314, 459; Isabel, lii, 314; Walt., ili, 314, 459” Boleyn, Anne (queen), iii, 111, 172 Boleyn, Anne, ii, 355; Geoft., li, 355; Thos., ii, 363 Martha, INDEX Bolingbroke, earls of, ii, 44, 49, 63; iii, 19, 41, 60”; Paulet, iii, 41, 137, 177; Oliver, ii, 56; ili, 35, 123, 125, 137, 163, 179, 180, 257 Bolle, Sir Chas., iii, 196 Bolnhurst (Bulehestre, Bolehestre), ii, 56, 115; iii, 123-8, 143, 149, 153, 223; adv., iii, 125, 127, 128; char., iii, 128; ch., i, 312, 314, 315”; ili, 124-8; earthwork, 4 2753 farms, iii, 124; man., iii, 124, 125, 396; moats, iii, 124; place-names, iii, 124; rector, ii, 181 ”; iii, 128; sch., ii, 181 Bolstrode, Edm., iii, 286, 288 Boltere, Joan, iii, 220; Rich., iii, 220 Bolton, Rowland, ii, 299 Bond, Jno., ii, 180; iii, 408 Bondi, the Staller, ii, 383 Boner, Julian, iii, 154; Thos., iii, 154 Boniface, archbp., i, 322, 374: Pope, i, 354, 359 ; ili, 170 Bonsey, H. D., iii, 19 Bonville, Eliz., iii, 89; Will., iii, 89 Boot, Will., ii, 304 Booth, Will., iii, 342 Borard, Rich. de, see Bossard Borchard, Sim., iii, 112 Bord, Hen., ii, 295 Borgred, iii, 120 Borham, Hen. de, ii, 380 Borne, Eliz., iii, 22; Rich., 22; Will., iii, 22, 335 Borns, Nich., iii, 285, 437 Borough, Randall, iii, 246 Boroughbridge, battle, ii, 231, 300, 339; iii, 12 Borret (Borred), iii, 90, 133, 162, 176 Borrett, Jno., ii, 295 Borstall, Will., iii, 244 Bosanquet, Dav., iii, 185 Bosard, see Bossard Boscombe, Alestan of, ii, 223, 261 Bosgrove, Frances, iii, 216; Jno., iii, 216 Bosom (Bosoun, Bosum, Bosun, Buzum), Alex., iii, 97, 219; Anne, iii, 97; ’ Barth., lii, 97; Edm., iii, 97, 98; Eliz., iil, 97; Goditha, ili, 219; Ida, iii, 97; Joan, iii, 97 ; Jno., iii, 97 ; Marg., ili, 219, 329; Walt., iii, 97; Will, ili, 97, 219, 329; fam., ili, 97 Bosoms, man. (Stagsden), ili, 97 Bosoun, fam., see Bosom Bossard, Giles, iii, 139; Hugh, iii, 139, 142; Joan, ili, 139, 150; Jno., iii, 139; Rich., ii, 31”; iii, 107, 149, 150; Sim. ‘de, iii, 149 Bossington, i, 145, Bostocke, Edm., iii, 261 Bosun, fam., see Bosom Boswell, Jas., iii, 257; Thos., iii, ili, 7, 135 Bosworth (Leics.), iii, 231 ”° Bosworth, Jno. of, i, 387 Botany, i, 37-67 Botecourt, see Botetourt Boteler, Alex. le, iii, 372; Alice, iii, 39, 89; Anne, iil, 37, 438; Awdry, ii, 233; Eliz., lii, 40; Geo., ili, 89, 90, 92, 05; Grace, iii, 37; Helen, ili, 37, 66; Sir Jno., iii, 89 ; Jno., iii, 89 ; Mary, iii, 37, 66; Sir Oliver, ili, 89, 90; Oliver, iii, 68; Sir Phil., ili, go, 95; Sir Thos., iii, 37; Thos., iii, 37) 46, 66, 372; Ursula, iii, 31, 39, 82; Sir Will., ii, 41, 45, 54”; lii, 39, 40, 64, 66, 90, 94, 438; Will., ii, 58; iii, 37, 39, 40, 46, - Boteler (cont.) 68, 82, 89; fam. iii, 39, 266; see also Butler Botelers (Bucks), man., iii, 372 Boteley, Sir Jno., iii, 314 ” Botelstan, see Battlesden Botetourt (Boteturt), Andr., iii, 390; Eliz., ii, 203 ; iii, 13; Joan de, ii, 364 ; Jno., ii, 275; iii, 13, 96; iii, 46, 235, 330; Maud (Matilda), li, 203, 256, 275; iii, 330; fam., iii, 181, 212, 283, 342 Botevilein, see Butvillein Bothe, Maud, ii, 210, 211, 220; Rob., ii, 204, 211, 224 ”, 226 Botlesford, Geoff. de, iii, 426; Jno. de, iii, 426; Rob. de, iii, 426; Walt. de, iii, 426, 428 ; Will. de, iii, 426 Botte, Ralph, iii, 376 Bott End (Wilshamstead), iii, 328 Bott End (Wootton), iii, 329 Bottler, see Boteler Botvileyns (Hinwick or Brayes Farm), man., iii, 58, 84 Bouchier, see Bourchier Boughton, Edw., iii, 301 ; Eliz., iii, 301; Rich., ii, 328; iii, 301; Thos., ii, 328; Will., ii, 328; iii, 301 Boughton End (Lidlington), i, 45, 473 iii, 305 Boulde, Phil, , lii, 285, 288 Boulogne, hon., ii, 74, 90, IOI, III Boulogne, Eustace, count of, iii, 46, 78, 101; Reg., count of, ii, 255 Boulogne, Faramus (Pharus) de, iii, 372, 461 Boulton, Harry, ii, 188 Bourchier, Eliz., ii, 316; Humph., ii, 316, 317; Thos., iii, 272 Bourne, i, 387, 388 nN; iil, 302 Bourne, Edw. , li, 167; ili, 27; Jno., ili, 311; Susanna, ii, 27; Will., ii, 39 ; iii, 23, 311 ; —, ii, 166, 171 Bourne’ End (Cranfield), iii, 275, 278,.329 Boveden, Nich. de., de, iii, 449 Bover, Edw., iii, 456” Bovey, Sir Ralph, iii, 254 Bovil (Boweles, Bowell, Boyvill, Bueles, Builli, Buly), Cecilia de, iii, 252; Diana, ii, 382; Eliz., i, 356, 358; Eustace de, ii, 336; Hen. de, iii, 219; Ingeramus de, iii, 173; Sir Jno. de, iii, 183 ; Jno., ii, 336; iii, 57, 219, 221, 248, 252, 254 ; Matilda, iii, 183; Nich. de, iii, 379; Pet. de, ii, 294, 336; iii, 252; Sim. de, iii, 211; Thos., ii, 254-5; Will, ii, 172; —, ii, 312, 332; jii, 131; fam., iii, 210 Bow Church (Lond.), iii, 368 Bowdler, Eliz., iii, 286; Thos., iii ,286 Boweles, fam., see Bovil Bowell, fam., see Bovil Bowels (Bowells), man., ii, 337; il, 45, 46, 252, 253 Bowels, fam., see Bovil Bowels fields (Northill), iii, 245 Bowells Wood (Bromham), iii, 44 Bowen, Alb. E., iii, 88, 92, 95 ; Mrs., ii, 395 Bower, Dr., iii, 297 Bowes Close (Wootton), iii, 332 Bowles, fam., see Bovil Bowskell, Thos., iii, 17 Bowyer, Sir Will., iii, 393 Box (Boxe), Anne, iii, 220; ii, 281”; Sir Ralph, iii, Will., iii, 220 Box End (Kempston), mills, iii, 302 Boxes, man., see Throckmortons iii, 449; Sarah Bowles, 336, Hen., 250; A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Boxhedge Farm (Cranfield), iii, 275 Box Hill (Surrey), i, 40 Boyden, Mrs., iii, 146 Boyvill, see Bovil Bozeat (Northants), iii, 63 Brace, Fran., iii, 154, 240 Bracebridge, John de, iii, 332 Brache, man., ii, 350, 356, 357, 361, 363 ; mill, ii, 356, 366 Brache, Andr. de la, ii, 356, 359 Brache Farm (Luton), ii, 375 Brachull, Lescelina de, ii, 381”; Will. de, ii, 381 ” Braci, Aldulf de, iii, Mascelin de, iii, 370 Brackley, Thos., Ld., Bradbeer, J., ii, 198 370, 3723 iii, 393 Bradbourne-in-the-Peak, i, 373, 376; chaps., i, 372; ch., i, 372; man, i, 372 %, 377 Bradenham (Bucks), iii, 415 Bradshaw (Bradshawe), Hen., ii, 361; Joan, ii, 361; Nich., iii, 221; —, ii, 216; fam., iii, 43 Bradwell (Bucks), i, 6 Brady, Dr., i, 97 Braham, Rich. de, iii, 213 Brahi, see Bray Braibroc, see Braybrook Braithwayte, Rich., ii, 245 Brakebergh, see Brogborough Brakin, Eliz., iii, 200 ; Bramblehanger, ii, 374; man., ii, 350, 362, 363, 366 “ Bramblehanger, Alan de, ii, 360%, 362 Brambles (Rubi), i, 54-5 Bramingham, Gt. (Luton), ii, 363 Bramingham, Little, ii, 363, 366 Brampton (near Huntingdon), ii, 24 Brampton, Ld., ii, 235 Bramston, Arth., lii, 145; Withers, iii, 145; Mrs., iii, 145 Brandreth, Alice, iii, 407; Anne, iii, 407; Hen., iii, 391-3, 407; H. G., iii, 367, 391, 303; Nehemiah, iii, 392; Mrs., iii, 391, 393; fam., ii, 243 ; iii, 389 Branson, G. H., ii, 200 Brantfield, Jno., Ld., ii, 347 Branting, ii, 224 Braose (Brewose), Aliva de, ii, 300, 339; iii, 12, 262; Payn de, ii, 143; Will. de, ii, 300, 339, 341; iii, 44, 219 n, 262, 329 Brasenose Coll. (Oxford), iii, 117 Brasier, see Brazier Brasington, Edw., iii, 130 ” Brasses, i, 355”; ii, 209, 213, 218, 229, 233, 236, 240, 250, 258, 265, 269, 279, 287, 292, 299, 312, 319, 328 n, 331, 338, 343, 347, 373; 379 ; tii, 25, 28, 39, 47, 53, 63, 87, 95, 100, 103, 108, I16, 120, 121, 127, 131, 135, 143, 167, 174, 177, 179, 185, 193, 200, 208, 218, 222, 233, 235 %, 237, 239, 240%, 241, 250, 266, 273, 283, 295, 304, 307, 312, 315, 328, 334, 340, 366, 373, 378, 385, 387-8, 393, 411, 413, 423, 425, 434, 438, 446, 450 Brass foundries, i, 350 Brassington, Edw., ii, 365 Bray, Ada de, ii, 253 ; Anselm de, ii, 330; Sir Edm., ii, 346; iii, 373; Edm., iii, 44, 85, 371, 397, 456; Sir Edw., il, 340; iii, 13, 298, 391; Edw., li, 340; iii, 371, 3973. Eliz., ii, 340; ili, 371; Hugh de, ii, 253, 330; ili, 314; Isabella de, iii, 191 ; Jane, ili, 373; Joan, iii, 97; Sir Jno., ii, 340; Jno. by Hi, 301; iii, 371; Mary, il, 340; Matilda de, iii, 314; May, Lady, Bray (cont.) iii, 298; Sir Reg., ii, 301, 34° 344, 346; iii, 13, os "44, 78) 85, 298, 344, 37%, 396; Reg., i, 399; ii, 340; ili, 85; Rich., ii, 312; il, 163; Rob. de, ii, 328, 339; iii, 40, 43, 91, 08; Rog. de, ii, 34, 221, 230; iii, 98, IQI; Temper- ance, li, 341”; Thos. de, i, 325”; ii, 34 2, 330, 332; Will. de, ii, 379 ; iii, 6, 427; —, ii, 194; fam., iii, 98, 211, 370, 375 Braybrook (Braibroc, Braybroke), Alianora, iii, 188 ; Christina (de), i, 361, 364 5 ii, 237, 247; ili, 194; Eleanor, iii, 317, 380; Eliz. (de), ii, 296, 324; iii, 187, 230, 317, 380; Sir Gerard (de), i, 385, 389, 403”; ii, 276-7, 280; iii, 52, 130, I40, 162, 186, 230, 243-4, 380; Gerard de, ii, 35, 276-7, 287 n, 296, 323, 334; ili, 65, 140, 184, 186-9, 199, 229-30, 317, 333, 380; Hen. (de), i, 361, 364, 385 ”; ii, 27, 28, 237, 239, 247-8; iii, 10, II, 194, 353; Isabella, ii, 276, 280, 323 ; Joan (de), ii, 276”; iii, 186, 199, 230”; Sir Jno., iii, 186; Jno. de, ii, 72 ; iii, 229; Mabel de, iii, 186; Marg. de, iii, 187; Maud, iii, 380; Sir Reg., ii, 227; iii, 230”; Reg., ii, 296; iii, 140 m, 194; Rich. de, iii, 196 ; Rob., i, 329; iii, 189, 193-4, 349; —, ili, 140; fam., iii, 236, 326 Braye (Bray), Anne, Lady, ii, 340; Jane, Lady, ii, 340; ii, 373; Joan, Lady, iii, 208; La. ili, 240, 372-3; Edm., Ld., , 301, 340, 341 ”, 343; ili, 13, 23, 208, 344, 371, 392; Jno., Ld., ii, 340; ul, 204, 344 Brayes, man., see Bromham Brayfield (Northants), ch., 388, 389 ; rectory, i, 389 Brayne Corner (Ridgmont), iii, 321 Braynforth, Rob., ii, 214 Brays, man. (Husborne Crawley), ili, 396-7 Brazier (Brasier), John, iii, 458; Thos., ii, 310; Will., ii, 312 2 Breach (Malden), iii, 314 Breadalbane, Amabel (Amabella), ctss. of, ii, 327 Breauté, Alice de, ili, 7on; Falkes (Fawkes, Fulk) de, i, 320, 354, 362, 364, 378, 379; ii, 27, 28, 20, 350; iii, 10, II, 23, 24, 282, 339, 342, 353; Marg. de, iii, 11; Will. de. iii, 10, 11, 70 x; Will. M. de, ii, 28 Brecknock, Alice, iii, 42y; Dav., iii, 429; Jno., tii, 429; Lettice, iii, 429; Marg., iii, 429 Bredham, Jno., iii, 157 i, 387, Bredyman, Edith, i, 335”; iii, 419, 436; Edm., iii, 82, 419, 430; Geo., ii, 3775; ili, 82, 376, 419, 436 Brent, Sir Nath., i, 337, 339; 69 Brereton, Rev. C., ii, 174; Jane, Lady, ii, 340; Joan, ili, 23, 205, 208, 392; Jno., ii, 173, 174; Thos. , UW, 173, 174; Sir Urian, ii, 340 ; iii, 23, 205, 208, 344, 392 Breton, ‘Amabilla le, lii, 405; Gozelin le, iii, 405, 421, 422; Hugh le, iii, 405, 422 ; Juliana le, iii, 422; Rich. le, ii, 305; Walt. le, ili, 405; Will. le, i, 373, 374, 377, 396; see also Briton Brett (Bretti, Britt), Alice, iii, 428, 431; Hugh, iii, 428, 431; Sir 8 Brett (cont.) Jno., iii, 259, 260; Owen, ii, 44; iii, 259, 260; Rob., iii, 443; Will., iii, 443 Bretville, Geoff., ii, 253; Will. de, , 253 Brewer, Will., 194 Brewers’ ii, 219; fam., iii, Brash (Wootton), iii, 311" Brewer's Hill Farm (Houghton Regis), ili, 368, 394 Brewose, see Braose Breybrok, see Braybrook Brian, see Bryan Briant, see Bryant Briars Stockings Copse (Eversholt), ili, 375 Bricheno, Will., iii, 154 Brick Farm (Ravensden), iii, 210 Brickground Plantation, iii, 394 Brickhill, Bow (Bucks), ii, 71 Brickhill, Gt. (Bucks), i, 376; ii, 40, 46, 53, 162; postal service, ii, 99 Brickhill, Little (Bucks), ii, 2, 3, 46; iii, 271 Brick industry, ii, 117, 261, 304, 314; iii, 128, 157, 175, 186, 210, 215, 280, 297, 307, 329, 451 Brickwood, Jno., iii, 194 Brickwork, ii, 364, 365 Brictric, iii, I29, 146 Bridge, Rich., iii, 55 Bridges, Bridg., iii, 255; Brook, iii, 21; Eliz., iii, 255; Giles, iii, 339; Haselfoote, iii, 255; Thos., ili, 255 Bridgman, Sir Orlando, ii, 52 Bridgewater (Bridgwater), ctsses. of, iii, 417, 432; Penelope, ii, 373; earls of, ili, 451; Jno., iii, 146 n, 391, 393; Jno. W., iii, 427, 428; Arabella, Lady, iii, 1 37 Bridle, Geo., ii, 172 ; —, ii, 173 Bridlington, ” Geoff. , Prior of, 1, 353% Brienne, Rob. de, iii, 9 Briers, Anne, Lady, ii, 377-9 ; Anne, li, 377; Arabella, Lady, li, 377, 379; Sir Will., ii, 377-80; Will., ii, 379 Brigg (Brigge), Thos. atte, i, 325 »; lil, 284; fam., iii, 351 Briggs, Geo., iii, 367 Brightman, Thos., ii, 344 Brightwell (Herts), iii, 425 Brihtnoth, ii, 20 Brikulle, Thos. de, iii, 343 Brill (Bucks), i, 400 Brin, Mary, ii, 102 Brinklo, Jno., i, 398 Briscoe, Anne, ii, 295”; Jno., ii, 295 Brisey, Mabel, iii, 458; Rog., iii, 458 Bristol, Jno., earl of, iii, 45, 49 Bristow, Hetb., il, 256 Britain, Baron, ii, 244; Will., ii, 244 Britens, man., i, 291, 292 British remains, ii, 1, 2, 8, 314; iii, 176, 350, 402 Briton (Britton), Hugh, i, 314"; Jno., ii, 305; Marg., ii, 305 ; iii, 292 ; Rich., ii, 305; Rog., ii, 305; Will. , ii, 305; iii, 292; see also Breton Britt, see Brett Brittany, Jno. de, earl of Rich- mond, see Richmond Brittons, man., see Britens, man. Briwere, Joan, iii, 119; Rob. (de la), iii, 119; Will. (de), iii, 119, 122, 162 402; li, 82; iii, Broad Green (Cranfield), iii, 275 Bee Green Farm (Cranfield), iii, 27 Broadmead (Wootton), iii, 335 Broc, le, fam., iii, 210 Brocas, Anne, iii, 407; Barn., ii, 379 ; iii, 406, 407 ; Edith, iii, 419, 436; Eliz., iti, 407; Jno., iii, 407; Rob., ii, 379; iii, 406, 407; Will. , li, 407 Brocborough, see Brogborough Brockeborowe, see Brogborough Brocket, Edw., ii, 357; Sir Jno., ii, 355, 3573 Jno., i, 357 Brockton, —, ii, 195 Brodo, ii, 232 Brogborough (Lidlington), i, 306 Brogborough (Ridgmont), Crom- well at, iii, 321; man., iii, 71 7, 321, 322; pk., ii, 55, 147; ili, 322, 323 Brogborough Hill (Kkidgmont), iii, 320 Brogborough Pk. Farm (Ridgmont), lil, 320, 321 Brogborough Round House, see Brogborough Pk. Farm Broi, see Broy Broilg, see Broy Broken Wharf (London), ili, 33 Bromeclose (Old Warden), iii, 255 Bromflete, Edw., ii, 277; Hen., see Vessy ; Marg., iii, 91, 118, 121; Sir Thos., ili, 91, 118, 119; Thos, iii, 91, 121 Bromhall, Oliver, ii, 244 Bromham, ii, 60, 92, 96, 198, 252, 253; ill, 12, 14, 34, 37) 49 44-9, 55; 96, 183, 302; adv., i, 316”, 384; ili, 47, 48; chant., iii, 49; bridge, iil, 36; char., ili, 49; Chas. I. at, iil, 45; ch., i, 315”, 382, 384; iti, 47, 48, 49, 153; hall, i, 141; ii, 44, 46, 60; iii, 44; Man., ili, 13, 37, 44, 45, 46, 47, 78, 311; mills, iii, 44) 47; pk., i, 112, 120, 126; lili, 44; pop., ii, 11 83 rectory, iii, 47, 495 Rom. rem., ii, 5, 6, 15; sch., ii, 181 Bromham, Jno. de, iii, 47 ; Sim. de, iii, 47 Bromholme, see Bromham Bromley, Ld. Chancellor, ii, 180 aes Eliz., iii, 231; Frances, i, 243; Marg., iii, 233; Owen T., iil, 231, 244; Ralph, ii, 59; Thos., ii, 59, 246; ili, 231, 233, 243, 250 “ Bronze Age, i, 168-70, 270; i, 117, 439, 448 a Brooke (Brook), Anne, iii, 419; Arth., iii, 419; Duke, iii, 208, 209; Eliz., ii, 227; Sir Geo., iii, 140, 187, 208, 230, 236; Sir Hen., iii, 208 ; Joan, i, 227; Marg., iii, 208 ; Sir Thos., ii, 227; Thos., ii, 296 ; iii, 140, 187, 198 ; Sir Will., iii, 187, 208 ; fam., ii, 262 ; iii, 205 Brookbanks, A. J., ii, 214 Brook End (Eversholt), ili, 375 Brook End (Keysoe), ili, 136; Nonconf., iii, 136 Brook End ’(Northill), iii, 242 Brook End (Stotfold), ii, 300 Brook Farm (Holcot), iti, 386 Brook Farm (Ravensden), » lii, 209 Brook Farm (Wilden), iii, 223 Brooks, Ann, iii, 286; Cath., iii, 286, 288; F. G., ii, I99, 200: Geo., iii, ‘61, 238, 286; Jane, ii, 214, 304; Jno. H., iii, 286; Jno. T., iii, 286 ; Maj. J. H,, i, 117, 127, 137, 140; li, 146; iii, 3 305 ‘Broughton (Bucks), INDEX Brooks (cont.) 284; Kath. M. F. B., iii, —, ii, 146 Broom, iii, 227, 256, 260, 261, 267 ; nn iii, 256; Man. Farm., lii, 284; 256 Brotherhood Hall (Leighton Buz- zard), iii, 415 Broughberrowe (Lidlington), iii, i in, 131, 339, 402; adv., i, 383; barony of, ii, 294; ch., i, 382, 383, 384 Broughton, Anne, i, 402; iii, 436, 440; Cath., iii, 440; Eliz., ii, 243; Sir Jno., i, 402; ii, 243; Jno. (de), ii, 212, 289; ili, 158, 346, 380, 384, 436, 440, 444; Kath., i, 402; ii, 243, 289 ; Mary, iii, 346, 440; Sir Rob., iii, 436; Rob., li, 243; iii, 158, 440; fam., iii, 312, 381, 446 Broughton End (Lidlington), iii, 395 Broun, see Brown Brounder, Alice, iii, 140; Rich., iii, 140 Brounsford, Isabel Will. de., iii, 247 Brown (Broun), Andr., iii, 433; Eleanor, ii, 257; Hen., iii, 351; Humph.,, ili, 231, 443; Jno., ii, 257, 310, 342”; Rev. J. E., ii, 927”; Lancelot (Capability), ii, 325, 355; Rog., i, 326 ; oe ii, 44, 62, 90; see also Brun Browne, Ant., iii, 193; Cath., ii, 347; iii, 443; Christiana, iii, 443; Geo., ui, 443; Lewis, iii, 443; Mabel, Lady, iii, 244; Mabel, ii, 323; Mary, Lady, 1i, 207; Mary, i li, 262, 342 7 ; tii, 443; Matth., li, 323 ; Maj. -Gen. Rich iy. 47; "48; iii, 402; Rich., iii, 244, 250; Sir Sam., ii, 206, 207; de, iti, 247; Sam., ii, 44, 55, 204, 262, 265; ili, 366; Sir Thos., iii, 244; Thos., ii, 204, 234, 262, 323; ili, 133; Will. i, 394; ii, 158; iii, 321; see also ‘Brun Browning, Jno., iii, 182; Capt., ii, 189 Brownlow, earls of, ii, 66, 184 n, 185 ”, 220, 222 ; iii, 368, 427, 428, 429, 432, 448; Adelbert W., iii, 451; Jno. W., ili, 451; Ld., ii 216; iii, 145 Broy, ‘Margery de, iii, 40; Osbert de, iii, 40, 42, 91; Phil. de, i, 378 ; ii, 26, 27; Walt. de, iii, 40 ; fam. iii, 43, 48 Bruce, Ld., ii, 58, 147, 310, 323; ili, 286; Ld. Chas., iii, 315; Edw. Ld. ., li, 267, 322; iii, 267, 294, 337; Ld. Edw., iii, 331; Rob. Ld., ii, 55, 56, 325; iii, 290; see also Ailesbury, earl of: Thos., Ld., iii, 290, 317; Bruce (Bruse), Alice, ili, 445; Chas., iii, 294; Christiana, iti, 299; ‘Gylis, iii, 445; Honora, ili, 325; Isabel, ii, 237, 278; iii, 299; Sir Jno., ili, 445; Rich., iii, 299; Rob,, i, "382, 384 n, 388 ; ii, 30, 237, 267, 278: ili, 65, 195, 260, 299; Thos., iii, 318”; see also Ailesbury, earl of Brucebury, man.(Kempston), iii, 299 Brudenell, Alice, iii, 182; Cath., ii, 239; ili, 150; Edm., ili, 150, 182 ; Rob., ii, 239; iii, 150; Sir Thos., iii, 150” Bruert, Will., iii, 189 Brugge, see Brigge Bruham, see Bromham 9 Brun (Brune), Jno. le, iii, 129, 130 ; Sarah le, iii, 129; Will. le, iii, 129 ; see also Brown, Browne Bruneham, see Bromham Brunstanethorp, ii, 21 Bruse, see Bruce Bruton, Jno., i, 393 Bryan (Brian), Sir Fran., i, 330, 331, 367, 362m, 370; ii, 316; ili, 197, 325, 459”, 461; Geoff., ii, 336; Iolenta, ii, 336; Joan, ii, 215, 336; Jno., ii, 325, 345 2; ill, 274, 296, 316, 418; Mabel, ii, 336; Pet., ii, 336; iii, 418 ; Rob., ii, 336; ili, 418; Rog., li, 215, 216; Sir Will. +, i, 382 Bryant (Briant), Jno., iii, 261, 393, 414; J., ii, 292 ; iii, 374 Bryteviile, Hugh ‘de, iii, 182; Jno. de, iii, 182; Will. de, iii, 182 Brytvilles, man., see Birchfield Bocherany Arch., ii, 385; Jane, ii, 395 Buck, Sir Chas., iii, 436, 438 ; Frances, iii, 4365 Sir John, iii, 436; Mary, Lady, jii, 436; Sir Will., iii, 436 Buckby (Northants), i i, 360 Buckby, Anne, ii, 281 %; Mary, ii, 281; Rich., ii, 281, 285; Will., ii, 265, 281 Buckden (Hunts), ii, 38, 39 Buckhurst, Ld., ii, 253 Buckingham, li, 47, 67; iii ch., i, 311 Buckingham, Anne, duchess of, iii, 173; dks. of, ii, 53; iii, 110, 154, 298; Edw., iii, 106, 126, 156, 172; Hen., iii, 171, 283 ; Humph., lil, 78, 85, 171-2, 422; Hen., earl of, iii, 36; Humph., earl of, iii, 36; Walt., earl of, ii, 385; iii, 315 Buckingham, Jno., see Lincoln, I ’ bps. of ; Rich. of, i, 397 ; Will. of, i, 397 Buckinghamshire, archd. of, i, 354”; iii, 28; bishopric, i, 332 ; ind., ii, 121, 123, 124; parl. repre., ii, 34; sheriffs of, ii, 29 n, 30%, 32, 40 : Buckland, Joan de, iii, 452; Matilda de, iii, 452 ; Will. de., iii, 452 Bucklow, iii, 34-5, 36” Buckmaster, C., iii, 417; Jno., iii, 415, 449; Rich., iii, 415 Buckstead (Studham), iii, 368 Buckwood Stubbs, iii, 337, 390 Buckworth, Jos. F., iii, 330; Mary, ul, 330 Buddenho (Berells and Frenches), man., iii, 247-8 Buddenho (Bodenho), Jno. de, iii, 30; uae de, iii, 247 ; Rich. de, uli, 24 Biden (Turvey), iii, 114 Budna, iii, 242, 248, 250 Bueles eee fam., see Bovil Builli, fam., see Bovil Bulkeley (Bulkley), Ann, ui, 212; Edw., iii, 69; Joan, iii, 241; Jno., iii, 212; Pet., i, 337; iii, 69: Rob., iii, 212, 241 ; Rog., iii, 241 ; Will., iii, 212; see also Burdelys Bulkeleys, man., see Burdelys Bulkley, fam., see Bulkeley Bull, Jas., ii, ror Bulle, Thos., ii, 151 Bullen, Rev. Hen. St. J., ii, 259 Sarah, ii, 259 Buller, Mary, iii, 332 Bullisdon, Thos., iii, 250 Bullok (Bullock), Eliz., ii, 224; Jno., ii, 224; iii, 91; Kath., li, 224; Rob., ii, 224 3 A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Bulstrode, Edm. (de), i, 326”; iii, 436”; Rich., iii, 278 » Bulthan, Judith, ii, 289 Buly, fam., see Bovil Bunbury, Sir Chas., ii, 192, 193 Buncer’s Farm, see Caddington Bunion (Buniun), fam., see Bunyan Bunker, Rich., iii, 375 Bunting, Rev. Edw. S., iii, 179 Buntingford (Herts), ii, 359 Bunyan, Eliz., iii, 207; Hen., ii, 379, 377%; "380; Jno., i, 103, 340-5; ii, 47, 49, 59-60, 3745 377%; ili, 5, 7, 8, 22, 32, 179, 207, 279, 282, 290, 316, 379, 451 ; Thos., iii, 270, 290; Will., iii, 279; fam., ii, 376, 377 Bunyan Institute, Bedford, iii, 32 Burcester (Oxon), man., i, 360 Burdelys, man, (Gt. Barford), iii 182-3 Burdelys, man. (Stagsden), iii, 97 Burdelys, Eliz. de, iii, 98 ; Geoff. de iii 98, 98”, 182; Hugh de, iii, 182; Joan de, iii, 98; Jno. de, iii, 97, 98, 182; Will. de, iii, 182 ; see also Bulkeley Burdett (Burdet), Mich., ii, Nich., ii, 238; Will., ii, 238 Burdon (Cambs), i, 364 ; iii, 247 Burdun, Walt., iii, 129 Bures (Essex), Rom. rem., ii, 13 Bures, Andr. de, iii, 453 ; Kath. de, MW, 453 Burford, barons of, iii, 317 Burgam, Sir Rog., ii, 191 Burgend Close (Bedford), iii, 32 Burgess, Jno., iii, 442; Thos., iii, 227; 442 Burgh, Beatrix de, iii, 339 ; Hawise de, iii, 339; Hubert de, i, 319; li, 27-9; ili, 70, 339, 340, 342; see also Kent, earl of; Isabel de, iii, 70; Jno. de, iii, 339; Marg. de, lii, 339; Matilda de, see Ulster, ctss. of; Ralph, ii, 374; Rob. de, lili, 276 Burghersh, Sir Barth. (de), iii, 129, 426; Barth. (de), iii, 129, 426; Hen. de, iii, 426-7; Maud, iii, 429; —, bp., see Lincoln, bps. ° Burghley, Dorothy, Lady, see Exeter, ctss. of; Ld., iii, 13, 459; Thos. Ld., see Exeter, earl of Burghope, Rev. Geo., iii, 432 Burgoyne (Burgoine), Constance, li, 241, 250; Eliz., ii, 250; Sir Jno., ii, 42, 44, 45, 66 2, 68 n, 70, 197, 248, 250; ili, 201, 2019”; Jno., u, 39, 40, 220, 222, 228, 238, 239, 244, 245, 248, 250; il, 329; Sir Jno. M., ii, 66%, 246; Marg., lil, 3Z9; Montague, li, 250; Sir Montague R., ii, 256; Rich., ii, 238, 239 ; iii, 329: Rob., ii, 244, 347; Sir Rog., ii, 44, 62, 239, 248, 250; Thos., ii, 220, 238, 239, 248, 250; Thos. J., li, 241; Will., ili, 21, 329; fam., ii, 44, 66, 249 Burials and burial urns, i, 159, 160, 163, 168, 183, 184, 185, 187- -89, 270, 296, 297, 350; ii, I-14; iii, 402, 448 Burke, Edm., iii, 54 Burlee, Will., iii, 259 Burley Farm (Stevington), ili, 102 Burnaby, Jno. de, iii, 129; Rev. J. B., iii, 323 Burmard, Felicia, ii, 227; Hen., ii, 263; Nich., ui, 227; Odo, ii, 227, 262; Rog., ii, 226, 262; Steph., li, 262; —, ii, 261, 263; see also Barnard and Bernard Burne, Jno., i, 380 ; iii, 22 Burneham Mead, ii, 266 Burnel (Burnell), Phil., iii, 118, 11g, 122, 159; Sir’ Rob., iii, 122; Rob., iii, 118; fam. , iii, 283 Burnet, Phil., iii, 55 Burr (Burre), Agnes, iii, 444; Rob., i, 387; Will., iii, 444 Burret, iii, 139, 142 Burreth, Thos., i, 402 Burrland, Rich., iii, 374 Burroughs, Rev. Lynch, ii, Sarah, ii, 310 Burr’s Estate (Dunstable), iii, 308 Burt, Thos., iii, 64 Burton, Alex, J., tii, 145; Marg., i, 393; Mrs., iii, 145 a Bury, Frances, iii, 340; Fran., iii, 340 ; Geo., iii, 278, 286 ; Hadwisa, ili, 190, 192; Jno. de, iii, 190, 192; Rich., ili, 407, 443 Bury End (Shillington), i ii, chap., ii, 299 Bury End (Stagsden), iii, 96 Bury Farm (Goldington), iii, 202 Bury Farm (Houghton Conquest), iii, 289 Buryfeld (Houghton Regis), Rom. pottery, ii, 8 Bury Hatley, man., Hatley Bury Hil (Thurleigh), earthworks, i, 287 Bury St. Edmunds (Suffolk), i, 328 ; abbot of, iii, 228, 229 Buryssteede (Salphobury), ill, 215” Busard (Buzzard), fam., iii, 401 Busby, Will., iii, 162 Bush, Eleanor, ii, 362; 362 Bushey (Herts), i, 360 Bushmead Priory, i, 349, 350, 385-7; li, 149, 150; iil, 24, 137, 166, 180, 184, 187, 188, 189, 190, 193, 194, 197-9, 225, 292; ch., i, 386; earthworks, i, 307; man., ili, 198; priors, i, 328, 385-7; ii 23; ili, 137, 166, 194; sch., ii, 149 Bushmead Wood (Eaton Socon), iti 189 Bushycommon Wood (Potsgrove), iii, 421 310; 294; see Cockayne man., Ralph, ii, Bussey (Bussy), Andr., iii, 237; Barth. de, i, 362”; ii, 230”; Cecily (Cecilia) de, i, 361”; ii, 230; iii, 255; Cecill, iii, 237; Eliz., iii, 237; Hadwisa de, ii, 230; iii, 252 ; Joan, ii, 232; Jno., iii, 237; Maud de, i, 361%; ii, 230, 231, 233; ili, 255; Will. de, i, 361 n, 362"; ii, 230, 233; iii, 252, 255; fam., iii, 237 Busshey Close (Renhold), iii, 215 Bussy, fam., see Bussey Butcher, Frances E., iii, 210; Rich., ii, 162; Rev. Rob. H., iii, 210 Bute, earls of, ii, 61, 307, 353, 355; mgs. of, i, 330; ii, 61”, 349%, 353, 356, 358, 366, 3743 ili, 257 Bute Hosp. (Luton), ii, 375 Butler, Ld. Will., ii, 347; Anne, Lady, iii, 105: Anne, ii, 3475 Audrey, ii, 347; Beckingham, ii, 206, 301 ; Sir Edw., li, 345, 381; Edw. > ui, 206, 215, 301, 302, 3453 iii, 126, 385; Eliz., ii, 345; Florence, li, 289; Geo., ii, 40, 301 ; Hawise (Hadwisa), ii, 345, 381; Helen, ti, 347; Hen., ii, 347; Jane, ii, 345, 347; Joan, ii, 215, 289; Sir Jno., il, 345, 347; Jno., ii, 165, 166, 289, 290, 292, 345, 347, 359, 382; ili, TO Butler, (cont.) 46; Kath. ii, 292; Mary, ii, 347; Nich., ii, 345; Olive, ii, 347; Sir Oliver, iii, 105, 331; Oliver, ili, 21 ; Sir Phil. » li, 345, 381, 382 ; iii, 105; Phil., ii, 345; Ralph, ii, 345, 346, 381; in, 46; Sir Rob., ii, 345; Rob., ii, 382; Sam., iii, "238; Thos., ii, 165, 345, 359; ‘iii, 244, ‘278, 432; Sir Will., iii, 21; Will., ii, 59, 345, 359, 382; iii, 38; Maj., ii, 54, 55; fam., ii, 330; see also Boteler Butler’s Farm (Northill), see Cook’s Farm Butt, Sir Will., iii, 134 Butt Close Park, tii, 394 Butter, Will., iii, 374 ” Butterfield, W. R., i, 111, 114 Butterflies, see Rhopalocera Butterworth, Mrs., iii, 122 Button, Rich., iii, 331, 332 Butts, Little (Dunstable), ii, 7 Butvillein, Alice, iii, 84; Eliz., iii, 84m; Joan, iii, 84; Juliana, iii, 58, 84 ; Nichola, iii, 84; Rob., lii, 84 ; Will. , iii, 58, 84 Buzum, fam., see Bosom Bycham, see Beauchamp Byddik, Ant., ii, 321; Christina, li, 321; Jno. de, ii, 322 Bygod, see Bigod Bykeleswade, see Biggleswade Bylindon, see Billington Byng, Sir Geo., ii, 60, 61, 64”; iii, 246, 253, 258, 261; see also Torrington, vsct. ; Adm, Jno., ii, 61; iti, 260; Jno., iii, 246; Pattee, ii, 62, 291; Sarah, ii, 60 Byng of Southill, baron, iii, 258 Geo., baron, ii, 61 Bynnion, Sir Geo., ii, 43 Byrche, Hen., ii, 387; Will., ii, 387 Byrling, Alex., iii, 293; Alice, iii, 293 ; Jno., iii, 203 Byscote, see Biscott Byssopesdon, Will. de, iii, 231 ” Bytham Castle (Lincs), iii, 144 Cabbin Ground (Bromham), iii, 44 Cadbury, man., iii, 193, 194, 197, 198 ” Caddington, i, 258, 338; ii, 71, 89, 306, 314, 316, 320; lli, 367; adv., ii, 319, 320; Buncer’s Farm, ii, 314; Bury Farm, ii, 315; char., ii, 320; ch., i, 151, 312; li, 6, 314, 318, 319, 320; Five Horse Shoes Inn, ii, 318; man., i, 312; ii, 314; mill, ii, 315; Noncont., ii, 320; iii, 367; place- names, ii, 314; pop., ii, I14; prebends of, i, 312, 324; pre- hist. rem., i, 145-6, 151, 154-8, 163, 166, 172, 174; il, 314 Rom. rem., ii, 6; sch., ii, 181; vicarage, i, 317 Caddington, Gt., man., ii, 315; prebend, ii, 315; Prebendal Farm, ii, 315 Caddington, Little, man., ii, 315; vicarage, ii, 315 Caddington, Rich. de, ii, 309, 310 Sibyl de, ii, 309, 310; Walt. of, i, 384 Caddington Bury, ii, 315 Caddington Green, sch., ii, 181 Caddington Hall, ii, 316, 318 Caddington Hills, i, 151 Caddington Minor, prebend of, ii, 315 Cade, Jack, rebellion of, iii, 359 Cadendone, see Caddington Cadenton, see Caddington Cadwell (Holwell) , li, 286 Cadyndone, see Caddington Caen, Paul of, see St. Albans, abbot of Caesar, Sir Julius, ii, 159 Caesar's Camp (Sandy), A.S. rem., i, 184, 242; Rom. rem., i, 271, 272, 273, 274; ii, 9, 10 Cainhoe, il, 30, 76; chap., i, 318, 351, 352; ii, 324-5; land value of, ii, 91; man., ii, 80, 322, 323, 325; iii, 273; mills, ii, 323, 324; place-names, di, 321 Cainhoe, bar., ii, 277, 329, 376, 377, 379, 382, 3833 iii, 50, 5I, 54, 60, 113, 146, 236, 237, 286, 309, 346, 379, 390, 435-6 Cainhoe, hon., ii, 321 Cainhoe, Lady Isabel of, ii, 32 Cainhoe, Pet., iii, 278 Cainhoe Castle (Clophill), i, 291-2, 297 ; ii, 321, 324 Cainhoe Farm (Clophill), ii, 321 Caisneto, see Cheney Caisot, Caissot, see Keysoe Caius Coll. (Camb.), i, 342; 165 ; iii, 179 Calcutt Farm (Houghton Regis), see Carcutt Caldecote, man. (Herts), i, 386 Caldecote, man. (Houghton Regis), ili, 392 Caldecote, Lower, iii, 242, 246, 251 Caldecote, Upper, iii, 242, 246; chap., iii, 250; ch., iii, 242; man., ili, 246, 247; Rom. rem., ii, 162, u, 9 Caldecote (Caldecot), Amice de, iii, 138; John, iii, 125 Caldecote Lodge (Northill), iii, 242 ao i, 315 ”, 316”; man., iii, Caldwell, John of, i, 353 Caldwell Priory, i, 317 ”, 322, 325, 328, 349, 374, 379, 382-7, 398; li, 244-5; ili, II, 21, 38, 47, 48, 92, 107, 147, 221, 225, 286, 302, 333, 377; Seal, i, 385 Calfe, Susannah, iii, 408 Calhoun, Will., ii, 64, 65; iii, 20 California (Dunstable), i, 160 Callopp, Reg., ii, 379; Thos., ii, 379 .Calverly (Calvely), Agnes, Lady, ii, 234; iii, 72, 384; Sir Geo., ii, 234; ili, 72, 384; Mary de, iii, 220 ; Oliver (de), iii, 219, 220 Calvinist Baptists, see Baptists Cam, riv., ii, 71 Cambleton, see Campton Cambridge, ii, 20, 25 , 48, 50, 51, 79, 138, 199; ili, I, 10 Cambridge, Maud, ctss. of, iii, 13 ; earl of, iii, 13 Cambridgeshire, ii, 19, 25, 71, 91, 117 Camden, Lady, ii, 180, 235 Camelton, see Campton Camera, Rob. de, iii, 147 Camestone, see Kempston Camoys, man., see Honydon Camoys, Hugh, iii, 194; Joan, iii, 84; John, iii, 194; Marg., iii, 194; Sir Ralph, iti, 84; Rich., iii, 194; Sir Thos., iii, 194 oe Amabel, ii, 327; Jemima, » 3275 ii, 65; Sir John, iii, 19; Rub, iii, 293 Campden (Gloucs.), li, 224 . Campion, Andr., iii, 392; Maj. Coventry, iii, 451, 4533 Edw., iii, 51 ; Sir Hen., ii, 42 ; Hen., iii, 42; Rev. J. W. C., iii, 453; Mrs., iti, 453; —, iii, 125 INDEX Campion’s Hill (Wootton), iii, 331 Campton, ii, 260, 266-76; iii, 77, 259, 278; adv., ii, 270; Bury Farm, 1i, 270 ; char., i ii, 270; ch., i, 315 2: ii, 266, 269-70 ; common, ii, 97; Grange, ii, 266 ; Highland Farm, li, 266 ; mans., ii, 267, 268, 271; man.-house, ii, 268; mkts, and fairs, ii, 268; mills, ii, 266, 268-9; Nonconf., ii, 270; pop., ii, 113; rectory, ii, 266; RC ii, 266 ; sch., ii, 181, 266 Campton-cum-Shefford, see Camp- ton Campton House, ii, 266 Canal Close (Ampthill), iii, 274 Canals, ii, 108 ; iii, 363, 400 Cane, see Kane Cannon, Tom, ii, 194 Canons (Cannons), man., iii, 329, 331-2 Canons Ashby Priory, ii, 326; iii, 85, 87, 104, 108, 109, 126 Canons (Cannons). Hill (Wootton), ili, 331 ” Cantelow(e), see Cantilupe Canterbury, AS. rem., i, sch., ii, 152 Canterbury, archbps. of, i, 190, 322, 333, 346, 353 ®, 357%, 372, 374, 375, 389%, 399, 399 ”, 400; ii, 35, 154, 159, 203, 210, 219, 293, 312, 335, 359; ili, 14, 46, 70, 72, 890, 133, 140, 182, 260, 270%, 272 N, 293, 317, 372, 403 2 Cantia, Cecily de, i, 390; Laura de, i, 360; see also Kancia Cantilupe (Cantlow, Cantelow), Agnes de, il, 251; Geo. (de), ii, 32; iii, 118, 370, 448; Hen., iii, 456; Joan de, iii, 229, 370; John, iii, 450; Mascelin de, iii, 370; Millicent (de), ii, 225, 282; itl, 118, 370; Rich., iii, 456; Rog. de, ii, 251, 253; Thos., ii, 32; Walt., see ‘Worcester, bp. of; Will. (de), i, 320, 325%; ii, 27, 32, 225, 282; iii, 118, 359, 37°, 372, 374, 391, 184; 430, 448, 455-6 ; fam., ii, 28, 224 Cantlow, see Cantilupe Capel, Ld., ii, 43, 45, 53) 54. Capel (Capell), Sir Arth., iii, 254 ; Eliz., iii, 254, 427 Capella, Hen., iii, 339 - Caperon, Agnes, iii, 74; Ralph, iii, 74 Sybil, iii, 74 Capon, John, iii, 407 Carcutt Calcutt Farm (Houghton Regis), iii, 390, 392 Cardington, li, 21, 44, 66, 92, 255; iii, 31, 33, 45, 166, 197%, 216, 233, 281, 292; ady., lii, 237; agriculture, ii, 134; bridge, iii, 235”; char., iii, 238; ch., i, 315”, 380; ili, 233, 235%, 236-7; cross, iii, 234; man., i, 381; li, 299; iii, 13, 15, 234-5; man. farm, iii, 233 ; man.-house, i, 306 ; mills, ili, 234-5; Nonconf., ili, 234; pop., ii, 116; prehist. rem., i, 145, 174; ili, 234; sch., ii, 181 ; vicarage, i, 316” Cardington Brook, iii, 233, 235” Cardington Cotton End, man., iii, 236 Cardington Priors, man., see Fen- lake Barns Cardington with Eastcotts, iii, g - Cardun, Isabella (de), iii, 119, 122 Cardyngton, see Cardington Carew (Carewe), Eleanor, Lady, ii, 355; Eliz., iii, 424; Jas., iii, 427; Marg., iii, 427; Nich., lii 427; Sir Rich., ii, 355 II Carewrike, Will., iii, 306 Carey, Adolphus, iii, 405 ; Anne, iii, 405; Eliz., ii, 229; Hen., see Hunsdon, Ld.; Walt., ii, 228, 229 Carldon, see Carlton Carlentone, see Carlton Carleton, see Carlton Carlisle, Honoria, ctss. of, iii, 330; Jas., earl of, iii, 330 Carlisle (Carlyll), Alice, iii, 411 ; Joan, ii, 269; Nich., ii, 161; Rich., ii, 269 ; iii, 221 Carlton, ii, 115, 145 ; iii, 34, 49, 50, 51, 76, 77, 100, 114; adv, , li, 51, 54-5; ch., ii, 92; ili, 49, 52-4, 56; man., ili, 49-51, 54-5, 224” } place-names, iii » 49; rectory, iii, 56; sch., ii, 181 Carlton (Carldon, Carleton, Karle- ton), Geoff., iii, 52; Geo., iii, 304 ; Godf. de, iii, 55; Rich., ii, 230; iii, 443; see also Charleton Carlton Hall, man., iii, 51-2 Carlyles, man. (Roxton), iii, 221 Carlyll, see Carlisle Carmino, Joan de, iii, 246; John de, iii, 246; Ralph de, iii, 246; Walt. de, iii, 246 Carminos, see Caldecote, Lower Carnarvon, Anna S., ctss. of, iii, 427; Eliz., ctss. of, iii, 427; earls of, ii, 50; Chas., iii, 427; Rob., iii, 427 Carnivora, i, 139 Caron, see Carun Carpenter, Edwin O., ii, 190; John i, 402; Mrs., iii, 297 Carr, Will., ii, 180 Cart, Jane, ii, 179 ; iii, 351, 367-8 Carter, Anne, iii, 305; Edw., iii, I91; Geo., ii, 188; Howard, ii, 263; H., li, 261; Ralph le, iii, 333; Thos., iii, 117, 302; Will. (le), ili, 274, 302, 394, 333 Carteret, Lds., ii, 133, 146, 210; iii, 328; Geo., iii, 29; Hen., iii, 326 ; Hen. F., ii, 60, 341, 343 ; John, ii, 60, 341; iii, 132, 326 Carteret, Sir Geo., ii, 60, 339, 341; iii, 14; Jemima, Lady, li, 341”; Sir Phil., ii, 341 Cartwick, Will., ii, 322 Cartwright, Edm., ii, 281 »; Hugh, ili, 258-9 ; Rich., ii, 255 ; ili, 393 ; Will., iii, 258-9; Dr., ii, 135 Carun (Caron, Karun), Agnes de, ii, 251; Amice (Amicia) de, ii, 253, 276; Eliz. de, ii, 276; Flandrina, iii, 66; Hugh de, ii, 276; Joanna de, ii, 251; John de, ii, 251, 276; Lucy de, ii, 276 ; Margery de, ii, 276; Miles de, ii, 276”; Osbert de, iii, 196%” ; Ralph de, iii, 66 ; Rob. de, ii, 251, 253; ili, 76; Walt. de, ii, 251, 252, 253; iii, 196; Will. de (le), ii, 251, 252, 253, 275 ”, 276-8; iii, 259-60 Caryer, John, ii, 241 Cason, Edw., ili, 314”; Jane, ii, 347; John, iii, 236; Julian, ii, 347 Castelacre, Will. de, iii, 194 Castell, Edw., ii, 167; Mary, iii, 205; Rob., iti, 205; Dr., ii, 347 Castle Ashby, ii, 41; iii, 293 Castle Close (Goldington), iii, 206 Castle Hill (Bedford), iii, 33 Castle Hill (Eaton Socon), iii, 189 Castle House (Berkhampstead), ii 317 Castle Mill (Goldington), iii, 206 Castor (Northants), iii, 300 Castre, Will. de, iii, 168 A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Catelayne, Lady, i, 335”; see also Catlin Cater, Anne, iii, 301; Beckford K., iii, 301; Edw., iii, 301; Frances K., iii, 301; John, iii, 301; John K., iii, 301; Marg. K., iii, 301; Mary, iii, 301; May K., iii, 301 ; Sir Rob. K., iii, 301 ; Sam., iii, 301; Sophia K., iii, 301; Will., iii, 300, 305; fam., iii, 303; see also Cator Catesby, man., i, 376 Catesby (Catesbie), Ant., ii, 359; iii, 177”, 310; Bridg., iii, 310; Clifton, iii, 310; Dorothy, iii, 177M”; Geo., ii, 359; iii, 310; Humph., ii, 359; ili, 310; Sir John, iii, 310; John, ii, 40, 359; Thos., ii, 359, 363, 365 5 iii, 310 ; Will., iii, 173 Cates Close (Wootton), ili, 331 Cateswood (Eaton Socon), iii, 189, 194 Catherine (of Aragon), (queen), i? 374, 376; ii, 38, 122, 123; | 270, 2906, 353 Catherine (of Braganza), (queen), lii, 227 Catherine, St., ii, 38 2, 122, 123 Catlin, Eliz., ii, 257; John, ii, 257; Mary, ii, 232, 243; Sir Rob., ii, 232, 243; see also Catelayne Caton, Dan., ii, 281 Cator, Edw., ii, 54”, 55; —, ii, 44; see also Cater Catuvellauni, ii, 1 Catworth, Gt. (Hunts), iii, 136 Catyeuchlani, see Catuvellauni Cauceys, Geoff. de, i, 372 Cauf, Will. le, iii, 444 Caulcott (Marston Moretaine), iii, 307; brick kilns, iii, 308; char., iii, 313 Cauldwell, crown property in, iii, 271 ; price of land, ii, 91 Cauntelow, see Cantilupe Caurel, Pierre, ii, 358 Cae End (Wilshamstead), iii, 32 Causum, see Caversham Cauvin, — (of Bedford), iii, 102 Cauz (Caus), Jas. de, i, 326%”; ii, 382, 384; Nichola, iii, 104; ae de, ii, 382; Rog. de, iii, Cavendish Alice, ii, 334; iii, 429; Chas., ii, 45”; Frances, ili, 43; Geo.,. iii, 429; John, li, 334; Thos., iii, 429; Will., ili, 43 Caversham (Causum), ii, 51 Cawne, —, iii, 19-20 Cawse, R. J., i, 134 Cealhgnefaw, see Chalgrave Cecil, Dav., see Exeter, earl of; Lady Diana, iii, 315; Dorothy, Lady, see Exeter, ctss. of ; Hen., see Exeter, marquess of ; Mary, iii, 330; Sir Thos., see Exeter, earl of; Thos., iii, 285, 288; Will., iii, 14 Celestine III, pope, iii, 116 Celgrave, see Chalgrave Cella, John de, ii, 361 Cell Dene (Caddington), ii, 318 Cement and lime works, ii, 261, 384; ili, 447 Cemeteries, A.S., i, 175-90 ; ili, 402 ; Bronze ‘Age, iii, 448 ; Rom., i more ii, 5,9, II; Rom, Brit., Ii7, ) a nas see Charlton Cernes, Nich, de, ii, 252, Thos. de, ii, 253 Chad, —, iii, 415 Chadwell End (Pertenhall), iii, 153 253; Chainhalle, see Channels End Chaisot, see Keysoe Chalenor, Rog., iii, iii, 300 Chalfont St. Peter (Bucks), ii, 120 Chalgrave, i, 376, 402; ii, 43, 318, 353, 375; ili, 89, 336, 344, 383 3 adv., iii, 346, 348, 349; chant., i, 325 nN, 329; ili, 349; char., ii, 181 2; iii, 349; ch., i, 3X n, 315 m, 318, 325 #, 371 0; ili, 345, 347, 348, 3493; ind., ili, 345; man., ii, 22; ili, 345, 346, 347; 380”; Manor Farm, lil, 345; Noncontf., iii, 345; “Old Orchard,’ ili, 349; place-names, iii, 345; pop., ii, 114; rectory, iii, 346, 348, 349; schs., ii, 181; ill, 345, 349; Shoulder of Mutton Inn, iii, 345 5 vicarage, i, 316%; iii, 345, 348 Chalgrave Hockliffe, see Hockliffe Chalk, —, iii, 226; fam., iii, 224 Chalk’ Hill, see Puddle Hill Challeye, Sim., ii, 89 300; Thos., Chalmers, —, iii, 125 Chalton, iii, 227, "228, 230, 231, 362, 394, 439, 440, 442; chap., iii, 440” ; Man., ili, 231, 442, 443, 444 Chalton, Ann, ‘iii, 175 Chalton’ Cross Hie (Toddington), iil, 439 Chalverston, i, 384 Cham, John, iii, 187; Odo le, iii, 187; Reg. le, iii, 187; Rich., iii, 187; Rob. le, iii, 187; Sabina le, iii, 187; Sim. ili, 187 Chamber, Edw. atte, iii, 182; Gilb. atte, iii, 98; Joan atte, iii, 98 Chamberlain (Chamberlin), Amabel, iii, 152; Amphyllis, ii, 315; Aubrey, iii, 406; Dray, ili, 277; Edw., iii, 433; Eliz., iii, 433; Geoff., ii, 219, 221; Hugh, ii, 219; Joan, iii, 150, 406; John, iii, 112, 406; Sir Leonard, iii, 361; Marg., iii, 406, 433; Sir Rich., ili, 152, 406, 433; Rich., ili, 225, 406, 433; Rob., ii, 219; Sim., ili, 4467; ‘Sybil, iii, 433; Thos., iii, 406; Turstin, iii, 77 ; Will. ” (the), ii, 221, 356, 3733 ili, 393, 423, 433, 449; fam., iii, 409 Chamberlains Bury, man., Chambers, —, ii, 162 Champion, Rich., iii, 286, 307, 333 Chancellor, Thos. the, i, 366 ” Chancellor, the Ld., ii, 170, 173, 175 Chandler, Anne, iii, 183; Ant., iti, 393, 454; Dav., iii, 183; Geo., ii, 374, 414; John, ill, 152, 156; Rich., ii, 209, 254, 269, 332, 335; ili, 29, 208, 250, 268, 319, 388, 414, 420, —, Il, 226, 431, 449, 450 Chandos, Cassandra, dchss. of, iii 255; Jas., dk. of, iii, 255 Chanewe, Will., i, 387 Channels End (Colmworth), iii, 180, 186 Chantrey, Sir Fran., iii, 418 Chantries, i, 325, 326, 329, 383, 397; li, 155, 156, 242, 299, 318, 325, 326, 330, 332, 333, 335, 368, 369, 374, 381, 382, 384; ili, 30, 40, 43, 49, 92”, 94, 118, 126, 136, 153, 201, 209, 216, 233, 244, 249, 250, 251, 255, 266, 274; 281 n, 284, 304, 305, 328, 335, 342, 349, 367, 374, 375, 382, 386, 391, 394, 415, 421, 423, 428, 432, 438, 446, 453, 454, 455; founda- tion, 1, 325; suppression, i, 331; ii, 151, 155 ii, 220 12 eee Farm (Sharpenhoe), ii, 313, 384 Chapel End (Cardington), iii, 234 Chapel End (Colmworth), iii, 186 Chapel End (Houghton Conquest), ii, 289 Chapel End (Wilshamstead), i ity 326 Chapel Herne, iii, 21, 22 Chapel Hill (Hinwick) , iii, 81 Chapel of Saint Macutes (St. Machutus, St. Makes, St. Marks), man., ii, 342 Chapels, anct.,, ii, 269, 320, 343, 365, 368, 369, 370; 372, 3733 iil, 49, 255, 283, 304, 313, 349, 365, 374, 430, 443, 440, 459, 461 Chapman, Rebecca, iii, 330 ; Shuck- burgh, iii, 72; Thos., iii, 330; Walt. le, iii, 358 2 Chapman & Mears, ii, 245, 319 Chappell’s Groundes (Leighton Buz- zard), iii, 404 Charles I, ii, 41, 47, 50-3, 56, 161, 201, 210, 261, 327, 353; iii, 41, 45, 123, 172, 180, 197, aa? 253, 270, 273, 292, 322, 355, 458 Charles II, i, 343; i, 53, 56, 57, 61, III, 147, 239, 341; iii, 14, 197, 206, 227, 270, 272, 317, 322, 379, 404, 417, 434, 440 harles, —, iii, 125 Charlet, Rob., i, 370 Charleton, Eliz., Lady, ii, 231; Rich., ii, 231; Sir Thos., ii, 231; Thos., ii, 231; see also Carlton Charlewood (Studham), ii, 145 » 429 (iatlewond (Woburn), iii, 461 Charnock, see Chernock Charterhouse, London, ii, 159 Chase, C. E., ii, 200; Steph., iii, 133; Thos., i, 402 Chastellon, John, iii, 422; Marg., iii, 422 Chaucer, Alice, iii, 403, 429; Maud, iii, 429; Thos., iii, 403, 429 Chaucombe, prior, iii, 184 Chaugrave, see Chalgrave Chaul End (Caddington), ii, 314, 374 Chaumbre, see Chamber Chauncey, Eliz., iii, 387 Chaurugge, Will. de, iii, 408 Chaworth, bar., iii, 443 Chaworth, hon., iii, 162 Chaworth, Matilda de, iii, 439 ; Pat. de, iii, 162, 439; Payn de, iii, 162, 439, 446 Chawston, i, 384 ; iii, 180, 201, 218, 219; beagles, ii, 190; man., iii, 219, 220; man.-house, i, 305 Chawston, Walt. of, i, 381 Cheddington, John of, i, 373, 377 Cheeke (Cheke), Frances, iii, 281 ; Hen., iii, 8, 281 ; Thos., iii, 281 Cheetwood, see Chetwood Cheiroptera, i, 138 Cheisley, —, ii, 53 Cheke, see Cheeke Chelbert, iii, 52 Cheletone, Rob. de, iii, 427 Chellington, ili, 34) 54-6, 59, 63, 85, 175; adv., ili, 51, 55, 50; char., iii, 56; ch, i, 3247; iii, 53, 54, 55, 56; man., iii, 51, 54, 55, 50; pop., ii, IES; ‘rectory, iii, 54, 56; sch. , i, 181 Chellington Hill, iii, 54 Chellington-with-Hinwick, ili, 175 Chelmarsh (Salop), ii, 351 Chelvinton, see Chellington Chelvynton, see Chellington Chelyngton, see Chellington Chenemondewiche (Biggleswade) ii, 201 Cheney, Lady Jane, iii, 382, 440, 4473 ae iii, 439; Ld. Hen. » lil, 440 Gisiey, Alex. de, iii, 133; Anne, Lady, iii, 346, 436 ; Anne, iii, 445; Barth. de, iii, 133; Eliz., ii, 243, 345, 363; iii, 51, 77; Geo., li, 359; Sir Hen., iii, 440, 445; ” Hen, iii, 311, 346; Jane, Lady, ii, 3773 ili, 445; Jane, iii, 346; Sir John, ii, 321; iii, 191, 272; John (de), iii, 66, 133, 458 ; Kath., see Pabenham; Lawr., ii, 243, 345, 382; iii, 77, 191; Margery, ii, 385 7”; Mary, i li, 363 ; Rob. (de), ii, 359, 363, 366; Sir Thos., ii, 377, 385; iii, 51, 77) 311; 346, 380, 381, 436, 440; Thos., li, 40, 359, 363, 385, 387; INDEX Chichester, Audrey, ctss. of, ii, 347, 382; Fran., earl of, li, 347, 382 Chichester, Ralph de, iii, 458 Chickessaund, see Chicksands Chicksands (Chichesane, Cudessane, Chikesond, Chickessaund), i ii, 43, 260, 266, 271 iii, 227”; char., il, 276; ‘ch., i, 315, 324, 392, 393 1; ii, 273-4, 276; mans., 1, 393; ii, 271, 273, 275, 342, 344; mills, ii, 271 ; pop., ii, 113 5 vicarage, i, 316 » Chicksands Priory, i, 313, 318 ”, 349, 356, 3652, 378%, 380, 390-93, 395%; ii, 83, 152, 197, 203, 206, 244, 266, 267-9, 271-8, 288, 280, 293, 302, 303, 305, 336, 341, 343 ; ii, 24, 137, 139, 166, 168, 160, 240, 242, 260, 293 ; chap., ii, 273, Church Panel (Shillington), earth- works, i, 276; ii, 294 ” Cimmay, Gilb. de, i 1, 315 ”; ii, 356 Cioches, Gunfrei, iii, 85, Cirencester, Bert. of, ii, 6; Rich. of, ii, 6 Cistercians, i, 322, 349, 351, 361-72, 382, 383, 392, 395”, 399”; ili, 318, 459 ae War, i, 314, 342; ii, 41-54, ; ili, 4 Claidich, "abn de, ii, 263; Warin de, ii, 263 Clanfield (Oxon), i, 357 Clanricarde, Ld., ii, 194 Clapham, ii, 21, 43, 52; iii, 123, 126, 147, 150, 151, 183, 279, 207 ; adv., i, 384; iii, 131, 132; chap., i, 315”, 318, 3477, 382, 383; iii, 191, 231, 286; Walt. ii, 144; Sir Will., iii, 191 ; Will., iii, 77 Cheneys, man., iii, 77, 78 Cherleton, see Charleton Cherlewude, West, see Charlewood (Studham) | Cherneton, see Cardington Chernock (Charnock(e), Charnok), Sir Boteler, ii, 60”, 62, 323; iii, 387; Eliz., iii, 387; Helen, 274, 275; Dayre House farm, ii, 275; mills, ii, 275 ; ii, 274 ; priors of, i, 314, 393 ; i, 203, 244, 343; iii, 258; seal of, i, 393; ‘Warming Pan Bed ’ in, ii, 275 Chigwell Hall ( (Essex), iii, 146” Chikesond, see Chicksands Child, Hen., i, 319; John, iii, 9, 90, 91, 258; Marg., iii, 82, 86; Rich., iii, 82, 83, 86, 119; Rob. char., ii, 182 ”; ili, 132; ch., ili, 131, 132, 152, 153; deanery, i ; 347; Fox and Hounds Inn, iii, 128 ; ind., iii, 128; man., ili, 128, 129, 183; man.