peers Sete : Hea ei re ao es aN S; seh aaa Ret, 283s CAMBRIDGE PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS For the City of Malven 1903 A ee CYTE Heat UNIWERGITY Li gkhai VW SOD. VeAaVviay LAS | Rue City of Malden RECORD COMMISSIONERS 4 1900-1902 DELORAINE P. COREY, Chairman FRANK E. WOODWARD, Secretary DANIEL P. 8. PAGE WILLARD E. ROBINSON WILLIAM A. HASTINGS FRANK S. ARNOLD EDGAR A. WHITTEMORE PREFACE. THE condition of the ancient records of vital statistics of the town of Malden was well known to those who had examined them; and fears were often expressed as to their safety unless means were taken to limit the deterioration to which time and use were exposing them. Hon. John E. Farnham, in his annual address as mayor, January 3, 1898, recognizing their legal and historical value, asked the attention of the city council to the records in the following words : — I want to refer to the condition of our old records, !relating to Births, Marriages, and Deaths. These are contained in a few small books and the hand-writing is rapidly fading. All the records covering a period of two hundred and fifty years should be copied and then printed in pamphlet form, ready for distribution next year. I recommend that you authorize some person to have charge of this whole matter, and that a sufficient sum of money be appropriated for that purpose. The Malden Historical Society, which had already considered the subject, following the suggestion of Mayor Farnham, on February 7, 1898, appointed a committee of seven members to formulate such a course as might be necessary to put the records in a safe and proper condition, and to present the result to the city council for definite action. The committee, after a consideration of the matter, delayed somewhat by the active preparations for the celebration of the two-hundred-and- fiftieth anniversary of the incorporation of the town, petitioned the city council for an order looking towards the preservation of the ancient volumes and the perpetuation of their contents by printing. In March, 1899, a special joint committee, with power to carry into effect the proposed work, was appointed by the city council, consisting of Aldermen Daniel P.S. Page and Willard E. Rob- inson, and Councilmen William A. Hastings, Frank S. Arnold, vi PREFACE and Edgar A. Whittemore. In the following November, in consideration of the time to be spent in the work and to prevent confusion in details by placing it in the hands of successive committees, a record commission was constituted consisting of the members of the special joint committee. In February, 1900, Deloraine P. Corey and Frank E. Woodward, who as repre- sentatives of the Malden Historical Society had been associated with the committee by invitation, were added to the commission ; and it was organized, March 5, 1900, with Mr. Corey as chairman and Mr. Woodward as secretary. The work which had been begun by the committee has been continued without a change of plan or purpose, resulting in the preparation of the present volume. The series which was known as the ancient records of Births, Marriages, and Deaths consisted of six volumes. Some of these volumes were in an extremely bad condition. One had become so fragile, more from the quality of its paper than from misuse, that Albert F. Sargent, the town clerk [1859-1881], sealed it in a wrapper and sequestered it for several years, fearing its total destruction if exposed to use. The leaves had become detached from the binding and could not be turned without losing pieces of their margins and often a portion of the entries. In places, the loss had extended to the partial destruction of the record. Later, an attempt was made to repair this volume, which resulted in a still more serious condition, as the method taken was conducive to a farther destruction of the record, which had already suffered much, even when subjected to the most careful handling. In 1865, the compiler of the present volume made a transcript of the six volumes, which has supplied many portions of entries which have since disappeared. The first act of the joint special committee in 1899 was to procure such treatment of the ancient records as would prevent farther injury and preserve them for future generations. The work was carefully done by the late F. W. R. Emery, of Taunton, who treated the volumes by a process invented and patented by himself, which effectually protects the paper and allows the books to be handled without injury. The six books are now bound in three volumes, forming volumes one, two, and three of the vital records of the town. PREFACE vii The records contained in the three volumes appear to have been begun about 1693, although a few entries are of previous dates, when John Greenland, who made the earlier entries, became town clerk. They are continued until 1842, when the clerk began to use separate volumes for Births, Marriage In- tentions, Marriages, and Deaths, which are collectively known as volume four. The volume of Marriage Intentions was used until January 1, 1869; but the use of the others ceased in 1844, when the standard blanks furnished by the commonwealth began to be used, forming the volume now known as the fifth of the series. An attempt to copy a portion of the old records was made in 1851 ; but the transcript is faulty and has not been of assistance in the preparation of this volume. In the records of the town as they are now constituted, Births, Marriages, and Deaths do not appear from the time of the incor- poration of the town in 1649 to the beginning of the book now known as volume one, the book in which they were entered, if it ever had an existence, being unknown ; and there is a period of about seven years [1790-1797], during which Marriages by the pastors of the First Church were not recorded. These periods are, however, covered by contemporary records; and additions and corrections are made in the present volume by information gathered from them and other sources, as is here stated in detail. RETURNS TO THE COUNTY COURT. Among the early laws of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay was the following : — [9 Sept. 1639.] tem: That there bee records kept of all wills, admin- istrations, & inventories, as also of the dayes of every marriage, birth, & death of every person within this jurisdiction. Under a penalty of a fine of forty shillings at first, and afterwards of five pounds, the clerks of the writs, performing most of the duties of the later town clerks, were enjoined to make returns of such records, at first to the General Court, and afterwards to the County Courts upon their establishment. This law may have been imperfectly observed, for no returns from Malden have been found for the years 1663-1664 and for viii PREFACE the years 1677-1684, inclusive. The returns from the towns in Middlesex were recorded in volumes, which, having been treated by the Emery process, are preserved in the office of the Clerk of Courts at Cambridge. -A modern copy of the record is in the same office; and early copies of some of the returns are in the Probate Office and in the Registry of Deeds. The record of the county clerk and the several duplicates or copies are nearly or quite in accordance. They appear to have been used as original papers by genealogists and others, and much of the information which they contain has been perpetuated in print. A suspicion of error in those of Malden induced a search for the original returns of the Malden clerk in the files of the court. Those for the years 1655-1658, and 1685-1691 were found ; and a number of errors, mostly of dates, existing in the copies have been corrected in this volume, which will, therefore, be found to disagree with those authorities which are based upon the faulty transcripts. FIRST CHURCH RECORDS. Marriages solemnized by the pastors of the First Church, which were not entered upon the town records, were recorded in a book kept by the Revs. Peter Thacher, Adoniram Judson, Eliakim Willis, and Aaron Green. This book, which appears to have been a private record and not a portion of the church records, was in the possession of the Rev. Charles E. Reed of the First Church [1858-1869]. Mr. Reed made a copy of a portion, perhaps the whole, of this record, covering the period from the date of the first entry, September, 1770, to September, 1817, which was printed in seven numbers of the Malden Messenger, in May-September, 1863. This book has now disappeared. The copy as printed in the Messenger has been used for the purposes of this compilation; and, while it may not be entirely trustworthy, as the copyist wrote that “in all the knotty places he guessed as correctly as he could,” it must remain, for the present purpose, as the only authority which we have. A com- parison with the Intentions of Marriage will serve to correct any considerable errors. For the purpose of reference, this book, or its copy, is named the First Church Records, which designation is convenient, while it is not exact. PREFACE ix MARRIAGES IN OTHER TOWNS. Returns of Marriages in other towns prior to 1800 were made under the Act of 1857, and were on file when a transcript for private use was made by the present writer in 1865. An official copy exists, but it appears to be faulty and the private transcript has been used for the present purpose. References are made herein by abbreviations of the town names, thus: chas. for Charlestown returns or records. GRAVESTONES. A careful examination has been made of the stones in the cemeteries at Bell Rock, Salem Street, and Forest Dale in Malden, and in the Wyoming Cemetery in Melrose. From the inscriptions in these grounds many unrecorded deaths and a number of unrecorded births have been obtained. Many dates of births occur on the stones which are not of Malden. Care has been taken to eliminate such births in the examination, but a few, which could not be distinguished, may have been taken. In many instances, discrepancies have been found between the dates upon the gravestones and those in the records, often of days, many times of months, and sometimes of years. Such discrepancies have been noted in the present volume. OTHER SOURCES. The transcript of the records made by the compiler, when the books were less imperfect than now, has furnished portions of entries which are now illegible. Additions from this source are enclosed in brackets. A few items have been obtained from family records and other sources, which are noted in their respective places. CHRONOLOGY. An entry made by the town clerk, John Shute, on the fly-leaf of volume one is: “ New Stile began the 14 of Sept., 1752.” It might appear from this that the practice had been to begin the year on March 25; but there are indications that no uniform x PREFACE practice prevailed, and that the clerks sometimes considered the year, for their purposes, to begin with January. The double date, which would make the matter clear, was not always used, and the real date is often in doubt. Thus January 25, 1703, may be in 1702-3 or in 1703-4. When it has been possible to ascer- tain the date with certainty, the single record date has been followed by the correct double date in brackets, as March 12, 1728 [1727-8]. In this example, the clerk considered the day as coming within the new year, and not within the old year, as the Old Style practice required. Left by itself, there is a doubt as to what was intended. Inattention or misapprehen- sion of Old Style dates has involved many genealogists in errors. Where an uncertainty exists, the record date has been left with- out an attempt at its elucidation. Old Style dates may readily be changed to New Style dates by adding ten days for dates in the seventeenth century and eleven for those in the eighteenth century. Some dates in the court returns are given in numerals, which have been left as in the original papers. The numeral for the month, in parentheses, follows that of the day, as, 20 (11), 1670, which is January 20, 1670-1, January being the eleventh month in the Old Style system. In some of the imperfect records will be found such dates as 1760-1763. This indicates that the year is in doubt, but that it is included in those given. The most unsatisfactory portion of the records begins in 1844 with the use of the blank forms which were furnished by the state. It appears that information for recording was received from time to time and temporary records or memoranda made on slips or loose sheets, which remained subject to the accidents liable to such papers until the requirements of the law in relation to returns caused the clerk or an assistant to perform the duty which should have been performed at brief intervals. Thus, on May 22, 1845, there were recorded eighty-five births occurring at dates during the year previous to May. Such records, entered sometimes by an incapable hand from memoranda hastily made, became charged with errors. Names were distorted or omitted PREFACE xi and initials were misread. Thus, a mother appears as Sarah C., Sarah H., and Sarah A. Some genealogist of that family may discover the correct initial. The death of a child is recorded as ‘* Edward, aged nine months,” and again as “‘ Edward H., aged nine days.” In the first, only the surname of the father, misspelled, appears. In the second, the parents are given as Edward and Celicia. The parents were Henry and Celia. Several marriages are found, mostly during the period 1840- 1850, for which the corresponding records of Intentions of Marriage do not appear. Duplicate entries frequently occur. When they agree but one reference is here given, but differences are noted. Thus, Jan. 12 [445, July 12], 1830, indicates the variation in the second reference. Surnames are given in the family headings in their usual or established forms, sometimes with their more frequent variants ; but this method is not strictly followed in the text of Intentions of Marriage and Marriages, where the second surname is usually given with the spelling of the record, unless it might lead to error. In some cases where a peculiar or local pronunciation has led to a misspelling and the form of the name has become established, the record is not followed. Lynds and Lines are not used for Lynde. Christian names are given in their proper form, unless the record is such as to cause uncertainty. Silas and Mercy are used for the record forms of Cilas and Marcy, and Unight appears as Unite. The interchangeable names of Elizabeth, Eliza, and Betsey, of Mary, Molly, and Polly, of Martha and Patty, and others, will cause neither misunderstanding nor confusion. They were the results of fashion or a fad like that which now transforms many feminine names. While this compilation is not a copy, it furnishes a complete index to the original town records to 1850 inclusive, as to each entry is prefixed the number of the leaf of the record in which it appears. Considering the disorder, in relation to dates, in the records, this feature is of much importance, as it affords a means of ready reference in examinations for legal purposes or for verification. xii PREFACE All entries obtained from sources other than the town records are indicated by abbreviated marginal references which are explained in the table of abbreviations. All portions of entries which correct, or are in addition to the authority noted in the margins, are enclosed in brackets, as are the additions made from the transcript of 1865, which is else- where noticed. Acknowledgment for painstaking work is due to Mrs. Fannie C. Hastings, who copied and arranged the contents of four volumes and of the fifth volume,so far as it was used, and assisted in the labor of verification until she was compelled by a serious illness to retire. D, E.G MALDEN, April 30, 1902, abt. ath. ber. bost. box. bp. cam, can. c.c. ch. chas. chel. chf, con. ded. dor. fam. 1. fam. 2, fam. 3. fam. 4. fam. 5. fam. 6. fam. 7. for. ABBREVIATIONS. About. Athol records. Born. Baptist Church records. Billerica records. Boston records. Boxford records. Baptized. Cambridge records. Canton records. County Court returns. Child. Charlestown records. Chelsea records. Chelmsford records. Concord records. Died, days. Daughter. Dedham records. Dorchester records. Father. Lynde family records, a copy, probably from the Bible of John Lynde, found among the papers of the late Zera Estes. A statement of the family of Henry and Esther (Hasey) Green, written by Mrs. Green, who died at Stoneham, Feb. 26, 1747-8, aged 98. The paper is now in the possession of D. P. Corey. Waite family records, a copy by the late William B. Shedd from the Bible of John and Ruth Waite. Sprague family records, a copy by Mrs. Emeline M. Sprague from the Bible of John and Sally Sprague. Dexter family records, communicated by George P. Dexter. Information of the late John Smith Nichols. Corey family records, from the Bible of Solomon and Charlotte D. Corey. First Church records. xiv fra. g.8. gsm. hus. int. ips. lei. lex. Be Eg med, mo. neo. hew. rea. Tox. rpb. 8a. san. sci. ser. ston. sud. top. wat. wid. wob. ABBREVIATIONS Framingham records. Gravestones in Malden, Gravestones in Melrose. Husband. Intention of marriage. Ipswich records. Lancaster records. Leicester records. Lexington records. Lynn records. Lynnfield records. Married, months. Marblehead records. Medford records. Mother. Needham records. Newton records. Reading records, Roxbury records. Commonplace-Book of Richard Pratt. [Privately printed, Lynn, 1900.] Son, Salem records. Sandwich records. Scituate records. South Church records. Stoneham records. Sudbury records. Topsfield records. Unmarried. Watertown Records. Wife. Widow, widower. Woburn records. Years. MALDEN VITAL RECORDS Vol. 1. 1- 29. CONTENTS, VOLUMES 1-5. Marriages. First entry, Aug. 16, 1677. 80-76. Marriage Intentions and Marriages. 77-178. Births. First entry, March 26, 1693. 177-202. Deaths. First entry, 1693. Vol. 2. 208-248. Deaths. 245-310. Births. $11- Blank. 812-347. Marriages. 847-403. Marriage Intentions. Vol. 8. 404- Blank. 405 - 453. Births. 454 - Blank. 455-475. Deaths. 476-649, Marriage Intentions and Marriages, Vol. 4. 650-559. Births. 660-561. Blank. 562-647. Marriage Intentions to Dec. 31, 1868. 648-651. Deaths. 652-653. Marriages. 654-658. Blank. Vol. 5. 659-716. Births to Dec. 31, 1861. 717-729. Marriages to Dec. 31, 1853. 730-757. Deaths to Dec. 31, 1860. Number OF ENTRIES AND SOURCES OF INFORMATION. Births. ee) Deaths. Town Records 4819 3446 2782 2122 Court Returns 307 140 93 Gravestones . 58 457 Other Towns . 34 380 Church Records .« 94 15 Various Sources . 25 8 16 §209 3480 3404 2703 BIRTHS IN MALDEN, MASS. FROM EARLIEST RECORD TO CLOSE OF 1850. Surnames occurring in the text of Births and Deaths are in ita/ics. Abbot gs. Mary, da of William and Nabby, Jan. 21, 1811. 410 Walter Longley, s of William and Nabby, Jan. 15, 1814. 414 Richard Sawtell, s of William and Nabby, Sept. 5, 1815. 424 Sarah Tarbell, da of William and Nabby, Nov. 1, 1816. 424 Elizabeth Wait, da of William and Nabby, July 12, 1818. Abrams 411 Mary, da of William and Martha, Jan. 3, 1813. Adams c.c. Hannah, da of Richard, Jan. , 1662. 414 Charles Drury, s of Charles and Sarah, Nov. 30, 1814. 420 Jane, da of Henry B. and Jane, May 14, 1816. 420 Henry, s of Henry B. and Jane, Nov. 20, 1817. 426 Sarah, da of Charles and Sarah, April 1, 1819. 450 Mary Ann, da of Charles D. and Mary A., Dec. 8, 1839. 555 Charles Russell, s of Charles D. and Mary Ann, March 29, 1842. 550 George Wallace, s of Rev. John G. and Mary H., June 1, 1842. 670 John C[oleman], s of Rev. John G. and Mary H., Oct. 5, 1849. 671 George W.,s of A. G. and Sarah G., Nov. 18, 1850. Addison 669 Thomas, s of Thomas and Catherine, March 7, 1850. 669 George, s of Arthur and Mary, March 18, 1850. Albee 663 Angeline L., da of Moses and Emma, July Io, 1846. Allen 407 James Sullivan, s of James and Lydia, May 18, 1810. 407 Otis Lazell, s of James and Lydia, Dec. 13, 1812. 4138 Emeline, da of James and Lydia, March 25, 1815. 671 Florence Elvira, da of Henry A. and Isabella M., Nov. 23, 1850. Ashcroft 659 Alfred, s of Jathnes and Charlotte, June 11, 1843. * 661 William S., s of James and Charlotte, Jan. 17, 1845. Ashfield e.c. Mary, da of William and Jane, Dec. 20, 1691. I 2 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Atkins 441 Washington, s of Capt. Daniel, May 8, 1820. 441 Charles Henry, s of Barney Paine and Sarah, Jan. 8, 1829. 442 Francis William, s of Barney Paine and Sarah, Oct. 24, 1830. Atkinson 426 Daniel, s of Capt. David and Thankfull, March 15, 1815. 426 Amity, da of Capt. David and Thankfull, Feb. 26, 1818. Atwood ec. Rachel, da of Philip, (6), 1653. ec. Mary, da of Philip, (11), 1655. e.c. Philip, s of Philip, (7), 1658. ec. Abigail, da of Philip, Dec. , 1662. ec. Elizabeth, da of Philip, Aug. , 1669. c.c. Oliver, s of Philip, (2), 1671. c.c. Susanna, da of Philip and Sarah, Feb. 1, 1686/7. e.c. Sarah, da of Philip and Sarah, April 13, 1689. c.c. Rachel, da of Philip and Sarah, Nov. 15, 1691. Augur ce. William, s of William, 20 (2), 1661. & ey wtb! c.c. William, s of William, Nov. 30, 1662. cc. ——, ch of William, Oct. , 1667. Avery 429 Ephraim, s of Ephraim and Eliza, May 26, 1820. Bacon 433 William, s of Jonas and Louisa, March 22, 1820. 483 John, s of Jonas and Louisa, March 7, 1822. Badger 552 David Newell, s of David N. and Mary Ann, Sept. 10, 1841. Bailey 443 Abigail, da of Timothy and Eunice, March 24, 1822. 443 Sarah Jane, da of Timothy and Eunice, April 23, 1824. 443 John Calvin, s of Timothy and Eunice, June 30, 1826. 443 John Newton, s of Timothy and Eunice, April 17, 1828. 443 Timothy George, s of Timothy and Eunice, Feb. 15, 1830. 448 Joseph Henry, s of Timothy and Eunice, Feb. 8, 1833. 555 James, s of Aaron and Lucy, July 4, 1833. 651 Emma Octavia, da of Timothy and Mary B., July 20, 1838. Baldwin, Balden 77 James, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, Aug. 9, 1694. 79 Jonathan, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, May 4, 1696. 80 Samuel, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, Jan. 30, 1697/8. 81 Elizabeth, da of Joseph and Elizabeth, Nov. 1, 1699. 82 David, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, Sept. 1, 17oT. 84, Ruth, da of Joseph and Elizabeth, March 15, 1702/3. 86 Benjamin, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, Jan. 28, 1704/5. 88 Elizabeth, da of Joseph and Elizabeth, Jan. 12, 1706/7. 90 Mary, da of Joseph and Elizabeth, Sept. 21, 1708. 91 Phebe, da of Joseph and Elizabeth, Nov. 29, 1710. 98 Ebenezer, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, Aug. 1, 1713. 98 Joseph, s of Joseph and Sarah, Jan. to, 1717/8. 101 Sarah, da of Joseph and Sarah, Oct. ro, 1719. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Baldwin, Balden (continued) 102 105 115 107 115 115 118 119 124 182 132 133 157 159 163 168 249 249 265 275 261 276 277 800 300 800 800° 800 429 429 429 429 429 552 552 651 552 651 552 551 651 659 659 661 662 662 Abigail, da of Joseph and Sarah, Jan. 16, 1720/1. Phebe, da of Joseph and Sarah, Jan. 1, 1722/3. Mary, da of James and Mary, Jan. 15, 1723. William, s of Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 11, 1725. Mehitable, da of James and Mary, Nov. 28, 1725. James, s of James and Mary, Nov. 12, 1728. Samuel, s of Joseph and Sarah, Jan. 22, 1729/30. Hannah, da of James and Mary, July 20, 1730. Jemima, da of James and Mary, May 31, 1733. David, s of James and Mary, July 17, 1735. Benjamin, s of James and Mary, Nov. 25, 1737. Nathan, s of James and Mary, Dec. 23, 1739. Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, July 16, 1752. Samuel, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Dec. 18, 1753. Samuel, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, July 2, 1755. Sarah, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, Sept. 26, 1757. Joseph, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, April 3, 1760. Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, Oct. 28, 1763. Jerusha, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, Jan. 8, 1766. Jerusha, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, Jan. 8, 1768. ——, s of Samuel and [Elizabeth] [abt. 1770]. Jonathan, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Dec. 4 [1772]. Bernard, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Aug. 17, 1774. Samuel, s of Jonathan and Mary, Feb. 26, 1800. Jerusha, da of Jonathan and Mary, March 19, 1801. Jonathan, s of Jonathan and Mary, Sept. 20, 1802. Isaac, s of Jonathan and Mary, June 23, 1806. William, s of Jonathan and Mary, Sept. 10, 1807 [429, 1808]. Charles, s of Jonathan and Mary, April 4, 1810. Mary Ann, da of Jonathan and Mary, Sept. 12, 1812. George, s of Jonathan and Mary, May 24, 1815. Elizabeth, da of Jonathan and Mary, Sept. 26, 1816. James Monroe, s of Jonathan and Mary, Sept. 22, 1819. William Henry, s of William and Elizabeth, May 27, 1832. Mary Ann, da of Charles and Sarah, Feb. 12, 1834. Elizabeth Ward, da of Isaac and Mary Ann, Sept. 2, 1834. Charles, s of Charles and Sarah, April 9, 1837. Alfred Henry, s of Isaac and Mary Ann, Oct. 3, 1837. Edwin, s of Charles and Sarah, May 19, 1841. Melissa, da of James M. and Nancy, Aug. 29, 1841. Alfred Alonzo, s of Isaac and Mary Ann, Oct. 23, 1841. H. Augusta, da of James S. and Nancy, Aug. 29, 1843. Jane S., da of George and Mary, Oct. 8, 1843. Mary J., da of Isaac and Mary A., April 1, 1845. 7 Augustus, s of Charles and Sarah, June 24, 1845. Bartlett, s of Jonathan and Eliza, July 21, 1845. 668 Franklin, s of George and Mary, June 20, 1846. 663 Hannah Ann, da of Jonathan, Jr., and Eliza, April 22, 1847. Bancroft 412 Elizabeth, da of Mr. and Phebe, April 11, 1812. 412 George Washington, s of Mr. and Phebe, Jan. 14, 1815. Banks 174 248 245 250 Zaccheus, s of Zaccheus and Sarah, March 19, 1759. Sarah, da of Zaccheus and Sarah, —— 27 [abt. Al Thomas Wheeler, s of Zaccheus and Sarah, May 12, 1764. William, s of Zaccheus and Sarah, Feb. 26, 1768. 4 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Barker 411 Ephraim Jerome, s of Ephraim, Oct. 8, 1811. 411 Lucy Waterman, da of Ephraim, Jan. 22, 1813. 417 George Russell, s of Nathan and Hannah, April 23, 1816. 555 Roxana Theodate, da of Josiah H. and Adeline, July 9, 1840. 669 George U., s. of Samuel and Lydia, Oct. 3, 1849. Barnard 654 David Eaton, s of Luman and Hepsibah, July 13, 1841. Barnes 147 Thomas, s of William and Mary, Dec. 25, 1743. 148 Samuel, s of William and Mary, Nov. 6, 1745. 157 Elizabeth, da of William and Mary, Aug. 12, 1751. 159 Ebenezer, s of William and Mary, Oct. 10, 1753. 166 Samuel, s of William and Mary, Aug. 26, 1756. 245 Elizabeth, da of Thomas and Mary, Sept. 12, 1765. 262 Mary, da of Thomas, Jr., and Mary, April 2, 1768. 261 William, s of Thomas, Jr., and Mary, Nov. 4, 1770. 277 Robert, s of Thomas, Jr., and Mary, Jan. 25 [1774]. 267 Esther, da of Thomas and Mary, May 18, 1776. 267 Sally, da of Thomas and Mary, Nov. 13, 1778. 270 Phebe, da of Thomas and [Mary], July 17, 1781. 256 Jemima, da of Thomas and Mary, Jan. 10, 1784. 256 Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, May 24, 1784. 251 Phebe, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, Nov. 2, 1785. 263 Nancy, da of Thomas and Mary, July 20, 1786. 264 Rebecca, da of Thomas and Mary, Oct. 21, 1788. Barrett ec. Benjamin, s of John, 18 (10), 1653. 95 Joseph, s of Jonathan and Abigail, Oct. 7, 1715. 104 Jonathan, s of Jonathan and Mehitable, Dec. 8, 1722. 114 John, s of John and Dorothy, April 13, 1728. 118 James, s of James and Mary, Jan. 3, 1729/30. 124 Mary, da of James and Mary, Dec. 12, 1732. 132 Elizabeth, da of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, Oct. 20, 1738. 133 Abigail, da of James and Abigail, April 21, 1739. 134 Phebe, da of Joseph and Phebe, April 27, 1740. 137 John, s of James and Abigail, Oct. 28, 1741. 146 Ebenezer, s of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, Nov. 26, 1741. 139 Elizabeth, da of Joseph and Phebe, Jan. 24, 1742/3. 147 Joseph, s of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, June 27, 1744. 143 Anna, da of James and Abigail, Feb. 1, 1744. 142 Anna, da of Joseph and Phebe, March 4, 1744/5. 147 Sarah, da of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, Jan. 4, 1746/7. 146 Dorcas, da of Joseph and Phebe, Dec. 5, 1747. 150 Dorcas, da of James and Abigail, Dec. 14, 1747. 157 Martha, da of Joseph and Phebe, Aug. 18, 1750. 157 Esther, da of James and Tabitha, March 26, 1752. 159 Joseph, s of Joseph and Phebe, April 15, 1753. 255 Phebe, da of Ebenezer and Phebe, May 17 [1764]. 262 Ebenezer, s of Joseph and [Mary], [Jan. 21, a 276 Dorcas, da of John and Martha, Jan. 21, 1771. 268 Mary, da of Joseph and Mary, April 2, 1771. 277 Martha, da of John and Martha, June 20, 1772. 272 Joseph, s of Joseph and Sarah, Dec. 22, 1772. 272 Martha, da of John and Martha, June 20, 1773. 269 Martha, da of Joseph and Sarah, June 26, 1774. 269 Jonathan, s of Joseph and Sarah, Aug. 2, 1775. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 5 Barrett (continued) 269 269 278 270 278 270 256 278 251 278 278 293 298 293 297 297 297 304 409 410 310 810 410 409 410 410 409 410 421 409 409 410 413 412 421 421 427 427 421 427 425 445 445 443 556 556 443 556 443 556 556 47 556 556 450 451 Joseph, s of Joseph and Sarah, April 19, 1777. [Sarah], da of Joseph and Sarah, Oct. 4, 1778. Nancy, da of Joseph and Sarah, April 19, 1780. John, s of [John] and Martha, April 3, 1781. Peter, s of Joseph and Sarah, Oct. 19, 1781. Elizabeth, da of Joseph and Martha, Oct. 24, 1781. Ebenezer, s of Joseph and Martha, Dec. 23, 1783. Rachel, da of Joseph and Sarah, June 4, 1784. ——, da of Joseph [and Martha], Oct. [abt. 1785]. Hannah, da of Joseph and Sarah, May 13, 1786. Jonas, s of Joseph and Sarah, July 1, 1789. Betsey, da of Joseph, Jr., and Martha, Feb. 11, 1793. Sophia, da of Joseph, Jr., and Martha, April 19, 1794. Dorcas, da of Joseph, Jr., and Martha, Nov. 20, 1796. Mary, da of Jonathan and Polly, June 7, 1799. John, s of Jonathan and Polly, Jan. 27, 1801. George W., s of Jonathan and Polly, Sept. 5, 1803. Caroline, da of William and Mary, Oct. 27, 1804. Charles, s of Capt. Jonathan and Mary, Jan. 1, 1806. William, s of William and Mary, Jan. 20, 1806. George, s of Joseph and Martha, June 19, 1806. Susan, da of George and Susan, Sept. 19, 1806. Henry, s of William and Mary, Oct. 10, 1807. Emeline, da of Capt. Jonathan and Mary, Feb. 26, 1808. Varnum, s of George and Susan, Feb. 7, 1809. Caroline, da of William and Mary, July 14, 1809. Artemas, s of Capt. Jonathan and Mary, May 8, 1810. Simon Hall, s of William and Mary, Feb. 9, 1811. Adeline, da of George M. and Susan, April 1 [410, April 7], 1811. George, s of Peter and Nancy, Jan. 22, 1812. Hannah, da of Capt. Jonathan and Mary, March 26, 1812. Augustus, s of William and Mary, Jan. 31, 1813. Aaron, s of William and Martha [error in record for Mary], Aug. 30, 1814. Ellen Miriam, da of George M. and Susannah, Oct. 25, 1814 [421, 1815]- : Mary Hoh, da of William and Mary, Sept. 14, 1816. Lucretia, da of George M. and Susan, Feb. 10, 1817. James, s of Jonathan and Fanny, May 1, 1817. Artemas, s of Jonathan and Fanny, May 25, 1818. Louisa, da of William and Mary, June 8, 1818. Hannah, da of Jonathan and Fanny, Jan. 23, 1820. Isabella, da of George M. and Susan, Jan. 26, 1820. Elizabeth, da of William and Mary, May 22, 1820. Augusta Maria, da of William and Mary, Dec. 28, 1823. Robert Thompson, s of Robert T. and Sally, July 30, 1826. Mary, da of George W. and Mary Ann, Dec. 30, 1826. Jane, da of George W. and Mary Ann, March 16, 1829. Sally, da of Robert T. and Sally, Oct. 17, 1830. Fanny Ann, da of George W. and Mary Ann, March 31, 1831. Sophia, da of Robert T. and Sally, Oct. 14, 1832. Sarah, da of George W. and Mary Ann, Dec. Io, 1834. Jonathan, s of George W. and Mary Ann, Jan. Io, 1837. Franklin Hall, s of Simon Hall and Mary Ann, Jan. 13, 1837. James Augustus, s of James and Eunice, April 14, 1838. David, s of George W. and Mary Ann, Dec. 14, 1838. Mary Ann, da of Simon H. and Mary Ann, April 9, 1840. William Henry, s of Simon H. and Mary Ann, Nov. 4, 1840. 6 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Barrett (continued) 452 Henry Hudson, s of Henry and Hannah H., Nov. 15, 1841. 550 Ellen, da of Simon H. and Mary [Ann], June 27, 1842. 661 Charles A., s of James and Sarah, Oct. 1, 1844. 664 George Byron, s of James and Sarah G., June 8, 1846. 664 Caroline Louise, da of Augustus L. and Helen Maria, July 16, 1846. 665 Emily Maria, da of Augustus L. and Helen M., July 10, 1848. 667 Charles A., s of Aaron and Lucinda W., Aug. 21, 1848. 668 Franklin Edward, s of James and Sarah G., Sept. 18, 1848. 666 Lucy, da of Henry and Lucy J., Dec. 21, 1848. 670 Clara A., da of Oliver H. and Lucy S., in Boston, June 10, 1849. 669 George A., s. of Augustus and Sarah Jane, Oct. 7, 1849. 669 John Franklin, s of James and Sarah G., April 2, 1850. 671 James Henry, s of Aaron and Lucinda W., Dec. 4, 1850. Barry 668 Charles C., s of Royal P. and Elizabeth S., July 11, 1848. Bartlett 660 William H., s of James and Nancy Jane, May 14, 1844. Batts 248 Hannah, da of John and Hannah, June 11 [1762]. 248 John, s of John and Hannah, Oct. 6, 1763. 245 Ruth, da of John and Hannah, April 15, 1765. Berry 660 Christopher, s of Christopher and Phebe, Sept. 11, 1844. Bill 282 Betsey, da of Benjamin and Tabitha, May 14, 1788. 282 Benjamin, s of Benjamin and Tabitha, at Chelsea, March 5, 1790. Bird 671 Emma Jane, da of Enoch and Naomi, Sept. 22, 1850. Black 557 George Edwin, s of Simon and Maria, Dec. 10, 1842. 662 Maria Louisa [error in record for Almira Louise], da of Simon and Maria, Oct. 16, 1845. 664 Hannah M., da of Simon and Maria, Jan. 26, 1848. 671 Henry Nelson, s of Simon and Maria, Aug. 30, 1850. Blake 665 Mansfield W., s of John and Ann, July 16, 1847. 672 Ellen, da of John and Jane, May 15, 1850. Blakeley 558 David Wilson, s of David, Oct. 25, 1834. 558 Nancy Maria, da of David, Sept. 16, 1836. 558 Sarah Catherine, da of David, July 1, 1838. 658 Phebe Richardson, da of David, Sept. 14, 1840. 664 Elizabeth Ann, da of David and Margaret, March 30, 1847. 668 Emily Margaret, da of David and Margaret, Jan. 11, 1849. Blanchard, Blancher 113 Sarah, da of Samuel and Sarah, March 16, 1718. 118 Samuel, s of Samuel and Sarah, Feb. 1, 1719/20. 113 Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Sarah, Nov. 23, 1721. 113 Josiah, s of Samuel and Sarah, Sept. 26, 1723. 113 Caleb, s of Samuel and Sarah, Sept. 3, 1725 [142, 1726]. 113 Hezekiah, s of Samuel and Sarah, Jan. 4, 1727/8. 143 Sarah, da of Samuel and Sarah, April 3, 1730. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 7 Blanchard, Blancher (continued ) 143 Isaiah, s of Samuel and Sarah, May 30, 1732. 127 Mary, da of Samuel and Sarah, Nov. 11 [143, Dec. 8], 1734. 143 Sylvanus, s of Samuel and Sarah, April 11, 1738. 148 Ebenezer, s of Samuel and Sarah, Jan. 8, 1739/40. 144 Sarah, da of Samuel, Jr., and Sarah, Feb. 14, 1745/6. 148 Mehitable, da of Samuel, Jr., and Sarah, July 4, 1747. 151 Samuel, s of Samuel, Jr., and Sarah, June 23, 1749. 161 Rebecca, da of Samuel, Jr., and Sarah, Sept. 22, 1751. 161 Sarah, da of Samuel, Jr., and Sarah, Dec. 18, 1753. 164 Mehitable, da of Samuel, Jr., and Sarah, Jan. 21, 1756. 174 Sarah, da of Samuel, Jr., and Sarah, May 28, 1760. 249 Josiah, s of Samuel and Sarah, Oct. 2 [1762]. 265 Sarah, da of Sylvanus and Sarah [Dec. 7, 1768]. 267 Sylvanus, s of Sylvanus and [Sarah], Oct. 22, 1771. 267 [Ebenezer], s of Sylvanus and Sarah, June 29 [1775]. 663 Harriet Ann, da of Sylvanus and Mary Ann, May 4, 1846. 669 Harris W.,s of Sylvanus and Mary [Ann], May To, 1849. 672 Roxana C., da of Sylvanus and Mary Ann, Oct. 1, 1850. Blaney 119 Abigail, da of Benjamin and Abigail, June 21, 1730. 126 Huldah, da of Benjamin and Abigail, Oct. 15, 1733. 127 Nehemiah, s of Benjamin and Abigail, Oct. 9, 1735. 132 Benjamin, s of Benjamin and Abigail, July 24, 1738. 134 Elizabeth, da of Benjamin and Abigail, June 18, 1740. 137 Andrews, s. of Benjamin and Abigail, Nov. 28, 1742. 260 Hannah, da of Benjamin and Hannah, March 23, 1767. 262 Abigail, da of Benjamin and Hannah, Aug. 16, 1768. 261 Elizabeth, da of Benjamin and Hannah, Oct. 30, 1770. 277 Benjamin, s of Capt. Benjamin and Hannah, Oct. 1, 1774. 269 Martha, da of Capt. Benjamin and Hannah, March 23, 1779. 287 Martha, da of Benjamin, Jr., and Elizabeth, April 11, 1799. 308 Eliza, da of Benjamin, Jr., and Eliza, Dec. 24, 1801. Blodgett 662 James A., s of James and Olive, Oct. 9, 1845. 665 George Pickering, s of James and Olive D., April 1, 1848. Blood 669 Clara Elizabeth, da of Thompson and Martha, May 18, 1849. Blooit 120 Sarah, da of John and Sarah, Sept. 11, 1730. Boardman ec. Lydia, da of William and Sarah, May 2, 1687. 805 John, s of John and Nancy, Aug. 15, 1807. 418 Mary, da of Joseph, Jan. 18, 1813. 418 Sarah, da of Joseph, Sept. 11, 1814. 420 Mary Oliver, da of Peter and Hannah, Aug. 4, 1817. 428 William Warren, s of Peter and Hannah, June 21, 1819. 488 Charles, s of Joseph and Mary, March 31, 1823. 436 Hannah Matilda, da of Peter and Hannah, Dec. 5, 1826. 668 Ambros¢, s of George and Caroline, June 25, 1848. Bogle 664 Catherine, da of William and Janet, Oct. 8, 1846. 668 Wilhelmina, da of William and Janet, Oct. 3, 1848. Boyd 662 Caroline Amanda, da of Charles A. and Eliza, June 15, 1845. 8 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Brackett 439 Elizabeth, da of Thomas O. and Caroline, May 11, 1828. 440 Mary, da of Thomas O., July 15, 1829. Bradbury 251 Polly, da of Wyman and Judith, April 25, 1780. 251 Edward, s of Wyman and Judith, July 17, 1782. 263 Henry, s of Wyman and Judith, [May] 25, 1785. 418 Wyman, s of Edward, Nov. 18, 1811. Bradley ; 665 George, s of Samuel H. and Marianne, April 21, 1848. Brady 668 Helen, da of Henry and Marianne, March 8, 1850. Breed 263 Joanna, da of Joseph Breed, Jr., of Lynn and Elizabeth Floyd of Malden, Sept. 23, 1785. 253 Abigail Linsey, da of Nehemiah and Abigail, Aug. 4, 1794. 253 Lydia Blaney, da of Nehemiah and Abigail, July 14, 1797. Breeden, Bredane ec. Elizabeth, da of Bryan, Nov. , 1668. e.c. Samuel, s of Bryan, (4), 1671. 138 Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Sarah, Sept. 21, 1731. 137 Martha, da of John and Elizabeth, March 18, 1732. 138 John, s of Samuel and Sarah, Jan. 21, 1733/4. 138 Joseph, s of Samuel and Sarah, April 9, 1736. 138 Jacob, s of Samuel and Sarah, Jan. 26, 1738/9. 188 Mary, da of Samuel and Sarah, Aug. Io, 1742. 145 Samuel, s of Samuel and Sarah, Jan. 19, 1744/5. 256 [Elnathan], s of Daniel and Sarah, 1778. 256 ——,s of Danieland Sarah, Dec. 29, 1780. 256 [Samuel] Narramore, s of Daniel and Sarah, April 2, 1783. 263 Lizey [Z/zza], da of Samuel and Sarah, March 31, 1786. 266 Eliza, da of Daniel and [Sarah], April 30, 1789. 307 Sarah, da of Daniel and Sarah, Aug. 5, 1793. 252 Seth, s of Seth and Ruth, May 26, 1794. 302 Nancy, da of Abner and Nancy, June 7, 1798. 302 Abner, s of Abner and Nancy, Feb. 7, 1800. 302 Mary, da of Abner and Nancy, June 1, 1802. 413 Abner, s of Abner and Nancy, Sept. 8, 1806. 408 Rebecca Waitt, da of Samuel N. and Rebecca [error in record for Martha], Nov. 18, 1809. 412 Lewis, s of Abner and Nancy, Aug. 28, 1810. 408 Martha Ann, da of Samuel N. and Rebecca [error in record for Martha], June 23, 1812. 418 Franklin, s of Abner and Nancy, Dec. 17, 1812. 412 Samuel Narramore, s of Samuel N. and Martha, July 16, 1814. 413 Harris, s of Abner and Nancy, Aug. 17, 1814. 417 Aaron, s of Abner and Nancy, March 1, 1816. 418 Samuel Narramore, s of Samuel N. and Martha, Aug. 29, 1816. 430 Betsey Hill, da of Samuel N. and Martha, Dec. 7, 1819. 487 Hannah F., da of John and Hannah, March 20, 1822. 438 Augustus Ludlow, s of Samuel N. and Martha, March' 29, 1822. 437 Nancy S., da of John and Hannah, Feb. 22, 1824. 441 Ruth Wait, da of James L. and Eliza, Dec. 19, 1829. Brewster 552 Samuel, s of Mark H. and Maria, Sept. 15, 1836. 552 John Barrett [changed to John Calvin by Probate Court], s of Mark H. and Maria, Sept. 4, 1838. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Briges 440 671 Martha Tolman, da of Rev. Avery, May 7, 1829. Warren R., s of Warren E. and Georgiana M., June 16, 1850. Brown 161 161 276 278 278 800 800 412 417 427 421 427 419 427 2Q7 435 436 436 444 553 556 553 553 556 663 663 666 668 668 Bruce 672 Buck 408 417 421 424 433 Lydia, da of Ebenezer and Mary, Dec. 1, 1748. John, s of Ebenezer and Mary, May 15, 1751. Lemuel, s of Lemuel and Catherine, Aug. 17, 1771. Phebe Howard, da of John and Hannah, Oct. 6, 1787. Hannah, da of John and Hannah, Nov. 27, 1789. Emily, da of Jonas and Kezia, June Io, 1804. Laura, da of Jonas and Kezia, Aug. 14, 1807. Langley, s of Langley and Hannah, Nov. 13, 1814. Olive Hayward, da of Samuel, Jr., June 15, 1816. Kezia Gary, da of Jonas and Kezia, July 7, 1816. Eliza, da of Luther and Ruth, Nov. 7, 1817. James, s of James and Nancy, Dec. 19, 1817. Joseph Hayward, s of Samuel, Jr., Feb. 18, 1818. Mary G., da of Jonas and Kezia, Jan. 7, 1820. Nancy, da of James and Nancy, March 26, 1820, Joanna Oakes, da of Jonas and Kezia, March 22, 1822. Jonas Green, s of Jonas and Kezia, June 20, 1824. Leroy [gsm. Laroy], s of Jonas and Kezia, April 30, 1826. Sylvanus Augustus, s of Dr. Sylvanus, July 12 [445, Jan. 12], 1833. Charles William, s of Charles H. and Lucinda, March 29, 1835. Ellen Octavia, da of James and Nancy, Feb. 7, 1837. Lucinda Maria, da of Charles H. and Lucinda, Dec. 25, 1837. Henry Bacon, s of Charles H. and Lucinda, Dec. 23, 1838. Summerfield Putney, s of James and Nancy, April 29, 1840. William Henry, s of William H. and Harriet, June 18, 1845. Hayward, s of Hayward, Oct. 2, 1845. Georgiana E., da of Asa R. and Lucia C., Nov. 10, 1848. Florence Ebeline, da of James and Hannah, Jan. 15, 1849. Mary Adeline, da of Jonathan G. and Mary, Aug. 18, 1849. Christopher, s of Christopher and Phebe, Dec. 27, 1850. Ephraim, s of Dr. Ephraim and Betsey, Oct. 20, 1813. Betsey Thompson, da of Dr. Ephraim and Betsey, Dec. 29, 1815. Mary, da of Reuben and Alice, Sept. 6, 1818. John, s of [Dr.] Ephraim and Betsey, Aug. 11, 1819. Louisa, da of Dr. Ephraim and Betsey, June 9, 1821. Bucknam, Buckman c.c. c.c. C.c, cc. C.c. c.c. c.c. c.c. c.c, c.c. C.c. C.c. 6.¢ 78 81 Mercy, da of William, (11), 1647. Sarah, da of William, (5), 1650. William, s of William, (6), 1652. Mehitable, da of William, (6), 1654. Edward, s of William, (7), 1657. Samuel, s of William, (11), 1659. Joses, s of Joses, Jan. , 1666. Hannah, da of Joses, Aug. , 1669. Samuel, s of Joses, (2), 1674. Jude [Judith, da] of Joses {and Judith], 7 (6), 1676. Susanna, da of Joses, Aug. 8, 1685. William, s of Joses and Judith, Feb. 12, 1688. . Edward, s of Joses and Judith, March 22, 1692 [1691 ?]. Lydia, da of Joses and Judith, March 24, 1695. Samuel, s of Samuel and Deborah, April 7, 1699. 10 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Bucknam, Buckman (continued) 82 83 86 86 87 89 90 92 94 95 112 116 121 125 130 150 147 147 151 157 155 162 158 159 160 162 245 245 247 172 245 174 247 175 249 245 248 245 248 250 250 275 268 262 276 272 270 g.8. 269 270 251 251 291 294 294 291 294 294 Phebe, da of Samuel and Deborah, Oct. 22, 1700. Abigail, da of Samuel and Deborah, Jan. 7, 1702. Lydia, da of Samuel and Deborah, Jan. 23, 1703/4. Mehitable, da of Samuel and Deborah, Oct. 1, 1705. William, s of Samuel and Deborah, Nov. 8, 1706. John, s of Samuel and Deborah, Nov. 8, 1707. William, s of Samuel and Deborah, July 3, 1709. Benjamin, s of Samuel and Deborah, Aug. 1, 1711. Deborah, da of Samuel and Deborah, March 11, 1713/4. Sarah, da of Joses and Phebe, Aug. 12, 1715. Jacob, s of Joses and Phebe, March 27, 1727. Aaron, s of Joses and Phebe, Feb. 3, 1728/9. Hannah, da of Joses and Phebe, Dec. 14, 1730. Moses, s of Joses and Phebe, Oct. 16, 1733. Phebe, da of Joses and Phebe, Oct. 1, 1736. Benjamin, s of Benjamin and Rebecca, April 5, 1748. Mary, da of James and Mary, July 16, 1748. John, s of John and Hannah, Aug. 20, 1748. David, s of John and Hannah, July 3, 1750. James, s of James and Mary, March 27, 1751. Phebe, da of Benjamin and Rebecca, July 26, 1751. Aaron, s of Aaron and Alice, March 6, 1752. Hannah, da of John and Hannah, Oct. 20, 1752. Phebe, da of James and Mary, April 17, 1753. Nathan, s of John and Hannah, Feb. 15, 1754. Benjamin, s of Benjamin and Rebecca, Sept. 2, 1754. Samuel, s of John and Hannah, March 27, 1756. Hannah, da of John and Hannah, March 14, 1758. Alice, da of Aaron and Alice, Feb. 14 [1753-1759]. William, s of James and Mary, April 30, 1759. Elizabeth, da of John and Hannah, Nov. 2, 1759. Borradell, da of Moses and Borradell, Nov. 14, 1759. Joses, s of James and Mary, March 6, 1761. Sarah, da of Moses and Borradell, Sept. 15, 1761. Ebenezer, s. of James and Mary, Nov. 9, 1762. Sarah, da of John and Hannah, Dec. _, 1762. Deborah, da of Moses and Borradell, Nov. 15, 1763. Elizabeth, da of John and Hannah, July 15, 1764. Martha, da of Aaron and Alice, Sept. 15 (abt. 1765]. Moses, s. of Moses and Borradell, April 30, 1766. Joseph, s of John and Hannah, March 2 [1767]. Benoni, s of Aaron and Alice, Aug. 24, 1767. Leonard, s of Moses and Borradell, Oct. 6, 1768. Joanna, da of Aaron and Joanna, Sept. 11, 1769. Spencer, s of Moses and Borradell, Jan. 22, 1772. William, s of John and Catherine, July 19, 1772. Nancy, da of Moses and Borradell, March 1, 1778. Eliakim [s of John], April 16, 1778. Elihu, s of John and Catherine, Aug. [1776-1779]. Lydia, da of Aaron and Lydia, Nov. 21 [1780]. Aaron, s of Aaron and Lydia, Oct. 29, 1782. Joses, s of Aaron and Lydia, Dec. 21, 1784. Hannah, da of Nathan and [Elizabeth], Aug. 28, 1785. Martha, da of Aaron and Lydia, March 27, 1787. Sarah, da of Aaron and Lydia, July 4, 1789. John, s of Nathan and [Elizabeth], Oct. [28], 1790. David, s of Aaron and Lydia, Nov. 15, 1791. Mary, da of Aaron and Lydia, Feb. 15, 1794. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS II Bucknam, Buckman (continued ) 291 294 291 412 412 417 412 412 406 406 412 415 413 429 483 431 662 Lucy, da of Joseph and Lucy, May 16, 1795. John Skinner [s of Aaron and Lydia], Jan. 9, 1797. Richard Stowers, s of Nathan and [Elizabeth], March 9, 1797. Catherine, da of Elihu and Betsey, Aug. 11, 1801. Charles, s of Elihu and Betsey, Feb. , 1802. Thomas Jefferson, s of Eliakim and Betsey, Oct. 23, 1802. Hannah Pike, da of Elihu and Betsey, Aug. 14, 1805. William Porter, s of Elihu and Betsey, April 31 [szc], 1808. Stephen, s of Stephen and Betsey, Oct. 31, 1808. Hannah, da of Stephen and Betsey, Jan. 26, 1810. Polly Porter, da of Elihu and Betsey, Aug. 26, 1810. Joseph Porter, s of Elihu and Betsey, Sept. 14, 1814. Benjamin Henry, s of Benjamin and Mary, Nov. 6, 1815. John, s of John S. and Deborah, Dec. 15, 1819. Elizabeth Hill, da of Eliakim and Mercy, April 28, 1820. Phebe, da of Benjamin and Mary, March 8, 1821. Emily E., da of Charles and Ellen L., Feb. 17, 1846. Bunker c.c. c.c. c.c. c.c. c.c. Hannah, da of John, (8), 1656. Mary, da of John, 29 (10),.1658. John, s of John, (11), 1660. John, s of John, May, 1662. Joseph, s of John, (12), 1665. Buntin 661 663 668 James, s of Henry and Mary D., March 21, 1845. George Washington, s of Henry and Mary, Feb. 1, 1847. Mary E., da of Henry and Mary, Nov. 5, 1849. Burditt, Burden c.c. ¢c.c. c.c. 97 c.c. 107 c.c. 96 86 89 94 94 96 107 107 109 112 117 122 124 125 127 127 131 131 133 132 133 Thomas, s of Robert, (7), 1655. Hannah, da of Robert, (9), 1656. Ruth, da of Robert, (3), 1666. Thomas, s of Thomas and Elizabeth, Jan. 13, 1682. Elizabeth, da of Thomas, Aug. 19, 1686. Elizabeth, da of Thomas and Mary, Aug. 28, 1688. Mary, da of Thomas and Elizabeth, Dec. 25, 1690. John, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, March 8, 1693. Thomas, s of Thomas and Mary, Dec. 14, 1705. Jacob [Burden], s of Thomas and Mary, Feb. 14, 1707/8. Mary, da of Thomas and Mary, July 31, 1710. Jabez, s of Thomas and Mary, March 30, 1713. Joseph, s of Thomas and Mary, Feb. 2, 1716. John, s of John and Hannah, Oct. 15, 1722. Nathan, s of John and Hannah, Dec. 31, 1723. Elizabeth, da of John and Hannah, June 2, 1726. Sarah, da of John and Hannah, Jan. 3, 1727/8. Hannah, da of John and Hannah, Nov. 17, 1729. Thomas [Burden], s of Thomas and Sarah, July 16, 1731. Jacob, s of Jacob and Rebecca, March 5, 1731/2. Daniel, s of Thomas and Sarah, Dec. 4, 1733. James, s of Jacob and Rebecca, April 29, 1734. Samuel, s of Thomas and Sarah, Sept. 12, 1735. James, s of Jacob and Rebecca, Aug. 27, 1737. Sarah, da of Thomas and Sarah, May 21, 1738. Joseph, s of Joseph and Tabitha, Oct. 2, 1738. Rebecca, da of Jacob and Rebecca, Oct. 12, 1738. Tabitha, da of Joseph and Tabitha, March 10, 1739/40. 12 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Burditt, Burden (continued) 1386 135 141 147 144 144 144 147 147 158 150 153 157 162 163 165 164 172 172 169 172 248 172 247 175 259 247 259 246 259 259 268 246 260 268 275 262 268 268 261 268 268 274 272 272 274 277 277 278 278 269 263 286 263 288 288 263 288 Jabez, s of Jabez and Hannah, April 14, 1741. William, s of Joseph and Tabitha, Jan. 31, 1741/2. Jesse, s of Joseph and Tabitha, Sept. 7, 1743. Rebecca, da of Jacob and Rebecca, Sept. 4, 1744. Robert, s of Jabez and Hannah, Feb. 18, 1744/5. Nathan, s of Joseph and Tabitha, Nov. 26, 1745. Mary, da of Jabez and Hannah, Jan. 14, 1745/6. John, s of John and Jemima, Oct. 19, 1746. Jacob, s of Joseph and Tabitha, Oct. 26, 1747. Hannah, da of Jabez and Hannah, Dec. 10, 1748. Thomas, s of Joseph and Tabitha, Dec. 11, 1749. Benjamin, s of Jabez and Deborah, Oct. 26, 1750. Jemima, da of John and Jemima, Dec. 11, 1751. Jabez, s of Jabez and Elizabeth, March 27, 1754. Sarah, da of John and Jemima, Sept. 9, 1755. Joanna, da of Daniel and Joanna, Nov. 1, 1755. Thomas, s of Thomas and Ruth, Nov. 27, 1755. Robert, s of Jabez and Elizabeth, March 1, 1756. Elizabeth, da of Nathan and Elizabeth, Dec. 19, 1757. Daniel, s of Thomas and Ruth, Jan. 24, 1758. Elizabeth, da of Jabez and Elizabeth, Oct. 25, 1758. Samuel, s of Samuel and Esther, Feb. 4, 1759. Nathan, s of Nathan and Elizabeth, May 27, 1759. Hannah, da of Jabez and Elizabeth, —— 8 [abt. 1760]. Ebenezer, s of Thomas and Ruth, May 8, 1761. David, s of Samuel and Esther, May Io, 1761. Lydia, da of Joseph and Mercy, Jan. 15, 1762. Esther, da of Samuel and Esther, Feb. 25, 1763. Ruth, da of Thomas and Ruth, July 21, 1763. Edward, s of Samuel and Esther, Sept. 1, 1764. Abial, s of Jabez and Elizabeth, Nov. 18, 1764. Joseph, s of Joseph and Mercy, June 9, 1765. Sarah, da of Thomas and Ruth, Juue 19, 1765. Ebenezer, s of John Jr., and Jemima, June 23 [abt. 1766]. Edward, s of Joseph and Sarah, Jan. 26, 1767. Asa, s of Samuel and Esther, April 12, 1767. John, s of Jabez and Elizabeth, May 29, 1767. Sarah, da of Joseph and Sarah, Aug. 29, 1768. Mercy, da of Samuel and Esther, April 22, 1769. Nathan, s of Nathan and Esther, Jan. 26 [1770]. Thomas, s of Jabez and Elizabeth, Dec. Io, 1770. Wigglesworth, s of Samuel and Esther, April 22, 1771. ——, da of Joseph and Sarah, at Reading, July 3, 1771. Joseph, s of Nathan, Nov. 5 [1770 or 1772]. Abigail, da of John and Abigail, June 22 [1773]. Aaron, s of Joseph and Sarah, at Reading, June 28, 1773. Jesse, s of Jesse and Rachel, Oct. 14 [1773]. Eliakim, s of Jabez and Elizabeth, Nov. 28 [1774]. Mary, da of John and Abigail, March 26, 1775. James, s of Joseph and Sarah, Jan. 23 [1776]. Esther, da of Nathan and Esther, Aug. 29, 1777. Michael Sweetser, s of Joseph and [Sarah], June [3, 1778]. Joseph, s of Nathan and Esther, Aug. 27, 1780. Polly, da of [Joseph] and Sarah, March [15, 1781]. Benjamin, s of Samuel and Mary, April 12, 1782. Samuel, s of Samuel and Mary, Aug. 22, 1784. [Lydia], da of [Joseph and Sarah], [july 20, 1785]. Mary, da of Samuel and Mary, Aug. 23, 1786. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 13 Burditt, Burden (continued ) 266 Betsey, da of William and Elizabeth, Jan. 6 [1787]. 288 Andrew, s of Samuel and Mary, Aug. 23, 1789. 288 Lemuel, s of Samuel and Mary, Oct. 19, 1791. 288 Esther, da of Samuel and Mary, March 13, 1794. 288 Buel Increase, s of Samuel and Mary, Sept. 21, 1798. 808 John, s of John and Sarah, Oct. 29, 1803. 411 Benjamin Augustus, s of Benjamin and Lydia, May 6, 1810. 411 Eliza Ann, da of Benjamin and Lydia, Feb. 13, 1812. Susan Robinson, da of Andrew and Susan [information of E. E. Williamson], Nov. 1, 1812. 412 Andrew, s of Andrew and [Susan], Aug. 28, 1814. 423 Maria Louisa [surname not given, but probably Burditt], da of Benjamin and Lydia, Sept. 8, 1814. 417 Lemuel, s of Lemuel and Bridget, Feb. 26, 1816. 429 Mary Jane, da of Lemuel and Bridget, Sept. 2, 1817. 429 Lydia Ann, da of Lemuel and Bridget, Dec. 15, 1818. 446 Susan Cogswell, da of Lemuel and Bridget, Sept. 20, 1820. 446 William Lewis, s of Lemuel and Bridget, May 25, 1822. 446 Isaac Harden, s of Lemuel and Bridget, Jan. 5, 1824. 446 Louisa Morse, da of Lemuel and Bridget, May 3, 1827. 446 Osgood Wright, s of Lemuel and Bridget, Dec. 30, 1831. 660 Mary A. G., da of William and Rachel, Sept. 16, 1844. 663 William, s of William and Rachel, March 23, 1846. Burnham 440 Mary, da of Silas and Sally, May 7, 1822. 440 Albert, s of Silas and Sally, Feb. 5, 1824. 440 Silas A., s of Silas and Sally, Feb. 18, 1827. 440 George F., s of Silas and Sally, Sept. 18, 1829. Burns 667 Mary, da of Patrick and Jane, June 15, 1848. Burrill 306 Mary, da of Abner and Mary, Sept. 9, 1804. 806 Sally, da of Abner and Mary, Nov. 9, 1806. 806 Hannah, da of Abner and Mary, Sept. 17 [1808]. 406 Adeline, da of Abner and Mary, Jan. 31, 1810. 416 Susannah Oliver, da of Abner and Mary, May 3, 1813. 416 Abner, s of Abner and Mary, Aug. 8, 1815. 429 Belinda, da of Samuel and Lois, June 2, 1818. 429 Harrison, s. of Samuel and Lois, March 6, 1820. Burse 659 ——,s of Alexander, Nov. 28, 1843. Butler 413 Amos, s of Amos and Sally, Dec. 14, 1811. 413 Aaron, s of Amos and Sally, Aug. 13, 1813. 413 Sarah, da of Amos and Sally, Oct. 4, 1815. 420 Aaron, s of Amos and Sally, April 4, 1818. 423 Sally, da of Aaron and Sally, Sept. 12, 1818. 427 Mary, da of Amos and Sarah, Feb. 19, 1820. 430 Aaron, s of Aaron and Sarah, Aug. 2, 1820. 659 Thomas F., s of Thomas S. [séc] and Martha, Nov. 10, 1843. 682 George, s of Thomas H and Martha, March 1, 1846. 666 Frank H., s of Thomas H. and Martha, April 29, 1848. 671 Franklin H., s of Thomas H. and Martha, Nov. 20, 1850. Butman 307 Mary, da of John and Mary, Jan. 1, 1793. g.s. Ella, da of Thomas M. and Lois M., Sept. 11, 1850. 14 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Cades 245 John, s of John and Abigail, Dec. 31, 1758. 245 Edward Euen, s of John and Abigail, March 10, 1762. 245 Abigail, da of John and Abigail, Aug. 30, 1763. * 266 Polly, da of [William] and Mary, April [1780-1790]. Call ec. Joanna, da of Thomas, Jr., (1), 1659. 270 Esther, da of Samuel and Esther, April 1 [1781]. Callahan 668 Jeremiah, s of C. and Julia, Dec. 13, 1848. Campbell 660 Henry French, s of David and Betsey, April 15, 1844. 662 John Franklin, s of David and Betsey, Dec. 23, 1845. Canny, see Kenny 654 Sarah Amanda, da of Samuel and Margaret, Dec. 14, 1837. Carleton ; 664 Samuel Augustus, s of Samuel and Mary E., Jan. 25, 1848. 671 Clarence H., s of Samuel and Mary, March 25, 1850. Carter c.c. Sarah, da of Robert, Sept. , 1669. ec. Elizabeth, da of Robert, 28 (6), 1676. 407 Harriet, da of Capt. John and Esther, Oct. 26, 1804. 407 Charles, s of Capt. John and Esther, Dec. 14, 1805. 407 Caleb, s of Capt. John and Esther, May 21, 1807. 407 Elizabeth,.da of Capt. John and Esther, Nov. 18, 1809. Cartwright 267 Timothy, s of Timothy [Cartwright] and Mary Parker, March [18], 1774. Cary, Carey 655 Gilman Franklin, s of Gilman and Betsey M., June 6, 1838. 655 Ellen Kezia, da of Gilman and Betsey M., Feb. 17, 1841. 658 George Everett, s of Gilman and Betsey M., Sept. 26, 1842. 665 Richard L., s of Joel C. and Rachel A., May 22, 1847. Casey 662 John, s of Henry and Mary T., March 12, 1846. 664 Ellen, da of Patrick and Margaret, Sept. 17, 1846. Caswell 183 Rebecca, da of Joseph and Bathsheba, Nov. 8, 1739. 137 Joseph, s of Joseph and Bathsheba, Sept. 14, 1741. 153 Samuel, s of Joseph and Bathsheba, Nov. 9, 1743. 145 Bathsheba, da of Joseph and Bathsheba, Jan. 21, 1745/6. 158 Bathsheba, da of Joseph and Bathsheba, March 14, 1747/8. sa a ne ohn of Joseph and Bathsheba, May 25, 1750. ? 162 Eliakim, s of Joseph and Bathsheba, Oct. 27, 1754. 255 Joshua, s of Joseph and Bathsheba, Dec. 28 [1757]. 255 Sarah, da of Joseph and Bathsheba, March 5 [1760]. 255 Eliphalet, s of Joseph and Bathsheba, April 21 [1764]. Chadbourne 670 John W., s of John W. and Adela H., July 14, 1849. Chadwick ec. Elizabeth, da of John, 1 (2), 1648. ec. Sarah, da of John, 1 (4), 1650. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 15 Chadwick (continued ) C.c. c.c. ¢.c. c.c. 113 113 113 125 127 131 134 140 141 James, s of John, 15 (2), 1653. Jemima, da of James and Hannah, March 13, 1687. Benjamin, s of James and Hannah, Feb. 2, 1688/9. Abigail, da of James and Hannah, Feb. 4, 1691. Josiah, s of Joseph and Ruth, May 28, 1723. Lydia, da of Joseph and Ruth, March 19, 1725. John, s of Joseph and Ruth, Nov. 16, 1727. Lemuel, s of Joseph and Mary, March 19, 1734. Joseph, s of Joseph and Mary, July 27, 1735. Daniel, s of Joseph and Mary, April 30, 1738. Martha, da of Joseph and Mary, Feb. 26, 1740/t. Mary, da of Joseph and Mary, April 4, 1743. Martha, da of Joseph and Mary, Sept. 28, 1744. Chamberlain, Chamberlin c.c. C.c. C.c. c.c. ce. 86 89 416 416 416 416 416 418 432 418 438 433 438 433 436 438 Susanna, da of Edmund, (4), 1671. Ebenezer, s of Edmund, 1672. Edmund, s of Edmund, 31 (11), 1675. Mary, da of John and Hannah, Dec. 5, 1686. Sarah, da of John and Hannah, Nov. 25, 1688. Sarah, da of John and Hannah, March 14, 1705/6. Abigail, da of John and Hannah, Feb. 24, 1707/8. Eliza Ann, da of Bowman and Mary, June 25, 1807. Mary Ann, da of Bowman and Mary [this entry was made before that of Eliza Ann and the date is probably incorrect], Aug. 5, 1809. Henry, s of Bowman and Mary, Aug. 30, 1809. Dolly, da of Bowman and Mary, Aug. 23, 1811. Gilman, s of Bowman and Mary, Sept. 23, 1813. Lowell, s of Uriah, Feb. 23, 1814. Silas, s of Bowman and Polly, Ma— 25, 1815. Harriet, da of Uriah, Oct. 20, 1815. George D., s of Uriah and Louisa, Oct. 12, 1818. John, s of Bowman and Polly, Sept. 12, 1820. Emery Pforter], s of Uriah and Louisa, March 18, 1821. Catherine, da of Bowman and Polly, Jan. 12, 1822. Franklin, s of Elbridge and Eleanor, Jan. 13, 1822. Louisa Maria, Caroline Augusta, } chn of Uriah and Louisa, Oct. 1, 1824. Charles, Charnley 665 Matthew, s of James and Marinda, Jan. 28, 1848. Chase 447 George, s of Martha Zodd, Aug. 27, 1832. Chashman 253 Thomas, s of Dorcas Sargeant, March 29, 1795. Cheever 417 424 Harriet, Nehemiah, s of Joseph, Jr., and Phebe, May 1, 1816. ea ‘ das of Joseph and Phebe, May 26, 1818. 426 Mary Ann, da of Jacob and Lydia, Aug. 6, 1819. 439 Henry M., s of Jacob [and Lydia], July 21, 1828. 446 Eliza, da of Jacob and Lydia, April 1, 1833. Cheney 670 Martha, R., da of Nathaniel and Mary A., Aug. 17, 1849. Childs 666 Mary J., da of Oliver and Mary, in Saugus, Nov. 26, 1848. 16 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Chittenden \ 276 Ebenezer, s of Calvin and Sarah, Nov. 17 [1771]. 272 Sarah, da of [Calvin] and Sarah, March 9 [1773]. 277 Nathaniel, s of Calvin and Sarah, Feb. 2, 1775. 273 Nancy, da of Calvin and Sarah, March 30, 1777. 254 Samuel, s of Calvin and Sarah [269, April 14], April 13, 1779. 254 Mary, da of Calvin and Mary [Sarah?], March 19, 1781. 254 Benjamin, s of Calvin and Mary [Sarah ?], Oct. 5, 1782. 254 Persis, da of Calvin and Mary [Sarah ?], Jan. 5, 1785. 252 Charles, s of Calvin and Sarah, Oct. 2, 1791. Church 666 Stillman A., s of Thomas C. and Martha, March 27, 1849. Clapp 800 Abigail Davis, da of Timothy and Deborah, July 17, 1807. 405 James, s of Timothy and Deborah, July 20, 1810. 660 Lucy Jane, da of Samuel H. and Susan, March 132, 1844. 660 Margaret B., da of Otis P. and Margaret, Aug. 8, 1844. 662 Abba Frances, da of Samuel H. and Susan, Dec. 17, 1845. 667 Albert B., s of Otis B. [P.?] and Margaret, Nov. 21, 1846. 667 Charles E., s of Otis B. [P.?] and Margaret, Feb. 16, 1849. Clarenbold 296 William, s of Richard and Sarah, April 20, 1802. 298 Mary, da of Richard and Sarah, March 18, 1804. 411 John, s of Richard and Sarah, Nov. 14, 1806. 411 Joseph, s of Richard and Sarah, Dec. 25, 1809. 411 James, s of Richard and Sarah, July 1, 1812. Clisby 267 Joseph, s of Joseph and Lois, June 7, 1779. 251 Lois, da of Joseph and Lois, July 11 [1780-1782]. 251 John Paul, s of Joseph and Lois, July 16, 1783. Clough 660 George W., s of Simon and Lydia, July ro, 1844. Cluley, Clewly 164 Isaac, s of Isaac and Sarah, July 11, 1756? 169 Sarah, da of Isaac and Sarah, Dec. 17, 1757. 246 Dorcas, da of Isaac and Sarah, Aug. 7, 1761. 246 Daniel, s of Isaac and Sarah, July 28, 1763. Coats 158 Stephen, s of Philip and Ruth, Feb. 22, 1753. Cobb 441 Ebenezer, s of Rev. Sylvanus and Eunice H., Jan. 17, 1829. * George Winslow, s ae Rev. Sylvanus and Eunice H., March 31, 1831. * Sarah Wait, da of Rev. Sylvanus and Eunice H., Dec. 1, 1832. ee sons of Rev. Sylvanus and Eunice H., Aug. 6, 1834. * Darius, [* Information of Cyrus Cobb.] Cochrane gem. Linus, s of Jonathan and Mary, Jan. 8, 1821. gsm. Nelson, s of Jonathan and Mary, Feb. 3, 1824. gsm. Isaac A., s of Jonathan and Mary, Nov. 21, 1826. 664 Sylvanus Brown, s of Lorenzo H. M. and Frances A., Nov. 9, 1846. Cole 264 Rhoda, da of Charles and Rhoda, at Bradford, Dec. 8, 1776. 264 Charles, s of Charles and Rhoda [Dec. 9, 1778]. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 17 Cole (continued ) 264 Sarah, da of Charles and Rhoda, Jan. 21 [1781]. 264 Betsey, da of Charles and Rhoda, Jan. 14, 1783. 264 Isaac, s of Charles and Rhoda, Oct. 1, 1785. 264 , s of Charles and Rhoda, Feb. 11, 1789. Coleman, Colman 113 Sarah, da of John and Dorothy, May 6, 1725. 110 Dorothy, da of John and Dorothy, Jan. 22, 1726/7. 116 Lois, da of John and Dorothy, April 13, 1729. 122 John, s of John and Dorothy, March 22, 1731. 125 Nathaniel, s of John and Dorothy, March 13, 1733. 181 Samuel, s of John and Persis, June 5, 1738. 133 Persis, da of John and Persis, Dec. 5, 1739. Collinham 666 Elizabeth, da of James and Elizabeth, March 2, 1849. Collins 162 Mary, da of Moses and Lydia, April 13, 1744. 162 Lydia, da of Moses and Lydia, Feb. 12, 1747/8. 259 Hannah, da of Moses and Lydia, April 6, 1764. 665 George H.,s of George T. and Sophronia, March 22, 1848. Comee 250 Sarah, da of Benjamin and Hannah [March 23, 1766]. 250 Benjamin, s of Benjamin and Hannah, Nov. 21, 1767. Connor 414 Abigail Johnson, da of Hanson and Kezia, Nov. 27, 1812. 432 Mary Bruce, da of Hanson and Kezia, May 24, 1821. Converse 126 Josiah, s of Josiah and Sarah, Jan. 27, 1733/4. Cook 156 Israel, s of Israel and Hannah, Dec. 4, 1750. Copeland 423 Charles, s of Daniel and Etta, March 19, 1816. 423 Joseph Warren, s of Daniel and Etta, April 17, 1818. Corey fam.7 George Henry, s of Solomon and Charlotte D., April 11, 1829. fam.7 Mary, da of Solomon and Charlotte D., Dec. 5, 1832. fam.% Columbus, s of Solomon and Charlotte D., Nov. 28, 1833. 653 Deloraine P[endre], s of Solomon P. and Martha S., Sept. 4, 1836. fam.7 Harrison Winsor, s of Solomon and Charlotte D., April 24, 1841. 660 ——, s of Thomas S. and Catherine, Feb. 25, 1844. 667 Clara E., da of Thomas S. and Catherine M., Dec. 9, 1848. Cornish 659 Ollin? [O. Wm. ?], s of Stephen A. and Almira, Dec. 13, 1843. 662 Emma Almira, da of Stephen A. and Almira, July 21, 1845. Corson 659 Frederick U[pham], s of Jedediah V. and Martha, Aug. 28, 1843. Counts e.c. Samuel, s of Edward, (5), 1671. Cousens 160 Nicholas, s of Nathaniel and Rebecca, Nov. 7, 1753. 171 Rebecca, da of Nathaniel and Rebecca, June 30, 1757. 247 Lydia, da of Nathaniel and Rebecca, March _, 1760. 2 18 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Cousens (continued) 265 265 262 Lydia, da of Nathaniel and Rebecca, July 27, 1763. Dorcas, da of Nathaniel and Rebecca, May 20, 1765. Elizabeth, da of Nathaniel and Rebecca, Aug. 13 [1768]. Covell c.c. Elizabeth, da of Philip and Elizabeth, Jan. 14, 1688/9. Cowen 144 145 145 145 146 155 155 Cox 152 152 152 154 163 168 248 273 278 278 278 278 278 285 285 285 298 408 431 417 417 431 431 422 422 424 424 432 g-8. 435 435 431 433 g.8. g.8. 440 436 554 442 441 Patrick, s of James and Jean, July 7, 1731. William, s of James and Jean, Aug. 9, 1741. Mehitable, da of James and Jean, Aug. 7, 1743- Francis, s of James and Jean, April 7, 1745. John, sons of James and Jean, March 6, 1746/7. Thomas, James, s of James and Jean, May 20, 1748. Elizabeth, da of James and Jean, March 9, 1750/1. Lydia, da of Unite and Lydia, Oct. 23, 1746. Samuel, s of Unite and Lydia, July 5, 1748. Rebecca, da of Unite and Lydia, Oct. 26, 1750. Unite, s of Unite and Lydia, Nov. 14, 1752. Rhoda, da of Unite and Lydia, Jan. 12, 1755. Samuel, s of Unite and Lydia, Aug. 20, 1757 [172, 1758]. Elizabeth, da of Unite and Lydia, April 20 [1760-1763]. Samuel, s of Unite and Hannah, Feb. 21, 1777. Hannah, da of Capt. Unite and Hannah, Nov. 30, 1779. Rebecca, da of Capt. Unite and Hannah, Oct. 1, 1781. Betsey, da of Capt. Unite and Hannah, April 2, 1785. eel t sons of Capt. Unite and Hannah, June 12, 1787. Lemuel, s of Capt. Unite and Hannah, July 12, 1789. Polly, [g.s- Mary], da of Capt. Unite and Hannah, Aug. 31, 1792. James, s of Capt. Unite and Hannah, May 18, 1794. John, s of Capt. Unite and Hannah, April 10, 1797. Harriet, da of Capt. Unite and Hannah, July 9, 1799. Samuel Albert, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Dec. 27, 1811. Samuel Waite, s of Unite and Sally, June 27, 1812. George Parker, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, March 5, 1814. Eliza, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, Feb. 8, 1816. Sarah, da of Unite and Sally, July 2, 1816. Joseph Caswell, s of Unite and Sally, March 11 [g.s. 1819], 1818. Mary Hill, da of Lemuel, March 12, 1818. David Parker, s of Samuel and Eliza, Aug: 17, 1818. Lydia Dexter, da of James and Sally, Dec. 24, 1818. John Andrews, s of John and Lydia, April 13, 1819. Charles Cole, s of John and Lydia, Dec. 26, 1820. byes H. [da of Lemuel and Lydia], 1820. Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, March 4, 1821. James, s of James and Sally, July 23, 1821. John Fletcher, s of Unite and Sally, Aug. 3, 1821. Leonard, s of Leonard and Betsey, Oct. 5, 1821. Joseph Warren, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Nov. 12, 1823. Maria S. [da of Lemuel and Lydia], 1823. Peter Lear, s of Leonard and Elizabeth, March 31, 1824. Levi, s of John and Lydia, April 27, 1824. Martha Waite, da of Unite and Sally, July 4, 1824. Franklin, s of James and Sarah, June Io, 1825. Rebecca Green, da of John and Lydia, March 6, 1826, MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 19 Cox (continued ) 554 440 441 436 436 554 442 442 554 447 g.8. 447 447 551 g-8. 553 551 554 553 551 554 659 659 660 660 661 662 g-8. 664 663 667 666 670 671 670 671 Crane 303 303 303 300 Emily Brown, da of Unite and Sally, Oct. 29, 1826. Henry Skinner Brown, s of Leonard and Elizabeth, July 15, 1827. Hannah Sprague, da of John and Lydia, Jan. 6, 1828. William Watson Niles, s of James and Sarah, June 16, 1828. Lydia, da of John and Lydia, Oct. 25, 1829. Franklin, s of Unite and Sally, Aug. 16, 1830. Asa Shin, s of John and Lydia, Nov. 8, 1830, Charles Davis, s of James and Sarah, Jan. ro, 1831. Henry Jackson, s of Unite and Sally, Sept. 17, 1832. Sarah Haven, da of Lemuel and Sarah Oliver, Dec. 10, 1833. Henry Augustus, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, March 24, 1834. Lemuel Melville, s of Lemuel and Sarah Oliver, March 10, 1835. Mary Andrews, da of John and Lydia, April 11, 1835. Albert Thompson, s of Samuel Albert and Harriet, March 3, 1837. Arthur W., s of Samuel and Elizabeth, May 3, 1837. Franklin Haven, s of Lemuel and Sarah, Sept. 13, 1837. Harriet Josephine, da of Samuel Albert and Harriet, June 25, 1838. Augustus Manford, s of Unite and Sally, March 2, 1839. Bethiah Haven, da of Lemuel and Sarah [O.], Sept. 27, 1840. Arthur Watson, s of Samuel Albert and Harriet, Nov. 26, 1840. Susan Rebecca, da of John A. and Susan R., Oct. 23, 1841. Catharine A., da of S[amuel] Al[lbert] and H[arriet] H., Feb. 14, 1843. Emily, da of Lemuel and Sarah [0.], June 15, 1843. George P., s of John A. and Susan R., Aug. 25, 1843. , da of Samuel Albert and Harriet, March 26, 1844. Frances E[lizabeth], da of David P. and Rebecca A., July 25, 1844. Charles, s of Charles C. and Lucy, April 25, 1845. James P., s of John A. and Susan R., Aug. 5, 1845. George E. s of Charles C. and Lucy, Aug. 16, 1846. John, s of John A. and Susan R. Nov. 23, 1846. Marian, da of Samuel A. and Harriet, April 24, 1847. Fanny A., da of George P. and Mary Ann, Dec. 29, 1847. Alfred Elmer, s of Charles C. and Lucy, Aug. 31, 1848. Emma, da of Lemuel and Sarah [O.], Nov. 6, 1849. Edgar M., s of Levi and Mary Ann, March 7, [670, March 30], 1850. Caroline H., da of Joseph W. and Hannah S., March 7, 1850. Lewis Herbert [g.s. Louis H.], s of David P. and Rebecca Ann, July 3, 1850. Esther, da of David and Hannah, at Medford, June 5, 1788. John, s of David and Hannah, at Medford, June 2, 1794. Elisha Clapp, s of David and Hannah, June 28, 1796. Harvey, s of Harvey and Hannah, March 15, 1807. Crehore 430 435 441 441 448 449 451 550 661 Henry, s of Henry and Susan, Jan. 8, 1821. Susan, da of Henry and Susan, Sept. 22, 1822. Joseph, s of Henry and Susan, Aug. 11, 1824. Julia Augusta, da of Henry and Susan, Dec. 9, 1828. John Murray, s of Capt. Henry and Hannah, March 30, 1837. Catherine Shuttleworth, da of Capt. Henry [and Hannah}, Aug. 6, 1839. James Minot, s of Henry and Hannah, April 25, 1841. George, s of Henry and Hannah, Aug. 1, 1842. Hannah, da of Henry and Hannah, Sept. 16, 1844. Crossett : 665 Ellen A., da of James L. and Elizabeth D., July 25, 1847. 20 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Cruse 550 George, s of Solomon and Nancy, June 3, 1834. 550 Anna, da of Solomon and Nancy, May 1, 1836. §50 William, s of Solomon and Nancy, June 12, 1837. 550 Nancy, da of Solomon and Nancy, July 2, 1838. 550 Isabella, da of Solomon and Nancy, Aug. 8, 1841. Cullan 662 Julian M., da of Patrick and Catherine M., March 29, 1846. Cummings 663 Mary H. B., da of Joseph and Deborah, Aug, 18, 1846. Curley 671 John, s of Michael and Ann, April 18, 1850. Currell 286 Polly, da of Elias and Polly, Aug. 24, 1795. Currier 437 Lucius Gustavus, s of Ebenezer and Jane S., May 28, 1825. Cuthbertson 662 Mary Ann, da of John and Agnes, July 6, 1845. Cutter 4383 Joshua Thomas, s of Artemas and Mary, Sept. 5, 1821. g.8. Hannah H[olden], da of Artemas and Mary P. [bapt. Dec. 19], 1824. 651 Martha Wise, da of Capt. Artemas and Sarah K., Dec. 10, 1834. 551 Mary Parker, da of Capt. Artemas and Sarah K., Feb. 6, 1837. 551 Elizabeth French, da of Capt. Artemas and Sarah K., April 25, 1839. 555 William Henry, s of James M. and Hannah, Feb. 9, 1840. 551 Caroline Clark, da of Capt. Artemas and Sarah K., Feb. 1, 1842. 555 Sebastian A. C., s of James M. and Hannah, March 12, 1842. B58 aa ‘ das of Capt. Artemas and Sarah, Dec. 30, 1843. 661 Sarah D., da of Thomas J. [error in record for J. Thomas] and Sarah E., Oct. 28, 1844. 663 Eliza K., da of J. Thomas and Sarah E., Aug. 5, 1846. Damon 414 Amos, s of Amos and Nancy, May 30, 1815. Dascomb 439 William Henry, s of Thomas and Fanny, Oct. 28, 1828. 447 Thomas Augustus, s of Thomas and Fanny, Jan. 26, 1836. 661 Frances A., da of Thomas and Frances, Feb. 12, 1845. 669 Peter H., s of Thomas and Frances, Oct. 29, 1849. Daven 661 Maria, da of Michael and Julia, Feb. 26, 1845. Davenport 660 Mary [Jane], da of Lemuel and Lydia, June 16, 1844. 662 [Albert Henry], s of Lemuel and Lydia, Dec. 5, 1845. 665 Charles Lemuel, s of Lemuel and Lydia, May 4, 1847. 666 Eugene W.,s of Lemuel and Lydia, Nov. 25, 1848. Davis 660 James L., s of Edmund and Mary A., Aug. 6, 1844. 664 Loammi Gilman, s of Edmund and Mary Ann, Aug. 13, 1846. 666 Isabella, da of Rev. David C. and Euphemia, April 12, 1849. 669 Abby A. M., da of Edmund and Mary Ann, Aug. 22, 1849. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 21 Dawes 409 Mary Green, da of Israel Putnam and Mary, June 17, 1810. Day 556 Joseph Lynde, s of Benjamin and Frances, Jan. 9, 1831. 556 Lucy Ann, da of Benjamin and Frances, April 6, 1832. 556 Marilla, da of Benjamin and Frances, Feb. 24, 1834. 556 Lorin, s of Benjamin and Frances, Feb. 15, 1836. 556 Caroline A., da of Benjamin and Frances, Jan. 13, 1838. 556 aaa t chn of Benjamin and Frances, April 27, 1840. 556 Jerome Bonaparte, s of Benjamin and Frances, May 2, 1841. 659 Martha Jane, da of Benjamin and Frances, Sept. 16, 1843. -663 Lorenzo, s of Benjamin and Frances, Sept. 13, 1845. 668 Benjamin Irving, s of Benjamin and Frances, May 2, 1848. 669 Charles F., s of Milbury and Lucy, Aug. 28, 1849. Degresha : 85 Thomas, s of Thomas and Agnes, at Chelsea, May 4, 1699. 112 Samuel, s of Thomas and Hannah, Aug. 28, 1727. De Lacy 667 Francis, s of William and Elizabeth, Nov. 1, 1848. Delan 185 Mary, da of John and Judith, Oct. 3, 1740. Dexter 178 John, s of John and Winifred, Jan. 3, 1696. 178 Winifred, da of John and Winifred, March 30, 1698. 117 Sarah, da of Richard and Sarah, April 6, 1699. 84 Samuel, s of John and Winifred, Oct. 23, 1700. 84 John, s of John and Winifred, April 10, 1702. 84 Timothy, s of John and Winifred, Aug. 2, 1703. 117 John, s of Richard and Sarah, Nov. 4, 1703. 178 Timothy, s of John and Winifred, July 28, 1704. 117 Mary, da of Richard and Sarah, March 22, 1704. 88 John, s of John and Winifred, Dec. 19, 1705. 117 Ruth, da of Richard and Sarah, Oct. 26, 1706. 117 William, s of Richard and Sarah, April 15, 1707. 117 Susanna, da of Richard and Sarah, Nov. 2, 1711. 117 Abigail, da of Richard and Sarah, June 4, 1712. 95 Richard, s of John and Winifred, June 15, 1713. 117 Lydia, da of Richard and Sarah, Oct. 20, 1713. 117 Richard, s of Richard and Sarah, April 14, 1714. 117 Timothy, s of Richard and Sarah, June 19, 1715. 117 Nathan, s of Richard and Sarah, Sept. 10, 1722. 129 Susanna, da of John and Susanna, June 24, 1732. 130 Winifred, da of John and Susanna, April 10, 1735. 139 William, s of Richard and Rebecca, Nov. 9, 1742. 142 David, s of Richard and Rebecca, Feb. 18, 1744/5. 142 Nathan, s of Nathan and Esther, April 8, 1745. 153 Richard, s of Richard and Rebecca, Oct. 3, 1747. 148 Timothy, s of Nathan and Esther, Jan. 22, 1747. 149 Esther, da of Nathan and Esther, Feb. 23, 1748/9. 151 John, s of John and Joanna, Feb. 26, 1749/50. 153 Aaron, s of Richard and Rebecca, Nov. 11, 1750. 163 Rebecca, da of Capt. John and Joanna, Sept. 1, 1751. 159 John, s of Nathan and Esther, Sept. 6, 1751. 159 Sarah, da of Richard and Rebecca, Nov. 21, 1753. 163 Elizabeth, da of Nathan and Tabitha, Feb. 18, 1754. 22 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Dexter (continued ) 163 166 166 170 172 174 249 255 245 255 275 274 269 283 267 283 283 256 283 283 283 257 257 257 fam.5 fam. 5 fam, 5 fam. 5 Bridget, da of Capt. John and Joanna, April 11, 1754. Richard, s of Capt. John and Joanna, June 3, 1756. Lydia, da of Richard and Rebecca, Nov. 6, 1756. Sarah, da of Capt. John and Joanna, Dec. 4, 1758. Lydia, da of Richard and Rebecca, July 17, 1759. Samuel, s of Capt. John and Joanna, May 12, 1760. Samuel, s of Richard and Rebecca, Nov. 17, 1762. William, s of William and Phebe, Aug. 17, 1764. Sarah, da of Nathan and Tabitha, Sept. 12 [abt. 1765]. Phebe, da of William and Phebe, Nov. 18, 1765. Richard, s of William and Phebe, Sept. 7 [1767]. John, s. of William and Phebe, Feb. 16, 1776. Peter, s of William and Phebe, March 29, 1778. George Barber, s of Richard and Martha, Sept. 4, 1779. oe ‘das of William and Elizabeth, Oct. 6, 1780. Sally, da of Richard and Martha, Aug. 3, 1781. John, s of Richard and Martha, May 15, 1783. Peter, s of William and Elizabeth, Feb. 21, 1784. Martha, da of Richard and Martha, May 16, 1785. Rebecca [Parker], da of Richard and Martha, April 13, 1788. Lucretia [Hatch], da of Richard and Martha, April 20, 1790. Richard, s of Capt. Richard and Martha, Jan. 26 [1796]. John, s of Capt. Richard and Martha, April 4 [1798]. Samuel, s of Capt. Richard and Martha, Sept. 15, —— [/am. 5, Sept. 5, 1802]. Mary Elizabeth, da of Richard and Jerusha, Nov. , 1821. Richard, s of Richard and Jerusha, May 18, 1824. Samuel George, s of Richard and Jerusha, Feb. 23, 1826. Richard Franklin, s of Richard and Julia Ann, Dec. 17, 1848. Dickerman c.c. cc. ¢.c, cc. cc. Sarah, da of Thomas, (8), 1653. Lydia, da of Thomas, (4), 1655. Thomas, s of Thomas, (6), 1657. Hannah, da of Thomas, 27 (10), 1659. Anne, da of Thomas, (1), 1673/4. Dickson, Dixon g.8. Dix 306 433 433 Eliza, da of Oliver and Eliza A., Aug. 24, 1837. William, s of William and Sally, Nov. 21, 1808. George, s of John and Mary W., March 2, 1819. Levi W., s of John and Mary W., Feb. 15, 1821. Dodge | 406 406 448 448 448 558 Doe 171 668 Eliza, da of Daniel and Lydia, March 12, 1806. Sally, da of Daniel and Lydia, Jan. 6, 1810. Albert, s of Benjamin W., Sept. 2, 1827. Abby Ann, da of Benjamin W., Nov. 18, 1829. Sarah H., da of Benjamin W., Aug. 3, 1836. Maria Louisa, da of Benjamin W. and Abby, Oct. 27, 1839. Simon, s of Nathaniel and Mary, Aug. 31, 1758. Lucy Ellen, da of Albert and Theodora, Nov. 20, 1849. Dolliver 660 Sarah E., da of Thomas H. and Alice, May 12, 1844. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 23 Donavan 664 Ellen, da of Michael and Julia C., Feb. 28, 1847. Douglass 115 James, s of Thomas and Mary, Dec. 23, 1728. Dow 282 Isaac, s of John and Mehitable, June 15, 1780, 435 Warren, s of Warren L. and Rachel, Aug. 12, 1827. Downs 667 Frank, s of Henry S. and Harriet B., Jan. 3, 1849. Driscoll 662 Timothy, s of James and Ellen, Oct. 11, 1845. Drown 664 Charles F., s of Samuel and Lydia, May 6, 1847. Dunnell c.c. Mary, da of Thomas and Mary, Sept. 4, 1687. 79 Rebecca, da of Thomas and Rebecca, Sept. 16, 1695. Dunster 659 ——, s of Asaph and Sarah, Sept. 23, 1843. 664 Lucy Frances, da of Asaph and Sarah B., Dec. 16, 1846. Dwyer 671 Mary Ann, da of William and Hannah, Dec. 5, 1850. Dyer, Dyar 267 John Nichols, s. of [Joseph] and Eliza, Oct. 3 [1778]. 286 Sophia, da of Joseph and Sally, Oct. 19, 1793. 286 James, s of Joseph and Sally, Oct. 29, 1795. 289 Samuel Merritt, s of John N. and Susanna, Jan. 18, 1797. 285 Sally, da of Joseph and Sally, Nov. 10, 1797. 802 James Dyar Emes, s of Eliza Dyar, Aug. 26, 1798. 297 Joseph, s of Joseph and Sarah, Feb. 1, 1800. 297 James, s of Joseph and Sarah, April 3, 1804. $10 Eliza, da of Joseph and Sally, Feb. 14, 1806. Earle 672 Frank H.,s of Henry and Mary Ann, Dec. 16, 1850. Eaton 171 Ebenezer, s of Nathan and Sarah, Oct. 30, 1758. 551 Emily Lynde, da of James and Rebecca, April 16, 1838. 651 Charles Lynde, s of James and Rebecca, March 6, 1841. 659 James A., s of James and Rebecca, June 18, 1843. 663 James A.,s of James and Rebecca, Jan. 6, 1847. Edes 158 Hannah, da of Peter and Hannah, Oct. 30, 1750. 161 Amos, s of Peter and Sarah, Sept. 11, 1753. 168 Sarah, da of Peter and Sarah, April 5, 1756. 169 Benjamin, s of Peter and Sarah, March 19, 1758. 173 William, s of Peter and Sarah, April 1, 1760. Edmester 407 Elijah, s of Jonathan and Jemima, Aug. 11, 1807. 407 Emily, da of Jonathan and Jemima, March 27, 1810. 445 Huldah Maria, da of Timothy C. and Huldah, April 10, 1827. 652 Almira Woodbury, da of James and Ann, Jan. 28, 1829. 445 Timothy Clapp, s of Timothy C. and Huldah, Feb. 5, 1829. 445 John Howard, s of Timothy C. and Huldah, May 9, 1831. 24 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Edmester (continued) 552 George Washington, s of James and Ann, June 17, 1831. 445 Sarah Ann, da of Timothy C. and Huldah, May 31, 1833. 552 Charles Wesley, s of James and Ann, Dec. 27, 1834. 448 Mary Elizabeth, da of Timothy C. and Huldah, Nov. 17, 1835. 552 Harriet Augusta, da of James and Ann, Feb. 16, 1836. 448 Charles, s of Timothy C. and Huldah, Oct. 10, 1837. 552 Elijah Briggs, s of James and Ann, Dec. 14, 1839. 552 Lemuel Albert, s of Lemuel and Emily, May 2, 1842. 657 Hannah, da of James and Ann, Sept. , 1842. 660 , da of James C. and Ann, Jan. 25, 1844. 660 Oliver W., s of Lemuel and Emily, May 2, 1844. 668 Noah Franklin, s of Lemuel and Emeline, Nov. 3, 1846. 667 Samuel S., s of Lemuel R. and Emily, Dec. 21, 1848. Edmonds, Hdmands 256 [John], s of John and Sarah, April 6, 1782. 271 Sally, da of John and Sarah, Sept. 15, 1784. 271 Nancy, da of John and Sarah, Sept. 10, 1786. 271 William, s of John and Sarah, Aug. 8, 1789. ‘271 Lot, s of John and Sarah, May 2, 1791. 271 Polly, da of John and Sarah, Feb. 16, 1796. 271 Eliza, da of John and Sarah, Sept. 5 (?), 1799. Edwards 433 Joseph, s of Joseph and Catherine, Sept. 10, 1821. 664 Hannah F., da of Joseph W. and Eliza Ann, May 18, 1847. 664 Charles M.,s of John C. and Lydia, Oct. 8, 1847. 670 Joseph Allen, s of Joseph and Eliza A., April 30, 1850. Egron ec. Elizabeth, da of John, 3 (12), 1672. Elliot 488 Elias Emerson, s of Elias, Sept. 15, 1822. 554 Mary Curtis, da of Elias and Esther, March 12, 1830. 654 Andrew Lewis, s of Elias and Esther, Dec. 15, 1836. 653 Lydia Ann, da of Elias E. and Elizabeth, May 6, 1840. 658 Harriet Maria, da of Elias E. and Elizabeth, Dec. 7, 1841. 660 ——, da of Elias E. and Elizabeth, Feb. 13, 1844. 664 Nancy Mandane, da of Elias E. and Elizabeth, Sept. 8, 1846. Ellis 663 Albert, s of Martin, May 25, 1845. 665 Alphonso W.,s of David H. and Sarah M.,, July 30, 1847. 665 John Russell, s of P. R. and Betsey, Jan. 1, 1848. 669 David H., s of David H. and Sarah M., Aug. 13, 1849. Emerson 104 Hannah, da of [Rev.] Joseph and Mary, Dec. 3, 1722. 105 Joseph, s of [Rev.] Joseph and Mary, Aug. 25, 1724. 108 Mary, da of Rev. Joseph and Mary, Oct. 8, 1726. 113 Edward, s Tine Joseph and Mary, April 1, 1728. 120 Samuel, s of [Rev.] Joseph and Mary, July 7, 1730. 124 Bulkeley, s of [Rev.] Joseph and Mary, June 15, 1732. 126 Waldo, s of Rev. Joseph and Mary, June 23, 1734- 127 Waldo [2d of the name], s of Rev. Joseph and Mary, June 23, 1735. 149 Ebenezer, s of Rev. Joseph and Mary, Aug. 6, 1736. 149 Rebecca, da of Rev. Joseph and Mary, Aug. 7, 1738. 149 Ruth, da of Rev. Joseph and Mary, Jan. 19, 1741. 149 William, s of Rev. Joseph and Mary, May 31, 1743. JIALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 25 Emerson (continued ) 149 278 284 280 280 410 410 410 410 421 413 417 413 421 422 420 420 419 422 421 425 438 438 431 467 430 438 437 437 438 467 439 439 444 444 443 444 451 663 668 John, s of Rev. Joseph and Mary, Nov. 20, 1745. Polly, da of William and Polly, March 25, 1790. George, s of William and Mary, Oct. 19, 1792. Sally, da of William and Mary, Jan. 3, 1794. Warren, s of William and Mary, Feb. 6, 1796. Edward, s of Edward and Eliza, March 15, 1811. John, s of John and Provided, Oct. 18, 1811. Julia Ann, da of John and Provided, March 30, 1813. Simon Howard, s of Edward and Eliza, May 18, 1813. Alice Sargent, da of Leonard and Alice, May 20, 1814. Caroline, da of Isaac and Atalanta, July 29, 1814. Sophia, da of Edward and Nancy, March to, 1815. Henry, s of Edward and Eliza, Oct. 30, 1815. Harriet, da of Leonard and Alice, March 14, 1816. William, s of John and Ruth, Aug. 21, 1816. James, s of Edward and Nancy, March 6, 1817. Mary Barrett, da of Warren and Mary, May 18, 1817. Joseph Barrett, s of Gorham and Dorcas, Dec. 17, 1817. George, s of John and Ruth, Dec. 29, 1817. Leonard, s of Leonard and Alice, April 19, 1818. Atalanta Howard, da of Isaac and Atalanta, Feb. 16, 1819. Gorham, s of Gorham and Dorcas, April 21, 1819. Rebecca Wiley, da of Gorham and Dorcas, April 24, 1820. Isaac, s of Isaac and Atalanta, Sept. 23, 1820. Aaron, s of John, Dec. 28, 1820. Mary, da of Leonard and Eleanor, Dec. 29, 1820. Daniel Wiley, s of Gorham and Dorcas, July 25, 1821. Putney, s of Isaac and Atalanta, Nov. 18, 1822. George, s of Isaac and Atalanta, Nov. 16, 1824. Dorcas, da of Gorham and Dorcas, Dec. 14, 1824. Ann C., da of John, Feb. 3, 1825. Elmira Ann, da of George and Elmira, Oct. 19 [444, Oct. 17], 1826. Eliza, da of Isaac and Atalanta, Oct. 8, 1827. Sarah Jane, da of George and Elmira, Nov. 3, 1828. Mary Vinton, da of George and Elmira, May 1, 1830. Richard Watson, s of Isaac and Atalanta, Dec. 15, 1831. Harriet Louisa, da of George and Elmira, March 19, 1832. George Warren, s of George and Elmira, March 3, 1840. Luther, s of James G. and Sarah, May 18, 1845. Osborne, s of James G. and Sarah, Dec. 20, 1848. Emery 661 Emes 105 105 105 105 110 119 124 124 128 180 134 188 Alfred D., s of Stephen and Mary A. [original entry was Albert D.; changed to Alfred D. at the request of Alfred D., “ who appeared in person and asked the correction, Oct. 15, 1896”], March 2, 1845. Robert, s of Robert and Anna, March 28, 1719. Anna, da of Robert and Anna, Feb. 27, 1721. John, s of Robert and Anna, Jan. 30, 1723. Nathan, s of Robert and Anna, April 27, 1725. Mary, da of Robert and Anna, July 25, 1727. Ebenezer, s of Robert and Anna, May 3, 1730. Elizabeth, da of Robert and Anna, March 23, 1732. Samuel, s of Robert and Anna, May 15, 1733. James, s of Robert and Anna, Aug. 26, 1735. Robert, s of Robert and [Anna], July 25, 173[7]. John, s of Robert and Anna, July 11, 1739. Aaron, s of Robert and Anna, April 13, 1742. 26 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Emes (continued ) 168 Mary, da of Robert and Anna, Sept. 3, 1744. 302 James Dyar, s of Eliza Dyar, Aug. 26, 1798. 407 Maria Antoinette, da of Robert and Martha, Aug. 9, 1805. 407 Ellen, da of Robert and Martha, May 2, 1807, 407 Albert, s of Robert and Martha, April 8, 1809. 407 Lucy, da of Robert and Martha, Nov. 3, 1810. Emmons 552 Sarah Jane, da of Ebenezer C. and Sally, July 2, 1842. 662 Joseph Porter, s of Eben C. and Sally, Aug. 7, 1845. Estes 310 Zera, s of Samuel G. and Hannah W., Jan. 9, 1803. 810 Samuel, s of Samuel G. and Hannah W., April 24, 1806. 416 Emeline Gordon, da of Samuel G. and Hannah W., Feb. 12, 1808. 449 Abraham, s of Zera and Lydia, Jan. 25, 1832. 449 Zera Gardner, s of Zera and Lydia, June 24, 1834. 449 Emeline Barker, da of Zera and Lydia, May 22, 1839. 661 Augustus H., s of Zera and Lydia, Jan. 2, 1845. Eustis 118 Samuel, s of Nathaniel and Sarah, Dec. 30, 1729. 124 Sarah, da of Nathaniel and Sarah, April 15, 1733. 180 Samuel, s of Nathaniel and Sarah, Aug. 13, 1736. Evans 85 Abigail, da of Nathaniel and Abigail, June 23, 1705. 85 Sarah, da of Nathaniel and Abigail, Oct. 20, 1707. 87 Andrew, s of Nathaniel and Abigail, Jan. 26, 1708/9. 92 Elizabeth, da of Nathaniel and Abigail, March 26, 1711. 667 Frances A., da of Alonzo H. and Sarah R., in Boston, May 1, 1846. 667 Estelle M., da of Brice S. and Sarah, in Boston, Dec. 22, 1847. Eyre 671 George Eugene, s of John H. and Sarah, Nov. 1, 1850. Faber 662 Thomas, s of Thomas and Mary Ann, July 12, 1846. 664 George, s of Thomas and Mary Ann, Feb. 18, 1847. Fagan 660 James, s of Patrick and Mary, April 8, 1844. 661 Mary, da of Patrick and Mary, March 31, 1845. 664 Elizabeth, da of Patrick and Mary, Jan. 1, 1848. 666 George, s of Patrick and Mary, Jan. 15, 1849. Fall 451 George Benson, s of George H. and Rebecca G., April 30, 1840. 659 Emeline, da of George H. and Rebecca, May 20, 1843. 662 Charles Gershom, s of Gershom L. and Rowena P., June 22, 1845. Parny 664 Rosanna, da of Nealy and Jane, July 28, 1846. Farrar 663 Charles E., s of James M. and Lydia Ann, March 18, 1847. 666 Mary N., da of James and Mary M., in Boston, Nov. 7, 1847. 666 Harriet M., da of James M. and Lydia A., July 15, 1848. 675 Franklin F., s of James M. and Lydia A., July 10, 1850. 671 James [B.], s of James and Mary, Dec. 4, 1850. Parrington 271 Emily, da of William and Ruth, July 4, 1796. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 27 Fassett c.c. Joseph, s of Patrick, (8), 1672. Faulkner : e.c. David, s of David and Elizabeth, May 17, 1687. 80 Benjamin, s of David and Elizabeth, Feb. 25, 1697/8. 103 Lydia, da of Benjamin and Lydia, July 23, 1722. 106 Sarah, da of Benjamin and Lydia, Dec. 30, 1724. 111 Elizabeth, da of Benjamin and Lydia, Nov. 13, 1727. 121 Mary, da of Benjamin and Lydia, Jan. 26, 1730/1. re ea ; chn of Benjamin and Lydia, May 14, 1733. 126 David, s of Benjamin and Anna, Oct. 18, 1734. 247 Huldah, da of Benjamin and Huldah, April 28 [1761]. 247 Huldah, da of Benjamin and Huldah, Oct. 9, 1762. 275 Lydia, da of Benjamin and Huldah, Nov. 7, 1766. 262 Hannah, da of Benjamin and Huldah, April to, 1768. 261 Benjamin, s of Benjamin and Huldah, Jan. 27, 1770. 277 David, s of Benjamin and Huldah, April 23 [1773]. 281 Sally, da of Benjamin, Jr., and Sally, Aug. 18, 1791. 253 Lydia, da of Benjamin, Jr., and Sally, Nov. 11, 1792. 253 Nancy, da of David and Nancy, June 17, 1794. 253 Nancy, da of Benjamin, Jr., and Sally, April 19, 1795. 253 David, s of David and Nancy, April 28, 1797. 253 Benjamin, s of Benjamin, Jr., and Sally, July 29, 1797. 804 Hannah, da of David and Nancy, Feb. 12, 1799. 802 Sally, da of Benjamin and Sally, March 5, 1799. 302 David, s of Benjamin and Sally, March 24, 1802. 304 John Bryant, s of David and Nancy, May 27, 1804. 302 Mary, da of Benjamin and Sally, Dec 22, 1804. 305 Aaron, s of Benjamin and Sally, April 14, 1808. 4138 Abraham, ) chn of David and Nancy, Sept. 16 [g.s. Sarah, Sept. 29], Sarah, 1813. 554 David Sargeant, s of David, Jr., and Lucy, March 30, 1821. 554 Benjamin, s of David, Jr., and Lucy, June 18, 1822. 554 Lucy, da of David, Jr., and Lucy, July 30, 1824. 554 Nancy, da of David, Jr., and Lucy, June 18, 1826. 554 Benjamin, s of David, Jr., and Lucy, Oct. 28, 1827. 554 George, s of David, Jr., and Lucy, July 29, 1829. 550 Mary Hale, da of David, 2,and Mary, Dec. 17, 1829. 554 Joseph, s of David, Jr., and Lucy, May 2, 1831. 654 Lydia, da of David, Jr., and Lucy, Sept. 24, 1832. 554 Mary, da of David, Jr., and Lucy, July 28, 1834. 554 Hannah, da of David, Jr., and Lucy, Aug. 1, 1838. 654 Abraham, s of David, Jr., and Lucy, April 7, 1840. 650 Harriet Augusta, da of Aaron and Harriet, Jan. 14, 1841. Favour 663 Clarissa N., da of Joseph B. and Mary, July 8, 1845. Fay 669 Ellen F., da of Franklin L. and Hannah, March 31, 1850, 672 Joseph, s of Michael and Mary, April 9, 1850. Fenderson 555 Nathan Webster, s of Ivory and Martha, Aug. 22, 1842. 660 Mary E., da of Ivory and Martha, June 21, 1844. Fernald 562 Abby Ann, da of William R. and Elizabeth, Jan. 7, 1840. 557 Alonzo, s of Alfred and Mary N., March 7, 1843. 28 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Fernald (continued) 662 663 668 Files 667 Louisa, da of William R. and Elizabeth, Sept. 17, 1845. George F., s of William R. and Elizabeth N., Jan. 18, 1847. Emma Adeline, da of Nathaniel and Ann, Dec. 12, 1848. Augustus W., s of Bowman V. and Lucinda [error in record, see Flagg), Jan. 12, 1848. Fisher 122 130 418 551 551 418 420 440 551 551 440 551 440 551 440 551 451 659 669 670 671 Plagg 143 661 663 663 665 666 668 669 aie : das of Benjamin and Elizabeth, June 25, 1730. Mercy, da of Benjamin and Elizabeth, June 9, 1737. Lucy Ann, da of Lewis and Sarah, Aug. 28, 1812. Mary Ann, da of Dwight and Nancy, Oct. 30, 1812. Susan, da of Dwight and Nancy, Dec. 5, 1814. Lewis, s of Lewis and Sarah, Sept. 21, 1815. John Sargent, s of Lewis and Sarah, March 18, 1818. Henry, s of Lewis and Sarah, March 21, 1822. George Dwight, s of Dwight and Nancy, July 31, 1822. Rufus, s of Dwight and Nancy, July Io, 1824. Amos Sargent s of Lewis and Sarah, Sept. 21, 1824. Charles, s of Dwight and Nancy, Nov. 17, 1826. Hannah Estes, da of Lewis and Sarah, Sept. 16, 1827. Charles, s of Dwight and Nancy, Jan. 6, 1829. Henry, s of Lewis and Sarah, March 24, 1829. Susan, da of Dwight and Nancy, April 24, 1832. Sarah Jane, da of Lewis, Jr., and Ruth, June 2, 1840. Mary E. S., da of Lewis, Jr., and Ruth, Nov. 30, 1843. Ellen A., da of Lewis, Jr., and Ruth, May 21, 1849. Seay t chn of John S. and Frances M., Sept. 3, 1849. George Augustus, s of John S. and Frances M., Nov. 23, 1850. Bartholomew, s of Bartholomew and Susanna, Sept. 5, 1745. James P., s of Bowman and Lucinda, Jan. 12, 1845. Rosanna, da of William and Clara, Nov. 26, 1846. Charles, s of Bowman and Lucinda, March 29, 1847. Augustus W., s of Bowman, Jan. 12, 1848. William T., s of William and Clara, Nov. 14, 1848. Lucinda J., da of Bowman V. and Lucinda, June 2, 1849. Caroline, da of William and Clara, Jan. 26, 1850. Pletcher 414 667 Floya c.c. C.c. c.c. 85 C.c. g-8. ¢.c. 79 g.8. 81 81 83 Emeline, da of Sadoc and Patty, Nov. 30, 1809. George, s of Rev. Stillman and Elizabeth, Sept. 29, 1847. Noah, s of John, (10), 1670. Daniel, s of John, 28 (10), 1675. John, s of John and Rachel, Aug. 19, 1687. Joseph, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, Aug. 22, 1689. Rachel, da of John and Rachel, Dec. 25, 1690. Ebenezer, s of Hugh and Eleanor, Feb. 21, 1690. Nathaniel, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, 17 (3), 1691. Ruth, da of Joseph and Elizabeth, July 25, 1695. Mary, da of Hugh and Eleanor, July 22, 1698. Mary, da of Daniel and Mary, March 25, 1699. Dorothy, da of Joseph and Elizabeth, Oct. 29, 1699. Daniel, s of Daniel and Mary, Dec. 8, 1702. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 29 Floyd (continued ) 114 Daniel, s of Daniel and Margaret, May 2, 1728. 119 Ezekiel, s of Daniel and Margaret, July 18, 1730. 124 Joseph, s of Daniel and Margaret, July 6, 1732. 131 Margaret, da of Daniel and Margaret, April 27, 1737. 135 Mary, da of Daniel and Margaret, June 1, 1740. 188 Joseph, s of Daniel and Margaret, Oct. 11, 1742. 141 Ezra, s of Daniel and Margaret, Jan. 19, 1744/5. 268 Daniel, s of Daniel and Elizabeth, Aug. 20, 1760. 247 Mary, da of Peter and Mary, Jan. 16, 1762. 268 Elizabeth, da of Daniel and Elizabeth, at Lynn, Sept. 5, 1763. 268 Ezra, s of Daniel and Elizabeth, at Lynn, Aug. 7, 1765. 265 Joseph, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, Dec. 1, 1765. 268 Mary, da of Daniel and Elizabeth, July 6, 1767. 261 Rebecca, da of Joseph and Elizabeth, April 30, 1770. 290 Ezra, s of Joseph and Phebe, Sept. 28, 1784. 263 Polly, da of Daniel and Polly, Sept. 9, 1785. 290 Samuel, s of Joseph and Phebe, Nov. 17, 1786. 294 Mary, da of Ezra and Mary, May 8, 1788. 290 Mary, da of Joseph and Phebe, Oct. 7, 1788. 294 Nancy, da of Ezra and Mary, April 6, 1791. 290 Mary, da of Joseph and Phebe, Aug. 11, 1791. 294 Patty, da of Ezra and Mary, May Io, 1793. 290 Susanna, da of Joseph and Phebe, Nov. 1, 1793. 294 Lucy [Lucinda, at death in 1834 — see Gz/son, deaths], da of Ezra and Mary, Sept. 4, 1796. 290 Joseph, s of Joseph and Phebe, June 25, 1797. 298 Susanna, da of Ezra and Mary, Oct. 27, 1799. 298 Ezra, Jr., s of Ezra and Mary, Oct. 18, 1802. 417 Mary, da of Martha, Jan. 4, 1812. 432 Hannah, da of Ezra and Hannah, Jan. 29, 1821. Fly 663 Frederick, s of Washington and Phebe M., Oct. 20, 1846. Flynn 667 James, s of Bernard and Mary, Dec. 7, 1847. Follensbee 669 Bryden Scott, s of John H. and Hannah B., Nov. 9, 1849. Foster 406 Robert, s of Robert and Elizabeth, Sept. 15, 1808. 406 Mary, da of Robert and Elizabeth, Sept. 8, 1809. 411 Emela, da of Robert and Eliza [ass next], Aug. 7, 1813. 413 Emelia, da of Robert and Elizabeth, Aug. 9, 1814. Fountain , ais 659 Thomas, s of Francis and Abigail, June 29, 1843. Fowle “228 Mehitable, da of William and Mehitable, Sept. 13, 1818, 428 Elizabeth Jane, da of William and Mehitable, March 25, 1820. French 660 Ruth Maria, da of Dr. Nathan and Ruth S., Aug. 31, 1844. 670 Mary E., da of S[anford] B. and Mary A., Dec. 22, 1849. Fuller 163 Jonathan, s of Edward and Sarah, June 16, 1746. 163 Sarah, da of Edward and Sarah, Feb. 9, 1748. 163 Mary, da of Edward and Sarah, July 27, 1750. 30 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Fuller (continued) 164 Lois, da of Edward and Sarah, April 6, 1752. 164 Mercy, da of Edward and Sarah, April 28, 1754. 169 Huldah, da of Edward and Sarah, Jan. 1, 1757. 409 Mary, da of Josiah and Sarah, June 27, 1813. 420 Ephraim, s of Josiah and Sally, July 29, 1815. 420 William Emerson, s of Josiah and Sally, April 10, 1817. 432 Sally, da of Josiah and Sally, Feb. 11, 1819. 432 Nancy, da of Josiah and Sally, Sept. 1, 1821. 655 Hannah, da of Josiah and Sally, Aug. 6, 1826. 443 Edward, s of Charles and Jane, Nov. 8, 1828. 655 George Priest, s of Josiah and Sally, April 10, 1829. 655 Josiah Parker, s of Josiah and Sally, Feb. 18, 1831. 655 Martha, da of Josiah and Sally, Jan. 29, 1833. 555 William Augustus, s of William E. and Mary O., Jan. 4, 1842. 557 Gayton Wilbur, s of Ephraim and Abigail, Oct. 28, 1842. 659 Henry A., s of Charles and Deborah, June 27, 1843. 660 Henry, s of William E. and Mary, March 5, 1844. 661 Sumner W.,s of Ephraim and Abigail, Dec. 6, 1844. 665 Mary E., da of William E. and Mary O., Oct. 8, 1847. 665 Sumner Warren, s of Ephraim and Abigail G., Jan. 31, 1848, 668 George, s of George E. and Eliza, Sept. 15, 1848. 669 Albert Priest, s of Ephraim and Abigail G., June 24, 1849. 669 Nancy L., da of George E. and Eliza L., April 11, 1850. Gage 443 Denison, s of Denison and Hepsey, Oct. 5, 1832. 661 Charles E.,s of Charles and Sarah Ann, Oct. 26, 1844. Galland . 670 James, s of George and Mary, Jan. 22, 1850. Galucia 659 Joseph W.,s of Peter S. and Mary Ann, Jan. 20, 1844. Gardner 261 Sarah, da of Jonathan and Abigail, March 12, 1770. 206 Henry Beacham, s of Henry and Sarah, Dec. 12, 1809. 417 John, s of Dr. Henry and Sarah, April 19, 1814. Gary [Gerry ?] 435 Paulina, da of Robert and Hannah, March 20, 1814. 435 Charles, s of Robert and Hannah, March 16, 1816. 435 Hannah, da of Robert and Hannah, Jan. 14, 1818. 435 Ellen, da of Robert and Hannah, Jan. 25, 1820, 485 Robert, s of Robert and Hannah, Jan. 29, 1822. George 662 Mary Ann, da of Samuel and Martha, March 16, 1846. 671 Alexis Alda, s of James and Mary Ann, Aug. 1, 1850. Gerry, sce Gary 667 Martha C., da of Samuel L. and Martha C., in Boston, April 5, 1846. 669 Sarah P., da of Samuel L. and Martha, Aug. 16, 1849. Gidny 120 Bartholomew, s of Bartholomew and Hannah, Sept. 4, 1730. Gilchrist 664 James Henry, s of James R. and Maria, Sept. 10, 1847. 667 Charles W.,s of James R. and Martha J. [error in record for Maria], Nov. 5, 1848. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 31 Gilford 438 George W., s of George W. and Mary, March 25, 1820. 438 Abraham, s of George W. and Mary, Sept. 25, 1823. Gill 154 Anna, da of William and Martha, Oct. 4, 1749. 158 Elizabeth, da of William and Martha, —— 25 [abt. 1751]. 158 Mary, da of William and Martha, April 3, 1753. 168 Prudence, da of William and Martha, April 20, 1755. 169 Joshua, s of William and Martha, Jan. Io, 1757. 172 Martha, da of William and Martha, Nov. 3, 1758. 255 Naomi, da of William and Martha, Feb. 25 [1765]. 275 Lois, da of William and Martha, May 11, 1767. 268 Ebenezer, s of William [and Martha, entry made abt. 1771]. Gilligan 670 Mary, da of Michael and Bridget, Oct. 3, 1849. Glynn 670 Catherine, da of Andrew and Mary, in Chelsea, June 24, 1849. Gonzales 666 Adelaide, da of Pedro Adolpho and Mary F., Nov. 12, 1848. Goodhue 662 Charles Edwin, s of Charles [S.] and Harriet, Feb. 19, 1846. 670 Frank A., s of Charles [S.] and Harriet, Sept. 15, 1849 [672, 1850]. Gormely 660 Mary, da of Thomas and Mary, July 18, 1844. 662 Margaret, da of Thomas and Mary, April , 1846. 664 Thomas, s of Thomas and Mary, April 19, 1848. 671 Elizabeth, da of Thomas and Mary, Dec. 26, 1850, tt r 82 John, s of John and Elizabeth, April 17, 1700. Gould 653 Rebecca Ann, daof Nathaniel B. and Rebecca, Oct. 30, 1838. 553 Sylvester Watson, s of Nathaniel B. and Rebecca, Feb. 3, 1839. 653 John Tyler, s of David and Martha, Oct. 26, 1841. gsm. Charles A., Oct. 13, 1842. 557 Mary Eliza, da of Nathaniel B. and Rebecca W., Nov. 22, 1842. 661 Emily A., da of Nathaniel B. and Rebecca, Feb. 5, 1845. 662 Mary J. C. H., da of David and Martha, Nov. 5, 1845. 664 Mary, da of Levi and Elizabeth W. W., Oct. 15, 1846. 666 Albert W., s of Nathaniel B. and Rebecca W., July 13, 1848. 668 Charles Whittemore, s of Levi and Elizabeth W., Feb. 14, 1849. Gove 672 Blanche Herbert, da of George G. and Ann, Sept. 22, 1850. Graham 270 Hannah, da of John and Hannah, June 19, 1780. 264 John, s of John and Hannah, Nov. 11, 1785. 264 Polly, da of John and Hannah, Aug. 24, 1787. 280 Phebe, da of John and Hannah, Nov. 29, 1791. 423 Lydia, da of John and Lydia, May 14, 1818. 432 Mary, da of John and Lydia, Sept. 4, 1821. 553 James, s of John and Lydia, Sept. 21, 1828. 553 Ellen Louisa, da of John and Lydia, July 23, 1834. 32 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Grammer ; 654 Eliza B. T., da of John A. and Angeline, Feb. 20, 1842. 558 Abraham Gould, : . 6, 1843. John Adams, sons of John A. and Angeline, Aug 43 660 A[ngelina] T., da of John A. and Angeline, Sept. 20, 1844. Greaten 115 Hannah, da of John and Sarah, Aug. 23, 1728. Green (See addition, page 106.) e.c. Thomas, s of Thomas, I (2), 1653. e.c. Dorcas, da of Thomas, I (3), 1653. e.c. ——, ch. of Ralph, (11), 1653. e.c. Thomas, s of Thomas, Jr., (12), 1655. e.c. Hannah, da of Thomas, Jr., 16 (8), 1658. ec. John, s of Thomas, 26 (11), 1658. ec. Hannah, da of Thomas, Jr., 24 (12), 1659. ec. Sarah, da of John, Sept. , 1662. ’ c.c. John, s of William, Oct. , 1667. c.c. Samuel, s of Samuel, Jan. , 1667. c.c. Elizabeth, da of William, Nov. , 1668. c.c. Mary, da of John, Dec. , 1668. c.c. Thomas, s of Samuel [abt. 1669]. ec. John, sof John, April , 1670. cc. Samuel, s of Thomas, 5 (8), 1670. ec. Sarah, da of William, 11 (3), 1671. c.c, John, s of Samuel, 1 (2), 1672. ec. Henry, s of Henry [and Esther], 24 (9), 1672. c.c. John, s of John, 21 (1), 1673/4. ec. William, s of Samuel, (6), 1674. ec. Hester [Zsther], da of Henry [and Esther], [/am. 2,Sept. 3, 1674]. fam.2 Martha, da of Henry and Esther, Oct. 9, 1676. fam.2 Joseph, s of Henry and Esther, Oct. 27, 1678. fam.2 Daniel, s of Henry and Esther, Jan. 30, 1681. fam.2 Dorcas, da of Henry and Esther, Dec. 31, 1682. c.c. Lydia, da of Henry [and Esther], Aug. 11, 1685. ec. Ebenezer, s of Thomas, Aug. 16, 1686. ec. Benjamin, da of William and Elizabeth, April 28, 1687. c.c. Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Mary, Nov. 16, 1687. e.c, Jacob, s of Henry and Esther, May 9 [ fam. 2, May to], 1689. c.c. Nathaniel, s of William and Blizabeth, Sept. 28, 1689. e.c. Elizabeth, da of Thomas and Mary, Dec. 21, 1689. e.c. Isaac, s of Samuel and Mary, May 20, 1690. ° 79 Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, April 4, 1693. 78 Isaac, s of Isaac and Sarah, Dec. 27, 1694. 79 Rebecca, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, April 4, 1695. 79 William, s of Isaac and Sarah, Nov. to, 1696. 80 John, s of John and Mary, Nov. 25, 1698. 81 John, s of John and Isabel, March 20, 1699/1700. 82 Jacob, s of John and Mary, Oct. 20, 1700. 82 Joseph, s of Joseph and Hannah, Oct. 26, 17oI. 84 David, s of John and Isabel, April 9, 1702. 83 James, s of Samuel and Martha, Nov. 22, 1702. 83 Thomas, s of Thomas and Hannah, Dec. 9, 1702. 84 Mary, da of John and Mary, June 9, 1703. 85 Joanna, da of Joseph and Hannah, Oct. 1, 1703. 85 Martha, da of Samuel and Martha, Jan. 18, 1703/4. 86 Isabel, da of John and Isabel, Jan. 8, 1704/5. 86 Lydia, da of Samuel and Mary, June 25, 1705. 87 Caleb, s of John and Mary, Dec. 8, 1706. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 33 Green (continued ) 88 88 88 89 90 90 90 90 90 98 92 93 91 92 93 94 94 98 98 94 93 95 95 98 96 97 98 98 98 98 100 102 100 106 101 102 107 106 103 108 106 107 106 113 114 114 116 119 122 136 125 126 136 128 136 130 180 Jabez, s of Joseph and Hannah, July 1, 1707. John, s of Samuel and Martha, Aug. 11, 1707. Phebe, da of Samuel and Mary, Sept. 17, 1707. Elizabeth, da of William and Elizabeth, Feb. 28, 1707/8. Joshua, s of Thomas and Hannah, Sept. 14, 1708. Eunice, da of William and Elizabeth, June 21, 1709. Josias, s of Joseph and Hannah, Sept. 25, 1709. Timothy, s of Samuel and Martha, Oct. 10, 1709. Elizabeth, da of John and Mary, Dec. 12, 1709. Mary, da of Daniel and Mary, Feb. 17, 1709. Mercy, da of William and Sarah, Feb. 22, 1710. Sarah, da of William and Sarah, Sept. 13, 1711. William, s of William and Elizabeth, Dec. 16, 1711. Stephen, s of Joseph and Hannah, Feb. 6, 1711/2. Jonas, s of John and Isabel, April 14, 1713. Tabitha, da of Joseph and Hannah, March 16, 1714 [1713/4 ?]. Jonathan, s of Thomas and Hannah, April 2, 1714. Dorothy, da of Jacob and Dorothy, May 24, 1714. Hephzibah, da of William and Sarah, June 13, 1714. David, s of David and Martha, Aug. 20, 1714. Elizabeth, da of Nathaniel and Elizabeth, Nov. 3, 1714. Ezra, s of eee and Martha, Feb. 3, 1714/5. William, s of William and Elizabeth, May 17, 1715. Judith, da of Daniel and Mary, Sept. 22, 1715. Enoch, s of John and Isabel, Feb. 6, 1715/6. Martha, da of David and Martha, June 2, 1716. Catherine, da of Jacob and Dorothy, June 109, 1716. William, s of William and Sarah, July 6, 1716. Sarah, da of Daniel and Mary, Sept. 6, 1717. Mary, da of Samuel and Martha, Dec. 28, 1717. Jemima, da of Jacob and Dorothy, April 14, 1718. Elizabeth, da of David and Martha, Aug. 21, 1718. Jabez, s of Joseph and Hannah, Sept. 8, 1718. Isaac, s of Isaac and Mary, Dec. 5, 1718. Nathan, s of William and Elizabeth, Nov. 1, 1719. Sarah, da of Samuel and Martha, April 24, 1721. Phebe, da of John and Phebe, Aug. 22, 1721. Mary, da of Isaac-and Mary, Sept. 12, 1721. Daniel, s of Joseph and Hannah, Jan. 22, 1721/2. Samuel, s of Samuel and Martha, April 14, 1724. an \ sons of Jacob and Dorothy, Feb. 21, 1724. Jemima, da of John and Phebe, Jan. 18, 1725. Hannah, da of Isaac and Mary, March 22, 1725. Hannah, da of Joseph and Ruth, Aug. 8, 1727. John, s of John and Phebe, June 22, 1728. James, s of James and Ruhama, July 4, 1728. Samuel, s of Samuel and Lois, April 15, 1729. Ruhama, da of James and Ruhama, June 9, 1730. Phineas, s of Samuel and Lois, May 14, 1731. Mehitable, da of John and Phebe, Aug. 3, 1732. Jerusha, da of James and Ruhama, July 9, 1733. Lois, da of Samuel and Lois, July 2, 1734. Aaron, s of John and Phebe, June Io, 1735. Darius, s of James and Deborah, Dec. 19, 1735. Jacob, s of John and Phebe, April 24, 1736. Rowland, s of James and Deborah, Sept. Io, 1737. Lois, da of Samuel and Lois, Oct. 27, 1737. 4 34 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Green (continued) 136 134 185 139 144 146 145 148 150 156 162 164 167 167 174 174 174 259 249 246 259 249 246 259 246 248 260 255 250 280 276 262 280 276 268 280 280 293 280 293 gsm. 293 270 293 251 293 263 293 293 293 284 258 284 258 293 292 258 Catherine, da of John and Phebe, Feb. 21, 1737/8. Borradell, da of James and Deborah, Oct. 13, 1739. Chloe, da of James and Deborah, April 21, 1742. James, s of Samuel and Lois, Feb. 12, 1742/3. Ezra, s of Ezra and Eunice, Jan. 17, 1744/5. Ezra, s of Ezra and Eunice, June 23, 1740. Mary, da of Samuel and Lois, June 27, 1746. Jonas, s of Jonas and Mary, July 20, 1747. Sarah, da of Ezra and Eunice, July 11, 1749. Bernard, s of Ezra and Eunice, Jan. 15, 1752. Elizabeth, da of John and Elizabeth, Feb. 23, 1754. Lois, da of Phineas and Elizabeth, Nov. 6, 1755. Phebe, da of John and Elizabeth, March 26, 1756. Mary, da of Jonas and Mary, Oct. 3, 1756. Catherine, da of John and Elizabeth, June 6, 1758. Elizabeth, da of Phineas and Elizabeth, Nov. 23, 1760. John, s of John and Elizabeth, Dec. 27, 1760. Deborah, da of Stephen and Deborah, Dec. 12 [1760-1761]. Abigail, da of Phineas and Elizabeth, March 6, 1762. George, s of John and Elizabeth, Nov. 17, 1762. Stephen, s of Stephen and Deborah, Dec. 16, 1762. James, s of Darius and Huldah, March 2, 1763. William, s of John and Elizabeth, Nov. 8, 1764. Aaron, s of Ezra, Esq., and Mary, Jan. 2, 1765. Huldah, da of Darius and Huldah, Jan. 21, 1765. Mary, da of Phineas and Elizabeth, Feb. 6 [1765]. Nancy, da of John and Elizabeth, Oct. 14 [abt. 1765]. ponies ‘ sons of Phineas and Elizabeth, Nov, 8, 1765. > Uriah, s of Stephen and Deborah, May 11, 1767. James, s of [Phineas and Elizabeth], Aug. 28, 1768. Sabra, da of John and Elizabeth, Sept. 5 [1768]. Nehemiah, s of Stephen and Deborah, Jan. 6, 1769. Hannah, da of [Phineas and Elizabeth], Oct. 4, 1770. Susanna, da of John and Elizabeth, Dec. 7, 1770. Josiah, s of Stephen and Deborah, April 11, 1771. Ezra, s of [Phineas and Elizabeth], Dec. 7 [1772]. Joseph, s of [Phineas and Elizabeth], May [21], 1775. Polly, da of Samuel and Mary, Sept. 16, 1777. Lydia, da of [Phineas and Elizabeth], Feb. 14, 1778. Hannah, da of Samuel and Mary, Nov. 24 [1778]. James, Sept. 13, 1779. Samuel, s of Samuel and Mary, Jan. 24, 1781. [Ebenezer ? s of ——, abt. 1781.] Betsey, da of Samuel and Mary, May to, 1782. Bernard, s of Capt. Bernard and Susanna, Dec. 30, 1783. James Lanman, s of Samuel and Mary, Jan. 1, 1784. Sarah, da of Stephen and Sarah, April 20, 1785. Peter, s of Samuel and Mary, Dec. 19, 1786. Nancy, da of Phineas, Jr., and Hitty, at Lynnfield, Sept. 27, 1789. Eben, s of Phineas, Jr., and Hitty, May 8, 1791. Mary Orne, da of Capt. Bernard and Lois, Aug. 5, 1791. Jerusha, da of William and Nancy, March 17, 1792. Eunice Burrell, da of Capt. Bernard and Lois, Oct. 21, 1792. Nancy, da of William and Nancy, Oct. 11, 1793. Sally, da of Phineas, Jr., and Hitty, at Reading, May 2, 1794. Ezra, s of Capt. Bernard and Lois, Feb. 11, 1795. Nabby, da of William and Nancy, Feb. 8, 1796. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 35 Green (continued ) 293 304 285 304 287 257 297 304 297 257 304 297 257 257 310 409 408 405 408 419 555 452 452 452 555 554 452 452 450 554 452 554 659 660 661 661 662 663 Charlotte, da of Phineas, Jr., and Hitty, Feb. 16, 1796. Caroline, da of Ezra and Susanna, July 22, 1796. Mary Orne, da of Capt. Bernard and Lois, Aug. 22, 1796. James, s of Ezra and Susanna, Dec. 6, 1797. James Diman, s of Bernard, Esq., and Lois, Oct. 8, 1798. Charlotte, da of Phineas, Jr., and Hitty, at Lynnfield, Feb. 8, 1799. John Orne, s of Rev. Aaron and Eunice, May 14, 1799. Samuel, s of Ezra and Susanna, Nov. 11, 1800. George, s of Rev. Aaron and Eunice, May 12, 1801. John, s of Phineas, Jr., and Hitty, May 24, 1801. Ezra James, s of Ezra and Susanna, Oct. 15, 1802. Caroline Mackey, da of Rev. Aaron and Eunice, June 25, 1803. Phineas, 3, s of Phineas, Jr., and Hitty, Aug. 24, 1803. James, s of Phineas, Jr., and Hitty, May 17, 1805. Charles Reynolds, s of Rev. Aaron and Eunice, Dec. 28, 1806. Lowell, s of Phineas, Jr., and Mehitable, April 9, 1808. Susanna, da of James L. and Susanna, Sept. 2, 1809. Charles Reynolds, s of Rev. Aaron and Eunice, Oct. 16, 1810. Hannah, da of James L. and Susanna, Nov. 22 [1810-1813]. James Artemas, s of James L., July 12, 1816. Emily, da of Aaron and Nancy, May 24, 1829. Amanda Malvina, da of George and Nancy Malvina, April 28, 1830. Mary Spalding, da of George and Nancy Malvina, May 30, 1831. George Warren, s of George and Nancy Malvina, Aug. 16, 1833. Mary Lynde, da of Aaron and Nancy, Aug. 6, 1835. Susan Pratt, da of Levi and Sarah, July 30, 1836. Edward W.,s of Reuben and Lydia [source of information unknown], June 15, 1837. Charles, s of George and Nancy Malvina, May 21, 1838. William Simonds, s of George and Nancy Malvina, July 24, 1839. Ellen Antoinette, da of Elbridge and Fanny, Aug. 13, 1839. Joseph Henry, s of Levi and Sarah, March 21, 1840. Rebecca Elizabeth, da of George and Nancy Malvina, Jan. 11, 1841. Levi Augustus, s of Levi and Sarah, May 28, 1842. Bernard Richardson, s of Ezra and Elmina M., Dec. 28, 1843. George W., s of Alexander and Marcia, July 13, 1844. Augustus, s of Charles and Mary, Oct. 2, 1844. Joseph W., s of Levi and Sarah, Oct. 16, 1844. Elmina Minerva, da of Ezra and Elmina M., Aug. 28, 1845. Sarah E., da of Ezra and Elmina M., April 1, 1847. 664 Charles Reuben, s of Reuben and Lydia, June 14, 1847. 666 James D.,s of Ezra and Elmina M., Dec. 25, 1848. 669 Sarah E., da of Levi and Sarah, July 27, 1849. 672 George Ezra, s of Ezra and Almira [Eiminal M., Sept. 17, 1850. Greenland 85 Lydia, da of John and Lydia, Feb. 2, 1672/3. Greenleaf 261 Stephen, s of [Stephen] and Maria, March 30, 1770. Grover ec. Elizabeth, da of Thomas, 27 (10), 1652. ec. Lazarus, s of Lazarus, (10), 1665. ec. Thomas, s of Thomas, March , 1668. c.c. c.c. c.c. cc. Sarah, da of Thomas, (9), 1670. Thomas, s of Lazarus, (4), 1671. John, s of Thomas, (11), 1672. ‘Andrew, s of Thomas, Oct. , 1673. 36 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Grover (continued) c.c. C.c. c.c, C.c. 77 77 80 89 80 81 81 82 84 82 84 95 93 101 107 107 115 116 123 124 129 130 130 140 133 142 140 139 141 142 141 144 149 155 167 178 262 250 262 261 261 276 417 272 272 272 277 277 273 271 269 271 Thomas, s of Matthew [source unkn., see Bost. Recs.], Jan. 16, 1674. Hannah, da of Stephen, Feb. 6, 1685. Mary, da of Simon and Sarah, March 8, 1687. John, s of Stephen and Sarah, March 2, 1689. Simon, s of Simon and Sarah, April 16, 1691. Simon, s of Simon and Sarah, Jan, 25, 1693/4. Ebenezer, s of Lazarus and Mercy, Sept. 11, 1694. Caleb, s of Simon and Sarah, Nov. 18, 1696. John, s of Andrew and Mary, March 12, 1697/8. Thomas, s of Thomas and Mary, May 7, 1698. Joshua, s of Simon and Sarah, April 25, 1699. James, s of Andrew and Mary, Sept. 7, 1699. Lazarus, s of Thomas and Mary, July 6, 1700. John, s of Simon and Sarah, Sept. 5, 1701. Mary, da of Andrew and Mary, Sept. 26, 1701. Mary, da of Thomas and Mary, April 4, 1703. Sarah, da of Simon and Sarah, June 8, 1708. Samuel, s of Samuel and Sarah, Jan. 11, 1713/4. John, s of Samuel and Sarah, Dec. 4, 1716. Benjamin, s of Samuel and Sarah, March 9, 1721. Sarah, da of Samuel and Sarah, Oct. 7, 1725. Hannah, da of John and Hannah, Jan. 1, 1727/8. Abigail, da of Samuel and Sarah, July 18, 1729. John, s of John and Hannah, Oct. 26, 1731. Mary, da of Samuel and Sarah, Dec. 5, 1732. Simon, s of John and Hannah, Jan. 3, 1734/5. Abigail, da of John and Abigail, April 20, 1737. Samuel,'s of Samuel and Abigail, Aug. 17, 1737. Sarah, da of Samuel and Abigail, Aug. 13, 1739. Abigail, da of John and Abigail, Sept. 4, 1739. Mary, da of John and Hannah, April 7, 1742. Mary, da of Samuel and Abigail, July 27, 1742. Benjamin, s of John and Abigail, March 24, 1742. Elizabeth, da of John and Abigail, March 20, 1743/4. John, s of John and Hannah, Aug. 11, 1744. Sarah, da of John and Hannah, Oct. 12, 1744. Esther, da of John and Abigail, May 3, 1746. John, s of John and Abigail, Oct. 29, 1748. Phebe, da of John and Abigail, June 12, 1751. Lois, da of John and Abigail, April 18, 1757. Samuel, s of John and Abigail, Sept. 12, 1759. Mary, da of John and Mary, March 22 [1767]. Hannah, da of John and Margaret, Jan. 7, 1768. William, s of Benjamin and Lydia, Nov. 19, 1768. Elias, s of Benjamin and Lydia, Feb. 25, 1770. [Sarah], da of John and Margaret, —ber 21, 1770. James, s of John and Elizabeth, Jan. 27, 1771. Asa, s of John and Elizabeth [this entry made in 1816 may be an error, see 1774], March 1, 1771. John, s of John and Elizabeth, July 1, 1772. Lydia, da of John and Margaret, Nov. 21, 1772. Benjamin, s of Benjamin and [Lydia], May 21 [1773]. Asa, s of John and Elizabeth, March 1, 1774. Simon, s of John and Margaret, Sept. 13, 1774. Abigail, da of John and Margaret, July 31, 1776. Peter, s of John and Elizabeth, Oct. 12, 1776. Jeshua, s of John and Margaret, Aug. 1, 1778. Stephen, s of John and Elizabeth, April 28, 1780. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 37 Grover (continued ) a8 Abigail t das of Samuel and Rachel, May 9, 1782. 271 Lois, da of John and Elizabeth, Aug. 9, 1782. 810 Samuel, s of Samuel and Rachel, Oct. 19, 1784. 283 John, s of John and Peggy, Oct. 28, 1785. 271 Lydia, da of John and Elizabeth, March 27, 1786. 283 Peggy, da of John and Peggy, June 28, 1788. 271 Betsey, da of John and Elizabeth, May » 1789. 283 Lucy, da of John and Peggy, Oct. 19, 1790. 283 Martha, da of John and Peggy, June 21, 1793. 429 George Washington, s of John and Lois, April 1, 1818. 429 Charles Addison, s of John and Lois, April 1, 1820. 556 George Washington, s of George W. and Mary Ann, Feb. 17, 1840. 556 Andrew, s of George W. and Mary Ann, June 13, 1842. 660 ——, s of Charles and Arianna, June 15, 1844. 664 Mary Augusta, da of George W. and Mary, Sept. 19, 1846. 666 William E., s of —— and Arianna, Sept. 25, 1848. Guild 429 Hannah Griffith, da of Shubael and Hannah, March 30, 1818. Hadley 665 Nancy Ann, da of Charles and Charlotte, in Saugus, July 30, 1847. Hall 554 .Ellen Maria Sophia, da of Horatio and Elizabeth, April 17, 1842. 659 Caroline M., da of William and Drusilla, Nov. 26, 1843. 666 Mary A., da of William and Drusilla, May 19, 1848. 670 Sarah Elizabeth, da of Joel T. and Sarah A., March 19, 1849. 672 Ella A., da of William and Drusilla, Nov. 2, 1850. - 671 Horatio, Jr., s of Horatio and Elizabeth, Nov. 20, 1850. Hallowell, Hollowell 165 Edward, s of Edward and Huldah, May 14, 1733. 165 Huldah, da of Edward and Huldah, Oct. 7, 1734. 165 Bethiah, da of Edward and Huldah, Sept. 11, 1736. 165 Calvin, s of Edward and Huldah, April rr, 1739. 165 Joseph, s of Edward and Huldah, Sept. 25, 1741. 165 Hannah, da of Edward and Huldah, Nov. 20, 1743. 165 Hannah, da of Edward and Huldah, Sept. 16, 1745. ‘ 166 Mary, da of Edward and Huldah, April 26, 1748. ° 166 Samuel, s of Edward and Huldah, July 24, 1751. 166 Olive, da of Edward and Huldah, Oct. 11, 1755. Hanscom 667 Josephine, da of Nathan and Sarah, Sept. 26, 1848. Harding 659 Hannah H., da of William H. and Hannah, Dec. 4, 1843. Harlow 659 William Henry, s of William and Rosa L. [error in record for Rosa- linda], May 27, 1843. ‘ 661 Mary E., da of William and Rose L. [error in record for Rosalinda], Nov. 23, 1844. 663 Charles, s of William [and Rosalinda], Feb. 23, 1846. Harnden 121 Rebecca, da of Ebenezer and Rebecca, Nov. 14[error in year ?], 1703. 121 Mary, da of Ebenezer and Rebecca, March 25, 1704. 121 Ebenezer, s of Ebenezer and Rebecca, June 16, 1705. 38 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS ° Harnden (continued ) 121 Susanna, da of Ebenezer and Rebecca, Nov. 16, 1707. 121 John, s of Ebenezer and Rebecca, Oct. 2, 1720. 156 Esther, da of John and Esther, June 20, 1745. 156 Rebecca, da of John and Esther, Dec. I0, 1747. 156 Ebenezer, s of John and Esther, March 20, 1750. 169 John, s of John and Esther, March 2, 1757. 270 Mary, da of Ebenezer, Jr., and Mary, June 14, 1778. 270 Elizabeth, da of Ebenezer, Jr., and Mary, July 4, 1780. 263 Ebenezer, s of Ebenezer and Mary, Nov. 15, 1782. 264 Lydia, da of Ebenezer and Mary, Aug. 9, 1788. 283 John, s of Ebenezer and Mary, Aug. 25, 1792. 283 Lydia, da of Ebenezer and Mary, May 14, 1794. 295 Hannah Hills, da of Ebenezer and Mary, Nov. 9, 1800. 405 Ebenezer, 3, s of Ebenezer, Jr., and Elizabeth, Oct. 23, 1807. 405 William Parker, s of Ebenezer, Jr., and Elizabeth, March 30, 1809. 408 James Madison, s of Ebenezer, Jr., and Elizabeth, Oct. 26, 1811. 421 George W.,s of Ebenezer, Jr., and Elizabeth, June 1, 1816. 553 John Josiah, s of John and Ursula, July 25, 1824. 553 Mary Elizabeth, da of John and Ursula, April 3 [ g.s. April 5], 1826. 553 Louisa, da of John and Ursula, March 30, 1830. 553 John Green, s of John and Ursula, Nov. 2, 1837. Harrison 664 Adeline A., da of Alfred and Ellen, Feb. 27, 1847. Hart 661 George, s of William and Betsey, Dec. 7, 1844. Hartwell 652 Francis Edwin, s of Otis and Sarah, Aug. Io, 1841. Harvell 88 James, s of James and Mary, Feb. 16, 1705/6. 89 Mary, da of James and Mary, Jan. 3, 1707/8. 91 John, s of James and Mary, May 25, 1711. 125 James, s of James and Sarah, Sept. 7, 1733. 130 James, s of James and Sarah, Dec. 23, 1736. Harvey 661 Sarah Jane, da of James M. and Sarah, Jan. 9, 1845. 664 James M.,s of James M. and Sarah J., Jan. 3, 1847. Hasey 92 Joseph, s of Jacob and Abigail, Feb. 24, 1711/2. Haskins, Hoskins 253 Nancy, da of William and Rebecca, Sept. 7, 1791. 253 William, s of William and Rebecca, Nov. 24 [1796]. 296 Clarissa, da of William and Rebecca, Nov. 5, 1798. 296 John P., s of William and Rebecca, Feb. 27, 1803. 257 Benjamin, s of William and Rebecca, Dec. 24, 1804. Hatch 246 Catherine, da of Naler and Martha, Dec. 25, 1765. 261 [Reuben], s of Naler and Martha, July 3, 1770. 276 Asa, s of Asa and Phebe, Aug. 30, 1771. 272 Nathaniel, s of Naler and Martha, June 26, 1772. 277 Phebe, da of [Asa] and Phebe, Nov. 26 [abt. 1773]. 270 Naler, s of Naler and Elizabeth, Aug. 25, 1775. 809 Reuben, s of Nathaniel and Sarah, Jan. 11, 1803. 309 Sarah, da of Nathaniel and Sarah, Sept. 13, 1804. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 39 Hatch (continued) 406 Samuel, s of Nathaniel and Sarah, March Io, 1809. 406 Anna, da of Nathaniel and Sarah, May 15, 1811. 426 Martha, da of Nathaniel and Sarah, Nov. 13, 1814. 426 John, s of Nathaniel and Sarah, Sept. 20, 1819. 552 Ellen Amanda, da of Samuel and Sarah Ann, Aug. 19, 1842. 659 Emma Wise, da of Reuben and Sarah, Oct. 22, 1843. 663 Emeline, da of Reuben and Sarah, Oct. 14, 1846. Haven 412 Claudius Albert, s of Jotham, May 23, 1813. 412 Elizabeth Coolidge, da of Gilbert, July 4, 1814. 439 Hannah B., da of Gilbert and Hannah, Sept. 13, 1816. 425 Bethia Gardner, da of Gilbert and Hannah, Jan. 4, 1819. 431 Gilbert, s of Gilbert and Hannah, Sept. 19 [ g.s. 21], 1821. 439 Andrew Jackson Sprague, s of Gilbert and Hannah, Oct. 10, 1823. 439 Benjamin Franklin, s of Gilbert and Hannah, March 4, 1826. 439 Wilbur Fiske, s of Gilbert and Hannah, Sept. 23, 1828. 439 Mary Burrill, da of Gilbert and Hannah, Sept. 7, 1830. 443 Anne Storer, da of Gilbert and Hannah, March 31, 1832. Hawes 669 Henry S., s of Nathaniel and Eliza, in Lowell, Sept. 3, 1849. Hazelton g.s. Lajuna, da of Marston and Sally, in Middleboro’, Dec. 14, 1843. Hemenway, Hemingway 309 Israel, s of Israel, at Stoneham, Feb. 25, 1796. 309 Francis, s of Israel, at Stoneham, Nov. 29, 1798. 809 Joseph, s of Israel and Charity, Aug. 21, 1802. 309 Joshua, s of Israel and Charity, Nov. 19, 1804. 437 Hannah, da of Francis and Hannah, April 9, 1823. 4387 George, s of Francis and Hannah, Jan. 1, 1825. Henry 670 Mary, da of Bernard and Sarah, Dec. 12, 1849. Hett ec. Israel, s of Thomas, (1), 1653/4. Higgins 426 Reuben Coombs, s of Enoch A. and Nancy, June 14, 1818. 426 David, s of Enoch A. and Nancy, Feb. 8, 1820. 659 George Allen, sof Moses P. and Eliza Ann, Dec. 16, 1843. 661 Mary A., da of Reuben C. and Mary, Jan. 22, 1845. 662 Henry N., s of Moses and Eliza, June 25, 1845. 666 Josephine, da of David and Mary B., May 27, 1848. 670 Reuben H.,.s of Reuben C. and Mary J., Sept. 22, 1849. 672 Mary Emma, da of Thomas and Catherine, Jan. 9, 1850. Hill e.c. Sarah, da of Abraham, (8), 1649. c.c. Mary, da of Abraham, (3), 1652. ec. Jacob, s of Abraham, (1), 1656/7. e.c. Isaac, s of Isaac, June , 1670. ec. Abraham, s of Abraham, Aug. , 1670. e.c. Mary, da of Abraham, (6), 1673. c.c. Tamazin, da of Isaac, Dec. 11, 1685. ec. Abraham, s of Isaac and Sarah, March 22, 1688 [1687/8]. 77 Isaac, s of Isaac and Sarah, Dec. 1, 1693. 88 Eunice, da of Zachariah and Judith, Feb. 11, 1706/7. 40 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Hill (continued ) 91 91 95 94 95 96 100 104 113 144 151 159 165 165 173 269 270 270 286 286 286 286 286 286 286 295 296 297 306 305 417 + 493 441 440 442 449 445 449 452 449 449 A52 452 558 660 662 669 Hills c.c. c.c. c.c. C.c. c.c. c.c. C.c. c.c. c.c. Jacob, s of Moses and Sarah, Aug. 9, 1710. Abraham, s of Abraham and Abigail, Nov. 18, 1711. Tabitha, da of Moses and Sarah, July 13, 1712. Samuel, s of Abraham and Abigail, Oct. 17, 1714. Sarah, da of Moses and Sarah, Dec. 4, 1714. Abigail, da of Abraham and Abigail, Oct. 26, 1716. John, s of Moses and Sarah, June Io, 1718. Isaac, s of Moses and Sarah, March 30, 1723. Mary, da of Abraham and Abigail, April 20, 1728. Charles, s of Isaac and Sarah, April 5, 1746. Lydia, da of Isaac and Sarah, Feb. 26, 1749/50. Elizabeth, da of Isaac and Sarah, March 11, 1753. Sarah, da of Isaac and Sarah, Sept. 29, 1754. Charles, s of Isaac and Sarah, Feb. 21, 1756. Mercy, da of Isaac and Sarah, Dec. 1, 1758. Charles, s of Charles and Mary, Oct. 11, 1778. Isaac, s of Charles and Mary, May 16, 1780. John Dexter, s of Charles and Mary, Dec. 23, 1781. Polly, da of Charles and Mary, Jan. 28, 1784. Sally, da of Charles and Mary, Nov. 3, 1785. Lydia, da of Charles and Mary, Jan. 13, 1788. Patty, da of Charles and Mary, Jan. 7, 1790. Rebecca Wait, da of Charles and Mary, Dec. 7, 1791. Patty, da of Charles and Mary, Nov. 28, 1793. Benjamin Goodwin, s of Charles and Mary, Dec. 1, 1795. Hannah, da of Charles, Jr., and Hannah, July 9, 1800. Charles, 3, s of Charles, Jr., and Hannah, Sept. 2, 1802. Mary, da of Charles and Hannah, June 28, 1804. Mary, da of Isaac and Mary, Jan. 3 [abt. 1808]. Moses, s of Charles and Hannah, May Io, 1808. Aaron Green, s of Charles and Phebe, Sept. 19, 1816. Elizabeth, da of Isaac and Mary, Dec. 20, 1817. John Sprague, s of Isaac and Phebe, Dec. 25, 1828. George Goodwin, s of Benjamin G. and Martha, June 14, 1829. William Henry, s of Benjamin Goodwin and Martha, Dec. 28, 1830. Ellen M., da of Isaac and Phebe, Feb. 15, 1831. Charles Augustus, s of Benjamin G. [and Martha], June 17, 1834. Joshua M., s of Isaac and Phebe, Aug. 24, 1834. Isaac Adelbert, s of Benjamin G., and Martha, Sept. 27, 1836. James White, s of Benjamin G. and Martha, Aug. 25, 1838. - Abraham G., s of Isaac and Phebe, April 9, 1839. Martha Elizabeth, da of Benjamin G. and Martha, Sept. 14, 1840. James Green, s of Aaron G. and Helen M., Oct. 27, 1841. Helen Maria, da of Aaron G. and Helen M., Jan. 9, 1843. Hannah C., da of Aaron G. and Helen, Aug. 12, 1844. Mary Caroline, da of Benjamin G. and Martha M., Nov. 5, 1845. Lucy F., da of Aaron G. and Helen M., March 21, 1850. Samuel, s of Joseph, (5), 1652. Nathaniel, s of Joseph, 19 (10), 1653. Joseph, s of Joseph, Jr., (8), 1655. Deborah, da of Joseph, Sen., (1), 1656/7. Hannah, da of Joseph, Jr., (1), 1656/7. Abigail, da of Joseph, Sen., 6 (8), 1658. John, s of Joseph, (1), 1666. i Dorothy, da of Joseph, 13 (2), 1667. Samuel, s of Joseph, Dec. —, 1667. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 4I Hills (continued ) c.c. Elizabeth, da of Gershom, Feb. , 1668. c.c. c.c. 79 102 80 102 103 103 89 90 95 96 100 100 103 145 150 158 158 161 166 170 175 259 262 276 Mary, da of Gershom, (1), 1671/2. Joseph, s of Joseph, 3 (5), 1674. John, s of Samuel and Sarah, May 13, 1695. John, s of Samuel and Sarah, May 20, 1696. Hannah, da of Samuel and Sarah, Oct 10, 1697. Jabez, s of Samuel and Sarah, June 4, 1699. Ebenezer, s of Samuel and Sarah, Feb. 15, 1700/1. Samuel, s of Samuel and Sarah, July 16, [1692 07 1702]. Benjamin, s of Benjamin and Mary, March 6, 1707/8. Mary, da of Benjamin and Mary, April 2, 1710. Elizabeth, da of Benjamin and Mary, Dec. 26, 1712. Martha, da of Benjamin and Mary, March 21, 1714/5. .Ebenezer, s of Ebenezer and Margaret, April 23, 1719. Thomas, s of Benjamin and Mary, April 25, 1719. Sarah, da of Ebenezer and Margaret, Aug. 23, 1722. Benjamin, s of Thomas and Sarah, Oct. 6, 1746. Ebenezer, s of Thomas and Sarah, May 4, 1748. Benjamin, s of Thomas and Mary, Feb. 10, 1750/1. John, s of Thomas and Mary, Dec. 28, 1752. Mary, da of Thomas and Mary, Dec. 3, 1754. Sarah, da of Thomas and Mary, Jan. 26, 1757. Nathan, s of Thomas and Mary, April 18, 1759. Nathan, s of Thomas and Mary, June 27, 1761. Martha, da of Thomas and Mary, May 12 [1763]. , s of Thomas [abt. 1768]. Elizabeth, da of Thomas and Mary, Nov. 5, 1771. Hitchcock 663 Linda, da of De Witt C. and Mary, Oct. 23, 1848. Hitchings g.8. 269 289 300 300 300 300 300 413 300 413 415 411 415 413 429 431 429 430 557 661 666 James, at Marblehead, Jan. 14, 1773. Lucy, da of William and Rebecca, Jan. 7, 1776. Sally, da of James and Susanna, Aug. 20 [1795]. James, s of James and Susanna, Oct. 16, 1798. Susanna, da of James and Susanna, March 4, 1800. George, s of James and Susanna, Feb. 27, 1802. John, s of James and Susanna, Feb. 14, 1804. Hannah, da of James and Susanna, Feb. 2 [1806]. Ebenezer Herring, s of Daniel and Betsey, at Boston, March 28, 1808. William, s of James and Susanna, May 30 [1808]. Betsey, da of Daniel and Betsey, at Boston, April 11, 1810. Nancy, da of James and Susan, May 22, 1811. Emeline, da of Daniel and Betsey, Nov. 10, 1811. Nathan, s. of James and Susan, Aug. 21, 1813. Rebecca Wade, da of Daniel and Betsey, Oct. 27, 1814. Daniel, s of Daniel and Betsey, Dec. 19, 1816. Franklin, s of James and Susan, Feb. 1, 1818. Edward Wade, s of Daniel and Betsey, Jan. 31, 1819. Martha, da of Daniel and Betsey, Dec. 2, 1820. Clara Ann, da of William and Mary H., May 6, 1842. Mary A., da of William and Mary H., April 29, 1845. Theresa A., da of William and Mary H., July 30, 1848. Holden 3807 285 Daniel, s of Daniel and Eliza, Nov. 19, 1792. Aaron, s of Nathan and Esther, Sept 30, 1797. 42 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Holden (continued ) aut ele Tone sons of Nathan and Esther, Nov. 1, 1799. 302 Ezra, s of Ezra and Phebe, April 15, 1805. 306 Jesse, s of Jesse and Sally, Dec. 5, 1806. 299 Phebe, da of Ezra and Phebe, May 27, 1807. 306 Elisha, s of Jesse and Sally, July 31, 1808. 430 Esther, da of Jesse and Sarah, Oct. 7, 1809. 405 Sally Dyer, da of Jesse and Sally, March 29, 1810. 410 Eliza [error for Eli], s of Ezra and Phebe, May 7, 1810. 410 Alvin [error for Alva], s of Jesse and Sarah, Dec. 22, 1811. 410 Dana, s of Ezra and Phebe, Oct. 20, 1812. 410 Elijah, s of Jesse and Sarah, Jan. 18, 1814. 414 Mary, da of Ezra and Phebe, April 13, 1815. 418 Sarah, da of Jesse and Sarah, June 25, 1815. 422 Dorcas, da of Nathan, 2, and Dorcas, March 30, 1816. 420 Hannah Sargent, da of Ezra and Phebe, July 3, 1817. 420 Elizabeth, da of Jesse and Sally, Sept. 24, 1817. 422 Nancy, da of Nathan, 2, and Dorcas, Sept. 30, 1817. 427 William, s of Nathan and Dorcas, Oct. 6, 1819. 430 Maria Hussey, da of Ezra and Phebe, Dec. 18, 1820. 438 David Jones, s of Jesse [and Sally], Aug. 9, 1822. 445 Webster Dana, s of Ezra, Jr., and Lucy, May 25, 1833. 445 Mary Lynde, da of Eli and Phebe, Dec. 24, 1833. 