ae iea © os nor gaye h fatal ne eer erainn errr eee ier Lt ah at Bane) Brea ne i as x t Digs Be ieee 4 a abot We oi bape ln f A i Re F . y F gly bi fey a Ul be ‘Ving. oer Fr: d aN M Hag : 5 SE aby pe c Vis or by ‘ U open cour p 4 r ante # & , R , thie AES wy fs fericntont i on ss en hee Sees Roatan ee Coa Sah ie Hts) ae ete ets eo ne ° te er ee SER \ eh AF P3 jas CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND GIVEN IN 1891 BY HENRY WILLIAMS SAGE ea, MISSY Lary F 29P3 D28 1 iT 810 484 DATE DUE SILC INTERLIBRARY L f GAYLORD PRINTEDING & A. A. HISTORY OF THE FIRST CENTURY OF THE TOWN OF PARSONSFIELD, MAINE, INCORPORATED AUG. 29, 1785, AND CELEBRATED WITH IMPRESSIVE CEREMONIES, AT NORTH PARSONSFIELD, AUGUST 29, 1885. PORTLAND, ME. BROWN THURSTON & COMPANY 1888. wa Py eZ at & COPYRIGHTED BY J. W. DEARBORN, JOHN BENNETT, C. F. SANBORN, H. LORING MERRILL, 8. G. DEARBORN. SS sas DEDICATION, To Those Worthy Absent. Ones, THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF THIS GRAND OLD TOWN, THEIR FATHERLAND, THROUGH WHOSE FEALTY AND GENEROSITY THE HIGHLY COMMENDABLE RESULTS OF DULY OBSERVING WITH BEFITTING CEREMONIALS ITS FIRST CENTENNIAL, AND ENABLING US TO PUT IN FORM FOR PRESERVATION THE FAOTS AND DATA HEREIN CONTAINED, THESE PAGES ARE DEDICATED, WITH EXPRESSIONS OF HEARTFELT GRATITUDE, BY THE COMMITTEE HAVING THE WORK IN CHARGE, PREFACE. In placing this volume in the hands of the public, we feel that it is a duty which we owe alike to ancestry and posterity, as well as ourself, to offer some apology. It was expected that the town would take charge of the matter of preparing and publishing the work, and that a competent per- son, who could devote undivided attention thereto, would be found to per- form the arduous duty. But the town refusing to assume the responsibility, and without funds to carry such design into execution, a few determined to push on the work. Very much of the burden has fallen upon us, wholly unprepared for the task, busied with professional duties, and loaded with cares and responsibili- ties of life, only able to devote to this work those hours, fatigued by labor, which should have been passed in repose, we feel constrained to crave the indulgence of those who peruse, in this, that some apology will be found in the minds of the generous public for the errors and omissions which may be apparent, as well as for the style and matter which appear. We have no thought of avoiding criticism. But close observation and experience have alike taught us, that the severest criticisms will come from those who have been least helpful. We wish to acknowledge our great obligations to those who have con- tributed articles of interest to its pages; to those who furnished us of their means to aid in the proper observance of the centennial; to the members of the several committees; to each and all of those who have exerted them- selves in collecting facts and data for the history ;* to all who have given encouragement and cheer; to each one who has furnished us with a portrait for the work; and especially must we mention the names of a few of those who have been very interested and helpful in the prosecution of this volume. Without their assistance the task would have been beyond our power to accomplish. Those in town are John Bennett, Esq., H. G. O. Smith, and Hon. C. F. Sanborn; and of those absent, Hon. James W. Bradbury, Dr. Jos. Ricker, Prof. L. 0. Emerson, Geo. I. Doe, of Wilton, N. H., Geo. Par- sons, and Edward Tuck, of New York City, Dr. Samuel K. Towle, of Hampton, Va., Dr. J. O. Moore,t of Haverhill, John Tuck,f of Biddeford, a VI PREFACE. Ira Moore, of Los Angeles, Cal., Horace Piper, a.m., of Washington, Prof. C. F. Brackett, of