-house, iii, 128; Nonconf., iii, 128; place-names, iii, 128; pop., ii, 115; iii, 132; sch., ii, 182; sundial, iii, 128; vicarage, iii, 132 Clapham, Mabel de, iii, 302 iii, 387 ; Sir John, ii, 325; John, le, iii, 91, 221; Thos., iii, 184, Clapham Greenacres (Fitzjeffry’ s), i, 335”; ii, 323; Sir Pynsent, 221; Will. le, iii, 91 man., iii, 129, 130, 131, 152; il, 58”, 323; ili, 37), 387 436; Chillington, see Chellington mills, iii, 130 Rich., i, 335 ”, 377; ii, 40, oe Chiltern, Eliz., i, 390 Clapham Pk. (Bedford), ii, 66, iii, 3775 ” 386, 387, 388; ‘Sir R Fs Chiltern’ Green, ii, 348, 374 194, 195; iii, 128 viii, 387;-Rob., ii, 323 * iii, oe Chiltern Hills, i, 175, 188, 189; Clare, Gilb. de, ii, 384; iii, 36; see also Glouc., earl of; Isabel de, 388; Sir St. John, ii, 323; iii, ii, 306, 351, 352, 353, 384; John 387 ; Sir Villiers, ii, 58, 59, 323; iii, 383; earthworks, i i, 269 Chinale, Will., iii, 118 iii, 387, 388, 425; Mrs., iii, 388; Chinnor (Oxon.), ii, 45 de, iii, 173; Marg. de, ii, 284, fam., li, 60; ili, 338 Chippenham, man. (Suff.), i, 393 384; iii, 36; Rich. de, i, 394; Chesham (Bucks), adv., i, 366; Chishull, Barth., ii, 220; John,jii, ii, 3843. iii, 36, 135, 198; Rog. ch., i, 319, 366, 370, 371 ” 220 de, see Hertford, earl of ; Thos. Chesney, Robt., see Lincoln, bps. Cholmeley, Christiana, Lady, iii, de, ii, 384; Will. 2 i, 315”; of; see also Cheney 430; Sir Rog., fii, 430 de, fam., i, 315; iii, Chester, earls of, ii, 28, 29; iii, 9, 10 Christadelphians, iii, 31 Clare Coll. or Hall (Camb. ), i, 184; Chester, Sir Ant., ii, 58, 59; iii, | Christ Church Coll. (Oxf.), ii, 332; ii, 228, 229 Claremont, Alice de, i, 394 Clarence, Geo., duke of, iii, 16 Clarke (Clark), Anne, ii, 281, 286 ; iii, 159 ; Chris., iii, 293 ; Dorothy, ili, 293, 376; Edm., lii, 126; Edw., iii, 293; Emest, li, 140; Sir Fran., ili, 293; F. A. iii, 290; Rev. Hamlet, i, 71; Jane, iii, 215; John, ii, 281, 285; iii, 57, 288, 318; Judith, ii, 281 ; Nich., iii, 376; Paine, ii, 55; Sibella, ii, iii, 242 Christendome, Andrew, ii, 323 Christie (Christy, Chrysty), Alice, iti, 25; Anne, iii, 25; R. N. ii, 198; Thos., ii, 58, 59; ili, 25, 20, 32, 33; —, li, 10; iii, 20 Christine, St., i, 358 216, 306, 434; Ant., ii, 295; Sir Chas., iti, 434; Chas., ili, 58; Sir Chas. B., iti, 434; Dorothea, iii, 434; Frances, Lady, ili, 434; Sir Hen., iii, 434; Hen., ii, 41, 54%, 295; H. M., iii, "58: Sir John, iii, 307, 434; Judith, Lady, lil, 434; "Rob., i, 434; Sir Will., Christmas, Rob., ili, 403, 429 iii, 434; —, ii, 433; fam., ii, Christ’s Hosp. (London), ii, 58; ii, 435 iii, 301 Chesterfield (Sandy), Rom. rem., Christy, see Christie 290 ; i, 271, 273, 274; li, 9, 10 Chrysty, see Christie 281; Thos., ii, 281 ; iii, 250, 293, Chesterfield, Eliz., ctss. of, iii, 427; Chubnoll, Alice, iii, 116; John. iii, 456; Will., ili, 217, 311, 331%, Phil., earl of, iii, 427 116; see also Chibnall 335; —, Miss, iii, 57; see also Chetel, iii, 51 Church, John, iii, 122; Kath., iii Clerke Clavel, Walt., i, 390” Claver, Thos., i, 338 ” Clavering, Ada, ii, 238; Rob., s Peterborough, bp. of Claybrookes, man. (Harrold), iii, 67 Clayton, Anne, ii, 385; Eliz., ii, 385; Frances, ii, 385; John., ii 385; Marg., ii, 385; Will., see Sundon Ld. ; —, Miss, iii, 255 ” Cleat Hii, ii, 194 ; iii, 209, 210 Cleat ‘r (Cleyture) (Cumb.), ii, 160 Clech, Rob. le, iii, 76 Clement, St., ii, 38 n Clements, —, iii, 18 j Clerke (Clerk), Anne, iii, 295; Church End (Wilden), iii, 226 Columba, iu, 29; Eliz., iti, 58 ; Church End (Wootton), iii, 331 Sir Fran., ii, 41, 180, 182 n; Church End Farm (Eversholt), iii, iii, 292, 295- -6, 3323 Fran., iit 326, 332; Gilb., ili, 43; John., 40, 316; John D. ili, 58; Julia, iii, 29; Ralph, iii, 29; Thos., iii, 128; Will., ii, 20; see also Clarke Clermont, earl of, ii, 192, 193 Clermont, Alice (Alicia) de, iii, 90, 95, 135, 142, 143, 157, 160 332; Will. iii, 332 Church Close (Podington), iii, 82 Church End (Barton-in- the-Clay) F ii, 308 Grech End (Biddenham), iii, 36 Church End (Colmworth), iii, 186 Church End (Eversholt}, iii, 375 Church End (Flitwick), iii, 284 Church End (Haynes), ii, 338 Church End (Knotting), iii, 139 Church End (Milton Bryant), 418 Church End (Old Warden), iii, 251 Church End (Ravensden), iii, 209 Church End (Renhold), iii, 214 Church End (Studham), iii, 426 Chetewood, see Chetwood Chetham, Sons & Biffen, ii, 200 Chetwode, see Chetwood Chetwood, Agnes, li, 234; ili, 384 ; Anne, ii, 234; Crewe, ili, 72; Dorothy, i iii, 73 ; Eliz., iii, 71, 384: Guy, ili, 384; Joh n, ill, 72, 384; Jonathan, ui, 72; Knight- ley, ili, 72 ; Lucy, Lady, i iii, 384 ; Nich., iii, 384; ; Sir Rich., iii, a 72, 73; Rich., ii, 234, 328; 723 Sir Rob. , ii, 384; Sir Thos. iii, 71; Thos., iii, 384; Valentine, iii, 72 Chetwood-Aiken, Constantia E., iii, 72 ; John C., iii, 72, 73 Chew, Thos., iii, 351; Will., ii, 179 ; iii, 351; fam., ili, 355 Cheyne, see Cheney Cheyney, see Cheney Chibnall, Thos., iii, 246; Chubnoll Chicheley, Hen., ii, 157; iii, 92, 182, 317, 424; Thos. iii, 182 Chichesane, see Chicksands 375 Church End Farm (Wilden), iii, 223 Church endowments, i, 324, 332 Church Farm (Podington), iii, 80 Churchill, Eleanor, iti, 128; Fleet- wood, iii, 125, 127; Jos., ili, 125; Mrs,, iii, 125 see also 13 A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Cleveland, earls of, iii, 381, 438; Thos., ii, 42, 43, 56, 261; iii, 337 346, gen ai GaSe Thos., d., ili, 380” Cley, Eliz. , ii, 443 Cleyture (Cumb.), see Cleator Clifford, Isabel de, ii, 231, 232; Rob. ‘de, ii, 231; Rog. de, ii, 231, 232 Clifton (Clistone), ii, 260, 266, 270, 276; adv., ii, 279, 280 ; alms- houses, ii, 280; assessment, ii, 261; chat., ii, 280; Chicksands Priory lands, li, 266 ; ch., ii, 278, 279; coins, i, 173; mans., ii, 276, 277, 280, 305, 323, 362 ; iii, 260, 318; mills, ii, 276, 278, 280; ili, 258; Nonconf., ii, 280; pop., ii, 113; Rom. rem., ii, 6; schs., ii, 182, 280; ship-money, ii, 261 Clifton, hund., 305, 308 Clipsham, Will, iii, 427 Clipstone (Clipston}, lii, 400 ; chap., ii, 414; man., ili, 403 Clipstone ‘Brook, iii, 383, 399, 421 Clistone, see Clifton’ Clopeham, see Clapham Clopelle, see Clophill Clopham, see Clapham Clophill (Clopelle), i, 352, 397; 66, 76, 306, 320-5, 329, 342; iii, 50, 113, 313, 318, 351, 352; adv., li, 324, 325; Beadiow Farm, ii, ii, 18, 72, 113, 260- 321; Brickwall Farm, ii, 320; chant., li, 325; char., ii, 325; chs., i, 315%, 318, 334, 351”, 352 | li, 320, 324, 325; earth- works, i, 291-2, 297; ii, 321; fishery, li, 323; Flying Horse Inn, ii, 320; Man., ii, 321-4; iii, 273 ; mills, ii, 320; Noncont., li, 325; pop., ii, 114; rectory, i, 352; sch., ii, 182; vicarage, i, 316 m, 352; ii, 325 Clophill Agricultural Societies, ii, 142 Clopton, Avice de, iii, 440”; Steph., ii, 335”; Will. de, iii, 4407 Clothworkers Co. (Lond.), ii, 299 Clutterbuck, Rev. Hen., iii, 304 ; —, , 4 Clynton, Ld., iii, 422 Clynton, Joan de, ii, 360; Sir John de, iii, 285 ; John de, ii, 360 Clyve, Steph. atte, ili, 458 Clyve, forest, iii, 63 ” Cnut, king, il, 20, 21 Coal, i, 2, 27; iii, 5 Cobbe (Cobb), Agnes, iii, 119; Anne, iii, 91; Eliz., iii, 91; ‘Geo., iii, ots 94; Rev. H., ii, 18; John., 1; Paul, ii, 58, 59; iii, 91, ce Rebecca, iii, 91; Thos., iii, 91, 94-5, 119; Will. iii, 91, 94; Dr., il, 169, 170; —, ii, 356, 382 Cobbitt, Nich., iii, 316 Cobden, Rich., ii, 65 Cobham, Joan, baroness, ii, 227; Lds., ii, 224”; iii, 188, 363; Geo., iii, 140, 187, 208, 230, 236; Hen., iii, 208; John Brook, iii, 140, 187, 230”; Thos., ili, 140; Will., iit, 187, 208 Cobham, Joan de, ii, 227; Reg. de, iii, 221 ; fam., ii, 262 Cochepol, see Cople Cockayne (Cokayne, Cokkyne), Anne iii, 452; Beatrice, ii, 354; Chad, ii, 216; Edm., ii, 216, 3543 Edw.., li, 218; Eliz., ii, 206, 216, 218 ; ii, 129; Frances, ii, 355, 350; Hen., iii, 129; Humph., ii, 216; Cockayne (cont.) Joan, ii, 354; Sir John, ii, een John, ii, 215, 216, 218, 354; iii, 137; Judith, ii, 216; Kath., ii 247; Lewis, ii, 216; Marg., ii, 216”; Reg., ii, 216, 354; Rich., ii, 216; Sam., ii, 216; ili, 247; Susan, ii, 216; Thos., li, 206; Sir Will., iii, 452; Will., ii, 216, 218, 355, 350; fam., ii, 44, 218 Cockayne-Cust, Fran., ii, 218; Hen. F., ii, 66 ” Cockayne Hatley (Bury Hatley, Hatley Port), ii, 96, 197, 201, 215-18, 257; adv., ii, 216%, 218; char., ii, 218; ch., i, 315 ”; ii, 216; Hill House, ii, 216”; man., ii, 215, 216, 256; mills, ii, 215, 216; pop., ii, 113 Cocke (Koc), Eliz., iii, 100 ; iii, 100; Rich. iii, 98 Cockeswall, man., iii, 370 Cockett, see Cokett Cocks, Jas., iii, 368; Thos. S. V., iii, 368 Coddenham, Eliz., i, 177 Codicote (Herts), ii, 232 ” Codington, John de, ii, 224 n Codon, Eliz., iii, 248; Rob., iii, 248 Coembestunae, see Kempston Coffins, iii, 116, 266, 327, 334, 411, 420, 425, 434, 446 Cogan, Ann, iii, 198; Ant. , ili, 198 ; Kath., iii, 198; Sara,’ iii, 198 Coggepole, see Cople Coins, i, 190, 270; ii, 73, 261; iii, 2, 132, 275; A.S., i, 190; Brit., i, 170, 173, 174; ii, 210, 234, 230 242, 261, 304, 326, 348 3 Rom., 173, 269, 273, 274; li, 2, 5- ir, 13-15 ; iil, 175, 238, 390, 448 Cokerel (Cokrel), Pet., ii, 278 ; Rob., iii, 196 Coker Way (Leighton Buzzard), John, iii, 177; Hen., ul, 405 Cokett (Cockett, Coket), Ant., iii, 165, 184, 197; Hen., iii, 201 Cokkyne, see Cockayne Cokrel, see Cokerel Colbeck, Bridg., ii, 253; John, ii, 253 Colburn, Hen., ii, 86 Colby, Dorothy, iii, 236; Thos., iii, 236 Colchester, Brit. coins, i, 173 Coldbatch, Eliz., Lady, iii, 132; Sir John, iii, 132 oe Brayfield (Bucks), iii, 109, 281, 304 Cold Harbour (Dagnall), Rem rem., ii, 6 Coldnorton, man., i, 374 Cole, Eliz., ii, 385; Isabella, iii, 461; Mich., iii, 335”; Rob., iii, 461; Sim., ili, 233, 461; —, iii, 375 Coleman, fam., iii, 277 Coleoptera, i, 71-78 Coles (Cranfield), iii, 278 Colesden, iii, 219 ; man., iii, 220 Colesden, Jordan de, iii, 221 ; Sim. de, i, 386; Will. de, iii, 221 Coleshill (Warws.), i, 360 Colestone, Will., i, 402 Colfox, Rich., iii, 59 Colhoun, see Calhoun College manor (Northill), iii, 250 Colleton, Chas. G., iii, 66 ; Mrs., iii, 66 : Collie, Miss, ii, 177 Colling, see Collins : Colling End Green (Harlington), iii, 381 2 14 Collins \Colling), Ann, iii, 31, 209; Barwell, ii, 252; iii, 209; Eliz., iii, 209; Sir John, li, 59; ie iii, 209; Sam., iii, 57; Thos., 113 Collison, John, ii, 281” Collop, Ann, iii, 287; Reg., iii, 287 Colmeworde, see "Colmworth Colmorde, see Colmworth Colmorthe, see Colmworth Colmworth, ii, 44, 133; iii, 31, 34, 165, 180, 186- -9, 205, 271; adv., iii, 187, 189 5 char., iii, 189; ch., i, 385; iii, 186, 188, 189 ; earthworks, i, 305; man. ., iii, 181, 186-7, 189, 199; man, farm, iii, 186 ; Nonconf. , i, 186 ; place- names, iii, 186; pop., ii, 113; sch., ii, 182 Colmworth, Will. of, i, 385; Compworth Colne, riv., i, 151 Colne, Will., ii, 224 Colnworth, see Colmworth Colt, fam., iii, 247 Colville, Sir Chas., ii, 68 ; Joan, iii, I9I, 194; John, ili, 247; Maud, ig mh Sir Will. , lii, r91 ; Will., see also Golworth (Sharnbrook), iii, 88, 92, 94; man., iii, 92,95; pk., iii, 89 Colworth House, iii, 88, 92, 94 Colworth Thicket, lii, yee Coly, Eleanor, iii, 97-8 Colyn, John, ii, 227 Combe Park (Lidlington), iii, 305 Combes Park (Ampthill), ii, 145 Common Farm (Lidlington), i iti, 305 Comond, see Colmworth Compass Inn (Ampthill), iii, 268 Compton, Eliz., Lady, ili, 208; Ld. Alwyne F., ii, 70; Will., Ld., see Northampton, earl of Compton, Sir Hen., ii, 336; Jas., iii, 208; John, ii, 291; Spencer, iii, 208; Sir Will, li, 267, 322; fam., iii, 205 Compton Grove (Willington), iii, 264 Compworth, Thos,, iii, 133; see also Colmworth Comyn, Eliz., ii, 223 ; Joan, iii, 193 Conger Hill (Toddington), earth- work, i, 286, 287 Congregationalists, ii, 241, 258, 270, 271, 299, 374, 375; ill, 30, 64, 68, 96, 132, 202, 218, 279, 367, 383, 415, 458 e Coningsby, Eliz., ii, 360; Hen., ii, 347”; John, ii, 360 Conington (Hunts), ii, 214 Connolly, Lady Anne, ii, 277, 278 ; iii, 441; Lady Louisa, iii, 446; Thos., ii, 346, 441, 446 ; Conquest, Alice, ili, 291 ; Benedict, iii, 291; Benj., ii, 59; Sir Edm., ii, 339; iii, 291; Edm., ii, 329, _ 332; iii, 291; Eleanor, ii, 331; Eliz., ili, 291, 295; Geoff., iii, 290; Hen., iii, 291; Isabel, iii, 295; Joan, ii, 329; John, iii, 129%, 290, 291, 294m, 295; John T., iii, 291 ; Lewis, iii, 292 ; Mary, iii, 292 0; Miles, iii, 291 2; Sir Rich., ii, 180; iii, 291 ; Rich., ii, 43, 54; iii, 270, 291, 295, 296 ; Rog. ili, 291 ; fam., iii, 289 Conquest Bury, man., see "Houghton Conquest Constable, Chas., iii, 255 ; Dorothy, li, 233 Constable Lands (Gilden), iii, ae Conygrave, Joan, ii, 282 ; Reg,, 282 Conyngestone, Nich., ii, 296 . Cooke (Cook), Alice, iii, 375; Ant., iii, 168; Hugh, ii, 385; iii, 375: Jas. -» lii, 311; John, iii, 248 ; Jos., i, 169; Nich., ili, 246; Rich., ii, 271; Thos, i. Ai, 394; Rev. —, ii, 133 ; fam. +, ii, 361 Cook’s Farm (Northill) » lii, 246 Cook’s Lane (Southill), iii, 261 Cookson, Thos., iii, 261; Dr., i, 342 2 Cooper, Anne, ii, 385; Maj. Cooper, i, 185; li, 8; Eliz., ii, 441; Eliz. C., iii, 446 3 Eliz. G., ili, 4415 John, lil, 60, 441; Judith, iii, 60 ; Rev. Oliver St. i li, 97, 98; iii, 60, 69; Sam., iii, 33, 109; Tomkinson, ii, 385 ; : bray lili, 441, 446; Will ‘D: » iii, Gooner! s Hill (Ampthill), iii, 269 Coops (Battlesden), iii, 343 Cope, Sir Walt., iii, 72% Cople, ii, 44, 66, 96, 196, 197, 340; in, 32, 182, 193, 227, 238; adv., _1, 393; iii, 242; char., iii, 242; ch., i, 315 ”, 392 ; ii, 92; ii, 238, 230, 240M, 241, 242; man., iii, 240 ; PoP, ii, 116; Rom. rem.. ii, 5, 6; iii, 238; ’sch., ii, 182; vicarage, i, 316 N, 341; ‘iii, "238 Cople (Copley), Anne, il, 355 ; Edw., u, 267; Humph., ii, 179; Rog., ii, 355; Thos., i, 384; fam., ui, 197 Cople House, ii, 66 ” ; Cople Woodend, ii, 42 Copley, see Cople Copmanford, Jos. of, i, 386 Coppin, Anne, ii, 317; Sir Geo., , 317 ;#John, li, 317, 319, 320, 377-80 ; John R., ii, 317 ; Martha, li, 320; Sam., ii, 317; Thos., ii, 317, 320 ; fam. » Ul, 377 Coppinger, ‘Walt., ili, 244 Copple-cum-Keone, man., ii, 145 Coprolites, i, 39; ii, 117 Copt Hill land (Heath and Reach), iii, 238 ii, 417 Corbet (Corbett), Sir Andr., iii, 416, 422%; Andr., iii, 405; Anne, iii, 405; Eliz., iii, 405, 422; Sir Rich., iii, 405; Rich., iii, 405; Rog., iii, 405; Sir Vincent, iii, 405” Corker, John, iii, 245 Corn, price of, iii, 3 Corner, Anora, iii, 220; John, iii, 220 Cornewayle, see Cornwall Cornish, Sir Sam., iii, 90, 95, 331 Cornwall, earls of, iii, 362 ; Edm., iii, 154, 362; Rich., i, 362; iii, 291, 362, 383 Cornwall, Constance de, i, 388”; Sir Geoff. de, iii, 317; Sir John (de), ii, 35, 36, 324; iii, 270, 272, 273, 292, 296, 310, 317, 318, 319, 326, 437; Phil. de, i, 388” Cornwallis, Eliz., ii, 289; iii, 97; John, iii, 22, 348; Lucy, iii, 46, 96; Sir Will, ii, 14, 97; Will., ii, 289 ; iii, 46, 96 Coronation almoner, iii, 12, 13, 14, 15 metre Christi Coll. (Oxf.), iii, 167 Corpus Christi gild (Eaton Socon), iii, 201 Corpus Christi gild (Leighton Buz- zard), iii, 415 Corston, —, li, 121 Cosen (Cosyn), Edm., iii, Edw., ii, 244; Rich., ii, 211 Costentin, Geoff. de, ii, 248; Hen. de, ii, 248 211; INDEX Costin, John, iii, 32 Coston, —, ii, 170 Cosyn, see Cosen Cotes, man., see Cardington Cotton End Cotes, Gilb. de, iii, 315 Cotgrave, Thos. de, ii, 275 Cothemannesholme (Oakley), iii,150 Cotherstoke, Will. de, iii, 30 Cotton, man., see Cardington Cotton End Cotton (Coton), Eliz., Lady, iii, 286 ; Eliz., iii, 286; Frances, iii, 286 ; Hen., iii, tor; Jane, iii, 286; Sir John, ii, 180, 211, 214, 215; iii, 286; John, i, 396; ii, 45”; iii, 149; Mary, ii, 332; iii, 286 ; Philadelphia, Lady, ii, 357; Sir Rob., ii, 45”, 211”; Sam., iii, 83; Sir Thos., ii, 45 ”, 357 Cotton End, iii, 32, 227, 234, 238; man. house, i, 306; iii, 234; Nonconf., iii, 234 ; sch., iii, 234 Couci, Ingelram de, see Bedford, earl of ; Isabella de, ii, 39 Coulthirst, Nich., ii, 316 Councell, Hugh, ii, 270 County Council, ii, 141, 142; iii, 320 Coupol, see Cople Courtney, Alice, iii, 436, 437; Edw., iii, 436 Court Place (Wymington), iii, 119 Coutances, bps. of, i, 313; iii, 54, 85, 90, 95, TIO, IIq, II9, 125, 133, 139, 142, 157, 162, 175 Couture, La, abbey of (Le Mans), i, 315”; iti, 439, 444, ue Coventry, Hen., li, 195, 2 Coventry and Lichfield, i ne Walt. de Langton, ii, 224, 225, 227, 228, 238, 262, 263 Covington, ii, 72 ; iii, 31 Covington (Covyngton), A., i, 107- 143; Hugh, iii, 64; John, iti, 213; Nich. de, ili, 154” Covington Fee, man., see Howe and Pertenhall Cowe, John de, iii, 55 Cowepyll, see Cople Cowper, ctss, ii, 182”; Anne, ii, 327; Katrina C., iii, 233; earls, li, 142, 146, 176, 327 ; ill, 220, 233 Cowper, John, ii, 151, 156, 263; Mich., ii, 263; Will., ii, 314; see also Cooper Cowslade, John, iii, 407, 430; Thos., iii, 407, 430 Cox, Jas., ii, 101; —, ii, 333; iii, 444 Coxed, —, warden of Bedford College, ii, 172 Coynte, Alice (le), ii, 297, 334; iii, 252; Joan de, iii, 252; Mar- gery de, iii, 252; Will. (le), ii, 297, 334; iii, 252 ; fam., iii, 253 Cozens, John, iii, 250 Crabbe, Helen, i, 390 Cracheley, John de, i, 320, 321, 325 Cracroft, Rich., iii, 196 Cradock’s Field (Leighton Buz- zard), iii, 402 Cramavilla, Hen. de, ii, 223, 224 Cranesle, John, ii, 316” Cranfield (Crangfeld, Cranfelde), ii, 21, 25, 66, 77; 78, 81, 90, 187, 268 ; ili, 40, 267, 275-79, 297; adv., iii, 278; agric., ii, 82, 84, 99; Black Death, ii, 88 : char. ~ iii, 278, 279; ch.,i, 313; iii, 277; man., i, 312, 313; u, 79, 80, 87, ol, 143; ; ii, 276; Nonconf., iui, 275, 279; pk., iii, 276 ; pop., ii, II5; priests’ stipend, i, 336; Rom. rem., ii, 6; iii, 275; sch., ii, 182; ili, 278 i Cranfield (Craunfeld, Craunfield), Jas., iii, 276; Sir Lionel, iii, 276; Rich. ‘de, iti, 246; Will. de, i iii, 276 Cranfield Court, iii, 276 Cranfield Mead (Tingrith), iii, 382 438 Cranford Mead, ii, 376” Crangfeld, see Cranfield Cranmer, Thos., ii, 38 Cransley (Northants), i, 181 ” Cratford, Chris., iii, 212 Craunfeld (Craunfield), see Cranfield Cravenherst, see Gravenhurst Crawelai, see Husborne Crawley Crawley, brook, ii, 71 Crawley, man., see Crawley Crawley, Arth., ii, 349”; Dionisia de, iii, 396”; Edw., ii, 346%, 375; Sir Fran., ii, 43, 364, 373; Fran., ii, 147, 197, 346, 356-9, 361-2, 373-4; lil, 105, 109, 137, 1773 "Joan, ii, 364; John, ii, 4o, 349 2, 358-9, 361-3, 366 ; iii, 105, 177; John S., li, 66”, 319; Judith, iii, 105; Rich., ii, 40, 356-7, 361, 364; Sam., ii, 667; Susannah, iii, 177 ; Thos., ii, 312, 346, 356, 358-0, 373, 375; Ee S., ii, 356, 357, 3743 will., ii, 358, 364, 375; —, il, 358 iii, 21; fam., ii, 66; iii, 361 Crawley House (Husborne Crawley), iii, 394 Crawley Park Farm Crawley), iii, 394 Crayford, Sir Will., ii, 40 ; iii, 322 Creaker (Creuker), Geoff., iii, 182 ; John, iti, 257 Creakers (Crewkers, man., iii, 181, 183, 184 Creakers, The (Gt. Barford), earth- work, i, 303 Crendon (Bucks), man., ii, 253 Crespinges, Eliz. de, ii, 276; Will. de, ii, 276 Cressy (Cressie), Isabel de, iii, 426 ; John, ii, 307, 351", 352, 355, 359; Rog. de, iii, 426; Thos., ii, 352; Val., iii, 414 Creuker, see Creaker Crevecoeur (Crevequer), Agnes de, iii, 452; Anne, ili, 183; Eleanor de, iii, 452; Geoff. de, iii, 183 ; Hamon de, iii, 452; Isolda, iii, 4523; Jas. de. lii, 183 ; John de, ili, 183, 211; Mabel de, ii, 452 ; Matilda de, iii, 452 ; Rob. de, iii, 183; Steph., iii, 183, 211, 212: Will. de, iii, 452 Crewe, Lds., iii, 73 2; John, ii, 341 Crewe, Temperance, ii, 341 7”; iii, 73; Sir Thos., ii, 341 Crewkers, man., see Creakers Crichton, Rob., iii, 311 Crispe (Crisp), Anne, iii, 145 ; John, im, 145 Crispin, Miles, iii, 105, 129, 147, 150 Croft (Crofte), John, iii, 128; Hugh de, iii, 173 ; Will., ii, 161 Crofts, Arabella, ii, 377, 379; Briers, Lady, i, 377, 379; Edw iii, 347; Sir Hen.,, li; 377-3 Sir John, ii, 377; iii, 346; Marg., Lady, iii, 346 ; Sam., ili, 346 Croiser, see Croyser Croisores, see Croyser Crokebarowe, Agnes, iii, 281 Crokedayke, Alex. de, ii, 256, 257; Isabel de, ii, 257”; John de, ii, 257; Juliana, ii, 257 Crompton, Eliz., iii, 283; John, ii, 291 ; Lovetus, iii, 283 ; Rob., iii, 283 ; Thos., iii, 283 Cromwell, Ralph, Ld., Husborne (Husborne Westende), iii, 272 A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Cromwell, Anne, iii, ii, 231; John de, ii, 231 ; Mary, ii, 155; Sir Oliver, iii, 155; Oliver, ii, 45-7, 49-52, 54-5, 179, 271, 2753 ili, 4, 64, 349; Rich., li, 55, 228 Crook, John, i, 341, 345 Crools Farm (Willington), iii, 262 Crophill, Ralph, iii, 285 Croson, Eliz., iii, 274 Crosse (Cross), Hammond, ii, 363 ; Hen., ii, 200; John, ii, 363; iii, 269, 275; Thos., ii, 363 Crosse Ash (Ridgmont), iii, 321 Crosseland Fosse (Kempston), iii, 297 Crosses, i, 373”; ili, 47, 54, 76, Ioo, 108, 127, 142, 148, 152, 234, 279, 314, 315, 351, 353, 399, 458 Crosshall Farm (Eaton Socon), iii, 190 Cross Meadow (Wilshamstead), iii, 328 Croswayte, Agnes, ii, 363 Crouche (Crouch, Crowch, Crowche), 193; Ida de, Edm., ii, 378; Mary, ii, 346; Nich., ii, 380; Rob., iii, 54, 242; Sam., ii, 346 Crowe, Gerard, iii, 231; Nich., iii, 231 Crowhill Farm (Wilden), iii, 223 Crowmarsh, ii, 25 Croxton, Dan., i, 367”, 368”; John de, iii, 162, 164; Rich. de, ili, 162 Croyser (Croiser, Croisores), Anne, iii, 78; Eliz., iii, 78; Ellen, iii, 67; John, iii, 85; Nich., iii, 85; Sim., iii, 67, 85; Sir Will., ii, 256; iii, 158; Will., li, 90, 354; MW, 77,79 | Crustaceans, i, 91-7 Cruys, Gamaliel, iii, 456 Cryptogams, i, 55-67 Cryscyan, John, ii, 319 Cublington (Bucks), ch., i 376 ; Cudessane, see Chicksands Cufaude, Anne, iii, 220; 220 Cukkowe, John, ii, 205 Cullebere, John, iii, 20 Culverden, Will., ii, 269 Culy, man. (Wootton), iii, 331 Culy Green (Wootton), iii, 329 Cumming, Will. C., ii, 252 Cunningry Close (Clapham), iii, 132 Cuppe, Rob., i, 399 Cursson, see Curzon Curtis (Curteys, Curtius), Adolph, iii, 206; Aubrey, iii, 118 ; Hugh, ili, 118, 122; Jas., ii, 265; John, iii, 118, 120; Matilda, iii, 436; Thos., iti, 436 ; Sir Will., iii, 206 ; Will., iii, 94 Curzon, Agnes, iii, 452; Greg., ili, 140; Mary, iii, 452; Thos., iii, 371 2, John, iii, 52 Gast, Eliz., ii, 216; Fran., ii, 216 ; Hen., ii, 216; Hen. F., ii, 216, 257; John H., see Alford, vsct.; Lucy, ii, 216; Sir Rich., ii, 2106 ; Saville, ii, 216; fam., ii, 66 Cutha, see Cuthwulf Cuthbert, —, ii, 385; fam., iii, 286 Cuthwulf (Cutha), i, 269”; ii, 18, 349”; ili, 1, 401 Cutts, Chas., iti, 51 Cycle Works, ii, 127 D’Abernon, Eliz., iii, 78; Gilb., iii, 78; John, iii, 78, 79; Will., iii, 78 Dacre, Thos., Ld., iii, 192 Dacre, Anne, iii, 192; Eliz., iii, 192; Geo., iii, 192; Mary, iii, 192 Dacre and Greystock, Thos., Ld., iii, 192 ; Will., Ld., iii, 192 Dacres, Annabella, iii, 133; Edw., iii, 133; Geo., iii, 182; Rob., iii, 92, 133, 182, 302; Sir Thos., iii, 133 Dagnel (Dagnoll), Margery, ii, 275 ; Pet, ii, 275 ; Sam., iii, 449 Daie, see Day Daintone, see Dunton Daintry Wood (Tingrith), iii, 435 Dairy farming, ii, 136 Dakeney, Alice, ii, 322; Joan, ii, 321, 322, 323; Sir John, ii, 322; John, ii, 321, 322; Mary, ii, 322; Rob., ii, 321; Sir Rog., ii, 321, 322; Rog., ii, 321-3; Walt., ii, 322 Dalbier, Col., ii, 53 Dalderby, John, bp., see Lincoln, bps. of Dale, Anne, ii, 207, 253; Isabel de la, ii, 207; Joan, ii, 227; John, ii, 207, 228, 252; Maud, iii, 329; Thos., le, ii, 207, 208, 227, 252; Will., ii, 207, 227, 252, 253; —, ili, 329 Dallow (Dollow), man., ii, 350, 356, 357, 358, 362, 366; man.-house, ii, 356; mill, ii, 366; prehist. rem., i, 145, 174; ii, 348 Dallow Farm (Luton), ii, 357 Dalton, Capt. Rob. F., iii, 171; —, iii, 132 Dalyell, "Col. J. T., ii, 70 Dam Acre (Northill), iii, 248 Dame Ellensbury, man., ili, 270 », 291, 292 Dame Ellensbury Park, ii, 147 Dame Margaret’s Holme, see Dam Acre Dammartin, Reg. de, ii, 255 Danes, i, 281, 310; ii, 18, 19, 20, 73; ili, I Daneswood (Woburn Sands), iii, 338 Daniell (Daniel, Danyell), John, iii, 56, 385; Edw., ii, 329, 333,-335; Eliz., ii, 329; John, lii, 438; Rich, li, 329; Steph., ii, 329; Thos., ii, 329; Will., ii, 329, 333 Danish place-names, i, 297 Dansey, —, ii, 188 Dansie, Jas., ii, 385 Danver, Eliz., see Neville; Sir John, iii, 14 Danvers, Burnaby, iii, 364; John, iii, 193 ; Sam., iii, 193 Danyell, see Daniell Dapifer, Eudo, ii, 207, 208, 243, 244, 251, 277, 278; ili, 190, 191, 199, 219, 229 n, 260, 386” D’Arcy, Sir Conyers, ii, 295 Darell, Anastasia, iii, 154 ; Beatrice, iii, 154; Isabel, iii, 154; John, iii, 154; Julian, iii, 154; Marg., iii, 154; Thos., iii, 154; fam., iii, 166 Darkland (Ridgmont), iii, 321 Darley (Derb.), abbot of, i, 372 ” Darling (Derling), Sir Rob., ili, 54; Thos., iii, Tor Dartford (Kent), prioress of, i, 403 Dartiguenave, Anne, iii, 197 Darwin, Bern., ii, 198 Datchet (Bucks), man., iii, 436 Daubeney, Giles, Ld., ii, 267, 322 Daubeney (Albini, Albingi), Alice, iii, 298; Amicia, iii, 237; Ascelina (Asseline, Azeline) de, ili, 236,271, 317; Cecilia, iii, 148; Cecily, i, 352, 3772; iii, 237; Christina, ii, 16 Daubeney (cont.) 321; ili, 271; Eleanor, iii, 298; Eliz., iii, 298 ; Sir Giles, iii, 298 ; Giles, iii, 299 ; Hen. (de), i, 351 ; ii, 263, 267, 281, 321, 322; iii, 237, 273; Isabel, ii, 211, 321; lii, 236, 271, 317, 318; Joan, ii, 321, 322; ili, 236, 268, 271, 272; John, iii, 298; Marg., iii, 298, 299 ; Nigel (de), 143, li, 211, 263, 277, 281, 283, 309, 321, 324, 329, 376, 383 ; ili, 50, 51, 60, 113, 146, 196, 199, 236, 260, 271, 286, 309, 315, 317, 326, 379, 396, 435; Philippa, iii, 298 ; Ralph, iti, 298 ; Rob., i, 318 2, 350, 351, 352, 366, ii, 26, 263, 270, 281, 321, 322, 324, 325, 342, 344 5 iii, 148, 236, 237, 271, 317, 318 ; Sim., ii, 321 ; Will, ii, 32, 321, "322, 383: iii, 112, "271, 298; fam., i, 372”; li, 30, 323, 324; ili, 273 Daubeney, bar. of, i, 292 ; 324 as Daubeny, hon., iii, 112 Daventry, Isabella de, iii, 436; Joan de, iii, 436, 437; Matilda de, iii, 436: Rob. de, iii, 436; Thos, de, iii, 436, 437; Walt. de, iii, 436; fam., iii, 286 Davey, see Davy David I, king of Scotland, i, 388 ; iii, 9, 65 David Ashby, man., ii, 350 Davie, see Davy Davies, Oliver, iii, 212; Thos., iii, 278 Davis, H. W. C., ii, 26 ” ; Kendrick, iii, 385 ; Stanley P., ii, 190 Davis’s Spinney (Turvey), iii, 110 Davy, Eliz., iii, 115; Sir Humph., ii, 135; John, ii, 4o Dawe, Rob., iii, 385 Dawkins, Rev. Edw. H.., iii, 233; E. H. F., ii, 183 2; F., iii, 231; —, Mrs., iii, 233 ; fam., iii, 231 Daws, Sir Thos., iii, 314 Dawson, John, iii, 145 Day (Daye, Dey, Deye), Benj., ii, 360; Edm., iii, 108, 221 ; Frank, aii, 191; Gilb., iii, 96; John H., iii, 191 ; Marg. le, iii, 159; Sim. le, iii,:159; Thos., i, 383, 385; Walt. iii, 159; Will., ii, 360; —, iii, 175 Deacons (Deacon), Edw., iii, 282 ; Mary, iii, 2825 Thos., iii, 282, 288, 438 Deacon’s charity, iii, 416 Dead-man’s Slode (Slade) (Leigh- ton Buzzard), A.S. rem., i, 187 Dean (Dena, Dene), ii, 06 ; lii, 123, 132-36, 142, 165, 170, 174; adv., iii, 135; chant., iii, 136; char., iii, 136; ch, i, 315”, 325%, 394; lii, 134; mans., see Over- dean and Netherdean; Man. House Farm, iii, 132; mills, ‘iii, 132; Nonconf., iii, 132, 136; place-names, iii, 132; pop., ii, 115; Rectory Farm, ii, 132; sch., ii, 182; treasure trove at, iii, 132; value of land, iii, 134 Dean, Nether (Lower), iii, 132 Dean, Upper, iii, 132, 160 Dean (Deane, Dene), Anstis (Anas- tasia), i, 355, 357; Chris., ii, 289; Jas., iti, 102; —, iii, 155; see also Den Deane Hills Park, iii, 394 Deaneries, rural, i, 313, 323, 347 Dean Hall, iii, 132 Dean House, iii, 132 Dearman, Edw., ii, 325; Thos., ii, 324 li, 30”, Debenham, Gilb., iii, 371 Decker, Sir Matth., iii, 255 Decons (Decon, Dekene, Dycons), Eliz., ili, 306, 309 ; Rich., ii, 328; iii, 306, 309; Thos. (le), iii, 306, 364m, 407; fam., iii, 313 Deep Hall (Oxf.), iii, 275 Deer Pk. (Husborne Crawley), iii, 394 De Grey of Wrest, see Grey (of Wrest) de Dekene, see Decons Delamere, Thos., i, 363 De Lanie, see Delaune Delap, Jas. B., iii, 219; Rev. Rob., iii, 219; fam., iii, 183 Delaune (de Lanie), Gideon, ii, 183, 219; Will. iii, 184, 219 Delavere, Hester, iii, 134; Kin- naird, iii, 134 De la Warr, Joan, iii, 339; John, ul, 339 Delawne, see Delaune Dell, Dr. Humph., iii, 286; Will., 1, 342; iii, 179; —, iii, 64 Delmé, Anne, ii, 286 Den, Gilb. de, iii, 324-5; Will. de, iii, 324-5; see also Dean Dena, see Dean Dendon, Agnes, i, 398; Rob., i, 398 Dene, see Dean Denel End (Dunhill), iii, 284 Denel (Dennel) End (Flitwick), iii, 288, 438 Denham, Hen., ii, 357 Denis, see Dennis Denison, Sam., ii, 204; Rev. Will. H., ili, 54,56 Denman, Sir Thos., iii, 72 Dennis (Denis, Dennys) Andr., iii, 25; Eliz., iii, 298, 304; John, iii, 298 ; Mary, iii, 298, 304; Matth., iii, 298, 304; Rob., ili, 277, 298 ; Will., iti, 298, 304 Denny (Cambs), iii, 40; nuns of, i, 326 Denny, Ant., iii, 302; Edw., see Norwich, earl of ; Honoria, iii, 330; John, iii, 302; Thos., iii, 302 Dennys, see Dennis Denshire, Geo., iii, 155 ” Denston Hall (Suff.), iii, 243 Denton (Lines.), ch., ii, 217 Denton, Nich., ii, 40; Rich., iii, 361 Derby, sch., ii, 155 Derby, Alice, ctss. of, iii, 102; Isabel, ctss. of, ii, 351; earls of, iii, 139; Edw., iii, 119; Ferd., iii, 102 ; Hen., ii, 247 ; iii, 119 ; Thos., iii, 102, 119, 283; Will., ii, 351 ; iii, 78, 230 Derby, John de, iii, 30; Ralph of, i, 384; Rich., i, 384 ; Will. de, iii, 357% Dere, Godwin, iii, 134 Derling, see Darling Dert House (Eaton-Socon), iii, 190 Despenser, Anne le, ii, 231; Edw. le, ii, 230, 231, 232; Eleanor le, ii, 300, 339, 362, 384; Hugh (le), ii, 31, 231, 300, 339, 362, 384; iii, 262; Rob. le, ii, 291; Will. ill, 95 Deule, Alwin, i, 297”; ii, 276; iii, 155 Devenish, Eliz., ii, 355; Rich., ii, 355 iS Devereux, Will., iii, 18 Devilhoe, see Duloe Devil’s Jumps, see Yarlswood Devil’s Spinney, see Doctor’s Corner Devon, Christian, ctss. of, iii, 290 3 INDEX Devonshire, lace ind., ii, 123 Devotion, Thos., see Dyer Dey, Deye, see Day Deyville, Joan, ii, 238; John, ii, 238; ili, Ig0” Dickens, Eleanor, iii, 380; Thos., ili, 380 Dickenson, —, iii, 117 Dickinson, Capt. John Marche; ii, 69 Dickson, John, iii, 173 Dier, see Dyer Digby, Beatrice, iii, 45; Sir John, i, 45, 49; John, iii, 46; Sir Kenelm, ii, 275 Dilewick, man., see Dylywyk Dillingham (Dyllingham), Bramp- ton G., iii, 162; Fran., iii, 195, 226; Theophilus, iii, 162, 164 Dillon, Col. Rob. V., iti, 328 Dilly, Chas., iii, 257; Edw., iii, 257; John, iii, 257 Dimmock, see Dymoke Dingwall, bar., ii, 327 Diocese, i, 332, 346-47 Dionisia, iii, 419 Distaff Lane (Lond.), ii, 214 Ditchfield, Edw., ii, 310, 312; iii, 253, 285, 292, 306, 321, 326, 332 Dive, Dives, see Dyve Dix, Will., iii, 80 Dixse, Hughe, iii, 200 Dixwells, man., ili, 435, 438 Dobbe, Frances, iii, 67 ; John, iii, 67 Dobbin Spinney (Turvey), iii, 110 Dobbs, Phil., iii, 51; Will., iii, 194 Dobson, Frances, ii, 94; iii, 456; John, iii, 456; Miles, iii, 456; Will., ili, 200, 456 ; —, ii, 169 Dockra, see Docwra Doctor’s Corner (Clapham), i, 116 Docwra, Edw., ii, 359, 365; Thos., li, 59, 365; Capt., ii, 69 Dodd (Dod), Jas., ii, 296; Kath., ii, 378; Rev. Will., ii, 102; iii, 345; WilL, ii, 378, 383 Dodsworth, Eliz., iii, 322 Dodwell, —, ii, 296 Doe, Jolland le, ii, 255 Doffevill, Hugh, iii, 257; Isabel, ul, 257 Doggett, —, iii, 415 D’Oilli, see Doyley Dokesworth, Hugh de, iii, 98; John de, iii, 98 Doket, see Duckett Dolby, —, ii, 177 Dolling, Rev. —, iii, 128 Dollow, man., see Dallow, man. Dolt, Rich., iii, 385 ; Thos., iii, 385 Domesday Survey, i, 191-266 Dominican monks, see Friars, Black Dominican nuns, i, 396 ” Domnic, iii, 229 ” Doncaster, Jas., vsct., see Carlisle, earl of Donne (Done), Dinah, iii, 146; Jas., ili, 293; John, i, 342; iii, 146, 233; Rog. de, iii, 137 Donton (Dontone), see Dunton Dorchester (Oxon), bpric., i, 311, 313, 347; li, 18, 153; bps., ii, 20, 21, 294, 309; ili, 84, 408, 414; St. Peter’s Abbey, i, 388 2 Dormer, Dorothy, iii, 177 ”; Edw., ii, 319; Eliz., iii, 427; John, li, 360, 362; ili, 277; Mary, see Sydney ; Sir Rob., ii, 40 ; iii, 407, 427, 429; Rob., il, 354; ili, 177, 406; Susanna, iii, 427; Sir Will., ili, 427 ; Will, ii, 177, 427 Dorset, Cecily, mchnss, of, iii, 380 ; mqs. of. ili, 38t; Hen., iii, 89, 380; Thos., iii, 89, 230, 248 Dorset, Rich. of, i, 402 Douglas, Rev. Jas., i, 182 ry Dounton, see Dunton Dove House Farm (Kensworth), iii, 368 Dover (Kent), hosp., iii, 395 Dover, hon., iii, 50 Dover, Hen., earl of, iii, 314; John, earl of, ii, 342 ” Dover (Dovre), John de, ii, 283 ; Junian de, ii, 351%”; Phil. de, li, 283 ; Rich. de, ii, 283 Dovey, John, i, 398 Downe, Will., earl of, iii, 140 Downes, Lt.-Col. Chas. V., iii, 337 ; Mrs. C. V. S., iii, 338; fam., ii, 293 Downham, Hen., ii, 358 Downing, Edw., ii, 221; iii, 29, 392, 425; Sir Geo., li, 256, 257; Sir Jacob G., ii, 256, 257; Marg., ii, 256 Downing College (Camb.), ii, 257 Downshire, mchnss. of, ii, 330; mgs. of, iii, 376 Doyle, Col., ii, 67 Doyley, Cath., iii, 188; John, iii, 188; Rob., iii, 107, 129, 147, 153 2 Drake, Eliz., iii, 198 ; Helen, Lady, ii, 347, 382; Sir John, li, 347, 382; Thos., iii, 198; —, Capt., ili, 276 Drakelowe, Ankareta, iii, 424; Emma, i, 389, 390; Thos., iii, 424 Draper, Gabriel, iii, 407; John, ii, 89, 234; Will., iii, 407 Draycot, Ant., i, 334 Dray’s Ditches (Limbury), earth- works, i, 280; ii, 348 Drayton (Bucks), i, 370 Drayton, Ada, iii, 300; Eliz., iii, 299; Geoff. de, ii, 252; Isabel, iii, 299; Joan, iii, 299; Joanna de, ii, 251; John, iii, 299; Miles de, ii, 251-3 ; Nich., iii, 299 Drayton Parslow, ii, 254, 332 Drayton’s Manor (Kempston), see Brucebury Drayton’s Manor (Tempsford), ii, 251-3 Drew’s Wood (Northill), iii, 245 Drinking Bush Hill (Stevington), iii, IOI Drivval (Drival), Godf. de, iti, 12 ; Will., iii, 223 ” Drover’s Way Field (Northill), iii, 251 / Droxford (Hants), A.S. rem., i, 183 ” Dru, Will., iii, 247 Druce, Edric, ii, 141 Druel, Amice, iii, 92 ; Giles, iii, 92 ; John, iii, 92 ; Will., iii, 90; fam., lii, 91 Druet, Ralph, ili, 74; Sampson, i, 74 Dryden, Sir Hen., i, 187”; ui, 7 Drye, Sim., ii, 379 Duberly, Sir Jas., iii, 125 Dublin, archbp. of, iii, 119 Duck End (Maulden), iii, 275, 314, 316 Duck End (Wilshamstead), iii, 326 Duckett (Doket), Ann, ii, 377, 378, 379; Noah, it, 377; Pet., ii, 377, 378; Rob. ii, 341 Duckford, man., see Duxworth Duck’s Cross (Colmworth), iii, 186 Dudley, Alice, iii, 112; Anne, iii, 112; Aug., iii, 112; Edw., iii, 112; Eliz., ili, 57, 112; Fran., iii, 112 ; Gamaliel, tii, 112 ; Joan, iii, 112; Rich., iii, 112 ; Sir Rob., iii, 310; Rob., iii, 112; see also Leicester, earl of ; Thos., iii, 57, I12; —, iii, 416 4 A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Dudley Castle, ii, 364 Dudleys, man. (Turvey), iii, 112, 113, 114 Dudswell (Herts), ii, 375 Duffyn, John, i, 354 ” Dugdale, J. H., ii, 141; Sir Will., il, 355 Duke, Warin, iii, 95 Duloe (Devilhoe), i, 297; iii, 193, 197-8, 202 ; farm-houses, iii, 190 Duloe, brook (Eaton Socon), iii, 189 Dun, see Dunn Duncombe, Anne, iii, 407; Brand- reth, iii, 407; Sir Edw,, iii, 344, 383, 422; Edw., iii, 385; Eliz., ili, 339, 345, 405; Ellen, ili, 344, 423; Fran., iii, 51, 330; Sir John, i, 345; John, iii, 344; Thos., iii, 330, 408; Will., ui, 40, 44; iii, 344, 345, 367, 495, 407, 415, 422”, 423; fam., iii, 415, 422 Dundin, John, iii, 220 Dungewood (Dungee Wood), iii, 64, 67 Dunhill, see Denel End Dunn (Dun), Tom, ii, 198; iii, 350 Dunrigge, man. (Caddington), ii, 315 Dunstable (Durocobrivae, Dun- staple), i, 320, 328, 376, 394, 400, 401; il, I, 3, 23, 28-31, 34, 37) 43» 45 53, 105, 178; iii, II, 18, 290, 294%, 336, 337, 349, 355-7, 360, 361, 389, 400; adv., 1, 378; iti, 366; agric., ii, 83-5, 129, 132, 133, 136; almshouses, iii, 351, 367-8; A.S. rem., i, 175, 184, 189; assize of bread and ale, iii, 358; Brotherhood House, iii, 367; chants., i, 326; ii, 179; iii, 367; char., ii, 179, 182%”; iii, 367-8; ch. i, 17, 315 M, 321, 328, 335 2, 350, 373; 378, 396%; ill, 285, 351, 360, 364-6, 368-9; Civil War, ii, 47; coins, i, 173; ii, 2, 6, 7; council at, i, 373; crosses, i, 373 ”; ili, 351, 353; crown property, il, 271; deanery, i, 347, 351, 404; disputes with prior, i, 319, 320; lil, 358-60, 366 ; earthwork, i, 166, 269, 270, ii, 9; Five Knolls, i, 169, 270; forestry, ii, 144; gaol, iii, 358; gilds, i, 330; iii, 360, 366-7; gipsies, iii, 352; highway rob- beries, ii, 99, 102 ; hosps., 1, 349; ind., li, 119-22, 349; ili, 350-1, 363; inns, ill, 351, 352, 355, 364, 368, 394; Jews, ili, 363; Katharine of Aragon’s trial, ii, 38; Ladies’ Lodge, iii, 351, 368; lepers, i, 401; man., 1, 376; iii, 361; mkts. and fairs, ii, 46, 87, 88, 102 ; iii, 351, 361-3; mayor, ii, 35, 89; iii, 360; mills, i, 320; iii, 351; miracle play, iii, 350; Mount Pleasant, i, 160; Nonconf., iii, 367; pk., iu, 350, 351; parl. repre., ili, 361; peasants revolt, i, 373; place-names, 1, 350-1 ; poor house, ili, 352 ; pop., li, 114; prehist. rem., 1, 150, 159-70, 174, 269, 270; ll, 350; races, ii, 191; rectory, ili, 366; roads, i, 176, 269; li, 4; i, 354; Rom. rem., i, 293, 294; U1, 2, 3, 6, 7; royal visits, i, 372; U, 24, 27; iii, 352, 353, 355; Schs., i, 351; ii, 149, 178-9, 199; Ul, 350, 351, 356, 367; sheriff, ili, 367; squatters, iii, 352 ; tolls, iti, 362; tournaments, li, 30, 33; Wl, 353, 354; town hall, iii, 3513, value of land, ii, 92; vicarage, 1, 3162; wells, ii, 2 ; ili, 349 Dunstable, Gilb. of Tingrith, dean of, i, 321 Dunstable, Matth. of, i, 325 7; iii, 49 Dunstable Downs, ii, 7, 198, 199; ili, 349, 363, 369, 447 Dunstable larks, iii, 363 Dunstable Priory, i, 313, 317 ”, 319, 321-3, 325, 332, 349, 350-1, 353, 362, 366, 371, 374-5, 382, 391, 394-6, 400-1; il, 17, 23, 31-2, 84-5, 87, 91, 144-5, 149, 178, 332, 353, 357, 360, 376-7, 380, 384; lll, 29, 107, 285, 286, 288, 320-3, 325, 346, 348-52, 356, 359, 361, 362-4, 372, 377, 382, 384, 390, 392, 395, 397-8, 408, 428, 430-2, 442, 448-51, 456 ; episcopal visits, i, 374, 375; lay brothers, i, 374, 403 ”; priors, i, 314, 320, 328, 353%, 377, 378, 379%; li, 33, 83-6, 318, 328, 350; iii, 89, 342, 344, 358, 390-1, 395-6, 427; sub-priors, i, 382, 384 ” Dunstan, St., ii, 154, 217 Dunton, i, 323, 335%, 344%; ii, 201, 218, 233 ; adv., li, 220, 222 ; char., ii, 222; ch., i, 315”; ii, 221; forestry, ii, 146; man., ii, 221; Nonconf., ii, 222; pop., ii, 113; sch., ii, 182; vicarage, i, 316 Dunton Chamberlain (Newton- bury), man., ii, 219, 220, 221; earthwork, i, 307 Dunton Fen, ii, 222 Dunton Goyes, man., ii, 220 Duport, —, iii, 415 Durant, see Durrant Durham, bpric. of, i, 312; ii, 220, 262 Durham, Margery, iii, 344; Col., iii, 286 Durrant, (Durant, Duraunt), Elea- nor, iti, 285; John, i, 375, 394; ili, 285, 350, 354” Dusburgh, Matilda, iii, 437; Ralph, Ul, 437 ro Duxworth, man., iii, 98 Dycons, see Decons Dyer (Dier), Cath., iii, 188; Edw., iii, 385; Hen., iii, 188; Sir Jas., iii, 187; John, ii, 229, 292; il, 127, 131, 315, 393, 438 ; Sir Lewis, iii, 156, 189, 366; Sir Lodovick, ii, 44; iii, 187, 188; Sir Rich., iii, 156, 187, 366; Thos., iii, 311 ; Sir Will., iii, 156, 187, 188, 366; Will., iii, 189 Be Dyers Hall Farm (Harlington), iii, 9 Dylingham, see Dillingham oT Dylywyk (Stagsden), man., 11, 13, 96-7, 212 . Dylywyk, Hen. de, iii, 98 a Dymoke, Isabel, iti, 129 ; John, iii, 129 Dymond, Mrs., iii, 338 Dynevor, Ld., iii, 47, 96; Geo., Ld., iii, 45 . bynkvee House (Ampthill), iii, 268 Dyson, Eliz., iii, 427; Jas., 11, 195; Jer., ii, 427 Dyve (Dive, Dives, Dyves), Bea- trice, iii, 45; Edm., itl, 391; Sir Fran., iii, 45; Fran., il, 104, Hen., iii, 46; Isabella, iu, 48 ; Sir John, i, 395”; 1, 45, 48, 391; John, iii, 46, 311, 355; Sir Lewis, ii, 43-6, 48; ii, 4, 45-9, 104, 271, 391 ; Lewis, i, 48, 311, 391; Mary, iii, 48; Theophila, iii, 104; Will., i, 150; 1, 46, 391, 394; fam., ii, 58, 60; ml, 37 Eadwig, mint of, iii, 2 Eagles, Marianne, 11, 275 18 _ Eakring (Notts), ch., i, 394 Ealdred, iii, 345 Eames, Jas., ii, 344 Earl Marshal, the, ii, 223, 261, 262, 301 ” Early Close, Gt. (Renhold), iii, 215 Early Close, Little, iii, 215 Early Man, i, 145-74 Earthworks, i, 267-308 ; ii, 73, 210, 242, 251, 261, 288, 294, 321, 324, 344, 348, 365; ili, 64, 102, 104, 176, 202, 206, 207, 210, 212, 215, 252, 262, 284, 320, 321, 402, 439, 447; Brit., 1, 8; Rom,, ii, 5, 9, 10 East Anglia, Helen, ctss. of, iii, 297; Gurth, earl of, iti, 297; John le Scot, earl of, iti, 297 Eastcotts, ii, 116; ili, 31, 227, 234, 279; man., iii, 237; sch., ii, 182 East End (Cranfield), iii, 275 East End (Flitwick), iii, 284 Easf End (Harlington), iii, 379 East End (Wilden), iii, 223, 226 East End Moor (Flitwick), iii, 288 Eastern Association, the, ii, 43, 44, 49, 47, 51 Easton (Flitwick), see East End Easton (Hunts), iti, 123, 136 Easton (Northants), iii, 247 Easton Maudit (Northants), iii, 110 Easton Mill (Flitwick), iii, 287 Eaton, bar., i, 386, 403; ii, 208, 243%, 251, 253, 277, 281; i, 190-4, 197, 219, 246, 258, 260, 4240 Eaton, Gerard of, i, 399; Sim. of, i, 372, 377; Ulmar of, ii, 207, 208, 243, 251; iii, 248; Wilde- boef of, i, 385 Eaton Beauchamp, iii, 193 Eaton Bray (Eitona, Eytona), i, 320, 325%, 373; Hi, 336, 369; adv., iii, 374; Bellows Mill, iii, 370; cast., i, 305; ii, 28; iii, 369, 370; chants., iii, 375; char., iti, 375; ch., i, 315”; ili, 369, 373; ind., ili, 369; man., iii, 370-2, 456; mkts. and fairs, iii, 369; mills, ili, 307, 370, 372; pk., iii, 371; Peverell’s fee, iu, 372; place-names, iii, 370; pop., ii, 114; iti, 374; Rye cottage, iii, 369; sch., ii, 182; vicarage, i, 316 m, 317; ili, 369, 374 Eaton-cum-Soka, see Eaton Socon Eaton Ford, iii, 189, 190; bridge, u, 53 Eaton Green (Eaton Bray), iii, 369 Eaton Socon, i, 326”; il, 43, 71, 76, 86, 277; iii, 96, 180, 189; adv., ili, 200; agric., ii, 136; Begwary Farm, iii, 190; cast., iii, 191; chant., i, 329; char., iii, 201, 202; ch., i, 315 ”, 325%, 394; ii, 208; iii, 199; deanery, 1, 347; earthworks, i, 297, 298, 299; gild, i, 330; inclosures, ii, 97; mans., i, 394; iii, 190, 191, 195, 198, 199, 201, 258; mkt., ill, 199; mill, i, 298; iii, 189; Non- conf, iii, 190; Oakley Club meet, ii, 189; pk., i, 386; iii, 197; place- names, iii, 190; pop., ll, 113; prehist. rem., i, 145 ; priory lands, iii, 197; rectory, iii, 201; sch., ii, 182 Eaton Soken, see Eaton Socon Eayre, J. and J., bellfounders, il, 236, 245, 285, 292, 373; il, 29, 63, 68, 116, 138, 152, 164, 167, 179, 200,242 Ebrington, Edw., iii, 40 Ebroinus, ii, 78. Eccles, Rich., iii, 392 Eccleshale, Ralph de, ii, 360 Ecclesiastical divisions, i, 346 Ecclesiastical history, i, 309-48 Eccleye, see Oakley Echam, see Higham Gobion Edeston, ii, 364 Edgar, king, ii, 19, 21, 286, 294; iii, 338 ; Edgcumbe, Sir Rob. P., ii, 242, 244 Edgebury (Aspley Guise), iii, 338 Edington, Will. de, i, 402 Edith, queen, ii, 21 Edlesborough (Bucks), i, 384, 404; il, 71; ili, 336, 432; ch., iii, 372 Edlesborough Hill, iii, 369, 370 Edlesborough Mill, iii, 370 Edmund, king, ii, 19, 20 Edmunds, Islip, iii, 143 ; —, iii, 148 Edred, king, i, 311 n Edward (the Elder), i, 281; ii, 18, IQ, 21, 251 ; iii, 1, 345, 401 Edward I, iii, 353, i - Edward II, iii, 281, 362, 428 Edward III, iii, 353, 354 Edward VI, ii, 210, 275 Edward (the Black Prince), iii, ror Edward, Hen., iii, 311 Edwards, Anne, ii, 281 ”; Eleanor, li, 244”; Eliz., ii, 282 ; Frances, ii, 282; Geo., ii, 69, 207, 262, 280, “281, 282, 285; Geo. N., ii, 285; Hen., ii, 40; Jasper, ii, 207, 244, 247; Rich., il, 55 n, 244, 262, 265, 282; Sam. B., ii, 262, 263; Will., i, 399; ii, 185 2; iii, 328 ; Will. B., ii,-262 ; Will. G., iii, 122 ; fam., ii, 281, 285 Edwin, ti, 314, 361 Edwinsmede (Turvey), iii, 113 Edworth, ii, 113, 201, 218, 220, 223-26, 248, 261, 262, 357%”; adv., il, 226; char., ii, 226; ch., i, 315%”; ii, 223, 225, 302; ch. farm, ii, 223; man., ii, 223, 224, 225; moat, ii, 223 ; place-names, ii, 223; Rom. rem., ii, 7, 223; sundial, ii, 225 Edworth, Steph. de, ii, 263 Efelmus, ii, 215 ; Affa, w. of, ii, 215 Egerton, Hume (Cust), ii, 66”; John, see Bridgewater, earl of ; Sir Thos., see Ellesmere, baron ; Thos., see Ellesmere, earl of; Miss, iii, 286 Eggington (Ekenden), John de, iii, 419” Eggington (Ekendon), iii, 368, 399, 400, 402; chap., i, 341; ii, 114; ili, 414, 417; ch., iii, 400, 412; man., iii, 408 ; Nonconf.,, iii, 415; vicarage, lii, 414 Eggington House, iii, 400 Eglemond, John de, iii, 448 Eglemunt’s quarry, iii, 448 Eglinton, Ld., ii, 192 Egremont, Sir John, iii, 298, 299 Egton (Northants), man., i, 365 Ejitona, see Eaton Bray Ejected clergy, i, 338 Ekelston, Kath., iti, 106; Rob., iii, 106 Ekenden, see Eggington Ekendon, see Eggington Elbone, Rob., ii, 160 Eldred, John, iii, 110, 175”, 247, 253, 331 oe Eldridge, John, iii, 327 ae Eleanor, queen, i, 373”; iii, 16, 351, 353, 370; sister of Hen. TIL., il, 306, 350, 439 Elgin, Diana, ctss. of, ii, 314, 315; earls of, ii, 44, 49, 55, 267, 325; iii, 315, 324; Rob., ii, 147, 268 ; Thos., iii, 290, 314, 316; Ld., iii, 270 INDEX Elizabeth, queen, ii, 295, 310; iii, 42, 252, 276, 339, 353, 376, 459 Elkin, Mary, iii, 408 Ell, Will., ii, 94 ” Ellenborough, Ld., ii, 65 Ellesmere, Ld., iii, 102; earl of, iii, 448 Ellingham, Dan., iii, 413, 414; Eliz., ili, 413 ; Thos., iii, 407 Elliot (Elliott), Florence, iii, 126; Rob., iii, 126 Ellis, Thos., iii, 243 Elmele, Gawin, iii, 453 Elmes, Ann, iii, 159; Edm., iii, 158; Thos., iii, 158, 159; Will., il, 159 Elmore (Gloucs.), iii, 339 Elmore, —, ii, 326 Elms Farm (Goldington), iii, 202 Elnestow, see Elstow Elrichton, Will. de, i, 402 Elstow (Elnestow), i, 120, 353, 356; ii, 58, 115, 190, 197; iii, 2, 41, 205, 226, 267, 279-84, 384 ; Abbey House, iii, 281; adv., i, 326; iii, 281, 283; chant., i, 326; iii, 284; chap., iii, 283-4; char., iii, 284 ; ch., i, 315 ”, 325 7, 326, 353, 354, 355”; ili, 279, 282-3 ; crown property, iti, 271 ; earthworks, i, 305 ; fairs, iii, 281 ; inds., iii, 280; inns, iii, 280; man., i, 313; iii, 280, 281; mkt. cross, iii, 279; moot hall, iii, 279; place-names, iii, 279, 280; prebend, iii, 284”; rectory, iii, 284; Rom. rem., iii, 280; Samian ware, ii, 7; sch., i, 350, 355; ii, 150, 177-8, 182 ; vicarage, i, 317 7, 327 : Elstow, Grace, iii, 25 ; John, iii, 25 Elstow Abbey, i, 313, 314, 315%”, 316 n, 326, 332, 349, 353, 355-8, 362, 364, 383, 398; li, 332, 333, 338, 380; ili, 23, 237, 282, 284, 304, 314, 315, 326, 328, 353, 438, 454; abbesses, i, 357, 3807; ii, 296 n; seal, i, 361 Eltesdon (Eltesdone, Eltesden), John de, iii, 428, 429, 430, 449; Marg. de, iii, 428; Walt. de, iii, 428; Will. de, i, 325”, 326; ili, 428, 455, 432, 449 Elton, John de, ii, 289 Elvendone, iii, 123 Elwes, Dudley Cary, ii, 25 ” ; Geoff., ili, 393 Elwyn, Rich., i, 399 Ely, bps. of, i, 314”, 400; ii, 214, 312, 332, 374, 380; ili, 29, 30, 117, 165, 209, 214, 219, 304, 366; John de Kyrkeby, iii, 39 Ely, diocese, i, 347 Ely, Isle of, ii, 25, 31-32 Emerton (Emmerton), Will., ii, 292, 335; iii, 378, 414; —, il, 324; lil, 39, 315, 328, 334, 348, 398, 435 is Emery, Eliz., ii, 289, 293 ; iii, 274; Florence, ii, 262 ; Hen., i, 363-5; Rich., ii, 281, 289; Sarah, ii, 289, 293 ; iii, 274; Thos., ii, 262 Emmanuel College (Camb.), ii, 163, 167, 168 Enderbies man. (Sutton), ii, 248 Enderby, Alice, ii, 211, 224; Eleanor, ii, 211, 221, 224, 248; iii, 230, 248; John, ii, 36, 204, 210, 211, 212, 214, 220, 224; ili, 230; Maud, ii, 204, 211, 214, 224; iii, 230; Rich., ii, 204, 210, 211, 224; ili, 230 Enfield, Barth. de, iii, 168, 172 Engayne, Clarice, iii, 211 ; Eliz. d’, ii, 243; iii, 191; Joan d’, iii, 19 Thos., Engayne (cont.) 191, 194; John, i, 325”, 361, 385; li, 243, 245; iii, IoI, 194, 201; Joyce d’, ii, 243; iii, 191, 194; Kath., ii, 243; Mary d’, ii, 243; iii, 191; Nich., iii, 211; Sim., iii, 211; Thos. d’, ii, 243 ; iii, 191; Will., iii, 214; fam., iii, 210, 211, 331 Engelar, ii, 305 Engelram, iii, 370 Engineering works, ii, 125 Engleys, Will. le, iti, 162 Englysshe, Hen., iii, 220 ; Marg., iii, 220; Thos., iii, 220 Enveyse, see L’Enveise Episcopacy, pet. for abolition, i, 337 Eppeho Wood, iii, 442 Erchtdehene, Isabel la, iii, 168 Erfast, ii, 263, 281, 283 ; iii, 309 Emeys, Edw., iii, 144; Elinor, iii, 144; John, iii, 144, 147; Phil., iii, 144; Rog., iii, 144; Walt., iii, 144; Will., iii, 144 Ernuin (Ernui), i, 312 ; iii, 37, 237 Eseltone, see Shelton Espaigne, Thos. d’, ii, 227 Espec, see Spech Esperun, Thos., ii, 253 Esseby, Dav. de, iii, 314 ; Hugh de, iii, 314; Rob., iii, 67 Essex, assessment, ii, 48 ” ; ealdor- manry, ii, 19; peasants’ revolt, li, 35 ; straw-plait. ind., ii, 121 Essex, Roais, ct. of, see Beauchamp, Rohesia de; earls of, ii, 45, 46, 47, 53, 354; iii, 111; Geoff, . 390 ; iii, 9, 70, 169, 171 ; Hen., it, 295; Humphrey de Bohun, ii, 223”; Rob., ii, 339; Will., ii, 154; iii, 173 Estcotes, see Eastcotts Estfeld (Riseley), iii, 157 ” Esthaddon, Ralph of, i, 402 Estodham, see Studham Eston, Christina, ii, 212; John, ii, 59; iii, 8; Ralph de, i, 401; Rich., ii, 212; Thos., ii, 212; fam., ii, 55 Estons, man. (Holme), ii, 212 Estwick, Anne, iii, 418, 419; Chris., ii, 40; iii, 384, 418, 419; Marion, iii, 419 Ethelfled, ii, 18 Ethelred, earl, iii, 345 Ethelred ITI, iti, 345, 383 Eton, par. see Eaton Socon Eton (Etone), John de, iii, 201 ; Laur., ii, 295 ; Nich. de, iii, 188 ; Ulmar of, i, 300; ii, 271 ”, 277, 304 . Etonbury, earthwork (Arlesey), i, 278-80 ; ii, 261 Etonbury, man. (Arlesey), ii, 223 7, 234, 261, 262, 263, 265; mkt., ii, 261, 263; mill, 11, 261 Eton Coll. (Bucks), i, 404; ii, 157; iil, 47, 48, 49, 152, 401, 403 Etrick, Ant., ii, 359; Eliz., ii, 359 Eu, Ralph de Issoudun, earl of, ii, 2230 Eu, Alice d’, ii, 223”; Will. d’, ii, 211, 223, 261, 253, 383 ”, 384 Eudo, iii, 211, 246, 248 Eugenius IV, pope, i, 352 Eureton, see Everton Eustace, count, iii, 74, 90, 96”, III; sheriff of Hunts., iii, 168, 169 Evans, Dr. Arth., i, 170, 177; Sir John, i, 145, 151, 157, 158 n, 159, I6I, 162, 166, 169, 170, 173%, 174, 190, 269 Evelyn, Geo., iii, 392 Everard, Edm., iii, 423; Hen., iii, 248 ; fam., iii, 422 Evereshawe, see Eversholt A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Evereshont, see Eversholt Evereshot, see Eversholt Everitt, Sir John, iii, 453; John, Ml, 453 Eversden Parva (Cambs), i, 360 Eversend, Will, iii, 383 Eversholt, ii, 84, 85, 114; iii, 336, 375, 458, 459; adv., iii, 376, 378 5 char., iii, 378; ch., i, 315”; iii, 375, 377, 378; crown property, ill, 271 ; man., i, 370; iii, 23, 375, 376, 377; Nonconf., iii, 375; parson, i, 323; rectory, ili, 375; sch., ii, 182 Eversholt, Alice de, iii, 429; John de, iii, 375, 377; Miles de, iii, 375 ; Paulinus de, iii, 376; Rich. de, Ul, 377, 419, 429 Eversolt, see Eversholt Everton, ii, 71, 96, 113, 201, 226-30, 242, 255, 262; iii, 8; adv., ii, 229; char., ii, 229, 230; ch., i, 345; li, 228; man., ii, 226, 227, 228, 238; man.-house, ii, 226; mkts. and fairs, ii, 227, 228; place-names, ii, 226; sch., ii, 182 Everton Biggin, man., ii, 228 Everton Norsbury, man., ii, 227, 228 Eveshall, Rich. de, iii, 362 Evretune, see Everton Evreux, Almaric, ct. of, ili, 390; Millicent, ctss. of, ili, 390 Evyesholt, see Eversholt Ewell (Surrey), Roman well, ii, 6 Ewelme (Oxon), ii, 157 Ewen, Rich., ii, 318 Exeter, bps. of, i, 315”; ili, 142; Bartholomew, iii, 143 ; Hen. Phil- potts, ii, 175 Exeter, Dorothy, ctss. of, iii, 235, 330; Anne, dchss. of, ili, 102; dks. of, iii, 272; Hen., iii, 102, 272; earls of, ili, 13, 15; iii, 236; Brownlow, iii, 14; David, iii, 14, 235; John, iii, 14, or, 102; Thos., iii, 14, 235, 330; Will., iii, 235 ; Hen., mas. of, iii, 14 Exeter Wood (Cardington), iii, 235 Exmore, Edw., i, 399 Exmouth, Clementia de, iii, 120; John de, iii, 120 Z Eye (Eya), ii, 336, 337 ; Man., 11, 333 Eymewe, Thos., ii, 332 Eyr, Le, Will. iii, 116 »; fam., iii, 113 Eyre, Mrs., ii, 374 Eythorne (Kent), i, 389 ” Eytona, see Eaton Bray Eyworth (Aieworde, Aisseworde), ii, 113, 201, 219, 230-33; ili, 106 ; adv.,i, 362 ”; ii, 233; char., ii, 233; ch., i, 315, 333 362; 4, 230, 231; field-names, li, 230; mans., ii, 143, 230-3; vicarage, i, 327; windmill, ii, 232 Eywurth, see Eyworth Faber, Will., iii, 95 Facey, John, iii, 458 Fafiton, Rob., ii, 328 Fage, John, iii, 220, 222 . Fagg, Anne, ii, 235; Sir John, ii, 235 Fairclough, John, ili, 204, 205; Mary, iii, 204 ; Sam., 1, 342 Fairfax, Sir Thos., ii, 48, 49, 50, 543 ili, 35, 227 . Fairfield (Biggleswade), i, 110 Fairie, see Fayrey Fairs, ii, 263, 330, 349, 350, 351%, 353 #3 ili, 16, 17, 21, 35, 64, 69 Falbe, Mme. de, ii, 353 Falconer’s Hall, man., see Great- hampstead, man. Falconer’s Hall Farm (Luton), ii, 358 Faldo, ii, 345; man., ii, 346 Faldo (Faldoe, Faldho), Agnes, iii, 39; Amphyllis, iii, 315; Anne, lii, 315; Cecilia, ii, 346; John, ii, 164%”; ili, 39; Paul, iii, 27; Rich., iii, 151, 315 ; Rob., ii, 164, 357; lili, 315, 351; Thos., iii, 18; Will. (de), ii, 346, 377, 379; ili, 39, 146, 315 Faldo Farm (Faldo), ii, 344, 346 FalkJand, Lucius Chas., vsct., iii, 332; Sarah, vsctss., iii, 332 Fancott (Toddington), iii, 439; almshouses, iii, 439 Fane, Mrs. V., iii, 231, 233; Will., ili, 368 ; —, iii, 231 Fanhope, Geoff., baron, iii, 317; John, Ld., iii, 272, 285; see also Cornwall, Sir John Fanshawe, Fred., ii, 174, 175; Kath., ii, 317; Sir Thos., ii, 317; Thos., ii, 317 Farele, Will., ili, 294 ” Farleigh (Hants), iii, 405 Farley, ii, 342; hermitage, i, 400; hosps., 1, 349, 400; li, 357; man., li, 350, 357, 358, 360, 361 n Farmer, Anne, Lady, iii, 452 ; Eliz., Lady, iii, 452; Sir Geo., iii, 452 ; Sir Halton, iii, 452; Joanna, iii, 115; Mary, Lady, ili, 452, 454; Rich., ii, 44; Sir Will., iii, 452 ; Will., Ld. Leominster, see Leo- minster Farm House (Eaton Socon), iii, 193 Farndish, ii, 115; iii, 34, 57; adv., iii, 58; bronze ornaments, i, 189, I90; char., iii, 58; ch., iii, 58; man., iii, 57,; Manor Farm., iii, 57; Rectory Farm, iii, 57 Farndissche, see Farndish Farnedis, see Farndish Farnham, John, iii, 23 Farrer (Farrar), Anne, iii, 66; Rev. C. F., ii, 178; Denis, iii, 187, 281, 304; Eliz., iii, 281, 304 ; Eliz., iii, 304; Farrer G. S., iti, 304; Frances, iii, 304; Fran., ii, 40; iii, 66; Geo., iii, 68; Helen, iii, 66; Jenny, iii, 304; Mary, iii, 37, 66; Ralph, iii, 66; Thos., iii, 66; Will., ii, 168; iii, 20, 37, 66, 68, 304; fam., ii, 59; see also Ferrers Farwell, John, ii, 262 Faryndysh, see Farndish Fatt, Mrs., ii, 314 Fauconer, Thos., ii, 295, 310 Fawcett, John, ii, 335 Fawkeswell, Marg., i, 360 ” Fayrey, Agnes, ili, 367; Hen., ii, 40; iii, 367; John, iii, 367; Mary, iti, 367; Thos., iii, 133 Fayrey pall, iii, 367 Fécamp, Aubrée de, i, 357 Feery, Mary, ii, 256 Feevell, Will., iii, 244 Feilde, see Field Feke, Jas., iii, 300 Felbrigge, Sim., ii, 382 Feldemerishull (Studham), iii, 426, 428 . Fell, Dr., iii, 275 Felmersham (Flammersham), i, 324; ii, 115, 138; iii, 34, 54, 59-63, 68, 73; adv., iii, 63 ; bridge, iii, 59; char., iii, 63; ch., i, 315%, 318, 326; iii, 59, 61, 80; deanery, i, 347; inclosure of land, ii, 97, 98; man., ili, 60; mill, iii, 59; sch., ii, 182 ; vicarage, i, 326”, 327 20 Felmersham, John (of), i, 400; iii, 173 Felmersham Hardwick, iii, 59 Felmersham Mead, ii, 92 Fenlake, i, 380; iii, 227, 234; prehist. rem., i, 145, ili, 234 Fenlake Barns (Cardington Priors, Regine), man., iii, 236 Fenlake Mead, ii, 92 Fennels Grove, man., ii, 350, 352”, 358; mill, ii, 358, 366 Fenner, Joan, iii, 392 Fenny Stratford (Bucks), ii, 3 71; iii, 383, 402 Fens, the, ii, 61 Fenton (Fentoun), Thos., vsct., ii, 267, 310, 322 ; iii, 271, 331 Fenwick, Rev. Chas., iii, 304 Feoffee (Charity) Estate (Ampt- hill), iti, 275 Feoffee Farm (Fancott), iii, 439 Fermbaud, Alice, iii, 384; Amabilia, ili, 386; Eliz., ili, 343; John, iii, 36, 386 ; Kath., iii, 386 ; Nich., iii, 36, 46, 343, 386, 387; Thos., iii, 343, 384, 386 Fermor (Fermour), Jer., ii, 355; Rich., ii, 329, 355, 357, 359) 378 n Fernadis, see Farndish é Fernedis, see Farndish Ferneslie (Verneslie), —, iii, 244 Ferns, i, 55-6 Farrell, Rev. Maur., iii, 238, 313; Will., iii, 28 Ferrers (Ferrars), Agatha de, ii, 351; Anne, ii, 231, 317; Edw., ii, 212, 237, 297; Eleanor, ii, 351; Eliz., ti, 316; Geo., ii, 316, 317, 318; Hen., see Groby, Ld. de; Isabel de, ii, 351; Joan de, ii, 351; ili, 452; Sir John, ii, 317; Julius, ii, 317; Kath., ii, 317; Knighton, ii, 317; Maud de, ii, 351; Rob. (de), iii, 427, 452; Sybil de, ii, 351; Thos., ii, 316; Will. de, iii, 212 ; see also Derby, earl of, and Groby, Ld. de; fam., ili, 139; see also Farrer Fettiplace, Alex., ii, 253; Anne, ii, 207, 253; Sic Edm., ii, 253; Edm., ii, 207; John, ii, 207; Will, ii, 207; —, ii, 44 ffitche, John L., ii, 268; see also Fitch Field (Feilde), Anne, ii, 342; Chas., ii, 69; Sir Chas. V., ii, 268; Eliz., iii, 278; Geo., ii, 361; Henrietta, ii, 268 ; Hen., iii, 421; Jas., ii, 361; John, ii, 268; Susan, ii, 216; Thos., li, 342, 361; iii, 37%; Will, ii, 304; iii, 277 ’ 4 Fielden, Hannah, ii, 358; Rich., ii, 358 Fielder, R., ili, 273 Fields-Clarke, G. T., ii, 147 ” Fiennes, Edw., see Clynton, Ld. Finaunce (Fynaunce), Agnes, iii, 97, 396; Jas., iii, 97; John, iii, 97, 396 Finch, Rich., ili, 367 Finderne, see Fynderne Finlinson, A. W., ii, 200 Fiott, John, iii, 92 Firegod, Rob., iii, 76 Yish (Fishe), Sir Edw., iii, 260; Geo., iii, 227, 246, 259, 260; Humph., iii, 245, 261 ; Sir John, iii, 260 ; John, ii, 281, 285, 342”; Marg., iii, 245 Fisher (Fyssher), Agnes, Lady, iii, 257; Agnes,.ii, 277, 323; lll, 41, 194, 396; Ann, iii, 286; Geo., ii, 322, 323; Hen., ii, 322, 323; Fisher (cont.) Jasper, iii, 226; Jeffrey, iii, 61, 286 ; Sir John, ii, 276, 277, 280, 323; iii, 194, 257; John, i, 3657; li, 277, 279 ; iii, 50, 130, 194, 259, 299, 392; Sir Mich., ii, 277, 278, 279; ili, 41, 61, 257, 259, 305, 396; Mich.. ii, 323; iii, 154, 194; Nath., iti, 431; Rich., iii, 208; Susan, iil, 156; Thos., i, 399 ; ii, 165 ; iii, 146 Fisheries, ii, 212, 323, 351, 366; iii, 11, 38, 44%, 47, 55, 59, 60, 65, 66, 73, 74, 78, 79, 91, 102, 114, 125, 129, 130, 143, 144, 146, 147, 149, 184, 196, 199, 244, 259, 299, 301, 387, 453 Fisher’s Grange (Southall), iii, 257 Fishes, i, 98-101 Fishponds, ii, 288; iii, 205, 280, 343, 354 N, 370 N, 372, 406 Fitch, Rev. S. E., i, 176, 177; see also ffitch Fitz, Alice, ii, 329; Eliz., ii, Geo., ii, 378, 381; 330; John, iii, 231; Sim., ii, 329, 377, 378, 384; Susan, ii, 329, 378; Will., ii, 329, 377; iii, 249, 250 Fitzakerly, John, ii, 303 Fitz Brian, Thos., iii, 176 ” Fitz Geoffrey (Fitz Geffrey, Fitz Jeffery, Fitz Jeffry), Edw., iii, 146; Elinor, iii, 144; Eliz., iii, 105, 144, 146, "183: Fran., iii, 129, 132, 184, 220; Geo., iii, 105, 146, 183, 212, 214; Gerard, iii, 213; Jane, iii, 183; Joan, iii, 183, 422; John, iii, 105, 106, 129, 146, 147, 183, 185, 220; Judith, iii, 146, 183; Leonard, iii, 129; Will., iii, 105, 146, 183, 212; —, w. of John, ili, 129 Fitzgerald, Rev. W. G., iii, 29 Fitz Herbert, Edm., ii, 352; Reg., i, 329; Joan, ii, 329, u, 351 Fitz Hugh, Anne, iii, 193; Joan, iii, 106; John, ii, 383; iii, 106; Mary, iii, 193; Nich., iii, 195; Rich., iii, 196, 197, 282; Rob., iii, 193 ; Thos., Will., iii, 196 Fitz James, Rich., i, 399 Fitz Jeffery, Fitz Jeffry, see Fitz Geoffrey Fitzjeffry’s, Greenacres Fitz Jocelin, Nich., iii, 133 Fitz Lewis, Eleanor, iii, 115 man., see Clapham Fitz Neel, Grace, ii, 358; Rob., li, 358 Fitz Otho, Beatrice, iii, 12, 13, 46, 330; Maud, iii, 13, 46, 330; Thos., iii, 12, 13, 46 Fitz Patrick, John, see Upper Ossory, earl of ; Mary, see Fox; Rich., ii, 61; W. E., iii, 128; W. L., ii, 189 Fitz Payn (Fitz Payne), Ela, iii, 426; Rob., iii, 426 Fitz Peter, Sim., i, 378 ; ii, 26 Fitz Piers (Peter), Geoff., ii, 144; see also Essex, earl of; Hen., ii, 306; Joan, ii, 351; Reg., li, 351 ; —, w. of Geoff., i, 391 Fitz Ralph, Rich., iii, 21 Fitz Richard, Alice, i, 346 ; Emma, ii, 329”; Gilb., ili, 142 2; Hugh, ii, 326; Ralph, ti, 329, 330, 332, 346 a Fitz Robert, Rob., iii, 145 Fitzroy, Anne, ii, 379; Geo., ii, 378%, 379 Fitz Salomon, Gilb., i, 296 ” Fitz Walter, Rob., ii, 361, 362 ii, 329, 330; iii, 193 5 INDEX Fitz Warin (Fitz Warine), Agnes, iii, 70; Fulk, ii, 29; Hugh, ii, 362 ; Pet., ii, 362; Will., ii, 362 ; ME Oy 10:74 “i Fitzwilliam, earl, iii, 31; Ld., ui, 61 ; iii, 272 Fitz William, Alice, iii, 300; Eliz., ii, 323; ili, 192, ‘244: Fran., iii, 300 ; Geoff, ii, 144; Humph., ii, 40; ili, 300, 308: Jane, Lady, ili, 300 ; Joan, Lady, ii, 323, 325; iii, 244, 250; Sir john, ill, 300; John, iii, 162, 192; Kath, Ee 323; iii, 244; Mabel, ii, 323 ; ili 244; Ralph, iii, I91”, ioe” Rob., iii, 192; Thos., iii, 300, 305; Sir Will., ii, 323, 325; iii, 244, 250, 251, 300 ; Will., ii, 252; iii, 300; fam., iti, 303 Fitz Wirnart, Sim. 35 ii, 145 Five Knolls (Dunstable Downs), prehist. rem., i, 169, 270; iii, 448 ; Rom. rem., ii, 3 Flamstead (Herts), ii, 314, 375 Flamvill (Flamville), Alice, iii, 293 ; Hamo, iii, 216; Hen., iii, 206, 216, 293; Jas., iii, 216; John, iii, 216, 293; Matilda, ili, 293; Rob. de, ii, 341; ili, 293, 216; fam., iii, 216 Flamwelles (Flamwells, Flavells), man., iii, 216, 291, 293 Flannel manufactory, iii, 4 Flaun, Ad., i, 325 Flavells, man., see man. Fleet, riv., see Flitt Pies Ralph, i, 364 ”; w. of Ralph, 1, 364” Fleete, deanery, i, 347, 351 Fleetwood, Gen. Chas., iii, 125; Hen., iii, 104; Smith, iii, 125; Sir Will, iii, 125, 450; —, ii, 51; iii, 125 Fleming, Hugh le, iii, 82, 84, 92, 104; Saer, ii, 234; iii, 70; Sim., li, 234; iii, 70; Sybil le, ii, 235; lii, 70; Walt., ii, 143, 204, 205, 210 n, 211, 234, 235, 282-3, 300, 326 ; ili, 69, 70, 73, 82, 92, TO4, 113, 118, IIg, 146, 260 Flemish colony, iii, 268 Fletcher, Will., ii, 204; W., ii, 199 Flewton End (Milton Ernest), iii, 144 Flichtam, see Flitton-cum-Silsoe Flietewicke, see Flitwick Flint implements, i, 269; ii, 5 Flints, Thos., iii, 429 ” Fiit, riv., see Flitt Flitcroft, Hen., iii, 459, 460 Flitt, hund., ii, 113”, 114, 293, 306-87, bailiff of, ii, 383 Flitt (Flit, Fleet), riv., i, 286; ii, 138, 320; iii, 284, 286, 313, 438 Flitton, see Flitton-cum-Silsoe Flitton, Pet. de, ii, 328; Phil. de, li, 328; Will. of, i, 366 Flitton-cum-Silsoe, i, 174, 325%, 352, 357; li, 36, 114, 139, 283, 290, 305-6, 325-34, 336, 376, 378, 451; iii, 316; adv., ii, 332; chap., i, 315”: char., ii, 333; ch., i, 314”, 3157, 318, 357: ii, 36, 331; crops, ii, 326; Lock-Up Flamwelles, 201, tower, ii, 326; man., ii, 328; mausoleum, ii, 327; ’minister’s stipend, i, 341; Rom. burials, li, I, 7; vicarage, i, 316%”; Flitton Greenfield, ii, 182 Flitton Moor, ii, 326 Flitwick, i, 145, 286; ii, 85, 115, 135, 138, 139, 145; ili, 61, 267, 274, 284-88, 4353 adv., iii, 288; chalybeate springs, ii, 118 ; iii, 21 li, 326 Flitwick (cont.) 284; char., ii, 214; iii, 288; ch., i, 286, 326, 371%”; iii, 287, 347; coins, ii, 2; crown property in, iii, 271; inclosures, li, 97; ind., ii, 117; irrigation, ii, 135; man., i, 377; ii, 197; lii, 284-6; man.-house, iii, 284 ; mill, iii, 286-7; Nonconf., ili, 284; place-names, iii, 284 ; Rom. rem., li, 7; sch., il, 182 Flitwick, Ad. de, iii, 285; Amabel de, ili, 285 ; Barth. de, ii, 378; ili, 395; Dav. de, ii, 378; iti, 285, 395, 398; Dav. R. de, iii, 285; Eleanor de, iii, 285; Joan de, iii, 285 Flitwick Moor, ii, 118, 326; iii, 284; Rom. implements, ii, 7 Flitwick Park, ii, 146 Flitwick Plantation (Steppingley), iii, 324 Flower, A. D., ii, 200 Flower-culture, ii, 139; iii, 369 Floyer, Pet., iii, 104; —, ii, 357 Flythewick, see Flitwick Foliot (Foliott), Alice, ii, 346; Margery, ii, 247; Mary, iii, 106 ; Rog. ii, 346 j Rich., i, 385- -6 5 li, 247; iii, 106; Rob., ii, 247; iii, 70 Folly Pit (Caddington), i, 151 Fontaine, see Fountain Fontevraud Abbey, see Fontevrault Fontevrault Abbey (France), i, 319 2, 370, 402-4 ; ili, 370, 401-4, 408, 429 Fonts, ii, 209, 213, 218,222,225, 229, 241, 245, 250, 254, 258, 265, 269, 279, 285, 292, 303, 312, 319, 338, 347, 372, 380, 383, 384, 387; iii, 25, 26, 27, 28, 39, 43, 53, 56, 58, 63, 68, 75, 80, 87, 94, 99, 103, 108, I16, 121, 127, 131, 135, 138, I4I, 148, 152, 156, 160, 164, 167, 170, 178, 184, 188, 200, 208, 214, 217, 218, 222, 226, 233, 237, 254, 261, 265, 273, 275, 283, 288, 294, 303, 312, 323, 333, 349; 345, 347, 365, 374, 378, 382, 385, 387, 393, 398, 410, 411, 412, 413, 420, 423, 434, 438, 445, 459, 454 Ford (Fort), il, 153, 154; Forde, John atte, iii, 376 Ford End (Biddenham), see Kirtons Ford End (Eaton Socon), iii, 191 Forder, B. J., & Sons, iii, 329 Fordham, Geo., ii, 194 ; Rupert, iii, 256 Foreigners, fines for, iii, 17 Forester, see Forster and Foster Forestry, ii, 143-8 Forrest, friar, i, 331 ”, 369 Forster (Forester), Diana, ii, 286 ; Eliz., ii, 330 ; Giles, i, 334; Thos., li, 330; see also Foster Fort, Samson le, i, 387, 388, 389; iii, 65; Will. le, see Albemarle, earl of Fortescue, Alice, iii, 112; Fran., ii, 231; Hen., ii, 231; John, ii, 231; ili, 112 ; Mrs., i, 335” Forty Foot Lane (Podington), iii, 80 Foscall, Thos., iii, 293 Fossey, F. J., i, 169 ; fam., ii, 206 Fossils, i, 6-12, 15, 16, 18-21, 23, 26-8, 32-4, 150, 169; ili, 44 Foster, Chas., ili, 236; Edw., J. F., ili, 3353 Eliz., iii, 236; Gabriel, iii, 434; Geo., iii, 287; Hen., iii, 236; john, iti, 236, 311; J., ii, 134, 135, 139; J. N., ili, 335; Martha, 1 iii, 236; Mary, ii, 204 n; iii, 236; Rebecca, ili, 236; Rog., ii, 204”; Thos., iii, 195, 238; iii, 198 A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Foster (cont.) Dr. Will., ii, 59, 167; —, i, 97, 131, 133; ili, 195, 329; fam., ii, 243; see also. Forster Foster’s Hill, iii, 5 Fotherby, Dr., iii, 22 Fotheringay, Agnes de, iii, 110”; Thos. de, iii, 110 ” Fotheringhay, college, ii, 235 Foucault, Daniel, iii, 212 Foule, John, ii, 296 Foulislea, (Ampthill), iii, 268 Foullerton, Dav., ii, 320; see also Fullerton Fountain (Fontaine), Sir Erasmus, li, 180, 212, 235; John, ii, 235”; iii, 462; Kath., iii, 307; Rob., iii, 3°7 Fountains, Rog. of, i, 370 Fountains Abbey (Yorks), i, 366, 367” Fourneys, John de, ii, 220 Fowler, Edw., iti, 433; Fran., ii, 285; Gabriel, iii, 433, 435; Dr. G. H., iii, 338; Sir Rich., iii, 433; Rich., iii, 406, 434; Sybil, in, 433; Villiers, ii, 344; Mrs. Villiers, iii, 296; Dr., i, 342” Fox, Geo., i, 341, 343, 345; Geor- gina, iii, 320; John, ili, 136; Mary, ii, 61; ili, 136; Rich., iii, 158, 167; ; Steph., ii, 61; iii, 317 Fox Burrow (Foxborough Hill, Toddington), i, 185; Rom. rem., ii, 14 Frambolt (Frampolt), Godwin, iii, 52, 83, 119 Franchenat, Isabel, iii, 347; Sim., ill, 347 Franchevaler, Sim., iii, 442 Francis, Ad., ii, 231; Eliz., ii, 231; Jonathan, ii, 180; Sim., ii 286; —,ii, 194 ; see also Fraunceys Franciscan Friars, see Friars, Grey Franck, see Frank Francklin, see Franklin Francroft Wood (Sharnbrook), iii 89 Prante (Franck), Anne, ii, Thos., ii, 316; iii, 278 n Franklin (Francklin, Franklyn), Dorothy, iii, 127; Edm., iii, 208 ”, 212; Eliz., ii, 295; Geo., ii, 184 ”, 266; iii, 109, 182, 204, 208, 212; Sir John, ii, 295, iii, 182; John, ii, 69, 220, 342, 361; ili, 127, 182; Rev. John, 361 ; iii, 80, 126, 182, 208 n, 212, 407; John L., iii, 126, 182; Jos., li, 69; iii, 80; Lucretia, iii, 80; Nich., ii, 220; Rich., ii, a 361 ; ‘iii, "182, 185; Sir Will., 56; iii, 20; Will., i, 398; — (parson of Haynes), iti, 343; fam., ui, 149 Franklins yman. (Haynes), ii, 339, 342 Fraunceys, John, i, 365; Wi ll. le, i, 381; see also Francis Fray, John, iii, 195 ; Kath., iii, 195 Freeman, Thos. -» 1, 335; —, ii, 69, 165 Freemonger, Humph., ii, 44 Frenches, man., see Buddenho Frenches, Will., iii, 247 Frere, Rev. E. B., ii, 214 Frereman, Rich., iii, 22 Frere’s Wood, ii, 187 Fresshyng, Annora, li, 243 ”; John, ii, 243” Freston, Alan de, i, 401 Friaries, i, 395-6 Friars, Black, i, 322, 323, 349, 359, 363, 374M, 395-6 316; iii, 278; Walt., Friars, Grey, 239; ili, 22 Friar’s Grove (Goldington), iii, 208 ” Friars Observants, i, 395 Friends, Society of, i, 341, 344, 345; ili, 9, 275, 279, 338, 414, 458 Frilford (Berks), i, 178, 188 Froghole Farm (Elitwick), iii, 288 Froissart, Will, iii, 418 Frowick, Eliz., ii, 360; Hen., ii, 360 Fruel, Will., iii, 92 Fruit, Will., iii, 278 Fruit-growing, li, 139, 296 Fulbert, ii, 267 0 Fuller, Hen., iii, 449; John, ii, 253; i, 322, 395; ii, 91, will. , iii, Ill: , lil, 116 Fuller’s earth, i, 12, 31; li, 117; ii, 338 Fullerton, John, ii, 317; see also Foullerton Fulthorpe (le Dale}, Thos., ii, 227, 252 Fulwood, Charlotte, ii, 289 ; Thos., ti, 289 Fungi, i, 61-6 Furness, Martha, iii, 32 ; Rich., iii, 32 Furnival, Christina de, ii, Gerard de, ii, 247 Furtho, Alice, ii, 224; 224; Will., ii, 224, 226 Fyler, Col., ii, 263 Fynaunce, see Finaunce Fynderne, Alice, ii, 221; 221; Will., ii, 212 Fyret, Joan de, i, 360” Fysshepenny, ili, 105 Fyssher, see Fisher Fyson, G., ii, 198 2475 Eliz., ii, Mich.. ii, Gadbury, Marg,, ii, 233; Sir Rich., ii, 233 Gaddesden, Gt. (Herts), iii Gaddesden, Little, iii, 426. Gaddesden, fam., see “Gatesden Gadsey Brook, iii, 214, 215 Gale, Hen., iii, 167 Galing, fam., ii, 124 Galley Hill Camp, i, 273, 280; ii, 9, 10, 242 Galloway, Marg., Lady, iii, 207; Alan, Ld., iii, 297 Galloway, Devorgilla, iii, 297 Galoys, Joan, iii, 403; Walt., iii, i, 429 403 Galsey Wood (Bletsoe), iii, 40 Gambier, Rob., iii, 90, 331; Will, iii, 66 ; Mrs., i iii, 66; fam., iii, 95. Gamble, John, ii, 171; Rev. S35 li, 209 Gannoch’s Castle (The Gannichs), Tempsford, i, 282; ii, 251 Gaols, ii, 103 Garden Wood (Eaton Socon), iii, 189 Gardiner, Sir Edm., ii, 59; John, ili, 258 : Gardner, Dan., ii, 163, 164; John, iii, 408 ; Kirkman, iii, 428 Garnault, Anne, iii, 21 Garners Close (Wootton), iii, 332 Garnons, Ant., iii, 196; Christina, ili, 196 Garrard, John, ii, 377; Gerard Garstin, Lt.-Col. R., ii, 70 Garth, Jas., iii, 66 Garway, Hen., iii, 293; Thos., iii, 293 Gascelin, see Gastlyn Gascoigne (Gascoyne, Gascoyn), Agnes, i, 358, 380%, 390; Dorothy, iii, 15, 235; Eliz., iii, 231, 235; Geo., ii, 167, 342; iii, 22 see also Gascoigne (cont.) 231; Humph., i, 398; Jas., iti, 15, 235; Sir rahe ii, 342; iii, 166, 184, 197, 235-6, 284: John, ii, 166 ; iii, 235; Marg., ii, 342; ili, 235; Sir Will., li, 39; lil, 24, 137, 166, 181, 184, 187, et 235, 237, 270”, 292; Will., 97, 230 Gascon, Will. le, iii, 155 Gastlings (Southill), ili, 256 Gastlyn (Gascelin), Alice, iii, 257-8 ; Edm., iii, 257; Sir Geoff., iii, 257; Geoff., iii, 257-8 ; Joan, iii, 258; John, iii, 257-8; fam., iii, 211 Gastlyns (Gastlynbury), man. (Southill), iii, 257, 258; mkts., ili, 258 Gate-houses, iii, I, 4, 7, 100, 432 Gatesden (Gaddesden), Aubrey, Lady, iii, 406; Audufus de, iii, 406 ; Joan de, iii, 406; Sir John, ili, 406; John de, iii, 406, 409 ; Marg. de, iii, 406; Pet. de, iii, 406 ; Will. de, ili, 406 Gateways, ii, 364, 365; 279, 297, 351, 400, 439° Gaunt, John of, ii, 248 ; iii, 102 Gayer’s Hill (Toddington), iii, 439 Gayhurst, ii, 187 Gearman, John, iii, 416 Gedney, John, ii, 365 Gell, Thos., iii, 91 Gemys, man. (Stagsden), iii, 97 Gemys, Christine, iii, 97; Eleanor, iii, 97; John, iii, 97; Rob. de, lii, 97 ; Will. de, iii, 97 Geoffrey, ii, 190; abbot of St. Albans, i, 359; ii, 178 Geology, i, 1-32, 45, 59, 62,63 George, Agnes, iii, 375; Cuth., iii, iii, 25, 84, 372 Gerard (Gerhard), Judith, ii, 281 ; Will., ii, 281 Gerey, see Gery Gerhard, see Gerard Germund, ii, 275 Gery, Alan, iii, 197” ; Anne, iii, 197; Chas., iii, 198; Geo., ii, 43; iii, 166; Hester, iii, 198; Rev. H. W., iii, 128; Rebecca, iii, 165, 301 ; Sir Rich., ii, 41 ; Rich., lili, 137, 165, 195, 197- -8; Thos., iii, 166”, 197”; Walt., ii, 22; Will., ii, 22, 23, 43, 662; iii, 137, 155, 165, 166, 193, 195, 197, 198, 301; fam., ii, 66; iii, 194; see also Wade- Gery Gibbard, John, iii, 94; L. S., iti, 91; Will., iii, 94; —, iii, 91 Gibbins, Rob., ili, 145 Gibbs, Sam., iii, 18 »; Thos., ii, 55 Giffard (Gifard), Agatha, i, 354; Geo., iii, 459; Kath., ii, 283; Walt., i, 354; ii, 210 n, 220, 221, 267, 269, 275; iii, 310, 314, 343, 459; see also Buckingham, earl of ; Will., ii, 283 ; fam., ii, 71 Gilbert, earl, ii, 350; iii, 196 Gilbert, Sir Hen., ii, 140; Hen., ii, 262; Rich., iii, 80 Gilbertine order, i, 390-3 Gildesburgh, Rog. de, ii, 358 Gilds, i, 329-31; ii, 179, 214, 374; lil, 15-17, 201, 250, 268, 278, 347, 360, 366, 367, 415 Giles, A. J., ii, 198 Gill, Eliz., ii, 252; Fran., ii, 252 ; Marg., ii, 211 Gillingham, Rog., ii, 295, 374; iii, 238 Gilman, Rebecca, ii, 257; Rich., U, 257 Ann, iii, 392; Justus, iii, 392; Gilpin, Agnes, iii, 385 ; Esther, iii, 385; Kath., ili, 385; Margery, ili, 385; Pet., iii, 385; Pet. V., ii, 346; P. P., iti, 392, 417; Sir Rich., ii, 70; Rich., iii, 346, 348, 385,. 302: Rich. T. » ii, 66n: iii, 407, 443; Rob., ‘ii, 385; Col. R. T., li, 69 ; Thos., iii, 348, 385; fam., i li, 66 ; iii, 386 Girtford, i, 173; ii, 201, 242 ; coins, ii, 242; man., ii, 244; Nonconf., li, 242, 246; Rom. rd., ii, 4 Girton, Alice, ii, 182”; iii, 278; John, ii, 99-100 Gisby, Rich., iii, 156 Gladley, iii, 336, 408; Grange mill, ili, 409; man., i, 376; ili, 405, 409, 422 Gladley Wood (Leighton Buzzard), iii, 408 Glasgow, ii, 139 Glass, i, 184, 299 ; ii, 217, 222, 226, 233, 258, 273, 303, 308, 312, 324, 326, 338, 372 ; iii, 6, 25-6, 47, 50, 59, 68, 76, 80, 108, I10, 121, 126, 135, 147, 151, 152, 156, 167, 169, 174, 188, 198, 202, 208, 217, 218, 226, 287, 295, 312, 344, 365, 423, 450; Rom, ii, 9, 12, 14 Glassbrook, Ann, ili, 195 Glatton (Hunts), Ui, 214 Glaykyn, Will, iii, 297 Gledly, see Gladley Glen, iii, 119 Glenister, Thos., iii, 320 Glintells (Bolnhurst), iii, 126 Gloucester, bp. of, i, 342 ” Gloucester, hon., iii, 36, 39, 54, 76, 78, 85, 110, 157, 175, 176, 219, 343, 387, 405, 421, 422 Gloucester, Isabel, ctss. of, iii, 390 7; dk. of, iii, 118; Thos., dk. of, iii, 156, 171; earls of, ii, 29, 39, 31, 323 ili, 367, 176 N, 390N; Gilb. -» lii, 176, 362, 422; Rich., ii, 384; Rob., i, 314, 315”; ii, 24, 350, 350, 303; Will, ti, 350, 356.3 iil, 393 Gloucester, Hugh of, iii, 446 ; Will. of, ii, 310 Gobion, Agnes, i, 359, 360; Eliz. de, ii, 381 ; Hawise, ii, 345, 381; Hugh (de), ii, 39; 345; 381; ? iii, 65; Isabel, i, 360; Kath., ii, 345, 381; ; Marg. +) li, 345; Maud, ii, 345; iii, 653 Rich. (de), ii, 345, 346, 381 Godarvill, Joan de, iii, 257; Walt. de, iii, 257 Goddard, A. R., ii, 19 x; Joan, iii, 53, 60; Vincent, iii, 50, 60; Will, iii, 50, 60 Goddington (Oxon), ch. i, 357 Goderich, Hen. Grey, vsct., see Kent, dk. of Goderiche, Eleanor, iii, 285; John, lii, 285 ; Rob., iii, 285 ; Will., iii, 285 Godfrey, ii, 341 7 ; ili, 133, 159, i Godfrey, Eliz., iii, 243, 246; Frances, ii, 378; Hen., ii, 241, 289 ; iii, 243, 244, 246; Jer. iii, 328; Joan, ii, 289; iii, 243; John, li, 378; iii, 29, 198; Jos., iti, 91 ; Marg., i, 358; Mary, iii, 198; Nich., iii, 211; Rebecca, iii, 91; Rich., ii, 204, 289; iii, 243-4 = ss Godmar, Mary, iii, 346; Walt., iii, ? 346 Godric, iii, 133 Godwer, Rich., iii, 451 Godwin (Godwine), iii, 78, 150, 248 Godwin, Will., ii, 248; Mrs., ii, 333; see also Goodwin INDEX Goff, John, iii, 68 Gold Close (Pulloxhill), ii, 376 Goldentone, see Goldington Golderon, iii, 51 Goldington, i, 296, 297 ”, 324, 365, 380 ; ii, 94 ”, 113, 154, 199, 200; ili, 31, 34, 109, 180, 202-09; adv., iii, 208; Bury Farm, iu, 205; char., iii, 209; ch., i, 315 n, 380 ; ‘iii, 202, 207: inns, iii, 202; man., iii, 203-6; mills, i, 296, 297”; iii, 206-7; Nonconf., iii, 202; place-names, iii, 202; sch., ii, 182; sheep, ii, 130; vicarage, i, 316”, 341 ; iii, 202, 205, 208 Goldington, man. (Eaton Socon), lii, IgI, 194 Goldington, Christiana de, iii, 205 ; Edwin de, iii, 206; Joan de, iti, 205; John (de), ii, 243; ili, I9I, 194, 272, 306, 422; Joyce de, ii, 243 ; ili, 194 ; Mich. of, i, 381; Ralph de, iii, 205 ; Rog. (de), iii, 205, 206; Thos. de, ili, 206, 306 ; Wigain de, iii, 206; Will. (de), ili, 205-6, 306, 307 Goldington Bury, iii, 202; man., ili, 204, 205 Goldington Grange, iii, 202 Goldington Hall, iii, 202 Goldinton, see Goldington Gold mine (Pulloxhill), i, 31 ; ii, 376 Goldsmith, Dan., ii, 270; Eliz., ili, 444; John, i, 398; Mary, iii, 444; Oliver, iii, 19; Rob., ii, 224; Thos., ii, te Will., ii, 382 ; iii, 259, 4. Goldstone (Goldston), Geoff., iii, John, iii, 98 ; Pet., iii, 98 ; Rich. ili, 98 ; Thos., ii, 376; iii, 98 Goldyngton, see Goldington Gonville and Caius Coll. (Camb), Ml, 453 ss Good, Rich., ii, 157 Goodfellow, John, iii, 133 Goodman, Jas., iii, 275, 279; John, iii, 200 Goodwich Farm (Eaton Socon), iii Igo, 196 Goodwich, man., see Begwary Goodwin, Edw., iii, 183 ; Florence, li, 262; Geo., iii, 408; Hen., ii, 262; Thos, es ii, 408; see also Godwin Gooseberry-bush Hill (Luton), i, 173 Goosey, John, iii, 84, 119; J. iii, 119; Will., lii, 87, W. G., iii, I19 Goosey Lodge (Wymington), iii, 117 Gore, Thos., ii, 63 ; —, iii, 20 Gorerong Woods (Podington), ili, 80 Gorges, Edw., Ld., iii, 83 Gorges, Sir Rob., iti, 83 Gorham, Geoff. of, iii, 350, 356” Gormanston, Chris., vsct., ii, 323; ili, 244 ; Kath., vsctss., ii, 323; iii, 244 Gosfield (Essex), ili, 266 Gosling End Green (Harlington), iii, 381 Gossard’s Green (Cranfield), iii, 275 Gostwick, Alice, i, 335 ~; Anne, iii, 21, 263, 266, 302; Dorothy, iii, 258; Chas., iii, 266; Sir Edw., lil, 203, 240, 264, 266; Edw., iii, 215, 258, 259; Eliz., iii, 203; Geo., iii, 240; Jame, iii, 203; Joan, Lady, iii, 247, 266; Joan, lii, I5, 22, 203, 204, 210, 212, 214, 296 ; Sir John, i, 331 , 364; iii, 215, 216, 240, 247, 262, 263, 264, 266; John, i, 365; ii, 219, 220, 221, 266, 267; iii, 15, 22, 23 ? aa Gostwick (cont.) 37, 38, 184, 203, 204, 206, 207, 210, 212, 214, 225, 237, 263, 264, 296 ; Marg. ., lii, 203; Rob., ii, 253, 263, 266; "Sir Will., ii, 59, 60 x ; ili, 203, 210, 211, 230, 240, 263, 265, 266, 311; Will., ii, 219, 220 ; ili, 13, 15, 21, 203, 204, 212, 216, 253, 258, 263, 264, 266, 302, 311; fam., ii, 60; iii, 212, 213 Goswell End (Harlington), iii, 379 Goswood, John, ii, 333 Goude, Hen. C., iii, 368 Gould, T. C., i, 281 ; —, i, 306 Goushill, Eliz., ii, 340; Hadwisa de, ii, 355; Rich. de, ii, 231”; Sir Rob., ii, 340 Gower, Ld., ii, 192 Gowran, Lady, ii, 61 ; iii, 272 Goyes (Goyz), Andr. le, ii, 220; John le, ii, 220 ; Thos. le, ii, 220 ; Will. de, ii, 299 Grace, John, i, 367” Grafton, Alex., ii, 127 Graham, Rich., iii, 32; i, OI Graie, see Gray and Grey Graies Bury (Henlow), ii, 281 », 282 Grandim, Hugh, ii, 294 Grandison, Geo. V., vsct., W. B., i, 347; John, vsct., ii, 347; Frances, vsctss., li, 347; Mary, vsctss., ii, 347 Grange, Rich., iii, 278 Grange Farm (Colesden), iii, 219 Grange Farm-house (Haynes), ii, 342 Grantesden, Sim. of, i, 387 Grantham, Mary, baroness, ii, 332 ; Ld., ii, 327, 329 Grantmesnil (Grentmeisnil, Grant- “‘maisnil), Adeliza, iii, 230, 231; Hugh de, ii, 21; iii, 144, 230, 293; Parnel, iii, 293 Granville, ctss., ii, 60”; John, earl, li, 341; Rob., earl, ii, 210, 341; ili, 293, 326 Grassineau, Jas., iii, 195 Graunson, fam., ili, 43 Graunt, John le, ili, 159 Grave, La, see Grovebury Priory Gravel Pit Hill (Houghton Regis), ii, 8 Graven2l, Joan, ii, 230, 232; John, ii, 230, 232 ; Thos. de, ii, 230 Gravenhurst, Lower, ii, 41, 114, 306, 333-4, 336-8; adv., ii, 3383 char., li, 338; ch., i, 315 n, 380; ii, 3375 man., ii, 334, 336; ili, 286, 418 n; ship-money, li, 337 Gravenhurst, Upper, ii, 76, 114, 266, 306, 333-0; adv., il, 335; chant., li, 335; chap., i, 324; char., iii, 335; ch., i, a 331; ii, 334; man., ii, 333; iii, 286; Nonconf., li, 335; sch., ii, 12 Gravenhurst, Elias of, ii, 336 ; Rog. of, i, 377 Graves (Greve, Greves, Greyves), Agnes, iii, 146; Edw., iii, 340; Rich., iii, 146; Thos., iii, 450; Walt., ii, 242, 244 Gravesend, bp., see Lincoln, bps. of Gray (Graie, Graye), Ant., ii, 257; Chris., ii, 209, 229, 250, 343; — 58, 131, 218, 283, 325, 425, 438; F. H., iii, 386; Harry, ii, 332; Sir Hen., iii, 233; H. J. S., iii, 386; John, iti, 122; Mary, Lady, iii, 233; Miles, ii, 233, 254, 285, 303, 335; ili, 167, 200, 288, 378; Pet., iii, 321-2; Sibella, ii, 281; Walt., ii, 281; —, Mrs., iii, 386 ; see also Grey A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Graynger, Marg., i, 393 Grazehill End (Ravensden), iii, 209 Great Englands field (Dunstable), Ul, 350 Greathampstead, man. (Luton), ii, 359, 352 ”, 358 Greathampstead Farm (Luton), ii, 358 Greathampstead Someries, (Luton), ii, 358, 364 Great Hayes Close (Wootton), iii, 332 Green (Greene, Grene), Andr. P., ili, 211; Edm., ii, 156, 160, 162; Edw., ii, 317; Edw. W. S. ill, 7 ee Eliz. li, 462 ; Fran. , iii, 19, 28; Sir ‘Hen., lll, 443; Hen., ii, 316%; iii, 92; H. H., ii, 138; John, ii, 200 5 ili, 92, 443; Jos., lili, 194; J. R., i, 187; Kath., lil, 92 ; Sir Ralph, iii, 92 ; Ralph, man, ili, 92, 443; Rev. Rob., li, 229; Rob., iii, 387; Rudd, iii, 181; Sir Thos. » lil, 92; Thos. » 1, 4033 il, 92, 443 Greenacre, Isabel, iii, 129; John, iii, 129; Rich., iii, 129 Greene, see Green Green End (Gt. Barford), iii, 181 Green End (Little Staughton), iii, 165 Green End Farm-house (Gt. Bar- ford), iii, 181 Greene’s Closes (Maulden), iii, 275 Greenfield (Grenfield), ii, 139, 326, 370; man., i, 370; il, 376; mill, ii, 3763 Noncont., ii, 333 Greenfield (Grenefield), ‘Sir Rich., ili, 340; Thos., i, 402; W. B,, ii, 338; — ii, 197 Greenlane, John, iii, 248 Greensbury (Grymsbury) (Bolnhurst), iii, 124 Green Way (Dunstable), iii, 350 Greenway, Rich., iii, 361 Gregory, pope, ii, 29 ; iii, 278 Gregory, Jobn, ii, 41 ; Rich., iii, 257 Grendon, Rob., iii, 126; Rog, iii, 126; Thos., ‘iii, 126; “Walt. » iii, 126 Grene, see Green Grenfield (Grenefield), see Greenfield Grentmeisnil, see Grantmesnil Grenville, Sir Bern, + Ui, 339; Sir Bevil, 1i, 339; Sir John) li, 339; Sir Rich, , u, 338 Gresham, Will. R. ply 2971 Gresley, Frances, Lady, lili, 282; Hawise de, ili, 339; Joan de, iii, 339; Rob. de, iu, 339; Sir Thos., ill, 282 Gretton (Northants), iii, 57 Greve, Greves, see Graves Grey, Chas., earl, ii, 64; Ladies, ii, 380; Amabel, ii, 327; see also Grey of Wrest, ctss.; Eliz., ii, 267; Susanna, iii, 2287; Lds, de, ii, 130, 231”; Hen., iii, 144; Reg., u, 283; Rich., ii, 267; Jemima, mchnss. de, ii, 327, 3325 a mqs. de, see Kent, duke of Grey (of [de] Groby), 443 li, 248; Hen., ii, 231; ili, 230 Grey (de Rougemont), Thos., Ld., Farm Lds., ii, Will, Ul, 37 Grey (of [de] Ruthyn), Lds., i 352; ii, 35, 36, 147, 334; Edm., li, 37, 327; Edw., Ee i: ‘ti, 327, 331; 1, 327 ie (of [de] Wilton), Lds., i, 330; ii, 377; Arth., iii, 253; Hen., ii, 327; John, ii, 328; Reg., ii, 327 iu, 65; ii, 323; iil, 13; Rog., Grey (of Wrest), Amabel, ctss. de, ii, 61, 323, 327, 332, 377, 3803 earls "de, iii, 523 os. P., ii, 325; 333g “ Grey, Agnes de, ii, 326; ill, 105; Amabel de, ii, 332; Anne (de), ii, 290, 332, 334; ii, 300; Anne Ss. de, ii, 332; Ant., li, 219; Cecilia, iti, 89; Chas., li, 290, 332; Sir "Eam., ii, 215; ili, 272; see also Kent, earl of; Eleanor, ii, 208, 283, 328; Eliz., iii, 78, 300; Florence de, ii, 328; Fran. T. de, ii, 327; Henrietta de, ii, 332 ; Sir Hen., ti, 290, 305, 327, 329, 333, 334; ili, 82, 272, 286, 310; Hen. (de), ii, 85, 263, 290, 327, 332, 3353 iil, 64, 147, 443; see also Dorset, mqs. of; Humph., ili, 443; Jas., iii, 444, 446; Jane, iii, 4433 Jemima de, ii, 332; Sir John de,i , 325 ”, 326, 388, 390”; John (de), ii, 30, 256%”, 263, 281 n, 283, 326, 327, 330, 332; iii, 51, 65, 66, 67, 78, 82, 85, 105, 147, 321, 326,, 377) 444, 446; Pet., li, 342; li, 201, 259, 349, 367, 377) 4433 » Sir Reg. de, ii, 33, 281%”; ili, 2, 360; Reg. de, ii, 32, 208, 263, 267, 283, 322, 326, 328, 320, 3363 ili, 51, 71 n, 82, 106, 229, 292, 300, 322, 396, 397 ; see also Grey (of (de) Ruthyn), Reg., Ld. ; Sir Reynold de, i, 328; Rich. (de), ii, 263, 330; iii, 272; see also Kent, earl of ; Sir Rog. de, iii, 396 ; Rog. de, ii, 146, 329, 331; ili, 65, 322”; Simeon, iii, 156; Sim., iii, 154; Sophia de, ii, 332; Susan, ii, 290 ; iii, 156; Thos., iii, 300; see also Dorset, mqs. of; Will., iii, 444, 446; Zachery, ili, 296; —, bp., see Lincoln, bps. of; —, Lady, i, 330; ii, 37; fam., ii, "56, 146, 330, 331, 332, 377; ili, 144, 321 Grey Friars, see Friars, Grey Greystock, Eliz., baroness, iii, 192 ; John, Ld., iii, 192; Ralph, Ld., ui, 192 Greystock, Alice de, iii, 192; Ralph de, iii, 192 ; Sir Rob., iii 192; Will. de, iii, 192 Greyves, see Graves Gribble, Geo., ii, 282, 283 7; G. F., li, 285; G. J., li, 281 Griffin, Thos., iii, 307; Walt., i, 3360 Grigg, Alice, ii, 449; Geo., ii, 383, 449; Mich., ii, 43 ; iii, 315 ; Rich., li, 383; Rob., ili, 425; Thos., ili, 311, 425 Grimbald, iii, 395 Grimbaud, see Grymbaud Grimscote, man., i, 376 Grindall, archbp., ii, 159 Grivell, John, 1, 224 Grocers’ Company (London), i, 329 ; lil, 40, 49 q Groome, John, iii, 385; Will., iii, 385 Groos, Oliver, ili, 424 Gros, Will., ii, 219 Grossetéte, bp., see Lincoln, bps. cf Grosvenor, earl, ii, 192 Grove, man., see Britens Grovebury (La Grave, La Grove), man., ili, 404; farm, 1i, 77, 80, 82, 83 Grovebury Priory (La Grave, La Grove), i, 319”, 374%, 403 ; iii, 10, 402, 429, 430 Groves, man., see Britens 24, Grovesfield, New (Bolnhurst), iii, 128 Grubb’s Wood, ii, 187 Grym, Alice, iii, 125; Jas., ili, 125; Margery, iii, 125; Rob., iii, 125 Grymbaud, Joan, iii, 220; Mabel, iii, 39, 219, 220; Nich., iii, 220; Rob., iii, 220; Will., iii, 220 Grymsbury, man. (Bolnhurst), iii, 125, 126 Grymsbury Farm, see Greensbury Grymstede, John, ii, 219 ; Kath., ii, 219; Rich. de, ii, 219; Thos. de, ii, 219 Gudmunt, iii, 125 Guines, Bald., count of, i, 388 ; iii, 47, 74, 101, 103-4 Guines, Rob., de, iii, 101 Guise, Rog., iii, 385; see also Gyse Gullet Wocd (Turvey), iii, 110 Gully Hill (Luton), rem., i, 172 Gullyng, Nich., iii, 7 Gunter, abbot, iii, 179 Gurdon, Ad., ii, 31 Gurdun, Geoff. de, iii, 133 Gurney, bar., iii, 390 Gurney (Gurnay), Hugh de, iii, 370, 372, 390, 391; Millicent de, ili, 370, 390, 391; Thos., iii, 304, 406, 458; —, il, 234; ili, 349 Gustard, Falk, ili, 206; Rob., iii 206; Will., ili, 206 Gutch, Will., ii, 93 Guthrum, iii, 345 Gutteridge, Rich., ili, 443 Gweldene, see Yelden Gwyn, John, i, 338 Gwynneth, John, i, 333 Gylberd, see Gilbert Gylys, Thos., i, 377 Gynwell, bp., see Lincoln, bps. of Gyrth, earl, ii, 21 ” Gyrwa, South, i, 190. Gyse, Anselm (de), iii, 339, 340, 342; Beatrix de, iii, 339; Cath., iii, 339; J ohn’ (de), ili, 339, 342; Marg. de, iii, 339; Reg. de, iii, 339; fam., iii, 340; see also Guise Hacche, Le (Barton), ii, 309 Hacet, Ralph, iii, 343 Hache (Northill), see Hatch Hackett (Hacket), Eliz., iii, 425; John, i, 338”, 343; John A., i, 341; Nich., ii, 424; Rog., iii, 307 ; Thos., iii, 424, 425 Hacklete, Rich., li, 255 Hadden, Harriet, iii, 281; Jas., iii, 281 Haddon, Will., iii, 427 Hagar, Eliz., ii, 252 Hagenes, see Haynes Haighton, Rev. Rich., iii, 128 Hail Weston (Hunts), ii, 71; iii, 222 Haine, see Haynes Hainton (Lincs), iii, 206 Hairum, John, ii, 78 Hakeneye, Kath. de, ii, 378; Rob. de, ii, 378 Haldenby, John, iii, 456; Margery, iii, 456 Hale, Bernard, ii, 357; Frances, ii, 385; Helen, li, 95; John, ii, 224, iii, 159; Pain, ii, 224; Rich., ii, 224, 296; Rowland, ii, 224; Sir Will. de, ii, 309; Will, ii, 224, 296, 383; Will. E. B., ii, 224 Hales, Sir Jas., iii, 456; Marg., Lady, iii, 456 Halfhide, Geo., iii, 282; Mary, iii, 282 Capt. Halford, Anne, iii, 57 ; Edw., iii, 57 Halfpenny, Bernard, ii, 346; Mary, li, 346; Thos., ii, 346, 380 Halibred, Agnes, iii, 114 ; Rich., iii, 114”; Will. iii, 114 Halifax, Geo., earl of, ii, 275; Geo., mass. of, iii, 427 Bee fam., see Halliwell - aliwell Priory, i, 315 n, 323 Hall, C. P., ii, 1467; Edw., iii, 374; Rev. Edw., iii, 342; E., iii, 457; Ralph, ii, 266; Rob., i, 370; Will., ili, 284 Hallaton (Leics.), Rom. rem., ii, 12 Hall End (Maulden), iii, 313, 314 Halliwell (Haliwell), Anne, iii, 373; Jane, ii 340; iii, 373; Rich., ii, 340, 373; fam., iii, 373 Halsal, see Halsoll Halsey, Hen., ii, 360; Will., iii 423 Halsey’s Farm (Studham), iii, 429 Halsey Wood (Sharnbrook), iii, 89 Halsoll (Halsal), Hen., iii, 183; Jas., M, 254 Halstead, Rob., iii, 115 Halsted, Alice, ii, 213; Isabel, ii 213; Will, ii, 213 Halton, Eliz., ii, 97; John, iii, 97 Halton-super-Humber (Lincs), i, 353, 357 Halyday, Clarice, iii, 22 » ; Maurice, iii, 22” Halydayes (Bedford), iii, 22 Hamelyn, Eliz., ii. 346; Ralph, ii, ? 346 Hamilton, duke of, ii, 54 Hammond, John, ii, 314 Hamo, iii, 67 Hampden, vsct., ii, 60; iii, John, vsct., iii, 45; vsct., iii, 55 Hampden, Barbara, iii, 177; Edm., iii, 177; John, ii, 57; iii, 112, 177; Rich., ii, 57; Thos., iii, 177 Hampson, Leonard, iii, 432, 456; Nich., iii, 277 ; Rich., ii, 262 Hampton, Thos., iii, 300 Hamsey (Sussex), ii, 163 Hancock, Matth., iii, 133; Rob., iii, 251 Handborough (Sussex), ii, 162 Handforth (Ches.), ii, 340 Hanefeld, iii, 123 Hanger Wood (Stagsden), iii, 96 Hankin, Will., ii, 241 Hanley, Eliz., iii, 140 Hanmer, Col. H., iii, 401, 404; Sir W. E., iii, 404 ; fam., iii, 406, 407 Hannot, Sam., ii, 357 Hanscombe, Jas., ii, 299; Matth., li, 40; Reg., ii, 297; Rob., ii, 297; Will., ii, 295; —, ii, 295 Hanscombe End, ii, 297 Hanscombe Lee, ii, 295 ” Hanslape, Rob., i, 385 Hanslope (Bucks), ii, 27, 28 Harcourt, Arabella de, iii, 231”; Celia de, iii, 231; Hen. de, iii, 231; John de, iii, 122; Rich. (de), iii, 120, 231; Will. (de), iii, 120, 96; Thos., Rev. 231 Harding (Hardinge, Herdyng), Anne, iii, 250; Cecilia, iii, 253; Eliz., iii, 243, 301; Hen., iii, 301; John, ii, 157, 315; iii, 253; Lewis, iii, 243; Rich., ii, 40; iii, 243, 250; Thos., ii, 266; Will., iii, 380 Hardings Place (Harlington), iii, 380 ; Hardingstone (Northants), i, 183 Hardwick (Kempston), iii, 302 3 INDEX Hardwick (Keysoe), iii, 136 Hardwick (Tilbrook), iii, 171, 172 Hardwick (Herdewyk, Herdwick, Herdwyk), Pet. de, iii, 168, 169, 172; Rich. of, i, 384; Will., iii, 92 Hardwicke, Phil., earl of, ii, 61, 327, 332 Hardwicke Bridge, iii, 329 Hare, i, 370; iii, 347 Hare, John, iii, 285 ; Marg., ii, 216 n Harewelle, see Harrold Harewode, see Harrold Harewold, see Harrold Hargrave (Northants), i, 393, 394 Hargrave, Edw., iii, 415 Harington, Isabel, Lady, iii, 89; John, Ld., iii, 89 ; Rob., Ld., iii, 89; Will., Ld., iii, 89 Harington, Cecilia, iii, 89; Eliz., iii, 89 Harringworth (Northants), i, 357 Harison, see Harrison ; Harker, Prof., ii, 141 Harkett, Mary, iii, 294; Nich., iii, 294 Harleston, Ivo de, ii, 219; John de, ii, 219 Harlew, Ad., iii, 98 Harlewin, iii, 182 ” Harley, Edw., Ld., iii, 137 Harlington, i, 327”, 366, 370; ii, 30%, 43, I14, 133, 410; iil, 336, 379; adv., ili, 382; chants., iii, 382; char., iii, 382; ch., i, 185, 315M, 333, 371 2, 372; iii, 381; crown property, iii, 271; deer pk., iii, 381; man., i, 377; iii, 379-81 ; mills, ii, 278 ; iii, 379-80 ; ‘ Rising Sun ’ inn, iii, 379; sch., ii, 182 ; vicarage, i, 327 Harlington, Dionisia de, iii, 419; John de, iii, 419; Rob. de, iii, 419; Walt. de, iii, 419 Harlington East End, iii, 381 Harlington Grange Farm (Streat- ley), ii, 379, Harlington Wood, iii, 381 Harlington Wood End, iii, 379, 380, 381 Harman (Herman), Fran. A., iii, 146; Joan, iii, 106; John, iii, 106 Harmer (Hermer), John, iii, 310, 313 Harne Chapel, see Chapel Herne Harneys, Rog., iii, 427 Harpar, see Harper Harpeden, Sir John, ii, 227 2 Harpenden, ii, 310 Harper, Alice, ii, 152, 158, 159, 172; Joan, ii, 161; John, iii, 171; Marg., ii, 156, 161; iii, 25; Margery, ii, 161; Rich., ii, 161; Sir Will., ii, 152, 156-62, 166, 172, 181”; iii, 3, 19”, 25, 31; Will., ii, 157, 360, 362; iii, 8, 22 Harpur, see Harper Harris, Eliz., ii, 257; Fran., ii, 383 ; Hen., iii, 162; John, ii, 257; Mary, ii, 257; Rebecca, ii, 257; Sarah, ii, 257; Thos., ii, 383; iii, 162 Harrison (Harison), Alice, ii, 160; John, ii, 347; Rich., ii, 347; Will., ii, 279 Harrold, i, 305, 315 ”, 316”, 382, 394; MU, 92, 115, 133, 144, 147, 154; ill, 34, 49, 54, 63, 73, 114; adv., i, 388; iii, 66, 68; bridge, ili, 55, 63, 65, 74; char., iii, 68 ; coins, Rom., ii, 2; ch., i, 315 7, 317, 324 %, 344, 388; ili, 64, 67; hounds, ii, 188; ind., ii, 125; iii, 64; man., iii, 64-8 ; mkt, and 25 Harrold (cont.) fairs, ii, 88; iii, 35, 64; mills, iii, 65; pk., ii, 147; iii, 65; place-names, iii, 64; Rom. rem., li, 8; sch., ii, 182; ili, 64; vicar of, i, 317; woods, ii, 145 ; yeomanry, li, 70 Harrold, Ralf of, i, 365 Harrold Hall, ii, 188 ; iii, 64, 66-7 Harrold Priory, i, 315 ”, 349, 387- 90, 395; ii, 91; iii, 24, 38, 52, 64-8, IOI, 103, 333; prioresses, i, 317; ili, 22, 74, 113 Harrowden, i, 308, 312; ii, 153, 324; ili, 33, 51, 227, 234, 236, 237, 279; prehist. rem., i, 33, 145; iil, 234 Harrowden, Ernest, Ld., iii, 78; Thos., Ld., ii, 354; Will. Ld., iii, 201 Harston Club, ii, ror Hart, Lady Jane, ii, 332; Rob., lii, 271” Harte (Hert), Will., iii, 30, 212 Harter, J. F. H., iii, 276; J. H., iii, 278; Steph. J. H., iii, 279; Walt. G., iii, 297; Walt. G. H., iii, 301 Harteshorne, fam., see Hertshorne Harthill, ii, 375 Hartley, Will., ii, 296 Hartop, Chas., iii, 212 Hartshorne, man., see Caldecote, Upper Hartshorne, fam., see Hertshorne Hartshorne Farm (Ickwell), iii, 247 Hartwell (Hertewell), Abra., iii, 435; John de, iii, 144, 147; Rich., iii, 278 Hartwell Ground (Leighton Buz- zard), iii, 415 Harvies Manor (Riseley), iii, 158, 159 Harvey, see Hervey Haryson, see Harrison Haselden, Alice, iii, 204; Anne, ii, 252 ; iii, 205; Benj., ili, 205, 208, 209; Cath., iii, 146, 205; Con- stance, iii, 208 ”; Dorothy, iii, 205; Eliz., i, 357; iii, 146, 205, 209; Hugh, iii, 182, 204-6, 216; Jas., iii, 209; John, iii, 205; Marg., iii, 205; Mary, iii, 204, 205; Rob., ii, 252; ili, 204, 205, 208 n, 209; Thos., iii, 204; Will. iii, 204; fam., iii, 204 Haselfoote, Thos., iii, 255; Will., iii, 255 Haselhod (Sharnbrook), iii, g1 Hasells (Sandy), ii, 197 Hasilden, see Haselden Hasleden, see Haselden Haslewood, Edm., iii, 406; Joan, iii, 406-7 ; John, iii, 406 Haslingfield (Cambs), i, 179 ”, 180 Hasselden, see Haselden Hastings, Ada, ii, 211, 238; iii, 300; Anne de, iii, 229; Sir Hen. de, iii, 229; Hen. de, ii, 30, 31, 211; iii, 229, 300, 370; Isabella, iii, 48; Joan de, iii, 370; John de, li, 238; iii, 229, 233; John Baron, iii, 300; Laur. de, see Pembroke, earl of ; Sir Ralph, iii, 48, 51, 130, 229; Will. (de), iii, 229; fam., ii, 30; iii, 48 Hasuldene, see Haselden Haswell, Sewel de, ii, 212 Hasylden, see Haselden Hat and bonnet ind., ii, ror, 118-22 Hatch (Northill), iii, 242, 248, 250 Hatecrist, Will., iii, 58 Hather (Lines), iii, 237 Hatley, Agnes of, ii, 215 ; Anne, iii, 182; Ellen of, ii, 215; Godf., iii, 5 A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Hatley (cont.) 240; John, iii, 182; Rob., iii, 182, 204, 208 ; Will., iii, 240 Hatley Port, see Cockayne Hatley Hatton, Anne, iii, 381; Sir Chris., ili, 8, 109”, 160, 220”, 281 n, 303; Chris., i, 346; ui, 294; Jane, iii, 86; Jonas, ili, 381; Rich., iii, 349 ; Sir Thos., Haughton, see Houghton Haukes, Cath., iii, 402 Haulsey, Will., ii, 222, 226 Haunce, see Haynes Haunes, see Haynes Haveningham, Will., iii, 404 Havering, John de, ii, 359; Lucy de, ii, 359; Rich. de, ii, 359 Haverings, man., ii, 350, 359-60, 364 2, 366 Haveryngs, see Haverings Hawburth, Will., i, 370 Haw End (Houghton Conquest), ili, 289 Hawes, John, ii, 40; Thos., 31-3 Hawkins, Anne, ili, 205, 209 ; Geoff., ii, 347; Geo., ii, 170; Isaac, iii, 306 ; Rev. John, ii, 347; John + iii, 209; Mary, li, 347; Rebecca, iii, 172; Rob., iti, 205, 209 ; Will. , li, 172, 173, 366 Hawksley, Rev. J. W., iii, 95, 142 Hawle, John, iii, 427 Hawnes, see Haynes Hawnes. Grange, see Haynes Grange Hawte, Marg., Lady, ili, 456; Sir Will, iii, 456 Hawtt, Eliz., ii, 319; John, ii, 319 Haye (Hay), Jas., iii, 330; John (de la), u, 359, 373; ili, 231; Matilda de la, ii, 309, 310, 359, 379; Nich. de la, ii, 359; Reg. de la, ii, 359; Rog. de la, ii, 359; Walt. de la, ii, 300, hee 379 Hayes, man. (Luton), ii, ap 359 Hayes, Gt. (Podington), ii, 80 Hayes, Little (Podinstoay, ‘iii, 80 Hayes, Will., iii, 140, 302 Hayes-Millar, R. C., ii, 199 Haynes, i, 318”, 351”, 352; ii, 42, 44, 66, 114, 306, 314, 338-44 5 iii, 289; adv., ii, 343; anct. pottery, ii, 8: chap., li, 342; char., ii, 344; ch., i, 315 ”, 378 ”, 391-2; ii, 289”, 343; ili, 289; deanery, i, 347; man., ii, 339-41; iii, 12; mill, ii, 341; Nonconf., ii, 344; poorhouse, ii, 104 ; sch., ii, 182 ; vicarage, i, 316 ”; woods, i, 391 Haynes, Maj., iii, 383 Haynes Grange, man., 290, 341-3 iii, 86 355%, iii, 25, i, 391-2; ii, Haynes Park, ii, 60, 147, 197, 338, , 341, 344 Hays, see Hayes Hayter, Anne, iii, 57; Will., ili, 57 Hayward, Tyler & Co., ii, 127 Haywood (Eversholt), iii, 375 Hazeldean, wood, i, 352 Hazelrigg, Sir Art., ii, 190, 191 Healing, J., ii, 199 Hearne (Chalgrave), iii, 347 Heath and Reach, ii, 117; ili, 336, 399, 400, 402, 417; chap., i, 341;, lii, 414; char., ii, 182 nN; ch, iii, 412; man., ili, 405; Nonconf., iii, 415; pop., ii, 114; sch., ii, 182 ; vicarage, ili, 414 Hecham, see Higham Gobion Heghham, see Higham Gobion Heldemar of Tournay, i, 388 Helder, Rob., iii, 282 ” Hele, John, iii, 189; Rev. Rob. H. S., iii, 125, 189 ; Thos., iii, 343 Helwell, Marg., iii, 386 Hemiestowe, iii, 120 Hemingford (Hemyngford), de, iii, 137, 166, 194 Hemp, Alice, ili, 84; John, iii, 84 Hemp Land (Maulden), ili, 316 Hemyngford, see Hemingford Hende, Joan, iii, 231 Hendon (Middlesex), li, 375 Heneage, Anne, ii, 262; John, ii, John 262; Geo., ili, 206; Geo. F., iii, 206, 209; Thos., ii, 262, 263, 265, 282 Henlow, ii, 97, 113, 225, 256, 260, 261, 268, 276, 280, 283, 285, 294, 304, 324, 326; ill, 69; adv., ii, 106, 285; char., ii, 285; ch., li, 283; "fshery, ii, 283: man., ii, 204”, 283; mills, li, 283; prehist. rems., i, 174; ii, 281; sch., ii, 182 ; vicarage, i, 316 Henlow End, i, 281 Henlow Grange, ii, 281 Henlow Grey, man., ii, 282, 283 Henlow Lanthony, man., ii, 281, 285 Henlow Warden, ii, 271, 281, 282, 283, 285 Henlow Zouches, ii, 225, 282 Henneage, see Heneage Hennes, Will., iii, 134 Henry I, i, 349, 371; i, 23, 88, 143; iii, 350, 352, 355, 356 Henry VIII, ii, 38-9 Henshaw, Hen., iii, 348 Hensman, Hen., iii, 57; ili, 57 Herbert, ili, 114, 233, 377, 423, 461 Herbert, Ld., ill, 173 Herbert, Auberon, see Lucas and Dingwall, Ld.; Florence, ii, 328; Geo., ii, 214; Rich., iii, 173”; Sir Will., iii, 173, 364; Will., li, 99 Herdewick, see Hardwick Herdwick, see Hardwick Herdyng, see Harding Hereford, earls of, iii, 155, 166, 173; Humph., ili, 153, 156, 168, 171, 1923 Ralph, ili, 276; Will., lii, Martha, 171 Hereford, Rob., bp. of, i, 371”; Thos. Cantilupe, bp. of, ii, 32 Hereford, Cicely, il, 257, 258; Eleanor de, ii, 257; Imbert de, ii, 257, 258; John de, ii, 257; Juliana, i li, 2573 Margery of, i, 390; Reg. de, ii, 257; Rob. de, ii, 257 Hereford’s | Manor (Wrestling- worth), ii, 256, 257 Hereward the Wake, ii, 22 Herghetone, see Harrowden Herle, Sir Will. de, ii, 334; iii, 276 Herlingdone, see Harlington Herlyng, John, iii, 384 Herlyngdon, see Harlington Herman, see Harman Hermer, see Harmer Hermits and anchorets, i,349_ Herne (Herne Grange, Herne Manor), ili, 438, 439, 442, 443 Herne (Heron), Frances, iii, 443; Fran., ii, 63, 307, 353; Hen., iii, 206, 200 ; Humph. de, iti, 442 Herne Farm, ili, 438, 439, 447 Heron, see Herne Herrick, Thos., iii, 361 Herring’s Green (Eastcotts), iii, 326 Hert, see Harte Hertewell, see Hartwell Hertford, Rich., earl of, iii, Rog., earl of, i, 394 Hertford, Rich. of, i, 353 Hertshorne (Harteshorne), iii, 84, 85; John, iii, 211 ; 26 135; Eliz., Kath., oe (cont.) 85; Thos., iii, 84; fam., iii, ee Hervey (Harvey, Hervy), Ad., iii, 106; Agnes, ili, 158 ; Barbara, iii, 387 ; Charlotte, iii, 387 ; Dorothy, Lady, iii, 235, 237; Edm., iti, 281, 283, 302, 304, 328; Edw., iii, 387; Eliz., i, 358; iii, 107, 283, 388, 425 5 Rev. F. M., ii, 181 ”; iii, 128; Sir Geo., iii, 15: Geo., ‘ii, 289; ‘iii, 97; 107, 158, 187; Sir Gerard, iii, 235, 237; Gerard, iii, 158m, 187, 335; Helen, iii, 387; Hen., iii, 106; Isabel, iii, 154, 281, "283, 304; Sir Jarrate, ili, 237; Joan, iui, 106; John, ii, 54”, 59, 66 n, 69: iii, 60, 107, 109, 147, 155, 158, 159, 187, 244, 245, 247, 250, 283, 331; Maj. John, ui, 79 5 John E. A. , lii, 244-7; Marg., iii, 97, 283 ; Margery, iii, 283 ; Mary, ii, 289; iii, 106; Sir Nich., iii, 273; Nich., iii, 106 ; Oliver, iii, 107, 331; Osbert, iii, 106 ; Sim., ili, 154; Steph., iii, 107; Susan- nah, ili, 250; Will., iii, 106; Will. M., iii, 128; —, iii, 202; fam., ii, 66; iii, 104, 237, 283, 338 Hervy, see Hervey Hesding (Hesdin), Ernulf de, i, 287; ili, 347, 439; Matilda de, ili, 439 ; Sibel de, ili, 4390 Hesriche, Reg. de, iii, 428 Hesse, Anne, iii, 6r; ’Jas., ili, 61 Heton, John, iii, 106, 173; Rich., iii, 173; Will., iii, 106, 173 Hettenlaia, see Cockayne Hatley Hevingham, Lady Mary, ii, 342 ” Hewet (Hewett, Huet, Huett), Sir John, ii, 44; Marg., iii, 281; Margery, iii, 285; Mary, iii, 319; Rob., iii, 285, 286, 288; Thos., ii, 257; iii, 281; Will., ili, 286, 319; — i, 335% Hewyns, Will., ii, 323 Hexton (Herts), Hi, 72, 308, 313 Heydon, Ralf, iii, 221 Heydon Hall (Marston Moretaine), iii, 308 Heydon Hill (Marston Moretaine), ili, 308 Heyham, see Higham Gobion Heyhoe, Thos., ili, 206, 209 Heyne, John, iii, 179 Heyward, Nich. le, i, 400 Heyworth, see Eyworth Hibbert, Rob., ii, 357, 375 Hibernia, Walt. de, see Ireland, Walt. de Hibbins, Rev. —, ili, 444 Hicchecok, Agnes, lili, 273; Will., iii, 273 Hicks, Mrs., iii, 446; — (vicar of Wrestlingworth), i, 345, 346 Hide, see Hyde Higgins, Anna M., iii, 117; Chas., iii, 111, I14, 117 ; Chas. L., ili, 115, 117; C., ii, 193; F. é. iii, 102; F. G., iii, 104; Hen. L., iii, III, 115 2; Gustavus F., iii, 51, III, 116; John, ii, 602”; iii, 109, It; Te Ci, at 116; Lt.-Col. Will. B., iii, 117; W. F., i, 135; Col., ii, 185 2: Miss, li, 185”; —, ii, 194; iii, 12, II7 Higham, John de, iii, 139 ” ; Nich. de, iii, 408 Higham Bury, ii, 376 Higham Ferrers (Northants), ii, 189; iii, 40, 128, 139, 143, 160, 171, 182 Higham Ferrers College, iii, 92, 133, 181, 182 Higham Gobion, ii, 114, 306, 326; ili, 46; adv., i, 360, 376; ii, 347; char., ii, 347; ch., i, 315 n; u, 346, 371”; earthworks, i, 276, 277, 278; ii, 344; man., 11, 33°, 344; mills, ii, 345, 346; Rom. rems., ii, 8, 344; vineyard, MN, 345 Higher Berry End (Eversholt), iii, 375 Higher Rads End (Eversholt), iii, 375 Highfield (Goldington), iii, 208 n Highlord, John, iii, 285, 292 Highwood (Luton), ii, 361 Hilier, John le, iii, 114; Margery le, iii, 114 ; Rob. le, iii, 114 Hill (Warden), ii, 43; iii, 2 543 chap., iii, 255 ; man., iii, 253 Hill (Hille, Hilles), Ad., li, 159; Alice, ii, 331; iii, 315; Edw., ill, 315 ; Eliz., ii, 102, 330; Joan, ii, 167; John, ii, 257; iii, 315; Martin, iii, 342; Mary, iii, 315; Maud atte, iii, 428; Rich. (atte), ii, 159; iti, 220, 315, 428; og., ii, 330; Sarah, ii, 257; Thos. (atte), ii, 331; iii, 428; Will., ii, 331 Hillersdon, Anne, iii, 281; Dennis F., iii, 189, 281; Eliz., iii, 187, 205, 281, 304, 376; Guy, ii, 364; iii, 302; Harriet, iii, 281 ; John ii, 283; Marg., iii, 281; Mary ili, 283; Mich., iii, 302; Rich., ili, 187, 189, 205 ; Sarah, iii, 281 ; Sir Thos., iii, 376, 377, 386; Thos., iii, 187, 279, 281, 283, 376, 384; Will. ii, 170; iii, 187, 281, 304, 376; —, iii, 20 Hilles, see Hill Hill Farm (Houghton Conquest), ili, 289 Hill Farm (Old Warden), iii, 253 Hill Foot End (Shillington), ii, 293 Hillgreen Farm (Cranfield), iii, 202, 275 Hillingdon, Rog. de, iii, 220 Hillings, the (Eaton Socon), i, 297 Hills, the, earthworks (Meppers- hall), ii, 288 Hillsdown, Will., Will. Hills End (Eversholt), iii, 375 Hills Plantation (Tingrith), iii, 435 Hilsden, —, ii, 44 Hilton, Ad., iii, 366 Hinchenbrook, Ld., ii, 64 Hind, John, ii, 180 Hinde, Morgan, ii, 337 Hindley, Mary, ii, 304 Hinton, Alice, ii, 363; Geo., ii, 363”; ili, 325; Thos., iii, 325, 3773 Walt., iii, 377 Hinwick, iii, 57, 80-85, 176; Rom. rem., iii, 82 Hinwick Hall (Hinwick Manor), iii, 83-5, 146 Hinwick House, ii, 122 ; iii, 81, 82 Hinwick Lodge, iii, 82 Hinxworth (Herts), ii, 214, 223, 225 Hipwell, Dan., iii, 80; fam., ii, 124 History, political, ii, 17-72; social and economic, ii, 73-116 Hitchin (Herts), ii, 53, 67, 72, 266, 276, 280, 286, 288, 304, 334, 348; ch., i, 356; iii, 454; Rom. rem., li, 5, 9 Hithe, John, iii, 251 Hiz, riv., i, 28, 145; ii, 261, 280, 286 Hoare, Sir Hen., ii, 190 see Hillersdon, INDEX Hobard, Sim., ii, 296 ~; Thos., ii, 296 Hobart, Sir Hen., ii, 295, 322; Hen., iii, 293 Hobbes (Hobbs), Alice, iii, 355; Eliz., ii, 281; Jane, ii, 281 ; John, ii, 281; ili, 359; Mary, ii, 281; Rich., iii, 386; Rob., i, 367, 369, 370; Thos., ii, 35, 89; ll, 355, 360; Will., iii, 119 Hobbes Edes (Shillington), ii, 295 » Hobcote, Will, iii, 245 Hocclive, see Hockliffe Hoccon, Walt. de, i, 401 Hoegganclife, man., see Hockliffe Hocheleia, see Hockliffe Hockeclyff, see Hockliffe Hockley (Hockley in the Hole), see Hockliffe Hockley, John, iii, 392 Hockliffe, i, 305, 400; ii, 40, 47, 66, I14; iii, 336, 344, 345, 348, 349, 368, 383, 384, 385, 421; adv., 1, 401 ; iii, 385; chants., iii, 386; char., iii, 386; ch., i, 401 ; iii, 385; Hosp. of St. John, i, 349, 401, 402 ; inns, iii, 383, 435; man., iii, 383; Nonconf., iii, 383; place- names, iii, 383; Rom. rd., ii, 3; sch., ii, 182 Hockliffe Grange, ii, 66”; iii, 383, 385 Hockliffe House, iii, 383 Hocton, see Houghton Hoddesdon (Hoddesden), Sir Chris., iii, 493, 404, 405, 408, 4iI, 416; Ursula, iii, 404, 411; fam., iii, 414 Hodgkins, John, i, 332 Hodgson (Hogeson), John, ii, 204; Rob., iii, 436, 438; Thos., i, 370; —, li, 170 Hodson, John, iii, 56, 68, 80, 103, 278 Hogens, John, ii, 325 Hogeson, see Hodgson Hogg, Maj., ii, 188 Holand, John de, see Huntingdon, earl of, Sim. de, iii, 20; Thos. de, see Kent, earl of ; see also Holland Holbeche, Hen., bp., see Lincoln, bps. of Holborn, ii, 159, 163, 165, 172 Holcot, i, 370; ii, 96, 114; iii, 175, 176, 321, 336, 386, 436; adv., lil, 388; char., iii, 388; ch., i, 315”, 332%; iii, 388; crown property, iii, 271; man., iii, 386; mills, iii, 386, 387; sch., ii, 184 Holcote, Joan de, iii, 173 ; Rich. de, iii, 173; Steph. de, iii, 153; Walt. de, ii, 334 Holcot Marston (Bucks), ii, 146 Holcot Mill Pond (Aspley Guise), iii, 338 Holcot Moor, house, iii, 386 Holcot Moors, iii, 386 Holcot Wood, iii, 386 Holcotwood Farm (Holcot), iii, 386 Holcrofte, —, iii, 326 Holcutt, see Holcot, Holcote Holden, Thos., i, 340 Holderness, earl of, ii, 295 Holecote, see Holcot, Holcote Holesgrove, Ellen M., ii, 285 Holewell, see Holwell Holgyll, Will., iii, 158 Holland, earl of, ii, 53; Lady, iii, 269; Lady Mary, iii, 317; Lds., ii, 61; iii, 272, 291, 317, 318, 320; Steph., iii, 317 Holland, Sir John, iii, 427; Maud, ii, 328; Rob. de, ii, 328; see also Holand Holloway, Benj., ii, 170 27 Holme, i, 308; ii, 201, 209, 211, 214, 215, 235, 248, 324; iii, 69, 260; chap., ii, 179; earthworks, li, 210; mans., ii, 210, 234 Holme, Nichola de, iii, 260; Thos. de, ili, 260 Holme Mill Grange, iii, 259 Holme Mills, ii, 209 ; iii, 260 Holme-with-Langford, man., ii, 211, 234 Holt, Anne, Lady, iii, 411; Sir John, iii, 107 ; Rowland, iii, 107 ; Sir Thos., iii, 411 ; Thos., iii, 107 ; Holwell (Great Holwell), i, 384; ii, 25, I13, 260, 261, 286, 297. adv., ii, 287; char., ii, 287; ch., i, 312; ii, 287; man., i, 312; ii, 6 2 Holwell, Little (Nether), ii, 260, 293, 294; man., ii, 296; mill., ii, 297 Holwell (Holewell), John de, ii, 296; Nich. de, ii, 296, 297; Pet. de, ii, 276 ” ; iii, 231 ~; Rob. de, ili, 231 ; Sim. de, ii, 296; iii, 112, 113; Steph. de, ii, 296, 305; Walt. de, ii, 296; Will. of, ii, 296 Holwell Bury, i, 307; ii, 286, 296 Holwells, man., see South Mills Holy Sepulchre, order of the, i, 349, 382 : Holy Trinity, brotherhood of the, iii, 30 Holy Trinity, hosp. of (Northants), iii, 40, 43 ; Holy Trinity in the Wood, priory of the, see Markyate Priory Holywell (Clapham), iii, 130 Holywell Priory (Midd.), ii, 221, 222 Home, Hen., i, 26” Home Wood (Eaton Socon), iii, 189 Honeydon, see Honydon Honeywood, Matth., iii, 286; Rob., iii, 286 Honiton lace ind., ii, 123 Honnor (Honner, Honour), Hen., iii, 407, 413, 430; Jas., ii, 281 2; Jane, iii, 413; John, iii, 430; Mary, ii, 281 ”; Thos., iii, 430 Honydon (Honeydon, Camoys), ii, 86; iii, 193, 197; farms, iii, 190, 195 Hoo, man., (Pertenhall), iii, 154, 155 Hoo, The (Kempston), iii, 297 Hoo, The (Wootton), iii, 328 Hoo, Thos., Ld., ii, 34” Hoo, Anne de, ii, 355; Eleanor de, li, 355; Eliz. de, ii, 355; Isabella, li, 355; Nich. de, ii, 289”; Ralph de la, iii, 74; Rob. de, ii, 355) 360, 365; iil, 314, 315; Sir Thos., i, 400; ii, 36, 355; Thos, de la (atte), ii, 34, 35, 355, 365; ii, 315; Walt. de, ii, 289 7; Will. de, ii, 355 Hooburne, man., see Hayes Hoobury, man .(Renhold), iii, 215, 216 Hoobury (Horbury), Eliz., iii, 14, 45, 215, 330; John de, iii, 14, 215 Hood, Anne, iii, 135; Rich., iii, 135 Hoo Farm (Wootton), iii, 329 Hoo Hill (Clifton), ii, 276 Hook, John, ii, 173 Hooks, the (Westoning), iii, 455 Hook Wood (Eaton Socon), ili, 189 Hope, Sir John, ii, 67 Hopton, Eleanor, iii, 422 ; Eliz., iii, 405, 422; Walt., ili, 405, 422 Hopworth, Dan. R., i, 368 ” Horbury, see Hoobury A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Hordelhide, ii, 152 Hore, Thos., i, 398 Horepol, Rob. de, ii, 22 Horim, Alwin, ii, 328 Horle, Eva de, ii, 81 ; Rob., ii, 81 Horley, Rev. Edw., iii, 201 Horne, Anne, iii, 61; Thos., i, 398; Will., iii, 61; —, ii, 63 n; 64 Horne Lane (Bed.), Angl.-Sax. rem., i, 186; Rom.-Brit. rem., nl, 5 Horsehill Farm (Harlington), iii, 379 Horsetails (Equisetaceae), i, 56 Horsley, iii, 63 Horthornes (Woburn), iii, 461 Horwodys (Cople), iii, 240 Hospitallers (Knights of St. John), 1, 3147, 315%, 349, 373, 394, 396-8 400, 40I, 402, 403; il, 144, 204, 235, 277, 278, 288, 290, 305, 339, 362, 377, 379; iii, 23, 24, 31, 64, 75, 85, 90, 95, 107, 114, 135, 142, 143, 147, 154, 157, 158, 160, 165, 167, 176, 184, 190”, 198, 200, 201, 212, 240, 245, 246, 258, 260, 264, 286, 302, 315, 318, 324, 332, 350, 376, 378, 383, 384, 385, 396, 420, 437, 444, 440. Cs Hospitals, i, 396-403 ; iii, 6, 149 Hotofts, man. (Cople), iii, 240 Hotot, Isabel (de), ii, 321; iii, 271, 290; Joan, iii, 112; Juliana, iii, 112; Rob., iii, 98, 112 ; Thos., iii, 112; Will (de), ii, 321; iii, 112, 113”, 271 Houghton, Ad., iii, 385; Hugh of, iii, 362; Isabel de, il, a21, 322; ii, 271, 317; John, i, 319, 320, 348; li, 29; Rebecca, iii, 385; Rob., i 384; Will. de, li, 321; iii, 271, 317 Houghton, brook, iii, 329 Houghton Conquest, ii, 66, 115; ili, 14, 267, 2702, 288-96, 373 389, 393; adv., iii, 295 ; char., 180; iii, 296; "ch. iii, 273, an 381 ; crown property, ili, 271; hayward of, ii, 86; man., ii, 147; iii, 290; man.-house, iii, 289; mills, iii, 289; Nonconf., ili, 296; pk., ii, 147; iii, 290; place- names, iii, 290; poorhouse, ul, 104; sch., ii, 180, 182 Houghton Franchise, iii, 295, 296 Houghton Gildable, iii, 295, 296 net Grange, man., iii, 291, Houghton Hall, iii, 367, 368, 389 Houghton House li, 61, 64; iii 289, 290 Houghton Lodge, ii, 41 Houghton Regis, i, 174; ii, 102, 114, 151, 314; ili, 336, 337, 350, 351, 35?) 355, 368, 372, 389- er , adv., i, 314; iii, 393; chant., 329; ii, 150, ist; * 391, 304° char., iii, 394; ch., SSUES ST A. 315M, 329%, 3323 ‘i, 150, 151; li, 392; gild, i, 330; grange, ili, 394; hayward ‘of, ii, 86; hound money, ii, 143”; ind., iii, 390; man., li, 23, 150, 178; iii, 370, 371; 390; mills, iii, 389 ; Nonconf., iil, 389; place-names, iii, 390; prehist. rem., i, 146; Rom. rems., ii, 8; schs., ii, 150, 151, 156, 182; iii 394; Springs, 1, 19; 316, 341 Houghton Regis, Idship of, i, 371, 372, 370 : on Houghton Regis, Upper, iii, 389 Houlden, Rev. —, iii, 29” , vicarage, i, 352, Hour-glass, iii, 47, 266 Houston, R., ii, 265 Houstone, see Houghton Conquest and Houghton Regis Houton, see Houghton Regis Hoveden, Rob., iii, 424 Hovell, Le, close (Wootton), iii, 331” Howard, Lady Lucy, iii, 441 ; Lady Mary, li, 347, 382; Edw., Ld., ii, 347, 382 Howard, Chas., ii, 138; Sir Fred., ii, 66”; iii, 6; Geoff., ii, 66”; Harrold, ii, 66”; Jas., ii, 66%, 126; iii, 9, 128, 130; Jas. H., iii, 297; John, li, 65, 66%, 103, 108, 125, 126; ili, 5, 7, 8, 20, 30, 87, 233, 234, 238, 285, 383; see also Norfolk, duke of; John C., iii, 238 ; Lucy, ii, 277; Marg., li, 340; Phil., iii, 192: Sir Rob., ii, 340; Thos., see Surrey, earl of, and Norfolk,” dk. of; Will., see Stafford, visct. Howard Villa (Cardington), iii, 233 Howbury Hall (Renhold), 66 1; iii, 214, 215, 216 Howe, vsct., lil, 444 Howe, Will., iii, 313; —, ii, 15 Howe and Pertenhall, man. (Perten- hall), iii, 154, 155 Howell, Jos., ii, 317, 319 How End, man. (Houghton Con- quest), iii, 293 Howgill, Rob., iii, 266 Howland, John, ii, 359 Howlett, —, ii, 25” How Wood (Stagsden), iii, 96 Hubald, Hugh, iii, 138, 159 Huckell, Agnes, ii, 285 ” Huddleston, Sir John, ii, 382; Will., ii, 382 Hudibras’ Hole (Cople), iii, 238 Hudnall, man. (Studham), iii, 427 Hudson, John, ii, 204; Will., ii, 204 Huet, Huett, see Hewet Hugate, Will de, i, 391, 393 Hugeford, see Huggeford Hugesson, Sir Will., iii, 219 Huggeford (Hugeford), Alice, iii, 224; Margery, iii, 50, 211, 224, 330; Sir Will., iii, 50, 330; Will., iii, 50, ait, 224 Hugeyns, Jane, ii,” 359”; Will., ii, ii, 65, 359 2 . Hugh, St., see Lincoln, Hugh of Avalon, bp. of Hugh, ii, 282, 283, 326, 383”; iii, 46, 113, 223; archd. of Beds, i, 313; monk, i, 364” Hughes, Isaac, iii, 372 Hulcote, see Holcot Hulier, Pet., iii, 146 Hull, Rev. Rich., ii, 305 ; Will., iii, 156 Hulls (Pegsdon), ii, 295 2 Huls, Will., ii, 305 Hulston, John, ii, 245 Humberdale, ili, 60, 144, 146 Humbershoe, ii, 114, 314, 318; iii, 362; chap., i, 318”, 3267; man., li, 318 Humbrichesho, see Humbershoe Hume, Sir Patrick, ii, 217, 218 Humphrey, iii, 90 Humphrey, Anne, ii, 385; John, iii, 427; Matilda, iii, 427 Humphreys, Rev. —, ii, u, 257 Hunderigg (Bucks), chap., i, 318 Hunderigg, Thurstan of, i, 3717 Hundon, Thos., ii, 236 Hunesdone, see Hunsdon 28 168; —, Hungate, Thos., ili, 454 Hunger, John, iii, 95 Hungerhill (Marston Moretaine), iii, 308 Hungerhill Spinney (Podington), iii, 80 Hunsdon (Hunesdone), ii, 154 Hunsdon, Lds., Geo., iii, 314 ; Hen., iii, 314; John, iii, 314 Hunstanton Convalescent Home, ii, 246 Hunt (Hunte), Anne, iii, 220; Eliz., iii, 220”; Jane, ili, 416; Mary, iii, 220; Rog. (or Rob.), iii, 220; Thos., ii, 327 1; iii, 220; Will, iii, 220, 448 Hunter, Geo., i, 334 Huntercombe, Ellen, ii, 255 ; Walt., li, 255; Will. de, ii, 255 Huntingdon, i, 294 ” Huntingdon, hon., i, 387; ii, 30, 210, 226, 238, 246, 247%, 255; iii, 23, 42, 46, 59, 61, 64, 126, 134, 150, 166, 195, 234%, 240, 260, 280, 290, 297, 314, 326 Huntingdon, archds., i, 324, 334”, 397; priors, ii, 219; iii, 134, 168, 169 Huntingdon, ctsses. of, ii, 36 ; Con- stance, i, 388”; Judith, wife of Earl Waltheof, see Judith, ctss.; Maud, ii, 237; earls of, ili, 16”, 74; David, iii, 195; Hen., i, 388; iii, 102; John, ii, 210, 237, 238; iii, IOI, 102; Sim., ii, 255; Tosti, li, 237; Waltheof, ii, 21”, 22, 155, 237; iii, 280, 338, 408 Huntingdon, Christine ot, 359; Hen. of, i, 313; Rob. de, iii, 194 Huntingdonshire, lace ind., land measurement, ii, ind., ii, 91 Huntingfold, Godf. de, iii, 247; Hen. de, iii, 247; Joan de, iii, 247; Sibil de, lii, 176”; Walt. de, iii, 247 Hurdlow (Derb.), i, 181 2 Hurley, John, Ld., iii, 441 Hurley, Thos., iii, 293 Hurst, Will. de, i, 386 ” Husborne Crawley, ii, 114, 324; He 308, 320, 394-99, 458; adv., your ili, 398; char., iii, 398; oh » 315 2, 332 n, 371 n; iii, aoe ‘crown ‘property, ili, 271; man., i » 377; ili, 395; mills, iii, 394; Ati ui, 183 ; treasure trove, ili, 395; vicarage, i, 316” Huse, Geoff. de la, iii, 57; Godf. ae 358, » 240; ii, 123; 77; wool de la, iii, 58; Thos. de la, iii, 57, 85 Huskey, J. R. T., iii, 146; Rich., iii, 146 Husseburne Crawel, see Husborne Crawley Husy, Sir John, iii, 272 » Hutchinson, Eliz., iii, 251; John, iii, 12; —, ii, 207 Hut-circles, i, 270 Hutton, Will., iii, 276 Huxley, Eliz., iii, 376; Jas., iii, 281; Sir John, iii, 371; John, ili, 371, 372, 376, 407; Sarah, iii, 408 ; Thos., iii, 372 ; Will., ii, 158 Hyde, East and West, ii, 306, 308, 348, 349, 350, 359, 360, 374; chs., i, 346; ii, 374; mans., li, 350, 357, 363; mill, ii, 366 Hyde, La, man. (Upper Graven- hurst), ii, 334 Hyde, The, man. 427-9 (Studham), iii, Hyde (Hide), Agnes de la, in, 357; Alan de, ii, 357; Aylward de la, ii, 357”; Fulk de la, ii, 357; Hawisia de, iii, 429; Hen. de la, li, 357; John, li, 310; iii, 374”; Maude, iti, 287; Petronilla, ii, 357”; Rog. de la, ii, 357; Thos. de la, ii, 357, 359; Walt. de, ii, 357; Will., iii, 118, 429 Hyce Aynel, West, man., ii, 350, 360 Hyde mill (Luton), ii, 357 , 366 Hydewood (Studham), iii, 429 Hylston (Ilvestone), Rich., i, 398 Hyndeman (Hyneman), Rich., i, 398, 399; ii, 332 Hynton, see Hinton Ibbot, —, iii, 104 Iberians, i, 158-9 Iceni, the, iii, 176 ” Ickleford (Herts), ii, 287, 304 Icknield Way, i, 159, 161, 173, 176, 269, 280 ; li, 3, 7, 17, 18, 23, 314; iii, 350, 351, 356, 390, 448 Ickwell, i, 394; iii, 245, 246; fair, iii, 246; man., i, 394; iii, 245 ; Ickwell Bury, ii, 66 7 ; iii, 242, 244, 246 Ickwell Green, iii, 245 Ickwell House (Northill), iii, 242, 245 ; Idell, John, ii, 281, 281 ” Tlefeulde, Will. de, iii, 173 Ulyngworth, Geo., iii, 6 ; Rich., iii, 6 Ilvestone, see Hylston Impey (Impie, Ympie), Sam., iii, 385; Thos., ii, 40; ili, 346, 348, 385 Implements, bronze age, i, 169; Celtic, i, 170; ii, 4; neolithic, i, 30, 31, 161-167 ; li, 308; iii, 350; paleolithic, i, 29, 30, 145-6, 151-159, 171} ii, 251, 314, 348; iii, 36, 234, 297, 350; post-glacial, i, 28; Rom., i, 172; i, 7, 12-15 Incent, John, ii, 157 Inclosures, ii, 96 Industries, ii, 117-27 Inge, Edw., ii, 315; Fremund, iii, 452 ; Isolda, ili, 452, 453; Joan, il, 336; iii, 449, 452; Marg., iii, 452; Rich., ii, 316; Thos., iii, 252, 430, 449; Sir Will., ii, 285; Will., i, 325; ii, 3363 ili, 437, 449, 452, 453, 454 Ingewar, ii, 226 - Ingleton, Geo., iii, 91; Joan, iu, o1; Rob., iii, 91 ie Inglis, Cath., iii, 418; Mary, iu, 421; Sir Hugh, iii, 418; Hugh, iii, 417; Mary L., iii, 421; Sir Rob., ii, 66; Sir Rob. H., iii, 421, 423; Rob. H., iii, 419; —, Lady, iii, 419 Ingram, Rob., iii, 154 Inlonde (Southill), see Ireland Inns, John, ii, 224 Inscriptions, ii, 218, 233, 254%, 266, 273”, 275, 287, 299, 324, 331, 332, 338, 343, 359, 372, 3733 ili, 25, 27, 28, 39, 47, 53) 75) 79, 86, 103, 120, 127, 135; 138, 143, 149, 179, 185, 188, 193, 235%, 241, 250, 266, 273, 289, 295, 307, 319, 328, 340, 351, 366, 373, 388, 411, 425, 434, 438, 450; Roman, ii, 6, 7 Insectivora, i, 139 Insects, i, 71-88 Inskip, Thos., ii, 11, T3, 14 Inwards, R. W., iii, 306 ras Inwen, Sarah, iii, 332; Thos., iii, 332 INDEX Inwode, close (Ravensden man.), iii, 210 Inwood (Haynes), ii, 341, 342 Ion, see Gravenhurst, Lower Ion House (Lower Gravenhurst), U, 337 Irchester (Northants), i, 184 Ireland (Southill), iii, 256 Ireland, Walt., i, 325; iii, 132, 136 Iremonger, [Frances, iii, 406; Humph., iii, 406 ; John, iii, 406 ; Judith, iii, 406; Marg., iii, 406; Martha, iii, 406; Thos., iii, 368, 406 ; Will., iti, 406, 409 . Ireton, Col., ii, 51, 52; iii, 4 Iron Age, i, 170, 182; interments, i, 182 ; vases, i, 170, 174 Isaac, Edw., iii, 207 Isabella, dau. of Edw. III, ii, 39; queen, ii, 33 ; iii, 16, 353 Isabella ‘inclusa’, i, 350 Isham, John, iii, 416 Islip (Islep), Sim. de, iii, 125 ; Will., ill, 91, 92 Ispannia, Rob. de, ii, 267 Issoudun, Alice, ii, 233”; Maud, li, 223”; Ralph de, ii, 223” ’ Ivel, canal, ii, 276 Ivel, riv., i, 28; ii, 71 Ivell, Thos., iii, 248 Ivinghoe (Bucks), iii, 368 Ivo, ili, 144 Ivory, John, ii, 286 ; Rob., ii, 286; Will., ii, 286 Ivota, i, 354”; iii, 283 Ivri, Acard de, iii, 338; Ralph de, ili, 339; Reg. de, iii, 339 Jackman, Clem., iii, 406; Eliz., iii, 407; Gabriel, iii, 407; John, iii, 406; Reg., iii, 407; Rob., iti, 155; Will., iii, 406, 407, 411 Jackman’s Farm (Goldington), iii, 202 Jack’s Lane (Turvey), iii, 114 7 Jackson, John, ii, 262; Rob., ii, 204; Lt.-Col. S., ii, 70; Rev. Will. H., iii, 100 Jacob, iii, 363 Jacobs, R., ii, 198 Jakes, Thos., iii, 448 James I, king, ii, 40; iii, 42, 107, 289, 290 James, Giles, ii, 163, 164; —, ii, 120 Janaway, Thos., ii, 241 Janyns, see Jennings Jarman, Eliz., iii, 428; Will., iu, 429; see also Jermayn Jarpenville, Will., iii, 137 Jeeves, Messrs., ii, 118 Jefferies (Jeffries), John, ii, 255; iii, 109; Rob., iii, 109 ; Thas., iii, 109 Jempsis, man., see Gemys Jenkin (Jenkyn), John, iii, 335; Rob., ii, 310 Jenkins, —, ii, 194; iii, 202 Jenkinson, Ant., ili, 332 Jenkyn, see Jenkin Jenney, Edm., ii, 296 Jennings (Janyns), John, iii, 442; John W., iii, 381; Sir Steph., ii, 159; —, ll, 133 i Jermayn, Thos., iii, 154; see also Jarman ; Jermye (Jermy), Eliz., ii, 323; iii, 244; Fran., ii, 323 ; ili, 244 Jervis, Eliz., iii, 384 ; Will., ii, 384 Jessop (Jessopp), Thos., i, 342 Jeune (Jeuene, Juvene, — Juvenis), Agnes le, ii, 318; Barth. le, ii, 32, 318; Giles le, ii, 318; Isabella, ii, 318; John 29 Juveni,. Jeune (cont.) de, ii, 232; iii, 358, 457; Rich., li, 318; iii, 362; Thos. de, ii, 232 Jewelsbury Manor, see hurst, Upper Jews, i, 321 ; ili, 338, 363 Jobson, Sara, ii, 358; Stafford, ii, 358 3 Joce, John, iii, 248 ; Rob., iii, 248 ; Walt., iii, 286; Will., iii, 248; see also Joyce John, king, iii, 352 John, parson of Haynes, ii, 289 7; the smith, iii, 383 John of Gaunt’s Hill (Sutton Park), i, 300 Johns, Phil., ii, 40 Johnson, Anne, ii, 277; iii, 441; Cath., iii, 418; Fran., ii, 99; Geo., iii, 325; Sir Hen., ii, 277; iii, 441; Hen., iii, 418; Dr. Jas., iii, 87, 328; Jerome, ii, 335; John, ii, 156; Jos., iii, 418; Martin, ii, 118, 349”; Mary, ii, 378; Rich., iii, 442, 454; Rob., lil, 424; Sam,, iii, 257; Thos., ii, 378 ; ili, 307, 418, 448; Will., ii, 39 ; ili, 408, 418 ; —, iii, 125, 323 Jolliffe (Joliffe), Ann, iii, 66, 68 Jones, A. O., ii, 199, 200; Chas., iii, 307; Griffith, iii, 202; Rich., iii, 307, 415; Rowland, ii, 199 Jordan, ili, 155 Joyce, Rob., -ii, 316; R., ii, 199; Thos., ii, 43, 344; see also Joce Joye (Joy), Will., ii, 155; ili, 30, 215” Judd, Sir Andr., ii, 157 Judith, ctss., i, 313, 353; li, 153, 210, ait, 216, 226, 237, 239, 246, 247, 277 3 ili, 42, 46, 47, 59, 61, 64, 92, 96m, 126, 150, 195, 229, 234%, 236, 240, 260, 280, 297, 302 Julyan, Thos., ii, 377; iii, 126; Rich., iii, 126 Jurden (Jurdon), Hen., iii, 226; Will, ili, 121, 325 Juvene (Juveni, Jeune Graven- Juvenis), see Kadington, see Caddington Kancia, Jas. de, ili, 246 ; Thos. (de) (of), iii, 246, 248; see also Cantia Kane (Cane), Barbara, ii, 289; Rich, de, ii, 321 Kantia, see Cantia Karleton, see Carlton Karun, fam., see Carun Kateden, see Caddington Katherine, see Catherine Kaye, Cecil W., ii, 177 Keale, Sybil, iii, 144 Keaynsham, see Keynsham Keblewhite, John, iii, 376 ” Kebyle, Will., ii, 226 Keeble, Geo., iii, 264, 266; Jas., iii, 264 ; Messrs., iii, 240 Keeley (Wootton), iii, 328, 329, 331 Keeling (Kelyng), Antelminelly, ii, 270; Sir John, iii, 258, 261; John, ii, 270; iii, 261 ; Serjeant, U, 55,560 Keene, Jas., ili, 76, 241, 242, 414, 420; John, ii, 229 ; iii, 283, 288 ; —, 1, 334 “ad Kelway, Rob., ii, 151 Kelyng(e), see Keeling Kemble, J. M., i, 184 Kemhestun, see Kempston Kemmeston, see Kempston Kempston, 1, 354; ii, 21, 30, 44, 70, 96, I15; ili, 21 n, 23, 251, 267, 284, 290, 296, 302, 308, 326, 333, A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Kempston (cont.) 335; adv., iii, 304; A.S. rems., i, 176, 177) 178, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 188, 189; iii, 297; char., iii, 305; ch., i, 315 ”, 357; ili, 297, 303, 304; man., ii, 21”; iii, 297; manuf., ii, 127; mill, iii, 297; Nonconf., iii, 297; paleo- lithic implements, i, 145, 162, 165,174; ili, 297; Rom. ae ii, 8; iii, 207; sch., ii, 183; 297, 305; vicarage, I; 316 2 Kempston, Geo., iii, 216 ; Will. (of), iii, 23, 216 Kempston Borne, iii, 304 Kempston-Daubeny, man., 298, 299, 304 Kempston Greys, man., see Kemp- ston Hastingsbury Kempston Hardwick, iii, 297, 299, 300, 301 Kempston Hastingsbury, iii, 300, 301 ; mill, iii, 303 Kempston Wood, iti, 329 Kempton, ii, 139 Kendale, Beatrix de, ii, 256 ”, 354; Edw. de, ii, 256, 354, 357; Eliz. de, ii, 256; Isabella de, ii, 256”; Jordan de, ii, 356; Marg., ii, 255, 256; Rob. de, ii, 255, 328, 354, 356; Thos., ii, 354 Kendall, Anne, iii, 301; 301 Kendals man. (Wrestlingworth), ii 255, 256, 257; mill, ii, 256 2 Kenninghall (Norf.), i, 183, 189 Kensington, iii, 368 Kensworth, ii, 3, 71, 314; iii, 367, 368, 390”, 426; man., ii, 23; prehist. rem., i, 166; Rom.-Bnit. rem., ii, I, 8: sch., ii, 183 Kensworth Lynch, ii, 3 Kent, ctsses. of, li, 327 ; Amabel, ii, 322, 324, 345; Arabella, ii, 332; Eliz., ii, 261; Joan, iii, ror; Marg. iii, 339; Mary, ii, 332; Susan, iii, 232; Jemima, "dchss. of, iii, 66; dks. of, ii, 62, 337, 376 n, 377) 378, 379; 380; ii, 66, 68; Hen. Grey, ii, 327, 332; earls of, i, 335 7; ii, 44, 324; iii, 16", 65, 290, 321, 323, 326; Ant., ii, 56, 290, 325, 327; Chas., ii, 327, 330, 337; ill, 228, 232; Edm., i, 37, 283, 327, 331; ili, 3, Tor, 272; Geo. ii, 37, ‘267, 296 n, 327, 332; Hen., ii, 61, 261, 283, 305, 327, 329, 330, 332, 334, 3373 iii, 65, 105, 229, 396; Hub. de Burgh, li, 283; Reg., ii, 327; a ii, 37, 266, 322, 323, 327; , 306, 436; Thos. de Holand, iii, IOI Kent, Edw., ii, 285; iti, 243 ; Eliz., iii,'243 ; Thos., ii, 285, 378, 379, 380 ; fam., iii, 104 Kentish, Thos., li, 270 Kentwode, Reg., iii, 230 Kerdinton, see Cardington Kerdyngton, see Cardington Kersey, Joan de, iii, 292 ; Rich. de, tii, 292 Kershaw, J. C., ii, 198 Keston, Thos. de, ii, 355 Ketenho, ii, 357” Kettell, John, ii, 340 Keynes, Alice, 11, 346, 379; Chris- tina, ii, 346, 3793. Eleanor de, iii, 272; Emma, ii, 346, 379; Joan de, ii, 346; Margery de, ii, 346, 379; Will. de, ii, 346, 3780, iii, 297, Rob., iii, 379 ; Keynsham, Anne, ii, 252; Eliz., ii, 252; Geo., li, 40, 252, 253 Keyrun, see Carun Keysoe, i, 297, 308; ii, 115, 246; ii, 123, 128, 136-139, 153; ae iii, 139; char., ili, 139; ch., 315 %, 392 ; iii, 138; canis i, 305, 306; iii, 136; man., iil, 14, 136; mill, iii, 136; rectory, i, 393; sch., ii, 183; vicarage, i, 316” Keysoe Bury (Berrysted), lili, 136, 137, 138 Keysoe Grange, man., iii, 137 Keysoe Park Farm, iii, 136 Keysoe Row, iii, 136 Killbere, Sim., iii, 3 Kim, riv., ii, 71; iii, 153 Kimbolton (Hunts),’ ii, 39, 71, 200; iii, 40, 124, 136, 157, 160, 171, 202, 209; Catherine of Aragon at, ii, 38; man., iii, 168, 171 Kimbolton, hon., iii, 153, 155, 166, 171, 172, 173, 296 Kimpton, Edm., ii, 204; Eliz., ii, 204; Geo., ii, 203, 204; Lucy, li, 204; Will. , li, 342”; fam., iii, 406 Kimptons, man. 406, 407 King (Kinge, Kynges), Eliz., iii, 157; Eulalia, iii, 157”; John, i, "402: ii, 385 ; iii, 157; John E., ii, 176; Smith, iii, 255; Thos., i, 398; ii, 379; ili, 278; Will., ii, 381 King John’s Well (Odell), iii, 74 Kingsbury (Dunstable), i, 360; ii, 233 iii, 351, 352, 350 Kingsbury, Thos., i, 353 ” Kingsbury House (Dunstable), iii 351, 368, 416 ae Coll. (Camb.), i, 400 ; ii, 357, man., (Stanbridge), iii, d 35 King’s Ditch (Bedford), i, 281 ; iii, 1, 6, 8,9 King’s Hall (Camb.), i, 326; iii, 61, 63 Kings Langley (Herts), priory, i, 376” Kingsley, Eliz., iii, 166; Hen., iii. 166; Heylock, ii, 244; iii, 166 Kingsmead (Bedford), iii, 8 King’s Way (Ridgmont), iii, 321 Kingswood (Chamois Park) (Eaton Socon), man., iii, 195 King’s Woods (Leighton Buzzard), ili, 400, 405 Kinnardseye, John de, ii, 247 Kippest, Rob., iii, 201 Kiriel, Bertram de, iii, 452 ; Eleanor de, iii, 452 Kirke (Kyrke), Alex., iii, 437; Rich., ii, 301 ; Will., iii, 437 Kirkeby (Kirkby, yest Chris- tine de, iii, 40, 194, 219; John, i, 402; see Ely, bps. of ; Mabel, ili, 219, 220; Marg. de, iii, 194; Rob. de, ii, 337; Will. de, i i, 326 n, 353; Ml, 40, 194, 219, 220 Kirton, Alan de, uli, 37; Grace de, ili, 37; fam., ili, 39 Kirtons (Biddenham), — see End Kitchen, man. (Pulloxhill), ii, 378 Kitchen End Farm (Pulloxhill), ii, 376, 378 Kitson (Kytson), Eliz., ii, 277; Hen., ii, 277; Marg. +» ti, 277; ili, 318; ‘Sir Thos., ii, 277; —, iii, 355 Knapp, Constance, iii, 208 n ; John, iii, 208 Knight, Dan., ii, 373 ; Hen., ii, 364; John, ii, 3435 iil, 378, 377 ; Jos., lii, 431; Rich., iil, 376, 377; Sim. +) lili, 363 Knightley, Anne, ii, 234; Sir John, iii, 367; Sir Valentine, ii, 234 30 Ford Knighton, Anne, ii, 317; Sir Geo., ii, 317; Thos., ili, 415 Knights Templars, see Temp-ars Knoll, the (Aspley Guise), Ui, 338; Knotting, li, 96, 115; ili, 123, 139- 142; adv., ill, 142; chap., i, gee ill, 142; char., lii, 142; ch., 315”; iii, 139; inclosure, i li, ae : man., iii, 95, 139-142, 401; ’sch., ii, 183 Knotting Green, iii, 139 Knottyngges, see Knotting Knowles, Thos., ii, 99 Koc, see Cocke Kym, riv., see Kim Kyme, Maud (Matilda), de, ii, 351, 352, 352%, 355, 366; Will. de, ii, 351 Kympton, see Kimpton Kynaston, Edw., ii, 262 Kynbell, Nich., ii, 296 » Kynges, see King Kyrke, see Kirke Kyrkeby, see Kirkeby Kyrkham, Amicia de, ii, 287; Amy (Anne), ili, 429; John (de), ii, 287 ; iii, 429 Kytson, see Kitson Lace-making, ii, 38 ”, 108, 122-124, 213; iii, 5, 35, 64, 69, 82, 89, 94, 96, I00, 117, 124, 128, 149, 157, 234, 280, 297, 35, 309, 435, 458 Lachebury, Will., i, 400 Lacies, man. (Clifton), ii, 277 Lacu, John de, i, 384 Lacy, Agatha (Alice) de, iii, 182; Hen. de, ii, 277; John de, il, 277; 378; Sir Rich. de, iii, 182; Roland, iii, 119 Lady Mary’s Well, see Ladywell Ladysgrove (Soulsbury), iii, 415 Ladywell (Turvey), iii, 114” La Hyde, man. (Upper Graven- hurst), see Hyde Lake, Sir Thos., iii, 201 ; 256; Will., iii, 167 Lalega, Lalegh, La Leye, see Thurleigh Lalleford, man. (Luton), ii, 350, 363 Lamar, John, ii, 373 Lamb (Lambe), Barbara, iii, 440, 445; Hen., i, 451 ; Sir John, iii, 440; John, iii, 451 Lambert, Jane, ii, 318; John, ii, 318 ; —, ii, 318 Lambert’s Spinney (Stagsden), iii, Thos., ii, 96 Lani s Farm (Renhold), iii, 218 Lameleye, Rog. de, iii, 244 Lampslandes, le (Renhold), ili 217 Nn Lancaster, duchy of, ii, 238, 250, 256, 257 ; iii, 371 Lancaster, earldom of, ii, 21 ” Lancaster, John of Gaunt, dk. of, li, 248; iii, 102; Hen., earl of, ii, 33; iii, 3, 101; Thos., earl, li, 247, 300, 339, 384; iii, 2, 12 Landas, Juliana de, iu, 456; Nich. de, iii, 449; Valentina de, iii, 449; Will. de, iii, 449 Landimareswell, see Ladywell Landon, Rog., iii, 54, 315, 425 Landpark Wood (Totternhoe), iii, 448 Lane, Mich. in le, iii, 95; Sir Ralph, iii, 98; Ralph, ii, 295; Rich., ii, 281%; Rob., ii, 295; iii, 98; Will., iii, 17; Mrs., iii, 228 Langbain, —, ii, 170 Langdate, John, iii, 209 Langeho (Gt. Barford), iii, 182 » Langeley, see Langley Langenhoe, Sim. de, iii, 147 Langetot, Ralph (de), ii, 220, 221, 267, 275 Langford, ii, 75, 113, 138, 201, 209, 211, 234, 282n, 326; iii 69; adv., li, 237; Brit. coins, te *733 ji, 234; cChar., ii, 237; 1, 315%, 324”, 349, 394 % ; ii, en 236 ; iii, 70; man., i, 394; ii, 143, 204, 210 m, 211, 216, 234; > ili, 258; mills, ii, 235; poor- house, ii, 104; prehist. impls., i, 145; ii, 234; sch., ii, 183; vicarage, i, 3167” Pe Christian, iii, 425; John, » 425; Ralf de, i, 358; Rob., i? 425; fam., iii, 424 Langford ‘End (Tempsford), li, 251 Langford Rectory, man. (Lang- ford), ii, 234, 235, 237; mill, ii.,235 Langhill (Gt. Barford), iii, 182 2 ees Dan., ii, 165; Eliz., ii ; Thos., iii, 102 ; Will., ili, 22 ete Edw., ili, 329; John, i, 330; Rich., ‘iii, 277; Sir Rog., li, 345; Sir Will. » li, 345 Langieys, man. (Luton); li, 350, 363 Langston, Thos., iii, 377 Langton, John de, iii, 91 ; Thos. de, lii, 91; Walt. (de), bp., see Coventry and Lichfield, bps. of Langtons, man. (Sharnbrook), iii, 90, 91 Lanie, de, see Delaune Lant, iii, 118, 120 Lanthony, man. (Arlesey), ii, 203, 262, 263 Lanthony Henlow, see Lanthony Lanthony Priory (Glouc.), ii, 263, 281, 285; mills, ii, 283 Lanti vase, iii, 460 Lanvaley, Gunnora de, ii, 243; Hadwisa de, iii, 190 ; Will. de, ii, 243 ; iii, 190 Lark-catching ind., Latimer, bar., ii, 203 7; iii, 14 Latimer, Eliz., Lady, ii, 203, 238; ili, 13; Lds., ill, 12, 77, 3 John, ili, 46, 235, 330; Rich., 203; Will., iii, 13 Latimer (Latymer), Alice, ii, 238, 247, 248, 250; ili, 193, 194, 198”; Edith, iii, 116; Eliz., ii, 203, 211, 247, 256, 2753 iii, 13, II4, 216; Nich. le, ii, 247; iii, 194; Will. le, i, 382; ii, 203, 211, 238, 239, 247, 250, ‘256, 257, 275; iii, 3, 21, 96, 194; fam., ii, 235; iii, 181, 212, 215, 383 Latton, John, iti, 103 Lauderdale, earl of, ii, 53 Launcelayns, man., see Wood End, Cople Launcelyn, Anne, iii, 239, John, iii, 241; Marg., iii, 241; Rich., iii, 239; 239, 247 : Laundres, Emery de, iii, 59; Rob. de, iii, 59 ; Steph. de, iti, 59 Laurence, archd. of Beds, i, 313 Laurence (Lawrence), Anne, iii, 381; Edw., ii, 281”; ili, 67; Geoff., iii, 67; Hen., iii, 67; Jane, ii, 281 n; Joan, Ai, 305; Joanna, ii, 305; John, ii, 2247; ili, 381, 392; Marg., ii, 305; Nich., ili, 67; Rich., ii, 358; iii, 67; Will., iti, 158 Laurence Place, see Sokes, man. Lavendon (Bucks), iii, 31, 63, 117 Lawe, Ant., iii, 254 Lawford, Dr. Edw., iii, 416 » Henlow 155, iii, 363 241; 239, Walt., lii, i, 187; Edw., INDEX Lawley, Agnes, ii, 352; Thos., ii 295, 352, 358; Will., ii, 352 ” Pee man. (Risley), iii, 158, 160 Lawrence, fam., see Laurence Lawson, Geo., iii, 319; John, iii, 106; Nath., iii, 294; Nich., iii, 294; Theodosia, iii, 106 Layton, see Leighton Buzzard Layton, Dr., i, 356, 389, 392 Lea, riv., i, 53, 98, 269; li, 18 1 Leach, Joan, 11, 305; John, iii, 60; Judith, iii, 60; May, ili, 60; Sam., ii, 305; Thos., ii, 305; Will., ili, 60 Leachland, Thos., iii, 416 Leader, Frances, Lady, iii, 167; ae Oliver, iii, 167; Oliver, lii, eadwvall, see Ladywell Leagrave, ii, 306, 348-50, Brit. coins, i, 173, 174; ii, 348; chaps., ii, 374; kilns, ii, 2; neolithic rem., i, 164, 166; ii, 374; 348; Rom.-Brit. rem., ii, 8 Leagrave Marsh, i, 269 Leaper, Kath., ii, 342; Peregrine, li, 342; Sim., li, 342; Thos., ii, 342 Leather, Marg., see Harper, Marg. Leather-dressing, iii, 64, 69 Lecton, see Leighton Buzzard Ledet (Ledit), Christina, i, 361; li, 237, 247, 250; Margery, i, 361m; ii, 237, 247; ili, 253; Wischard (Wiscard, Wyschard), i, 361, 364; ii, 237, 247; ili, 195, 253 Lee (Podington), ii, 326 Lee, Anne, iii, 340 ; Hen., ii, 385; John, ii, 377; ili, 122, 377; Joyce, ui, 362; Kath., iii, 377; Marg., Lady, iii, 340; Philip de, ii, 312 ; Rob., ii, 362; Rob. C., ii, 347; Rog., ii, 376; iii, 443; bir ’Rich., ili, 237, 339, 340; Thos., ii, 69 ; Will., li, 385; —, iii, ‘22 5 see also Leigh Lee-Antonie, Will., iii, 92 Leedare, Marg., see Harper, Marg. Leeds, dk. of, iti, 453 Lefstan, ii, 341 ” Lega, par., see Thurleigh Lega, fam., see Leigh Leget, John, i, 399 Legh, Legha, see Leigh Leghton, see Leighton Buzzard Lehton, see Leighton Buzzard Leicester, diocese, ii, 18 Leicester, hon., iii, 144, 231, 294 Leicester, Parnel, ctss. of, iii, 293 ; earls of, iii, 144; Rob., ii, 232; ili, 246, 294; Sim. de Montfort, ii, 351 ; iii, 439 Leicester, Will,, iii. 377 Leigh, Lady oe ili, 404, 429”; Thos., lord, i, 341} ii, 44, 54; il, 297; 401, 402, 404, 408, 4II, 414, 429” : Leigh (Lega, Legh, Legha, Leya, Leye), Agnes de, i, 385; Alicia, iii, 411 ; Andr. de la, ii, 105, 326; Anne (Anna), iii, 302, 411, 4153 Barth., iii, 104 ; ’ Basile de la, i, 389; Chas., ii, 59, 62; ili, 277, 4II, 415, 416; Dionisia, ili, 105; Eliz., ili, 411; Gerard, ii, 3533 Gerinus, ili, 51, 54; Goddard, ili, 292; Hen., iii, 51 ; Hugh de (la); ii, 326 ; iii, "8s, 104, 108 ; Sir John, lil, 404 ; John (de la), iii, 21, 104, 105, 147, 277, 334, 411; JohnG., ii, 353; John S., ii, 353, 356, 366; Lewis, ili, 21, 277, 335; Lucy, iii, 277 ; Mary, iii, 292-5 n, 31 Leigh (cont.) 411; Nichola, iii, 104; Rog. de la, ii, 253; Sim. (de la), ili, 24, 104; Steph. (la), ili, 85, 87, 104, 108 ; Sir Thos., see Leigh, Thos., Ld. ; Thos., ii, 158; iii, 21, 277, 300, 302; Ursula, iii, 411 ; Will., ili, 24, 104, 146; Dr. —, i, 363, 368 ; fam., iii, 82 ; see also Lee Leighton, Baldwyn, ii, 286; Rog. de, iii, 356, 357, 358 Leighton Buzzard, i, 319, 324, 327, 349; li, 44, 45%, 47, 54, 55, 62, 67, 71, 102, 114, 116 ”, 133, 189, 190, 348, 349; ili, 320, 336, 367, 368, 383, 399; adv. i, 317, 341; ii, 414; A.S. rem., i, 176, 181, 187, 189 ; bridge, iii, 402 ; chant., iii, 415; chaps., i, 346; char., iii, 368, 415; chs., i, 311, 312, 324%, 329; ill, 400, 402, 409-414; Danes in, iii, 401; fire, ili, 402; gild, iii, 415; Hermitage, the, uli, 409 ; hound money, ii, 143 ”; inns, iii, 399, 400, 415; liberty, ili, 337; mams., i, 319%, 403; iii, 100”, 337, 402-9; market cross, ii, 100; ili, 399; mkts. and fairs, ii, 76, 88 ; iii, 4o1 ; mills, iit, 400, "408, 409 ; "Nonconf., li, 3753 iii, 414; place-names, iii, 402, 408; prebendal estate, iii, 408 ; pre- hist. rem., i, 145, 162, 173,174; racing, ii, 190, 191; rectory, i, 341; Rom. rem., ii, 1, 8, 9; iii, 402 ; sand ind., ii, 117; schs., ii, 183; iii, 416; wheat-growing experiments, ii, 134; witchcraft, ii, 100; iii, 402 Leighton Heath, i, 187 Leighton prebendal (rectorial), man., iii, 408 Leith, Rev. Alex., iii, 33 ; Martha, ili, 32, 33 Leiton, see Leighton Buzzard Lekeburn, Pet. de, iii, 172 Le Mesurier, Rev. H. C., ii, 174 Lenborough (Bucks), ii, 18 7, 349 1 ; iii, 401 Lenham, Isolda de, iii, 452; de, iii, 452 Lennox, Marg., ctss. of, ii, 339 John Lenton Priory, i, 315 ”,; ii, 288, 292, 293; ili, 63, 80 L’Enveise (Enveyse), Agatha (Alice), iii, 181, 182; Jordan, iii, 125, 181; Walt., ili, 181; Will., iii, 125 Leofnoth, ii, 326 Leofwin (Leofwine, Lewin), i, 296 x, 347; il, 21 ”, 204, 234, 278, 288; iii, 70, 248 Leominster, Sophia, Lady, iii, 453: : Thos., Ld., ili, 453; Will, 5 iii, 452 Lepidoptera, i, 78-88 Lepine, Maria, iii, 444 Lestrange (Lestraunge), iii, 140 Lestrange (Lestraunge, L’Strange, De Extraneis), Joan, tii, 119; Matilda, ii, 268”; iii, 16”; Maud, ii, 300 % ; ili, 44, 215, 329; Rob., i, 379%; iii, 137, 150; Sir Rog. -» lil, 44; Rog., li, 300%, 339, 341 ; iii, 12, 52, 97, 215, 262, 329; Thos., ‘ii, 150 Lessy, Phil., iii, 294 ” Lester and’ Pack, bell-makers, ii, 338; ili, 25 Lestone, see Leighton Buzzard Lethers, Marg., see Harper, Marg. ; Rich., ii, 160 Lethom, Will. de, i, 401 Letitia, ii, 376 Geo., Ld., A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Leuiet, see Leviet Leutton, see Luton Levenot, iii, 70, 113, 118 Leventhorpe, Ann, ii, 289; Eliz.. li, 289, 291 ; Geo., li, 289; Joan, li, 289; John, ii, 289; Thos., ii, 289, 291 Leverington, Ad. of, i, 387 Leveson-Gower, Gertrude, ii, 62 ” Leveva, iii, 338 Leviet (Leuiet), 37, 107 - Levinz, Sir Creswell, iii, 150, 159; Creswell, iii, 83, 105; Will., iii, 105 Levret, iii, 120 Levric, iii, 105 Lewelyck, Denise, i, 360 Lewen, Rich., iii, 146 Lewes (f Pegsdon), ii, 295 ” Lewin, see Leofwin Lewis, Jas., iii, 446; Will. V., iii, i, 312”; priest, iii, 404 Lewknor, Cath., iii, 195; Eleanor, ili, 194, 195; Rog., ili, 194, 195 Lewsey, man. (Luton), ii, 350, 363 Leyburne, Eleanor de, ii, 351, 353, 354; Ida, ii, 230, 232; Idonea de, ii, 230”; Rog., ii, 231, 232, 351 . Leyghton, see Leighton Buzzard Leyham, Isabel de, ii, 207; John de, ii, 208; Matth., de, ii, 207 ; Oliver de, ii, 207”; Pet. de, ii, 207, 208 Lichens (Lichenes), i, 60-1 Lichfield and Coventry, bps. of, i, 343; Hi, 224 Lidlington, ii, 66; ili, 4, 267, 305, 422 ; adv., i, 321 ”, 322; iil, 307; char., ili, 307; ch., i, 313, 322; iii, 305, 306, 307 ; crown property, iii, 271; farms, ii, 131, 134; iil, 305; inclosures, ii, 97; inds., iii, 305; man., i, 312; ili, 272, 305, 306; Nonconf., ili, 305, 307; rents, ii, 1325 schs., ii, 183 ; iii, 307; spring, iii, 308; vicarage, i, 329”; ili, 307; workhouse, ii, 104 Lidlington, Agnes de, iii, 325; Thos., iii, 307; Will. of, i, 387 Lightgrave, see Leagrave Lightgrave, man., see Woodcroft Lilincletone, see Lidlington Lillingestan, see Lidlington Lilly, Hen., iii, 150 Limbury, i, 173, 175, 269, 269%, 280; ii, 18 , 306, 308, 348, 349, 362 n, 374) 384; iii, 401 ; Mans., li, 350, 360, 366; mill, il, 360; Nonconf, ,U, 374; Rom. rem., ii, 8 Limbury (Lymbury), Joan de, iii, 360 ; Phil. de, ii, 360; Ralph de, il, 329; Rich. de, ii, 360 Limersey Grange, see ‘Lymbotsey Limestone quarries, li, 96, 448 Lincelade (Bucks), iii, 12, 14, 46 Lincoln, ii, 24, 33; ii, 153 Lincoln, cathedral ch. of, i, 376%, 383; ii, 154; ili, 21, 346, 408; endowment, i, 311; ii, 210; library, ii, 152; prebends, ii, 214; li, 284” Lincoln, diocese of, i, 346, 347, 379 Lincoln, archds. ‘of, ti, 154; ili, 359 Lincoln, bps. of, i, 311, 315 7, 321 ”, 327, 328, 330, 339, 349%, 354, 358, 360, 361, 375, 378, 379; 387 n, 396, 400; ii, 38, 88, 97, 149, 154, 178, 206, 208, 210, 212, 214, 230M, 252, 253, 258, 296, 312, 319, 343, 356, 374, 380; iii, 22, 29, 37, 69, 116, 133, 155, ~ Lisle Lincoln, bps. of (cont.) 159, 185”, 250, 264, 272, 284, 334, 342s, 348, 349, 359, 364, 374%, 398, 408, 414, 431, 432, 437; Alexander, li, 210; Barlow, Pi 339»; Beaufort, i, 328, 397; 414; Buckingham, i, 330, 355, 375, 379; ii, 178, 296; Burg- hersh, i, 360, 375; ii, 149, 297; ili, 49 ; Chesney, i, 313 ; Dalderby, 1, 359, 362, 375, 383, 389, 395, 397; 308, 401; li, 209; Gravesend, i, 317, 322, 351, 354, 374; iii, 148, 334; Grey, i, 329, 360, 376, 380, ie li, 179 ; ili, 414 ; Grossetéte, » 317, 322, 366, 374, 379) 382, aes, 385, 400%, 401; ili, 20 Gynwell, i, 355, 362, 375, 389; Holbeche, ii, 210; Hugh of Avalon, i, 313, 388; ii, 150, 212, 299M, 312, 335; iii, 142; Hugh de Wells, i, 316, 317 ”, 322, 372, 396; li, 332, ili, 208, 214, 304, 334, 348, 364, 398, 414; Long- land, i, 356, 376, 383, 384, 390; Montaigne, i, 3397”; Remigius, i, 311, 312, 347%; li, 153, 154, 275 n, 276; ili, 22, 414; Reping- don, i, 355, 356 n, 383, 3882; ii, 384 ; ili, 170; ola ier ii, 352; lii, 299; Sutton, , 317%, 322, 323, 325%, 354%, 359, 374; 375, 389, 395, 398, 401 ; li, 212 Lincoln, deans of, i, 320; iti, 22, 3840 Lincoln, Edw., earl of, iii, 94, 382 Lincoln, Alured of, iii, 119, 122 Lincoln College ©(Oxf.), ii, 178 Lindon, hon., iii, 247 Linford (Bucks), iii, 271 Linley, John de, iii, 456 Linslade (Bucks), i, 392; iii, 399, 400, 401, 415; ae iii, 405 2; rectory, i, 393 (de "Insula, Lisle, Lyle), Alice de, ii, 267; John (de), i, 393 ; li, 224 n, 267 ; iii, 285, 395; Maud (de), ii, 267; Ralph de, ii, 210, 211, 212; Rob. (de), ii, 267, 268; iii, 70, 285, 395; Rose, see Wahull; Warine de, ii, 267, 268 ; Sir Will. de, ii, 267; Will. de, iii, 122 Lismore, Rob., bp. of, ii, 379, 380; iii, 431 Lister, Lady, iii, 203 Litchfield, Hen., iii, 380” Litgrave, see Leagrave Little, H., ii, 250 Little England’s, field (Dunstable), iii, 350 Littlewood Farm (Clapham), ili, 128 Littleworth (Wilshamstead), iii, 326 Litton (Litten, Lytton), Agnes, ili, 220; Anne, ii, 301; John R., 301; Judith, ii, 301; Rowlaad. li, 239, 241, 301 ; iii, 281; Thos., iii, 146; Will., ii, 301 ; iii, 220 Livesay, Eliz, iii, 83, 873 Jane, iii, 84; John,’ iii, 83; Maj. -Gen. John, iii, 83, 119; Paradine, iii, 83; St. Andr., iii, 83; Will., iii 83 Livesey (Norfolk), man., Livius, Geo., iii, 21, 304 Liz, Muriel le, iii, 60; Robt. le, iii, 60 Lianthony, see Lanthony Lloyd, Will., iii, 184 Loccles (Locels), Will. de, ii, 381, 383 Lock, Mary, ii, 363. Lockington, Mary, i ili, 367, 368 Lockwood, fam., iti, 57 32 176, i, 360 3445 Lodge, Alice, iii, 430; Ellen, iii, 430; Hen., ii, 40; iii, 430; Mich., ill, 430 Lodington (Lodynton), John, iii, 273; Thos., iii, 423 Loitone, see Luton Lollards, the, i, 330 Lomax, Caleb, iii, 332; 218; Joshua, iii, 332; 332; —, li, 216, 257 Londe, Walt. de la, ili, 137 London, i, 365, 370, 392; il, 135, 163; Beds property, li, 310; iii, F. G., ii, Ruth, iii, 253, 285, 292, 321, 326, 332; riot, li, 30 London, bps. of, i, 329, 332, 400; li, 38, 320; ili, 194, 349 London, Id. mayor of, ii, 158 ; iii, 25, 372 London, Augustine, i, 365 ; Dan. T., i, 363, 364; John, of, i, 377; Sim. de, iii, 16 London End '(Keysoe), iii, 136 London End (Milton Ernest), iii, 144 Lone Close (Goldington), iii, 208 » Loney, Sir Rich., iii, 286 Long (Longe), Cecil, iii, 301; Dorothy, ii, 302, 376; Eliz., ii, 330; iii, 302, 376; Hen., ii, 330; iil, 230, 376; Marg., Lady, ili, 318 ; Sir Rich., ii, 277, 330, 379; lili, 23, 213, 240, 260, 264, 302, 315, 318, 324, 332, 376, 437; Steph., iil, 155; Thos., ii, 374; Sir Will., iii, 303, 305; ” Will: ., ili, 301 Longbridge (Warws), i, 181 Longdon, Hen., ii, 248 Longe, see Long Longespée, Will., see earl of Longeville, see Longueville Longford, ctss. of, ii, 181 ” Longland, bp., see Lincoln, bps. of Longley plantation (Podington), iii, 80 Longney (Gloucs), iii, 251 Long Stowe (Cambs.), ili, 415 Long Tag Wood (Stevington), iii, 100 Longueville, Anne, ii, 290, 295”; Chas. G., ii, 290; Frances, ii, 295; Grey, ii, 290, 295 ; Hen., ii, 290, 295”; Isabella de, iii, 189 ; John de, iii, 187, 199; Lucy, ii, 290; Marg. (de), ii, 295; ili, 184, 187; Sir Michael G., li, 290; iil, 228, 232; Susan, li, 290; iii, 2323 Susanna, Lady, iii, 228%” Longworth, John, ii, 166, 167, 168 Lord, John, ii, 277; Obadiah, ii, Salisbury, 385 Lord lieut., ii, 56, 59, 61, 62 n, 175 Loring (Lorenge, Loryng), Dav., il, 331; Isabel, iii, 89; John (de), ii, 252, 356, 357; Marg., ili, 346, 440; Sir Nigel (Neel), i, 325, 329 ; li, 353 5 ill, 89, 346, 348, 349, 440; Pet. (de), ii, 318 ; 89, 346, 347, 349, 367; Rob. i 345; Rog., i, 371 ”; tii, 89, 348; Will, ii, 318, 353, 356”, 357 Lorings, man, (Sharnbrook), iii, 89 Lorraine, Alb. of, ii, 22; iii, 89, 329, 332, 345, 346 Loryng, see Loring Lotrell, Hugh, ii, 227 Lovat, riv., see Ouzel Loveday, Anne, i, 384 ” Lovelace, Anne, Lady, iii, 441 Lovell (Lovel), Fran., ii, 210; H., iii, 278; Sir John, ii, 316; John, iii, 422; Pet. H., ii, 210; Phil., iii, 422: Will., iti, 231 Lovells (Lovells Bury), man. (Pots- grove), iii, 422 Lovett (Lovet), Rob., li, 291 ; iii, 283, 339; Will, iii, 284, 286, 395 Lowe, Fran, » tii, 322; John, iii, 396 ; Will. D., iii, 133 Lower Berry’ End (Eversholt), iii, 375 Lower End Farm (Lidlington), iii, 3095 Lower Rads End (Eversholt), iii, 375 Lowick (Luffewyche) (Northants), iii, 92 Lowndes (Lownde), Eliz., iii, 330; Kath., iii, 285 ; Marg. iii, 285; Rich., iii, 330; Thos., iii, 285; Rev. * will. ., lii, 330; Will., iii, 330; Will. L., iii, 330 Lubenham, Rob. of, i, 386, 402 Lucas, Ladies, i iii, 66, 228; Amabel, see Grey of Wrest, cts. of; Anne, il, 327; La., ii, 142, 197, 200, 325, 327, 334; ili, 64; see also Grey, Lds., and Kent, dks., etc. Lucas, Rob., ii, 270 Lucas and Dingwall, Ld., ii, 283, 290, 305, 322, 323, 325, 332, 333, 337) ete 377) 379, 380; iil, 52, 65, 68; Auberon Herbert, Ld.) it, 328 Lucy (Luci), Alice, iii, 224; Anne, iil, 427, 429; Sir Edm., iii, 230; Edm., tii, 50; Eleanor, Lady, iii 230, 248; Eleanor de, ii, 354, 422; Eliz., lii, 50; Emery de, ii, 354; Fran. , lii, 330; Geoff. de, i ii, 30”, 354; iii, 405, 409, 422; Geo., ii, 204”; Joan, ii, 204”; John, lii, 286; Juliana de, ili, 422; Marg., ii, 354, 429; Maud, iii, 422; Rebecca, iii, 330; Reg. de, li, 354; Sir Rich., iii, 181%”; Rich. (de), ii, 26”; iii, 330; Sir Thos., ili, 224, 330; Thos., iii, 50, 211, 224; Walt. de, ii, 354; Sir will., iii, 405, 422; will, de, ii, 354; iii, 50, 427, 429 Ludgershall (Bucks), 1, 400; iii, 175, 176" Ludlow, Ld., ii, 187 Ludlow, fam., ii, 66 Ludsop, John, ii, 36 Luffewyche (Northants), wick Lufwyk, Rob. de, i, 382 ” Luke, St., relics of, i, 400 Luke, Anne, ii, 262 ; Cecily (Cecyle), Lady, iii, 193, 241 ; Eliz., ii, 216, 340; Frances, iii, 195 ; Sir John, iii, 193, 239; John, ui, 262, 263, 282 ; iii, 193, 198; Sir Nich., ii 216; iii, 158%”, 193, 239, 241; Nich., ii, 262, 282, 342, 382; iii, 29, 146, 193, 197, 209, 212; Sir Oliver, ii, 42, 44,”282, 339, 340, 342; ili, 29, 193, 239; Oliver, 1i,*262, 282, 340, 341, 382; ili, 29, 195; Paul, li, 235; ili, 198; Sir Sam., ii, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 54, 55, 340, 343%; ill,” 227, +238, 239,404, 456; Sir Walt., iii, 239, ae Walt., ii, 40; iit, 197; Will., 197; ‘fam., ili, 44, 60; iii, oll 342, 343 Lunde, la, wood (Little Stanghton), iii, 165 Lupton, Rog,, ii, 157 Lusignan, Guy de, ii, 29 Luthmere, Thos., iii, 125 Lutlingeton, Lutlyngton, see Lid- lington Luton, ii, 18, 67, 100, 114, 120, 147, 295, 305, 306, 314, 321, 326, 3 see Lo- INDEX 333,338, 342, 344, 348-75; iii, 10, 105, 317 ”, 325; adv., i, 314, 317, 336, 341; ii, 373; iii, 393 ; almshouses, ii, 3753 chant., li, 374, 381 ; char., li, 374; iii, 238; ch., i, 310, 311, 314, 315%, 324, 346, 372”, 400; ii, 349, 356, 368, 381; courts, ii, 308, 366; deanery, i, 347; fairs and mkts., ii, 76, 88, 349, 351, 352, 353", 360 ; fire, li, 85, 366; gilds, i, 330; ii, 92, 149, 374, 381; hosps., i, 349, 399, 400; li, 375; hound money, ii, 143”; inds., ii, 109, 119, 121, 122, 126, 127, 349, 350; inns, ii, 348; mans., 1, 315%”; ii, 143, 306-8, 349- 60, 362 1, 364, 366, 374, 383 ; mills, i, 311; ii, 351, 357, 366; neolithic impls., i, 174; Non- conf., i, 344; ii, 374, 375; place- names, ii, 348; plait halls, ii, 119, 121; Rom. Cath., li, 374; Rom, coins, ii, 9; schs., ii, 149, 180, 183, 375; vicar, 1, 316, 324%, 327", 333, 395%, 400, Witan at, ii, 350” Luton (Leutton, Lutton), Ad. of, i, 370; Alice de, ii, 357; John, ni, 233; Mary, iii, 312; Maud of, i, 360; Rob. de, ii, 276”; Rog. de, ii, 357 Luton Castle, ii, 350 Luton Downs, ii, 198 Luton Hoo, man., ii, 61, 119, 197, 257, 348, 350 353% 355, 357) 361, 365, 373, 375; mill, ii, 366; Rom. coins, ii, 9 Luton Hoo Park, ii, 147, 348, 355, 360 Lutune, see Luton Luvholt, Godf. de, ii, 376; Mabel de, ii, 376 Lycett, Inskip & Co., ii, 262, 263 Lydall, Rich., iii, 261 Lyde, Hen., iii, 198 Lye, Rev. Thos., ii, 375 Lyencourt, Will. de, i, 403, 404 Lygetune, see Leighton Buzzard and Luton Lygon, Mary, iii, 430; Rich., iii 430 ; Lyle, see Lisle Lylebone, Sir John de, ii, 378; Sibyl de, ii, 378 Lymbotsey (Limersey) (Ampthill), ili, 273 Lymbotseye, John de, iii, 292 Lymbury, see Limbury Lyner, Godf. de, iii, 314 Lyne-Stephens, Mrs., ii, 270 Lynford mill, ii, 283 Lynn (Norfolk), ii, 91 Lynom, Thos., iii, 92 Lysons, Mary, iii, 28 Lytlington, see Lidlington Lytton, see Litton Grange Mabel, Abbess of Elstow, i, 355 Macan, —, ii, 189, Igo McDowall, —, ii, 177 Machell, John, li, 158; Capt., ii, 194 Machinery manufacture, ii, 125-7 Mackenzie, Sir Geo. S., ii, 197, 251 Maclear, Basil, ii, 200 Macnamara, Anne, ii, 318 ; ili, 372 ; Arth., ii, 318; iii, 372; John, ii, 318 ; iii, 372, 455; Sophia, i iii, 400 MacQueen, Dr. Malcolm, iii, 293, 322; T. Potter, iii, 322; Dr., ii, 133 Madan Castle, see Maiden Bower 33 Maddison, Col., iii, 361 Madin-boure, see Maiden Bower Madning-bowre, see Maiden Bower Maenfinin, ii, 23 Maggotts Moor (Ampthill), iii, 274 Magiovinum (Bucks), see Brickhill, Little Magniac, Chas., iii, 90, 92, 94, 95, 140, 142; Hollingworth, ii, 188 ; iii, 92; H. R., iii, 142; Vernon, ul, 94, 95 Magpie Hall Farm (Marston More- taine), iii, 313 Maidbury, man. (Elstow), iii, 281, 282 oe (Maydebury), 282 Maiden Bower (Dunstable), Rom.- Thos., iii, Brit. rem., i, 160, 163, 164, 166, 169, 170, 174, 269, 294; ii, 2, 7) 9; 1, 390 Maidwell, Cutts, iii, 57; Godf., ii 345; Thos., iii, 57; Will. L., iii 57 Maister, see Master Makehams Close (Steppingley), iii 325 Malcolm IV, king of Scotland, i, 361, 388 ; iii, 23, 65 Maldon, battle of, ii, 20 Malens, man., see Maryons Malens, fam., see Malyns Malet, Hugh, i, 370 Malherbe, Geoff., iii, 293 ; Joan, iii, 292; John, i, gor; iii, 52, 292, 383 ; Lucy, iii, 384; Pain, iii, 52, 293; Rob., iti, 201, 383, 385; Will, iii, 44 n, 52 Malory, Alice, ii, 286; Anketin, iii, 162; Bertram, ii, 286; Eleanor, ii, 286 ; Fran., iii, 162, 164 ; John, ii, 286; Pet., iii, 162; Ralph, iii, 162; Rob., ii, 286; Sim., ii, 286 ; Thos., iii, 162; Sir Will., iii, 162; Will., iii, 162 Malyns (Malens), John, iii, 183, 211, 212, 229, 231; Thos., iii, 183, 231 Mammals, i, 138-43 Man, see Mann Mancels Grove (Turvey), iii, 114 Manchester, Chas., dk. of, iii, 169 ; Hen., earl of, iii, 168 Mandeville, Geoff. de, i, 378 , 390; ii, 25; see also Essex, earl of; Hen., iii, 171; Isabel (de), iii, 70; Rohese de, see Beauchamp ; Walt. de, ii, 354; Will. de, iii, 171; see also Essex, earl of Manepeny, Will., i, 370 Maney, Hugh, ii, 332, 333 Mangehoo, man. (Marston More- taine), iii, 311 Maningham, see Manningham Manley, John, iii, 326; Pet. de, iti, 223, 224 Mann (Man, Manne), John, ii, 327 n, 378; iii, 408; Mary, iii, 408; Will., iii, 408 ; Mrs., ili, 383, 384 Manning, Rev. —, iii, 162 Manningham (Maningham), Sir John, ii, 220, 257; John, ii, 219; ui, 231; Kath., il, 257; Sir Will., ii, 257 : Manor Farm (Goldington), iii, 202 Manshead, hund. of, ii, 95, 114, 116 ; iii, 70, 336, 337 ; assessment, ili, 391 Mantell (Mauntel), Hen., iii, 366; Marg., iii, 456; Thos., ili, 456; Walt., iii, 456 Manyngham, see Manningham Marborowe, Hen., iii, 155; Thos., iii, 155; see also Marlborough Marbury (Marbery), Edw., ii, 307; Eliz., iii, 255; John, iii, 255; 6 A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Marbury (cont.) Lewis, ii, 307; Thos., iii, 255, 261, 393 March, earls of, ii, 191, 192, 328; Edm., ii, 328; Rog., ii, 33, 327; ii, 229, 281 Marche, Will. de la, iii, 286; see also Marsh Mareis, Adeliza (de), i, 392 ; ii, 267; Walt. de, ii, 267; see also Marsh Mareschal, see Marshal Margets, Thos., ii, 55, 212 Market gardening, i, 39; 130, 138-9, 213; ili, 181, 218, 242, 256, 284, 369 Markets and Fairs, ii, 46, 87, 88, 102, 105, I2I, 140, 237, 239, 242, 261, 263, 266, 268, 330, 348, 349, 351, 352, 353 ”, 360, 385 ; ili, 16, 17, 21, 35, 64, 69, 73, 142, 199, 229, 246, 254, 258, 268, 269, 271, 276, 281, 311, 317, 340, 355, 361, 362, 363, 401, 441, 453, 459 Market Street (Herts), see Markyate Street (Herts) ii, 118, 189, Markham, Ad., ii, 356”; Alice lil, 85; Frances, ii, 355, 356; Gervase, i, 374, 377; li, 361; John, ii, 355, 356, 3575 li, 85, 285; Kath. tii, 85; Thos., iii, 85; Will., ii, 355, 356; ili, 395, 398 Markyate, Christine of, i, 350; Rog. of, i, 350 Markyate Cell (Caddington), ii, 317 Markyate Priory, i, 315%, 316 0, 349, 351, 358-61, 395; ii, 316, 347, 383, 387 Markyate (Market) Street (Herts), MU, 71, 92, 314, 316-20, 377, 380 ; iii, 337, 455; AS. rem., i, 146; char., li, 320; ch., ii, 319; Five Horse Shoes Inn, ii, 318; man., ii, 316, 317; Nonconf., ii, 320; Rom. rem., ii, 3, 7; sch., li, 317, 320 Marlborough, Jane, ctss. of, ii, 347, 382; dchss. of, iii, 211, 240; Sarah, dchss. of, iii, 104, 203, 213, 214, 224, 264, 306, 309; earl of, ili, 4; Jas., earl of, ti, 347, 382 Marlborough, Marg., iii, 98 ; Thos., li, 2905”; iii, 98; see also Mar- borowe Marlie, Will., iii, 363 Marmyon, Sir Will., iii, 162 Marsh (Marshe), Blandina, iii, 367, 368, 416; Dan., iii, 368; Hen., li, 316; John, iii, 60; Rich., ii 316 ; iii, 332 ; Rotherham, ii, 316 ; Thos., ii, 316; Ursula, iii, 60 Marshal (Mareschal, Marshall), Alina, iii, 426; Anselm, see Pem- broke, earl of; Edm., iii, 442; Ela, iii, 426; Eliz., iii, 98, 445; Hawisia, ili, 426; John (le), iti, 147, 329, 391, 426; Maud, ii, 220; ili, 329, 439; Rog., i, 382; iii, 329; Sarah, iii, 329; Thos., 1, 325, 373, 375, 379, 377 3 ii, 178 ; iii, 98, 329; Wait, , 8I, 220, 267; Will., ii, 27, ee "350, 351 n, 362 n, 366 ; iil, 420; see also Pembroke, earl of ; —, ii, 382 Marsh Wood (Renhold), ‘iii, 21 5 Marsiliaceae, i, 56 Marsland, Clem., iii, 251 Marston (Northants), i, 182 » Marston, North (Bucks), ch., i, 371 M, 373, 3760 Marston Moretaine (Morteyne), i 324 5 li, 66, 115, 250, 324; iii, Ir, 13, 132, 267, 277, 298, 307-13, 321, 333; adv., iil, 313 ; char., iii, 313 ; ch., 4, 318; iii, 308, 311-13 ; Marston Moretaine (cont.) 2 farms in, iii, 307; inclosures, ii, 97; mans., ili, 309; mkts. and fairs, ii, 88; iii, 311; Nonconf., iii, 308, 313; schs., ii, 183 Marston Park Farm (Marston More- taine), iii, 308 Marston Pillinge (Marston More- taine), iii, 308, 313 Marston Thrift (Marston More- taine), ii, 187 ; iii, 308 Marsworth (Bucks), ch., Martel, Osbert, iii, 370 Martin, papal nuncio, ii, 29 Martyn (Marten, Martin), Dr. Edw. i, 382-4 i, 339-40, 343; Eliz., ili, 330; Eulalia, iii, 157”; Gilb., iii, 203; ee Ui, 227%" in, igs John K., iii, 154, 157; Thos., iii, 157; 220° Marvin, Rev. —, ii, 347 Marwen, see Morwen Mary, princess (dau. of Edw. I), 1, 404 Mary I, queen (of England), ii, 377 Mary, queen (of Scots), ii, 119, 349 Maryon, Isabel, iii, 249; Thos., iii, 240 Maryons (Malens), (Cople), ill, 240 Mason, Bartlett, ii, 289 Massey, Eliz., Lady, iii, 443 ; Jane, ili, 402 ; Sir Walt., iti, 443 Massingberd, —, iii, 422 ” Master (Maister), Marg., iii, 145; Streynsham, ili, 145; Thos., ii, 310; iii, 216; Will., ii, 334 Mather, Will., iii, 9 Mathers, John, iii, 311 Matilda, see Maud Mat industry, see ind. Matthew (Mathew), John, iii, 333 ; Mary, iii, 191; Sarah, iii, 333; Will., iii, 333 Matthews, Millicent, iti, 368 Mattock, Eliz., ii, 363 Maud (Matilda), ctss., 302, 304 Mauder, Harry, iii, 183 Mauduit, Arth. iii, 443; Eliz., iii, 443; Maria, iii, 443; Sarah, iii, 443; Will., see Warwick, earl of Maulac, Lavaric de, ii, 27 Maulaye, Alice, iii, 233; Rich., iii man., Rush-matting ii, 237; iii, 233 Maulden (Meldone), i, 313, 353-4, 356; li, 66, 115, 135, 321, 324; iii, 267, 273, 275, 286, 313- 310; adv., iii, 315; char., ili, 316; ch., i, 315 ”, 357; iii, 314, 325; inclosure in, li, 97; inns, iii, 313; man., iii, 314; mills, iii, 314; Nonconf., ili, 314, 316; place- names in, iii, 314 ; poorhouse at, ii, 104; sch., ii, 183 Maulden Moor, Rom. rem. at, ii, 9 Maulden Wood, iii, 313 Maultby, —, iii, 416 Maunsell, Sampson, iii, 113; Will., iii, 113 Mauntel, see Mantell Mavorn (Maverns, Mavourn, Glin- tells), man. (Bolnhurst); iii, 126; earthworks, i, 306 ; ii, 124 Mawcase Field (Wilden), iii, 226 Mawditt, see Mauduit Maxey, = ii, 97 Maxie, Edw., ii, 161 May, John, iii, 159 Maydebury, see Maidbury Maydenford, Pet. of, i, 352 Mayfield Farm-house (Markyate), ii, 314 Mayhew, Rev. Geo., ii, 206, 265 34 Mayn, John, iii, 133 Maynard, Will., Ld., ii, 241 Maynard, Jobn, ii, 342, 344, 353; ili, 132, 147, 261, 408 Mays, Rich., i, 232 ~ Mead ( (Meade),’ Ann, Lady, iii, 68 ; Jas., ii, 271, 293 ; John, iii, 4498 Rich., li, 383 ; ili, 404 ; Rob., 432; Rev. T. ‘wW.. iii, 428 ; Will, ili, 451; Dr. —, iii, 66 Mears, bell-founders, ii, 218, 222, 236, 241, 250, 254, 287, 319, 3475 380, 383; iii, 116, 214, 255, 278, 295, 307, 315, 411, 423, 446, 454 Mears & Stainbank, bell-founders, li, 229, 245; iii, 116, 261, 266, 411, 461, 462 Measures, Benj., iii, 171 Medbury Farm (Elstow), iii, 282 Medgate, Jos., ili, 392; Thos., iii, 392 Medland, Will., iii, 60 Medlicott, Thos., ii, 281 Medmenham, man. (Bucks), i, 366, 37° Meech, John, ii, 317 Meen, 'Eliz., li, 215 Meisil, Rob. de, iii, 192 Melchbourne (Melcebuine), i, 349; li, 107, 115, 146, 197; iii, 59 7, 95, 123, 132, 142-143, 154; es iii, 143; chap., iii, 143; ch., 314 M, 315 2, 318, 394; iii, 143 man., i, 394; iii, 142; mkts. and fairs, it, 88 ; ili, 142; mills, iii, 142,143} priest’s stipend, i, 336; sch., ii, 183 Melchbourne, Rich. de, iii, 137 Melchbourne Park, ii, 147; ui, 41, 142, 168 Melchbourne Prcnaeonge i » 315%, 394; ii, 147; iil, 95, 142, 143, 154, 165, 198 Meldone, see Maulden Melebroc, see Millbrook Mellents, fam., ii, 21 ” Melton Mowbray, man., iii, 346 Mendham, Rev. John, ii, 325 Mentmore (Bucks), i, 402 Mentmore, Hugh de, iii, 376; Miles de, ii, 333 Meppershall (Mepartyshall, Meper- beshale, Mepertesale, Meppersal), ii, 72, 113, 260, 266, 270, 275, 276, 288-293, 304, 305, 341; adv., ii, 292; chap., ii, 293; Chapel Iarm, ii, 288; char., ii, 293; ch, i, 315”, 332%; ii, 291, 296; earthworks, i, 296; ii, 24, 288; mans., i, 296 n, 391, 393; ii, 288; moat, ii, 288; place-names, ii, 288; rectory, ii, 288 ; sch., ii, 183 Meppershall (Meptyshall), Gilb. de, li, 290, 291, 293 ”; iii, 63; Joan de, ii, 289, 290; iii, 243; John of, ii, 288, 289, 290, 292, 293 n, 296 n, 334; ili, 243; Kath. de, ii, 289, 292; Nich., ii, 275, 289 ; Ranulf of, ii, 289; Rob, de, ii, 288, 280, 292 ; iii, 59, 63 ; i es li, 289; Will. "de, ii, 288 ; eee see Meppershall Mercer, Col. Algernon, ii, 147; 228, 231, 233, 439; Isabella, see Cardun ; Rich., ili, 231, 233; Will. le, iii, 119. Mercers Co. (London), ili, 347 Merchant Taylors Co. (London), ii, 158, 159, 160, 161 Mercia, ii, 18-21; bps. of, i, 346; earldom of, ii, 20 Mercstun, see Marston Moretaine Mere, John de, ii, 322 Merefield, Ralph, ii, 357 Meriet, John de, ii, "306 ; Mary (de), ii, 306, 351 Merlyn, John, iii, 154 Merry, Rich., iii, 352; 417 Mode see Marston Moretaine Merston, John de, iii, 310; Nigel de, iii, 310; Ralf de, iii, 310; Rich. de, ili, 310 Merstone, see Marston Moretaine Merton Priory (Surrey), i » 3710; Ul, 154, 291, 305; iil, 20, 374, 418 n, 4109, 420 Merwe, Maud, iii, 329 Meryng, Idonia de, ii, 290 ; de, ii, 290; Thos. de, li, 290 Meschin, Will., ili, 133 Mesurier, Le, see Le Mesurier Metcalfe’ (Metcalf), Chas. J., iii, 219; Chris., iii, 206, 209; Ellen, iii, 206 ; Jas., iii, 219; Thos., iii, 118 ; Will., iii, 219 ; fam., iii, 183, 220 Methodists, i, 345; ii, 186, 214, 234, 242, 246, 265, 299, 303, 312, 320, 325, 374; W, 31, oo, 132, 153, 186, 190, 289, 297, 305, 308, 314, 324, 338, 345, 367, 375, 383, 389, 394, 414, 415, 421, 432, 451, 455; see also Wesleyans Meyhec, Joan, iii, 76 Michael House (Cambs.), iii, 63 Michel, Michell, see Mitchell Middeltone (Middletone Ernys), see Milton Ernest Middle English, i, 189 Middleho, man. (Hunts), i i, 364, 3 Middlesex, Jas., earl of, iti, 276 Lionel, earl of, iii, 276 Middleton, see Milton Bryant and Milton Ernest Middleton, Erasmus, iii, 116 ; Mary, ili, 301 Midland Association, ii, 44 Milbrook (Milbroke), see Millbrook Mildentone, see Milton Ernest Mildmay, Rob., iii, 236; Sir Walt., ji, 151 Miles, Rev. Hen. H., ii, 280 Militia, ii, 67 Mill (Mille), Cath., iii, 195; John, iii, 195 ; Lewknor, iti, 195; Will. atte, i, 402 ; W. , ii, 197 eee barrow (Dunstable), i Will., iii, 329; Walt., iii, John ii, 280; H., Millbrook, ji, 66, 84, 97, 115, 136, 324; iii, 252, 267, 275, 308, 316- 320 ; adv., iii, 319 ; char., iii, 319, ch., i, 315 ”, 352; iii, 318 ; crown property, iii, 271 ; man., iii, 317, 326; mkts. and fairs, iii, 3173 mills, iii, 316; place-names, iii, 317; sch., ii, 183; vicarage, i, 316%” Millbrook, Geoff., Ld., iii, John, Ld., iii, 317 Millbrook (Milbrook), Walt., iii, 147 Millbrook Warren (Millbrook), 1i, 146; iii, 317 Mill Close '(Goldington), iii, 206 Miller, Amicia, iii, 198 ; Maj. John, ii, 70; John, ii, 358, 363; J. B., ii, 189; Will. the, iii, 198 Miller, Conquest & Haynes, iii, 202 Miller’s Bog (Pavenham), prehist. rem., iii, 76 Mill Farm (Eversholt), iii, 375 Mill Hill (Eversholt), iii, 375 Milligan, Dr., ii, 99 ” Millo (Dunton), ii, 201, 218, 219; man., i, 312; li, 220, 267 Millowbury (Dunton), ii, 219 317; INDEX Millowbury Farm (Dunton), ii, 218 Millow Hall Farm (Dunton), ii, 219 Mill Race, riv., iii, 399 Mills, Thos., iii, 293; J. T., iii, 404, 405, 407; —, iii, 4or Mills, ii, 74, 118, 212, 261, 262, 263, 266, 268, 269, 275, 276, 278, 283, 297, 300, 301M, 302, 310, 320, 323, 324, 336, 341, 345, 346, 351, 354%, 355, 356, 357, 358, 360, 366, 376, 381 , 385; iii, II, 23, 24, 30%, 37, 38, 42, 44, 47, 51, 59, 60, 64, 65, 66, 69, 73, 74, 78, 82, 85, 89, 91, 96, 100, 105, 112, 114, IIQ, 124, 130, 132, 133, 136, 138, 142, 143, 144, 147, 149, 150, 157, 171, 176, 181, 184, 186, 189, 199, 202, 204, 206, 213, 216, 221, 228, 231, 235, 244, 245, 247, 254, 256, 259, 260, 271 m, 275, 284, 286, 287, 280, 297, 302, 303, 307, 314, 316, 325, 326, 340, 351, 370, 372, 375, 379, 380, 386, 387, 380, 394, 395, 400, 408, 409, 418, 453 Mills Farm (Dunton), ii, 222 Milneho (hamlet), see Millo Milnho, Rich. de, ii, 211; Rog. de, ii, 211 ; iti, 260 Milreth, Beatrice, ii, 354; Will., ii iii, 260; 354 Milton, Sir John, iii, 60 Milton Bryant ii, 254; Thos., (Milton, Milton pen), i, 370; li, 66, 106, 114; - » 336, 343, 377; 4t7- 21; adv., iii, 421; char., ili, 421; ‘ch., i, 315”; iii, 420 | crown property, ii, 271; Leys Farm, iii, 418; man., iii, 418, 419; Nonconf., ili, 418 ; parson, i, 330; place- names, iii, 418; schs., ii, 183; iii, 418, 421 Milton Ernest, i, 324, 336”, 384; ii, 115, 189; ii, 34, 76, 123, 125”, 143-49, 154, 183, 224; adv., iii, 148 ; char., ili, 144, 149; ch., i, 315%, 351, 352; li, 147, iene ‘rents, ii, 132; man., iii, 144; Manor Farm, iii, 144; mills, iii, 130, 144, 147, 149; Nonconf., iii, 144; Oakley Hunt kennels, ili, 144; printing press, iii, 144 Milton Ernest Hall, iii, 144, 149 Milton Grange (Milton Bryant), iii, 419 Milton Harnes, Milton Herneys, see Milton Ernest Milton Hill, iii, 143 Milton House (Castor, Northants), iii, 300 Milward (Mylward), Sir John, i, 331 2, 367”, 368, 402; Rich., ii, 326; Will., ii, 334 Mineccan, Phil., iii, 220” Missenden Abbey (Bucks), i, 388; iii, 107 Mitchell (Michell, Michel), Avery, ii, 195 ; John, ili, 195, 451 ; Rich., ii, 357; Rob., ii, 346; Thos., ii 357; WilL, iii, 50; W.C., Mitchener, Mrs., iii, 435 Moat Farm (Cranfield), iii, 275 Moat Farm (Marston Moretaine), iii, 308 Moat Hall (Eaton Bray), iii, 369 Moats, i, 303-8; ii, 226, 256, 288, 308, 325, 329, 362 2, 376, 378, 384; ii, 2, 8, 42, 83, 96, 104, 109, 124, 136, 153-4, 157, 160, 168, 171, 181, 186, 190, 205, 212, 233, 242, 275, 276, 284, 289, 297, 305, 308, 311, 314, 320, 324, 329, 369, 379, 375; 379) 390, 400, 421, 427, 432, 439, 448, 451 Mobbs, E. R., ii, 200 oa ii, 190 Moddry (Clophill), iii, 316, 318; , 1, 352; hermitage, i, 351, 352 Moding, iii, 107 Moggerhanger, i, 307, 380; ii, 21, I16, 209 ; iii, 228; adv., iii, 233; ch., iii, 228, 233; man., ili, 230, 247; sch., ii, 183; woods, ii, 145 Moggerhanger House, iii, 228, 233 Moggerhanger Park, ti, 147 Mohun, Christina, ii, 353 ; Isabel, ii, 306, 351, 352%; Joan, ii, 351, 353, 356, 360; John de, ii, 306, 351, 353; Mary de, ii, 306, 351; Reg. de, ii, 306, 351; Will. de, li, 306, 351 Mokehangre, see Moggerhanger Mole, Anne, iii, 438; Will., iii, 438 Moleyns, Ld., iii, 436, 438 Molivers Wood (Bromham), iii, 44 Molluscs, i, 69-70 Molyneux, Ld., ii, 275 Monasteries, advs., i, 314; alien houses, i, 400, 403; dissolution of the, i, 330; feudal service, i, 319; grants to, i, 316 ; legacies ‘to, i, 325; parish "chs. granted to, i, Bt 315; property survey, ii, ; rights, i, 323 Me ehesiey (Monchensey), Beatrice, li, 203; ili, 13, 114; Will. de, iil, 13, 46, 52, II4, 159, 383; Sir Will. de, iii, 97 Money-pit (Totternhoe), earth- work, i, 294 Monkhouse, Rev. W., i, 297; —, iii, 18, 20 Monk’s Close (Pulloxhill), ii, 376” Monmouth, duke of, ii, 58 ; iii, 441; Chas., earl of, iii, 111 Monoux, Alice, iii, 334; Anne, iii, 3293 Eliz., Lady, ili, 423; Eliz., ii, 177, 329; Frances, ii, 243 ; Geo., ill, 329 ; Sir Humph., ii, 56, gl, "243 | lil, 177, 339, 334, 335; Humph., ii, 41, 44; ii, 329, 331 5 ~ Lewis, ili, 329; Mary, iii, 330, 335; Sir Phil, li, 667, 69, 242, 243, 245; Ul, 20, 330, en ee 423; Thos., iii, 329 ; fam., ili, 276, 331, 334 : Montagu, John, marquess of, ii, 39 Montagu (Montague), Chas., see Manchester, duke of; Sir Edw., iii, 92; Edw., ii, 339; ili, 155, 169; Geo., ii, 275; Geo. H., iii, 387; Sir Hen., iii, 168; Mary, ui, 295; Rog., iii, 155; Sim., iii, 1553 Thos., li, 295; iii, 126: Will., ii, 341; ili, 387; Ld. Chief Justice, ii, 96 Montaigne, Geo., bp., bps. of Montalt, John de, iii, 370”; Milli- cent de, ili, 370”; "448, 449 Montfort, Edm. de, iii, 144; Hen. de, ii, 30; iii, 144; Sim. de, i, 372, 373%; U, 30, 31, 351; ml, 144, 229, 353; see also Leicester, earl of ; Thos. de, iii, 144; Will., le, iii, 119 m, 122; fam., li, 21 n Montgomery, Phil,, earl of, iii, 290 see Lincoln, Montgomery, Jane, ili, 391 ; Lewis, iii, 391 Monumental effigies, ii, 172, 217, 218, 232, 233, 249, 250, 265, 269, 273, 278, 279, 292, 312, 319), 324, 332, 343, 379; ill, 28, 39, 48, 68, 76, 120, 135, 148, 152, 184, '208, 214, 218, 222, 226, 232, 237, 241, 255, 260, 261, 264-6, 278, 281, 283, 295, 306, 307, 312, 314-16, 317 , 319, 328, 334, 340, 345, 348, 366, 373, 378, 382, 385, 388, 393, 397, 398, 410, 411, 413, 416, 418, 420, 423, 425, 434, 438, 441 2, 445-6, 461 A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Moody, Edm., iii, 340; F., iii, 340; Rob. S., iii, 340; Ursula, iii, 340 Moore (More), ), Edm., iii, 196 ; "Eliz., 1, 336”; Fran., ii, 146; iil, 384; Sir Hen., i; 336 2; iii, 198; Sir John, iii, 250 ; Dr. John, i, 336”; John, iii, 246, 415; Margery de la, ii, 276; Mary, iii, 246; Rich., iii, 201, 449; Rob. le (de la), ii 251”, 276; Will., li, 312 Moor End (Eaton Bray), cemetery, ili, 369; mill, iii, 370 Moor End (Felmersham), iii, 59 Moorland (Kempston), iii, 297 Moote, John, ii, 360; iii, 394 Moravians, 1, 344; iii, 4, 9, 31, 153, 157, fa Morcar, priest, i, 311 ; Ul, 344, 423 Mordaunt, bar., iii, 111 Mordaunt, Lds., i, 331 ”, 335; iii, 22, 35, 97, 100, III, II4, 116, 220; Hen., ii, 40; iii, 111, 326, 327; John, ili, 13, 113, 115, i207, 219, 329, 443; Lewis, iii, 51, 96, III, 113, I15, 253; John; vsct., li, 56 Mordaunt, Agnes, iii, 110”; Alice, iii, TIO; Anne, iii, 13, 117, 221, 326; Cecilia, iii, 246, 247, 253; Chas., ii, 60; iii, 111, 150; Edm., ii, 382 ; iii, 13, 110, 113, 114; Eliz., iii, 326, 329; Ellen, iii, 110; Eustace, iii, 60, 110, 112; Geo., ili, 246, 247, 253, 254, 259; Hen., iii, 116, 253; Joan, iii, 97: Joane, Lady, wi, riz; Sir John, iii, IIo, I1I, 116, 183; John, ii, 53 ; iii, 97, 98, 110, 231, 247, 253, 332; see also Peter- borough, earl of; Lewis, ii, 39; iii, 332 ; Marg., iti, 326 ; Maud de, iii, 324; Nichola de, iii, 324; Osmund, lii, 60; Rob., iii, 97, 98, II0, 112, 113; Will., ii, 147; iii, IIO, 114, 150, 221, 324; W., y iii, 210; Dr., li, 356, 373; wife of, i, 335”; fam., i, 335; li, 56, 293 ; ili, 55, 109, 116 Mordaunts Manor (Turvey), iii, 110; mill., iii, 114 More, fam., see Moore More Close (Kempston), iii, 302 Morecote, John, iii, 380 Morewood, Frances, iii, 282; Gilb., iii, 282 ; Grace, iii, 282 Morgan, Anne, ii, 330 ; Ant., ii, 330; Fran., ii, 330; Rob., ii, 278, 324, 343; "Thos. ., ti, 330, 378; Will., ili, 195, 398; ili, 326 Morice, see Morris’ Morin (Moryn), John, i, 388 ; iti, 65; Philippa, ili, 67; Ralf, i, 388, 389 n, 390; ili, 65, 66, 67, 212; fam., iii, 212 Morins, Rich. de, i, 371, 372, art 374) 377) 379, 401 1; ili, 363 Morinsbury, man. (Ravensden), iii 212 Morker, John, iii, 183, 216 Morkere, earl, ii, 22 Morley, Agnes, iii, 106; Hawisia de, iii, 426; Nich., iti, 106; Rob. de, iii, 426; S. K., iii, 157 Morrell, Anne, iii, 407; John, iii, 407 Morrells, man. (Leighton Buzzard), ul, 407 Morris (Morice, Morres), Agnes, ii, 252; iii, 225; Alice, iii, 291; Benj., ii, 359; Fran., iii, 255; Sir John, ii, 227; John, ii, 227, 252, 253, 329; iii, 225; Marg., ii, 3295, Thos., iii, 129%”, 291; Walt., iii, 443 ? Morrison, Sir Chas., ili, 253, 302, 376; Dorothy, Lady, iii, 376; Dorothy, iii, 302 ; Eliz., iii, 254; fam., ili, 324 Morsbury Hill, see Mossbury, earth- work Morteyn, Constance de, iii, 309; Edm. de, ili, 309, 433; Eliz., Lady, iii, 309 ; Eliz., i, 354, 357; ili, 23, 433; Eustace, ili, 433; Joan, iii, 406, 433; Sir John, iii, 309; John (de), iii, 309, 406, 433; Kath., iii, 386”, 433; Thos., iii, 433; Will., iii, 386, 433; fam., ili, 311, 313; see also Morton Morteynes man. (Stanbridge), iii 407 Mortimer, Agatha, ii, 351, 352; Hen., ii, 352 ; Hugh, ii, 235, 306, 3°97; 350, 351, ra 357) 358, 360, 366; Isabel, i, 391”; Joan, ii, 352; John, iii, 405; Marg., ii, 235, 352; iii, 281; Maud, ii, 352”; Petronilla de, ii, 307, 352; Rog., see March, earl of ; Will. de, ii, 307, 352 Morton, Ann, iii, 368 ; John de, iii, 422; see also Morteyn Mortuing, ii, 211 Morwen (Marwen, Morwenna), ii, 153; 1, 37 Moryn, see Morin Mossbury, earthwork (Ravensden), i, 306, 307; iii, 210, 212 Mossbury, man. (Tempsford), ii, 251, 252, 253 Mosses (Musci), i, 56-8 Moths (Heterocera), i, 80-88 Motor-car industry, ii, 127 Moubray, see Mowbray Moulsoe (Bucks), i, 357; Mounds, burial, Tumuli Mount Cabourn Camp (Sussex), Rom. rem., ii, 2, 6 Mounteagle, Lady, iii, 192 Mount Hill (Flitwick), earthwork, i, 286 ; iii, 284 Mountjoy, Ld., ii, 38 Mount Pleasant (Dunstable), pre- hist. rem., i, 160, 161 Mount Pleasant (Kensworth), pre- hist. rem., i, 166 Mowbray, Lds., iii, 30, 324; John, ii, 33; Thos., ii, 320; iii, 334 Mowbray (Moubray), Aliva de, ii, 300, 339; iii, 12, 262; Anne. de, li, 30I, 340; iii, 13, 263 ; Eleanor de, ii, 301 ; Eliz. de, ii, 301, 339; ili, 263, 264; Isabel, ii, 340; Sir John, 1, 379; ii, 211”; john de, li, 300, 301, 339; ili, 12, 13, 44, 137, 262, 263, 264, 329; see also Norfolk, dk. of ; Maud de, ii, 300, 341; iii, 12, 262, 329; Rog. de, li, 300, 339, 344; ili, 12, 44, 77, 262, 329; Thos., i, 379; see also Norfolk, dk. of; ‘fam., ii, 223, 2353 iti, Ir, 136 n, 205, 215, 433 Mowsbury Hill, see earthwork Moxhill (Willington), iii, 238, 262 Moyne, Fulk le, iii, 248 ; Juliana le, iii, 195; Rob. le, iii, 248; Will. le, iii, 195 Mudge, Frances, ii, 379; Rob., ii, 379 oe ee see Moggerhanger Muir, J. & A., ii, 120 Mulcaster, Rich., ii, 159 Mule, Nich. de, iii, "30% Multone, Thos. de, ii, 28 Munchensy, see Monchesnev 36 iii, 309 see Burials and Mossbury, Munt, —, iii, 361 Munt & Brown, iii, 351 Mural paintings, see Wall paintings Murdak, Christine, i, 390 ; Hen., see York, archbps. of Mursley, man. (Bucks), i, 370 Musgrave, Sir Chris., ii, 295; Ed- gar, ii, 296; Eliz. ‘(de), li, 295; ili, 162; Geo., ii, 296; Horace E, ii, 206; Joan de, iii, 162; Jos., li, 295, 296; Rich. de, iii, 162 ; Rob. de, iii, 162 Mustard, Christine, i, 386”; Sim., iii, 383 Muswell Hill, see Gooseberry-Bush Hill Mycetozoa (Myxomycetes), i, 66-7 Myddleton, see Milton Bryant and Milton Ernest Mydelton, see Milton Bryant and Milton Ernest Mylton Harneys, see Milton Ernest Mylward, see Milward Myrnut, Walt. de, iii, 85 Nailour, Mary, iii, 235 Napier, Eliz., Lady, ii, 363; Frances, ii, 353; Sir John, ii, 295, 364; John, li, 353 ; Penelope, ii, 3733 Rich., ii,” 307; Sir Rob., ii, 44, 54, 92, 295, 332, 349%, 350, 353, 354, 355, 356, 359, 360, 361, 363, 373, 374, 3753, Rob., ii, 307, 356; Sir Theo., ii, 295 0; Theo., ii, 353, 3753 fam., ii, 119 Nares (Nares Gladley), man., see Gladley Nares Gladley Farm, iii, 409 Neale (Neal, Neele), Bridg., iii, 415; Edm., ii, 360; Eliz., ii, 380; Esther, iii, 385; Hester, ili, 134; John, ii, 54”; iii, 134, 135; Jos., ii, 182 ”; iii, 136, 165, 170; Noah, iii, 157; Rich., iii, 134, 173; Thos., ii, 377, 378, 380 ; iii, 134, 173: ; —, iii, 132” Needham, Bridg., ii, 338; Eustace, iii, 328 ; Fran., iii, 198, 204; Geo., iii, 328 ; Jer., iii, 328; Mary, iii, 198 ; Maurice, iii, 328 Neele, see Neale Negoose, Thos., ii, 156 Negus, Henry, iii, 103 Nene, riv., i, 189; ii, 71 Neolithic ’Age, i, 158-67, 174, 269, 270; ii, 348 Netherbury, man. see Burdelys Nether Dean man. (Dean), iii, 133, (Gt. Barford), 134 Nethersted (Colmworth), iii, man. houses, i, 305 Nethertemple (Millbrook), iii, 318 Nevill (Neville), Alan de, ii, 144; Anne, iii, 14; Dorothy, iii, 14, 235, 330; Eliz., ii, 247, 275; iu, 13; Geo., iii, 133 see also Bedford, duke of ; Hen, iti, 14; Sir John, iii, 215, 235, 330 ; John (de), ii, 203, 247, 275; ili, 13, 14; Kath., ili, 145 Lucy, iii, 14, 46; Nich, de, ii, 289; iii, 63; Sir Rich., ili, 46; Rich., iii, 14; fam., iii, 46, 77, 96, 181, 212, 331, 383 New (Luton), ii, 361 Newark, Ad. of, i, 353 Newbottle, man., i, 376, 377 Newbury (Newberry) man. {Silsoe), li, 329, 330, 332 Newbury Farm Moat (Silsoe), ii, 186; 325 Newby, Thos. de, ili, 276 Newcastle, dk. of, li, 62”; Will., dk, of, iii, 43 ; earl ‘of, li, 345 New College (Oxford), ii, 160-75 ; ili, 324, 425 Newcombe, Steph., iii, 122 Newcome, —, bellfounders, ii, 226, 245, 254, 299, 312; iii, 29, 63, 94, 148, 208, 233, 250, 278, 283, 323, 393, 398 Newdigate, Anne, ii, 322; Ant., ii, 343; Sir John, ii, 190; John, iii, 326 ; Sir Rich., iii, 289 ; Sir Rob., 11, 339, 340; Rob., ii, 340, 341; ili, 326; Thos., ii, 322, 323 Newebond, Gunnora, de, ii, 255; Nich. de, ii, 255 Newell (Newill), Gabriel, iii, 280; John, iii, 280 ; Lucretia, iii, 80 Newenham, Ann, iii, 72; Will., iii, 72 Newes, Pet., iii, 259 Newhouse, abbot of, i, 314, 353 Newill, see Newell é Newman, Anne, ii, 235 ; Barth., iii, 225; Cecilia, iii, 225; Dan., ii, 235; Eliz., ii, 235”; John, iii, 184; Thos., ii, 241 ; iii, 200 Newmarket, ii, 191 Newmarket Heath, earthworks, i 157; y 176 New Mill End (Luton), ii, 374 Newnham (Goldington), i, 315, 316, 362”, 379; iii, 202; A.S. rem., i, 186; man., iii, 205 Newnham, man. (Biddenham), iii, 37 Newnham Priory, i, 303, 305, 313, 314, 315%, 317, 322, 326, 331 n, 332, 349, 350, 354, 362, 371”, 372, 377-85; Ui, 145, 153, 154, 215, 257, 258, 301, 338; iii, 2, II, 12, 16”, 24, 29, 37, 88, 99, 91,95, 97, 98, Too, 114, 180, 202-6, 208, 210, 212, 214, 216, 221, 235, 236, 237, 258, 261, 264, 266, 331, 334, 335, 342, 353, 378, 406, 424, 425 ; endowment, i, 350, 380; ii, 218; foundation, i, 377, 391; mills, i, 305; ii, 155; iti, 206; priors, i, 328, 372”, 381, 391; , 154, 155, 218%; iii, 12, 23, 30, 90, 184, 185, 203, 204, 216, 236, 342 Newport, Anne, ctss. of, ii, 347, 382; Mountjoy, earl of, ii, 347, 382 Newport, Mercia, ii, 378”; Will., ii, 378” Newport Pagnell (Bucks), ii, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51; ili, 271 New Rowney Farm (Southill), iii, 259 Newton (Dunton), ii, 218, 219 Newton, Frances, ii, 378 ; Humph., lii, 21”; John, iit, 21”; Rich. de, i, 401, 402; Will., ii, 378 ; iii, 21n; —, iii, 31 Newton Blossomville (Bucks), iii, 114 Newton Bromswold (Northants), ii, 71; ili, 123, 175 Newtonbury, man. (Dunton), see Dunton Chamberlain Nichol, see Nicoll Nicholas, archd. of Beds, i, 313, 379 %, 390” Nicholas’s Mill (Flitwick), iii, 287 Nicoll (Nichol), Edw., iii, 429; Thos., iii, 429; Will., iii, 31 Nicolls, Mary, iii, 388; Rob., iii, 271; Rog., iti, 73 Noble, Geo., ii, 270 Nodes, Chas., ti, 234; Geo., ii, 234, 286, 287; iii, 39; Helen, iii, 39; John, ii, 382 ; iii, 261 Noel, Jas., ti, 235; John, ii, 235 No-man’s-land Common (Herts), palezolithic impl., i, 150 INDEX Nones Stocking Close (Chicksands), ii, 266 Norbury (Norbery), Anne, iii, 78, 373; Sir Hen., iii, 78; Joan, iii, 78; Sir John, iii, 78; Will., iii, 126 Norfolk, assessment of, ii, 48 ” Norfolk, ctsses. of, Constance, iii, 12; Marg., i, 351”; Maud, iii, 439; dchsses. of, Eliz., ii, 223, 267, 301, 340; Eleanor, ii, 268, 275; dks. of, i, 363, 364; iii, 166”, 211, 237, 238, 239; iii, 418; John, ii, 220%, 223, 268, 275, 283”, 301; Phil., iii, 192; Thos., ii, 267 ”, 301, 340; iii, 12, 41, III, 263; earls, ii, 220, 223, 268; ili, 71”; John, iii, 12; Rog., iii, 439; Thos., ii, 339; iii, 12 Norgewele, see Northill Norman, iii, 247 Norman, Rob., ii, 293 ” Norrell, see Northill Norris, Hen., iii, 172 ; Sir John, ii, 46; Sarah E., iii, 187; Toby, ii, 299 ; Ul, 135 Nortgible, see Northill Nortgivele, see Northill Nortgylle, see Northill North, Chas., iii, 151 ; Sir Edw., iti, 30; Gilb., iii, 123, 180 Northampton, iii, I0; Holy Trinity, iii, 40 Northampton, earldom of, iii, 408 Northampton, earls of, iii, 209, 428; Sim., i, 387 ”, 388; ii, 255; Will., iii, 168, 169, 172, 208 Northampton, Rich. of, i, 353 Northamptonshire, lace ind., ii, 122, 123, 124 Northaw Wood, ii, 361 ” North End (Stagsden), iii, 96 North End Farm (Odell), iii, 69 Northewell, John de, ii, 362 Northfleet, Thos. de, ii, 214 Northiell, see Northill Northill, i, 331, 365, 403; ii, 6, 43, 95 ”, 116; iii, 175, 176, 227, 238, 239, 242-51; adv., iii, 250; anct. burials, ii, 1; chant., i, 329; ii, 92; char., iii, 251; chs., i, 331, 349, 403 ; ili, 249, 273; copyhold at, ii, 90; mans., ii, 77; iii, 243; mills, iii, 247; rectors, i, 403; Rom. rem., ii, 9; ili, 243; schs., ii, 183 ; iii, 242 Northill College, i, 403 ; ii, 92, 251; iii, 244, 250 x, Northill College Farm, iii, 244 Northill College Manor, iii, 244 Northumberland, earldom of, ii, 20, 22 Northumberland, Kath., ctss. of, iii, 114; earls of, ii, 42; Hen., iii, 14; Siward, iii, 168; Tostig, ii, 22; Uhtred, ii, 20 Northwood, man. Norwood Northwood (Northwode), Alice de, ii, 328 ; Gilb. de, iii, 396; Hen. de, ii, 328; iii, 320, 323, 396; John de, iii, 323, 396; Rich. de, ii, 328; Sim. de, i, 327; Thos. de, ii, 328 Northwood End (Haynes), ii, 338 Norton, Alice de, iii, 224 ; Brett, iii, 259; Eliz. de, ii, 322; Sir Geo., li, 363; Graveley, ii, 382; Hen., ii, 382; Isabella (de), ii, 383; Sir John, ii, 377, 380; John, ii, 312; Lettice, ii, 382 ~; Luke, ii, 361, 382, 383; Pet. de, ii, 322; Sir Ralph de, ii, 322; Rich., ii, 184%, 310, 312, 360, 377, 383, 37 Hosp. of (Luton), see Norton (cont.) 384; Rob., ii, 382; Sarah, iii, 259; Thos. (de), ii, 322, 376, 377, 382, 383 ; Walt., ii, 382, 383 ; Will. (de), ii, 382, 383 ; iii, 224; Col., ii, 47 Nortyevele, see Northill Norwell, see Northill Norwich, Dr. Tanners, archd. of, ii, 170; Fran. White, bp. of, ii, 162 : Norwich, Mary, ctss. of, iii, 330; Edw., earl of, iii, 330 Norwich, Anne, iii, 340; Greg., i, 387 ; Ralph, iii, 340 Norwood (Ridgmont), iii, 323 Norwood, man. (Luton), ii, 350, 363 Norwood, man. (Silsoe), ii, 328, 329, 332; chant., ii, 333 Norwood, Edm., iii, 326 ; John, iii, 326; Thos., iii, 326 Notley Grange (Bucks), ii, 385 Notley Priory (Bucks), i, 38772, 388 n; ii, 273, 385 Nottinge, see Knotting Nottingham, Anne, ctss. of, ii, 340; John, earl of, ii, 339; iii, 12, 263 ; Thos., earl of, see Norfolk, dk. of ; Will., earl of, ii, 301, 340 Nowers, Grace de, ii, 358; Joan, ili, 118 ; John de, ii, 358 ; iii, 118 ; Rich. de, iii, 118; Rog. de, iii, 118, I19, 122 Nunwood (Harrold), iii, 64, 66 Nurse, Will., ii, 342 ” Nussa, Terricus de, i, 394 Nutley (Bucks), see Notley (Bucks) Nutley, Luke of, i, 401, 402 Nyandser, John, ii, 385”; Marg., ii, 385” Oakden, Sim., iti, 165 Oakely, see Oakley Oakes Farm (Kempston), iii, 302 Oaklands (Aspley Guise), iii, 338 Oakley, i, 335 ”; ii, 115, 166, 188 ; iii, 76, 123, 128, 130, 131, 149-53; adv., i, 384; ili, 152; bridge, iii, 149, 150; chant., iii, 153 ; Char., iii, 153; ch., i, 315 ”, 318, 382; iii, 130, 131, 132, 151; fishery, ili, 149; mans., iii, 149 ; mills, iii, 149, 150; Nonconf., iii, 153; place-names, iii, 149; sch., ii, 183; vicarage, i, 317; witch- craft at, ii, 100; iii, 149 Oakley, Fran., iii, 9 ; Will., iii, 18 2 Oakley Club, ii, 189 Oakley Hill, iii, 149 Oakley House (Oakley), ii, 187 ; iii, 149 Oakley Hunt, ii, 187-90; iii, 144 Oakley Hunt steeplechases, ii, 194 Oakley Reynes, man. (Oakley), iii, 149 Obness (Bolnhurst), i, 276 Occliffe, see Hockliffe Ocle, see Oakley Ocle-cum-Clapham, man. ham), iii, 130, 150 Octona, see Houghton Conquest Odecroft, hun., iii, 391 Odell, ii, 44, 115 ; iil, 34, 50, 54, 59, 69-76, 77, 100, 102 ; adv., iii, 76; ch., i, 300; iii, 75; earthwork, i, 300; fairs and mkts., ii, 88; ili, 35, 69, 73; forest offences, li, 144; ind., ii, 69; land values, li, 92; Mans., iii, 73-74; mills, i, 300; iii, 59, 73, 74; sch., ii, 184 Odell, bar., i, 300; ii, 30”, 234 ”, 282, 326, 328 ; iii, 69, 71-4, 84, 92, 105, 106, 113, 118, 146, 314, 321, 322, 448, 449 (Clap- A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Odell, hon. of, ii, 283 ; ili, 82, 159 Odell, Little, man., iii, 69, 73, 74 Odell, Rob. (of), i, 365; iii, 46, 311 ; Steph., ili, 31; Thos., iii, 311; see also Wahiull Odell Castle, i, 300; Odell woods, ili, 69 Odley, Odyll, see Odell Offa, king of Mercia, i, 190, 309, 310, 315M; li, 20, 314, 361; iii, I51, 401 Offley (Herts), iii, 349 Offley, John, ii, 63; Sir Thos., ii I6I ; —, iii, 20 Oger, ii, 22 Oilgi, Oilli, de, see Doyley Okele, see Oakley Okey, Thos., ili, 323; Col., iii, 64, 271, 404 Okley, see Oakley Olaf, priest, ii, 341 Oldteild, Rich., ii, 299, 373 Oldham, Hugh, i, Sim., iii, 201 Old Ramerick Farm (Holwell), ii 286 Old Rowney Farm (Southill), iii, 259 Olive Ground, close (Leighton Buz- zard), ili, 404 Oliver, Jas., ili, 154; Jane, iii, 203 ; John) ii, 2857: N. D. T., ii, 199; Sim., iii, 154; Will., iii, "203 Oliver's Ditch (Clapham), iii, 130 Olivier, Dan. S., ii, 182, 280; Mary A., ii, 280 ; Susanna, ii, 280 Olney (Bucks), ii, 187; iii, 418; mkt., iii, 69 Olney, Goditha, iii, 219; Rob., iii 219 Ombersley, barons of, ii, 330 O’Neill, Rev. —, ii, 374 Ongley, Lds., ii, 70, 231; 254; Rob., ili, 253, 257 Ongley, E., ii, 194: Frances, ii, 243 ; F., ii, 194; R. H., ii, 63, 64; Sir Sam., iii, 255; Sam., li, 60, 62, 243 Ordui (Ordwig), iii, ee 258, 327 Ordway, John, ii, 385 Ordwig, see Ordui Orewell, Alan de, iii, 214 Orford, "Edw., earl of, iii, 376 Orkneys, the, straw-hat ind., ii, 120 Orlebar, Rev. A., i, 283; Diana, ili, 60, 81, 87; Geo., iii, 82, 86, 233; Jane, iii, 86; John, iii, 82, 85, 94, 146 ; Judith, iii, 60; Marg., ili, 86, 233; Rich., ii, 59, 69 ; iii, 81, 82, 83, 86, 873 Rich, R. B., iii, "81, 82, 83, "87; Thos., iii, 60, 87; Ursula, iii, 60; Will. lii, 69, 73, 102 2 ii, 55; 229; Rob., ii 399; ili, 408; iii, 253, Av, iit, 84, 87; Mrs., ii, 122; —, iii, 80 Ormond, dk. of, iii, 4 Ormond, Joan, iii, 191; John, iii, I9I Ormsby, Arth., iii, 154; Marg., iii, 154 Ornaments, A.S., i, 179, 181, 182, 184, 187, 189, 190; ii, 266; iii, 57, 402; Rom., ii, 6, 10, 14, 15; Rom.-Brit., il, II, 14 Orwelle Meade (Clifton), ii, 278 Osbaldiston, Dorothy, ii, 236; John, iii, 236; Rich., iii, 236 Osbern, ili, 42, 52, 92, 195, 207” Osbert, i, 313; iii, 118, 138, 448 Osborn (Osborne), Sir ‘Algernon, ii, 197; Sir Algernon K. B., ii, 270, 271, 273, 291, 342, 3445 Alice, iil, 39; Sir Daniel, ii, 270; Sir Danvers, ii, 61, 66 n, 2735 Dorothy, ii, 275; Sir Edw., iii, 244; Edw., ili, *39, 244, 250: Osborn (cont.) Eliz., iti, 244; Sir Geo., ii, 63”, 64, 69, 268, 273, 291 ; Sir Geo. R., ii, 66”; Hen., ii, 271; Sir John, ii, 69, 269, 270, 271, 273, 275; 342; John, ii, 59, 66%, 276; Sir Pet., ii, 43, 271, 273, 344; Pet., ii, 271, 275, 270, 342, 344; Sarah, ii, 61, 280; Thos., ii, 270, 280; Mrs., ii, 62, en 64; iii 428 ’ Osborne, Ld. F. G., ii, 193 Oseney Abbey, see Osney Osgodby, Ad. de, iii, 461 Osiet, iii, 46, 248 Oskytel, archbp., see York, archbps. of Osmund, canon, iii, 37 Osney Abbey, i, 383; lil, 153 ” Ossington (Notts), 1, 394 Ossory, earl of, ii, 192 Ossory, Upper, earl of, see Upper Ossory Osulf, iii, 112, 149 Oswulf, iii, 431 Ottobon, ii, 32 Ottway, Rich., iii, 63 Oughtred, Sir Ant., iii, 158 Oundle, ii, 17 ” Ouse, man. (Sharnbrook), iii, 91, 92 Ouse, riv., i, 1, 27, 28, 43; ii, 71; earthworks near, i; 280; isls. in, ili, 195, 202; Rom.-Brit. settle. ment near, Ul, 5 Ousel (Ouzel or Lovat), riv., ii, 71 Oustone, see Houghton Conquest Over (Cambs.), ii, 241 Overdean, man. (Dean), mills, iii, 133 Overhey Wood, iii, 43 Overstone (Northants), iii, 122 Ovy, Anne, iii, 97; Nich., iii, 97; Philippa, iii, 97 Ow, Ailmar d’, iii, 258; Will. de, li, 267” Owen, Jane, iii, 265 ; Hen., iii, 265 ; fam., iii, 266 Owens & Co., ii, 261 Ox Close (Goldington), iii, 208 ” Oxenbridge, Frideswide, Lady, iii 343; Sir Thos., iii, 343 Oxenbrigge, John, ii, 299 Oxford, iii, 16, 17; siege, ii, 49 Oxford, Isabel, ctss. of, i, 366”; iii, 314; earls of, iii, 310; Hugh, ii, 314; John, iii, 263; Rob., ul, 314, 459%” Oxfordshire, lace ind., Oxhey Chapel, ii, 317 Oyldeboef (Wildeboe!), John, i, 386 ; iii, 239, 332; Laura, ui, 239, 332; Marg. de, iii, 187 ; Ralf de, iii, 186 ; Rich. de, iii, 186; Walt., iii, 186, 187; Will., iii, 154, 186° ; Oyley, d’, see Doyley Ozingell, i, 181 ” ili, 133-4; li, 123 Pabenham, par., see Pavenham Pabenham (Pavenham), Agnes, iii, 41; Alice, iii, 50; Athelina, iii, 50; Eleanor, iii, 77; Elena de, ili, 223 ; Eliz, li, 243 iii, 57, 77; Sir Jas., iii, 211; Jas. de, iii, 50, et 259, 330; Joan, iii, 77, 259 ; Sir John de, iii, 258; John de, ii, 145; ili, 41, 43, 50, 57, 64, 67, 77 79) 83, 85, 223, 224, 226, 258 ; Kath., iii, 77, 191 ; Laur. de, il, 243 ; iii, ‘64, 97; 1Or; Margery, iii, 50, 211, 224, 330; Rich. de, iii, 67; Thos. , ll, 77, 85, 224 Pack & Chapman, ii, 373 ; ili, 366 Page, Chas., iii, 416 : Eliz., Lady, iii, 435; Eliz., lii, 435; Frances, 38 Page (cont.) ii, 379; Sir Greg., iii, 344; Hen., iii, 76 ; John, ii, 379, 380° Matth., ii, 377; Pet., ii, 377; iii, 375; Sir Rich., iii, 385, 435 ; Rich., ii, 379, 380; Will. S., iti, 416 Paget (Pagett), Sir Will., ii, 377 ; ili, 443; Rev., —, iii, 154 Page- -Turner, Sir Edw., ii, 363, 385; F. A., ii, 363, 383, 385, 387; iii, 434, 435; Sir Greg., li, 385; ili, 343, 344, 422, 434; fam., lii, 435 Pakenham Park (Carlton), iii, 50 Pakinton, i, 360 Palace Yard (Splashyard), wood, (Roxton), i, 302 Paleolithic implements, see ‘Imple- ments Paleolithic races, i, 151 Paleolithic rem., i, 145-58 Palzontology, i, 33-35 Palldocke, John, iii, 208 Palmer, Chas., ili, 236, 253; Chas. F., ii, 189; iii, 2453 Dorothy, iii, 236 ; Rev. Fran., ii, 246; Fran., iii, 14 2; G,, ii, 48; Hen., ii, 277 5 Hen. Fs iii, 245; John 6, 358; Madeline, Lady, iii, he Rob., iii, 253; Sam., ili, 9; Sir Thes., ii, 268, 358%, 377, 380; Thos., ii, 329; tii, 253; Sir Will., li, 43; iii, 253; Will., iii, 162 ; ? i, 52 y Pannells Grove (Leighton Buzzard), ul, 409° Papiatem (Caddington), ii, 315 Papley, Walt., ili, 312 Paradine, Capell, ili, 25; John, iii, 25; Martha, iii, 25; Mary, iii, 31; Rob., ili, 156, 226; Sarah, ili, 33; Thos., iii, 22, 32; see also Parentine Parage, Rob., i, 350” Parcell (Parsell), Mary, iii, 247 ; Nath., iii, 247; Will., ii, 291 Pardoe, ’Rob., ii, 430 Pare, John, iti, 392 sd pe (Parentin), Ellen de, iii, ; Rob., iii, 74, 90, 91; Will, ii, "159; ‘fam., iii, Q1; see also Paradine Parentines, man. (Sharnbrook), iii, gI Pares, Thos., ii, 296 Paris (Parys), Amicia, ii, 330; Fulk of, ii, 211; Matth., i, 310, 354, 359; Rob. de, i, 396, 397; ui, 330; Will. de, i, 352 Parke (Park), Sir Jas., iii, 270; Rog., ii, 341 Park End (Stevington), iii, 100 Parker, Hen., iii, 349; John, iii, 3253 —y1, 345 Park Farm (faton Bray), ili, 369 Park Grange (Old Warden), iil, 254 Park House Farm (Podington), iii, 80 Parkinson, W., iii, 428 Parks, ii, 146-7 Park Wood (Harrold), iii, 64 Parliamentary representation, ii, 33-4 Parr, Eliz., iii, 72; Hen., iii, 392 Kath., iii, 14; Sir Will., iti, 72; —, ii, To4 Parratt, Thos., ii, 40 Parry, —, ii, 121 Parsell, Will., see Parcell Parsonage Close (Leighton Buz- zard), iii, 415, 416 Parsonage Farm (Haynes), ii, 342 ” Parsons, John, iii, 301 ; in 34 iii, 301 ; "Thos., iii, 301; Will., iii, 332; —, li, 165 Partington, Thos., ii, 299 Partridge, Jos. A., iii, 259, 276; Steph., ili, 151; Wharton, iii, 128 ; Mrs., ii, 314 Parys, see Paris Paschall, Rob., iii, 451 Passelowe (Passelewe, Passaquam), Alice de, ii, 283; Amicabilia, iii, 367; Gilb., iil, 36, 37, 44%, 386, 387 2; Joan, iii, 46; Ralph, li, 36, 39, 343, 345, 386; Rob., ii, 283, 382; iii, 339; Thos., iii, 36; Will (de), ii, 283 ; iii, 36, 38, 39, 46 : Paston, Agnes, iii, 60, 107, 158, 187 Patenham, see Pavenham Patersen, John W., iii, 447 Patishull (Pateshull, Pattishall), Agnes de, iii, 41; Alice (de), ii, 45; iii, 136; Isabel, iii, 45; Sir John de, i, 325”; John de, ii, 34; ill, 15, 41, 42, 45, 46, 52, 61, 71M, 105, 107, 137, 215, 329, 330; Kath. de, ili, 15, 136, 330; Mabel, Lady de, i, 395 ; Mabel de, iii, 330; Martin, ii, 28 ; Sibyl de, iii, 41, 136; Sir Sim. de, ili, 45; Sim. de, i, 366, 385; ii, 30; iii, I4, 40, 61, 107, 184, 330; Walt. de, ili, 40; Will. (de), ili, 15, 41, 45; 136, 215, 33°, 424 i Lady, i, 355”; fam., iii, 91, 181, 206, 235 Patnam, see Pavenham Patten, Mary A., ili, 274 Pattishall (Northants), i, 371%, 376, 377 Paulet (Powlett), Agnes, Lady, iii, 384; Anne, iii, 177; Eliz., iii, 177; Sir Will, iti, 277, 384; Will, iii, 177 Pauncefote, Isabel, i, 386 ” Paunfort Lodge (Ampthill), iii, 268 Paveley, Joan, iii, 143; Rich., iii 143 Pavement, Rom., ii, 12, 223 Pavenham, i, 318 ; ii, 115, 124, 139; iii, 34, 50, 60, 76-80, I00, 104, 143 ; adv., ili, Bo ; char., i, 80; ch., i, 318. iii, 63, 793 inclosure, iii, "ae inds., ji, 124-5; iii, 76; mans., ili, 49, 50, 51%, 57, 76-79, 83, 330; mill, iti, 78; sch., li, 184 Pavenham, bar., ili, 248 Pavenham, fam., see Pabenham Pavenham Bury (Pavenham), iii, 76, 145 Pavenham rush matting and wicker basket industries, ii, 124-5 Paxton, Gt. (Hunts), ii, 246 Paxton, Edm., iii, 18; Sir Jos., 343 Payne (Payn), Cath., ii, 242; Sir Chas., li, 252; Chas., iii, 3393 Chas. S., iii, 228; Sir C, G., ii, _ 667; Dan., iii, 85, 87; Fran. a? 82, 119; Sir Gillies (Gillias), il, 65, 252; ili, 330, 335; John, iii, 330; Mary, ill, 330, 335; Sir Pet., ii, 66”; Pet., iii, 330%”; Phil., ill, 330; "Rob. le, ill, 186 ”; Sybil, iii, 82, 119; Thos. , iii, 60, 82; _ li, 82, 85, "86, 87, 119; —, ii, 65 . : Paynel (Paynell), Eliz., ii, 345° Joan, iii, 234, 331; "Ralph, ii 345; iii, 45, 46, 52, 98, 234’ 331; Thos., li, 330, 345; fam.’ ili, 206 Peake, Edw., ii, 179, 215, 255 Pearce, Mary, ii, 317 Pearles, Anne, iii, 119 Pearse, —, iii, 277 INDEX Pearson, Geo. J. H., ii, 246 ; see also Pierson Pear Tree Close (Turvey), ili, 114 ” Peasants’ Rising, ii, 35, 90 Peat, Thos., ii, 185 ” ; iii, 226 Peche, Hugh, lili, 229; Ida, iii, 229 Pechesdone, see Pegsdon Peck, John, ii, 363; iii, 183; R., iii, 218; Will., ii, 36 Peckham, archbp., i, 375 Pecohe, Edw., iii, 156 Peddar (Pedder), Agnes, iii, 366; Alys, ili, 425 ; John, iii, 366, 425 ; Marg., ili, 366 ; Matilda, iii, 366 ; fam., iii, 424 Pedley, John, ii, 318; Will., iii, 183; W., ili, 185; —, ul, 133; ili, 183 ; fam., ii, 316; iii, 184 Peel, vsct., ii, 66, 231, 242, 244 Peel, Arth., ii, 231; B. L., ii, 199; Sir Rob., ii, 244; Sir Will., ii, 244 . Peers, John, iii, 31 Pegsdon (Shillington), ii, 25, 79, 294, 295%, 296, 299; farm, ii, 82 ; man., i, 312; ii, 296, 297 Peile, Dr., ii, 374 Pekesdene, see Pegsdon Pelham, Chas. A., see Yarborough Peling, man., see Pillage, man. Pemberton, Goddard, ii, 54, 55; John, iii, 208, 311, 333; Sir Lewis, ii, 268; Mary, ii, 268; Ralph, iii, 333; Rob., iii, 333; Rog., iii, 333 ae Pembridge, Sir Fulk, iii, 299; Marg., Lady, iii, 299 Pembroke, ctsses. of, iii, 4o ; Elea- nor, ii, 306, 350; Isabel, li, 384; Joan, ii, 223; Mary, iii, 290; Maud, ii, 223 ”; earls of, ii, 211, 224, 227; il, 64, 314; ” Anselm Marshal, ii, 223, 351; Aymer de Valence, ii, 2753 Gilb., li, 226, 228, 229; John Hastings, ii, 238; Laur. de Hastings, iii, 229 ; Walt. Marshal, ii, 220, 267; Will, nee iii, 173; Will. Marshal, , 306, 350, 356, 384, 439, 441, pies Will. de Valence, li, 223 Pembroke Hall (Camb.), ili, 248 Pendrid, Will, ii, 245 Penne, John de la, ili, 133 Penneclose (Wootton), ili, 333 Pennefather, Edw., ii, 38 o Pennyfathers Hill’ (Maulden), ili, 313 Penruddocke, Sir Thos., Penthelyn, John, ii, 373 Penyston, Fran., iii, 442, 454 Penythorn, Will., iii, 145 Perche, count of, li, 350”; Geoff., ill, 439, 442, 446 - Percival, Sir John, ii, 158, 159 Perdington, Maud, iii, 211 Perot, see Pirot Perots (Beeston-Caldecote, Trump- ingtons), man. (Northill), iii, 248 Perry Hill Farm (Cranfield), iii, 278 Personal Strongholds, i, 285-303 Pertenhall (Pertenhale), i, 297”; ii, 72, 115; iii, 123, 137, 138, 153-7, 159; adv., ili, 156; char., ii, 184”; iii, 157; ch., i, 337”; iii, 155; Man., iu, 153, 154, 166; moats, iii, I 53; Noncont., iii, 153; sch., ii, 18 Pertenhall, Eustace de, iii, Rich. de, iii, 155 Pertenhall Hoo Farm, iii, 153 Pertesoil, Athelina, iii, 159; Eliz., iii, 159; John, iii, 159; Rob., iii, 159; Rog., lii, 159; Sim., iii, 159; Will., ili, 159 39 ili, 196 1552; Pertsoills (Pertesoyles), man. (Ris- ley), iii, 159 . Perys, Agnes, ii, 209; Thos., ii, 209 Peshall (Peshale), Aliva, ii, 300, 339; Sir Rich., ii, 339; iii, 263 Peterborough, R. Clavering, bp. of, iii, 179 Peterborough, earls of, ii, 4o”, 53, 56, 59, 60; ili, 114-17; Chas. H., iii, LII; ; Hen., ii, 43 ; iii, 51, 111 ; John, li, 293; iii, 51, 111; fam., ui, 37” Peterborough Abbey, i, 312; iii, 70 Peters, Rich., ii, 357 Petever, Alice, iii, 355; John, iii, 355 Petre, Eliz., ili, 203, 209 ; Sir John, iii, 203; John, ili, 209; Sir Will., ili, 203, 218 ”; Dr., i, 367, 368 Pettit, fam., iii, 388 Pever (Peyver, Peyvre), Avice, iii, 440%”; Beatrice, ili, 442; John, il, 328; iii, 153, 440-2, 4467; Marg., i, 402; ili, 346, 366, 440; Maria, iii, 442; Mary, iii, 346, 366, 440, 442; Nich., ili, 137, 153, 440, 442; Paul (Paulinus), i, 325”; i, 343, 439, a 444, 440; Rog., ili, 153, 346, 444; Thos., i, 402 ; ili, 346, 366, 440-2, 4533 fam., iii, 166, 446 Peverel, hon. of, iii, 57, 223, 225, 433 Peverel (Peverell, Peveril), Edm., ii, 224, 227, 263; Isabella, ii, 224%; John, ii, 224, 227; Jordan, ii, 372; Marg., ii, 224 ; Rob., ii, 309, 310; Will., i, 314; iii, 57, 86, 433; fam. of, ii, "262 Peyncourt, Egiina, iii, 59; Nich., ili, 59; Rich., iii, 59; Walt., iii, 60 Peyton (Payton), Marg., ii, 286 ; Rob., ii, 286; Thos., ii, 286; Will., ii, 122 Peyver (Peyvre), see Pever Pheasant, —, iii, 18 Philibert, Hugh de, ii, 362 Philip, Alice, Lady, ili, 403, 429; Sir John, iii, 403, 429; Will., iii, 423 Phillips Edw., Fran., (Philips, Phillipps), Sir ili, 260; Edw., ii, 332; li, 212; iii, 30, "201, 2553 Frank, iii, 287; "Jos, iii, 325; Thos., iii, 325 Phillpotts, Jas. S., ii, 149, 175, 176, 177; Hen., see Exeter, bps. of Pick, see Pyke Pickering, Dorothy E., iii, 259 ; Sir Edw., iti, 461; Eliz., Lady, iii, 461 ; Eliz., iii, 428; Sir Gilb., iii, 461; Helen, iii, 428; Montagu, uli, 461; Thos., iii, 428; see also Puckering Pickford, Thos., ii, 314 Pickle industry, ii, 118 Pickman, Rich., ii, 222 ; iii, 273 Picks (Pykes), man. (Luton), ii, 359; 355) 363 Pickshill (Stevington), iii, 102 Picot, Ad., iii, 46, 331; Anabella, iii, 46, 331; Bald., ii, 46, 234, 235, 331; Dorothy, lil, 235; Isabel, iii, 235 ; Joan, ill, 45, 234, 331; john, 1, 325”; ii, 381; iil, 46, 234, 235, 330, 331; Laur., ili, 366; Mich., iii, 45, 46, 234, 331; Will., iii, 46; ‘fam., lii, 206 ; see also Pigott Pictavus, iii, 2 Picts Hill Gorse (Turvey), iii, 110 Pierson, Thos., ii, 385; —, ii, 168 ; see also Pearson A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Pigeon, Edm., ii, 377; iii, 375; Walt., iii, 272, 272 n Pigham, Will., iii, 219 ” Pigott (Piggot, Pigot, Pygot, Pygott), Anne, ii, 338; Bald., iii, I5, 92, 296; Benj., ii, 338; Bridg., ii, 338; Dorothy, iii, 15; Eleanor, i, 390 ; ii, 211, 224, 248 ; ili, 248; Eliz., ii, 224”; Fran., li, 211, 221, 224, 244, 248 ; iii, 248, 258, 259, 449; Hen., ii, 179, 180; ili, 292 ; Jane, ii, 385; Joan, iii, 15, 295; John, ii, 211, 2243 iii, 15, 215, 216; Laur., lii, 456; Lewis, ii, 211, 224; Marg., i, 357; ii, 211; Margery, iii, 259; Mary, ii, 338; Mich., ii, 211, 224; iil, I5, 2953 Rob., iii 449; Thos., ii, 211, 224; iii, 227, 248, 258, 259, 432, 449; Will., iii, 449; fam., ii, 204 Pilgrim, W. , iii, 44i Pillage, man. (Marston Moretaine), ii, 310 Pillinge field (Wootton), iii, 335 Pilling Grene (Wootton), iii, 329 Pilling-in-Wootton, man. (Wootton), ili, 332 Pilling Rowsberry, man. (Wootton), ili, 332 Pilling Shingay, man., see Pilling- in-Wootton Pilsworth, Edw., ii, 299 Pinch, mill of (Sharnbrook), iii, 91 Pinchgut Farm (Marston), iii, 307 Pinfold Hill (Ampthill), iii, 275 Pink (Pinke), Rob., ii, 162, 163 Pinkney, Agnes, iii, 71; Sir Hen., iii, 71; Hen. de, iii, 396, 436; Isabella de, iii, 436; Rob. de, ili, 436 f Piozzi, Hester L., ii, 357 ” Pipard, see Pippard Pipewell Abbey (Northants), ii, 7) ili, 24, 84 ,219, 221; abbot, i, 367” Pipon, iii, 446 Pippard (Pipard), Ad., iii, 206; Ralph, iii, 16; Rob., iii, 206; Walt., iii, 206 Pippin Wood (Bletsoe), iii, 40 Pirot, ii, 382 ”, 383; iii, 196, 199, 246, 247, 248 Pirot (Pyro, Pyrot), Elyas de, ii, 81; John, i, 371”; ii, 380; Ralph, i, 366, 372”; li, 30, 32, 81, 380; ili, 51, 54, 196, 248, 379, 380, 381, 382; Reg., iii, 379; Rich., i, 372; iii, 382; Will., i, 371 2; ii, 377, 379, 380; fam, u, 324 Pirot’s Manor, see Perots Pirton (Herts), ii, 287 Pisaquila, see Puisaquila Pisen, Rob., ii, 270 Pitchford, Admiral, iii, 90 Pittman-Coppin, Rev. John, ii, 317; ii, 406; John C,, ii, 317; Mary, ii, 317; Susan, ii, 317 Pitt-Rivers, General, i, 175; ii, 2 Pitts, John, i, 399 ; iii, 22 Place, Will., iii, 49 Plantagenet, Anne, iii, 171; Blanche, iii, 101 ; Edm., see Kent, earl of ; Eleanor, iii, 171 ; Hen., see Lancaster, earl of; Marg., li, 223; Rich., see York, duke of; Thos., ii, 223 ; see also Gloucester, dk. of Playdell, Will., Plenties, man. 363, 364 Pleshey (Essex), iii, 126 Plomer, John, i, 393; Sir Will., iii, 2533; Will., ii, 212 ; iii, 253 ili, 310 (Luton), ii, 350, Plumpton (Northants), iii, 70 ” Plunket, —, ii, 163 Pocklington, John, i, 337, 338; iii, 179 Podington, i, 305, 336, 337; 394 | ii, 71, 115, 326; iil, 34, 57, 69, 80-7, 117, II9, 122; adv., iii, 87; char., iii, 87; ch., i, 315 n, 336; iii, 86; farms, iii, 80, 81; man., iii, 82, 87, 105 ; man.-house, iii, 83; mills, ili, 82, 85; place- names, iii, 82; sch., ii, 184; vicarage, i, 316” Podington, Lady Emma de, iii, 82 Podintone, see Podington Podio Barsaco, John de, i, 327; ili, 408; Pontius de, i, 327” Poer, John le, ii, 354 Poinz, Joan, iii, 268, 271; iii, 268, 271 Pole, Joan de la, ii, 227; John de la, ii, 227; Marg., de la, ii, 224, 227; Cardinal Reg., i, 333, 399; ili, 72; Rob., ii, 310; Will. (de la), li, 224, 310; ili, 216, 403; fam., ii, 262 Polehanger, man. (Meppershall), 1i, 290, 291 Polehanger Farm (Meppershall), ii, 288, 291 Poley, Alice, iii, 246, 247; Fran., ii, 221; iii, 246, 247; John, ii, 204, 221; ili, 246, 247; Prudence, li, 204; Will., li, 204; see also Pulley Poleyn, see Pulleyn , Polge, Rebecca, iti, 165 ; Thos., iii, 165 Polhill (Polhill-Turner), Cecil H., iii, 203, 209, 214, 215, 216; Fred., li, 66 7 ; iii, 20, 203, 215 ; Fred. C., li, 66 7 ; iii, 203, 215 ; Fred. E. F., Nich., iii, 215; John, iii, 203, 215; Nath., iii, 215; Miss, iii, 331; —, ii, 65; fam., ii, 66; iii, 182, 202, 218 Political history, ii, 17-72, 83, 95, 102 Pollard, John, iii, 128 Poll-tax, ii, 90 Polluxhill, see Pulloxhill Polochessele, see Pulloxhill Polwarth, vsct., ii, 327; Amabel, vsctss., see Grey (of Wrest), Amabel, ctss. of Pomfret (Pontefract), Geo., earl of, ili, 453; Thos., earl of, iii, 453 Pomfret, Eliz., ii, 363; John, ii, 363 ; —, li, 165 Pond’s Close (Whiperley), ii, 361 Pont, Will., iii, 384 Pontefract, earls of, see Pomfret, earls of Poole, Sir Arth., iii, 195; Benj., iii, 57; Joanna, Lady, iii, 195; Marg., iii, 57; Rev. R. B., ii, 177 Pope, Eliz., iii, 140; Sir John, iii, 140; Sir Thos., ii, 374; ili, 140; Thos., ii, 357 Popham, Sir John, iii, 410 Poplar Well (Blunham), iii, 228 Population, table of, ii, 113-16 Port, Ad. de, i, 314 ; ii, 215, 218; Will. de, ii, 215, 216, 218 Porteous, Judith, ii, 216”; Rev. Sam., li, 216” Porter, Endymion, ii, 347, 382; Olive, ii, 347, 382; Sim., iii, 172; Will., the, iii, 172 ; Miss, ii, 177 Portland, Jerome, earl of, iii, 277; Rich., earl of, iii, 277 Portland Cement Works, ii, 261 Portmore, Ld., ii, 191, 192 Posthuma, Anne, iii, 198 Potintone, see Podington 40 Potsgrove, i, 370; ii, 30 n, 96, 114, 346, 356; iii, 336, 343, 368, 421-3 ; adv., iii, 423; chant., iti, 423; char., ili, 423; ch., i, 315 n; iii, 4233 farms, iii, 421; mans., i, 370; iii, 421 ; Nonconf., iii, 421; sch., il, 181; iii, 421; vicarage, i, 316” Pott, John, it 378; Kath., ii, 378; Mary, ii, 378 ; Rog., ii, 378 Potter, John, iii, 293, 372; Capt. Thos., ii, 69; Thos., iii, 293, 322, 372; Will., ii, 241 Pottery, i, 273, 299, 300; ii, 314; iii, 82, 2375 AS., i, 175, 1775 178, 179, 186; British, ii, 8; iii, 82; Bronze Age, i, 168, 169 ; Celtic, i, 170, 174; Roman, i, 172, 173, 178, 186; ii, 2, 4-15; iil, 175, 280, 390; Rom.-Brit., i, 172, 307; ili, 297 Potteshoe, Hen. of, ii, 289 ” Pottingal, fam., iii, 407 Potton (Potone), i, 173, 174, 384: ii, 17, 22, 93, 98, 113, 201, 209, 215, 216, 226, 230, 237-42, 246, 2553 iii, 150, 269”; adv., il, 239, 241; Brit. coins, ii, 237, char., ii, 241; ch., i, 315 ”, 326; 333; ti, 239; coprolite ind., ii, 117; fire, ii, 239; mans., ii, 226, 237, 247; mkts. and fairs, ii, 88, 239; mill, ii, 237, 239; Nonconf., ii, 241; place-names, ii, 237; racing, li, 191 ; reptilian rem., i, 34; sch., ii, 184; SunInn, ii, 237; vicar, i, 323, 327”, 341, 342% Potton, Rob. of, i, 387 Potton Burdetts, man., ii, 238 Potton Much Manured, man., ii, 238; mill, ii, 239 210, Potton Rectory, man., ii, 238%, 239, 241 Potton Regis, man., ii, 237, 239 Potts, Anna L., iii, 251; John, iii, 348; Nich., iii, 348; Spencer, ii, 43; Thos., ii, 45 Power, Geoff., ii, 248; Florence, iii, 126; Joan, i, 360; Nich., ii, 248; Sir Rich., iti, 126; Rob., ii 322, 323; Sim., ii, 89 Powlett, see Paulet Powney, fam., iii, 404 Poynder (Poynter), Thos., ii, 289 ; ul, 427 Poyntells (Arlesey), ii, 263 Poynter, see Poynder Preaux, see Priaulx Pratt, Edwin, ii, 139 Prechier, Hugh le, iii, 364% Prehistoric antiquities, i, 170, 172, 174, 270; ii, 281, 314; iil, 76, 350, 390, 439, 448, 451 Prentis, Will., iii, 414 Presbyterians, i, 340, 341; li, 52 Prescott, Horace W., ii, 315; W., iii, 386 Prest, Hugh le, i ii, 86 ; iii, 165 Preston, Chris., iii, 299 Preston’ Deanery (Northants), ii, 189 Priaulx (Preaux), Drew des, ii, 321; Isabel des, ii, 321; Matth., li, 169, 170, 171, 172; Mrs., ii, 172 Priest, Eliz., iii, 32, 238 Priestley (Flitwick), ii, 324; iii, 284, 286, 451, 453; chap., iii, 288 ; man., iii, 286 Priestley Farm’ (Flitwick), Rom. coins, ii, 7 Priestley Moor (Flitwick), ii, 135 Priestley Park (Flitwick), iii, 325 Priestley Plantation (Steppingley), iii, 324 Prigdale, iii, 251 Prikeavant, Will., iii, 73 Prior, see Pryor Priory Farm (Harrold), iii, 66 Prisley, see Priestley Proby, Hen., ii, 314 Profit, Miss, ii, 295 Prothero, R.E., iii, 149 Provenden, man. (Caddington), ii, 315 Pryor (Prior), Maj. Hen. M., ii, 277; John, iii, 212, 311 ; Maj. Ralston de V., ii, 277; Will. , lii, 311 Pryors, Le (Le Monkes) (Turvey), iii, 113 Puckering (Puckeringe), Sir John, iii, 8; Sir Thos., ii, 226; see also man. Pickering Puddington, see Podington Puddle (Pudele, Podele), Hill (Houghton ees) li, 3, 102; ili, 355, 389, 3 Puisaquila {Pisaquila), 289, 290, 341 Pulford, Rev. Joshua, iii, 416 Pulhanger, Ad. de, ii, 268” Pullan, see Pulleyn Pulley, John, ii, 65; iii, 18; see also Poley Pulleyn (Poleyn, Pullan), John iii, 349; Rob., ii, 244; Walt., i, 404 Pullokeshull, see Pulloxhill Pulloxhill, i, 370, 394; 306, 324, 326, 376- 81: adv., ii, 380; char. ii, 381; ch., i, 311 2, 314”, 315”, 371%; ii, 332, 379; dean of, i, 347; gold quartz, ii, 376; inclosure, ii, 376; man., i, 370; ii, 376, 378- 80; place-names, i, 376; ; sch., ii, 184; ship-money, ii, 376; vicarage, i, 316 Pulloxhill, Hen. of, i, 366; Steph. of, John, ii, i, 366 Pulloxhill and Greenfield, man., ii, 376 n, 377; ili, 380 Pulloxhill Grange, ii, 377 Pulpits, ii, 206, 208, 218, 229, 269, 279, 372, 383 ; ili, 26, 27, 56, 68, 75, 127, 141, 164, 167, 178, 233, 250, 278, 283, 340, 410, 414 Pungiant, Rich., ii, 252, 253; iii, 260 Punters Stockings Close (Eversholt), ul, 377 Ee Purchase, Laur., iii, 236 Purney, John, iii, 134 Purvey, Alys, iii, 366; Eliz., iii, 366 ; Nich., iii, 366 Pusey, Phil., ii, 126 Putnoe, man., see Puttenhoe, man. Putnoe Farm (Goldington), _ iii, 202 Puttenham, Mary, iii, 388 Puttenhoe (Putnoe), man. (Golding- ton), i, 365; iti, 180, 202-4, 207 Puttenhoe Woods (Goldington), iii, 204 Putteridge Bury, ii, 196 Putteridge Park, ii, 359 Puttes, iii, 182 ” Pycard, Joan, iii, 204; Marg., i, 390; Will., 1ii, 204 Pycot, see Picot Pye, Anne, iii, 282 ; Edm., iii, 140, 282; Hen., iii, 95; Hen. Ik +) lil, ao Rev. ‘Tas., iii, 136; fam., py seemn, see Pigeon Pygot, Pygott, see Pigott Pygun, Will., ii, 361 » ae (Pick), Ralph, ii, 81; Wily 3 ii, 96, 114, INDEX Pykenham, Will, iii, 408 Pykes, man., see Picks, man. Pym, Capt. C. G., ii, 242; Eliz., li, 166; Lt.-Col. Fran., ii, 70; Fran. , ii, 66 N, 242, 244; iii, 166 ; Guy, i, 271; ii, 66m, 198; Will., li, 244; iil, 166, 411; —, ii, 197; fam., ii, 66 Pynders Hill, ii, I 5r; ili, 394 Pynfold, Marg. -, iii, 366 5 Rich., iii 366 Pyres, Hen., ii, 378 Pyrley, Will. de, 11, 232 Pyro, Pyrot, see Pirot Quadring, Alex., iii, 429; Alice, iii, 429; Marg., iii, 429; Rich., iii, 429 Quakers, see Friends, Society of Quantock, Frances, iii, 443; John, il, 443 Quarel, Isabella, iii, 211; iii, 120” Quarries, u, 308, 384; ll, 47; 76, 96, 313, 373, 448 Quatremars, Nich., ii, 238 Queensberry, duke of, ii, 192 Queen’s Woods (Ampthill), li, 145 Queldryck, Ad. de, iii, 418 Quince Hill (Old Warden), see Quint’s Hill Quincy, Arabella de, iii, 231”; Eleanor, ii, 351; Hadwisa de, iii, 78, 101; Helen de, iii, 297; Marg. de, iii, 230; Rob. de, iii, IOI, 297; Rog. de, i, 361, 388: ii, 351 ; iii, Ior; Saher de, see Winchester, earl of Quinny, John, iii, 434 Quinton (Northants), i, 338 Quint’s Hill (Old Warden); i, 270, 271 ; iii, 252 ; Rom. encampment, ii, 15 120; Ivo, ii, Race, Geo., ii, 190; John, ii, 190 Racing, ii, 190-5 Radcliffe (Radclyff, Ratcliffe), Alice, iii, 429; Delmé, ii, 193; Sir Edw., iii, 281, 304, 328; Edw., iii, 281, 293; Eliz., Lady, iii, 326; Farnaby, Lady, iii, 322; Frances, iii, 281; Fran. D., ii, 286 ; Fran. P., ii, 286; Hen. ecm ii, 286 ; iii, 321 : ‘Sir Humph., iii, 281, 283, 293, 303, 304, 328; Isabel, Lady, iii, 281, 283, 304; Jane, Lady, iii, 304; John, ii, 286, 287; Sir Ralph, ii, 287; Ralph, iii, 321; Rob., iii, 283, 429; Lady, iii, 158 Rademilde, Marg., iii, 194; Ralph, iii, 194; Rob., iii, 194; Will., iii, 194 Radwell (Felmersham), ii, 324 ; iii, 61; chap., i, 318; iii, 63; man., iii, 60 Radwell (Radewell), Alice de, iii, 60 ; Beatrice de, iii, 60; Gilb. de, iii, 60; Hen. de, iii, 60; John (de), iii, 60, 61, 220; Marg., iii, 220; Margery, iii, 61 ; Petronilla of, i, 390; Rob. de, iii, 60; Thos., iii, 61, 220; fam., iii, 59 Radwell Hall (Felmersham), iii, 59 Raghton, Eleanor de, ii, 257; John de, ii, 257; Oliver de, ii, 257 Ragon, Eliz., iii, 106, 195; Sir John, iii, 106, 125, 195, 314; Kath., iii, 106; Reg., iii, 195, 314; Thos., iii, 106 Ragons Manor (Maulden), iii, 315 314, Rainald, iii, 146 41 Rainols, Ursula, ii, 94 Rainsborough, Col., ii, 52 Rake, —, iii, 358 Raleigh, John de, iii, 193 Ralph (Ralf), ii, 190; iii, 229, 245, 375, 419; archdeacon, i, 313; count, ii, 21; the hermit, i, 350; the steward, ii, 78 Ramerick, ii, 72 Ramridge End (Luton), i, 146; ii, 348 Ramsay (Ramsey), Rev. Norman, iii, 224, 226; Sir John, iii, 201 ; Will., ii, 332; Capt., ii, 48, 49 Ramsey Abbey, i, 312, 364; ii, 20, 21, 76, 86, 207, 209, 215, 237, 261, 278, 294, 295, 296, 207, 299, 309, 310, 312, 333, 334, 335; iii, 9, 10, 12, 70, 128, 129, 150, 199, 276, 277, 278, 297, 331 : Rand, John, ii, 287; fam., iii, 59 Randall, Alex., iii, 105, 212; Anne, iii, 212 ; Will., ii, 245; W., ii, 198 Randei, Kath., iii, 61 Randes (Rands, Raundes), iii, 61 ; John, ii, 267%”; iii, 113; Oliver, iii, 61 ; Rich., iii, 115, 116 Randolph, Thos., ii, 235 7; iii, 248 Rands, see Randes Rannulf, ii, 226, 227 Ransil Spinney (Podington), iii, 80 Ransom, E., iii, 297; W., ii, 5, 8, Ii, 13, 14, 41 Ratchford, Nich., iii, 246 Ratcliffe, see Radcliffe Raundes, see Randes Ravan, iii, 248 Raven, Dorothy, ii, 282”; Eliz., ii, 285; John, ii, 282, 285; Margery, iii, 456; Rich., iii, 456 - Ravenhill, Agnes, iii, 396; Nich. Edm., ili, 97, 396 Ravensden, ii, 113; iii, 180, 183, 209-14; adv., iii, 214; char., ii, 184”; iii, 214; ch., i, 140, 315”; iii, 213; dean of, i, 347; mans., i, 365; iii, 203, 210-12; place-names, iii, 210; sch., ii 184; vicarage, i, 316 ”, 317 Ravensden, Nich. de, iii, 210 Ravensden Grange (Manor), iii, 209, 210, 211 Ravensden House, iii, 209 Ravensholt Grange (Old Warden), i, 364 ; iii, 247, 253 Rawlins (Rawlyns), Agnes, iii, 210 ; Fran., iii, 211 ; Gabriel, iii, 407; John, iii, 210, 211; Rob. .» lil, 211; Steph., iii, 210, ‘arr; Thos., li, 292; Will., ili, 407 Raworth, Rob., ii, 204 ”, 286 Ray, Rich., iii, 187 Raymond, Thos., iii, 104 Raynar, iii, 104 » Raynsford, Frances, ii, 282; Maj.- Gen. Hanbury, ii, 282, 285; Geo. N., ii, 282; Thos. A, ii, 282, 285; fam., ii, 285 i Raynton, Geo., ii, 293 ” Reach, man. (Leighton Buzzard), ili, 403 Read (Reade, Rede), Alex., iii, 18, 438; Alice, iii, 246; Eliz., ii, 323; iii, 244; Innocent, ii, 323 ; iii, 244; Jas., iii, 349; Joanna, oe 438; Rob., iii, 246; fam., iii, Reading (Berks), A.S. rem, i, 184; sch., ii, 159 Reading Abbey, ii, 23; lili, 289, 294 Readshill Plantation (Maulden), iii, 313 Reckey (Riky), Barth., 341 li, 289, 290, 7 A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Rectory Manor (Northill), see Northill College Manor Redbornestoke hund., ii, 115; iii, 267-335 Redburn, Sim. of, i, 386 Reddall, see Riddell Reddings, man., see How End Rede, see Read Redeware, Rob. de, iii, 196 Redinges, Rob. de, iii, 276 Reeve (Reve, Rowe), ” Agnes le, iti, 114; Alice le, iii, 114; Geo., ii, 164 ; Hugh, i, 337, 338, 340, 342; ii, 273; Joanna le, ili, 114; John le, ii, 114; Thos., ii, 164, 218; iii, IOI, 392 Regine, man, (Cardington), see Fen- lake Barns Reincourt, Rich. de, ii, 247 Rekesduna, see Roxton Religious houses, i, 349-404 Relye, see Thurleigh Remigius, bp. of Lincoln, see Remy Rempston, Sir Thos. de, iii, 263 Remy (Remigius), bp., see Lincoln bps. Renhall, see Renhold Renhold, i, 335 ”, 365 ; ii, 113, 154; ili, 180, 183, 202, 214-18; adv., iii, 218; Chantrie Close and lands, iii, 217; char., ii, 184”; iii, 218; ch.,i, 315”, 325%, 380 ; iii, 217; earthworks, i, 280, 284, 285; man., iii, 13, 215; Nonconf., iii, 214; place-names, iii, 215; sch., li, 184; vicarage, 1, 316” Renhold (Ronhale), Rich., iii, 216 ; Sybil de, iii, 215 Repingdon (Repyngton), Philip, bp., see Lincoln bps.; Will., iii, 442 Reptiles, i, 102-3 Reptilian remains, i, 34-5 Repton, G. W. J., iii, 74” Repyngton, see Repingdon Resby, Will., iii, 250 Restwold, Ralph, iii, 246 Retchford, Nich., ii, 180 Reve (le), see Reeve Rewse, John, ii, 167; see also Ros and Rous Reynal, John, iii, 384; John S.N., il, 384 Reynardson, Allan, iii, 198; Anne, ii, 317; John, ii, 317 Reyner, Cuth., iii, 259; John, iii, 137 Reynes, man. Morteynes Reynes, Alex. de, i, 362, 365; Amabel, iii, 152 ; Cecilia, ili, 150 ; Eliz., ili, 309, 312, 345, 385; Joan, iii, 150; John, iu, 150, 309; Nath., iii, 345; Ralph, iii, 150, 152; Rich., ill, 150, 309; Sibyl de, i, 362 2; Sir Thos, , iii, I13, 147, 309; Thos., iil, 150, 309, 311, 312, 417; "fam., iii, 313 Reynolds (Reynold), Edw., iii, 51 ; Frances, iii, 51; Fran., iii, 51; John, ii, 245; iii, 233; Walt., iii, 195; —, iii, 414 Rhee, riv., ii, 71, 218, 230 Rhodes, Sam., iii, 287 Rhopalocera, i, 79-80 Rice (Ryce), Geo. R., iii, 45; Will, iii, 106 Rice-Trevor, Elianore M., Miss, ii, 181 1; iii, 45 Rich, Sir Thos., ii, 173; Thos., iii 282 Richard, archd. of Beds., Richard I., king, iii, 229 (Stanbridge), see lil, 49; i, 313 Richard II., king, ii, 211, 235 Richard, king of Germany, ii, 384; iil, 353 Richards, Chas., iii, 274; John, ii, 374, 3753 Sam., ili, 160 Richardson, Alice, ii, 329, 330; Rev. John, ii, 220; Pet., ii, Sty Will., ii, 329, 330; Will. Ss) i, 326 ; —, li, 222 Richborough (Kent), i, 184 Richmond, earls of, iii, 298; Hen., iii, 230; John, iii, 297 Richmond, Pet. de, li, 234 Richmond and Derby, Marg., ctss. of, ii, 256 Riddell (Reddall, Ridel), Ae iii, 223, 224; Amb., il, 69; iii, 310, 423, 436; Eliz., iii, 423; Jas. B., ii, 383; Jane, ii, 385 5 Sir John, ii, 385; John, ili, 224 ; Sir John B., ii, 385; Ralph (Ralf), iii, a 225, 224; Thos., iii, 310; —, iii, Riddises Sac (Lidlington), iii, 307 Ridel, see Riddell Ridgeway, Col., ii, 195 Ridgmont, i, 336; ii, 87, 115, 129, 140, 141, 146, 147; ili, 267, 320- 323, 394, 459; adv., ill, 323; char., iii, 323; ch., iii, 323; crown property, jlii, 271, 322; man., iii, 321 ; Nonconf., iii, 320 ; place- names, ili, 321; Rom. rem., lii, 320; sch., ii, 184; wells, iii, 320 Rievaulx, Sylvan, abbot of, i, 353 ” Rigge, Isabella, ii, 224; Rob., ii 224” Riky, see Reckey Ringe, Thos., iii, 277 Ripley, Rev. Thos., ii, 280 Risceby, Alice, ii, 334; John, ii, 334; Will. de, ii, 334 Riselai, see Riseley Riseley, i, 394; il, 115; ili, 40, 43, 106, 123, 143, 157-61; adv., lii, 161 ; Cake Bread Close, iii, 161: char., iii, 161; ch., 1, 315 ”, 333, 394; iii, 160; deanery, 1; 347; ind., ili, 157; man., iii, 134, 157; mills, iii, 157; moats, iii, 157; Nonconf., iii, 157; place-names, ili, 157; sch., ii, 184; wells, iii, 157 Riseley (Risely, Risley, Rysley), Geoff. de, iii, 158, 159; Hen. de, ili, 159; Hervic de, iii, 106; Jas. iii, 328; John (de), i, 387; iii, 24, 159, 244; Lawr. de, iii, 158 ; Rich. de, iii, 159; Walt. de, iii, 158; Will. de, iii, 158 Riseley Lodge (Riseley), iii, 157 Riseley Old Domain, earthwork, i, 306 Risinghoe (Goldington), iii, 204, 207 Risinghoe Castle (Goldington), i, 285 n, 296, 297; ili, 202, 206, 207 Risley, see Riseley Rivers, earls, iii, 118 ; Ant., iil, 118 Rivers, Marg., ili, 10; Rich., iii, 92 Rixband, Marg., ii, 211; Will., ii 211 Roads, Brit., iii, 350; Rom., i, 176, 260, 271, 358, 371; ii, 1-8, 17, 18, 23, 40, 46, 98, 203, 209, 212, 223, 276, 280, 300, 314, 317; ili, 256, 350, 355, 383, 389, 390, 400 Roais, ctss., see Beauchamp, Rohesia de Robbins, see Robins Robert, iii, 92, 238 Robert Bruce (king of Scotland), lii, 299 42 Robinson, Roche, fam., Rochechouart, Guy de, ii, 351; Roches, John des, ii, 309 ; Rockingham Castle Roger, i, 358 ; ii, 376; Ronhale, par., Rook, Admiral, iii, 4 Rookham, Rob., iii, 396 Rooktree Farm (Holcot), iii, 386 Rookwood, Amb., iii, 354 Roos, see Ros Rootham’s Green (Colmworth), iii, Roper, Kath., iii, Roberts, John, ii, 310 Robins (Robbins), E. C., ii, 176; John, ii, 378, 379, 380; ili, 27; Mary, iii, 27; Susanna, iii, 27 Dorothea, Lady, iii, 434; Dorothea, iii, 434; Frances, iii, 244; Sir Geo., iii, 434; Gilb., iii, 84; Rev. John, ii, 333; John, ii, 167; ili, 117, 243, 244, 434; Marg., ii, 353 ; Underhill, ili, 144 ; Will, ii, 301; iii, 122; Dr., li, 198 ; Mrs., iii, "386 iS iii, 355 iii, 48 Sybil, ii, 351 ili, 315 3 Pet. des, bp., see Winchester, bps. of Rochesdon, see Roxton Rochester, bar. of, iii, 377, 419 Rochester, Ansgot of, il, 376, 377; 419; Paris, archd. ‘of, ii, 320 (Northants) ‘ li, 22 ; iii, 70, 82 Rodentia, i, 141-3 Rodland, see Rowland Roe, Henricus O., ii, 184, 304; see also Reeve and Rowe iii, 165, 258, 259, 291 Rogers, Alice, iii, 198, 311; Hen., ii, 198; Jas., ul, 380; Rich., i, 387; Rog., ii, 222 ; Sam., iii, 317; W. #H., iti, 207; —, ii, 169, 170 Roherd, iii, 344 Rohrweger, Miss, iii, 329 Rokele, John de la, i, 400 Rokes, Eliz., ii, 329, 330; Rich., ii, 329, 330 Rokesdon, see Roxton Rolffe, Will., Rolland, iii, 247 ili, 260 Rolt (Rolte), Anna, iii, 183; Capt. Edw., iii, 155; Edw., ii, 42; iii, 155; Eliz., iii, 224; Frances, ii, 280; Fran., ii, 280; Sir John, iii, 146; John, iii, 146, 183, 224; Judith, iii, 146, 183; Mary, iii, 155 ; Sam., iii, 20, 146 ; Steph., iii, 148; Susannah, iii, 148 ; Sir Thos., iii, 155 ; Thos., ii, 44; ili, 145, 146, 148, 154 ”, 155, 183, 211, 224, 226; Walt., ii, 277, 280; iii, 154”, 155; Will., iii, 146, 259; —, i, 342”; fam., ili, 149, 156 Romano-British period, ii, 1-15 Roman remains, i, 186, 271, 274; ii, 6, 7, 12-15, 212, 223, 294, 344; lil, 44, 82, 175, 243, 252, 257, 262, 280, 320, 390, 402; see also burials, coins, implements, orna- ments, pottery Romylo, Steph., iii, 216 Ronhale, man. (Ravensden), see Ravensden, man. see Renhold 186 443; Will., iii, 443 Ros (Roos), Ralph de, iii, 36 ; Rob. de, ii, 31 ; Serlo de, iii, 36, 37, 44”; Will. de (le), i, 381; iii, 219 ; fam., iii, 149; see also Rewse and Rous’ Rose, man. of the (Lond.), ii, 159 Rose, E. P., ii, 209, 222; Thos., i 333; archd., iii, 295; Mrs., iii, 364 Rosewell, Pet., iii, 145 Roses (Rosae), i 1, 55 Rotherham, college at, ii, 157, Rotherham, Agnes, ii, 363; lili, 13, 313; Alice, Lady, iti, 292 ; Alice, li, 295, 299, 300; Anne (Ann), ii, 343, 380; Eliz, ii, 363, 375; Geo., ti, 40m, 295, 305, 342, 343, 353, "356, 357, 358, 361, 363, 372, 380 ; ili, 13, 293, 300, 415, 432 ; Isaac, ii, 343, 380; Jane, iii, 443 ; Sir John, ii 353, 356, 363, 364, 372; John, li, 219, 295, 352, 354%, 356, 359, 363, 374, 380; iii, 313; Nich., ii, 363%; Sir Thos., li, 150, 354, 372 ; iii, 292, 299, 300, 437, 443; Thos., ii, 219, 295, 352, 353, 358, 360, 361, 363 ; iii, 299, 437 ; Thos., archbp., see York, archbps. of,” and Lin- coln, bps. of; —, Lady, ii » 372; fam., ii, 307 Roubury, Gilb. de., i, 327 — Green (Luton), i i, 146; iii, 34 Round Hill (Roxton), i, 297 Round Wood (Sharnbrook), i iii, 89 Roupe, Thos., iii, 436 Rous (Rouse, Rowse), Eliz., iii, 159 ; Geoff. le, iii, 332 ; Joan le, i lil, 332; Rich. le, iii, 137; Rob., i, 397; Rodenham, ii, 313, 384; Sim. le, iii, 332; Thos. le, iii, 162 ; Will., iii, 129, 332; Admiral, ii, 194; Mrs., iii, 129; see also Rewse and Ros Rowe, John, iii, 129 ; Nich., ii, 206 ; Thos., iii, 129, 131, 151; see also Reeve and Roe Rowington (Warws), iii, 294 ” Rowland (Rodland), Nich., iii, 241 ; Pernel, iii, 241; Walt., iii, 241; fam., ili, 240 ; Rowlands, man., (Cople), iii, 240 Rowley, Agnes, ii, 325 Rowney, i, 365 ; ili, 227, 259 Rowney Grange, i, 365 ; iii, 259 Rowney Warren, ti, 147; iii, 256 Rowse, see Rous Rowthe, Thos., ii, 157 Roxhill (Wroxhill) (Marston More- taine), iii, 308; ch., i, 318, 331; iii, 313 ; man., iii, 310 Roxhill Farm (Marston Moretaine), iii, 310 Roxox, see Ruxox Roxton, ii, 113; iii, 175, 176, 180, 186, 193, 198, 218-22, 384; adv., iii, 222; char., iii, 222; ch., i, 315", 382, 384; iii, 221; earth- work, i, 297, 302; man., iii, 183, 219, 221 ; mill., iii, 221 ; Nonconf., iii, 218 ; sch., li, 184 ; vicarage, i, 182, 316%” i. Roxton (Rokesdone), Alice de, iii, 192”; John (de), i, 377; iii, 192”, 364 Roxton Wood End, man., see Carlyles Roys, ctss., see Beauchamp, Rohesia Royston (Herts), iii, 197 ”; ii, 191 ; ili, 197” a Rualon (Ruallon), ii, 376; iii, 181, 184 Ructona, see Roxton ; Rudde, Thos., iii, 85; Will., iii, 85 Rudge, Susanna, iii, 427 Ruding oe Hen., i, 398; John, ii, 2 Rudlonds (Rudlandesfelde), man. (Cranfield), iii, 277 Rudyerd, Sir Benj., iii, 427 Rudyng, see Ruding - INDEX Rufford, Eleanor, iii, 453 ; Joan, iii, 422; John, iii, 422, 423, 453; Thos., iii, 422, 439, 453 Rufinus, i, 173 Rufus, Agnes, ii, 301 n; Godf., iii 238; John, iti, 238; Laura, iii, 239; Rob., ii; 301; ili, 159, 238; Sim., ii, 301 ; lili, 238, 239; Will. ii, 301 ; ili, 240 Rugemont Castle (Ridgmont), iii, 321, 322 Ruggerwyk, Margery, iii, Thos., iii, 195 Runhale, see Renhold Rupert, Prince, ii, 46, 50; iii, 4 Rushden (Northants), i, 376”; li, 71 ; iii, 34 ”, 40, 117 Rush-matting ind., ii, 124-5 Rushmere Lodge (Leighton Buz- zard), iii, 400 Russell, Cath., Lady, ii, 277; Eliz., Lady, il, 277; iii, 332, 376; Marg., Lady, iii, 67; Rachel, Lady, ii, 57 ~; Lds., iii, 461; Chas., ii, 65, 188; Chas. J., ii, 187; Edw., ii, 61; Fran., ii, 244, 277; ili, 67, 203, 3325; see also Bedford, earl of ; Geo. W., ii, 65; iii, 20; John, ii, 39, 65, 66”, 70; ili, 266, 459; Will., ii, 56, 57, 60, 62, 277; iii, 332, 460 195; Russell (Russel), Arth., see Ampt- hill, Ld.; Sir ee iii, 4373 Admiral Edw., ii, ; Edw. oy Uy 43, 54%; ili, 376 ; Ea ili, 376; Sir Geo., ii, 41; Geo., ‘ii, 652: Hawise, iii, 449, 456; Herbrand A., see Bedford, dk. of; Isabel, iii, 301 ; 3 John, ii, 43, 54 5 ili, 376 ; Letitia, i ili, 376; Matilda, iii, 301; Ralph, iii, 301 ; Sir Thos., ili, 430; Thos., ii, 213, 245; iii, 37, 143, 156, 200, 218, 233, 315, 334; Sir Will., iii, 376, 429n; Will., ili, 334, "376, 449, 456; —, ii, 303, 312; iii, 108, 454; fam., ii, 56 ; ili, 20, 324, 436, 459 Russell Park (Bedford), i, 186, 190, 285 ”; iii, 5 Russell’s Close (Ampthill), iii, 275 Ruthyn, Rich, de, iui, 46 Rutland, dk. of, ili, 458 Ruxox (Flitwick), i, 305, 375; 83, 85; chap., 1, 371”; iil, on 286 ; man., ili, 286 Ryce, see Rice Rycroft, —, iii, 195 Ryde, Hen. de, ii, 328 Rydemounde, see Ridgmont Ryder, John W., ii, 256; Nath., iii, 310; Thos., ii, 257 Rye, La, bar., iii, 428 Rye, Agnes de, iii, 426; Alina de, 328; Wiil., ii, iii, 426; Hen. de, iii, 426; Hubert de, iii, 426; Isabel de, iii, 426 Ryggley, Nich., iii, 145 Ryman, Will., ii, 378 Rysley, see Riseley Sabine, Eliz., ii, 337; Sir John, ii, 7 Gas avis: see Sackville Sacheverell, Rich., iii, 230 Sachynton, Rob. de, iii, 276 Sackville (Sacchevilla), Alex. de, ii, 320; Athelina, iii, 159; John, iii, 158; Thos., ili, 159”, 322; iii, 158 Sacombe Park (Herts), iii, 155 Sadleir, Edw., iii, 340; Ralph, iii, 340; Rich. V., iii, 340 Thos. L., 43 Sadleir (cont.) Hh 340; Ursula, iii, 340; Will, il, 340 Sadler, Mich., F. iii, 9; Ralph, ii, 256 ; Thos. -, li, 44 Saffey (Saffrey), Alice, li, 322; Brian, ii, 76, 322; Joan, li, 322 ; Margery, ii, 322; Thos., li, 322 Saher (Seiher), ii, 326; iii, 321 St. Albans (Herts.), i, 1, 3, 3247, 372 m ; li, 314, 350, 356, 358, 363 ; iil, 10, 362 ; almshouses, iii, 3333 battle of,” iti, 37; 3523 sch., ii, 178 St. Albans, Greg. of, i, 353 St. Alban’s Abbey, i, 310, 313 %, 314, 323, 350-4, 358, 360, 363, 366, 386 ; ii, 23, 35, 270, 321-5, 342, 361, 362, 368, 369, 373, 374, 378, 384; ili, 16, 148, 149, 181, 344, 359, 370, 393, 394, 401, 422, 426, 439, 431, 448 ; abbot of, Geoff., i, 351”, 358; ii, 178, 361 1, 363 4 Paul of Caen, i, 310; Rich., 178, 361; Rob. » 1, 359%; cell of at Millbrook, iii, 316, 318 St. Amand, bar. of, ii, 324 St. Amand, Eleanor, Lady, ii, 147 ; Eliz., iii, 140, 380; Lds., ii, 277; iii, 187, 317; Almaric, iii, 187; Rich., ii, 337; ili, 140, 187, 230, 380 ; Will., ili, 230, 380 St. Amand, Almaric (Aimery Aumary), de, i, 352; ii, 32, 33, 324, 342, 376, 379; ili, 236, 252, 271M, 272, 292, 317, 318, 379, 380, 440; Ant., iii, 140; Asseline (Azeline), ii, 324; ili, 272, 317; Eleanor, iii, 272, 292, 317, 379; Sir Emery de, iii, 2; Emery de, ili, 2, 113, 324; Joan de, iii, 236 ; John de, iii, 252, 272, 317, 379; Mary de, iii, 440; Ralph, ii, 211, 324; iii, 236, 237, 272, 317; ‘fam., lii, 326 St. Andrew’s Priory (Northamp- ton), i, 315 ”; iii, 23 St. Anne’s Farm (Thorncote), iii, 244 St. Anne’s Hill (Luton), ii, 348 St. Bartholomew’s Priory (Lond.), iii, 456 St. Briavells, Will. de, iii, 28z St. Bridget’s Well (Houghton Regis), iii, 390 St. Clare (St. Clair), Gunnora de, ili, 190; Hamo de, iii, 190; Jas., iii, 223; Marg., iii, 433; Phil., iii, 433 St. Croix, Hugh de, ii, 321 iii, 271 ; Isabel, ii, 321 ; ili, 271 ; John de, iii, 272 ; Pet. de, ii, 277, 321, 383 ; ili, 271, 272, 318, 346; Rob. de, ” 321; iii, 272, 318; Thos. de, 272 St. “Hdmunds Abbey, i, 312, 362; ii, 18, 25”; Baldwin, abbot of, iii, 38 St. Edward, Alice, iii, 331; ili, 331, 333; Joan, iii, John de, iii, 220 1; iii, 331 St. Evroul’s Abbey, iii, 294 St. Faith’s Priory (Longueville), iii, 315, 343 % St. Francis’s Home (Campton), ii, 266 St. George’s Chapel Hugh, 331; (Oxford), iii, 153” St. George’s Chapel (Windsor), iii, 366, 401, 403, 404, 409, 429 St. Giles Hamstead Priory, ili, 385 St. Giles in the Wood, convent, (Flamstead), i, 315”, 375; iii, 435 es St. Gilles, Eustace de, iii, 60 2 A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE St. Helen’s Priory 315 1; il, 231, 232, 233 St. James’s Abbey (Northampton), iil, 67, 109, 114 St. John, Ladies, iii, 61 ; Agnes, ii, 243; ili, 257, 396; Arabella, iii, 137; Dorothy, ii, 277; Emma M. E,, iii, 143, 160; Frances, iii, 433 Kath., iii, 137; Lds., i, 339; li, 40, 63 ”, 70, 130, 146, 147, 183”, 197, 257; ili, 3, 35, 40, 41, 42, 61, 73, 94, 123, 133, 134, 142, 143, 155, 158, 160, 165, 175, 180; Beauchamp M., iii, 41 ; John, iti, 41, 137, 172, 258, 259; Oliver, ii, 44, 56, 277, 323; ili, 35, 94, 109, 123, 125, 137, 146%, 158, 163, 179, 180, 194, 195, 257, 258; Paulet, iii, 177; Rowland, iii, 41; St. Andrew, iii, 41, 163; St. Andrew B., iii, 163 ; Will., iii, 41; Will P., ii, 243 St. John, Agnes, ii, 277, 323; iii, 194; Sir Alex., ii, 40; Alice, iii, 343 ; Anne, ii, 2525 Ant., ii, 252; Sir Beauchamp, ii » 41, 42, 44; iii, 163, 172; Rev. Edm. T., iii, 42, 43; Eliz., iii, 733,343 %; Fran., ii, 207; Sir Hen., lii, 163; He: en, i, 396; Sir John, ‘ti, 150, 2773 7, 43, 60, 125, 127, 137, 158, 159 Nn, 168, 197, 343 ”, 396 ; John, i, 395, 306 ; ii, 39, 296 ; ili, 41, 125, 137; Judith, iii, 395; Marg., ii, 277; ii, 41, 137; Margery, ii, 385.0: ili, 343; Mary, ii, 207; iii, 380; Sir Oliver, iii, 41; Oliver, i, 397; ii, 39, 55 %, 277, 296, 323, 385; ili, 137, 143, 146, 160, 177, 194, 395, 396; see also Bolingbroke, earl of ; Sir Paulet, iii, 41, 137, 163, 177; Pawlett, ii, 56; Sir Rowland, iii, 73; St. Andr., ii, 64; iii, 172; Sir Walt., ii, 207; Will., iii, 74, 380 St. Johns, man. (Kempston), see Brucebury St. John’s College (Cambs.), i, 346; ii, 157, 164, 166, 168, 293; iii, 69, 230, 296, 313 St. John’s College (Oxford), ii, 159, 250 St. John’s Hospital (Bedford), i, 316 ”, 396-8 ; ili, 31, 225 St. John’s Hospital (Hockliffe), i, 401-2 St. Leonard’s Hospital (Bedford), i, 354, 398-9; iii, 31, 237; adv., 1, 398; iii, 22; chant., i, 326 St.’ Macute’s Chapel (Haynes), i: 318 nm, 351 ”, 352; ii, 344; man., li, 342-3 St. Macute’s Wood (Haynes), ii, a . oo le-Grand, ch. (Lond.), i st? Naty Colechurch, ch. (Lond.), i st Mea de Pre, abbey (Leicester), i, 315 ”; iii, St; "Mary Magdalene’ s Hosp. (Dun- stable), i, 400-1; iil, 364; masters, i, 401 St. Mary Magdalene’s Hosp. (Luton) 1, 399-400 St. Mary Over (Dunstable), iii, 364 St. Mary’s (Dunstable), ii, 7 St. Mary’s Abbey (Stratford), see Stratford Abbey St. Maur, Mary, Lady, iii, Rich., Ld., iii, 440” St. Maur, Alice, iii, 440 ; Ellen de, ii, 328; Nich., ii, 224, 328; see also Seymour St. Mildred, Wallbrook, ch. (Lond.), i, 392 440 7; (London), i,. St. Neots (Hunts), ii, 214; ili, 189 St. Neots, Hen. of, i, 353; W. de, i, 327” St. Neot’s Priory (Hunts), i, 314%, 394”; ii, 226, 228, 229, 251, 253, 254, 262; iii, I10, 113, 116, 117, 142, 184, 190 #, 196, 221, 231 St. Nicholas’ Abbey (Angers), ii, 281 St. Nicholas’ Abbey (Arrouaise), i, 387, 388; Gervase, abbot of, i, 387 ; ili, 65 St. Oswald’s Priory 383” St. Paul’s Cathedral (Lond.), i, 312, 317, 324, 358, 360; ii, 71, 153, 314, 315, 316, 318, 319-20, 351m, 356; iii, 140, 206; deans, ii, 318, 320 ; iii, 230, 233 St) Peter’s Abbey (Dorchester), i, 387 n, 388” Saintpierre, Isolda, iii, 452 ” St. Remigius, see St. Remy St. Remy, Agnes de, iii, 223, 224; Cecilia de, iii, 223, 224; Elena de, iii, 223; Rich. de, iii, 223, 225; Rob. de, iii, 126, 223, 224, 225; Will. de, iii, 223 St. Sampson, abbot of, iii, 119 St. Sampson, Joan de, iii, 119; Ralph de, iii, 119, 163 St. Sepulchre’s schs. (Lond.), iii 368 St. Stephen Jewry, ch. (Lond.), i (Glouc.), i, 392 St. Thomas’s Chapel Manor (Mep- pershall), a 391; ii, 288, 289, 290, 395, 3 - Valery (&t Walery), Aubrey de » 379; Guy de, i, 379; Reg. de, ii, 283 ; ili, 330 Salchou, seé Salphobury Salden House (Bromham), iii, 45 Sale, Nich. de, iii, 22 ; Walt. de la, iii, 166 Saleby, Rob. de, iii, 134 saa Peat Thrift (Bromham), Salford. ii, 45, 114; iii, 336, 388, 424-5; adv., iii, 425; char., ii, 184 2 ; iii, 425; ch., i, 315 ”, 333, 378; il, 424; man., ii, 424; zak iii, 424; Nonconf, » lil, 424; iii, 425; sch., ii, 184; * vicarage, i, 316 2 Salford, Dan. R., i, a7, nN, 368, 369; Hugh de, ii, 301 ; » 424; ei de, iii, 424 ; Nigel de il, 301; 424, 425; Pet. de, iii, 424; Rog’ de, i, 371 ”, 378, 379 Salinis, Steph. de, ii, 255 Salisbury, ae , earl of, ii, 27, 244; iii, 184, 4 Salisbury (Salusbury), John, ii, Hee Rev. Lynch, ii, 310; Rog. of, i, 353”; Sarah, ii, 310; Sir Thos., ii, 310; Will. iii, 61 Salmon, Eliz., ii, 292; 292; —, li, 133, 134 Salndy, see Sandy Salomon, priest, iii, 107 Thos., ii, Salph End (Renhold), iii, 180, 214-16 Salphobury (Salpho), man. (Ren- hold), i, 380; iii, 210, 216 Salter, Geo., ii, 256 Saltmers, Pet. de, iii, 186 Salusbury, see Salisbury Salvation Army, ii, 214; iii, 31, 367 Salveyn, Gerard, ii, 354 Salvho, see Salphobury Sambrook (Sambroke), Eliz., iii, 177; Sir Jeremy V., ii, 62; iii, 105, 109, 137, 177, 179; Judith, iii, 105, 177 ; Susannah, iii, 177 44 Samian pottery, see Pottery, Roman Sampson, Humph., ii, 268; Jas., ii, 268; John, iii, 145; Laur., ii, 268 Samshill (Lower) Farm (Weston- ing), iii, 451 Samshill ’ (Upper) Farm (Weston- ing), iii, 451 Samwell, "Anne, ii, 346; Ant., ii, 346; Arth., ii, 346; Will., ii, 346 Sandall, Mrs., ii, 222 Sandeia, see Sandy Sanders, see Saunders Sanderson, Anne, iii, 205, 209; John, iii, 205; Thos. A. E., ii, 180 ; see also Saunderson Sandon, John de, ii, 359 Sandwich, earl of, ii, 64”; Edw. Montagu, earl of, ii, 339. Sandy, i, 271, 272, 273, 274, 384, 394; li, 66, 107, 113, I16, 199, 201, 226, 228, 237, 239, 242-6, 248, 255; Ms 190, 227%, 243, 264; adv., i, 383; ii, 245; A.S. rem., i, 184, "289; ii, 242; chant., ii, 245; char., ii, 246; ch., 1, 315 N, 325%, 332 ”, 382, 384; li, 244; coins, i, 173, 174; UW, 2, II, 242; earthworks, ii, 242; Hasells, the, ii, 242, 244; inclo- sure, ii, 97; inds., i, 117, 118; mans., ii, 243; mkt. gardening, ii, 138, 139; mills, ii, 243 n, 244 ; Nonconf., ii, 245; place-names, ii, 242; prehist. rem., i, 166; rectory, ii, 242; rent, ii, es Rom. rem., ii, 1, 9-11; sch., 184, 242; stone quarry, ii, zie Sandy, Hen. of, ii, 279; Hugh of, ii, 279 Sandy Place (Sandy), i, 300; ii, 242 Sandyplane Plantation (Husborne Crawley), iii, 394 Sandys, Ladies, Anne, iii, 376; Kath., iii, 298, 391; Letitia, iii, 376; Lds., ii, 330; ili, 23; Edwin, lil, 376; Sam., iii, 376; Will., ii, 340 ; ili, 298, 301 Sandys, Sir Edwin, iii, 371, 391; Eliz., iii, 371; Hen., ili, 371; Margery, ii, 340; iii, 371; Mary, iii, 391 ; Miles, iii, 151, 371, 391; Walt., ili, 371; Sir Will., iii, 371; Will. , iii, 371 ; fam., iii, 324 Sandy Warren (Sandy), ii, 146, 197, 242, 244, 246 Sanes, Cecil de, iii, 372 Sanford, Rob. de, iii, 66; Rog. de, ili, 452 Sankey, Thos., iii, 432 Santingfield Hosp. (Wissant), i, 400 ; ii, 358 Sanvill (Saunvill), Gilb. de, iii, 285 ; Osmund de, iii, 398; Osmunda de, iii, 285; Phil. de, i, 371”; ili, 285, 286, 288, 395, 398; see also Savile Sapte, F., ii, 265 Sarnebroc, see Sharnbrook Sarnes, man. (Ravensden), see Mossbury, man. Saunders (Sanders), Abra., ii, 385; Edw., iii, 155; Ellen, iii, 344, 422, 423; Isabel, iii, 423; Jane, ii, 385; Joan, iii, 423; Sir John, ili, 130, 310; John, ili, 310, 451; Marg., ili, 411; Mary, iii, 193; Rich., iii, 310, 409, 4II, 423; Thos., Hi, 193, 344, 422, 456; Val., iii, 129, 130; Will, ili, 344, 422, 423 Saunderson, John, ii, 252 ; ili, 209 ; Judith, ii, 342; Laur., ii, 252; see also Sanderson Saunderson, H. G., & Co., ii, 127 Saunderton, Bern., iii, 310; Will., iii, 310, 313 Saundeye, see Sandy Saunvill, see Sanvill and Savile Saurez (Sawrey), Ant., iii, 1 51, 391 Savage (Sauvage), Alice, iii, 423; Sir Arth., iii, 236; John ‘le, iii, 211; Ralph, iii, 423; Rob., iii, 85, 423; Thos., iii, 236; fam., lili, 210, 211 Savile, Lady Eliz., iii, 427 Sawbridge, alderman, ii, 64; iii, 20 Sawell (Houghton Regis), see Sewell Sawrey, see Saurez Sawtrey Abbey, ii, 228 Sawyer, John, iii, 119 Saxons, i, 188; ii, 18, 73; iii, 350; see also Anglo- Saxon Saye and Sele, Lady, iii, 179 ; Rich. Fiennes, Ld., ii, 162 Scaccario, Rog. de, iii, 383 Scale-mosses and liverworts (Hepa- ticae), i, 58 Scanden, Edm., ili, 129 Scarborough, Eliz., iii, 286 Scargill, fam., iii, 237 Schepehoo, man. (Upper Graven- hurst), il, 334, 335 Schepehoobrade (Upper Graven- Schools, ii, 149; farm, ii, 142; lace, ii, 124; plaiting, ii, 120 Schutz, John, li, 262, 265”; Mary, li, 204, 262; Mrs., ii, 207 Sclater, see Slater Scortegrave, see Shortgrave Scoteny, Beatrice de, i, 357 Scott (Scot), Ada (le), li, 210, 237; Eliz., ii, 252; iii, 198; Isabel, ii, 237; ili, 299; John le, iii, 297, 299 ; see "also Huntingdon, earl of ; Marg., ii, 237, 238 ; ili, 297 ; Rob., i, 403; ii, 251-3; Rev. R. C. = il, a Sam., iii, 198; Thos., 352 Scott’s 7 Close (Goldington), iii, 109 Scrivener, —, iii, 439 Scroggs elatiees), Alex., iii, 203, 218; Joan, il, 216; ‘Oliver, 1, 335°"; ti, 40; iii, 203, 216; Rich., i, 335”; Will., iii, 246 Scroop’s Farm (Biggleswade), ii, 209 Scrope, Hen., Ld., ii, 385 Scrope (Scroop), Hen. le, ii, 211, 235; John, ti, 384; Marg. le, ii, 235, 385 ; Rich., ii, 211, 235, 385 ; ili, 260; Rog. le, ii, 385; Col., ii 53 Scudamore, Rich., ii, 356 Seabroke, G., iii, 432 Seayres, Lucy, iti, 415 Sebon, Rog. of, ii, 296 Seckford (Sekford), Hen., iii, 201; John de, ii, 89 Sedbergh, chant. sch. at, ii, 157 Seddington (Sandy), ii, 242 Sedgwick, Steph., iii, 405; Will., ul, 405 Segenhoe (Segenehou), man. (Ridg- mont), i, 297, 377; li, 76, 81, 83, 84, 87; ili, 267, 320-2; ch., i, 315 ”, 371 N; iii, 320-3; tithes, i i, 376; vicarage, i, 316 ” Segrave, Marg., Lady, ii, 339; Lds., Ui, 12 ”, 133 ; John, ii, 339 Segrave, Christina de, ii, 353 ; Eliz., il, 339; Sir Hugh de, iii, 299; Ida de, iii, 229; Steph. de, iii, 229 Segresdone, iii, 123 Seiher, see Saher Sekford, see Seckford Sellator, Lambert, iii, 114 Seller, Will., ii, 157 INDEX Senhouse (Senhous), Rich., iii, 22, 23; Thos. de, ii, 220 Senior, E.N,, ii, 197 Senliz (Senlis), Sim. de, i 315 2; li, 239 Sergeant, Walt. le, iii, 73 Serle, John, iii, 137; Rich., i ili, 137 Serviens, Phil., iii, 113 Settle, Elkanah, lii, 355; Josias, iii, 355 Sewell (Houghton Regis), iii, 336, 389 ; chant., i, 329 # ; li, 150, 151 | lii, 394; man., iii, 391, 392; pre- hist. rem., i, 169: well, ii, 6, 7 Sewell (Sewelle), ‘Ad. de, iii, 391 ; Hen., iii, 391, 433; Joan de, iii, 433; Sir John, il, 393 i John de, ili, 390, 391; Rev. J. E., ii, 156; Matilda, iii, 391 2; Nich. de, iii, 391; Walt. de, iii, 391”; Dr.,, li, 162” Sewick End pee, iii, 223, 225 Sewster, Will., ii, 282 Sexton’s Manor ’(Wilden), iii, 224, 225 Seylade, iii, 76 Seymour, Thos., Ld., ii, 270} Seymour, Sir Edw., ‘iii 158; Jane, lii, III ; see also St. Maur Shaa, Sir Edm., see Shaw Shakerstone (Shackerstone) (Leics.), ch., i, 388, 389; iii, 65 Shafto, —, ii, 192 Shappenho, see Sharpenhoe Sharnbrook, i, 349, 380, 394 ; ii, 66, 78, 81, 115, 326; ili, 34, 59, 88-94, 105 %, 346; adv., i, 317; iii, 94; agric., ii, 83, 134; chant., iii, 94; char., iii, 94; ch., i, 315"; ii, 92; iii, 88, 92; fish-stew, li, 76; lace ind., iii, 89; mans., iii, 89 ; mills, iii, ’89, QI; Nonconf., iii, 89: place-names, iii, 89; sch., ii, 184 ; vicarage, iii, 88, 94 Sharnbrook, Hen. de, iii, 52, 91 Sharnbrook Grange, iii, 88 Sharnbrook House, iii, 88 Sharnbrook Meadow, iii, 59 Sharnbrook Summit (Wymington), iii, 117 Sharp (Sharpe), Hen., ii, 333; iii, 56; Rev. Wilfred, iii, 188 Sharpenhoe, i, 297, 306, 308, 313, 345, 381-3 5 chap., i, 318 n, 326m; li, 384; Chantry Farm, ii, 313, 384; ; man., ii, 89, 382 ; ‘man. house, ii, 384; "moat, ii, 384 Sharpenhoo, see Sharpenhoe Sharpin, Rev. F. L., ii, 200 Shathewell, Isabel, iii, 453; John, ul, 453 . a Shaw (Shaa), Sir Edm., ii, 159 Sheeplane (Potsgrove), iii, 421, Sheeprack Wood (Knotting), iii, 139 Sheepwalk Hill (Toddington), i, 185 Sheepwalk Spinney (Turvey), iii, IIo Sheerhatch Wood (Willington), iii, 264 Sheffield (Sheffeld), Edw., ii, 373; Eliz., ii, 252 ; Marg., ii, 252, 253; Thos., ii, 252 Shefford, i, 173, 174, 187, 189; ii, I, 5, 14, 44, 46, 113, 265, 267 n, 268, 270, 271, 276, 280, 286, 288, 294, 300, 320, 333; ili, 75 ”, 313, 326; char., ii, 270; ch., ii, 260, 270, 271; deanery of, i, 347; mkt. ii, 88, 268; iii, 21; Non- conf. ii, 271; Rom. Cath., ii, 270; Rom. rem. at, ii, 2, 11-13, 266; Rom. road, ii, 4; sch., it 184; vicarage, ii, 270 Shefford, Sir Geo., i, 402 45 Shefford Hardwick (Southill), ii, 113; ili, 227, 256 ; man., ili, 259 Sheldon, Cuth., iii, 286; Prudence, li, 204; Rich., ii, 204; fam., iii, 286 Sheldwick, Will. de, i, 362, 365 Shele, Thos., iii, 349 Shelley (Shellelond), man. (Wrest- lingworth), ii, 256 Shelton, i, 384 ; ii, 71, 115, 324; iii, 89, 123, 136, 161- -5, 193, 302, 313, 332, 333; adv., iii, 164 ; char., iii, 165; ch., iii, 163, 165; mans. a i, 384; iii, 162, 164 ; ship-money, iii, 162 ; tithe rent, ii, 106 Shelton, Lower (Marston More- taine), iii, 308, 313 ; man., iii, 311. Shelton, Upper, hamlet (Marston Moretaine), iii, 308, 333 Shelton, Upper, man. (Wootton), see Wootton Shelton, man. Shelton Grene (Wootton), iii, 329 Shelton Hall (Shelton), iii, 160 Shelbethorpe, Rob. de, iii, 125 Shelvestrode, Joan de, iii, Walt. de, iii, 252 Shengay Preceptory (Cambs), see Shingay Preceptory Shenkwyn, Thos., i, 399 Shenley Hill (Leighton Buzzard), lii, 400, 415 Shepherd (Sheparde, Sheppard), John, iii, 429; Philippa, iii, 429 ; Rich., iti, 444; Rob., ili, 411 ; Sarah, iil, 444; Thos., ili, 316, 385; Will., ili, 383, 384; —, i, 342 1; iii, 18, 30 Shepherd’ 's Bush {Dunstable}, Rom. rem., ii, 6 Sherard, Geo., iii, 386, 3877; Marg., iii, 386; Rich., iii, 386, 387; Thos., iii, 386 Sherborne (Sherbourne), Ad. of, i, 381; Rob., iii, 301 ; Sophia, iii, 301 ; Sir Will., i, 368 », 369 Sheriff, Rich., iii, 446 Sherley, Thos., see Shirley Sherwin, Thos., ii, 299 Shillington, i, 276, 324, 327; ii, 21, 25, 77, 78, 90, 113, 260, 261, 288, 293-9, 304, 308, 333, 344 adv., i, 324; ii, 299; chant., 299; ” char, , li, 299; ch.,, i, 313: ii, 78, 293, 297-9, 335; coprolite, ii, 117; copyhold, ii, 90; farms, ii, 82, 83; labourers’ wages, ii, 80 ; mans., i, 312; ii, 79, 204-6, 374; ili, 238; mills, ii, 293, 297 ; park, ii, 297; Nonconf., ii, 299 ; place-names ii, 294; poor-house, li, 104; Rom. rem., li, 13, 294; sch., ii, 184, 293 Shillington Bury, man. (Shilling- ton), i, 307 ; ii, 295 shingay (Shengay), preceptory of (Cambs), ii, 277; iii, 23, 213, 324, 330, 332, 376, 378, 420, 437 Shipley, Ellis, iii, 146 Shipman, Eliz. (Lucy), ii, 204 Ship-money, ii, 41; iii, 35, 162, 180, 197, 227, 267 Shire Horse Society, ii, 137, 140 Shirley (Sherley), John, ii, 316; Thos., iii, 167 Shitlington, see Shillington Shoe-making ind., iii, 157 Shone, Will., ii, 318 Shortewood (Bolnhurst), iii, 126 Shortgrave, man. (Studham), ii, 31, 145, 376, 430, 449 ”, 456 Shotbolt, Thos., iii, 432 Shotesbrook (Shottesbroke, Shottis- brook), Edith, Lady, iii, 136; John de, iii, 136 ; Sir Rob., iii, 107, 136, 137, 317 252; A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Shouldham Priory, i, 391 Shrewsbury, earls of, ii, 203, 223, 227, 261; Fran., ii, 340; Gilb., ii, 261 ; John, ii, 223 Shropshire, wool, price of, ii, 91 Shutlyngdene, see Shillington Shuttleworth, Caroline, iii, 255; Col. Frank, ii, 197; ili, 202, 205, 209, 240, 251, 253-5, 257, 264; Jos., iii, 205, 253, 257 Shyfforth, see Shefford Shyngay, see Shingay Shytlington, see Shillington Sibelthorpe, Edw., iii, 18 Sibley, Anne, iii, 429; Edm., iii, 429; Edw., iii, 429; Eliz., iii, 429; John, iii, 429; R. G, ii, 374; Thos., ili, 346, 429; Will. iii, 346; fam., ili, 194, 348 Sickling, Thos. , iii, 425 Sidegate (Suff. 1; iii, 229 Sidney (Sydney), Algernon, li, 57; Mary, ili, 177, 290; Sir Phil., iii, 290; Sir Will., iii, 177 ” Sidney Sussex Coll. (Cambridge), ii, 180; iii, 179, 296, 328, 332 Silchester (Toddington), Rom. rem., li, 2, 13, 15 Sill, Simeon, ii, 212 Silsoe, i, 174, 297, 318; ii, 36, 146, 289 n, 325-33, 335, 336, 382; chant., ii, 326, 330, 331, 332; chaps., i, 315 ”, 318, 325 ”; gold coin, ii, 326 5 man., ii, 329, 330} iii, 292 ; mkt, and fairs, ii, 88, 330; pop., ii, 114; sch., ii, 184 Silsoe, John of, li, 336 Silver End (Haynes), ii, 338 Silverton Grange, see Goldington Grange Silvester, ii, 78 Simley, —, ii, 44 Simmons, F., iii, 351; Simon, anchorite, i, hermit, i, 350 Simons, Hen., ii, 318 Simpson (Bucks), iii, 349 Simpson, F., ii, 198 ; 132%” Sinclair, Geo., ii, 135 Sindry, John, iii, 21 Sismey, John, iii, 155 Sitegate (Sharnbrook), iii, 91 Siward, ii, 237 Skeffington, Ant., iii, 162 ”; Geoff. de, iii, 168 ; John, iii, 163 ; Thos., iii, 163; Sir Will., iii, 163 ; Will., iii, 163 ; fam., iii, 162 Skegness, Bridg. F. A., ii, 295; Frances, ii, 295 Skinner, Tom, ii, 188 Skippon, —, ii, 46 Skipworth, Eliz., Lady, iii, 435; Greg., iii, 344; Sir Will., ili, 435 Skroges, see Scroggs Slade House, The (Hinwick), iii, 81 Slade Plantation (Podington), iii, 80 Slater (Sclater), Chris., i, 338 n; iii, 414; Rob., ii, 118; Will., ii, 312; —, ii, 119; fam., iii, 4Ir Slayny, Marg., Lady, iii, 250 Sleaford (Lincs), A.S. rem., 184 Slingsby, Abija, iii, 398 ; Hezekiah, iii, 385; Kath., ii, 385; Mark, iii, 399; Rebecca, ili, 385 ; Rob., iii, 398 Slip End (Caddington), ii, 314 Slipp (Luton), ii, 361 Slow, Rog., ii, 204 Slye, John, iii, 18 Smalman, Jas., iii, 159 Smart, Arth., ii, 375; Gerard, iii, 107 Thos., ii, 120 350; the Rich., iii, i, 182, Smartwick (Welden), iii, 223 Smeaton, —, ili, 235 __ Smith, Abra., ili, 226; Alice, iii, 429; Anne, ili, 177; Rev. A. .) iii, 429; Barbara, iii, 177; Benett; ii, 336; Charlotte O., iii, 387, 388; Chris., iii, 395; Cyrus, ii, 185”; Rev. C. H., iii, 179; Diana, iii, 60; Dorothy, iii, 205 ; Edm., iii, 177; Rev. Edw., iii, 60; Rev, Edw. O., iii, 388 ; Eliz., iii, 429; E., ii, 174; Frances, ili, 256, 261 ; Geoff., iii, 49 ; Geo., ii, 221, 408 ; Hen., ii, 241; iii, 251; Jas., ii, 241; john, iii, 392, 429, 432; ‘Magdalen, li, 233; Martha, iti, 432; Mary, ii, 162; iii, 432; Matth., iii, 125; Nich., i, 387 ; Rich., iii, 226; Roach, i, 170; Rob., ii, 241 ; ili, 156 ; Sim., + 3365 Thos., ii, 316 ; iii, 246, a Sir Will., iii, 255; Will., i, 335; ii, 162, 335; lii, 201, 346, 348, 349, 367, 4323 Worthington G., i, 269, 270; ii, 3”; Mrs. Cher- nock, iii, 386, 387, 388, 425; —, ii, 165: see also Smyth and Smythe Smithies, Rev. H. Y., ii, 133 Smyth, Alice, iii, 393; Edw., ii, 250; Geo. E., ii, 256; Jas., ii, 256; John (de), ili, 137, 255; Rev. Laur., iii, 255 0; Rich., i, 353; iii, 225; Rob., iii, 293; Susanna, iii, 255 ; Thos., iii, 456; Will., ii, 150; iii, 293; see also Smith and Smythe Smythe, Geo., ii, 40, 382; iii, 106 ; Hugh, ii, 382, 383; Jas., ii, 382, 383, 385; Jasper, ii, 263 ; John, Ul, 263, 305, 382; Marg., ii, 385; Rev. Rog., ii, 265} Thos., iii, 106; Will., ii, 162 ; iii, 106, 304; Mrs., ii, 382; see also Smith and Smyth Snagge, Agnes, ili, 13, 313; Anne (Anna), ili, 13, 298, 312; Beatrice, ili, 13; Chas., iii, 298 ; Edw., iii, 306, 308, 309 ; Eliz, iii, 298, 306, 309; Geo., ii, 363; Mary, li, 363; Ralph, iii, 298 ; Sir Thos., iii, 13, 240, 298, 309, 321; Thos., ii, 296; ill, II, 12, 13, 14, 298, 299, 306, 307, 309, 312, 313; —, ili, 217 Snell, Will., i, 402 Snetteshall Priory, iii, 184 Snitch, John, ii, 241 Snowe’ (Snow), Alice, i iii, 301 ; Dan., ii, 270, 271; Edw., ii, 271, 275, 276, 344; iii, 301 ; "Eliz., ii, 271, 276, 342 ; li, 301 ; Emma, ii, 271 ; Joan, ii, 363 ; Lawr., ii, 336, 378; Rebecca, iii, 165, 301 ; Rich., ii, 270, 271, 275, 276, 342; Sarah, iii, 301; Thos., ii, 336; Will., ii, 334, 378; fam., ill, 297 Soame, Judith, ii, 231, Steph., ii, 231, 233 Social and economic hist., ii, 73-116 Socon, see Eaton Socon Soham (Cambs.) i, 189 Sok, Godf. le, iii, 196; John le, iii, 196; Rog. le, iii, 196; Sim. le, iii, 196; Will. le, iii, 196 Sokes Manor (Laurence (Eaton Socon), iii, 196 Soleby, Hen. de, iii, 162, 164; Joan de, iii, 162; Rob. de, iii, 162; Will. de, iii, 162 Solemn Thrift Salem Thrift 233; Sir Place) (Bromham), see Someries, man. (Luton), ii, 350, 352 , 358, 372 Someries Castle (Luton), i, 305; ii, 348, 364 46 Somers, Rich., ii, 315 Somerset, Marg., dchss. of, ili, 41, 137, 181; dks. of, ii, 37, 3165 iii, 137; Edw., iii, 1583 Hen., iii, 173; John, ‘ii, 41 Somerset, Sir Chas., iii, 173; Hen., iii, iii, 14 Somersham, Agnes de, ii, 248; Alex. de, ii, 248; John de, ii, 248 ; Marg. de, ii, 248 Somery, Agnes de, ii, 364; Joan de, ii, 364; John de, ii, 364; Marg. de, ii, 364; Rog. de, ii, 364 Sondeye, see Sandy Sondon (Sonedone), see Sundon Son of #thelwine, Ailward, ii, 21 Son of Alan, Will., ii, 81 Son of Alchetil, Will., ii, 78 Son of Alex., Jordan, iii, 431; Walt., ili, 173 Son of Ascelin, Rob., ii, 296 Son of Azon, Will., ili, 159 Son of Azor, Hen., iii, 57, 58 Son of Baldwin, John, ili, 216 Son of Benedict, Cok, iii, 2 Son of Bernard, Thos., iii, 248 Son of Brun, Mossy, i, 321 ; iii, 363 Son of Bryan, Rob., ili, 418, 419, 421 Son of Drew, Ad., iii, 98 Son of Edwin, Lewin, ii, 314 Son of Erfast, Nigel, 1i, 281, 285 Son of Ernest, Arnold, iii, 377 Felicia, w. of "Arnold, iii, 377 Son of Ernis, Rob., iii, 144 Son of Eudo, Will. , iii, 211 Son of Flemengo, Leo, iii, 363 Son of Frane, Oswulf, iii, 426 Son of Fulcher, Amabel, d. of Will., iii, 285; Osmunda, w. of Will., iii, 285; Will., iii, 285 Son of Gerard, Warren, iii, 343 Son of Gerold, Hen., ii, 267, 268; Warine, ii, 267, 268 Son of Gilbert, Rich., Rich. de Son of Godric, Eadnoth, iii, 150 Son of Godwin, Gyrth, ii, 20; Harrold, ii, 20; Leofwine, ii, 20 ; Swegen, ii, 20; Tostig, ii, 20 Son of Gozelin, Hugh, iii, 408 Son of Gregory, Walt., iii, 424 Son of Henry, Guy, iii, 302 Son of Hordfast, Nigel, ii, 263 Son of Hubert, Eudo, ii, 248, 253 iti, 245, 247; see also Dapifer Son of Hugh, Barth., ii, 326 ; Geoff., iii, 314; Hen., ii, 244 Son of Ilger, Rannulf, iii, 78 Son of Ivo, Herb., iii, 49, 50, 97 Son of Jocelyn, Hugh, i, 371 ” Son of John, Ad., iii, 427; Rob., ii, iii, 173 ; Geo., 173; Thos., see Clare, 310 Son of Jordan, Rich., iii, 155 ; Rog., iii, 155; Thos., iii, 166 Son of Juliana, Hen., ii, 85 Son of Margaret, Rob., iii, 38 Son of Mary, Ad., iii, 58 Son of Nigel, Rob., iii, 78 Son of Olympeas, Rob., ii, 275 Son of Osmund, Levric, iii, 433 Son of Peter, Hamon, iii, 106 Son of Pictavus, Benedict, iii, 2; Jacob, iii, 2 Son of Rainald, Will., iii, 324 Son of Raineward, Will. » iil, 219 Son of Ralph, Rob., ii, 443 iii, 181 Son of Richard, Gilb., iii, 428; Osbern, iii, 159 ; Paschasia, w. of Gilbert, iii, 428 ; Ralph, i, 325 ”; Will., iii, 324, 325 Son of Robert, Sim., ii, 286 Son of Roger, Hen., ii, 351; Ralph, iii, 113 Son of Roland, Abel, i, 371 7”; iii, 29 é Son of Rozelin, Rob., iii, go Son of Salaman (Salomon), li, 288 ; iii, 59 Son of Sampson, Rob., ii, 379 Son of Sewale, Thos. , iii, 36 Son of Simon, Rich., ., li, 360; Rob., li, 360; Walt., iii, 436 Son of Siward, Alan, ii, Waltheof, iii, 168 Son of Teodric, Rog., iii, 206 Son of Turkill, Rob., ii, 78 Son of Walter, Osbern, ii, 207, 208 ; Rob., iii, 396 ; Walt., ii, 315 Son of Warin, Agnes, w. of Walt., li, 234”; Walt., ii, 234” Son of William, Gilb., iii, 60 ; Hen., ii, 244; Rich., ii, 225 Son of Wymark, Ralph, iii, 74 Sonyngdon, see Sundon Sopwell Priory (Herts), i, li, 324; iii, 237 Sorthegrave, see Shortgrave Soulbury (Bucks), i, 162; iii, 404, 415; ch., 1, 370; 37° Soulbury, Hugh of, i, 370 Souldrop (Soulthorp), i, 327 ”, 394; ii, 90, 115; iii, 34, 94-5; adv., iii, 95; char., ii, 95; ch., i, 314, 394; ili, 95; lace ind., iii 94; Man., iii, 95; place-names, ili, 95; schs., li, 184; ili, 139 Souldrop, Steph. of, i, 314”; Will. of, i, 382 m ; ii, 244 Souldrop Would, iii, 94 Soulthorp, see Souldrop Southampton, Thos. Wriothesley, earl of, ii, 57” South Brook (Wilden), iii, 223 Southill, i, 364, 365, 380, 393; 44, 55M, 60, 61, 66, 116, 179, 07, 266, 338; iii, 69, 175, 176, 246, 256-261, 281, 283 ; adv., iii, 261 ; agric., ii, 134 ; char., iii, "261 ; ch., i, 315”, 378MH; iii, 260; man., iii, 257; mill, ii, 278 ; place- names, iii, 257; priest’ s stipend, i, 341; iii, 261; schs., ii, 184; vicarage, i, 317; warren, ili, 260 Southill Park, ii, 147, 190; ili, 234, 235, 256, 258, 261 Southill with Rowney, iii, 256 South Mills, man. (Blunham), iii, 228, 231 Southoe, man. (Hunts), ili, 172 Southouse, Edw., ii, 361 ; Hen. » iii, 211 ; Sarah, iii, 211 Southwater Mead, ii, 266 Southwell, Thos., iii, 82, 419 Southyevell, see Southill Sowerby, John, ii, 361; Col., ii, 359; Maj., ii, 196; —, li, 359, 361 Spark, Sir John, i, 326 Sparrow, Rob., iii, 20 Spech (Spec), hon. of, iii, 2190 Spech (Spec, Espec), Albreda, iii, 176, 257; Aubrey, ili, 219; Hadwisa, ii, 230; iii, 252; Walt., i, 361, 362”, 364; ii, 230, 233; iii, 36 2, 175, 176, 243, 252, 253, 255, 257, 259; Will., 1, 143, 230, 383 2; iii, 36, 38, 85, 120, 134, 219, 220, 221, 248, 252, 257-8, 324, 386, 439; fam. iii, 207 Speedwell Belt (Potsgrove), lii, 421 Spelman, Sir Hen., i, 343 ” . Spence, John, iii, 194; Rob., iii, 194 “a fa Spencer, baron, ii, 243; earls, i, Gilb., oti 350 Nn; 368, rectory, i, 180, 220, 222; iii, 104, 310; John, iii, 306; Chas., Ld., ii, 220; Rob., Ld., ii, 222 INDEX Spencer, Alice, iii, 102 ; Arnold, iii, 314; Eliz., iii, 208; Frances L., ili, 301; Hen., see Sunderland, earl of ; Sir John, ii, 243 ; iii, 102, 208; John, i, 393; il, 62, 163, 220, 232, 245; ili, 104, 182, 240, 306, 310; John W., see Brownlow, earl; Mary, ii, 232, 2433 Nich., iii, 29, 184, 240; Rev. Oliph L., ili, 301; Rob., ii, 43, 220, 222, 243 } ili, 182, 240; Thos., ii, 245 ; iii, 240; Will., ii, 220, 243; ill, 182, 240, 242; ’fam., ili, 205 Spendlove, John, ii, 360 ” Spensley, Howard, ili, 451; ili, 453 Spicer, John, iii, 166; Rich., iii, 154; Thos., ii, 40; iii, 332 Spiders (Arachnida), i, 88-90 Spigurnel, Alice, i, 360; Sir Hen., lil, 428; Hen., ii, 276, 286; iii, I29, 130, 429; Joan, iii, 429; Lucy, iii, 429; Phil., iii, 129”; Sarah, iii, 130; Sir Thos., ii, 276, 280; Thos., ii, 286%; iii, 129, 428; Will., ii, 286-7; iii, 429; —, iii, 216 Spiller, Sir Hen., iii, 113 Spinneyhole (Maulden), iii, 316 Spittle Close (Dunstable), iii, 364 Splashyard Wood, see Palace Yard Spokes, Rev. J. H., ii, 308 Sports, ancient and modern, ii, 187-200 Springfield House (Kempston), iii, 29 Sorina, chalybeate and medicinal, i, 39; ill, 44, 59, he 96, 284; petrifying, i, 308 ; iii, 82 Spurling (Spurlyng), Anne, il, 224, 232; John, ii, 224, 232 Spynk, John, iii, 52 Squire, Gaius, ili, 191, 198; John, li, 204, 205, 320; Mary, iii, 191 ; Rob., ii, 204, 205; Rowland (Roland), iii, 191, 196; Miss, iii, 193 Stacheden, see Stagsden Stachesdene, see Stagsden Stacy, Agnes, iii, 247. Edw., iii, 244, 248; John, ill, 247; Thos., ili, 247, 248; Will., iii, 28 Stacy’s Wood (Northill),. ili, 245 Stafford, man. (Kempston), iii, 302 Stafford, Anne, ctss. of, ili, 171; earls of, Edm., iii, 156, 171; Ralph, iii, 36; Thos., iii, 36; Lady Marg., ili, 36; Will. Howard, visct., iii, 192, 196 Stafford, Anne, iii, 14; Ant., iii, 196; Bridg., iii, 196; Edw., see Buckingham, dk. of; Eliz., iii, 195, 196, 283, 298 ; Sir Humph., lii, 14; Humph., ili, 195, 196; Sir Hen., iii, 298 ; Jane, ill, 302; John, iii, 196; Kath., ili, 195; Marg., Lady, iii, 298; ’ Mary, iii, 196; Nigel de, i, 353; Thos. iii, 277, 302; Walt., iii, 196; Sir Will., iti, 195, 298; Will., iil, ‘196, 302 ; fam., iii, 76 Stagsden (Stagesden, Stachesdene), Mrs. ii, 115; ili, 32, 34, 96-100; adv., iii, 100 ; ch., i, 315%, 380; iii, 98; chat., ili, 100 ; farms, iii, 96 ; lace ind., iii, 96; man., iii, 96; mills, iit, 96; park, ‘ii, 1433 sch., ii, 184; vicarage, i, 316” Stageden, John of, i, 352; fam., Staite, istandg), Capt. John, iii, 12; see also Stane Staismore fam., see Staysmore Stamford (Lincs), ii, 276”, 290, 299 47 Stamford, Rich. of, ii, 178 Stampe, John, iii, 277 Stanbridge, ii, 375; iii, 368, 399, 400, 402, 407, 415, 417, 447; chant., ili, 415; chap., i, 324, 341; ili, 414; ch., iii, 412; man., i, 381”; iil, 405; Nonconf., iii, 415; pop., ii, 114; schs., ii, 184; vicarage, iii, 414 Stanbridge, half-hund., iii, 336 Stanbridge, Hugh of (de), iii, 347, 442 ; Isabel of, iii, 347; Joan of, i, 360; Sim. of (de), iii, 347, 442 Stanbridge Ford (Totternhoe), iii, 400, 447 Stanbrig (Stanbrugge), see Stan- bridge Standon (Beds), see Stondon, Upper Standon (Herts), i, 312 Standon, Ralph de, ii, 296; Walt. de, i, 352 Stands, see Staines and Stane Stane (Stanes), Christina de la, ii, 321; Eliz. dela, ii, 321; Margery de la, ii, 321; Pet. de la, ii, 321 ; Will. de, li, 350; see also Staines Stanford (Southill), i, 365, 393; iii, 227, 256, 258; fishery, iii, 259; man., iii, 258; mills, iii, 256, 259; Rom. rem., ii, 1, 13 Stanford, Ld., ii, 44 Stanford, Eliz., ii, 289; Geoff. of, i, 365; Joan, ii, 289; John, ii, 289 ; iii, 97; Mary, ii, 289; Will., ii, 291 Stanfordbury Farm (Southill), iii, 257, 258; Rom. vault, ii, 13 Stanfordbury Manor (Southill), ili 258, 259 Stanhope, Edw., iii, 236, 418 ; Mich., iii, 236, 418; Phil., see Chester- field, earl of Stanley, Ld., iii, iii, 140, 172 Stanley, Edw., iii, 102, 119; Eliz., Lady, iii, 405 | ‘ Ferdinand, iii, 119; Sir Geo., iii, 119; Geo., see Strange, Ld. ; Hen., see Derby, earl of ; Sir John, iii, 145 ; Marg., iii, 283; Thos., see Derby, earl of; Sir Will., ili, 4o5; Will., iii 102 Stanton, see Staunton Stanwick (Northants), i, 312; ii, 71, 72; ili, 123 Stap, Dorothy, ii, 373; Roland, ii, ’ 230; Thos. Ld., 373 ss Stapleford Mill (Luton), ii, 366 Stapleton, Sir Phil., li, 45” Staple Wood (Eaton Socon), iii, 189 Staploe (Nether Staploe) (Eaton Socon), i, 297; iii, 190, I92%, 193, 197, 198 Staploe, Upper (Over), (Eaton Socon), iii, 190, 193, 201 Starcher, iii, 402 Stare, Edw., ili, 405 ; Mary, iii, 405 ; Will., iii, 405 Staresmore, see Staysmore Starkey, —, ii, 166 Starling (Starlyng), Sir Sam., ii, 359; Will., ii, 360 ” Staughton, Little, ii, 71, 86, 133; ili, 123, 136, 146%, 153, 165-8; adv., iii, 167; char., iii, 168; ch., i, 3152, 349, 304% ; lili, 146”, 166; man., ili, 165; Nonconf., iii, 165; place- names, iii, 165; sch., ii, 183 Staunton (Stanton), Edw., iii, 461 ; Eliz., iii, 461; Sir Fran., ii, 40; ili, 418, 461, 462 ; Fran., iii, 418 ; John de, iii, 376; Rob., ti, 44; lili, 259; Stavely, iii, 461; Will., ili, 418; —, iii, 321 II5, A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Staysmore, man. (Carlton), see Carl- ton Hall Staysmore (Staresmore), John, iii, 51, 384; Will., iii, 51, 384 Stead, Geo., iii, 313 Steingrave (Steyngreve), Ida, iii, 45, 235, 295, 330; Isabel, iii, 14; John de, iii, 14, 235, 295, 424; Mabel de, iii, 330 Steph, Will, iii, 50 Stephen, king, i, 372”; ill, 9, 352 Stephen, priest, ili, 286 Stephen, Maj. J. Y., iii, 428; see also Steven Stephens, Agnes, i, 361; Jeremy, i, 338, 343; Thos., ii, 268; see also Stevens Steppingley (Stepigelai, Stepingle), i, 394; ii, 115; ili, 267, 324-5, 458; adv.., i, 376; iii, 325; char., iii, 325; ch., i, 315 , 321, 371 n, 374”; iii, 325; ‘French Horn’ Inn, iii, 324; man., i, 364; iii, 23, 324; mills, iii, 325 ; Nonconf.,, iii, 324; place- names, iii, 324; sch., li, 24, 25; ii, 184; warren, ii, 136; iii, 324 Steonineley (Steppingly, Step- pingle), Hen. de, iii, 324; John de, iii, 324; Maud de, iti, 324; Nichola de, iii, 324; Rich. of, i, 371; ili, 324, 325; Walt., iii, 220 2; iii, 324, 325 Steppingley Park, iii, 325 Steppingley Park ‘Farm, ili, 324 Steppingley Wood, ii, 145; ili, 324 Stepynge, Matth., iii, 240 Sterne, Susan, ii, 329), 330, 378; Thos., ii, 329, 330, 378 Stethintun, see Stevington Steven, Hen., ii, 379; see also Stephen Stevenage (Herts), ii, 4 ; ili, 293 Stevens, —, ii, 118; see also Stephens Stevenson, Rob., iii, 282 ; W. H., i, 310” Stevington, i, 388”; ii, 77, 91, 115; iii, 34, 44, 100-4; adv., i, | Black Death in, 389; i lil, 103,; 104; ch., iii, 100; char., ili, 315m, 324”, 388, 389; iii, toa: cross, ili, 100; fishery, jii, 102; ind., iii, 100; man., ii, 88 ; iii, 74, 78, 100: mill, ii, 89 ; ‘iii, 109; place- names, iii, 103 7; rents, it, -€325 sch., ii, 184; vicarage, i, 316 2 Stevington, Alwold of, iii, 114 Stevington Hall, iii, 102 Stevington Park, li, 187; ili, 102 Stewart (Steward), Anne, ii, 281; Eliz., iii, 32; Geo., ii, 281 ; Lt.- Col. Jas., ii, 67; Will., ii, 210; see also Stuart Stewkley (Bucks), i, 370, 404 Steyngreve, see Steingrave Steynton, see Stevington Stigand, archbp., li, 210, 219; 260 Stilton (Hunts), i, 386 n; Stirling, Thos., ii, 318 Stirman, John, ili, 453 Stivecle (Stivecele, Styvecle), Alice, ii, 3343 Aline de, li, 334; Barna- ii, 120 bas, ii, 3345 ili, 252; Joan, il, 3343 Joscelin de, ii, 333, 334; Nich, de, iii, 194; Walt. de, ii, 334; ili, 252; see also Stukeley Stiventone (Stivetone), see Steving- ton Stoakes, see Stokes Stobart, F. W., ili, 44 Stobell, Anne, iii, 300; 300 Will., iii, Stocker (Stokker), Hen., iii, 201 ; John, iii, 201; Oliver, iii, 197; Rich., iii, 197; Sir Will. + lil, 201 Stock Grove (Bucks), iii, 404 Stocking Croft (Ravensden), ili, 210 Stockinge (Shillington), ii, 295 ” Stockinge Close (Kempston), iii, 302 tocking Pelham (Herts), ii, 214, 304 Stockwood Close (Luton), ii, 361 Stockwood Park (Luton), ti, 147, 197, 319, 348, 360, 361; ili, 105, 177 Stocton (Stokton), John de, ili, 165; Rich. of, ii, 149; fam., ili, 166 Stocton Parva, see Staughton, Little Stocwell, Urian, iii, 295 Stodden, hund., ii, 115; iii, 123, 180 Stodham, see Studham Stoke, man., i, 376; mill., Stoke, John de, iii, 67 Stoke d’Abernon (Surrey), iii, 78 Stokehammond, man. (Bucks), i, iii, 91 376 Stoke Rochford (Lines), iii, 145 Stokes (Stoakes, Stokys), John, iii, 121; Rob. de, i, 370; iii, 152; Will. de, iii, 286, 288 Stokesby, man. (Norfolk), i, 360 Stokesholt, ii, 291 Stokker, see Stocker Stokton, see Stocton Stokton Parva, see Little Stokys, see Stokes Stolfalt, see Stotfold Stolferth, iii, 383 Stonbury, see Etonbury Staughton, Stondon, Lower (Shillington), ii, 260, 293, 294, 296, 304; char., ii 287 Stondon, Upper, ii, 113, 260, 275, 288, 304-5; adv., li, 305; ch., i, 315 2, ii, 304; coins, Brit. and Rom., i, 173, 174; ii, 304; man., Ul, 304 Stondon, Will. de, iii, 51 Stone (Bucks), Rom. well, ii, 6 Stone, John, iii, 321; Rich., iii, 322; Thos., iti, 321; Will., ii, 40, 130, 131; ili, 322, 340; —, li, 96, 136 Stoneham, Mary, ii, 243; Rob., ii 243 Stoneley Priory (Hunts), iii, 173 Stoneworts (Characeae), i, 59 Stoneylove, Thos., ii, 286 Stonley, Rich., iii, 212 Stony Hill (Limbury), Rom. rem., ii, 8 Stoppesley, see Stopsley Stopsley, ii, 306, 308, 348, 349, 359, 357) 361, 374; adv., li, 374; , i, 346; li, 374; man., ii, 350, abla, 359, 363, 365; Nonconf., li, 374 Stopsley (Stoppesley), Alex. (de), , 365; iii, 130; Edw., ii, 365 3 Heh de, li, 3662; John of, i, 352; Matilda de, iii, 130 Stortewayle, Will., i, 402 Story, John, ii, 40; Phil., ii, 227 Stotfold (Stotfeld), i, 379, 380; ii, I13, 206, 214, 260, 261, 300-4; adv., i, 303; agric., ii, 134; char. ., i, 184 2, 303; ch. , i, 315 7, 392 ; ji, 300, 302; Cook’s Close, ii, 304; ind., ii, 117, 120; mans., i, 381, 393; ii, 300; iti, 12; mills, ii, 302; Morrells Close, ii, 304; Nonconf., ii, 303; place- names, ii, 300 ; poor-house, ii, 104 5 ‘priest’s stipend, i, 336; Rom. rem., ii, 14; Rom. rd., 48 Stotfold (cont.) ti, 4, 300; schs., vicarage, i, 316” ii, 184, 304; Stotfold, Joan, iii, 221; Walt., iii 221 Stotfold Brayes, man. (Stotfold), ii, 300, 302 ; iii, 44; mills, ii, 300, 301 2 Stotfold Common, ii, 300 Stotfold Green, ii, 300 Stotfold Newnham, man. (Stotfold), ii, 301 Stotford, Geoff. of, ii, 289 Stotham, see Studham Stotton, ii, 83 Stoughton, Little, see Staughton, Little Stoughton (Stouton), Joc. of, i, 386”; Rich. of, i, 386, 387; Thos., i, 387; Walt. de, iii, 137; Will., i, 387 Stouton, see Stoughton Strabolgi, Dav. de, iii, 3, 281 Strafford, Lady Anne, ii, 277; ili, 441; Ld., ii, 52; Thos., Ld., ti 277; iii, 441 Straillei, see Streatley Strange, Geo. Stanley, Ld., iii, 172 Strange, Marg., iii, 145; Rog. le, iii, 418; Thos., iii, 384; .Walt., iii, 145; Will., iii, 144, 145, 368, 394 Strangeways, Sir John, iii, 391 Strangward, Will., iii, 132 Stratford (Sandy), i i, 271; li, 242 Stratford, Thos. of, ii, 384 Stratford, Langthorne Abbey (Essex), li, 227, 252, 253 Strathum, Eliz., iii, 129; Thos., iii, 129 Stratlei, see Streatley Stratton (Biggleswade), ii, 45, 201, 209, 248; ili, 69, 258, 259; chap., ii, 214; man, ii, 210; water-mill, ii, 212 Stratton Park (Biggleswade), ii, 190, 209 Straw-cutting industry, ii, 120 Straw-plaiting industry, ii, 107, 108, 109, 118-22, 212, 349, 350; Wl, 5, 35, 234, 317%, 345, 351, 363, 369, 390, 426, 435, 439, 447 Streatley, ii, 89, 114, 306, 313, 324, 345, 381, 384; adv., i, 360; ii, 383; char., ii, 384; ch., i, 315 0; li, 383; man., ii, 346, 381; mill, ii, 381 # ; place-names, li, sar sch., ii, 184, 384 ; vicar- age, 1, 317 Streatley Field (Streatley), ii, 313 Stredlegh, see Streatley Streeter, John, ii, 315 Street Field (Dunstable), Rom. coins, ii, 6 Strickland, Chris., iii, 179 Strigul (Chepstow), prior of, ii, 265 Stringer, Anne, ii, 291; Hen., ii, 290; John, i, 398; Rich., ii, 289, 291 ; Thos., li, 290; iii, 204 Strode, Edw., iii, 332; Litton, ii, 301 ; Rob., ii, 316; Will., ii, 316 Stuart, Lt.-Col. Dugald, ii, 251, 252 ; Col. Geo., iii, 106 ; Hen., ii, 66” Jas., iii, 106; May, iii, 106; Lt.-Col. Will., ii, 70; Will. ii, 66, 184%", 252; Col., ii, 69; —, ii, 197; fam., ii, 66; see also Stewart Studde, Eliz., iii, 400 Studham, i, 404; ii, 71, 84, 92%, 114, 314; iil, 336, 337, 368, 426-32, 455; adv., i, 314 ”, 376; ili, 431; char., ili, 432; ch., i, 311m, 315, 318, 371”; iii, 428, 430; Ch. Farm, iii, 427; Studham (cont.) ind., iii, 426; man., i, 376; iii, 426; Nonconf., iii, 432; place- names, iii, 426; schs., ii, 184; Ml, 432; vicarage, i, 316%; woollen hat petition, iii, 429 Studham (Stodham), Alex. of, i, 371”; iii, 427, 428, 431; Alice de, iii, 428; Jordan de, iii, 428; Lavinia de, iii, 428; Paschasia de, iii, 428; Rob. de, iii, 428, 431 ; Sarah de, iii, 428 ; Thos. de, ii, 428; Will. de, iti, 428, 431 Studham House (Studham), ili, 428 Studley, Thos., iii, 331 Studleys, man. (Wootton), iii, 329, 331, 332, 333 Stukeley, Nich, de, iii, 22; Mrs., lii, 145, 246; see also Stivecle Sturges, Barnard C., iii, 424 Sturmere (Essex), i, 184 Sturminster, ii, 352 Style, John, iii, 325; Oliver, iii, 449; Thos., iii, 325 Styrop, Rich., iii, 145 Styvecle, see Stivecle Styventon, see Stevington Suckling, Thos., ii, 289 Sudbury (Eaton Socon), iii, 180; man., iii, 193 ”, 195 Sudbury, Joan de, iii, 195; John de, iii, 195; Kath. de, iii, 195; Margery de, iii, 195; Rog. de, iii, 195; Simon, archbp., ii, 35; Will. de, iii, 195 Sudgible (Sudgivele), see Southill Sudington, John de, ii, 239 Sudtone, see Sutton Sueteman, ii, 271 ” Suffolk, assessment, ii, 48 n ; straw- plait ind., ii, 121 ; wool, ii, 91 Suffolk, Sarah, ctss. of, iii, 332; dchsses. of, Alice, iii, 401, 403, 415; Eliz., iii, 403 ; dks. of, Hen., iii, 156; John, iii, 403, 415; Will., iii, 403 ; Hen., earl of, iii, 332 Sulgrave, Hugh of, ii, 309, 310 Sunderland, Hen., earl of, ii, 243; Rob., earl of, ii, 220 Sunderland, Rev. Thos. S. J., iii, 211; Lt.-Col., iii, 209, 211 ; Mrs., iii, 211 Sundials, ii, 208, 303, 387; iii, 38, 81, 128, 217, 287, 303, 312, 347 Sundon, ii, 114, 135, 189, 306, 384- 7; wi, 192; adv., wu, 387; char., ii, 387; ch., i, 315; ii, 385; ind., ii, 384; mans., ii, 223, 384; iii, 362; mkt., ii, 88; mill, li, 385; Noncont., ii, 387; place- names, ii, 384; sch., ii, 184; vicarage, i, 316", 341; work- house, ii, 105 Sundon, Will. Clayton, Ld., ii, 385 Suppethorp, Rob. de, iii, 181 Surive, Pet. de, iii, 119, 122 Surrey, Eliz., ctss. of, ii, 340; earls of, John, ii, 340; Thos., ii, 301, 340; iii, 13 ”, 263; see also Nor- folk, dk. of Surtees, Frances, iii, 434 Sussex, ctsses. of, Eliz., iii, 283 ; Marg., iii, 283 ; earls of, iii, 281 ; Edw., iii, 281 ; Rob., iii, 283 Suthlingdon, see Shillington Sutton (Suttone), i, 335%, 384; ii, go, 96, 98, 113, 201, 2qt, 237) 246-51; iii, 109; adv., ii, 250; char., ii, 251; ch., i, 335”; ii, 248; earthworks, i, 300; ii, 246; mans., ii, 238, 246, 250, 256, 257; pack-horse bridge, i, 301; ii, 246; place-names, ii, 246; rector, i, 328; sch., ii, 184; vicarage, ii, 246 3 INDEX Sutton, Drew de, iii, 247; Eustace de, iti, 247; Sir John de, ii, 364; Marg., ii, 364; Olimpas of, ii, 279; Oliver, see Lincoln, bps. of ; Rich., iii, 259; Rob. of, ii, 279 Sutton Park, ii, 197, 246 Swaffham Prior (Cambs), i, 365 Swanbourne (Bucks), i, 370; vicar, iii, 418 Swann, Rev. E., ii, 174 Swanton, man. (Harrold), ii, 83; iii, 66 Swart (Sweart), Ethelwine (Ailwin), li, 21; iii, 128, 297 Swathyng, Marg., iii, 220; Thos., iii, 220 Swayne, Thos., ii, 330; see also Sweyn Swaynes Orchard (Wootton), iii, 3310” Sweart, see Swart Swell, the (Colworth), iii, 89 Sweyn, ii, 20 Sweyn, Hen. le, ii, 212; Will., iii, 98; see also Swayne Swift, Will., iii, 442 Swifte, Sir Fran., iii, 314 Swinburn, Ad. de, iii, 78 Swineshead, ii, 71; ili, 123, 136, 168-70 ; adv., iii, 170; char., iii, 170; ch., iii, 169; man., iii, 134, 168 ; Nonconf., iii, 168; sch., i, 184; Three Horse Shoes Inn, iii, 168 Swineshead, Isabella de, iii, 168; Ralf de, iii, 168, 170; Rob. de, lii, 168; Walt. of, i, 397; iii, 168, 169 Swinford (Swynford), Eliz., ii, 248 ; Sir Thos. de, ii, 87 ; Thos., ii, 248 Swynerton (Swynnerton), Hugh, ii, 329; John de, iii, 456 Sydney, see Sidney Syer, Rev. Thos., iii, 214 Sykes, ~~, ii, 374 Sylam, Agnes, ii, 363; Eliz., ii, 363 ; Joan, ii, 363 ; John, ii, 362, 363, 366, 373; Mary, ii, 363 Symcotts, —, ii, 277 Symgwyn, ii, 332 Symond, Ad., i, 402 Symonds, Thos., iii, 250 Synnot, Henrietta L., iii, 419 Syon Abbey (Midd.), ii, 151; iti, 394 Taddy, Edw. G., ii, 222, 242, 251; Rev. John, ii, 222, 251 Tadelowe, John, ii, 213”; Maud, ii, 213” Tadlow, man. (Cambs), i, 392, 393 Tags End (Wootton), iii, 328, 329 Taillebois (Taillebosc, Talgebosc, Tallebosc), Azelina, ii, 215, 216, 232, 271, 275, 304, 305, 322; ili, 199, 253, 344, 383; Cecily, ii, 257; Elias, ii, 257, 258; Ivo, ii, 22; iii, 206, 390; Ralph (Ralf), i, 297”, 312; ii, 153, 215, 232, 248, 271, 275, 281, 395, 306 n, 321, 322, 361; ill, 9, 37, 171, 199, 203, 206, 253, 344, 383, 402 Taisso (Taissel), Rob. de, iii, 186; Rog. de, iii, 186; Wimund ds, iii, 181, 186 Talbot, Lady Anne, ii, 340; Lady Beatrice, ii, 224”; Lady Eliz., Ul, 332 Talbot, Eliz., ii, 223; Hugh, iii, 343; John, see Shrewsbury, earl of; Rich., ii, 223, 227; iii, 159; Rob., iii, 159; Thos., iii, 159; Will., iii, 343 49 Talgebosc, Tallebosc, see Taillebois Tamiseforda, see Tempsford Tanfield, Clem., ii, 227, 238, 262; Eliz., ii, 227; Fran., ii, 227; Rob., ii, 228; Will., ii, 227; fam., ii, 262 Tanners, Dr., ii, 170 Tanqueray, Chas., iii, 91 Tansley, Alf. J., ii, 120 Tarleton, Alf. H., iii, 276 Tartlett End (Cranfield), iii, 275 Tasciovan (Tasciovanus), coins of, 1, 173 Tattenhoe (Bucks), iii, 302 Taverner, Fran., iii, 328 Tavistock, mqss., of, ii, 64, 69, 70, 187; Fran., ili, 290; Will., ii, 43, 61 Taylor (Taylard), Alice, ii, 244; Anne, ii, 238; iii, 329; Cath. (Kath.), ii, 239; iii, 130, 150, 198; Eliz., iii, 126, 150; F. G., iii, 278 ; Geoff., iii, 150 ; Humph., ii, 238; John, ii, 238, 244; iii, 31, 50; Sir Laur., iii, 150; Laur., ii, 238; Mich. A., ii, 204, 265; Nath., ii, 54”; Nich., iii, 54, 329; Rich., ii, 43, 55, 281H; iii, 126, 130, 198; Rob., ii, 241 ; ili, 43, 80, 116, 293, 325; Rog., li, 238, 358; Sim., iii, 154, 322; Thos., iii, 126, 130, 131, 132; Ursula, iii, 130, 131, 132; Will., ii, 43, 238; ili, 130, 150; W. J., iii, 116; Mrs., ii, 182 7; —, bell founder, ii, 213, 292, 319: iii, 25, 68, 121, 179, 255, 278, 288, 304, 334, 342, 378, 382, 385, 393, 398, 420, 454 Tebault, see Theobald Tebb, Jonathan, iii, 157 Tebworth (Chalgrave), iii, 343, 345, 347, 438; chant., ili, 349; chap., i, 318, 325 ”; iii, 349 Teken, Will. de, iii, 139 ” Temesforda, see Tempsford Templars, i, 315”, 349, 362, 366, 394; li, 144, 216; iii, II, 59”, 66, 67, 70, 78, 90, 134, 154, 158, 165, 315, 318, 324, 437; Aimery, master of, iii, 165; Rob. de Sanford, master of, iii, 66 Templars’ Lands (Pertenhall), iii, 154 Temple, Sir Will., ii, 275 Temple Hills, man. (Sharnbrook), i, 394; iii, 90 Tempsford, i, 273, 284, 297, 307, 346m, 403; i, 19, 20, 44, 65, II3, 130, 201, 206, 226, 251-5, 276; iii, 209; adv., ii, 254; chant., i, 329; ii, 151, 233, 245, 254, 255, 258; char., ii, 255; ch. i, 315”; ii, 251; earth- works, i, 280-2; ii, 251; fishery, li, 253; mans., ii, 251; mills, ii, 253; Nonconf., ii, 255; prehist. rem., i, 145; li, 251; place-names, ji, 251; rector of, 1, 341 ”, 342; Rom. rd. at, ii, 4; schs., ii, 150, 151, 184, 251 Tempsford Hall, ii, 197, 251 Temysford, see Tempsford Teobbanwynthe, see Tebworth Terle, Thos., iii, 332 Tesserae, ii, 7, 12, 13, 15 Tessington, Rich., iii, 139 Tetbald, see Theobald Tetbaud, iii, 181 Tetebury, Rich., iii, 137; see also Tutbury Tethbald, see Theobald Tetricus, coins of, ii, 7 Tettesworth, John, iii, 456; Nich. iii, 456 8 A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Tetworth (Hunts), ii, 71, 226, 228, 230; sch., ii, 182 Tewkesbury, abbot of, i, 320, 362 Teye (Teyes), Isabel, iii, 14 ; Walt. de, ii, 14, 45 Teynturer, Laur. le, iii, 358 ” Thame Sch. (Oxon), ii, 162, 173 Thanet, earl of, ili, 441 Thatchford mill, ii, 355 Thaxted (Essex), ii, 241 Thayne, Jas., ii, 355 The, John de la, ii, 145 Thebrugg, Rog. de, i, 352 Thebworthe, see Tebworth © Theed, Eliz., iii, 198; Hen., iii, 199; Will., iii, 198, 199 Theistic church, iii, 31 Themes, Nich. de, iii, 219 Theobald (Tebault, Tethbald, Tet- bald), ii, 315; iii, 85 Theobald, Fran., iii, 291; li, 204 ” Theodore, archbp., i, 346 Thimelby, Eliz., iii, 291 Thirning, Sir Will., iii, 130 Thody, Oliver, ii, 268 Thomas (Cancellarius), i, 400 Thomas, Rob., iii, 1 Thomlynson, see Tomlinson Thompson, Cath., iii, 396 ; Dorothy, iii, 307; Edw. H., ii, 282; Eliz., iii, 328; Geo., iii, 195; Jane, iii, 398 ; Sir John, iii, 395 ; John, ili, 74, 286, 307, 333, 395-8; Judith, iii, 395; Mary, ili, 332; Maurice, iii, 296; Rob., iii, 395; Sam., iii, 332; St. John, iii, 395, 396, 398; Ursula, iii, 396, 398; Sir Will, iii, 332; Will., iii, 328 ; — , li, 135 ee John C., iii, 242; Will., 164, Rich., Io Thorn lHougtiten Regis), ii, 8; iii, 390 Thornbury, man. (Houghton Regis), il, 391 Thorncote (Northill), ii, 92 ; 248, 250, 251 : Thorne, Edw., ii, 160, 161; Giles, i, 337-40, 342, 343; iii, 28; Obed, ii, 320; Will., iii, 28; ! Mrs., i, 338, 339 Thorney Abbey (Cambs), i, 314, 315”; ili, 124, 125, 143, 179, 188, 396 Thornton, Col. Godf., iii, 231, 246, 247; Godf., ii, 252; iii, 231; Harry, ii, 189 ; iii, 205 ; Rob., iii, 231, 247; Steph., iii, 231; Thos, de, i, 370; Col. Will., iii, 231; Will, ii, 228; Miss, iii, 419; Mrs., iii, 228 Thorowgood, Sir John, iii, 380”; see also Thurgood Thorpe (Thorp), Geo. de, ii, 382, 383; John de, i, 398; ii, 382, 383; Matilda, de, ii, 382; "Rob., li, 382, 383; Will. of, i, 381 Thrale, Agnes, ii, 359 Thrayle, Mich., ii, 39 Three Counties (Arlesey), ii, 265 Three Counties Asylum, ii, 300 Threkeston, Rich., iii, 30 Threlkeld, Launcelot, iii, 91 ; Laur., iii, 118; Marg., iii, 1, 118, 121 Thrift Wood (Silsoe), ii, 326 Thring, Llewellyn C. W., ii, 179 Throckmorton, Bromsall, li, 247; Sir Geo., iii, 220; Geo., iii, 219; Judith, iii, 183; Rich... iii, 183; Rob., iii, 219 Throckmortons, iii, 220 iii, 242, 312, 127, man, (Roxton), Thrupp, Fred., iii, 30 Thrupp End (Lidlington), iii, 305 Thrupp End Farm (Lidlington), iii, 306 Thuand, fam., iii, 210 Thurald, John, ii, 253 Thurgood, John, iii, 258 ; Nich., iii, 258, 259; Thos., iii, 258; see ‘also Thorowgood Thurkytel, ii, 19 Thurleigh, i, 384; ii, 44, 115, 342; iii, 15, 31, 34, 51, 60, 69, 82, 104-9, 126, 136, 143, 146, 147, 150, 210, 212, 226, 235, 283, 331; adv. “y iii, 108; char., iii, 10g; ch., i, 287, 315”; ili, 107: College Farm, iii, 104; earth- works, i, 287, 308 ; iii, 104; Jas. I. at, ‘iii, 107; mans., i, 325%”; iii, 104; mills, iii, 105; sch., ii, 184 ; ili, 109 Thurleigh Hall, iii, 104 Thurley, see Thurleigh Thurston, Thos., iii, 415 Thynne, Lady Sophia, iii, 132; Lds.; Geo., ii, 341; John, ii, 182 n, 185 , 339, 341, 343 Thynne (Thynn), A. C., lili, 326, 328; Fran., iii, 363, 402; Fran. J., i, 147, 341, 344: iti, 293, 296; Hen. F., see Carteret, Ld. ; John, see Carteret, Ld. Tickford Moulsoe, iii, 271 Tickmarsh (Tichemersh), Hen. de, iii, 57; Isabel de, iii, 57; Maud de, i, 390 Til, riv., 1, 289, 291; ili, 132, 171, 176 Tilbrook (Hunts), ii, 71, 81, 115; iii, 59 m, I15 ”, 123, 168, 171- Di adv., il, 175; char., iii, 175; ch., ” iii, 156, 1733 Hardwick Farm, ili, 171 ; Manor Farn, iii, I7I; mans., iii, 156, 171; mills, iii, 3171; Nonconf., iii, 171; rector of, i, 338, 342” Tilbrook, Rohese de, iii, 172 Tilbrook Grange, iii, 171 Tilbrook Hall, iii, 171 Tilebroc, see Tilbrook Tile industry, ii, 117; Tiles, 15th cent., 7, 11, 15 Tileword, see Tilsworth Tillebrok, see Tilbrook Tillisword, Tillsworth, see Tilsworth Tilly (Tilley), Hen., iii, 224 ; Matilda, il, 224; Rob., iii, 3 Tilsworth, ii, 41, 114, 375; iii, 336, 400, 432-5; adv., ili, 435; char., ili, 435 ; ch., i, 315”, 3247; ah 434; "earthwork, i, 291; man., » 433; manor-house, iii, 432; vichbans, i, 316” Tilwick (Ravensden), iii, 212, 213 Tilwick Farm (Ravensden), iii, 210, 212 Tinden (Finedon, Northants), ch., i, 378 Tingey, Hen., ii, iii, 157 iii, 450; Rom., ii, 253; Will., ii, 253 ss Tingeys House (Tempsford), ii, 253 Tingre, Tingrei, Tingriff, see Tin- ith gr Tingrith, i, 335”; ii, 114, 324; 286, 336, 382, 435-8; oo iii, 4385 Castle Farm, iii, 435; char., iii, 438; ch., i, 324 ”, 357; iii, 4373. ind., iii, 435; mamor- house, iii, 435; mans., ili, 435; sch., ii, 184 Tingrith ’ ( (Tingry), Cecilia de, iii, 442; Gilb. of, i, 321; Nich. de, iii, 395; Pet. de, ili, 436», 4373 Thos. de, iii, 436; Will. de, iii, 442 5° Tingrith Mead 455 Tingry, see Tingrith Tipper, Will., ili, 117 ”, 173, 385 Tipper and Dawe, iii, 173 Tipping (Tippinge), Anne, Lady, iii, 376; Sir Thos., iii, 376; Capt., iii, 242 Tiptot, Eliz., ii, 385 ; John (de), ii, 384, 385 ; Marg., ii, ‘385 ; Millicent, ii, 385} Rob. (de), ii, 384, 385 Tirell (Tirrell), see Tyrrell Tissington (Derb.), chap., i, 372 ” Tithe Farm (Stevington), ili, 104 Tithe Mills (Clifton), iii, 258 Tivill (Tyville), Elena de, ii, 334; Hugh de, ii, 333, 334; Ralph, ii, 294, 297, 333 Tocke, see Tooke Tocotes, Eliz., Lady, ii, 296; iii, 230; Sir Rog., ii, 296; iii, 187, 230, 326 Tod, Gilb., ii, 26 ” Toddenham (Tudenham), John de, iii, 15; Kath. de, iii, 15, 330; Marg. de, iii, 15; Rob. de, iti, 15, 330; Thos. de, iii, 15; fam., iii, (Westoning), iii 329 Toddington, i, 176, 286, 325%, 338”, 344, 367%, 400, 402; li, 2, 45, 56, 58, 84, 114, 277, 363%; ili, 336, 346, 368, 438- 47, 451; adv., iii, 446; AS. rem., i, 181; iii, 439; chant., i, 325 2; iii, 446 ; chaps., iii, 446 5 char., ii, 185 n ; iii, 440; ch., 185, 315 n; Re 439, 444; farins, iii, 438; hosp. of St. John Baptist, i, 330, 331 7, 368, 402-3 ; ind., iii, 439; Jas. I. at, iii, 440; mans., i, 287”; iii, 380, 383, 4393 mkt. and fairs, ui, 88; iii, 441; mills, ii, 278; Monmouth at, iii, 441 ; place-names, iii, 439; plague in, ili, 440; Portionaries, the, iii, 4445 ’prehist. rem., i, 169, 174; ili, 439; Rom. rem. at, ii, 14-15; Rom. rd. at, ii, 4; schs., ii, 184, 185 Toddington Park, iii, 439 Toddington Place, iii, 440 Todeni, see Tony Tofte, The (Tofts), man. brook), iii, 88-92, 95 Tofte, Will., iii, 90 Tole, Rob., iii, 80 Toller, Ralph le, iii, 22 Tolleshunt Major (Essex), ch., i, 382, 384 Tolls, iii, 356, 362, 408 Tolthorp, Rob. de, ii, 139 Tomlinson (Thomlynson), Alice, ii, 160; Thos., ii, 160 Tompion, Thos., iii, 250 Tompson, see ‘Thompson Tongue, W., ii, 189 Toni (Tony, Todeni), Agnes de, iii, 426; Rob. de, iii, 112, 149, 426 ; Rog. de, ii, 315; Will. de, iii, 112; fam. , li, 57 Tooke (Tocke, Took), John H., 64; ili, 20; Will., iii, 187 Top End (Renhold) , iii, 214 Toplers Hill (Edworth), li, Rom. rem., ii, 7 Torfeye, see Turvey Torksey, Walt. of, i, 399 Tornai, see Turvey Torrington, Marg., Lady, iii, 145; Geo., visct., ii, 61, 69, 238, 291, 346; ili, 145, 246, 253, 255, 258, 260, 261 Torveie, see Turvey Tostig (Tosti), earl, 203, 216, 226, 321; (Sharn- 209; li, 21”, 153, lil, 248 Totternhoe, i, 336; ii, 84, x14, 356 ; iii, 69, 294 2, 336, 368, 430, 447-51; adv., i, 376; iii, 450; char., iii, 451; ch. i, 315, 371 n; : iii, 450; Cross Keys Inn, lil, 447; ind, , iii, 447; man., iii, 371, 448; mill, iii, 447; place: names, iii, 448; prehist. rem., i, 172, 174% iii, 448; quarries, iii, 373, 448; "Rom. rem. 1, 172; ii, 15; iii, 448; sch. ii, 185; vicarage, i, 316” bee a Castle, i, 293, 294; iii, 44 Totternhoe Downs, ii, 15 Totternhoe Hill, iii, 350; prehist. rem., i, 170 Tottman, Mary, ii, 241 Tovi, housecarl, ‘iii, 61; priest, iii, 126 Towcester (Northants), ii, 2, 3, 46, 49 Tower, Chris., ii, 282 ” Tower Hill (Sandy), Rom. rem., ii, 9, 10 Towersey, Rev. —, ii, 172, 173 Toweslonde, John de, ii, 2 57 Town Close (Cardington), lil, 238 Towne, Rev. Leonard, iti, 187 Town Farm (Eversholt), li, 378 Town Field (Maulden), iii, 316 Townley, —, iii, 142 Town Row (Maulden), iii, 316 Towns End House, see Sharnbrook House Townshend (Townsend), Eleanor, ii, 382; Rog., ii, 382; Thos., ii, 382; Will., ili, 37 Towse, Will. iii, 133 Tracy, Hugh, i, 402 Trailly, bar. of, iii, 36, 54, 110, 175, 219 Trailly, hon. of, iii, 36, 257 Trailly, Albreda de, ili, 243, 257; Eleanor, iii, 36, 56, 176; Geoff. de, iii, 54, 175, 176, 179, 243, 257; Joan, i, 357; Sir John, i, 329, 357, 403; iii, 244, 250; John, ili, 51, 54, 55, 110, 176, 177, 179, 211, 243, 244, 330; Mary, ili, 176, 243 ; Maud de, iii, 176, 243; Nich. ‘de, i, 361 2; 362; li, 233, 243; Norman de, iii, 55; Sir Reg., iii, 244, 250; Reg,, iii, 51, 211, 243, 330; Rey- nold, i, 329, 403; Walt. de, iii, 36, 55, 56, 74, 175, 176, 179, 211, 244; fam., iii, 85, 249 Traillys Close (Ravensden), iii, 211 Trailly’s Manor (Ravensden), iii, 21r Tranecroft (Sharnbrook), i Ht go Trawles Close (Wootton), iii, 333 Trayles Fields Farm (Ravensden), iii, 210, 211 Tregoz, John, ii, 80; iii, Mabel, iii, 452 Tresham, Sir Thos., iii, 354 Treswell, Rob., iii, 113 Tretheny, Hen., ii, 381 Trevanion, John B., ii, 357 Trevor, Lady Ann, iti, 48; Lds., iii, 54; John, iii, 45; Rob., iii, 37; Thos., iii, 45; 475 48, 55, ‘96 Trevor, Cath., iii, 437; Eliz., iii, 437; Sir John, ii » 46 2, 60; "Lt Col. John, ii, 70; John, iii, 45; Capt. Lewis, ili, 48; Mary, iii, 436; Rob., iii, 436; Sir Thos., see Trevor, Ld. Thos. ; fam., iti, 452; 37 2 Trevor-Battye, Capt. C. E., iii, 435, 437 Tribal or Military earthworks, i, 269 Trice, —, ii, 277 INDEX Triket (Tricket), Bald. +) ili, 90, 94 ; Sim., iii, 90; Will., iii, 90; W., i, 315” Trikynham, Walt. de, iii, 60 Trimer, Will., ii, 304 Trinity College (Camb.), ii, 179 180, 299, 302, 303, 304, 335; 59, 61, 63, 80, I00, 139, 185, oe 222, 237, 374, 375; 458 Trinity College (Oxford), ii, 171, 374 Trinity Hall (Camb.), ii, 380; iii, 349 Tristran, Lawr., ii, 304 Trowley Bottom (Flamstead), ii, 375 Troy Hall (Cranfield), iii, 275 Trubleville Hen. de, iii, ror Trumpington, man., see Perots Trumpington, Blanche, Lady de, iii, 230; Eleanor, iii, 230; Giles de, iii, 230, 248; Marg., iii, 230, 248; Maud de, iii, 230; Sir Rog. de, iii, 230; Rog. de, iii, 230; Sir Walt., iii, 230 Trusse, John, iii, 18 Trussell, Isabel, iii, 71 ; Marg., iii, 299; ‘Sir Will., iii, 71; Will., iii, 299 Tryon, Eliz., iii, 102 ; Sir Sam., iii, 102 Tryvet, Eliz., ii, 360; Thos., ii, 360 Tubb, Will., ii, 165 Tucker, Jos., ii, 184”; iii, 60, 80; J. tii, 145 Tuckey, Will., iii, 432 Tudenham, see Toddenham Tudingetone, see Toddington Tudor, Jasper, ii, 39 Tuke, Geo., iii, 78, 102 Tumuli, see Burials Turbert, iii, 54 Turchil, iii, 120, 424 Turford, Thos., ii, 309 Turgis, iii, 90, 146, 286, 375, 396, 435 Turk, Beatrice (Beatrix), ii, 256 x, 354; Joan, i, 354: Rob., ii, 250” Turneley, John, iii, 349 Turner, see Turnor Turney, Thos., iii, 278 Turneyes Ground (Leighton Buz- zard), ili, 404 Turnhall Mill, i, 352 Turnor (Turner), Anne, iii, 131; A. J., ii, 199, 200; Sir Chris., iii, 144; Chris., iii, 144, 148; C. H., iii, 148; Sir Edm., iii, 145, 149; Edm., iii, 144; Sir Edw., iii, 144, 149; Jacob, iii, 125; John, ili, 145 ; Sam., iii, 427; Sir Thos. a iii, 131 Turnor Almshouses (Milton Ernest), ili, 149 Turold, priest, iii, 384 Turri, Elias de, iii, 428; de, iii, 428 Tursa, iii, 169 Turstin (Turstan), ii, 267, 322 ; iii, 76, 83, 85, 248 Turvey (Turveia), i, 335, 380 7; ii, 40, 60”, 71, 115, 147, 187, 324, 326 ; ili, 34, 49-51, 70, 104, 109-17, Lavinia 175, 183; adv.,i, 315 7; iii, 116; almshouses, iii, 117; char., iii, 117; ch, i, 315”; ii, 723 iii, 115; farms, iii, 111; mans., iii, 110; mills, iii, 112, 114; place- names, iii, 110; rents in, ii, 132; sch., ii, 185; Three Fishes Inn, iii, 109 Turvey Abbey, ii, 188 ; II4”, 115 Turvey Hall Farm, iii, 109, 111 I iii, 109, IIT, Turvey House, ii, 147; iii, 51, 109 III, 116 Turvey Lees, iii, 114 Turvey Lodge Farm, iii, 111 Turvey Old Hall, iii, ro9 Turvyll, Will. de, ii, 34” Tutbury, Kath. of, i, 389, 390; See also Tetebury Tutty, —, ii, 344 Tuward, Will., ii, 138 Twamley, Je H. , lii, 132 Twinberrow, Miss, ili, 211 Twylesworth, see Tilsworth Tyley, Rev. Jas., ii, 384 Tyndale, Mary, ii, 382; Will, ii, 382 Tyngree, Tyngreve, see Tingrith Tyringham, Ant., li, 77; Eleanor, iii, 77 ; Geoff. , ii, 212; John (de), iii, 77, 83, 150, 212; Rob., 64, 67, 77; Rog., iii, 212 ; Sim’ de, iii, 150; Sir Thos., iii, 57, 58, 83, 139; Thos., iii, 77 Tyrington, Joan, iii, 339; Sir Will. de, iti, 340; Will, iii, 339 Tyrell’ s End (Eversholt), iii, 375 Tyrrell (Tirell), Alice, iii, 224; Anne, ii, 78; Dorothy, iii, 78; Edw., ii, 385°; iii, 106; Geo., iii, gi; Joan, iii, 91; John, iii, 78 ; Pet., iii, 224; Ralph, iii, 224, 225; Rich., ii, 385; iii, 78, 106; Thos., iii, 73s 224, 225; Will, iii, 783 fam. , lii, 126 Tyrwhitt, Rob. ., lii, 90, 106, 160 ” Tyville, see Tivill Ufford, Eliz., 382; iii, 13 Ulf, iii, 426 Ulf, Thos., i, 399 Ulfech, iii, 195 Ulfkytel, ii, 20 Ulmar (Almar, Wolfmar), i, 300; ii, 215; iii, 92; (priest), iii, 38 Ulsi, ii, 263; see also Alsi Ulster, Matilda, ctss. of, iii, 403 Ulverton, Rich., i, 402 Ulveva, iii, 162 Ulvric, see Alvric Umfreville (fam.), iii, 43 Underhill, Thos., iii, 248 Underwood, Thos., ii, 59, Will., iii, 462 Unitarians, ili, 9, University Coll. (Oxford), iii, 275 Upbury man. (Pulloxhill), ii, 378 Upbury moat, ii, 376, 378 Up End (Kempston), iii, 297 Up End (Stagsden), ili, 96 Up End Wood (Stagsden), iii, 96 Upper Fields (Radwell), iii, 305 Upper Ossory, ctss. of, ii, 63”; earls of, ii, 61, 64, 69, 70, 146; iii, 268, 272, 288, 291, 306, 307, 318, 319; John, iii, 286, 291, 310, 311, 317; Ld., ili, 270 Upton, Chas., ii, 44; Rich. de, iii, 419 Nn; Will. de, ili » 419 Upwood, Mary, iii, 261 ; 280; Thurgood, iii, 261 Urlin, Geo., ii, 385; Sir Sim., iii, 268 Urns, cinerary, Burial Urns Urry, ae ii, 45%, 46 Ursel, Will., iii, 148 ” Utcoate (Hudicote) Grange (Wo- burn), ili, 458, 461 Utteford, Rob. de, iii, 91 iii, 13; Rob. (de), i, 166 ; Thos., ii, see Burials and Vale Farm (Lidlington), iii, 305 Valence, bps. of, i, 400 A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Valence (Valencia), Agnes de, iii, 229; Aymer de ii, 223, 275; Joan de, ii, 223 ; Will. de, ii, 223 Valence End Farm (Dunstable), i, 170 Valery, Guy de, iii, 339 Vardon, Alf., ii, 199 Varney, see Verney Vaseys, man. (Gt. Barford), see Veseys, man. Vaudey, monastery, i, 367 ” Vaughan, Eliz., G., ii, 304; Geo., iii, 246 ; Mrs. W., ii, 304 Vaux, Lds., iii ee IOI, 130, 150, I5I; Edw., ‘iii, 191; Hen., iii, 51; Nich, iii, 45, 51, 77, 130: Thos., iii, 45, 51, 77, 191; Will., iii, 131 Vaux, Eleanor de, ii, 351 ; Eliz., iii, 77; Ernest, see Harrowden, Ld. ; Geo., iii, 78 ; John, ii, 44 ; Maud, ii, 354; lii, 422; Sir Nich., see Vaux, Ld. ; Nich., iii, 126 ; Rob., iii, 456; Sir Thos., see Harrow- den, Ld.; Thos., ii, 69; 456; Sir Will. de, ii, 351, 354; ili, 51; Will., ili, 201, 405, 422; fam., iii, 77, 235 ”, 361 Vauxes, man., see Ocle-cum-Clap- ham Vavasour, John, iii, 299 Veale, Rich., ii, 380; see also Viel Vendéme, count of, ii, 36 Ventris (Ventriss), Sir Chas., ii, 44, 266, 268, 343; Sir Fran., ii, 268, 278, 343; Fran., ii, 268, 343 ; iii, 49; Henrietta, ii, 268; Hen., ii, 342, 343; iii, 61: Joan, ii, 268; John, ii, 59, 268, 342, 343, 343.7; Mary, ii, 268, 343%”; iii, 61; Will., ii, 342 Ver, riv., i, 29, 146, 151 ; ii, 314 Vere, Aubrey de, i, 378%; ii, 23; Eliz., iii, 115; John de, see Ox- ford, earl of ; fam., iii, 459 ” Verey, J. G., ii, 195 Verney (Varney), Cath., iii, 432; Sir Ralph, tii, 148; Will. ii, 164-5 ; iii, 432 Vernon, Lady Harriet, iii, 441 Vernon, Chris., iii, 113 ; Henrietta, ili, 432, ii, 277; Hen., ii, 278; ili, 441; Rich., ii, 63; iti, 20; —, ii, 64, 192 Verulam (town), see St. Albans Verulam, Alice, vsctss., ii, 233 Vesey, Hen. Bromflete, Ld., see Vessy Vescys (Vaseys), man. (Gt. Barford), jii, 181 Vessy (Vesey), Ld., iii, 91, 118 Hen. Bromflete, Viel, Rev. John de, iii, 128; see also Veale Villiers, Philippa, iii, 97; Will., ii, 97» 404 Vine Farm (Langford), ii, 203 Vinegar Hill (Northill), iii, 251 Vipont, Ida, ii, 230; Isabel, ii, 230; Rob. de, ii, 230 Vitella de Ferentino, Pet. de, i, 321 Vivian, Chris., iii, 58; Humph., iii 58 Vivian’s Croft (Studham), iii, 432 Vivonia, see Vyvon Vollans, Will., iii, 95 Volunteers, ii, 70 Vyall, John, i, 395 Vynter, John, iii, 231 ; Sir John, ii, 205 Vyvon, Cicely de, ii, 351; Heloise de, iii, 71; Hugh de, ili, 71; Joan de, li, 351, 352 2; Mabel de, li, 351; Maud de, ii, 351; Sybil de, ii, 351; Will. de, ii, 351 Wade, Hester, iii, 198 ; Rev. Hugh, iii, 198 Wade-Gery, Rev. Rob., iii, 189; Will., iii, 105, 190; W. H., i, 385 n; iii, 105, 198; fam., li, 23; see also Gery Wadehelle (Wadelle), Odell Wadelowe, see Wadlowe Wadhull, fam., see Wahull Wadlowe (Wadelowe), Hugh de, ili, 442; John de, ili, 442 Wadlowes, man. (Toddington), i, 376 ; ili, 380, 442, 454 Wadsworth, John, iii, 156 Waterer, Anne, iii, 131 ; Arden, iii, 129, 130; Eliz., iii, 130; Jas., iii, par., see 130 Wagstaffe (Wigstaffe), Eliz., iii, 214; Geo., ili, 224; Hen., ii, 363; iii, 224”; Jane, iii, 84; John, iii, 214, 282; Rich., ii, 55; ii, 84; Will., iii, 224 Wabhull, bar., see Odell, bar. Wahull, par., see Odell Wahull = (Wodhull, Woodhull), Agnes, ii, 234, 234; iii, 70-2 Albreda, ii, 2832”; Alice, iii, JON; Ann, lii, 72; Ant., ii, 234; ui, 72; Cecily de, iii, JON; Eleanor, li, 204”, 234; iii, 71; Eliz. de, il, 204, 234; iil, 71, 72, 384; Fulk de, iii, 72 ; Heloise de, iii, 71; Isabel, iii, 71; John de, ii, 204”, 234”, 283, 326; lii, 70-4, 76, 82, 118, 285; Mary de, iii, 70; Mich. de, ili, 70”; Nich. de, ii, 234; iii, 71-2 ; Rose de, iii, 70; Saer (Saher) de, ii, 234; lii, 69, 71-4, 76; Sibyl, i, 394; Sim. de, i, 371”, 394 2, li, 235; iii, 71, 321, 323 ; Thos. de, ill, 70, 71, 104, 105, 384; Walt., i, 371”; li, 26, 234, 234%, 283"; iii, 70-1, 74, 104, 448, 450; Will. de, ili, 211; fam., ii, 204 ; ili, 69, 321; see also Odell! Wainright, Abigail, ili, 444; Geo.; iii, 444; John, iii, 443 Wake, man (Cardington), ii, 235 Wake, Lady Alina, iii, 252; John, Ld., iii, rox Wake, Alice, iii, 45; Aline, ii, 334; Alinor, iii, 221; Bald., ii, 30, 31; iil, 12, I4, 45, 74) 78, IoI-2, 136”, 215, 375; Blanche, iii, tor; Ela, ii, 30%”; iii, 12, 215, 375; Eliz. ili, 14, 46, 3753 Hadwisa, ili, 101; Hugh, iii, 162, 252; Ida, iii, 14, 215; Isabel, ii, 30%; Jas., ii, 334; ili, 2523 Joan, iii, 14, 15, 46, 215; John, iii, 101; Marg., iii, ror; Maud., iii, 45, 252; Sir Thos., iii, 45) 235; Thos., iii, ror; ’ Sir Will., ii, 64; iii, 20; fam., iii, 206, 237 Wakefield, John, iii, 216 Wakes, man. (Bromham), iii, 45 Wakes, man. (Eversholt), iii, 377 Wakes End Farm (Eversholt), iii 375 Walcot, Eyre, iii, 159; John, iii, 272 Waldegrave (Walgrave), iii, 391 Waldegrave (Waldgrave, Walgrave, Walgrove), Eliz., iii, 298; John, ii, 233; Rose, i, 357; Warin, iii, 298; Will., ii, 65; fam., iii, 43 Walden Abbey, i, 390, 391 ” Waldeouf, count, see Huntingdon, Waltheof, earl of Waldeshef, John de, iii, 165 Waldgrave, see Waldegrave Waleis, see Waleys and Whalley 52 Waleran, Matilda, iii, iii, 301 Wales, man. 198-9 Waleys (Waleis, Walley, Wally), Beatrice, ii, 354; Eleanor le, iii, 299; Joan, ii, 334, 354, 362, 363 ; ili, 77, 198 2; John, ii, 354, 362; ili, 393; Joyce, ii, 362; Rich. le, li, 180; iii, 299 ; Sir Will., iti, 393; Will. ie, li, 334; iii, 393 Walgrave, Walgrove, grave Walker, John, ii, 194, 221; iii, 392; Jos., iii, 287, 325; Rich., iii, 416; Dr. Walt., i, 337 Wallace, J. W., ii, 141 Wall Close (Eversholt), iii, 375 301; Rob., (Eaton Socon), iii, see Walde- Waller, Edm., ii, 42; iii, 140; John, ii, 119, 342”; Rob., iii, 140; Thos., ii, 349; —, ii, 47; fam., iii, 194 Walley, see Waleys Wallinger, John, i, 337 Wallingford, hon. of, iii, 129, 130, 150, 154 Wallingford, prior of, ii, 252 Wallington, Nehemiah, ii, 42 Wallop, Eliz., Lady, iii, 405; Sir Hen., iii, 405; Rich., ii, 179; Rob., iii, 405 Wall paintings, iii, 43, 108, 115, 121, 127, 163, 164, 178, 295, 303 Wallud’s Bank (Luton), see Wau- lud’s Bank Wally, see Waleys Walsall, Fran., i, 343; ii, 245 Walsham How, Rev. W., i, 332” Walshe, Walt., ii, 250 Walsingham, Sir Fran., iii, 294 Walter, i, 313; ii, 271", 326, 383 1; iii, 85, 120, 173, 206, 248, 253, 321 Walter (Wylter), Rich., ii, 157 Waltham Abbey; 312, 323, 348”; ii, 154, 155, 220, 261, 262, 263, 265 Waltheof, earl, see Huntingdon, ear] of Walton, Cecyle, iii, 241; Christina de, ili, 456; Hen. de, ili, 456; Sir Thos., iii, 241 ; Thos., ili, 194 Walweyn, Joan, iil, 437; Phil. , ili, 437 Walweyns man. (Tingrith), iii, 437 Wanwyle, see Wavyle Warburton, Rich., ii, 301 Ward, Hen., ii, 241; John, i, 403; ii, 2375 iii, 226, 250; —, ii, 353 Ward, B. & Co., li, 127 Warden, Old, i, 270, 305, 361, 364, 365, 393; ii, 96, 116, 197, 336; lil, 219”, 227, 245, 251-6, 259, 261, 264; adv., i, 301 2; iii, 255; Celtic rem., i, 170, 174; ili, 252; char., iii, 255; ch, i, 361, 362, 364; ili, 254; crown property, iii, 271; forest offences, ii, 144; inclosures, ii, 96; mans., iii, 248, 252, 317; mkts. and ‘fairs, ii, 88; ili, 2545 Park Farm, iii, 254; parson, i, 323; place-names, iil, 252; Rom. rem., ii, 15; iii, 252; sch., ii, 184 Warden, bar., iii, 57, 70, 85, 120, 243, 252, 257, 258 Warden, hon., iii, 175, 176, 248 Warden, John, i, 403; iii, 57, 250 Warden Abbey, i, 349, 351, 356, 361-6; ii, 28, 43, 53, 60, 144, 275, 277, 278, 281, 283, 288, 290; ill, 7, 24, 97, 98, 107, 147, 190%”, 204, 206, 207, 210, 212, 225, 233, 237, 246, 247, 251, Warden Abbey (cont.) 253, 254, 255, 257, 258, 259, 285, 315, 317, 318, 324; abbots, i, 365, 367; ii, 84, 204, 230, 233, 275, 281%”; iii, 12, 38, 97, 98, 147, 204, 206, 212, 225, 245, 248, 255, 259, 273; ‘mili,’ ii, 283: seal, i, 365; ili, 252 Warden Hill, prehist. rem., 172, 280; 1i, 280 Warden Park, ili, 251, 253 Warden Tunnel, iii, 251 Warden Warren, iii, 251 Warden Woods, iii, 251 Wardle, Col., iii, 4 Wardone, see Warden, Old Ware (Herts), i, 297"; iii, 203, 206 Ware, —, li, 273 Waren fam., see Warenne and Warren Warenne, earl, ii, 301 ” Warenne, Will. de, iii, 133, 134, 168, 169, 171 ; see also Warren Wareton, Thos., iii, 162 Warham, John, i, 353 Warin (Warine), see Warenne and Warren Warison, John, ii, 248 Warner, iii, 114 Warner, Edw. » , 326, 333; John, ili, 94, 326, 345, 383 3 —y di, 265; iii, 446, 450 Warre, Anne, iii, 410; John la, iii, 162 ; Rog., lii, 410; see also De la Warr Warren (Waren, Warin(e)), Anne, ii, 373; Elinor, i, 389, 390; Eliz., ii, 328, 331, 332; Humph., ii, 329, 332; John, iii, 133, 142; Thos., ii, 328, 331, 332; Will, iii, 92; fam., iii, 132; see also Warenne Warren Farm (Millbrook), iii, 316 Warren Farm (Ridgmont), ii, 141 Warren Hill (Suff.), i, 182 » i, 171, ii, 141; Warren-Vernon, Eliz. G., ili, 439, 441 Warweltnyll, John, iii, 450 Warwick, earls of, i, 373; ii, 37, 3273 Rich., iii, 403 ; Thos., i, 373; Will., iii, 129 Mees Gilb. de, iii, 277; Phil., 1, 52 Washers Wood (Tingrith), iti, 435, Washinglenes Gate (Wootton), iii, 329 Washingley, man. (Cranfield), iii, 276 Washington, —, ii, 257: Wassingle, John de, iii, 277; Will. de, iii, 276, 277 Wast, Nigel (Neil) de, i, 351”; ii, 324; iil, 60, 260, 271, 316, 317, 8 31 Wastell, John, i, 377 Water, Alice atte, iti, 92 ; Hen. atte, iii, 92; see also Waters Waterbeach convent, i, 326 ; iii, 40 Water Eaton (Bucks), ii, 30 ” Water End (Eversholt), iii, 375 Waterend (Wrestlingworth), li, 255 a Farm (Battersden), ii, 343 Waters, Edm. T., ii, 318; see also Water Wateson, Rev. Geo., also Watson Watford (Herts), i, 358, 360 Watford, Giles de, iii, 449; Ralph, iii, 449 ; Will. de, ili, 449 Watkins, man. (Steppingley), iii, ili, 275; see 324 Watkins (Watkin), Eliz., iii, Hen iii, 325; Jas., iii, 91 gr; INDEX Watling St., i, 371; ii, 1, 3, 17, 23; ili, 350, 351, 354) 390 bs Watson, Frances, ii, 289 ; Rob., iii, 15705 Thos., iii, 226; Will. C., iii, 92; —, ii, 443 5 see also Wateson Watton 1 Priory (Yorks), ii, 274 Watts, Hugh, ii, 269, 299; ili, 29, 54, 63, 68, 76, 135, 160, 164, 179, 185, 208, 214, 226, 233, 283, 304, 313; Will., ii, 279; iii, 382; —, ml, 57 Wauberge (Waybridge, forest, iii, 22 Waudari, Rob. de, i, 315 ”; ii, 350, 356 Waukelyn, Hen., iii, 137; Marg., lii, 137 ; Steph., iii, 137 Waulud’s Bank (Luton), i, 160, 162, 163, 164, 166, 174, 175, 268, 269 ; ii, 8, 348 Wauton, Anne, Lady, iii, Cicely, iii, 193; Eliz., iii, Ellen, iii, 193; Emma (de), iii, 192, 193; Joan de, i, 357, John, iii, 193 ; Rob., iii, 192, 193 ; Sir Thos., ii, 36; iii, 193; Thos. de, iii, 193; Will. of, i, 381 Wautons (Eaton), iii, 193 Wavendon (Bucks), iii, 271, 336, 461 Wavendon Heath (Bucks), ii, 15 n, Hunts), 193 ; 105; 329 Wavyle (Wanwyle, Weavile), Alan de, iii, 173; Hen. de, iii, 391; John de, iii, 173; Rog. de, iii, 173; Rich. de, iii, 391; see also Wyvell Wayte, Agnes, iii, 218; Edm., iii, 218; Hen., ii, 329; Joan, ii, 329 ; John, ii, 329 _ Weald, Will., iii, 50; see also Weld Weapons, bronze, i, 169 ; Iron Age, i, 170; neolithic, i, 160, 166 Weavile, see Wavyle and Wyvell Webbe (Webb), John, ii, 329; iii, 233; Thos., iii, 212 ; Will., iii, 233 Webster, John, lii, 184, 221; Will., iii, 184, 201, 221 Weddel, Thos. P., ii, 327 Wederhore, Will. de, i, 377 Wedewessen, Alice, ii, 302 ; ii, 302 ; Sim., ii, 302 Wedon, see Weedon Weedon (Bucks), ii, 68 Weedon (Wedon), Isabel, iii, 110; Ralph de, iii, 129, 133 Weedon Beck (Northants), i, 376 , J ohn, 377 Weedon Pinkney, man., iii, 424 Wehsnade, see Whipsnade Welbey, Rich., ii, 278 Welbourne, Rob., iii, 32 Welch, Will., iii, 449 Weld (Welde), Frances, Lady, iii, 441; Mary, Lady, ii, 301 Welfitt, S. J., ii, 195 Welitone, see Willington Well, Geoff. atte, ii, 89 ; John atte, ii, 89; Rog. atte, ii, 89; Steph. atte, ii, 89; Thos. atte, ii, 89; see also Wells Wellefed, see Wellesford Welles, see Wells Wellesford (Wellefed), Alice, ii, 353; ili, 292 Well Estate, the (Steppingley), iii, 325 Wellesworth, Rog. de, iii, 299 Wellhead Plantation (Maulden), iii, 313 Wells, i, 13, 26; ii, 2, 5, 7; iii, 44, 74, 83, 94, 100, 114, ‘153, 157, 228, 320, 349, 390, 402, 457 Wells (Welles), Arth. C., ii, 318; Edw., iii, 32; Ellen, iii, 456; 53 Wells (cont.) Fran., iii, 411; Hugh de, see Lincoln, bps. of; John, iii, 30, 411, 432; Marg,, iii, 441; Rich., li, 185”; iii, 328; Thos., iii, 53, 456; —, li, I90 Welstead, Leonard, iii, 436 Welton, Alelmus de, iii, 448, 449; Joan’ de, iii, 118; John de, iii, 118 ; Rog. de, iii, 118, 448; Will. de, iii, 118, 448 Weltone, par., see Willington Wendover (Bucks), iii, 54, 372 Wendover, Rog. of, ii, 2 Weneslai, half-hund., ii, 201 Weneslai (Wennesli), Hen. de, ii, 263 Wenlock, Lds., i, 400 ; ii, 36, 37, 355, 308; iii, 292 ; John, ii, 351 », 352, 358, 364 ; ili, 299 Wenlock, Sir John, ii, 36, 305; Marg., ii, 305 ; ili, 292 ; Sir Thos., ii, 372; Will., 1, 400; ii, 305, 351”, 352, 372; ill, 292; fam., U, 307 Wennesli, see Weneslai Wensi, the chamberlain, iii, 402 Wensleydale, iii, 270 Wentworth, Henrietta M., baroness, ii, 56, 58; iii, 441, 445,453; Martha, baroness, iii, 441 ; Phila- delphia, Lady, iii,441; Lds., ii, 42, 43; iii, 381; Hen., iii, 440; Thos. a ill, 346, 440-1, 445 Wentworth, Anne, iii, 266; Sir Giles, iii, 283; Jane, iii, 346, 4453 John, iii, 266; Marg., tii, 283; Maria, iii, 445; Sir Thos., iii, 445; see also Strafford, Ld. ; Will, iii, 441; fam., ii, 56; iii, 283 Wernher, Sir Julius, ii, 349, 353, 355 Weseham, Hamon de, iil, 284 7; Rog. de, ili, 284 ” Wesley, John, i, 344-6 Wesleyans, ii, 214, 237, 241-2, 246, 255, 265, 270, 299, 303, 312, 320, 333, 335, 344, 374, 387; ili, 31, 59, 63, 76, 117, 128, 136, 139, 144, 157, 168, 171, 175, 181, 190, 234, 268, 275, 284, 296, 297, 305, 307, 308, 313, 314, 316, 320, 326, 328, 338, 345, 367, 383, 389, 414, 415, 418, 424, 432, 458 Wessex, kingdom of, i, 309; ii, 20 Wessex, Godwin, earl of, ii, 20 West, Edm., iii, 286 ; Fran., iii, 348, 349, 386; Ida, iii, 380; Marma- duke, iii, 18 ; Nich., iii, 286, 442 ; Rich., ii, 289; Thos., iii, 380; Walt., ii, 334.2; Will., iii, 286 Westbury (Bucks), ch., i, 357 Westbury, Agnes of, i, 357; Will., ili, I50” Westcotes (West Cotton), man. (Wilshampstead), ii, 324 ; iii, 326 West End (Cranfield), iii, 275 West End (Little Staughton), iii, 165 West End (Silsoe), ii, 326, 338 West End (Stagsden), iii, 96 Westende, man. (Gt. Barford), see Creakers, man. Westerdale, Nich., iii, 247 West Field (Westoning), iii, 455 Westhey, Thos. de, ii, 346 2 Westhey and Faldo, man. (Higham Gobion), ii, 346 Westminster Abbey, i, 312 ; ii, 153, 211, 235, 286, 341; iii, 12, 260, 401 ; John, abbot of, ii, 212 Westminster’ Pond (Thurleigh), 289 Westmoor 395 Field (Radwell), iii, A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Westmorland, price of wool in, li, 91 Westmorland, Ralph, earl of, iii, 13 ; Ld., iii, 94 Westnynge, see Westoning Weston, Jeremy, iii, 277; John, ii, 330; Rich. iii, 116, 272, 277; 396 ; Sir Will., iii, 142; Will. de, li, 227; iii, 157 Westoning, i, 315”; ii, 44, 72, 81, 86n, 88, 92, 114, 185; iii, 179, 336, 451-5; adv., ii, 454; chant., ii, 285, 200; iii, 453; char., iii, 455; ch., i, 314%, 325%, or ili, 453; ” dean of, i, 347; , ii, 451; inns, iii, 451; ae. i, ” 303, 370,; ii, "80, 226; ili, 443, 451-3; mkts. "and fairs, ii, 88 ; iii, 452-3; mills, iii, 453; Nonconf, vy iii, 451; place-names, iti, 451 ; prehist. rem., iii, 451; sch., ii, 185; vicarage, i, 316” Westoning Wood End, ili, 451 Weston Tregoz, see Westoning West Wood (Knotting), iii, 139 Westwood (Lidlington), ili, 305 Wetaway, Will., iii, 291 Wettele, see Wortele Weylondon, Agnes de, iii, 452; John de, iii, 452; Juliana de, iii, 452 Whalley, Edw., iii, iii, 173 ”; Col., 173”; Rich., li, 50, 52; iii, 458 Wharley End (Cranfield), iii, 276 Wharton, Lady Anne, ii, 340; Lady Dorothy, iii, 236; Phil., Ld., iii, 236 Wharton, Geo., ii, 378 Whatwell Mill (Shillington), ii, 297 Wheathampstead (Herts), pre- hist. rem., i, 150 Wheathampstead, John of, i, 351, 352; li, 342, 368, 369; ili, 148 x, 8 44 Wheatley, Eliz., iii, 184 Wheeler, Will., ii, 329, 382 ; iii, 333 Whetham, Thos., iii, 192, 197 Whethamstede, see Wheathamp- stead Whikey, man. (Little Staughton), iii, 166 Whiperley, man. (Luton), ii, 358, 360 Whipsnade, i, 315%, 318; ii, 113 ”, 114, 185; ili, 336, 337, 407%, 426, 430, 449, 455-7; adv., iii, 457; chap., i, 318; char., iii, 457; ch. i, 315”; iti, 456; Hill Farm, iii, 455; mans., iii, 371, 455; Nonconf., iii, 455; place-names, iii, 455; sch., ii, 185 Whipsnade, Ad. de, iii, 455, 457; Alice de, iii, 456; Christina de, ili, 456; Gilb. de, ili, 456; Joan de, iii, 456; Margery ‘de, iii, 456 ; Matilda de, i ili, 456 ; Nich. de, iii, 456; Phil. de, ili, 456; Rich. de, il, 455; Will. "de, iii, 455 Whipsnade Heath, iii, "448, 455 Whipsnade Wood, iii, 369, 455 Whitaker (Whitacre, Whiteacre, Whytacre), Bennet (Benedicta) of, i, 360; Hen., ii, 162 ; John, ii, ; P. A. O., ii, 189: Rich., iii, 12 Whitbread, Emma, iii, 41; John, ili, 2590; Sam., li, 64, 65, 66, 176, 238, 299; 1, 9, 15, 20, 21, 32, 41, 140, 206, 226, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 261, 281, 283, 327; Lt.-Col. Sam., ii, 70; Sam. C., iii, 236; Sam. re li, 66 ; iii, 234; 359, Whitbread (cont.) Steph., iii, 238; S. C., ii, 189; Will., ii, 334; iii, 259; Will. H., ii, 65, 194; iii, 15, 235, 253; Miss, iii, 234; —, i, 132, 197; iii, 139; fam., ii, 108, 130, 338; iii, 258 Whitby, fam., see Whytbie Wee (Bucks), i, 370; man., ul, 310 Whitchurch, Bald. of, iii, 427; John A., iii, 181 ; —, ii, 190 White (Whyte), Agnes, ili, 225; Bertram le, iii, 46; Fran., see Norwich, bp. of ; John, ii, 359; iii, 236, "366 ; Sir Thos., ii, 158, 159; Thos., iii, 225; Will. , Wi, 225 Whiteacre, see Whitaker Whitehead, Eliz., ii, 289; Hen., ii, 337; Thos., ii, 151, 182”; iii, 394; W., ti, 195, 337; Mrs,, iii, 160, 162 Whiteman, Eliz., iii, 238 Whitemore, see Whitmore White Way (Rom. rd.), ii, 4 Whitfield, Ralph, iii, 201 Whiting and lime manufacture, ii, 117; iii, 350, 363 Whiting (Whyting), Will., ii, 89 Whitlocke (Whitlock, ‘Whitloke), Bulstrode, ii, 54”; ili, 8; John, ili, 414; J., ili, 194; Kath +» iii, 411; Rich., lii, 411 Whitmore (Whitemore, Whitt- more), Geo., iii, 175; Tom, ii, 189; Will., ii, 331, 374 Whitnoe (Whitnow) Grange (Wo- burn), iti, 459 #, 461 Whittington, Jacob J., ii, 256, 257 Whittlebury (Northants), iii , 462 Whittmore, see Whitmore Whitwick, man. (Thurleigh), iii, 106 Whitwick Green Farm (CHEIGIEn), iii, 104 Whitworth, John, iii, 285; WEEE iii, 285; Miles, ili, 277; Will., 92 Whytacre, see Whitaker Whytbie, Oliver, i, 337; Thos., i, 336 Whyte, see White Whyting, see Whiting Wiboldestune, see Wyboston Wichalse, Arth., iii, 274, 316, 319, 323 Wiche, Matth. atte, iii, 98 Wick End (Stagsden), iii, 96 Wickend Spinney (Stagsden), i ili, 96 Wicker-work ind., ii, 124-5; iii, 35, 76 Wickey Farm (Little Staughton), iii, 166 Widville, see Woodville Wiffen, Benj. B., iii, 338, 458; Jer., iii, 458 - Wigain (Wigan), Hen., iii, 206; Hugh, iii, 206; Ralph, iii, 206; Rog., ili, 206; Walt., iii, 240; Will., iii, 206 Wigg, fam., iii, 407 Wiggons, man. (Cople), iii, 240 Wightman, Will., il, 257 Wigmore, hon, of, li, 328 Wigram, F. S., ii, 189 Wigstafie, see Wagstaffe Wilbarston (Northants), ch., i, 357 Wilbon, Will., iii, 293 Wilbraham (Cambs), ch., ii, 217 Wilbraham, Little (Cambs), A. S. rem., i, 179 ” Wilde, "see Wylde Wildeboet, see Oyldeboef Wilden, ii, 113, 145, 147; iii, 126, 168, 180, 182%”, 214, 223-6; 54 Wilden (cont.) adv., iii, 226; char., iii, 226; ch., iii, 225 ;-mans., iii, 2r1, 223; place-names, iii, 223; schs., ii, 185; iii, 226 Wildman, Jas., ii, 316 Wilford, Christiana, iii, 443”; Thos., iii, 443 ” Wilkes, Charlotte, iii, 416; Edw., iii, 411, 415; Joan, iii, 41r; John, ili, 415, 451; Luke, iii, 411; Matth., lii, 415; fam., iii, 41 Willaume, see William Willes (Willis), Edw., ii, 181 », oe 313; Sir Fran., ii, 210; Will., IoI, 166, 167 Willesdon, Barth., ii, 310 Willett, H., ii, 200; wie M., iii, 189 Willey, hund. of, ii, 115 ; iii, eis 58 Willey (Willy, Wilye), Bern. sy li, 310, 313; Brown, ii, 170; ‘Hugh de, iii, 34, 113; Rog. de, iii, 34, 113, 147 William, iii, 57, 302; the cham- berlain, i, 311, 314, 315%, 344; the clerk, i, 319%; iti, 404; the steward, lii, 302 William (Willaume), Chas. D., iii, 91, 436, 444; Dav., iii, 436, "438, 444; Dionisia, iii, 105 ; Edw., iii, 436; John, iii, 436 Williams, Dav., ii, 173; Edw. G., iii, 383; Rev. Hamilton J., iii, 304; John, archbp., see York, archbps. of; John, i, 368; ii, 256; iii, 461; Rich., ii, 239; Will., iti, 285; — (Ld. Keeper), iii, 458 Williamson, Anne, iii, 119; Chas., iii, 119; Rev. Edm., iii, 398; Edm., iii, 396, 398; Rev. Edm. R., iil, 298; John, ii, 207, 301; Ralph, iii, 122 ; Sara, ii, 207, 301 ; Talbot, iii, 396; Mrs., iii, 298, 299 Willington, i, 284, 324, 392; ii, 60, 96, IOI, 116, 138, 339; iii, 227, 262-6; adv., iii, 266; ch., i, 134, 315%”, 380; iii, 262; earthworks, i, 280, 282; Manor Farm, iii, 262; mans., iii, 12, 184, 203, 204, 262; mill, i, 392; Rom. rem., ii, 15; iii, 262; sch. li, 185 ; vicarage, i, 316 ” Willington, man. (Cople), iii, 240 Willington, Eleanor, iii, 298 ; Hen. de, iii, 298 ; Will. of, i, 399 Willis, see Willes Willoughby, Eliz., ii, 211; Mary, iii, 335, 435; Rob. de, ii, 211 Willoughby de Broke, Ld., ii, 203 ” Willoughby de Eresby, Ld., iii, 13, 14 Willow Close (Ampthill), iii, 274 Willowes, Mrs., i, 335 ” Willy, see Willey Wilshamstead (Wilsamstead), i, 352-4, 356; ii, 115, 293, 341, 342; ill, 267, 279, 281, 284, 325-8; adv., iii, 328; chant., 1, 326; char. , iii, 328 ; ch., i, 315 ”, 326, 357; iii, 326; farms, iii, 274, 326; mans., i, 313; iii, 326; Nonconf., iii, 326, 328; sch., ii, 185; iii, 328 Wilshamstead Wood, iii, 325 Wilshire (Wilshere), John, ii, 252; J., ii, 181 ”, 313 ; Thos., ii, 313 Wilson, Eliz., ii, 268; Felix, ii, 278, 310, 3235 ; Jas., ii, 285; Tim., ii, 268 : Wilstead (Cardington), iii, 238 Wiltone, see Willington Wiltshire, Edm. earl of, iii, 125; John earl of, iii, 106 Wilye, see Willey Wimberville, Rog. de, iii, 405 ” Wimington (Wimmentone), see Wymington Wimund, iii, 11 Wimund (Wymund), Pet., iii, 30 Winch (Wynche), Eliz., ii, 340, 375; Sir Humph., ii, 60”, 227, 229, 241, 340%; ii, 8; Humph. li, 55, 227, 235; John, ii, 2353 Sir Onslow, ii, 201, 202, 227, 228, 340, 341”; ili, 35, 227; Rich, atte, i, 400; fam., li, 60 Winchelsea, archbp., i, 375 Winchendon, Lower (Bucks), iii, 317 Winchester, archd. of, i, 327; Pet. des Roches, bp. of, ii, 29; iii, 439; Rich. Fox, bp. of, iii, 138 Winchester, earls of, ii, 28; Rog., iii, 101, 230; Saher, iii, 230 Windmill Field (Potton), ii, 241 Windmill Hill (Eaton Socon), iii, 189 eee Hill (Leighton Buzzard), Windsnil Hill (Silsoe), ii, 326 Windmill manufacture, ii, 127 Windsor, St. George’s "coll. ch., i, 376, 404; ii, 218; iii, 366, 401, 416, 429 Windsor, Maurice de, iii, 229 Winessamestede, see Wilshamstead Winfeud, Winfield, see Wingfield Wingate (Wyngate), Anne, ili, 410 ; Arth., ii, 362; ii, 381; Button, iii, 331, 335; Edm., ii, 54%; iii, “331, 335, 381; Edw., ii, 354, 355, 362, 374; ili, 393 ; Eliz., li, 363 ; ili, 335; Sir Fran., ii, 362, 303 2; ili, 367, 381, 382; Geo., Ui, 362, 363; iil, 367, 410; John, ii, 43, 362, 363, 367, 381; Kath., i, 356; Mary, ui, 354, ec Ralph, li, 286 ; iii, 366 ; Rob., 410; —, Lady, iii, 381 ; fam., iii, 379 Wingfield, ii, 345, 347; man. ii, 346, Wingfield (Wyngfield), Ant., ili, 270 ; Chas., ili, 172 ; Edw. , iil, 37; Sir Jas., iii, 168, 172; Sir Rich., iii, 172, 396; Rich., iii, 82, 172, 272; Thos., iii, 172; Trevor, lii, 40, 45, 55; Misses, iii, 268 Winkbourn (Notts), i, 394 Winslow, Will. of, i, 353 Wintremelc, Alric, ili, 206 Wintroe Corner (Ridgmont), i ili, 321 Wiscard, Hen., ii, 329; Rich., ii, 378, 379 ; iii, 260; Will., ii, 329 Wisdom, Geoff., li, 2157”; ‘Mabel, ii, 215” Wiseman, Anne, ii, 338 Witchcraft, ii, 100; iii, 402 Witham, riv., i, 187 Witintona, Hen. of, ii, 293 ” Wits End (Eversholt), iii, 375 Wittenham, Long (Berks), A. S. rem., i, 178, 183, 188 Witton, Rev. —, ili, 435 Wixamtree, hund., li, 18, 113 ”, 116, 242 ; ili, 227, 267 Wiui, bp., iii, 314 Wlward, see Wulfweard Woad, ii, 130; iii, 44 Woburn, i, 362, 303”, 370, 374; li, 17, 47, 52, 67, 102, 114, 132, 135, 171, 197, 377; Iii, 4, -336, 343, 353, 382, 383, 400, 457-62 ; ‘adv., iii, 462 ; agric., ii, 133, 134, 138, 140, 141 ; ili, 3045 chap., 1, 318, 331, 368, 369, 370; iii, 422; INDEX Woburn (cont.) char., iii, 462 ; Chas. I. at, ii, 50, 51; iii, 458; chs., iii, 461 ; crown property, iii, 271; farms, iii, 458 ; fires in, iii, 458; hosp., iii, 457; ind., ii, 458; inns, ii, 99; iii, 458; mans., i, 366, 367, 370; iii, 459; mkts. and fairs, ii, 88; Nonconé,, lii, 458; place-names, ili, 459; racing, ii, 191; hoe Tem., ii, 15; schs., ii, 185; 462 ; ” sheep- shearing, ili, 459 Woburn, Walt. de, iii, 449, 450, 456 Woburn Abbey (anct.), i, 318, 330, 331, 349, 350, 351, 366-70, 371, 372", 402; ii, 40, 346, 376; iii, 24, 324, 347, 362, 370, 375, 376, 377, 379, 380, 385, 387, 397, 418, 419, 422, 442, 443, 448, 453, 458, 459, 461, 462; abbots, i, 318, 370, 374, 402; mill, i, 366 Woburn Abbey and Park, li, 47, 69, 107, 133, 146; iii, 320, 338, 375, 394, 417, 421, 458, 459; royal visits, iii, 458, 459, 460 Woburn Hills, li, 71, 129 Woburn Sands “(Aspley Guise), ii, 117, 129; iti, 275, 336, 338; ch., iii, 338; fuller’s earth, ii, 117 Wode, see ‘Wood Wodehouse, Rob., ii, 287 Wodemancote, Emma de, ii, 379; Rob. de, ii, 379 Wodhull, see Odell and Wahull Wolaston, see Wollaston Wolf, John le, iii, 51, 60 Wolfmar, see Ulmar Wollascott (Woolascote), Joan, ii, 227-52; Will., ii, 227, 228, 252 Wollaston (Northants), ii, 190; iii, 209 Wollaston (Wolaston), Sir John de, iii, 90; ot iii, 90; Sim. de, iii, 49, 4 Wolley, Rich., ii, 364; Rob., ii, 364 ‘ Wolstenholme, Sir John, iii, 73 7”; Lady Temperance, iii, 68, 76; Lady, iii, 66, 74 Wolston, see Wollaston Wolverton man. (Bucks), i, 391, 393 Woobourn, see Woburn Wood (Wode), Marg., iii, 456 ; Nigel atte, iii, 52 ; Oliver, iii, 456 ; Rich., ii, 266; Thos., iii, r10; Will. (atte), ili, 245, 450 Woodburn, Mrs. Pen, ii, 289 Woodcock, Edw., iii, 23 Woodcroft (Luton), ii, 354, 374; man., ii, 350, 354, 356-8, 362, 364, 306 lili, 405, 422; mill, ii, 354 Wood ‘Croft (Ravensden), iii, 210 Woodcroft (Stevington), iii, 100 Wood End (Bolnhurst), iii, 124 Woodend, man. (Cople), iii, 238, 239 Wood End (Cranfield), iii, 276 Woodend (Harlington), iii, 380, 442 Wood ao (Marston Moretaine), iii, 308 Wood End (Ravensden), iii, 209, Woodend Plant (Sharnbrook), iii, 89 Woodfield (Luton), ii, 361 Woodford, Hen. of, ii, 381 ; Will. of, ii, 381 Woodhall man. (Meppershall), ii, Woodhall Farm (Meppershall), ii, 288 Woodhill, see Odell and Wahull Woodhull, see Odell and Wahull Wooding, Rob., iii, 58 55 Woodleys (Melchbourne), iii, 142 Woodmanley man., iii, 456 Woodmer End (Shillington), ii, 294 Woodside (Caddington), ii, 319 Woodstock, Mary of, iii, 403 Woodville (Widville, Wydville, Wydvile), John, iii, 36, 386; Kath., iii, 36, 386; Sir Rich., iii, 118, 386; Thos., iii, 36, 48, 424 Woodward, Edm., iii, 295; Ellen, iii, 346; Mary, iii, 425; Rob., iii, 425; Tristram, iil, 346, 440; Walt., i, 356”; Dr., iii, 425; —, ii, 166 sie John of, i, 399; Will. of, i, 399 Woodyard Close (Luton), ii, 361 Wooldridge, Thos., iii, 25 Wool ind., ii, 91, 101, "363 Woolsey Wood (Turvey), iii, 114 Woolward, Rev. S. A., i, 172 Wootton, i, 174, 3 338; li, 44, I15, 187, 213, 245, 292, 303, 312, 324, 335; ill, 39, 132, 147, 156, 233, 267, 278, 297, 315, 328-35, 348, 378, 398, 414, 435, 454; adv., 1ii, 314%, 334; chants., ill, 335; char., iii, 335; ch. i, 315”, 325”, 333, 334%, 379, 380; iti, 333; ind., iil, 329; man., iii, 13, 89, 320, 339, 332; sch., li, 185; vicarage, 1, 317 Wootton (Wotton), Alex. de, iii, 132; Constance de, iii, 309: Isabella de, iii, 358”; John de, iii, 358”; Rich. de, iii, 132; Rob. de, iii, 309, 313; Walt. of, i, 3243 ili, 313 Woottonbourne (Wootton), iii, 331 Wootton Green (Wootton), iii, 329 Wootton Hoo, man. (Wootton), iii, 329, 330 Wootton House (Wootton), iii, 328 Wootton Pilling (Wootton), iii, 332 Wootton Shelton, man. (Wootton), iii, 333 Worcester, Walt. Cantilupe, bp. of, ii, 32 Worcester, Eliz., ctss. of, ii, 354; earls of, iii, 173; John, ii, 354; iii, 329 Workhouse End (Renhold), iii, 214 Workhouses, ii, 104 Wormleghton, ‘Wormleighton, par., see Wrestlingworth Wormleighton, Rob. Spencer, Ld., ii, 220 Worship, Joan, iii, 403; John, iii, 403 Wortele (Wettele), Nich. de, iii, 145 Wortham, Hale, iii, 428 Worthing, Thos., ii, 326 © Worthington, Will., ii, 310 Wotton, see Wootton Woughton, see Wauton Wrastlingewurde, see worth Wray, Sir Chris., iii, 381 Wresle, John de, iii, 247 Wrest, man. (Silsoe), ii, 184 , 283, 290, 305, 326, 331, 334, 336, 345 ; iii, 65, 82; ch., ii, 333; mill, ii, 331; ; vicarage, li, 333 Wrestlingworth (Wrestlingforth), i, . 3453 , 72, 113, 201, 230, 233, 243, 255-9; adv., ii,” 257, 258; char., ii, 258, 259; ch., i, 315”; ii, 257; mans., ii, 255; mills, ii, 2573 Nonconf,, li, 258 ; place. names, ii, 255; ‘sch., li, 185 Wrestmead (Flitton), i ii, 330 Wrest Park, ii, 36, 44, 61, 146, 197, 308, 325, 331, 333; iii, 451 Wrestling- A HISTORY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Wright, Geo., iii, 409; Sir Hen., iii, 140; John, ii, 214; iii, 129; Dr. Jos., ii, 18”; Lawr., iii, 95; Sir Nathan, iii, 105; R. S., ii, 174, 175 ; Will., iii, 409 7 ii, 40 Wriothesley, Ld., ii, 299; Thos., Ld., ii, 57; iii, 203 : Wroxhill (Marston Moretaine), see Roxhill , Wroxill, Will., i, 398 Wulfhere, king of Mercia, i, 309 Wulfig (Wulfwig), see Dorchester, bp. of Wulimar, iii, 190 Wulfweard (Wlward), ‘ Levet,’ iii, 439 Wutton, see Wootton Wyatt (Wyat), Geo., iii, 129; Sir Hen., ii, 359; iii, 396; Hen., iu, 272; Jas., i, 176; ii, 273; Rev. Paul, iii, 21”; Sam., iii, 125, 146; Thos., ii, 161; iii, 164; att ii, 326 Wyboston, i, 308, 312; ii, 324; iii, 189-90, I9I, 193, 196, 198, 199; chant., i, 329”; iii, 201 ; chap., i, 326”, 329”; man.-house, i, 305-6; mans., iii, I91, 196, 197, 199 Wycombe, West (Bucks), ii, 45 Wye, Thos., ii, 380 Wygod, Hugh, iii, 225 Wygood (Wilden), iii, 225 Wylde (Wilde, Wild), Dorothy, Lady, iii, 216, 293 ; Edm., ii, 180, 182 ; iii, 296 ; Sir Edm., iii, 216, 293; Eliz., iii, 48; Sir John, iii, 300; Thos., iii, 48, 179; Will. iii, 7; Mrs., iii, 179 Wylibesende, see Whipsnade Wyllyngton, Wyliton, see Willington Wylter, see Walter Wymington, ii, 71, 115, 185; iii, 34, 79, 80, 87, 117-22, 178 ; adv., iii, 122; bronze impl., i, 169, 174; cChar., iii, 122; ch., iii, 120 ; ind., iil, 117 ; man., iii, 117; man.-house, iii, 117; mill, iii, Wymington (cont.) 2 119; Nonconf., iii, 117; sch., ii, 185 Wymington, John, i, 383; Rog. of, i, 382, 384; Will. de, iii, 196 Wymondley, Little (Herts), i, 294 Wymund, see Wimund Wynche, see Winch Wyndham, Thos., ii, 271, 275 Wyngate, see Wingate Wynefield, see Wingfield Wynn (Wynne), Hen., iii, John, ii, 246; iii, 259 Wynum, Walt., iii, 322 Wyrell, Joan, i, 361 Wyscard, see Wiscard Wytham, Hercules, iii, 432 Wythes, Fran., iii, 210 A. W., iii, 210 Wythes Close (Stotfold), ii, 304 Wyttelbury, Rob., iii, 126 Wyvell, Agnes, ii, 352 ”; Nich., ii, 352"; Will. ii, 352; see also Wavyle 259; Fran. Yarborough, Chas. A. Pelham, Ld., ii, 231 Yarborough, Geo. C., ii, 245 Yardley, John, ii, 95 Yarlswood (Thurleigh), i, 308 Yarrow’s charity (Sandy), ii, 246 Yarway, Rob., iii, 298, 331, 335; Thos., iii, 331, 335; —, li, 44 Yeaveley preceptory(Derb.),ti, 276” Yelden, i, 290; ii, 71, 115; tii, 36 , 123, 134, 136, 160, 168, 175-9, 330; adv., iii, 179; char., ii, 185%”; iii, 179; ch., iii, 177; man., iii, 54, 175, 179; Non- conf., ili, 175; sch., ii, 185 Yelden Castle, iii, 175; earth- works, i, 289, 291; Rom. rem., ii, 1, 155 iti, 175 Yelnoe Wood (Odell), iii, 69 Yelverton, Sir Chris., iii, 82, 119; Sir Hen., iii, 201 ; Hen., iii, 82, 119; Sybil, ii, 82, t19 56 Yielden, see Yelden Ympie, see Impey Yon, see Gravenhurst, Lower York, archbps. of, Murdak, i, 390”; Oskytel, i, 311; Rotherham, ii, 157,219, 295, 352; iii, 292,299; Thurstan, i, 361; Williams, i, 339”; iii, 264 bs York, Anne, ctss. of, ii, 301, 340; dks. of, ii, 57, 67, 192, 301, 340; iii, 4, 404; Rich., ii, 301, 340; iii, 13 York, Nich. of, iii, 277 we Yorke, Amabella, ii, 327; Phil., ii, 61, 380 a Yorkshire Farm (Ravensden),iii, 210 Young, Arth., ii, 96, 97, 119, 130, 131, 133, 134, 140; Barth., i, 326%; Freeman, Wil, 432; Gabriel, iii, 125; Mark, iii, 264 Younges, man. (Westoning), iii, 453 Yprés, John of, i, 382 Ythingaford, iii, 401 Zoology, i, 69-143 st Zouche, Lds., iii, 394; John, ii, 316; Will., iii, 372 . Zouche, Alan la, ii, 328; Alice, la, iti, 440; Ellen la, ui, 328; Eudo de la, i, 373; ii, 225, 282, 315; iii, 118, 370, 371, 392, 449; Geo. la, iii, 452; Ivo de la, u, 336; Joan, i, 360, 361; ii, 336; ili, 449, 452 ; John de la, ii, 225 », 282 ; ili, 144, 371, 452; Mary la, ii, 243 ; Maud la, ii, 328 ; iii, 176, 243; Milicent, ii, 225, 282, 373; iii, 370; Rich. de la, ii, 282; Rog. la, ii, 328; Thos., ii, 243; Sir Will. la, iti, 360; Will. de la, ii, 282, 316; iii, 176, 243, 370, 371, 372, 391, 394, 440%, 449, 452; fam., ii, 282, 315; iii, 118 Zouches, man. (Caddington), ii, 315, 316 : ss Zouches Farm (Caddington), ii, 316 318 CORRIGENDA AND ADDENDA Vol. I, page 41, line 9, for ‘ Charad’ read ‘ Chara’ ” ” ” ” »” 41, line 16, for ‘ Flora of Bedfordiensis ’ read ‘ Flora Bedfordiensis * 173, line 27, for ‘ Tascovian ’ read ‘ Tasciovan ’ 272, line 3 from end, for ‘ west’ read ‘ east’ 272, line 4 from end, for ‘ eastern’ read ‘ western’ ‘ 3550, line 3 from end, for ‘ fourteenth century ’ read ‘ fifteenth century ’ 3656. The following names of additional abbots of Warden have been supplied by Mr. Hight Blundell, M.D. : Geoffrey, occurs 1244, 1254, and 1259 (Cal. Chart. 1226-57, p. 279; Assize R. no. 23, m. 72; Feet of F. Beds. file 25, no. 67) Robert of Harrold, occurs 1272-5 (Assize R. no. 1247) John de Dallinger, occurs 1287 and 1290 (Assize R. no. 1276, m. 20; Cal. Pat. 1281-92, p. 371) Thomas, occurs 1318 (Cal. Pat. 1317-21, p. 275) William, occurs 1406 (Cal. Pat. 1405-8, p. 236) The following names of additional priors of Chicksand have been supplied by Mr. Hight Blundell, M.D. : : Hugh de Ledenham, occurs 1242-6 (Feet of F. Beds. file 20, no. 7) Alan, occurs 1272 and 1284 (Assize R. no. 1223, m. 6; ibid. Northants, no. 620, 622 Walter, pe 1292 (Assize R. no. 1298, m. 80d.) Simon, occurs 1330 (Assize R. Northants, no. 633) Roger, occurs as predecessor of John Lechworth (Assize R. Beds. no. 32) John Lechworth, occurs 1355 (Assize R. Beds. no. 32) William, occurs 1426-8 (Assize R. no. 1539) Richard Spencer, occurs 1503-4 (De Banco R. Hil. 18 & 19 Hen. VII) The following names of masters of Northill College have been supplied by Mr. Hight Blundell, M.D. : Richard Hethe, occurs 1422-40 (Ct. R. [Gen. Ser.], portf. 153, no. 34) Thomas Greneley, occurs 1459-61 (ibid.) Thomas Taylard, occurs 1477 and 1478 (ibid.) William Porter, occurs 1494 (ibid. no. 35) Thomas Randolfe, occurs 1494 and 1498 (ibid.) Andrew Benstode, occurs 1499 and 1505 (ibid.) John Underhill, occurs 15— (Dugdale, Mon. vi, 1399) ae 4044, line 6, for ‘ Almesbury ’ vead ‘ Amesbury ' . IT, page xvii, line 5, for ‘ Austen’ vead ‘ Austin’ 57, note 406, line 2, for ‘ south’ vead ‘ north’ 145, line 40, for ‘ Beckening ’ vead ‘ Beckering ’ 149, line 15, for ‘ £30,000’ vead ‘ £13,000’ 176, line 34, for ‘ and the buildings completed ’ vead ‘ and completed ’ 2354, line 43, for ‘ Knights Hospitallers ’ vead ‘ Knights Templars’ (cf. Assize R. no. 4, m. 19) 2434, line 13, for ‘ Henry III’ read ‘ Henry IT’ 2514, line 21 from end, for ‘ Stewart’ read ‘ Stuart’ 3054, line 14, for ‘ one knight’s fee’ vead ‘ half a knight’s fee’ 3260, lines 29, 41, for ‘ Lee in Podington’ vead ‘ Lee in Thurleigh’ 384), line 7, for ‘ Rodenham ’ read ‘ Bodenham’ 384», linc 33, for ‘ passed to Isabel’s son by her first marriage, Richard de Clare, Earl of Gloucester,’ vead ‘passed to Gilbert de Clare, grandson of Isabel, her son Richard having died in 1262’ Vol. III, page 200, line 5, for ‘ Sanbridge ’ read ‘ Sawbridge » a ” a ” 374, line 30, for ‘ Butler ’ vead ‘ Boteler’ 46b, line 9 from end, for ‘ Osiel’ vead ‘ Osiet’ 10a, line 3, for ‘ Easton Mandit ’ vead ‘ Easton Maudit’ 181), line 35, for ‘ Tetband’ read ‘ Tetbaud’ 219b, line 5 from end, for ‘Grymband’ vead ‘ Grymbaud’ 2200, line 2, for ‘Grymband ’ read ‘ Grymbaud’ 258), line 15, for ‘ Ordin ’ vead ‘ Ordui’ 295, note 163, delete ‘ She later married Walter de Teyes ’ 298), line 16, for ‘ May’ vead ‘ Mary’ 3354, line 4, for ‘ Britton’ vead ‘ Button’ 3384, line 1, for ‘ Aspslea’ vead ‘ Aepslea ’ for‘ Aspleia’ vead ‘ Aspeleia’ 338a, line 6 from end, for ‘1690’ vead ‘1711’ 3394, line 2, for ‘ Valery’ read ‘ St. Valery’ 342a, line 2, for ‘ Wishaw’ read ‘ Wysham ’ 3420, line 14, for ‘ Booth’ read * Ansell’ : 3430, line 3, delete ‘ in labour in connexion therewith ’ 345), line 24 from end, for ‘ Guthruin’ read ‘ Guthrum ° a, line 17, for ‘ Hamstead’ vead ‘ Flamstead ’ 8, for ‘ Buckwood Stables ’ vead ‘ Buckwood Stubbs ’ 57 9 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE VICTORIA COUNTY HISTORY OF BEDFORD HIS MAJESTY THE KING C. Alington, Esq. W. H. Allen, Esq., J.P. A. R. Alston, Esq. Capt. F. Alston The Rt.Hon.The LordAmpthill,G.C.LE.,G.C.S.1. The Rt. Hon. The Lord Annaly, K.C.V.O. His Grace The Duke of Argyll, K.G., K.T. William Austin, Esq. C. B. Balfour, Esq., J.P., D.L. Mrs. Barclay His Grace The Duke of Bedford, K.G., F.R.S. The Rt. Hon. The Lord St. John of Bletsoe, D.L. Hight Blundell, Esq., M.D. J. Hight Blundell, Esq. Rev. C. Bromley, M.A. Miss Brooks A. C. Buckmaster, Esq., LL.B. Mrs. Eleanor Carroll The Rt. Hon. The Earl of Carysfort, K.P. Major E. F. Clayton E. C. Coleman, Esq. Francis Crawley, Esq., J.P. Miss Crewdson William Deane, Esq., J.P. J. Griffith Deardon, Esq. The Rt. Hon. The Earl of Derby, G.C.V.O. Col. C. Villiers S$. Downes Sir Robert Edgecumbe, LL.D., D.L. Charles Emmerton, Esq. William Farrer, Esq., D.Litt. Miss Harriet Fitzpatrick The Rt. Hon. The Lord Foley, D.L. Edward Snow Fordham, Esq., M.A., LL.M. G. Herbert Fowler, Esq., B.A., Ph.D. C. J. Fox, Esq., M.R.C.S. Maurice G. C. Glyn, Esq., J.P. O. E. D’Avigdor Goldsmid, Esq., D.L. Sir Laurence Gomme, F.S.A. H. E. Gregory, Esq. The Right Hon. The Viscount Hambleden John Hamson, Esq. Henry Edward H. Harris, Esq. W. H. Harrison, Esq. A. Conning Hartley, Esq., M.D. F. J. Haverfield, Esq., M.A., LL.D., F.S.A., Camden Professor of Ancient History Charles C. Hawkins, Esq. Lawrence Higgins, Esq., J.P. F. R. Hockliffe, Esq. Mrs. Mary A. Hollingsworth W. Horey, Esq. Rev. Campbell B. Hulton, M.A. The Rt. Hon. The Viscount Iveagh, K.P., G.C.V.O., LL.D., F.R.S. Lt.-Col. Frederick John Josselyn C. W. Kaye, Esq., M.A. The Rt. Hon. The Lord Kenyon, K.C.V.O. John C. Kershaw, Esq. Graham Charles Lawson, Esq. E. T. Leeds-Smith, Esq., J.P. F. Seymour Lloyd, Esq., M.D. Henry Longuet Longuet-Higgins, Esq. Walter Thomas Lye, Esq. John Charles Mason, Esq. Mrs. Cyril Maude Joseph Miller, Esq. The Hon. Algernon H. Mills W. Gifford Nash, Esq., F.R.C.S. Clement Buckley Newbold, Esq. T. Newton, Esq. The Rt. Hon. The Lord Northcliffe J. Crewe Orlebar, Esq. Richard Orlebar, Esq., D.L., J.P. Sir A. Kerr Butler Osborn, Bart. Charles G. Pace, Esq., F.R.M.S. Rev. John Parr, M.A. -C, R.S. Payne, Esq., J.P. The Rt. Hon. The Viscount Peel The Hon. William Peel, M.P. Mrs. Penton George Phillips, Esq. Sir Lionel Phillips, Bart., D.L. Cecil Polhill, Esq. His Grace The Duke of Portland, K.G., G.C.V.O. Mrs. Edward Pratt W. W. G. Prosser, Esq. Rowland Edmund Prothero, Esq., M.V.O., M.A., F.R.Hist.Soc., &c. Capt. Charles Guy Pym, D.L., J.P., F.G.S. The Rt. Hon. The Earl of Radnor, V.D. His Excellency The Hon. Whitelaw Reid Robert Richmond, Esq., J.P. Lady Roscoe Charles Julius Ryland, Esq. Mrs. Rylands James Saunders, Esq. Frederick Sharman, Esq. W. R. Sheldon, Esq., M.A. 59 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS The Rt. Hon. The Lord Sherborne Clement K. Shorter, Esq. B. Shuttleworth, Esq. Col. Frank Shuttleworth, J.P. C. Charnock Smith, Esq., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. F. Gouldthorpe Smith, Esq. H. H. Smith-Carington, Esq., J.P. His Honour Sir Thomas Snagge, K.C.M.G., M.A., LL.D., D.L. John Tricks Spalding, Esq., J.P. Miss Stanton J. Steele-Elliott, Esq. The Hon. Frederick Strutt F. W. Styan, Esq. Lady Sutton John Taylor, Esq. Alfred Trapnell, Esq. Percival Fox Tuckett, Esq. Charles Robert Wade-Gery, Esq., M.A., J.P. J. H. Wall, Esq. William Clarence Watson, Esq., D.L., J.P. Charles Wells, Esq. Lady Wernher Samuel Whitbread, Esq., D.L., J.P. J. Arnold Whitchurch, Esq. ~ J. W. Willis-Bund, Esq., M.A., LL.B., F.S.A. Anthony Henry Wingfield, Esq., J.P. Alexander Wood, Esq. H. Wood, Esq., M.A., J.P. Rev. H. B. Workman, LL.D. Rev. Paul Williams Wyatt, M.A. Henry Young, Esq. 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