447 John Prescott, s of Ezra, Jr., and Lucy, April 28, 1836. 448 Elvina Louisa, da of Dana and Almira, May 25, 1837. 449 Malcolm [changed to Howard Malcolm by order of Probate Court, Oct. 9, 1855], s of Eli and Phebe, Aug. 28, 1837. 449 Ellen Maria, da of Eli and Phebe, July 16, 1830. 550 Edwin Buckingham, s of Nathan W. and Harriet, Nov. 9, 1839. 550 Harriet Augusta, da of Nathan W. and Harriet, Dec. 19, 1841. 550 Ellen Richardson, da of Nathan W. and Harriet, Jan. 21, 1842. 660 Ellen Maria, da of Elijah and Hannah, April 3, 1844. 661 ——, da of Ezra, Jr., and Lucy, April 12, 1845. 664 Charles S.,s of Nathan W. and Harriet, July 20, 1847. 672 Carrie Leslie, da of Nathan W. and Harriet, Nov. 15, 1850. Holliday 668 Margaret E., da of George and Elizabeth, Aug. 11, 1848. Holt 428 Cyrus Lewis, s of Amasa and Lucretia, Dec. 23, 1819. 436 Amasa Parker, s of Amasa and Lucretia, Sept. 11, 1821. 436 Samuel Farley, s of Amasa and Lucretia, June 12, 1823. Homer 550 James Bartlett, s of James B. and Adeline, Oct. 11, 1835. 550 Louisa Agnes, da of James B. and Adeline, Feb. 28, 1839. 659 Augustus B., s of James B. and Adeline, Jan. 6, 1844. Hopkins 451 Thomas Sargent, s of Azariah and Lucy Ann, Sept. 18, 1837. 451 Thomas Sargent, s of Azariah and Lucy Ann, April 2, 1840. 667 James A., s of Nathaniel and Hannah K. [664, Nov. 6], Sept. 6, 1847. Hosmer 557 Sarah Augusta, da of Calvin and Sarah, Dec. 27, 1842. 661 Mary L., da of Calvin and Sarah, Feb. 19, 1845. Hough g.s. John H.,s of John and Luranah, Nov. 14, 1838. g.s. Joseph Y., s of John and Luranah, Oct. 20, 1840. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 43 Houghton 669 Emma Frances, da of George and Peliva, in Cambridge, Aug. 6, 1850. Hovey 87 James, s of James and Deborah, Sept. 24, 1695. 87 Deborah, da of James and Deborah, April 2, 1697. 87 Edmund, s of James and Deborah, July 10, 1699. 87 John, s of James and Deborah, Feb. ‘, 1700. 87 Mary, da of James and Deborah, Dec. , 1702. 87 Joseph, s of James and Deborah, Feb. 6, 1704/5. 87 Thomas, s of James and Deborah, Feb. 1, 1706/7. 87 Priscilla, da of James and Deborah, Dec. 11, 1708. 87 Daniel, s of James and Deborah, Dec. 7, 1710. 93 Samuel, s of James and Deborah, April 29, 1713. 95 Abigail, da of James and Deborah, March 15, 1714/5. 111 James, s of James and Elizabeth, June 21, 1719. 111 Elizabeth, da of James and Elizabeth, Sept. 18, 1723. 111 Mary, da of James and Elizabeth, Oct. 24, 1727. 119 John, s of James and Elizabeth, Oct. 23, 1730. 136 Joseph, s of James and Elizabeth, June ro, 1739. Howard, Haward, Hayward ec, Martha, da of Samuel, 15 (1), 1652/3. c.c. Mary, da of Samuel, (6), 1654. ec. Sarah, da of Samuel, (12), 1655. ec. Elizabeth, da of Samuel, 25 (7), 1658. ec. Ann, da of Samuel, March , 1669. ec. Samuel, s of Samuel, (12), 1671. 84 Jonathan, s of Jonathan and Elizabeth, June 8, 1691. 78 Elizabeth, da of Jonathan and Elizabeth, Dec. 24, 1695. 111 Jonathan, s of Jonathan and Mary, May 23, 1699. 84 Nathaniel, s of Jonathan and Elizabeth, July 30, 1700. 128 David, s of Jeremiah and Hannah, Sept. 7, 1715. 98 Anne, da of Jonathan and Anne, March 9, 1716. 128 Abigail, da of Jeremiah and Hannah, July 31, 1717. 118 Anna, da of Jonathan and Mercy, Aug. 23, 1719. 128 Sarah, da of Jeremiah and Hannah, Jan. 13, 1720/1. 113 Lydia, da of Jonathan and Mercy, April 21, 1722. 113 Jonathan, s of Jonathan and Mercy, May 9, 1724. 105 Phebe, da of Nathaniel and Lydia, Dec. 27, 1724. 129 Ebenezer, s of Jeremiah and Hannah, Jan. 14, 1724/5. 113 Joseph, s of Jonathan and Mercy, March 18, 1726. 129 Jeremiah, s of Jeremiah and Hannah, Aug. 15, 1727. 110 Nathaniel, s of Nathaniel and Lydia, Sept. 17, 1727. 112 Mary, da of Jonathan and Mary, Oct. 7, 1727. 139 Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, May 29, 1728. 129 Joseph, s of Jeremiah and Hannah, Feb. 11, 1728/9. 121 Lois, da of Jonathan and Mary, June 15, 1729. 139 Phebe, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, Dec. 21, 1729. 123 Nathaniel, s of Nathaniel and Lydia, Jan. 9, 1730. 123 Sarah, da of Samuel and Abigail, Sept. 23, 1731. 139 Samuel, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Oct. 10, 1731. 122 Jabez, s of Jonathan and Mercy, Nov. 8, 1731. 125 Nathan, s of Jonathan and Mercy, Oct. 22, 1733. 139 James, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Nov. 1, 1733. 139 Anna, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, Nov. 23, 1735. 131 David, s of David and Sarah, Aug. 5, 1738. 139 Phineas, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Jan. 23, 1738. 133 Amos, s of Nathaniel and Lydia, April 24, 17309. 139 Samuel, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Oct. 3, 1739. 44 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Howard, Haward, Hayward (continued) 148 140 171 171 169 171 265 272 248 275 250 265 250 272 250 250 250 272 261 261 272 276 267 295 277 267 280 267 267 298 280 280 298 279 280 266 279 289 g.8. 279 289 279 308 289 258 308 295 295 296 257 302 308 257 257 308 419 308 James, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Sept. 5, 1743. Ezra, s of Nathaniel and Lydia, Jan. 12, 1743/4. Rebecca, da of Joseph and Rebecca, Feb. 7, 1753. Joseph, s of Joseph and Rebecca, April 21, 1756. William, s of Jonathan and Winifred, March 3, 1757. Phineas, s of Joseph and Rebecca, Sept. 4, 1758. Samuel, s of Samuel, Jr., and Elizabeth, Sept. 9 [1763]. Amos, s of Amos and Hannah, Nov. 3, 1763. John, s of John and Sarah, March 30, 1764. Jabez, s of Jonathan and Winifred, June 22, 1764. Mercy, da of Joseph and Rebecca [Aug. 14, 1764]. Phineas, s of Samuel, Jr., and Elizabeth, March 21, 1765. Ebenezer, s of John and Persis, Dec. 10, 1765. Elizabeth, da of Amos and Hannah, Dec. 25, 1766. (Asa], s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Feb. 16, 1767. Persis, da of John and Persis, April 11, 1767. Dorcas, da of Joseph and Rebecca [Sept. 6, 1767]. Phebe, da of Amos and Hannah, June 19, 1768. Jonathan, s of John and Persis, June 2 [1769]. Joseph, s of Joseph and Rebecca, Dec. 14, 1760. Lydia, da of Amos and Hannah, May 25 [1771]. Rachel, da of Ezra and Sarah, Nov. 3, 1771. [James, s of James and Lydia], Sept. 4, 1773. Lois, da of Ezra and Sarah, Sept. 14, 1774. Phebe, da of Joseph and Rebecca, Feb. 4, 1775. Samuel, s of James and [Lydia], May 26, 1775. Nathaniel, s of Amos and Hannah, Dec. 10, 1776. Phebe, da of James and Lydia [died soon], March 17 [1777]. Phebe, da of James and Lydia, March 17 [1779]. Eunice, da of Ezra and Sarah, Sept. 19, 1780. Mary, da of Amos and Hannah, Feb. 4, 1782. Nancy, da of Amos and Hannah, Feb. [7], 1785. Sarah, da of Ezra and Sarah, Oct. 22, 1785. Sally, da of John and Huldah, Oct. 11, 1786, Jerusha, da of Amos and Hannah, Nov. 29, 1787. Jabez, s of Jabez and Betsey, March 23, 1788. Sally, da of John and Huldah, Sept. 22, 1788. Winifred, s of Jabez and Betsey, Oct. 25, 1791. James [s. of Amos and Atalanta], Nov. 23, 1791. John, s of John and Huldah, March 5, 1792. Jonathan, s of Jabez and Betsey, May 29, 1794. Nancy, da of John and Huldah, Jan. 12, 1795. Lydia, da of Joseph and Lydia, Nov. 12, 1795. Phebe, da of Jabez and Betsey, March [8], 1796. Betsey, da of James and Elizabeth, Sept. 11, 1796. Joseph, s of Joseph and Lydia, April 8, 1797. Phebe, da of James and Betsey, Sept. 10, 1798. Samuel, Jr., s. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Jan. 2. 1799. James, 3, s of James and Elizabeth, July 9, 1800. Lydia Porter, da of James and Elizabeth, March 22, 18or. Huldah, da of John and Huldah, Sept. 28, 1801. John, s of Joseph and Lydia, Oct. 26, 1801. Joseph Porter, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, June 23, 1802. Thompson, s of James and Elizabeth, April 24, 1803. Charles, s of Joseph and Lydia, June 8, 1803. Nathaniel, Eliza [Atalanta], Nathaniel, s of Nathaniel and Mary, Jan. 11, 1804. chn of Amos and Atalanta, June 13, 1803. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 45 Howard, Haward, Hayward (continued) 257 415 419 414 409 415 414 414 409 414 419 418 422 422 420 428 419 423 428 426 433 438 449 555 449 442 441 555 449 442 555 555 555 555 556 655 Warren, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Feb. 5, 1805. Susan, da of James and Elizabeth, Oct. 6, 1805. George, s of Amos and Atalanta, Nov. 20, 1806. Mary, da of Samuel and Betsey, May 5, 1807. Henry, s of Nathaniel and Mary, July 26, 1807. James, s of James and Elizabeth, Dec. 3, 1807. Lowell, s of Samuel and Betsey, June 23, 1809. Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Betsey, Jan. 3, 1812. Caleb, s of Nathaniel and Mary, Jan. 20, 1842. Clarissa, da of Samuel and Betsey, Jan. 23, 1814. Hannah, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, April 3, 1816. Reuben Cooms, s of Jabez and Rebecca A., Aug. 16, 1816. Rebecca Green, da of James, 2, and Mary, May 12, 1817. Rebecca, da of Jabez and Rebecca Allen, July 30, 1817. Elbridge, s of Nathaniel and Mary, Sept. 20, 1817. Nancy, da of John and Abigail, Jan. 26, 1818. Charles [s of Samuel and Elizabeth], Feb. 6, 1818. Maria, da of William and Ann Maria, Nov. 24, 1818. Abigail, da of John and Abigail, Oct. 14, 1819. Elisha Baker, s of Jabez and Rebecca, Feb. 1, 1820. Avaline, da of Nathaniel and Mary, June 23, 1820. Amelia, da of Nathaniel and Mary, July 15, 1823. Samuel, 3, s of Samuel, Jr., and Lucinda, Aug. 10, 1826. Henry Hubbard, s of Nathaniel, 2 [3], and Cynthia, Jan. 13, 1828. Sylvester, s of Samuel, Jr., and Lucinda, Jan. 24, 1828. James Benson, s of James and Mary, April 24, 1828. Harriet Sophia, da of Nathaniel, 2, and Sophia Green, July 18, 1829. Cynthia, da of Nathaniel, 2 [3], and Cynthia, Feb. 4, 1830. Avery Briggs, s of Samuel, Jr., and Lucinda, Sept. 29, 1831. Mary [A.], da of James and Mary, Oct. 1, 1831. Nathaniel Austin, s of Nathaniel, 2 [3], and Cynthia, July 25, 1833. Charles Stillman, s of James, 2, and Mary F., Nov. 24, 1833. James Warren, s of James, 2, and Mary F., Aug. 2, 1836. Edmund Wilbur, s of James, 2, and Mary F., Nov. 5, 1838. Harriet Emeline, da of Nathaniel and Sophia, June 16, 1840. James Rowland, s of James, 2, and Mary F., Feb. 15, 1841. 657 Eveline, da of Caleb and Laura, May 1, 1842. 557 Mary Eliza, da of James, 2, and Mary F., Jan. 20, 1843. 662 George Warren, s of James and Mary F., Jan. 2, 1846. 664 Atalanta Emerson, da of Nathaniel and Sophia, July 22, 1846. 664 Joseph Edward, s of Joseph and Sarah Jane, Nov. 3, 1846. 663 Joseph E., s of Joseph and Sarah, Dec. 2, 1846. 668 Walter Truman, s of Caleb and Lora, March 20, 1849. Howe 556 Francis Edward, s of Francis D. and Sophia B., April 8, 1834. 556 Minerva Clinton, da of Francis D. and Sophia B., Jan. 13, 1838. 661 Charles, s of Francis D. and Sophia, March 28, 1845. Hoyt 659 A. D. Lewis, s of Lewis, Dec. 13, 1843. Hunt 301 Thomas, s of Thomas and Mary, April 15, 1801. 301 Sally Grey, da of Thomas and Mary, June 21, 1802. 801 Mary, da of Thomas and Mary, Jan. 13, 1805. 424 David Augustus, s of Joseph and Phebe, Aug. 26. 1819. 431 George Lockhart, s of Joseph and Phébe, Dec. 27, 1821. 46 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Hunt (continued) ae eee i chn of Joseph and Phebe, June 9, 1824. 439 Susan Ellen, da of Joseph and Phebe, Dec. 29, 1828. Huntress 418 Francis Currer, s of Enoch and Abigail, Feb. 16, 1815. Hurd 431 Charles, s of Charles and Rachel, Jan. 4, 1821. Hutchins 558 Mary Frances, da of David and Sarah Ann, May 29, 1843. 662 John Guilford, s of David and Sarah Ann, Nov. 28, 1845. 666 George T.,s of David and Sarah Ann, Oct. 29, 1848. Hutchinson 90 Mary, da of John and Mary, Nov. 7, 1708. 92 Mehitable, da of John and Mary, Jan. 2, 1711/2. 99 Sarah, da of John and Mary, June 29, 1715. 99 John, s of John and Mary, Nov. 25, 1717. 103 Phebe, da of John and Mary, May 5, 1724. Imperfect Records 555 William Henry ——, May 28, 1833. 655 Eliza Ann ——, April 9, 1840. [Apparently of same parents.] Ingalls wie ie sons of Nathaniel and Mercy, July 28, 1763. 2 Treson 557 David Albert, s of Henry J. and Mary Ann, May 23, 1842. Irish 666 Anna L., da of F[rancis] O. and Caroline E., July 17, 1848. 671 Frank A., s of Flrancis] O. and Caroline, Aug. 7, 1850. Jackson 445 John, s of Jobn and Mary C., Dec. 25, 1817. 650 Emeline Matilda, da of Isaac and Jane, June 29, 1842. Jenkins e.c. Lemuel, s of Lemuel, (1), 1671/2. c.c. Sarah, da of Obadiah, March 9, 1685. e.c. Anna, da of Obadiah and Mary, Oct. 29, 1687. e.c. Obadiah, s of Obadiah and Mary, April 4, 1690. 79 Nathaniel, s of Lemuel and Mercy, March 9, 1695. 79 Elizabeth, da of Lemuel and Mercy, Oct. 1, 1696. 81 Elizabeth, da of Lemuel and Mercy, June 22, 1699. 83 Joseph, s of Lemuel and Mercy, Nov. 11, 1701. 83 Mary, da of Lemuel and Mary [error for Mercy], Oct. 2, 1702. 85 Abigail, da of Lemuel and Mercy, Nov. 2, 1703 89 Margaret, da of Ezekiel and Margaret, Dec. 7, 1706. 89 Sarah, da of Lemuel and Mercy, Oct. 21, 1707. 94 Ezekiel, s of Ezekiel and Margaret, July 5, 1709. 112 Nathaniel, s of Nathaniel and Sarah, May 4, 1721. 102 Benjamin, s of Obadiah and Mary, Dec. 21, 1721. 112 Lemuel, s of Nathaniel and Sarah, March 7, 1724. 112 Thomas, s of Nathaniel and Sarah, June 6, 1727. 119 Elizabeth, da of Nathaniel and Sarah, May 9, 1730. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 47 Jenkins (continued) 124 125 125 126 126 130 129 132 1384 134 138 ~ 138 142 150 154 157 160 161 168 168 170 246 248 246 255 265 250 261 272 274 271 Joseph, s of Joseph and Jemima, March 29, 1732. Phebe, da of Ezekiel and Phebe, June 21, 1733. Sarah, da of Nathaniel and Sarah, Sept. 4, 1733. Jemima, da of Joseph and Jemima, July 2, 1734. Margaret, da of Ezekiel and Phebe, Aug. 28, 1734. Lemuel, s of Nathaniel and Sarah, June 12, 1736. Ezekiel, s of Ezekiel and Phebe, Oct. 17, 1736. Mary, da of Ezekiel and Phebe, Oct. 25, 1738. Edward, s of Ezekiel and Phebe, June 19, 1740. John, s of Nathaniel and Sarah, July 30, 1740. Tied t das of Joseph and Jemima, March 7, 1740. Dorothy, da of Ezekiel and Phebe, Sept. 4, 1742. Lois, da of Ezekiel and Phebe, July 2, 1744. Ezra, s of Ezekiel and Phebe, March 21, 1746/7. Nathaniel, s of Nathaniel and Abigail, Aug. 21, 1750. Samuel, s of Nathaniel and Abigail, Dec. 12, 1751. Phebe, da of Ezekiel and Phebe, April 9, 1753. Sarah, da of Nathaniel and Abigail, Aug. 25, 1754. Abigail, da of Nathaniel and Abigail, March 9, 1756. Phebe, da of Nathaniel and Abigail, July 30, 1757. Obadiah, s of Nathaniel and Abigail, Dec. 21, 1758. William, s of Nathaniel and Abigail, Sept. 6, 1761. Margaret, da of Ezekiel and Margaret, April 25, 1763. Enoch, s of Nathaniel and Abigail [Aug. 16, abt. 1763]. Mary, da of Ezekiel and Margaret, July 25 [1765]. John, s of John and Hannah, Jan. 13, 1766. Lois, da of Ezekiel and Margaret, Aug. 2, 1767. Ezra, s of [Ezekiel and Margaret], [abt. 1770]. Susanna, da of Ezekiel and Margaret, May 31 [1773]. Elizabeth, da of Ezekiel and Margaret, July 2 [1775]. Nancy, da of Joseph and Phebe, Nov. 4, 1779. Jenness 453 453 453 555 458 453 666 453 Samuel [Davis], s of James M. and Lucinda, Dec. 29, 1832. Oliver Cousens, s of James M. and Lucinda, Aug. 4, 1837. Thomas Jefferson, s of James M. and Lucinda, May 25, 1839. Thomas, s of James and Lucinda, May 25, 1841. [This entry is probably an error. See the preceding.] Joseph Morton, s of James M. and Lucinda, Feb. 17, 1843. Emily Maria, da of James M. and Lucinda, March 8, 1846. Elwin G., s of James and Lucinda, Jan. 29, 1849. [This entry was made in 1849. Name changed as in the next entry.] George Andrew, s of James M. and Lucinda, Jan. 29, 1849. [This entry was made in 1869.] Johnson 418 418 552 552 552 552 552 659 659 670 670 Louisa, da of Ruel and Lucretia, April 13, 1813. Ruel, s of Ruel and Lucretia, Feb. 5, 1816. Elizabeth Ann, da of Benjamin and Ann, April 4, 1830. Caroline Augusta, da of Benjamin and Ann, March 14, 1832. Harriet Alvira, da of Benjamin and Ann, Dec. 22, 1835. William Adams, s of William and Caroline, June 23, 1839. Benjamin Franklin, s of Benjamin and Ann, May 14, 1842. Charles E.,s of Benjamin and Ann, Aug. 15, 1843. Alfred, s of William and Caroline, Nov. 9, 1843. Charles D., s of Crosman and Elizabeth A., Dec. 28, 1849. —, ch of Benjamin and Ann, April 25, 1850. 48 MALDEN RECORD OF -.BIRTHS Jones ‘ 94 John, s of John and Anna, July 5, 1713. 557 Mary Elizabeth, da of Josiah H. and M. J., March 18, 1841. 661 Francis A., s of Josiah H. and Mary, April 5, 1845. 666 John F., s of Josiah H. and Mary J., Aug. 14, 1847. 670 Josiah H., s of Josiah [H.] and Mary J., March 15, 1850. Judkins 668 Mary Ann, da of Samuel and Hannah, Nov. 5, 1848. Judson 264 Adoniram, s of Rev. Adoniram and Abigail, Aug. 9, 1788. Keith 667 Mary, da of Charles and Rebecca T., in Boston, Aug. 29, 1846. Kelley 659 ——, s of ——, transient resident, July 15, 1843. Kelsey 663 Mary Louisa, da of David B. and Mary A., March 21, 1847. 670 Mary L., da of David and Rosella, Sept. 2, 1849. Kendall 664 Charles Levin, s of Ezra C. and Elizabeth, Sept. 29, 1846. Kendrick 452 George Coleman, s of Coleman C. and Sarah H., Aug. 9, 1841. 557 Ellen Augusta, da of Coleman C. and Sarah H., May 29, 1843. 662 Edwin Francis, s of Coleman C. and Sarah H., May 5, 1845. Kenicott e.c. Joanna, da of Roger, Jan. , 1663. c.c. Lydia, da of Roger, Jan. , 1666. e.c. John, s of Roger, Oct. , 1669. Kenny, Kinney, see Canny e.c. Samuel, s of Andrew and Elizabeth, Oct. 28, 1690. 452 Harriet Augusta, da of Cornell [Carrel by error] and Zeluty, Sept. 11, 1840. Kettell, Kettle 416 Thomas, s of Thomas and Sally, Sept. 19, 1814. Kimball 266 Jacob, s of Jacob Kzméall and Elizabeth Barnes, Feb. 21 [1780-1790]. 666 Hannah F., da of James B. and Hannah, Dec. 17, 1848. 670 Abby D., da of John N. and Phebe G., Aug. 8, 1849. Knights 127 Anna, da of Ebenezer and Mary, Aug. 23, 1735. 671 Georgiana, da of Joseph W. and Caroline, Aug. 16, 1850. Knower c.c. Thomas, s of Jonathan, Nov. 24, 1685. e.c. John, s of Jonathan and Sarah, March 11, 1689. e.c. John, s of Jonathan and Sarah [same as preceding ?] —— 11, 1690. 77 Thomas, s of Jonathan and Sarah, April 28, 1694. 90 Thomas Stevens, s of Sarah Knower, April 7, 1709. 98 Martha, da of Jonathan and Mary, May 28, 1717. 100 Mary, da of Jonathan and Mary, Nov. 5, 1718. 102 Jonathan, s of Jonathan and Mary, Dec. 5, 1720. 103 Hannah, da of Jonathan and Mary, Feb. 2, 1721/2. 104 Sarah, da of Jonathan and Mary, Jan. 11, 1723/4. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 49 Knower (continued) a08, John, of John and Elizabeth, Feb. 28 Joseph, ‘sons John an izabeth, Feb. 28, 1723/4. 108 Daniel, s of Jonathan and Mary, Sept. 5, 1725. 109 Joseph, s of John and Elizabeth, Dec. 12, 1726. 108 Benjamin, s of Jonathan and Mary, June 16, 1727. 115 Elizabeth, da of Jonathan and Mary, Nov. 4, 1728. 119 Lydia, da of Jonathan and Mary, March 5, 1730. 123 Thomas, s of John and Elizabeth, Jan. 7, 1731/2. 125 Elizabeth, da of Jonathan and Mary, Sept. 27, 1732. 146 John, s of John and Phebe, Jan. 7, 1746/7. 152 Thomas, s of John and Phebe, Dec. 6, 1748. 155 Jonathan, s of Jonathan and Mary, Aug. 22, 1749. 152 Abigail, da of Daniel and Abigail, Nov. 7, 1750. 162 Elizabeth, da of John and Phebe, Dec. 21, 1750. 156 Hannah, da of Jonathan and Mary, Aug. 15, 1751. 160 George, s of John and Phebe, Feb. 16, 1753. 159 Mary, da of Jonathan and Mary, Dec. 11, 1753. 162 Benjamin, s of Daniel and Abigail, Sept. 30, 1754. 162 Phebe, da of John and Phebe, Feb. 18, 1755. 167 Elizabeth, da of Jonathan and Mary, Aug. 15, 1756. 167 Daniel, s of Daniel and Abigail, March to, 1757. 246 Rachel, da of John and Phebe, April 10, 1757. 173 Jemima, da of Jonathan and Mary, June 8, 1759. 168 Peternell, da of Daniel and Abigail, Aug. 31, 1761. 248 ——,s of Daniel and Abigail, May 6, 1764. 269 Sibella, \ chn of Jonathan [and Mary], M bt. 176 Joseph, f ch2 © Jonathan [a ary], Ma— 3 [abt. 1765]. 260 Samuel, s of Daniel and Abigail, April 16, 1766. 262 Stephen, s of Jonathan and Mary, March 19, 1768. 284 Phebe, da of George and Nancy, Nov. 13, 1787. 284 Nancy, da of George and Nancy, Sept. 17, 1789. 284 George Shute, s of George and Nancy, April 2, 1792. 405 Peternell, da of George and Nancy, Feb. 1, 1794. 405 Abigail, da of George and Nancy, Sept. 29, 1796. 405 Samuel, s of George and Nancy, June 18, 1799, Knowlton e.c. Elizabeth, da of Jonathan and Sarah, April 12, 1688. Kramer 558 Adelaide Elizabeth, da of Melchior and Mary, in Boston, Jan. 26, 1841 Lamson e.c. Joseph, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, July 28, 1684. e.c. John, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, April 15, 1687. 78 William, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, Oct. 25, 1694. 80 Caleb, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, June 12, 1697. 81 Hannah, da of Joseph and Elizabeth, Oct. 9, 1699. 115 Thomas, s of John and Mehitable, Dec. 8, 1704. 115 John, s of John and Mehitable, Jan. 26, 1706/7. 92 Hannah, da of Joseph and Hannah, May 26, 1710. 108 Elizabeth, da of Joseph and Hannah, May 6, 1713. 107 Rebecca, da of Joseph and Hannah, July 11, 1717. 107 Joseph, s of Joseph and Hannah, Feb. 19, 1719/20. 108 Benjamin, s of Joseph and Hannah, Sept. 18, 1724. 115 Mary, da of Joseph and Hannah, Nov. 13, 1727. Lane e.c. Rebecca, da of Job, (2), 1658. ec. John, s of Tob, (8), 1660. 4 50 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Lane (continued ) e.c. Anna, da of Job, Sept. , 1662. ¢.c. Jemima, da of Job, 19 (6), 1666. Larrabee 87 Abigail, da of Stephen and Isabel, latter end Sept., 1694. 87 Benjamin, s of Stephen and Isabel, Feb. 11, 1696/7. 297 John, s of John and Betsey, June 23, 1802. 297 Mary, da of John and Betsey, Feb. 2, 1804. 415 George, s of John and Betsey, March 2, 1806. 415 William, s of John and Betsey, Feb. 16, 1808. 415 Eliza, da of John and Betsey, March 16, 1810. 415 Nancy, da of John and Betsey, Sept. 6, 1813. 415 Charles, s of John and Betsey, Jan. 4, 1816. 420 Sally, da of John and Betsey, March 6, 1817. 427 Charles, s of John and Elizabeth, Jan. 31, 1820. 556 John, s of John and Mary, May 25, 1825. 556 George, s of John and Mary, July 5, 1827. 556 Elbridge, s of John and Mary, May 8, 1837. 556 Mary Vinton, da of John and Mary, Aug. 23, 1833. 556 Eveline, da of John and Mary, Nov. 9, 1837. 556 Eliza, da of John and Mary, Aug. 3, 1838. 656 Fanny, da of John and Mary, Nov. 7, 1840. 556 Charles, s of John and Mary, Sept. 6, 1842. 660 Evelina, da of John and Mary, July 16, 1844. 664 Martha Jane, da of John and Mary R., June 29, 1846. 669 John, s of John and Sarah Jane, April 21, 1850. Laselle 661 Charles F., s of Charles and Louisa, March 18, 1845. 665 Louisa Walker, da of Charles F. and Louisa (667, Louisa W.}, Dec. 12, 1847 [667, Oct. 11, 1847]. Lathrop 668 Emily Maria, da of Ansel and Mahala, May 28, 1841. Lear 303 Deborah, da of Peter and Lois [June] 22, 1792. $03 Elizabeth, da of Peter and Lois, April [24, 1793]. 303 [Peter, s of Peter and Lois, March 11], 1797. Lee c.c. Elizabeth, da of Samuel, (9), 1670. Leeds 556 Isabel, da of Frederick and Elizabeth, Jan. 17, 1834. 556 Samuel, s of Frederick and Elizabeth, Jan. 31, 1837. 659 Martha, da of Frederick and Elizabeth, Nov. 8, 1843. Levenston, Livingston 120 Zibiah, da of Robert and Zibiah, July 9, 1730. Lewis e.c. Sarah, da of John, 24 (10), 1647. ; e.c. Abraham, s of John, ro (10), 1650. ¢e.c. Jonathan, s of John, 4 (11), 1650. b c.c. Mary, da of John, (11), 1652. e.c. Triall, da of John, (11), 1657. c.c. Sarah, da of Samuel and Sarah, June 4, 1687. c.c. Hannah, da of Samuel and Sarah, Dec. 12, 1689. 78 Abigail, da of Samuel and Sarah, Feb. 6, 1694/5. 94 Hannah, da of Christopher and Grace, Feb. 21, 1694/5. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 51 Lewis (continued ) 81 John, s of Samuel and Sarah, March 14, 1698/9. 423 Charles Oliver (?), s of Charles and Eliza, Aug. 17, 1817. 431 Sarah Blanchard, da of Charles and Eliza, Nov. 18, 1821. g.s. Mary P., da of George A. and Caroline A., Jan. 11, 1837. 558 Henrietta Farnum, da of Richard and Hannah, Sept. 8, 1840. g.s. Ella Frances, da of Charles and Sabra W., June 29, 1842. g-s. Marion Warren, da of Charles and Sabra W., April 21, 1844. 663 Mary E., da of Horace and Caroline E., March 7, 1847. 667 William C([lagett], s of Charles and Sabra W., May 9, 1847. 667 Georgiana A[twood], da of John and Eliza, Feb. 11, 1848. 670 Carrie B[lanchard], da of Charles and Sabra [W.], Dec. 10, 1849. Libby 661 Stephen P., s. of David P. and Ann S., Feb. 1, 1845. Littlefield 669 Abba O., da of Walter and Olive J. G., Sept. 6, 1849. Locke 662 Mary Ann, da of Elias and Betsey, June 9, 1845. 665 Sarah Josephine, da of Simeon and Nancy M., June 17, 1847. 665 Anna Louise, da of Samuel B. and Anna H., Aug. 12, 1847. 665 Leander W.,s of Joseph H. and Nancy R., April 9, 1848. 669 Frederick D., s of Samuel B. and Ann H., Jan. 22, 1850. Lockwood g-s. Martha E., da of Abraham R. and Mary, Aug. 9, 1835. Lord 446 Oliver Luther, s of Oliver and Nancy, June 13, 1835. Loring 451 Lucy Maria, da of Elisha B. and Lucy F., Aug. 2, 1840. 559 Elisha Alden, s of Elisha B. and Lucy F., Oct. 25, 1842. 656 Edmund Tuttle, s of Charles F. and Mary Ann [557, Oct. 4, 1842], Oct. 4, 1843. 659 Frank Minot [660, Francis M.],s of Elisha B. and Lucy F., June 6, 1844. 559 Emma Sophia, da of Elisha B. and Lucy F., Feb. 7, 1847. Lovett 662 ——-, da of Anthony and Phebe, Jan. 24, 1845. Luddington c.c. Matthew, s of William, 16 (10), 1657. Lund 667 Charles H.,s of J. C. and Betsey, in Boston, Aug. 8, 1848. 673 Simon Thompson, s of Jerahmeel C. and Frances, Sept. 6, 1850. Lynde e.c. Elizabeth, da of Thomas, 20 (2), 1650. c.c. Joseph, s of Thomas, 13 (10), 1652. e.c. Thomas, s of John, Oct. 24, 1685. ec. Mary, da of Joseph and Elizabeth, April 30, 1686. ec, Joseph, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, Feb. 13, 1686 [1686/7]. ec. Anna, da of John and Mary, Aug. 13, 1687. ec. Anna, da of Joseph and Elizabeth, May 19, 1688, ec. Abigail, da of John and Mary, Oct. 4, 1689. ec. Joseph, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, Sept. 2, 1690. ec. Samuel, s of John and Mary, Nov. 19, 1690. 77 Dorothy, da of John and Elizabeth, Dec. 20, 1692. 52 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Lynde (continued) 78 79 80 80 82 82 83 97 99 91 92 99 98 98 96 99 96 96 125 105 109 118 124 128 130 185 135 139 fam.3 138 141 140 144 144 155 147 155 152 154 155 158 170 162 170 170 169 170 175 173 175 247 275 275 250 261 261 Sarah, da of Joseph and Elizabeth, Nov. 12, 1694. Rebecca, da of Joseph and Elizabeth, July 14, 1696. Joanna, da of John and Elizabeth, Feb. 22, 1696/7. Mehitable, da of John and Elizabeth, March 11, 1697/8. Lydia, da of Joseph and Elizabeth, March 25, 1700. Martha, da of John and Judith, July 6, 1700. Thomas, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, April 21, 1702. Hannah, da of Joseph and Elizabeth [prob. error in date], May 21, 1702. Hannah, da of John and Hannah, Oct. 25, 1710. Thomas, s of Thomas and Lydia, March 27, 1711. John, s of John and Hannah, Oct. , 1712. Samuel, s of John and Hannah, June 15, 1714. Jonathan, s of Thomas and Lydia, March 14, 1714. Jacob, s of Thomas and Lydia, May 18, 1716. Joseph, s of Joseph and Mary, July 4, 1716. Daniel, s of John and Hannah, Jan. 26, 1716/7. Jabaz, s of Joseph and Mary, April 22, 1719. Mary, da of Joseph and Mary, Dec. 24, 1721. Lydia, da of Thomas and Lydia, May 31, 1723. Hannah, da of Joseph and Mary, March 18, 1724. Phebe, da of Joseph and Mary, Feb. 16, 1726/7. Elizabeth, da of Joseph and Mary, Nov. 30, 1729. Nathan, s of Joseph and Mary, July 13, 1732. Lydia, da of Joseph and Mary, Sept. 25, 1735. Joanna, da of Thomas and Joanna, Oct. 8, 1737. Esther, da of Thomas and Joanna, Jan. 31, 1740/1. Mary, da of Joseph and Mary, April 19, 1741. Lucy, da of Samuel and Mary, May 27, 1741. Ruth, [m John Waite, 1766], Aug. 14, 1741. Rachel, da of Jabez and Rachel, Oct. 13, 1742. Samuel, s of Samuel and Mary, May 22 [142, May 26], 1743. Hannah, da of Joseph and Mary, June ro, 1743. Jabez, s of Jabez and Rachel, Jan. 10, 1744/5. Joseph, s of Joseph and Mary, Feb. Io, 1745/6. Mercy, da of Jacob and Mary, June 22, 1747. Phebe, da of Joseph and Mary, Aug. 15, 1748. Thomas, s of Jacob and Mary, Dec. 23, 1748. Sarah, da of Jabez and Rachel, Feb. 18, 1749/50. Elizabeth, da of Joseph and Mary, June 9, 1750. Macy i chn of Jacob and Mary, July 27, 1751. Lydia, da of Joseph and Mary, June 20, 1752. Bernard, s of Jacob and Mary, Oct. 26, 1752. Mary, da of Joseph and Mary, Feb. 27, 1755. Lydia, da of Jacob and Mary, March 26, 1755. John, s of Jacob and Mary, March 30, 1757. Elizabeth, da of Jabez and Rachel, Dec. 22, 1757. Benjamin, s of Joseph and Mary, Oct. 2, 1758. Ruth, da of Jacob and Mary, Nov. 6, 1759. Jonathan, s of Jabez and Rachel, Feb. 2, 1760. Phebe, da of Joseph and Mary, April 6, 1761. Nathan, s of Nathan and Lydia, July 30, 1762. William, s of Nathan and Lydia, Jan. 18, 1765. Joseph, s of Nathan and Lydia, July 30, 1767. Jabez, 3, s of Jabez, Jr., and Phebe, Nov. 8, 1767. Lydia, da of Nathan and Lydia, March 13, 1770. Stephen, s of Jabez and Phebe, March 16, 1770. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 53 Lynde (continued ) 276 277 267 267 287 fam.1 256 292 251 292 263 264 264 278 284 284 807 292 291 283 286 280 296 287 308 296 308 296 308 296 308 308 310 409 299 409 409 409 409 419 414 fam. 1 419 442 450 450 555 550 556 556 550 555 451 556 555 John, s of Joseph, Jr., and Mary, June 22, 1772. Phebe, da of at and Phebe, March 27 [1774]. Mary, da of Joseph | Jr.] and [Mary], April 30, 1774. Joseph, s of Joseph [Jr.] and Mary [269, May 7,1777]. . Mary, da of Joseph, Jr., and Mary, Dec. 14, 1780. Louisa [da of ——. This entry appears in fam. 1. Its position in the copy indicates that it refers to John Lynde’s first wife; but she was Nancy Jenkins. Louisa Lynde does not elsewhere ap- pear, and the entry is perhaps an error], July 11, 1781. Polly, da of Benjamin and Mary, July 11, 1782. Thomas, s of Jonathan and Elizabeth, Dec. 30, 1782. Benjamin, s of Benjamin and Mary, April 4, 1784. Jonathan, s of Jonathan and Elizabeth, Jan. 15, 1785. Nancy, da of Benjamin and Mary, March 23, 1786. Lydia, da of Joseph, Jr., and Mary, April 1 [1787]. Joseph, s of Benjamin and Polly, Jan. 8, 1788. Fanny, da of Benjamin and Mary, April 6, 1790. Nathan, s of Nathan, Jr., and Betsey, July 20, 1790. Stephen, s of Nathan, Jr., and Betsey, July 10, 1792. Hannah, da of Benjamin and Mary, 1793. William, s of Jonathan and Elizabeth, Oct. 10, 1794. Bela, s of Nathan, Jr., and Betsey, March 15, 1795. Daniel, s of Benjamin and Mary, April 27, 1795. Hepzibeth, da of Jabez, Jr., and Hepzibeth, March 23, 1796. Hannah, da of Stephen and Hannah, April 29, 1797. John, s of Lieut. Benjamin and Mary, Nov. 8, 1797. Stephen, s of Stephen and Hannah, Dec. 19, 1798. John, s of John and Nancy, March 4 [ fam. 1, March 8], 1799. Warren, s of Lieut. Benjamin and Mary, May 15, 1799. Joseph, s of John and Nancy, Sept. 27, 1800. George, s of Lieut. Benjamin and Mary, March 22, 1801. Nancy, da of John and Nancy, July 12, 1802. Delia, da of Lieut. Benjamin and Mary, May 1, 1803. Jacob Perkins, s of John and Nancy, Sept. 10, 1804. Joseph, s of Lieut. Joseph and Hannah, Nov. 19, 1804. Henry, s of Nathan [Jr.] and Elizabeth, May 11 [abt. 1805]. Amos Porter, s of John and Nancy, Oct. 26, 1806. Hannah, da of Nathan, Jr., and Elizabeth, Nov. 27, 1807. Rebecca, da of Lieut. Joseph and Hannah, March 16, 1808. Abba, da of Lieut. Benjamin and Mary, June 14, 1808. William, s of John and Nancy, Sept. 13, 1808. Mary, da of John and Nancy, Dec. 15, 1811. George, s of John and Mary, Dec. 16, 1813. Charles, s of Joseph and Hannah, April 18, 1815. James L., s of John and Mary, April 25, 1815. . Eliza, da of John and Mary, Aug. 18, 1817. Stephen, s of Stephen and Polly, March 25 [442, March 13], 1825. Sarah A., da of John, 3, and Sarah, March 4, 1827. Frederick U., s of John, 3, and Sarah, July 16, 1830. Sarah Elizabeth, da of Amos P. and Sarah Ann, Oct. 10, 1830. Mary Eliza, da of Jacob P. and Adeline, Jan. 16, 1831. Benjamin Procter, s of George and Harriet, Aug. 14, 1831. James Oscar, s of William and Mary, June 25, 1832. Adeline Minot, da of Jacob P. and Adeline, Dec. 17 [ g.s. 1835], 1832. Clarissa Janette, da of Joseph, 3, and Clarissa, July 27, 1833. Daniel Alvin, s of Daniel and Clarissa, Nov. 4, 1833. William Orin, s of William and Mary, June 2, 1834. Eliza Ann, da of Amos P. and Sarah Ann, May 28, 1835. 54 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Lynde (continued ) 451 Clarissa Ann, da of Daniel and Clarissa, Jan. 6, 1836. 556 Leonard, s of William and Mary, April 11, 1836. 550 Jacob Webster, s of Jacob P. and Adeline, July 28, 1836. 556 Rolinda Favor, da of George and Harriet, Sept. 22, 1836. 555 Louisa Jane, da of Amos P. and Sarah Ann, Oct. 14, 1837. 451 George Waldo, s of Daniel and Clarissa, Feb. 28, 1838. 556 Sherman, s of William and Mary, April 12, 1838. 556 Susan Ann, da of George and Harriet, Nov. 6, 1838. 550 Emily Augusta, da of Jacob P. and Adeline, Dec. 16, 1838. 450 Louisa, da of John, 3, and Sarah, April 28, 1839. 452 Abby Ann, da of Daniel and Clarissa, June 18, 1840. 555 Amos Wilbur, s of Amos P. and Sarah Ann, Sept. 10, 1840. 556 Eliza, da of George and Harriet, Oct. 18, 1840. 656 Emma, da of William and Mary, June 24, 1841. 555 Eunice Augusta, da of George and Eunice, Feb. 5, 1842. gsm. Charles B., April 22, 1843. 668 George W., s of George, Sept. 2, 1845. 662 Martha Ann, da of William and Mary, Sept. 22, 1845. 663 Emily Eliza, da of George, 2, and Eunice, Sept. 22, 1845. 664 Austin Sprague, s of Amos P. and Sarah Ann, May 11, 1846. 663 Emeline Howard, da of Daniel and Clarissa [ Nov., 1846]. 665 Franklin, s of William, Dec. 20, 1847. McClure 445 Thomas Vinson,s of Rev. Alexander W. and Mary B., April 27, 1834. 446 Mary Mindwell, da of Rev. A. W. and Mary B., June 11, 1835. 452 Alexander Wilson, s of Rev. A. W. and Mary B., May 23, 1839. 666 Edward W.,s of Rev. Alexander W. and Mary B., Dec. 26. 1846. 663 Edward Woodbridge, s of Rev. Alexander W. and Mary [B.], Dec. 26, 1847. 666 Anna Eliza, da of Rev. Alexander W. and Mary B., Oct. 2, 1848. g-s. John Eliot [s of Rev. Alexander W. and Mary B.], Aug. 9, 1850. McDonald 659 ——, s of John, Oct. 28, 1843. McFarlin 660 Thomas, s of Thomas, May 29, 1844. McGuire 666 Thomas, s of Patrick and Catherine, Sept. 20, 1848. 671 Thomas, s of Patrick and Catherine, Nov. 1, 1850. McIntire 668 Elizabeth, da of John and Caroline F., Oct. 26, 1848. McKinnon 667 Mary E., da of William and Diana, Sept. 14, 1847. McLeish 550 Daniel S., s of Rev. John, Feb. 4, 1842. 660 Joseph F., s of Rev. John and Rhoda, April 1, 1844. 664 Minerva, da of Rev. John and Rhoda, May 30, 1846. 669 Elizabeth, da of Rev. John and Rhoda, July 16, 1849. Macy 668 Ebenezer, s of James and Sarah, Nov. 14, 1848. Magrath 421 Mary, da of Bryan and Catherine, June Io, 1818. 429 John, s of Bryan and Catherine, April 10, 1820. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 55 Mahoney 660 Albert, s of Calvin and Maria, Feb. 13, 1844. Mann 550 Caroline, da of William and Phebe, Jan. 17, 1837. 451 Ann Augusta, da of Samuel T. and Lydia Ann, July 8, 1839. 550 Maria Black, da of William and Phebe, Dec. 22, 1841. 660 William C[hauncy], s of William and Phebe, June 16, 1844. 662 ——, s of Stephen and Susan O., Feb. 8, 1846. 664 Charles E[dwin], s of William and Phebe, Oct. 17, 1846. 669 Janet L[aing], da of William and Phebe, May 20, 1849. Manser 111 Mary, da of Thomas and Mary, Sept. 22, 1716. 111 Elizabeth, da of Thomas and Mary, June 18, 1718. 111 Hannah, da of Thomas and Mary, Oct. 14, 1720. 111 Sarah, da of Thomas and Mary, Sept. 18, 1722. 111 Phebe, da of Thomas and Mary, Jan. 16, 1724/5. 115 Lydia, da of Thomas and Mary, April 10, 1728. 119 John, s of Thomas and Mary, Nov. 6, 1730. 126 Martha, da of Thomas and Mary, June 1, 1734. 161 Seth, s of John and Sarah, Dec. 2, 1754. Mansfield 452 Zachariah Oliver, s of Zachariah and Joanna Rebecca, Aug. 19, 1837. 451 Edward Augustus, s of Edward and Clarinda, April 9, 1840. 452 Susan Rebecca, da of Zachariah and Joanna Rebecca, July 18, 1841. Marble 120 Thomas, s of John and Sarah, Nov. 2, 1709. 120 Sarah, da of John and Sarah, June 12, 1711. 120 John, s of John and Sarah, March 16, 1713. 120 Mary, da of John and Sarah, Dec. 7, 1714. 120 Hannah, da of John and Sarah, June 23, 1716. 120 Ebenezer, s of John and Sarah, Sept. 26, 1718. 120 Judith, da of John and Sarah, May 31, 1720. 120 Susanna, da of John and Sarah, Oct. 29, 1724. Marshall 670 Joseph J., s of David and Mary, Oct. 21, 1849. Marston 661 Andrew, s of David H. and Mary, April 2, 1845. Martin 663 Charles H., s of Jeremiah, Nov. 9, 1845. 665 Jeremiah, s of Jeremiah and Lydia G., July 28, 1847. 667 Solomon A., s of Solomon and Elizabeth A., Oct. 14, 1848. 668 Franklin Parker, s of Jeremiah and Lydia G., Feb. 18, 1849. gsm. Mary E., da of Levi and Lucinda H., Oct. 3, 1849. Matthews 89 Mary, da of William and Mary, Nov. 2, 1707. Mellen, Melins cc. Thomas, s of Simon, Aug. , 1668. e.c. Richard, s of Simon, 2 (1), 1671. 81 Deborah, da of William and Deborah, Oct. 5, 1696. Mendenhall 671 Cyrus, s of Cyrus and Minerva, May 19, 1850. Merrill 558 Mary Frances, da of Nehemiah L. and Sophia, June 25, 1842. 666 Robert W., s of Charles and Mary L., Jan. 14, 1849. 56 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Merritt 268 Susanna, da of Samuel and Sarah, March 12, 1769. 268 Lydia, da of Samuel and Sarah, Feb. 12, 1771. 277 Sarah, da of Samuel and Sarah, Feb. 22 [1773]. 274 Mary, da of Samuel and Sarah, April 19, 1775. 273 Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Sarah, June 22 [1777]. Mills 661 Joseph E., s of Joseph H. and Lydia, April 6, 1845. Miner 667 Franklin M., s of Matthias and Helen M., Oct. 15, 1848. 672 Edwin Chapin, s of Matthias and Ellen M. [error for Helen M.|, Nov. 25, 1850. Moore 305 Delia, da of Joseph and Betsey, Nov. 4, 1806. 305 Mary [Elizabeth], da of Joseph and Betsey, Dec. 23, 1807. 407 Joseph, s of Joseph and Betsey, July 6, 1809. 407 Josiah, s of Joseph and Betsey, April 6, 1811. 412 Lucy, da of John and Lucy, Jan. 9, 1813. 413 Elmira, da of John and Lucy, Dec. 29, 1814. 423 Harriet, da of John and Lucy, Nov. 15, 1816. Morandi 665 Francis W., s of Francis S. and Sophia L., March 28, 1848. Morey 666 Elias H., s of David B. and Almira, April 1, 1848. Moriarty 664 Patrick, s of Patrick and Julia B., May 1, 1848. Moulton 91 John, s of James and Bethiah, June 15, 1710. Mower 96 Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, Oct. 28, 1716. 100 Abigail, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, May 8, 1718. 102 Samuel, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Oct. 18, 1720. 108 Ephraim, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Feb. 9, 1723. 108 John, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Dec. 18, 1724. 122 Lydia, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, Sept. 15, 1726. 118 Jonathan, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, April 23, 1730. Mudge ce.c, Samuel, s of Thomas, (3), 1658. ec. John, s of John, Oct. 15, 1685. ec. John, s of John and Ruth, Nov. 21, 1686. ec. Martha, da of John and Ruth, Dec. 25, 1691. 93 John, s of John and Lydia, Dec. 30, 1713. 96 Joseph, s of John and Lydia, May 28, 1716. 100 Lydia, da of John and Lydia, Jan. 7, 1718/9. 183 Samuel, s of John and Mary, March 22, 1738/9. 1384 Mary, da of John and Mary, April 20, 1740. 185 Lydia, da of John and Mary, Feb. 28, 1741/2. 140 John, s of John and Mary, Dec. 3, 1743. 145 Joseph, s of Joseph and Phebe, Dec. 22, 1743. 145 Phebe, da of Joseph and Phebe, June 22, 1745. 148 Simon, s of John and Mary, April 8, 1748. 171 Joseph, s of Joseph and Phebe, Feb. 26, 1753. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 57 Munroe, Monroe 667 Julia A., da of George and Emeline W., July 15, 1848. 668 Frederick A., s of George and Emeline, March 16, 1850. Muzzey e.c. Benjamin, s of Benjamin, 16 (2), 1657. cc. Joseph, s of Benjamin, 1 (1), 1658. Nash 663 Louisa F., da of Silas A. and Charlotte, July 6, 1846. Neagles 265 Michael, s of Michael and Elizabeth, Dec. 25, 1765. 2638 John, s of Michael and Sarah, Sept. 19, 1785. 807 Betsey, da of Michael and Sarah, Aug. 15, 1787. 307 Henry Le Bosquet, s of Michael and Sarah, Sept. 29, 1789. 807 Michael, s of Michael and Sarah, Oct. 30, 1791. 290 Caleb, s of Michael and Sarah, Jan. 22 [1794]. 290 Sally, da of Michael and Sarah, Feb. [4], 1796. 295 Ebenezer, s of Michael and Sarah, Nov. 19, 1798. 439 Mary Elizabeth, da of Ebenezer and Mary, Sept. 22, 1828. 441 Sarah Buck, da of Ebenezer and Mary, May 12, 1830. 443 Samuel Watts, s of Ebenezer and Mary, Dec. 17, 1831. 444 William Jacob, s of Ebenezer and Mary, July 22, 1833. 558 George Washington Felt, s of Ebenezer and Mary, March 29, 1838. 558 Abram Gould, s of Ebenezer and Mary, Aug. 23, 1841. 659 Ebenezer, Jr., s of Eben and Mary, Aug. 28, 1843. 662 Caleb B., s of Eben and Mary, June 21, 1845. 666 Mary E., da of Eben and Mary, Dec. 19, 1849. Neally g.s. James Edwin[s of Abraham T. and Mary], March 8, 1834. Negro, without Surname 119 Caesar, s of Roger and Margaret, Aug. 27, 1730. Newberry ec. John, s of Tryall, March 28, 1686. e.c. Mehitable, da of Triall and Priscilla, Sept. 7, 1688. ce.c. Mary, da of Triall and Priscilla, March 13, 1690 [1689/go0}. Newhall e.c. Lydia, da of Thomas and Rebecca, April 17, 1687. e.c. Samuel, s of Thomas and Rebecca, April 26, 1689. 88 Mary, da of Thomas and Mary, Nov. 5, 1704. 88 Hannah, da of Thomas and Marty, Jan. 29, 1705/6, 88 Abigail, da of Thomas and Mary, Oct. 7, 1707. 89 Daniel, s of Daniel and Sarah, Dec. 12, 1707.-— 92 Lydia, da of Thomas and Mary, March 18, 1709/10. 92 Sarah, da of Daniel and Sarah, Nov. 27, 1711. 92 Jonathan, s of Thomas and Mary, March 4, 1711/2. 98 David, s of Thomas and Mary, March 21, 1713. 94 John, s of Daniel and Anna, May 12, 1714. 98 Esther, da of Thomas and Mary, Dec. 7, 1714. 97 Samuel, s of Samuel and Sarah, March 2, 1715. 97 Joseph, s of Samuel and Sarah, Dec. 8, 1716. 99 Dorothy, da of Thomas and Mary, Feb. 4, 1717/8. 104 Sarah, da of Samuel and Sarah, Jan. 16, 1718/9. 102 Nathan, s of Daniel and Sarah, Oct. 26, 1719. 104 Mary, da of Samuel and Sarah, April 1, 1721. 104 Thomas, s of Samuel and Sarah, March 3, 1723/4. 99 David, s of Samuel and Sarah, Oct. 15, 1726. 114 Jonathan, s of Samuel and Sarah, July 10, 1728. 58 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Newhall (continued ) 119 124 132 135 141 147 158 153 167 268 268 268 271 271 281 281 281 281 281 288 297 410 305 411 411 410 409 412 414 422 422 422 429 435 438 438 437 435 441 441 550 550 550 550 550 659 660 663 665 663 665 668 668 689 669 Tabitha, da of Daniel and Tabitha, Sept. 28, 1730. Ezra, s of Samuel and Sarah, May 1, 1733. Samuel, s of Samuel and Martha, March 24, 1737/8. Lucretia, da of Samuel and Martha, Jan. 2, 1739/40. Nathan, s of Nathan and Tabitha, Nov. 14, 1744. Edward, s of Nathan and Tabitha, Sept. 12, 1747. Daniel, s of Nathan and Tabitha, May 11, 1749. Bernard, s of Nathan and Tabitha, Sept. 12, 1750. James, s of James and Sarah, Dec. 17, 1756. Phebe, da of Nathan and Phebe, April 26, 1766. Sarah, da of Nathan and Phebe, Dec. 16 [1767]. Elizabeth, da of Nathan and Phebe, 21 [abt. 1770]. Susanna, da of Nathan and Phebe, March 3, 1774. Edward, s of Nathan and Phebe, March Io, 1776. Nancy, da of Edward and Anna, May 16, 1779. Bernard, s of Edward and Anna, Aug. 15, 178. Edward, s of Edward and Anna, Jan. 9, 1784. William, s of Edward and Anna, Sept. ro, 1786. Tabitha, da of Edward and Anna, Aug. 22, 1789. Nathan, s of Edward and Anna, May 3, 1793. Nathan, s of Edward and Hannah, Jan. 22, 1803. Nathan, s of Edward and Elizabeth, April 19, 1806. Louisa, da of Bernard and Mary, April 11, 1807. Adeline Louisa, da of Bernard and Mary, Jan. 14, 1809. Bernard Lorenzo, s of Bernard and Mary, April 7, 1811. Charles, s of Edward and Elizabeth, Dec. 14, 1812. Edward Augustine, s of Edward, Jr., and Sarah, June 25, 1813. Franklin, s of Bernard and Mary, Dec. 30, 1814. Sarah Ann, da of Edward, Jr., and Sarah, April 14, 1815. William Jones, s of Bernard and Mary, March 1, 1817. Mary Call, da of Edward, Jr., and Sarah, May 8, 1817. Harriet, da of Edward, Jr., and Sarah, Jan. 25, 1819. Cheever, s of Edward and Elizabeth, Aug. 26, 1819. Martha Tufts, da of Bernard and Eliot, July 4, 1822. George, s of George and Phebe, Feb. 21, 1823. Phebe, da of George and Phebe, March 22, 1824. Luther, s of Edward, 2, and Sarah, May 2, 1824. Augusta, da of Bernard and Eliot, Jan. 21, 1825. William Beecher, s of Nathan and Nancy, June 7, 1827. Nancy L., da of Nathan and Nancy, Dec. 15, 1830. George Henry, s of Lorenzo B. and Sarah, June 27, 1834. Lorenzo Harrison, s of Lorenzo B. and Sarah, Feb. 23, 1836. Sarah Tufts, da of Lorenzo B. and Sarah, Feb. 11, 1838. Stephen Oscar, s of Lorenzo B. and Sarah, Dec. 24, 1839. Eliza Ann Baylies, da of Lorenzo B. and Sarah, April 8, 1841. William P., s of William and Nancy, Junee28, 1843. Lucy M., da of Lorenzo B. and Sarah, Feb. 13, 1844. James Alonzo, s of William and Nancy, Aug. 3, 1845. Elizabeth B., da of John S. and Hannah, in Boston, Dec. 15, 1846. Charles, s of Charles and Nancy S., March 7, 1847. Sarah E., da of William and Nancy F., Oct. 20, 1847. John, s of John and Ruhama, Sept. 4, 1848. George Arthur, s of George and Julia A., Jan. 6, 1849. Lucy M., da of Lorenzo B. and Sarah, June 20, 1849. James R., s of James and Olive, Sept. 24, 1849. Newman 284 [David], s of [Eli and Nancy], April 17, 1792. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 59 Newton 433 433 664 666 Joseph, s of Amos and Sally, Aug. 22, 1819. Isaac, s of Amos and Sally, Jan. 2, 1821. Orianna E., da of Caleb and Elizabeth, July 8, 1846. Caleb, s of Caleb and Elizabeth B., Feb. 8, 1849. Nichols c.c. c.c. c.c. c.c. c.c. 93 77 77 79 79 93 81 83 93 93 93 93 101 99 102 135 135 150 161 161 167 174 175 247 246 275 272 273 263 263 263 266 266 284 281 279 282 258 282 279 279 258 282 282 Mary, da of James, 1 (1), 1660. Samuel, s of James, March __, 1669. : Hannah, da of James and Hannah, Nov. 22, 1687. James, s of James and Hannah, Jan. 18, 1688/9. Esther, da of James and Abigail, Jan. 5, 1691 [1691/2]. Nathaniel, s of Nathaniel and Sarah, July 30, 1692. Abigail, da of James and Abigail, Aug. 25, 1692. James, s of James and Abigail, Oct. 12, 1694. Samuel, s of Nathaniel and Sarah, Oct. 12, 1696. Joshua, s of James and Abigail, Jan. 5, 1696/7. Sarah, da of Nathaniel and Sarah, April 24, 1699. Caleb, s of James and Abigail, April 27, 1699. Jemima, da of James and Abigail, Nov. 4, 1702. Josiah, s of Nathaniel and Sarah, Feb. 18, 1703. Elizabeth, da of Nathaniel and Sarah, Oct. 27, 1706. John, s of Nathaniel and Sarah, June 21, 1709. Mary, da of Nathaniel and Sarah, Sept. 23, 1712. Anna, da of Nathaniel and Sarah, Sept. 12, 1715. Nathaniel, s of Nathaniel and Ruth, May 31, 1718. Benjamin, s of Nathaniel and Ruth, April 16, 1721. Samuel, s of Samuel and Jemima, Feb. 14, 1739/40. James, s of Samuel and Jemima, May 2, 1742. John, s of John and Elizabeth, Sept. 16, 1749. Elizabeth, da of John and Elizabeth, Jan. 11, 1751/2. Sarah, da of John and Elizabeth, Oct. 24, 1754. James, s of John and Elizabeth, March 17, 1757. Ebenezer, s of John and Elizabeth, April 21, 1759. Tabitha, da of John and Elizabeth, April 7, 1761. Ebenezer, s of John and Elizabeth, April 21, 1763. Nathan, s of John and Elizabeth, April 18, 1765. William, s of John and Elizabeth [Nov. 24, 1767]. [John], s of John, Jr., and Phebe, March 15, 1773. David, s of John [Jr.] and Phebe, Jan. 2, 1775. Phebe, da of John, Jr., and Elizabeth [error in record for Phebc], Feb. 22, 1778. Elizabeth, da of John, Jr., and Elizabeth [error in record for Phebe], Dec. 27, 1782. [James], s of John, Jr., and Elizabeth [error in record for Phebe], ’ [May 9], 1784. [William], s of John [Jr.] and [Phebe], July [1786]. Edward, s of [John, Jr.] and Phebe [Jan. 28], 1789. Esther Rice, da of John'and Phebe, Nov. 24, 1791. William, s of William and Nancy, Feb. 14, 1792. Ebenezer, s of Lieut. Ebenezer and Esther, March 8, 1793. Dorcas, da of Capt. Nathan and Dorcas, July 23, 1793. Stephen Wait, s of William and Nancy, Feb. 19, 1794. Thomas Oakes, s of John and Phebe, Sept. 1, 1794. Joseph, s of Lieut. Ebenezer and Esther, Oct. 9, 1794. Esther, da of Lieut. Ebenezer and Esther, April 18 [1796]. Lemuel, s of William and Nancy, May 22, 1796. Nathan, s of Capt. Nathan and Dorcas, at Charlestown, June 22, 1796. Andrew Davidson, s of John and Phebe, April 4, 1797. 60 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Nichols (continued ) 302 308 308 302 308 308 , 302 208 308 302 299 299 405 416 416 405 407 433 431 436 450 452 451 436 449 451 450 451 550 450 452 550 451 449 450 451 449 450 451 450 451 550 452 659 660 662 665 Hannah, da of Capt. Ebenezer and Esther, May 18, 1798. Sophia, da of Capt. Nathan and Dorcas, July 29, 1798. Lemuel, s of William and Nancy, Sept. 27, 1798. Phebe, da of Capt. Ebenezer and Esther, Dec. 23, 1799. Sally, da of Capt. Nathan and Dorcas, April 27, 1800. Nancy, da of William and Nancy, Nov. 23, 1800. Benjamin, s of Capt. Ebenezer and Esther, Jan. 16, 1802. Nathan, s of Capt. Nathan and Dorcas, July 3, 1802. Mary, da of William and Nancy, Feb. 4, 1803. Eliza, da of Capt. Ebenezer and Esther, Dec. 11, 1803. Tabitha, da of Capt. Ebenezer and Esther, Dec. 26, 1805. Emeline, da of Capt. Nathan and Dorcas, Feb. 21, 1808. George, s of Capt. Ebenezer and Esther, Jan. 14, 1809. Emeline Smith, da of Capt. Nathan and Dorcas, April 22, 1809. Martha Sigourney, da of William and Nancy, June Io, 1809. Henry Parker, s of James and Rebecca, Dec. 2, 1809. _ Harriet, da of Capt. Ebenezer and Esther, April 24, 1811. Hannah Hill, da of William, Jr., and Hannah, Dec. 1, 1821. Andrew, s of Andrew D. and Hannah, Jan. 28, 1822. Ebenezer Walker, s of Ebenezer, Jr., and Betsey, Aug. 2, 1822. William H.,s of William, Jr., and Hannah, Aug. 31, 1823. Hannah, da of Andrew D. and Hannah, July 1, 1824. Abigail W., da of Benjamin and Abigail W., March 8, 1825. Betsey Fletcher, da of Ebenezer, Jr., and Betsey, Oct. 10, 1825. Andrew D., s of Andrew D. and Hannah, March 3, 1826. Joseph C., s of Benjamin and Abigail W., April 6, 1827. Mary M., da of William, Jr., and Hannah, July 2, 1827. Harriet E., da of Benjamin and Abigail W., Jan. 3, 1829. Samuel Hopkins, s of Lemuel and Lucy L., Aug. 7, 1829. Sophronia, da of William, Jr., and Hannah, Feb. 14, 1830. Benjamin F., s of Andrew D. and Hannah, July 23, 1830. Maria Lucy, da of Lemuel and Lucy L., March 4, 1831. Rebecca A., da of Benjamin and Abigail W., April 27, 1832. Benjamin F.,s of Andrew D. and Hannah, May 9, 1833. Adeline H., da of William, Jr., and Hannah, Nov. 18, 1833. Benjamin L., s of Benjamin and Abigail W., Jan. 19, 1834. Ebenezer, s of Andrew D. and Hannah, Nov. 9, 1835. Charles H., s of William, Jr., and Hannah, Sept. 9, 1836. Abigail W., da of Benjamin and Abigail W., June 5, 1837. Augustus, s of William, Jr., and Hannah, Dec. 28, 1838. Martha S., da of Benjamin and Abigail W., Dec. 28, 1839. George Lemuel, s of Lemuel and Lucy L., July 14, 1840. Thomas O., s of Andrew D. and Hannah, Nov. 16, 1840. Edward L., s of Andrew D. and Hannah, Nov. 2, 1843. Lucy Ann, da of George and Mary, Jan. 29, 1844. Benjamin H., s of George and Mary, Feb. 6, 1846. Nathan, s of John S. and Elizabeth P., Jan. 18, 1848. 667 Joseph D., s of Luther W. and Sarah J., Oct. 30, 1848. 670 John Smith, Jr., s of John S. and Elizabeth P., Jan. 5, 1850. 7Toble 449 Lucy Chandler, da of Rev. Charles and Lucretia, Feb. 24, 1834. iforton 673 John, s of John and Bridget, in Medford, Oct. 15, 1850. 671 Albert Dwight, s of Albert and Mary, Nov. 20, 1850. Jyman 669 Lucella Maria, da of Benjamin T. and Jemima E., Nov. 15, 1849. Oakes * ec. U7 80 82 83 86 89 91 95 126 127 131 133 135 139 156 160 164 167 265 265 265 250 277 277 274 254 273 279 279 254 279 279 254 279 279 254 279 252 253 295 299 308 299 299 306 405 405 g.8. 407 407 407 418 416 418 g.3. 432 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 61 Thomas, s of Thomas and Sarah, April 2, 1690. Sarah, da of Thomas and Sarah, May 13, 1694. Lydia, da of Thomas and Sarah, Nov. 27, 1697. riah, s of Thomas and Sarah, June 12, 1700. Mary, da of Thomas and Sarah, May 14, 1702. Hannah, da of Thomas and Sarah, Feb, 28, 1704/5. Elizabeth, da of Thomas and Sarah, May 10, 1707. Jonathan, s of Thomas and Sarah, Oct. 6, 1709. Abigail, da of Thomas and Sarah, Dec. 24, 171- [1711-1715]. Uriah, s of Uriah and Deborah, Nov. 1, 1733. Uriah, s of Uriah and Deborah, April 14, 1735. Nehemiah, s of Uriah and Deborah, Feb. 27, 1737/8. Deborah, da of Uriah and Deborah, Dec. 10, 1739. Martha, da of Jonathan and Martha, July 19, 1741. Nehemiah, s of Uriah and Deborah, Jan. 20, 1742/3. Jonathan, s of Jonathan and Esther, Oct. 4, 1751. Phebe, da of Jonathan and Esther, Aug. 17, 1753. David, s of Jonathan and Esther, June 8, 1755. Sarah, da of Jonathan and Esther, March 25, 1757. Hannah, da of Jonathan and Esther, Aug. 1, 1759. Esther, da of Jonathan and Esther, Nov. 16, 1761. Edward, s of Jonathan and Esther, Nov. 6, 1763. Thomas, s of Jonathan and Esther, Feb. 21, 1767. Josiah, s of Nehemiah and Esther, Feb. 22, 1771. Agnes, da of Nehemiah and Esther, Sept. 29, 1773. David, s of Jonathan and Sarah, Jan. 15, 1775. Nehemiah, s of Nehemiah and Esther, Jan. 22, 1777. Sarah, da of Jonathan and Sarah, Oct. [23, 1777]. Jonathan, s of Capt. Jonathan and Sarah, May 19, 1779. Betsey, da of Capt. Jonathan and Sarah, Aug. 12, 1780. Deborah, da of Nehemiah and Esther, Dec. 22, 1780. Hannah, da of Capt. Jonathan and Sarah, Feb. 27, 1782. James, s of Capt. Jonathan and Sarah, Nov. 12, 1783. Esther, da of Nehemiah and Esther, March 31, 1785. Nathan, s of Capt. Jonathan and Sarah, Feb. 12, 1786. Polly, da of Capt. Jonathan and Sarah, Nov. 9, 1787. Lydia, da of Nehemiah and Esther, July 27, 1788. Rachel, da of Capt. Jonathan and Sarah, Nov. 7, 1789. Nancy [parents not given], Jan. 22, 1793. Tabitha [parents not given], July 27, 1794. Uriah, s of Uriah, Dec. 1, 1797. Hannah, da of Capt. Uriah and Charlotte, Feb. 3, 1803. Sally, da of Jonathan [abt. 1805]. Charlotte, da of Capt. Uriah and Charlotte, Oct. 20, 1805. James, s of Jonathan, Jr., and Sally, May —, 1807. Thomas, s of Capt. Thomas and Nabby, July 8, 1808. Nabby, da of Capt. Thomas and Nabby, May 8, 1810. Nathan, s of Jonathan, Jr., and Sarah, June 3, 1810. Lydia Parker, da of Jonathan and Sally, Sept. 10, 1810. Persis, da of Nehemiah and Persis, July 11, 1811. Sarah Chittenden, da of Nehemiah and Persis, Jan. 17, 1813. Nancy, da of Jonathan, Jr., and Sarah, Feb. 21, 1813. Edward, s of Capt. Thomas and Nabby L., Dec. 26, 1813. Nehemiah, s of Nehemiah and Persis, Sept. 7, 1814. Anna Smith, da of Capt. Thomas and Nabby L., Oct. 22, 1815. Betsey, da of Jonathan and Sally, March 17, 1816. Elizabeth, da of Nathan and Eleanor, Aug. 30, 1818. Nehemiah, s of Nehemiah and Persis, April 12, 1821. 62 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Oakes (continued) 483 431 437 442 552 552 552 552 659 Betsey, da of Jonathan and Sally, Aug. 13, 1821. George Inglee, s of Thomas and Lucy, Dec. 7, 1821. Albert Preston, s of Capt. Thomas and Lucy, Nov. 3, 1822. Charles Thomas, s of Thomas and Lucy, Sept. 9, 1828. Josiah, s of Uriah, Jr., and Betsey, Sept. 28, 1829. Elizabeth, da of Uriah, Jr., and Betsey, April 28, 1831. Uriah, s of Uriah, Jr., and Betsey, Dec. 10, 1835. Charlotte Augusta, da of Uriah, Jr., and Betsey, June 3, 1840. Hannah, da of Uriah, Jr., and Betsey, June 26, 1843. Odiorne 306 411 408 412 424 418 431 431 666 Eben, s of Ebenezer and Sarah, June 24, 1809. Ellen Maria, da of Thomas and Mary, Oct. 28, 1812. Sarah Barrett, da of Ebenezer, April 11, 1813. Eliza Cunningham, da of Ebenezer, Feb. 7, 1815. Charles Frederick, s of Thomas and Mary, April 28, 1816. James, s of Ebenezer, Dec. 26, 1816. Alfred, s of Thomas and Mary, Aug. 18, 1819. Francis, s of Thomas and Mary, Sept. 25, 1821. Frances A., da of Francis and Augusta B., Feb. 11, 1849. Oliver 145 145 145 146 148 150 154 155 157 165 164 166 167 172 174 175 248 255 275 256 263 290 264 803 303 290 303 290 303 290 290 301 287 301 446 424 432 John, s of John and Elizabeth, Jan. 10, 1742/3. Elizabeth, da of John and Elizabeth, Dec. 5, 1744. William, s of John and Elizabeth, July 17, 1746. Joseph, s of John and Elizabeth, Sept. 28, 1747. Edward, s of Edward and Sarah, Jan. 11, 1748/9. Mary, da of John and Elizabeth, Aug. 15, 1749. Mary, da of John and Elizabeth, May 23, 1751. Sarah, da of Edward and Sarah, Sept. 14, 1751. Samuel, s of John and Elizabeth, Oct. 27, 1752. Edward, s of Edward and Sarah, May 5, 1754. Mary, da of John and Elizabeth, May 7, 1755. Robert, s of Edward and Sarah, Oct. 10, 1756. John, s of John and Elizabeth, Jan. 31, 1757. Sarah, da of John and Elizabeth, Sept. 29, 1759. Samuel, s of Edward and Sarah, Nov. 15, 1759. Abigail, da of John and Elizabeth, Oct. 18, 1761. Edward, s of Edward and Sarah, Nov. 9 [1760-1763]. Elizabeth, da of Edward and Sarah, Aug. 25, 1765. Samuel, s of John and Elizabeth, Dec. 25, 1766. Peggy, da of Robert and Peggy, June 8, 178[4]. [Polly], da of Robert and Peggy, Oct. 18, 1785. Thomas Tileston, s of William and Susanna, June 2, 1787. Robert, s of Robert and Peggy, Sept. 26, 1787. Ezekiel, s of Robert and Peggy, Sept. 23, 1789. Lois, da of Robert and Peggy, Sept. [23], 1791. Susanna Sigourney, da of William and Mary Ann, June 15, 1793. Ezra, s of Robert and Peggy, July 6 [1793]. Sarah Sigourney, da of William and Mary Ann, Nov. 16, 1794. David, s of Robert and Peggy, Jan. 11 [1796]. Jane Sigourney, da of William and Mary Ann, March 15, 1796. John, s of William and Mary Ann, June 25, 1797. Henry, s of Robert and Margaret, Jan. 7, 1799. Mary Ann Brimmer, da of William and Mary Ann, Feb. 27, 1799. Susanna, da of Robert and Margaret, July 23, 1801. Emeline, da of William, Jr., and Lydia, Feb. 6, 1819. Isaac Mead, s of William and Mary, March 30, 1819. Lydia Adams, da of William, Jr., and Lydia, Oct. 22, 1821. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 63 Oliver (continued) 446 Samuel A., s of William, Jr., and Lydia, March 23, 1824. 448 Harriet Walter, da of Henry and Sarah B., Dec. 11, 1825. 448 George Newton, s of Henry and Sarah B., May 15, 1828. 442 Cyrus Wayland, s of William, Jr., and Lydia, Sept. 15, 1828. 448 Henry William, s of Henry and Sarah B., July 30, 1830. 448 Abraham Augustus, s of Henry and Sarah B., Jan. 30, 1832. 448 Judson, s of William, Jr., and Lydia, June 18, 1832. 553 Abby Charlotte Maria, da of Henry and Sarah B., Aug. 26, 1832. 448 Sarah Jane, da of Henry and Sarah B., May 13, 1835. 653 Harriet Augusta, da of Robert and Susan, Jan. 27, 1836. 448 Grace Everett, da of Henry and Sarah B., May 3, 1837. g.s. Charlotte Maria, da of Henry and Sarah B., Aug. 26, 1839. 553 Quincy Adams, s of Robert and Susan, April 26, 1840. 553 Elizabeth Ann, da of Henry and Sarah B., Jan. 4, 1841. 553 Mary Louisa, da of Robert and Susan, July 17, 1842. 557 Otis Tufts, s of Isaac M. and Laura Ann, Oct. 8, 1842. 660 Florence, da of Isaac M. and Laura Ann, March 11, 1844. 661 Quincy A., s of Robert and Susan, Dec. 13, 1844. 661 Laura B., da of Henry and Sarah, Dec. 17, 1844. 662 ——, s of Isaac O. [error for M.] and Laura [Ann], April 11, 1846. 663 ——, ch of Henry and Sarah, Oct. 28, 1846. 665 ——,s of Isaac M. and Laura Ann, Jan. 16, 1848. Organ 439 Benjamin Grafton, s of Benjamin H. and Jane, June 16, 1828, 441 Esther Green, da of Benjamin H. and Jane, Sept. 7, 1829. 443 Ebenezer Nelson, s of Benjamin H. and Jane, Feb. 8, 1831. 443 Stillman, s of Benjamin H. and Jane, July 26, 1832. 445 Esther Green, da of Benjamin H. and Jane, April 5, 1834. 448 Jane Rand, da of Benjamin H. [and Jane], March 12, 1836. 448 Jane Rand, da of Benjamin H. [and Jane], June 22, 1837. 552 Stillman Hallowell, s of Benjamin H. and Jane, Aug. 27, 1839. 552 Isaac Newton, s of Benjamin H. and Jane, Aug. 27, 1841. 659 Abigail A., da of Benjamin H. and Jane, July 29, 1843. 667 Henry A.,s of Benjamin H. and Jane, Oct. 16, 1848. Osborne, Ozban c.c. Thomas, s of Thomas, 26 (4), 1649. ec. Mary, da of Thomas, 11 (1), 1651/2. C.c. , ch of Thomas, 30 (2), 1654. Osgood 442 David, s of Richard H. and Mary, July 9, 1831. 552 Lydia Augusta, da of Alfred and Lydia P., Oct. 6, 1839. Page 661 Albert F., s of John and Susan, Sept. 30, 1844. 671 George Zimri, s of Zimri and Sarah, Aug. 4, 1850. Paine, Payne 114 Elizabeth, da of William and Elizabeth, Oct. 24, 1722. 110 Stephen, s of Stephen and Rebecca, April 17, 1723. 114 Edward, s of William and Elizabeth, April 18, 1724. 110 Joseph, s of Stephen and Rebecca, Nov. 15, 1724. 114 Thomas, s of William and Elizabeth, March 26, 1726. 109 John, s of John and Abigail, Dec. 15, 1726. 110 Jabez, s of Stephen and Rebecca, June 6, 1727. 116 Abigail, da of John and Abigail, Feb. 17, 1728/9. 118 Ruth, da of Stephen and Rebecca, Feb. 20, 1729/30. 124 Hannah, da of John and Abigail, Jan. 23, 1731/2. 64 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Paine, Payne (continued ) 124 131 131 139 137 139 140 145 147 153 159 164 163 164 167 167 171 172 175 260 247 248 260 260 260 262 268 268 263 292 263 263 278 291 292 291 292 416 416 416 660 Rebecca, da of Stephen and Rebecca, March 9, 1733. Phebe, da of Stephen and Rebecca, June 8, 1737. Rachel, da of John and Abigail, Feb. 14, 1737/8. Abigail, da of Nathaniel and Abigail, Oct. 1, 1739. Phebe, da of Stephen and Rebecca, Oct. 22, 1741. Persis, da of Nathaniel and Abigail, Oct. 12, 1742. Jacob, s of John and Abigail, July 7, 1743. Elizabeth, da of Nathaniel and Abigail, Nov. 7, 1746. Moses, s of Joseph and Mary, Jan. 9, 1746/7. Ebenezer, s of Nathaniel and Abigail, March 4, 1748/9. William, s of Nathaniel and Abigail, Nov. 22, 1752. Stephen, s of Stephen and Mary, March 7, 1755. Abigail, da of John and Abigail, Sept. 13, 1755. Lois, da of Stephen and Mary, Feb. 16, 1756. Josiah, s of Stephen and Mary, March 3, 1757. James, s of John and Abigail, July 30, 1757. Mary, da of Stephen and Mary, Sept. 6, 1758. Elizabeth, da of John and Abigail, Dec. 18, 1759. Lydia, da of Joseph and Lydia, Feb. 10, 1760. Darius, s of Stephen, Jr., and Mary, Dec. 23, 1761. Dorcas, da of John and Abigail, April 2, 1762. Rachel, da of John and Abigail, June to, 1764. Eleanor, da of Stephen, Jr., and Mary, Oct. 13, 1766. Catherine, da of Joseph and [Huldah], Oct. 15, 1766. Sarah, da of John and Abigail, Dec. 15 [1766]. Nancy, da of John and Abigail, Feb. 2, 1769. William, s of Stephen and Mary, Sept. 25 [1771]. Betsey, da of Stephen, Jr., and Rebecca, June 21, 1780. Josiah, s of Stephen, Jr., and Rebecca, March 3, 1782. Martha, da of Ebenezer and Martha, Aug. 28, 1783. Samuel, s of Stephen, Jr., and Rebecca, Jan. 30, 1784. Rebecca, da of Stephen, Jr., and Rebecca, Dec. 1, 1786. Polly, da of Stephen, Jr., and Rebecca, Sept. 16, 1788. Stephen, s of Stephen, Jr., and Rebecca, Aug. [21], 1791. Ebenezer, s of Ebenezer and Polly, Aug. 21, 1792. William, s of Stephen, Jr., and Rebecca, April 17 [1794]. Lucretia Hatch, da of Ebenezer and Hannah, Dec. 18, 1794. Samuel Augustus, s of Samuel and Rebecca, Jan. 2, 1810. Stephen, s of Samuel and Rebecca, April 18, 1811. Joseph Caswell, s of Samuel and Rebecca, Nov. 16, 1814. Catherine, da of Isaac, March 4, 1844.. Parker 84 86 89 91 93 94 97 100 102 123 127 133 135 140 Rebecca, da of Thomas and Rebecca, Oct. 25, 1703. Thomas, s of Thomas and Rebecca, Oct. 31, 1705. Jacob, s of Thomas and Rebecca, Jan. 9, 1707/8. David, s of Thomas and Rebecca, May 22, 1710. John, s of Thomas and Rebecca, Oct. 29, 1712. Joanna, da of Thomas and Rebecca, April 18, 1715. Benjamin, s of Thomas and Rebecca, April 10, 1717. aa \ das of Thomas and Rebecca, May 8, 1719. Esther, da of Thomas and Rebecca, Aug. 8, 1721. Joseph, s of Thomas and Mary, March 15, 1731/2. Thomas, s of Thomas and Mary, July 17, 1735. Mary, da of Thomas and Mary, Nov. 6, 1739. Philemon, s of John and Mary, Nov. 24, 1741. Samuel, s of Thomas and Mary, June 18, 1743. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 65 Parker (continued) 143 Philemon, s of John and Mary, Sept. 6, 1745. 152 Danforth, s of John and Mary, Jan. 26, 1747/8. 161 Silas, s of David and Mary, Aug. 6, 1748. 161 Mary, daof David and Mary, March 12, 1749/50. 159 Daniel, s of John and Mary, Oct. 26, 1751. 161 Phebe, da of David and Mary, Dec. 7, 1751. 161 Nathan, s of David and Mary, Sept. 12, 1753. 165 Esther, da of David and Mary, April 30, 1755. 169 Huldah, da of David and Mary, June 3, 1757. 175 Ebenezer, s of David and Mary, March 27, 1761. 249 Thomas, s of Jacob and Elizabeth, June 2, 1763. 246 Jacob, s of Jacob and Elizabeth, Feb. 1, 1765. 260 Joshua, s of Jacob and Elizabeth, June 24, 1766. 262 [Elizabeth], da of —— [abt. 1769]. 273 Isaac, s of Jacob and Lydia, Nov. 4, 1776. 264 Jacob, s of Jacob and Lydia, March 29, 1779. 264 Sally, da of Jacob and Lydia, Sept. 7, 1781. 307 John, s of Jacob and Lydia, Nov. 28, 1790. 298 Stephen, s of William and Betsey, June 21, 1802. 298 Lydia Hill, da of Isaac and Mary, March 14, 1805. 298 John Tucker, s of William and Betsey, June 21, 1805. 305 Jacob Webb, s of Isaac and Mary, Jan. 6, 1807. 305 Mary, da of Isaac and Mary, May 1, 1808. 417 Isaac Sever, s of Isaac and Mary, April 15, 1813. 668 Benjamin, s of Benjamin and Catherine, March 31, 1832. 668 Aaron, s of Benjamin and Catherine, Aug. 6, 1835. 667 Adeline A., da of Isaac S. and Phebe, March 16, 1843. 662 Mary F. W., da of Isaac [S.] and Phebe, March 26, 1846. 668 Abby M., da of Isaac S. and Phebe, July 20, 1849. Parlin 667 Albert N.,s of Ezra W. and Nancy, Sept. 16, 1848. Parsons 91 Sarah, da of [Rev.] David and Sarah, July 25, 1710. 92 David, s of [Rev.] David and Sarah, March 24, 1712. 94 Israel, s of [Rev.] David and Sarah, April 8, 1714. 96 Israel, s of [Rev.] David and Sarah, Dec. 28, 1715. Patch 421 Adeline, da of Salathiel and Ruth, Oct. 31, 1817. 661 Franklin C.,s of Franklin and Mary [error for Nancy?], Sept. 28, 1844. 667 George A., s of Franklin and Nancy, Feb. 9, 1849. Pattee ad pe - 2 ; sons of Moors and Jane, Jan. 23, 1846. "9 Patten 145 Jemima, da of Thomas and Jemima, Sept. 28, 1746. Paul e.c. John, s of John, 25 (6), 1658. e.c. Lydia, da of John, 9 (1), 1659. e.c. Elizabeth, da of John, Dec. , 1668. e.c. Joel, s of John, (8), 1676. Peabody 656 John nia teary s of John and Clarissa, Jan. 31, 1831. 556 Randolph, s of John and Clarissa, Dec. 7, 1832. 5 66 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Peabody (continued) 556 Joseph Dana, s of John and Clarissa, Oct. 24, 1834. 556 Clarissa Amanda, da of John and Clarissa, Jan. 9, 1838. 556 Henry Harrison, s of John and Clarissa, Sept. 18, 1840. Peirce, Pierce e.c. Mary, da of Samuel, 20 (6), 1656. ec. Thomas, s of Samuel, 7 (11), 1657. e.c. John, s of Samuel, (6), 1658. ec. Joseph, s of Samuel, (6) 1659. ec. Elizabeth, da of Samuel, (8), 1666. 426 Lucy, da of Thaddeus and Lucy, at Cambridge, April 25, 1805. 426 Mary Hall, da of Thaddeus and Lucy, at Chelsea, March 25, 1807. 425 Eliza Ann, da of William and Elizabeth, March 1, 1809. 426 Eliza Amity, da of Thaddeus and Lucy, March 25, 1809. 426 Royal, s of Thaddeus and Lucy, at Chelsea, May 6, 1811. 425 Susan, da of William and Elizabeth, Nov. 3, 1811. 425 William, s of William and Elizabeth, Dec. 21, 1813. 426 Thaddeus, s of Thaddeus and Lucy, Aug. 17, 1814. 425 Adeline, da of William and Elizabeth, Jan. 3, 1816. 425 Jacob Perkins, s of William and Sally, Jan. 13, 1818. 426 Charlotte, da of Thaddeus and Lucy, Nov. 29, 1818. 425 ——, ch. of William and Sally, Sept. 11, 1819. 429 John Brooks Learned, s of Thaddeus and Lucy, July 7, 1820. 429 George W., s of William and Sarah, Aug. 3, 1820. 246 Alfred Henry [a memo. on an inserted slip], Nov. 4, 1834. 551 Mary Ann, da of Samuel and Mary Ann, June 28, 1835. 651 Samuel, s of Samuel and Mary Ann, Sept. 23, 1836. 551 William Waldo, s of William, Jr., and Elizabeth, Sept. 30, 1839. ee ed hen ia en, chn of William, 2, and Mary, Sept. 20, 1840. 557 George Franklin, s of Franklin and Charlotte, March 7, 1843. 660 Emily, da of L. and Margaret, March 6, 1844. 558 Lucy Amanda, da of J. B. L. and Margaret Amanda, March 26, 1844. 661 Sarah E., da of William, Jr., and Elizabeth, April 13, 1845. 664 Aldora Isabella, da of William and Cynthia, Aug. 13, 1846. 666 Edwin F., s of Franklin and Charlotte, April 18, 1849. 670 John B., s of John B. L. and Margaret A., Dec. 25, 1849. 672 George O., s of William and Mary, Oct. 31, 1850. Pell 173 Samuel, s of William and Bethiah, May 8, 1760. 255 Rebecca, da of William and Rebecca, March 18, 1766. 262 Mary, da of William and Rebecca, Aug. 14, 1768. 261 Susanna, da of William and Rebecca, Aug. 24, 1770. Pennell 552 Mary Frances, da of Sumner and Eunice, June 20, 1842. 661 Mary F., da of Sumner and Eunice, Nov. 8, 1844. Penny 446 James G., s of William and Elizabeth, Aug. 27, 1806. 446 Elme [Elma, da of?], ch. of William and Elizabeth, in Chelsea, April 3, 1831. 446 George Henry, s of William and Elizabeth, Oct. 27, 1833. 660 Eliza Ann, da of Daniel and Ann, March to, 1844. 664 Areanna Maria, da of Daniel D. and Mary Ann, Oct. 3, 1846. 669 Lucy A., da of Daniel D. and Mary, Dec. 4, 1849. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 67 Perkins 252 Sarah, da of Jacob and Rebecca, May 2, 1790. 252 Mary, da of Jacob and Rebecca, Jan. 4, 1792. 252 Rebecca Appleton, da of Jacob and Rebecca, Nov. 26, 1792. 252 Joseph Pierpont, s of Jacob and Rebecca, Dec. 10, 1793. 292 Daniel Appleton, s of Jacob and Rebecca, Feb. 22, 1795. 294 Lydia, da of Jacob and Rebecca, Jan. 17 [g.s. Jan. 11], 1797. 287 Lucy, da of Jacob and Rebecca, July 21, 1798. 296 Jacob, s of Jacob, April 5, 1800. 296 Jonathan, s of Jacob, Sept. 17, 1801. 421 Mary Augusta, da of Micah and Lucy, Oct. 9, 1818. 483 Thomas Hall, s of Micah and Lucy, Sept. 11, 1820. 447 Evelina, da of Daniel A. and Evelina, April 24, 1825. 447 Daniel, s of Daniel A. and Evelina, Dec. 10, 1826. 447 James, s of Daniel A. and Evelina, Dec. 11, 1828. 447 William, s of Daniel A. and Evelina, July 21, 1830. 447 Evelina, da of Daniel A. and Evelina, Dec. 12, 1831. 447 Henry, s of Daniel A. and Evelina, May 19, 1833. 447 Rebecca, da of Daniel A. and Evelina, Dec. 14, 1834. Phenix 670 Clara Elizabeth, da of William and Amanda M. (fussed), in Boston, April 2, 1849. Phillips 165 James, s of James and Elizabeth, Nov. 15, 1755. 249 Anna, da of Francis and Anna, Sept. 29, 1762. g-s. George W., s of Ivory and Dorcas, 1841. 662 Abby Ann, da of Ivory and Dorcas, April 11, 1846. 666 Nancy A., da of Ivory and Dorcas, May 13, 1848. Phinney 669 Thomas D.,s of E. O. and Eliza D., Feb. 9, 1850. Phippen 664 Rackman Hawley, s of German S. and Julia F., April 17, 1847. 668 Rosman Hamblet, s of German S. and Julia F., Feb. 12, 1849. Pickering 485 Sarah, da of James and Sarah, May 8, 1823. 435 Mary Elizabeth, da of James and Sarah, May 8, 1825. 556 Nancy, da of James and Sarah H., Sept. 7, 1827. 656 Eliza Ann, da of James and Sarah H., Oct. 29, 1829. 556 James, s of James and Sarah H., Dec. 8, 1832. 556 John, s of James and Sarah H., Oct. 3, 1835. 556 George Otis, s of James and Sarah H., Feb. 20. 1839. Polly, Polley 279 Betsey, da of Samuel and Hannah, Oct. 3, 1788. 279 Thomas, s of Samuel and Hannah, Jan. 28, 1793. 279 Hannah, da of Samuel and Hannah, Feb. 28, 1795. 299 John, s of Samuel and Hannah, Oct. 14, 1807. 417 Mary, da of Thomas and Mary, May 17, 1814. 418 William, s of Thomas and Mary, Aug. 18, 1816. 426 Thomas, s of Thomas and Mary, Oct. 14, 1818. 482 Louisa, da of Thomas and Mary, March 14, 1821. Pool 551 George Warren, s of Joseph and Eliza, Aug. 1, 1838. 651 John Edwin, s of Joseph and Eliza, Aug. 12, 1842. 663 Edwin A., s of Joseph and Eliza, Sept. 18, 1846. 68 Poor 420 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Samuel, s of Samuel and Lydia, Feb. 21, 1818. Porter 245 245 275 256 417 417 417 417 420 Pratt c.c. c.c. C.c. c.c. 78 83 96 99 101 109 109 104 104 109 109 109 109 111 109 116 116 115 116 118 118 119 123 124 126 126 132 129 132 141 134 158 157 160 160 160 163 169 168 171 Molly, da of Jonathan and Hannah, Sept. 27, 1762. Joseph, s of Jonathan and Hannah, Sept. , 1764. Benjamin, s of Jonathan and Hannah, March 16, 1767. Benjamin, s of Benjamin Porter and Elizabeth Be//, June 18, 1784. Benjamin, s of Benjamin and Nancy, Sept. 10, 1807. Mary Ann, da of Benjamin and Nancy, March 17, 1810. Emeline, da of Benjamin and Nancy, Dec. 26, 1811. Charles, s of Benjamin and Nancy, April 29, 1814. Lucinda, da of Benjamin and Nancy, Feb. 25, 1817. Mercy, da of Richard, 15 (4), 1650. John, s of John, June 14, 1686. John, s of John and Martha, Aug. 14, 1687. Martha, da of John and Martha, Sept. 16, 1690. Mary, da of John and Mary, March 6, 1695/6. Timothy, s of John and Martha, June 1, 17ot. Floyd, s of William and Ruth, Nov. 21, 1716. William, s of William and Ruth, April 7, 1718. Joseph, s of William and Ruth, Feb. 24, 1719/20. Mary, da of John and Mehitable, March 4, 1720. John, s of John and Mehitable, Aug. 9, 1721. Elizabeth, da of Richard and Joanna, Sept. 25, 1722. Elizabeth, da of William and Ruth, Nov. 4, 1722. Sarah, da of John and Mehitable, Dec. 31, 1722. Anna, da of John and Mehitable, March 8, 1724. Timothy, s of William and Ruth, Aug. 6, 1726. Lydia, da of Thomas and Lydia, Oct. 29, 1726. Mary, da of Richard and Joanna, Feb. 11, 1726/7. Lydia, da of John and Mehitable, March 15, 1726. Phebe, da of David and Phebe, Oct. 8, 1728. Mary, da of Ebenezer and Rachel, Dec. 5, 1728. Mees das of William and Ruth, Dec. 9, 1728. ’ Thomas, s of Thomas and Lydia, April 17, 1729. James, s of John and Mehitable, July 24, 1729. Rebecca, da of Richard and Rebecca, Jan. 18, 1729/30. Mary, da of William and Ruth, April 3, 1730. Hannah, da of Thomas and Lydia, April 22, 1732. Dorothy, da of William and Ruth, Aug. 21, 1732. Amos, s of Thomas and Lydia, April 11, 1734. Ezra, s of William and Ruth, May 1, 1734. James, s of David and Mercy, May 20, 1735. Richard, s of Thomas and Lydia, March 16, 1735/6. Esther, da of David and Mercy, Nov. 10, 1737. Mercy, da of David and Mercy, July 18, 1739 [138, 1740]. Phineas, s of Thomas and Lydia, Aug. 29, 1740. Ruth, da of William and Abigail, Jan. 18, 1751/2. Thomas, s of Thomas and Sarah, May 29, 1752. Jacob, s of Thomas and Sarah, Feb. 19, 1754. Eunice, da of Floyd and Lydia, May 5, 1754. Sarah, da of Ebenezer and Sarah, June 16, 1754. John, s of Thomas and Sarah, Dec. 16, 1755. Rachel, da of Ebenezer and Sarah, Jan. 19, 1757. Sarah, da of Thomas and Sarah, Jan. 12, 1758. Hannah, da of Ebenezer and Sarah, July 31, 1758. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 69 Pratt (continued) 172 173 247 247 247 248 247 246 246 246 260 275 275 251 272 274 251 251 425 251 251 251 251 251 263 264 263 286 264 309 280 286 309 285 280 309 280 285 309 280 285 291 291 285 285 295 296 309 309 309 406 g.8. 406 416 428 416 418 424 Lydia, da of Thomas and Sarah, Nov. 6, 1759. Elizabeth, da of Ebenezer and Sarah, April 13, 1760. Sarah, da of James and Sarah, Nov. 30, 1760. Philip, s of Floyd and Deborah, March 25, 1762. Sarah, da of Amos and Sarah, May 19, 1762. Samuel, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, Aug. 5, 1762. Isaac, s of Thomas and Sarah, Aug. 10, 1762. Elizabeth, da of Thomas and Sarah, Jan. 15, 1765. James, s of James and Sarah, Jan. 22, 1765. Samuel, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, Feb. 28 [1765]. Phineas, s of [Phineas] and Elizabeth [abt. 1766}. Elizabeth, da of Joseph and Elizabeth, April 21 [1767]. Nathaniel, s of Phineas and Elizabeth, May 11, 1767. Mary, da of Thomas and Sarah, Nov. 10, 1767. Nathan, s of Floyd and [Deborah], [Sept. 13, 1772}. Anna, da of Thomas and Anna, July 13 [1775]. Phebe, da of Jacob and Phebe, April 30, 1777. Abigail, da of Jacob and Phebe, Aug. 16, 1778. Thomas, s of Jacob and Phebe, Jan. 23, 1780. Jacob, s of Jacob and Phebe, May 14, 1781. Obed, s of Jacob and Phebe, June 5, 1782. John, s of John and Martha, Feb. 1, 1783. William, s of Jacob and Phebe, Sept. 12 [1783]. Martha, da of John and Martha, June 9, 1784. Nathaniel, s of Jacob and Phebe, Jan. 29, 1785. Abigail, da of Jacob and Phebe, June 15, 1786. Edward Freele, s of Floyd and Deborah, Jan. 23, 1787. Elizabeth, da of Timothy and Hannah, April 1, 1787. Adoniram, s of Jacob and Phebe, Jan. 22, 1788. Ralph, s of John and Martha, April 1, 1788. Sarah, da of Jacob and Phebe, July 29, 1789. Hannah, da of Timothy and Hannah, Nov. 9, 1789. James, s of John and Martha, March 4, 1790. David, s of Nathaniel and Hannah, Oct. 2, 1790. Mary, da of Jacob and Phebe, Oct. 21, 1790. Fanny, da of John and Martha, Aug. 12, 1791. Abigail, da of Jacob and Phebe, March 10, 1792. Nathaniel, s of Nathaniel and Hannah, March 25, 1792. Hannah, da of John and Martha, Dec. 31, 1793. Asa, s of Jacob and Phebe, March 1, 1794. John, s of Nathaniel and Hannah, April 4, 1794. Thomas, s of Capt. Thomas and Anna, Nov. 25, 1794. George, s of Capt. John and Mary, July 3, 1796. Benjamin Faulkner, s of Nathaniel Sad Pane Jan. 9, 1797. Jesse, s of Jacob and Phebe, Jan. 6, 1798. Elijah, s of Jacob and Phebe, March 5, 1800. Lydia, da of Jacob and Phebe, July 22, 1802. Charles, s of John and Martha, Aug. 31, 1802. Mary, da of John and Martha, May 10, 1804. Jacob, s of Jacob, Jr., June 4, 1804. Henry, s of Jacob and Jemima, Dec. 14, 1807. Joseph [s. of Nathaniel], July 22, 1810. Nathan, s of Jacob and Jemima, Aug. 20, 1810. Sarah, da of Jacob, Jr., and Jemima, Jan. 7, 1813. James, s of James and Rebecca, Dec. 26, 1813. Aaron, s of Jacob and Jemima, March 8, 1815. Mary, da of Ralph and Lydia, Oct. 26, 1817. Lydia, da of Ralph and Lydia, Feb. 8, 1819. 7O MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Pratt (continued 428 431 436 550 550 446 446 550 550 442 550 448 550 448 550 448 448 551 551 555 551 555 550 659 661 661 661 667 666 678 Rebecca, a of James and Rebecca, March 16, 1819. Deborah Atkins, da of Andrew Washington and Deborah, Oct. 4, 1821. Hannah, da of Ralph and Hannah, Nov. 22, 1823. Eliza Calder, da of Benjamin F. and Eliza, Oct. 26, 1824. Ann Eliza, da of Benjamin F. and Eliza, Sept. 10, 1826. Lydia Ann, da of David and Lydia, April 7, 1827. Hannah P., da of David and Lydia, June 15, 1828. John, s of John and Pamelia, Sept. 24, 1828. Hannah Faulkner, da of Benjamin F. and Eliza, Oct. 15, 1828. George Henry, s of Henry and Lois, Oct. 30, 1830. Robert Calder, s of Benjamin F. and Eliza, Dec. 12, 1830. Charlotte, da of Nathan and Charlotte, April 22, 1832. Catherine Calder, da of Benjamin F. and Eliza, Aug. 12, 1832. Nathan, s of Nathan and Charlotte, Feb. 6, 1834. Lydia Maria, da of John and Pamelia, May Io, 1835. « Francis W. [perhaps error for Frances W.], ch of Nathan and Char- lotte, Jan. 21, 1836. Joseph Warren, s of Henry and Lois, June 16, 1836. Amanta Atkins, da of Andrew W. and Deborah, Nov. 10, 1836. Sarah, da of Andrew W. and Deborah, Dec. 13, 1838. Marsilva, da of Nathan and Charlotte, Dec. 17 [449, 1837], 1838. Joshua, s of Andrew W. and Deborah, Jan. 28, 1840. Daniel, s of Nathan and Charlotte, May 28, 1840. Amanda Calder, da of Benjamin F. and Eliza, Aug. 8, 1841. Mary E., da of Henry and Lois, July 1, 1843. James H., s of John and Ann, Nov. 25, 1844. Emeline, da of Nathan and Charlotte, Jan. 19, 1845. Benjamin F., s of Henry and Lois, Feb. 28, 1845. Georgiana J., da of Nathan and Charlotte, Nov. 14, 1847. Ira N., s of James and Clarissa S., Aug. 24, 1848. Josephine, da of Nathan, Oct. 2, 1850. Prentiss 671 Charles Watson, s of Nathan and Hannah, Nov. 15, 1850. Prescott 671 Caroline M., da of A[lexander] H. and Delia [date not given], [1850?]. Putnam 430 430 430 430 651 551 551 551 551 561 551 660 663 670 Betsey, da of Gilbert and Betsey, at Danvers, June 13, 1813. Rachel, da of Gilbert and Betsey, Oct. 24, 1815. Joan Sampson, da of Gilbert and Betsey [424, May 2], May 28, 1817. George, s of Gilbert and Betsey, April 20, 1819. Mary Elizabeth, da of James H. and Mary, April 19, 1827. James Hervey, s of James H. and Mary, Jan. 7, 1829. Isaac Hill, s of James H. and Mary, Jan. 22, 1831. George, s of James H. and Mary, Dec. 15, 1833. William Austin, s of James H. and Mary, July 21, 1835 [g.s. 1834]. Joseph Hervey, s of James H. and Mary, April 19, 1837. George Francis, s of James H. and Mary, Dec. 20, 1839. Julia L., da of James H. and Mary, June 22, 1844. Sarah S., da of James H. and Mary, March 11, 1847. Ellen H. da of James H. and Mary, Sept. 27, 1849. Quimby 558 661 John F., s of William and Olive D., July 15, 1843. William F., s of William and Olive D., Dec. 2, 1844. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 71! Quint 668 Norman P., s of Wilson and Jerusha W., June 12, 1847. Rafferty 671 Mary Jane, da of John and Bridget, Nov. 17, 1850. Ramsdell 138 Joseph, s of Joseph and Rachel, July 1, 1730. 138 Mary, da of Joseph and Rachel, Dec. 29, 1736. 189 John, s of Joseph and Rachel, April 5, 1741. 142 Nathan, s of Joseph and Rachel, March 18, 1744/5. 265 Mary, da of John and Mary, Sept. 20, 1765. 268 Anna, da of John and Mary, Nov. 5, 1768. 268 John, s of John and Mary, April 19, 1771. 278 Elizabeth, da of John and Mary, Sept. 23 [1775]. 294 William, s of John, Jr., and Lydia, April 21, 1794. 310 John, s of John, Jr., and Lydia, Sept. 11, 1798. 810 Amos, s of John, Jr., and Lydia, Oct. 16, 1800. 310 Lydia, da of John, Jr., and Lydia, Nov. 24, 1803. 422 William, s of William and Lucy, Jan. 11, 1819. 553 George, s of William and Lucy, Oct. 11, 1820. 554 Phebe, da of Amos and Phebe, Sept. 21, 1822. 553 Lydia, da of William and Lucy, Nov. 22, 1822. 554 Mary Eliza, da of Amos and Phebe, Sept. 20, 1824. 553 Olive, da of William and Lucy, Dec. 15, 1825. 553 Ellen, da of William and Lucy, Oct. 21, 1827. 653 Charles, s of William and Lucy, March 11, 1830. 554 Amos, s of Amos and Phebe, Aug. 12, 1830. 553 Henry, s of William and Lucy, Nov. 27, 1832. 554 James, s of Amos and Phebe, June 25, 1833, 653 Mary, da of William and Lucy, May 1, 1835. 654 John, s of Amos and Phebe, Dee. 28, 1835. 554 Cynthia, da of Amos and Phebe, Sept. 4, 1838. 553 Lucy Rebecca, da of William and Lucy, Sept. 27, 1838. 554 Reuben, s of Amos and Phebe, July 28, 1841. 660 Augustus, s of Amos and Phebe, April 15, 1844. 644 Emeline M., da of Amos and Phebe, Oct. 29, 1847. Rand 264 Ezekiel Jenkins, s of Edmund and Mary, July 5, 1776. 264 Edmund, s of Edmund and Mary, April 26, 1778. 277 Ezra, s of Edmund and [Mary], Sept. 21 [1779]. 264 Joseph, s of Joseph and Mary, Jan. 7, 1787. 801 Margaret, da of Edmund and Margaret, Sept. 6, 1803. 415 Louisa, da of Edmund and Margaret, May 7, 1809. 415 Fanny Titus, da of Moses and Mehitable, March 24, 1811. 415 Ezekiel, s of Edmund and Margaret, Sept. 7, 1812. 415 Susan, da of Edmund and Margaret, Nov. 1, 1815. 415 Eliza Allen, da of Moses and Mehitable, July 25, 1817. 426 Mary, da of Edmund and Peggy, Sept. 3, 1818. Randall 668 John Winthrop, s of John P. and Sarah A., Feb. 12, 1850. Reigh 2 Load ee ee i s and da of Thomas and Lydia, Aug. 20, 1843. 662 Sarah E., da of Thomas and Lydia, June 9, 1845. Rich 442 Hannah Knowles, da of Joshua and Ruth, Jan. 23, 1830. 444 feiiann’ [Ju lian?) t chn of Joshua and Ruth, Dec. 10, 1832. ¥ a 72 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Rich (continued ) 447 g.8. 557 663 665 Jonas Caldwell, s of Joshua and Ruth, Dec. 7, 1834. Augusta (da of Henry T. and Hannah], Feb. 18, 1837. Mary Elizabeth, da of Henry T. and Hannah, Jan. 15, 1843. Hannah Barrett, da of Henry T. and Hannah, July 24, 1846. Albert W., s of Isaac and Nancy, Aug. 8, 1847. Richardson 96 96 127 129 132 134 140 142 254 254 254 254 407 423 423 425 555 448 552 558 554 552 552 554 558 552 660 661 663 664 665 667 670 669 670 671 Esther, da of Thomas and Elizabeth, Oct. 8, 1713. Thomas, s of Thomas and Elizabeth, July 22, 1716. Ruth, da of Thomas and Ruth, May 15, 1734. Mary, da of Thomas and Ruth, March 4, 1735/6. Phebe, da of Thomas and Ruth, Sept. 19, 1738. Elizabeth, da of Thomas and Ruth, Aug. 10, 1740. Thomas, s of Thomas and Ruth, Dec. Io, 1742. Martha, da of Thomas and Ruth, May 24, 1745. William, s of Abel and Anna, May 21, 1784. Peter, s of Abel and Anna, Jan. 28, 1786. Tufts, s of Abel and Anna, Jan. 7, 1788. Nancy, da of Abel and Anna, March [17, 1790]. Mercy, da of Joseph and Esther, Aug. 6, 1810. Theodore Lyman, s of William H. and Lydia, March 5, 1817. Harriet, da of William H. and Lydia, April r1, 1818. Ellen, da of William H. and Lydia, Oct. 22 [427, Aug. 20], 1819. William Harris, s of William H. and Lydia, Sept. 25, 1823. James Augustus, s of James C., Jan. 31, 1837. Mary Jane, da of William and Jane, Sept. 1, 1837. Lewis H., s of Lewis and Charlotte, Aug. 14, 1838. Mary Sprague, da of James C. and Harriet, Aug. 31, 1838. William Edwin, s of William and Jane, April 24, 1839. William Franklin, s of William and Jane, Aug. 24, 1840. George Henry, s of James C. and Harriet, Oct. 15, 1840. John P., s of Lewis and Charlotte, Nov. 11, 1841. Charlotte, da of William and Jane, June 24, 1842. George L., s of Lewis and Charlotte, May 11, 1844. Augustus W., s of William and Jane, Sept. 26, 1844. Josephine, da of William J. and Mary F., April 9, 1847. Susan S., da of John and Eliza A., June 15, 1847. Charles Harmon, s of Lewis and Charlotte, June 18, 1847. Charles F., s of William and Mary F., Oct. 1, 1848. Caroline G., da of James C. and Harriet, July 13, 1849. Addison W., s of W. A. and Mary A., Sept. 6, 1849. William S., s of William H., Jr.. and Augusta M., Dec. 13, 1849. Clarence Dudley, s of James C. and Harriet, Aug. 7, 1850. Rider, Ryder g.8. 444 g.8. Riley 669 Nehemiah Murray, Jr., Nov. 8, 1815. Daniel Covell Smith, s of Capt. Nehemiah, March 17, 1831. Annie Rozelia, Sept. 22, 1838. Eliza Ann, da of Peter and Rosamer (szc), Feb. 22, 1850. Robbins 447 447 Thomas Sargent, s of John W. and Climena, Oct. 11, 1834. Elizabeth Ann, da of John W. and Climena, Sept. 27, 1835. Robinson 410 Samuel Larkin, s of Nathan and Elizabeth, Dec. 14, 1806. 410 410 Eliza, da of Nathan and Elizabeth, March 30, 1808. Ann, da of Nathan and Elizabeth, Sept. 28, 1811. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 73 Robinson (continued ) 410 William, s of Nathan and Elizabeth, Sept. 20, 1812. 415 Henry, s of Nathan and Eliza, June 14, 1814. 420 Hepsy, da of Nathan and Betsey, Jan. 10, 1817. « 427 Sarah Carter, da of Nathan and Elizabeth, Feb. 10, 1820. 659 -—, s of John, transient resident, Nov. 12, 1843. 660 Mary A., da of Edward and Sally, March 30, 1844. Roby 425 Lucy, da of Isaac and Lucy, Aug. 19, 1819. 432 Louisa, da of Isaac and Lucy, Dec. 17, 1821. Rogers 666 Rebecca L., da of Jonathan] V. and Rebecca, Aug. 21, 1844. Ross ec. Mary, da of John, 24 (2), 1675. Russell 557 Hubbard Augustus, s of Hubbard and Sarah [E.], Aug. 3, 1843. 660 William, s of Hubbard and Sarah [E.], Jan. 23, 1844. 662 William Henry, s of Hubbard and Sarah [E.], Nov. 12, 1845. 663 Sarah E., da of Hubbard and Sarah E., Feb. 16, 1847. gs. George A.,s of Hubbard and Sarah E. [perhaps the same as the following], 1849. 670 ——, ch of Hubbard and Sarah [E.], March Io, 1850. Sargeant, Sargent ec. Jabez, s of John, April , 1669. ec. Hannah, da of John, (10), 1675. 94 Jonathan, s of John and Lydia, April 11, 1677. 94 William, s of John and Lydia, Nov. 20, 1680. ec. Mary, da of Joseph, July 4, 1686. ec. Ruth, da of John, Oct. 26, 1686. ec. Samuel, s of John and Lydia, Sept. 15, 1688. ec. Sarah, da of Joseph and Mary, March 22, 1689 [1688/9]. ec, John, s of John and Mary, Dec. 22, 1689. cc. Joseph, s of Joseph and Mary, May 28, 1690. ec. Ebenezer, s of John and Lydia, Sept. 25, 1690. ec. Sarah, da of John and Mary, Jan. 25, 1691. 77 Mary, da of John and Mary, Aug. 12, 1694. 78 Sarah, da of Joseph and Mary, Oct. 30, 1695. 79 Mehitable, da of John and Lydia, Sept. 5, 1696. 80 Ruth, da of John and Mary, March 29, 1697. 82 John, s of Joseph and Mary, June Io, 1698. 81 Isaac, s of John and Mary, Feb. 24, 1699/1700. 82 Jonathan, s of Jonathan and Mary, Feb. 20, 1700/1. 82 Deborah, da of Joseph and Mary, Aug. 13, 1701. 83 Phineas, s of Jonathan and Mary, Sept. 21, 1702. 85 Samuel, s of Joseph and Mary, March 1, 1703/4. 88 Nathan, s of Joseph and Mary, Sept. 12, 1706. 92 Zibiah, da of William and Mary, Jan. 17, 1708/9. 91 Elizabeth, da of Joseph and Mary, Dec. 5, 1710. 94 William, s of William and Mary, Dec. 29, 1712. 95 Anne, da of William and Mary, April 1, 1715. 99 John, s of William and Mary, March 26, 1717. 100 Nathan, s of Jonathan and Mary, Aug. 27, 1718. 101 John, s of Jonathan and Mary, Nov. 6, 1720. 104 Silas, s of Jabez and Mary, Oct. 7, 1722. 103 Mary, da of Jonathan and Mary, Nov. 7, 1722. 105 Hannah, da of Jonathan and Mary, Feb. 8, 1724/s. 74 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Sargeant, Sargent (continued ) 108 108 109 112 110 114 115 111 121 120 122 120 123 136 125 125 136 136 136 132 136 138 136 141 142 144 145 146 147 147 149 151 153 151 155 155 155 162 157 158 158 162 162 162 161 163 255 169 164 166 255 167 169 170 255 171 247 173 Thomas, s of Phineas and Abigail, Sept. 29, 1725. Amos, s of Jabez and Mary, Feb. 7, 1725/6. Ebenezer, s of Jonathan and Mary, Nov. 4, 1726. Sarah, da of John and Sarah, May 12, 1727. James, s of Phineas and Abigail, July 16, 1727. Deborah, da of Joseph and Hannah, July 13, 1728. Lydia, da of Jonathan and Mary, Nov. 28, 1728. Ezra, s of Jabez and Mary, March 21, 1729 [1728/9]. Samuel, s of John and Sarah, Feb. 25, 1729/30. Phebe, da of Joseph and Hannah, Aug. 14, 1730. Hannah, da of Jonathan and Mary, Oct. 18, 1730. Abigail, da of Phineas and Abigail, Jan. 28, 1730/1. Ebenezer, s of Jonathan and Mary, April 13, 1732. Solomon, s of Joseph and Hannah, May 28, 1732. Lydia, da of Jabez and Mary, Nov. 2, 1733. Samuel, s of Jonathan and Mary, Nov. 4, 1733- Abigail, da of John and Sarah, July 31, 1734. Jacob, s of Joseph and Hannah, Nov. Io, 1736. Seth, s of John and Sarah, March 12, 1737/8. Elizabeth, da of Phineas and Abigail, June 20, 1738. Phebe, da of Joseph and Hannah, Dec. 6, 1739. Edward, s of John and Hannah, March 8, 1741. Samuel, s of John and Sarah, March 11, 1740/1. Samuel, » of Samuel and Lois, Jan. 14, 1744/5. Susanna, da of John and Susanna, March 31, 1745. Abigail, da of Jabez and Abigail, April 15, 1746. John, s of John and Susanna, Nov. 13, 1746. Lydia, da of Samuel and Lois, March 23, 1746/7. Joseph, s of Joseph and Hannah, Nov. 2, 1747. Silas, s of Silas and Mary, May 17, 1748. Mary, da of John and Susanna, July 5, 1749. Thomas, s of Thomas and Mary, Jan. 17, 1749/50. Winslow, s of Silas and Mary, Feb. 26, 1749/50. Jabez, s of Jabez and Abigail, Sept. 4, 1750. Ebenezer, s of James and Elizabeth, June 4, 1751. Abigail, da of Thomas and Mary, Sept. 4, 1751. William, s of John and Susanna, Nov. 22, 1751. Amos, s of Silas and Mary, Dec. 6, 1751. David, s of David and Mehitable, March 14, 1752. Ezra, s of Ezra and Deborah, Dec. 26, 1752. Mary, da of Thomas and Mary, Feb. 19, 1753. Huldah, da of Silas and Mary, Oct. 14, 1753. Mehitable, da of David and Mehitable, Nov. 26, 1753. Elizabeth, da of James and Elizabeth, Aug. 7, 1754. Elizabeth, da of John and Susanna, Oct. 18, 1754. Rachel, da of Ezra and Deborah, April 6, 1755. Rebecca, da of Thomas and Mary, Aug. 9, 1755. Silas, s of Silas and Mary, Oct. 23, 1755. Solomon, s of David and Mehitable, Jan. 22, 1756. Rachel, da of Ezra and Deborah, Sept. 1, 1756. Thomas, s of Thomas and Mary, Nov. 28, 1756. William, s of John and Susanna, April 1, 1757. Phebe, da of David and Mehitable, Feb. 2, 1758. Amos, s of Silas and Mary, Nov. 23, 1758. Phineas, s of Thomas and Mary, Nov. 26, 1758. Jacob, s of Ezra and Deborah, Feb. 18, 1759. Ruth, da of David and Mehitable, April 10 [1759]. Mary, da of James and Elizabeth, Oct. 10, 1759. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 75 Sargeant, Sargent (continued) 174 255 255 247 248 246 259 255 260 260 275 275 262 261 268 268 276 276 272 277 277 274 273 273 273 269 270 303 263 256 263 251 264 254 291 258 284 254 303 258 258 282 252 303 291 258 258 282 291 287 295 304 302 804 302 304 302 304 Deborah, da of Ezra and Deborah, March 25, 1761, Mercy, da of Thomas and Mary, June 27, 1761. John, s of Silas and Mary, Oct. 21, 1761. Dorcas, da of David and Mehitable, June 23, 1762. Lydia, da of Ezra and Deborah, Aug. 24, 1763. Sarah, da of Nathan and Mary, June Io, 1764. Hannah, da of David and Mehitable, Sept. 15, 1764. Samuel Scarborough, s of Thomas and Elizabeth, Feb. 10, 1766. Fanny, da of Ezra and Deborah, March 31, 1766. Esther, da of David and Mehitable, Aug. 8, 1766. Rachel, da of Ezra and Deborah, Sept. 18, 1767. Mary, da of Silas and [Mary], Nov. 26 [1767]. Joseph, s of David and Mehitable, Dec. 24, 1768. Elizabeth, da of Thomas and Elizabeth, Jan. 25, 1770. Benjamin, s of David and Mehitable, March 16, 1771. Mary, da of Thomas and Elizabeth, May 18 [1771 ]. Mary, da of Ebenezer and Huldah, Sept. 30, 1772. Martha, da of [Ezra] and Deborah [Dec. 26, 1772]. Sarah, da of Thomas and Elizabeth, June 14, 1773. Winslow, s of Winslow and Mary, Dec. 15 [1773]. Ebenezer, s of Ebenezer and Huldah, July [3, 1774]. Anna, da of David and Mehitable, Nov. 17, 1775. Mary, da of Winslow and Mary, Sept. 15, 1776. James, s of Ebenezer and Huldah, Sept. 20, 1776. David, s of David and Anna, April 28, 1777. Hannah, da of Winslow and Mary, April 22, 1778. Samuel, s of Winslow and Mary, Jan. 31 [1780]. Holmes, s of Samuel and Anna, Aug. 25 [1782]. Deborah, da of Winslow and Mary, Sept. 16, 1782. [Amos], s of Amos and [Alice], Aug. 22, 1783. William, s of Winslow and Mary, March 26, 1785. Silas, s of Amos and Alice, March 29, 1785. John, s of Amos and Alice, July 20, 1787. Hannah, da of David and Anna, Aug. 25, 1787. Patty Willis, da of. Rev. Nahum and Sarah, Sept. 21, 1787. Eleanor, da of Solomon and Lydia, Dec. 16, 1787. Polly, da of Winslow and Mary, July 6, 1788. Mehitable, da of David and Anna, Feb. 14, 1790. Lydia, da of Samuel and Anna, May [12], 1791. Alice, da of Amos and Alice, July 14, 1792. Solomon, s of Solomon and Lydia, Oct. 20, 1792. Sally, da of David and Anna, Jan. 12, 1793. Sally, da of David and Sally [see preceding], June 12, 1793. Sarah, da of Samuel and Anna, March 22, 1794. Elizabeth, da of Samuel S. and Agnes, Jan. 14, 1795. Aaron, s of Amos and Alice, Jan. 22, 1795. Sarah Dexter, da of Solomon and Lydia, May 21, 1795. Susan Broughton, da of Joseph and Nancy, Jan. 5, 1797. Samuel Scarborough, s of Samuel S. and Agnes, Jan. 14, 1797. Thomas, s of Capt. Amos, Oct. 29, 1797. Joseph, Jr., s of Joseph and Anna [error for Nancy], Oct. 29, 1798. Hannah, da of David, Jr., and Hannah, March 14, 1800. Daniel, s of Joseph and Nancy, Jan. 20 [1802]. Anna, da of David, Jr., and Hannah, May 12, 1802. Sarah Lissbrall [Z2séon ?], da of Joseph and Nancy, March 27, 1803. Eleanor, da of David, Jr., and Hannah, Sept. 27, 1804. David Williams, s of Joseph and Nancy, April 27, 1805. Caroline, da of Winslow and Tabitha, May 11, 1805. 76 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Sargeant, Sargent (continued) 405 Nathan, s of Capt. Amos and Alice, Aug. 25, 1806. 806 David, s of David, Jr., and Hannah, Sept. 19, 1806. 810 James, s of Winslow and Hannah, Nov. 14, 1806. 306 Isaac, s of David, Jr., and Hannah, April 22, 1809. 416 John, s of Joseph and Nancy, April 11, 1812. 413 Mariel, da of David, Jr., and Hannah, Feb. 7, 1813. 416 William, s of Joseph and Nancy, April ro, 1815. 413 Micah Trench, s of David, Jr. [and Hannah], Oct. 8, 1815. 424 Dorcas Nichols, da of Capt. John and Dorcas, Dec. 12, 1818. 427 Silas, s of Silas and Diantha, Dec. 30, 1819. 426 Charles, s of Isaac and Catherine, March 24, 1820. 441 Micah, s of David, Feb. 6, 1821. 453 Sophia Nichols, da of John and Dorcas, March 28, 1821. 4381 George, s of Isaac and Catherine, Dec. 24, 1821. 453 John Hurd, s of John and Dorcas, June 20, 1825. 555 Henry, s of Dea. Silas and Diantha, Oct. 20, 1826. 453 Nathan Nichols, s of John and Dorcas, Nov. 17, 1827. 655 Edward, s of Dea. Silas and Diantha, April 6, 1830. 453 Albert Francis, s of John and Dorcas, Feb. 2, 1832. 453 Sophia Williams, da of John and Dorcas, May 9, 1835. 555 Lucinda Vanscoik, da of Dea. Silas and Diantha, June 17, 1835. 448 Susan Frances, da of Nathan and Mehitable, Nov. 13, 1836. 669 Emma T., da of Aaron T. and Mary, May 20, 1849. 671 George Albert, s of Aaron T. and Mary Ann, Dec. 12, 1850. Scolley, Scholle e.c. James, s of John, (8), 1671. ec. Mary, da of John, (12), 1674. Seaver 665 Edward R., s of Russell and Susan, July 8, 1847. Shackford g.s. George W.,s of Amaziah G. and Adeline, Jan. 10, 1845. 665 Otis Henry, s of Amaziah [G.] and Adeline, Aug. 13, 1847. 669 Charles I. [g.s. Charles I. K.], s of Amaziah G. and Adeline [g.s. Sept. 5], Sept. 6, 1849. 672 Mary E., da of John and Elizabeth, Sept. 15, 1850. Shaw e.c. John, s of John, Dec. 16, 1667. 667 Walter C.,s of Reuben C. and Rebecca P., June Io, 1848. Shepard, Shepherd ec. Thanks, da of Ralph, 10 (12), 1650. e.c. Jacob, s of Ralph, (4), 1653. ec. Ralph, s of Thomas, Jan. , 1666. 438 Mary, da of David R. and Mary, Sept. 26, 1823. 550 George Leach, s of David R. and Mary, March 28, 1825. 650 William Henry, s of David R. and Mary, Aug. 9, 1826. 550 David Ropes, s of David R. and Mary, March 1, 1828. 650 Charles Edwin, s of David R. and Mary, July 2, 1832. Shepardson e.c. Daniel, s of Daniel, Jan. [June ?], 1669. ec. John, s of Daniel, (11), 1671. Sherman 99 Mary, da of Samuel and Abial [error for Zibiah ?], Sept. 27, 1718. Shute 77 John, s of Richard and Lydia, March 26, 1693. 79 Lydia, da of Richard and Lydia, July 14, 1696. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 77 Shute (continued ) 80 88 86 88 91 93 95 99 101 103 105 110 117 123 126 130 134 140 142 158 158 158 157 158 161 163 171 166 171 171 259 173 172 173 174 247 175 249 248 259 246 245 245 260 250 275 262 276 276 272 270 270 270 264 281 281 301 ca das of Richard and Lydia, Feb. 20, 1698/9. Richard, s of Richard and Lydia, Aug. 23, 1702, Michael, s of Richard and Lydia, Sept. 16, 1704. Michael, s of Richard and Lydia, April 21, 1707. Mary, da of Richard and Lydia, April 18, 1710. Nathan, s of Richard and Lydia, Aug. 21, 1713. John Greenland, s of John and Mary, Dec. 10, 1715. Samuel, s of John and Mary, Feb. 27, 1717/8. Thomas, s of John and Mary, April 23, 1720. Daniel, s of John and Mary, July 19, 1722. Solomon, s of John and Mary, Nov. 16, 1724. Mary, da of John and Mary, March 11, 1727. Richard, s of John and Mary, July 25, 1729. Jacob, s of John and Mary, Aug. 28, 1731. Benjamin, s of John and Mary, June 6, 1734. Amos, s of John and Mary, May 3, 1737. Ebenezer, s of John and Mary, Sept. 28, 1740. Lydia, da of John and Mary, Nov. 30, 1743. Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, March 3, 1744/5. Mary, da of Jacob and Mary, May 8, 1751. Mary, da of Richard and Mary, July 19, 1751. Solomon, s of Richard and Mary, Oct. 1, 1752. Hannah, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, Oct. 24, 1752. William, s of Jacob and Mary, March 20, 1753. John, s of Richard and Mary, Sept. 8, 1754. Lois, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, March 21, 1755. Jacob, s of Jacob and Mary, Dec..6, 1755. Rachel, da of Richard and Mary, Oct. 16, 1756. Rhoda, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, Oct. 26, 1757. Huldah, da of Richard and Mary, Feb. 28, 1758. Sarah, da of Jacob and Mary, Sept. 22, 1759. Elizabeth, da of Benjamin and Elizabeth, Sept. 25, 1759. Eunice, da of Richard and Mary, Jan. 15, 1760. Lydia, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, Aug. 1, 1760. Amos, s of Amos and Phebe, Nov. 10, 1760. Richard, s of Richard and [Mary], Oct. 2, 1761. Benjamin, s of Benjamin and Elizabeth, Oct. 10, 1761. Eleanor, da of —— and Mary, May 15, 1763. George, s of Amos and Phebe, May 29, 1763. Phebe, da of Jacob and Mary, Dec. 5, 1763. Susanna, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, Feb. 20, 1765. Bathsheba, da of Richard and Mary, June 16, 1765. Phebe, da of Amos and Phebe, June 26, 1765. Susanna, da of Jacob and Mary, March 31, 1766. David, s of Richard and Mary, Jan. 15, 1767. [Nancy], da of Amos and Phebe, Oct. 6, 1767. Mary, da of [Amos] and Phebe, Nov. [5], 1769. Phebe, da of Ebenezer and Phebe, June 25, 1771. Amos, s of Amos and Phebe, Oct. 21, 1771. Samuel, s of Ebenezer and Phebe, March 4 [1773]. Thomas, s of Ebenezer and Phebe, Oct. 22, 1776. Susanna, da of Ebenezer and Phebe, Dec. 22, 1778. Thomas, s of Ebenezer and Phebe, Jan. 17, 1781. William, s of Jacob and Elizabeth [Jan. 30, 1781]. Isaac, s of Ebenezer and [Phebe], Oct. 8, 1782. Joseph Hitchings, s of Ebenezer and Phebe, May 21, 1785. Lydia, da of Samuel and Lydia, Nov. 12, 1798. 78 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Shute (continued) 296 301 299 428 257 305 300 299 299 428 423 428 423 428 423 423 428 428 423 428 430 450 442 450 448 450 558 555 553 450 555 451 554 556 660 668 Solomon, s of Solomon and Elizabeth, Sept. 6, 1801. Lucy, da of Samuel and Lucy, July 18, 1804. Henry, s of William and Mary, Jan. 27, 1805. Lucy, da of Samuel and Lucy, June 18, 1805. Thomas, s of Isaac and Hannah, June 20, 1805. Samuel, s of Samuel and Lucy, Nov. 5, 1806. Peter Tufts, s of Isaac and Hannah, Jan. 1, 1807. Amos, s of William and Mary, Jan. 8, 1807. Mary, da of William and Mary, Feb. 27, 1808. Harriet, da of Samuel and Lucy, Sept. 30 [g.s. Sept. 13], 1808. Isaac, s of Isaac and Hannah, Sept. 9, 1809. Phebe, da of Samuel and Lucy, April 20, 181o. Elbridge Gerry, s of Isaac and Hannah, Sept. 6, 1811. Samuel, s of Samuel and Lucy, Aug. 15, 1813. Mary Ann, da of Isaac and Hannah, March 15, 1814. Hannah, da of Isaac and Hannah, May g, 1815. Susan, da of Samuel and Lucy, Aug. 20, 1815. Mary, da of Samuel and Lucy, July 26, 1817. Stephen, s of Isaac and Hannah, Aug. 11, 1818. Eliza, da of Samuel and Lucy, Nov. 19, 1818. Pamela, da of Samuel and Lucy, July 29, 1820. George Henry, s of Henry and Tabitha, March 21, 1829. Elizabeth Hitchings, da of Benjamin G. and Sarah, Feb. 17, 1831. William, s of Henry and Tabitha, May 17, 1831. Benjamin Sargent, s of Benjamin Sargent and Sarah, Sept. 9, 1832. Eliza Nichols, da of Henry and Tabitha, Jan. 1, 1834. Thomas, s of Timothy and Anstis, Feb. 27, 1834. Sarah Elizabeth, da of Solomon and Sarah, May 24, 1835. Helen Marr, da of Timothy and Anstis, Oct. 1, 1836. Charles Francis, s of Henry and Tabitha, June 17, 1838. Solomon, s of Solomon and Sarah, Sept. 11, 1839. Maria Antoinette, da of Samuel and Marianne, April 7, 1840. Esther, da of Henry and Tabitha, Jan. 9, 1842. Charles Bailey, s of Samuel and Marianne, Jan. 24, 1843. Edward L., s of Henry and Tabitha, July 10, 1844. Esther N., da of Henry and Tabitha, Jan. 20, 1850. Simms 128 Elizabeth, da of John and Elizabeth, May 22, 1721. 128 John, s of John and Elizabeth, Aug. 13, 1722. 128 128 Mary, da of John and Elizabeth, April 16, 1724. Sarah, da of John and Elizabeth, March 11, 1727/8. Simonds 309 309 309 406 415 431 432 450 450 554 450 654 554 450 554 Warren, s of Thaddeus and Mary, Dec. 20, 1800. John, s of Thaddeus and Mary, Oct. 18, 1802. Joseph, s of Thaddeus and Mary, Feb. 17, 1805. Charles, s of Thaddeus and Mary, Nov. 28, 1807. Mary, da of Thaddeus and Mary, Jan. ro, 1814. Caleb, s of Thaddeus and Mary, Jan. 12, 1820. Mary, da of Thaddeus and Mary, Feb. 9, 1822. John Osborn, s of John and Sarah W., July 15, 1826. Sarah Ann, da of John and Sarah W., Nov. to, 1827. Charles Henry, s of Charles and Lucy, Jan. 31, 1829. Hannah Green, da of John and Sarah W., Dec. 29, 1830. Lucy Ellen, da of Charles and Lucy, Nov. 23, 1831. Otis Tufts, s of Charles and Lucy, April 19, 1833. Caroline Amanda, da of John and Sarah W., Sept. 4, 1833. George Frederick, s of Charles and Lucy, Aug. 5, 1835. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS |, 79 Simonds (continued) 554 450 554 450 552 554 659 661 662 665 664 667 671 Ann Maria, da of Charles and Lucy, Oct. 15, 1836. Mary Frances, da of John and Sarah W., Dec. 31, 1837. John P. R., s of Charles and Lucy, April 20, 1839. Joseph Warren, s of John and Sarah W., Aug. 11, 1839. Joseph Warren, s of Joseph and Mary, Aug. 16, 1839. George Leonard, s of George W. and Alice, April 7, 1840. William Henry, s of George W. and Alice, June 4, 1843. Mary A., da of Ebed and Mary, March 6, 1845. Mary Eliza, da of Charles and Lucy, Sept. , 1845. Clarence Ebed, s of Ebed and Mary Jane, Dec. 12, 1847. Sarah E., da of Franklin and Sarah, Feb. 13, 1848. Henry F., s of George W. and Alice, April 3, 1849. Franklin, s of Franklin and Sarah, Oct. 22, 1850. Skeeles 669 Frederick H., s of Edwin and Susan R., Oct. 26, 1849. Skinner c.c. c.c. c.c. c.c. c.c. 85 c.c. 86 85 c.c. 100 102 105 106 112 120 125 126 135 666 Thomas, : of Thomas, born in Subdeanarie Parish, Chichester, July 25, 1045. eave s of Thomas, bornin Subdeanerie Parish, Chichester, Sept. 29, 1049. Thomas, s of Thomas, Nov. , 1668. John, s of Thomas, (2), 1673. Richard, s of Thomas, Jr., 3 (11), 1675. Abraham, s of Abraham and Hannah, April 8, 1681. Nathaniel, s of Thomas and Mary, Jan. 27, 1686. Mary, da of Abraham and Hannah, Sept. _, 1690. Thomas, s of Abraham and Hannah, Dec. 7, 1691. Abigail, da of Thomas and Mary, Feb. 17, 1691. Abraham, s of Abraham and Tabitha, May to, 1718. William, s of Abraham and Tabitha, July 16, 1720. Isaac, s of Abraham and Tabitha, April 5, 1723. Abigail’ i das of Abraham and Tabitha, Aug. 18, 1725. Benjamin, s of Abraham and Tabitha, Feb. 26, 1727. Hannah, da of Abraham and Tabitha, June 15, 1730. Ebenezer, s of Abraham and Tabitha, March 29, 1733. Jonathan, s of Abraham and Tabitha, Dec. 12, 1735. Mary, da of Abraham and Anna, Nov. 6, 1741. Jane E., da of Benjamin and Sarah, in Dracut, June 18, 1848. Slocomb 668 Ellen Sophia, da of Asa and Sophia, Jan. 23, 1849. Smith c.c. c.c, C.c. 262 fam.6 274 272 274 269 fam. 6 254 254 254 Eleanor, da of Peletiah, Feb. 17, 1683. Ruhamah, da of Peletiah, Dec. 21, 1685. Sarah, da of Peletiah and Sarah, Oct. 25, 1687. Isaac, s of Isaac and Dorcas, Nov. 5 [1768]. Lemuel, s of Capt. Isaac and Dorcas, June 3, 1770. Dorcas, da of Isaac and Dorcas, at Charlestown, April 15, 1772. Bathsheba, da of Thomas and Bathsheba, May 29, 1773. Lemuel, s of Isaac and Dorcas, July 8, 1775. James, s of Isaac and Dorcas, June 21, 1778. Nancy [or Anna], da of Capt. Isaac and Dorcas, July 6, 1779. John, s of Capt. Isaac and Dorcas, Oct. 23, 1780. Benjamin, s of Isaac and Dorcas, June 11, 1783. Ebenezer, s of Isaac and Dorcas, Jan. 5, 1785. 80 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Smith (continued) 254 449 449 449 552 659 661 662 663 667 666 gsm. ea oth \ das of Isaac and Dorcas, Oct. 17, 1788. Sarah Matilda, da of Thomas, 2, and Sarah, Nov. 2, 1834. Martha Ann, da of Thomas, 2, and Sarah, July 15, 1836. Mary Jones, da of Thomas, 2, and Sarah, Sept. 11, 1838. Lilburne Jefferson, s of Hiram and Lucy, March 1, 1840. Maria, da of Hiram and Lucy, Dec. 17, 1843. Lavina, da of Hiram and Lucy, Dec. 7, 1844. Caroline, da of Hiram and Lucy, Jan. 3, 1846. Emeline, da of Hiram and Lucy, April 1, 1847. Marcus M., s of Hiram and Lucy, Oct. 19, 1848. George W., s of Rev. C. Billings and Abigail, April 23, 1849. George W., May 25, 1849. Southard 660 A. Jane, da of Edmund, March 12, 1844. Southwick 667 Jacob, s of Philip R. and Almira, in Boston, March 23, 1849. Sparks 260 Thomas, s of Thomas and [Mary], June 25, 1766. Speed 429 Sarah [g.s. Sarah G.], da of Samuel S. and Mary, Dec. 11, 1819. Sprague c.c. C.c. c.c. C.c. c.c. c.c. C.c. c.c. c.c. c.c, c.c. C.0. c.c. C.c. c.c. C.c. 86 c.c. c.c. c.c. c.c. 86 c.c. 84 c.c. 86 84 vil 77 79 80 83 John, s of John, 9 (1), 1651/2. Jonathan, s of John, (8), 1656. Samuel, s of John, 21 (12), 1658. Samuel, s of Samuel, 4 (3), 1660. Mary, da of John, 13 (2), 1661. Samuel, s of Samuel, May __, 1662. Phineas, s of John, (12), 1665. Rebecca, da of Samuel, (7), 1666, Deborah, da of John, 21 (7), 1670. Phineas, s of Phineas, 27 (10), 1670. William, s of Phineas, 21 (9), 1672. Sarah, da of John, (12), 1672. Ralph, s of Phineas, (9), 1674. John, s of John, July 28, 1685. Sarah, da of Samuel, Sept. 16, 1685. Sarah, da of Phineas, April 23, 1686. Richard, s of Jonathan and Mary, June 28, 1686. Sarah, da of Samuel and Sarah, Sept. 26, 1686. Abiah, [da] of John and Elizabeth, Aug. 21, 1687. Joanna, da of Phineas and Sarah, April 17, 1688. Samuel, s of Samuel and Sarah, Feb. 2, 1688/9. John, s of Jonathan and Mary, May 7, 1689. Mary, da of John and Elizabeth, Nov. 27, 1689. Elizabeth, da of Phineas and Elizabeth, Oct. 11, 1690. Abigail, da of Phineas and Sarah, March 1, 1690. Joseph, s of Jonathan and Mary, Oct. 24, 1691. Mary, da of Phineas and Elizabeth, Oct. 15, 1693. Nathan, s of Jonathan and Mary, Feb. 2, 1693/4. Mehitable, da of Samuel and Sarah, the last of June, 1694. William, s of Edward and Dorothy, Sept. 4 [85, Sept. 8], 1695. Rebecca, da of Samuel and Sarah, May 8, 169-. ae , das of Jonathan and Mary, May 25, 1696. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 81 Sprague ed) 84 Tabitha, da of Phineas and Elizabeth, Oct. 19, 1696. 85 80 80 85 81 85 84 82 85 84 84 85 85 90 85 97 90 91 137 90 97 137 98 100 1387 101 101 101 102 104 137 123 106 109 109 123 114 123 119 118 123 137 128 131 129 130 131 132 132 143 133 143 136 141 144 148 144 Anna, da of Edward and Dorothy, March 20, 1696/7. Mercy, da of Samuel and Sarah, Feb. 26, 1697/8. David, s of Jonathan and Mary, Aug. 15, 1698. Dorothy, da of Edward and Dorothy, Sept. 9, 1698. Winifred, da of Samuel and Sarah, Dec. 30, 1699. Timothy, s of Edward and Dorothy, May 23, 1700. Phineas, s of Phineas and Elizabeth, Jan. 13, 1700/1. Bunker, s of Jonathan and Mary, April 14, 1701. Ebenezer, s of Edward and Dorothy, Nov. 6, 1701. Abigail, da of Samuel and Sarah, Nov. 15, 1702. Sarah, da of Phineas and Elizabeth, Jan. 30, 1702/3. Jemima, da of Edward and Dorothy, Nov. 3, 1703. Lydia, da of Edward and Dorothy, Aug. 26, 1705. Lois, da of Phineas and Elizabeth, Nov. 18, 1705. Hezekiah, s of Edward and Dorothy, May 16, 1707. John, s of Samuel and Sarah, Sept. 15, 1708. Lydia, da of Phineas and Elizabeth, Dec. 11, 1708. Phebe, da of Edward and Dorothy, Nov. 17, 1709. John, s of Stower and Phebe, Dec. 29, 1710. Samuel, s of Phineas and Elizabeth, Sept. 27, 1712. Hannah, da of Jonathan and Elizabeth, Feb. 2, 1716/7. Benjamin, s of Stower and Phebe, June 27, 1717. Joanna, da of Samuel and Joanna, Dec. 31, 1717. Mary, da of William and Dorothy, Dec. 25, 1718. Edward, s of Stower and Phebe, July 29, 1719. Jonathan, s of Jonathan and Elizabeth, Sept. 13, 1719. Samuel, s of Samuel and Joanna, Jan. 2, 1719. Edward, s of William and Dorothy, Jan. 24, 1719/20. Thomas, s of Samuel and Joanna, May 1, 1721. Joseph, s of William and Dorothy, Oct. 26, 1722. Mary, da of Stower and Phebe, Sept. 29, 1723. Nathan, s of Samuel and Joanna, Aug. 21, 1724. Nathan, s of William and Dorothy, Oct. 24, 1724. Phineas, s of Phineas and Rebecca, Sept. 19, 1725. Esther, da of Stower and Phebe, Nov. 5, 1726. Mary, da of Samuel and Joanna, Dec. 25, 1726. John, s of William and Dorothy, Sept. 29, 1728. Mehitable, da of Samuel and Joanna, Aug. 9, 1729. Rebecca, da of Phineas and Rebecca, April 8, 1730. Phebe, da of Stower and Phebe, May 4, 1730. Jonathan, s of Samuel and Joanna, Dec. 13, 1731. Elizabeth, da of Stower and Phebe, April 26, 1732. John, s of John and Judith, April 20, 1735. Elizabeth, da of William and Dorothy, May 12, 1736. Judith, da of John and Judith, Jan. 16, 1736/7. Martha, da of Samuel and Martha, Oct. 23, 1737. Dorothy, da of William and Dorothy, Feb. 6, 1737/8. Sarah, da of John and Judith, April 29, 1738. Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Martha, Jan. 31, 1738/9. Jonathan, s of William and Dorothy, April 7, 1739. Daniel, s of John and Judith, Jan. 31, 1739/40. Israel, s of William and Dorothy, Oct. 13, 1741. Mary, da of John and Judith, Feb. 17, 1741/2. Phebe, da of John and Judith, Feb. 5, 1743/4. Benjamin, s of Benjamin and Phebe, March 18, 1743/4. Mercy, da of Edward and Lydia, April 17, 1745. Edward, s of Benjamin and Phebe, Sept. 25, 1745. 6 82 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Sprague (continued ) 154 154 154 154 150 154 154 152 152 154 157 155 157 170 160 170 160 175 163 164 170 170 175 167 170 171 175 178 174 174 176 260 247 249 260 259 275 246 259 260 275 250 276 276 277 274 278 269 270 256 270 256 293 251 293 285 266 289 David, s of John and Judith, April 18, 1746. Phebe, da of Benjamin and Phebe, Nov. 29, 1747. Lydia, da of Samuel and Martha, May 23, 1748. Eunice, da of John and Judith, Dec. 14, 1748. Hannah, da of Phineas and Hannah, Nov. 19, 1749. Mary, da of Benjamin and Phebe, Dec. 25, 1749. Lois, da of Samuel and Martha, July 13, 1750. John, s of Edward and Dorothy, Aug. 20, 1750. Bunker, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Oct. 30, 1750. Ann, da of John and Judith, Nov. 20, 1750. Phineas, s of Phineas and Hannah, July 6, 1751. Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, Jan. 26, 1752 {1751/2}. Elizabeth, da of Benjamin and Phebe, Jan. 29, 1751/2. Elizabeth, da of Nathan and Mary, Feb. 22, 1751 [1751/2]. Samuel, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, May 11, 1753. Elizabeth, da of Nathan and Mary, Dec. 14, 1753. John, s of Phineas and Hannah, Jan. 13, 1754. Mary, da of Benjamin and Phebe, July 21, 1754. Daniel, s of Phineas and Hannah, Feb. 18, 1755. Martha, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, Oct. 30, 1755. Mary, da of Nathan and Mary, April 7, 1756. William, s of Phineas and Hannah, June 1, 1756. John, s of Benjamin and Phebe, Aug. 31, 1756. Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, Feb. 9, 1757. Hannah, da of Phineas and Hannah, Sept. 5, 1757. John, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, June 7, 1758. Hannah, da of Benjamin and Phebe, Aug. 13, 1758. Sarah, da of Nathan and Mary, Oct. 12, 1759. Simon, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Feb. 2, 1760. Matthew Whipple, s of Timothy and Sarah, Dec. 24, 1760, Joseph, s of Benjamin and Phebe [see 1763], Feb. 9, 1761. Jonathan, s of Phineas and Hannah, July 30, 1761. Timothy, s of Timothy and Sarah, Oct. 2, 1762. Joseph, s of Benjamin and Phebe [see 1761], Feb. 9, 1763. Mary, da of Phineas and Hannah, Feb. 14, 1763. Stephen, s of Benjamin and Phebe, July 27, 1764. James Hovey, s of Nathan and Mary, April 1, 1765. Sarah, da of Timothy and Sarah, April 21, 1765. Jonathan, s of Jonathan and Mary, July 11, 176[0-1765]. Cotton, s of Phineas and Hannah, Aug. 30, 1765. William, s of Nathan and Mary, Aug. 26, 1766. [Asa], s of Benjamin and Phebe, Nov. 18, 1767. Samuel, s of Phineas and Hannah, Dec. 1 [abt. 1767]. William, s of Benjamin and Phebe, Nov. 27 [1771]. Edward, s of Jonathan and Tabitha, July 5 [1774]. Daniel, s of Phineas and Jemima, Nov. 9[1774]. Lydia, da of Jonathan and Tabitha, Dec. 13 [1776]. Phineas, s of Phineas and Jemima, Jan. !o, 1777. William, s of Phineas and Jemima, Sept. 1, 1779. John, s of Dr. John and Susanna, Nov. [1781]. [Sally], da of Phineas and Jemima, Feb. 24, 1782. Jonathan, s of Jonathan and Kate, March 16, 1784. Hannah, da of Phineas, Jr., and Jemima, July 4, 1784. Elizabeth, da of Dr. John and Elizabeth, Oct. 5, 1784. Polly, da of Phineas, Jr., and Jemima, March 4, 1787. Betsey, da of Jonathan and Kate, March 4, 1788. Isaac Smith, s of —— and Betsey [1780-90]. Susanna, da of William and [Susanna], March 24, 1790, MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 83 Sprague (continued ) ‘293 Lydia, da of Phineas, Jr., and Jemima, April 1, 1790. 285 Charles, s of Jonathan and Kate, April 6, 1790. 284 Peter Thacher, s of Dr. John and Elizabeth, June 30, 1792. 289 Sarah, da of William and [Susanna], Aug. 15, 1792. 285 Samuel, s of Jonathan and Kate, Feb. 5, 1793. 258 Stephen, s of Stephen and Rachel, Feb. 15, 1793. 293 Lydia, da of Phineas, Jr., and Jemima, May 9 [1793]. 252 Frederick Augustus, s of Dr. John and Elizabeth, May 3 [1794]. 258 Phebe, da of Cotton and Phebe, Jan. 30, 1795. 285 Kate, da of Jonathan and Kate, April 28, 1795. 258 Asa, s of Stephen and Rachel, Oct. 7, 1795. 293 Richard Price, s of Phineas, Jr., and Jemima [March 27, abt. 1796]. 258 Hannah, da of Cotton and Phebe, Aug. 6, 1796. 258 Susanna Fowle, da of Dr. John and Elizabeth, May 4, 1797. 285 Nancy, da of Jonathan and Kate, July 28, 1797. 287 Ruth, da of Cotton and Phebe, March to, 1800. 310 Fanny, da of Cotton and Phebe, Jan. 10, 1802. 810 Cotton, Jr., s of Cotton and Phebe, Jan. 12, 1805. 257 Myra, da of Phineas, 3, and Sally, April [23], 1805. 805 Henry, s of Phineas, Jr., and Sally, Jan. 14, 1807. 306 Sally, da of John and Sally, Dec. 20 [fam. 4, Dec. 10], 1807. 407 Mary Ann, da of Cotton and Phebe, April 14, 1809. 806 John, s of John and Sally, April 26, 1809. 409 Sarah Ann, da of Capt. Phineas, Jr., and Sarah, Nov. 17, 1809. 409 Abaline, da of Capt. Phineas, Jr., and Sarah, March 9, 1812. 411 Mary Crane, da of John and Sarah, April 2, 1813. 414 Loisa, da of Phineas, Jr., and Sally, July 5, 1814. 413 Andrew Jackson, s of John and Sarah, March 2, 1815. 423 Susan Fowle, da of John and Sally, Dec. 29, 1818[¢.s. and fame. 4, 1816]. 433 Elizabeth, da of Phineas, Jr., and Sarah, March 28, 1819. 450 Charlotte, da of Samuel and Charlotte, May 14, 1819. 426 John Barrett, s of Stephen and Elizabeth, June 13, 1819. 480 Abigail Nelson, da of John and Sarah, June 29 [ fam. 4, Jan. 22], 1820. gs. Phineas, s of John and Sally, Jan. 23, 1823. 450 Susan Ann, da of Samuel and Charlotte, March 3, 1823. 450 George P., s of Samuel and Charlotte, June 27, 1826. fam.4 Charles Hill, s of John and Sally, April 29, 1827. 450 Mary, da of Samuel and Charlotte, Oct. 2, 1830. 450 Mary Y., da of Samuel and Charlotte, March 13, 1834. 450 Samuel, s of Samuel and Charlotte, June 19, 1835. Stanton 253 Betsey, da of Mary Parker, Sept. 16, 1792. Starbird 669 Nathaniel W., s of Nathaniel W. and Mary D., Nov. 3, 1849. Stearns 669 William H., s of William S. and Hannah E., April 11, 1850. Stevens 90 Thomas, s of Sarah Kuower, April 7, 1709. 119 Elizabeth, da of Thomas and Elizabeth, May 5, 1730. 118 John, s of Thomas and Elizabeth, Aug. 18, 1731. 126 John, s of Thomas and Elizabeth, Nov. 18, 1733. 667 James A., s of James and Ruth, April 29, 1849. Stiles 418 Lucinda Adams, da of Theodore L. and [Hannah], July 23, 1816. 422 Harriet, da of Isaac and Miriam, Aug. Io, 1817. 84 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Stiles (continued ) 422 Lucy, da of Theodore L. and Hannah, Aug. 8, 1818. 425 Lauriston, s of Theodore [L.] and Hannah, March 13, 1820. 481 Emeline, da of Isaac and Miriam, Jan. 8, 1821. 553 Amelia Orrisa, da of Theodore Lyman and Hannah A., Sept. 7, 1825. 440 Isaac Augustus, s of Isaac and Miriam, Oct. 11, 1825. 553 Edwin Brown, s of Theodore Lyman and Hannah A., Sept. 10, 1827. 440 Caroline Miriam, da of Isaac and Miriam, March 19, 1829. 553 Theodore Levi, s of Theodore Lyman and Hannah A.., April 23, 1832. 556 Maria Augusta, da of Lauriston and Lucinda M., Oct. 27, 1842. 660 George W.,s of Lauriston and Lucinda M., Feb. 7 [ g.s. Feb. 8], 1844. g.s. Melville P.,s of Lauriston and Lucinda M. [at Danvers], April 27, 1846. 667 Mary J., da of Josiah B. and Lucy H., April 28, 1849. Stimpson 439 Stephen A., s of Stephen, Feb. 3, 1827. 660 Hannah, da of Stephen and Elizabeth, July 19, 1844. Stinson 659 O. P., s of L. and Margaret, June 19, 1843. Stone 412 Elizabeth, da of Joseph and Eliza, Sept. 28, 1814. Stower, Stowers 100 Abigail, da of Samuel and Abigail, Aug. 21, 1718. 101 Nathan, s of Samuel and Abigail, Oct. 28, 1720. 103 Abigail, da of Samuel and Abigail, May 28, 1725. 110 Asa, s of John and Sarah, March 16, 1727. 118 Sarah, da of John and Sarah, Dec. 15, 1729. 129 Nehemiah, s of Samuel and Abigail, July 4, 1736. 158 John, s of Richard and Judith, Dec. 3, 1751. 160 Sarah, da of Richard and Judith, Nov. 24, 1753. 166 Richard, s of Richard and Judith, Oct. 30, 1756. 265 Mercy, da of Richard and Judith, Aug. 29 [1765]. Stratton 406 Sarah, da of Dana and Sarah, June 7, 1811. 411 Francis Dana, s of Dana and Sarah, July 13, 1813. 419 Abraham [s of Dana and Sarah], Aug. 23, 1815. 424 Sarah, da of Dana and Sarah, June 4, 1817. 424 Charlotte, da of Dana and Sarah, Jan. 30, 1819. 435 Charles, s of Dana and Sarah, Jan. 13, 1822. 659 E. Augusta, da of Francis D. and Sarah [M.], May 24, 1843. 660 Margaret, da of Francis D. and Sarah M., Sept. 11, 1844. 662 Marrietta, da of Francis D. and Sarah [M.], March 6, 1846. Strong 669 Abby H., da of Charles and Abigail, in Boston, Oct. 16, 1849. Summers 669 Walter H.,s of S. F. and Maria, Jan. 11, 1850. Swan 661 Lydia M., da of Thomas and Caroline, March 23, 1845. 665 Sarah Caroline, da of John, Jr., and Sarah Jane, in West Cambridge, Dec. 6, 1847. Swasey 661 Caroline A., da of Augustus C. and Sarah C., April 30, 1845. 666 George A., s of Augustus C, and Sarah A., Feb. 15, 1849. 671 Horace A., s of Augustus C. and Sarah A., Dec. 8, 1850. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 85 Sweetser 82 83 86 88 110 110 110 110 118 121 121 124 126 129 131 1381 131 133 136 176 176 134 140 148 147 147 149 162 178 178 255 259 260 289 289 264 289 289 664 Samuel, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, April 3, 1701. John, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Feb. 12, 1702/3. Jacob, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, April 6, 1705. Michael, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, May 19, 1707. John, s of John and Martha, Jan. 15, 1722/3. Martha, da of John and Martha, Nov. 12, 1724. Jonathan, s of John and Martha, Aug. 9, 1727. Elizabeth, da of Benjamin and Constance, Oct. 19, 1727. Benjamin, s of John and Martha, Jan. 27, 1729/30. Abigail, da of Benjamin and Constance, June 8, 1730. Phillips, s of Phillips and Mary, Jan. 2, 1730/1. Henry, s of Benjamin and Constance, April 8, 1732. Sarah, da of Benjamin and Constance, Aug. 13, 1733. Wigglesworth, s of Benjamin and Constance, Dec. 21, 1735. Jacob, s of Jacob and Elizabeth, May 3, 1736. Benjamin, s of Jacob and Elizabeth, Feb. 19, 1737/8. Mary, da of Samuel and Mary, Feb. 26, 1737/8. Stephen, s of Stephen and Lydia, March 11, 1738/9. Henry, s of Phillips and Mary [176, “born with Nathan”], March 25 1738/9]. seer e of Phillips and Mary?], March 25, 1738/9. Mary, da of Phillips and Mary, May 3, 17— [1740]. Sarah, da of Jacob and Elizabeth, July 24, 1740. Edward, s of Stephen and Lydia, July 30, 1742. Mary, da of Jacob and Elizabeth, May 5, 1743. Lydia, da of Stephen and Lydia, Nov. 23, 1744. Aaron, s of Stephen and Lydia, Dec. ro, 1746. Ann, da of Jacob and Elizabeth, June 22, 1747. Benjamin, s of Stephen and Lydia, June 22, 1755. Samuel, s of Samuel and Lydia, March 4, 1758. John, s of Samuel and Lydia, Jan. 6, 1760. Abigail, da of Stephen and Abigail [Jan. 13], 1763. Michael, s of Michael and Mary, Dec. 17 [abt. 1764]. Thomas, s of Michael and Mary, May 2, 1766. James, s of James and Susanna [1786]. Harriet, da of James and Susanna, March 2, 1787. Susanna, da of James and Susanna, Jan. 31, 1789. Lydia, da of James and Susanna, March 4, 1792. Hannah, da of James and Susanna, Oct. 18, 1795. Azelia Frances, da of Samuel S. and Rebecca S., at Stoneham, Feb. 25, 1847. Swillaway c.c. Hannah, da of Henry, (12), 1665. Syfferman 671 Catherine B., da of Charles F. and Catherine, May 16, 1850. Talbot 669 Tay 666 Emma Frances, da of Josiah W. and Mary L., March 12, 1850. Nicolas J., s of Francis J. and Albina, March 11, 1849. Taylor 405 407 441 440 444 Theodore, s of Nathaniel and Polly, Sept. , 1810. Lucy Ann, da of Nathaniel and Polly, May 4, 1812. Harriet Amanda, da of Josiah A. and Joanna, June 27, 1828. Susan F., da of Hosea R. and Lydia Ann, April 30, 1829. Hosea, s of Hosea R. and Lydia A[nn], Aug. 24, 1833. 86 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Taylor (continued ) 447 Henry Franklin, s of Hosea R. and Lydia Ann, March 23, 1836. 555 Shubael Oliver [s of Shubael L. and Harriet A.], Dec. 19, 1838. 555 Harriet Newhall [da of Shubael L. and Harriet A.], Sept. 28, 1841. 660 Eliza A., da of Franklin and Rebecca P., Jan. 21, 1844. 661 Mary J., da of Jonathan and Deborah, Feb. 8, 1845. 662 Sarah Ann, da of Shubael L. and Harriet [A.], May 24, 1845. 663 Julia Lucretia, da of Samuel D. and Lucinda, Aug. 27, 1845. 664 Alza Ridgely, da of Franklin and Rebecca P., Jan. 8, 1847. 665 ees e a: t sons of Shubael L. and Harriet[A.], Nov. 15, 1847. ‘Teale, Teel ec. Abigail, da of William, Jan. 1, 1685. c.c. Benjamin, s of William and Mary, Nov. 2, 1689. 79 Elizabeth, da of William and Mary, June 12, 1696. 81 Oliver, s of William and Mary, July 19, 1699. 85 Rachel, da of William and Mary, Aug. 1, 1703. 416 Eliza Ann, da of Samuel and Ann, July 28, 1815. Thacher 276 Thomas Cushing, s of Rev. Peter and Elizabeth, Oct. 11, 1771. 272 Peter, s of Rev. Peter and Elizabeth, Dec. 1, 1772. 277 Sarah, da of Rev. Peter and Elizabeth, March 7, 1774. 274 Joseph Warren, s of Rev. Peter and Elizabeth, July 4, 1775. 267 [Charles], s of Rev. Peter and Elizabeth, Sept. [1779]. 270 Sarah, da of Rev. Peter and Elizabeth, Oct. 5, 1781. 256 Mary Harvey, da of Rev. Peter and Elizabeth, March 27, 1783. Thomas 665 Samuel J. S.,s of John and Mary, Jan. 19, 1848. Thompson 422 Lucy Ann, da of John W. and Mary, Oct. 21, 1817. 558 Lydia Ann, da of William and Hannah, Nov. 2, 1840. 663 John, s of Samuel and Eliza, June 11, 1846. 668 Moses, s of James and Sarah, Sept. 21, 1848. Thurston 669 Lilly M.. da of Charles and Mary, Nov. 4, 1849. Tingle c.c. Samuel, s of Samuel, (12), 1665. c.c. Thomas, s of Samuel, July , 1667. Todd 447 Caroline Amanda, da of Martha, March 8, 1829. Torrey 266 Nehemiah Hobart, s of Nehemiah and Bridget, Sept. 19, 1788. 284 Rebecca Parker, da of Nehemiah and Bridget, Aug. 15 [1792]. Towle 664 Louisa F., da of John D. and Cordelia, Aug. 28, 1846. Towner 662 Sarah J., da of Walter and Sarah J., May 22, 1845. 665 Sophronia Roxie, da of Levi C. and Eliza, April 1, 1848. 672 Eldora, da of Levi C. and Eliza, Sept. 7, 1850. Townsend 83 Joseph, s of Joseph and Judith, Jan. 18, 1700/1. 84 Jacob, s of Joseph and Sarah, Oct. , 1703. 86 Sarah, da of Joseph and Sarah, Feb. 28, 1705/6. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 87 Townsend (continued ) 89 Priscilla, da of Joseph and Sarah, Jan. 7, 1707/8. 91 Timothy, s of Joseph and Sarah, Aug. 28, 1710. 93 Hannah, da of Joseph and Sarah, March 14, 1712/3- 184 Mary, da of Solomon and Mary, Feb. 14, 1738. 134 Solomon, s of Solomon and Mary, Nov. 16, 1739. 184 Olive, da of Solomon and Mary, March 1, 1740. 141 Eunice, da of Solomon and Mary, Dec. 3, 1741. 141 Samuel, s of Solomon and Mary, Sept. 25, 1743. 150 Elizabeth, da of Solomon and Mary, Dec. 19, 1745. 150 Josiah, s of Solomon and Mary, April 14, 1748. 150 Elizabeth, da of Solomon and Mary, Nov. I1, 1749. 260 , 8s of Solomon and Esther, Sept. 22, 1766. ? 289 Esther, da of Solomon and [Esther], May, 1771. 289 Mary, da of Solomon and [Esther], March 23 [abt. 1774]. 307 Ebenezer, s of Solomon, June 7 [ate 1783]. 807 ——, [ch] of Solomon [axze 1785]. 807 Betsey, da of Solomon, March 17, 1786. 289 Nancy, da of John and Anna, March 11, 1787. 807 Rebecca, da of Solomon, March Io, 1790. 289 Sarah, da of John and Anna, Dec. II, 1790. , 289 Hannah Wait, da of John and Anna, Sept. 9, 1793. 289 John, s of John and Anna, Aug. 18, 1795. 298 Charlotte, da of John and Anna, Aug. 13, 1798. 298 Josiah, s of John and Anna, Dec. 25, 1800. 298 George [W.], s of John and Anna [March 12, 1805]. 405 Susan, da of Ebenezer and Susan, Aug. 30, 1809. 410 Angeline, da of Ebenezer, and Susan, July 23, 1812. 414 Eben, s of Ebenezer and Susan, Jan. 18, 1815. 421 Charles, s of Ebenezer and Susan, March 9, 1817. 430 John Brooks, s of John, Jr., and Nancy, Aug. 27, 1820. 554 Josiah Augustus, s of Josiah and Martha, Dec. 13, 1826. 653 Mary Ann, da of George W. and Mary, June 19, 1830. 654 Martha Elizabeth, da of Josiah and Martha, Feb. 7, 1831. 553 John, s of George W. and Mary, April 3, 1832. 553 George Lafayette, s of George W. and Mary, July 23, 1834. §54 Abigail Wait, da of Josiah and Martha, Nov. 12, 1834. Trainer 667 Frances, da of James and Margaret, Nov. 4, 1847. 670 James, s of James and Margaret, Oct. 14, 1849. True 674 Adeline Louisa, da of Lewis P. and Adeline, Dec. 21, 1850. Tucker 277 Hannah, da of John and Hannah, Oct. 19, 1774. Tufts c.c. John, s of Peter, 7 (3), 1653. e.c. Mary, da of Peter, 19 (4), 1655. c.c. Jonathan, s of Petér, 19 (4), 1657. c.c. Jonathan, s of Peter, 3 (1), 1660. e.c. Elizabeth, da of Peter, 22 (9), 1673. 91 Deborah, da of Peter and Deborah, Oct. 28, 1710. 93 Peter, s of Peter and Deborah, March 28, 1713. 95 Elizabeth, da of Peter and Deborah, July 26, 1715. g.8. Jonathan, s of Jonathan and srg the same day], Aug. 13, 1716. 101 Sarah, da of Peter and Deborah, Aug. 30, 1718. 150 Stephen, s of Stephen and Catherine, March 28, 1749. 88 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Tufts (continued ) 154 Anna, da of Stephen and Catherine, Dec. 11, 1750. 159 167 248 265 262 avi 274 292 266 292 266 251 292 266 251 292 292 278 281 266 281 292 278 281 292 288 281 294 284 252 288 283 294 288 292 253 294 288 301 298 287 302 301 g.8. 