Princeton, Rev. Asa Dalton, of Portland, and Rev. R. H. Conwell, of Philadelphia. This list might, and in justice should be, largely extended; but those named have been very pronounced in their helpfulness. A town history is mostly of value to those who are interested in histori- cal matters, — matters pertaining to family genealogies, and of biography. In order to present these topics to the enquirer intelligently and clearly, we have divided the volume into FIVE PARTS. Parr I. is chiefly made up of the papers that were presented in the order of exercises on the day of celebrating the town’s centennial, in addi- tion to a short account of the preparation therefor, and the attendant cir- cumstances of that occasion. Part II. is the general history of the town for the past one hundred years. Part III. Personal sketches. Part IV. Genealogies. This part is far from complete. Much exer- tion has been made to render it more so, but we find it a difficult task to accomplish, and in many cases totally impracticable. Part V. is made up of miscellaneous papers, many of which were received too late to appear under their proper heads. The amount of labor requisite to present this imperfect volume to the public can never be appreciated by those who have never undertaken the accomplishment of a like thankless task. Respectfully yours, J. W. Dzarporn. *A committee of ten was selected for this purpose, consisting of Dominicus Ricker, Wm. H. Doe, Gilman Lougee, Ivory Fenderson, Joseph Parsons, John W. Piper, Eben Foss, H. G. O. Smith, E. 8S. Wadleigh and O. B. Churchill. + Deceased, GENERAL INDEX. DEpDIcaTION, . ‘ 7 ; 7 é ‘ ‘i I PREFACE, . 3 ‘ A . v List OF ILLUSTRATIONS, F a 7 XI PART I. INTRODUCTION, 7 - i 14 PRoGRAMME, . ‘i ‘ Z ‘ . ; . 5-8 ADDRESS OF WELCOME, By J. W. Dearborn, mp. . . : . . 13 ORATION, By Hon. James W. Bradbury, . . ‘ : 14-25 AGRICULTURE OF PaRSONSFIELD, By John Tuck, ; : : : F - 26-34 ScHoots oF PARSONSFIELD, By Horace Piper, a.m, LLB, . : 7 ‘ 36-56 CoLLEGE GRADUATES, By Rev. Joseph Ricker, p.p., . . . : 57-72 Progress oF Puysics FoR 4 CENTURY, By Prof. C. F. Brackett, a.M., M.D., LL.D. « i 73-125 CENTENNIAL PoEm, By Mrs. Isadore Merrill, . , : . F 126 LAawyYERs OF PARSONSFIELD, By P. W. McIntyre, Esq., é é . 4 127-133 PuHysicIANs OF PaRsONSFIELD, By J. W. DeaRzory, ™.D., : ° : . 134-158 VIII GENERAL INDEX. Minerats oF PARsoNsFIELD, By H. L. Staples, am.up, . , 5 ParsoONSFIELD SEMINARY AND ITs STUDENTS, By Prof. G. H. Ricker, . . . Music anp Musicians oF ParsoNsFIELD, By Prof. L. O. Emzrson, PRoGRESS OF CHRISTIANITY FOR A CrenTuRY (Sermon), By Rev. R. H. Conwell, . : . . PART II. History. CHAP. I. Geography. — Indians. — Early Titles. — Shapleigh Proprie- tors. — Hunters and Trappers. — Wild Animals. — Early Homes, etc., 5 ‘ , r CHAP. II. Names and Locations. — Address of H. G. O. Smith. — Residents 1785. — Early Records. — Petition For, and Act of Incorporation, . ; . . CHAP. III. Prospect. — Houses. — Food. — Transportation. ~ Roads. — Improvements. — Crops and Business, . CHAP. IV. Town Business. — Taxation. — Census Returns, CHAP. V. y Light and Heat. — Drinking Customs. — Coming and ing.— Horses and Cows.— Progress, . : - 159 160-162 163-164 165-173 174-181 182-192 193-200 201-206 207-212 GENERAL INDEX. CHAP. VI. Churches and Ministers, - ; . . CHAP, VII. Survey. — Plan. — Military. — Poor. — Political, . : CHAP. VIII. Rambles about Town, . ‘ a ° . PART III. PeErsonat SKETCHES, . : F ; i ‘i PART IV. GENEALOGIES, é 3 F 3 7 s PART V. MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. Letter of Lauriston W. Small, ‘ - : ; Deed of Capt. Sandy to Francis Small. — Act of Incorporation, Call for First Town Meeting, é : ‘ Extracts from Records, List of Selectmen from Organization of Town till the Present, . Names of S. S. Committee since 1820, é List of Native Teachers, . 