298 302 301 301 302 301 305 405 409 405 408 408 David, s of Stephen and Catherine, Aug. 28, 1753. Timothy, s of Stephen and Catherine, April 15, 1756. John, s of John and Rebecca, March 22, 1764. [Asa], s of John and Rebecca [March], 1766. Josiah, s of John and Rebecca, April 2 [1769]. Stephen, s of Stephen and Hannah, June 30 [1774]. Elias, s of John and Lois, May 16 [1776]. Stephen, s of Stephen and [Hannah], June 2, 1779. Peter, s of John [1781]. Hannah, da of Stephen and [Hannah], May 2, 1781. Samuel, s of Samuel and Martha, April 1, 1783. Catherine, da of David and Elizabeth, July 8 [1784]. Rebecca, da of Stephen and [Hannah], July 28, 1784. Polly, da of Samuel and Martha, May 26, 1785. David, s of David and Elizabeth, Nov. 23, 1785. Nancy, da of Stephen and [Hannah], March 30, 1786. Simon, s of Stephen and [Hannah], April 9, 1788. Timothy, s of David and Betsey, May 23, 1788. Rebecca, da of John, Jr., and Lydia, Jan. 23, 1789. Amos, s of Samuel and Martha, Feb. 7, 1789. Betsey, da of Asa and Elizabeth, April 28, 1790. Sally, da of Stephen and [Hannah], May 20, 1790. Betsey, da of David and Betsey, July § [abt. 1790]. Patty, da of [Samuel and Martha], Oct. 5, 1791. Polly, da of Stephen and [Hannah], May 18, 1792. Lydia, da of John, Jr., and Lydia [at Chelsea], June 13 [g.s. June 14], 1792. Thomas Parker, s of Asa and Elizabeth, July 15, 1792. Ebenezer, s of David and Betsey, Aug. 7, 1792. Anna, da of Joseph and Esther, Dec. 4, 1792. Andrew, s of Samuel and Martha, Dec. 16, 1793. Betsey, da of Josiah and Lydia, March 7, 1794. Asa, s of Asa and Elizabeth, Nov. 5, 1794. Edward, s of David and Betsey, Nov. 6, 1794. John Hutchinson, s of John, Jr., and Lydia, May 14, 1795. Joseph Warren, s of Stephen and [Hannah], Sept. 12, 1795. Rebecca, da of Asa and Elizabeth, Oct. 19, 1796. Thomas, s of David and Betsey, March 27, 1797. Josiah, s of Josiah and Lydia, April 28, 1797. Nancy, da of Asa and Elizabeth, Aug. 31, 1798. Lois, da of Samuel and Martha, Dec. 17, 1798. Nathaniel, s of David and Betsey, April 10 [1799]. Lydia, da of Josiah and Lydia, Sept. 11, 1800. Charlotte, da of Asa and Elizabeth, at [Groton], Sept. 18, 1800. Huldah [da of John and Lydia, at Chelsea], March 1, 1801. Alfred, s of Samuel and Martha, May 15, 1802. Mary, da of Josiah and Lydia, June 11, 1802. Jacob, s of Asa and Elizabeth, Feb. 9 [1803]. Mary Emerson, da of Asa and Elizabeth, Nov. 9, 1804. Peter, s of Josiah and Lydia, July 6, 1805. Daniel, s of Asa and Elizabeth, Jan. 10, 1807. Lois, da of Peter and Fanny, Nov. 9, 1807. Fanny, da of Peter and Fanny, March 8 [408, March 9], 1810. Sarah Cheever, da of Asa and Elizabeth, June 7, 1810. Alfred, s of Simon and Rebecca, Feb. 21, 1811. Peter Hutchinson, s of Peter and Fanny, March 23, 1812. Simon, s of Simon and Rebecca, June 4, 1812. a MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 89 Tufts (continued ) 412 420 416 419 425 429 429 432 433 553 435 440 551 440 553 486 551 440 553 551 440 551 553 551 653 551 551 551 557 561 554 553 551 551 551 651 g.8. 557 557 557 659 659 661 663 664 666 666 Rebecca Matilda, da of Simon and Rebecca, Jan. 26, 1815. Asa, s of Asa and Eliza, March 8, 1815. Benjamin Ambrose, s of Peter and Fanny, April 8, 1815. Elizabeth, da of Peter and Fanny, Sept. 10, 1817. John, s of Peter and Fanny, Dec. 29, 1818. Alfred, s of Simon and Rebecca, March 12, 1819. Mary, da of Simon and: Rebecca, Aug. 9, 1820. Rebecca Paine, da of Joseph W. and Eliza, Feb. 18, 1821. Hannah, da of Nathaniel and Hannah, Sept. 28, 1821. Ebenezer Pratt, s of Ebenezer and Hannah H., May 3, 1822. Mary Jane, da of Peter and Fanny, July 2, 1822. Joseph W., s of Joseph W. and Eliza, Oct. 15 [g.s. Oct. 13], 1822. Nathaniel, s of Nathaniel and Hannah, Oct. 28, 1823. Eliza, da of Joseph W. and Eliza, Jan. 17, 1824. Gustavus Hills, s of Ebenezer and Hannah H., March 31, 1824. Sarah Ann, da of Peter, Nov. 15, 1824. Martha Elizabeth, da of Thomas and Martha, Nov. to, 1825. Elmira H., da of Joseph W. and Eliza, Dec. 16, 1825. Timothy, s of Ebenezer and Hannah H., Jan. 28, 1826. Franklin, s of Nathaniel and Hannah, March 1, 1827. Ellen G., da of Joseph W. and Eliza, Sept. 8, 1828. Mary Bradstreet, da of Nathaniel and Hannah, Jan. 24, 1829. George Washington, s of Ebenezer and Hannah H., Dec. 7, 1829. Catherine, da of Nathaniel and Hannah, Feb. 21, 1831. William Wallace, s of Ebenezer and Hannah H., June 24, 1831. Maria Antoinette, da of Thomas and Martha, Oct. Io, 1831. Ellen Augusta, da of Edward and Eleanor, July 5, 1832. Pauline, da of Nathaniel and Hannah, Feb. 18, 1833. Ruth W., da of Peter H. and Ruth, Oct. 28, 1834. Augustus, s of Nathaniel and Hannah, Feb. 16, 1835. Nancy Wait, da of Joseph W. and Eliza, April 17, 1835. Mary Hills, da of Ebenezer and Hannah H., Sept. 11, 1835. Catherine, da of Thomas and Martha, Sept. 4, 1836. Eugene, s of Nathaniel and Hannah, July 18, 1837. Thomas, s of Thomas and Martha, Oct. 22, 1838. Joseph Pratt, s of Nathaniel and Hannah, June 2, 1839. Mary E., da of Benjamin A. and Lydia B., 1840. John H. W., s of Peter H. and Ruth, Oct. 29, 1841. John B. A., s of Benjamin A. and Lydia B., Jan. 22, 1843. James Edwin, s of James M. and Harriet, April 2, 1843. E. Augusta, da of Edward and Eleanor, May 31, 1843. Rebecca S., da of Joseph W. and Eliza, Sept. 4, 1843. Edward A., s of Edward and Susan W., Dec. 4, 1844. John B. A., s of Benjamin A. and Lydia B., May 18, 1846. George Francis, s of Edward, 2, and Susan W., Aug. 10, 1847. Peter R., s of Benjamin A. and Lydia B., Dec. 24, 1848. George A., s of James M. and Harriet E., April 27, 1849. Turner 452 669 669 T Tuttle 138 Harriet Elizabeth, da of Samuel E. C. and Hannah, Sept. 1, 1841. Isabella, da of Alfred R. and Mary M. G., Nov. 27, 1849. Charles Alfred, s of Henry E. and Phebe, Jan. 11, 1850. ‘urpie gs. William H., Mary J., ‘ chn of James and Alice, June 2, 1850. Edward, s of Samuel and Anna, June 19, 1741. go MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Twiss 662 Frederick Warren, s of George N. and Ann Elizabeth, Sept. 1, 1845. Twombly 659 ——.,s of Cyrus and Caroline, Sept. 15, 1843. Upham c.c. c.c. c.c. c.c. c.c. c.c. c.c. c.c. c.c. 77 77 vid 78 79 80 80 80 81 81 82 82 82 83 84 86 88 87 88 88 88 89 90 90 91 92 92 92 92 92 93 93 94 97 94 95 95 97 97 99 100 101 100 101 John, s of Phineas, 9 (10), 1666. Mary, da of Phineas, June 18, 1685. Nathaniel, s of Nathaniel, March 4, 1686. James, s of Phineas and Mary, Aug. 8, 1687. Sarah, da of Nathaniel and Sarah, Jan. 22, 1688/9. Mary, da of Phineas and Mary, Nov. 15, 1689. John, s of John and Abigail, March 10, 1690. Ruth, da of Nathaniel and Sarah, April 1, 1691. Samuel, s of John and Abigail, Aug. 25, 1691. Thomas, s of Thomas and Elizabeth, July 7, 1694. Jonathan, s of Phineas and Mary, Sept. 2, 1694. Noah, s of Nathaniel and Sarah, Oct. 1, 1694. Elizabeth, da of Thomas and Elizabeth, Nov. 30, 1695. Abigail, da of Nathaniel and Sarah, Dec. 21, 1696. William, s of Phineas and Mary, Oct. 30, 1697. Abigail, da of John and Abigail, April 12, 1698. Abijah, s of Thomas and Elizabeth, June 19, 1698. Joanna, da of Nathaniel and Sarah, April 21, 1699. Elizabeth, da of Phineas and Mary, March 6, 1699/1700. Nathan, s of Thomas and Elizabeth, April 20, 1701. Lois, da of Nathaniel and Sarah, June Io, 1701. Ivory, s of Richard and Abigail, June 16, 1701. David, s of John and Abigail, May 6, 1702. Abigail, da of Richard and Abigail, April 19, 1703. Tabitha, da of Phineas and Tamesin, Dec. 11, 1704. Josiah, s of Thomas and Mary, Aug. 18, 1705. Mary, da of Phineas and Tamesin, March 5, 1705/6. Dorcas, da of Richard and Abigail, May 19, 1707. Eunice, da of Nathaniel and Sarah, June 7, 1707. Mary, da of Nathaniel and Mary, Nov. 22, 1707. Phineas, s of Phineas and Tamesin, Jan. 14, 1707/8. Phebe, da of Nathaniel and Mary, Aug. 3, 1709. Edward, s of James and Dorothy, March 26, 1710. Timothy, s of Phineas and Tamesin, Aug. 29, 1710. Martha, da of Nathaniel and Mary, March 8, 1710/11. Mercy, da of James and Dorothy, Nov. 20, 1711. Hephzibah, da of Richard and Abigail, Feb. 29, 1711/2. Zebediah, s of Phineas and Tamesin, March 13, 1711/2, Joseph, s of Thomas and Ruth, April 14, 1712. Daniel, s of Nathaniel and Mary, April 2, 1713. Tamesin, da of Phineas and Tamesin, May 5, 1713. Martha, da of James and Dorothy, May 24, 1714. Isaac, s of Phineas and Tamesin, July 31, 1714. Ruth, da of Richard and Abigail, Dec. 3, 1714. Nathaniel, s of Nathaniel and Mary, June 27, 1715. Mary, da of Samuel and Mary, Jan. 16, 1715/6. Richard, s of Richard and Abigail, Dec. 3, 1716. Jabez, s of Phineas and Tamesin, Jan. 3 [103, Jan. 2], 1717. Abigail, da of Samuel and Mary, March 6, 1717/8. Sarah, da of Nathaniel and Mary, June 27, 1718. Amos, s of Phineas and Tamesin, Sept. 29, 1718. Luke, s of Richard and Abigail, March 28, 1719. Jacob, s of John and Tamesin, April 14, 1719. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS gI Upham (continued ) 101 103 101 102 102 108 103 105 104 105 105 108 108 111 111 116 116 117 122 124 124 125 125 126 128 128 129 131 131 140 135 139 142 141 144 144 142° 148 148 149 152 154 156 159 159 161 167 169 170 172 174 249 246 275 260 275 Daniel, s of Nathaniel and Mary, Feb. 16, 1719. Tamesin, da of Phineas and Tamesin, May 21, 1720. Noah, s of Noah and Lydia, Dec. 6, 1720. Mercy, da of Samuel and Mary, Jan. 19, 1720/1. Abise ‘i i chn of Richard and Abigail, July 10, 1721. Sarah, da of Phineas and Tamesin, Oct. 25, 1721. Samuel, s of Samuel and Mary, Sept. 28, 1722. Jacob, s of Phineas and Tamesin, April 25, 1723. Caleb, s of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, Oct. 17, 1723. Jonathan, s of Samuel and Mary, Sept. 16, 1724. Abigail, da of Nathaniel and Mary, Dec. 6, 1724. Samuel, s of Ivory and Tabitha, June 14, 1726. Ebenezer, s of Samuel and Mary, July 8, 1726. Elizabeth, da of James and Dorothy, June 12, 1727. Ebenezer, s of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, “being ye day after a very terable Earth Quake which was y* night before,” Oct. 30, 1727. Ezekiel, s of Ezekiel and Hannah, Nov. 30, 1727. Jacob, s of Samuel and Mary, April 3, 1729. Hannah, da of Ezekiel and Hannah, Dec. 4, 1729. Phebe, da of Samuel and Mary, April 6, 1731. Phineas, s of Phineas and Hannah, June 6, 1732. Elizabeth, da of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, Aug. 21, 1732. Sarah, da of David and Sarah, Oct. 5, 1733. John, s of Samuel and Mary, Oct. 8, 1733. Hannah, da of Phineas and Hannah, April 25, 1734. Sarah, da of David and Sarah, Jan. 26, 1735/6. Mehitable, da of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, Feb. 6, 1735/6. William, s of Samuel and Mary, March 6, 1735/6. Phineas, s of Phineas and Hannah, Feb. 13, 1736/7. Mary, da of Nathaniel and Mary, Jan. 21, 1737/8. Lydia, da of Timothy and Mary, Oct. 21, 1740. Abigail, da of David and Sarah, March 15, 1740/1. Amos, s of Amos and Lois, Dec. 3, 1741. Lydia, da of Timothy and Mary, April 23, 1743. Phineas, s of Amos and Lois, June 23, 1744. Nathaniel, s of Nathaniel and Rebecca, June 22, 1745. Lois, da of Amos and Lois, Feb. 1, 1745/6. Jesse, s of Timothy and Mary, March 18, 1745. Timothy, s of Timothy and Mary, Feb. 9, 1747/8. Hannah, da of Amos and Lois, April 29, 1748. Rebecca, da of Jacob and Rebecca, Dec. 2, 1748. Mary, da of Timothy and Mary, Dec. 14, 1750. Rebecca, da of Jacob and Rebecca, Jan. 9, 1750/1. William, s of Amos and Lois, April 15, 1751. Lois, da of Amos and Lois, May 20, 1752. Sarah, da of Jacob and Rebecca, March Io, 1753. Sarah, da of Jacob and Rebecca, July 7, 1754. Mary, da of Timothy and Mary, Sept. 5, 1756. Mary, da of Jacob and Rebecca, May 2, 1757. Ezra, s of Amos and Lois, June 9, 1758. Tamesin, da of Jacob and Rebecca, Sept. 5, 1759. Jabez, s of Timothy and Mary, Oct. 26, 1760. Ruth, da of Jacob and Rebecca, Jan. 18, 1763. Nathan, s of Amos and Lois, Sept. 21, 1764. Mary, da of Amos and Mary, May 22, 1765. eed s of Jacob and Rebecca, May 16, 1766. Lois, da of Amos and Mary, April 22, 1767. / 92 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Upham (continued) 250 261 276 256 270 256 270 256 256 278 257 257 309 257 309 299 257 309 299 408 411 406 299 410 305 414 414 408 306 406 414 414 409 408 410 409 414 411 414 414 414 414 414 414 414 419 419 428 428 432 428 428 428 428 437 438 432 437 Ezekiel, s of Jesse and Sarah [Sept. 18, 1768]. Hannah, da of Amos and Mary, Sept. 28, 1770. Amos, s of Amos and Mary, July 24, 1772. Samuel Sprague, s of Amos, Jr., and Anna, Sept. 12, 1777. William, s of William and Hannah, Sept. 3, 1778. Patty, da of Amos, Jr., and Anna, April 15, 1779. Hannah, da of William and Hannah, Dec. 4 [1780]. Nathan, s of Amos, Jr., and Anna, Feb. 24, 1781. Susanna, da of Amos, Jr., and Anna, March 6, 1783. Rebecca, da of William and Hannah, Nov. 12, 1789. Anna, da of Samuel S. and Anna, June 9 [1797]. Frederick, s of Samuel S. and Anna, Oct. 4 [1799]. Gorham, s of Amos, Jr., and Ruth, Jan. 26, 1800. George, s of Samuel S. and Anna, Jan. 4 [1802]. Amos, s of Amos, Jr., and Ruth, June 13, 1802. Hannah, da of Jesse, Jr., Sept. 24, 1803. Sally, da of Samuel S. and Anna, March 17 [1804]. Mary, da of Amos, Jr., and Ruth, Oct. 8, 1804. Rebecca, da of Jesse, Jr., March 13, 1805. Martha, da of Capt. Samuel S., Oct. 3, 1806. Nathan, s of Nathan and Eunice, Oct. 13, 1806. John, s of Amos and Ruth, Nov. 4, 1806. Joshua, s of Jesse, Jr., Dec. 27, 1806. John, s of Amos and Ruth, Dec. 2, 1806 [g.s. 1807]. [Hannah], da of William, Jr., and Dolly, March 11, 1808. Sally, da of Jesse, Jr., and Rebecca, Sept. 27, 1808. Susan, da of Asa and Ruth, Feb. 25, 1809. Clarissa, da of Capt. Samuel S., July 28, 1809. Sally, da of William, Jr., and Dorothy, Dec. 13, 1809. Lucy, da of Amos and Ruth, March 4, 1810. Susan, da of Ezra and Susanna, June'1g, 1810. George, s of Jesse, Jr., and Rebecca, Oct. 4, 1810. Sarah, da of William, Jr., and Dorothy, Dec. 13, 1810, Freeman, s of Capt. Samuel S., Dec. 7, 1811. Rebecca, da of Amcs and Ruth, March 4, 1812. Isaac Walton, s of William, Jr., and Dorothy, Aug. 10, 1812, Zeluta, da of Jesse, Jr., and Rebecca, Dec. 21, 1812. Adeline, da of Nathan and Eunice, Jan. 9, 1813. Ezra Smith, s of Ezra and Susanna, May 26, 1813. Eri, s of Asa and Ruth, Sept. 7, 1813. Ezra Smith, s of Ezra and Susanna, Dec. 20, 1814. Mary Ann, da of Jesse, Jr., and Rebecca, March 9, 1815. Betsey, da of Amos and Ruth, May 8, 1815. Abiel, s of William, Jr., and Dolly, July 31, 1815. Eli, s of Nathan and Eunice, Sept._1, 1815. Asa, s of Asa, March 31, 1816. Lucinda, da of Samuel S. and [Anna], Feb. 22, 1817. Harriet, da of Jesse, Jr., and Rebecca, March 22, 1817. Eunice, da of Nathan and Eunice, Aug. 9, 1817. Sally, da of Amos and Ruth, June 13, 1818. Sarah Elizabeth, da of Enoch and Sarah, Sept. 25, 1818. Lydia, da of Jesse, Jr., and Rebecca, April 7, 1819. Orne, s of Asa and Ruth, Sept. 25, 1819. Susan Celestia, da of Ezra and Susan, Oct. 30, 1819. Albert, s of Nathan and Eunice, March 29, 1821. Timothy, s of Jesse and Rebecca, April 22, 1821. Amos, s of Amos and Ruth, Jan. 24, 1822. Emily, da of Nathan and Eunice, Sept. 21, 1823. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 93 Upham (continued ) 488 Nathaniel, s of Jesse and Rebecca, Dec. 26, 1823. 4387 Roxanna Celesta, da of Ezra, Jan. 26, 1824. 443 Elizabeth Ann, da of Joshua and Elizabeth B., July 24, 1831. 654 Elizabeth, da of John and Elizabeth, Jan. 18, 1834. 452 John Henry, s of Joshua, May 15, 1834. 555 Osgood Wright, s of Freeman and Abaline, May 2, 1835. 449 Charles Henry, s of Joshua and Elizabeth B., May 15, 1835. 554 Otis, s of John and Elizabeth, Sept. 24, 1836. 449 Ellen Augusta, da of Joshua and Elizabeth B., Dec. 27, 1836. 555 Eveline, da of Freeman and Abaline, Feb. 17, 1837. 554 Mary Jane, da of John and Elizabeth, Jan. 4, 1838. 555 Abby Jane, da of Freeman and Abaline, Sept. 13, 1831 [prob. error, 1838 ?]. 554 John Lynde, s of John and Elizabeth, Dec. 31, 1839. . 555 Charles Freeman, s of Freeman and Abaline, Jan. 24, 1841. 452 Willard Putnam, s of Joshua, March 9, 1841. 667 Ellen A., da of John and Elizabeth, April 3, 1842. 659 Webster, s of John and Elizabeth, Jan. 10, 1844. 663 Aaron Green, s of Joshua and Mary G., June 26, 1845. 662 Sarah Jane, da of John and Elizabeth, Jan. 22 [667, Jan. 21], 1846. 663 Thomas ag s of Eri and Mary Ann [error for H. Elmira], Jan. 30, 1846. : 665 Sarah Velutia, da of Eri and H. Elmira, Sept. to, 1847. 665 Frank E., s of Freeman and Abaline, Dec. 19, 1847. 667 Lucia Ann, da of John and Elizabeth, March 26, 1849. 669 Asa Eugene, s of Eri and Hannah E[Imira], Sept. 6, 1849. 673 Matilda, da of John and Elizabeth, June 13, 1850. Upton 662 Augustus, s of Augustus and Zenath, Dec. to, 1844. Ure 662 Mary J. Drysdale, da of Robert and Janet, Jan. 31, 1846. » Valentine 668 Charles Franklin, s of J. and Mary, Aug. 6, 1848. Vannevar 667 George A.,s of Aaron B. and Dorothy G., in Boston, June 16, 1846. Van Voorhis 659 Gulian H., s of Henry [W.] and Catherine, May 16, 1843. 661 Frederick O., s of Henry W. and Catherine, Nov. 5, 1844. 667 Isaac L., s of Henry W. and Catherine, Feb. 14, 1848. Vaughan 663 Julius F., s of George [W.] and Caroline L., Sept. 24, 1846. 664 Caroline Eugenia, da of George W. and Caroline, Nov. 19, 1847. 670 ———, da of George W. and Lydia C., Dec. 20, 1849. Veasey, Veazie 661 Mary E., da of Joseph W. and Mary, March 16, 1845. 667 Sarah E., da of Oliver C. and Mary A., Sept. 28, 1847. Verrell, Varrell 671 Adeline Frances, da of Bainbridge and Frances, July 5, 1850. Vinal 665 Lilian Francis, ch of Nelson and Lydia Ann, Feb. 24, 1848. 672 David W.,s of Nelson and Lydia Ann, Dec. 28, 1850. 94 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Vinning 406 Mary, da of Thomas and Lydia, Dec. 27, 1807. Tinton 718 78 78 78 78 78 78 146 146 146 146 1651 151 169 168 169 169 169 274 274 266 266 266 408 435 422 435 554 558 662 663 664 664 666 Wade 142 161 151 151 272 267 267 267 267 303 303 303 303 303 413 417 421 429 433 Hannah, da of John and Hannah, Aug. 20, 1678. John, s of John and Hannah, Jan. 16, 1681/2. Rebecca, da of John and Hannah, March 16, 1683. Mary, da of John and Hannah, Aug. 20, 1689. Mary, da of John and Hannah, Jan. 1, 1692/3. Samuel, s of John and Hannah, May 3, 1695. Thomas, s of John and Hannah, Jan. 31, 1696/7. Thomas, s of Thomas and Hannah, Sept. 17, 1742. Mary, da of Benoni and Mary, Feb. 5, 1742/3. Timothy, s of Thomas and Hannah, Dec. 3, 1744. Martha, da of Benoni and Mary, Oct. 5, 1746. Hannah, da of Thomas and Hannah, Sept. 5, 1747. Benoni, s of Benoni and Mary, March 31, 1749. Phebe, da of Thomas and Hannah, April 2, 1751. John, s of Benoni and Mary, Aug. 15, 1752. Ezra, s of Thomas and Hannah, Jan. 8, 1754. Benoni, s of Benoni and Mary, July 30, 1755. Mary, da of Thomas and Hannah, Jan. 28, 1757. Samuel Sprague, s of [John] and Mary, Dec. 2, 1772. John, s of John and Mary, Oct. 8, 1774. Polly, da of John and Mary, Oct. 22, 1777. Nancy, da of John and [Mary], March 24, 1780. Betsey, da of John and [Mary], Nov. 12, 1781. Isaac, s of Isaac and Mary, April 4, 1813. Nathan Augustus, s of Capt. Isaac and Mary, June 2, 1816. John, s of John and Harriet, April 19, 1818. Charles Austin, s of Capt. Isaac and Mary, April 17, 1820. George Henry, s of John, Jr., and Charlotte, March 28, 1841. Edwin Augustus, s of Nathan, Aug. 29, 1841. Harriet Elizabeth, da of John, Jr., and Charlotte, Jan. 3, 1846. Albert Hamilton, s of Nathan and Mary, Jan. 20, 1846. Emily, da of Nathan A. and Mary Green, Feb. Io, 1847. Henry Sprague, s of John, Jr., and Frances M., April 29, 1848. Charles A., s of John, Jr., and Charlotte, Jan. 18, 1849. Edward, s of Samuel and Martha, July 6, 1744. Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Martha, Sept. 17, 1745. Lydia, da of Samuel and Martha, Nov. 28, 1746. James, s of Samuel and Martha, July 8, 1750. Rebecca, da of Edward and Rebecca, July 1, 1772. [Lucy], da of Edward and Rebecca, Jan. [19], 1774. Pamela, da of Edward and Rebecca, June 23, 1775. Susanna, da of Edward and Rebecca, Oct. 23, 1778. Edward, s of Edward and Rebecca, March 5, 1780. Esther, da of Edward and Rebecca, March 18, 1782. Fitch, s of Edward and Rebecca, Oct. 18, 1784. Betsey, da of Edward and Rebecca, Jan. 23, 1786. Patty, da of Edward and Rebecca, Feb. 5, 1790. Henry, s of Edward and Rebecca, July 31, 1792. Rebecca Hoskins, da of Edward and Nancy P., Jan. 1, 1815. Nancy, da of Edward, Jr., and Nancy [P.], Oct. 14, 1816. Lucy, da of Edward, Jr., and Nancy P., Sept. 3, 1818. Clarissa, da of Edward, Jr., and Nancy [P.], Oct. 9, 1820. Edward, s of Edward, Jr., and Nancy [P.], Aug. 14, 1822. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 95 Wade (continued) 668 Charlotte Nancy, da of Frank and Charlotte, July 4, 1848. 669 Eliza Ann, da of F. W. and Charlotte Ann, Oct. 29, 1849. Waite, Wayte, Wait ec, Samuel, s of John, 11 (8), 1650. cc. Mary, da of John, 31 (6), 1653. e.c. Hannah, da of John, 9 (7), 1656. c.c. Mehitable, da of John, 15 (7), 1658. e.c. Thomas, s of John, 1 (7), 1660. e.c. Rebecca, da of John, Nov. 22, 1662. e.c. Nathaniel, s of John, 27 (3), 1667. ee. Mary, da of John, Aug. 11, 1685. c.c. Mehitable, da of Samuel and Mehitable, Dec. 12, 1686. ec. Benjamin, s of John and Sarah, Oct. 27, 1689. ec. Peter, s of Joseph and Mercy, Jan. 20, 1689. ec. Jonathan, s of Joseph and Mercy, Feb. 14, 1691 [1691/2]. 78 Edward, s of Samuel and Mehitable, Dec. 2, 1694. 79 Thomas, s of Thomas and Mary, Feb. 20, 1695/6. 78 Jabez, s of Samuel and Mehitable, March 1, 1695/6. 81 Mary, da of Thomas and Mary, March 26, 1699. 81 Elizabeth, da of Nathaniel and Elizabeth, Jan. 2, 1699/1700. 82 Nathaniel, s of Nathaniel and Elizabeth, Nov. 5, 1701. 83 Abigail, da of Thomas and Mary, Jan. 23, 1701/2. 83 Joseph, s of Joseph and Lydia, Feb. 12, 1701/2. 84 Timothy, s of Thomas and Deborah, April 30, 1703. 84 Nathan, s of Nathaniel and Elizabeth, Oct. 28, 1703. 86 Rachel, da of Thomas and Mary, Oct. 24, 1704. 87 David, s of Nathaniel and Elizabeth, June 9, 1706. 94 Thomas, s of Thomas and Deborah, Sept. 7, 1707. 88 Jacob, s of Thomas and Mary, Oct. 17, 1707. 89 Anna, da of Samuel and Anna, Jan. 28, 1707/8. 90 Abigail, da of William and Abigail, Aug. 14, 1708. 90 Phineas, s of Nathaniel and Elizabeth, May 9, 1709. 106 Hannah, da of Joseph and Lydia, Sept. 17, 1709. 114 Samuel, s of Samuel and Anna, Dec. 14, 1709. 91 Isaac, s of Thomas and Mary, May 6, 1710. 92 Sarah, da of William and Abigail, July 5, 1710. 106 Ruth, da of Joseph and Lydia, Nov. 15, 1710. 91 Dorothy, da of Nathaniel and Elizabeth, Sept. 18, 1711. 114 William, s of Samuel and Anna, May 5, 1712. 93 Benjamin, s of Thomas and Mary, Dec. 14, 1712. 94 Deborah, da of Thomas and Deborah, Aug. 15, 1714. 114 Mary, da of Samuel and Anna, Sept. 22, 1714. 106 Mehitable, da of Joseph and Lydia, Jan. 3, 1714. 114 Martha, da of Samuel and Anna, July 20, 1717. 106 Lois, da of Joseph and Lydia, Feb. 20, 1718. 114 Phebe, da of Samuel and Anna, April 20, 1720. 106 Sarah, da of Joseph and Lydia, June 1, 1720. 105 Tabitha, da of Edward and Tabitha, Dec. 14, 1721. 87 Hannah, da of Thomas and Deborah, May 20, 1722, 114 Lydia, da of Samuel and Anna, Sept. 27, 1722. 104 Jabez, s of Jabez and Judith, Oct. 19, 1722. 112 Benjamin, s of Benjamin and Mary, April 22, 1723. 114 Nathan, s of Samuel and Anna, June 4, 1724. 105 Ebenezer, s of Thomas and Abigail, Nov. 26, 1724. 110 Mary, da of Jabez and Judith, April 1, 1725. 106 Lydia, da of Joseph and Lydia, Sept. 30, 1725. 112 Joseph, s of Benjamin and Mary, Oct. 14, 1725. 96 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Waite, Wayte, Wait (continued ) 109 110 112 114 110 115 115 116 116 123 127 124 124 127 127 126 128 127 129 127 168 168 132 138 133 140 135 142 140 146 145 168 151 146 146 148 168 149 150 151 156 155 156 157 160 159 164 164 168 164 164 166 167 170 178 171 Mary, da of Thomas and Abigail, Nov. 12, 1726. Mary, da of Timothy and Mary, April 21, 1727. Nathan, s of Benjamin and Mary, Oct. 28, 1727. Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Anna, March 12, 1727. Judith, da of Jabez and Judith, March 13, 1727. Lois, da of Edward and Tabitha, Aug. 1, 1728. Elizabeth, da of Thomas and Abigail, Aug. 20, 1728. Timothy, s of Timothy and Mary, Dec. 3, 1728. Nathan, s of Jabez and Judith, Jan. 8, 1728/9. Stephen, s of Jabez and Judith, April 16, 1731. Samuel, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, March 15, 1731/2. Jacob, s of Timothy and Mary, Dec. 17, 1732. Samuel, s of Benjamin and Mary, Jan. 5, 1732/3. John, s of Jabez and Judith, Sept. 28, 1733. Nathan, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Dec. 18, 1733. Eunice, da of Edward and Tabitha, July 24, 1734. a chn of Benjamin and Mary, May 18, 1735. ¥ Mary, da of Timothy and Mary, July 1, 1735. Rebecca, da of Jabez and Judith, Aug. 24, 1735. Deborah, da of Isaac and Deborah, Aug. 31, 1735. David, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, July 3, 1736. Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, July 6, 1738. Eunice, da of Isaac and Deborah, Feb. 8, 1738/9. Phebe, da of Jabez and Judith, April 9, 1739. Ezra, s of Timothy and Mary, June 20, 1739. Hannah, da of Joseph and Susanna, April 29, 1740. Isaac, s of Isaac and Deborah, Feb. 6, 1741/2. Aaron, s of William and Deborah, March Io, 1742/3. Joseph, s of Joseph and Susanna, Aug. 21, 1743. John, s of John and Sarah, April 11, 1745. Hannah, da of Joseph and Susanna, Oct. 17, 1745. Richard, s of Samuel and Rebecca, Dec. 6, 1746. Ebenezer, s of Thomas and Mary, March 21, 1746/7. Hannah, da of Isaac and Deborah, Sept. 19, 1747. Mary, da of John and Sarah, Oct. 31, 1747. Lois, da of Timothy and Mary, May 24, 1748. Rebecca, da of Samuel and Rebecca, April 5, 1749. Phineas, s of Joseph and Susanna, July 16, 1749. Rachel, da of Isaac and Deborah, Aug. 17, 1749. Thomas, s of Thomas and Mary, Oct. 6, 1749. Abijah, s of Joseph and Susanna, June 12, 1751. ae \ das of John and Sarah, June 18, 1751. ? John, s of William and Deborah, Dec 3, 1751. Benjamin, s of Isaac and Deborah, May 4, 1752. Mary, da of Thomas and Mary, July 25, 1753. John, s of William and Deborah, Sept. 7, 1753. Mary, da of Samuel and Mary, Dec. 8, 1754. Mary, da of Nathan and Dorothy, April 23, 1755. David, s of John and Sarah, Aug. 16, 1755. Mary, da of Thomas and Mary, Dec. 22, 1755. Lydia, da of William and Deborah, Feb. 7, 1756. Martha, da of Samuel and Mary, July 9, 1756. Darius, s of Timothy and Joanna, April 9, 1757. Mary, da of Nathan and Phebe, Aug. 3, 1758. Hannah, da of Samuel and Mary, Feb. 14, 1759. Hannah, da of Thomas and Mary, April 12, 1759. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 97 Waite, Wayte, Wait (continued) 259 249 259 247 259 259 249 249 255 245 245 265 274 250 250 249 262 274 276 261 261 276 276 274 276 276 276 272 256 272 277 ‘274 274 274 274 273 273 278 273 251 273 269 271 267 256 251 271 270 256 270 256 274 251 271 303 279 271 Jacob, s of Timothy and Joanna, July 5 [1759] Phebe, da of Nathan and Phebe, Jan. 3, 1761. Timothy, s of Timothy and Joanna, April 1, 1761. Sarah, da of John and Sarah, June 19, 1761. Samuel, s of Samuel and Mary, June 28, 1761. Joseph, s of Samuel and Mary, April 3, 1763. Nathan, s of Nathan and Phebe [April 6, 1763]. (Sarah, da of Stephen and Sarah}, June 13 [1763]. Isaac, s of John and Sarah, April 3, 1764. Anna, da of Stephen and Sarah, March 21, 176s. Rebecca, da of Nathan and Phebe, Oct. 27 [1765]. William, s of William and Elizabeth, May 9 (abt. 1766]. Lois, da of Ezra and Sarah, March 2, 1767. Huldah, da of William and Elizabeth, June 22, 1767. [Stephen], s of Stephen and Sarah, Aug. 1, 1767. Jabez, s of Nathan and Phebe, June 4, 1768. Ruth, da of John and Ruth, June 23, 1768. Mary, da of Ezra and Sarah, April 11, 1769. Abigail, da of William and Elizabeth, Feb. 26, 1770. Daniel, s of Nathan and Phebe, March 1 [1770]. Francis, s of Stephen and Sarah, March 12, 1770. Rebecca, da of Richard and Hannah, Oct. 29, 1770. Elizabeth, da of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, July 23, 1771. Joanna, da of Ezra and Sarah, Sept. 25, 1771. John, s of John, Jr., and Ruth, Feb. 8, 1772. Micah, s of Micah and Hannah, July 24, 1772. Benjamin, s of Nathan and Phebe, Aug. 5, 1772. Hannah, da of Richard and Hannah, Aug. 7, 1772. [——, ch of Thomas], 3, and Lydia [1772]. Thomas, s of Thomas and Lydia, June 19, 1773. James, s of Micah and Hannah, April 30 [1774]. Ezra, s of Ezra and Sarah, Oct. 13, 1774. Andrew, s of Thomas and Lydia, Aug. 22, 1775. Ebenezer, s of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, Sept. 7, 1775. Hannah, da of Micah and Hannah, Nov. 22, 1775. William, s of Stephen and Susanna, Jan. 25, 1776. Mary, da of Benjamin and Mary, June 6, 1776. Aaron, s of Thomas and Lydia, Feb. to, 1777. [Sarah], da of Nathan and [Mary, an error in the record for Phebe], April 24 [1777]. [John], s of Micah and Hannah, Aug. 21, 1777. [Lucy], da of Benjamin and Mary, Dec. [4, 1777]. Lydia, da of Thomas, 3, and Lydia, Oct. 16, 1778. Polly, da of Ezra, Jr., and Sarah, Oct. 19, 1778. Ebenezer, s of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, Aug. 3, 1779. Hannah, da of Benjamin and Mary, Jan. 3, 1780. Aaron, s of Micah and Hannah, April 17, 1780. Ezra, s of Ezra, Jr., and Sarah, Feb. 8, 1781. Darius, s of Thomas [3] and Lydia, Feb. 20, 1781. Isaac, s of Benjamin and Mary, March 5, 1781. [Abigail], da of Ebenezer and (Elizabeth, March , 1781]. Susanna, da of Stephen, July [20, 1781]. Darius, s of Ezra and Sarah, Aug. 29, 1782. Peter, s of Micah and Hannah, Sept. 17, 1782. William, s of Ezra, Jr., and Sarah, Dec. 7, 1783. Sarah, da of Thomas and Lydia, Dec. 18, 1783. Deborah, da of Benjamin and Mary, Nov. 20, 1784. John, s of Ezra, Jr., and Sarah, Jan. 15, 1785. 7 98 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Waite, Wayte, Wait (continued ) 303 263 252 303 271 279 266 303 271 279 303 307 271 804 258 290 271 288 304 288 290 303 287 301 287 804 804 301 444 411 301 304 801 411 804 257 304 301 257 304 415 305 444 408 300 406 305 300 300 300 406 408 406 415 406 411 406 406 Israel, s of Thomas and Lydia, May 29, 1785. Hannah, da of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, March 21, 1786. Phebe, da of Lieut. Micah and Hannah, Oct. 6, 1786. Phebe, da of Thomas and Lydia, Oct. 19, 1787. Nathaniel, s of Ezra, Jr., and Sarah, Dec. 21, 1787. Aaron, s of Benjamin and Mary, July 5, 1788. Mercy, da of Samuel, 3, and Mercy, Feb. 27, 1789. Deborah, da of Thomas and Lydia, April 12, 1789. Sarah, da of Ezra, Jr., and Sarah, March 28, 1790. William, s of Benjamin and Mary, July 13, 1791. Samuel Hitchings, s of Thomas and Lydia, Sept. 12, 1791. Joseph, s of Joseph and Betsey, Jan. 15, 1792. Jonathan, s of Ezra, Jr., and Sarah, July 10, 1792. Daniel, Jr., s of Daniel and Pamela, March 20, 1793. Sally, da of Samuel, Jr., and Sally, Sept. 25, 1794. John, s of John, 3, and Martha, Sept. 30, 1794. David, s of Ezra, Jr., and Sarah, May 5, 1795. Charles, s of Micah, Jr., and Phebe, June 22, 1795. Pamela, da of Daniel and Pamela, April 1, 1796. James, s of James and Elizabeth, July 17, 1796. John, s of John, 3, and Martha, Feb. 4 [1797]. William, s of William, Jr., and Anna, April 15, 1797. Micah, s of Phebe, widow of Micah, Jr., Dec. 2, 1797. Andrew, Jr., s of Andrew and Susanna, Dec. 15, 1797. Reuben, s of James and Elizabeth, July 7, 1798. Warren, s of Daniel and Pamela, Sept. 23, 1798. Ruth, da of John, 3, and Martha, March 16, 1799. Lydia, da of Andrew and Susanna, Aug. 15, 1799. Aaron, s of Aaron and Nancy, Sept. 24, 1799. Elizabeth, da of James and Elizabeth, Dec. 22, 1800. Eliza, da of Aaron and Nancy, April 12, 1801. Dorcas, da of John, 3, and Martha, May 17, 1801. Jacob, s of Andrew and Susanna, Nov. 21, 1801. Phebe, da of James and Elizabeth, March 19, 1802. Hannah, da of Daniel and Pamela, Oct. 13, 1802. Hannah, da of Thomas, Jr., and Hannah, Dec. 3 [1802]. David, s of John, 3, and Martha, July 4, 1803. Henry, s of Andrew and Susanna, Nov. 17, 1803. Thomas, s of Thomas, Jr., and Hannah, Jan. 3 [1804]. Sally, da of Daniel and Pamela, May 28, 1804. Eliza, da of Ezra, 3, and Rebecca, Oct. 12, 1805. Phebe, da of Thomas, Jr., and Hannah, Jan. 28, 1806. Samuel H[itchings], s of Aaron and Nancy, Feb. 27, 1806, Nancy, da of Aaron, Jr., and Nancy, March 31, 1806. James, s of Andrew and Susanna, April 30 [1806]. Amos, s of John, 3, and Nancy, March 17, 1807. Caleb, s of Thomas, Jr., and Hannah, Jan. 16, 1808. Peter Augustus, s of Peter and Eliza, Jan. 26, 1808. Catherine, da of Capt. Daniel and Catherine, April 12, 1808. Harriet Cheever, da of Andrew and Susanna, Aug. 15 [1808]. Reuben, s of William, 4, and Abigail, Oct. 3, 1808. Hannah Vinton, da of Aaron, Jr., and Nancy, July 7, 1809. William, s of William, 4, and Abigail, Jan. 28, 1810. Ezra, s of Ezra, 3, and Rebecca, March 28, 1810. Peletiah, s of John, 3, and Nancy, Aug. 30, 1810. George, s of Daniel and Catherine, Sept. 11, 1810. Joshua, s of Thomas, Jr., and Hannah, Oct. 17, 1810. Nabby, da of William, 4, and Abigail, Feb. 28, 1811. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 99 Waite, Wayte, Wait (continued ) 406 413 415 430 415 408 444 411 408 418 415 415 415 415 4380 416 424 417 418 418 432 444 4227 418 430 423 425 427 437 444 422 426 424 437 427 425 427 425 426 432 430 437 437 435 435 g-5. 437 437 489 436 439 550 441 446 Susan, da of Andrew and Susan, June to [415, June 21], 1811. John, s of John, 3, and Nancy, Jan. 18, 1813. George, s of Ezra, 3, and Rebecca, Jan. 24, 1813. Stephen, s of William, 3, and Abigail, Feb. 9, 1813. Phebe, da of Thomas, Jr., and Hannah, March 15 [g.s. March 16], 1813. George Newton, s of Peter and Elizabeth, June 29, 1813. Joseph Henry, s of Aaron and Nancy, Aug. 13, 1813. Timothy Tufts, s of Daniel and Catherine, Aug. 28, 1813. Aaron Luther, s of Aaron, Jr., and Nancy, Nov. 20, 1813. Caleb Arnold, s of Darius and Sarah, Sept. 16, 1814. Susan, da of Ezra 3, and Rebecca, Jan. 15, 1815. Sarah, da of Nathaniel and Sarah, March 9, 1815. Martha [Skinner], da of Thomas, Jr., and Hannah, May 1, 1815. Sarah Ann, da of Andrew and Susan, Sept. 1, 1815. Mary Ann, da of William 3, and Abigail, Sept. 2, 1815. Peter Augustus, s of Peter and Elizabeth, Jan. 5, 1816. Mary Ann, da of John, 3, and Nancy, Jan. 25, 1816. Maria, da of Andrew and Susan, May 18, 1816. John Jenkins, s of Ezra, Jr., and Betsey, June 24, 1816, Harriet, da of Nathaniel and Sarah, July 19, 1816. Mary Jane, da of Jonathan and Betsey, Jan. 5, 1817. Nancy C., da of Aaron and Nancy, Feb. 25, 1817. Franklin, s of Ezra, 3, and Rebecca, March 3, 1817. Darius, s of Darius and Sarah, Aug. 4, 1817. Otis, s of William, 3, and Abigail, Sept. 9, 1817. Maria, da of Thomas, Jr., and Hannah, Oct. 24, 1817. Nathaniel, s of Nathaniel and Sally, March 4, 1818. Maria, da of Andrew and Susan, May 18, 1818. William Edward, s of William and Elizabeth, June 13, 1818. Mary, da of Aaron and Nancy, Dec. 22, 1818. Sarah, da of Charles and Sarah, Jan. 8, 1819. Elizabeth, da of Nathaniel and Sally, Jan. 14, 1819. John, s of John, 3, and Nancy, March 12, 1819. John Perry, s of William and Elizabeth, April 29, 1819. Ezra, s of Ezra, 2, and Elizabeth, June 4, 1819. Mary Ann, da of Aaron, Jr., and Nancy, Aug. 15, 1819. Rebecca, da of Ezra, 3, and Rebecca, Sept. 30, 1819. Ebenezer, s of Darius and Sarah, Nov. 25, 1819. Caroline, da of Thomas, Jr., and Hannah, March 18, 1820. Elizabeth, da of Jonathan and Betsey, Oct. 3, 1820. Elbridge, s of William, 3, and Abigail, Oct. 4, 1820. George Leonard, s of William and Elizabeth, March Io, 1821. Michael, s of Nathaniel and Sally, May 21, 1822. James Monroe, s of Thomas, Jr., and Hannah, July 30 [438, July 31], 1822. Darius, s of Darius and Sally, Oct. 14, 1822. Charles G[reen, s of Charles and Rebecca], Aug. 9, 1823. Joanna, da of Nathaniel and Sally, Sept. 28, 1824. Charles, s of William and Elizabeth, Nov. 3, 1824. Elizabeth Matilda, da of Peter and Elizabeth, Aug. 19, 1825. Caroline E., da of Ezra and Elizabeth, March 19, 1826, Henry Augustine, s of William, 3, and Abigail, April 18, 1826. Frances Mary, da of Darius and Sarah, July 30, 1826. Ephraim Buck, s of Nathaniel and Sally, Nov. 14, 1827. Alfred Coolidge, s of William, 3, and Abigail, July 2, 1828. Thomas, s of Thomas, Jr., and Rebecca, Nov. 12, 1829. Caroline Brown, da of Nathaniel and Sally, April 20, 1830. Gilbert H., s of William, Dec. 8, 1830. 100 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Waite, Wayte, Wait (continued) 443 Cookson, s of Darius and Sarah, Sept. 4, 1831. 448 Martha Ann, da of Nathaniel and Sarah, March 13, 1832. 443 Alexander Micah, s of Charles and Rebecca, April 9, 1832. 550 Thomas Edwin, s of Thomas, Jr., and Rebecca, May __, 1832. 445 Mary Augusta, da of Peletiah R. and Mary, Feb. 5, 1834. 448 George Wayland, s of Nathaniel and Sarah, May 11, 1834. 448 Henry Storer, s of Sarah and “grand daughter” of Nathaniel and Sarah, May 11, 1834. 445 William Otis, s of William, Jr., and Sarah, May 30 [449, May 31], 1834. 446 Edward Oakes, s of Samuel H. [and Nabby L.], Feb. 18, 1835. 446 Elizabeth Ellen, da of Peletiah R. and Mary P., March 22, 1835. 550 Urania Merritt, da of Thomas, Jr., and Rebecca, June, 1835. 446 Osgood Wright, s of Joseph H., Aug. 11, 1835. 448 Charles Wallace, s of Nathaniel and Sarah, Sept. 8, 1836. 447 Abram Gould, s of Caleb and Mary, Dec. 6, 1836. 550 Thomas Weston, s of Thomas, Jr., and Rebecca, March 30, 1837. 550 Reuben Alonzo, s of Reuben and Rebecca, June 17, 1837. 658 Ellen Maria, da of Caleb A. and Sarah, Feb. 8, 1840. 552 Albert Harrison, s of Ezra, Jr., and Lydia, Sept. 21, 1840. 550 Leander Milton, s of Thomas, Jr., and Rebecca, Aug. 30, 1841. 550 Imogene, da of Joshua and Eliza Ann, Aug. 31, 1841. 558 Henry, s of Caleb A. and Sarah, Jan. 17, 1842. 659 A. M. [error for Lucy Ann], da of Peter A. and Hannah, Aug. 24, 1843. 659 Frances Augusta, da of Joseph H. and Elizabeth, Dec. 7, 1843. 660 Erastus Alfred, s of Stephen and Susan O., April 3, 1844. 661 Sarah Gould, da of Thomas, Jr., and Rebecca, Dec. 24, 1844. 662 Angeline T., da of Eben E. and Susan W., June 3, 1845. 663 Albert O.,s of Joseph H. and Elizabeth, Sept. 19, 1846. 663 Ann Maria, da of Ebenezer and Susan, Dec. 20, 1846. 665 Stephen Addison, s of Stephen and Susan O., Sept. 1, 1847. 665 Sarah Frances, da of William, Jr., and Sarah, Jan. 7, 1848. 665 John Franklin, s of John and Elizabeth, March 29, 1848. 666 Rebecca A., da of Thomas, Jr., and Rebecca, July 22, 1848. 666 Levi A., s of Eben J. and Susan, Feb. 17, 1849. 666 Solon, s of David and Pauline, March to, 1849. 669 Otis E., s of John J. and Emeline, July ro, 1849. 671 Eliza Lewis, da of Joseph H. and Elizabeth, Jan. 13, 1850. 669 Angeline A., da of Ebenezer and Caroline, March 24, 1850. 671 Albert, s of Peletiah R. and Mary T., June 23, 1850. Wallon 660 John A., s of E. and Joanna, July 14, 1844. Ward 451 Emeline Brown, da of James C. and Emeline, Sept. 13, 1838. 451 Ellen Sophia, da of James C. and Emeline, Dec. 17, 1839. 664 Susan Emily, da of George W. and Susan B., Oct. 5, 1847. Warren 561 Clarissa Harlow, da of John B. and Susan, July 3, 1840. Waterman G61 James L.,s of James L. and Harriet P., April 17, 1845. Watts 245 William, s of William and Lydia, Aug. 7 [abt. 1766]. 297 Isaac, s of Isaac and Susanna, July 11, 1800. 297 William, s of Isaac and Susanna, March 21, 1803. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS IOI Watts (continued) 297 Susanna, da of Isaac and Susanna, Nov. 13, 1804. 437 Nathaniel P., s of Isaac and Olive, June 4, 1823. 487 Isaac L., s of Isaac and Olive, Sept. 12, 1824. Webb 445 Laura Maria, da of Elisha and Charlotte Sophia, June 28, 1831. 445 Helen Augusta, da of Elisha and Charlotte Sophia, Nov. 5, 1833. Webster 664 Andrew Gerrish, s of David L. and Joanna R., Nov. 25, 1846. Weed 670 Ida Feretta, da of Otis H. and Susan, April 16 [prob. error in year], 1850. 671 Theodore C., s of Otis H. and Susan A., Aug. 22, 1850. Weeks 670 Lizz H. [Lézzze ?], da of Daniel and Harriet, June 3, 1849. Welch 156 Richard, s of Daniel Welch and Elizabeth Berry, latter end of May, 1751. 671 Mary Ann, da of John and Hannah, Dec. 1, 1850. Welcome 96 John, s of Jack and Ann, Aug. 31, 1713. 96 Ann, da of Jack and Ann, March 7, 1714/5. 100 Thankful, da of John and Ann, Jan. 22, 1717/8. 100 William, s of Jack and Ann, Sept. 15, 1719. Welling 664 Ellen, da of Timothy and Kate, Dec. , 1846. Wells 667 Amos B.,s of Amos B. and Elizabeth G., Sept. 1, 1846. 667 Sherburn S., s of Amos B. and Elizabeth G., Jan. 28, 1848. Wentworth 671 Ellen Augusta, da of Andrew and Anna, Feb. 14, 1850. ‘Wesson 100 Sarah, da of Samuel and Joanna, Oct. 19, 1718. West 666 William, s of William S. and Augusta M., in Boston, Aug. 24, 1848. Westerman 670 Bernt Wilhelm, s of Bernt and Juliette (Burri?/), Oct. 8, 1850. ‘Wetherbee 298 Isaac, s of Joseph and Esther, April 12, 1805. 406 Lucy, da of Joseph and Esther, Feb. 29, 1808. 406 Abba, da of Joseph and Esther, Oct. 9, 1809. Wheeler 121 Isaac, s of Isaac and Mehitable, Jan. 17, 1731/2. 122 Samuel, s of Isaac and Mehitable, Sept. 28, 1733. 130 Mary, da of Thomas and Mary, March 17, 1736/7. 132 Sarah, da of Thomas and Mary, Sept. 4, 1738. 140 Hannah, da of Thomas and Mary, March 29, 1743. 141 Thomas, s of Thomas and Mary, Aug. 9, 1744. 165 Benjamin, s of Isaac and Mary, March 14, 1754. 171 Isaac, s of Isaac and Mary, March 16, 1758. 173 Mary, da of Isaac and Mary, May 15, 1760. 102 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS ‘Wheeler (continued ) 256 Samuel, s of Samuel and Anne, Sept. 22 [1772]. 294 Rachel, da of Samuel and Rachel, March 12, 1795. 294 Samuel, s of Samuel and Rachel, April 20, 1797. 287 Rachel, da of Samuel and Rachel, Aug. 18, 1799. 296 Nancy, da of Samuel and Rachel, Nov. 28, 1802. 298 Ezra Howard, s of Samuel and Rachel, March 24, 1805. 667 Ethan A.,s of Ethan A. and Eliza J., Feb. 12, 1848. Wheelock 652 William, s of Alfred and Rizpah A., July 3, 1839. White 551 Harriet Jane, da of Avery and Elizabeth, Aug. 10, 1838. 551 Ellen Maria, da of Elijah B. and Caroline A., Nov. 12, 1839. 651 Elmer, s of Elijah B, and Caroline A., Nov. 17, 1841. 651 Avery Lewis, s of Avery and Elizabeth, Dec. 6, 1841. 557 Charlotte Augusta, da of Truman and Dorcas, Dec. 22, 1842. 659 Elvira, da of Elijah B. and Caroline A., Dec. 22, 1843. 661 Charles H., s of Levi and Sarah, Oct. 1, 1844. 661 Elizabeth A., da of Avery and Elizabeth, Nov. 11, 1844. 661 Harriet, da of Truman and Deborah [error for Dorcas?‘ Feb. 3, 1843. 666 Dorcas, da of Truman and Dorcas, April 12, 1849. Whitehouse 664 John Rollins, s of Hiram P. and Julia, April 10, 1848. Whiting 77 James, s of James and Elizabeth, July 29, 1693. Whitman 659 Lucy Eleanor, da of Joseph, Jr., and Eleanor, Sept. 28, 1843. 666 Stephen, s of E. B. and Maria G., March 15, 1849. Whitredge 444 Maria Shute, da of Thomas J. and Mary N., March 16, 1825. 444 Harriet Newhall, da of Thomas J. and Mary N., March 23, 1827. 444 Thomas Jackson, s of Thomas J. and Mary N., March 4, 1829. 444 Almira Judson, da of Thomas J. and Mary N., April 11, 1831. 446 Washington Augustus, s of Thomas J. and ‘Mary Ann [error for Mary N.], July 13, 1835. 557 Lorenzo Forest, s of Thomas J. and Mary, April 11, 1843. Whittemore ec. Benjamin, s of Benjamin, Jan. , 1667. e.c. Elizabeth, da of Benjamin, April , 1669. ec, Benjamin, s of Benjamin, 2 (9), 1670. 84 Hannah, da of Benjamin and Elizabeth, July 15, 1703. 101 James, s of James and Mary, Sept. 18, 1719. 103 Mary, da of James and Mary, April 6, 1721. 103 Joel, s of James and Mary, April 28, 1722. 117 Samuel, s of Samuel and Peternell, Dec. 13, 1723. 117 Peternell, da of Samuel and Peternell, Feb. 23, 1724. 108 Simon, s of James and Mary, March 24, 1725/6. 117 Abigail, da of Samuel and Peternell, Jan. 21, 1726. 113 Martha, da of Daniel and Mary, July 20, 1727. 117 Edward, s of Samuel and Peternell, Aug. 20, 1728. 116 Rhoda, da of Elias and Rhoda, Aug. 18, 1729. 121 Daniel, s of Daniel and Mary, Sept. 16, 1729. 122 Joseph, s of Daniel and Mary, May 15, 1731. 186 Phebe, da of Daniel and Mary, March 15, 1734/s. 128 Rachel, da of Elias and Rhoda, Aug. 17, 1735. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 103 Whittemore (continued) 183 Peletiah, s of Peletiah and Deborah, March 3, 1739/40. 135 Deborah, da of Peletiah and Deborah, Oct. 10, 1741. 140 Eunice, da of Peletiah and Deborah, Aug. 27, 1743. 141 Susanna, da of Peletiah and Deborah, Jan. 10, 1744/5. 143 Mary, da of James and Mary, Dec. 8, 1745. 147 John, s of Peletiah and Deborah, Feb. 12, 1746/7. 146 Sarah, da of James and Mary, April 20, 1747. Aah cree t chn of Peletiah and Deborah, Nov. 19, 1748. 156 Jemima, da of James and Mary, Feb. 19, 1749/50. 152 Martha, da of Peletiah and Deborah, Jan. 1, 1750/1. 156 Esther, da of James and Mary, Feb. 2, 1752. 167 Huldah, da of Peletiah and Deborah, Nov. 25, 1752. 160 James, s of James and Mary, Jan. 22, 1754. 166 Joel, s of James and Mary, Jan. 23, 1757. 272 Joseph, s of Joseph and Ruhamah, Jan. 31, 1773. 274 Jonathan Holden, s of Joseph and Ruhamah, April 10, 1776. 266 Polly, da of Daniel and Anstis, Aug. 28, 1777. 269 Jonathan Holden, s of Joseph and Ruhamah, March 29, 1778. 266 Miriam, da of Daniel and Anstis, Nov. 20, 1779. 270 William, s of Joseph and Ruhamah, Sept. 5, 1781. 266 Nancy, da of Daniel and Anstis, March 14, 1784. 266 William, s of Joseph and Ruhamah, Feb. 2, 1785. 407 William, s of William and Esther, Sept. 2, 1811. 408 Henry, s of William and Esther, Aug. 7, 1813. 416 Joseph, s of William and Esther, Nov. 28, 1815. gs. Esther, da of William and Esther, Dec. 30, 1817. g.s. Eliza N., da of William and Esther, Jan. 8, 1825. g.s. Sarah F., da of William and Joanna T., Oct. 8. 1837. g-s. Emeline, da of William and Joanna T., Dec. 1, 1839. 557 Emma Joanna [Joanna T. at death, 1851], da of William and Joanna T., Nov. 13, 1842. 661 William H.,s of William and Joanna [T.], Sept. 30, 1844. 674 Mary Frances, da of George and Mary M., at Boston, Feb. 19, 1848. Wholowell 669 Mary Ann, da of John and Sarah, Aug. 23, 1850. Wigglesworth c.c. Mercy, da of [Rev.] Michael [and Mary], (12), 1655. ec. Abigail, da of Tew Michael {and Martha], March 20, 1681. c.c. Mary, da of [Rev.] Michael [and Martha], Sept. 21, 1682. ec. Martha, da of [Rev.] Michael [and Martha], Dec. 21, 1683. ce.c. Esther, da of [Rev.] Michael [and Martha], April 16, 1685. e.c. Dorothy, da of [Rev.] Michael and Martha, Feb. 22, 1686/7. e.c. Samuel, s of [Rev.] Michael and Martha, Feb. 4, 1688/9. Wight 671 Emma S., da of Henry and Eunice N., Dec. 28, 1850. Wiley 418 Ephraim Emerson, s of Rev. Ephraim and Rebecca, Oct. 6, 1814. 418 Rebecca Emerson, da of Rev. Ephraim and Rebecca, Aug. 6, 1816. Wilkins 412 Simon, s of Simon and Deborah, May 25 [1814 ?]. Wilkinson 553 Mary Ann, da of Joseph and Mary, March 22, 1834. 653 Sarah Augusta, da of Joseph and Mary, Nov. 7, 1836. 104 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Wilkinson (continued) 558 Joseph, s of Joseph and Mary, June 7, 1837. 667 Abigail, da of Mary A., April 21, 1849. Willard 666 Charles O.,s of Hezekiah O. and Sarah E., Aug. 3, 1848. Willcut 668 Rebecca T., da of John and Emeline, Feb. 10, 1848. 665 Robert Train [prob. error for the preceding], Feb. 10, 1848. Williams 259 Martha, da of William and Martha, May 27, 1764. 268 David, s of William and Martha, Jan. 30, 1771. 282 Hannah, da of Jeffrey [ Bedgood] and Hannah [269, has Jethro Bed- good], Jan. 22, 1777. 282 Richard, s of Jeffrey [Bedgood] and Hannah, May 11, 1779. 282 Sally, da of Jeffrey [Bedgood] and Hannah, Feb. 17, 1782. 286 William, s of William and Susanna, Jan. 30, 1796. Willis 663 Henry Appleton, s of Abiel [4deZ?], March 7, 1846. 865 Ida A., da of Abel and Mary A., June Io, 1847. 668 John Henry, s of Abel and Mary, Feb. 5, 1849. Wilson c.c. Joseph, s of Joseph, 27 (7), 1673. 79 John, s of Jacob and Susanna, Jan. 25, 1696/7. 80 Jacob, s of Jacob and Susanna, Jan. 7, 1698/9. 82 Joseph, s of Jacob and Susanna, Dec. 19, 1701. 97 Susanna, da of Jacob and Susanna, Sept. 8, 1705. 86 Tabitha, da of John and Elizabeth, April 10, 1706, 89 John, s of John and Elizabeth, May 1, 1708. 92 Elizabeth, da of John and Elizabeth, April 2, 1712. 112 Tabitha, da of Nathaniel and Martha, March 16, 1712. 112 Sarah, da of Nathaniel and Martha, July 4, 1716. 97% Tabitha, da of John and Elizabeth, April 13, 1717. 112 Nathaniel, s of Nathaniel and Martha, May 4, 1718. 101 John, s of John and Mary, Oct. 28, 1720. 112 Benjamin, s of Nathaniel and Martha, Jan. 8, 1721. 102 Jacob, s of Jacob and Sarah, Feb. 8, 1721/2. 112 Simeon, s of Nathaniel and Martha, Feb. 7, 1723. 104 Mary, da of John and Mary, Feb. 12, 1722/3. — 105 Samuel, s of Jacob and Sarah, May 15, 1724. 112 David, s of Nathaniel and Martha, Oct. 16, 1725. 110 Sarah, da of Jacob and Sarah, March 19, 1727. 116 Joseph, s of Joseph and Rachel, Dec. 14, 1728. 118 Phebe, da of John and Mary, March 5, 1730. 129 Rachel, da of Joseph and Rachel, March, 18, 1735/6. 187 Mary, da of Robert and Anna, Jan. 26, 1739/40. 137 Margaret, da of Robert and Anna, July 11, 1742. 143 John, s of Robert and Anna, Sept. 14, 1744. 148 Hannah, da of Robert and Anna, June 29, 1746. 148 Rebecca, da of Robert and Anna, Jan. 17, 1747/8. 1387 James, s of Robert and Anna, Dec. 8, 1748. 162 Susanna, da of Joseph and Huldah, Nov. 12, 1754. 166 Joseph, s of Joseph and Huldah, Aug. 27, 1756. 288 Charles, s of Samuel and Nancy, Aug. 3, 1793. 423 Asa, s of Asa and Nancy, Nov. 13, 1817. 421 Harriet, da of Joseph B. and Harriet, June 20, 1818. 430 Joseph, s of Joseph B. and Harriet, July 29, 1820. MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS 105 Wilson (continued ) 430 Benjamin, s of Benjamin and Hannah, Sept. 11, 1820. 436 Mary Crane, da of Benjamin, April 1, 1825. 442 Hannah Augusta, da of Benjamin and Hannah, July 22, 1830. 663 George L., s of George W. and Maria E., Aug. 17, 1846. 668 Olive Albina, da of Daniel F. and Mary, May 23, 1849. Wing 660 ——, s of Frederick, March 13, 1844. 665 Sarah pore da of Franklin and Mary C., March 18 [664, March 13], 1847. 665 Sarah Tozer, da of Frederick F. and Elizabeth M., March 21, 1848. 669 Frank Wilson Parsons, s of Franklin and Mary C., Sept. 2, 1849. 669 Eugenia, da of Frederick and Elizabeth, Feb. 26, 1850. Winship 418 Edward Wade, s of Abel and Martha U., Sept. 29, 1808. 418 Martha Rebecca Wade, da of Abel and Martha U., May 5, 1814. 415 Caroline, da of Asaph and Winifred, Sept. 24, 1814. 422 Mary Jane, da of Asaph and Winifred, Nov. 27, 1816. 428 George Washington, s of Asaph and Winifred, May 16, 1819. Winslade, Winslead, Winslow For this name and its several forms see“ History of Malden,” 345. c.c. Mary, da of John (Winslade), 27, (11), 1659. ec. Jonathan, s of John (Wnsled), (8), 1666. 71 Mary, da of Jacob and Elizabeth (Wxslead), Jan. 7, 1693/4. 81 John, s of Jacob and Elizabeth (Winstead), March 25, 1699. 83 Jacob, s of Jacob and Elizabeth (Winslead), April 3, 1702. 107 Mary, da of John and Elizabeth (Wxslow), April 8, 1721. 107 John, s of John and Elizabeth (Winslow), March 8, 1723. 107 Huldah, da of John and Elizabeth (Wixslow), July 17, 1725. 118 Thomas, s of John and Elizabeth (Wmusled), Jan. 9, 1727/8. 186 Elizabeth, da of John and Elizabeth (Winslow), May 28, 1732. 186 Naomi, da of John and Elizabeth (Wixslow), March 12, 1734/5. Winslow, see Winslade 432 George Reed [Reid ?], s of George and Eliza[beth], Oct. 30, 1821. 552 Catherine Elizabeth, da of Capt. George and Elizabeth, May 2, 1832. 444 Mary Elizabeth, da of Capt. Caleb S., May 1% 1834. 552 Caroline Barrett, da of Capt. George and Elizabeth, Feb. 24, 1836. 552 Margaret Goodwin, da of Capt. George and Elizabeth, Sept. 21, 1837. 552 Thomas Forbes, s of Capt. George and Elizabeth, Jan. 29, 1839. Wise 654 Emma Fowle, da of Daniel P. and Martha L., May 27, 1838. 554 Charles Henry, s of Daniel P. and Martha L., Feb. 13, 1840. 658 Edward Lowe, s of D[aniel] P. and Martha [L.], Dec. 12, 1843. 669 Emma, da of Daniel P. and Martha [L.], June 3, 1849. Wolcott 659 ——,s of John, transient resident, Sept. 17, 1843. 662 Isabella, da of John and Emeline, April 20, 1846. Wood 445 Mary Eliza, da of Otis C[handler] and Harriet, June 7 [g.s. June 9], 1834. Wright 660 Gustavus, s of Sylvester and Louisa, ‘Sept. 12, 1844, 668 Charles W., s of William and Sally, Dec. 19, 1845. 1 106 MALDEN RECORD OF BIRTHS Wyman 558 Lumas, s of David and Maria, April 6, 1844. Yale 702 Edwin Augustus, s of R{ufus] M. and Rebecca T., at Newburyport, Oct. 4, 1846. Yeaton 662 Mary Elizabeth, da of Richard and Charlotte, June 12, 1845. 667 Edwin A., s of Richard and Charlotte, March 12, 1848. York 442 George Henry, s of Arthur B., Aug. 1, 1830. Young gs. George M., s of Richard and Mary, Dec. 31, 1847. ADDITION. Green ec. Sarah, da of John, 14 (11), 1676. MARRIAGE INTENTIONS IN MALDEN, MASS. FRoM EARLIEST RECORD TO CLOSE OF 1850. Abbot 44 David, of Billerica, and Huldah Paine of Mald., June 12, 1768. 876 Mary, of Wilton, N. H., and Samuel Tufts, Jr. of Mald., Sept. 15, 1805. ‘ 494 Mary, and George Townsend, both of Mald., Oct. 17, 1829. 544 Elizabeth, and Joseph H. Waitt, both of Mald., Aug. 21, 1841. Aborn 484 Eliza, of Lynn, and William Pickering of Mald., Feb. 4, 1826. Abrahams : 57 Joseph, of Boston, and Elizabeth Green of Mald., June 26, 1780. Adams 371 Charles, of Brookline, and Sarah Howard of Mald., Dec. 10, 1809. 360 Jonas, res. in Mald., and Sally Howe of Marblehead, Oct. 21, 1815. 359 Lucy B., and Israel H. Brown, both res. in Mald., March 23, 1816. 477 Sally, and Samuel Baldwin, both of Mald., March 21, 1822. 494 Mrs. Sarah, and Benjamin S. Shute, both of Mald., March 6, 1830. 524 Charles D., and Mary Ann Russell, both of Mald., April 23, 1836. 634 Jane, and Nathaniel Ward, both of Mald., Jan. 26, 1839. 538 Rev. John G., and Mary H. Barrett, both of Mald., Aug. to, 1839. 563 Mrs. Catherine, and Joseph Sanson, both of Mald., May 17, 1843. 570 George E., of Medford, and Susan R. Staniels of Mald., June 11, 1847. 571 Reuben A., of Provincetown, and Caroline M. Wiley of Mald., Dec. 31, 1847. Alexander 893 William, Jr., of Boston, and Polly Barrett of Mald., Oct. 16, 1793. Allen 871 James, and Lydia Howard, both of Mald., Nov. 19, 1809. 360 Ann, and Benjamin Wait, both of Mald., May 28, 1815. 356 Lydia, of Mald., and Elias Washburn of Charlestown, May 17, 1817. 350 James, of Mald., and Mary Vinton of Boston, Aug. 9, 1819. 519 Rev. Ralph W., of Mald., and Mary J. Tower of Hingham, July 12, 1835. 577 Henry A., and Isabella M. Stiles, both of Mald., Nov. 14, 1850. Amerige 642 Francis, of Saugus, and Belinda Burrill of Mald., Feb. 27, 1841. 108 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Ames 360 Susan, of Boston, and John French of Mald., Nov. 16, 1815. 350 Jephtha, of Mald., and Cynthia Wilson of Salem, N. H., Aug. 28, 1819. 480 Dean, of Charlestown, and Nancy Daniels of Mald., Sept. 13, 1823. Amsden 476 Eleanor, of Southborough, and Elbridge Chamberlain of Mald., March 11, 1821. Anderson 570 John C., of Boston, and Sarah Fuller of Mald., Oct. 16, 1847. Andrews 858 Joseph, and Pamela Wait, both of Mald., Oct, 12, 1816. 852 Lydia, and John Cox, both of Mald., June 14, 1818. Angier 892 John, res. in Mald., and Mary Simonds of Lexington, Feb. 7, 1794. 565 Samuel A., and Louisa M. Burditt., Feb. 10, 1844. Annis 483 Mark, of Mald., and Angelina C. Woodward of Saugus, Aug. 8, 1829. 7 Appleton 898 Rebecca, of Ipswich, and Jacob Perkins of Mald., June 25, 1785 [1789]. 862 Capt. B., of Boston, and Catherine Hooton of Mald., June 4, 1814. Arbone 603 Charlotte, of Boston, and Nathan Pratt of Mald., Oct. 2, 1830. Arnold 527 Caleb H. S., of Charlestown, and Kezia G. Brown of Mald., Jan. 28, 1837. Ashcroft 546 Edward H., of Mald., and Esther P. Tuck of Lynn, Oct. 9, 1841. Atkins 348 Deborah, of Mald., and Andrews W. Pratt of Chelsea, June 3, 1820. 486 Thankful P., of Mald., and Edward Pratt of Chelsea, Jan. 5, 1827. 489 Pomona, of Mald., and Caleb Pratt, Jr., of Chelsea, Jan. 26, 1828. 489 Barney P., of Mald., and Sarah Pratt of Chelsea, March 6, 1828. 493 Leonora, of Mald., and William H. Atwood of Chelsea, Sept. 19, 1829. 568 Washington, of Charlestown, and Susan J. Hall of Mald., Oct. 3, 1843. Atwell 518 Benjamin F., of Reading, and Frances Beard of Mald., April 6, 1835. Atwood 493 William H., of Chelsea, and Leonora Atkins of Mald., Sept. 19, 1829. 628 Benjamin F., and ae. Emerson, both of Mald., May 11, 1837. 534 Sarah, of Chelsea, and Caleb A. Waitt of Mald., Jan. 5, 1839. 573 Calvin, of Chelsea, and Caroline Brown Wait of Mald., Nov. 25, 1848. 576 BEVIS of Chelsea, and Judith Ann Wallingford of Mald., Sept. 23, 1850. Avery 850 Ephraim, and Eliza Edmonds, both of Mald., Sept. 4, 1819. 567 Kittredge, and Harriet Upham, both of Mald., Oct. 30, 1845. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 109 Ayer, Ayers 537 William F., and Emeline B. Stiles, both of Mald., Aug. 6, 1839. 568 Susan C., of Medford, and Russell R. Seaver of Mald., April 11, 1846. 572 Albert, of Charlestown, and Caroline M. Stiles of Mald., May 3, 1848. Babcock 510 Eleanor E., of Boston, and George Brown, Jr., of Mald., Feb. 16, 1833. Bacon 476 Oliver, of Mald., and Mary B. Reed of Woburn, April 1, 1821. 511 Levi, of Mald., and Sarah N. Ford of Charlestown, July 6, 1833. Badger 349 John, of South Reading, and Betsey Howard of Mald., April 8, 1820. 548 Eliza, of Charlestown, and Charles A. Vinton of Mald., May 20, 1842. Bailey 67 James, of Boston, and Mary Wayte of Mald., April 27, 1748. 509 Loammi, of Charlestown, and Lucy Ann Taylor of Mald., Aug. 18, 1832. 612 Timothy, of Mald., and Mary B. Dingley of Lynn, Oct. 31, 1833. 534 Marianne, and Samuel Shute, both of Mald., Nov. 17, 1838. 547 Almira, and David B. Morey, both of Mald., April 10, 1842. 647 Timothy, Esq., and Nancy B. Dingley, both of Mald., April 30, 1842. Baker 861 Rebecca A., res. in Mald., and Jabez Howard of Mald., Jan. 21, 1814. 858 Miriam, of Lunenburg, and Isaac Stiles of Mald., Sept. 7, 1816. Balch 512 Sarah, of Mald., and Timothy T. Crane of Lynn, Sept. 21, 1833. Baldwin, Balden 74 Phebe, and Elkanah Hitchings, both of Mald., Aug. 15, 1741. 73 Joseph, of Mald., and Mary Potter of Lynn, Oct. 27, 1742. 70 Abigail, and Nathaniel Jenkins, both of Mald., March 7, 1745/6. 68 Sarah, and Thomas Shute, both res. in Mald., Dec. 31, 1747. 57 Sally, and David Buckman, both of Mald., May 8, 1779. $99 Jerusha, and John Payne, both of Mald., Dec. 22, 1785, 887 Jonathan, and Mary Sargeant, both of Mald., April 25, 1799. 848 Jerusha, and Richard Dexter, Jr., both of Mald., June 24, 1820. 477 Samuel, and Sally Adams, both of Mald., March 21, 1822. 488 Jonathan, Jr., and Eliza Homer, both of Mald., Dec. 1, 1827. 510 Mary Ann, and Samuel Pierce, Jr., both of Mald., Feb. 9, 1833. 613 Isaac, and Mary Ann Ward, both of Mald., Nov. 23, 1833. 627 Elizabeth, and William Peirce, Jr., both of Mald., Dec. 1, 1836. 627 William, and Eliza A. Peirce, both of Mald., Jan. 1, 1837. 630 Capt. Jonathan, and Mrs. Fanny Barrett, both of Mald., Oct. 14, 1837. 640 Joseph, of Fitchburg, and Mary Elizabeth Dexter of Mald. Aug. 9, 1840. 541 James, and Nancy Russell, both of Mald., Oct. 3, 1840. 644 Sarah, and George T. Barney, both of Mald., Aug. 28 [1841]. 562 George, of Mald., and Mary Thompson of Salem, Dec. 17, 1842. 671 Mary Eliza, of Charlestown, and George T. Barney of Mald., Jan. 15, 1848. 573 Frederick, and Caroline E. Ward, both of Mald., Jan. 13, 1849. Bancroft 390 Ebenezer, of Lynn, and Nancy Sargeant of Mald., April 24, 1796. 887 Betsey, and Edmund Merrill, both res. in Mald., Sept. 30, 1799. 110 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Bancroft (continued ) 376 Esther, and Nathaniel Pratt, Jr., both of Mald., Sept..15, 1805. 366 John, an Indian, and Oliva Prince, colored, res. in Mald., June 14, 1812. Banks 86 Zaccheus, and Sarah Wheeler, both of Mald., March 19, 1758. Barjonah : 58 Zerviah, of Stoneham, and Pompey Magus of Mald., April 27, 1778. Barker 360 Nathan, and Hannah W. Townsend, both of Mald., Aug. 19, 1815. 352 George W., of Mald., and Rebecca [?] Lyman of Cambridge, Aug. 2, 1818. 519 William H., of Nashville, Tenn., and Emeline G. Estes of Mald., [Sept. , 1835.] 589 Mrs. Emeline G., of Mald., and Nicholas Noyes of Boston, June 13, 1840. ; 571 Samuel, and Lydia Upham, both of Mald., Dec. 31, 1847. Barnard 859 Samuel, of Mald., and Mary French of Tewksbury, April 13, 1816. 526 Newman, of South Reading, and Hepsibah Robinson of Mald., Oct. 29, 1836. Barnes, sce Burnes 88 Thomas, and Mary Sargeant, both of Mald. ; “not out published” (sze) ; Sept. 21, 1761. 41 Thomas, and Mary Whittemore, both of Mald., Dec. 2, 1764. 402 Samuel, and Elizabeth Howard, both of Mald., Dec. 1, 1783. 885 Eliza, res. in Mald., and Richard Sullivan of Boston, Sept. 9, 1797. $83 Sarah, and Richard Clarrenbold, both of Mald., Sept. ro, 1801. 880 Esther, of Mald., and Joseph Richardson, res. in Mald., July 10, 1803. 880 Jemima, and Jacob Pratt, Jr., both of Mald., Oct. 16, 1803. 879 Rebecca, and Ezra Waitt, 4, both of Mald., March 11, 1804. 877 Nancy, and John Waitt, 4, both of Mald., Jan. 20, 1805. Barney 544 George T., and Sarah Baldwin, both of Mald., Aug. 28 [1841]. 664 Philander, of Providence, R.1.,and Harriet W. Stiles of Mald., Feb. Io, 1844. 566 George T., of Mald., and Lucy Stimpson of Charlestown, July 19, 1845. 571 George T., of Mald., and Mary Eliza Baldwin of Charlestown, Jan. 15, 1848. Barrett 34 Sarah, of Mald., and James Newhall of Lynn, May 23 [1756]. 37 Phebe, of Mald., and William Burrage of Lynn, Feb. 10 [1760]. 88 James, of Mald., and Abigail Bryant of Reading, Dec. 27, 1761. 89 Elizabeth, and Samuel Howard, both of Mald., Oct. 31, 1762. 39 aries of Mald., and Stephen Sweetser of Charlestown, Nov. 21, 1762. 40 Rebecca, of Mald., and Stephen Ingals of Lynn, Sept. 4, 1763. 40 Ebenezer, and Phebe Wayte, both of Mald., Jan. 29, 1764. 43 Tabitha, of Mald., and Matthew James of Lynn, Jan. 12, 1766. 43 Phebe, of Mald., and Joseph Porter of Danvers, Jan. 9, 1767. 44 Dorcas, of Mald., and Isaac Smith of Boston, April 12, 1767. 44 Dorcas, of Mald., and Joseph Newhall of Danvers, July 19, 1767. 44 Joseph, of Mald., and Mary Smith of Reading, Nov. 15, 1767. 44 Elizabeth, and John Bucknam, both of Mald., Nov. 20, 1767. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS III Barrett (continued) 45 57 398 397 896 896 393 385 387 879 378 877 376 375 374 366 359 358 856 481 482 482 484 492 610 612 518 518 519 522 528 528 530 538 542 542 547 565 565 566 566 571 572 572 573 John, and Martha Oakes, both of Mald., Oct. 28, 1769. Joseph, and Martha Richardson, both of Mald., April 30, 1780. Sarah, of Mald., and William Bouchier Leonard, res. in Mald., Dec. 29, 1788. Joseph, Jr., of Mald., and Martha Carter of Reading, May 7, 1792. Patty, of Mald., and Marmaduke Hay of Reading, Nov. 2, 1792. Martha, and John Wait, 3, both of Mald., Nov. , 1792. Polly, of Mald., and William Alexander of Boston, Oct. 16, 1793. Sarah, of Mald., and John Willey, res. in Mald., July 19, 1797. Jonathan, and Mrs. Mary Lynde, both of Mald., March 24, 1799. William, of Mald., and Mary Hall of Charlestown, Jan. 15, 1804. Nancy, and Benjamin Porter, both of Mald., Aug. 26, 1804. Hannah, and Jonathan Sprague, Jr., both of Mald., June 16, 1805. George M., of Mald., and Susan Richardson of Billerica, Sept. 8, 1805. Peter, and Nancy Lynde, both of Mald., Dec. 8, 1805. Betsey, and Stephen Bucknam, both of Mald., Jan. 18, 1807. Mrs. Martha, and Winslow Sargent, both of Mald., June 28, 1812. Capt. Jonathan, and Fanny Lynde, both of Mald., March 2, 1816. Mary, and Warren Emerson, both of Mald., Aug. 16, 1816. Dorcas, and Gorham Emerson, both of Mald., May 17, 1817. Evelina, and Daniel A. Perkins, both of Mald., April 24, 1824. Robert, and Sally Barrett, both of Mald., April 9, 1825. Sally, and Robert Barrett, both of Mald., April 9, 1825. George W., and Mary Ann Sprague, both of Mald., Dec. 1, 1825. Mrs. Deborah, of Charlestown, and David Faulkner of Mald., Dec. 5, 1828. Caroline, and Capt. Caleb S. Winslow, both of Mald., March 3, 1833. Hannah, and Henry T. Rich, both of Mald., Nov. 9, 1833. Hannah, and John S. Newhall, both of Mald., March 14, 1835. William C., and Emeline S. Nichols, both of Mald., May 25, 1835. Henry, of Mald., and Louisa Brown of Camden, Me., Aug. 8, 1835. Simon H., of Mald., and Mary A. Pratt of Chelsea, Nov. 28, 1835. William, of Mald., and Caroline F. Chapman of Tewksbury, April 5, 1837. James, of Mald., and Eunice Brown of South Reading, April 15, 1837. Mrs. Fanny, and Capt. Jonathan Baldwin, both of Mald., Oct. 14, 1837. Mary H., and Rev. John G. Adams, both of Mald., Aug. Io, 1839. Louisa, of Mald., and Edwin H. Hall of Boston, Nov. 21, 1840. Henry, of Mald., and Hannah R. Hudson of Concord, Jan. 16, 1841. James, of Mald., and Sarah D. Ellis of Canton, Me., March 20, 1842. Elizabeth, of Mald., and Charles Eastham of Boston, April 20, 1844. Artemas, and Nancy Larrabee, both of Mald., June 29, 1844. Augusta M., and William H. Richardson, Jr., both of Mald., Nov. 16, 1844. Augustus L., of Mald., and Helen M. Whitman of Boston, June 20, 1845. Henry, and Lucy T. G. Stearns, both of Mald., Jan. 1, 1848. Jane, of Mald., and Stephen J. Phinney of Charlestown, March 7, 1848. Augustus, and Sarah Jane Emerson, both of Mald., Sept. 20, 1848. Artemas, and Mary P. Flint, both of Mald., March 7, 1849. Barron 571 Elliott F., of Saugus, and Lucy Ann Hook of Mald., Nov. 24, 1847. 112 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS. Bartlett 565 James, and Nancy Jane Watts, both of Mald., March 12, 1844. 565 Lydia L., and Martin Ellis, Jr., both of Mald., April 17, 1844. ; 568 Fanny en of Mald., and Benjamin B. Goodwin of Billerica, April 1, 1846. Bassett 60 Samson, of Lynn, and Bilhah Emerson of Mald., July 15, 1776. 623 Sarah, and Benjamin Hopkins, both of Mald., Dec. 26, 1835. 589 Ellery E., of Mald., and Maria A. Porter of Boston, Feb. 18, 1840. 565 Harriet, and William H. Brown, both of Mald., July 27, 1844. Batchelder 543 John N. H., and Mary J. Roles, both of Mald., June 5, 1841. Battelle 482 Sarah, and Capt. Jonathan Oakes, both of Mald., Jan. 1, 1825. 503 Tabitha, of Mald., and Eben D. Symonds of Reading, Jan. 1, 1831. Batts 88 John, res. in Lynn, and Hannah Brown of Mald., Aug. ro, 1761. 898 Ruth, and William Farrington, both of Mald., Aug. 4, 1789. 895 Samuel, and Sally Burditt, both of Mald., May 15, 1790. 494 Eliza, of Saugus, and Amos Wait of Mald., Jan. 16, 1830. Beacham 890 Esther, of Mald., and John Carter, Jr., of Charlestown, Aug. 13, 1796. 872 Sarah, and Henry Gardner, both of Mald., Jan. 29, 1809. Beal \ 671 Minerva Ann, of Mald., and Rev. Zenas Corvel of New York, Dec. 4, 1847. Beard 611 Charlotte, of Charlestown, and Lewis Hersey of Mald., July 13, 1833. 518 Frances, of Mald., and Benjamin F. Atwell of Reading, April 6, 1835. Beck 571 Julia Ann, and George Newhall, both of Mald., Dec. 13, 1847. Beers 868 John, of Boston, and Dorcas Sargent of Mald., March 24, 1811. Belknap 511 Waldo, of Medford, and Delia Lynde of Mald., May 19, 1833. Benchley 622 Ruth H., and Lewis Fisher, Jr., both of Mald., Sept. 26, 1835. 572 Hannah, and James Brown, Jr., both of Mald., July 17, 1848. Berry 81 Elizabeth, of Mald., and Daniel Welch, res. in Mald., June 24, 1750. 62 Samuel, of Charlestown, and Mary Stower, res. in Mald., Aug. 9, 1773. 62 Anna, and Thomas Pratt, 3, both of Mald., Sept. 24, 1773. 562 Oliver, and Jane Wentworth, both of Mald., Feb. 18, 1843. Bigelow 481 Henry, and Mrs. Bathsheba Russell, both of Mald., Dec. 25, 1824. Bill 400 Benjamin, of Chelsea, and Tabitha Nichols of Mald., Aug. 15, 1787. 879 Mrs. Tabitha, and Winslow Sargeant, both of Mald., Jan. 22, 1804. Bird 860 Ruth, of Charlestown, and John Emerson of Mald., Sept. 14, 1815. Black 531 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 113 Simon, and Maria Waitt, both of Mald., Nov. 11, 1837. Blackburn 567 Blake 392 Eliza Ann, and John C. Pratt, both of Mald., Sept. 13, 1845. Enos, of Charlestown, and Sarah Shute of Mald., Aug. 3, 1794. Blakeley ? 576 Mary, and James Gates of Medford, Sept. 21, 1850. Blanchard 71 32 41 394 392 891 374 372 368 365 362 855 350 Samuel, of Mald., and Sarah Cutter of Medford, Feb. 10, 1744/5. Hezekiah, of Charlestown, and Susanna Dexter of Mald., Oct. 14, 1753. Sylvanus, and Sarah Grover, both of Mald., Sept. 9, 1764. Polly, and Isaac Wheeler, both of Mald., Oct. 15, 1790. Sally, and Charles Bradbury, both of Mald., April 3, 1794. Sylvanus, Jr., and Sarah French, both of Mald., Nov. 14, 1795. ee of Wilton, N.H., and William Upham, Jr., of Mald., Dec. 21, 1806. Elizabeth, of Mald., and Anthony Hatch of Medford, Oct. 15, 1809. Sally, and Amos Butler, both of Mald., Aug. 11, 1811. Lucy, and John Moore, both of Mald., Sept. 13, 1812. Capt. Caleb, Jr., of Mald., and Lucy Tufts of Medford, Sept. 30, 1814. Mary, and Andrew Cutter, both of Mald., Sept. 21, 1817. Hannah, of Mald., and Christopher Solis of Charlestown, Sept, 19, 1819. Blaney 32 84 37 39 483 401 400 391 386 480 481 Mrs. Huldah, of Mald., and Joseph Wilson, res. in Boston, Aug. 5, 1753. Abigail, of Mald., and Jireh Willis of Dartmouth, July 25, 1756. Nehemiah, and Chloe Green, both of Mald., April 20, 1760. Elizabeth, and William Wayte, Jr., both of Mald., April 25, 1762. Benjamin, of Mald., and Hannah Osgood of Billerica, Nov. 24, 1765. Hannah, and Capt. William Hawks, both of Mald., March 18, 1786. Mrs. Nabby, of Mald., and Rev. Samuel Sargeant of Woburn, March 28, 1787. Elizabeth, of Mald., and Rev. Thomas Cushing Thacher of Lynn, June 2, 1795. : Benjamin, Jr., and Eliza Wait, both of Mald., Nov. 17, 1797. . Elizabeth, and Stephen Stimpson, both of Mald., Jan. 22, 1824. Martha, and Josiah Townsend, both of Mald., May 1, 1824. Blodgett 400 382 371 478 478 480 564 Hannah, of Mald., and Samuel Polley of Medford, March 9, 1788, Phineas, of Lynn, and Mary Newhall of Mald., Feb. 20, 1795. Hannah, of Nottingham, N.H., and John Burnham of Mald,, Feb. 11, 1810. Nancy, and Israel Hemingway, both of Mald., Sept. 5, 1822. James, of Mald., and Olive D. Smith of Lynn, Feb. 28, 1823, Jane, of Mald., and Charles Fuller of Chelsea [Jan. , 1824]. Roxana B, and Seth Sweetser, both of Mald, Oct. 4, 1843. Blood 572 Thomas B., and Martha Ann Robinson, both of Mald., March 4, 1848. Boardman In. 37 43 William, of Lynn, and Elizabeth Hill of Mald., Sept. 7, 1735. Samuel, of Chelsea, and Abigail Grover of Mald., March 30, 1760. Lois, of Lynn, and Benjamin Goldthwaite of Mald., Jan. 3, 1767. 66 Aaron, Jr., of Chelsea, and Mee. Upham of Mald., Nov. 4, 1780. 114 MALDEN MARRIAGE [NTENTIONS Boardman (continued) $88 Ivory, of Lynn, and Mary Howard of Mald., Dec. , 1799. 875 John, and Nancy Howard, both of Mald., Aug. 10, 1806. 367 Joseph, and Mary Sprague, both of Mald., Jan. 12, 1812. 503 Mary, and William Lynde, 2, both of Mald., March 19, 1831. 503 Mary C., of Chelsea, and Joshua Upham of Mald., April 5, 1831. 628 Sarah, and James G. Emerson, both of Mald., Feb. 27, 1836. 635 Laura, and Caleb Howard, both of Mald., March 12, 1839. 642 Mary O., and William E. Fuller, both of Mald., Nov. 28, 1840. 571 George, of Mald., and Caroline W. Davis of Charlestown, Oct. 23, 1847. 573 Mary E., and George Larrabee, both of Mald., Nov. 11, 1848. 675 Ellen J., and Judah Wing, both of Mald., Jan. 5, 1850. Bonn 617 John, of Charlestown, and Sally Magus of Mald., Nov. 17, 1834. Booth 485 Ruth S., and Richard Hadley, both of Mald, Oct. 14, 1826. Boston 70 Thomas, and Anna Taylor, both late res. in Mald., Dec. 20 [1745]. Bowler 568 Joanna, and Michael Kane, both of Mald., May 18, 1846. Bradbury 399 Anna, of Mald., and Ebenezer Simonds of Lexington, Jan. 20, 1785. $92 Charles, and Sally Blanchard, both of Mald., April 3, 1794. 572 R{osella] P., of Danvers, and David B. Kelsey of Mald., June 19, 1848. Bradford 487 Abigail, of Medford, and Thomas Sables of Mald., May 12, 1827. 566 Rachel A., of Salem, N. H., and Joel C. Carey of Mald., Oct. 11, 1844. Bradish 82 Sarah, and John Manser, both of Mald., March 2, 1753. Bradshaw 75 Mercy, of Medford, and Joseph Newhall of Mald., Dec. 29, 1739. Brazier 534 Lucinda, of Cambridgeport, and Isaac S. French of Mald., Nov. 10, 1838. Breed. 399 Joseph, Jr., of Lynn, and Elizabeth Floyd, res. in Mald., June 27, 1785. Breeden 40 Joseph, of Mald.,and Anna Newhall of Lynn, April 10, 1763. 61 Daniel, and Sarah Oliver, both of Mald., April 29, 1776. 69 Elnathan, of Mald., and Elizabeth Davis of Cambridge, March 17, 1777. 397 John, of Mald., and Ruth Ingalls of Lynn, Aug. 28, 1792. 393 Seth, and Ruth Wait, both of Mald., June 14, 1793- 384 Abner, and Nancy Holden, both of Mald., July 19, 1797. 372 Samuel N., and Martha Hill, both of Mald., March 26, 1809. 351 Nancy, of Mald., and Elias Emerson of South Reading, March 16, 181g. 348 John, and Hannah Faulkner, both of Mald., Dec. 12, 1820. 487 Rebecca, and Thomas Wait, 3, both of Mald. [May, 1827]. 490 James L., and Eliza Nichols, both of Mald., May ro, 1828. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS II5 Breeden (continued) 618 Ruth, and Peter H. Tufts, both of Mald., Dec. 14, 1833. 546 Nancy S., and Charles Newhall, both of Mald., Oct. 16, 1841. 565 Mary H., and John Whipple, both of Mald., May 20, 1844. Brett 528 Susanna C., of Mald., and Jeremiah Tucker, Jr., of Canton, April 22, 1837. Bridge 41 Elizabeth, of Roxbury, and Thomas Sargeant of Mald., Jan. 13, 1765. 848 Elliot, and Bernard Newhall, both of Mald., June 24, 1820. 478 Phebe, and Thomas Sargent, both of Mald., March 30, 1822. 567 Rev. H. M., of Mald., and Elizabeth F. Cady of Springfield, Jan. 2t, 1846. Brigham 674 Hannah, of Grafton, and Rev. Stillman Pratt of Mald., Aug. 7, 1849. Brimblecom 88 Deborah, of Lynn, and Floyd Pratt of Mald., March 29, 1761. Brinley 391 Francis, of Boston, and Elizabeth Henshaw Harris of Mald., June 2, 1795+ Brintnall 72 Esther, of Chelsea, and Nathan Dexter of Mald., April 11, 1744. 70 Jemima, and Thomas Patten, both of Mald., Oct. 1, 1745. 56 Dea. Benjamin, of Chelsea, and Mrs. Rebecca Parker of Mald., June 30, 1780. $84 Hanah Larne by error], and Peter Holden, both of Mald., Dec. 31, 1790. 372 Mrs. Rebecca, and Samuel Wait, both of Mald., April 9, 1809. 858 Samuel, of Charlestown, and Caroline Green of Mald., Nov. 8, 1816. Brooks 384 Joanna, of Athol, and John Collins of Mald., March 25, 1797. Brown 82 Mary, of Cambridge, and Stephen Paine of Mald., Dec. 7, 1753. 88 Hannah, of Mald., and John Batts, res. in Lynn, Aug. 10, 1761. 89 Anna, and Samuel Wheeler, both of Mald., Sept. 5, 1762. 45 Sarah, of Boston, and Jacob Paine, res. in Mald., Sept. 16, 1769. 64 Lemuel, of Mald., and Catherine Walton of Reading, Aug. 24, 1770. 62 Hannah, of Medford, and Prince Hill of Mald., July 10, 1773. 69 Ebenezer, and Judith Perkins, both res. in Mald., Jan. 27, 1777. 401 Mrs. Abigail, of Tiverton, and Adoniram Judson of Mald., Nov. 5, 1786. 400 John, and Hannah Potter, both of Mald.[Aug. , 1787]. 893 Martha, of Mald., and Samuel Munroe of Lynn, Aug. 25, 1793. 390 Zachariah, of Medford, and Sally Johnson of Mald., Sept. 17, 1796. 879 Jonas, and Kezia Geary, both of Mald.[Jan. , 1804]. 861 Samuel, of Mald., and Elizabeth Hayward of Westford, March 29, 1815. 359 Israel H., and Lucy B. Adams, both res. in Mald., March 23, 1816. 857 Luther, of Mald., and Ruth Rice of Framingham, Nov. 9, 1816. 854 Sally, and Aaron Butler, both of Mald., Oct. 12, 1817. 477 Emily, and Stevens Dockham, both of Mald., July 1, 1821. 483 William, and Wealthy Goodwin, both of Mald., Sept. 9, 1825. 486 Rev. John Newton, of Mald., and Mary Hervey Skinner of Hudson, N. Y., April 21, 1827. 116 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Brown (continued) 491 Edwin C., of Charlestown, N. H., and Jane Pratt of Mald., July 12, 1828. 609 Elizabeth, of Charlestown, and Smith Noyes of Mald., Sept. 29, 1832. 510 George, Jr., of Mald., and Eleanor E. Babcock of Boston, Feb. 16, 1833. 513 Capt. James, and Mrs. Nancy Putney, both of Mald., March 29, 1834. 517 Charles H., and Lucinda A. Stiles, both of Mald., Nov. 1, 1834. 519 Louisa, of Camden, Me., and Henry Barrett of Mald., Aug. 8, 1835. 523 Elizabeth, of Lexington, and Avery W. White of Mald., Feb. 13, 1836. 524 Mrs. Jane, and John Lidget, both of Mald., Aug. 14, 1836. 527 Kezia G., of Mald., and Caleb H. S. Arnold of Charlestown, Jan. 28, 1837. 528 Eunice, of South Reading, and James Barrett of Mald., April 15, 1837. 540 Mary G., and Nathan A. Vinton, both of Mald., Aug. 15, 1840. 563 Nancy, of Mald., and Amos B. Harris of Danvers, June 10, 1843. 565 William H., and Harriet Bassett, both of Mald., July 27, 1844. 568 Mary E., of Mald., and Leonard W. Harris of New Ipswich, N..H., July 6, 1846. ‘569 Jonas G., and Mary Vinton, both of Mald., Nov. 29, 1846. 570 Samuel F., of Cambridge, and Susan L. Cookson of Mald., May 15, 1847. 570 Joanna O., of Mald., and Asa Church of Boston, May 27, 1847. 572 James, Jr., and Hannah Benchley, both of Mald., July 17, 1848. Bruce 514 Eliza B., of Boston, and Francis M. Loring of Mald., May 20, 1834. 543 Nathaniel F., of Mald., and Harriet N. Oliver of South Reading, May 6, 1841. Bryant 88 Abigail, of Reading, and James Barrett of Mald., Dec. 27, 1761. 41 pied, res. in Mald., and Benjamin Jenks, res. in Salem, Dec. 30, 1764. 403 Ebenezer, of Stoneham, and Sarah [Waitt] of Mald., July 25, 1783. 899 John, of Reading, and Molly, alias Mary, Wait of Mald.,[May , 1785]. 370 Sally Wait, of Mald., and Joseph Stowers of Chelsea, July 29, 1810. 351 Enoch, of South Reading, and Martha Wait of Mald., Jan. 23, 1819. 482 Enoch, and Sally Rhoades, both res. in Mald., Feb. 26, 1825. 513 Rebecca, of Charlestown, and Reuben Waitt of Mald., Nov. 28, 1833. Buck 538 Ephraim, Jr. M.D., of Boston, and Jane B. Oakes of Mald., Nov. 9, 1839. Buckminster 865 William, of Vassalborough, and Sally Larrabee of Mald., Sept. 27, 1812. Bucknam, Buckman 75 Samuel, of Mald., and Elizabeth Wyman of Woburn, July 21, 1738. 72 Joses, and Mary Sprague, both of Mald., Jan. 26, 1742/3. 72 Benjamin, and Rebecca Parker, both of Mald., Aug. 1, 1743. 70 David, res. in Salem, and Mrs. Esther Sprague of Mald., Sept. 15, 1745. 68 James, of Mald., and Mary Goddard of Roxbury, Aug. 19, 1747. 68 John, and Hannah Lynde, both of Mald., Sept. 8, 1747. 81 Esther, and Jonathan Oakes, both of Mald., July 28, 1750. 81 Aaron, of Mald, and Alice Skinner of Lynn, Oct. 14, 1750. 65 Jacob, of Mald., and Lydia Carter of Woburn, June 23, 1751. 86 Hannah, of Mald., and Parker Underwood of Littleton, Sept. 24, 1758. 36 Moses, and Borradell Green, both of Mald., Dec. 10, 1758. 44 John, and Elizabeth Barrett, both of Mald., Nov. 29, 1767. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 117 Bucknam, Buckman (continued ) 44 64 63 61 61 57 57 56 403 403 402 399 402 400 400 396 386 387 383 374 361 360 351 484 568 Esther, and Nehemiah Oakes, both of Mald., Nov. 27, 1768. John, and Catherine Green, both of Mald., May 9, 1770. Mrs. Mary, of Mald., and Sylvanus Hopkins of Kent, Ct., Feb. 29, 1772. John, of Medford, and Phebe Bucknam of Mald., Feb. 9, 1776. Phebe, of Mald., and John Bucknam of Medford, Feb. 9, 1776. David, and Sally Baldwin, both of Mald., May 8, 1779. Aaron, and Lydia Pratt, both of Mald., Sept. 14, 1779. Martha, and Ebenezer Paine, both of Mald., March 12, 1781. Alice, and Amos Sargeant, both of Mald., April 15, 1782. , Benjamin, and Mercy Stowers, both of Mald., June 17, 1783. Nathan, and Elizabeth Stowers, both of Mald., Oct. 7, 1784. Elizabeth, of Mald., and Leonard Parkes of Lincoln, Dec. 16, 1784. Benjamin, and Mary Wait, both of Mald., Dec. 16, 1784. Joanna, and Phineas Pratt, Jr., both of Mald., Nov. 6, 1787. Joseph, and Lucy Nourse, both of Mald., March 22, 1788. Benoni, and Elizabeth Floyd, both of Mald., Feb. 25, 1793. William, and Mrs. Abigail Hatch, both of Mald., Jan. 7, 1798. Elihu, of Mald., and Betsey Porter, res. in Lynn, July 7, 1799. Eliakim, and Elizabeth Paine, both of Mald., Aug. 23, 1801. Stephen, and Betsey Barrett, both of Mald., Jan. 18, 1807. Benjamin, and Mary Floyd, both of Mald., Dec. 3, 1814. Eliakim, and Mercy Wait, both of Mald., May 6, 1815. John S., and Deborah Hall, both of Mald., Feb. 6, 1819. Thomas J., of Mald., and Louisa Munroe of Lexington, Nov. 5, 1825. Henry B.,and Martha Camriene [Cameron], both of Mald., July 4, 1846. Burditt, Burden 76 7 70 66 30 32 33 33 33 36 38 39 43 44 64 64 62 62 56 402 899 899 400 395 388 383 381 381 380 879 Joseph, and Tabitha Paine [both of Mald.], March 27, 1737. 3 Aaron [Burden], of Medford, and Thankful Welcome of Mald., Jan. 31, 1741/2. John, and Jemima Green, both of Mald., Dec. 6, 1745. Jabez, and Deborah Richardson, both of Mald., Nov. 4, 1749. Tabitha, and Nathan Dexter, both of Mald., Jan. 14, 1753. Jabez, and Elizabeth Winslow, both of Mald., March 25, 1753. Sarah, and Isaac Cluley, both of Mald., Dec. 21, 1754. Daniel, of Mald., and Joanna Dexter of Stoneham, March 23, 1755. Nathan, of Mald., and Elizabeth Watts of Chelsea, Oct. 19, 1755. Lieut. Samuel, and Esther Pratt, both of Mald., March 31, 1758. Joseph, and Mercy Sprague, both of Mald., July 26, 1761. Tabitha, of Mald., and Jonathan Sprague of Medford, March 14, 1762. Joseph, of Mald., and Sarah Sweetser of Reading, March 2, 1766. Nathan, and Esther Grover, both of Mald., Oct. 4, 1767. Jesse, and Rachel Waitt, both of Mald., Jan. 25, 1771. John, Jr., and Abigail Sargeant, both of Mald., March 23, 1771. Mary, and Winslow Sargeant, both of Mald., Dec. 22, 1772. Jemima, and Phineas Sprague, 3, both of Mald., Dec. 4, 1773. Samuel, Jr., and Mary Wheeler, both of Mald., July 5, 1780. Lydia, and James Sweetser, both of Mald., Oct. 2, 1783. Jabez, Jr., and Lydia Collins, both of Mald., April 18, 1785. William, of Medford, and Elizabeth Hatch of Mald., April 18, 1785. Edward, and Hannah Pratt, both of Mald., Aug. 10, 1788. Sally, and Samuel Batts, both of Mald., May 15, 1790. Hannah, and Benjamin Sargeant, both of Mald., Sept. 17, 1797. Thomas, of Mald., and Hannah Collins of Chelsea, Feb. 15, 1802. John, and Sarah Shute, both of Mald., Oct. 4, 1802. Mrs. Elizabeth, of Mald., and John Currier of Newbury, Oct. 31, 1802. Nathan, and Mrs. Elizabeth Grover, both of Mald., July 10, 1803. Samuel, Jr., and Mrs. Mary Howard, both of Mald., Nov. 20, 1803. 118 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Burditt, Burden (continued ) 378 376 361 361 360 477 533 564 565 567 Burks 522 Mary, and William Wait, 3, both of Mald. Aug. 19, 1804. Nathan, and Mrs. Elizabeth Grover, both of Mald., Nov. 17, 1805. Edward, of So. Reading, and Lois Gill of Mald., Nov. Io, 1814. Lemuel, of Mald., and Bridget Richards of Salem, April 8, 1815. Lemuel, and Bridget Richards, both res. in Mald., April 13, 1815. Lydia, and Elias Elliot, both of Mald., Oct. 7, 1821. Lydia Ann, and Samuel T. Mann, both of Mald., May 26, 1838. William L., and Rachel L. Wait, both of Mald., Oct. 17, 1843. Louisa M., and Samuel A. Angier., Feb. 10, 1844. Susan C., of Mald., and Isaac E. Stevens of Marlboro, Dec. 9, 1845. John, and Ann M. Craig, both of Mald., Dec. 5, 1835. Burnes 371 William [Barnes ?}, of Mald., and Hannah Clement of Dracut, Jan. 28, 1810. Burnett 68 Rebecca, of Reading, and Jacob Upham of Mald., Sept. 19, 1747. Burnham 371 567 John, of Mald., and Hannah Blodget of Nottingham, N.H., Feb. 11, 18Io. David H., of Stoneham, and Emily H. Halpin of Mald., Nov. 1, 1845. Burrage 31 . 87 61 478 Thomas, of Lynn, and Anna Wayte of Mald., Oct. 28, 1750. William, of Lynn, and Phebe Barrett of Mald., Feb. 10 [1760]. Susanna, of Lynn, and Stephen Waitt of Mald., Feb. 18, 1775. William, of Mald., and Elizabeth Nickerson [/Vickson in record], of Boston, Nov. 16, 1822. Burrill 18 70 895 388 369 353 485 542 572 Burt 641 Eunice, of Lynn, and Ezra Green of Mald., Feb. 22, 1743/4. Sarah, of Lynn, and Thomas Hills of Mald., Oct. 20, 1745. Sally, of Lynn, and John Peneson of Mald., Nov. 27, 1789. Samuel, of Lynn, and Lois Grover of Mald., Sept. 30, 1799. Esther, of Lynn, and Lot Edmunds of Mald., Aug. 12, 1810. Samuel, and Lois Grover, both of Mald., March 22, 1818. Sarah, of Mald., and Horatio N. Simonds of Cambridge, Sept. 30, 1826, Belinda, of Mald., and Francis Ameridge of Saugus, Feb. 27, 1841. Eliza, of Mald., and Henry Fisk of Waltham, Sept. 23, 1848. Margaret E., of Methuen, and James L. Stinson of Mald., Oct. 31, 1840. Butler 368 354 534 538 543 576 576 577 Amos, and Sally Blanchard, both of Mald., Aug. 11, 1811. Aaron, and Sally Brown, both of Mald., Oct. 12, 1817. Mary, of Mald., and Moses G. Kingsbury of Roxbury, Jan. 5, 1839. Lucy, and Hiram Smith, both of Mald., Sept. 21, 1839. Aaron, and Sarah Mansfield, both of Mald., July 17, 1841 Lydia, of Mald., and Charles A. Messenger of Hoston, Aug. 31, 1850. Hiram Be of Mald., and Mary R. Wentworth of Berwick, Me., Sept. 14, 1850. see of Mald., and Maria Louisa Knights of Woburn, Oct. 18, 1850. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS II9Q Butters 483 Sabrina, of Mald., and Hartwell Richardson of So, Reading, Aug. 13, 1825. 563 Joshua, of Chelsea, and Martha Ann Todd of Mald., July 26, 1843. Buttrick 349 Danforth, and Hannah B. Oliver, both of Mald., Feb. 27, 1820. Buzzell 491 Josiah, of Sutton, N. H., and Mrs. Winifred Winship of Mald., Nov. 13, 1828. 568 Joshua, of Chelsea, and Almira Lewis of Mald., Sept. 3, 1846. Cady 567 Elizabeth F., of Springfield, and Rev. H. M. Bridge of Mald., Jan. 21, 1846. Calder 480 Eliza, of Charlestown, and Benjamin Pratt of Mald., Jan. 17, 1824. Caldwell 492 Ruth, of Charlestown, and Joshua Rich of Mald., June 5, 1829. Call bost. John [of Boston], and Hannah Sprague of Mald., Nov. 10, 1736. Callahan 574 Mary, of Boston, and James Murphy of Mald., Aug. 27, 1849. 574 Catherine, of So. Andover, and William Lee of Mald., Sept. 1, 1849. Cameron, Camriene 568 Martha [Cariene], and Henry B. Bucknam, both of Mald., July 4, 1846. Campbell 351 George, of Newburyport, and Sarah Popkin of Mald., May 15, 1819. Capell 587 Thomas, of Lexington, and Susan L. Crockett of Mald., Aug. 3, 1839. Carey 566 Joel C., of Mald., and Rachel A. Bradford of Salem, N. H., Oct. 11, 1844. 671 Olive, and James Newhall, both of Mald., Nov. 14, 1847. 574 Catherine, and James McKenna, both of Mald., May 19, 1849. Carnes 871 Mary, and Thomas Ford, both of Mald., Nov. 26, 1809. Carter 65 Lydia, of Woburn, and Jacob Bucknam of Mald., June 23, 1751. 897 Martha, of Reading, and Joseph Barrett, Jr., of Mald., May 7, 1792. 890 John, Jr., of Charlestown, and Esther Beacham of Mald., Aug. 13, 1796. 879 Thomas, and Hannah Green, both of Mald, May 13, 1804. 523 Clarissa, of Charlestown, and Benjamin Corey of Mald., April 2, 1836. Caswell 45 Bathsheba, of Mald., and Thomas Smith of Truro, March 24, 1770. 892 Sally, and Samuel Wait, Jr., both of Mald., Nov. 15, 1793. 886 Bathsheba, of Mald., and William Williams of Reading, June 30, 1798. Cate 482 James, res. in Mald., and Anna Tower of Sudbury, Jan. 22, 1825. 120 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Chamberlain, Chamberlin ate 72 Susanna, of Chelsea, and John Sargeant of Mald., Dec. 8, 1742. 476 Elbridge, of Mald., and Eleanor Amsden of Southborough, March 11, 1821. 488 Eliza, and William Lovett, both of Mald., Dec. 29, 1827. 619 Harriet, and James C. Richardson, both of Mald. [Aug. , 1835]. 622 Lowell, and Mary Waitt, both of Mald., Dec. 12, 1835. 563 Lowell, and Hannah H. Nichols, both of Mald., July 2, 1843. Chapin 872 Eliza, of Charlestown, and Edward Emerson of Mald., April 30, 1809. Chapman 528 Caroline F., of Tewskbury, and William Barrett of Mald., April 5, 1837. 578 Mary Jane, and Franklin Tufts, both of Mald., Feb. 24, 1849. Chase 530 George, and Olive Flanders, both of Mald., Aug. 12, 1837. 542 Martha, and Ivory Fenderson, both of Mald., Feb. 27, 1841. Cheever 75 Mary, of Lynn, and Timothy Upham of Mald., Sept. 29, 1739. 88 Elizabeth, of Lynn, and Jacob Parket of Mald., Aug. 29, 1761. 396 Hannah, and William Emmons, both of Mald., Jan. 5, 1793. 893 Thomas, of Mald., and Abby Erving of Boston, Sept. 20, 1793. 390 Abigail, of Chelsea, and Reuben Hatch of Mald., Aug. 28, 1796. 385 Susanna, and Andrew Wait, both of Mald., Aug. 12, 1797. 886 Nancy, and Aaron Wait, both of Mald., April 11, 1798. $89 Hannah, and Thomas Wait, Jr., both of Mald., May 11, 1801. 880 Lucy, and Samuel Shute, both of Mald., Feb. 7, 1803. 876 Mary, of Mald., and William Raymond of Charlestown, Oct. 13, 1805. 854 Lucy, and Samuel Moses, both of Mald., Oct. 12, 1817. 852 Jacob, of Mald., and Lydia Sweetser of Saugus, Nov. 7, 1818. 627 Harriet, and Thomas Swan, both of Mald., March 4, 1837. 633 Caroline, and Thomas Swan, both of Mald., Aug. 25, 1838. 563 Lydia, and Lemuel Davenport, both of Mald., Sept. 23, 1843. 569 Phebe, of Mald., and Guy C. Fernald of Lynn, Sept. 26, 1846. 574 Lucy, and Milbury Day, both of Mald., April 14, 1849. 575 Sarah L., of Mald., and George P. Shaw of Saugus, April 12, 1850. Chenery 88 John, of Watertown, and Phebe Sargeant, of Mald., Nov. 15, 1761. 570 Nancy C., and Lowell Green, both of Mald., July 24, 1847. Chittenden 63 Calvin, and Sarah Pratt, both of Mald., July 5, 1771. 60 Anna, and David Sargeant, both of Mald., Nov. 18, 1776. 57 Capt. Isaac; of Mald., and Mary Turner of Scituate, Dec. 30, 1779, 401 Isaac, and Phebe Green, both of Mald., Nov. 19, 1786. 378 Samuel, of Mald., and Sally Flagg Newman of Chelsea, Oct. 7, 1804. 870 Persis, and Nehemiah Oakes, both of Mald., May 13, 1810. Christy 387 Rowland, of Boston, and Phebe Dexter of Mald., July 6, 1798. Church 570 Asa, of Boston, and Joanna O. Brown of Mald., May 27, 1847. 677 shoud C., of Mald., and Mrs. Abigail W. Nudd of Lowell, Dec. 20, 1850. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS I2t Clagett 565 Thomas W., of Prince George Co., Md., and Sarah B. Lewis of Mald., July 6, 1844. Clapp 876 Timothy, and Deborah Wait, both of Mald., Dec. 4, 1805. 492 Timothy, and Sarah Wait, both of Mald., March 21, 1829. 604 Abigail D., and Samuel D. Drown, both of Mald., April 9, 1831. 510 Elizabeth, of Dorchester, and Stephen Stimpson of Mald., March 3, 1833. 522 Samuel H., and Susan Peirce, both of Mald., Sept. 26, 1835. 568 Elizabeth F., and Charles E. Hodgkins, both of Mald., May 30, 1846. Clarenbold 883 Richard, and Sarah Barnes, both of Mald., Sept. 10, 1801. 880 John, and Phebe Pratt, both of Mald., Nov. 19, 1802. 493 Mrs. Phebe, and Nathaniel Tainter, both of Mald., June 20, 1829. 611 Eliza A., and Samuel J. S. Howe, both of Mald., May 18, 1833. Clark 74 Ichabod, of Stoughton, and Sarah Whittemore of Mald., Dec. 14, 1740. $81 William, res. in Mald.,and Hannah Reed of Cambridge, July 4, 1802. 347 Cyrus, of Charlestown, and Tabitha Oakes of Mald., Jan. 13, 1821. 608 Rev. Ansel R., of Hudson, Ohio, and Mary Ann Odiorne of Mald., July 14, 1832. 530 Ezra F., of Mald.,and Hannah Eldridge of Charlestown, Aug. 12, 1837. 666 Harriet D., of Saugus, and Charles S. Goodhue of Mald., April 25, 1845. 568 Elizabeth, and John Wait, both of Mald., May 2, 1846. 570 Thomas, of Lyman, Me., and Mary H. Thompson of Mald., Oct 23, 1847. 578 Mrs. Abigail, of Boston, and Henry Rich of Mald., Feb. 3, 1849. 573 Sarah A., of Cambridge, and Joshua Winslow of Mald., Feb. 17, 1849. 576 Amanda M., of Epping, N. H., and Andrew F. Lunt of Mald., Oct. 16, 1850. Clement 871 Hannah, of Dracut, and William Burnes [Barnes ?] of Mald., Jan. 28, 1810. Clepson 83 Elizabeth, and James Phillips, both of Mald., March ro, 1754. Clisby 58 Joseph, res. in Mald., and Lois Eaton of Mald., July 7, 1778. 58 Polly, of Mald., and John Paul, res. in Boston, Jan. 3, 1779. 490 Lois, and John Lynde, both of Mald. [May to, 1828]. 490 Mary, of Mald., and Isaac Cowdrey of Lancaster, May 11, 1828. Clough 530 Jonathan C., of Mald., and Sarah Ann Hanson of Dover, N. H., Sept. 23, 1837. Cluley, Clewly 83 Isaac, and Sarah Burditt, both of Mald., Dec. 21, 1754. 899 Dorcas, of Mald., and Thomas Hoppin of Charlestown, Sept. 19, 1785. Coats 850 Stephen, and Ann Edmonds, both of Mald., July 24, 1819. Cochrane 573 James, of New York, and Elizabeth Cochran of Mald., Jan. 5, 1849. 578 Elizabeth, of Mald., and James Cochran of New York, Jan. 5, 1849. 675 Nelson, and Emily Green, both of Mald., Jan. 3, 1850. 122 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Coffin 65 Lydia, of Groton, and Floyd Pratt of Mald., June 27, 1751. Coggin 484 Loammi T., of Boston, and Hannah Wait of Mald.[Oct. , 1825]. Colburn 870 Cephas, and Jerusha Howard, both of Mald., April 29, 1810. 366 Milley, of Dorchester, and John Wilson of Mald., April 26, 1812. Colby ‘ 562 Joseph C., and Mary E. Marston, both of Mald., April 15, 1843. Colcord 518 Dr. George W., of Mald., and Eliza S. Wyatt of Lowell, May 25, 1835. Cole 363 Freeman, of New York, and Mary Tufts of Mald., March 26, 1814. 351 Lydia, and Simon Knight, both of Mald., March 25, 1819. 495 Mary A., and David Sargent, 2, both of Mald., Sept. 11, 1830. Coleman, Colman 68 Sarah, of Mald., and Nathan Eaton of Reading, Oct. 7, 1747. 38 John, of Mald., and Martha Hasey of Leicester, Jan. 29, 1761. 42 Persis, and John Howard, both of Mald., Feb. 24, 1765. Collins 69 Moses, of Roxbury, and Lydia Whittemore of Mald., May 1, 1746. 80 Abigail, of Boston, and Tora Pain of Mald., Nov. 10, 1751. 62 Mary, and William Kendall, both res. in Mald., Feb. 6 [1773]. 899 Lydia, and Jabez Burditt, Jr., both of Mald., April 18, 1785. 884 John, of Mald., and Joanna Brooks of Athol, March 25, 1797. 883 Hannah, of Chelsea, and Thomas Burditt of Mald., Feb. 15, 1802. 876 Betsey, of Roxbury, and Joseph Moore, res. in Mald., Oct. 27, 1805. 508 Mrs. Zillah, of Boston, and William C. Howe of Mald., July 14, 1832. Comee 44 Benjamin, of Mald.,and Hannah Richardson of Woburn, Aug. 21, 1768. 403 Hannah, and Thomas Sargeant, both of Mald., May 12, 1783. Conant 565 Winslow, of Hanson, and Phebe Ramsdill of Mald., Sept. 7, 1844. 573 Abby F., of Mald., and Ephraim R. Cook of Provincetown, Dec. 9, 1848. Conery 86 Sarah, of Stoneham, and Timothy Sprague of Mald., Sept. 23, 1759. 890 John, and Abigail Green, both of Mald., Nov. 12, 1796. Connor 367 Hanson, of Mald., and Kezia Johnson of Woburn, Jan. 12, 1812. Converse 538 Ellen A., of Boston, and Thomas Oakes of Mald. [withdrawn by said Oakes, Dec. g], Nov. 27, 1839. . Conway 577 Eliza, of Chelsea, and Francis Farrell of Mald., Nov. 19, 1850. Cook 71 Israel, of Boston, and Hannah Upham of Mald., Dec. 5, 1744. 573 pal R., of Provincetown, and Abby F. Conant of Mald., Dec. 9, 1848. Cookson 570 Susan L., of Mald., and Samuel F. Brown of Cambridge, May 15, 1847. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 123 Coolidge 576 George H., of Mald., and Mrs. Adeline Thurston of East Boston, May 7, 1850. Coombs, Cooms 589 Mary Ann, and Daniel D. Penney, both of Mald., June 13, 1840. 564 James, of Mald., and Mary Ann Towner of Saugus, Nov. 3, 1843. 572 Joseph M., of Charlestown, and Catherine Watkins of Mald., March 30, 1848. : Cooper 585 Laura, and Samuel Fernald, both of Mald., March 23, 1839. Copeland 572 Mary E., of Chelsea, and Archelaus [Avchillas in record by error] Grover of Mald., Sept. 11, 1848. Corbett 562 Charles L., of Mald., and Elizabeth Hynes of Boston, Feb. 3, 1843. Corey 518 Solomon P., and Martha S. Waitt, both of Mald., April 2, 1835. 523 Benjamin of Mald., and Clarissa Carter of Charlestown, April 2, 1836. 571 Charlotte W., and Nathan Tufts, both of Mald., Dec. 25, 1847. Corson 490 Jedediah B. [error for V.], of Boston, and Martha Upham of Mald., May 17, 1828. 640 Clarissa S., and James Pratt, Jr., both of Mald., Sept. 19, 1840. 570 Jedediah V., and Susanna Silsbee, both of Mald., Oct. 2, 1847. Corvel 571 Rev. Zenas, of New York, and Minerva Ann Beal of Mald., Dec. 4, 1847. Costello, Costillar 534 Mary T., and Reuben C. Higgins, both of Mald., Oct. 27, 1838. Cousens 32 Nathaniel, and Rebecca Wire, both of Mald., July 15, 1753. 510 Oliver, and Emily Edmester, both of Mald., Feb. 23, 1833. 526 Charles, and Mrs. Abigail Knowlton, both of Mald., Oct. 29, 1836. 641 Mrs. Emily, of Mald., and Lemuel Edmester, Jr., of Freetown, Oct. 17, 1840. Cowdrey 490 Isaac, of Lancaster, and Mary Clisby of Mald., May 11, 1828. 524 — So. Reading, and Dana Holden of Mald., April 16, 1836. 567 Aaron, Jr., of So. Reading, and Louisa Sprague of Mald., Nov. 29, 1845. Cowen 83 Mary, of Mald., and Isaac Walton of Reading, Aug. 26, 1754. 40 James, of Mald., and Ruhamah Parker of Reading, Dec. 26, 1762. Cox 71 Unite, and Lydia Faulkner, both res. in Mald., July 1 [1745]. 61 Unite, and Hannah Sprague, both of Mald., Feb. 25, 1776. 383 Hannah, and Edward Newhall, both of Mald., July 19, 1801. 381 Rebecca, of Mald., and James Green of Reading, July 4, 1802. 379 Elizabeth, of Mald., and Benjamin Mansfield, Jr., of Lynn, Nov. 21, 1803. $72 Samuel, and Betsey Stanton, both of Mald., May 7, 1809. 124 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Cox (continued) 367 Unite, Jr., and Sally Waitt, both of Mald., Nov. 24, 1811. 362 Mary, and James Howard, Jr., both of Mald., July 9, 1814. 361 Lemuel, and Lydia Harnden, both of Mald., March 18, 1815. 359 James, and Sarah D. Sargeant, both of Mald., Feb. 10, 1816. $57 Harriet, of Mald., and John Vinton of Stoneham, Feb. 15, 1817. 352 John, and Lydia Andrews, both of Mald., June 14, 1818. 849 Leonard, and Betsey Lear, both of Mald., April 22, 1820. 509 Lemuel, and Sarah O. Haven, both of Mald., Sept. 19, 1832. 617 Samuel W., and Hannah Woodbury, both of Mald., Sept. 6, 1834. 517 Samuel A., of Mald., and Harriet Hall of Chelsea, Nov. 22, 1834. 617 George P., and Mary Ann Morrison, both of Mald., Feb. 7, 1835. 539 John A., and Susan R. Steele, both of Mald. [forbidden by two Justices of the Peace], March 28, 1840. 543 Mary H., and Adam Thompson, both of Mald., April 24, 1841. 643 John A., of Mald., and Susan R. Steele of Medford, June 5, 1841. 547 Joseph C., and Mary A. Perkins, both of Mald., April 10, 1842. 548 David P., and Rebecca A. Wait, both of Mald., May 14, 1842. 563 Charles C., and Lucy Faulkner, both of Mald., Sept. 30, 1843. 564 Lydia, and Joseph H. Mills, both of Mald., Oct. 22, 1843. 564 Susan S., of Westbrook, Me., and George Hitchings of Mald., Oct 22, 1843. 566 Joseph W., of Mald., and Hannah S. Hoar of Littleton, May 3, 1845. 569 Maria S., and Moses Sargent, both of Mald., Oct. 30, 1846. 570 Eliza S., and Joseph W. Tufts, Jr., both of Mald., May 19, 1847. 573 Emeline E., and Augustus Stiles, both of Mald., Nov. 6, 1848. 574 Martha W., of Mald., and John P. Currier of Waterville, Me., April 19, 1849. 574 Levi, and Mary Ann Galucia, both of Mald., June 16, 1849. 675 Catherine, and Robert Richards, both of Mald., Dec. 20, 1849. Craige 369 Alexander, and Tabitha Newhall, both of Mald., Sept. 23, 1810. 522 Ann M., and John Burks, both of Mald., Dec. 5, 1835. Crane $88 Hannah, and Charles Hill, Jr., both of Mald., Jan. 19, 1800. 378 James, and Mary Hill, both of Mald., Sept. 16, 1804. 375 Mary, and Isaac Hill, both of Mald., Jan. 19, 1806. 375 Harvey, and Hannah Hopkins, both of Mald., Feb. 23, 1806. 494 James, Jr., of So. Reading, and Rebecca C. Hutchinson of Mald., April 24, 1830. 512 Timothy T., of Lynn, and Sarah Balch of Mald., Sept. 21, 1833. Crehore 510 Capt. Henry, and Hannah Hitchings, both of Mald., March 9, 1833. Crockett 877 Ephraim, of Sanbornton, N. H., and Eliza Dexter of Mald., Feb. 24, 1805. 523 Martha L., and Daniel P. Wise, both of Mald., Dec. 22, 1835. 637 Susan L., of Mald., and Thomas Capell of Lexington, Aug. 3, 1839. Crosfield 857 Harriet A., and Joseph B. Wilson, both of Mald., Nov. 29, 1816. 354 Lucy L., and William Ramsdill, both of Mald., Nov. 1, 1817. 483 Wil as D., of Mald., and Hannah Pousland of Beverly, Sept. 1, 1825. Cross 528 ean P., of Danvers, and Ebenezer Swinerton of Mald., May 11, 1837. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 125 Crowly 70 Charles, res. in Charlestown, and Mary Marks of Mald., Sept. 15, 1745. Cruse 511 Solomon, and Mrs. Nancy Hopkins, both of Mald., July 6, 1833. Cummings 357 Ruth, and Salathiel Patch, both of Mald., Jan. 11, 1817. 479 Lydia, of Providence, R. I., and Moses Edmenster of Mald., March 9, 1823. 566 Nathaniel, of Charlestown, and Nancy S. Oakes of Mald., Dec. 14, 1844. 575 Emeline L., of Mald., and James Gowen of Barnstead, N. H., April 9, 1850. 575 Charles, and Harriet Kidder, both of Mald., April 20, 1850. Currell 382 Elias, res in Mald., and Polly Merritt of Mald., Nov. 7, 1794. Currier 381 John, of Newbury, and Mrs. Elizabeth Burditt of Mald., Oct. 31, 1802. 482 Dorothy D., of Mald., and James Morse of Medfield, April 2, 1825. 546 Eunice, and Sumner Pennell, both of Mald., Jan. 1, 1841 [1842]. 574 John P., of Waterville, Me., and Martha W. Cox of Mald., April 19, 1849. 577 Alvan D., of Cambridge, and Almira W. Edmester of Mald., Nov. 19, 1850. Cushman 564 Chandler, of Stoneham, and Clara A. Dearborn of Mald., Dec. 11, 1843. Cuthbertson, Cuthberton 566 John, and Agnes Mills, both of Mald., Dec. 14, 1844. Cutter 71 Sarah, of Medford, and Samuel Blanchard of Mald., Feb. 10, 1744/5. 80 Ebenezer, of Medford, and Eleanor Floyd of Mald., April 17, 1752. 58 Jonathan, and Anna Hadley, both of Charlestown, Dec. 18, 1777. 865 Mary, and Phineas Sargent, both of Mald., Sept. 27, 1812. 855 Andrew, and Mary Blanchard, both of Mald., Sept. 21, 1817. 612 Capt. Artemas, of Mald.,and Mrs. Sarah Kidder of Westbrook, Me., Oct. 19, 1833. 623 Caroline F. [error for Caroline Antoinette], and George A. Lewis, both of Mald., Feb. 27, 1836. 639 Sarah M., and Francis D. Stratton, both of Mald., May 2, 184o. 665 Joshua T., and Sarah E. Kidder, both of Mald., Feb. 24, 1844. 574 J[oshua] Thomas, of Mald., and Mary Ann Roberts of Lynnfield, Sept. 1, 1849. Dagyr 577 Haley F., of Saugus, and Mary Ann Wilson of Mald., Dec. 21, 1850. Damon 384 Esther, of Reading, and Nathan Holden of Mald., Dec. 31, 1796. 363 Amos, of Mald., and Nancy Standish of Boston, Feb. 20, 1814. Dampney 899 Polly, alias Mary, of Lynn, and Daniel Floyd of Mald., June 13, 1785. Daniels 480 Nancy, of Mald., and Dean Ames of Charlestown, Sept. 13, 1823. 492 Susan, of Mald., and Freeman Fuller of Charlestown, May 23, 1829. 618 Charles, of Mald., and Hannah D. Turner of Chelsea, April 11, 1835. 126 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Dascomb 485 Thomas, and Fanny Tufts, both of Mald.[Nov. , 1826]. Davenport 563 Lemuel, and Lydia Cheever, both of Mald., Sept. 23, 1843. Davis 59 Elizabeth, of Cambridge, and Elnathan Breeden of Mald., March 17, 1777. 484 Susanna M., of Harvard, and William Watts of Mald., Oct. 29, 1825. 493 Martha, of Lancaster, and John Johnson of Mald., July 18, 1829. 526 Nancy C., and Cyrus Twombly, both of Mald., Nov. 12, 1836. 530 Mrs. Mary, and Thomas Seals, both of Mald., June 17, 1837. 581 meee of Lyman, N. H., and Eben C. Emmons of Mald., Oct. 14, 1837. 531 James M., and Caroline Edmester, both of Mald., Nov. 11, 1837. 642 Sally .W., and Eben C. Emmons, both of Mald., Jan. 2, 1841. 571 ve W., of Charlestown, and George Boardman of Mald., Oct. 23, 1847. Davison $54 Sarah W., of Andover, and Enoch Holt of Mald., Dec. 3, 1817. Dawes 585 Mary G., of Boston, and Joshua Upham of Mald., June 1, 1839. Day 494 Benjamin, and Frances Vinton, both of Mald., March 27, 1830. 574 Milbury, and Lucy Cheever, both of Mald., April 14, 1849. Deal 69 Rebecca, of Boston, and Stower Sprague of Mald., Feb. 14, 1746/7. Dearborn 889 Simon, of Portland, and Rebecca Dexter of Mald., May 17, 1801. 536 Eliza Jane, of Lowell, and Charles R. Kelley of Mald., July 11, 1839. 564 Clara A., of Mald., and Chandler Cushman of Stoneham, Dec. 11, 1843. Deering 640 Sarah, and Benjamin Woodbury, both of Mald., Aug. 15, 1840. Delan 75 John, of Mald., and Judith Upham of Charlestown, Oct. 21, 1739. Demeritt 649 Sarah J., of Nottingham, N. H.,and Levi White of Mald., June 11, 1842. Desmore 850 Nancy, of Marblehead, and John Townsend, Jr., of Mald., Sept. 25, 1819. Desper, Dispar chel. Lois, of Chelsea, and John Ryan, res. in Mald., Jan. 12, 1780. Devereaux 574 Julia, of Boston, and Michael O’Brine of Mald., May 22, 1849. Dexter 74 Richard, of Mald., and Rebecca Peabody of Boxford, Oct. 25, 1741. 72 Nathan, of Mald., and Esther Brintnall of Chelsea, April 11, 1744. 70 John, and Abigail Hill, both of Mald., March 26, 1746. 68 John, and Joanna Lynde, both of Mald., Feb. 6, 1747/8. 81 Susanna, and Dea. dain Hovey, both of Mald., April 5, 1751. 80 Nathan, and Tabitha Burditt, both of Mald., Jan. 14, 1753. 82 Sarah, of Mald., and John Hopkinson of Bradford, May 13, 1753. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 127 Dexter (continued ) ; 82 Susanna, of Mald., and Hezekiah Blanchard of Charlestown, Oct. 14, 1753. 83 Joanna, of Stoneham, and Daniel Burditt of Mald., March 23, 1755. 84 Winifred, and Jonathan Howard, both of Mald., April 2, 1756. 40 William, and Phebe Knight, both of Mald., June 24, 1764. 44 Paul, of Boston, and Elizabeth Wade of Mald., March 22, 1767. 45 Nathan, Jr., of Mald., and Phebe Grover of Lynn, March 11, 1769. 61 Rebecca, and Daniel Parker, both of Mald., Feb. 26, 1776. 57 John, Jr., and Sally Hill, both of Mald., June 28, 1779. 57 William, and Elizabeth Paine, both of Mald., Dec. 22, 1779. 57 Bridget, of Mald., and Capt. James Thomson of Boston, Jan. 17, 1780. 56 Richard, and Martha Hatch, both of Mald., June 30, 1780. 894 Lydia, and Solomon Sargeant, both of Mald., Nov. 26, 1791. 887 Phebe, of Mald., and Rowland Christy of Boston, July 6, 1798. 889 Rebecca, of Mald., and Simon Dearborn of Portland, May 17, 1801. 880 Sarah, of Mald., and Daniel Wise, res. in Lynn, Sept. 18, 1803. $77 Eliza, of Mald., and Ephraim Crockett of Sanbornton, N. H., Feb. 24, 1805. 877 Rebecca, of Mald., and Terence Wakefield of Boston, March 21, 1805. 848 Richard, Jr., and Jerusha Baldwin, both of Mald., June 24, 1820. 540 Mary Elizabeth, of Mald., and Joseph Baldwin of Fitchburg, Aug. 9, 1840. Dickson, Dixon 403 Jonas, of Medford, and Elizabeth Gill of Mald., Nov. 11, 1782. 503 Oliver, of Charlestown, and Eliza Amity Pierce of Mald., April 9, 1831. Diman 56 David, of Boston, and Lois Grover of Mald., June 11, 1781. 895 Lois, of Salem, and Capt. Bernard Green of Mald., May 15, 1790. Dingley 512 Mary B., of Lynn, and Timothy Bailey of Mald., Oct. 31, 1833. 647 Nancy B., and Timothy Bailey, Esq., both of Mald., April 30, 1842. Diz 873 William, et Reading, and Sally Howard of Mald., da of Ezra, June 21, 1807. 858 John, of Mald., and Mary Wilson of Saugus, March 21, 1818. Dockham 477 Stevens, and Emily Brown, both of Mald., July 1, 1821. Dodge 881 Daniel, and Lydia Grover, both of Mald., July 4, 1802. 853 Bethiah, of Beverly, and John Parker of Mald., Jan. 3, 1818. 481 George, of Chelmsford, and Eliza Oliver of Mald., Nov. 6, 1824. 564 Temple, of Mald., and Jane Smith of Boston, Jan. 6, 1844. 570 Sarah W., of Newton, and James Thompson of Mald., May 15, 1847. Doe 35 Nathaniel, of New Market, and Mary Wright of Mald., April 24, 1757. Donnelly 577 Michael, and Jane Kelly, both of Mald., Nov. 7, 1850. Dore 538 Sarah Brackett, and John Vaughn, both of Mald., Jan. 9, 1840. Dougherty 673 Patrick, and Mary Gormley, both of Mald., Jan. 6, 1849. 128 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Dow, Dows 57 John, of Haverhill, and Mehitable Sargeant of Mald., July 3, 1779. 401 Mehitable, and John Hancock, both of Mald., April 17, 1786. 389 Dr. Jabez, of Kensington, N. H., and Hannah Wait of Mald., May 24, 1801. 864 Mrs. Mary [Dowes], and John Lynde, both of Mald., March 14, 1813. 487 Warren L., and Rachel Richardson, both of Mald., April 21, 1827. Downing 360 William, res. in Mald., and Phebe Knower of Mald.,, Jan. 19, 1816. 537 Bi of St. Louis, Mo., and Atalanta Emerson of Mald., July 31, 1839. Downs 569 Orin, and Eunice Maria Shackford, both of Mald., Sept. 25, 1846. Driver 387 Hannah, of Salem, and Stephen Grover of Mald., Dec. 2, 1798. Drown 504 Samuel D., and Abigail D. Clapp, both of Mald., April 9, 1831. §28 Oliver, and Mary W. Smith, April 15, 1837. 7 570 Samuel, and Lydia Jane Munroe, both of Mald., June 11, 1847. Dunbar 73 James, of Mald., and Rebecca Woods of Boston, July 28, 1742. Duntlin 478 Hannah, of Charlestown, and Ralph Pratt of Mald., Jan. 11, 1823. Dunton 567 Eliza A., and Joseph W. Edwards, both of Mald., Oct. 4, 1845. 567 Caroline L., and George W. Vaughan, both of Mald., Nov. 15, 1845. Durgin, Durgan 539 Eliza Ann, of Conway, N. H., and Joshua Waitt of Mald., Feb. 15, 1840. ; 576 Harrison, of Lawrence, and Emily Scruton of Mald., June 11, 1850. Dyer, Dyar 63 Joseph, of Boston, and Elizabeth Nichols of Mald., March 30, 1771. 396 Joseph, and Sally Merritt, both of Mald., Oct. 27, 1792. 390 John Nichols, and Susanna Sprague, both of Mald., Sept. ro, 1796. 879 Eliza, and Zadoc Trask, both of Mald., July 29, 1804. 875 Sally, and Jesse Holden, both of Mald., Dec. 8, 1805. Hastham 565 Dr. Charles, of Boston, and Elizabeth Barrett of Mald., April 20, 1844. Baton 68 Nathan, of Reading, and Sarah Coleman of Mald., Oct. 7, 1747. 58 Lois, of Mald., eg Joseph Clisby, res. in Mald., July 7, 1778. 56 Lieut. Nathan, and Lydia Lynde, both of Mald., March 12, 1781. 527 James, of Boston, and Rebecca W. Lynde, of Mald., Dec. 17, 1836. 647 Charles, and Mrs. Mary Elliot, both of Mald., May 8, 1842. 569 pone S., of So. Reading, and John Newhall of Mald., Dec, 12, 1846. Edes 80 Peter, and Sarah Morfin, both of Mald., May 3, 1752. Edmester 352 Elizabeth Clapp, of Mald., and Nathan Kimball, of Newburyport, Oct. 24, 1818. 479 Moses, Mald., and Lydia Cummings of Providence, R. I., March 9, 1923. MALDEN MARRIAGE [INTENTIONS 129 Edmester (continued) 484 Timothy C., and Huldah Howard, both of Mald., Feb. 18, 1826. 489 James, of Mald., and Ann Woodbury of Beverly [March, 1828]. 510 Emily, and Oliver Cousins, both of Mald., Feb. 23, 1833. §24 Susan, and Thomas R. Warren, both of Mald., Oct. 1, 1836. 681 Caroline, and James M. Davis, both of Mald., Nov. 11, 1837. 541 Lemuel, Jr., of Freetown, and Mrs. Emily Cousens of Mald., Oct. 17, 1840. 567 Maria, and John Savage, both of Mald., Aug. 9, 1845. 577 Almira W., of Mald., and Alvan D. Currier of Cambridge, Nov. 19, 1850, Edmonds, Hdmands 84 John, of Boston, and Elizabeth Levenston of Mald., July 11, 1756. 59 David, Jr.,.and Nancy Townsend, both of Charlestown, Feb. 28, 1777. 56 John, and Sarah Williams, both of Mald., Dec. 24, 1781. 369 Lot, of Mald., and Esther Burrell of Lynn, Aug. 12, 1810. 865 Mary, of Mald., and George Sweetser, of So. Reading, Aug. 19, 1812. 863 William, of Mald., and Ruth Wiley of South Reading, Jan. 30, 1814. 850 Ann, and Stephen Coats, both of Mald., July 24, 1819. 350 Eliza, and Ephraim Avery, both of Mald., Sept., 4, 1819. 491 Mercy, of Mald.,and Daniel T. Van Voorhis of Fishkill, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1828. 570 Willard, and Isabelle I. [J. ?] Hemmingway, both of Mald., Oct. 9, 1847. Edwards 565 John C., and Lydia W. Taylor, both of Mald., March 9, 1844. 567 Joseph W., and Eliza A. Dunton, both of Mald., Oct. 4, 1845. Eldridge 530 Hannah, of Charlestown, and Ezra F. Clark of Mald., Aug. 12, 1837. Elisha 524 Joseph, and Mary Ann Knights, both of Mald., Sept. 24, 1836. 527 William J., of Mald., and Mary Ann Freeman of Roxbury, Jan. 17, 1837.. Elliot 477 Elias, and Lydia Burditt, both of Mald., Oct. 7, 1821. 494 Elias, and Mrs. Esther Mitchell, both of Mald., Jan. 2, 1830. 535 Elias, Jr., and Elizabeth Wait, both of Mald., May 25, 1839. 547 Mrs. Mary, and Charles Eaton, both of Mald., May 8, 1842. Ellis 547 Sarah D., of Canton, Me., and James Barrett of Mald., March 20, 1842. 665 Martin, Jr., and Lydia L. Bartlett, both of Mald., April 17, 1844. Emerson 71 Rev. Daniel of Dunstable, and Mrs. Hannah Emerson, of Mald., Oct. 17, 1744. 41 Mrs. Hannah, of Mald., and Rev. Daniel Emerson of Dunstable, Oct. 17, 1744. 65 Mrs. Mary, of Mald., and Rev. Daniel Little of Wells, Nov. 1, 1751. 60 Bilhah, of Mald., and Samson Bassett of Lynn, July 15, 1776. 69 Rebecca, and Jacob Parker, both of Mald., Jan. 29, 1777. 58 Ruth, and Capt. Nathan Sargeant, both of Mald., Sept. 6, 1778. 402 Kate, of Reading, and Jonathan Spraga of Mald., Aug. 12, 1783. 895 Elias, of Reading, and Phebe Howard of Mald., Sept. 5, 1790. 892 Susanna, of Reading, and William Williams of Mald., Nov. 15, 1793. 9 130 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Emerson (continued) 384 873 372 371 370 867 366 364 364 360 358 356 351 483 483 491 493 503 514 523 523 526 528 5387 547 562 565 565 569 572 572 Rebecca, of Concord, and Robert Haskins of Mald., April 16, 1797. Isaac, and Atalanta Howard, both of Mald., Oct. 16, 1808. Edward, of Mald., and Eliza Chafin of Charlestown, April 30, 1809. Polly, and Samuel Vinning, both of Mald., Feb. 18, 1810. : John, of Mald., and Provided Mann of Richmond, N. H., April 1, 1810. Sally, and Josiah Fuller, both of Mald., Nov. 24, 1811. Edward, and Nancy Green, both of Mald., June 7, 1812. Leonard, and Alice Sargent, both of Mald., March 7, 1813. George, of Mald., and Nancy Fuller of Leominster, Sept. 11, 1813. John, of Mald., and Ruth Bird of Charlestown, Sept. 14, 1815. Warren, and Mary Barrett, both of Mald., Aug. 16, 1816. Gorham, and Dorcas Barrett, both of Mald., May 17, 1817. Elias, of So. Reading, and Nancy Breeden of Mald., March 16, 181g. Habba of So. Reading, and Harriet Orne, res. in Mald., June 4, 1825. George, and Elmira Sprague, both of Mald. [Aug. 1825]. Julia Ann, and Richard Foster, both of Mald., Aug. 30, 1828. Joseph, of Charlestown, and Lydia P. Howard of Mald., July 4, 1829. Sophia B., and Francis D. Howe, both of Mald., March 30, 1831. William, and Lydia Green, both of Mald., June 21, 1834. Alice S., and George W. Simonds, both of Mald., Jan. 23, 1836. James G., and Sarah Boardman, both of Mald., Feb. 27, 1836. Caroline, of Mald., and Varnum Sweetser of So. Reading, Nov. 12, 1836. Mary, and Benjamin F. Atwood, both of Mald., May 11, 1837. Atalanta, of Mald., and William Downing of St. Louis, Mo., July 31, 1839. Mrs. Ruth, of Mald., and Dea. James Floyd of Chelsea, March 20, 1842. Cordelia, of Mald., and John G. Higgins of Medford, Aug. 6, 1842. Isaac, Jr., and Elmira A. Emerson, both of Mald., Sept. 21, 1844. Elmira A., and Isaac Emerson, Jr., both of Mald., Sept. 21, 1844. Eliza, of Mald., and John Massey of Saugus, Oct. 24, 1846. Augusta B., of So. Reading, and Francis Odiorne of Mald., May 6, 1848. Sarah Jane, and Augustus Barrett, both of Mald., Sept. 20, 1848. Emery 563 567 Stephen, and Mary Ann Holt, both of Mald., Aug. 5, 1843. Sarah, and Nahum Hanscomb, both of Mald., Nov. 8, 1845. Emmons 396 531 542 562 568 570 Ervin 893 William, and Hannah Cheever, both of Mald., Jan. 5, 1793. sa) of Mald., and Betsey Davis of Lyman, N. H., Oct. 14, 1837. Eben C., and Sally W. Davis, both of Mald., Jan. 2, 1841. Hannah, and William W. Harding, both of Mald., Jan. 14, 1843. Lavinia T., and Samuel Pierce, Jr., both of Mald., March 14, 1846. Daniel, and Mary B. Oakes, both of Mald., June 19, 1847. & Abby, of Boston, and Thomas Cheever of Mald., Sept. 20, 1793- Esterbrook 609 Rev. Robert D., of Mald., and Caroline Goodwin of Newbury, Sept. 29, 1832. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 131 Estes 379 Samuel G., of Mald., and Hannah W. Gordon of Windham, N. H., Jan. 22, 1804. 603 Zera, and Lydia Vinning, both of Mald., March 15, 1831. 619 Emeline G., of Mald., and William H. Barker of Nashville, Tenn. [Sept. , 1835]. Eustis 76 Nathaniel [of Boston], and Sarah Hill [of Mald.], March 15, 1728/9. Evans 572 Joseph, of Mald., and Caroline Goodrich of Boston, Sept. 8, 1848. Ewins 492 Mehitable, of Salem, N. H., and Rev. Leroy Sunderland, Dec. 9, 1828. Eyre 676 John Hayward, and Sarah Hayward, both of Mald., May 4, 1850. Pairbanks , 662 Margaret A., of Mald., and John B. L. Pierce of Stoneham, Jan. 7, 1843. Fall 534 George H., and Rebecca G. Howard, both of Mald., Nov. 3, 1838. 575 Sewall W., and Mary E. Harnden, both of Mald., Nov. 24, 1849. 676 Gershom L., and Mrs. Abby Whitcomb, both of Mald., May, 16, 1850. Farnsworth 574 Rachel, and Benjamin R. Upham, both of Mald., April 6, 1849. Farnum, Farnham 483 Hannah, of Andover, and Richard Lewis of Mald., Sept. 16, 1825. 490 Elizabeth, of Andover, and Nathaniel Moses of Mald., April 20, 1828. 603 Mary, and George Nichols, both of Mald., Sept. 18, 1830. Farrar 568 James M., and Lydia Ann Pratt, both of Mald., July 4, 1846. 677 Julia A., and John S. Rice, both of Mald., Nov. 9, 1850. Farrell 677 Francis, of Mald., and Eliza Conway of Chelsea, Nov. 19, 1850. Farrington 62 Hannah, and Stephen Tuits, Jr., both of Mald., May 8, 1773. 898 William, and Ruth Batts, both of Mald., Aug. 4, 1789. Paulkner 71 Lydia, and Unite Cox, both res. in Mald., July 1 [1745]. 87 Benjamin, and Huldah Hollowell, both of Mald., Oct. 26, 1760. 899 Huldah, and John Howard, both of Mald., Jan. 29, 1785. 400 Lydia, and John Tufts, Jr., both of Mald., Aug. 11, 1788. $98 Hannah, and Nathaniel Pratt, both of Mald., June 29, 1789. 895 Benjamin, and Sally Holden, both of Mald. [July, 1790]. 893 David, and Nancy Sargeant, both of Mald., Aug. 25, 1793. 366 Lydia, and John Graham, both of Mald., April 12, 1812. 358 Nancy, and Asa Wilson, both of Mald., Aug. 24, 1816. 855 Nancy, and Enoch A. Higgins, both of Mald., Aug. 23, 1817. 349 David, Jr., and Lucy Perkins, both of Mald., hon x, 1820. 348 Hannah, and John Breeden, both of Mald., Dec. 12, 1820. 479 Sally, and Joseph P. Perkins, both of Mald., March 28, 1823. 479 Mary, and David R. Shepard, both of Mald., April 19, 1823. 485 David, 3, and Mary Johnson, both of Mald., Dec. 9, 1826. 132 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Faulkner (continued) 486 John B., and Hannah Oakes, both of Mald., Dec. 30, 1826. 492 David, of Mald., and Mrs. Deborah Barrett of Charlestown, Dec. 5, 1828. 504 Louisa, and Nathan Oakes, both of Mald., Sept. 17, 1831. 610 Sarah, and Solomon Shute, Jr., both of Mald., Dec. 19, 1832. 638 Aaron, of Mald., and Harriet Ferrell of Charlestown, Dec. 28, 1839. 563 Lucy, and Charles C. Cox, both of Mald., Sept. 30, 1843. 573 Mary A., and Aaron T. Sargent, both of Mald., Dec. 2, 1848. 575 Nancy, and William Ramsdill, Jr., both of Mald., Jan. 5, 1850. 575 David S., and Sarah P. Senter, both of Mald., April 13, 1850. Favor, Favour 487 James, of Lowell, and Clarissa Melvin of Mald. [May ov June, 1827]. 495 Rolinda, of Woburn, and George Lynde of Mald., Aug. 7, 1830. 622 Harriet, and George Lynde, both of Mald., Oct. 10, 1835. 587 Abigail, and Francis Fountain, both of Mald., Aug. 3, 1839. 565 Joseph B., and Mary T. Richardson, both of Mald., May 9, 1844. Feathers 576 William, and Mary B. Hodgkins, both of Mald., May ro, 1850. Featherston 42 Phebe, of Reading, and Nathan Newhall of Mald., April 21, 1765. Fenderson 542 Ivory, and Martha Chase, both of Mald., Feb. 27, 1841. 574 John, of Mald., and Eliza E. Savage of Rowley, March 16, 1849. Fennel 885 James, of Boston, and Sally Howard of Mald., Sept. 9, 1797. Fernald 635 Samuel, and Laura Cooper, both of Mald., March 23, 1839. 669 Guy C., of Lynn, and Phebe Cheever of Mald., Sept. 26, 1846. Ferrell 538 Harriet, of Charlestown, and Aaron Faulkner of Mald., Dec. 28, 1839. Ferring 627 Mrs. Sarah, and William Hemenway, both of Mald., Feb. 4, 1837. Fessenden ; 491 Lucy L., and Lemuel Nichols, both of Mald., Oct. 4, 1828. Fife 540 Mrs. Lydia, and Ebenezer Smith, both of Mald., July 4, 1840. Fisher 367 Dwight, and Mrs. Anna [ancy] Newhall, both of Mald., Dec. 1, 1811. 867 Lewis, and Sally Sargent, both of Mald., Jan. 12, 1812. 351 Diantha, and Silas Sargent, both of Mald., Jan. 16, 1819. 617 Lucy Ann, and Azariah Hopkins, both of Mald., Dec. 27, 1834. 522 Lewis, Jr., and Ruth H. Benchley, both of Mald., Sept. 26, 1835. 522 Mary A., of Mald., and David B. Kelsey of Lowell, Nov. 14, 1835. Fiske 572 Henry, of Waltham, and Eliza Burrell of Mald., Sept. 23, 1848. Plagg 71 Bartholomew, and Susanna Marble, both of Mald., Feb. 10, 1744/5. 549 William H., and Clarissa Moore, both of Mald., June 25, 1842. 576 Henrietta A., of Lawrence, and John Warren of Mald., Aug. 29, 1850. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 133 Flanders 580 Olive, and George Chase, both of Mald., Aug. 12, 1837. 578 Frances P., and David Waitt, 2, both of Mald., Feb. 10, 1849. Pletcher 476 Betsey, and Ebenezer Nichols, Jr., both of Mald., March 18, 1821. Flint 489 Susan, of So. Reading, and Ezra Tainter of Mald. [March _, 1828]. 665 Sarah, and William Jones Newhall, both of Mald., July 13, 1844. 572 Evelina, of Rutland, Vt., and Dr. Moses Parker of Mald., Sept. 11, 1848. 573 Mary P., and Artemas Barrett, both of Mald., March 7, 1849. Floyd In. Mrs. Elizabeth, of Mald., and Samuel Jenks of Lynn, Feb. 12, 1708/9. 81 Daniel, of Mald., and Elizabeth Jenkins of Chelsea, April 5, 1751. 80 Hugh, of Mald., and Abigail Hasey of Chelsea, March 8, 1752[1751/2]. 30 Eleanor, of Mald., and Ebenezer Cutter of Medford, April 17, 1752. 30 Rachel, of Chelsea, and Samuel Sprague of Mald., Oct. 1, 1752. 89 Margaret, and Ezekiel Jenkins, both of Mald., April 4, 1762. 39 Noah, res. in Medford, and Eunice Wayte of Mald., April 25, 1762. 42 Joseph, of Mald., and Elizabeth Pierce of Charlestown, May 19, 1765. 402 Joseph, and Phebe Jenkins, both of Mald., Feb. , 1784. 899 Daniel, of Mald., and Polly, alias Mary, Dampney of Lynn, June 13, 1785. 399 Elizabeth, res. in Mald., and Joseph Breed, Jr., of Lynn, June 27, 1785. 400 Ezra, of Watertown, and Polly Ramsdell of Mald., March 23, 1787. 896 Elizabeth, and Benoni Bucknam, both of Mald., Feb. 25, 1793. 891 Charlotte, of Chelsea, and Uriah Oakes of Mald., June 2, 1795. 873 Nancy, and William Newhall, both of Mald., May 15, 1808. 868 Mary, of Mald., and John Winship of Charlestown, Sept. 15, 1811. 861 Mary, and Benjamin Bucknam, both of Mald., Dec. 3, 1814. 852 Ezra, and Hannah Wait, both of Mald., Nov. 21, 1818. 477 Lucinda, of Mald., and William Gilson of Lynn, Aug. 26, 1821. 479 Susan, and John Whittemore, both of Mald., May 3, 1823. 480 Joseph, and Sally Hart, both of Mald., Feb. 13, 1824. 494 Mary, and Abraham R. Lockwood, both of Mald., Feb. 27, 1830. 508 Susanna, and David Marshall, both of Mald., April 28, 1832. 647 Dea. James, of Chelsea, and Mrs. Ruth Emerson of Mald., March 20, 1842. Fly 563 Washington, of Mald., and Phebe M. Libby of Thomaston, Me., June 28, 1843. Flynn 67 Martha, and William Gill, both of Mald., Oct. 23, 1748. 675 Eliza, and James Kairnan, both of Mald., Feb. 6, 1850. Pollings 66 Mary Ann Brown, of Boston, and Jonathan Knower of Mald., May 16, 1781. Folsom 562 Eliza Ann, of Georgetown, and Isaac Sargent, Jr., Oct. 15, 1842. Forbes 664 Susan E., and Nathaniel L. White, both of Mald., Nov. 25, 1843. Ford 371 Thomas, and Mary Carnes, both of Mald., Nov. 26, 1809. 511 Sarah N., of Charlestown, and Levi Bacon of Mald., July 6, 1833. 583 Abigail B., of Chelsea, and Josiah M. Whitney of Mald., Aug. 18, 1838. 134 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Foster 377 Robert, of Chelmsford, and Eliza Sprague of Mald., July 14, 1805. 865 Zeviah, of So. Reading, and Amos Howard of Mald., Sept. 6, 1812. 491 Richard, and Julia Ann Emerson, both of Mald., Aug. 30, 1828. 575 Elijah P., and L. Frances Gerrish, both of Mald., March 12, 1850. Fountain 537 Francis, and Abigail Favor, both of Mald., Aug. 3, 1839. Fowle 66 Deliverance, of Lynn, and John Upham, res. in Mald., April 27, 1750. 64 Sarah, of Charlestown, and Phineas Sprague, Jr., of Mald., Oct. 12, 1770. 56 Susanna, and Dr. John Sprague, both of Mald., Jan. 1, 1781. 872 Susanna, and James L. Green, both of Mald., April 16, 1809. 369 Caroline [#. as Towle], and Stephen Myrick, both res. in Mald., Jan. 20, 1811. Freeman 527 Mary Ann, of Roxbury, and William J. Elisha of Mald., Jan. 17, 1837. French 394 Abraham, of Boston, and Phebe Shute of Mald., Jan. 15, 1792. 891 Sarah, and Sylvanus Blanchard, Jr., both of Mald., Nov. 14, 1795. 860 John, of Mald., and Susan Ames of Boston, Nov. 16, 1815. 859 Mary, of Tewksbury, and Samuel Barnard of Mald., April 13, 1816. 534 Isaac S., of Mald., and Lucinda Brazer of Cambridgeport, Nov. 10, 1838. 540 Dr. Nathan, of Mald., and Ruth S. Hooke of Poplin, N. H., July 25, 1840. Frost 63 Abraham, of Mald., and Mary Tufts of Charlestown, July 26, 1771. Frothingham 58 Richard, of Charlestown, and Polly Kettell of Mald., Jan. 5, 1778. 893 Thomas, of Boston, and Lydia Lynde of Mald., March 29, 1793. 891 Nathaniel, of Salem, and Hannah Lynde of Mald., May 26, 1795. Frye 356 Mary, of Andover, and Jonathan Merrill of Mald., Feb. 19, 1817. Puller 35 Ebenezer, res. in Mald., and Persis Paine of Mald.,-Nov. 5, 1757 [forbidden by Nathaniel Paine, Nov. 16, 1757]. 62 Mercy, and John Robbins, both res. in Mald., July 25, 1772. 879 Sally, of Leominster, and Phineas Sprague, 3, of Mald., July 22, 1804. 867 Josiah, and Sally Emerson, both of Mald., Nov. 24, 1811. 864 Nancy, of Leominster, and George Emerson of Mald., Sept. 11, 1813. 480 Charles, of Chelsea, and Jane Blodget of Mald. [Jan. , 1824]. 492 Freeman, of Charlestown, and Susan Daniels of Mald., May 23, 1829. 642 William E., and Mary O. Boardman, both of Mald., Nov. 28, 1840. 548 Ephraim, :of Mald., and Abigail G. Sweetser of So. Reading, Aug. 14, 1841. 549 Nancy, and William Newhall, both of Mald., May 28, 1842. 570 Sarah, of Mald., and John C. Anderson of Boston, Oct. 16, 1847. 571 George E., and Eliza Larrabee, both of Mald., Nov. 8, 1847. 574 Charles, Jr., of Mald., and Elizabeth Luke of Chelsea, May 5, 1849. 575 Hannah, of Melrose, and Stephen P. Rowell of Reading, April 6, 1850. Gage 488 Dennison, of Mald., and Hephsebeth A. Lewis of Lynn, Sept. 29, 1827. 565 Charles, and Sarah Ann Lynde, both of Mald., July 30, 1844. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 135 Galucia 574 Mary Ann, and Levi Cox, both of Mald., June 16, 1849. Gardner 45 Jonathan, of Medford, and Abigail Knower of Mald., Dec. 23, 1769. 872 Henry, and Sarah Beacham, both of Mald., Jan. 29, 1809. 868 Sarah T., and Eliphaz B. Jones, both res. in Mald., March 19, 1814. Garvin 494 Clarissa, of Manchester, N. H., and John Peabody of Mald., Feb. 20, 1830. Gary, [Gerry ?] 865 Robert, and Hannah Lynde, both of Mald., Nov. 8, 1812. Gates 576 James, of Medford, and Mary [Blakeley ?], Sept. 21, 1850. Gavett 563 Abigail, of Portsmouth, N. H., and John Watkins of Mald., June to, 1843. George 859 Sally, and David Marshall, both res. in Mald., Feb. to, 1816. 493 Samuel, of Mald., and Ruth Walker of Hebron, N. H., July 25, 1829. 610 James, of Lynn, and Mary Ann Patch of Mald., Feb. 2, 1833. 523 ee of Newburyport, and Ephraim S. Rising of Mald., Jan. 28, 1836. 681 Sarah, of Boston, and Rev. Edward N. Harris of Mald., Feb. 9, 1838. 667 Moses, and Sarah E. Toothaker, both late of Mald., Oct. 16, 1845. Gerrish 575 L. Frances, and Elijah P. Foster, both of Mald., March 12, 1850. _Gerry, Geary 879 Kezia, and Jonas Brown, both of Mald. [Jan. , 1804]. 507 Ira, of Stoneham, and Paulina Gerry of Mald., Dec. 8, 1831. 607 Paulina, of Mald., and Ira Gerry of Stoneham, Dec. 8, 1831. Gilford 350 George W., of Danvers, and Mary Grover of Mald., Aug. 28, 1819. 538 oa of Mald., and William W. Oliver of So. Reading, Nov. 9, 1839. Gill 67 William, and Martha Flynn, both of Mald., Oct. 23, 1748. 403 Elizabeth, of Mald., and Jonas Dixson of Medford, Nov. 11, 1782. 403 Mary, of Mald., and Benjamin Teele of Medford, Aug. 4, 1783. 861 Lois, of Mald., and Edward Burditt of So. Reading, Nov. 10, 1814. Gilson 477 William, of Lynn, and Lucinda Floyd of Mald., Aug. 26, 1821. 646 Lucinda M., and Laureston Stiles, both of Mald., Dec. 18, 1841. Glakin 574 David, and Uffa O’Brien, both of Mald., July 7, 1849. Goddard 71 John, and Sarah Sargeant, both of Mald., July ro, 1745. 68 Mary, of Roxbury, and James Bucknam of Mald., Aug. 19, 1747. Godfrey 564 Mary J., and Reuben C. Higgins, both of Mald., Jan. 26, 1844. 576 Clara, and Samuel S. Kendrick, both of Mald., Oct. 12, 1850. 136 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Goff 76 Capt. Daniel, of Boston, and Mrs. Mary Upham of Mald., Dec. 29, 1739- Goldthwaite \ 43 Benjamin, of Mald., and Lois Boardman of Lynn, Jan. 3, 1767. Goodhue : 666 Charles S., of Mald., and Harriet D. Clarke of Saugus, April 25, 1845. Goodrich 672 Caroline, of Boston, and Joseph Evans of Mald., Sept. 8, 1848. Goodwin 83 Mary, of Charlestown, and Samuel Wayte of Mald., Jan. 6, 1754. 483 Wealthy, and William Brown, both of Mald., Sept. 9, 1825. 609 Caroline, of Newbury, and Rev. Robert D. Esterbrook of Mald., Sept. 29, 1832. 568 Benjamin B., of Billerica, and Fanny T. Bartlett of Mald., April 1, 1846. Gordon 879 Hannah W., of Windham, N. H., and Samuel G. Estes of Mald., Jan. 22, 1804. Gormeley 673 Mary, and Patrick Dougherty, both of Mald., Jan. 6, 1849. Goss ; 886 Dr. Jeremiah, of Provincetown, and Mary Atkins Hatch of Mald., April 15 1798. 480 Sarah S., and John Wheeler, both of Mald., Aug. 28, 1823. 481 Mary, of Mald., and Benjamin Newhall of Saugus, Dec. 4, 1824. Gould 73 John, and Susanna Harndel, both of Mald., Sept. 15, 1742. 70 Mary, of Stoneham, and Jacob Lynde of Mald., March 28, 1746. 67 Hannah, of Stoneham, and Phineas Sprague of Mald., Sept. 21, 1748. 84 Joseph, of Stoneham, and Mary Maddock of Mald., Nov. 25, 1756. 603 Mary T., and Peletiah R. Waitt, both of Mald., Nov. 29, 1830. 607 Dr. Abraham, of Woburn, and Sally Sprague of Mald., Nov. 26, 1831. 609 Mary Brewster, of So. Hadley, and Rev. Alexander Wilson McClure of Mald., Dec. 5, 1832. 518 Eben P., of Boston, and Susan G. Waitt of Mald., March 31, 1835. 533 Nathaniel B., and Rebecca U. Pratt, both of Mald., July 14, 1838. Gove 492 Edward, and Martha Wright, both of Mald., Jan. 11, 1829. 667 Lydia L., and Reuben Green, both of Mald., Jan. 3, 1846. 573 Martha A., and Benjamin S. Higgins, both of Mald., Dec. 23, 1848. Gowen 58 Nabby, of Mald., and Thomas Locke of Lexington, March 31, 1779. 509 Benjamin, of Charlestown, and Hannah Kimball of Mald., Sept. 15, 1832. 575 James, of Barnstead, N. H., and Emeline L. Cummings of Mald., * April 9, 1850. Graham 57 John, and Hannah Sprague, both of Mald., May 14, 1780. 866 John, and Lydia Faulkner, both of Mald., April 12, 1812. Grammer 636 John A., and Angelina Townsend, both of Mald., July 20, 1839. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 137 Grant 68 Catharine, and Nathaniel Jenkins, both res. in Mald., May 31, 1747. Gray 856 Noah, and Elizabeth Simpson, both of Mald., May 2, 1817. Greeley 865 Susanna, of Boston, and Jonathan Sprague of Mald., Jan. 10, 1813. 483 Nancy, of Boston, and John Trask of Mald., Sept. 28, 1825. Green 74 Lois, of Reading, and Amos Upham of Mald., Oct. 5, 1740. 74 Ezra, and Sarah Hutchinson, both of Mald., Nov. 28, 1740. 74 Phebe, of Stoneham, and Benjamin Parker of Mald., Nov. 4, 1741. %4 Jabez, of Stoneham, and Mary Lynde of Mald., Nov. 11, 1741. 73 Phebe, and Joseph Mudge, both of Mald., Dec. 1, 1742. 18 Ezra, of Mald., and Eunice Burrill of Lynn, Feb. 22, 1743/4. 70 Jemima, and John Burditt, both of Mald., Dec. 6, 1745. 81 Mary, and Richard Shute, both of Mald., Dec. 8, 1750. 65 Mehitable, and David Sargeant, both of Mald., April 13, 1751. 65 John, and Elizabeth Sprague, both of Mald., Oct. 4, 1751. 80 Samuel, of Mald., and Hannah Green of Stoneham, Nov. 21, 1752. 80 Hannah, of Stoneham, and Samuel Green of Mald., Nov. 21, 1752. 83 Phineas, and Elizabeth Lynde, both of Mald., Nov. 15, 1754. 83 Jerusha, of Mald., and Samuel Pool of Reading, Feb. 16, 1755. 86 Lydia, of Stoneham, and Nathan Lynde of Mald., Nov. 19, 1758. 86 Borradell, and Moses Bucknam, both of Mald., Dec. 10, 1758. 86 Stephen, of Stoneham, and Deborah Oakes of Mald., Sept. 2, 1759. 87 Phineas, and Elizabeth Sargeant, both of Mald., Sept. 23, 1759. 87 Chloe, and Nehemiah Blaney, both of Mald., April 20, 1760. 89 Darius, and Huldah Wayte, both of Mald., Jan. 31, 1762. 89 Ezra, Esq., and Mary Vinton, both of Mald., March 28, 1762. 40 Mary, and Amos Upham, both of Mald., Jan. 29, 1764. 64 Catherine, and John Bucknam, both of Mald., May 9, 1770. 60 Samuel, Jr., of Mald., and Mary Lanman, res. in Mald., Nov. 1, 1776. 59 Mary, of Mald., and Samuel Wyman, Esq., of Woburn, March 12, 1777- 58 Stephen, and Sarah Sweetser, both of Mald., Oct. 18, 1778. 57 Elizabeth, of Mald., and Joseph Abrahams of Boston, June 26, 1780. 403 Capt. Bernard, of Mald., and Susanna Parker of Reading, Jan. 6, 1783. 4)2 Catherine, and Joel Whittemore, both of Mald., April 19, 1784. 402 Mary, of Mald., and John Vinton of Reading, Nov. 1, 1784. 401 Phebe, and Isaac Chittenden, both of Mald., Nov. 19, 1786. 398 David, of Hillsboro, N. H., and Lydia Watts of Mald., Jan. 17, 1789. 395 Capt. Bernard, of Mald., and Lois Diman of Salem, May 15, 1790. 894 William, and Nancy Payne, both of Mald., April 15, 1791. 890 Ezra, and Susanna Wade, both of Mald., Sept. 24, 1796. 890 Abigail, and John Conery, both of Mald., Nov. 12, 1796. 390 Rev. Aaron, of Mald., and Eunice Orne of Lynnfield, Nov. 25, 1796. 884 Susanna, of Mald., and Eliphalet Hadly of Nottingham West, June, 1797- 888 Polly, of Reading, and Samuel Larrabee, Jr., of Mald., Feb. 2, 1800. 889 Joseph, of Deerfield, N. H., and Mary Harnden of Mald., June 21, 1801. 881 James, of Reading, and Rebecca Cox of Mald., July 4, 1802. 879 Betsey, of Reading, and John Waitt, 4, of Mald., Dec. 18, 1803. 879 Hannah, and Thomas Carter, both of Mald., May 13, 1804. 874 Samuel, Jr., and Sally Sprague, both of Mald., April 26, 1807. 878 Mrs. Susanna, and Ebenezer Townsend, both of Mald., Sept. 4, 1808. 872 James L., and Susanna Fowle, both of Mald., April 16, 1809. 138 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Green (continued) 366 Nancy, and Edward Emerson, both of Mald., June 7, 1812. 868 Eliza, of So. Reading, and Joseph Stone of Mald., Nov. 7, 1813. 859 Sarah, of Mald., and Ezekiel Oliver of So. Reading, March 29, 1816, 858 Caroline, of Mald., and Samuel Brintnall of Charlestown, Nov. 8, 1816, 855 Jonathan, Jr., of Stoneham, and Susan Upham of Mald., Jan. 14, 1817. 353 Charlotte, and Samuel Sprague, both of Mald., March 14, 1818. 478 Samuel, and Hannah Sprague, both of Mald., Nov. 22, 1822. 480 Rebecca, of So. Reading, and Charles Wait of Mald., May 11, 1823. 483 Sarah W., and John Simonds, both of Mald., Sept. 22, 1825. 487 as of nie and Lydia Sargent of Mald. [April ov May, 1827. 488 Phineas, Jr., of Mald.,and Clarissa Williams of Saugus, Sept. 8, 1827. 488 Aaron, of Stoneham, and Nancy Lynde of Mald., Oct. 31, 1827. 489 ope = So. Reading, and Nathaniel Howard, 2, of Mald., March 6, 1828. 493 George, and Nancy M. Manning, both of Mald., Sept. 19, 1829. 494 Isaac, of Mald., and Lucinda Kinerson of So. Reading, Oct. 24, 1829. 508 Reuben, of Mald., and Lydia Winn of So. Reading, Oct. 30, 1830. 504 Capt. Daniel, and Dorcas Ross, both of Mald., May 14, 1831. 507 Thomas, of Chelsea, and Sarah Todd of Mald., Dec. 3, 1831. 514 Lydia, and William Emerson, both of Mald., June 21, 1834. 519 Aaron, 2, of Mald., and Sarah C. Parker of Lynn, July 12, 1835. 643 Mary A., of Mald., and Nathaniel T. Guild of Worcester, May 15, 1841. 567 Reuben, and Lydia L. Gove, both of Mald., Jan. 3, 1846. 570 Lowell, and Nancy C. Chenery, both of Mald., July 24, 1847. 675 Emily, and Nelson Cochran, both of Mald., Jan. 3, 1850. Griffin 899 Susanna, of Reading, and James Sweetser of Mald., Feb. 24, 1786. 887 Hannah, and James Sweetser, both of Mald., Sept. 12, 1798. Griggs bost. Jacob, of Boston, and Susanna Wilson of Mald., Jan. 9, 1723. Groce, Groos 42 Elizabeth, of Stoneham, and David Parker of Mald., May 19, 1765. Grout 575 Frances J., of Spencer, and Phineas Sprague, 2, of Mald., May 1, 1850. Grover 87 Abigail, of Mald., and Samuel Boardman of Chelsea, March 30, 1760. 88 Sarah, and John Howard, both of Mald., April 3, 1761. 41 Sarah, and Sylvanus Blanchard, both of Mald., Sept. 9, 1764. 43 John, *, of Mald., and Margaret Pusley, res. in Mald., March 15, 1766. 44 Benjamin, and Lydia Upham, both of Mald., Aug. 30, 1767. 44 Esther, and Nathan Burditt, both of Mald., Oct. 4, 1767. 45 Phebe, of Lynn, and Nathan Dexter, Jr., of Mald., March 11, 1769. 45 John, 4, and Elizabeth Shute, both of Mald., Jan. 6, 1770. 64 Elizabeth, and Ebenezer Waitt, both of Mald., Aug. 11, 1770. 59 Mary, and James Selick, both res. in Mald., Feb. 10, 1777. 58 Samuel, and Lydia Grover, both of Mald., Dec. 29, 1777. 58 Lydia, and Samuel Grover, both of Mald., Dec. 29, 1777. 56 Samuel, Jr., and Rachel Knower, both of Mald., May 23, 1781. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 139 Grover (continued) 58 Lois, of Mald., and David Diman of Boston, June 11, 1781. 401 Hannah, of Mald., and Timothy Pratt of Chelsea, Feb. 12, 1787. 892 Asa, of Mald., and Betsey Wilson of Lynn, July 10, 1794. 887 Stephen, of Mald., and Hannah Driver of Salem, Dec. 2, 1798. 888 Lois, of Mald., and Samuel Burrill of Lynn, Sept. 30, 1799. 881 Lydia, and Daniel Dodge, both of Mald., July 4, 1802. 880 Mrs. Elizabeth, and Nathan Burditt, both of Mald., July 10, 1803. 877 Betsey, and William Penny, both of Mald., Aug. 25, 1805. 876 Mrs. Elizabeth, and Nathan Burditt, both of Mald.,; Nov. 17, 1805. 855 Sarah, of Boston, and George Shute of Mald., June 14, 1817. 853 Lois, and Samuel Burrell, both of Mald., March 22, 1818. 350 Mary, of Mald., and George W. Gilford of Danvers, Aug. 28, 1819. 478 John, Jr., of Mald., and Elizabeth Grover of Salem, Nov. 17, 1822. 478 Elizabeth, of Salem, and John Grover, Jr., of Mald., Nov. 17, 1822. 481 Nancy, of Mald., and William Rich, res. in Mald., Nov. 20, 1824. 519 George, and Mary Penny, both of Mald., July 5, 1835. 527 Charles, and Arianna Penny, both of Mald., Feb. 11, 1837. 5385 Catherine, of Mald., and Robert L. Pratt of Chelsea, March 16, 1839. 571 James P., of So. Reading, and Elma A. Penney of Mald., Oct. 30, 1847. 572 Archelaus [Archillas in record by error], of Mald., and Mary E. Copeland of Chelsea, Sept. 11, 1848. 674 Caroline A. F., of No. Chelsea, and Ebenezer Waitt, 2, of Mald., April 6, 1849. Guild 862 Shubael, and Hannah Sweetser, both of Mald., July 23, 1814. 619 Elizabeth, and Samuel T. Mann, both of Mald., July 15, 1835. 636 Hannah, and Samuel E. C. Turner, both of Mald., June 22, 1839. 543 Nathaniel T., of Worcester, and Mary A. Green of Mald., May 15, 1841. Hadley 45 David, of Medford,’and Eunice Richardson, res. in Mald., Feb. 19, 1769. 9 68 Anna, and Jonathan Cutter, both of Charlestown, Dec. 18, 1777. $92 Elsie, and James Pierson, both of Mald., Jan. 7, 1794. 884 Eliphalet, of Nottingham West, and Susanna Green of Mald., June 17, 1797+ 485 Richard, and Ruth S. Booth, both of Mald., Oct. 14, 1826. Hale 566 Loren, of Boston, and Nancy Putney of Mald. [in margin, “ Forbid by the female named in the notice ”], Jan. 5, 1845. Hall 61 Moses, of Medford, and Martha Sprague of Mald., Sept. 23, 1775. 889 Isaac, of Medford, and Persis Sargeant of Mald., Nov. 30, 1800. 879 Mary, of Charlestown, and William Barrett of Mald., Jan. 15, 1804. 869 James, of Charlestown, and Sally Sargent of Mald., Sept. 23, 1810. 259 Elizabeth, and Jonathan Wait, both of Mald., July 21, 1816. 354 Lucy, of Mald., and Micah Perkins of Lynn, Nov. 13, 1817. 853 Eliza, and Charles Lewis, Esq., both of Mald., Jan. 24, 1818. 351 Deborah, and John S. Bucknam, both of Mald., Feb. 6, 1819. 608 Horatio, and Elizabeth Pinder, both of Mald., March 17, 1832. 617 Harriet, of Chelsea, and Samuel A. Cox of Mald., Nov. 22, 1834. 522 Lucy, of Chelsea, and Elijah Holden of Mald., Oct. 10, 1835. 636 Harriet M. A., of Mald., and Joshua G. Norwood of Camden, Me., June 15, 1839. 642 Edwin H., of Boston, and Louisa Barrett of Mald., Nov. 21, 1840. 140 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Hall (continued) 562 William C., and Drusilla Wallingford, both of Mald., Jan. 7, 1843. 563 nas of Mald., and Washington Atkins of Charlestown, Oct. 3, 1843. 569 William O., of No. Chelsea, and Harriet M. Ramsdill of Mald., April 10, 1847. 575 Caroline M., and George Sargent, both of Mald., Jan. 26, 1850. Hallowell, Hollowell 86 Bethiah, and William Pell, both of Mald., April 8, 1759. 87 Huldah, and Benjamin Faulkner, both of Mald., Oct. 26, 1760. Halping 567 Emily H., of Mald., and David H. Burnham of Stoneham, Nov. 1, 1845. Hamilton 509 Rev. a of Randolph, and Emeline Porter of Mald., Aug. 11, 1832. Hammond 568 Wala of Mald., and Rhoda A. Harding of Chatham, March 21, 1846. Hancock 401 John, and Mehitable Dow, both of Mald., April 17, 1786. Hanscom 567 Nahum, and Sarah Emery, both of Mald., Nov. 8, 1845. Hanson 680 Sarah Ann, of Dover, N. H., and Jonathan C. Clough of Mald., Sept. 23, 1837. 572 George, and Almira A. Wait, both of Mald., Sept. 14, 1848. Harding 662 William W., and Hannah Emmons, both of Mald., Jan. 14, 1843. 668 Rhoda A., of Chatham, and William Hammond of Mald., March 21, 1846. Hardy 492 Phebe, of Greenfield, N. H., and Capt. Lewis Richardson of Mald., Nov. 22, 1828. Harnden 73 Susanna, and John Gould, both of Mald., Sept. 15, 1742. 73 John, and Esther Parker, both of Mald., Oct. 13 [1742]. 41 Esther, and Solomon Townsend, both of Mald., Nov. 25, 1764. 64 Rebecca, and Edward Wade, both of Mald., May 26, 1770. 59 Ebenezer, Jr., and Polly Hills, both of Mald., July 28, 1777. 889 Mary, of Mald., and Joseph Green of Deerfield, N. H., June 21, 1801. 877 Eliza, and Edward Newhall, both of Mald., April 7, 1805. 875 Ebenezer, Jr., and Eliza Parker, both of Mald., Sept. 7, 1806. 861 Lydia, and Lemuel Cox, both of Mald., March 18, 1815. 848 Hannah H., and Lieut. Ebenezer Tufts, both of Mald., Sept. 3, 1820. 479 John, of Mald., and Ursula Warner of So. Reading [March or April, 1823]. 573 Franklin H., of Boston. and Julia E. Senter of Mald., Nov. 13, 1848. 675 Mary E., and Sewall W. Fall, both of Mald., Nov. 24, 1849. 577 Louisa B., and Joseph E. Stanwood, both of Mald., Dec. 10, 1850. Harnet In. Mary, of Mald., and Joel Jenkins of Lynn, Jan. 28, 1720/1. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS I4I Harrington 482 Louisa, of West Cambridge, and Daniel Sweetser of Mald., March 5, 1825. 485 Mary Ann, and David Simpson, both res. in Mald., April 15, 1826. Harris 57 Rebecca, of Lancaster, and Samuel Wait, Jr., of Mald., Feb. 21, 1780. 895 Patty, of Mald., and Asa Tufts of Dover, N. H., Aug. 30, 1790. 896 Rebecca, of Mald., and Dr. John Wheeler of Dover, Feb. 25, 1793- $91 Elizabeth Henshaw, of Mald., and Francis Brinley of Boston, June 2, 1795- 531 Rev. Edward N., of Mald., and Sarah George of Boston, Feb. 9, 1838. 646 Hannah E., of Saugus, and Eri Upham of Mald., Dec. 4, 1841. 563 Amos B., of Danvers, and Nancy Brown of Mald., June Io, 1843. 668 Leonard W., of New Ipswich, N. H., and Mary E. Brown of Mald., July 6, 1846. Harrison 566 Alfred, and Ellen Ramsdill, both of Mald., June 21, 1845. Hart 480 Sally, and Joseph Floyd, both of Mald., Feb. 13, 1824. Hasey 80 Abigail, of Chelsea, and Hugh Floyd of Mald., March 8, 1752. 88 Martha, of Leicester, and John Colman of Mald., Jan. 29, 1761. Haskins, Hoskins 80 John, of Boston, and Hannah Upham of Mald., Jan. 15, 1752. 395 William, of Mald., and Rebecca Homans, res. in Mald., Aug. 30, 1790. 884 Robert, of Mald., and Rebecca Emerson of Concord, April 16, 1797. 861 Nancy P., and Edward Wade, Jr., both of Mald., Oct. 8, 1814. Hastings 522 Charles, of Brighton, and Catherine Lear of Mald., Nov. 14, 1835. Hatch 44 Asa, of Boston, and Phebe Sprague of Mald., Dec. 18, 1768. 62 Naler, of Boston, and Elizabeth Sprague of Mald., Oct. 21, 1772. 62 Cleft, of Pembroke, and Mary Sprague of Mald., May 1, 1773. 66 Martha, and Richard Dexter, both of Mald., June 30, 1780. $99 Elizabeth, of Mald., and William Burditt of Medford, April 18, 1785. $94 Catharine, of Mald., and Thomas Wait Pratt of Charlestown, May 12, 1791. 893 Hannah, res. in Mald., and Ebenezer Paine of Mald., July 15, 1793. 390 Reuben, of Mald., and Abigail Cheever of Chelsea, Aug. 28, 1796. 886 Mrs. Abigail, and William Bucknam, both of Mald., Jan. 7, 1798. 386 Mary Atkins, of Mald., and Dr. Jeremiah Goss of Provincetown, April 15, 1798. 889 Nathaniel, of Mald., and Sarah Stuart of Chelsea, March 8, 1801. $72 Anthony, of Medford, and Elizabeth Blanchard of Mald., Oct. 15, 1809. 648 Reuben, and Sarah W. Tibbitts, both of Mald., June 26, 1841. 674 John, and Hannah P. Tibbetts, both of Mald., Aug. 18, 1849. Haven 72 Sarah, of Framingham, and Isaac Hill of Mald., Nov. 20, 1743. 609 Sarah O., and Lemuel Cox, both of Mald., Sept. 19, 1832. Hawkes 40 Rebecca, of Lynn, and John Tufts of Mald., Feb. 20, 1763. 44 Sarah, of Lynn, and Samuel Merritt of Mald., Nov. 15, 1767. 401 Capt. William, and Hannah Blaney, both of Mald., March 18, 1786. 400 Sally, of Lynn, and Richard Shute, Jr., of Mald., Sept. 1, 1787. 142 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Hawley 568 Julia F., of Salem, N. H., and German S. Phippen of Mald., May 23, 1846. Hay, Hayes 73 Peter [Hays], of Stoneham, and Lydia Lynde of Mald., Dec. 1, 1742. 40 Elizabeth, res. in Mald., and David Newman, res. in Medford, March 30, 1764. 896 Marmaduke, of Reading, and Patty Barrett of Mald., Nov. 2, 1792. Haynes 522 Gilman, of Lynn, and Persis Oakes of Mald., Oct. 3, 1835. Hayward, see Howard 861 aera of Westford, and Samuel Brown of Mald., March 29, 1815. 576 Sarah, and John Hayward Eyre, both of Mald., May 4, 1850. Hazeltine 626 Eliza, of Lynn, and Henry Robinson of Mald., Nov. 5, 1836. Heath 675 Charles, of Boston, and Mrs. Harriet Miller of Mald., Oct. 27, 1849. Hemenway, Hemingway 477 Francis, and Hannah Uphan, both of Mald., Nov. 11, 1821. 478 Israel, Jr., and Nancy Blodget, both of Mald., Sept. 5, 1822. 486 Lydia, and David Pratt, both of Mald., Dec. 16, 1826. 490 William, and Eliza C. Nichols, both of Mald., June 14, 1828. 627 William, and Mrs. Sarah Ferring, both of Mald., Feb. 4, 1837. 562 Hannah, and Samuel Judkins, both of Mald., Oct. 22, 1842. 670 Isabelle I. [J ?], and Willard Edmands, both of Mald., Oct. 9, 1847. 671 Eliza, and L[evi] C. Towner, both of Mald., Dec. 18, 1847. Henderson 644 Dr. Jophanus, of Farmington, Me., and Mary Elizabeth Williams of Mald., Sept. 4, 1841. Hersey 611 Lewis, of Mald., and Charlotte Beard of Charlestown, July 13, 1833. Hervey 483 George, of Andover, and Sally J. Wait of Mald., July 2, 1825. Higgins 355 Enoch A., and Nancy Faulkner, both of Mald., Aug. 23, 1817. 534 Reuben C., and Mary T. Costillar [Costed/o], both of Mald., Oct. 27, 1838. 662 John G., of Medford, and Cordelia Emerson of Mald., Aug. 6, 1842. 662 Moses P., and Ann Eliza Pratt, both of Mald., June 10, 1843. 564 Reuben C., and Mary J. Godfrey, both of Mald., Jan. 26, 1844. 568 David, of Mald., and Mary B. Stowers of No. Chelsea, Sept 3, 1846. 669 Nancy F., and Robert Oliver, both of Mald., March 6, 1847. 573 Benjamin S., and Martha A. Gove, both of Mald., Dec. 23, 1848. Hildreth 539 Louis H., of Westford, and Catherine E. Raymond of Mald., Feb. 29, 1840. Bill 76 Sarah [of Mald.], and Nathaniel Eustis [of Boston], March 15, 1728/9. In. Elizabeth, of Mald., and William Boardman of Lynn, Sept. 7, 1735. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 143 Hill (continued) 72 70 69 69 42 45 68 62 58 57 400 388 878 376 375 3875 372 364 356 347 485 485 488 491 528 538 541 570 Hills 13 70 66 62 61 59 399 899 Isaac, of Mald., and Sarah Haven of Framingham, Nov. 20, 1743. Abigail, and John Dexter, both of Mald., March 26, 1746. Abraham, and Abigail Upham, both of Mald., April 23, 1746. Mary, and William Thomas, both of Mald., March 13, 1746/7. Sarah, of Mald., and James Kettell of Charlestown, Jan. 26, 1765. Lydia, and Jacob Parker, Jr., both of Mald., March 17, 1769. Elizabeth, of Mald., and Thomas Sweetser of Charlestown, June 8, 1771. Prince, of Mald., and Hannah Brown of Medford, July to, 1773. Charles, and Mary Waitt, both of Mald., Nov. 17, 1777. Sally, and John Dexter, Jr., both of Mald., June 28, 1779. Mary, and Samuel Wait, 3, both of Mald., May 12, 1788. Charles, Jr., and Hannah Crane, both of Mald., Jan. 19, 1800. Mary, and James Crane, both of Mald., Sept. 16, 1804. Sally, and John Sprague, both of Mald., Oct. 20, 1805. Lydia, and William [H.] Richardson, both of Mald., Jan. 5, 1806. Isaac, and Mary Crane, both of Mald., Jan. 19, 1806. Martha, and Samuel N. Breeden, both of Mald., March 26, 1809. Charles, and Mrs. Phebe Wait, both of Mald., Aug. 29, 1813. Isaac, and Mary Paine, both of Mald., Feb. 22, 1817. Hannah, and Ens. William Nichols, Jr., both of Mald., Dec. 16, 1820. Mary, and James H. Putnam, both of Mald., May 11, 1826. Charles, Jr., and Mary M. Nichols, both of Mald., Nov. 4, 1826. Isaac, and Phebe Nichols, both of Mald., Nov. 17, 1827. Benjamin G., of Mald., and Martha Teel of Charlestown, Aug. 2, 1828, Abby F., of Mald., and Joseph Pratt of Methuen, April 2, 1836. Hannah M., of Lowell, and William P. Simonds of Mald., Jan. 18, 1840. Aaron G[reen], and Helen M. Hyde, both of Mald., Sept. 12, 1840. John, Jr., of Stoneham, and Sarah A. Simonds of Mald., Oct. 21, 1847. Margaret, of Mald., and Joseph Hopkins of Charlestown, Aug. 18, 1742. Thomas, of Mald., and Sarah Burrell of Lynn, Oct. 20, 1745. Thomas, and Mary Shute, both of Mald., March 18, 1749/50. Ebenezer, and Hannah Porter, both of Mald., Oct. 3, 1772. John, of Kingston, N. H., and Elizabeth Kettell of Mald., April 16, 1774. Polly, and Ebenezer Harnden, Jr., both of Mald., July 28, 1777. Martha, and Samuel Green Sargeant, both of Mald., May 2, 1785. Sally, and Jabez Upham, both of Mald., May 2, 1785. Hitchings 14 45 63 60 59 382 874 478 480 482 488 Elkanah, and Phebe Baldwin, both of Mald., Aug. 15, 1741. Phebe, and Ebenezer Shute, both of Mald., Oct. 16, 1769. Lydia, and Thomas Waitt, 3, both of Mald., Aug. 30, 1771. Elizabeth, and Jacob Shute, Jr., both of Mald., Aug. 12, 1776. Ann, of Lynn, and Edward Newhall of Mald., June 9, 1777. James, and Susanna Newhall, both of Mald., Nov. 1, 1794. Daniel, and Betsey Dexter Wade, both of Mald., May 3, 1807. James, of Mald., and Eunice Moore Scott of Boston, Aug. 17, 1822. Eunice, and Thomas Stocker, both res. in Mald., Aug. 17, 1823. Susan, and Thomas B. Woodward, both of Mald. [March _ , 1825]. George, and Martha S. Rich, both of Mald., Oct. 28, 1827. 144 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Hitchings (continued ) 494 James, Jr., of Mald., and Mary Ann Wentworth of Concord, Nov. 8, 1829. 510 Hannah, and Capt. Henry Crehore, both of Mald., March 9, 1833. 548 William, of Mald., and Mary Hill Lane of Readfield, Me., July to, 1841. 564 George, of Mald. and Susan S. Cox of Westbrook, Me., Oct. 22, 1343. Hoar 566 Hannah S., of Littleton, and Joseph W. Cox of Mald., May 3, 1845. Hodges 533 Ann, and David P. Libby, both of Mald., Aug. 25, 1838. Hodgkins 568 Charles E., and Elizabeth F. Clapp, both of Mald., May 30, 1846. 576 Mary B., and William Feathers, both of Mald., May Io, 1850. Hogan, Hoggen 42 a res. in Boston, and Jone [/oaz], res. in Mald., April 14, 1765. Holbrook 572 Joseph, and Adeline S. Taylor, both of Mald., July 3, 1848. Holden 68 Ruhamah, of Woburn, and Joseph Whittemore of Mald. Aug. 3, 1771. 895 Sally, and Benjamin Falkner, both of Mald. [July , 1790]. 884 Peter, and pene Brintnall [Brinton by error], both of Mald., Dec. 31, 179 - 884 Nathan, of Mald., and Esther Damon of Reading, Dec. 31, 1796. 884 Nancy, and Abner Breeden, both of Mald., July 19, 1797. 879 Ezra, and Phebe Nichols, both of Mald., Jan. 8, 1804. 875 Jesse, and Sally Dyar, both of Mald., Dec. 8, 1805. 874 Fanny, and Peter Tufts, both of Mald., Dec. 21, 1806. 485 Phebe, and Anthony Lovett, both of Mald., March 25, 1826. 486 Ezra, Jr., and Lucy Shute, both of Mald., April 14, 1827. 487 Jesse, Jr., of Mald., and Mary Oliver of Saugus, May 18, 1827. 507 Elisha, and Betsey Rich, both of Mald., Nov. 5, 1831. 608 Eli, and Phebe Shute, both of Mald., April 5, 1832. 617 Dorcas, of Mald., and Ivory Phillips of Taunton, Feb. 7, 1835. 522 Elijah, of Mald., and Lucy Hall of Chelsea, Oct. 10, 1835. 524 Dana, of Mald., and Almira Cowdry of So. Reading, April 16, 1836. 583 Nathan W., and Harriet Richardson, both of Mald., May 26, 1838. Holmes 492 Urial, and Lydia Hill Parker, both of Mald., March 15, 1829. Holt 354 Enoch, of Mald., and Sarah W. Daveson of Andover, Dec. 3, 1817. 486 John, and Lucy Sanderson, both res. in Mald., Feb. 24, 1827. 611 Mary F., of Stoneham, and James Howard, 2, of Mald., May 22, 1833. 563 Mary Ann, and Stephen Emery, both of Mald., Aug. 5, 1843. Homans 895 Rebecca, res. in Mald., and William Haskins of Mald., Aug. 30, 1790. Homer 488 Eliza, and Jonathan Baldwin, Jr., both of Mald., Dec. 1, 1827. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 145 Hook 540 Ruth S., of Poplin, N. H., and Dr. Nathan French of Mald., July 25, 1840. 671 Lucy Ann, of Mald., and Elliott F. Barron of Saugus, Nov. 24, 1847. Hooton 362 Catherine, of Mald., and Capt. B. Appleton of Boston, June 4, 1814. Hopkins 73 Joseph, of Charlestown, and Margaret Hills of Mald., Aug. 18, 1742. 63 Sylvanus, of Kent, Ct.,and Mrs. Mary Bucknam of Mald., Feb. 29, 1772. : 875 Hannah, and Harvey Crane, both of Mald., Feb. 23, 1806. 480 Samuel, and Nancy Nichols, both of Mald., April 17, 1824. 611 Mrs. Nancy, and Solomon Cruse, both of Mald., July 6, 1833. 517 Azariah, and Lucy Ann Fisher, both of Mald., Dec. 27, 1834. 523 Benjamin, and Sarah Bassett, both of Mald., Dec. 26, 1835. 569 Dr. Thomas, of Brewster, and Mrs. Lucy A. Hopkins of Mald., Jan. 2, 1847. 669 Mrs. Lucy A., of Mald., and Dr. Thomas Hopkins of Brewster, Jan. 2, 1847. Hopkinson 82 John, of Bradford, and Sarah Dexter, of Mald., May 13, 1753. Hoppin 899 Thomas, of Charlestown, and Dorcas Cluley of Mald., Sept. 19, 1785. Hough 80 Sarah, of Chelsea, and Ebenezer Pratt of Mald., Aug. 3, 1752. Hovey 66 Mary, and Nathan Sprague, both of Mald., Feb. 25, 1749/50. 81 Dea. James, and Susanna Dexter, both of Mald., April 5, 1751. 65 John, of Mald., and Rachel Kidder of Billerica, June 9, 1751. Howard, Haward, Hayward 75 Benjamin, of Mald., and Abigail Walton of Reading, Jan. 13, 1739/40. In. Ezekiel, of Mald., and Experience Newman of Lynn, March 29, 1741. 71 Lydia, and Edward Sprague, both of Mald., June 10, 1744. 65 Joseph, and Rebecca Sprague, both of Mald., Sept. 29, 1751. 84 Jonathan, and Winifred Dexter, both of Mald., April 2, 1756. 34 Nathaniel, and Phebe Howard, both of Mald., April 2, 1756. 84 Phebe, and Nathaniel Howard, both of Mald., April 2, 1756. 34 Nathan, and Lydia Lynde, both of Mald., Jan. 2, 1757. 36 Sarah, res. in Mald., and Thomas Manser of Mald., Aug. 26, 1759. $7 David, and Martha Manser, both of Mald., Jan, 13, 1760. 88 John, and Sarah Grover, both of Mald., April 3, 1761. 89 Samuel, and Elizabeth Barrett, both of Mald., Oct. 31, 1762. 89 Amos, and Hannah Lynde, both of Mald., Nov. 21, 1762. 42 John, and Persis Colman, both of Mald., Feb. 24, 1765. 42 Rebecca, of Lynn, and William Pell of Mald., May 12, 1765. 64 Ezra, and Sarah Lynde, both of Mald., July 27, 1770. 62 James, and Lydia Porter, both of Mald., Oct. 16, 1772. 402 Elizabeth, and Samuel Barns, both of Mald., Dec. 1, 1783. 899 John, and Huldah Falkner, both of Mald., Jan. 29, 1785. 401 Lydia, of Mald., and Joseph Eaton Pool of Reading, Oct. 26, 1786. 400 Jabez, and Elizabeth Newhall, both of Mald., March 23, 1787, 898 Lydia, and Richard Shute, both of Mald., Nov. ro, 1788. 398 Amos, Jr., and Atta [A Za/anéa] Pritchard, both of Mald., July 1, 1789. 395 Phebe, of Mald., and Elias Emerson of Reading, Sept. 5, 1790. 10 146 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Howard, Haward, Hayward (continued ) 894 393 892 892 382 391 390 385 385 386 388 383 383 380 380 379 375 875 373 373 371 371 370 365 361 363 362 358 359 356 355 349 349 481 484 484 485 487 489 491 493 511 513 528 528 584 535 535 542 565 575 Betsey, of Mald., and Nathaniel Mansfield of Lynn, June, 1791. Lydia, and John Ramsdell, Jr., both of Mald., Aug. 25, 1793. - Joseph, of Mald., and Lydia Norwood of Lynnfield, Nov. 15, 1793. Rachel, and Samuel Wheeler, both of Mald., Dec. 15, 1793. Phebe, and Micah Wait, Jr., both of Mald., Aug. 10, 1794. James, of Mald., and Betsey Thompson of Woburn, Oct. 4, 1795. William, and Polly Townsend, both of Mald., Dec. 10, 1796. Nathaniel, of Mald., and Lydia Mansfield of Reading, Aug. 6, 1797. Sally, of Mald., and James Fennel of Boston, Sept. 9, 1797. Samuel, and: Elizabeth Upham, both of Mald., Feb. 16, 1798. Mary, of Mald., and Ivory Boardman of Lynn, Dec. , 1799. Phebe, of Mald., and David Smith, Jr., of Reading, Aug. 16, 1801. Lois, and Nathaniel Tainter, both of Mald., Dec. 5, 1801. Nathaniel, of Mald., and Mary Wymond of Woburn, Dec. 5, 1802. Amos, of Mald., and Mrs, Mary Richardson of Woburn, July 24, 1803. Mrs. Mary, and Samuel Burditt, Jr., both of Mald., Nov. 20, 1803. Eunice, and Nathan Upham, both of Mald., March 30, 1806. Nancy, and John Boardman, both of Mald., Aug. 10, 1806. Sally, of Mald., da of Ezra, and William Dix of Reading, June 21, 1807. Atalanta, and Isaac Emerson, both of Mald., Oct. 16, 1808. Lydia, and James Allen, both of Mald., Nov. 19, 1809. Sarah, of Mald., and Charles Adams of Brookline, Dec. 10, 1809. Jerusha, and Cephas Colburn, both of Mald., April 29, 1810. Amos, of Mald., and Zeviah Foster of So. Reading, Sept. 6, 1812. Jabez, of Mald., and Rebecca A. Baker, res. in Mald., Jan. 21, 1814. Winifred, of Mald., and Asaph Winship, res. in Mald., April 2, 1814. James, Jr., and Mary Cox, both of Mald., July 9, 1814. Nancy, a Mald., and Stephen Putney of So. Reading, Aug. 3, 1816. Hannah, and Benjamin Wilson, both of Mald., Aug. 3, 1816. William, and Ann Maria Spring, both of Mald., March 8, 1817. John, and Abigail Knower, both of Mald., Aug. 23, 1817. Phebe, and George Newhall, both of Mald., March 25, 1820. Betsey, of Mald., and John Badger of So. Reading, April 8, 1820. Elizabeth A., of Mald., and Samuel Putney of Richmond, Va., Aug. 14, 1824. Samuel, Jr., and Lucinda Wyman, both of Mald., Oct. 22, 1825. Huldah, and Timothy C. Edminster, both of Mald., Feb. 18, 1826. Susan, and Ebenezer P. Richardson, both of Mald.[Dec. , 1826]. Nathaniel, 3, of Mald., and Cynthia Newhall of Danvers [April or May, 1827]. Nathaniel, 2, of Mald., and Sophia Green of So. Reading, March 6, 1828. Mary, and Joseph Simonds, both of Mald. [Aug. 07 Sept. _, 1828]. Lydia P., of Mald. and Joseph Emerson of Charlestown, July 4, 1829. James, 2, of Mald., and Mary F. Holt of Stoneham, May 22, 1833. Caleb, and Lucy Richardson, both of Mald., March 8, 1834. John, of Stoneham, and Clarissa Howard of Mald., April 8, 1837. Clarissa, of Mald., and John Howard of Stoneham, April 8, 1837. Rebecca G., and George H. Fall, both of Mald., Nov. 3, 1838. Caleb, and Laura Boardman, both of Mald., March 12, 1839. Joseph, and Sarah Jane Penney, both of Mald., March 30, 1839. Joseph, and Sarah J. Penney, both of Mald., Dec. 20, 1840. Emily, and Charles Larrabee, both of Mald., June 29, 1844. George, and Madeline S. Jackson, both of Mald., March 21, 1850 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 147 Howe 360 Sally, of Marblehead, and Jonas Adams, res. in Mald., Oct. 21, 1815. 503 Francis D., and Sophia B. Emerson, both of Mald., March 30, 1831. 508 William C., of Mald., and Martha C. Kimball of Methuen, March 3, 1832. 608 William C., of Mald., and Mrs. Zillah Collins of Boston, July 14, 1832. 509 Catherine N., of Mald., and Michael Phillips of Charlestown, July 28, 1832. 511 Samuel J. S., and Eliza A. Clarinbold, both of Mald., May 18, 1833. 528 Jerry, of Mald., and Almira Jones of Boston, April 29, 1837. 588 Warren, of Mald., and Sarah Oliver of So. Reading, Aug. 31, 1839. Hoyle 72 John, of Providence [R. I.], and Mrs. Anna Wayte of Mald., July 27, 1743- Hoyt 488 Benjamin, of Mald., and Esther Kenny [Kenkeney in record], of Boston, Aug. 9, 1827. Hudson 874 William, of Putney, Vt., and Phebe Waitt of Mald., April 19, 1807. 358 [Mrs.] Phebe, and Thomas Pratt, both of Mald., Oct. 19, 1816. 642 Hannah R., of Concord, and Henry Barrett of Mald., Jan. 16, 1841. Hunt 888 Thomas, of Mald., and Mary Soren of Boston, Feb. 9, 1800. 862 Joseph, res. in Mald., and Phebe Skidmore of Danvers, April 23, 1814. Huntress 569 Hannah D., of Mald., and Joseph Pickernell of Boston, Oct. 29, 1846. 573 Frances Susan, of Strafford, N. H., and Thomas H. Speed of Mald., Oct. 21, 1848. Hurd 540 Jason C., and Ruth A. Varrell, both of Mald., Sept. 12, 1840. Hurlbert 878 Enoch, of Thompson, Ct., and Eliza Shute of Mald., Dec. 23, 1804. Hussey 489 Maria Theresa, of Mald., and Peter T. Sprague of Greenfield, March 1, 1828. Hutchins 548 David, and Sarah A. Tufts, both of Mald., May 29, 1841. 568 Maria M., of Mald., and Jesse Mallory of Fairhaven, Ct., Aug. 8, 1846. Hutchinson 74 Sarah, and Ezra Green, both of Mald., Nov. 28, 1740. 68 Phebe, of Mald., and Joseph Sprague of Dudley, Aug. 26, 1747. 494 Rebecca C., of Mald., and James Crane, Jr., of So. Reading, April 24, 1830. Hyde 5386 Henry H., and Susan F. Sprague, both of Mald., June 22, 1839. 641 Helen M., and Aaron G. Hill, both of Mald., Sept. 12, 1840. Hynes 662 Elizabeth, of Boston, and Charles L. Corbett of Mald., Feb. 3, 1843. Ingalls 89 Nathaniel, of Lynn, and Mercy Pratt of Mald., Oct. 31, 1762. 40 Stephen, of Lynn, and Rebecca Barrett of Mald., Sept. 4, 1763. 897 Ruth, of Lynn, and John Breeden of Mald., Aug. 28, 1792. 148 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Inglee $49 Mrs. Lucy, of Dorchester, and Capt. Thomas Oakes of Mald., Jan. 12, 1819 [1820]. Ingoldsby 61 Bethiah, and Samuel Waitt, Jr., both of Mald., Nov. 4, 1774. Ireson 495 Elizabeth B., of Lynn, and Joshua Upham, 2, of Mald., Aug. 28, 1830. Ivory In. Mary, of Lynn, and Thomas Witt of Mald., Nov. 21, 1719. Jackes, Jacques 61 Anstis, res. in Mald., and Daniel Whittemore of Mald., Dec. 10, 1774. 508 Prete Ann, of Newburyport, and Albert Noyes of Mald., May 26, 1832. Jackson 75 Anna, and Robert Wilson, both of Mald., June 25 [1738]. 870 Pendexter, of Lee, N. H., and Joseph Hildreth Lawrence of Mald., March 11, 1810. 575 Madeline S., and George Howard, both of Mald., March 21, 1850. James 43 Matthew, of Lynn, and Tabitha Barrett of Mald., Jan. 12, 1766. Jeffers, Jeffords 34 Susanna, and Amos Stowers, both of Mald., Oct. 26, 1755. Jefts 482 Granville, and Elizabeth Wait, both of Mald., Feb. 26, 1825. 535 Mrs. Elizabeth, and Timothy T. Shute, both of Mald., May 4, 1839. Jenkins In. Joel, of Lynn, and Mary Harnet of Mald., Jan. 28, 1720/1. 70 Nathaniel, and Abigail Baldwin, both of Mald., March 7, 1745/6. 68 Nathaniel, and Catherine Grant, both res. in Mald., May 31, 1747. 81 Elizabeth, of Chelsea, and Daniel Floyd of Mald., April 5, 1751. 82 Thomas, of Mald., and Jemima Smith of Reading, March 2, 1753. 89 Ezekiel, and Margaret Floyd, both of Mald., April 4, 1762. 40 John, of Mald., and Hannah Monk of Lynn, July 29, 1764. 45 Dorothy, and Stephen Wellman, both of Mald., May 9, 1769. 45 Mary, and Edmund Rand, both of Mald., Jan. 1, 1770. 60 Phebe, and Jacob Pratt, both of Mald., Sept. 16, 1776. 58 Joseph, and Phebe Newhall, both of Mald., Feb. 9, 1779. 402 Peggy, and Robert Oliver, both of Mald., Aug. 28, 1783. 402 Phebe, and Joseph Floyd, both of Mald., Feb. , 1784. 401 Mary, of Mald., and Joseph Rand of Medford, Nov. 19, 1786. 898 John, Jr., and Elizabeth Smith, both of Mald., April 7, 1789. 386 Nancy, and John Lynde, both of Mald. [Jan. _, 1798]. 888 Mrs. Phebe, and Jabez Lynde, both of Mald., Feb. 2, 1800. 861 Elizabeth, and Ezra Wait, Jr., both of Mald., March 18, 1815. Jenks In. Samuel, of Lynn, and Mrs. Elizabeth Floyd of Mald., Feb. 12, 1708/9. 41 Pam res. in Salem, and Abigail Bryant, res. in Mald., Dec. 30, 1764. Johnson In. Mary, of Lynn, and Jonathan Knower of Mald., April 7, 1716. 38 Anna, of Mald., and Francis Phillips, res. in Mald., Nov. 8, 1761. 390 Sally, of Mald., and Zachariah Brown of Medford, Sept. 17, 1796 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 149 Johnson (continued ) 381 Luther, of Charlestown, and Elizabeth Nichols of Mald., March 13, 1802. 867 Kezia, of Woburn, and Hanson Connor of Mald., Jan. 12, 1812. 485 Mary, and David Faulkner, 3, both of Mald., Dec. 9, 1826. 493 John, of Mald., and Martha Davis of Lancaster, July 18, 1829. 493 Benjamin, and Ann Robinson, both of Mald., Sept. 12, 1829. 604 Pamelia, and William Smith, both of Mald., Sept. ro, 1831. 611 Elizabeth C., and Frederick Leeds, both of Mald., July 13, 1833. 572 Elizabeth A., and Solomon Martin, both of Mald., Feb. 26, 1848. 578 Caroline Augusta, and Timothy Tufts, both of Mald., Nov. 25, 1848. Jones In. Thomas, of Lynn, and Martha Wilson of Mald., March 9, 1728/9. 868 Eliphaz B., and Sarah T. Gardner, both res. in Mald., March 19, 1814. 494 William, and Susan Waitt, both of Mald., June 19, 1830. 528 Almira, of Boston, and Jerry Howe of Mald., April 29, 1837. 530 William, of Boston, and Mary Ann Upham of Mald., Sept. 16, 1837. 568 James, and Fanny Pratt, alias Fanny Jones, both of Mald., Aug. 7, 1843. Judkins 562 Samuel, and Hannah Hemmingway, both of Mald., Oct. 22, 1842. Judson 401 Adoniram, of Mald., and Mrs. Abigail Brown of Tiverton [R. I.], Nov. 5, 1786. Kairnan 575 James, and Eliza Flynn, both of Mald., Feb. 6, 1850. Kane 568 Michael, and Joanna Bowler, both of Mald., May 18, 1846. Kelley 536 Charles R., of Mald., and Eliza Jane Dearborn of Lowell,-July 11, 1839. 577 Jane, and Michael Donnelly, both of Mald., Nov. 7, 1850. Kelsey 522 David B., of Lowell, and Mary A. Fisher of Mald., Nov. 14, 1835. 572 David B., of Mald., and R. P. Bradbury of Danvers, June 19, 1848. Kempton : 573 Samuel H., of Plymouth, and Mary A. E. Wait of Mald., Oct. 5, 1848. Kendall bost. Joseph, of Boston, and Elizabeth Knower of Mald., Sept. 6, 1725. 76 Deborah, of Dunstable, and Peletiah Whittemore of Mald., July 30, 1738. 62 William, and Mary Collins, both res. in Mald., Feb. 6 [1773]. 493 Joel, and Harriet C. Wait, both of Mald., June 20, 1829. Kendrick ; 538 Coleman C., of Mald., and Sarah H. Savage of Orford, N. H., Aug. 31, 1839. 676 Samuel S., and Clara Godfrey, both of Mald., Oct. 12, 1850. Kenny, Kinney ; 488 Esther [Keeney in record], of Boston, and Benjamin Hoyt of Mald., Aug. 9, 1827. 587 Cornell, of Medford, and Zeluty Upham of Mald., Aug. 3, 1839. 150 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Kent 34 Agnes, and Uriah Oakes, both of Mald., Nov. 9, 1755. Kettell, Kettle 42 James, of Charlestown, and Sarah Hill of Mald., Jan. 26, 1765. 61 Elizabeth, of Mald., and John Hills of Kingston, N. H., April 16, 1774- 59 James, and Elizabeth Wilson, both of Mald., Oct. 3, 1777. 58 Polly, of Mald., and Richard Frothingham of Charlestown, Jan. 5, 1778. Kidder 65 Rachel, of Billerica, and John Hovey of Mald., June 9, 1751. 512 Mrs. Sarah, of Westbrook, Me., and Capt. Artemas Cutter of Mald., Oct. 19, 1833. 565 Sarah E., and Joshua T. Cutter, both of Mald., Feb. 24, 1844. 675 Harriet, and Charles Cummings, both of Mald., April 20, 1850. Kimball 352 Nathan, of Newburyport, and Elizabeth Clapp Edmester of Mald., Oct. 24, 1818. 478 Mary, and Jonathan Lynde, both of Mald., Oct. 26, 1822. 508 Martha C., of Methuen, and William C. Howe of Mald., March 3, 1832. 609 Hannah, of Mald., and Benjamin Goin of Charlestown, Sept. 15, 1832. 519 James B., and Harriet Pickering, both of Mald., Aug. 1, 1835. 570 James B., and Hannah F. Pratt, both of Mald., July 17, 1847. Kinerson 494 Lucinda, of So. Reading, and Isaac Green of Mald., Oct. 24, 1829. Kingsbury 534 Moses G., of Roxbury, and Mary Butler of Mald., Jan. 5, 1839. Knight, Knights 40 Phebe, and William Dexter, both of Mald., June 24, 1764. 60 Anna, of Stoneham, and Amos Upham, Jr., of Mald., Dec. 23, 1776. 398 Thomas, of Mald., and Martha Ramsdal of Lynn, May 18, 1789. 351 Simon, and Lydia Cole, both of Mald., March 25, 1819. 524 Mary Ann, and Joseph Elisha, both of Mald., Sept. 24, 1836. 577 Maria Louisa, of Woburn, and Moses Butler of Mald., Oct. 18, 1850. Knower In. Jonathan, of Mald., and Mary Johnson of Lynn, April 7, 1716. bost. Elizabeth, of Mald., and Joseph Kendall of Boston, Sept. 6, 1725. 73 Sarah, of Mald., and Ralph Merry of Lynn, Jan. 3, 1741/2. 69 John, and Phebe Sprague, both of Mald., May 21, 1746. 69 Elizabeth, and Ebenezer Pratt, both of Mald., March 7, 1746/7. 67 Jonathan, of Mald., and Mary Wilson, res. in Mald., April 15, 1749. 66 Daniel, of Mald., and Abigail Whittemore, res. in Mald., Nov. 25, 1749. 87 Phebe, znd Amos Shute, both of Mald., Oct. 21, 1759. 45 Elizabeth, of Mald., and William Low of Chelsea, Oct. 19, 1769. 45 Abigail, of Mald., and Jonathan Gardner of Medford, Dec. 23, 1769. 59 Mina [Jemma], of Mald., and Samuel Lewis of Chelsea, Jan. 20, 1777. 56 ee of Mald., and Mary Ann Brown Follings of Boston, May 16, 1781. 56 Rachel, and Samuel Grover, Jr., both of Mald., May 23, 1781. 899 Peternell, and George Shute, both of Mald., March 3, 1785. 400 George, and Nancy Shute, both of Mald., June r1, 1787. 360 Phebe, of Mald., and William Downing, res. in Mald., Jan. 19, 1816. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS ISI Enower (continued) 855 Mrs. Nancy, and Jacob Shute, both of Mald., Aug. 23, 1817. 855 Abigail, and John Howard, both of Mald., Aug. 23, 1817. 854 Eleanor, and Nathan Oakes, both of Mald., Nov. 9, 1817. Knowlton 509 Asa, and Nabby J. Pinder, both of Mald., Sept. 22, 1832. 526 Mrs. Abigail, and Charles Cousens, both of Mald., Oct. 29, 1836. Korman 576 Herman, and Ernestine Schnapp, both of Mald., May 25, 1850. Lacy 576 Ellen, of Chelsea, and Robert Richards of Mald., Sept. 25, 1850. Lakin 569 Jane, of Charlestown, and Joseph Newton of Mald., Dec. 24, 1846. Lander 528 Hannah, and William Perry, both of Mald., April 22, 1837. Lane “ 548 Mary Hill, of Readfield, Me., and William Hitchings of Mald., July Io, 1841. Lanman 59 Mary, res. in Mald., and Samuel Green, Jr., of Mald., Nov. 1, 1776. Larrabee 388 Samuel, Jr., of Mald., and Polly Green of Reading, Feb. 2, 1800. 383 John, and Betsey Vinton, both of Mald., July 19, r8or. 869 Nancy, and Benjamin Lynde, Jr., both of Mald., March 24, 1811. 865 Sally, of Mald., and William Buckminster of Vassalborough, Sept. 27, 1812. 482 John, Jr., and Mary Vinton, both of Mald. [Jan. , 1825]. 486 Mary, and John Lynde, 2, both of Mald., Jan. 27, 1827. 519 Sally, of Mald., and William Wright of Reading, Aug. 1, 1835. 565 Nancy, and Artemas Barrett, both of Mald., June 29, 1844. 565 Charles, and Emily Howard, both of Mald., June 29, 1844. 571 Eliza, and George E. Fuller, both of Mald., Nov. 8, 1847. 573 George, and Mary E. Boardman, both of Mald., Nov. 11, 1848. Lathe, Leathe 644 Hannah, and John Waitt, both of Mald., Sept. 11, 1841. Lawrence 870 Joseph Hildreth, of Mald., and Pendexter Jackson of Lee, N. H., March 11, 1810. . Leach : 56 Miriam, of Haverhill, and William Smith of Mald., Aug. 28, 1781. Lear 364 Deborah, and Simon Wilkins, both of Mald., April 3, 1813. 349 Betsey, and Leonard Cox, both of Mald., April 22, 1820. 522 Catherine, of Mald., and Charles Hastings of Brighton, Nov. 14, 1835. Learned 870 Thomas, of Watertown, and Eleanor Sargeant of Mald., March 25, 1810. 357 Elizabeth T., and William Wait, both of Mald., Nov. 23, 1816. 353 Sarah, and Charles Wait, both of Mald., March 7, 1818, Leatherbee 389 Polly, and John Paine, both of Stoneham, Nov. 30, 1800. 152 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Leathers 83 William, of Charlestown, and Ruth Richardson of Mald., April 12, 1755. Lee 849 Beulah Maria, of Mald., and John Smith of Salem, N. H., Jan. 1, 1812 [1820]. 574 William, of Mald., and Catherine Callahan of So. Andover, Sept. 1, 1849. Leeds 486 Joseph, of Stoneham, and Eliza Lynde of Mald., March Io, 1827. 511 Frederick, and Elizabeth C. Johnson, both of Mald., July 13, 1833. Legg 76 [Mrs.] Mary, and Timothy Sprague [both of Mald.], March 27, 1737. Legro 490 Ann, of Lebanon, Me., and William Wentworth of Mald., April 5, 1828. Lemoyne 75 Charles, and Mary Marble, both of Mald., April 3 [1737]. Leonard 398 William Bouchier, res. in Mald., and Sarah Barrett of Mald., Dec. 29, 1788. Leslie 484 George, of Cambridge, and Sally Upham of Mald., Oct. 1, 1825. Levenston, Livingston 74 Agnes, lately from Boston, and John Nichols of Mald., Nov. 13, 1740. 84 Elizabeth, of Mald., and John Edmonds of Boston, July 11, 1756. Lewis In. Rebecca, of Lynn, and Grover Pratt of Mald., Jan. 9, 1725/6. 59 Samuel, of Chelsea, and Mina [_/emzma] Knower of Mald., Jan. 20, 1777- 853 Charles, Esq., and Eliza Hall, both of Mald., Jan. 24, 1818. | 476 Stephen, of Mald., and Dolly Wood of Tewksbury, April 8, 1821. 483 Richard, of Mald., and Hannah Farnum of Andover, Sept. 16, 1825. 488 Hephsebeth A., of Lynn, and Dennison Gage of Mald., Sept. 29, 1827. 519 John, 3, of Lynn, and Mary Jane Todd of Mald., June 14, 1835. 623 George A., and Caroline F. [error for Caroline Antoinette] Cutter, both of Mald., Feb. 27, 1836. 644 Charles, Esq., and Sabra J. Warren, both of Mald., Sept. 4, 1841. 668 John, Jr., of Boston, and Eliza Tufts of Mald., Aug. 12, 1843. 663 Charles H., of Boston, and Almira H. Tufts of Mald., Aug. 12, 1843. 665 Sarah B., of Mald., and Thomas W. Clagett of Prince George Co., Md., July 6, 1844. 567 Horace, and Caroline E. Wait, both of Mald., Sept. 4, 1845. 668 Elizabeth S., of Mald., and Eliel Putnam of Medford, April 18, 1846. 668 Almira, of Mald., and Joshua Buzzell of Chelsea, Sept. 3, 1846. 675 Hubbard R., and Ellen M. Tufts, both of Mald., Nov. 10, 1849. 576 Lydia Ann, of Mald., and William C. Peabody of Cambridge, June 19, 1850, Libby 5383 David P., and Ann Hodges, both of Mald., Aug. 25, 1838. 563 Phebe M., of Thomaston, Me., and Washington Fly of Mald., June 28, 1843. Lidget ‘ §24 John, and Mrs. Jane Brown, both of Mald., Aug. 14, 1836. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 153 Lillie 881 Daniel, of Boston, and Nancy Sargeant of Mald., Sept. 19, 1802. Lincoln 87 Luke, of Petersham, and Rebecca Wayte of Mald., Oct. 21, 1759. 881 Phebe, of Mald., and Luke Wilson of, New Holderness, N. H., Oct. 25, 1802. 671 te A., of Mald., and Louensa A. Stone of East Douglas, Oct. 29, 1847. Lisbon 891 Anna, of Marblehead, and Joseph Sargeant of Mald., March 13, 1796. Little 65 Rev. Daniel, of Wells, and Mrs. Mary Emerson of Mald., Nov. 1, 1751. Locke 68 Thomas, of Lexington, and Nabby Gowen of Mald., March 31, 1779. 494 Reuben, Jr., of Stoneham, and Abby Lynde of Mald., April 10, 1830. Lockwood 494 Abraham R., and Mary Floyd, both of Mald., Feb. 27, 1830. Lord 613 Oliver, and Nancy Waitt, both of Mald., Dec. 7, 1833. 627 Julia H., and Aaron L. Waitt, both of Mald., Dec. 3, 1836. Loring 514 Francis M., of Mald., and Eliza B. Bruce of Boston, May 20, 1834. 584 Elisha B., of Mald., and Lucy F. Smith of Canton, Feb. 2, 1839. 576 Gustavus, and Mary Ellen Stevens, both of Mald., Oct. 17, 1850. Lothrop 573 Rossa [Rosa ?] L., and Samuel A. Oliver, both of Mald., Nov. 11, 1848. Lovell 877 Mary, of Mansfield, and John Whitehead, res. in Mald., Feb. 24, 1805. Lovett 485 Anthony, and Phebe Holden, both of Mald., March 25, 1826. 488 William, and Eliza Chamberlain, both of Mald., Dec. 29, 1827. 570 Anthony, and Mary Ann Wait, both of Mald., Sept. 11, 1847. Low 45 William, of Chelsea, and Elizabeth Knower of Mald., Oct. 19, 1769. 366 Nathaniel, of Boston, and Rachel Oakes of Mald., July 5, 1812. 568 Mary S., of Saco, Me., and Joseph R. Stevens of Mald., Jan. 29, 1846. Luke 574 Elizabeth, of Chelsea, and Charles Fuller, Jr., of Mald., May 5, 1849. Lunt 588 Esther, of Medford, and James Poland of Mald., Feb. 8, 1840. 576 Andrew F., of Mald., and Amanda M. Clark of Epping, N. H., Oct. 16, 1850. Lyman ~ 352 Rebecca [?] of Cambridge, and George W. Barker of Mald., Aug. 2, 1818. Lynde %5 Jonathan, and Elizabeth Mower, both of Mald., Oct. 14, 1739. 74 Jabez, and Rachel Parker, both of Mald., Nov. 4, 1741. 154 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Lynde (continued ) 14 Mary, of Mald., and Jabez Green of Stoneham, Nov. I1, 1741. 73 Lydia, of Mald., and Peter Hays of Stoneham, Dec. 1, 1742. 18 Phebe, and Benjamin Sprague, both of Mald., March 5, 1743/4. 70 Jacob, of Mald., and Mary Gould of Stoneham, March 28, 1746. 68 Hannah, and John Bucknam, both of Mald., Sept. 8, 1747. 68 Joanna, and John Dexter, both of Mald., Feb. 6, 1747/8. 83 Elizabeth, and Phineas Green, both of Mald., Nov. 15, 1754. 83 Joanna, and Timothy Wayte, both of Mald., Sept. 21, 1755. 84 Lydia, and Nathan Howard, both of Mald., Jan. 2, 1757. 86 Nathan, of Mald., and Lydia Green of Stoneham, Nov. 19, 1758. 87 Esther, of Mald., and Benjamin Tufts of Medford, Oct. 26, 1760. 89 Hannah, and Amos Howard, both of Mald., Nov. 21, 1762. 43 Ruth, res. in Mald., and John Waitt, Jr., of Mald., Sept. 20, 1766. 43 Jabez, Jr., and Phebe Paine, both of Mald., Oct. 24, 1766. 64 Sarah, and Ezra Howard, both of Mald., July 27, 1770. 63 Joseph, Jr., and Mary Porter, both of Mald., May 20, 1771. 57 Phebe, and John Mitchel, both of Mald., June 5, 1779. 56 Lydia, and Lieut. Nathan Eaton, both of Mald., March 12, 1781. 56 Jonathan, and Elizabeth Sargent, both of Mald., Aug. 20, 1781. 403 Benjamin, and Polly, alias Mary, Sprague, both of Mald., April 4, 1782. 895 Nathan, Jr., and Betsey Sweetser, both of Mald., Nov. 15, 1789. 896 Joseph, and Mrs. Mary Wyman, both of Mald., Nov. 2, 1792. 893 Lydia, of Mald., and Thomas Frothingham of Boston, March 29, 1793. 882 Stephen, of Stoneham, and Hannah Willy, res. in Mald., Aug. 3, 1793. 892 Phebe, and Cotton Sprague, both of Mald., Nov. 15, 1793. 882 Elizabeth, and Solomon Shute, both of Mald., Nov. 7, 1794. 891 Hannah, of Mald., and Nathaniel Frothingham of Salem, May 26, 1795. 884 William, and Mary Sargeant, both of Mald., June 27, 1797. 886 John, and Nancy Jenkins, both of Mald. {Jan. , 1798]. 887 Mrs. Mary, and Jonathan Barrett, both of Mald., March 24, 1799. 888 Jabez, and Mrs. Phebe Jenkins, both of Mald., Feb. 2, 1800. 888 Polly, of Mald., and Thaddeus Simonds of Stoneham, April 13, 1800. 881 Lieut. Joseph, Jr., of Mald.,and Hannah Waitt, of Roxbury, Aug. 22, 1802. 875 Nancy, and Peter Barrett, both of Mald., Dec. 8, 1805. 375 Lydia, and Thomas Vinning, both of Mald., April 13, 1806. 869 Benjamin, Jr., and Nancy Larrabee, both of Mald., March 24, 1811. 865 Hannah, and Robert Gary, both of Mald., Nov. 8, 1812. 364 John, and Mrs. Mary Dowes, both of Mald., March 14, 1813. 363 Joseph, Jr., of Mald., and Phebe Vinton of Stoneham, March 26, 1814. 859 Fanny, and Capt. Jonathan Barrett, both of Mald., March 2, 1816. 478 Jonathan, and Mary Kimball, both of Mald., Oct. 26, 1822. 434 John, 3, and Sarah Upham, both of Mald., Jan. 14, 1826. 486 John, 2, and Mary Larrabee, both of Mald., Jan. 27, 1827. 486 Eliza, of Mald., and Joseph Leeds of Stoneham, March Io, 1827. 488 Nancy, of Mald., and Aaron Green of Stoneham, Oct. 31, 1827. 490 John, and Lois Clisby, both of Mald. [May ro, 1828]. 492 Joseph, 3, and Clarissa Upham, both of Mald., March 27, 1829. 494 Amos P., and Sarah Ann Sprague, both of Mald., Nov. 5, 1829. 494 Jacob P., and Adeline L. Newhall, both of Mald., April 1, 1830. 494 Abby, of Mald., and Reuben Locke, Jr., of Stoneham, April 10, 1830. 495 George, of Mald., and Rolinda Favor of Woburn, Aug. 7, 1830. 503 William, 2, and Mary Boardman, both of Mald., March 19, 1831. 510 Daniel, and Mrs. Clarissa Richardson, both of Mald., Dec. 15, 1832. 511 Delia, of Mald., and Waldo Belknap of Medford, May 19, 1833. 522 George, and Harriet Favor, both of Mald., Oct. 10, 1835. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 155 Lynde (continued) 527 Rebecca W., of Mald., and James Eaton of Boston, Dec. 17, 1836. 542 George, 2, and Eunice Upham, both of Mald., Feb. 18, 1841. 565 Sarah Ann, and Charles Gage, both of Mald., July 30, 1844. 575 Mary E., and Dr. John L. Sullivan, Jr., both of Mald., March 13, 1850. McAllister 574 Rufus R., and Hannah M. Wait, both of Mald., March 25, 1849. McClure 609 Rev. Alexander Wilson, of Mald., and Mary Brewster Gould of So. Hadley, Dec. 5, 1832. McIntire 489 nee . of Reading, and Calvin Richardson of Mald., March 15, 1828. McKenna 574 James, and Catherine Cary, both of Mald., May 19, 1849. Maddock 34 Mary, of Mald., and Joseph Gould of Stoneham, Nov. 25, 1756. Magus, Magos 58 Pompey, of Mald., and Zerviah Barjonahof Stoneham, April 27, 1778. $54 Prince, and Mary Williams, both of Mald., Nov. 7, 1817. 517 Sally, of Mald., and John Bonn of Charlestown, Nov. 17, 1834. Mahar 573 Catherine, and William Shay, both of Mald., Feb. 1, 1849. Mallory 568 Jesse, of Fairhaven, Ct., and Maria M. Hutchings of Mald., Aug. 8, 1846. Mann 870 Provided, of Richmond, N. H., and John Emerson of Mald., April 1, 1810. 611 William, and Phebe Waitt, both of Mald., June 1, 1833. 619 Samuel T., and Elizabeth Guild, both of Mald., July 15, 1835. 533 Samuel T., and Lydia Ann Burditt, both of Mald., May 26, 1838. 543 Alice Eliza, of Boston, and John C. Robbins of Mald., Aug. 15, 1841. 564 Susan O., and Stephen Wait, both of Mald., Nov. 26, 1843. Manning 493 Nancy M., and George Green, both of Mald., Sept. 19, 1829. Manser 70 Sarah, res. in Mald., and John Martin, lately res. in Mald., Aug. 7, 1745. 82 John, and Sarah Bradish, both of Mald., March, 2, 1753. 36 Thomas, of Mald., and Sarah Howard, res. in Mald., Aug. 26, 1759. 37 Martha, and David Howard, both of Mald., Jan. 13, 1760. Mansfield 894 Nathaniel, of Lynn, and Betsey Howard of Mald., June, 1791. 885 Lydia, of Reading, and Nathaniel Howard of Mald., Aug. 6, 1797. 879 Benjamin, Jr., of Lynn, and Elizabeth Cox of Mald., Nov. 21, 1803. 503 Mary, and Abraham T. Nealey, both of Mald., March 12, 1831. §24 Zachariah, Jr., and Joanna R. T. Oliver, both of Mald., Oct. 8, 1836. 648 Sarah, and Aaron Butler, both of Mald., July 17, 1841. Marble %5 Mary, and Charles Lemoyne, both of Mald., April 3 [1737.] 71 Susanna, and Bartholomew Flag, both of Mald., Feb. 10, 1744/5. 156 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Marks 70 Mary, of Mald., and Charles Crowly, res. in Charlestown, Sept. 15, 1745. Marshall bost. Mary, of Mald., and Peter Salmon [of Boston], Oct. 22, 1696. 359 David, and Sally George, both res. in Mald., Feb. 10, 1816. 507 William, of Mald., and Eunice Stiles of Boston, Nov. 9, 1831. 508 David, and Susanna Floyd, both of Mald., April 28, 1832. 666 David, of Mald., and Mary Ann Sawyer of Medford, Oct. 26, 1844. Marston 562 Mary E., and Joseph C. Colby, both of Mald., April 15, 1843. Martin * 70 John, lately res. in Mald., and Sarah Manser, res. in Mald., Aug. 7, 1745. 572 Solomon, and Elizabeth A. Johnson, both of Mald., Feb. 26, 1848. Massey 569 John, of Saugus, and Eliza Emerson of Mald., Oct. 24, 1846, Mayhew 868 Frederick, of New Bedford, and Elizabeth Popkin of Mald., June 23, I8II. Melvin 481 Eliza, of Mald., and Thomas Sargent of Charlestown, Nov. 12, 1824. 487 Clarissa, of Mald.,and James Favor of Lowell [May ov June, 1827]. 612 Climena, and John W. Robbins, both of Mald., Oct. 11, 1833. Merchant 45 Mrs. Martha, of Boston, and Rev. Eliakim Willis of Mald., Feb. 3, 1770. Merrill 887 Edmund, and Betsey Bancroft, both res. in Mald., Sept. 30, 1799. 856 Jonathan, of Mald., and Mary Frye of Andover, Feb. 19, 1817. 647 Gridley, of Mald., and Mary E. Woodbury of Salem, March 26, 1842. Merritt %5 Daniel, of Boston, and Lydia Sweetser of Mald., Nov. 4, 1739. 44 Samuel, of Mald., and Sarah Hawks of Lynn, Nov. 15, 1767. 398 Susanna, and William Sprague, both of Mald., Aug. 2, 1789. 396 Sally, and Joseph Dyer, both of Mald., Oct. 27, 1792. 396 Lydia, and Josiah Tufts, both of Mald., Oct. 27, 1792. 882 Polly, of Mald., and Elias Currell, res. in Mald., Nov. 7, 1794. Merry 73 Ralph, of Lynn, and Sarah Knower of Mald., Jan. 3, 1741/2. Messenger 676 Charles A., of Boston, and Lydia Butler of Mald., Aug. 31, 1850. Metyger 667 Catherine, of Boston, and Conrad Schleicher of Mald., Sept. 13, 1845. Miller 531 Silas, and Harriet Wilson, both of Mald., Jan. 16, 1838. 575 Mrs. Harriet, of Mald., and Charles Heath of Boston, Oct. 27, 1849. Millinor 71 James, of Mansfield, and Ruth Pierce of Mald., June 27, 1744. Mills 564 Joseph H., and Lydia Cox, both of Mald., Oct. 22, 1843. 566 Agnes, and John Cuthberton, both of Mald., Dec. 14, 1844. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 157 Miner 571 Matthias, of Mald., and Helen M. Shedd of Charlestown, Dec. 4, 1847. Mitchell 57 John, and Phebe Lynde, both of Mald., June 5, 1779. 494 Mrs. Esther, and Elias Elliot, both of Mald., Jan. 2, 1830. Monk 40 Hannah, of Lynn, and John Jenkins of Mald., July 29, 1764. Moore 876 Joseph, res. in Mald., and Betsey Collins of Roxbury, Oct. 27, 1805. 865 John, and Lucy Blanchard, both of Mald., Sept. 13, 1812. 649 Clarissa, and William H. Flagg, both of Mald., June 25, 1842. 569 Frances, of Boston, and George W. Smith of Mald., Dec. 19, 1846. 576 Frances E., of Mald., and Dr. Greenleaf A. Wilbur of Norridgewock, Me., Oct. 12, 1850. Morey 547 David B., and Almira Bailey, both of Mald., April ro, 1842. Morfin 30 Sarah, and Peter Edes, both of Mald., May 3, 1752. Morrison 517 Mary Ann, and George P. Cox, both of Mald., Feb. 7, 1835. Morse 482 James, of Medfield, and Dorothy D. Currier of Mald., April 2, 1825. Moses 854 Samuel, and Lucy Cheever, both of Mald., Oct. 12, 1817. 490 Nathaniel, of Mald.,and Elizabeth Farnham of Andover, April 20, 1828. 490 Ebenezer, of Mald., and Ruth Pousland of Beverly, May 4, 1828. Mower %5 Elizabeth, and Jonathan Lynde, both of Mald., Oct. 14, 1739. 72 Abigail, of Worcester, and Jabez Sargeant of Mald., Oct. 4, 1743. Mudge 73 Joseph, and Phebe Green, both of Mald., Dec. 1, 1742. Munroe, Monroe 402 Philemon, of Lexington, and Elizabeth Wait of Mald., Dec. 5, 1784 [1783]. 893 Samuel, of Lynn, and Martha Brown of Mald., Aug. 25, 1793. 484 Louisa, of Lexington, and Thomas J. Buckman of Mald., Nov. 5, 1825. 570 Lydia Jane, and Samuel Drown, both of Mald., June 11, 1847.. Murdock 478 Joanna, of Newton, and David Wait, Jr., of Mald., Oct. 11, 1822. Murphy 674 James, of Mald., and Mary Callahan of Boston, Aug. 27, 1849. Muzzey 603 Charles, of Boston, and Sarah Oakes of Mald., Jan. 1, 1831. Myrick 369 Stephen, and Caroline Fowle [. as .Tow/e], both res. in Mald., Jan. 20, 1811. Nash 897 Mrs. Elizabeth, and Capt. Edward Oakes, both of Mald., April 25, 1792. 158 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Neagles 42 Jone [Joan], res. in Mald., and Matthew Hoggen, res. in Boston, April 14, 1765. 362 Sarah, and Nathaniel Wait, both of Mald., Aug. 20, 1814. 353 Lydia, and William Oliver, Jr., both of Mald., March 7, 1818. 488 Ebenezer, and Mary Shute, both of Mald., Oct. 6, 1827. Neally 603 Abraham T., and Mary Mansfield, both of Mald., March 12, 1831. Negroes, without surnames bost. James, servant to Samuel Tuttle, and Pegg, servant to Isaac Wheeler of Mald., Oct. 19, 1727. 69 Moses and Terow [Zerah?], negroes, both belonging to Samuel Wayte of Mald., Sept. 14, 1746. 66 Adam, belonging to Stephen Tufts of Mald., and Priscilla, belonging to Samuel Floyd of Chelsea, Nov. 25, 1749. 66 John, belonging to Joseph Lynde, and Violet, belonging to Thomas Hills of Mald., Dec. 10, 1749. 65 Cesar, belonging to Mr. Thwing of Boston, and Phyllis, belonging to Joseph Wilson of Mald., Nov. 1, 1751. 84 Jenny, of Mald., and Peter Perkins of Lynn, Oct. 19, 1755. 41 Dover, belonging to Mr. Stoddard of Boston, and Violet, belonging to Ebenezer Pratt of Mald., Aug. 5, 1764. 41 Prince, belonging to Thomas Hills, and Violet, belonging to Ezra Green, Esq., Oct. 21, 1764. 42 Cato, belonging to Nathan Lynde, and Merere, belonging to Capt. Dexter of Mald., March 9, 1765. 43 Jupiter, belonging to Jonathan Wayte of Lynn, and Violet, belonging to Thomas Hills of Mald., Dec. 1, 1765. 64 Fortune, belonging to Nathan Sargeant of Mald., and Violet, belong- ing to William Oliver of Chelsea, Oct. 3, 1770. 64 Bristol, belonging to Zachariah Pool of Medford, and Violet, belonging to Ebenezer Pratt of Mald., Jan. 3, 1771. 63 Worster, belonging to Rev. E. Turell of Medford, and Phyllis, be- longing to Rev. E. Willis of Mald., Oct. 31, 1771. 68 Samuel, belonging to Joseph Lynde, and Phyllis, belonging to Nathan Lynde, all of Mald., Jan. 25, 1772. Newhall In. John, of Lynn, and Lydia Scarlet of Mald., Oct. 31, 1719. 75 Joseph, of Mald., and Mercy Bradshaw of Medford, Dec. 29, 1739. 175 Mary, of Mald., and Rev. Thomas Skinner of Colchester, June 15, 1740. 74 John, of Mald., and Dorothy Newhall of Leicester, June ro [1741]. 74 Dorothy, of Leicester, and John Newhall of Mald., June 10 eat 73 Martha, of Mald., and Samuel Wade of Medford, Nov. 15, 1741. 72 Nathan, and Tabitha Wayte, both of Mald., Sept. 7, 1743. 34 James, of Lynn, and Sarah Barrett of Mald., May 23 [1756]. 86 Sarah, and James Pratt, both of Mald., Jan. 1, 1758. 40 Anna, of Lynn, and Joseph Breeden of Mald., April ro, 1763. 42 Nathan, of Mald., and Phebe Featherston of Reading, April 21, 1765. 44 Joseph, of Danvers, and Dorcas Barrett of Mald., July 19, 1767. 69 Edward, of Mald., and Ann Hitchings of Lynn, June 9, 1777. 58 Phebe, and Joseph Jenkins, both of Mald., Feb. 9, 1779. 401 Sally, res. in Mald., and William Sprague of Mald., July 19, 1786. 400 Elizabeth, and Jabez Howard, both of Mald., March 23, 1787. 882 Susanna, and James Hitchings, both of Mald., Nov. 1, 1794. 882 Jacob, of Lynn, and Susanna Pell of Mald., Nov. 1, 1794. 382 Mary, of Mald., and Phineas Blodget of Lynn, Feb. 20, 1795. 883 Edward, and Hannah Cox, both of Mald., July 19, 1801. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 159 Newhall (continued) 877 378 369 367 366 364 349 348 481 485 487 488 494 611 518 532 542 546 546 549 565 565 569 570 571 571 Edward, and Eliza Harnden, both of Mald., April 7, 1805. William, and Nancy Floyd, both of Mald., May 15, 1808. Tabitha, and Alexander Craig, both of Mald., Sept. 23, 1810. Mrs. Anna [ancy], and Dwight Fisher, both of Mald., Dec. 1, 1811. Edward, Jr., and Sarah Tufts, both of Mald., Feb. 15, 1812. Lydia, of Lynn, and John Wait, Jr., of Mald., Oct. 16, 1813. George, and Phebe Howard, both of Mald., March 25, 1820. Bernard, and Elliot Bridge, both of Mald., June 24, 1820. Benjamin, of Saugus, and Mary Goss of Mald., Dec. 4, 1824. Nathan, and Mrs. Nancy Townsend, both of Mald., Aug. 20, 1826. Cynthia, of Danvers, and Nathaniel Howard, 3, of Mald. [April or May, 1827]. Mary Ann, and Moses Wilson, both of Mald. [Sept.or Oct. , 1827]. Adeline L., and Jacob P. Lynde, both of Mald., April 1, 1830. Lorenzo B., and Sarah J. Tufts, both of Mald., July 20, 1833. John S., and Hannah Barrett, both of Mald., March 14, 1835. Harriet A., and Shubael L. Taylor, both of Mald., March 17, 1838. Rebecca P., and Franklin Taylor, both of Mald., Feb. 27, 1841. Charles, and Nancy S. Breeden, both of Mald., Oct. 16, 1841. Mary, and William A. Richardson, both of Mald., Nov. 6, 1841. William, and Nancy Fuller, both of Mald., May 28, 1842. Cheever, and Elizabeth W. Pitman, both of Mald., April 13, 1844. William Jones, and Sarah Flint, both of Mald., July 13, 1844. John, of Mald., and Luhannah S. Eaton of So. Reading, Dec. 12, 1846. Robert, and Orissa A. Stiles, both of Mald., April 24, 1847. James, and Olive Carey, both of Mald., Nov. 14, 1847. George, and Julia Ann Beck, both of Mald., Dec. 13, 1847. Newman ln. 40 378 Experience, of Lynn, and Ezekiel Howard of Mald., March 20, 1741. David tes in Medford, and Elizabeth Hay, res. in Mald., March 30, 1764. Sally 5 lagg, of Chelsea, and Samuel Chittenden of Mald., Oct. 7, 1804. Newton 542 567 569 Mary W., of Mald., and Frederick Scott of Westford, Jan. 16, 1841. Caleb, and [Mrs.] Elizabeth B. Robinson, both of Mald., July 29, 1845. Joseph, of Mald., and Jane Lakin of Charlestown, Dec. 24, 1846. Nichols 74 71 69 John, of Mald., and Agnes Leveston, lately from Boston, Nov. 13, 1740. Anna, res. in Mald., and Samuel Polly of Medford, Jan. 20, 1744/5. Jemima, of Mald., and John Polly of Medford, July 1, 1746. 88 Samuel, res. in Mald., and Mercy Parker of Mald., Oct. 4 [1761]. 63 63 61 400 394 897 397 384 381 879 369 Elizabeth, of Mald., and Joseph Dyer of Boston, March 30, 1771. John, Jr., and Phebe Oakes, both of Mald., Dec. 19, 1771. Sarah, and Jonathan Oakes, both of Mald., July 22, 1774. Tabitha, of Mald., and Benjamin Bill of Chelsea, Aug. 15, 1787. William, and Nancy Wait, both of Mald., Nov. 25, 1790. Nathan, and Dorcas Smith, both of Mald., Jan. 26, 1792. Ebenezer, and Esther Sargeant, both of Mald., March 8, 1792. David, and Polly Watts, both of Mald., March 11, 1797. Elizabeth, of Mald., and Luther Johnson of Charlestown, March 13, 1802. Phebe, and Ezra Holden, both of Mald., Jan. 8, 1804. Esther Rice, and William Whittemore, both of Mald., Dec. 30, 1810. 160 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Nichols (continued) 862 Benjamin, and Mehitable Pairson, both res. in Mald., April 30, 1814. 856 Dorcas, and Capt. John Sargent, both of Mald., April 19, 1817. 849 Sarah, of Mald., and Aaron Sargent of Charlestown, April 22, 1820. 348 Andrew D., and Hannah Nichols, both of Mald., Nov. 25, 1820. 348 Hannah, and Andrew D. Nichols, both of Mald., Nov. 25, 1820. 347 Ens, William, Jr., and Hannah Hill, both of Mald., Dec. 16, 1820. 476 Ebenezer, Jr., and Betsey Fletcher, both of Mald., March 18, 1821. 480 Nancy, and Samuel Hopkins, both of Mald., April 17, 1824. 482 Benjamin, of Mald., and Mrs. Abigail W. Nichols of Charlestown, March 12, 1825. 482 Mrs. Abigail W., of Charlestown, and Benjamin Nichols of Mald., March 12, 1825. 483 Sophia, of Mald., and Capt. John Williams of Chelsea, July 23, 1825. / 485 Mary M., and Charles Hill, Jr., both of Mald., Nov. 4, 1826. 488 Phebe, and Isaac Hill, both of Mald., Nov. 17, 1827. 489 Tabitha, and Henry Shute, both of Mald., March 22, 1828. 490 Eliza, and James L. Breeden, both of Mald., May 10, 1828. 490 Eliza C., and William Hemingway, both of Mald., June 14, 1828. 491 Lemuel, and Lucy L. Fessenden, both of Mald., Oct. 4, 1828. 603 George, and Mary Farnum, both of Mald., Sept. 18, 1830. 618 Mrs. Elizabeth, of Boston, and Capt. Lewis Richardson of Mald., April 24, 1834. 518 Emeline S., and William C. Barrett, both of Mald., May 25, 1835. 622 Ebenezer, Jr., and Mrs. Lucy W. Pitts, both of Mald., Oct. 3, 1835. 563 Hannah H., and Lowell Chamberlain, both of Mald., July 2, 1843. 569 John S., of Mald., and Elizabeth Perkins of No. Chelsea, March 20, 1847. 572 William H., and Esther A. Oliver, both of Mald., April 15, 1848. 673 Andrew, and Ellen A. Tufts, both of Mald., Dec. 9, 1848. 575 Rebecca, of Mald., and James Tibbits of Lynn, April 12, 1850. Nickerson 478 Elizabeth [Véckson in record], and William Burrage of Mald., Nov. 16, 1822. Noble 858 Anna, and Joseph Prentiss, both of Mald., Oct. 12, 1816. 527 Joseph W., of Stoneham, and Lucy Upham of Mald., Feb. 18, 1837._ Norwood 392 Lydia, of Lynnfield, and Joseph Howard of Mald., Nov. 15, 1793. 517 Anstis, and Timothy T. Shute, both of Mald., Dec. 27, 1834. 536 Joshua G., of Camden, Me., and Harriet M. A. Hall of Mald., June 15, 1839. 546 omen, oat Truman White, both of Mald., Dec. 4, 1841. 672 Benjamin, and Lucinda Hurd Wilkinson, both of Mald., June 24, 1848. Nourse 400 Lucy, and Joseph Bucknam, both of Mald., March 22, 1788. Noyes 608 Albert, of Mald., and Sophronia Ann Jaques of Newburyport, May 26, 1832. 509 Smith, of Mald., and Elizabeth Brown of Charlestown, Sept. 29, 1832. 589 Nicholas, of Boston, and Mrs. Emeline G. Barker of Mald., June 13, 1840. 570 Albina, and Francis J. Tay, both of Mald., Oct. 9, 1847. Nudd MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 161 577 Mrs. Abigail W., of Lowell, and Thomas C. Church of Mald., Dec. 20, 1850. Oakes 31 34 36 44 45 63 61 60 403 401 397 393 391 389 378 378 370 366 354 349 347 478 482 486 508 504 509 512 519 522 527 538 538 566 570 Jonathan, and Esther Bucknam, both of Mald., July 28, 1750. Uriah, and Agnes Kent, both of Mald., Nov. 9, 1755. Deborah, of Mald., and Stephen Green of Stoneham, Sept. 2, 1759. Nehemiah, and Esther Bucknam, both of Mald., Nov. 27, 1768. Martha, and John Barrett, both of Mald., Oct. 28, 1769. Phebe, and John Nichols, Jr., both of Mald., Dec. 19, 1771. Jonathan, and Sarah Nichols, both of Mald., July 22, 1774. Sarah, of Mald., and Ezra Sargeant of Chester, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1776. Hannah, of Mald., and Benjamin Pratt of Chelsea, April 4, 1782. Esther, of Mald., and Edward Rice of Boston, April 10, 1786. Capt. Edward, and Mrs. Elizabeth Nash, both of Mald., April 25, 1792. ; Agnes, and Samuel Scarborough Sargeant, both of Mald., Oct. 4, 1793. Uriah, of Mald., and Charlotte Floyd of Chelsea, June 2, 1795. Thomas, and Anna Smith, both of Mald., Aug. 30, 1800. Jonathan, Jr., and Sally Parker, both of Mald., Oct. 21, 1804. Eliza, of Mald., and Francis Robbins of Boston, Dec. 2, 1804. Nehemiah, and Persis Chittenden, both of Mald., May 13, 1810. Rachel, of Mald., and Nathaniel Low of Boston, July 5, 1812. Nathan, and Eleanor Knower, both of Mald., Nov. 9, 1817. Capt. Thomas of Mald., and Mrs. Lucy Ingley of Dorchester, Jan. 12, 1819 [1820]. Tabitha, of Mald., and Cyrus Clark of Charlestown, Jan. 13, 1821. Uriah, Jr., and Betsey Richardson, both of Mald., Sept. 28, 1822. Capt. Jonathan, and Sarah Battelle, both of Mald., Jan. 1, 1825. Hannah, and John B. Faulkner, both of Mald., Dec. 30, 1826. Sarah, of Mald., and Charles Muzzey of Boston, Jan. 1, 1831. Nathan, and Louisa Faulkner, both of Mald., Sept. 17, 1831. Nabby L., and Samuel H. Waitt, both of Mald., Sept. 1, 1832. Lydia Parker, of Mald., and Alfred Osgood, Jr., of Boston, Oct. 11, 1833. Mrs. Lucy, and George N. Waitt, both of Mald., Aug. 30, 1835. Persis, of Mald., and Gilman Haynes of Lynn, Oct. 3, 1835. Esther, and Amos Sargent, both of Mald., Nov. 19, 1836. Jane os of Mald., and Dr. Ephraim Buck, Jr., of Boston, Nov. 9 I 39+ Thomas, of Mald., and Ellen A. Converse of Boston [withdrawn by said Oakes, Dec. 9], Nov. 27, 1839. Nancy S of Mald., and Nathaniel Cummings of Charlestown, Dec. 14, 1844. Mary B., and Daniel Emmons, both of Mald., June 19, 1847. O’Brien 574 574 Michael, of Mald., and Julia Devereaux of Boston, May 22, 1849. Uffa, and David Glakin, both of Mald., July 7, 1849. Odiorne 508 508 572 Susan H., of Mald., and Charles B. Swain of Nantucket, March 24, 1832. Mary Ann, of Mald., and Rev. Ansel R. Clark of Hudson, Ohio, July 14, 1832. F sae of Mald., and Augusta B, Emerson of So. Reading, May 6, 1848. ll 162 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Oliver 73 68 61 402 400 397 397 381 375 359 354 353 349 481 481 487 513 524 526 535 588 538 539 548 546 547 569 570 572 572 573 674 Organ 487 Orne 390 483 John, and Elizabeth Pratt, Feb. , 1741/2. Edward, of Mald., and Sarah Wayte of Chelsea, Nov. 5, 1747. Sarah, and Daniel Breeden, both of Mald., April 29, 1776. Robert, and Peggy Jenkins, both of Mald., Aug. 28, 1783. Samuel, of Mald., and Elizabeth Parker of Lynn, March 6, 1787. William, and Mary Ann Sigourney, both of Mald., Jan. 26, 1792. Polly, and Ebenezer Paine, both of Mald., April , 1792. Margaret, and Edmund Rand, both of Mald., Oct. 11, 1802. William, and Mrs. Sarah Upham, both of Mald., Feb. 23, 1806. Ezekiel, of So. Reading, and Sarah Green of Mald., March 20, 1816. William, of Mald., and Mrs. Mary Whitmarsh of Charlestown, Oct. 1g, 1817. Willian, Jr., and Lydia Neagles, both of Mald., March 7, 1818. Hannah B., and Danforth Buttrick, both of Mald., Feb. 27, 1820, Sarah, and Otis Tufts, both of Mald., May 9, 1824. Eliza, of Mald., and George Dodge of Chelmsford, Nov. 6, 1824. Mary, of Saugus, and Jesse Holden, Jr., of Mald., May 18, 1827. Robert, Jr., and Susan Shute, both of Mald., March 29, 1834. Joanna R. T., and Zachariah Mansfeld, Jr., both of Mald., Oct. 8, 1836. Joanna T., and William Whittemore, Jr., both of Mald., Oct. 15, 1836. Lydia A., and Ezra Waitt, Jr., both of Mald., March 2, 1839. Sarah, of So. Reading, and Warren Howe of Mald., Aug. 31, 1839. William W., of So. Reading, and Sarah Guilford of Mald., Nov. 9, 1839. Emeline, and John J. Wait, both of Mald., May 2, 1840. Harriet N., of So. Reading, and Nathaniel F. Bruce of Mald., May 6, 1841. Isaac M., and Laura Ann Patchen, both of Mald., Oct. 30, 1841. John E., and Mary Tufts, both of Mald., April 10, 1842. Robert, and Nancy F. Higgins, both of Mald., March 6, 1847. Dea. William, of Mald., and Mrs. Deborah P. Palmer of Georgetown, May 15, 1847. Esther A., and William H. Nichols, both of Mald., April 15, 1848. Mrs. Fanny, of Mald., and Lot Pool of Newton, June 17, 1848. Samuel A., and Rossa [Rosa ?] L. Lothrop, both of Mald., Nov. 11, 1848. Lucy B., of Mald., and Andrew J. Tuttle of Saugus, Aug. 27, 1849. Benjamin H., and Jane Rand, both of Mald., Aug. 4, 1827. Eunice, of Lynnfield, and Rev. Aaron Green of Mald., Nov. 25, 1796. Harriet, res. in Mald., and Hubbard Emerson of So. Reading, June 4, 1825. Osgood 72 Mary, of Reading, and Thomas Pratt of Mald., Feb. 9, 1742/3. 43 512 Hannah, of Billerica, and Benjamin Blaney of Mald., Nov. 24, 1765. Alfred, Jr., of Boston, and Lydia Parker Oakes of Mald., Oct. 11, 1833. Packard 518 567 576 Jane, of Dedham, and William Richardson of Mald., March 21, 1835. Mary Bis of Lexington, and William Richardson, Jr., of Mald., Dec. II, 1845. Justince, of Mald., and Harrison Yeaton of Bath, Me., July 3, 1850. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 163 Paine, Payne 76 30 32 35 35 42 43 44 45 57 56 56 403 899 401 394 397 393 389 383 372 863 356 514 Tabitha, and Joseph Burditt [both of Mald.], March 27, 1737. John, of Mald., and Abigail Collins of Boston, Nov. Io, 1751. Stephen, of Mald., and Mary Brown of Cambridge, Dec. 7, 1753. Persis, of Mald., and Ebenezer Fuller, res. in Mald. [forbidden by Nathaniel Paine, Nov. 16, 1757], Nov. 5, 1757. Joseph, of Mald., and Lydia Williams of Lynn, Nov. 13, 1757. Joseph, of Charlestown, and Huldah Wilson of Mald., March 17, 1765. Phebe, and Jabez Lynde, Jr., both of Mald., Oct. 24, 1766. Huldah, of Mald., and David Abbot of Billerica, June 12, 1768. Jacob, res. in Mald., and Sarah Brown of Boston, Sept. 16, 1769. Elizabeth, and William Dexter, both of Mald., Dec. 22, 1779. Ebenezer, and Martha Bucknam, both of Mald., March 12, 1781. Lydia, and Jacob Sargeant, both of Mald., March 23, 1781. Sarah, of Mald., and Ebenezer [Prout] of Boston [Oct. 1, 1782]. John, and Jerusha Baldwin, both of Mald., Dec. 22, 1785. Eleanor, and Solomon Sargeant, both of Mald., 1786. Nancy, and William Green, both of Mald., April 15, 1791. Ebenezer, and Polly Oliver, both of Mald., April, 1792. Ebenezer, of Mald., and Hannah Hatch, res. in Mald., July 15, 1793. John, and Polly Leatherbee, both of Stoneham, Nov. 30, 1800. Elizabeth, and Eliakim Bucknam, both of Mald., Aug. 23, 1801. Samuel, and Rebecca Tufts, both of Mald., March 12, 1809. Lucretia, of Mald., and Calvin Whiting of Charlestown, Feb. 20, 1814. Mary, and Isaac Hill, both of Mald., Feb. 22, 1817. Isaac, of Wellfleet, and Catherine Rider of Mald., May 1, 1834. Palmer 493 570 Lucy, and John Taylor, both of Mald., Sept. 12, 1829. : Mrs. Deborah P., of Georgetown, and Dea. William Oliver of Mald., May 15, 1847. Parker 5 74 74 73 72 83 38 38 40 42 44 45 61 61 59 56 403 400 398 398 895 388 389 378 David, and Mary Upham, both of Mald., June 8, 1740. Rachel, and Jabez Lynde, both of Mald., Nov. 4, 1741. Benjamin, of Mald., and Phebe Green of Stoneham, Nov. 4, 1741. Esther, and John Harndel, both of Mald., Oct. 13 [1742]. Rebecca, and Benjamin Bucknam, both of Mald., Aug. 1, 1743. Thomas, of the Country Gore, and Eunice Thompson of Mald., Oct. 23 [1754]. Jacob, of Mald., and Elizabeth Cheever of Lynn, Aug. 29, 1761. Mercy, of Mald., and Samuel Nichols, res. in Mald., Oct. 4 [1761]. Ruhamah, of Reading, and James Cowen of Mald., Dec. 26, 1762. David, of Mald., and Elizabeth Groos of Stoneham, May 19, 1765. Benjamin, of Medford, and Tabitha Wilson of Mald., June 21, 1767. Jacob, Jr., and Lydia Hill, both of Mald., March 17, 1769. Tabitha, of Mald., and Joshua, Simonds of Medford, Jan. 29, 1775. Daniel, and Rebecca Dexter, both of Mald., Feb. 26, 1776. Jacob, and Rebecca Emerson, both of Mald., Jan. 29, 1777. Mrs. Rebecca, of Mald., and Dea. Benjamin Brintnall of Chelsea, June 30, 1780. Susanna, of Reading, and Capt. Bernard Green of Mald., Jan. 6, 1783. Elizabeth, of Lynn, and Samuel Oliver of Mald., March 6, 1787. Hannah, of Reading, and Solomon Sargeant of Mald., May 21, 1789. Rebecca, of Mald., and Daniel Thompson of Woburn, Sept. 19, 1789. Betsey, and Asa Tufts, both of Mald., Nov. 27, 1789. Phebe, and Thomas Wait, both of Mald., May 9, 1800. Isaac, of Mald., and Mary Webb of Brookline, July 5, 1801. Sally, and Jonathan Oakes, Jr., both of Mald., Oct. 21, 1804. 164 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Parker (continued) 875 Eliza, and Ebenezer Harnden, Jr., both of Mald., Sept. 7, 1806. 853 John, of Mald., and Bethiah Dodge of Beverly, Jan. 3, 1818. 492 Lydia Hill, and Urial Holmes, both of Mald., March 15, 1829. 612 Isaac S., and Phebe Pratt, both of Mald., Oct. 19, 1833. 519 Sarah C., of Lynn, and Aaron Green, 2, of Mald., July 12, 1835. 542 Benjamin, of Mald.,and Mary Ann Tucker of Andover, April 3, 1841. 672 Dr. Moses, of Mald., and Evelina Flint of Rutland, Vt., Sept. 11. 1848. Parks 42 Thomas, of Boston, and Mary Sweetser of Mald., May 5, 1765. 899 Leonard, of Lincoln, and Elizabeth Bucknam of Mald., Dec. 16, 1784. Parlin 567 Ezra W., and Nancy Pickering, both of Mald., Oct. 17, 1845. Parsons 31 Israel, of Leicester, and Hannah Wayte of Mald., Dec. 22, 1750. Patch 357 Salathiel, and Ruth Cummings, both of Mald., Jan. 11, 1817. 510 Mary Ann, of Mald., and James George of Lynn, Feb. 2, 1833. 667 Hannah T., and David W. Wyman, both of Mald., Sept. 20, 1845. 573 Elizabeth, of Mald., and Nathan Simonds, Jr., of Burlington, Jan. 6, 1849. Patchen 546 Laura Ann, and Isaac M. Oliver, both of Mald., Oct. 30, 1841. Patten 70 Thomas, and Jemima Brintnall, both of Mald., Oct. 1, 1745. Paul 58 John, res. in Boston, and Polly Clisby of Mald., Jan. 3, 1779. Peabody 74 Rebecca, of Boxford, and Richard Dexter of Malden., Oct. 25, 1741. 494 John, of Mald., and Clarissa Garvin of Manchester, N. H., Feb. 20, 1830. 519 Clarissa, of Lowell, and Rev. Aaron Waitt, Jr.. of Mald., May 31, 1835. 576 William C., of Cambridge, and Lydia Ann Lewis of Mald., June rg, 1850. Pease 857 Nathaniel, of Brighton, and Mary Perkins of Mald., Jan. 15, 1817. Peirce, Pierce 71 Ruth, of Mald., and James Millinor of Mansfield, June 27, 1744. 42 Elizabeth, of Charlestown, and Joseph Floyd of Mald., May 19, 1765. 357 William, and Sally Perkins, both of Maid., Feb. 8, 1817. 849 Charles, and Charlotte Townsend, both of Mald. [March] 25, 1820. 493 Mary H., and Hiram Welch, both of Mald., Sept. 20, 1821. 603 Eliza Amity, of Mald., and Oliver Dickson of Charlestown, April 9, 1831. 510 Samuel, Jr., and Mary Ann Baldwin, both of Mald., Feb. 9, 1833. 517 William, 2, and Mary Simonds, both of Mald., Oct. 11, 1834. 522 Susan, and Samuel H. Clapp, both of Mald., Sept. 26, 1835. ‘ 627 William, Jr., and Elizabeth Baldwin, both of Mald., Dec. 1 1836. 627 Eliza A., and William Baldwin. both of Mald., Jan. 1, 1837. 533 John, of Woburn, and Sarah Waitt of Mald., July 7, 1838. 535 Franklin, and Charlotte Stratton, both of Mald., April 6, 1839. 539 Charlotte, and John Vinton, Jr., both of Mald., May 23, 1840. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 165 Peirce, Pierce (continued ) 562 564 568 574 574 Pell 68 36 42 382 John B. L., of Stoneham, and Margaret A. Fairbanks of Mald., Jan. 7, 1843. Ann, and John Pratt, both of Mald., Dec. 9, 1843. Samuel, Jr., and Lavinia T. Emmons, both of Mald., March 14, 1846. Adeline, and Lewis P. True, both of Mald., Aug. 18, 1849. Joseph C., and Mercy G, Smith, both of Mald., Sept. 22, 1849. Abigail, of Lynn, and William Pratt of Malden., Nov. 5, 1747. William, and Bethiah Hallowell, both of Mald., April 8, 1759. William, of Mald., and Rebecca Howard of Lynn, May 12, 1765. Susanna, of Mald., and Jacob Newhall of Lynn, Nov. 1, 1794. Peneson 395 John, of Mald., and Sally Burrell of Lynn, Nov. 27, 1789. Pennell 528 546 Joseph W., of Mald., and Emily Whitney of Charlestown, April 2, 1836. Sumner, and Eunice Currier, both of Mald., Jan. 1, 1841 [1842]. Penny 377 519 527 535 539 542 571 William, and Betsey Grover, both of Mald., Aug. 25, 1805. Mary, and George Grover, both of Mald., July 5, 1835. Arianna, and Charles Grover, both of Mald., Feb. 11, 1837. Sarah Jane, and Joseph Howard, both of Mald., March 30, 1839. Daniel D., and Mary Ann Coombs, both of Mald., June 13, 1840. Sarah J., and Joseph Howard, both of Mald., Dec. 20, 1840. Elma A., of Mald., and James P. Grover of So. Reading, Oct. 30, 1847. Perkins 34 41 59 398 371 357 357 354 349 479 481 490 542 547 569 Perry 528 Peter, negro of Lynn, and Jenny, negro of Mald., Oct. 19, 1755. Padeshall, of Medford, and Elizabeth Sargeant of Mald., Sept. 23, 1764. Judith, and Ebenezer Brown, both res. in Mald., Jan. 27, 1777. aa: es ee and Rebecca Appleton of Ipswich, June 25, 1785 1789]. Rebecca Appleton, and Simon Tufts, both of Mald., Jan. 21, 1810. Mary, of Mald., and Nathaniel Pease of Brighton, Jan. 15, 1817. Sally, and William Pierce, both of Mald., Feb. 8, 1817. Micah, of Lynn, and Lucy Hall of Mald., Nov. 13, 1817. Lucy, and David Faulkner, Jr., both of Mald., April 1, 1820. Joseph P., and Sally Faulkner, both of Mald., March 28, 1823. Daniel A., and Evelina Barrett, both of Mald., April 24, 1824. Jacob, and Mary Vinning, both of Mald. [April , 1828}. Rene A., of Mald., and Mrs. Mary Rand of Charlestown, April 17, 1841. Mary A., and Joseph C. Cox, both of Mald., April 10, 1842. ar in of No. Chelsea, and John S. Nichols of Mald., March 20, 1847. William, and Hannah Lander, both of Mald., April 22, 1837. Phillips 33 38 509 517 James, and Elizabeth Clepson, both of Mald., March to, 1754. Francis, res. in Mald., and Anna Johnson of Mald., Nov. 8, 1761. Michael, of Charlestown, and Catherine N. Howe of Mald., July 28, 1832. Ivory, of Taunton, and Dorcas Holden of Mald., Feb. 7, 1835. 166 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Phinney 572 Stephen J., of Charlestown, and Jane Barrett of Mald., March 7, 1848. Phippen 568 ea of Mald., and Julia F. Hawley of Salem, N. H., May 23, 1846. Pickering 484 William, of Mald., and Eliza Aborn of Lynn, Feb. 4, 1826. 617 Sally, and John B. Smith, both of Mald., Dec. 13, 1834. 619 Harriet, and James B. Kimball, both of Mald., Aug. 1, 1835. 667 Nancy, and Ezra W. Parlin, both of Mald., Oct. 17, 1845. Pickernell 569 Joseph, of Boston, and Hannah D. Huntress of Mald., Oct. 29, 1846. Pierson 892 James, and Elsie Hadley, both of Mald., Jan. 7, 1794. 862 Mehitable [Parson], and Benjamin Nichols, both res. in Mald., April 30, 1814. Pike 60 Polly, of Roxbury, and Jabez Porter of Mald., Jan. 20, 1777. Pinder 508 Elizabeth, and Horatio Hall, both of Mald., March 17, 1832. 509 Nabby J., and Asa Knowlton, both of Mald., Sept. 22, 1832. Pitman 479 William, and Patience Stiles, both of Mald., March 27, 1823. 565 Elizabeth W., and Cheever Newhall, both of Mald., April 13, 1844. Pitts 486 Henry, and Lucy Wetherbee, both of Mald.[Feb. ov March , 1827]. 622 Mrs. Lucy W., and Ebenezer Nichols, Jr., both of Mald., Oct. 3, 1835. Poland 638 James, of Mald., and Esther Lunt of Medford, Feb. 8, 1840. Pollard 572 Josiah, and Mrs. Esther E. Pollard, both of Mald., March 18, 1848. 672 Mrs. Esther E., and Josiah Pollard, both of Mald., March 18, 1848. Polly, Polley 71 Samuel, of Medford, and Anna Nichols, res. in Mald., Jan. 20, 1744/5. 69 John, of Medford, and Jemima Nichols of Mald., July 1, 1746. 400 Samuel, of Medford, and Hannah Blodgett of Mald., March 9, 1788. 863 Thomas, and Mary Sargeant, both of Mald., Dec. 18, 1813. 484 Alice, and William Waitt, 4, both of Mald., Feb. 25, 1826. Pool 83 Samuel, of Reading, and Jerusha Green of Mald., Feb. 16, 1755. 64 Mrs. Elizabeth, of Chelsea, and Rev. Peter Thacher of Mald., Sept. 22, 1770. 402 Elizabeth, and Dr. John Sprague, both of Mald., Oct. 20, 1783. 401 Joseph Eaton, of Reading, and Lydia Howard of Mald., Oct. 26, 1786. 532 Joseph, and Eliza Robinson, both of Mald., March 17, 1838. 572 Lot, of Newton, and Mrs. Fanny Oliver of Mald., June 17, 1848. Poor 856 Samuel, and Lydia Sprague, both of Mald., Feb. 28, 1817. Popkin 385 Col. John, of Boston, and Mrs. Sarah Sargeant of Mald., Sept. 22, 1797. 868 Elizabeth, of Mald.,and Frederick Mayhew of New Bedford, June 23. 1811. 851 Sarah, of Mald., and George Campbell of Newburyport, May 15, 1819. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 167 Porter 43 63 62 62 60 387 378 509 539 576 Joseph, of Danvers, and Phebe Barrett of Mald., Jan. 9, 1767. Mary, and Joseph Lynde, Jr., both of Mald., May 20, 1771. Hannah, and Ebenezer Hills, both of Mald., Oct. 3, 1772. Lydia, and James Howard, both of Mald., Oct. 16, 1772. Jabez, of Mald., and Polly Pike of Roxbury, Jan. 20, 1777. Betsey, res. in Lynn, and Elihu Bucknam of Mald., July 7, 1799. Benjamin, and Nancy Barrett, both of Mald., Aug. 26, 1804. Emeline, of Mald., and Rev. Jefferson Hamilton of Randolph, Aug. II, 1832. Maria A., of Boston, and Ellery E. Bassett, of Mald., Feb. 18, 1840. Isaac, of Mald., and Julia A. Wilson of Portsmouth, N. H., May 22, 1850. Potter 73 400 Mary, of Lynn, and Joseph Baldwin of Mald., Oct. 27, 1742. Hannah, and John Brown, both of Mald. [Aug. _, 1787]. Pousland 483 490 Pratt ln. %3 72 72 69 68 65 31 65 30 30 82 35 36 36 38 38 39 40 63 62 60 60 57 57 403 403 403 402 402 402 401 401 400 400 398 Hannah, of Beverly, and William D. Crossfield of Mald., Sept. 1, 1825. Ruth, of Beverly, and Ebenezer Moses of Mald., May 4, 1828. ‘ Grover, of Mald., and Rebecca Lewis of Lynn, Jan. 9, 1725/6. Elizabeth, and John Oliver, Feb. , 1741/2. Thomas, of Mald., and Mary Osgood of Reading, Feb. 9, 1742/3. Elizabeth, and Samuel Shute, both of Mald., April 11, 1744. Ebenezer, and Elizabeth Knower, both of Mald., March 7, 1746/7. William, of Mald., and Abigail Pell of Lynn, Nov. 5, 1747. Thomas, and Sarah Simms, both of Mald., June 30, 1750. Mary, and Jacob Shute, both of Mald., Dec. 8, 1750. Floyd, of Mald., and Lydia Coffin of Groton, June 27, 1751. Samuel, of Chelsea, and Mrs. Elizabeth Wayte of Mald., Nov. 1, 1751. Ebenezer, of Mald., and Sarah Hough of Chelsea, Aug. 3, 1752. Dorothy, and Nathan Wayte, both of Mald., March 11, 1753. Joseph, of Mald., and Elizabeth Sprague of Chelsea, July 10, 1757. James, and Sarah Newhall, both of Mald., Jan. 1, 1758. Esther, and Lieut. Samuel Burditt, both of Mald., March 31, 1758. Amos, of Mald., and Sarah Upham of Lynn, March 29, 1761. Floyd, of Mald., and Deborah Brimblecom of Lynn, March 29, 1761. Mercy, of Mald., and Nathaniel Ingals of Lynn, Oct. 31, 1762. Phineas, and Elizabeth Sargeant, both of Mald., Nov. 27, 1763. Sarah, and Calvin Chittenden, both of Mald., July 5, 1771. Thomas, 3, and Anna Berry, both of Mald., Sept. 24, 1773. Jacob, and Phebe Jenkins, both of Mald., Sept. 16, 1776. Hannah, and Jeffrey Bedgood Williams, both of Mald., Oct. 14, 1776. Lydia, and Aaron Bucknam, both of Mald., Sept. 14, 1779. Rachel, of Mald., and Isaac Watts of Chelsea, Dec. 3, 1770. Phineas, of Mald., and Phebe Upham of Lynn, Feb. 13, 1782. John, of ae and Patty, alias Martha, Vinton of Stoneham, March II, 1782. Benjamin, of Chelsea, and Hannah Oakes of Mald., April 4, 1782. Elizabeth, of Mald., and Joseph Tuttle of Chelsea, Oct. 28, 1783. Elizabeth, and David Tufts, both of Mald., March 1, 1784. Sarah, of Mald., and James Wesson of Reading, March 22, 1784. Philip, and Patty, alias Martha, Williams, both of Mald., Feb. 24, 1786. Timothy, of Chelsea, and Hannah Grover of Mald., Feb. 12, 1787. Phineas, Jr., and Joanna Bucknam, both of Mald., Nov. 6, 1787. Hannah, and Edward Burditt, both of Mald., Aug. ro, 1788. Nathaniel, and Hannah Faulkner, both of Mald., June 29, 1789. 168 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Pratt (continued ) 394 384 383 380 380 877 376 373 366 362 358 357 348 847 478 478 480 486 486 487 487 487 489 489 491 493 503 512 518 522 523 533 535 540 562 562 562 563 564 566 566 567 568 569 569 570 573 574 Thomas Wait, of Charlestown, and Catharine Hatch of Mald., May 12, 1791. Timothy, of Mald., and Amy Russell of Mason, June 25, 1797. Thomas, Jr., of Mald., and Nabby Sylvester of Boston, Aug. 9, 1801. Phebe, and John Clarenbold, both of Mald., Nov. 19, 1802. Jacob, Jr., and Jemima Barnes, both of Mald., Oct. 16, 1803. John, Jr., and Hannah Upham, both of Mald., Aug. 18, 1805. Nathaniel, Jr., and Esther Bancroft, both of Mald., Sept. 15, 1805. Abigail, and William Waitt, both of Mald., July 12, 1807. James, and Rebecca Upham, both of Mald., Jan. 19, 1812. Sarah, of Mald., and Phineas Richardson, res. in Methuen, April 9, 1814. Thomas, and Phebe Hudson, both of Mald., Oct. 19, 1816. Ralph, and Lydia Sweetser, both of Mald., Dec. 21, 1816. Andrews W., of Chelsea, and Deborah Atkins of Mald., June 3, 1820. Hannah, and Nathaniel Tufts, both of Mald., Dec. 16, 1820, Olive, and Isaac Watts, both of Mald., Nov. 23, 1822. Ralph, of Mald., and Hannah Duntlin of Charlestown, Jan. 11, 1823. Benjamin, of Mald., and Eliza Calder of Charlestown, Jan. 17, 1824. David, and Lydia Hemingway, both of Mald., Dec. 16, 1826. Edward, of Chelsea, and Thankful P. Atkins of Mald., Jan. 5, 1827. Nathaniel, and Mrs. Martha Sargent, both of Mald., June 9, 1827. John, 2, of Mald., and Pamela Pratt of Newfane, Vt., July 29, 1827. Pamela, of Newfane, Vt., and John Pratt, 2, of Mald., July 29, 1827. Caleb, Jr., of Chelsea, and Pomona Atkins of Mald., Jan. 26, 1828. Sarah, of Chelsea, and Barney P. Atkins of Mald., March 6, 1828. Jane, of Mald.,and Edwin C. Brown of Charlestown, N. H., July 12, 1828. Henry, and Lois Tufts, both of Mald., Aug. 8, 1829. Nathan, of Mald., and Charlotte Arbone of Boston, Oct. 2, 1830. Phebe, and Isaac S. Parker, both of Mald., Oct. 19, 1833. Joshua H., of Mald., and Mary S. Waitt of Chelsea, May 9, 1835. Mary A., of Chelsea, and Simon H. Barrett of Mald., Nov. 28, 1835. Joseph, of Methuen, and Abby F. Hill of Mald., April 2, 1836. Rebecca U., and Nathaniel B. Gould, both of Mald., July 14, 1838. Robert L., of Chelsea, and Catherine Grover, of Mald., March 16, 1839. James, Jr., and Clarissa S. Corson, both of Mald., Sept. 19, 1840. Mrs. Lydia, and Thomas A. Reagh, both of Mald., Oct. 28, 1842. Fanny, of Mald., and Samuel S. Rogers of Reading, Dec. 31, 1842. Ann Eliza, and Moses P. Higgins, both of Mald., June ro, 1843. Fanny, alias Fanny Jones, and James Jones, both of Mald., Aug. 7, 1843. John, and Ann Pierce, both of Mald., Dec. 9, 1843. Susan W., and Ebenezer E. Wait, both of Mald., Dec. 29, 1844. Lydia Ann, and Nelson Vinal, both of Mald., May 31, 1845. John C., and Eliza Ann Blackburn, both of Mald., Sept. 13, 1845. Lydia Ann, and James M. Farrer, both of Mald., July 4, 1846. Charles, and Lydia Pratt, both of Mald., Oct. 13, 1846. Lydia, and Charles Pratt, both of Mald., Oct. 13, 1846. Hannah F., and James B. Kimball, both of Mald., July 17, 1847. Lois E., and Charles Sargent, both of Mald., Jan. 20, 1849. Rev. ee of Mald., and Hannah Brigham of Grafton, Aug. 7, 1849. Prentiss 358 574 Joseph, and Anna Nobles, both of Mald., Oct. 12, 1816. Roxalana G., and Joseph C. Robinson, both of Mald., March 10, 1849. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 169 Presby 572 Alvira, of Boston, and Thomas J. Ridler of Mald., Jan. 18, 1848. Prescott 566 Lorenzo G., of Mald., and Mary Jane Wiggins of Salem, Feb. 1, 1845. Prince 866 Oliva, colored, res. in Mald., and John Bancroft, an Indian, June 14, 1812. : Pritchard 898 Atta [Aza/anta], and Amos Howard, Jr., both of Mald., July 1, 1789. Prout 403 Ebenezer, of Boston, and Sarah [Payne] of Mald. [Oct. 1, 1782]. Punchard 899 William, of Salem, and Sally Sprague of Mald., Oct. 25, 1785. Pursley 43 Margaret, res. in Mald.,and John Grover, 3, of Mald., March 15, 1766. Putfark 666 Catharine, of Middlesex Village, and Charles F. Syffermann of Mald., Oct. 1, 1844. Putnam 384 William, of Reading, and Polly Vinton of Mald., Feb. 21, 1797. 485 James H., and Mary Hill, both of Mald., May 11, 1826. 617 Louisa, of Charlestown, N. H., and Francis T. Waitt of Mald., Nov. 22, 1834. 568 Eliel, of Medford, and Elizabeth S. Lewis of Mald., April 18, 1846. Putney 358 ee of So. Reading, and Nancy Howard of Mald., Aug. 3, » 1816. 481 Samuel, of Richmond,Va., and Elizabeth A. Howard of Mald., Aug. 14, 1824. 513 Mrs. Nancy, and Capt. James Brown, both of Mald., March 29, 1834. 566 Nancy, of Mald., and Loren Hale of Boston [forbidden by N. P.], Jan. 5, 1845. Ramsdell 41 John, of Mald., and Mary Sweetser of Reading, Sept. 16, 1764. 401 Nancy, and John Townsend, both of Mald., Jan. 15, 1787. 400 Polly, of Mald., and Ezra Floyd of Watertown, March 23, 1787. 398 Martha, of Lynn, and Thomas Knight of Mald., May 18, 1789. 893 John, Jr., and Lydia Howard, both of Mald., Aug. 25, 1793. 891 Elizabeth, and James Waite, both of Mald., March 13, 1796. 854 William, and Lucy L. Crosfield, both of Mald. Nov. 1, 1817. 348 John, 3, and Mary Ann Whitmash, both of Mald., Aug. 19, 1820. 477 Amos, and Phebe Wait, both of Mald., Feb. 16, 1822. 548 George, and Mary Vinton, both of Mald., July 31, 1841. 565 Phebe, of Mald., and Winslow Conant of Hanson, Sept. 7, 1844. 566 Ellen, and Alfred Harrison, both of Mald., June 21, 1845. 569 Harriet M., of Mald., and William O. Hall of No. Chelsea, April 10, 1847. 571 Lydia, and Charles [A.] Whittemore, both of Mald., Nov. 6, 1847. 575 William, Jr., and Nancy Faulkner, both of Mald., Jan. 5, 1850. 577 Charles, and Elizabeth Townsend, both of Mald., Oct. 24, 1850. Rand 45 Edmund, and Mary Jenkins, both of Mald., Jan. 1, 1770. 401 Joseph, of Medford, and Mary Jenkins of Mald., Nov. 19, 1786. 170 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Rand (continued) 881 Edmund, and Margaret Oliver, both of Mald., Oct. 11, 1802, 487 Jane, and Benjamin H. Organ, both of Mald., Aug. 4, 1827. 542 Mrs. Mary, of Charlestown, and Daniel A. Perkins of Mald., April 17, 1841. Randall 578 John P., of Mald., and Sarah A. Sweetser of Framingham, March 29, 1849. Raymond 876 William, of Charlestown, and Mary Cheever of Mald., Oct. 13, 1805. 539 Catherine E., of Mald., and Louis H. Hildreth of Westford, Feb. 29, 1840. Reagh, Reigh 562 Thomas A., and Mrs. Lydia Pratt, both of Mald., Oct. 28, 1842. Reed, Reid 881 Hannah, of Cambridge, and William Clark, res. in Mald., July 4, 1802. 848 Elizabeth [ezdZ], of Mald., and Capt. George Winslow of Boston, Oct. 14, 1820. 476 Mary B., of Woburn, and Oliver Bacon of Mald., April 1, 1821. 481 Mary, of Charlestown, and Adoniram G. Sweetser of Mald., Sept. 4, 1824. Rhoades 482 Sally, and Enoch Bryant, both res. in Mald., Feb. 26, 1825. Rice 71 Benjamin, of Brookfield, and Sarah Upham of Mald., June 3, 1744. 401 Edward, of Boston, and Esther Oakes of Mald., April 10, 1786. 857 Ruth, of Framingham, and Luther Brown of Mald., Nov. 9, 1816. 577 John S., and Julia A. Farrer, both of Mald., Nov. 9, 1850. Rich 478 David, Jr., of Mald., and Hitta Cummings Simonds of Burlington, April 13, 1822. 481 William, res. in Mald., and Nancy Grover of Mald., Nov. 20, 1824. 488 Martha S., and George Hitchings, both of Mald., Oct. 28, 1827. 492 Joshua, of Mald., and Ruth Caldwell of Charlestown, June 5, 1829. 507 Betsey, and Elisha Holden, both of Mald., Nov. 5, 1831. 512 Henry T., and Hannah Barrett, both of Mald., Nov. 9, 1833. 531 [Chloe] H., of Boston, and Nehemiah M. Rider, Jr., of Mald., Nov. II, 1837. 571 Seth, and Mary Jane Varrell, both of Mald., Oct. 30, 1847. 578 Henry, of Mald., and Mrs. Abigail Clark of Boston, Feb. 3, 1849. Richards 861 Bridget, of Salem, and Lemuel Burditt of Mald., April 8, 1815. 360 Bridget, and Lemuel Burditt, both res. in Mald., April 13, 1815. 575 Robert, and Catherine Cox, both of Mald., Dec. 20, 1849. 676 Robert, of Mald., and Ellen Lacy of Chelsea, Sept. 25, 1850. Richardson 66 Deborah, and Jabez Burditt, both of Mald., Nov. 4, 1749. 83 Ruth, of Mald., and William Leathers of Charlestown, April 12,1755. 37 Jotham, of Woburn, and Phebe Whittemore of Mald., Oct. 21, 1759. 44 Hannah, of Woburn, and Benjamin Comee of Mald., Aug. 21, 1768. 45 Eunice, res. in Mald., and David Hadley of Medford, Feb. 19, 1769. 57 Martha, and Joseph Barrett, both of Mald., April 30, 1780. 881 Rebecca, and Jesse Upham, Jr., both of Mald., Oct. 19, 1802. 380 Joseph, res. in Mald., and Esther Barns of Mald., July 10, 1803. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 171 Richardson (continued) 880 Mrs. Mary, of Woburn, and Amos Howard of Mald., July 24, 1803. 876 Susan, of Billerica, and George M. Barrett of Mald., Sept. 8, 1805. 875 William [H.], and Lydia Hill, both of Mald., Jan. 5, 1806. 873 Ruth, and Asa Upham, both of Mald., Jan. 24, 1808. 862 Phineas, res. in Methuen, and Sarah Pratt of Mald., April 9, 1814. 862 Francis, of Billerica, and Martha Richardson of Mald., May 14, 1814. 862 Martha, of Mald., and Francis Richardson of Billerica, May 14, 1814. 353 Nancy V., and Aaron Wait, 3, both of Mald., Feb. 21, 1818. 478 Betsey, and Uriah Oakes, Jr., both of Mald., Sept. 28, 1822. 479 George, and Clarissa Wyman, both of Mald., March 30, 1823. 483 Hartwell, of So. Reading, and Sabrina Butters of Mald., Aug. 13, 1825. 485 Ebenezer P., and Susan Howard, both of Mald.[Dec. , 1826]. 487 Rachel, and Warren L. Dow, both of Mald., April 21, 1827. 489 Calvin, of Mald., and Abigail B. McIntire of Reading, March 15, 1828. 492 Capt. Lewis, of Mald., and Phebe Hardy of Greenfield, N. H., Nov. 22, 1828. 493 Ithiel S.,and Martha Townsend, both of Mald., Sept. 19, 1829. 508 Angelina, of Mald., and John C. Tuck of Lynn, June 2, 1832. 510 Mrs. Clarissa, and Daniel Lynde, both of Mald., Dec. 15, 1832. 613 Lucy, and Caleb Howard, both of Mald., March 8, 1834. 618 Capt. Lewis, of Mald., and Mrs. Elizabeth Nichols of Boston, April 24, 1834. 518 William, of Mald., and Jane Packard of Dedham, March 21, 1835. 618 John G., and Eliza Ann Trask, both of Mald., May 15, 1835. 519 James C., and Harriet Chamberlain, both of Mald. [Aug. , 1835]. 623 Lewis, and Charlotte Sprague, both of Mald., March 2, 1836. 527 Lydia B., and Benjamin A. Tufts, both of Mald., March 4, 1837. 533 Harriet, ahd Nathan W. Holden, both of Mald., May 26, 1838. 546 William A., and Mary Newhall, both of Mald., Nov. 6, 1841. 565 Mary H., of Mald., and Joseph Wilkins of Stoneham, April 2, 1844. 565 Mary T., and Joseph B. Favour, both of Mald., May 9, 1844. 565 William H., Jr.,and Augusta M. Barrett, both of Mald., Nov. 16, 1844. 567 William, Jr., of Mald., and Mary F. Packard of Lexington, Dec. 11, 1845. Rider, Ryder 48 Mary, of Wellfleet, and Benjamin Sprague of Mald., Oct. 6, 1765. 514 Catherine, of Mald., and Isaac Paine of Wellfleet, May 1, 1834. 581 Nehemiah M., Jr., of Mald., and [Chloe] H. Rich of Boston, Nov. II, 1837. Ridler 572 Thomas J., of Mald., and Alvira Presby of Boston, Jan. 18, 1848. Rising 623 Ephraim S., of Mald., and Sarah E. George of Newburyport, Jan. 28, 1836. Robbins 62 John, and Mercy Fuller, both res. in Mald., July 25, 1772. 878 Francis, of Boston, and Eliza Oakes of Mald., Dec. 2, 1804. 612 John W., and Climena Melvin, both of Mald., Oct. 11, 1833. 543 John C., of Mald., and Alice Eliza Mann of Boston, Aug. 15, 1841. 662 David C., and Elizabeth B. Wait, both of Mald., Oct. 28, 1842. Roberts 669 Horace, of Charlestown, and Sarah W. Taylor of Mald., Oct. 9, 1846. 674 Mary Ann, of Lynnfield, and J. Thomas Cutter of Mald., Sept. 1, 1849. 172 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Robinson 491 Samuel, and Abigail A. Wheeler, both of Mald., June 28, 1828. 493 Ann, and Benjamin Johnson, both of Mald., Sept. 12, 1829. §24 William, 2, of Mald., and Elizabeth B. Tufts of Brookline, June 4, 1836. 526 Hepsibah, of Mald., and Newman Barnard of So. Reading, Oct. 29, 1836. 526 Henry, of Mald., and Eliza Hazeltine of Lynn, Nov. 5, 1836. 632 Eliza, and Joseph Pool, both of Mald., March 17, 1838. 562 Harriet E. G., of So. Reading, and James M. Tufts of Mald., Dec. 15, 1842. 667 [Mrs.] Elizabeth B., and Caleb Newton, both of Mald., July 29, 1845. 672 Martha Ann, and Thomas B. Blood, both of Mald., March 4, 1848. 574 Joseph C., and Roxalana G. Prentiss, both of Mald., March Io, 1849, Roby : 851 Isaac, and Lucy Wellington, both of Mald., Feb. 21, 1819. Rogers, Rodgers 635 Zaccheus, and Lucy Wade, both of Mald., March 9, 1839. 562 Samuel S., of Reading, and Fanny Pratt of Mald., Dec. 31, 1842. 564 Jonathan V., of Mald., and Rebecca Young of Orleans, Oct. 30, 1843. Roles 543 Mary J., and John N. H. Batchelder, both of Mald., June 5, 1841. Roots 510 Sarah, of Saugus, and George Upham of Mald., April 2, 1833. Ross 504 Dorcas, and Capt. Daniel Green, both of Mald., May 14, 1831. Rowell , 575 Stephen P., of Reading, and Hannah Fuller of Melrose, April 6, 1850. Rudge 41 Catherine, of Mald., and Isaac Townsend of Boston, Dec. 16, 1764. Runey 371 John, of Charlestown, and Hannah Sargeant of Mald., Dec. 31, 1809. Russell 384 Amy, of Mason, and Timothy Pratt of Mald., June 25, 1797. 481 Mrs. Bathsheba, and Henry Bigelow, both of Mald., Dec. 25, 1824. 524 Mary Ann, and Charles D. Adams, both of Mald., April 23, 1836. 541 Nancy, and James Baldwin, both of Mald., Oct. 3, 1840. 569 John P., of Billerica, and Sarah Winslow Smith of Mald., Oct. 19, 1846. 569 William W., of Watertown, and Louisa J. Russell of Mald., Jan. 23, 1847. 569 Louisa J., of Mald., and William W. Russell of Watertown, Jan. 23, 1847. Ryan chel. John, res. in Mald., and Lois Disper of Chelsea, Jan. 12, 1780. Sables 487 Thomas, of Mald., and Abigail Bradford of Medford, May 12, 1827. Salmon bost. Peter [of Boston], and Mary Marshall of Mald., Oct. 22, 1696. Sanborn 570 Nathan P., of Mald., and Mary Ann Sanders of Sanbornton, N. H., Oct. 14, 1847. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 173 Sanders 570 Mary Ann, of Sanbornton, N. H., and Nathan P. Sanborn of Mald., Oct. 14, 1847. Sanderson 486 Lucy, and John Holt, both res. in Mald., Feb. 24, 1827. Sanson 563 Joseph, and Mrs. Catherine Adams, both of Mald., May 17, 1843. Sargeant, Sargent 74 713 73 72 72 72 71 70 69 69 67 67 65 65 65 37 38 38 40 41 41 43 64 62 62 62 61 60 60 58 57 56 56 403 403 399 401 401 400 398 394 394 397 397 393 893 John, and Hannah Wadkins, both of Mald., June 6, 1740. Nathan, of Leicester, and Mary Sargeant of Mald., Dec. 30, 1741. Mary, of Mald., and Nathan Sargeant of Leicester, Dec. 30, 1741. John, of Mald., and Susanna Chamberlain of Chelsea, Dec. 8, 1742. Samuel, and Lois Wayte, both of Mald., Sept. 21, 1743. Jabez, of Mald., and Abigail Mower of Worcester, Oct. 4, 1743. Sarah, and John Goddard, both of Mald., July 10, 1745. Silas, and Mary Winslow, both of Mald., Jan. 26, 1745/6. Jabez, and Rachel Wayte, both of Mald., Aug. 29, 1746. Joseph, and Hannah Whittemore, both of Mald., Sept. 7, 1746. Thomas, and Mary Wayte, both of Mald., Oct. 31, 1748. James, and Elizabeth Upham, both of Mald., March 17, 1748/9. Ezra, and Deborah Sargeant, both of Mald., April 11, 1751. Deborah, and Ezra Sargeant, both of Mald., April 11, 1751. David, and Mehitable Green, both of Mald., April 13, 1751. Elizabeth, and Phineas Green, both of Mald., Sept. 23, 1759. Mary, and Thomas Barnes, both of Mald.; “not out published,” (sc), Sept. 21, 1761. Phebe, of Mald., and John Chenery of Watertown, Nov. 15, 1761. Elizabeth, and Phineas Pratt, both of Mald., Nov. 27, 1763. Elizabeth, of Mald., and Padeshall Perkins of Medford, Sept. 23, 1764. Thomas, of Mald., and Elizabeth Bridge of Roxbury, Jan. 13, 1765. Sarah, of Chelsea, and Ezra Wayte of Mald., Oct. 17, 1765. Abigail, and John Burditt, Jr., both of Mald., March 23, 1771. Ebenezer, and Huldah Sargeant, both of Mald., June 27, 1772. Huldah, and Ebenezer Sargeant, both of Mald., June 27, 1772. Winslow, and Mary Burditt, both of Mald., Dec. 22, 1772. Samuel, of Chelsea, and Anna Tuttle of Mald., March 26, 1774. Ezra, of Chester, N. Y., and Sarah Oakes of Mald., Sept. 16, 1776. David, and Anna Chittenden, both of Mald., Nov. 18, 1776. Capt. Nathan, and Ruth Emerson, both of Mald., Sept. 6, 1778. Mehitable, of Mald., and John Dow of Haverhill, July 3, 1779. Jacob, and Lydia Paine, both of Mald., March 23, 1781. Elizabeth, and Jonathan Lynde, both of Mald., Aug. 20, 1781. Amos, and Alice Bucknam, both of Mald., April 15, 1782. Thomas, and Hannah Comee, both of Mald., May 12, 1783. Samuel Green, and Martha Hills, both of Mald , May 2, 1785. Nahum, res. in Mald., and Sally Willis of Mald., July 26, 1786. Solomon, and Eleanor Pain, both of Mald. [——, 1786]. Rev. eel of Woburn, and Mrs. Nabby Blaney of Mald., March 28, 1787. Solomon, of Mald., and Hannah Parker of Reading, May 21, 1789. Rachel, and Stephen Sprague, both of Mald., Nov. 19, 1790. Solomon, and Lydia Dexter, both of Mald., Nov. 26, 1791. Ezra, Esq., and Mrs. Phebe Sprague, both of Mald., March 2, 1792. Esther, and Ebenezer Nichols, both of Mald., March 8, 1792. Nancy, and David Falkner, both of Mald., Aug 25, 1793. Samuel Scarborough, and Agnes Oakes, both of Mald., Oct. 4, 1793. 174 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Sargeant, Sargent (continued ) 391 Joseph, of Mald., and Anna Lisbon of Marblehead, March 13, 1796. 390 384 385 385 387 387 389 383 381 380 380 379 876 376 371 370 869 368 368 367 366 365 364 363 359 356 355 351 349 478 480 481 487 487 495 527 562 569 573 573 575 Sava 538 567 574 Nancy, of Mald., and Ebenezer Bancroft of Lynn, April 24, 1796. Mary, and William Lynde, both of Mald., June 27, 1797. Benjamin, and Hannah Burditt, both of Mald., Sept. 17, 1797. Mrs. Sarah, of Mald., and Col. John Popkins of Boston, Sept. 22, 1797. i and Mrs. Hannah Trench, both of Mald., Jan. 17, 1799. Mary, and Jonathan Baldwin, both of Mald., April 25, 1799. Persis, of Mald., and Isaac Hall of Medford, Nov. 30, 1800. Mrs. Ruth, and Samuel Wait, both of Mald., Dec. 12, 1801. Nancy, of Mald., and Daniel Lillie of Boston, Sept. 19, 1802. Benjamin, and Hannah Sargeant, both of Mald., Sept. 25, 1803. Hannah, and Benjamin Sargeant, both of Mald., Sept. 25, 1803. Winslow, and Mrs. Tabitha Bill, both of Mald., Jan. 22, 1804. Winslow, and Hannah Sargeant, both of Mald., Oct. 13, 1805. Hannah, and Winslow Sargeant, both of Mald., Oct. 13. 1805. Hannah, of Mald., and John Runey of Charlestown, Dec. 31, 1809. Eleanor, of Mald., and Thomas Learned of Watertown, March 25, 1810. Sally, of Mald., and James Hall of Charlestown, Sept. 23, 1810. Dorcas, of Mald., and John Beers of Boston, March 24, 1811. Deborah, of Mald., and Jonathan Wyeth of Watertown, July 14, 1811. Sally, and Lewis Fisher, both of Mald., Jan. 12, 1812. Winslow, and Mrs. Martha Barrett, both of Mald,, June 28, 1812. Phineas, and Mary Cutter, both of Mald., Sept. 27, 1812. Alice, and Leonard Emerson, both of Mald., March 7, 1813. Mary, and Thomas Polley, both of Mald., Dec. 18, 1813. Sarah D., and James Cox, both of Mald., Feb. 10, 1816. Capt. John, and Dorcas Nichols, both of Mald., April 19, 1817. Susan, of Mald., and John Sherburne of Boston, Sept. 29, 1817. Silas, and Diantha Fisher, both of Mald., Jan. 16, 1819. Aaron, of Charlestown, and Sarah Nichols of Mald., April 22, 1820. Thomas, and Phebe Bridge, both of Mald., March 30, 1822. Sarah, of Gardner, and Dea. Samuel Wait of Mald., Oct. 25, 1823. Thomas, of Charlestown, and Eliza Melvin of Mald., Nov. 12, 1824. Lydia, of Mald., and Peter Green of Stoneham [April ov May, 1827]. Mrs. Martha, and Nathaniel Pratt, both of Mald., June 9, 1827. David, 2, and Mary A. Cole, both of Mald., Sept. 11, 1830. Amos, and Esther Oakes, both of Mald., Nov. 19, 1836. Isaac, Jr., and Eliza Ann Folsom of Georgetown, Oct. 15, 1842. Moses, and Maria S. Cox, both of Mald., Oct. 30, 1846. Aaron T., and Mary A. Faulkner, both of Mald., Dec. 2, 1848. Charles, and Lois E. Pratt, both of Mald., Jan. 20, 1849. George, and Caroline M. Hall, both of Mald., Jan. 26, 1850. ge Sarah H., of Orford, N. H., and Coleman C. Kendrick of Mald., Aug. 31,, 1839. John, and Maria Edmester, both of Mald., Aug. 9, 1845. Eliza E., of Rowley, and John Fenderson of Mald., March 16, 1849. Sawyer 566 Mary Ann, of Medford, and David Marshall of Mald., Oct. 26, 184. Scarlet, Scadled In. Lydia, of Mald., and John Newhall of Lynn, Oct. 31, 1719. Schleicher 567 Conrad, of Mald., and Catherine Metyger of Boston, Sept. 13, 1845. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 175 Schnapp 576 Ernestine, and Herman Korman, both of Mald., May 25, 1850. Scott 861 Ann, of Charlestown, and Samuel Teel, res. in Mald., Feb. 4, 1815. 478 Eunice Moore, of Boston, and James Hitchings of Mald., Aug. 17, 1822. 642 Frederick, of Westford, and Mary W. Newton of Mald., Jan. 16, 1841. Scruton 576 Emily, of Mald., and Harrison Durgan of Lawrence, June 11, 1850. Seals 530 Thomas, and Mrs. Mary Davis, both of Mald., June 17, 1837. Seaver 568 Russell R., of Mald., and Susan C. Ayer of Medford, April 11, 1846. Seavey 568 John W., of Mald., and Rachel Seavey of Bethel, Me., May 14, 1846. 568 Rachel, of Bethel, Me., and John W. Seavey of Mald., May 14, 1846. Selick 59 James, and Mary Grover, both res. in Mald., Feb. 10, 1777. Senter 578 Julia E., of Mald., and Franklin H. Harnden of Boston, Nov. 13, 1848. 575 Sarah P., and David S. Faulkner, both of Mald., April 13, 1850. Shackford 669 Eunice Maria, and Orin Downs, both of Mald., Sept. 25, 1846. Shaw 508 Betsey, of Danvers, and Isaac Twiss of Mald., July ro, 1832. 569 Reuben C., of Boston, and Rebecca P. Smith of Mald., April 3, 1847. 575 George P., of Saugus, and Sarah L. Cheever of Mald., April 12, 1850. Shay 573 William, and Catherine Mahar, both of Mald., Feb. 1, 1849. Shed 571 Helen .M., of Charlestown, and Matthias Miner of Mald., Dec. 4, 1847. Shepard, Shepherd 479 David R., and Mary Faulkner, both of Mald., April 19, 1823. Sherburne 355 John, of Boston, and Susan Sargent of Mald., Sept. 29, 1817. Sherman 72 Mary, and James Whittemore, both of Mald., May 16, 1744. Shute 72 Samuel, and Elizabeth Pratt, both of Mald., April 11, 1744. 68 Thomas, and Sarah Baldwin, both res. in Mald., Dec. 31, 1747. 66 Mary, and Thomas Hills, both of Mald., March 18, 1749/50. 81 Jacob, and Mary Pratt, both of Mald., Dec. 8, 1750. 81 Richard, and Mary Green, both of Mald., Dec. 8, 1750. 86 Benjamin, of Mald., and Elizabeth Stower of Chelsea, Feb. 18, 1759. 87 Amos, and Phebe Knower, both of Mald., Oct. 21, 1759. 42 Lydia, of Mald., and William Watts, res. in Woburn, May 109, 1765. 45 Ebenezer, and Phebe Hitchings, both of Mald., Oct. 16, 1769. 45 Elizabeth, and John Grover, 4, both of Mald., Jan 6, 1770. 61 Mary, and Benjamin Waitt, Jr., both of Mald., Feb. 23, 1775. 60 Jacob, Jr., and Elizabeth Hitchings, both of Mald., Aug. 12, 1776. 176 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Shute (continued) 399 400 400 398 394 396 392 382 385 881 380 880 378 378 355 355 486 488 489 494 508 510 611 513 517 518 534 535 George, and Peternell Knower, both of Mald., March 3, 1785. Nancy, and George Knower, both of Mald., June 11, 1787. Richard, Jr., of Mald., and Sally Hawks of Lynn, Sept. 1, 1787. Richard, and Lydia Howard, both of Mald., Nov. 10, 1788. Phebe, of Mald., and Abraham French of Boston, Jan. 15, 1792. Mary, of Mald., and John Travalley of Roxbury, Feb. 25, 1793. Sarah, of Mald., and Enos Blake of Charlestown, Aug. 3, 1794. Solomon, and Elizabeth Lynde, both of Mald., Nov. 7, 1794. Samuel, and Lydia Wait, both of Mald., Nov. 10, 1797. Sarah, and John Burditt, both of Mald., Oct. 4, 1802. Samuel, and Lucy Cheever, both of Mald., Feb. 7, 1803. William, and Mary Watts, both of Mald., Oct. 16, 1803. Isaac, and Hannah Tufts, both of Mald., Aug. 5, 1804. Eliza, of Mald., and Enoch Hurlbut of Thompson, Ct., Dec. 23, 1804. George, of Mald., and Sarah Grover of Boston, June 14, 1817. Jacob, and Mrs. Nancy Knower, both of Mald., Aug. 23, 1817. Lucy, and Ezra Holden, Jr., both of Mald., April 14, 1827. Mary, and Ebenezer Neagles, both of Mald., Oct. 6, 1827. Henry, and Tabitha Nichols, both of Mald., March 22, 1828. Benjamin S., and Mrs. Sarah Adams, both of Mald., March 6, 1830. Phebe, and Eli Holden, both of Mald., April 5, 1832. Solomon, Jr., and Sarah Faulkner, both of Mald., Dec. 19, 1832. Harriet C., and Otis C. Wood, both of Mald., May 25, 1833. Susan, and Robert Oliver, Jr., both of Mald., March 29, 1834. Timothy T., and Anstis Norwood, both of Mald., Dec. 27 1834. Hannah B., and Peter A. Waitt, both of Mald., April 11, 1835. Samuel, and Marianne Bailey, both of Mald., Nov. 17, 1838. , Timothy T., and Mrs. Elizabeth Jefts, both of Mald., May 4, 1839. Sigourney 397 381 Mary Ann, and William Oliver, both of Mald., Jan. 26, 1792. Sarah, of Boston, and Capt. Daniel Waters of Mald., July 4, 1802, Silsbee 512 570 Henry, Jr., of Lynn, and Susanna Upham of Mald., Oct. 19, 1833. Susanna, and Jedediah V. Corson, both of Mald., Oct. 2, 1847. Simms bost. 65 John, of Boston, and Elizabeth Winslow of Mald., May 11, 1720. Sarah, and Thomas Pratt, both of Mald., June 30, 1750. Simonds 61 399 392 888 373 478 478 480 483 485 490 491 503 517 528 538 Joshua, of Medford, and Tabitha Parker of Mald., Jan. 29, 1775. Ebenezer, of Lexington, and Anna Bradbury of Mald., Jan. 20, 1785. Mary, of Lexington, and John Angier, res. in Mald., Feb. 7, 1794. Thaddeus, of Stoneham, and Polly Lynde of Mald., April 13, 1800. Charles, of Mald., and Mary Stacy of Ipswich, Sept. 25, 1808. Hitta Cummings, of Burlington, and David Rich, Jr., of Mald., April 13, 1822. Warren, and Lydia Wait, both of Mald., Oct. 12, 1822. eee of Mald., and Thomas J. Whittridge of Reading, Oct. 11, 1823. John, and Sarah W. Green, both of Mald., Sept. 22, 1825. Horatio N., of Cambridge, and Sarah Burrill of Mald., Sept. 30, 1826. Charles, 2, and Lucy Tufts, both of Mald. [May 4, 1828]. Joseph, and Mary Howard, both of Mald. [Aug. or Sept. , 1828]. Eben D., of Reading, and Tabitha Battelle of Mald., Jan. 1, 1831. Mary, and William Pierce, 2, both of Mald., Oct. 11, 1834. George W., and Alice S. Emerson, both of Mald., Jan. 23, 1836. William P., of Mald., and Hannah M. Hill of Lowell, Jan. 18, 1840. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 177 Simonds (continued) 564 Deborah O., of Boston, and Jonathan Taylor of Mald., Nov. 11, 1843. 566 Franklin, and Sarah Warner, both of Mald., Oct. 5, 1844. 570 Sarah A., of Mald., and John Hill, Jr., of Stoneham, Oct. 21, 1847. 573 Nathan, Jr., of Burlington, and Elizabeth Patch of Mald., Jan. 6, 1849. Simpson 356 Elizabeth, and Noah Gray, both of Mald., May 2, 1817. 485 David, and Mary Ann Harrington, both res. in Mald., April 15, 1826. Skidmore 862 Phebe, of Danvers, and Joseph Hunt, res. in Mald., April 23, 1814. Skimmer 68 Jane, of Boston, and John Waitt of Mald., April 3, 1778. Skinner 75 Rev. Thomas, of Colchester, and Mary Newhall of Mald., June 15, 1740. 67 Dorothy, of Medford, and Edward Sprague of Mald., Nov. 4, 1749. 81 Alice, of Lynn, and Aaron Bucknam of Mald., Oct. 14, 1750. 486 Mary Hervey, of Hudson, N. Y., and Rev. John Newton Brown of Mald., April 21, 1827. Smith 82 Jemima, of Reading, and Thomas Jenkins of Mald., March 2, 1753. 44 Isaac, of Boston, and Dorcas Barrett of Mald., April 12, 1767. 44 Mary, of Reading, and Joseph Barrett of Mald., Nov. 15, 1767. 45 Thomas, of Truro, and Bathsheba Caswell of Mald., March 24, 1770. 63 Daniel, of Reading, and Mary Sprague of Mald., June 5, 1771. 66 William, of Mald., and Miriam Leach of Haverhill, Aug. 28, 1781. 398 Elizabeth, and John Jenkins, Jr., both of Mald., April 7, 1789. 897 Dorcas, and Nathan Nichols, both of Mald., Jan. 26, 1792. 389 Anna, and Thomas Oakes, both of Mald., Aug. 30, 1800. 383 David, Jr. of Reading, and Phebe Howard of Mald., Aug. 16, 1801. 372 Lemuel, and Sarah Weatherbee, both of Mald., March 26, 1809. 349 John, of Salem, N. H., and Beulah Maria Lee of Mald., Jan. 1, 1812 [1820]. 478 Olive D., J. Lynn, and James Blodget of Mald., Feb. 28, 1823. 504 William, and Pamelia Johnson, both of Mald., Sept. ro, 1831. 514 Thomas, and Sarah Upham, both of Mald., June 5, 1834. 517 John B., and Sally Pickering, both of Mald., Dec. 13, 1834. 528 Mary W., and Oliver Drown, April 15, 1837. 534 Lucy F., of Canton, and Elisha B. Loring of Mald., Feb. 2, 1839. 538 Hiram, and Lucy Butler, both of Mald., Sept. 21, 1839. 540 Ebenezer, and Mrs. Lydia Fife, both of Mald., July 4, 1840. 664 Jane, of Boston, and Temple Dodge of Mald., Jan. 6, 1844. 569 Sarah py aes of Mald., and John P. Russell of Billerica, Oct. 19, 1846. 569 George W., of Mald., and Frances Moore of Boston, Dec. 19, 1846. 569 Rebecca P., of Mald., and Reuben C. Shaw of Boston, April 3, 1847. 572 Jesse D., of Salmon Falls, Me. [N. H.], and Mrs. Sarah J. Smith of Melrose [Malden], Aug. 19, 1848. 672 Mrs. Sarah J., of Melrose [Malden], and Jesse D. Smith of Salmon Falls, Me. [N. H.], Aug. 19, 1848. 573 Sarah, of Mald., and James R. Twombly of West Point, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1848. 574 Mercy G., and Joseph C. Peirce, both of Mald., Sept. 22, 1849. Snow 641 Nathaniel, and Rebecca Tufts, both of Mald., Nov. 14, 1840. 12 178 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Solis 850 Christopher, of Charlestown, and Hannah Blanchard of Mald., Sept. 19, 1819. Somerby 571 John, of Portsmouth, N. H., and Mrs. Elizabeth Waldron of Mald., Dec. 23, 1847. Soren 888 Mary, of Boston, and Thomas Hunt of Mald., Feb. 9, 1800. Sparrow 672 Ruth H., of Orleans, and James Stevens, Jr., of Mald., March 4, 1848. Speed 673 Thomas H., of Mald., and Frances Susan Huntress of Strafford, N. H., Oct. 21, 1848. Sprague bost. Elizabeth, of Mald., and Elisha Tuttle of Boston, March 16, 1723. bost. Hannah, of Mald., and John Call of Boston, Nov. 10, 1736. 76 Timothy, and [Mrs.] Mary Legg [both of Mald.], March 27, 1737. 72 Mary, and Joses Bucknam, both of Mald., Jan. 26, 1742/3. 18 Benjamin, and Phebe Lynde, both of Mald., March 5, 1743/4. 71 Edward, and Lydia Howard, both of Mald., June 10, 1744. 70 Mrs. Esther, of Mald., and David Bucknam, res. in Salem, Sept. 15, 1745. 69 Mary, and Thomas Wayte, both of Mald., May 7, 1746. 69 Phebe, and John Knower, both of Mald., May 21, 1746. 69 Stower, of Mald., and Rebecca Deal of Boston, Feb. 14, 1746/7. 68 Joseph, of Dudley, and Phebe Hutchinson of Mald., Aug. 26, 1747. 67 Phineas, of Mald., and Hannah Gould of Stoneham, Sept. 21, 1748. 66 Samuel, and Elizabeth Wade, both of Mald., Nov. 4, 1749. 67 Edward, of Mald., and Dorothy Skinner of Medford, Nov. 4, 1749. 66 Nathan, and Mary Hovey, both of Mald., Feb. 25, 1749/50. 65 Rebecca, and Joseph Howard, both of Mald., Sept. 2g, 1751. 65 Elizabeth, and John Green, both of Mald., Oct. 4, 1751. 80 Samuel, of Mald., and Rachel Floyd of Chelsea, Oct. 1, 1752. 82 Elizabeth, of Mald., and Ebenezer Wiley of Reading, Sept. 23, 1753. 85 Elizabeth, of Chelsea, and Joseph Pratt of Mald., July 10, 1757. 86 Timothy, of Mald., and Sarah Conery of Stoneham, Sept. 23, 1759. 87 Jonathan, of Medford, and Mary Townsend of Mald., March 16, 1760. 88 Mercy, and Joseph Burditt, both of Mald., July 26, 176r. 89 Jonathan, of Medford, and Tabitha Burditt of Mald., March 14, 1762. 43 Benjamin, of Mald., and Mary Ryder of Wellfleet, Oct. 6, 1765. 44 Phebe, of Mald., and Asa Hatch of Boston, Dec. 18, 1768. 64 Phineas, Jr., of Mald., and Sarah Fowle of Charlestown, Oct. 12, 1770. 63 Mary, of Mald.,and Daniel Smith of Reading, June 5, 1771. 62 Elizabeth, of Mald., and Naler Hatch of Boston, Oct. 21, 1772. 62 Mary, of Mald., and Cleft Hatch of Pembroke, May 1, 1773. 62 Phineas, 3, and Jemima Burditt, both of Mald., Dec. 4, 1773. 61 Martha, of Mald., and Moses Hall of Medford, Sept. 23, 1775. 61 Hannah, and Unite Cox, both of Mald., Feb. 25, 1776. 67 Hannah, and John Graham, both of Mald., May 14, 1780. 56 Dr. John, and Susanna Fowle, both of Mald., Jan. 1, 1781. 403 Polly, alias Mary, and Benjamin Lynde, both of Mald., April 4, 1782. 402 Jonathan, of Mald., and Kate Emerson of Reading, Aug. 12, 1783. 402 Dr. John, and Elizabeth Pool, both of Mald., Oct. 20, 1783. 399 Sally, of Mald., and William Punchard of Salem, Oct. 25, 1785. 401 William, of Mald., and Sally Newhall, res. in Mald., July 19, 1786. 398 William, and Susanna Merritt, both of Mald., Aug. 2, 1789. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 179 Sprague (continued ) 894 Stephen, and Rachel Sargeant, both of Mald., Nov. 19, 1790. 897 Mrs. Phebe, and Ezra Sargeant, Esq., both of Mald., March 2, 1792. 892 Cotton, and Phebe Lynde, both of Mald., Nov. 15, 1793. 890 Susanna, and John Nichols Dyer, both of Mald., Sept. 10, 1796. 879 Phineas, 3, of Mald., and Sally Fuller of Leominster, July 22, 1804. 877 Jonathan, Jr., and Hannah Barrett, both of Mald., June 16, 1805. 877 Eliza, of Mald., and Robert Foster of Chelmsford, July 14, 1805. 876 John, and Sally Hill, both of Mald., Oct. 20, 1805. $74 Sally, and Samuel Green, Jr., both of Mald., April 26, 1807. 867 Mary, and Joseph Boardman, both of Mald., Jan. 12, 1812. 865 Jonathan, Jr., of Mald., and Susanna Greeley of Boston, Jan. Io, 1813. 856 Lydia, and Samuel Poor, both of Mald., Feb. 28, 1817. 853 Samuel, and Charlotte Green, both of Mald., March 14, 1818. 851 Ruth, of Mald., and Aaron Vinton of Stoneham, April 17, 1819. 478 Hannah, and Samuel Green, both of Mald., Nov. 22, 1822. 483 Elmira, and George Emerson, both of Mald. [Aug. _ ,1825]. 484 Mary Ann, and George W. Barrett, both of Mald., Dec. 1, 1825. 489 Peter T., of Greenfield, and Maria Theresa Hussey of Mald., March I, 1828. 494 Sarah Ann, and Amos P. Lynde, both of Mald., Nov. 5, 1829. 507 Sally, of Mald., and Dr. Abraham Gould of Woburn, Nov. 26, 1831. 518 Abaline, and Freeman Upham, both of Mald., March 29, 1834. 514 Mary C., and Caleb Wait, both of Mald., May 25, 1834. 623 Charlotte, and Lewis Richardson, both of Mald., March 2, 1836. 536 Susan F., and Henry H. Hyde, both of Mald., June 22, 1839. 567 Louisa, of Mald., and Aaron Cowdrey, Jr., of So. Reading, Nov. 29, 1845. 668 Ezra Vinton, of Stoneham, and Sarah Emeline Wilkinson of Mald., Aug. 29, 1846. 575 Phineas, 2, of Mald., and Frances J. Grout of Spencer, May 1, 1850. Spring 376 Elizabeth, and Peter Wait, both of Mald., Sept. 22, 1805. 856 Ann Maria, and William Howard, both of Mald., March 8, 1817. Spurr 385 Lemuel, of Dorchester, and Nancy Wilson of Mald., Sept 2, 1797. Stacy 873 Mary, of Ipswich, and Charles Simonds of Mald., Sept. 25, 1808. Standish 863 Nancy, of Boston, and Amos Damon of Mald., Feb. 20, 1814. Staniels 570 oe R., of Mald., and George E. Adams of Medford, June 11, 1847. Stanton 372 Betsey, and Samuel Cox, both of Mald., May 7, 1809. Stanwood 577 Joseph E., and Louisa B. Harnden, both of Mald., Dec. 10, 1850. Starr 495 Mrs. Lydia, of Stoneham, and Henry Van Voorhis of Mald., Aug. 14, 1830. Stearns 571 Lucy T. G., and Henry Barrett, both of Mald., Jan. 1, 1848. 674 William St. Agnan, and Hannah Emily Whitman, both of Mald., April 20, 1849. 180 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Steele 539 Susan R., and John A. Cox, both of Mald. [forbidden by two Justices of the Peace], March 28, 1840. 643 Susan R., of Medford, and John A. Cox of Mald., June 5, 1841. Stevens 667 Isaac E., of Marlboro, and Susan C. Burditt of Mald., Dec. 9, 1845. 568 Joseph R., of Mald., and Mary S. Low of Saco, Me., Jan. 29, 1846. 672 James, Jr., of Mald., and Ruth H. Sparrow of Orleans, March 4, 1848. 576 Mary Ellen, and Gustavus Loring, both of Mald., Oct. 17, 1850. Stiles 358 Isaac, of Mald., and Miriam Baker of Lunenburg, Sept. 7, 1816. 479 Patience, and William Pitman, both of Mald., March 27, 1823. 607 Eunice, of Boston, and William Marshall of Mald., Nov. 9, 1831. 517 Lucinda A., and Charles H. Brown, both of Mald., Nov. 1, 1834. 637 Emeline B., and William F. Ayer, both of Mald., Aug. 6, 1839. 546 Laureston, and Lucinda M. Gilson, both of Mald., Dec. 18, 1841. 564 Harriet W., of Mald., and Philander Barney of Providence, R. I., Feb, 10, 1844. 668 Nancy Emeline, of Middleton, and Gustavus H. Tufts of Mald., May 16, 1846. 670 Orissa A., and Robert Newhall, both of Mald., April 24, 1847. 572 Caroline M., of Mald., and Albert Ayer of Charlestown, May 3, 1848. 578 Augustus, and Emeline E. Cox, both of Mald., Nov. 6, 1848. 577 Isabella M., and Henry A. Allen, both of Mald., Nov. 14, 1850. Stimpson 480 Stephen, and Elizabeth Blaney, both of Mald., Jan. 22, 1824. 495 Diadamia, and Samuel Tuck, both of Mald., Sept. 18, 1830. 510 Stephen, of Mald., and Elizabeth Clapp of Dorchester, March 3, 1833. 566 Lucy, of Charlestown, and George T. Barney of Mald., July 19,1845. Stinson 541 James L., of Mald., and Margaret E. Burt of Methuen, Oct. 31, 1840. Stocker 480 Thomas, and Eunice Hitchings, both res. in Mald., Aug. 17, 1823. Stone 33 Mary, of Charlestown, and Isaac Wheeler of Mald., Feb. 17, 1754. 383 Barnabas, of Boston, and Esther Townsend of Mald., Dec. 12, 1801. 863 Joseph, of Mald., and Eliza Green of So. Reading, Nov. 7, 1813. 571 Louensa A., of East Douglas, and Charles A. Lincoln of Mald., Oct. 29, 1847, Stower, Stowers 81 Richard, and Judith Wayte, both of Mald., Nov. 1 [1750]. 84 Amos, and Susanna Jeffords, both of Mald., Oct. 26, 1755. 86 Elizabeth, of Chelsea, and Benjamin Shute of Mald., Feb. 18, 1759. 62 Mary, res. in Mald., and Samuel Berry of Charlestown, Aug. 9, 1773. 403 Mercy, and Benjamin Bucknam, both of Mald., June 17, 1783. 402 Elizabeth, and Nathan Bucknam, both of Mald., Oct. 7, 1784. 870 Joseph, of Chelsea, and Sally Wait Bryant of Mald., July 29, 1810. 360 ae S., and Phebe F. Trevalley, both res. in Mald., April 12, 1815. 568 Mary B., of No. Chelsea, and David Higgins of Mald., Sept. 3, 1846. Stratton 869 Dana, and Sarah Townsend, both of Mald., Dec. 23, 1810. 535 Charlotte, and Franklin Peirce, both of Mald., April 6, 1839. 639 Francis D., and Sarah M. Cutter, both of Mald., May 2, 1840. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 181 Stuart 889 Sarah, of Chelsea, and Nathaniel Hatch of Mald., March 8, 1801. Sullivan 885 Richard, of Boston, and Eliza Barns, res. in Mald., Sept. 9, 1797- 575 Dr. John L., Jr., and Mary E. Lynde, both of Mald., March 13, 1850. Sunderland 492 Rev. Leroy, of Mald., and Mehitable Ewins of Salem, N. H., Dec. 9, 1828. Sutton 43 Patience, of Boston, and William Welcome of Mald., Aug. 23, 1766. Swain 508 Charles B., of Nantucket, and Susan H. Odiorne of Mald., March 24, 1832. Swan 527 Thomas, and Harriet Cheever, both of Mald., March 4, 1837. 533 Thomas, and Caroline Cheever, both of Mald., Aug. 25, 1838. Sweetser 75 Lydia, of Mald., and Daniel Merritt of Boston, Nov. 4, 1739. 70 Rebecca, of Charlestown, and Samuel Wayte of Mald., March 3, 1745/6. 89 Stephen, of Charlestown, and Abigail Barrett of Mald., Nov. 21, 1762. 41 Mary, of Reading, and John Ramsdill of Mald., Sept. 16, 1764. 42 Mary, of Mald., and Thomas Parks of Boston, May 5, 1765. 43 Sarah, of Reading, and Joseph Burditt of Mald., March 2, 1766. 63 Thomas, of Charlestown, and Elizabeth Hill of Mald., June 8, 1771. 58 Sarah, and Stephen Green, both of Mald., Oct. 18, 1778. 402 James, and Lydia Burditt, both of Mald., Oct. 2, 1783. 399 James, of Mald., and Susanna Griffin of Reading, Feb. 24, 1786. 395 Betsey, and Nathan Lynde, Jr., both of Mald., Nov. 15, 1789. 387 James, and Hannah Griffin, both of Mald., Sept. 12, 1798. 365 George, of So. Reading, and Mary Edmunds of Mald., Aug. 19, 1812. 862 Hannah, and Shubael Guild, both of Mald., July 23, 1814. 857 Lydia, and Ralph Pratt, both of Mald., Dec. 21, 1816. 852 Lydia, of Saugus, and Jacob Cheever of Mald., Nov. 7, 1818. 481 Adoniram G., of Mald., and Mary Reid of Charlestown, Sept. 4, 1824. 482 Daniel, of Mald., and Louisa Harrington of West Cambridge, March 5, 1825. 526 Varnum, oC So. Reading, and Caroline Emerson of Mald., Nov. 12, 1836. 543 Abigail G., of So. Reading, and Ephraim Fuller of Mald., Aug. 14, 1841. 564 Seth, and Roxana B. Blodgett, both of Mald., Oct. 4, 1843. 578 Sarah A., of Framingham, and John P. Randall of Mald., March 29, 1849. Swinerton 528 Ebenezer, of Mald., and Hannah P. Cross of Danvers, May 11, 1837. Syfferman 566 Charles F., of Mald., and Catherine M. Putfark of Middlesex Village, Oct. 1, 1844. Sylvester 883 Nabby, of Boston, and Thomas Pratt, Jr., of Mald., Aug. 9, 1801. 512 Harriet A., of Boston, and Joseph Henry Waitt of Mald., Aug. 24, 1833. 182 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Tainter 388 Nathaniel, and Lois Howard, both of Mald., Dec. 5, 1801. 489 Ezra, of Mald., and Susan Flint of So. Reading [March _, 1828]. 493 Nathaniel, and Mrs. Phebe Clarinbold, both of Mald., June 20, 1829. Tarbell 484 Nancy, of Mald., and Mirick Wilder of Dracut [March 18, 1826]. Tarbox 36 Samuel, of Lynn, and Mary Wheeler of Mald., May 7, 1758. Tasker 574 Lydia L., of Dover, N. H., and Elbridge Wait of Mald., May 109, 1849. Tay 570 Francis J., and Albina Noyes, both of Mald., Oct. 9, 1847. Taylor 70 Anna, and Thomas Boston, both late res. in Mald., Dec. 20 [1745]. 67 Catherine, and Stephen Tufts, both of Mald. [see Zzfts], July 17, 1748. 62 Lois, of Reading, and John Tufts of Mald., May 1, 1773. 493 John, and Lucy Palmer, both of Mald., Sept. 12, 1829. 509 Lucy Ann, of Mald., and Loammi Bailey of Charlestown, Aug. 18, 1832. 682 Shubael L., and Harriet A. Newhall, both of Mald., March 17, 1838. 542 Franklin, and Rebecca P. Newhall, both of Mald., Feb. 27, 1841. 664 Jonathan, of Mald., and Deborah O. Simonds of Boston, Nov. 11, 1843. 565 Lydia W., and John C. Edwards, both of Mald., March 9, 1844. 566 Samuel D., and Lucinda Upham, both of Mald., Nov. 2, 1844. 566 Elizabeth A., of Mald., and James N. Veazey of Boston, Feb. 9, 1845. 567 Mary A.,of Mald., and Oliver Veazey of Charlestown, Sept. 28, 1845. 569 Sarah W., of Mald., and Horace Roberts of Charlestown, Oct. 9, 1846. 572 Adeline S., and Joseph Holbrook, both of Mald., July 3, 1848. Teale, Teel 403 Benjamin, of Medford, and Mary Gill of Mald., Aug. 4, 1783. 361 Samuel, res. in Mald., and Ann Scot of Charlestown, Feb. 4, 1815. 491 Martha, of Charlestown, and Benjamin G. Hill of Mald., Aug. 2, 1828. Tewksbury 546 George W., of Chelsea, and Joanna Wait of Mald., Nov. 1, 1841. Thacher 64 Rev. Peter, of Mald., and Mrs. Elizabeth Pool of Chelsea, Sept. 22, 1770. 891 Rev. Thomas Cushing, of Lynn, and Elizabeth Blaney of Mald., June 2, 1795. 364 Hannah, of Mald., and Reuben Washburn, Esq., of Lynn, Sept. 18, 1813. : Thomas 69 William, and Mary Hill, both of Mald., March 13, 1746/7. 352 Bee W., of Braintree, and Uriah Tufts, Jr., of Mald., May 17, 1818. Thompson 33 Eunice, of Mald., and Thomas Parker of the Country Gore, Oct. 23 [1754]. 42 Phebe, of Stoneham, and Samuel Townsend of Mald., Jan. 13, 1765. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 183 Thompson (continued) 57 Capt. James, of Boston, and Bridget Dexter of Mald., Jan. 17, 1780. 400 Bridget, of Mald., and Nehemiah Torrey, res. in Mald., April 25, 1787. 898 Daniel, of Woburn, and Rebecca Parker of Mald., Sept. 19, 1789. 891 Betsey, of Woburn, and James Howard of Mald., Oct. 4, 1795. .854 Joseph, of Charlestown, and Mrs. Susan Thompson of Mald., Nov. I, 1817. 854 Mrs. Susan, of Mald., and Joseph Thompson of Charlestown, Nov. 1, 1817, 643 Adam, and Mary H. Cox, both of Mald., April 24, 1841. 662 Mary, of Salem, and George Baldwin of Mald., Dec. 17, 1842. 570 James, of Mald., and Sarah W. Dodge of Newton, May 15, 1847. 570 Mary H., of Mald., and Thomas Clarke of Lyman, Me., Oct. 23, 1847. Thurston 576 Mrs. Adeline, of East Boston, and George H. Cooledge of Mald., May 7, 1850. Tibbets 643 Sarah W., and Reuben Hatch, both of Mald., June 26, 1841. 674 Hannah P., and John Hatch, both of Mald., Aug. 18, 1849. 575 James, of Lynn, and Rebecca Nichols of Mald., April 12, 1850. Todd 507 Sarah, of Mald., and Thomas Green of Chelsea, Dec. 3, 1831. §19 Mary Jane, of Mald., and John Lewis, 3, of Lynn, June 14, 1835. 563 Martha Ann, of Mald., and Joshua Butters of Chelsea, July 26, 1843. Tolman 562 Cahill, of Fitchburg, and Rebecca L. Torrey of Mald., Aug. 3, 1842. Toothaker 567 Sarah E., and Moses George, both late of Mald., Oct. 16, 1845. Torrey 400 Nehemiah, res. in Mald., and Bridget Thompson, of Mald., April 25, 1787. 562 Rebecca L., of Mald., and Cahill Tolman of Fitchburg, Aug. 3, 1842. Tower 482 Anna, of Sudbury, and James Cate, res. in Mald., Jan. 22, 1825. 519 Mary J., of Hingham, and Rev. Ralph W. Allen of Mald., July 12, 1835. Towle 869 Caroline Esewls in int. but Zow/e in m.], and Stephen Myrick, Jan. 20, 1811. Towner : 564 Mary Ann, of Saugus, and James Cooms of Mald., Nov. 3, 1843. 571 Levi] C., and Eliza Hemingway, both of Mald., Dec. 18, 1847. Townsend 37 Mary, of Mald., and Jonathan Sprague of Medford, March 16, 1760. 41 Solomon, and Esther Harnden, both of Mald., Nov. 25, 1764. 41 Isaac, of Boston, and Catherine Rudge of Mald., Dec. 16, 1764. 42 Samuel, of Mald., and Phebe Thompson of Stoneham, Jan. 13, 1765. 69 Nancy, and David Edmonds, Jr., both of Charlestown, Feb. 28, 1777. 401 John, and Nancy Ramsdell, both of Mald., Jan. 15, 1787. 890 Polly, and William Howard, both of Mald., Dec. 10, 1796. 883 Esther, of Mald., and Barnabas Stone of Boston, Dec. 12, 1801. 877 Nancy, and Aaron Wait, Jr., both of Mald., June 16, 1805. 873 Ebenezer, and Mrs. Susanna Green, both of Mald., Sept. 4, 1808. 184 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Townsend (continued ) 869 Sarah, and Dana Stratton, both of Mald., Dec. 23, 1810. 860 Hannah W., and Nathan Barker, both of Mald., Aug, 19, 1815. 850 John, Jr., of Mald., and Nancy Desmore of Marblehead, Sept. 25, 81 1819. 849 Charlotte, and Charles Pierce, both of Mald. [March] 25, 1820. 481 Josiah, and Martha Blaney, both of Mald., May 1, 1824. 485 Mrs. Nancy, and Nathan Newhall, both of Mald., Aug. 20, 1826. 493 Martha, and Ithiel S. Richardson, both of Mald., Sept. 19, 1829. 494 George, and Mary Abbot, both of Mald., Oct. 17, 1829. 586 Angelina, and John A. Grammer, both of Mald., July 20, 1839. 577 Elizabeth, and Charles Ramsdill, both of Mald., Oct. 24, 1850. Trail 63 Mary, of Stoneham, and John Vinton of Mald., Nov. 30, 1771. Trask 379 Zadoc, and Eliza Dyar, both of Mald., July 29, 1804. 483 John, of Mald., and Nancy Greeley of Boston, Sept. 28, 1825, 518 Eliza Ann, and John G. Richardson, both of Mald., May 15, 1835. Travally 396 John, of Roxbury, and Mary Shute of Mald., Feb. 25, 1793. 360 Phebe F., and Samuel S. Stowers, both res. in Mald., April 12, 1815. Trench 387 Mrs. Hannah, and David Sargeant, 3, both of Mald., Jan. 17, 1799. True 574 Lewis P., and Adeline Peirce, both of Mald., Aug. 18, 1849. Tuck 495 Samuel, and Diadamia Stimpson, both of Mald., Sept. 18, 1830. 608 John C.,-of Lynn, and Angelina Richardson of Mald., June 2, 1832. 545 Esther P., of Lynn, and Edward H. Ashcroft of Mald., Oct. 9, 1841. Tucker ; 73 Joshua, of Woodstock, and Mary Wright of Mald., Dec. 30, 1741. 528 Jeremiah, Jr., of Canton, and Susanna C. Brett of Mald., April 22, 1837. 542 Mary Ann, of Andover, and Benjamin Parker of Mald., April 3, 1841. Tufts 67 Stephen, and Catherine Taler[Zaylor or Toler ?], both of Mald., July 17, 1748. 85 Phebe, of Medford, and Nathan Wayte of Mald., Aug. 7, 1757. 87 Benjamin, of Medford, and Esther Lynde of Mald., Oct. 26, 1760. 87 Sarah, of Medford, and Stephen Wayte of Mald., Nov. 2, 1760. 40 John, of Mald., and Rebecca Hawkes of Lynn, Feb. 20, 1763. 63 Mary, of Charlestown, and Abraham Frost of Mald., July 26, 1771. 62 John, of Mald., and Lois Taylor of Reading, May 1, 1773. 62 Stephen, Jr.,.and Hannah Farrington, both of Mald., May 8, 1773. 56 Samuel, 3, of Medford, and Martha Upham of Mald., April 11, 1781. 402 David, and Elizabeth Pratt, both of Mald., March 1, 1784. 400 John, Jr., and Lydia Falkner, both of Mald., Aug. 11, 1788. 395 Asa, and Betsey Parker, both of Mald., Nov. 27, 1789. 395 Asa, of Dover, N. H., and Patty Harris of Mald., Aug. 30, 1790. 396 Josiah, and Lydia Merritt, both of Mald., Oct. 27, 1792. 378 Hannah, and Isaac Shute, both of Mald., Aug. 5, 1804. 376 aa Jr., of Mald., and Mary Abbot of Wilton, N. H., Sept. 15, 1805. 874 Peter, and Fanny Holden, both of Mald., Dec. 21, 1806. 874 Catherine, and Capt. Daniel Waitt, both of Mald., April 19, 1807. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 185 Tufts (continued ) 372 371 371 866 863 362 353 353 352 352 348 347 481 485 490 490 493 511 513 513 524 527 531 541 548 547 562 568 563 564 564 568 570 571 578 573 573 575 Rebecca, and Samuel Paine, both of Mald., March 12, 1809. Simon, and Rebecca Appleton Perkins, both of Mald., Jan. 21, 1810. Nancy, and James Wadkins, both of Mald., Feb. 18, 1810. Sarah, and Edward Newhall, Jr., both of Mald., Feb. 15, 1812. Mary, of Mald., and Freeman Cole of New York, March 26, 1814. Lucy, of Medford, and Capt. Caleb Blanchard, Jr., of Mald., Sept. 30, 1814. William, and Mary Tufts, both of Mald., Jan. 3, 1818. Mary, and William Tufts, both of Mald., Jan. 3, 1818. Joseph W., and Eliza Wait, both of Mald., April 12, 1818. Uriah, Jr., of Mald., and Deborah W. Thomas of Braintree, May 17, 1818. Lieut. Ebenezer, and Hannah H. Harnden, both of Mald., Sept. 3, 1820. Nathaniel, and Hannah Pratt, both of Mald., Dec. 16, 1820. Otis, and Sarah Oliver, both of Mald., May 9, 1824. Fanny, and Thomas Dascomb, both of Mald. [Nov. _ , 1826]. Huldah, of Chelsea, and John Wait, 3, of Mald. [April 5, 1828]. Lucy, and Charles Simonds, 2, both of Mald. [May 4, 1828]. Lois, and Henry Pratt, both of Mald., Aug. 8, 1829. Sarah J., and Lorenzo B. Newhall, both of Mald., July 20, 1833. Peter H., and Ruth Breeden, both of Mald., Dec. 14, 1833. Mary Ann, and John Webber, both of Mald., Jan. 18, 1834. Elizabeth B., of Brookline, and William Robinson, 2, of Mald., June 4, 1836. Benjamin A., and Lydia B. Richardson, both of Mald., March 4, 1837. Charlotte M., and Richard Yeaton, both of Mald., Feb. 3, 1838. Rebecca, and Nathaniel Snow, both of Mald., Nov. 14, 1840. Sarah A., and David Hutchins, both of Mald., May 29, 1841. Mary, and John E. Oliver, both of Mald., April 10, 1842. James M., of Mald., and Harriet E. G. Robinson of So. Reading, Dec. 15, 1842. Eliza, of Mald., and John Lewis, Jr., of Boston, Aug. 12, 1843. Almira H., of Mald., and Charles H. Lewis of Boston, Aug. 12, 1843. Hannah P., of Mald., and Benjamin Wiley of So. Reading, Nov. 17, 1843. Edward, 2, and Susan White, both of Mald., Jan. 26, 1844. mere. of Mald., and Nancy Emeline Stiles of Middleton, May 16, 1846. Joseph W., Jr., and Eliza S. Cox, both of Mald., May 19, 1847. Nathan, and Charlotte W. Corey, both of Mald., Dec. 25, 1847. T mo and Caroline Augusta Johnson, both of Mald., Nov. 25, 1848. Ellen A., and Andrew Nichols, both of Mald., Dec. 9, 1848. Franklin, and Mary Jane Chapman, both of Mald., Feb. 24, 1849. Ellen M., and Hubbard R. Lewis, both of Mald., Nov. 10, 1849. Turner 57 518 536 Mary, of Scituate, and Capt. Isaac Chittenden of Mald., Dec. 30, 1779. Hannah D., of. Chelsea, and Charles Daniels of Mald., April 11, 1835. Samuel E. C., and Hannah Guild, both of Mald., June 22, 1839. Tuttle bost. 61 402 574 Elisha, of Boston, and Elizabeth Sprague of Mald., March 16, 1723. Anna, of Mald., and Samuel Sargeant of Chelsea, March 26, 1774. Joseph, of Chelsea, and Elizabeth Pratt of Mald., Oct. 28, 1783. Andrew J., of Saugus, and Lucy B. Oliver of Mald., Aug. 27, 1849. 186 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Twiss 504 George N., and Ann E. Watkins, both of Mald., May 7, 1831. 508 Isaac, of Mald., and Betsey Shaw of Danvers, July 10, 1832. Twombly 526 Cyrus, and Nancy C. Davis, both of Mald., Nov. 12, 1836. 573 James R., of West Point, N. Y., and Sarah Smith of Mald., Nov. 11, 1848. Underwood 86 Parker, of Littleton, and Hannah Bucknam of Mald., Sept. 24, 1758. Unthank 69 Barbara, of Chelsea, and Benjamin Wayte of Mald., Jan. 31, 1746/7. Upham 75 Timothy, of Mald., and Mary Cheever of Lynn, Sept. 29, 1739. 75 Judith, of Charlestown, and John Deland of Mald., Oct. 21, 1739. 75 Mrs. Mary, of Mald., and Capt. Daniel Goff of Boston, Dec. 29, 1739- 75 Mary, and David Parker, both of Mald., June 8, 1740. 74 Amos, of Mald., and Lois Green of Reading, Oct. 5, 1740. 71 Sarah, of Mald., and Benjamin Rice of Brookfield, June 3, 1744. 71 Hannah, of Mald., and Israel Cook of Boston, Dec. 5, 1744. 69 Abigail, and Abraham Hill, both of Mald., April 23, 1746. 68 Jacob, of Mald., and Rebecca Burnett of Reading, Sept. 19, 1747. 67 Ebenezer, of Leicester, and Lois Wayte of Mald., Aug. 3, 1748. 67 Elizabeth, and James Sargeant, both of Mald., March 17, 1748/9. 66 John, res. in Mald., and Deliverance Fowle of Lynn, April 27, 1750. $1 Tamesin, of Mald., and Jonathan Wiley of Lynn, June 17, 1750. 80 Hannah, of Mald., and John Haskin of Boston, Jan. 15, 1752. 88 Sarah, of Lynn, and Amos Pratt of Mald., March 29, 1761. 40 Amos, and Mary Green, both of Mald., Jan. 29, 1764. 44 Lydia, and Benjamin Grover, both of Mald., Aug. 30, 1767. 60 Amos, Jr., of Mald., and Anna Knight of Stoneham, Dec. 23, 1776. 69 William, of Mald., and Hannah Walton of Reading, Sept. 1, 1777. 66 Mary, of Mald., and Aaron Boardman of Chelsea, Nov. 4, 1780. 56 Martha, of Mald., and Samuel Tufts, 3, of Medford, April 11, 1781. 403 Phebe, of Lynn, and Phineas Pratt of Mald., Feb. 13, 1782. 403 Ezra, of Mald., and Sarah [Watts] of Chelsea, May 20, 1782. 899 Jabez, and Sally Hills, both of Mald., May 2, 1785. 886 Amos, Jr., of Mald., and Mrs. Ruth Wilkins of Middleton, Nov. 17, 1797. 886 Elizabeth, and Samuel Howard, both of Mald., Feb. 16, 1798. $81 Jesse, Jr., and Rebecca Richardson, both of Mald., Oct. 19, 1802. 877 Hannah, and John Pratt, Jr., both of Mald., Aug. 18, 1805. 875 Mrs. Sarah, and William Oliver, both of Mald., Feb. 23, 1806. 875 Nathan, and Eunice Howard, both of Mald., March 30, 1806. 874 William, Jr., of Mald., and Dorothy Blanchard of Wilton, N. H., Dec. 21, 1806. 873 Asa, and Ruth Richardson, both of Mald., Jan. 24, 1808. 866 Rebecca, and James Pratt, both of Mald., Jan. 19, 1812. 855 Susan, of Mald., and Jonathan Green, Jr., of Stoneham, Jan. 14, 1817. 477 Hannah, and Francis Hemingway, both of Mald., Nov. 11, 1821. 484 Sally, of Mald., and George Leslie of Cambridge, Oct. 1, 1825. 484 Sarah, and John Lynde, 3, both of Mald., Jan. 14, 1826. 490 apie Mald., and Jedediah B. [error for V.] of Boston, May 17, 1828. 492 Clarissa, and Joseph Lynde, 3, both of Mald., March 27, 1829. 495 Joshua, 2, of Mald., and Elizabeth B. Ireson of Lynn, Aug. 28, 1830. 603 Joshua, of Mald., and Mary C. Boardman of Chelsea, April 5, 1831. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 187 Upham (continued) 510 George, of Mald., and Sarah Roots of Saugus, April 2, 1833. 612 Susanna, of Mald., and Henry Silsbee, Jr., of Lynn, Oct. 19, 1833. 613 Freeman, and Abaline Sprague, both of Mald., March 29, 1834. 514 Sarah, and Thomas Smith, both of Mald., June 5, 1834. 614 John, and Elizabeth Vinning, both of Mald., Aug. 30, 1834. 627 Lucy, of Mald., and Joseph W. Noble of Stoneham, Feb. 18, 1837. 530 Mary Ann, of Mald., and William Jones of Boston, Sept. 16, 1837. 585 Joshua, of Mald., and Mary G. Dawes of Boston, June 1, 1839. 537 Zeluty, of Mald., and Cornell Kinney of Medford, Aug. 3, 1839. 542 Eunice, and George Lynde, 2, both of Mald., Feb. 18, 1841. 646 Eri, of Mald., and Hannah E. Harris of Saugus, Dec. 4, 1841. 566 Lucinda, and Samuel D. Taylor, both of Mald., Nov. 2, 1844. 567 Harriet, and Kittredge Avery, both of Mald., Oct. 30, 1845. 571 Lydia, and Samuel Barker, both of Mald., Dec. 31, 1847. 574 Benjamin R., and Rachel Farnsworth, both of Mald., April 6, 1849. Van Voorhis 491 Daniel T., of Fishkill, N. Y.,and Mercy Edmands of Mald., Aug. 18, 1828. 495 Henry, of Mald., and Mrs. Lydia Starr of Stoneham, Aug. 14, 1830. Varrell 640 Ruth A., and Jason C. Hurd, both of Mald., Sept. 12, 1840. 571 Mary Jane, and Seth Rich, both of Mald., Oct. 30, 1847. Vaughan 638 John, and Sarah Brackett Dore, both of Mald., Jan. 9, 1840. 567 George W., and Caroline L. Dunton, both of Mald., Nov. 15, 1845. Veasey, Veazie 566 James N., of Boston, and Elizabeth A. Taylor of Mald., Feb. 9, 1845. 567 Oliver, of Charlestown, and Mary A. Taylor of Mald., Sept. 28, 1845. Vinal 566 Nelson, and Lydia Ann Pratt, both of Mald., May 31, 1845. Vinning 875 Thomas, and Lydia Lynde, both of Mald., April 13, 1806. 871 Samuel, and Polly Emerson, both of Mald., Feb. 18, 1810. 490 Mary, and Jacob Perkins, both of Mald. [April , 1828]. 603 Lydia, and Zera Estes, both of Mald., March 15, 1831. 614 Elizabeth, and John Upham, both of Mald., Aug. 30, 1834. Vinton 39 Mary, and Ezra Green, Esq., both of Mald., March 28, 1762. 64 Hannah, of Stoneham, and Micah Waitt of Mald., Feb. 9, 1771. 63 John, of Mald., and Mary Trail of Stoneham, Nov. 30, 1771. 403 Patty, alias Martha, of Stoneham, and John Pratt of Mald., March II, 1782. 402 John, of Reading, and Mary Green of Mald., Nov. 1, 1784. 384 Polly, of Mald., and William Putnam of Reading, Feb. 21, 1797. 883 Betsey, and John Larrabee, both of Mald., July 19, 1801. 363 ase of Stoneham, and Joseph Lynde, Jr., of Mald., March 26, 1814. 357 John, of Stoneham, and Harriet Cox of Mald., Feb. 15, 1817. 851 Aaron, of Stoneham, and Ruth Sprague of Mald., April 17, 1819. 850 Mary, of Boston, and James Allen of Mald., Aug. 9, 1819. 482 Mary, and John Larrabee, Jr., both of Mald. [Jan. ~ , 1825]. 494 Frances, and Benjamin Day, both of Mald., March 27, 1830. 539 John, Jr., and Charlotte Peirce, both of Mald., May 23, 1840. 640 Nathan A., and Mary G. Brown, both of Mald., Aug. 15, 1840. 188 MALDEN MARRIAGE [INTENTIONS Vinton (continued) 543 548 569 Wade 13 66 44 64 382 391 390 380 374 374 361 535 Mary, and George Ramsdill, both of Mald., July 31, 1841. Charles A., of Mald., and Eliza Badger of Charlestown, May 20, 1842. Mary, and Jonas G. Brown, both of Mald., Nov. 29, 1846. Samuel, of Medford, and Martha Newhall of Mald., Nov. 15, 1741. Elizabeth, and Samuel Sprague, both of Mald., Nov. 4, 1749. Elizabeth, of Mald., and Paul Dexter of Boston, March 22, 1767. Edward, and Rebecca Harnden, both of Mald., May 26, 1770. Pamela, and Daniel Wait, both of Mald., Nov. 7, 1794. Lucy, and Ens. Stephen Wait, both of Mald., Feb. 28, 1795. Susanna, and Ezra Green, both of Mald., Sept. 24, 1796. Esther, of Mald., and Joseph Weatherbee of Boston, Nov. 19, 1802. Martha Upham, and Abel Winship, both of Mald., Feb. 15, 1807. Betsey Dexter, and Daniel Hitchings, both of Mald., May 3, 1807. Edward, Jr., and Nancy P. Hoskins, both of Mald., Oct. 8, 1814. Lucy, and Zaccheus Rogers, both of Mald., March 9, 1839. Waite, Wayte, Wait 72 72 72 70 69 69 69 68 67 67 67 31 31 31 30 82 33 32 32 83 35 37 37 39 39 39 40 43 43 64 64 64 63 61 61 61 58 58 Mrs. Anna, of Mald., and John Hoyle of Providence, July 27, 1743. Tabitha, and Nathan Newhall, both of Mald., Sept. 7, 1743. Lois, and Samuel Sargeant, both of Mald., Sept. 21, 1743. Samuel, of Mald., and Rebecca Sweetser of Charlestown, March 3, 1745/6. Thomas, and Mary Sprague, both of Mald., May 7, 1746. Rachel, and Jabez Sargeant, both of Mald., Aug. 29, 1746. Benjamin, of Mald., and Barbara Unthank of Chelsea, Jan. 31, 1746/7. Sarah, of Chelsea, and Edward Oliver of Mald., Nov. 5, 1747. Mary, of Mald., and James Bayley of Boston, April 27, 1748. Lois, of Mald., and Ebenezer Upham of Leicester, Aug. 3, 1748. Mary, and Thomas Sargeant, both of Mald., Oct. 31, 1748. Anna, of Mald., and Thomas Burrage of Lynn, Oct. 28, 1750. Judith, and Richard Stower, both of Mald., Nov. 1 [1750]. Hannah, of Mald., and Israel Persons of Leicester, Dec. 22, 1750. Mrs. Elizabeth, of Mald., and Samuel Pratt of Chelsea, Nov. 1, 1751. Nathan, and Dorothy Pratt, both of Mald., March 11, 1753. Samuel, of Mald., and Mary Goodwin of Charlestown, Jan. 6, 1754. Joseph, of Mald., and Mary Wayte of Chelsea, April 14, 1754. Mary, of Chelsea, and Joseph Wayte of Mald., April 14, 1754. Timothy, and Joanna Lynde, both of Mald., Sept. 21, 1755. Nathan, of Mald., and Phebe Tufts of Medford, Aug. 7, 1757. Rebecca, of Mald., and Luke Lincoln of Petersham, Oct. 21, 1759. Stephen, of Mald., and Sarah Tufts of Medford, Nov. 2, 1760. Huldah, and Darius Green, both of Mald., Jan. 31, 1762. William, Jr., and Elizabeth Blaney, both of Mald., April 25, 1762. Eunice, of Mald., and Noah Floyd, res. in Medford, April 25, 1762. Phebe, and Ebenezer Barrett, both of Mald., Jan. 29, 1764. Ezra, of Mald., and Sarah Sargeant of Chelsea, Oct. 17, 1765. John, Jr., of Mald., and Ruth Lynde, res. in Mald., Sept. 20, 1766. Ebenezer, and Elizabeth Grover, both of Mald., Aug. I1, 1770. Rachel, and Jesse Burditt, both of Mald., Jan. 25, 1771. Micah, of Mald., and Hannah Vinton of Stoneham, Feb. 9, 1771. Thomas, 3, and Lydia Hitchings, both of Mald., Aug. 30, 1771. Samuel, Jr., and Bethiah Ingoldsby, both of Mald., Nov. 4, 1774. Stephen, of Mald., and Susanna Burrage of Lynn, Feb. 18, 1775. Benjamin, Jr., and Mary Shute, both of Mald., Feb. 23, 1775. Mary, and Charles Hill, both of Mald., Nov. 17, 1777. John, of Mald., and Jane Skimmer of Boston, April 3, 1778. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 189 Waite, Wayte, Wait (continucd) 57 403 402 402 899 400 394 396 393 392 382 382 391 391 385 385 386 386 387 388 889 389 383 381 380 380 379 379 378 378 377 377 376 376 874 374 373 372 367 364 364 364 364 362 361 360 360 359 358 357 353 353 352 852 Samuel, Jr., of Mald., and Rebecca Harris of Lancaster, Feb. 21, 1780. Sarah, of Mald., and Ebenezer Bryant of Stoneham, July 25, 1783. Elizabeth, of Mald., and Philemon Munroe of Lexington, Dec. 5, 1784 [1783]. Mary, and Benjamin Bucknam, both of Mald., Dec. 16, 1784. Sear Mary, of Mald., and John Bryant of Reading [May , 1785]. Samuel, 3, and Mary Hill, both of Mald., May 12, 1788. Nancy, and William Nichols, both of Mald., Nov. 25, 1790. John, 3, and Martha Barrett, both of Mald., Nov. , 1792. Ruth, and Seth Breeden, both of Mald., June 14, 1793. Samuel, Jr., and Sally Caswell, both of Mald., Nov. 15, 1793. Micah, Jr., and Phebe Howard, both of Mald., Aug. 10, 1794. Daniel, and Pamela Wade, both of Mald., Nov. 7, 1794. Ens, Stephen, and Lucy Wade, both of Mald., Feb. 28, 1795. James, and Elizabeth Ramsdell, both of Mald., March 13, 1796. Andrew, and Susanna Cheever, both of Mald., Aug. 12, 1797. Lydia, and Samuel Shute, both of Mald., Nov. 10, 1797. Eliza, and Benjamin Blaney, both of Mald., Nov. 17, 1797. Aaron, and Nancy Cheever, both of Mald., April 11, 1798. Susan, and Isaac Watts, both of Mald., March 31, 1799. Thomas, and Phebe Parker, both of Mald., May 9, 1800. Thomas, Jr., and Hannah Cheever, both of Mald., May 11, 1801. Hannah, of Mald., and Dr. Jabez Dow of Kensington, N. H., May 24, 1801. Samuel, and Mrs. Ruth Sargeant, both of Mald., Dec. 12, 1801. Hannah, of Roxbury, and Lieut. Joseph Lynde, Jr., of Mald., Aug. 22, 1802. Micah, and Martha Waitt, both of Mald., Nov. 28, 1802. Martha, and Micah Waitt, both of Mald., Nov. 28, 1802. John, 4, of Mald., and Betsey Green of Reading, Dec. 18, 1803. Ezra, 4, and Rebecca Barns, both of Mald., March 11, 1804. William, 3, and Mary Burditt, both of Mald., Aug. 19, 1804. Hannah, of Mald., and William Williams of Rearing Dec. 23, 1804. John, 4, and Nancy Barns, both of Mald., Jan. 20, 1805. Aaron, Jr., and Nancy Townsend, both of Mald., June 16, 1805. Peter, and Elizabeth Spring, both of Mald., Sept. 22, 1805. Deborah, and Timothy Clapp, both of Mald., Dec. 4, 1805. Phebe, of Mald., and William Hudson of Putney, Vt., April 19, 1807. Capt. Daniel, and Catherine Tufts, both of Mald., April 19, 1807. William, 4, and Abigail Pratt, both of Mald., July 12, 1807. Samuel, and Mrs. Rebecca Brintnall, both of Mald., Aprii 9, 1809. Sally, and Unite Cox, Jr., both of Mald., Nov. 24, 1811. Darius, and Sarah Wait, both of Mald., April 3, 1813. Sarah, and Darius Wait, both of Mald., April 3, 1813. Mrs. Phebe, and Charles Hill, both of Mald., Aug. 29, 1813. John, Jr., of Mald., and Lydia Newhall of Lynn, Oct. 16, 1813. Nathaniel, and Sarah Neagles, both of Mald., Aug. 20, 1814. Ezra, Jr., and Elizabeth Jenkins, both of Mald., March 18, 1815. Mercy, and Eliakim Bucknam, both of Mald., May 6, 1815. Benjamin, and Ann Allen, both of Mald., May 28, 1815. Jonathan, and Elizabeth Hall, both of Mald., July 21, 1816. Pamela, and Joseph Andrews, both of Mald., Oct. 12, 1816. William, and Elizabeth T. Learned, both of Mald., Nov. 23, 1816. Aaron, 3, and Nancy V. Richardson, both of Mald., Feb. 21, 1818. Charles, and Sarah Learned, both of Mald., March 7, 1818. Eliza, and Joseph W. Tufts, both of Mald., April 12, 1818. Hannah, and Ezra Floyd, both of Mald., Nov. 21, 1818. 190 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Waite, Wayte, Wait (continucd) 351 477 478 478 480 480 482 483 484 484 487 489 490 492 493 494 494 503 509 611 512 513 513 514 517 518 518 518 518 519 519 522 527 531 533 534 535 535 539 539 544 544 546 548 562 564 564 566 567 568 570 572 578 Martha, of Mald., and Enoch Bryant of So. Reading, Jan. 23, 1819. Phebe, and Amos Ramsdill, both of Mald., Feb. 16, 1822. David, Jr., of Mald., and Joanna Murdock of Newton, Oct. 11, 1822. Lydia, and Warren Simonds, both of Mald., Oct. 12, 1822. Charles, of Mald., and Rebecca Green of So. Reading, May 11, 1823. Dea. Samuel, of Mald., and Sarah Sargent of Gardner, Oct. 25, 1823, Elizabeth, and Granville Jeffs, both of Mald., Feb. 26, 1825. Sally J., of Mald., and George Hervey of Andover, July 2, 1825. Hannah, of Mald., and Loammi T. Coggin of Boston[Oct. , 1825]. William, 4, and Alice Polley, both of Mald., Feb. 25, 1826. Thomas, 3, and Rebecca Breeden, both of Mald. [May _, 1827]. Eliza M., and Arthur B. York, both of Mald., Feb. 23, 1828. John, 3, of Mald., and Huldah Tufts of Chelsea [April 5, 1828]. Sarah, and Timothy Clapp, both of Mald., March 21, 1829. Harriet C., and Joel Kendall, both of Mald., June 20, 1829. Amos, of Mald., and Eliza Batts of Saugus, Jan. 16, 1830. Susan, and William Jones, both of Mald., June 19, 1830. Peletiah R., and Mary T. Gould, both of Mald., Nov. 29, 1830. Samuel H., and Nabby L. Oakes, both of Mald., Sept. 1, 1832. Phebe, and William Mann, both of Mald., June 1, 1833. Joseph Henry, of Mald., and Harriet A. Sylvester of Boston, Aug. 24, 1833. Reuben, of Mald., and Rebecca Bryant of Charlestown, Nov. 28, 1833. Nancy, and Oliver Lord, both of Mald., Dec. 7, 1833. Caleb, and Mary C. Sprague, both of Mald., May 25, 1834. Francis T., of Mald., and Louisa Putnam of Charlestown, N. H., Nov. 22, 1834. Susan G., of Mald., and Eben P. Gould of Boston, March 31, 1835. Martha S., and Solomon P. Corey, both of Mald., April 2, 1835. Peter A., and Hannah B. Shute, both of Mald., April 11, 1835. Mary S., of Chelsea, and Joshua H. Pratt of Mald., May 9, 1835. Rev. Aaron, Jr., of Mald., and Clarissa Peabody of Lowell, May 31, 1835. George N., and Mrs. Lucy Oakes, both of Mald., Aug. 30, 1835. Mary, and Lowell Chamberlain, both of Mald., Dec. 12, 1835. Aaron L., and Julia H. Lord, both of Mald., Dec. 3, 1836. Maria, and Simon Black, both of Mald., Nov. 11, 1837. Sarah, of Mald., and John Peirce of Woburn, July 7, 1838. Caleb A., of Mald., and Sarah Atwood of Chelsea, Jan. 5, 1839. Ezra, Jr., and Lydia A. Oliver, both of Mald., March 2, 1839. Elizabeth, and Elias Elliot, Jr., both of Mald., May 25, 1839. Joshua, of Mald., and Eliza Ann Durgin of Conway, N. H., Feb. 15, 1840. John J., and Emeline Oliver, both of Mald., May 2, 1840. Joseph H., and Elizabeth Abbot, both of Mald., Aug. 21, 1841. John, and Hannah Lathe, both of Mald., Sept. 11, 1841. Joanna, of Mald., and George W. Tewksbury of Chelsea, Nov. 1, 1841. Rebecca A., and David P. Cox, both of Mald., May 14, 1842. Elizabeth B., and David C. Robbins, both of Mald., Oct. 28, 1842. Rachel L., and William L. Burditt, both of Mald., Oct. 17, 1843. Stephen, and Susan O. Mann, both of Mald., Nov. 26, 1843. Ebenezer E., and Susan W. Pratt, both of Mald., Dec. 29, 1844. Caroline E., and Horace Lewis, both of Mald., Sept. 4, 1845. John, and Elizabeth Clarke, both of Mald., May 2, 1846. Mary Ann, and Anthony Lovett, both of Mald., Sept. 11, 1847. Almira A., and George Hanson, both of Mald., Sept. 14, 1848. Mary A me of Mald., and Samuel H. Kempton of Plymouth, Oct. 5, 1o4o. . MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS I9I Waite, Wayte, Wait (continued ) 573 Caroline Brown, of Mald., and Calvin Atwood of Chelsea, Nov. 25, 1848. 578 David, 2, and Frances P. Flanders, both of Mald., Feb. ro, 1849. 674 Hannah M., and Rufus R. McAllister, both of Mald., March 25, 1849. 574 Ebenezer, 2, of Mald., and Caroline A. F. Grover of No. Chelsea, April 6, 1849. 574 Elbridge, of Mald., and Lydia L. Tasker of Dover, N. H., May 19, 1849. Wakefield 877 Terence, of Boston, and Rebecca Dexter of Mald., March 21, 1805. Waldron 571 Mrs. Elizabeth, of Mald., and John Somerby of Portsmouth, N. H., Dec. 23, 1847. Walker 493 Ruth, of Hebron, N. H., and Samuel George of Mald., July 25, 1829. Wallingford 662 Drusilla, and William C. Hall, both of Mald., Jan. 7, 1843. 576 Judith Ann, of Mald., and George Atwood of Chelsea, Sept. 23, 1850. Walton %5 Abigail, of Reading, and Benjamin Howard of Mald., Jan. 13, 1739/40. 83 Isaac, of Reading, and Mary Cowen of Mald., Aug. 26, 1754. 64 Catherine, of Reading, and Lemuel Brown of Mald., Aug. 24, 1770. 59 Hannah, of Reading, and William Upham of Mald., Sept. 1, 1777. ‘Ward 513 Mary Ann, and Isaac Baldwin, both of Mald., Nov. 23, 1833. 534 Nathaniel, and Jane Adams, both of Mald., Jan. 26, 1839. 569 George W., of Boston, and Susan B. Warren of Mald., Sept. 25, 1846. 673 Caroline E., and Frederick Baldwin, both of Mald., Jan 13, 1849. ‘Warner 479 [Mrs.] Ursula, of So. Reading, and John Harnden of Mald. [March or April, 1823]. 566 Sarah, and Franklin Simonds, both of Mald., Oct. 5, 1844. Warren 524 Thomas R., and Susan Edmester, both of Mald., Oct. 1, 1836. 544 Sabra J., and Charles Lewis, Esq., both of Mald., Sept. 4, 1841. 569 Susan B., of Mald., and George W. Ward of Boston, Sept. 25, 1846. 576 John, of Mald., and Henrietta A. Flagg of Lawrence, Aug. 29, 1850. Washburn 364 Reuben, Esq., of Lynn, and Hannah Thacher of Mald., Sept. 18, 1813. 856 Elias, of Charlestown, and Lydia Allen of Mald., May 17, 1817. Waters 381 Capt. Daniel, of Mald., and Sarah Sigourney of Boston, July 4, 1802. Watkins 74 Hannah, and John Sargeant, both of Mald., June 6, 1740. 871 James, and Nancy Tufts, both of Mald., Feb. 18, 1810. 604 Ann E., and George N. Twiss, both of Mald., May 7, 1831. 563 John, of Mald., and Abigail Gavett of Portsmouth, N. H., June 10, 1843. 572 Catherine, By Mald., and Joseph M. Coombs of Charlestown, March 30, 1848. 192 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Watts 83 Elizabeth, of Chelsea, and Nathan Burditt of Mald., Oct. 19, 1755. 42 William, res. in Woburn, and Lydia Shute of Mald., May 19, 1765. 57 Isaac, of Chelsea, and Rachel Pratt of Mald., Dec. 3, 1779. 403 Sarah, of Chelsea, and Ezra Upham of Mald., May 20, 1782. 898 Lydia, of Mald., and David Green of Hillsboro, N. H., Jan. 17, 1789. 384 Polly, and David Nichols, both of Mald., March 11, 1797. 887 Isaac, and Susan Wait, both of Mald., March 31, 1799. 880 Mary, and William Shute, both of Mald., Oct. 16, 1803. 478 Isaac, and Olive Pratt, both of Mald., Nov. 23, 1822. 484 William, of Mald., and Susanna M. Davis of Harvard, Oct. 29, 1825. 565 Nancy Jane, and James-Bartlett, both of Mald., March 12, 1844. Webb 889 Mary, of Brookline, and Isaac Parker of Mald., July 5, 1801. Webber 613 John, and Mary Ann Tufts, both of Mald., Jan. 18, 1834. Welch 81 Daniel, res. in Mald., and Elizabeth Berry of Mald., June 24, 1750. 493 Hiram, and Mary H. Pierce, both of Mald., Sept. 20, 1826. Welcome %3 Thankful, of Mald., and Aaron Burden of Medford, Jan. 31, 1741/2. 43 William, of Mald., and Patience Sutton of Boston, Aug. 23, 1766. Wellington 851 Lucy, and Isaac Roby, both of Mald., Feb. 21, 1819. Wellman 45 Stephen, and Dorothy Jenkins, both of Mald., May 9, 1769. Wentworth 490 William, of Mald., and Ann Legro of Lebanon, Me., April 5, 1828. 494 Mary Ann, of Concord, and James Hitchings, Jr., of Mald., Nov. 8, 1829. 562 Jane, and Oliver Berry, both of Mald., Feb. 18, 1843. 576 Mary R., of Berwick, Me., and Hiram A. Butler of Mald., Sept. 14, 1850. Wesson 402 James, of Reading, and Sarah Pratt of Mald., March 22, 1784. ‘Wetherbee 380 Joseph, of Boston, and Esther Wade of Mald., Nov. 19, 1802. 872 Sarah, and Lemuel Smith, both of Mald., March 26, 1809. 486 Lucy, and Henry Pitts, both of Mald.[Feb. ov March _, 1827}. Wheeler 83 Isaac, of Mald., and Mary Stone of Charlestown, Feb. 17, 1754. 86 Sarah, and Zaccheus Banks, both of Mald., March 19, 1758. 36 Mary, of Mald., and Samuel Tarbox of Lynn, May 7, 1758. 39 Samuel, and Anna Brown, both of Mald., Sept. 5, 1762. 56 Mary, and Samuel Burditt, Jr., both of Mald., July 5, 1780. 894 Isaac, and Polly Blanchard, both of Mald., Oct. 15, 1790. 396 Dr. John, of Dover, and Rebecca Harris of Mald., Feb. 25, 1793. 392 Samuel, and Rachel Howard, both of Mald., Dec. 15, 1793. 480 John, and Sarah S. Goss, both of Mald., Aug. 28, 1823. 491 Abigail A., and Samuel Robinson, both of Mald., June 28, 1828. Whipple 565 John, and Mary H. Breeden, both of Mald., May 20, 1844. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 193 Whitcomb 576 Mrs. Abby, and Gershom L. Fall, both of Mald., May 16, 1850. White ; 523 Avery W., of Mald., and Elizabeth Brown of Lexington, Feb, 13, 1836. 533 Elijah B., and Caroline Wilkinson, June 9, 1838. | 546 Truman, and Dorcas Norwood, both of Mald., Dec. 4,:1841. 549 Levi, of Mald., and Sarah J. Demeritt of Nottingham, N. H., June II, 1842. 564 Nathaniel L., and Susan E. Forbes, both of Mald., Nov. 25, 1843. 564 Susan, and Edward Tufts, 2, both of Mald., Jan. 26, 1844. Whitehead 877 John, res. in Mald., and Mary Lovell of Mansfield, Feb. 24, 1805. Whiting 363 Calvin, of Charlestown, and Lucretia Payne of Mald., Feb. 20, 1814. Whitman 566 Helen M., of Boston, and Augustus L. Barrett of Mald., June 20, 1845. 574 Hannah Emily, and William St. Agnan Stearns, both of Mald., April 20, 1849. Whitmarsh 354 Mrs. Mary, of Charlestown, and William Oliver of Mald., Oct. 19, 1817. 848 Mary Ann, and John Ramsdill, 3, both of Mald., Aug. 19, 1820. Whitney 623 Emily, of Charlestown, and Joseph W. Pennell of Mald., April 2, 1836. 533 Josiah M., of Mald., and Abigail B. Ford of Chelsea, Aug. 18, 1838. Whitredge 480 Thomas J., of Reading, and Mary N. Simonds of Mald., Oct. 11, 1823. Whittemore 75 Peletiah, of Mald., and Deborah Kendall of Dunstable, July 30, 1738. 74 Sarah, of Mald., and Ichabod Clark of Stoughton, Dec. 14, 1740. 72 James, and Mary Sherman, both of Mald., May 16, 1744. 69 Lydia, of Mald., and Moses Collins of Roxbury, May 1, 1746. 69 Hannah, and Joseph Sargeant, both of Mald., Sept. 7, 1746. 66 Abigail, res. in Mald., and Daniel Knower of Mald., Nov.-25, 1749. 87 Phebe, of Mald., and Jotham Richardson of Woburn, Oct. 21, 1759. 41 Mary, and Thomas Barns, both of Mald., Dec. 2, 1764. 63 Joseph, of Mald., and Ruhamah Holden of Woburn, Aug. 3, 1771. 61 Daniel, of Mald., and Anstis Jackes, res. in Mald., Dec. 10, 1774. 402 Joel, and Catherine Green, both of Mald., April 19, 1784. 369 William, and Esther Rice Nichols, both of Mald., Dec. 30, 1810. 479 John, and Susan Floyd, both of Mald., May 3, 1823. 626 William, Jr., and Joanna T. Oliver, both of Mald., Oct. 15, 1836. 571 Charles [A.]}, and Lydia Ramsdill, both of Mald., Nov. 6, 1847. Wiggins 566 Mary Jane, of Salem, and Lorenzo G, Prescott of Mald., Feb. 1, 1845. Wilbur 576 Dr. Greenleaf A., of Norridgewock, Me., and Frances E. Moore of Mald., Oct. 12, 1850. Wilder ; 484 Mirick, of Dracut, and Nancy Tarbell of Mald. [March 18, 1826]. Wiley, Willy 81 Jonathan, of Lynn, and Tamesin Upham of Mald., June 17, 1750. 82 Ebenezer, of Reading, and Elizabeth Sprague of Mald., Sept. 23, 1753. 13 194 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Wiley, Willy Spalseataree 882 Hannah, res. in Mald., and Stephen Lynde of Stoneham, Aug. 3, 1793. 885 John, res. in Mald., and Sarah Barrett of Mald., July 19, 1797. 363 Ruth, of So. Reading, and William Edmonds of Mald., Jan. 30, 1814. 508 Phebe W., of Boston, and Rev. Samuel Osgood Wright of Mald., June 23, 1832. 564 Benjamin, of So. Reading, and Hannah P. Tufts of Mald., Nov. 17, 1843. 571 Caroline M., of Mald., and Reuben A. Adams of Provincetown, Dec. 31, 1847. Wilkins 886 Mrs. Ruth, of Middleton, and Amos Upham, Jr., of Mald., Nov. 17, 1797. 864 Simon, and Deborah Lear, both of Mald., April 3, 1813. 565 Josephs of Stoneham, and Mary H. Richardson of Mald., April 2, 1844. Wilkinson 588 Caroline, and Elijah B. White, June 9, 1838. 668 Sarah Emeline, of Mald., and Ezra Vinton Sprague of Stoneham, Aug. 29, 1846. 672 Lucinda Hurd, and Benjamin Norwood, both of Mald., June 24, 1848. Williams 85 Lydia, of Lynn, and Joseph Paine of Mald., Nov. 13, 1757. 60 Jeffrey Bedgood, and Hannah Pratt, both of Mald., Oct. 14, 1776. 56 Sarah, and John Edmonds, both of Mald., Dec. 24, 1781. 401 Patty, alias Martha, and Philip Pratt, both of Mald., Feb. 24, 1786. 392 William, Jr., of Mald., and Susanna Emerson of Reading, Nov. 15, 1793- 386 William, of Reading, and Bathsheba Caswell of Mald., June 30, 1798. 378 William, of Reading, and Hannah Wait of Mald., Dec. 23, 1804. 354 Mary, and Prince Magus, both of Mald., Nov. 7, 1817. 483 Capt. John, of Chelsea, and Sophia Nichols of Mald., July 23, 1825. 488 Clarissa, of Saugus, and Phineas Green, Jr., of Mald., Sept. 8, 1827. 644 Mary Elizabeth, of Mald., and Dr. Jophanus Henderson of Farm- ington, Me., Sept. 4, 1841. Willis 34 Jireh, of Dartmouth, and Abigail Blaney of Mald., July 25, 1756. 45 Rev. Eliakim, of Mald., and Mrs. Martha Merchant of Boston, Feb. 3, 1770. 401 Sally, of Mald., and Nahum Sargeant, res. in Mald., July 26, 1786. Wilson bost. Susanna, of Mald., and Jacob Griggs of Boston, Jan. 9, 1723. In. Martha, of Mald., and Thomas Jones of Lynn, March 9, 1728/9. 75 Robert, and Anna Jackson, both of Mald., June 25 [1738]. 67 Mary, res. in Mald., and Jonathan Knower of Mald., April 15, 1749. 82 Joseph, res. in Boston, and Mrs. Huldah Blaney of Mald., Aug. 5, 1753- 42 Huldah, of Mald., and Joseph Paine of Charlestown, March 17, 1765. 44 Tabitha, of Mald., and Benjamin Parker of Medford, June 21, 1767. 59 Elizabeth, and James Kettle, both of Mald., Oct. 3, 1777. $92 Betsey, of Lynn, and Asa Grover of Mald., July 10, 1794. 885 Nancy, of Mald., and Lemuel Spurr of Dorchester, Sept. 2, 1797. 881 Luke, of a ew Holderness, N. H., and Phebe Lincoln of Mald., Oct. 25, 1802. 866 John, of Mald., and Milley Colburn of Dorchester, April 26, 1812. 359 Benjamin, and Hannah Howard, both of Mald., Aug. 3, 1816. 858 Asa, and Nancy Faulkner, both of Mald., Aug. 24, 1816. MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS 195 Wilson (continued ) 857 Joseph B., and Harriet A. Crossfield, both of Mald., Nov. 29, 1816. 353 Mary, of Saugus, and John Dix of Mald., March 21, 1818. 850 Cynthia, of Salem, N. H., and Jephtha Ames of Mald., Aug. 28, 1819. 488 Moses, and Mary Ann Newhall, both of Mald. [Sept. ov Oct. , 1827], 531 Harriet, aa Silas Miller, both of Mald., Jan. 16, 1838. 576 Julia A., of Portsmouth, N. H., and Isaac Porter of Mald., May 22, 1850. 577 Mary Ann, of Mald., and Haley F. Dagar of Saugus, Dec. 21, 1850. Wing 575 Judah, and Ellen J. Boardman, both of Mald., Jan. 5, 1850. Winn 503 Lydia, of So. Reading, and Reuben Green of Mald., Oct. 30, 1830. ‘Winship 874 Abel, and Martha Upham Wade, both of Mald., Feb. 15, 1807. 868 John, of Charlestown, and Mary Floyd of Mald., Sept. 15, 1811. 868 Asaph, res. in Mald., and Winifred Howard of Mald., April 2, 1814. 491 Mrs. Winifred, of Mald., and Josiah Buzzel of Sutton, N. H., Nov. 13, 1828. Winslow bost. Elizabeth, of Mald., and John Sims of Boston, May 11, 1720. 70 Mary, and Silas Sargeant, both of Mald., Jan. 26, 1745/6. 82 Elizabeth, and Jabez Burditt, both of Mald., March 25, 1753. 848 Capt. George, of Boston, and Elizabeth Reid of Mald., Oct. 14, 1820. 510 Capt. Caleb S., and Caroline Barrett, both of Mald., March 3, 1833. 573 Joshua, of Mald., and Sarah A. Clark of Cambridge, Feb. 17, 1849. Wire 82 Rebecca, and Nathaniel Cousens, both of Mald., July 15, 1753. Wise 380 Daniel, res. in Lynn, and Sarah Dexter of Mald., Sept. 18, 1803. 523 Daniel P[arker], and Martha L. Crockett, both of Mald., Dec. 22, 1835. Witt In. Thomas, of Mald., and Mary Ivory of Lynn, Nov. 21, 1719. Wood, Woods * 73 Rebecca, of Boston, and James Dunbar of Mald., July 28, 1742. 476 Dolly, of Tewksbury, and Stephen Lewis of Mald., April 8, 1821. 511 Otis C[handler], and Harriet C. Shute, both of Mald., May 25, 1833. ‘Woodbury 489 Ann, of Beverly, and James Edminster of Mald. [March _ , 1828]. 617 Hannah, and Samuel W. Cox, both of Mald., Sept. 6, 1834. 540 Benjamin, and Sarah Dearing, both of Mald., Aug. 15, 1840. 547 Mary E., of Salem, N. H., and Gridley Merrill of Mald., March 26, 1842. Woodward 482 Thomas B., and Susan Hitchings, both of Mald. [March , 1825]. 493 Angelina C., of Saugus, and Mark Annis of Mald., Aug. 8, 1829. Wright 73 Mary, of Mald., and Joshua Tucker of Woodstock, Dec. 30, 1741. 85 Mary, of Mald., and Nathaniel Doe of New Market, April 24, 1757. 492 Martha, and Edward Gove, both of Mald., Jan. 11, 1829. 508 Rev. Samuel Osgood, of Mald., and Phebe W. Wiley of Boston, June 23, 1832. 619 William, of Reading, and Sally Larrabee of Mald., Aug. 1, 1835. 196 MALDEN MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Wyatt 518 Eliza S., of Lowell, and Dr. George W. Colcord of Mald., May 25, 1835. Wyeth 368 Jonathan, of Watertown, and Deborah Sargent of Mald., July 14, 1811. Wyman 975 Elizabeth, of Woburn, and Samuel Bucknam of Mald., July 21, 1738. 59 Samuel, Esq., of Woburn, and Mary Green of Mald., March 12, 1777. 896 Mrs. Mary, and Joseph Lynde, both of Mald., Nov. 2, 1792. 380 Mary, of Woburn, and Nathaniel Howard of Mald., Dec. 5, 1802. 479 Clarissa, and George Richardson, both of Mald., March 30, 1823. 484 Lucinda, and Samuel Howard, Jr., both of Mald., Oct. 22, 1825. 567 David W., and Hannah T. Patch, both of Mald., Sept. 20, 1845. Yeaton 581 Richard, and Charlotte M. Tufts, both of Mald., Feb. 3, 1838. 576 Harrison, of Bath, Me., and Justince Packard of Mald., July 3, 1850. York 4s9 Arthur B., and Eliza M. Wait, both of Mald., Feb. 23, 1828. Young 564 Rebecca, of Orleans, and Jonathan V. Rogers of Mald., Oct. 30, 1843. MARRIAGES IN MALDEN, MASS. From EARLIEST RECORD TO CLOSE OF 1850. Abbey 2 Obadiah, m. Elizabeth Wilkinson. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Dec. 26, 1701. Abbot 52 David, of Billerica, m. Huldah Paine of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. June 28, 1768. 501 Mary, m. George Townsend, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. Nov. 8, 1829. 524 Sarah G., m. Warren Eaton, both of Reading. Rev. S. Codd. June 21, 1835. 645 Elizabeth, m. Joseph H. Waitt, both of Mald. G. Haven, J. P. Oct. 16, 1841. Abrahams 317 Joseph, 3, of Boston, m. Elizabeth Green of Mald. Rev. E. Willis, June 28, 1780. Adams e.c. Sarah, m. Edward Counts, Feb. 25, 1662. 884 Charles, of Brookline, m. Sarah Howard of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 7, 1810. $43 Lucy B., als H. Brown, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 14, 1816. 495 Sally, m Samuel Baldwin [both of Mald.]. Rev. A. Green. May 5, 1822. 601 Mrs. Sarah, m. Benjamin S. Shute, both of Mald. £. Buck, J. P. March 28, 1830. 529 Charles D., m. Mary Ann Russell, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. May 12, 1836. 587 Jane, m. ante Ward, both of Mald. Rev. A. Hill. March 10, 1839. 541 Rev. John G., m. Mary H. Barrett. Rev. 7. Whittemore. Nov. 3, 1839. 720 George E., of Medford, m. Susan R. Staniels of Mald., 18, da of Hosea and Maria. ev. C. Goodrich. June 30, 1847. 720 Reuben A., of Provincetown, 21,s of John and Sarah, m. Caroline M. Wiley of Mald., 21, da of Ephraim and Rebecca. Rev. £. Wiley. Jan. 24, 1848. : Alexander for. William, Jr., of Boston, m. Polly Barrett of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Nov. 7; 1793. 198 MALDEN MARRIAGES Allen 1 Rebecca, m. Ebenezer Harndall. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. 1700. 334 James, m. Lydia Howard, both of Mald. ev. A. Green. Jan. 2, 1810. 841 Ann, by Benjamin Wait, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 6, 1815. 344 Lydia, m. Elias Washburn. Rev. A. Green. June 5, 1817. 724 Henry A., of Mald., 29, b. in Boston, s of Augustus, m. Isabella M. Stiles of Mald., 20, b. in Concord, da of Aaron. B. G. Hill, /. P. Nov. 14, 1850. Ames 841 Susan, e Peon m. John French of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 7, 1816. fer. Dean, of Charlestown, m. Nancy Daniels of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 16, 1823. Anderson 499 Joseph M., of Lynn, m. Mrs. Betsey McIntire of Boston. Rev. S. Cobb. Dec. 15, 1828. 720 John C., of Boston, s of John C. and Julia Ann Loxstorph, m. Sarah Fuller of Mald. da of Josiah and Sarah. ev. W. Tozer [Stoughton]. Nov. 8, 1847. Andrews 843 Joseph, a Pamela Wait, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. II, 1816. 345 Lydia, m. John Cox, both of Mald. Rev. EZ. Nelson. July 5, 1818. Angier lex. John, of Mald., m. Mary Simonds of Lexington, March 2, 1794. 718 Samuel A., m. Louisa M. Burditt, da of Lemuel and Bridget, all of Mald. ev. W. Tozer. July 31, 1844. Annis 825 Moses, of Lynn, m. Lydia Convers of Woburn. Rev. A. Green. March 25, 1802. Appleton ips. Rebecca, of Ipswich, m. Jacob Perkins of Mald. Rev. /. Dana. Aug. 1, 1789. 840 Capt. Benjamin B., of Boston, m. Catherine Hooton of Mald. fev. A. Green. July 6, 1814. Armstrong 2 Stephen, of Norwich, m. Hannah Wilkinson of Mald. Col. /. Lynde. Dec. 16, 1708. Atherton 507 Micajah, m. Jane Houghton. Rev. S. Cobb. Dec. 6, 1832. Atkins 476 Deborah, of Mald., m. Andrew Washington Pratt of Chelsea. ev. A. Green. June 22, 1820. 497 Thankful P., of Mald., m. Edward Pratt of Chelsea. Rev. A. Green. March 1, 1827. 498 Pomona, of Mald., m. Caleb Pratt, Jr., of Chelsea. C. Turner, J.P. March 13, 1828. chel. Barney P. [Barnabas P. in int.}, of Mald., m. Sarah Pratt of Chelsea, April 17, 1828. chel. Leonora, of Mald., m. William H. Atwood of Chelsea, Oct. 22, 1829. 717. Washington, of Charlestown, m. Susan J. Hall of Mald. Rev. C. Goodrich. Nov. 2, 1843. MALDEN MARRIAGES 199 Atkinson ec. Helen, m. Joseph Hills. /. AHzl/s. (11), 1655. Atwell 2 Sarah, m. Joseph Townsend. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. 1702. 525 Joseph W., m. Abigail B. Melburn, both of So. Reading. Rev. S. Cobb, April 14, 1836. Atwood ec. Philip, m. Elizabeth Grover, 7 (2), 1675. ec. Elizabeth, m. Philip Covell, Nov. 16, 1688. 2 Oliver [of Charlestown], m. Anna Betts [of Mald.], Mald. rec. says, “by Mr. Wigglesworth some time in ye yeer 1700.” [Charles- town rec. says, “by Rev. S. Bradstreet, March 30, 1699. ] med. Oliver, of Medford, m. Sarah Knower of Mald. Rev. E. Turrell. May 24, 1726. : 10 Elizabeth, of Mald., m. Abraham Lewis of Marblehead. Rev. /. Emerson. Dec. 12, 1728. chel. William H., of Chelsea, m. Leonora Atkins of Mald., Oct. 22, 1820. 532 Benjamin F.,m. Mary Emerson, both of Mald. ev. S. Cobb. June , 1837. 721 Calvin, of No. Chelsea, 28, s of Asa, m. Caroline Brown Waitt of Mald., 18, da of Nathaniel and Sarah. Rev. C. B. Smith. Dec. 25, 1848. Augur ec. William, m. Ruth Hill. Capt. Marshall. 7 (10), 1659. Austin chas. Ebenezer, of Charlestown, m. Rebecca Sprague of Mald. [da of Samuel]. Maj. E. Hutchinson. Jan. 27, 1691. Avery 346 Ephraim, m. Eliza Edmonds. Rev. Z. Nelson. Dec. 15, 1819. 718 Kittredge, 23, s of Ephraim and Eliza, m. Harriet Upham, 28, da of Jesse and Rebecca, all of Mald. Rev. /. G. Adams. Dec. 2, 1845. Ayer, Ayers s 515 James B., of Charlestown, m. Dorinda Green of Mald. Rev. S. Codd. July 12, 1833. 541 William F.,m. Emeline B. Stiles, both of Mald. Rev. 7. M. Driver. Sept. 3, 1839. 721 Albert, of Charlestown, 24, m. Caroline M. Stiles of Mald., 20, da of Isaacand Mary. Rev. C. B. Smith. June 15, 1848. Bacon wob. Oliver, of Mald., m. Mary B, Reed of Woburn, May 3, 1821. Badger 2 477 John, of Reading, m. Betsey Howard of Mald. Rev. E. Nelson. May 1, 1820. 652 Eliza, of Charlestown, m. Charles A. Vinton of Mald. Rev. /. McLeish. June 8, 1842. Bailey 23 James, of Boston, m. Mary Wayte of Mald. Rev. A. Cleaveland. May 16, 1748. 507 Loammi, m. Lucy Ann Taylor. Rev. S. Cobb. Sept. 6, 1832. ¢ 515 Timothy, of Mald., m. Mary B. Dingley of Lynn. Rev. C. Sawyer. Nov. 28, 1833. 536 Marianne, m. Samuel Shute, both of Mald. Rev. J. M. Driver. Dec. 6, 1838. 200 MALDEN MARRIAGES Bailey (continued ) 649 Almira, m. David B. Morey, both of Mald. Rev. W. P. Russell. May 9, 1842. 652 Timothy, m. Nancy B. Dingley, both of Mald. Rev. V. W. Williams. May 19, 1842. Baker 340 Rebecca A., m. Jabez Howard, both of Mald. ev. A. Green. March 23, 1815. Balch 515 Sarah, of Mald.,m. Timothy T. Crane of Lynn. fev. C. Sawyer. Oct. 13, 1833. Baldwin, Balden c.c. Joseph, m. Elizabeth Grover, June 16, 1691. 8 James, m. Mary Stower. Rev. J. Emerson. Feb. 7, 1723. 13 Elizabeth, of Mald.,m. Richard Whittemore of Killingly. Rev. /. Emerson. Dec. 26, 1735. 21 Abigail, m. Nathaniel Jenkins, both of Mald. fev. J. Emerson. May 1, 1746. 22 Sarah, m. Thomas Shute, both res. in Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Jan. [21] 1747/8. 817 Sarah, m. David Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. May 9, 1779- $18 Jerusha, m. John Payne, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Jan 8, 1786. 323 Jonathan, m. Mary Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 12, 1799. 476 Jerusha, m. Richard Dexter, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 23, 1820. 495 Samuel, m. Sally Adams [both of Mald.]. Rev. A. Green. May 5, 1822. 498 Jonathan, Jr., m. Eliza Homer, both of Mald. Rev. 7. Whittemore. Dec. 25, 1827. 507 Mary Ann, m. Samuel Pierce. Rev. S. Cobb. March 21, 1833. 615 Isaac, m. Mary Ann Ward, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobd. Dec. 12, 1833. 529 Elizabeth, m. William Peirce, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. Dec. 28, 1836. 529 William, m. Eliza A. Peirce, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Feb. 7, 1837. 545 Josey of Fitchburg, m. Nancy Elizabeth Dexter of Mald. ev. W. McClure. Aug. 30, 1840. 544 fee ML, m. Nancy Russell, both of Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams. Nov. 4 1840. 547 Sarah, m. George T. Barney. ev. J. G. Adams. Nov. 3, 1841. 721 Frederick, 26, § “of Jonathan and Mary, m. Caroline E. Ward, 18, da of James "and Emeline, all of Mald. Fev. J. G. Adams. Feb. 4, 1849. Ballard 530 Peter J.,m. Sally M. Winslow, both of Marblehead, in Marblehead. Rev. S. Cobb. March 5, 1837. Bancroft In. Susanna, of Lynn, m. Joseph Wait of Mald., Jan. 3, 1738/9. fer. Ebenezer, of Lynn, m. Nancy Sargeant of "Mald.’ Rev. 7 Green. June 20, 1796. 823 Betsey, m. Edmund Merrill, both res. in Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 30, 1799. ® MALDEN MARRIAGES 201 Bancroft (continued ) $29 Esther, m. Nathaniel Pratt, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 3, 1805. fer. Capt. Henry, m. Eliza Motley, both of Lynnfield. fev. A. Green. Oct. 16, 1821. Banks 48 Zaccheus, m. Sarah Wheeler, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Aug. 31, 1758. Barjina, Barjonah 314 Zipporah, of Stoneham, m. Pompey Magus of Mald. fev. P. Thacher. May 26, 1778. Barker 841 Nathan/m. Hannah W. Townsend, both of Mald. ev. A. Green. Sept. 23, 1815. 525 William H., of Nashville, Tenn., m. Emeline G. Estes of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Oct. 6, 1835. 545 Mrs. Emeline G., of Mald., m. Nicholas Noyes of Boston. ev. A. W. McClure. July 5, 1840. 720 Samuel, 27, s of Samuel and Mary, m. Lydia Upham, 21, da of Jesse and Zeluta, both of Mald. Rev. F. A. Griswold. Jan. 19, 1848. Barnard 529 Sumner, of So. Reading, m. Hepsibeth Robinson of Mald. ev. S. Cobb. Dec. 11, 1836. Barnes 18 William, of Boston, m. Mary Manser of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Jan. 26, 1742/3. 61 Thomas, 7 Mary Whittemore, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis, Jan. 27, 17 5+ 316 Samuel, m. Elizabeth Howard, both of Mald. Rev, P. Thacher. March 4, 1784. san. William, of Mald., m. Sally Fish of Sandwich. Rev. /. Burr. Sept. 25, 1795+ 825 Sarah, m. Richard Clarrenbold, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 24, 1801. 826 Esther, m. Joseph Richardson, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Aug. 18, 1803. 827 Jemima, m. Jacob Pratt, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. .A.Green. Nov. 20, 1803. 827 Rebecca, m. Ezra Wait, 4, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 5, 1804. 827 Nancy, m. John Wait, bothof Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. Feb. 17, 1805. Barney 547 George T.,m. Sarah Baldwin. Rev. J. G. Adams. Nov. 3, 1841. 717 Philander, of Providence, R. I., m. Harriet W. Stiles, da of Isaac and Miriam of Mald. ev. J. Cookson. March 5, 1844. Barrett c.c. James, m. Dorcas Greene, It (11), 1671. rea. Jonathan, of Mald.,m. Rebecca Brown of Reading. Rev. R. Brown. Oct. 29, 1716. med. Jonathan, m. Mehitable Lynde, both of Mald., at Medford. 7. 7x/ts, J. P. July 19, 1720. 10 James, m. Mary Bucknam. Rev. J. Emerson. Feb. 13, 1728/9. 11 James, of Killingly, m. Tabitha Hill of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. May 6, 1731. 18 Ebenezer, m. Elizabeth Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Nov. 7, 1734. ¢ 202 MALDEN MARRIAGES Barrett (continued) rea. Jacob, of Mald., m. Rebecca Bryant of Reading, Sept. 6, 1736. bost. James, of Mald., m. Abigail Eustis of Boston. /tev. T. Cheever. 16 27 29 Jan. 12, 1737. Joseph, m. Phebe Waitt, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. April 27, 1739: Sarah, of Mald., m. James Newhall of Lynn. Mev. /. Emerson. July 8, 1756. Phebe, of Mald., m. William Burrage of Lynn. ev. /. Emerson. March 21, 1761. rea. James, of Mald., m. Abigail Bryant of Reading, Feb. 23, 1762. 47 48 47 47 50 52 52 50 317 321 rea. fer. fer, fer. 322 323 328 829 829 331 338 341 343 343 496 Elizabeth, m. Samuel Howard, both of Mald. ev. /. Emerson. Dec. 10, 1762. , Abigail, of Mald., m. Stephen Sweetser of Charlestown. Rev. Z. Willis. Dec. 13, 1762. Rebecca, of Mald., m. Stephen Ingals of Lynn. Rev. J. Emerson. Jan. 20, 1764. Ebenezer, m. Phebe Wayte, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Feb. 24, 1764. Phebe, of Mald., m. Joseph Porter of Danvers. Rev. J. Emerson. Feb. 2, 1767. Dorcas, of Mald., m. Joseph Newhall of Danvers. Rev. E. Willis. Sept. 3, 1767. Elizabeth, m. John Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. July 11, 1768. John, es Martha Oakes, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Dec. 14, 1769. Joseph, m. Martha Richardson, both of Mald. Rev. EZ. Willis. May 7, 1780. Sarah, of Mald., m. William Bouchier Leonard, res. in Mald. ev. E. Willis. Jan. 1, 1789. Joseph, Jr., of Mald., m. Martha Carter of Reading. Rev. C. Prentice. June 25, 1792. Martha, m. John Wait, 3, both of Mald. Rev. Z. Willis. Dec. 4, 1792. Marthe of Mald., m. Marmaduke Hay of Reading. Rev. £. Willis. April 28, 1793: Polly, of Mald., m. William Alexander, Jr., of Boston. Rev. Z. Willis. Nov. 7, 1793- . Sarah, m. John Willey, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 24,1797. Jonathan, m. Mary Lynde, both of Mald. tev. A. Green. April 18, 1799. Nancy i Benjamin Porter, both of Mald. ev. J. Stevens. Sept. 23, 1804. Hannah, m. Jonathan Sprague, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 9, 1805. Peter, m. Nancy Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. A.Green. Jan. 5, 1806. Betsey, m. Stephen Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 17, 1807. Mrs. Martha, m. Winslow Sargeant, both of Mald. ev. A. Green. July 23, 1812. Capt. Jonathan, m. Fanny Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 17, 1816. Mary, eres Emerson, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 12, 1816. Dorcas, m. Gorham Emerson, both of Mald. Rev. £. Wiley. June 8, 1817. Evelina, m. Daniel A. Perkins, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. June 3, 1824. MALDEN MARRIAGES 203 Barrett (con/inued) 496 Robert T., m. Sally Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. 4. Green. May I, 1825. 496 Sally, m. Robert T. Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. Ad. Green. May I, 1825. 496 George W.,m. Mary Ann Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 29, 1825. 607 Caroline, m. Caleb S. Winslow. ev. S. Cobb. March 18, 1833. 516 Hannah, m. Henry T. Rich, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Dec. 9, 1833. 520 Hannah, m. John S. Newhall, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobd. April 16, 1835. 521 William C., m. Emeline S. Nichols, both of Mald. Rev. H. Algier [Chelsea], June 25, 1835. 532 James, of Mald., m. Eunice Brown of So. Reading. Rev. S. Codd. May: 18, 1837. 541 Mary H., m. Rev. John G. Adams. Rev. Z. Whittemore. Nov. 3, 1839. 544 Louisa, aE Mald., m. Edwin H. Hall of Boston. Rev. /. G. Adams. March 25, 1841. 718 Elizabeth, 24, da of William and Mary H., of Mald., m. Dr. Charles Eastham of Boston, 29,s of Henry L. and Mitty. Rev. J. G. Adams. May 30, 1844. 718 Augusta Maria, 21, da of William and Mary H., m. William H. Richardson, Jr., 21, s of William H. and Lydia, all of Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams. Dec. 25, 1844. 720 Jane, of Mald., 19, da of George W. and Mary, m. Stephen J. Phinney of Charlestown, 27,s of Stephen and Jane. Rev. W. R. Parsons. April to, 1848. 721 Augustus, 23, m. Sarah Jane Emerson, 21, da of George and Elmira, both of Mald. ev. F. A. Griswold, Oct. 29, 1848. Bassett In. Sampson, m. Billah Emerson, both of Mald., negroes. Rev. J. Tread- well. Aug. 8, 1776. 526 Sarah, m. Benjamin Hopkins, both of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. Jan. 12, 1836. 718 Harriet, 17, b. in Harwich, da of Elisha and Keetch [?], m. William H. Brown, 20, s of William, all of Mald. Rev. J. McLeish. Aug. 11, 1844. Battelle 496 Sarah, m. Capt. Jonathan Oakes, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 17, 1825. ; 505 Tabitha, of Mald.,m. Ebenezer D. Simonds of Reading. ev. A. Briggs. Jan. 18, 1830. Batts 46 John, res. in Lynn, m. Hannah Brown of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Sept. , 1761. $20 Ruth, m. William Farrington, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. Sept. 29, 1789. 821 Saal m. Sally Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. June 13, 1790. 825 Betsey, of Mald., m. Jacob Breed of Tewksbury. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 29, 1801. Beacham chas. Esther, of Mald., m. John Carter, Jr., of Charlestown. Rev. //. Morse. Sept. 15, 1796. 333 Sarah, m. Henry Gardner, both of Mald. tev. A. Green. March 2, 1809. 204 MALDEN MARRIAGES Beal 720 Minerva Ann, of Mald., m. Zenas Corvel of New York. Rev. 7. A. Latham. Dec. 20, 1847. Beck 720 Julia Ann, 18, m. George Newhall, 24, both of Mald. Rev. 7. A. Latham. Dec. 30, 1847. Beers 836 John, of Boston, m. Dorcas Sargent of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 16, 1811. Belknap 515 Waldo, of Medford, m. Delia Lynde of Mald. ev. S. Codd. June 12, 1833. Benchley 525 Ruth H., m. Lewis Fisher, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Oct. 20, 1835. 721 Hannah, 21, da of Stafford and Rhoda, m. James Brown, Jr., 30, s of James. fev. J. McLeish. Aug. 13, 1848. Bense cc. Mary, m. John Sargeant, Sept. 3, 1669. Berry 65 Samuel, of Charlestown, m. Mary [313, Sarah] Stowers, res. in Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Sept. 10 [313, Sept. 12], 1773. 66 Anna, m. Thomas Pratt, 3, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 23, 1773- 717 Oliver, m. Jane Wentworth, both of Mald. Rev. J. Blodgett. May 17, 1843. Betts 2 Anna [of Mald.], m. Oliver Atwood [of Charlestown], Mald. rec. says, “by Mr. Wigglesworth some time in ye yeer 1700.” [Charles- town rec. says, “ by Rev. S. Bradstreet, March 30, 1699.’"] Bigelow 496 Henry, m. Mrs. Bathsheba Russell, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 13, 1825. Bill bost. Thomas, m. Mrs. Elizabeth Nichols [of Mald., da of William Sargeant], R. Bellingham. 14 (11), 1652. : 820 Benjamin, of Chelsea, m. Tabitha Nichols of Mald. £. Sargeant, J.P. [Error in date, see int.] May 6, 1787. $27 Mrs. Tabitha, m. Winslow Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 11, 1804. Black 532 Simon, m. Maria Wait, both of Mald. 2. G. Azll, 7. P- Dec. 6, 1837. Blackburn 719 Eliza A., 18, da of Mrs. Dodge, wf. of Tyler, m. John C. Pratt, 21, s of James and Rebecca, all of Mald. Rev. /. Cookson. Oct. 16, 1845. Blake fer. Enos, of Charlestown, m. Sarah Shute of Mald. Rev. Z. Willis. Sept. 25, 1794. Blakeley ‘ 499 Daniel, of So. Reading, m. Phebe Holt of Boston. Rev. S. Codd. April 16, 1829. MALDEN MARRIAGES 205 Blakeman, Blackman ec. Benjamin, m. Sarah [Redecca] Scottow, I (2), 1675. Blanchard chas. Jonathan, of Charlestown, m. Sarah Paine of Mald. £. Emerson, J.P. Nov. 11, 1708. 7 Elizabeth, m, Ebenezer Upham. Rev. D. Parsons. Oct. 10, 1717. 7 Josiah, m. Elizabeth Merriam. Rev. J. Emerson. Dec. 6, 1721. 9 Thomas, m. Judith Hill. Rev. J. Emerson. Feb. 21, 1726. med. Samuel, of Mald., m. Sarah Cutter of Medford. Rev. L£. Turrell. April 12, 1745. 26 Hezekiah, of Charlestown, m. Susanna Dexter of Mald. Rev. fs Emerson. Feb. 22, 1754 61 Sylvanus, a Sarah Grover, Doth of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Nov. 28, 1764. med. Polly, m. Isaac Wheeler, both of Mald., at Medford. Rev. D. Os- good. Oct. 24, 1790. med. Sally, m. Charles Bradbury, both of Mald., at Medford. Rev. D. Osgood. May 16, 1794. $34 Elizabeth, of Mald.,m. Anthony Hatch of Medford. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 27, 1809. 837 Sally, m. Amos Butler, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 8, 1811. 838 Lucy, m. John Moore, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 18, 1812. 840 Caleb, Jr., of Mald., m. Lucy Tufts of Medford. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 6, 1814. 344 Mary, m. Andrew Cutter. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 12, 1817. 846 Hannah, of Mald., m. Christopher Solis of Charlestown. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 10, 1819. 544 John W.,, of Lexington, m. Angelina E. Packard of Mald. Rev. /. G. Adams. April 8, 1841. 720 Harriet S.,m. Samuel H. Cutter, both of Charlestown. Rev. /. G. Adams. Dec. 9, 1847. Blaney : 8 Benjamin, m. Abigail Bucknam. ev. J. Emerson. Oct. 13, 1725. 26 Huldah, of Mald.,m. Joseph Wilson, res. in Boston. Rev. E. Willis. Sept. 20, 1753. 27 Abigail, of Mald., m. Jireh Willis of Dartmouth. ev. /. Emerson. Oct. 22, 1756. 46 Nehemiah, m. Chloe Green, both of Mald. ev. /. Emerson. May 29, 1760. 48 Elizabeth, m. William Wayte, both of Mald. Rev. EZ. Willis. July 20, 1762. 818 Hannah, m. William Hawks, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. March 19, 1786. $21 Nabby, of Mald., m. Rev. Samuel Sargeant of Woburn. Rev. E. Willies. May 10, 1787. fer. Elizabeth, of Mald., m. Rev. Thomas Cushing Thacher of Lynn. Rev. E. Willis. July 6, 1795. 322 Benjamin, m. Elizabeth Wait, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 15, 1798. fer. Elizabeth, m. Stephen Stimpson, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 18, 1824. 496 Martha, m. Josiah Townsend, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. June 17, 1824. Bligh 14 Samuel, of Boston, m. Mary Tufts of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Nov. 12, 1736. 206 MALDEN MARRIAGES Blodgett 819 Hannah, of Mald., m. Samuel Polley of Medford. Rev. A. Judson. May 20, 1788. 495 Nancy, m. Israel Hemingway, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 6, 1822. 496 Dexter, m. Roxania Daniels, both of Medford. Rev. E. Nelson. June 12, 1823. 498 Jane, of Mald., m. Charles Fuller of Chelsea. [Aev. A. Green.] March 14, 1824. 717 Roxanna, of Medford, m. Seth Sweetser, s of Seth and Harriet, of Mald. Rev. /. G. Adams. Dec. 3, 1843. 719 Mary Ann, of Mald., 22, da of James and Olive D., m. Alfred Proctor of Saugus, 28, s of Jacob and Lois of Derry, N. H. Rev. /. Blodgett. Oct. 25, 1846. Blooit 10 John, of Boston, m. Sarah Nichols of Mald. Fev. 7. Emerson. Feb. 6, 1729/30. Boardman 29 Samuel, of Chelsea, m. Abigail Grover of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Dec. 5, 1760. 815 Aaron, Jr., of Chelsea, m. Mrs. Mary Upham of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 7, 1780. $31 John, ~ Nancy Howard, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 21, 1806. 837 Joseph, m. Mary Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 8, 1812. 505 Mary, m. William Lynde, 2, both of Mald. Rev. 7. F. Norris. April 19, 1831. 536 Laura, m. Caleb Howard, both of Mald. Rev. Ad. W. McClure. April 15, 1839. 544 Mary O., m. William E. Fuller, both of Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams. Dec. 24, 1840. 720 George, wid., of Mald., m. Caroline W. Davis of Charlestown. ev. TI. A. Latham. Nov. 28, 1847. 721 Mary E., 20,da of George and Mary, m. George Larrabee, 22, s of John and Mary, all of Mald. Rev. J. McLeish, Dec. 25, 1848. 728 Ellen J., 23, da of Joseph and Mary, m. Judah Wing of Mald., 32, s of Judah and Rebecca. Rev. W. R. Parsons. Jan. 31, 1850. 725 Charles, of Melrose, 27, b. in Mald., s of Joseph, m. Charlotte Pratt, 18, b. in Mald.,da of Nathan. Rev. W. R. Parsons. Nov. 3, 1850. Bonn 520 John, of Charlestown, m. Sally Magus of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. Dec. I, 1834. Boston 20 Thomas, m. Anna Taylor, both late res. in Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Jan. 7) 1745/6. s Bradbury eam. Anna, of Mald., m.:‘Ebenezer Simonds of Lexington, at Cambridge. Rev. T. Hilliard. April 20, 1785. med. Charles, m. Sally Blanchard, both of Mald., at Medford. Rev. D. Osgood. May 16, 1794. Bradford 316 William, of Boston, m. Sarah Hendley of Charlestown. Rev. P.. Thacher. April 26, 1784. 652 Lucinda, of Fitchburg, m. Lorenzo Fiske of Billerica, at Fitchburg. fev. J. Whitman, Jr. July 25, 1843. MALDEN MARRIAGES 207 Bradish 26 Sarah, m. John Manser, both of Mald. B. Townsend, J. P. July 26, 1753. Breed 825 Jacob, of Tewksbury, m. Betsey Batts of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 29, 1801. Breeden 23 Jacob, of Chelsea, m. Hannah Floyd of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. March 2, 1749/50. 814 Daniel, m. Sarah Oliver, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. July 18, 1776. fer. Seth, m. Ruth Wait, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. July 25, 1793. $22 Abner, m. Nancy Holden, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 30, 1797. 833 Samuel N., m. Martha Hill, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 23, 1809. 845 Nancy, of Mald.,m. Elias Emerson of So. Reading. ev. £. Nelson. April 7, 1819. 477 John, m. Hannah Faulkner, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 30, 1821. 496 Sarah, m. Ephraim Downs, both of Boston. Rev. A. Green. July 23, 1826. 500 James L., m. Eliza Nichols, both of Mald. £. Buck, J. P. July 13, 1828, 516 Ruth, m. Peter H. Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Jan. 19, 1834. 652 Nancy L.,m. Charles Newhall, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. June 12, 1841. 718 Mary H., 18, da of Samuel N. and Martha, m. John Whipple, 30, b. in Ira, Vt., all of Mald. Rev. /. Cookson. June 4, 1844. Brewster 724 Elizabeth, 30, b, in N. Y., m. Ebenezer Safford, 4o, b. in Kennebunk, Me. fev. M. H. Smith. May 23, 1850. Bridge 476 Elliot, a Bernard Newhall, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 23, 1820. 495 Phebe, m. Thomas Sargent, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 5, 1822. Briggs 718 Jane B., m. John Sweetser, both of Saugus. Rev. C. Goodrich. Nov. 14, 1844. Brinley fer. Francis, of Boston, m. Elizabeth Henshaw Harris of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. June 21, 1795. Brintnall 4 John, m. Deborah Mellin. Rev. D. Parsons. Aug. 28, 1712. 18 Esther, of Chelsea, m. Nathan Dexter of Mald. Rev. J. Stimpson. June 26, 1744. 20 Jemima, m. Thomas Patten, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Dec. 4, 1745. 815 Dea. Benjamin, of Chelsea, m. Rebecca Parker of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. [Aug. 3], 1780. fer. Hannah, m. Peter Holden, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 28, 1797. 208 MALDEN MARRIAGES Brintnall (continued ) 833 Mrs. Rebecca, m. Samuel Waitt, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 24, 1809. 343 Samuel, of Charlestown, m. Caroline Green of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 12, 1817. 719 Eliza T., of Mald., 25, b. in Charlestown, da of Benjamin and Eliza, m. Henry Howland of Charlestown, 26,s of Peleg B. ev. /. G. Adams. May 26, 1846. Brooks ath. Joanna, of Athol, m. John Collins of Mald. ev. /. Estabrooks. May I, 1797. Brown cc, Mary, m. John Lewis. Mr. Nowell. 10 (2), 1650. rea, John, m. Sarah Dexter of Mald., at Reading, May 19, 1697. 1 Capt. John, m. Rebecca Sprague. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. June 24, 1697. ‘ rea. Mary, ‘of Reading, m. Thomas Upham of Mald., Oct. 2, 1704. rea. Rebecca, of Reading, m. Jonathan Barrett of Mald. Rev. R. Brown. Oct. 29, 1716. 10 Ebenezer, of Mendon, m. Mary Dexter of Mald. ev. J. Emerson. April 4, 1728. 11 Rebecca, m. Jacob Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. March 30, 1731. 46 Hannah, of Mald., m. John Batts, res. in Lynn. Rev. /. Emerson. Sept. , 1761. 47 Anna, m. Samuel Wheeler, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Oct. I, 1762. 60 Sarah, of Boston, m. Jacob Paine, res. in Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Oct. 12, 1769. rea. Lemuel, of Mald., m. Catherine Walton of Reading. Rev. C. Prentice. Oct. 16, 1770. 817 Ebenezer, res. in Mald., m. Judith Perkins of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Feb. 27, 1777. 818 Mrs. Abigail, of Tiverton, R. I., m. Rev. Adoniram Judson of Mald. Rev. Samuel Hopkins. Nov. , 1786. 820 George, m. Sarah Nichols, both of Stoneham. LZ. Sargeant, /. P. Feb. 27, 1787. med. Zachariah, of Medford, m. Sally Johnson of Mald., Oct. 9, 1796. 826 Jonas, m. Kezia Geary, both of Mald. ev. A. Green. Jan. 25, 1804. 343 Israel H., i Lucy B. Adams, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 14, 1816. 844 Sally, m. Aaron Butler. Rev. E. Nelson. Nov. 27, 1817. 479 Emily, m. Stephens Dockham, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 26, 1821. 497 William, m. Wealthy Goodwin, both of Mald. Rev. J. Marsh. Sept. 27, 1825. 514 Elizabeth, m. Smith Noyes. Rev. J. McLeish. Nov. 1, 1832. 615 Fanny, m. Elbridge Green, both of So. Reading. ev. S. Codd. Dec. 1, 1833. 516 Capt. James, m. Mrs. Nancy Putney, both of Mald. Rev. C. Woble. April 15, 1834. 620 Charles H., m. Lucinda A. Stiles, both of Mald. Rev. S. Codd. Nov. 27, 1834. 524 ala m. John Derby, both of So. Reading. Rev. S. Cobb. May 6, é 1835. 582 Eunice, of So. Reading, m. James Barrett of Mald. Rev. S. Codd. May 18, 1837. MALDEN MARRIAGES 209 Brown (continued) 544 Mary G., m. Nathan A. Vinton, bothof Mald. Rev. M. W. Williams. Sept. 2, 1840. 548 Lucy, m. Aaron Waitt, both of So. Reading. ev. J. McLeish. ‘Sept. 30, 1841. 718 William H., 20,s of William, m. Harriet Bassett, 17, b. in Harwich, da of Elisha and Keetch(?), all of Mald. fev. J. McLeish. Aug. 11, 1844. , 719 Mary, m. Peter Wiley, both b. in So. Reading. Rev. W. Tozer. [Date not given ; recorded April 10, 1846.] 719 Nelson S., m. Adeline Gage [720 Adelia], both of Lowell. Rev. /. McLeish. April 15, 1846. 720 Mary E., of Mald., 18, da of James and Nancy, m. Leonard W. Harris of New Ipswich, N. H., 30, s of William and Hannah. Rev. N. Bemis. Aug. 4, 1846. 720 Jonas G., 21, s of Jonas and Kezia, m. Mary Vinton, 19, da of Isaac and Mary, all of Mald. Rev. J. McLeish. Dec. 20, 1846. 720 Samuel F., of Cambridge, 24, s of William and Martha, m. Susan L. Cookson of Mald., 21. ev. J. Cookson. June to, 1847. 720 Joanna O., of Mald., m. Asa Church of Boston. Rev. 7. A. Latham. July 18, 1847. 721 James, Jr., 30, s of James,m. Hannah Benchley, 21, da of Stafford and Rhoda, all of Mald. Rev. J. McLeish. Aug. 13, 1848. Bruce 548 Franklin, of Mald., m. Harriet N. Oliver of So. Reading. Rev. /. McLeish. May 25, 1841. Bryant rea. Rebecca, of Reading, m. Jacob Barrett of Mald., Sept. 6, 1736. rea. Abigail, of Reading, m. James Barrett of Mald., Feb. 23, 1762. 61 Abigail, res. in Mald., m. Benjamin Jenks, res. in Salem. ev. /. Emerson. March 14, 1765. 818 John, of Reading, m. Polly Wait of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. May 19, 1785. 327 Aaron, m. Betsey Little Hale, both of Medford. B. Green, J. P- Oct. 9, 1803. for. Nathan, m. Mary Hardy, both of Medford. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 6, 1809. 335 Sally Wait, of Mald., m. Joseph Stowers of Chelsea. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 7, 1810. 846 Enoch, of So. Reading, m. Martha Wait. Rev. A. Green. March 19, 1819. 524 Ruggles W., of Cambria, N. Y., m. Fanny H. Staples of So. Reading. fev. S. Cobb. July 15, 1835. Buck 541 Ephraim, Jr., of Boston, m. Jane B. Oakes of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Dec. 1, 1839. Bucknam, Buckman ec. Mercy, m. Benjamin Web, Dec. 7, 1669. ec. Joses, m. Judith Worth, 1 (3), 1673. cc. William, m. Hannah Wayte, 11 (8), 1676. 1 Samuel, m. Deborah Mellen. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Sept. 22, 1697. 1 Sarah, m. Richard Dexter. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Feb. 23, 1697/8. | 1 Judith, m. Zachariah Hill. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. 1700. rea. Mary, m. Daniel Green, both of Mald., at Reading. /ustice Brown. Dec. 29 [ fam. 2, Dec. 2], 1708. 14 210 MALDEN MARRIAGES Bucknam, Buckman (continued) 4 Hannah, m. Joseph Sargeant. Rev. D. Parsons. June 4, 1713. 8 10 11 12 wob. 16 16 16 18 19 20 rox. 22 48 28 chel. 52 50 53. 54 313 313 317 315 315 318 316 316 rea. Abigail, m. Benjamin Blaney. Rev. /. Emerson. Oct. 13, 1725. Mary, m. James Barrett. Rev. J. Emerson. Feb. 13; 1728/9. Judah [ Judith 2], of Mald., m. Richard Perkins of Boston. ev. /. Emerson. Dec. 3, 1730. Ruth, m. Thomas Richardson, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. June 26, 1733. Samuel, of Mald., m. Elizabeth Wyman of Woburn, Sept. 19, 1738. Deborah, m. William Waitt, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson, Dec. 28, 1738. Martha, m. Jonathan Oakes, both of Mald. Rev. J. Stimpson. Feb. 1, 1738/9. Sarah, m. Timothy Dexter, both of Mald. Rev. J. Stimpson. March 22, 1738/9. Joses, m. Mary Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. J. Stimpson. June 8, 1743. Benjamin, m. Rebecca Parker, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Nov. 12, 1743. David, res. in Salem, m. Mrs. Esther Sprague of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. March 4, 1745/6. James, of Mald., m. Mary Goddard of Roxbury. Rev. MV. Walter. Sept. 17, 1747. John, m. Hannah Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. A. Cleaveland. Nov. 12, 1747. Esther, m. Jonathan Oakes, both of Mald. Rev. A. Cleaveland. Sept. 13, 1750. Hannah, of Mald., m,. Parker Underwood of Littleton. Rev. £. Willis. Nov. 23, 1758. Moses, m. Borradell Green, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Jan. 18, 1759. Aaron, of Mald., m. Joanna Floyd of Chelsea. Rev. P. Payson. May I, 1768. John, - Elizabeth Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. E. Wills. July 11, 1768. Esther, Zea ehemiah Oakes, both of Mald. Rev. EZ. Willis. March 27, 1709. John, m. Catherine Green, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. July 18, 1770. [Mrs.] Mary, of Mald., m. Sylvanus Hopkins of Kent, Ct. Rev. Z. Willis. April 8, 1772. John, of Medford, m. Phebe Bucknam of Mald. ev. P. Thacher. May 19, 1776. Phebe, of Mald., m. John Bucknam of Medford. Rev. P. Thacher. May 109, 1776. es David, m. Sarah Baldwin, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. May 9, 1779. Aaron, m. Lydia Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Sept. 14, 1779. Martha, an Ebenezer Pain, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. April 15, 1781. Alice, m. Amos Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. EZ. Willis. Nov. 28, 1782. Benjamin, m. Mary Stowers, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. July 6, 1783. Nathan, m. Elizabeth Stower, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 7, 1784. Benjamin, m. Mary Wait, both of Mald., at Reading. Rev. C. Prentice. Jan. 4, 1785. 4g 8 A ae ’ MALDEN MARRIAGES 211 Bucknam, Buckman (continued) 318 318 $20 819 fer. 322 825 328 331 340 341 346 719 wob. Betsey, of Mald., m. Leonard Parks of Lincoln. Rev. E. Willis. March 15, 1785. Ebenezer, m. Hannah Varder, both of Medford. Rev. E. Willis. May 20, 1785. Joanna, m. Phineas Pratt, both of Mald. £. Sargeant, J. P. Feb. 6, 1788. Joseph, m. Lucy Nurse, both of Mald. Rev, A. Judson. June 8, 1788. Benoni, m. Elizabeth Floyd, both of Mald. ev. £. Willis. Jan. 31, 1793 William, m. Abigail Hatch, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 21, 1798. Eliakim, m. Elizabeth Paine, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. II, 1801. Martha, m. Joseph Gardner, both of Medford. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 23, 1804. Stephen, m. Betsey Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 17, 1807. Benjamin, m. Mary Floyd, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 25, 13814. Eliakim, m. Mercy Wait, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 2, 1815. John S., m. Deborah Hall. Rev. A. Green. April 8, 1819. Phebe, of Medford, 25, b. in Mald., da of Benjamin and Mary, m. George E. Jones of Medford, 22. Rev. J. Cookson. Sept. 28, 1845. Henry B., m. Martha Cameron, both of Mald. [at Woburn], July 19, 1846. Bunker c.c. John, m. Hannah Mellows [4@7Uer by error in original return]. Zr. Nowell. (7), 1655. Burditt, Burden C.c. chf, wob. 7 10 11 15 15 18 20 22 24 26 26 27 28 Robert, m. [Hannah] Winter. 7/7. Mowell. (9), 1653. Hannah [Burden], m. Edmund Chamberlin, both of Mald., at Chelmsford. Rev. S. Adams. June 22, 1670. Thomas, m. Mary Sargent of Mald., at Woburn, Sept. 28, 1705. John, m. Hannah Cole. Rev. /. Emerson. July 5, 1722. Thomas, m. Sarah Newhall of Mald. Rev./. Emerson. Dec. 4, 1729. Jacob, m. Rebecca Brown, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. March 30, 1731. Mary, m. Samuel Sweetser, both of Mald. Rev. J. Stimpson. July 8, 1736. Joseph, m. Tabitha Paine, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Dec. 10, 1737. Jabez, m. Hannah Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. J. Stimpson. Feb. 7, 1739/40. John, m. yates Green, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Feb. 6, 1745/6. Elizabeth, m. John Nichols, both of Mald. Rev. A. Cleaveland. April 21, 1748. Jabez, m. Deborah Richardson, both of Mald. Rev. A. Cleaveland. Jan. 16, 1749/50. Tabitha, m. Nathan Dexter, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Feb. 20, 1753. Jabez, m. Elizabeth Winslow, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. May 3, 1753. Sarah, m. Isaac Cluly, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Jan. 10, 1755. Nathan, of Mald., m. Elizabeth Watts of Chelsea. Rev. E. Willis. March 2, 1756. 212 MALDEN MARRIAGES Burditt, Burden (continued) 28 46 med, Samuel, m. Esther Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. April 21, 1758. Joseph, and Mercy Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Oct. 2, 1761. Tabitha, of Mald., m. Jonathan Sprague of Medford. Rev. EZ. Turrell. April 8, 1762. 52 Nathan, m. Esther Grover, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Jan. 28, 1768. 58 Jesse, m. Rachel Waitt, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Feb. 21, 1771. 58 John, Jr., m. Abigail Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. May 23, 1771. 55 Mary, m. Winslow Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. March 15, 1773- 55 Jemima, m. Phineas Sprague, 3, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. April 19, 1774. 315 Samuel, Jr.. m. Mary Wheeler, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Sept. 10, 1780. 816 Lydia, m. James Sweetser, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Oct. 14, 1783. 818 William, of Medford, m. Elizabeth Hatch of Mald. Rev. E. Wallis. April 28, 1785. 820 Jabez, m. Lydia Collins, both of Mald. Z. Sargeant, J.P. April 4, 1786. 819 Edward, m. Hannah Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. Oct. 13, 1788. . 821 Sally, m. Samuel Batts, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. June 13, 1790. $22 Hannah, m. Benjamin Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 12, 1797. chel. Thomas, of Mald., m. Hannah Collins of Chelsea, April 6, 1802. 825 John, m. Sarah Shute, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 25, 1802. 827 Samuel, Jr..m. Mrs. Mary Howard, both of Mald. Rev. A. Greer. Jan. 29, 1804. $28 Mary, m. William Wait, 3, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 23, 1804. 831 Nathan, m. Elizabeth Grover, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. Oct. 13, 1806. 840 Lemuel, m. Bridget Richards, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 14, 1815. 495 Mrs. Lydia, m. Elias Elliot, both of Mald. Rev. E. Nelson. Oct. 25, 1821. 529 Mary B., of Saugus, m. James M. Stickney of Reading. Rev. S. Codd. Nov. 17, 1836. : 717 William L., s of Lemuel and Bridget, m. Rebecca L. Wait [zzz. eee da of John and Nancy, all of Mald. 2. G. Hill, /. P. Nov. 6, 1843. 718 Louisa M., da of Lemuel and Bridget, m. Samuel A. Angier, all of Mald. Rev. W. Tozer. July 31, 1844. 719 Susan C., of Mald., 25,da of Lemuel and Bridget, m. Isaac E. Stevens of Marlboro, 23, s of Isaac T. and Catherine. Rev. C. Goodrich. Dec. 29, 1845. Burks 626 John, tn Ann M. Craig, both of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. Dec. 24, 1835. Burnall In, Sarah, of Lynn, m. John Upham of Mald., Nov. 3, 1727. MALDEN MARRIAGES 213 Burnap 1 Benjamin [of Reading], m. Elizabeth Newhall [of Mald.]. Rev. 4. Wigglesworth [rea. June 18], 1700. Burnett 22 Rebecca, of Reading, m. Jacob Upham of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson, Jan. 19, 1747/8. Burnham 532 Mary R., m. Charles Walker, both of So. Reading. Rev. S. Codd. Sept. 4, 1837. 718 David H., Jr., wid. of Stoneham, s of David H., m. Emily H. Halping of Mald. Rev. C. Goodrich. Nov. 23, 1845. Burrage 28 Thomas, of Lynn, m. Anna Wayte of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Nov. 15, 1750. 29 William, of Lynn, m. Phebe Barrett of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. March 21, 1761. bost. William, of Mald., m. Elizabeth Nickerson [of Boston]. ev. /. Pierpont. Dec. 28, 1822. Burrill 14 Theophilus, of Lynn, m. Mary Hills of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Sept. 24, 1736. 844 Samuel, m. Lois Grover, both of Mald. Rev. E. Wiley. April 5, 1818. 497 Sarah, of Mald., m. Horatio N. Simonds of Cambridge. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 15, 1826, 721 Eliza, of Mald., 21, da of Samuel and Lois, m. Henry Fiske of br dae 23, 8 of Isaac and Polly. Rev. /. G. Adams. Oct. 12, 1848. Burt 544 Margaret E., of Methuen, m. James L. Stinson of Mald. Rev. /. G. Adams. Nov. 26, 1840. Buswell, sce Buzzell 499 Josiah, of Sutton, N. H., m. Mrs. Winifred Winship of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. March 8, 1830. Butler e.c. Hannah, m. James Chadwick, (12), 1676. 337 a m. Sally Blanchard, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 8, 1811. $44 Aaron, m. Sally Brown. Rev. E. Nelson. Nov. 27, 1817. 536 Mary, of Mald.,m. Moses G. Kingsbury of Roxbury. Rev. /. G. Adams. Feb. 10, 1839. 540 Tuey at Hiram Smith, both of Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams. Oct. 20, 1839. 547 Aaron, m. Sarah Mansfield. Rev. /.G. Adams. Aug. 15, 1841. 724 Lydia, of Mald., 25, da of Amos, m. Charles A. Messenger of Boston. _ Rev. J. G. Adams. Sept. 1, 1850. 724 Hiram A., of Mald., 26, b. in Hallowell, s of Hiram, m. Mary R. Wentworth, 24, b. in Berwick, Me., da of Moses. Rev. 7. /. Greenwood. Sept. 14, 1850. wob. Moses, of Mald., m. Maria L. Knight of Woburn, Oct. 20, 1850. Butters 496 Sabrina, of Mald., m. Hartwell Richardson of So. Reading. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 6, 1825. 717 Joshua, of Chelsea, m. Martha Todd of Mald. Rev. J. Whitman. Aug. 24, 1843. 214 MALDEN MARRIAGES Buttrick 846 Danforth, m. Hannah B. Oliver. Rev. E. Nelson. March 22, 1820. Buzzell, see Buswell 719 Joshua, of Chelsea, 26,s of Philip and Edna, m. Almira Lewis of nea da of Amasa and Polly. ev. C. Goodrich. Sept. 27, 1846. Call e.c. Thomas, Jr.,m. Lydia Shepardson. &. Russell. 22 (5), 1657. chas. Mercy, m. Samuel Lee, both of Mald. 2. Russell. Nov. 4, 1662. 819 Jonathan, m. Sarah Frothingham, both of Charlestown. Rev. A. Judson. May 27, 1788. Calley chas. Mary, m. William Matthews, both of Mald., at Charlestown. £. Emerson, J. P- Feb. 6, 1706. Cameron wob. Martha, m. Henry B. Bucknam, both of Mald. [at Woburn], July 19, 1846. Campbell 346 Capt. George, of Newburyport, m. Sarah Popkin of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 14, 1819. 497 Lydia Ann, m. Abel Lamper, both of Charlestown. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 5, 1826. Capen 520 Harriet, m. Henry Sprague, both of Saugus. Rev. S. Cobb. July 3, 1834. Carey 720 Olive, m. James Newhall, both of Mald. Rev. J. A. Latham. Dec. 5, 1847. Carleton 529 Lydia Jane, m. Samuel C. Jackson, both of Lowell, in Lowell. Rev. S. Cobb. Dec. 18, 1836. Carnes 334 Mary, m. Thomas Ford, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 24, 1809. Carr 723 Nancy, 23, m. Isaac H. Russell of Medford, 24,s of Ira M. and Martha. Rev. C. B. Smith. Jan 11, 1850. Carrington c.c. Mary, m. Phineas Sprague. &. Russell. 11 (10), 1661. Carter rea. Martha, of Reading, m. Joseph Barrett, Jr., of Mald. Rev. C. Pren- tice. June 25, 1792. chas. John, Jr., of Charlestown, m. Esther Beacham of Mald. Rev. /. Morse. Sept. 15, 1796. 828 Thomas, m. Hannah Green, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 12, 1804. Caswell 53 Bathsheba, of Mald., m. Thomas Smith of Truro. Rev. E. Willis. Dec. 31, 1770. fer. Sarah, m. Samuel Wait, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Dec. 3, 1793- MALDEN MARRIAGES 215 Chadwick c.c. Elizabeth, m. Gershom Hills, Nov. 11, 1667. e.c. Sarah, m. Thomas Grover, May 23, 1668. c.c. James, m. Hannah Butler, (12), 1676. 12 Joseph, of Falmouth, m. Mary Jenkins of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Nov. 2, 1732. 14 Ruth, of Mald.,m. Phineas Walker of Brookfield. Rev. J. Emerson. July 3, 1736. Chaffee 8 Joseph, m. Abigail Hills. Rev. D. Parsons. Dec. 1, 1709. Chamberlain, Chamberlin ehf. Edmund, m. Hannah Burden, both of Mald.,.at Chelmsford. Rev. S. Adams. June 22, 1670. 8 Margaret, m. Samuel Wilson. Rev. D. Parsons. March 6, 1711/2. chas. Ruth, of Mald.,m. Matthew Mallet of Charlestown. Rev. S. Brad- street. July 31, 1729. 14 Margaret, of Mald., m. Nathaniel Townsend of Lynn. Rev. /. Emerson. Dec. 9, 1736. chel. Susanna, of Chelsea, m. John Sargeant of Mald. Rev. ZT. Cheever. Jan. II, 1742/3. 524 Harriet, m. James C. Richardson, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobd. Sept. 6, 1835. 525 Lowell, a Mary Waitt, both of Mald. ev. S. Cobb. Jan. 4, 1836. 717 Lowell, wid., of Chelsea, 28, s of Uriah and Louisa of Mald., m. Hannah H. Nichols, 22, da of William, Jr, and Hannah of Mald. fev. J. G. Adams. Aug. 3, 1843. Chapman 722 Mary Jane, 22, da of Isaac and Patience of Porter, Me., m. Franklin Tufts, 22,s of Nathaniel and Hannah, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. April 15, 1849. Chase 532 George, m. Olive Flanders, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. Oct. 1, 1837. 644 Martha, m. Ivory Fenderson, both of Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams. April 4, 1841. Cheever ln. Bab es Lynn, m. Jacob Parker of Mald. Rev. J. Roby. Sept. 18, 1761. fer. Hannah, m. William Emmons, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. April 18, 1793. chel. Abigail, of Chelsea, m. Reuben Hatch of Mald. Rev. P. Payson. Sept. 13, 1796. fer. Susanna, m, Andrew Wait, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 7, 1797. 823 Nancy, m. Aaron Wait, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 31, 1798. $24 Hannah, m. Thomas Waitt, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. June 14, r8or. 826 Lucy, m. Samuel Shute, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 165, 1803. 880 Mary, of Mald., m. William Raymond of Charlestown. Rev. H. Pottle. Nov. 3, 1805. : 844 Lucy, m. Samuel Moses. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 26, 1817. 845 Jacob, of Mald., m. Lydia Sweetser of Saugus. Rev. E. Melson. Dec. 13, 1818. 216 MALDEN MARRIAGES Cheever (continued) 529 Harriet, m. Thomas Swan, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. April 9, 1837. 536 Caroline, m. Thomas Swan, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Sept. 10, 1838. 717 Lydia, da of Jacob and Lydia, m. Lemuel Davenport, all of Mald. Rev. J. Cookson. Oct. 12, 1843. 719 Phebe, of Mald., 22, da of Joseph and Phebe, m. Guy C. Fernald, wid., of Lynn. Rev. /. Blodgett. Oct. 11, 1846. 722 Elizabeth, m. Edward Lovering. Rev. /. Blodgett. Sept. 3, 1848. 722 Lucy, 19, da of Jacob, m. Milbury Day, 23, both of Mald. ev. /. G. Adams. May 24, 1849. 723 Sarah, 24, da of Jacob, m. George P. Shaw, 33, s of John. Rev. C. B. Smith. May 30, 1850. Chenery 48 John, of Watertown, m. Phebe Sargeant, of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Jan. 28, 1762. Cheney 720 Nancy C., m. Lowell Green, wid., both of Mald. Rev. 7.A. Latham. Aug. 22, 1847. Childs wat. Sarah, of Watertown, m. David Howard of Mald. Rev. H. Gibbs. Nov. 13, 1710. Chittenden 54 Calvin, m. Sarah Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. EZ. Willis. July 25, 1771. ser. Anna, m. David Sargeant, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. E: Willis. Dec. 12, 1777. sci. Isaac, of Mald., m. Mary Turner of Scituate. W. Turner, J. P. 1780. 819 Isaac, m. Phebe Green, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. Nov. 11, 1787. chel. Samuel, of Mald., m. Sally Flagg Newman of Chelsea, Oct. 21, 1804. $35 Persis,m. Nehemiah Oakes, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 12, 1810. Christian 318 John, of Boston, m. Susanna Polley of Medford. Rev. £. Willis. Sept. 3, 1786. Christy 323 Roland, of Boston, m. Phebe Dexter of Mald. Rev..A. Green. Aug. 5, 1798. Church 720 Asa, of Boston, m. Joanna O. Brown of Mald. Rev. 7. A. Latham. July 18, 1847. Clapp 829 Timothy, m. Deborah Wait, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 28 [ fer. Feb. 18], 1806. 600 Timothy, m. Sarah Wait, both of Mald. £. Buck, 7. P. April 7, 1829. 525 Samuel H., m. Susan Peirce, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Nov. 29, 1835. 605 Abigail D., m. Samuel D. Drowne, both of Mald. £. Buck, /. P. May 17, 1839. 719 Elizabeth F., 20, da of Timothy and Deborah, m. Charles E. Hodg- kins, 23, s of Nathaniel K. and Susan J., all of Mald. Rev. C. Goodrich. [Cert. dates Aug. 30] Aug. 13, 1846. MALDEN MARRIAGES 217 Clarenbold 325 Richard, m. Sarah Barnes, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 24, 1801. $26 John, m. Phebe Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 22, 1803. 502 Mrs. Phebe, m. Nathaniel Tainter. Rev. A. Briggs. July 16, 1820. 616 Eliza A., m. Samuel J. S. Howe, both of Mald. ev. J. McLeish. June 1, 1833. Clark 16 Ichabod, of Stoughton, m. Sarah Whittemore of Mald. ev. J. Stimpson. March 30, 1741. 720 Elizabeth, m. John Wait, wid., all of Mald. Rev. /. McLeish. June 7, 1846. 724 Amanda M., 18, b. in Epping, N. H., da of John, m. Andrew F. Lunt of Mald., 23, Danvers, s of Andrew. Rev. /. G. Adams. Oct. 16, 1850. Clepson 26 Elizabeth, m. James Phillips, both of Mald. 2B. Townsend, /. P. Nov. 30, 1754. Clisby 314 Joseph, res. in Mald., m. Lois Eaton of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Sept. 3, 1778. 815 Mary, of Mald., m. John Paul of Boston. Rev. P. Thacher. Feb. 2, 1779. ; 499 Mary, of Mald., m. Isaac Cowdrey of Lancaster. Rev. G. W. Fair- banks. May 31, 1828. 499 Lois, m. John Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. G. W. Fairbanks. June 15, 1828. Cluley, Clewly 27 Isaac, m. Sarah Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Jam. 10, 1755. cam. Dorcas, of Mald., m. Thomas Hopping of Charlestown, at Cam- bridge. Rev. TZ. Hilliard. Oct. 6, 1785. Coats 846 Stephen, m. Anna Edmonds, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Aug. 25, 1819. Cochrane 721 James, of New York, 28, m. Elizabeth Cochrane of Mald., 26. ev. J. Dennison. Jan. 22, 1849. 721 Elizabeth, of Mald., 26, m. James Cochrane of New York, 28. Rev. J. Dennison. Jan. 22, 1849. 723 Nelson, 25, s of Jonathan and Mary, m. Emily Green, 20, da of Aaron and Nancy, all of Mald. Rev. W. R. Parsons. Jan. 24, 1850. 724 Helen, 23, b. in Wilmot, N. S.,da of William, m. Darius Wait, 27, b. in Chelsea, s of Darius. Rev. C. B. Smith. Oct. 17, 1850. Colburn 835 Cephas, m. Jerusha Howard, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. June II, 1810. : ‘ dor. Milley, of Dorchester, m. John Wilson of Mald., May 17, 1812. Colby 717 Joseph C., of Mald., 23, s of Thomas and Hannah of Amesbury, m. Mary E. Marston, 18, da of David K. and Mary of Mald. Rev. J. Blodgett. May 17, 1843. 218 MALDEN MARRIAGES Cole 7” Hannah, m. John Burditt. Rev. J. Emerson. July 5, 1722. 339 Freeman, of New York, m. Mary Tufts of Mald. ev. A. Green. April 18, 1814. 346 Lydia, m. Simon Knight. Rev. E. Nelson. Sept. 19, 1818 [1819]. 504 Mary A., m. David Sargent, 2, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. Sept. 26, 1830. Coleman, Colman 8 John, m. Dorothy Upham. Rev. /. Emerson. April 23, 1723. rea. Sarah, of Mald., m. Nathaniel Eaton of Reading, Jan. 27, 1747. lei. John, Jr., of Mald., m. Martha Hasey of Leicester. Rev. /. Roderts. Feb. 19, 1761. 52 Persis, am Jobe Howard, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. April 17, 1705. Collins 21 Moses, of gece m. Lydia Whittemore of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. May 20, 1746. 25 aie of Boston, m. John Paine of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Feb. » 1752. 55 Mary, m. William Kendall, both res. in Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Dec. 29, 1773. 820 Lydia, m. Jabez Burditt, both of Mald. £. Sargeant, J. P. April 4, 1786. ath. John, of Mald., m. Joanna Brooks of Athol. Rev. J. Estabrooks. May 1, 1797. chel. Hannah, of Chelsea, m. Thomas Burditt of Mald., April 6, 1802. Comee (See addition, page 326.) wob. Benjamin, of Mald., m. Hannah Richardson of Woburn, Oct. 17, 1768. Conery 28 Sarah, of Stoneham, m. Timothy Sprague of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson, Oct. 18, 1759. $22 John, m. Abigail Green, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 23, 1797. Connor wob. Hanson, of Mald., m. Kezia Johnson of Woburn, March 29, 1812. Converse wob. Edward [of Woburn], m. Joanna Sprague [wid. of Ralph of Mald.], Sept. 9, 1662. rea. Josiah, of Mald., m. Sarah Evans of Reading. Rev. R. Brown. March 9, 1732. 825 Lydia, of Woburn, m. Moses Annis of Lynn. Rev. A. Green. March 25, 1802. Cook cc. Frances [wid. of Richard], m. Thomas Greene. Capt. Marshall. 5 (7), 1659. e.c. Mary, m. eared Greene [abt. 1666]. 19 Israel, of Boston, m. Hannah Upham of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Jan. 11, 1744/5. $19 Isaac, of Medford, m. Elizabeth Neagles of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. Dec. 28, 1787. Cookson 720 Susan L., of Mald., 21 [da of Rev. John], m. Samuel F. Brown of Cambridge, 24, s of William and Martha. fev. /. Cookson. June Io, 1847. MALDEN MARRIAGES 219 Coombs, Cooms 318 Hannah, m. Thomas Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. EF. Willis. May 20, 1783. (See correction, page 326.) 541 Mary Ann, m. Daniel D. Penney. ev. #. Upham. June 28, 1840. 720 Joseph M., of Charlestown, 24, s of Anthony and Hannah, m. Cather- ine Watkins of Mald., 23, da of James and Nancy. fev. J. Langworthy [Chelsea]. May to, 1848. Cooper 587 Laura, m. Samuel Fernald, both of Mald. Rev. 7. F. King. April 13, 1839. Copeland 721 Mary E., of Chelsea, 19, da of Jonathan and Susan, m. Archelaus Archillas in record by error], Grover of Mald., 24, s of Joshua and Dorcas Ann. ev. /. Dennison. Sept. 28, 1848. Corey 526 Solomon P., m. Martha S. Wait, both of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. May 6, 1835. 720 Charlotte W., 21, da of Solomon and Charlotte D., m. Nathan Tufts, 23, s of Simon and Rebecca, all of Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams. Jan. 27, 1848. Corson 499 Jedediah V., of Boston, m. Martha Upham of Mald. Rev. G. W. Fairbanks, June 12, 1828. 720 Jedediah V., wid., 47,m. Mrs. Susanna Silsbee, 38, da of Asa and Ruth Upham, both of Mald. ev. C. Goodrich. Oct. 20, 1847. Corvel 720 Zenas, of New York, m. Minerva Ann Beal of Mald. Rev. 7. A. Latham. Dec. 20, 1847. Costello, Costillar 536 Mary T., m. Reuben C. Higgins, both of Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams. Dec. 13, 1838. Coulton 717 Sarah M., of Waltham, m. Silas M. Hawes of Somerville. Charles Lewis, J. P. Oct. 3, 1843. Counts ec. Edward, m. Sarah Adams, Feb. 25, 1662. Cousens 8 Abraham, m. Abigail Wilkinson. ev. D. Parsons. Jan. 4, 1709. ser. Nathan, m. Rebecca Wire, both of Mald. fev. £. Willis. Aug. 9, 1753- 514 Oliver, m. Emily Edmester. £. Buck, J. P. March 28, 1833. 545 Mrs. Emily, m. Lemuel Edmester. Rev. WM. Palmer. Nov. 8, 1840. Covell c.c. Philip, m. Elizabeth Atwood, Nov. 16, 1688. Cowdrey 499 Isaac, of Lancaster, m. Mary Clisby of Mald. Rev. G. W. Fair- banks. May 31, 1828. 719 Aaron, Jr., wid., of So. Reading, 40, s of Aaron and Betsey, m. Louisa Sprague of Mald., 30, da of Phineas. Rev. /. Sanborn. Dec. 25, 1845. 220 MALDEN MARRIAGES Cowen 12 Patrick, of Mald., m. Jean Crawford of Lynn. fev. /. Emerson. Feb. 22, 1732/3. 27 Mary, ot Mald., m. Isaac Walton of Reading. ev. /. Emerson. Nov. 29, 1754- 47 James, of Mald.,m. Ruhamah Parker of Reading. ev. /. Emerson. March 17, 1763. Cox 1 Me m. Thomas Grover. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. July 29, 1697. 313 va m. pantal Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. April > 1776. $24 Hannah, m. Edward Newhall, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 15, 1801. 825 Rebecca, of Mald., m. James Green of Reading. ev. A. Green. Aug. 3, 1802. ; 826 Elizabeth, of Mald.,m. Benjamin Mansfield of Lynn. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 24, 1804. 334 Samuel, m. Betsey Stanton, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 22, 1809. 338 Unite, Jr., m. Sally Waitt, both of Mald. Rev./J. Livermore. Dec. 31, 1811. 840 Mary, m. James Howard, both of Mald. Sept. 16 [ fcr. Sept. 6], 1814. 840 Lemuel, m. Lydia Harnden, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 28, 1815. 841 James, m. Sarah D. Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 3, 1816. : 848 Hannah, of Mald.,m. John Vinton of Stoneham. ev. £. Wiley. April 8, 1817. 845 John, m. Lydia Andrew, both of Mald. Rev. £. Melson. July 5, 1818. 476 Leonard, m. Betsey Lear, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May.9, 1820. 507 Lemuel, m. Sarah O. Haven. Rev. R. D. Esterbrooks. Oct. 4, 1833. 521 Samuel W., m. Hannah Woodbury, both of Mald. ev. C. Sawyer. Sept. 25, 1834. 520 George P., m. Mary Ann Morrison, both of Mald. Rev. M. B. Spaulding. March 5, 1835. chel. Samuel A., of Mald., m. Harriet Hall of Chelsea [int. is Nov. 22, 1834], July 30, 1834 [1835]. 645 Mary H., m. Adam Thompson, both of Mald. G. Haven, J. P. May Io, 1841. , 645 John A., of Mald., m. Susan R. Steele of Medford. Rev. M. Palmer. June 24, 1841. 717 Charles C., s of John and Lydia, m. Lucy Faulkner, da of David and Lucy, all of Mald. Rev. C. Goodrich. [Cert. says Oct. 22] Oct. 30, 1843. 717 Lydia, da of John and Lydia, m. Joseph Mills, all of Mald. Rev. /. Whitman. Nov. 12, 1843. 719 Maria S., 22, da of Lemuel and Lydia, m. Moses Sargent, 26, s of a and Hannah, all of Mald. Rev. /. G. Adams. Nov. 15, 1846. 720 Eliza S.,da of Samuel and Betsey, m. Joseph W. Tufts, Jr.,s of Nags W. and Eliza, all of Mald. Rev. J. Cummings. June 24, 1847. 721 Emeline E., 22, da of Samuel and Betsey, m. Augustus Stiles, 23, s of Isaac and Harriet, all of Mald. Rev. J. Dennison. Nov. 23, 1848. MALDEN MARRIAGES 221 Cox (continued ) 722 Martha W., of Mald., 24, da of Unite and Sarah, m. John P. Currier of Waterville, Me., 27, s of George and Elizabeth. ev. C. B. Smith. May 24, 1849. 723 Levi, of Mald., 25, s of John and Lydia, m. Mary Ann Galucia, 20, da of Peter S.and Mary Ann. Rev. A. W. McClure. July 8, 1849. Craige 835 Alexander, m. Tabitha Newhall, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 14, 1810, 526 Ann M., m. John Burks, both of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. Dec. 24, 1835. Crane 323 Hannah, m. Charles Hill, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 8, 1800. 827 James, m. Mary Hill, both of Mald. Rev. AH. Potile. Oct. 30, 1804. 830 Mary, m. Isaac Hill, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. Feb. 16, 1806. 330 Harvey, m. Hannah Hopkins, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. May 4, 1806. 615 Timothy T.,of Lynn, m. Sarah Balch of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. Oct. 13, 1833. Crawford bost. chee m. Samuel Sprague. &. Bellingham, Dept. Gov. 23 (6), 1655. 12 Jean, of Lynn, m. Patrick Cowen of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Feb. 22, 1732/3. Crehore 476 Henry, m. Susan Tarbell, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 7, 1820. 607 Henry, m. Hannah Hitchings. Rev. S. Codd. April 4, 1833. Crockett 829 Ephraim, of Sanbornton, m. Eliza Dexter of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 23, 1805. 525 Martha, m. Daniel P. Wise, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Jan. 5, 1836. Crosfield 343 Harriet A., m. Joseph B. Wilson, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 5, 1817. 845 Lucy L{ee], m. William Ramsdell. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 30, 1817. Cross 530 Hannah, of Danvers, m. Ebenezer Swinerton of Mald. Rev. M. P. Braman [Danvers]. June 16, 1837. Crowly 20 Charles, res. in Charlestown, m. Mary Marks of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Oct. 1, 1745. Cruse 615 Solomon, m. Mrs. Nancy Hopkins, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobd July 22, 1833. Cummings 718 Nathaniel, of Charlestown, 31,m. Nancy S. Oakes, 26, da of Nehemiah of Mald. Rev. C. Goodrich. Jan. 1, 1845. 723 Emeline L., 25, da of Charles, m. James Gowen of Barnstead, 28, s of Isaac and Mary. Rev. J. M. Merrill. April 23, 1850. 723 Charles, of Mald., 56,s of Joseph and Hannah, m. Hannah Kidder, 55, da of John and Hannah. Fev. J. G. Adams. May 9, 1850. 222 MALDEN MARRIAGES Currell fer. Elias, m. Polly Merritt, both of Mald. ev. E. Willis, Dec. 25, 1794. Currier 722 John P., of Waterville, Me., 27, s of George and Elizabeth, m. Martha W. Cox of Mald. » 24, da of Unite and Sarah. ev. CB. Smith, May 24, 1849. Cushing 720 Joseph W., 24, s of Ebud and Mary, m. Sarah Jane Foster, 18, da of Russell and Sophia, both of So. Reading. fev. 7. A. Latham. July 4, 1847. Cutler med. Samuel, m. Hannah Green, both of Mald., at Medford. 7. Zu/fts, Je P. May [1719]. Cutter med. Sarah, of Medford, m. Samuel Blanchard of Mald. Rev. E. Turvill. April 12, 1745. 26 Ebenezer, of Medford, m. Eleanor Floyd of Mald. Rev./. Emerson. Sept. 2, 1752. 814 Jonathan, m. as Hadley, both of Charlestown. Rev. P. Thacher. Sept. 3, 1 fer. Elizabeth, m. se Polley, both of Medford. Rev. A. Green. March 7, 1797- 838 Mary, m. Phineas Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 11, 1812. 844 Andrew, m. Mary Blanchard. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 12, 1817. 625 Caroline L. [error for Caroline Antoinette], m. George A. Lewis, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. March 27, 1836. 541 Sarah, m. Francis Stratton, both of Mald. ev. .S. G. Hzler. May 31, 1840. 717 Joshua T., s of Artemas, m. Sarah E. Kidder, all of Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams. March 19, 1844. 720 Samuel H., m. Harriet S. ilanrhaid both of Charlestown. ev. /. G. Adams. Dec. 9, 1847. 722 J. Thomas, wid., of Mald., 28,s of Artemas and Mary P., m. Mary Ann Roberts of Mald., 17, b. in Lynnfield, da of Eliza. Rev. J. G. Adams. Sept. 17, 1849. Damon rea. Esther, of Reading, m. Nathan Holden of Mald. Rev. P. Sanborn. . Feb. 9, 1797. 840 Amos, of Mald., m. Nancy Standish of Boston. Rev. A. Green. May 30, 1814. Daniels 496 Roxania, m. Dexter Blodgett, both of Medford. Rev. E. Nelson. June 12, 1823. fer. Nancy, of Mald., m. Dean Ames of Charlestown. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 16, 1823. 502 Susan, m. Freeman H. Fuller. Rev. A. Briggs. July 1, 1829. 524 Charles, of Mald., m. Hannah D. Turner of Chelsea. Rev. 5 . Cobb. May 28, 1835. 530 Charity ML. , of Charlestown, m. Seth Wyman of Woburn, in Woburn, kev. S. Cobb. Jan. 5, 1837 723 William C., 31, s of Clark, m. SA blip T. Stone, 21, da of Abraham. Rev. C.B B. Smith. Feb. 25, 1850. MALDEN MARRIAGES 223 Dascomb 497 phen m. Fanny Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 7, 1826. Davenport 717 Lemuel, m. Lydia Cheever, da of Jacob and Lydia, all of Mald. kev. J. Cookson. Oct. 12, 1843. Davis 529 Nancy C., m. Cyrus Twombly, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Dec. 1, 1836. 720 Caroline W., of Charlestown, m. George Boardman, wid., of Mald. Rev. T. A. Latham. Nov. 28, 1847. Day 504 Benjamin, m. Frances Vinton, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. May 6, 1830. 722 Milbury, 23, m. Lucy Cheever, 19, da of Jacob, both of Mald. ev. J. G. Adams. May 24, 1849. Deal bost. Rebecca, of Boston, m. Stower Sprague of Mald. Rev. E. Gray. Oct. 6, 1747. Dean 14 William, of Cambridge, m. Mary Green of Mald. ev. J. Emerson. May 20, 1736. Degresha 9 Thomas, m. Hannah Howard. Rev. J. Emerson. [Date not given; probably in 1726.] 14 Sarah, m. David Howard, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Jan. 20, 1736/7. Delan chas. John, of Mald., m. Judith Upham of Charlestown. Rev. H. Abbot. Nov. 22, 1739. Denio 720 Ephraim, m. Mrs. Ann Riley, both of Charlestown. ev. /. Cookson. Oct. 19, 1847. Dennett wob. Ellen, of Woburn, m. Thomas H. Perkins of Mald., Jan. 25, 1848. Derby 15 Reuben, of Pomfret, m. Zibillah Howard of Mald. Rev./. Emerson. Dec. 27, 1738. 524 John, m. Lydia Brown, both of So. Reading. Rev. S. Cobb. May 6, 1835. Desmore 847 Nancy, of Marblehead, m. John Townsend, Jr., of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 24, 1819. Desper, Dispar chas. Sarah, m. John Pratt, both of Mald., at Charlestown. Z£. Emerson, J.P. March 7, 1709/10. med. Ebenezer, m. Sarah Wright, both of Mald., at Medford. 7. Tu/fts, J.P. Dec. 24, 1720. Dexter rea. Sarah, of Mald., m. John Brown, at Reading, May 19, 1697. 1 Richard, m. Sarah Bucknam. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Feb. 23, 1697/8. 224 MALDEN MARRIAGES Dexter (continued) med. 9 9 10 11 med. 16 box. 18 21 22 25 26 26 26 27 61 52 313 315 815 815 315 821 823 326 829 829 476 645 Sarah, of Mald., m. John Sargent of Charlestown, at Medford. T. Tufts, J. P. May 25, 1721. Lydia, of Mald., m. Robert Snelling of Boston. Rev. J. Emerson. June 30, 1726. : Ruth, m. Joseph Green. Rev. J. Emerson. Jan. 25, 1726. Mary, of Mald., m. Ebenezer Brown of Mendon. fev. J. Emerson. April 4, 1728, Abigail, of Mald., m. John Hasey of Rumneymarsh. fev. J. Emer- son. Nov. 17, 1730. John, of Mald., m. Susanna Hewett of Medford. Rev. E. Turrell. Jan. 6, 1731. Timothy, m. Sarah Bucknam, both of Mald. ev. /. Stimpson. March 22, 1738/9. Richard, of Mald., m. Rebecca Peabody of Boxford. Rev. J. Cush- ing. Nov. 26, 1741. Nathan of Mald., m. Esther Brintnall of Chelsea. Rev. /. Stimpson. June 26, 1744. John, m. Abigail Hill, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. April 18, 1746. John, m. Joanna Lynde, both of Mald. ev. J. Emerson. March 15, 1747/8. Susanna, m. Dea. James Hovey, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. May 7, 1751. Nathan, m. Tabitha Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Feb. 20, 1753. Sarah, of Mald., m. John Hopkinson of Bradford. Rev. Z. Willis. June 28, 1753. Susanna, of Mald., m. Hezekiah Blanchard of Charlestown. Fev. /. Emerson. Feb. 22, 1754. Winifred, m. Jonathan Howard, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. May 14, 1756. William, m. Phebe Knight, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. July 12, 1764. Paul, of Boston, m. Elizabeth Wade of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. April 24, 1767.. Rebecca, m. Daniel Parker, bothof Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. April 28, 1776. John, Jr., m. Sarah Hill, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. June 27, 1779. William, mt Elizabeth Pain, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Jan. 18, 1780. Bridget, of Mald., m. Capt. James Thompson of Boston. Rev. P. Thacher. Jan. 23, 1780. Richard, m. Martha Hatch, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. July 31, 1780. Lydia, m. Solomon Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Nov. 27, 1791. Phebe, of Mald., m. Roland Christy of Boston. ev. A. Green. Aug. 5, 1798. : Sarah, of Mald., m. Daniel Wise, res. in Lynn. Zev. A. Green. Nov. 8, 1803. Rebecca, of Mald., m. Terence Wakefield of Boston. Rev. A. Green. April 25, 1805. Eliza, of Mald., m. Ephraim Crocket of Sanbornton. Rev. A. Green. May 23, 1805. Richard, Jr., m. Jerusha Baldwin, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 23, 1820. Nancy Elizabeth, of Mald., m. Joseph Baldwin of Fitchburg. Rev. A.W. McClure. Aug. 30, 1840. MALDEN MARRIAGES 225 Dickerman chas. Hannah, of Charlestown, m. Isaac Fensum of Mald. /. Russell. March 15, 1685/6. Dickson, Dixon 816 Jonas, of Medford, m. Elizabeth Gill of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. May 27, 1783. Dill new. Rebecca, m. Nathaniel Upham, both of Mald.,at Newton. /. Green- wood, J. P. Nov. 4, 1736. Diman 815 David, of Boston, m. Lois Grover of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 15, 1781. sa. Lois, of Salem, m. Bernard Green of Mald. Rev. /. Prince. June 7, 1789. Dingley 515 Mary B., of Lynn, m. Timothy Bailey of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. Nov. 28, 1833. 652 Nancy B., m. Timothy Bailey, both of Mald. Rev. NV. W. Williams. May 19, 1842. Diz rea. Rebecca, of Reading, m. Benoni Vinton of Mald. Rev. C. Prentice. April 27, 1779. 832 William, of Reading, m. Sally Howard of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Aug. 18, 1807. 524 Joseph O., m. Emeline Whittemore, both of So. Reading. Rev. S. Cobb. Aug. 13, 1835. Dockham 479 Stephens, m. Emily Brown, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 26, 1821. Dodge 825 Daniel, m. Lydia Grover, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Aug. 16, 1802. 498 George, of Chelmsford, m. Eliza Oliver of Mald. Rev. /. Cookson. Dec. 2, 1824. Doe 28 Nathaniel, of New Market, N. H., m. Mary Wright of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Sept. 27, 1757. 724 Stephen, of Boston, b. in Windsor, Me., s of Charles, m. Frances E. Martin. Rev. M. Trafton. May 22, 1850. Dore 541 Sarah B., m. John Vaughn, both of Mald. Rev. /. M. Driver. Jan. 26, 1840. Douglass 8 Thomas, m. Mary Sargeant. Rev. /. Emerson, June 10, 1725. Dow, Dows 317 John, . Haverhill, m. Mehitable Sargeant of Mald. ev. E. Willis. July 4, 1779. 320 Mehitable, m. ae Hancock, both of Mald. £. Sargeant, /. P. , April 20, 1787. 324 Jabez, of Kensington, N. H., m. Hannah Waitt of Mald. Rev. A. Green. June 30, 1801. 838 Mrs. Mary [Dows], m. John Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 31, 1813. 15 226 MALDEN MARRIAGES Downing 341 William, m. Phebe Knower, both of Mald. “ev. A. Green. Feb. 4, 1816. 342 Mrs. Louis [Zozs ?], m. Augustus Mahan, both of Charlestown. Ai. Gardner, 2, J. P. Feb. 3, 1817. Downs 496 Ephraim, m. Sarah Breeden, both of Boston. Rev. A. Green. July 23, 1826. 719 Orin, 22, s of Jacob and Judith, m. Eunice M. Shackford, 25, all of Mald. Rev. J. Blodgett. Oct. 11, 1846. Draper 520 Lydia, of Saugus, m. John Edmunds of Uxbridge. Rev. S. Codd. Feb. 3, 1835. Driver sa. Hannah, of Salem, m. Stephen Grover of Mald. ev. /. Spaulding. Dec. 16, 1798. Drown 505 Samuel D., m. Abigail D. Clapp, both of Mald. £. Buck, j. P. May 17, 1831. 720 Samuel, wid., m. Lydia*Jane Munroe, both of Mald. ev. /. Cum- mings. June 24, 1847. Dunbar 17 James, of Mald., m. Rebecca Woods of Boston. Rev. /. Stimpson. Jan. 11, 1742/3. Dunton 18 John, m. Mercy Johnson, both res. in Mald. Rev. J. Stimpson. Aug. 17, 1744. 718 Eliza A., of Mald., 24, b. in Hope, Me., da of Isaac and Hannah of Appleton, Me., m. Joseph W. Edwards of Mald., 25, b. in Lyman, Me.,s of Johnand Hannah. Rev. J.G. Adams. Dec. 11, 1845. 718 Caroline L., of Mald., 27, b. in Hope, Me., da of Isaac and Hannah of Appleton, Me., m. George W. Vaughn of Mald., 27, b. in Boston, s of Samuel and Elizabeth. ev. /. G. Adams. Dec. 21, 1845. Durant chas. Mehitable, m. Thomas Skinner, both of Mald., at Charlestown. £. Emerson, J. P. Dec. 16, 1708. Durgin, Durgan 724 Harrison, of Lawrence, 24, b. in Freedom, N. H.,s of Leavitt, m. Emily Scruton of Mald., 23, b. in Farmington, da of Miles. B. G. Hill, J. P. June 23, 1850. Dyer, Dyar 53 Joseph, of Boston, m. Elizabeth Nichols of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. May 2, 1771. fer. Joseph, m. Sally Merritt, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Dec. 25, 1792. fer. John Nichols, m. Susanna Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 2, 1796. 327 Eliza, m. Zadoc Trask, both of Mald. ev. H. Pottle. Dec. 9, 1804. 330 Sally, m. Jesse Holden, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. Dec. 9, 1805. Eames, see Emes 515 John, m. Louisa Norwood, both of Medford. Rev. S. Codd. July 26, 1833. MALDEN MARRIAGES 227 Eastham 718 Dr. Charles, of Boston, 29, s of Henry L. and Mitty, m. Elizabeth Barrett, 24, da of William and Mary H. of Mald. Rev. /. G. Adams. May 30, 1844. Eaton rea. Nathaniel, of Reading, m. Sarah Coleman of Mald., Jan. 27, 1747. 814 Lois, of Mald., m. Joseph Clisby, res. in Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Sept. 3, 1778. 815 Lieut. Nathan, m. Lydia Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. April 3, 1781. 524 Warren, m. Sarah G. Abbot, both of Reading. Rev. S. Cobb. June 21, 1835. 629 James, of Boston, m. Rebecca W. Lynde of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Jan. 26, 1837. 720 John S., of Worcester, 24, b. in So. Reading, s of Lilley and Eunice, m. Harriet W. Oliver of Worcester, 21, b. in Mald., da of Henry and Sarah. LZ. Eaton, /.P. Dec. 24, 1846. 720 Luhannah S., of So. Reading, 23, da of Nathaniel and Sarah, m. John Newhall of Mald., 25,s of Henry and Sarah. Rev. MV. Bemis. Jan. 3, 1847. 725 Rev. Henry A., 23, s of Charles and Elizabeth, m. Susan R. Eaton, 26, da of Ephraim and Sarah, both of Newburyport. ev. E. A. Eaton (Cambridgeport]. June 27, 1849. 725 Susan R., 26, da of Ephraim and Sarah, m. Rev. Henry A. Eaton, 23,s of Charles and Elizabeth, both of Newburyport. ev. £. A. Eaton [Cambridgeport}. June 27, 1849. Edes 4 Peter, m. Martha Mudge. Rev. D. Parsons. Nov. 16, 1714. 26 Peter, m. Sarah Morfin, both of Mald. Rev: J. Emerson. June 9, 1752. Edmester 345 Elizabeth Clapp, of Mald., m. Nathan Kimball of Newburyport. Rev. E. Nelson. Nov. 14, 1818. 496 Timothy C., m. Huldah Howard, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 26, 1826. 514 Emily, m. Oliver Cousens. £. Buck, J. P. March 28, 1833. 529 Susan, a acm R. Warren, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. Oct. 29, 1836. : 545 a m. Mrs. Emily Cousens. Rev. M. Palmer. Nov. 8, 1840. 718 Maria, 18, da of Timothy C. and Huldah, m. John Savage, s of George and Rebecca, allof Mald. Rev. J. Sanborn. Sept. 4, 1845. Edmonds, Edmands 814 David, Jr., m. Nancy Townsend, both of Charlestown. ev. P. Thacher. March 24, 1777. 816 John, m. Sarah Williams, both of Mald. Rev, P. Thacher. Jan. 6, 1782. 338 Mary, of Mald., m. George Sweetser of So. Reading. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 17, 1812. 346 a m. Stephen Coats, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Aug. 25, 1819. 346 Eliza, m. Ephraim Avery. Rev. E. Nelson. Dec. 15, 1819. 499 Mary, of Mald., m. Daniel T. Van Voorhis of Fishkill, N.Y. Rev. S. Cobb. Dec. 3, 1828. 520 John, of Uxbridge, m. Lydia Draper of Saugus. Rev. S. Codd. Feb. 3, 1835. 228 MALDEN MARRIAGES Edmonds, Edmands (continued) 525 Andrew J., m. Sarah A. Payne, both of Saugus. fev. S. Cobb. Dec. 9, 1835. wob. Willard, m. Isabel I. [J ?] Hemmingway, both of Mald. [at Woburn], Nov. 14, 1847. Edwards 718 Joseph W., of Mald., 25, b. in Lyman, Me., s of John and Hannah, m. Eliza A. Dunton of Mald., 24, b. in Hope, Me., da of Isaac ae Hannah of Appleton, Me. Rev. J. G. Adams. Dec. 11, 1845. Elliot 495 Elias, m. Mrs. Lydia Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. E. Melson. Oct. 25, 1821. 587 Elias, Jes m. Elizabeth Wait, both of Mald. G. Haven, J.P. July I, 1839. Emerson 10 John, of Topsfield, m. Elizabeth Pratt of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Oct. 23, 1729. 25 Mrs. Mary, of Mald., m. Rev. Daniel Little of Wells. Rev. /. Emerson. Dee. 5, 1751- In. Billah, m. Sampson Bassett, both of Mald., negroes. Rev. J. Tread- well, Aug. 8, 1776. $14 Rebecca, m. Jacob Parker, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Feb. 13, 1777+ 815 Ruth, m. Nathan Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Feb. 4, 1779. rea. Kate, of Reading, m. Jonathan Sprague of Mald. Rev. C. Prentice. Sept. 11, 1783. fer. Elias, of Reading, m. Phebe Howard of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. Oct. 15, 1790. rea. Susanna, of Reading, m. William Williams of Mald. Rev. C. Pren- tice. Dec. 12, 1793. con. Rebecca, of Concord, m. Robert Haskins of Mald. Rev. E. Ripley. May 18, 1797. 833 Isaac, m. Atalanta Howard, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 835 Polly’ ae ie Vinning, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green, May 7, 337 a Josiah Fuller, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 8, 338 ae Nancy Green, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. June 28, 339 ie Alice Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 343 Unser ae Mary Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 12, 343 Gort Dorcas Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. FE. Weley. June 345 Elias, of So. Reading, m. Nancy Breeden of Mald. Rev. EZ. Nelson. April 7, 1819. 496 Hubbard, of So. Reading, m. Harriet Orne of Mald. Rev. A. Green. June 23, 1825. 497 George, m. Elmira Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. 7. F. Norris. Sept. 4, 1825. 499 Julia ae m. Richard Foster, both of Mald. Rev. S. Codd. Oct. 19, 1828. 502 Joseph, m. Lydia P. Howard. ev. A. Briggs. July 19, 1829. MALDEN MARRIAGES 229 Emerson (continued) 506 Sophia B., m. Francis Howe, both of Mald. Rev. 7. F. Norris. May 17, 1832. 520 ae m. Lydia Green, both of Mald. Rev. NM. B. Spaulding. uly 8, 1834. 525 erica m. eer W. Simonds, both of Mald. ev. S. Cobb. Feb. 18, 1836. 528 Caroline, of Mald.,m. Varnum Sweetser of So. Reading. ev. D. Culver. Dec. 1, 1836. 582 Mary, m. Benjamin F. Atwood, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobd. June 4, 1837. 718 Isaac, Jr., 24, s of Isaac and Atalanta, m. Elmira A. Emerson, 18, da of George and Elmira, all of Mald. ev. D. Richards. Oct. 24, 1844. 718 Elmira A., 18, da of George and Elmira, m. Isaac Emerson, Jr., 24, $ of Isaac and Atalanta, all of Mald. Rev. D. Richards. Oct. 24, 1844. 720 Eliza, of Mald., 19, da of Isaac and Atalanta, m. John Massey, Jr., of Saugus, 25, s of John and Mary. ev. V. Bemis. Nov. 26, 1846. 721 Sarah Jane, 21, da of George and Elmira, m. Augustus Barrett, 23, both of Mald. Rev. F. A. Griswold. Oct. 29, 1848. Emery 718 Sarah, of Mald., 23, b. in Dover, N. H., da of Noah and Sarah, m. Nahum Hanscomb of Mald., 23, b. in Lebanon, Me., s of Isaac and Nancy. ev. 1. P. Langworthy [Chelsea]. Nov. 26, 1845. Emes 8 Bethiah, m. James Moulton. Rev. D. Parsons. June 31, 1709. 16 Anna, m. Abraham Skinner, both of Mald. ev. J. Emerson. March 13, 1739. Emmons fer. William, m. Hannah Cheever, both of Mald. fev. E. Willis. April 18, 1793. 719 Lavinia T., of Mald., 23, b. in Lyman, Me., da of Abraham, m. Samuel Pierce, Jr., wid., of Mald., 41, b. in Medford, s of Samuel. ev. C. Goodrich. April 2, 1846. 720 Daniel, 29, s of John, m. Mary B. Oakes, 21, da of Jonathan and Sarah, all of Mald. Rev. C. Goodrich. July 15, 1847. Ensign e.c. Hannah, m. Thomas Shepard. Lzeut. Marshall. 19 (9), 1658. Estes 605 Zera, m. Lydia Vinning, both of Mald. Rev. A. Briggs. April 10, 1831. 525 Emeline G., of Mald., m. William H. Barker of Nashville, Tenn. Rev. A. W. McClure. Oct. 6, 1835. Eustis bost. Nathaniel, of Boston, m. Sarah Hill of Mald. Rev. 7. Cheever. April 24, 1729. bost. Abigail, of Boston, m. James Barrett of Mald. Rev. 7. Cheever. Jan. 12, 1737. Evans rea. Nathaniel, of Mald., m. Abigail Foster of Reading, Sept. 27, 1704. rea. John, of Mald., m. Sarah Streeter of Reading. Rev. R. Brown. April 23, 1719. med. Samuel, m. Hannah Franklin, both of Mald., at Medford. 7. Tufts, J.P. Dec. 2, 1720. 230 MALDEN MARRIAGES Evans (continued ) rea, Sarah, of Reading, m. Josiah Converse of Mald. Rev. R. Brown. March 9, 1732. 14 Samuel, of Reading, m. Sarah Marble of Mald. Rev. J. Stimpson. Nov. 3, 1735. 721 Lenenh of Mald., 34, m. Caroline Goodrich of Boston, 27. Rev. C. Smith. Sept. 28, 1848. Eyre 724 John Hayward, 21,s of Bartholomew, m. Sarah Hayward, 17, da of Thomas. Rev. A. W. McClure. June 5, 1850. Fairbanks 652 Margaret A., of Mald., m. John B. L. Pierce of Stoneham. ev. JV. W. Williams. Feb. 12, 1843. Fall 723 Sewall W.,21, s of George and Mary, m. Mary E. Harnden, 23, da of John ‘and Ursula, both of Mald. Rev. J. Dennison. Dec. 12, 1849. Farnsworth 14 Benjamin, of Groton, m. Rebecca Pratt of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. May Ig, 1736. 722 Rachel ¥ +, 19, da of William J. and Mary, m. Benjamin R. Upham, 27, s of Asa and Ruth, all of Mald. Rev. W. R. Parsons. June 17, 1849. Farnum, Farnham 505 Mary, m. George Nichols, both of Mald. Rev. J. 7. Burrell. Nov., 1830, Farrar 720 James M., 23, s of Israel and Sally, m. Lydia Ann Pratt, 19, da of Jacob and Jemima, all of Mald. Rev. /. Cookson. Oct. 18, 1846. Farrington 11 Huldah, of Lynn, m. Edward Hallowell of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Dec. 25, 1730. 55 Hannah, m. Stephen Tufts, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. June 10, 1773. 320 William, m. Ruth Batts, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. Sept. 29, 1789. Faulkner 12 Benjamin, m. Anna Green, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Oct. 25, 1733- 15 Benjamin, m. Anna Sprague, both of Mald. ev. /. Emerson. March 22, 1738. 19 Sarah, of Mald., m. John Wayte of Chelsea. Rev. /. Emerson. Nov. 25, 1743- 46 Benjamin, m. Huldah Hollowell, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Nov. If, 1761. 318 Huldah, m. John Howard, both of Mald. Rev. Z. Willis. May 109, 1785. 319 yd m. John Tufts, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. Sept. 5, 1788. $20 Hannah, m. Nathaniel Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. June 30, 1789. 321 Benjamin, m. Sally Holden, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Aug. 4, 1790. MALDEN MARRIAGES 231 Faulkner (continued) fer. David, m. Nancy Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Sept. 3, 1793. 838 Lydia, m. John Graham, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 30, 1812. 342 Nancy, m. Asa Wilson, both of Mald. Rev. E. Nelson. Oct. 10, 1816. 844 Nancy, m. Enoch A. Higgins. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 18, 1817. 477 David, Jr., m, Lucy Perkins, both of Mald. Rev. E. Nelson. May 477 Hanah, - John Breeden, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 30, 495 eae David R. Shepard, both of Mald. Rev. E. Nelson. May 496 Say an eek P. Perkins, both of Mald. Rev. E. Melson. May 497 David’ oe Mary Johnson, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 7, 497 Jobn Br m. Hannah Oakes, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 11, 506 Louisa Nathan Oakes, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobd. Oct. 27, 1831. 514 Sarah, m. Solomon Shute, Jr. Rev. A.W. McClure. Jan. 24, 1833. 540 Aaron, m. Harriet Ferrell. Rev. /. G. Adams. Feb. 6, 1840. 717 Lucy, da of David and Lucy, m. Charles C. Cox, s of John and Lydia, all of Mald. ev. C. Goodrich. [Cert. says Oct. 22] Oct. 30, 1843. 722 Mary A., 20, da of John, m. Aaron T. Sargent, 24, s of Tappan and Elizabeth, both of Mald. Rev. C. B. Smith. Feb. 1, 1849. 723 Nancy, 23, b. in Mald., da of David and Lucy, m. William Ramsdell of Mald., 31, s of William and Lucy Lee. ev. A. W. McClure. Jan. 31, 1850. 724 David S., 29, s of David, m. Sarah B. Senter, 28, da of Edward, both of Mald. ev. M. H. Smith, May 21, 1850. Favor, Favour wob. Rolinda, of Woburn, m. George Lynde of Mald., Aug. _, 1830. 524 Harriet, m. George Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. Oct. 25, 1835. 640 Abigail, m. Francis Fountain, both of Mald. Rev. /. G. Adams. July 27, 1839. Felt e.c. Elizabeth, m. William Laraby. R. Bellingham. (9), 1655. c.c. Mary, m. James Nichols. &. Russell. (2), 1660. Fenderson 544 Ivory, m. Martha Chase, both of Mald. Rev. /. G. Adams. April 4, 1841. Fensum chas. Isaac, of Mald., m. Hannah Dickerman of Charlestown. J. Rus- sell. March 15, 1685/6. Fenton chas. William, of Mald., m. Mary Marble of Charlestown. Rev. S. Brad- street. April 19, 1714. ? Fernald 537 Samuel, m. Laura Cooper, both of Mald. Rev. 7. F. King. April 13, 1839. 719 Guy C., wid., of Lynn, m. Phebe Cheever of Mald., 22, da of Joseph and Phebe. fev. /. Blodgett. Oct. 11, 1846. 232 MALDEN MARRIAGES Ferrell 640 Harriet, m. Aaron Faulkner. Rev, J. G. Adams. Feb. 6, 1840. Fessenden 499 Lucy L., m. Lemuel Nichols, both of Mald. Rev. S. Codd, Oct. 23, 1828. Pife ; 544 Mrs. Lydia, m. Ebenezer Smith, both of Mald. fev. /. G. Adams. July 20, 1840. Fish san. Sally, of Sandwich, m. William Barnes of Mald. ev. J. Burr. Sept. 25, 1795. Fisher 337 Dwight, m. Mrs. Anna [Vancy] Newhall, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 22, 1811. 887 Lewis, m. Sally Sargent, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 2, 1812. $46 Diantha, m. Silas Sargent. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 31, 1819. 520 Lucy Ann, m. Azariah Hopkins, both of Mald. ev. A. W. McClure. Jan. 18, 1835. 525 Lewis, Jr., ‘mn. Ruth H. Benchley, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Oct. 20, 1835. 525 Mary A., of Mald., m. David B. Kelsey of Lowell. Rev. A. W. McClure. Dec. 3, 1835. Piske 652 Lorenzo, of Billerica, m. Lucinda Bradford of Fitchburg, at Fitch- burg. Rev. J. Whitman, Jr. July 25, 1843. 721 Henry, of Waltham, 23, s of Isaac and Polly, m. Eliza Burrell of Mald.,21, da of Samuel and Lois. Rev. /. G. Adams. Oct. 12, 1848. Plagg fam. 2 Eleazer, oe m. Esther Green [of Mald.], Jan. 17, 1695 [1694/5]. fam. 2 Hannah, of Woburn, m. Henry Green [of Mald.], Jan. 9, 1696 [1695/6]. 20 Bartholomew, m. Susanna Marble, both of Mald. Rev. 7. Emerson. March 27, 1745. 652 William H., m. Clarissa Moors, both of Mald. Rev. WV. W. Wil- “iams. July 14, 1842. 724 Henrietta A., 27, b. in Salem, da of Ephraim and Betsey, m. John Warren of Mald., 35, b. in Portland, Me., s of John S. ev. /. V. Himes. Sept. 14, 1850. Planders 532 Olive, m. George Chase, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. Oct. 1, 1837. 723 Frances P., 20, m. David Waitt, 2, 25,s of William and Abigail, both of Mald. Rev. C. B. Smith. Feb. 25, 1849. Pletcher 479 Betsey, m. Ebenezer Nichols, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 22, 1821. ‘ Flint 718 Sarah, of Charlestown, 26, m. William Jones Newhall, 27, s of Ber- nard and Mary, of Mald. Rev. /. Cookson. Aug. 7, 1844. Floyd 7 Dorothy, m. William Sprague. Rev. D. Parsons. Jan. 1, 1717/8. 9 Daniel, m. Margaret Jenkins, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Feb. 7, 1726/7. MALDEN MARRIAGES 233 Floyd (continued ) 23 Hannah, of Mald., m. Jacob Breeden of Chelsea. ev. /. Emerson. March 2, 1749/50. 25 Daniel, of Mald., m. Elizabeth Jenkins of Chelsea. Rev. /. Emer- son. Oct. 4, 1751. 26 Hugh, of Mald., m. Abigail Hasey of Chelsea. ev. /. Emerson. April 15, 1752. 26 Eleanor, of Mald., m, Ebenezer Cutter of Medford. ev. /. Emer- son, Sept. 2, 1752. 47 Margaret, m. Ezekiel Jenkins, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. June 11, 1762. 48 Noah, res. in Medford, m. Eunice Wayte of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. June 29, 1762. chas. Joseph, of Mald., m. Elizabeth Pierce of Charlestown. Rev. Hi. Abbot. June 27, 1765. chel. Joanna, of Chelsea, m. Aaron Bucknam of Mald. Rev. P. Payson. May 1, 1768. 816 Joseph, m. Phebe Jenkins, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. March , 1784. 319 Bis of Watertown, m. Polly Ramsdell of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. April 10, 1787. chel. Elizabeth, of Mald., m. Joseph Wait, Jr., of Chelsea. Rev. P. Pay- son. June 23, 1791. fer. Elizabeth, m. Benoni Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Jan. 31, 1793. chel. Charlotte, of Chelsea, m. Uriah Oakes of Mald. Rev. P. Payson. July 9, 1795. 332 Nancy, m. William Newhall, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 19, 1808. 840 Mary, my Henjanin Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 25, 1814. 846 Ezra, m. Hannah Wait. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 3, 1819. 479 Lucinda, of Mald., m. William Gilson of Lynn. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 16, 1821. fer. Susan, m. John Whittemore, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. June 22, 1823. 496 Josephs m. Sally Hart, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 30, 1824. 601 Mary, m. Abraham R. Lockwood, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobd. March 23, 1830. 606 Susanna, m. David Marshall, both of Mald. £. Wade, J. P. July 15, 1832. Flynn 4 Patrick, m. Mary Winsled. Rev. D. Parsons. July 16, 1713. 24 Martha, m. William Gill, both of Mald. Rev. A. Cleaveland. March 9, 1748/9. Pollings 317 Mary Ann, of Boston, m. Jonathan Knower of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. May 20, 1781. Ford 834 Thomas, m. Mary Carnes, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 24, 1809. 547 Mary E., m. John H. Monroe. ev. J. G. Adams. May 6, 1841. Fosdick chas. Sarah, of Charlestown, m. Daniel Newhall of Mald. Z. Emerson, J. P. Jan. 8. 1706. 234 MALDEN MARRIAGES Foss 632 Ann Elizabeth, m. John S, Mansfield, both of Saugus. Rev. S. Codd. July 6, 1837. Foster rea, Abigail, of Reading, m. Nathaniel Evans of Mald., Sept. 27, 1704. $29 Robert, of Chelmsford, m. Eliza Sprague of Mald. ev. A. Green. Sept. 15, 1805. 499 Richard, m. Julia Ann Emerson, both of Mald. ev. S. Cobb. Oct. 19, 1828. 720 saya jane. 18, da of Russell and Sophia, m. Joseph W. Cushing, 24, s of Ebud and Mary, both of So. Reading. /rev. 7. A. Latham. July 4, 1847. Pountain 540 Francis, m. Abigail Favor, both of Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams. Aug. 27, 1839. Fowle In. Deliverance [of Lynn], m. John Upham of Mald. Rev. M. Henchman. May 15, 1750. 53 Sarah, of Charlestown, m. Phineas Sprague, Jr., of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 22, 1770. 815 Susanna, m. Dr. John Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. P- Thacher. Jan. 2, 1781. 833 Susanna, m. James L. Green, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 14, 1809. 836 Caroline [Zow/e in this entry but Fow/e in int.], m. Stephen Myrick, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 19, 1811. Franklin med. Hannah, m. Samuel Evans, both of Mald., at Medford. Z. Tufts, J.P. Dec. 2, 1720. Freese 8 Jacob, m. Dorothy Moulton. ev. J. Emerson. March 31, 1725. French 821 Abraham, m. Phebe Shute. Rev. E. Willis. July 1, 1792. 841 John, ot Mae m. Susan Ames of Boston. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 7, 1816. Prost chas. Abraham, of Mald., m. Mary Tufts of Charlestown. Rev. H. Abbot. Nov. 12, 1771. Frothingham $14 Richard, of Charlestown, m. Polly Kettell of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Jan. 22, 1778. 319 Sarah, m. Jonathan Call, both of Charlestown. Rev. A. Judson. May 27, 1788. fer. Nathaniel, of Salem, m. Hannah Lynde of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. July 2, 1795. Frye 724 George, b. in Andover, s of Thomas and Mary J. P., m. b. in Berwick, Me. Rev. A. W. McClure. June 5, 1850. Fuller 54 Mercy, m. John Robbins, both res. in Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. ; Oct. 4, 1772. 837 a m. Sally Emerson, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 8, 1811. 498 Charles, of Chelsea, m. Jane Blodgett of Mald. [Rev. A. Green.] March 14, 1824. MALDEN MARRIAGES 235 Puller (continued) 502 Freeman H., m. Susan Daniels. Rev. A. Briggs. July 1, 1829. 544 William E., m. Mary O. Boardman, both of Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams. Dec. 24, 1840. 548 Ephraim, of Mald., m. Abigail G. Sweetser of So. Reading. ev. J. McLeish. Sept. 16, 1841. 652 Nancy, m. William Newhall, both of Mald. Rev. J. McLeish. June 16, 1842. - 720 Sarah, of Mald., da of Josiah and Sarah, m. John C. Anderson of Boston, s of John C. and Julia Ann Loxstorph. Rev. W. Tozer [Stoughton]. Nov. 8, 1847. 722 Charles, Jr., of Mald., 24, s of Charles and Jane, m. Elizabeth Luke, 24. Rev. J. Blodgett. May 29, 1849. 723 Hannah, 24, da of Josiah and Sarah, m. Stephen P. Rowell, 24, s of Zera and Emma. Rev. W.R. Parsons. April 24, 1850. Gage 718 Charles, of Mald., 22, b. in Wilton, N. H.,s of Richard and Betsey, m. Sarah Ann Lynde, 17, da of John and Sarah of Mald. fev. D. Richards. Aug. 13, 1844. 719 Adeline [720 Adelia], m. Nelson S. Brown, both of Lowell. Rev. /. McLeish. April 15, 1846. Galucia 728 Mary Ann, 20, da of Peter S. and Mary Ann, m. Levi Cox of Mald., 25,8 of John and Lydia. Rev. dA. W. McClure. July 8, 1849. Gardner 52 Jonathan, of Medford, m. Abigail Knower of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Jan. 18, 1770. $28 Joseph, m. Martha Bucknam, both of Medford. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 23, 1804. 338 Henry, m. Sarah Beacham, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 2, 1809. 839 Sarah, m. Eliphaz Jones, both res. in Mald. Rev. .d. Green. April 17, 1814. Gary [Gerry ?] 838 Robert, m. Hannah Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 29, 1812. George 507 James, m. Mary Ann Patch. Rev. S. Cobb. Feb. 19, 1833. Gerry, Geary 326 Kezia, m. Jonas Brown, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 25, 1804. 606 Ira, of Stoneham, m. Paulina Gerry of Mald. Rev. S. Codd. Jan. II, 1832. 606 Paulina, of Mald., m. Ira Gerry of Stoneham. Rev. S. Codd. Jan. II, 1832. Gilford 346 George [W.], m. [Mary] Grover. Rev. E. Nelson. Sept. , 1819. 720 Mary Jane, m. Daniel F. Wilson, both of Saugus. Rev. 7.4. Latham. Nov. 25, 1847. 722 Isaac, 22, s of George and Mary, m. Mary Hitchings, 31, da of Jesse and Margaret H., both of Saugus. ev. W.R. Parsons. July 15, 1849. Gill 24 William, m. Martha Flynn, both of Mald. Rev. A. Cleaveland. March 9, 1748/9. 236 MALDEN MARRIAGES Gill (continued ) 316 Elizabeth, of Mald., m. Jonas Dixon of Medford. Rev. P. Thacher. May 27, 1783. 818 Mary, of Mald., m. Benjamin Teel of Medford. ev. E. Willis. Aug. 7, 1783. ; 318 Jane, m. John Hall, both of Medford. Rev. E. Wills. Dec. 15, [1785]. Gilson 479 William, of Lynn, m. Lucinda Floyd of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 16, 1821. Gleason 15 Moses, of Oxford,m. Deborah Whittemore of Mald. Rev. /. Stimp- son. Feb. 2, 1737/8. Goddard 12 John, of Roxbury, m. Mary Sprague of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Nov. 15, 1732- 20 John, m. Sarah Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Aug. 3, 1745. rox. Mary, of Roxbury, m. James Bucknam of Mald. Rev. NV. Walter. Sept. 17, 1747. Godfrey 717 Mary J.,m. Reuben C. Higgins, wid., s of Enoch A. and Nancy, all of Mald. Rev. C. Goodrich. Feb. 11, 1844. 724 Clara, b. in Northampton, m. Samuel S. Kendrick of Mald., b. in Barrington, N.S.,s of David. Rev. A. W. McClure. Oct. 14, 1850. Goffe ec. Lydia, m. John Sprague. Zr. Mowell. 2 (3), 1651. 17 Capt. Daniel, of Boston, m. Mrs. Mary Upham of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. March , 1740. Goldthwaite 724 Rebecca A., 26, b. in Salem, da of Eben J., m. Nathan D. Studley, 27, b. in Portsmouth, N.H.,s of Nathan D. Rev./. G. Adams. Dec. 15, 1850. Goodrich 721 Caroline, of Boston, 27, m. Joseph Evans of Mald., 34. Rev. C. B. Smith. Sept. 28, 1848. Goodwin chas. Mary, of Charlestown, m. Samuel Wait, Jr. of Mald. Rev. H. Adbot. Feb. 21, 1754. 497 Wealthy, m. William Brown, both of Mald. Rev. /. Marsh. Sept. 27, 1825. Goss 822 Dr. Jeremiah [Gass by error], of Provincetown, m. Mary Atkins Hatch of Mald. Kev. A. Green. May 1, 1798. fer. Sarah S., m. John Wheeler, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. Io, 1823. Gould ston. Hannah, of Stoneham, m. Phineas Sprague of Mald., Dec. 6, 1748. 506 Dr. ae Se Woburn, m. Sally Sprague of Mald. ev. S. Codd. ec. 12, 1831. 520 Ebenezer P., of Boston, m. Susan G. Waitt of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. April 21, 1835. 652 Mindwell L., of Southampton, m. Rev. John Patten of Philadelphia. kev. A. W. McClure. Sept. 1, 1842. MALDEN MARRIAGES 237 Gove 501 Edward, m. Martha Wright, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobd. Sept. 23, 1829. 719 Lydia L, of Mald., 24, b, in Portsmouth, N. H., da of Eben and Mary, m. Reuben Green, wid., of Mald., b. in So. Reading, 4o, s of Reuben and Huldah. Rev. J. G. Adams. Jan. 25, 1846. 722 Martha A., 19,m. Benjamin S. Higgins, 24, s of Enoch A., both of Mald. ev. C.B. Smith. Feb. 1, 1849. Gowen 815 Abigail, of Mald., m. Thomas Locke of Lexington. Rev. P. Thacher. April 22, 1779. 614 Benjamin, m. Hannah Kimball. Rev. J. McLeish. Nov. 18, 1832. 723 James, of Barnstead, 28, s of Isaac and Mary, m. Emeline L. Cum- mings, 25, da of Charles. Rev. /. M. Merrill. April 23, 1850. Graham 817 John, m. Hannah Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. EZ. Willis. May 14, 1780. 838 John, m. Lydia Faulkner, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 30, 1812. Grammer 540 John A., m. Angelina Townsend, both of Mald. Rev. /. Grammer. Sept. 3, 1839. Grant 22 Catherine, res. in Mald., m. Nathaniel Jenkins of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. June 19, 1747. Gray 344 Noah, m. Elizabeth Simpson, both of Mald. Rev. £. Wiley. June 8, 1817. Green ec. Thomas, Sen., m. Frances Cooke (wid. of Richard]. Capt. Marshall. 5 (7), 1659. ec. William, m. Elizabeth Wheeler. Capt. Marshall. 13 (7), 1659. c.c. John, m. Sarah Wheeler. Capt. Johnson. 18 (10), 1660. c.c. Samuel, m. Mary Cooke [abt. 1666]. ec. Thomas, m. Elizabeth Web [Aug. 19, 1667]. e.c. Dorcas, m. James Barrett, 11 (11), 1671. ec. Henry, m. Hester Hasse, 11 (11), 1671 [1671/2]. c.c. Thomas, m. Mary Weeks, 22 (1), 1675/6. 1 Hannah, m. John Vinton, Aug. 16, 1677. ec. Elizabeth, m. John Lynde, Aug. 25, 1691. e.c. Samuel, m. Elizabeth Upham, Oct. 28, 1691. ec. Samuel, m. Mary Wheeler, both of Mald. Rev. 7. Cheever. May 4, 1694. fam. 2 ee [of Mald.], m. Eleazer Flagg of Woburn, Jan. 17, 1695 [1694/5]. fam. 2 Henry [of Mald.], m. Hannah Flagg of Woburn, Jan. 9, 1696 [1695/6]. 1 John, m. Mary Green. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Feb. 23, 1697/8. 1 Mary, m. John Green. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Feb. 23, 1697/8. wob. Thomas, of Mald., m. Hannah Vinton of Woburn, May Io, 1698. 1 John, m. Isabel Wyman. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. 1700. 1 Joseph, m. Hannah Green. ev. M. Wigglesworth. [ fam.2, Dec. 24], 1700. 1 Hannah, m. Joseph Green. Kev. M. Wigglesworth. [ fam. 2, Dec. 24], 1700. 2 Samuel, m. Martha Green. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Feb. 12, 1701/2. 238 MALDEN MARRIAGES Green (continued ) 2 rea, fam. 2 rea. rea. rea. fam. 2 4 6 med. med. 8 rea. rea, chas. 10 12 12 13 wob. 14 15 16 Tea, ston. 17 20 24 24 25 Martha, m. Samuel Green. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Feb. 12 1701/2. Teese of Mald., m. John Wiley of Reading. Rev. /. Pierpont. Dec. 19, 1705. Lydia, m. Thomas Lynde, both of Mald., July 22, 1708. Daniel, m. Mary Bucknam, both of Mald., at Reading. Justice Brown. Dec. 29 [ fam. 2, Dec. 2], 1708. William, m. Sarah Sprague, both of Mald., at Reading. /ustice Brown. March 30, 1709. Nathaniel, m. Elizabeth Sprague, both of Mald., at Reading. Justice Brown. April 21, 1713. Jacob, m. Dorothy Lynde [both of Mald.], July 8, 1713. David, m. Martha Pratt. Rev. D. Parsons. Dec. 10, 1713. Isaac, m. Mary Pratt. Rev. D. Parsons. May 2, 1717. Hannah, m. Samuel Cutler, both of Mald., at Medford. 7. Zu/fts, J.P. May [1719]. Ruth, m. Joshua Nichols, both of Mald., at Medford. 7. Zujfts, J.P. April 12, 1720. Martha, m. John Sweetser. Rev. J. Emerson. Oct. 2, 1722. Hannah, of Mald., m. Ebenezer Parker of Reading. Rev. R. Brown. Dec. 13, 1722. Lydia, m. Abiathar Vinton. Rev. J. Emerson. April 30, 1723. Mary, m. Phillips Sweetser. Rev. /. Emerson. Dec. 30, 1725. Thomas, m. Martha Lynde. ev. J. Emerson. Jan. 13, 1725/6. Joseph, m. Ruth Dexter. Rev. J. Emerson. Jan. 25, 1720. Thomas, of Mald., m. Mary Green of Stoneham, at Reading. 2. Poole, J.P. May 18, 1727. Mary, of Stoneham, m. Thomas Green of Mald., at Reading. B. Poole, J.P. May 18, 1727. James, of Mald., m. Ruhamah Hartwell of Charlestown. Rev. H. Abbot. July 6, 1727. Samuel, m. Lois Sprague. Rev. J. Emerson. Feb. 15, 1727/8. David, of Reading, m. Hannah Marble of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. March 15, 1732/3. Anna, m. Benjamin Faulkner, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Oct. 25, 1733. Judith, of Stoneham, m. John Sprague of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. April 11, 1734. Josiah, of Mald., m. Esther Thompson of Woburn, May 16, 1734. Mary, of Mald., m. William Dean of Cambridge. ev. /. Emerson. May 20, 1736. Timothy, m. Dorothy Wayte, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Nov. 8, 1737. Ezra, m. Sarah Hutchinson, both of Mald. Rev. J. Stimpson. Feb. 12, 1740/1. Lois, of Reading, m. Amos Upham of Mald., March Io, 1741 [1740/1]. Phebe, of Stoneham, m. Benjamin Parker of Mald. Rev. /. Osgood. Jan. 22, 1741/2. Phebe, m. Joseph Mudge, both of Mald. Rew /. Stimpson. Jan. 19, 1742/3. Jemima, m. John Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Feb. 6, 1745/6. Mary, m. Richard Shute, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Jan. 4, 1750/1. Mehitable, m. David Sargeant, both of Mald. /. Bucknam, J. P. June 27, 1751. John, m. Elizabeth Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Nov. 1, 1751. MALDEN MARRIAGES 239 Green (continued) 27 27 28 48 ston. 48 46 47 58 $14 314 317 317 rea, 320 rea. 819 sa. 821 bost. Inf. . fer. 822 rea, 824 825 828 Phineas, m. Elizabeth Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson, Jan. 31, 1755. Jerusha, of Mald., m. Samuel Pool of Reading. Rev. /. Emerson. June 19, 1755. Borradell, m. Moses Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Jan. 18, 1759. Phineas, m. Elizabeth Sargent, both of Mald. Rev. EZ. Willis. Nov. 29, 1759- Lydia, of Stoneham, m. Nathan Lynde of Mald. Rev. J. Searl. 1759- Stephen, of Stoneham, m. Deborah Oakes of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. -Feb. 7, 1760. Chloe, m. Nehemiah Blaney, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. May 29, 1760. ne * Huldah Wayte, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. April , 1762. Ezra, Esq., m. Mrs. Mary Vinton, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. April 29, 1762. Mary, Os Amos Upham, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. May 3, 1764. Catherine, m. John Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. July 18, 1770. Samuel, Jr., of Mald.,m. Mary Lanman, res. in Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Dec. 12, 1776, Mary, of Mald., m. Samuel Wyman, Esq., of Woburn. Rev. P. Thacher. Dec. 18, 1777. Stephen, m. Sarah Sweetser, both of Mald. Rev. Z. Willis. Nov. 9, 1778. Elizabeth, of Mald., m. Joseph Abrahams of Boston. Rev. £. _ Willis. June 28, 1780. Capt. Bernard, of Mald., m. Susanna Parker of Reading. fev. C. Prentice. March 24, 1783. Catherine, m. Joel Whittemore, both of Mald. £. Sargeant, /. P. Jan. 3, 1785. Polly, of Mald., m. John Vinton, Jr., of Reading. Rev. C. Prentice. June 30, 1785. Phebe, m. Isaac Chittenden, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. Nov. II, 1787. Bernard, of Mald., m. Lois Diman of Salem. Rev. J. Prince. June 7, 1789. David, of Hillsboro, N. H., m. Lydia Watts of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Dec. 13, 1789. Hannah, of Mald., m. James Roulstone of Boston. Rev. 7. Bald- win. Jan. 6, 1793. Rev. Aaron, of Mald.,m. Eunice Orne of Lynnfield. Rev. /. Motley. Dec. 13, 1796. Ezra, m. Susanna Wade, both of Mald. Rev, A. Green. March 19, 1797- Abigail, m. John Conery, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 23, 1797. Polly, of Reading, m. Samuel Larrabee, Jr., of Mald. Rev. C. Pren- tice. March 6, 1800. Joseph, of Deerfield, N. H., m. Mary Harnden of Mald. fev. A. Green. July 14, 1801. James, . Reading, m. Rebecca Cox of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Aug. , 1802. Hantuh, m. Thomas Carter, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 12, 1804. 240 MALDEN MARRIAGES Green (continued ) $32 Samuel, Jr., m. Sally Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 19, 1807. 332 Mrs. anon m. Ebenezer Townsend, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 6, 1808. 833 James L., m. Susanna Fowle, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 14, 1809. 838 Nancy, m. Edward Emerson, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. June 28, 1812. 343 Caroline, of Mald., m. Samuel Brintnall of Charlestown. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 12, 1817. $44 Jonathan, of Stoneham, m. Susan Upham of Mald. Rev. E. Wiley. Aug. 14, 1817. 845 Charlotte, m. Samuel Sprague. ev. 4. Green. March 29, 1818. 495 Samuel, m. Hannah Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 11, 1822. 497 Sarah W., m. John Simonds, both of Mald. Rev. 7. F. Norris. Oct. 18, 1825. 498 Phineas, Jr., of Mald., m. Clarissa Williams of Saugus. Rev. G. W. Fairbanks. Oct. 20, 1827. 497 Aaron, of Stoneham, m. Nancy Lynde of Mald. Rev. 7. F. Norris. Nov. 209, 1827. 500 Lowell, m. Pamelia M. Scarlet, both of Mald. Rev. 7. F. Norris. Oct. 29, 1828. 502 George, m. Nancy M. Manning, both of Mald. ev. 7. F. Norris. Aug. 23, 1829. 502 Susan, of Mald., m. Vincent Roe of So. Reading. Rev. 7. F. Norris. Oct. 16, 1829. 502 Isaac, of Mald., m. Lucinda Kennison of So. Reading. Rev. 7. F. Norris. Nov. 8, 1829. 606 Hannah, m. Levi D. Smith, both of Cambridge. Rev. 7. F. Norris. May 18, 1831. 506 Capt. Daniel, m. Dorcas Ross, both of Mald. Rev. D. D. Smith. May 29, 1831. 505 Thomas, of Chelsea, m. Sarah Todd of Mald. Rev. A. Briggs. Dec. 25, 1831. 615 Dorinda, of Mald., m. James B. Ayers of Charlestown. ev. S. Cobb. July 12, 1833. 615 Elbridge, m. Fanny Brown, both of So. Reading. Rev. S. Cobb. Dec. 1, 1833. 620 Lydia, m. William Emerson, both of Mald. ev. WV. B. Spaulding. July 8, 1834. 652 Mary Ann, of Mald., m. Nathaniel T. Guild of Worcester. Fev. A. W. McClure. June 3, 1841. 719 Reuben, wid., of Mald., b. in So. Reading, 40, s of Reuben and Hul- dah, m. Lydia L. Gove of Mald., 24, b. in Portsmouth, N.‘H., da of Eben and Mary. fev. J.G. Adams, Jan. 25, 1846. 719 Elijah H., m. Eliza Tuttle. Rev. W. Tozer. [Date not given, re- corded April 10, 1846.] 720 Lowell, wid., m. Nancy C. Cheney, both of Mald. Rev. 7. A. Latham, Aug. 22, 1847. 723 Emily, 20, da of Aaron and Nancy, m. Nelson Cochrane, 25, s of Jonathan and Mary, all of Mald. Rev. W. R. Parsons. Jan. 24, 1850. Griffin 4 John, m. Mary Upham. Rev. D. Parsons. May 28, 1713. rea. Susanna, of Reading, m. James Sweetser of Mald. Rev. C. Prentice. April 6, 1786. MALDEN MARRIAGES 241 Griffin (continued) 823 Hannah, m. James Sweetser, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 21, 1798. Groce, Groos ston. Elizabeth, of Stoneham, m. David Parker of Mald. ev. /. Searl. June, 1765. Grover e.c. Thomas, m. Sarah Chadwick, May 23, 1668. e.c. Andrew, m. Hannah Hills, 7 (12), 1673. ¢.c. Elizabeth, m. Philip Atwood, 7 (2), 1675. e.c. Elizabeth, m. Joseph Baldwin, June 16, 1691. chas, Ruth, of Mald., m. William Paine of Charlestown. W. Johnson. March g, 1691/2. ‘1 Thomas, m. Mary Cox. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. July 29, 1697. 1 Ephraim, m. Mary Pratt. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. 1700. wob. Matthew, m. Naomi Hines of Mald., at Woburn, Aug. 20, 1701. Rebecca, m. Elias Totingham. ev. D. Parsons. Oct. 18, 1709. Samuel, m. Sarah Upham. ev. D. Parsons. April 17, 1713. Mary, m. Samuel Upham. Rev. D. Parsons. Feb. 17, 1714/5. Simon, m. Mary Wright. ev. D. Parsons. Jan. 15, 1717/8. med. Mary, m. Obadiah Jenkins, both of Mald., at Medford. 7. Tufts, J. P. Jan. 5, 1720/1. ston. John, of Mald.,m. Abigail Taylor of Stoneham. Rev. /. Osgood. May 6, 1736. 14 Samuel, m. Abigail Oakes, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Nov. To 0 8, 1736. 29 Abigail, of Mald., m. Samuel Boardman, of Chelsea. Rev. /. Emer- son. Dec. 5, 1760. 46 Sarah, m. John Howard, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Nov. 11, 1761. 61 Sarah, m. Sylvanus Blanchard, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Nov. 28, 1764. 60 John, 3, of Mald.,m. Margaret Pusly,res. in Mald. Rev. £. Willis. May 6, 1766. 62 Benjamin, m. Lydia Upham, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Nov. 11, 1767. 52 Esther, m. Nathan Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. Z. Willis. Jan. 28, 1768. 650 Mary, of Mald., m. Hutchinson Tufts of Medford. Rev. £. Willis. Jan. 17, 17609. 63 John, 4, m. Elizabeth Shute, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Jan. 25, 1770. 53 Elizabeth, m. Ebenezer Waitt, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Sept. 27 [312, Sept. 28], 1770. , $14 [Mary], m. James Selick, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. June 3, 1777- $14 Samuel, m. Lydia Grover, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Jan. 14, 1778. $14 Lydia, m. Samuel Grover, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Jan. 14, 1778. 815 Samuel, Jr, m. Rachel Knower, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. May 25, 1781. $15 Lois, of Mald., m. David Dimanof Boston. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 15, 1781. chel. Hannah, of Mald., m. Timothy Pratt of Chelsea. Rev. P. Payson. March 29, 1787. sa. Stephen, of Mald., m. Hannah Driver of Salem. Rev. J. Spaulding. Dec. 16, 1798. 5 1 242 MALDEN MARRIAGES Grover (continued ) 825 Lydia, m. Daniel Dodge, both of Mald. Zev. A. Green. Aug. 16, 1802. 330 Elizabeth, m. William Penny, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. Nov. 17, 1805. $31 Elizabeth [Miss in record, see ints.], m. Nathan Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. Oct. 13, 1806. $44 Sarah, m. George Shute. ev. A. Green. June 10 (fcr. July 10}, 1817. 844 Lois, m. Samuel Burrell, both of Mald. Rev. E. Wiley. April 5, 1818, 346 [Mary], m. George [W.] Gilford. Rev. E. Nelson. Sept. , 1819. 497 ae m. William Rich, both of Mald. ev. S. Norris. Dec. 14, 1824. 520 Fanny, of Saugus, m. William Penny of Charlestown. Rev. WV. B. Spaulding. Feb. 16, 1835. chel. Catherine, of Mald., m. Robert L. Pratt of Chelsea, in Mald., by Rev. S. Benton [Saugus]. April 21, 1839. 720 James B. of So. Reading, 20,s of Stephen and Nancy, m. Elma A. Penny of Mald., 18, da of William and Betsey. Rev. F. A. Griswold. Dec. 5, 1847. 721 Archelaus [Avchzllas in record by error], of Mald., 24, s of Joshua and Dorcas Ann, m. Mary E. Copeland of Chelsea, 19, da of Jonathan and Susan. fev. J. Dennison. Sept. 28, 1848. 722 Caroline A. F.,of No. Chelsea, 17, da of Elias and Rebecca, m. Eben-. ezer Wait, 2, of Mald., 29, s of Darius and Sarah, W.S. Stearns, J. P. May 28[726, May 27], 1849. Guild 340 Shubael, m. Hannah Sweetser, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 11, 1814. 626 Elizabeth, m. Samuel Mann, both of Mald. £. Buck, J.P. July 30, 1835. 641 Hannah, m. Samuel Turner, both of Mald. Rev. S. G. Hiler. July II, 1839. 652 Nathaniel T., of Worcester, m. Mary Ann Green of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. June 3, 1841. Hadley med. David, of Medford, m. Eunice Richardson of Mald. Rev. £E. Turrell. March 16, 1769. : $14 Anna, m. Jonathan Cutter, both of Charlestown. Rev. P. Thacher. Sept. 3, 1778. wob. Else, m. James Peirson, both of Mald., at Woburn, Jan. 26, 1794. 497 Richard, m. Ruth Turner, both of Mald. ev. A. Green. Dec. 3, 1826. Hale 327 Betsey Little, m. Aaron Bryant, both of Medford. 2. Green, /. P. Oct. 9, 1803. Hall 9 Martha, m. Jotham Tuttle, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. March I, 1727. 814 Moses, of Medford, m. Martha Sprague of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 28, 1775. 818 John, m. Jane Gill, both of Medford. Rev. Z. Willis. Dec. 15, [1785]. $24 Isaac, of Medford, m. Persis Sargeant of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 7, 1801. MALDEN MARRIAGES 243 Hall (continued) 835 James, of Charlestown, m. Sally Sargeant of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 28, 1810. 843 Elizabeth, m. Jonathan Wait, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 8, 1816. 845 Lucy, m. Micah Perkins. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 5, 1818. 845 Lucy [Z/z2a in int. and ch. rec.], m. Charles Lewis. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 22, 1818. 846 Deborah, m. John S. Bucknam. Rev. A. Green. April 8, 1819. 505 Horatio, m. Elizabeth Pindar, both of Mald. Rev. A. Briggs. April 5, 1832. chel. Harriet, of Chelsea, m. Samuel A. Cox of Mald. [int. is Nov. 22, 1834], July 30, 1834 [1835]. 530 Mary, m. Royal Peirce, both of Chelsea. Rev. S. Cobb. April 20, 1837. 540 Augusta Marion, of Mald., m. Joshua G. Norwood of Camden, Me. kev. J. G. Adams. July 8, 1839. 544 Edwin H., of Boston, m. Louisa Barrett of Mald. Rev. /. G. Adams. March 25, 1841. 652 William C., m. Drusilla Wallingford. Rev. /. Blodgett. [Date not given, returned Feb. 3, 1843.] 717 Susan J., of Mald., m. Washington Atkins of Charlestown. ev. C. Goodrich. Nov. 2, 1843. , 720 William O., of No. Chelsea, 26, s of William and Susan, m. Harriet M. Ramsdill of Mald., 21, da of John and Mary Ann. ev. /. Cookson. May 6, 1847. 723 Caroline M., 27, da of [Aaron and] Abigail, [b. in Chelsea], m. George Sargent, 28, s of Isaac and Catherine, both of Mald. Rev. F. G. Pratt. Feb. 14, 1850. Hallowell, Hollowell med, Bethiah, of Mald., m. Samuel Hastings of Watertown, at Medford. T. Tufts, J.P. May 27, 1719. 11 Edward, of Mald., m. Huldah Farrington of Lynn. ev. _/. Emerson. Dec. 25, 1730. 29 Bethiah, m. William Pell, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. June » 1750. 46 Huldsh, as Benjamin Faulkner, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Nov. 11, 1761. Halping 718 Emily H., of Mald., m. David H. Burnham, Jr., wid., of Stoneham, sof David H. Rev. C. Goodrich. Nov. 23, 1845. Hamilton 507 Rev. Jefferson, m. Emeline Porter. Rev. R. D. Esterbrooks. Sept. 3, 1832. Hancock $20 John, m. Mehitable Dow, both of Mald. Z. Sargeant, /. P. April 20, 1787. Hanscom 718 Nahum, of Mald., 23, b. in Lebanon, Me., s of Isaac and Nancy, m. Sarah Emery of Mald., 23, b. in Dover, N. H., da of Noah and Sarah. fev. I. P. Langworthy [Chelsea]. Nov. 26, 1845. Hanson 721 George, 24, s of William and Susan, m. Almira A. Waitt, 22, da of Thomas and Hannah, both of Mald. Rev. C. B. Smith. Oct. Io, 1848. 244 Hard MALDEN MARRIAGES 395 Sally, m. Jeremiah Haskell, both of Medford. Rev. A. Green. Feb. I, 1802. fer. Mary, m. Nathan Bryant, both of Medford. ev. A. Green. Nov. 6, 1809. Harnden 1 Ebenezer, m. Rebecca Allen. Rev. I. Wigglesworth. 1700. 9 Mary, m. Jonathan Howard. Rev. /. Emerson. June I, 1726. 10 Rebecca, of Mald.,m. Richard Pratt. Rev. J. Emerson. July 9, 1729. , 12 Ebenezer, of Mald., m. Lydia Wade of Medford. Rev. J. Emerson. Feb. 26, 1733/4. 61 Esther, m. Solomon Townsend, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Dec. 24, 1764. 53 Rebecca, m. Edward Wade, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. May 21, 1771. : 814 Ebenezer, Jr., m. Polly Hills, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Sept. 8, 1777. 824 Mary, of Mald., m. Joseph Green of Deerfield, N. H. ev. A. Green. July 14, 1801. $29 Eliza, m. Edward Newhall, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. May 5, 1805. 381 Ebenezer, Jr., m. Betsey Parker, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. Oct. 3, 1806. 840 Lydia, m. Lemuel Cox, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 28, 1815. 477 Hannah, m. Ebenezer Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. £. Nelson. Nov. , 1820. 722 F rantlin H. of Boston, 24, b. in Mald.,s of William and Sally, m. Julia E. Senter of Mald., 25, da of Edward and Malinda. ev. A.W. McClure. Dec. 31, 1848. 723 Mary E., 23, da of John and Ursula, m. Sewall W. Fall, 21,s of George and Mary, both of Mald. ev. J. Dennison. Dec. 12, 1849. Harris e.c. Elizabeth, m. Zachariah Sawtell, April , 1668. lan. [Mrs.] Rebecca, of Lancaster, m. Samuel Wait of Mald. ev. R. Holcomb. March 2, 1780. fer. Patty, of Mald., m. Asa Tufts of Dover, N. H. Rev. A. Judson, Sept. 30, 1790. cam. Rebecca, of Mald., m. Dr. John Wheeler of Dover, N. H., at Cambridge. Rev. 7. Fiske. March 12, 1793. fer. Elizabeth Henshaw, of Mald., m. Francis Brinley of Boston. ev. E. Willis. June 21, 1795. 720 Leonard W., of New Ipswich, N. H., 30, s of William and Hannah, m. Mary E. Brown of Mald., 18, da of James and Nancy. ev. NV. Bemis. Aug. 4, 1846. Hart ec. Elizabeth, m. John Winbourne, 11 (2), 1667. 496 Sally, m. Joseph Floyd, bothof Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 30, 1824. Hartwell chas. Ruhamah, of Charlestown, m. James Green of Mald. fev. A. Abbot. July 6, 1727. Hasey ec. Sarah, m. Phineas Sprague, Jan. 5, 1669. ec. Hester, m. Henry Greene, 11 (11), 1671. 8 Abigail, m. Thomas Wayte. Rev. J. Emerson. Jan. Io, 1723. MALDEN MARRIAGES 245 Hasey (continued) 11 John, of Rumneymarsh, m. Abigail Dexter of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Nov. 17, 1730. 12 Abigail, m. Nathaniel Paine, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Feb. 5, 1733/4. 15 Samuel, of Boston, m. Sarah Upham of Mald. Rev. J. Stimpson. Ma 17 26 Abigail, ei Chelsea, m. Hugh Floyd of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. April 15, 1752. lei. Martha, of Leicester, m. John Coleman, Jr.,of Mald. Rev. J. Roberts. Feb. 19, 1761. Haskell 825 Jeremiah, m. Sally Hardy, both of Medford. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 1, 1802. Haskins, Hoskins 25 John, of Boston, m. Hannah Upham of Mald. ev. /. Emerson. March 12, 1752. fer. William, m. Rebecca Homans, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. Sept. 29, 1790. con. Robert, of Mald.,m. Rebecca Emerson of Concord. Rev. EZ. Ripley. May 18, 1797- 840 Nancy P., m. Edward Wade, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 26, 1814. Hastings med. Samuel, of Watertown, m. Bethiah Halloway of Mald., at Medford. T. Tufts, J. P. May 27, 1719. 526 Charles, of Brighton, m. Catherine Lear of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. Dec. 3, 1835. Hatch 50 Asa, of oo Phebe Sprague of Mald. Rev. FE. Willis. April 13, 1709) 55 Naler, of Boston, m. Elizabeth Sprague of Mald. Rev. EF. Willis. March 28, 1773. 55 Cleft, of Pembroke, m. Mary Sprague of Mald. Rev. EZ. Willis. Jan. 13, 1774. 815 Martha, m. Richard Dexter, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. July 31, 1780. 318 Elizabeth, of Mald., m. William Burditt of Medford. Rev. EF. Willis. April 28, 1785. $21 Catherine, of Mald., m. Thomas Wait Pratt of Charlestown. ev. E. Willis. May 24, 1791. chel. Reuben, of Mald., m. Abigail Cheever of Chelsea. Rev. P. Payson. Sept. 13, 1796. 322 Abigail, m. William Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 21, 1798. 322 Mary Atkins, of Mald., m. Dr. Jeremiah Goss [Gass in record by error], of Provincetown. Rev. A. Green. May 1, 1798. $24 Nathaniel, of Mald., m. Sarah Stewart of Chelsea. Rev. A. Green. April 23, 1801. $34 Anthony, of Medford, m. Elizabeth Blanchard of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 27, 1809. 548 Reuben, m. Sarah W. Tibbets, both of Mald. Lev..V. W. Williams. July 11, 1841. Haven fra. Sarah, of Framingham, m. Isaac Hill of Mald. Rev, J. Swi/t. Dec. 29, 1743. 246 MALDEN MARRIAGES Haven (continued) $13 Ruth, da of George Havens, late deceased, m. John Wise, drum major, at Prospect Hill, both of East Greenwich, R. I. Rev. P. Thacher. Aug. ,1775. 607 Sarah O., m. Lemuel Cox. Rev. &. D. Esterbrooks. Oct. 4, 1833. Hawes 717 Silas M., of Somerville, m. Sarah M. Coulton of Waltham. Charles Lewis, J. P. Oct. 3, 1843. Hawkes 818 William, m. Hannah Blaney, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. March 19, 1786. In. Sarah, of Lynn, m. Richard Shute, Jr., of Mald. Rev. J. Roby. Sept. 18, 1787. 629 Hannah, m. Joel Tweed, both of So. Reading. Rev S. Cobb. June 17, 1836. 722 Caroline, 23, m. John Stevens, wid., of So. Reading, 25. Rev. W. R. Parsons. Oct. 28, 1849. Hay, Hayes 4 James [Hayes], m. Mehitable Sprague. Rev. D. Parsons. Jan. 22, 1712/3. ston, Peter, 4, of Stoneham, m. Lydia Lynde of Mald. ev. J. Osgood. Dec. 30, 1742. 47 Elizabeth, res. in Mald., m. David Newman, res. in Medford. ev. J. Emerson, April 20, 1764. fer. Marmaduke, of Reading, m. Martha Barrett of Mald. Rev. EZ. Willis. April 28, 1793. Haynes 525 Gilman, of Lynn, m. Persis Oakes of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Nov. 4, 1835. Hayward, see Howard 724 Sarah, 17, da of Thomas, m. John Hayward Eyre, 21, s of Bartholo- mew. Rev. A. W. McClure. June 5, 1850. Hazeltine 529 Eliza, of Lynn, m. Henry Robinson of Mald. Rev, S. Cobb. Dec. I, 1836. Hemenway, Hemingway 479 Francis, m. Hannah Upham, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 28, 1821. ; 495 Israel, Jr..m. Nancy Blodget, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 6, 1822. 491 Lydia, m. David Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 11, 1827. 498 William, m. Eliza C. Nichols, both of Mald. £. Wade, J.P. Dec. 28, 1828. 652 Hannah, m. Samuel Judkins, both of Mald. Rev. J. McLeish. Nov. 5, 1842. wob, Isabel I. [J?], m. Willard Edmunds, both of Mald. [at Woburn], Nov. 14, 1847. Henderson 648 Dr. Jophanus, of Farmington, Me.,m. Mary Elizabeth Williams of Mald. Rev. VM. W. Williams. Oct. 22, 1841. Hendley 816 Sarah, of Charlestown, m. William Bradford of Boston. ev. P. Thacher. April 26, 1784. MALDEN MARRIAGES 247 Hervey 496 George, of Andover, m. Sally Wait of Mald. Rev. A.Green. Aug. 4, 1825. Hewett med. Susanna, of Medford, m. John Dexter of Mald. Rev. Z. Turrell. Jan. 6, 1731. Higgins 344 Enoch A., m. Nancy Faulkner. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 18, 1817. 536 Reuben C., m. Mary T. Costillar [Costedlo ?], both of Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams, Dec. 13, 1838. 717 Reuben C., wid., s of Enoch A. and Nancy, m. Mary J. Godfrey, all of Mald. Rev. C. Goodrich. Feb. 11, 1844. 719 David, of Mald., 26, s of Enoch A. and Nancy, m. Mary B. Stowers of No. Chelsea, da of Joseph and Sally, Sept. 27, 1846. 720 Nancy F., da of Enoch A. and Nancy, m. Robert Oliver, wid., s of Robert and Fanny, all of Mald. Rev. /. Cookson. April 8, 1847. 722 Benjamin S., 24, s of Enoch A., m. Martha A. Gove, 19, both of Mald. Rev. C. B. Smith. Feb. 1, 1849. Hildreth 540 Louis H., m. Catherine E. Raymond. Rev. J. G. Adams. March 18, 1840. Hill ec. Ruth, m. William Augur. Capt. Marshall. 7 (10), 1659. c.c. Isaac, m. Hannah Haward, (4), 1666. ec. Abraham, m. Hannah Stower, (8), 1666. 1 Zachariah, m. Judith Bucknam. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. 1700. 2 Tamesin, m. Phineas Upham. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Nov. 23, 1703. 2 Nidan 5 Sarah Parker. Col. 7. Lynde, J. P. Dec. 1, 1708. med. Judith, m. Jabez Wait, both of Mald., at Medford. 7. Tufts, J. P- Jan. 4, 1722 [1721/2]. 9 Judith, m. Thomas Blanchard. Rev. J. Emerson. Feb. 21, 1726. 10 James, m. Lois Upham. ev. J. Emerson. July 5, 1727. bost. Sarah, of Mald., m. Nathaniel Eustis of Boston. Rev. TZ. Cheever. April 24, 1729. 11 Tabitha, of Mald., m. James Barrett of Killingly. Rev. /. Emerson. May 6, 1731. 18 Asa, of Sherborn, m. Sarah Hill of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. May 29, 1734- 13 Sarah, of Mald., m. Asa Hill of Sherborn. Rev. /. Emerson. May 29, 1734. fra. Isaac, of Mald., m. Sarah Haven of Framingham. Rev. J. Swift. Dec. 29, 1743. 21 Abigail, m. John Dexter, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. April 18, 1746. 21 Abraham, m. Abigail Upham, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. May 8, 1746. 22 Mary, m. William Thomas, both of Mald. /. Bucknam, J. P. March 28, 1747. 61 [Mrs.] Sarah, of Mald., m. James Kettell of Charlestown. ev. /. Emerson. Feb. 13, 1765. 50 Lydia, m. Jacob Parker, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. EZ. Willis. May 16, 1769. 64 Elizabeth, of Mald., m. Thomas Sweetser of Charlestown. ev. P. Thacher. Sept. 19, 1771. 814 Charles, m. Mary Wait, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Dec. 18, 1777: 248 MALDEN MARRIAGES Hill (continued) 315 820 319 323 827 330 830 830 333 839 476 496 497 499 529 544 720 Hills c.c. c.c, c.c. C.c. c.c. 14 14 23 54 313 314 318 Sarah, m. a Dexter, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. June Sally, fab ieee Upham, both of Mald. £. Sargeant, 7. P. March Mercy, . Samuel Wait, 3, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. May Chae a ee Crane, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 8, tiie es James Crane, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. Oct. 30, 1804. Sally, m. John Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. Nov. 17, 1805. Lydia, m. William [H.] Richardson, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. Feb. 2, 1806. Isaac, m. Mary Crane, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. Feb. 16, 1806. Martha, m. Samuel N. Breeden, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 23, 1809. Charles, m. Mrs. Phebe Wait, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 19, 1813. Isaac, m. Mary Paine, both of Mald. Rev. £. Nelson. March 17, 1817. Hannah, m. William Nichols, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 16, 1821. Mary, m. Le H. Putnam, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. June 8, 1826. Charles, Irs m. Mary Nichols, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 30, 1826. Benjamin G., of Mald., m. Martha Teel of Charlestown. Rev. S. Cobb. Sept. 2, 1828. Abby F., of Mald., m. Joseph Pratt of Methuen. Rev. A. W. McClure. May 15, 1836. Aaron G., m. Helen M. Hyde, both of Mald. Rev. /. G. Adams. Oct. 18, 1840. John, Jr., of Stoneham, 25, s of John and Lydia D., m. Sarah A. Simonds of Mald., 20, da of John and Sarah. Rev. 7. A. Latham. Nov. 14, 1847. Joseph, m. Mrs. Hannah Mellows, 24 (4), 16 Joseph, Jr.,.m. Hannah Smith. Ca#t. Cultiocke Hobiake 2}. (9), 1653. Joseph, m. Helen Adkinson. /. Hl/s. (11), 1655. Gershom, m. Elizabeth Chadwick, Nov. 11, 1667. Hannah, m. Andrew Grover, 7 (12), 1673. Abigail, m. Joseph Chaffee. Rev. D. Parsons. Dec. I, 1709. Mary, of Mald., m. Theophilus Burrell of Lynn. Rev. /. Emerson. Sept. 24, 1736. Martha, m. Samuel Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Jan. II, 1736/7. Thomas, m. Mary Shute, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. April 26, 1750. Ebenezer, m. Hannah Porter, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 5, 1772. [John, of Kingston, N.H.], m. Elizabeth Kettle of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. [July 7], 1774. Polly, m. Ebenezer Harnden, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Sept. 8, 1777. Patty, m. Samuel Green Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. May 18, 1786. MALDEN MARRIAGES 249 Hines wob. Naomi, of Mald., m. Matthew Grover at Woburn, Aug. 20, 1701. Hitchings 50 Phebe, ie venenet Shute, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Nov. 16, 1769. 54 Lydia, m. Thomas Waitt, 3, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Oct. 10, 1771. 817 Mrs. Elizabeth, m. Jacob Shute, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. £. Wallis. Sept. 22, 1776. fer. James, m. Susanna Newhall, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Nov. II, 1794. 332 Daniel, m. Betsey Dexter Wade, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 31, 1807. 498 Susan, m. Thomas B. Woodward, both of Mald. Rev. /. Cookson. March 24, 1825. 507 Hannah, m. Henry Crehore. ev. S. Cobb. April 4, 1833. 722 Mary, 31, da of Jesse and Margaret H., m. Isaac Gilford, 22, s of George and Mary, both of Saugus. Rev. W. R. Parsons. July 15, 1849. Hodgkins 719 Charles E., 23, s of Nathaniel K. and Susan J., m. Elizabeth F. Clapp, 20, da of Timothy and Deborah, all of Mald. ev. C. Goodrich. [Cert. dates Aug. 30] Aug. 13, 1846. Hogan, Hoggen 52 Matthew, res. in Boston, m. Jone [/oaz] Neagles, res. in Mald. Rev. J. Emerson, May 9, 1765. Holbrook 722 Joseph, 29, s of Daniel and Mehitable, m. Adeline S. Taylor, 20, da of Washington, both of Mald. Rev. W. R. Parsons. Aug. 27, 1848. Holden wob. Ruhamah, of Woburn, m. Joseph Whittemore of Mald., Sept. Io, 1771. $21 Sally, m. Benjamin Falkner, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis, Aug. 4, 1790. rea. Nathan, of Mald., m. Esther Damon of Reading. Rev. P. Sanborn. Feb. 9, 1797. fer. Peter, m. Hannah Brintnall, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 28, 1797- 322 Nancy, m. Abner Breeden, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 30, 1797- 328 Ezra, m. Phebe Nichols, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 19, 1804. 330 Jesse, m. Sally Dyar, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. Dec. 9, 1805. 831 Fanny, m. Peter Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 29, 1807. 505 Elisha, m. Betsey Rich, both of Mald. Rev. A. Briggs. Dec. 1, 1831. 507 Eli, m, Phebe Shute. Rev. A. Briggs. April 29, 1832. 607 Sarah, m. William Waitt, Jr. Rev. A. Briggs. April 28, 1833. 620 Dorcas, of Mald., m. Ivory Phillipsof Taunton. Rev. VV. B. Spauld- ing. March to, 1835. 534 Nathan, m. Harriet Richardson, both of Mald. C. Lewis, J. P. June Io, 1838. Hollard ec. [Catherine], m. John Upham, (6), 1671. 250 MALDEN MARRIAGES Holmes 500 Urial, m. Lydia Hill Parker, both of Mald. Rev. A. Briggs. March 30, 1829. Holt 497 John, m. Lucy Sanderson, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 25, 1827. 499 Phebe, of Boston, m. Daniel Blakely of So. Reading. ev. S. Codd. April 16, 1829. 516 Mary F., of Stoneham, m. James Howard, 2, of Mald. Rev. /. McLeish. June 11, 1833. Homans fer. Rebecca, m. William Haskins, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. Sept. 29, 1790. Homer 498 Eliza, m. Jonathan Baldwin, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. 7. Whitte- more. Dec. 25, 1827. Hooton 840 Catherine, of Mald., m. Capt. Benjamin B. Appleton of Boston. fev. A. Green. July 6, 1814. Hopkins 54 Sylvanus, of Kent, Ct., m. [Mrs.] Mary Bucknam of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. April 8, 1772. 880 Hannah, m. Harvey Crane, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. May 4, 1806. 496 Samuel, m. Nancy Nichols, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 20, 1824. 515 Mrs. Nancy, m. Solomon Cruse, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. July 22, 1833. 520 Azariah, m. Lucy Ann Fisher, both of Mald. Rev. Ad. W. McClure. Jan. 18, 1835. 626 Benjamin, es Sarah Bassett, both of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. Jan. 12, 1836. 720 Dr. Thomas, of Brewster, 27,s of Nathaniel and Nancy, m. Mrs. Lucy Ann Hopkins of Mald., 34, da of Lewis and Sarah Fisher. Rev. J. McLeish. Feb. 2, 1847. 720 Mrs. Lucy Ann, of Mald., 34, da of Lewis and Sarah Fisher, m. Dr. Thomas Hopkins of Brewster, 27, s of Nathaniel and Nancy. Rev. J. McLeish. Feb. 2, 1847. Hopkinson 26 John, of Bradford, m. Sarah Dexter, of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. June 28, 1753. Hoppin cam. Thomas, of Charlestown, m. Dorcas Cluley of Mald., at Cambridge. kev. T, Hilliard. Oct. 6, 1785. Houghton 507 Jane, m. Micajah Atherton. Rev. S. Cobb. Dec. 6, 1832. Hovey top. Abigail, of Topsfield, m. Richard Upham of Mald., May 19, 1698. 1 ase es m. Samuel Smith. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Nov. 23, 1699. 23 Mary, m. Nathan Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. April 17, 1750. 25 Dea. James, m. Susanna Dexter, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. May 7, 1751. MALDEN MARRIAGES 251 Hovey (continued) bil. John, of Mald., m. Rachel Kidder of Billerica. 7. Kidder, /. P. July 8, 1751. Howard, Haward, Hayward c.c. ¢.¢. ec. c.c. c.c. 1 wat. 3 wat. 5 9 9 10 12 14 15 rea, 19 25 27 27 27 27 28 29 46 47 47 52 In. 53 55 816 318 Samuel, m. Elizabeth Sweetser [1661 07 1662]. Hannah, mh. Isaac Hill, (4), 1666. Samuel, m. Susanna Wilkinson, (1), 1671. Abigail, m. John Upham, Oct. 31, 1688. Jonathan, m. Elizabeth Lee, May 14, 1690. Samuel, m. Sibyl Lewis. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. 1700. David, of Mald.,m. Sarah Childs of Watertown. ev. H. Gibbs. Nov. 13, 1710. Zachary, m. Mary Jenkins. Rev. D. Parsons. Dec. 27, 1710. Sarah, m. Ebenezer Wilkinson, both of Mald., at Watertown. //. Bond, J]. P- June 21, 1714. Jonathan, m. Anne Pratt. Rev. D. Parsons, Jan. 13, 1714/5. Jonathan, m. Mary Harndall. Rev. /. Emerson. June 1, 1726. Hannah, m. Thomas Degrusha. ev. /. Emerson. [Date not given, probably in 1726.] Samuel, m. Elizabeth Wayte. Rev. /. Emerson. July 12, 1727. Mary, of Mald., m. Thomas Mighils of Pomfret. Rev. 7. Emerson. Sept. 6, 1733. David, m. Sarah Degresia, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Jan. 20, 1736/7. Zibillah, of Mald., m. Reuben Darbe of Pomfret. Rev. /. Emerson. Dec. 27, 1738. Benjamin, of Mald., m. Abigail Walton, of Reading, June 19, 1740. Lydia, m. Edward Sprague, both of Mald. ev. /. Emerson. July 4, 1744. Joseph, m. Rebecca Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Nov. 27, 1751. Jonathan, m. Winifred Dexter, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. May 14, 1756. Nathaniel, m. Phebe Howard, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson, June 10, 1756. Phebe, m. Nathaniel Howard, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. June Io, 1756. Nathan, m. Lydia Lynde, both of Mald. ev. /. Emerson. April 14, 1757- Sarah, res. in Mald., m. Thomas Manser, of Mald. Rev. J. Emer- son. Sept. 18, 1759. David, m. Martha Manser, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. March 14, 1760. John, m. Sarah Grover, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Nov. 11,1761. Samuel, m. Elizabeth Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Dec. 10, 1762. Amos, a Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Dec. 31, 1762. John, m. ae Colman, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. April 17, 1705- Rebecca, of Lynn, m. William Pell of Mald. Rev. J. Treadwell. June 26, 1765. Ezra, m. Sarah Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Jan. 15, 1771. James, m. Lydia Porter, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov.17, 1772. Elizabeth, m. Samuel Barns, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. March 4, 1784. , John, m. Huldah Falkner, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. May 109, 1785. 252 MALDEN MARRIAGES Howard, Haward, Hayward (continued ) rea. Lydia, of Mald., m. Joseph Eaton Poole of Reading. Rev. C. Pren- tice. Oct. 25, 1786. 319 Jabez, oe Newhall, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. June 2, 1787. 319 Lydia, m. Richard Shute, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. Nov. 11, 1788. ' 320 Amos, Jr., m. Atalanta Pritget [Pritchard], both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. July 16, 1789. fer. Phebe, of Mald., m. Elias Emerson, of Reading. Rev. A. Judson. Oct. 15, 1790. fer. Ee m. John Ramsdill, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Oct. » 1793- fer. Rachel, m. Samuel Wheeler, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Dec. 22, 1793. Inf, Joseph, of Mald., m. Lydia Norwood of Lynnfield. Rev. J. Motley. Dec. 29, 1793, . fer. Phebe, m. Micah Wait, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Oct. 5, 1794. wob. James, of Mald., m. Elizabeth Thompson of Woburn, Nov. 19, 1795. fer. William, m. Polly Townsend, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 22, 1797. ln. Nathaniel, of Mald. m. Lydia Mansfield of Reading, at Lynn. Rev. J. Roby. Dec. 5, 1797. 323 Samuel, m. Elizabeth Upham, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 25, 1798. 825 Phebe, of Mald., m. David Smith of Reading. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 13, 1801. 825 Lois, m. Nathaniel Tainter, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 14, 1802. 326 Nathaniel, of Mald., m. Mary Wyman of Woburn. Rev. A. Green. March 2 [ fcr. March 20], 1803. 326 Amos, of Mald., m. Mrs. Mary Richardson of Woburn. Rev. A. Green. Aug. 21, 1803. 827 Mrs. Mary, m. Samuel Burditt, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 29, 1804. 831 Eunice, m. Nathan Upham, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 8, 331 N ae a John Boardman, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 332 Sally, of Maid, m. William Dix of Reading. Rev. A. Green. Aug. 333 Pig en Emerson, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 6, 1809. 834 Lydia, m. James Allen, both of Mald. Rev. A.Green. Jan. 2, 1810. 834 Sarah, of Mald., m. Charles Adams of Brookline. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 7, 1810. 835 Jerusha, m. Cephas Colburn, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. June II, 1810, $39 Winifred, m. Asaph Winship, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 17, 1814. 840 James, m. Mary Cox, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 16[ jer. Sept. 6], 1814. 840 Jabez, m. Rebecca A. Baker, both of Mald. Rev. 4. Green. March 23, 1815. 841 Beach, = Benjamin Wilson, both of Mald. ev. E. Wiley. Sept. 12, 1816. 841 Nancy, of Mald., m. Stephen Putney of So. Reading. Rev. £. Wiley. Sept. 12, 1816. MALDEN MARRIAGES 253 Howard, Haward, Hayward (continued) 842 William, m. Ann Maria Spring, both of Mald. Rev. Z. Nelson. April 20, 1817. 844 John, m. Abigail Knower. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 25, 1817. 477 Betsey, of Mald., m. John Badger of Reading. ev. £. WVelson. May 1, 1820. 471 Phebe, m. George Newhall, both of Mald. Zev. E. Nelson. May I, 1820. 497 Elizabeth A., of Mald., m. Samuel Putney of Richmond, Va. ev. S. Norris. Aug. 31, 1824. 496 Huldah, m. Timothy C. Edminster, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 26, 1826. : 502 Lydia P., m. Joseph Emerson. Rev. A. Briggs. July 19, 1829. _ 516 James, 2, of Mald.,m. Mary F. Holt of Stoneham. ev. /. McLeish. June 11, 1833. 515 Caleb, m. Lucy Richardson, both of Mald. Rev. 7. F. Norris. April 1, 1834. 536 Caleb, m. Laura Boardman, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. April 15, 1839. 645 Joseph, m. Sarah J. Penney. Rev. M. Palmer. Jan. 3, 1841. 718 Emily, m. Charles Larrabee, both of Mald. Rev. W. Tozer. Aug. 3, 1844. 723 George, of Mald., 24, s of Nathaniel, m. Madeline S. Jackson, 21, da of Leonard. Rev. W. R. Parsons. April 10, 1850. Howe 506 Francis, m. Sophia B. Emerson, both of Mald. Rev. 7. F. Norris. May 17, 1832. 514 Catherine, m. Michael Phillips. Rev. /. McLeish. Jan. 13, 1833. 516 Samuel J. S.,m. Eliza A. Clarinbold, both of Mald. Rev. /. McLeish. June 1, 1833. Howland 719 Henry, of Charlestown, 26,s of Peleg B., m. Eliza T. Brintnal of Mald., 25, b. in Charlestown, da of Benjamin and Eliza. Rev. J. G. Adams. May 26, 1846. Hoyle chas. Dr. John, of Providence, R. I., m. Mary Skinner of Mald., at Charlestown. H. Phillips, J. P. Sept. 26, 1728. 19 John, of Providence, m. Anna Wayte of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Aug. II, 1743- Hoyt bost. Benjamin, of Mald., m. Esther Kenny of Boston. Zev. /. A. Merrill. Aug. 26, 1827. Hudson 832 William, of Putney, Vt.,m. Phebe Wait of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 24, 1807. 843 Mrs. Phebe, of Mald., m. Thomas Pratt of Chelsea. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 5, 1816. Huntress 721 Frances Susan, of Mald., 18, b. in Strafford, N. H., da of Gideon * and Mary, m. Thomas H. Speed of Mald., 21,s of Samuel S. and Mary. Jtev. /. Dennison. Nov. 30, 1848. Hurd 545 Jason C.,m. Ruth A. Varrell. Rev. M. Palmer. Oct. 4, 1840. Hussey 498 Maria T., of Mald., m. Peter Sprague of Greenfield. £. Buck, J. P. April 30, 1828. 254 MALDEN MARRIAGES Hustans 501 Susan, m. Beniah Stephens, both of Cambridge. Rev. S. Codd. Sept. 10, 1829. Hutchins 648 David, m. Sarah A. Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. VM. W. Williams. June 17, 1841. 719 Maria M., of Mald., 21, b. in Winchester, N. H., da of Sewall and Elvira, m. Jesse Mallory, Jr., of Fairhaven, Ct. 23. Rev. C. Goodrich. Sept. 5, 1846. Hutchinson 11 Mary, of Mald., m. Benjamin Tufts of Medford. Rev. J. Emerson. Jan. 7, 1730/1. 16 Sarah, 2 Ezra Green, bothof Mald. Rev. /. Stimpson. Feb. 12, 1740/1. 22 Phebe, of Mald., m. Joseph Sprague of Dudley. Rev. J. Emerson. Jan. 7, 1747/8. Hyde 540 Henry H., m. Susan F. Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams. July 24, 1839. 544 Helen M., m. Aaron G. Hill, both of Mald. Rev. /. G. Adams. Oct. 18, 1840. Ingalls 48 Nathaniel, of Lynn, m. Mercy Pratt of Mald. Rev. EF. Willis. Dec. 9, 1762. 47 Stephen, of Lynn, m. Rebecca Barrett of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Jan. 20, 1764. Inglee dor. [Mrs.] Lucy, of Dorchester, m. Capt. Thomas Oakes of Mald. Rev. J. Codman. Jan. 27, 1820. Ingoldsby 313 Bethiah, m. Samuel Wait, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. II, 1775- Jackes, Jacques 55 Anstis, res. in Mald., m. Daniel Whittemore of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Dec. 27, 1774. Jackson 16 Anna, m. Robert Wilson, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. July 12, 1738. 529 ean C., m. Lydia Jane Carleton, both of Lowell, in Lowell. Rev. S. Cobb. Dec. 18, 1836. 728 Madeline S., 21, da of Leonard, m. George Howard of Mald., 24, s of Nathaniel. Rev. W.R. Parsons. April 10, 1850. James 520 Thomas, m. Mary T. Rogers, both of Medford. Rev. A. W. McClure. Dec 4, 1834. Jeffers, Jeffords 28 Susanna, m. Amos Stowers, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Dec. 25, 1755. Jefts 496 Granville, m. Elizabeth Wait, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 26, 1825. 541 Elizabeth, m. Timothy T. Shute, both of Mald. Rev. 4. W. McClure. May 19, 1839. MALDEN MARRIAGES 255 Jenkins ec. Lydia, m. John Paul. Lieut. Marshall. 3 (3), 1657. ec. Lemuel, m. Elizabeth Oakes, 12 (5), 1670. c.c. Obadiah, m. Mary Lewis, 11 (11), 1676. cc. Lemuel, m. Mercy Waite, both of Mald. Rev. 7. Cheever. June II, 1694. 3 Mary, m. Zachary Howard. Rev. D. Parsons. Dec. 27, 1710. 4 Anna, m. Benjamin Teele. Rev. D. Parsons. Dec. 31, 1712. med. Obadiah, m. Mary Grover, both of Mald., at Medford. 7. Zufts, J. P- Jan. 5, 1720/1. 9 Margaret, m. Daniel Floyd, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Feb. 7, 1726/7. med. Joseph, m. Jemima Sprague, both of Mald., at Medford. /. Richard- son, J. P. May 7, 1730. 12 Ezekiel, m. Phebe Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Aug. 3, 1732. 12 Mary, of Mald., m. Joseph Chadwick of Falmouth. Rev. /. Emerson. Nov. 2, 1732. 15 Thomas, of Boston, m. Anna Sargeant of Mald. Rev. /. Stimpson. June 15, 1736. 21 Nathaniel, m. Abigail Baldwin, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. May 1, 1746. 22 Nathaniel, of Mald., m. Catherine Grant, res. in Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. June 19, 1747. 25 Elizabeth, of Chelsea, m. Daniel Floyd of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Oct. 4, 1751. rea. Thomas, of Mald., m. Jemima Smith of Reading, April 5, 1753. 47 Ezekiel, m. Margaret Floyd, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. June II, 1762. ser. Dorothy, m. Stephen Wellman, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Dec. 14, 1769. 53 Mary, m. Edmund Rand, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. April II, 1771. 814 Phebe, m. Jacob Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Oct. 24, 1776. 815 Joseph, m. Phebe Newhall, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. March 28, 1779. 816 Peggy, m. Robert Oliver, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 28, 1783. 816 Phebe, m. Joseph Floyd, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. March 9, 1784. $18 Mary, of Mald., m. Joseph Rand of Medford. Rev. E. Willis. Jan. I1, 1787. 320 John, Jr., m. Elizabeth Smith, both of Mald, Rev. A. Judson. April 9, 1789. $22 Nancy, m. John Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 30, 1798. 823 Phebe, m. Jabez Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 6, 1800. 840 Elizabeth, m. Ezra Wait, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 27, 1815. Jenks 61 Benjamin, res. in Salem, m. Abigail Bryant, res. in Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. March 14, 1765. Johnson 4 William, m. Sarah Wilkinson. Rev. D. Parsons. Nov. 6, 1712. 18 Mercy, m. John Dunton, both res. in Mald. Rev. J. Stimpson. Aug. 17, 1744. 256 MALDEN MARRIAGES Johnson (continued) 46 Anna, m. Francis Phillips, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Jan. 1, 1762. med. Sally, of Mald., m. Zachariah Brown of Medford, Oct. 9, 1796. 325 Luther [/okzston by error], of Charlestown, m. Elizabeth Nichols of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 25, 1802. ; wob. Kezia, of Woburn, m. Hanson Connor of Mald., March 29, 1812. 497 Mary, m. David Faulkner, 3, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 7, 1827. 501 Benjamin, m. Ann Robinson, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. Oct. 25, 1829. 515 Elizabeth C., m. Frederick Leeds, both of Mald. Rev. S. Codd. Sept. 4, 1833. 719 Enoch, of Danvers, 29, b. in Unity, N. H., s of Amos and Huldah, m. Caroline A. Sanborn of Claremont, N. H., 28, b. in Unity, N.H.,daofIsaacand Mary. ev. /. Sanborn. Sept. 15, 1846. 720 Elizabeth, 17, da of Benjamin and Ann, m. Solomon Martin, 21, s of aes and Martha, both of Mald. Rev. /. G. Adams. March 16, 1848. 721 Caroline Augusta, 17, da of Benjamin and Ann, m. Timothy Tufts, 22,8 of Eben, all of Mald. Rev. /. Dennison. Jan. 4, 1849. Jones 1 Hannah, m. Joseph Lewis. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. 1700. $39. Eliphaz, m. Sarah Gardner, both res. in Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 17, 1814. 504 William, m. Susan Waitt, both of Mald. Rev. .S. Cobb. Nov. 18, 1830. 581 William, of Boston, m. Mary Ann Upham of Mald. Rev. W. Emer- son. Oct. 15, 1837. 719 George E., of Medford, 22, s of Mrs. Jones, m. Phebe Bucknam of Medford, 25, b. in Mald., da of Benjamin and Mary. ev. /. Cookson. Sept. 28, 1845. Jordan ‘ 8 Elizabeth, m. John Larrabee. Rev. D. Parsons. Sept. 29, 1710. Judkins 652 Samuel, m. Hannah Hemmingway, both of Mald. Rev. J. McLeish. Nov. 5, 1842. Judson 818 Rev. Adoniram, of Mald., m. Mrs. Abigail Brown of Tiverton, R. I. Rev. S. Hopkins. Nov. , 1786. Kelsey 525 David B., of Lowell, m. Mary A. Fisher of Mald. Rev. 4. W. McClure. Dec. 3, 1835. Kempton 721 Samuel H., of Plymouth, 22, s of John and Abigail G., m. Mary A. E. Waitt of Mald., 18, da of Oliver and Hannah. fev. C. 2B. Smith. Nov. 2, 1848. Kendall 55 William, m. Mary Collins, both res. in Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Dec. 29, 1773. 601 Joel, m. Harriet C. Wait, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. July 16, 1829. Kendrick 724 Samuel S., of Mald., b. in Barrington, N. S.,s of David, m. Clara Godfrey, Northampton. Rev, 4d. W. McClure. Oct. 14, 1850. MALDEN MARRIAGES 257 Kenicott e.c. Roger, m. Joanna Sheperson, Nov. , 1661. 2 Elizabeth, m. Benjamin Whittemore. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Sept. 17, 1702. Kennison, Kinerson 602 Lucinda, of So. Reading, m. Isaac Green of Mald. Rev. 7. F. Morris. Nov. 8, 1829. Kenny bost. Esther, of Boston, m. Benjamin Hoyt of Mald. Rev. 7. A. Merrill. Aug. 26, 1827. Kent 28 Agnes, m. Uriah Oakes, both of Mald. ev. E. Willis, Jan. 22, 1756. Kettell, Kettle 51 James, of Charlestown, m. [Mrs.] Sarah Hill of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Feb. 13, 1765. 813 Elizabeth, of Mald., m. Ph Hills of Kingston, N. H.]. Rev. P. Thacher. [July 7), 1774 814 James, m. Elizabeth Wilson, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher, Nov. 9) 1777- 814 Polly, of Mald., m. Richard Frothingham of Charlestown. ev. P. Thacher. "Jan. 22, 1778. i Keys chas. Elizabeth, m. John Mudge, both of Mald., at Charlestown. £. Emerson, J. P. April 26, 1711. Kidder bil. Rachel, of Billerica, m. John Hovey of Mald. 7. Kidder, /. P. July 8, 1751. 717 Sarah E., m. Joshua T. Cutter, s of Artemas, all of Mald. Rev. /. G. Adams. March 19, 1844. 723 Hannah, 55, da of John and Hannah, m. Charles Cummings of Mald., 56, s of Joseph and Hannah. ev. J. G. Adams. May 9, 1850. Kimball 345 Nathan, of Newburyport, m. Elizabeth Clapp Edmester of Mald. kev. E. Nelson. Nov. 14, 1818. 495 Mary, m. Jonathan Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 5, 1822. 514 Hannah, m. Benjamin Going. Rev. /. McLeish. Nov. 18, 1832. 525 James B., m. Harriet Pickering, bothof Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Aug. 23, 1835. 720 James B., wid., 34, s of Jonathan and Nancy, m. Hannah F. Pratt, 19, da of Benjamin F. and Eliza, all of Mald. ev. J. Cum- mings. Aug. 22, 1847. Kingsbury 536 Moses G., of Roxbury, m. Mary Butler of Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams. Feb. 10, 1839. Kittredge 724 Lucy Jane, m. William Maxwell of Mald. /. F. Whittle, J. P. June 2, 1850. Knight, Knights 51 pe ' William Dexter, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. July 12, 314 fae hy Stoneham, m. Amos Upham, Jr., of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Jan. 9, 1777. e » 258 MALDEN MARRIAGES Knight, Knights (continued) 846 Simon, m. Lydia Cole. Rev. EF. Melson. Sept. 19, 1818 [1819]. 499 Elizabeth D., m. Faxon Richardson, both of Woburn. Rev. S. Codd. Oct. 15, 1828. wob. Maria L., of Woburn, m. Moses Butler of Mald., Oct. 20, 1850. Knower med. Sarah, of Mald., m. Oliver Atwood of Medford. Rev. E. Turrell. May 24, 1726. bost. Martha, of Mald.,m. Gamaliel Rogers of Boston. Rev. 7. Prince. March 21, 1732. 21 John, m. Phebe Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. June 17, 1746. 21 Elizabeth, m. Ebenezer Pratt, both of Mald. Rev./. Emerson. May 7, 1747. 22 Hannah, m. John Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. A. Cleaveland. Oct. 1, 1747. 29 Phebe, m. Amos Shute, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Feb. 7, 1760. chel. Elizabeth, of Mald., m. William Low of Chelsea. ev. P. Payson. Nov. 13, 1769. 52 Abigail, of Mald., m. Jonathan Gardner of Medford. Rev. £. Willis. Jan. 18, 1770. 817 Jemima, of Mald., m. Samuel Lewis of Chelsea. Rev. E. Wallis. Feb. 3, 1777. 317 Jonathan, of Mald., m. Mary Ann Follings of Boston. Rev. E. Willis. May 20, 1781. 815 Rachel, m. Samuel Grover, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. May 25, 1781. 818 Peternel, m. George Shute, both of Mald. Rev. HE. Willis. June 2, 1785. 819 George, m. Nancy Shute, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. July 26, 8 1787. 841 Phebe, m. William Downing, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 4, 1816. 344 Abigail, m. John Howard. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 25, 1817. 844 Nancy, m. Jacob Shute. Mev. E. Melson. Sept. 25, 1817. $45 Eleanor, m. Nathan Oakes. ev. A. Green. Nov. 7, 1817. Knowlton 507 Asa,m. Nabby Pindar. Rev. A. Briggs. Oct. 15, 1832. Lamper 497 Abel, m. Lydia Ann Campbell, both of Charlestown. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 5, 1826. Lamson chas. Joseph, m. Hannah Newhall, both of Mald., at Charlestown. £. Emerson, J. P. July 13, 1708. Lander 5382 Hannah, m. William Perry, both of Mald. ev. S. Cobb. May 14, 1837. Lane e.c. Job, m. Anna Reyner. Capt. Walden [Waldron ?]. (7), 1660. 2 Dorothy, da of John, m. Edward Sprague, s of Capt. John, all of Mald. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Nov. 14, 1693. Lanman 814 Mary, res. in Mald., m. Samuel Green, Jr., of Mald. Rew P. Thacher. Dec. 12, 1776. : MALDEN MARRIAGES 259 Larrabee ec. William, m. Elizabeth Felt. 2. Bellingham. (9), 1655. 3 John, m. Elizabeth Jordan. Rev. D. Parsons. Sept. 29, 1710. rea. Samuel, Jr., of Mald., m. Polly Greenof Reading. Rev. C. Prentice. March 6, 1800. 824 John, m. Betsey Vinton, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 15, 1801. 336 Nancy, m. Benjamin Lynde, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 5, 1811. 496 John, Jr.,m. Mary Vinton, both of Mald. Rev. A..Green. Jan, 24, 82 1825. 498 Mary, m. John Lynde, 2, both of Mald. Rev. 4. Green. April 1, 8 1827. 524 Sally, of Mald., m. William Wright of Reading. Rev. S.Cobs. Sept. 6, 1835. 718 Charles, m. Emily Howard, both of Mald. Rev. W. Tozer. Aug. 3, 1844. 721 George, 22,s of John and Mary, m. Mary E. Boardman, 20, da of George and Mary, all of Mald. Rev. J. McLeish. Dec. 25, 1848. Lathe, Leathe 548 Hannah, m. John Wait, both of Mald. Rev. J. McLeish. Nov. 6, 1841. Lathrop, Lothrop 721 Rossa [Rosa?] L., 22, da of Alson and Huldah C., m. Samuel A. Oliver, 24, s of William, Jr., and Lydia, both of Mald. fev. C. B. Smith. Nov. 31, [sc], 1848. Lear 339 Deborah, m. Simon Wilkins, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 22, 1813. 476 Betsey, m. Leonard Cox, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 9, 1820. 526 Catherine, of Mald., m. Charles Hastings of Brighton. fev. C. Sawyer. Dec. 3, 1835. Learned 335 Thomas, of Watertown, m. Eleanor Sargeant of Mald. fev. 4. Green. April 19, 1810. 343 Elizabeth T., m. William Wait, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 15, 1816. 344 Sally, m. Charles Wait. Rev. E. Nelson. March 29, 1818. Leathers 28 William, of Charlestown, m. Ruth Richardson of Mald. ev. £. Willis. April 29, 1755. Lee chas, Samuel, m. Mercy Call, both of Mald. &. Russell. Nov. 4, 1662. ec. Mercy, of Mald., m. Richard Wicks. /. Wade. Dec. 2, 1686. ec. Elizabeth, m. Jonathan Howard, May 14, 1690. 846 B[eulah] Maria, of Mald., m. John Smith, 2, of Salem, N. H. ev. EE. Nelson. March 1, 1820. Leeds 497 Joseph, of Stoneham, m. Eliza Lynde of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 29, 1827. 615 Frederick, m. Elizabeth C. Johnson, both of Mald. Rev. S. Codd. Sept. 4, 1833. 260 MALDEN MARRIAGES Legg 15 Mrs. Mary, m. Timothy Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. April 14, 1737. Lemoyne : 15 Charles, m. Mary Marble, both of Mald. Rev. /. Stimpson. May 19, 1737- Leonard 321 William Bouchier, res. in Mald., m. Sarah [Barrett] of Mald. ev. £. Willis. Jan. 1, 1789. Levenston, Livingston i1 16 Lewis c.c, cc, Robert, m. Zibiah Sargeant. Rev. J. Emerson. March 19, 1729/30. Agnes, m. John Nichols, both of Mald. Rev. /. Stimpson. Dec. II, 1740. John, m. Mary Brown. Mr. Nowell. 10 (2), 1650. Mary, m. Obadiah Jenkins, 11 (11), 1676. 1 Sibyl, m. Samuel Howard. Rev. 1. Wigglesworth. 1700, 1 1 10 317 345 525 525 117 717 718 719 719 722 Lillie 325 Joseph, m. Hannah Jones. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. 1700. Mary, m. William Sargeant. Rev. M/. Wigglesworth. Dec. 30, 1702. Abraham, of Marblehead, m. Elizabeth Atwood of Mald. ev. /. Emerson. Dec. 12, 1728. Samuel, of Chelsea, m. Jemima Knower of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Feb. 3, 1777. Charles, m. Lucy Hall [Z/za in int. and ch. rec.]. ev. A. Green. Feb. 22, 1818. John, 3, of Lynn, m. Mary Jane Todd of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. June 29, 1835. George A.,m. Caroline L. [error for Caroline Antoinette] Cutter, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. March 27, 1836. John, Jr., Boston, 23,s of John of Mald., m. Eliza Tufts, 19, da of Joseph W. and Eliza of Mald. Rev. /. G. Adams, Sept. 24, 1843. Charles H., of Boston, 22, s of John of Mald., m. Almira Tufts, 17, da of Joseph W. and Eliza of Mald. ev. /. Cookson. Dec. 10, 1843. Horace, b. in New Boston, N. H., s of Amasa and Polly, m. Caroline E. Wait, da of Ezra and Elizabeth, all of Mald. ev. C. Good- rich. Sept. 25, 1845. Elizabeth S., of Mald., da of Amasa and Polly, m. Eliel Putnam of Medford, 24,s of Joseph and Nancy. Rev. C. Goodrich. June II, 1846. ; Almira, of Mald., 20, da of Amasa and Polly, m. Joshua Buzzell of Chelsea, 26, s of Philipand Edna. ev. J. Cookson. Sept. 27, 1846. Hubbard, of Mald., 22, s of Leland and Esther, m. Ellen M. Tufts of Maid., 22, da of Peter. Rev. C. B. Smith. Nov. 12, 1849. Daniel, Jr., of Boston, m. Nancy Sargeant of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 14, 1802. Lincoln 29 $26 Luke, of Petersham, m. Rebecca Wayte of Mald. ev. /. Amerson. Jan. 18, 1760. Phebe, of Mald., m. Luke Wilson, res. in Mald. Rev. 4. Green. Jan. 25, 1803. MALDEN MARRIAGES 261 Lisbon mar. Anna, of Marblehead, m. Joseph Sargeant of Mald. Rev. E. Huéb- bard. April 10, 1796. Little 25 Rev. Daniel, of Wells, m. Mrs. Mary Emerson of Mald. ev. /. Emerson. Dec. 5, 1751. Locke 815 Thomas, of Lexington, m. Abigail Gowin of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. April 22, 1779. 504 Reuben, Jr., of Stoneham, m. Abby Lynde of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. May 19, 1830. Lockwood 501 Abraham R., m. Mary Floyd, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobd. March 23, 1830. Lord 616 Oliver, m. Nancy Waitt, both of Mald. Rev. Chas. Noble. Dec. 23, 1833. 528 Julia [H.], m. Aaron L. Waitt, both of Mald. Rev. D. Culver. Dec. 23, 1836. Loring ean. Elisha B., of Mald., m. Lucy F. Smith of Canton. ev. A. Meriam. Feb. 19, 1839. 718 Sophia, 19, da of Alden and Lucinda, m. John Shepard, 23, all of Pembroke. ev. /. G. Adams. April 27, 1845. 724 Gustavus, of Mald., 22, b. in Pembroke, s of Alden, m. Ellen Stevens, 18, b. in Mald., da of Charity Hemmingway. ev. /. G. Adams. Oct. 17, 1850. : Lovering 722 Edward, m. Elizabeth Cheever. Rev. J. Blodgett. Sept. 3, 1848. Lovett 720 Anthony, wid., of Mald., 44, b. in Boston, m. Mary Ann Wait of Mald., da of William and Abigail. Rev. J. Cookson. Sept. 30, 1847. Low chel. William, of Chelsea, m. Elizabeth Knower of Mald. Rev. P. Payson. Nov. 13, 1769. Lowd 825 David, m. Lucy Wait, both of Charlestown. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 23, 1802. Luke 4722 Elizabeth, 24,m. Charles Fuller, Jr., of Mald., 24,s of Charles and Jane. ev. J. Blodgett. May 29, 1849. Lunt 724 Andrew F., of Mald., 23, b. in Danvers, s of Andrew, m. Amanda M. Clark, 18, b. in Epping, N. H., da of John. Rev. /. G. Adams. Oct. 16, 1850. Lynde c.c. John, m. Elizabeth Green, Aug. 25, 1691. 1 Mary, m. Jonathan Sargeant. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. March 13, 1700. rea. Elizabeth, of Mald., m. John Smith of Reading. Rev. J. Pierpont. May 29, 1705. fam.2 Thomas, m. Lydia Green, both of Mald., July 22, 1708. 262 MALDEN MARRIAGES Lynde (continued) chas. fam. 2 4 5 6 med. med. © oo 17 17 17 ston. 18 22 22 27 27 27 ston. 29 47 50 50 53 54 315 $15 315 816 John, of Mald., m. Hannah Nichols of Woburn, at Charlestown. £. Emerson, J. P. Jan. 30, 1709/10. Dorothy, m. Jacob Green, both of Mald., July 8, 1713. Joseph, m. Mary Sprague. Rev. D. Parsons. Oct. 21, 1714. Mary, m. Jabez Sargeant. Rev. D. Parsons. Aug. 21, 1716. Joanna, m. Samuel Sprague. ev. D. Parsons. March 20, 1716/7. Mehitable, m. Jonathan Barrett, both of Mald., at Medford. 7. Tufts, J. P. July 19, 1720. Rebecca, m. Phineas Sprague, both of Mald., at Medford, April 9, 1723. Lydia, m. Thomas Pratt. Rev. /. Emerson. June 24, 1725. Martha, m. Thomas Green. Rev. /. Emerson. Jan. 13, 1725/6. Honnal Mald.,m. Amos Putnam. ev. /. Emerson. Dec. 27, 1726. Thomas, m. Joanna Parker, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Dec. 27, 1735- Jonathan, m. Elizabeth Mower, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Dec. 21, 1739. Joseph, m. Mary Lynde, both of Mald. ev. /. Emerson. July 4, 1740. Mary, m. Joseph Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. July 4, 1740. Lydia, of Mald., m. Peter Hay, 4, of Stoneham. ev. /. Osgood. Dec. 30, 1742. Phebe, m. Benjamin Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. March 20, 1743/4. Hannah, m. John Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. A. Cleaveland. Nov. 12, 1747. Joanna, m, John Dexter, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. March 15, 1747/8. Elizabeth, m. Phineas Green, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Jan. 31, 1755. Joanna, m. Timothy Wayte, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Dec. 12, 1755. Lydia, ‘m. Nathan Howard, both of Mald. ev. J. Emerson. April 14, 1757. Nathan, of Mald., m. Lydia Green of Stoneham. ev. /. Searl. 1759- Esther, of Mald., m. Benjamin Tufts of Medford. Rev. /. Emerson. Dec. 26, 1760. Hannah, m. Amos Howard, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Dec. 31, 1762. Ruth, res. in Mald., m. John Waitt, Jr., of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Oct. 31, 1766. Jabez, m. Phebe Paine, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Jan. 8, 1767. Sarah, m. Ezra Howard, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Jan. 15, 1771. Joseph, Jr., m. Mary Porter, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. June 11, 1771. Phebe, m. John Mitchell, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. June 6, 1779. Lydia, m. Lieut. Nathan Eaton, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. April 3, 1781. Jonathan, m. Elizabeth Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 25, 1781. Benjamin, m. Mary Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. April 14, 1782. MALDEN MARRIAGES 263 Lynde (continued) 321 fer. chas. ston. fer. fer. 322 322 323 323 324 329 331 336 338 338 339 341 495 497 497 498 497 499 500 501 505 504 wob. 505 Nathan, Jr., m. [Betsey] Sweetser, both of Mald. Rev. FE. Willis. Jan. 3, 1790. Joseph, m. Mrs. Mary Wyman, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Nov. 20, 1792. Phebe, m. Cotton Sprague, both of Mald., at Charlestown. /. Bart- lett, J.P. Dec. 26, 1793. Stephen, of Stoneham, m. Hannah Wiley of Mald. ev. /. Cleave- land. Aug. 19, 1794. Elizabeth, m. Solomon Shute, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Jan. 26, 1795. Hannah, of Mald., m. Nathaniel Frothingham, of Salem. Rev. EZ. Willis. July 2, 1795. William, m. Mary Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 4, 1797- John, m. Nancy Jenkins, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 30, 1798. Mary, m. Jonathan Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 18, 1799- Jabez, m. Phebe Jenkins, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 6, 1800. Mary, of Mald., m. Thaddeus Symonds of Stoneham. Rev. A. Green. May 11, 1800. Nancy, m. Peter Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 5, 1806. Lydia, m. Thomas Vinning, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. May 18, 1806. Benjamin, Jr.,m. Nancy Larrabee, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 5, 1811. Hannah, m. Robert Gary, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 29, 1812. John, m. Mrs. Mary Dows, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 31, 1813. Joseph, Jr., of Mald., m. Phebe Vinton of Stoneham. Rev. A. Green. April 28 [/cr. April 26], 1814. Fanny, m. Capt. Jonathan Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 17, 1816. Jonathan, m. Mary Kimball, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 5, 1822. John, 3, m. Sally Upham, both of Mald. Rev. 7. F. Norris. April 6, 1826. Eliza, of Mald., m. Joseph Leeds of Stoneham. Rev. A. Green. March 209, 1827. John, 2, m. Mary Larrabee, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 1, 1827. Nancy, of Mald., m. Aaron Green of Stoneham. fev. 7. F. Norris. Nov. 29, 1827. John, m. Lois Clisby, both of Mald. Rev. G. W. Fairbanks. June 15, 1828. Joseph, 3, m. Clarissa Upham, both of Mald. Agu. L. Sunderland. April 23, 1829. Amos, m. Sarah Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. £. K. Avery. Nov. 26, 1829. Jacob P., m. Adeline L. Newhall, both of Mald. Rev. A. Briggs. May 2, 1830. Abby, of Mald., m. Reuben Locke, Jr. of Stoneham. Rev. S. Codd. May 109, 1830. George, of Mald., m. Rolinda Favor of Woburn, Aug. _, 1830. William, 2, m. Mary Boardman, both of Mald. Rev. 7. F. Norris. April 19, 1831. 264 MALDEN MARRIAGES Lynde (continued) : 607 Daniel, m. Clarissa Richardson. Rev. S. Cobb. Jan. 7, 1833. 515 Delia, of Mald., m. Waldo Belknap of Medford. Rev. S. Codd. June 12, 1833. 524 George, m. Harriet Favor, both of Mald. ev. S. Cobb. Oct. 25, 1835. 629 Rebecca W., of Mald., m. James Eaton of Boston. Rev. A. W. McClure. Jan. 26, 1837. 718 Sarah Ann, 17, da of John and Sarah, of Mald., m. Charles Gage of Mald., 22, b. in Wilton, N. H.,s of Richard and Betsey. ev. D. Richards. Aug. 13, 1844. 720 Warren, wid., of Mald., 49, m. Nancy Scarlett of Lowell, 36. Rev. D. D. Pratt. May 4, 1848. 728 Mary E., 20, da of Seth S. and Ruth, m. Dr. John L. Sullivan of Mald., 24,s of Thomas B. Rev. A.W. McClure. April 2, 1850. McAllister 722 Rufus, 29, s of Benjamin and Charlotte, m. Hannah M. Wait, 22, da of Oliver and Emily, both of Mald. Rev. C. B. Smith. June 21, 1849. McIntire 499 Mrs. Betsey, of Boston, m. Joseph M. Anderson of Lynn. fev. S. Cobb. Dec. 15, 1828. Magus, Magos 814 Pompey, of Mald., m. Zipporah Barjina of Stoneham. Rev. P. Thacher. May 26, 1778. 520 Sally, of Mald., m. John Bonn of Charlestown. Rev. S.Cobd. Dec. I, 1834. Mahan 342 Augustus, m. Mrs. Lois Downing, both of Charlestown. HY. Gard- ner, 2, J. P. Feb. 3, 1817. Malinda [Melendy ?] 507 Harriet, m. Joshua Walton. Rev. A. Briggs. May 29, 1832. Mallet chas. Matthew, of Charlestown, m. Ruth Chamberlin of Mald. fev. S. Bradstreet. July 31, 1729. Mallory 719 Jesse, Jr., of Fairhaven, Ct., 23, m. Maria M. Hutchings of Mald., 21, b. in Winchester, N. H., da of Sewall and Elvira. Rev. C. Goodrich. Sept. 5, 1846. Mann 615 William, m. Phebe Waitt, both of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. June 26, 1833. 626 Samuel, m. Elizabeth Guild, both of Mald. 2. Buck, J. P. July 30, 1835. 545 Alice Eliza, of Boston, m. John C. Robbins of Mald. G. Haven, /. P. Aug. 29, 1841. 717 Susan O., m. Stephen Wait, s of William and Abigail, all of Mald. Rev. J. Cookson. Dec. 13, 1843. Manning 502 Nancy M., m. George Green, both of Mald. Rev. 7. F. Norris. Aug. 23, 1829. Manser 18 Mary, of Mald., m. William Barns of Boston. Rev. J, Emerson. Jan. 26, 1742/3. MALDEN MARRIAGES 265 Manser (continued ) 20 Sarah, of Mald., m. John Martin, lately res. in Boston. fev. /. Emerson. Sept. 18, 1745. 26 John, Pe Sarah Bradish, both of Mald. B. Townsend, J. P. July 20, 1753+ 28 Thomas, of Mald.,m. Sarah Howard, Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Sept. 18, 1759. 29 Martha, m. David Howard, bothof Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. March 14, 1760. Mansfield 14 Daniel, of Lynn, m. Mrs. Elizabeth Tufts of Mald. Rev./. Emerson. Jan. 6, 1736/7. In. Lydia, of Reading, m. Nathaniel Howard of Mald.,at Lynn. ev. /. Roby. Dec. 5, 1797. $26 Benjamin, of Lynn, m. Elizabeth Cox of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 24, 1804. 498 Eliza, m. Ebenezer Stevens, both of Boston. Rev. A. Green. [Bost. int. Sept. 22, 1827] April 7, [1827 ?]. 604 Mary, m. Abraham T. Nealey, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobd. March 31, 1831. 529 Mary, m. Garland S. Seaward, both of Saugus, in Saugus. ev. S. Cobb. Oct. 6, 1836. 629 Zachariah, Jr., m. Joanna R. T. Oliver, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Nov. 8, 1836. ; 582 John S., m. Ann Elizabeth Foss, both of Saugus. Rev. S. Codd. July 6, 1837. 547 Sarah, m. Aaron Butler. Rev. J. G. Adams. Aug. 15, 1841. Marble chas. Mary, of Charlestown, m. William Fenton of Mald. Rev. S. Brad- street. April 19, 1714. 12 Hannah, of Mald., m. David Green of Reading. Rev. /. Emerson. March 15, 1732/3. 14 Sarah, of Mald., m. Samuel Evans of Reading. Rev. /. Stimpson. Nov. 3, 1735- 15 Mary, m. Charles Lemoyne, both of Mald. ev. /. Stimpson. May 19, 1737+ 20 Bites, m. Bartholomew Flagg, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson, March 27, 1745. Marks 20 Mary, of Mald., m. Charles Crowley, res. in Charlestown. Rev. /. Emerson. Oct. 1, 1745. Marland 529 Martha A., m. Benjamin T. Peasley, both of Lowell, in Lowell. Rev. S. Cobb. Dec. 18, 1836. Marshall bil. John, m. Mrs. Damaris Wait of Mald., at Billerica. 7. Danforth, Nov. 30, 1681. 606 David, m. Susanna Floyd, both of Mald. £. Wade, /. P. July 15, 1832. 645 Selina E, m. William H. D. Miller, both of Boston. G. Haven, /. P. March 1, 1842. Marston 717 Mary E., 18, da of David K. and .Mary of Mald., m. Joseph C. Colby of Mald., 23, s of Thomas and Hannah of Amesbury. Rev. J. Blodgett. May 17, 1843. 266 MALDEN MARRIAGES Martin ec. John, m. Mary Mudge, 14 (2), 1671. 20 John, lately res. in Boston, m. Sarah Manser of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Sept. 18, 1745. 720 Solomon, 21, s of Samuel and Martha, m. Elizabeth Johnson, 17, da of Benjamin and Ann, bothof Mald. Rev. /.G. Adams. March 16, 1848. 724 Frances E., m. Stephen Doe of Boston, b. in Windsor, Me., s of Charles. Rev. M. Trafton. May 22, 1850. Massey 720 John, Jr., of Saugus, 25, s of John and Mary, m. Eliza Emerson of Mald., 19, da of Isaac and Atalanta. Rev. V. Bemis. Nov. 26, 1846. Matthews chas. William, m. Mary Calley, both of Mald., at Charlestown. £. Emer- son, J. P. Feb. 6, 1706. Maxwell 724 William, of Mald., m. Lucy Jane Kittredge. /. F. Whittle, J. P. June 2, 1850. Mayhew 836 Frederick, Jr., of New Bedford, m. Elizabeth Popkin of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 20 [fer July 28], 1811. Melburn 625 Abigail B., m. Joseph W. Atwell, both of So. Reading. Rev. S. Codd. April 14, 1836. Mellen 1 Deborah, m. Samuel Bucknam. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Sept. 22, 1697. 4 Deborah, m. John Brintnall. Rev. D. Parsons. Aug. 28, 1712. Mellows ec. Mrs. Hannah, m. Joseph Hills, 24 (4), 1651. ec. Hannah [4/z/ler by error in original return], m. John Bunker. Jr. Nowell. (7), 1655. Melvin 498 Eliza, of Mald., m. Thomas Sargent of Charlestown. Rev. /. Cook- son. Dec. 5, 1824. 504 Almira, m. Amos Smith, both of Charlestown. Rev. S. Cobb. Dec. 12, 1830. 616 Clymena, m. John Robbins, both of Mald. Rev. A.W. McClure. Oct. 29, 1833. Merriam 7 Elizabeth, m. Josiah Blanchard. Rev. J. Emerson. Dec. 6, 1721. Merrill 323 Edmund, m. Betsey Bancroft, both res. in Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 30, 1799. Merritt 18 Daniel, of Boston, m. Lydia Sweetser of Mald. Rev. /. Stimpson. Dec. 11, 1739. 820 Susanna, m. William Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. Sept. 20, 1789. fer. Lydia, m. Josiah Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Dec. 25, 1792. MALDEN MARRIAGES 267 Merritt (continued) fer. Sally, m. Joseph Dyer, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willts. Dec. 25, 1792. fer. Poily, m. Elias Currell, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Dec. 25, 1794- Messenger 724 Charles A., of Boston, 26, m. Lydia Butler of Mald., 25, da of Amos. kev. J. G. Adams. Sept. 1, 1850. Mighills 12 Thomas, of Pomfret, m. Mary Howard of Mald. ev. /. Emerson. Sept. 6, 1733- Miller 682 Silas, m. Harriet Wilson, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Feb. 1, 1838. 545 William H. D., m. Selina E. Marshall, both of Boston. G. Haven, Jj. P. March 1, 1842. Millinor 19 James, of Mansfield, m. Ruth Pierce of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. June 12, 1744. Mills 717 Joseph, m. Lydia Cox, da of John and Lydia, all of Mald. ev. /. Whitman. Nov. 12, 1843. Miner 720 Matthias, of Mald., 31, b. in Merdingen, Baden, s of Joseph and Mag- dalenia (Ludwig) Menner, m. Helen M. Shedd, 29, b. in Medford, da of Thomas and Abigail (Greenleaf). Rev. M. S. Folsom. Jan. 2, 1848. Mitchell ec. Thomas, m. Mary Molton. &. Bellingham. (9), 1655. 315 John, m. Phebe Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. June 6, 1779- Moore 838 John, m. Lucy Blanchard, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 18, 1812. 652 Clarissa, m. William H. Flagg, both of Mald. Rev. MV. W. Williams. July 14, 1842. 720 Frances, of Boston, 21, m. George Smith of Mald., 24, s of John A. and Eleanor. Rev. C. Goodrich. Jan. 5, 1847. 724 Frances E., 24, b. in Winthrop, Me., da of Isaac, m. Dr. Greenleaf Wilbur of Mald., 30, b. in Augusta, Me.,s of David. Rev. A. W. McClure. Oct. 16, 1850. Morey 649 David B., m. Almira Bailey, both of Mald. Rev. W. P. Russell. May 9, 1842. Morfin 26 Sarah, m. Peter Edes, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. June 9g, 1752. Morrison 520 Mary Ann, m. George P. Cox, both of Mald. Rev. V. B. Spaulding. March 5, 1835. Moses 344 Samuel, m. Lucy Cheever. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 26, 1817. 268 MALDEN MARRIAGES Motley fer. Eliza, m. Capt. Henry Bancroft, both of Lynnfield. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 16, 1821. Moulton ec. Sarah, m. John Winslow. &. Bellingham. 5 (3), 1652. cc. Mary, m. Thomas Mitchell. &. Bellingham. (9), 1055. 3 James, m. Bethiah Emes. Rev. D. Parsons. June 31, 1709. 8 Dorothy, m. Jacob Freese. Rev. J. Emerson. March 31, 1725. chas. James, of Mald., m. Mary Wilkins of Charlestown. tev. H. Abbot. April 9, 1734- Mower 6 Samuel, m. Elizabeth Sprague. Rev. D. Parsons. Jan. 4, 1715/6. 1% Elizabeth, m. Jonathan Lynde, both of Mald. ev. J. Emerson. Dec. 21, 1739. Mudge ec. Mary, m. John Martin, 14 (2), 1671. chas. John, m. Elizabeth Keys, both of Mald., at Charlestown. Z. Emer- son, J.P. April 26, 1711. 4 Martha, m. Peter Edes. Rev. D. Parsons. Nov. 16, 1714. 15 Lydia, m. Stephen Sweetser, both of Mald. Rev. /. Stimpson. Feb. 8, 1737/8. 16 John, m. Mary Waitt, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. May 4, 1738. 17 Joseph, m. Phebe Green, both of Mald. ev. J. Stzmpson. Jan. 19, 1742/3. Munroe, Monroe 816 Philemon, of Lexington, m. Elizabeth Wait of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Feb. 15, 1784. 547 John H.,m. Mary E. Ford. Rev. J. G. Adams. May 6, 1841. 720 Lydia Jane, m. Samuel Drown, wid., both of Mald. Rev. /. Cum- mings. June 24, 1847. Muzzey ee. Sarah, m. John Wayte, 12 (4), 1674. 505 Charles, of Boston, m. Sarah Oakes of Mald. Rev. J. T. Burrell. Feb. , 1831. Myrick $36 Stephen, m. Caroline Towle [Fow/e in int.], both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 19, 1811. Nagel 720 George, of Boston, m. Sarah Jane Pickett of Mald. Rev. /. Cookson. Sept. 30, 1847. Nash 821 [Mrs.] Elizabeth, m. Edward Oakes. Rev. £. Willis. June 24, 1792. Nay 722 George W., of Boston, 34, b. in Albany, N. Y., s of Anthony, m. Martha A. Philbrick, 22, b. in Rye, N. H., da of Joseph. ev. C. B. Smith. Sept. 9, 1849. : Neagles 52 Jone [/oan], res. in Mald., m. Matthew Hoggen, res. in Boston. _ Rev. J. Emerson. May 9, 1765. 319 ee of Mald., m. Isaac Cook of Medford. Rev. A. Judson. ec. 28, 1787. 840 Sarah, i Nathaniel Waitt, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 15, 1814. 844 Lydia, m. William Oliver, Jr. Rev. £. Melson. April 20, 1818. MALDEN MARRIAGES 269 Neally 504 Abraham T., m. Mary Mansfield, both of Mald. Rev. S. Codd, March 31, 1831. Negroes without surnames 10 James, m. Margaret. Rev. J. Emerson. Nov. 20, 1727. 11 Tobia, of Mald., m. Ziporah of Lynn, Dec. 18, 1729. ston. Sambo, of Stoneham, m. Mercar of Mald. ev. /. Osgood. Jan. 11, 1737/8. 23 John, belonging to Joseph Lynde, m. Violet, belonging to Thomas Hills, all of Mald. ev. J. Emerson. Jan. 26, 1749/50. 25 Cesar, belonging to Benjamin Thwing of Boston, m. Phyllis, be- longing to Joseph Wilson of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Dec. 6, 1751. 27 Jenny, living in Mald., m. Peter Perkins living in Lynn. ev. /. Emerson. Nov. 19, 1755. 29 Bramer, belonging to Benjamin Bucknam of Mald., m. Dinah, mu- latto, belonging to Mr. Toler of Stoneham. Rev. /. Emerson. Jan. 24, 1760. 51 Dover, belonging to Mr. Stoddard of Boston, m. Violet, belonging to Ebenezer Pratt of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Oct. 7, 1764. 51 Prince, belonging to Thomas Hills, m. Tamar, belonging to Ezra Green, Esq., all of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Nov. 9, 1764. 61 Cato, belonging to Nathan Lynde, m. Marere, belonging to Capt. Dexter, all of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. April 5, 1765. 52 Jupiter, belonging to Jonathan Wayte of Lynn, m. Violet, belonging to Thomas Hills of Mald. ev._/. Emerson. Dec. 26, 1765. 53 Bristol, belonging to Zachariah Pool of Medford, m. Violet, belonging to Ebenezer Pratt of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Feb. 7,1771. - 54 Worster, belonging to Rev. E. Turrell of Medford, m. Phyllis, belong- ing to Rev. E. Willis of Mald. Rev. Z. Willis. Nov. 25, 1771. 54 Samuel, belonging to Joseph Lynde, m. Phyllis, belonging to Nathan Lynde, all of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. April 16, 1772. 55 Prince, belonging to Thomas Hills of Mald., m. Hannah, belonging to Francis Brown of Medford. Rev. P. Thacher. Oct. 7, 1773. Newhall rea. Elizabeth, of Mald., m. Benjamin Burnap of Reading. [Rev. MZ. Wigglesworth.| June 18, 1700. chas. Daniel, of Mald., m. Sarah Fosdick of Charlestown. Z£. Emerson, J.P. Jan. 8, 1706. chas, Hannah, m. Joseph Lamson, both of Mald., at Charlestown. &. Emerson, J. P. July 13, 1708. 3 Martha, m. Nathaniel Wilson. ev. D. Parsons. Jan. 5, 1709. 4 Samuel, m. Sarah Sargeant. Rev. D. Parsons. Dec. 3, 1713. In. John, of Lynn, m. Lydia Scadlet [Scarlet] of Mald., Jan. 7, 1719/20. 10 Daniel, im. Tabitha Upham. ev. J. Emerson. Dec. 26, 1728. 10 Sarah, of Mald., m. Thomas Burditt. ev. J. Emerson. Dec. 4, 1729. 14 Seat m. Martha Upham, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. March 18, 1737. 17 Martha, of Mald., m. Samuel Wade of Medford. Rev. /. Stimpson. Dec. 2, 1741. 19 Nathan, m. Tabitha Wayte, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Oct. 26, 1743. 27 James, of Lynn m. Sarah Barrett of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. July 8, 1756. 27 Sarah, m. James Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Jan. 27, 1758. 270 MALDEN MARRIAGES Newhall (continued) 52 Joseph, of Danvers, m. Dorcas Barrett of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Sept. 3, 1767. : 815 Phebe, m. Joseph Jenkins, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. March % 28, 1779- 819 Elizabeth, m. Jabez Howard, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. June 2, 1787. fer. Susanna, m. James Hitchings, both of Mald. kev. E. Willis. Nov. II, 1794. $24 Edward, m. Hannah Cox, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 15, 1801. 826 Bernard, m. Mary Paul Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 17, 1803. 329 Edward, m. Eliza Harnden, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. May : 5, 1805. 332 William, m. Nancy Floyd, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 10, 1808. 335 Tabitha, m. Alexander Craig, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 14, 1810. 337 Mrs. Anna[/Vancy], m. Dwight Fisher bothof Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 22, 1811. 338 Edward, m. Sarah Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. J. Livermore. April 16, 1812. 477 George, m. Phebe Howard, both of Mald. Rev. Z. Welson. May 1, 1820. 476 Bernard, m. Elliot Bridge, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 23, 1820. 498 Nathan, m. Nancy Townsend, both of Mald., Feb. 18, 1827. 505 Adeline L., m. Jacob P. Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. A. Briggs. May 2, 1830. 615 Lorenzo B., m. Sarah J. Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. Oct. 6, 1833. 520 John S., m. Hannah Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. S. Codd. April 16, 1835. 632 Harriet A.,m. Shubael L. Taylor. Rev. D. Culver. April 17, 1838. 652 Charles, m. Nancy S. Bredeen, both of Mald. Rev. A.W. McClure. June 12, 1841. 548 Mary A.,m. William A. Richardson, both of Mald. Rev. J. McLeish. Nov. 25 [1841]. 652 William, m. Nancy Fuller, both of Mald. Rev. J. McLeish. June 16, 1842. : 718 Cheever, 24,8 of Edward and Elizabeth of Mald., m. Elizabeth W. Pitman, 20, b. in Concord, da of William and Patience of Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams. April 28, 1844. 718 William Jones, 27,s of Bernard and Mary of Mald., m. Sarah Flint of Charlestown, 26. Rev./. Cookson. Aug. 7, 1844. 720 John, of Mald., 25, s of Henry and Sarah, m. Luhannah S. Eaton of So. Reading, 23, da of Nathaniel and Sarah. Rev. WV. Bemis. Jan. 3, 1847. 720 Robert, 31, m. Orissa A. Stiles, 21, da of T. L. and Hannah A,, all of Mald. Rev. /.G. Adams. May 19, 1847. 720 James, m. Olive Carey, both of Mald. Rev. 7. A. Latham. Dec. 5, 1847. 720 George, 24, m. Julia Ann Beck, 18, both of Mald. Rev. 7. A. Latham. Dec. 30, 1847. Wewman 47 David, res. in Medford, m. Elizabeth Hay res. in Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. April 20, 1764. MALDEN MARRIAGES 271 Newman (continued ) chel. Sally Flagg, of Chelsea, m. Samuel Chittenden of Mald., Oct. 21, 1804. 723 Valeria, m. Joseph E, Teel. Rev. A. W. McClure. July 7, 1849. Newton 544 Mary W., of Mald., m. Frederick Scott of Westford. Rev. /. G. Adams. April 4, 1841. 718 Caleb, of Mald., 32, s of Amos and Sarah, m. Mrs. Elizabeth B. Robinson of Mald., 28, b. in Medford, da of Nathan and Mary Tufts. Rev. H. Ballou, 2. Aug. 17, 1845. Nichols bost. Mrs. Elizabeth [of Mald., da of William Sargeant], m. Thomas Bill. &. Bellingham. 14 (11), 1652. c.c. James, m. Mary Felt. &. Russell. (2), 1660. ec. James, of Mald.,m. Hannah Whittemore of Woburn. ev. /. Fox [Woburn]. Nov. 15, 1686. chas. Hannah, of Woburn, m. John Lynde of Mald., at Charlestown. E. Emerson, J. P. Jan. 30, 1709/10. 6 Nathaniel, m. Ruth Upham. ev. D. Parsons. Jan. 22, 1716/7. med. Joshua, m. Ruth Green, both of Mald., at Medford. 7. Tufts, /. P. April 12, 1720. 8 Elizabeth, m. John Thomas. Rev. /. Emerson. Nov. 30, 1725. 10 Sarah, of Mald., m. John Blooitof Boston. Rev. /. Emerson. Feb. 6, 1729/30. ~* 16 John, m. Agnes Leveston, both of Mald. Rev. J. Stimpson. Dec. II, 1740. . med. Jemima, of Mald., m. John Polley of Medford. Rev. E. Turrell. July 18, 1746. 22 John, m. Elizabeth Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. A. Cleaveland. April 21, 1748. 46 Samuel, lately res. in Mald.,.m. Mercy Parker of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. April 2, 1762. 53 Elizabeth, of Mald., m. Joseph Dyer of Boston. Rev. E. Willis. May 2, 1771. 54 John, Jr.,m. Phebe Oakes, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Feb. 27, 1772. 313 Sarah, m. Capt. Jonathan Oakes, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 6, 1774. $20 Sarah, m. George Brown, both of Stogeham. LZ. Sargeant, /. P. Feb. 27, 1787. 320 Tabitha, of Mald., m. Benjamin Bill of Chelsea. Z. Sargeant, J. P. [Error in date, see int.] May 6, 1787. fer. William, m. Nancy Waitt, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. Dec. 19, 1790. $22 David, ma Polly Watts, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 12, 1797- $25 Elizabeth, of Mald., m. Luther Johnston [error for Johnson] of Charlestown. Rev. A. Green. April 25, 1802. : $28 Phebe, m. Ezra Holden, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 19, 1804. 335 Esther, m. William Whittemore, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 14, 1811. 844 Dorcas, m. John Sargent. Rev. A. Green. May 19, 1817. 476 Sarah, of Mald., m. Aaron Sargent of Charlestown. Rev. A. Green. May 28, 1820. 476 Andrew D., m. Hannah Nichols, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 31, 1820, 272 MALDEN MARRIAGES Nichols (continued) 476 476 479 496 496 496 496 497 500 500 499 498 505 520 521 524 717 720 723 723 Hannah, m. Andrew D. Nichols, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 31, 1820. William, Jr., m. Hannah Hill, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 16, 1821. Ebenezer, Jr., m. Betsey Fletcher, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 22, 1821. Nancy, m. Samuel Hopkins, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 20, 1824. Benjamin, of Mald., m. Mrs. Abigail Nichols of Charlestown. Rev. A. Green. March 29, 1825. Mrs. Abigail, of Charlestown, m. Benjamin Nichols of Mald. ev. A. Green. March 29, 1825. Sophia, of Mald., m. Capt. John Williams of Chelsea. ev. A. Green. Dec. 22, 1825. Mary, o Charles Hill, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 30, 1826. Leda m. Henry Shute, both of Mald. £. Buck, J.P. June, 1828. Eliza, m. James L. Breeden, both of Mald. £. Buck, J. P. July 13, 1828. Lemuel, m. Lucy L. Fessenden, both of Mald. ev. S. Cobb. Oct. 23, 1828, Eliza C., m. William Hemingway, both of Mald. £. Wade, /. P. Dec. 28, 1828. George, m. Mary Farnum, both of Mald. Rev. J. 7. Burrell. Nov. 1830. Mrs. Elizabeth, of Boston, m. Lewis Richardson of Mald. fev. S. Cobb. May 18, 1834. Emeline S., m. William C. Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. H. Alger [Chelsea]. June 25, 1835. Ebenezer, Jr., m. Mrs. Lucy Pitts, both of Mald. Rev. S. Codd, Nov. 5, 1835. Hannah H., 22, da of William, Jr., and Hannah of Mald., m. Lowell Chamberlin, wid., of Chelsea, 28, s of Uriah and Louisa, of Mald. Rev. /. G. Adams. Aug. 3, 1843. William H., 24, s. of William, Jr., and Hannah, m. Esther A. Oliver, 18, da of Robert and Fanny, both of Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams. May 14, 1848. Andrew, 23, s of Andrew D. and Hannah, m. Ellen A. Tufts, 17, da of Edward and Ellen, both of Mald. Rev. C. B. Smith. Feb. 25, 1849. Rebecca, 1 da of Benjamin, of Mald., m. James Tibbetts, 24, s of Josiah of Lynn, June 2, 1850. Nickerson bost. Elizabeth [of Boston], m. William Burrage of Mald. Rev. /. Pier- Noble pont. Dec. 28, 1822. 630 Joseph W., of Stoneham, m. Lucy Upham of Mald. Rev. S. Codd. April 19, 1837. Norwood Inf. Lydia, of Lynnfield, m. Joseph Howard of Mald. Rev. J. Motley. Dec. 29, 1793. 615 Louisa, m. John Eames, both of Medford. Rev. S. Cobé. July 26, 1833. , 520 Anstis, m. Timothy Shute, both of Mald. Rev, S. Codd. Jan. 25, 1835. MALDEN MARRIAGES 273 Norwood (continued) 540 Joshua G., of Camden, Me.,m. Augusta Marion Hall of Mald. Zev. J. G. Adams. July 8, 1839. 647 Dorcas, m. Truman White. ev. /.G. Adams, Dec. 22, 1841. Nourse 319 Lucy, m. Joseph Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. June 8, 1788. Noyes 514 Smith, m. Elizabeth Brown. Rev. J. McLeish. Nov. 1, 1832. 645 Nicholas, of Boston, m. Mrs. Emeline G. Barker of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. July 5, 1840. 722 Albina, 19, m. Francis J. Tay of Mald., 29,s of T. J. and Sarah. Rev. A. W. McClure. Dec. 2, 1846. Oakes c.c. Elizabeth, m. Lemuel Jenkins, 12 (5), 1670. e.c. Hannah, m. Joseph Wayte, 7 (6), 1672. cc. Thomas, m. Sarah Tufts, May 22, 1689. 9 Mary, m. Timothy Wayte. Rev. /. Emerson. April 28, 1726. 14 Abigail, s Samuel Grover, both of Mald. Rev./. Emerson. Nov. 8, 1736. 16 Jonathan, m. Martha Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. J. Stimpson. Feb. 1, 1738/9. 24 Jonathan, m. Esther Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. A. Cleaveland. Sept. 13, 1750. 28 Uriah, m. Agnes Kent, both of Mald. Rev. E£. Willis. Jan. 22, 1756. 48 Deborah, of Mald., m. Stephen Green of Stoneham. ev. E£. Willis. Feb. 7, 1760. 50 Nehemiah, m. Esther Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. March 27, 1769. 50 Martha, m. John Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. FE. Willis. Dec. 14, 17609. 54 Phebe, m. John Nichols, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Feb. 27, 1772. 818 Capt. Jonathan, m. Sarah Nichols, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 6, 1774. 317 Mrs. Sarah, of Mald., m. Ezra Sargeant, Jr., of Chester, N. Y. Fev. EZ. Willis. Jan. 23, 1777. 816 Hannah, of Mald., m. Benjamin Pratt of Chelsea. Rev. P. Thacher. April 7, 1782. 318 Esther, of Mald., m. Edward Rice of Boston. ev. £. Willis. April 13, 1786. , 321 Edward, m. [Mrs.] Elizabeth Nash. Rev. E. Willis. June 24, 1792. fer. Agnes, m. Samuel Scarborough Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Nov. 12, 1793. chel. Uriah, of Mald., m. Charlotte Floyd of Chelsea. Rev. P. Payson. July 9, 1795. : 324 Capt. Thomas, m. Ann Smith both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 5, 1800. $28 Jonathan, Jr.,m. Sally Parker, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 20, 1804. 328 Eliza, of Mald., m. Francis Robbins of Boston. Rev. A. Green. March 17, 1805. 335 Nehemiah, m. Persis Chittenden, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 12, 1810. ; $45 Nathan, m. Eleanor Knower. ore A. Green. Nov. 7, 1817. I 274 MALDEN MARRIAGES Oakes (continued) dor. Capt. Thomas, of Mald., m. [Mrs.] Lucy Inglee of Dorchester. Rev. 495 496 497 505 506 514 515 525 525 531 541 718 720 J. Codman. Jan. 27, 1820. Uriah, Jr., m. Betsey Richardson, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 22, 1822. Capt. Jonathan, m. Sarah Battelle, both of Mald. ev. A. Green. Jan. 17, 1825. Hannah, m. John B. Faulkner, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. II, 1827. Sarah, of Mald., m. Charles Muzzey of Boston. ev. /. J. Burrell. Feb. 1831. Nathan, m. Louisa Faulkner, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. Oct. 27, 1831. Nabby L., m. Samuel H. Waitt. 2. Buck, 7. P. Oct. 4, 1832. Lydia Parker, of Mald., m. Alfred Osgood of Boston. Rev. S. Codd. Nov. 5, 1833. [Mrs.] Lucy, m. George N. Waitt, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Sept. 17, 1835. Persis, of Mald., m. Gilman Haynes of Lynn. Rev. A. W. McClure. Nov. 4, 1835. Esther, m. Amos Sargent. £. Buck, J.P. Dec. 1, 1837. Jane B., of Mald.,m. Ephraim Buck, Jr., of Boston. Rev. A. W. McClure. Dec. 1, 1839. Nancy S., 26, da of Nehemiah of Mald., m. Nathaniel Cummings of Charlestown, 31. Rev. C. Goodrich, Jan. 1, 1845. Mary B., 21, da of Jonathan and Sarah, m. Daniel Emmons, 29, s of John. ev. C. Goodrich. July 15, 1847. Odiorne 505 Susan M., of Mald., m. Charles B. Swain of Nantucket. Z. Buck, J.P. April 18, 1832. Oliver 22 314 316 In. 321 826 330 344 346 498 498 515 525 529 Edward, of Mald., m. Sarah Wayte of Chelsea. Rev. J. Emerson. March 23, 1747/8. Sarah, m. Daniel Breeden, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. July 18, 1776. Robert, m. Peggy Jenkins, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 28, 1783. Samuel, of Mald., m. Elizabeth Parker of Lynn. /. Flagg, J. P- (See int.] March 6, 1787? William, m. Mary Ann Sigourney, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Feb. 9, 1792. Margaret, m. Edmund Rand, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 8, 1802. William, m. Mrs. Sally Upham, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. March 10, 1806. William, Jr., m. Lydia Neagles. Rev. E. Melson. April 20, 1818. Hannah B., m. Danforth Buttrick. tev. Z. Nelson. March 22, 1820. Sally, m. Otis Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. /. Cookson. April 1, 1824. Eliza, of Mald., m. George Dodge of Chelmsford. Rev. 7. Cookson. Dec. 2, 1824. Robert, Jr, m. Susan Shute, both of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. April 13, 1834. Elisha S., m. Mary Sweetser, both of So. Reading. Rev. R. W. Allen. April 21, 1836. Joanna T., m. William Whittemore, both of Mald. Rev. 4. W. McClure. Nov. 8, 1836. MALDEN MARRIAGES 275 Oliver (continued) 529 Joanna R. T., m. Zachariah Mansfield, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Nov. 8, 1836. 636 Lydia A., m. Ezra Wait, te both of Mald. Rev. /. M. Driver. April 17, 1839. 541 Emeline, m. John J. Waitt, both of Mald. Rev. /. WU. Driver. May 21, 1840. 548 Harriet N., of So. Reading, m. Franklin Bruce of Mald. ev. /. McLeish. May 25, 1841. 548 Isaac M., m Laura Ann Patchen, both of Mald. Rev. M. W. Williams. Nov. 25, 1841. 652 John E., m. Mary Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. M. W. Williams. May II, 1842, 720 Harriet W., of Worcester, 21, b. in Mald., da of Henry and Sarah, m. John S. Eaton of Worcester, 24, b. in So. Reading, s of Lilley and Eunice. Z. Eaton, J.P. Dec. 24, 1846. 720 Robert, wid.,s of Robert and Fanny, m. Nancy F. Higgins, da of Enoch A. and N ancy, all of Mald. Rev. J. Cookson. April 8, 1847. 720 William, wid., of Mald., 72, b. in Chelsea, m. Mrs. Deborah P. Palmer of Georgetown. Rev. /. Cookson. June to, 1847. 720 Esther A., 18, da of Robert and Fanny, m. William H. Nichols, 24, ne William, Jr.,and Hannah. ev. J. G. Adams. May 14, 1848. 721 Mrs. Fanny, of Mald., 52, m. Lot Pool, wid., of Newton, 64. Rev. C. B. Smith. July 2, 1848. 721 Samuel A., 24, s of William, Jr., and Lydia, m. Rossa [Rosa ?] L. Lathrop, 22, da of Alson and Huldah C., both of Mald. ev. C. B. Smith. Nov. 31 [szc], 1848. 722 Lucy B., of Mald., 19, da of Daniel and Susan, m. Andrew J. Tuttle of Saugus, 21. Kev. F. G. Pratt. Oct. 28, 1849. Ong 7 Tamesin, m. John Upham. Rev. D. Parsons. May 7, 1718. 7 Joanna, m. Richard Pratt. Rev. /. Emerson. Dec. 19, 1721. Orne Inf. Eunice, of Lynnfield, m. Rev. Aaron Green of Mald. Rev. J. Motley. Dec. 13, 1796. 496 Harriet, of Mald.,m,. Hubbard Emerson of So. Reading. Rev. A. Green. June 23, 1825. Osgood 515 Alfred, of Boston, m. Lydia Parker Oakes of Mald. Rev. S. Codd. Nov. 5, 1833. Packard 520 Jane, of Dedham, m. William Richardson of Mald., in Stoneham. Rev. S. Cobb. April 12, 1835. 544 Angelina E., of Mald., m. John W. Blanchard of Lexington. ev. /. G. Adams. April 8, 1841. lex. Mary F., of Lexington, m. William Richardson, Jr., of Mald., Jan. 1, 1846. Paine, Payne chas. William, of Charlestown, m. Ruth Grover of Mald. W. Johnson. March 9, 1691/2. chas. Sarah, of Mald., m. Jonathan Blanchard of Charlestown. £. Emer- son, J. P. Nov. II, 1708. 6 William, m. Tabitha Wait. Rev. D. Parsons. April 18, 1717. 276 MALDEN MARRIAGES Paine, Payne (continued ) 12 Nathaniel, m. Abigail Hasey, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Feb. 5, 1733/4. 15 Tabitha, m. Joseph Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Dec. ; 16, 1737+ 25 John, of Mald., m. Abigail Collins of Boston. ev. J. Emerson. Feb. 6, 1752. In. Joseph, of Mald., m. Lydia Williams of Lynn. Rev. B. Adams. Jan. 3, 1757. 51 Joseph, of Charlestown, m. Huldah Wilson of Mald. Rev. Z. Wells. April 28, 1765. 50 eee Jabez Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Jan. 8, 1767. : 62 Huldah, of Mald., m. David Abbot of Billerica. Rev. E. Willis. June 28, 1768.. 50 Jacob, res. in Mald., m. Sarah Brown of Boston. Rev. &. Willis. Oct. 12, 1769. 815 Elizabeth, m. William Dexter, both of Mald. ev. P. Thacher. Jan. 18, 1780. ; 817 Lydia, m. Jacob Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. Z. Willis. April 10, 1781. 815 Ebenezer, m. Martha Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. April 15, 1781. ser. Sarah, of Mald., m. Ebenezer Prout of Boston. ev. E. Willis. Oct. 24, 1782. 818 John, m. Jerusha Baldwin, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis, Jan. 8, 1786. 817 Eleanor, m. Solomon Sargeant. S. Dana, J. P. [Cambridge]. Oct. 31, 1786. $25 Elizabeth, m. Eliakim Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 11, 1801. 838 Samuel, m. Rebecca Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 20, 1809. 339 Lucretia, of Mald., m. Calvin Whiting of Charlestown. Rev. A. Green. March 3 [ fer. March 13], 1814. 842 Mary, m. Isaac Hill, both of Mald. Rev. Z. Nelson. March 17, 1817. 520 Isaac, of Wellfleet, m. Catherine Rider of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. June 5, 1834. 525 Sarah A., m. Andrew J. Edmunds, both of Saugus. Rev. S. Codd. Dec. 9, 1835. Palmer 720 Mrs. Deborah P., of Georgetown, m. William Oliver, wid., of Mald., 72, b. in Chelsea. Rev. /. Cookson. June Io, 1847. Parker ec. Sarah, m. John Wayte, 4 (6), 1675. 1 Joanna, m. John Sterns. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. April 22, 1696. 2 Sarah, m. Moses Hill. Col. /. Lynde, /. P. Dec. 1, 1708. rea, Ebenezer, of Reading, m. Hannah Green of Mald. ev. R. Brown. Dec. 13, 1722. 11 Thomas, Jr, m. Mary Upham, both of Mald. Rev. 7. Emerson. April 5, 1731. 13 Joanna, m. Thomas Lynde, both of Mald. fev. J. Emerson. Dec. 27, 1735. 17 David, m. Mary Upham, both of Mald. fev. /. Emerson. Sept. 5, 1740. ston. Benjamin, of Mald., m. Phebe Green of Stoneham. Rev. J. Osgood. Jan. 22, 1741/2. MALDEN MARRIAGES 277 Parker (continued) 19 Rebecca, m. Benjamin Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Nov. 12, 1743. lei. Thomas, of the [Country] Gore, m. Susanna Thompson of Mald., at Leicester. Rev. /. Roberts. Dec. 2, 1756. In. Jacob, of Mald., m. Elizabeth Cheever of Lynn. ev. J. Roby. Sept. 18, 1761. 46 Mercy, of Mald., m. Samuel Nichols, lately res. in Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. April 2, 1762. 47 Ruhamah, of Reading, m. James Cowenof Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. March 17, 1763. ston. David, of Mald., m. Elizabeth Grose of Stoneham. ev. /. Seari. June , 1765. 52 Benjamin, of Medford, m. Tabitha Wilson of Mald. Rev. HE. Weliis. June 23, 1768. 50 Jacob, Jr.,m. Lydia Hill, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. May 16, 1769. 813 Daniel, m. a Dexter, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. April 28, 1776. 314 Jacob, m. Rebecca Emerson, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Feb. 13, 1777. 815 Rebecca, of Mald., m. Dea. Benjamin Brintnall of Chelsea. Rev. P. Thacher. [Aug. 3], 1780. rea. Susanna, of Reading, m. Capt. Bernard Green of Mald. ev. C. Prentice. March 24, 1783. In. Elizabeth, of Lynn, m. Samuel Oliver of Mald. /. Flagg, /.P. [See int.] "March 6, 1787., rea. Hannah, of Reading, m. Solomon Sargent of Mald. Rev. C. Prentice. June 5, 1789. $21 Rebecca, of Mald., m. Daniel Thompson of Woburn. Rev. LZ. Willis, Oct. 15, 1789. $20 Elizabeth, m. Asa Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. Dec. 17, 1789. 824 Phebe, n Thomas Wait, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 29, 1800. 824 Isaac, of Mald., m. Mary Webb of Brookline. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 22, 1801. $28 Sally, m. Jonathan Oakes, Jr., both of Mald. Rev.A. Green. Nov. 20, 1804. 831 Betsey, m. Ebenezer Harnden, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. Oct. 3, 1806. + 600 Lydia Hill, m. Urial Holmes, both of Mald. Rev. A. Briggs, March 30, 1829. 615 ee De Phebe Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. Nov. 20, 1033. 720 Samuel A., m. Mary Watson Prior, both of Saugus. Rev. F. A. Griswold. Dec. 20, 1847. Parks 818 Leonard, of Lincoln, m. Betsey Bucknam of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. March 15, 1785. Parlin 718 Ezra W., 25, m. Nancy Pickering, 18, da of James and Sarah, all of Mald. Rev. C. Goodrith. Nov. 20, 1845. Parsons lei. Israel, of Leicester, m. Hannah Waitt of Mald., Jan. 9, 1750/1. Patch 507 Mary Ann, m. James George. Rev. S. Cobb. Feb. 19, 1833. 719 Hannah F., m. David W. Wyman, wid., both of Mald. Rev. W. Tozer. [Date not given, recorded April 10, 1846.] 278 MALDEN MARRIAGES Patch (continued) 721 Elizabeth, of Mald., 24, da of Salathial and Ruth, m. Nathan Simonds, 'Jr., of Burlington, 24,s of Nathan. ev. J. G. Adams. Feb. 4, 1849. Patchen 548 Laura Ann, m. Isaac M. Oliver, both of Mald. Rev. MW. W. Williams. Nov. 25, 1841. Patten 20 Thomas, m. Jemima Brintnall, both of Mald. ev. /. Emerson. Dec. 4, 1745. ; : 652 Rev. John, of Philadelphia, m. Mindwell L. Gould of Southampton. Rev. A. W. McClure. Sept. 1, 1842. Paul ec. John, m. Lydia Jenkins. Lzeut. Marshall. 3 (3), 1657. 815 John, of Boston, m. Mary Clisby of Mald. ev. P. Thacher. : Feb. 2, 1779. Peabody box. Rebecca, of Boxford, m. Richard Dexter of Mald. Rev. J. Cushing. Nov. 26, 1741. Pease 842 Nathaniel, of Brighton, m. Mary Perkins of Mald. Rev. £. Nelson. Feb. 11, 1817. 544 Rebecca N.,m. Samuel S. Wiley, both of So. Reading. Rev. VW. W. Williams. Oct. 23, 1840. Peasley 529 Benjamin T., m. Martha A. Marland, both of Lowell, in Lowell. Rev. S. Cobb. Dec. 18, 1836. Peirce, Pierce 19 Ruth, of Mald.,m. James Millinor of Mansfield. ev. /. Emerson. June 12, 1744. chas. Elizabeth, of Charlestown, m. Joseph Floyd of Mald. Rev. H. Abbot. June 27, 1765. $42 William, m. Sally Perkins, both of Mald. Rev. E. Nelson. April 3, 1817. 476 Charles, m. Charlotte Townsend, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. A May 2, 1820. 502 Mary H., m. Hiram Welch. Rev. A. Briggs. Oct. 27, 1829. 607 Samuel, m. Mary Ann Baldwin. ev. S. Cobb. March 21, 1833. 621 William, 2, m. Mary Simonds, both of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. Nov. 2, 1834. 525 Susan, m. Samuel H. Clapp, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Nov. 29, 1835. f 529 William, m. Elizabeth Baldwin, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. Dec. 28, 1836. 529 Eliza A., m. William Baldwin, both of Mald. ev. 4. W. McClure. Feb. 7, 1837. 580 Royal, m. Mary Hall, both of Chelsea. ev. S. Cobb. April 20, 1837. 636 Franklin, m. Charlotte Stratton, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. April 28, 1839. 645 Charlotte, m. John Vinton, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. 4. W. McClure. June 16, 1840. 652 John B. L., of Stoneham, m. Margaret A. Fairbanks of Mald. ev. N. W. Williams. Feb. 12, 1843. 719 Samuel, Jr., wid., of Mald., 41, b. in Medford, s. of Samuel, m. Lavinia T. Emmons of Mald., 23, b. in Lyman, Me., da of Abraham. Rev. C. Goodrich. April 2, 1846. MALDEN MARRIAGES 279 Peirce, Pierce (continued) 728 Adeline, 32, da of William and Sally, m. Lewis P. True of Mald., 25, s of Moses and Martha. Rev. A. W. McClure. Sept. 6, 1849. 723 Joseph C., of Mald., 22,s of Thaddeus and Lucy, m. Mercy G. Smith, 18, da of Samuel and Mercy G. Rev. A.W. McClure. Oct. 14, 1849. Pell 29 William, m. Bethiah Hollowell, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. June 5, 1759. In. William, of Mald., m. Rebecca Howard of Lynn. Rev. J. Treadwell. June 26, 1765. Penny 830 William, m. Elizabeth Grover, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. Nov. 17, 1805. 602 Eliza, m. Henry M. Wells, both of Saugus. Rev. 7. F. Norris. Oct. 9, 1829. 520 William, of Charlestown, m. Fanny Grover of Saugus. Rev. WV. B. Spaulding. Feb. 16, 1835. 641 Daniel D.,m. Mary Ann Coombs. Rev. F. Upham. June 28, 1840. 645 Sarah J.,m. Joseph Howard. Rev. MZ. Palmer. Jan. 3, 1841. 720 Elma A., of Mald., 18, da of William and Betsey, m. James B. Grover of So. Reading, 20,s of Stephen and Nancy. fev. F. A. Griswold. Dec. 5, 1847. Perkins 11 Richard, of Boston, m. Judah [/udith ?] Bucknam of Mald. fev. /. Emerson. Dec. 3, 1730. 27 Peter, negro of Lynn, m. Jenny, negro of Mald. ev. /. Emerson. Nov. 19, 1755. 47 Padeshall, of Medford, m. Elizabeth Sargeant of Mald. ev. /. Emerson. Oct. 19, 1764. 817 Judith, of Mald., m. Ebenezer Brown, res.of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Feb. 27, 1777. ips. Jacob, of Mald., m. Rebecca Appleton of Ipswich. Rev. J. Dana. Aug. 1, 1789. 834 Rebecca Appleton, m. Simon Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 11, 1810. 842 Mary, of Mald., m. Nathaniel Pease of Brighton. Rev. E. Welson. Feb. 11, 1817. 342 eal William Pierce, both of Mald. Rev. £. Nelson. April 3, 1817. 845 Micah, m. Lucy Hall. ev. A. Green, Jan. 5, 1818. 477 Lucy, m. David Falkner, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. EZ. Melson. May 11, 1820. 496 Joseph P., m. Sally Faulkner, both of Mald. Rev. E. Nelson. May 27, 1823. 496 Daniel A., m. Evelina Barrett, both of Mald. Rev.A.Green. June 3, 1824. 497 Jacob, m. Mary Vining, both of Mald. Rev. 7. F. Norris. April 27, 1828. wob. Thomas H., of Mald., m. Ellen Dennett of Woburn, Jan. 25, 1848. Perry 632 William, m. Hannah Lander, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobd. May 14, 1837, Philbrick 722 Martha A., 22,b. in Rye, N. H., da of Joseph, m. George W. Nay of Boston, 34, b. in Albany, N.Y., s of Anthony. Rev. C. B. Smith. Sept. 9, 1849. 280 MALDEN MARRIAGES Phillips chas. Andrew, m. Sarah Smith of Mald., at Charlestown. S. Mowell. Nov. 11, 1683. 26 James, m. Elizabeth Clepson, both of Mald. B. Townsend, J. P. Nov. 30, 1754. 46 Francis, m. Anna Johnson, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Jan. I, 1762. 614 Michael, m. Catherine Howe. Rev. J. McLeish. Jan. 13, 1833. 520 Ivory, of Taunton, m. Dorcas Holden of Mald. Rev. MV. B. Spaulding. March 10, 1835. Phinney 720 Stephen J., of Charlestown, 27, s of Stephen and Jane, m. Jane Barrett of Mald., 19, da of George W. and Mary. Rev. W. R. Parsons. April 10, 1848. Pickering 520 Sally, m. John B. Smith, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobd. Jan. 1, 1835. 525 Harriet, m. John B. Kimball, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Aug. 23, 1835. 718 Nancy, 18, da of James and Sarah, m. Ezra W. Parlin, 25, all of Mald. Rev. C. Goodrich. Nov. 20, 1845. Pickett 720 Sarah Jane, of Mald., m. George Nagel of Boston. Rev. /. Cookson. Sept. 30, 1847. Pierson wob. James, m. Else Hadley, both of Mald., at Woburn, Jan. 26, 1794. Piett 819 William, m. Sarah Rust, both of Boston. Rev. A. Judson. Sept. 4, 1788. Pike $14 Polly, of Roxbury, m. Jabez Porter of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. March 20, 1777. Pinder 505 Elizabeth, m. Horatio Hall, both of Mald. Rev. A. Briggs. April 5, 1832. 507 Nabby, m. Asa Knowlton. Rev. A. Briggs. Oct. 15, 1832. Pitman fer. William, m. Patience Stiles, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 13, 1823. 718 Elizabeth W., 20, b. in Concord, da of William and Patience of Mald., m. Cheever Newhall, 24, s of Edward and Elizabeth of Mald. kev. J. G. Adams. April 28, 1844. Pitts 498 Henry, m. Lucy W. Wetherbee, both of Mald. £. Wade, /. P. April 11, 1827. 624 Mrs. Lucy, m. Ebenezer Nichols, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. S. Codd. Nov. 5, 1835. Pollard 324 Joseph, of Rindge, N.H., m. Polly Slade of Chelsea. Rev. A. Green. May 31, 1801. Polly, Polley med. John, of Medford, m. Jemima Nichols of Mald. Rev. £. Turrell. July 18, 1746. 818 Susanna, of Medford, m. John Christian of Boston. Rev. E. Willis. Sept. 3, 1786. MALDEN MARRIAGES 281 Polly, Polley (continued) 319 Samuel, of Medford, m. Hannah Blodgett of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. May 20, 1788. fer. Josiah, m. Elizabeth Cutter, both of Medford. Rev. A. Green. March 7, 1797. 889 Thomas, m. Mary Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 23, 1814. 496 ane m. eile Wait, 4, both of Mald. Rev, A. Green. April 24, 1826. Pool 27 Samuel, of Reading, m. Jerusha Green of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. June 19, 1755. chel. Mrs. Elizabeth, of Chelsea, m. Rev. Peter Thacher of Mald. Rev. P. Payson. Oct. 8, 1770. 816 Elizabeth, m. Dr. John Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Oct. 21, 1783. rea. Joseph Eaton, of Reading, m. Lydia Hayward of Mald. ev. C. Prentice. Oct. 25, 1786. 4 586 Joseph, m. Eliza Robinson, both of Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams. May 7, 1838. 721 Lot, wid., of Newton, 64, m. Mrs. Fanny Oliver of Mald., 52. Fev. C. B. Smith. July 2, 1848. Poor 843 Samuel, m. Lydia Sprague. Rev. E. Wiley. April 6, 1817. Popkin 822 Col. John, of Boston, m. Mrs. Sarah Sargeant of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 12, 1797. 836 Elizabeth, of Mald., m. Frederick Mayhew of New Bedford. Rev. A. Green. July 20[ fer. July 28], 1811. 846 Sarah, of Mald., m. Capt. George Campbell of Newburyport. Rev. A. Green. July 14, 1819. Porter 50 Joseph, of Danvers, m. Phebe Barrett of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Feb. 2, 1767. 54 Mary, m. Joseph Lynde, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. June II, 1771. 64 Hannah, m. Ebenezer Hills, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 5, 1772. 65 Lydia, m. James Howard, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 17, 1772. 814 Jabez, of Mald., m. Polly Pike of Roxbury. Rev. P. Thacher. March 20, 1777. $28 Benjamin, m. Nancy Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. J. Stevens. Sept. 23, 1804. 507 Emeline, m. Rev. Jefferson Hamilton. Rev. R. D. Esterbrooks. Sept. 3, 1832. Power ec. Walter, m. Triall Shepard. 7. Danforth. 11 (1), 1660. Pratt e.c. John, m. Martha Pratt, Nov. 18, 1686. c.c. Martha, m. John Pratt, Nov. 18, 1686. 1 Mary, m. Ephraim Grover. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. 1700. chas. Hannah, of Mald., m. Richard Skinner of Colchester. &. Emerson, J.P. Nov. 24, 1708. chas. John, m. Sarah Dispar, both of Mald., at Charlestown. 2. Emerson, J.P. March 7, 1709/10, 282 MALDEN MARRIAGES Pratt (continued) SOMSOTHAAH HS non ww Ye == pe SS BRSRR SER SEES 28 27 28 48 51 54 55 314 317 315 817 316 316 316 Elizabeth, m. Jonathan Waitt. Rev. D. Parsons. Nov. 20, 1712. Martha, m. David Green. Rev. D. Parsons. Dec. 10, 1713. Elizabeth, m. Samuel Sargeant. Rev. D. Parsons. Dec. 2, 1714. Anne, m. Jonathan Howard. Rev. D. Parsons. Jan. 13, 1714/5. Mary, m. Isaac Green. Rev. D. Parsons. May 2, 1717. Richard, m. Joanna Ong. ev. J. Emerson. Dec. 19, 1721. Abigail, m. Phineas Sargeant. Rev. P. Thacher. Dec. 31, 1724. Thomas, m. Lydia Lynde. Rev. /. Emerson. June 24, 1725. Richard, m. Rebecca Harnden of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. July 9, 1729. Elizabeth, of Mald., m. John Emerson of Topsfield. Rev. J. Emer- son. Oct. 23, 1729. Elizabeth, m. Samuel Wayte, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. March 16, 1730/1. David, m. Mercy Upham, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. April 18, 1734. Rebecca, of Mald., m. ee Farnsworth of Groton. Rev. /. Emerson. May 19, 1736. Elizabeth, m. Samuel Shute, both of Mald, Rev. J. Emerson. May 23, 1744. Ebenezer, m. Elizabeth Knower, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. May 7, 1747. Mary, m. Jacob Shute, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Dec. 28, 1750. Thomas, m. Sarah Simms, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Aug. 29, 1751. Samuel, of Chelsea, m. Elizabeth Wayte of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Jan. 1, 1752. Dorothy, m. Nathan Wayte, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. March 28, 1753. Joseph, of Mald., m. Elizabeth Sprague of Chelsea. Rev. £. Willis. Aug. 4, 1757. James, m. Sarah Newhall, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Jan. 27, 1758. Esther, m. Samuel Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. April 21, 1758. Mercy, of Mald., m. Nathaniel Ingals of Lynn. Rev. E. Willis. Dec. 9, 1762. Phineas, m. Elizabeth Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. EF. Willis. March 8, 1764. Sarah, m. Calvin Chittenden, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. July 25, 1771. Thomas, 3, m. Anna Berry, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 23, 1773. Jacob, m. Phebe Jenkins, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Oct. 24, 1776. Mrs. Hannah, m. Jeffrey Bedgood Williams, both of Mald. ev. E. Willis. Nov. 3, 1776. Lydia, m. Aaron Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Sept. 14, 1779. Rachel, of Mald., m. Isaac Watts of Chelsea. Rev. E. Willis. Dec. 3, 1779. Benjamin, of Chelsea, m. Hannah Oakes of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. April 7, 1782. Phineas, of Mald. m. Phebe Upham of Lynn. Rev. P. Thacher. April 28, 1782. Elizabeth, of lege m. Joseph Tuttle of Chelsea. Rev. P. Thacher. Jan. 8, 1784. MALDEN MARRIAGES 283 Pratt (continued ) 316 316 chel. 320 319 820 321 326 327 329 329 332 337 339 343 342 476 477 495 497 497 498 chel. 502 515 529 chel. 652 718 lizabeth, m. David Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. P- Thacher. March 31, 1784. Sarah, of Mald., m. James Wesson of Reading. Rev. P. Thacher. April 1, 1784. Timothy, of Chelsea, m. Hannah Grover of Mald. Rev. P. Payson. March 29, 1787. Phineas, m. Joanna Bucknam, both of Mald. £. Sargeant, /. P. Feb. 6, 1788. Hannah, m. Edward Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. Oct. 13, 1788. Nathaniel, m. Hannah Falkner, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. June 30, 1789. Thomas Wait, of Charlestown, m. Catherine Hatch of Mald. ev. £. Willis. May 24, 1791. Phebe, m. John Clarenbold, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 22, 1803. Jacob, Jr.,m. Jemima Barnes, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 20, 1803. John, Jr., m. Hannah Upham, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 31, 1805. Nathaniel, Jr.,m. Esther Bancroft, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 3, 1805. Abigail, m. William Wait, 4, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Aug. 13, 1807. James, m. Rebecca Upham, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 4, 1812. Sarah, of Mald., m. Phineas Richardson of Methuen. Rev. A. Green. May 5, 1814. Thomas, of Chelsea, m. Mrs. Phebe Hudson of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 5, 1816. Ralph, m. Lydia Sweetser, both of Mald. Rev. E. Nelson. Jan. 9, 1817. Andrew Washington, of Chelsea, m. Deborah Atkins of Mald. ev. A. Green. June 22, 1820. Hannah, m. Nathaniel Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. E. WVelson. Jan. 30, 1821. Olive, "m. Isaac Watts, both of Mald. Rev. &. Nelson. Jan. 1, 1823. David, m. Lydia Hemingway, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. II, 1827. Edward, of Chelsea, m. Thankful P. Atkins of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 1, 1827. Caleb, Jr., of Chelsea, m. Pomona Atkins of Mald. C. Turner, /. P. March 13, 1828. Sarah, of Chelsea, m. Barney P. [Barnabas P. in int.] Atkins of Mald., April 17, 1828. Henry, m. Lois Tufts. Rev. A. Briggs. Aug. 26, 1829. Phebe, m. Isaac S. Parker, both of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. Nov. 28, 1833. Joseph, of Methuen, m. Abby F. Hill of Mald. Rev. 4A. W. McClure. May 15, 1836. Robert L., of Chelsea, m. Catherine Grover of Mald., in Malden. Rev. S. Benton [Saugus]. April 21, 1839. Mrs. Lydia, m. Thomas Reagh. “tev. /. Blodgett. [Date not given, returned Feb. 3, 1843.] Susan W., 21, da of Jacob and Jemima, m. Ebenezer E. Wait, 23, b. in Chelsea, s of Oliver and Hannah, all of Mald. Rev. J. Cook- son. Jan. 16, 1845. 284 MALDEN MARRIAGES Pratt (continued) 719 Lydia A., da of David and Lydia, m. Nelson, Vinal, all of Mald. Rev. J. Blodgett. July 3, 1845. 719 John C., 21,s of James and Rebecca, m. Eliza A. Blackburn, 18, da of Mrs. Dodge, wife of Tyler Dodge, both of Mald. fev. /. Cookson. Oct. 16, 1845. 720 Lydia Ann, 19, da of Jacob and Jemima, m. James M. Farrar, 23, s of Israel and Sally, both of Mald. ev. J. Cookson. Oct. 18, 1846. 720 Charles, 44, s of John and Martha, m. Lydia Pratt 44, da of Jacob and Phebe, all of Mald. Rev. WV. Bemis. Oct. 29, 1846. 720 Lydia, 44, da of Jacob and Phebe, m. Charles Pratt, 44,s of John and Martha, both of Mald. fev. WV. Bemis. Oct. 29, 1846. 720 Hannah F., 19, da of Benjamin F. and Eliza, m. James B. Kimball, wid., 34, s of Jonathan and Nancy, both of Mald. Rev. 7. Cum- mings. Aug. 22, 1847. 725 Charlotte, 18, b. in Mald., da of Nathan, m. Charles Boardman of Melrose, 27, b. in Mald., s of Joseph. Rev. W. R. Parsons. Nov. 3, 1850. Prentiss 722 Roxalana G., 21, m. Joseph Robinson, 25, s of Nathan and Elizabeth, both of Mald. ev. F. A. Griswold. April 5, 1848. Priest 653 Samuel, Jr., m. Martha J. Rodgers, both of Lincoln, at Lincoln. Rev, J. Whitman, Jr. Dee. 25, 1843. Prior 720 Mary Watson, m. Samuel A. Parker, both of Saugus. Rev. F. A. Griswold. Dec. 20, 1847. Pritchard. $20 Atalanta, m. Amos Howard, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. July 16, 1789. Proctor 719 Alfred, of Saugus, 28, s of Jacob and Lois, of Derry, N. H., m. Mary Ann Blodgett of Mald., 22, da of James and Olive D. ev. /. Blodgett. Oct. 25, 1846. Prout ser. Ebenezer, of Boston, m. Sarah Paine of Mald. Rev. EZ. Willis. Oct. 24, 1782. Punchard 818 William, of Salem, m. Sarah Sprague of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Dec. 6, 1785. Pursley 50 Margaret, res. in Mald., m. John Grover, 3, of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. May 6, 1766. Putnam 9 Amos, m. Hannah Lynde of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Dec. 27, 1726. $22 William, of Reading, m. Polly Vinton of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 2, 1797. 496 James H., m. Mary Hill, both of Mald. ev. A. Green. June 8, 1826. 621 Louisa, of Charlestown, N. H., m. Francis T. Waitt of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. Jan. 4, 1835. 719 Eliel, of Medford, 24, s of Joseph and Nancy, m. Elizabeth S. Lewis 8 da of Amasa and Polly. Rev. C. Goodrich. June 11, 1846. MALDEN MARRIAGES 285 Putney 841 Stephen, of So. Reading, m. Nancy Howard of Mald. Rev. £. Wiley. Sept. 12, 1816, 497 Samuel, of Richmond, Va. m. Elizabeth A. Howard of Mald. kev. S. Norris. Aug. 31, 1824. 516 Mrs. Nancy, m. Capt. James Brown, both of Mald. Rev. C. Noble. April 15, 1834. Ramsdell c.c. Elizabeth, m. John Shaw, 12 (6), 1674. rea. Joseph, m. Rachel Teele, both of Mald., at Reading. 2B. Poole, J. P. April 29, 1730. 819 Polly, of Mald., m. Ezra Floyd of Watertown. ev. A. Judson. April 10, 1787. 820 Anna, m. John Townsend, both of Mald. Z£. Sargeant, J.P. Jan. 4, 1788. fer, John, Jr., m. Lydia Howard, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Oct. 8, 1793- fer. Elizabeth m. James Wait, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 30, 1796. 845 William, m. Lucy L[ee] Crosfield. ev. A. Green. Nov. 30, 1817. 477 John, 3, m. Mary Ann Whitmarsh, both of Mald. Rev. E. Nelson. Sept. 25, 1820. 479 Amos, m. Phebe Wait, both of Mald. Rev.A. Green. March 5, 1822.. 647 George, m. Mary Vinton. ev. /.G. Adams. Oct. 10, 1841. 720 Harriet M., of Mald., 21, da of John and Mary Ann, m. William O. Hall of No. Chelsea, 26, s of William and Susan. Rev. /. Cookson. May 6, 1847. 723 William, of Mald., 31, s of William and Lucy Lee, m. Nancy Faulk- ner, 23, b. in Mald., da of David and Lucy. Rev. A. W. McClure. Jan. 31, 1850. 724 Charles, 21,s of William, m. Elizabeth Townsend, 19, da of Josiah, both of Mald. ev. J. G. Adams. Oct. 24, 1850. Rand 53 Edmund, m. Mary Jenkins, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. April Il, 1771. 818 Joseph, of Medford, m. Mary Jenkins of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Jan. 11, 1787. 826 Edmund, m. Margaret Oliver, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 8, 1802. Raymond $30 William, of Charlestown, m. Mary Cheever of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. Nov. 3, 1805. 540 Catherine E., m. Louis H. Hildreth. Rev. J. G. Adams. March 18, 1840. Reagh, Reigh 652 Thomas, m. Mrs. Lydia Pratt. Rev. J. Blodgett. [Date not given, returned Feb. 3, 1843.] Reed, Reid . 816 Patty [Rzed], m. Partridge Richardson, both of Woburn. ev. P. Thacher. June 30, 1784. 477 Elizabeth [Reid], m. Capt. George Winslow of Boston. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 13, 1821. wob. Mary B., of Woburn, m. Oliver Bacon of Mald., May 3, 1821. Reyner, Rayner ce. Anna, m. Job Lane. Capt. Walden [Waldron ?)}. (7), 1660. 526 Jacob S., m. Sabrina Woodward, both of So. Reading. Rev. C. Sawyer. Aug. 9, 1835. 286 MALDEN MARRIAGES Rice 19 Benjamin, of Brookfield, m. Sarah Upham of Mald. ev. /. Emer- son. June 30, 1744. 318 Edward, of Boston, m. Esther Oakes of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. April 13, 1786. Rich wob. David, Jr., of Mald., m. Hitty Cummings Simonds of Burlington, at Burlington, May I, 1822. 497 William, m. Nancy Grover, both of Mald. Rev. S. Morris. Dec. 14, 1824. 505 Betsey, m. Elisha Holden, both of Mald. Rev. A. Briggs. Dec. 1, 1831. 616 Henry T., m. Hannah Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Dec. 9, 1833. 581 Chloe H., of Boston, m. ee M. Rider of Mald. Rev. W. MM. Rogers [Boston]. Dec. 7, 1 720 Seth, m. Mary Jane Vanell, tote tet Mald. Rev. F. A. Griswold. Dec. 5, 1847. Richards 840 Bridget, m. Lemuel Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 14, 1815. Richardson bost. Deborah, of Boston, m. Jonathan Sargent of Mald. Rev. 7. Cheever. Sept. 29, 1726. 12 ee m. Ruth Bucknam, both of Mald. ev. /. Emerson. June 20, 1733. 18 Nathan, ae Woburn, m. Lydia Whittemore of Mald. Rev. J. Stimpson. April 3, 1740. 24 Deborah, m. Jabez Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. A. Cleaveland. Jan. 16, 1749/50. 28 Ruth, of Mald., m. William Leathers of Charlestown. Rev. E. Willis. April 29, 1755. 48 Jonathan, of Woburn, m. Phebe Whittemore of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Dec. 13, 1759. wob. Hannah, of Woburn, m. Benjamin Comee of Mald., Oct. 17, 1768. med. Eunice, ‘of Mald., m. David Hadley of Medford. "Rev. E. Turrell. March 16, 1769. 817 Martha, m. Tasco Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. &. Willis. May 7; 1780. 816 Partridge, m. Patty Ried [Reed], both of Woburn. Rev. P. Thacher. June 30, 1784. 825 Rebecca, m. Jesse Upham, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 4, 1802. $26 Joseph, m. Esther Barns, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Aug. 18, 1803. 826 Mrs. Mery, of Woburn, m. Amos Howard of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Aug. 21, 1803. 330 William (J, m. Lydia Hill, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. Feb. 2, 1806. 332 Ruth, m. Asa Upham, both of Mald. Rev. A.Green. Feb. 21, 1808. 339 Phineas, of Methuen, m. Sarah Pratt of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 5, 1814. 345 Nancy, a aaa Wait, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. £. Nelson. April 30, 1818. 495 Betsey, m. Uriah Oakes, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 22, 1822. wob. George, m. Clarissa Wyman, both of Mald. [at Woburn], April 13, 1823. MALDEN MARRIAGES 287 Richardson (continued) 496 Hartwell, of So. Reading, m. Sabrina Butters of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 6, 1825. 499 Faxon, m. Elizabeth D. Knights, both of Woburn. ev. S. Codd. Oct. 15, 1828. 601 Ithiel S.,m. Martha Townsend, both of Mald. Z£. Buck, J. P. Oct. 20, 1829. 614 Angelina, m. John C. Tuck. £. Buck, J. P. June 19, 1832. 507 Clarissa, m. Daniel Lynde. ev. S. Codd. Jan. 7, 1833- 515 Lucy, m. Caleb Howard, both of Mald. Rev. 7. #. Norris. April I, 1834. 620 Lewis, of Mald.,m. Mrs. Elizabeth Nichols of Boston. ev. S. Codd. May 18, 1834. 620 William, of Mald., m. Jane Packard of Dedham, in Stoneham. Rev, S. Cobb. April 12, 1835. 525 John G., m. Eliza Ann Trask, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. June 7, 1835. 524 James C., m. Harriet Chamberlain, both of Mald. Rev. S. Codd. Sept. 6, 1835. 684 Harriet, m. Nathan Holden, both of Mald. C. Lewzs, 7. P. June 10, 1838. 648 William A.,m. Mary A. Newhall, both of Mald. Rev. J. McLeish. Nov. 25 [1841]. 718 Mary H., of Stoneham, 19, da of Nathaniel and Abigail, m. Joseph Wilkins of Stoneham, 23, s of David and Mary of Middleton. Rev. J. G. Adams. April 21, 1844. 718 William H., Jr., 21, s of William H. and Lydia, m. Augusta Maria Barrett, 21, da of William and Mary H., all of Mald. Rev. /. G. Adams. Dec. 25, 1844. lex. ee Jr., of Mald., m. Mary F. Packard of Lexington, Jan. 1, 1846. 720 Osborne, m. Martha A. Willings, both of Stoneham. Rev. ZT. A. Latham. July 4, 1847. Rider, Ryder 49 Mary, of Wellfleet, m. Benjamin Sprague of Mald., at Wellfleet, Nov. 21, 1765. 620 Catherine, of Mald., m. Isaac Paine of Wellfleet. Rev. A. W. McClure. June 5, 1834. 531 Nehemiah M., of Mald., m. Chloe H. Rich of Boston. Rev. W. M. Rogers [Boston]. Dec. 7, 1837. Riley 720 Mrs. Ann, m. Ephraim Denio, both of Charlestown. ev. J. Cook- son. Oct. 19, 1847. Ripley 724 Eliab, 23, s of Eliab, m. Adeline A. Robinson, 18, da of Samuel, both of So. Reading. Rev. J. G. Adams. June 23, 1850. Robbins 64 John, m. Mercy Fuller, both res. in Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Oct. 4, 1772. 328 Francis, of Boston, m. Eliza Oakes of Mald. Mev. A. Green. March 17, 1805. 616 John, m. Clymena Melvin, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Oct. 29, 1833. 645 John C., of Mald., m. Alice Eliza Mann of Boston. G. Haven, /. P. Aug. 29, 1841. 652 David C., m. Elizabeth B. Waitt, bothof Mald. Rev. V. W. Williams. Nov. 24, 1842. 288 MALDEN MARRIAGES Roberts 722 Mary Ann, of Mald., 17, b. in Lynnfield, da of Eliza, m. J. Thomas Cutter, wid., of Mald., 28, s of Artemas and Mary P. fev. /. G. Adams. Sept. 17, 1849. Robinson 499 Samuel, m. Abigail A. Wheeler, both of Mald. Rev. S. Codd. Sept. 10, 1828. 501 Ann, m. Benjamin Johnson, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. Oct. 25, 1829. 529 William, 2, of Mald., m. Elizabeth B. Tufts of Brookline, in Brook- line. Rev. S. Cobb. July 7, 1836. 529 Henry, of ats m. Eliza Hazletine of Lynn. Rev, S. Cobb. Dec. I, 1836. 529 Hepsibeth, of Mald., m. Sumner Barnard of So. Reading. Fev. S. Cobb. Dec. 11, 1836. 586 Eliza, m. Joseph Pool, both of Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams. May 7, 1838. 718 Mrs. Elizabeth B., of Mald., 28, b. in Medford, da of Nathan and Mary Tufts, m. Caleb Newton of Mald., 32, s of Amos and Sarah. ev. H. Ballou, 2. Aug 17, 1845. 722 Joseph, 25, s of Nathan and Elizabeth, m. Roxalana G. Prentiss, 21, both of Mald. Rev. F. A. Griswold. April 5, 1848. 724 Adeline A., 18, da of Samuel, m, Eliab Ripley, 23, s of Eliab, both of So. Reading. ev. /. G. Adams. June 23, 1850. Roby 346 Isaac, m. Lucy Wellington. Rev. A. Green. March 17, 1819. Roe 502 Vincent, of So. Reading, m. Susan Green of Mald. Rev. 7. F. Norris. Oct. 16, 1829. Rogers, Rodgers bost. Gamaliel, of Boston, m. Martha Knower of Mald. Rev. 7. Prince. March 21, 1732. 520 Mary T., m. Thomas James, both of Medford. Rev. 4d. W. McClure. Dec. 4, 1834. 653 Martha J.,m. Samuel Priest, Jr., both of Lincoln, at Lincoln. Rev. J. Whitman, Jr. Dec. 25, 1843. Ross 1 Susanna [foas], m. Jacob Wilson. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. May 20, 1696. 506 Dorcas, m. Capt. Daniel Green, both of Mald. Rev. D. D. Smith. May 29, 1831. Roulstone bost. James, of Boston, m. Hannah Green of Mald. Rev. 7. Baldwin. Jan. 6, 1793. Rowell 723 Stephen P., 24,s of Zera and Emma, m. Hannah Fuller, 24, da of Josiah and Sarah. Rev. W. R. Parsons. April 24, 1850. Rudge 51 Catherine, of Mald.,m. Isaac Townsend of Boston. ev. E. Willzs, Jan. 22, 1765. Russell 496 Mrs. Bathsheba, m. Henry Bigelow, both of Mald. Rev. 4. Green. Jan. 13, 1825. 529 Mary Ann, m. Charles D. Adams, both of Mald. ev. 4. W, McClure. May 12, 1836. MALDEN MARRIAGES 289 Russell (continued) 544 Nancy, m. James M. Baldwin, both of Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams. Nov. 1, 1840. 719 John P., of Billerica, 23, s of Royal and Clariet, m. Sarah Winslow Smith of Mald., 18,da of Samuel and Mercy. ev. C. Goodrich. Nov. 22, 1846. 720 William W., of Watertown, 22, s of Jeremiah and Roxana, m. Louisa Jane Russell of Mald., 18, da of Hubbard and Eunice. ev. /. G. Adams. Feb. 14, 1847. 720 Louisa Jane, of Mald., 18, da of Hubbard and Eunice, m. William W. Russell of Watertown, 22, s of Jeremiah and Roxana, ev. J. G. Adams. Feb. 14, 1847. 723 Isaac H., of Medford, 24,s of Ira M. and Martha, m. Nancy Carr, 23. Rev. C. B. Smith. Jan. 11, 1850. Rust 819 Sarah, m. William Piett, both of Boston. Rev. A. Judson. Sept. 4, 1788. Safford 724 Ebenezer, 40, b. in Kennebunk, Me., m. Elizabeth Brewster, 30, b. in New York. Rev. M. H. Smith. May 23, 1850. Sanborn 719 Caroline A., of Claremont, N. H., 28, b. in Unity, N. H., da of Isaac and Mary, m. Enoch Johnson of Danvers, 29, b. in Unity, N. H., sof Amos and Huldah. fev. J. Sanborn. Sept. 15, 1846. Sanderson 497 Lucy, m. John Holt, bothof Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 25, 1827. Sargeant, Sargent e.c. John, m. Mary Bense, Sept. 3, 1669. 1 Jonathan, m. Mary Lynde. ev. M. Wigglesworth. March 13, 1700. 2 Lydia, m. Joseph Wait. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. t7ot. 2 Deborah, m. Thomas Waitt. Rev. WM. Wigglesworth. Dec. 26, 1701. 1 William, m. Mary Lewis. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Dec. 30, 1702. wob. Mary, of Mald., m. Thomas Burditt, at Woburn, Sept. 28, 1705. 4 Joseph, m. Hannah Bucknam. fev. D. Parsons. June 4, 1713. 4 Sarah, m. Samuel Newhall. Rev. D. Parsons. Dec. 3, 1713. 5 Samuel, m. Elizabeth Pratt. Rev. D. Parsons. Dec. 2, 1714. 5 Jabez, m. Mary Lynde. ev. D. Parsons. Aug. 21, 1716. 7 Jonathan, m. Mary Sprague. Rev. D. Parsons. Nov. 26, 1717. med. John, of Charlestown, m. Sarah Dexter of Mald., at Medford. 7. Tufts, J. P. May 25, 1721. 8 Phineas, m. Abigail Pratt. Rev. P. Thacher. Dec. 31, 1724. 8 Mary, m. Thomas Douglas. Rev. J. Emerson. June 10, 1725. bost. Jonathan, of Mald.,, m. Deborah Richardson of Boston. Rev. T. Cheever. Sept. 29, 1726. 11 Zibiah,m. Robert Levenston. Rev. J. Emerson. March 19, 1729/30. 13 Elizabeth, m. Ebenezer Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Nov. 7, 1734. 15 Anna, of Mald., m. Thomas Jenkins of Boston. Rev. J. Stimpson. June 15, 1736. 18 Hannah, m. Jabez Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. J. Stimpson. Feb. 7, 1739/49. . 16 John, m. Hannah Wadkins, both of Mald. ev. J. Stimpson. July 24, 1740. 17 Nathan, of Leicester,m. Mary Sargeant of Mald. Rev. /. Stimpson. June 24, 1742. 17 Mary, of Mald., m. Nathan Sargeant of Leicester. Rev. /. Stimpson. June 24, 1742. 19 290 MALDEN MARRIAGES Sargeant, Sargent (continued) chel. 19 20 20 21 22 22 24 24 24 48 48 51 47 chel. 53 54 54 55 55 817 ser. 315 317 317 315 818 318 John, of Mald., m. Susanna Chamberlain of Chelsea. fev. 7. Cheever. Jan. 11, 1742/3. Samuel, m. Lois Wayte, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Oct. 25, 1743- Sarah, m. John Goddard, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Aug. 3, 1745. Silas, m. Mary Winslow, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Feb. 14, 1745/6. Jabez, m. Rachel Wayte, both of Mald. ev. J. Emerson. Oct. 9, 1746. Joseph, m. Hannah Whittemore, both of Mald. /. Bucknam, J. P. Jan. 20, 1746/7. John, m. Hannah Knower, both of Mald. Rev. A. Cleaveland. Oct. I, 1747. Thomas, m. Mary Wayte, both of Mald. ev. A. Cleaveland. Jan. 17, 1748/9. James, m. Elizabeth Upham, both of Mald. Rev. A. Cleaveland. April 25, 1749. Ezra, m. Deborah Sargeant, both of Mald. /. Bucknam, J. P. May 23, 1751. Deborah, m. Ezra Sargeant, both of Mald. /. Bucknam, /.P. May 23, 1751. David, m. Mehitable Green, both of Mald. J. Bucknam, J.P. June 27, 1751. Elizabeth, m. Phineas Green, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Nov. 29, 1759. Phebe, of Mald., m. John Chenery of Watertown. ev. £. Willis. Jan. 28, 1762. Elizabeth, m. Phineas Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. E. Wilizs. March 8, 1764. Elizabeth, of Mald., m. Padeshall Perkins of Medford. Rev. //. Emerson. Oct. 19, 1764. Sarah, of Chelsea, m. Ezra Wait of Mald., Feb. 20, 1766. Abigail, m. John Burditt, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. May 23, 1771. Ebenezer, m. Huldah Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. Z. Willis. July 16, 1772. Huldah, m. Ebenezer Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. E. Wallis. July 16, 1772. Winslow, m. Mary Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. March 15, 1773- gaint, TP Cheleea, m. Anna Tuttle of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. April 17, 1774. Ezra, Jr., of Chester, N. Y., m. Mrs. Sarah Oakes of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Jan. 23, 1777- David, Jr., m. Anna Chittenden, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Dec. 12, 1777. Nathan, m. Ruth Emerson, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Feb. 4, 1779- Mehitable. of Mald., m. John Dow of Haverhill. Rev. E. Willis. July 4,1779. | . Jacob, m. Lydia Pain, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. April 10, 1781. Elizabeth, m. Jonathan Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 25, 1781. Amos, m. Alice Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Nov. 28, 1782. Thomas, m. Hannah Comee, both of Mald. Rev. E, Willis. May 20, 1783. , MALDEN MARRIAGES 291 Sargeant, Sargent (continued ) 318 318 317 321 roa. 321 321 321 fer. fer. mar. fer. 322 822 822 823 323 $24 825 325 326 826 827 329 829 335 335 336 337 837 Samuel Green, m. Patty Hills, both of Mald. Rev. EZ. Willis. May 18, 1786. Nahum, res. in Mald., m. Sarah Willis of Mald. Rev. £. Witits. Oct. 16, 1786. Solomon, m. Eleanor Paine. S. Dana, J. P. [Cambridge]. Oct. I, 1786. Rev Paaneuel, of Woburn, m. Nabby Blaney of Mald. ev. £. Willis. May Io, 1787. Solomon, of Mald.,m. Hannah Parker of Reading. ev. C. Prentice. June 5, 1789. Solomon, m. Lydia Dexter, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Nov. 27, 17 Ezra, Bea, t m. Mrs. Phebe Sprague, both of Mald. ev. £. Willis. March 20, 1792. Rachel, aren Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. £. Wallis. April I 7 Nancy, m. David Faulkner, both of Mald. Rev. Z. Willis. Sept. 1793- Samuel Scarborough, m. Agnes Oakes, both of Mald. ev. £. Willis. Nov. 12, 1793. Joseph, of Mald., m. Anna Lisbon of Marblehead. Rev. E. Hubbard. April 10, 1796. Nancy, of Mald., m. Ebenezer Bancroft of Lynn. ev. A. Green. June 20, 1706. Mary, m. William Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 4, 1797. Mrs. Sarah, of Mald., m. Col. John Popkins of Boston. ev. A. Green. Oct. 12, 1797. Benjamin, m. Hannah Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 12, 1797. David, 3, m. Hannah Trench, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 23, 1799 Mary, m. Aoaatiian Baldwin, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 12, 1799- Persis, of Mald., m. Isaac Hall of Medford. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 7, 1801. Mrs. aoe m. Samuel Waitt, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 14, 1802. Nancy, of Mald., m. Daniel Lillie, Jr., of Boston. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 14, 1802. Benjamin, m. Hannah Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 20 [ fer. Oct. 30], 1803. Hannah, m. Benjamin Sargent, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 20 L fcr. Oct. 30], 1803. Winslow, m. Mrs. Tabitha Bill, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 11, 1804. Winslow, m. Hannah Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Noy. 5, 1805. Hannah, m. Winslow Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 5, 1805. Eleanor, of Mald., m. Thomas Learned of Watertown. Rev. A. Green. April 19, 1810. Sally, of Mald., m. James Hall of Charlestown. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 28, 1810. nee of Mald., m. John Beers of Boston. ev. A. Green. April 16, 1811. Deborah, of Mald., m. Jonathan Wyeth of Watertown. Rev. A. Green. Aug. 4, 1811. Sally, m. Lewis Fisher, both of Mald. Rev. .A.Green. Feb. 2, 1812. 292 MALDEN MARRIAGES Sargeant, Sargent (continued ) 338 Winslow, m. Mrs. Martha Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 23, 1812. 338 Phineas, m. Mary Cutter, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 11, 1812. 339 Alice, m. Leonard Emerson, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April II, 1813. 339 Mary, m. Thomas Polley, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 23, 1814. 341 Sarah D., m. James Cox, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 3, 1816. 244 John, m. Dorcas Nichols. Rev. A. Green. May 109, 1817. 345 Susan, m. John Sherburne. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 12, 1817. 346 Silas, m. Diantha Fisher. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 31, 1819. 476 Aaron, of Charlestown, m. Sarah Nichols of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 28, 1820. 495 Thomas, m. Phebe Bridge, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 5, 1822. 498 Thomas, of Charlestown, m. Eliza Melvinof Mald. Rev./. Cookson. Dec. 5, 1824. 504 David, 2,m. Mary A. Cole, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. Sept. 26, 1830. 531 Amos, m. Esther Oakes. £. Buch, J. P. Dec. 1, 1837. 719 Moses, 26, s of David and Hannah, m. Maria S. Cox, 22, da of Lemuel and Lydia, all of Mald. ev. /. G. Adams. Nov. 15, 1846. 722 Aaron T., 24, s of Tappan and Elizabeth, m. Mary A. Faulkner, 20, da of John, both of Mald. Rev. C. B. Smith. Feb. 1, 1849. 723 George, 28, s of Isaac and Catherine, m. Caroline M. Hall, 27, da of {Aaron and] Abigail [b. in Chelsea], both of Mald. Rev. F. G. Pratt. Feb. 14, 1850. Savage 718 John, s of George and Rebecca, m. Maria Edminster, 18, da of Timothy C. and Huldah, all of Mald. Rev. J. Sanborn. Sept. 4, 1845. Sawtell, Sautle e.c. Zachariah, m. Elizabeth Harris, April , 1668. [Issue: ¢.c. Elizabeth, born (10), 1671.] Scarlet, Scadled 2 Hannah, m. James Whittemore. Rev. MM. Wigglesworth. May, 1703. In. Lydia, of Mald., m. John Newhall of Lynn, Jan. 7, 1719/20. 500 Pamelia M., m. Lowell Green, both of Mald. Rev. 7. F. Norris. Oct. 29, 1828. 720 Nancy, of Lowell, 36, m. Warren Lynde, wid., of Mald., 49. ev. D. D. Pratt. May 4, 1848. Scott 340 Ann, - Samuel Teel, both res. in Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 23, 1815. 544 Frederick, of Westford, m. Mary W. Newton of Mald. Rev. /.G. Adams. April 4, 1841. Scottow ec. Sarah [ Rebecca], m. Benjamin Blackman, 1 (2), 1675. Scruton 724 Emily, of Mald., 23, b. in Farmington, da of Miles, m. Harrison Durgan of Lawrence, 24, b. in Freedom, N. H., s of Leavitt. B.G. Hill, J. P. June 23, 1850. MALDEN MARRIAGES 293 Seaward 529 Garland S.,m. Mary Mansfield, both of Saugus, in Saugus. ev. S. Cobb. Oct. 6, 1836. Selick 314 James, m. [Mary] Grover, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. June Senter 722 Julia E., of Mald., 25, da of Edward and Malinda, m. Franklin H. Harnden of Boston, 24, b. in Mald., s of William and Sally. Rev. A. W. McClure. Dec. 31, 1848. 724 Sarah B., 28, da of Edward, m. David S. Faulkner, 29, s. of David, both of Mald. Rev. WM. H. Smith. May 21, 1850. Shackford 719 Eunice M., 25, m. Orin Downs, 22, s of Jacob and Judith, all of Mald. Rev. J. Blodgett. Oct. 11, 1846. Shaw c.c. John, m. Elizabeth Ramsdel, 12 (6), 1674. 720 Reuben C., of Boston, 21, s of David E. and Susanna B., m. Rebecca P. Smith of Mald., 22, da of Samuel and Mercy. Rev. A. W. McClure. May 9, 1847. 723 George P., 33, s of John, m. Sarah Cheever, 24, da of Jacob. ev. C. B. Smith. May 30, 1850. Shed 616 Emily, of Medford,m. Aaron Travers of Boston. Rev. C. Woble. Dec. 15, 1833. 720 Helen M., of Charlestown, 29, b. in Medford, da of Thomas and Abigail, m. Matthias Miner of Mald., 31, [see Mzzer]. Rev. WV. S. Folsom. Jan. 2, 1848. Shepard, Shepherd e.c. Thomas, m. Hannah Ensigne. Lieut. Marshall. 19 (9), 1658. ec. Triall,m. Walter Power. 7. Danforth. 11 (1), 1660. 495 David ‘ m. Mary Faulkner, both of Mald. Rev. Z. Nelson. May 14, 1823. 718 John, 23, m. Sophia Loring, 19, da of Alden and Lucinda, all of Pembroke. fev. J. G. Adams. April 27, 1845. Shepardson e.c. Lydia, m. Thomas Call, Jr. &. Russell. 22 (5), 1657. c.c. Joanna, m. Roger Kenicott, Nov. , 1661. e.c. Daniel, m. Elizabeth Tingle, April , 1667. Sherburne 345 John, m. Susan Sargent. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 12, 1817. Sherman 18 Mary, m. James Whittemore, both of Mald. Rev. /. Stimpson. June 4, 1744. Shute 4 John, m. Mary Waite. Rev. D. Parsons. Oct. 27, 1714. 19 Samuel, m. Elizabeth Pratt, both of Mald. ev. /. Emerson. May 23, 1744- 22 Thomas, m. Sarah Baldwin, both res. in Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Jan. [21], 1747/8. 23 Mary, m. Thomas Hills, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. April 26, 1750. 23 Jacob, ‘m. Mary Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Dec. 28, 1750. 294 MALDEN MARRIAGES Shute (continued) 24 Richard, m. Mary Green, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Jan. 4, chel. 29 50 50 53 313 317 318 319 819 821 fer. fer. fer. 322 325 326 327 328 344 344 500 501 507 514 615 515 520 621 1750/1. Benjamin, of Mald.,, m. Elizabeth Stower of Chelsea. Rev. P. Pay- son. March 29, 1759. Amos, m. Phebe Knower, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Feb. 7, 1760. Mrs. Lydia, of Mald., m. William Watts of Woburn. fev. £. Willis. June 6, 1765. Ebenezer, m. Phebe Hitchings, both of Mald. Rev. EZ. Willis. Nov. 16, 1769. Elizabeth, m. John Grover, 4, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Jan. 25, 1770. Mary, m. Benjamin Wait, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. April 2, 1775. Jacob, Jr., m. Mrs. Elizabeth Hitchings, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Sept. 22, 1776. George, m. Peternell Knower, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. June 2, 1785. Nancy, m. George Knower, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. July 26, 1787. Richard, Jr., of Mald., m. Sarah Hawks of Lynn. ev. J. Roby. Sept. 18, 1787. Richard, m. Lydia Howard, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. Nov. II, 1788. Phebe, m. Abraham French. Rev. E. Willis. July 1, 1792. Mary, of Mald., m. John Travally of Roxbury. fev. £. Willis. April 14, 1793. Sarah, of Mald.,m. Enos Blake of Charlestown. Rev. E. Willis. Sept. 25, 1794. Solomon, m. Elizabeth Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Jan. 26, 1795. Samuel, m. Lydia Wait, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 30, 1797: Sarah, m. John Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 25, 1802. Samuel, m. Lucy Cheever, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 15, 1803. William, m. Mary Watts, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 31, 1804. Isaac, m. Hannah Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 19. 1804. George, m. Sarah Grover. Rev. A. Green. June to [fer. July 10], 1817. Jacob, m. Nancy Knower. Rev. E. Nelson. Sept. 25, 1817. Henry, m. Tabitha Nichols, both of Mald. Z. Buck, J. P. June 1, 1828. Benjamin S., m. Mrs. Sarah Adams, both of Mald. £. Buck, J. P. March 28, 1830. Phebe, m. Eli Holden. Rev. A. Briggs. April 29, 1832. Solomon, Jr.,m. Sarah Faulkner. fev. A. W. McClure. Jan. 24, 1833. Harriet C., m. Otis C. Wood, both of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. July 10, 1833. Susan, m. Robert Oliver, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. April 13, 1834. baat m. Anstis Norwood, both of Mald. Rev. S. Codd. Jan. 25, 1835. Hannah B., m. Peter A. Waitt, both of Mald. Rev. C, Sawyer. April 26, 1835. MALDEN MARRIAGES 295 Shute (continued ) 586 Samuel, m. Marianne Bailey, both of Mald. Rev. J. M. Driver. Dec. 6, 1838. 541 Timothy Tv m. Elizabeth Jefts, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. May 19, 1839. Sigourney $21 Mary Ann, m. William Oliver, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Feb. 9, 1792. Silsbee 516 Henry, of Lynn, m. Susanna Upham of Mald. Rev. J. McLeish. Nov. 12, 1833. 720 Mrs. Susanna, 38, da of Asa and Ruth Upham, m. Jedediah V. Cor- son, wid., 47, both of Mald. Rev. C. Goodrich. Oct. 20, 1847. Simms 25 Sarah, m. Thomas Pratt, both of Mald. ev. /. Emerson. Aug-29, 1751. Simonds cam. Ebenezer, of Lexington, m. Anna Bradbury of Mald., at Cambridge. Rev.T. Hilliard. April 20, 1785. lex. Mary, of Lexington, m. John Angier of Mald., March 2, 1794. $24 Thaddeus, of Stoneham, m. Mary Lynde of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 11, 1800. ips. Charles, of Mald., m. Mary Stacy of Ipswich. Rev. D. 7. Kimball. Dec. 1, 1808. 888 Mary, of So. Reading, m. Capt. John Vinton [ cv. of Stoneham]. Rev. A. Green. April 5, 1812. wob. Hitty Cummings, of Burlington, m. David Rich, Jr., of Mald., at Bur- lington, May 1, 1822, 495 Warren, m. Lydia Wait, both of Mald. Rev. E. Nelson. Nov. 28, 1822. fer. Mary N., of Mald., m. Thomas J. Whittridge of Reading. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 20, 1823. 497 John, m. Sarah W, Green, both of Mald. Rev. 7. F. Norris. Oct. 18, 1825. 497 Horatio N., of Cambridge, m. Sarah Burrill of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 15, 1826. 500 ee m. Lucy Tufts, both of Mald. £. Buck, /. P. May 25, 1828. 505 Ebenezer D., of Reading, m. Tabitha Battelle of Mald. Rev. A. Briggs. Jan. 18, 1830. 521 Mary, m. William Peirce, 2, both of Mald. ev. C. Sawyer. Nov. 2, 1834. 525 eee W., m. Alice Emerson, both of Mald. Rev. S. Codd. Feb. 18, 1836, 720 Sarah A., of Mald., 20, da of John and Sarah, m. John Hill, Jr., of Stoneham, 25, s of John and Lydia D. Rev. 7. A. Latham. Nov. 14, 1847. 721 Nathan, Jr., of Burlington, 24, s of Nathan, m. Elizabeth Patch of Mald., 24, da of Salathial and Ruth. ev. /.G. Adams. Feb. 4, 1849. Simpson 344 Elizabeth, m. Noah Gray, both of Mald. Rev. £. Wiley. June 8, 1817. Skimmer bost. Jane, of Boston, m. John Wait of Mald. ev. S. Stillman. April 23, 1778. 296 MALDEN MARRIAGES Skinner chas. Richard, of Colchester, m. Hannah Pratt of Mald. £. Emerson, /. P. Nov. 24, 1708. chas. Thomas, m. Mehitable Durant, both of Mald., at Charlestown. Z. Emerson, J. P. Dec. 16, 1708. chas. Mary, of Mald., m. Dr. John Hoyle of Providence, R. I., at Charles- town. A. Phillips, J. P. Sept. 26, 1728. 16 Abraham, m. Anna Emmes, bothof Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. March 13, 1739- med. Dorothy, of Medford, m. Edward Sprague of Mald. Rev. £. Turrell. Nov. 23, 1749. Slade 324 Polly, of Chelsea, m. Joseph Pollard of Rindge, N. H. Rev. A. Green. May 31, 1801. Smith c.c. Hannah, m. Joseph Hills, Jr. Capt. Culliocke [Holyoke’?]. (9), 1653- chas. Sarah, of Mald., m. Andrew Phillips, at Charlestown. S. Mowell. Nov. I1, 1683. 1 Samuel, m. Priscilla Hovey. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Nov. 23, 1699. rea. John, of Reading, m. Elizabeth Lynde of Mald. Rev. J. Pzerpont. May 29, 1705. 12 Mary, m. Michael Sweetser. Rev. /. Emerson. Nov. 18, 1731. rea. Jemima, of Reading, m. Thomas Jenkins of Mald., April 5, 1753. 58 Thomas, of Truro, m. Bathsheba Caswell of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Dec. 31, 1770. 54 Daniel, of Reading, m. Mary Sprague of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. April 16, 1772. a $20 Elizabeth, m. John Jenkins, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. April 9, 1789. 823 Bathsheba, of Mald., m. William Williams of Reading. Rev. A. Green. Aug. 20, 1798. $24 Ann, m. Capt. Thomas Oakes, both of Mald. Rev.A.Green. Oct. 5, 1800. 825 David, of Reading, m. Phebe Howard of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 13, 1801. 833 Lemuel, m. Sarah Weatherbee, both of Mald. Rev. A.Green. April 23, 1809. 846 John, 2, of Salem, N. H., m. B[eulah] Maria Lee of Mald. Rev. E. Nelson. March 1, 1820. 504 Amos, m. Almira Melvin, both of Charlestown. Rev. S. Cobd. Dec. 12, 1830. 606 Levi D., m. Hannah Green, both of Cambridge. Rev. 7. &. Morris. May 18, 1831. 616 Thomas, m. Sarah Upham, both of Mald. Rev. S. Holman. June 24, 1834. 620 John B., m. Sally Pickering, both of Mald. Rev. S. Codé. Jan. 1, 1835. ean. Lucy F., of Canton, m. Elisha B. Loring of Mald. Rev. A. Merriam. Feb. 19, 1839. 540 Hiram, m. Lucy Butler, both of Mald. Rev. /. G. Adams. Oct. 20, 1839. 644 Ebenezer, a Mrs. Lydia Fife, both of Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams. July 20, 1840. 719 Sarah Winslow, of Mald., 18, da of Samuel and Mercy, m. John P. Russell of Billerica, 23, of Royal and Clariet. ev. C. Good- rich. Nov. 22, 1846. MALDEN MARRIAGES 297 Smith (continued ) 720 George, of Mald., 24, s of John A. and Eleanor, m. Frances Moore of Boston, 21. Rev. C. Goodrich. Jan. 5, 1847. 720 Rebecca P., of Mald., 22, da of Samuel and Mercy, m. Reuben C. Shaw of Boston, 21, s of David E. and Susanna B. ev. A. W. McClure. May 9, 1847. 723 Mercy G., 18, da of Samuel and Mercy G., m. Joseph C. Pierce of Mald., 22, s of Thaddeus and Lucy. Rev. A. W. McClure. Oct. 14, 1849. Snelling 9 Robert, of Boston, m. Lydia Dexter of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. June 30, 1726, Snow 548 Nathaniel, m. Rebecca P. Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. V. W. Wil- liams. July 4, 1841. Solis 846 Christopher, of Charlestown, m. Hannah Blanchard of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 10, 1819. Somerby 720 John, of Portsmouth, N. H., m. Mrs. Elizabeth Waldron of Mald. Rev. T. A. Latham, Dec. 29, 1847. Sparks ‘50 Thomas [Pers in int.], of Boston, m. Mary Sweetser of Mald. Rev. E. Willis, Sept. 5, 1765. Speed 721 Thomas H., of Mald., 21, s of Samuel S. and Mary, m. Frances Susan Huntress of Mald., 18, b. in Strafford, N. H., da of Gideon and Mary. ev. /. Dennison. Nov. 30, 1848. Sprague e.c. John, m. Lydia Goffe. Mr. Mowell. 2 (3), 1651. ec. Samuel, m. Rebecca [dost., Crawford]. &. Bellingham, Dept. Gov. 23 (6), 1655. : c.c. Phineas, m. Mary Carrington. &. RusselZ. 11 (10), 1661. wob. Joanna [wid. of Ralph of Mald.], m. Edward Converse [of Woburn]. Sept. 9, 1662. e.c. Phineas, m. Sarah Hasse, Jan. 5, 1669. chas. Rebecca, of Mald. [da of Samuel], m. Ebenezer Austin of Charles- _ town. Maj. £. Hutchinson, Jan. 27, 1691. 2 Edward, s of Capt. John, m. Dorothy Lain, da of John, all of Mald. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Nov. 14, 1693. 1 Rebecca, m. Capt. John Brown. ev. M. Wigglesworth. June 24, 1697. rea. Sarah, m. William Green, both of Mald.,at Reading. /ustice Brown. March 30, 1709. 4 Mehitable, m. James Hayes. Rev. D. Parsons. Jan. 22, 1712/3. rea. Elizabeth, m. Nathaniel Green, both of Mald., at Reading. /ustice Brown. April 21, 1713. Mary, m. Joseph Lynde. Rev. D. Parsons. Oct. 21, 1714. Elizabeth, m. Samuel Mower. Rev. D. Parsons, Jan. 4, 1715/6. Samuel, m. Joanna Lynde. ev. D. Parsons. March 20, 1716/7. Mary, m. Jonathan Sargeant. Rev. D. Parsons. Nov. 26,1717. William, m. Dorothy Floyd. Rev. D. Parsons. Jan. 1, 1717/8. med. Phineas, m. Rebecca Lynde, both of Mald., at Medford, April 9, 1723. 10 Lois, m. Samuel Green. Rev. J. Emerson. Feb. 15, 1727/8. med. Jemima, m. Joseph Jenkins, both of Mald., at Medford. /. Richara- son, J. P. May 7, 1730. IIMB. HL 298 MALDEN MARRIAGES Sprague (continued) 12 Phebe, m. Ezekiel Jenkins, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Aug. 12 13 14 15 15 18 18 19 20 21 21 bost. 22 ston. med. 23 23 25 25 26 28 28 46 46 med. 49 50 53 54 , 1732: ae cf Mald., m. John Goddard of Roxbury. ev. /. Emerson. Nov. 15, 1732. John, of Mald., m. Judith Green of Stoneham. Rev. J. Emerson. April 11, 1734. Samuel, m. Martha Hills, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Jan. 11, 1736/7. Timothy, m. Mrs. Mary Legg, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. April 14, 1737. Anna, m. Benjamin Faulkner, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. March 22, 1738. Mary, m. Joses Bucknam, both of Mald. ev. /. Stimpson. June 8, 1743. Benjamin, m. Phebe Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. March 20, 1743/4. Edward, m. Lydia Howard, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. July 4, 1744. Mrs. Esther, of Mald., m. David Bucknam, res. in Salem. ev. /. Emerson. March 4, 1745/6. Mary, m. Thomas Wayte, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. June 13, 1746. Phebe, m. John Knower, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. June 17, 1746. Stower, of Mald., m. Rebecca Deal of Boston. ev. E. Gray. Oct. 6, 1747. Joseph, of Dudley, m. Phebe Hutchinson of Mald. Rev. _/. Emerson. Jan. 7, 1747/8. Phineas, of Mald., m. Hannah Gould of Stoneham, Dec. 6, 1748. Edward, of Mald., m. Dorothy Skinner of Medford. Rev. Z. Turrell. Nov. 23, 1749. Samuel, m. Elizabeth Wade, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Jan. 24, 1749/50. Nathan, m. Mary Hovey, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. April 17, 1750. Elizabeth, m. John Green, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Nov. I, 1751. Rebecca, m. Joseph Howard, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Nov. 27, 1751. Elizabeth, of Mald., m. Ebenezer Wiley of Reading. Rev. J. Emer- son. Jan. 2, 1754. Elizabeth, of Chelsea, m. Joseph Pratt of Mald. Rev. FE. Willis. Aug. 4, 1757. Timothy, of Mald., m. Sarah Conery of Stoneham. Rev. /. Emerson. Oct. 18, 1759. Jonathan, of Medford, m. Mary Townsend of Mald. Rev. /. Emer- son. April 11, 1760. Mercy, m. Joseph Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Oct. 2, 1761. Jonathan, of Medford, m. Tabitha Burditt of Mald. Rev. Z. Turrell. April 8, 1762. Benjamin, of Mald.,m. Mary Ryder of Wellfleet, at Wellfleet. Nov. 21, 1765. Phebe, of Mald., m. Asa Hatch of Boston. Rev. Z. Wells. April 13, 1769. Phineas, Jr., of Mald., m. Sarah Fowle of Charlestown. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 22, 1770. Mary, of Mald., m. Daniel Smith of Reading. Rev, P. Thacher. April 16, 1772. MALDEN MARRIAGES 299 Sprague (continued) Sip 55 Elizabeth, of Mald., m. Naler Hatch of Boston. Rev. EB. Willis. 55 55 314 313 317 315 316 rea. 316 318 820 321 321 chas. fer. 329 329 330 332 337 343 345 346 495 497 496 498 501 506 506 March 28, 1773. a Mary, of Mald., m. Cleft Hatch of Pembroke. fev. £. Wilts. Jan. 13,1774. : Phineas, 3, m. Jemima Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. April 19, 1774. Martha, of Mald., m. Moses Hall of Medford. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 28, 1775. Hannah, m. Unite Cox, both of Mald. Rev.P. Thacher. April 6, 1776. Hannah, m. John Graham, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. May 14, 1780. Dr. John, m. Susanna Fowle, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Jan. 2, 1781. Mary, m. Benjamin Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. April 14, 1782. Jonathan, of Mald., m. Kate Emerson of Reading. Rev. C. Prentice. Sept. 11, 1783. Dr. John, m. Elizabeth Pool, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Oct. 21, 1783. Sarah, of Mald., m. William Punchard of Salem. Rev. £. Willis. Dec. 6, 1785. William, m. Susanna Merrit, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. Sept. 20, 1789. Mrs. Phebe, m. Ezra Sargeant, Esq., both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. March 20, 1792. Stephen, m. Rachel Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. April 19, 1792. Cotton, m. Phebe Lynde, both of Mald., at Charlestown. /. Bartlett, J.P. Dec. 26, 1793. Susanna, m. John Nichols Dyer, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 2, 1796. Jonathan, Jr.. m. Hannah Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 9, 1805. Eliza, of Mald., m. Robert Foster of Chelmsford. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 15, 1805. John, m. Sally Hill, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. Nov. 17, 1805. Sally, m. Samuel Green, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 19, 1807. Mary, m. Joseph Boardman, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 8, 1812. Lydia, m. Samuel Poor. Rev. E. Wiley. April 6, 1817. Samuel, m. Charlotte Green. Rev. A. Green. March 29, 1818. Ruth, of Mald., m. Aaron Vinton of Stoneham. ev. A. Green. May 4, 1819. Hannah, m. Samuel Green, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. II, 1822. Elmira, m. George Emerson, both of Mald. Rev. 7. F. Vorris. Sept. 4, 1825. Mary Ann, m. George W. Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 29, 1825. Peter, of Greenfield, m. Maria T. Hussey of Mald. £. Buck, /. P. April 30, 1828. aay m. Amos Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. E. K. Avery. Nov. 26, 1829. Elizabeth, m. Timothy A. Wheeler, both of Stoneham. ev. S. Codd. July 31, 1831. Sally, of Mald., m. Dr. Abraham Gould of Woburn. Rev. S. Codd. Dec. 12, 1831. 300 MALDEN MARRIAGES Sprague (continued ) f 516 Abaline, m. Freeman Upham, both of Mald. Rev. C. Woble. April 17, 1834. 521 Mary G, m. Caleb Waitt, both of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. June 15, 1834. 520 Henry, m. Harriet Capen, both of Saugus. ev. S. Cobb. July 3, 1834. 640 Susan F., m. Henry H. Hyde, both of Mald. fev. /. G. Adams. July 24, 1839. 719 Louisa, of Mald., 30, da of Phineas, m. Aaron Cowdrey, Jr., wid., of So. Reading, 4o, s of Aaron and Betsey. Rev. /. Sanborn. Dec. 25, 1845. Spring 830 Elizabeth, m. Peter Waitt, both of Mald. Rev. AH. Pottle. Oct. 6, 1805. 842 Ann Maria, m. William Howard, both of Mald. ev. Z. Nelson. April 20, 1817. Spurr dor. Lemuel, Jr., of Dorchester, m. Nancy Wilson of Mald. Rev. ZT. M. Harris. Feb. 26, 1798. Stacy ips. Mary, of Ipswich, m. Charles Simonds of Mald. Rev. D. 7. Kim- ball. Dec. 1, 1808. Standish 840 Nancy, of Boston, m. Amos Damon of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 30, 1814. Staniels 720 Susan R., of Mald., 18, da of Hosea and Maria, m. George E. Adams of Medford. Rev. C. Goodrich. June 30, 1847. Stanton $34 Betsey, m. Samuel Cox, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 22, 1809. Staples 624 Fanny H., of So. Reading, m. Ruggles W. Bryant of Cambria, N. Y. kev. S. Cobb. July 15, 1835. Stearns 1 John, m. Joanna Parker. Rev. M@. Wigglesworth. April 22, 1696. 722 William St. Agnan, of Mald., 26, b. in Salem, s of Richard and M. T., m. Hannah Emily Whitman of Mald., 16, b. in Boston, da of Elias and Lucinda Bean. ev. /. G. Adams. May 10, 1849. Steele 645 Susan R., of Medford, m. John A. Cox of Mald. Rev. M. Palmer. June 24, 1841. Stevens 16 Elizabeth, of Mald., m. John Sweetser of No. Yarmouth. Rev. /. Stimpson. Nov. 16, 1738. 498 Ebenezer, m. Eliza Mansfield, both of Boston. Rev. A. Green. (Bost. int., Sept. 22, 1827], April 7 [1827 ?]. 501 Beniah, m. Susan Hustans, both of Cambridge. Rev. S. Codd. Sept. Io, 1829. 719 Isaac E., of Marlboro, 23, s of Isaac T. and Catherine, m. Susan C. Burditt of Mald., 25, da of Lemuel and Bridget. Rev. C. Good- rich. Dec. 29, 1845. 722 John, wid., of So. Reading, 25, m. Caroline Hawkes, 23. Rev. W. &. Parsons. Oct. 28, 1849. MALDEN MARRIAGES 301 Stevens (continued ) 724 Ellen, 18, b. in Mald.,da of Charity Hemmingway, m. Gustavus Loring of Mald., b. in Pembroke,s of Alden. Rev. /. G. Adams. Oct. 17, 1850. Stewart, Stuart 324 Sarah, of Chelsea, m. Nathaniel Hatch of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 23, 1801. Stickney 529 James M., of Reading, m. Mary B. Burditt of Saugus. Rev. S. Codd. Nov. 17, 1836. Stiles fer. Patience, m. William Pitman, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 13, 1823. 520 Lucinda A., m. Charles H. Brown, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. Nov. 27, 1834. 541 Emeline B., m. William F. Ayer, both of Mald. Rev. J. M. Driver. Sept. 3, 1839. 717 Harriet W., da of Isaac and Miriam of Mald., m. Philander Barney of Providence, R. I. Rev. /. Cookson. March 5, 1844. 720 Orissa A., 21, da of T. L. and Hannah A., m. Robert Newhall, 31, allof Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams. May 109, 1847. 721 Caroline M., of Mald., 20, da of Isaac and Mary, m. Albert Ayer of Charlestown, 24. Rev. C. B. Smith. June 15, 1848. 721 Augustus, 23,s of Isaac and Harriet, m. Emeline E. Cox, 22, da of Samuel and Betsey, all of Mald. Rev. J. Dennison. Nov. 23, 1848. : 724 Isabella M., of Mald., 20, b. in Concord, da of Aaron, m. Henry A. Allen of Mald., 29, b. in Boston, s of Augustus. 2. G. A7zli, /. P. Nov. 14, 1850. Stimpson fer. Stephen, m. Elizabeth Blaney, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 18, 1824. : 504 Diadamia, m. Samuel Tuck, both of Mald. Z. Buck, J.P. Oct. 7, 1830. Stinson 544 James L., of Mald.,m. Margaret E. Burt of Methuen. ev. J. G. Adams. Nov. 26, 1840. Stone sud. Nathaniel, of Sudbury, m. Sarah Waite of Mald. S. Nowell. April 25, 1684. 26 Mary, of Charlestown, m. Isaac Wheeler of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. April 18, 1754. $25 Barnabas, of Boston, m. Esther Townsend of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 17, 1802. 723 Abby T., 21, da of Abraham, m. William C. Daniels, 31, s of Clark. Rev. C. B. Smith. Feb. 25, 1850. Stower, Stowers e.c. Hannah, m. Abraham Hill, (8), 1666. 8 Mary, m. James Baldwin. ev. /. Emerson. Feb. 7, 1723. 24 Richard, m. Judith Wayte, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Feb. 6, 1750/1. 28 Amos, m. Susanna Jeffers, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Dec. 25, 1755- chel. Elizabeth, of Chelsea, m. Benjamin Shute of Mald. Rev. P. Payson. March 29, 1759. 302 MALDEN MARRIAGES Stower, Stowers (continued) 55 Mary [313, Sarah by error], res. in Mald., m. Samuel Berry of Charlestown. ev. P. Thacher. Sept. 10[313, Sept. 12], 1773. 316 Mary, m. Benjamin Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. July 6, 1783. 316 Elizabeth, m. Nathan Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 7, 1784. 335 Joseph, of Chelsea, m. Sally Wait Bryant of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 7, 1810. 340 Samuel S., m. Phebe F. Travalley, both res. in Mald. ev. A. Green. April 27, 1815. 719 Mary B., of No. Chelsea, da of Joseph and Sally, m. David Higgins of Mald., 26, s of Enoch A. and Nancy, Sept. 27, 1846. Stratton 836 Dana, m. Sarah Townsend, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 14, 1811. 636 Charlotte, m. Franklin Peirce, both of Mald. Rev. 4d. W. McClure. April 28, 1839. 641 Francis [D.], m. Sarah [M.] Cutter, both of Mald. ev. S. G. Hiler. May 31, 1840. Streeter rea. Sarah, of Reading, m. John Evans of Mald. ev. R. Brown. April 23, 1719. Studley 724 Nathan D., 27, b. in Portsmouth, N. H., s of Nathan D., m. Rebecca A. Goldthwaite, 26, b. in Salem, da of Eben J. Rev. /. G. Adams. Dec. 15, 1850. Sullivan 723 Dr. John L[angdon], of Mald., 24,s of Thomas B.,m. Mary E. Lynde, 20, da of Seth S. and Ruth. Rev, A. W. McClure. April 2, 1850. Swain 505 Charles B., of Nantucket, m. Susan M. Odiorne of Mald. £. Buck, J.P. April 18, 1832. Swan 629 Thomas, m. Harriet Cheever, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. April 9, 1837. 536 Thomas, m. Caroline Cheever, both of Mald. Rev. A.W. McClure. Sept. 10, 1833. Sweetser e.c. Elizabeth, m. Samuel Howard, [1661 or 1662]. 8 John, m. Martha Green. Rev. J. Emerson. Oct. 2, 1722. 9 Phillips, m. Mary Green. ev. J. Emerson. Dec. 30, 1725. 10 Mehitable, m. Isaac Wheeler. ev. /. Emerson. April 17, 1729. 12 Michael, m. Mary Smith. ev. J. Emerson. Nov. 18, 1731. 16 Samuel, m. Mary Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. /. Stzmpson. July 8, 1736. 15 Stephen, m. Lydia Mudge, both of Mald. Rev. J. Stimpson. Feb. » 1737/8. 16 John, of No. Yarmouth, m. Elizabeth Stevens of Mald. Rev. /. Stimpson. Nov. 16, 1738. 18 ae of Mald.,m. Daniel Merritt of Boston. Rev. J. Stimpson. ec. II, 1739. chas. Rebecca, of Charlestown, m. Samuel Wait of Mald. Rev. H. Abbot. March 20, 1745/6. MALDEN MARRIAGES 303 Sweetser (continued) 48 Stephen, of Charlestown, m. Abigail Barrett of Mald. fev. £. Willés. Dec. 13, 1762. 50 Mary, of Mald., m. Thomas Sparks [Par&s in int.] of Boston. Fev. £. Willis. Sept. 5, 1765. 64 Thomas, of Charlestown, m. Elizabeth Hill of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Sept. 19, 1771. 817 Sarah, m. Stephen Green, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Nov. 9, 1778. 816 James, m. Lydia Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Oct. 14, 1783. rea. James, of Mald., m. Susanna Griffin of Reading. Rev. C. Prentice. April 6, 1786. $21 [Betsey], m. Nathan Lynde, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Jan. 3. 1790. 823 James, m. Hannah Griffin, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 21, 1798. 838 George, of So. Reading, m. Mary Edmonds of Mald. ev. A. Green. Sept. 17, 1812. 840 Hannah, m. Shubael Gile, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. II, 1814. 342 Lydia, m. Ralph Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. £. Melson. Jan. 9, 1817. 845 Lydia, of Saugus, m. Jacob Cheever of Mald. Rev, £. Nelson. Dec. 13, 1818. 525 Mary, m. Elisha S. Oliver, both of So. Reading. Rev. R. W. Allen. April 21, 1836. 628 Varnum, of So. Reading, m. Caroline Emerson of Mald. ev. D. Culver. Dec. 1, 1836. 648 Abigail G., of So. Reading, m. Ephraim Fuller of Mald. Rev. /. McLeish. Sept. 16, 1841. 717 Seth, s of Sethand Harriet of Mald , m. Roxana Blodgett of Medford. Rev. J. G. Adams. Dec. 3, 1843. 718 John, m. i B. Briggs, both of Saugus. Rev. C. Goodrich. Nov. 14, 1844. 719 Samuel S., m. Rebecca S. Woodward, both of Lowell. Rev. /. Sanborn. May 28, 1846. Swinerton 630 Ebenezer, of Mald., m. Hannah Cross of Danvers. Rev. M. P. Braman [Danvers]. June 16, 1837. Tainter 825 ace m. Lois Howard, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 14, 1802. 502 N nc m. Mrs. Phebe Clarenbold. Rev. A. Briggs. July 16, 1029. \ Tappan 2 Samuel, m. Abigail Wigglesworth. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Dec. 23, 1700. Tarbell 476 oa m. Henry Crehore, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 7, 1820. 496 Nancy, of Mald. m. Mirick Wilder of Dracut. Rev. A. Green. April 4, 1826. Tarbox 48 Samuel, of Lynn; m. Mary Wheeler of Mald. Rev, E. Willis. May 21, 1758. 304 MALDEN MARRIAGES Tay 722 Francis J., of Mald., 29, s of T. J. and Sarah, m. Albina Noyes, 19. Rev. A. W. McClure. Dec. 2, 1846. Taylor ston. Abigail, of Stoneham, m. John Grover of Mald. fev. J. Osgood. May 6, 1736. 20 Anna, m. Thomas Boston, both lateres. in Mald. ev. /. Emerson. Jan. 7, 1745/6. rea. Lois, of Reading, m. John Tufts of Mald. Rev. £. Stone. June 15, 1773- 507 Lucy Ann, m. Loammi Bailey. Rev. S. Cobb. Sept. 6, 1832. 582 Shubael L.,m. Harriet A. Newhall. Rev. D. Culver. April 17, 1838. 718 Samuel D., 37, b. in Hampton, N. H., s of Samuel D. and Phebe, m. Lucinda Upham, 27, da of Samuel S.and Anna of Mald. Rev. D. Richards, Nov. 21, 1844. 719 Mary A., of Mald., 22, da of Hosea R., m. Oliver Veazey of Charles- town, 24,s of Nathaniel. Rev. /. Sanborn. Nov. 9, 1845. 722 Adeline S., 20, da of Washington, m. Joseph Holbrook, 29, s of Daniel and Mehitable, both of Mald. Rev. W. R. Parsons. Aug. 27, 1848. Teale, Teel 4 Benjamin, m. Anna Jenkins. ev. D. Parsons. Dec. 31, 1712. rea. Rachel, m. Joseph Ramsdill, both of Mald., at Reading. 2B. Poole, /. P. April 29, 1730. 818 Benjamin, of Medford, m. Mary Gill of Mald. fev. £. Willis. Aug. 7, 1783. 340 Samuel, m. Ann Scott, both res. in Mald. Rev. A. Green, Feb. 23, 1815. 499 Martha, of Charlestown, m. Benjamin G. Hill of Mald. Rev. .S. Codd. Sept. 2, 1828. 723 Joseph E., m. Valeria Newman. Rev. A. W. McClure. July 7, 1849. Thacher chel. Rev. Peter, of Mald., m. Mrs. Elizabeth Poole of Chelsea. Rev. P. Payson. Oct. 8, 1770. fer. Rev. Thomas Cushing, of Lynn, m. Elizabeth Blaney of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. July 6, 1795. 339 Hannah B[laney], of Mald., m. Reuben Washburn, Esq., of Lynn. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 10, 1813. Thomas 8 John, m. Elizabeth Nichols. Rev. /. Emerson. Nov. 30, 1725. 22 William, m. Mary Hill, both of Mald. /. Buckuam, /. P. March 28, 1747. Thompson wob. Esther, of Woburn, m. Josiah Green of Mald., May 16, 1734. lei. Susanna, of Mald., m. Thomas Parker of the [Country] Gore, at Leicester. Rev. /. Roberts. Dec. 2, 1756. 815 Capt. James, of Boston, m. Bridget Dexter of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Jan. 23, 1780. 318 Bridget, m. Nehemiah Torrey. Rev. E. Willis. April 29, 1787. 821 Daniel, of Woburn, m. Rebecca Parker of Mald. Rev. £&. Willis. Oct. 15, 1789. wob. Elizabeth, of Woburn, m. James Howard of Mald., Nov. 19, 1795. 344 Joseph, m. Susan Thompson. ev. 4. Green. Nov. 23, 1817. 344 Susan, m. Joseph Thompson. fev. A. Green. Nov. 23, 1817. 645 can m. Mary H. Cox, both of Mald. G. Haven, /. P. May to, 1841. MALDEN MARRIAGES 305 Tibbets 548 Sarah W., m. Reuben Hatch, both of Mald. ev. VM. W. Williams. July II, 1841. 723 James, 24, 8 of Josiah, of Lynn, m. Rebecca Nichols, 18, da of Ben- jamin of Mald., June 2, 1850. Tida 717 Squires, of Woburn, m. Harriet A. Wheeler of Stoneham. ev. /. G. Adams. Aug. 13, 1843. Tingle e.c. Elizabeth, m. Daniel Shepardson, April , 1667. Todd 505 Sarah, of Mald., m. Thomas Green of Chelsea. Rev. A. Briggs. Dec. 25, 1831. 525 Mary Jane, of Mald., m. John Lewis, 3, of Lynn. Rev. A. W. Mc Clure. June 29, 1835. 717 Martha, of Mald., m. Joshua Butters of Chelsea, Rev. J. Whitman. Aug. 24, 1843. Tolman 652 Cahill, of Fitchburg, m. Rebecca L. Torrey of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Sept. 5, 1842. Torrey 818 Nehemiah, m. Bridget Thompson. Rev. EZ. Willis. April 29, 1787. 652 Rebecca i of Mald., m. Cahill Tolman of Fitchburg. Rev. A. W. McClure. Sept. 5, 1842. Totingham 8 Elias, m. Rebecca Grover. Rev. D. Parsons. Oct. 18, 1709. Towle 836 Caroline [int. says Fow/e], m. Stephen Myrick, both of Mald. Rev. A.Green. Feb. 19, 1811. Townsend 2 Joseph, m. Sarah Atwells. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. 1702. 14 Nathaniel, of Lynn, m. Margaret Chambly of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Dec. 9, 1736. 46 Mary, of Mald.,m. Jonathan Sprague of Medford. ev. J. Emerson. April 11, 1760. 51 Solomon, m. Esther Harnden, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Dec. 24, 1764. 51 Isaac, of Boston, m. Catherine Rudge of Mald. Rev. EZ. Willis. Jan. 22, 1765. 814 Nancy, m. David Edmonds, Jr., both of Charlestown. ev. P. Thacher. March 24, 1777. 320 — m. Anna Ramsdell, both of Mald. £. Sargeant, J. P- Jan. , 1788. fer. Polly, m. William Howard, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 22, 1797. 825 Esther, of Mald., m. Barnabas Stone of Boston. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 17, 1802. 830 Nancy, m. Aaron Wait, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. July 7, 1805. 832 Ebenezer, m. Mrs. Susanna Green, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 6, 1808. 836 Sarah, m. Dana Stratton, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 14, 18II. 341 Hannah W., m. Nathan Barker, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 23, 1815. 20 306 MALDEN MARRIAGES Townsend (continued ) 347 John, Jr., of Mald., m. Nancy Desmore of Marblehead. fev. A. Green. Oct. 24, 1819. 476 Charlotte, m. Charles Pierce, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 2, 1820. 496 Josiah, m. Martha Blaney, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. June 17, 1824. 498 Nancy, m. Nathan Newhall, both of Mald., Feb. 18, 1827. 601 Martha, m. Ithiel S. Richardson, both of Mald. £. Buck, J. P. Oct. 20, 1829. 501 George, m. Mary Abbot, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. Nov. 8, 1829. 640 Angelina, m. John A. Grammer, both of Mald. Rev. /. Grammer. Sept. 3, 1839. 724 Elizabeth, 19, da of Josiah, m. Charles Ramsdill, 21, s of William, both of Mald. Rev. /. G. Adams. Oct. 24, 1850. Trail ston. Mary, of Stoneham, m. John Vinton of Mald. Rev. J. Searl. Jan. 30, 1772. Trask 327 Zadoc, m. Eliza Dyar, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. Dec. 9. 1804. 525 Eliza Ann, m. John G. Richardson, both of Mald. Rev. 4. W. Mc- Clure. June 7, 1835. Travally fer. John, of Roxbury, m. Mary Shute of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. April 14, 1793- 840 Phebe F -,m. Samuel S. Stowers, both res. in Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 27, 1815. Travers 616 Aaron, of Boston, m. Emily Shed of Medford. Rev. C. Noble. Dec. 15, 1833. Trench 323 Hannah, m. David Sargeant, 3, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 23, 1799. True 723 Lewis, P., of Mald., 25, s of Moses and Martha, m. Adeline Pierce, 32, da of William and Sally. Rev. 4d. W. McClure. Sept. 6, 1849. Tuck 604 Samuel, m. Diadamia Stimpson, both of Mald. £. Buck, J. P. Oct. 7, 1830. 514 John C., m. Angelina Richardson. £. Buck, J. P. June 19, 1832. Tucker 17 Joshua, of Woodstock, m. Mary Wright of Mald. ev. _/. Stimpson. Feb. 11, 1741/2. Tufts ec. Mercy, m. Joseph Wayt, Oct. 24, 1688. e.c. Sarah, m. Thomas Oakes, May 22, 1689. 11 Benjamin, of Medford, m. Mary Hutchinson of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Jan. 7, 1730/1. 14 Mary, of Mald., m. Samuel Bligh of Boston. Rev. J. Emerson. Nov. 12, 1736. 14 Mrs. Elizabeth, of Mald., m. Daniel Mansfield of Lynn. Rev. /. Emerson. Jan. 6, 1736/7. MALDEN MARRIAGES 307 Tufts (continued ) med. Phebe, of Medford, m. Nathan Wait, Jr., of Mald. Rev. E. Turrell. 29 med, 50 chas. 55 rea. 315 316 319 320 fer. fer. 326 328 331 332 833 334 335 838 339 340 345 345 345 477 477 498 497 600 Oct. 15, 1757. Benjamin, of Medford, m. Esther Lynde of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Dec. 26, 1760. Sarah, of Medford, m. Stephen Wait of Mald. Rev. EZ. Turrell. Jan. 1, 1761. Hutchinson, of Medford, m. Mary Grover of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Jan. 17, 1769. Mary, of Charlestown, m. Abraham Frost of Mald. Rev. H. Abbot. Nov. 12, 1771. Stephen, Jr.,m. Hannah Farington, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. June 10, 1773. John, of Mald., m. Lois Taylor of Reading. Rev. E. Stone. June 15, 1773- Samuel, 3, of Medford, m. Martha Upham of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. May 29, 1781. David, m. Elizabeth Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. March 31, 1784. John, Jr., m. Lydia Falkner, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. Sept. » 1788, ea Elizabeth Parker, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. Dec. 17, 1789. Asa, of Dover, N. H., m. Patty Harris of Mald. ev. A. Judson. Sept. 30, 1790. Josiah, m. Lydia Merritt, both of Mald. Rev. EZ. Willis. Dec. 25, 1792. Mary Paul, m. Bernard Newhall, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 17, 1803. Hannah, m. Isaac Shute, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 19, 1804. Peter, m. Fanny Holden, both of Mald. Rev.A. Green. Jan. 29,1807. Catherine, m. Capt. Daniel Wait, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 24, 1807. Rebecca, m. Samuel Paine, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 20, 1809. Simon, m. Rebecca Appleton Perkins, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 11, 1810. Nancy, m. James Watkins, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 5, 1810. Sarah, m. Edward Newhall, both of Mald. Rev. 7. Livermore. April 16, 1812. Mary, of Mald.,m. Freeman Cole of New York. Rev. A. Green. April 18, 1814. Lucy, of Medford, m. Caleb Blanchard, Jr., of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 6, 1814. William, m. Mary Tufts. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 29, 1818. Mary, m. William Tufts. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 29, 1818. Joseph W., m. Eliza Wait, both of Mald. ev. E. Nelson. May 22, 1818. Ebenezer, m. Hannah Harnden, both of Mald. Rev. E. Nelson. Nov. 9, 1820. Nathaniel, m. Hannah Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. EZ. Nelson. Jan. 30, 1821. Otis, m. Sally Oliver, both of Mald. Rev. J. Cookson. April 1, 1824. Fanny, m. Thomas Dascomb, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 7, 1826. Lucy, m. Charles Simonds, 2, both of Mald. Z£. Buck, J. P. May 25, 1828. 308 MALDEN MARRIAGES Tufts (continued ) 499 502 515 516 §15 529 534 548 548 652 117 117 117 720 720 721 723 722 722 Huldah, of Chelsea, m. John Wait, 3, of Mald. Rev. G. W. Fair- banks. June 9, 1828. Lois, m. Henry Pratt. Rev. A. Briggs. Aug. 26, 18209. Sarah J.,m. Lorenzo B. Newhall, both of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. Oct. 6, 1833. Peter H., m. Ruth Breeden, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Jan. 19, 1834. Mary Ann, m. John Webber, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. Feb. 2, 1834. Elizabeth B., of Brookline, m. William Robinson, 2, of Mald., in Brookline. Rev. S. Cobb. July 7, 1836. Charlotte M., m. Richard Yeaton, both of Mald. Rev. D. B. Harris [Saugus]. March 1, 1838. Sarah A.,m. David Hutchins, both of Mald. Rev. V.W. Williams. June 17, 1841. Rebecca P., m. Nathaniel Snow, both of Mald. Rev... W. Williams. July 4, 1841. Mary, m. John E. Oliver, both of Mald. Rev. VM. W. Williams. May I1, 1842. Eliza, 19, da of Joseph W. and Eliza of Mald., m. John Lewis, Jr., of Boston, 23,s of John of Mald. Rev. /. G. Adams. Sept. 24, 1843. Almira, 17, da of Joseph W. and Eliza of Mald., m. Charles H. Lewis of Boston, 22, s of John of Mald. Rev. /. Cookson. Dec. Io, 1843. Edward, 2, m. Susan White, both of Mald. Rev. /. Cookson. Feb. 20, 1844. Joseph W., Jr., s of Joseph W. and Eliza, m. Eliza S. Cox, da of Samuel and Betsey, all of Mald. Rev. /. Cummings. June 24, 1847. Nathan, 23, s of Simon and Rebecca, m. Charlotte W. Corey, 21, da of Solomon and Charlotte D., all of Mald. Rev. /. G. Adams. Jan. 27, 1848. Timothy, 22, s of Eben, m. Caroline Augusta Johnson, 17, da of Benjamin and Ann, all of Mald. Rev. /. Dennison. Jan. 4, 1849. Ellen A., 17, da of Edward and Ellen, m. Andrew Nichols, 23, s of Andrew D. and Hannah, both of Mald. Rev. C. B. Smith. Feb. 25, 1849. Franklin, 22, s of Nathaniel and Hannah, m. Mary Jane Chapman, 22, da of Isaac and Patience, of Porter, Me., both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. April 15, 1849. Ellen M., of Mald., 22, da of Peter, m. Hubbard Lewis of Mald., 22, s of Leland and Esther. Rev. C. B. Smith. Nov. 12, 1849. Turner sci. 497 524 541 Tuttle Mary, of Scituate, m. Isaac Chittenden of Mald. W. Zurner, J.P. 1780. Ruth, m. Richard Hadley, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 3, 1826. Hannah D., of Chelsea, m. Charles Daniels of Mald. Rev. S. Codd. May 28, 1835. Samuel, m. Hannah Guild, both of Mald. Rev. S. G. Hiler. July II, 1839. 9 Jotham, m. Martha Hall, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. March 1, 1727. 65 Anna, of Mald., m. Samuel Sargeant of Chelsea. Rev. P. Thacher. April 17, 1774. MALDEN MARRIAGES 399 Tuttle (continued ) 316 Joseph, of Chelsea, m. Elizabeth Pratt of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Jan. 8, 1784. 719 Eliza, m. Elijah H. Green. Rev. W. Tozer. [Date not given, re- corded April 10, 1846.] 722 Andrew, J., of Saugus, 21, m. Lucy B. Oliver of Mald., 19, da of Daniel and Susan. Rev. F.G. Pratt. Oct. 28, 1849. 725 Anna,m. Andrew Wentworth, both of Dover,N.H. ev. S. Morris. May 19, 1850. Tweed 529 Joel, m. Hannah Hawkes, both of So. Reading. Rev. S. Codd. June 17, 1836. Twiss 506 George N., m. Ann E. Watkins, both of Mald. Rev. S. Codd. June 12, 1831. Twombly 529 Cyrus, m. Nancy C. Davis, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Dec. 1, 1836. Underwood 48 Parker, of Littleton,m. Hannah Bucknam of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Nov. 23, 1758. Unthank 21 Barbara, of Chelsea, m. Benjamin Wayte of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. March 20, 1746/7. Upham ec. Phineas, m. Ruth Wood. AR. Russell. 14 (2), 1658. c.c. John, m. Hollir [error for Catharine Hollard], (6), 1671. ec. John, m. Abigail Howard, Oct. 31, 1688. ec. Elizabeth, m. Samuel Green, Oct. 28, 1691. top. Richard, of Mald., m. Abigail Hovey of Topsfield, May 19, 1698. 2 Phineas, m. Tamesin Hill. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Nov. 23, 1703. Thomas, of Mald., m. Mary Brown of Reading, Oct. 2, 1704. James, m. Dorothy Wigglesworth. Rev. D. Parsons. June 2, 1709. Sarah, m. Samuel Grover. Rev. D. Parsons. April 17, 1713. Mary, m. John Griffin. Rev. D. Parsons. May 28, 1713. Samuel, m. Mary Grover. Rev. D. Parsons. Feb. 17, 1714/5. Ruth, m. Nathaniel Nichols. Rev. D. Parsons. Jan. 22, 1716/7. Ebenezer, m. Elizabeth Blanchard. Rev. D. Parsons. Oct. 10, 1717. Joanna, m. Samuel Wason. Rev. D. Parsons. Nov. 15, 1717. John, m. Tamesin Ong. Rev. D. Parsons. May 7, 1718. Dorothy, m. John Colman. ev. J. Emerson. April 23, 1723. Elizabeth, of Mald., m. Joseph Woolson of Weston. ev. /. Emer- son. Oct. 6, 1726. Lois, m. James Hill. Rev. 7. Emerson. July 5, 1727. . John, of Mald., m. Sarah Burnall of Lynn, Nov. 3, 1727. Tabitha, m. Daniel Newhall. Rev. /. Emerson. Dec. 26, 1728. Phineas, m. Hannah Wayte, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson, Dec. 30, 1730. La J oOo OSIWIHG HHH OP reFsS 11 Mary, m. Thomas Parker, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. April 5, 1731- 18 Mercy, m. David Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. April 18, 1734. new. Nathaniel, m. Rebecca Dill, both of Mald., at Newton. /. Green- wood, J]. P. Nov. 4, 1736. 15 Sarah, of Mald., m. Samuel Hasey of Boston. Rev. J. Stimpson. May 9, 1737. 310 MALDEN MARRIAGES Upham (continued) a 14 chas. 17 17 rea. 19 19 21 22 23 la. 25 47 52 314 rea. 315 315 316 chel. 320 $23 325 829 330 331 332 837 344 Martha, m. Samuel Newhall, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. March 18, 1737. Judith, of Charlestown, m. John Deland of Mald. Rev. HY. Abbot. Nov. 22, 1739- Mrs. Mary, of Mald., m. Capt. Daniel Goff of Boston. ev. /. Emerson. March _ , 1740[1739/40]. Mary, m. David Parker, both of Mald. fev. J. Emerson. Sept. 5, 1740. Amos, of Mald., m. Lois Green of Reading, March ro, 1741 [1740/1]. Sarah, of Mald., m. Benjamin Rice of Brookfield. Rev. /. Emerson. June 30, 1744. Hannah, of Mald., m. Israel Cook of Boston. Rev. J. Emerson. Jan. 11, 1744/5. Abigail, m. Abraham Hill, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. May 8, 1746. Jacob, of Mald., m. Rebecca Burnett of Reading. Rev. J. Emerson. Jan. 19, 1747/8. . Ebenezer, of Leicester, m. Lois Wayte of Mald. fev. J. Emerson. Oct. 28, 1748. Elizabeth, m. James Sargeant, both of Mald. ev. A. Cleaveland. April 25, 1749. John, of Mald., m. Deliverance Fowle [of Lynn]. Rev. V. Hench- man. May 15, 1750. Hannah, of Mald., m. John Haskins of Boston. Rev. /. Emerson. March 12, 1752. Amos, m. Mary Green, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. May 3, 1764. Lydia, eee Grover, both of Mald. ev. £. Willis. Nov. II, 1767. Amos, Jr., of Mald.,m. Ann Knight of Stoneham. Rev. P. Thacher. Jan. 9, 1777. William, of Mald.,m. Hannah Walton of Reading. Rev. C. Prentice. Oct. 16, 1777. Mrs. Mary, of Mald., m. Aaron Boardman, Jr., of Chelsea. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 7, 1780. Martha, of Mald., m. Samuel Tufts, 3, of Medford. .Rev. P. Thacher. May 29, 1781. Phebe, of Lynn, m. Phineas Pratt of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. April 28, 1782. Ezra, of Mald., m. Sarah Watts of Chelsea. Rev. P. Payson. Aug. 15, 1782. Jabez, m. Sally Hill, both of Mald: £. Sargeant, 7. P. March 10, 86 1786. Elizabeth, m. Samuel Howard, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 25, 1798. Jesse, Jr., m. Rebecca Richardson, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 4, 1802. Hannah, m. John Pratt, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 31, 1805. Mrs. Sally, m. William Oliver, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. “March ro, 1806. ee Eunice Howard, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 1806. ) Asa, ‘m. pun Richardson, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 21, 1808. Rebecca, m. James Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 4, 1812. Susan, of Mald., m. Jonathan Green of Stoneham. ev. £. Wiley. Aug. 14, 1817. MALDEN MARRIAGES 311 Upham (continued) 479 Hannah, m. Francis Hemingway, both of Mald. ev. A. Green. Nov. 28, 1821. 497 Sally, m. John Lynde, 3, both of Mald. Rev. 7. F. Norris. April 6, 1826. 499 Martha, of Mald., m. Jedediah V. Corson of Boston. Rev. G. W. Fairbanks. June 12, 1828. , 500 Clarissa, m. Joseph Lynde, 3, both of Mald. Rev, L. Sunderland. April 23, 1829. 516 Susanna, of Mald., m. Henry Silsbee of Lynn. Rev. J. McLeish. Nov. 12, 1833. : 616 Freeman, m. Abaline Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. C. Noble. April 17, 1834. 616 Sarah, m. Thomas Smith, both of Mald. Rev. S. Holman. June 24, 1834. 520 John, m. Elizabeth Vinning, both of Mald. ev. S. Cobb. Sept. 15, 1834. 530 Lucy, of Mald., m. Joseph W. Nobles of Stoneham. ev. S. Codd. April 19, 1837. 531 Mary Ann, of Mald., m. William Jones of Boston. Rev. W. Emer- son, Oct. 15, 1837. 718 Lucinda, 27, da of Samuel S. and Anna, m. Samuel D. Taylor, 37, b. in Hampton, N. H., sof Samuel D. and Phebe, all of Mald. Rev, D. Richards. Nov. 21, 1844. 718 Harriet, 28, da of Jesse and Rebecca, m. Kittredge Avery, 23,s of Ephraim and Eliza, all of Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams. Dec. 2, 1845. 720 Lydia, 21, da of Jesse and Zeluta, m. Samuel Barker, 27, s of Sam- uel and Mary, both of Mald. Rev. F. A. Griswold. Jan. 19, 1848. 722 Benjamin R., 27, s of Asa and Ruth, m. Rachel E. Farnsworth, 19, da of William J. and Mary, all of Mald. Rev. W. R. Parsons. June 17, 1849. Van Voorhis 499 Daniel T., of Fishkill, N. Y.,m. Mary Edmands of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. Dec. 3, 1828. Varder 818 Hannah, m. Ebenezer Bucknam, both of Medford. Rev. E. Willis. May 29, 1785. Varrell 645 Ruth A., m. Jason C. Hurd. Rev. 7. Palmer. Oct. 4, 1840. 720 Mary Jane, m. Seth Rich, both of Mald. Rev. F. A. Griswold. Dec. 5, 1847. Vaughan 541 John, pe Sarah B. Dore, both of Mald. Rev. J. M@. Driver. Jan. 26, 1840. 718 George W., of Mald, 27, b. in Boston, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, m. Caroline L. Dunton of Mald., 27, b. in Hope, Me., da of Isaac and Hannah of Appleton, Me. fev. /. G. Adams. Dec. 21, 1845. Veasey, Veazie 719 Oliver, of Charlestown, 24,s of Nathaniel, m. Mary A. Taylor of Mald., 22, da of Hosea R. Rev. J. Sanborn. Nov. 9, 1845. Vinal 719 Nelson, m. Lydia A. Pratt, da of David and Lydia, all of Mald. Rev. J. Blodgett. July 3, 1845. 312 MALDEN MARRIAGES Vinning 381 Thomas, m. Lydia Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. May 18, 385 Beach Polly Emerson, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 7, 497 ee 4 Jacob Perkins, both of Mald. Rev. 7. F. Norris. April 505 Lydin’ ne Estes, both of Mald. ev. A. Briggs. April 10, 520 Eleabeth, m. John Upham, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. Sept. 15, Vinton 1 John, m. Hannah Green, Aug. 16, 1677. wob. Hannah, of Woburn, m. Thomas Green of Mald., May to, 1698. 8 Abiathar, m. Lydia Green. Rev. J. Emerson. April 30, 1723. 46 Mrs. Mary, m. Ezra Green, Esq., both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. April 29, 1762. ston. Hannah, of Stoneham, m. Micah Wait of Mald. Rev. J. Searl. May 28, 1771. ston. John, of Mald.,m. Mary Trail of Stoneham. Rev. /. Searl. Jan. 30, 1772. rea. Benoni, of Mald., m. Rebecca Dix of Reading. Rev. C. Prentice. April 27, 1779. rea. John, Jr., of Reading, m. Polly Green of Mald. Rev. C. Prentice. June 30, 1785. 822 Polly, of Mald., m. William Putnam of Reading. Rev. A. Green. April 2, 1797. 324 Betsey, m. John Larrabee, bothof Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 15, 1801. 838 Capt. Isaac [ fcr. of Stoneham], m. Mary Symonds of So. Reading. Rev. A. Green. April 5, 1812. 839 Phebe, of Stoneham, m. Joseph Lynde, Jr.,of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 28 [ fer. April 26], 1814. 843 John, of Stoneham, m. Hannah Cox of Mald. Rev. E. Wiley. April 8, 1817. 346 Aaron, of Stoneham, m. Ruth Sprague of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 4, 1819. 496 Mary, m. John Larrabee, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 24, 1825. 504 Frances, m. Benjamin Day, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. May 6, 1830. 545 John, Jr., m. Charlotte Peirce, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. June 16, 1840. 544 Nathan A.,m. MaryG. Brown, both of Mald. Rev.M. W. Williams. Sept. 2, 1840. 547 Mary, m. George Ramsdill. Rev. J. G. Adams. Oct. 10, 1841. 652 Charles A., of Mald., m. Eliza Badger of Charlestown. Rev. J. McLeish. June 8, 1842. 720 Mary, 19, da of Isaac and Mary, m. Jonas G. Brown, 21, s of Jonas and Kezia, all of Mald. Rev. J. McLeish. Dec. 20, 1846. Wade 12 Lydia, of Medford, m. Ebenezer Harndenof Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Feb. 26, 1733/4. 17 Samuel, of Medford, m. Martha Newhall of Mald. Rev. /. Stimpson. Dec. 2, 1741. 23 Elizabeth, m. Samuel Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Jan. 24, 1749/50. MALDEN MARRIAGES 313 Wade (continued) 52 Elizabeth, of Mald., m. Paul Dexter of Boston. Rev. J. Emerson. April 24, 1767. 53 Edward, m. Rebecca Harnden, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. May 21, 1771. fer. Susanna, m. Ezra Green, bothof Mald. Rev. A.Green. March 19, 1797. 826 Biker of Mald., m. Joseph Wetherbee of Boston. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 23, 1802. 831 Martha Upham, m. Abiel [4ée/ in int.] Winship, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 17, 1807. . 832 Betsey Dexter, m. Daniel Hitchings, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 31, 1807. 840 Edward, Jr., m. Nancy P. Hoskins, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 26, 1814. 621 Elizabeth, of Lynnfield, m. Ellis Wiley of So. Reading. ev. C. Sawyer. Sept. 11, 1834. Waite, Wayte, Wait e.c. Joseph, m. Hannah Oakes, 7 (6), 1672. e.c. John, m. Sarah Muzzy, 12, (4), 1674. e.c. John, m. Sarah Parker, 4 (6), 1675. e.c. Hannah, m. William Bucknam 11 (8), 1676. bil. Mrs. Damaris, of Mald., m. John Marshall, at Billerica. 7. Danforth, J.P. Nov. 30, 1681. sud. Sarah, of Mald., m. Nathaniel Stone of Sudbury. S. Mowel/. April 25, 1684. e.c. Joseph, m. Mercy Tufts, Oct. 24, 1688. cc. Mercy, m. Lemuel Jenkins, both of Mald. ev. 7. Cheever. June II, 1694. 2 Joseph, m. Lydia Sargeant. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. 1701. 2 Thomas, m. Deborah Sargeant. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Dec. 26, 1701, 4 Jonathan, m. Elizabeth Pratt. Rev. D. Parsons. Nov. 20, 1712. 4 Mary, m. John Shute. Rev. D. Parsons. Oct. 27, 1714. 5 Jonathan, m. [Mrs.] Abigail Wait. Rev. D. Parsons. Sept. 26, 1716. 5 [Mrs.] Abigail, m. Jonathan Wait. Rev. D. Parsons. Sept. 26, 1716. 6 Tabitha, m. William Paine. Rev. D. Parsons. April 18, 1717. med. Jabez, m. Judith Hill, both of Mald., at Medford. 7. Tujfts, J. P. Jan. 4, 1722 [1721/2]. 8 Thomas, m. Abigail Hasey. Rev. J. Emerson. Jan. 10, 1723. 9 Timothy, m. Mary Oakes. Rev. 7. Emerson. April 28, 1726. 10 Elizabeth, m. Samuel Howard. ev. /. Emerson. July 12, 1727. 11 Hannah, m. Phineas Upham, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Dec. 30, 1730. 11 Samuel, m. Elizabeth Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. March 16, 1730/1. 13 Isaac, m. Deborah Wayte, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Nov. 28, 1734. 18 Deborah, m. Isaac Wayte, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Nov. 28, 1734. 15 Dorothy, m. Timothy Green, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Nov. 8, 1737. 16 Mary, m. John Mudge, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. May 4, 1738. 16 William, m. Deborah Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Dec. 28, 1738. In. Joseph, of Mald., m. Susanna Bancroft of Lynn, Jan. 3, 1738/9. 16 Phebe, m. Joseph Barrett, both of Mald. Aev. /. Emerson. April 27, 1739: 314 MALDEN MARRIAGES Waite, Wayte, Wait (continued) 19 19 19 19 chas. 21 21 21 22 23 23 23 lei. 25 26 chas. chel. chel. 27 med. med. 48 48 47 chel. 50 Anna, of Mald., m. John Hoyle of Providence. Rev. J. Emerson. Aug. II, 1743. Lois, m. Samuel Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Oct. 25, 1743. Tabitha, m. Nathan Newhall, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Oct. 26, 1743. John, of Chelsea, m. Sarah Faulkner of Mald. ev. /. Emerson. Nov. 25, 1743. Samuel, of Mald., m. Rebecca Sweetser of Charlestown. Rev. H. Abbot. March 20, 1745/6. Thomas, noma Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. June 13, 1740. Rachel, m. Jabez Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Oct. 9, 1746. Benjamin, of Mald., m. Barbara Unthank of Chelsea. ev. /. Emerson. March 20, 1746/7. Sarah, of Chelsea, m. Edward Oliver of Mald. ev. J. Emerson. March 23, 1747/8. Mary, of Mald., m. James Bailey of Boston. Rev. A. Cleaveland. May 16, 1748. Lois, of Mald., m. Ebenezer Upham of Leicester. Rev. _/. Emerson. Oct. 28, 1748. Mary, m. Thomas Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. A. Cleaveland. Jan. 17, 1748/9. Anna, of Mald., m. Thomas Burrage of Lynn. Rev. J. Emerson. Nov. 15, 1750. Hannah, of Mald., m. Israel Parsons of Leicester, Jan. 9, 1750/1. Judith, m. Richard Stowers, both of Mald. | Rev. /. Emerson. Feb. 6, 1750/1. Elizabeth, of Mald., m. Samuel Pratt of Chelsea. Rev. /. Emerson. Jan. I, 1752. Nathan, m. Dorothy Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. March 28, 1753. Samuel, Jr., of Mald., m. Mary Goodwin of Charlestown. Rev. H. Abbot. Feb. 21, 1754. Joseph, of Mald., m. Mary Wait of Chelsea [int. April 14, 1754], April 22, 1755. Mary, of Chelsea, m. Joseph Wait of Mald. [int. April 14, 1754], April 22, 1755. Timothy, m. Joanna Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Dec. 12, 1755. Nathan, Jr., of Mald., m. Phebe Tufts of Medford. Rev. E. Turrell. Oct. 15, 1757. - Rebecca, of Mald., m. Luke Lincoln of Petersham. . Rev. /. Emer- son. Jan. 18, 1760. Stephen, of Mald., m. Sarah Tufts of Medford. Rev. E. Turrell. Jan. 1, 1761. He 2 Darius Green, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. April , 1762. Eunice, of Mald., m. Noah Floyd, res. in Medford. Rev. E. Wallis. June 29, 1762. William, m. Elizabeth Blaney, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. July 20, 1762. Phebe, m. Ebenezer Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Feb. 24, 1764. Ezra, of Mald., m. Sarah Sargeant of Chelsea, Feb. 20, 1766. John, Jr., of Mald., m. Ruth Lynde, res. in Mald. ev. /. Emerson. Oct. 31, 1766. MALDEN MARRIAGES 318 Waite, Wayte, Wait (continued) 58 53 Ebenezer, m. Elizabeth Grover, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Sept. 27 [312, Sept. 28], 1770. Rachel, m. Jesse Burditt, both of Mald, Rev. P. Thacher. Feb. 21, 1771. ston. Micah, of Mald., m. Hannah Vinton of Stoneham. fev. /. Searl. 64 313 813 314 dost. 316 rea. 318 319 fer. chel. fer. fer. fer. fer. fer. fer. 822 822 823 323 324 324 324 825 May 28, 1771. Thomas, 3, m. Lydia Hitchings, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Oct. 10, 1771. Benjamin, Jr., m. Mary Shute, both of Mald. fev. P. Thacher. April 2, 1775. Samuel, Jr., m. Bethiah Ingoldsby, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 11, 1775. Mary, m. Charles Hill, both of Mald. fev. P. Thacher. Dec. 18, 1777- John, of Mald., m. Jane Skimmer of Boston. ev. S. Stillman. April 23, 1778. . Samuel, of Mald., m. [Mrs.] Rebecca Harris of Lancaster. ev. R. Holcomb. March 2, 1780. Elizabeth, of Mald., m. Philemon Munroe of Lexington. Rev. P.- Thacher. Feb. 15, 1784. Mary, m. Benjamin Bucknam, both of Mald., at Reading. Rev. C. Prentice. Jan. 4, 1785. Polly, of Mald., m. John Bryant of Reading. ev. £. Willis. May 19, 1785. Samuel, 3, m. Mercy Hill, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. May 13, 1788. Nancy, m. William Nichols, both of Mald. Rev. A. Judson. Dec. 19, 1790. Joseph, Jr., of Chelsea, m. Elizabeth Floyd of Mald. Rev. P. Payson. June 23, 1791. John, 3, m. Martha Barrett, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Dec. 4, 1792. Ruth, m. Seth Breeden, both of Mald. Rev. Z£. Wiilis. July 25, 1793: Samuel, Jr.,m. Sarah Caswell, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Dec. 3, 1793- Micah, Jr., m. Phebe Howard, both of Mald. Rev. Z. Wallis. Oct. 5, 1794. James, m. Elizabeth Ramsdell, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 30, 1796. Andrew, m. Susanna Cheever, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 7, 1797: Lydia, m. Samuel Shute, both-of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 30, 1797- Elizabeth, m. Benjamin Blaney, both of Mald. ev. A. Green. Feb. 15, 1798. Aaron, m. Nancy Cheever, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 31, 1798. Susan, m. Isaac Watts, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 2, 1799. aha m. Phebe Parker, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 29, 1800. Thomas, Jr.,m. Hannah Cheever, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. June 14, 1801. Hannah, of Mald., m. Jabez Dow of Kensington, N. H. Rev. A. Green. June 30, 1801. Samuel, m. Mrs. Ruth Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 14, 1802. 316 MALDEN MARRIAGES Waite, Wayte, Wait (continucd) 325 326 326 327 828 328 327 330 330 329 332 332 332 333 338 339 339 339 340 340 341 341 343 343 343 344 345 345 346 346 479 Lucy, m. David Lowd, both of Charlestown. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 23, 1802. Lieut. Micah, m. Martha Wait, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 3, 1803. Martha, m. Lieut. Micah Waitt, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 3, 1803. Ezra, 4,m. Rebecca Barns, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 5, 1804. William, 3, m. Mary Burditt, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 23, 1804. Hannah, of Mald., m. William Williams of Reading. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 24, 1805. John, m. Nancy Barnes, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. Feb. 17, 1805. Aaron, Jr., m. Nancy Townsend, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. July 7, 1805. Peter, m. Elizabeth Spring, both of Mald. Rev. H. Pottle. Oct. 6, 1805. Deborah, m. Timothy Clapp, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 28 [ fcr. Feb. 18], 1806. Capt. Daniel, m. Catherine Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. May 24, 1807. Phebe, of Mald., m. William Hudson of Putney, Vt. Rev. A. Green. May 24, 1807. William, 4, m. Abigail Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Aug. 13, 1807. Samuel, m. Mrs. Rebecca Brintnall, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 24, 1809. Sally, m. Unite Cox, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. J. Livermore. Dec. 31, 1811. Darius, m. Sarah Wait, bothof Mald. Rev. A.Green. July 22, 1813. Sarah, m. Darius Wait, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 22, 1813. Mrs. Phebe, m. Charles Hill, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 19, 1813. Nathaniel, m. Sarah Neagles, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 15, 1814. Ezra, Jr., m. Elizabeth Jenkins, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 27, 1815. Mercy, m. Eliakim Bucknam, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 2, 1815. : Benjamin, m. Ann Allen, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. July 6, 1815S. Jonathan, m. Elizabeth Hall, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 8, 1816. Pamela, m. Joseph Andrews, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. II, 1816. William, m. Elizabeth T. Learnard, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 15, 1816. Charles, m. Sally Learned. Rev. E. Nelson. March 29, 1818. Aaron, Jr.,m. Nancy Richardson,"both of Mald. Rev. E. WVelson. April 30, 1818. Eliza, meeps W. Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. E. Melson. May 22, 1818. Hannah, m. Ezra Floyd. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 3, 1819. Martha, m. Enoch Bryant of So. Reading. ev. A. Green. March 19, 1819. Phebe, Amos Ramsdill, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 5, 1822. MALDEN MARRIAGES 317 Waite, Wayte, Wait (continued) 495 496 496 496 498 499 500 501 504 514 507 515 516 621 521 520 621 526 §25 525 528 632 686 537 641 548 645 548 652 N17 Lydia, m. Warren Simonds, both of Mald. Rev. E. Nelson. Nov. 28, 1822. Elizabeth, m. Granville Jefts, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 26, 1825. Sally, of Mald., m. George Hervey of Andover. Rev. A. Green. Aug. 4, 1825. William, 4, m. Alice Polleys, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 24, 1826. Eliza, m. Arthur B. York, both of Mald. £. Wade, J.P. April 17, 1828. John, 3, of Mald., m. Huldah Tufts of Chelsea. Rev. G. W. Fatr- banks. June Q, 1828. Sarah, m. Timothy Clapp, both of Mald. £. Buck, J.P. April 7, 1829. : Harriet C., m. Joel Kendall, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobé. July 16, 1829. Susan, m. William Jones, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. Nov. 18, 1830. Samuel H., m. Nabby L. Oakes. Z. Buck, J. P. Oct. 4, 1832. William, Jr.,m. Sarah Holden. Rev. A. Briggs. April 28, 1833. Phebe, m. William Mann, both of Mald. ev. C. Sawyer. June 26, 1833. Nancy, m. Oliver Lord, both of Mald. Rev. C. Noble. Dec. 23, 1833. Caleb, m. Mary C. Sprague, both of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. June 15, 1834. Francis T., of Mald., m. Louisa Putnam of Charlestown, N. H. Rev. C. Sawyer. Jan. 4, 1835. Susan G., of Mald., m. Ebenezer P. Gould of Boston. Rev. A. W. McClure. April 21, 1835. Peter A., m. Hannah B. Shute, both of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. April 26, 1835. Martha S.,m. Solomon P. Corey, both of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. May 6, 1835. George N., m. [Mrs.] Lucy Oakes, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Sept. 17, 1835. Bsa Lowell Chamberlain, both of Mald. Rev. S. Codd. Jan. 4, 1836. Aaron L., m. Julia [H.] Lord, both of Mald. Rev. D. Culver. Dec. 23, 1836. Mane, m. Simon Black, both of Mald. B.G. Hzll,/. P- Dec. 6, 1837. Ezra, Jr., m. Lydia A. Oliver, both of Mald. Rev. J. M. Driver. April 17, 1839. Elizabeth, m. Elias Elliot, Jr., both of Mald. G. Haven, J.P. July I, 1839. John ’J., m. Emeline Oliver, both of Mald. Rev. J. M. Driver. May 21, 1840. Aaron, m. Lucy Brown, both of So. Reading. Rev. J. McLeish. Sept. 30, 1841. Joseph H., m. Elizabeth Abbot, both of Mald. G. Haven, J. P. Oct. 16, 1841. John, - Hannah Lathe, both of Mald. Rev. J. McLeish. Nov. 6, 1841. Elizabeth B., m. David C. Robbins, both of Mald. Rev. M. W. Williams. Nov. 24, 1842. Rebecca L. [int. Rachel], da of John and Nancy, m. William L. Burditt, s of Lemuel and Bridget, all of Mald. 2. G. Hill, /. P- Nov. 6, 1843. 318 MALDEN MARRIAGES Waite, Wayte, Wait (continued) 717. Stephen, s of William and Abigail, m. Susan O. Mann, all of Mald. Rev. J. Cookson. Dec. 13, 1843. 718 Ebenezer E., 23, b. in Chelsea, s of Oliver and Hannah, m. Susan W. Pratt, 21, da of Jacob and Jemima, all of Mald. Rev. /. Cookson. Jan. 16, 1845. 718 Caroline E., da of Ezra and Elizabeth, m. Horace Lewis, b. in New Boston, N. H., s of Amasa and Polly, all of Mald. Rew. C. Goodrich. Sept. 25, 1845. 720 John, wid., m. Elizabeth Clark, both of Mald. Rev. J. McLeish. June 7, 1846. 720 Mary Ann, of Mald., da of William and Abigail, m. Anthony Lovett, wid., of Mald., 44, Boston. Rev. /. Cookson. Sept. 30, 1847. 721 Almira A., 22, da of Thomas and Hannah, m. George Hanson, 24, s of William and Susan, both of Mald. ev. C. B. Smith. Oct. 10, 1848. 721 Mary A. E., of Mald., 18, da of Oliver and Hannah, m. Samuel H. Kempton of Plymouth, 22, s of John and Abigail G. Rev. C. B. Smith. Nov. 2, 1848. 721 Caroline Brown, of Mald., 18, da of Nathaniel and Sarah, m. Calvin Atwood of No. Chelsea, 28, s of Asa. Rev. C. B. Smith. Dec. 25, 1848. 723 David, 2, 25,8 of William and Abigail, m. Frances P. Flanders, 20, both of Mald. Rev. C. B. Smith. Feb. 25, 1849. 722 Ebenezer, 2, of Mald., 29, s of Darius and Sarah, m. Caroline A. F. Grover of No. Chelsea, 17, da of Elias and Rebecca. W. S. Stearns, J. P. May 28 [726, May 27], 1849. 722 Hannah M., 22, da of Oliver and Emily, m. Rufus McAllister, 29, s of Benjamin and Charlotte, both of Mald. Rev. C. B. Smith. June 21, 1849. 724 Darius, 27, b. in.Chelsea, s of Darius, m. Helen Cochrane, 23, b. in Wilmot, N. S.,da of William. Rev. C. B. Smith. Oct. 17, 1850. Wakefield $29 Terence, of Boston, m. Rebecca Dexter of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 25, 1805. Waldron 720 Mrs. Elizabeth, of Mald., m. John Somerby of Portsmouth, N. H. Rev. T. A. Latham. Dec. 29, 1847. Walker 14 Phineas, of Brookfield, m. Ruth Chadwick of Mald. ev. /. Emer- son. July 3, 1736. ; 532 Charles, m. Mary R. Burnham, both of So. Reading. ev. S. Codd. Sept. 4, 1837. Wallingford 652 Drusilla, m. William C. Hall. Rev. J. Blodgett. [Date not given, returned Feb. 3, 1843.] Walton rea, Abigail, of Reading, m. Benjamin Haywood of Mald., June 19, 1740. 27 Isaac, of Reading, m. Mary Cowen of Mald. ev. J. Emerson. Nov. 29, 1754+ rea. Catherine, of Reading, m. Lemuel Brown of Mald. Rev. C. Prentice. Oct. 16, 1770. rea. Hannah, of Reading, m. William Upham of Mald. Rev. C. Prentice. Oct. 16, 1777. : 607 Joshua, m. Harriet Malinda [(elendy ?]. Rev. A. Briggs. May 29, 1832. MALDEN MARRIAGES 319 Ward ; 515 Mary Ann, m. Isaac Baldwin, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. Dec. 12, 1833. 587 Nathaniel, m. Jane Adams, both of Mald. Rev. A. Hill. March Io, 1839. 719 George W., Jr., of Boston, 25, s of George W. and Margaret, m. Susan B. Warren of Mald., 21, da of John B. and Susan. C. Lewis, J. P. Oct. 31, 1846. 721 Caroline E., 18, da of James and Emeline, m. Frederick Baldwin, 26, s of Jonathan and Mary, all of Mald. Rev. J. G. Adams. Feb. 4, 1849. Warren 529 Thomas R., m. Susan Edmester, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobd. Oct 29, 1836. 719 Susan B., of Mald., 21, da of John B. and Susan, m. George W. Ward, Jr, of Boston, 25, s of George W. and Margaret. C. Lewis, J. P. Oct. 31, 1846. 724 John, of Mald., 35, b. in Portland, Me., s of John S., m. Henrietta A. Flagg, 27, b. in Salem, da of Ephraim and Betsey. ev. J. V. Himes. Sept. 14, 1850. Washburn 339 Reuben, Esq., of Lynn, m. Hannah B[laney] Thacher of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 10, 1813. $44 Elias, m. Lydia Allen. Rev. A. Green. June 5, 1817. Wason 7 Samuel, m. Joanna Upham. fev. D. Parsons. Nov. 15, 1717. Watkins 16 Hannah, m. John Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. J. Stimpson. July 24, 1740. 835 James, m. Nancy Tufts, bothof Mald. Rev.A. Green. April 5, 1810. 606 Ann E., m. George N. Twiss, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobs. June 12, 1831. 720 Catherine, of Mald., 23, da of James and Nancy, m. Joseph M. Coombs of Charlestown, 24,s of Anthony and Hannah. fev. L. Langworthy [Chelsea]. May to, 1848. Watts ' 28 Elizabeth, of Chelsea, m. Nathan Burditt of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. March 2, 1756. 50 William, of Woburn, m. Mrs. Lydia Shute of Mald. ev. £. Willis. June 6, 1765. 817 Isaac, of Chelsea, m. Rachel Pratt of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Dec. 3, 1779. chel. Sarah, of Chelsea, m. Ezra Upham of Mald. Rev. P. Payson. Aug. 15, 1782. $21 Lydia, of Mald., m. David Green of Hillsboro, N. H. Rev. £. Willis. Dec. 13, 1789. $22 Polly, m. David Nichols, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 12, 1797- 823 Isaac, m. Susan Wait, both of Mald. Rev.A. Green. May 2, 1799. 827 Mary, m. William Shute, both of Mald. ev. A. Green. Jan. 31, 1804. 495 Isaac, m. Olive Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. E. Melson. Jan. 1, 1823. Webb c.c. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Greene, [Aug. 19, 1667]. ec, Benjamin, m. Mercy Bucknam, Dec. 7, 1669. 824 Mary, of Brookline, m. Isaac Parker of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. 22, 1801. 320 MALDEN MARRIAGES ‘Webber 515 John, m. Mary Ann Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobd. Feb. 2, 1834. Weeks, see Wicks ec. Mary, m. Thomas Green, 22 (1), 1675/6. Welch 502 Hiram, m. Mary H. Pierce. Rev. A. Briggs. Oct. 27, 1829. Wellington 346 Lucy, m. Isaac Roby. Rev. A. Green. March 17, 1819. Wellman scr. Stephen, m. Dorothy Jenkins, both of Mald. Rev. EF. Willis. Dec. 14, 1769. Wells 502 Henry M., m. Eliza Penny, both of Saugus. Rev. 7. F. Norris. Oct. 9, 1829. , Wentworth 717 Jane, m. Oliver Berry, both of Mald. Rev. /. Blodgett. May 17, 1843. 725 Andrew, m. Anna Tuttle, both of Dover, N. H. ev. S. Norris. May 19, 1850. 724 Mary R., 24, b. in Berwick, Me., da of Moses, m. Hiram A. Butler of Mald., 26, b. in Hallowell, s of Hiram. Rev. 7./. Greenwood. Sept. 14, 1850. Wesson 816 James, of Reading, m. Sarah Pratt of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. April 1, 1784. ‘Wetherbee $26 Joseph, of Boston, m. Esther Wade of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 23, 1802. 833 Sarah, m. Lemuel Smith, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 23, 1809. 498 Lucy W., m. Henry Pitts, both of Mald. £. Wade, J. P. April II, 1827. Wheeler ec. Elizabeth, m. William Green. Capt. Marshall. 13 (7), 1659. c.c. Sarah, m. John Greene. Capt. Johnson. 18 (10), 1660. c.c. Mary, m. Samuel Green, both of Mald. Rev. 7. Cheever. May 4, 1694. 10 Isaac, m. Mehitable Sweetser. Rev. J. Emerson. April 17, 1729. 26 Isaac, of Mald., m. Mary Stone of Charlestown. ev. E. Willis. April 18, 1754. 48 Mary, of Mald., m. Samuel Tarbox of Lynn. Rev. E. Willis. May 21, 1758. 48 Sarah, m. Zaccheus Banks, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Aug. 31, 1758. 47 Samuel, m. Anna Brown, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Oct. 1, 1762. 317 Benjamin, of Concord, m. Susanna Williams of Bedford. Rev. E. Willis. Sept. 11, 1777. 815 Mary, m. Samuel Burditt, Jr., both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Sept. Io, 1780. med. Isaac, m. Polly Blanchard, both of Mald., at Medford. Rev. D. Osgood. Oct. 24, 1790. eam. Dr. John, of Dover, N. H., m. Rebecca Harris of Mald., at Cam- bridge. Rev. 7. Fiske. March 12, 1793. fer. Samuel, m. Rachel Howard, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Dec. 22, 1793. MALDEN MARRIAGES 321 Wheeler (continued) fer. John, m. Sarah S. Goss, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Sept. to, 1823. | 499 Abigail’ A., m. Samuel Robinson, both of Mald. Rev. S. Codd. Sept. 10, 1828. 506 Timothy A.,m. Elizabeth Sprague, bothof Stoneham. ev. S. Codd. July 31, 1831. 717 Harriet A,, of Stoneham, m. Squires Tidd of Woburn. Rev. /. G. Adams. Aug. 13, 1843. Whipple 718 John, 30, b. in Ira, Vt.,m. Mary H. Breeden, 18, da of Samuel N. and Martha, both of Mald. Rev. J. Cookson. June 4, 1844. White 583 Elijah B., m. Caroline Wilkinson, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. June 24, 1838. 547 Truman, m. Dorcas Norwood. Rev. /.G. Adams. Dec. 22, 1841. 717 Susan, m. Edward Tufts, 2, both of Mald. Rev. /. Cookson. Feb. 20, 1844. Whiting 839 Calvin, of Charlestown, m. Lucretia Payne of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 3 [ fer. March 13], 1814. Whitman 722 Hannah Emily, of Mald., 16, b. in Boston, da of Elias and Lucinda Bean, m. William St. Agnan Stearns of Mald., 26, b. in Salem, s of Richard and M.T. fev. /. G. Adams, May 10, 1849. Whitmarsh 477 Mary Ann, m. John Ramsdill, 3, both of Mald. Rev. EZ. Melson. Sept. 25, 1820. Whitredge fer. Thomas J., of Reading, m. Mary N. Simonds of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 20, 1823. ‘Whittemore ec. Hannah, of Woburn, m. James Nichols of Mald. Rev. J. Fox [Woburn]. Nov. 15, 1686. ec. Elizabeth, m. Jacob Winslade, May 16, 1690. 2 Benjamin, m. Elizabeth Kenicott. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Sept. 17, 1702. 2 James, m. Hannah Scadled [Scarlet]. Rev. M. Wigglesworth, May _, 1703. 13 Joshua, m. Elizabeth Whittemore, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. April 25, 1734. 13 Elizabeth, m. Joshua Whittemore, both of Mald. ev. /. Emerson. April 25, 1734. nee. Jonathan, of Mald., m. Sarah Woodcock of Needham, April 10, 1735. nee. Hannah, of Mald., m. Michael Woodcock of Needham, April 10, 1735. 18 Richard, of Killingly, m. Elizabeth Baldwin of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Dec. 26, 1735. 15 Deborah, of Mald.,m. Moses Gleason of Oxford. ev. /. Stimpson. Feb. 2, 1737/8. 18 Lydia, of Mald., m. Nathan Richardson of Woburn. Rev. /. Stimp- son. April 3, 1740. 16 Sarah, of Mald., m. Ichabod Clark of Stoughton. Rev. /. Stimpson. March 30, 1741. 18 James, m. Mary Sherman, both of Mald. Rev. J. Stimpson. June 4, 1744. 21 322 MALDEN MARRIAGES Whittemore (continued) 21 Lydia, of Mald., m. Moses Collins of Roxbury. fev. J. Emerson. May 20, 1746. 22 Hannah, m. Joseph Sargeant, both of Mald. /. Bucknam, /. P. Jan. 20, 1746/7. 48 Phebe, of Mald., m. Jonathan Richardson of Woburn. ev. L£. Willis. Dec. 13, 1759- 61 Mary, m. Thomas Barnes, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Jan. 27, 1765. wob. Joseph, of Mald., m. Ruhamah Holden of Woburn, Sept. Io, 1771. 55 Daniel, of Mald.,m. Anstis Jackes, res. in Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Dec. 27, 1774. 820 Joel, m. Catherine Green, both of Mald. £. Sargeant, /. P. Jan. 3, 1785. 835 William, m. Esther Nichols, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 14, 1811. fer. John, ’m. Susan F loyd, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. June 22, 1823. 525 Emeline, m. Joseph O. Dix, both of So. Reading. Rev. S. Codd. Aug. 13, 1835. §29 William, m. Joanna T. Oliver, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Nov. 8, 1836. Wicks, sce Weeks c.c. Richard, m. Mercy Lee of Mald. /. Wade. Dec. 2, 1686. Wigglesworth 2 Abigail, m. Samuel Tappan. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Dec. 23, 1700, 8 Dorothy, m. James Upham. fev. D. Parsons. June 2, 1709. Wilbur 724 Dr. Greenleaf, of Mald., 30, b. in Augusta, Me., s of David, m. Frances E. Moor, 24, b. in Winthrop, Me., da of Isaac. Rev. A.W. McClure. Oct. 16, 1850. Wilder 496 Mirick, of Dracut, m. Nancy Tarbell of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 4, 1826. Wiley, Willy rea. John, of Reading,m. Dorcas Green of Mald. Rev. J. Pierpont. Dec. 19, 1705. 26 Bhencver, 2E Reading, m. Elizabeth Sprague of Mald. Rev. /. Emerson. Jan. 2, 1754. ston. Hannah, of Mald., m. Stephen Lynde of Stoneham. Fev. /. Cleave- land. Aug. 19, 1794. $22 John, m. Sarah Barret, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Oct. 24, 1797. 521 Ellis, of So. Reading, m. Elizabeth Wade of Lynnfield. Rev. C. Sawyer. Sept. 11, 1834. 544 Samuel S., m. Rebecca N. Pease, both of So. Reading. Rev. MV. W. Williams. Oct. 23, 1840. 719 Peter, m. Mary Brown, both b. in So. Reading. Rev. W. Tozer. [Date not given, recorded April 10, 1846.] 720 Caroline M., of Mald., 21, da of Ephraim and Rebecca, m. Reuben A. Adams of Provincetown, 21,s of Johnand Sarah. Rev. £. Wiley. Jan. 24, 1848. Wilkins chas. Mary, of Charlestown, m. James Moulton of Mald. ev. H. Adbot. April 9, 1734. MALDEN MARRIAGES 323 Wilkins (continued) : 389 Simon, m. Deborah Lear, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 22, 1813. 718 Joseph, of Stoneham, 23,s of David and Mary of Middleton, m. Mary H. Richardson of Stoneham, 19, da of Nathaniel and Abigail. Rev. J. G. Adams. April 21, 1844. Wilkinson c.c. Susanna, m. Samuel Haward, (1), 1671. 2 Elizabeth, m. Obadiah Abbe. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. Dec. 26, 1701. 2 Hannah, of Mald., m. Stephen Armstrong of Norwich. Col. //. Lynde, J. P. Dec. 16, 1708. 8 Abigail, m. Abraham Cuzzens. ev. D. Parsons. Jan. 4, 1709. 4 Sarah, m. William Johnson. ev. D. Parsons. Nov. 6, 1712. wat. Ebenezer, m. Sarah Haward, both of Mald., at Watertown. /. Bond, J. P. June 21, 1714. 583 Caroline, m. Elijah B. White, both of Mald. Rev. S. Cobb. June 24, 1838. Williams med. Samuel, of Charlestown, m. Susanna —— of Mald., at Medford. 7. Tufts, J. P. Dec. 19, 1719. In. Lydia, of Lynn, m. Joseph Paine of Mald. Rev. B. Adams. Jan. 3, 1757: 817 Jeffrey Bedgood, m. Mrs, Hannah Pratt, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Nov. 3, 1776. 817 Susanna, of Bedford, m. Benjamin Wheeler of Concord. Rev. E. Willis. Sept. 11, 1777. 816 Sarah, m. John Edmonds, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Jan. 6, 1782. rea. William, of Mald., m. Susanna Emerson of Reading. Rev. C. Pren- tice. Dec. 12, 1793. $23 William, of Reading, m. Bathsheba Smith of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Aug. 20, 1798. $28 William, of Reading, m. Hannah Wait of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 24, 1805. 496 Capt. John, of Chelsea, m. Sophia Nichols of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Dec. 22, 1825. 498 Clarissa, of Saugus, m Phineas Green, Jr., of Mald. Rev. G. W. Fairbanks. Oct. 20, 1827. 548 Mary Elizabeth, of Mald., m. Dr. Jophanus Henderson of Farming- ton, Me. Rev. VN. W. Willams. Oct. 22, 1841. Willings 720 Martha A., m. Osborne Richardson, both of Stoneham. Rev. 7. A. Latham. July 4, 1847 Willis 27 Jireh, of Dartmouth, m. Abigail Blaney of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. Oct. 22, 1756. 818 Sarah, of Mald., m. Nahum Sargeant, Mald. Rev. E. Willis. Oct. 16, 1786, Wilson 1 Jacob, m. Susanna Roas. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. May 20, 1696. 8 Nathaniel, m. Martha Newhall. Rev. B Parsons. Jan. 5, 1709. 3 Samuel, m. Margaret Chamberlain. Rev. D. Parsons. March 6, 1711/2. 16 Robert, mee Jackson, both of Mald. Rev. J. Emerson. July 12, 1738. 324 MALDEN MARRIAGES Wilson (continued) oy 26 Joseph, res. in Boston, m. Huldah Blaney of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Sept. 20, 1753- eh 51 Huldah, of Mald., m. Joseph Paine of Charlestown. fev. Z. Willis. April 28, 1765. 52 Tabitha, of Mald.,m. Benjamin Parker of Medford. Rev. Z. Willis. June 23, 1768. 314 Elizabeth, m. James Kettell, both of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Nov. 9, 1777: dor. Nancy, of Mald., m. Lemuel Spurr, Jr., of Dorchester. Mev. 7. M. Harris. Feb. 26, 1798. 326 Luke, res. in Mald., m. Phebe Lincoln of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 25, 1803. dor. John, of Mald., m. Milley Colburn of Dorchester. Rev. 7. M. Harris. May 17, 1812. 841 Benjamin, m. Hannah Howard, both of Mald. Rev. £. Wiley. Sept. 12, 1816, 842 Asa, m. Nancy Faulkner, both of Mald. Rev. E. Nelson. Oct. 10, 1816. 843 Joseph B., m. Harriet A. Crosfield, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Jan. 5, 1817. 632 Harriet, m. Silas Miller, both of Mald. Rev. A.W.McClure. Feb. I, 1838. 720 Daniel F., m. Mary Jane Gilford, both of Saugus. Rev. 7. A. Latham. Nov. 25, 1847. Winbourne c.c. John, m. Elizabeth Hart, 11 (2), 1667. Wing 723 Judah, of Mald., 32, s of Judah and Rebecca, m. Ellen J. Boardman, 23, da of Joseph and Mary. Rev. W. R. Parsons. Jan. 31, 1850. Winship 831 Abiel [.4ée/ in int.], m. Martha Upham Wade, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 17, 1807. 839 Asaph, m. Winifred Howard, both of Mald. Rev. A. Green. April 17, 1814. 4989 Mrs. Winifred, of Mald., m. Josiah Buswell of Sutton, N. H. Rev. S. Cobb. March 8, 1830. Winslade, Winslead, Winslow For this name and its several forms see History of Malden, 845. e.c. John [Winslow], m. Sarah Moulton. &. Bellingham, § (3), 1652. C.c. Fee L inale 2], m. Elizabeth Whittemore, May 16, 1690. 4 Mary |Winsied], m. Patrick Flynn. Rev. D. Parsons. July 16, 1713. 20 Mary [Winslow], m. Silas Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. /. Emer- son, Feb. 14, 1745/6. 26 Elizabeth [Winslow], m. Jabez Burdett, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. May 3, 1753. Winslow, sce Winslade 477 Capt. George, of Boston, m. Elizabeth Reid of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Feb. 13, 1821. 507 Caleb S., m. Caroline Barrett. Rev. S. Cobb. March 18, 1833. 530 Sally M., m. Peter J. Ballard, both of Marblehead, in Marblehead. Rev. S. Cobb. March 5, 1837. Winter ec. [Hannah], m. Robert Burditt. Mr. Nowell. (9), 1653. MALDEN MARRIAGES 325 Wire scr. Rebecca, m. Nathan Cousens, both of Mald. Rev. Z. Willis. Aug. 9, 1753- Wise 818 John, drum major, m. Ruth, da of George Havens, late deceased, both of East Greenwich, R. I., at Prospect Hill. Rev. P. Thacher. Aug. , 1775. 326 nel, ree, in Lynn, m. Sarah Dexter of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Nov. 8, 1803. 525 Daniel P[arker], m. Martha Crockett, both of Mald. Rev. A. W. McClure. Jan. 5, 1836. Wood, Woods ec. Ruth, m. Phineas Upham. &. Russell. 14 (2), 1658. 17 Rebecca, of Boston, m. James Dunbar of Mald. ev. J. Stimpson. Jan. 11, 1742/3. 515 Otis C[handler], m. Harriet C. Shute, both of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. July 10, 1833. Woodbury 521 Hannah, m. Samuel W. Cox, both of Mald. Rev. C. Sawyer. Sept. 25, 1834. Woodcock nee. Sarah, of Needham, m. Jonathan Whittemore of Mald., April 10, 1735. nee. Michael, of Needham, m. Hannah Whittemore of Mald., April 10, 1735. Woodward 498 Thomas B., m. Susan Hitchings, both of Mald. Rev. J. Cookson. March 24, 1825. 526 oe m. Jacob S. Rayner, both of So. Reading. Rev. C. Sawyer. ug. 9, 1835. 719 Bibeee 3 m. Samuel S. Sweetser, both of Lowell. Rev. J. Sanborn. May 28, 1846. Woolson 9 Joseph, of Weston, m. Elizabeth Upham of Mald. ev. /. Emerson. Oct. 6, 1726. Worth ec. Judith, m. Joses Bucknam, I (3), 1673- Wright 7 Mary, m. Simon Grover. Rev. D. Parsons. Jan. 15, 1717/8. med. Sarah, m. Ebenezer Desper, both of Mald., at Medford. TZ. 7u/ts, J.P. Dec. 24, 1720. 17 Mary, of Mald., m. Joshua Tucker of Woodstock. Rev. /. Stimpson. Feb. 11, 1741/2. 28 Mary, of Mald., m. Nathaniel Doe of New Market, N. H. Rev. £. Willis. Sept. 27, 1757. 501 Me m. Edward Gove, both of Mald. ev. S. Codd. Sept. 23, 1829. 524 William, of Reading, m. Sally Larrabee of Mald. Rev. S. Codd. Sept. 6, 1835. Wyeth 337 Jonathan, of Watertown, m. Deborah Sargent of Mald. Rev. A. Green. Aug. 4, 1811. Wyman 1 Isabel, m. John Green. Rev. M. Wigglesworth. 1700. wob. Elizabeth, of Woburn, m. Samuel Buckman of Mald., Sept. 19, 1738. 314 Samuel, Esq., of Woburn, m. Mary Green of Mald. Rev. P. Thacher. Dec, 18, 1777. 326 MALDEN MARRIAGES Wyman (continued ) fer. Mrs, Mary, m. Joseph Lynde, both of Mald. Rev. £. Willis. Nov. 20, 1792. 326 Mary, of Woburn, m. Nathaniel Howard of Mald. Rev. A. Green. March 2 [_ fer. March 20], 1803. wob. Clarissa, m. George Richardson, both of Mald. [in Woburn], April 13, 1823. 580 Seth, of Woburn, m. Charity M. Daniels of Charlestown, in Woburn. Rev. S. Cobb. Jan. 5, 1837. 719 David W., wid., m. Hannah F. Patch, both of Mald. Rev. W. Tozer. [Date not given, recorded April 10, 1846.] Yeaton 534 Richard, m. Charlotte M. Tufts, both of Mald. Rev. D. B. Harris [Saugus]. March 1, 1838. York 498 saa oe m. Eliza Wait, both of Mald. £. Wade, J. P. April 17, 1828, ADDITION. Comee 318 Hannah, m. Thomas Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. May 20, 1783. CANCEL. Coombs, Cooms 818 Hannah, m. Thomas Sargeant, both of Mald. Rev. E. Willis. May 20, 1783. aed DEATHS IN MALDEN, MASS. FROM EARLIEST RECORD TO CLOSE OF 1850. Surnames occurring in the text of Births and Deaths are in ztadics. Abbot 464 Elizabeth, da of William and Nabby, 9 m., April 5, 1819. 650 William [hus. of Abigail], 64 y. [g.s. 67], palsy, Jan. 15 [g.s. 14], 1843. Adams ec. Elizabeth, wf. of Richard, (9), 1656. ec. Richard, 6 (8), 1674. g.s. Sarah Ann, only da of Charles and Sarah, 8 y. 5 m., Sept. 15, 1827. g.s. Charles, 42 y., Dec. 15, 1827. 730 Ruth a wid., b. in Hanover, 75 y. Io m. 15 d., old age, Aug. 25, 1844. 734 Myra G., da of John G. and Mary H.,1 m. 5 d., erysipelas, Sept. 8, 13847. Adelaide 788 Mary E. [perhaps an error in the surname], da of James and Adelaide, 1 y. 1 m., cholera infantum, Sept. 27, 1850. Ager 735 Leonard, b. in Shrewsbury, 48 y., inflammation of lungs, March 24, 1849. Alden 735 Charles F., 22 y., fever, Aug. 14, 1848. Allen g-8. John, abt. 30 y., Nov. , 1678. g.8. Mercy, wf. of John, 35 y., Jan. , 1678. 464 Lydia, wf. of James, 25 y., Sept. 5, 18109. 466 Emeline, da of James, Jan. 20, 1821. Amerige 735 George H., 4m. 15 d., scarlet fever, Feb. 16, 1849. 737 Edward, 9 m. [prob. error for the following], Jan. 21, 1850. 738 Edward H.,s of Edward and Celicia, 9 d. [this should prob. be, s of Henry and Celia. See infant son in entry of Celia], Jan. 21, 1850. 737 Celia, wf. of Henry, b. in N. H., 28 y., consumption [g.s. also their infant son], Feb. 3, 1850. Atkins 458 Daniel [Jr.], s of Capt. [Daniel], 1 y., March 26 [1814]. g.s. Daniel, 67 y., Feb. 27, 1836. g.s. Armenta [prob. da of Capt. Daniel], 20 y. 10 m., Dec. 28, 1839. gs. Thankful, wf. of Daniel, 65 y., June 29, 1841. 731 Washington, s of [Capt. Daniel and] Thankful, 25 y., consumption, March 8 [g.s. 5], 1845. 328 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Atkins (continued) 731 732 Susan E. W., da of [Washington and] Susan, 8 y. 8 m. [g.s. has 8 m. only], dropsy, July 8, 1845. Susan J. [wid. of Washington], consumption, 27 y.[g.s. 26 y.], Sept. 8, 1846. Atwood c.c. c.c. c.c. C.c. g.8. g.8. 739 Rachel, wf. of Philip, 5 (12), 1673. Rachel, wf. of Philip [see preceding], 7 (9), 1674. Elizabeth, wf. of Philip, (8), 1676. Elizabeth, —— of Philip, Sen., April 3, 1688. Elizabeth, da of Oliver and Anna, Io m. 14 d., July 31, 1703. Mary E., wf. of Benjamin F., da of Leonard and Alice Emerson, 22 y., March 23, 1843. Calvin, b. in Charlestown, 3 m., bowel complaint, Dec. , 1850. Augur c.c. William, s of William, Dec. 20, 1661. Avery 177 240 733 ‘786 Margaret [8 y.], Oct. [g.s. Nov.] 10, 1694. Theodore Kittredge, s of Ephraim, 5 w., Dec. 21, 1803. Lucy, da of Kittredge and Harriet, 7 d., Sept. _, 1846. Charles, s of Kittredge and Harriet, 7 d., Oct. 8, 1848. Bacon gsm. Betty, wf. of Jonas, 67 y., July 11, 1833. Bailey g.8. 469 469 469 469 474 Baker 456 Balch g.8. Mary, wf. of James of Boston, da of Thomas [and Abigail] Wayte, 36 y., Aug. 30, 1763. John Calvin [s of Timothy and Eunice], May 21, 1827. Luther [s of Timothy and Eunice], Nov. 10, 1830. Eunice, wf. of Timothy [37 y.], Feb. 14, 1833. Joseph Henry [s of Timothy and Eunice], Feb. 16, 1833. Mary B., wf. of Timothy [40 y.], Dec. 18, 1840. Wid. Ann Soren of Boston, wf. of the late John S. Baker, 86 y., Jan. 21, 1813. Sabrina, wf. of John C., 34 y., Oct. 31, 1834. Baldwin, Balden g.8. g.8. 179 189 191 192 g.8. 207 199 205 208 211 g.8. g.8. 218 240 Elizabeth, da of Joseph and Elizabeth, 3 y. 6 m., May 25, 1703. Phebe, da of Joseph and Elizabeth, 3 y. 2 m., Jan. 7, 1712/3. Joses, Sen. [51 y.], Nov. 23 [g.s. 22], 1714. Mary (da of Joseph and Elizabeth, 28 y.], Oct. 11, 1736. Nathan, s of James and Mary, Dec. 3, 1740. Elizabeth, wid. of Joseph [75 y. 5 m.], Jan. 2, 1744/5. Ruth, da of Joseph and Elizabeth, 44 y. 9 m. 3 d., Dec. 18, 1747. William, s of Joseph and Sarah, April 7, 1752. Samuel, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Sept. 29, 1754. Joseph, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, and hus. of Sarah [67 y.], Oct. 25, 1759. Jerusha, es Samuel and Elizabeth, Sept. 23, 1767. Sarah, wid. of Joseph [79 y.], May 31, 1773- Samuel, 46 y., March to, 1776. Elizabeth, 24 y. [perhaps error in date, see next entry], Oct. 24, 1781. Elizabeth, da of wid. Elizabeth, Oct. 24, 1787. John, s of Jonathan, 1 y., Dec 11, 1803. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 329 Baldwin, Balden (continued) g-8. Elizabeth, wid. of Samuel, 90 y., Oct. 24, 1822. 648 Elizabeth, wf. of William, 20 y., consumption, Jan. 20, 1833. 648 Alfred Henry, s of Isaac and Mary Ann, April 5, 1842. 648 Abigail B., wi. of George, 25 y., childbed, May 15, 1842. Ballard 209 Sarah, an aged woman, June 24, 1767. Banks 211 Zaccheus, hus. of Sarah, Jan. 1, 1775. 286 Sarah, wid., 68 y., Sept. 21, 1806. gs. Elizabeth, wf. of William, 74’y., March 13, 1842. 732 William, wid., b. in Maine, 79 y., old age, Dec. 8, 1846. Barker . 472 William H[enry], of Nashville, Tenn., died at the house of Mrs. Estes, 48 y., Dec. 8, 1837. Barnard 650 Luman M., 4 y. 5 m., fever, Jan. 3, 1843. Barnes 198 Elizabeth, da of William and Mary, Nov. Io, 1753. 198 Samuel, s of William and Mary, Nov. 28, 1753. 217 William, Oct. 18, 1786. 218 WE. of William, April , 1788. 221 Ch. of Hannah, Nov. 22, 1792. 224 Nathaniel, s of Hannah, 1 y. 3 m., May.21, 1796. 464 Thomas, Sept. 20, 1819. 464 Hannah [no date, entry made 1819]. Barney 650 Sarah, wf. of Gegrge T., 20 y., fever, Jan. 2, 1843. 733 Lucy S., wf. of George T., b. in Charlestown, 23 y. 2 m. 3d., bleeding of lungs, July 31, 1846. 735 William, s of William and Nancy, 6 m., whooping cough, Nov. 30, 1847. 737 Mrs. E. [Mary Eliza], wf. of George T., b. in Charlestown, 26 y., dysentery, Aug. 26, 1849. Barrett g-8. Abigail, wf. of Jonathan, 38 y. 8 m., Oct. 23, 1715. g.s. Abigail, da of Jonathan and Abigail, 19 y. 10 m., April 30, 1721. 183 Mary, wf. of James, —— 28, 1734. 186 James, hus. of Anna, July 31, 1740. 186 Anna, wid. of the late James, April 4, 1741. 183 James, s of James and Mary, June 18, 1742. 197 Dea. Jonathan, 72 y., Sept. 7, 1749. 207 Joseph, hus. of Phebe, Aug. 17, 1758. 207 James, hus. of Abigail, Dec. 17, 175-. 202 Tabitha, wf. of James [48 y.], July 3, 176r. 207 Ebenezer, s of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, and hus. of Phebe, June 9,1765. g-8. Elizabeth, wf. of Ebenezer, 58 y., Feb. 11, 1769. 211 Martha, da of Joseph and Phebe, May 3, 1773. g-8. Ebenezer, s of Joseph and Mary, 8 y., Feb, 12, 1777. 216 John, Feb. 19, 1784. 216 Anna, Oct. 13, 1784. 218 Ebenezer [83 y.], Nov. 25, 1788. 219 Sarah, wf. of Joseph, Jr., April, 1791. 223 Abigail [wid. of James], 85 y., March 7, 1796. 330 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Barrett (continued ) 229 Joseph, 56 y. [g-s. 57 y.], July 7, 1800. 234 Caroline, da of William, ro m., Aug. 31, 1805. 242 Ebenezer, 25 y., nervous debility, March 12, 1809 [g.s. 1808]. 241 George, s of Joseph and Martha, 2 y. 1 m., Oct. 6, 1808. 242 Joseph, 5 y. [ g.s. 56 y. ], consumption, July 10, 1809. 243 Betsey, da of Joseph and Martha, 17 y., consumption, April 8, 1810. 455 Rachel Washman, wid., da of the late Joseph Barrett, Jan. 10, 1811. g.s. Artemas, s of Capt. Jonathan and Mary, 1 y., May 22, 1811. 458 Mary, wf. of Capt. Jonathan, 32 y., Jan. 7, 1815. 460 Sophia, da of Joseph, 21 y., April 23, 1816. 466 Capt. Jonathan, 46 y., Nov. 18, 1821. 467 Ch. [CZar/es in pencil], of William, 6 m., Sept. 15, 1822. gs. Capt. John, 44 y., May 5, 1825. g-s. Martha, wid., 86 y., Jan. 22, 1829. 470 William, Esq., 59 y., Nov. 15, 1834. gsm. Nancy, wf. of Peter, 49 y., Dec. 20, 1834. 473 Louisa, wf. of Henry, 25 y., July 30, 1838. 473 William, s of William, Esq., 32 y., Dec. 5, 1838. 473 Mrs. Susan [ gsm. Susan Ann, 32 y.], Feb. 17 [ gsm. 18], 1839. 473 Mary, wid. of William, Esq., 55 y., May 14, 1839. 730 Henry Hudson, s of Henry and Hannah H., 2 y. 15 d., teething, Dec. 1, 1843. 730 Hannah H., wf. of Henry, b. in Quincy, 26 y. 4 m., affection of lungs, July 26, 1844. 782 Elizabeth E., da of Simon H. and Mary Ann, 1 y. 2 m., dropsy, Nov. 8, 1845. 736 Nancy, ie of Artemas, 34 y. 11 m.14 d., consumption, Aug. 20, 1848. 736 Peter, unm., s of Joseph, 67 y., fits, Sept. 20, 1848. gs. Nancy {unm.|], 65 y., May 13, 1850. Barthalanda 788 Mr., heat, July 7, 1849. Bassett 472 Wf. of Elisha, July 2, 1838. Battelle 460 Nathaniel, 75 y. [g.s. 74 y.6 m.], April 5, 1816. g-8. Thomas, Esq., 47 y., April 16, 1829. Beacham 235 Sarah, wf. of John, 71 y., May 5, 1806. 457 John, 87 y., April 16, 1812. Bell, [Bill?] 736 Betsey B., single, 81 y. [return reads 89 y.], old age, Sept. 5, 1848. Benchley 786 Rhoda, wf. of Stafford, 66 y., Oct. 16, 1848. Berry 214 Elizabeth, at the workhouse, Feb. 23, 1781. 734 Benjamin F., unm., b. in Haverhill, 24 y., consumption, June 20, 1848. Bible, [Bibble ?] c.c. Thomas, (5), 1653. Black 650 George Edwin, s of Simon and Maria, 9 m., bowel complaint, Sept. 10 [730, Sept. 12], 1843. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 331 Blaisdell 781 Charles F., s of Jacob and Lydia A., 6 m., April 6, 1845. . 782 Lydia A(nn, g.s. wf. of Jacob C.], da of Lemuel and Bridget Burditt, 27 y. [g.s. 27 y- 5 m.], consumption, April 29 [g.s. 28], 1846. 739 Hiram, 23 y., hanging [suicide ?], Aug. , 1850. Blanchard gs. Elizabeth, wf. of Joshua, 21 y., July 15, 1688. g.8. Josiah, s of Joshua and Mehitable, April 18, 1697. g-8. Joshua, in 55 y., July 15, 1716. 182 Sarah, da of Samuel and Sarah [2 y. 14 d.], March 30, 1720. gs. Josiah, 23 y., Feb. 1, 1722. 182 Caleb, s of Samuel and Sarah, Jan. 30, 1727/8. 192 Sarah, da of Samuel and Sarah, July 6, 1730. 191 Mehitable, wid. of Joshua [76 y.], Jan. 10, 1741/2. 199 Rebecca, da of Samuel, Jr., and Sarah, Feb. 1, 1753. 199 Sarah, da of Samuel, Jr., and Sarah, Feb. 8, 1753. 199 Mehitable, da of Samuel, Jr., and Sarah, March 2, 1753. 199 Sarah, da of Samuel, Jr., and Sarah, Sept. 26, 1756. - 210 Samuel, hus. of Sarah, Jan. 3, 1771. 224 Josiah, 84 y., Oct. 4, 1796. 229 Sylvanus, 62 y., Aug. 5, 1800. 460 Ch., named Blanchard, died at the house of William Hall, 2 y., March, 1816. 463 WE. of Capt. Caleb, 49 y., Oct. 18, 1817. 733 Caleb, 82 y., old age, June 22, 1847. 738 Sylvanus, married, s of Caleb and Lucy, 45 y., consumption, Nov. 27, 1850. Blaney 195 Capt. Benjamin, hus. of Abigail, “about seven of the clock in the evening was taken up dead near Daniel Newhall’s dore, and it was thought by the jury that he fell of his horse and that was a means of his death his Scul by his temple was beat in” [51 y.], Feb. 8, 1750/1. 204 Neha s. of Benjamin and Abigail, hus. of Chloe, Oct. 16, [1761]. 208 Abigail, wid. of Capt. Benjamin [65 y.], Dec. 15, 1767. gs. Andrew, 29 y., June 2, 1772. 227 Martha, da of Capt. Benjamin, 19 y., Jan. , 1799. 234 Wf. of Capt. Benjamin, 61 y., Nov. 11, 1804. Blodgett 458 James, 43 y., April 6, 1814. g-8. Olive Marble [da of James and Olive D.], 3 y. 3 m., Aug. 14, 1837. g-s. Emeline Davis [da of James and Olive D.], 16 m. 17 d., Aug. 24, 1837. 734 George [P.], s of James and Olive [D.], 5 m. 14 d., dysentery, Sept. 14, 1848. Boardman gs. William, 38 y., March 14, 1696. 467 Wf. of Henry, of Saugus, May 9, 1822. gsm. Samuel A., s of Peter and Hannah, 8 y. 2 m., July 24, 1822, gem. Peter, 36 y. 6 m., Nov. 13, 1827. 732 Nancy, wid., da of Amos Howard, 61 y., consumption, Nov. 30, 1845. 788 Martha, wf. of George, 41 y., June 17, 1847. Bodge 217 Hannah, da of wid. Hallowell, July 6, 1786. 332 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Brackenbury ec. William, Aug. , 1668. : g.s. Alice, wf. of William, 70 y., Dec. 28, 1670. g.s. Dr. Samuel [c.c. s of Samuel, b. (12), 1672], abt. 30 y., Nov. 26, 1702. Brackett 468 Elizabeth, da of Thomas O., 9 m., Feb. 28, 1829. 468 Mary, da of Thomas O., abt. 6 weeks, Aug. 30, 1829. Bradbury 235 Hannah, wf. of Charles, da of Capt. Jonathan Oakes, 24.y., at Charles- town, May 6, 1806. 236 James Oakes, s of Charles [and Hannah], 15 m. [g.s. 14 m ], Sept. 5[g.s. Sept. 4], 1806. 244 Capt. Wyman, 73 y., paralysis attended by fever, Feb. 18, 1810. g.s. Jonathan Oakes, s of Charles and Mary, Io m., Feb. 14, 1816. g.s. Jane Moody, da of Charles and Mary, 3 y. 4 m., July 9, 1825. Brainard 737 Sarah, pauper, b. in Ireland, 84 y., old age, Oct. 30, 1849. Breeden 220 Ch. of Daniel and Sarah, Sept. , 1791. 220 WE. of Joseph, Feb. 23, 1792. 249 Abner, s of Abner, 4 y., Jan. 17, 1804. 288 Joseph, June 12, 1807. 239 Sarah, wid. of Daniel, 57 y., March 25, 1808. 456 Mrs. Mary, Aug. , 1812. 457 Seth, s of Seth, 19 y., June [ fam. 3, May 31], 1813. 457 George, s of Seth, 3 y., June Io, 1813. 459 Samuel N., s of Samuel N., 1 y., July 2, 1815. 462 Nancy, wf. of A [bner], 37 y., April 1, 1817. 468 Augustus L., s of Samuel N., Jan. 9, 1825. 468 Isaac H., s of Samuel N., Jan. 13, 1825. gs. Ruth, wf. of Seth, 64 y., April 6 [dcv. April 8], 1832. 471 John W.,s of John, 9 y., April 10, 1837. fam.3 John, hus. of Hannah, Oct. , 1841. 732 Samuel N[arramore], married, 63 y., palsy, Oct. 17, 1846. 735 Seth, 77 y., fits, March 13[ g.s. March 29], 1848. Bridge, Bridges 464 Nancy [da of Jonathan], d. at William Barrett’s, 33 y., March 29, 1819. 737 Emily, da of Herman and Nancy, b. in Boston, 11 y., dysentery, Sept. 1, 1849. Bridgeman 464 Mrs., d. at Miss Rebecca Wait’s, March 16, 1819. Brintnall 217 Dea. en lately of Mr. Payson’s Church in Chelsea, July 26, 1786. Brown 180 Rebecca Sprague, alias Brown [ g.s. at Wakefield, “late wife to Capt. John Brown, Esquire, and formerly wife to Lieut. Samuel Sprague of Mald., in 77 y.”], July 8, 1710. 459 Judith, wid. of Ebenezer, 82 y., Jan. 21, 1816. 465 Laura, da of Jonas, 13 y., Sept. 23, 1820. 465 Susan, da of Jonas, 11 y., Sept. 25, 1820. 469 Benjamin, 75 y., March 15, 1833. 472 Emeline Mandy ell, da of Capt. James, 2 y. 6 m., Sept. 7, 1837. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 333 Brown (continued ) 649 Lucinda Maria, da of Charles H. and Lucinda, Dec. 30, 1837. gsm. Mrs. Lois, 89 y., July 14, 1842. 735 Jonas (hus. of Kezia], s of Jacob [b. in Stoneham], 61 y. 5 m. 12 d., consumption, Feb. 11, 1845. 736 Frank P., s of Jonas G. and Mary V., Io m., March 21, 1848. Bruce 733 Christopher, s of Christopher and Phebe, 2 y. 6 m., canker and fever, March 19, 1847. 734 Love A.,ch. of Christopher and Phebe, 6 m., dysentery, April 4, 1848. Bryant g.s. Mary, wf. of John, 74 y., Nov. 22, 1821. 731 John, b. in Stoneham, 85 y., old age, April 22, 1845. 734 Mary S., da of Harrison and Susan, b. in Lynn, 2 y., dysentery, Sept. 15, 1848. Bubier ‘ gs. Mrs. Abigail, 65 y., May 30, 1815. Buck 783 [Dr.] Ephraim, Jr., s of [Dr.] Ephraim and Betsey, 33 y., July 13, 1847. Bucknam, Buckman e.c. Samuel, s of William, 13 (7), 1658. 177 William, 41 y., Sept. 16 [g.s. Sept. 17], 1693. 177 Joses, Sen. [53 y.], Aug. 24, 1694. 178 John, s of William, June 14, 1705. g.s. Mercy, da of Joses and Hannah, 7 m. 21 d., May 27, 1706. 178 William, s of Samuel and Deborah, Feb. 10, 1707/8. g.s. David, s of Joses and Hannah, 12 y., April 1, 1714. g.s. Sarah, da of Joses and Hannah, 6 y. 1 m., May 31, 1714. g-8. Jacob, s of Joses and Hannah, 15 y., Jan. 18, 1725. g.8. John, s of Samuel and Deborah, 17 y., Feb. 28, 1725. g.s. Mehitable, da of Samuel and Deborah, 21 y., Sept. 30, 1726. 183 Joses, 74 y., April 5, 1741. 196 Dr. David, hus. of Esther, Dec. 28, 1749. 196 Lieut. Samuel, hus. of Deborah, in 78 y.[ 77 y.], July 4[g.s. July 3], 1751. g.8. Deborah, wf. of Lieut. Samuel, 81 y., Aug. 17, 1751. 199 Benjamin, s of Benjamin and Rebecca [3 y. to m.], Feb. 22, 1752/3 1752]. 198 idee s of James and Mary, Feb. 5, 1753. 198 Hannah, da of John and Hannah, March 9, 1753. 206 Sarah, da of John and Hannah, Jan. 19, 1764. 206 Elizabeth, da of John and Hannah, Feb. 2, 1764. 208 Hannah, wf. of John, March 2, 1767. 208 Phebe, wid. of Dea. Joses, July 5 ov 6, 1767. 208 Alice, who was wf. of Aaron, Aug. 24, 1767. 210 Elizabeth, wf. of John, Oct. 24, 1769. g-8. Benjamin, 65 y., buried by six of his children, March 10, 1776. 215 John, June 25, 1783. 215 Mercy, wf. of Benjamin, Oct. 6, 1783. 217 Wid. of Benjamin, Feb. 1, 1785. 219 Wf of James, Dec. 8, 1790. 228 James, 77 y., dropsy, Oct. 10, 1799. 229 Lydia, wf. of Aaron, 4o y., Aug. 16, 1800. 231 William, s of William, 2 v., April 1, 1802. 284 Joses,s of Aaron, 20 y., Feb. 6, 1805. 334 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Bucknam, Buckman (continued) 242 Aaron, 58 y., consumption, Jan. 23, 1809. 455 Elizabeth, wf. of Eliakim, 31 y., Oct. 27, 1811. 461 Phebe, Feb. , 1817. g.s. Samuel W., s of Eliakim and Mercy, 8 m., May 22, 1818. 466 Mary, wf. of Benjamin, 30 y., Sept. 24, 1821. 738 Stephen, 69 y., dropsy, May 25, 1846. 737 Henry, married, s of Benjamin, consumption, 30 y., April 5, 1849. Bunker e.c. John, s of John, 27 (11), 1660. ec. Mr. Benjamin, “pastor of the Church of Christ at Maulden,” Feb. 3, 1669. ec. John, 10 (7), 1672. Burditt, Burden e.c. Robert, 16 (4), 1667. ec. Elizabeth, da of Thomas and Elizabeth, Feb. 23, 1688 [1687/8]. g.s. Elizabeth, wf. of Thomas, abt. 65 y., Jan. 26, 1717/8. 187 Thomas, June 20, 1729. 190 James, s of Jacob and Rebecca, Sept. 12, 1736. 190 James, s of Jacob and Rebecca, Oct. 22, 1737. 190 Jacob, s of Jacob and Rebecca, July 31, 1738. 190 Rebecca, da of Jacob and Rebecca, Dec. 14, 1738. 193 Joseph, hus. of Tabitha, Aug. 28, 1749. 197 Thomas, s of Joseph and Tabitha, March 4, 1750/1. 197 196 196 208 202 202 204 204 £g.8. 20 g.8. 21 218 214 215 g.8. 22! 230 231 231 236 243 462 465 467 Jacob, s of Joseph and Tabitha, Aug. 28, 1751. Deborah, wf. of Jabez, smallpox, Feb. 7, 1752. Benjamin, s of Jabez and Deborah, smallpox, Feb. 8, 1752. John, who had been hus. of Jemima, Sept. 23, 1758. Lieut. [g.s. Elder], Thomas [75 y.], Oct. 15, 1758. Nathan, s of John and Hannah, hus. of Elizabeth, May 5, 1759. Note. “John Rudge, James Sargeant and Nathan Burditt on the sth day of May, 1759, by the overseting of a small boat in a high gail of wind were drowned between boston and winesim- mit Providence ordered it so that an aged woman mother to the said burditt who was over with him was saved alive by takeing hold of an oar and a bag of bred.” Records, 172. Hannah, wf. of John [76 y.], Sept. 12, 1761. Mary, wid. of Lieut. [ g.s. wid. of Elder Thomas, 75 y.], Oct. 27, 1761. Thomas, 57 y., March 8, 1763. Thankful [| Burden}, da of John and Ann Welcome, Oct. 24, 1765. John, 83 y., Dec. 28, 1775. WE. of Jabez, June 12, 1776. Ch. of Jabez, June 21, 1776. Joseph, s of Nathan and Esther, Jan. 7, 1780. Ch. of Joseph, Oct. 7, 1783. Jabez, 82 y., May 3, 1795. Esther, da of Nathan, 23 y., Feb. 20, 1801. Nabby, wf. of Nathan, 19 y., Nov. 6, 1801. Wf. of Nathan, 56 y., May 18, 1802. Thomas, s of Joseph, 17 y., Nov. 1, 1802. Mary, wf. of Samuel, June 22, 1804. Hannah, 75 y., consumption, June 5, 1806. ee nee 50 y. [g.s. 51 y.], lung fever, April 23 [ g.s. April 21], I 09. Jemima [wid. of John], 85 y., old age, May to, 1810. Benjamin, 37 y., Aug. 15, 1818. Samuel, 37 y., Dec. 15, 1820. Mary, wid. of Capt. Samuel, 68 y., Aug. 23, 1822. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 335 Burditt, Burden (continued ) 730 Lemuel, married, 54 y. [g.s. 52 y.], exposure, Feb. 2, 1844. . 781 Mary Jane, da of Lemuel and Bridget, 27 y.6 m., consumption, March 5, 1845. 734 Abiel, 83 y., old age, Sept. 20, 1847. Burnham 468 Albert, s of Silas and Sally, Sept. 10, 1825. 730 Catherine W., da of Silas and Sarah, 5 y., croup, Nov. 2, 1843. gem. Susan B., 63 y., Sept. 23, 1849. Burnish 738 Maria, da of Thomas and Charlotte, 1 y. 8 m., fits, April 16, 1850. Burrill 459 Abner, at Concord, 32 y., Jan. 30, 1816. Burt g.s. Edward L., 26 y., Nov. 6, 1838. Butler 462 Aaron, s of Amos, Aug. 24, 1817. 473 Amos, Sen., Oct. 17, 1838. 733 Otis A.,s of Aaron and Sarah, b. in So. Reading, 5 m., affection of the brain, May 31, 1846. 736 Franklin H.,s of Thomas H.and Martha W.,1 y. 2 m., heart disease, June 21, 1849. Call ec. Joanna, wf. of Thomas, Sen., 30 (11), 1660. g.s. Thomas, 79 y., May, 1676. g.8. Thomas, Jr., abt. 45 y., Nov. , 1678. gs. Lydia, wf. of Thomas S&zzner, formerly wf. of Thomas Cad/, abt. 87 y., Dec. 17, 1723. g.s. Samuel, hus. of Esther, 79 y., Oct. 4, 1828. Calley 177 Robert [Cale], Feb. 15, 1702/3. Campbell 465 Daniel, alias Daniel Sever, 11 y., Oct. 24, 1820. 782 Lovatia, da of David and Betsey, b. in Newton, N. H., 6 m.,, typhus fever, Sept. 26, 1846. Carnes 734 Culen A.,s of Henry and Eliza, b. in Boston, 1 y. 8 m., debility, Oct. 12, 1847. . 738 Bethias [Bethiah ?}, ch. of Alvah, 1 y. 5 m., dysentery, Sept. 27, 1850. Carter 234 Hannah, wf. of Thomas, 26 y., Nov. 1 [g.s. Nov. 2], 1804. Cartwright 734 Timothy, 73 y., palsy, Oct. 7, 1847. Casey 228 Sally, 35 y-, consumption and dropsy, June 27, 1799. Caswell 186 Rebecca, da of Joseph and Bathsheba [11 m. 23 d.], Oct. 31, 1740. 195 Bathsheba, da of Joseph and Bathsheba, June 5, 1746. g.s. Samuel, s of Joseph and Bathsheba, 32 y., Jan. 31, 1776. 215 Dea. Joseph [68 y.J, May 15, 1782. g.s. Bathsheba, wf. of Dea. Joseph, 75 y., Dec. 23, 1794. 229 WF. of Eliphalet, July 18, 1800. g-s. Capt. Eliphalet, 52 y., April 6, 1816. 330 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Cavanaugh A 788 Rebecca, da of Sidney and Rebecca, b. in Southbridge, I y. 6 m., dysentery, May 21, 1850. 788 Sidney, b. in Ireland, 40 y., dysentery, July 30, 1850. Caverly 738 Abby Ann, da of Isaiah and Hannah, 14 d., disease of heart, Aug. 26, 1846. Center 737 Hannah [Taylor], wf. of Rowland, b. in Charlestown, 78 y. 4 m. [gs 79 y.], old age, Jan. Igy, 1850. Chadwick e.c. John, s of John, 17 (1), 1650. c.c. Joan, wf. of John, 11, (5), 1674. 184 Martha, da of Joseph and Mary [2 y. 6 m. 4d.], Aug. 30, 1743. 201 Lemuel, s of Joseph and Mary, 22 y., Nov. 8, 1756. 201 Joseph, s of Joseph and Mary, 22 y., Jan. 10, 1757. 201 Mary, da of Joseph and Mary, 14 y., Jan. 17, 1758. 217 Sarah, wid., Feb. 28, 1786. 242 Martha, 65 y., consumption, Jan. 27, 1809. Chamberlain, Chamberlin e.c. Susanna, da of Edmund, 6 (3), 1672. c.c. Ebenezer, s of Edmund, (10), 1672. 468 Charles, s of Uriah [and Louisa T.], 2 m., Dec. 1, 1824. g.8. Caroline, da of Uriah and Louisa T., to m., Aug. 14, 1825. g.s. Mary, wf. of Lowell, 26 y., Jan. 16, 1839. 648 George [D.], s of Uriah and Louisa T., 21 y., consumption, April 11, 1841 [g.s. 1840]. 731 Lowell, unm. [wid.], s of Uriah and Louisa [T.], 31 y. 1 m. 27 d., heart complaint, April 16 [¢.s. April 17], 1845. Chapman ber. Jane D., at Bethel, Me., July 29, 1845. Cheever > 241 Harriet, da of Capt. Joseph, at Charlestown, bilious cholic, 19 y., Jan. 25, 1808. 458 Thomas, a pauper, died at William Oliver’s, buried at Chelsea, Dec. 1813. g.s. Capt. Joseph, 78 y., Oct. 23, 1830. gs. Sarah, wf. of Capt. Joseph, 87 y., March 20, 1841. gs. Mary Ann, da of Jacob and Lydia, 22 y., Aug. 5, 1841. Chittenden 214 Wf. of Capt. Isaac, Nov. 4, 1777. 215 Capt. Isaac, April 3, 1782. 218 Infant ch. of Isaac and Phebe, Oct. 12, 1789. 224 Nancy, da of Isaac, 4 y., May 4, 1796. 224 William, s of Isaac, 8 y., drowned, Aug. 11, 1796. 227 Ch. of Calvin, 7 m., dysentery, Sept. 16, 1798. 228 Ch. of Calvin, Feb. 7, 1800. 237 Calvin, 61 y., suddenly, June 7, 1807. 239 Sarah, wid. of Calvin, 54 y., typhus fever, Sept. 30, 1808. 465 Ebenezer, 48 y., June 25, 1820. 731 Samuel, married, b. in Chelsea, 66 y. 2 m. 27 d., old age, July 8, 1845. 735 Sally, 75 y., dropsy, July 22, 1848. 735 Benjamin, 66 y., fever, Nov. 14, 1848. Christy 788 Rowland, married, b. in Boston, 70 y., old age, Oct. 1, 18 50. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 337 Clamrod 735 Mary, da of Mary, b. in Stoneham, 92 y., old age, Dec. 17, 1848. Clapp 455 James, s of Timothy [and Deborah], 2 m., Sept. 18 [g.s. Sept. 20], 1810. 738 Emma C., da of Isaac, 5 m., dysentery, Sept. 24, 1850. Cluley, Clewly 207 Sarah, wf. of Isaac [28 y.], [g.s. also their da. 3 m.], June 6, 1766. Coats 461 Ch. residing in the family of Joseph, by her clothes taking fire, Nov. 1816. Coburn 462 Lavinia, da of Daniel, 2 y., Sept. 16, 1817. Cochrane gsm, Isaac A.,s of Jonathan and Mary, May 24, 1841. gsm. Linus, s of Jonathan and Mary, Aug. 25, 1843. Coggin g.8. Hannah W., wf. of Loammi T., 31 y., Oct. 3, 1832. Colburn gem. Jerusha, wid. [of Cephas, da of Amos and Hannah Howard, b. 17871, Oct. 14, 1841. 732 Henry H., married, s of Cephas and Jerusha, 30 y., Jan. 9, 1846. Cole 215 Isaac, s of Isaac, “came from Truro, in the Cape,” Feb. 7, 1782. Coleman, Colman 181 John, s of John and Dorothy, Nov. 3, 1725. 188 Nathaniel, s of John and Dorothy, March 29, 1733. 189 Dorothy, wf. of John [42 y.], Jan. 24, 1734/5. 190 Samuel, s of John and Persis, Sept. 24, 1738. 191 Persis, da of John and Persis, Jan. 15, 1739/40. 210 Persis, wf. of John, in 72 y-, Jan. 30, 1772. 214 John, April 20, 1781. 458 Lois (da of John and Dorothy], 85 y., Sept. 10, 1814. Collins 205 Hannah, da of Moses and Lydia, July 19, 1748. 246 Hannah, da of Moses and Lydia, Oct. 3 [1764]. Comee 209 Hannah, wf. of Benjamin, Dec. 1, 1767. Conant gem. Mary Matilda, da of Rufus and Mary, 3 y. 8 m. 20d., June 1, 1840. 736 Celia, da of Rufus and Thankful [ gs. sister of Rufus], b. in Lyme, _ N. HL, 57 y., consumption, Nov. 3, 1846 [gsa. 1848]. 737 Benjamin F. [ 257. Benjamin], s of Rufus and Mary, b. in Province- town, 28 y. 6 m. 22 d., consumption, Sept. 29, 1849. Coney g.8. Mary, da of Otis and Mary, 4 m., May 9, 1826. g-8. Otis, 33 y., Dec. 15, 1826. 788 Henry O[tis], s of William H. and Harriet N., 2 m. 14 d., fever, Feb. 26, 1850. Connor 463 Ch. of Hanson, May 16, 1818. 470 Hanson, 47 y., Sept. 21, 1835. 22 338 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Cook c.c. Richard, hus. of Frances, 14 (8), 1658. 218 Hannah [80 y.], wf. of Israel, Oct. 3, 1789. 219 Israel [79 y.], Jan. 20[g.s. Jan. 14,] 1790. Corey fam.7 Harrison Winsor, s of Solomon and Charlotte D., July 11, 1842. Corson : 733 Martha [Upham], wf. of Jedidiah V., 40 y., consumption, Oct. 12, 1846. Cossington g.s. Ann, wi. of Elder Jonathan, 80 y., Jan. 27, 1850. Cousens 204 Lydia, da of Nathaniel and Rebecca, Dec. 28, 1761. 471 Oliver, drowned by falling into a clay pit, 32 y., April 10, 1836. 474 Mrs. Abigail, 27 y., April 13, 1840. Cowdrey 735 William H., s of Amos, 21 y. [7 m. 21 d.], brain fever, April 2, 1849. Cowen 209 James, hus. of Loruhamah, Dec. 2, 1769. Cox 200 Samuel, s of Unite and Lydia, Dec. 26, 1753. 267 Ch. of Unite, July, 1778. 219 Phebe, da of William, Dec. 30, 1790. 230 Sally, da of Capt. Unite [and Hannah], 9 m. [and 6d.], Feb. 21, 1802. 461 Capt. Unite, Nov. , 1816. 461 Eliza, da of S[amuel], 8 m., Oct. 4, 1817. 468 Franklin, s of James, Sept. 21, 1826. 468 Hannah Sprague, da of John and Lydia, Aug. 29, 1829. 469 Lydia, wf. of Lemuel, 37 y., March 2, 1832. 470 John, 39 y., Dec. 12, 1835. gs. Arthur W., s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Oct. 23, 1839. 474 Franklin Haven, s of Lemuel, 4 y., Aug. 7, 1841. 650 Catherine [A.], da of Samuel A. [and Harriet H., 730, has Catharine by error, 6 m., inflammation infantum], Aug. 16 [so 650 and g.s., but 730, Aug. 28], 1843. 730 Susan R., da of John A. and Susan R., 2 y. 8m. 25 d., throat dis- temper, July 18, 1844. 730 James, Jr., unmarried, s of James and Sally, 23 y., consumption, July 22, 1844. 781 George P.,s of John A. and Susan, 2 y., bowel complaint, Sept. 15, 1845. 738 Emma C., da of Lemuel and Sarah, 3 y. 7 m., scarlet fever, Jan. 5, 1847. 739 Emma F., 6 m., May 15, 1850. 739 Sarah D., 55 y., by a fall, Dec. 28, 1850. Craige 465 Ch. of Alexander, 18 m., Oct. 29, 1820. 467 Alexander, “was found dead in the Pond below Messrs. Odiorne’s rolling mill, it is supposed that he fell and passed under the roll- ing mill shed,” March 25, 1823. Crane 228 John, s of David and Hannah, 6 Yo May 20, 1800. 730 James [hus. of Mary], 64 y., debility, June 21, 1844. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 339 Crehore 468 Susan, wf. of Capt. Henry, 38 y., Feb. 13, 1832. 737 James M., s of Henry and Hannah, 8 y. 7 m., fever, Nov. 18, 1849. 787 George H., s of H[enry] and Hannah, 7 y. 4 m., fever, Nov. 22, 1849. Crocker 238 Bathsheba, wid., eldest da of Joseph and Bathsheba Caswe// of Mald. [g-s. wf. of Capt. Zaccheus Crocker of Sunderland], 60 y. [g-s. 59 y.], consumption while on a visit here, Oct. 30 [g.s. Oct. 29], 1807. 733 Ellen Frances, da of Joseph and Bethiah H.,3 y. 11 m., Jan. , 1847. Crockett gsm. Charles R.,s of Daniel T. and Clarinda H., 4 y. 2m., Oct. 10, 1838. gsm. Emeline C., da of Daniel T. and Clarinda H., to y., 1839. gsm. Charles R., s of Daniel T. and Clarinda H., 15 m., 1841. Crosfield 472 Timothy T. [ g.s. Timothy A., 83 y.], May 17, 1838. 782 Lucy, wid. of Timothy C. [error for A.], b. in Roxbury, 86 y. [g.s. 85 y-], old age, Oct. 28 [ g.s. 27], 1846. Cruse 648 Anna, da of Solomon and Nancy, Oct. 31, 1836. 648 George, s of Solomon and Nancy, Feb. 15, 1838. 648 Isabella, da of Solomon and Nancy, Aug. 21, 1841. Cummings 472 [Eliza], wf. of Charles [ gsm. 41 y.], Jan. 1, 1838. 734 Mary H[enrietta],'da of Rev. Joseph [and Deborah S.}], 1 y.15d., dysentery, Sept. 2, 1847. Currell 230 Ch. of Mrs. 1 y., Oct. 1, 1801. 230 Mary, wid., 26 y., Jan. 4, 1802. Cutler fam 2. Thomas, “ being 6 w. old” [perhaps not of Mald.], May 13, 1721. Cutter 215 Peggy, da of Joseph and Peggy, Jan. 11, 1784. 469 Mary P., wf. of Capt. Artemas, 35 y., June 7, 1833. 730 Adeline Young, da of Artemas and Sarah, 4 m. Io d., lung complaint, May 12, 1844. 737 Sarah [E.], wf. of J. Thomas, b. in Brunswick, consumption, 30 y., March 24, 1849. 737 Alvina, da of Artemas and Sarah, 5 y. 6 m., dysentery, Aug. 9, 1849. Danforth 460 Elizabeth, 70 y., June 5, 1816. Daniels 457 John, 44 y., April 4, 1813. Davis gsm. Abby Ann R., da of Edmund and Mary S., 9 m., Sept. 26, 1841. 786 Abigail, da of John and Mary, b. in Boston, 24 y.[ gs. 23 y.], dysen- tery, Aug. 21 (gsm. Aug. 1], 1848. Degresha 181 Samuel, s of Thomas and Hannah, Jan. 22, 1727/8, 210 Hannah, wf. of Thomas, Dec. 22, 1772. 214 Thomas, Jan. 6, 1780. 340 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Dennett 731 George, married, b. in Hollis, Me., 31 y., kick of horse, Sept. 20, 1844. Dennison 735 Isaac G.,s of Rev. Joseph and Sarah J., 11 m., scarlet fever, April 18, 1849. Dexter gs. John, 38 y., Dec. 8, 1677. 178 John, s of John and Winifred, March 4, 1696/7. 178 Winifred, da of John and Winifred, June 30, 1698. .17%8 Timothy, s of John and Winifred, Nov. 30, 1703. 178 Timothy, s of John and Winifred, Oct. 17, 1704. 178 [John], s of John and Winifred, July 4, 1705. 181 Dea. John [51 y. 2 m. 24 d.], Dec. 14[ gs. Nov. 14], 1722. 188 William, s of Richard and Sarah, May 30, 1730. 189 Susanna, wf. of John [g.s. 22 y. 8 m., buried by her three of their children], March 9, 1735/6. g.s. John, s of John and Abigail, 3 d., Jan. 2, 1746/7. 192 Abigail, wf. of Lieut. John [30 y.], Jan. 19, 1746/7. 195 Richard, hus. of Sarah [69 y.], April 22 or 23 [ g.s. April 21], 1747. 205 Winifred, wid. of Capt. John [g.s. wid. of Dea. John, 78 y., Dec. 5, 1752]. 200 Lydia, da of Richard and Rebecca, Dec. 22, 1756. 209 Sarah, wid. of Richard [81 y.], Dec. 24, 1761. 205 Samuel, s of Capt. John and Joanna [2 y. 4 m.], Sept. 3, 1762. 205 Sarah, da of Capt. John and Joanna [3 y. 9 m.], Sept. 4, 1762. 208 Richard, s of Richard and Rebecca [9 y.], May 9, 1766. 211 Richard, hus. of Rebecca [59 y.], Dec. 5, 1773. 213 Phebe, wf. of William, smallpox [35 y.], April 22, 1779. 213 Peter, s of William and Phebe, smallpox [1 y.]}, April 25, 1779. 214 Sarah, da of Richard [26 y.], March 27, 1781. 215 Joanna, wf. of Capt. John [69 y.], Feb. 28, 1783. 215 Sarah, wf. of John, Jr., [28 y.], Sept. 17, 1783 [g.s. 1784]. 219 Capt. John [85 y.], May 18[ g.s. May 17], 1790. 226 Rebecca[wid. of Richard], 79 y., lung fever, Feb. 25, 1798. 227 Capt. John, 48 y., “drowned by misfortune in Mr. Blanchard’s clay pit,” Oct. 28, 1798. 232 [Capt.] Samuel, 4o y. [g.s. 41 y.], May 3 [g.s. May 5], 1803. 237 Elizabeth, wf. of William, 60 y., April 17, 1807. 457 William, 69 y., Dec. 24, 1811. 459 Martha, wf. of Capt. Richard, 58 y., Jan. 25, 1816. fam.5 Richard, hus. of Jerusha, Sept. 13, 1831. 649 Capt. Richard, 86 y., old age, Nov. 3, 1842. Dickerman e.c, Elizabeth, wf. of Thomas, Io (3), 1671. e.c. Thomas, Sen., Sept. 6, 1685. g.s. Mrs. Mary, abt. 78 y., March 20, 1738/9. Dickson, Dixon g.8. John Eliot, s of Isaiah and Judith, 16 m., May 25, 1778. gs. Eliza Amity, wf. of Oliver, 30 y., Oct. 5, 1839. Diman 458 Miss Mary, 68 y., March 9 [1814]. Dival 465 Ch. of Levi, Sept. , 1820. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 341 Diz 212 William, s of William, 7 w., Jan. 12, 1809. gsm. William, 25 y., smallpox, Dec. 19, 1839. Dodge 472 Albert, s of Benjamin W., 8 y. 3 m., Nov. 25, 1835. 730 John Edwin, s of Tyler and Adeline, b. in Harwich, R. I. [Mass ?],, heart not closed, Aug. 30, 1843. 736 Esther [C., wf. of Samuel], wid., 87 y. [gsm. 88 y.], July 4, 1848. 738 Ch. of Tyler, 1d., July , 1850. Doolittle g-8. Sibyl, wf. of John, abt. 82 y., Sept. 23, 1690. Douglass g-8. James, s. of Thomas and Mary, 5 y., Oct. 13, 1734. Downs 731 Cyrus, s of Cyrus and Rebecca, b. in Boston, stillborn, Sept. 19, 1845. 733 Emma C., da of Cyrus and Rebecca, 3 m. 22 d., consumption, March 30, 1847. 734 Cyrus, ’b. in Lebanon, Me., 25 y., consumption, Oct. 3, 1847. Dowse 215 Capt. Richard, Dec. 24, 1782. 230 Benjamin, a native of N. H., “instantly killed by lightening at the house of Mr. William Nichols ” [see Oakes], 23 y., June 16, 1801. Drown 781 Abigail, D., wf. of Samuel, 37 y., consumption, Feb, 16, 1845. Dyer, Dyar 231 James, s of Joseph [and Sally], 6 y. [and 4 m.], March 6 [g.s. March 26], 1802. 458 Naomi, 79 y., Jan. 3, 1814. Eaton 231 Sarah, 75 y., May 11, 1802. 464 Sally, 64 y., Nov. 17 [1819]. gem. Elizabeth, wf. of Charles, 57 y., Feb. 18, 1840. 781 James Arthur, s of James and Rebecca, 1 y. 4 m., disease of bowels, Oct. 5, 1844. 733 Mary A[nn] C{ynthia], wf. of William H., 21 y., May [9], 1847. Edes 197 Hannah, wf. of Peter, May 15, 1751. 201 Hannah, da of Peter and Hannah, Aug. 1, 1752. 202 William, s of Peter and Sarah, June 5, 1760. Edmester g.s. Elijah J.,s of Jonathan and Jemima, 29 y., June 25, 1838. g.8. Jonathan, 72 y., March 14, 1841. 732 Jemima, wid. of Jonathan, b. in Dorchester, 72 y., consumption, May 30 12846) 738 Mary, da of Moses and Susanna, 6 y. 11 m., croup, Nov. I, 1850. Edmonds, Edmands 218 Abigail, Jan. 10, 1788. 782 John, married, 96 y., old age, May 13, 1846. 736 Sarah, wid. of John, 86 y., Oct. 28, 1848. Edwards 466 Julia Ann, 5 y., Feb. 15, 1821. Eldridge g-s. Sally [unm.], 24 y., Feb. 23, 1838. 342 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Elliot ber. Lydia, married, 1828. 730 Elias, married, b. in Middleton, 58 y. [650, 60 y.], consumption, Aug. 22 [650, Aug. 21, 1843]. Ellis 738 Lydia, da of Martin and Lydia B., 3 m., July 2, 1847. 736 Betsey, wf. of Peras R. [ gsm. Peris R.], 32 y- [gsm. 31 y.], April 18, 1849 [return and gsm. 1848]. Emerson 189 Waldo, s of Rev. Joseph and Mary [14 d.], July 8, 1735 [ g.s. 1734]. 204 Edward, Esq., [sometime deacon of y* 4" church in Newbury, 73 y.], May 9, 1743- g.s. Ebenezer, s of Rev. Joseph and Mary, 14 y., July 10, 1750. 204 Rebecca, wf. of Edward, Esq., [go y.], April 23, 1752. 208 Rev. Joseph, “ consort to Mrs. Mary Emerson who had been in the Judgment of charity a faithfull minister here, and that for the space of forty and five years, deceased in the evening very soon after lying down to sleep who was cheirly and in health before” [67 y.], July 13, 1767. 213 Mary, wid. of Rev. Joseph [77 y.], smallpox, March 17 [ g.s. 15], 1779. 244 Ch. of Edward and Eliza, 3 m., Jan. 21, 1810. 459 Provided, 24 y., “ by suicide, verdict of the jury of inquest was that she being insane, did with a knife cut her own throat,” May 18, 1815. 462 Ch. of John, 2 y:, April 23, 1817. 468 Nancy, wf. of George [36 y.], Nov. 7, 1824. gem. Edward, 39 y., July 17, 1829. 468 Capt. Leonard, 42 y., Feb. 2, 1832. 469 Mary, wf. of William, 77 y., Feb. 8, 1834. 470 Harriet, da of Capt. Leonard, 19 y., Nov. 11, 1834. 471 Alice, wid. of Capt. Leonard, 44 y., Aug. 9, 1836. 736 William, 88 y., July 23, 1848. 735 Theobald M., s of David and Elizabeth, 2 y. 3 m., lung affection, Feb. II, 1849. Emmons g.s. Betsey C., wf. of Eben, 22 y., May 9, 1840. Estes 471 Samuel G[ardner], 63 y., Feb. 14, 1837. Eustis 3 g.s. Benjamin, s of William and Sarah, 25 y., Jan. 4, 1690. 189 Samuel, s of Nathaniel and Sarah, Dec. 18, 1734. Evans é 178 Nathaniel, Sen., Dec. 16, 1710. 737 Stephen, s of Joseph, stillborn, Sept. , 1849. Faber 735 Louisa, da of Thomas and Mary, 5 m. dysentery, Aug. 15, 1848. Fagan 733 Thomas [Fegan], s of Thomas and Mary, to d., bowel complaint, Sept. 15, 1846. 737 George, s of Patrick and Mary, 6 m., diarrhea, July 2, 1849. 737 Elizabeth, da of Patrick and Mary, 1 y. Io m., bowel complaint, Oct. 26, 1849. 789 George, s of Patrick and Mary, 2 m. 14 d., dysentery, Sept. , 1850. Pall g.s. 650 733 734 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 343 George Benson, s of George H. and Rebecca G., 16 m., Aug. II, 1841. Emeline A. [da of George H. and Rebecca G.], 3 m., teething [730, bowel complaint], Aug. 22 [g.s. Aug. 23, 730, Aug. 24], 1843. Roena Powers Moody], wf. of Gershom L., 38 y. [g.s. 27 y. 10 m.], consumption [ g.s. also their infant son], June 27, 1847. Infant ch. of Gershom L. [see preceding], June 28, 1847. Farrington 221 Ch. of William [1793]. Faulkner 188 g.8. 207 206 213 222 227 229 231 232 649 g-8. 47 472 g.8. 649 648 738 733 Lydia, wf. of Benjamin [35 y.], May 26, 1733. Anna, wf. of Benjamin, 34 y., Sept. 23, 1737. Benjamin, hus. of Anna, Sept. 30, 1760. Huldah, da of Benjamin and Huldah, abt. Sept. 20, 1762. Ann, wid., Oct. 26, 1776. Sally, da of Benjamin, Jr., and Sally, Sept. 27, 1796. Benjamin, 66 y., dropsy, March 11, 1799. Infant ch. of Benjamin, May 4 [1801]. Ch. of David, April 21 [1802]. Ch. of Benjamin, June 2, 1803. Benjamin, s of David, Jr., and Lucy, Sept. 8, 1824. Huldah, wid. of Benjamin, 92 y., May 30, 1826. Benjamin, 69 y. [ g.s. 66 y.], Aug. 4, 1836. Abraham, 24 y., Aug. I, 1837. Sally, wid. of Benjamin, 72 y. [dcr. 74 y.], Sept. 14 [der. Sept. 15], 1840. Abraham, s of David, Jr., and Lucy, Sept. 19, 1840. Harriet Augusta, da of Aaron and Harriet [7 m.], Aug. 18, 1841. Benjamin F.,s of Aaron and Lucy [g.s. Harriet], b. in York, Me., 5 m., consumption, Sept. 29 [ g.s. Sept. 28], 1846. David, 75 y., dropsy, Sept. 14, 1847. Favor, Favour gem. 731 Samuel, hus. of Hopeful, 78 y., April 22, 1840. Hopeful, wid. [of Samuel, 72 y.], Nov. 16, 1845. Fernald 730 732 784 George L., s of William R. and Elizabeth, 4m. 14 d., marasmus, March Io, 1844. Loisa J., da of W[illiam] R. and Eliz[abeth], 4 m., Jan. 17, 1846. Frederick P.,s of Guy [C.]and Phebe, b. in Lynn, 1 y. 6m. [ g.s. 1 y- 7 m.], dysentery, Sept. 6[ g.s. Sept. 8], 1848. Fisher 457 464 468 648 648 648 730 731 Fiske g:8. Benjamin, miller, hus. of Elizabeth [later record, Mary], drowned at Mald. in April, 1739. Boston Selectmen’s Minutes, June 6, 1739. Polly, wf. of J., 27 y., after parturition, June 2, 1813. John Sargent, s of Lewis and Sarah, 14 m., May 8, 1819. Henry, s of Lewis and Sarah, July 3, 1825. Charles, s of Dwight and Nancy, Oct. 11, 1827 Susan, da of Dwight and Nancy, Oct. 17, 1830. Rufus, s of Dwight and Nancy, Dec. 21, 1841. Amos S., unm., 20 y., fever, June 30, 1844. George D., unm., s of Dwight and Nancy, 22 y.2 m. 164d., fever, Oct. 16, 1844. Samuel W., s of Samuel and Mary, 13 y. 7 m., July 8, 1836. 344 Plagg MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 733 Rosetta, da of William and Claran [Clara], 3 m., consumption, July 27, 1847. 734 Augustine W., s of Bowman and Lucinda, 1 m. 14 d., Feb. 22, 1848. 735 William T., s of William and Clara, 3 m., canker, Feb. 5, 1849. 739 Caroline, da of William and Clara, 6 m., cholera infantum, Aug. 16, 1850. Fletcher 241 736 Floyd g-3. g-8. g.s. 177 g.8. 186 193 193 g-8. 202 208 209 214 222 219 221 224 227 239 242 462 733 FPlynn g.8. Ch. of Zadoc, 1 y. 4 m., canker, Nov. 30, 1807. Sarah, wf. of George, 32 y., Aug. 27, 1848. Ebenezer, s of Hugh and Eleanor, July 30, 1692. Nathaniel, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, 9 m., March 12, 1692. Mary, da of Hugh and Eleanor, March Io, 1699. [Sergt.] Joseph, [38 y.], Jan. [4], 1704/5. Joseph, Jr., 24 y. 8 m. 7 d., April 19, 1714. [Joseph], s of Daniel and Margaret, June 9, 1736. Daniel, hus. of Margaret, May 1, 1748. Daniel, hus. of Mary, father of the late Daniel, March 1, 1749/50. Elizabeth Jenks, wid., formerly wf. of Joseph &/oyd, 86 y., June 6, 1757. Ezekict s of Daniel and Margaret, Oct. 28, 1758. Daniel, hus. of Elizabeth, Dec. 15, 1766. Margaret, who had been wf. of Daniel, April 19, 1768. Wf. of Joseph, May 29, 1781. Mary, da of Joseph and Phebe, Jan. 30, 1791. Ch. of Joseph [see preceding], Jan. , 1791. Joseph, Jr., suddenly, March 29, 1794. Sarah, da of Joseph [and Phebe], 16 y., peculiar consumption, Aug. 1, 1796. Elizabeth, wid., 68 y., consumption, Jan. 27, 1799. Joseph, 66 y., Feb. 17, 1808. Ezra, 42 y., consumption, Dec. 26, 1808. Phebe, 65 y., Sept. 23, 1817. Hannah, da of Ezra and Hannah, 26 y., consumption, April 19, 1847. Mary, wf. of Patrick, 26 y., May 24, 1720. Follett 739 Ch. of Owen, stillborn, Oct. 14, 1850. Forbes 459 Christopher, April 2, 1815. Foster 2Al 460 467 g.8. Infant ch. of Robert and Eliza, Sept. 15, 1808. Eliza, wf. of Robert, 32 y., April 14, 1816. Zachariah, at work-house, April 24, 1823. J. Howard, s of Rev. Elijah and Mary A., 13 y. 7 m., Nov. 21, 1846. French 731 Frost 210 Ruth, wf. of Dr. N[athan], 31 y., consumption, June 8, 1845. Mary, wf. of Abraham, Dec. 5, 1770. Frothingham g-8. Benjamin, s of Benjamin and Mary, of Charlestown, 18 m., Oct. 1, 1775- MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 345 Fuller 649 Josiah [hus. of Sally], 43 y., consumption, June 2 [ gs. June 22],- 1834. 648 Ellen Maria, da of Chase and Deborah, July to, 1842. 782 Sumner Warren], s of Ephraim and Abigail, 1 y. 9 m., Sept. 2, 1846. 784 Mary, da of Ephraim and Sarah E. [ gsm. of Josiah and Sally], 34 y., consumption, Dec. 21 [ gsm. Dec. 18], 1847. 736 Sumner W., 5 m. 20 d., July 20, 1848. Gardner 214 Jonathan, “Lost in the Extraordinary Hericane in the wesindies,” Oct. 10-11, 1780. 216 Abigail, wid. of Jonathan, Oct. 13, 1784. 463 Henry, Esq., 71 y., Nov. 8, 1817. George g.s. James F., s of James, 4 y., March 12, 1838. gs. Susan A., da of James, 7 m., May 6, 1838. Gerrish 732 Hiram, married, b. in Lebanon, Me., 31 y., Dec. 3, 1846. Gidny 188 Hannah, wf. of Bartholomew, Sept. 21, 1730. Gilford gsm. George, s of George H. and Mary, 19 y., July 5, 1839. Gill 213 Naomi, da of William and Martha, smallpox, Dec. 31, 1778. 237 William, 84 y., suddenly, Dec. 19, 1806. 288 Martha, wid. of William, 82 y., Nov. 25, 1807. Gilleron 237 Elizabeth, a West Indian, at Mr. Hassey’s, July , 1806. Gilson : g-8. Lucinda Floyd, wf. of William, 38 y., Oct. 18, 1834. 732 William, married, 49 y. 5 m., consumption, Oct. 25, 1845. Goldthwait gs. Benjamin, 90 y., Aug. 22, 1835. 732 Elizabeth W., wid. [of Benjamin], b. in Edgartown, 73 y. 4 m., old age, Dec. 10, 1845. Goodnow 463 Ch. of J., Oct. 24, 1817. Gorham 462 J., March 6, 1817. Gould 228 WE. of John, 92 y., old age, Nov. 19, 1799. 229 John, 83 y., June 2, 1800. 472 [Mary], wf. of Nathan, Jan. 2, 1838. 731 Sally, wf. of [Dr.] Abraham [of Lynn], 37 y. to m. 6 d., puerperal [g.s. also their infant child], Oct. 26, 1844. 781 Mary Jane, da of David and Martha, 1 m., fever, Jan. 13, 1845. 731 John Tyler, s of David and Martha, 3 m., whooping cough, Feb. 18, 1845. 782 Mary J. C. H., da of David and Martha, 11 m., bowel complaint, Sept. 29, 1846. 786 Mary M., da of Levi and Elizabeth, 9 m. 10 d., whooping cough, July 26, 1847. 346 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Gove 738 George G., s of George G., b. in Quincy, 3 y., fever, Jan. 2, 1850. Graham 221 Mrs., July, 1793. 737 Lydia, da of John and Lydia, 31 y. 6 m., fever, Nov. 10, 1849. Grammer 649 Eliza B. T., da of John A. and Angelina, 8 m., dysentery, Oct. 13, 1842. 730 John A., s of John A. and Angelina, 1 m., cholera infantum, Sept. 4, 1843. 730 Abram G., s of John A. and Angelina, 1 y. 1 m. 12 d., canker, Sept. 19, 1844. 781 Susan H., da of John A. and Susan [error for Angelina], 5 m. 16 d., canker, Aug. 5, 1845. Granger 730 William, wid., b. in Scotland, 77 y., dropsy, Nov. 18, 1843. Grant 210 Mary, da of John and Catherine, Aug. 1, 1770. 730 William, b. in England, 38 y., consumption, Sept. 15, 1843. Gray 734 Japheth, 35 y., smallpox, Nov. , 1847. 734 [Mrs. Elizabeth], 47 y-, Dec. 20[ gsm. Dec. 17], 1847. Green c.c. Elizabeth, wf. of Thomas, Sen., (6), 1658. e.c. Hannah, da of Thomas, Jr., 25, (1), 1659. ec. Margaret, wf. of Thomas, June 22, 1667. ec. Thomas, Sen., Dec. 19, 1667. e.c. Elizabeth, da of John, Dec. 20, 1668. ec. Thomas, s of Thomas, 15 (2), 1674. e.c. Rebecca, wid., 6 (4), 1674. fam.2 Martha, da of Henry and Esther, Feb. 3, 1678 [1677/8]. c.c. James, Sen., March 29, 1687. 177 Corp. Thomas [42 y.], April 28, 1693 [ g.s. 1694]. 177 Ephraim, Nov. 28, 1694. g.s. Esther, da of Samuel and Elizabeth. 1 y. 5 m., Dec. 17, 1705. 178 Capt. William [70 y.], Dec. 30, [1705]. 178 Dea. [g.s. Capt.] John [75 y-], Oct. 16, [1707]. 178 John, March 22, 1709. 179 William, s of William and Elizabeth, July 25, 1713. 179 Mary, wf. of Samuel, Sen. [66 y. 6 m.], Nov. 22 [ g.s. Nov. 24], 1715. 180 Jabez, s of Joseph and Hannah [9 y. 8 d.], July 13, 1716. g-8. Enoch, s of John and Isabel, abt. 11 m., Jan. 10, 1716/7. 180 [Lieut.] Henry [78 y. 8 m.], Sept. 19, 1717. 180 Sarah, wid. of Capt. John [74 y. 6 m.], Dec. 1, 1717. 179 Isaac, s of Isaac and Mary, Sept. 19, 1720. g-8. Jacob, 34 y. Io w., July 19, 1723. 181 Samuel, s of Samuel and Martha, May 9, 1724. g.s. John, s of John and Phebe, abt. 17 m., Sept. , 1724. 181 Samuel, Sen. [79 y. 7 m. 19 d.], Oct. 31, 1724. 181 Thomas, Aug. 24, 1725. g.8. Sarah, da of John and Isabel, 6 y. 15 d., Jan. 7, 1726. fam. Nathan tok Stoneham], s of Henry and Hannah, 24 y. 3 m., June 1, 1728, fam. 2 ee [of Stoneham], s of Henry and Hannah, 32 y., Aug. 16, 1728. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 347 Green (continued) 187 g.8. 188 188 188 g.8 190 g.8. 183 183 183 191 186 192 198 196 198 198 201 201 202 202 202 206 249 205 206 207 g.3. g.8. 207 209 215 215 216 217 217 218 221 228 g.8. 222 285 225 228 228 228 230 231 232 242 238 456 459 460 Mary, wf. of Samuel [53 y.], Jan. 24, 1729/30. David, s of John and Isabel, 30 y. 6 m., Oct. 9, 1732. Dea. Joseph [54 y. 1 m.], Nov. 28, 1732. Stephen, s of Dea. Joseph and Hannah (21 y.], Feb. 3, 1732/3. Ruhamah, wf. of James [25 y.], Jan. 10, 1733/4- . John, 66 y., Aug. 29, 1736. Lois, da of Samuel and Lois, Jan. 1, 1736/7. Isabel, wf. of Capt. William, 84 y., March 13, 1736 [1736/7] Caleb, s of John and Mary, March 7, 1737/8. Elizabeth, da of John and Mary, May 9, 1738. Aaron, s of John and Phebe, April 1, 1738/9. Sarah, da of Capt. Samuel and Martha, May 4, 1739. Sarah, wf. of Ezra [26 y.], July 7, 1741. Ezra, s of Ezra and Eunice, March 12, 1744/5. John, hus. of Mary, 74 y., Nov. 28, 1747. Lois, da of Samuel and Lois, July 2, 1751. Sarah, da of Ezra and Eunice, Oct. 24, 1752. Martha, wf. of Capt. Samuel [71 y.], May 29, 1754. Elizabeth, wf. of Phineas [27 y. 2 m.], Feb. 9, 1757- John, hus. of Phebe, March 10, 1757. Mary, wf. of Isaac [64 y.], Aug. 6, 1760. Eunice, wf. of Lieut. Ezra [46 y.], Oct. 2, 1760. Capt. Samuel, 81 y., Feb. 20[g.s. Feb. 21], 1761. Mary, who had been wf. of John, Aug. 17, 1761. Mary, wf. of Ezra, delivered of a son stillborn, March 22, 1763. Deborah, wf. of James, abt. 52 y., July 9, 1764. Stephen, s of Stephen and Deborah, Dec. 30, 1764. Isabel, wid. of John [83 y.], Aug. 9, 1765. Hannah, wid. of Dea. Joseph, 83 y., Aug. 25, 1765. Isaac, 76 y., Aug. 25, 1765. Samuel, who had been hus. of Mary, in 91 y., Feb. 22, 1768. Ezra, Esq., consort of Mary [53 y.], April 28, 1768. Samuel, Sept. 23, 1782. Jonas, April 14, 1783. Stephen, Aug. , 1784. Susanna, wf. of Capt. Bernard, April 18, 1785. Nancy, da of John, Dec. 26, 1785. Phebe, wid. of John, Sept. 26, 1788. Mary Orne, da of Capt. Bernard and Lois, Oct. 24, 1794. Jacob, 62 y., dropsy, Feb. 1, 1796. James, s of Phineas and Elizabeth, 28 y., July 4, 1796. James, Jr. [perhaps the preceding], July 5, 1796. Mary Orne, da of Capt. Bernard and Lois, Sept. 27, 1796. John, 69 y., numb palsy, Oct. 17, 1797. WF. of Capt. William, 61 y., apoplexy, April 3, 1799. Twin ch. of William, 2 w., sore mouth, Oct. 2, 1799. Nancy, wf. of William, died at Boston, buried from Mr. John Paine'’s, 31 y-, March 10, 1800. Lois, wid., 96 y., Nov. 13, 1801. James, s of Ezra, 4 y., Oct. 12, 1802. Ezra, 30 y., Nov. 28, 1802. Sally, wf. of Samuel, Jr., [da of Phineas and Jemima Green], 27 y., lung and putrid fever, March 17, 1809. Charles Reynolds, s of Rev. Aaron and Eunice, 2 y., 9 m., bilious fever, Oct. 7, 1809. + Elizabeth, wid. of John, 79 y., June 23, 1811. John, s of Phineas, Jr., 14 y., April 8, 1815. James, s of Phineas, Jr., 11 y., April 15, 1816. 348 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Green (continued) 463 Jonas [hus. of Kezia], 71 y., Aug. 24, 1818. 465 WE. of Phineas, 82 y., Dec. 3, 1820. 465 James, 76 y., 1820. 466 Mary, wid. of Samuel, 78 y., Dec. 24, 1821. 475 Amanda Malvina, da of George and Nancy Malvina, 3 m. 21 d., Aug. 19, 1830. gsm, James L. [hus. of Susan], 48 y., Oct. 5, 1831. gsm. James Warren, g y., Oct. 17, 1832. 470 Bernard, Esq., 82 y., July 15, 1834. 471 Kezia, wid. [of Jonas], 83 y., April 14 [ gsm. April 13], 1837. 475 Charles, s of George and Nancy Malvina, 2 m. 27 d., Aug. 17, 1838. 475 William Simonds, s of George and Nancy Malvina, 5 m. 8 d., Jan. 2, 1840. : 649 Joseph Henry, s of Levi and Sarah, July, 1840. 475 Rebecca Elizabeth, da of George and Nancy Malvina, 5 m. 17 d., June 28, 1844. 732 Susan, wid. (of James L.], 62 y., cholera morbus, July 23, 1845. 733 Pamela, wf. of Lowell, 4o y., Feb. 20, 1847. 733 Ebenezer, s of Thomas and Mehitable, b. in So. Reading [return reads Mald.], 55 y. 11 m., dropsy in the chest, April 7, 1847. 736 John E., s of Levi and Sarah, 2 y. 3 m., croup, Sept. 10, 1848. Greenland 177 Lydia, wf. of [Dea.] John [51 y. 4 m.], Jan. 20, 1704/5. 182 Dea. John [84 y.], Oct. 17, 1728. Greenleaf 243 Joseph, Esq., of Boston, but resident in Mald., 90 y., old age, Oct. 23, 1810. Grover ec. Grace, da of Thomas, 3 (8), 1658. ec, Thomas, 28 (8), 1661. ec. John, 19 (12), 1673. ec. Andrew, 24 (2), 1674. ec. Hannah, wf. of Andrew, 30 (3), 1674. ec. Ruth, wf. of Lazarus, 27 (7), 1674. ec. Elizabeth, wf. of Lazarus, Feb. 22, 1688 [1687/8]. g-8. Lazarus, 75 y., 1715. 191 Simon, 73 y. [ g.s. abt. 63 y.], Nov. 17 [g.s. Nov. 28], 1717. 191 Caleb, s of Simon and Sarah [23 y.], June 4, 1720. 181 Sarah, wid. of Simon, Feb. 16, 1725/6. 182 Sarah, da of Simon and Sarah, Sept. 18, 1727. 182 Benjamin, s of Samuel and Sarah, May 24, 1728. 190 Abigail, da of John and Abigail, Sept. 23, 1738. 190 Samuel, s of Samuel and Abigail, Sept. 27, 1738, 192 Joshua, s of John and Hannah, Jan. 25, 1739/40. 192 John, s of John and Hannah, Jan. 27, 1739/40. 192 Simon, s of John and Hannah, Feb. 9, 1739/40. 193 Samuel, hus. of Sarah, Jan. 6, 1747/8. 208 Simon, hus. of Mary, Jan. 30, 1768. 211 Hannah, wf. of John, July 3, 1774. 211 Benjamin, hus. of Lydia, at Ticonderoga, Oct. 16, 1776. 216 Mary, wid. of Simon, Feb. [17], 1784. 216 Samuel, March 17, 1784. 217 John, March 27, 1785. 218 John, Feb. 2, 1787. 224 Wid. of John, 77 y., March 13, 1797. 229 John, 51 y., May 21, 1800. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 349 Grover (continued ) 282 John, 56 y. [g.s. 59 y.], July 22, 1803. ‘ 458 Margaret, wid. of John, 69y.[ gs. 68 y.], Dec. 5, 1813[g.5. Jan. 5, 1814]. 458 Martha M. M., da of M. Grover of Quincy, 4 y., Dec. 9, 1814. 465 Nancy, wid. of Samuel, 31 y., Aug. 4, 1820. g.5. Bela, s of Joshua and Catharine, 13 y., April 27, 1832. g-8. Dorcas Ann, da of Joshua and Dorcas, 19 m., Sept. 23, 1833. g.s. John, 55 y., Oct. 18, 1840. 731 John, married, consumption, Sept. 15, 1844. : 782 Augustus, s of George W. and Mary, 1 y. 4 m., Aug. 20, 1846. 784 Elizabeth A., da of Elias and Rebecca, b. in Saugus, 18 y. 5 m, typhus fever, Oct. 12, 1847. 735 William E., 5 m., fever, Feb. 11, 1849. 736 John [return reads Joshua, also g.s.],s of John and Margaret, 71 y., cholera morbus, Aug. 24, 1849. Guild 475 Hannah, wid., very suddenly, 44 y., Jan. 11, 1842. Guptil 732 Hannah, da of Winthrop, 14 y., consumption, May 1, 1846. Hall g.8. William, 80 y., at Charlestown, May 27, 1843. 731 Lucy M., da of Horatio and Elizabeth, 5 y., dropsy, Nov. 4, 1844. g.s. Mary, wf. of William, da of John and Margaret Grover, 77 y., at Charlestown, Jan. 14, 1846. 732 Horatio, s of Horatio and Elizabeth, 2 y. 4 m., consumption, Oct. 25, 1846. 786 Elizabeth, wid. of Jonathan Wazt [da of William and Mary Ha//], 55 y-, cholera morbus, Aug. 12, 1849. Hallowell, Hollowell 165 Hannah, da of Edward and Huldah [b. Nov. 20, 1743], Sept. 4, 1744. Hancock 226 John, 36 y., “ was killed instantaneously by sporting with a gun, held by Peter Wright, which discharged its contents into his head,” May 12, 1798. 233 Elizabeth, unm., 72 y., old age, Oct. 6, 1809. Hanson 736 WE. of James, 45 y., Sept. 3, 1848. Harlow 788 Charles F., s of William and Rosalinda, 4 m. 15 d., dropsy and jaundice, July 7, 1846. Harnden g-s. Ebenezer, 62 y., March 29, 1738. 193 Ebenezer, 63 y. [see the preceding], March 29, 1741. gs. Rebecca, wid. of Ebenezer, Nov. 18, 1764. 216 Lydia, wf. of Capt. Ebenezer [77 y.], Oct. 28, 1784. 217 Capt. Ebenezer [81 y.], July 8, 1786. 219 Lydia, da of Ebenezer and Mary, Sept. , 1791. 223 Esther, wf. of John, Dec. 26, 1801. 232 John, 80 y., Feb. 13, 1803. 457 MG, wf. of Ebenezer, ulcerated sore throat and fever, 59 y., Dec. 5, 1813. 649 John Josiah [g.s. John I.],s of John and Ursula [15 m.], Nov. 5, 1825, {g-s. July 22, 1825]. 468 Ebenezer, 80 y., April 11, 1831 [g.s. April, 1830]. 350 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Harnden (continued ) 649 John Green, s of John and Ursula [4 y.], Oct. 30, 1841. 734 Ebenezer, married, 66 y., canker, Oct. 25, 1848. Harris g.s. Mildred, wf. of John of Charlestown, 55 y., June 20, 1775. 730 Charles H.,s of Joseph and Hannah, b. in Chelsea [return is Saugus], 4y-2m.,, fever, July 2, 1844. Harrison 733 Elizabeth [g.s. Ellen M.], da of Alfred and Ellen, 5 m. [and 5 d.], spasms, Aug. 4[g.s. Aug. 5], 1846. Hart gsm. Asa, hus. of Lois, 77 y., April 4, 1832. Hartman 781 Henry A. [g.s. adopted son of Eliakim and Mercy Bucknam], b. in Boston, 11 y. 6 m., dropsy, March 30, 1845. Harvell 189 James, s of James and Sarah, March 1, 1735/6. Harwood gs. Harriet, 13 y., Sept. 20, 1840. Haskins, Hoskins 226 William Emerson [twin], s of Robert, 14 d., Feb. 28, 1798. 226 John [twin], s of Robert, abt. 1 m., March 14, 1798. 231 Lucy, da of William, 2 y., Nov. 22, 1802. 731 Rebecca, wf. of William, b. in Dorchester, 79 y., cholera morbus, Sept. 6, 1845. 735 John B., 44 y., consumption, July 12, 1848. Hatch g-8. Reuben, s of Capt. Naler and Martha, 17 y. 4 m., drowned, April 9, 1770. 224 Reuben, returning from the West Indies, Nov. 23, 1796. 240 Capt. Naler, 73 y., July 14, 1804. 236 Anna, da of Nathaniel [and Sarah], 7 m., Nov. Io, 1806. 455 Martha, wid., 78 y., Oct. 26, 1811. 458 Lucretia, 62 y., Feb. 7, 1814. 469 Martha, 19 y., June 26, 1833. 787 Sarah, wid., 71 y., consumption, Oct. 25, 1849. Haven 468 Mary Burrill, da of Gilbert, Oct. 7, 1830. 469 Andrew Jackson Sprague, s of Gilbert, 10 y. § m., March 12, 1834. 473 Benjamin Franklin, s of Gilbert, 12 y., Oct. 26, 1838. 478 Bethiah Gardner, da of Gilbert, 21 y., Dec. 27, 1839. Hawes g.8s. Harriet, wf. of George, 33 y-, Nov. 27, 1843. Hay gsm. David, s of Marmaduke and Martha, 2 y., Sept. 13, 1803. gsm. Nathaniel, s of Marmaduke and Martha, 2 m., May 15, 1815. gsm. Martha Ann, da of Marmaduke and Martha, 3 y., June 12, 1817. gsm. James S., s of Marmaduke and Martha, 22 y., Sept. 25, 1819. Hedrick g.8. Jane, in Boston, 17 y. 2 m., April 22, 1833. Hemenway, Hemingway gsm. Israel [hus. of Charity], 58 y., Nov. 29, 1828. gs. James, s of Israel and Nancy, 13 y. 2 m., Aug. 19, 1837, MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 351 Hemenway, Hemingway (continued ) g.s. Marma D. H., da of Israel and Nancy, 6 y. I m., Sept. 1, 1837. 737 Nancy, wf. of Israel, 54 y. 9 m., fever, Jan. 22, 1850. Herring 244 Ebenezer, 63 y., a gravel complaint and consumption, April 13, 1810. 471 Mary, wid., 85 y., Sept. 26, 1836. Higgins 732 Henry N., s of Moses P. and Eliza, 1 y. 1 m., affection of brain, 738 Aug. 4, 1846. . Moses H., s of Moses and Eliza, b. in Lynn, 1 y. 1 m. 19 d., teething, Sept. 29, 1850. Hildreth g.8. Hill 6.c. c.c. 179 193 195 198 198 205 209 215 220 240 234 235 305 244 244 243 464 ber. 473 473 730 733 ‘734 739 Hills c.c. c.c. c.c. ¢.c. c.c, c.c. C.c. C.c. g-5. g.8. 195 Elizabeth, wf. of Richard, 68 y., Aug. 3, 1693. Sarah, da of Abraham, (8), 1649. Abraham, Sen., Feb. 13, 1669. Abraham, s of Abraham and Abigail, Jan. 8, 1715/6. Moses, hus. of Sarah, July 21, 1743. Abigail, wf. of Abraham, Dec. 6, 1745. Charles, s of Isaac and Sarah, May 12, 1749. Abraham, in 67 y., June 21, 1754. 1B Isaac, s of Moses and Sarah, and hus. of Sarah [41 y.], June 22, 1764. Abigail, who had been wf. of Abraham, Dec. 9, 1768: John Dexter, s of Charles and Mary, Sept. 4, 1782. Patty, da of Charles and Mary, smallpox, Sept. 29, 1792. Charles, 48 y., April 29, 1804. Rebecca, da of the late Charles, 15 y., April 6, 1805. Mary, da of Charles, 15 m., Oct. 11, 1805. Moses, s of Charles and Hannah [239, 2 d.], fits, May 12, 1808. Da of Charles and Hannah, 4 w., Feb. 21, 1810. Hannah, wf. of Charles, 32 y., pulmonary consumption, March 17, 18Io. Mary, wf. of Isaac, consumption, Nov. 17, 1810. Mary, wf. of Isaac, 30 y., March 1, 1819. Mary, Sept. 17, 1826. Elizabeth, da of Isaac, Jan. 12, 1837. James W., s of Benjamin G., 1 y., Sept. 7, 1839. John M., married, 69 y. [so g.s., but 650 70 y.], consumption, Aug. 22 [so g.s., but 650 Aug. 23], 1843. Mary C., da of Benjamin G. and Martha, 9 m. 23 d., abscess in throat, Aug. 28, 1846. Ellen, da of Isaac and Phebe, 17 y., consumption, Feb. 3, 1848. Charles, s of Charles and Mary, 72 y. 7 m., dropsy, Aug 26, 1850. Rose, wf. of Joseph, 24 (1), 1650. John, s of Joseph, 28 (4), 1652. Mehitable, da of Joseph, (5), 1653. Nathaniel, s of Joseph, 26 (12), 1653. Deborah, da of Joseph, Sen., Oct. 1, 1662. Abigail, da of Joseph, Sen., Oct. 9, 1662. Joseph, Jr., 19 (2), 1674. Hannah, wf. of Joseph, 11 (5), 1674. Sarah, wf. of Ebenezer, 42 y., March 1, 1703. Mary, wf. of Benjamin, 55 y., Jan. 21, 1742. Sarah, wf. of Thomas, Sept. 15, 1748. Benjamin, s of Thomas and Sarah, Jan. 6, 1750/1. 352 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Hills (continued ) 202 Nathan, s of Thomas and Mary, Oct. 4, 1760. 209 Benjamin, who had been hus. of Mary, died at Lynn, June 20, 1768. 217 Hannah, wf. of Ebenezer, Aug. 7, 1785. 218 John, s of Thomas, Feb. 25, 1787. 228 John, grandson of Thomas, 16 y., fever, Jan. 1, 1800. 223 Benjamin, July 30, r8or. 240 Thomas, 85 y., Oct. 6, 1804. 243 Mary, wid. of Thomas, 83 y., old age, March 31 [1810]. Hitchings gs. Sarah, wf. of Daniel, 57 y., March 6, 1707/8. 466 Susanna, wf. of James, 47 y. [g.s- 45 y-], Sept. 12[ g.s. Nov. 15], 1821. g-s. Nathan, s of James and Susanna, 13 y., Oct. 26, 1826. gs. Eunice M., wt. of James, 44 y., Dec. 7, 1834. 648 Martha S., wf. of George, 32 y., consumption, July 4, 1842. 734 Mary A., da of William and Mary [H.], 2 y. 5 m. [and 13 d.], cholera infantum, Sept. 11, 1847. 738 Susan C., wf. of George, b. in Westbrook, Me., 32 y., consumption, Aug. 16, 1850. Hodgkins 735 Ann J., 10 m., dysentery, Aug. 16, 1848. Hogan, Hoggen 460 Ch. of William, March , 1816. 733 Mary, da of Ezra Wait, 79 y., old age, in Chelsea, March 4, 1847. Holden 242 Ch. of Ezra, aged a few hours, Feb. 15, 1809. 455 Sally Dyer, da of Jesse and Sally, io m., Feb. 15, 1811. 461 Nancy, da of N[athan], 2, and Dorcas, Oct. 19, 1818. g-8. Nathan D. [s of Nathan and Esther], 23 y., Nov. 1, 1822. g-s. Nathan (hus. of Dorcas], 43 y., Jan. 12, 1829. g.s. Mary L{ynde], da of Ezra and Phebe, 15 y., May 29, 1830. 648 Edwin Buckingham, s of Nathan W. and Harriet, Aug. , 1840. g-8. David Jones, 19 y., Sept. 17, 1840. 415 Ellen Maria [ oo da of Eli and Phebe, 2 y.], July 24, 1841. 649 Mary Elizabeth, da of Nathan W. and Harriet, 4 m. 17 d. [650, 5 m., 730, 8 m.], dysentery, Aug. 3 [650, Sept. 3], 1843. 731 Infant da of Ezra and Lucy, 3 d., infantile, April 15, 1845. 731 Ellen R.,da of N[athan] W. and Harriet, 3 y. 7 m,, fits, Aug. 1, 1845. 785 Charles S., s of Nathan W. and Harriet, 1 y. 7 m., fits, March 17, 1849. gs. Sally I. [error for D.], wf. of Jesse, 67 y., Sept. 14, 1849. Holland 461 John, July =, 1818. Holmes 738 Henry, b. in Plymouth, Me., 46 y., consumption, March 12, 1850. Homer 730 James Bartlett, s of James B. and Adeline, 9 y. 7 m. 6 d., affection of nervous ecu May 17, 1844. 781 James B., s of James B. and Adeline (birth recorded as Augustus B.], It m. 24 d., croup, Dec. 30, 1844. Honey 731 Albert, s of Calvin and Maria, 1 y. 2 m., lung fever, March 17, 1845. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 353 Hopkins 236 Harriet, da of Capt. Benjamin, 3 y., Sept. 9, 1806. 474 Thomas Sargent, s of Azariah, March 2, 1840. 474 Azariah, 30 y., Jan. 7, 1841. 474 Thomas Sargent, only ch. of Azariah, 9 m., Jan. 9, 1841. 738 Lucy O., da of Franklin, b. in Scituate, 10 m., influenza, May 13, 1850. Horp 739 Robert, s of Joseph W., b. in New Ireland, 2 y. 6 m., dropsy, July 13, 1850. Hough g.8. John H.,s of John and Luranah, April 7, 1841. g.s. Joseph Y., s of John and Luranah, April 11, 1841. 738 Francis W., b. in Argyle, Me., 1 y. 6 m., fever, Oct. 6, 1850. Houghton 788 Howard C., s of Samuel, b. in Cambridge, 1 y. 7 m., Jan. 18, 1850. Hovey 179 Samuel, s of James and Deborah, March 17, 1713/4. 183 Elizabeth, da of James and Elizabeth [13 y. 9 m.], June 28 [1736]. 194 Josiah, an apprentice to Solomon Zowmnsend, 1735 [1745]. Norte. This entry and others which accompany it have an erroneous date in the records. Nine deaths, viz.— Josiah Hovey, John Nichols, Samuel Nichols, John Stower, Nathan Stower, Jonathan Sweetser, Ebenezer Wayte, Benjamin Wheeler, and Joel Whitte- more are recorded, “all of them deceased in the year 1735 [1745], in and after the Seage when Cap brittan was taken by the New- england forces.” 195 Elizabeth, wf. of Dea. James, “at even as she was walking up the ferry ways at peney ferry just behind another person fell down and deceast immediately ” [54 y.], Oct. 1 [g.s. 4], 1750. 207 Dea. James, July 13, 1765. 208 Susanna, wid. of Dea. James [57 y.], Feb. 14, 1768. 241 Dr. oa Reading, d. at J. Barrett’s, 52 y., consumption, Dec. 18, 1808. Howard, Haward, Hayward ec. Elizabeth, da of Samuel, 13 (12), 1660. e.c. Martha, wf. of Samuel, May 6, 1662. ec, Anne? da of Samuel, Aug. 16, 1669. ec. Elizabeth, May 12, 1686. g.s. Jonathan, 35 y., March 6, 1702. gs. Anna, wf. of Jonathan, 22 y., March 19, 1715. g-s. Anna, da of Jonathan and Anna, 2y., April, 1718. 181 Joseph, s of Samuel and Sibyl [22 y. 1 m.], May 18, 1725. g.s. Susanna, abt. 47 y., July 7, 1726. 187 Phebe, da of Nathaniel and Lydia, Jan. 22, 1729/30. 187 Nathaniel, s of Nathaniel and Lydia, Jan. 25, 1729/30. 184 Phineas, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Sept. 28, 1738. 184 Anna, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, Sept. 29, 1738. 184 James, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Oct. 3, 1738. 184 Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, Oct. 9, 1738. 184 Samuel, s of Samuel and Elizabeth, Oct. 14, 1738. 201 Jeremiah, who had been hus. of Hannah, April, 1755. 201 Sibylla, wf. of Samuel, Feb. 23, 1757. 201 Phineas, s of Joseph and Rebecca, Nov. 17, 1758. 201 Joseph, s of Joseph and Rebecca, Dec. 15, 1758. 206 Nathaniel, hus. of Lydia [62 y.], Dec. 17, 1763. 23 354 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Howard, Haward, Hayward (continued) 206 209 209 209 210 211 212 211 212 212 214 216 217 218 219 220 220 222 227 228 229 223 231 231 223 231 223 231 223 223 236 237 239 239 239 242 455 459 460 461 464 466 466 Sarah, wf. of John, July 27, 1764. William, s of Jonathan and Winifred, Sept. 19, 1765. Phebe, da of Joseph and Rebecca, April 30, 1768. Jonathan, hus. of Mercy [76 dt May 19, 1769. Elizabeth, wf. of Dea. Samuel [77 y.], March 11, 1773. Mary, da of Jonathan and Mary, April 25, 1773. Dea. Samuel, hus. of Elizabeth [75 y.], March 18[g.s. March 19], 1775- Joseph, hus. of Rebecca [49 y.], Feb. 8, 1776. Phebe, da of James and Lydia [6 m. 24 d.], Oct. 11, 1777. James, who had been hus. of Lydia [35 y.], Sept. 20, 1778. Sarah, at the workhouse, Sept. 26, 1781. Mercy, wid. of Jonathan, Oct. 7, 1784. Wf. of Jonathan, Aug. 7, 1785. Sally, da of John and Huldah, Dec. 23, 1787. Rebecca, wid., July 18, 1790. Abigail, town’s poor, Dec. Io, 1791. — wid., Aug. 25, 1792. Infant ch. of William and Polly, June 25, 1797. Mary, da of William and Mary, 6 m., canker, Feb. 6, 1799. Nancy, da of John and Huldah, 5 y. [and 3 m.], April 27, 1800. Ch. of John, 5 m., Sept. 20, 1800. Sarah, da of David and Martha, at the poor-house, Sept. 16, 1801. Hannah, wf. of Amos, 57 y., May 21, 1802. William, 33 y., May 26, 1802. William [perhaps the preceding], 1802. Mary, da of the late William, 17 m., June 13, 1802. Ch. of William [perhaps the preceding], 1802. Nathaniel, s of Amos, Jr., Sept. 4, 1802. Grandchild of Amos [perhaps the preceding], 1802. Jabez, July 24, 1803. Jonathan, 82 y., Oct. 26, 1806. John, hus. of Huldah, 43 y., consumption, May 8, 1807. Ezra, 64 y-, April 27, 1808. Mercy, 44 y-, consumption, June 30, 1808. Betsey, wf. of James, consumption, Aug. 23, 1808. Amos, 69 y., consumption, Dec. 20, 1808. Atalanta, wf. of Amos, 43 y., Sept. 22, 1811. Henry, s of Nathaniel, 8 y., April 20, 1815. Ch. of Nathaniel, 6 m., Feb. 18, 1816. Reuben Cooms, s of Jabez and Rebecca, 2 m., Oct. 27, 1816. Ch. of Nathaniel, Sept. 25, 1818. Joseph, 52 y., Dec. 9, 1821. Jonathan, 28 y. [g.s. 27 y.], May 6, 1822. 467 Amos, Dec. 9, 1826. g.s. Mary Susan, da of James and Mary, 2 y., March 16, 1827. gsm. Joseph, 29 y., July 1, 1829. gem. James, 56 y., Nov. 12, 1829. gsm. Nathaniel, hus. of Mary, 54 y., May 16, 1831. gsm. Mary, wid. of Nathaniel, 50 y., Aug. 14, 1831. g.s. James Benson, s of James and Mary, 4 y. 4 m., July 25, 1832. gsm. Thompson, s of James and Betsey, 30 y., March 19, 1833. gsm. John, 36 y., Jan. 10, 1837. gsm. Lucy, wf. of Caleb, 21 y., July 5, 1837. g.s. Abbie, 18 y., Nov. 2, 1837. gem. Lydia, 65 y., Jan. 13, 1838. 649 James Warren, s of James 2 and Mary F., Oct. 9, 1839. 733 Huldah, wid. of John, 83 y. [and 5 m.], old age, March 8, 1847. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 355 Howe 738 Washington J., s of Edmund, 9 m., Aug. Io, 1849. Hudson 462 Caroline [H.], 9 y., Oct. 3, 1818 [g.s. 1817]. Hunt 456 Thomas [b. at North Hampton, March 25, 1753], May 9 [g.s. May 6], 1812. 467 Nathan, s of Joseph, 1 d., June 10, 1824. Hutchinson g.8. John, s of John and Mary, 11 y., July 30, 1729. 206 Mary, wf. of John, April 14, 1755. 206 John, who had been hus. of Mary, Aug. 2, 1762. 214 Mehitable, Feb. 13, 1780. Imperfect Records 231 Ch. at Ezra Floyd’s, 4 y., April 15, 1802. 2386 Nurse ch. at James Sweetser’s, 7 m., Nov. 20, 1806. 233 Ch. of Joseph and Sarah ——ton, 9 m., cholera infantum, Sept. 30, 1809. 461 Ch. residing in ae family of Joseph Coats, by her clothes taking fire, Nov. , 1816. 731 Infant da of Chauncy ——, 10 d., general debility, Oct. 26, 1844. 737 Sophronia , married, b. in Manchester, N. H., 21 y., consump- tion, June 26, 1849. 739 A female child, 6d., Dec. 6, 1850. Indian, without Surname 225 Patience, cancerous humor and old age, April 1, 1797. Ireland 179 Abigail, wf. of William [74 y.], Nov. 21, 1715. Jackson 238 Abigail, wf. of Joseph of Boston, 87 y., June 8, 1807. James 234 Mary, 81 y., Feb. 11, 1805. Jefts g-s. Mary Elizabeth, da of Granville and Elizabeth, 14 m., April 28, 1831. 468 Granville, 28 y., Jan. 31, 1832. 737 Roxana S., b. in Billerica, 47 y. 7 m., consumption, Nov. 21, 1849. Jenkins e.c. Theophilas, s of Joel, 15 (5), 1660. 177 Elizabeth, da of Lemuel, Feb. 16, 1697. 178 Ezekiel, Sen., [57 y., schoolmaster], July 30, 1705. 179 Lemuel, Sen., [70 y], Dec. 20, 1713. 179 Elizabeth [da of Lemuel and Mercy, 14 y. 9 m.], March 11, 1713/4. 179 Abigail [da of Lemuel and Mercy, 10 y. 4 m.], March 15, 1713/4. 182 Lemuel, s of Nathaniel and Sarah, Dec. 20, 1727. 189 Mercy, wid., July 19, 1736. 189 Sarah, da of Nathaniel:and Sarah, Oct. 10, 1736. 186 Mary, wf. of Lemuel, 54 y., July 13 [abt. 1740]. 186 Jemima, da of Joseph and Jemima, March 2, 1740/1. 192 Sarah, wf. of Nathaniel, May 15, 1745. 192 Lemuel, 72 y., Jan. 24, 1745/6. 198 Ezekiel, hus. of Margaret, Oct. 1, 1752. 198 Phebe, da of Ezekiel and Phebe, May 21, 1753. 201 Thomas, s of Thomas and Anna, 20 y., June 21, 1757. 356 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Jenkins (continued ) : : 202 Joseph, hus. of pines at [Fort] William Henry in the service, Aug. ,1758. 205 Obadiah, hus. of Mary [72 y.], Feb. 4, 1762. 208 Margaret, who had been wf. of Ezekiel, Nov. 30, 1766. 209 Mary, who had been wf. of Obadiah, Dec. 10, 1767. 210 Ezra, s of Ezekiel and Phebe, Oct. 15, 1769. 211 Catherine, wf. of Nathaniel, Oct. 24, 1773. 211 Ezra, s of Ezekiel and Margaret, Oct. 30, 1773. 211 Nathaniel, hus. of Abigail [53. y., schoolmaster], March 19, 1776. 214 Jemima, wid., Jan. 11, 1780. 217 Margaret, da of Ezekiel, May, 1785. 219 Ezekiel, March 20, 1790. 222 Jemima, Feb. 6, 1795. 224 Edward, 58 y., very suddenly, Dec. 4, 1796. 225 Betsey, da of John, Jr., 5 y., quinsy, March 26, 1797. 226 Joseph, 66 y., asthma, Dec. 18 [ gsm. Dec. 9], 1797. 228 Abigail [wid. of Nathaniel, schoolmaster], 79 y., fever, Nov. 17 [g.s. Oct. 17], 1799. 242 John, 69 y., lung fever, March 2, 1809. 456 Mrs. Abigail, Sept. 16, 1812. 470 Mrs. Hannah, 87 y., Oct. 21, 1828. 470 Dea. John, a worthy and pious member of the Baptist church, died suddenly, 53 y., Dec. 26, 1828. Jenks 201 Elizabeth, wid., 86 y. [g.s. formerly wf. of Joseph Floyd], June 6, 1757. Jewell g.s. Elizabeth, wf. of John, abt. 19 y., July 8, 1775. Johnson 457 Infant ch. of Ruel, colored, 5 w. [April, May, 1813]. 462 Ch. of Ruel, 20 m., Oct. 5, 1817. 648 Benjamin Franklin, s of Benjamin and Ann, March 14, 1841. 648 Benjamin Franklin, s of Benjamin and Ann, May 24, 1842. 738 Infant da of Benjamin and Ann, 1 m, 4 d., canker, Sept. 2, 1846. 733 John, colored, old age, Sept. 3, 1846. 734 John, b. in Newport, R. I., 71 y., Sept. 30, 1847. 735 D. H.,s of J. F. and M. H., b. in Henniker, 13 m., dysentery, Sept. Io, 1848. 737 Arthur, s of Benjamin, 4 m., heart affection, Sept. 30, 1849. 738 Emma S.,da of John F. and Mehitable, 11 m., whooping cough, March 5, 1850. Jones 730 Mary E., da of Josiah and Mary, 3 y., croup, Jan. 17, 1844. Kelsey 733 Ann, wf. of David B., 34 y., consumption, May 8, 1847. 734 Mary L., da of David B. and Ann, 6 m., canker, Sept. 16, 1847. Kempton 737 Mary wf. of Samuel, 19 y., childbed [1849]. Kendrick 730 ae ee da of Coleman C. and Sarah H., 4m. 9d., canker, Oct. » 1043. Kenny, Kinney 736 Zeluty, wf. of Cornell [rec. has Carrol by error], 31 y. [return reads 35 y-], consumption, Nov. 18, 1847. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 357 Kettell, Kettle g.s. Hannah, wf. of John of Charlestown, 25 y. 1 m. 12 d., Aug. 4, 1741. 215 Elizabeth, wf. of James, June 6, 1782. 221 James, Feb. , 1793. 459 Nathan Hoyt, s of Thomas, 3 y., Aug. 31, 1815. 459 Thomas, s of Thomas, I y., Sept. 22, 1815. Kidder g.8. Eliza H., da of Jonathan and Sarah, 19 y., April 16, 1842. 733 John F., s of Sarah, b. in Gorham, Me., 20 y., consumption, Jan. Io, 1847. Kimball 219 Jacob, May 21, 1790. g-s. James Henry, s of James B. and Evelyn, 3 m. 7 d., Oct. 1, 1836. 781 Harriet [O.], wf of James B., b. in Lynn, 28 y., consumption, June 11, 1845. 735 Hannah [F.], wf. of James B., 20 y., fever, Jan. 20, 1849. King 217 Elizabeth, one of the poor supported by Mald. and Boston, Oct. 1, 1786. Kirby 737, Sarah C. Swan, da of John and Jane, b. in W. Cambridge, I y. 7 m., measles, June 27, 1849. 737 Amanda, wf. of Alvin [H.], b. in Plymouth, N. H., 44 y. [ g.s. 40 y-], consumption [at Boston], [g.s. also their infant da.], Aug. 24, 1849. Knapp g.s. Charles H., s of Oren B. and Sophronia S., ro y., July 9, 1841. Knight, Knights 734 Simon, wid., colored, old age., July 14, 1847. Knower c.c. George, 13 (12), 1674. e.c. Thomas, s of Jonathan, buried, 2, (10), 1685. e.c. Elizabeth, da of Jonathan and Sarah, June 5, 1687. g.s. John, s of John and Elizabeth, 6 w., April 18, 1722. 180 Sarah, da of Jonathan [and Sarah, 42 y. 2 m., Sept. 7, 1722]. 180 Jonathan, Sen., [77 y.], Oct. 15, 1722. 180 Sarah, wid., of Jonathan [75 y.}, Oct. 22 [g.s. Oct. 21], 1722. 182 Joseph, s of John and Elizabeth, Dec. 20, 1727. 188 Elizabeth, da of Jonathan and Mary, July 22, 1730. 188 Benjamin, s of Jonathan and Mary, Aug. 1, 1730. g.s. Thomas, s of John and Elizabeth, 6 y. 9 m., Sept. 3, 1738. 190 Elizabeth, da of Jonathan and Mary, Sept. 4, 1738. 195 Jonathan, hus. of Mary [64 y.], Dec. 21, 1745. 192 John, hus. of Elizabeth ire y-], Nov. 28, 1740. 195 Mary, da of Jonathan and Mary, Sept. 3, 1748. ; 204 John, s of John and Elizabeth, and hus. of Phebe, Sept. 14, 1758. 207 Phebe, da of John and Phebe, March 3 [1764]. 214 Thomas, April 17, 1777. 214 Daniel, “ Lost in the extraordinary Hericane in the wesindies,” Oct. 10-11, 1780. 216 Joseph, s of Jonathan, Feb. 18, 1782. 215 Infant ch. of Jonathan, Feb. 22, 1782. 215 Mary, wid. of Jonathan, May 5, 1783. 216 Abigail, wf. of Daniel, Jan. 25, 1785. 232 Lydia, pauper, 73 y., April 30, 1803. 358 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Knower (continued) 237 Jonathan, 58 y., found dead in his bed, Jan. 15, 1807. 243 Elizabeth Florey [Flora ?], da of Jonathan and Mary, 54 y., Nov. 16, 1810. 464 Mrs. [No date, entry made 1819.] Enowlton 469 Asa, 26 y., Oct. 6[ g.s. Oct. 5], 1833. Lamson 177 Elizabeth [wf. of Joseph, 45 y.], June 10, 1703. g.s. Elizabeth, da of Joseph and Elizabeth [c.c. b. Aug. 29, 1689], 14 y. 4m., Jan. 1, 1703/4. g-s. Rebecca, da of Joseph and Hannah, 3 w. 5 d., March 15, 1714/5. 181 John, July 14, 1725. Lane e.c. Sarah, wf. of Job, about 19 (3), 1659. c.c. Anna, da of Job, Nov. 28, 1662. g-8. Job, 77 y., Aug. 23, 1697. g.s. [Anna], wf. of Job, 72 y., April 30, 1704. 457 Jerome, s of Jerome Lave and Mary Perce of Chelmsford, 11 m., Sept. 10, 1813. Larrabee 460 Charles, s of John, 10 m., March 1, 1816. 649 Elbridge, s of John and Mary [perhaps this entry is an error, see next], Jan. 1, 1830. gsm. Elbridge, s of John and Mary R., 3 y. 9 m., Jan. I, 1833. gsm. John [hus. of Betsey], 58 y., Dec. 15, 1834. 649 Eveline, da of John and Mary [Rh [6 y.], Nov. 24, 1841. 736 John [hus. of Mary R.], 46 y., Feb. 28, 1848. 736 Martha [ gsm. Martha Jane], da of Johnand Mary V. [ gsm. Mary R.], 4m. [gsm. 2 y. 3 m.], Oct. 7 [ gsm. Oct. 4], 1848. 738 George, s of John, 43 y., cholera, Sept. 6, 1849. Lear 228 Ch. of Peter, April 29 [1800]. 462 Peter, 52 y., March 29, 1817. 470 Lois, wid. [of Peter], 68 y., Oct. 18, 1835. Learned c.c. Sarah, wid., 24, (11), 1660. Lee gs. Samuel, 36 y., Aug. , 1676. gs. Hannah, 5 y., Jan. , 1678. g-s. Mary, 13 y.,Jan. , 1678. Leonard 226 Sarah, wf. of Dr. Leonard of Newburyport, 53 y., Sept. 12, 1798. Lewis e.c. Margaret, wf. of John, 10 (2), 1649. e.c. Jonathan, s of Jobn, 10 (12), 1651. e.c. John, hus. of Mary, (7), 1657. g.8. Isaac, 34 y., April 6, 1691. 177 Samuel, Feb. 1, 1698/9. 178 Christopher, Feb. 8, 1703/4. 472 Elizabeth, wf. of Charles, Esq., 50 y., Dec. 31, 1837. 731 Marion Wfarren], da of Charles and Sabra J. [g-s. W.], Io m. whooping cough, Feb. 27, 1845. 737 Georgiana A/twood], da of John and Eliza, 1 y. 9 m. [and 8 d.], disease of brain, Nov. 19, 1849. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 359 Littlefield gsm. Edward P.,s of Ivory and Mary Ann, 1 y., Oct. 5, 1838. gsm. Mary C., da of Ivory and Mary Ann, 6 w., Sept. 27, 1844. gsm, Charles E., s of Ivory and Mary Ann, 19 m., Sept. 4, 1849. Locke , 732 Mary A., da of J. V. [Elias V.] and Betsey, 1 y. 6 m., consumption, Dec. , 1846]. 738 Samuel, Jr., s of Samuel, 21 d., Feb. 6, 1850. gem. Frederic Davis, s of Samuel B. and Anna H., 14 d., Feb. 6, 1850. Lockwood 472 Abraham R., was killed instantly by the bursting of a cannon, 28 y., July 4, 1837. Lord ‘ 470 Oliver Luther, s of Oliver and Nancy, 2 d., June 15, 1835. 470 Oliver, 27 y., Sept. 15, 1835. Lovett ‘781 Da of Anthony and Phebe, 2 d., infantile, Jan. 26, 1845. / 781 Phebe H., wf. of Anthony, 38 y., dropsy, May 17, 1845. j Luddington ve c.c. Matthew, s of William, 12 (11), 1657. Lynde c.c. Mary, da of Joseph and Elizabeth, April 30, 1686. ¢.c. Joseph, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, Feb. 3 [perhaps error for Feb. 13, see births], 1686/7. g.s. Mary, abt. 34 y., Dec. 22, 1690. 177 Elizabeth, wf. of [Ensign] Thomas [81 y.], Sept. 2, 1693. 177 Ensign Thomas [78 y.], Oct. 15, 1693. 177 Elizabeth, wf. of John [38 y.], Jan. 19, 1698/9. 178 Susanna, wife of John, Jr., Sept. 9 [180, Sept. 16], 1707. g.s. Capt. John, abt. 75 y., Sept. 17, 1723. 188 Sarah, da of Joseph and Elizabeth, Oct. 14, 1731. 189 Elizabeth, wf. of Joseph, 73 y., June 20, 1733. 189 Joseph, in 84 y., Jan. 2, 1735/6. 200 Thomas, hus. of Joanna, Sept. 9, 1747. 196 Dea. Thomas, Jan. 15, 1747/8. 196 Mercy, da of Jacob and Mary, Aug. 3, 1749. 199 Elizabeth, da of Joseph and Mary [3 y.], July 12, 1753. 199 Mary, da of Joseph and Mary [12 y.], July 12, 1753. 199 Phebe, da of Joseph and Mary [5 y.], July 13, 1753. 199 Lydia, wid. of Dea. [Thomas], [70 y. 2 m. 8d.], Oct. 19, 1755. g-8. John, 46 y. [perhaps the same as 70., “ July 10, John Lynds of Lyster fell of his Horse and Dyed in Malden in about 5 or 6 Hours ”] July 11, 1756. 248 [Ensign] Joseph, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, hus. of Mary [72 y.], March 16, 1763. 205 Rachel, da of Jabez and Rachel [21 y. 10 m.], Aug. 18, 1764. 211 Capt. Jabez, hus. of Rachel [54 y.], Oct. 20, 1773. 212 Joseph, s of Joseph, Jr., and Mary [1 y. 2 m.], July 17 [g.s. July 23), 1778 779. 212 Mary, a Se Jr.,and Mary [4 y. 2 m.], [July] 23 [g.s. July 17], 1770. 213 Polly [g.s. Mary], da of Joseph and Mary [23 y.6 m.], Aug. 14, 1778. 214 Mary, wf. of Ensign Joseph [88 y.], July 2, 1781. nee NTE 218 Mary, wf. of Joseph [69 y.], Nov. 3, 1788. 225 Jonathan, inward bleeding and consumption [37 y.], April 17, 1797. 226 Joseph, 83 y. [g.s. 82 y.], cancer, July 4, 1798. 360 MALDEN RECORD. OF DEATHS Lynde (continued ) 227 Phebe, wf. of Jabez, 57 y. [g-s. 58 y.], consumption, Feb. 20, 1799. 230 Rachel, wid., 82 y., Nov. 19, 1801. 234 Joseph, 59 y., Jan. 20, 1805. 236 Ch. of Joseph, 4 d., Nov. 4 [1806]. 237 Mary [wid. of Joseph Lyzde and mother of Rev. Aaron Green], 85 y., Nov. 21 [g.s. Dec. 21], 1806. 241 Lydia, wf. of Lieut. Nathan, 72 y. [g.s. 71 y.], palsy, Dec. 4, 1808. 242 Maria, a black woman, hay fever, May 11, 1809. 456 Nancy, wf. of John [32 y.|, June 30[g.s. June 29], 1812. 458 Mary [g.s. Phebe], wi. of Jabez, 66 y. (and 8 m. 29 d.], Jan. 19, 1814, 460 [James L.], s of John [and Mary], 10 m., Feb. [27], 1816. 460 Stephen, s of Nathan, Jr., 24 y., July 25, 1816. 461 Jabez, 73 y., Dec. 28, 1816. 463 Eliza, da of Nathan, Jr., 20 y., July 7, 1818. 464 Nathan, 86 y., Jan. 12, 1819. gs. Mary, wf. of John, 49 y., Nov. 1, 1826. g.s. Mary, wf. of Joseph, 82 y., March 29, 1828. ber. Mary, wid. [perhaps the preceding], 1828. gsm, Benjamin [hus. of Mary], 71 y., Sept. 26, 1829. gsm. Rolinde, wf. of George, 21 y., Feb. 14, 1833. 474 Frederick U.,s of John, 3, [ gsv. John, Jr., and Sarah, 2 y. 5 m.], Dec. 4 [ gsm. Dec. 24], 1833. gem. Mary, da of John and Nancy, 22 y., Feb. 18, 1834. 474 Clarissa Ann, da of Daniel and Clarissa, 4 y., Jan. 25, 1840. 474 George Waldo, s of Daniel and Clarissa, 2 y., Jan. 31, 1840. 648 Jacob P., 35 y., consumption, June 15, 1840. 649 Joseph, 4o y., consumption, July 2, 1841. 648 Mary Eliza, da of Jacob P. and Adeline, Io y., dysentery, Sept. 10, 1841. 649 Mary[wid. of Benjamin], 80 y. Lee 79 y-9 m.], old age, Nov. 8, 1842. 730 Nathan, married, 81 y., erysipelas, Aug. 8 [650, Aug. 7], 1843. 731 Rolindo [ gsm. Rolinde E., da of George and Harriet N., 9 y.], Jan. 8, 1846. 782 Eveline, da of Daniel and Clarissa W., 4 m., March 20, 1846. 736 Adeline L., wid. [of Jacob P.], da of Bernard and Mary Newhall, 39 y-, dropsy of heart [écv. consumption], July 28 [dcr. Jan. 28], 1848. McClure 475 Thomas Vinson [ Vinton by error], s of Rev. Alexander W. and Mary B., 7 y- 3m. 21 d., Aug. 17, 1841. Mace 788 Ellen A. M., wf. of Reuben, b. in Salem, 24 y. 9 m., consumption, May 5, 1850. McLean 195 Elizabeth, Jan. 4, 1750/1. McLeish 648 Daniel S., s of Rev. John, cholera infantum, Aug. 18, 1842. Magus, Magos 464 Ch. of Sally, colored, May 4, 1819. Mann g.8. Elizabeth, wf. of Samuel T., 21 y., May 11, 1837. 475 Caroline Waitt, da of William and Phebe, 4 y. 8 m., Sept. 5, 1841. 650 Samuel T., 28 y., consumption, July 28, 1842. Manser i 210 Sarah, wf. of Thomas, Jan. 23, 1770. ‘MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 361 Mansfield 474 Edward Augustus, s of Edward and Clarinda, 5 m. 26 d., Oct. 5, 1840. Marble 187 John, June 2, 1730. 183 John, s of John and Sarah, June 6, 1739. Marshall 650 Susan, wf. of David, 50 y., cancer, Nov. 16, 1843. Marston 7382 Andrew, s of David, to m. 16 d., dropsy, Feb. 18, 1846. Martin 221 John, state’s poor, May 28, 1793. 223 Sarah, wid., town’s poor, Sept. 10, 1801. 735 Elizabeth, wf. of Solomon, consumption, Oct. 10, 1848. 737 Solomon, s of Solomon, 1 y. 6 m., teething, Sept. 30, 1849. Mayor 218 Anna, wid., res. in Mald., Nov. 25, 1789. Mead 217 Israel, July 11, 1786. Merchant 210 Benjamin, s of William, Aug. 20, 1769. 232 Mercy, 76 y., Oct. 11, 1803. Merritt 212 Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Sarah [21 d.], July 12, 1777. 213 Samuel, town clerk, bus. of Sarah, adopted s of John and Susanna Gould, smallpox, March 5, 1779. 218 Sarah, wid. of Samuel, smallpox, April 8, 1779. 218 Infant ch. of Samuel and Sarah, smallpox, April 11, 1779. Millinor gs. Hannah, wf. of James, Feb. , 1739/40. Mitchell g-s. John, s of John and Elizabeth, 4 y. 9 m., Aug. 27, 1703. gs. Abigail, da of John and Elizabeth, 1 y. 8m., Oct. 11, 1703. g.s. Thomas, 81 y. Io m., Sept. I, 1709. g.8. Mary, wf. of Thomas, 70 y., Jan. 7, 1711/2. g.s. John, 53 y., Sept. 28, 1717. g.s. Abigail, da of John and Elizabeth, 18 y., Sept. 9, 1722. g.s. Elizabeth, wid. of John, 83 y., June 27, 1749. 214 Ch. of John, Dec. 24, 1780. 463 Ch. of Mr., 2 y., Sept. 16, 1817. 469 Elizabeth, 16 y., July 15, 1833. Moore 456 Joseph [36 y.], July 27, 1811. Moran 739 Ch. of Thomas, 2 d., Nov. 2, 1850. Morey 730 George Garrison, s of David [B.] and Almira, b. in Boston, 1 y. 4 m., cholera infantum, Aug. 9, 1844. 733 Wendell Phillips, s of David B. and Almira, b. in Charlestown, 1 y. I m., croup, Feb. 14, 1847. Morrill 735 William H., 3 m.,, fits, Feb. 1, 1848. « 362 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Morse 731 Hannah L., single, b. in Vermont, 17 y., typhus fever, Sept. 6, 1845. Moulton gs. John, abt. 76 y., April 8, 1707. Mudge e.c. John, s of John, Dec. 21, 1685. 191 Ruth, wf. of John [66 y.], Oct. 17, 1733. 191 John, hus. to the late Ruth [78 y.], Oct. 29, 1733. 145 Joseph, s of Joseph and Phebe [b. Dec. 22, 1743], 1752. 207 Lydia, wf. of Dea. John, Dec. 1, 1762. Muzzey 731 Jonas B., s of Aaron and Eliza C., 12 hours, dropsy, June 21, 1845. Myrick 738 William, unm., s of James, b. in Ipswich, 20 y.8 m., Dec. _, 1850. 738 Jane, married, b. in Ipswich, 40 y., inflammation, Dec. 25, 1850. Nash 464 Mr., d. at William Hall’s, 85 y., Nov. 17 [1819]. Neagles rpb. Michael “of Maldon was run over by a Cart wheel which broke his Thigh [Sept. 2], & he died the Monday following,” Sept. 5, 1774. 455 Elizabeth, wid., 74 y., July 17, 1811. g.s. Mary Elizabeth, da of Ebenezer and Mary, 4 y., July 6, 1832. gs. Sarah Buck, da of Ebenezer and Mary, 2 y. 2 m., July 21, 1832. gs. Michael, 70 y., April 22, 1836. 732 Sarah, wf. [wid.] of Michael, 81 y., consumption, Nov. 24, 1846. Neally g.s. Abraham T., 36 y., Oct. 31, 1842. 781 Abraham, s of [Abraham T. and] wid. Mary, 13 y. 5 m. 29 d., [drowned at Island End], Aug. 16, 1845. Negroes without Surnames 183 Cesar, a boy, s of Peg, Sept. 30, 1741. 209 Dinah, servant of John and Mary Shute, July 22, 1768. 215 Titus, servant of Capt. John Dexter, July 3, 1782. 215 Flora, servant to Lydia Homes, July 17, 1782. 217 Samson, belonging to Benjamin Bucknam, Jan. 5, 1786. 225 Cato, 70 y., dropsy, Oct. 23, 1797. 229 Jack, who lived at Thomas Hills’, 14 y., May 25, 1800. 230 Dinah, 78 y., Feb. 2, 1802. 240 Mary, a state pauper, 76 y., Oct. 17, 1804. 240 Violet, Oct. 25, 1804. 232 A mulatto child, at Nabby Jenkins’, Oct. 12, 1806. 241 A mulatto child at Coats’ aged 7 m., supposed to have been poisoned by its mother who lived at Mr. Lucas’ at Brookline, Oct. 13, 1807. 455 Catherine, Jan. 5, 1811. Wewberry e.c. Martha, —— of Richard, (3), 1676. 178 [Ensign] Tryall [56 y.], Dec. 9 [g.s. Dec. 10], 1705. Newhall g-8. Rebecca, 18 y., Oct. , 1694. 182 Rebecca, wf. of [Lieut.] Thomas [72 y.], May 26, 1725 [g.s. May 25, 1726]. 182 David, s of Samuel and Sarah, Dec. 23, 1726. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 363 Newhall (continued) 182 188 204 193 193 194 198 201 204 205 220 225 225 227 240 236 236 239 241 g.8. 457 462 461 g.8. ber. 469 g-8. g.8. 470 649 732 734 736 736 737 Lieut. Thomas [74 y.], July 13, 1728. Lieut. Samuel [43 y. 11 m. 21 d.], April 17, 1733. Jonathan, s of [Lieut.] Samuel and Sarah [8 y. 10 m. 28 d.], June 8, 1737. Samuel, s of Samuel and Sarah, hus. of Martha [25 y.], Nov. 17, 1740. : Sarah, wid. of Lieut. Samuel, Nov. 17, 1740. Thomas, s of Lieut. Samuel and Sarah, Dec. , 1740. Daniel, s of Nathan and Tabitha, Feb. 26, 1754. Nathan, hus. of Tabitha [37 y.], Jan. 18, 1757. Daniel, oe Lieut. Thomas and Rebecca, hus. of Sarah [75 y.], Feb. 3, 1760. Sarah, who had been wf. of Daniel, Dec. 12, 1763. Nathan, Oct. 20, 1792. : Edward, 50 y., bilious fever, Oct. 8, 1797. Nancy [da of Edward and Anna], 19 y. [g.s. 17 y. 6 m.], bilious fever, Oct. 30, 1797. Tabitha [wid. of Nathan], 78 y., dysentery, Nov. 6, 1798. Hannah, wf. of Edward, 25 y., March 25 [ g.s. March 17], 1804. Anne, wid. of Edward, 51 y. [g.s5. 50 y.], consumption, May 8, 1806. Nathan, s of Edward, 3 y., suddenly, Aug. 13, 1806. Louisa, da of Bernard [and Mary] 11 m. facd 11 d.], March 26, 1808. William, 22 y., consumption, Nov. I, 1808. Anna, da of William and Anna, 6 m., March 3, 1809. Infant ch. of Bernard, 48 hours, March 22, 1813. Edward Augustine, s of Edward, 4 y., July 14, 1817. Mary, wf. of Bernard, Dec. 27, 1817. Edward A., s of Edward and Sarah, 11 m., Oct. 9, 1822. Sally, wf. of Edward, 43 y., consumption, April 19, 1832. Nathan, 39 y., June 6, 1832. Sarah A., da of Edward and Sarah, 17 y., Dec. 24, 1832. Sarah, wf. of Edward, 42 y., April 19, 1833. Mary Cole, da of Edward 2, 18 y., May 11, 1835. Edward G., 30 y., consumption, Oct. 24, 1842. Lucy M[aria], da of Lorenzo B. and Sarah, 2 y. 7 m. [and 11 d.], con- sumption, Sept. 28, 1846. : Edward, married, 72 y., cancer, June 28, 1848. William Palmer, s of William and Nancy, 5 m. [gsm. 5 y.], July 25, 1848, Hervey, unm., 61 y., Dec. 2, 1848. Elizabeth, wf. of Edward, 67 y.[g.s. 69 y.], consumption, Sept. 11, 1849. Newton g.8. 735 g.8. Amos R., 20 y., Sept. 7, 1825. Orena E. [ g.s. Orzanna E.}, da of Caleb and Elizabeth (B.], 2 y. 7 m., lung affection, Jan. 29, 1849. Amos, 68 y., Aug. 30, 1850. Nichols 181 181 194 194 202 218 221 Dea. [Nathaniel], [59 y.], May 10, 1725. Mary, May 13, 1725. ’ " Samuel, s of Nathaniel and Sarah, and hus. to Jemima [see note under Hovey], 1735 [1745]. John, s of Nathaniel and Sarah, and hus. of Agnes [see note under Hovey], 1735 [1745]. Ebenezer, s of John and Elizabeth, Sept. 10, 1761. John [hus. of Elizabeth], Aug. 17, 1789. Agnes, town’s poor, April, 1793. 364 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Nichols (continued ) 225 Nathan, s of Capt. Nathan and Dorcas, 1 y. 3 m., dysentery, Sept. 21 [ g.s. Sept. 22], 1797. 225 Ch. of William and Nancy, 1 y. 4 m., dysentery, 1797. 230 Mary, da of David, 9 m., Oct. 5, 1801. 240 Polly, wf. of David, 27 y., Jan. 28, 1804. 235 Elizabeth, wid. [of John], 78 y., Dec. 6 [ fam. 6, Dec. 7], 1805. 239 Emeline [ g.s. Evelina], da of Capt. Nathan [and Dorcas], 3 w., March 12, 1808. 248 Capt. John, Jr., s of John and Phebe, 37 y., d. in Havana, Cuba, Sept. 21, 1810. 466 John fs of John and Elizabeth, and hus. of Phebe], 71 y., Jan. 23, 1821. 475 Andrew [D.], s of Andrew D. and Hannah [17 m.], July 12, 1823. gs. Joseph, s of Capt. Ebenezer and Esther, 29 y., July 15, 1823. 475 Hannah, da of Andrew D. and Hannah [1 y.], July 14, 1825. 475 Benjamin F., s of Andrew D. and Hannah, Feb. 18, 1832. 474 Abigail W., da of Benjamin, Nov. 13, 1832. 648 Maria Lucy, da of Lemuel and Lucy L., 4 y. 5 m., Aug. 14, 1835. 474 Mary M., da of Capt. William, Jr., Feb. 9, 1836. 471 Capt. Ebenezer [s of John and Elizabeth, and hus. of Esther], 73 y., Aug. I, 1836. fam.6 Capt. Nathan, s of John and Elizabeth, and hus. of Dorcas, 76 y., Aug. 19, 1841. 730 Phebe, wid. of John, 90 y., dropsy, Aug. 25, 1843. 730 Edward L., s of Andrew D. and Hannah, 5 m., fever, April 13, 1844. 732 Benjamin L., s of Benjamin, 11 y. 1o m.,, dropsy, Nov. 25, 1845. 737 William [s of John and Elizabeth], 81 y. 10 m., cholera morbus, Sept. 13 [738, 1850], 1849. Noble 216 WE. of [no Christian name recorded], Sept. 23, 1784. Norwood 785 Ch. of Benjamin, stillborn, Sept. 1, 1848. 738 Ebenezer, b. in Gloucester, 67 y., inflammation, Nov. 23, 1850. Noyes : 649 Emeline G. [wf. of Nicholas], 34 y., bleeding, Nov. 23, 1842. Nutt ec. Miles, 2 (5), 1671. Nye 736 Laura, da of Ichabod and Prudence, b. in Albany, N. Y., 31 y. 8 m. 15 d., dysentery, d. in Boston, Aug. 3, 1848. Nyman 738 Benjamin T. [ gs. hus. of Jemima E.], b. in London, Eng., 41 y., kidney complaint, Jan. 9, 1850. Oakes g.8. Sarah, da of Thomas and Sarah, 27 y., Jan. 4, 1722/3. 188 Thomas, hus. of Sarah [72 y.], Sept. , 1732 [g.s. Sept. 11, 1733]: 189 Hoan s e Uriah and Deborah, Dec. 18, 1733. 191 Martha, wf. of Jonathan [29 y.], Aug. 18 [ g.s. July 18], 1741. 195 Sarah, wid. of Thomas, hae z b me lg 198 Uriah, hus. of Deborah [52 y.], Aug. 23, 1752. 205 Deborah, wid. of Uriah, May 20, 1764. 210 Jonathan, hus. of Esther [60 y.], Sept. 25, 1770 [ g.s. 1769]. 211 David, s of Jonathan and Esther, Nov. 8, 1773. g.s. Esther, second wf. of Jonathan, 68 y., April 4, 1795. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 365 Oakes (continued) 226 227 227 230 230 g.8. 23: 460 462 463 463 463 464 g.8. 466 466 g.8. 648 732 734 Sally, da of Capt. Jonathan, 20 y., bilious fever, May 30, 1798. David, s of Capt. Jonathan, 23 y., at Martinique, fever, July , 1798. Nehemiah [hus. of Esther], 56 y., consumption, Nov. 8, 1798 [g.s- 1799]. James, s of Capt. Jonathan, “instantly killed by lightening at the house of William Nichols ” [see Dowse], 18 y., June 16, 1801. Anna, wf. of Capt. Thomas (da of Capt. Isaac Syedth], 22 y., Oct. 18 [g-s. Oct. 19], 1801. ; Anna, da of Capt. Thomas and Anna, 4 m., Nov. 12, 18oT. Esther [wid. of Nehemiah], 56 y., Nov. 15, 1804[g.s. 1805]. Nehemiah, s of Nehemiah and Persis, t y., Sept. 29, 1815. Betsey, da of John [ g.s. Capt. Jonathan, Jr., and Sally], 19 m. [ g.s. 1 y.6m.], Sept 11, 1817. Nabby Lothrop, wf. of Thomas, 34 y., Oct. 13, 1817. Daniel Briggs, s of Thomas, 6 m., Dec. 23, 1817. Capt. Jonathan, 67 y., Aug. 16, 1818. Capt. Edward [ g.s. 56 y., Nov. 10, 1819]. Nathan, 34 y., May 5, 1820. Q Sally, wf. of Capt. Jonathan [g.s. 40 y., March 1, 1822]. [Betsey], da of Capt. Jonathan [and Sally], May [7], 1822. Sally, wf. of Jonathan, Esq., 75 y., June 16, 1830. Angelina, da of Uriah, Jr., and Betsey [11 m.], July 12, 1836[g.s. 1835]. Nancy, ih of Capt. Jonathan, 53 y. [ g.s. 56 y.], March 27, 1846. Uriah, 77 y., old age, Feb. 22, 1848. Odiorne 237 237 463 Infant ch. of Thomas and Mary, stillborn, May _, 1807. Mary, wf. of Thomas, consumption, May 15, 1807. Ebenezer, 44 y., Dec. 23, 1817. Oliver 197 200 200 200 204 218 235 237 242 242 458 462 472 471 g.8. 730 730 731 731 731 732 733 Mary, da of John and Elizabeth, June 29, 1753. Edward, s of Edward and Sarah, Aug. 4, 1753. Samuel, s of John and Elizabeth, March 27, 1755. John, s of John and Elizabeth, July , 1756. Elizabeth, da of John and Elizabeth, Nov. 1, 1761. WE. of Edward, April 6, 1787. Sally, wf. of William, 30 y., Oct. 30, 1805. Edward, 82 y., Nov. 26, 1806. Ch. of John, 2 d., Feb. 10, 1809. Ruth, wf. of John, 44 y., consumption, April 9, 1809. Sarah S. [da of William and Mary Ann], 19 y., Aug. 5, 1814. Sarah [g.s. Sally], wf. of William, 62 y. [g.s. 53 y.], June 28 [ g.s: June 30], 1817. George Newton, s of Henry, 6 w. 2 d., June 28, 1830. Sarah, married, 67 y., Jan. 21, 1837. Cyrus, s of William and Sally, 34 y., Oct. 15, 1837. Margaret, wid. of Robert, 80 y., old age, May 3, 1843. Benjamin Lynde, married, fits — found dead, June 18, 1843. Rollin G., s of John E. and Mary, b. in Lynn, 8 m., bowel complaint, Oct. 7, 1844. Laura, da of Henry and Sarah, 14 d., spasms, Jan. 1, 1845. Rollin G.,s of John E. and Mary, b. in Lynn, rt m. 17 d., scrofula, April 18, 1845. Susan [M.], wf. of Robert [Jr.], 32 y.. consumption, Jan. 145 1846. Mary, wf. of William, b, in Charlestown (68 y.], dropsy and jaundice, Dec. 24, 1846. 366 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Oliver (continued) 734 734 Infant ch. of John E. and Mary, Oct. 26, 1847. Ellen A., da of Isaac and Laura [Ann], 4 y. 6 m., dysentery, Sept. 22 [g.s. Sept. 21], 1848. 784 Isaac H.,s of Isaac and Laura [Ann], 2 y. 6 m., dysentery, Oct. 6, 1848. Organ 469 Esther Green, da of Benjamin H. [and Jane R.], 4 y. [and 3 m.], Dec. 5, 1833. 472 Jane Rand, da of Benjamin H. [and Jane R.]}, 5 m. 16 d., Aug. 28, 1836. 472 Stillman, s of Benjamin H. [and Jane R.], 4 y. 6m., Feb. 7, 1837. gs. Thomas, s of Benjamin H. and Jane R., Jan. 7, 1846. 732 Infant ch. of Benjamin [H.] and Jane [R., probably an error for the preceding], Feb. 18, 1846. 788 Ebenezer N[elson],s of Benjamin[H.], and Jane [R.], 19 y., con- sumption, Dec. 25, 1849. 737 Henry Alugustine], s of Benjamin [H.]}, and Jane [R.], 1 y.3m., dropsy in head, Jan. 16, 1850. Osgood g.s. Lydia Augusta, da of Alfred and Lydia P., 14 m., Dec. 13, 1840. g.s. Lydia Parker, wf. of Alfred, Dec. 10, 1842. Page 733 John A.,s of John C. and Margaret H., b. in Sidney, Me., 9 m., cholera infantum, d. in Stoneham, Sept. to, 1846. Paine, Payne. g.8. g-8. 186 g.8. 186 186 186 186 198 201 207 g.3. g.8. 209 210 g-8. g.8. g-8, 213 214 214 214 215 216 217 217 217 218 218 219 220 Tabitha, wf. of William, abt. 29 y., April 7, 1721. Ruth, wf. of William, 55 y.6m., April 11, 1722. John, s of John and Abigail [4 m.], Dec. 2, 1725. Nathaniel, s of Nathaniel and Abigail, 20 m. 5 d., Jan. 11, 1736. Abigail, da of John and Abigail [9 y. 6 m.], Aug. 2, 1738. Hannah, da of John and Abigail [6 y. 6 m.], Aug. 1o [1738]. Phebe, da of Stephen and Rebecca [3 y.], Nov. 12, 1740. William, hus. of late Ruth, 77 y., April 14, 1741. John, hus. of Abigail [52 y.], Feb. 25, 1753. Bethiah, an aged woman, June 13, 1753- Abigail, wid. of John, Nov. 4, 1765. Elizabeth, wid. of Stephen, 96 y., March 14, 1766. Joseph, 34 y., May 16, 1767. Stephen, hus. of Elizabeth [71 y.], Jan. 5, 1768. John, hus. of Abigail, June 25, 1769. Jacob, 33 y-, Aug. 13, 1775. William, s of Stephen and Mary, 5 y., Aug. 25, 1775. . Ruth, da of Stephen and Rebecca, 45 y., Sept. 19, 1775. Abigail, wid. of John, Jan. 26, 1779. Mary, at the work-house, Jan. 18, 1780. Dorcas, da of John and Abigail, May 22, 1780. Rebecca, wid. of Stephen [80 y.], May 30, 1780. Lois, da of Stephen [and Mary, 27 y.], March 6, 1783. Abigail, wid. of Nathaniel, April 25, 1784. Rachel, da of John, May 20, 1785. Martha, wf. of Ebenezer, Sept. 15, 1786. Ch. of Ebenezer, Oct. 9, 1786. Rebecca [ g.s. da of Stephen and Rebecca, 54 y.], Oct. 31, 1787. Mary, da of Stephen, Sen., [and Mary}, [29 y.], Jan. 10, 1788. Sally, July, 1791. Polly, wf. of Ebenezer, Sept. 9, 1792. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 367 Paine, Payne (continued) 222 229 230 234 239 456 460 460 463 463 465 g.8. 467 g-8. g.3. Stephen, s of Stephen, Jr., and Rebecca [5 y. 4 m., quinsy], Dec. 7 (224, Dec. 6, g.s. Dec. 5], 1796. Darius, 39 y. [s of Stephen and Mary], June 26, 1800. John, 48 y., Sept. 20, 1801. Mary, wf. of Stephen, 73 y. [suddenly], June 12 [ g.s. June 11], 1805. Stephen, 86 y., Feb. 13 [ g.s. Feb. 14], 1808. Rebecca, wf. of Stephen, 62 y., May 12, 1812. Joseph Caswell, s of Samuel [and Rebecca], 10 m. [ g.s. 9 m. 19 d.], Sept. 5, 1815. Stephen, 62 y. [ g.s. 63 y.], Dec. 18, 1815. ee s of Samuel [and Rebecca], 3 y.[g.s- 3 m.], March 30, 1818, Samuel, 34 y., April 28, 1818. Rebecca, wid. of Samuel, 36 y., Aug. 28, 1820. William, of Boston, 27 y., June 17, 1821. Ebenezer, May 17, 1822. Jerusha, wid. of John, 59 y., Sept. 1, 1827. Samuel A., 26 y., Nov. 5, 1835. Parker g.8. g.8. 192 197 206 206 206 210 g-8. 213 214 215 215 216 217 g-8. 232 234 237 244 463 464 464 464 464 g-8. 473 g.8. ber. g.8. g.8. 474 733 Jacob, 42 y., Oct. 31, 1694. Joanna, wf. of Capt. John Stearns, formerly wf. of Jacob Parker, 78 y-, Dec. 4, 1737- Philemon, s of John and Mary, Aug. Io, 1744. Danforth, s of John and Mary, Oct. 6, 1753. Rebecca, wf. of Thomas [75 y.], Dec. 20, 1758. Thomas, who had been hus. of Rebecca [79 y.], July 31, 1760. David, hus. of Mary [S50 y.], Oct. 4[ g.s. Oct. 5], 1760. Benjamin, hus. of Tabitha [53 y.], Oct. 19, 1770. Tabitha, wid. of Benjamin, 58 y., Sept. 13, 1775. eae hus. of Rebecca, smallpox, Jan. 17, 1779. ohn, Nov. 22, 1781. George, s of [blank] and Mary, Dec. _, 1782. Thomas, s of Jacob and Elizabeth, March 26, 1783. John, s of Jacob and Lydia, Aug. 6, 1784. Esther, da of wid. Mary [ g.s. da of David and Mary, 30 y., Feb. 28, 1778], March 1, 1785. Mary, wid. of David, 79 y., Nov. 25, 1795. Ch. of Isaac, Dec. 21, 1802. Jacob, 57 y., May 26, 1805. Joshua, s of Jacob and Elizabeth, 4o y., d. in Lynn, buried in Mald., March 25, 1807. Maj. David, 66 y., mortification, Feb. 8, 1810. Andrew (s of Dea. Nathan], 37 y., Feb. 4, 1818. Rebecca, 76 y., Oct. 12, 1818. Infant ch. of Capt. Benjamin, May 6, 1819. * Infant ch. of Isaac, Nov. 15, 1819. Mary, wid. [ g.s. Miss Mary], 69 y., Nov. 21 [1819]. Jacob, 45 y., Oct. 24, 1824. Lydia, wid., 89 y., April 5 [g.s. April 6], 1839. Isaac, 63 y., Nov. 14, 1839. Catherine, 1840. Adeline, da of Isaac S. and Phebe, 3 y., Aug. 6, 1841. Mary A., da of Isaac S. and Phebe, § y., Aug. 15, 1841. Mary, wid. of Isaac, 64 y., Aug. 26, 1841. Sally, b. in Lynn, 66 y., June 19, 1847. Parsons 178 Sarah, da of [Rev.] David and Sarah, June 8, 1709. 368 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Patch 461 Mary, wf. of Salathiel, 32 y., Oct. , 1816. gs. A. E., ch. of Franklin and Nancy F., 16 m., April 6, 1842. 650 Mary Sabrina, da of Franklin and Nancy [F.], 18 m., inflammation of brain [730, b. in Saugus, 1 y. 6 m. 17'd., dropsy], Jan. 31, 1844. 738 Franklin [married], s of Salathiel, 42 y., consumption, July 26[g.s. July 24], 1850. Pattee g-s. Henry M., s of Moors and Jane, Aug. 28, 1848. Paul e.c. John, s of John, 14 (7), 1658. e.c. Joel, s of John, (9), 1676. 461 Wid., died at the house of William Upham, 69 y., Dec. 1, 1817. Peabody g-8. Hannah, wf. of John, abt. 60 y., Dec. 24, 1702. Peirce, Pierce e.c. John, s of Samuel, (6) 1659. 460 Eliza, wf. of William, 38 y., July 3, 1816. 465 Infant ch. of William and Sally, 3 d., Sept. 14, 1819. 470 Jacob Perkins, s of William, 18 y., Nov. 14, 1835. 472 [Lucy], wi. of Thaddeus [57 y.], July 2, 1838. g.s. Thaddeus, 58 y., April 21, 1839. g.s. Sarah, wf. of John, da of Nathaniel and Sarah Waitt, 28 y., Feb. 5, 1843. 781 Mary Ann, wf. of Samuel, 32 y., 6 m.14d., consumption, March 28, 1845. 783 Mary F.,da of Franklin and Charlotte, 4 m., consumption, May 1 1847. Pell 206 Bethiah, wf. of William, May 12, 1762. Perkins 210 Jonathan, s of Joseph and Mary [19 y.], Oct. 21, 1769. 217 Judith, wid., July 4, 1786. 221 Dea. Joseph [74 y.], Aug. [g. s. July 23], 1793. 230 Jacob, 48 y., Nov. 29, 1801. 244 Mary, wid. of Dea. Joseph, g1 y., old age, Jan. 20, 1810. 466 Lucy, wf. of Micah, March 3, 1822. 471 Evelina, da of Daniel A., 2 y. 1 m. 8 d., June 2, 1827. 735 ee da of Daniel A. and Eveline, 14 y., scarlet fever, Jan. 29, 1849. 735 Eveline, da of Daniel A. and Eveline, 17 y., scarlet fever, Feb. 3, 1849. Perry 651 Ormand L., s of Efliza], H. P. Perry, [730, s of Eliza H. Toothaker], wi. of Charles Zoothaker [prob. by a prior marriage], 3 y., dropsy of the head, Nov. 26, 1843. Peterson 233 Catherine, from Hartford, Ct., [wid. of David, da of Charles Caldwelt), 48 y., consumption, Sept. 14[ g.s. Sept. 16], 1809. gsm. John, 45 y., Aug. 11, 1812. Phillips g.s. Anne, da of Francis and Anne, 11 m., Aug. 23, 1763. 234 Hannah, wid., 86 y., Feb. 27, 1805. . 235 [Lieut.] Francis, 66 y., Dec. 31, 1805. g.s. Martha, wid. of Joseph of Boston, 67 y., Nov. 14, 1815. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 369 Phillips (continued) 461 Anna, wid. of Francis, 73 y., Sept. 9, 1816. g.s. William A., s of Ivory M., 4 y.2m.9d., Feb. 21, 1843. Phippen gsm. Almena, da of G[erman] S. and Hannah D., 7 m., Sept. 7, 1843. 782 Hannah D., wf. of German S., b. in Salem, N. H., 27 y. tom. 11d, consumption, Dec. 4, 1845. 736 Rockham [ gsm. Rookman H.], s of German S. and Julia F., ry. 4m. 21 d.[ gsm. 1 y. 7 m.], dysentery, Sept. 8, 1848. Pickering g.8. Mary Elizabeth, da of James and Sarah H., 7 y., Oct. 4, 1832. g.s. George, s of James and Sarah H., 7 w., Oct. 2, 1835. g.s. James, 42 y., May 18, 1840. gs. William, 36 y., May 13, 1841. Pitts 738 Lucy R., da of Henry and Lucy, 19 y., fever, Oct. 29, 1850. Polly, Polley 238 Betsey, da of Samuel and Hannah, Ig y., consumption, Oct. 29, 1807. 239 John, s of Samuel, 4 m. 23 d., March 8, 1808. 730 Hannah, wf. of Samuel, 79 y., consumption, Aug. 26, 1844. 737 Samuel, pauper, b. in Medford, 84 y., old age, Feb. 7, 1850. Pool 650 Edwin A[fugustus, s of Joseph and Eliza], 8 m., fever, April 1, 1843. 730 Ch. of Joseph and Eliza, stillborn, March 8, 1844. 733 Edwin, s of Joseph and Eliza, 11 m., cholera infantum, Aug. 13, 1847. Poor 732 Eveline H., da of Samuel and Eveline H., b. in Cambridge, 6 d., Jan. 30, 1846. 732 Eveline H., wf. of Samuel, Jr., 25 y., Jan. 30, 1846. Popkin 232 Rebecca, da of Col. John, 28 y. [g.s. 29 y.], Feb. 28, 1803. 734 Sarah, wid. of Col. John, 88 y., old age and debility, Oct. 27, 1847. Porter 207 Molly Les. Polly], da of [Dr.] Jonathan and Hannah [4 y.], July 21, 1762. 7 g.s. Sally, da of Dr. Jonathan and Hannah, 25 y., Aug. 31, 1775. 215 Dr. Jonathan [62 y.], Jan. 1, 1783. 220 Ch. of Jabez Porter and Mrs. Catherine Wood, Jan. 25, 1792. 226 John [s of Dr. Jonathan], 45 y. [g.s. 47 y.], consumption, Aug. 9, 1798. 456 Hannah, wid. of Dr. Jonathan, 87 y., July 20, 1811. gsm. Benjamin, hus. of Nancy, 42 y., 1826. gsm. Benjamin [s of Benjamin and Nancy], 28 y., 1834. gsm. Mary Ann [da of Benjamin and Nancy], 24 y., 1834. 730 Phebe, unm., 88 y. 5 m. 26 d., old age, Aug. 30, 1844. Powers gs. William, 4 y., April 13, 1802. Pratt e.c. John, s of John, July 1, 1686.. g.8. John, s of John and Mary, 21 y., Oct. Io, 1704. g.8. Elizabeth, da of John and Mary, 15 y. 10 m., Nov. 22, 1704. gs. John, Sen., 53 y- 4 m., June 3, 1708. g.s. Mary, wf. of John, 55 y., July 17, 1710. 182 Mercy, wf. of Richard, May 28, 1728. 24, 379 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Pratt (continued ) 187 187 188 187 g-8. 186 184 183 194 194 193 199 200 200 201 202 205 206 209 g-8. 213 214 216 214 214 215 217 218 220 221 223 225 222 226 227 232 240 234 234 236 237 455 458 459 459 463 466 g-8. 467 ber. g.8. 64 470 648 g-3. g.8. 648 Mary, da of John and Mehitable, Jan. 5, 1729/30. John, s of John and Mehitable, Jan. 14, 1729/30. Phebe, wf. of David, Jan. 20, 1729/30. James, s of John and Mehitable, Sept. 9, 1730- Lieut. Thomas, 63 y., June 25, 1732. Joseph, s of William and Ruth, July, 1739. Elizabeth, wf. of Thomas [63 y.], Jan. £2, 1740/1. Mary, da of Ebenezer and Rachel, Aug. 29, 174I. Martha, wf. of Dea. John [79 y. 2 m.], Sept. 30, 1742. Dea. John, hus. of the late Martha, in 82 y., Nov. 15, 1742. Rachel, wf. of Ebenezer, Sept. 23, 1746. Lydia, wf. of Floyd, May 9, 1755. Mary, da of Lieut. Thomas and Mary, Aug. 5, 1755. William, hus. of Ruth, Oct. 23, 1755. Ebenezer, hus. of Elizabeth, 72 y., Oct. 27, 1757- Ruth, wid. of William [abt. 1760]. Richard, hus. of Joanna, Dec. 19, 1763. Samuel, s of Joseph and Elizabeth, Jan. , 1765. Joanna, who had been wf. of Richard, May 11, 1769, Lydia, wf. of Thomas, 75 y., Dec. 3, 1775. Thomas [76 y.], Aug. 20, 1776. Thomas, Jr., [probably 1777]. Abigail, da of Jacob and Phebe, Jan. 7, 1779. Infant ch. of Phineas, May 25, 1781. Wf. of Phineas, May 25, 1781. We. of William, May _ , 1783. Infant ch. of John and Patty, April 17, 1786. Samuel, s of Capt. Joseph, June 26, 1787. Abigail, da of Jacob and Phebe, Oct. , 1791. Floyd, town’s poor, 1793. Sally, 19 y., measles, March 3, 1796. Ebenezer, 73 y., Dec. 4, 1797. Jesse, s of Jacob and Phebe, Jan. 25, 1798. Benjamin, s of Nathaniel, 1 y. 4 m., fits, May 22, 1798. Lydia, 72 y., fever, Sept. 28, 1798. David, s of Nathaniel, 12 y., Jan. 7, 1803. Mercy, 64 y., Feb. 17, 1804. Ch. of Nathaniel, 5 m., Sept. 16, 1805. Twin ch. of Thomas, 3, 5 w., Oct 9 [1805]. Martha, da of John [and Martha], 22 y., consumption, Oct. Io [g.s. Oct. 6], 1806. Infant ch. of Thomas 3, Feb. 13, 1807. Sarah, wf. of Thomas, 83 y., Feb. 23, 1811. Hannah [unm.], from Boston, 4o y., Sept. 17, 1814. Thomas, 86 y., April 2, 1815. Jacob, s of Jacob, Jr., 11 y., Aug. 2, 1815. Mary, da of J[ohn and Martha], 13 y. [g.s. 14 y.], Feb. 7, 1818. Hannah, da of John [and Martha], 27 y. [g.s. 28 y.], Jan. 17, 1821. Lydia, wf. of Ralph, 29 y., April 24, 1821. Susan, da of Jacob, Jr., 14 m., Aug. 23, 1822. Hannah, wf. of Nathaniel, Sen., June 7, 1825. Phebe, wf. of Jacob, 68 y., Feb. 1, 1826. Eliza Calder, da of Benjamin F., and Eliza, March 25, 1826. David, March 3, 1830. Robert Calder, s of Benjamin F., and Eliza, Dec. 26, 1830. Hannah, wf. of John, Jr., at Saco, Me., 52 y., April 15, 1833. Mary, da of Jacob and Phebe, 47 y., Oct. 12, 1837. Sarah, da of A. W. and Deborah, Dec. 28, 1838. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 371 Pratt (continued) g.8. Rebecca U., da of James and Rebecca, 20 y., Aug. 30, 1839. 648 John [hus. of Martha], 87 y. [g.s. 86 y.], stoppage in the bowels, Aug. 22, 1842. 649 James, 52 y., consumption, Oct. 28, 1842. 730 Martha, wid. of John, b. in Stoneham, 83 y., old age, May Io, 1844. 730 Jacob, wid., 90 y., old age, May 22, 1844. 732 Eliza, wf. of John C., b. in Westport, Me., 1g y., typhus fever, Sept. 29, 1846. 734 Benjamin [F.], married, 47 y. [g.s. 48 y.], fits, June 13, 1848. 734 Martha, married, b. in So. Reading, 81 y., cancer, Nov. 4, 1848. 737 Ira N., s of James, I y., water on brain, Sept. 4, 1849. 737 Ch. of James, stillborn, Sept. 11, 1849. Prentiss 736 Almira [ gsm. Elmira /.], da of Joseph and Anna, b. in Fitchburg, 20 y. 5m. 3d. [ gsm. 26 y.], erysipelas, June 29, 1847. Putnam 462 Ch. of Mr., 2 y., Sept. 25, 1817. 465 Gilbert, Oct. 4, 1820. 648 George, s of James H. and Mary, Aug. 12, 1834. 734 Hannah [wf. of David], b. in Westmoreland [N. H.], 71 y. [g.s. 72 y-], consumption, Nov. 1, 1848. 739 Ellen H. [da of James H. and Mary], to m., July, 1850. Quimby 737 John [P.], s of John and Martha, b. in Livermore, Me., 26 y. [g.s. 27 y.], sunstroke, July 13, 1849. Ramsdell 459 Lydia, da of John, Jr., [and Lydia], 11 y., April 4, 1815. gs. Mary, wf. of Dea. John, 84 y., Oct. 16, 1822. g.s. Dea. John, 85 y., Feb. 7, 1825. g.s. Harriet A., da of William and Lucy, 22 m., Feb. 5, 1843. 781 Mary Ann, wf. of John, Jr., b. in Charlestown, 40 y., general debility caused by disappointed hopes, March 25, 1845. 733 Lydia, wf. of John, 75 y., old age, Oct. 19, 1846. 733 Mary, wf. of George, 25 y. 20 d., consumption, April 3, 1847. 735 John, 75 y.[g.s. 77 y-], old age, March 30, 1848. 734 John, married, 49 y., May 19, 1848. Rand 230 Edmund, 55 y., Nov. 14, 1801. 455 Mary, wid. of Edmund, Feb. 16, 1811. 465 Margaret, da of Edmund [and Margaret], 17 y., Jan. 7, 1821. Randall 739 John W.,s of John and Sarah A., 6 m., dysentery, Aug. 13, 1850. Randols gsm. Capt. Michael, 45 y., Aug. 11, 1812. Ranton 235 Lydia, 100 y., Jan. 13, 1806. Raymod gsm. Susan A., 6 y., Nov. 5, 1835. Reagh, Reigh 7182 aes s of Thomas [A.] and Lydia, 3 y. 3 m., fits, Dec. 6, 1846. 372 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Reid 229 Catharine, wf. of Capt. Robert, 27 y., Nov. 3 [g.s. Nov. 9], 1800. g.s. Ch. of Capt. Robert and Catherine, “born veiled and dyed soon after,” Nov. 9, 1800. 464 Capt. Robert [b. on Sanda, Orkney Islands], 62 y., April 1 [g.s. April 6], 1819. Reynolds 229 John, 84 y., Dec. 27, 1800. Rich g.s. Martha Augusta, da of Henry T. and Hannah, 2 y., March 6, 1837. g.s. Sarah Elizabeth, da of Henry T. and Hannah, 9 m., Aug. 7, 1840. g.s. Alice, 57 y., Nov. 16, 1842. gsm. Caroline C. [da of Seth and Eunice H. B.], 18 y. 1 m. 16d., June 12, 1846. 732 Hannah, wid., go y., old age, Oct. 27, 1846. gsm. Eunice H. Bacon, wf. of Seth, 48 y. 8 m. 18 d., May 21, 1847. 735 Chloe, wf. of Henry, b. in Wellfleet, Cape Cod, 69 y., consumption, May 8, 1848. Richards 458 Harriet [funeral from house of Benj. Burditt, Oct. 23], Oct. 20, 1814. Richardson 200 Elizabeth, da of Thomas and Ruth, Oct. 12, 1752. 201 Thomas, hus. of Ruth, June 11, 1754. 236 James Crane, s of William [H. and Lydia], 3 m., Sept. 27, 1806. 233 Ch. of Joseph and Esther, 4 m., Oct. 3, 1809. 244 ——,s of William [H.] and Lydia, 4 m., lung fever, March 23 [1810]. 457 Peter, s of William [H. and Lydia], 4 m., March 30, 1813. 458 William, s of William [H.] and Lydia, 8 y., drowned, June 11, 1814. 462 William, s of William H. [and Lydia], 3 y., Sept. 25, 1817. 467 William H.,s of William H. [and Lydia], 10 m., Sept. 5, 1822. 472 James Augustus, s of James C. [and Harriet], 6 m. 1od., Aug. 10, 1837. 474 George H., s of James C. [and Harriet], 9 m., July 30[g.s. 31], 1841. 731 Jane P., wf. of William, b. in Wiscasset, Me., 30 y., puerperal, Sept. 26, 1844. 736 Sarah Ann, da of William A. and Mary N. [ gsm. William A. and Mary], 9 m. [ gsm. 2 y. 9 m.], July 30, 1848. 738 Caroline L., da of James C. and Harriet, 1 y. 3 m., consumption, Sept. 25, 1850. Rider, Ryder 783 Bethiah H. [Date not entered, recorded Feb. 11, 1847.] Ridgaway, Ridgeway ec. Mary, wf. of John, 24 (10), 1670. g.s. Mary, da of John and Anna, 23 y. 2 m., June 14, 1714. g-8. John, abt. 68 y., Nov. 10, 1721. Robbins gs. Betsey, wf. of Francis, 37 y., Oct. 21, 1817. 733 Francis, 27 y. [g.s. 38 y-], July 2, 1847. 784 Leonora A., da of David and Elizabeth, b. in Somerville, 1 y. 3 m., dysentery, Sept. 15, 1848. Robinson 649 William [2], 32 y. [g-s. 30 y.], palsy, Nov. 4[g.s. Nov. 3], 1842. 731 Mary Elizabeth, da of Pipe, 2, and] wid. Elizabeth [B.], 7 y: 6 m. 9 d., dropsy of brain, March 21 [g.s. March 19], 1845. 734 George, s of Jonathan, 12 y., inflammation of bowels, May 13, 1847. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 373 Rogers, Rodgers 190 Martha, Dec. 17, 1738. 737 Mary F., da of William R. and Abigail, b. in Phippsburg, Me., 8 y., throat distemper, May 27, 1849. 787 Harriet M., da of William R. and Abigail, b. in Bath, 4 y., throat distemper, June 18, 1849. Royce 739 Rev. Lorenzo D{ow], b. in Sharon, Vt. [pastor of 2nd Baptist ch. in Thomaston, Me.], 25 y. [ g.s. 30 y.], consumption, Sept. 3, 1850. Rudge 202 John, hus. of Catherine (drowned, see note under Burditt], May 5, 1759. Russell gs. William, s of Hubbard and Sarah E., 1844. 735 Ch. of Hubbard [and Sarah E.], stillborn, Nov. 3, 1848. Saco 473 Deborah, colored, at the alms house, abt. 80 y., June 17, 1839. Saddler 732 William, s of William, 1 y. 6 m., Sept. 1, 1846. Sargeant, Sargent c.c. Deborah, wf. of John, April 20, 1669. ec. Mary, wf. of John, (12), 1670. 177 Sarah, da of John and Mary, May 16, 1693. gs. Samuel, 65 y., Sept. 22, 1710. 179 John, Sen., ie y-9m ], Sept. 9, 1716. 179 Mary, wf. of Jonathan [38 y. 4 m. 14.d.], Nov. 19, 1716. 180 Sarah, da of John and Lydia, Dec. 5, 1716. g.8. Joseph, 54 y. 7 m., Nov. 27, 1717. g-s. Sarah, da of John and Lydia, 24 y. 17 d., Dec. 5, 1717. 180 Ruth, da of John and Lydia, Oct. 28, 1719. gs. Samuel, in 34 y., Dec. 7, 1721. 187 Lydia, wid. of John, March 2, 1730. gs. William, 51 y., March 15, 1731/2. 190 Abigail, da of Phineas and Abigail [7 y. 5 m. 6 d.], July. 4, 1738. 191 Solomon, s of Joseph and Hannah [6 y. 2m. 20 d.], Aug. 21 [g.s. Aug. 24], 1738. 191 Phebe, da of Joseph and Hannah (8 y.], Aug. 24, 1738. 191 Jacob, s of Joseph and Hannah [1 y. 9m. 20 d.], Sept. 1, 1738. 191 Abigail, da of John and Sarah, Sept. 11, 1738. 183 Samuel, s of [John] and Sarah, Sept. 12, 1738. 183 Seth, s of John and Sarah, Sept. 24, 1738. 191 Ruth, da of Joseph and Hannah [15 y. 1 m.], March 31, 1741. 184 Mary, wid. of William, Feb. , 1743/4. g.8. Lydia, da of Nathan and Mary, § y. 3 m. 4d., Aug. 29, 1749. 197 Thomas, s of Thomas and Mary, Jan. 17, 1751/2. 197 William, s of John and Susanna, Sept. 18, 1752. 198 Silas, s of Silas and Mary, Feb. 15, 1752/3. 198 Amos, s of Silas and Mary, Nov. 6, 1753. 199 Rachel, da of Ezra and Deborah, April 7, 1755. 204 Mary, wid. of Joseph [go y.], April 9, 1759. 202 James, s of Phineas and Abigail, hus. of Elizabeth (drowned, see note under Burditt], May 5, 1759. g.8. Sarah, wf. of John, 61 y., Aug. 3, 1759. 204 John, s of Joseph and Mary [63 y.], Nov. 12[g.s. Nov. 26], 1760. 204 Joseph, s of Joseph and Mary [70 y.], Nov. 18[g.s. Nov. 19], 1760- 374 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Sargeant, Sargent (continued) 206 206 206 206 210 g-8. g.8. g-3. 213 213 212 267 214 214 215 g.3. 216 217 218 219 219 220 220 221 g.8. 227 231 232 232 240 240 234 236 243 243 456 456 456 455 456 457 456 457 458 £8. 464 465 465 466 g.8. 64! Phineas, hus. of Abigail [59 y.], Oct. 8[g.s. Sept. 25], 1761. Mary, wf. of Thomas [38 y.], May 11, 1763. Nathan, s of Nathan and Elizabeth [2 y. 2 m. 15 d.], Oct. 14, 1762 ({g-s. 1763]. Elizabeth, wf. of Nathan [28 y. 7 m. 25 d.], Oct. 18, 1762 [ g.s. 1763]. Mary, wf. of Nathan, Jr., [40 y. 7 m. 25 d.], Feb. 25, 1771. Thomas Croswell, s of Nathan, Jr., and Mary, 1 y., May 27, 1771. Nathan, hus. of Mary, 67 y., March 15, 1774. Rachel, wf. of Jabez, smallpox, 79 y., Dec. 23, 1775. Martha, da of Ezra and Deborah, May 22, 1776. [Abigail], wid. of Phineas [77 y.], June 14, 1776. Mary, da of Winslow and Mary, July 5, 1778. Ch. of Winslow [probably the preceding], July [1778]. Lois, da of Samuel, of Chelsea, Oct. 19, 1781. Jabez, Oct. 28, 1781. Hannah, wid. of Joseph, Jan. 22, 1782. Elizabeth, wf. of Thomas, 50 y., June 5, 1782. Elizabeth, da of Thomas, Dec. to, 1784. Deborah, da of Ezra, Esq., Feb. 3, 1785. Eleanor, wf. of Solomon [ g.s. da of Stephen and Mary Paine, 22 y.], May 14, 1788. Hannah, wf. of Solomon, Oct. 4, 1790. Ch. of Solomon, Nov. _ , 1790. Deborah, wf. of Ezra, Esq., Sept. 9, 1791. John [31 y.], smallpox, Oct. 25, 1792. Lydia, 1793. Mary, wid. of Nathan, 84 y., Sept. 9, 1795. Silas, 73 y.. May 1, 1796. Capt. Nathan, 63 y., consumption, Nov. 29[g.s. Dec. 1], 1798. Hannah, wf. of Benjamin, Sept. 27, 1802. Mary, wf. of Winslow, 56 y., Jan. 20, 1803. David, 80 y. [g.s. 78 y.], June 2, 1803. Deborah, da of W[inslow], 21 y., Jan. 1, 1804. Ch. of Capt. Amos, Oct. 14, 1804. Tabitha, wf. of Winslow, 44 y., May 28, 1805. Mehitable, wid. of Capt. David, 74 y., Aug. 20, 1806. Miss Mary, 80 y. [ g.s. in error has Mrs. Mary, 79 y.], old age, Jan. I [g.s. Jan. 17], 1810. Mary, wid of Silas, 89 y., old age, Jan. 26, 1810. Sarah, da of Samuel S, and Agnes, 9 y. [and 3 m.], kicked by a horse, April 25, 1810. Ezra, Esq , 81 y., June 29, 1810. Hannah, third wf. of Thomas, 71 y., May 15, 1811. Rebecca, da of Thomas [and Mary], 55 y., May 16, 1811. Agnes, wf. of Samuel S., 38 y., Sept. 4 [g.s. Sept. 9], 1811. Hannah, third wf. of Winslow, 47 y., Nov. 5, 1811. Hannah, second wf. of Benjamin, 33 y., Dec. 13, 1811. Benjamin, Jr.,s of Benjamin, April , 1812. Thomas, 86 y. 7 m., May 16, 1812. James, s of Winslow and Hannah, 6 y., Jan. 22, 1813. James, s of Samuel S., 4 y., April 7 [1814]. Phineas [57 y.], Oct. 21, 1815. Winslow, 70 y., Sept. 8, 1819. Samuel, 79 y., Jan. 16, 1820. Phebe, wid. of Ezra, Esq., 94 y., 1820. David, 69 y., Feb. 11, 1821. Debforah], unm., 81 y., May 11, 1829. Edward, s of Dea. Silas and Diantha, Dec. 7, 1831, MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 375 Sargeant, Sargent (continued ) g-8. Lydia [unm.], 83 y., Dec. 20, 1835. 471 Capt. Amos, 78 y., Aug. 12, 1836. g.s. Mary, wf. of Phineas, 69 y., Aug. 26, 1839. 473 Alice, wid. [of Amos], 81 y., Dec. 24, 1839. g.8. Samuel Scarborough, 74 y., Jan. 5, 1840. 474 Amos [Jr., 58 y.], July 30 [ gs. July 31], 1841. 780 Lydia, wid. of Solomon, 85 y., rupture of kidneys, Sept. , 1843. 782 Isaac, Jr., married, s of Isaac and Catherine, b. in Watertown, 27 y. 7 m., consumption, Nov. 2, 1845. 782 Dorcas, wf. of John, 52 y. 3 m. 23 d., erysipelas, Nov. 18 [in margin, “should be Nov. 16”], 1845. 733 Joseph, 78 y., disease of kidneys, Jan. 16, 1847. 733 ee S.,s of Moses and Maria, 8 m., cholera infantum, Aug. 20, 1847. 784 Dorcas, da of John and Dorcas, 29 y. 8 m. 19 d., fits, Aug. 21, 1847. 734 Winslow, 75 y., old age, Oct. 27, 1847. 738 Maria, wf. of Moses, 27 y., consumption, Sept. 11, 1850. Scarlet 234 Hannah, 28 y., Aug. 3, 1805. Seals 731 _, wf. of Thomas, b. in Barnstead, N. H., 71 y., old age, Dec. 15, 1844. Seaver 465 Daniel, alias Daniel Campédel/, 11 y., Oct. 24, 1820. Seavey g-8. Lovise Newton, wf. of Samuel, 26 y., May 12, 1849. Selick 226 Mary, wf. of James (absconded), 56 y., numb palsy, March 21, 1798. Shackford 785 Mary G., wf. of John, b. in Bremen, Me., 30 y. [ g.s. 38 y.], consump- tion, July 28, 1848. g.8. Charles W., s of Amaziah G., and Adeline, 3 y. 5 m., Sept. 16, 1849. Shattuck 465 Mr., town pauper, April 14, 1820. g.8. Josiah, 25 y., Oct. 17, 1845. 781 Joseph, s of James and Emery, b. in Solon, Me., 27 y. 8 m., typhus fever [may be error for the preceding], Oct. 18, 1845. Shaw c.c. Hannah, wf. of John, 8 (2), 1674. Shearer 738 Mary Jovis, 75 y., debility [prob. in 1850]. Shepard, Shepherd g.s. Ralph, go y., Sept. 11, 1693. g.s. Hannah, wf. of Thomas, 59 y., March 14, 1698. 648 Mary, da of David R. and Mary, Oct. 20, 1824. 736 Franklin, 3 m., dysentery, Sept. 2, 1848. Sherman 210 Zibiah, who had been wf. of Samuel, Dec. 28, 1772. Shoars 463 Ch. of, colored, 4 m., June Io, 1818. 376 Shute 117 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS [Joanna], da of Richard and Lydia, Sept. 12, 1700. 178 Michael, s of Richard and Lydia, April 10, 1706. 184 Solomon, s of John and Mary, April , 1747. 206 Amos, s of Amos and Phebe, Feb. 29, 1764. 208 Susanna, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, May 1, 1766. 208 David, s of Richard and Mary, Sept. 25, 1767. 209 John Greenland, s of John and Mary, June 4, 1768. 210 Thomas, hus. of Sarah [49 y.], Jan. 9, 1770. 214 Mary, wf. of Dea. John [74 y.], Jan. 31, 1774. 214 Thomas, s of Ebenezer and Phebe, Nov. 25, 1777. 267 Nathan, July , 1778. 214 Ch. of Jacob, Jr., Feb. 22, 1780. 214 Dea. John, hus. of Mary [87 y.], Sept. 20[g.s. Sept. 30], 1780. 214 Phebe, da of Ebenezer and Phebe, March 1, 1782. 215 Jacob, Nov. 28, 1783. 216 Amos, Feb. 19, 1784. 216 Elizabeth, wf. of Samuel, Oct. 1, 1784. 217 Samuel, April 16, 1786. 218 Mary, wf. of Richard, Oct. 21, 1787. 228 Infant ch. of Solomon, Jan. 19, 1799. 228 Sarah, 80 y., old age, Dec. 6, 1799. 223 Ebenezer, Aug. 31, 1801. 230 Lydia, wf. of Samuel, 23 y., Sept. 5, 1801. 232 Thomas, 22 y., Sept. 19, 1803. 238 Samuel, s of Samuel, 10 m., Aug. 24, 1807. 238 Amos, s of William, 8 m., Sept. 28, 1807. 461 Peternell, wf. of George, 55 y.,Sept. , 1816. 461 [Elizabeth], wf. of Jacob, 66 y., Dec. [14], 1816. 462 Phebe, 86 y., June 23, 1817. 463 Richard, 88 y. 6 m., Jan. 27, 1818. 463 Ch. of George, July 1, 1818. gs. Lydia, wid., formerly wf. of James Howard, 82 y., Oct. 11, 1825. gs. George, 68 y., Dec. 2, 1831. 2 469 Hannah, 80 y., Feb. 25, 1833. 469 Mary [Mary C., da of Samuel and Lucy], 16 y. [g.s. 17 y.], June 8 [ g-s. June 10], 1833. g.s. Solomon, 81 y., Feb. 6, 1834. ber. Lois, 79 y., Feb. 13, 1834. 472 Anstis, wf. of Timothy T., 21 y., April 30, 1838. ber. Lydia, 79 y., June 15, 1840. g-s. Hannah, wf. of Isaac, 61 y., Jan. 6, 1842. 649 Sarah (wid. of George], 72 y., old age, Nov. [25], 1842. 649 Sarah, wf. of Samuel S., 52 y., consumption, Jan. 16, 1843. 649 Esther Nichols, da of Henry and Tabitha, March 11, 1843. 730 Maria A[ntoinette], da of Samuel and Marianne, 3 y. [and 2 m.], scalding, June 15, 1843. 732 Nancy, wid. of Jacob, Sen., 78 y., old age, Dec. 1, 1846. 734 William, 67 y., dropsical consumption, Nov. 16, 1847. 734 Elizabeth, wid. of Solomon, go y., old age, March 21, 1848. 736 Lydia (wf. of Isaac], 61 y., apoplexy, June 20 [ g.s. June 22], 1849. 737 Solomon [Jr.], married, 48 y., dropsy, Aug. 29 [ g.s. July 18], 1849. Sigourney 287 Rebecca, 88 y., Jan. 14, 1807. Simms 205 Elizabeth, wid., Dec. 23, 1764. 650 Caleb, 82 y., old age, Dec. 15, 1843. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 377 Simonds 462 474 ber. 649 651 731 734 736 734 738 gsm. , 8 of Thaddeus, 7 y., Sept. 18, 1817. Joseph Warren, s of John and Sarah W., March 9, 1830. Mary, wid. [betw. Oct. 1, 1829— Oct. 1, 1830]. aa F ppeceely s of Charles and Lucy [6 y.], July 18 [g.s. July Ig], 1841. William Henry, s of George W. and Alice, 5 m. [and 14 d.], inflam- mation of brain [730, dropsy], Nov. 18, 1843. Lydia, da of Warren and Lydia, 17 y., consumption, June 18, 1845. Thaddeus, married, 73 y., palsy, May 31, 1848. Frances [gsm. Mary Frances], da of John and Sarah G. [ gsm. Sarah W.], Io y. [gsm. 10 y. 8 m.], Sept. 4 [ gsm. Sept. 2], 1848. Mary [wid. of Thaddeus], 68 y., dropsy, Oct. 4, 1848. John C. [gsm. John Osborn], s of John [and Sarah W.], 23 y-, consumption, June 13 [ gs. June 11], 1849. Sarah W., wf. of John, 45 y. 8 m., Sept. 8, 1850. Skinner C.c. 178 g.8. g.8. 181 g.8. g.8. g.8. 186 211 Smith C.c. fam.6 215 g.5. 223 234 244 457 463 fam.6 fam.6 649 732 733 735 Snow 730 Soley Mary, wf. of Thomas, 9 (2), 1671. Sergt. Thomas, March 2, 1703/4. Mehitable, da of Thomas and Mehitable, 16 m., Sept. 19, 1718. Lydia, wf. of Thomas, formerly wf. of Thomas Ca/, abt. 87 y., Dec. 17, 1723. Hannah, wid. of Abraham, Jan. 14, 1725/6. Benjamin, s of Thomas and Mehitable, 8 y. 2 m., Dec. 16, 1727. Jonathan, s of Thomas and Mehitable, 7 y., 12 d., Nov. 1, 1733- Thomas, 50 y. Io m. 25 d., by him four of his children, June 1, 1737. Ebenezer, s of Abraham and Tabitha [1733-1740]. Dorothy, da of Abraham and Dorothy, May 25, 1773. Sarah, wf. of Peletiah, March 1, 1688 [1687/8]. Lemuel, s of Capt. Isaac and Dorcas, 2 y., Feb. 17, 1772. Infant ch. of Capt. Isaac, stillborn, Feb. 25, 1782. Dorcas, wf. of Capt. Isaac, 47 y., April 17, 1795. Capt. Isaac, 51 y., Dec. 13, 1795. Benjamin [s of Capt. Isaac and Dorcas], 21 y., Nov. 6, 1804. Lemuel, s of Capt. Isaac [and Dorcas], 35 y., pulmonary consumption, Feb. 28, 1810. Capt. Ebenezer, 28 y., d. at Boston, July 4 [g.s. July 5], 1813. James [g.s. Jacob], a Swede [30 y.], Dec. [2], 1817. Isaac, s of Capt. Isaac and Dorcas and hus. of Sarah W. [not in Mald.], 60 y., May 26, 1828. James, s of Capt. Isaac and Dorcas, and hus. of Hannah [not in Mald.], 54 y., Sept. 20, 1832. Thomas, 33 y., fits, April 23, 1843. Sarah, da of Hiram and Lucy, 9 m., dropsy, March 16, 1846. Lavina, da of Hiram and Lucy, I y. 11 m., scalded, Nov. 22, 1846. Charles, 42 y., diarrhoea, Feb. 11, 1849. Rebecca P., wf. of Nathaniel, 22 y., consumption, May 8 [650 and ges. May 5], 1843. 4 459 James Russell, s of John, 15 m., Dec. 20, 1815. Soren 456 Ann, wid., of Boston, and wf. of the late John S. Baker, 86 y., Jan. 21, 1813. 378 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Sparks 208 Mary, wf. of Thomas [and da of Samuel Sweetser], Feb. 19, 1767. Spooner 737 Augustine [g.s. Austin Manson], s of David [P. and Adeline], b. in Franconia, N. H., 4 y. 3m. [g.s. 4 y. 9 m. 17 d.]J, diarrhoea, Aug. 21 [g.s. Aug. 20], 1849. Sprague ec. Ralph, hus. of Joan, (9), 1650. | e.c, Jonathan, s of Ralph, (10), 1650. c.c. Rebecca, da of Samuel, 15 (6), 1658. ec. Mary, wi. of Phineas, Dec. 7, 1667. 180 Sarah, da of Samuel and Sarah, Sept. 16, 1685. e.c. Sarah, —— of Phineas, Feb. 27, 1685. g.s. Phineas, 53 y., Jan. 23, 1690/1. 177 Capt. John, 1693 [g.s. 68 y., June 25, 1692]. gs. Lois, wf. of Samuel, 24 y. [also their child], April 6, 1696. 180 Lieut. Samuel [65 y.], [203 has 1796 by error], Oct. 3, 1696. 177 John [sr y.9 m. 6d.], “killed with a limb of a tree of his one faling,” Dec. 16, 1703. 180 Mary, da of Samuel and Sarah, Oct. 26, 1708. 180 Mercy, da of Samuel and Sarah, Aug. 8, 1709. 180 Rebecca, alias Brown [wf. of Capt. John Browz, and formerly wf. of Lieut. Samuel Sprague, see Brown], July 8, 1710. gs. Mary, wf. of Jonathan, abt. 56 y., July 30, 1714. 179 Capt. Edward [52 y.], April 13 [g.s. April 14], 1715. 179 Lydia, wid. of Capt. John, Dec. 11, 1715. g.s. Phebe, da of Stower and Phebe, 6 y. 4 m. 20 d., Jan. 6, 1718/9. gs. Jonathan, Jr., in 4o y., Nov. 8, 1719. g-8. Richard, 34 y., Sept. 16, 1720. 189 Dorothy, wid. of Capt. Edward, 57 y., “and was the only wf. of said Sprague,’ March 29, 1727. 187 Phebe, da of Stower and Phebe, Jan. 21, 1729/30. 188 Jonathan, in 75 y., March 8, 1730/1. 184 Phineas, hus. of Elizabeth [70 y.], Aug. 29, 1736. 204 Elizabeth, wid. of John [84 y.], Sept. 28, 1736. 190 Dorothy, da of William and Dorothy, Feb. 20, 1737/8. 191 Samuel, in 79 y., Dec. 27, 1738. 192 Samuel, hus. of Sarah, Dec. 27, 1739. 191 Mary, wf. of Timothy, Jan. 5, 1739. 183 Phebe, wf. of Stower [51 y., 3 m. 22 d.], March 15, 1741/2. 193 Samuel, hus. of Elizabeth, Nov. 11, 1742. gs. Samuel, 84 y., Nov. 12, 1743. 192 Sarah, wid. of the late Samuel, Feb. 2, 1743/4. 196 William, hus. of Dorothy [52 y.], [by him four of his children], Nov. 21, 1747. 193 Elizabeth, wid. of Samuel, June 30, 1748. 196 Martha, wf. of Samuel, Sept. 13, 1750. 201 Elizabeth, da of Nathan and Mary, March 28, 1751. 197 Elizabeth, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, May, 27, 1752. 197 Hannah, da of Phineas and Hannah, June 7, 1752. 197 Mary, da of Benjamin and Phebe [2 y.6 m. ], June 30, 1752. 198 John, s of Edward and Dorothy, Aug. 17, 1753. 200 Martha, wid. of Bunker, Oct. 27, 1755. 207 Timothy, hus. of Sarah, Oct. 10, 1765. 208 Lydia, sister to Timothy, Dec. 8, 1766. 210 Samuel, s of Phineas and Hannah, Dec. 23, 1768. 210 Hannah, wf. of Phineas, Jr., [43 y.], May 13, 1770. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 379 Sprague (continued) 211 Daniel, s of Phineas and Hannah [18 y.], Oct. 11, 1773. 211 Edward, s of Jonathan and Tabitha, July 21, 1774. 211 Daniel, s of Phineas and Jemima, Feb. 14, 1775. g.s. Phineas, 75 y., June 13, 1775. 214 Susanna, wf. of Dr. John [26 y.], Nov. 23, 1781. 216 Elizabeth, da of Samuel, Jan. 2, 1785. 217 Ch. of Matthew Whipple, Jan. 6, 1786. 217 Infant ch. of Jonathan, March 2, 1786. 218 Sally, wf. of William, April 10, 1788. 218 Rebecca, wid. of Phineas [93 y.], April 2 .s. April 30], 17838. 218 William, s of William arn Aa oe panes 219 Benjamin, Feb. 15, 1791. 220 William, April 2, 1792. 222 Sally, da of Phineas and Jemima, Oct. 21, 1792. 221 Ch. of Phineas, Jr., [perhaps the preceding], Oct. , 1792. g-8. William, s of Benjamin and Phebe, 23 y., Oct. 27, 1794. 225 Samuel, 72 y., April 17, 1797. 230 Rachel, wf. of Capt. Stephen, 34 y., Sept. 19, 1801. 230 Capt. Stephen, 37 y., Dec. 18, 18ot. 223 Elizabeth, wid., of Samuel, Sept. 13, 1802. 240 Dr. John, 51 y. [ g.s. 50 y.], consumption, Oct. 21, 1803. 235 Phebe, da of Cotton [and Phebe], 11 y., Nov. 10, 1805. 235 Phineas, 80 y., Dec. 29, 1805. 238 Elizabeth, wid. of Dr. John [46 y.], Jan. 22 [g.s. Jan. 21], 1808. g-s. Sarah, wid. of Phineas, 75 y., Oct. 19, 1810. 456 Infant ch. of John, a few days old, Aug. 31, 1811. 455 Hannah, wf. of Jonathan, Jr., 25 y., Sept. 28, 1811. 457 Ch. of Jonathan, 1 d., Sept. 13, 1813. 463 , s of John, 9 y., Oct. 14, 1817. 465 Capt. Joseph, Dec. , 1820. 466 Andrew Jackson, s of John, 7 y.9 m., Nov. 28, 1821. 474 Mary, da of Samuel and Charlotte, Sept. 20, 1832. 471 Cotton, Jr. April 8, 1837. %31 Sophia, da of Stephen, b. in Boston, 1 y., consumption, Oct. 16, 1845. 736 Sarah, wf. of Phineas, b. in Leominster, 66 y. 1 m. 22 d., Aug. II, 1847. 736 Hannah, da of Cotton and Phebe, 51 y., April , 1848. Squier 183 Mary, 97 y., Feb. 1, 1742. Staniels 732 Ann C., da of Hazen, 17 y., 6 m., fever, Oct. 17, 1846. Stanwood 735 Henrietta O., wf. of [Joseph E.], b. in Deerfield, N. H., 29 y., con- sumption, Dec. 3, 1848. Starrett 738 Mary Jane, married, Nov. 27, 1849. Stearns * gs. Joanna, wf. of Capt. John, formerly wf. of Jacob Parker, 78 y., Dec. 4, 1737: Stevens 234 Isaac, 22 y., Sept. 9, 1805. 736 Hannah, wf. of Mr., 32 y., Sept. 18, 1848. 737 James A., s of Jonas and Ruth, 6 m., consumption, Oct. 24, 1849. 380 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Stiles ; 469 Capt. Isaac, 37 y. [g-s. 47 y. 4. m.], Feb. 6, 1833. 648 Elizabeth, wid., 67 y., bilious complaint, Sept. 13, 1841. 650 Maria Augusta, da of Lauriston and Lucinda M., 1o m., canker and teething, Aug. 28, 1843. 732 George W.,s of Lauriston and Lucinda [M.], 2 y., dropsy, Feb. 22 [g-s. Feb, 23], 1846. 733 Melville P., s of Lauriston and [Lucinda] Maria, b. in Danvers, 1 y. I m., dropsy, May 26, 1847. 735 Theodore L., b. in Leominster, 58 y., spine affection, Aug. 13, 1848. Stimpson g.s. Stephen A., s of Stephen and Elizabeth, 9 m., Oct. 2, 1825. g.s. Elizabeth, wf. of Stephen, 30 y., July 6, 1831. 782 Samuel C[lapp], s of Stephen and Elizabeth, 12 y., disease of spine, Feb. 19, 1846. Stockbridge 475 Osea Avilla, ch. of Lebbeus L., Sept. 15, 1841. 475 Flora Gustaza, da of Lebbeus L., Oct. 4, 1841. Stower, Stowers gs. Samuel, 56 y., Dec. 26, 1721. 179 Abigail, da of Samuel and Abigail, May 29, 1725. 187 Amos, s of John and [Sarah], March 28, 1729. 188 Sarah, wf. of John, Oct. 2, 1730. 186 Nehemiah, s of Samuel and Abigail, March 28, 1739. 186 Benjamin, s of Samuel and Abigail, June 26, 1739. 184 Abigail, wf. of [Samuel], Oct. 16, 1741. 194 John, s of John and Sarah [see note under Hovey], 1735 [1745]. 194 Nathan, s of Samuel and Abigail [see note under Hovey], 1735 [1745]. 195 John, hus. of the late Sarah, Jan 8, 1749/50. 214 James, Jan. 16, 1780. Stratton 461 Sarah, da of Dana, July 2, 1812. 461 Abraham, s of Dana, April 20, 1816. 462 Sarah, da of Dana and Sarah, Aug. 2, 1817. 731 Margaret, da of F[rancis] D. and S[arah] M., 1 y. 2 m., consumption, Nov. 4, 1845. 734 George W.,s of Francis D. and Sarah M., 9 m., dropsy on brain, May 26, 1848. 738 Dana, b. in Weston, 66 y., consumption, Nov. 19, 1850. Strickland 735 John, s of John, disease in the head, Dec. 4, 1848. Swan 784 Lydia M., da of Thomas and Caroline, 3 y. 6 m., dysentery, Sept. 16, ’ 1848. 784 Thomas N.,s of Thomas and Caroline, 11 y, dysentery, Sept. 18 1848. 734 William E., s of Thomas and Caroline, 8 y. 6 m., dysentery, Oct. 11, 1848. Swasey 788 Caroline A., da of Augustus C. and Sarah H.,1 y.3 m. 6 d., teeth- ing, Aug. 6, 1846. Sweetser gs. Benjamin, 54 y., Sept. 23, 1720, MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 381 Sweetser (continued) g.s. Mary, da of Samuel and Elizabeth, abt. 6 m., Dec. 16, 1721. g-s. Jacob, s of Jacob and Elizabeth, 3 y. 2 m., March 28, 1736. 194 Jonathan, s of John and Martha [see note under Hovey, 1735 1745]. 197 Elizabeth, wf. of Samuel [75 y.], March 12, 1751/2. 202 Samuel [83 y.], July 18, 1757. g.s. Abigail, da of Samuel and Abigail, 59 y., Sept. 5, 1758. 208 Mary, wf. of Thomas Sparks [da of Samuel Sweetser], Feb. 19, 1767. gs. Mary, wf. of Samuel, 57 y., Sept. 14, 1767. 216 Lydia, wf. of James, Sept. 9, 1784. 218 Samuel [88 y.], July 4, 1789. 219 Stephen [g.s. apparently 76 y., but may be 65, 6607 75 y.], Jan. II, 1791 [ g.s. 1790]. 225 Susanna, wif. of James, 37 y., apoplexy, May 11, 1797. 458 James, 53 y., Jan. 6, 1815. 460 Abigail, 76 y., July 26, 1815. 471 Sophia [unm.], 24 y., April 11, 1837. 474 Harriet, wf. of Seth, 54 y. [consumption], Feb. 8 [g.s. 1840, dcr. 1841], 1841. 734 Lydia, da of Seth and Lydia, 26 y., consumption, July 30, 1847. Tainter ber. Lois, Sept. 21, 1826. Tarbox 211 Mary, wid. of Samuel, May 9, 1777. Taylor g.s. Harriet A., da of Josiah and Joanna, 2 y. 6 m., Nov. 19, 1830. 472 Hosea, s of Hosea R. [and Lydia A.], 5 y., drowned, July 24, 1838. gsm. Mary Jane, da of Jonathan and Deborah O., 2 y. 8 m.17d., May 25, 1847. 736 Charles W[arren], s of S[hubael] L. and Harriet [A.], 8 m. 17 d., dysentery, Aug. 3, 1848. 736 George H[{enry], s of S[hubael] L. and Harriet [A.], 8 m. 23 d, cholera infantum, Aug. 9, 1848. 736 Deborah O[sgood], wf. of Jonathan, 27 y. 9 m., fever, Oct. 13, 1848. Thacher g.s. Peter, s of Rev. Peter and Elizabeth, 2 y. 9 m., Sept. 6, 1775. g.s. Sarah, da of Rev. Peter and Elizabeth, 1 y. 6 m., Sept. 7, 1775. 213 Charles, s of Rev. Peter and Elizabeth [9 w.], Nov. 13, 1779. 459 Elizabeth, wf. [wid.] of Rev. Peter, 72 y., suddenly, Jan. 26, 1816. 737 Mary H[arvey], da of Rev. Peter, 75 y. [g.s. 66 y.], old age, June 28 [ gs. 24], 1849. Thomas 731 Sarah [B.], wf. of John [and da of the late William B. Flagg], b. in Boston, 30 y. [ g-s. 31 y-], consumption, June 29, 1845. 737 Jane, wf. of John, b. in Ireland, 53 y., April 15, 1850. Thompson 460 Samuel, a native of Vermont, died at the house of Asa Upham [28 y-], March, 1816. 469 Mrs. Judith, d. at house of Dr. E. Buck, 84 y., Sept 30, 1833. Tibaudeau : Pierre [a French Neutral], hus. of Eleanor | Mass. Archives, 23: 177], July 24, 1756. Tingle c.c. Samuel, (10), 1666. 382 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Tobin 731 Thomas, unm., foreigner, 30 y., fits, Feb. 11, 1845. Toothaker 651 Eliza H. P., wf. of Dr. Charles, 23 y., consumption, Aug. 7, 1843. 651 Eliza Jane, da of Dr. Charles and E[liza] H. P., 8 m., Oct. 3, 1843. 651 Ormand L. Perry, s of E[liza] H. P. Perry, wf. of Charles Toothaker Eptob: by a prior marriage], 3 y., dropsy of the head, Nov. 26, 1843. Torrey 220 Nehemiah Hobert,s of Nehemiah and Bridget [3 y. 18 d.], Oct. 8, 179. g.8. Meee Hatch Dexter, da of Simon L. and Lucretia H., 6 y., May 16, 1823. 782 Lucretia H., wid., da of Richard Dexter, 55 y., consumption, Aug. 2, 1845. Towle 463 ——,s of William, 13 m., May Io, 1818. Towner 734 George R. [rec. has 7urner by error, s of Walter R. C. and Roxsy Ann], b. in Stanstead, L. C., 16 y. 3 m., suffocation [at New Bed- ford], Nov. 13, 1848. Townsend g.s. Elizabeth, wf. of Samuel, 4o y., Nov. 20, 1699. 177 Judith, Feb. 5, 1700/1. g.s. Samuel, 61 y., Nov. 18, 1723. 193 Elizabeth, da of Solomon and Mary, Aug. 27, 1747. 193 Josiah, s of Solomon and Mary, June 2, 1748. 208 Solomon, s of Solomon and Esther, Aug. 29, 1767? 219 Solomon, March 8, 1791. 226 Josiah, 18 y., consumption, Aug. 19, 1798. 231 Esther, wid., 57 y., May 25, 1802. 232 Solomon, s of John, 7 w., Sept. 25, 1803. 241 Ch. of John, 1 w., Sept. 15, 1807. 455 Mary, da of John, 17 m., Sept. 23, 1811. 458 , s of John, 2 d., July 15, 1814. 649 Josiah Augustus, s of Josiah and Martha, Sept. 1, 1828. 475 John B. [s of John and Nancy], 21 y., Nov. 7, 1841. 735 Ch. of George, stillborn, Dec. 23, 1847. 735 Ch. of George W. and Mary, stillborn, Feb. 28, 1849. Trott 465 Andrew G. W., s of James and Eliza, 15 m., July 8, 1820. Tufts ec. Jonathan, s of Peter, 22 (4), 1658. g.s. Elizabeth, wf. of Peter, 32 y., July 15, 1634. gs. Jonathan, s of Jonathan and Rebecca, 3 y. 5 m., Dec. 15, 1688. gs. Peter, hus. of Mary, 83 y., May 13, 1700. g.s. Mary, wid. of Peter, 75 y., Jan. , 1702/3. g-s. Jonathan, s of Jonathan and Sarah, Aug. 13, 1716. g.s. Mary, da of Jonathan and Sarah, 8 w., Oct. 7, 1716. g-8. Jonathan, 63 y. 3 m. 11 d., Aug. 13, 1722. g-s. John, Jr., 35 y., Aug. 16, 1725. g.s. Abigail, da of Jonathan and Rebecca, 18 y. 2 m. 18 d., April 26, 1726. 182 Timothy, s of John and Mary [23 y.], April 29 [g.s. May 2], 1727. g.s. John, 63 y., March 28, 1728. g.8. Samuel, 38 y., April 21, 1735. Tufts 197 199 210 213 gs. g.s. 217 218 227 223 234 459 459 462 g.8. 462 gs. 465 466 g.3. g.3. g.8. 470 £3. g.8. 648 g-8. 649 g.8. g.8. g.8. 474 g.8. 651 731 731 g.8. g.8. 734 735 134 734 738 739 738 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 383 (continued) ne da of Stephen and Catherine [ g.s. 3 y., Nov. 16, 1754], Nov. 10, 1753. Rebecca, wid. of Jonathan, abt. 96 y., Aug. 26, 1755, Rebecca, wf. of John, Oct. 23, ves” Beane Thomas, brother of Stephen, May 24, 1776. Stephen, s of Stephen, Jr., and Hannah, 4 y. 6 m., Jan. 14, 1779. John, s of Stephen, Jr., and Hannah, 2 y. 3 m., Jan. 14, 1779. Stephen [76 y.], Dec. 5, 1785. Catherine, wid. of Stephen [73 y.], June 23, 1787. John, 59 y., consumption, Feb. 23, 1799. Timothy, s of David and Elizabeth, Oct. 17, 1803. David, 52 y., Nov. 28, 1804. Alfred, s of Simon, 4 y., June 26, 1815. Rebecca Matilda, da of Simon, 5 m., July 8, 1815. John, s of Peter, 1 y., Sept. 25, 1817. John H., only s of John and Lydia, 23 y., May 4, 1818. William, 31 y., Feb. 15, 1819. Infant da of Joseph W. and Eliza, Aug. 5, 1819. Hannah, wf. of Stephen [67 y.], Oct. 27, 1820. Alfred, s of Simon, 1 y. 1o m., Jan. 23, 1821. Levi L., s of Joseph W. and Eliza, 7 m., Oct. 6, 1827. Stephen, 84 y., March 12, 1832. Levi L., 2, s of Joseph W. and Eliza, 16 m., Nov. 1, 1832. Lois, wid., 84 y. [dcr. 86 y.], Aug. 31, 1834. Freeman C., s of Joseph W. and Eliza, 5 m., Sept. 5, 1834. Frances M., da of Joseph W. and Eliza, 8 m., Aug. 24, 1838. Elizabeth [unm.], 48 y., consumption, Oct. 16, 1838. Lydia E., da of Benjamin A. and Lydia B., 1838. Hhencuee Pratt, s of Ebenezer and Hannah Hills, 21 y., accidental discharge of a gun, Oct. 28, 1839. Alice M., da of Joseph W. and Eliza, 4 m., Jan. 11, 1840. Asa, 75 y-, Aug- 1, 1840. Mary W., da of Joseph W. and Eliza, 3 m., March 15, 1841. Elizabeth, wid., 81 y., Dec. 18, 1841. Mary E., da of Benjamin A. and Lydia B., 1842. Elias, 67 y., influenza[730, unm., 69 y., cause unknown, Nov. 26, 1843], Dec. 18, 1843. John B. A., s of Benjamin A. and Lydia[B.], 1 y. 10 m,, scarlet fever, Nov. 9, 1844. John, married, 82 y., bowel complaint, Sept. 28, 1845. John B. A., s of Benjamin A. and Lydia B., 1846. George A., s of James M. and Harriet E., 2 y. 1 m., April 1, 1847. Ebenezer, married, 55 y., consumption, June Io, 1847. Ch. of Joseph W., stillborn, April 9, 1848. George W., 19 y-, consumption, May 30, 1848. Hannah H., wid., 48 y., consumption, Sept. 22, 1848. Mary Jane, b. in Sanford, Me., 22 y., May 11, 1850. Timothy, married, 22 y., consumption, May __, 1850. Elizabeth [wf. of Asa], 82 y., old age, Nov. 8 [g.s. Nov. 7], 1850. Turner 734 737 738 Twiss 733 George R. [error for George R. Towmer, which see], Nov. 13, 1848. Phebe, wf. of Henry E., b. in Boston, 37 y., consumption, Jan. 21, 1850. Charles F. A.,s of Henry [E.] and Phebe, 11 m., fever, Nov. 11, 1850. Frederick W., s of George N. and Ann, I y. 5 m., scarlet fever, March 6, 1847. 384 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Twiss (continued) 735 Ann E[lizabeth], wf. of George N., 36 y., consumption, April 2 [g.s. April 1], 1849. 737 Francis P., s of George N., 6 y. 6 m., dysentery, July 1, 1849. Twombly 732 George, s of Cyrus and Caroline, 1 m. § d., canker in bowels, Aug. 7, 1846. 733 Albert F., s of Cyrus and Caroline, 7 y., canker and fever, March 31, 1847. 735 James R., 5 m., dysentery, Aug. 5, 1848. Underwood 460 Ch. of Jeptha, April 5, 1816. Upham c.c. Phineas, (8), 1676. g.s. Ruth [da of Phineas], 12 y., Dec. 8, 1676. gs. John, 84 y., Feb. 25, 1681. g.s. Headstone: I. U., 1683. gs. Headstone: S. U., 1684. g.s. Headstone: M. U.: M.U., 1684. g.s. Mary, da of Phineas and Mary, 2 y., Aug. 20, 1687. 177 Ruth [60 y.], Jan. 18, 1696/7. 177 [Richard, s of Richard and Abigail], Sept. 4, 1700. 178 Mary, wf. of Thomas, April 21, 1707. 178 Zebadiah, s of Phineas and Tamesin, April 28, 1712. 179 Tamesin, da of Phineas and Tamesin, June 13, 1713. 182 Daniel, s of Nathaniel and Mary [1 y. 5 m.], Sept. 1, 1714. 179 Sarah, wf. of Nathaniel, Sen., [53 y. 8 m.], Oct. 14, 1715. 179 Abigail, da of Richard and Abigail, Jan. 7, 1715/6. 179 Dorcas, da of Richard and Abigail, Jan. 22, 1715/6. 180 Abigail, wf. of Jobn [52 y.]. Aug. 23, 1717. 180 [Sergt.] Nathaniel, 56 y., Nov. 11, 1717. 180 Luke, s of Richard and Abigail, May 6, 1719. 180 Jacob, s of John and Tamesin, Sept. 2, 1719. 180 Dea. Phineas [61 y.], Oct. 19, 1720. 181 Phebe, da of Nathaniel and Mary [15 y. 8 m.], April 4 [g.s. April 3], 1725. 181 Martha, da of Nathaniel and Mary [14 y. 2 m. 23 d.], May 31, 1725. 189 John [66 y.], June 11, 1733. 7 189 Sarah, da of David and Sarah [3 m. 15 d.], Jan. 21, 1734. 190 Phineas, s of Phineas and Hannah, Sept. 1, 1736. 184 John, s of Samuel and Mary [2 y. 11 m.], Sept. 6, 1736. g.s. Phineas, Jr., 31 y.6 m.,, July 17, 1738. 184 William, s of Samuel and Mary [2 y. 5 m ], Aug. 15, 1738. 184 Mercy, da of Samuel and Mary [17 y.], Aug. 17, 1738. 184 Abigail, da of Samuel and Mary, Sept. 6, 1738. 190 Mary, da of Nathaniel and Rebecca [7 m.], Sept. 8, 1738. 184 Phebe, da of Samuel and Mary [7 y. 6 m.], Sept. 14, 1738. 190 [Daniel], s of Nathaniel and Mary [18 y.], Sept. 18, 1738. 190 Abigail, da of Nathaniel and Mary [13 y.], Sept. 22, 1738. 192 Lydia, da of Timothy and Mary, Oct. 12, 1740. 196 Rebecca, da of Jacob and Rebecca, April 1, 1749. 196 Hannah, da of Amos and Lois, March 15, 1750/1. 197 Lois, da of Amos and Lois, May Io, 1753. 197 Mary, da of Timothy and Mary, June 13, 1753. 198 Sarah, da of Jacob and Rebecca, July 28, 1753. 199 Tamesin, wid. of John, July 29, 1755. 207 Nathan, s of Amos and Lois, Sept. 24, 1765. 209 Tamesin, wf. of Phineas, April 24, 1768. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 385 Upham (continued) 210 211 214 215 217 218 221 221 224 232 239 457 455 457 459 459 458 461 462 466 gem. gem. gem. 730 730 735 781 732 782 738 735 Deliverance, wf. of John, April 30, 1772. Mary, wf. of Amos, Jr., Feb. 27, 1775. Timothy, July 3, 1781. John, at the poorhouse, in 94 y., March 1, 1783. Lieut. Amos, Jan. 23, 1786. ~ Mary, at the poorhouse, May 4, 1787. Ch. of Amos, 1793. Hannah, 1793. [Sally], a of Ezra, 38 y., rapid consumption, May 23 [ g.s. May 24], 1796. —, s of Amos, Jr., 5 y., drowned, Sept. 7, 1803. [Hannah], da of William, Jr., and Dolly, 3 d., March 14, 1808. Lois, da of Maj. Nathan, 14 m., Feb. 12, 1811. Martha, wid. of Amos, go y., Sept. 20, 1811. Amos, 72 y., Oct. 15, 1813. Ezra Smith, s of Ezra [£7a in record by error], 6 m. [457, whooping cough], Nov. 9, 1813. Susan, da of Ezra [7a in record by error], 3 y- [457, 18 m., whoop- ing cough], Nov. 20, 1813. Amos, s of Amos, 12 y., March 23, 1814. Abel, s of William, Jr., 2 y., Sept. 3, 1817. Abiel, s of William, 2 y., Sept. 29, 1817. Sally, da of Amos, 3 y., Oct. , 1822. William, hus. of Hannah, 77 y., May 25, 1828. Hannah, wid. of William, 79 y., Aug. 17, 1829. William, hus. of Dolly, 54 y., May 16, 1832. Isaac [W.], s of William and Dolly, 31 y. 8 m. 16 d., consumption, April 26, 1844. Abby Jane, da of Freeman and Abby, b. in Lynn, 5 y. 11m. 1 d., dysentery, Aug. Io, 1844. Eveline, da of Freeman and Abby, 7 y. 5 m. 23 d., dysentery, Aug. 24, 1844. Oliver L., s of Joshua and Mary D., 2 y. 15 d., croup, Feb. 10, 1845. {Maj.] Nathan, married, s of Amos and Anna, 64 y. 6 m. 4d. [ gsm. 63 y.], consumption, Aug. 28, 1845. Amos, wid., 78 y., old age, Sept. 24, 1846. Aaron G., s of Joshua and Mary D., 1 y. 7 m. 1 d., brain fever, Jan. 27, 1847. Hiram, s of John and Elizabeth, 6 w., lung affection, Feb. 12, 1848. Van Voorhis 473 We. of Henry H., 51 y., April 10, 1839. Vaughan : 785 Caroline E., da of George [W.] and Caroline [L.], 10 m. 15 d. [g.s. Io m. 18 d.], whooping cough, Oct. 6, 1848. Vinning 232 287 244 Samuel, 50 y. [ g.s. 51 y-], May 30, 1803. Infant ch. of Thomas, Feb. 10, 1807. Ch. of Thomas and Lydia, 4 d., Feb. 21, 1810. Vinton 78 202 212 Mary, da of John and Hannah, abt. 2 m. ee 1689]. Benoni, hus. of Mary [40 y.J, Oct. 10, 1760. Samuel Sprague [g.s. Samuel only], s of [Lieut.] John and Mary Aug. 17 [g.s. Sept. 17], 1775. _ 2 yh 214 Lieut. John [29 y.], Sept. 24, 1781. gsm. ber. Mary, wid. of John, 78 y., Jan. 5, 1831. Mary, 84 y., cancer, June 16, 1832. 25 386 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Vinton (continued) 732 Harriet, wf. of John, 46 y., consumption, Feb. 10, 1846. 788 John, 75 y., old age, March 28, 1850. Wade 212 Infant ch. of Edward, April 12, 1779. 216 WE. of Samuel, Jan. 14, 1785. 217 Infant ch. of Edward, Aug. 21, 1786. 218 Samuel, Jan. 8, 1788. 233 Betsey, da of John, Jr., of Medford, 20 y., typhus fever, Oct. 14, 1809. 466 Nancy, da of Edward, Jr., 6 y., Nov. 22, 1822. 466 Nancy, wf. of Edward, Jr., 31 y., Dec. 30, 1822. 467 Edward, Esq., 81 y., Aug. [20], 1825. 467 Rebecca, 78 y. [July 1], 1826. Waite, Wayte, Wait c.c. Mary, da of John, Aug. 9, 1667. c.c. Mary, wf. of John, 25 (9), 1674. g.s. Capt. John, 75 y., Sept. 26, 1693. g.s. Sarah, wf. of Capt. John, 81 y., Jan. 13, 1707/8. g-8. William, 30 y., Jan. 16, 1711/2. g.s. Elizabeth, wf. of Jonathan, 19 y. 2 m., March Io, 1714. g-8s. Samuel, 70 y., Sept. 20, 1720. 181 Joseph [48 y.], April 9, 1725. 181 Lydia, da of Joseph and Lydia [17 y. 9 m.], April 27 [g.s. April 23], 1725. 182 Jacob, s of Thomas and Mary [20 y.], Oct. 1, 1727. 182 Mary, da of Timothy and Mary, Oct. 12, 1727. 182 Mehitable, da of Joseph and Lydia, Dec. 31, 1727. 182 Lydia, da of Joseph and Lydia [2 y. 3 m.], Jan. 9, 1727/8. 182 Nathan, s of Samuel and Anna, Feb. 26, 1727/8. g.s. John, s of John and Anna, 9 y., April 11, 1733. gs. Mehitable, wid. of Samuel, 80 y., Sept. 17, 1734. 191 Benjamin, s of Thomas and Mary [21 y.], June 2, 1735. 186 Capt. Samuel [59 y.], Jan. 14, 1739/40. 205 Ebenezer, s of Thomas, 3, and Abigail [15 y.], April 2 [g.s. April 21], 1740. 184 Eunice, da of Edward and Tabitha [6 y. 4 m. 28 d.], Dec. 22, 1740. 205 Thomas, s of Capt. John and hus. of Mary [81 y.], Dec. 23, 1742. 192 Aaron, s of William and Deborah, March 23, 1742/3. 192 Hannah, da of Joseph and Susanna, Dec. 13, 1744. 194 Ebenezer, s of Thomas and Deborah [see note under Hovey], 1735 1745] g-8. siecle da of Capt. Samuel and Ann, 27 y. 7 m., March 8, 1745. g.s. Elizabeth, wf. of Samuel, 31 y., July 16, 1746. 196 Thomas, hus. of Deborah, 72 y., Dec. 3, 1751. 197 John, s of William and Deborah, Nov. 3, 1752. 200 Sarah, da of John and Sarah, March Io, 1754. 200 Sabra, da of John and Sarah, March 24, 1754. 199 Mary, da of Thomas and Mary, Oct. 12, 1754. 200 Dorothy, wf. of Nathan, Oct. 7, 1755. 207 Jacob, s of Timothy and Mary, Sept. 28, 1757. 202 Nathan, s of Benjamin and Mary, died in the army, 1758. 205 Abigail, wf. of Thomas [72 y.], March 13, 1759. 202 Isaac, s of Isaac and Deborah, July 22, 1761. 205 Mary, wid. of Thomas, in 97 y., Jan. 6, 1763. g8. Mary, wf. of James Bayley of Boston, da of Thomas [and Abigail] Wayte, 30 y.. Aug. 30, 1763. 207 Jabez, hus. of Judith [68 y.], April 16[.g.s. April 15], 1764. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 387 Waite, Wayte, Wait (continued) 207 207 208 210 210 210 211 213 213 g.5. g 5. g.8. 214 267 213 213 214 214 215 215 216 216 217 218 218 219 219 220 221 221 222 223 224 224 225 225 226 227 228 228 229 229 229 230 230 231 223 223 231 231 231 232 223 235 235 Mary, da of Timothy and Mary, June Io, 1765. Joseph, Jr., s of Joseph, Oct. 22, 1765. Sarah, da of [Stephen] and Sarah [3 y.], May [8], 1766. Tabitha, wf. of Edward, Dec. 9, 1770. Mary, wf. of Thomas, Jr., Jan. 5, 1773. Sarah, wf. of Stephen, March 11, 1773. Deborah, who had been wf. of Thomas, July 10, 1773. Three children of William, Jr., [see Oct. 1777], Oct. , 1776. Hannah, da of Samuel, Jr., [and Mary, 18 y.], Sept. 10, 1776 [g.s. 1777]. Abigail, da of William and Elizabeth, 7 y. 7 m., Oct. 15, 1777. Nehemiah, s of William and Elizabeth, 1 y. § m., Oct. 26, 1777. Huldah, da of William and Elizabeth, ro y. 4 m., Oct. 29, 1777. Isaac [67 y.], Dec. 31 [g.s. Dec. 29], 1777. Ch. of Ebenezer, July , 1778. [Mary], wf. of Samuel, Jr., [44 y.], Sept. 8, 1778. Judith, wid., Nov. 22, 1778. Mary, wid. of Benjamin, Jan. 15, 1781. WE. of Timothy, Feb. 4, 1781. Samuel [73 y.], Jan. 5, 1783. Edward, Oct. 2, 1783. Martha, wid. of Robert, Feb. 24, 1784. Thomas, 89 y., Sept. 25 [g.s. Sept. 24], 1784. Sarah, da of John [and Sarah, 22 y. 8 m.], Feb. 19, 1785. Thomas, Nov. 5, 1787. Timothy, Jan. 9, 1788. Barbara, wf. of Benjamin, May Io, 1790. Benjamin, May 22, 1790. Bethiah, wf. of Samuel, smallpox, Oct. 18, 1792. Samuel, Jr., smallpox, Nov. , 1792. Mercy, wf. of Samuel, Jr., [34 y.], March 5, 1793. John, s of John, 3, and Martha, Dec. 3, 1795. Nathaniel, 39 y., black jaundice, Jan. 16, 1796. Elizabeth, wf. of Joseph, Jr., 29 y., Aug. 16, 1796. [Sarah], wf. of John [72 y.], Feb. 28, 1797. Micah, Jr., 25 y., fever, July 21, 1797. Ch. of Joseph, abt. 1 y. 4 m., Oct. 6, 1797. Thomas, s of Ezra, 9 m., dysentery, Aug. 24, 1798. Lydia, wf. of Thomas, 49 y., fever, Jan. 16, 1799. Sally, da of Nathan [and Phebe}, 22 y., consumption, Sept. 19, 1799. Jabez, 78 y-, consumption and old age, Feb. 22, 1800. Ebenezer, 54 y-, Jan. 2, 1801. Rebecca, wf. of Samuel [formerly wf. of William Harris of Charles- town, and da of Thaddeus Mason, Esq.], 62 y. [g.s. 61 y-], Feb. 2, 1801. Samuel, s of Thomas, 9 y., April 7, 1801. Joseph, 76 y. Sept. 7, 1801. Hannah, wf. of Micah, 54 y., Nov. 1, 1801. Ruth, gt y., April 8, 1802. Ruth, da of John, 3, and Martha, Sept. 21, 1802. Ch. of John, 3. [perhaps the preceding], Sept. , 1802. Phebe, da of Micah [and Phebe] 16 y., Sept. 30, 1802. Micah, s of wid. Phebe, 5 y., Nov. 16, 1802. James, 28 y., Nov. 25, 1802. Nathan, 74 y., Jan 9 [g.s- Jan. 10], 1803. Sarah, Nov. , 1803. Ch. of John, 4, 2 w., Nov. 14, 1805. Pamela, wé. of [Capt.] Daniel, 30 y., Nov. 20, 1805. 388 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Waite, Wayte, Wait (continued) 235 236 238 238 239 241 241 233 455 g.8. 455 455 457 457 458 458 459 459 460 465 462 g.8. 463 464 466 467 467 466 g.8. g.8. 467 g.8. fam. 3 ber. g.8. 648 g 5. g.8. g.8. g-8. g-8. g.8. 47 648 William, s of Benjamin, 15 y., bilious colic, April 19, 1806. Deborah [wid. of Isaac], 92 y., in Medford, Sept. 12 [ g.s. Sept. 13], 1806. John, 84 y. [g.s. 85 y.], dropsy, July 14, 1807. Phebe, es : N ae y-[ ie 72 y.], Nov. 5 [g.s. Nov. 7], 1807. Ruth, wf. of Samuel [da of Rev. Joseph Amerson], 67 y., palsy and consumption, July 21, 1808. Ruth, wf. of John [59 y.], a fit, Oct. 19, 1808. Elizabeth, wi. of Capt. William, 60 y., lung fever, Oct. 28, 1808. Capt. William, “He was driving a team with a load of hay from Medford in a shower of rain, and was found dead on the cause- way between Medford and Malden it was supposed he was sitting on the spire of the waggon and fell into a sleep & piched under the wheel which passed over his neck and shoulder, as appeared on examination,” 7o y., July 26, 1809. Phebe, da of John, Jr., 5 y., March 29, 1811. Phebe Parker, da of Thomas and Hannah C., § y., March 30, 1811. Mary, wf. of William, Jr., 25 y., May 2, 1811. Martha, wf. of John, Jr., 38 y.. May 5, 1811. Benjamin, March 2, 1812. Ezra, 83 y.. March 16, 1813. William, s of William, 9 y., Jan. 9, 1814. Stephen, 84 y., Dec. 30 [1814]. Samuel, 80 y. [g-s. in 83 y.], Jan. fro}, 1815. Peter Augustus, s of Peter [and Elizabeth], 7 y. [and 8 m.], Oct. 14, 1815. Rebecca, ws of Samuel [da of Rev. Joseph Emerson], 78 y., July 21, 1816. Maria, da of Andrew and Susan, Oct. 11, 1817. John, s of J[ohn], 5 y. [1817}. Ezra, 73 y-.. March 14, 1818. Ch. of Benjamin, 1 m., April 14, 1818. Sally [g.s. Sarah], wf. of Charles, 27 y., Dec. 12, 1819 [g.s. 1820]. Lois, 72 y., Feb. 7, 1821. Darius, s of Darius [and Sarah, 5 y., June 25, 1822]. Elizabeth, wid. of Ebenezer, 78 y., July 1, 1822. Sally, wf. of Dea. Samuel, 62 y., Oct. 28, 1822. Micah, 78 y., Nov. 20, 1822. John, 80 y., Jan. 9, 1825. Charles, s of William, 2, 7 m., June 17, 1825. ae da of Darius [and Sarah], 14 m. [g.s. 1 y.], Sept. 24, 1825. Mary, unm., 70 y., Oct. 7, 1825. John, April 7, 1826. Andrew [betw. Oct. 24-Dec. 12], 1826. Thomas, 79 P? Aug. 13, 1828. Thomas, s of Thomas, Jr., and Rebecca, March Io, 1829. Elizabeth, wid. of James, 54 y., April 6, 1829. Mrs. Sarah, go y., Feb. 14, 1831. Thomas W., s of Dea. T[homas] and R[ebecca] W., 1 y. 4 m., March Io, oe Abigail, da of William and Abigail, 20 y., May 29, 1831. Ezra, 76 y., July 2, 1831. Caroline Hudson, da of Thomas and Hannah C., 13 y., Jan. 11, 1833. Otis, s of William [and Abigail], abt. 15 y.[g.s. 17 y.], April 29, 1833. Thomas Edwin, s of [Dea.] Thomas, Jr., and Rebecca [W., 1 y.], May [10], 1833. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 389 Waite, Wayte, Wait (continued) 470 470 g-8. g.8. £.8. g-8. ber. g-8. a72 473 473 473 g-5. 65! 650 648 648 649 730 650 ber. 732 731 732 732 134 736 734 734 735 735 137 136 736 737 738 737 137 Nancy C., da of Aaron [and Nancy], 17 y. 8 m., Oct. 22, 1834. Charles, 40 y., Jan. 1, 1835. John, 3, 38 y., June 30, 1835. Phebe, wf. of Thomas, 84 y., March 14, 1836. Lucy Augusta, da of James and Deborah, 1 y., July 4, 1836. Isaac, 73 y Oct. 12, 1836. Betsey, wf. of Ezra, and da of late Dea. John Jenkins, Oct. 24, 1836. Elizabeth J., wf. of Ezra [probaby the preceding], 1836. Mary C., wf. of Caleb, and da of John Sprague, 24 y-, Sept. 11 [g.s. Sept. 12], 1837. Sarah, wf. of William, Jr., 24 y., March 14, 1839. Jonathan, 47 os March 26, 1839. Sarah, wid. of Ezra, 82 y., Sept. 27, 1839. Alexander M., s of Charles and Rebecca, 7 y., Nov. 9, 1839. Dea. Samuel, 80 y., old age, Nov. 22, 1841. George L., 21 y., Feb. 12, 1842. Leander Milton, s of [Dea.] Thomas, Jr., and Rebecca [W., 8 m.], April 30, 1842. Mary, unm., 73 y., inflammation of the bowels, May , 1842. Stephen, 76 y., dropsy, July 21, 1843. Lucy Ann, da of Peter A. and Hannah, 1 m. 7 d., canker in bowels, Sept. 24, 1843. David [unm.], 88 y., “formerly a great gunner; he was blind and fell down stairs which occasioned his death,” Nov. 11 (730, Nov. 12], 1843. Peter, June 22, 1845. Hannah, wf. of John, b. in So. Reading, 74 y., palsy, Sept. 21, 1845. William, 3, wid., 48 y., fever, Nov. 2, 1845. Edwin, : of Stephen and Susan O., 6 m., bowel complaint, Aug. 22, 1846. Sarah Gould, da of [Dea.] Thomas and Rebecca [W.], 1 y. 9 m., Sept. 26, 1846. Ezra [Jr.], married, 28 y. 6 m., fever, Dec. 2 [g.s. Dec. 1], 1847.- John, Jr., s of John and Elizabeth, 5 m., Aug. 21, 1848. Cyrus W.,s of [Ezra, Jr., and] Lydia, 5 y. to m., dysentery, Oct. 13, 1848. Eliza A[nn, wf. of Joshua], 33 y. [g-s. 32 y], consumption, Oct. 31 [g-s. Oct. 28], 1848. Sarah, wf. of Darius, 59 y., heart complaint, Jan. 2, 1849. Ch. of Augus[tus] and Hannah, stillborn, April 16, 1849. Darius, 67 y., cholera morbus [ g.s. Aug. 9, 1849]. Jane, da of Jonathan and Elizabeth, 28 y., cholera morbus, Aug. 11, 1849. Elizabeth, wid, of Jonathan [g.s. da of William and Mary Hall}, 55 y-, cholera morbus, Aug. 12, 1849. Francis [M.], s of Darius, 23 y. [probably error in sex, see birth of Frances Mary, July 30, 1826], Sept. 11 [g.s. Sept. 15], 1849. Benjamin W., s of John, 2 m., Sept. 23, 1849. Rebecca A., da of [Dea.] Thomas, Jr., and Rebecca W., 1 y. 2m., diarrhoea, Oct. 3, 1849. Frances A., da of Joseph H. [and Elizabeth], 6 y., scarlet fever, Dec. 5, 1849. Walsh Peter, found dead on the marsh, lately discharged fram U. S. ship Constitution. Columbian Centinel, Sept. 10, 1828. Warren 648 Clarissa Harlow, da of John B. and Susan, Aug. 6, 1842. 390 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Warren (continued ) 781 Susan, wf. of John B., England, 42 y., consumption, April 13, 1845. Washman 455 Rachel, wid., da of the late Joseph Barrett, Jan. 10, 1811. 455 Ch. of wid. Rachel, deceased, Jan. , 1811. ‘Waters 267 [Agnes], wf. of Capt. [Daniel], July , 1778. 231 Molly, wf. of Capt. Daniel, 83 y., June 6, 1802. 460 Capt. Daniel, 85 y., March [26], 1816. Watkins 462 James, s of J[ames], 2 y., Sept. 1, 1817. 463 Twin ch. of J[ames], Aug. 28, 1818. 730 Edward A{ugustus], s of John and Abigail, 1 m. 14 d., dysentery, Aug. 26, 1844. 732 James, married, b. in Claremont, Vt. [N.H.], consumption [ g.s. 62 y., Nov. 27], Nov. 28, 1845. 737 Celicia [g.s. Cecelia Frances, da of John W. and Nancy D.], b. in Chelsea, 5 y. 9 m. [and 29 d.], diarrhoea, Sept. 1 [ g.s. Sept. 2], 1849. Watts 216 Sarah, May 16, 1784. 216 Da of William, Dec. 14, 1784. 235 Susanna, da of Isaac, 1 y., Nov. 21,.1805. 243 Isaac, 38 y., fever, May 21, 1810. 737 Samuel, unm., 79 y., old age, Nov. 10, 1849. Webb c.c. Jonathan, (7), 1658. Webster 736 Andrew J., married, s of David, b. in Portsmouth, N. H., 33 y., con- sumption, March 15, 1848. Weeks 459 Eliza, unm., boarder at Capt. E. Oakes’, say 18 y., Feb. 7, 1815. Welcome 186 John, s of John and Ann, July, 1732. 186 Anna, da of John and Ann, June 18, 1734. 192 John, hus. of Ann, Nov. 8, 1744. 209 Ann, wid. of John, Nov. 4, 1764. 221 William, negro, town’s poor, 1793. Weld 414 Sally [g.s. Sarah Cordwell], wf. of Thomas G., 53 y. [g.s. 52 y-] Jan. 6, 1841. 475 Thomas G[reenleaf], [56 y.], Sept. to [g.s. Sept. 9], 1841. Welding, Wheldon e.c. Gabriel, (11), 1653. Wells gsm. Albert, s of Henry B. and Eliza, 2t m., Aug 29, 1837. 733 Eliza Ann, da of Henry B. and Eliza, 6 y. 11 m., throat distemper, Feb. 24, 1847. ‘Weston 241 Reuben, a stranger, 54 y., lung fever, Dec. 1, 1808, MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 391 ‘Wetherbee 240 Ch. of Joseph, 1 y., Oct. 9, 1804. 459 Abba, da of Joseph, 7 y., Jan. 1, 1816. Wheeler 194 eee: an oe to Jacob Parker [see note under Hovey], 1735 L745 ]- 195 Bethiah, wf. of Isaac [82 y.], May 12[ g.s, May 16], 1747. 199 Hannah, da of Thomas and Mary, Sept. 13, 1753. 199 Isaac, hus. of the late Bethiah, in 77 y., Jan. 17, 1755. 204 Thomas, s of Isaac and Bethiah, and hus. of Mary [52 y.], May 16 {g.s. May 19], 1759. g.s. Isaac, 55 y. [prob. same as the following], Dec. 5, 1760. 204 Isaac, s of Isaac and Bethiah, hus. of Mehitable, Dec. 22, 1760. 210 Isaac, hus. of Mary, Feb. 14, 1773. 211 Mary, who had been wf. of Thomas, Feb. 25, 1774. 223 Mary, wid., 66 y., April 19, 1796. 222 Rachel, da of Samuel and Rachel, June 27, 1796. 240 [Anna], wid. [of Samuel, 60 y.], Feb. 18, 1804. 239 Isaac, 45 y-, consumption, May 18, 1808. 456 Mary, wid. of Isaac, 51 y., June 28, 1812. Wheelock 648 William, s of Alfred and Rizpah A., Nov. 19, 1840. White 649 Elizabeth, da of Avery, 6 y., burned by clothes taking fire at school- house, Nov. 30, 1842. 733 Levi D.,s. of Levi and Sarah, 4 y. 3 m., affection of brain, July 3, 1847. 734 Ch. of Levi and Sarah, 1 m., cholera infantum, Oct. 26, 1847. 734 Infant ch. of Truman, erysipelas, Nov. 24, 1847. 737 Harriet, da of Avery, 11 y. 5 m., fever, Jan. 2, 1850. Whitredge 410 Alfred Winslow, s of Thomas J. [and Mary N., 17 m.], March 7, 1835. g.s. Washington, s of Thomas J. and Mary N., 16 m., Sept. 28, 1836. gs. Delia A., da of Thomas J. and Mary N., 21 d., Aug. 3, 1837. Whittemore ec. Benjamin, s of Benjamin, March 31, 1668. e.c. Benjamin, s of Benjamin (10), 1676. 177 Benjamin, Jr., [23 y.], Oct. 7 [g.s. Oct. 6], 1703. 181 Benjamin [86 y. ], faly 16, 1726. 181 Elizabeth, wid. of Benjamin [82 y.], July 18, 1726. 182 Simon, s of James and Mary, Sept. 14, 1728. 187 Peternell, wf. of Samuel, Aug. 23, 1729. 187 Edward, s of Samuel and Peternell, Feb. 24, 1729/30. 187 John, March 4, 1730. 183 Mary, da of Daniel and Mary, Feb. 20, 1739/40. 194 Joel, s of James and Mary [see note under Hovey], 1735 [1745]. 193 Martha, da of Daniel and Mary, May 7, 1748. 196 John, s of Peletiah and Deborah, Jan. 24, 1752. 196 Elizabeth, da of Peletiah and Deborah, Jan. 29, 1752. 196 Asa, s of Peletiah and Deborah, Feb. 1, 1752. 199 James, hus. of Anna, Sept. 3, 1753. 200 Lydia, wf. of Daniel, 84 y., April 6, 1755. 200 Daniel, hus. of the late Lydia, in 95 y., Sept. 21, 1756. 204 James, hus. of Mary, s of James and Mary, Oct. 18, 1758. 210 Daniel, hus. of Mary, July 25, 1771. 392 MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS Whittemore (continued) 210 Mary, wid. of Daniel, April 26, 1772. 215 Ch. of Joseph, Oct. 12, 1783. 216 Mary, wid. of James, “being overcom of the Coald in the Snow a little behind Samuel waits in the evening of Said Day,” Feb. [15], 1784. 242 Vernon? 28 y., consumption, Feb. 22, 1809. 233 Daniel, 80 y., Nov. 3, 1809. 244 WE. of Joseph, 78 y., lung fever, March 12, 1810. 455 Anstis, wid. of Daniel, Feb. 5, 1811. 458 Joseph, 83 y., Feb. 21 [1814]. gs. Emeline, da of William and Joanna T., Nov. 4, 1841. 730 Sarah F., da of William, Jr., and Joanna[T.], 5 y., erysipelas, June 25 [g.s. June 26], 1843. 788 William, 66 y., heart complaint, Nov. 20, 1850. ‘Wigglesworth g-8. Martha, wf. of Rev. Michael, abt. 28 y., Sept. 4, 1690. 178 Rev. M[ichael], pastor of the church at Malden, June 10 [1705]. Wilda gsm. George W., s of Charles D. and Rebecca, 4 m., Aug. 4, 1844. gsm. Rebecca, wf. of Charles D., 34 y., Nov. 17, 1844. Wiley, Willy gs. Eliza, da of John and Sally [ W22ly], 3 w., April 25, 1802. g.s. John, s of John and Sally [W7zlly], 18 m., Aug. 23, 1802. gs. Sally, wf. of John [W2dly], 24 y. 5 m., March 13, 1803. Wilkinson e.c. John, Sen., (10), 1675. 738 Louisa, married, b. in So. Berwick, Me., 65 y., lung fever, April 22, 1850. Willard 784 Charlotte, unmarried, b. in Westmoreland, N. H., 68 y., dropsy, July 28, 1848, Williams 222 Sally, June 13, 1786. 222 Hannah, Feb. 4, 1795. 783 Peter J., 15 y., typhus fever, Oct. 8, 1846. Willis 208 Lydia, wf. of Rev. Eliakim, Jan. 24 [g.s. Jan. 25], 1767. 224 Martha, wi. of Rev. Eliakim, 71 y., cancer, June 28 [g.s. June 29], 1796. 229 Rev. Eliakim, 87 y., March 14, 1801. 782 Henry A.,s of Abel and Mary A., 2 m., June 25, 1846. Wilson 177 Capt. Joseph [58 y.], Jan. 14, 1704/5. 178 Tabitha, da of John and Elizabeth, Jan. 4, 1708. g-8. Benjamin, abt. 34 y., Feb. 16, 1712. g.8. [Iegible } ch of Samuel and Margaret, —— y. and 7 m., Jan. 29, 1715/6. 181 Joseph, April 29, 1725. 181 Elizabeth, wf. of John, Sept. 15, 1726, 187 Mary, da of James and Margaret, Nov. 14, 1729. 183 Susanna, wf. of Jacob, 72 y. [g.s. 74 y.] Dec. 15 [rg91, Dec. 14], 1739. 183 Jacob, hus, of the late Susanna [69 y.], April 16, 1741. MALDEN RECORD OF DEATHS 393 Wilson (continued ) 205 John, who had been hus. of Elizabeth [65 y.], July 21, 1741. 195 Margaret, wid. of Samuel [185, ‘‘ Mrs. Willson deceased in october thre weaks before thanksgiving”, latter end of Oct. , 1749. 207 Joseph, hus. of Huldah, Oct. 5, 1758. 205 John, s of John and Elizabeth [51 y.], May 4, 1760. 232 [Blank], 45 y., Feb. 7, 1803. 461 Asa, 23 y., Oct. 1, 1817. g.s. Agnes, wid. of Capt. Alexander, da of Rev. John Morehead of Boston, 88 y.5 m. gd., June 1, 1827. 471 Ellen M., da of Moses [and Mary Ann], 8 m., July 31, 1835. 471 [Caroline E.], da of Benjamin [and Hannah], 9 m., Jan. 6[g.s. Jan. 7, 447, Jan. 9], 1836. 471 Mary Ann, wf. of Moses, 32 y., Jan. 20, 1836. 472 Moses, 36 y., Jan. 3, 1838. ‘Winchester 738 Georgiana D., da of J. T., 21 d., dysentery [1850]. Windit 211 Joanna, who had been wf. of Jacob, Feb. 27, 1775. ‘Winslade, Winslead, Winslow For this name and its several forms see History of Malden, 845. g.s. John (Winslead ), 28 y., Jan. 10, 1683. 183 Thomas (Winslow), s of John and Elizabeth, Aug. 12, 1738. Winslow, sce Winslade 214 John, Jan. 21, 1780. 469 Mary Elizabeth, da of Capt. Caleb S., May 23, 1834. 471 Caroline, wf. of Capt. Caleb S., da of William Barrett, Esq., 27 y., Oct. 28, 1836. 413 Thomas Forbes, s of Capt. George, 4 m. 4 d., June 5, 1839. Wise 730 Emma F., da of Daniel P. and Martha [L.], 5 y. 6 m., croup, Oct. 12, 1843. 738 Edward [L.], s of Daniel P. [and Martha L.], 7 y. 4 m., May 5 [g.s. May 3], 1850. Wood 218 William, res. in Mald., found dead, Nov. 25, 1789. 220 Ch. of Jabez Porter and Mrs. Catherine Wood, Jan. 25, 1792. Wyman 732 David W., s of David W. and Elizabeth, 5 m., Sept. , 1845. Yeaton ; g.s. George B., s of Richard and Charlotte, 13 m. 9 d., April 14, 1841. Young : 458 Capt. John, go y., April 20, 1814. rTM RHR sit ni Hi i sag inant rae ete ah earl i iba if He tf et irerprt tt £ Be t HE