5 x ‘ 7 List of Names of Town Clerks for a Century, List of Names of Delegates and Representatives for a century, Senators, County Treasurer and County Commissioners, Ix 213-224 225-231 232-238 240-364 365-413 . 415 416 418 419 420 422 423 - 427 428 - 482 x GENERAL INDEX. Poets of Parsonsfield, 5 : . _ . 437 Genealogies and Personal Sketches, . ; : . 450 to 464 Family of Thomas Parsons, x ; : ‘ : 464 Acknowledgements, . ‘ ‘ ; ; ‘ » 470 List of Contributors. Expenses, etc. . , ‘ i 472 Index, . ; ‘ : ‘ : j ‘ - 475 ALPHABETICAL INDEX ILLUSTRATIONS. Ames, John M., . Bennett, Dr. Gilman L., Bennett, John, Bennett, John P., Benton, Albion P., Brackett, Hon. John, Brackett, Prof. C. F., Bradbury, Dr. Samuel, Bradbury, Hon. J. W., Brown, John M., Brown, Simon, Buzzell, Rev. John, . Chamberlin, Edward C., . Chellis, Seth, . Cheney, Horace R., Churchill, Nathaniel H., Churchill, Otis B., Churchill, Thomas §., Conwell, Rev. R. H., Cook, James W., Dalton, Benjamin, Dalton, Rev. Asa, Davis, Wm. B., . 258 141 321 320 256 288 73 301 . Frontispiece 281 278 218 296 363 293 457 452 343 165 249 330 268 451 XII INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS. Dearborn, Dr. J. W., Dearborn, John, . Dearborn, Jos. F., Dearborn, Jos. S., Dearborn, Simon F., Devereux, John, . Dixon, Wm. D., Doe, Col. Bartlett, Doe, Hon. Alvah, Doe, Wm. K.,, Durgin, Prof. 8. H., Emerson, Jos. P., Emerson, Luther, Emerson, Prof. L. O., Fernald, Elliott, Foss, Eben, Garland, David, Garland, John, Garner, Allen, Hilton, Rev. Chas. A., Knapp, Hon. Wm. D., Libbey, Capt. A. 5., Libby, Nehemiah T., Lougee, Gilman, ‘ Maplewood, McIntire, Hon.: Rufus, Merrill, H. Lorin, Merrill, John J., Merrill, Samuel, Moore, Dr. James O., More, Prof. Ira, 310 316 815 317 454 259 854 358 352 153 246 245 163 311 334 302 303 332 353 66 300 459 280 13 21 359 276 356 143 274 INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS. Moulton, Dr. Albert R., . Moulton, Dr. Alvah, Moulton, Wm. E., Newbegin, John S., . Parks, Orlando T., . Plan of Parsonsfield, Parsons, Asa B., Parsons, Capt. Thos. B., Parsons, Dr. Chas. G., Parsons, Dr. Jos. A, Parsons, Joseph, Parsons, Samuel, Parsonsfield Seminary, . . Pease, Burleigh, : . Pease, Hon. Zebulon, Piper, Elisha, Piper, Horace, Piper, Jonathan, Ridlon, Emery S., Ricker, Dominicus, Ricker, Jos., D.D., Sanborn, Hon. C. F., Sanborn, Hon. Luther, Smart, John G., Smith, H. G. O., Stackpole, Stephen A., Staples, Rev. L. T., Sweat, Dr. John B., Sweat, Dr. Moses, Sweat, Dr. Moses E., Sweat, Dr. Wm. W., .- . : XIII 155 139 340 461 437 225 360 243 144 145 468 466 160 65 262 48 36 266 132 283 57 292 290 307 174 299 313 147 136 63 146 XIV INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS. Sweat, Hon. L. D. M,, Towle, Capt. Harvey M., Towle, Dr. Samuel K., Towle, Geo. W., Tuck, Hon. Amos, Tuck, John, Tuck, Samuel, Wadleigh, Elisha, Wadleigh, Elisha, Jr., Wadleigh, E. §., Wedgewood, Joseph, Weeks, Prof. Stephen H., Wentworth, Hon. G. M, Whitten, Col. Simon J,, ‘i Wiggin, Wm. H., . . : : ‘ 127 273 151 463 60 26 325 284 286 295 349 462 305 319 441 : PART 1, HISTORY OF PARSONSFIELD. CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION. 1785. Aveust 19. 1885. The suggestion of a proper observance of the one hundredth anniver- sary of the incorporation of the town of Parsonsfield, came from one of her sons, highly honored and esteemed among us here, as well as by that very much larger number of friends and associates with whom he has lived and labored the larger part of his active life, Rev. Joseph Ricker, D.p., of Augusta, Maine. This suggestion, communicated through his brother, Dominicus Ricker, Esq., then Representative from this town to Augusta, met the approval of the leading citizens, and acting promptly thereon, at the annual meeting in March, 1885, the town unanimously voted to raise the sum of five hundred dollars, and authorized the selectmen to draw orders on the treasurer for sums not exceeding that amount, to be ex- pended in observing with appropriate ceremonials the forthcoming anniversary. A committee was then and there chosen, and authorized by the town to take charge, and make all due preparations for the celebration, which was to occur on the twenty-ninth day of August following. This committee consisted of fifteen persons, as follows: — Dominicus Ricker, Samuel Merrill,* John Bennett, Esq., Moses E. Sweat, M.D., Joseph Parsons, William I. Doe, Ivory Fenderson, Gilman Ihougee, C. O. Nute, William E. Moulton, Eben Foss, J. W. Piper, H. G. O. Smith, Rev. L. T. Staples, J. W. Dearborn. Immediately upon.the adjournment of the town-meeting, this com- mittee met in the selectmen’s office and organized for active work by choosing : — * Since deceased. 2 HISTORY OF PARSONSFIELD. J. W. Dearborn, Chairman. J. W. Piper, Recording Secretary. John Bennett, Esq., Rev. L. T. Staples, Corresponding Secretaries. Wm. E. Moulton, Treasurer. Samuel Merrill, Dominicus Ricker, Gilman Lougee, Committee on Finance. Active operations for the event were at once commenced, and meet- ings of committee held from time to time to perfect arrangements. It soon became apparent that the committee was altogether too small to perform the large amount of labor required, and that an addition thereto of active, energetic, and interested citizens, from sections of the town not before represented, would increase its strength and efficiency. Therefore, at an early day, this want was supplied by the addition of the folowing: — Hon. John Brackett,* T. C. Randall, Nehemiah T. Libby, John M. Ames,* John Devereaux, H. Loring Merrill, Hon. Alvah Doe,* E. B. Wadleigh, A. R. Leavitt, Hon. C. F. Sanborn, Jacob Taylor, T. W. Burnham, Robert T. Blazo, Esq., Geo. P. Davis, Jos. Wedgewood, Jos. Moulton, David M. Chase, T. B. Wentworth, Robert Merrill, E. E. Lord, Jeremiah Bullock, O. B. Churchill, H. W. Colcord, Capt. A. O. Smart, E. 8. Wadleizh, Marston Ames, J. W. Trueworthy, Wm. B. Davis, T.S. Churchill, J. S. Newbegin, Luther Neal, 8. H. Cartland, S. G. Dearborn, John Neal, Chase Boothby, Lorenzo Moulton, Israel Banks, John U. Parsons, T. C. Huntruss, Chas. A. Rand, S. F. Perry, S. D. Marston.* The list of Corresponding Secretaries was increased by two, Hon. C. F. Sanborn and E. 8. Wadleigh, the organization of Committee having been fully approved by all. The only matter reserved to the original fifteen members being the appropriation’ of the funds voted by the town. Sub-committees were chosen from time to time, as follows: — On programme: — Rey. L. T. Staples, Dominicus Ricker, H. G. O. Smith. On instrumental music : — J. W. Dearborn, M.D., M. E. Sweat, M.p., T. W. Burnham. *Since deceased. HISTORY OF PARSONSFIELD. 3 On vocal music : — Dr. J. W. Dearborn, with privilege of associating with himself whom he pleased. Said committee therefore consisted of: — Dr. J. W. Dearborn, Mrs. 8. L. Dittrick, Springfield, Mo., Prof. L. O. Emerson, Boston, Mass., ‘Ada M. Towle, Newfield, Dr. J. T. Wedgewood, Cornish, Me., «ON. M. Leavitt, T. W. Burnham, “« E. A. Smart, Mrs. J. W. Cook, Boston, “« —D. O. Blazo, ‘““ B. F. Haley, Cornish, “ 0. B. Churchill, ‘« C. F. Sanborn, «« E. E. Lord, ‘« Jesse Gould, Limerick, ‘* D.H. Hill, Sandwich, N. H., Robert Merrill, Miss Margaret Bullock, Dr. J. O. Moore, Haverhill,* J. W. Piper, Mrs. Joseph Roberts. On grounds, lumber, stand, seats and tables: — Dr. M. E. Sweat, Rev. L. T. Staples, Jeremiah Bullock. Capt. A. O. Smart was chosen Marshal, with privilege of selecting his aids, who were : — O. B. Churchill, Jeremiah Bullock, Oliver Pillsbury. On salute: — Gilman Lougee, Eben Foss, Jos. Parsons. To organize cavalcade, invite Grand Army Posts, and arrange for, ‘and provide transportation : — Dr. J. W. Dearborn, John Bennett, Esq. To provide banner, badges, etc., for the band of one hundred young ladies, organize, and take charge of same in procession : — Gilman Lougee. Then the matters of tents, provisions, and all other details and ex- penditures, were placed in the hands of an executive committee, con- sisting of : — John Bennett, Esq., Hon. C. F. Sanborn, J. W. Dearborn, M.D. Rey. L. T. Staples, E. 8. Wadleigh, It was also apparent that quite an amount of funds, in addition to what the town voted to furnish, would be required; and, therefore, the last named committee was constituted a committee to solicit contribu- tions. They were very successful in their efforts, former residents re- sponding very liberally. [ Appended will be found a full list of contrib- utors and contributions, and also expenditures. ] * Since deceased. 4 HISTORY OF PARSONSFIELD. Twelve members of the general committee pledged themselves in the sum of three hundred dollars, to meet any exigency that might arise, thus placing, in all, at the disposal of the executive committee about two thousand dollars. The “ Piper field,” at North Parsonsfield, which commands a wide view, sweeping over portions of twenty-three towns in York, Oxford and Carroll counties, was selected as the most appropriate place to con- gregate, and twenty-five thousand feet of timber and boards for stands, tables, seats, etc., purchased and placed thereon.” Two mammoth Yale tents, one for the audience and one for the refresh- ments, were provided. Ample provision was made to give refreshments to from four thousand to five thousand people, seating one thousand at a time. This was placed under the direction of the well-known caterer, Mr. E. D. Robinson, of Portland. The services of Chandler’s band, of Portland, were secured. All favors asked of railroad corporations, the Boston and Maine and its divisions, the Maine Central and its branches, the Portland and Rochester, and the Portland and Ogdensburg, by way of transportation and reduced fares, were cheerfully granted. Prof. L. O. Emerson, of Boston, a native of the town, generously of- fered his services in aid, and held a three days’ convention at East Par- sonsfield, for the purpose of drilling a chorus for the occasion. In this effort, which proved so successful, he was greatly aided by Dr. J. T. Wedgewood, of Cornish, also a native. The committee on programme issued the following: — *The meeting for the incorporation, on August 29th, 1785, was held at the house of Thomas Parsons, Esq., the proprietor of the town. This farm is located on its western border, later became in turn the property of Capt. Luther Emerson and of Joseph P. Emerson,Esq_., son-in law and grandson, and now owned by James W. Cook, Esq., of Boston, (whose wife is a great-granddaughter,) who, having remodeled the house and rebuilt the barns and outbuildings at a large expense, generously tendered the hospitalities of “«“Elmwood farm,” with all the privileges of the house, barns and grounds for the occasion. if the com- m'ttee should deem it expedient to use them. This offer would have been accepted but from the fact that it was not so easy of approach, Ltt ECE P VTP § (IGT LA IG IEEE SII ea ere eae oe Se el eee eee ee eb L782: