Hann ian Cea are a hdet i puso, fears rg orn a ‘ ey che ah ena ie oi ce tah BP moe ran a seni “hen oe i or co ied Be Sa tase it Whelsteh "F em aay Batt th hie Di Ral isi cat Par aan A ay ay ae Est Se re oe a a wei eter ras yee ay i ty i Botte oi rene ta ANU ne Aree ver Sin Peres os BET WI re ae fe eu Seow ts Teen pe pis ot Sin es Oy nara yh rae aa Ree Rhea ct te Ep ie 0 coy areas ay et Bar sane er r Y Eta ; ‘5 a : 4 ory a niin aya Tee EHC ern ot CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY GIFT OF DeEe Solomon eae le = ren VUIN AD SCs t—Al ae | Cas epee /F4 ate } Earl | | | olin Cornell University Library 45G3 C44 viii i 3 1924 028 829 609 . iF vers ‘AGTIVA NVWHGD THE FARLY GERMANS NEW JERSEY THEIR HIstTory, CHURCHES anp (FENEALOGIES BY THEODORE FRELINGHUYSEN CHAMBERS WITH MAPS AND ILLUSTRATIONS ca Re ec Entered according ded act of es in the year 1895 by THEODORE F. CHAMBERS, of German Valley, New Jersey, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. DOVER, N. J. PRINTED BY THE mao PRINTING COMPANY, 5. PREFACE. This work is the result of an attempt to discover the exact time of the first settlement of New Jersey by people of the German race. It is believed that this fact has been ascertained with sufficient certainty. Between 1710 and 1713 nearly all palatines, who have left any trace of their presence, began to arrive in the State and to fulfill their important part in the upbuilding of this commonwealth. In the course of this investigation extending, as it needs must do, in so many directions and having to do with so many records, a large amount of valuable material would naturally accumulate. This has appeared to the author to be worth pre- serving, even though the labor and expense and risk of so large a book would be required for that purpose. In tracing the families of the early settlers resort has been had to the records at Newton, Belvidere, Flemington, Somer- ville and Morristown. Every one of the 62 books of wills at Trenton was examined separately. The church records of Stillwater, German Valley, New Germantown, Lebanon and Mount Pleasant, were carefully compiled. To gather addi- tional data the inscriptions in 31 cemeteries from Newton to Flemington, including those of Lamington, Bedminster and Somerville, were copied. Every county, church and family history procurable was consulted, and on this account the writer feels warranted in saying that the genealogies are as complete and accurate as they can be made. The families represented in the genealogies are more or less complete according to the circumstances of the case, but all the information has been given with regard to each family that vi PREFACE. could be found by careful and continued inquiry. All who have ever attempted genealogical researches will readily understand how impossible it is to ever attain either perfect completeness or perfect accuracy. The map of Washington township, the author’s own handi- work, is believed to be substantially accurate. Of course, as every surveyor knows, hardly any of the early surveys will bear mapping without alterations, such as actual surveys show to be necessary. The illustrations are in every case the best that could be procured. The work of the Central Bureau of Engraving has been surprisingly excellent. In some cases the photographs, from which the photo-engravings were made, were either very poor when originally taken, or discolored and marred by age. Mr. E. W. Rush, of Glen Gardner, is the engraver of the following cuts: The churches of New Germantown, Fair- mount, Lower Valley, Califon and Mount Olive. In common with every one who undertakes to investigate the history of Morris county, the writer owes more than he can adequately express to the two gentlemen of Morristown who have been frequently associated in the preparation and publi- cation of valuable historical records. Of course I refer to the Hon. E. D. Halsey and Mr. William Ogden Wheeler, of Mor- ristown. The very large and most complete collection of material for the history not only of the county but also of the State, which they have so kindly placed at the author’s com- mand, has been of the very greatest value to the writer. All who are at all interested in the history of the palatine emigration either into New York or New Jersey, owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Samuel Burhans, of New York City, for rendering accessible the large number of German church records, especially those belonging to the valleys of the Hud- son and Mohawk. Dr. Henry Race, of Pittstown, N.J., has most kindly granted the aid of his skill and experience in historical work. Mr. B. Van Doren Fisher, of New York, has enabled the writer to use the results of his invaluable labors, especially in the matter of family genealogies and the copying of archives, PREFACE. vii Mr. E. Y. Taylor, of Philadelphia, formerly of German Val- ley, kindly loaned the field books, maps and other papers of the surveyor, John Rockhill, who lived one hundred and thirty years ago. By the aid of these certain important facts were established, which would otherwise have remained in complete obscurity. Mr. Augustus Dellicker, of Hackettstown, allowed the use of Caleb Valentine’s papers, containing maps and surveys which could be procured no where else. The late Theodore Naughright and William S. Cary and son, Lewis, have taken the most generous interest in the writer’s labors and have given him the full benefit of their extensive experience as surveyors. Mr. Frank E. Everett, the capable editor of the Dover Iron Era, from whose office the present work is issued, has given to this book the benefit of his excellent taste and matured judgment. The delay in publication may be easily explained to those who understand the unexpected difficulties involved in the very nature of genealogical work. The German edition of the Hallesche Nachrichten, (Allen- town, Pa., 1883), is the principal authority for the early history of the Lutheran churches in New Jersey. To the Presbyterian congregation, of German Valley, of which the author has the honor to be the pastor, is due un- stinted praise for their intelligent co-operation in an undertak- ing, which, without their help and approval, could not have been prosecuted to a successful issue. Cuapter I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX, XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI, oo Geo am fe | HOE oes Gs a Ue We mr Gs i 4 a A Ce £)) Pe “ MD ca Ma sti i iat he “ De 4 wis a c 4 fl i atl CONTENTS. PART I. ihe Celebrate o.c% oy auucgaenunaewaspueey we I Our German Forefathers.................02- 2 ie MOraV ANS i456 sivd ticevsws edie eooe ee 16 The German Emigration..................0. 25 The German Immigrants................0.0- 34 Early Church History... 00 .erescsde sneer 45 evs Carl, Rudolph. 2.x is dees sve seas tend acs 58 Rev. John Albert Weygand................... 63 Rev. Ludolph Heinrich Schrenck............ 72 Phe Muhlenberg :....s-0can ews veay wy nk css oa we 74 New Germantown and German Valley........ 82 The German Reformed..............0.00005. 95 Fairmount Presbyterian Church............. 126 Reformed Church of Lebanon............... 137 Settlers of Upper German Valley ati cate coed 141 Settlers of German Wee se mauk oe ksiedaly apes 146 Settlers of Lower LEW a suites ine oP saeco hates 158 Settlers of Unionville........................ 165 Settlers of Schooley’s Mountain.............. 169 Schooley’s Mountain Presbyterian Church.... 181 Presbyterian Church of Pleasant Grove....... er Settlers of Tewksbury POWNSHIP is coeda aves 194 Settlers from Southold and Southampton..... 199 Chester Congregational Church............... 209 Chester Presbyterian Church.................. 214 Spruce Run—“ Swake ”—Clarksville Lutheran Churches. i ry ContTENTS. ix PART I. GENEALOGIES. Abel 227; Adams 229; Aller 230; Alpock 231; Ammerman 234; Anthony 235; Apgar 236; Appelman 243; Aree 243; Ayres 244; Axford 248. Baldwin 249; Bale 250; Banghart 250; Barkman 251; Bartles 252; Bartley 254; Batson 255; Beam 256; Beatty 258; Beavers 260; Bell 261; Bellis or Bellowsfelt 262 ; Bernhard 264; Berger 264; Bird 265; Bloom 266; Bodine 267; Bow- man 269; Brown 272; Buchanan 273; Budd 274; Bulmer 277; Bunn 278; Busenberry 280, Carhart 280; Carlisle 283 ; Case 284; Castner 288 ; Chambers 290; Coleman 294; Colver 297; Condict 299; Cool 299; Cooper 309; Corwin 303 ; Cosad 308 ; Couse 310; Craig 311; Cramer 312 ; Crater 313 ; Cregar 316 ; Cummings 317. Dallicker 320; Davis 321; Deats or Teats 322; DeCue 325; DeCamp 326; DeRose 327; Dickerson 328; Dierdorff 331 ; Dilts 332; Dorland 335; Drake 335 ; Dufford 342. Eckel 345; Ege 345; Eich 348; Emmons 350; Engell 351 ; Eoff 351. Faircloe 352; Farley 352; Farrow 357; Feit 358; Felmley 358; Fields 359; Fisher 360; Fleming 371; Flock 372; Flumer- velt 374; Folk 375; Force 375; Fox 376; Frace 377; Frel- inghuysen 378; Frey 385; Fritts 385 ; Frone 386. Gray ; Griffiths 387 ; Gulick 387. Hager 388; Haines 394 ; Hance 395; Hann 397 ; Hartram 398 ; Heath 398; Heaton 4oo; Hedges 400; Hendershot 401 ; Henderson 402; Henry 403; Hildebrant 404; Hiler 405 ; Hilts 405 ; Hockenbury 406; Hoffman 406 ; Honness 416; Hoppock 416 ; Horton 417 ; Howell 421 ; Hummer 425 ; Hunt 425. Iliff 426. Kelsey 427; Kemple 427; Kern 429; Kester 429; Kice 430; King 431; Kinnan 432 ; Kline 432. LaGrange 434; Lake 435 ; Lance 436 ; Larason 437; Lawrence 439; Leek 442; Lerch 442; Lindabury 443 ; Lomerson 445 ; Lucas 446 ; Luse 447. x ConreEnNTs. Martinus 447; Messlar 447; Mettler 448; Miller 448; Ming 449; Moore 449. Neighbor 450; Neitser 452; Nicholas 454; Nunn 455. Ogden 455; Ort 458; Overton 458. Pace 459; Parker 460; Pew 460; Philhower 460; Pickle 462 ; Pool 464; Potter 464. Race 465; Rarick 466; Raub 467; Rawling 467; Read 467; Reed 468; Reeves 468; Reger 469; Rhinehart 470; Ritten- house 471; Roberts 471 ; Robertson 472; Rockafellow 472 ; Roelofson 473 ; Runyon 474; Rusling 476. Salmon 476; Salter 477; Schenkel 478; Schleicher 479; Schooley 480; Schuyler 482; Swartzwelder 483; Seals 484 ; Seifers 485 ; Seward 485 ; Shafer 486 ; Sharp or Sharpenstine 486; Sherwood 492; Shipman 492; Shirts 493; Shultz 494 ; Silverthorn 494, Skellenger 494; Skinner 496; Slaght 497; Smith 498; Snook 502; Snyder 503; Sovereen 504; Stark 505; Stein 505 ; Stephens 505 ; Stiger 507; Streit 508; Struble 508; Stryker 510; Sutphin 511; Sutton 512; Swackhamer 517; Swarts 519; Swazey 519. Teel 524; Teeple 524; Terry 525; Terryberry 526; Thomas 527; Tiger 528; Titman 528; Todd 530; Topping 532; Trim- mer 533. Van Atta 539; Van Buskirk 541; Van Fleet 541 ; Van Horne 544; Van Nest 545; Van Pelt 546; Van Sickle 547; Van Vechten 548 ; Vernoy 550; Vescelius 551; Vogt 552; Vosler 552. Wack 553; Waldorf 554; Walters 555; Ward 556; Waer 556; Weise 557; Welsch 558; Weller 560; Werts 561; Wildrick 567; Wiley 567; Willett 568; Wills 569; Wintermute 570; Wire 571; Wolf 572; Woodhull 573; Wortman 574. Yawger 576; Youngs 576. PART III. APPENDIX I. CoRRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS TO GENEALOGIES. Apgar, Bodine, Crater, Cregar, Dallicker 583; Eich, Fisher, Hager, Hann, Martinus, McLean 584; Mellick 585 ; Muehlen- berg 587; Naughright 590; Runkle sor. CONTENTS. xi APPENDIX II. MINISTERS. Blauvelt, Bolton, Campbell, Chambers, 597; Clark, Collins (B. B.), Collins (G. S.), Davis, 598; Davison, Delp, Denton, Depue, Deyo, Diener, 599; Duy, Fox, Gibson, Glen, 600; Harker, Hendricks, Hiller, 601; Hunt, Husted, Hutton, 602; Mulford, Keiser, 603; Klink, Knox, Krechting, Lane, Linnell, Long, 604 ; McClenaghan, McConnell, Megie, Mewhinney, 605 ; Mills, Nich- olson, Pohlman, Roe, Ruston, 606; Sawyer, Scofield, 607; Schultz, Scott, Smith (B.), 608; Smith (G. W.), Smythe, 609 ; Steele, Stephens, Travers, Van Benschoten, Vandervoort, 610; Vermilye, Voorhees, Wack, Wood, 611. : APPENDIX III. Mount Olive Churches......... 0... cee cece eee ee 612 APPENDIX IV. Churches of Flanders.......... 0.2: eee cece eee eee eneee 619 APPENDIX V. The “Old Straw” Lutheran Church at Phillipsburg,...... 625 APPENDIX VI. Tur GERMAN REFORMED. Ringoes, Mt. Pleasant, Knowlton, Stillwater............ 627 APPENDIX VII. Lists or NaMEs. Persons Naturalized, Settlers on “ Society Lands,” Signers to Weygand’s Call, Customers of German Valley store- keeper, 1763.0... 0c eee cece eee eee e een eee e nee e eens 632 APPENDIX VIII Public Institutions and Improvements....... SGibaa acne ences 638 ILLUSTRATIONS. Vimw oF GERMAN VALLEY........ cece cece cece e eer teen ene e een teee Frontispiece. : page. Rev. Henry MELCHIOR MUHLENBERG, D. D......... 0. cee eee eee eee cee 1 OLD UNION CHURCH OF GERMAN VALLEY ........ cece reece ene e cnet eeenenene 75 Rev. E. B. ENGLAND AND Rev. T. F. Waite, D. D......... sees eee ee eee 10 Rey. T. W. Cuampers, D. D., L.L.D., anp Henry Racs, M. D. ......... 35 New GERMANTOWN LUTHERAN CHURCH......... cece eee cence nee eet e eee e eee 20 Rev. H. M. MuBLENBERG, D. D. 2) anpD Rev. Mason Gen. J. P. G. Mug- TLE NBERG osc sine ois iece se baste Se FAME ELT 4 & see nied Hs digie eRe sis OEE 25 Rev. E. L. Hazewius, D. D., anp Rev. G. H. E. Musiensere, D. D..... 30 Rev. ALFRED HiLuer, D. D., anp Rev. H. N. Pontman, D. D............. 35 Rev. J. C. Duy anp REV. J. F. DIENER.......... 00 ccc ece cece ee eee nee eneeee 40 Rev. James R. KEISER AND REV. VALENTINE F. BOLTON.............00005 45 THe LUTHERAN CHURCH OF GERMAN VALLEY..........c. ccc cece eee eens 50 Rev. B. B. CoLLINS AND REV. EPHRAIM DEYO.... 1... cece ee eee rere eee eees 55 Rev. W. S. DELP AND REV. J. P. KRECHTING....... 0.000 c cece eee teen eee 60 THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF GERMAN VALLEY............0:ee eens ceees 95 Rev. Jonn C. VANDERVOORT AND REV. CHALMERS D. CHAPMAN........... 100 Rev. James Scort, D. D., anp Rev. WILLIAM R. GLEN........-.....005065 105 Rev. Ropert G. VERMILYE, D. D., anp Rev. Mancius 8. Hutton, D. D.. 110 Rev. I. Austynr BLAUVELT AND REV. EH. P. LINNELL.......... cece eee eee 115 Rev. James H. M. Knox, D.D., anp Rev. H. M. VooRHEES......... .... 120 Rev. THEODORE FRELINGHUYSEN CHAMBERS..........cceceeeeec eee eeeeeeeees 122 THE FAIRMOUNT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH...........cccceceene ceeeceeeeeeees 125 Rev. JoHN R. WILLOX AND REV. NATHANIEL B. KLINK..............00085 180 Rev. Tirus E. Davis anp Rev. Witiiam O. Ruston, D. D.... .........5. 185 RrEv. CHARLES Woop, D. D., anpD Rev. Epwin W. Lone. siwithinra Merete tetosanaelets 140 THE LEBANON REFORMED CHURCH............00cesecuceeeee os ILLUSTRATIONS. Xili Rev. RoperRT Van AMBURGH AND Rev. W. E. DaAvis............ ene eveibeie'eae 150 Tur PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF LOWER VALLEY........... .. RR HERE Em ene 155 Rev. Joun REED, D. D., anD REV. W. J. HENDERSON............0.ceeeeeee 160 Rev. JAMES R. GIBSON AND REV. ALFRED NICHOLSON...........ccceceeeees 165 Toe M. HB. CHURCH OF CALIFON.......... eee e eee ce cece ee eteeeseteee er 167 THE SCHOOLEY’S MOUNTAIN CHURCH...........ccce cece ecee tee eeceetececeees 170 Rev. WILLIAM J. GiuL, D. D., AnD REV. C. S. OSBORN.............00ceeee 1% Rev. Hueu SmMytTHEe and Rev. WILLIAM J. MEWHINNEY............0000006 180 PLEASANT GROVE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH...... ..cccesecceceeeceeseveceuus 185 Rev. JOSEPH CAMPBELL, D. D., anpD Rev. Burtis C. Muain, D.D......... 188 Rev. H. W. Hunt AnD REV. SAMUEL SAWYER...........00cccncceeveeeuees 191 Rev. SamMuEL J. McCLENAGHAN AND Rev. JAMES H. CLARK.............. 194 Rev. Moses A. DEPUE AND REV. GILBERT LANE...........ceeececeeeceeees 198 THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF CHESTER. .......ccceccsecesceceeceuceces 200 Rev. ABNER MORSE AND REV. LUKE I. STOUTENBURGH............000e0ee « 205 Rev. B. F. BRADFORD AND REV. F., A. JOHNSON.........0ccceeceee seeeves 209 THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CHESTER. ...........cceeeecee soceeeeeeaee +. 218 Rev. G. M. S. BLAUVELT.....-..... cee eeeee ee eee poassya eihauanh aia a abe adhoc sia waar ateesiure 217 Rev. JAMES BREWSTER AND REV. FRANK M. KERR...........eecec cece ses 220 THe SPRUCE RUN LUTHERAN CHURCH ......- cece e cece cece scene eteenescnnee 225 Rev. CHESTER H. TRAVERS AND REV. DAVID KLINE......... cc cece eee ee ees 230 THE GLEN GARDNER LUTHERAN CHURCH.........c cee cee cece eee eeceeeeaeeee 235 Tam ‘CLARKSVILLE CHURCH: 3 savssiswi cscs cases cee as canescens s eats cece oes 240 Levi Farrow, M. D., AnD REV. G. W. SMITH.......... ec ce eee cece ween eens 357 GEN. FRED. FRELINGHUYSEN AND GOV. GEORGE T, WERTS........ -e.- 380 Hon. THEO. FRELINGHUYSEN AND HON. FRED. FRELINGHUYSEN............ 385 JACOB W MILLER sais seivss veneesewes s cawes dense coals Howes deaewecanes vans VES Mounr OLIVE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH...... csc eeeseeeeeeee Rev. JoHn H. ScorreLD AND REv. Davin JAMES Rev. O. H. Perry DEYO AND REV. DANIEL W. FOX.... cc... cece tenes 620 FLANDERS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.......c.cce cece cenecesceceesecseeeseuees 625 Rev. Joun N. Hustep AND REV. BAKER SMITH.........cscceeee ee eeeceeenes 630 Rev. THORNTON A. MILLS AND REV. G. H. STEPHENS..........0.eeeeeeeees 635 Tue M. E. CHURCH OF FLANDERS........ccccesecec eevee esecesceeeeseseecece 640 Rev. Mannina FoRCE AND REV. WILLIAM STOUT........ sie CAGea ewe aig ee 645 MAPS. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP, opposite page ALLEN AND TURNER TRAcT “ ee New GERMANTOWN IN 1755 “ ee EARLY GERMANS« NEW JERSEY PART I THEIR ARRIVAL, SETTLEMENT AND CHURCHES TOGETHER WITH PROCEEDINGS OF THE CELEBRATION AT GERMAN VALLEY OCTOBER 3187, 1893 AND ALSO THE HISTORY OF THE OTHER SETTLERS OF OLD ROXBURY TOWNSHIP FROM SOUTHOLD AND SOUTHAMPTON CHAPTER I. THE CELEBRATION. S\ HE Centennial Celebration held at German “§ Valley upon October 31st, 1893, was of such peculiar interest and attended with such notable success, that it may well deserve special notice in any history of the events which it was held to com- : memorate. The day selected was Reformation Day, the anniversary of the nailing of the theses by Luther upon the church door at Wittenberg. We quote from the local press the following account of the events of the day and the impression they produced upon those who were present. The Jron Era, of Dover, had the following : “The little village of German Valley was alive with life and energy on Tuesday when a representative of the 47a arrived there, and the latch strings of every house hung out to those sturdy, intelligent and prosperous descendants of the first ‘Teutons who came to this fertile and beautiful valley nearly two centuries ago, and who had come to celebrate the one hundred and eightieth anniversary of the arrival of the first wanderers from Fatherland. The weather was perfect. It was one of those charming October days that make the month one of the most delightful of the year. The carpeting of the valley was still green, the touch of the frost not having yet turned it to gray, and the hills were bright in their clothing of red and rus- set and yellow, relieving the cold dead drab of the rocks and 2 Earty GerMans oF NEw JERSEY stones. The visitors began arriving early and every available tie post in the village was needed for their teams, and the trains brought many more. It was a success. In fact it could hardly be anything else. With the evident care and labor exercised with regard to the music and the selection of speakers, one could be at no loss to explain the great pleasure afforded to the large and intelligent audiences which assembled at both afternoon and evening services. “It was half-past three when the afternoon proceedings began in the Presbyterian Church. The church was tastefully decorated, In front of the pulpit the altar was banked with chrysanthemums and the red, white and black of the fatherland was draped gracefully over the desk. From the arch of the pulpit recess the national colors were prettily hung, and all around the room groups of the American flag were placed. From the centre of the pulpit arch a floral bell was suspended with the date 1743 in green figures, flanked on either side by the dates 1713 and 1893. Tropical plants lent the beauty of their green luxuriance in contrast to the bright colors of the bunting, and the committee who had charge of the decorations are to be commended for their taste. “Tt was expected that Hon. Jonathan W. Roberts, President of the Washington Association of New Jersey, would preside, but he was detained by business from being present, and Rev. T. F. Chambers took his place. After an anthem by the choir Rev. V. F. Bolton, of Glen Gardner, invoked the divine blessing. The orator of the afternoon was Rev. E. B. England, of Chester, whose eloquence and ability are so well known to readers of the Zva that the announcement that he will deliver an address carries with it a desire to hear him. His theme was “ Chris- topher Columbus, the First Emigrant,” and he spoke with his usual grace of oratory and charm of rhetoric. “The Obliga- tions of Protestantism to Martin Luther,” was the subject of a well written paper by Rev. Dr. Theo. F. White, of Summit, Chairman of the Committee on History of the Presbytery of Morris and Orange, and the ripe scholarship of the distinguished divine was shown in the preparation of this paper. An address on “Our German Forefathers” by Rev. Talbot W. Chambers, THE CELEBRATION 3 D.D., LL. D., ended the literary part of the afternoon proceed- ings. It was one of those charming little talks that “come like the benediction that follows after prayer.” Dr. Chambers is a man of profound learning, and yet has the happy faculty of getting in touch with his hearers. There is nothing of the pedant about him, and the simplicity of his address was as charming as its matter was interesting. “In the evening the proceedings were in the Lutheran Church and opened with an anthem by the choir. The decora- tions were very neat and appropriate. The church itself is a model of neatness and its pure white wall sets off very effectively the simplest decorations. It was a happy idea to present a Bible chained to a table as a forcible suggestion of the vast changes in religious opportunity which have taken place since ancient days. It would have been a great mistake to omit from the proceedings some account of the interesting community who once formed a most unique settlement at Hope, Warren County. Dr. Race’s paper upon Greenland in New Jersey, or the Moravians, was carefully prepared and most complete and reliable. This is true of all the work of this gentleman, whose kindness in so ably representing the Historical Societies of the State and Hunterdon County, was fully appreciated. “The Rev. Dr. Hiller, professor of theology at Hartwick Seminary, in New York State, gave an extended account of the Lutheran Church in New Jersey in its threefold character, as constituted of Swedes in South Jersey, Low Dutch in Bergen County and High Dutch or Germans in Western New Jersey. His address was delivered in a forcible and lively manner and was interspersed with amusing anecdotes and interesting inci- dents. “Rev. William. E. Davis spoke briefly but to the point, and in a very happy way presented the relations of the Germans to the Reformed Dutch Church, to which he himself belonged. “The last subject of a program remarkable for its complete- ness, was the German Reformed Church which was to be pre- sented by Rev. T. F. Chambers. He excused himself from entering upon his theme at so late an hour. “The whole proceedings were worthy of the occasion and 4 Earty Germans or NEw JERSEY add new laurels to the well-earned reputation for historic zeal of Morris County. The careful preparations for the complete presentation of the history of the German part of our population demonstrate a high degree of intelligence on the part of the village of German Valley. “The Secretary of the Committee and the Committee, under whose authority he acted, and by whom he was so heartily supported, the speakers, whose careful preparation and unques- tioned ability were so fully displayed ; the ladies of the decora- tion committee, whose refinement of taste was to be seen on all sides, and the inhabitants in general, whose cordial hospitality was enjoyed by the visitors, may all alike rejoice in the success of an occasion which will mark an era in the history of the village. “Tt was a very gratifying feature of the occasion to find the two churches of the village co-operating apparently without the slightest hitch or jar in the services of the day. We were informed that the expenses of the occasion were met by private subscription and one could not but wonder how so large and representative a celebration could be conceived and successfully carried out by a rural village with limited facilities for travel and for entertainment. The Washington Association of New Jersey are a most respectable body, to whom the whole county are deeply indebted for their patriotic work with reference to the admirably arranged Headquarters at our county town, but we venture to affirm that they honored themselves not less than the people of German Valley, by being so well represented upon this occasion. “We only voice the sentiment of every visitor, when we say that for once at least one of the smallest of our country villages has “set the pace” in celebrations for the rest of the county. The tasteful decorations of the Stephens Steam Heater Company and of the store of Lyman Kice are worthy of special notice. The colored lights on Mr. Naughright’s residence produced a very pretty effect at night. We noticed the presence of the Hon, H. O. Marsh, President of the National Iron Bank, of Morristown, of the Rev. Wynant Vanderpool, rector of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church at Morristown, also of G. G. Kip, Mr. OLD UNION CHURCH OF GERMAN VALLEY. THE CELEBRATION 5 Ford, P. H. Hoffman and W. Ogden Wheeler of the same place. Mr. Fred. H. Beach and Mr. Fred. A. Canfield, of Dover, were also present. Rev. William M. Wells and his elder Hiram Fisher, from the United First Church, of Amwell; Rev. B. V. D. Wyckoff and Mr. Schomp from Readington; Rev. T. E. Davis, of Bound Brook ; Rev. I. Alstyne Blauvelt, of Roselle ; Rev. J. H. Scofield, of Mt. Olive; Rev. James R. Gibson, of Califon ; Rev. William Stout, of Flanders, and many others we noticed among the visitors. The special train from Rockaway brought many visitors among whom were Edmund 1). Halsey and Rev. Dr. Stoddard.” The Morris County Journal and The /Jerseyman both had very flattering notices of the Celebration, and all accounts seemed to agree in pronouncing the occasion one of great inter- est and a most successful commemoration of truly memorable events. A most pleasing feature of the occasion was a very beautiful souvenir, containing photo-engravings of some of the former pastors of both churches, and also of the old Union Church, which was erected more than one hundred years ago. It also contained a brief but comprehensive account of the early emi- gration from Germany into New Jersey and the character of the settlers, who thus added a new element to the already cosmopolitan population of the State. Invitations had been sent to officers of the Historical Socie- ties, to ministers, editors and many others. These invitations were neatly printed on card board and enclosed in envelopes to match. The names of the committee being found on the reverse side. 6 Earity GERMANS oF NEw JERSEY 1893 OF GERMAN VALLEY AND THE 1743 a a Zz Zz uw be z Ww ? > Ql a Ww a OF THE a Zz x = ~ Ww oO wi rc be > oo ~- ui O o Wu =) = Ww Zz rm Oo be Zz wi = Ww = ke c— w a ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTIETH ANNIVERSARY. 1713 ‘THE CELEBRATION 7 PROCEEDINGS—TUESDAY AFTERNOON IN THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Hon. Jonathan W. Roberts, Presiding. AN THEME ios596.0 sou shdaw Sie wiened coma “Wake Song of Jubilee” PRAYER, : Rev. V. F. Bolton, Glen Gardner, N. J. MUSIC ie ca cunkeatee gatas doe yeas “Wake, Songs of Gladness” ORATION........ “Christopher Columbus, the First Emigrant” Rev. E. B. England,.Chester, N. J. MUSIC aistie ae cx we ana ebRelneddt. cee wi ek “ Great God of Nations” ADDRESS..... “Obligations of Protestantism to Martin Luther” Rev. Theo. F. White, D. D. Chairman of Committee on History of the Presbytery. MUSIC soeccees ees ke “The Hand that Led Our Fathers Here” ADDRESS iis sie 506-85.b 0 ba Seeks leon aes “Our German Forefathers” Rev. Talbot W. Chambers, D. D., LL. D. Senior Pastor Collegiate Reformed Dutch Church, N. Y. MUSI Gig Siete sete Vets eye es eee ee “Praise Ye The Lord” PROCEEDINGS—TUESDAY EVENING IN THE LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. William S. Delp, Presiding. OrGAN VOLUNTARY—ANTHEM... “Praise the Lord O My Soul” PRAYER, Rev. James R. Gibson. ANTHEM oligo totale ceanideeneiee ye “T Will Lift Mine Eyes” ADDRESS iisucie sees wieeeteas “The Moravians of New Jersey” Henry Race, M. D., : Member of the New Jersey Historical Society. (ANTHEM 5 6.53240 ears Soe ees yogi BAAS “O, Come Let Us Sing” ADDRESS... ee eee eee ee “The Lutheran Church in New Jersey” Rey. Alfred Hiller, D. D., Professor in Hartwick Seminary, N. Y. MUSIC op ohscecedintiv cece eaea seek boaweeeees “Ein Feste Burg” Apprsss.... “The Germans and the Reformed Dutch Church” Rev. W. E. Davis, Lebanon, N. J. BREN TL EM yao soi idutd or dees ik rs Sa eg do a orm tes acne “Praise Ye The Lord” Apopress...... “The German Reformed Church in New Jersey” Rev. T. F. Chambers, Member of New Jersey Historical Society. MUSIGis we rn sd Base oS eee aan SR Rea aed wee eee “ Selected ’ 8 Earty Germans oF New JERSEY GENERAL COMMITTEE. E. M. Bartles, Pres’t, Rev.W.S. Delp,V. P. John Parker, L. Farrow, M. D. I. S. Vescelius, F. D. Stephens, Jacob W. Welsh, Jesse Weise, E. Willet, M. D., Jesse Hoffman, John Todd, J. V. Stryker, Anthony Trimmer, Isaac Dorland, L. R. Schoenheit, Silas Neighbour, Elias Buchanan, Andrew Axford, Hagar Trimmer, Fred. Sharp, William Dufford, Philip Welsh, M. T. Welsh, Henry Dufford, Isaac Roelofson, Elijah Dufford, M. M. Lindabury, » C. B. Hendershot, James Anthony, Willard Apgar, Wm. S. Naughright, Daniel Swackhamer, John T. Naughright, W.N.Swackhamer, Lyman Kice, Sylvester Lake, Abner Dilts, Joseph Apgar, George Swackhamer, Rev. T. F. Chambers, Sec’y. COMMITTEE ON MUSIC. F. D. Stephens, W. S. Naughright, I. S. Runyon, Theodore Van Nest, Jonathan Bartley, A. P. Down, E. J. Neighbour, William Dufford. COMMITTEE ON PROGRAM. Rev. T. F. Chambers, John Parker, Rev. W. S. Delp, L. L. Rosenkrans, C. B. Hendershot. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. Elias M. Bartles, Lyman Kice, L. Farrow, M.D. J.W. Welsh. COMMITTEE ON ENTERTAINMENT. \ M: T. Welsh, J. W. Willet, L. Richard Schoenheit, George McLean, E. D. Naughright, Stewart Neighbour. COMMITTEE ON DECORATION. Miss Lillie Hager, Miss Annie Trimmer, Miss Luella Weise, Miss Edith Schoenheit, Mrs. Jesse Weise, Miss Lydia Runyon. Representative of Order of Odd Fellows, Rev. B. B. Collins. Representative of Knights of Pythias, Hon. W. S. Naughright. Representative of the Grand Army of the Republic, L. Richard Schoenheit. Tue CELEBRATION 9 A very interesting feature of the celebration was not on the. program. This was a most appropriate and welcome address from the Hon. H. W. Miller, President of the Morristown Sav- ings Bank. Mr, Miller was called upon on the opening of the exercises in the afternoon to make some remarks in behalf of the Washington Association of New Jersey, which had sent a delegation of six prominent citizens of Morristown to represent them on this occasion. His address was as follows : Mr. Cuairman, Lapies aND GENTLEMEN : I thank you for the privilege and honor conferred upon me to express for the Washington Association of New Jersey its appreciation of your courtesy in extending to it an invitation to be present to-day at this 180th anniversary of the settlement of New Jersey by the Germans, and the Sesqui-centennial of German Valley. We, who consider it our high privilege, as well as our sacred duty to guard and preserve the historic records and relics of the war that gave to us our glorious country, a country which is producing to-day the greatest achievements of human indus- try and thought, enlightening the whole globe and controlling the policies and markets of every nation, we feel that indeed we have a high duty to perform, and are encouraged and aided materially in this duty by the ceremonies so well conceived and carried out by you to-day, for the very creditable purpose you have in view. And what better object can we have to call us together, as we have been on this occasion, than that of pre- serving the history of those periods of our country’s life when she was in her infancy struggling for existence, and when her people were overflowing with patriotic devotion for her welfare. In coming here to-day we seem to have stepped within the boundaries of an enchanted circle, where, as in the Sargasso Sea, the winds and storms and currents are all quieted by a peaceful influence, and from whence are bred again the powers which give life and progress to the air, and energy to the world. For here in this peaceful valley, just outside of the maelstrom which swept so near its borders in the War of the Revolution, throwing off to it the heartrending and heartstirring fragments and again catching up the zeal and energy of the honest and . 10 farty Germans or New JERSEY noble spirits, dwelling in this beautiful valley and throwing them with new-born energy into the battle for liberty, we find still at this day, peacefully dwelling the same families, the same names, with the same honesty, zeal, religion and patriotism, ready to develop the same energy with equal earnestness, as in those trying times of old. It is with great respect to you, Mr. President, and to the Committee, that I thank you in the name of the Washington Association of New Jersey for your courtesy extended to us, and I regret exceedingly the absence of our distinguished President, not only for his own sake, but because he would express the mind of the Association in far better words than I am able to do. May I in my own behalf express my heartfelt gratitude for the privilege of addressing you in these few words, unworthy as they are, on this occasion, and on this spot, where my ances- tors soon after their arrival in their new country settled and lived, and where my father, so much honored by you, was born, and where he received in his boyhood those teachings of hon- esty and patriotism, which he never forgot, and which by example and precept he sought to use for the benefit of his fellow countrymen. o 5 Toca) ao ‘dea * . . ‘ENVIONG ‘@ ‘HATE d ‘d ‘HLIHM ‘1 THOCORHL “ATW CHAPTER II. OUR GERMAN FOREFATHERS BY REV. TALBOT w. CHAMBERS, D. D., LL. D. AUL, the Apostle, in his epistle to the Ephesians, speaking of the work of the Lord Jesus in breaking down the wall of partition between Jews and Gentiles, said it was for the purpose of making “of the twain one new man,” better, far better 2a i} than either was before the reconciliation. Applyiner this procedure on a lower scale, many have supposed that a similar result would follow from the mixed population of our own country. The ancient Athenians used with pride to call themselves autochthones, sprung from the soil of Attica and un- contaminated by the intermixture of an alien race. We can make no such boast, nor do we desire to. Our people are descended from a number of nationalities. We count among them English, Scotch and Irish, Hollanders and Walloons, Huguenots of France, and Germans from the Rhine and the Palatinate, together with a few from Scandinavia and from the shores of the Mediterranean. Each of these for a time kept separate, but commerce, trade and alliances of every sort overcame the natural influence of. dif- ferent languages, customs and prejudices until the fusion was ‘made complete by the common trials and triumphs of the war of:the Revolution. Hence it has been claimed that in the new 12 Ear_y GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY world and under the influence of free institutions there has been developed a peculiar type of humanity, blending in itself the better traits of each of the races from which it was derived. Supposing this to be true it may justly be asserted that. among these elements composing the American people, a high place must be assigned that which came from Germany, a coun-- try which from the earliest period has maintained a definite and strongly marked character. We are fortunate in. having from the pen of the great Roman historian, Tacitus, an account. which gives authentic information of the tribes who eighteen centuries ago held the region from the marches of Brandenburg to the Rhine. They were turbulent and adventurous nomads. who wandered through the interminable forests, which covered the whole region, and, while their religion was mainly one of fear and their culture very limited, they had some noble instincts, and were distinguished for their respect for woman, their reverence for all family relations, and their love of per- sonal liberty and independence. This last mentioned charac- teristic made them a marked exception to the general fate of European tribes, in that they never fell a prey to the Roman arms. Northern Italy, Gaul, Switzerland, Spain and Britain were in succession brought under the sway of Rome, but Ger- many never. The attempt was often made but without success, and shortly before our era Varus, at the head of the flower of the Imperial soldiery, sustained a most disastrous defeat. The. loss was so great that it is said the Emperor Augustus tore his. hair in anguish and cried out, “ Varus, Varus, give me back my legions!” The leader of the Germans in this conflict was Hermann, or, as the Romans called him, Arminius, and his fame is perpetuated by a gigantic statue erected on the battle. field near the town of Detmold. Rome made further efforts at subjugation, but success, when attained, was only temporary,. and soon it became settled that the Danube was the northern boundary of the Empire. The independence of foreign control thus attained by Germany was retained all through our era, the: country being sub-divided into numerous smaller provinces, each having its own ruler. These were not consolidated into a. homogeneous empire until the latter part of our own century, Our GERMAN FoREFATHERS 13 The emigrants who came to America in the last century were ‘mainly from the southern part of Germany, and they settled in different States or Colonies from the Mohawk to the Savannah, the largest single body settling in Eastern and Central Penn- sylvania. They brought with them their ancestral traits. Their valor was shown in the war of the Revolution under the lead of such men as Steuben, Herkimer and Muhlenberg. Nor did it fail to appear in the war with Mexico, nor in the longer conflict for the preservation of the Union. They were distinguished for their industry and thrift, being ‘mainly engaged in agriculture, and sometimes have been under- valued as inferior to other elements of the population. But the homebred virtues by which they were distinguished, their peace- ful and law-abiding character, and their orderly conduct made them a constituent part of the nation’s strength and security. In intelligence and culture they fell below their neighbors, the Low Dutch or Hollanders, among whom reading and writing were as universally diffused two centuries ago as they are now any where. The reason is plain. The Low countries had the advantage of a large and varied commerce by sea, a rich devel- opment of the fine and mechanic arts, and a feudal system greatly modified by circumstances, whereas Germany was devastated by the THIRTY YEARS WAR (1618-1648), terminated only by the Peace of Westphalia. We groaned under the four year’s war of the Rebellion, but for more than seven times that period huge armies swept over the plains of Germany, cities were taken by storm (Magdeburg) when every man was slain and every woman outraged, the population was more than ‘decimated, and fertile fields turned into a wilderness. So great was the scourge that it is said that even now after the lapse of centuries its track can be distinctly traced. Juter arma leges [et iterae] silent. In the struggle for existence education was ‘neglected. And the German emigrants brought with them only those elements of culture that are inseparably bound up with the Protestant faith. How important these were is shown by the fact that a German Bible was printed in our country forty -years before an English Bible was put to press. As to religion the emigrants usually brought their ministers 14 Ear.ty GERMANS OF NEW JERSEY with them and soon erected their houses of worship. In othe: cases their wants were supplied through the kind offices oi Holland where the classes of Amsterdam was the medium ot communication with the Fatherland. Nor were they slow tc avail themselves of other means of supplying their needs. 1 remember seeing in some of the old records of the church [Collegiate Reformed Dutch Church] I serve an account of some Germans living twenty miles north of Philadelphia, who being without a minister and having among. them a lay catechist, the son of an organist at Wurms, who could instruct their young and baptize their children, sent to the Dutch of New York an earnest request to give this man orders so that he could serve their necessities. Their request was granted. Along with religion there went a high tone of morality. The people lacked the enterprise of other communities, but they also lacked the taste for wanton speculation which so often proves an 7gnis fatuus leading to disaster and ruin. They cultivated contentment with the allotments of Providence. They practiced honesty not only as the best policy but as indispensable to peace of mind. They rendered obedience to the law of the land as a duty they owed to God. Their love of country was both a passion and a principle. And so they lived, a peaceful, orderly, God-fearing people, making slow but sure progress in all that belongs to civic prosperity. Hence the propriety of recalling what they were and what they did, and the great usefulness of such a celebration as is held to-day; an observance to which the people have responded in such numbers and with such heartiness. There is great ad- vantage as well as propriety in rescuing from oblivion or neglect the character of those from whom we trace our descent. As Lord Macaulay says, “It is a sentiment which belongs to the higher and purer part of human nature and which adds no little to the strength of states. A people which takes no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered with pride by remote descendants.” But a higher authority than the great English historian, even the Book of Books, has said, “The glory of children are their fathers.” Since we have such an ‘ad ‘NW ‘HOVU AUNT ‘acid ‘a ‘a ‘SU#aWVHO ‘'M LO@IVE ‘AGU Our GERMAN FOREFATHERS. 15 ancestry, so patient and virtuous and faithful, let us strive to preserve and perpetuate their memory. Nay more. The ser- vices of this day, interesting and appropriate as they have been, will surely be but an empty formality if they do not stimulate alike the old and the young to cherish the recollection of our forefathers and to exemplify the diligence, thrift, integrity, loyalty, valor, domestic virtue and obedience to law which characterized them from first to last. The most of them came to,the shores of the new world as refugees from a bitter and remorseless persecution. The Palatines and the Salzburgers stand high on the page of history as confessors of Christ who were driven from country, home and friends because they would not renounce the faith, We in this land of perfect religious liberty have no such trial to endure, and therefore the more should we venerate the brave men, women and children who set such a bright example of holy living and immutable fidelity. ie Ne 7 ei ua a “ge ag fs ni oe il Aly ey sea es he ee Ke al CHAPTER ITI. THE MORAVIANS OF NEW JERSEY BY HENRY RACE, M. D. 2) ORAVIAN history in its earliest periods is somewhat obscure. It can be traced back to 1457 as one of the religious movements that followed the martyrdom of John Huss by the Council of Constance. They originated in Bohemia, and were at first Br eo gcect® a called Bohemian Brethren. They were ‘pious people who repudiated the practices of the Roman Cath- olic Church and worshipped God in simple fashion in quiet’ meetings for prayer and reading of the Scriptures, and called themselves Brethren. They were not communists, but held that the rich should give of their wealth to the poor and that Christians should live as nearly as possible like the apostolic community at Jerusalem. In 1467 they constituted themselves into a church separate from that of the government. They :steadily increased, and in the early part of the sixteenth century they included four hundred congregations and a hundred and fifty thousand membersin Bohemia and Moravia. The terrible persecutions which followed the unsuccessful attempt at revo- lution crushed the Protestantism of Bohemia and in 1627 the Evangelical Church had ceased to exist. A few families in Moravia held religious services in secret and preserved the traditions of their fathers. In 1722 some of “them, led by Christian David, left their homes and property to (ase r-4 e ti tecceecettg’ Tue Moravians oF New JERSEY 17 seek a place where they could worship God in freedom. The first company settled, by invitation of Count Zinzendorf, on his estate at Bertholdorp in Saxony. They were soon joined by others and built the town of Hernhut. Refugees came there from the villages and towns of Fulneck, Gersdorf, Gedersdorf, Kloten, Klandorf, Stechwalde, Seitendorf and Zauchtenthal, and were instrumental in the renewal of their organization. Their Episcopate had been continued, and in 1735 David Nitschman was consecrated first Bishop of the Renewed Moravian Church. Zinzendorf, with his wife and family and chaplain came to live among them, and they adopted a code of rules and ordained twelve elders to do pastoral work. The Moravian Church has no formal creed, but holds that Scripture is the only rule of faith and practice. The Bohemian catechism, written by Bishop Luke, of Prague, in 1521, compris- ing 76 questions and answers, and entitled “Christian Instruc- tion in the Faith for Little Children,” corresponds generally with the fundamental tenets of the Protestant Evangelical denominations. a, Their settlements were co-operative, and had for their ob- ject the support of their Ministry and Missions. The members mutually contributed their individual labor for the common cause and lived collectively as one family. The surrender of personal or private property was not required as a condition of membership. . It was from Hernhut that the Moravian Church sent out her first Evangelists and religious teachers, into the other States of Germany and the Continent, and into Great Britain and her American Colonies. In 1735 a Moravian settlement was undertaken at Savannah in Georgia. Five years afterwards it was relinquished and most of its members migrated to Pennsylvania where more successful enterprises were inaugurated. Settlements were made at Bethlehem, Nazareth and Lititz in what, later, became Northampton County. Of these the first named was instituted by Count Zinzendorf who gave the name of Bethlehem to the place, while celebrating the vigils of Christmas Eve in the soli- tary log dwelling which had been erected. The Bethlehem 18 Earuy GerMans or New JERSEY tract consisted: of 500 acres of land situated at the confluence of the Monocasy Creek with the Lehigh. It was bought April 2d, 1741, of William Allen, of Philadelphia, by Henry Antes: as agent of the Moravians. It was part of a section which the Delaware Indians called Welagamzka, rich soil. In 1741 acompany of immigrants,encouraged by the renowned evangelist, Rev. George Whitefield, and under the superin- tendence of the Moravian Bishop, Nitschman, set out from’ Philadelphia and found their way through the intervening forests to the new settlement. Year after year it grew. Accessions came from the Fetter Lane Society in London, from Germany, Holland and other places on the Continent. The archives at Bethlehem show that in the first fifty years of the settlement 800 Moravians immigrated there from Europe ; 614, children were born ; 625 persons were buried.in the church grounds; 150 white adults and 125 Indians and Negroes were baptized ; and 134 persons ordained to the Ministry ; namely, 5 Bishops, 27 Priests and 102 Deacons. The head men of the denomination resided there, men of devoted piety, who had consecrated their lives to the service of their Lord and Saviour, and in obedience to His last command to His disciples they labored as Missionaries in destitute settle- ments in nearly all the thirteen Colonies, and among the’ ‘benighted Indians. The expressive device of their Episcopal seal was a Lamb with a Banner. Many distinguished visitors from different parts of the coun- ‘try were attracted to Bethlehem, some of whom were George Washington, Gen. Horatio Gates, the Marquis de LaFayette and other Generals ofthe Revolution ; John Hancock, Samuel Adams, James Duane, Richard Henry Lee, William Duer, Henry Laurens, Benjamin Harrison, John Adams, Henry Marchant, William. Williams and other members of the Conti- nental Congress came and participated in the worship as con- ducted by Bishop Etwein: In August, 1742, Count Zinzendorf made a transit through the upper valley of the Delaware, and: was followed by Mis- sionaries from. Bethlehem: Soon after, the settlers in Walpack. and the region drained: by the Paulin’s Kill in Sussex, now. Tue. Moravians or New Jersey 9 ‘Warren County, New Jersey, applied to the Moravians for a school and for the Gospel Ministry. A church and parsonage were erected for the use of the Evangelists, on the Broadhead settlement in Walpack and dedicated to the worship of God by Rev. Abraham Reincke in May, 1753. They were burned by the Indians in December, 1755, and the mission was abandoned. In the more Southern Counties of New Jersey the Society ‘had regular preaching stations at Maurice River, Penn’s Neck, Raccoon, Cohansey, Middletown, Trenton, Maidenhead, Cross- wicks, Cranberry and Princeton. In January, 1743, Paul Daniel Bryzelius was ordained to the Ministry by Bishop David Nitschman and sent by Zinzendorf ‘to preach the Gospel to the descendants of the early Swedish settlers at Maurice River, Piles Grove, Narraticon and Penn’s Neck. His Ministerial services were not approvingly received by the Swedish Lutherans, who were in the majority, and they -closed the doors of their churches against him and compelled his withdrawal. After the Moravians had established their settlement at Bethlehem, Pa., some of their members passed, occasionally, through New Jersey for the purpose of preaching the Gospel to. the Indians of New York and New England. These Mis- sionaries, and Indian converts who accompanied them, were often entertained on these journeys by Samuel Green and his wife Anna Abigail, who lived in a log house where the village of Hope, Warren County, is now situated. The Moravian Ministers, Bruce Shaw, Joseph Powell and others, in passing, preached at their house. They were both baptized at Bethle- hem by the Revs. Nathaniel Leidel and John F. Cammerhoff ; they also hdd their children baptized and placed in the Moravian school to be educated. ‘During the French and Indian War they went to Bethle- ‘hem for shelter, and lived for a time at Emaus, near that place. So great was their attachment to the Moravian brethren and so paramount their religious principles, that, in 1768, Mr. Green went to Bethlehem and offered them all the land comprised in the tract on which he lived, for the purpose of establishing a settlement at that place similar to the one at Bethlehem. After 20 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY consideration the brethren declined this generous offer because of regard for the interests of Mr. Green’s children, who in their opinion would be wronged by their acceptance of the land as a gift. They purchased the tract for 41,000 cash, with the full consent of his two sons; Green’s house and garden, fire- wood and hay for two cows, were reserved for him and his family during their life time. Samuel Green was the eldest son of Samuel Green, senior, a deputy surveyor, who filled various official positions in Amwell, Hunterdon County, and removed to Sussex in, or shortly previous to 1738. He is recorded that year as a voter in Greenwich township, which at that time was in Hunterdon, now in Warren County. In the latter part of his life he settled near Johnsonsburg, formerly called the Log Jail, at one time the County Seat of Sussex. In the Secretary of State’s office at Trenton, and also in the Moravian Archives at Bethlehem, Pa., is recorded a deed of conveyance of 500 acres of land from Benjamin Harris to Edward Kemp, dated March 26th, 1718. This same tract was conveyed, December 1st, 1754, by Samuel Green, senior, to “ Samuel Green, junior, heir apparent of said Edward Kemp.” This implies that the wife of Samuel Green, senior, was the daughter of Edward Kemp, and her eldest son, Samuel Green, junior, by the law of primogeniture then in force, was heir apparent of Edward Kemp, he having no male issue. _ He, Samuel Green, junior, was born in, or near, 1705. There is no record of his birthplace, but, presumably, it was Amwell, Hunterdon County. He married, in 1740, Anna Abigail, daughter of Marmaduke Light, of Springfield, N. J. The Light or Licht, now Lick family, of Lebanon, Pa., are Morav- ians. Mr. Lick, who endowed’ the University in California which bears his name, is of that family, and was born in Lebanon County. That Mrs. Green was related to that family is probable, but not certain. In 1769, Peter Warbas and family, the first settlers from Bethlehem, removed to the new settlement in Sussex County, and were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Green, until their house, a log building, was erected. The next year, 1770, a flouring “HOUNHO NVUFHLAT NMOLNVNUAD MON THe Moravians or New Jersey 21 mill was built. In May of that year the place was visited by the brethren Christian Gregor, John Loretz and Hans Christian von Schweinitz, members of the Provincial Helpers’ Conference, residing at Bethlehem, who gave the name GREENLAND to the new place. ' In 1771, Frederick Leinbach became manager, and opened a store for the accommodation of the settlement. Daniel Hauser had charge of the mill and Frederick Rauchenberger was Leinbach’s assistant on the farm. In 1773; Frederick Blum commenced a tannery; in 1780,a saw mill was erected; in ’83,a pottery; and in ’g1, an oil mill on the premises of the settlement: The church edifice, a large stone building, was erected in 1781, The following is a translation of a paper deposited under the corner stone: “In the year of our Lord Jesus Christ one thousand seven hundred eighty-one, the 2d day of April, this corner stone was laid in the name of God the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, by the Right Reverend John Fred- erick Reichel, Bishop of the Brethren’s Church, and, at present visitator from the Elders’ Conference of the Unity, to the Brethren’s congregations in America, for a house of God, wherein the gospel of Jesus Christ shall be preached in purity, the Holy Sacraments administered and the congregation inhab- iting this place have their daily meetings, according to the tules, customs and usages of the Brethren’s Church, of which this congregation is a small twig and new branch lately planted by the Brethren’s congregation at Bethlehem, in Pennsylvania, to be a candlestick with a burning and shining light for this part of the country. This building was resolved upon and undertaken in a calamitous time, it being the sixth year of unhappy war between Great Britain and this continent. “The watchword of the Brethren’s Church on this 2d of April, 1781, was: ‘The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.’—Isaiah X1; 9. “And the doctrinal text ; ‘When the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his son, made of a woman, made under the law to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.’ “The present Elders’ Conference or Board of Directors of 22 Earty Germans or New JERSEY the Brethren’s Church, appointed by the last General Synod, held at Barby, in Saxony, 1775, and residing at said Barby, consists of the following brethren : Joseph Spangenberg, Frederick Rudolph von Watteville, John von Watteville, John Frederick Reichel, Joachim Henry Andresen, John Lorez, Peter Conrad Fries, Christian Gregor, Abraham von Gersdorff, Henry the XXXIII, Count Reuss, John Frederick Roeber, John Christian Quandt, Ernst William von Wobeser. “The present Provincial Helpers’ Conference residing at Bethlehem, consists of the following brethren: Nathaniel Seidel, Epzscopus Fratrum. John Etwein, Matthew Hehl, Andrew Huebner, Hans Christian von Schweinitz, Paul Muenster, Franz Christian Laubke. “The following is a list of the inhabitants and first settlers present at the dedication : Joseph Neiser and Rosina, his wife, (pastor); Frederick and Mary Leinbach, Joseph and Dorothea Huber, Daniel and Elizabeth Hauser, Henry and Margareth Scheiner, Ephraim and Magdalena Colver, Louisa Partser, widow ; Hiram and. Magdalena Demuth, Ann Abigail Green, widow; Frederick and Catharine Blum, Henry Blum, Frederick and Ann Rauchen- berger, Samuel Schulze, Stephen'and Ann Niclas, Christian Loesch, Adolph and Catharine Hartmann, Thomas Bulton, Martin and Ann Mary Schenke, Philip Hortman, Jacob and Ann Mary Schneider.” The first year after the commencement of the settlement Bishop Etwein frequently preached there, both in German and English, and administered the sacraments. In 1771, Brother Jacob Schwick was appointed minister ; in ’73 he was succeeded by Brother Francis Boehler; and in ’74 by Brother David Sydrick. The latter part of the year Bishop Etwein officiated ; in May, ‘75, Brother Joseph Neisser was appointed. From November, ’79, till March, ’80, Bishop Etwein again took tem- porary charge, preaching in English every two weeks, In ’82 Brother Joseph Neisser was again appointed; in ’84, he was succeeded by Brother Meder; in 87, by Brother Lewis F. Boehler; in ’95, by Brother Abraham Reinke ; in 1803, by Tue Moravians or New Jersey 23 Brother Lewis Stohle, and in 1807, again by Brother Meder, On the 2sth and e6th of November, 1774, the site of the settlement at Greenland was surveyed and a town laid out by the Brethren Nathaniel Seidel, John Etwein, Hans Christian von Schweinitz and the surveyor, J. W. Golgosky. On the 8th of February of the following year it was decided, by lot, to call the name of the place Hors. , In June, 1777, Hon. William Ellery, of Rhode Island, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and a member of Congress, from "76 to 85, and Hon. William Whipple, also a signer of the Declaration, a general in the Revolution and a member of Congress in ’76, passed through the town. In their diary they wrote: ‘In our way to the next stage we stop’d at a little Moravian settlement called Hope, consisting of five or six private houses, some mechanics’ shops, a merchant’s store and one of the finest and most curious mills in America. All the Moravian buildings are strong, neat and compact and very generally made of stone.” In 1778, Gen. du Chastellux, of La Fayette’s staff, passed through the town. In his published journal he describes the mill at some length: “TI set out the 8th a little before nine, the weather being extremely cold and the roads covered with snow and ice; but on quitting the ridge and turning towards the west, by descending from the high mountains to lower ground we found the temperature more mild and the earth entirely free. We arrived at half-past eleven at the Moravian Mill, and on stopping at Mr. Colver's, found that Mr. Poops had announced our coming, and that breakfast was prepared for us. This fresh attention on his part encouraged me to accept his offer for the evening. As soon as we had break- fasted, Mr. Colver, who had treated us with an anxiety and respect, more German than American, served us by way of conductor and led us first to see the saw mill, which is the most beautiful and the best contrived I ever saw. A single man, only, is necessary to direct the work ; the same wheels which keep the saw in motion serve also to convey the trunks of trees. from the spot where they are deposited to the work house, a distance of 25 or 30 toises ; they are placed on a sledge, which, 24 Earty Germans or New Jersey sliding in a groove, is drawn by a rope, which rolls and unrolls on the axis of the wheel itself. Planks are sold at six shillings, Pennsylvania currency, (about three shillings four pence, sterling,) the hundred ; if you find the wood it is only half the money, and the plank in that case is sawed for one farthing per foot. This mill is near the fall of a lake (mill pond ?), which furnishes it water. A deep cut is made in a rock to form acanal for conducting the waters to the corn mill, which is built within musket shot of the former; it is very handsome, and on the same plan as that of Mrs. Bowling at Petersburg, but not so large. From the mill I went to the church, which is a square building, containing the house of the minister. The place where the duty is performed, and which may properly be called the church, is on the first floor and resembles the Pres- byterian meeting houses, with the difference that there is an organ and some religious pictures.”— Travels in North America, 1780—’ 82, p. 307, et seq. On July 25, 1782, Gen. Washington and two aides without escort, rode from Philadelphia to Bethlehem, where he passed the night. The next morning, escorted by the Moravian cler- gyman, John Etwein, he left Bethlehem, passing by way of Easton, and arrived at Hope in time for dinner. Etwein rode on ahead to notify the Moravians of the General’s coming so that they might prepare suitable entertainment. At Hope Etwein parted from the General who continued on his journey to his headquarters at Newberg. In 1790 the number belonging to the congregation at Hope was 147, of whom 66 were communicants; 100 lived in town, and 47 in the vicinity. From this time the membership steadily decreased. On the 26th of May, 1807, it was announced that the church authorities had decided to break up the establish- ment at Hope and sell the property. This measure was necessary on account of the precarious financial condition of the settlement. On Easter Sunday, April 17th, 1808, the last sermon was preached, and, with the evening service of that day, the existence of the congregation terminated. Its mem- bers removed to Bethlehem and other settlements and the prop- erty was sold to Messrs. Kraemer and Horn, of Pennsylvania. “OUFENGTHOWN "9 UALUd “f TVUANAD-MOrVN “ATTN ‘d ‘d ‘OUX@NTIHAN YOIHOIAN AUNTH ‘AsTY eo ae i th oe: Sy Ze) @: for sig Ror woe Oe Fe GS 5 i = ae 4 ie ee) bres ei a v te aaa hil att CHAPTER IV. THE GERMAN EMIGRATION. ™N PLACE of the historical address usual upon such occasions a small book was issued as a souvenir. This consisted of twelve pages containing a condensed ac- count of historical reasons for the cele- bration, and also thirteen photo-engrav- ings of former pastors and of three prominent speakers, who took part in the exercises of the day. The following is simply an enlargement of the same: Formerly the usual explanation of the settlement of Ger- man Vailey was that first published by Rupp in his work con- taining a list of thirty thousand names of German immigrants into Pennsylvania. This was as follows: “The period from 1702-1727 marks an era in the early German emigration. Between forty and fifty thousand left their native country— their hearths where soft affections dwell. The unparalleled ravages and desolations by the troops of Louis XIV, under Turenne, were the stern prelude of bloody persecutions. To escape the bloody persecutions awaiting them, German and other protestants emigrated to the English colonies in America, “In 1705 a number of German Reformed residing between Wolfenbuettel and Halberstadt, fled to Neuwied, a town of Rhenish Prussia, where they remained some time and then went to Holland, there embarked in 1707 for New York. Their frail ship was by reason of adverse’ ‘winds carried into the Delaware Bay. Determined, however, to reach the place for which they were destined, to have a home among the 26 EaRLyY GERMANS OF New JERSEY. Dutch, they took the overland route from Philadelphia to New York. -On entering the fertile, charming Valley in Nova ‘Cesaria, New Jersey, which is drained by the meandering Musconetcong, the Passaic and their tributaries, and having reached a goodly land, they resolved to remain in what is now known as the German Valley of Morrison (Morris) county. From this point the Germans have spread into Somerset, Bergen and Essex counties.” He continues: “At Elizabeth- town, where the first English settlement was made in New Jersey, 1664, there were many Germans prior to 1730. There was also a German settlement at a place known as Hall Mill, which is some thirty miles from Philadelphia.” He quotes also from Bard’s Religious America, p. 81, the following: “A well supported tradition maintains that a Polish colony, consisting of two hundred protestants, settled in the early part. of the eighteenth century, in the valleys of the Passaic and Raritan rivers in New Jersey. They were led by Count Sobieski, a lineal descendant of the wide-world-known John Sobieski, King of Poland, who routed the Tartars and Turks. in 1683. The name Zabriskie, still found in New Jersey and New York, seems to be corrupted from Sobieski.” This explanation of the settlement by the Germans of this part of New Jersey is evidently only partly true. Of course, there may have been emigrants from Germany who fled to England as early as 1705, and these may have sailed for New York and been turned aside to Philadelphia in the year 1708 or 1709; but no authority is given for the story, and it receives. no support from any records of land transfers or of family history. Two important and decisive historical events form the starting points for our history of the Germans in New Jersey. One is the first act of service of the first German Lutheran pastor in this State. This was on August 1, 1714, “at the house of Ari de Guinea” [Harry from Guinea, a Christian negro], “on the Raritans,” at which time a child was baptized who had been born March 25. As it is very likely that the parents of this child, John Peter Appelman and Anna ‘Mag- Tue GERMAN EMIGRATION 27 dalena, had come at least a few months previously into the State, we select the year 1713 as the most probable beginning of our history. The other event of special interest was the first religious service in German Valley. According to the letter addressed to Michael Schlatter in 1747 by the people of Fox Hill, Lebanon and Amwell, this had taken place three or four years previously, or in 1743. Thus we feel entitled to celebrate in 1893 the one hundred and eightieth anniversary of the settlement of New Jersey by the Germans and the sesqui-centennial or the one hundred and fiftieth of that of German Valley. We might also add another interesting date, viz., 1731, when the first German Lutheran Church in New Jersey was opened for worship. This church was located in the small hamlet now called Potterstown, about a mile east of Lebanon. The records to which we have referred also enable us to trace the first emigrants to the very place and time of their arrival in this country, for we find on the list of baptisms, mar- riages and church members of the First Lutheran Church of New York a number of names, located in New Jersey, of those who came to New York in 1710. For, strange to say, the parish of Rev. Justus Falckner, the Lutheran pastor, who began his ministry in New York City in 1703, extended from Albany, in York State, to the Upper Raritan region or Hunter- ‘ don county in New Jersey. From 1703 to 1714 there are no intimations of any services rendered to any but Holland Lutherans in this State. These belong to the region of Hackensack, in Bergen county. In South Jersey there were, indeed, some families of German descent, who had come with the Swedes long before 1700, but they spoke the Swedish language, and their identity has been almost completely swallowed up in that of the predominant race. Having found that our first settlers were among those who were sent over from London by Queen Anne in the second emigration of 1710, we have opened to us a most inviting and extensive field of research. Without pretending to enter at any length upon the questions connected with the settlement of Newberg and of 28 Earty Germans oF NEw JERSEY the valleys of the Mohawk and Hudson rivers, we cannot properly omit some brief account of the stream of history which, starting in the Palatinate, rose so rapidly and spread so widely when it passed through London and finally reached these shores. This most unprecedented volume of emigration from one country is the more remarkable from the appalling difficulties in the way of ocean travel. In the first place, the cost of a voyage from Rotterdam to Philadelphia was three hundred and fifty dollars in copper coin [Acrelius, Hist. of New Sweden, p. 146]. And as very many, if not most of the emi- grants, were too poor to pay this sum, they were required to sell their time for three, four or five years to the captain in payment of their transportation. The poor emigrants thus became mere articles of merchandise, and were often treated accordingly. Being entirely at the mercy of heartless captains, who were not apt to learn compassion by this form of specula- tion in human beings, the poor emigrant rarely enjoyed on shipboard any but the most miserable accommodations and most insufficient food. Nearly all the horrors of the “middle passage” in the later times of negro slavery were fully antici- pated. With the slow progress of sailing vessels often be- calmed or driven out of their course the passage over was sometimes prolonged to the period of ten months, and was seldom less than three or four. Closely packed together in over-crowded vessels with the narrowest accommodations, the frequent scarcity of food and water was generally the source of diseases, which became contagious, and death was sure then to reap an abundant harvest. The surgeon of one vessel re- ported that there were 330 sick on board at one time. When at last the welcome sight of land greeted the weary | eyes of the weakened and emaciated traveler, he could hardly have anticipated the sad lot which often awaited him, and which in many cases turned the land of promise into one of bondage. Children were torn from the arms of parents, never to be heard of again. Brothers and sisters were scattered often in different colonies and remained separated for years, and some- times for life. In some cases these bond-servants soon earned THe GERMAN EMIGRATION 29 their freedom, but they often succumbed to work beyond their strength or grew hopeless and despairing, and died of sheer homesickness. But oppression and injustice were not inflicted upon indivi- duals only, for even a whole community, as in the case of the settlers upon Livingston Manor, were cheated and robbed in the most barefaced manner, and even by the aid of those in authority. Reports of these experiences were written home to Germany and could not fail of some effect upon others who were intending to follow the example of the first emigrants. But nevertheless, the tide of emigration still flowed on without ceasing, and ship followed ship in rapid succession bringing full cargoes of human freight to New York and the Carolinas, but principally to Philadelphia. ” A movement of population so general and persistent would seem to be an event whose causes were as powerful as its tesults were influential and lasting. Such, indeed, was the case. For nothing less than the material and political an- nihilation of Germany could explain as it does the voluntary expatriation almost all at one time of whole communities, moved by a common impulse such as could be only a mighty hope or a widespread despair. Indeed, as a matter of fact, the general feeling partook of both of these, but more largely of the latter. The cause of this state of mind is to be found in a course of events extending through the seventeenth century, but beginning more particularly with the Thirty Years’ War in the year 1618. Before this war Germany could compare favorably with any other European country for material prosperity, aud the com- fort and intelligence of its inhabitants. The peasant was “on the whole comfortable, moderately intelligent, and obtained in Protestant districts, at least, a fairly good training in school and church. He had his house neatly furnished, he had a little hoard of savings in coin, and valuable cattle in the pasture or stall, But the Thirty Years’ War annihilated all this prosper- ity, and it took two centuries afterward to bring the village population to the state of civilization they had already reached at the beginning. It was the peasants on whom the curse of 30 Earty Germans or New Jrsey the war fell. The villages were laid in ashes, the cattle de- stroyed, the tilled land went to waste ; corpses lay unburied ; the village dogs ran wild like packs of wolves ; and to the ruin directly caused by the war were added the miseries of famine and pestilence. During the second half of the war a Swedish general refused to take his army from Pomerania to South Germany, because the desert country between them would . cause him greater luss than the most bloody defeat. In those days the mere occupancy of a city for a week by an invading army would often work wider ruin than a modern bombard- ment. License and plunder were universal. When a city was besieged, the neighboring country was first ravaged, and fugi- tives innumerable fled within the walls, so that famine almost invariably came with them, and pestilence soon after. The horrors of the siege of Jerusalem, so often thought incredible by readers of Josephus, were re-enacted in many a city of Central Europe among the contemporaries of Milton. The be- siegers of Nordlingen captured a tower on the wall; the besieged fired it; and when it fell into the city, famished women seized the half-burned corpses of the enemy, and car- ried away pieces to save their children from starvation. The woes of a stormed city, under the wild passions of the soldiery ‘must be left to the imagination. The only pay the soldier ‘received was the plunder he might accumulate. Making war became a trade and a class of men soon became very numerous who came from nearly every quarter of Europe to take their chances of success as soldiers of fortune under some renowned general. They cared not on which side they engaged. These men were generally the offscourings of different countries to whom a wandering life of unrestrained license and recklessness was the only life worth living. Accompanying the army was generally a miscellaneous rabble. The camp swarmed with the wives, mistresses and children of soldiers, with market women and wanderers. The Austrian and Bavarian army con- tained forty thousand men bearing arms and drawing soldiers’ rations ; and beside a rabble of a hundred and forty thousand more, who had no.rations, and could only be fed by plunder, «(See Azstory of Germany by Charlton T. Lewis, Chapter XIX}. ‘d ‘d ‘DYUAENATHON “AH HOIMNIGDH “9 ‘AMY ‘ad ‘d ‘SQTTAZVH SIMA@T LSANUD ‘ATU THe German EMIGRATION: 31 ‘Such was.war in the seventeenth century. And we must re- member that it was but little else than war the: whole century: through. Moreover whatever the cause of the war or the nations engaged in it, the battle ground for more or less of the time was always Germany. What wonder that the very tem- perament of the German race was changed and mirth and laughter almost. ceased from among them. The first of our ancestors to arrive:in this country came from regions. that had learned war in allits bitterness. They themselves were born. at a time when: the air was filled with “war’s rude alarms.” Of ‘those. who came to New Jersey, having arrived in New York in 1710, the dates of birth are as early as 1656, and from that date ‘to 1680. These therefore just escaped the Thirty-Years’ War but experienced the severities hardly less terrible of the French ‘invasions. The war of the Spanish succession brought the French again. to the Palatinate and the city of Landau was made to suffer severely. From this place several families under their pastor Joshua von Kocherthal took their departure for England and reached London in March, 1708. They made application to Queen Anne for a free passage to America. This was granted and they were sent with Lord Lovelace, who had been appointed Governor of New York. The purpose the authorities had in view was twofold, viz., to use them to protect the frontiers from the Indians and secondly to take from Norway the trade in tar, turpentine and naval stores. Before their departure they were naturalized on August 25th, 1780. Pastor Kocherthal was granted the sum of 20 pounds sterling and 500 acres of land and provision was also made for the support of the others by gifts of land, seeds, agriculturel tools and furniture, and the promise of support for one year. This band settled at New- burgh on the Hudson. The names of the heads of families were Lorenz Schwisser, Heinrich Rennau, Andreas Volk, Michael Weigandt, Jacob Weber, Jacob. Plettel, Johannes Fischer, Melchior Guelch, Isaac Tuerk, Peter Rose, Maria Weimar (widow), Isaak Faber, Daniel Fiere and Hermann Schuneman, Only one of these was.52-years old and the rest -were between 25 and 40. The most were vintners, others were 32 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY joiners, weavers, smiths, carpenters and stocking-makers. They landed in New York in October, 1708. They named their place of settlement Newberg, (sometimes called Quassaick) from the city of that name in the upper Palatinate. Kocherthal almost immediately returned to England in the summer of 1709 to secure better provisions for the support of his company. He obtained an audience with the Queen and with her encouragement went to Germany and returned with 3,000 of his countrymen. This was more than were expected and the government were ata loss to know what to do with them. It was finally decided to undertake the production of tar and turpentine upon an extensive scale by means of these emigrants. In the meantime the arrivals of Germans, called Palatines, from the electorate whence they had come, continued, There were soon as many as 10, 12 or 30 thousand in England according to the different estimates of their number. Public aid and private charity were severely put to it to keep this immense number from starving. Word was quickly sent to the continent to head off this tide of immigration. Some of those encamped on the Blackheath near London were sent to Ireland, where they settled down and formed a prosperous community. Others were sent back home and. others still became homeless wanderers over England. A band of 3,000 were chosen to send to America with Governor Hunter, who was to succeed the deceased Lord Lovelace as Governor of New York. This was the second emigration. Ten vessels were collected at Plymouth for their transportation. In the course of their embarking a boat load was overturned and drowned. The voyage was stormy and painful from the be- ginning. One vessel was driven back by a severe storm, which arose before they were out of sight of land. The whole num- ber suffered all the way over and a fatal disease finally broke out which consigned 470 of them to a watery grave. These vessels reached New York at various times from June 14th, 1710, till some time in August. Their passengers were in a deplorable, sickly condition. They had embarked December 2gth, 1709, and their voyage had lasted six months. Seven’ Tue GerMAN EMIGRATION 33 hundred altogether had died on the way over and soon after they had landed. The authorities would not permit them to land at the city from fear of contagious diseases, and they were temporarily lodged on Nutten (now Governor’s) Island. On the 24th of June the frigate, Herbert, with the tools, tents and arms, provided for the emigrants was cast away on Montauk Point, and the Berkeley Castle was still missing. On the 12 of July the Governor established courts of justice on. Nutten Island for the government and protection of the Pala- tines and forbade exactions and extortions in the price of bread and provisions purchased by them. On the 2oth an order of council provided for apprenticing such of the Palatine children as were orphans or whose parents were unable to support them. The boys were bound out until seventeen years old and the girls until fifteen. Fifteen hundred adults were sent a hundred miles up the Hudson and formed the settlements on both sides of the river, of East and West Camps, Haysberg, Annsberg and Queensberg. CHAPTER V. THE GERMAN IMMIGRANTS. Wao Tuey Were—WuHerRE THEY SETTLED, AND THEIR TRAITS. Or CHARACTER. VEN at the risk of being tedious, it would seem necessary to give several lists of names, which may give some idea of the number of the early Germans of New Jersey. An extensive list of those who arrived before the Revolution may be compiled from several sources: First, the list ae arrivals in New Amsterdam in the second emigration of 1710, compared with the records of baptisms and marriages in New Jersey by the Rev. Justus Falckner ; second, the list of those naturalized by the General Assembly from 1730 to 1772, who were described as “those born under the Emperor of Ger- many and other princes in amity with the Crown of Great Britain.” : Next in order of time is the list of the lessees of the West Jersey Society lands in Hunterdon county in the year 1735. The land taken up by them in parcels of 100 or 200 acres ‘d ‘d ‘YQ 11IH GdudIV “ATU . THe German IMMIGRANTS 35 amounts to only 12 thousand acres, yet they included all who occupied the society lands (nearly all of what is now Hunterdon county) except the 10,000 acre tract of Cox and Kirkbride. The list of voters of Hunterdon county (including what are now Sussex, Warren and Morris counties) in 1738 affords us a few additional names. The signers to Rev. Albert Weygand’s call in 1749 include every salary payer and are seventy-eight in number, to these we may add some additional names from the subscription list -toward the building of a parsonage barn in 1754, and in 1756 toward the erection of a church at Bedminster. In 1763 the estate was settled of the old German storekeeper at German Valley, John Peter Nitzer by name, and we obtain from his books 220 names, some of which would be otherwise unknown. The baptismal registers of German Valley, Lebanon, Alex- andria, New Germantown, Spruce Run, Stillwater, all begin about 1760 and increase the number of names. The records of wills and of property transfers, gravestones and family bibles, complete our sources of information. Those who arrived at New York in 1710 were: Johan Wm. Schneider, Johannes Lorentz, the widow Elisabeth Mueller, Hermanes Hoffman, Heinrich Schmidt, Michael Henneschid {Hendershot], John Peter ffucks [Fox], Simon Vogt, Johannes and Nicholas Jung [Young], Heironymus [Jerome] Klein, the widow A. Maria Cramer and Frantz Lucas. Before 1720—Marcus Koenig, from the principality of Halber- stadt ; Laurens Ruloffson, from Copenhagen ; Balthazar Pickle and Gertrude Reiter, from the Graffschaft Hartenberg; probably at the same time, John Nicholas and Frantz Wilhelm Pickel, John Peter Appleman, Jacob Risch, Michael Smit, Johan Titel, John Parleman, Daniel Shumacher, Paul Braun, Andreas and Johannes Roos [or Rose], Johann Peter Voss, Christian Streydt and wife Maria Ursula, Michael Shurts and wife Elis., Johannes Jurgen Riemer and wife Elis, Matthias Reinhold and and wife Eva, Hermen Richiman and wife Maria Elis.; Johannes, Johan Jurgen and Peter Kastner, Martin Stein and wife Johanna Maria, Jurgen Puff, Pieter Poel and wife Anna Sophia. 36 Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY The other list of names will be given in full in the appen- dix. As the Germans were predominantly a religious people we may locate them by their churches. Jn Amwell township, Hunterdon county, there was a German church in the present village of Ringoes. There was a settlement of Germans in this vicinity as early as 1721 as appears from a road survey of that date in which there is mention of “the palatins’ land.” A few names of those who belonged to the stone church built here in 1749 are Woolever, Hoffman, Kase, Rockafellow, Young, Kuhl, Ballisfelt, Trimmer, Dietz, Winter, Snider, Min- gus. Perhaps also, Fisher, Bearder, Fulper, Hoppock, Hann, Dilts, Risler, Boss, Bishop, Servis, Snook, Werts, Lyst, Wombock. In Alexandria township there was a church before 1760, where at present the Presbyterian Church of Mount Pleasant is situated. Here worshipped the German Reformed families: ‘Huner, Horn, Schlaut, Casper, Hollenberger, Fishbach, Bitzer, Schmid, Blom, Morkel, Young, Eberts, Loesch, Apgar, Alpock, Enders, Rockefellar, Henn, Metler, Lampen, Case, Dilts, Badenheimer, Reinschmidt, Otto, Bolsin, Klein, Schneider, Wagner, Kuhl, Geist, Alsentz, Solomon, Schrei, Zingler, Patenheimer, Rimer and others. Near Phillipsburg there was a Lutheran Church at least as early as 1762, being mentioned as found there at that date in one of the surveys of John Rockhill. In Stillwater, Sussex county, there was a Union church as early as the middle of the last century. Services in German were also held very early in the neighborhood of Newton, Sus- sex county. And these churches were attended by the follow- ing families: Schwartzwelder, Schuester, Merkel, Kien, Hafer, Schnauber, Kaiser, Savacool, Gerlach, Nolten, Goeler, Stahley, Weyker, Sipperly, Raub, Kunckel, Reuss, Ginsberg, Reiss, Waas, Adam, Main, Naedel, Sundel, Muth, Hess, Gruber, Shafer, Wintermute, Snover, Gottschall, Shiner, Dodderer, Willerich, Youngblood, Kirschbach, Knauble, Hamann, Shipman, Titman, Swick, Neubacker, Hawk, Koker and others, At Pluckamin the Lutheran Church was supported by the THe GERMAN IMMIGRANTS 37 Appelmans, Castners, Teeples, Eoffs, Folks, Fishers, Gillings, Henrys, Kings, Loders, Moelicks, Neffs, Bergers, Pickles, Remers, Rushes, and others. At Spruce Run we find the families, Lunger, Leininger, Hearelt, Saeger; Hoff, Heil, Skilly, Gebhard, Mohr, Eichler, Buchler, Faust, Castner, Martini, Simmens, Hipp, Benghard, Sasseman, Hess, Staenger, Boehler, Schwartz, Shultz, Miller, Gaeri, Hunold, Miltz, Felvert, Buckner, Hoffman, Baats, and others, In the neighborhood of Lebanon settled the families of Apgar, Hofman, Hochstenbach, Scharfenstein, Becker, Roden- baugh, Hummer, Case, Lindaberry, Deats, Schnetz, Engel, Aller, Cramer, Dilts, Kempel, Henry, Lefler, Mueller, Wilhelm, Kohl, Schumaker, Schneider, Dildein, Popencher, Seifers, Crazly, Lance, Hess, Sevitsch, Humerich, Klacs, Seelbach, Philhower, Tiger, Cregar, Hiler, Felmley, Cripps, Yauger, Scharfenstein, Shirts. To the vicinity of German Valley belonged the Welshs, Eicks, Raricks, Strubels, Sharfensteins, Heils, Schulers, Shu- mans, Hafers, Flomervelts, Mahlers, Bessels, Fishers, Hagers, Youngs, Longhaars, Stelts, Meyers, Webers, Hubers, Hanns, Terryberrys, Kochs, Cripps, Paces, Trimmers, Alpocks, Wein- gartens, Fraces, Bunns, Creters, Heldebrants, Waldorfs, Kerns, Bitzers, Frones, Neighbors, Swackhamers, Weises, Duffords, Naughrights, Trimmers, Alpocks, Beams, Aders, Reinhards, Abels. At Knowlton there was a German Reformed Church before the Revolution. The Moravians were established at Hope, Warren county, and Montague, Sussex county, before the Revolution. The New Germantown Lutheran Church was built in 1750 to take the place of the four churches of Rockaway, at Potters- town, built in 1731, Lesleysland or Whitehouse, “The Church on the Mountain,” east of Pluckamin and Fox Hill, afterwards divided into German Valley and Fox Hill. The bulk of the German population was therefore to be found between Lambertville and Newton and the Delaware and Bound Brook. 38 EarLy GERMANS oF New JERSEY THER CHARACTERISTICS. New Jersey, was perhaps, the most cosmopolitan, so to speak, of all the original thirteen States; and though small in size it was the theatre of a large part of the Revolutionary war. The character of its people would necessarily thus have much to do with the result of that most critical struggle. How interesting, therefore, that. commingling of races, which arose from the presence of the Swedes in the southern, the Hollanders in the central, and the New Englanders in the northern part of the State. To these were soon added the Palatines or Germans of Hunterdon, Warren and a part of Morris and Sussex counties, and these moreover were representative Germans for they came from nearly all parts of the Fatherland. For we trace to the extreme north the Barthels and Roelfsens; the former to Hamburg and the latter to Denmark ; while from the borders of Italy the Apgars began their long journey to the sea, and Sassenberg, Pungstad, Waldorf, Wittemberg and the Palatinate all added their several streams which united at the seacoast of Holland into a mighty flood of emigration that poured its teeming life into New Jersey, Pennsylvania and the Carolinas. Nor was this the influx of an element: whose character was weak or indifferent in itself. For though poor almost to star- vation and made more helpless, through their foreign language; the prey of land sharks, press-gangs and all the remorseless cruelty of the “White Slavery;” with their numbers decimated by incessant sickness and privation ; with families torn asunder and separated for years, these forsaken refugees finally over- came all difficulties and settled down in well earned, but hardly won, security and peace. No worse sufferings, no harsher treatment, than they had to endure, were experienced either by Puritan or Huguenot. And their final success was just as much a product and proof of their pre-eminent sturdiness of moral and intellectual character. THE German Race, It is hardly necessary in the present age of the world to dwell upon the superior and innate excellence in many respects of the German race, and yet it is due to the very reality and THe GERMAN IMMIGRANTS 39 depth of this excellence that it is unobtrusive and largely be- neath the surface. Whatever, indeed, of racial vigor has brought the German Empire to the front and made it the Um- pire of all Europe, this may be safely attributed to the ancestry of the present subjects of Kaiser Wilhelm, from among whom our forefathers came. While of course no complete picture can be presented of life as it existed in a frontier settlement and in connection with a hard struggle for mere existence, yet whatever knowledge does come to us from a time so remote and from surroundings so obscure, must be all the more decisive and reliable. Thus we find proof of THEIR INTELLIGENCE in the anxiety they expressed at the very start for the services of catechists or teachers and for an educated ministry. The first settlers of German Valley, in particular, are said to have been distinguished by their intelligence. = In 1760 the large sum of money, for that time, of one thou- sand pounds was left to the church of New Germantown for the double purpose of supporting the church and the school. With respect to the ministry we find that, although many uneducated men secured a hearing for a time, yet their con- gregations soon dismissed them and willingly faced the expense and trouble of procuring fully equipped pastors from across the seas. Muhlenberg even recommends that the German pastors should be able to speak the Latin language, in order to con- verse with the ministers of other churches, whose language they might not understand. And Muhlenberg himself was able to preach In Low Dutch and High Dutch as well as in English and French. Another excellent trait of our early settlers was their high SENSE OF Honor. This is shown by their persistent loyalty to the English Crown even in the American Revolution. They could not forget that when they first landed at Philadelphia, they had sworn alle- giance to Great Britain, while the vast improvement of their 40 Ear_y GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY political condition in this country over that of their native land kept many of them from really understanding the nature of the great struggle of the colonies for freedom. Very many, how-, ever, did understand the war with England and cheerfully sur- rendered life and property at the call of their country. In 1747 when Michael Schlatter visited this vicinity and held service at Fox Hill in the old log church on what is now called the Aunt Katy Sutton farm, he received a pecuniary reward for his labors. This was so exceptional as to call for particular notice on the part of Father Schlatter. Moreover when the continental currency had suffered such disastrous depreciation, the members of the new Germantown vestry, who had bor- rowed the church funds some years previously, and then only to help the church along, refused to allow the church to suffer all the loss by depreciation of the money. which had been en- trusted but offered to pay back the equivalent in real value. to them. Their PATRIOTISM, with the exception noted above, was pre-eminent, at least in particular cases, and, indeed, nearly every family had repre- sentatives in the ranks of the continental forces. For example, Joun Westey Gitperr NevELLING, who served the Amwell Church at the beginning of his ministry, converted all his property during the Revolutionary struggle into money which, amounting to five thousand pounds, he loaned to the Continental Congress, and having lost the certificate or receipt of the government never recovered any of the amount. He also joined the army as a chaplain, was highly esteemed by Washington and equally hated by the enemy. A large reward was offered by the British Government for his capture. The efficient and important services of Peter Muhlenberg, the eldest son of Henry Melchior, as a general in the American army are too familiar to need more particular mention here. In their RE.icious CHARACTER our forefathers were generally devout, fervent and spiritual. They laid stress upon the inner life of the heart rather than upon outward forms and ceremonies. No conflict arose among ‘UHNAIC ‘A NHOL ‘ANY ‘ANG ‘O gdOOVe ‘ATT Tue Gernan IMMIGRANTS 41 them such as threatened to rend asunder the early Holland churches of this country between the evangelical party and the mere formalists. It was a general custom for Muhlenberg and his fellow ministers to conduct a regular inquiry into the per- sonal experience of church members at each communion season. And, indeed, after every preaching service the hearers were questioned about what they had heard and a more personal application was made of the truth which had just been publicly proclaimed. This would seem to have been a fair equivalent for the modern inquiry meeting. In the midst of the ordinary difficulties by which they were surrounded, to maintain any religious interest at all would seem difficult enough, but for them to still cling to the church in the face of active opposition from wandering preachers of loose character and from unfaithful pastors, who used their calling only as a cloak for the indulgence of evil passions, should awaken our astonishment and admiration. The early Germans were almost universally RexLicious PEOPLE. Their history is therefore largely the history of their churches. And though the more immediate motive for their emigration from their native land may not have been to escape from re- ligious persecution, yet the privations and restrictions of their life at home, from which they sought to escape, had been caused through their faithfulness to the truth in previous years. The devastations and ravages of the soldiers of Turenne throughout Western Germany, in 1689 and 1692, was the re- mote if not the nearer occasion of the larger exodus to London in the year 1709. The destruction of 2,000 villages and the frequent traversing of the Palatinate by the French armies would leave but a small chance of subsistence for the much enduring people. When we add to these misfortunes, the con- version of their prince, John William, of Newburg, to Catho- licism, we cannot wonder at thd sudden flight of the vast mul- titude, who sought refuge in England in the above year. At that time the suburbs of London were thronged with an army of Palatines who encamped there to the number of 13 thousand 42 Earty GrerMans or New JERSEY and appealed to the charity of the astonished inhabitants. It. was found by an official investigation that over-zealous land agents, representing the proprietors of large tracts in America, had spread throughout Germany printed notices of various. kinds to encourage with various inducements a large emigra- tion to the colonies. Rewicious DIFFERENCES. If the vigor of a religion is shown, as it is said to be, by the number and variety of its various divisions, then our first. settlers must take the lead in this respect, for in 1734 a traveller through New Jersey and Pennsylvania found among the Ger- man population all denominations and sects, “ Lutherans, Re- formed, Episcopals, Presbyterians, Catholics, Quakers, Tunk- ers, Mennonites, Sabbatherians, Seventh-day Baptists, Separa- tists, Boehmists, Schwenckfeldians, Tuchfeldtians, Eucthelists, Jews and Pagans &c.” But the majority, at least in New Jer- sey, were either Lutheran or German Reformed in their form of religious belief and practice. The difference between these two concerned matters of government, worship and doctrine. Indeed they differed in origin. The Lutherans taking their name from the great Reformer, were at first Reformed Catho- lics, while the German Reformed were so called because they claimed to be Reformed Lutherans, The adherents of Luther retained at first some of the objectionable features of Papal forms and ceremonies. In some places they accepted baptismal regeneration, and also believed that one who partook of the Lord’s Supper really received the body of Christ whether worthy or not. The Reformed, on the other hand, were guilty of going to the opposite extreme. They often used simply wooden platters in the Sacrament. They rejected the use of the organ and of church bells, threw out everything in the shape of an altar in their worship, and even of any distinctive vestments for the preacher. One was as much too fast as the other was too slow, in reforming old abuses. In church government the Lutherans became Episcopalian, and the Reformed, Presbyterial. Tue GerMAN IMMIGRANTS === gg In matters of doctrine, however, was to be found the most sharply dividing line. With respect to the doctrine of. predes- tination, especially, the German Protestants soon took opposite sides. “At first all the Reformers were Predestinarians. The Romanists had so emphasized man’s good works as necessary to salvation, that the Reformers went to the other extreme, and emphasized God’s grace and sovereignity as the only source of salvation. Melancthon, in the Lutheran Church, finally retired from the high predestinarian position, and carried the Lutheran Church with him. While on the other hand Calvin progressed in it, until he formulated the doctrine for the Reformed Church.” We have been speaking of a state of religious opinion as it existed two centuries ago. In the present day, however, there is practically but little difference between the evangelical wings of these two great divisions of German Protestantism. Theoretical and formal differences still remain but do not seriously interfere with hearty co-operation and reciprocal re- spect and good will. 6 eee 7 Seay By eS AS HE denominational strictness of our Luth- mS pit eran brethren in the early period of the history of our State, was of great advan- tage in keeping distinct from those of other religious bodies the historical rec- ords and development of at least one eh large division of the German settlers. The German Reformed, on the other hand, were under the charge of the Holland Church, and became in many cases identified with the Low Dutch. In this way they failed to have a distinct and separate history. We are, therefore, almost alto- gether dependent upon the records of the Lutheran Church for our account of the early history of the German emigrants. Hence the early history of our section must be found in the history of that body. Some account therefore of the early de- velopment of this denomination is in place here. Strange to say, the parish of the first LuTHERAN CHURCH oF New York City included all of Northern and Central New Jersey. This organization was at first kept under and almost crushed out by the illiberal opinions and methods of the Reformed Church in the city. Governor Peter Stuyvesant was especially zealous in preventing all other forms of religious opinion but the estab- lished church, and the English, after they had attained to the supremacy, were not far behind him in their intolerance of any dissent. Thus it was not until the beginning of the eighteenth century that a complete and well organized church life became possible to our Lutheran ancestors. At that time, in 1703, “UHSIGM “WU SAWVE ‘AGU ‘NOLTOG ‘A ANIING TVA ‘ATH Es Earty Cuurcn Hisrory 45 Justus Falkner became, practically, the first pastor of the Lutheran Church in the city. Other pastors had preceded him, but their labors were restricted and interrupted, so that they only sufficed to keep the flickering flame of their church’s life from dying out altogether. In the city and in Albany county, New York, and Bergen county, New Jersey, the members of the Lutheran Church were almost altogether of Holland descent. Thus, the history and the records of the churches of Hackensack, Ramseys or Saddie River, do not particularly relate to our subject. Likewise the Lutheran Church in South Jersey, of very early origin, belongs more to the history of the Swedish settlers, of whom they were almost exclusively formed, than to that of the Germans. With the first German emigration to New York, in 1709, came pastor JosHua Kocuerruat, whose field of labor centred in the site of the present city of Newburg, But the first in- stallment of our ancestors came with the second emigration in 1710. They found a consecrated and devoted religious teacher already at work in their new home in the person of the above mentioned Justus FALCKNER. This excellent man had come to this country with his brother Daniel Falckner, both of them being land agents of some of the proprietors in London. While at first actively engaged in secular pursuits Mr. Falckner felt an irresistible appeal touch- ing his heart from the pitiable religious condition of his fellow- countrymen living around him. Having been destined to the ministry in his native land and educated with that end in view, he now sought to renew those vows, which he had laid aside, and sought consecration at the hands of the Swedish ministers near the mouth of the Delaware. Pastor Rudman had selected ‘him for his successor in New York and he was ordained in the Swedish Church in Philadelphia, 25th November, 1703, by the Swedish ministers Rudman, Biork and Sandel. This was the first full ordination in America of a Lutheran preacher. His ministry in New York and New Jersey continued from 1703 until his death:in 1723. 46 Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY A Mope.L Pastor. Of him a recent historian says: A particularly amiable, at- tractive character it is, which stands before us in the person of Pastor Justus Falckner during his twenty years activity; a man of excellent gifts, fine learning, beautiful disposition, heartily pious mind, a decidedly Lutheran standpoint, quiet and persistent industry, in short, a complete pastor. He had accepted the office in the consciousness that he could do noth- ing without divine help. That God himself would make him capable was his heart’s desire. In the Church book he wrote on the first day of his activity, after a short communication with reference to his arrival and his entrance upon his office, the following prayer in Latin: “God the father of all good and Lord of great majesty, who has thrust me into this har- vest, be with me, his least and wholly weak worker with ‘his special grace, without which I cannot succeed under the burden of temptations, which often powerfully assail me. In thee, Lord, do I put my trust, let me not be put to shame. Make me fit for my calling. I have not run but thou hast sent me, yea, thrust me into my office. Free me from what- ever taint my lost nature, always without my consent, may mingle with myservice. Pardon me I humbly beseech, through our, yea my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.” Such a man, as we might expect, performed with a great -deal of feeling every service. The forms of baptism and con- firmation were observed with most devout and earnest prayer -for the divine blessing as the records themselves abundantly attest. The people here, both Holland and German Lutherans, were also under the care of Pastor W. Charles Berkenmeyer, who succeeded Mr. Falckner in his New York charge. Thus -our forefathers enjoyed occasional preaching, probably only a few times a year, from the pastors in New York until 1734. By this time more immigrants had arrived, and were numerous enough to support a pastor of their own. But ministers were very scarce in those days, so it was necessary to send a call to ‘the old country and have one sent out to supply this needy field. Upon the advice, therefore, of Mr. Berkenmeyer, a call Earty Cuurcu History 47 ~was formally made out and signed by those who promised to ‘support him with the particular amount of salary each offered to give to his pastor. This call was forwarded to the minis- terium of Hamburg in the year 1734. This ecclesiastical body, corresponding to what we call a presbytery or conference, was ‘to chose a minister that would be willing to come, and also ‘suitable for the work, and ordain him. The money for his pas- ‘sage was sent with the call, and everything seemed to have been done by the congregations that could be done to show their interest in religion and their generous and intelligent character. The ecclesiastical body in Hamburg seemed to have exer- cised due care and delibezation in choosing the man whose name they were to insert the place left vacant for that purpose in the call which had been forwarded to them. But by a most mysterious providence, all this care and forethought proved in vain, and served only to introduce a source of. discord and dis- sension and an occasion of most injurious scandal for twelve long weary years. The following account of another minister who rendered service to the Germans Lutherans in this State and of the way in which the first-pastor came to be called is translated from the recently published History of Lutheranism in America by Prof. Graebner of St. Louis: “ During the lifetime of Justus Falckner his brother Danie FALcKNER ‘had performed ministerial work among the Raritan churches. After the death of the former, the latter had also labored ‘among the churches along the Hudson, as the following record in the Newberg church book shows: “In the year 1724 on the last day of September the following were baptised by me, Daniel Falekner, pastor at Millstone and in the mountains near the river Raritan in place of the deceased Kocherthal and of my deeeased brother.” The following we quote from Prof. Graebrer’s History of ‘Lutheranism : “In New Jersey a series of small German-Lutheran congre- .gation extended north from the Raritan river. These were wwisited-from year to year by Justus Falckner. They were, “In 48 Earty Germans or New JERSEY the mountains,” Millstone, at Uylekill [Wallkill 7], Remmers- pach [Ramapo], Hanover and Rockaway. In these congrega- tions, Daniel Falckner had settled as pastor, but had now grown old. Two daughters of his had married men belonging to his congregation, one a brewer William Dern by name, and the other a farmer by the name of John Kasner. Physically Mr. Falckner was still fit for service, his eyesight was still sharp and enabled him to continue his studies in botany. But he had a difficulty in his head, so that the congregation desired another pastor. Candidates were heard, the first of whom Caspar Stoever would have been called, if he had been able to get ordained, but the Swedish minister Cneberg, declared he had no authority to ordain. A schoolmaster by the name of Mues-. selbach was also rejected and probably for the same reason. A committee from the congregations then appealed to Rev. Berkenmeyer, pastor of the New York congregation of Dutch Lutherans. They begged him to visit their people and admin- ister the communion. They said that some of the people and especially at Rockaway had withdrawn from Falckner two years previously. Berkenmeyer consented to help them if they would decide to call a minister of their own. On the 3rd of August, 1731, accordingly he was invited to come to Rockaway with two of his elders upon the 13th Sunday after Trinity. At the same time pastor Falckner was also invited to appear with his people to help to bring about a proper understanding con- cerning his relations to the congregations. On the gth of Sep- tember Berkenmeyer set out with his elders John LaGrange and Henry Schleydorn. They travelled to Elisabeth Point by water and there obtained three horses. They rode until even- ing. After a short rest they started again at two o’clock in the morning, preferring the moonlight to the heat of the sun. They desired to visit Falckner on the way, in order to hear from him what he might have to say in his own behalf. After waiting some time for Falckner to return from a fishing and botanizing tour, they were greeted by him in a friendly way and received the assurance of his willingness to resign his office and to take part in the meeting to which he was invited. At eight o’clock in the evening [Sept. 10, 1731], they arrived Earty Cuurcu History 49 at Rockaway [Whitehouse], where they found their host, John Balthazar Pickel, engaged in arranging the pulpit and seats of the new church [at Potterstown]. On Saturday, Sept. r1th, preparatory service and a dedica- tion service were held. On the next day the communion was administered to about thirty people. On Monday, Sept. 13th, the church officers had their meet- ing in Peter Kasner’s house, in the congregation “In the mountains” It was decided not to have preaching either by Berkenmeyer or Falckner, and also not to hold the meeting in the church. Berkenmeyer began the speaking, after prayer had been offered, with the expression of thanks for himself and his congregation for the generous contribution toward the building of the new church in the city, which Falckner had collected from his Raritan people and also from those at Claverack. This subscription had been sent to Berkenmeyer on the 23rd June, 1727. The conference was very successful finally, although at first the people were frightened at the suggestion of sending a written call which they should all sign, to some minister in the old country, who should be willing to acceptit. Falckner admitted his inability to perform the duties of a pastor and willingly resigned his claims to the privileges of that position. It does not appear whether he had received a written call or not, although it is very probable that he had only a oral agreement and depended solely upon personal friendship for himself for any recognition as pastor of the three congregations of Millstone, Pluckamin and Rockaway. To these we might add Hanover. The call, which was to be forwarded to Germany, was duly signed and sealed. It was entrusted to Capt. Bruyn, at New York, to take to Hamburg on the 15th of September, 1731. Nothing came of it, however, until the year 1734, when Mr. Wolff was ordained on the 11th of May and started on his way to America. The salary mentioned in the call was £50, the free use of a parsonage, free light and fuel, free transportation to and fro for the purpose of administering the sacraments in other places. Money for travelling expenses to this country was also sent along with the call. A second copy of the call 50 Earty Germans oF New JERsEy was sent to Hamburg by another vessel for greater security. Joun Aucustus Wo.F was the man sent over here as the first pastor of the German people in this part of New Jersey. He was born in Loebegin, and was a cousin of a well-known and highly esteemed pastor in the old country of the same name. He was ordained in the Church of St. Nicholas, Hamburg, the 11th of May, 1734. Let us now interrupt for a few moments the thread of our discourse to consider the significance of this historical event. The call of which we have been speaking was given to Mr. Wolf by three congregations, called “On the Mountain,” Rackaway [Rockaway] and Hanover. “On the Mountain” was the old church which stood about one mile east of Pluck- amin. In 1756 it was replaced by a stone church built in Pluckamin, on the site now occupied by a Presbyterian Church. The second church, called Rockaway, was in Potterstown, and is spoken of in a deed given for land “next to the church lot” by Aree Van Genee in 1741 to Matthias Scharfenstein. But the most interesting question of all is where the third church called Hanover was situated. If this was Fox Hill, . then we can claim a very early date for the settlement of this neighborhood. We must remember that the year 1734, when ‘these churches are mentioned, was four years before Morris county was formed. What is now Morris, Sussex and Warren ‘counties were at that time only so many townships of Hunter- don. Ican find only three townships which would include, in 1738, what now constitutes the three counties. These town- - ‘ships were Walpack, Bethlehem and Hanover. Of course, the names were very loosely applied, and the limits ot these town- ships were not defined at all. In fact, they were not townships at all, but only convenient ways of designating particular dis- tricts of this sparsely settled section. For this reason, Hanover township might very easily in- clude this part of Morris and Hunterdon counties. Still further, we do not know of any other place in Morris county where a German church could have been established. Of course, the New Germantown church was not established LUTHERAN CHURCH OF GERMAN VALLEY. Earty Cuurcu History 51 until fifteen years later, when a united central church was built to take the place of the four that had formerly constituted one parish. For a few years before, at least as early as 1743, there were four churches, as follows: One near Pluckamin called “On the Mountain,” another at Whitehouse, called Leslysland; a third at Potterstown called Rockaway, and a fourth at Fox Hill. This last was undoubtedly the log church on Aunt Katie Sutton’s farm. Now of all these four churches the only one that could with any reason be said to be in Hanover was the last or the church on Fox Hill. This makes the church of German Valley one of the oldest in the two counties. The Readington church had as its first regular pastor the Rev. Theodorus Jacobus Frelinghuysen, who came over from Holland just.fifteen years before Pastor Wolf. It must be remembered that nearly all churches in those days were union churches. Preaching was too rare and re- ligious services too infrequent to permit any sincere worshipper to make any difficulty over minor differences of doctrine or ritual. Thus a few German Reformed people added their names to John Weygand‘s call to the New Germantown church in 1749, and when the Lutherans built their church in 1756 at Pluckamin, some of the Episcopal families living in the neigh- borhood offered to help in its support if they could have preaching in English for a part of the time. The first German Reformed preacher in this section was Michael Schlatter, who came here from Philadelphia five times: once in the year 1747, twice in 1748, once in 1749 and once in 1750. Before Mr. Schlatter, there no doubt had been occasional visits by Reformed preachers from Pennsylvania to baptize the children and keep the different congregations together, but the most of the Germans, both Lutherans and Reformed, wor- shipped together. ; To return, now, to Mr. Wolf, we find him welcomed by the people to whom he had come with great rejoicing. They had sent a great ways for him and had been at considerable extra expense on his account, and they were prepared to give him every encouragement in his work among them. 52 EarLy GERMANS, OF NEw JERSEY But how great must have been their disappointment to hear bad accounts of his behavior as soon as he had landed in New York. But, of course, they hoped for the best, and made every allowance for his youth and inexperience. They were not per- mitted, however to remain very long undeceived with regard to his true character. He had shown on his first arrival that he was self-willed and obstinate, but he had no sooner settled down on the Raritan than he appeared to have no other object in life but to get married. Muhlenberg says: “Right at the start he ran after the girls and decided to marry, but has come into discredit thereby on account of misconduct.” This was bad enough, but much can be born from a pastor who is a good preacher. Yet this was just what Mr. Wolf does not seem to have been in the opinion of his people. And strange to say their objection to him on this ground was that he used written sermons. He was considered very well educated and as one who had made great progress in liberal studies but could not get along without notes, This, however, Muhlenberg says, the congregation could bear with, especially as he had given out that he had lost his memory upon the sea. But it seemed as though these afflicted churches were to drink their cup of sorrow to the very dregs. For worse soon followed. Thus began one of the most bitter and prolonged church quarrels that one has ever heard or read of. Of course, it is not very edifying reading in itself, but it illustrates so clearly the difficulties in the way of maintaining church services in those days, and, it also furnishes such convincing proof of the sterling piety of the early settlers here, since they continued faithful even under such severe trouble, that no apology is needed for giving the full account of the whole matter in the words of Muhlenberg’s own report to the authorities in Ger- many. To understand the pains that Muhlenberg takes to ex- plain the whole controversy fully, we must remember that the ecclesiastical bodies in Germany considered a call as given for life and would not consent except for the gravest reasons to dissolve the relationship of pastor and people. Let us notice also that the very reasons which made preaching so highly esteemed at that time, also made the preachers more indepen- Earty Cuurcu History 53 dent and constituted a temptation which only the most faithful pastors could resist. We might well ask ourselves the question as we hear more of this now notorious Wolf in sheep’s clothing how many of us could have stood such outrageous behavior on the part of one who was our pastor, without losing all faith in the ministry and giving up once for all the difficult task of maintaining the church. Says Muhlenberg, “For eight years there were no confirmations, no sacrament, and everything was in decay.” But let us permit him to tell the story in his own words. We now quote at length from the last edition of the Hallesche Nachrichten or Reports from the Missionaries here to the Seminary at Halle, Germany, which had sent them thither and who gave them the authority under which they labored, until a Synod could be constituted in this country, which was done in Philadelphia in 1748. A Bitter CHuRCH QUARREL. A letter to Germany of date December 12, 1745, from Dr. Muhlenberg contains the following: ‘Last summer (1744) some men came to me from the neighboring New Jersey. These men dwell upon the Raritan, where there were from 1732 to 1736 two strong German Lutheran congregations, which had written through Pastor Berkenmeyer to Hamburg, and had asked for a preacher. The reverend Ministerium of Hamburg had thereupon sent to New Jersey a Mr. August Wolf, of Leb- egin, with a license to preach. This Wolf proved himself at the start in New York in the presence of some witnesses, who are still living, a capricious head full of pride and obstinacy. He has shown himself one who has made great progress in liberal studies, but has no gifts and training in spiritual mat- ters, and especially for preaching. He was received in his congregations with great love, and although he read all his sermons, yet the congregations had patience with him because he gave out that he had lost his memory upon the sea. 3 “They then fell into strife with one another, which pastor Berkenmeyer and Mr. Knoll from New York have again mediated. But Mr. Wolf does not look at his office rightly, for he is not willing or able to preach without his written sketches. 54 Earty GERMANS OF NEW JERSEY He has married a farmer’s daughter and lived with her in con- tinual blows and quarrelling. This quarrelsome life and inefficiency in preaching made the congregations dissatis- fied, so that they do not pay him his promised salary and wished even to have nothing todo with him. They offered him his traveling expenses if he would return home again, but he would not consent to do so. He boasted then that he had brought his written call and seal from Hamburg. Mr. Berken- meyer and Mr. Knoll interfered, and complained to. the Gover- nor of the unscrupulousness of the congregation. The Gover- nor ordered that the congregations pay and support him. The congregations complained on the other hand that he did not administer his office well. The matter then came to trial be- fore the Court. When ayear had passed Mr. Wolf swore before the authorities that he had performed his duties according to contract. The members were then served with writs of execu- tion upon their property, and many of them were arrested upon the highway. In short, the office of preacher was by these means slandered, the youth neglected, the communion not ad- ‘ ministered, the sick not visited, indeed, there was such a deso- lation that it was made among the Germans a subject of street songs. The congregations were altogether scattered except a few families. Such complaints and legal processes had con- tinued for nine or ten years. The magistrates were at last tired themselves and did not wish to give a decision. In spir- itual matters the English magistrates cannot decide, these be- long to ecclesiastical courts. Finally the matter came before the Supreme Court and caused a heavy expense to the congre- gation. The lawyers found their advantage in it. Part of the members sold their property and moved away. Mr. Berken- meyer and Mr. Knoll tried in a friendly way to make up the differences. At one time Mr. Wolf was willing to take the amount of money and leave the congregation ; then the con- gregation would not be willing. At another time the congre- gation would be willing to give an amount of money and then Mr. Wolf would not consent. The congregations could not be brought into any agreement and reconciliation with Mr. Wolf. Then Mr. Wolf was obstinate and was not willing to take back “SNITTOO ‘@ ‘CNG “ATU ‘OAUC WIVUHdE “AT ies \ Earty Cuurcu History 55 his wife nor to improve his manner of life. The congregations were also obstinate on account of the hard proceedings of law, and said “ Mr. Wolf is an hireling.” In short, so much scandal and injury to souls was caused in these ten years, that the effects will be felt forever. These congregations pestered me for two years to help them to get free. They shed abundant tears over their children who wished to know nothing more of religion, because it presented so bad an appearance, finally the congregations had brought the matter before the authorities in such a way that both agreed to submit their case to arbitration. The arbitrators were to be four preachers. Mr. Wolf named upon his side Mr. Berkenmeyer and Mr. Knoll; the congrega- tions named Mr. Muhlenberg and Rev. Mr. Brunnholz. For. the latter Rev. Mr. Wagner was afterward substituted. “We gave both parties a hearing and were engaged four days and four nights in rumaging through the matters which had been for many years subjects of litigation; and I can say that I never in all my life hada task so hard and disagreeable. There was such a bitterness between the congregations and the preacher Wolf, that an agreement was impossible. The congregations desired nothing but to be separated from the evil man, but Mr. Wolf could argue and speak to his own ad- vantage as well as the best of advocates. We would have will- ingly declined to interfere and let the matter come to the reverend Ministerium at Hamburg, but that was opposed to the purpose of the arbitration, and the magistrates wished it to be concluded and not to be prolonged still further. After much investigation we found, first, that Mr. Wolf himself: had been the primary cause of all the contention and scandal ; second, he was found to be an adulterer, who without right or reason had thrust away his wife ; third, he would not live with his wife again ; fourth, he had sworn several times before the magistrates that he had administered his office according to contract, and we find the contrary to be the case ; fifth, he had not once for the many years during which he had his children with him shown official and paternal fidelity enough to teach them the ten commandments. Could one then with any equity force the congregations to 56 Earty GerMANs oF NEw JERSEY recognize as a guardian of souls, one who was a corrupt knave, an adulterer, a perjurer, a wolf and a disturber of the com- munity, who did not manage his own household, and should they in reward of his wickedness pay him so much money yearly? The people had also, it is true, transgressed with hard words, but the most of them were innocent, and then Wolf had every time first given the occasion. Had we proceeded with vigor, then no other resolution could follow than to set the con- gregation free, since no reconciliation could take place. But we asked Mr. Wolf what he claimed; his written answer was, that he desired a sum of money to resign, then he would give up his rights and. claims on account of his call. I and Mr. Wagner came to a conclusion in the arbitration and decreed according to the protocol previously made, that the congrega- tions should be free and released. But before this conclusion was sealed and subscribed another was found, to wit, Mr. Wolf stated in writing, that he released and set free the congrega- tions from all claims and rights which he at any time asserted . or might still assert, on account of the call. In short, he re- leased the two congregations and gave as a reason his own incompetency. In return he claimed after a long bargaining the sum of ninety pounds, Jersey money. This money was laid upon those whose property had not been levied upon by the authori- ties, and who had gone over to the other sects. For those members who in consequence of the writs of execution had been compelled to pay from year to year, said it was fair that the others who had not yet given anything, should bear some- thing of the burden. Since now Mr. Knoll urged it and Mr. Wolf sought nothing else but a sum of money, and the mem- bers in part agreed to it, I arose and Mr. Wagner with me and made this the decree of the whole arbitration : Mr. Wolf sold his call and his right, for ninety pounds, and the congregations were glad with ninety pounds to get rid of the godless man, al- though much sweat of the brow and many drops of blood go into the ninety pounds, for whlch Wolf had done nothing but cause scandal, When the ninety pounds had been promised to Wolf it was insisted that he should take upon himself the back- Earty Cuurcy History 57 -standing costs of the court and should further deliver up the the call and the license from the reverend Ministerium of Hamburg, which he had hitherto grossly misused, and which had been like a sword in the hand of a maniac. He handed over the call, and the wardens, who had subscribed their names, tore off the seal and also their names, and gave the names and the seal to me. If the reverend Ministerium of Hamburg desires it, then the already long abused seal can be sent over or destroyed, that it may never again come into the hands of such men, who only bring reproach upon so reverend a body and put a stain upon our evangelical Lutheran religion in this western land. p FRY pn eI ig ELL OL ae ne {ty ya o) 3 iN zi CHAPTER VII. REV. CARL RUDOLPH. oa x : J O GREATER service could be rendered to ¢ any church than Muhlenberg had per- formed as arbitrator for the Raritan flock and their unfaithful shepherd. For thus ended at last the long series of law suits and arrests and executions continued for ten years or more from 1734 at least to 1744. How any congregation could have held together after such experience we can hardly understand. But they were still eager for the truth and were only too glad to make another trial of the appointed means of grace, even though they had found to their cost that the truth had been committed to earthen vessels. We find that the unfaithfulness of the wicked Wolf had not been permitted to deprive the children of instruction in the gospel, and another preacher by the name of LANGENFELD had been asked to supply the lack of service of Wolf. Says Muh- lenberg, “the young people had been well instructed in the heads of the catechism and although they had learned it in the Hol- land language, they also understand German and give the right answers. I administered the communion in both congregations which had not been administered in long years.” In regard to settling a pastor over them Mr. M. says, “The two congrega- tions are able and willing to support a pious man generously.” “T have found,” he says again, “that the people there have ‘Rev. Cart Rupowpu 59 much more esteem and reverence for religion and the service of God, than tn the rough regions of Pennsylvania.” What a high tribute this was to a people who had been so much abused by one who had usurped the office of the ministry and used it entirely for his own selfish gain. Yet their suffer- ings were not over and we shall see that they were still to eat their bread with affliction and have their drink mingled with tears, for we are told that “In the meanwhile the condition of these congregations, although they were free from this Wolf, was very lamentable. For eight years there were no confirma- tions, no sacrament, and everything was in decay. The con- gregations now turned to H. M. Muhlenberg, who had been among them in the year 1745, as arbitrator in connection with pastors Knoll and Wagner. He says in his journal, Dec. 16th, 1748: “The situation of the Raritan congregation is as fol- lows: (1) Wolf still remains there, and will agree to nothing, but would rather rot there to affront the congregation than go elsewhere ; (2) Another preacher also remains there with his wife and children, by the name of Langenfeld, who had served half of the congregations eight years before and, tired of preaching, carries on farming, and like Wolf remains a mere spectator ; (3) The Hamburg ministerium also intends to take part should the Halle ministers enter the field, and pastor Berkenmeyer stands watching and would like to stir up Wolf to another law suit with the congregations, if a Halle man is settled there ; (4) The congregations have become in the high- est degree demoralized by twelve years of litigation ; (5) They are afraid to sign a call, as they should, and desire to have full liberty to call and dismiss their own pastors. They have neither a church building, a school house nor a parsonage, and would like to receive some help from the reverend fathers [at Halle].” The churches in which they had previously worshipped must have been sold by Rev. Wolf, or perhaps were considered un- worthy of the name being simply rude structures of unhewn logs. a Muhlenberg yielded to their requests and visited them in the fall of 1745, conducted catechetical instruction, confirmation 60 Earty Germans oF NEw JERSEY and the Lord’s Supper. John N. Kurtz spent December of that year there and gave instruction and preached. In 1746 Muhlenberg visited them a second time and Kurtz spent three months there in the summer. In the spring of 1747 J. H. Schaum was sent thither with careful instructions from Muh- lenberg, and spent the greater part of the year there. But in November of the same year [1747] the miserable Cart RuDoLPH came hither with pretended greetings from H. M. Muhlenberg, and genuine recommendations from the wretched Andrea, which recommendations were opposed to the association with Pennsylvania pastors, and with which he gained a certain fol- lowing. In the meanwhile the friends of Muhlenberg were soon enlightened upon the character of the reprobate. But the congregations were once more disturbed and embroiled, and Kurtz was sent thither in March, 1748, to restore quiet. He remained four weeks. On the 25th of July Muhlenberg set out again thither on a visit, accompanied by a teacher, Loeser. The result was highly pleasing. Hitherto the people had formed four small congregations and there had been preaching now here, now there. But now out of the members of the four congregations, one church council was formed with three elders and two wardens from each of the congregations.” , The Carl Rudolph referred to by Muhlenberg was a disrep- utable man who had crept into the ministry and was enabled to work a great deal of mischief at first in North Carolina, where he had barely escaped hanging by running away, then in Penn- sylvania, where he had opposed Muhlenberg and the evangel- ical preachers, even by the use of the public prints, and finally in New Jersey. He obtained a call from a part of the congregations. But when information about him came from Philadelphia he was forsaken by all but afew. In the mean- while, however, he had proved himself a worthy successor of the abominable Wolf. Although he claimed to be a Prince of Wurtemberg and therefore of noble blood, he acted in every- thing but a princely manner. He was a thief and was detected in stealing a coat from Valentine Kraft; was also licentious and in the habit of getting drunk in the taverns. Such was the second regular pastor of these early congrega- ‘ONILHOGUM ‘d NHOC “AGTH ‘dTadd ‘S WVITTIM “AGU Rev. Cart RupoLpH 61 tions. He, probably, had a written call but remained only fora year and then went to Philadelphia, enlisted in the army and disappeared from sight. Muhlenberg says of him in one of his letters: “In this year (1747) just before the arrival of Handschuh, the godless so-called Prince of Wirtemberg, had crept in as a preacher, and in the pulpit and wherever he went slandered our colleague most shamefully. And as some well-disposed people were imposed upon by him, there arose two parties. One fought for our honor and industriously carried on all the beneficent and spiritual work. The other fought against us and indulged in abuse. Revs. Kurtz and Schaum did not labor without some results, but they were too weak and inexperienced in such emergencies and did not pos- sess at all times the power of speaking prudently, and this was to the advantage of the other party. The Prince conducted himself so satanically that the very worst elements of the com- munity turned against him and drove him away. Thus his coarsest calumnies even among his least respectable adherents were our best apologies. When the farce came to an end, both parties came to us and begged us for God’s sake to forgive them and continue to help them. ““We gave them a book of condensed ‘lessons.’ I was com- pelled therefore to make a visitation upon the last of July, 1748. I found by investigation that only a few restless ones had stirred up the people and had said that no preacher would ever come to them from our college in Europe and that they ought to accept the Prince, who had shown himself to be a pious man from the beginning. When allfour of the congregations [what are now Lebanon, Whitehouse, Pluckamin and Fox Hill or German Valley], were met together I was about to withdraw from them and said that we could not have anything more to do with them. The poor youth, the heart-breaking expressions of souls awakened by us, and the tears of the widows so affected me, that I had to promise not to wholly abandon them. They all begged in a pitiful way that we would give them our youngest brother, Mr. Schaum, if we could not give them any other, that they might not be wholly forsaken. After a long time I consented to this, if my colleagues were not opposed. I 62 EarLy GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY then chose out of each congregation three men for a common church council, which the best of the congregations had advised and determined upon. These twelve deliberated together with regard to achurch building. They wished to build a spacious stone church in some central spot, from which the most distant members would be about ten miles away. Three congrega- tions were united in respect to this. But in the fourth there were a few stubborn ones, who did not agree with the rest but, decided to build a church of their own among themselves. The liberty was given them to build as many churches among them- selves as they wished. Thethree congregations and afew men from the fourth have estimated the cost of the building at 300 and some pounds besides their labor, and they have already subscribed 240 pounds and commenced to build. As we now intend to send Mr. Schaum to them as a matter of necessity, for a long time we thought of his disposition, so weak for such a critical place and the poor congregation (York) across the Susquehanna did not wish to spare him.” This brings us to the pastorate of the third regular pastor namely, John Albert Weygand, and ‘the building of the New Germantown church. CHAPTER VIII. REV. JOHN ALBERT WEYGAND. INCE Schaum could not be taken away from York, the candidate, John Albert Weygand, whom Muhlenberg had re- ceived into his house at New Providence a short time before, was sent thither in November, 1748, but the congregations # remained under the oversight of Muh- lenberg, under high it had remained since the fall of 1745, - and he had occasionally visited them and preached and admin- istered confirmation and the Lord’s Supper. For-the others had not yet received ordination. Only in special and excep- tional cases did Muhlenberg decide that Weygand might offer the communion to individual sick people, but this was disap- proved in Halle. On the whole Weygand showed himself capable and faithful, but made a serious mistake in his all too early marriage with the daughter of a VanDieren, who had ‘only just come among them. Yet Muhlenberg counted thirty young people in August, 1749, who were prepared for confirma- tion, and the new church was under roof so that the.accession of ‘the separating congregation was not needed. At the meeting of Synod in 1750 the ordination of Weygand was deferred, but was performed on the second of December of the same year by Brunholtz, Handschuh, Hartwig, Kurtz and Schaum, and the beautiful stone church which did service for nearly 80 years, was dedicated at the same time. On the 4th of the previous October, Muhlenberg had again visited Wey- gand, and, as opportunity offered, had met with his father- in-law, VanDieren. Now the particular congregations of Rach- 64 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY eway and Leslysland and Fuchsenberg, disappeared and the one central church in what is at present New Germantown, Tewks- bury township, Hunterdon County, N. J., took their place. Weygand remained in the service of the congregations until the beginning of the year 1753. Then he accepted a call, when a disturbance had arisen, to the Hollandish-Lutheran congrega- tions at New York and Hackensack and labored among them until 1767. In speaking of Weygand Muhlenberg expresses what seems to have the opinion in those days of the education required for the ministerial office. In a request for advice from the society at Halle, Germany, he says: ‘“ We would not willingly cause the least damage to the cause of Christ by precipitancy nor would we lose a nail from the structure by negligence. I have with this view written to the Raritan council and have left to their good disposition and judgment the agreement with Mr. Weygand, and am willing to give a permission to preach for one year, In the region of the Raritan a man must understand Latin or English, because in that section there are many of New England Presbyterian preachers, who cherish a great respect for Halle and the blessed orphan house, and like to have intercourse with men from there. An English preacher of the church once complained to me that he wished to talk in Eng- lish and Latin with Mr. Schaum, but could get no reply. I said that he perhaps did not understand his accent and pronuncia- tion.” Although Weygand was a vast improyement as a preacher and pastor. upon his predecessors, as we see by the extracts from his diary, which shall be given later, yet he does not seem to have had either the wisdom of the serpent or the harmless- ness of the dove. For when he had gone to the meeting of Synod at Philadelphia, which was the second one after its or- ganization, with the full expectation of being regularly ordained, he was extremely mortified to be put off. And this was after the time had been set for his ordination and notice of it published. The reason for this was found in certain com- plaints that were made against him by his elders. The account of this is as follows: Rev, Joun ALBERT WEYGAND 65 A MInIsTER’s Wooinc. In H. M. Muhlenberg’s manuscript diary at the date of Jan- uary, 1750, is found the following: “Mr. Weygand reported that he had married in December the daughter of a Mr. Van Dieren. Mr. VanDieren is by trade a tailor and had been for- warded to the province of New York in a complimentary man- ner with a stock of books by the court-preacher, Bohme, of blessed memory (Ziegenhagen’s predecessor in London). His eomfortable circumstances and edifying address, the scarcity of preachers, the independent ways of America, the high esteem of the Germans for the court-preacher, Bohme; the man’s own desire and longing had all co-operated in enabling him to obtain ordination. The preachers in New York would not consent to it, but showered imprecations and numberless reproaches upon him in the public press. The Swedish preachers in Pennsyl- vania would not consent to it. At length he was ordained by an old German preacher in Pennsylvania, named Herkel, and sent back with evidences of ordination. After this he preached ‘and administered the sacraments for several years among a few congregations in the province of New York until he moved into New Jersey and labored for several years among the Low Dutch Reformed and Lutheran congregations in common. He was so accommodating there that he administered the com- munion to the Reformed after their manner, and to the Lutheran after theirs. But at last by this means both parties became at variance, said he was a hypocrite and cast him off. He did not live far from Raritan, visited us several times and would like to have taken charge of the mountain congregations in Upper Milford, Saccum, etc., but the Providence of God, whose leadings we desire to follow, did not so ordain. “ Weygand lived with one of the elders [Baltus Pickle, of Round Valley, New Jersey], who was a man of wealth and had helped on the building of the new church more than any other person, and had also provided out of his own means an organ and other things necessary for orderly worship. This man had two elderly (betagte) daughters. The older had died in the previous fall and the younger, whom I confirmed together with all his sons, was still living. This younger daughter was a 66 Earty GerMANs oF New JERSEY virtuous person, had the womanly adornment spoken of in I. Peter, 2, 3-4, was industrious, very skillful in household matters and lacked only the outward beauty of a worldly sort. She was no doubt intended for Mr. Weygand. But he paid his brief respects to her father very abruptly and demanded his consent to be given within a quarter of an hour, and would not give the father the usual time for deliberation, threw the father over [figuratively of course] and then went straight to VanDieren’s house and was married to his daughter by her father. After this he kept urging the congregation very strongly to-buy a farm upon which he might live. But the people were engaged in the difficult work of building a church and were already in debt. Nevertheless they involved themselves in more debt and bought a farm. Mr. VanDieren then sold his place and bought afarm near his son-in-law. In this neighborhood there also dwelt an old retired preacher, Langenfeld by name, and eight miles off Mr. Wolf is now living.” The elders of the church and another person of equal im- portance were disturbed by these proceedings and brought against their preacher the following complaints : 1. Mr. Weygand had wooed the elder’s daughter not as a minister should, but like a dissolute college youth. 2. He had used in giving the communion to two sick people, instead of the consecrated wafers, red sealing wafers with which letters are closed. 3. When the elders called him to an account for this he had replied that the ministers in Frankford on the Main did thus. 4. He had married the daughter of a man whose oldest son had become a Quaker in Pennsylvania, and whose oldest daughter had married Deyling, a Zinzendcerfer. . s. He had thrown the congregation into heavier indebted- ness by impetuously urging them to buy him a farm. 6. Should his father-in-law come to live with him he might lead his son-in-law astray. 7. The congregation were at one time observing a day of strict fasting and prayer, which the authorities had ordered, when two of the elders, on coming into the parsonage after ser- vice, found the minister’s wife busy at the spinning wheel. Rey. Joun ALBERT WEYGAND : 67 8. When he ought to have given the communion to a sick man, who was going to leave the church several hundred pounds, he was not at home but was engaged in doing his courting and was busied with his personal affairs. Muhlenberg goes on to remark, “What this ferment may lead to only the future will show.” Since the worthy fathers {on the other side of the ocean) could not find anyone to sup- ply the churches on the Raritan and Weygand came so oppor- tunely, I feel relieved of responsibility with regard to him, for I acted with deliberation and indeed under all the circumstances could not have done otherwise than I did. I find first in look- ing at myself and then in looking at others that the lack of faithful, steady and experienced laborers is a great hindrance to the spread of the kingdom of Jesus Christ. May the Lord have compassion upon us and send faithful laborers into his harvest.” Not long afterwards Mr. Weygand attended a meeting of the Synod of Philadelphia, when. he expected arrangements would be made to ordain and install him over the congrega- tions on the Raritan. But what was his chagrin to find the above complaints against him presented by a committee of three elders, who asked that the ordination, already announced publicly to take place at a certain time, should be postponed at least until the new church was dedicated, and their pastor had had time to improve upon his past conduct. Says Muhlenberg “we dare not ordain him forcibly, as it were, but were at a loss what to do, and so also was Mr. Weygand, because it had been given out everywhere that he was to be ordained. The protest was indeed a very great punishment for Mr. Weygand since he had brought it upon himself by his frivolous behavior.” Some Natura. CoMMENTS. We do not find fault it is true with this decision of the min- isterium. It was the only thing to do under the circumstances. But we do think it is going a little too far, even for so apostolic and altogether adorable a man as Father Muhlenberg, to say that young John Albert, the warm-hearted young minister, should accept a wife, no matter how industrious and pious, who 68 Earty Germans or NEw JERSEY was “intended” (zugedacht) for him. For that no doubt was the very reason he got himself rejected. To be sure her father was rich and influential, but on the other hand his daughter was no longer in her teens and her beauty was confessedly not of a dazzling character. And suppose the other girl be taken into consideration, Because she hadn’t been confirmed by the good old Doctor it doesn’t follow that she wasn’t beautiful both inside and out. She was certainly industrious or she would have preferred the church on a fast day to her spinning wheel. And it was pretty hard for the young minister that he couldn’t have time for so important a matter as courting a wife. Now if it had only been the other girl, the rich man’s daughter, they might not have said anything about the time or manner of his courting. Perhaps Muhlenberg’s remark in his letter of November, 1749, may explain matters somewhat. ‘They desired last year to have Mr. Kurtz for their preacher especially under the in- stigation of the principal member who had a marrzageable daughter.” So there was match-making going on in the church so early as 140 or more years ago. No wonder young John Albert rebelled against such deliberate scheming. He ought to have been ashamed to have had two strings to his bow, but there seems to have been this difference, one (or at least her father) was courting him and he was courting the other. The man who was sick and was neglected by his pastor was no doubt Balthazar Pickle, whose legacy of a thousand pounds helped the New Germantown church through the trying times during and after the War of the Revolution. . But notwithstanding his very human weakness Albert Wey- gand seems to have been a sincerely pious man. This I think will be evident from the following accounts of his work as he recorded it in his diary. He little thought when he wrote this that it would be read so long afterwards by some of the de- scendants of the very people to whom he was then ministering. A Minister’s Diary IN 1748. Sept. 22.—I have arrived under many good omens among my congregation through the guidance of the Lord. On my arrival Rev. Joun Augert Weycanp 69 my host, Balthes Pickel, told me how Pastor Hartwich openly complained of Pastor Muhlenberg, because he removed Pastor Wolf from his office. This appeared very strange to me since I firmly believed that Pastor Hartwich stood by our association. 25th.—A man of the Reformed Church came to pay me a visit, under the pretext, that a man who had come over the sea ‘with me; had praised me so much, that he feels compelled to get acquainted with me himself. He dissembled at first and asserted the absolute decree [Gnadewahl, i. e. the doctrine of election] and quoted all the arguments in its favor, in order to hear what I would have to answer. But afterwards he said that if a reformed preacher should preach the absolute de- cree of God, he would publicly contradict him. N. B.—I thus learned that the majority of the common people agree with us with regard to the absolute decree of God. From another [German] Reformed man I learned that he had noted 100 passages which were against the absolute decree, and this number I increased for him in a private visit. As to what belongs to the Holy Communion they slander us so much the more that I had advised our people not to dispute much with them over so high a mystery, but to answer briefly that we receive it according to the institution of our Almighty Jesus. 28th.—Set out with my host, Balthes Pickel, to visit the mem- bers, and to see what household worship they had and how they were off for books [prayer and song books]. This visit pleased various members of the council, who, on this account rode with us and informed me fully what sort of people they were. Among others we meet with a very sick woman whom I asked, after a previous inquiry about her sickness, how it was with her soul. She answered that she cried night and day unto God, that He would have compassion upon one who was so great a sinner. After I had talked further with her, I prayed with her, sang a verse of the song, “Keep Me O Friend of My Soul,” and commended her to the Lord. In the next house we visited I met a woman who said that we were not saved by faith but by good works. I answered her briefly, for night had already fallen. In the following visit we met two young married. people, who had not been to communion in five years. The 7o EarLty GERMANS OF NEW JERSEY reason of this was, as they said, that they had had no regular preacher and when Mr. Muhlenberg came over, they had always heard of it when it was too late. 29th.—Have spent the whole day in visiting, and, alas, have met many families in a truly pitiable condition. Many young people from 20 to 29 years of age, who do not know how to read or spell, have proposed to me, to prepare them for the communion. In the few days that I have been here I have found nothing but a wilderness. Dec. 34.—Again visited my people. On the way I talked with two German Reformed people, who lead truly Christian lives. Of these the man was blind. The Lord had on that account so much the more opened his spiritual eyes. After a short talk upon the only righteousness which avails with God, we sang some verses of the hymn, “The One on the Cross is My Dove.” On my leaving him, he promised to give a contri- bution to our church, and begged me to visit them again. Jan. 19, 1749.—Laid the old Hendershid (Hendershot) in the ground, In this man God has given a wonderful proof of his love for sinners. This man had stained his soul with many sins of unrighteousness as I learned from people who had known him from his youth.up. In order to bring him to a knowledge of his sins God had laid him upon a sick-bed for a year and a half. By chance Pastor Muhlenberg visited him three months before his death, and wanted him to be reconciled with his son from whom he had been alienated. But not even the most urgent pursuasions were of any use, and he wished to cite his son to appear before the last judgment as is the custom with many revengeful people. At the end of November, 1748, I also visited him and asked him if he was prepared for eternity, but he made himself out so pious, that I had almost never met a man so pious as he appeared to be. I committed him to the compassion of God and gave him the passage in Rom. iv, 5 to think of, though not believing that it would subdue the hard- ness of his heart. Fourteen days afterwards he was reconciled to his son. Thereupon he expressed a constant longing to see. me. On account of absence from home I did not visit him until the day before his death. He could scarcely whisper any Rev, Joun ALBERT WEYGAND 71 Yet he could understand so well that he said he called upon God day and night for a happy death, which his wife con- firmed. I prayed with him and sang a few verses of the song, “Lord teach me mine end to know.” On leaving I pointed him to the bloody wounds of Jesus, saying, that with the bloody righteousness of Jesus he would overcome if he held on to it in faith and trust. That night he died. longer. CHAPTER IX. REV. LUDOLPH HEINRICH SCHRENCK. EYGAND was succeeded in 1753 by Lv- poLtpH HeEinricH SCHRENCK and his min- istry also was attended with difficulties and disturbance. The “ Mountain” peo- ple, as the Pluckamin congregation was called, had refused to give up their sep- = a arate church and unite with the other three congregations, in 1749, and: build one central church which should be not more than 10 miles from any of the people of the congregations. So it was now agreed that Pluckamin should have service one-fourth of the time and pay one-fourth of the salary. This Rev. Scurenck was the fourth regular pastor. He staid three years, for two of which he was in the hottest kind of hot water. He was sensitive, proud and irritable in the extreme. He was anxious to marry a rich wife, and yet was very ready to suspect every man, who had a marriageable daughter and who showed him any attention, of having designs upon him. : Also at one time, when two of the most influential elders called upon him upon some matter, and in the course of the conversation mentioned that some of his congregation thought he preached the law too severely and did not present often Rev. Lupotpa Hernricuh SCHRENCK 73 enough the persuasiveness of the gospel, he became very angry. .But he bade these visitors good bye with every show of friendliness, kissing them both in true German fashion be- fore they left. On the next Sabbath before a large congrega- tion, after he had preached an excellent sermon, instead of making the closing prayer, he ordered the church doors to be locked, that no one might leave the house. He then began to abuse and revile the two men, who had been to see him the day before, with such violence that he foamed at the mouth. Every one was in consternation and wanted to know who were in- tended and who had been abusing the pastor. When it was found out who the elders were, who had so unconsciously give such great offence, all the elders went to the parsonage to reconcile matters, but the quarrel only become more bitter. The next Sabbath everybody flocked from far and near to hear what the minister would have to say, for it had been given out that he was to plead his cause again in public. This he did as the account says “with fire and flame” and ended by calling out the names of these elders and excommunieating them from the church. One of these two men was Baltus Pickle, who had been the builder of the church, had paid 50 pounds towards the organ and 25 for the church. Moreover the church was still in debt to him for materials and work in building. This indebt- edness was included in the 1,000 pounds which Baltus Pickle afterwards left by will to the New Germantown Church at his death in 1760. It is interesting to notice that this church had an organ as early as 1754. Schrenck continued to struggle on for two years until he was finally compelled to leave in the year 1756. He treated Mr. Muhlenberg afterwards most shamefully and has left a very unfavorable memory behind him. He finally left for Ireland where for a time he served a Lutheran congregation. CHAPTER X. THE MUHLENBERGS. Henry Mertcuior MuuLenperc—Pavut DanieEt BryzeLius— J. Perer G. Muatenperc—G. Henry E. MuHLENBERG. ‘ 4. HISTORY of the German settlers in ¢ this part of New Jersey, would be com-- plete without an account of the two- pioneer missionaries, MUHLENBERG and, ScHLATTER. For while they were not the: first preachers to the Germans here and in Pennsylvania, yet they were in fact the real founders respectively of Lutheranism and the German. Reformed Church in this part of the United States. . They both. possessed unusual organizing ability as well as a vezy high degree of piety and learning. They both, moreover, had to endure considerable persecution for righteousness sake. Also- to both alike belonged the honor of bringing together the few scattered churches of their faith into a conference or synod. It. is interesting to know that they knew one another and lived together in mutual confidence and esteem. Their paths often. crossed each other but no friction ever arose between them. We shall give a short account of these remarkable men. Henry MELcHIOoR MUHLENBERG was born in the city of Einbeck in the Electoral Principality of Hanover, September 6th, 1711. His parents were Nicholaus. Melchior Muhlenberg, a member of the council of the above: THE MUHLENBERGS 75 mentioned place, and Anna Maria Kleinshmid, daughter of a tetired military officer. He went to school from his seventh to his twelfth year and was confirmed at twelve years of age. His father died soon after and he was compelled to set to work to help support the family. This he continued to do more or less until he was twenty-one. He occasionally found time to learn to play on the organ. At twenty-one he resumed his studies especially of Latin and Greek. Providence opened a way for him to gratify his ardent desire for a course of study in one of the universi- ties. The different villages and towns of Germany contributed funds to the support of the recently established university of Gottingen, and were entitled on this account to send a student to the university for free tuition. Muhlenberg happened to be the only one of his native place, who was of the requisite age and hada desire to go to the University, and thus re- ceived the appointment. While at Gottingen he yielded for.a time to evil associations but not for a long period, for he soon met with a change of heart. And he and some other students engaged in the work of teaching the ignorant and neglected. In May, 1738, he taught a primary school at Halle. But he rose rapidly in public esteem until he became instructor in Theology, Hebrew and Greek. In August, 1730, he was ordained as a deacon, or assistant minister in the church at Grosshennersdorf, in upper Silesia. In 1741 he became, at the request of Dr. Francke, of Halle, a missionary to the scattered Lutheran congregations in Penn- ° sylvania. On his journey to the colony of Pennsylvania, he went first to Holland and thence to England. On the 13th of June, 1742, he set sail at Gravesend for Charleston, South Car- olina, which place he reached September 22d. During the voy- age he suffered very much both in body and mind, from a scarcity of water and fresh provisions, and the roughness of the crew. A similarly painful experience was connected with his journey from Charleston to Philadelphia, where he arrived November 25th, 1742. At the very beginning of his work Father Muhlenberg, as he might well be called, had to encounter opposition. 76 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY “Pgrprts py Mine Own COUNTRYMEN.” Count Zinzendorf had preceded him and was claiming to be a Lutheran, while really teaching doctrines opposed to the orthodox faith. On this account Muhlenberg was compelled to withhold any official recognition from one whose course was not entirely straightforward. Thus the very earliest efforts of the missionaries from Halle were directed to the healing of schism and the correction of errors. And yet nearly all of these men showed excellent judgment in avoiding, as far as possible, all controversial subjects and in depending principally upon the power of the truth itself in its singleness and sim- plicity. The difficulties of the task committed to these early preachers arose largely from the necessity of satisfying, on the one hand, the rigid conservatism of the authorities in the mother country, where persecution on account of the truth, had made orthodoxy a matter of life and death, and, on the other, of providing preachers or teachers for the numerous congrega- tions scattered throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania, who were pleading with heart-rending earnestness and persistency for almost any kind of a pastor, who could at least prevent them and their children from relapsing into utter barbarism. “PgERILs BY LAND.” Many were the weary days and nights spent by these heroic men hastening from one scattered hamlet to another, through almost pathless forests and across frozen streams, sometimes with fevered pulse and aching limbs, in order to keep appoint- ments, made weeks beforehand, with people who would come twenty and thirty miles to hear once more the word of life. Often and often we read in the reports of sermons interrupted with the sobs of the hearers and not so much through grief as rejoicing at the sound of the gospel, which they had almost despaired of ever hearing again. In these absences from home wives and children would sometimes be put to sore straits, and the husband and father’s heart would have an added load of anxiety to carry on their account. . “ PERILS BY WATER.” The following extracts from Muhlenberg’s reports will illus- THE MUHLENBERGS 17 trate what has just been said: “Now, as I had to hold divine service in Providence on the 26th of November, 1749, and had as yet to ride twenty miles to my residence, I was obliged to set out from Perkasie on the 25th of November, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. They gave mea guide. Night soon overtook us, and therefore we could not ride rapidly, and only came to the Perkiomen creek at 11 o’clock at night, which is still two miles away from my house. To our great surprise, we per- ceived that the stream since my departure was frozen over hard, and covered with ice. My companion only had a small horse, which in addition was unshod, consequently I had to go before and break the ice. I did this at the peril of my life and remained in the saddle, notwithstanding the leaping and rear- ing of my horse, and let my companion follow in the footsteps and holes which my horse had broken, In breaking the ice my horse had always to raise himself up in front, and at the same time break a hole with the fore-feet, and keep the piece of ice on the bottom until he leaped after with the hind feet, and then went still further forward. I got over safely, but on account of.the dark night, I missed the outlet on the other side ; and came with my companion to a bank, which was high and al- most perpendicular. Back I would not again venture, for the broken holes were not easily found again in the darkness. We took off the saddles, and by the aid of some bushes clambered up on land, and resolved to make an attempt with our horses also. We tied the girths to the bridle of the small horse, and compelled him to stand on his hind feet, so that he could reach on the bank with his fore feet. We pulled, and the horse helped himself bravely onward with the hind feet, and safely reached the shore, as he was young and nimble. But when we would do the same with my horse, that was old and stiff, the bridle broke, and the poor beast fell backward with all his weight into the ice, so that he lay on his back in the water with his legs up, and locked in by the ice, and must thus have been drowned. I gave up the poor beast, because I saw no possibility to help him. My companion, however, would not rest but in great anxiety he cut a lever with a small knife, sprang down with it, and made a great opening in the ice, helped the horse so that 78 Earty Germans or New JERSEY he laid on one side, and at length worked himself on his feet again. Thereupon the horse anew broke through again, and would go back on the other side, but on account of weakness stuck fast in the middle of the stream in the ice, so that we could help him no more in any manner. We laid our saddles and baggage on the other horse and wished to go the rest of way home on foot, lost ourselves in the dark thickets, and walked around for about half an hourin a circle, until the stars once appeared in the heavens, and showed us where we were, when we got home about 3 o’clock.” The horse was rescued the next morning nearly dead and Muhlenberg had to meet his appointments with aserious illness creeping upon him as a result of his long exposure. The year before, 1748, he had been absent on one of his long tours, the return from which is thus described: ‘“ When I reached home on the sth of May, I found my wife and two children down very sick with the measles. The wife was not properly cared for in my absence, and the wrong medicine was administered by which the measles were checked. This resulted in a suffo- cating catarrhal affection on the next day. It had proceeded so far that she had lost her speech and had assumed a brown color.” Mrs. Muhlenberg finally recovered, though her life had been despaired of. She was the daughter of Conrad Weiser, who was prominent in the early history of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania as an interpreter and agent in connec- tion with the Indian tribes. His Girt or ToncueEs. And yet Dr. Muhlenberg was a man of very superior educa- tion. He had a good knowledge of Greek and Hebrew, and spoke the English, German, Latin, Holland and Swedish lan- guages. He was given the degree of Doctor of Divinity by the University of Pennsylvania in 1784. He preached in New York on one Sabbath in German in the morning, in Dutch in the afternoon and in English in the even- ing. He was possessed of a fine tenor voice and could play on the organ. His disposition was gentle and conciliatory and he seemed incapable of resenting an injury or even remembering Tue MUHLENBERGS 79 awrong. His tact and patience were often put severely to the test and never seemed to fail. He combined breadth of mind with the most methodical and conscientious regard for the details of routine duty. It is principally the reports of Dr. Muhlenberg’s work that make up the Hallesche Nachrichten. While the pastor of sev- eral churches in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, in name, he was really an itinerant bishop. He was a very earnest patriot during the Revolutionary war. Hedied Oct. 7th, 1887. His funeral was attended by a vast multitude. Three of his sons were sent to Germany to go through a course of theological training. One of these was Henry Ernst Muhlenberg, D. D., a man of scien- tific attainments, a skillful botanist as well as a most successful pastor and preacher. Dr. Muhlenberg’s accounts of his work reveal him to have been a man of humble and fervent piety, a searching preacher and yet very gentle and considerate in his dealings with the weak and wayward. He seemed to find it his meat and drink to preach the truth. His consecration and zeal were unbounded. When once he had promised to visit a distant congregation, no weakness or weariness, no difficulty or danger. could prevent him from keeping his appointment. In short there is no name on the annals of any evangelical church which represents a more exalted type of christian life and labor. Pastor in New Jersey. The stone church at New Germantown, N. J., was erected at his advice, and is a monument of his practical jndgment and of his powerful influence in this section. He was in fact the pastor of the Raritan churches from 1757 to 1775. Father Muhlenberg’s relation to the Raritan region began at the time of the trouble with Wolff in 1745 and continued for 3o years. For seventeen years he was the formally chosen rector while others served regularly in his place as his assistants. The gratitude awakened in the hearts of these people by the deliv- erance from utter ruin which he had secured for them by his patience, tact and decision, grew more and more warm and trustful, the more they learned to know him. It was therefore a most joyful time with them when in the year 1758 while on a 80 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY visit to them, he consented to come the next year and spend twelve months. He felt he could not do less, though his own people of Providence had a prior claim upon him, since the Raritan congregations had built anew and more commodious parsonage expressly for his use in four months after he had objected to the smallness of the old one. The long expected month of June, 1759, came round and Muhlenberg set out on Monday the eleventh from Providence in a wagon with his wife and four children. The three others were left in Pennsylvania. Six wagons had been sent to the Delaware river, twenty-five miles from New Germantown, to weet him. When he arrived some elders and their wives were present to welcome him and his family and to offer them a well prepared repast. Mrs. Muhlenberg returned on a visit to Prov- idence, September 19th, and Muhlenberg on the 26th. They both returned on October roth. He also visited Hackensack (Nov. 27th to Dec. 4th) with Wm. Graaf, a student of theology, afterwards his successor in the Raritan churches. In June, 15th, 1760, Muhlenberg set out for Pennsylvania, accompanied by his son Peter and Jacob Van Buskirk, of Hack- ensack, a student of theology under his care. He returned again the next year, March 26th, and ministered to the Raritan churches in spiritual things. One year of such service as this man of apostolic spirit and power would render could not fail to produce lasting results. It is interesting to note here the presence of Muhlenberg at the dedication of the Bedminster church [in Pluckamin] in 1758 at which time he preached both in German and English to a large concourse of people. He speaks of the great rejoicing at New Germantown, Bedminster and other places at the news received October 18th, 1759, of the capture of Quebec by the English. According to the representations made to Muhlenberg, to induce him to spend a year with the Raritan people, by a dele- gation which visited for that purpose in the year 1757, he had a’ second’time saved these people from falling into ruin. In 1761 he sent THe MUHLENBERGS 81 Paut DanieL BryzELIuS (or Prizelius) to them to act as assistant pastor. At first his services were acceptable and in 1765 he was given a regular call as assistant pastor, but he soon afterwards lost favor with the people and the next year, 1766, he left his wife and family in the parsonage, because his salary had not been fully paid, and set sail for London to receive Episcopal ordination. He then went to Nova Scotia, where, however, he was unsuccessful in his ministry. Bryzelius was born in Heradshammer in the diocese of Linkoeping, Sweden, and came to Philadelphia in 1742 with Count Zinzendorf. He was converted from Mora- vianisin under the influence of Dr. Wrangel and was received into the Lutheran ministerium Oct. 29th, 1760. The next year after the departure of Bryzelius, Muhlenberg visited the congregations April 23d, 1767, and in May, 1768, sent his oldest son, Joun PETER GABRIEL MUHLENBERG, to minister to the Raritan churches. He remained until March, 1772. He probably occupied the parsonage as he married 16th November, 1770, Anna Barbara Meyer. Peter had returned from Germany in 1766 after a three year’s sojourn there, dur- ‘ing which time he had served as a clerk in a drug store and a soldier in the British army. For two years,however, he had studied theology with Dr. Wrangel and was licensed the 2oth of June, 1769. From New Jersey he went to Woodstock, Va., after re- ceiving Episcopal ordination in London. His ardent tempera- ment could not resist the revolutionary fever and he became a Colonel in the American army and afterwards attained the rank of Major-General. His place as assistant pastor of the Raritan churches, was taken by his younger brother, Gotruitr Hernrich Ernst MUHLENBERG, who had returned from Germany in 1770, was ordained the same year, on Oct. 25th, when he was not quite 17 years of age. He remained in New Jersey until he received a call to be the assistant of his father in Philadelphia on the 4th of April, 1774. CHAPTER XI. NEW GERMANTOWN AND GERMAN VALLEY. the following sermon int German Valley on the 2d of July, 1876: When the first church building was erected at German Valley, it is hard to tell, as the church historian in those days it seems was not abroad. There is a tradition, however, which has come down to us from the oldest inhabitant, that the first building for divine service was A Loc Cuurcu, . built many years ago, and that it stood on or near the site of the old stone church, the walls of which are still standing. This church, like the old stone church, was doubtless a union church, built probably as early as 1747 [1761] by the Lutherans and German Reformed. The Lutheran Church in the Valley was for many years associated with the church at New Germantown, where the pastor resided and preached at regular intervals, as well as at German Valley and Spruce Run, so that for a long time the church was only an outpost, with no pastor residing on the territory, but supplied by different brethren from abroad. In_ those days it was the fashion for the members of this church frequently to attend church at New Germantown, nine miles from here, often going on foot, and barefooted at that, the ladies carrying their shoes in their hands until they came within sight of the church. New GERMANTOWN. AND GERMAN VALLEY 83 The fathers and mothers of those days were not “carried to the skies on flowery beds of ease.” [To.avoid repetition part of the discourse is here omitted as the facts stated have already been given. ] In the year 1774, during the ministry of Henry Muhlenberg, Jr., the Lutheran and German Reformed congregations of Ger- man Valley determined to build a new church, to be the com- mon property of the two congregations. This is the Oxtp Stone CHURCH. | Before building, an article of agreement was drawn up and signed by the pastors and officers of each congregation. This building, now roo years old, is still standing, and with proper care, the walls look as if they would stand another century. You are all familiar with the old church building. There used to be a heavy gallery on one side and across each end; the fentrance on one side, under the gallery, and on the opposite side was the pulpit—one of the Jack-in-the-pulpit style, with sounding board suspended above. There is no chimney on this church, for the fathers here had a novel way of making themselves comfortable on cold Sundays. In the centre of the church a space about eight feet square was made with a ground floor, and on this square a great mass of char- coal was burned, the congregation getting for their share at least the smell of fire, while the preacher from his exalted posi- tion, nearly over the burning mass, received a double portion of gas to mix with his sermon, The next minister called to this field after the building of the old stone church was the Rev. WILLIAM GRAAF, who was settled here as pastor in July, 1775. He came here from Bergen county and labored in this field until his death in 1808. During his ministry a new church was built, and a congre- gation was organized at Spruce Run. Mr. Graaf was a native of the town of Liningen, in the southwestern part of Germany. He pursued and finished his theological education in Giessen, in Hesse-Darmstadt. After his arrival in America he was or- 84 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY dained by Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg as pastor of Hackensack and Ramapo, in Bergen county, N. J. Mr. Graaf continued to labor here: for thirty-three years—a pastorate longer by far than any who haveas yet succeeded him. He is described as “a learned and pious minister of the gospel, faithful in the discharge of his official duties ; but when age and bodily infirmities forbade their continuance, the congregation cheerfully supported him until the time of his death.” Mr. Graaf, who was pastor here one hundred years ago, was succeeded by Rev. Ernest Lewis Hazeuius, D. D., a native of Germany, who had for eight years been a classical teacher in the gymnasium at Nazareth, Pa. Dr. Hazelius took charge of the churches here in the month of August, 1809. His pastorate continued until near the close of the year 1815, when he accepted a call to the newly established Hartwick Seminary as the first Professor of Theology. This was the only pastoral charge that Dr. Hazelius ever served, the remainder of his life from the time he left this field having been devoted to teaching. The name of Dr. Hazelius to-day stands high in the history of the church in this country, he having occupied the honored positions of Professor of Theology in the Theological Semin- aries at Hartwick, Gettysburg and Lexington, S.C. Tue RECORDS oF THE CHURCH, now in our possession, begin with the ministry of Dr. Hazelius ; and of his ministry what is principally recorded is the num- ber of baptisms, which were transcribed from the records at New Germantown by Dr. Pohlman. The following is the first entry by Dr. Hazelius: “On the rst day of May, in the year of Our Lord, 1815, a number of the Lutheran congregation in the Dutch Valley met at their meeting house in Washington township, Morris county, for the purpose of electing seven persons as trustees of said church agreeable to an act of the Legislature of the State of New Jersey, entitled ‘An act to incorporate trustees of religious societies,’ passed 13th June, 1799, when the following gentle- men were chosen by a majority of votes of the members and New GERMANTOWN AND GERMAN VALLEY 85 voters then and there present, viz.: Isaac Roelofson, Jacob ; Karn, Philip Weise, Andrew Weise, William Nachrite, Frederick Swackhamer and Joseph Karr, who, having chosen Jacob Karn as president and Andrew Weise secretary, took upon themselves the name of Trustees of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Valley, Washington township, Morris county, by which name they will hereafter be known in law; and on the roth day of June the above-named gentlemen were sworn into office be- fore Nicholas Neighbor, Esq., one of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Warren and the State of New Jersey, accord- ing to the oath hereunto subjoined. Witness our hands this toth day of June, A. D. 1815. Although the election took place sixty-one years ago, I am happy to say one of that Board of Trustees, F. Swackhamer, is with us to-day, and is still an office-bearer in the church. The record gives the names of seventy-five persons baptized by Dr. Hazelius. Among these names we find the following: First on the list, Lambert Bowman, son of David Neighbor, October zgth, 1809; Lawrence Hagar, John H. Weise, Catharine Naughright, Jacob Weise, Sylvester Neighbor, Philip Welsh Swackhammer, Samuel Karn, David Swackhammer, &c. These are still familiar names in the Valley. Dr. Hazelius was succeeded by the: Rev. Dr. HENDRICKS, a graduate of Union College, Schnectady, N. Y., and who had studied theology under the direction of the Rev. Frederick Mayer at Albany. Rev. Hendricks took charge of this pastorate in August, 1816, and labored here six years, when he accepted a call to the Lutheran Church at Saddle River, N, J.; of his subsequent his- tory I have no source of information. His records were im- perfectly kept, and from them we learn that during his ministry he baptized ninety-eight children. Among these are the fol- lowing familiar names: Isaac Roelofson, Isaac Stryker, Mar- garet Stelts, Isaiah Trimmer, Isaac Swackhammer, States N. Weise, &c., &c. On the resignation of Rev. Hendricks, a call was extended to 86 Ear.y Germans or NEw JERSEY Rev. Henry N. PoHLMAN ; the first graduate of Hartwick Seminary, who had recently left that institution, and had been preaching for the church at Saddle River, N. J. Dr. Polhman took charge of the churches at New German- town, German Valley and Spruce Run in the month of August, 1822, and labored here most acceptably and efficiently for twenty-one years. His records in the Church Book are beautifully written. The following is his first entry: “On the rst of August, 1822, in consequence of an invitation from the Board of Trustees of Zion Church, New Germantown, the Rev. H. N. Pohiman visited that place and preached with approbation in the several churches.” Elections were held after public worship in each of the con- gregations at New Germantown, German Valley and Spruce Run on the 12th, 13th and 14th of said month, when it was unanimously resolved, “that the Rev. Henry N. Pohlman be called as rector of the three united congregations.” Accordingly, after a general meeting of the trustees of the said congregations held at the Valley on the 18th, the following call was presented to the said Rev. Henry N. Pohlman and was accepted by him on the 26th at a meeting of the Evangel- ical Lutheran Synod assembled in Schoharie, N. Y., in the presence of F. C. Schaffer and Lewis Ernest Hazelius. ‘Then followed the call which was signed by the trustees of each church. The following are the names of the church officers who represented this church: Jacob Karn, Isaac Roelofson, Joseph Karn, Jacob Weise, Andrew Weise, John Dufford, John Duse- bery, William Naughright. Dr. Pohlman was installed on the 2oth of November, 1822, by the Rev. F. C. Schaffer, of New York. One of the most important events of Dr. Pohlman’s pastorate was the building of anew church. This took place in the year 1832. Up to this time the two congregations in the Valley—the Presbyterian (formerly German Reformed) and the Lutheran had occupied the old stone church. But now both congrega- New GERMANTOWN AND GERMAN VALLEY 87 tions conclude that it was not advisable to continue this part- nership arrangement any longer, and the two CONGREGATIONS SEPARATED. Hence this year each congregation built their own church and they have been separate and independent of each other ever since. Tue New Cuurcu which forms the three walls of the present edifice was 40x45 feet from outside to outside, built of stone on this lot which was presented by Neitzer W. Weise, Esq. The following 1s the record of the laying of the corner stone: ‘The corner stone of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, to be known hereafter by the name of Zion Church, German Valley, was laid with due solemnity and in proper place on Whitsun Monday, the 11th day of June, 1832, and in the fifty-seventh year of the Indepen- dence of the United States of North America, under the direc- tion of Henry N. Pohlman, pastor, Jacob Karn, Jacob Weise, John Dusebery, John Dufford, Jr., Philip Karr, Trustees ; Jacob Karn, Jacob Weise, F. Swackhammer, Building Committee ; David Bulmer, master carpenter : John Gray, master mason.” Conscious that except the Lord build the house they labor in vain that build it, the commenced work was then solemnly committed to the superintendence of the all-glorious Architect and Governor of the Universe, and the congregation dismissed with the usual benediction. The following is the Docter’s record of the consecration of this church : Through the smiles of an ever kind and gracious Providence the work.commenced in His fear, was duly finished and on the 25th of November, the pastor had the pleasure of consecrating it to the worship of the triune God in the presence of a crowded and attentive audience.” The Rev. W. D. Strobel, of St. James’ Church, New York, who kindly assisted on the occasion, then led the minds of his willing hearers to an exemplification of the duties connected with the sanctuary by addressing them from 1st Tim., III, 15: “That thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.” The pastor followed in an 88 Earty Germans oF NEw JERSEY address from Ps. V, 7:° “But as for me I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercies and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple.” May the solemnities of that day never be forgotten. May the eyes of the Lord be open towards his house day and night! May He abundantly bless His people into whose hearts He hath put it to build a house for His name, and may they be built up a spiritual temple—an habitation of God through the spirit, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. May this prayer of the former, and now sainted pastor, be yet more fully answered. The following is the report of the Building Committee : The Building Committee of Zion Church beg leave'to report that in attending to the duties assigned them they have ex- pended the following sums: To the master builders as per contract... ............+$1,355.00 Materials and payment of workmen................ 619.914 To the purchase of stoves and pipe, trimming for pulpit, Ses scesecscvacavnes isi seeeak pela BALE gcucd tae = 198.47 Making whole cost of the church.................. $2,144.38 Of this amount all was paid or subscribed except $230.88. At a meeting held in 1840 we find this resolution: -ResoL_vep, That John Gulick be appointed sexton and that he be allowed $5 per annum for his services. Labor was cheap in those days. LUTHERAN CENTENARY. At a meeting of the church officers in January, 1842, the fol- - lowing resolution was passed : ResotveD, That depending upon the blessing of Him who loves the cheerful giver, we will endeavor to raise during the centenary year $500, to be applied as a permanent fund to the benefit of our beloved Zion, and hereafter to be known as the centenary fund of the Evangelical Lutheran Zion Church, German Valley. ResoLveD, That the collectors, John Naughright, A. Howell, J. Dufford, P. Hann and G. Dufford, be special agents to receive © New GERMANTOWN AND GERMAN VALLEY 89 subscriptions for the centenary fund and that the pastor be general agent for the same purpose. This was the centenary of American Lutheranism, which dates back to 1742, the year that the Rev. Henry M. Muhlen- berg, D. D., came to this country. Another interesting item for this year is the report of the Trustees that the pastor’s salary was paid regularly in full and $5 still in treasury. On the 28th of July, 1843, Dr. Pohlman resigned this charge and on the roth of September preached his farewell sermon, having accepted a call to the Lutheran Church in Albany, New York. While pastor here Dr. Pohlman received eighty mem- bers into the church by confirmation and baptized 320 children. The name of Dr. Pohlman is still fresh in the memory of the most of us gathered here to-day. Although it is more than thirty years ago since he left this charge, up to the day of his death, he never forgot his old and tried friends in the Valley, neither is he forgotten by you. His circle of friends and ad- mirers was not confined to his own church and his own denom- ination and of him it may be truly said to-day, “The memory of the just is blessed.” Few, if any, men in the Lutheran Church in this country were more widely known or more highly honored. At three different times he was elected President of the General Synod, while for many consecutive years he presided at the meetings of the New York Ministerium, New York Synod, and Synod of New York and New Jersey, Of all the pastors in German Valley and the region round about, none have been more generally popular than Dr. Pohlman. His suc- cessor in the church here was Rev. James R. KEIsER, who took charge of this field in the month of November, 1843. Mr. Keiser, I believe, was a graduate of the college and sem- inary at Gettysburg, an excellent man and good sermonizer. He served the congregation for a short time, for it was during his pastorate, in the year 1846, that by mutual consent the ecclesiastical go Earty Germans oF New JERSEY Union was DIssoLvED, which heretofore existed between the two congregations of New Germantown and German Valley. The following are the resolutions then passed at a joint meeting of the officers of the New Germantown and German Valley congregations : Resotvep, That the ecclesiastical union heretofore existing between the said congregations be by mutual consent dissolved at the close of the present month, October, 1846, and that each congregation relying on the assistance and blessing of the great head of the church will endeavor to make suitable provisions for comfortable support of a pastor. Reso_vep, That we recognize with gratitude to God, the harmony and fraternal feelings which have characterized these two congregations in all their conduct toward each other dur- ing the many years they have been associated together, and that we will continue to regard each other as one in Christ, to love as brethren, and take a lively interest in each other’s tem- poral and eternal welfare. — In those days all the church officers were called “ Trustees” and were sworn into office before the civil magistrate. The records show that Mr. Keiser during his ministry here received 22 persons into the church by confirmation and 'two by certificate from other churches, and that he baptized 24 chil- dren. Near the close of the year 1849 he received and accepted a call to the church in Schoharie, N. Y., and labored in this important field for seven years, when he accepted a call to St. James Church, Gettysburg, from which he removed to Dixon, Illinois, in 1861. After three years labor there he engaged in an agency for the American Sunday School Union. His youngest son being brought home from Yale college, pros- trated by sickness to the verge of the grave, he resolved to make a home for his family in the milder climate of his native State, where he resided three years when the Master called him to his reward. He was born in Waynesboro, Augusta Co., Va., Sept. 28th, 1812 ; died near Petersburg, Va., October 12th, 1872, aged 60 years. The following lines which were among the last pencilings. New GERMANTOWN AND GERMAN VALLEY gt in his common place book are inscribed upon his tombstone : “Tis sweet to labor in service blest, Though labor with pain be blended ; But sweeter by far with our Lord to rest, The toil and the warfare ended.” We now come to the history of this church as an indepen- dent organization, and as most of you are familiar with this part of our history it will not be necessary to go into details. As an independent self-supporting congregation this church is only thirty years old. The first resident pastor here was Rev. Epuraim Deyoer, who succeeded Mr. Keiser in November, 1846. Mr. Deyoe is known to you all unless it be the younger members of the congregation. He is a graduate of Union college and I believe studied theology both at Hartwick and Gettysburg. His first charge was at Woodstock, Ulster Co., N. Y., and from there he came to German Valley. His labors here were greatly blessed. To have a pastor of your own, who lived in your midst and devoted all his time to this one charge, gave a new impulse to the congregation and infused new life into the church. At this time, and indeed before this time, the name of our esteemed brother, Joun NavGuricHT, appears with a praiseworthy prominence among the office bearers and supporters of the church. On the arrival of the new pastor Mr. N. opened his heart and his doors too and took in the young dominie and his wife and for a very trifling con- sideration kept them during the whole winter and indeed until the parsonage which he was very largely instrumental in build- ing, was finished and ready for occupancy. Many of you remember how in those days when the church was weak—when friends were few and foes formidable, this good brother stood by the church, sparing neither time nor money, nor influence in his efforts to promote the prosperity of Zion, In his attendance upon the preacher’s word—in the cheerful and liberal support he gave the church and in his efforts to bring his friends and neighbors with him to the house 92 Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY of God, providing and running a hack for years for this pur-. pose he has set an example worthy of all imitation and his name deserves special mention in common with this part of the history of this church. During the ministry of Brother Deyoe the church enjoyed several precious REVIVALS and large numbers were gathered together in the church. There were at one time, February 6th, 1848, thirty-five persons received into the church ; at another time forty-two ; at another thirty. At the head of the list of confirmations we notice the name. of E. M. Battles. Brother Deyoe labored here until in the spring of 1858, when he resigned and accepted a call to the churches at Saddle River and Ramapo, N. J., in the neighbor- hood of which he still continues to labor. The charge having been divided a few years ago, he now preaches at Ramseys station in a new church which he has organized at that place. From the records of the church we gathered the following sum- mary of Bro. Deyoe’s labors while pastor here: Confirmations, 176 ; baptism of infants, 216; attended 97 marriages and 163 funerals. . Rev. Atrrep Hitter, D. D. Mr. Deyoe was succeeded by your present pastor, September roth, 1858, nearly 18 years ago. As we to-day review these 18 years which have so rapidly passed into eternity we have great teason for gratitude for the repeated and continued tokens of the divine favor. During this term the church record shows 239 additions to- the church, 188 children baptized, 114 marriages and 206 funerals. Among the improvements made during the present pastorate, we would mention the rebuilding and enlarging the church in 1861. The total cost of these improvements was $4,485.66. Of this amount $415.24 were paid for bell and fix- tures and $349.16 for furniture, cushions, lamps, &c. Dr. Wil- let, Morris Naughright and Nathan Anthony, were the build- ing committee. In the year 1866 the parsonage was rebuilt and enlarged at an expense of about $2,400, and in the year NEw GERMANTOWN AND GERMAN eV ALLEY 93 1869 the organ was placed in the church at an expense of $1,200. The record shows g21 children baptized and 519 persons received into the church by confirmation. The present resident membership is 230 communicants. Such, at the close of the first 100 years of our nation’s his- tory, is the history of this church. As we contrast the church to-day with what it was roo years ago we have reason to thank God and take courage. What the next centennial will be depends very much upon us and our children. Let us remember we are making history, and with such a history before you may you gather new inspiration to-day. With a faith so pure and scriptural—with a government so in harmony with our free institutions and with such a history together with the memory of what our own beloved church has done for us and for our fathers—truly she is worthy of our love and untiring devotion. May the language of our hearts to-day be “For her my tears shall fall ; For her my prayers ascend ; To her my cares and toils be given, Till toils and cares shall end.” We add to the above a few items to bring the history down to the present time. In the GERMAN VALLEY CHURCH the Rev. Dr. Hiller resigned his pastorate of 23 years in 1881 to accept a call to the chair of Theology in the Hartwick Lutheran Seminary at Hartwick, N. Y. : He was followed in the year 1891 by Rev. Benjamin B. Col- lins, a returned missionary from Africa, who served the con- gregation until the year 1890, when the Rev. Wituram S. Derr, his brother-in-law, was unanimously called 27 November, 1890, and began his work the rath of January, 1891, and is still labor- ing in this field. In the New GERMANTOWN CHURCH the Rev. Mr. Keiser’s successor in 1850 was the Rev, GEORGE S. Cotuins, who was followed in 1853 by the Rev. Jacoz Duy. 94 Ear.ty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY In 1872 the Rev. Joun F. Diener accepted a unanimous call and remained until 1879, when he was succeeded by the Rev. Joun P. Krecutinc, who is still serving most acceptably the congregation. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF GERMAN VALLEY. CHAPTER XII. THE GERMAN REFORMED. MICHAEL SCHLATTER— WIRTzZ—STAPEL—DALLIKER—W ACK AND GERMAN VALLEY CHURCH. AVING FOLLOWED the history of the Lutheran division of the Early Germans we now turn to the German Reformed branch. What Muhlenberg was to the Lutheran churches, his friend and fel- low-countryman, Schlatter, was to the German Reformed people. Born at St. Gall, in Switzerland, in 1716, July 14th, he spent some time in Holland, after completing his studies as a teacher, and then, returning to Switzerland, became the Sabbath evening preacher in a church near his birthplace. He soon, however, offered his services to the Synod of North and South Holland as a mis- sionary to the destitute churches of Pennsylvania, which were at that time calling so loudly for help. He arrived at Boston August rst, 1746, whence he proceeded to Philadelphia. He married, October 11th, 1747, Maria Schleidorn, of New York. We have only space to notice briefly his very extensive labors in organizing and developing the very small beginnings of the German Reformed denomination. His labors were of the same general character as those of Muhlenberg, Like the latter he 96 Earty Germans or NEw JERSEY cheerfully placed his life in danger to visit the weak and struggling churches scattered so far from one another in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and even Virginia. No searcher for wealth, no enthusiast in scientific exploration endured more hardships or encountered more dangers than did these two devoted missionaries in their unwearied ‘“\ work of service and labor of love.” Schlatter’s zeal was not without knowledge, and his tact and good sense carried him safely through trials and persecutions which would have overwhelmed a man of less balance of mind and correctness of deportment. It is said of him that “he was fond of order and had the power and tact of organization in an eminent degree. He was prompt and punc- tual in his appointments, careful and exact in all his business.” Like Muhlenberg he was a man of fervent piety and insisted upon a personal experience of the power of the truth. Though carrying on his heart the burden of all the churches he could be in the social circle “free, familiar and full of vivacity and cheerfulness.” Moreover, while devoted in heart and soul to his own inherited type of evangelical belief, he was entirely free from sectarianism and bigotry and no unseemly rivalry arose between him and his Lutheran compeer. In 1757 he accepted a chaplaincy in the British army and was present at the capture of Quebec. Two years later he gave up this posi- tion and settled at Chestnut- Hill near Philadelphia. At the same time he served congregations at Barren Hill, Franklin- ville and other neighboring localities. He died in the month of October (?) 1790, in his seventy-fifth year. Tue CuuRcH oF GERMAN VALLEY. The following church history is an enlargement in some parts and a curtailment in others of a discourse by Rev. Isaac AustynE Bravvett, delivered 28th April, 1870. Free use has also been made of Harbaugh’s “Fathers of the German Re- formed Church.” On the twenty-third of May, 1746, the deputies of the Synods of South and North Holland commissioned a certain Michael Schlatter, to come to this country to visit the various German settlements, organize churches, preach the gospel, administer the sacraments, prepare the way for the settlement of ministers, New GERMANTOWN AND GERMAN VALLEY 97 who might be sent from the old country, and take the general oversight of the churches. He had received a considerable portion of his education at Helmstadt, in the Duchy Brunswick, in northwestern Germany. He was fully inducted into the office of the ministry in Holland—probably in the year 1745. In accordance with the commission received from the Synods of South and North Holland, he sailed for America on the rst of June, 1746. He reached Boston on the rst of August. From there he went to New York, and thence to Philadelphia. Bos- ton was at that time the largest town in America. He says it contained about three thousand houses. New York, or New Amsterdam, had about two thousand houses. Philadelphia had seven streets running north and south, and seven running east and west. It had about ten thousand inhabitants, and was the second city in America. Schlatter made his home in Philadelphia, and became the pastor of the German Reformed Church in that city, in connec- tion with the one at Germantown. But he was at home only a small portion of his time, being mainly occupied in visiting and superintending the various churches throughout the country. He kept a journal of his travels, which is still preserved. In this journal are some matters of interest tous. Thus he writes in one place: ‘“ When I had safely arrived at home on the third of July, 1747, I found a very earnest and moving letter, written by several congregations in the province of New Jer- sey, namely, at Rockaway, Fox Hill and Amwell, in the region of the Raritan, distant about seventy miles from Philadelphia. They urge me, with the strongest motives, yea, they pray me, for God’s sake, to pay them a visit, that I may administer to them the Lord’s supper, and by baptism incorporate their children with the church, who have already, during three or more years, remained without baptism.” The church of Am- well was at Ringoes, in Hunterdon county. Rockaway is now known as the Reformed Church of Lebanon, and the Fox Hill church is described as “located at the foot of a hill of that name, in German Valley, about thirty miles north of Amwell.” [H. Harbaugh]. It was more probably the church on the aunt Katie Sutton farm between German Valley and Fairmount. 98 Barty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY It would appear from the letter which Schlatter received, that there had been no minister here for three years or more, and while the general state of morals and religion was, no doubt, pretty low, still the letter proves that there were some earnest christians. I quote again from Schlatter’s journal : “On the thirteenth of November, 1747, I undertook the jour- ney to the three congregations in New Jersey, from which I had, on the third of July, received a most friendly and pressing invitation to meet them. On the fourteenth, after a journey of sixty miles, I came to Rockaway. Here I received twenty young persons into the church as members, after they had made a profession of their faith ; preached a preparatory ser- mon on the fifteenth, and on the following day administered the Holy Supper in a small church to an attentive and rever- ent assembly. In the afternoon I went to Fox Hill, where I preached a preparatory sermon, and on the following day, which was the eighteenth, administered the Holy Supper to forty members. After I had performed this solemn service, to the great edification of the congregation, and had yet, in each place, preached a thanksgiving sermon after the communion, I returned again to Philadelphia on the twentieth, joyful in heart and giving thanks to God for the support which He had ren- dered me. I cannot refrain from referring briefly to the fact that those three congregations, from gratitude for the service I had rendered them, handed me a pecuniary reward ; and this was the first money which, since my arrival in America up to this time, I have received from any congregation for my labor and pains.” ‘Thus early did this congregation show a disposi- tion to be liberal and generous toward its minister—a disposi- tion which it has always cultivated. In after years, the people of this valley acquired quite a reputation for kindness to their pastor—a reputation which they have never lost, and which they still continue to deserve. Schlatter again visited this church in the early part of June, 1748, preached and adminis- tered the sacraments. There was a third visit on the eleventh and twelfth of October, of the same year; and a fourth visit from the twenty-second to the twenty-seventh of May 4 and a fifth in June, 1750. ; New GERMANTOWN AND GERMAN VALLEY 99 In the fall of 1750, Schlatter was sent to Europe by the German Reformed Synod (which he had himself been instru- mental in forming), for the purpose of seeking help, both in men and inmoney. In his efforts he was highly successful, receiving the gift of seven hundred bibles and a considerable sum of money. Six young ministers were also sent over, and a general interest in America was awakened in the churches of Holland and Germany. This church, however, received no direct benefit from all this, for none of these men came to the Valley and the money was used elsewhere. For Schlatter said that the people here were “able to provide properly for the support of a minister, and also willing, with great cheerfulness to doit.” Schlatter, moreover, reported to the Synods of South and North Holland, that this church, together with that of Rockaway, “implores earnestly that God may at length send forth a faithful laborer into this harvest.” This prayer was soon answered ; for in that same year, the people of the two congregatious were made happy by having a minister settled among them. The first German Reformed pastor was Rev. JOHANNES ConRAD WIRTZ. In the town library of Zurich occurs the following : “Johannes Conrad Wirz left Zurich for the Carolinas ; is said to have met Anna Goetschi on the passage and to have married her in America, since which nothing has been heard of him.” This notice connects him with a family whose records, care- fully kept, go back to the middle ages. Joun Cownrap was the fifth son of Jouannes ConraD, SEN., who was born 1661, May 5, at Zurick, married Magdalena Klingler, and becamea minister in 1682. He was catechist at Wiedikon and afterwards pastor at Neukirch in 1685 ; became pastor at Kloten in 1691 and was chosen deacon at the Szlberschield, January 15, 1704. In 1728 he was appointed minister of the church at Kerensen, in Switzer- land, where he died April 20, 1730; beside our first pastor, he had five sons and six daughters. On the 29th of May, 1735, the ship Mercury landed at Phil- adelphia. It contained Palatines and Switzers to the number in all of 186. First on the list of those who sign the declara- 100 Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY tion of allegiance at the Court House in the presence of Gov- ernor Gordon is Conrap Wuertz. In this same ship were Johannes Moelich, Jacob Maurer, Conrad and Jacob Conrad Naffe and Jacob Naeff. The first and last of these families, and perhaps also the second, settled in New Jersey in the vicinity of Pluckamin. Among the passengers who are marked absent occurs the name of Henry Goetschy. Of those under sixteen we have Rudolph Goetschy and Moritz Goetschy. The Rev. Morite Goetschy, who is said to;have come over in the same vessel, and whose daughter John Conrad Wirtz married, must have died before the vessel arrived, or immediately afterwards, as his name does not occur in the list. (See Rupp’s Thirty Thou- sand Names, p. 99). The next we hear of Mr. Wirtz is that he (or at least a Swiss bearing his name, onlyZspelling it as 1t is on the list of emi- grants, Wuert), is pastor of the “Egypter” congregation in Lehigh county in the year 1742. He served this congregation until 1744 and baptised#fifteen children. It is said that noth- ing is known of this man afterwards, but there is nothing to contradict the supposition that he was the same as John Conrad Wirtz. \ “In 1746, Oct. 14th*or 15th,” says Michael Schlatter, “a cer- tain J. C. Wirts, of Zurich, came to visit me, who endeavored to excuse himself for having served as a minister for several years in some congregations in this country without any regular call or ordination. He said he had done this partly in compliance with the earnest solicitations of the people—who would be edified by an unordained‘teacher [rather] than remain entirely destitute of spiritual nourishment—and partly on account of having been destitute of any other means of support; and he humbly entreated me to lend him my counsel and assistance, that he might obtain from the Fatherland a regular ecclesias- tical induction into the office of the ministry, and afterward be. properly installed as pastor in some churches that might desire his services. I gave him to understand that I was not yet sufficiently well acquainted either with his abilities or manner of life, nor with the disposition toward him of those congrega- ‘NVYWdVH) “G] SYAWIVHD ‘ATY “LYOOAMTANVA "DO “f ‘ATM New GERMANTOWN AND GERMAN VALLEY LOI tions in which he had hitherto performed his irregular labors ; but that I hoped in the ensuing spring to be able to investigate the matter, and report to the respective Synods as the circum- stances of the case would seem to warrant, and then await their orders.” Meanwhile, it appears Mr. Wirtz continued in his congrega- tions. On the 28th of June, 1747, Mr. Schlatter came to Saucon, where he speaks of a congregation served, at that time, by this Mr. Wirtz. Mr. Schlatter preached there on the 29th and asked the congregation if they desired Mr. Wirtz to be authorized to serve them as their regular pastor. As there was not perfect unanimity, Mr. Schlatter went on nine miles farther to Spring- field, or Schuggenhaus, a congregation under the irregular care of Mr. Wirtz, where he preached on the 3oth, and put the same questions with the same result as before at Saucon. There is nothing in all this, we are told, reflecting in the slightest degree upon Mr. Wirtz’s moral character. The next record relating to our first Reformed pastor is found in the minutes of the Synod of New York, which body included the Presbytery of New Brunswick. It is dated New- ark, Sept. 27th, 1750. “The High Dutch congregation of Rock- away, in the township of Lebanon, applied to the Synod that they might be taken under the care of Synod, and that a cer- tain person now preaching among them may be taken under examination, and, if approved, ordained as a minister. The Synod, in order to clear the way to transact anything with said people, do appoint Mr. Pemberton to make inquiry, of the Dutch ministers of New York, whether said people do belong to their jurisdiction; and he is to acquaint a committee of Synod how that matter is. And the Synod appoints Messrs. Pierson, Burr, Arthur, Smith and Spencer; their committee to sit at such time and place as they shall appoint, and transact, in said affair, according as things shall then appear to them.” Sept. 21, 1751.—The committee report that, difficulties rising in their way, from time to time, they could do nothing in the matter ; and, as application is again made, they recommend that it be referred to the Presbytery of New Brunswick, to do as they think best, when the matter is laid before them. 102 Earity Germans or New JERSEY Sept. 28, 1752.—According to the appointment of Synod, the Presbytery of New Brunswick examined the affair of the Dutch congregation at Rockaway, and ordained Mr. Worts (Wirtz) to be their minister.” The above is from Records of the Presby- terian Church pp. 241, 243-4 and.246. Rev. Richard Webster in his History of the Presbyterian Church says, page 610, Conrad Worts “was taken up as a probationer, September 3d, 1751, Rockaway asked for him, May 9th, 1752, and he was ordained their pastor on the 5th of June. * * * He was dismissed Oct. 21st, 1761.” The following is an entry made by Mr. Wirtz in the church book of the church of York, Pennsylvania, which gives a de- tailed account of his removal from New Jersey : “On the 2rst day of August, in the year of our dear Redeemer, Jesus Christ, 1791, I, Johannes Conrad Wirz, minis- ter of the word of God and installed pastor of the congregations of Rockaway and German Valley in Jersey, received an invita- tion from this congregation by the hands of Mr. Balthaser Spangler, to visit and preach to them, in the hope that a gracious God would incline our hearts to an affectionate union, and thus again supply this forsaken flock with a faithful pastor and teacher. With the divine blessing and favor, 1 concluded to accept this invitation, and determined to undertake the jour- ney accompanied by the aforementioned Mr. Spangler, Ac- cordingly, we set out on the 27th day of August and arrived here safe and in good health on the first day of September. On the following Sabbath I preached my first sermon, and, by re- quest, delivered three or four additional discourses. subsequently, which were so blessed by the Father of Light that the respected congregation, with unfeigned affection unanimously desired me to become their pastor, inasmuch as the Rev. Mr. Lischy had forsaken them, and as the members, individually, had confi- dence in me. A formal and regular call, dated September 12, 1761, and signed by the elders and members was tendered to me, which I was unable to decline, yet accepted only on con- dition that I should be able to obtain the consent of my con- gregations in New Jersey and of the reverend Presbytery of New Brunswick, by which I had: been ordained to the work of New GERMANTOWN AND GERMAN VALLEY 103 the ministry. Subsequently, on obtaining the consent of my congregation and receiving a dismissal from the reverend Presbytery of New Brunswick, dated October 24th, 1761, I removed to this place in the name of the Lord Jesus, and arrived on the 5th of May, 1762, and on the following Sabbath, being the 9th of May, preached my introductory sermon from Rev. X, 10, having resolved to serve this congregation accord- ing to the grace of God in the preaching of the word and the administration of the sacraments, whereunto may a mezciful God, for Jesus’ sake, grant and communicate the grace, strength and aid of his Holy Spirit, Jouannes Conrap Wirz, V. D. M. May rath, 1762. _ There are no records of his ministry in any of the German churches he served in New Jersey. His descendants, however, are found in the State and in this vicinity to the present day. Indeed the present Governor of the State, the Hon. Grorcr TuHeEoporE WerTs, is a great-great-grandson of the Rev. John Conrad. ; His ministry in the congregation of York continued for only a year and a half, when he was called home to his rest and reward on Wednesday, September 21st, 1763. He was buried on the Friday following. Hiswife survivedhim. His children will be found in the genealogy of the Wirts family. During the short period of his ministry in York, he baptised eighty- three children, and buried fourteen persons. How many were added to the church is not known, but it appears that the con- gregation flourished. A new church was erected during his ministry. At the laying of the corner stone he preached from the text Ezra III, ro, 11. He seems to have been enabled to attend to his duties till near the end. His last baptism was performed August 14th, 1763, about one month before he died. At the time of his death the floor was not laid in the church ; so they buried him in the church, under the altar. “Tradition,” says Rev. Mr. Harbaugh, “has preserved his name in good savor, aS an earnest and pious minister. The church records, at York, bear various incidental marks of his zeal for the church, and his personal piety and devotion.” 104 Earty GEerMAns OF NEw JERSEY “After the laying of the corner stone,” says the records, “the pastor expressed the following wish : In the church now to be erected may Piety preside, Holiness reign, Truth ever prevail, Love and Harmony dwell.” After Mr. Wirtz left the Valley, the congregation was without a pastor for a number of years. It is probable, however, that the people enjoyed the occasional ministrations of Rey. Caspar MICHAEL STAPEL, who was settled over the German church at Amwell. This Mr. Stapel was an energetic and efficient minister, and his labors at Amwell were greatly blessed. In a short time, eighty-four persons were added to the church, and his consistory declared that he has “thus destroyed the thought, that in a short time, New Jersey must acknowledge the English Presbyterian church as their church.” But Amwell is now a Presbyterian church, and there is not a German Reformed church left in the whole region in which Stapel may have labored. He probably preached also at Alexandria, Knowlton and Stillwater. _ Mr. Stapel was born in 1721 and died March 17th, 1766. He was buried in the cemetery at Ringoes. October zgth, 1762, the consistory of the church at Amwell wrote to the Synods of North and South Holland in regard to Mr. Stapel. They praise him and gratefully rejoice in his success. There are, they say, two schoolmasters laboring under his direction ; they stand fully under the coetus; his ill-natured wife refuses to come to this country ; they desire them to call upon her in the Hamburg papers, to come to her husband, and, if she does not obey, to free him, have him legally divorced, that he may marry again ; “‘as it is necessary for a minister, in this coun- try, to be married.” They say seven years, the legal time, has transpired since she abandoned him. Stapel signs himself President of the Coetus of Pennsylvania, in a letter to the Fathers in Holland, May 17th, 1763. He was also president of a special meeting of the same body, October 24th, 1763. His will dated Feb. 12th, probated March sth (?), 1766, [Trenton, Lib. 12, fol. 414], speaks of his wife, ‘left behind in Germany,” and his two sons, John Casper and John Andries, ‘N@TD MOIMNAU WVITIIM ‘AGH ‘ad ‘d ‘LLOOS SHNVE “ADU New GERMANTOWN AND GERMAN VALLEY 105 for whose benefit he leaves 72 ducats, in the care of his brother- in-law, John Peter Franks, of the city of Rostock, belonging to the Duke of Mecklenberg Schwerin. He also makes bequests to Catherine, the wife of John Housilt of Amwell, to the youngest son of Peter Hufman, late of Amwell, and to Peter Mire, “who formerly lived with me.” In the probate of his will he is described as a doctor of divinity and physic. Rev. FREDERICK DALLIKER was the second regular pastor of the churches of German Val- ley, Fox Hill, Rockaway, Alexandria and Amwell. He proba- bly also preached at. Knowlton and, Stillwater. He was born the 2d of February, 1738, and died the 15th of January, 1799, at 60 years of age. The name is said to have been originally de la cour, denoting Huguenot descent. The records of several of the churches under his ministry begin with his pastorate, viz., German Valley in 1769 (May 14th), Rockaway (Lebanon) in 1768 (Nov. 6th), Stillwater with the articles of Union in 1769 (Oct. r2th). The Lebanon book is dated 1762, August 5th, and it may be that the first records are torn out. The inscription on the first page reads Kirchen-Buch fur die Racheweyler Evangelisch-Reformirte-Gemeine, 1762, den 3ten August. At this date Wirtz had left this charge and either Stapel or Dalliker took his place. It seems more probable that Stapel, whose death occurred at Amwell in 1766, and who was there- fore living in this part of New Jersey up to that date, was the pastor of these churches until then. This latter date would therefore be the more probable one for the beginning of Rev. Dalliker’s ministry. He began to preach about 1757, according to the statement on his tombstone, where it is said that “he served the Reformed Church in this country forty- two years.” ~ In the minutes of Coetus (Synod) of 1770, it is mentioned that Mr. Dallicker had left the congregation of Amwell on aecount of strife among them. Hecontinued to minister to the other churches until the fall of 1782. He then removed to Goshenhoppen, Pa., where he remained until 1784. His family will be found in page 320 of the genealogies in Part II of this 106 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY work. He is buried at Faulkner Swamp where a suitable memorial stone marks his grave. The text at his funeral was Heb. XIII, 17. We have in our possession Tue CHuRCH REcoRDS kept by Mr. Dalliker. They are very meagre, however, being not much more than a list of baptisms and confirmations. The following is a translation of the first record made : “Names of elders and deacons of German Valley congrega- tion, 1769. ; : Wm. Welsch, Caspar Eick, Conrad Rorick, Diedrich Strubel. Officers elected in the year 1777, instead of those above : Morris Scharpenstein, Jacob Heil, Peter Heil, Jacob Schuler.” After this we have a “list of those instructed in regard to the Holy Communion and confirmed.” To understand this lan- guage, we must recollect that in those days, no person was admitted to the communion, without previously going to the minister to be taught by him privately, with respect to the doctrines and duties of religion. And all the church members were catechised before every communion. This list, as it ap- pears on the church record, is divided into four parts: First —Single men. Second—Marriedmen. Third—Single women. Fourth—-Married women. For the year 1769, there are fourteen young men, three matried men, twenty-five single women, and three married women—forty-six in all. After this, in the course of the twelve years of Mr. Dalliker’s pastorate, there were eighty-five added to the communion of the church. Among these names, are a number not now found among us, but others are very familiar. The list of baptisms by Mr. Dalliker commences with the year 1768. Among them all, there is only one adult baptism recorded ; all the rest are infants. And for the thirteen years there are two hundred and twelve baptisms recorded—an aver- age of more than sixteen a year. In the year 1774, there were twenty-nine infants baptized, and the number was nearly as great for several years. During the Revolutionary war, there were not so many. During Mr. Dalliker’s pastorate, it was determined to build New GERMANTOWN AND GERMAN VALLEY 107 A New. Stone Cuurcu. Jt is probable that the old log church had been the property of both the Lutheran and the Reformed congregations. At all events, the stone church was built by the two in partnership. Before building, articles of agreement were drawn up, and signed by the representatives of the two churches. The orig- inal paper was in German, and is not known to be in existence at the present day. But we have an old translation of this ancient document. This translation is as follows : “Whereas, we the members of the Evangelic Reformed congregation, and we the members of the Evangelic Lutheran congregation, who by reason of the preachers which we have with Germantown, and by reason of the money expended for the church and parsonage-house dre members of Zion’s Lutheran Church, living in the Dutch Valley, Roxbury township, Morris county, are willing to build a meeting-house jointly : Be it hereby known to all men that the following conditions were agreed to by the subscribers, representing both congrega- tions, viz : I. Both parties have agreed to build the meeting-house at their united expenses, so that none of the parties may throw up anything to the other. II. As the church is built jointly, so it shall be kept up by our posterity jointly : the friendship of both congregations giv- ing us hope that in case of the necessary repairs of the meet- ing-house, the weaker party will be supported by the stronger. III. Both parties, with respect to Public Worship, shall have an equal right; in case both preachers should meet to- gether, then, alternately, the one must wait till twelve o’clock, upon the servics of the other. IV. For the good of both congregations, none shall be ad- mitted to preach, but such as’are under a regular church. gov- ernment. V. Whereas, we do not only concern ourselves for ourselves, but for our posterity also, it is our will and opinion that none of the parties shall or can sell their right, in any way or manner. Acted this 4th day of February, 1774, which is testified : 108 Earty GERMANS OF NEW JERSEY Frederick Dellicker, V. D. M., Henry Muhlenberg, Jr, Deputy Rector of Zion’s. Corporation. Wilhelm Welsch, Philip Weise, Diedric Strubel, Christoph Karn, Conrad Rohric, Leonard Neighbour, Caspar Eick, Roulof Roulofson, his Anthony Waldorf, John Pg eenwechhamer, mar Adam Lorentz, Andrew Flacky. The above is a true copy of the original German agreement, _translated by me the subscriber, this 3d day of May, 1817. CASPAR WACK, V. D. M.” In the building of the house, the people of the two congre- gations turned out in a body to cart stone. It had been a previous agreement, that whoever on the day appointed, should bring the first load, should receive the honor of having his: horses decorated with flags and ribbons which had been pre- pared for the purpose. There was much excitement on the subject, each one determined, if possible, to secure the prize. Judge David Welsh, who lived near the ground, where David the Fourth now resides, determined to try a little strategy. Accordingly on the evening before, he secretly loaded his wagon with stone, and then concealed it through the night. In the morning, he was up betimes, had his horses harnessed, and started for the ground before sunrise. But he was none too early ; for as he drove up to the spot, he heard the heavy wagons thundering down the mountains on both sides. And although he won the prize of the decorations, he was but little in advance of many others. And before he could get his stone unloaded, all German Valley was on the ground. The building erected was a very creditable one for that time. It was of good size, and very substantially built, the walls after standing nearly a century, appearing as strong as ever. And from the present appearance, there was some attempt at elegance in the finish of the structure. That the interior of this venerable building has been so despoiled, is a matter for regret. It ought to have been. pre- served intact, as a sacred relic of a by-gone age. The pulpit New GERMANTOWN AND GERMAN VALLEY 109 floor still remains, high up in the air, about the size of a barrel-head, with a great souriding-board suspended above it. At first no provision was made for heating the church—our fathers being made of better stuff than their children, and not so accustomed to study comfort. After a time a little “‘ten- plate’ stove was introduced, but as this was found to be of little use, a pit was made in the centre of the building, in which, without any chimney, a mass of charcoal was burned. The old people say that this did not warm the house, but it did make many of the people sick, and it was a common thing for people to be carried out of church. The remains of this old charcoal pit may still be seen in the building. It would be an interesting thing if we could have a photo- graph of the congregation to which Mr. Dalliker preached in the new church. There were no dainty little loves of bonnets to catch the admiring eye; neither was there a bewitching jockey hat and feather to drive the young men to distraction. The dresses were not cut according to the pattern of Harper’s Bazar, or Godey’s Lady’s Book, but all was plainest homespun, made up in the plainest style. The men generally wore no coats, and a goodly number were barefooted. The whole as- pect of the congregation was such as would surprise us in these days. There can be no doubt but that you are a better looking people than your fathers. In the year 1782, Mr. Dalliker left the Valley, and removed to Goshenhoppen, Pennsylvania. He died January 15th, 1799, at the age of sixty years, ten months and seventeen days. He was buried in the German Reformed graveyard of Faulkner Swamp. His descendants are still living in the Valley, and at other points adjacent. Mr. Dalliker’s successor as pastor of the Valley Church was Rev, Caspar WACK, with regard to whose life we have a somewhat detailed account. He was the son of John George Wack, a native of Wittenberg, in Germany, who came to this country and settled in Philadelphia in the autumn of 1748. Soon after- ward he was married to Elizabeth Schuyler. He was a shoe- 110 Earty Germans OF New JERSEY maker by trade; a highly respectable man and an elder in the church on Race street, Philadelphia. He had four children : Caspar, John Jacob, Barbara and Elizabeth. Caspar was born August 15th, 1752. When a boy he gave evidence of consid- erable mental ability. His pastor, Dr. Weyberg, became inter- ested in him as a promising lad, took him into his family and educated him. In his seventeenth year he was sent to the vacant church at Lancaster to act as catechist. A few months afterward he preached publicly to the congregations of Tohic- ken, Indianfield and Great Swamp. These congregations were so much pleased with the young preacher that they sent a call to the Coetus for his regular services as their pastor. This was in 1771. According to the minutes of the Coetus, “Mr. Wack was examined in the truths of God’s word, and as to the way of salvation; and, having rendered full satisfaction to the Reverend Coetus, it was agreed and resolved that he should continue to catechise and preach in these congregations as heretofore ; his ordination, however, shall be deferred for the present, till the Reverend Fathers, Synods of Holland, have been consulted in regard to the matter, and what they shall advise shall hereafter be done in regard to Mr. Wack.” The precise date of Mr. Wack’s ordination is unknown. It probably took place as soon as permission was received from the Synods of Holland. He was the first young man born in America who entered the ministry of the German Reformed Church, and he was the first man ever ordained by that church in this coun- try. Shortly after his ordination he received an invitation to visit Europe, with the promise of having his expenses paid and a handsome present beside. But, out of respect for the wishes of his parents, he declined the temping offer and went on with his ministerial labor. His charge was an extensive one, em- bracing a large part of Montgomery, Bucks and Northampton counties. Not long after his ordination he was married to Barbara Leidy, of Franconia township, Montgomery county. He con- tinued in this Pennsylvania charge till 1782, when he was called to the churches of German Valley, Rockaway and Fox Hill. This call he declined ; but, on its being sent to him the second ‘d ‘d ‘NOLLAH SACENS SAIONVIN “ATU ‘d ‘d ‘AA 1INUHA LUAAOU ‘ATU New GERMANTOWN AND GERMAN VALLEY III time, he accepted it, and soon afterward removed to the Valley. Beside preaching in these churches, as pastor, he also supplied the congregations at Stillwater, Knowlton and Sussex Court House. Ms F Eyilp ee i st f A cy } ha Sh me CHAPTER XIII. FAIRMOUNT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. OX HILL was originally the name of the whole region now centering in German Valley. It became the name at a later date of the church now called Fairmount. The history of this church should now follow. We condense the historical dis- Hill was connected with the church of German Valley until 1843. Previously to this date the same pastors served both churches. The first part of Rev. Mr. Ruston’s historical sermon is largely omitted since it treats of the matters already pre- sented in the history of German Valley. It would seem probable that more than 130 years ago there was an old log church at the foot of the hill, on the farm of Mrs. Kate Sutton, now farmed by Mr. George S. Hoffman. May it not be that it was in this church that Michael Schlatter preached in July, 1747, when he speaks of preaching in the church of Fox Hill? All this is buried in deep obscurity, from which there seems to be no resurrection. Tue Seconp CuurcH BUILDING. About 120 or 125 years ago it was determined to build a new house for the service of the living God. Ground was obtained for this church on the hill known as Fox Hill, then called Foxenburgh—the site of the presentchurch. Thename Foxen- burgh was derived from the original owner of the hill—a man 128 Earty GerMAns oF New JERSEY named Fox. It seems that this Fox was a very enterprising farmer, introducing a new and superior variety of wheat into the country. The people took such a fancy:to this brand that they would come to Fox’s place from a great distance around to buy wheat. Hence it began to be said they were going to Foxenburgh—and this name has clung to it ever since. It may be interesting to note that this Fox lived on the farm now owned by Mr. J. Van Dervoort Welsh, in an old log house in the hollow below the house now occupied by Mr. Jacob Helde- brant. The land on which the church stands was given to the. con- gregation by James Parker, the non-resident owner of a vast tract of country in. this neighborhood, and from whom the place was called Parkersville. On this: spot.a church was finally. erected and: dedicated’ to God Almighty. The exact date of the building of this church can not now be. determined, and we can only approximate thereto. It must have been built before 1760, as. by the testi mony of old persons, now dead, it was standing at that date. The old. church must have been a curious affair froin all that is said abeut it. Those who worshipped in it in their younger days—and there are many yet living—describe it as. a wooden structure, shingled, not only on the roof, but on the sides also—it was a shingle church. Inside it was neither lathed nor plastered, but boarded up. The floor was formed of two-inch plank, not-nailed, but pinned down. The seats were the plainest and most substantial that could be made, consisting simply of a board properly supported, and another board nailed up perfectly straight for a back. The house was lighted by two rows of windows, and the shutters consisted of plain boards with long iron bands to secure them in position. Galleries surrounded the church, while the pulpit was not placed at the end, as is customary, but.on one side. This pulpit was hung up, as one who in youth often worshipped there has aptly described it, “like a swallow’s nest,” and a large sounding- board held up by a rod of iron formed a fitting cover for the “Domine.” The women used to bring their little foot-stoves with them, and stopping at some friend’s house near the church FarRMOUNT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 129 would light a charcoal fire, and so keep their feet warm during service. The building of A New Cuurcu was determined on, and finally, in 1816, the edifice was erected. This church was built on the site of the present one, though it was smaller in dimensions ; galleries were on three sides. It was a stone church, like the present one, and, no doubt, was a fine church for the day in which it was built. This building cost $2,850. In the following year, 1817, the church was incorporated according to law, and a board of trustees elected under the corporate name of “The President and Trustees of the First Presbyterian Church in Parker’s Village, on Fox Hill.” Henry Miller was President. The church was now fully organized and ready for work. Mr. Castner did a good work in bringing about a better observance of the Sabbath. Mr. Castner was succeeded by Rev. Jonn C. Van Dervoorr. Mr. Van Dervoort had not as yet completed his education, but was still studying in the seminary at New Brunswick. The Presbytery at first complained against his course as irregular and unpresbyterian, but it finally ordained and in- stalled him. He preached at German Valley and Fox Hill, giving two Sundays at the former place and one at the latter. Although not what would be called an able man, Mr. Van Dervoort was a most excellent pastor, reaching by his tender, earnest appeals the sinners heart. He did not confine his labors to the Sabbath, but during the week, at the log farm- houses, or wherever he could gather a few together, he would preach the glorious gospel of Christ. Thus it was that from house to house he proclaimed Jesus Christ and him crucified. One incident will exhibit his characteristic zeal and earnest- ness, and will show how he would exhort the people till they were greatly moved. On one occasion he took for his text Prov. 29: 1, “He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.” 130 Eart GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY In the course of his remarks he said: “I have prayed with you, I have urged you, I have warned you, I have done every- thing to show you the danger, and I have pointed out the remedy. What morecanIdo? ThisI willdo: I willimplore you here on my knees.no longer to harden your necks’—and falling on his knees in the pulpit, he continued his sermon in the attitude of prayer, producing a most powerful impression. After a very successful ministry, he left here in 1827 to take charge of the church of Basking Ridge. In 1828 Rev. Mancius SMEDE HuTrTon entered upon his duties as pastor of the two churches of Ger- man Valley and Fox Hill. At this time the elders of the church were Morris Crater, John C. Salter, George A. Vescelius and Philip Crater. Mr. Hutton met with notable success in his ministrations, and at one time there was a very powerful revival in the church. The result of this special outpouring of God’s Spirit was the addition of more than forty members to the church, and throughout his pastorate many were continually added. Dominie Hutton left here to accept a call to the South Dutch Church of New York. Never has there been a pastor so greatly beloved as he. During the year 1835 James Scott was installed pastor of the two churches that had so long been united together. During Mr. Scott’s ministry thirty-eight were united to the church—twenty-six on profession of faith. On the 26th of March, 1843, Joseph Magee and John J. Crater were ordained elders by Mr. Scott, though he had already been dismissed by Presbytery to accept a call to the Dutch Church of Newark. The following resolutions were passed at the congregational meeting which accepted the resignation of Mr. Scott, February 14th, 1843: ; RESOLVED, 1st, That the congregation of Fox Hill shall acquiesce in the decision of Presbytery. At the same time they “"MNITM ‘d@ IHINVHIVN ‘AGU “XOUTIM “UH NHOL “ARTY FAIRMOUNT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 131 wish Presbytery to understand that nothing but what appears to be the movement of Providence could lead them to consent to the separation of a union so blessed to them, and one so universally acceptable. Resotvep, 2d, That in accordance with the recommendation of our pastor, Mr. Scott, if Presbytery dissolve the relationship this congregation take measures to support the gospel the whole of a minister's time for the future.” The church of Fox Hill now called as its first pastor the Rev. I. S. Davison. The effect of the change showed itself in a large ingathering of souls into the church. During his stay forty-seven persons were admitted to church membership, thirty-eight of them being on profession of their faith. In March, 1846, two new elders were elected—namely, Fred- erick P. Hoffman and George H. Lindebaury, who still remain with us—the only members of the session as constituted at that time now living. Mr. Davison sought and obtained a dissolution of the pas- toral relation in the spring of 1847. He still lives, being a teacher in the city of Brooklyn, N. Y. It is a very pleasing thought that all the pastors of this church, since its indepen- dent existence, except one (who died on the field), still live to do the Master’s work. Mr. Davison was succeeded after a short interval by Rev. Cuarves M. Oakey. Mr. Oakley last autumn revisited his former charge. It was with great pleasure that the older members of the church once more welcomed their former pastor after twenty-five years’ absence. He is a man of evident piety, having a spirit almost childlike in its simplicity and faithfulness. He eminently illustrates the childlike character of the Christian. Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. One such example of living Christianity is worth a hundred sermons. Eleven persons joined the church under his ministration, two of whom were by certificate from other churches. 132 Earty Germans OF NEw JERSEY Mr. Oakley is still [1876] preaching the everlasting gospel of peace—supplying at the present time the pulpit of the Pres- pyterian Church at Amagansett, Long Island. CHarLes Woop became pastor in 1851, and remained here till 1855. The total membership was eighty-one, which seems to be about the average. Nineteen entered the church on profession, and eleven by certificate, making thirty in all, showing a good degree of success. Two new elders were added, Conrad Rarick in 1851, and Philip Philhower in 1853. The most important event of Mr. Wood’s ministry was the building of the present church. The old church began to be in such a dilapidated condition that a change was needed. The contract was made and the building commenced on the site of the old structure. The present church is considerably larger than the old one, though it has but one gallery, while the other had three. The whole cost of building and furnish- ing the church was $3,800, and at its dedication only $450 re- mained as a debt on the church. The dedication took place July 25th, 1852, the sermon being preached by Dr. M.S. Hut- ton, the former pastor. Before the dedication of the church it was determined to have a bell in the tower. The effort was made and the bell was obtained. It was a great day when the-bell was hung, and the people turned out far and near to lend a helping hand. Fox Hill in this respect was in advance of the neighboring churches, having its bell before German Valley, New German- town or Lamington. The first bell in the neighborhood was owned by the Congregational Church of Chester. This was many years ago. The first time this bell was rung, the people crowded from all around’ to hear, and some even went from Fox Hill for that purpose, and these may remember the min- ister’s coming to.the door and saying that, as the bell was about to ring, they must hold their horses, lest they should run away; and so every man stood by his horse’s head while the sexton rang the bell. These are past days, and with the past has gone much of the simplicity and naiveté that characterized it. FarRMOUNT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 133 In NatHanie. B. Kuinx the church again founda leader. Mr. Klink was a man of con- siderable ability, and during the four years of his pastorate there was quite a revival—fifteen joining the church at one time. During his ministry the church received twenty-six new members. In 1856 Morris Rarick and Peter H. Hoffman were elected elders, neither of whom now act. _ Mr. Klink will be remembered not only as a preacher, but also as a farmer. He was well trained in the farmer’s life, and on the little parsonage lot he would raise grain that all the farmers envied. His spring pigs would weigh in October 250 or 275 pounds, and: he had pork to sell. His chickens were wonderful ; and he would sell eggs all the year round. He kept two cows, and the butter made under the supervision of Mrs. Klink was most excellent. Thus Mr. Klink was.a leader, not only in the pulpit, but out of it in the daily toil of a farmer’s life. After an interval of over a year, Rev. Joun R. Wittox was chosen pastor, and this choice being confirmed by Presby- tery, he was installed in 1861. As Mr. Willox was so well known to those present, it will not be necessary to enter on any very extended narrative.of his pastorate. He remained longer in charge than any minister since the days of Caspar Wack. Twelve years he labored among you, and it was not till the Master called that he laid down the charge which you had given him. Mr. Willox was born in October, 1810. near Aberdeen, Scot- land, He came to this country and taught school for a time in the Valley. Becoming dissatisfied wifh Presbyterian doctrine, he left that church and joined the Lutheran, studying in the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg. His first charge was at Friesburg, Salem Co., N. J., and finally he removed to Riegelsville, Pa., where he was very successful in his labors, 160 being united to the church during his ministry there. In, 1861, having become convinced that the Westminster 134 Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY statement of doctrine contains “that system of doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures,” he sought a return to the Presbyterian fold, Hence he accepted the call to the Presbyterian Church of Fox Hill. During his long pastorate of twelve years, 54 persons joined the church on profession, and 5 by certificate, making a total of 59. He baptized 64 infants, and married no less than 93 couples. ‘ In the year 1869 the church name was changed by an Act of the Legislature to the “ First Presbyterian Church of Fair- mount,” and no longer can it be called Fox Hill—that is a thing of the past. In this year Philip P. Hoffman and John Rinehart were added to the board of elders. In 1870 a fair was held, the second made by this church. This fair was very successful, so that your committee were enabled to refit the church and repair the parsonage. But the faithful pastor was never permitted to worship in the church as renewed. On the 23d of February, 1873, his spirit went home to its reward. Let me quote a few words from the funeral discourse of Rev. I. A. Blauvelt: ‘“ During his last illness, in speaking of his religious life, he said that he had often felt doubts of his final acceptance with God. Since he had been sick, however, and expecting to die, he had fresh disclosures of the love and mercy of God; ‘and now,’ said he, *IT have a full assurance of hope—not that wild, enthusiastic assurance of which some speak, but it is an assurance like that spoken of by the Erskines and the Alexanders—an assurance which rests upon the complete atonement of Jesus Christ.’ And then he went on to say that he took no comfort in looking over his past life; that had been sinful. His hope all rested on Jesus Christ, whose blood cleanseth from all sin. And he con- tinued to speak in this way through his entire sickness. He very often repeated the hymn, ‘Rock of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee.’ The expressions of entire self-distrust and helpless reliance on Jesus Christ which this hymn contains seemed exactly adapted ‘a ‘d ‘NOLSOY SELO “TTI ‘Ag FarirMouNT PreESsBYTERIAN CHURCH 135 to his views and feelings. When he had come face to face with death, he was made to feel that Jesus Christ was all.” So died John R. Willox. He has gone to his rest, and is waiting for those to whom he so long ministered to join him in glory. “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth ; yea, saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labors ; and their works do follow them.” On the zoth day of September, 1873, Rev. Frank P. Tompxins was elected pastor. His stay was short, and marked by no event of general interest, and on July 26th, 1874, the pulpit was again declared vacant. During the next year the church was distracted by a mul- tiplicity of candidates, and it was not till September 1st, 1875, that they were able to unite. At that time a call was made out for your present pastor, Rev. Witi1am Otis Ruston, who accepted it, subject to the consent of Presbytery, which, at its fall meeting, granted the request of this congregation, and your pastor was installed on the sth of October. During the past winter God has graciously visited your community, and many souls have-been gathered into his garner. You have also deemed it wise to adopt the plan of term eldership, and have elected to the office of ruling elder the following persons: George E. Salter, Frederick Hoffman, Elias Hockenbery and Peter Hoffman, in addition to George H. Lindaberry and Philip P. Hoffman re-elected. These were ordained and installed on Sunday, May 6th. There have been three churches erected on this spot—rst, the old shingle church ; 2d, the first stone church, 1816 ; 3d, the second stone church, 1851. And now, brethren, from this history gather courage. The church has seen many a day of trial and dismay, but “hitherto hath the Lord helped us.” It is the Church of Christ, and we feel assured the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Out of the depths God has again and again brought you, and to-day you are stronger than ever before. This is the old church con- 136 Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY secrated by the memories of your fathers. Give it your vener- ation, your love, your devotion. From the past gather strength for the future, and go forward rejoicing always in the Lord. Dr. Ruston, whose admirable historical discourse we have had to condense, is now the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Dubuque, Iowa. He is also vice-president of an institution for the education of German ministers to labor among their fellow-countrymen in the West. Dr. Ruston remained until February, 1877, when he was followed by thé Rev. Titus EL_woop Davis, whose pastorate continued for three years. Mr. Davis was born at Flatbush, Ulster, Co., N. Y., April 15th, 1851; graduated from Rutgers College, 1874; from the Theological Seminary at New Brunswick, 1877. He was licensed to preach May ‘22d, 1877, and was ordained and in- stalled as pastor of Fairmount Church August 12th. 1877. He resigned on account of ill health in 1880. Since 1890 he has been pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Bound Brook. Ina letter to the writer he speaks with great pleasure of his minis- try at Fairmount and still cherishes the friendships formed while he was pastor there. He was succeeded by the Rev. Epwin W. Lone, who began his ministry September 18th, 1880, and resigned April 28th, 1884. Mr. Long was well known and greatly respected by the neighboring congregation of German Valley as well as by his own people. He is now laboring most ac- ceptably as pastor of the Green Hill Church, at Wilmington, Delaware. The church was vacant for three years when the Rev. Jonn RUTHERFORD was installed as pastor May —, 1887, and resigned February? 1891. Mr. Rutherford was a man of a good mind, a genial dis. position and an earnest spirit. He was followed by the candi- date Tituman S. RusH June 13th, 1891. He resigned 12th November, 1893. ATEN oP Tie DAT) oa EC) by CHAPTER XIV. THE REFORMED CHURCH OF LEBANON. EBANON, as it is now called, is a village of modern origin, but as the site of a church its history belongs to the first settlement of New Jersey by the Ger- mans. Before the old church was built in the old graveyard, there was a build- ing erected in Potterstown near by, which was dedicated on Saturday, September 11th, 1731, by Rev. W. C. Berkenmeier, pastor of the Dutch Lutheran Church of New York. But we can carry the history of this place still farther back. For there is a strong probability that the first German Lutheran service, of which we have any record, was held on the site of this church on the first of August, 1714. For we find that at that date a son of John Peter Appelman was baptised “at the house of Ari de Guinea on the Raritans, at our Christian Lutheran gathering.” This was the record en- tered by Rev. Justus Falckner in the church book of the First Lutheran Church of New York City. Now we learn that the ‘plantation, on which the church at Potterstown was situated, was sold to Matthias Sharfenstein on the 29th of July, 1741, by Aree Vangenee [the same as Ari de Guinea]; and by Matthias Scharfenstein’s heirs was sold to Cornelius Wyckoff on the r1th of May, 1761. The words of special interest in the deed are, “containing about 132 acres, be it the same more or less, ex- cepting always forth of the same, a small lot formerly conveyed, to William M. Kinney [McKinney ?], and one other where the 138 Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY Lutheran meeting house is built, both of them containing about one acre and half a quarter of an acre.” This farm was located by the late Judge Thompson, of Readington, who had surveyed formerly all through that vicinity, in Potterstown, placing the church on the site of the former tavern building. The only ground for doubt is the statement that Ari Vangenee bought the farm in question on the 3d or 4th of April, 1730, from Benjamin Rounseval. This may mean simply that he got his deed at that date. At all events, however it may be with the church service held in 1714, there is no doubt at all about the service there in 1731. There was a church at the same time near Pluckamin devoted to German Lutheran and probably also, if preachers could be found, to German Reformed service. Of course the church at Lebanon was the successor of this church at Potterstown. It is most probable that this church building, east of Lebanon, was used by Rev. John Conrad Wirtz during his pastorate from 1750-1761. ‘As the two churches at German Valley and Fairmount were built 1761, to take the place of the one building which was between these places on the “Aunt Katie Sutton farm,” so it seems probable, that, as a result of Mr. Wirtz’s labors, a church was erected near its present site at Lebanon at the same time. The visits of Rev. Michael Schlatter, from 1747 to 1750, to this place, then called Rockaway, have been already narrated. The congregation was taken under the care of the Presby- tery of New Brunswick. In doing which measures were taken by the Presbytery to avoid giving offense to the Dutch Reformed body. Werts was taken up as a probationer on Sept. 3d, 1751, and having received a call from the congrega- tion of Rockaway in Lebanon township, on the 9th of May, 1752, he was ordained as their pastor on the sth of June, 1752. It is not at all unlikely that Werts had been laboring among the German Reformed churches of New Jersey for several years before 1751. : The history of Lebanon church belongs to that of German Valley, Stillwater, Alexandria and Amwell, as these churches THe REFORMED CHURCH OF LEBANON 139 were all served by the same ministers most of the time. We may add to these “Sussex Court House.” Caspar MicuarL Stapet, who lived in Amwell township and served the German Reformed church near what is now Ringoes, probably also preached in Lebanon. He was succeeded by Freperick Dat- ‘LICKER and he by Caspar Wack. The history of these minis- ters is given in connection with the history of German Valley. In June, 1788, the High Dutch Reformed congregation in Lebanon township was incorporated. ‘The officers mentioned in the act of incorporation (on record at Trenton), were Peter Aller, Jacob Gearhart, Peter Young, Peter Henry, ueare Gearhart, Hans Peter Apgar. The modern history of the church or the period when the preaching was altogether in English, began with the pastorate of Rev. Jacoz I. Suuttz, who according to his own record in the church book, accepted a call from the United Congregations of Rockaway and Rock- away in Lebanon, September 2gth, 1816, and was ordained and installed their pastor on November 26th, 1816. The last record of baptisms by Rev. Caspar Wack is made in the handwriting of Mr. Shultz. They occurred on May 27, 1816. During his sixteen [or eighteen ?] years pastorate he baptised 334 children and adults. This isa remarkable show- ing and would seem to indicate either a very large field of labor or a larger birth-rate than is the case to-day. Mr. Shultz was succeeded by the Rev. Cuaries P. Wack, whose record of baptisms begins July, 1835. From this date until July 12th, 1840, only 73 baptisms are recorded. The last baptism performed by Mr. Shultz was on April 25th, 1835. In Mr. Wack’s place came the Rev. Ropert Van AMBURGH, who was twice called to be pastor of the Lebanon church, in 1740 and again in 1753, after he had been away for five years. Mr. Van Amburgh was born January gth, 1809, near Pough- keepsie, N.Y. He was engaged in work on a farm until he was twenty years of age, when he was converted and decided 140 Earty Germans or NEw JERSEY to study for the ministry. He graduated from Rutgers Col- lege in 1837 and from the Theological Seminary in the same city in 1840. His first charge was at Lebanon, where he was the means of increasing the size of the congregation and where he was abundant in labors overa field of labor eight or ten miles square. He resigned from this charge in August, 1847, but was called a second time by this congregation to be their pastor in August, 1853, when almost immediately the old brick church gave place to a new, convenient and elegant frame structure. During the interval between his two terms of ser- vice as pastor in Lebanon, Mr. Van Amburgh had been pas- tor of a church at Fordham, N. Y., and from there he removed to be the pastor at Hughsonville, N. Y. He also took charge in 1869 of the church at High Bridge, N. J., which he had been instrumental in organizing. He next took charge of the church at Lower German Valley, and afterwards of the church of Annandale, also organized under his auspices. Here he re- mained pastor until 1878, when he retired from the active ministry. He lived until his death in the village of Lebanon. During the interval that separated Mr. Van Amburgh’s two pastorates, the church was served by the Rev. JoHn STEELE for a period of five years from 1848 to 1853. The next pastor was the Rev. Wittiam B. VawN BEeNscHOTEN, who came in the year 1870 and remained until 1873. Rev. JosepH R. CAMPBELL succeeded Mr. Van Benschoten in the year 1873 and remained for two years. Rev. S. W. Ros, D. D., became the pastor of this church in the year 1875, and resigned in the year 188r. Rev. Witiiam E. Davis, is the present pastor, and his ministry in this field promises to continue for a longez period than that of any of his predeces- sors. In September, 1893, he celebrated the twelfth year of his pastorate there, and also the anniversary of the origin of the church. “ONOT ‘M NIMC ‘ATH ‘dOOM SATUVHO ‘AgU CHAPTER XV. SETTLERS OF UPPER GERMAN VALLEY. man Valley was first known, and by this name the earliest surveys were located. It is marked on the map by the course * of the South Branch of the Raritan from its descent into the valley below Flanders 2 to its union with Spruce Run Creek at Clinton. The village of High Bridge forms a convenient ter- minus at the southern end. In length it extends in a south- westerly direction for about eighteen or twenty miles. It is situated between Schooley’s Mountain on the west and Fox Hill on the east. FLANDERS, the northernmost town in the valley, is a small hamlet pic- turesquely situated, which was formerly a scene of considerable industry in the old time forms of manufacturing. Burr Montanye in 1808 made high hats from Muskrat skins and.also from wool. A bill of the above date was presented to Jonathan Nicholas for 56 dollars for a number of hats. Joun Avers was one of the first settlers. His house proba- bly occupied the site of the present residence of David Ayers Nicholas his grandson. John was the grandson of Moses Ayers of Basking Ridge. John Ayers moved from the latter place to Mendham, and from there to Flanders, where he bought 19 142 Earty GrerMANS OF NEw JERSEY acres in 1763. This land includes a large part of the present village. The first school house was a log building and stood on the site of Mr. D. A. Nicholas store. The present school building is the second on the same lot, which was bought in 1805. JonatHan Nicuoxas was another of the early settlers. He came from Wales with a brother, who died during the Revolu- tionary war. His son Rhece, the father of David A., married Elisabeth, the daughter of John Ayers. William Bell, Matthias Luse, Daniel Barber, William Monroe and Paul Drake, a blacksmith, were also landowners here at a very early date. , The land on which the village is situated was part of the Breeches tract, 563 acres of which were sold to Jabesh Heaton by William Allen in 1770. There are in the village three general stores, kept by Floyd Woodhull, Rev. Daniel E. Frambes and the one lately carried on by David A. Nicholas. A grist mill and blacksmith and creamery add to the business of the place. | One of the earliest Methodist Churches in this State was established here in 1788. The Presbyterian Church is a daughter of the Chester congregation. The post office was established in 1822, and from 1827 to about 1867 it was in charge of Rhece Nicholas and his son David. BaRTLEYVILLE is two miles south of Flanders. It contains the foundry and machine shop of Wm. Bartley & Sons. Established in 1846, this firm have enlarged their business, until they are now extensive manufacturers of portable saw mills, turbine water wheels, bark mills and general machinery. In this place a forge was.started about 70 years ago by David Welsh, the fourth, who was succeeded by Kempel and he by Hugh Bartley. The upper line of the Budd tract runs through the mill pond in a course north twenty-six west across the valley. This tract was taken up by John Budd October 22d, 1714 [Burling- ton Lib. fol. J, and contained 1804 acres. This was sold 22 June, 1733, to Wm. Allen. The northernmost farm, of 310 SETTLERS OF Upper GERMAN VALLEY 143 acres, on this tract was bought by Dietrick STRUBLE, a mason, December 17th, 1770, for £166 ($442.66). This farm is now divided into the farms belonging to the John P. Sharp and the Decue estates. Dietrick Struble was one of the first elders of the Reformed church in the Valley. He came from Germany and arrived at Philadelphia on the 5th of September, 1748. His wife’s name was Elisabeth Catherine and he had at least eleven children, whose descendants are found in Sussex, War- ren and Hunterdon counties and in Pennsylvania. He removed from the Valley to Hampton township, Sussex Co., and is said to have died in Pennsylvania at 100 years of age. Marruias ABLE bought the next farm of 109 acres of Wm. Allen before 1767. This Matthias was probably a brother of Michael, Paul and Andrew, and a son of Matthias, who arrived in Philadelphia from Germany in 1728, Sept. 4th, in ship Rose- tree. This family is quite numerous and settled also at Hack- lebarney and in Tewksbury township, Hunterdon Co. The Able farm was owned in succession by Jacob Arnold, Philip Darmer, William Welsh and Morris Sharpenstein, who bought itin 1800. It included the mill property at Four Bridges. Morris SHARPENSTEIN bought the next farm of 361 acres on the 31st of March, 1767, of Wm. Allen for £344 ($917.33), and divided it by will in 1781, between his two sons Morris and Peter. Morris was probably the oldest son of Matthias, who lived at Potterstown, Tewksbury township, Hunterdon Co. He may have been a nephew of the first John Peter Sharpenstein, who lived near German Valley. AnTHONY WaLporrF bought the 258 acres between Sharp and the road crossing the valley at Naughright. Anthony, grandson of the first Anthony, was the last who owned the whole farm, which was divided in 1808 among his children. This family probably came from the town of Waldorf, whence the well known family of Astors originated. Anthony had six children, John, Martin, George, Anna, Margaret and Gertrude, the wife of Adam Rhinehart. They have disap- peared from this vicinity. This property was sold out in parts to Abraham Sharp, whose descendant, Frederick Sharp, now owns the larger part of it. 144 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY Conrap Rarick bought 150 acres in 1773 of William Hew- lings on the western side of the valley next to the Budd tract. This farm was part of 294 acres, surveyed to Daniel Smith, of Burlington, in 1754. Of the rest of this tract Grorcr, JosEPH and Jacos Mryers appear to have been the owners. At any rate George sold 33 66-100 to Morris Alpock, May 7th, 1808 and 118 to William Rarick in 1811. This tract was surveyed to Daniel Smith [Burlington. Lib, S, fol. 217], June roth, 1754, and sold to William Hewlings February 23d, 1755. Conrad was the ancestor of all the Raricks who settled in this vicinity. He arrived at Philadelphia probably from Erbach, Wittenberg, October 8th, 1744, with Jonannes HEnp- RICK, who may have been his father or brother. The latter appears on the court records of this county in'1753. He was one of the first elders of the Reformed church and sometimes read sermons in the absence of a minister. His eldest son Henry removed to Northern New York State and his other sons Conrad, John and William remained in New Jersey. Conrad also bought, May 28, 1767, lot No. 9 of the Boynton tract containing 143 acres, NAUGHRIGHTVILLE. CHRISTOPHER Kern received in 1766, Dec. 16, the deed for 4go acres on which Naughright village now stands. He had settled upon the land some years previously. He paid £466 ($1,242) to Wm. Allen for the land. [Trenton Lib. A F, fol. 81]. The Kern family is scattered throughout northwestern New Jersey and Canada. It is supposed that Christopher’s father Jacop came to Philadelphia from Germany in 1739 in the “Jamaica Galley.” It is claimed that considerable prop- erty is awaiting the heirs of John Jacob in the old country. The Kern property included what are now the farms of Elias Buchanan, John T. and John D. Naughright. The village of Naughright contains a grist mill now turned into a felt factory, a store and a blacksmith shop. It was ‘formerly a place of very busy activity, a large busiuess in wagon making being carried on by the late John Naughright. A creamery is situated about a mile north of the village, owned LEBANON REFORMED CHURCH. SeTTLers or Upper GERMAN VALLEY 145 until lately by the Hon. Wm. Naughright. Iron mines were opened on the mountain west of the village by the late Theo. Naughright, but proved unremunerative. . A Union Chapel was erected a few years since above the school house and religious service and a Sabbath school are regularly maintained. William S. Fisher is the Superintendent of the latter. The store belongs to George Swackhamer, of German Valley. Mr. Axford, a veterinary surgeon, owns the blacksmith shop and Hamley and Batson carry on the felt factory. Herman Bitzer occupied the last farm on the Budd or Allen tract as early as 1750 and until it was purchased by John Peter Scharpenstein. Nothing is known of the Bitzer family, except that the name occurs among the settlers at Annsburg, near Rhinebeck, in 1711. This farm of 455 acres included the farms of Willard Apgar, the Wyckoff and Lambert Sharp place, and perhaps the Henry Wise, the Baldwin and Lance farms. FREDERICK SOVEREIGN bought May 10, 1768, part of the Ebenezer Large survey or 240 acres for £125 ($333). This survey joins the Budd tract on the west. This land, 240 acres, was sold by Sovereign on May aist, 1801, to Garret Lake for $2,400. The name Sovereign was originally spelled, as. signed to the deed to Garret Lake in German hand-writing,,. Friedrich Zofrin. Frederick may have been the son of Johannes Soeffrens, who landed at Philadelphia 19th September 1734. He had probably ten children, of whom one, David, bought a farm on the Robins’ tract north of his fathers, and another, Frederick, removed to Sussex Co. The Sovereens of Pottersville, engaged in the iron furnace there are of this family. Some of the children of the second generation removed to New York State, Garret Lake was the first of the name in Morris Co. His descendants still live on the original property. Silvester Lake owns the original homestead. Garret was a Quaker, and came from Hunterdon Co. He was the son of Garret, who died 1781 in Amwell township, and the grandson of THomas, who died 1765. The Rev. John W. Lake is a grandson of Garret. CHAPTER XVI. SETTLERS OF GERMAN VALLEY. GERMAN VALLEY. Pa, pr “e UR own village of German Valley is sit- ‘: y uated on the Logan tract of 1,666 2-3 \ acres, surveyed to James Logan on the rath of May, 1713 [Burlington, Lib. B, fol. r18, and Lib. E, fol. 154], and sold by me (>, James to his son William on the 9th of AS E-2/ July,31743. It was resurveyed zoth June, 1749, and found to contain 1,813 acres. This tract was all bought by, or at least the deeds were given at about the same time, 1749, to six purchasers, John Peter Scharpenstein, Philip Weise, Tunis (Anthony) Trimmer, William Welsch, Leonard Neighbor and Matthias Trimmer. The oldest part of the village is the grist mill, which was first run by Philip Weise, as early at least as 1767. In1791 the mill belonged to Nitser and Welsh. Of the houses still stand- ing, the residence of Richard Schoenheit, called the Old Fort, F. D. Stephens house and the Hagar Weise residence, are the oldest and were probably built about 1774. The old Hager house is probably as old as the above. William Nitser was the first tavern keeper and he was fol- lowed by Jacob Drake, Jr., 1800-4 ; Lambert Boeman, 1805-9; David Welsh, Jr., 1810; Joseph Miller, 1811-13 ; Azal Coleman, 1814-16; Philip Crater, 1816-18 ; William W. Willett, Archibald Sickley, James Fisher, Will. D. Lusk, David Crater, Philip ' & ." ae CACem. | (664. TTS ia poy VALLE t || Johannes! “ RY 4 boss! H.Hoffmarr We — Sif - ‘ 4 i Lowrance h 1750 pyron has preter Oe rg a a Washington Township YX a oe b ; 147 John 17 GG Thom K y T. F! Chambers. TERDON co. OS) Bee . \ as 6 Broken lines hound fay Ben. EE. UNTER ; Whole ie % TS “ tracls Sw 75 Oo Ac. SETTLERS OF GERMAN VALLEY 147 Crater, James R. Denniston, John McCarters, Will. Goodwin, George Crater, Augustus Mettler and Nelson Hyde. The grist-mill, referred to above, has been recently furnished with new process machinery, and is now owned and run by Isaac W. Dorland. M.T. Welsh carries on an extensive lumber and coal business ; and the stone quarries of Mr. Bartles and Mr. Schoenheit, the latter leased by Lyman Kice, are found to meet an increasing demand for superior building stone. John Todd is the blacksmith. John Peter Nitser, the first storekeeper, was succeeded by William Nitser and he by Lawrence Hager. The present stores are kept by George Swackhamer, in the building erected by Samuel Welsh; by Jesse Weise, as the successor of Hagar Weise and his son Edward; by Lyman Kice, succeeding his father-in-law Morris Naughright. The F. D. Stephens Co., agents for the Florida steam heaters and engaged in the tin-ware and stove business, carry on an exten- sive business. Also the Allen and Van Nest Steam Heating Co., have their headquarters here, The German Valley Quarterly, formerly The Independent Quarterly, has been published here for twelve years and has attained a circulation of nearly four thousand. The two churches, Lutheran and Presbyterian, both date back 150 years. Jouannes PeTer ScHarpensTeIn bought the first farm in the northern part of the tract. He was in actual possession of the 210 acres, for which he paid £100 ($266), when he received his deed in Philadelphia on the 8th of December, 1749. His farm, like the others, ran across the tract from one side of the valley to the other. It is probable that John Peter was a brother of Matthias Scharpenstein, of Potterstown, and there- fore an uncle of Morris of the Upper Valley. He died intestate in 1760. He had at least seven children: Morris, Mary Cath- erine, the wife of Lawrence Hager, the first ; John Peter, whose descendants are all those of the name of Sharp now living in this vicinity; Anna Maria, the wife of William Hann (son of William 1st); Jacob, who kept a tavern at Hackettstown ; George, who removed to Sussex Co., near Lafayette, where ie descendants are still found ; and Anthony, who lived for a time 148 Earty GERMANS oF NEw JERSEY on Schooley’s Mountain, but afterwards moved away. An account of the other families of this name, who lived near Lebanon and in Greenwich township, Warren Co., will be found in the genealogies in Part IT of this work. It is quite probable that the Sharps, as the name is now spelled, came from the vicinity of Rhinebeck. If that should be found to be the case, then their origin in the old country was in the town of Sassenberg, County New Witt, or Neuwied, and their arrival was as early as 1710. They are found in New Jersey as early as 1734. Puitip Weise purchased the next farm of 262 acres for £125 ($335), and was in actual possession, when he received his deed December 8th, 1749. He settled here probably as early as 1743, if not in 1738 At this date he arrived in Philadelphia on September 11th in the ship Robert and Olliver along with Leonard Neighbor, Stephen and John Michael Terriberry, Philip Dufford, Sr., and Philip Dufford, Jr., and Heinrich Shenckle. Philip Weise had two sons, Philip and Jacob and two daughters, Elisabeth, the wife of John Hager, and Mar- garet, the wife of William Nitzer. His descendants are living on the original property. He or Philip, Jr., built the “Old Fort,” now Richard Shoenheit’s stone house, in 1784. Tunts Trimmer bought the farm next to Philip Weise of 315 acres for £150 ($400), 3oth May, 1750. This farm included the farms now occupied by Mrs. Addie Hager and Matthias T. Welsh. Tunis was the son of John, of Hunterdon Co., and the brother of Matthias, of German Valley. He died 1754. His will [Trenton, Lib. 8, fol. 77], dated 7th November, probated 21st December, 1754, names wife, Elisabeth, and children: Paul, the oldest; Mary, who perhaps married 2d December, 1768, Caleb Swayze ; and Anthony. Thomas Faircloe, who was appointed, Nov. rst, 1770, the guardian of the son Anthony, may have married the widow Elisabeth and not, as we have stated in the genealogy, the daughter of Tunis. The property was bought by John Hager, one of the executors of the will, before 1759. Jouannes Hecer (Hager) had first settled in Hunterdon Co., Tewksbury township, and from there came to the valley SETTLERS OF GERMAN VALLEY 149 and occupied a part of the “leased lands.” He was one of three brothers, Hans George Hegi, Johan Hagea and Jacob Hagea, who landed at Philadelphia from the ship Dragon 30th of September, 1732. One brother, probably George, went to New York State, and Jacob Hauge, or Hager, another brother died in Oxford township, Warren Co., in 1757. The descend- ants of the latter probably removed from the State. The Hagers, of Holland township, Hunterdon Co., are of another family and came from Pennsylvania to this State. John, of . German Valley, had a son Lawrence, who remained in the val- ley; and John, who bought a property at Drakestown, 1763, and kept a tavern at the cross roads. Jacob, a third son, lived near Newberg, on the Musconetcong ; George bought 330 acres of land above Springtown on Schooley’s Mountain, first about 1776, then repurchased it in 1796. This property is in the pos- session of one of his descendants, Mrs. J. V. Stryker. David, the youngest, lived for a time on the mountain and then moved away. The late Hon. John Sharp Hager, Senator of the U.S. from California, was a great-grandson of John’s oldest son, Lawrence. His father, Lawrence 2d, kept a store for many years in German Valley in the old stone store recently torn down. Wituiam We tsa, or Johannes Wilhelm Welsch, as it is in the original German, bought the farm next to Tunis Trimmer in the year 1743, as is stated in an old field book of Caleb Valentine. But he did not get a deed until probably the last payment was made on May 3oth, 1750. He paid £122 ($325) for 258 acres.. On the 8th of April, i779, he sold to his son - David 175 acres, part of which he had purchased from John Hager in 1759, November sth. William and Michael Welsh arrived from Germany at Phil- adelphia, 27th September, 1741. Jouannes Micuaet Wexscu had a fulling mill on the Mus- conetcong, near Newberg, in 1768, but nothing further is known of him or his family. William married Elisabeth, a daughter of Leonard Neighbor, and had a son Wz//zam, who became very wealthy owning land in Hunterdon and Morris counties. The first William was one of the first elders of the Reformed church. 150 Earty GerMANS OF NEW JERSEY Judge David, the first, was another son. He lived where Jacob Welsh now lives, and was a very prominent man in church and state. He had no children. Pfz/ip, a third son, lived for a time on the Isaac Roelofson farm at Naughright and then occupied the old homestead, now belonging to his grandson of the same name. The late John C. Welsh, Esq., was his grand- son. The latter was President, when he died, of the Hacketts- town National Bank, which owed its success very largely to his unusual shrewdness and practical sagacity. He was also in other respects a leading man in the community, whose counsel was sought by men from far and near, and he occupied most efficiently for many years the position of an elder and leader in the Presbyterian Church of his native place. LronarD Neicusor or Leonhard Nachbar, as the name was originally, bought the fifth farm of 310 acres, on the Logan tract for £147 ($352). This land was left to his only son ‘Leonard 2d, by whom it was ordered to be sold to one of his family. Leonard 3d then bought the farm and left it at his death to his two sons, Leonard and Jacob, one taking the Arthur Neighbor place and the other the Silas Neighbor farm. Leonhard, the emigrant, might be called the “ Father of the Valley,” inasmuch as every Shenckel and every Welsh and nearly every Trimmer must trace their descent up to him. For his three daughters married respectively the heads of these families: dary Elisabeth married John William Welsh, Anna Martha married Matthias Trimmer and Anua Margaret married Heinrich Schenckle. Of the children of Leonard Neighbor, 2d, Nicholas and David went West and founded the ' town of Newcomerstown, Ohio, about 1815. Their descendants are found also in Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and California. Mr. Byron Roberts, of Topeka, Kansas, and Mr. L. B. Neighbor, of Dixon, Illinois, belonging to this family, are men of prominence in the community. “Uncle” David Neighbor, of Lower Val- ley, who was born 1797 and died 1892, at the age of 95 years, and whose birthdays were annually celebrated by large gath- erings in his home to do him honor, was remarkable for an equable temperament, a judicious mind, unimpeached integrity and a genial disposition, all of which were sanctified by a fer- REV. WILLIAM E, DAVIS. REV. ROBERT VAN AMBURGH. | SETTLERS oF GERMAN VALLEY 2 15i vent christian faith He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church for many years ; a member of the Assembly:and of the Constitutional Convention. His son James Leonard is a prom- inent lawyer of Dover, N. J. Marrnias TrimMeR bought the farm next to Leonard Neighbor, the last one of the Logan tract. He paid £160 ($427) for 33834 acres, of which he was in actual possession, 30 May, 1750. This property now includes the farms of William Dufford and James Anthony. It was divided by Matthias in 1793 between his sons John, who received 220 acres, and David, who received 110 acres. He also owned 30 acres on Schooley’s Mountain, 265 acres in Lower Valley, which were left to his son Jacob, and on Fox Hill, 70, which went to David, and 150, which were given to Leonard. He owned altogether 845 acres. Matthias was the oldest son of John Trimmer, who came with his brother from Germany or Holland to America. The brother and his family cannot be traced. All of this name in Morris and Hunterdon counties are descendants of John. He probably arrived in ship Davy at Philadelphia on the 25th of October, 1738. He and his son Matthias were naturalized by act of Assembly in 1744. He-had twelve children by two wives, nine sons and three daughters. Four of his sons settled in the valley. Besides Matthias, William settled east of Middle Val- ley and had one son Conrad; Tunis on the Hager property, and Nicholas near Parker. George, Harbert and John settled in Amwell township, Hunterdon Co., where their descendants are still to be found. Tue Leasep Lanps included all the Budd and Scott tract. This tract was divided into farms, which were leased in 1747, for a term of one hun- dred years. The farms, however, were passed from owner to owner, and as the rent was sinall, it was not regularly paid and the settlers looked upon the land as theirs in fee simple. Disputes arose and the heirs of the original lessors scattered throughout the country refused to resign their title. In the meanwhile the land had arisen in value and was worth contend- ing for. For fifty years or more up to the year 1844 the title to these farms was in dispute. No one cared to spend any 152 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY money in improvements, of which some one else might reap the benefit. Fences and buildings and the proper care of the land were largely neglected. Finally at the above date a com- promise was effected ; commissioners were appointed to sur- vey the whole tract and allot the different sums which each farm was to pay towards the whole amount, which had been agreed upon between the parties. The long contest was thus at length decided and new deeds were given, which were made valid by a special act of the legislature, passed the 8th of March, 1844. Beginning at the northern end of the Budd tract, the first farm of 200 acres wes leased in 1747 to Jacop Durrorp. A copy of this lease, now in the possession of James Anthony, will serve as a sample of the rest. It is dated the 2oth of May, 1747. John Budd of the County of Morris, gentleman, and Sarah his wife, to Jacob Tefort, weaver of said county, gives a lease * * of a certain tract of land in that place called Long Valley, whereon he now dwells, lying on both sides of the Rarington River, bounded as follows * * by lands of James Logan and Stofe_ _Terberger, * * the said Jacob Tefort from the 26th of March last past [1746], for and during the term of 96 years * * and the said Jacob Teford doth agree * * to pay 3 Spanish Pistolls [ ] of full weight ov or before Nov. Ist next ensuing. On failure of payment of said rent, twenty days after the respective days of payment of said rent yearly * * the said John Budd may enter upon the leased lands themselves and seize &c. any goods or chattels &c. which shall be found thereon and keep them 20 days and if no payment bé made to redeem them then the said John Budd may sell them at auction to the highest bidder and the overplus * * be returned to the lessee. The witnesses are Nathan Cooper; Andreas Kilian ? and Johannes Heger are in german. This lease is endorsed on the back with the No. 5, and the words, John Trimmer and Adam Winegarden were present when I took possession of this plantation, with consent of Stephen and Jacob Tefort, Aug. 8, 1781. ‘ Jacob Dufford, to whom the lease was given, was the son of Puitip Torort or Dufford, who was the first of the name to come to the valley. He arrived at Philadelphia 11th Septem- ber, 1738, in the ship Robert and Olliver. He was probably of Huguenot origin, the name being Devoor or Dufoor. (See Genealogies p. 342). He died 1767, his son Jacob having probably died before him. His son Adam probably removed to Greenwich township, Warren Co., as his name is found on the “Old Straw Church” book. His son George has left no descendants in this vicinity. Phz/p, /r., also disappeared very ‘SETTLERS OF GERMAN VALLEY 153 early. /acod is therefore the ancestor of all of his name in this section. Of his sons, Matthzas settled on Schooley’s Mountain, where he bought 185 acres of the Stevenson tract in 1775; George Stephen (“ Yerestuffy”) remained on the old place, now ened and occupied by Nathan Anthony and Abner Dilts. STEPHEN TERRYBERRY (‘Stofe Terberger”) leased, in 1747, the farm of 150 acres, next to Dufford. This is the farm now owned by Isaac Sharp Vescelius. About 1796, when Jacob Trimmer bought his 600 acres below the county line, John Swackhamer moved from that place, where he was living, to the Terryberry place, which his son Frederick occupied for many years. Mr. Vescelius is a descendant, on his mother’s side, from both these families. Stephen died 1776 and left two daughters, Wargaret, who probably married John Swackhamer and ELiisabeth, who married Adam Sager. His son George Frederick removed to Oxford township, Warren Co., and his son Philip settled upon Schooley’s Mountain, where he owned considerable property which was left to his‘son Philip 2d, who died in 1852. Jouannes Hrcer leased the next farm, which was after- wards owned in succession by William Welsh zd, Aaron Howell and Anthony Trimmer, by whom it has been sold to his son the Hon. Hager Trimmer. Tuomas Niet leased, in 1752, 166 acres east of the three farms mentioned above. Of this family nothing is known. In 1744 John Dufford and Adam Hoffman diwided this tract between them. é Lorentz SCHLEICHER (“ Sliger") leased the next 200 acres in 1750. In 1844 this plantation included the land of I. Ves- selius (13% acres), Dr. Sherwood (75.90), part of S. G. Hoffman and David Swackhamer. Lorentz was the father of all of his name. He was one of the signers in 1749, of Rev. J. A. Weygand’s call. He had at least three sons: ohn Leonard, of whom nothing is known; Lorentz, who went to Wyoming, but whose son came back here and settled at Pleasant Grove ; /ohn George, settled at Beattys- town. Peter Mains leased in 1747 the next farm of 133 acres. 154 Ear_y Germans or New JERSEY The Mains family, of which Peter was probably the first, re- moved to Stillwater and to Sparta, where they are still to be found. This farm was owned by David Miller in 1844. ‘ Joun Stine, leased in the same year, the next farm of 217 acres. This farm was afterwards owned by Jacob Kern and George Wack. The Stine family have removed from this vicinity. Joun Henversuor leased 13th April, 1747, 333 acres for eight years rent free, ‘‘to make improvements.” This planta- tion was afterwards, 1760, leased by Scott’ to Tuomas Nett for 84 years. The Neil family have disappeared. The first of the name of Hendershot was probably MIcHAEL, who came to New York in the second emigration in 1710. He had probably six children, Casper, Maria Sophia, John Peter, Michael, Elisabeth, Eva and John. These children settled at Hackensack, in Monmouth and Sussex counties. Some of their descendants probably went to New York State. The John who settled on the leased lands is said to have come from Connec- ticut and to have afterwards removed from German Valley to Greenwich township, Warren county. The name would indi- cate that they came from Holland. CornELius Hospock took the next 150 acresin 1747. This included the farms of Silvester Neighbor and George Trimmer. The former of which has recently been purchased by Mr. Hoffman. The Hobbock, or Hoppock, family was probably of Holland descent. Cornelius was probably a brother of Hendrick, Teunis and Jost. The family is now scattered from Lambertville to Sparta. Jacops Bovine held the lease for 133 acres, which now be- long to William N, Swackhammer. The Bodines descended from the Huguenot Jean Boudin, who came from the town of Medit, France, to London before 1681, with his wife Esther Bridon. He died on Staten Island in 1695. He had a son Francis, whose son Isaac settled at the North Branch. Jacob was probably the son of Isaac. Another son of Isaac, viz. Frederick, was probably the father of Gilbert, who lived in -_ > ~ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF LOWER VALLEY, SETTLERS or GERMAN VALLEY 155 Chester township, and whose daughter Elsie married Matthias ‘Trimmer. On the east of the original Budd tract land had been bought by Scott from Daniel Smith. This was included in the leased lands, MicuaeL Pace, a son-in-law of the first Welsh, leased 1775, 58 acres of this tract. This farm belonged to Philip Philhower in 1844. Michael kept a tavern here in 1772. He afterwards removed with his family to Wyoming, Pa. One son, John, remained here and was brought up by his uncle, Judge David Welsh. Two daughters, Elisabeth and Susan, married respec- tively, Conrad and William Rarick. Michael had a brother Daniel, whose son Frederick left many descendants settled for the most part in Mud street. WILLIAM TRIMMER, probably a son of the first John, in 1775 leased 84 acres and Thomas Neil 30% next to him. William appears to have had only one son, Conrad, who was the grand- father of Asa and Nathan Trimmer and of Uncle Jesse Hoffman. MIDDLE VALLEY, about three miles from German Valley, is situated on the Budd tract or “the leased lands.” Dr. Esenezer K. SHERwoop, a physician, was settled here more than half a century ago, practiced medicine in this region for 45 years, and at one time maintained a private asylum for the insane. He-had come from Somerset county, having orig- inally belonged to Connecticut. His son, the Rev. Jonathan H. Sherwood, married Dr. Hutton’s sister, and was for many years the beloved pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Milford, New Jersey. Davip W. MiLuer kept the store more than fifty years ago. His character is well described in the following obituary notice which appeared at the time of his death : In Brooklyn, N. Y., February 12th, David W. Miller, died in the 68th year of his age. There is a special significance and value in this notice, in that it is the record of the death of the last one of a family of nine brothers and sisters, in the lives and death of all of whom is strikingly illustrated the covenant faith- fulness of God. : 156 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY The father of this family was one most fitly characterized by the phrase “An Israelite in whom is no guile.” The mother was a woman remarkable for earnest, enthusiastic, active piety. These parents, as will be readily inferred, trained their house- hold in the fear and admonition of the Lord. And they were privileged before they died to see all their children in’ visible connection with the church of Christ, and leading lives of con- sistent piety ; they witnessed the joyful, triumphant departure of more than one of them, heard from over the sea, words of calm Christian faith of one who died in a far land; and after they had ascended each of the surviving sons and daughters, as they successively departed, left behind them good evidence that they had gone to join the covenant host. One of these was Jacob W. Miller, who served New Jersey in the United States Senate twelve years ; another was William Miller, well known in Newark and vicinity as an orator of rare promise, but who died at an early age in the city of Paris, where he had gone in the vain hope of arresting the progress of a fatal malady. : David W. Miller was born in German Valley, New Jersey, in the year 1799. He was a man of ardent, enthusiastic spirit, gifted with good intellectual powers, and especially a vivid imagination, and on several occasions addressed public assem- blies with marked effect. His leading characteristic was ardent devotion to the cause of Christ. In every agency that seemed fitted to advance that cause, he took an earnest, active and untiring interest. He was one of the earliest movers in the cause of Sunday schools in his county and State ; and one of the first addresses on that subject published in the State was from his pen. In the country neighborhood where he lived many years, some miles from any church, he sustained, much of the time almost unaided. the ordinances of religion, laboring untiringly in the Sunday school, the evening meeting, by prayer and ex- hortation and the reading of good books to quicken believers and save the impenitent. He delivered an able address at Morristown, N. J., roth April, 1827, at an anniversary of the Morris County Sunday School Union. SETTLERS OF GERMAN VALLEY 157 He removed from German Valley to Brooklyn about the year 1848, and was there employed for a series of years alter- nately in private business and government employ. During the war he was for some time in the work of the Christian Commission, being actively engaged with earnest devotion and hearty satisfaction, as in his true work amongst the sick and wounded at City Point. During the last ten years of his life, with impaired health, and no regular business, he gave what strength he had to every good work that presented itself, being deeply interested in and a constant attendant upon the noon-day prayer meetings. The Miller family of this vicinity were descended from Joun Henry Mirier or Mueller, who was born in the village of Niedermastahn in the Zweibrucken Palatinate, and came to Philadelphia 12th August, 1752. Henry had four children, Elisabeth, the wife of Christian Kline, Mary Catherine, the wife of Baltis Stiver, Henry, who settled at New Germantown, and David, who settled at Middle Valley. A daughter of the latter married Rev. John C. Vanderwoort. Of the other children of David, of Middle Valley, William W. and Jacob W. became prominent lawyers, the latter being first Senator of New Jersey and then of the United States, both being acknowledged to be men of pre-eminent gifts both as orators andlawyers. William W. however died young and left only the promise of a great career. - Awpreas MILuerR was the ancestor of another family of the same name, which settled in the vicinity of Hackettstown. CHAPTER XVII. SETTLERS OF THE LOWER VALLEY. Lower VaLuey, CaLiron AND HicH Bripcs. Lower VALLEY. EGINNING with the county line of Hun- terdon county we enter upon the West Jersey Society tract. This comprised speaking generally all of what is now Hunterdon county, at least that part of it which is west of a line drawn from Pickels Mountain to Pottersville and north of the boundary line, which runs between Hunterdon and Mercer counties. It contained 91,800 acres, of which there was owned, before 1760, by Allen and Turner 10,800 acres; by Coxe and Kirk- bride, 11,377; by Coxe and King, 1,527; by Hoff and Bonnell, 500; by Harmon Rosencrants, 568; by Alexander, Morris, White and Dunstar, 10,500; surveyed and laid out in farms 32,000. As early as 1735 this tract was settled by a number of people and leases were given for four years to 98 families of farms in size from 50 to 300 acres. A list of these names will be found in the appendix. These were all the settlers on the whole tract with the exception of the ten thousand acres sold to Coxe SETTLERS OF THE Lower VALLEY 159 and Kirkbridge, which extended from Clinton to Flemington. Jacos Trimmer, son of Matthias rst, bought a tract of 603 acres from Livingston, being lots No. 68 and 69 of his allot- ment, for £1809 ($1809 ?) gold or silver, 4th July, 1797. The land is described as now in the possession of John Swackham- mer. There was excepted from this purchase a farm of 81 acres previously (4th July, 1794) sold to Rev. Caspar Wack. This well known Trimmer tract is now in possession of Jacob’s descendants. John Swackhammer, son of Samuel, the emigrant, was charged in the year 1766 with the rent of lot No. 69, of 448 acres, valued then at £896, and Jacob Cummins with the rent of lot No. 68 of 238 acres. SAMUEL SWACKHAMMER Settled on a part (162 acres), which he had bought, of a tract of 376 acres, which belonged to Anthony White, at least as early as 1762, and it may be that this was where he was settled in 1735. This tract extended from the road to Califon from the Lower Valley, southwesterly on both sides of the South Branch, two-thirds of the distance to’ Hoffman’s crossing. The farm north of Swackhammer’s, of 126 acres, had been bought in 1762 by Philip Sheeler, and an- other lot of 2% acres was in possession of Conrad Swackham-. mer, and a fourth part of 66%4 acres was occupied by William Haugh (Hawk ?). The two latter parts were unsold. SAMUEL was the first of the Swackhammers and came to this country in 1731. He died in 1782 at 82 years of age, leav- ing a family by three wives of 25 children, 73 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren. Such is the statement in the old German church book by Dominie Graaf, but his will only names 13 children, of whom we can trace the descendants of only Conrad and John. The former, Conrad, leaving descend- ants in Hunterdon county, and the latter, John, in Morris. Puitip SHEELER, now called Schuyler, was the first of his name in New Jersey. He was born 1718, married Ann Ander- son and died 1784. He had 14 children, of whom Philip and Jacob removed to Sussex county, while Peter, William and John left descendants in Hunterdon and Morris counties. 160 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY CALIFON. The village of Califon is of comparatively recent origin, but more than makes up by the rapidity of its growth for delay in starting. The name was originally California, which became ab- breviated to Califon. Jacob Neighbor, who formerly owned the mill there and also the store, gave thename to the place. Several years ago the Methodists rebuilt their church and now worship in one of the most beautiful and convenient churches in all this region. The Rev. Mr. Jones, the present pastor, is a.man of fine elocutionary powers as well as a liberal minded and enter- prising pastor, and under his ministrations the church is grow- ing in size and efficiency. The business men are noted for their enterprise and push. G. W. Beaty and J. W. Beavers and Peter Philhower are the general merchants of the place, S. N. Weise and the Weise and Neighbor Company are extensive dealers in a superior quality of lime. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF LowrER VALLEY. This church is located in the southeast corner of the town- ship, near the thriving village of Califon. The original mem- bers were from other churches, and more especially from the Presbyterian Church at German Valley, with which it was at one time connected. Many of the members living in the vicinity of Lower Valley began to feel the need of a place of worship nearer home, and September 30th, 1870, half an acre of land, upon which the house now stands, was purchased of Samuel K. Weller. A building committee was at once ap- pointed, consisting of Samuel Trimmer, Oliver Bunn and David Neighbour. The corner stone was laid in May, 1871, by Rev. I, A. Biauvelt, of the German Valley Church, and the building was completed and dedicated December roth, 1871. It is of wood, 38 by 65 feet and cost $12,000. May 7th, 1872, this church was regularly and legally organized by the Presbytery of Morris and Orange, with the following constituted members: On certificate from German Valley Church, George Neighbour, Elisabeth Neighbour, David Neighbour, Jacob M. Trimmer, Susan L. Trimmer, James Trimmer, Catherine Flumerfelt, Adaline Neighbour, Garctine Apgar, John Neighbour, Marga- ‘NOSHUAANGH ‘CF 'M ‘ADM ‘ad ‘a ‘aiqu NHO¢f ‘AqU SETTLERS OF THE LOWER VALLEY 161 tet Q. Neighbor, Charles Miller, Mary Miller, James Foster, Ellen Foster, Elias V. Cregar, Eliza Ann Cregar, Sylvester Neighbour, Zilpha Neighbour, Mary Trimmer, Elisabeth Miller, Gilbert Trimmer, Caroline Trimmer, Samuel Trimmer, Ann C. Trimmer, Leonard G. Neighbour, George E. Naugh- right, Caroline Trimmer, George Apgar and Ann Naughright ; from Pleasant Grove, Rachel Apgar, Peter Bunn and wife, Abraham Hoffman and wife and Oliver Bunn ; from Flanders, Mary Welch ; from Reformed Church at High Bridge, Benj. Cole and Sophia Cole; from Evangelical Lutheran Church of Spruce Run, O. B. Hoffman and Margaret A. Hoffman. The first elders were George Neighbour, David Neighbour and Jacob M. Trimmer. May r8th, 1872, the following additional elders were elected: Elias V. Cregar, Benj. Cole and Abraham Hoffman. In 1874 the church officials purchased three-quar- ters of an acre, adjoining the church lot, and built thereon their present beautiful and commodious parsonage at a cost of $4,000. The first pastor was Rev. I. A. Blauvelt. He preached at German Valley in the forenoon and at Lower Valley in the afternoon. He was succeeded in December, 1871, or January, 1872, by Rev. R. H. Van Amburgh, who remained only till February, 1872, when Rev. John Reed was called. He was succeeded by Rev. Chester Coe Murra, installed in May, 1875. His successor was Rev. W. J. Henderson, installed in May, 1877. Rev. James R. Gibson was called 1884, and remained the pop- ular and efficient pastor of the church until the year 1894. For six months he was pastor of a Presbyterian Church, of Berwick, Penn., but was called back to his former charge, which had been unable to unite upon any one to fill his place. Mr. Gibson resigned on account of impaired health to seek relief in the employ of the Prudential Insurance Company, of Newark. He was followed by Rev. A. Nicholson, who is the present pastor. The church a year or two ago purchased a pipe organ at an expense of $1,200, and have recently procured an expen- sive steam heating apparatus. This church is now in the Presbytery of Elisabeth. Present value of property, $16,000 , 162 Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY membership 154. The Sunday school was established in 1840 by David Neighbour, the first superintendent. Hicu Bripce. This township was included in the Allen and Turner tract of 10,000 acres. The whole tract was purchased, 21st October, 1752, of the West Jersey Society by William Allen and Joseph Turner for £3,997, New York currency. It included 586 acres previously purchased by them [Trenton, K, 194]. In 1742, December 1st, William Allen had purchased 3,000 acres and in the deed a forge is spoken of as already in opera- tion, The same company owned land in Sussex county, includ- ing the Andover Furnace, and in Chester township, Morris county. They were large iron manufacturers and are said to have been engaged in this business as early as 1728. In 1802 the tract including the present township of High Bridge and also part of Bethlehem, was divided into 52 farms. The map of these farms is now in the possession of Mr. Lewis Taylor, of High Bridge, who has kindly permitted it to be. copied and it will be found in this volume. Witiiam Axpocx occupied farm No. 1 of 184 acres. On the 23d of September, 1734, there landed at Philadelphia, Zacharias and John Wilhelm Ahlbach, with three others of the same name, who were under sixteen years of age, viz., Johann Wilhelm, Joh. Gerhard and Johann Peter, Zacharias and Wil- liam occupied parts of the Society Lands in 1735. The three brothers William, George and Peter, who tradition says were the first, were probably of the second generation. Of these Peter settled in Alexandria township, and George, between Bray’s Hill and Cokesburg. Morris ALpock was the first of the name in Morris county and owned or occupied land on the road from Bartley to Flanders. He had three children, William, Philip and Elisa- beth. From the first of these, William, have descended all the Alpocks of Morris county. William bought 223 acres, in 1773, of the Bowlsby tract, between German Valley and Chester. This farm is now owned by Theodore Coleman. Morris, his oldest son, owned 265 acres.at Naughright until his death in 1835. 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A TF wus & se Sep S Mey WA4 Peyroyy geomlleyy wats @. chs fe SPU a ney amu, ayo iv 7099 I91T FES SUG § ez Seaaby SE egp rosy, froe 7 00 09 bare 67130 eal 499% cas wo I oN &y 8 7 E g re y ie Bs L oN sory aia y e 4POL7 oF 8 ‘ Gon y Ke a 3 ye 7 of & : hh Gh 9985 7" Pep ov z o / a a 2s * is y BRU BLE sary] Loe y 3 tner oe fe: 2 82 oN ¥ tomas 09S 8 | ero a ss N WIETIOS vaps07y hiuapy 07 194s09 0570 aren Xo, d Gh ns yous0r FY) Spy UNA* by NS it gu? ee zi S28 ‘5 aye O eS "ss gL 2 5 & _ Fg SS SETTLERS OF THE LowER VALLEY 163 Henry Linpaperry occupied lot No. 3. He was the ances- tor of those of his name in Tewksbury township and in Morris county. He had eight children, Conrad, Jacob, Harbert, Ann, the wife of Tunis Updike, Casper, John, George and Eva, the wife of Peter Hockenberry, Conrap Linpazerry, who removed from near the White- house to Hope, Warren Co., was probably the brother of Henry. GEoRGE LINDABERRY, of Whitehouse, the grandfather of William N. Lindaberry, ae Hackettstown, and Mrs. Leonard F. Apgar, of Middle Valley, may have been a brother of Henry and Conrad. There were originally two brothers, Conrap and Nicwo.as ‘LEINENBERGER, who came to Philadelphia, 15th September, 1752. Caspar Lindaberry bought in 1796 a farm of 176 acres east of the John Sharp place near High Bridge. JosepH HockenBerry, who occupied lot No. 5 of 266 acres was probably a grandson of Herzert, who died in 1769, and left twelve children, of whom six were boys, viz., John, Peter, Jost, Henry, Giricienher and Harman. Harman Lance occupied lot 9 and Hersert lot 12. Three brothers of the Lance family came to this country together. They were /acob, who settled in Warren county, and whose descendants are found near Sparta; Michael, who died in Greenwich township, Warren county, leaving five children ; and /ohn, who was the father of Harman and perhaps also of Herbert. The three brothers came to Philadelphia on October 28th, 1738, in ship Thistle. Matruias CRAMER was probably the father of George, who is found on lot 11 of 193 acres. The former had at least two sons: Matthias, one of whose daughters, Anna, married John Hager, and another, Mary, married John Sharp ; Morrzs, who removed to Mendham, and left descendants in Chester township. Joun Apam ApGaR was probably the first of the family in this country. His name was originally Ebcher and he came from the borders of Italy. His oldest son, Herbert, was prob- ably the father of George, who occupied lot 13 of 268 acres, and of Peter, who lived upon lot 17 of 219 acres. There were ten sons and one daughter of John Adam, the 164 Earty Germans or New JERSEY emigrant: Herbert, who settled east of Cokesburg; Henry, in Alexandria township, Hunterdon county ; Jacob, west of Cokesburg ; Peter, of Lebanon ; John Peter, near Whitehall ; William, of Clinton ; Adam, of Cokesburg ; Frederick, of Alex- andria township; Conrad, of Mountainsville; George, who. went West, and Catherine, an only daughter, who married first John Emery, and second John Sharp. Joun Srazs, an English school-teacher, who came to this country adout 1762, was the father probably of Daniel and William Seals, who lived on lots 22 and 15 respectively. John lived on lot 20. ‘NOSAHID "YH SHNVE “ATU ‘NOSTOHOIN GaadTV¥ “AKU CHAPTER XVIII. SETTLERS OF UNIONVILLE. NIONVILLE, or Parker, inclitdes the hilly section between German Valley and Fox Hill. The post office is in the storé of Mr. Sutton, at the cross-toads where are also the school house and a blacksmith shop. Tue Bowtssy TRACT of 2,365 acres iN taken up in February, 1765, by Thottias Bowlsby, joins the valley tracts on the east. Part of this, 1,662 acres, had been surveyed 29th Octobet, 1714, for Samuel Barker - (Burlington L., 3 and 4]. _ Wituiam Axpock bought 225 acres of this tract 1773. This is now the farm of Theodore Coleman. Conrap Bunn bought the next farm of 358 acres November 18th, 1772. Of this land Bunn sold 112 acres to John Dean ih 1783, and he to Andrew Shatigle in 1801. The fest finally canie into the possession of J. J. Crater and Stephen I. Howell. CAres Swayzir bought 250 acres next to Conrad Bunn, and on both sides of Mudd street. This farm was sold to Conrad Bunn. From Conrad it came to Jolin Bunfi and the latter sold thie 250 acres for $t,o00 to William D. Lusk, 17th Novembet, 1824. The Messlar property, formerly Lomersons, belotiged fo this land. Two hundred atid eight acres wete sold April, 1855, by James Vanderveer and D. C. Horton to Heriry M. and Sef- ing Hoffman. Hedges Howell sold the next farm of 159 actes to George Weise in 1847. It ig now owned by Latiertian. 166 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY Joun F. SmiruH owned the next farm of 110 acres, which is now Theooore Philhower’s. ' JeremiAH ApGaR owns the next place of about go acres. Isaac Howe. bought at an early date about 243 acres, which was divided up at his death into six shares, now occupied by his descendants. Peter HorrMan now owns the next and most southern farm on the Bowlsby tract. It contains 97 acres, 48 acres west of this farm and between it and the old Trimmer property there were 48 acres which were sold in 1790 by J. Culver to Leonard Neighbor. “NicwoLas TRIMMER purchased 119 acres extending from the old Fox Hill road at Parker to and across the present turnpike. This is the property on which the store and school house stand. It now belongs to the Salter estate. Conrap Bunn bought 158 acres, including the presen’ Albert Bunn farm, of Gershom Gard, roth July, 1784. North of this property Nicholas Trimmer bought, 9th March, 1789, 155 acres which he sold 1820, April 4th, to George Dufford. Henry SMITH gave a mortgage 8th March, 1784, to Caleb Swayzie for 123 acres between the Shangle farm and the Alpock in Cherry Valley. This completes the Bowlsby tract, THe WETHERELL TRACT bounded the Bowlsby tract on the south. It contained 1,100 acres and was taken up 1719 [Burlington, Lib. A, fol. 148]. The eastérn end of this tract where John Rhinehard lives ‘was sold to Apam Lorentz in 1750. Of his 250 acres Lorentz sold 100 to Anthony Waldorf in 1754 and the latter sold the same in 1784 to Adam Rhinehart. The other 1 55 acres (the western half) were sold to Jacob Frazee and by him to Leon- ard Shangle in 1793, and by Leonard to John, Jacob and Frederick Shangle. On the opposite side of the road is the old Rhinehart place. ‘ In 1773, November 13th, Asa Budd to William Smith sold a farm of 119 acres east of the old Rhinehart place and running from the Rhinehart road to the road to Pottersville. “NOMTTVO AO HOWDHD CT CW SETTLERS OF UNIONVILLE 167 AnTHony ScHENKEL bought 120 acres south of -the old ‘Rhinehart place, 16th December, 1793. The rest of the Wetherill tract was divided into three lots, ‘which were bought by Philip Crater, Jacob Miller and John ‘Snyder. Puitip CRATER bought 243 acres in 1 785, including the Barkman farm. Jacos MiLuer purchased the farm south of this of 243 acres, ‘This plantation included the Walter’s of 163 acres, and another ‘farm of 71 acres. q WiuiamM FLeminG bought the farm west of these, called lot ‘No. 3, containing 280 acres of John Snyder in 1708. Tue Davenport TRacr ‘ran almost east and west between the road on the north, separ- ‘ating it from the Wetherill tract and the Hunter survey and the county line on the south. It contained about 500 acres, ‘was taken up 29th October, 1714; was sold to Joseph Reckless -23d October, 1747, and on a resurvey 19th April, 1748, was found to contain 585 acres. Morris CretTER bought 7th February, 1748, 308 acres, or the western, and ANDREW ABLE, the eastern half of the same ‘amount at the same date. Both these purchasers were in ‘actual possession at the time of signing the deed, and it is ‘probable that they first settled on the land some years previ- ously, paying a little on the land each year until thé full amount was reached, when the deed was given. Morris CrRETER was the ancestor of all of the name in New ‘Jersey. His brother Joun probably came to this State with him, as his name 1s found on the old Tewksbury township book in 1756, but none of the descendants of the latter have been found. Morris had four children: _/acob, an imbecile; Morris, whose son Philip owned considerable land in Chester township and whose son Morris was the grandfather of Rev. Dr. W. O. Ruston’s wife ; 42/7, who owned land in Chester and near Unionville, ;and whose son Matthias had descendants at Glen Gardner ; Esther, who married Thomas Van Buskirk. ANDREAS ABEL was probably an uncle of Matthias of Upper 168 Earty Germans or New Jersey German Valley. He had two children, Michel and Paul. The former owned the land on which the first church (4 union church) of Fox Hill stood. Heinricu ScHENKLE probably settled on the farm (of 167 acres) east of the Davenport tract. This he left at his death in 1769 to his wife for 14 years, when (1788) it was sold to Henry’s oldest son Anthony. Besides Anthony he had four sons and four daughters. Joun Bunn, of German descent, settled on the farm in the extreme southeastern corner of the township, before 1756. He was the father of Cunrap, who bought the land near Union- ville. It is not known whether he had other children. Another family of the same name was settled in Somerset county. There were Bunns of English descent from Woodbridge, New Jersey, in Hunterdon county. The name would suggest a Huguenot origin. JosepH Van Pett purchased in 1799 161 acres or part of the Benjamin Hunter survey of 250, which was between the Davyen- port tract and the county line. Pup PHILHOWER was the great-grandfather of the family ef that name now settled east of Middle Valley. Andrew Jesse, Jacob, Elias and David, are sons. of Philip, who was the grandson of the first Philip. The last named probably had a brother George, who went to Virginia, and a father George Philip Wuhklhauer, who landed at Philadelphia 16th Septeniber, 1748, from the same vessel as Rev. Casper Wack’s father. Tue Reaping Tract, which this family once owned, has always been difficult to survey. It contained 250 acres and was frequently sold. It jointed the leased lands on the east and the county line on the south. CHAPTER XIX. SETTLERS OF SCHOOLEY'’S MOUNTAIN. Bupp’s Lake—Mounr Orive— Drakerown— Fiock town— SPRINGTOWN—SCHOOLEY MouNTAIN SPRINGS— PLEASANT GROVE. AER > 1S LL iD AUTKAUIANNING is the name by which WSLS Budd’s Lake was called by the Indians and in the early surveys. It lies half in the Reading arid half in the Eyre tract. When the former of these was first sut- veyed John Reading was on a surveying : trip in this region. Of this trip he has left an aecount in his diary, now in the possession of the New Jersey Historical Society. As an illustration of the wild con- dition of this part of New Jersey at that time.we quote a few extracts : May 22 ([1715}. Left Allamucha * * kept ad path which led to a very pléasaiit pond [Budd’s Lake] being upon the head of a branch of the Rarington, called south brarich, being near a mile over and two miles in length ; kept the path about two tiiles farther to an Indidn plantation called Chanonigong, where we slept that night. May 23. -We went back in the morning to aforesaid pond where we laid out a tract [the Reading survey of 680 acres} having got an Indian to help us and Jay by the pond all night. May 24. We waited in the miorniig for some venison which the aforesaid Indian prontised to bring ud, but failed. Went-to the Indian plantation where we surveyed and it raining very fast in the afternoon lodged there all night. During this trip, as far as the Water Gap and down the Mus- conetcong, the party suffered from want of food and required thé help of an Indian gtide, during part of the time. Nothing 170 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY but Indian settlements are found west of Whippany or the Passaick river. The family of Budds who settled very early on the upper part of the lake gave their name to this body of water. . Jesse M. Sharp, of German Valley, purchased land along the eastern shore and erected the large hotel which is now located there. The post-office was established in 1857. Mr. OLIvE, the nearest village, was named ‘from Benjamin Olive. The Presbyterian Church in this place was at first a preaching station of the Chester church. Thus the Rev. James Harcourt, probably, preached here as early as 1752. The Baptist Church was constituted with about twelve members in 1753, as a branch of the church in Morristown. In 1786, September 27th, it was organized as a separate chargé. In 1768 James Heaton gave an acre of land for church, burial and school purposes. The trustees to whom the deed was given were Jacob and Job Cossett (Corzat) and Richard Stephens. A log building was probably already built upon this land at that date and was a union church. » SamueL Hearon and his’ three brothers are said to have come from Wrentham, Mass., to engage in the iron business. ‘Samuel was an overseer of highways in Roxbury township in 1741. 3 DRAKETOWN: is situated on the farm of 200 acres purchased by Ebenezer ‘Drake in 1759, This land was part of the great Boynton tract of 3,314 acres, taken up by Joseph Pigeon, 8th October, 1718 [Burlington A, 193]. This tract was sold to Boynton and, in part, by him to Allen. “SAMUEL Barer bought the Drake farm and sold it in 1800 to John Peter Sharp, of German Valley. The latter left this ‘property to his son John in the year 1826. The last named built a store, which is still in use. At the cross-roads a tavern was once kept by John Hager, who bought the farm there of 200 acres from Joseph Arney in 11763, who had bought it in 1736 from William Biddle, of Phil- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF SCHOOLEY’S MOUNTAIN, “2 SETTLERS OF SCHOOLEY’s MouNTAIN 171 adelphia. Hager sold to Jonas Smith and Smith to Jeremiah Pool, 17th April, 1800. Tue Boynton Tract was very early divided into lots of 100 and 200 acres. Lot No. 1 was bought by Thomas Batson and sold to Peter Hiles. . Lot 2 was bought by William Allen who sold to Lambert Van Sickle and he to Philip Scheeler and the latter to John Smith i in 1802. ae Lot No. 3, bought by Thomas Batson, was sold to Samuel Shoemaker and by him to Joshua Howell, 1771. 7 Amos Grandin bought lot 15 of nearly 400 acres, and Wi- LIAM “Wire purchased 319 acres of him roth September, 1804. Jonathan Bilbee bought 100 acres of this land, which he sold in 1839 to James Force, the father of Thomas, the present owner. The Raricks and Waterhouses owned a considerable number of « acres on this tract. ; “ "“DanreEL Lawrence gave in 1768 a mortgage for 260 acres ‘east of the Boynton tract. Siras Drake gave a mortgage on 200 acres north of the ‘Schooley tract to Magdalena Cook of New York. In 1796 Lockman sells 100 acres of this land to Benjamin Coleman and in 1802 the rest of the heirs sell the same to John Coleman, the son of Benjamin. ‘ Joun Kempte sells 4o acres of the remaining hundred to John Coleman in 1802. The latter sold 120 acres to Daniel Young in 1818. The Schooley tract (200 acres) was sold to ‘Thomas Culver in 1749 by Thomas Batson. Tuomas Cover (son of Thomas) sold 46 acres to Jabesh -Pembleton in 1794, to whom also George Colver sold 18 acres ‘in 1802. Amos Cotver disposes of 44 acres in 1808 in trust tor his daughter Sarah Van Sickle. FLOCKTOWN. Marruias Tuomas bought the Benjamin Wright tract of 400 ‘acres which had been sold before 1761 to John Eaton. Anpreas Frock and his son Matthias bought the whole-600 172 Earty Germans or NEw Jersty acres of the tract sutveyed to Collins and Gosling and sold to Samuel Furness in 1720. Davip,Zorrin (Sovereign) bought the Daniel Robbins tract of 333 acres, which had belonged originally to Samuel Johnson. Part of this is now the Robert Durham property. The Schooley tract running along the road from north to south was formerly owned by the Ayres, Forces, Lefoy and Hance families. H& HoLiinsHEaD TRACT was surveyed to Joseph Hollinshead 24th July, 1755, and con- tained 807 acres. After passing through several hands it was conveyed in 1798 to Thomas Bowlsby and Christian Hoffman. By the latter 19 acres were sold in 1799 to Simon Culver, and 25 to Wm. Little ; 61 to Jacob Teeple (the Read farm) in 1826. Asranam Dickerson bought 90 acres of this tract from Philify Flock, which is now in the possession of his heirs. Tur Hucu Swarr tract of 400 acres, west of the Hollinshead, was surveyed 13th March, 1717, and was sold to John Sharp and Ziba Hazen, his son-in-law. This included the Hugh Menagh tarm. Tur Francis Davenport tract, south of the road running northwest and southeast by Flock’s school house, was surveyed zoth October, 1714, and contained 604 acres, This includes the Searles farm (bought by William Searles in 1816), the Swack- hamer and Parker places, formerly owned by Wm. Hoffman ; the Rettie Hunt and Elias Howell and Orts farms. Grorce Hacer, the son of John, bought the Beswick tract of 330 acres, taken up in 1719, about 1776, but repurchaséd it in 1796. Y SPRINGTOWN is situated on the Elijah Bond tract of 500 acres, taken up 24th July, 1751, and sold to Braithwaite in April; 1771. The Terriberry and Sager (now the Hiram Petty place), the Seneca Wise and Newton Smith farms, are included if this tract. The village contains a hotel, kept by Jacob Drake anid owned by Mrs. Rosé, the blacksmith shop of Matitids Lindabuty and the matble yard of Thomtas ¥. Ward. : SETTLERS OF SCHOOLEY’s MOUNTAIN 173 Between the Braithwaite tract and the valley lands Daniel Smith had taken up 633 acres along the side of the mountain in 1763. Of this 13334 acres were sold to John Sharp in 1807; 55/4 to John Hager in 1795 ; 2134 to Sharp in 1807; 6434 to William Nitser in 1774 and the northern end of 1444 to Sharp in 1807. South of the Smith lands and running along the side of the mountain was the tract of William Hewlings. George Beatty, of Trenton, owned the land between Hew- lings and Stevenson, which included the farms of Jacob Duf- ford, Henry I. Hoffman and Philip Terriberry. West of these was the farm sold by Beatty to Joseph Colver in 1783. Tue Stevenson Tract of 2,550 acres, taken up 4th May, 1713, extends from the Parker road running nearly north and south to the Pleasant Grove road, running in the same direction. The eastern end of this survey was sold in 1726, by the executors of Stevenson to Jacobus Van Sant and by him to George Wood and Simon Hilyer, and by them to William Hilyer. Of this land Abram or Thomas Larew sells 200 acres to David Welsh in April, 1801, and David Welsh in October, 1801, conveys 106 acres ta Richard Gray and 49 to Conrad Rarick. North of this latter lot were 160 acres which Conrad Rarick in 1839 conveyed to C. H. Hendershot. Amos Gray in 1801 owns 80 acres east of Rarick, which John Gray conveys in 1835 to Abram Emmons. Matruias Durrorp bought a farm of 185 acres, west of Rarick and Larew, of William Hilyer in 1775 for £462. West of Dufford is the “still house lot” of 79 acres which was sold by John Sharp in 1809 to Doughty, Ralston & Co. North of this farm were the 112-acres sold 1779 by Joseph Culver to Joseph Heath for $750. Of these 112 acres 20 were bought from Thomas Mill and Nancy in 1787, 30 from Richard Mann in 1793 and the rest were inherited from Robert Colver. This farm now belongs to William Marsh’s estate. The next farm also formerly owned by H. W. Hunt, Esq., also belonged to Robert Colver. Wituiam Henn purchased 350 acres of the Stevenson tract 174 Harty GerMans oF NEw JERSEY in 1745 of Samuel Schooley and his wife Avis, of Bethlehem township, Hunterdon Co. This land Schooley had bought of Isaac DeCou in 1726. Tue ScHoo.eys, after whom the mountain was named, came from England to Burlington. There were several families of them. Samvuert who sold land to Wm. Henn was the son of Thomas, who came to the above city in 1678. He was residing in Bethlehem township when he sold his land on the mountain and probably never resided here. Rosert, the son of William—perhaps a cousin of Samuel— who owned land at Draketown, is said to have resided there until he removed to Randolph in 1740, where he bought 600 acres of the Kirkbride tract. The family were Quakers. Rosert Cotver bought of William Cook in 1748 265 acres west of Henn. This included what is now the Martenis farm. This Robert was the son of John and grandson of John Sr, who came from New London before 1732. His brother Thomas settled near Draketown. They came from Monmouth Co., having gone thither from the mountain. Tuomas Nunn was in possession in 1764 of 200 acres west of the Henn property. He left his property to his two sons Ben- jamin and Thomas, and the latter’s right became vested in Joshua Nunn, grandson of Thomas. Joshua sold to David Colver in 1788. and Colver to Philip Hann, and Peter Woolf, surviving executor of Thomas, the elder, sold the other half to John Bacon who sold to Philip Hann and Hann sold the whole ‘in 1803 to James Hance. Lawrence Hann owned the farm on which the Pleasant Grove church and parsonage stand. Cates Swayzey bought the next farm of 197 acres in 1793 of Andrew Little. Caleb was the sixth child of BARNABAS Swazey who came from Southold, L. I., to Roxbury in 1737. He was a cousin to Israel Swazey, who owned the farm below the min- eral spring. Rozert Cotver, Jr., bought the next farm, containing 140 acres, of Edward Taylor, of Amwell township, in 1774. The farm had come from Stevenson to DeCou (as part of 500 pur- ‘ ‘ad ‘a “TID ‘eM AGU ‘NHOdSO ‘'S UAAONOO “ATU SETTLERS OF SCHOOLEY’s MouNTAIN 175. chased in 1714) and from DeCou to Freegift Stout and from. his executors to Taylor. The Hugh Sharp tract of 230 acres, south of Stevenson's, surveyed in 1715, included the farm of 106 acres sold by Jere- miah Bacon in 1786 to James Hance and that sold to Daniel Dilts in 1802. Puitrp TERRYBERRY purchased very early the farm which he sold in 1784 to Jacob Dufford. Between Dufford and Dilts was the farm of Henry H. Hoffman. The Henry I. Horrman farm was once owned by Frederick Young. It wassoldin 1775 by Nathan to Joseph Colver, by Colver in 1795 to Fred. Young, by Young in 1806 to John Hoff- man and by him in 1808 to. Henry I. Hoffman. Henry I. Hoffman was a son of John Hoffman and a grandson of Henry, who probably came from New York State to New Jersey. Henry I. was a prominent elder in the Presbyterian Church of the Valley. The farm of the late Mrs. George Lindaberry, originally 124 acres, was sold by George Beatty, of Trenton, to Joseph Colver and by Colver in 1799 to Philip Terryberry. Tur Morcan Tract included the Hann farm formerly be- longing to Terryberrys, upon part of which the Dorincourt “house now stands. Tue Bonp Tract of 500 acres was taken up 24th July, 1751, and was sold to Braithwaite in 1771. Two hundred and forty- two acres of this land was sold r5th April, 1795, by Jos. Colver to David Welsh. This included the Seneca Wise farm and the village of Springtown ; the Hiram Petty farm formerly owned first by John Sager, and then by John Terryberry ; and part of the Philip Terrybetry property. Tur Bensamin Hunter Tract of 750 acres was bounded on the east by the road at Pleasant Grove from the store to the county line. It was taken up October, 1714, and included the John P. Sharp farm, probably owned in 1764 by George Eick, the Hann farm and the Walters place, sold in 1818 by Edward Sharp to T. and J. Walters. West of these farms was the Conrad Honness place. The first land purchased by a resident on the mountain was 176 Earty Germans OF New JERSEY the farm afterwards in possession of J. Beatty. This was sold March rst, 1733, to Witit1am Pew, of Lebanon, by Thomas Schooley, of Bethlehem, Hunterdon Co. It contained 136 acres and was afterwards owned by P. Sailor. Tue Evian Bonn Tract of 438 acres next to the mineral spring was taken up in 1719 and sold to DeCou and 321 acres of it were sold by him to Charles Drake in 1779. William Drake, the son of Charles, bought the eastern part (135 acres) in 1807 and Israel Swayzey, son-in-law of Chas. Drake, bought the western end of 175 acres. The lot containing the spring of ten acres was not included in William Drake’s farm. The English settlement, through which the road from the springs to Hackettstown passes, formed part of the large Beswick tract of 1072 acres. Several families of English people settled upon this land at the beginning of this century. They were the Rawlings, Ruslings and DeRoses. Some dispute arose as to the title and an agreement was entered into 25th September, 1817, in consequence of which a new survey was made and the land was divided into lots and assigned to James Upjohn, James Rusling and Anthony Rawlings, so far at least as to give them the share of Ann Bland, while the rest went to the heirs of Ann Dickerson, the other heir of Francis Beswick. Judge Aaron Robertson owned part of the southern end of this tract. South of and next to the Beswick came the Samuel Johnson survey of 364 acres (taken up in 1755) consisting mostly of wood land. — Moore Furman sold to Henry Hance 278 acres along the Musconetcong in 1794. This farm was joined on the west by James Martins who had settled on his farm at least before the year 1755. STEPHENSBURG Owes its name to the family upon whose land the place is situated. This land was purchased before 1800 by Samuel Stephens, the son of Richard, of Mt. Olive. Robert Colver Stephens, the son of Samuel, was an elder in the Pleas- ant Grove church and was a fervent christian and an active business man as shown by his diary, which is still in existence. In 1750 John Rockhill surveyed “to Jonathan Robeson a SETTLERS OF SCHOOLEY’s MouNTAIN 177 tract of 100 acres, besides allowances, north of the Stevenson tract and next to the mineral spring lot. . ScHOOLEY’s Mountain SPRINGS has been a resort for visitors in pursuit of health for over a hundred years. In the year 1770 Dr. Henry M. Muehlenberg, while visiting in this vicinity, tested the virtues of this spring then “recently discovered.” It was probably long known to the Indians and its medicinal properties taken advantage of by them. In Morse’s Geography, published in 1789, the following account is given of this spring, which seems to have become a place of general resort even thus early: In the county of Hunterdon near the top of the Musconetcong mountain there ‘is a noted medicinal spring, to which invalids resort from every quarter. It issues from the side of the mountain in a very romantic manner, and ft is conveyed into an artificial reservoir for the accommodation of those who wish to bathe in, as well as to drink, the waters. It is a strong chalybeate and very cold. These waters have been used with very considerable success, but perhaps the exercise necessary to get to them, and the purity of the air in this lofty situation, aided by a lively imagination, have as great efficacy in curing the patient, as the waters. In 1810 Professor Mitchell, of Columbia College, made an analysis of the waters of the spring and announced as a result that “if there is anything that deserves the name of a pure chalybeate water in the world, this would seem to be such a composition.” The popularity of this spring made it necessary to provide some accommodations for the visitors who resorted thither. Before the close of the last century JosepH Heraru erected a house to accommodate boarders. This building is still stand- ing. About 1809 another building was erected. In 1817 Ephraim Marsh, a son-in-law of Joseph Heath, became agso- ciated with him in the hotel business and erected the main buildings of the group now known as the Heath House. Belmont Hall, recently enlarged and now known as “ The Dorincourt,’ was first erected about 1820 by Conover Bowne of New York. It was afterwards owned in succession by William Gibbons, of Madison, then by his daughter, Mrs. Francis Lathrop, then by Edward Holland and finally by the late 178 Ear_y GERMANS OF New JERSEY David Crowell. At Mr. Crowell’s death the house was started anew under a different name and with greatly increased accom- modations. The Hon. Epuraim Marsu was the most prominent man on the mountain in his day. He was born at Mendham in 1796 and died on the mountain in 1864. He came to the mountain in 1816 as a manager for Joseph Heath. He represented the county in both houses of the legislature ; was county judge; a member of the N. J. Constitutional Convention and President of the Morris Canal Company. His management of the Heath House brought it into national fame and very many of the prominent public men of the time before the war, sought enter- tainment at the springs. The late William W. Marsh, the son of Judge Ephraim, in- herited the public spirit of his father and filled a large place in the community up to the day of his death. Tue INDIANS have left some evident traces of their early existence upon the mountain. Three Indian paths are referred to in old surveys. One crossing the South Branch at Middle Valley and passing through Pleasant Grove, another crossing the mountain above the mill at Two Bridges, above Naughright, and a third pass- ing down the mountain near the spring. An Indian camping ground was once to be found on the Ayer’s farm near Draketown, and what were called “The Indian Fields” was situated between the latter place and Hack- ettstown. Hiram and Tim, two Indians, with their squaws and papooses were living on the mountain fifty or sixty years ago. All the land in Warren and Sussex and this part of' Morris counties belonged to what was called “the last Indian purchase above the falls of the Delaware.” THE ROGERENES were the first religious body in this section. This peculiar body of sectarians were led apparently by a desire to cultivate undisturbed their strange form of religious life, in seeking this frontier so far distant from their home in New London, Conn. John Colver was their leader and he brought with him to SETTLERS OF SCHOOLEY’s MouNTAIN 179 this wilderness in 1732 his children and their families to the number of twenty-one persons. Other families affiliated with them, such as the Tuttles, Burrows, Manns, Weirs, Waterhouses, Lambs, Pechers (Pishers ?), Salmons and Owens. They removed from Schooley Mountain after three years to Monmouth Co. , whence they retuzned hither after eleven years. Where they worshipped on the mountain we cannot tell, but they had a house of worship, referred to in Smith’s History of New Jersey (1765), near the point where the road from Mountain Pond joins the highway from Rustic to Mount Arl- ington. They had a graveyard near Silver Spring about a furlong from Lake Hopatcong. Some removed to the Red Stone country or Virginia. (See Dover Era July 18th, 1890.) Sandford’s History of Connecticut (p. 141) speaks of them ‘»as follows: “Some trouble was caused by a sect known as the Rogerenes that flourished mostly in the neighborhood of New London. While their doctrines were obnoxious to their neigh- bors the principal annoyance came through the indecencies of dress and behavier that marked the more than eccentric actions of this peculiar people. Holding the views of the Seventh Day Baptists they added notions of their own both eccentric and immoral.” They were strenuously orthodox in their belief, holding to the doctrines of the Trinity, of salvation in Christ, the new birth, the resurrection and eternal judgment. But to these they added their peculiar views, in which they largely resem- bled the Society of Friends. To them all days were alike and it was lawful to labor after worship on the Lord’s Day. They were opposed to the taking of oaths and to audible prayer, except when moved by the spirit. Any resort in sickness to physicians or the use of medicine was sinful. They abhorred such adjuncts to worship of God as church steeples, pulpits and cushions, a paid minister or even a separate church building. Nor did they approve of monuments to the dead. They gloried in suffering for their belief and even courted the penalties of the whipping post, fines and imprisonment. They were accus- tomed to attend the service of the churches and carry their work into the church with them. This they are said to have 180 Earty Germans or New Jersey done in the year 1770 in the churches both of Mendham and Basking Ridge. This sect was originated in the year 1674 by John Rogers, whose father James was a baker in New London, and the richest man in the colony next to Governor Winthrop. It is still in existence. [Manwaring’s Hist. of New London]. “AGNNIHMGW ‘f WVITTIM ‘ATU ‘EHLANS HOONH ‘AGU CHAPTER XxX. SCHOOLEY’S MOUNTAIN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH has been a Tie of resort probably since the year 1770. About 1825 it became more widely known and patronized. The native population was sparse and scat- tered and its religious conveniences and accommodations very few and uncertain. At that time the visitorsbeing largely religious people felt the need of better opportunities for public worship, while staying upon the mountain. Their liberality combined with the enter- prise of some influential people among the permanent residents resulted in a successful effort to build a church. This was designed to be a union church in which clergymen of all denominations, either visitors or settled in the neighbor- hood, would be welcome to hold religious service. In order the better to secure this end, the ground upon which the church was erected was deeded to the trustees of the Theological Seminary at Princeton in trust for a site upon which should be erected a building for the religious worship of “all denomina- tions of christians.” The building was of stone and had seating room for 200 people. It was of two stories, the upper room being used as a school room, and cost altogether about six hundred dollars. It 182 Earty Germans or New JERSEY was dedicated on the 7th of August, 1825, by the Rev. Dr. Pohlman, then the pastor of the Lutheran Church of German Valley, N. J. The building when completed was, by the trus- tees of the seminary, placed in the hands of a committee of three, consisting of the Rev. Dr. Campbell, of Hackettstown, Ephraim Marsh, an elder in the same church, and Dr. Pohlman. From that time forth visitors on the mountain heard the gospel preached by clergyman of every denomination ; Episco- palians, Baptists, Lutherans, Presbyterians and Methodists. The pastors of neighboring churches took their turn in con- ducting service on Sabbath afternoons. ; When in the course of time the old stone chapel became unfit for use and was removed, the community felt the need of a larger and more comfortable building in which, as in the pre. vious structure, union services might be regularly maintained. With this end in view the present large and elegant building was erected and dedicated on the 7th of August, 1870. -Upon this occasion the Rev. Dr. Moffat, of Princeton Theo- logical Seminary, preached a sermon, and the Rev. Dr. Pohl- man, of the Lutheran Church of Albany, who had dedicated the old stone chapel forty-five years before, offered the dedi- catory prayer. The basement was fitted up for the purposes of the Sabbath school, and the structure cost altogether $13,000. A Larce Reviva. occurred in the year 1874. Rev. Samuel Sawyer, pastor at Pleasant Grove, began a series of meetings, a week before Christmas, in that year, and soon found he had not been mis- taken in his belief that a deep religious thoughtfulness was prevalent throughout the community. These meetings were continued for six weeks or more, with very little intermission, the clergymen of the neighboring churches occasionally aiding in the services. It was a most remarkable work of grace, reaching almost every family, and in some instances, every member of a family, until as many as seventy were indulging a hope of salvation through Christ. It now became a matter of serious consideration how to care for these new converts After careful and mature deliberation it was decided to organ- SCHOOLEY’S Mounrain PreEsByTERIAN CHURCH 183 ize an independent congregation. Neighboring congregations with one exception bid the new enterprise, “God-speed.” As a result of the application to the Presbytery of Morris and Orange, a committee was appointed by that body and met in the chapel of the church of Schooley’s Mountain on Wednes- day, March 17th, 1875, and proceeded to organize the church. An able and instructive sermon was preached by Dr. Alfred Yeomans, of Orange, and Rev. Messrs. Mix and Souper, the other members of the committee, also took part in the impres- sive service. Twenty-four persons, principally from the churches of German Valley, Hackettstown and Pleasant Grove, signified their desire to become members of the new organiza- tion. Messrs. Wm. W. Marsh and H. W. Hunt were chosen as elders. The membership was increased at the next commun- ion to the number of seventy-five. The first minister regularly supplying this church was the Rev. Samuet Sawyer, who became stated supply on the rsth of April, 1876, having previously resigned as pastor of the Pleasant Grove Church. He only remained one year, when he removed to the West. Services were regularly maintained by different supplies, until the Rev. E. P. Linnevt, of the Presby- terian Church of German Valley, began regular service every Sabbath afternoon, and continued from December rst, 1878, to June ist, 1879. The church was again served by temporary supplies, for a period, until the Rev. J. Kinsey Smit was called to be the first pastor, October 15th, 1882. He was ordained and installed October 26th, 1882. He remained for four years, when. he accepted a call in March, 1886, to the Church of Mt. Washington, Md. Very soon afterwards, 23d May, 1886, the Rey. Witi1aM J. Grit, D. D., became the stated supply, to be soon, 12th December, 1886, elected pastor. By a mysterious providence this relationship was of but short duration and was terminated by the death of Dr. Gill in the spring of 1887. During his ministry the church on the mountain was united into one pastorate with the church of Beattystown. Dr. Gill was born in the North of Ireland, and had spent the first years of his ministry in Europe, and had been settled over churches in Baltimore and Brooklyn. 184 Earty GERMANS oF NEw JERSEY The Rev. E. P. Crane, of Rutherford, spent six months on the mountain as supply to the church, from June till December, 1887. He resigned to accept the position of American Consul at Stuttgart, Germany, a step to which he was impelled by his impaired state of health. The present minister-in-charge is the Rev. Hucu SmyTue, who has been ministering-to this people since the r5th of January, 1888. Mr. Smythe was born in the North of Ireland, is a graduate of Princeton College, and in his Theological edu- cation has enjoyed the advantages of the educational institu- tions at Belfast, Ireland, and Geneva, Switzerland. He had been the pastor for four years of the Broadway church, Cin- cinnati, and for eight years of a Presbyterian church in Eliza- beth. He has had four brothers, all of whom were ministers, and two sisters, both of whom married ministers. Of the elders, besides W. W. Marsh, recently deceased, and H. W. Hunt, ordained 17th March, 1875, there are Thomas Y. Ward, ordained 18th April, 1875, Lawrence H. Hunt and J. Newton Smith, ordained 1894. The above history has been compiled from the session book of the church, which is a model of completeness and accuracy. This church is a living instance of what may be done in the way of sustaining the continuous and regular worship of the sanctuary in the face of great diffi- culties and discouragements. In this respect the self-sacrifice and public spirit of Messrs. Marsh and Hunt cannot be too highly appreciated. GES ear ie pee emt PLIANANT GROVE CHUROTE, eye MATS TSUN ei “eae, ay a se Han > Se big ES CHAPTER XXI. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF PLEASANT GROVE. By Rev. Witiiam J. MEWHINNEY. N OLD STONE CHURCH in which the congregation of Pleasant Grove wor- shipped for more than fifty years, was probably completed in the year 1806, certainly in 1807. The congregation assumed the name of Pleasant Grove in 1807. Whether a log house of worship preceded the erection of the stone church it has been impos- sible to ascertain. Pleasant Grove applied to the Presbytery of New Bruns- wick for the appointment of ministers to supply its pulpit both at the spring and fall meetings in the year 1808. Rev. Wm. B. Sloan, of Mansfield and Greenwich, Rev. Garner A. Hunt (uncle of Rev. H. W. Hunt, Jr.), and Rev. Joseph Campbell, preached in the church as the result of these applications. Toward the last named, Rev. JosepH CAMPBELL, then but recently licensed to preach the gospel, the congregations of Independence, Hackettstown and Pleasant Grove, turned asthe man they desired to be their pastor. Some time before the first of April, 1809, these congregations held meetings respectively, and voted to make out a call. Mr. Campbell accepted this call at the meeting of the Pres- . 186 EarLy GerMANS OF NEw JERSEY bytery which began April 25th, 1809. He was ordained and installed at Hackettstown on the thirteenth day of June, 1809. The Rev. Mr. Campbell was about thirty-two or thirty-three years of age at the time of his installation. His birthplace was Omagh, in the North of Ireland. He emigrated to America with his parents in 1797, at the age of nineteen or twenty. In 1801 he was married to Miss Abigail Denton, who came with him to Hackettstown. He acquired his scientific and literary education under Dr. Smith, of Nassau Hall, now Princeton University, teaching school in Princeton while he was doing so, He studied theology with Dr. Woodhull, of Freehold. The churches of Independence and Pleasant Grove were his first charge. Mr. Campbell conducted two services at Pleasant Grove every third Sabbath, with a brief intermission between them. He was an able preacher, both as respects the matter and the delivery of his sermons. A volume of these, published two years after his death (1842) furnishes very interesting testimony to the quality of his discourses. A man who knew him wrote: “His delivery was deliberate, earnest and impres- sive, though somewhat marked by the Scotch-Irish pronuncia- tion. Those who have personal recollections of his pulpit appearance will remember the peculiar smile he wore, which was not banished even when his tears flowed.” . The “ Old Stone Church” in which Mr. Campbell preached stood where the present church stands. The building was a plain structure, without bell-tower or cupola. It had galleries on three sides and was heated by charcoal fire. The pulpit stood in the north end of the church. It was a small, box-like structure, built high up against the wall, supported by a tall post and reached by a winding stair on either side. Conrad Honness, James Hance and Lawrence Hann, of Pleasant Grove, Peter Lance and his son John, of Little Brook, and Samuel Stephens, his son Robert, and William Hance, of Stephensburgh, were all conspicuous members of the congre- gation in that day. Conrad Honness, of Pleasant Grove, Peter Lance, of Little Brook, and Samuel Stewart, were probably chosen members of the first session. James Hance was elected Tue PressyteRIan CuurcH of PLeasant Grove 187 elder about 1818 ; John Lance was a member of session in 1826 and John Lindaberry in 1827. How many members of the church there were in 1809 or who were admitted into the church from that time till 1826, there is no record to show. From 1826 until 1830 thirty- oe were added to the church—thirty-four of them confessing Christ publicly for the first time. Mr. H. W. Hunt, Jr., a young member of Newton Presby- tery, seems to have become the stated supply of Pleasant Grove and Danville, the out stations under Dr. Campbell, on April 21, 1831. Pleasant Grove was still under Dr. Campbell’s pastoral oversight. Dr. Campbell resigned the pastorate of Pleasant Grove in the spring of 1832, and Rev. H. W. Hunt, Jr., was installed as pastor in November of that same year. Rev. H. Wuirerietp Hunt, Jr., was the son of Rev. H. W. Hunt, an able and popular minister in Hunterdon county. The son was born at Sparta, N. J., Jan. 8th, 1799. He graduated from Princeton College in 1820, and spent one year in Princeton Theological Seminary. In 1822 he became a home missionary, and made a missionary tour through New York and Pennsylvania. He was licensed by the Pres- bytery of Newton October 4th, 1821, and ordained by the same body on the 29th of November, 1823. From 1823 till 1826 he was stated supply of the churches of Alexandria and Kingwood under his father. In 1826 he became the teacher of a prepara- tory school at Schooley’s Mountain, and was occupied thus till he became the preacher of Pleasant Grove. He was aman of medium height, fair complexion, and in his later years of portly figure. One has written of him, “Rev. Mr. Hunt was a classical scholar, thorough and solid in his attainments, he had a warm heart, was a devoted friend, and an able and eloquent preacher of the word.” He was an earnest, energetic and effective worker, and a good pastor. His death occurred on the 29th of January, 1368, ae years after he resigned the pastorate of this church. Forty-six were received on confession of faith and six by letter, during that ten years from 1832-43. It was in the latter 188 Earty GErMANs or New Jersey year that the harvest time came. Sixty-six were added to the church on confession, and two entered by letter from another church. Fifty-two of these were converted during a series of special services, lasting from the last Sabbath in October until Sunday December 9th. During the period from January ist, 1844, until January ist, 1857, only thirty-two were received into the church on profession of their faith and nine by letter. When the New CHURCH was opened in 1858, twenty-four, exclusive of those received from Lower German Valley, were added to the church. Sixteen of these made their first public confession of Christ. In 1847 the trustees received a deed for a plot of ground on the south side of what was then the graveyard, the gift of Mrs. Maria H. Hunt. This was the first of that series of benefac- tions which only ceased at her death. When the old stone church was remodeled is not known. ‘That was done, doubtless, soon after Mr. Hunt became pastor. These changes sufficed until April, 1857. A movement to build anew church was then started. On the 12th of April, 1857, the last communion was held in “the old house which had stood for more than half a century.” It was torn down very soon after, and on the ground where it stood, but facing cast and west, the new house was placed. This new building is, substantially, the church of to-day. On the 17th of April, 1858, the new edifice had been finished, and the session met in it for the first time. Mr. Hunt was stated supply of Danville, probably, from 1831 until 1836. He was pastor of the Lower German Valley Church from the latter year until April 8th, 1856. In that year it appears from a meagre record of the Second Mansfield church he became its pastor, and held that position till he resigned both it and Pleasant Grove. In April, 1860, Mr. Hunt had the pastoral relation, which had existed for more than twenty-eight years, dissolved. Heavy financial responsibility, which devolved upon him at that time, was the reason for his action. Heleft the church in a prosper- ous condition, with a new house of worship, and a membership ‘ad ‘cd ‘AIDAN ‘OD SILUNG "ATU ‘d ‘ad ‘IlaadWvoO Hdasor ‘ATU Tue PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH oF PLEASANT GROVE 189 of 141 persons. He had done his work faithfully and disinter- estedly. Though thirty years have passed by he is still lovingly called “Our old pastor.” Two pastors had come before another decade elapsed. The first of these, Rev. Givpert Lang, was called prior to September, 1860, when he began his work as joint pastor of Pleasant Grove and Second Mansfield. He was installed at Pleasant Grove May rst, 1861. He was pastor ' of the church but two years, when he resigned, and devoted his whole time to Second Mansfield. Rev. Mr. Lane was succeeded by Rev. James H. Crark. He had supplied the pulpit subject to Mr. Hunt’s oversight in 1859, and had made some strong friendships and awakened a most enthusiastic desire to have him for a settled pastor at that time. It was to Rev. Mr. Clark that the congregation turned when Mr. Lane assumed sole charge of the sister church. Mr. Clark came on the field in July, 1863, and entered upon his pastorate October ist, 1863. He was then a man thirty-three years of age, having been born in New York City on the 3d of March, 1830. He graduated from the Seminary at Princeton in 1859, and, on the 25th of September, in the same year, he was ordained in Iowa. After a three years pastorate in Burl- ington, Iowa, and a year’s chaplaincy in the army, Mr. Clark settled in the East, as stated supply of the Throop Avenue Church in Brooklyn, N. Y. It was from Brooklyn he came to Pleasant Grove. After having filled a large number of ministerial positions in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and also in the West, he resides in Yazoo City, Illinois, the pastor of a pleasant congre- gation there, in this yéar of our Lord 1894. Rev. Mr. Clark was, at that time, a man of strong will, who prosecuted whatever he undertook with all the energies of his being. The pastorate of Mr. Clark closed after the expiration of six years, in the early part of November, 1869. The parsonage was built in the year 1865, very probably 190 Earty GERMANS OF New JersEY ready for occupation and occupied in the month of October. With this activity, spiritually and financially came a sense of strength, of importance, and of independence. For the first time in its history Pleasant Grove was supporting a pastor alone, and the people were encouraged and gratified at their success. The next period in the history of the church extends to the year 1888. Three pastors, M. Ayers Depue, Rev. Samuel Saw- yer and Rev. B. C. Megie, D. D., filled the pulpit in succession during this time. Rev. Moses Avers DEPUE was a young man, thirty years old, when he became pastor of Pleasant Grove. His birthplace was not far from Belvidere,N. J. He was ordained by the Presbytery of Londonderry on the rith of July, 1867. He was stated supply of the First Church of Easton from 1866 until 1867, pastor in East Boston from 1867 till 1869, and stated supply of Lewisburg, Pa., from 1869, until early in 1870. He was an able young man, an eloquent preacher and of endearing character. He died while pastor of the church on the 12th of October, 1872, in Easton, Pa. The year after Mr. Depue’s death Rev. SAMUEL SAWYER was called to the pastorate. He had labored as an organizer of churches in the South and West, and was preaching in East St. Louis, Illinois, at the time when he was called here. He was installed in the church on the 7th of May, 1873. Mr. Sawyer was, asa rule, a most eloquent preacher, and he was undoubtedly the most faithful and successful pastor who has served Pleasant Grove Church. He resigned the pastoral charge on the 11th of April, 1876, to go to Indiana, where he still lives, a very old man. At that same meeting of Presbytery Rev. Burtis C. Mecisz, D. D, severed his connection with the church at Dover. Elder John T. Hoffman made bold to ask him to preach as a candidate for the vacant pulpit at Pleasant Grove. He consented. He had already been called on the 4th of June, 1876, and was installed ‘UHAMVS THONVS "AGU “INDH ‘M AVMOTION ‘ATE Tue PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF PLEASANT GROVE 1g! soon after. Dr. Megie was born in New York City, December 4th, 1813. He was educated at the University of New York, and at Andover, Princeton and Union Seminaries. He was or- dained by the Presbytery of North River, October gist, 1838. From 1838 until 1839 Dr. Megie was stated supply at New Paltz, New York, and from 1839 till 1876, thirty-eight years, he was pastor of the Dover church. For twelve years Dr. Megie went in and out among the people of Pleasant Grove. He resigned upon his election to the office of Superintendent of Public Schools for Morris County. He was the Stated Clerk of Morris and Orange Presbytery from its organization in 1871. Dr. Megie was a man of kind heart and of wonderful activity for his years. He was a good preacher of the word. He died suddenly in 1890. On the 27th of June, 1881, Daniel C. Anderson and Isaac Smith, of Little Brook and Stephensburgh, respectively, were inducted into the office of ruling elder, and thus became mem- bers of session. Sixteen were added to the church while Mr. Depue was pastor. But it was during the three years of Rev. Mr. Saw- yer’s pastorate that the church received the outpouring. Eighty seven united with the church on profession of their faith, and thirteen by letter during the three years he labored in Pleasant Grove. Beside these seventy-three were hopefully converted during a revival at Schooley’s Mountain. The number of heads of families among these was remarkable. Additions to the church were perennial, two or three at atime. Prayer meet- ings were crowded; gifts to benevolent objects multiplied ; revivals arose in every quarter of the parish, and every depart- ment of church work felt a quickening. The pastorate of Dr. Megie was also conspicuous for the number brought into the church. One hundred and thirty-six were added on profession of- faith in Jesus, and thirty-six by letter, during the twelve years of his ministry. These were gathered in at revivals, rather than perennially. Twenty-one , were added as the result of special services during the winter of 1886-7. Fifty-one were received as the result of meetings conducted by the Evangelist B. Fay Mills in 1886. The 170 192 Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY members of the church in 1869 had increased to 230 in 1888. The period which has passed since 1888 is too near to be spoken of at any length, and the writer will only state its main facts : Rev. Samuet J. McCuenacuan, a student of Princeton Seminary, was ordained and installed in the church of Pleasant Grove May gth, 1889. For more than six months previous he had supplied the church in the relation of pastor-elect. Mr. McClenaghan served the church until July 5th, 1891, when he removed to East Orange to become the assistant pastor of the Munn Avenue Church, and have charge of its mission at Elmwood. Mr. W. J. Mewhinney, at that time pastor of the Whippany Church, was installed in the church on the 28th of October, 1891. On the 15th of December, 1889, James Everett, William Lindaberry and Jacob Ribbons were ordained elders. The session is, therefore, at the present time composed. of the fol- lowing ruling elders: John T. Hoffman, now 85 years of age, who lives at Port Morris, George Lindaberry, the patriarch of the active members, Daniel C. Anderson, Isaac Smith, James Everett, Wm. Lindaberry and Jacob Ribbons. While Mr. McClenaghan was still pastor-elect, a revival occurred that added forty-five on confession of faith and five by letter to the church. Fifty-nine on profession of their faith and sixteen by letter came into the church during his pastorate. Fifteen have been added on examination and three by letter during the present pastorate. : During the ministry of Mr. McClenaghan the Woman’s Missionary Society was organized in 1889. In the spring of 1892 the societies of Christian Endeavor of Pleasant Grove and Stephensburgh were organized. These societies have done good work in their respective spheres since their organization, When one looks back from the settled orderly present to the uncertain beginning of eighty-five years ago; when ohe compares the abundant preaching of the word, the many meet- ings for prayer and the steady instruction in the Sabbath schools with the dearth of those privileges in that early time ; and when one thinks of the many who have been saved through Tue PresByTERIAN CHURCH oF PLEasANT GROVE 193 the instrumentality of Pleasant Grove Church from that earlier time till now, is it possible to do anything else than to thank God and take courage? Is it a wonder that there are many who love the Pleasant Grove Church and who loyally expect better thing for it and from it in the future? Rev, Wittiam JAMES Mrewuinney, the present pastor, was installed October 28th, 1891. CHAPTER XXII. SETTLERS OF TEWKSBURY TOWNSHIP. New GERMANTOWN. NLIKE other settlements of the early Germans, the village of New German- town is older than its church organiza- tion. It is said, however, that a log church for Episcopal service was in exist- ence before the first edifice for Lutheran 3 | worship. This latter building was erected as we have seen in the year 1749, and dedicated December 4th. It was to take the place of the four smaller churches at Fox Hill, Rockaway (Potterstown), Leslysland (Whitehouse) and Pluckamin, ; The land upon which the church was built was part of a lot of seven and a half acres, leased to the congregation by Ralph Smith. This lease is dated the roth of November, 1749, and refers to the church as already built. In 1768 it was converted into a fee by a commutation of the quit-rent. The trustees, whose names are given in the lease, were Baltis Bickle, Hones (John) Melek, Philip Weise, alias White, Casper Hendershot, Lawrence Rulifson, Samuell Bar- nard, David Meleck, Jacob Cline, Adam Vockerot, Jacob Ship- man, George Swart and Joseph Hornbaker. These same names are found in another interesting docu- ment, a note, viz., given to Baltis Pickle for £80, datéd 18th of December, 1750. The congregation must have been in great need of money. “MUVIO ‘H SHNVE “ATU ‘NVHDVNGIOON ‘¢ IHAWVS ‘ANY | SETTLERS OF TEWKSBURY TOWNSHIP 195 For at this time they had just built their stone church, which was estimated to cost £300, and their young pastor had insisted upon their buying a parsonage farm “near the church” for 4120. These amounts may not seem large in themselves, but they had to be raised from a people diminished in number and impoverished in resourses by a long series of vexatious law- suits with the wicked Woolf. A map of the church lot, obtained from Ralph Smith, which was made in 1755 by Wilmot, was kindly loaned to the author by B. Van Doren Fisher, Esq., and has been reproduced for this work. This map gives evidence of the presence of a school at that early date. This was probably then and for a long time the only one in Tewkesbury township. Ralph Smith is the real founder of New Germantown, to which he gave the name of Smithfield. It retained this name until about 1760, when the name New Germantown first appears in a deed. Ralph Smith is said to have come to New Jersey from Boston in the year 1734. He removed in 1759 to some place, which he called Mount Lebanon. His property was conveyed by leases to run for various periods, but generally for one hundred years. The old church is said to have been an exact copy of the Epis- copal church built by General Washington at Pohick Creek, Virginia. The very low walls were surmounted by an immense bar- tack-shaped roof, sloping to the four sides. The windows were small, square and high from the ground, and the pulpit with jts immense sounding board, was opposite the large doors, which were in the middle of the south wall. In the centre of the church, in the broad aisle, was a long, shallow trench, in which charcoal would be heaped up and burned, to serve the purpose of a stove. There were five aisles, and two galleries at the sides; one being used as an organ loft and containing a fine instrument for those days. From Wilmot’s map we may get a fair idea of the village as it was at that time. At that early period a school-house stood a few feet east of the church, facing south on the line of 196 EarLy Germans or New JERSEY King street, now Church street, and was the German school spoken of in old documents. The lot north of and adjacent to the church contained nearly an acre. On the opposite side of the Fox Hill road, now Main street, there was a school-house on the second lot. There was apparently no house on the lot south of this one, belonging to Tuomas Hotm (Helm?). The next lot, which was built upon, probably belonged to Jonn Caruistz, no doubt the brother of Robert, of Chester, Morris Co. It is described, however, as occupied by a Mrs. Ireland. Jonas Meicx owned the corner lot opposite to the church. He was born in Bendorf, Germany, in 1710, and was the brother of David, of New Germantown, and the son of John Peter, of Bendorf, Germany. Jonas was the cousin of John Melick, of the “Old Farm,” whose story Mr. Andrew Melick has so charmingly told in his well-known work. John Fleet and Thomas Holm occupied the tavern lot, containing about three acres, which fronted about equally upon both roads. The following is taken from “Our Home,” published in 1873: The land opposite the church, fronting on King’s road, was divided by Ralph Smith into seven lots of 66 feet front, and numbered from Main street eastward. No. 1, containing one- fourth of an acre, was leased to James Cole in 1761, the quit claim subsequently coming into the possession of the church. The said Cole came from Boston in 1734, and had thirteen children. No. 2 was the lot known as the “ High house lot,” owing to the house upon it having a basement and a very high porch. It was conveyed in 1753 to Michael Hendershot. In 1758 one Bryan Lafferty recovering judgment against Hendershot, the lot was sold by Moore Furman, the sheriff, to Frederick Schultz, for £80, the quit-claim subsequently cotning into possession of the church. This lot was afterwards occupied by Dr. Oliver Barnet and also by Major Rinehart. No. 3 occupied by Edward Kreiter, at a later day known as SETTLERS OF TEWKSBURY TOWNSHIP 197 the “Betsey Adams” lot and occupied a few years ago by Har- mon Henry, also came into possession of the church. On the 30th of October, 1766, John Welsh and Catherine his wife, innkeeper of New York, give a mortgage to William McDonald, of Somerset Co., N., J., for lot No. 3 in Smithfield, Tewksbury township, Hunterdon Co. It is described as on the north side of Kings street and beginning 64 feet from James Cole’s corner and running eastward. No. 4 was conveyed in 1759 to Andrew Shandler for one hundred years. This also came into possession of the church. It was occupied among others, at a later day, by Squire Demun and John Fisher. No. 5 was sold by one Jonathan Toms to Major Godfrey Reinhart on a perpetual lease at fifteen shillings per year. No. 6 contained a one story house formerly well remem- bered. The church still holds the original claim on this property. No. 7 was owned by a Melick. The purchase of the above lots by the church in 1768 was no doubt for the purpose of investing the legacy of £1,000 ($2,666 ?) which Baltis Pickle left to the church in the year 1766. Godfrey Rinehart kept the first store in the village. In 1757 or 8 the parsonage house was built on the church lands, and the old stone house is still standing, being owned by Mr. Frederick Apgar, whose property includes the old church farm. This house is the one mentioned by Dr. Muhlenberg as built to accommodate him, the former building not being large enough for his use. It was thus intended to offer him some inducement to come and live in this region at least for a time. He occupied this dwelling during his stay 1859-60. Here also no doubt lived his two sons, viz., Peter and Henry, who each in turn took the active charge of the Lutheran Churches here. It is impossible to locate all the early settlers of Tewksbury township as the land was simply leased for a period and was not sold until about 1790 or later. The Livingston tract, speak- ing generally, belonged largely on the east side of the Fair- mount road and the Parker on the west. he land to the east of the West Jersey tract belonged to Budd and Logan. The 198 Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY society line whose course was south forty-seven degrees west from Pottersville to Potterstown and ran along the road from the latter place to New Germantown, bounded these lands on ‘the’ east. PorrTERSVILLE was first called Lamington and afterwards Potter’s Mills. There were mills here as early as 1756, owned by William Willet. The grist mill was burned in 1820 and rebuilt. In 1840 it was remodeled and again rebuilt in 1878. The feed mill was first a factory for carding wool and weaving blankets. It was turned into its present use about thirty years ago. The village consists of a store, with a post office, flouring mill, feed mill, blacksmith shop, machine shop and foundry, shoe shop and fifteen dwellings. It was named after its prin- cipal citizen Sering Potter. CoxkesBuRG is claimed to be as old as 1754, when a furnace was built there, but the name does not appear on the township book and it therefore could not have been a place of any im- portance as early as that. It has a store, a blacksmith shop, wheelwright shop, a Presbyterian and a Methodist Church and fourteen dwellings. Minarp Fartey settled near here before 1760. The family came from GrorGE, who was at Woburn, Mass., as early as 1641. From there the family went to Roxbury, Mass., and from there came to Trenton; N. J., where George and Caleb were found in 1709 as trustees of the Presbyterian Church. The former of these two was grandfather of Meindert. MovunTAINVILLE has been so called for 40 years, since the school house was built. J.C. Farley is the present store-keeper. It has two mills and twenty-three dwellings. FARMERSVILLE has a school house and eight dwellings. Fairmount has twenty-three dwellings, whose inhabitants have their post-office here. This was established in 1850. REV. MOSES AYERS DEPUE. REV. GILBERT LANE, CHAPTER XXIII. SETTLERS FROM SOUTHOLD AND SOUTHAMPTON. eee Long Island, named after a A town of the same name in Suffolk Co., England, from whence the first pastor, Rev. John Youngs probably came, is the oldest in Long Island. It was first set- tled in 1638, and the church there was organized October 31st, 1640. Thus early did the religious sentiment of these sturdy Puritans assert itself. “In their deep poverty their liberality abounded,” and before their lands were wholly cleared or their own homes hardly erected they built their house of worship and burdened themselves with the support of a preacher. Among these settlers were then or very soon afterwards to be found the families among others, of Brown, Baker, Case, Corwin, Cooper, Corey, Cramer, Dickerson (or Dickinson), Haines, Horton, Howell, King, Moore, Overton, Paine, Salmon, Scudder, Swezey, Terry, Tuthill, Vail, Wells, Wiggins, Wines, Youngs and others: Of these early settlers of Southold some removed to Eliza- beth, N. J. Such were William Cramer, John Dickerson, John Haines, William Johnson, Jeffrey Jones, Eva Salisbury, Barna- bas Wines, Jr., and Thomas Youngs. Easthampton and Southampton were settled by branches of some of these same families. Thus when the Rev. Abraham 200 Earty GerMAns or NEw JERSEY Pierson founded Newark, N. J., with a contingent from South- ampton, they found settled near them in Elizabeth, people of the same names as their own. The people of Southold were very decided in their preferences as to the form of their church government. They were con- gregational of the type called Separatists. It is their church which is spoken of under that title in Smith’s History of New Jersey (1765). The township of Roxbury was formed 1740. The record of this event-is as follows: December 24th, 1740: A petition to the court from sundry of the inhabitants of the south- westerly part of the county of Morris praying that they be made a township for several causes therein set forth. The court grants their petition, and bounds said township, to be called henceforth Roxbury, from the bounds of Somerset Co., thence up the river commonly called Peapack, and up the same, including the same, to that branch, or part thereof, called Indian Run, and thence northerly and westerly by the bounds of Hanover to the Great Pond; thence down by the same to the Musconetcong to the bounds of the county; thence by the bounds of Hunterdon, Essex and Somerset counties to the place first mentioned. The bounds of the township are too indefinite to be pre- cisely defined. Indian River was that now called the North Branch. But they no doubt included not only the present townships of Chester (formed February, 1799), Washington (formed January, 1798), Mt. Olive (formed 1871), but also a part of Mendham, Randolph and Roxbury. Morris Co. was formed March 15, 1738-9. Previous to this Hanover, as a township of Hunterdon, is recognized in 1722, and Walpack in 1732. Mendham, formed in 1749, took off the eastern part of Rox- bury. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. The township officers for the first year were as follows: Appointed 1741, March 25, William Griffing, clerk; Nathaniel . Drake and David Luce, freeholders; Samuel Coleman, as- ‘ sessor; Obadiah Seward, collector; James Pitney and Theo- CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF CHESTER. SETTLERS FROM SOUTHOLD AND SOUTHAMPTON 201 philus Case, surveyors of highways; Nathaniel Drake and Samuel Haton, overseers of highways; William Douglas, con- stable; Aaron Stark and George Halloway, overseers of the poor. From December 22, 1741 to 1746, the new names that occur were Thomas and John Green, John Hardin, Joseph Langdon, Will. Pew, Ben. Luce for December, 1741; Israel and Richard Swayzie, Ezekiel Frost, Nathaniel and Richard Fansher, James Martin for 1742; James Wells, Richard Sutton, Jonah Hopkins, George Park, John Bell for 1744; Caleb Swayzie, David Hop- kins, Will Lorison, John Brown, John and Samuel Swayzie, for 1745; Daniel and John Budd, Benj. Manning and Samuel Horton, for 1746. The statement, repeated by Mr. Johnson in his History of the Congregational Church, that Chester township was divided into lots in 1713 and 1714, can only be true of the original surveys which were taken up about that time. As we shall see the actual settlement could not have taken place in less than twenty or twenty-five years later. Cates Horton came to Roxbury from Southold in the year . 1748. He was the great grandson of Barnazgas, of Southold, who came in 1633-8, from Mouseley, in Leicestershire, England. Caleb bought in 1747, of Isaac Pierson, 1,782 acres (the Gardiner tract), in what is now Chester township. SAMUEL Horton, about whom nothing is known, was sur- veyor of highways of Roxbury in 1746. SAMUEL Swazey came from Southold to Roxbury, 17th May, 1737. This is the earliest date on record for the settlement of the above township, unless we consider John Colver, as a resi- dent, since his will is dated in 1732 at Roxbury. But Colver probably resided on Schooley’s Mountain. Samuel Swazey was probably a son of John 2d of Southold. He owned at his death, in 1759, nearly a thousand acres in Chester township, and in Warren Co. His son Samuel was the first psstor of the Con- gregational church, and in 1773 he and his brother Richard removed to Western Florida, now Mississippi. They had bought there of Captain Amos Ogden in 1772, 19,000 acres of land. The brothers took with them to Florida, a number of 202 F Ear.ty Germans or New JERSEY families, from whom the Farrars, Kings, Corys, Montgomerys, Pipes, Foules, Colemans, Jones, Callenders, Fowlers, Luses, Griffing, Hopkins, Nobles, Ashfords, and many others in that vicinity are descended. (See Part II, p. 523). Two other sons of Samuel, viz.: Israel and Barnabas, set- tled near Hope, Warren Co. Mary, his youngest child, mar- ried John Seward and became the ancestress of the prominent family of that name. Joun Bupp, the grandson of John, who removed: from Southold to Westchester Co., N. Y., in 1661, came to Roxbury about 1740. He had ten children, whose descendants are still found in Chester township. Witiiam Corwin, the great-great-grandson of Matthias of Southold, came to Roxbury before 1747, and resided about one mile and a half north of Chester. Isaac Corwin, of unknown relationship to William, settled near Flanders during the Revolutionary war. The DeCamps were descendants of Henry, of Middlesex Co., who was the grandson of Lawrens Jans, an immigrant to New Amsterdam in 1664. Puitemon Dickerson, of Southold, was the grandfather of Tuomas, whose five children, THomas, DanieL, JosHua, PETER, and a sister ELIZABETH, came to Roxbury in 1745. Peter was the grandfather of Gov. Mahlon Dickerson. Davip Luss, freeholder in 1741, came to Roxbury with his brother Brnjamin, as early as 1736, when he bought land near Chester. SAMUEL: CoLEMAN, assessor in 1741, had fifteen children and was probably related to the family of Orange Co. OsaDIAH SEWARD, Collector in 1741, came from Brookhaven, L. I., and settled at first on land now owned by a descendant at the cross-roads. He removed to Berkshire Valley and Joun, one of his sons, who married Mary Swazey, removed to Sussex Co., and from there his children removed to Orange Co., N. Y, The ex-Secretary of State was of this family. The first of the name in this country was probably WILLIAM, who sailed from London 6th January, 1634, for St. Christopher SETTLERS FROM SOUTHOLD AND SOUTHAMPTON 203 and the Barbadoes. His son Obadiah rst, father of Obadiah of New Jersey, was in Brookhaven as early as 1664. The SKELLENGER family in this State are descended from Jacozpus SCHELINXx, who came to New Amsterdam in 1643. He removed in 1658 to Amagansett, L. I. Daniex, his grandson, removed to Roxbury about 1776 and settled on a farm between Chester and Mendham. Wi.iiam Larason, surveyor of the highways in 1745, bought a large farm on Pleasant Hill in 1748. He was the son of Wiviiam, constable of Hopewell township in 1721, and the grandson of Joun, a Danish nobleman, who was on the rate list of Newtown, L. I., in 1683. ApraHaM Drakes, the son of Rev. John, of Piscataway, bought land at Drakeville in 1751. His son Nathaniel was a freeholder of Roxbury in 1741. Abraham was the grandfather of Col. Jacob and father’ probably of Nathaniel of Sussex Co., and the grandfather of Silas of Draketown. The Drakes of Mendham were apparently of another family, who were of Holland descent. JoHannes Drack, of Jamaica, L. I, in 1715, was probably the ancester of this family. Tuomas Fairctor, who came from the border between France and Germany, was the first of his name in New Jersey and came hither probably about 1750. Witiram Grirritus (or Griffing), the first clerk of Roxbury, appointed 1741, was probably the grandson of Jasper, who came from Wales to Southold before 1679. THEOPHILUS Case, surveyor of highways, 1741, Was probably the son of Theophilus of Southold. The latter was the son of William, who came from England to Rhode Island in 1635. Theophilus and Ichabod and John, three brothers probably came together from Southold to Roxbury. Ricuarp Terry, from Southold, was the first of the name in Roxbury. Three brothers, Richard, Thomas and Robert had come from England in 1635. Richard, of New Jersey, was probably the great-grandson of the first named of these brothers. Tuomas and James ReEves came to Southold about 1660; "Thomas removed to Southampton in 1667. Srxas, of Roxbury, 204 Earty Germans oF NEw JERSEY who died 1777, and had seven children probably came from Southold. SETTLERS FROM SOUTHAMPTON, Southampton is the next oldest town on Long Island to Southold. It was settled 1640, by people of the Presbyterian preference. The founders of the church of this order in Ches- ter came mostly from this place. Natuan Cooper came from Southampton, L. I., and pur- chased 600 acres in Roxiticus. He was the great-grandfather of General Nathan. Exvias Howe i removed from Southampton to New Jersey and died on the way. His son Elias bought 200 acres of Nathan Cooper at Milltown in Chester township, 1822. NaTHAN Howell bought a farm at Hacklebarney of Johannes Haas in 1760. Rev, Wittiam WoopuuLL, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Chester, was the first of his name in this vicinity, He came in the year 1768. He was the son of John and great-great- grandson of Richard who immigrated in 1648 to Brookhaven. JosepH Hepces, M. D., was the first physician in the town- ship. He married a daughter of Rev. Will. Woodhull. He was descended from William, who settled in Southampton in 1644 and removed to Easthampton in 1649. Other settlers of old Roxbury will be found in the Genealo- gies, Part II of this work. SCHOOLS. The first school was taught in a log house by the Rev. Mr. Woodhull until the Revolution. Miss Phebe Jagger also taught for a time 2 private school on the Cooper estate. From 1800- 1812 John G. Gardner, of Connecticut, taught a school in the village. Another teacher was Miss Hester Brackett, afterward the mother of Dr. T. F. White, of Summit, N. J. William Rankin removed hither from Deckertown in 1854 and taught school in the brick hotel until 1862, when he removed to Mend- ham. Rev. L. I. Stoutenburgh, Miss Susan Magie, Mrs. M. F. Hoagland, Rev. P. S. Smith, Mrs. C. Y. Baker and Rev, J. H. McCandless have taught successively in “The Chester Insti- “HDUNANALNOLS ‘I AMAT “AMY ‘ASUOW UANAV ‘ADH SETTLERS FROM SOUTHOLD AND SOUTHAMPTON 205 tute. In 1870 a three story building, erected by the Hon. Daniel Budd, was taken possession of and used for school pur- poses by Miss Magie. The Rev. James F. Brewster also con- ducted a private school while pastor of the Presbyterian Church. (Huzstory of Morris Co., p. 214). Iron Mines. Hacklebarney had a forge more than a hundred years ago. It was sold in 1786 by Samuel Ross to Frederick Bartles and a mortgage upon it was given by the latter in 1790 to Randall & Stewart, of New York. This 100 acres was the northern end of a tract bought by John Wortman, Sr., in 1771, of Peter Schenck. Hon. Daniel Budd, in partnership with Mr. Bartley, carried on this forge for many years. In 1867 mines were opened in various places and the transporting of the ore increased with the building of the Chester Railroad in 1869. The Chester furnace, situated west of Chester village, was built in 1878 by the Jersey Spiegel Jron Company. In 1879 it was leased by the W. J. Taylor Co. This furnace was torn down in 1792 or 3. In 1872 the tracks (about five miles long) between the Hedges mine and Hacklebarney and the D., L. and W. R. R. were laid. In 1881 this track was extended a mile and a half through the village to the Swayzie, Leek and Cooper mines. No mining at all is now carried on at or near Chester. Tue Mertuopist EpiscopaL CHuRCH was organized in 1881 and Rev. E. S. Ferry was appointed its first pastor. For five or six years services were held in the academy by the Peapack pastor... In 1881 the Methodist Church of Bedminster was removed and erected in Chester. CHAPTER XXIV. CHESTER CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Rev. Frank A. JOHNSON. UR limits of space prevent us from giving in full the historical sermon of Mr. John- _ son, delivered in his church on the 2d of July, 1876, but it was substantially as follows: “I have thus sketched the growth of our national and denomina- tional life, that we may bear in mind some of the remarkable changes that have occurred while our own church was making its history.. Now let us consider in very condensed form, third, the his- tory of the First Congregational Church of Chester ; not only the oldest Congregational Church in New Jersey, but, so far as I can ascertain, the oldest west of the Hudson River. The fathers of the Congregational Church in Chester, formerly called Roxbury, were descended from the company of English Puritans who first settled in Southhold, Long Island. Their fathers left England during the turbulent times in the reign of Charles the First. They fled from the tyranny and oppression, and were ardently devoted to civil liberty, and jeal- ous for the purity and simplicity of the Protestant religion. The Rev. John Youngs, who had been a minister of Hingham, England, came to New Haven, Conn., witha part of his church in 1640. He remained there but a short time and then passed over to Long Island, with his church and settled upon a tract of land purchased from the Conhony Indians. They were a CHESTER CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 207 godly people, and from the beginning of their settlement we find them careful to make provision for the support of the gospel, to exact punctual attendance on public worship and a strict observance of the Sabbath. In 1702 the town court fined a person 6s. 7d. for a breach of the Sabbath, and in 1711 another man three shillings for pro- fane swearing. Previous to 1645 they are supposed to have erected their first house of worship. The constitution of this church was originally Congrega- tional and so remained till 1832. The tract of land now constituting the township of Chester, was surveyed and run into lots in 1713 and 1714, and began soon after [?] to be settled with emigrants from Southhold, L. I., who had been brought up in the Congregational Church, planted there by their fathers, and were by conviction and pro- fession attached to its doctrines and customs. It was in their hearts to do as their fathers had done, plant a church of the same faith and form of government as that in which they had been baptised and to which they owed so much. Having settled from one to three miles apart, in a country to be cleared of heavy timber, with their private buildings to erect, roads, bridges and fences to make, and families to sup- port ; it is wonderful that they, as early as 1747, should have been able to erect a commodious house of worship, with pews and galleries to seat an audience of 400. This house stood about twenty rods northwest of the present meeting house. This building was used for a house of worship till 1803. Two generations worshipped in it, and many souls were born into the Saviour’s Kingdom within its sacred walls. ‘It was remodeled in 1803, but a part of its timbers still exist in the frame work of a barn on the estate of Mr. William Seward at Chester Cross Roads. Just imagine a Sabbath in 1776 when your fathers assem- bled in this old church. Jt is doubtful whether a wheeled vehicle drove up to the door. Some came on horseback, but more walked, winding their way for miles through woodland foot paths. The women often carried their shoes in their 208 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY hands to save wear and tear, placing them upon their feet as they approached the church. We should think it a strange appearing company which gathered in that meeting house, but there were men and women there who feared God, whom God loved as his dear children, who have long since entered the mansion prepared for the lowly as well as the great who truly love and serve Him. About the time of the building of this first church the ex- citement which caused the separation in the Congregational Churches of Connecticut and Long Island reached this settle- ment, and a majority of the inhabitants became “ separates” as they were then called. A separate Congregational Church was gathered, which was ministered unto by Rev. Samuel Sweazy for about twenty years. These Separatists retained the doc- trines and form of government of the regular Congregational Churches. Their separation was a protest against the oppres- sion and worldly influence of the union between Church and State which existed especially in Connecticut. No wonder there was a protest against the punishment of ministers for preaching outside their own parish without special consent of the minister and two-thirds of the parish in which they wished to preach. Or against the treating as vagabonds of ministers who were traveling and preaching outside of their own States. Or against the fining or imprisoning of those who failed to attend the parish meeting, or the preaching of their own min- ister on the Sabbath. All honor to the spirit of liberty that dared the opposition of a powerful State Church rather than submit to such oppres- sion. A minority of the former worshippers in this church withdrew and joined another church. They called the Rev. Marches to be their minister, and about 1755 built the house across the river, where the Presby- . terian Church formerly worshipped. Soon after the close of the pastorate of the Rev. Mr. Sweazy the war of the Revolution began. The years 1777 and ’78 were stirring times in New Jersey. Hostile armies crossed and recrossed the State, desolating its fair villages with fire and “NOSNHOL OZNOTVY UNVaA ‘ATL “Caodadvud “A ‘ad “ATU & CHESTER CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 209, sword, Chester was off the line of conflict, and yet must have been a source of supply for the patriot army while encamped at Morristown. During these years worship was suspended and the Con- gregational Meeting House was used as a hospital for wounded and disabled soldiers. It is to be regretted that the church records do not give us a more complete account of the events of this important historical period. Every patriotic impulse is stirred to know more of those scenes that transpired upon this hillside ; when, in this old chureh, patriots suffered and yielded their lives for the holy cause of freedom. But the entries in the books for those years are very meagre. During these ex- citing times, when worship was suspended, the moral and religious habits of the people suffered greatly. About 1779 a union of the two churches was attempted under the Rev. Davip Batpwin, who, for six years preached on alternate Sabbaths in the two houses of worship. / Failing to accomplish the desired union Mr. Baldwin left his field of labor and soon after the church was pronounced dissolved. But immediately a new Congregational Church was organized, and in June, 1785, the Rev. James Youncs was ordained and installed as pastor. The ministry of Mr. Youngs was very short. He died in November, 1790, aged 32, deeply lamented by his people and his brethren in the ministry. The church records have this entry concerning him: ‘All accounts ‘go to prove him a most amiable man, a sincere, exemplary and devoted Christian. The effects of his ministry, short as it was, were extensive and happy. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.” From 1790-1801, the church was without a regular pastor, but ministers from Long Island frequently visited the people, and through their preaching sinners were converted and the church edified. In November, 1800, the church held a day of fasting and prayer for direction in the choice of another pastor. They were led to extend acall to Mr. StrpHEN OveRTON, who was ordained and installed pastor on the 16th of June, 1801. The congregation rapidly increased. In 1803 the original house of 210 Ear.ty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY worship was replaced by another more modern in appearance, 50 feet by 4o in size, with front and side galleries, a ‘cca and bell. Great revivals occurred during Mr. Overton’s early minis- try, and many substantial members were added to the church, but many, sad to relate, dishonored their profession, and re- turned to the world. From 1817 to 1828 the church and congregation sadly declined in spirituality and in regard for the prosperity of the church. It was feared that a final dissolution would result from this indifference. Mr. Overton was dismissed from his long pastorate in March, 1828. He died on September 18th, 1839. The church records refer to him as possessed of strong intellectual powers with “a clear melodious voice and thrilling elocution, endowed with one of the strongest constitutions ; he travelled much, preaching more than once a day for weeks in succession.” From its formation till 1810 the church and pastor were enrolled as members of the “Separate Congregational Con- vention of Connecticut and Long Island.” In 1810, with other churches in this State, it formed a new and similar convention, which in 1828 was dissolved. Let us try to picture a Sabbath in this second house of wor- ship in 1826, half a century ago. Since 1776 there have been many improvements, yet even now nothing we could call a carriage approaches the door. Many of the congregation still come on horseback, others walk, while now and then a rude wagon deposits its load at the door. As we enter the door everything seems very strange to us in 1776. The pulpit is so high that necks are fearfully wrenched in efforts to see the preacher. A row of box-pews with high backs, tacing toward the centre of the church extends along the wall and several rows of pews of like pattern occupy the space directly in front of the pulpit. The remainder of the house is filled with ordinary seats. If it be a winter’s day we shall find no fire, and will wonder why these people make such a sacrifice of comfort to. hear the gospel, when, in our days a slight fall in the ther- \ CHESTER CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 211 ¥ i mometer would keep half the congregation home from a com- fortably warmed church. The congregation is dressed with severe simplicity and gives token of a sturdy and hard working race. In the autumn of 1828 the Rev. Apner Morse was called to the care of the church as acting pastor for three years. He found its spiritual life at avery lowebb. It was resolved. that it would not be right to commune at the Lord’s table till the church had purged itself of a large number of neglectful and immoral persons. A meeting was called for those only who still considered themselves the cordial friends of Christ and who were ready to renew their covenant with Him. Some: fifty persons responded to this call, two of whom are now living. While under the pastoral care of Mr. Morse the church was prospered and its membership largely increased. Mr. Morse was dismissed at his own request in the spring of 1833. The Rev. CHar es Jones officiated as acting pastor from August, 1833-35. The church, in granting him his dis- mission, paid him a high compliment as “an able and faithful minister of the Gospel. The Rev. JouNn FisHpoot, a native of Essex in England, was. stated supply of the church from October, 1835—October, 1836. From 1836 to 1840 the church was supplied by different members of the New York State Congregational Association, with which the church was now connected. For some eight months in 1839 the Rev. Lewis F, Terriiy. acted as stated supply. During these years there was much discord among the membership, few were added to the church, and its spiritual interest suffered greatly. During 1840 and 1841 the church was very much dis- couraged ; the ordinances of the gospel were neglected and for nearly a year not more than one sermon was heard in the church. On October 6, 1841, Mr. Luxe I. SrouTensure, of Poughkeep- sie, N. Y., a licentiate of the New York Association, supplied the pulpit and was invited to continue the supply for several Sabbaths. On December 15th, 1841, it was voted to call Mr. Stoutenburg to the pastorate of the church. The call was 212 Earty Germans OF New JERSEY accepted, and on June 14th, 1842, he was ordained and installed pastor of the church. Mr. Stoutenburg remained pastor till December 17th, 1867, when his resignation was accepted by the church. The events of this pastorate are so comparatively recent, and are so well- known to you, that I will pass them by without particular mention. Suffice it to say that during these years the church was greatly prospered, and, indeed began a new and more healthy life. The congregation and membership were much increased. On one Sabbath, February 21st, 1842, forty-eight persons united with the church, (the largest addition at any one time) eight of whom are active members. In 1854 the second house of worship was taken down and the building in which we are now assembled was erected. In December, 1867, the Rev. James I. Evans was called, and in June, 1868, was installed pastor. During this pastorate the parsonage now owned by the church was built. On April 1, 1871, the resignation of the pastor was tended to and accepted by the church. For some months after the close of this pastorate a period of trial and discouragement intervened, but the preaching ser- vices were continued, usually by ministers of sister churches. In September, 1872, the Rev. B. F. Braprorp, pastor of the Congregational church of Charlotte, Michigan, was invited to the pastorate. Mr. Bradford acted as stated supply till May, 1875. The events of his ministry are so fresh in your memory that I need not recall them. He was the intimate friend of most of you; and a large proportion of the membership of the church is the fruit of his labor. He left the church united, happy and prosperous. On June 15, 1875, the present pastor was called; the call was accepted. He entered upon his duties on August ist, and was installed pastor by a council convened for that purpose. Such is the historical narrative of this dear old church down to the present date. We should like to know more of its early history, especially in the Revolutionary period, those days that tried men’s souls; but we should be thankful that the church records are so complete, that no period in its long life is RCH OF CHESTER PRESBYTERIAN CHU CHESTER CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 213 : i shrouded in utter darkness. It is to be, regretted that the statistical portion of the church records previous to 1830 were in such an imperfect state that we cannot ascertain the total membership, baptisms, etc. At this time the membership is 240. In all probability the membership at any one time was never larger than at present. In 120 years there have been six pastors whose terms of service aggregate 81 years, viz.: Mr. Swazy, 20 years; Mr. Youngs, 5 years; Mr. Overton, 27 years; Mr. Stoutenburg, 26 years; Mr. Evans, 3 years, and the pastor now in office. Dur- ing the same period there were five regular stated supplies, viz.: Mr. Morse, 5 years; Mr. Jones, 2 years; Mr. Fishpool, 1 year; Mr. Terrill, 8 months; Mr. Bradford, 3 years. * * * * * * * * The Rev. E. B. Encvanp, of the Reformed Episcopal Church of Newark, was called to be the successor of Rev. F. A. John- son, the 15th of November, 1889, and remained until 1894, when he resigned to atcept the call to the Presbyterian church of Washington, N.J. In November, 1894 Rev. ABRAHAML. SHEER accepted the call to this church, and is now its pastor. The present deacons are, J. H. Cramer, S. H. Leek, D. STRYKER, S. SCHUYLER. The trustees are, H. P. Sanperson, E. T. Howett, J. K. Davis, Georce Squier, H. Y, Hatt. NGS CHAPTER XXV. THE CHESTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. By Rev. James F. BREwsTer. gregation, or the church of Roxbury as it then was called, was Rev. SAMUEL Harker, or Harcour, who was probably of Huguenot descent. In Foote’s sketches of North Carolina, to which State some of his ancestors removed, he is described as remarkable for size, vigor and strength, and is said to have spent his early youth in manual labor. He grad- uated at Princeton College and was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of New Brunswick, Dec. 6th, 1751. The records of that Presbytery inform us that being called to Roxbury, on Black River, in Morris County, New Jersey, he was ordained there October 31st, 1752. In an autobiography of Dr. Caldwell, published at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, by order of the editors of the University Magazine, he makes the following record concerning Mr. Harker: “My grandmother’s name was Rachel Lovel [daugh- ter of a French Protestant, residing at Oyster Bay, Long Island]. She married a Mr. Harker, who was a minister of the Presby- terian Church. My grandfather Harker was remarkable for personal size and strength. He was experienced in all or- Tue CHESTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 215 dinary practical business. It was said of him that he would go into the harvest field and cradle more wheat in a day than any other man in his part of the country. In his ministerial labors, both in and out of the pulpit, he was ever regarded with high estimation and confidence by his congregation.” I am sorry, however, to be obliged to add to this that Mr. Harker entertained some doctrinal errors which eventually caused his separation from his church about eleven years after his ordination. The Presbytery heard in 1757 that he had imbibed and vented certain erroneous doctrines, and were about to proceed against him when they learned that he had left his charge and gone as a chaplain in the army. By order of Synod in 1759 a committee met at Mendham and examined a paper containing Mr. Harker’s principles, many of which they found to be correct, but others containing errors. On hearing this report the Synod thought it expedient “to try yet whether further converse may convince him, and agree that he meet with Samuel and James Finley, John Blair and Robert and Sampson Smith at Nottingham in November; and on his return with Gilbert Tennant, Treat, Ewing and Dr. Alison,” he met with these committees without any benefit, though the interview lasted two days and one evening. In 1761 he pub- lished his sentiments in a book entitled “An appeal to the Christian World,” to which the Rev. John Blair published an answer entitled “The Synod of New York and Philadelphia Defended.” In 1763 the Synod condemned his propositions, declaring that they could not continue him as a member, and that he be disqualified for preaching or exercising his ministry anywhere. The congregation of Black River, we are told, was thrown into confusion, on hearing this, and wrote to Dr. John Rodgers, of New York, to call a meeting of Synod without delay. He consulted the Presbytery of New Brunswick and they judged that it was not desirable, for all the good to be expected could be accomplished by sending a committee thither. Accordingly in August they sent thither the Rev. Messrs. Hait, McKnight and Kennedy, and soon after the church of Black River asked for supplies. It is asserted that this was the only case of discipline for 216 Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY erroneous doctrine during the period extending from 1758 to 1789—a proof of the general orthodoxy of the church at that time. For five years after the suspension of Mr. Harker the church was without a regular pastor until the fall of 1768, when they settled the Rev. Witiiam WooDHULL. He was anative of Brookhaven, Long Island, and had been preaching in that place for a short time before his removal to Black River. He traveled from Long Island to this place on horseback, with his wife and child riding on the horse behind him. He was a graduate of Princeton College, and studied theology with the celebrated Samuel Buell, of East Hampton, Long Island. The call was to the united congregations of Roxbury and Succasunna, and the original paper is still in my possession bearing date September ist, 1768. After preaching for several years Mr. Woodhull was obliged to give up his pastoral labor on account of weakness of the throat, and for a time the church obtained supplies from the Presbytery. He still occupied an important position in the community, became a Judge in the Circuit Court, and was the teacher of a Latin school until it was broken up by the Revo- lutionary War. Dr. Isaac Brown, in the funeral sermon of his brother the Rev. Dr. John Woodhull, of Freehold, and one of the founders of Princeton College, speaks of him as a man venerable in piety and services as well as years. I have in my possession several of his sermons bearing date Roxbury, 1769, which prove him to have been a sound and able preacher. His name is on the roll of the Presbytery of New York as still being pastor of this church in 1770. I find the following item in regard to Mr. Woodhull in Hodge’s History of the Presbyterian Church: “In 1783 the Presbytery of New York reported that they had left the name of Rev. William Woodhull out of their list of members, because on account of feeble health he had relinquished his ministerial duties. The Synod deeming this reason to be insufficient directed his name to be restored to the roll.” From this we may learn what was the opinion of the church on the subject THE CHESTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 217 of the demission of the ministry, which has latterly been exten- sively discussed in our General Assembly. Mr. Woodhull lived until the 24th of October, 1824, when he died and was buried in the family plot on Pleasant Hill. During the stormy period of the American Revolution the church was again without a settled pastor, but with returning peace they sought again a settled minister. About the year 1782 we find that the church was supplied by Rev. Mr. Baldwin, who, however, was never installed as pastor. In 1785 Rev. LEMvEL ForpuHam was obtained as a stated supply, and in 1786 he received a unanimous call to the pastorate of the church. Like that of Mr. Woodhull, his time was divided between Roxbury and Succasunna. He was a native of Long Island and for thirty years he continued the pastor of our church. He is described as a plain but good preacher, although the church made no marked progress under his ministry. He lived upon the hill near the church, several years after the close of his pastorate, and died at length of old age. Mr. Fordham was succeeded about 1815 by Rey. Jacop Cassner, from Baskingridge, N.J. He gave this church one-third of his time, preaching at Black River, German Valley and Fox Hill. Mr. Cassner was succeeded in 1818 by . - Rev. Joun Ernest MI.uer, of Albany, N. Y.,a member of the Reformed (Dutch) Church. He remained in Chester about four years and a half and the church is said to have grown somewhat under his ministry. There was one marked revival, especially upon the mountain. During his ministry the church edifice on the mountain was built, although as yet there was no church organization. In his time stoves were first placed in the church edifice, which, without plaster or ceiling, was open to all the winds that swept across the hill-top. Mr. Miller left Chester in the spring of 1823, having been called to the Reformd Dutch Church of Tompkinsville, Staten Island, and was succeeded in the autumn of the same year by 218 Earty Germans or New JERSEY Rev. ABRAHAM WILLIAMSON, who remained the pastor of the church during the following thirty years. Mr. Williamson was a native of New Jersey and a graduate of Princeton College and Seminary. Before his settlement here he had labored for little more than a year asa frontier missionary in the State of Illinois. Two colonies were sent forth from the mother church, which now are distinct and useful organizations, and the old edifice on the hill-top was abandoned, and in r851 the congregation built and occupied this house in which we worship. In 1835 forty-eight persons were dismissed from this church to organize the Presbyterian church of Mt. Olive, and in 1852 twenty-six persons were dismissed to form the Presbyterian church at Flanders. ; In 1832 there was a marked revival and about fifty were received into the church at one time. God’s special presence was exhibited in the most marked and solemn manner. People came from Mendham, the mountain and all surrounding country to share in the blessing which the Lord was pouring upon the people. The church services were crowded, and even the steps of the pulpit were filled with eager and tearful listners. On the third day the pastor requested the anxious to remain after the services and the rest to leave, and the whole body of the church was filled with those inquiring the way of life. From the fruits of that revival came some of the best men and strongest supporters of the church. Mr. Williamson remained in charge of the church until 1853, in the autumn of which year Rev. Geo. M. S. Biavvett, a graduate of Princeton College and Seminary, was ordained and installed among you. His pastorate covered three years, until October, 1856. In June, 1857, Rev, Josiah Markle, who was educated in the Reformed (Dutch) Church at New Bruns- wick, became the pastor of the church for the short space of nine months, until April, 1858. On the following June your present pastor, Tue CHESTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 219 Rev. James F. Brewster, a graduate of Rutgers College and Princeton Theological Semin- ary, and a Licentiate of the Presbytery of Passaic, became the stated supply of the church, and was ordained and installed on the rath of October, 1858. The relation has now remained un- broken for more than eighteen years, and this pastorate is now the oldest in the Presbytery, and, with one exception, the oldest in the whole northern part of our State. Unfortunately we have the record of elders only during the last fifty-seven years. Previous to that Mr. Apranam DickEr- son is known to some of you as having been a leading and in- fluential officer.’ In June, 1819, the roll of the elders of the church were Witt1am WoopHUuLL, Jr.,—a son of the former pastor,—JaRrED Haines and Noau Scupper. These men have long since passed away, but their descendants are still among us, and their memories are yetheldin honor. Inthe minutes of March 3rd, 1821, appears the following record: “Mr. GitserT BopINE having been elected by the congregation to the office of the tuling elder, and having been duly ordained, appeared this day and took his seat as a member of session.” For eighteen years Mr. Bodine served the church in this office until his death in 1839. In 1823 Conrap Rarick was elected to the eldership and served the church until his removal from their bounds. In 1827 Wm. Hepcres WoopHuLL, STEPHEN FaircLo Forp- HAM and JoHN STRYKER were ordained to the same office. For ten years no other officer was elected until 1837, when the names of JonatHan Nicuoias, James Toppinc and Henry Henpces were odded to their number. In 1846 GzorGe W. STENSON was set apart to the same office, but served the church apparently but ashorttime. During the succeeding eleven years no other elder was elected until the autumn of 1857, when the number was increased by the addition of Danie CHAMBERLAIN and Joun D. G. Caruite. In 1865 Joun R. CuamBeriain and Dr. S. E. Hzpcrs were set apart to the same office. In 1867 Mr, ANDREW CREGER was ordained and took his seat as a member of the session. In the spring of 220 Earty Germans oF New JERSEY the present year the church resolved to substitute the term eldership for the life tenure, and under this plan Mr. STEPHEN Hepces Hunt and Mr. Joun Hoacianp have been enrolled among the number of ruling elders. It has educated and sent out two ordained ministers—Rev. Mr. Leex, who died a few years ago in the State of Illinois, and CHartes Evert Hepcss, who was soon taken from his work on earth to his home in heaven. Thus far we have reprinted in condensed form Mr. Brew- ster’s sermon, delivered 2nd of July, 1876. Mr. Brewster resigned on account of ill health, 1890. Rev. Frank MELVILLE KERR was ordained and installed, as pastor, 3oth of June, 1891, and after three years’ service he removed to Hempstaad, L. I. in 1894. He was followed by Rev. ConovER SAMUEL OSBORNE, who was ordained and installed in Oct. 22, 1894. The elders at present are, ANDREW CrecaR, W. T. Burp; ordained May, 1880; Freperick N. Jenkins, ord. May, 1884; JosEpH Croat, ord. May, 1892. The trustees are, WitL1am H. Sewarp, Eso., President; N. C. Vannatta, J. H. Mivier, Davip SHarp, J. W. Ticer, H. W. CypHers. N ‘Waa WN UNVdd “AGU ‘UHLISMAU SANVE “ATH CHAPTER XXVI. SPRUCE RUN--“SWAKE”’-CLARKSVILLE LUTHERAN CHURCHES. Spruce Run LutHeran CuHurcu. BiSen Bence RUN was at first part of the con- el) “A , gregation of New Germantown and the = people attended service at that place and German Valley. The first Lutheran ser- vices held in the Spruce Run Lutheran Church of which we as yet have any (knowledge were conducted by Rev. Wil- aw Graff. He became the regular pastor, July 16th, 1775. Either the same year or the previous fall he began to preach at Spruce Run as occasion offered. During the first twenty-five years of their history Rev. Graff held services at Frederick Fritts’ on the premises now occupied by Andrew Van Sickel. The first church was a Union CHURCH in which the Reformed, also held their worship. It was built in 1800. From this time until 1833 the church had the services of the Lutheran ministers of New Germantown every fourth Sabbath. Thus Revs. Graaf, Hazelius, Hendrick and Pohlman labored in this charge. The Rev. Robert COLLYER was, however, the first pastor of Spruce Run, as an indepen- dent charge. He was ordained and installed the 2d of Sept., 1834. He remained until April, 1860, when he resigned on account of ill health. 222 EarLy Germans oF New Jersey In 1835 the congregation became self-supporting. During 1835 Rev. Mr. Wack, who alternately held services in the church on behalf of the Reformed and Presbyterian congrega- tion, ceased to preach here, and it seems, that from that time their interest gradually lessened until it became entirely a Lutheran congregation. In the year 1835 a new church was built. This was erected to take the place of the old Union church. THe “Swake Cuurcu.” About the time of the great revival in 1840 Rev. Lampert SwacCKHAMER began preaching at various points near by. He was a member of the Francklean Synod, and finally went to Mt. Bethel, where he organized a congregation about 1840, and, during the next three or four years, gathered quite a large number of followers. In 1844 he succeeded in building the present stone edifice, erected by Fritz Swackhammer. After Rev. Swackhammer left it was sold by Moore Castner for debt and bought by the Albright Methodists. They were, however, unable either to build up a congregation or pay the debt, and it again became the property of Moore Castner. On June roth, following, the congregation elected Rev. P. A. Srroper as pastor. At his installation Aug. 15th, 1860, Rev. H. N. Pohlman preached the sermon and pronounced the usual ques- tions. In May, 1864, Revs. P. A. Strobel and David Kline attended the General Synod at York, Pa., as visitors and the question of an exchange was talked over. This led to correspondence upon the subject and on October 3oth, 1864, he dissolved his relation to the charge as pastor when Rev. D. Kune was given a call by Spruce Run, while Centre Brunswick elected Rev. P. A. Stroset as their pastor Rev. P, A. Strobel served various fields with acceptance and ‘ee. gl “Arce Spruck Run LurHeran CuurcH} 223 died Nov. 26th, 1882,at Dansville, N. Y., and was buried at Red Hook, N. Y., a few days later. Rev. David Kline began his labors December, 1864, and he was installed on Feb. 8th, 1865. At his Christmas communion the same month about one hundred communed. In April and May, 1866, special meetings were held, and on May 2zoth, forty- six were received into full membership, the largest number ever received at one time. He admitted one hundred and twenty during his whole pastorate. On May 14, 1867, Rev. Kline reorganized Mount BETHEL as a Lutheran Church, at which time George Banghart, William R. Prall, Conrad Davis, Benjamin Johnson and Peter C. Apgar were elected trustees. August 23, 1868 Moore Castner and wife, in consideration of the sum of $500, gave a warranty deed to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of New Jersey (the word Church being written by mistake for Synod, the Synod having raised $300 of the amount necessary). This includes both church and cemetery. On November 4, Rev. Mr. Kline preached a stirring sermon based upon the parable of the ten virgins, in which he especially dwelt upon the neglect of these wise virgins in sleeping. It was afterward recalled that he labored somewhat and returned home not feeling very well. The afternoon service was omitted and before the morning sun of November 5, 1877, rose in splendor he had gone to be at rest and meet his Savior with all the loved ones at home. By this startling Providence an active ministry of twenty-seven years in the Lutheran Churches at West Camp, Centre Brunswick and Spruce Run was suddenly ended. But he had been instrumental in winning souls to Christ, while his genial nature and hearty sympathy drew to himself many devoted and faithful friends. The attendance at his funeral was large and the services solemn and impressive. The following month (Dec. 2) Rev. C. Duy preached for the congregation, and without consultation made an appointment for 4 224 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY Rev. C. H. Traver, then living in Chatham Village, N.Y. It was a surprise to the, writer, but he was at liberty to visit them and did so, and preached for them on three consecutive Sabbaths (December 9,16 and 23). On January 6, 1878, he returned, and after ser- vice an election was held, at which time he was unanimously elected, the call dating from January 1, 1878. In May, 1886, the pastor received and accepted a call to the pastorate of St. Peter’s (stone) Church, where he is now labor- ing. The next and present pastor, Rev. V. F. Boiron, was elected and settled in September following. CLARKSVILLE, was set off from Spruce Run and organized November 16, 1869, with twenty-four members. The church was erected in 1871. Rev. A. K. Fetton was installed April 8, 1875, the church having been previously served by Rev. David Kline, pastor at Spruce Run. Rev. G.W. AnpERson succeeded Mr. Felton and remained until 1882. Rev. J. W. Lake took charge May 1, 1883. During his seven years of service eighty new members were added, the church’s indebtedness paid, the edifice repaired and improved and a parsonage built. Rev. E. V. Hoetscue, followed next and remained until ill-health forced him to resign. The above is substantially the history of Spruce Run church written by Rev. Chester H. Traver. SPRUCE RUN LUTHERAN CHURCH. EARLY GERMANS OF NEW JERSEY PART II GENEALOGIES OF THE EARLY GERMANS OF HUNTERDON, MORRIS, SUS- SEX AND WARREN COUNTIES. AND OF THE OTHER EARLY SETTLERS OF OLD ROXBURY TOWNSHIP FROM SOUTHOLD AND SOUTHAMPTON AND OF MANY FAMILIES WITH WHICH THESE INTERMARRIED LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. It may be necessary to remind the reader that the following genealogies have been gathered with very great labor and pains from various records and from various people. Very little help was obtained from family records, so that nearly all dates of birth or death had to be procured from church books, tombstones or wills. Some lines of descent have been carried down farther than others because of greater ease in procuring information with regard to them. The spelling of names has been made to conform to the records or to the various ways of spelling, preva- lent in the different branches of the same family. The omissions and errors, of which there are no doubt very many, are due largely to the faulty memories of those who have given the information. The arrangement of the families will explain itself, if it is carefully examined. Some abbreviations very commonly used are, b. for born; bap. for baptised ; bot. |’ for bought ; conf. for confirmed ; m. for married; s. for son; dau. for daughter ; w. for wife; ch. for child or children; res. for resides, or resided; rem. for re- moved ; prob. for probated when the reference is to a will. Note carefully the use of perh. for perhaps, to indicate that the statement following is a matter of mere conjecture, while prob. or probably, indicates that there are more reasons for, than against, the statement that follows. 226 ier 259s ren oh oN ‘ Or 7 6 - $ y Qs a a g Senin ny Bag) sul Se GENEALOGY, ABEL. There were Abels in New England and in New York at an early date, and it may be that our families of this name are descendants of these. Hendrick Abels came from the Netherlands in ship Rosetree, March, 1663. In 1728, September 4th, Andrew Ablin and Matheis Koplin landed at Philadelphia. The spelling presents no difficulty as the peculiar formation of A in some German handwriting would explain the K in Koplin, and the termination in is quite common, especially as a feminine form. In 1733, Aug. 28, Michael Ably and three others under 16, viz., Hans Peter, Hans Adam and Hans Michael Ebly, landed at Philadelphia from the ship Hope. ANDREAS bot. of Joseph Reckless, of Burlington Co., 1748, Feb. 7, 308 acres or one-half of the Davenport tract, near Fox Hill, the other half of which was sold on the same day to Morris Creature (Crater); the price was £103 and the said Abel was in actual possession. Andreas leaves a will, prob. 1751, June, in which he divides his property into three parts, one for his wife of 60 acres, and the other two of 120 acres each for his two sons Michel and Paul ; in 1762, June 6, Paul and Leany, his wife, sell their share, or 126 acres, to Michel for £304. In 1768, March 29, Michel Abel gives mortgage on 240 acres of this tract, ‘« whereon said Michel Abel now lives,” to Richard Stockton, &c. Lib. A fol. 91, Morristown. In 1784, June 1, Michel gives a mortgage to John Striker, of Somerset, upon the whole original tract of 308 acres for £1808 (N. Y. money). These records show that this farm upon which the original Union German Church of Fox Hill stood, belonged to Michel Abel, who must therefore have heen the father of Jacob, who afterwards occupied this farm, and of his broth-- ers and sisters. He had ch.: I.. MARY b. 1760, d. 1829, April 10 ; m. William Fritts (s. Frederick). Il. ANNA ELISABETH, b. 1767, d. 1831, Aug. 16; m. George Fritts (6. Frederick); at Spruce Run. III. JOHN, m. 1, Sophia Trimmer (daughter Matthias Ist), 1777, Jan. 30; 2, widow Mary Cripps, 1811, April 7; had children: 1. ANNA Marta, b. 1778, April 13 ; d. young. 2. JoHANNES, b. 1780, March 11. 8. Anna Marta, b. 1784, March 11. 227 228 4. 5. 6. 7%. 8. Earty Germans oF New JERSEY Davin, b. 1787, Jan. 10. ELISABETH, b. 1789, Jan. 17. Jacos, b. 1796, April 21. TEUNIS. A daughter who m. an Abbey. ‘j IV. ANDREW, m. Christina Schuyler (dau. Philip %), 1779, Jan. 26; had children: aoakwnnre . PHILIP, b. 1779, July 18. . DOROTHY, b. 1781, Aug. 9. . JACOB, b. 1784, June 20. . JOHN, b. 1786, Oct. 19. . ANDREAS, b. 1789, May 20. . Marrutas, b. 1792, Feb. 15. T Eva, b, 1797, April 12. V. MATTHIAS, m. Catherine Fritts (daughter Fred.) 1781, April 10; had children. OANAAeAPRwWNWHE . ELISABETH, b. 1782, March 15. . FREDERICK, b. 1783, Aug. 18. . WILLIAM, b. 1785, July 27. . JAcos, b. 1787, Aug. 29. . JOHANNES, b. 1792, June 30. . PETER, b. 1794, July 12. . SopHia, b. 1796, July 29. . CATHERINE, b. 1798, July 7. . ANNA, b. 1801, March 20. VI. JACOB, m. Charity Pickle (daughter Fred.) ; had children. Aooarhowowr 8. 9. . ELISABETH, b. 1794, April 4; m. Daniel Potter (s. Daniel). . PHILIP, b. 1796, July 8. . SOPHIA, b. 1797, Aug. 3;.m. Nicholas Hoffman (s. William). . CATHERINE, b. 1800, April 24; m. Aaron Sutton (s. Aaron). . FREDERICK PICKLE, b. 1801, Dec. 11; d. 1856, Jan. 1 ; unmarried. . ANDREW, b. |: ; d. 1858, Nov. 26 ; unmarried. . PROVIDENCE, b. : 3d. ; m. Minert Farley (s. Minert). GrorGs, b. 1811, Feb. 26 ; unmarried. JAcosB and another died young. Mary TEpDRICK, of Roxbury, Morris County, left a will dated 10 Jan., 1771, prob. April 10, in which she names sons Matthias (eldest), Paul, Michel and Andres Abel, and Caty and Eve, daughters of Michel. She no doubt had married a Tedrick for her second husband. The most probable conjecture with regard to her husband’s name is that it was MATTHIAS, and that he wasa brother of Andreas, or Andrew, -of Fox Hill. Her children were perhaps the following : I. MATTHIAS, bot. 124 acres Upper German Valley of Wm. Allen. II. MICHEL, letters of administration of his estate granted to Elisabeth, 1799, Jan. 5, Somerset Co., N. J.; perhaps had son, (l). WILLIAM, Chester, will prob. 1823, Mar. 22; will names children, ANDREW. WILLIAM. IcHABOD. MARGARET, m. a Bess. ABEL—ADAM 229 ELISABETH, m. Alexander Dawsin. CATHERINE. Eva. MicHEL’s children William and Mary Mellick, w. (of) John. III. PAUL. IV. ANDREW, bot. 200 acres at Hackelbarney from Thomas Leonard, 1761, Oct. 30 ; will prob. 1783 ; names wife, Hannah, and four children. SALomY RICHARDS. CATHARINE. CHRISTINA. ELISABETH, b. 1743 ; d. 1825, Nov. 15; m. John Sutton (s. Aaron 2) MISCcELLANEOUS— William Abel died 1771, March, at 98 ; anda Nicholas Abel is buried in Pluckamin Cemetery, who died 1738. Marruias, 1764, d. 1837 at 83; was a soldier in Rev. War and a noted auc- tonieer ; res. Union twp., Hunt. Co.; his will, prob. 1837, names w. Mary and ch.: WILLIAM’s widow, Margaret; Jonn; SaRAu Crook; CHARLOTTE Carkoff ; ELISABETH Cook, (deceased); gr’dson Matthias, s. William. CHURCH RECORDS: MICHEL and Dina have James, b. 19 Feb., 1769, and Dina, b. 6 Sept., 1771. MicHEL and Christina have Christina, b. 17 May, 1771. Wu1.LiaM and Catherine have Catherine, b. July, 1772. ADAM. STOFEL [CHRISTOPHER] ADAM signs call to Rev. Albert Weygand, 1749, (and on another list occurs Maria ELIZABETH Adam); b. 1723, June 15, d. 1788, Aug. 15, at 65 years and 2 months; buried Stillwater and has German headstone ; m. Catherine Kiehn, b. 1720, d. 1799 at 78; his will, ‘‘Hardwick,” 1788, Aug. 15, prob. Oct. 14, (Trenton Lib. 31, fol. 146), names w. Catharine and 6 ch.; five of these are found on records Lutheran Church, Stillwater : I. Cristina, confirmed 1777. II. HEenRIcH, b. 1763, conf. 1782 at 19. III. Anna CaTHERINE, b. 1764, conf. 1782 at 18. IV. Hanna, b. 1765, conf. 1782 at 17. V. Anna BARBARA, b. 1766, conf. 1782 at 16. VI. Jacos. JOHN, prob. of English origin, whose will, ‘‘Bedminster,” 28 Dec. 1752, prob. 24 Dec. 1754, names wife Elizabeth and five children ; I. MattHEW ADAM, whose will, ‘Tewksbury, Hunt. Co., Sept. 1767, prob. 16 March, 1768, names w. Leddy Chambers, dau. John, and 5 ch.; John, Elenor, James, Benjamin and Elijah. Mathias Adams paid tax on lands in Phila. Co., Pa., prior to 1734. II. WILL1aM. III. Jamzs. IV. SamveL Apams and wife, Catherine, buy, 26 June, 1766, of James Bell and w. Deborah, I’d in Hardwick, which they mortgage to John McDowell, 24 Oct. 1766. V. Marcaret (‘‘Macdole”), MacDowell wife or mother of Ephraim (“Mack dole”) Mac Dowell. ALEXANDER, (?) b. abt. 1750, bur. Mt. Hermon, Warren Co., N. J., m. first, Ann 230 Ear.ty Germans or New JERSEY Belles, of Knowlton ; second, Sarah It is possible that the name of this man should be Samuel, the son of John of Bedminster ; had ch.: I. Amos, m. Hannah Kar (dau. James), had ch.: Euphemia, b. 18 Oct. 1811, m. John Flummerfelt (s. George); John, d. yg.; Mary A., m. Robert Steel, (H’kt’wn); Charles, d. yg.; George, unm. ; Kor J; Alewander, unm.; Caleb; Azanah, m. first, Jerry Greca, second, Jacob Dunfield ; Clorinda, m. Snyder Belles ; Hila Ann, m. Joshua Smith. II. ANDREW, m. Elisabeth Cummins; had ch.; Alexander; Sarah A., m. Burrill Newman ; Ellen, m. Peter Flummerfelt (s. George). Til. ALEXANDER, m. Esther Leida; had ch.: Daniel, b. 18 Sep., 1807; m. Catherine Snyder; Phebe, m. Fowler; Esther and George. IV. JOSEPH. V. Zapok, m. Mahala Leida; had ch.: Isaac, m. 2 wives and for 2d w. a Stiff; John, unmarried; Sarah, m. Robert Brown. VI. SAMUEL, m. i had ch.: Jacob, unm ; Elisabeth, m. Joseph Hedden ; Mary, wuinieariéd. ‘ VII. ABRAHAM. VIII. Amosg, d. yg. IX. Axi, m. Jobn Lawler. X. Ruts, m. Geo. Lundy. XI. CHRISTEEN, m. Phil. Angle. XII. Mary,,m. a Mott. XIII. Tirzan, m. Chas. Green. XIV. Jemima, m. Phil. Snyder. XV. Zrpporan, b. 1796, Nov. 8, d. 1875, Oct. 29; m. Wm. Leida, b. 19 Oct., 1791, d. 27 Oct. 1858. XVI. Keziau, m. Ellick Decker. XVII. Anna, m. Zadok Decker. } LAZARUS ADAMS, of Kingwood, Hunt. Co., m. Mary; his will, prob. 26 March, 1784, mentions no family. In 1675 Fenwick came to South Jersey in ship Griffith and landed at a place which he called Salem. He had two servants, Samuel Hedge and John Adams, who afterwards married his two daughters. JOHN ADAMS, of Chester, Burlington Co., N. J.; will dated 19 March, 1679; no date of probate; names w. Elisabeth and ch.. Mary, Martha, Hannah, Deborah, Abigail, Marcy, Feby, Thomas, Rebeckah, ALLER. PETER ALLER, prob. came to Phila. 15 Sept., 1752, in ship Two Brothers ; m. Elisabeth ; will ‘‘Amwell” 17 May, 1778, prob. April, 1778, (Trenton Lib. 21, fol. 266) mentee 3 sons and 7 daughters. I. Peter, m. Anna, bad ch.; John, b. 15 Nov. 1768; Jacob, b. 15 April, 71; George, b. 15 Aug. 1773; Anna, b. 13 August, 1777, m. Fred. Apgar (s. Peter). II. Jou. III. PHrip. IV. Mary. V. REBECKAH. ‘SUAAVUL AHNHH HALSHHO ‘ATU UNITM GIAVG ‘Adu ALLER—ALPOCK 231 VI. RacHEL,. VII. Saran. VIII. CatTHERINE. IX. ELISABETH. X. ANNA. ALPOCK. Tradition says that three brothers, William, George and Peter Alpock, (Ohlbach, Albach, Alpaugh or Alpock), came from Holland in the year General Washington was born, or 1782. On Rupp’s lists we find that in 1734, Sept. 23, there landed at Phila. from the ship Hope, Daniel Reid, Master, Zacharias Ahlbach, John Wilhelm Ahlbach and under 16, Johann Wilhelin, Joh. Gerhard and Johann Peter Ahlbach. These all belonged to a generation before the one to which we have been able to trace the families of that name now in this section. In 1735 Zacharias and William Alback were occupying parts of the ‘Society Land” in Hunterdon Co. The three brothers referred to in the tradition, stated above, were probably of the second generation. Repeated inquiries have failed to discover the relationship between the families of German Valley and those at ‘Cokesbury and High Bridge. ALPOCKS OF GERMAN VALLEY. MORRIS ALPOCK (AHLBACH or ALBACH), occupied or owned land near Augus- tine Reid’s on the road from Bartley to Stephen’s mill; m. prob. Anna Hick (dau. Phil.); will dated or probated, 1769, Jan. 9, witnesses, Coonrad Rarich, Tetrich Struble, Augustine Reid ; executors, ‘‘my wife” and Phil. Ike ; will names 3 ch.: John William, Philip and Elisabeth. I. JOHN WILLIAM, s. Bt Morris ; b. 1736 or 7; d. 1811, June 13, at 74; m. Elisabeth Sharp, dau. of Morris ; b. 1741; d 1817, Dec. 19. Bought in 1773 a farm of 225 acres, (Theo. Csjéninn farwils had ch.: (). MORRIS, b. 1761, May 17; d. 1835; m. Catherine Rarick ; b. 1761, May 16; d. 1826; res. Naughright ; had ch.: Peter, b. 1787, Jan. 1. 2. WILL1aM, b. 1791, June 9. 8. JoHN, b. 1794, Oct. 14. 4 5 . ELISABETH, b. 1797, Jan. 1 ; m. George Sharp, s. of George. . Davin, b. 1802, Dec. 2;m. Rachel Clouse, dau. of Jacob; had ch: (1). Morais, b. 1827, May 23 ; m. Emma Weyer. (2). Mary A. WELSH, b. 1830, July 28; m. Jacob Swartz, _ 8. of David. (3). GrorGE, b. 1832, July 7; m. Angeline Thorp, dau. of Walter. (Il). MATTHIAS, b. 1763 ; d. 1844, July 1; m. Elisabeth Rhinehart, dau. Jobn Adam ; b. 1780, Jan. 14; d. 1834, Aug. 12; (near Succasunna). 1. WiLL1aM, b. 1797, Sept. ce m. Huldah Howell. 2. Davin, b. 1799 ; d. 1837 ; ummnanried. 83. GEORGE, m. Elisabeth Jane Heldebrant, daughter of Chris- topher. 4, Matruias, b. 1811; d. 1833; m. 1834 (2, Dec. 24, Charity Apgar (2). 5, Apam R., b. 1812, Dec. 24; m. Harriet Gardiner, b. 1812, April 3. 232 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY (1). SaRad E.; m. Martin R. Heldebrant, s. of Christopher. (2). Mary Ann ; m. Will Hazen. (8). Exiza J.; m. Noah M. Lefever. (4). Witi1am ; m. Zeubie N. Pool, daughter of William. 6. Maurice S.; m. Mary D. King. 7 7. CHARITY ; m. John Hart. 8. ELISABETH ; m. Wm. Logan. (III), ELISABETH, b. 1766, Feb. 28; d. 1836; m. John Rarick, on Rarick. place. (IV). JOHN, b. 1768 (2) ; d. 1821, March 30 (%) ; m. Mary Rarick, widow of Anton Waldorf ; had child Mary, who m. Gilbert Budd, s. of Jos. (V). MARY, b. 1770 (2); m. Martin Rhinehart, s. of Adam. (Between Hacklebarney and Fairmount). (VI). WILLIAM, b. 1774; d. 1851, Sept. 12; m. Patience Larason ; b. 1781 ; d. 1824, Oct. 23: (res. ‘‘ Burnt Tavern”); had ch.: 1. ELIsaBeTH, b. 1801, unmarried. 2. SALLIE, b. about 1805 ; m. Robert Henry ; d. at Newark. 3. Mary A., b. about 1808 ; m. Robert Dickerson. 4. JOHN, b. about 1813 ; d. 1824, at 12 years. (VII). PETER, b. 1778 ; m. Anna Barbara Aury, went to Canada abt. 1810.. 1, ELISABETH, b. 1806. 2. Mary, b. 1808. 3. CATHERINE. 4. JoHN. II. PHILIP, perh. m. Elsa Catherine Cramer (dau. Matthias), but she was born 1779, 1II. ELISABETH. ALPOCKS OF COKESBURY. JOHN ALPOCK, b. 1739; d. 1821, April 1, at 82; m. (1) Elisabeth ; (2) a had three children, John William, Mary and Sophia by his first wife, and three, George, Eva and Petér by his second. (). JOHN WILHELM, b. 1768, Dec. 26; m. Cath. Apgar, dau. of Herbert ; had ch.: 1, WILLIAM, m. Charity Apgar ; had one child Conrad who m. Mary Sutton, dau. of Peter. 2. JOHN, b. 1797, June 11; m. Katie Hick ; had 3 ch.: George, d. young; Amos and Mary (at High Bridge). 3. PeTer, m. Mary Eick, dau. Geo.; had 8 ch.: John, m. Sarah Apgar ; Effie, m. Wesley Henry; Morris E., m. Hannab Wean; Lydia Ann,m. Wm. Foregus ; George, m. Elisabeth Lance ; Philip, m.—— Read ; Mary Cath.,m. John Read ; Stephen R. H., m. Cath. Lance, dau. Wm. M. 4, ELISABETH, b. 1802, June 2; m. John H. Creger. 5. GzorGE, m. Sophia Eick, dau. of Geo. (Potterstown); had 3 ch.: William, m. —— Alpock, dau. of George ; Harrison, unm.; a daughter, m. —— Hoffman. 6. NicHonas, m. Sally A. Sutton, dav. of Peter; had ch.:. Charity, m. David T. Apgar, s. of Isaac A.; Elisabeth, m. Garret Stryker, s. of John B.; Mary, m. John Apgar, (Clinton); Fanny, m. Jonathan Van Fleet; Isaac, died. ALPOCK 233. Amanda, died ; John, unm. %. EFFI£, m. Tunison Johnson. (II). MARY, unmarried. (II). SOPHIA, b. 1771, May 30; m. Wm. Alpock, s. of Wm. (IV). GEORGE, b. 1777, Jan. 28 ; m. Mary Sutton, dau. of Aaron ; had ch.:. 1. AaRon, m. (1) Sarah Apgar; (2) Catherine Thompson. 2. ELISABETH, m. Jacob Hick, s. of George. 3. Mary, m. Cornelius Wyckoff. 4, Isaac, m. Mary Jane Lindabery. 5. WILLIAM G. JR., m. (1) Mary Apgar, dau. of Jacob; (2) Anna Alpock, dau. of Wm. 6. GEORGE, m, —— Teats. (V). EVA, b. 1779, Feb. 21. (VI). PETER, b. 1781, Feb. 12; m. Annie Apgar, dau. of Peter ; had ch.: 1. Joun, died young. 2. PETER, m. Mary Teats, dau. of John. 3. Wa. PETER, m. Martha Apgar, dau. of Nicholas. 4. Mary, m. David F. Apgar, s. of Wm. 5. GEORGE, m. Elisabeth Apgar, dau. of Herbert 2d. ALPOCES OF HiGH BRIDGE. I, JOHN WM. ALPOCE, b. 1732; d. 1817, April 13 ; m. (1) Anna Hick ; (2) Else Mary Henry ; occupied or bought 184 acres land in High Bridge Twp., lot No. 1 on Allen and Turner map 1802 ; had three children by his first wife, and two by his second : (Il). JOHN, b. 1762, Aug. 4; m. Annie Apgar, dau. of Herbert ; had one child ; (res. Cokesbury and Round Valley); had ch.: 1. WILLIAM, b. 1795, May 2; d. 1886, Oct. 18 ; m. Mary Conover, dau. of Rulof ; had ch. (1). ANN, b. 1818, Jan.; m. Wm. G. Alpock, s. of George. (2). SARAH, b. 1820, Oct. 22; m. Peter E. Wyckoff, s. of Peter. (8). JoHN, b. 1828, Oct. 12; m. Jane H. Lee, dau. of John. (4). ELISABETH, b. 1826, Feb.; m. Martin Wyckoff, s. of John M. (ID. J. WILLIAM, b. 1769, May 18 ; will dated or prob. 1850, Nov. 28 ; m. Sophia Alpock, daughter of John; (Spruce Run Cross Roads, near High Bridge); had ch.: 1, ELIsaBETH, b. 1791; died young. 2. Mary, unmarried. 8. ANN, m. Jacob Tunison. 4. JoHn, m. Margaret Felmley, dau. of David; had ch.: Sophia, m. Geo. A. Apgar; Elisabeth; Nathan, unm.; David; Levi. . WILLIAM, b. 1797; m. Mary Wean ; had two ch.: Levi and Elisabeth. 6. EFFIE, m. Peter Cregar, dau. of Andrew. (III). MARY, m. Peter Apgar, s. of Herbert. (IV). GEORGE ALPOCK, b. 1778, Jan. 2; m. 1798, Jan. 20, Mary Mc- Daniel ; b. 1776 ; d. 1862, April ; had ch.: ; 1, Witi1am G., b. 1799, May 11; d. 1871, April 26; m. Sarah Shannon, nee Clover, dau. Sam’1; d. 1890, Aug. 17, at 90: \ or 234 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY years, 8 months, 5 days ; had ch.: (1). (2). (Q). (4). (5). (6). . JOHN, b. 1801, Nov. 3; m. Elisabeth Evans. . JamEs, b. 1808, March 20 ; m. Eliza V. — GEoRGE, b. 1805, April 7; m. Annie Youngs; (Whitehouse). Peter, b. 1807, Mar. 1; m. Mary Youngs; (2 miles south or 69 20 Many ANN, m. Harrison Apgar, s. of Peter. Nancy, m. Jaco» Tiger, s. of Christopher. Go. NELSON, m. Susan Crammer, dau. of Geo. G. SYLVESTER, m. (1) Clarissa Apgar ; (2) Abbey Case. ELISABETH, m. John H. Crammer, s. of Geo. G. EmiLy, m. Luther Hoffman, s. of Wm. H. Clinton); had ch.: BSISSESHS 1). 2). EMANUEL, (West). WESLEY, m. Elisabeth Emery. . GEORGE, m, —— Youngs. . WILLIAM, m. (1) 3 (2) . Epwarp, m. (1) ——; (2) —; (8) —. . Lyp1a ANN, m. George Streeter. . RACHEL, m. Hezekiah Kipbardt. ). (9). (10). Emma, (West). ELISABETH, m. John Stout, Newark. Katz, m. Mansfield Hummer. 6. Saran ANN, b. 1813, April 6; m. Peter Lowe, (brother to John). %, ELISABETH, b. 1815, Oct. 29; m. Joshua Henderson. 8. Mary, b. 1817, Sept. 5; m. Elijah Stout; d. 1891, Sept., in 83d yr. 9. RacHEL, b. 1819, Nov. 12; m. Dan’l V. Woolverton, (Easton). (V). ELISABETH, b. 1787, April 2; died young. ; II. GEORGE ALPOCK, bro. to John Wm. (High Bridge); m. Anna Maria ; “settled on road from Bray’s Hill to Cokesbury”; had at least one child, Eva, b. 1770, Feb. 3. III. PETER, bro. to John Wm.; m. Anna; settled in Alexandria twp., Hunterdon Co.; had children : (I). WILLIAM, b. 1762 ; d. 1826, Mar. 9, at 64; m. Hannah; b. 1765, Dec.; d. 1848, April 3, at 77 ; had ch.¢ 1. Mary, b. 1797, Nov. 20. 2. CARTER, b. 1800, Feb. 7. (I). ANN MARIA, b. 1766, April 18. (II). HANS THEIS, (John Matthias), b. 1770, Dec. 8; d. 1830, May 5; m. Elisabeth, (or Eliza); b. 1775, Dec. 3; d. 1830, May 11; had ch.: 1. WiuLiaM, b. 1797, Jan. 14. 2. JoHN, b. 1800, May 16. (IV). JACOB, b. 1772, Sept. 28. (V). GERTRAUD, b. 1775, May 14. (VI). JOHN, m. Sarah, had one child, ELISABETH, b. 1796, May 29. AMERMAN. DIRCK JANS [i. e. Richard, son of John], at Flatlands, L. I., 1650; deacon in GLEN GARDNER LUTHERAN CHURCH. AMERMAN—ANTHONY 235 that ch. 1693 ; prob. had ch. or grdch.: I. NICHOLAS, Sourland, Som. Co., N. J.; will, 1777, April 12, prob. Oct. 25; names w. Neeltje and ch.: Daniel; Neeltye bap. April 6, 1735, at Readington, N. J.; Aaltje; John; Sarah, wife of John Wyckoff. II. JACOBUS; Som. Co., N. J.; will, 7 June, 1776, prob. 1 Feb. 1777; names w. Mariah and ch.: Hendrick; Albert, prob. m. Francis bef. 1735 ; Powel [Paul ?]; Isaac prob. m. Jannetje and had Jannetje, bap. 3 May, 1747; Peter; Mary; Francinche; Anne; perh. also Dirck m. Leena and had Albert, bap. 8 July, 1733. III and IV perh. DIRCK and ALBERT (see ch. of Jacobus). ALBERT, buried Chester Cem.; b. 6 March, 1784; d. 18 March, 1855 ; was prob. grandson of one of the above. ANTHONY. -PAUL ANTHONY came from Germany in the brigantine Perthamboy from Rotterdam, last from Dover, 1736, Oct. 19. His name is on Foxenberg sub- scription list before 1749; probably came from Strasburg; had only one son so far as is known, viz.: I. PHILIP, m. Elisabeth Dewitt, who d. 1813 ; will probated (Newton, N. J.) 1818, April 9; lived near Newton until after Revolution, when he re- moved to Penwell, but the eldest son remained in Sussex Co. and is the ancestor of the Anthonys in that region. The homestead was on the site of the farm of either John Anthony or Jacob Miller or both, in Independence township, Warren County. (). ELISABETH, b. 1751, May 9; d. 1825, May 28; m. Jacob Lininger ; b. 1753, July 25; d. 1833, Aug. 15; lived near White Hall. (Il). PHILIP, JR., b. 1756, July 21; d. 1850, May 8; m. 1779, Apr. 5, Mary Moore b. 1756, May 22; d. 1851, Sept. 22; had ch : 1. Paun b. 1780, Apr. 3; d. 1875 at 94; m. 1803, Feb. 23, Cathe- rine Perry, dau. Adam; b. 1785, July 7; d. 1839; had ch.: (1). John, b. 1804, Jan. 10, m. Anna McCrey ; (2). Philip, b. 1805, Feb. 17, m. Catherine Tiger ; (8). David, b. 1806, Nov. 23, m. Catherine Sharp; had son, John Wesley, who had as. Wm; (4). Jacob, b. 1808, May 5, m. Susan Johnscn; (5). Maria, b. 1810, Oct. 14, m. Harmon Diltz ; (6). Rosina, b. 1812, Mar. 19; (7). Jesse, b. 1819, June 2, m. Rachel Park; (8). George, b. 1822, Feb. 19, d. yg; (9). Zipha, b. 1823, d. yg; (10). Joseph H., b, 1826, m. Mary Beatty. 2 2. ELisaBETH, m. Jacob.Castner, s. Daniel. 3. A. Rosina, b. 1785, June 6; m. John Anderson. 4, Mary, b. 1788, May 26; m. Wm. Lance, s. Peter. 5. Susanna, b. 1790, May 17; d. yg. 6. Jacos, b. 1794, May 20; m. Mary Beatty, dau. Jas.; had ch.: Narwan, of German Valley,m. Ann Swackhamer, dau. Jacob, and has James, m. Fanny Hoffman, dau. Noah; Mary L. m. John J. Swayze, s. Joseph. 7. Eva b. 1801, Mar. 18; m. Jacob Beatty, s. Jas. (IID. PAUL, m. 1783, Dec. 18, Cornelia Van Buskirk, moved to Shamokin section, Pa.; had ch.: 236 Earty GermMANs oF NEw JERSEY 1. Puruip b. 1784, Aug. 24; 2. EsTHEeR b. 1786, Jan. 26; 3. A. Maria b. 1788, Jan. 6; 4. THomas b. 1790, Feb. 18. (IV). MARY, (2) b. 1758, (2); confirmed at 16 in 1774. (V). EVA, m. Andrew Miller. (VI). DANIEL, b. 1764; d. 1882; m. 1793, Mar. 28, Elisabeth Karns, dau. Christopher, b. 1766, Feb. 14; d. 1847; had ch.: J, CATHERINE, b. 1794, Apr. 13; m. Fritz Schwackhammer, s. John. : 2. JouNn, b. 1797, Jan. 7; m. Rebecca Lee ; had ch.: (1). DANIEL, m. Elisabeth Hoffman, dau. Henry H.; had ch.: John, Henry, Jacob, Catherine. (2). CATHERINE, d. yg. 3. Frep. b. 1801, Aug. 7; m. Mehetable VanNatta, dau. Stephen ; d. 1846 ; had ch.: (1). ELisaBETH, m. Henry P. Stryker, s. Martin. (2). JacoB, m. Henrietta Johnson (IL) and had Mary and Inez. (3). Davin, d. at 3 yrs. (4). Mary, m. Sylvester Lake. (6). GzorcE, m. Lettie Mulmer, (Lamington); had ch.: Elma, Mary Virginia, Fred., Bella, Charles, Bertha, Luther, Julia and Henry P., who was raised by Jacob- , Karn and inherited his farm. (VID). ROSINA, (Seeney), b. 1769, June 9; d. 1843, Nov. 9; m. Andrew Moore; b. 1764, May 15; d. 1846, June 1, (near Glen Gardner). The name of the eldest son, who remained near Newton, is unknown, and no. trace of his descendants can be found. APGAR. _The Apgar (originally Ebgert, then Ebcher) family came from the borders of Lombardy, in Italy, to Phila., perhaps in 1749, Sep. 13, at which time Johan Adam Ebert’s name was signed by the clerk to the oath of allegiance. The first one of the name was JOHAN ADAM, who is said to have been one of the two brothers, who came to this country, the other one going to Monmouth Co. This John Adam had ten sons and one daughter, viz.: HERBERT, settled east of Cokes- burg, N. J.; Henry, settled in Alexandria twp., Hunt. Co., N. J.; Jacos, settled. west of Cokesburg, N. J.; Perer, of Lebanon, N. J.; Jonn Prerer, of Lebanon twp., Hunt. Co., N. J.; Wittiam, of the neighborhood of Clinton; ADam, of Cokesburg ; FREDERICK, of Alexandria twp., Hunt. Co., N. J.; Conran, of Moun- tainsville, Hunt. Co., N. J.; GEorGr, who went west; CATHERINE, the only dau., who married, first, John Emery, and second, John Sharp. I. HERBERT, of East Cokesburg; will dated 1800, June 6, prob. Aug. 6; m., Jirst, ; second, Anna Hick; mentioned in will, ‘‘wife Anna and eleven children :” (I). ANNE, b. 1756; m. John W. Alpock, s. of Wm. (II). PETER, Sr., b. 1759; d. 1846; m., first, Mary A. Alpock, dau. Wm. ; b. 1759 ; d. 1820 at 61; second, Christian Anderson, dau. of Richard ; d. 1831, Oct. 2, at 54; had ch.: 1. (“Gov.”) WiuL1aM, b. 1780, Nov. 9; m. Elisabeth Apgar. 2, ANNA, m. Peter Alpock. 3. ELISABETH, m. James Everitt. APGAR 237 4. HERBERT, m. Elisabeth Anderson; had ch.: CATHERINE, b. 1808, Jan. 15; m. Leon N. Flumervelt ; Prver, b. 1810, May 27; m* Rachel Apgar, dau. of Peter; Marcaret, b. 1812, June 23; m. Richard Farley, s. of Rich.; Gzores, b. 1815, Jan. 12; m. Mary Waters, dau. of John; Emity, b. 1817, Apr. 3; m. Fred. Trimmer, s. of Christopher ; Naom1, b. 1817, Apr. 3; m. Andrew Wack; SaMUEL, b. 1819, Aug. 20; m. Mary A. Plum; Curis- TIANNA, b. 1821, Sept. 30; m. Fred. ; ELISABETH, b. 1824, Mar. 28; unm.; Martrupa, b. 1826, Sept. 11; m. Peter Crater, s. of Philip; Lzonarp, b. 1831, Oct. 9; m. Mary Ellen Linaberry, dau. of Wm. 5. Mary, m. John Everitt, bro. to James. 6. SARAH, m. Will Beavers, s. of George. %. MarGaret, m. Phil. Crater, s. of Phil. ; 8, PETER, b. 1795, Dec. 19; m. Elizabeth Crater, dau. of George. 9. JOHN, b. 1798, Apr. 15 ; m. Charity Cramer, dau. of George. 10. GEORGE, m. Catherine Wean. 11. CATHERINE, b. 1799, June 1, (2). 12. RacwEL, b. 1801, June 10; m. Phil. Alpock. eu MARGARET, b. 1761, May 15 ; d. 1841, at 80; m. Jacob Hick ; b. 1744, June 15; d. 1819, Dec. 30. {IV). GEORGE, b. 1763 ; d. 1846, July 29; m., first, Peggy Apgar, dau. of Adam; b. 1766; d. 1818; second, finlamalh Everitt ; b. 1795; d. 1873, ok 8; had one ch.: Mary, m. Lewis Emery. (V). JOHN, b. 1764, Oct. 25; m. Catherine Apgar, dau. of John Peter, b. 1766, Nov. 1; lived at Whitehall; had ch.: PETER, b. 1786, Sept. 3, d. yg.; CATHERINE, b. 1788, Sept 6, d. yg.; ELISABETH, b. 1790, Sept. 12, unm., d. at 78; GEORGE, b. 1793, Jan. 7, unm., d. at 72; ANNE, b. 1795, Nov. 20; unm.; d. at 71; WiuuiamM, b. 1798, Apr. 5, d. yg.; JoHN, b. 1800, Mar. 9; Jacos, b. 1802, Apr. 23; PETER, b. 1804, May 27; Mary, b. 1806, June 26; these five last all d. yg.; Jesse Apgar, near Whitehall, is a gr’ndson of John. (VI). WILLIAM, m. Ann Bunn. (VII). CATHERINE, b. 1769, Apr. 24; m. John (‘‘Honey”) Alpock, s. of John. (VII). HERBERT, b. 1769 (or 70); willprob. 1854, Oct.’7; m. Mary Grammer: had ch.: Ann; RurTH, m. Wm. Felmly ; GEORGE, unm.; Joun M., m. Hannah Farley, dau. of Minert ; ELisan, m. Mary Apgar, dau. of Jacob; PauL, m. Mary Crammer, dau. of John; ELISABETH, m. Geo. Alpoch, s. of Peter; ELLEN, m. David L. Everitt, s. of John ; CATHERINE, m. James J. Smith. (IX). PAUL, b. 1772; m. first, Eick, dau. Peter ; second, Hannah Apgar, dau. Conrad ; third, Nancy Todd, dau. of James; had one ch., Mary, who m. jirst, Eick ; second, Conrad Apgar, s. of Joshua. (X). EVA, b. 1776, May 20; m. John Teats, s. of Adam ; b. 1779, Feb. 11. (XI). MARY, b. 1783, Nov. ;_ d. 1862, Dec., at 79 yrs., 1mo., 15 dys.; m Peter Teats, s. of Adam ; b. 1776, May 16. (Order as named in will). II. HEINRICH (or Henry) ApGaR, b. 1745; d. 1832, Oct. 19, at 86; m. first, Anna Maria Nixon ; second, a Groendyke ; went to Phila. to keep hotel, then returned to Palmyra, Hunt. Co., and bot. 100 acres, 1791, March 30; had ch.: 238 EarLty GERMANS OF NEW JERSEY: (). A Eva, b. 1770, Aug. 27; (II). Davzp, b. 1772, Aug. 23; (IID. Henry; (IV). WinLiam, b. 1786; d. 1856, at about 70; m. Elisa- beth Bloom, dau. of Jacob; had ch.: Frank, m. Annie Bray, dau. of John; Fred., b. 1821, Nov. 18, m. Euphemia Pittenger, dau. of Abram; George; Isaac, m. Rachel Lowe, dau. “Capt ;”” Henry, m. Elisabeth Young, dau. Peter; Samuel, m. Mattie Lawrence; (V). Frank, d. yg.; (VD. Mary, m. Isaac Bloom, s. of Jacob; (VII). Annrz, m. Sam. Schuyler ; (VIII). Nancy, m. Solomon Hoppock. III. JACOB, b. 1746, July 18, d. 1814, May 6, at 67 yrs., 9 mo., 18 dys., m. Hannah. Charity Pickle, dau. of Conrad ; had ch.: (I) ANNA, b. 1770, Feb. 1, m. Herman Henry. (II). FRED., b. 1772, June 11, d. 1840, Jan. 20, m. Eva Hoffman, dau. of’ Harmon, b. 1775, Dec. 25, d. 1858, Feb. 23; had ch.: 1. Anna, b. 1794, m. Geo. Hoffman, s. of Wm.; 2. Jaco, (“Guinea Jake”) b. 1794, m. Cath. Apgar, dau. of William ;. 3. Conrad P., (‘Swamp Coon”) b. 1800, m. Mary Apgar, dau. of William; 4. NicHouas, b. 1803, March 10, m. Delilah Apgar, dau. of William; 5. FREDERICK, b. 1806, May 1, m. Mrs. Kate Trimmer Apgar, widow of William ; 6. Cuarity, b. 1809, d. 1831; 7. SALLIE, m. Aaron Alpaugh, s. of George; 8. Mary, b. 1818, m. Elijah Apgar, s. of Herbert. (III). CATHERINE, b. 1774, Feb. 6, m. Geo. Kreamer. (IV). CONRAD, (‘‘ Long Coon”) b. 1776, Apr. 8, d. 1836, Mar. 1, m. Elisa- beth Cramer, dau. of John or Geo., b. 1776, Apr. 23, d. 1848, Jan. 16; bad ch.: 1, ELISABETH, m. first, Peter Rowe, s. of Jacob, second, Peter P. Apgar, s. of Peter A.; 2. Wintiam C., m. Catherine Felmley, dau. of David ; 3, JACOB, b. ‘1802, a 1830, m. Mary Farley, dau. of Isaac, b. 1802, d. 1887; had ch.: Ann Elisa- beth, m. John W. Melick, of New Geriantaemn, and had 7 ch.; Catherine C., b. 1824, d. 1868, m. Peter W. Melick and had 10 ch.; Maria C., b. in 1827, d. 1850, m. Stephen B. Ramsom, of Jersey City, and had 3ch.; Lydia, res. Streator, Il., b. 1 Nov., 1830, m. first, Henry T. Hageman, of Bed- minster, by whom one son, m. second, Edward Kline, by whom 6 ch.; 4. FREDERICK, m. Catherine Todd, dau. of James ; 5. CHarRiTy, m. Wm. Alpock, s. of John; t. ConRapD P. C., m. Elisabeth Hoffman, dau. of Geo.; 7 MARIAH, m. Allen Crague, s. of Watson; Harmon, m. first, Effie Eick, dau. of Geo., second, unknown. (V). NICHOLAS, b. 1778, Oct. 9,m. Mary Bunn, dau. of Peter: had ch.: Jacob, m. Marware: Trimmer ; Peter N., m. Isabel Hoffman, dau. of Fred.; Abraham, m. Mary A. Apean, dau. of John; Elisabeth, m. Peter J. Philhower, s. of John; Charity, m. ‘Andrew Stout ; Catherine, m. Morris Teats; Anna, m. Oliver Farley; Martha, m. Will. Alpaugh. (V1). SOPHIA, b. 1780, Nov. 14, m. Chas. McKagin. (VI). MATTHIAS S., m. first, Cath. Skureman (no children) ; second, Elsie Hoffman, dau. of Fred., and wid. of Will. Reed ; had ch.; Amanda, APGAR 239 m. Joseph Lommerson; Mary, m. Simon Apgar, s. of Conrad; John L., m. Eliza Potter, dau. of Daniel; Huldah, m. Aaron Farley, s. of Minert. (VIID). SALLIE, b. 1785, June 16, m. McClosky Skureman. ((X). EFFIE ELISABETH, b. 1787, Dec. 26, m. John S. Melick, s. of David. (X). JOHN CASPER, b. 1790, Apr. 6, m. first, Elisabeth Best, dau. of Andrew, second, Nancy Carlisle, dau. of John ; had ch.: Jacob B., m. Elisabeth Schuyler, dau. of Andrew; Ann; m. Daniel Seals; Elisabeth, m. John P. Sutton, s. of Peter ; Polly, unm.; John R., m. Susan Schuyler, dau. of Andrew; Casper P., m. Rachel Phil- hower, dau. of Phil. 2d; Andrew, m. Eliza Brown ; Immanuel, m. Hannah Hellebrant, dau. of Matthias. (XD). JACOB, b. 1794, Apr. 6, m. Hannah Apgar, dau. of Conrad; had 10 or 12 children: Matthias; Ann; James, m. dau. of Peter Lance ; John, m. Ann Hoffman, dau. of Fred.; Peter; Ann, m. Will. Apgar, s. of Herbert; Mary, m. Nich. Apgar, s. of Jacob, and others. (XII). ADAM, m. first, Mary Philhower, dau. of Christopher, second, Betsy Parks ; had ch.: Nathan, m. Catherine Apgar, dau. of Fred; Charity ; Matthias, b. 7 April, 1823, m. Amanda Linaberry, dau. Herbert, and had James M., Conductor for about 15 years on High Bridge Branch C. R. R., and Mary Louisa, who m. Will Walters ; Benjamin; Fred.; Adam, m. Elisabeth Lance; Nicholas; Cath- erine, ro. Orts ; Emma. IV. PETER, of Lebanon, m. first, Cath. Clover, second, unknown ; had ch.: (1). JOHN, b. 1768, Apr. 27, m. Elisabeth Emery. (Il). JACOB, b. 1770, Sept. 4. (III). FREDERICK, b. 1772, Aug. 30, d. 1856, Apr. 10, m. Annie Aller, dau. of Peter, b. 1777, Aug. 5, d. 1844, June 3; had ch.: Perer ‘A., b. 1798, Mar. 4, m. first, Harriett; Abbott, second, unknown ; 2. Henry A., b. 1801, June 8, m. Mary Roland; 3. WiiiiaMm A., b. 1804, Sept. 8, m. Ellen Hoffman, s. of Wm.; 4. Frep. A., b. 1806, Aug. 5, m. Eick, dau. of Tunis; 5. GeorGe A.. b. 1808, Jan. 10, m. Martha Tiger, d. of Jacob; Jacob; 6. ANNA, b, 1809, Dec. 17, unm.; 7. SaRag, b. 1812, Jan. 12, unm.; 8. Isaac A., b. 1813, Mar. 26, m. Anna Rodenbaugh. dau. of Andrew; 9. WINEGARNER, b. 1816, April 6, d. 1858, Aug. 16, m. Merilda Eich, dau. of Tunis. ; (iv). SARAH, b. 1774, Dec. 30. (V). HENRY, m. first, Mary ; second, Dina Hoffman. (VI). WILLIAM, b. 1776, Feb. 6, prob. d. yg. (VII). MARY, m. Smith. (VIIl). ELISABETH, m. Winegarner. ((X). CATHERINA, b. 1781, June 12, (X). PETER, (Ithaca). S (XI). ISAAC, (Ithaca). == \ (XII). PAUL. (XIII). WILLIAM C., b. 1779, Nov. 5, m. Catherine Mc Kinney, b. 1771, Oct. 16; had ch.: 1, Apr. MCKINNEY, b. 1801, July 19, d. 1870, July 2, m. Margaret 240 ve 8. Earty Germans of New JERSEY Castner, dau. of Daniel, b. 1796, Mar. 14, d. 1868, May 20; had ch.: Samuel, Eliza and Mary. . PETER CLOVER, b. 1802, Nov. 10, m. Annie Creveling, dau. of Wm.; had ch.: Cornelius Stewart, b. 1830, m. Sarah Terry- berry, dau. of Jacob; Eliza, b. 1832, m. D. M. Welsh, s. of David ; John C., b. 1834, Sept. 9, m. Susan A. Slater, dau. of Henry; Susan A., b. 1836, m. Wm. Miller, s. of Andrew; Catherine, b. 1888, m. E. J. Rood; George, b. 1840, m. Prall, dau. of John ; Theodore, b. 1842, d. yg.; William, b. 1844, d. yg.; Amanda M,, b. 1846, m. Samuel Fritts, s. of Elias ; Mary Jane, b. 1848, unm.; Samuel, b. 1851, unm. 3. Mary, b. 1805, Dec. 19, m. Joseph Francis, (Indiana). 4, 5: 6 Joun, b. 1806, Nov. 7, m. Force, (no children). . CATHERINE, b. 1808, Nov. 7, m. Woodruff Lane. . NicHoLAS STILWELL, b. 1811, Jan. 22, m. Mary Rodenbaugh ; had ch.: Eli and dau’s. Isaac Gray Farxey, b. 1818, Apr. 1. ELIsaBETH, b. 1813, Apr. 1, m. Lewis Martenis. “Vv. JOHN PETER, will dated 1792, May 30, prob. July 7, same year, m. Elisabeth McCracken ; had ch.: (d). CATHERINE, b. 1766, Nov. 1, m. John Apgar, s. of Herbert. (I}).{WILLIAM, b. 1769, May 20, (according to tombstone, 1768, May 22 i. 2. d. 1885, Feb. 19, m. Mary Schuyler ; had ch. (order uncertain): PETER, m. first, Cath. Trimmer, dau. of George; second, Hulda Hoffman, dau. of Fred., d. 1815; third, Hannah Hotrum, dau. of Fred. (1). NavHan T., b. 1818, Oct. 7, m. first, Mahala Swack- hamer ; second, Elisabeth Flomerfelt, dau. of Leon N.; had ch.: George, m. first, Lebbie Trimmer, dau. of Geo. C., and second, Emma Neighbor, dau. of Leon G.; Catherine, m. Silas W. Hance: Melvina, m. Wm. Dellicker, s. of Casper; Fred., m. Maggie Beavers, dau. of Wesley; Elisabeth, m. Isaac Sharp Vescelius, s. of Oliver; Eliza Jane, m. Richard Philhower, s. of Aaron; Willard, m. Mary Welsh, dau. of Samuel; Lawrence, d. yg.; Aaron §., m. Lizzie Hopkins, dau. of Silas; Martin Luther, d. yg.; Julictta, m. John Henry Slater ; Lyman, d. yg.; Emma, d. yg. (2). CAROLINE, m. David F. Apgar, s. of Wm. C. ). ELIAS, unmarrled. (4). GzorGe#, M. D., unmarried. ). STEPHEN, (by third wife) m. Mary J. Woolverton. (6). JOHN, m. Adaline Lindabury. (7). ELLIs, unmarried (8). GILBERT, m. Adaline Fritts. (9), Isaac. (10). ELISABETH, m. Mantius Apgar, s. of Jacob. (11). Wm. EucGeng, m. Louisa Sutton. (12). Amos, m. Emma Apgar, dau. of P. K. AVID, m. Hannah Whitehead, Peapack. UY \ an). (IV). (V). APGAR 241 . WILLIAM, m. Catherine Trimmer, dau. of George. . GEORGE, d. young (after 1835). . ELISABETH, m. Jacob Fritts, (Glen Gardner). . Sopura, b. 1811, Oct. 15, m. Phil. Hoffman, (Mountainville). . Mary, m. Conrad P. Apgar, s. of Fred. . CATHERINE, m. Jacob Apgar, s. of Fred. . JACOB HANCE (?). MARGARET, m. Herbert Lance. JACOB, b. 1771, m. Mary ; haich.: Conrad, b. 1801, March 22; Mary, b. 1804, Aug. 6. EVA, m. Henry Crips. OO 2 Oo Ot me OF VI. WILLIAM, of Clinton, N. J., b. 1752, d. 1836, April 9, m. 1774, April 17, Cath- erine Pickle, dau. of Conrad, b. 1752, d. 1831, Dec. 9. ((). aq. (In). (Iv). (V). (VI). (VID. (VIID. (TX). (&). (XI). (XID). JOANNA GERTRUDE, b. 1775, March 3.] HANNAH, b. 1776, March 3, died young... ELISABETH, b. 1777, d. yg. NICHOLAS P., b. 1779, June 29, m. Catherine Manning ; had ch.: James, George, John, Catherine and Maria. JAMES, b. 1781, Jan. 28 ; unmarried. WILLIAM, b. 1782, Oct. 29; died young. ELISABETH, b. 1785, June 12, m. Wm. Mettler, s. of William (%). SARAH, b. 1785, June 12, m. Isaac Bloom. CATHERINE, b. 1789, Aug. 2 ; died young. NANCY, b. 1792, July 12, m. Samuel Manning, s. of Samuel. WILLIAM, b. 1794, July 15 ; died young. GEORGE P., b. 1799, m. Elisabeth McPherson (Brooklyn). VII. ADAM, d. 1815, April, (letters of administration to Geo. Apgar and Nicholas Wyckoff), m. Anna Barbara Manning. @. (a). ain. (IV). (V). JACOB, b. 1769, April 29, m. a Rowe ; had one son, Wm. Clark. PETER, b. 1771, Sept. 6. PETER A., b. 1773, Feb. 13, d. 1850, Jan. 10, at 76 years, 10 months, ‘27 days, m. Ann Stout, dau. of Samuel, b. 1782, Oct. 16, d. 1845, Aug. 6; hadch.: MarGaret, m. Adam Teats, s. of Adam ; BAR- BARA, m. John Philhower, s. of John ; THomas, b. 1806, Sept., m. Effie Hoffman, dau. of Peter M.; PETER, b. 1808, April 15, m. first, Sallie Merritt ; second, Elisabeth Apgar, dau. of Conrad; Davin, m. Effie Force, dau. James ; JONATHAN ; ELiza, m. Morris Merrill, s. of Benjamin ; ELLEN, m. Edward Buckley ; HARRISON, m. first, Mary A. Alpock, dau. of Wm. G.; second, Adaline Lance, dau. of Wnm.; ELISABETH, m. Jacob Philhower, s. of Jobn; SAMUEL, m. a Philhower, dau. of Peter ; Isaac O., m. Hannah M. Lindaberry, dau. of Casper. ANNA CATHERINE, b. 1775, July 6, m. John Hoffman, s. of Jacobus. WILLIAM, b. 1777, July 31, m. Elsie Cath. Hoffmah, dau. of John, b. 1774, Aug. 7; hadch.: Joun, b. 1797, July 18, m. Hannah Pot- ter ; Jacos, b. 1799, March 17, m. Cath. Apgar ; GEORGE, b. 1800, Dec. 24, m. Vesie Conrad, (Indiana); ELISABETH, b. 1802, Oct., 13, m. Will Beam, s. of Daniel; BARBARA, b. 1804, June 22; Mar- GARET, b. 1806, Jan. 23, m. David Jakewish ; WILLIAM, b. 1807, Sept. 12, m. Anna Beam, dau. of Morris ; Ann, b. 1809, July 11, m. 242 EarLy GERMANS OF NEW JERSEY Will Trimmer, s. of Conrad ; ADAM, b. 1811, July 15, m. Pattie Fleming, dau. of Wm.; Mary Orts, b. 1813, March 13, m. Phil. Trimmer, s. of John ; FRANCES, b. 1814, Dec. 2, m. Benj. Robeson, s. of Cornelius ; Peter W., b. 1816, April 18, m. (1) Sarah Jane Robeson, dau. cf Cornelius; (2) Sarah Ann Drake (Sussex Co.); Pure C. Horrman, b. 1820, Jan. 5, died young. (VI). JOHN, b. 1779, Dec. 31. (VI). ELISABETH, b. 1782, Jan. 20, m. Wm. Apgar, s. of Peter. (VII). ADAM, b. 1790, Mar. 16, m. Catherine Potter, dau. of Daniel; had ch.: John S.,m. Anna Lance, dau. of Wm., and had ch., (Eben., her son), Nathan, who m. Amanda Lance, dau. of Fred. (Little Brook), and Willard, who m. Bertie Philhower, dau. of Andrew, (White Hall); and Potter; Morris; Peter; Margaret; Mary; Christiann, who all went West and married. (IX). MARY, m. Nicholas Wyckoff. (X). MARGARET, m. George Apgar, s. of Herbert. VIII. FREDERICK, settled in Alexandria twp., Hunterdon Co., b. 1753, Oct. 7, d. 1882, March 5, m. Elisabeth Philhower, b. 1753, July 15, d. 1848, Sept. 22; had ch.: (). MARIA BARBARA, b. 1778, June 8. (Il). ANNA EVA, b. 1775, Aug. 9. (Il). CATHARINA, b. 1777, Feb. 5. (IV). EVA, b. 1778, Oct. 20. (V). FREDERICK, b. 1781, Aug. 9, d. 1861, April 22, m. 1803, Oct. 27, Elisabeth , b. 1784, May 11, d. 1863, Oct 6.; had ch.: John, b. 1806, Aug. 18 ; William, b. 1807, Feb. 15, d. a babe ; Levi, b. 1408, Nov. 10, ; Anna, b. 1810, April 5. d. 1832 ; Philip, b. 1812, Aug. 5; Mahlon, b. 1814, Aug. 30; William M., b. 1817, Dec. 30 ; Elisabeth, b. 1819, June 16; Sylvester, b. 1820, April 22; Absalom, b. 1823, Sept. 14; Hannah M., b. 1826, March 6; Wilson, b. 1830, June 14. (VI). JOHN, b. 1784, d. 1852, April 6, at 68. s (VII. ELISABETH, b. 1787, May 25. (VII). SARAH, b.°1789, Oct. 16. (IX). WILHELM, b. 1792, Jan. 29. (X). JACOB, b. 1794, June 9. (XI). PAUL, b. 1797, April 28. IX. CONRAD, son of John Adam, m. first, Mary Farley, dau. of Minert, d. 1808, Feb.; second, Charity Sutton, dau. John, b. 1768, d. 1845, Feb. 20, at 77. Conrad exchanged hotel at Cokesbury for a farm (now Peter N. Apgar’s), with John Farley; had ch.: : (I). CHARLES, m. Jane Gulick (Belvidere). (II). MINERT, m. a Flomervelt, dau. of Peter, and went West. aI}. MARY, m. Garret Conover. (IV). BARBARA, m. John Gulick, brother to Jane. (V). JOSHUA, b. 1790, d. 1868, at 78, m. Jane Bauman, 4 years younger, dau. of Thomas ; had ch.: Thomas, b. 1809,m. Nancy Apgar, wid. of Paul, born a Todd, dau. of James ; Jane, died young ; Conrad, b. 1816, Dec. 22, m. Mary Apgar, dau. of Paul; Mary, unmarried ; Parish, b. 1823, m. Mary Willett, dau. of Samuel (Mendham); George F.,m. Emily Foss, born Fritts, dau. of George. ApPGAR—APPELMAN—AREE 243 (VJ). ELISABETH, (by second wife), b. 1794, April 17, m. first, Jacob Phil- hower, s. of John ; second, Paul Apgar, s. of Herbert. (VII). JACOB C., b. 1797, m. Maria Schureman. (VIIT). AARON, b. 1797, m. Catherine Brunner. (TX). ANN, b. 1798, Mar. 12, m. Henry Hoffman, s. of Fritz. (X). CATHERINE, (?) b. 1800, Jan. 22. (XI). SARAH, m. Adam Hoffman. (XII). HANNAH, m. Jacob Apgar, s. of Jacob. (XIII). CONRAD, m. Sallie Hoffman, dau. of Henry (Califon); had ch.; Henry m. Fanny Lance, s. of William ; Charity; Fisher, m. —— Sutton, dau. of David ; Simon, m. Mary Apgar, dau. of Matthias ; George, (Bernardsville); Lydia, m. John Johnson. X. GEORGE, went West. XI. CATHERINE, m. first, John Emery; second, John Sharp, s. of Morris, Ist, of Upper German Valley. APPELMAN. JOHN PETER APPELMAN, arrived at New York, 1710, from Germany, by way of London, in the second emigration ; b. 1668 ; will ‘‘Som. Co., N. J.” 7 May, 1742, prob. 5 Aug., 1745, (Trenton Lib. D, fol. 311), names children : I. BaLtTeEs, or John Balthazar, b. 25 March, 1714 ; first Lutheran (German) child bap. in N. J.; had ch., named in will of his bro. John: (1). Peter; (II). Elisabeth, m. Jacob Wyckoff ; (III). John; (IV). Christopher ; (V). Matthias; (V1). Barbara. II. JoHannss, b. 3 May, 1716. Ill. Jonannes, b. 5 April, 1718; his will ‘‘Bridgewater” twp., Aug., 1801,. prob. 14 Mar,, 1807, names w. Elisabeth and bequests of £10 to Rev. Wm. Graaf and £100 to church wardens of New Germantown Luth. Ch. ‘‘to buy, the lot next to the parsonage.” IV. Martruias, had ch. named in his bro. John’s will: (I). David; (II). Lena; (III). Catherine. (V. ANDREAS, m. Maria Atelia ; had at least John Leonard, b. 7 Aug., 1781.]; AREE. AREE or AREE VAN GUINEA [Harry from Guinea] ‘‘a Moor,” was a very respectable negro, who was a member with his wife of the Lutheran Church in New York, where he had a child baptised in 1705 ; afterwards removed to the: Raritan Valley, where a child was born 1708. It was at his house that the first. German Lutheran service in N. J. took place, Aug. 1, 1714 ; had wife Jora and children : I, Marta, b. Feb., 1705. II. AREE, b. 8 July, 1708. Til. ADAM (2, m. Susannah ; will 1774, March 18, prob. Aug. 20 ; had ch.; (). Apawm, b. 4 July, 1721. (II). Isaac, b. 18 Feb., 1738, prob. died young. (III). Isaac, b. 12 April, 1741; m. Annatie ; hadch.: Adam, b. 27 Nov., 1763 ; Isaac, b. 13 Oct., 1765 ; Peter, b. 14 Oct., 1770. ‘ 4 (IV). Apam, (V). EvisaBeTH, m. —— Day; had ch.: Abraham, Eve and Mary. VI). Jacoz, m. Catrina; had ch.: Jacob, b. 7 Jan., 1759; Mary, b. 6 Nov., 1763 ; Jacob, 10 April, 1768 ; Isaac, b. 23 Sept., 1770. 244 Earty GerMANS OF NEw JERSEY # AYERS. The name in New England is generally spelled AYER ; in New Jersey generally AYREs ; in Old England Eyre; it is also Hares, Eyer, Eyres, Hires, Eiris, Ayres, Aaire, and even Hayers. JOHN, of Salisbury in 1640 ; removed to Ipswich, 1646 ; Haverhill, 1647, where he died 31 March, 1657 ; will prob. 6 Oct., 1657; he was b. about 1596 and prob. came from Nottinghamshire, Eng., in 1637 ; had wife, Hannah, who died 13 July, 1686, and ch.: JoHN, NaTHANIEL, Hanwau, b. 31 Dec., 1644; m. 24 March, 1663, Stephen Webster ; ReBEcca, MARY, OBADIAH, ROBERT, THOMAS, PETER. OBADIAH, s. of John, in Newbury, Mass., 1663, prob. d. in Woodbridge, N. J., 14 Nov., 1694, whither he had removed and where he had a tract surveyed to him in 1669, and in 1671 was a juryman in the first court in Woodbury twp.; ‘‘Oba- diah Hoits” was one of six schepens in a council of war at fort William Hendrick, 24 Aug., 1673 ; ‘‘Obadiah Hayers,” a constable, Jan., 1686 ; ‘‘ Oba- diah, Sen.” on the records of the court, 11 April, 1694. Woodbridge was settled by people from Newberry, Haverhill and Yarmouth, Mass., as early as 1665. Obadiah m. Hannah Pike, dau. John, 19 March, 1660 ; d. Woodbridge, 30 May, 1689 ; had children : I. JOHN, b. 2 March, 1663; m. Mary; removed with his family, except Thomas, to Woodbridge, N. J., where he died 1732 at 69 ; had ch.: (J. Joun, b. 1 April, 1691, prob. m. Mary Creshon, 17 Jan., 1716, and had at least one son. 1. Joun, b. 14 June, 1719; d. 22 April, 1777, at Morris Plains; m., Jirst, Joanna ; second, Sarah Bayles (or Bailey), 17 Jan., 1754 ; his will, ‘‘Morristown, April 14 and May 3, 1777,” (Tren- ton, Lib. 18, fol. 317); had ch..; (1). Q). @). (4). (6). (6). %. Enos. Sarau, m. Silas Stiles. Isaac, prob. b. 1737; d. 7 June, 1794, at 57; m. first, Johannah Coe, 8 Feb., 1769; d. 10 April, 1770, at 24; second, Mary Cooper, 27 Dec., 1770 ; d. 30 June, 1809, at 63; had ch.: Samuel, b. 29 Oct., 1773 ; Mary, b. 19 Oct., 1776 ; m. John Briant ; Anne, b. 8 July, 1779 ; Stephen Cooper, b. 16 May, 1782 ; Enos, b. 17 May, 1785 ; Isaac, b. 11 April, 1791; d. 30 Jan., 1807. . JOHN. Hannag, b. 1740; d. 14 April, 1771, at 31; m. 25 Dec., 1771, Epenetus Beach. Mary, b. 21 Sept., 1744; m. Fred. King, 23 Nov., 1762. S1zas, b. 1749 ; d. 29 Dec., 1826, at 77; m. Mary Byram ; d. 30 Oct., 1819, at 64; hadch.: Abigail, b. 28 Nov., 1772; d. 18 Feb., 1812 ; Ebenezer Byram, b. 11 May, 1774; m. Abigail Byram, (dau. Naphtali) 3 Nov., 1791; Sarah, b. 28 Nov. 1776 ; Mary King, b. 2 March, 1779; m. John Day, 12 Jan., 1799; Hannah, b. 12 May, 1781; m. Isaac Pierson (‘both of What- nung”), 3 Jan., 1801; Huldah, b. 17 July, 1783 ; d. 15 Nov., 1783 ; Huldah, b. 1 Sept., 1784; m. John Ayers (s. John), 26 Feb., 1829 ; Silas Condict, b. 12 Feb., 1787. aD. (TET). AYERS 245 THOMAS, b. 21 Jan., 1693. OBADIAH, b. 1695 ; removed to Warren Co., (then Sussex); one of Justices of the Peace at organization of the county, 20 Nov., 1753 ; will “Hardwick,” 1 May, 1779, prob. Dec. 2, 1780, names wife Debora and three ch.; deeds land to Pres. Ch. near Helms Mills, (Hackettstown), 8 March, 1764.; had ch.: 1, EZEKIEL, b. 23 Feb., 1730; d.5 Aug., 1796, at 67; m. first, Anna Stark, (dau. Amos 2), b. 25 Jan., 1731; d. 27 Nov., 1778 ; second, Effie Van Wyne, the wid. Longstreet ; had ch.: (1). OBaDIAH, b. 10 March, 1753. (2). EZEKIEL, 2p, b. 25 Nov., 1754, m. Lena Hick ; lived between Hackettstown and Danville; had ch.: ROBERT, b. 8 Nov., 1788, m. Katie Olliver; WILLIAM; ABRAHAM, m. Mary Rarick, (dau. John); JOHN; EZEKIEL, 3D, lived above Whitehall, Warren Co., b. 15 May, 1799, d. 22 Sept., 1849, m. Elisabeth Rarick (dau. John), b. 24 Oct., 1801, and had ch.: David, b. 1818, unm.; John Rarick, died young ; William, b. 1823, m. Emily Smith (dau. George); James, b. 1825, m. Merilda Trimmer (dau. Morris); Stewart B., b. 1827, m. Ann Day (dau. Jacob); John, b. 1831, m. Marg’t Hann (dau. Will.); Elisabeth, b. 1833, m. Andrew Cum- mins (dau. Jacob). (8). Sarag, b. March 9, 1757. (4). Amos, b. 1 Jan., 1761. (5). MaRrGaRET, b. 2 Oct., 1763, d. 1842; m. Daniel Stuart, went from Hackettstown to Newton about 1780, d. 1822. (6), Aaron, b. 1 Aug., 1767. (). ANNA, b. 4 April, 1773. (8). ARCHIBALD, (by 2d w.), m. Elisabeth Sutton (dau. Joseph). 2. PATIENCE, m. a Bloom. 8. RHODA, m. a Bell. . PATIENCE, b. 1697. . FRANCIS, b. 15 March, 1698. . NATHANIEL, b. 1700. . BENJAMIN, b. 19 June, 1703. Moszs, b. 1706, d. 1750, Nov.; letters of adm. of est. of Moses, late of Som. Co., granted to Nathaniel Ayers of Som. Co., 19 Dec., 1750 ; has lot on Dead River, Som. Co., 4 Nov., 1729; m. 2 Nov., 1739, Jane Chambers, who afterwards m. Jacob Drake, of Mendham, who prob. brought up the fam.; had ch.: 1. JouN, b. 19 July, 1740, d. 20 Feb., 1807, at Flanders, m. first, Phebe Dalglish, 5 July, 1763, at Basking Ridge, Som. Co., who d. 29 June, 1795, at.51; second, Anna Rhodes, 19 Jan., 1796; bot. 454 acres at Mendham 1 Dec., 1757, and sold it 1762; bot. 19 acres at Roxbury, 1763; had ch.: Mary, b. 1764, d. yg.; Keziah, b. 11 Feb., 1766, d. at 11; Mary, b. Feb., 1768, d. 21 Jan., 1845, m. first, Sam. Hull; second, Capt. Jonathan Olliver ; David, b. 21 May, 1771,'d. 9 June, 1806, m. Mercy Jennings; Moses, b. 28 April, 1772, d. 7 Sept., 1796 ; Samuel, b. 4 March, 1776; Sarah, b. 12 July, 1780; Samuel, a twin to Sarah ; John, b. 20 Oct., 246 (IX). Earty Germans or New JERSEY 1782, m. first, Abigail Coe (dau. Ebenezer), 7 April, 1817, d. 26 Dec., 1827, at 44, second, Huldah Ayers (dau. Silas), 26 Feb., 1829, b. 1 Sept., 1784, d. 19 Aug., 1868 ; Elisabeth, b. 2 Nov., 1786, d. 16 Nov., 1855, m. Rhece Nicholas ; —— by 2d wife, Anna, b. 21 Oct., 1796, m. Lum Foster, of Newton, N. J.; Jane, b. 3 Jan., 1799, d. 31 Dec., 1799. 2. Mary, b. 8 May, 1742. 3. Davin, b. 8 April, 1744, m. Margaret McDowell (aunt of the well known Rev. Drs. John and William McDowell); bought a large tract, consisting of what is now four farms at Lower Mt. Bethel, Northampton Co., Pa., still in the possession of the family ; had ch.: (1) Davip, rem. to Mannsfield, Ohio, and had William and Mrs. Evans; (2), Mosss, b. 14 May, 1770, d. 8 June, 1854, m. Mary Brittain (dau. Robert of Lower Mt. Bethel, Pa.), and had David, b. 11 Aug., 1796, d. 30 Dec., 1883, m. Margaret Simonton; Nathaniel, b. 11 Sept., 1796 (2), d. 19 March, 1822; Moses, b. 1 March, 1814, d. 27 Jan., 1890, m. Charlotte Reed ; Rev. Samuel, b. 1811, d. 15 Dec., 1887, grad. from Princeton Coll. and Theol. Sem., m. Sarah Roy (dau. Chas. of Sussex Co.), and was pastor Ellenville, N. Y., and Bloomfield, Ohio ; Levi, b. 1804, d. 1839, m. Margaret Broat ; Jane, b. 5 July, 1801, d. 11 Sept., 1875, m. Henry Broad ; Elisabeth, b. 8 Oct., 1808, d.3 Feb., 1877, m. Benj. Depue, father of Hon. Davip AYERS DEPUE, L.L.D., of the Supreme Court, N. J.; Margaret, b. 21 July, 1805, d. 6 March, 1872, m. Moses Depue ; Sarah, b. 31 Jan., 1809, d. 15 Jan., 1887, m. first, Harmen Dildine, second, Robert Ross. 4. Lypia, b. March, 1746, 5. PHEBE, b. 18 Jan., 1748. AARon, b. 14 July, 1708. II. SARAH, b. 1664, d. 1683. II. SAMUEL, b. 1667, m. 1694, Elisabeth ; had ch.: Rhoda, b. 12 April, 1700; David, b. 25 May, 1702 ; James, b. 2 May, 1716 (1706 2); Samuel, b. 25 Oct., 1707 ; Rachel and Jacob, b. 19 June, 1710; Benjamin, b. 31 Oct., 1712. IV. OBADIAH, b. 20 Oct., 1671, m. Joannah Jones, 28 April, 1694 ; lived at “Strawberry Hill”; will ‘‘ Woodbridge,” 27 Oct., 1728, prob. 27 May, 1729 ; had ch.: (1). (qt. (11d). (Iv). (Vv). (VI). (VII). Sarau, b. 8 Jan., 1696. HAnnad, b. 18 Jan., 1698. « Many, b. 23 Feb., 1698 (2), d. 1704. RACHEL, b. 23 May, 1701. OBaD14H, b. 25 Dec., 1703, prob. the one whose will “Woodbridge,” 17 April, 1754, prob, 1 Feb., 1760, names wife Mary, Ezekiel Bloom- field, bro. of former wife, and ch.: Daniel, Susannah, (not 18) and Johannah. JOANNA, twin to Obadiah. Rosert, b. 18 July, 1706, prob. the one whose will “ Woodbridge,” 5 Sept., 1740, prob. 4 June, 1741, names wife, ‘‘ Hummers Ayers,” sons Frazey and Robert, four other children, ‘‘my uncle John” and “my bro. Obadiah of Woodbridge.” 1. FRazzEE, AYERS 247 (prob. s, of Robert and Hummers), b. 19 April, 1729, d. 1760, at 21, m. Phebe Bloomfield, who d. 12 Oct., 1815 at 86; had ch.: (1). ELLts, b. March, 1751, m. Sarah Mundy (dau. Gershom) and had eleven (?) ch.: (a). (b). (c). (d). (e). (f). (g). (h). (i). (j). 2. ROBERT. ELISABETH, b. 2 Nov., 1775, d. 1777. FayYEr, b. 28 March, 1779, m. Catherine Pitney. IcHaBon, b. 28 Nov., 1780, m. Elisabeth Keelly. SAMUEL, b. 1783, m. Sophia Marshall. Davin, b 1785, m. Phebe Force. PHEBE, b. 1787, m. Henry Mundy. Ezra, b. 10 Dec., 1788, d 30 Oct., 1863, m. Jane Lott (dau. Linn Lott and Euphemia Cazart), d. 9 July, 1877 ; had ch.: Ann Maria, b. 18 May, 1813, m. M. F. Car- men ; Lebbeus, b. 21 Dec., 1814, d. 17 Aug., 1827 ; David, b. 12 Oct., 1816, m. Harriet Baber ; Jane, b. 15 Sept., 1818 ; Sarah, b 29 Oct., 1820, m. Thomas Afriend ; Samuel, b. 11 Nov., 1822, m. first, Mary Campbell, second, Margaret Vail; Lebbeus, m. Ellen V. A. Groyer; Caroline; Emma, b. March, 1829, m. E. M. Hunt; Mary, b. 27 July, 1831, m. Thos. M. Martin JOHN, b. 1792, d. 1793. BETSEY, b. 1797, d. 1800. Sanau, b. 1805, m. Philip Quick. 3. —6. not named in will. (VIII). Mary, b. 29 Sept., 1708. (CX). Resecca, b. 14 Nov., 1710. (&) Bensamin, (or ‘‘ Benaiah”), b. 17 Nov., 1715. V. JOSEPH, b. 4 April, 1674, m. Phebe Camp, 5 Jan., 1698 (2), had ch.: PHEBE, b. 3 March 1697 (?); JosEPH, b. 18 March, 1701; JonaTHAN, b. 29 May, 1704, prob. the one whose will, ‘‘ Bérnardstown” Mar. 21, 1775, prob. 14 April, 1777, names wife Ann and ch.: John, Jonathan, Phebe, who m. Henry Allen, Siles (or Liles) who m. Jas. Moore, Stephen, Joseph, David, Gershom, Enos; Davin, b. 2 Jan., 1707 ; ZEBULON, b. 4 Aug., 1708. VI. THOMAS, d. Oct., 13, 1665. VII. THOMAS, b. 17 Dec., 1676 (?) prob. the one whose will, ‘‘ Woodbridge,” April 25, prob. June 12, 1732, names wife Mary ‘‘my bros.” John and Obadiah and ch.: (). ABRAHAM, (eldest son). ay). (a). (IV). Mary. (V). Levis, perh. of Wantage twp., Sussex Co., 1755, who had ch.: SARAH, (eldest daughter). PETER, (not 21). 1. Levi, m. 18 March, 1787, Phebe Bussel ; had ch.: Levi, Edward, Israel, Isaac, David and Caleb. 2. EDWARD, had ch.: Enoch, John, Jehiel and Edward. 3. IsRaAEL, m. Margaret Hoppah, 1794, Feb. 11; had ch.: Elisha, Selah and Israel. 248 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY 4. Enocn, hadch.; John, William, Thomas, Squire, Enoch, Jeffer- son. VIII. MARY, b. Feb., 1680, m. Wm. Isley, June, 1700. IX. ROBERT (2). X—XII three children who died young. Miscellaneous—MIcHAEL in Stillwater twp., Sussex Co., 1757, came from Dover; letters of adm. of his est. given to Daniel Predmoreand Ben. Griggs, 29 April, 1769; the latter guardian of Michael’s dau. Lydia, 23 Feb., 1797 ; his est. divided among Anna, w. of Jas. Thompson, Susannah, w. David Layman, Lydia, w. James Mc- Mahon of Ohio. Moszs was freeholder, Sussex Co., 1764-9. Letters of adm. of est. of Jostan, Sussex Co., to Elias Ayers and Stephen Conkling, 24 Oct., 1781. PETER, a member of First Wantage Church, 1786, and mortgage given by him on land in Wantage twp , 28 Dec., i773. Onrecords of First Church of Wantage, near Deckertown, N. J., 22 April, 1803, are the following: Caty Ayers, w. Jac. Colm ; Hannah Ayers, w. Solomon Cortright ; Phebe Ayers, w. John Drake ; Levi Ayers, Jr ; Temperance Week, w. Levi Ayers, and Rachel Russell, w. Levi Ayers, Jr. From same records, married March, 1803, Richard Ayers to Anny Croel. In 1799, Levi, and 1803, Jacob Ayers were ordained elders of the above church. Mr. Andrew Mellick, Jr., of Plainfield, the historian, claims that the Ayers, of Mt. Bethel, Pa., are descended from SamukEL of Ulster Co., Ireland, a Scotch Covenanter, who came to Philadelphia with his wife and a dau. and rem. after his wife’s death to the Scotch-Irish settlement at Deep Run, Bucks Co., Pa., where he died 1747. He had 3 daughters and 2 sons : I. Joun, died young. II. WivxraM, rem. 1773, with all his family, except Samuel and Charles, to what is now Middle Paxtany, Dauphin Co., Pa.; he had, (I). SAMUEL, b. 1749. (II). CHARLES, b. 1750. (III). Joun, b. 1752. and two daughters. AXFORD. Three brothers of the name of Axford settled in Warren Co.: I. JOHN AXFORD, of Oxford, Warren Co., N. J.; will 22 June, 1808, prob. 15 March, 1809, names w. Abigail and ch., Samuel, John, Jonathan, Abraham, Johannah, Sarah, Nancy, “my dau.” Abigail Parks and her dau. Elisabeth Ayres MacCullum. Il. ABRAHAM, had ch.: Sarah and Nancy. Ill. SAMUEL, a bro. of John ; will, Oxford, 12 March, 1805, prob. 23 Dec., 1811, names w. Sarah and ch.: John, eldest; Jonathan’s children, Jonathan, Abraham and Joseph; brother Joun’s children, Samuel, John, Johannah, Jonathan, Abigail, Sally, Nancy and Martha ; brother ABRAHAM’s children, Sarah and Nancy ; Jonathan Howell son to my bro. Jonathan’s dau. Jane; Abram and Samuel Van Sickle sons of Samuel ; Ann Hageman and Sarah DeCow, daus. of Abraham DeCow, deceased ; Samuel Axford Boiles son of John Boiles; Sarah DeCow, dau. John ; Joanna Patterson, w. Alexander, and others. BALDWIN 249 BALDWIN. The Baldwins came to New Jersey from Milford, Conn. In 1640 there were at that place, Timothy, Nathaniel, Joseph, John and Richard. These were relatives but prob. not all brothers. The last two were sons of Sylvester, who d., 1638, on the voyage from England to Boston ; he was the son of Richard of St. Leonards, Aston Clinton, in county Bucks, England. Another John and Richard and also Henry were in New England before 1639. The descendants of Joseph and Nathaniel of Milford, settled in Newark and vicinity and were found very early in Parsip- pany, Morris Co. Mr. Will H. Shaw has given a very full genealogy of these branches, and also of John of Milford, in his History of Essex and Hudson coun- ties. As the Baldwins of this vicinity came from Hunterdon Co., we presume they descended from JOHN, of Milford, Conn., who m. for 2d w. Marie Bruen (dau. of John of Pequot) ; will names ch. John, Josiah, Nathaniel, Joseph, George, Obadiah, Richard, Abigail, Sarah, Hannah, Elisabeth Peck. The eldest of these, I. JOHN, was admitted to church, 1662, m. 30 Oct., 1663 ; first, Hannah Bruen, dau. of Obadiah ; second, before 1686, Ruth Botsford. His will names children : (I). SARAH. (I). HANNAH. (Il). ELISABETH. (IV). JOHN, b. 1643. (V). SAMUEL, b. 1674(4). (VI). DANIEL. (VID. (‘‘Ensign”) JOSEPH, b. 1680(?), d. 14 March, 1724. (VIII). TIMOTHY. (IX). ELNATHAN, m. Kezia Prudden ; rem. to Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., N. J.; his will, 1738, names ch.: 1. Moss, will, 1783, names, (1). David ; (2). Daniel; (8). Mary Hunt ; (4). Elisabeth Titus ; (5). Hannah Allen; grandchildren James. and Deborah Baldwin. 2. THOMAS. 3. JosEPH, of Hopewell ; will, 1770, names (1). Nathaniel ; (2). Elis- abeth; (8). Jemima. 4. ELNATHAN. WILLIAM, the first of the name in this part of Morris Co. was perhaps a son of one of the last generation mentioned above ; his mother was an Ackerman ; she probably married a second time ; he was brought up on the Silas Walter’s farm near Pleasant Grove; he was b. 1780, d. 1850, at about 70, buried at Naugh- right ; m. first, Margaret Seals, dau. of Joseph, by whom he had five children ; second, a Carhart and removed to Lafayette, Sussex Co. The mother of old Peter Cyphers, formerly of Springtown, Washington twp., was an aunt or cousin of William. He had ch.: I. JACOB, b. May, 1813, d. 26 Jan., 1881, m. Margaret Schuyler, dau. of Peter ; had ch.: (l). STEWARD, m. Kate Blackford ; resides above Middle Valley, on Schooley’s Mountain. (I). ALFRED, m. Huldah Frace ; res. near German Valley. (III). CATHERINE, unmarried. 250 Earty Germans or NEw JERSEY II. ANN, m. Peter Lance, s. of Frederick. Ill. CHARLOTTE, m. Henry Smith, s. of Jacob 8. IV. PETER, m. Rachel Castner, dau. of Jacob ; res. at Pleasant Grove ; has children : (I). JACOB, m. Rachel Park. (I). AUSTIN, m. Cora Gerry. V. JOHN, m. Elisabeth Hegeman ; has no children. BALE. HENRY BALE [originally Heinrich Behl] was the pioneer settler in what is now the village of Lafayette, Sussex Co. He is said to have located there as early as 1750 ; built the first grist-mill, and dam in the vicinity. He was aman of great enterprise ; erected a blacksmith shop and is said to have been one of the most prominent men of his day in that part of the county; on Alexandria Church records 1772; m. Elisabeth ; had bro. PETER. Henry had ch.: I. JACOB, removed to Kentucky. II. PETER, b. 1768 ; removed to what is now Baleville in Hampton twp.; m. Elisabeth Struble, (dau. Leonard and Mary Longcore) ; had children, six of whom grew up and married : (I). HENRY, m. Lydia Bell. (II). JACOB, m. Sarah Shotwell. (II). ELISABETH, m. Jacob Bell. (IV). PETER, m. Elisabeth Snook. (V). SARAH ANN, m. Cornelius Howell. (VI). MARY, m. Thomas Kays, (s. of John and Sarah Hall, dau. Benj.) III. HENRY, JR., b. 1778 ; res. at Paulinskill, oe twp., Sussex Co., N. J.; m. Abigail Cur: ments had ch.: (). ELISABETH, m. Joseph Ships. (Il). JAMES, b. 1800, m. Sarah Havens and removed to Ohio. (III). ANN, m. John Huston. (IV) and (V). SARAH and ABIGAIL ; died young. (VI). SUSAN, m. Andrew Havens. (VII). JOHN, m. Rhoda S. Morris ; had ason A. J. Bale. (VIII). PETER, b. 8 Sept., 1807, d. 24 May, 1890, at 82 yrs., 8 mos., 16 days ; m. Sarah Drake, dau. Paul ; had ch.: Janes, unm.; Henry, unm.; George (deceased), m. Jennie Wilson ; David, m. Elisabeth Drumm; Emily, m. John N. Givens ; Laura, unm.; Lorinda, unm.; Della, unm.; S. Cecilia, unm., a most efficient and successful teacher. (IX). MARY, m. John Hardin. IV. RHODA, m. Jacob M. Hoffman ; removed to Kentucky. V. ELISABETH, m. 29 Aug., 1784, Zachariah Stickles. VI. MARY, m. a Washer ; removed to Kentucky. VII. CATHERINE, m. John Widener. MIscELLANEOUS—Records, Kingston, N. Y. Bap. 12 July, 1752, John, s. Petrus Bele (prob. Bale) and Elisabeth Ploeg; 21 Dec., 1786, Jacob Bail m. Susiah Snook at Branchville, Sussex County. BANGHART. JACOB BANGHART (or BanGHaRD) came to Philadelphia from Germany, 1740 ; worked at the *‘ Old Forge,” High Bridge, 18 years ; had ch: BaNnGHART—BARKMAN 251 I. BARNEY, unmarried ; wounded in Revolutionary War. “Tl ANDREW. III. MICHEL, b. 1740, m. first, —— Angle, and had six ch.; second, Bertha Grimes ; res. at Bridgeville ; had ch.: @. REV. GEORGE. (II.) MICHAEL, b. 1774, d. 1846, m. Elisabeth Cummins, dau. Philip ; had children : . GEORGE. . Mary, m. Cornelius Flummervelt, s. of Zacharias. . PHILIP. . JOSIAH, . WESLEY, b. 1805, Sept. 4, m. (1) Hannah Roerbacher ; (2) Rita Lott ; no children. . CATHERINE, m. Zach. Flummervelt, a cousin to Mary’s husband. . SaRaw, m. Lewis A. Misner. . JACOB, m. Sarah Brinkerhoff. . BARNABAS, m. Rosette Shannon. 10. Awn, m. John J. Van Allen, of Easton, Pa. 11. Batura, m. R. Davidson. IV. GEORGE, b. 1748, d. 1806, m. Mary Buskirk, b. 1746, d. 1820 at 74; had ch.: (). BARNEY, removed to Sunsboro, Pa. (II). PETER, removed to Sunsboro, Pa. (II). GEORGE, Springtown, Warren Co., N. J. (IV). MARY. (V). JOHN, b. 1777, d. 1848, m. Margaret McKinney, b. 1776, d. 1838, at 62. (VI). THOMAS, b. 1779, d. 1859, m. Elisabeth, b: 1783, d. 1821. (VII). ANDREW, b. 1771, d. 1856, m. Rebecca, b. 1793, d. 1876. (VIII). MICHAEL, removed to Cincinnati, Ohio. (IX). ABRAHAM, b. 1785, July 14, d. 1876, m. Mary, b. 1783, Feb. 14, d. 1867. (X). WILLIAM. V. MARY. oR WwW NH OmMID BARKMAN. Three brothers, JONATHAN, JOSEPH and Henry are found in this part of N. J. JONATHAN BARKMAN, b. 21 Oct., 1787, d. 29 Oct., 1867, m. Sarah Felmley, dau. David, b. 16 April, 1794, d. 26 Dec., 1862 ; resided at Lebanon and died at New Germantown, N. J.; had ch.: (). DAVID, b. 1818, d. in the fall of 1891 at 73, m. Lena Ann Crate, dau. Samuel and Rachel Van Syckel, b. 24 April, 1815, d. 1889 at 74; had ch.: . Witi1aM P., m. Sarah Ann Latourette, dau. Peter. . FANNY, m. James Vliet, dau. Simon. . Emity, m. John Todd, s. of Thomas. Joun C., m. Elmira Sutton, dau. George B. Oscar P., m. Mary Logan, dau. David. . SARAH ELISABETH, m. Edward Boiles. . ANNA, m. George Nicholas. JAMES, m. Iona Adams, dau. Thomas. . WALTER, d. at 5 years. WNHNIBMUP wwe 252 Ear_y GERMANS OF New JERSEY (I). POHLMAN, m. Melinda Rhinehart, dau. William ; he resided at. New Germantown ; his widow occupies a farm near Unionville, Washington twp., Morris Co., N. J.; had ch.: . WiLL1aM, m. Sarah Welsh, (dau. Vandervoort). . Mary, m. George Pickle. . SARAH, m. John Pickle. . JONATHAN, m. Lida Cregar. Davip F., m. out West. Maaers, unmarried. , Lorin, d. unmarried. . JENNIE, m. Manning Fisher, s. of Wesley. . GEORGE, unmarried. (III). WILLIAM, m. Sarah Van Pelt; res. N. Y. City ; had ch.: 1. Kars, m. a Conklin. 2. JOSEPHINE, m. in N. Y. 3. JAMES, m. a Miss Benbrook. (IV). CATHERINE, m. Andrew Van Vliet ; res. New Germantown ; had ch.; . SARAH ELLEN, m. Urias Alpaugh. | . JONATHAN, m. Fanny Alpaugh (sister to Urias). ELISABETH, m, Andrew Shankle. , ANDREW, m. dau. of John Opdyke. Emma, m. Luther Smith, now of the Black Hills. Isaac. . POHLMAN, m. Jane Potts. . GILBERT. . CLISTA m. John Lewis. 10. Epwarp, m. in N. Y. 11. Anna Maria, died young. (V). ELISABETH, m. William Shurtz, s. of George ; res. at Lebanon, N. J.; had ch.: Jennie, m. Charles Pruden ; Mamte, m. a gentleman of Trenton ; three died young. HENRY, a brother of Jonathan, lived at Allamuchy, Warren Co., and had ch.: among others, I. JOSEPH, who went West. II. JOHN, who went West. Ill. RACHEL, m. William Starker. IV. JANE. V. SARAH, m. John Mettler. JOSEPH, another brother of Jonathan ; res. near Newton, Sussex Co.; had ch.,. at least : I. RACHEL. I. LEVI. III. JOHN. CHONATPHONYE (OIRO oo BARTLES. FREDERICK BARTLES was captured by the French, while serving in the- cavalry of Frederick the Great ; escaped and fled from Paris to Amsterdam, and thence, by way of London, to Philadelphia ; m. Anna Catharine Apt, of Phil. Fred. Henry Barthals arrived in Phila. 8 Sep., 1753, in ship St. Michael,. BARTLES 253 from Hamburg. He removed to Northern New York, where he engaged extensively in manufacturing and shipping flour and lumber. ‘This year, 1794, a settlement was commenced under the direction of Mr. Bartles from the Jerseys, on the outlet of Mud Lake, one of the branches of the Conhocton. Towards the end of summer a set of merchant mills were in considerable for- wardness, including a saw-mill at Fredericktown, called after his name. In May, 1798, Mr. Bartles proceeded from his mills in the centre of Steuben Co., by raft on the Susquehanna River, with 100,000 feet of boards for Baltimore, where he arrived safely and found so good a market that he engaged to deliver the same quantity next spring. There is another Jersey settlement at the head of Canascroga Creek.” From Documentary History of New York, vol. II, p. 660. He had ch.: LZANDREW, m. about 1790, Catherine Plum, dau. of John, of New Bruns- wick, who was a soldier in the Revolution. He was a man of large enterprise. He, in connection with his father-in-law, John Plum, of New Brunswick, engaged in the manufacture of iron at Hacklebarney. He had ch.: dd). JOHN MARCUS, b. 1791. July 14, d. yg. dD. SARAH, b. 1793, Mar. 17, unm. (II). FREDERICK, b. 1795, Feb. 14, m. (1) Elisabeth Williams ; (2) Nancy Youngs ; had ch.: 1. JoHN PLuM, b. 1818, Sept. 19, m. Caroline Sharp, dau. of Abraham, rem. to Ohio. 2. Davip THomaAS, b. 1821, Jan. 27, m. at New Phila., O. 3. CATHERINE, b. 1823, Oct. 27, m. Cornelius Messler. 4, Ex1as MuLLison, m. Sophia Stryker, dau. of Martin, prominent lumber merchant at German Valley, N. J., director in the Hackettstown National Bank ank a large employer of labor ; had ch.: (}). Henry Pxium, d. yg. . 2). ANNA, m. James Courtright, of. Newark ; has ch.: Charles, Frank, James; Anna. (3). SaRaw PxiuM, d. yg. (4). Karz, m. Floyd T. Woodhull ; have one ch.: Leroy. 5. CHARLES, b. 1829, July 15, d. yg. 6. ANDREW, b. 1881, Aug 19, m. Emma Demot. (IV). HENRY P., m. Susan Van Pelt, of Fox Hill; have son: Joseph Van Pelt, b. 1822, Aug. 28. (V). CHARLES, b. 1801, Mar. 18, m. (1) Eliza Hart ; (2) Eliza Randall, res. at Flemington ; grad. of Union College, 1820, and became @ prominent business man and lawyer ; he was President Hunt. Co. Bank, 1858, until his death. (VI). JULIANA, b. 1803, June 30, unm. (VIl). ELISABETH PLUM, b. 1806, Oct. 4, m. Joseph Cornish. (IX). PHEBE KLINE, b. 1812, Jan. 7, m. Geo. B. Stothoff, res. at Flem- ington. Il. ANNA MARIA, b. 1771, Feb. 4. III. CARL, b. 1778, Feb. 24. IV. WILHELM, b. 1778, Sept. 16. V. ANNA MARIA ELISABETH, b. 1780, Aug. 8. 254 Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY VI. MARIA JULIANA, b. 1782, Dec. 25. VII. JOSEPH, b. 1784, Dec. 25, m. Phebe Klein, dau. of Jacob ; had ch.: I. GEORGE HARVEY, b. 1820, Oct. 18, m. Clark, s. of Austin, of Lebanon, res. at Flemington. Il. JACOB KLEIN, b. 1824, Jan. 15, unm., res. at New Germantown. VIII. ANNA CATHERINE, b. 1787. BARTLEY. ROBERT and DAVID BARKLEY were two of the twenty-four proprietors to whom the Duke of York gave the grant, or sale, of East New Jersey, 1682-3, Mar. 14. RoBERT was appointed Governor, and d. 1690, Oct. 3. Davip appears to have visited the province previous to 1684. He died 1675, about. Aug. 15, on the passage from Aberdeen to East Jersey, in charge of a cargo of goods for the proprietors. His rights in the soil were inherited in whole or in part by his brother JoHNn, who lived for many years and died in the’ province. John came to East Jersey, with six persons in his company, Mar., 1683 ; was. appointed, 1692, Mar. 25, by Gov. Alex. Hamilton, Receiver General and Sur- veyor General; his name appears, 1699, as clerk at Perth Amboy; signs, 1702, as one of the proprietors of East Jersey.—[ Whitehead’s East New Jersey]. It has not been possible as yet to trace the connection between the two pro- prietors, and the families of Barclay and Bartley of Bedminster twp., Som. Co., but it seems probable that the father of Robert Barkley and Hugh Rartley (or Barkley) was John Barkley, who may have been the son of JOHN, the pro- prietor. I. JOHN. (I). ROBERT BARKLEY, wife Christian; will dated Bedminister, Somerset Co., 1789, Sept. 10, prob. 1790, Feb. 6, mentions : . JOHN. . Nancy, m. John King. IsaBEL, m. Robert Little. . REBECCA, m. Thos. Walker. . ELISABETH, m. Benyon Dunham, . Marra, m. David Dunham. Executors of Robert’s will were, ‘‘my son, John Barkley, my brother, Hugh Barkley, and Robert Blair. (Il). HUGH BARTLEY, b. 1719, d. 1803, June 24, m. Elisabeth b. 1724, d. 1811, Jan. 8; first of the name BaRTLEy, prob. changed from BaRcCLay; had at least one son: 1. JonN, m. w Logan; carried meat in Washington’s Army, and received a pension. His name appears on the list of Revolu- tionary soldiers, as does also that of Hugh Barkley ; had ch.: (1). a daughter, m. Henry Woodley, of N. Y. (2). Resecca, m. Nathaniel Hudson, of Som. Co. (8). Saran, m. (1) Dunham ; (2) Richard Howell, res. at Flanders. (4). Hueu, m. Sarah Potter, dau. of Samuel, b. 1787, March 1; had ch.: (a). CAROLINE, m. John §, Salmon, s. of Wm. (b), JoNaTHAN, m. Dorothy Caskey, dau. of Rob’t.; had ch.; Robert, m. first, Alice Swackhamer, dau. David ; Supe nwe BARTLEY—BATSON 255 second, Hannah Stephens, dau. Will.; Dorothy, m. Chas. 8. Salmon, s. of Richard ; Alma, m. Henry Sal- 2 mon, s. of Gideon ; Caroline, m. George Salmon, s. of Peter, b. 1 Aug., 1829; Hannah, m. Peter Salmon, s. of Gideon. (c). SAMUEL, m. Eliza Ewalt ; res. in Ohio ; has 3 ch.: (d). SaRaw ELisaBEetTH, m. Aaron Salmon, s. of Stephen ; has four ch.; (e). Hanna, died young. (f). WILLIAM, m. Elmira Woolf ;2in partnership with his sons has a foundry and machine shop at the place where they reside and called after their name, Bartleyville, Morris Co., N. J.; has ch.; Samuel, m. Mary Slater; Augustus Wolf, m. Elisabeth Sharp, dau. David ; Irene, died unmarried ; a civil engineer. (g). Huu, m. Elisabeth Frone, dau. of John; has ch.: Jon- athan, a mill-wright, m. Mary |Freeman, dau. of Bedminster ; Lowisa, m. E. J. Frey, a teacher ; res. Clinton, N. J. BATSON. THOMAS, gives mortgage, 1771, to Samuel Shoemaker for 800 acres, including lots No. 3, 4 and 18 of the Boynton tract, for £518. He perhaps had ch.: I. SAMUEL, whose will, “Roxbury,” 1814, Jan. 12, prob. May 12; names w. Mary and ch.: (1). REBECCA. (II). MARY, m. a Sutton. (III). THOMAS, (only son). II. JOHN, whose will, ‘‘ Roxbury,” 1832, Jan. 9, prob. Mar. 31 ; names ch.: (I). AMOS, m. Deborah. (II). JOHN, (deceased 1832), m. Barbara ; had children mentioned in his father’s will: 1. LocxEy. 2. PETER. 3. THOMAS. 4, DANIEL. (III). STEPHEN, mentioned in his brother’s will as needing to be supported. (IV). SARAH, m. Daniel Young. (V). RACHEL, whose will, ‘‘ Roxbury,” 9 Feb., 1832, prob. 13 Oct., 1845 ; names ch.: 1, JONATHAN. 2. HANNAH, m. Joseph Sanders. MISCELLANEOUS—The name Batson may be the same as Busson, Besson and Bason, We therefore add the following: BENJAMIN BusSON bought the Schooley tract near Drakestown, of Wm. Biddle, Dec.,1735. Francis and Lizzie Besson and ten children are said to have come to this country about 1750 with the Shurts family of Hunterdon Co. Niccklas Bason was a member of the Reformed Dutch Church, of New Brunswick, in 1717. Frederick Bason and the widow Berson were customers of the German storekeeper in German Valley before 1763. ANDREW Batson and Elsa had ch.: Andrew, b. 2 Dec., 1773, recorded on New Germantown church book. 256 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY BEAM. BARTRAM BEHM, (BEAM), came over on ship, Two Brothers, from Rotterdam, 1752, Sept. 15 ; lived at Philhower crossroads, 1767, Dec., when ‘‘ Mud Street” was laid out ; had ch.: F I. MORRIS, m. Anna Hoover from Hunterdon Co., b. about 1748, d. 1852 (2) (). (II). (It). qv). ; had ch.: HENRY, b. about 1790, m. Margaret Weaver ; had ch.. 1, Jacos, m. Charity Bird. 2. Henry, m. Jane Bird. 3. Mary, m. Wm. Steltz. 4. MARGARET, m. Benjamin Coniken. 5.,GEORGE, m. Ann Bird. 6. Davip, m. Margaret Sutton. % Pxiip, m. Zilpha Ader. JOSEPH, b. 1792, Oct. 9, m. Rachel Hoover ; had ch.. 1. Mary, b. 1820, m. —— Van Duyne. 2. NELSON, b. 1825, m. Mary A. Beam, dau. John ; had ch.: (1). Ransom, m. Mrs. Ellen (O’Neill) Ballard. (2). JOSEPH, m. Clarissa Booth. (3). Lyp1a, m. Henry O'Neill. (4). THomas, m. Percilla Beam, dau. Philip. (5). Mary, m. Enos Parker, s. of John of Staten Island. (6). MARGARET ANN, unmarried. (7). ELISABETH, m, George Apgar, s. of Morris. (8). Louisa, unmarried. (9). HoLLoway, unmarried. (10). ELIPHALET, unmarried. (11). Jonn, m. Anna Lake. 3. CATHERINE, b. 1827, m. John Parker of Staten Island. 4, FINDLEY, b. 1829, died young. 5. BarBaRa, b. 1831, m. (1) Cornelius Van Cott ; (2) Sutley Wallace. . MaHALa, b. 1833, m. Elli¢k Taylor ; removed to Pennsylvania. ANNE, m. Jobn Ader. | MORRIS, b. 1799, Sept. 15, m. Anne Schuyler, dau. Philip ; had ch.: 1. PHILIP, m. Mary Wiley. 2. ANTHONY, m. Elisabeth Wiley. 3. Nancy, m. —~ Wolfinger of Pennsylvania. 4, FINDLEY, d. in war ; m. Margaret Cortright. 5. Mary, m. Joseph Cortright. a> (V). RACHEL, m. Samuel Wiley. (vp. (vIn. (VII. (IX). (X). BARBARA, m. Henry Weaver. SARAH, b 1801, April 19, m. —— Urtz. DANIEL, b. 1802, Dec. 28 ; unmarried. MARGARETTA, b. 1805, April 11. PHILIP, b. 1809, Jan. 28. (XI). DAVID CROTSLY, b. 1811, Oct. 10. II. LAWRENCE, went to Canada ; had dau., Susanna, b. 1801, Dec. 28. III. JOHN, b. before 1754 (probably); d. about 1844, m. Catherine Pace, dau. Daniel ; fought through the Revolution ; owned one farm in Hunterdon ‘ and Bram 257 one in Morris Co.: had ch.: (1). DANIEL, m. Elsie Schuyler, dau. Wm.; had ch. (order uncertain): 1. Mary, b. 1805, Dec. 19, m. Joshau Van Cott. . WILLIAM, m. Elsie Apgar. we 09 tO on a gu OP gy . CATHERINE, m. Charles Perry. . PARKER, unmarried. . ELISABETH, b. 1811, Feb. 28, m. Jacob Beam. . SOPHIA, m. Philip Ader. . CAROLINE, m. Nathan Hoffman. AARON, b. 1813, Jan. 22. , ORRIS, d. 1822, m. Catherine Fleming, b. 1791, June 12, d. 1853, Dee. 9 ; had ch.: ANNIE, b. 1810, Feb. 3, m. Wm. Apgar. . GEORGE, b. 1812, Oct. 31 ; unmarried. . ELISABETH, b. 1815, Aug. 6, m. Andrew Seals. . CATHERINE, 1. Isaac Ader. . EBENEZER, m. out West. OHN, m. Lydia Arch ; had ch.: Tuomas, m. Elisabeth Bird. MarrTHa, m. Charles Housel. JAMES, m. Selinda Blane. CATHERINE, m. Morris Thorp. . Mary Ann, m. Nelson Beam. . Lypra, m. Peter Peer. 2, 3. 4 5 6. Barpara, m. Lot Wolf. 7 8 9. M (IV). ELISABETH, m. Daniel Hellebrant. , (V). RACHEL, m. John Swick, (N. Y. State). (VI). MARY, m. Levi Fleming. (VII). ANN, m. (1) Joshua Convil ; (2) Jas. Vanderberg. (VIII). BARTRAM, b. 1797, d. 1848, m. Mary Fleming, dau. Wm.; had ch.: 10. 11. OMWAMM AP wwe . WILLIAM, m. Catherine Hendershot. . Louisa, m. Benjamin Schuyler. CAROLINE, m. David Lance. JULIA, m. Jacob Lance. . GEORGE, m. Mary A. Jakewish. Henry, m. —— Grey. . SAMUEL, died young. . ANGELINE, died young. . Exiza, died young. ELLEN, died young. FRANCES, m. William Hoover. IV. CATHERINE, m. Fred. Pace, s. of Daniel. JURY (Juriaan or George), b. in Germany; m. at Kingston, N. Y., 14 Nov., 1719, Elisabeth Hertel (or Herten), dau. Adam, from Germany ; had ch.: I. HENDRIKE, bap. 25 Sept., 1720 ; prob. rem. with his father to Hunterdon Co. before 1737, m. Cornelia Engel ; had children, at least: (). ELISABETH, bap., Readington, 8 May, 1749. (I). CORNELIA, bap., Readington, 8 Dec., 1751. (IIl). CORNELIA, bap., Readington, 1 July, 1756. (IV). CORNELIA, bap., Readington, 11 Jan., 1761. 258 Ear.ty GERMANS OF New JERSEY II. ADAM, bap., Kingston, 9 Dec., 1722. Ill. WILHELM, (William), bap., Kingston, 1 March, 1724. IV. ADAM, bap., Kingston, 22 May, 1726. Vv. JURY, (George), bap., Kingston, 28 July, 1728. VI. ALBERT, bap., Kingston, 4 March, 1733. VII. ELISABETH, bap., Readington, 23 Oct., 1737. Jury may have had brothers, the three who were married about the same time, Hendrick, Albert and Guuw Beem, all residing in Kingston, N. Y., and a sister Maria Doritea, who was b. in Germany and m. 1715 William Douwty from Old England. BEATTY. JAMES BEATTY, will dated Lebanon twp., Hunterdon Co., N. J., 1766, Aug. 2; probated 1767, Feb. 16, (Trenton Lib. 18 fol. 209); m. Jane ; emigrated from the north of Ireland and lived in a log house between Anthony and Little Brook school house. Tradition says there were seven brothers in the Revolutionary Army, two or three of whom died at Sandy Hook. Several moved'to Shamo- kin Co., Pa. The seven brothers probably included James ; his will names the following : . I. ISABEL. II. MARY. III. ESTHER. IV. JANE. V. ALEXANDER. VI. SAMUEL. VII. JAMES, b. 1761, d. 1849, Mar. 18 ; m. Elisabeth Schleicher, b. 1772, Nov. 25, d. 1854, Feb. 10. This James may have been a grandson of James Ist. He had ch.: . (). ALEXANDER, b. 1793, Feb. 18, d. 1874, m. Margaret Taylor, b. 1797, d. 1860 ; no children. (ID. ANNIE, b. 1794, Nov. 24, m. Fred. Lance, s. of Peter. (III). MARY, b, 1797, Jan. 2, d. 1872, m. Jacob Anthony, s. of Philip. (IV). JOHN, b. 1799, d. 1834, m. Elisabeth Hipp, d. 1872 at 75 years ; hada son Gen. Sam. Beatty, of Ohio. (V). JACOB, b. 1801, d. 1871, m. Eva Anthony, dau. of Philip, Jr., b. 1801, d. 1888 ; had eleven children. (VI). ELISABETH, b. 1804, m. John Waters, s. of Thomas. (VII). JAMES, b. 1807, d. 1878, m. (1) Sarah Ann Fritts, dau. ‘‘Capt.” Benj. b. 1807, had three children, two of whom died young ; (2) Julia Ann Sine ; had ch.: 1. Kats, m. Lawrence Fritts, s. of Thomas. 2. LAMBERT, unmarried. 3. STEWART, unmarried. 4. Mary Loretta, m. D. W. Vannatta. (VII). GEORGE W., b. 1815, m. (1) Elisabeth Fisher, b. 1816, d. 1858 ; (2) Rachel Thatcher ; had son Daniel F., the organ manufacturer. GEORGE BEATTY, probably a brother to James; res. Vienna, Warren Co., N. J., m. (1) ——— ; (2) Elisabeth Cummings, b. 1760, April 11; had ch.: I. CHARLES, b. at Trenton, 1779, m. Mary Henry, dau. of Herbert; had ch.: (I). ELIZA. BEATTY 259 (IT). STEWART. (III). PERNINA. (IV). GEORGETT. II. NANCY, m. Joseph Pangborn. III. CATHERINE. ROBERT BEATTY, witness to James’ will and probably his brother, m. 1746, Sept. 30, (according to record of St. Michel and Zion’s Church, Philadelphia), Catherine Schleycher : had ch.: I. THOMAS, m. Margaret ; had ch.: (1). THOMAS J., b. 1775, d. 1840, May 6, (Sparta), m. 1796, Jane Mills, b. 1774 ; had.ch.: . ROBERT. . Mary, m. Samuel Craig. JOHN. . HoLLoway H. . MARGARET, m. Wm. Whitehead. . JANE, m. Andrew McKevitt. . ELISABETH, m. David R. Flynn. . GEORGE B. II. WILLIAM, m. Sarah Cougle ; had ch.: (). WILLIAM, m. Sarah A. Taylor, dau. of Robert. (II). ROBERT B., m. Mary A. Taylor, dau. of Robert ; res. Beattystown, Warren Co., N. J.; had ch.: 1. IsaBELLA, m. Thomas Y. Ward, s. of Harvey. 2. ANDREW, unmarried. 3. MARGARET, m. Nelson Dufford, s. of Philip. 4. ELISABETH, unmarried. (I). MARGARET, m. Wm. Hance, s. of William. (IV). JAMES C., m. Mary Weaver. JOHN, (on records Dutch Church of Kingston, N. Y.) m. Susanna Ashford (Ash- forbey, &c.); ‘‘both members of the English Church”; had ch.: 1. WILLIAM, bap. 1695, June 9. 2. CHARLES, bap. 1698, Jan. 9. 3, AGNUS, bap. 1699, Oct. 29. 4, JAN, bap. 1701, March 2. 5. THOMAS, bap. 1703, March 14 ; prob. m. 1729, Oct. 23, Maria Jansz,. both b, at Marbletown. 6. Marta, bap. 1707, April 20. ROBERT, (on Kingston records) m. Bata Middagh ; banus registered, 1719, May 17; both b. in Marbletown, N. Y., and residing in Kingston at time of mar- riage ; had ch.; 1. JouN, bap. 1719, Nov. 15. 2. MARRETJEN, bap. 1721, March 19. 3. Joris, bap. 1732, May 14; prob. m. 1752, Feb. 1, Annaatje Brink. 4, MARGRIET, bap. 1734, May 12. 5. JANE, bap. 1736, Aug. 15. CHEERELS, (on Kingston records), m. Jannetjen Jansz, m. for 2d husband, 1734, Jan. 24, John Elting; banus registered 1724, Oct. 30; both b. and residing in. Marbletown, N. Y.; had Bata, bap. 1725, Oct. 3. JOHN, (Kingston, N. Y., records), m. Mery Brink, 1743, June 11 ; he b. and resid. DBABOMRwWY 260 Earty Germans or New JERSEY Marbletown, and she b. in Horley and resid. Marbletown ; had ch.: 1. ELssEn, bap. 1744, Dec. 16. 2. Roper, bap. 1747, April 5. BEAVERS. COL. JOSEPH, Col. in Second Regiment of Hunterdon Co. in Revolutionary War; was of Scotch-Irish descent ; was a Judge and had a pew in Greenwich Pres. Church, Bloomsbury, Warren Co., N. J.: had a large farm ; had two sons and thirteen daughters ; only three are known, viz: JOSEPH, died young ; GEORGE and ELISABETH, m. 8 Oct., 1768, Dr. Sam. Kennedy, s. Rev. Sam. GEORGE, b. April 1, 1758, d. Sept. 2, 1820, aged 62 years, 5 months and 1 day ; buried in New Stone cemetery, near Clinton, N. J.; owned Pattenburgh mill, now known as Beaver’s mill; his granddaughter, Mary Beavers, b. May 22, 1789, d. Nov. 21, 1871, m. John Carhart ; m. first, Christianna ; second, Sara, b. Nov. 1, 1760, d. Mar. 15, 1841, at 80 years, 4 months, 14 days ; had ch.: I. JOSEPH, m. a Banghart. II. RALPH, b. Dec. 3, 1781, m. Christianna Dilts, b. April 16, 1786; had ch.: (). HARMON, b. Feb. 22, 1807 ; settled in New York State. (I). JOSEPH, b. Aug. 7, 1809,m. Margaret Stout, dau. Andrew ; had ch.: 1. Jonn WESLEY, m. Emaline Seavers, dau. of Abr.; res. near Pot- tersville, Somerset Co., N. J.; had ch.: (1). Repecca J., died young. 2). JoserH S., died young. (3). Ex1zan W., m. Blanche Apgar, dau. Isaiah. . (4). ULYSSES GRANT, unmarried. (5). WILLIAM SHERMAN, unmarried. (6). GEore1aNna, m. Peter L. Apgar ; res. near Pottersville. (). Maears E., m. Fred. Apgar. (8). SamuzEL S., unmarried. . JANE, m. George Pickle, s. of George. . MartHa, m. Theodore Lance, s. of Will. . JOSEPH C., m. Charity Crater, s. of David. . GEORGE, died young. . HARMON, m. Charity Pickle, dau. of Fred. Raps, m. a Rhinehart, s. of David. . CHRISTIANNA, died young. . . MANNING F., m. Marietta Pickle, dau. of Sam. (III). NAOMI, m. Joseph Bryant. (IV). ELISABETH, m. first, Archibald Starker ; second, George Tiger ; third, Richard Philhower. (V). MARY, m. Elijah Stout, s. of Andrew. (VI). CATHERINE, m. Jacob D. Fritts, s. of George. (VII). MAHALA, m. Will. Plum. III. SAMUEL. “IV. PETER. V. ABBIE, m. Edward Johnson. VI. MARY, b. May 22, 1789, d. Nov. 21, 1871, m. John Carhart, s. of Charles and Mary Dunham. VII. MARTHA, b. April 30, 1791, d. April 30, 1875 ; buried in New Stone cem- etery, near Clinton. $9 WE OTR OD BEAVERS—BELL 261 ( VIII. SARAH, m. eared Bunnell. IX. NANCY, m. Capt. Ben. Fritts. BELL. JOHN BELL, witness to will of John Colver, of “ Black River,” in 1734 ; constable Roxbury twp., 1742 ; perhaps had ch.: I. ONESIMUS (Simgon) named in will of his brother John. II. JABESH, will, “Roxbury,” 6 Nov., 1786, prob. 2 June, 1789, (Trenton Lib. 30 p. 225), names ch.: 7). ABRAHAM. (1). HANNAH KELSEY, [wife of William, b. May 1734, d. 6 Aug., 1806]. (III). MEHITABLE KLAUSEN. (IV). UNICE MOON. (V). SUSANNA WEATON, [Heaton ?]. (VI). ELISABETH FAIRCHILD. (VII). DELIVERANCE BROWN. (VIII). CATHERINE COLEMAN. (TX). ABIGAIL BELL. UI. JOHN, will, Roxbury,” 22 Jan., 1778, prob. 6 Jan., 1780, names “ bro. Onesimus, otherwise Simeon,” “friend Aaron Stark,” and three sons and one daughter, none of whom 21 years of age: (). JOHN. (I). JEREMIAH. (III). LEVI, d. 12 April, 1812, m. Mary Terry, dau. Richard 1st, and wid. Simeon Drake, b. 18 Sept., 1758, d. 26 Sept., 1836 ; had one son, Svmeon Drake Bell, b. 15 Aug., 1801, d.3 Nov., 1859, m. Elisabeth E., b. 11 Oct., 1803, d. 21 Nov., 1856. : (IV). EASTER. IV. ISAAC, named father in the will of his son, James, of Hardwick, 29 Mar., 1778, prob. 12 Oct., 1780 ; who also names bro.-in-law Nathaniel Hazen. ROBERT, removed from Newton, Sussex Co., to Walpack, and purchased, 30 Apr., 1808, 197 acres on Flatbrook, near Walpack Centre, m. Mary Struble, dau. of Leonard, of Myrtle Grove, Hampton twp., Sussex Co.; had ch.: I. JACOB, m. a Bale and removed to Wilsonville, Pa. II. JESSE, m. a Young and reared a large family. III. JOHN, lived near Swartswood and had one sonand one daughter ; Leonard, Jr., who removed West, and Mrs. Jacob N. V. Dimon, of Frankford, Sussex Co. : IV. LEONARD, m. Lucinda Rosenkrans, dau. Benjamin ; res. near Walpack Centre. - V. NANCY, m. Dayton Cole. VI. SUSAN, m. Helam Van Auken. VII. ELISABETH, m. John A. Struble, of Hampton. VIII. MARGARET, m. John Bevans, of Sandyston twp. IX. ROBERT, m. a daughter of Henry Burk and had son Emmet. ; MiscELLaNEous—JOHN, Somerset Co.; will 20 Sept., 1769, prob. 20 April, 1770, names first w., Anna Myers, (dau. John of N. Y. city), wid. Capt. Richard Tilden, and second w., Hannah Smith (dau. Fred. of Philadelphia), and children ANDREW and CORNELIA, 262 Ear.ty Germans or NEw JERSEY BELLIS OR BELLOWSFELT. WILLIAM, naturalized by act of Assembly, 1730 ; also naturalized, 1774, Adam, _, Johann, William and Peter Bellesfelt and in 1756, Johann Belesvelt. On West Jersey society lands, 1735, Peter Bellesfielt and William Bylerfelt, prob. same as preceding. Hendrick van Bilevelt was a ‘‘ cadet on the Delaware,” 11 Aug., 1661. The family came from Neuwied town, or county, in province Nassau. There is a walled town in Westphalia of the name BIELEFELD, of over 6,000 inhabitants. The name of this family is found in the early records of N. Y. city and is veryjvariously spelled. It was finally shortened to Belles. WILLIAM may have had 4 sons: ADAM, J, WILLIAM, PETER and JOHN. I, ADAM, bot. 210 acres abt. 2 miles ». of Flemington, near Copper Hill, 1743, June 1, from John Stevenson. In the deed the name is Adam Bel- lows, the first step in change from Bellowsfelt to Bellis, Belles or Bellas ; had children. (I). WILLIAM, b. 1740, Dec. 18, d. 1826, Feb. 27, m. Mary Housel (dau. Martin of Amwell); had children. 1. ApamM, b. 1774, Jan. 19, d. young. 2. ELEANOR, 1775, b. Sep. 29, m. Rev. John Jacob Wack (s. Rev. Casper). 3. WiLLraM, b. 1776, Dec. 15, m. Margaret Young (dau. Peter); has son, John Young Bellis, near Reaville. 4, Davin, b. 1778, Oct. I2, m. Eleanor Schenck (dau. Ralph or Rafe) ; had ch.: John William, on the old Schenck farm ; David S., at Copper Hill; Maria, b. 17 May, 1805. 5. Joun, b. 1781, May 26, m. 1, Margaret Cool; 2, Sarah Lisk ; had children : (1). Marearet, m. Christopher Werts. (2). Davip, m. first, a dau. of Abraham Werts ; second, Anne Chamberlain (dau. William). (8). Joun, m. first, a sister of Paul Cool Dilts; second, a lady from New York State. 6. Marrutas, b. 1788, April 24, d. 1826, June 4, m. Elisabeth Sutphin (dau. Rafe), d. 1847, Oct. 20 ; had four children, two living in 1880 : (1). Wiui1am M, and Hannag, w. of Abraham Prall ; CHARITY, d. 1832, Aug. 5, and Hiram, d. 1835, Aug. 14. (Il). PETER, b. 1743, July 30, went to Kentucky. ‘ (Il). CATHARINE, b. 1746, unm. (IV). JOHN, b. 1750, d. 1888, July 11; soldier in Revolutionary War ; m. Nellie Williamson, of Larason Corners. (V). ADAM, b. 1753, m. Mary Rockafellar (dau. Peter). (V1). ANDREW, b. 1757, July 17, m. Elisabeth Servis ; rem. to Hopewell. (VII). CHARITY, b. 1760, April 15, unmarried. Il. JOHANN WILLIAM BELLOWSFELT, left will dated Amwell. 1773, June 14, prob. 1775, Dec. 12, m. Catherine, ‘29 May, 1743, Johan Willem Brillensfeld [Bielersfeld or Bellowsfelt] j. m. v. Niewit wonede in Amwel, met Anna Catharina Kempel, j. d. ook v. Niewit en wonende Alhier.” Translation :—Married 29 May, 1743, John William Bellowsfelt. young man, from Niewit [Neuwied on the Rhine], dwelling in Amwell, to Anna Cath. Kempel, also from Niewit and dwelling here [New York City]. Records Collegiate R. D. Church, N. Y.; had ch.: BELLIS oR BELLOWSFELT 263 (1). WILLIAM BELLESFELD, prob. m. Christina Lasley Q ) and had. (see records Alexandria Ger mati Church), 1. Jonann, b. 1768, Feb. 15, bap. Sep. 26. 2. ConROD, b. 1769, Jan. 6, bap. Mar. 9. 8. Davin, b. 1772, Mar. 5, bap. April 21. (Il). PETER. (III). JOHN GEORGE, bap. (Readington Ref. Dutch records), 1742, July 18. (IV). JOHN. bap. (same records), 1744, Nov. 25. (V). BERNARDUS. (V1). PHILIP. (Vv 1D. ADAM. (VIII). ELISABETH. II. PETER, had will dated 1765, Sept. 28, prob. 1767, Feb. 7, names wife, Christeen, prob. dau. Peter Fisher (see will of latter); had ch.: (I). PHILIP. (iJ). PETER, prob. b. 1739, d. 1808, April 13, m. Elis. Catherine, b. 1741, Sep. 23, d. 1812, April 3; he left will dated Knowlton, 1798, April 28, prob. Newton, 1808, April 21 ; had ch.:; . MarrHias. . ANTHONY. JOHN. ANNA, . CHRISTEENA. . ELISABETH. . Mary ; speaks of 400 acres in Catawissy, Penn. PETER BOLLESFELD and CATHERINE (see records Lebanon); had ch.: Peter, b. 1768, Aug. 27; Elisabeth, b. 1770. Sep. 30; Elsa Catherine, b. 1774, Sept. 3. (It). WILLIAM. IV. JOHANNES (John); his wife afterwards m. Phil. Young, whose will dated Amwell, 1768, Oct. 12, names ‘‘ Barnet Bellowsfelt, my wife’s son.” Probably had children : dd). BARNET, had at least one son. 1, JouN, b. 1756, Aug. 20, d. 1829, Jan. 26, at 73, m. Elisabeth Hol- combe, b. 1758, d. 1843, June 4, at 85; had ch.: Barnet; Char- lotte; Eleanor; Samuel, b. 1787, Sept. 7; Rebecca, b. 1789, May 9; Phebe, b. 1798, Dec. 7; Urial, b. 1792, Oct. 22; George, b. 1794, Dec. 28; John, b. 1797, Mar. 7 , d. 1827, Dec. 29, m. Elis. Roberson (dau. Thomas), and had Wesley, Mary and John. The following are probably three brothers and the records are from the church book of the old German Alexandria (Mt. Pleasant, Warren Co., N. J.,) Church: I. PETER, m. Allis or Elisabeth Catherine or Elsie; had ch.: PETER, b. 1783, Jan. 28, bap. Dec. 10; Anna, b. 1785, April 16, bap. June 15; ABIGAIL, b. 1787, April 28, bap. Dec. 5; JosEPH, b. 1792, Aug. 12, bap. May 10, 1793 ; Isaac, b. 1795, Nov. 6, Tae: Nov. 18. II. PHILIP, m. Neowin had ch.: Manta, b. 1783, Oct. 5, bap. Dec. 10; PHILIP, b. 1789, May 1, ban, Aug. 26. Ill; HERBERT, m. Charity; had ch.: Mary, b. 1797, Nov. 27, bap. 1798, Mar. 3; Eva, b. 1798, Sep. 11, bap. 1799, Feb. 28; WILLIam, b. 1800, Oct. 19, bap. Dec. 15. IHAMP Owe 264 Earty Germans OF New JERSEY The names of parents of following are not given: DaNigL, bap. 1794, Mar. 19; CATHERINE, bap. 1794, Mar. 19; ELiIsaBETa, bap. 1794, Mar. 19. BERNHARD. JOHN PETER, ‘“‘geboren zu Kerzenheim, Grafschaft Bolanden, mit frau und Kindern Komen en America, 1731, und Starb Aug. 28, 1748,” (tombstone, Still- water, Warren Co.); translation: ‘born at Kerzenheim, Bolanden County, came to America with his wife and children, 1731, and died Aug. 28, 1748 ; three daughters came with him,” (see tombstone of Mary Elis. Wintermute); lived near Philadelphia until 1742, and then located in the wilderness, where the vil- lage of Stillwater now stands ; was the first to be buried in cemetery on the lot which he had given for church purposes ; had ch.: I. MARY ELISABETH, b. 5 Aug., 1721, d. 15 Feb., 1800, m. John George Wintermute ; “ Maria Elis. Windemuthin gebohrn Bernhart ist gebohrn ano 1721 D. 5 Aug. zu Kerzenheim in der Grafschaft Bolanden in Europa. In America komen mit Vater u. Mutter u. 2 Schwester ano 1781 Starb D 15 February ano 1800 Ihr Alter war 78,” (tombstone, Still- water, Warren Co.); translation: ‘‘Mary Elis. Wintermuth, born Bern- hart, was born in the year 1721 on the 5th of August at Kerzenheim, County Bolanden, in Europe. She came to America with her father and mother and two sisters in the year 1731 ; she died 15 Feb., 1800. Her age was 78.” It, MARY C., b. 1721, (2 d. 1 Dec., 1794, at 73, m. Casper Shafer. III. MRS. JEPTHA ARRISON, m. Arrison, a widower, in 1760; had a son John, a blacksmith, in Stillwater ; removed to Pennsylvania before Rev- olution, but the troubles with the Indians drove them back to Stillwater during the Revolutionary War. = SAMUEL BERNHARD, (or BARNHARD), signed Rev. Albert Weygand’s call 1749; named, as one of trustees, in lease from Ralph Smith for church lands in New Germantown, 1749 ; signed in English, with others, as one of the elders of New Germantown church, a note for £82 to Baltis Pickle ; perhaps had sons : I. MICHEL, m. Margaret and had dau., Maria Elisabeth, b. 2 Dec., 1769. Il, BERNHARD, a witness to a baptism, 1770. BERGER. CASPAR BERGER was a German stone-mason and redemptioner. He had reached New York in 1744, and being sold by the captain of the ship to repay the costs of passage, was purchased, for a term of years, by Cornelius Van Horne, of White House, in Hunterdon County. After he had served three years of his time, he obtained his freedom by building three stone houses. One of them was for Cornelius Van Horne at White House, now owned by Abraham Pickle ; and one for Abraham Pickle in the same neighborhood, now owned by William Pickle. The third house was probably for Johannes Melick. He died in 1817 and left considerable property, including a homestead farm of 400 acres at Readington, to his three sons, AARON, PETER and JASPER, (‘Story of an Old Farm,” p. 142), m. Anna and had children or grandchildren : I. NELLA, b. 29 April, 1769. Il. JOHANNES, b. 14 Dec., 1772. III. AARON, b. 1777. BERGER—BIRD 265 IV. SUSANNA, b. 2 Oct., 1778. V. JASPER, b. 1 May, 1784. VI. PETER, BIRD. BirD oF SCHOOLEY’s MOUNTAIN. THOMAS BIRD and w. Rachel, emigrated from Scotland ; had children : I. JOHN, b. 1726, Jan. 26, d. 1804, m. 1756, May 11, Lydia Stilly, b. (Swedish parents), 1782, Jan. 17, d. 1761 ; lived at Brandywine Head, New Castle Co., Md.; had children : (). THOMAS, b. 1757, Feb. 17, d. 1825, Feb. 20, m. Mary Babb, b. in Pa. 1768, Sept. 4, d. 1851, Oct. 23 ; had thirteen children : 1. Jonny, m. Juliann Gimble. . Nancy, m. (1) Jos. Gibson ; (2) John Twaddell. Lypia, unmarried. é SIMPSON, unmarried. 5. Mary, unmarried. . SARAH, m. Jas. Shipley. + . BENJAMIN, died in infancy. . JACOB, rem. to Schooley’s Mountain from Maryland and m. Elis- abeth Flock, dau. Matthias, b.3 May, 1811; had ch.: (1). Mary, m. Josegh H. Parker. (2), Erte, died young. (83). JoHN, m. (1) Sarah Wack, dau. of Jacob ; (2) Mrs. ren Karn, t dau. Jacob Swartz ; had children by first wife: Jacob,m. Sarah A. Karn ; Jennie, unmarried ; Kate, unmarried. (4). SaRaw, m. Wm. Wiley, s. of John. 6). Junia ANN, m. Robert T. 8. Durham. (6). WiLL1aM FLock, m. Frances Hoffman. 9, WILLIAM, m. Juliann Gray. 10. REBECCA, m. Wm. G. Smith. 11. THomas J., unmarried. 12. Jucrann C. M., unmarried. 13. RacHEt H., m. George T. Gartwell. (II). REBECCA, m. John Coldwell. 11. THOMAS. WD to Ill, ELISABETH, m. McClintock. IV. RACHEL, m. Reynolds. V. REBECCA, m. Bratton. VI. SARAH, m. Elijah Hutton. PETER BABB, m. Mary Lucas ; came from Wales ; had ch.: I. SAMPSON, m. Ann Way; had ch.: (). MARY, m. Thomas Bird, s, of John. (ID. LYDIA. (Il). JOHN. ° (IV). CALEB. (V). JACOB. (VI). WILLIAM. (VII). SAMPSON. 266 Earty Germans oF NEw JERSEY BIRD OF FAIRMOUNT. THOMAS BIRD, owned two lots near store at Fairmount, m. Margaret Hoover ; had children, (order uncertain) : * I. JOHN, m. Caroline Beam ; had ch.: (). CATHERINE, m. James Thomas, (German Valley). (Il). MARY, m. Nathan Schuyler, (Califon). (III). JAMES, m. Elisabeth Convil, (Fairmount). (IV). RANCE, m. Catherine Ader, (Middle Valley). (V). MARTHA, m. William M’Glocken, (Fairmount). (VI). ZOFIE, m. Jacob Lommerson, (Spruce Run). (VII). JOHN, m. Rosanna Cupboard, (Middle Valley). (VIII). WILLIAM, m. Elisabeth Seals, (Fairmount). (IX). HARVEY, m. Elmira Beam ; four died young. II. MARY, b. 3 July, 1806. III. ANDREW, m. Elisabeth Lay. IV. THOMAS, m. Sarah Johnson. V. CATHERINE, b. 10 Nov., 1808, m. Morris Bird. VI. BARBARA, m. Philip Beam. VII. ANNA, m. John Sutton. VIII. ELISABETH, m. Thomas Beam, s. of John. / IX. JANE, m. Henry Beam. xX. PETER, &., b. 5 Oct., 1810, m. Kate Hoover. BLOOM. JOHN BLOM (Bloom or Blum), was naturalized by act of Assembly in N. J., 1738-9 ; will dated Mansfield, 23 Dec., 1788, prob. 3 April, 1793, names children : I. RACHEL. II. PHEBE. TIT. MARY. IV. PATIENCE. V. MERCY, and granddaus. Hannah Baul (Paul ?) and Rachel Brown. PETER BLOOM, prob. brother of John ; elder 1772 in Alexandria Church, Mount Pleasant, Hunterdon Co., N. J.; prob. had ch.: I. PETER, m. Eva; had ch.: (I). EVE, b. 19 Aug., 1764. (II). HERBERT, b. 13 July, 1767. (II). PAUL, b. 13 March, 1769. (IV). ANNA, b. 26 Jan., 1771. (V). JOHN, b. 23 Oct., 1772, m. Mary, b. 8 July, 1778, d. 1 July, 1852; had ch. : . ELISABETH, b. 10 Oct., 1794, d. 20 Dec., 1794. . GODFREY, b. 8 Dec., 1795, d. 27 May, 1796. . ANN, b. 12 April, 1798, d. 7 Feb., 1833. . SARAH, b. 4 Feb., 1801. . JOHN, b. 16 Aug., 1803, d. 4 April, 1847. . CHARITY, b. 9 Sept., 1805, d. 22 Feb., 1834. . PETER, b. 13 March, 1809 ; twin. . MaTILpa, b. 13 March, 1809 ; twin. . EFFIE, b. 19 March, 1812. ONMNInmarPr wwe Bioom—Bopine 267 (VJ). JACOB, b. 8 Aug., 1774. (VI). CHRISTOPHER, b. 10 Sept., 1779. II. WILHELM (William), confirmed Alexandria Ger. Ref. Ch., 19 May, 1771. III. ADAM, confirmed, Alexandria, 6 Aug., 1775. IV. JOHN, confirmed, Alexandria, 6 Aug., 1775. V. MARGARETHA. MISCELLANEOUS—REV. HERMAUNUS BLom preached at Wiltwyck, (Kingston), N. Y., to the Dutch Reformed for the first time, 17 Aug., 1659, and organized the church there. CLAES BARENTSE BLOM and Jan BARENTSE. Bio, take the path of allegiance, Kings Co., N. Y., 26-30 Sept., 1687. BARNE BLOOME, at Flush- ing, 1698, has ch.: GARRETT and JOHANNIS. Simon and BaREnT Blom subscribe to building a church at Jamaica, L. I., in 1715. JacoB FREDERIXSEN, m. in N. Y. 23 Sept., 1697, Mayken Jansen Bosch. FREDERICK, m. in N. Y., 1 Dec., 1700, Annetje Montagnie, who remarries, 1710, Nov. 25. ADRIAN JANSE BLOM, m. in N. Y., 11 Oct., 1705, Annetje Tysse. : BODINE. JEAN BODINE (‘‘ Jean Boudin, fugitive de Medit”), was born in France, at the village of Medis, near the southern shore of Saintonge, along the Gironde, and was naturalized in London, October 14, 1681, along with his second wife, Esther Bridon, (dau. Francis). He died on Staten Island as early as 1695, leaving a daughter, Marianne, and a son, Jean. Jean Bodine’s will, dated January 7, 1707, mentions his brothers, Eleazor and Francis, and his sisters, Esther and. Mary. (Baird’s Huguenot Emigration, Vol. II, pages 38, 39.) The original spelling was Bodin or Boudin. In America it soon began to be spelled Bodien and Bodein, and finally Bodine. Jean Bodine was one of the ablest political thinkers of France during the sixteenth century. See Encyclopedia Brittanica, Ninth Edition, article, Bodin, John, and Bayle’s Dictionary, article, Bodinus, Joannes. (See also Wills, N. Y., V., 101; VII., 312; VI., 88; VIL, 147. I. JEAN, will, dated 3 Jan., 1707, gives us the names of his brothers and sisters." II, MARIANNE, m. Jean Abelin. Ill. ESTHER. ‘IV. ELIAZOR, [Eliezer]. V. FRANCIS, perhaps had the following children, wha may have removed from Staten Island to New Jersey.: (I). ISAAC, member ch. North Branch, 1720, (abt.), m. Engeltje ; had ch.: 1. JANITIEN, bap. 30 April, 1707. 2, FREDERICK, bap. 26 April, 1709, m. Saartje [Sarah] Rappelyea ; had ch. bap. at Readington : (1). Isaac, bap. 28 May, 1739. (2). Sa=RrrIE, [Sarah] bap. 8 March, 1740. (3). Marytim, [Mary] bap. 19 Oct., 1746. . KATALEYN, [Catherine] bap. 2 Nov., 1711. . Isaac, bap. 18 May, 1715. . ABRAHAM, bap. 31 July, 1717. . ELISABETH, bap. 13 Oct., 1719. HestTER, bap. 25 Dec., 1723. Jacos, bap, 18 Aug., 1728, [1725 ?]. . Petrus, bap 3 Sept., 1727. These two last were children of Isaac OO IBD OM P w 268 Earty Germans or New JERSEY and Engeltje, prob. a second wife. (Il). JACOB, m. Leibetje [Elisabeth]; had ch.: 1. Jaco, bap. 4 April, 1719. 2. CATHERINE, bap. 7 May, 1721. 8. CORNELIS, bap. 29 Sept., 1723. 4. ANTJE, bap. 11 Aug., 1726. (Il). PETER, at Three Mile Run, Somerset Co., 1720, m. Merritje ; had ch. : 1. Jan, bap. 30 April, 1712. 2. Davit, [David], bap. 3 April, 1717. ~ IV). ABRAHAM, m. Adriantje Janse ; had ch.: 1. Carrina, bap. 4 April, 1725, m. Lodewyck Hardenbrook. 2. Prerer, bap. 11 Dec., 1726, m. first, Marytie ; second, Judick, dau. Abraham Bodine and wid. Sam. Willemse ; had at least dau. Betsey, b. 18 Sept., 1753, d. 18 Nov., 1825, m. Folkert Douw. ee “ 8, JOHN, bap. 6 Sept., 1730, m. Femmetje Voorhees; descend’ts at ao v Plainfield, N. J., and Seneca and Cayuga Lakes, N. Y. . ABRAHAM, bap. 13 April, 1733. . JUDICK, bap. 20 April, 1735, b. Mar. 17, m. John Thomson, b. 15 April, 1720. . Isaac, bap. 10 July, 1737. . OUKEN, bap. 18 Nov., 1739. . ARRIANTJE, bap. 18 Nov., 1741. . MARIA, bap. 10 June, 1744. (V). JOHN, said to have been at North Branch, 1727 ; bad at least Abra- ham, who may have been the son of Isaac. 1, ABRAHAM, m. Mary Low, dau. Cornelius ; will, 1769, June 14, prob. July 3 ; had ch.: (1). JoHN, bap. 15 April, 1743. (2). JUDICK, bap. 31 March, 1745, m. Peter Bodine, s. of Abram. (3). Mary. \ (4). CATALYNTJE, [Catharine] bap. 3 Sept., 1749. (5), JANE, (6). SaRag, bap. 10 Aug., 1753. .(). CORNELIUS, bap. Nov., 1755, d. 12 June, 1820 ; his wife d. 13 Nov., 1824; served in Revolutionary War and was in the battle of Monmouth. After the birth of his third child in 1785, having lost much of his property by the depreciation of the Continental currency, he went to the borough of Muncy, Pa., where his other children were born. In 1802 he removed thence to Ovid, in Seneca County, New York, where he died ; had ch.: : (a). ABRAHAM, bap. 19 Sept., 1779, at Readington, N. J., d. 23 ; Dec., 1862, near Hughesville, Pa., where his descendants ' still live, m. first, Mercy Paxon, by whom he had five chil- dren ; second, Barbara Cruze, by whom he had but one child. He had John, Elisabeth, Charles, Margaret, George, Russell. (b). Perer, bap. 25 March, 1781, at Readington, N. J., d. 1843 at Ovid, N. Y., where his descendants still live. (c). JoHN, bap. 1 Jan., 1785, at Readington, N. J., d. 1846, at oe OD WD BopinE—BowMan 269 Wayne Hotel, Steuben Co., New York, leaving siecasuais descendants. (d). CoRNELIUS, b. 1787 in Penn., d. 23 Dec., 1865, at Icelandville, Schuyler Co., N. Y., leaving many descendants. (e). GILBERT, b. 1790, in Penn., d. 20 Jan., 1854, near Ovid, N. Y., having descendants mostly in Iowa. (f). Isaac, b. 1794, in Penn., d. 24 Feb., 1840 at Ovid, N. Y., leaving one child, who has descendants in Ilinois and Wisconsin. (g). CHARLES, died a babe, 26 Jan., 1796. (h). GEorGE, b. 8 Jan., 1798, in Penn., d. 15 May, 1868, at Ovid, N. Y., on the homestead, where his eight children were born, in which vicinity most of his descendants live. GILBERT, was a grandson prob. of Isaac of North Branch, b. 1761, d. 21 Aug., 1838, lived Chester twp., Morris Co.; buried in Pleasant Hill cemetery, near Chester, Morris Co., m. Catherine Dean, dau. John ?, b. 1767, Sept. 18, d. 9 Feb., 1851; had ch.: (1). ELISABETH, b. 1787, d. 26 Sept 1847, m. Christopher Trim- mer, s. of Jacob. ' (2). Husiz, b. 9 Nov., 1791, m. eae Trimmer, s. of Jacob. (8). Mary, m. ffonros Hopkins. (4). JANE, m. Joshua Salmon. ! (5). WILLIAM. MISCELLANEOUS—Cornelius, Francis, Abraham, Polly and Isaac, traded with John Peter Nitzer, the storekeeper at Gernins Walley, as early as 1763. In New York, 21 Aug., 1736, Hester Bodyn was married to Cornelius Brouwer, and 5 Aug., 1737, John Bodine to Catharina Bensen. BOWMAN. The BOWMAN, (Bouwman, Bauman or Bouman) family prob. came from the Palatinate. In 1720, Nov. 12, Susanna Bowman from the Palatinate, Germany, was married to William Butler in New York. In 1720, Nov. 26, the widow of Jacob Bouwman, of Hackensack, Christina Huisman, was married in N. Y. to George Myserrie. THOMAS and wife Neeltje were members in 1717 of the Reformed Dutch Church of New Brunswick, called the ‘‘Church of the River and Lawrence Brook.” They prob. had children. : I. THOMAS, bap. at Somerville, 31 July, 1717. In 1733, Thomas i isan elder of Readington Reformed Dutch Church ; had ch.: (I). NEELTJE, [Cornelia] bap. 23 July, 1749, (II). JAN, {John] bap. 22 Oct., 1752; prob. married’ Rebecca and had at least one child, CHRISTENA, bap. Readington, 17 Oct., 1784. II. CORNELIUS, m. Maritje [Mary Bonsevel]; had ch.: (). NEELTJE, bap. Readington, 13 April, 1789. (1). REBECCA, bap. Readington, 29 Sept., 1748. (I). MARIA, bap. Readington, 28 April, 1751. (IV). CORNELIUS, bap. Readington, 11 March, 1753. (V). THOMAS, m. Lena Tufen ; had ch.: 1. CoRNELIUS, bap. Readington, 9 March, 1777. Sader Ge 270 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY 2. JoHN, bap. Readington, 13 Nov., 1785. III. PIETER, m. Margrietje [Margaret]; had ch.: . DEBORA, bap. Readington, 8 March, 1740. IV. JORIS, [George] m. Jannetje, [Jane] Scholl ; had ch.: . aD. (Id). (IV). (Vv). (vt). ELSJE, [Elsie], bap. Readington, 5 May, 1745. THOMAS, perhaps the s. of Peter, m. Jannetje ; had ch.: 1. Catie, [Catherine] bap. Readington, 4 May, 1777. 2. RAGEL, [Rachel] bap. Readington, 17 April, 1785. JOHN, perhaps s. of Peter, m. Rebecca ; bad ch.: 1. CHRISTENA, bap. Readington, 17 Oct., 1784. GEORGE, m. Elsa ; had ch.: 1. Jacog, b. 19 Nov., 1771 or 2. 2. Hangs, [John] b. 30 April, 1774. 8. PHIuip, b. 7 Sept., 1776. 4. PaTer, b. 10 Aug., 1778. HENRY, on John Peter Nitzer’s ledger at German Valley, 1763. Perhaps had ch.: 1. CornELIvS, b. 18 July, 1778, d. 17 Oct., 1836, m. Ahly (Alevia or Olivia), b. 1776, d. 1857, at 81; the former, buried at’ Chester, Morris Co., the latter at Bprnce Run; had ch., bap. at Lebanon : (1). DEBORAH, b. 14 Aug., 1802. (2). Hewry, b. 21 Dec., 1804. 2. Jacos, m. Margaret ; had ch., bap. at German Valley: (1). ANNA, b. 26 Aug., 1790. PETER, who may have been the son of George ; he had at least the following children (order uncertain) : . Susan, m. Peter Winters. . JANE, m. Stephen Swackhamer. . BETSEY, b. 1781, d. 1864 at about 83. . ANCHI, m. a Welsh ; res. near Easton. . JOHN, removed to Ohio. . LAMBERT BOWMAN, kept tavern at G. V. and Readington, m. first Cowl, (or Caul); second, Sophia Neighbor, (dau. of Leon- ard 2d and widow of Jacob L. Hager); bought 20 Dec., 1803, of Wm. Neiser, tavern in German Valley; had three children by first wife and five by the second : (1). Jonn, m. Betsey Wandling ; res. at Brass Castle, Warren Co.; had ch.: (a). ADAM, m. Jane Boyd; res. at Washington, N. J.; had | ch.: Logan, m. a Shultz ; Samuel; Mary, unmarried. (b). ELISABETH, unmarried. (c). MARGARET, m. Joseph Thompson. (2). ELIsaBETH, m. Daniel Ulp, who rem. to New York State from Washington, N. J.; had ch.: Sophia Ulp, m. a Bay- ler ; John Ulp, m.a Rockefellar ; Jane Ulp, m. Benjamin ' Creveling ; Elisabeth Ulp. m. an Albert. (8). Susan, m. Philip Henn, s. of Philip, who m. a Groff for his second wife ; res. above Washington, N. J.; had 2 daugh- ters, Sophia Henn and Susan Henn. (4). Lzonarp NEIGHBOR, (first child by second wife), m. Mar- Dov R & DH \ Bowman 271 garet Rockefellar, dau. of John ; res. at Pittstown, N. J.; had ch.: (a). JOHN, unm ; a millwright ; killed in the late war. (b). LamBERT, m. Nettie Cool and had 2 daughters, Dora, mm. and res. at Plainfield ; Margaret, m. a Randolph and res. near Flemington ; his monument in Flemington cemetery reads, ‘‘LAaMBERT BorMAN, Major in 15 Reg’t, N. J. Vols., fell in the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., at the head of his command, as acting Colonel of the 10th N. J., on the 19th of Oct., 1864, in his 32d year. Erected by personal friends by permission of thefamily.” (ce). ANN, m. James Switzer. (d). ELISABETH, m. a Young ; res. at Doylestown, Pa. (e). Many, m. Moses Stryker, (s. of Larry of Pittstown). (f). JANE, m. and res. at Milford. (g). GEORGE, m. and settled near Philadelphia. (6). JEAN. b. 13 May, 1803, m. Joseph Cougle, s. of Joseph. (6). Davip WELSH, b. 18 March, 1808, m. Mary Siegler, dau. of Peter ; res. at G. V. and Pattenberg ; had ch.: (a). SIEGLER, a sea captain who res. at Philadelphia. (b). GEORGE, rem. to Illinois, married and has a family. (ec). JANE, m. Jacob Stiers and res. near Clinton. (%). PETER, m. Naomi Shipman ; res. at Washington ; had ch.; Leonard N.; Mary, m. Jobn Pearter ; Sarah, m. Joseph Wooliever. (8). NicHoLas NEIGHBOR, b. 6 Nov., 1812, d. 22 July, 1882, m. Margaret Ann Lerch, (dau. of Anthony, of Greenwich, Warren Co.), b. 30 June, 1813, still living and has given all the information herein contained of Lambert Bowman’s family ; had ch.: (a). ELISABETH, b. 1838, m. Chauncey Dexter ; rem. to New York State. (b). LAMBERT, b. 1840, died at 23. (c). CHRistTiz Osmun, b. 1842, unmarried, died at 28. (d). Anna Sopuia, b. 1847, m. John Frech, and had Fred., Maud and Paul. (e). TALMAGE, b. 1848, died young. (f). Issac LurHER, b. Nov., 1850, died at 36 ; unmarried. (g). JENNIE LUELLA, b. 1854, m. Will. Hackett, s. of William; have a son Frank Hackett. (h), THEODORE R., b. 1858, m. Annie Crammer, dau. of David G.; res. at Annandale; has three children living out of eight, viz.: Walter, Luella and Stella. MISCELLANEOUS—PIETER, m. in N. Y. 25 Nov., 1730, Aaltje Van Pelt ; THomas, m. in N. Y. 15 June, 1740, Rebecca Omand ; Mary Bowman, wife of Nathan, d. 25 April, 1853, at 59 years. 6 months and 19 days ; buried at Chester, Morris Co. RECORDS OF LEBANON BAPTISMS :—PETER and Catharine have children: (1). Thomas, b. 29 May, 1795 ; (2). Altge, b. 22 May, 1799; (8). John, b. 19 May, 1801 ; (4). Rachel, b. 8 Nov., 1803; (5). Elisabeth Bryant, b. 5 Aug., 1806. PETER and Christina have ch.: Thomas, b. 29 May, 1795. THomas and Jean have ch.: (1). 272 Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY Nelly, b. 22 April, 1798 ; (2). Sarah, b. 27 Feb., 1800; (8). Maria, b. 20 May, 1787. JOHN and Christina have ch.: Anna, b. 30 Nov., 1799. WuiL.1am and Elisabeth have ch.: Celinda, b. 27 Jan. 1818. NELLY, m. 9 June, 1815, Peter Hofman, at New Germantown. BROWN. JOHN BROWN, who d. 1690 in Essex Co., was,from Milford, Conn., and was the ancestor of a large number of families in New Jersey. RICHARD, b. in England, d. at Southold, L. I., 16 Oct., 1655; had one son, RICHARD 2p, d. 1686-7; 1659 had home lot, &c., at Southold ; 1683, Richard, Senior and Junior, assessed on £386 ; 1686, Lieut. Richard has 4 males and 4 females in family; 1686-7 gives deeds to sons, William, Jonathan, 2d child, and Walter, the 4th. I. RICHARD 8p, m. Dorothy King, 8 May, 1683, who d. Feb., 1774 (%; had children :': : (). RICHARD, JR., 4TH, b. 1684, d. between 1765-71, m. Anna Youngs, : 1704-5, b. 1683, d 23 Nov., 1748 at 65; his will, 15 Aug., 1765, prob. 7 Sept., 1771, N. Y.; had-ch.: Richard, b. about 1705; Henry ; Mehitable; Dorothy; Peter, b. 1719, d. 1747 at 28 ; Christopher, b. 1714, d. 1739 at 25; Anna, b. 1745, d. 1753 at 8. (1). SAMUEL, m. Mary; dated his will 31 May, 1711, at 20; had 2 daus. (III). DOROTHY, m. Jona Young, 1708-9. (IM). HENRY, m. Mary Paine (?); will 14 Feb., 1774, prob. 30 April, 1781; had ch.: Henry; Peter; Richard; Anna, who m. a Hallock; Nathan Paine, d. 1745, at 40: Anna, d, 1748-4 at 17; Mary, d. 1743-4 at 7, and a daughter who m. a Paine. (V). JOSEPH, by tradition the s. of Israel, d. 1751, m. Dorothy Tuthill, s. of John ; had ch.: Benjamin ; Hannah, m. Jos. Youngs; Mary, m.a King ; Selah; Jeremiah; Joshua; Dorothy, m. a Brown. Il. JONATHAN, d. 18 Sept., 1704 ; gave ten deeds from 1686-1703, m, Eliza hadch.: JONATHAN, b. 1653, d. 19 Aug., 1710, at 57 ; Euiza, JR., m. John Tuthill and d. 1750; Hannan, m. Jonathan Havens, 1 Jan. 1706-7; RacaeL; Dante (2) prob. had son Daniel, Jr. III. WILLIAM, m. Catherine, who d. 1739; 1686, had 2 males and 1 female ; his will prob. 1782, N. Y.,had ch: WuL1am, Jr., b. 8 Nov., 1684 ; JonN, d. Nov., 1705 ; m. Elisabeth and had Asa, Benjamin, Zuviah ; WALTER, m. first, Abigail, who d. 5 Oct., 1721 ; second, Mary Youngs, 1723-4, who d.14 April, 1735 ; third, Mehitable Horton in 1743; Sruvanus, m. Heziah Carter in 1716-7 and had Jonathan, who d. 1748 at 25; Davin, m. Elisa- beth and his (%) will, prob. N. Y., 1756, names Peter, Elisabeth, (Bishop), Reuben, Nathan, David, William, Obadiah ; Mary, perhaps m. William Coleman, 1724 ; and after 1698, Eu1yam and THomas. IV. WALTER, m. Jane Mappon and had dau. Jane, w. Thos. Moore ; perhaps had three children, John, David and Walter, who went to Roxbury, Morris Co., N. J., before 1742. The above genealogy of the Southold family is taken largely from Moore’s Indexes of Southold, and while evidently faulty is the best that can be procured. (1). JOHN, overseer of highway, Roxbury twp., Morris Co., N. J., 1745 ; letters of adm. of estate of John of Morris Co., granted to Jacob Ford, 18 Nov., 1755 ; no trace of descendants. Brown—BucHaNnan 273 (I). DAVID, will, Roxbury, 1777, June 12, prob. June 16, names wife Sarah and three sons and four daughters : 1. STEPHEN. 2, PETER, will, Roxbury, 1797, May 6, prob. Sept. 27, (Trenton, Lib. 37), names wife Catharine and children: Aaron, Davip Hutt, < Peter, Lyp1a, SaLLiz, Berste ; the last four not yet 18. 8. DAVID, will prob. 19 March, 1823; res. Chester twp., Morris Co., N.J.; had children, Aanon, m. Betsy King ; Davin JR.; ARNOLD m. Betsy Topping (dau. William); CaTHERINE, b. 20 April, 1780, d. 11 March, 1859, m. Col. Benj. McCurry (s. Malcolm 2); ApAn, m. Wm. Ming, from Phila.; TRustum HULL; Manton ; Lewis, who had two sons, Benjamin McCoury, m. Mary Williamson, and Charles, m. Mary Anson ; ROBERT ; CATHERINE, m. Phil. Welsh ; Lyp1a B., m. a Lawrence. 4, WALTER, 1750, overseer highway, Roxbury twp.; his will, prob. Knowlton, Sussex Co., N. J., 20 Dec., 1771, names wife Joanna and 12 children: Caleb, Walter, Jeremiah, Obadiah, Samuel, Nathan, Daniel, Israel, Joanna, Penelope, Mehitable, Experience. 5. Pain, came to New Jersey from Long Island after his marriage and is said to have been a brother (2) of David ; b. 1742, d.1 Dec., 1812, at 70, m. Ann Halsey, ‘sister of Zachariah DeCamp’s wife, (met at Pain’s house and afterwards married), b. 1751, d. 21 Nov., 1822, at 71; hadch.: Hilah, b. 1787, d. 30 May, 1790, at 3; Elias, b. 1790, d. 7 Jan., 1794,at4; Henry Halsey; Experience, m. Phil. Backer; Anna, m. Geo. Teeple ; Abigail, b.1777, d. 16 March. 1824, at 47; Mary; Clarissa ; Mehitable, b. 1799, d.10 April, 1829, at 30. MISCELLANEOUS— WILLIAM, whose will (Lib. 4 of deeds), 1702, Dec. 10, names sons-in-law Isaac and Joseph Ogden ; ARTHUR admin. of est. of his father JOHN, 1: Jan., 1719. ARTHUR, whose will, 1757, March 13, prob. April 27, names ch.: Jane, Mary, Isabel and ‘“‘babes.” HENDRICK, whose will ‘‘Second River,” Somerset Co., 4 Jan., 1745, prob. 1 April, 1757, names wife Margaret and ch.: Hendrick, John, Elisabeth, Cadmus, Las. Manderfield, Saiche Kerstead, Sanko Woutess, Alcho Sipp, granddaughter, Margaret King, and grandson, Jacobus, prob. son of Hendrick. JouHN, whose will, Middletown, Middlesex Co., 1771, Sept. 17, prob. Oct. 14, names wife Jemima and ch.: William, Ephraim, Jemima, Mehitable, Desire, Hannah, Daniel, Mary. Samus, of Bernards twp., Somerset Co., whose will, 1763, June 17, prob. 22 Dec., names wife Mary and brothers Isaac, Aaron, Benoni, James and half brother, Henry Hains and half sister, Rebecca Hains. James, whose will, Twix- berry (Tewksberry, Hunterdon Co.), 2 May, 1760, prob. 25 May, 1764, names wife ‘Margaret and ch.: James, Robert, Joseph, Solomon ; witnesses Sam. Barkley, John Todd and David Carlisle. JamEs, whose will, Knowlton, 8 April, 1775, prob. 16 Oct., 1793, names wife Sarah and ch.: John ; James; Martha, wife of Henry Brugler ; Sarah, wife of Ralph Brugler ; Charity ; Daniel. BUCHANAN. ELIAS BUCHANAN, probably the one whose name appears on Flemington records of 1754. First came from Scotland and settled near Changewater, Warren Co.; had ch.: I. WILLIAM, m. Rebecca Cormick, of German or Holland descent ; had ch..; (). JAMES, m. Charlotte Hoffman, dau. of Fred. and Mamie Hotrum ; x 274 Earty GERMANS OF NEW JERSEY had ch. . Eras, m. Mariah E. Sutton, (Naughright). . CAROLINE, m. Peter Teets, s. Peter R., (Fairmount). . ELISABETH, m. Samuel Trimmer, (Harlem). . ANNIE, m. John Apgar, (Newark). . JAS. LANCE, m. Sarab Ellen Iliff, dau. Alpheus and Mary E. Phil- hower, (Stanhope). 6. AMANDA, m. Robert 8. Cox, (Peapack). 9. WiLu1am, m. Anna Hoffman. (IL) WILLIAM, m. Ann Sharp, dau. Morris. (III). ELIAS, went West. (IV). PHILIP, went West. (V). RALPH, went to sea on a ‘‘ whaler.” (VI). MARY, died young. oP WD eH BUDD. Bupps oF Lone ISLAND. JOHN and JOSEPH BUDD, sons of one Thomas Budd, or John Budd, came to New Haven about the year 1632. Joseph was born about 1620. JOHN BUDD, d. 1670, m. Kathleen Brown ; removed from New Haven to South- old, L. I., thence to Rye, Westchester Co., N. Y., in 1661; in 1663 was deputy ‘from Rye to General Court of Conn.; bo’t in 1661, Nov. 8, Apawquamus, or Budd’s Neck, of an Indian named Shamarocke. His will, 1669, Oct. 18, men- tions only John, Joseph and Judith Brown ; had ch.: I. JOHN, b. in England, 1620, d. 1684, Nov. 5. m. Mary ——; will prob. 1684, Nov. 12; had ch.: (D. JOHN, d. 1754, Feb. 21; lived at Southold. His will names : . JOHN. . BENJAMIN. ASA, . WILLIAM. Hannau Moore. . MEBITABLE TUTTLE. ANNE HOSMER. . RHODA YOUNGS. . Mary DiImonp. 10. Jemima REED. (II). JOSEPH, lived in Westchester. (III). MARY, m. Christopher Youngs. (IV). HANNAH, m. Jonathan Hart ; lived in Westchester. (V). ANN, m. Benj. Horton. (VI). SARAH, m. Benj. Conkling. Il. JUDITH, m. (1) John Ogden ; (2) Francis Brown. III. ANNE, m. Benj. Horton, s. of Barnabas. IV. JANE, m. Joseph Horton, s. of Barnabas. V. JOSEPH, d. 1722, m. Sarah or Mary Horton, dau. Barnabas ; in 1720 ob- tained patent for tract known as Budd’s Neck ; will dated May 22, and prob. June 28, 1722 ; had ch.: (). JOHN, m. Mary L’ Estrange, dau. of Daniel; came to Chester OOWARDMP WWE Bupp 275 about 1740 ; had ch.: 1. DaNnrEL, b. 1722, July 22, d. 1806, Dec. 24, m. Mary Purdy, b. 1728, d. 1801, Aug. 5; had ch.: (1). Jomn, b. 1762, April 5, m. Julianor Dickerson, dau. of Abra- ham, b. 1761, Nov. 22 ; had ch.: ‘ (a). Hanna, b. 1778, Jan. 30, m. Ralph Hunt, ». of Ralph, (Sussex). ! (b). ABIGAIL, b. 1786, March 26, m. John Kinnan. (c). ABR. DICKERSON, b. 1790, Feb. 10, m. Margaret F. Goble. (d). DanreL Purpy, b. 1792, April 22. -(e). ELISABETH, b. 1794, Sept. 2, m. Joshua Coleman. (f). JoHN, b. 1796, Oct. 11, m. Sarah Drake. (g). JULIANOR, b. 1799, Feb/ 26, m. Richard Salmon. (h). Maton, b. 1802, Feb. 29, m. Effie Fancher. (2). WILLIAM, went to Western Pennsylvania. (8). ELISABETH, m. John Stark, Hardening, N. Y. (4). JOSEPH, b. 1775, July 15, d. 1827, June 18, m. Joanna Swayze, dau. of Isaac and Bethia Lance, b. 1775, April 20, d. 1846, March 4 ; had ch.: : (a). GILBERT, b. 1798, May 6, m. (1) Mary Alpock, dau. of John, and (2) Melinda Lewis, dau. of David ; had eight children: Joseph, b. 1822, Oct. 11, and m. Catherine Carlisle ; John, b. 1824, Nov. 3; David, b. 1827, Aug. 9; William, b. 1830, Sept. 25 ; Isaac, b. 1838, Jan. 21; Mary Ann, b. 1836, May 3; Gilbert, b. 1839, Aug. 8; Isabella, b. 1841, Dec. 1. (b). ISABELLA, m. John R. Swayze. (ce). Isaac, b. 1800, d. 1850, June 5, m. Katie Hopkins. (a). DanrzL, m. Mary Hunt, dau. of John, b. 1818, Aug. 22. (6). Danie, (Chester). (6). Hannan, m. —— Swayze. (). Mary, m. —— Hull. (8). Dororuy, m. Gilbert Young, (went West). 2. ELIJAH, m. Ursula Sine. 3. Hannad, m. Hacheliah Purdy. 4, Mary, m. Caleb Horton. 5. JOSEPH, m. a Budd and had Shabad, John and Mary. 6. JOHN, went to Kentucky. 7%. UNDERHILL, unmarried. 8. SALLIE, m. Thomas Sawyer. . GILBERT, M. D., surgeon 30 years in British Army. 10. ABIGAIL. (II). JOSEPH, will dated 1761, Sept. 18; prob. 1763, May 2; m. Anne ; had ch.: . JOSEPH. . NICHOLAS. . UNDERHILL. . ANN. ; . SaRaH, m. John Rue, of Dutchess Co. (ID. ELISHA, will dated 1765, Sept. 11; prob. 1766, July 2, m. Ann Lyon; ve) oe Ow De 276° Earty Germans oF New JERSEY had ch.: . JONATHAN. JAMES. . MARIANE. . SARAH, m. Hezekiah Purdy. . ANN BROWN. . PHEBE THEALL. (iV). UNDERHILL, b. 1705, d. 1765, m. Sarah Fowler ; had ch.: 1. TAMAR. 2. GILBERT. 3. Mary. 4, SaRau, m. Andrew Lyon. Bupps oF BURLINGTON. THOMAS BUDD, Rector Martosh Parish, Somersetshire, England, became a min- ister among Friends about 1657. (From a pamphlet by Maj. Enos G. Budd, re-arranged and supplemented). He had children : I. THOMAS, arrived Burlington, 1668, and again with his family in 1678 ; removed to Philadelphia, 1690, d. 1697; will prob. 1697, Sept. 9, m. Su- sanna ; had ch.: (I). JOHN, will made when he was ‘‘very old,” dated 1749, March 20; prob. 1749, Sept. 6 ; will mentions wife, Sarah, and sons Barne and Thomas, and speaks of land, e. g.,'700 acres ‘‘ Pine Hannock on west side Whippanong river;” also ‘‘ present farm both sides Black brook and all my lands in Long Valley ; land held under our brother John Cosens.” William Budd was one of witnesses to the will. His widow, Sarah, then the wife of John Scott, of Hanover, made her will 1756, July 8 ; prob. 1780, July 26 ; gave to “all my children ;” had ch.. 1. Joun, to Charleston, 8. C., before Revolution. 2. THOMAS, unmarried, (blown up 1n a war vessel). 3. WILLIAM, went to England. 4, Barwn, had ch.: (1). Joun C., M. D., m. (1) Mary Lum, dau. Moses; (2) widow Betsey Cobert ; closed up law suits over leased lands in Hunterdon and Morris counties ; had ch : (a). Berne W.,M.D., m. Catherine Reynolds, dau. of David; had4ch.: Hlisabeth, m. Thos. Gallaudet ; David R.; Berne R.; Charles A. (b). JOHN S., m. Charlotte Ward, dau. of Aaron M.; had ten ch.: John C.,m. Bridget Warren ; Thomas D.; Nancy A.; Sylvester 1; Stephen; Caroline E.; Ellen Day; Ludlow Day ; George S ; Mary E. (c). Vincent B., m. (1) Nancy Ward, and (2) Jane Hancock, dau. of Rev. John ; hadfourch.; By 1st wife, Thomas Bond; Melissa Ward; by 2a wife, Jane Hancock ; Benjamin Ward. (d). Joanna Vasts, m. (1) Parrott Reynolds, s. of William ; (2) Noble Barry. (e). CAROLINE. (f). Mary, m. John Meeker, s. of Daniel. OOP w Wp Bupp—BuLMER 277 (g). PHEBE, m. (1) Edwin Tryon ; (2) (h). Susan Amanpa, m. Ambro Bruen, s. of Carter. @). JANE C., m. Israel Dickerson, s. of Brainerd. G). Exiza, m. Stewart Marsh, s. of John T. (x). Sarag, m. George Servin. (2). WILLIAM. (8). Davip. (4). Saraw, 5. Susan, m. —— Stewart, (Stewartsville, N. J.) 6. CATHERINE. (1). THOMAS. (II). MARY. (IV). ROSE. Il. WILLIAM, b. 1649, d. 1722 at 73 ; Judge, Burlington Co.; had ch.: (I). WILLIAM, d. 1723 ; had ch.: 1. WiLt1s4M, had son: (1). Davin, @d son); had ason Daniel, b. 1751, Jan. 5, d. 1815, March 12; (Schoharie, N. Y.) (I). THOMAS, b. 1686, d. 1742, m. Rebecca Langstaff ; had ch.: 1. JouN. 2. THomas, b. 1710, d. 1752 ; had ch.: (1). Stacy, M. D., d. 1804, m. 1762, Sarah Monroe ; had one son Dr. Benj. Stacy Budd, and a grandson of same name. 2). JOSEPH. ; (8). ELISABETH. (4). RacuEL, m. William Bradford. ANN. ELISABETH. . RACHEL, JAMES. . GEORGE. Lrv1. . SARAH. (Il). JOHN. ' (IV). JAMES. (V). SUSANNA. (VI). ANN. III. JOHN, d. before 1738 ; removed to Philadelphia, Pa.; had ch.: r sO WD I OTH go (Il). GEORGE. IV. JAMES, unmarried (Burlington); member Colonial Assembly, 1668 ; drowned 1692. BULMER. GERRIT [Garret] is the first of the name that can be found ; witness to baptism (Somerville records), 1 Aug., 1704 ; prob. had ch.: I, ROBERT Bolmer ; will dated Bridgewater twp., Somerset Co., 30 Dec., 1754, prob. 4 March, 1755, names all children but Gerrit and Elisabeth, 278 Earty Germans or NEw JERSEY who appear on records of Somerville ch. ; his w. Mary’s will, 30 May, 1766, prob. 5 Oct., 1771; children of Robertand Maria [Mary Rossina ?] Spoon- heimer are as follows: (@). ANTIEN, [Ann] bap. 26 Oct., 1715. (II). JOHANNES, [John] bap. 3 April, 1717. (III). ROSSINA, bap. 3 Oct., 1719. (IV). GERRIT, bap. 19 Nov., 1721. (V). ALBERTUS, bap. 25 March, 1724. (VI). MAREITJE, [Mary] bap. 29 May, 1726. (VID). LENA, [Magdalena]. VIII), LISABET, [Elisabeth]. (TX). ABRAHAM. (X). JANNITJE, [Jane] bap. 20 April, 1785, dau. of Robert and Rossina, prob. same as Robert and Mary. (XI). ROBERT, bap. 8 May, 1737 ; prob. m. Sery, Sella or Saerte [Sarah] and had ch.: MaryteE, [Mary] bap. 12 April; PELYE, [ ] bap. 5 June, 1767, ; Mapiena, [Magdalena], bap. 16 Sept., 1768. (XII). WILLEMTJE, (feminine form of William), bap. 7 May, 1749, dau. of Robert and Rossina, (prob. same as Robert and Mary, the latter having two given names). OLLIVER, the father of Mr. Bulmer now res. in Middle Valley, lived in Hunter- don Co., and had ch.: I. JOHN, m. Eva Teats (dau. Jacob). II. PETER, m. Phebe Seals. Ill. JOHN, m. Jane Swackhamer (dau. Jacob). IV..GODFREY. V. JOHN. VIYWILLIAM. VIL. DAVID. VIII. FRED. BUNN. JOHN BUNN came from Germany; in Tewksbury twp. book April, 1757; owned land near Pottersville ; had ghildren : LSCUNRAD, b. 1788, d. 1822, Dec. 17, m. Mary Walden, b. 1738, d. 1826, Feb. 8; had children (order uncertain): (). JOHN. (II). FREDERIC, m., 1793, Dec. 22, Margaret Schneider ; had ch.. 1. Morris. 2. CONRAD. 3. WILLIAM. 4. Mary. 5. ELISABETH. (I). MARY CATHERINE, b. 1762, Jan. 10, m. 1783, Jan. 9, Jacob Miller, b. 1759, Feb. 9, d. 1821, May 12. (IV). MARTIN, b. 1765, March 24, d. 1853, May 24, m. Esther (Hester) Crater, dau. Morris II, b. 1767, d. 1854, Dec. 25; removed to Bed- minster, then to the West after Revolution ; had ch.: 1. CunraD, b. 1788, Jan. 12, d, 1866, June 27, m. 1809, Dec. 28, Mary Young, b. 1790, d. 1862, April 1. Bunn 279 2.§MorkRiIs, b. 1790, June 21, m. Sophia Young, b. 1794, July 6, d. 1859. 3. ELISABETH, b. 1792, Dec. 8, d. 1875, Oct. 16. 4. WILLIAM. 5. Mary. 6. MARGARETTA, b. 1797, Aug. 27. %. CATHERINE, b. 1800, Jan. 2. (V).{DAVID. , (VI). JACOB, b. 1766, m. Elisabeth Cooper, (s. Samuel), b. 1785; had ch.: 1. SAMUEL, m. —— Dota ; rem. Canistear. Steuben Co., N. Y.; has children : Seward, Dota, Eliza, Amelia, Emma, Elisabeth. MARTIN, unmarried. . NaTHAN, ABRAHAM. . GEORGE WASHINGTON, m. Catherine M. Hick. . EMALINE. . Mary E., b. 1812, May 28, m. 1836, Morris C. Bunn, s. Lawrence II ; removed, 1851, to Wyoming, Pa. (VI). GEORGE, b. 1767; confirmed 1785 at 18, m. 1795, July 11, Elisabeth Rhinehart. (VIII). GERTRUDE, (CHariry), b. 1769; confirmed 1785 at 16, m. John Karn, s. Christopher. GERRIT (Garret), m. Mary, will dated, 1750, Somerset Co., names sons, EDWARD and LAWRENCE : I. EDWARD. i II. LAWRENCE, bap. 10 March, 1740, (Readington records) ; had ch.: @. ANTHONY, b. 1777, Feb. 1, d. 1867, Jan. 9, m. 1815, Sarah Hilde- brant, b, 1791, d. 1862, May 18. (i). PHILIP. (i). JOHN. (IV). DAVID. (V). LAWRENCE had ch.: 1. Morris C., m. Mary E. Bunn, dau. Jacob. (1). GuorGE, has ch.: Madge, Warren, Nellie. (2). MINERVA. (3). MERcy. ANTHONY. . GEORGE. Mary. . HARRISON. . DENNIS. . WILSON. . PHILIP. (VI). GEORGE. (VII). HANNAH. (VII). POLLY. (IX). TEEN, (Treen 4). (X). a danghter, wife of Stephen Deen. MATTHEW BUNN, of Woodbridge, N. J., rec. patent for land, 1670; was the father of Matthew, Nathaniel, Peter and probably Miles, who leased part of “Society Lands,” Hunterdon Co., in 1785 : ID TP ow OO 2D OTP PO 280 Earty GERMANS OF NEW JERSEY I. MATTHEW, m. Sarah ; gave deed June, 1695, to his brothers Nathaniel and Peter for land at Woodbridge. II. NATHANIEL. III. PETER. IV. MILES, m. Mary and had children (records of Woodbridge) : (I). EUNIS, b. 20 Nov., 1703. (II). MARY, b. 17 Nov., 1705. (III). SARAH, b. 4 June, 1709. (IV). RHODA, b. 4 Aug., 1712. (V). MILES, b. 25 Nov., 1718 ; on ‘ Society Lands,” Hunt. Co., N. J., 1735. (VI). NATHANIEL, b. 13 Feb., 1715. (VII). WILLIAM, b. 14 June, 1721. This family is prob. not of the German race and therefore has no relation to the family of Tewksbury twp., Hunterdon Co. It may be that the former is descended from the Waldensian Francois Bonn, who came to this country about 1657. If this is so then MattHEW, of Woodbridge, was prob. s. of CHRISTIAN and grandson of FRANCOIS and was bap. in New York, 4 April, 1659. BUSENBERRY. JOHANNES (Jonny) BosENBERGER (Busenberry), came from the village of Sehlen, jurisdiction of Rosenkal, county of Braunfels, Germany, and was a woolen and linen weaver and the son of JoHANNES Bosenberger and his wife, Maria ; bought 186 acres of John Reading in Amwell, 11 Feb., 1748, by side of Alia- shocking brook along John Mullen, Gideon Rousers and Peter Dirdorf (Trenton G. G., 163); Dr. Race has the certificate of birth of Johannes Bosenberger, the date of which is unfortunately torn off ; his will dated Amwell, 5 Oct., 1773, prob. 30 March, 1782, names children, ‘ I. ABRAHAM. II. JOHN. II. CHERETRAAIT, Gertraut or Gertrude) wife of Jacob Race, the ancestor of the historian Henry Race, M. D., of Pittstown, Hunterdon Co., N. J. IV. ELISABETH, wife of Charles Everfelt, ‘and her three children by her first husband.” CARHART. THOMAS CARHART, s. of Anthony of Cornwall, England, b. about 1650, d. 1696, m. Nov., 1691, Mary Lord, (dau. of Robert Lord and Rebecca Philips), b. in Cambridge, Mass., 13 July, 1668, m. for second husband, about 1698, Thomas Warne. Thomas came to New Amsterdam, 25 Aug., 1683, holding the appoint- ment of private secretary to Col. Thomas Dorgan, the English governor of the colonies. (Carhart Genealogy by Mary E. Dusenberry, N. Y., 1880). Will of Thomas, 16 March, 1695, prob. 6 April, 1696. He res. on Staten Island until 1695. when he removed to Woodbridge, N. J.; had ch.: JOHN » b. 1692, m. 23 Oct., 1716, Annie ; removed before 1717 from Woodbridge, N. J., to Rye, N. Y.; ROBERT, b. 1693, d. 12 Feb., 1745, m. 1725, a German lady; res. Mattea- wan, Monmouth Co., N. J.; WILLIAM, b. about 1695 on Staten Island, in Monmouth Co. after 1698 ; bought 90 acres at Perth Amboy in 1723. ROBERT, the second son of Thomas, the emigrant, had ch.: Mary, b. 24 July, 1726 ; Annie, b. 10 Aug., 1737 ; Cornelius, b. 6 Sept., 1729; Lydia, b. 30 Aug., 1732 ; Samuel, b. 22 June, 1737. CaRHART 281 CORNELIUS, son of Robert, b. 6 Sept., 1729, d. 3 June, 1810, m. 1754, Willimpia Coleman ; removed to Sussex (now Warren) Co. in 1753, and owned the land upon which the present town of Washington, N. J., is situated ; was Capt. of the 3rd Regiment of Hunterdon Co., in 1778, and 8rd Major in the Continental Army in 1781; had ch.: I. MARY, b. Jan., 1756, m. Robert McShane ; res. at Perryville. II. SARAH, b. Feb., 1758, m. John Dusenberry; res. in Sussex Co. III. ROBERT, b. 17 Aug., 1760, d. 1 May, 1834; private soldier in Rev. War ; res. at Hampton, N. J.; had ch.: (). CHARLES, b. 15 Oct., 1791, d. 11 July, 1868, m. Rebecca Allshouse ; (I. (Il). NDAGUIPRWNWH Qourwnor res. at Harmony, N. J.; had ch.: . JOHN, b. 1918, m. Elisabeth Metz. . ELISABETH, b. 1820, m. Anthony Oberly. . JACOB, b. 1823, unmarried. : . THOMAS F., b. 1828, m. Louisa Castera. . Lypra, b. 11 April, 1831, m. Levi Raub. . CAROLINE, b. 1833, d. 1836. Susanna, b. 23 May, 1837, m. Jacob Kline. AMUEL, b. 31 March, 1802, d. 1869 in Philadelphia, m. Mary Mond; res. at Philadelphia ; had ch.: . SAMUEL, b. 1828. . Mary E., b. 1830. . JOHN, b. 1833, d. 1835. . JOHN, b. 1836, d. 1842. . WILLIAM, b. 1840, d. 1840. . HENRIETTA, b. 1834, m. Theodore Carhart (a cousin). WILLIAM P., b. 1799, d. 12 July, 1863 ; res. New Hampton ; had ch.: 1. WILLIAM, b. 1816 ; res. at Phillipsburg, N. J. 2. THEODORE, b. 31 Jan., 1819, m. Rachel Albright ; res. at Belvidere, New Jersey. 3. SAMUEL, b. 23 Oct., 1832, m. Sarah Voorhees ; res. at Phillipsburg, New Jersey. (IV). MARY, m. a Sigman. (V). LYDIA, m. a Philips, of Port Murray. IV. CHARLES, b. 3 Jan., 1763, d. in Virginia, m. Mary E. Dunham, (dau. of Jacob) who m. for her second husband, her cousin, Jas. Dunham; had ch. : (). JOHN, b. 15 Oct., 1786, d. 21 March, 1872, m. Mary Beavers, (grand- daughter of Col. Joseph), b. 22 May, 1789, ; had ch.: . GEoRGE B., b. 1812 ; res. at Brooklyn, N. Y. CHARLES, b. 1813, m. Matilda Stiger, (dau. of Adam); res. at Perryville, N. J. . JAMES D., b. 1815 ; wholesale grocer in Brooklyn, N. Y. Marrua B., b. 1818, m. J. S. Kels ; res. at Perryville, N. J. . WILLIAM B., b. 1820, unmarried ; res. at Brooklyn, N. Y.; whole- sale grocer. . WHITFIELD D., b. 1825, m. Mary E. Rockafeller ; res. at Clinton, New Jersey. : Esau H., b. 1827, unmarried ; res. at Macon, Georgia. . Mary E., b. 1829, m. Dr. Sylvester Van Sickle ; res. at Clinton, New Jersey. 282 Earty Germans or New JERSEY (I). DANIEL, b. 11 June, 1788, d. 8 Dec., 1879, m. Elisabeth Bonnel (dau. stm OTP OF DH of Clement); res. at Clinton, N. J.; had ch.: . CHARLES, b. 1814; res. at Anandale. . Mary, b. 1816. . ABRAHAM, b. 1818, unmarried. . WILLIAM, b. 1821, unmarried ; res. at Clinton, N. J. . ASA, b. 1822; res. at Clarksville. . JOHN, b. 1825, m. Amanda Larason ; res. at Clinton, N. J. . SAMUEL, b. 1827; res. at Elwood, N. J. V. CORNELIUS, b. 5 Oct., 1765, d. 6 Dec., 1818, m. Sarah Dunham, (dau. of Jacob); res. at Perryville ; had ch.: (I). CHARLES, b. 16 Nov., 1786, d. 4 June, 1863, m. Christina Bird Car- (I). (qn. (IV). (vp. (In. (VIIN. (IX). {X). AID oP WH hart ; res. at Perryville, N. J.; had ch.: . ELISABETH, b. 1826, m. William F. Hoffman. . JOSEPH B., b. 1829. . C. WHITFIELD, b. 1832. . Mary V., b. 1833. . SAMUEL, b. 1835 ; res. at Ocean Beach, N. J. . CHRISTINA, b. 1837, m. William Dunham ; res. at Clinton, N. J. . DANIEL, b. 1839, m. Josephine Story; Professor of Mathematics ; res. in Virginia. ELISABETH, b 3 March, 1789, d. 25 Jan., 1847, m. John Eckel. MARY, b. 30 April, 1790, d. Oct., 1836, m. Daniel Van Syckel. LYDIA, b. 18 Jan., 1793, m. John Van Buskirk. . SARAH, b. 18 Dec., 1794, d. March, 1833, m. first, Philip Runkle ; second, Daniel Van Syckle. DANIEL, b. 6 March, 1797, d. 29 Sept., 1819, m. Christina Bird; res. at Perryville ; had ch.: Cornelius. SAMUEL, b. 10 May, 1799, m. first, Lavinia Larason ; second, Fanny 1. 2. 3. 4, Britton ; res. at Lambertville, N. J., and Cecil Co., Md.; had ch.. LAVINIA, b. 1826. HELEN M., b. 1831. LaRrison B., b. 1832. JOSEPHINE, b. 1840. RACHEL, b. 15 Oct., 1801, m. Moses ‘Craig, of Peapack. JOHN, b. 6 March, 1804, m. Kesiah Larason ; res. at Clinton, N. J.; SHARMA P wy has ch.: James L., b. 5 July, 1830. . DEwITT C., b. 19 July, 1884. ELwoop, b. 20 Dec., 1836. SaRag, b. 9 Feb., 1839. . ALBERT, b. 10 Sept., 1841. Kars L., b. 18 Nov., 1848. . Fanny A., b. 9 April, 1845. . JOHN C., b. 23 Feb., 1849. . AUSTIN C., b. 3 April, 1853. NEHEMIAH, b. 24 Aug., 1806, m. Sarah Patty ; res. at Auburn, N. 1, 2. Y.; had ch.: SAMUEL N., b. 1835. Sara A.,, b. 1837. CaRHART—CARLISLE 283 8. JoHN P., b. 1845. ; 4, Henry E., b. 17 Oct., 1851. 5. FRANCIS L., b. 7 Oct., 1854. (XI). CATHARINE, b. 15 April, 1809. VI. LYDIA, b. 28 Oct., 1769, m. James Bowlby : removed to Virginia. VII. WILLIMPIA, b. 15 April, 1771, m. Benjamin Lacy ; res. at Washington, Warren Co., N. J. VIII. PHEBE, b. Feb., 1774, m. John Coleman ; res. in Sussex Co. IX. SAMUEL, b. 28 Jan., 1777, d. 24 April, 1852, m. first, Annie ; second, ——; res. at Washington, Warren Co., N. J.; had ch.: . CORNELIUS, b. 1804, m. Margaret Lomson [Lomerson 4]. . WILLraM, b. 1806, m. Julia A. Lomson. . Mary H., b. 1809, m. Joseph Weller. . SARAH, b, 1812, m. first, Rev. Jesse Fritz ; second, M. Pitnord. SAMUEL M., b. 1814. . ROBERT, b. 1817, d. 1818. . ISABELLA, b. 1818, m. Mr. Rassenberg, of Pennsylvania. JAcoB, b. 1823, m. Mary Youmans. . Lypira, b. 1825, m. John W. Fritts. . JESSE, b. 1836. . JOHN b. 1838. PS omnr ae pw, CARLISLE. t ROBERT, came from Ireland to Bridgehampton, L. I.; removed to Roxbury twp. before 1763, and buys, 1778, 100 acres of Eleazer Lindsley ; in 1775, 112 acres of Thomas Faircloe ; in 1783, 94 acres of W. Topping, all adjoining pieces of prep- erty and on the road from the turnpike to the D., L. & W. depot at Chester ; had ch.: I. ROBERT, b. 10 June, 1758, d. 20 March, 1838 ; buried at Pleasant Hill cemetery, near Chester ; m. Mary Stark, (dau. of John), b. 11 July, 1768; had ch.: @. MARGARET, b. 29 March, 1787, m. David Larason, (s. of Andrew). Ql). JOHN. b. 27 Jan., 1789. (II). ROBERT, b. 13 Nov., 1790, m. Catherine Beard, (dau. of David); had ch.: . MARGARET, m. Tunis Crater, (s. of Will). . Lypia, m. John Petri, (s. of John). . WILLETT, m. Clarissa Kellahan. . RoBERT, m. Susan Swarts, (dau. of Jacob). . Louisa, died young. . CATHERINE, m. Daniel Budd, (s. of Gilbert), b. 9 Aug., 1827. (IV). REUBEN, b. 5 May, 1798, d. 3 July, 1867, m. Ann Messlar, (dau. of Bergen); had ch.: 1. Jonny, b. 19 March, 1821 ; died young. 2. BERGEN, b. 7 Aug., 1823 ; died young. 3. Mary JANE, b. 10 Dec., 1827, m. first, Joseph Budd, (s. of Gilbert) b. 11-Oct., 1822 ; second, Mulford Skellenger. 4, RoBERT, b. 8 June, 1822, m. Lydia H. Leek, and had one child, Reuben C. (V). MARY, b. 10 Feb., 1796, m. William Willett, (s. of William). Por wD eH 284 Earty Germans or New JERSEY (VI). LYDIA, b. 17 Jan., 1800. II. JOHN, m. 20 March, 1796, Mary Mulford ; had ch.: (). CATHERINE, unmarried. (Il). SARAH, b. Jan., 1798, d. 20 Dec., 1884, m. Sam’l Willett, (s. of Wm.) (III). ELIZA, m. David B. Hurd, for second wife. (IV). CATHERINE, died at 22. (V). NANCY, b. 1806, m. for third husband, Casper Apgar, (s. of Jacob and Charity Pickel). (V1). MARIETTA, b. 1808, m. Samuel Sweazy, (s. of Samuel and Margaret Hughey). (VII. THOMAS MULFORD, m. Eliza Howell ; had ch.: 1, Evias. m. a Brown. 2, THomas, m. first, a Pridham ; second, a Shumacker. 3. Jon, m. first, Eliza Larue ; second, Elisabeth Hoffman. 4, Mary, m. Charles Ellis Jackson, of Wichita, Kansas. 5. Nancy, m. Lewis Shields. (VIIl. JOHN D. G., m. first, Elisabeth Smith ; second, Lettie Cutler; had ch.: 1. SmirH, m. Kate Larue. 2. LAVINIA, m. Carlisle Axtell. 3. ANNA, m. Carlisle Axtell. 4, GEORGE, unmarried. III. ABIGAIL, m. John Wise, (s. of Jacob). IV. Wife of John Coleman, (brother Azal and Joseph). CASE. CasEs OF SOUTHOLD, L. I. anp Roxsury, N. J. WILLIAM, left England in the “‘ Dorset,” Sept., 1635, aged 19 ; freeman of Rhode Island, 1665 ; m. Martha, who, after his death, (1681 ?) m. Thomas Hutchinson, (see Moore’s Indexes of Southold); prob. had ch.: I. HENRY, (who might be son of Henry who owned land at Southold in 1658); 1660, has suit with Theophilus Corwin ; 1681, deed from Martha Hutchinson to him as her eldest son, of 7 acres ; 1686 has 3 males and 3 females in his family ; m. Tabitha, who d. 16 Dec., 1785 ; prob. had ch.: (Il). HENRY, JR., b. 1684, d. 16 April, 1720, at 36. (Il). SAMUEL, b. 1687, d. 10 May, 1755, at 68. (III). TABITHA. (IV). HANNAH, m. 1709, Philemon Dickerson. (V). BENJAMIN, b. 1692, d. 14 Nov., 1774, at 82. I). MARY, b. 1697, d. April, 1777, at 80 ; m. Abiah (or Gershom) Terry. If. THEOPHILUS, d. 26 Oct., 1716 ; 1686 bias, one male and one female in his’ family ; prob. m. Hannah, walter afterwards m. 1717 Jabez Mapes ; prob. had ch.: (I). WILLIAM, m. Anne, who d. 1769 ; had ch.; 1. JAMES, b. 1742, d. 12 Sept., 1758, at 11. 2. AZUBAH, b. 1747, d. 1753. at 6. (1). ICHABOD, m. first Mary Terrill in 1715, who d. 1716; second, Abi- gail Mapes in 1717, who d. 1724-5; third, Hannah Goldsmith in 1725 ; had four children who were b. in the years 1716, 1721, 1739 and 1740 ; ; prob. removed to Roxbury twp., Morris Co., where his will is dated 22 July, prob. 28 Sept., 1762, and names wife Hannah, Case 285 - grandson Joseph Case, and ch.: 1. WILLIAM. 2. ABIGAIL. 3. HANNAH. 4, Keziag. (III). JOHN, b, 1718 (4), d. 6 Feb., 1775, at 57; m. Jemima Hulse, 1733-4. (IV). THEOPHILUS, perhaps the son of Theophilus ; 1741, surveyor of the highways in Roxbury twp., Morris Co.; perhaps had son 1. JosHva, b, 1722, d. 9 July, 1777, at 55 ; buried at Succasunna ; will “Roxbury,” 1 July, prob. 16 Aug. 1777, names w. Elisabeth and ch. : (1). JosHua. : (2). JosEPH, (8). SAMUEL. (4). Jonn, (5). AUGUSTUS. (6). Raopa. (%). SUSANNA. (8). SARAH MIscELLANEOUS—Married at Branchville, Sussex Co., by Squire Price, Peter Case to Rebecca Peterson, 19 Oct., 1783 ; Theophilus Case to Anna Suriterman, 9 Dec., 1787. EpHRaIM Case to Elisabeth Lanterman, 3 Oct., 1792); his will, 9 March, prob. 22 March, 1797, names ch.: { (a). AARON. (b). JosHua, b. 3 July, 1778, d. 15 May, 1858, m. Mary Cor- win, (dau. of Benjamin), b. 14 Aug., 1781, d. 1854. Both buried at Succasunna. He had Adam and Joshua. (). Janz, m. Joseph Corwin, (s. of Benjamin). (d). LAWEs. (ce). ELISABETH, CaSES FROM GERMANY. JOHN PHILIP and WILLIAM KAES [Kes, Kase or Case], probably brothers are naturalized by act of the Assembly July, 1730. ANTHONY Kase, of the same generation, was probably a third brother. JOHN PHILIP settled near Flem- ington ; naturalized by act of Assembly, July, 1730 ; bought 9 March, 1738, a part of the Wm. Penn tract, now known as the ‘‘Mine Farm,” m. first, Anna Elisabeth ; second, Rachel ; his will, ‘“Amwell,” 27 Nov., 1754, prob. 1 March, 1756, (Lib. 8 fol. 426), names 5 children by first wife and 4 by the second. I. WILLIAM. Il. EVA MARIA. III. FRONA CATHERINE, m. Henry Winters. IV. ELISABETH, m. Peter Aller, who had grdch. b. from 1768-1777. V. ANN, m. [Peter 7] Dilts, and had ch.: Philip Dilts and Henerick Dilts. VI. HENDRICEK. VII. PETER. VIII. PHILIP. IX. CATHERINE. WILLIAM, settled on Copper Hill, near Flemington ; naturalized by act of Assem- bly, July, 1738 ; his will, ‘‘Amwell,” 18 April, prob. 5 May, 1769, (Lib. 14, fol. 172), names wife Elisabeth and ch.: 286 Earty GERMANS OF NEW JERSEY I. MARY. II. PETER. III. CATHERINE. IV. WILLIAM. V. PHILIP. VI. FRANK. VII. CHARITY. VIII. ADAM, m. Elisabeth and had ch.: (). WILLIAM, b. 15 Aug., 1763. (It). ee b. 13 Aug., 1770, prob. m. Elisabeth, b. 14 Feb., 1776; had ch.: 1. WILLIAM, b. 23 April, 1797. 2. Maugton, b. 28 Feb., 1799. 3. SYBILLA, b. 24 Tuly, 1800. 4. Hestmr, b. 20 March, 1802. 5. JONATHAN, b. 15 April, 1804. 6. Jacos, b. 9 July, 1806. %. Sanag, b. 26 April, 1808. 8. NarHan, b. 28 March, 1810. 9. CHRISTIAN, b. 29 March, 1812. 10. Resecca, b. 1 Aug., 1813. 11. Mitton, b. 1 Aug., 1815. 12. Susanna, b. 30 Jan., 1817. (II). JOSEPH, b. 14 April, 1772. (IV). ANNA, b. 17 March, 177—. (V). MARY, b. 22 Oct., 1774. (VI). PHILIP, b. 12 Dec., 1782. (VII). REBECCA, b. 12 Oct., 1784. (VIID. ISAAC, b. 27 Dec., 1789 ; prob. m. Margaret and had ch.: 1. ELIsaBETH, b. 6 April, 1811. 2. Joun, b. 1 Sept., 1812. ([X). One other. ANTHONY, his will, ‘‘Amwell,” 7 June, 1769, prob. 11 Dec., 1772, (Lib. 14, fol. 461), names wife Eva Catharine and ch.: I. PETER, perhaps the one whose will, ‘‘Amwell,” 1779, (Lib. 32, fol. 23), names wife Anna and ch.: (). HENRY. dl. CATHARINE. (iI). TUNIS, [Anthony]. (IV). JOHN. (Vv). ANNA. (VI). PETER. (VII). JACOB. (VIII). CHRISTIAN. II. JOHN, perhaps the one of Clover Hill, whose family is found History of Hunterdon and Somerset Co., page 418, as follows: (I). JACOB, had ch.: 1. AnTHOoNY L. 2. JOHN L. (I). JOHN. (III). WILLIAM, [prob. m. Anna]; had ch.: (IV SS (Vv). CasE 287 1, MaRGaRET, [? b. 16 March, 1791], m. Levi Mettler. 2. JOHN, [2 b. 28 Feb., 1801], m. first, Elisabeth Hoffman, (dau. of Thomas); second, Amy Hoff, (dau. of Will.); had ch,: (1). WILLIAM. (2). Joun F, (3). JEREMIAH H. (4). Mary, m. John Opdyke. 6). Anna, m. Jonathan Kugler. (6). ELISABETH, m. Will Wilson. By second wife. (2). Et. (8). CATHERINE, m. Holloway H. Hewitt. (9). MARGARET, m. Wilson Silverthorn. 3. CHRISTOPHER, m. first, Catharine Rupel ; second, a Case ; had ch.: (1). Winuram. By second wife. (2). ANNE. (8). GEORGE. (4). PETER. (5). CHRISTOPHER. 4. MaHLon. 5. Mary, m. Daniel Marsh. . PETER, [? m. Margaret]; had ch.: 1. DanrTet., [? b. 4 Sept., 1807]. 2. Henry, [? b. 3 Sept., 1808). [3. CORNELIUS, b. 10 Nov., 1810]. 4, GODFREY, m. Sallie Curtis, (dau. Daniel); had four children : (1). SAMUEL. (2). ELISABETH, m. Samuel Worthington. (8). PETER. (4). Mary Marrua, m. a Mathis. (5), ELISABETH. GODFREY, had ch.: 1. Levi, m. a dau. of Jacob Bunn ; has ch.: (1). WHITFIELD. (2). ELISABETH. (8). Lucy. 2. JoHN, m. Eliza Rittenhouse, (dau. of Elijah); has three sons : (1). Eviszag R., C. E. QQ). Levi W., A. M., M. D. (8). JOSEPH. 3. Mary, m. William Drake. 4, MARGARET, m. William Besson ; had ch.: (1). Joun Besson, a lawyer of Hoboken. (2). Sam. AusTIN Besson, a lawyer of Jersey City. (8). ExisaBETH Besson. (4). Hanwnag Besson. (5). FRANCIS Besson. 5. CATHERINE, m. Spencer Alpaugh ; has three daughters living at Little York, Hunterdon Co.: (1). Mary Alpaugh. (2). ADELLA Alpaugh. 288 Earty Germans or NEw JERSEY (3). CAMELLA Alpaugh.* 6. SUSAN, m. Henry Eckel ; has one dau. living at Trenton, Lydia, m. Dr. Will. Rice. (VI). MARY, m. Peter Bloom and res. near Mt. Pleasant, Hunterdon Co. (VID. ELISABETH, m. and res. in Bethlehem twp. (VIII). MARGARET, m. David Stem ; res. near Easton, Pa. (IX). CHARITY, m. Lewis Rope ; res. near Easton, Pa. (X). CATHERINE, m. John Case, a distant relative ; res. near Patten- berg ; bas ch.: 1. Henry. 2. GODFREY. 3. JOHN. MISCELLANEOUS—BASTIAN KEs was naturalized by act of Assembly, 12 Nov., 1744; JoHANNES and Matruias Kass, 1754, and TUNIS and PETER CasE, 20 Aug., 1755. CASTNER. JOAN PETER KASSENER (JOHN PETER CASTNER), widower from the Palatinate, ism. in New York, 2 April, 1711, to Magdalena Paan, the widow of Jacob Hoof, from Wirtemberg ; perhaps is the father of JURGEN (or George), and PETER, who are the first of the name in New Jersey; there certainly was a family of the name who came to New York in the ‘2d emigration,” 1710, since Gov. Hunter apprenticed a child of this name with other children of the Palatines, in 1711-14 ; perhaps had ch.: I. PETER Cassinor, whose will, ‘‘Somerset Co.,” Sept. 14, prob. Dec. 1, 1756, names wife, Mary, and ch.: Witness to a baptism ‘‘On the Raritans,” 1719 ; buys land on ‘‘2d Mountain,” Som. Co., of Alex. McDowell, 1727, Feb. 1; had ch.: (1). PETER, perh. d. 1788 ; rem. to Morris Co., m. Mary; had ch.: 1, JEREMIAH, m. Mary Thomas, (dau. of Matthias); rem. to Penn. 2. JOHN, b. 9 Sept., 1767, d. 24 Feb., 1824, m. Catherine Schenkel, (dau. of Anthony), b. 28 July, 1772, d. 16 July, 1860; res. near German Valley ; had ch.: (1). JoHN, m. Elisabeth Lomerson, (dau. of ); had ch.: (a). JOHN, b. 17 Feb. 1825, m. Mary Ann Hoffman, (dau. of Jacob) and had ch.: Mary Ann; Acka; Elisabeth ; Mary ; Arthur; Edith. (b). JacoB, m. Ellen Beam, (dau. of William); res. near Blairstown. (). Witt1am, m. Sarah Schuyler, (dau. of William); rem. to Hardwick, Warren Co. (2). Mary, m. Abraham Hall. (I). JACOB, perh. s. of Peter 2d; will, 12 Jan., prob. 4 March, 1788, names wife Catherine and witness Daniel Castner, Sr.; had ch.: 1. DaNIEL, perh. s. of Jacob, b. 10 May, 1741, d. 10 March, 1829, m. 8 May, 1775, Mary Thompson, b. 1752, d. 80 Dec., 1830 ; will, 18 \ Dec., 1828, prob. 7 April, 1829, names wife Mary and ch.: (1). Jacos. (2). JonN. (3), SaRaw, m. John Gaston. CASTNER 289 (4). JULY, m. a Yawger. (5). Mary, m. a Baker. (6). CATHERINE, b. 2 Nov., 1786, d. 4 March, 1854, m. John M. Powelson. (7). ELIsaBETH, m. a Van Doren, (8). MARGARET, m. a Willet. 2. JOHN PETER, perhaps s. of Jacob and Catherine), b. 21 July, 1750; res. at Liberty Corner, Somerset Co.; soldier in the Revolution A m. Margaret Compton ; had ch.: (1). Rev. Jacop Ranpowpg, b. 24 July, 1785, d. 19 Nov., 1848, m. 1814, Sarah Shafer, of Stillwater, N. J., b. 9 Feb., 1795, d. 2 May, 1868 ; had several children. (2). JAMES, (Ul). JULIANA. II. JURGEN (or GEorGE) m. Naomi ; prob. the George who was apprenticed in 1710, at 18 years of age, in N. Y.; ‘‘on the Raritans,” member of Lutheran Church in N, Y., 1721; had ch. (perhaps): (@). JOHN, perh. m. Babara ; had ch.: 1, JouN, IJR., b. 1751, d. 1801 ; his will, 1786, prob. ——, names mother, Barbara, brother Conrad and brother-in-law Peter Bockover. (I). JAMES, subscribed to building of Lutheran Ch. at Pluckamin. 1756. (II). PHILIP, perh. son of Jurgen, m. Susanna, who was b. 1727, d. 1777 in Morris Co. (IV). GEORGE, m. Dorothea ; had ch.: Jacos, b. 4 March, 1779. (V). DANIEL, 8r., in Tewksbury twp., 1766 ; prob. had ch.: 1. Jacos, m. Eva ; had ch.: (1). JoHN, b. 1 Sept., 1798. (2). DANIEL, b. 27 Dec., 1812. 2. DANIEL, b. 1757, d. 12 Feb., 1829 ; rem. to Spruce Run from Som. Co., m. first, Elisabeth Souers ; second, Elisabeth Moore ; had ch.: (1). Jon, m. Maria Parks, who was murdered with her husband in 1842 by his brother ; had ch.: Victor, b. 27 Sept., 1833, m. first, Sarah E. Hill ; second, her sister Semantha Hill ; John P., b. 3 Nov., 1837, m. Lydia A. Snider (and had Laura, Eugene and Sadie). (2). Jacos, JR., m. Elisabeth Anthony, (dau. of Jacob); had ch.: Daniel, unmarried ; Elijah, m. first, Elisabeth Hoover ; second, Crechy Kitchen ; third, married in Ohio ; Jacob, m. Betsey Karns ; John R., m. Margaret Moore, (dau. of John and a Rodenbach) ; Betsey, m. Chris. Smith ; Phemie, m. first, Sam. Coleman ; second, John Hazely ; Lydia, m. Richard Bennett ; Rachel, m. Peter Baldwin ; Sally Ann; Becky ; Polly. (3). ADAM, m. Elisabeth Swarts ; had ch.: John, m. Ann Read, (dau. of William); Isaac ; Elisabeth, m. John Bowlsby ; Becky; Maria, m. David Alpock; Mary Catherine, m. Mansfield Beatty, (s. of George); Susan, m. Jacob Hipp, (s. of Leonard). (4). PETER, m. Jeannette Cratzly ; had ch.: Daniel; William, m. Sarah Thomas, (s. of Joseph); George, m. Louise Ben- 290 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY nett; Andrew, m. Nancy Castner, (s. of John); David, m. Abbie Gerry, (dau. of Philip); ‘‘ Kal,” m. Susan Smith ; Mary, m. John Anderson ; Amanda, m. William Smith, (5). Moors, m. Susan Force, (dau. of John); had ch.: Michel, m. Susan Lance, (dau. of Joseph); Nathan, m. Margaret Orts; - Benjamin; Becky, m. George Walters, (s. of Thomas); Keziah, m. Wm. Read, (s. of Philip); Lydia, m. a Pigeon. (6). GEORGE, m. Elisabeth Lance, (dau. of John); had one child, Whitefield, m, Rachel Sliker, (dau. of Daniel). (7). BETSEY, m. William Anderson, (s. of William). (8). ABRAHAM, m. Elisabeth McClean, (dau. of Amos), had ch.: ‘ Amos, m. Susan Brown; William and Nicholas, went West ; Stewart, m.a Trimmer, (dau. of John); Susan, m. Jacob Bess. ; III. DANIEL, perh. s. of Peter 1st ; witness to will of Peter Castner, Sr., of Somerset Co., 14 Sept., 1756. MiscELLANEOUS—It has been impossible to get satisfactory information with regard to the Castner family, even after considerable correspondence. The above is offered as a basis for further research. John Kastner, settled in Schoharie, 1718; removed to Tulpehocken Creek, Pa., in 1723, with 33 other German families (Rupp p. 467). A certain Paul Kastner is said to have come to New Germantown, 1694, with Rev. Francis Daniel Pastorius. CHAMBERS. Four brothers of the name of CHAMBERS, JAMES, ROBERT, JOSEPH and BENJAMIN, came from the county of Antrim, Ireland, and landed at Phila. about 1726. The youngest, Benjamin, in a deposition, made in Philadelphia, 8 Dec., 1736, styles himself ‘a, millwright about 23 years of age,” and he is said to have been at the time of his death, 17 Feb., 1788, “eighty years of age and up- wards.” He was, therefore, probably born about 1710. For a time the brothers lived together at the mouth of Fishing Creek, on the eastern bank of the Susque- hanna, a few miles above Harris’ Ferry. Here they erected a mill, which was, at that period, of great utility for a large district of country. Attracted, however, by the prospect of other locations for such establishments and for farms, they crossed the Susquehanna, on or before the year 1730, and settled at different places : JAMES, at the head of Green Spring, near Newville; ROBERT, at the head of Mid- dle Spring, near Shippensburgh, and JosEPH and BENJAMIN at the confluence of Falling Spring and the Conecocheague, where Chambersburg now stands. Joseph, however, soon returned to Fishing Creek. But the others remained where they had last settled and were distinguished for their enterprise and public usefulness. They were soon followed by large numbers, who were not slow to hear of the attractive region soon to be opened for settlement. In the settlement commenced by James Chambers, about three miles south of Newville, was one of the most numerous clusters of inhabitants in the valley. It was very early (1738), strong enough to form a religious congregation which offered to pledge itself to the sup- port of a pastor.—_[ Wing’s History of Cumberland County]. RANALD and ROWLAND CHAMBERS, two brothers, according to tradition, came to America about 1720, from the north of Ireland and settled at Meeting House Springs, near Newville, Pa. They were of Scotch Irish descent. The CHAMBERS 291 name, Chambers, is said to have come from the Scotch Cameron. This became Camerarwus, when the Camerons fled to France. On their return to Ireland the name became Chambers. Notwithstanding the tradition, mentioned above, it could very easily be that these two brothers were sons of one of the first four, probably of James. Ranald died in 1746, prob. soon after his marriage. He could hardly have been over thirty years of age and too young to have come to Philadelphia alone in the year 1720 or 1726. However, in 1736-7, Randle [Ran- ald 4) Chambers receives a grant of land, for the use of his son James, on Great. Spring Creek, a branch of the Conecocheague, (History of Cumberland Co.,fp. 23). James Chambers commanded one of the three companies that fought the * Indians in the battle of Sideling Hill, April, 1756. ROWLAND, settled ‘‘near the mouth of the Letort on the State road”; buried at Meeting House Springs ; had ch.: I. GEORGE. II. CATHERINE. RANALD, d. at 1746 ; buried at Meeting House Springs ; had two ch., JoHN and RaNaLp. I. JOHN, d. early and left only one child : (I). WILLIAM, d. 5 Oct., 1809, m. Eleanor Talbot, of a family which settled in, and gave the name to, Talbot Co., Maryland ; lived at Middlesex, Cumberland Co., Pa. Capt. William Chambers is men- tioned in the minutes of the Council of Safety as connected with the First Regiment of Cumberland Co., 1777, under Col. Ephraim Blaine, the great-grandfather of Hon. James G. Blaine ; Colonel in command of Pennsylvania Associators and Militiamen, 31 July, 1777 ; was present at battles of Trenton and Princeton ; had ch.: 1. Betsey, b. 2 March, 1772, m. Dr. Kelso and had William Kelso. and Joseph Kelso. 2. Pouy, b. 11 June, 1773, d. 1866 ;-became second wife of Mordecai McKinney, 3rd. 3. JOHN, b. 20 Jan., 1775, m. a Uhrie ; rem. to Dayton, Obio ; had ch.: (1). THOMAS. (2). TALBOT. (8)—(6). Three daughters. . JANE, b. 1 Nov., 1776, d. 16 Dec., 1856 ; unmarried. . WILLIAM, b. 16 June, 1779, m. and had ch.; res. in Adams Co., Pa. . TALBOT, b. 8 Feb., 1783; Col. inU.S. Army, d. in Texas ; unm. . MarGaRET, b. 6 Oct., 1788, d. 25 Feb., 1848. . ANN, (perhaps the first child of Col. William), d. 1795, m. Arthur Chambers, of the same name but not related. He was b. 1758, d. 29 Sept., 1794, at 36; buried in Derry church-yard ; she was buried in church-yard of Welsh Run, near Greencastle. They had three children : (1). ARTHUR, died early. (2). ANN, b. 1789, d. 18 March, 1877, m. Louis L. Near, M. D., a Surgeon in U. 8. Army, who d. 31 Dec., 1845. (). Wiit14M Chestnut, M. D., b. 1790, d. 16 Dec., 1857, m. 11 Jan., 1816, Mary Ege, dau. of Michael, a large manufac- \ turer of iron, the owner of four furnaces and about eight thousand acres of land in Cumberland Co., Pa. ‘Dr. Malnr ow 292 Earty Germans oF NEw JERSEY William C. ‘Chambers was born near Harrisburg, his grandfather [great-great-grandfather ?] was no doubt one of the four brothers, JAMES, ROBERT, JOSEPH and BENJA- MIN, who emigrated from Antrim, Ireland, about 1726 and settled first upon the Susquehanna, but soon crossed over and took possession of lands in different parts of Cumber- land Valley ; Benjamin, the youngest, going as far West among the Indians as Chambersburg, which bears his name. The other brothers are said to have taken up lands at Middle Spring, Green Spring, Middlesex and along the river. The subject of this sketch was brought up in the Presbyterian Church. He was educated in Dickinson Col- lege (where he was a classmate of the late President Bu- chanan), and in the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania. He settled in Carlisle, as a practitioner of medicine, and soon after married. Dr. Chambers, though much esteemed as a physician, relinquished the practice of medicine after several years and engaged in the manufac- ture of flour andiron. In 1838he removed to Philadelphia.” —(History of Cumberland County, Pa., by Rev. C. P. Wing, D.D., p. 186). He was an elder for many years of the First Presbyterian Church, of Carlisle. His wife in- herited from her father the valuable Cumberland property, in the management of which Dr. Chambers was engaged until his removal to Philadelphia ; had ch.: (a). ANNIE J., b. 26 Oct., 1816, d. 18 May, 1880; unmarried. (b). ARTHUR E., b. 1817, d. Dec., 1837. (ec). TaLBot Witson, 8. T. D., LL. D., b. 1819, m. 21 April, 1841, by Rev. Alex. McClelland, D. D., to Louisa Mercer Frelinghuysen, (dau. of John and Elis. Van Vechten), b. 3 Dec., 1821, d. at 74. M. on 2 June, 1892, at Port- land, Oregon, suddenly from heart failure brought on by bowel trouble, while her husband was attending the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church as a delegate from the General Synod of the Reformed Ch. Dr. Chambers graduated at Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J., 1834; studied theology in both the New Brunswick and Princeton Theological Seminaries; pastor of the Second Reformed Dutch Church, Somer- ville, N. J., 1839-49 ; one of the pastors of the Collegiate Dutch Church of New York City, 1849 to the present time, May, 1894. He was the Vedder lecturer at New Brunswick in 1875 ; is Chairman of the Committee on Versions of the American Bible Society, and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Amer. Tract Society; was member of the Amer. Bible Revision Comunittee, Old-Testament Co. He has published, besides numer- ous articles, addresse$ and sermons, The Noon Prayer Meeting in Fulton Street, New York, 1857 ; Memoir of Theodore Frelinghuysen, 1863; Exposition of Zach- CHAMBERS 293 ariah, in Schaff-Lange Commentary, 1874; The Psal- ter, a Witness to the Divine Origin of the Bible (Ved- der Lectures), 1875 ; Companion to the Revised Version of the Old Testament, 1885. (Schaff-Herzog Encyclo- pedia, supplement) ; has ch.: (aa). Mary Eez, b. Raritan, N. J., 28 March, 1843, d. 16 Nov., 1845. (bb). FREDERICK FRELINGHUYSEN, b. Somerville, N. J., 10 April, 1845, m. 7 June, 1866, by Rev. T. W. Cham- ' bers, S. T. D., his father, to Mary Elisabeth Gaines, (dau. of Royal Aldrich Gaines, a prominent lawyer of New York City, and Laura Walker his wife, of Brooklyn, N. Y.); Secretary and Auditor of the Del., Lack. & West. R. R.; has ch.: Victoria Frelinghuysen, b. 6 March, 1867, d. Hackensack, N. J., of cholera infantum, 6 August, 1868; Royal Aldrich, b. 13 Feb., 1869, d. Brooklyn, 31 May, 1869; Mary Elisabeth, b. 22 March, 1870, d. Somerville, N. J., 22 July, 1892, from heart trouble; Frederick Frelinghuysen, b. 24 April, 1871; in the treasurer’s department of the D., L. and W. R. R.; Laura Gaines, b.% July, 1873, m. Chas. James Smith, June 2, 1891, and had two children, the last a daughter living; Louisa Frelinghuysen, b. 13 October, 1874 ; Rosalie Brigham, b. 2 March, d. July, 1876; Wm. H. Thayer, b. 7 Oct., 1877; John Seaman, b. 22 Nov., 1878 ; Georgiana Crawford, b. 28 Oct., 1882. (ec). ARTHUR Dz Poy, b. Raritan, N. J.,1 May, 1847, m. 30 Oct., 1872, Corinne Stoney, (dau. of Jos. Jenkins Stoney, of Bluffton, 8S. C.); assist. treasurer of D., L. and W. R. R.; Sec’y and Treas. Steward Iron Mining Co. and Treas. Oxford Iron and Nail Co. (dd), THEODORE FRELINGHUYSEN, b. Raritan, N. J., 14 May, 1849, m. 30 Dec., 1873, in Brooklyn, by Rev. L. S. Weed, of the Carroll Park M. E. Church, Mary Arno Muren, (dau. of Capt. Parker and Jeanet Laing), widow of Joshua B. Sutton, of Brooklyn, N. Y., whose children are Jeanet Muren Sutton, Kate Monteith Sutton and Mary Sutton, all unm. (ee). ELISABETH VAN VECHTEN, b. Raritan, N. J., 24 Aug. 1852 ; d. Nov. 16, 1855, of mem. croup. (ff). TaLBor Rouanp, b. Raritan, N. J., 27 June, 1855, m. 19 May, 1886, Edith M. Jennings, (dau. of Horace N. of East Orange), was a student of the University of the City of New York ; graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1878; practised medi- cine at first in New York, then in May, 1881, settled in Orange, N. J. Dr. Chambers is a frequent con- tributor to the current medical journals and maga- zines; an operation in which he was successful, 294 Earty Germans OF New JERSEY marking an advance in surgery, was noticed in the editorial columns of the New York Times. He is a member of the State Medical Society; of the Orange Mountain Medical Society ; and of the Practitioners Club of Newark ; the inventor of the Elastic Breast Compressor and of a Compressor for Swollen Glands, two valuable medical patents; has lost his oldest child, Margaret J., b. 21 Aug., 1888, who died a babe; has Talbot W., b. 24 April, 1890. (gg). Joun FRELINGHUYSEN, b. 13 Oct., 1857; graduated at the College of the City of New York ; graduated from Columbia College Law School ; has _ charge of searching department of the Title Guar- “antee and Trust Co., of New York. (bh). Louise ScHIEFFLIN, b. 10 Nov., 1859 ; unmarried. (ii). Hipary RANALD, b. 25 Jan., 1863, m. 19 Oct., 1893, Marie Schenck Jameson, (dau. of Judge C. M. Jameson, of Somerville, N. J.). (jj). CATHERINE VaAN Nzszt, b. 6 April, 1866 ; unmarried. (kk). SARAH FRELINGHUYSEN, b. 22 April, 1868, m. 25 Feb., 1892, Arthur Lewis Moore, of New York City; rem. to London,’ England, 1893 ; has one daughter. (d). ELISABETH, b. 9 Sept., 1820 ; res. in Philadelphia. (e). WiLLiaM B., b. 25 Feb., 1822, d. 3 Feb., 1861; was an artist of decided talent and estimable character ; spent several years in Italy in the study of art ; unmarried. (f). Mary, b. 3 April, 1823, d. 9 Nov., 1857, m. Hon. George Sharswood, who issued an edition of Blackstone’s Com- mentaries, and became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Penn.; had only one child, George, who m. and left at his death one daughter, May Sharswood. (g). GEORGE E., b. 19 Aug., 1824. (h). ALFRED F., b. 21 Dec., 1825, d. 18 Jan., 1853. (i). Louis N., b. 3 Feb., 1829, d. 7 July, 1849. II. RANALD, son of Ranald ist ; nothing is known of him. COLEMAN. COLEMANS OF NANTUCKET. THOMAS, b. about 1599, d. Nantucket, 1682, at 83; came to Newberry, Mass., from Marlborough in Wilts, England ; arrived at Boston 3 June, 1635, in the “James”; came under contract with Sir Richard Saltonstall and others, to keep their cattle for them ; made freeman of Boston, 17 May, 1637; rem. to Hamp- ton, 11 July, 1651; rem. ‘to Nantucket before 1663 ; m. first, Susanna * who d. 17 Nov., 1650; second, Mary Johnson, (widow of Edmund), who d. 30 Jan., 1663 ; third, Marjery Fowler, (dau. of Philip, and widow of Thos. Rowell of Andover, previously the widow of Christopher Osgood, 1st); said to have spelled his name Coultman, but an e was prob. mistaken fora t. [Savage’s Geneal. Dict.]. Thomas had ch.: I. TOBIAS, b. 1638. m. a Rowley ; had ch.: COLEMAN 295 (I). JABEZ, b. 27 May, 1668 ; killed by the Indians. (I). SARAH, b. 17 June, 1670. (J). THOMAS, b. 26 March, 1672. (IV). LYDIA, b, ——. . (V). DEBORAH, b. 25 May, 1676. (VI), EPHRAIM. (VII). JUDAH. I. BENJAMIN, b. 1 May, 1640. III. JOSEPH, b. 2 Dec., 1642, m. Ann Bunker, (dau. of George); had ch.: (). JOSEPH, b. 17 Nov., 1673; died young. (I). ANN, b. 10 Nov., 1675, d. 1690. IV. JOHN, b. 1644, d. 1716, m. Joanna Folger, (dau. of Peter), d. 18 July, 1719 ; had ch.: i (). JOHN, b. 2 Aug., 1667. (Il). THOMAS, b. 17 Oct., 1669. (III). ISAAC, b. 6 Feb., 1672. (IV). PHEBE, b. 15 June, 1674. (V). BENJAMIN, b. 17 June, 1677. (VI). ABIGAIL, a twin to Benjamin. (VII. SOLOMON. (VIIT). JEREMIAH. V. ISAAC, b., 20 Feb., 1647, drowned 6 June, 1669. VI. JOANNA. VII. MARY. COLEMANS OF HADLEY. THOMAS, d. 1674; at Wethersfield, 1639 ; representative, 1652 and 6 ; removed to Hadley and made freeman there, 1661 ; has property at Evesham, Worcester- shire, [England 2]; m. first, ; second, Francis Welles. [Savage’s Geneal. Dict.). Thomas had ch.: I. JOHN, at Hatfield where he is made freeman, 1672; freeman of Conn., 1658 ; prob. rem. to Hatfield, 1659 ; m. for third wife Mary Day, (dau. of Robert and widow of Thomas Stebbins and Samuel Ely); had ch.: (I). THOMAS, b. 1664. (il). HANNAH, b. 1667. (It). JOHN, b. 1669. (IV). NOAH, b. 1671. (V). SARAH, b. 1673. (V1). BETHIA, b. 1676, killed with her mother, 1677. (VII). EBENEZER. (VIIT. NATHANIEL, b. 1684. II. NOAH, made freeman of Hadley, 1671, d. 1676, m. Mary Crow, (dau. of Jobn); had 7 children, of which 6 died young. COLEMANS OF Morris County, N. J. SAMUEL COLEMAN, his will, ‘“‘ Roxbury,” 1773, June 16, prob. July 29 (Trenton Liber L fol. 10), names wife Rebecca and fifteen children ; he was born 1705, d. 1772, at 67. She was born 1722, d. 1776, at 54, both buried at Chester, Morris Co.; his will speaks of land at Blooming Grove, Orange Co., N. Y., as obtained by deed, 1742, Nov. 17, from which we presume there was some connection between his family and the Colemans of Orange Co.; had ch.: 296 Earty Germans oF NEw JERSEY I. SAMUEL, letters of adm. of est. of Samuel, deceased, granted to Abigail,. 1777, June 17; she left will, 1777, Aug. 3, prob. Aug. 11, which names ch. > (I). WILLIAM, (not 21). (Il). LUCRETIA Reeve, (Il). JOANNA. (IV). AGNIS. (V). SARAH. (VI). MARY, will also names ‘‘ my brother,” Samuel Pen (Pew), and “my friend,” Benjamin Corwin. ; II. JEREMIAH. Ill. WILLIAM. IV. NATHANIEL, voter in Roxbury, 1776. V. EPHRAIM, leaves will, ‘‘Roxbury,” 1769, Sept. 28, prob. Nov. 3; had wife, Susanna, and children : (1). ELISABETH. (II). SUSANNA. (II). MEHITABLE. (IV). SARAH. (V). PENELOPE; ‘‘ wife pregnant.” VI. PENELOPE CAMP. VII. MARY COOPER. VIII. JOHN, prob. had ch.:’ (). BENJAMIN, of Deubeeanas whose heirs, or children, sign deeds. 1803-5 ; had ch.: 1. JOHN. 2. HANNAH, wife of John Swegle. 3. Anwa, wife of John Wolfe. 4. Sarag, wife of Nathan Sutton. IX. JOSHUA, prob. died!at ‘;Walpack, Goshen,” where his will is dated 1763,, Aug. 16, prob. Oct. 15. He names wife, Sarah,fand children : (1). JOSHUA. (II). NANIAD. » (I). JOEL, (or Jose). (IV). SAMUEL. (V). TIMOTHY. (VI). ISAAC. (VII). JARED. (VIII). SARAH. (IX). DOROTHY. (X). LYDIA. (XI). JOAB. (XII). THOMAS. (XIII). DANIEL. (XIV). REBECCA. (XV). HANNAH. (XVI). JEMIMAH. JOSEPH, (his father moved West and hisname is forgotten), m. Rachel and had ch.: I. ELISABETH, b. 1760, Jan. 3, d. 1831, Jan. 3, m. Barnabas Horton, (s. of Elijah) ; had only son Nathan Corwin. II. JOAB, unmarried. CoLEMAN—COLVER 297 TIT. ASA.. IV. AZAL. V. JOSEPH, b. 1773, Dec. 17, d. 1842, March 31, at 68 yrs., 2 mos. and 14 dys., m. 1797, Dec. 7, Ruth Mills, (dau. of Capt. ‘Jedidiah), b. 1776, March 8, d. 1854, Dec. 14, at 78 yrs., aioe, and 6 dys.; both buried at Chester, N. J., where they resided ; had ch.: 1. JEDIDIAH M,, m. 1820, Aug. 20, Elisabeth Bockover, (dau. of Abram); rem; to N. Y. State. . 2. CHARLES, m. Lena Trimmer, (dau. of John who was son of Mat- thias Ist); rem. to Hackettstown. 3. SARAH, m. James H. Coleman ; rem. to N. Y. State. 4. STEPHEN R., b. 1808, March 18, d. 1868, Dec. 24, at 60 yrs., 9 mos, and 6 dys., m. Sarah Larason, (dau. of William), b. 1806, March 25, d. 1840, Sept. 27, at 34 yrs., 6 mos. and 2 dys.; had ch.: (1). THEODORE, m. Ellenor Todd, (dau. of William); resided at. Cherry Valley ; had children : (a). JOHN, m. Sarah Bartlebus, at Newark. (b). WILLIAM, m. Catharine Vliet, near Chester. (c). STEPHEN, m. Mary Crater, (dau. of John), at N. Y. (d@). JENNIE. (2). WILLIAM, m. Elmira Trimmer ; res. at Flanders. (8). Henry M., m. Jennie Chesnut ; rem. to Iowa. (4). MartuHa Jang, m. Sylvanus D. Budd; res. at Budd’s Lake. VI. JOHN, b. 23 Feb., 1779, d. 23 Jan., 1812, at 32 yrs. and 11 mos. VII. SIDNEY, b. 19 Sept., 1781, d. 22 Sept., 1798, at 17. MISCELLANEOUS—TIMOTHY CoLEMAN, of Trenton, b. about 1750 ; had Timothy; John, b. 1779 ; Sarah, m. Elias Smith. (Settlers of Trenton and Ewing). COLVER. JOHN COLVER, (Culver) was the oldest settler in this part of Morris Co., of which we have any record. His will was dated, 2 Dec., 1732, at ‘‘ Black River, Hunt. Co., N. J.” John Bell was a witness to this will and also Seth Smith, a woman. The history of the Colver family is especially interesting also on account of their peculiar religious tenets and practices. They were leaders of the sect of Rogerines and brought with them from.New London, Conn.. to this vicinity a number of people, 21 in all, who shared in their particular doctrines. John Colver is said to have come hither with a wife and family of ten children. He died here in 1733, mentioning only 2 children in his will. The whole family seem to have moved away, one son Jabez going to Wantage twp., Sussex Co., and the rest to Monmouth Co. Afterwards, however, the other son of John, viz. John 2d, with his two sons, Thomas and Robert, returned to Schooley’s Mountain. In 1748, Robert, ‘‘of Monmouth Co.” buys a farm of Wm. Cook, part of which is now owned by Mrs. William Martenis and contains the Colver graves. The other son of John, viz. Thomas, bought land, 1749, near Drakes- town, Morris Co., N. J., from whence his grandson, David, went to Lafayette. From Hinman’s Early Settlers of Conn., p. 773, and History of Southampton, p. 228, and History of New London, Conn., we compile the following : EDWARD Colver, of Dedham, Mass.; has grant of land at Pequot, 1653 ; became baker and brewer in New London; in 1664 found at Mystic, where he had 298 Earty Germans or New JERSEY received a grant of land in 1652 ; had ch.: I. JOHN, the son of Edward, bap. 15 April, 1640 ; res. for some time in New Haven, where his dau., Abigail, was born ; after which he returned to Mystic. In 1734, [before 1732 2] a party of Rogerines at New London, consisting of John Culver, his wife and ten children, with their families, being 21 in all, removed to the west side of Schooley’s Mountain, N. J.; had at least four children : (I). JOHN, the son of John, b. 1670, d. Dec., 1760, at 90 ; buried on Mrs. Martenis place, Schooley’s Mountain, N. J., m. Sara Winthrop, dau, of Gov. Winthrop, b. 1683, d. March, 1766, at 83; had ch., Thomas and Robert : 1. Tuomas, s. of John and Sarah Winthrop, bought 200 acres in 1749 of Thomas Batson, near Drakestown, N. J.; will, prob. 27 Sept., 1786, names five children : (1). Amos, his will prob. 4 June, 1810, Morris Co., names ch.: Amos; Thomas; John ; Jerusha,m.an Andrews ; Esther, m. a Daball; Anna, m. a Woodworth ; Hannah, m. a Bellows. (2). Simon, b. 1745, d. 11 July, 1828, m. Jemima Tuttle, b. 30 June, 1752, d. 2 Nov., 1843; went through Revolutionary War ; will, prob. Aug. 13, 1828, names 7 children: George; Dawid, b. 1787, d. 1878, m. 1809, Mary Meyers, (dau. of Jacob), and went to Lafayette, Sussex Co., N. J., in 1844 ; Sallie ; Elisabeth ; Irena; Lidy ; Amos. (8). THomas, JR. (4). Eporaim, perh. Town Clerk Knowlton twp., Warren Co., N. J., 1789-94 ; had a son Thomas.} (5). Lypza, m. a Winkler. 2. Ropert, the second son of John 2d, and Sarah Winthrop, came from Monmouth Co., when he bought 265 acres, on Schooley’s Mountain, of Wm. Cook, b. 1714, d. 7 May, 1783, at 69; his will (Trenton Lib. M, fol. 181), Jan. 1, prob. June 16, 1783, names wife Anne and eight children : (1). Davi. (2). TrmotTuy. (3). JOSEPH, b. 3 June, 1765, d. 15 March, 1849, at 83, m. Sarah, b. 17 June, 1766, d. 13 April, 1858; had ch.: Catherine ; Jacob, b. 4 May, 1801, and res. Belvidere ; Sarah, b.7 Mar., 1804 ; Hazelius, (‘‘ Zealous”) b. 13 July, 1810; Electra, b. 5 Dec., 1812, m. a Person ; Robert, m. a Meeker and lived on Lawrence Hunt’s place ; Elisabeth, m. a Donahue ; Martha, m. Simon Wyckoff, and had Charity Rose, Sarah Loder, Caleb and Elisabeth. (4). Ropert, Jr. (5). Mercy, m. a Hill. (6). ANNE, m. a Waeir. (7). Levinan, m. Frederick Saverin (Sovreen). (8). EstuER, m. Jacob Hann, (s. of William and Elsie), (II). ABIGAIL, b. 1676. (Il). JAMES, b. 1679. CoLver—ConpictT—Coor 299 (IV). JABESH, gave a mortgage, 5 Aug., 1774, on land on “east side of Minnesink Mountain,” Sussex Co., N. J. The rest of the ten chil- dren of John are unknown. Il. JOSHUA, bap. 12 Jan., 1643. Il. SAMUEL, bap. 9 Jan., 1645. IV. GERSHOM, bap. at Roxbury, Mass., Dec., 1648 ; found at Southampton, L. L., 1668 ; his will, prob. 2 July, 1716, names wife Mary and children, Jeremiah, David, Jonathan, Moses, Mary, Gershom. V. JOSEPH, bap. at Roxbury, Mass., Dec., 1648. VI. HANNAG, bap. at Roxbury, Mass., 11 April, 1651, m. 14 Dec., 1670, John Burrows. VII. EDWARD (?) settled Lebanon, Conn., 1700. a CONDICT. JOHN CONDICT, d. 1713 ; a weaver. came with his son from Wales, his first wife having died, to Newark in 1678 ; m. second, Deborah ; had two ch., JoHN, who died young, and PETER. I. PETER, a clothier, b. —, d. 1714, leaving a wid. and seven children : (). SAMUEL, b. 1696, d. 1777, m. first, Mary Dodd ; second, Mary Nut- man ; res. in Orange. (Il). PETER, 2p, b. 1699, d. 1768, m. Phebe Dodd ; rem. to Morristown about 1730; had ch.: 1. JOSEPH. 2. NATHANIEL, 38. SILAS, b. 1737, d. Sept., 1801, m. first, Phebe Day ; second, Abigail Byram, (dau. of Ebenezer). 4. EBENEZER, m. Huldah Byram, (dau. of Ebenezer, of Mendham). 5. PETER, 3p, b. —, d. 1775, m. Anna Byram, (dau. of Ebenezer, of _Mendham); had ch.: (1). EDWaRp, b. 1769. (2). Byram, b. 1771. (3), Lewis, b. 1773. 6. SaRau, m. a Hayward. . RwopDA, m. a Prudden. 8. PHEBE, m. an Axtell. COOL. Two families of different origin spell their name alike and both resided in the same part of Hunterdon Co. They were the Dutch family, Cool, properly spelled Kool, and the German family Cool, Cole, Kohl, Kuhls, Koul, Keiel and perh. Kaul. CooLs FROM HOLLAND. BARENT JACOBSEN KOOL, in 1633, was in New Amsterdam in the employ of the West India Company. The genealogy of this family was prepared and published, New York, 1876, by Rev. David Cole, D.D. It contains all of the family with the exception of that branch, which came to Readington from Kingston. We therefore give the latter here. Barent’s family was one of five families living, 8 June 1633, on Bridge street, New Amsterdam. He married Marretje Leenderts and had children : I. JACOB BARENTS, prob. b. in Holland, m. Marretje (Mary) Simons ; rem. 2 300 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY to Esopus, near Kingston, N. Y. II. AELTJE, bap. 28 Sept., 1640, m. 12 Sept., 1660, Paulus Turck. III, DIEVERTJE, bap. Feb., 1643. IV. APOLLONIA, bap. 29 Jan., 1645, m. 16 Oct., 1664, Wm. Vredenburgh. V, LEENDERT, bap. 1 Dec., 1647, m. Marretje Cornelis, rem. to Kingston, New York. VI. ARENT, 1st, bap. 9 Oct., 1650, prob. died young. VII. THEUNIS, (Tunis or Anthony), bap. 17 Aug., 1653, m. first, 12 Jan., 1676, Marretje Gerrits (widow); second, 22 Nov., 1696, Willemje Langen ; rem. to Kingston, N. Y.; had ch.: (I). TEUNIS, bap. 18 Sept., 1697, m. 24 Dec., 1720, Zara (Sarah) Biks, (prob. dau. John Biggs); rem. to Hunterdon Co., N. J., at some time after 1724, when he had a child baptised at Kingston ; had 7 children, (whose children were all baptised at Readington, N. J.): 1. Jan, (John) bap. Kingston, 5 Nov., 1721, m. prob. in N. J., Marritje Low ; had ch.: (1). Jan, (John) bap, 1 April, 1753. (2). TEuNts, (Anthony) bap. 13 April, 1755. (3). ELISABETH, bap. 24 May, 1759. (4). BENJAMIN, bap. 8 Oct., 1762. 2, THAMMAS, (Thomas) bap. Kingston, 5 Nov., 1721, m. prob. Leentje (Lena) Van Etten ; prob. had ch.: (1). Sazrrse, (Sarah) bap. 3 Feb., 1745. + (2). THomas, bap. 1 Sept., 1747. (3). THomas, bap. Sept., 1751. (4). THomas, bap. 25 June, 1765. 3. BENJAMIN, bap. 4 Oct., 1724, m. Geertje (Gertrude); had ch.: (1). SaERrsE, bap. 11 March, 1758. (2). RacHEL, bap. 6 June, 1756. 4, Davin, m. Margrietje ; had ch.: (1). Davin, bap. 21 March, 1756. 5, EZEKIEL, m. Lena ; had ch.: (1). Marisn, bap. 13 Sept., 1767. (2). EzeKIEL, bap. 30 July, 1769. (8). SaRauH, bap. 27 Jan., 1771. (4). Lena, bap. 13 Dec., 1772. 6. Isarau, bap. July, 1742, m. Sara ; had ch.: (1). Trungs, (Tunis, Anthony), bap. 24 Sept., 1766. (2). Marx, bap. 17 Dec., 1769. 7. Tunis, m. Elisabeth ; had ch.: (1). Sara, bap. 26 Dec., 1754), 2). ELIsaBETH, bap. 8 June, 1760. . Perhaps also SIMON, m. Marija ; had ch.:; (1). W1LLEM, bap. 7 Sept., 1766. (2). FRED, bap. 8 April, 1770. (I). ARI, bap. 11 June, 1699. (11). BARENT, bap. 23 Feb., 1701. (IV). FRANS, bap. 25 Oct., 1702. VIII. ARENT, 2p, bap. 10 Oct., 1655. IX. PIETER, bap. 29 Aug., 1657. wo Coou 301 CooLs FROM GERMANY. ‘ CONRAD Cool, (prob. misspelled, Koenrat Keiel), was naturalized July, 1730. CHRISTIAN KULE (Kuhl or Cool) was naturalized, Oct., 1754; his will, “Am- well,” April 10, prob. Aug. 27, 1770, names ‘‘my two nephews Crest and Paul,” and children : I, PETER. II. WILLIAM, whose will, ‘“‘ Knowlton,” Jan. 6, prob. Dec. 21, 1815, names ch.: (I). WILLIAM, prob. b. 1766, d. 7 Oct., 1824, at 58, m. Mary, b. 1798, d. 3 April, 1875. (I). ADAM, m. Abigail; had ch.: William, b. 1796, d. 11 Aug., 1799. (I). PAUL, m. Susanna, b. 26 June, 1774, d. 6 March, 1845. (iV). ANNA, m. —— Raub. (V). MARY, m. [John] Linaberry. (VI). CATHERINE, m. —— Swazey. (VII). CHRISTIANNA Cool. (VIII). ELISABETH, m. a Teel. (TX). MARGARET, m. —— Frees. Ill. PHILIP, m. Eva; had ch., bap. at Lebanon and Alexandria : (). ANNA EVA, b. 23 May, 1763. aD. MARY, b. 6 Feb., 1770. IV. CREST, (Christian); perhaps had children : (). CHRISTIAN, of Franklin twp., Warren Co.; his widow living 1881; had children : . JOHN. . STAUFFLE, (Christopher or Christian). WILiiaAm. SAMUEL, living on the homestead. JAMES. . JACOB, . MARGARET. . ELISABETH. . Mary. 10. CATHARINE. V. PAUL. VI. CATHERINE. VII MARY. VIII. ELISABETH. PAUL, prob. brother of Christian ; perhaps had ch.: I. LEONARD, whose will, ‘‘Amwell,” 10 Aug., prob. 28 Oct., 1793, names wife Catherine and ch.: : (). PAUL. (Il). LEONARD. (III). GEORGE. (IV). MARY, m. George Dills. (Vv). ANNA. (VI). CATHARINE. (VII). MARGARET. (VII). SARAH, and witnesses, Peter and Jacob Dilts. Mr. Harvey 8. Coon, butcher, of German Valley, is a son of John, whose father m. Anna Hoffman, (dau. Henry and Gertrude), and who had two sisters, OOIHSMpP WMH 302 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY Mary and Sarah. Louisa and Mary, wid. of Geo. Dufford, are sisters of Harvey. MISCELLANEOUS—MICHEL, of Lebanon, m. Magdalena ; had ch.: (1). Johannes, b. 18 May, 1769; (2). Christina, b. 11 Sept., 1771; (8). Jacob, b. 22 Oct., 1779. WILiiam, m. Eva and had three children: (1). William, b. 15 April, 1747, m. Sarah Post, (dau. of Jonn) and had Mrs. Heath, b. 24 July, 1797, d. 26 July, 1802 ; (2). Isaac; (8). Mary. COOPER, JOHN, of Lynn, came over from England, in 1635, in the ‘‘Hopewell,” aged 41, with wife Wibroe and children, Mary, aged 13; John, 10; Thomas, 7 and “ Martha, 5. He was from Olney in Buckinghamshire. He was one of the 20 heads of families, who formed the association for the settlement of Southamp- ton in 1639. He was made a freeman of Boston, 6 Dec., 1636 ; one of the elders of the church, when it was organized at Lynn, and, in 1638, owned 200 acres in that town. He was not the same as John Cooper of New Haven in 1638, because that John Cooper had no son Thomas, while we can trace at Southamp- ton every one of the children of Thomas the son of John. Three daughters m. Thomas Topping, John Topping and James or John White. (Savage's Geneal. Dict.). JOHN, 2d, son of JoHN 187, was b. 1625, d. 1677, m. Sarah and had ch.: Samuel, James and Thomas. JAMES, son of JoHN 2D, was b. 1650, d. about 1722; had ch.: Nathan, James, Elisabeth, Richard, Susannah, and Hannah, who married Thomas Stephens. NATHAN, prob. son of JAMES, m. 8 Oct., 1717, Mary Miller, purchased 600 acres at Roxiticus, Morris Co.; first settled on the James Frost farm ; had ch.: I. MARY, bap. East Hampton, 1724. II. NATHAN, b. Feb. 22, 1725, bap. East Hampton, Mar. 7, 1725, d. Dec. 30, 1797, m. Mehitable Seward, (dau. of Obadiah), in 1748; she d. April 15, 1812, (her will prob. April 30, 1812); Nathan’s will was dated, Roxbury, Dec. 28, 1797, prob. Feb. 1, 1798 ; had six children : (I). ABRAHAM, b. Feb. 18, 1762, d. Sept. 13, 1818, m. Nancy Wills in _ 1799 ; she d. April 24, 1856 ; will dated Sept. 8, 1818, prob. Oct. 5, 1818 ; res. at Chester, N. J.; had two children : 1, BEULAH Ann, m. Henry Seward from Goshen. 2. Gen. Natuan A., b. April 29, 1802, d. July 25, 1879, m. 1843, Mary Henrietta Liddell ; had ch.: (1). Anna E, (2), ABRAM W, (8). BeuLag 8S. (4), Mary L. (5). TILLiz R, (6). Laura H. (7). NarHan A, (1). NATHAN, m. Elisabeth Wills ; res. next to the old place ; had one child, Sarah, who married in New York. (III). SAMUEL, m. first, —; second, Betsey Brown, sister to Stephen and Nathan Brown ; res. between Chester and Peapack ; had ch.: Mulford, thrown from a, horse ; Samuel, m. Temperance Crammer ; Obadiah ; Daniel ; Charlotte; Elisabeth, m. a Bunn ; Mehitable, m. a Bunn ; Mercy, m. Peter Bunn ; Abbie, m. a Van Dike ; Mary, " CoopEr—Corwin 303 m. a Hunt; Harriet, m. Daniel Losey. (IV)—(V1I). Names unknown. II, ELISABETH, bap. at East Hampton, 1724. IV. HANNAH, bap. 1728. V. JAMES, prob. s. of Nathan, gave a mortgage, 1770, to Wm. Allen on 96 acres in ‘‘ Breeches Tract,” next to Moses Cooper. VI: MOSES, prob. s. of Nathan. MIScCELLANEOUS—DANIEL COOPER, of Passaic Valley, was b. at sea, 1 May, 1695, m. first, Grace Runyon and afterwards five other wives ; had ten children ; bought lot ‘No. 2, 500 acres, of the Berkeley tract. Letters of adm. of the est. of SAMUEL, deceased, were granted, 22 Aug., 1737, to his wife Experience. Ji OHN, whose will, Newark, 16 Nov., 1732, prob. 11 March, 1737, names wife Hannah and sons-in-law Jonathan, Thomas and Daniel Sergeant, brother Samuel, sisters Sarah Woodruff, Mary Ward and Elisabeth Fraysey. . CORWIN. MATTHIAS, Corwin (Curwin or Currin), b. between 1590 and 1600, d. 1-12th of Sept., 1658 ; appears at Ipswich, 1634; came to Southold, L. I., 1640, in the company led by Rev. John Youngs. The genealogy of the Corwin family has been prepared and published by Dr. E. T. Corwin, D. D., now of New Bruns- wick, N. J. We take from his work the families that belong to-.our vicinity. The Warren and Sussex Co. families, descended from Joseph of Hopewell, Hunt. Co., however, have never before been published. Matthias m. Margaret [Morton 4]; had ch.: | John, Martha and Theophilus. JOHN, 1st, the son of Matthias, b. about 1630, d. 25 Sept., 1702, m. 4 Feb., 1658, Mary Glover, (dau. of Charles); had ch.: John, Matthias, Samuel, Sarah, Rebecca, Hannah, Abigail, Mary. JOHN 2p, son of John Ist, called ‘‘ Captain,” b. 1663, d. 13 Dec., 1729, m. before 1698, Sarah ; had ch.: Benjamin, John, David, Sarah, Elisabeth, Hester. JOHN 8p, son of John 2d, b. 10 July, 1705, d. 22 Dec., 1755, m. first, Hester Clark ; second, Elisabeth Goldsmith ; res. 114 miles east of Mattituck, Southold twp., “L.1.; had ch.: John, William, James, Sarah and Elisabeth. WILLIAM, son of John 3d, b. 21 Feb., 1744, d. 1 Dec., 1818, m. 14 Jan. 1768, Han- nah Reeves, of Mattituck, L. I., who was b. 23 May, 1747, d. 1840. William came to Roxbury (now Chester) about 1774 ; was soldier in French and Indian war ; Lieutenant in the Revolutionary army ; Representative in the New Jer- sey Legislature ; res. originally 11¢ miles north Chester ; takes mortgage in 1776, of John Dickerson, Roxbury, N. J., on land on the Black River, next to Joseph Corwin ; in 1800 buys 111 acres of Aaron Stark in Roxbury ; had ch.: I. JOHN CALVIN, b. 21 Oct., 1768, d. 6 June, 1849, m. first, Deborah Terry, b. 27 Dec., 1767, d. 30 Jan., 1791 ; second, Elisabeth M. Vance, b. 1786, d. 17 April, 1871: had ch.: (). ELIAS. (I). NATHAN. (III). JOHN B. (IV). WILLIAM. (V), ELIZA. Tl). SARAH. II. SARAH, b. 13 Jan., 1771, m. Jabez Kelsey. 304 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY III. HANNAH, b. 28 March, 1773, m. 8 Jan., 1795, Jeremiah Woodhull, (s. of William and Elisabeth Hedges). IV. WILLIAM, b. 9 Oct., 1776, m. Martha Vance ; res. at Sparta, N. J., and New York City ; had ch.: (1). JOSEPH. (II). WILLIAM V. (III). ELIZA A. V. JAMES, b. 21 April, 1779, m. first, Margaret Cameron ; second, Elisabeth Smith, (widow of James Mallory, of N. Y.); res. in N. Y. from 1805-1820; had ch.: (). GEORGE. (Il). ANN E. (II). WILLIAM. (IV). MARGARET. (V). JAMES. (VI). CHARLOTTE. (VII). HANNAH. VI. JOSEPH, b. 6 July, 1781, d. 23 Sept., 1801, in Chester. VIL. NATHANIEL, b. 26 Sept., 1783, d. 24 Feb., 1849, m. first, Elisabeth Hor- ton, (dau. of Barnabas) ; second, a Monroe ; third, Adaline Pickle ; fourth, Sarah Bell ; had children all by first wife : (I). WILLIAM H. H. (Il). ELISABETH. VIII. ELISABETH, b. 6 Dec., 1785, d. 27 Dec., 1860, m. Henry Halsey. IX. DANIEL, b. 18 April, 1788, m. first, Mary Hammill ; second, Elisabeth Hammill ; third, Elisabeth Sprinning ; fourth, Elisabeth Brace ; rem. to Oxford, Ohio ; had ch.: (I). DANIEL. (II). CAROLINE. (II). MARY J. (IV). GEORGE. (V). MARSELUS. (VI). SARAH. xX. EBENEZER, b. 12 Oct., 1790, d. 8 April, 1851, m. first, Elisabeth Skellin- ger ; second, a Hatch ; rem. to Pottersville, Ohio. XI. JOSHUA GOLDSMITH, b. 4 Feb., 1793, d. 9 Nov., 1867, m. Elisabeth Fordham, (dau. of Rey. Lenas); res. at Succasunna : had ch.; (I). MARY A. (I). LEMUEL F. (IIT). WILLIAM. (IV). HARRIET F. THEOPHILUS, a brother of John 1st and another son of Matthias, the emigrant, b. 1634, d, 1692 (2, m. Mary; had ch.: Daniel, Theophilus, David, Mary, Mehitable, Bethia, Phebe. THEOPHILUS 2p, son of Theophilus, b. 1678, d. 18 March, 1762, m. Hannah Ram- sey, b. 1684, d. 11 March, 1760; res. Mattituck, L. I.; had ch.: Timothy, John and Samuel. SAMUEL, s. of Theophilus 2d, b. 1710 (2), a. Jan., 1762, m. Experience Corwin, 13 April, 1732; res. at Southold, L.I.; had ch.: Benjamin, Henry, Sarah, (died young), David, Samuel, (died young), Sarah, Samuel, Asa. 1 Corwin 305 BENJAMIN, s. of Samuel and Experience, b. 1733, d. 18 April, 1787, m. Mary: rem. to Roxbury, now Chester, N. J., where he is buried ; had ch.; I. ABNER. II. EXPERIENCE. Ill. SUSANNAH. - IV. SARAH. V. BENJAMIN, b. 1750, d. 1820, m. Hannah ; had ch.: (). JOSEPH, b. 1770-90 ; res. in Morris Co. (I). SARAH, b. 1782, d. 1865(%), unmarried. (III). MARY, b. 1770, d. 1790, m. Joshua Case. (IV). ELISABETH, b. 1780-90, m. Jabez Coleman. (V). SUSAN G., b. 6 July, 1786, d. 12 March, 1860, m. John Honnell, of Succasunna, b. 20 March, 1791; had ch.: 1. WiLLIam C. HONNELL. 2. BENJAMIN B. HONNELL. 3. Apam S. HonNELL. 4, JoHN A. HONNELL. 5. Mary E. Honne.u. (VI). RUHAMA, b. 1789, d. 1857 ; unmarried. (VII). HANNAH, b. 1791 (2). (VIIl). BENJAMIN, b. 1793, d. 1848, m. first, Susan Dickerson ; second, Lois Young ; third, Mary Hicks ; had ch.: 1. Sarag E. 2. JoHN. 3. Eiza E. 4. Lewis D. 5. ANN A, (IX). WILLIAM. (X). JOHN. VI. JOSEPH, b. 1750 (2), d. 1823 ; had land on Black River, as early as 1767 ; had ch.: (1). SOPHIA, b. 26 Aug., 1778, d. 23 March, 1853, m. Augustus Reed, b. 7 Oct., 1793, d. 8 Jan., 1824. (I). PETER, b. 1781 (2), d. 1835 (2), m. Sarah Emmons, (dau. of Nicholas) ; had ch.: . NICHOLAS. . JOSEPH. Mary. . MERINDA. Ann E. . ELLEN. (III). NATHANIEL, b. 1785, d. 1860, m. Betsey Biles ; had ch... 1. WILLIAM. 2. GEORGE. 3. DRAKE. (IV). MARGARET, b. 18 Aug., 1788, d. 1 Jan., 1845, m. 31 Jan., 1818, Anthony Drake ; res. at Flanders, N. J. ISAAC, of unknown parentage, b. 7 April, 1759, d. 1 Nov., 1830, m. Experience Reeves ; left Long Island during the Revolutionary War and settled near Flanders ; had ch.. On wmE 306 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY I. DEBORAH, b. 6 June, 1780, m. Amos Leek. Il. MARTHA, b. 29 Oct., 1781, m. Jonah Hopkins ; res. at Palmyra, N.Y: Ill. ISAAC H., b. 4 Feb., 1782, d. 1814, m. Lydia Horton (dau. of Silas and Susanna). IV. JOSEPH, m. Mary Hopkins ; removed to Michigan ; has 2 ch. V. JOHN, b. 22 Jan., 1787, d. 22 Dec., 1859, m. Elisabeth M. Bryant (dau. of Isaac); res. at Chester. VI. MANASSEH REEVES, b. 7 Feb., 1786, m. Catherine Moore ; had ch.: (I). JESSE. (Il). CHARLES. (Ill). HANNAH M. (IV). SAMUEL C. (V). STEPHEN M. (VI). MATILDA. (VII). MANASSEH R. VII. JAMES YOUNGS, b. 11 Nov., 1789, m. Sarah Stout ; rem. to Central, N. Y.; had ch.: (). STEPHEN. (I). JERUSHA. (III). ISAAC H. (IV). BENJAMIN. (V). CHRISTOPHER. (VI). JAMES. (VII)—(LX). Three daughters. VIII. SARAH, b. 29 Dec., 1791, d. 4 April, 1841 ; unmarried. IX. JERUSHA, b. 6 Dec., 1793, d. 1818 ; unmarried. X. NANCY, b. 6 Oct., 1797, m. Jacob Rieger. XI. ZECHARIAG, b. 4 Oct., 1799, d. 1814. XII. ELISABETH, died young. XIII. EXPERIENCE, b. 12 Jan., 1801, d. 30 April, 1856, m. Nathan C. Hunt ; res. at Succasunna. XIV. STEPHEN OVERTON, b. 29 Sept., 1806, m. Lydia Baker ; rem. to Iowa ; had ch.: (l), EXPERIENCE A. (II). GEORGE. (ID. HANNAH. (IV). SARAH. CoRWINS OF HUNTERDON AND WARREN COUNTIES. GEORGE, b. in England, 10 Dec., 1610 ; from Northampton, England, to Salem, Mass., 1638, d. 3 Jan., 1685, m. first, Elisabeth Herbert, (dau. of John); second, Elisabeth White, (widow of John); third, Elisabeth Brook, (widow of Robert); had ch.: Abigail, John, Jonathan, Hannah, Elisabeth, Penelope, Susannah, George. JOHN, the son of George, the emigrant; had ch.: George, Elisabeth, Lucy, Hannah, Samuel. GEORGE 2p, son of John, and grandson of George, the emigrant, b. 26 Feb. 1665-6, d. 12 April, 1696, m. first, Susannah Gedney (dau. of John); second, Lydia Gedney (dau. of Hon. Bartholomew) ; Sheriff of Essex Co., Mass., 7 May, 1696 ; persecuted until his death by the relatives of those put to death by him for witchcraft ; had one child. Corwin 307 BARTHOLOMEW, b. 1 June, 1693, d. 9 May, 1747; rem. to Amwell, Hunterdon Co., N. J., prob. bec. of his father’s relation to the Salem witchcraft trials, m. Esther Burt, (dau. of John of England); in 1721 paid tax in N. J., on 100 acres, &c.; had ch.: George, Richard, William, John, Joseph, Senaiat. J OSEPH, son of Bartholomew, b. 1724, in Hopewell, N. J., d. after 1790 in Canada, m. Elisabeth Hixon ; rem. to Greenwich, Sussex Co., ines Warren Co.) about 1770 ; to ‘Allamuchy, Warren Co., 1775 ; to Canada, 1787 ; had ch.: I. NAOMI, m. first, Timothy Hixon ; second, John Johnson ; removed to Canada, 1787. II. KEZIAH, m. Isaac Bell ; had ch.: (). PHINEAS BELL. : (Il). ANNA BELL, m. Moses Reed and rem. to Otisville, N. Y. (ID. SARAH BELL, m. Richard Stiff. (IV). JANE BELL, m. John Stiff. (V). MARY BELL, m. Levi Howell. (VI). JOSEPH BELL. (VII). BENJAMIN BELL. “TITl), SANTIAL BELL. III. SARAH, m. Jonah Howell ; had ch.: (). ASA E. HOWELL. aD. MARY HOWELL, m. Elisha Osmun. (Il). CALEB HOWELL. (dV). LAVINIA HOWELL. IV. BARTHOLOMEW, m. and d. in New Jersey before 1787; had a son, Joseph, who died it is supposed before 1836. V. ELISABETH, m. John Robertson, father of Judge Aaron Robertson, from whose papers this genealogy was obtained. VI. MARY, m. Levi Cook and had ch.: (@). LEVI COOK. i (1). ASA COOK. (III). RACHEL COOK, m. Nathaniel Hunt. VII. AMELIA, m. Moses Reed ; rem. to Otisville, N. Y.; had ch.: (). JOHN REED. (II.) JOSEPH REED. (IL) WILLIAM REED. (IV). MARY REED, m. a Smith. (V). ELISABETH REED, m. a Knapp. (VI). LEVI REED. (VID). ASENATH REED. (VIII). ARNOLD REED. (dX). JONAH H. REED. VIII. GEORGE, died young. TX. ESTHER, m. John Silverthorn ; rem. to Canada. X. ANN, m. Adam Spencer and rem. to Canada. XI. RACHEL, m. a Fletcher and rem. to Canada. XII BENJAMIN, m. Penelope Swayze; rem. to Canada ; had one daughter, Elisabeth, who m. James Lewis. XIII. JOSEPH, m. Lydia Swayze ; rem. to Canada ; had ch.: (@). JOSEPH, unmarried. ‘ (I). MARY, m. James Wilson. 308 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY (III). JOHN, m. Catherine Upper. XIV. SAMUEL, b. 1769, d. 1863, m. Anna Beam ; rem. to Canada ; had ch.. (Il). ELISABETH, b. 1799. (Il). KEZIAH, b. 1801. (III). CATHARINE, b 1802. (IV). BARTHOLOMEW, b. 1803. (V). SUSAN, b. 1804. (VI). JOSEPH, b. 1807, unmarried. (VII). MARY, b. 1808. (VII]). ASENATH, b. 1810 ; died young. (CX). JACOB, b. 1812; died young. (X). SARAH, b. 1813. (XI). PRISCILLA, b. 1817, d. 1836. (XI). DEIDAMIA, b. 1820. (XIII). JANE b. 1822. COSAD. JACQUE COSSART, prob. from Picardy, in Normandie or Bretagne, France, about 1657, with two children (of the ages, 18 mos. and 2 years) and wife Lydia. (Baird’s Huguenots Vol. 1, p. 183). Another authority says they came to this country in 1663 by way of the river Delaware. The name is variously spelled Cossart, Cousart ; he had children : I. JACQUE (or Jacos), bap. 1668, April 18, in New York, m. 1695, Anna Mary Springsteen, (dau. of John Casper). II. DAVID, bap. 1671, June 18, d. between 1736-40, m. 1696, Styntie Van Hoorne, (dau. of Joris Jansen), b. 1677 ; had ch.: (). JORIS (GEorGsx), b. 1699, Nov. 19, m. Lisabeth ; had Jannete, bap. 1728, Oct. 29. (II). JACOB, b. 1702, Jan. 28, m. Henna and had ch.: 1. Lyprya, bap 1723, Dec. 23. 2. LISABETH, bap. 1725, Feb. 7. 3. JACOB, bap. 1739, Nov. 14. (III). DAVID, b. 1704, April 23, m. Catalyntie and had, . STEYNT, bap. 1735, July 18. . DAVID, bap. 1738, Sept. 17. . GEERTIE, bap. 1740, Jure 29. . SUSANNA, bap. 1742, June 6. CATALYNTIE, bap. 1744, Aug. 18. . JACOBUS, bap. 1745, Oct. 6. . Frans, bap. 1750, Aug. 6. . EFYE, bap. 1752, Jan. 20. . Marya, bap, 1754, Jan. 12. 10. NELTIE, bap. 1756, Aug. 22. (IV). MARIA, b. 1706, July 8, m. —— Williamson. (V). SUSANNA, b. 1709, April 10, m. Canine. (V1). JOHN, b. 1711, Nov. 6. (VI). FRANCIS, prob. m. Margrita and had, 1; MaRDALENA, bap. 1741, Jan. 1. 2. Davin, bap. 1743, June 5. 3. JACOB, bap. i751, May 12. 4. STYNTE, bap. 1755, Sept. 7. OMDRIAML WWE CosaD 309 \ 5. ELISABETH, bap. 1757, Aug. 22. (TX). JANE. (&). EVA. (XI). LEAH, deceased at date of her father’s will; had son Hendrick Harpending. ill. ANTHONY, b. 1673, m. 1696, Elisabeth Valentine (dau. of Jan. Tymen- sen); had ch.: (I). JACOB, b. at Bene yay 1701, d. at Bound Brook, N. J., 1772, April 19, m. Ann ——; will, (Bridgewater, Somerset Co,), dated 1772, Feb. 4, prob. May 2, names children : 1. Jacos, b, 1724, d. 1812, Jan. 26, at 88 ; buried at Mt. Olive, Morris Co., N. J., m. Elisabeth —, b. 1724, d. 1812, March 12, at 88; buried same place, prob. bad, (1). “‘Deaccn” SamMuEL, b. 1760, Aug. 26, d. 1841, March 7, m. Lucretia, b. 1788, d. 1840, at 57 (2. (2). Lea, bap. 1748, Aug. 28. 2. SAMUEL, b. 1725, d. 1811, m. (1) Ann Clark ; (2) Persilla Burt, (the widow Fairchild), will (Mendham), dated 1806, Feb. 15, prob. 1811, March 5, mentions wife, ‘‘ Persilla and her son, Ebenezer Fairchild,” and children : (1). Pouuy. 4 (2). EUNICE. (8). Ropy. (4). Anwa, wife of Nathan Bunnel. (5). SAMUEL. (6). Henry. (7). HLIPHALET. (8). Cary. (9). ABY, m. Andrew McGroath. (10). ELIsABETH, m. Thomas McGreath. (11). Mary. (12), PHegr, m. Ziba Casterline. 3. Jon, d. 1815, m. Hannah ——, b. 1783, d. 1815, March 2; will dated, Newton, 1812, Aug. 8, prob. 1815, Sept. 25, mentions “‘ Congregational meeting house, which I built,” and ch.: (1). Anwa, m. Peter Fisher. (2). PHEBE. (3). HANNAH, m. John Allet. (4). Jos. (5). NATHANIEL. (6). ELiav. 4, ANTHONY, whose will, dated 1790, May 4, prob. June 10, names ch.. (1). Jacos. (2). AARON. (8). JOHN. (4). Mary Compton. (5). HLISABETH. (6). CATHERINE. (). Hannag. (8). THOMAS. gro Earty Germans or NEw JERSEY (9). SAMUEL. 5, Anna, m. Onesimus Bell. 6. Mary, m. —— Sutton, (‘‘widow”). 7. Lag, m. Jos. Riggs, (‘‘widow”). The will mentions also a grand- son, Abram Lewis, prob. s. of the following : (8. ELISABETH, m. 1748, April 12, Eliphalet Lewis, of Black River.] JOHN, prob. great grandson of JacquE, the emigrant ; will dated 1757, Jan. 13, prob. May 19, names children : I, DERRICK (RicHaARD), m. Barbara Heldebrant, (dau. of John), who died 1806 ; bad ch.: (I). Joun, b. 1786, Sept. 8, m. Mary Seals, dau. of John); hadch.: Ben- jamin, b. 1808, Mar. 6, m. Elisabeth Van Natta, (dau. of Elijah) ; Maria, m. a Bogert ; John, b. 1814, May 11; Barbara, George, Herbert, James, Catherine, Ellen, Amos. All except Benjamin went West. (II). GEorGE, m. Phebe Cregar. (III). RicHarp, m. Catherine Cregar. (IV). ELIsaBETH, m, Harmon Heldebrant, (s. of Stoffel). (V). BarBaRa, b. 1794, Jan. 2, m. Jacob Leffler. (V1). CaTHERine B., b. 1782, May 29; unmarried. (VII). Pouy, b. 1791, Oct. 11, m. Christopher Leffler. “TI. BENJAMIN, went ‘‘to South Seas.” Ill. JOHN. IV. JACOB. V. ELISABETH. ae VI. JANE. “About 1700, George Cussart purchased land of Thomas Rudyard and built a house where hotel now stands in Bound Brook.” COUSE. JOHN HENRY COUSE, b. in Germany, 1735, Aug. 4, d. 1804, Dec. 11, (will prob. 1804, Dec. 21); m. Mary Knoph, b. 1727, Nov. 30, d. 1814, Feb. 28 ; emigrated from Germany to Philadelphia, 1749 ; had ch.: I. MARIA, m. Daniel Struble. II. JOHN, b. 1759, Sept. 3, d. 1845, Mar. 24, m. 1784, April 27, Mary Rarick, (dau. of Conrad, or Henry), b. 1759, d. 1884, Dec. 11 ; had ch.: (I). Henry, d. in Hampton Twp., Sussex Co. (I). PETER. (IIT). Wi1LL1aM, died in Virginia. (IV). Jou. (V). Davip, b. 1804, May 14, m. Mary A. Price, (dau. of Henry.) (VI). CATHERINE, m. Benjamin Halsey. (VII). Susan, m. Jacob Welsh, (s. of Philip). (VIII). Mary. Xx). Anna M., m. Wm. H. Johnson. III. MARGARET, m. John Wintermute. IV. ELISABETH, m. Henry Snook. V. EVE, m. Peter Kemple. VI. PETER. VII. HENRY. Craic 311 CRAIG. ANDREW CRAIG, b. 1662, d. 1789, Oct. 6, at 77 ; came to N. J. with the Scotch in Gov. Lawrie’s time, m. Susanna, b. 1668, d. 1727, April 6, at 59. The Rev. George Keith, Episcopal missionary, was entertained at his house in Elisabeth, 1703, November, and preached there the first sermon by an Episcopal minister ever delivered in the town, and baptized four of the Craig children. In 1700, March, he was admitted as an associate of Elisabethtown purchasers, and drew lot No. 162, on S. W. side of the Rahway river, within the bounds of the pres- ent town of Westfield. (Hatfield Hist. Elisabeth.) His will dated 28 Sept., 1738, prob. 24 Oct., 1739 ; names grandson, Ab. Terrill, and ch.: I. ANDREW. Il. JOHN, b. 1695, d. 22 Aug., 1758, at 63; buried in St. John’s churchyard, Elisabeth, N. J.; perhaps had ch.: (I). JoHN, named in deed of land to Lamington Church, 1743, March 30 ; his will dated Bernards twp., Som. Co., 1773, Nov. 17, prob. Dec. 21, names Will. Linn’s son Samuel, and also John Stitt, of High- lands, N. Y., and the following who were prob. brothers and sisters: (11). SamUEL, named in his brother John’s will, (1773, Nov. 17); had ch.: John, Alexander, Rose. (III). Davin, named in his brother John’s will, (1773, Nov. 17); has 3 sons. (IV). Ross, named in her brother John’s will, (1773, Nov. 17), m. Alexander Chambers, of Trenton ; had son James Chambers. (V). MarGaRet, named in her brother John’s will, (1773, Nov. 17), m. William McBride. Ill. URU IV. MARJERY. V. ELISABETH. VI. MARY. VII. MARTHA. VIII. ARCHIBALD, 6. of John, dec.); his will dated Freehold, 1751, Feb. 25, prob, April 24, names wife Mary and children : (I). SaMUEL, had children: 1. Elsabeth ; 2. Ursula; 3. Mary; 4. John; 5. William ; 6. Ursula Forman (widow); 7. Sarah, m. John Ander- son ; 8. Hannah, m. Will. Crawford ; 9. Mary, m. Peter Gordon ; 10. Elisabeth, m. John Gordon ; 11. Catherine, m. John Loyd ; 12. Marearet, m. Walter Kerr. MOSES, b. 1702, a. 1777, July 31, at 75 ; bought farm near New Germantown, 1757, May 2, of Jacob Vanderveer, and deeded the same, 1759, Dec. 11, to his son, I. ROBERT, b. 1734, Nov. 15, d. ——; m. first, 1756, Feb. 7, Anna ——, b. 1731, Dec. 3, d. 1777, Feb. 24; second, Elisabeth Taylor, of Monmouth Co.; had 4 sonsand 1 dau., only two of whom are known to the writer, viz: (I). WiLtiam, b. 1785, March ; with his brother JosEPH bought out the other heirs and willed his property to his son, 1. Roszrt, b. 1815, March 10, m. 1840, Jan. 9, Elisabetn Field, (dau. Richard) ; had children : (1). WILLIAM. (2). Ricyarp F., m. Alice L. Welsh, (dau. David the 4th). (3). Saran E., m. Henry W. Cline, of High Bridge. (4). GERTRUDE P., m. David Denham. (5). Hewry F., m. Mary Wyckoff, of Kansas. 3i2 Karty Germans or New JERSEY (6). Mary L., m. William Dunham, of Pottersville, N. J. (7). MarGARET V.; unmarried. (8). ANNa B.; unmarried. (9). ROBERT ; unmarried. CRAMER. Among the Palatines of the second emigration in New York, 1710, was ANNA Maria CRAMERIN (widow), b. 1680 (2), who had ch.: I. [JURGEN (George) 2] ‘‘eldest son, b. 1692,” m. Elisabeth ; on the Rari- tan, 1733, a witness to the baptism of Elisabeth, the dau., 6 months old, of Jurgen Kastner and Naomi. Il. MARIA ELISABETH, b. 1698. Ill. JOHN HENDRICE, b. 1703. IV. ANNA CATHARINA, b. 1705. V. JULIANA MARIA, b. 1708. MATTHIAS, may have been the son of JURGEN or HENDRICK ; or he may have landed at Philadelphia in 1731, Oct. 14 ; had ch.: I, MORRITZ, m. Experiensen Harris; rem. 1808 from Hunterdon Co. to Mendham, Morris Co., N. J.: had children (order uncertain) : (I). GrorGE, b. 1768, m. Mary Ann Shriner ; had ch.: 1. Morris Sharp, b. 1799, Feb. 6, m. E‘isabeth Smith (dau. of Jacob); 2. Mary, m. Abraham Seward ; 3. William, m. first, Mary A. Travice ; second, a woman of the Lake Country, N. Y., nochildren ; 4. John, b. 1800, m. first, Ann Clark (dau. of Isaac); second, widow Sarah Day; 5. George, b. 1805, m. first, Charity; second, Catherine Badsley ; no children ; 6. Jacob Harris, b. 1808, Oct. 26,m. Esther H. Lewis, (dau. of Capt. David); no children ; 7. Elisabeth, b. 1816, m. Jchn Smith (s of Capt. David). (II). THomas, b. 1769, Dec. 7; probably unmarried. ‘IIT). Morris, b. 1775, July 20, m. Polly Sanders, prob. left will, 1831, Mar. 15, Mendham, which names wife, Mary, and son, Ziba S.; other children referred to but not named. (IV). Isaac, b. 1777, July 12, d. 1841, Jan. 14, m. Jane Cooper. (V). Matraias, m. Margaretha ; had Isaac, b. 1796, April 11. (VI). ELISABETH, m. a Betson. (VII). Nancy, m. Aaron Horton (s. of Nathaniel and Rebecca). II. MATTHIAS, m. Anna Maria Henn, b 1741, March 5, d. 1804, Jan. 17; had 2d husband, John Sharp (s. of Morris 1st); she was a “cousin to Rev. Mr. Hunt’s second wife.” His will prob. 1783 ; had children (order uncertain) : (1). ELIsaBETH, m. George Young. (II). CATHERINE, m. David Black. (II). Awna, b. 1766, Dec. 28, d. 1839, May 18, m. Capt. John Hager (. of Lawrence). (IV). Mary, m. Morris Sharp. (V). WiLLram, b. 1770, Jan. 8, m. Mary Ellen Carhart ; had ch.: 1. Ann, m. John Rockefellar (s. of David); 2. Mary, m. William Bellis (s. of Adam); 3. Matthias, b. 1795, March 16, m. Sarah Aller (dau. of John); 4. George, m. Lydia Hays, (dau. of John); 5. Elisabeth, m. Abraham Van Fleet (dau. of John); 6. Crhistiann, m. John Van CRAMER—CRATER 313 f Sickle ; 7. Catherine, m. James Hoffman, (s. of Henry); 8. Ellen, m. Hoary Hoffman, (s. of Henry); 9. Susan, m. John Yauger, (s. of John); 10. Morris, lived at Pluckamin ; 11. David, m. a Hoffman (dau. of Peter) ; 12. William, m. Mary auger (dau. of John). (VI). [Mary] Dororuy, b. 1772, March 11, m. Lawrence Lowe. (VII). Matrutas, b. 1774, Sept. 23, m. Chenin Sharp (dau. of John and Lena) ; had ch “i, Mary, m. John Lowe (. of Benjamin); 2. Catherine, died at sixteen ; 3. John Sharp, b. 1798, July 29, m. Catherine Krieger (dau. of John); 4. Matthias Sharp, b. 1800, Sept. 19, m. Julia Fisher (dau. of Peter); 5. Dawid, m. Elisabeth Everitt (dau. of Elisha); 6. Ann, m. Benj. Boss ; 7. Matilda, m David Welsh Dallicker (s. of William). (VIII). ELsa CATHERINE, b. 1779, April 8, m. Philip Alpock. (IX). MarGaReEt, m. Morris Welsh (s. of William and Dorothea), b. 1774, Dec. 16. (X). Noau, m. Mary Emery (dau. of Peter); had ch.: 1. Mary Henn, b. 1798, Oct. 9, m. Jacob Tiger (s. of John); 2. Ann, a preacher, went West ; 3. Elisabeth, m. a Higgins ; 4. Noah Stuart, b. 1801, m, Ann Hoffman (dau. of Peter), b. 1794, June 3, and had Mary, Peter, b. 1824, Feb. 10, m. Sarah Skinner (dau. of Sam.), John and Elisabeth; 5. Becky ; 6. Matthias ; and one or two more who died young. III. GEORGE, m. Sophia ; had one child, baptised at Lebanon, and the other two at Easton. (). Joun Matraras, b, 1774, August; perhaps m. A. Rosina, and had Jacob, b. 1793, Dec. 3. (II). Morirz, bap. 1781, Sept. 28. (II). Caru, bap. 1784, Jan. 9. IV. ANTHONY (?) elder of Lebanon Ger. Ch., 1769, perhaps m. Dina; had children bap. as follows: 1. Anna, 1781, May 3; 2. Sophia, 1787, June ' 4; 3, Elisabeth, 1791, March 4. Vv. WILLIAM (2, m. Mary; has children baptised: 1. Wilhelm, 1781, July 23; 2. Anna Gertraut, 1785, Oct. 27 ; 3. Ruth (2, 1788, Sept 7; 4. Hors, 1793. VI. BLEICH (2), on Peter Nitzer’s ledger, 1763. VII. NICHOLAS (2), m. A. Barbara and has child: Samuel Frederick, baptised 1772, Feb. 15. VIII. MARY (4), b. 3 May, 1753, d. 7 May, 1821, m. Philip Cummins (s. Christian). MiscELLANEOUS—On Kingston, N. Y., church records, ANTHONY Kramer and Gertray (Gertrude) Scheerman have Johan Hendrick, bap. 1712, Nov. 2, and Gertruy bap. 1718, Jan. 12. Also Wendel Cremer (or Kramer) b. in Germany, married, 1772, Oct. 24, Sara Stuward, b. at Esopus, and their children were, I. Johannes, bap. 1775, Sept. 24. II. Peter, bap. 1780, Feb. 13. ITI. Jacob, 1782, Jan. 27. IV. Sara, bap. 1784, May 30. V. Karel (Charles), bap. 1786, Aug. 20. VI. Elisabeth, bap. 1789, Feb. 1. On the same records we find as witnesses NicHOLAS, and Elis. Dibbel, 1789, and W1LLIaM, 1779, April 4. WiLL1am Cramer in Southold, L.,1., 1672, removed to Elisabethtown. CRATER. Tradition says that two brothers ran away to avoid prescription into the Ger- man army ; and that both were sold for their passage, one to a Quaker in Pa., and 314 Ear_y GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY the other to a man in New Jersey. These brothers names were probably JoHN and Morritz. John appears in Tewksbury twp., in 1756, but none of his descendants have been found. They are supposed to have gone to Canada. On Aug. 19, 1729, Moret Creeter (Moritz Creter ?) arrives at Phila. in ship Mortonhouse. MORRITZ, b. 1712, d. 1772, April 6, aged 60, m. Elisabeth, b. 1706, d. 1771, March 18 ; bought 308 acres. near Fox Hill Pres. Ch., of Joseph Reckless, 7 Feb., 1748, and 450 acres at Hacklebarney, of John and Thomas Leonard in 1762, also 150 acres at Pleasant Grove (John P. Sharp farm %), in 1752, of John Wood; his will prob. 1772, April 24, mentions children : I, JACOB, the “‘eldest,” to be taken care of by his brothers and sisters. II. MORRITZ, b. 1742, Feb. 24, d. 1806, Feb. 18; his will prob. 1806, Feb. 28, m. first, Maria Margaret Teets, b. 1746, July 9, d, 1800, Feb. 19 ; second, » 29 July, 1800 ; had ch.: (I). ELisaBETH, b. 1765, Dec. 13, m. George Moore. (II). Groree, b. 1767, Aug. 24, d. 1792. (III). Hester, b. 1769, July 11, m. Martin Bunn. (IV). Leonarp, b. 1771, Sept. 11. (According to the will he was to be supported by his brothers and sisters). (V). CaTHERINE, b. 1774, July 31, m. Jacob Welsh (s. of William). (VI). Pururp, b. 1776, Oct. 31, d. 1856, March 19, m. 1799, Nov. 19, Susanna Sutton (dau. of John), b. 1776, d. 1842, Sept. 24, owned land at Chester, held by two conveyances ; had ch.: 1. Morris P., b. 6 Aug., 1800, d. 2 Dec., 1876, m. Abbie Runyon (dau. of Rich.), b. 17 Sept , 1790, d. 1 Dec., 1872 ; 2. Mary, b. 1803, m. Wm. Rhinehart ; 3. Elisabeth, b. 1805, m. Fred. H. Shangle (s. of Fred.); 4. Wil- liam, b. 1807, died young; 5. Anna, b. 4 July, 1809, d. 28 Oct., 1883, m. Peter Latourette ; 6. John, m. Mary McKinstrey ; 7. Sarah, m. Christopher Tiger ; 8. Margaret, m. George Smith ; 9. Susan, m. John Honeyman. (VII). Jou, b. 1779, Sept. 7, m. 1802, Aug. 8, Charlotta Leek, b. 1781, Sept. 19; had ch.: 1. Anna, b. 1805 ; 2. Jean Melinda Smith, b. 1810; 3. John S., b. 1819, died at two years. (VIII). Mornirz, JR., b. 1782, Oct. 30, m. Catherine Cripps, b. 1782, Jan. 5; had ch.: 1. MaRIa, b, 1805, July 9, m. W. M. Hick. 2. Sarau, b. 1807, Feb. 12, m. first, Peter B. Sutton ; second, Alfred Pickle (s. of George). 3. Davin, b. 1809, Jan. 1, m. Elisabeth Lomerson (dau. of Jacob); had ch.: (1). Catherine, b. 1887, May 17, m. William Fisher. (Naughright); (2). Charity A., b. 1839, July 28, m Samuel Sut- ton (s. of Wm.); (3). David D., b. 1841, July 6, m. first, Mary Louisa, and second, Sarah Lunger (daughters of Abram); had ch.: (1st wife) Melancthon W., b. 1864, m. Mary Louisa, b. 1865 ; (2nd wife) Luther W., b. 1878, m. Cora Bell, b. 1872; (4). Amanda, b. 1845, Aug. 25, m. Elias Philhower (s. of Philip); (66). Morris D., b. 1847, June 27, m. Louisa Hoffman (dau. of Jesse); (6). John L., b. 1849, May 14, m. Alice Martin; (7). Mary Wood, b. 1851, Oct. 16, m. Rev. W. O. Rushton ; (8). George Edward, b. 1855, Feb. 1, m. Emma Lance (dau. of Cornelius). 4. Marcaret Me.inpa, b. 1811, Feb. 9, m. Anthony Rockafellow. 5. CRATER 315 Jacos Kuing, b. 1813. Aug. 8, m. Eliza Dorlon ; had ch.: (1). John, m. Eliza Fleet (dau. of Richard). (2). George F.,m. Sarah Ellen Fleet (dau. Wm. H.). (8). Morris, m. Amanda Wood (dau. of Al”). (4). Marietta, m. Asbury Farley (s. of Oliver W,). (5). Henrietta, unmarried. 6, Soputa, b. 1816, March 8, m. Ockley A. Wise. %. Morris D., b. 1817, Oct. 18, died at 4 years of age. (IX). Conran, b. 1785, July 80, d. 1789. -(X). WiILiram, b. 1788, Sept. 18. II. PHILIP, b. 1744, d. 1797, Sept. 30, m. Barbara Flock (dau. of Andreas), b. 1744, d. 1841, July 14. His will was dated 1791, Nov. 6, and mentions ‘440 acres of land on which I now live”; res. in Chester twp.: bought 243 acres at Parker, 1785, part of Wetherell tract ; had children : (). Morrirz, b. 1766, Feb. 14, d. 1850, May 12, m. Anna Stephens, b. wre mm OO a 2 mt 12, 1769, March 2, d. 1836, Dec. 4 ; had ch.: . Dav, b. 1790, Jan. 31, m. Mary Shangle. . ANDREAS, b. 1791, Nov. 17, m. —— Neighbor. . ELISABETH, b. 1794, Jan. 26, died unmarried. . GEORGE, b. 1796, March 27, m. Margaret Welsh (dau. of Philip); had ch.: (1). Philip Welsh, m. Jane Conklin (Newark); (2). Anna Maria, m. Benj. Dickerson ; (8). David Welsh, m. Elis- abeth A. Howell; (4). Mancius Hutton, died young ; (5). Geo. Edwin, m. Elvira Hatton ; (6). Elias, m. Catherine E. Swack- hamer ; resided at Flanders. . MARGARET, b. 1798, May 8, m. Conrad Rarich (s. of Conrad Ist). . SARAH Pium, b. 1800, June 25, unmarried ; removed to New Comerstown, Ohio. . BARBARA, b. 1801, Dec. 27, d. 1863, Aug. 4, m. Praster Crater (4). 8. Anna DELANY, b. 1804, May 7, m. Robert Pitney. 9. 0. 1. JOHN GILBERT, b. 1811, April 6, m. first, Mary Messler ; second, Sopuia Bowman, b. 1806, May 23, m. Thomas Jennings. Morais, b. 1808, Dec. 16, m. Helena Voorhees. — Knight. Anna Maria, b. 1811, April 6, m. James Yawger. (I). Joun, b. 1768, Sept. 22, d. 1825, June 20, m. Mary Schenckle (dau. of Heinrich), b. 1768, Sept. 18, d. 1844, Feb.18 ; had ch.: 1. Philip, b. 1789, Sept. 12, m. Catherine Fritts, b. 1795, Jan. 1; 2. Isaac, b. 1793, Aug. 27, m. Ann Arrowsmith, b. 1797, May 20; 3. Barbara, b. 1796, April 80, m. John R. Heath (s. of Joseph), b. 1790, April 27; 4. Lawrence, b. 1799, Feb. 14, m. Mary Hoover (dau. of Crater), b. 1797, Oct. 26. (III). Matrutias, lived at Glen Gardner ; m. Sophia, b. 10 Feb., 1773, d. 10 L July, 1813 ; had a large family, all of whom went West except Joun, who died at Drakestown ; had ch.: (1). Philip, m. Angeline Lake (dau. of Thomas) and rem. from Springtown to Phillips- burg ; (2). George, m. Elsie Ann Durham ; (8). Joseph, m. twice and rem. to Easton ; (4). John A., m. first, Pernina Rarick (dau. of William); second, Mandie Smith ; (5). Barbara, m. a Betson ; (6). Rachel Ann, m. Harman Stark; (7). Sarah, m. Jefferson Lake, of Naughright. 316 Earty Germans or NEw JERSEY IV. ESTHER, m. Thomas Bushkirk (Van Buskirk). Mr. Lewis Crater, of Reading, Pa., is collecting materials for a complete geneal- ogy of the Pennsylvania family, and has kindly furnished the following: ‘ The different branches spell their names + Greter, Greder, Grader, Grater, Krater, and Crater. MicHaxnt Kreter is mentioned as having been a partner of Rev. Henry Melchior Muhlenberg in some real estate transactions in the city of Reading, Penn. But the family in Pennsylvania descended from JACOB, who arrived from Ger- many by way of Holland, 17 Aug., 1733; was a Mennonite, and one of the most active members of the church at Skippack, Pa.;” had children, according to the family record in German : I. JACOB, b. 25 May, 1729. Il. MARIA, b. 18 April, 1731. Ill. JOHANNES, b. [8 April], 1734, d. 8 March, 1818, at 84 years and 11 mos., m. Margaret, b. 5 March, 1741, d. 5 Sept., 1810, at 68 yrs. and 6 m.; had ch.: (I). Marta, b. 19 Oct., 1760, in the sign of the waterman. (II). Jacos, b. 1 Oct., 1763, d. 27 May, 1763. (II). Jonannes, b. 13 July, 1765. (IV). ABRanwam, b. 19 April, 1768. (V). CapaRina [Catherine], b. 23 May, 1771. (VI). Lupwie, b. 5 Jan., 1775. (VII). EvisaBertu, b. 6 April, 1779. IV. ELISABETH, b. 1736, in the sign of the Fish. V. PAULUS, b. 8 July, 1738, in the sign of the ‘‘ Lobe.” VI. BARBARA, b. 21 Sept.. 1740, in the sign of the Fish. VII. CHRISTIAN, b. 80 Jan., 1743. VIII. mame torn off), b. 17 July, 1745. IX. (name torn off), b. 8 June, 1750. X. (name torn off), b. 2 May, 1753. XI. MICHAEL, b. —— 1758. CREGAR. ANDRIES CREGAR, prob. came to this country in 1741, Nov. 20, when Johann Andreas, Johan Peter and Johann Henrich Krieger arrive at Phila. in the ship, Europa ; m. Ann ——; will dated 1770, Feb. 8, prob. 1770, April 7, names children : I. WILLIAM. II. JOHN, m. Annie Rodenback : will prob. 1833, Sept. 10; had ch.: (). Joun, b. 1770, Aug. 12, m. Catherine Hoppock (dau. of Peter). (I). Ann, b. 1772, July 30, m. a Hoppock. (IIT). Mary, b. 1776, Nov. 10, m. Peter Young; had ch.: 1. Anna Young, b. 1792, Nov. 19; 2. Elisabeth Young, b. 1795, May 20; 3. William Young, b. 1800, April 27; 4. Andrew Young, b. 1806, Jan. 24. (IV). ANDREW, b. 1779, Jan. 5, d. 1861, July 30, m. Charity Voorhees (dau. of Abraham), b. 1784, Jan. 10, d. 1863, June 25 ; had ch.: ‘1. JoHN, m, Ellen Sweazey (dau. of Andrew); had ch.; (1). Andrew; 2). Peter; (8). Abraham; (4). William; (5). Elias, died youug ; (6). Charity ; (7). Catherine A.; (8). Mary ; (9). Eliza. 2, ABRAHAM, m. Mary Groendyke (dau. of J ohn). 3. WILLIAM, m. Elisabeth Dilts (dau. of J ohn); had ch.: (1). John; CREGAR—CUMMINS 317 (2). Andrew ; (8). Thomas ; (4). Caroline. 4. Perr, m. Eva Alpaugh (dau. of William); had ch.: (1). Elias; (2). Nahum; (8). Sarah Ann; (4). Matilda; (5). Mahala; (6). Lydia; (7). Harriet. 5. ANDREW, b. 1808, Aug. 1, m. Harriet Lance (dau. of Wm.); had ch.: (1). Edgar Isaac, m. Margaret Beekman. 6. Evias V., m. Eliza A. Neighbor (dau. of George). 7. Jacos, b. 1821, March 29, m. Mary Catherine Neighbor (dau. of George); had ch.: (1). George N., m. Emily Ann Haver ; (2). Mary Elisabeth, m. Oliver Fritts, of Hamden ; (3). Isaac L., m. Susan Hummer ; res. at High Bridge ; (4). Susan E., m. Cyrus Bird ; res. in Union twp. 8. Isaac, died young. 9. Lucas, unmarried. 10. ELISABETH ANN, m. Dennis Bowlsby; removed to Indiana. 11. WILLIAMPSE, died young. 12. Sarag, died young. 18. CATHERINE, m. James Bunn. (V). WiLuram, b. 1781, Aug. 6, m. Ann Nitzer (dau. of Jacob) ; went to Ohio ; had Sieteé or seventeen children. (VI). PETER, m. Elisabeth McDaniel ; had children (order uncertain): 1. John ; 2. Andrew, m. a Perry ; 8. Mary A., m. George Perry ; 4. Elisabeth, b. 1791, March 17 ; 5. Rebecca, b. 1794, May 22. (VII). ELisaBEerH, m. Paul Wean. (VIII). CaTHERINE, m. Wm. Stephenson. III. PETER. IV. JACOB, m. Elisabeth ; had ch.: (I). ANDRES, b. 1779, April 27. (II). ELisaBerH, b. 1780, Sept. 21. (III). ANN CuRISTINA, b. 1782, May 12. Vv. ANN. VI. CHRISTINE. VII. ELISABETH. MisceELLAanEouS—CONRAD, m. Catherine Elisabeth ; hadch.: I. JoHN PETER, b. 1768, Sept. 19; II. Hans Apam, b. 1770, Sept. 3; II]. Mary ExisaBerts, b. 1774, Aug. 25. CHRISTIAN, will dated Kingwood, Hunterdon Co., 1760, April 17, probated Dec. 3, me:tions ‘‘Going on expedition in company of Col. Hunt, under Col. Peter Schuyler,” and names'ch.: I. Perer; II. Wiuviam ; III. CATHERINE. CUMMINS. CHRISTEON (Christian), b. March 16, 1716, d. 1781, m. Catherine ——, b. April 18, 1723, d. 1797 ; purchased a farm of 250 acres, where Asbury, Warren Co., is now situated, and at a later period, other farms in Bethlehem twp., Hunt. Co., and in Lower Hardwick, Sussex Co., so that at the time of his death in 1781, he owned 625-acres of land. The name Cummins is said to be the same as Cumyn, Comyn, or Cumming, names, which appear frequently in the history of England and Scotland. The original family of this name arose from the vicinity of the town of Comines in France. They came over to England with the conqueror, and Robert Comyn was sent by William, with 700 men to reduce 318 EarLty GERMANS OF NEW JERSEY the northern provinces. In the middle of the 13th century, there were four Scottish Earls in the family. Nearly annihilated by Robert Bruce, the sole survivor of the family escaped to England and there established important. eonnections. [Blackie’s Modern Encyclopedia]. Nearly the whole of the genealogy of this family has been furnished by Mr. G. W. Cummins, Ph. D., M. D., of Belvidere, N. J. In 1741, Oct. 17, Christian Commens arrived at Phila. in ship Molly ; prob. a Hugenot, who kad taken refuge in Germany ; had ch.: I. CATHERINE, b. Aug. 28, 1748, m. James Haslett ; lived at Asbury, N. J. II. PHILIP, b. Aug. 15, 1750, d. Aug. 27, 1828, m. Mary Cramer, b. May 3, 1753, d. May 7, 1821. They lived at Vienna, N. J., where A. J. Cummins. now lives ; had ch.: (I). CHRISTIAN, b. Jan. 2, 1774, d. Feb. 2, 1865, m. June 17, 1796, Mary Smith, b. Sept. 23, 1776, d. Nov. 30, 1860; had ch.: 1. Philip, b. May 23, 1797, m. first, Eliza Maines ; second, Sophemia Everett ; 2. Lydia, b. Jan. 18, 1799, d. Nov. 2, 1821, m.a Marjarum ; 3. Annie, b. Dec. 1, 1800, m. Elijah Hall; 4. Daniel, b. Sept. 17, 1802, m. Annie Richards ; 5. Mary, b. Sept. 6, 1804, d. Jan. 28, 1832, m. Samuel Lippincott ; 6. Catherine, b. Dec 13, 1806, d. Jan. 5, 1835,. m. Thomas Force ; %. Samuel, b. Feb. 12, 1809, d. June 12, 1869, m. Mary Leonard ; 8. Sarah, b. April 12, 1811, m. Andrew Rice Dennis; 9. Isaac, m. Hulda Frace ; 10. Polhemus, m. Phoebe Hendershot. (II). ELIsABETH, b. Feb. —, 1776, m. Michael Banghart, b. 1774, d. 1846. (II). Marrutas, b. Feb. 8, 1777, d. July 4, 1849, m. first, Hannah Hunter ; second, Mary Hunter Thacher ; had children by 1st wife: 1. Wil- liam, m. Mariah Middlesworth ; 2. Electa, m. Sedgewick Rusling ; 3. Mary Ann, m. William Kelley ; 4. George, m. Rebecca Green ; 5. Catherine, m. first, Benjamin Shackelton ; second, Wm. Hart ; 6. Morris, unmarried. (EV). CaTHERINE, b. June 6, 1779, m. Henry Opdyke. (V). Joan, m. Sarah Martin; had children: 1. Mary Ann, m. Isaac Smith ; 2. Sarah, m. a Middlesworth ; 3. Doroia, m. Sheriff An- drew Shiner; 4. Margaret, unmarried; 5. Lorenzo Dow; 6. Fletcher, unmarried ; 7. William, unmarried. (VI). Gzores, b. Feb. 2, 1789, d. June 17, 1853, m. Susan Johnson, b. Oct. 18, 1792, d. May 26, 1877; had ch.: 1. Johnson J., m. Matilda Emery ; 2. Keziah, m. John Potter ; 3. Mary, m. Robert Steele ; 4. Opdyke, m. first, Matilda Mott ; second, Ellen Axford ; 5. Rebecca m. Carter Martin ; 6. Elisabeth, m. William Martin. (VII). Jacos, b. Dec. 28, 1790, d. Mar. 24, 1873, m. Mariah Addis, b. “May 6, 1794, d. June, 1885; had ch.: 1. Nelson Nevins, m. Mary E. Hart ; 2. Malinda, m. Robert Ayres ; 3. Simon Armenius, m. Mary Car- hart ; 4. Helen, m. A. Shafer Van Horn ; 5. Andrew Jackson, m. Elisabeth Ayers ; 6. Harriet Jemima. ‘: (VIII). ANNIE, b. Oct. 14, 1796, m. Azariah Davis. Ill. CHRISTIAN, b Dec. 4, 1751, d. Oct 15, 1833, m. first, Elisabeth William- son ; second, Margaret Whitesel, b. 1767, d. May 6, 1850; had children by first wife : (I). CHRISTEON, b. May 10, 1793, d. June 20, 1862, m. first, Ruth Green, b. Oct. 13, 1801, d. May 22, 1881; second, Elisabeth Valentine, b. Dec. 18, 1808 ; living now at Hackettstown, N. J.; had children Cummins 319 ‘by first wife: 1. Richard G.,b. Oct. 6, 1823, d. June 10, 1852, unm. ; 2. John Wesley, b. Jan. 2, 1826, d. April, 1865, m. Eveline Van Pelt ; children by second wife: 3. George W., b. Feb. 27, 1835, d. June 29, 1862, unmarried ; 4. Manning, b. Aug. 31, 1841, d. June 9, 1864, unmarried, killed in the army; 5. Dorinda E., b. Dec. 28, 1836, m. Benjamin Schenck ; 6. Margaret, b. Jan. 23, 1840, m. Rev. Thomas Campfield, d. Mar. 14, 1885. (i). Anna, b. Oct. 18, 1743, d. April 26, 1818, m. Wm. Schenck. (i). Evisapers, b. Nov. 13, 1788, d. Mar. 6, 1835, m. Richard Whitesell, b. Dec. 12, 1776, d. July 25, 1849. (IV). Lyp1a, b. Dec. 4, 1790, m. Abram Vliet. (V). Saran M., b. July 16, 1798, m. Caleb Howell. (VI). Marian N., b. Sept. 16, 1801, d. 188-, m. first, Uzal O. Howell ; second, a Bigler. IV. DANIEL, b. June 7, 1753; descendants were found, about 1880, by John Cummins, fifteen miles from Natchez, Miss. V. MARY, b. Dec. 27, 1754, m. John Davis ; went to Kentucky, where their descendants still are, near Lexington. VI. MICHAEL, b. Aug. 7, 1756 ; descendants in Montour Co., Penn. VII. ANNIE, b. Sept. 27, 1757, m. Joseph Groff. VIII. JACOB, b. Jan. 30, 1759; went West. IX. ELISABETH, b. Mar. 11, 1760, m. George Beatty, b. 1750 ; lived at Vienna, New Jersey. X. JOHN FREDERICK, b. Sept. 22, 1762, d. Sept. 21, 1814 ; lived at Vienna, N. J., m. first, Lydia Sharp; second, Mary Fisher ; had ch. by 2d wife: (1). Evisan Woo sey, b. April 4, 1803, d. Feb. 6, 1877, m. Rachel Hoag- land, b. Jan. 29, 1807, d. Mar. 11. 1849 ; had ch.: 1. Wesley, unm., d. May 6, 1890; res. on Christeon’s homestead ; 2. James, lives in Michigan ; 3. Nancy, m. Alvin Cole. (I). WEsLey, m. Sevilla Drake; had ch.: 1. George, of Newton, N. J.; 2. a daughter, m. Dr. Miller, of Newton, N. J. (111). Hunpa, m. Charles Hoagland. (IV). Lyp1a, m. Jonathan Jones. (V). Macrina, m. Abram Wildrick. (VI). Nancy, m. Isaac Wildrick. (VII). Jonn, had ch.; 1. Henry; 2. Roderick; 3. Emma; 4. Jemima: 5. Lillial. DANIEL (2), a brother to CHRISTIAN 1st; had ch.: I. MATTHIAS, b. 1762, Feb. 2, d. 1831, Aug. 1, m. 1783, May 25, Elleanor Allison, b. 1766, May 11, d. 1882, Aug. 6; lived at Delaware Station, N. J.; had ch.: (). Janz, b. Dec. 2, 1783, m. Oct. 4, 1801, James Ferguson ; lived in Pike Co., Pa. (Il). Joun, b. April 15, 1786, d. April 10, 1834, m. Feb. 28, 1811, Annie Lowrey; lived in Pike Co., Pa. (III). Cuaniry, b. July 12, 1787, d. May 30, 1817, m. first, Nov. 4, 1807, Allen Coursen ; second, July 6, 1816, Matthias Snook ; lived in Newton, N. J. (IV). ELisaBetH, b. Sept. 4, 1788, m. May 7, 1807, Andrew Adams ; lived in Pike Co., Pa.; had three children. 320 Earty GerMANs or NEw JERSEY (V). Carering, b. Aug. 6, 1790, m. May 3, 1808, Cornelius Angle. (VI). Mary Cummins, b. Aug. 6, 1792, d. Oct. 1, 1848, m. first, Jan. 24, 1815, William Angle, of Pike Co., Penn.; second, Peter Coole, of Delaware Station, N. J. (VII). Saran Loursa, b. Jan. 10, 1795, d. Feb. 16, 1877, m. Feb. 20, 18138, Anthony Kirkhuff, b. Feb. 15, 1791, d. Mar. 24, 1859. (VIID. ELEANOR, b. Mar. 20, 1797, m. Oct. 11, 1817, Jos. Hay; had two ch. (IX). Marcaret R., b. Nov. 10, 1799, d. Oct. 30, 1801. (X). Axiison, b. May 24, 1801, m. Jan. 1, 1826, Sarah Lowrey. (XI). Jacos, b. Aug. 4, 1803, d. March 9, 1832. (XII, Marcarer Ann, b. Dec. 11, 1805, d. April 30, 1827. (XIU). DANIEL, b. Jan. 13, 1809 ; went to the Mexican War and never ret/d- (XIV). Marrutas, b Nov. 3, 1810, d. Nov. 16, 1810. Il. DR. PETER, b. Sept. 21, 1761, d. May 17, 1856, m. Charity Kirkhuff, b- Mar. 25, 1777, d. Nov. 15, 1843 ; lived at Hope, N. J.; had ch.. (). Joun. (Il). Jutra Ann, b. Jan. 16, 1806, d. Oct. 6, 1874, m. John Hauk, b. Feb. 28, 1811, d. Mar. 23, 1877. (III). CATHERINE, b. 1800, d. May 10, 1844, m. Anderson Dauley. (IV). JANE. III. JACOB, m. Mary Morgan ; lived in Ohio ; had children : (D. GEORGE. (Tl). SHIPMAN. (III). CATHERINE, m. a Winters. (IV). Mary, m. a Prigmore. (V). ELEANOR, m. James Quick. (VI). Nancy, m. Barnabas Ritenbury. IV. MARY, m. Wm. Snook ; settled near Lafayette, Sussex Co., N. J.; had ch.: (D). DANIEL. (I). Jacos. (It). Isaac. (IV). ALFRED. (V). RoBert. (VI). ELMira. V. MRS. COX, nothing known of her. DALLICKER. Rev. FREDERICK DALLICKER oor de la Cour), was b. 2 Feb., 1788, d. 15 Jan. 1799 ; ordained i757, He came to New Jersey, 1768, and preached at Amwell, from 1768-70 ; at German Valley, Foxenburg (or Fairmount) and Alexandria (now Mt. Pleasant, Hunterdon Co.), from 1768 to 1782; at Goshenhoppen, 1782-84. His first wife, Maria Barbara, died 1784, and he married again, 1786, Oct. 12, Maria Magdalena Schuvena, at Falckner Swamp. He is buried at the latter place. He had children : I. MARIA CATHARINA, b. 18 June, 1773, prob. m. John Thomas, 16 Sept. 1798, at Falckner Swamnip. Il. JOHN FREDERICK, b. 30 Dec., 1776, prob. m. Catherine Beiterman, 20 March, 1798, at Falckner Swamp. III. WILHELM, b. 10 July, 1779, d. 19 July, 1845, m. Sophia Neighbor (dau. of Leonard), b. 18 April, 179i, d. 14 Aug., 1825 ; had ch.; Da uickEr—Davis 321 (j. Lzonarp NEIGHBOR, b. 20 July, 1811 ; res. at Danbury, Conn.; had ch.: 1. William, died unmarried ; 2. Eleanor; 3. Kittie, m. a Hill. (1). Davin WELSH, b. 22 Feb., 1810, m. Matilda Cramer (dau. Matthias), lives at Peapack, N. J.; has ch.: 1. Lyman; res. in Virginia ; 2. Henry (deceased), m. Gussie Pidcock ; 3. Ann, died young. (III). JacoB Castner, b. , m. Eliza Jane Hann (dau. of John); res. at Middle Valley, N. J.; had ch.; 1. Warren N., unmarried ;'2. William, m. Elvina Apgar (dau. of Nathan T.); 3. Mary, d. when a young woman; 4. Sophia, m. Jacob Ribbons; 5. John, unm.; res. at Brooklyn. (IV). WiLLIam, b. —, m. Caroline Brunner (dau. of Henry); res. near Hackettstown, N. J.; hasch.: 1. Augustus H., m. Clara Schenck; 2. Frederick D., m. Maggie Parks; 3. Harry, m. Kate Trimmer (dau. of Andrew); 4. Carrie, unm.; 5. William, unm. (V). GEORGE. (VI). FREDERICK, m. first, Melinda Stephens (dau. of William); second, Helen Pell ; res. at Trenton ; hasch.: Kittie, unmarried. (VII). SamvuEL, unmarried, in California. (VIIT). Jonn, unmarried, in Ohio. DAVIS. SILVANUS D. DAVIES (as the name was originally spelled), came to this country not long before 1802. He was the son of JoHN, who lived at Trewind- sor, Parish of Llangoidmor, County of Cardigan, South Wales, Great Britain. He was born 27 June, 1762, d. 12 April, 1830, m. first, 6 June, 1795, Sinah Davis, d. 25 July, 1802 ; second, Mary Hiler ; had ch.: I. ENOCH, b. 6 March, d. 9 March, 1796. II. ANN, b. 1 March, 1797. IlI, ELINOR, b. 31 Aug., 1798. IV. HANNAH, b. 27 June, 1800, m. Maurice Moore ; res. Illinois or Ohio ; had thirteen children: John, of Crawford,\Ohio; Mary Ann, m. Jackson Carson ; Elisabeth, m. Thomas Kemp, of Huron Co.; Davis, m. Hannah Fleming and res. Michigan ; Margaret, m. Findlay Leonard, of Seneca Co., Ohio; Martha, m. George Carson ; Maurice, deceased ; Bumuth (9; Hannah, m. a Philhower ; Theodore; Frank, m.a Free ; Louisa, m Si. Hoffman ; the 13th not given. V. SINAH, b. 25 July, 1802, m. John Hoffman (s. of Henry M.); settled on the farm near Pottersville, where Peter P. Philhower now (1893) resides. VI. MARY, by second wife, b. 13 June, d. 18 June, 1804. VII. MARY, b. 22 June, 1807, d. 14 Feb., 1890. VIII. JOHN, b. 4 May, 1810, d. 1 June, 1889, m. 10 Feb., 1837, Ruth Pickel (dau. George M.); had ch.: (). Metvina, b. 24 Nov., 1837, m. Isaiah Hoffman, who d. 26 March, 1869. (1). GeorcE P., b. 17 Oct., 1839, m. Fanny King; res. at Martinville, Somerset Co. : (IID). Jonny, b. 18 Jan., 1844, m. Harriet Perry (dau. of George); res. ‘at Pottersville, N. J. % (IV). Sanag, b. 8 June, 1841, d. 28 March, 1843. (V). Harpist C., b. 9 Sept., 1845, m. Wm. H. Vactor, of Martinville. 322 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY (VI). James K., b. 21 Jan., 1847, m. Elisabeth Crater (dau. of Amos); owns farm of 100 acres at Hacklebarney school house ; has 3 children. (VII). Henry P., m. Josephine Richey and lives in Iowa. \ (VIII). Jacos H., b. 20 April, 1851, m. Fanny Losey; res at Whitehouse. (IX). Harvey, b. 15 Aug., 1853, m. Kate Apgar ; res. at Glen Gardner. (X). Martin Luruer, b. 21 July, 1856, m. Catherine Anderson (dau. of Daniel); res. at Liberty Corners, Somerset Co. (XI). Wiii1am E., b. 28 July, 1860, m. Alice Welsh ; res. Morristown, N. J. A brother of Silvanus also came to this country but has never been heard of. FULK DAVIS, has a grant of land 9 Oct., 1642, in Southampton (4); 1665 is a res- ident of East Hampton, and 1660 of Jamaica; m. in East Hampton, Mary (widow, first, of James Haines ; second, of Ralph Dayton); had ch.: I. JOHN. II. MEHITABLE. III. JONATHAN, rem. to Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., N. J. IV. ZECHARIAH; had ch.: (D. JoHN. (IJ). SARAH. (III). JosEPH, and perhaps others. ‘ V. and VI. Perhaps ABIEL and ELDAD. [See History of Southampton by Howell, p. 424]. JOSEPH and ELDAD on tax list of Hopewell twp., Hunterdon Co., 1722. JOHN and JONATHAN are among the trustees to receive deed for burial place in Trenton, 1709. From 1700 on Jonn, ABIEL and JONATHAN appear in history of Trenton. [Historical Collections, 282]. CALEB and JONATHAN subscribe to Meeting House in Orange, 1753, and in 1769, July 9, TrmoTHy has a son Sil- vanus, bap. at same place. Joris (George) and Judith have Judith bap. (on Somerville records) 25 May, 1732 Joris and Mary Brokaw have bap. (on Somerville records) Jannetie, 5 Jan., 1779 ; Bergun, 8 Feb., 1784; Abraham, 26 Dec., 1786. BERGUN, and Sarah Schamp have bap. (Somerville records) George, 26 Feb., 1809; Peter Schamp, 30 Aug., 1810; John, 25 Oct., 1812; David, 11 Oct., 1814 ; Isaac, 7 Tuly, 1817; Margaret Schamp, 28 March, 1819 ; Sarah, 23 Nov., 1823. Jon, has land granted to him in Newark, 20 May, 1676 and STEPHEN likewise, 19 Aug., 1675. THoMas receives land at Bound Brook, 1712. James (perh. s. of Jonathan, of Trenton), leaves will, ‘‘ Newark,” 2 April, prob. 14 May, 1747, who names wife Phebe and ch; Mary, Rebecca, Thomas, Margaret, Sarah ; ‘‘my brother Jonathan.” JOHN, m. Mary Cummins (dau. of Christian), b. 1754, Dec. 27; rem. to Kentucky. AZARIAH, m. Annie Cummins (dau. of Philip), b. 1796, Oct. 4; hadch.: Mary, m. Brazil Williams ; Margaret, m. Charles Ribble; Amanda, m. Lewis Den- nis; Adaline, m. Rev. Mr. Malsbery ; Susan, m. John Ayers ; Samuel, unm.; Sarah, m. James Goodale. DANIEL is said to have rem. to Montague twp., Sussex Co., 1740 and had two ch.: Elisabeth and Mary, wife of Isaac Everett. Daniel may be a descendant of JosEPH of Brookhaven whose will, 1690, names ch.: Joseph, Benjamin, Samuel, Daniel and Mary. DEATS or TEATS. There are three of this family who might be brothers, ADAM, CHRISTIAN and JACOBUS. The name is spelled Dietz, Ditz, Deates, Deats and Teats. Derats 323 ADAM may be the same who was m. in New York, 1729, April 21, to Catherine Schonenberg ; the wife, mentioned in his will as Mary, may have been his seconc wife. He bought, 1747, Nov. 26, 208 acres in Amwell twp., of Mary Kirkbride ; naturalized by act of council, 1744, with Hendrick ; the name of the latter, however, may be an.error fo Dils. He was an elder of the “ High Dutch Calviuistical Church,” of Amwell, at Ringoes, 1747; his will of 1769, Feb. 20, prob. March 25, names wife, Mary, and eleven children : I. PETER, perhaps ‘‘ Peter, Sen.” who was witness at the bap. at Still- water, of a dau of the following Peter, and was therefore husband of Maria Catharine, who is buried at Stillwater. She was born 22 July, 1719, d. 17 Feb., 1796. A Peter was witness to a mortgage at Amwell in 1768. Peter, 1st, prob. had ch. : (I). PETER, m. Mary, and had ch.: eww . ELISABETH, b. 1775, March 18, m. Conrad Diether, 1795, Nov. 8. . MARGARET, b. 1777, Feb. 15. . Anwa, b. 1780, Sept. 17. . ADAM, (perh. s. of Peter), b. 1788, d. 1855, April 24, at 67; m. Hannah, b. 1791, d. 1853, Dec. 29, at 62. . JACOB, (perh. : of Peter), m. Sarah; had ch.; (1). Juliana, b. 1798, Feb. 23. (2). Johannes, b. 1800, Aug. 1. (8). Johann Jacob, b. 1802, Aug. 30, (4). Elisabeth, b. 1804, Aug. 22. (5). Sarah, b. 1806, April 10. . 6. Maria, b. 1808, March 20. Ii. JACOBUS, perhaps d. intestate, 1784-5 (Trenton, Lib. 5, fol. 26); lived on Mt. Carmel tract, next to Peter Hoffman ; had perhaps one child: (1). Jacos, b. 1763, d. 1835, Oct. 23, at 72, m. Elisabeth Bird, b. 1777, d. 1840, July 11, at 63 ; his will was prob. 1835, Dec. 12 ; had ch.: 1. Mary, m. Godfrey Bulmer. 2. BARBARA, m. Philip Philhower. 3. Eva, m. a Bulmer. 4. Peter R., m. Rachel Schuyler (dau. of Andrew); had ch.: (1). Andrew §., m. Mary Auble. (2). Dorothea, m. Philip Apgar. (3). Fanny, m. Charles Glazier. (4). Mary, m. John Smith. (5). Elisabeth, m. Noah Hoffman. (6). Peter, m. Caroline Buchanan. (7). George, m. Mary Rowe. (8). Susan, m. Oliver Perry. (9). Rachel, m. George Thurston. (10). Jane, m. George N. Burrill. (11). Jacob, m. Jane Read. (12). Isaac, m. Sarah Sutton. (18). Sophia, m. William Roberts. (14). Mantius H., m. Ellen —. (15). Elmira, m. Lambert Crater. (16). John M., m. Elisabeth Felmly (dau. of John C.). (17). Garner, m. Adaline Alpaugh (dau. of Stephen R. H.). 5. ANN, m. Jonathan Heath. 6. JACOB, was unmarried. III. HONIS (JoHANNES or JOHN). IV. WILLIAM DEITZ, lived 4 miles N. W. of Flemington, and was the son perhaps of Adam Ist. He had wife Mary, and three children ; his will, 1824, Feb. 18, prob. 1826, Feb. 8. He had ch.: (). Anna, m. William Brown. (II). Joun, b. 1769, Feb. 1, d. 1841, May 1, m. Ursula Barton (dau. Capt. 1. Elisha), b. 1767, Jan. 20, d. 1853, Oct. 8; he had ch.: ExisHa, b. 1800, Feb. 10, d. 1862, June 1. 324 Earty Germans or New JERSEY 2. Ruopa, b. 1803, Oct. 31, m. Israel Thurston. 3. GILBERT, b. 1808, Feb. 25, d. 1870, Sept. 28, m. Anna Margaret Obendorf, b. 11 June, 1812, d. 27 March, 1879 ; had twosons: (1). Peter Collins, b. 18 Aug., 1850, m. 11 Oct., 1854, Jennie Robinson; had Lester, b. 24 Sept., 1883, Harry, b. 6 June, 1886, Frederick, b. 11 June, 1888. (2). Hiram, Jr., b. 10 Sept., 1853, m. Melissa Mason, b. 8 June, 1859, and they have Gilbert Mason, b. 29 Mar., 1883, Julia Edna, b. 16 Mar., 1885, and Walter, b. 21 May, 1888, 4. Hrram, b. 10 April, 1810, d. 22 'Nov., 1887, m. first, 10 Nov., 1838, Rebecca Higgins (dau. of Jonathan of Hillsborough, Somerset Co.), b. 26 June, 1820, d. 6 Aug., 1862; second, 28 Nov., 1865, Elmira Stevenson (dau. of John), b. 12 Dec., 1830; had children : Jonathan H., b. 8 Nov., 1840, d. 16 Aug., 1850; Emley Olden, b. 18 Sept., 1842, d. 31 Oct., 1866; Lemuel Madison, b. 23 June, 1845, m. Sarah Ejlen Hoff, 15 Oct., 1867, d. 26 July, 1879; Rebecca Julia, b. 11 Oct., 1848, m. Porter C. Little, 21 Jan., 1880, d, 22 July, 1882 ; by 2d wife, Hiram Hdmund, b. 20 May, 1870. V. ADAM, m. Eva Hoffman (dau. of Henry 1st); lived on farm now owned by Peter T. Teats ; had ch.: (J). ADAM, m. Margaret Apgar (dau. of Peter, the son of Adam); had ch.: 1. Boy died young. 2. Peter T., m. Catherine Hoffman (dau. of Peter); had ch.: (1). George A.,m. first, Mary Ann Alpock (dau. of Will. P.); second, Becky Parks wife of Jons Vernoy. (2). Jeremiah, m. Jane Lance (dau. of Will.). (8). Annie, m. Peter N. Honeyman (s. of John). (4). David F., m. Ellen Fisher (dau. of Henry). (6). Emily Mariah, m. Frank Sutton (s. of John). : 3, Mariag, m. George A. Teats (s. of Peter), cousins. 4, EmILy, m. George B. Lindabury. ' (Il). Heinricu, b. 1770, May 22. (III). Mareanret, b. 1772, March 28, m. Jacob Shueler (s. of Philip). (IV). Awwa, b, 1774, Feb. 20. (V). Joun, b. 1777, May 16, m. Eva Apgar (dau. of Herbert 1st); had ch.: 1, Henry, m. “Pop” Conover (dau. of Garret). 2. Morris, m. Catherine Apgar (dau. of Nicholas). 3. Mary, m. Peter Alpock (s. of Peter). 4. Peter, m. Mary Tiger (s. of George); had ch.. (1). Hannah, m. John Rowe. (2). George, m. first; Maria Teats (dau. of Adam 2d); second, Ellen Hoffman (dau. of Peter I). 5. ADAM, died young. 6. SopHia, m. Noah Hoffman (s. of Henry and Anna). (VI). Peter, b. 1779, Feb. 11, m. Mary Apgar (dau. of Herbert 1st). VI. PATRIS. VII. CHRISTEEN (Christena). VIII. MARGARET. IX. MARYN (prob. Mary Ann). X. CATHARINE. XI. ELISABETH, perhaps wife of Henry Hockenbury ; buried at Lebanon, N. J., b. 1744, d. 1811, July 3, at 67. CHRISTIAN had wife Anna Maria ; may have been theson of JacoBus Ist ; he had 1 x Draits—DECuE 325 (D). Jacos, b. 1769. (Il). Joun, b. 1771, March 16. (IIT). WiLHELM, b. 1773, Dec. 6. (IV). Apam, b. 1776, Aug. 13. (V). Morrtrz, b. 1779, Jan. 2. (VI). Henricg, b. 1782, July 22. This inf ormation from the Lebanon baptismal record is all we can learn of this last family. A CHRISTIAEN TrIEeDS, and wife Eva, had child Antje, bap. at Readington, 1733, June 10. On West Jersey Soc. lands of Alexandria twp., were found, in 1766-1792, Chris- topher and Jacob Diets or Dilts. Records of Reformed Church of Falkner Swamp, married 1750, Jan. 9, Peter Dietz to Catharina Frohnbach. Wilhelm Dietz was the first shoemaker among the -Germans on Rensellaerwyck Manor, New York State, about 1711-20. DE CUE. ISAAC DE COU (Decoux, De Cew, De Coe, De Cue), probably came from Arvert in France after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. ‘Marie Decoux, fugi- tive d’ Arvert” [Baird’s Huguenots]. Isaac arrived at Burlington, N. J., in the ship Shields. He died before 1692, as his widow, Rebecca, married Francis Davenport, the 12th day of 8th month, 1692. JACOB De Cou receives a deed from Hugh Hutchins in 1696 for land in Mannsfield twp. [Salem Co. 4%]. Jacob had a brother ISAAC, who was Surveyor-General of New Jersey. JACOB, prob. s. of Isaac, m. 21 Dec., 1699, Elisabeth Newbold. In his will, 1735, he gives to his son, Jacob, 500 acres in Sussex Co.; to his son Eber, 200 acres of the homestead farm ; while Isaac is said to have previously received his share; had ch.: I. SUSANNA, b. 23 Feb., 1703. Il. REBECCA, b. 28 Feb., 1703. III. ISAAC. IV. ESTHER, b. 22 March, 1705. V. ELISABETH, b. 19 Dec., 1708. VI. JACOB, b. 19 Feb., 1710 VII. EBER, b. 6 Feb., 1712. VIII. ABI, b. 24 May, 1714. JOHN DECUB, of Warren Co., perhaps great-grandson of Jacob, had children, one of whom was by the first wife : I. JANE, b. 4 May, 1783. II. SARAH, b. 4 Oct., 1790. Ill, ELISABETH, b. 22 May, 1792. IV. JACOB, b. 21 Aug., 1794, d. in N. Y.; had two sons and one daughter. V. ANNA, b. 18 Dec., 1796. VI. MARGARET, b. 15 May, 1799. VII. MARY. b. 10 June, 1801. VIll. REBECCA, b. 10 Jan., 1804. IX. EUPHEMIA, b. 30 June, 1806. X. JOHN AXFORD, b. 27 Oct., 1808; came to German Valley, and bought a farm near Bartleyville, now omned and occupied by his heirs ; has one son, John, and three daughters. 326 Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY DE CATIIP, LAURENS JANS [Lawrens, or Lawrence, the son of John] DE CAMP, came to New Amsterdam, 1664 ; took the oath of allegiance, Kings Co., 26-30 Sept., 1687; prob. had at least one son, HENDRICK, son of Laurens Jans ; ‘‘ Hend- rick de Kamp j.m. V. N: Utrecht. Wonende op Staten ylandt, met Maria de Lamars, j. d. Van de Bowery ; ingeschreven den 80 Maart, getrowt den 17 April, 1704.” (Records of Ref. D. Church, N. Y.) Translation: Hendrick de Camp, young man of New Utrecht, living on Staten Island, [was married} to Mary de Lamars, young maiden, of the Bowery ; banns proclaimed, the 30 March, married the 17th of April, 1704. Hendrick’s will, dated, Woodbridge, 4 June, prob. 7 Dec., 1771, (Trenton Lib. K, fol. 370) names grdsons, Ezekiel (s. of Lawrence), John (s. of Benjamin), Joseph (s. of Lambert), grdson Ezekiel, with David DeCamp, 3rd, one of the witness. He names ch.: I. LOUWERENS [Lawrence], bap. in N. Y., 18 Feb., 1705; deceased at date of his father’s will, June 4, 1771; assessed in Franklin twp., Som. Co., 1745, for 125 acres ; had ch. (at least): (1). EzEKIEL, mentioned in his grandfather’s will. Il. HENRY, calls himself ‘‘Quaker,” in his will, dated, Middlesex, 31 Oct., 1776, prob. 30 May, 1785, (Trenton, Lib. 27, fol. 201); his will names ch.. (I). Enocu, prob. had sons (or grandsons. or even great-grandsons) : 1. Enoca, m. twice, and had at least one child by each wife: (1). ZACHARIAH. b. 16 Jan., 1780, d.4 June, 1840, m. first, 7 Nov., 1801, Experience Halsey, b. 23 Dec., 1782, d. 18 Dec., 1831, from Long Island, sister of Pain Brown’s wife ; second, Eliza Stout (dau. of 'homas, of Chester); had ch : (a). Davip ScHUYLER, b. 5 May, 1804, m. Rebecca Horton (dau. of Hiram), and had, Hiram H.,m., Althea Lane (dau. of Abram and Sarah ; Stephen Halsey, m. Catherine Crouse; Mary Eugene, d.at 8; Alonzo D., m. Lauretta Dixson (dau. of Cyrus, of N. Y.); EZ. Louise, unm.; Alfred Eugene, m. Kate Ming (dau. of Charles and Susan); Hattie £.,m. William E. Deats (s. of John and Sarah); Silas O., m. Emma Hall, of Denville ; (b). Moses Hatsry, b. 29 Jan., 1803, had one child, Experience Ann, m. Henry Warner ; (c). JOHN, res. at Chester Cross Roads. (2). Joun, of Jefferson twp.; built a forge, called Upper Longwood about 1800. \ 2. AARON. 3. JOHN. (II). Jos. (II). ZACHARIAH ; had son Kimble. (IV). PHEBE, m. an Ackorn. (V). ELISABETH, m, Thomas Scudder. (VI). MERcy, m. an Hetfield. (VID). Sanag, m. Will Gilman; mentions in will “my kinsman” Joseph Decamp, of Rahway, N. J. TI. LAMBERT, m. Mary; his will mentions, “land lately belonging to my father Hendrick ;” will, dated, Elisabeth, Essex Co., 1784, 4th day of 10th month, sworn at Newark, 4 Oct., 1790, names wife Mary and ch.: (I). Henry, (‘‘ eldest”) prob. had ch.: 1. Squire Joun, m. Deborah Morris (dau. of J ohn); had son Samuel ' DeCamp—DeERose 327 G, Johnson Decamp, whomarried Nancy Wood (dau. of Clement) and was father of Commodore John De Camp of the late war. 2. LEMUEL, had a forge at Waterloo. 3. Davin ; resided near Succasunna. 4, JOSEPH, m. Jane F. Tuttle (dau. of Moses); lived at Mt. Pleasant ; had ch.: (1). Lewis; (2). James; (8). Chilion F.; (4). Mary, m. John Hinchman, of N. Y.; (5). Cornelia, m. Chilion Beach ; (6). Susan, m. Guy Hinchman, of Dover. 5. Mosss, m. a Carpenter ; died near Chester ; had a son-John, who received money for him, 1816. (Il). LAMBERT. (III). Davin. (IV). Mosss, prob. m. Sarah and had at least, 1. EzEKIEL, m. Mary Baker (dau. of Daniel and Margaret Osborn), b, 25 June, 1780; had ch.: (1). Phebe, m. a Hand §. of Ellis) ; (2) Hannah, m. a Hand §. of Ellis); (8). David; (4). Hiram; (5). Walter ; (6). Hervy; (7). John; (8). Joseph ; (9). Margaret ; (10). Mary ; (11). Sarah ; (12). Moses; (13). Job. (V). Jamus. (VI). ELisaBEeTH. (VII). Leag. (VIII). JosEps, prob. the one whose will, dated Oct. 18, 1780, prob. Oct. 28, names ch.: 1. Caleb; 2. Ephraim. IV. JOHN, of Essex Co.; will, dated Feb. 9, 1764, prob. May 28, 1766, (Tren- ton, Lib. H, fol. 610), names ch.: (I). AaRon. (II). Joun, had eldest son, Lawrence. (IIT). Saraq, m. a Oughtletree. (IV). Mary, m. a Van Namen. (V). Divaug, m. a Powers. V. BENJAMIN, d. 1771; had at least one son John. VI. ELICHEE, prob. m. a Lovee. VII. CHRISTIAN, prob. m. a Woodruff. DE ROSE. JOHN J. DE ROSE left will, prob. 31 Jan., 1832; came from England early in this century and purchased the Beswick tract, called the English settlement, along the Musconetcong river, along with James Rusling and Anthony Raw- lings ; a dispute arose about the title of this property with the Beswick heirs, and an agreement was entered into in 1818, by which the property was divided and the contest settled ; will names wife Elisabeth and ch.: I. SUSAN. II. ELIZA. Ill. MARY. IV. JANE. V. LEONARD. VI. JOHN. VII. ROBERT. 328 Earty Germans or New JERSEY DICKERSON. PHILEMON DICKERSON, b. England, 1598, d. 1672, at 74; m. Mary Paine, at Salem, b. 1611, d. 1 March, 1697, at 86 ; Philemon shipped, 10 May, 1687, as a passenger in the ‘‘Mary Anne,” named as a servant of Benj. Cooper, husband- man, of Brampton, Suffolk Co., England, ‘desirous of passing to Salem in New England, there to inhabit” ; 1639 at Salem, a tanner ; 1641, freeman of Salem ; 1646-50, settled in Southold, L. I.; 1662, freeman of Conn.; 1665, June 20, his will, prob. 28 Oct., 1672 ; had ch.: I. ELISABETH, b. 1646 at Salem. Il. PETER, b. 1648, d. 15 March, 1721-2, at 73-4, m. Naomi Mapes (dau. of Thomas), b. 1648 (1668 2), d. 4 March, 1725, at 58 ; in 1686 has three males and one female in the famil: ; has ch.: (I). Jonny, d. 1758, m. Abigail, 1710; will, 3 Dec., 1757, prob. 23 May, 1758 (N. Y. City); had children, John, Selah, Deborah, William ; said to be father of the three brothers who went to N. J., but this is improbable. (II). THomas, d. 12 July, 1725 (or 1724) at 53, m. Abigail Reeve, 1715 or 6 (dau. of Joseph, who prob. m. afterwards Chas. Wager, 1737); his will 27 May, 1725, prob. 10 April, 1739, names wife and 6 children : 1. THomas, came to N. J. with his three brothers, Daniel, Joshua, Peter ; perhaps had grandson : (1). THomas, whose will, ‘‘ Roxbury,” 6 May, 1834, prob. 17 March, 1835, names wife, Elisabeth and ch.: (a). Julia, m. Septimius King; (b). Eliza, m. James C. Oliver’; (c). Mary Dickerson; (d). Clarissa, m. Philip Dufford ; (e). Sallie, m. James McCord ; (f). Ann Dickerson; (g). Cor- nelius S. 2. DANIEL, will, ‘‘Roxbury,” 30 April, 1778, prob. 9 Sept., 1796, names wife Mary and six children : (1). ABRAHAM, b. 1744, d. 1814, m. three wives, one of whom wa Abigail Douglas from Newark ; inherits ‘90 acres near Thom. Dickerson;” she was b. 1740, d. May, 1765, at 25; had ch.: (a). Abraham, b. 1775, d. 26 March, 1841, at 66, of Chester, m. Damaris Haines, b. 1775, d. 23 Aug. 1851; had ch.: Sallie, b. 1793, d. 30 May, 1813 ; Alonzo ; William, b. 1796, d. 1818 ; Spafford, m. a Tilden, sister to the former Gov. of N. Y.; Philander, m. a lady from Utica. (b). Sam- nel, m. Hannah Leek; had ch: Elijah, unm.; Rhoda; Abraham Talmage, b. 1194, d. 14 March, 1883, at 89. (c). Abigail, m. John Kenan, and went with him to Seneca Lake. (d). Julianna, m. —. 2). DanzeL, will ‘‘ Hanover,” 13 Jan. and April 21, 1826, names five children and seven grandchildren : (a). NATHANIEL, (b). THomas (deceased); had ch.; (aa). DANIEL, of Rockaway, will prob. 8 Jan., 1847, m. Elisabeth Doremus (dau. of Abraham); her will prob. 23 Sept., 1851; had ch.: Nathaniel; William H.; Mary Jane; Eliza; Nancy Catharine. (bb). WILLIAM. (ce). JoHN, m. Phebe Smith ; had ch.: Sarah Ann; Mahlon DICKERSON 329 H1.; Aaron ; Eunice ; John S. (dd). MABLON, unm. (ee). STEPHEN, m. Nancy Smith ; had ch.: Daniel ; Charles ; Stephen ; Wesley; Eliza; Adaline; Caroline; Mary; Hetty, m. Davis Lyon. (ff). Cation, m. Ann ; had ch.. Edwin ; George; Maria; Sarah Jane. (gg). JANE, m. William Casterline. (hh). Siuas, m. Phebe ; had ch.: Silas ; Stephen ; Charlotte ; Jane. (ii). AARON, drowned in Dover, when young. (jj). Jostan, had Jane, m. Ger- ret Stout. of Red Bank, N. J., and Elmie. (c). AaRON, m. Eunice, without issue; left his property to the heirs of his brother Thomas ; his will was prob. 18 Sept., 1837, and his wife’s 4 Jan., 1838. (a). Dantex, of Succasunna, m. Nancy Hart ;hadch.; Julia Ann; William; Rachel, m. Alexander Snyder ; Abigail, m. John 8. MacDougal; Robert; Abraham; Mary, m. Charles Landon ; Lewis; Silas; James. .(e). Lewis, removed to Canada, near Montreal ; had ch.: Silas and Mary Ann. (f). James, m.a Hart; hadch.: Francis, m. a Mills; Mary Ann; John; Dr. Benjamin; Monroe; William ; Silas ; Sarah. (g). PHEBE, m. Ephraim Howard. (h). Mary. m. William Roff. (i). Roopa, m. Stephen Moore. (8). NaTHANIEL, will ‘‘ Roxbury,” 1797, May 16 and June 13, (Trenton, Lib. 33, 492), names wife Tabitha and ch.: (a). Nathaniel, (‘‘only son”); division of his property, 1828, in Roxbury, names ch. (?): Jeremiah P.; Elis. Reger ; Peter G., [whose will, “Roxbury,” prob. 16 Sept., 1854, names wife Phebe and ch., Abby Maria, John M., Mary Ann, William C., and three brothers-in-law, John L. Pool, of Mendham, and Henry Pool and William C. Pool, of Ran- dolph] ; Joanna; Abraham; Benjamin; Ezra; Martha. (b). Sarah. (c) Tabitha. (d). Mary. (e). Elisabeth. (f). Catharine. 3. JOSHUA. 4. PETER, ‘‘ Capt.” b. 1724 at Southold, L. I., d. 10 May, 1780, at 56; buried at Morristown, N. J., where his tombstone is found upon which is the statement that he came to Morris Co. from L. I. in the year 1745 with three brothers, Thomas, Joshua and Daniel, and asister, Elisabeth ; m. first, Ruth Coe (dau. of Joseph), 20 Oct., 1745 ; second, Sarah [Armstrong] Oharra, widow of John, 7 Nov., 1763 ; will, Trenton, Lib. 22, fol. 337; had ch.: (1). Mary, b. 31 March, 1746, m. David Case, of Roxbury, and d. at Succasunna about 1774. (2). JONATHAN, b. 20 Sept., 1747, d. 7 Nov., 1805, at Succasunna, m. Mary Coe (dau. of Thomas); purchased Dickerson mine from a Kirkbride, 1779, in assoc. w. Minard Lefevre ; had ch.: (a). Mahlon [Governor N. J., &c.J, b. 17 April, 1770, d. 5 Oct., 1853. unmarried ; grad. Princeton College 1789 ; 330 Earty Germans oF New JERSEY admitted to the bar of N. J. Nov., 1793 ; accompanied the expedition to quell whiskey insurrection in Pa., 1794; en- tered law office John Milnor and admitted to the bar Pa., 1797 ; one of Common Council of Phila.; appointed Adj. General of Phila., 1805; Recorder of the city, 1805 ; ret. to Succasunna, N. J., to develope his mining properties, 1810; Member of Assembly of N. J., 1811-18, and also afterwards several times; appointed third Justice of the Supreme Court, 1813 ; Governor of N. J. 1815 and 1816 ; U. S. Sen- ator 1817-1823 and 1823-1829 and 1829-1833 ; Secretary of Navy, 1834-1838 ; Judge U. 8S. District Court for N. J. for six months ; Member Constitutional Convention, 1844 ; President American Institute. (b). Silas, b. 3 Oct., 1771, d. at Stanhope, 7 Jan., 1807, at 35, m. first, 7 Nov., 1792, Julia Ford (dau. of Jonathan), who d. 23 Nov., 1794, at 22 ; second 21 May, 1795, Electa Beach (dau. of Enoch), who m. for second husband, 3 May, 1808, Col. Joseph Jackson, of Rock- away, and who died 7 Feb., 1834, at 85. (c). Ruth, b. 7 Nov., 1778, d. 12 Dec., 1775. (d). Mary, b. 18 Sept., 1778, m. 5 Oct., 1796, David S. Canfield, and d. 27 April, 1830. (e). Jonathan Elmer, b. 18 Sept., 1781, d. 18 Nov., 1789, at 8. (f). Moses, twin, b. 10 Sept., 1783, d. 22 Jan., 1784. (g). Aaron, physician in Phila., twin, b. 10 Sept., 1783, d. 9 Nov., 1824. (h). John B. (had at least one daughter, Julia Mary), b. 10 March, 1786, d. 27 Jan., 1822. (i). Philemon, Judge U. 8. District Court, N. J., Governor of N. J., and Member of Congress, b. 26 June, 1788; had ch.; John, Mary, Edward and Philemon. (j). Jesse, b. 11 Aug., 1793, d.3 Oct., 1793. (k). Anne, b. 26 Sept., 1794, d.4 Nov., 1794. (7). JOHN (prob. s. of Capt. Peter); had ch.: (a). StepHEN, had ch.: 1. James; 2. John; 8. Stephen; 4. Harriet ; 5. Emily. (b). Davin, had ch.: 1. Mahlon; 2. Sylvester ; 3. Bailey; 4, Caroline ; 5. Rachel ; 6. Jane; 7. Margaret. (c). JosHua, had ch.: 1 James; 2. Agnes; 3. Sarah; 4 Nancy; 5. Huldah. (d). Joun, b. 15 Sept., 1777, d. 3 Dec., 1841, m. 15 July, 1799, Lydia Hoffman, b. 18 May, 1778 ; lived near Flanders, Morris Co., N. J.; had ch.: 1. Philip, b. 24 July, 1800, d. 7 Sept., 1860 ; 2. Stephen, b. 1 June, 1802, d. 28 Dec., 1849 ; 3. Henry, b. 16 Dec., 1804; 4. John, b. 15 June, 1807, d. 11 Sept., 1816 ; 5. Jane Elisabeth, b. 25 Dec., 1813, d. June, 1874 ; 6. Catherine, b. 2 Aug., 1818, m. first, a Ross ; second, William Campfield. (e). JOSEPH. : (f). ABIGAIL. DickersoON—DIERDORFF 331 (g). SARAH. (hb). RACHEL. ' (8). PETER. (9). JOSEPH. (10). WILLIAM. 5. JOSEPH. 6, ABIGAIL, m. perh. H. Wells, 1736. 7. ELISABETH, came to N. J. with her four brothers about 1745. (III). PHILEMoN, d. 14 March, 1718,m. Hannah Case, 1709. (IV). Mary - (V). Naomi, m. 1715, Sam. Terry. Moore’s index supposes that the four brothers, Thomas, Daniel, Joshua and Peter, who came to N. J. about 1745 with their sister Elisabeth were children of Peter 1st, but he died 1721, and Peter, one of these brothers was born 1724. Ill. THOMAS, d. 1 Feb., 1704; 1683 rated at Southold as worth £83; 1686, Southold, two males and 4 females in family ; said to have rem. to N. J.; but he died 1704. IV. MARY. PHILEMON, m. Johanna Sweazy (dau. of Samuel), b. 23 June, 1725, who m. for 2d husband Isaac Badsley ; lived east of Sterling Hill, Morris Co.; his will 1777, April 19, prob. July 7, names wife Johanna, ‘“‘my bro. Brainard, my son- in-law Samuel Tylor,” and two sons Peter and Caleb ; from Littell S. P. V. we get the following : I. PETER, m. Catherine Day (dau. of Thaddeus); had ch.: Philemon, Han- nah, Paul. : II. CALEB, m. Johanna Faircloe (dau. of Thomas); perhaps the one whose will, ‘‘Chatham,” 13 Sept., 1844, prob. 23 March, 1843, names w. Matilda {2d w. ?], and ch.: Samuel T.; Brannard; David B.; Peter ; Philemon; Caleb, Jr.; John W. .(deceased, and his son Mahlon, not 21); Mary B. Dickerson ; Caroline M., w. of David Harrison. III. HANNAH, m. Lot Darling, 19 Feb., 1767. IV. DAVID BRAINARD, m. Sallie Baldwin (dau. Capt. Enos). V. PHILEMON, b. 1762, d. 5 Aug., 1776, at 14. DIERDORFF. ANTHONY, naturalized by act of Assembly, July, 1730, with 4 sons, Peter, John, Anthony and Christian ; prob. emigrated from Diersdorf. a town of Rhenish Prussia on the Wiedbach, 14 m. N. N. E. from Coblentz. Anthony had a bro. (perh. a son) HENDRICK, also naturalized, July, 1730 ; his will, ‘‘ Hunt. Co.” 19 Feb., 1745, prob. 2 March, 1746, names w. Christina and ch. Christian and Christena ; the witness were Hans (John) Peter Yaeger, Wilhelmus Wirtz and Johannes Peter Laashent ; at the probate of the will an agreement is signed by the following, prob. as his ch.: I, PETER. II. JOHN. III. ANTHONY. IV. CHRISTENA DIERDORFF. V. ? {wife of] Bernardus Achenbach. VI. ? [wife of] William Ecker. Heinrich also signs perhaps as a son. \ 332 Earty Germans or New JERSEY DILTS. DANIEL was, tradition says, one of two brothers, Harmon and Daniel, who came from Germany. Danreu settled at Round Valley. A Dilts of another family came over with Daniel. was ‘‘bought” by the latter, and afterward married his daughter. Daniel had a son Dante 2d, and prob. also MORRIS : DANIEL 2d, s. of Daniel Ist, b. 1741, d. 1727, April 7, m. Rebecca Merlitt, b. 1748, d. 1882, Aug. 7, In 1802, he bought 173 acres of land on Schooley’s Mt., above Middle Valley, (Geo. Lindaberry farm); had ch.: I. PETER, m. Rachel Rarick (2), went from Flocktown to Ohio. II. JOHN. III. GEORGE, unmarried ; went from Flocktown to Ohio. IV. JOSEPH, b. 1782, d. 1804, Sept. 30, at 52, m. Anna Dufford (dau. of Geo. Stephen and widow of John Neighbor), b. 1770. d. 1837, Jan. 31, at 67 ; had one child, George Stephen, b. 1808, Jan. 10; died young. V. DANIEL, b. 1789, Jan. 22, d. 1867, July 17, m. Elisabeth Neighbor (dau. of John), b. 1795, d. 1831, June 29 ; had ch.: (I). NatHan, b. 1812, Feb. 16, m. 1841, March 18, Anna Welsh (dau. of David ITI); had five ch.: 1. Nathan, m. Martha Hummer ; 2. Rebecca, m. Jacob Carpenter ; 3. Addie, m. Barnie Searfoss ; 4. Daniel, m. Josephine Cole ; 5. David, m. Sadie Slater. (I). Anwa, d. 1837, Sept. 11; unmarried. (Il). Evian N., b. 1818, Feb. 10, m. 1845, Dec. 11, Margaret Hoffman (dau. of Henry), b. 1819, April 13, d. 1877, Nov. 20; had ch.: 1. Henry C.; 2. Annie, d. at 12 years ; 3. George, m. Emily Canine ; 4. Eli, d. in infancy ; 5. Emma E, m. Henry Johnson ; 6. Ella, m. Joseph Lundy ; 7 Wm. C., m. Emma Loyd; 8. Ulyses G., m. Leonora Larrison. (IV). ELisaBEera, d.a babe, 1881. (V). Juxia, b. 1820, April 9, d. 1876, Aug. 5, unmarried. (VI). Repecca, b. 1822, Oct. 2, d. 1889, Jan. 28, m. Peter 8. Bergen ; had ch.: 1. Hvert J., m. Sarah Galloway (res. at Belvidere); 2. Frank, m. Lydia Gardner (res. at Orange). (VII). Isatan, b. 1824, Aug. 3, d. 1878, May 21, m. 1856, April 23, Ellen Vanderveer (dau. of ‘‘Judge” Vanderveer); had ch.: 1. Ferdinand, unmarried ; 2. William, m. a Demaray. (VIII). ABNER N., b. 1827, Mar. 18, m. 1859, Feb. 12, Anna Elisabeth Neigh- bor (dau. of Sylvester); has ch.: 1. Annie, m. Isaiah Fisher (of Fairmount); 2 Ellen Vanderveer ; 3. Julia ; 4. Sylvester Neighbor. (IX). GzorGE S., M. D., b. 1829, Jan. 13, d. 1873, Dec. 8, m. Sarah Layton (of Pluckamin); had no children. Major Surgeon in Heavy Ar- tillery, Fifth Reg. N. Y. Volunteers. VI. SARAH, m. David Egbert. V1I. RACHEL, m. Cornelius Correll. VIII. REBECCA, b. 1786, d. 1820, Sept. 28. MORRIS, (prob. s. cf Daniel Ist); his will dated, Hilsborough, 7 May, 1810, prob. 23 April, 1812, names wife Mary and ch.: (I). DANIEL. (11). Morris. (IIT). Jacos. (IV). Anna, m. 19 Oct., 1783, Herbert Rodenback. DILTS 333 (V). CHRISTIANNA, m. John Bowman. (VI). Mary, m. Peter Bowman. (VII). CATHARINE, m. Will Martial. (VIID). ExisaBetTH, m. John Low. (IX). CuHanrity, m. Tobias Hall. (XS). Resecoa. (XJ). Sarag, m, John Alleger. PETER, naturalized July 30, 1730; on Society lands, 1785; his will, ‘“Amwell,” 2 Nov., 1769, prob. 24 Jan., 1770, names wife Mar. and ch.: I. PETER (deceased), whose will, ‘‘Amwell,” 30 May, prob. 20 Aug., 1760, names ‘‘father” Peter, ‘‘ bro.” John, wife Mary and ch.: (). Anna. (II) Sarag. (II). PETER. II. JOHN. Ill. HARMON. IV. MRS. GEORGE SHARPENSTINE. V. MRS. JOHN BODINE. ANNA MARY, widow of —— Dilts, m. William Hoffman, of Amwell twp., whose will, prob. April, 1764, names step-children : I, PETER DILTZ. II. PHILIP DILTZ, who prob. m. Mary Hoffman, his ha’f sister. III. CHRISTIAN DILTZ, perh. the same as CHRISTOPHER (a confusion of these two names, which has occurred in several instances among the old German settlers), whose will dated Kingwood, 11 March, prob. 24 April, 1812, names ch.: (). GODFREY. (ID. SUSANNA. (Id). AMELIA. (IV). Wiuut1am (dec’d), perh. b. 1 Jan., 1763, had son Dels Heath (?) (V). SaRad FIELDS. : (V1). CHRISTOPHER, executor ‘friend Will. Dels ” IV. CATHERINE BEYER. Vv. ANNA ELISABETH SNYDER. HENRY, his will, “Amwell,” 16 June, 1784, prob. 2 Feb., 1788, names wife Ann and ch.: I. HENRY. Il. WILLIAM (deceased), who had a son George. Ill. PETER, prob. of Neshanic, whose will, 2 April, 1818, prob. 2 June, 1821, names ch.: (). Henry. (I). PETER. (ID. PHiuip. (IV). FRANCIS. / (V). CATHARINE, m. Adam Bellis. (VI). Mary, m. a Roland. (VII). Francis Dils. (VIII), EvisaBETH, m. a Gilger. (IX). Saraw, m. a Roland. (X). Repecca, m. [Henry 4] Hoffman. 334 Earty GERMANS OF NEW JERSEY IV. JACOB, prob. the one, b. 1756, d. 1828, res. in West Amwell twp., m. Sarab Heath (dau. of William), b. 1759, d. 1828 ; had ch.; (D. Jonn, (II). Pauu K., b. 1788, m. 23 Feb., 1811, Sarah Sharp (dau. of Blisha), b. 13 Feb., 1798, d. 22 Aug., 1876; hadch.: 1. Jacob, b. 21 Oct., 1813, m. Margaret K. Bellis; 2. Wlisha, d. Fairview, Ill; 3. Surah M., m. John L. Bellows. (II). Henry. (IV). ANDREW. (V). ASHER. (VI). RicuarpD (VII). Hrram. (VIII). Ann. (IX). Manawag, m. Ge rge Dilts, of La nbertville, N. J. V. MARY, m. a Bodine. VI. ANNE, m. a Cool. VII. ELISABETH, m. a Tid [Teats 7). VIII. CATHARINE. IX. CHRISTEEN, m. a Wambagh ; executors were John Bodine and Paul Cool, prob. sons-in-law. JOHN W., his will, dated, Lebanon, 30 July, 1787, prob. 27 Nov., 1789, names ‘“‘my bro. Philip,” and ch.:. I. JOHN. Il. ANNE, m. Peter Rodenbough. TIl, HARMONAS. IV. ELISABETH, m. Mordechai McKinney. V. PETER. VI. JOSEPH. VII. CHARITY, m. Casper Hendershot. VIII. CATHERINE, who had son Mo~+its [Moritz]. MISCELLANEOUS—WILLIAM, whose will dated Knowlton, 17 June, 1793, prob. 24 Sept., 1794, names wife Rachel and ch.: 1. Jehu; 2. Adan; 3. Williom. SAMUEL, of Warren Co., near Hope, b. 26 Nov., 1765, m. Rachel Ogden (dau. of Gabriel), b. 22 May, 1782; hadch.: 1. Charles, b. 3 Aug., 1807, d. 1814 ; 2. Joseph R., b. 17 Nov., 1794, d. 1876 ; 3. James S.. b. 1797, d. 1843 ; 4. Betsey M., b. 1810, d. 1865 ; 4. Sarah A., b. 1815, d. 1882. ExisaBetH, buried at Yellow Frame Pres. Ch., near Johnsonburgb, N. J., b. 5 Jan., 1770, d. 18 June, 1799. Apawm’s estate administered by Peter, 31 March, 1°98, in Sussex Co. Hewry’s estate administered by his wife Urie, 28 May, 1787, in Hunterdon Co. JoHN WILLIAM, Manoss [Her- manes]}, Moritz and SCHIRDGEN [Jurgen (?) or George] occur in the list of John Peter Nitzer’s customers in German Valley, 1757 and 8. Davip and Mary have ch. (on Lebanon ch. records): 1. Johannes, b. 2 March, 1769; 2. Jacob, b. 8 Nov., 1770 ; 8. Abraham, 10 Oct., 1773; 4. Herman, b. 138 June, 1779 ; 5. Elisabeth, b. 14 Dec., 1781. HeRmanes and Christena had ch.: 1. Catherine, b. 1 June, 1767. 2. Johannes, b. 21 June, 1770. ¥Yorirz and Catherine, had ch.: 1. Elisabeth, b. 18 April, 1771 ; 2. Catherine, b. 13 Feb., 1773 ; 3. Moritz, b. 8 Jan., 1780 ; 4. Catherine b, 14 June, 1803 ; 5. William Brewer, b. 2 Nov., 1805. JOHN and Margaret Blumin (feminine form of Blum or Bloom]; had ch.: 1. Maria, b. 2 May, 1763; 2. Mag- dalena, b. 12 Feb., 1767 ; 3. Sophia, b. 14 Feb., 1769 ; 4. Dorothea, b. 1771. DoRLAND—DRAKE 335 DORLAND. \JAN GERRISE (i. e. '0HN, s. OF GARRET) arrived in this country 1652 ; took oath of allegiance in Brookiyn 1687; prob. had son GERRIT, who took oath of allegiance in Brooklyn 1687, described as born in this country ; prob. rem. to Staten Island ; prob. he or a son Gerrit had ch. whose baptisms are recorded on the Somerville records : GERRIT, s. of Jan Gerrise. I. MARIA, bap. 20 Oct., 1706. II. LISBET, bap. 26 Oct., 1709. Il. GAERTJEN, bap. 6.Aug., 1712. IV. WILLIAM, bap. 1 Aug., 1725. LAMBERT 's in Brooklyn 1663 ; rem. to Staten Island, then to the Raritans 1717 or before. He is perhaps a bro. of Garret ; perhaps had ch., who owned land, 1769, adjoining one another at Sourland, Somerset Co.: I. LAMBERT. II. GARRET. Il. ABRAHAM. IV. JOHANNES, perh. the one, whose will, 7 June, prob. 8 Aug., 1754, names wife Altje, ‘‘my three bros.” [not named] and sisters. V. ALTJE. VI. GERTJE. PETER, prob. a grandson of one of the above, was a miller ; rem. to Canada with all his family but his s. Samuel; m. Margaretha and had ch.: I. WILLIAM, b. 3 May, 1208. II. CATHERINE ROBERTS, b. 1805. Ill. HENRY. IV. SAMUEL, b. 1809, d. 12 April, 1774, m. Catherine Teeter ; has ch.: Isaac, miller in G. V. DRAKE. ROBERT DRAKE, b. Devonshire, Eng., 1580 ; d. Jan. 14, 1668; from Exeter, New England, rem. to Hampton, N. H., where he ‘ entered his causion” about house and lands, bo’t of Sam’l Peabody, in 1650, Mar. 15 ; selectman, 1654 ; will May 15, 1663 ; prob. Apr. 11, 1668. Mentions three children in his will with two dau’s of his son Nathaniel (Jane and Rachel), and four of Abraham (Susan- nah, Mary, Elisabeth and Hannah.): 3 ‘I. NATHANIEL, b. Devonshire, Eng., 1612; rem. Portsmouth ; on grand jury, 1656 ; selectman, 1691 ; m. 1 unknown ; 2, Jane, wid. of William Berry ; had ch.: Rachel, and Jane, m, William Wallace, Dec. 15, 1673. II. ABRAHAM, b. Devonshire, Eng., 1620; rem. with his wife, Jane, to Hampton ; had ch.: Susannah, m 1 (as 2d w.) Capt. Anthony Bracket of Falmouth ; 2, Oct. 30, 1700, John Taylor of Hampton ; Abraham, b. Dec. 29, 1654 ; Sarah, b. Aug. 20, 1656 ; Mary, b. Mar. 25, 1658 ; Klisa- beth, b. July 11, 1660; Hannah, b. Oct. 14, 1662 ; Robert, b. Sept. 27, 1664. Ill. SUSANNAH. IV. FRANCIS, (supposed to be a son of Robert, although not mentioned in his will) at ‘‘ Portsmouth, N. H., 1661, where he is found on the grand jury, 1663 ; prob. rem. to N. J. soon after.” (Savage’s Geneal. Dict.) ; Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY d. about 1687 ; m. Mary and had ch.: (I). Francis, d Piscataway, will prob. April 27, 1733 ; m. Patience ; had ch.: 1. Martha ; 2. Rachel, m. 1733 Reune Runyon (son Vincent), b. 1711, d. 1776 ; had 6 children, b. fr. 1735-46 ; 3. Betty; 4. Francis ; 5. Benjamin; 6. James; %. Henry; 8. Joseph, Jr., m. 1 Catherine Cheeseman ; 2 Elisabeth Crow, 1754, Mar. 27. (Il). GzorGEz, d. Piscataway, will prob. Nov. 8, 1709; m. Mary Oliver of Elisabethtown ; had ch.: 1, ANDREW, m. Hannah Fitzrandolph (dau of Joseph); d. Piscataway, will prob. Dee. 2, 1743 ; hadch.: (1) Jeremiah, will prob. 1759, Piscat- away, names Andrew, Jeremiah, Hugh, Ruth and Martha ; (2) Edward, ae ints Piscataway to Washington Valley, and had Joseph, Jeremiah, Andrew, Mary, Catherine, Sarah ; (3) David, will, Piscataway, 1747, names w. Sarah and ch. Susannah, Sarah, Mary, and bros. Jeremiah and Fitzrandolph Drake ; (4) Joanna, m a Manning ; (5) Susannah, m. a Smalley ; (6) Mercy, m. [Ger- shom] Lee ; (7) Lydia ; (8) Sarah ; (9) Catherine. . JONATHAN, Davin. GEORGE. . ELISABETH. . SUSANNAH. Mary. . HANNAH. 9. DEBORAH. (III). Rev. Joun, d. 1739 (1740 2) pastor Baptist Church of Piscataway until his death, also civil magistrate ; m. 1 Rebecca Trottier, 1677 ; 2d and 8d wives unknown ; will prob. April 7, 1740, names Benjamin, Isaac, Abraham, Samuel, Hannah (and her sons, Samuel and Jonas, exec- utors), Sarah Fulson, Mary Davis, and grandchildren Abraham, John, Philip, Gershom 1. JOHN (perhaps of Piscataway, will prob. May 30, 1751, names w. Ann, bro.-in-law Jos. Fitzrandolph and cousin Joseph Drake Jr.) 2. FRANCIS. ' 3. SAMUEL. 4. JOSEPH, perhaps of Piscataway ; will prob. Feb. 7, 1758, names wife Sarah and children, (1) Ephraim ; (2) Reuben ; (8) Timeon; (4) Imlo (Imla #); (5) Joseph 5. BENJAMIN, perhaps of Hopewell, Hunterdon county ; tax list, Hope- well township, 1722, ‘‘Ben. Drack, 260 acres; will prob. Aug. 30, 1763, names wife Hannah and children, (1) REBEcca, (2) ZECHARIAH. (8) Hannan (4) WILLIAM. (5) Epmonp perh. of Hopewell ; will prob. June, 1767; exec. John and wife not named ; had ch., Nicholas, Catherine, Elisabeth ; he names in will ‘‘my bro’s Thomas, Nathan and Daniel.” (6) FRancrs (not in will of Benjamin); will, Hopewell, Feb. 7 and April 17, 1753, names bro’s Zechariah, Edmond and Daniel ; Caerowrwnr DRAKE 337 half-sister Hannah and bro.-in-law Richard Evans (Q THomas (called bro. in will of Edmond). (8) DANIEL (called bro. in will of Edmond and Francis). 6. ABRAHAM, perh. of Roxbury, whose will dated there 1759, was prob. Newton, N. J., May 6, 1763, names four children below ; in deed, 1761, Abraham and Deliverance sell 368 acres to Moses Tompkins, all of Roxbury and land also ; bought 54 acres from Proprietors, 25 April, 1751, what is now the mill property at Drakesville ; in 1819 this property, then belonging to Abraham and Jacob B. Drake, was sold by Sheriff to Abigail Young ; m. Deliverance and had ch : (1) ABRAHAM (deceased at time of father’s will, 1759); had two chil- dren mentioned in their grandfather’s will, viz : (a) ABRAHAM, b. 1730, April 23 ; d. Feb. 7, 1806 ; bur. at Succa- sunna ; will pr. Feb. 25, 1806 ; m. Anna Young (daughter of Morgan ?), April 17, 1763 ; had ch.: Jacos, “3d,” at first thought to be Jacob, who married Ellen and had child. bap. at Whippany, but this Jacob was married as early as 1757, and therefore could not be the son of Abraham and Anna; probably b. 30 April, 1772, d. 27 Nov., 1843, m. Anna, b. 12 Feb., 1775, d. 8 Jan., 1887, both buried at Succasunna ; W1LLIAM Y., m. Jane Cory ; rem., 1808, from Drakesville to Ohio and from there to Iinois ; had ch.: Elisabeth, d.at 5: Charlotte, m. Cyrus Longworthy in 1814; Lewis, d. at’2; David A., b. 1 July, 1799, d. 6 Aug., 1849, m. Elisabeth Ogden (dau. of John O. of New Brunswick), had Jane, John O., James P., Charles S. C., Mary Ann, David M. C,; Sarah, m. James Patterson ; Anna, m. Robert Mur- phy ; Morgan, died young; Catherine, m. Asa Gregg ; Rachel L., m. Amariah Watson; Mary, m. first, Elisha Wood ; second. A. Clark; William C., m. first, Lucy Wat- son ; second, Mrs. A. Longworthy ; Morean, b. Dec. 24, 1764 ; d. Nov, 3, 1806 ; will pr. Dec. 11 ; wife Sarah, no chil- dren ; ELIsaBETH, m. first, Abraham Slack ; second, an Easton, and lived in Peoria, Ill.; Cary. (b) Cou. Jacos, b. 21 April, 1782, at Piscataway; d. Sept., 1823, at 93 ; bot. 500 acres near Drakesville, 1789 ; m. first, Charity Young, b. 1744, d. 26 Oct., 1776, at 32 ; second, 13 Dec., 1781, Esther Dickerson (dau. Capt. Peter, and widow of George King) ; had one child by first wife and six by the second : (aa) RACHEL, m. 10 Oct., 1782, Samuel Howell (s. of. Chas. 4). (bb) CLaRissa, b. 23 Aug., 1783, d. 31 Mar., 1857, m. Ebenezer Woodruff. (cc) SrLas, b. 10 April, 1790 ; had 3 children and went West. (dd) The Hon. Gzorcz Kina, b. 16 Sept., 1788, d. May, 1837 ; Judge of the Supreme Court, N. J. (ee) Peter, b. 9 April, 1792. (ff) Eviza, b. 4 April, 1794, m. Jan., 1814, Dr. A. Woodruff. (c) HezEK1aH, owned land at Drakestown ; had ch.: (aa) Sivanus, b. 1760, d. 24 Nov., 1824, m. Elisabeth Hilts (dau. of Anthony), b. 5 May, 1773, d. 24 Nov., 1824 ; res. 338 Earty Germans or NEw JERSEY Drakestown, Washington twp., Morris Co., N. J.; had ch.; Anthony, b. 3 May, 1792, m. first, Margaret Corwin; second, Annie Waldorf (wid. of Ezra Cary) by whom 2 ch., Silvanus, b. 1819. and Nelson H., b. 1 July, 1823, who m. Mary C. Wing; John, m. Amanda Salmon (dau. of Stephen) ; Elisabeth, m. John Budd ; Hezekiah, m. Annie More ; Millie (Miriam), m. John B. Stephens. (vb) Aaron, b. 15 Jan., 1765, d. 1824, m. first, a Hilts ; second, Margaret Guitick, b. 18 July, 1783 ; had ch.: Hegeldiéch, m. first, Melinda Lake (dau. of Garret); second, s John, b. 17 Aug., 1805, m. a Thorpe; Clarissa, b. 24 July, 1803, m. Samuel Stephens (s. of Daniel); Eliza, b. 138 Oct., 1814, m. Wm. C. Hilts (s. of Samuel); Ebenezer Woodruff, b. 28 May, 1823, m. Margaret Lake (dau. of Jacob). (d) Stuas, ‘“SENrIoR” (Silvanus or Silvester), b. 1737, d. at Hope, Warren Co., 15 Sept., 1812 ; rem. to Hope from Drakestown, Morris Co., m. Mercy, b. 1742, d. 80 Jan., 1815; had ch.: Hezekiah, b. 1777, d. 1810, at 83; Miriam (or Millie), m Caleb Swazey of Hope ; a daughter, m. Jacob Swazey, and rem. to N. Y. State ; perhaps others. (e) JULIUS. (f) Mirtam, m. William Young. (2) NATHANIEL, freeholder, Roxbury twp., 1741; licensed tavern keeper, July, 1743; his will, 13 Jan., prob. 2 May, 1778, in Sussex Co., names w. Ann, and 4 ch.; the executors are Col. Jacob Drake, Jabesh Bell and John Besherer, all of Morris Co. ; had ch.: (a) NATHANIEL, his will, ‘‘ Hardwick, Sussex Co.” prob. 18 Feb., 1824, names brother John, sister Anne, Mary McClennen, John Drake, Jr., Nathaniel Drake, Jr., Samuel Drake, Alex- ander Drake, Sarah Penny, Margaret Drake, Anne Wilcox, and George B. Drake ; all prob. children of his brothers and sisters. (b) JosEpPH, b. 1761, d. 1813, m. first, Miss Desire ; second, Mrs. Susannah Ayres; had ch.: Nathomiel; John; Sarah, m. a Penny ; Martha; Alexander F.; Margaret, m. William Young ; Mark L.; George B., b. 28 Sept., 1812, m. first, Mary Ann Potts; second, Sarah A. Crissman. (c) SAMUEL. (d) JOHN. (3) Jacos, who signs call to minister for Succasunna church 1768 ; prob. had at least one son : (a) Jacos, m. Joan (Jane) Chambers, wid. of Moses Ayres (who d. 1750, Nov., and left five children): (aa) SIMEON, b. —-, m. Mary Terry, had Esther (brought up by J. I. Cooper) and Simeon. (6b) Pau, b. 17 Jan., 1761, prob. d. Sept., 1828, m. first, Mary Luce, d. 2 April, 1792, m. 18 Sept., 1781; second, Lydia: Hays, 7 Dec., 1792; had ch.: Miriam, b. 14 June, 1782, DRAKE 339 m. Burris Montanye ; Sarah, b. 1 Oct., 1783 ; Elisabeth, b, 28 Nov., 1784, m. Sylvester Larison ; Jacob, b. 28 May, 1786, m. —— Hann ; Nancy, b. 4 Aug., 1787, m. Gilbert Youngs ; Zephaniah L., b. 1 Feb., 1799, m. Mary M. Hart (dau. Capt. William); Paul B., b. 27 May, 1791, m. Hannah Runyon, had Sarah (m. Peter Bale), Fordham L. and Catherine ; Mary L., b. 20 Jan., 1792, m. Isaac Lyon. (cc) JEREMIAH. (dd) FRANCIS, (writes from Goshen to his bro. Paul, 1806), (ee) Jacos, JR., b. 10 Mar., 1763, d. 29 Mar., 1844, m. Phebe McCurry, b. 18 Oct., 1768, d, 1832; had ch.: Matcolm, b. 1 Aug., 1785, d. 17 Nov., 1792 ; Zephaniah, b. 3 Dec., 1788, d. 7 Nov., 1884, m. first, Ruth Faircloe dau. of Isaiah), b. 3 July, 1788, d. 8 June, 1825 ; second, Martha Halsey ; Jacob, b. 1791, d. 1792 ; John, b. 16 Aug., 1796, d. 31 Aug., 1854, m. Mary Emmons (dau. of Nicholas); no children. (ff) Jonn. (gg) ELIAs. (4) ExtsHa, signs, 1768, with Jacob, the call to minister for Succa- sunna and Chester Pres. Ch.; prob. had ch.:; Jacob, whose will “Roxbury,” May 27, prob. 2 June, 1777, names three brothers ; John, Daniel and Elisha. “%. SARAH. 8. Isaac, whose will, prob. Essex, 1759, names ch.: (1). Samuel ; (2). Isaac ; (8). Daniel ; (4). Nathaniel ; (6). Hannah, m. Geo. Lang. 9. REBECCA, perh. m. James Fitzrandolph (s. of Joseph, who was born 1656). 10. Jacos. 11, EBENEZER, prob. the one who bought land of John Boynton on Schooley’s Mountain near Drakestown, 16 June, 1757. 12. EPHRAIM, perhaps the one who bought the tavern lot at Pleasant Grove, Schooley’s Mountain in 1768. An Ephraim bought land near Newton, Sussex Co., 14 July, 1768; perhaps removed from Andover to Sandyston, after the Revolution, and had son Benja- min, and grandson John. DANIEL, perh. son of Jacoz, who was son of ABRAHAM of Roxbury ; his name is not included in names of the sons of the Ist JOHN of the other family of Mendham, but claimed to be of the samefamily. ‘Bought farm 250 acres near Mendham still in family”; m. Phebe Extell, 27 Dec., 1759 ; had ch.: I. ELISABETH, b. 8 April, 1761. II. DANIEL, b. 17 Nov., 1762, d. Aug. 1, 1834, m. Eunice Drake (dau. John), b. 2 Aug., 1769, d. 21 Sept., 1844; had ch.: (Il). Jounn, b. 21 May, 1790, d. 7? May, 1868, m. Miriam Hall (dau. of Rich- ard and Elisabeth Roy), 1826 ; had ch.: Sarah C., b. 1827 ; Aaron b. 1831, m. Emilia J. Caldwell ; Caroline, b. 1837. (II). AaRon, b. Mar 5, 1794, d. 1828 at 35, m. first, Mary Scudder (dau. —), 1816 ; second, Ann H. Harrison ; hadch.: Julia A., b. 1817; Julius A., b. 1828, m. A. Caldwell. I). Jutia Ann, b. 10 Dec., 1799, m. first, Rufus Sanders, 1821; second, 340 Earty Germans oF NEw JERSEY Abram Reynolds. (IV). Henry, b, 24 June, 1803, m. first, Sarah A. Sturgis ; second Phebe Cary. III. HENRY, b. 5 July, 1765. IV. PHEBE, b. 24 Jan., 1768. V. JEMIMA, b. 10 Jan., 1771. CHARLES, bought of Isaac Decou, 1779, 321 acres, including the Schooley’s Mt. Springs ; his will, June 6, prob. Aug. 8, 1791, names wife Sarah and ch.: I. RACHEL, m. David Pisher ; had ch.: (D. Joun, b. 4 July, 1788. (I). ZacHarias, b. 9 March, 1790. (III). Sarag, b. 29 Oct., 1791. (IV). ANNA, b. 29 Sept., 1794. (V). Maria, b. 19 Nov., 1796. II. WILLIAM, b. Sept. 22, 1756, d. Feb. 21, 1852, m. Agnes Johnson of New- ton, b. 1772, d. April 28, 1853 ; had ch.: (I). ABRAHAM, res. Drakesville and Stanhope, m. for second wife u Drake ; first and third unknown. (II). Hampton, m. Ellen Fisher. (III). Jos, res. Newton, N.J., m. third, Elisabeth Johnson ; first and second unknown, (IV). CHARLES, res. Walnut Grove, (V). JOHN, not married. (VI). Jamus, res. Schooley’s Mountain, b. 1796, m. Hester Wyckoff ; had ch.: (a). Eliza A., m. Simon V. Fisher (s. of George and Anna); (b). Elmira, m. John Anthony ; (c). Hampton, m. Caroline Groff (Will); (d). Joseph, m. Mary Cool (daughter of Will); (e). Mary, d. at 21; (f). James, m. Charlotte Drake (of Stanhope, dist. relat’n). III. MARGARET, m. Casper Hendershot. IV. ABIGAIT.. V. RUTH, m. Israel Swazey (s. of Israel). VI. ZECHARIAH, m. Mary. VII. MARY. VIII. SARAH. IX. CHARLES, removed to Pittston, Pa. X. BENJAMIN. IMLA, (prob. s. of Joseph, who was s. of Rev. John), b. May 1, 1751, d. Jan. 3, 1826 ; rem. from Hunterdon Co. to Warren, m. Temperance McPherson, b. Oct. 15, 1750, d. Jan. 18, 1826 ; had ch.: I. SAMUEL, b. Amwell twp., Hunterdon Co.. April 26, 1774, d. March 31, 1848, m. Catherine Hulshizer (dau. of John Martin), b Sept. 14, 1775, d. March 17, 1853 ; lived in Warren Co. near Asbury; had ch.: (1). ReBucca, b. Feb. 1, 1797, d. Dec. 2, 1865, m. first, an Osborn ; second a Stewart. (II). Marearet, b. Nov. 5, 1798, d. Dec. 2, 1865 [? 1881, July 21], m. Thos. Moffat. (III). Sarag, b. June 9, 1801, d. 1802. (IV). Jon, b. Dec. 19, 1803, d. April 28, 1873, m. Margaret Stewart. (V). Martin, b. May 19, 1806, d. May 2, 1887, m. Sophia M’Ginley. (VI). TEMPERANCE, b. Nov. 22, 1809, d. June 17, 1872, m. Luther C. Carter. moi DRAKE 341 (VI}). Mary, b. Aug. 22, 1812, d. Feb. 6, 1852, unmarried. (VIII). Samugzz §., b. Jan. 14, 1816, d. Aug. 18, 1867, m. Susan Vliet (dau. of Jesse). TX). WiLL1aM, b. June 22, 1818, m. Rachel M. Axford (dau. of Daniel). (X). Davip A , b. Mar. 9, 1821, d. 1878, m. Lucy Barr. II. DAVID, m. Sarah Henry. III. IMLA, m. Jane Kerr. IV. REBECCA, m. Joseph Drake. V. RACHEL, m. Abraham Pyles. VI. MARY, b. 1787, d. Sept. 21, 1794, at seven years and five months; buried at Quakertown, N. J. DRAKES OF MENDHAM. JOHN from Holland, m. Magdalena Brouwer, 1718 ; she was bap. 8 March, 1704, dau. of Jacob and Annetje Bogardus (dau. of William, son of Dominie Ever- ardus Bogardus and Anneka Jans); perhaps the same as the JOHANNES DRACK, who signs subscription, 29 April, 1715, towards building the Ref. Dutch church of Jamaica, L. I., and whose pew falls to the church in the year 1721, probably because he had moved away ; had ch.: I. JOSIAH. II. WILLIAM. . : III. JACOB, m. Helen ; Jacob and Helen ‘‘ renew covenant” at Whippany 6 Feb., 1757 ; have ch. bap. at Whippany : (ID. CORNELIUS, bap. 7 Feb., 1757. (I). STEPHEN, bap. 7 Feb., 1757. (III). Mary, bap. 7 Feb., 1757. (IV). Jemima, bap. 7 May, 1769. (V). Jacos, bap. 17 May, 1772 [b. 30 April, 1772, d. 27 Nov., 1848, m. Anna, b. 12 Feb., 1775, d. 8 Jan., 1887 ; both buried at Succasunna]? IV. JOHN (son of John and Magdalene Brower), b. 1733, d. at Mendnam, 28 Aug., 1784, at 51, m. Sarah Perry; his will prob. 16 Sept., 1784; had ch.: (1). Mary, b. 1757, d. 10 Feb., 1826, at 68. (ID. Saran, m. Ephraim Carnes. (II). Hannag, b. June, 1758, m. June, 1787, Nathaniel Wh ttaker. (IV). Eunice, b. 2 Aug., 1769, d. 1844, m. Daniel Drake (s. of Daniel and Phebe Extell). (V). Lypra. C(’]). Joun, died near Succasunna. (VI). ? EBENEZER, b. 17 Aug., 1757, m. Mary Wills (dau. of Samuel), b. 25 May, 1759, d. 30 July, 1850 ; had one son James W..m. Susan Doty. V. MARTHA. VI. SAMUEL, has dau. Martha, bap. at Whippany, 28 Dec., 1760. VII. PHEBE. VII. BENJAMIN. IX. ESTHER. xX. MARY. XI. ZEPHANIAH. XII. EVERARDUS, perh. the same as GERRERDUS (Gerard), who is plaintiff and defendant in two cases in Court of Common Pleas, Morris Co., July and Sept. 1754; m. 27 Feb., 1753, Sarah Beach, [Whippany records]. MISCELLANEOUS—DIRCK CLAESEN DRAECK has a son bap. in New York, 7 342 Earty Germans or New JERSEY Mareh, 1859. Joay, m. in New York, 25 Avril, 1716, Belietje Hill. Marriages on RucorD at TRENTON—Gershom Drake, of Middlesex, to Rachel’ Drake, 25 Aug., 1740. Isaac, of Essex, to Ruth Martin, 23 Feb., 1743. William, of Bucks Co., Pa., to Lydia Drake, 27 Jan., 1746. John to Mary Munde, 8 Mar., 1749. Joseph, of Middlesex, to Mary Davis, 9 May, 1749. Nathan, of Piscataway, to Ruth Drake, of Essex, 31 Aug., 1752. Joseph, Jr., of Middlesex, to Catherine Cheeseman, 8 Nov., 1752. Joseph Jr., of Middlesex, to Elisabeth Crow, 27 March, 1764. James, of Middlesex, to Mary Ross, 8 May, 1765 Benjamin, of Hunterdon, to Sarah Wood, 7 April, 1769. Nathan, of Hunterdon, to Tamar Jones, 21 May, 1770. William, of Salem, to Sarah Booth, 2 Nov., 1774. Hugh, of Salem, to Jane Chester, 1 Dec., 1775. Daniel, of Hunterdon, to Phebe Reeder, 8 July, 1777. John, of Hunterdon, to Charity Hunt, 20 Feb., 1779. Thomas, of Hunterdon, to Elisa- beth Reeder, 1 March, i785. DUFFORD. PHILIP DUFFORD, (Tofort, Tuffort, Duford, Dufford, Deforb); the name sug- gests a Huguenot origin, perhaps being originally Devoor, or DuFour. (See below for this family). Philip Tofort, Sr., and Philip Tofort, Jr., arrived at Phila., 11 Sept., 1738, in the ship Robert and Oliver, with the Neighbor, Weise, Terriberry and other German Valley families. Philip prob. leased what is now the Nathan Anthony property near Middle Valley, afterwards occupied by his son Jacob ; his will, dated 15 Feb., 1767, prob. 1 Feb., 1769, names w. Catrina, sons Adam and George, one dau., Mary Magdalena, and grandson, Jurry Stuffy [George Stephen], the latter being a son of Jacob ; prob. had ch.: I. JACOB, not mentioned in his father’s will ; but his son George Stephen is}. had ch.: (). Marruras, b. 1738, d. 1818, May 27; (will prob. ‘818, Jan. 5), m. Judith Trimmer, b. 1746, d. 1798, Oct. 18, at 52 years, 5 months, 18 days ; had ch.: * 1. JoHN, m. (1), 1791, Dec. 25, Ann Trimmer (dau. of Leonard), b. 1770, Dec. 22, d. 1804, Dec. 4, and (2), Margueretta Swackhamer (dau. of John Ist); had ch.. (1). Mary ; (2). James ; (8). Stephen ; (4). Theodore ; (5). John; (6). Annie; (7). Jacob, m. Jane; had one child, John, b. 1807, Oct. 12; (8). Matthias, b. 1808, Oct. 14. 2. JACOB, m. 1792, Jan. 10, Elisabeth Hager (dau. of David), b. 1778 ; had ch.: (1). Mary, b. 1795, Dec. 16, m. 1813, Jan. 21, John Derryberry (s. of Philip). < (2). Joun, b. 1797, m. (1), Sophia Dufford (dau. of Jacob, the s. of George Stephen); (2) Mrs, Elisabeth Hoffman (dau. of Henry H.); (3) Mrs. Julia A. Hoffman (dau. of Henry H.); had ch.: PHILIP, m. Mary Trimmer ; Jacos, m. (1) Eme line Trimmer ; (2) Mary Taylor (dau. of Thomas); MorRis, m. (1) Elisabeth Skinner ; (2) Mary Gulick (dau. of John William and Margaret Dufford); EL1IsaBETH, m. Joseph Rice ; Marrau, m. Nelson Trimmer (s. of Andrew); SARAH, died young ; SALLin, unmarried ; only child by second wife. (3). Davip, m. Mary Derose ; had ch.: Augustus, m. Margaret Thomas (dau. of John); Caroline,m.D. H. Wolfe ; Sophia, m. George Youngs (s. of Stephen); James, m. Mary Hann Durrorp 343 (dau. of Charles); George, unmarried ; Clara Woodruff, unmarried ; Jennie Meeker, unmarried. (4). WiiuraM, m. Harriet Woodruff ; res. at Newark ; had ch.: Theodore, m. Jane Meeker ; Mary, m. Thomas Harrison ; Clara, m. John Kessam. (5). Marruras, m. Maria Wise (dau. of Jacob II), whose second husband was Morris Naughright ; had ch.: Mary Hlisa- beth, m. Philip Seneca Wise. 3. ANN, m. (2d w.) Philip Kern (s. of Christopher). ° 4. Marta, m. Daniel Weyer, of Weyertown, Morris Co. 5, ELISABETH, m. Samuel Schampanore. MI). GrorGE STEPHEN, b. 1741, d. 1817, Jan. 23, will prob. 1817, Feb. 26, m, Ann Mary Trimmer (dau. of Matthias I), b. 1748, d. 1826, Jan. 5, at 83 years ; had ch.: 1. Jacos, m. 1793, Jan. 8, Maria Wise ; had ch.: (1). Joun, m. Elisabeth Best; res. near Flanders ; had ch.. James, m. a Drake ; Stephen, m. a dau. of Jacob Miller ; Alford ; Mary, m. a Conover ; Ann, unmarried. Q). Puruip, m. Clarissa Dickerson ; had ch.: Elisabeth, m. a Henry ; Mary, unmarried; Ellen, m. Philip Karn ; James O., d. in the war, unmarried ; Theodore, rem. to West and married ; George, m. Mary Cool (dau. of John); Henry, went West ; one died in infancy. (8). Wrutiam, m. Merilda Wise (dau. of Andrew and widow of Andrew Trimmer); had ch.: Eliphalet W., went West : William, m. Delia Hiller (dau. of Rev. Alfred); Elisabeth, m. L. Hager Trimmer (s. of Anthony); Eliza, m. Samuel Kotz. (4). Jacos, m. Catherine Vandervoort ;,had ch.; Ella, m. a Patterson ; William; Benjamin. ; (5). GEORGE, b. 1794, m. Elisabeth Neighbor (dau. of Leonard Ill), b. 1800. ‘‘Lived several years on Fox Hill, then returned to German Valley where he owned 550 acres of land;” had ch.: (a). Lronarn N., b. 1819, m. Jane Lance. (b). STEPHEN, b. 182?, d. —— (¢). WiiiaM G., b. 1824, m, (1) Caroline Welsh ; (2) Mary Ann Hoffman : had ch. (ist wife): Elisabeth, who m. Daniel Spangenberg (Washington, N. J.); (2d wife) George, Stephen, Marguerite Fritts (died young), Caroline, Hen- rietta, Mary, Jemima, Anna, Sarah, Alice, Minnie, Louisa. (2). LAWRENCE, b. 1826, m. Catherine Swackhamer (dau. of Fred.); one child. (e). ELisaH, b. 1828, nA. Susan Swackhamer. (f). Mary ELIsaBETH, b. 1834, m. Philip L. Welsh. (g). Henry P., m. (1) Sarah E. Wise ; (2) Laura Linnell. (h). Jamas, died young, 1832. (). GEORGE, b. 1837, m. Jane Heath. (j). JoBN, b. 1837, died young. “ 344 Earny GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY (k). SopHta, m. Jesse Smith. (). ANDREW P., b. 1842, m. Philhower. (m). ANN, b. 1844, m. John E. Wert. (n). CATHERINE, b. 1838, m. Jesse Smith. (6). ELIsaBETH, m. Joseph Karr. (7). Mary, b. 1800, Jan, 5, m. Jobn Naughright. (8). SopH1a, m. John Dufford (dau. of Jacob), s. of Matthias I. (9). MarGaReET, m. John W. Gulick (s. of John and Barbara). 2. ELISABETH, m. Jacob Kern (no children). 3. ANN, b. 1770, d. 1837, m. (1) John Neighbor (s. of Leonard IJ); had one dau. who m, Daniel Dilts 8rd, bro. of Joseph ; and (2) Joseph Dilts and had one child, died young. 4. SopHta, m. 1798, Dec. 25, Jobn Trimmer, had one girl. 5. MAGDALENE, m. Andrew Wack (s. of Casper). 6. CATHERINE, m. George Hartrum (s. of George 7). (III). Jacos, b. 1745, d. 1822, m. Elisabeth Swackhamer (dau. of Samuel), b. 1748, d. 1823, will prob. 1823, Dec. 2; no children. II. GEORGE, m. Catherine Elisabeth ; had a dau. Catherine, b. 1752, con- firmed ‘‘in the Valley,” 1772, at 19 years. III. ADAM, his name occurs 1758, Feb. 16, on Tewksbury twp. book. DU FOUR. Quite a number of Walloons and Huguenots took refuge in the Palatinate about 1650, from religious persecution in France and French Flanders. They resided for some time in Mannheim, the capital of the Palatinate of the Rhine, and at Franck- enthal, and from thence came to England and America. This was the case with the families of Louis du Bois, the founder of New Paltz [or the New Palatinate], N. Y., and of the Demarest, De Vaux, Hasbrouck, Le Febre and at least nine other families, who afterwards emigrated to this country. [Baird’s Huguenots, Vol. I, p. 188]. Some members of the Lucas and Laurent (Laurens or Lawrence) families came directly from La Rochelle, in France, to England, and from thence to America. Frantz Lucas and Johannes Lorentz, of the 2d Palatine Emigration, may have been originally from Rochelle, having gone from thence to the Palatinate. Isaac Feber (Le Fever), in the first Palatine emigration, was prob. a Walloon relative of the Simon Le Febre (Le Fever), who went from French Flanders to Mannheim and then by way of England to New Paltz. It is therefore not at all unlikely that the Tofforts (Dufforts, Duffords) were originally DuFours (De Voors or Du Fourts) and belonged to Mons in Hainault. DAVID DU FOUR [Du Fourt, DE Voor, Du Voor] of Mons in Hainault [a prov- ince in the N. E. part of France], came to this country in 1657 ; one of his sons settled in the vicinity of Readington, although there are now no representatives remaining in this part of New Jersey. David had children; I. JEAN, bap. in N. Y., 1655, prob. had ch.; (I). RacHEt, bap. 23 Feb., 1687. (II). ARL&NTJE, bap. 21 Nov., 1688, (III). JANNETJE, bap. 28 Feb., 1690. (IV). THEUNIS, bap. 12 Feb., 1696. II. JORIS [George], bap. 7 July, 1658. III. PETER, bap. 15 Oct., 1662. IV. ADRIAN, bap. 28 Jan., 1665. [V. DAVID (prob. also s. of David); had ch.: @. J Durrorp—EckeLt—EGE 345 ANNETJE, bap. 20 Jan., 1695. [VI. DANIEL (perh. also as. of David), perhaps settled on Raritan before 1720, when his name is found among members Dutch Church ; had ch.: (I). CORNELIS, bap. 26 July, 1696. : (II). MatrHEas, bap. (Somerville records) 22 Aug., 1716. ! (IIT). Henprick, whose will, ‘‘ Readington,” prob. 1766, names wife Cath- He ret OMAR TH arine, and ch.; . HENRY. . DANIEL, JOHN, JAMES. . ELISABETH. RacHEL. . CATHARINE. SaRaAg, Lea. ANN, . MARGARET. ECKEL. HEINRICH HAECKEL [Eck&1], came from Germany about 1750 ; settled at Hellertown, Pa.; had ch., at least (Hist. Hunt. and Som. Cos., p. 418): I. JOHN » m. in Pa., Mary Harpell; came to Alexandria twp., Hunterdon Co., about 1780; res. Mt. Pleasant, where his descendants now live ; had ch.: (I). HENRY ; had ch.: 1 6. 7% 8. 9. 2. 38. 4 5. . AARON. . JOHN. Eviza. . FANNY. . PETER, m. (1) Sarah Welch ; (2) Emma Rockafellar (dau. of David and Elisabeth); had ch., two by each wife: (1). Elisabeth ; (2). Ellen ; (8). Laura J.; (4). P. Judson. Mary ANN, . HenRY, m. Susan Case (dau. of Godfrey); had ch. who live in Frenchtown: (1). Lydia and (2) Levi SaMUEL. GEORGE. (iI). PHILIP, died young. (1D. JOHN. (IV). MARY. (V). HANNAH. EGE. Eat FAMILY OF PENNSYLVANIA. MICHAEL EGE, of Carlisle, Cumberland Co., Penn., was one of two brothers, the name of the other brother being GEORGE, whose father ‘came from Ger- many [or Holland #] to N. Y., and from there to Phila., where he died. His widow, after the death of her husband, rem. to the house of Mr. Stujels, who resided and owned iron works in Lancaster Co., Pa. George, the brother of 346 Earty Germans or New Jersey Michael, settled in Heidelberg twp., Berks Co., and built in 1798, the Reading furnace. He was prob. Judge of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania in 1793. - He had at least one daughter “lisabeth, he father of these two brothers was probably JOHN MICHAEL, who arrived in Philadelphia from Germany, 30 Sept., 1738, in ship ‘‘ Nancy and Friendship,” with BERNARD and JACOB Ege. On the 16 Oct., 1751, HANS GEORGE Ege arrived in ship ‘‘ Duke of Wirtemberg.” There isa tradition in the New Jersey family that they had relatives in Cumberland Co., Pa. ADAM and MARTIN, probably brothers, who vere the first of the name in New Jersoy were, therefore, probably sons by a first wife of the first John Michael ; and Michael and George, sons of the same by a second wife. For a Michael Ege, a widower, was married, 25 July, 1745, to Anna Catherine Holst. (Records of St. Michacl and St. John Luth, Church, Phila., Pa.) This is, of course, simply a probable conjecture. The children ef John Michael would not be named in the list of emigrants if under sixteen. Adam of New Jersey had a son (the eldest), born 1750, while the chil- dren of Michael of Carlisle, Pa., were prob. not born before 1780. Michael, 2d, bought in April, 1768, twelve-sixtenths of the Carlisle iron works, and shortly after became sole owner. ‘‘ He was one of the most prominent iron-masters of Pennsylvania.” Shortly before his death, which occurred 31 Aug., 1815, he owned the Carlisle works, the Pine Grove furnace, Holly furnace and Cumber- land furnace. Each of these consisted of iron works and two or three thousand acres of timber and farm land. Mr. Ege was born in Holland and emigrated with his brother George to Berks county, and was engaged in iron-making before he bought the Carlisle works. He built at the latter place a new metal furnace, a steel furnace and a rolling and slitting mill, probably just before the, Revolution. He also made blister steel and cannon balls for the Revolutionary army. The manse house (near the works) was built by Michel Ege in the year _1795, and is one of the handsomest houses in the county. In 1798 he built the \new dam ou Yellow-breeches Creek at Island Grove, and the race, which car- ries the water of that dam into Boiling Springs. Michael, 2d, left three sons and two daughters : I. PETER, inherited from his father the Pine Grove iron works. II. GHORGHE, inherited the Mt. Holly furnace abouc 6 miles from Carlisle ; had one son and two daughters : (). Micaarn M., has a son George F. and three others. (IY), CaARoLinE. (III). A daughter. II. MICHAEL, JR., inherited the Carlisle iron works ; married twice and had one child by the first wife and at least six by the second : (1). OLIvER, b. 1799, d. 9 Aug., 1889 ; had ch.: 1. Rev T. P. 2, ALSXANDER H., of Mechanicsburg, Pa. 3, Annis E.,m. Dr. S. Y. Thompson, of Danville, Pa. 4, Francis H., m. John E. Zug, of Washington, D. C. (II). AnpREw G. (IIT). Micrar.. (IV). CaaRLes. (V). Perae F., b. 23 Nov., 1818. d.1Jan., 1881, m, Eliza A. Johns ; had ch.: Mary Ann, b. 26 Aug., 1850, m. Henry C. Craig ; resided at Washington, D. C., has Albert Ege and Nettie Amanda ; Porter EcE 347 F.,b. 1 April, 1852. m. Hattie Estelle Hauptman, res. at Washing- ton, D. C., has Ada Austin and Philip Henry ; Elien, b. 11 Aug. 1853, m. George L Schuchman, res. Carlisle, Pa., has Mary E. and George ; Ann, b. 15 March, 1855, m. Fred. J. Papst, of New Ycrk, res, 809 E. 9th St., Kansas City, Mo., and has Frederick ; Adam Crouse, b. 24 May, 1858, d. 20 Sept., 1860; Ada, b. 30 June, 1860, m. Jacob P. Neibert, of Carlisle, Pa,, res. 407 Landis Court, Kansas City, Mo., and has Edith; Laura Emma, b. 17 June, 1862, m. Thomas McGuire, of 914 Ashland Ave., Baltimore, Md., and has Edward and Charles ; Hdward Stiles, b. 8 Sept., 1865, m. Agnes, and res. in Chicago ; Charles Nesbit, b. 21 Nov., 1869, m. Letitia, res. in Altoona, Pa., and has Robert. (VJ). Epwarp. (Vil. Henrimrta, m Hon. Frederick Watts and has son Edward Biddle Watts, a lawyer of Carlisle, Pa. IV. ELIZA, m. a Wilson, and inherited the Cumberland iron n works. V. MARY, m. 11 Jaa., 1816, William Chesnut Chambers (s. of Arthur and Ann, both of the name of Chambers); inherited the Cumberland farm property. EGE Famity or New JERSEY. ADAM EGE is thought to have come from Germany with two older brothers, at 183 years of age. He was most probably a brother of MicHarL and GEorGE of Pennsylvania ; he prob. had also a brother Martin, who was witness in 1757 to a deed from John Hobbs to Adam Ege for land in Hunterdon Co.,N J. Adam was brought up by John Hobbs, who probably came from Phila. to Amwell .twp., Hunterdon Co.; the Jatter being without children, left all his property to Adam Ege. He m. about 1748, Margaret Hunt (dau. of Thomas) ; had ch.: I. SAMUEL, b. 24 June, 1750, m. Annie Titus (dau. of John), b. 7 June, 1755; had ch. ; (I). Joun, b. 6 May, 1775, m. 1801, Mary Schenck (dau. of Ralph), of Amwell twp., Hunterdon Co.; had three children : 1. Raurg §., b. Oct., 1801. 2. ANNA, b. 1805. 3. ANDREW, b. 16 Feb., 18138, m. 16 Nov., 1836, Sarah A. Voorhees (dau. of ——); had ‘is eh. y 2 (1). RALPH, b. 23 Nov., 1837, m. 18 Oct., 1864, Mary Emma Skillman (dau. of Abraham), b. 20 ‘Nay 1844 ; had ch: Albert A., b. 30 Oct., 1865; Sarah, b. 18 June, ‘1868 ; An- drew Howard, b 6 June, 1870, d. 26 Oct., 1891; Ida S., b. 19 Feb., 1876 ; Mary N., b. 28 July, 1880. Mr. RaLpH EGE belongs to the firm of Ege and Dye, of Trenton, doing business in reai estate, insurance and loans. He has been arrul‘ng elder in the Presbyterian Church of Hopewell, N. J., for 30 years, and Superintendent of the Sunday School for 29 years. From this 8. 8. the church was organized twelve years ago. (2). Marian, b. 7 Dec., 1853. (IJ). Witui1ay, b. 18 Aug., 1776. (II]). SaRau, b. 18 Jan., 1:78. (IV). ANDREW, b. 17 Aug., 1779. 348 Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY (V). Grores, b. 7 Sept., 1781. (VI). Mary, b. 16 Aug., 1783. (VID. Anna, b. 31 July, 1785. (VIII). Titus, b. 8 June, 1787. (IX). Mawata, b. 16 Feb., 1794. (X). NaTHANIEL, b. 16 Nov., 1795. II. NATHANIEL, b. ——, d. ——, m. Jane Howell ; had ch.: (D. STEPHEN. (II). ADAM, (Il). Hannag. (IV). NATHANIEL, (V). JANE. Ill. HARRIET, b. , da , m. Uriel Titus (dau. of ); had ch.: Joseph Titus, Margaret Titus and Elisabeth Titus. IV. JACOB, b. , dd. , m. Elisabeth Hart (dau. of ——); had ch. (. Mary. (Il). ELisaBETH. (IID. Sarag. V. SARAH, b. ,d. ,»m. William McKinstry (s. of —~); had ch. William, Jane, Elisabeth and Margaret McKinstry. VI. ELISABETH, b. » de , m1. Andrew Hart (s. of ——); had ch.: Mary, Hannah, Adam, Asa, Abner, Sarah, Amos and Rebecca Hart. VII. GEORGE, b. , d. , m. first, Mary Quick, by whom six ch.; second, Mary Ashton, by whom seven ch.: (1) JosEPH. (I). SamuE.. (III). Saraw. (IV). BENJAMIN QUICK. (V). JACOB. (VI). ELISABETH. (VII). James Manison, first child by second wife. (VITl). Henry. (TX). Grores. , (X). Hannau. (XI). Lewis. (XII). AnpREew. (XII]). Raps. . MiscELLangous—JOuN JAcoB EGE, m. 12 Nov., 1758, Anna Margaret Kuemle (records St. Michael and Zion Church, Phila , Pa.) EICH. JACOB, naturalized 1730 ; will dated Lebanon, Hunterdon Co., August 14, prob. Nov. 3, 1755, names ch. : I. PETER, perhaps m. Elisabeth and had children, according to his will, prob. 1821: (). JULIANN. (IT) Mary. (III). WILLIAM. (IV). Mrs. HENRY JOHNSON ; and other daus. II. WILLIAM. EIcu 349 Til. JACOB, b. 1748, May 18, d. 1819, Dec. 8, m. Margaret, b. 1761, May 15, d. 1841, July 19 ; had ch.: (D. WiLL1aM, b. 1790, Feb. 22. (II). Jacos, b. 1792, Jan. 30. (IIT). Awwa, b. 1794, July 29. (IV). Eva, b. 1797, April 13. (V). JoHNn, b. 1799, June 9; perhaps d. 1887 at 87; m. Mary Henry, b. 1803, d. 1880 at 77. Iv. ANNA. V. JULIANNA. VI. MARY. URIE (GErorGE); on West Jersey Soc. P’'ds, 1735, m. Anna Eva, and had ch.: I. GEORGE, bap. Readington, 1731, Mar. 28. II. PETER (perh. s. of Urie), m. Elisabeth, and had ch.: (I). Eva, b. 1779, Sept. 25. (II). Jacos, b. 1781, Nov. 29. (III). PETER, b. 1791, Sept. 7. (IV). Hetena, b. 1794, June 8. (V). Marta, b. 1800, March 24. PHILIP, “Sen.” b. 1715, April 24, d. 1788, Oct. 24, m. Eva Christina Sharp, b. 1718, d. 1792, Feb. 12 at 79 ; his will, dated 1776, prob. 1791, May 11, names five chil- dren and refers to others : I. GEORGE. II. PAUL. TI. EVA. : IV. ANNA, m. Morris Alpaugh prob. of Upper German Valley. V. ELISABETH, m. John —. VI. WILLIAM, (perhaps s. of Philip), m. Catherine ; had ch. (order uncertain) : (). Morris, m. Hannah Bush (dau. of Ephraim); had ch.: 1. MarcarRet, b. 1800, m. Peter Souers. 2. WiLLIaM M., m. Mary Crater (dau. of Morris), b., 1805, July 9; had ch.: (1). Morris, m. Charity Philhower (dau. of Peter) ; lived at Cokesbury ; (2). Catherine M., m. George W. Bunn (s. Jacob) ; lived at Parker, Morris Co.; (8). John, died young ; (4). Philip, died young ; (5). Hannah, m. Richard Hellebrant (s. of Jacob); at Bartley, Morris Co.; (6). David, died young ; (7). George, died young ; (8). William, m. Rebecca Smith (dau. of John); at Mt. Salem, Hunterdon Co.; (9). Mary Ann, m. Isaac Hoffman 6. of Jacob). 3. Peter, m. Mary Ann Eick (dau. of John); had ch.: (1). John, unmarried ; (2). Mariah, m. first, George Drake ; second, Cor- nelius Byram ; (3). Harvey, m. Eliza Ann Yawger ; (4). Cath- erine, and (5), Margaret, unmarried ; (6). Isaac, went West ; (7). Philip G.,m. Mary Elisabeth Sutton (dau. of George B.); (8). Jennie, m. Peter D. Sutphen. 4, EpHraim, m. Anna Rowe (dau. of Jacob); res. at Flemington. (II). GzorGex, m. Polly Tiger. (01). WiILLiam. (IV). CATHERINE, m. James Beatity. (V). Annie, b. 1770, April 28. 350 Harty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY (VI). EvIsaBETH, b. 1772, Aug, 23. (VII). Erriz, b. 1777, Sept. 23. VII. PHILIP, (prob. s. of Philip), m. Lena, b. 1754, Mar. 24, d. 1798, Nov. I< had ch.: (I). Eva, b. 1772, Oct. 22. (II). Joun, m. Mary Wyckoff (dau. of John, prob. b. 1747, July 19, d. 1806, Aug. 2; and his wife Alice, b. 1746, Sept. 1, d. 1814, May 1), will dated, Franklin twp., Somerset Co., 1824, Jan. 5, prob. 1827, Feb. 9, names father-in-law, John Wyckoff, and the four eldest children: 1. Louisa F. 2. WitLraM G., b. 1811, d. 1847, April 15, m first, , b. 1808, June 5, d. 1839, Nov. 5 ; second, Mary, b. 1815, May 17,.d. 1842, Sept. 22. 8. Mary ANN, m. Peter Hick (s. of Morris). 4. Paitie L. =e (IIT). GARRET. VIII. CASPER (perh. s. of Philip), m. Ebigin ; will prob. 1812, Jan. 25, names ch. ; (1). ELIsaBETH, perh. b. 1769, Oct. 20, m. Jacob Walters. (Ii). ELEnor, b. 1754, Nov. 24, d. 1835, Aug. 21, m. Ezekiel Ayres (s. of Ezekiel). (II). Eva, m. William Headen. MISCELLANEOUS —HENDRICK Eyck arrives at New York in ship Bontakoe (Spotted Cow), April, 1660, He may be the ancestor of the above family. EMMONS. ANDRIES supposed to be the first of the name in this country ; is inhabitant of Gravesend, L. I., 1661 ; prob. had ch.: I. HENDRICK ; res. at Six Mile Run, Somerset Co., N. J., 1708. Il. ABRAHAM ; res. in Monmouth Co., 1716. IiI. JOHN; res. Gravesend, 1683 ; prob. had son : (I). Joun, of New Brunswick, 1717 ; prob. m Rachel and had son : 1. NicHouas, bap. Readington, 3 Dec., 1721. IV. BENJAMIN, of Six Mile Run in 1717; on tax list, 1738, of Franklin twp., Somerset Co. NICHOLAS, voter of Readington, 1738, m. Ceitzen and had ch. bap. at Readington: I. REBECCA, bap. 16 May, 1725. II. ABRAHAM, bap, 3 Sept., 1727; perh. m. Margrietje Schenck, and had ch. bap. at Readington : (I). NEELTJE, bap. 8 April, 1751. (II). NicHouas, bap. 1 Oct., 1752. (II). Anne, bap. 10 Oct., 1754. (IV). SaarRrseE, bap. 15 Aug., 1756. III. NEELTJE, bap. 18 May, 1732. JAN (Joun), (perh. a bro. of Nicholas),m. Theuntje and had ch. bap. at Readington: I. JAN, bap. 31 Jan., 1781. Il. ANNA, bap. 7 Jan., 1733. IfI. JACOBUS, bap. 26 Oct., 1785. IV. SARA, bap. 4 June, 1741. V. ABRAHAM, bap. 29 Jan., 1743. VI. JACOB, bap. 23 March 1746. NICHOLAS [perhaps the son of Abraham and Margrietje, and b. 1 Oct., 1752], m. ‘ Emmons—EnGELL—EorrF 351 ‘Fanny ; owned large tract of land at Hacklebarney, Chester twp., Morris Co. ; chad ch.: I. ISAAC, m. —— Shangle ; rem. to the ‘“‘ Lake Country,” N. Y. II. ELIZA, m. Samuel J. Vliet. ill. MARGARET, m. Joseph Wortman. IV. SALLIE, m. Nicholas Corwin. V. KATIE, m. Nathaniel Skinner. J VI. HARRIET, m. in Warren Co. VII. JEREMIAH, m Sallie ; res. at Mendham. VIil. JOHN. IX. ABRAHAM, m. Hannah Durling (Dorland), dau. of Peter. MiscELLANEOUS—NICHOLAS, of Walpack ; his will, May 18, prob. June 18, 1791, names wife Catrene and ch.: John, Alexander, Sarah, Catrena, Elisabeth, Lena, Daniel. ABRAHAM, m. Marregrieta and had ch., bap. at Readington, 5 April, 1759, Catrena. ANDRIES, m. Saartje [Sarah] Van Duyne and had ch. bap. at Readington, Anna, bap. 16 Sept., 1753 ; Cathrya, bap. 22 Feb., 1756. ENGELL. JOHANNES ENGEL, [or Awa@st], b. 1679; came to New Amsterdam in the “Second Emigration,” 1710, by the help of Queen Anne ; prob. had ch. at least: I. JOHN JACOB, naturalized by act of Assembly, July, 1730, m. Elisabeth ; had ch. at least : ; (I). Jonn, b. 29 Aug., 1731, bap. at ‘‘Raghaway [Rockaway], on the Raritans,” by Lutheran Minister of N. Y., 12 Sept., 1731, at 14 days old. II. WILLIAM, prob. bro. of John Jacob, naturalized by act of Assembly, duly, 1730. EOFF. JACOB EOF? Sen., perh. a son of the widow, Magdalena Off, of the 2d Emigra- tion, 1710; in N. Y. 1710 at age 32; bought 4382 acres, including the site of Pluckamin, from the Johnstone, 1742, built and kept an inn, ‘‘afterwards kept by his maiden sister, SARAH, then by Jacob’s son Christian”; signs with JACOB JR., subscription to Pluckamin Luth. Ch., 1756: also signs Articles of Faith of Luth. Ch. of New Germantown, 13 May, 1767 ; his will, ‘‘Somerset Co.” 12 Aug., 1772, prob. 10 Sept., 1780, names wife Mary and ch.: I. JOHN, dec. at date of father’s will who names his two small ch.. (1). JACOB. (iI). JoHn. II. PETER, ‘innholder;” prob. m. Elisabeth and gave mortgage 3 June, 1767, to Bryan Lefferty on house in which Peter lived. III. GARRET. IV. JACOB, bap. (Somerville records), 19 Jan., 1728. V. ABRAHAM, bap. (Som. records), 25 Oct., 1780. VI. ROBERT, bap. (Som. records), 24 May, 1741 ; his will dated Somerset Co., 1818, prob. 1814, names wife Rachel, but no children. VII. CORNELIS, bap. (Som. records), 18 Dec., 1743. VIII. CHRISTIAN, kept inn at Pluckamin. IX. MARY MAGDALEN, ‘called Lentey.” X. MARY. XI. CATHERINE. 352 Earty Germans or New Jersey FAIRCLOE. THOMAS, b. 1720, d. 1794 at 74; bought large amount of land in Chester twp., Morris Co., including the site of Chester Village ; came originally from border between France and Germany ; no other family of the name has been met with; married first, Elisabeth Trimmer (dau. of Anthony, 1st, who first owned the present Hager farm in German Valley and d. 1754), b. 1723, d. 1781 at 58 ; appointed guardian, 1 Nov., 1770, of Anthony Trimmer, the son of Anthony ; m. second, a Morehouse. of Hanover twp.; had ch.: I ISAIAH, m. first, Mehitable Swayze (dau. of Caleb); second, Meritie King ; third, Sophia Hugg ; had 21 ch., 11 by 1st w., 2 by 2d, and 7 by 3d: (I). ELIsaBETH, b. 1790, m. Dr. Beavers, of Warren Co. | (II). Ruts, b. 1792, m. Zephaniah Drake (s. Jacob and Phebe McCurry). (II). MeniraBxe, b. 1794, m. first, Stephen Brown, of New York ; second, Israel Lum, storekeeper in Chester. (IV). Lypra, b. 1796, m a Swazy of upper New York State, and rem. to Indiana. (V). THomas, b. 1798, m. Temperance Emmons (dau. of Abraham) rem. to Illinois ; had ch. at least: 1. Ann ; 2. Mehitabdle ; 3. Isaiah; 4. Elisabeth, and others. ; (VI). CaLus: b. 10 July, 1800, d.4 March, 1886. m. Elisabeth Overton (dau. of Rev. Stephen) ; had ch.: 1. Theodore Stephen, died young ; 2. Sarah Louise, died young ; 3. Paul Trimmer, died young; 4. Charles Marshall, res. at Newark, unm. ;5. Catherine Matilda, m. Augustus Cutler (s. of Silas); 6. Sarah, m. Samuel Thomson Bray, of Clinton ; now res. at Newark. (VII). Isa1aq, b. 1802, m. twice in Indiana. (VIII). Mary Ann, b. 1804, m. first, Robert Lindsley, of Morristown ; second, William Lindsley, of the same place. (TX). PauL Trimmer, b. 1806, m. first, Martha Axford, of Warren Co.; second, the Widow Brown, of Belvidere ; had one dau., who died. (X). Bensamin, born 1808, died young. (XI). Infant, who died. (XII). THEODORE WILSON, by second wife. (XIII). Infant, who died. ; (XTV). CHARLES, first child by third wife. (XV). Meuissa. 3 (XVI). Harriet. (XVID). CAROLINE. (XVIII) and (XIX). Gzores, one of twins, the other of whom died. (XX) and (XX]). died in infancy. Ii. ELISABETH (2), married Rev. Lemuel Fordham. III. JOHANNA, m. Caleb Dickerson (s. of Philemon and Johanna Swazey). IV. MEHITABEL. V. A daughter, who married an Esta. FARLEY. The name FARLEY or FAERLY first occurs in New J. ersey in the history of the Presbyterian Church of Ewing or Trenton. In1709, March 6, Alexander Lock- hart gave a deed for a burial place and the site of a church to trustees, among Farley 353 whom were GEORGE and CALEB FARLEY. These names next occur on the records of the First Reformed Dutch Church of Somerville, N. J. From these records it would appear that George and Caleb were children of CALEB. As the majority of the settlers of Ewing came from Long Island and New Eng- land, it may be that this family also came from Massachusetts and were supposed to be of German origin, only because they married into families of German descent. GEORGE FARLEY (or Faro), of Woburn, Mass., married jirst, 9 April, 164), Christian Births, who prob. died soon after ; he was a petitioner with many others, in 1655, for religious liberty ; removed to Billerica before 1655, m. sec- ond, 9 Feb., 1643, Beatrice ; had children: James, b. 23 Nov., 1643; Caleb, b. 1 April, 1645; Mary, b. 27 Feb., 1647. CALEB, 1st, prob. 2d son of GEORGE, of Billerica ; res. at Billerica, Mass.; had at least two children: EBENEZER. b. 8 April, 1674 and GxorcE, b. 80 July, 1677, both of whom are born at Woburn. He rem. with part of his family tu Rox- bury, Mass., where he died 16 March, 1712. His wife, Lydia, died 19 Nov., 1715. [CALEB, 2d (® prob. s. of Caleb, 1st, and father of GzoRGE and CALEB, on Som- erville records]. GEORGE, perh. s. of Caleb 2d, m. Femmitie and had at least one child, KELP [CALEB], bap. 4 April, 1719. CALEB, 3d, prob. the 2d s. of Caleb 2d, m. Margrietje ; had ch.: CALEPH [CALEB], m. Febe [Phebe] and had at least, Margrieta, bap. 2 Nov,, 1738 ; Willem, bap. 6 Sept., 1743 ; Vebe [Phebe], bap. 28 April, 1754 ; MEINDERT. MEINDERT (prob. s. of CALEB, 3D), bap. 17 Sept., 1720 (Somerville records) ; m. Barbara Van Dieren, a woman of notable piety who died in the year 1808. . His will (Trenton, Liber 30, fol. 289), dated 1 March, prob. 6 April, 1790, names w. Barbara and five children: Caleb, John, Isaac, Joshua and Mary. He bought 200 acres where Oliver Farley lives in Tewkesbury twp., Hunterdon Co., N. J., then moved to Lamington on the old Todd place. I. CALEB, m. Gertrude, and had at least one child, Elisabeth, b. 25 March, 1788. He lived in Northumberland Co., Pa., and Nov. 11, 1809, appoints Jobn Farley, his attorney. II. JOHN, m. 13 Feb. 1776, first, Mary Klein (dau. of Jacob), b. 15 Feb., 1763; second, a Sunderland ; third, Elisabeth Heaton (dau. of Jabesh), d. 1847. He lived at Flanders, N. J., until his children were all born, then moved to Mountainsville, and afterwards returned to Flanders ; died in Penn. while making arrangements to move his family thither and it was a long time before his wife knew of his death ; bad nine children, four by his first wife and five by his third : (I). Jacos, b. 30 March, 1777. (II). BarBaRA, b. 13 Feb., 1779. (II). Mzinnarp, b. 26 March, 1781. (IV). AaRon, b. 3 Sept., 1789. ; (V). AnpREW A., b. 1804, m. Jane Bale ; had six girls and six boys. (VI). SamuEL Sunderland, b. 1804, twin brother of Andrew A.; unm. (VII). Exurza, b. 1808; unm. (VII). Sarau A., b. 1811, m. Geo. P. Rose ; had eleven children. (IX). HaRRrEt, b. 1813, m. George Stover ; had three children. III. ISAAC, lived near New Germantown, N. J.: died about 1814, m. Anna Melick (dau. of Tunis and Eleanor Van Horn), 2 Dec., 1779 ; she died about 1831 ; had children (order uncertain): 354 Earity GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY (I). ANTHONY, b. 7 Sept., 1780, d. 8 April, 1846, m. Elisabeth Sutton (dau. of Richard of Tewkesbury twp); their ten children : 1, RicHarp §., b. 1802, d. 1881, m. Margaret (dau. of Herbert Apgar); had ten children. . Isaac, died unmarried. Eiza, m. Samuel Crooks and had two children. Mercy, m. first, a Johnson ; second, John Ryan. Mary ANN, had three husbands. . ALTHEA, m. John Force, of Rochester, N. Y. ELLEN, res. Philadelphia, m. James Buist, and has four children. . Frances, m. William Benjamin. . ANTHONY, res. Scotch Plains, N. J., m. first, Harriet Lyons ; second, Mary Roll. 10. MarGcaRret, res. Plainfield, N. J., m. first, John Meeker ; second, Charles Coultier. (Story of An Old Farm, p. 688). (ID. Mrnarp, b. in 1782, d. in 1843, m. Mary Frazer, b. in 1783, d. in 1849, rem. 1828 to New York State, and four years later rem. to South Lyons, Washtenaw Co., Michigan, where he died ; had 9 children : . Isaac, b. 1803, died in Infancy. . DAVID, b. 1805, d. 1888, 1. Rosina Blacenas, and had 4 children. . WiuuiaM, of Albion, Michigan, b. 1807, d. 1872, m. Sally Ann Ostrom, and had 4 children. . SaRag F., b. 1809, d. 1852, m. Lemuelle Droelle, and had 2 daus. . ISABEL, b. 1812, m. Eli Smith, res. Salem, Michigan, has 2 ch. . ELEANOR, b, 1814, d. 1882, unmarried. . ARCHIBALD, b, 1816 (dec.). . ANTHONY M., b. 19 May, 1817, d. 1882, m. Rosina Packard, and had three sons. 9. Mannine F., b. 1820. (III). WiLL1Am, dec., m. first, a Penn. Quakeress, by whom one son Wil- liam, a Phila. physician; m. second, Anne Garretson of New Germantown, N. J., by whom several children. (IV). BARBARA, m. Minard Pickle, of White House, N. J., dec.; rem. to Ohio, thence to Indiana. (V). MarGaret W., b. 27 Dec., 1792, d/ 17 Nov., 1860, m. Joseph Stevens, b. 1792, d. 1864; had ten children. (VI). CATHERINE, m. Jacob Hoffman, of Lebanon, had, 1. Angeline Hoff- man, b. 1825, d. 1847, m. Will 8. Burrell, no children ; 2. Hannah Hoffman, m. Stephen Jorolamen, of Somerville, had four children. (VII). ELEaNoR, m. Aaron Smock, and rem. to Ohio. (VIII). Exiza, b. 1800, m, Robert Blair, had three children: 1. William Blair ; 2. Lydia Blair ; 3. Ellen Blair , res. Chicago, Ill., m. Mar- tin Fie lanel and has these children. (IX). Mary Ann, b. 1802, d. 1887, m. first, Jacob Apgar, b. 1802, d. 1850, by whom four children ; second, Charles Woolverton, of Tewkesbury twp., Hunterdon Co., N. J. (X). CHARLES, died in youth. (XI). Anna, died in youth. IV. MINDURT, m. first, Mary Catherine (‘‘Treenie”) Melick (dau. Tunis and Eleanor Van Horn), b. 15 Feb., 1763, d. 18 March, 1832, had 3 children ; wo OM AMM pw wnre DADE FaRLey 355 second, Esther M. by whom no children. Had children: (D. Banuewd, b, 22 Dec., 1783, d. 17 Dec., 1451, m. Archibald Kennedy, 1 2. b. 1787, d. 1857, thet two children : Mary KENNEDY, b. 1806, d. 1833, m. Daniel K. Reading, of Flem- ington, N. J., had one son dec. CaTHERINE KENNEDY, b. 1813, d. 18388, m. Rev. George F. Brown, of N. J. M. E! Conference, and had one son dec. (i). AnrHony M., b. 1789, d. 1851, m. first, Keturah McCullough (dau. of 1 2. 3. 4 5 6. %. Col. William of Asbury, N. J.) by whom five children ; second, Sarah E. (dau. of Judge Miller, of Ithaca, N. Y.) by whom 4 ch.: . WiLL14M M., died in infancy. . CATHERINE, died in infancy. Minaprp, res. N. Y. City, unmarried. . WILLIAM, res. New Germantown, N. J., unmarried. . ELISABETH, res. Pelhamville, N. J., m. George M. Galliard, and has three children. Sarau H., m. Lyman Crego. MarGaRet E., m. Faith Williams. 8 and 9. Two Sons, died young. (Il). Francis Aspury, M. D., b. 17 April, 1807, d. 18 Sept., 1880, m. 19 Jan., 1873 (at the age of 65), Calvina faece 14) dau. of Christopher H. Haperan, of Pottersville, N. J.; no children. V. MARGARET, m. 3 Feb., 1782, Abraham Pickel. VI. JOSHUA, b. 1769, d. 29 Dec., 1850 at the age of 81 years, 2 months and 9 days, m. Hannah Sutton (dau. of Aaron), b. 16 Feb., 1775, d. 17 Dec., 1822, at the age of 47 years, 10 months and 1 day ; had children : (1). Aaron §., b. 1795, July 8, d. 9 Feb., 1825, (TI). Muypurt, m. Providence Abel (dau. of Jacob and Charity Pickel) ; ve (II). canto had ch.; . Mary, m. first, Will Jobnson.; second, Simon Fisher. . JOSHUA, m. Rachel Philhower (dau. of Aaron), the parents of Mrs. Henry Todd, of German Valley, N. J. . HuLDas, m. Elijah Swarts, of Iinois. . CHARLOTTE, m. George Hoffman (6s. of Peter F.). . GEORGE, m. Mary Ann Hick (dau. Jacob and Elisabeth Alpaugh). Harry, of Philadelphia, unmarried. . Hannag, m. John M. Apgar (s. of Herbert). AARON, m. Huldah Apgar (dau. of Matthias,'s. of Jacob). LIVER W., b. Nov. 10, 1818, d. 26 Nov., 1890, m. 1, Anna Apgar (dau. of Nicholas) ; 24 ——; had children by first wife : Hawnwau, m. Henry F. Apgar (6. of William); res. Flemington. . JEMIMA D., m. William C. Apgar (s. of William C.). AaRon, m. Anna Rockefellow. . JOSEPH C., the widely known merchant of Mountainville, who is also a most skillful auctioneer, and frequently called upon to set- tle up estates, m. Catherine A. Apgar (dau. of David F.). . FRANCES ANN, d. at 11; and, 6, Mary L., d. at 3. . OLIVER AMANDUS, m. Angeline Potter (dau. of Jacob M.). . Francis A., m. Marietta Crater (dau. of Jacob K.). . WILLIAM A.,m Emma Waldron (dau. of Henry). 356 Earty Germans or NEw JERSEY (IV). Muncy, b. 1799, d. 1847 at 48 years of age, m. Charles Woolverton. (V). EvisaBEeTH, m. William Woolverton. (VI). Hannan, m. David Ulp. (VII). Huipaw, m. Samuel I. Houseworth. (VIII). Mary, m. John Woolverton. (IX). CHARLOTTE, m. Jesse Reed. (X). BaRBaRA, m. Richard Woolverton. All the preceding six daughters of Joshua removed to Pennsylvania. (XI). Marquise DE LAFAYETTE, m. Jane McCatherine. (XI). Isaac N., m. Catherine Swazey. (XIII). Turopore F., m. twice, the first time a Wean. (XIV). EMALINE, m. a Hagamen. (XV). Evstz Jane, m. a Harzel. (XVI). Harriet, m. Silas Hockenburry (s. of Joseph). (XVID). Lypra, m. James Brown (s. of John). VII. MARY, m Conrad Apgar (‘‘Tanner Coon,” s. of John Adam, 1st); she died Feb., 1808. FARROW. JOHN FARROW, of Hingham, Mass., came from Hingham, Eng., in 1635, with wife, Francis, and one child, May [? d. 7 July, 1687], had ch.: 1. Mary, m. first, 25 Oct., 1649 (%, Stowell ; second, 10 April, 1689, Joshua Beal ; 2. John, b. 6 June, 1639; 8. Remember, bap. Aug., 1642, m. 1 Feb., 1660, Henry Ward ; 4. Hannah, b. 9 April, 1648, m. 6 June, 1674, Nathaniel Folsom ; 5. Nathan, b. 17 Sept., 1654. JOHN, 2d (s. of John), b. 6 June, 1639, m. first, Hilliard; second, 16 Nov., 1691, —; had ch.: 1. Mary, b. 25 Oct., 1665; 2. Hannah, b. 8 Dec., 1667; 3. Abigail, b. 27 Jan., 1670; 4. John, b. 8 Dec., 1672 ; 5. Esther, b. 28 June, 1675 ; 6. William, b. 17 Nov., 1677; 7. Priscilla, b. 1679 ; 8. Remember, b. 3 Feb., 1682 ; 9. Sarah, b. 29 Aug., 1685. NATHAN, (bro. of John, 2d), b. 17 Sept., 1657; m. first, Mary Garnett, d. 27 Feb., 1710 ; second, Joanna May (dau. of Samuel and widow of Francis Gardner, and afterwards of Thomas Whiton), d. 18 Oct., 1715; had ch.: 1. Francis, b. 16 Dec., 1684 ; 2. Christsan, b. 18 Oct., 1686; 3. Jonathan, b. 20 June, 1689; 4. Benjamin, b. 1692 ; 5. Nathan, b. 29 April, 1695. GEORGE, of Ipswich, Mass., in 1637, m. 16 Feb., 1644, Ann Whitmore (prob. dau. of John); had ch.: 1. Mary, b. 6 Jan.. 1645 ; 2. Martha, b. 25 Feb., 1647 ; 3. George, b. 9 May, 1653. WILLIAM FARROW (perhaps « grandson of one of the last generation of the preceding), of twp. Egg Harbor, Burlington Co., N. J., in his will, dated 7 May, 1788, prob. 9 Sept. 1795, names w., Margaret, and children : I. SARAH, m. Moses Robins. II. MARTHA, m. Solomon Leeds. III. ANN, unmarried. IV. MARGARET, unmarried. [‘‘ Capt.”7] JAMES FARRAR (perhaps a nephew of William), owned a lot in Flem- ington as early as 1775 ; m. Margaret, and had his first child, Delia, bap. by the Episcopal Minister of Bethlehem twp. 17 May, 1772. Farrar is probably the same as Farrow. Some members of this family removed with the Swayzys “HLIKS ‘M F9dORS “ADU ‘aK ‘moduva IAgT Me Farrow 387 and others to Western Florida (now Mississippi) in 1772, and others removed to Shamokin, Penn MOSES FARROW (a grandson of Capt. Jamzs Farrow), b. Bethlehem, N. J., engaged in his early days in a drug store in New York ; rem. to Bethlehem, Hunterdon Co., N. J., whe'e he spent the balance of his life in the drug busi- ness, being also a manufactuer of medicines ; b. 9 March, 1809, d. 1 Aug., 1891, aged 82 yrs., 4 mos. and 22 days; m. first, 15 Nov. 1834. Caroline Smith (dau. of Joseph Smith and Ann Elisabeth Andres), b. 16 Nov , 1818, d. 7 Sept., 1850, aged 31 yrs., 9 mos. and 21 days; second, 12 Aug. 1852, Rebecca Bass (born a Smith, half sister of his first wife, and widow of Charles Bass), b. 22 Dec., 18 25, d. 15 Dec., 1873, aged 67 yrs., 11 mos, and 24 days. Dr. Moses Farrow’s mother, Catherine, was b. 3 Sept., 1785, d. I Jan., 1886. M. Farrow had ch.: I. II. Il. IV. Vv. VI. ANN ELISABETH, b. 8 Jan., 1836, d. 23 April, 1852, aged 16 years. WILLIAM BURGER, a farmer, res. at West Portal, N. J., b. 22 Sept., 1837, m. Elisabeth Williamson ; has one child, a daughter. CLARKSON, w druggist, res. at, West Portal. N. J., b. 24 April, 1839, m. Alice Housel. ‘ CATHERINE, b. 20, Nov. 1840, m. 8 Dec., 1860, T. B. Lake, resides at Belvidere, N. J. SARAH JANE, b. 25 Sept. 1842, d. 15 June, 1857, aged 14 years. LEVI, M. D., read medicine with Dr. John Blane at Perryville, N. J.; graduated from the Medical department of Columbia College, March, 1865 ; practised one year with Dr. John Blane; began practice 5 Feb., 1866, at Middle Valley, Morris Co., N. J., where he now resides. He isa member of the Morris County Medical Society ; has been its secretary since 1886, and its president since 1891. Dr. Farrow began his work in this vicinity at an early period of his life (at 22), with his youth and youthful appearance against him, but rapidly grew into the confidence and esteem of the communitr. At the very beginning of his course he took a very active interest in the work of the Presbyterian Church of German Valley. Notwithstanding the claims of a growing practice, he has always been one of the most regular attendants upon Church service, sometimes beginning his visits upon the sick at 6 o’clock on Sabbath morning, in order to.have time for attendance at morning service. He was elected and ordained a ruling elder of the above church 26 May, 1872, and has been ever since most active and influential in that im- portant position. His marked characteristics as u physician are faith- fulness, promptitude, cheerfulness and honesty ; and in other relation- ships, his enterprise, generosity, sound judgment and energy are in continual demand, and have helped to make successful more than one movement of public advancement and reform. Dr. Farrow was born 25 April, 1844, m. 20 Oct., 1869, Alice Trimmer (dau. of Anthony and Mary), b. 1850, d. 10 Jan., 1892; hadch.: Joseph Rusling Smith Farrow, M. D.,‘b. 2 Oct., 1870 ; graduated from the Long Island College Hospital 1892; res. at German Valley, where he is practising his profession ; Frank Pierce Farrow, D.D. S., b. 1 April, 1872; graduated from the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, 1893, and is now engaged in his profession at Washington, Warren Co., N. J.; John Wesley Farrow, b. 27 Oct., 1873, d. 15 Nov., 1874, aged 1 yr. and 18 days: Luella Weise Farrow, b. 9 Sept., 1875; Charles Alden Farrow, b. 10 Sept., 1881, d. 8 358 Earty Germans or New JERSEY Dec., 1881, aged 2 mos. and 28 days. VII. JOSFPHS., M. D., b. 20 March, 1846, d. at Flanders, N. J., 1 Sept., 1888, aged 42 yrs., 5 nos. and 20 days ; was a practising physician ; graduated from the Medical department of the New York University ; m. Elisabeth Naughright (dau. of Jacob, of Naughrightville); has a son, Jacob Willard, a medical student. VIII, BARNET A. S., b. 15 June, 1848; a traveling salesman ; res. at Glen Gardner ; m. Catherine Rounsavel ; four ch. living. IX. JAMES RUSLING, b. 10 Aug., 1850, d. 15 Sept., 1850, aged 5 weeks and 1 day. By second wife: xX. EMMA, b. 30 May, 1853, m. 28 Oct., 1874, C. W. Gano; res. at Norton, N. J.; no children. ‘ XI. ANNA, b. 24 Sept., 1855, d. 19 Dec., 1881 ; res. at Bloomsbury, N. J.; unm. XII. FRANKLIN PIERCE, b. March, 1857, d. 10 Dec., 1881, aged 24 years. XIII. MARY, b. 9 Dec., 1859, m. 26 May, 1880, C. W. Vannatta ; res. at Philips- burgh, N. J.; three children living. XIV. EDWIN, M. D., b. 2 Nov., 1861 (a twin bro. of Ella),.m. 19 March, 1887, Grace Hamntond ; graduated from College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, has ch., two boys and one girl; practices medicine at Peapack, N. J. XV. ELLA, b. 2 Nov., 1861 (twin sister to Edwin), m. F. McCrea, a school- teacher (dee.); res. at Bloomsbury, N. J.; has a dau., Florence. FEIT. JOHN, of Greenwich twp., Sussex Co.; his will, 27 April, 1789, prob. 17 May, 1790, names children : I. DANIEL, ‘only son.” II. MARY, dau. of Jacob Minier. Ii. CATHERINE, m. Henry Dislandeed ? [illegible]; had ch.: (1). Henry. (I). ELISABETH. (III). Mary. (IV). PETER. : Witnesses were Valentine Biddleman, John and Henry Winter. FELMLEY- DAVID FELMLEY (sometimes spelled Faermly), b. 1756 (7), m. first, ——, d. 1782; second, Sophia Sidells ; he owned about 500 acres, a still works and tannery one mile east of Cokesbury ; had ch.: ; I. MARY (only child by the first wife), b. 10 July, 1782. Il. JACOB, b. 27 June, 1789. ‘ IIT. MOSES, b. 2 Nov., 1789, d. 16 Nov., 1819, m. Mary Mellick (dau of Peter) b. 4 April, 1786, d. 4 Aug., 1868 ; had ch.: (1). Davin, b. 30 Sept., 1810, m. Sarah Logan (dau. of Major John); rem. to Illinois. (1). Susanna, b. 10 Nov., 1812, m. Morris Welsh (s. of Jacob). (III). PeTeR M., b. 30 Nov., 1814, m. Gertrude Smith (dau. of Zacharias). (IV). Joun §., b. 5. Nov., 1816, m. first, Ann Stothoff (dau. of Henry); second, Ellen Voorhees (dau. of Garret). (V). ANTHONY, b. 29 May, 1818, d. 2 Dec., 1873, m. first, Catherine Van FrELMLEY—FIzELDs 359 Dyke (dau. of John); second, Margaret Cortelyou (dau. of Henry); third, Adeline Park (dau. of James). There were twin children of Moses who died young. IV. JOHN, b. 9 March, 1792, m. Hannah Adams ; had ch.: (1). JOHN CRAWFoRD, m. Lydia Hoffman (dau..of Peter, 1st); she m. 2d a Tiger, and 3d Nicholas Apgar. (I). Moszs, m. Mary Ann Fox. (III). CATHERINE, m. Peter Everitt. (IV), Sopura, m. Ebbe Tiger (dau. ef Jacob). (V). Mary, m. Joseph Biglow. V. SARAH, b. 16 April, 1794, m. Jonathan Barkman. VI. ANDREW, b. 7%. Nov., 1796. ‘VIL. MARGARETTA, b. 31 Dec., 1797, m. John Alpaugh (s. of William). VIII. CATHERINE, b. 2 June, 1800, m. William C. Apgar (‘Pony Bill,” s. of Conrad and Elisabeth Cramer). ; IX. DAVID, b. 29 Oct., 1805, lived in the old parsonage, m. first, Wyckoff; sec- ond, a Line ; third, Mrs. Ginthro (born a Stillwell); had ch.: (]). PETER Wrckorr, m. Margaret Condit. (I). PoHtmMan, m. Kate Honeyman. (IIT). EMaLine, m. Cornelius Voorhees. ([V). Marearer, m. Edward Barry. X. SOPHIA ANN, b. 7 Sept., 1809, m. George Philhower (s. of Peter); lives near Irvington, N. J. i XI. JAMES PARKER, b. 12 Aug., 1812, went West. XII. WILLIAM, m. Ruth Apgar (dau. Herbert), went West; had at least Herbert, John and David. FIELDS. JOHN, b. 1659, was a grandson of ROBERT, b. 1610, who is supposed to have come to Rhode Island with Roger Williams. In 1645, Robert Field, with fifteen associates, obtained from Governor Kieft, a large area of land in Long Island, including the site of Flushing. John, of New Jersey, was the fifth in descent from the famous astronomer, JOHN, b. 1525, who introduced the Copernican system of astronomy into England. For this he received a patent of nobility. The family trace their descent from Hubertus de la Feld (i. w., Field, cleared land in distinction from the forest), who held lands in Lancaster Co., England, in the third year of William the Conqueror [1069 #] John bought, 14 Dec., 1695, 1055 acres in Somerset Co., commencing one mile below Bound Brook, extending for two and one-half miles along the Raritan, and one and and one-half miles inland (Story of an Old Farm, p. 177) ; prob. had ch. at least : I. JEREMIAS, m. Mareitje Van Vechten (dau. of Michael 1st. and widow of Albert Ten Eyck), b. 8 Oct., 1687 ; had ch. (all but first two on Somer- ville Church Records): (1). JEREMIAH, b. (or bap.) 1713; prob. m. Femmetje, and had ch., Theunis, bap. 30 April, 1740. (II). Jonn, b. (or bap.) 1714; prob, m. Elisabeth, and had ch., Mary, bap. 7 Sept., 1745. : (III). MicHIELL, bap. 22 Aug., 1716. (IV). MarGRietien, bap. 15 Oct., 1717. 360 Earty Germans oF New JERSEY (V). Marytis, bap. 13 Oct., 1719. (VI). Marta, bap. 10 Dec., 1720. (VII). MicHa£L, bap. 17 March, 1723. (VILL). Bensamin, bap. 12 May, 1725. (IX). Dirck [RicHARD], bap. 11 Dec., 1726; prob. had ch. at least : 1. JEREMIAH, b. 1753; bought 103 acres in Bedminster twp. fronr Daniel Heath, 6 Feb., 1790; m. Jane Ten Eyck (dau. of Captain Jacob); had ch.: a (3). (4). 6). 6). (0. (8). RicHaRD J., b. 12 Sept., 1785, d. 6 May, 1871; m., 22 Dec., 1808, Mary iin (dau. of Jacob), b. 17 April, 1791, a 15 Jan.,. 1869 : had ch. (Story of an Old Farm, p. 651): (a). Jeremiah R., b. 16 Dec., 1809, d. 2 Feb., 1856, m. Margaret W. Telfair, of New York ; (6). Phebe Maria, b. 18 Nov., 1811, d. 8 March, 1889, m. Henry Cornell Brokaw ; (c). Jacob K., b. 31 Jan., 1814, m. Rebecca J. Stewart. (d). Jane,b. 16 March, 1816, d. 16 Dec., 1857, m. Henry H. Garretson ; (e), Richard R., b. 8 March, 1818, m. his cousin, Margaretta Miller (dau of Jacob B.. of Morris Co., N. J.); (f). Benjamin M., b. 1 May, 1820, _m. Helen M. Field (dau. of John D.) ; (g). Rachel D., b. 5 June, 1828, d. 12 May, 18°1,m. James Polhemus; (h). John E., b. 27 Dec., 1825, m. Lucinda Whitehill ; (@). Isaac N., b. 4 May, 1828, m. Mary Dutcher daughter of Jacob C.); (j). Peter, b. 17 Nov., 1830, m. Helen C. Shipman (dau. of Chauncey N.) ; (k). William B., b. 16 Sept., 1834, m. Harriet. E. Boyd. . MicHak T., b. 4 Oct., 1789, d. 1 Aug., 1871; res. at White House, m. Fanny Traphagen (dau. of Roelof); had ch.: (a). Jeremiah, m. Mary A. Welsh (dau. of William and Marga- ret Leek); (6). Richard, m. Nancy Aller ; (c). John Depew; (d). Michael ; (e). Henry. JEREMIAH. JAacoB DEPEW. MARGARET, ELISABETH. POLLY. JANE, (X). Sara, bap. Dec., 1728. (XJ). ANTIE, bap 27 Dec., 1730. FISHER. | HENDRICK FISHER was born in 1697, according to some historians in Bound Brook, N. J., but according to other and more reliable historians his birthplace was in the Palatinate, Germany. He came with his father’s family to America in 1703. His father purchased a house and considerable land of William Dockwra this same year, on the south bank of the Raritan River near Bound Brook, on the road leading to New Brunswick. The house was built by Dock- wra in 1688 and is now occupied by William Voorhees. It was at one time owned by Capt. Creighton McCrea, son of the Rev. James McCrea who preached in the Presbyterian Church of Bound Brook, and brother to Jennie McCrea whose tragic death at Fort Edward during the Revolution is well known. FISHER 361 Hendrick Fisher was a mechanic by trade, but a man of more than ordinary intelligence and with a wonderful business capacity. He was held in the high- est esteem by his fellow citizens, and held for many years the highest positions in the Colony of New Jersey and in the church of which he was a member. He united with the Reformed Church, of New Brunswick, in 1721, during the pas- torate of Rev. Theodore Frelinghuysen. The next year in 1722 he was elected Deacon, and held this office for two terms. In 1727 he was elected Elder, and was re-elected for seven different terms. He was a regular attendant on all Ecclesiastical conventions, and exerted a great influence in the establishment of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in America. He was appointed Catechist and Lay Preacher as an assistant to Rev. Mr. Frelinghuysen. Some of his published sermons had a large circulation among the people, and were valuable for their doctrinal and spiritual truths. In civil life no man in all New Jersey was more influential than Hendrick Fisher. He was elected as a member of the Colonial Assembly of New Jersey from Somerset Co. in 1745, and was re-elected to every succeeding assembly until 1775. While a member of the Assembly, he was chairman of many of the most important committees. He never fiinched from active duty in whatever form it appeared. He was one of the three men whom New Jersey sent to represent her in the congress, called by Massachusetts and Rhode Island, to meet in New York on the first Tuesday of October, 1765. In January, 1775, he was appointed on a Committee of Grievances, of which he was elected chairman. This committee sent to His Majesty, King George, a petition asking for a redress of the ‘‘ grievances under which the colonies are now laboring.” In May, 1775, he was a delegate to the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, which met at Trenton, of which important body he was elected chairman. In his opening address he set forth most forci- bly the grievances of the American colonies. He was chairman of the Com- mittee of Safety which had charge of legislative and executive affairs during the recesses of Congress. No man in all the colony was more loyal to the cause of American Independence than Hendrick Fisher; and no one was more courageous and uncompromising in seeking to obtain freedom for his country. He was intensely hated by his tory neighbors and by the British, so that he was always armed to meet their threatened attacks. When the British General offered pardon to all the citizens of New Jersey, who would forsake their allegiance to the American cause, he made an exception of Hendrick Fisher, with three other citizens of Bound Brook. In December, 1776, a foraging party from the British army drove away many of his cattle. On April 18, 1777, after the first battle of Bound Brook, the victorious British army marching back to New Brunswick, stopped at his house and took all the money they could find and all the rest of his cattle. Hendrick Fisher did not live to see the full inde- pendence of America. He died while the war was still in progress, but with unwavering faith in the justice of the cause, and the hope that the States soon would enjoy the blessings of peace and prosperity. His body rests in a family graveyard on hisfarm. There in a dense thicket overgrown with trees, stands a plain brown upright slab with this simple inscription, ‘In memory of Hendrick Fisher, who departed this life August 16th, 1779, in the eighty-second year of his age.” In the minutes of the Assembly of New Jersey his name is printed Ffisher. In the records of the First Reformed Church, of New Bruns- wick, his name, at the time of uniting with the church, is given as Visser. At another place his name is given as Vischer. The above has been kindly fur- 362 Earty Germans or New JERSEY nished by the Rev. Titus E. Davis, of Bound Brook, N. J. Hendrick Fisher and wife Elisabeth had children, bap. at Somerville, N. J.: I. VOLKEBRT, bap. 11 Dec., 1726. Il. MARIA, bap. 14 May, 1729. TII. NEELTIE, bap. 24 Oct., 1731. IV. ABRAHAM, bap. 21 Sept., 1740. V. MARGARET, bap. 5 June, 1743. VI. HENDRICK, bap. 9 Dec., 1744. VII. JEREMIAS, bap. 1 Sept., 1746; his will, “Somerville,” 18 Sept., 1805, prob. 27 Feb., 1807, names wife Catherine and ch.: (1). JEREMIAH. (ID). Isaac. (III). HENDRICK. (IV). Jonny, (V). ANN. (VI). CATHARINE. (VID). Marra. MIScCELLANEOUS—HANNES [John] FISCHER and Maria, have a child Margareta, bap. at Quaseek [Quassaick or Newberg], who was born 15 Feb., 1710. FISHER OF POTTERSVILLE. GEORGE (or JOHN) came from Germany and settled at Changewater about 1790. He had three sons George, John and Christian. The last of these settled in Pennsylvania. The records of St. Michael and St. John’s Lutheran Church, Phila., state that in December, 1761, Christopher Fisher (named Christian in the license) was married to Barbara Omensetter. In the list of emigrants we find a Christian arrives 1733, 1749 and 1753; a George arrives 1753. In 1787; Dec. 31, letters of administration of the estate of Christopher of Hunterdon Co. are granted to Mary Fisher and John Lequear (Trenton Lib. 29, fol. 297). REV. GEORGE, son of George, came to Tewkesbury twp. 1797. and bought fifty acres, where Charles McKagin lived ; he was born May, 1768 and died 14 May, 1846, m. first, Hannah Hiles (sister to John Pace’s wife); second, Sarah C. Cooper, b. 8 June, 1797, d. 24 Nov., 1868. He had 9 children by each wife : I. ANNA MARY, b. 27 Nov., 1789, m. Rev. Mr. Lee. II. JOHN, b. 50 Mar., 1792, m. (1) Anna Sutton ; (2) Elisabeth Miller ; lived in Tewkesbury twp. Ill. ELISABETH, b, 24 March, 1794, m. (1) Andrew Rose, of Newton, N. J., (2) a Kishbaw. : IV. GEORGE, b. 5 Nov., 1796, m. Anna Sutton (dau. of Samuel), b. 24 June, 1801, d. 21 Dec., 1890; res. at Lamington ; had, (). ELLEN, m. Will. H. Drake, of Schooley’s Mountain. (ID. Smmon V., m. Eliza Ann Drake (dau. of James); lives at Hackettstown. (II). Henry, m. Mary Laquear and settled at Fox Hill. (fV). Wiii14m S., m. Catherine Crater and has Alice, wife of Peter Wil- liamson, and Annie ; lives at Naughrightville. (V). DeBorau P., m. Henry Sovran ; lives at Pottersville. V. MARGARET, b. 1 Mar., 1799, m. Rev. Samuel Hull, of Frenchtowu, N. J. VI. HENRY, b. 1 Feb., 1801, m. Anna Johnson (dau. of William); settled at Sergeantsville, Hunterdon Co., N. J. VIL. CHRISTIAN, b. 18 Feb., 1803, m. Margaret Groff (dau. of Henry), b. 1809, FISHER 363 d. 1848, at 39, lives uear Pottersville, N. J.; had ch.: (1). ‘Anos, b. 16 Oct., 1832, m. Caroline Voscelius (dau. of John). (I). James R., m. Mary A, Rhinehart (dau. of John). (Il). Wester R., m. Mary Hoffman (dau. of Peter). (V). Cyrus A., a. 7 Feb., 1877. VIII. WILLIAM, b. 15 Oct., 1808, m. Elisabeth Scudder ; settled at New Prov- idence, N. J. IX. SUSAN, m. Amos Hoagland (. of William) ; lived four miles below Flem- ington ; died at Newark, N. J. xX. NANCY, (first child by second wife), m. Hezekiah Huff, XI. CATHERINE, m. Elias Baracroft. XII. MANNING, m. Harriet Rittenhouse. XIII. ISAAC, died young. XIV. CORNELIA, m. as second wife Elias Baracroft. XV. KEZIAH, m. J. Vandervoort Welsh (s. of William). XVI. MELVINA, m. a Skelton in Pa. XVII. SARAH, m. Edward Rittenhouse. XVIII. HANNAH, d. 1840 at 18. FISHER oF Mt. LEBANON. JOHN, s. of GrorcsE Ist, and brother of REV. GEORGE, b. 1770, d. 14, Dec., 1855, at 85, m. 7 April, 1803, Keziah Leigh, b. 1780, d. 21 Oct., 1855, at 75 ; settled near Mt. Lebanon, Cebansn twp., Hunterdon Co., N. J., and was ord of the founders of the M. E. Church of that place ; had ahs I. SAMUEL LEIGH, b. 28 Mar., 1804, m. Clarissa (or Mary) Bunnel. II. ICHABOD, b. 7 Aug., 1805, m. a Gulicks. Ill. MARY A., b. 29 Jan., 1807, m. John Fine. IV. LYDIA, b. 17 Jan , 1809, unmarried. V. DANIEL FREEMAN, b. 22 May, 1810, m. Rachel Taylor. VI. ANNA, b. 30 July, 1812, died young. VU. JOHN W., b. 18 July, 1813, died young. VIII. LORENZO, b. 18 Oct., 1814, m. Mary Jane Swazey (dau. of Benjamin). IX. ELISABETH. b. 22 Oct., 1816, m. George Beatty. X and XI. TWO SONS, b. 18 Oct., 1818, died young. XII. SARA LEIGH, b. 14 Sept., 1819, m. (1) Anthony Drake ; (2) Thos. Lake. XIII. KEZIAH, b. 17 Sept., 1821, unmarried. -XIV. RENZELIA, b. 4 July, 1823, m. George Huff. JOHANN MARTIN FISHER, widower, was m. 1742, on the 18th Sunday after Trinity, to Elisabeth Meyer, a widow:; he ‘‘came here four years since from Wurtemberg ;” she ‘‘ came 314 yearssince from Zurich.” (Recordsof Lutheran Church, New York). A MARTIN Fisher was naturalized in New Jersey, July, 1730, with two sons, JACOB and PHILIP. It may have been this latter Mar- tin, perhaps the son of the first by a previous wife, who is buried at Hacketts- town, and who was born 1714, d. 19 Jan., 1796, at 82 ; his wife Catharine was born 1707, d. 30 Sept., 1793, at 86. In 1770, Sept. 20, Martin Fisher, with others, was appointed to lay out a road on Schooley’s Mountain. Nothing further is known of this family. JAMES FISHER, b. Staunton, Aug. Co., Virginia, 11 Jan., 1790, came, 1809, to Beattystown ; he was a saddler by trade and m. first, Hannah B. Bird (dau. of Elisha Bird), b. 8 May, 1753 ; second, Rachel Osmun, b. 7 Sept., 1751 ; at some time subsequent to 1817, he came to German Valley, and from there went to 364 Earty Germans or New JERSEY Budd’s Lake, and afterwards lived for six yearsin N. Y. city. In 1831, April 1, he returned to Beattystown. He was Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for five years ; died 12 July, 1870. He was the father of JouN B., b. Hacketts- town, 10 July, 1817, m. 7 Feb., 1856, Sarah, dau. of William and Elisabeth (Hann) Hance, b. 4 Sept., 1823 ; has ch., James, a lawyer, and Hannah. THE FISHER FAMILY BY B. VAN DOREN FISHER, ESQ. In the old graveyard at Larison’s Corners, sleep many of the early German settlers of Hunterdon County. Rough, unlettered stones mark their graves, and only the stains of time and the covering moss give a clue to the years that have passed since they began their silent vigils. Among these graves of early worthies, undistinguishable from those of his neighbors, is that of PETER FISHER. Whence he came to this country and when, we have not been able to determine. We find, however, from old records, that he could not have settled in New Jersey later than the year 1725, with the probability strongly in favor of his having arrived at a considerably earlier period. Tradition has it that he married his wife from the old home in Germany ; but aside from the fact that her first name was Maria, we know nothing concerning her. Peter Fisher, upon his arrival in this country, settled first in Somerset Co., N. J., where he remained until the year 1730 when he purchased a farm about a half mile west of what is now Rocktown, in Hunterdon County, which farm is still owned by one of his descendants. The deed for the premises mentioned bears date March 30th, 1780, and by it, Thomas of Township of Amwell, etc., yeoman, on the one part, conveyed to Peter Fisher, now or late of the County of Somerset, etc., yeoman, of the other part, in consideration of one hundred and thirty-two pounds of lawful silver money of the King’s Dominions in America, etc., two hundred acres of land besides the usual allowance for highways. PETER FISHER had eight children, Anthony, John Wilhelm, Elisabeth, Chris- topher, John, Peter, Jacob and another daughter, name unknown : I. ANTHONY, as appears by the baptismal record of Readington church, was baptized Nov. 14, 1725. He married Elisabeth Snyder and settled on a farm west of Mount Airy. He had eight children. He died May 31, 1800, aged 75 years, and is buried in the old grave-yard at Larison’s Corners : (1). Joun, m. Mary Hoagland and had three sons, John, Tunis and Jos- eph. The descendants of these sons are settled in different parts of Hunterdon Co., along the Delaware, and Mahlon, son of Joseph, near Williamsport, Pa. (Il). CHRISTOPHER, m. Charity Boss and had six children, Tunis, Joseph, Peter, Hannah, Elisabeth and Catharine. The descendants of these children have not been satisfactorily traced. (III). Jacos, m. Ann Wilson and had four children : 1. WiLson, married and went to Sussex Co. 2. CHARITY, m. Uriah Phillips. 3. ABBY, m. John Lambert ; she died childless. 4. REBECCA was born Aug. 4, 1794, and d. Nov. 10, 1873 ; she m. John C. Holcombe, b. June 9, 1793, d. July 28, 1882 ; they had two ch., Louisa and Edwin. FIsHER 365 (IV). Tunis, m. first, Sarah Meloby and had by her six children, George, Henry, James, Jacob, Jefferson and Grace; he m. second, Mary Larue, by whom he had a number of children, (V). JOSEPH, m. a Miss Broom and went West. (VI). Mary, m. a Housel who settled somewhere in Pennsylvania. (VII). MarGarer, m. a Stryker and lived in Baltimore. (VIII). ELisaBETH, m. George Lott ; they settled West. ‘ IL JOHN WILHELM, was bap. April 16, 1727, and m. first, Charity Young by whom he had three children ; second, Charity Youngblood by whom he had five children ; he settled on a farm near Wertsville : (1). Peter, m. Alice Johnson ; he died Oct. 30, 1821, aged 63 yrs., 4 mos., 21 dys.; his wife died Jan. 18, 1820, aged 57 yrs., 8 mos., 24 dys. ; had six children : 1. James J., b. June 15, 1784, m. Rebecca Pidcock, d Nov. 1, 1854, aged 65 yrs., 8 mos., 18 dys.; he died childless Oct. 3, 1870. 2. ELisaBEeTsH, b. March 9, 1786, m. Mahlon Wambaugh and had two sons, Augustus and Peter F. 3. CHaRiTy, b. Aug. 13, 1788, d. Sept. 27, 1878, unmarried. 4, ANN, b. Sept. 9, 1790, d. Feb. 27, 1863, unmarried. 5. Wiuuram P., b. June 6, 1793, d. March 28, 1876, m. Sarah Wilson, d. Nov. 19, 1845, aged 43 yrs., 6 mos., 8 dys.; they had nine ch.: (1). Aticz ANN, b. May 18, 1823, m. Isaac Matthews. (2). James J., b. July 2, 1824, m. (1) Mary Higgins, b. Dec. 2, 1829, d. March 8, 1871; by her he had 14 children, Uree, Asa H., Martha, Sarah, Mary Ann, Charity, Alice, Wil- liam J., James W., David, Franklin, Rebecca, Susan H. and Jesse B.; m. (2) Sarah E. Sutton, b. Feb. 8, 1835, and by her had one child, died in infancy. 8). PETER, b. Nov. 15, 1825, m. Ann Holcombe. (4). Marrsa, b. Aug. 11, 1827, m. Jordan Matthews. (5). Jonn, b. March 25, 1830, m. Martha H. Fisher, b. Oct. 21, 1837 ; had nine children, Sarah M., Hiram L., Emma W., Thomas S., Mary B., Charles F., William, Nellie S. and Kate L. (6). EvisaBetu, b. Dec. 15, 1830, died in childhood. (1). IsRazL, b. Jan. 11, 1834, m. Mary Quick ; has three children, Belle V., Ella and Martha. (8). Wiui1aM P., b. Sept. 16, 1837, m. Elisabeth Manners , had three children, Sarah, Carrie and Theodore ; he was killed by the cars at White House Station. (9). Sarnaw L., b. March 9, 1844, m Aaron Baracroft. 6. CoRNELIUS Q., b. May 16, 1799, d. Jan. 8, 1887, m. Gertrude Young, b. Jan. 1, 1803, d. May 5, 1883 ; had four children : (1). Marta, b. Oct. 14, 1829. 2). CATHARINE, b. July 11, 1881. (8). Happier, b. Sept. 12, 1835, m. Oliver Case. (4). James J., b. Oct. 2, 1840, m. (1) ida Manners who died child- less; (2) Catharine Skillman ; has five children, Henry, James W., Gertrude, May and Rena. (Il). Mary, b. June 22, 1753, d. Dec. 15, 1829, m. Abraham Hagaman, b. 366 EARLY Germans or NEw JERSEY Jan. 24, 1751, d. April 19, 1886 ; had seven children : 1. Cuariry, b. Nov. 23, 1776, m. Joshua Housel and had five children. Abraham, Mary, John, Ollie and Lucretia ; they moved to Pa.. 2. Mary, b. June 6, 1779, d. April 28, 1870, unmarried. 3. WiuuraM, b. Aug. 17, 1783, d. May 3, 1863, m. Hannah Phillips, b Jan. 1,.1783, d. May 26, 1879 ; had eleven children : (1). ExisaBeta, b. Oct. 2, 1807, d. Feb. 29, 1871. (2). CHanity, b. April 22, 1809, d. April 29, 1878, m. William Fleming, b. Jan. 14, 1809, d. Feb. 14, 1873 ; she had 7 ch. (8). Ezexreu P., b. July 7, 1810, m. Elisabeth Duckworth ; had: twelve children, John, Charles W., William, Anna M.,. Joseph H., Spencer A., Jennie H., Hattie E., Theodocia,. Isaac, Sanford and Furman. (4). Hiram, b. Jan. 15, 1811, d. June 1, 1812. (5). SaRaH, b. Feb. 27, 1813, d. May 3, 1850, unmarried. (6). Mary, b. Nov. 6, 1815. (?). Estaur, b, Aug. 22, 1817, m. a Bremer. (8). Resprcca, b. Dec. 3, 1818, d. April 3, 1837. (9). WitLiam B., b. Nov. 24, 1820, d. Feb. 5, 1878. (10), ABRAHAM R., b. Dec. 26, 1822, d. Nov. 13, 1823. (11). Mrranpa, b. Nov. 22, 1824, d. in 1828. 4, ABRAHAM A., b, Jan. 1, 1786, d. Dec. 6, 1868, m. Elisabeth Wilson, b. Nov. 10, 1791, d. Dec. 20, 1875 ; had four children : (1). Martua Ann, b. Feb. 4, 1815, m. Israel Higgins. (2). Lewis, b. Nov. 16, 1817, m. (1) Sarah E. Matthews by whom he had two sons ; one that died an infant and Lorenzo D.;. he m. (2) Belle Smith ; Lorenzo D., b. Dec. 6, 1857, m. Car- rie Rockafeller. (3). LORENZO, b. Sept. 6, 1821, d. Sept. 23, 1848. (4). CLARINDA, b. Feb. 24, 1822, m. Pierson Matthews, b. April 8, 1824, d. April 24, 1872. 5. Joun, b. March 18, 1790, d. Aug. 2, 1839, m. Catharine Hankinson, d. April 23, 1833, aged 38 yrs., 7 mos., 3 dys.; had ten children : (1). ABRAHAM, b. May 18, 1813, m. Sarah Cole and had a son, Ross J. (2). Jouw H., b. Nov. 15, 1814, m. Sarah Ackers and has two daughters, Kate and Lizzie. (8). ARTHUR G., b. Oct. 22, 1816, m. Eliza Olden. (4). Josepry H., b. Oct. 25, 1818, m. Mary Ann Olden. (5). Nancy C., b. March 20, 1820, m. Joseph Hendrickson. (6). THEODOCIA, b. July 20, 1822, m. Amos Martindale, d. March 18, 1865, aged 49 yrs., 11 mos., 18 dys. (7). Harrier H., b. April 1, 1825, m. Emmon Smith. (8). THomas H., b. March 29, 1827, m. and had two children, John E. and Mary V. (9). ASHER H., b. April 23, 1829, m. and has two daughters. (10). THEODORE B., b. Jan. 16, 1832, m. and had several children. 6. ELISABETH, b. Sept. 1, 1792, m. Daniel Ackers, b. Jan. 5, 1788 ; had ten children : (1). OLIvER, b. Oct. 14, 1813, d. Dec. 30, 1813. FIsHER 364 42), Mary Ann, b. Nov. 25, 1814, m. Ralph Cornell who died July 25, 1849. ‘8). CATHARINE, b. Oct. 19, 1817, d. June 10, 1830. (4). Amos, b. Oct. 4, 1819, d. Sept. 19, 1867, m. Sarah Moore and had two sons, Alfred and Daniel. 6). ABRAHAM H., b. March 2, 1828, d. April 9, 1849. (6). MeLinpDa, b. April 20, 1829, m. Edward Flock and had two children, a son, dead, and a daughter Caroline. (%). Louis, b. Oct. 21, 1831, m. Elisabeth Howell and had two daughters, Elizabeth and Sybilla. (8). CaTHARINE E., b. Jan. 1%, 1834. (9). Levi, b. March 21, 1836, m. Henrietta Hill and had three — daughters, two of whom are living. (10). Emma, b. Aug. 24, 1839, d. June 17, 1870, m. Charles Walker. %. Prrer, b. May 10, 1794, d. April 28, 1879, m. (1) Keturah Bake, b. June 5, 1802, d. March 18, 1864, and had by her two children ; m. (2) Harriet Van Buskirk, b. Oct. 30, 1822, d. July 15, 1886: (1). James Monron, b. Dec. 21, 1842. 2). Luoinpa §., b. Aug. 28, 1845. (III). ELizaBEeTH, committed suicide by hanging, probably in latter part of March, 1792, unmarried. (IV). WiLLiaM, b. June 21, 1768, d. Dec. 31, 1842, m. Lucretia Slack, b. Oct. 12, 1771, d. June 10, 1847 ; had five children : 1, Amos, b. July 9, 1795, m. a Miss Quick and had son Prall. 2. WiLLraM, b. July 14, 1798, m Mary Dilts and had two children, William and Mary. 3. James 8., b. Oct. 23, 1800, d. Sept. 22, 1879, m. Catharine L. Stout, b. Nov. 25, 1816 ; had seven chiidren, Ellen S., Rebecca S.,:Caro- line S., Kate, William H., James S. and Claudius R. P. 4, CHanriry, b. Nov. 29, 1803, m. Judiah Higgins. 5. Mary Ann, b. Sept. 28, 1808, m. Nathan Stout, b. Dec. 31, 1812 ; had five children : (0). Wiiiiam F., b. March 29, 1887, d. Sept. 18, 1872, m. Martha Harriman. (2). Henry H., d. May 10, 1864. (3). Stimpson 8., b. Nov. 28, 1840, m. Julia H. Smith, b. Nov. 1, 1856. (4). Lucretia F., b. Dec. 31, 1842, d. Sept. 17, 1872. (5). Mary Y., b. May 18, 1844, m. Augustus F. Young. III. ELIZABETH was bap. June 8, 1729. Aside from this we have no definite information concerning her. IV. CHRISTOPHER, settled near Van Liew’s Corner and had one son, also named Christopher and two or three daughters : (I). CHRISTOPHER, m. Jane Stout and had a son named Christopher. V. JOHN, m. a Miss Kuhl and moved to Pennsylvania. VI. PETER, said to have been killed, probably when a young man, by a fall from'a wagon. VII. JACOB, inherited the homestead ; he m. Sarah Hoppock and by her had six children ; it is said that Jacob was twice married but the name of his second wife is unknown : 368 Earty Germans or New JERSEY 1), ANTHONY, died childless in Philadelphia. (II). Prrrr, b. March 10, 1765, d. June 21, 1820, m. Ann Runk, b. Aprif 24, 1764, d. Dee, 16, 1850; he first settled upon a tract of land im Delawa ‘oe twp.; ni © ie moved to a farm situated along the turn- pike between Clinton and Annandale in this county ; upon this. farm was a tavern which ho kept at the same time that he tilled his- land. For along time he was a Justice of the Peace, and at one period was one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas. He had ten children : i 1. Jacos P., b. Aug. 19, 1786, d. Nov. 12, 1845, m, Sarah Stevenson, b. Nov. 4, 1792, d. Aug. 1, 1864 ; had one child : (1). Many Ann, b. March 27, 1814, d. June 5,°1878, m. Henry Matthews, b. Noy. 11, 1812, d. Jan. 21, 1886, 2. SaRau, b, Aug. 5, 1788, d. Jan. 1, 1859, m. ohh H. Hoffman (s. of Henry and Rebereal, b. Jan. 19, 1796, d. Jan. 19, 1869; had four children : (1), Perer F., b. May 6, 1819, m. Catharine Runkle, b. Dec. 22, 1822, (2). WruLiaM F., b, Jan. 7, 1822, d. March 9, 1856, m. Elisabeth Carhart, b. March 24, 1826, d. Nov. 16, 1866 ; had four chil- dren, Frances, Christianna C., Sarah F. and Lavinia, (8). ExisaBrrn, b. ——, d. Sept. 29, 1887, m. Theodore H. Risler, b. ——, d. Nov. 5, 1867; had one daughter, Sallie, died a young lady. (4). Strpunn Apprson, b. ——, 1831, d. Aug. 27, 1851. 8, Ann, b, Jan, 11, 1790, d. Oct. 31, 1860, m. Thomas T. Holcombe, b. July 10, 1795, d. Aug. 20, 1888 ; had four children : (1). Mirnanpa, b. Oct. 2, 1818, d. Feb. 24, 1848, m. Solomon Hol- combe, b. March 10, 1818, d. Jan, 4, 1879 ; had one child. (2). SUSANNAH, b, Oct. 22, 1820, m. Philip H. Matthews, b. Sept. 21, 1814, d Sept. 20, 1886 ; has two children, Victoria and Josephine. (8). ANN, b, Sept. 14, 1827, m. Peter Fisher, b. Nov. 15, 1825, d. Aug. 21, 1823; had five children, Theodore, Thomas H., Augustus, William E. and Anne B, (4). THomas N., b. Aug. 8, 1834, m. Cornelia Taylor, b. Aug. 28, 1839 ; has two sons, Charles T., b. Feb. 8, 1875, and James S., b. May 1, 1879. 4, Francns, b. Nov. 19, 1701, d. March 9, 1865, m, Elias Holcombe, b. May 28. 1798, d. April 24, 1865 ; had four children : (1), Luan, b. May 21, 1815, d. March 7, 1872, m. John Hoagland, b. Jan. 5, 1812, a Aug. 6, 1876. (2). Pmrmr O., b. Feb, 11, 1817, d. Feb. 28, 1886, m. (1) Catharine Kline Quick, b. Jan. 9, 1822, d, Aug, 1, 1848, and by her had one child, Zllen Kline ; m. (2) Martha Higgins, b. Apr. 14, 1832, and hy her had four children, John Q., Henry, Coiiartne and Frances, (3). CoRNELIA ANN, b. July 8, 1820, d. Oct. 8, 1884, m. Joseph C. Sutphin, b. April 8, 1817, d. May 25, 1877 ; no children, (4). Franons, b. Noy. 18, 1828, m. John Quick, ts July 17, 1820 ; FIsHER 369 . had one daughter, Cornelia Ann, b. Feb. 1, 1845, d. Oct. 1, 1849, ; 5. RacuaL, b. Jan. 2, 1794, d. Sept. 28, 1863, m. Jacob Kline, b. July 23, 1799, d. July 25, 1878. 6. JonN, b. Aug. 14, 1796, d. Aug. 16, 1833, m. Susan Runkle, b. Dec. 16, 1796, d. Sept. 16, 1875 ; had three children : (1). FRancus, b. Feb. 18, 1822, d. Nov. 4, 1870, m. Derrick Sut- phin, b. Oct. 24, 1814, d. Dec. 9, 1891 ; had ch.: (a). Joun F., b. Feb. 5, 1844, m. Mary Anderson, b. Jan. 12, 1844 ; has two children, Frank F., b. Aug. 16, 1872, and Lewis A., b. Dec. 11, 1874, (0). Mary F., b. Nov. 2, 1847, d. May 29, 1871. (c). Witu1am D., b. Aug. 30, 1851, d. July 27, 1880, m. Sarah E. Apgar, b. April 4, 1847 ; had six children, Charles, b. Oct. 12, 1870 ; Cora Frances, b. Sept. 26, 1873, m. Rev. Emile V. G. Hoelsche (and has one child Frances S., b. Feb. 16, 1894); William, b. Nov. 20, 1874, d. Aug. 4, 1875; Arthur D., b. July 13, 1876, d. July 80, 1877 ; Annie E., b. March 8, 1878. (2). JacoB RUNKLE, b. Jan. 12, 1824, m. Dinah H. Van Doren, b. Jan. 20, 1825, d. Jan. 1, 1890 ; had five children : (a). WILLIAM PoHLMAN, b. Jan. 11, 1851,m. Frances D. Miller, b. April 4, 1862 ; has two children, Howard, b. Nov. 27, 1889, and Elizabeth Miller, b. Jan. 14, 1892. (6). ANNA FRANCES, b. May 15, 1853, m. Simon J. Hegeman, b. May 30, 1838 ; has two children, John S., b. Oct. 31, 1880, and Runkle Fisher, b. Feb. 21, 1885. (ec). JoHN RUNKLE, b. Feb. 21, 1855, d. Dec. 27, 1858. (d). BENJAMIN VAN DoREn, b. July 12, 1858. (e). ELISABETH ALLETTA, b. Dec. 1, 1868, d. Aug. 2, 1870. (8). WILLIAM, b. June 9, 1826, m. Mary Elizabeth Sieg, b. March 15, 1825 ; has one child, Kate Sieg, b. Nov. 28, 1859, m. Harry Strong Taylor, b. Jan., 1857. 7%. PETER R., b. March 27, 1798, d. ——, m. (1) Mary Ann Honeyman, b. Nov. 29, 1802, d. Jan. 15, 1847; by her he had one child ; (2) Francinka Lane, b. April 2, 1823, d. Dec. 31, 1874 ; by her he had two children : (l)..MarGaret, b. Nov. 20, 1822, d. Feb. 12, 1844, m. William Duyckinck. b. Aug. 14, 1815; had one child, Mary, b. Oct. 12, 1842, m. Horace A. Van Derbeek, b. Dec. 15, 1828. (2). Mary, b. Oct. 28, 1850, d. Feb. 20, 1887, m. Horace Lobb. (3). Katz, b. April 26, 1859, d. Jan. 12, 1888, m. Erwin O. Blair, b. Oct. 16, 1860. 8. WILLIAM, b. April 18, 1801, d. Nov. 29, 1822. 9, Jui, b. May 27, 1804, d. Feb. 20, 1871, m. Matthias Cramer, b. _ Sept. 19, 1800, d. April 27, 1849 ; had six children : (1). Perr, b. Jan. 20, 1825, d. May 30, 1863, m. Margaret Traver, b. Nov. 7, 1829, and had two children, Julia Frances and Laura T. (2). JoHN Ep@aR, b. April 29, 1830, d. Sept. 4, 1830. 37° (ITI). (Iv). (V). (VD. (3). (4). (5). (6). Earty Germans oF New JERSEY Oscar, b. Aug. 6, 1832, d. Nov. 4, 1859. CHRISTIANNA, b. Jan. 27, 1836, d. Feb. 9, 1855. MARGARET FRANCES, b. Dec. 4, 1838. Saraz E., b. Sept. 9, 1843, d. Oct. 14, 1864. 10. Hiram, b. Dec. 3, 1806, d. Aug. 24, 1829. ANNA, b. Feb. 22, 1767, m. Caleb Farley, b. June 28, 1757, d. Oct. 6, 1808 ; had no children. Mary, m. Nathaniel Wilson. SarRag, d. Sept. 18, 1831, in the 56th year of her age, m. Abraham Prall, b. Nov. 2, 1770, d. April 20, 1851. JACOB, b. Oct. 19, 1779, d. Sept. 24, 1818, m. Anna Chamberlain, b. Jan. 17, 1784, d. Feb. 26, 1855 ; had five children : 1. Sarag, b. June 8, 1801, m. Gideon Quick, b. Feb. 17, 1793. 2. Marta, b. Aug. 8, 1803, m. John W. Larison, b July 11, 1801. 3. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN, b. Sept. 19, 1806, m. (1) Catharine M. Skill- man, d. Feb. 9, 1844, aged 34 yrs., 11 mos., 28 dys.; by her he had five children ; (2) Adaline Chamberlain and by her had two ch.: (1). 2). (8). (4). 6). (6). (1). Jacos, m. Louise Hunt ; has five children, Flora, Cornelia, John, Fanny and David Hunt. THOMAS, b. Nov. 12, 1830, d. Sept. 10, 1850. Anna Mary, m. Johu Bowne; has four children, James, Joseph G., Addison and Cornelia. Marra, (see John Fisher, son of Wm. P. Fisher). CoRNELIA. JEANNIE. JamEs O. 4. CALEB FARLEY, b. May 6, 1809, d. ——_, m. Rebecca A. Holcombe, b. Sept. 7, 1810 ; had twelve children: (1). 2). (3). (4). ©). (6). (). (8). (9). (10). (11). (12). Jacos F., b. Aug. 23, 1830, m. Emma Carver ; has seven children, Edward G., William L., Laura M., George L., Fred., Minnie and Harry. ANN ELISABETH, b. Dec. 8, 1831, m. William F. Holcombe. Marrua R., b. Dec. 28, 1833, m. Charles Johnson ; has six children, Sarah F., m. George Holcombe ; Fisher C., m. Ellen Ashton; Rebecca, Mary, George and Ulysses S. Grant. James J., b. Oct. 18, 1835, m. Sarah S. Servis ; had four chil- dren, Charles H., Samuel H., Farley F. and Annie F. Sarau Q., b. Dec. 29, 1837, m. George H. Larison. Emma, b. Aug. 21, 1839, m. John N. Golden. FaRLeY, b. Nov. 1, 1841, m. Ann Rebecca Sutphin ; has four ch., Bertha, Erwin, Otis Clifford and Lizzie Holcombe. Roserr H., b. Oct. 17, 1848, m. Cornelia B. Wilson ; has one son, Clinton W. Lewis C., b. Aug. 21, 1845, m. Christianna Nixson ; has six children, Oakly, Laura, Lizzie, Margaret, Lulu Maud and Harry. Joun L., b. Sept. 28, 1847, d. April 7, 1876. ALIDA, b. April 29, 1850, m. Jacob S. Sutphin. Maria L., b. Oct. 11, 1853, m. Reuben Bird. 5. Lucretia Ann, b. Nov. 4, 1811,'d. Sept. 24, 1813. FLEMING 371 FLEIIING. WILLIAM FLEMING, b. 1765, d. 1838, Nov. 30, m. Ann Philhower, b. 1764, d. 1856, Dec, 22, bought, 1798, of John Snyder, 280 acres of land near Parker, Morris Co., N. J., had ch.: I. ABBIE, died young. II. LEVI, m. Mary Beam (dau. of John); had ch.: (I). WILLIAM, m. (1) Catherine Howell (dau. of Isaac); (2) ———. (i). Henry, m. Charity Hellebrant (dau. of Matthias). (II]). NrcHoLas, m. Merilda Brown (dau. of Rance). (IV). Danie, m. Julia Hellebrant (dau. of Matthias). (V). GroreE, m. Jane Sutton (dau. of Aaron). (VI). Sopuia, m. George Hellebrant (dau. of Matthias). (VII). Susan, m. Jacob Farley (s. of Richard). (VIII). Ev1zaBETH, m. George Farley. III. BETSEY, unm. IV. EFFIE, m. Richard Stephens, of Chester. V. SARAH, m. William Sliker ; res. near Newton. VI. CHARITY, b. 1800, d 1820. VII. PETER, b. 1800, d. 1826. ! VIII. GEORGE, b. 1807, d. 1830. IX. JACOB, b. 1811, d. 1886. X PHILIP, b. 1818, Feb. 10, d. 1889, Feb. 1, m. Rachel Convil (dau. of Joshua); had ch : é (I). Meritpa, m. John Nunn ¢. of William). (ID). Karurag, m. (1) William Huston ; (2) John Jones. (II). ADALINE, m. Daniel Skellinger. (IV). Henry, m. Ellen Hellebrant (dau. of Isaac). (V). DanreL, m. Carrie Philhower (dau. of Andrew). (VI). MuLrorD, unm. ‘(VIT). Marta, m. Asa Hoffman. (VIII). Janz, m. Robert Batron. (IX). EvigsaBETH, m. —— Tiger. (X). Metinpsa, m Philip Van Doren. (XI). Canistiana SYBELLA, m. Mansfield Hick. (XII). Mexissa, m. George Lance. XI. JESSE, b. 1814, d. 1835. XII. MARTHA, m. Adam Apgar (dau. of William). MALCOMBE FLEMING, d. in Ireland 1736. His three sons, Andrew, Thomas and William, came from Tyrone, Ireland, 1751, and brought certificates of membership in Presbyterian Church, of Cookstown, Ireland, and joined the Bethlehem Presbyterian Church, near Clinton, Hunterdon Co. It is said that this family is no relation to the Flemington family. ANDREW (. of Malcombe), m. Rebecca ; bad four ch. bap. in Bethlehem Church; rem. to near Cranberry, N. J.; had ch.: ; I. WILLIAM, b. 31 May, 1769, d. 1833 ; had ch.: (I). ELzawor, d. 1878. (I). Jacos, d. 1872 ; rem. to Ohio when young. (IJ). THomas, deceased. : (IV). AnpREW, had ch.: 1. John, res, at Readington ; 2. Jane ; 3. Ann; 372 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY ' 4, George ; 5. Levi, d. 1875 ; 6. Robins; 7. Kate; 8. Asher. (V). Joanna, d. 1880. (VI). Wiiuram, d. Mercer Co., N. J., in 1873. (VII). Tyzex, d., 1839, in La Grange Co., Indiana. (VII. ABsort, rem. to La Grange Co., Indiana. II. ELENOR, m. a Butler, and has a dau. near Pattenberg, N. J. III. MARTHA. IV. MALCOLM. has a dau. in Ohio, and a son near Pattenherg, N. J. V. MARGARET. . THOMAS, ruling elder of Bethlehem Church, N. J.; dismissed 9 June, 1783 ; prob. rem. to Hope twp., Warren Co.; had ch.: I. THOMAS, b. 24 Oct., 1753 ; res. in Hope twp., Warren Co.; had a large . family. II. JAMES, b, 2 Sept., 1756, d. 1840, m. Elisabeth Coryell (dau. of John); res. Danville, Warren Co.; had ch. (D). Joun C., b. Dec., 1793, d. April, 1878. (II). Mary, b. Dec., 1793, d. 1818. (III). Nancy, b. Aug., 1796, d. March, 1877. (IV). Marcaret, b. Aug., 1798, d. Jan., 1876, m. a Matlock. (V). AMELIA, b. July, 1801, d. March, 1881; also m. a Matlock. (V1). Harvey, b. Oct., 1803 : res. Independence twp., Warren Co. (VII). Saran N., b. Jan., 1808, d. in infancy. (VIII). THomas H., b. Jan., 1808, d. in infancy. III. MARGARET, m. Andrew Van Why. WILLIAM (s. of Malcombe), his will dated Bethlehem twp., 16 June, 1792, prob. 4 Feb., 1795, names w., Elenor, and grandsons, William and Melkim [Mal- combe], granddaughters, Martha and Rebecca, and daus.: I. MARTHA II. ELEANOR [wife of] MCDANIELS. From these names it seems probable that William was the father, and not the brother of Andrew above. | SAMUEL, b. 5 April, 1707, d. at Flemington, 10 Feb., 1790 ; said to be w different family from the other’Flemings. but nevertheless may have been originally the same ; licensed to keep tavern, 1746, where Flemington is now built: bought 105 acres, including the site of Flemington, 11 June, 1756 ; m. 6 Jan., 1734 (2) Esther Mounier, of Huguenot origin, who died 6 July, 1797 ; had ch.: I. ELISABETH, b. 10 April, 1737, m. a Sherrerd IL ESTHER, b. 15 April, 1739, d. 18 Oct , 1814, m. Thomas Lowrey. Ill. WILLIAM, b. 29 Dec., 1741. IV. ALEXANDER, b. 21 March, 1748. V. AGNES, b. 25 March, 1745, m. Timothy Wood. VI. MARY, b, 25 Sept., 1749, m. George Alexander. VII. ISABELLA, b. 4 April, 1752, m. John Servoss. VIIL.¢SAMUEL, b. 27 July, 1754. . IX. JOHN, b. 11 Dec., 1756. xX. CHARLES, b. 24 Dec., 1759. FLOCK. ANDREAS FLOCK, (Flach, Flagt), b 1712, Sept. 9, d. 1779, March 9, m. Anna Maria, b. 1717, d. 1810, Jan. 24, at 92 yrs., 1 mo. and 22 days ; prob. came from Fiock 373 Wirtemberg to Philadelphia 25 Sept.. 1749, in ship Speedwell ; had ch.: I, ANDREAS, b. 1736, Oct. 20, d. 1789, Aug. 20, m. Margaretta, b. 1726, d. 1795, Dec. 93 went to Canada ; had ch.: (I). Jonn PHILIP, b. 1757 , Shep. 25, d. 1828, Nov. 7, m. first, 1791, Sept. 27, Cath. Helimartewalder, b. at Hartwick, 1771, Jan. 16, d. 1798, Nov. 9, and second, 1795, Feb. 12, Anna Aames, d. 1820, March 18, at 47 years. and 10 months. (Il), MarGarerta, b, 1761, Nov. 8, m. John Schwartzwelder. (ID. ANDREW, b. 1763, Aug. 23, d. 1765, Sept. 22. (IV). Joun, b. 1766, Dec. 10, m. 1787, Dec. 27, Elsie Hoffman (daughter of Christopher). (V). Maria CATHERINE, b. 1768, Oct. 23, prob. m. 1798, Feb. 25, Philip Coos. (VI). Marruias, b. 1771, Aug. 19, d. 1793, Nov. 22, m. 1791, Oct. 21, A. Bar- bara Schwartzwelder, b. 1793, Nov. 27. Il. CATHERINE, b. 14 Feb., 1742, d. 1 March, 1823, m. John Shangle (son of Heinrich). TI. BARBABA, b. 1744, d. 14 July, 1841, at 97, m. Philip Crater (son of Morris, 1st). IV. MATTHIAS, b. 1746, March 6, d. 1806, Oct. 17, m. 1774, Jan. 18, Maria Margaret Rarick (dau. of Conrad, Ist); had ch.: (I). Marearetta, b. 1775, April 10, m. John Vas (Voos or Was), res. at Marksboro. (IT). Marraras, b. 1781, Dec. 18, d. 1821, March 21, m. Effie Weaver (dau. Christopher) ; had ch.: 1, ELIsaBETH, b. 1811, May 3, m. Jacob Bird. 2. JoHN, m. Susan Divers ; no ch.; res. in Warren Co. 8. WILLIAM, b. 1820, d. 11 Dec., 1888, m. Adriann Salmon (daughter of Samuel), b. 8 Feb., 1826; had ch.; (1), Andrew, b. 1842, Oct. 4, m. Harriet Stephens (dau. of William), who afterwards m, Matthias Swackhammer ; had by first husband William and Harry ; (2). John S., b. 1845, July 10, m. Elisabeth Sharp (dau. of William) ; (3). Sarah- Louisa, b. 1850, June 21, m. Jacob M. \ Trimmer, Jr. (s. of Isaiah). (Il). Joun, b, 1784, Nov. 2, m. Mary Sharp (dau. of Movida rem. to Ohio or Canada. (IV). ANDREW, b. 1787, April 22, d. 1844, May 2, m. first, Sara Lane ; second, Mrs. Sarah (Swayze) Salmon ; had ch.: 1. Marutas, b. 1813, Jan. 10, d. 1852, Feb. 15, m. first, Christina Divers, b. 1816, Jan. 2, d. 1849, Sept. 6, and second, Sarah Corson; had ch.: (1). Andrew, m. Almeda Lewis (Pleasant ‘Valley, Pa.); (2). John; (8). Henry, d. unm.; (6). Jacob D., m. Kate Drake (dau. of William); (5). Margaret Ann, m. Isaac F. Read, of Blairstown ; (6). Sylvester, jeweler in New York oe 2. ELEANOR, m. Daniel L. Salmon. 3. MARGARET, m. Philip G. Stephens. (V). Anna Mania, b. 1796, Oct. 21, m. (second wife) Jeremiah Lanning, of Hope, Warren Co. V. CHRISTINA, m. 19 Sept.. 1780, Andreas Henseler. VI. ANNA, m. John Thomas (s. of Matthias, 1st). \ 374 Earty GERMANS oF NEw JERSEY VII. MARGARET, m. 19 March, 1781, John Dean. VIII. ELISABETH, m. John Petrie (s. of William 2). FLUMERVELT. ZACHARIAS FLUMERVELT, came on ship “Hope” from Rotterdam, 1784,. Sept. 23 ; his name appears on John Peter Nitzer’s ledger, 1753 and °59 ; prob. had ch.: I. GEORGE, m. Elisabeth Schuyler’ (dau. of Philip); had ch.: (I). PETER, m. a Potter. (Il). ZacHaRtas, b. 1784, March 27, d. 1822, June 8 ; was shot by a neigh- boring farmer, m. Catharine Neighbor (dau. of Leonard III); had children : 1. Lronarp N., b. 1807, Feb. 15, m. Catherine Apgar (dau. of Her- bert of Lower Valley). 2. Eviza, b. 1809, Sept. 18, m. first, David Johnson ; second, John Miller, of Clarksville. : Sopura, b. 1812, March 15, m. Andrew Bay. . GEORGE, b. 1814, Dec. 17, m. Catherine Read (dau. af Philip) ; res. at Lower Valley. 5. ZACHARIAS, b. 1817, m. Hilioaaatle Terryberry (dau. of Jacob); res. at Lower Valley. (IID. Grores, b. 1800, Sept. 27, m. Elisabeth Trimmer (dau. of David), b 1779, d. 1848, Aug. 26. (IV). Mareareraa Ann, b. 1804, March 12. (V). Davin, b. 1806, May 31; died at sea ; Capt. of a vessel ; womarried. (VI). Mary, b. 1806, May 31, m. Jacob Apgar. II. ZACHARIAS, had a son Cornelius, who m. —— Banghart. III. FREDERICK, m. Deli —, had Andres, b. 1780, Dee. 5. IV. PHILIP, m. Catherine —, had John, b. 1783, July 20. V. BERTRAM, m. Catherine ——, had Zacharias, b. 1775. VI. JOHN. VII. YORICK. VIII. CORNELIUS, whose name, with those of John and Yorick, appears, 1760, on Nitzer’s ledger in the account of Zacharias; m. Eva ; made a will 1798, April 4, probated May 7, who names ch.: (D). ZACHARIAH. (II). CoRNELIUVS. (II). Coariry SNYDER. (IV). CATHARINE CLECKOVER. (V). ExisaBETH HOFFMAN. (VI). Francxy Youne. (VII). Mary TEREBERY. IX. ALBERTUS, m. Mary Clabine ; ; had ch.: (D). ANDREW. (II). GEORGE, b. 1785, Oct. 15, d. 1858, Mar. 27, m. first, 1808, Dec. 15, Margaret Henry, b.- 1786, Mar. 22, d. 1830, Aug. 16; second, Mrs. Mary Fergus (born a Linaberry), b. 1787, Oct. 19, d. 1845, Sept. 12; third, Elisabeth Thompson, b. 1792, Sept. 16; had ch. : 1, ANDREW, b. 1809, Sept. 19, m. Matilda Angle (dau. of Philip). ‘FLUMERVELT—FOLK—FORCE 345 ‘2. JOHN, b. 1811, Oct. 22, m. Euphemia Adams (dau. of Amos). 3, WESLEY, b. 18!3, Dec. 15, m. Sarah Ann Leida (dau. of Isaac). 4. CHARLES, b. 1816, Jan. 17, m. Eleanor Read (dau. of David). 5. Sara Ann, b. 1818, April 9, m. Jas. R. Kishpaugh. 6. James A., b. 1820, May 5, m. Sarah Swayze. ‘Y, ELiza, b. 1822, May 5, m. Jacob Anderson. 8. PETER, b. 1823, Nov. 5, m. Ellen Adams. 9. CAROLINE, b. 1825, Mar. 22,m Conrad C. Hildebrant (dau. of John). 10. GEORGE, b. 1827, June 25, unmarried. 11, MareaRer H., b. 1830, July 22, m. Adram Johnson. 12. JESSE. ‘ FOLK. ANDREAS VOLCK, [Falck, Folk], b. 1679 ; came over to New Amsterdam in the “First Emigration,” 1709, by the aid of Queen Annie, of England, in the com- pany of Rev. Joshua Kocherthal ; settled, prob. with the rest at Quassaick Creek (Newberg, N. Y.); m. Catharina, b. 1682; had ch. in N. Y. City, 1710: I. MARIA BARBARA, b. 1704. II. GEORGE HIERONIMUS [Jerome], b. 1705. Ill. ANNA GERTRAUDA [Gertrude], b. 1708. IV. CHRISTIAN, prob. s. of Andreas, (or of ARNOLD FoLk of 2d Emigration; in N. Y., 1710, at 36 years of age); his father may have rem. to N. J., as nearly all the German settlers of Newberg very early moved away from there. At any rate Christian was settled in Somerset Co. at the time of his death ; Cristeyan Folk signs subscription for Pluckamin Lutheran Church, 7 Dec., 1757; Christian Falck and Henry Folk sign articles of Faith of the Lutheran Church of New Germantown and Pluckamin, in 1767 ; his will, May 1, 1756, prob. 10 May, 1768, names wife Anna Donitia and ch.. (). HENDRICK. (II). Parr. (IT). BaARBARY. HENRY FOLK, a prominent citizen of Sparta, N. J., for many years engaged in the milling business ; a director in the Merchant’s National Bank, of Newton ; came from the vicinity of Giessen, in Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, in the year —. He was the son of Philip and Catharina and was b. 15 Oct., 1835, m. Eliza Murray, b. 24 Feb., 1828. He had five brothers and one sister, viz., PHILIP, b. 30 May, 1826; Perer; JoHN ; Henny; Konrap ; KaTuarina ; WILHELM died young ; he has ch.: I. RICHARD M., b. 15 Sept., 1858, m. Belle Gordon. Tl. HENRY W., b. 20 July, 1860 ; engaged with his brother Richard in mercantile business in Sparta. III. MOLUIE, b. 2 May, 1862. IV. WILLIAM H., b. 26 Aug., 1863, d. 17 May, 1878. V. CARRIE Y., b. 18 March, 1866, d. 21 April, 1867. FORCE. Three brothers came to this country from Germany, or England. One went to Philadelphia, another settled near Newark, from whom Rev. W. Manning Force 376 Earty GerMAns OF New JERSEY descended, and a third WILLIAM, settled near Spruce Run ; m. a Miss Woolever, whose father came from Rhinebeck, Germany. He had at least one son : THOMAS, b. about 1740, m. a dau. of William Coxe, the large landholder, from whom he received a large tract of land, west of Spruce Run. He built a saw- mill and grist mill ; was a wheelwright by trade. He had children : J. WILLIAM, b. 12 April, 1767, m. a Deremer. Il. JOSEPH, b. 22 March, 1769, m. a Brent. III. ELISABETH, b. 27 Feb., 1771. IV. MARY, b. 30 Oct., 1772. V. THOMAS MANNING, b. 27 April, 1775. VI. BENJAMIN, b. 29 Sept., 1778. VII. SUSANNAH, b. 17 Dec., 1780. VIII. JOHN, b. 11 Nov., 1783. IX. HANNAH, b. 18 March, 1786. X. JAMES, b. 20 June, 1788 ; rem. to Drakestown, where he bought 190 acres. of Mr. Marsh ; m. Lany Vosseller (dau. of Jacob), b. 27 Dec., 1787 ; had children : (d). CHARLES, b. 2 Jan., 1809, m. Esther Martenis. (IL) Tuomas, b. 19 Jan., 1811, m. Sarah T. Banghard (dau. of Abram) ; had ch.: 1. William, b. 22 Sept., 1836, m first, Sarah Fritts ; second, Hattie Giddis; 2. Abraham B., b. 10 April, 1839, m. Eunice Batson ; 3. James, b. 2 May, 1842, unm.; 4. Jacob, b. 25 Feb , 1845, m. Abigail A. Anderson (dau. of Henry V.); 5. Thaniel, b. 13 Feb., 1848, unm.; 6. Joseph, b. 3 Oet., 1851, m. Adaline Helle brant (dau. of David); 7. George, b. 4 July, 1855, m. Rettie Helle- brant (half-sister to Adaline). (III). Jacos, unmarried. (IV). JOSEPH, unmarried (V). Susanna, died young. (VI). Mary, m. William Anderson. (VID). Evia, b. 5 Dec., 1825, unmarried. MIScELLANEOUS—Some people claim that the name was originally La Force or La Force’. The first one is said to have been OBADIAH, who came from France. There was a MarrHew Force at Woodbridge, who m. 7 Jan., 1696, Sara —, and had ch.: 1. John, b. 24 Dec., 1697 ; 2. Elisabeth, b. 22 Sept., 1699; 3. Mary, b. 18 Nov., 1701, d. 17 April, 1703. It may be that the name La Forse, Lafasi, Lafar, Lafaers, is the same as La Force or La Force', Theformer occur on the Records of the Dutch Church of Somerville, as follows: JAN La FORSE, has ch.: Abraham, bap. 25 Oct., 1704; Isaac, bap. 12 June, 1723; Jan, bap. 20 Dec., 1724 (parents Jan and Cary); Francentye, bap. 3 April, 1726, and Angenetje, bap. 29 April, 1720 (parents same as above) ; NIcoLAES LAFoRsE and Nella Merlatt have Nicolaes, bap. 27 June, 1736; ABRAHAM and Raghel [Rachel] have Jan, bap. 24 Feb., 1740. The combined Register (containing Records of First Presby- terian Church of Morristown) has Manan (Manning ?] m. 10 May, 1753, Lucretia Wirxhel, and several other later data. . FOX. JOHANNES PETER FFUCKS, [Fuchs, Fuhz or Fox], b. 1679 ; came over in the 2d Emigration, 1710; prob. settled on Fuchsenberg or Fox Hill, which was Fox—FRACcE 377 named after him ; m. first, Anna Margaret, b. 1686 ; prob. m. second, Maria and had ch.: I. JOHN PETER, b. 4 March, bap. 7 Aug., 1720, at the house of Baldus Pickle on the Raritans (near Whitehouse] by Rev. Justus Falkner, pastor of the Lutheran Church of New York City ; signs call to Rev. John Albert Weygand, 1749 ; naturalized 20 Aug., 1755. MiscELLANEOUS—Fanny Fox, PuHitip and DAaNieL Fuuz, on ledger of John Peter Nitzer, storekeeper in German Valley, 1763. Leonard Fox naturalized by act of Assembly, 28 April, 1762. There was a family of this name very early in Hunterdon Co., who were Quakers of English descent. FRACE. I. JOHN FRIES [perh. Frees or Frace], prob. a brother of WILLIAM ; res. in Knowlton twp., now Warren Co.; his will, 6 March, 1770, prob. 8 May 1771, names ch.: (). Joan HENRY. (II). Martinus, prob. ‘‘Sen.” m. Jane, who was b. 8 Jan., 1753, d. 21 Noyv., 1819, buried at Knowlton cemetery. (Id). Joun. (IV). Cary, m. a Snider. (V). ELISABETH, m. a Snider. (VI). Apam. (VID. JoHNn. (VIII). Mary. (IX). Any, m. Philip Hoffman. II. WILLIAM, prob. a brother of John, res. at Knowlton ; his will, prob. 26 May, 1795, names wife Mary and ch.: (@). MICHEL, perh. m. Gertraud ; had ch.: 1. ELISABETH, b. 10 March, 1770. 2. AwnA Marta, b. 16 Feb., 1772. 8. Maria Grit, b. 3 Aug., 1776. (I. WriLiam HENRY. (dh. JOHN. (IV). CHRISTINA. (V). Mary ELISABETH. (VI). Mary. (VII). ANNA. (VIII). Jacos, not named in will, but perh. ason of William, m. Margaret (Durenberger 7]; had ch. at least : 1. Anna Maria, b. 7 May, 1774. 2. ELISABETH, b. 24 Sept., 1777. 3. Jacos, b. 22 Aug., 1779. FREDERICK, perh. the s. of Johan Frederick Freyss, who arrived at Philadelphia 28 Sept., 1741; m. Elsie Catherine [Snook #]; had ch. at least : I. WILHELM, b. 27 Dec., 1777. , II. JACOB, went West. Ill. DAVID, killed by a horse. IV. JOHN, m. an Oliver ; had at least, (). Isaac, b. 3 March, 1813, m. Elisabeth Rarick (dau. of William); had 378 Earty Germans or New JERSEY children : 1. Ezexren A., m. Harriet V. Sutton (dau. of John); had ch.: (1). Levi, dec.; (2). Merilda, dec.; (8). Bell, m. Theodore Slyker ; (4). Hulda, m. William Slockbower ; (5). Mary A., m. Jobn Bell ; (6). Lizzie B., dec.; (1). Emma, m. Fred. Philhower ; (8). Harriet V.; (9). Hzekiel A.; (10). Lydia Lulu. 2. Hutpag, m. Alfred Nunn. 3. Mary, m. Gilbert Dufford. 4. Isaac, m. Catherine Karns (dau. of David). 5, AMANDA, m. George Swarts (dau of Isaac). MIScELLANEOUS—In Knowlton Cemetery: Prtmr, b. 9 March, 1763, d. 4 Aug., 1846 (2); CEcrLia, b. 1757, d. 29 May, 1828; ANDREW, b. 1790, d. 31 Oct., 1839; Susanna, b. 1794, d. 1 Jan., 1866, at 73; Perer, b. 4 Oct., 1785, d. 26 April, 1814, at 28. JacoB FRIES with other Moravians arrived at Bethlehem, Penn., from Den- mark, 14 Sept., 1753. Letters of admin. of the estate of JoHN FRzEasS, of Sussex Co., granted 7 Jan., i794, to Catherine and Peter Freas. FRELINGHUYSEN. REV. THEODORUS JACOBUS FRELINGHUYSEN [or Frelinghausen, as he sometimes wrote it], was born at Lingen, in East Friesland, now belonging to the kingdom of Hanover, about 1691. He was the son of REV. JOHANNES HENRICUS FRELINGHUYSEN, pastor of the Reformed Church at Lingen, and a brother of MATTHIAS DAVID FRELINGHUYSEN, who settled in Hortigen, Holland. He died not later than 1748, as near as we can tell, and is said to have been buried on the property which he owned near Three-Mile Run, though without a stone to mark the spot. He was ordained in Friesland, in 1717, by John Brunius, and settled at Embden. He was selected for the service of the churches, and urged to go to that distant field by a pious elder, belonging to the Church of Sicco Tjadde. The young minister made a strongly favor- able impression by his edifying manner of conducting family worship, at the house of the elder, where he was stopping on his way to Embden to assume the . rectorship of that place. Mr. F. arrived at New York January, 1720, in ship King George, under Captain Goelet. He preached 17 January, 1720, in the Collegiate Church, New York, and, for the first time on the Raritan, 31 Jan., 1720, from 2 Corinthians, 1:20. His field of labor extended from New Brunswick to North Branch. ‘‘He encountered many difficulties, owing in part to the scattered population, dense forests, unbridged streams, and ill-marked roads, incident to a newly-settled country, but still more to the state of the people, among whom formalism abounded, leading, as it always does in the end, to a (great relaxation of morals. His ministry was one of continued conflict, carried on most aggressively against indifferentism and pharisaic formalism. The method of this fearless preacher was to always carry the war into the enemies’camp. With tireless energy and uncompromising earnestness, he fought out to its finish the conflict between truth anderror.” The storm and stress of of such a life-long struggle, in which churches and even families were divided, and the aid of the courts and the printing press was enlisted, must have been very trying and exhaustive. Still the bold champion of purity in religion held on his way, because, as he said, he would “rather died a thousand deaths than not preach the truth.’” The results of his faithfulness were found first in his FRELINGHUYSEN 379 own family, every one of his five sons becoming ministers, and both his daughters marrying ministers. A personal religion, which is thus attested, needs no other proof of its sincerity and attractiveness. Moreover, the search- ing revival, which brought so many into the churches under his charge, and the testimony of Whitfield and others, sufficiently evidence the power of his preaching to have been that of the truth itself. Some bitterness and excess were to be expected, when conscious rectitude is so maliciously assailed, as it was in the person of Rev. Mr. Frelinghuysen for so many years. Rev. Theodorus Jacobus bought, i7 July, 1744, a farm of 200 acres from Dan Hendrickson, in Middlesex Co. [Trenton Lib., 42 or 25, fol. 444], said to be the John Bronson place, a little west of Three-Mile Run. His seven children were: Theodore; John ; Jacobus; Ferdinandus; Henricus; Anna, b. 1788, d. 3 May, 1810, at 72, m. Rev. William Jackson, who was settled for thirty years over the churches of Staten Island and Bergen ; Margaret, b. 12 Nov. 1787, d. 28 Dec., 1757, m. Rev. Thomas Romeyn, of Long Island ; had one son, Res. Theodore Frelinghuysen Romeyn, who suceeeded Dr. Hardenburgh, in his grandfather’s charge on the Raritan. REV. THEODORE, the eldest son of Rev. Theodorus Jacobus, b. 1724, d. at sea about 1760. He was sent to Holland for his education, and, after being or- dained to the ministry, came to this country in 1745. The next year he was settled over the Dutch Church in Albany, N. Y. (1746-1760). ‘‘He was a man of more than ordinary abilities and culture, and published a catechism in 1748, which received the approbation and endorsement of the coetus. His memory was long precious among the godly people in his charge at Albany.” He wasardent in disposition, and frank and popular in his manners ; but his severe denunciation of fashionable excesses, introduced by royal troops quartered in the city, led to his resignation and his departure for Holland, in the pursuit of funds for the establishing of an educational institution in this country. He was lost at sea about 1760. He had sailed from New York, 10 Oct., 1759. He left a young widow, who afterwards married again, but no children. . REVS. JACOBUS and FERDINANDUS, the third and fourth sons of Rev Theo- : dorus Jacobus, were sent to Holland to be educated and ordained for the ministry. After they had finished their courses of study, they embarked for home to take charge, the one of the church of Wawarsing or Marbletown, the other of that of Kinderhook ; but both died at sea of smallpox in 1753. HENRICUS, the fifth, and youngest son of Rev. Theodorus Jacobus, pursued his studies in this country, and was licensed to preach in 1756, and took charge of the churches of Wawarsing and Rochester, in Ulster County, N. Y. The next year he was regularly ordained, but soon after died of smallpox at Naponoch. : REV. JOHN, the second son of Rev. Theodorus Jacobus, b. 1727, died, Sept. 15, 1754, suddenly, at Flatbush, at 27 years of age; was educated and ordained in Holland ; commenced his labors as successor of his father, in Aug. 1750; brought bricks from Holland for a house [the —— Doughty mansion in Somer- ville}, which still stands, and which was once a theological seminary, under Rev. John; m. Dinah Van Berg, of Amsterdam, Holland, the daughter of a wealthy and distinguished East India merchant, who m. for 2d husband Rev. Jacobus Rutsen Hardenberg ; had ch.: Hva, m. Caspar Van Nostrand, and rem. to Ulster Co., N. Y., where numerous descendants of the family are still remaining ; and Frederick. 380 Earty Germans or New JERSEY ‘“Gen.” FREDERICK, only son of Rev. John, b. April 18, 1753, d. April 13, 1804, m. first, Gertrude Schenck, d. March, 1794; second, Ann Yard. He studied theology six months, but gave up the design of becoming a minister ; strange to say, he was not a communicant of the church. He was educated at Prince- ton, where he graduated in 1770 ; was admitted to the Bar when of age ; was, at the early age of 22, in 1775, sent to the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, where he was placed on the committee of Public Safety ; chosen representative again the next year; elected, in 1778, on joint ballot to the Continental Congress, but resigned after serving a year ; returned to the Continental Con- gress 1782 and 1783; member of Assembly of New Jersey, 1785-87; was member of the Convention of 1787 ; took partin battle of Trenton as captain of a volunteer corps of artillery; shot the Hessian, Colonel Rahl; afterwards colonel of militia ; was present at the skirmishes at Springfield and Elisabeth, and at the battle of Monmouth Court-house. June, 1778 ; in 1793, was chosen to the United States Senate, from which he resigned, 1796. . In the whiskey insur- rection in Pennsylvania, he was major-general of the forces of Pennsylvania and New Jersey ; he had ch.: John, Theodore, Frederick, Maria Cornell, Catherine Judd, Elisabeth Yard Etmendorf, and Sarah. : I. ‘“‘Gen.” JOHN, b. near Millstone, 21 March, 1776, d. of a bilious fever 10 April, 1833, m. first, 1797, Louisa Mercer, dau. of Archibald, then re- siding near Blackwell’s Mills ; second, 13 Nov., 1811, Elisabeth Mercereau “ Van Vechten, dau. of Michael, b. 11 Dec., 1790, d. 4 June, 1867. ‘‘ Not- withstanding the unpropitious circumstances in which his infancy and youth were passed, occasioned by the Revolution and its immediate results, he secured sufficient education to enable him to enter Queen’s College at New Brunswick, from which he was graduated in 1792. He was admitted to the Bar in 1797. In 1801 he purchased the estate at Somerville, but about 1805 returned to Millstone, on account of his father’s death, and took charge of the family, superintending the studies of his younger brothers, Theodore and Frederick While living here he lost his wife, in 1809, and united with the church at Millstone. In 1810 he returned to Somerville. He was not an eloquent pleader, but had a large and lucrative business in the quieter branches of his profession. He represented his county as a member of the State Council from 1809 to 1816, and was surrogate of the county for fifteen years, from 1818 to 1832. He was frequently made the executor of estates. He commanded a regiment of militia at Sandy Hook in the war of 1812. After the war he was made a brigadier-general, by which title he was subsequently addressed.” He had a quick eye, a clear head, a rapid decision, a sound judgment, a strong will, and invincible courage. He was a man of large heart, and devised liberal things. Pleasant, affable, social, he enjoyed life abundantly ; yet he thought continually for others. Hand and heart were open to the poor and afflicted. He was a man of profound and ardent piety.” [History of Hunterdon.and Somerset Counties, p. 586]. ‘‘He seemed to be quite insensible to fear. Atone time there was, in the county of Somerset, a resident who, having become heavily in- volved in pecuniary embarrassments, and being threatened with legal process, shut himself up in his home with loaded arms, and declared that he would shoot any person who attempted to serve a warrant on him. As the man was known to be of a very determined character, it was ‘NASANHONITEUA HOLMACAUA “NAD “CV ‘SLUGM “L ‘OGD “AOD FRELINGHUYSEN 381 difficult to find any one willing to approach the house. General Freliag- huysen, on being informed of the fact, took the paper and declared that he would serve it. As he came near the dwelling, the occupant called out to him to return, or he would fire. ‘No you wont,’ was the reply as the courageous man coolly continued his course until he reached the door, when he made legal service of the paper.” He had ch. by his first wife. : An infant who d., Mary Ann Vanderveer, Frederink, d. at 2, Gertrude Magie by 2d wife: Theodore, Elisabeth Kennedy, Frederiak (J.). Louisa M. Chembers, Sarah, Kate and Sophia. “(. A Boy, born 21 May, 1798, died 1800. /(ID. Mary Ann, b. 12 Aug., 1799, d. 1846, m. Henry Vanderveer, M. D. /(III). FREDERICK, b. 24 July, 1801, d. 1803. JUV). GERTRUDE, b. 5 Jan., 1804, d. —-, m. David Magie of N. Y. city- Gen. John had children by second wife : ii THEODORE, b. 11 March, 1814, unmarried ; prepared for college at Somerville N. J.; grad. from Rutgers College, 1831 ; studied law in office Thos. A. Hartwell, Esq., of Somerville, and in that of his uncle, Hon. Theo. Frelinghuysen in Newark; admitted as an attor- ney, 1835, as a counselor, Feb., 1838 ; practiced law at Somerville, 1835-88, in Newark from 1838—1870 ; retired from active practice at that date and has since resided with his brother, Frederick J., at Raritan, N. J. AV). EvisaBeta La GRANGE, b. 21 Aug., 1816, m. Henry R. Kennedy, of Bloomsbury, N. J.; had ch.: Miriam, John, Robert, Theodore, Beulah, Louisa. ‘ / (VII). Freperick ‘‘J.”, b. 12 Oct., 1818, d. Raritan, Somerset Co., N. J., 5 May, 1891; prepared for college at Somerville, N. J.; took the full course at Rutgers College ; studied law with Rich 8. Field, licensed as an attorney in May, 1841; practised law a few years in Somerville, then in Raritan; County Superintendent of public schools, 1867-1873 ; Surrogate Somerset Co., 1873-1878 ; Secretary of Somerset County Bible Society, from 15 Aug., 1849, to his death in 1891, a period of 42 years ; elder of Third Ref. Church of Rari- tan for many years. He was very fond of children, and was for very many years Superintendent of the Sabbath school of the Third Church of Raritan ; m. Dec. 27, 1855, Victoria Bowen Sherman (dau. of Capt. Joseph Sherman and Charlotte Ely ; had childen : /1. CHARLOTTE SHERMAN, b. 3 Nov., 1856, m. 18 Jan. 1889, William C. Southwick. / 2. JOHN, b. 17 Sept., 1858, unmarried ; resides Somerville, N. J.; graduated Rutgers College, N. J., 1879; admitted to the bar, June term, 1882; practised til Sept., 1884; appointed, after Civil Service examination, Special Examiner of U. S. Pension Bureau ; resigned Sept., 1857; partner of Hon. A. A. Clark until 1892 ; partner H. K. Gaston, 1892 ; Secretary Somerset Co. Bible Society, Sept., 1891, as successor of his father, F. J. Frel- inghuysen. «3, ELISABETH, b. 6 March, 1°61, d. Aug. 28, 1866. ; 4, THEODORE, b. 30 Nov., 1864, d. Sept. 3, 1566. v5. JOSEPH SHERMAN, b. 12 Mar., 1869, unmarried; in business in 382 v Karty GERMANS OF NEW JERSEY New York as insurance broker in partnership with Mr. Jameson; the firm are BDLORLESS for the ‘‘ Manufacturers’ Loyds Fire In- surance Co.”; General Manager of the Globe Fire Insurance Co.; member ‘of “ Troop A.” of the National Guard, of the State of New York; res. part of the time in New York, and part of the time at Somerville, N. J. 7 4, CLARENCE, b. Oct. 5, 1871, d. April 29, 1874. VII). Lovursa Mercer, b. Dec. 3, 1821, d. June 2, 1892, m. Talbot Ww. Chambers, 8. T. D., L.L.D. (s. of William C.). ¢ IX). Sapan, unmarried. ’ (X). CATHERINE, unmarried. J(X1), Sopnta, b. ——, d. May 6, 3 P. M., 1867, unmarried. ‘JI, THEODORE, second son of Gen. Frederick, b. Mar. 28, 1787, at Millstone, N. J., d. April 12, 1862, m. first, Charlotte Mercer (dau. of Archibald), 1809 ; second, Harriet Pompelly, 1857 ; elected, 1826, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court, which position he declined to accept ; had no chil- dren. Was Att’y-Gen. of New Jersey, 1817-29; U.S. Senator, 1829-35 ; Chancellor N. Y. University: Toes President Rutgers College, 1850-61; . “(New Jersey’s favorite son.” In 1841 he was chosen President of tid American Board of antec for Foreign Missions ; and in 1846, President of the American Bible Society. Hon. L. Q@. C. Elmer says of him: ‘(His piety was so unostentatious and yet so manifest, his manner of address so winning, his integrity so complete, and his desire to do good so intense, that he could not fail to exercise a good influence over those with whom he came in contact. Even those who would turn with dis- gust from any attempt of others to introduce religious subjects, would . listen to him at least with assumed patience, and thank him for his faith- fulness. His natural temper was quick and irritable, [but with the rarest exceptions under complete control]. This quick sensibility was one of the elements of his power. It was manifested in his voice and demeanor. He was indeed the most persuasive speaker I have ever listened to. [He never wrote out his speeches in full and spoke at his best without writing]. Like Whitefield, and all great natural orators, his voice and manner were such as to bring his hearers into entire sympathy with his own feelings, and thus to overmaster them. * * %* He filled the place in the Senate which was filled by Mr. Wil- perforce in the British Parliament. His voice was always heard on the right side of all questions partaking of a religious or moral character, like the Sunday mail and the Cherokee Indian bills. The congressional prayer-meeting was as constantly attended by him as the sittings of the Senate itself. There is indeed no reason to doubt that his personal influ- ence at Washington was equal if not superior to that of any other indi- vidual.” He was nominated for the office of Vice-President on the same ticket with Henry Clay, in 1844. This was without the least solicitation or suggestion, direct or indirect on his part. His defeat was a most painful surprise to a host of friends, who took the failure of their efforts as a personal affliction. ‘‘ From the time when he took his first success- ful position at the bar of New Jersey in 1812, until he went to New York in 1838, he was engaged in almost every important cause which arose in the State.” The great cases in which he appeared and established his FRELINGHUYSEN 383 reputation were the, important slander case Hall vs. Grant, tried in Newark in 1821 ; the great Quaker case tried in 1833, in which the read- ing of the evidence occupied nine days.; and the New Jersey Proprietary case, Waddell vs. Martin, concerning the ownership of lands under water around the coast and along tide-water streams. [See his life by Rev. Talbot W. Chambers, D. D., Board Publication Reformed Church, 1863]. / ill. FREDERICK, third son of Gen. Frederick, b. 8 Nov., 1788, at the family homestead at Millstone. He d. 10 Nov., 1820, m.4 Aug., 1812, Jane Du- mont (dau. of Peter B.). He received the rudimentary elements of his education at New Brunswick ; was prepared for college in the academy at Basking Ridge ; graduated at Nassau Hall, 1806 ; admitted to the bar, 1810 ; commenced practice at Millstone, and soon secured a lucrative practice ; appointed Prosecutor of the Pleas for the counties of Somer- set, Middlesex and Hunterdon, which office he held until his death. He was more of a natural orator than either of his brothers. He delivered two addresses, which enhanced very greatly his reputation as an orator. One of these orations was before the Washington Benevolent Association at New Brunswick in 1812, and the other before the Somerset County Bible Society in 1820. ‘‘His imagination was fervid, his temperament buoyant, and his sensibility very lively.” His piety was sincere, earnest and practical. A noteworthy characteristic of the three brothers, John, Theodore and Frederick, was their brotherly affection. ‘‘ The love which these brothers had for each other was, in its depth and warmth, almost romantic. Their greatest pleasure was to be together, and the lively sallies of the younger brother never failed to dispel the depression of spirits to which Theodore was sometimes subject.” Frederick had five children: Susan Waterman, Gertrude Mercer, Dumont, Frederick, Theodore and Maria Louisa Elmendorf : “ (). Susan, b. ,d. ,m. Willilm D. Waterman ; no children. » (1). Gerrrupg, b. 7 Sept., 1814, d. 11 Oct., 1886, m. 7 July, 1835, Dr. Wm. T. Mercer; had ch.: Charlotte F. Mercer ; Gertrude A. (Mercer) Whitehead ; Frederick F Mercer ; Theodore F. Mercer ; William Mercer; Archibald Mercer ; Dumont Mercer. y “iD. Dumont, 4, 16 Feb., 1816, m. Martina Vanderveer (dau. of Judge); no children; res. at Somerville, N. J.; licensed as an attorney, Sept., 1838 ; as a counsellor, Nov., 1843 ; Clerk of Somerset Co., 1840-5. /(IV). Freperick ‘“T.”, b. at Millstone, 4 Aug., 1817; graduated at Rutgers College, 1836 ; admitted to the bar, 1839 ; Counsel of the City of Newark, 1849-54 ; Counsel of C. R. R. of N. J., and of the Morris Canal and Banking Co.; member of Common Council of City of Newark, 1846 ; member of Peace Congress, which met in Washington, D. C. Feb., 1861 ; appointed by Gov. Olden Attorney- General of New Jersey, 1861-6; appointed again by Gov. Ward and reappointed by Gov. Parker; appointed, and afterwards elected, U.S. Senator for part of aterm ; re-elected for full term of 6 years, 18—; nominated and elected Minister to Great Britain, which flat- tering offer was declined ; was again offered the English Mission by Pres. Hayes, and this second offer was also declined; appointed by President Arthur Secretary of State of U. 8., 12 Dec., 1881. Mr. 384 He Oo Do ee 5. 6. EarLy GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY F, during his career in Congress, was influential in getting Mr. Sumner’s Civil Rights bill passed; introduced the bill against polygamy ; secured the passage in the Senate of the bill to return to Japan, what is known as the Japanese Indemnity Fund ; took a prominent part in the Alabama controversy; delivered speeches in the French Arms controversy and upon the impeachment of Andrew Johnson ; was a member of the famous Electoral Com- mission of 1877. One, who knew Mr. ‘F. well, says of him: ‘ Fred- erick Frelinghuysen was born in Somerset Co., N. J., in 1818, but his father having died when he was quite young, he was taken to Newark and entered the household of his uncle Theodore (a mem- ber of the U. S. Senate 1830-36, afterwards Chancellor of the University of the City of N-w York, and finally President of Rut- gers College, N. J.), by whom he was brought up. In the great wave of spiritual influence which swept over the country in 1837-8 he was reached and after a long and severe struggle with his nat- ural pride was converted to the truth, to which he steadfastly ad- hered for the rest of his life. He had a quick and active mind, was capable of long and intense application, and speedily won a high place at the bar of N. J. He was endowed with the faculty of easy and persuasive speech, and this with his acquired and hereditary character gave him, great influence with juries, legislative bodies and popular assemblies, He had great personal dignity, and passed through life untouched by slander. He took a deep interest in philanthropic enterprises, and was especially interested in plans for the wider circulation of God’s word, and at the time of his death was President of the Somerville Bible Society. He was a spiritual man, and exerted a quiet but decided influence upon his fellows at the bar and in the Senate, never being ashamed to speak in behalf of the Saviour whom he loved and served.” Mr. Frelinghuysen m. Matilda E. Griswold (dau. of George); had ch.: . Matiupa G., m. H. Winthrop Gray. . CHARLOTTE LOUISE. . FREDERICK. . GEORGE GRISWOLD, m. Sarah Ballantine ; has ch.; Peter B. and John Bancroft. SaRaud HELEN, m. John Davis ; has ch.: Matilda Elisabeth Davis and John Bancroft Davis. THEODORE, m. Alice Coats ; has. ch.: one son, Frederick F. (V). Marra Louisa, b. § Mar., 1819, d. 6 Feb., 1890, m. John C. Elmen- dorf ; had one son, Jahn E. Elinenstor?. Tv. MARIA, dan, of Gen. Frederick, b. Mar. 12, 1778, m. Rev. John Cornéll. Vv. CATHARINE, dau. of Gen. Frederick, m. Hew, Gideon F. Judd, D. D., of Catskill. VI. ELISABETH YARD, dau. of Gen. Frederick, m. James B. Elmendorf, M. D., of Millstone, N. J. VII. SARAH, dau. of Gen. Frederick, died young, about 18 years of age. “NESANHDNITAYA AUOGOAHL “NOH ‘NUSANHONITHAA ‘L MoIMaaaua “NOH eee Frey—FRritrTs 385 FREY. HEINRICH FREY, whose will, Bedminster, 10 Jan., 1775, prob. 4 May, 1776, is the only one written and recorded in the German language, that the writer has found. The copyist was evidently unacquainted with the German and in consequence his copy is almost unreadable. All that can be made out with any probability is that Heinrich had five children : I. GABRIEL. Il. JOHANNES. Til. WILLIAM. IV. A daughter who m. Abraham Ludenss (Luckens or Luckengs). V. A daughter who m. Joseph Smidts. ' FRITTS. FREDERICK FRITTS, b. 1732, Nov. 11, d. 1816, May 10, at 84, m. Cornelia Jewell, b. 1731, Sept. 18, d. 1816, May 2, at 85; had ch.: I, WILLIAM, m. Mary Abel (dau. of Andrew), b. 1760, d. 1829, April 10, at 69 ; had ch.: (I). CHRISTENA, b. 1783, Jan. 9, m. Wm. Alexander. (II). Mary, b. 1786, Dec. 28, m. Matthias Crater. (Il). Corn=xta, b. 1789, Feb. 18, m. Philip Weller. (IV). WiLr1aM, b. 1795, Feb. 11, m Althea Shurtz. (V). MarGaRetT, b. 1798, June 11, m. Owen Larue. (VI). EvisaBETH, m. Henry Hildebrant. Il. FREDERICK, JR., b. 1759, m. Rachel Steinmets ; had ch.: (). Benyamin, b. 1781, Nov. 11, m. Nancy Beavers (dau. of George). (IID. Wiiiram F., b. 1783, April 18, m. Rachel Bishop. (IIT). Marecarerra, b. 1785, Jan. 25, m. Henry I. Hoffman (s. of John). (IV). Frep. 8, b. 1786, Oct. 22, m. Sarah Jones. (V). Grores, b. 1788, Oct. 28, m. Mary Derenberger (dau. of Phil). (VI). RacuEt, b. 1791, Jan. 24, m. Jacob Derenberger (8. of Phil). (VII). THomas. b. 1798, Sept. 4, m. Elisabeth Hance (dau. of James). (VIII). Morris: b. 1793 (9, Jan. 2, m. Cornelia Lunger. (IX). Jacos, b. 1799, Sept. 1, m. Elisabeth Apgar. III. GEORGE, b. 1765, June 9, m. Anna Abel (dau. of Michel); had ch.: (). Curistina, b. 1786, Oct. 18, m. Morris Cramer. (II). Frep., b. 1788, Jan. 4, died at about 20. (III). CornEL1A, b. 1789, Nov. 12, m. Sam. Johnson. (IV). JoHn, b. 1792 (?), June 30. (V). ELISABETH, b. 1792, July 24, m. Peter Eveland. (VI). CarHERine, b. 1795, Jan. 1, m. first, Phil. Crater ; second, Henry I. Hoffman (s. of John). (VID). Gores, b. 1796, April 1, m. Annie Martenis. (VIII. Anns, b. 1798, Aug. 1, unmarried. ([X). Joun A., b. 1800, Oct. 28, m. first, Elisabeth Banghart ; second, Julia Crater. ; (X). Jacos, b. 1802, May 26, m. Sarah Ann Drake. IV. MORRIS : had ch.: (@). Wixt14M, b. 1791, Jan. 2, unmarried. (II). Marearzt Hazet, b. 1793, Aug. 5, m. Geo. Martenis. 386 Earty Germans oF New JERSEY (III). FRep., b. 1796, Sept. 20, m. Elisabeth Martenis. (IV). Sarag, b. 1799, March 30,m Thomas Bowlby. (V). Susanna, b. 1803, July 23, m. first, Henry Pittenger ; second, John- son Snyder. (V1). Morais F., b. 1807, March 6, unmarried. (VII). Ina JEWELL, b. 1810, Nov. 21, unmarried. CHARLES, m. Susanna White and had ch.: I. PETER, b. 1800, Oct. 20. II. JOSEPH, b. 1802, Sept. 18. III. MARIA, b. 1805, May 5. IV. CHRISTENA, b. 1808, Dec. 21. V. SUSANNA, b. 1811, July 3. VI. SARAH, b. 1818, Nov. 25. VII. CHARLES, b. 1815, Nov. 15. All the above were | at Lebanon with their mother, 27 May, 1816, by Rev. Caspar Wack. VIII. MARY MAGDALENA, b. 1818, April 1. MIscELLANEOUS—From Bethlehem or ‘‘Old Stone” cemetery ; BENJAMIN, SR., d. 1855, Aug. 30, at 82. Nanoy, wife of Benjamin, d. 1816, April 7, at 27. Nancy, wife of Benjamin, d. 1832, April 30, at 35. FRONE. JOHN FRONE, [or From] b. 1761 ; d. 1830, Sept. 30, m. Eva Hendershot ; brought over by his mother, who came with Wm. Neiser, when he was about nine years old, 1770 ; had ch.: I. CONRAD, , m., 1812, Sept. 5, Catherine Gadschalk ; had ch.: (). ExvisaBpety JEAN BoEMAN, b 1818, July 12. (II). Awna, b. 1815, March 8. (II). WiLLiam. (IV). JoHNn. (V). WILSON. Il. MARGARET, b. 1791, Nov. 13, m. John Roelofson. Ill. ELISABETH, m. March, 1816, David Roelofson 6. of Isaac). IV. ANN, m. Ebenezer Stibbs, rem. to Ohio. V. SARAH, m. Daniel Thompson, res. at Mendham. VI. MARIA, b. 1800, July 28, m. Fred Hotrum, rem. to Ohio. VII. EFFIE, m. Richard Sutton, res, in New York. VIII. JOHN, m. Catherine Naughright (dau. of William); had ch.: (I). WiLL1aM, unmarried. (1). Exisasetu, m. Hugh Bartley (s. of Hugh). (III). Davin, died young. (IV). Jacos, married Agnes Osborn. (V). CATHERINE, married Theodore Vannest. (V1). Joun N., married Laura Naughright. (VID). Many, m. first, John Burrell; second, Nicholas Neighbor (2d wife). (VIIT). Emity, m. Isaac Horton. (IX). Anna BaRBaRA, m. Silvester Bilbee. (X). Samvuz., died young. (XI). Auicn, died young. (XII). Lovisa, died young. Gray—GnriFFITHS—GULICK 387 IX. SOPHIA, m. Ezra Gray 6. of Richard), res. in New York. X. CATHERINE GADSCHALEK, b. 1812, March 9,m William Gray, res. in New York. GRAY. RICHARD GRAY owned a farm near Flocktown, Schooley’s Mountain ; m. a Schamp ; had ch.: 1. Jonny, b. 3 July, 1789, m. 22 Feb., 1803, Mary Trimmer (dau. of David); 2. Manton, b. 14 April, 1791, m. Lena Dufford (dau. of ye 3. JESSE, b. 3 Jan., 1793, m. Elisabeth Sliker (dau. of Stephen); 4. Rance Hann, b. 6 Féb., 1795, m. Catherine Trimmer (dau. of George); had ch.: Rance Hann, 2a (6. of Rancs Hann, ist), m. Elisabeth Weise (dau. of Jacob A. and widow of Samuel Welsh); [had ch.: Ann, died young; Mary Welsh, m. Wiilard Apgar (s. of Nathan T.); Kate, m. Charles Slater; Leo, unm.]; 5. ELISABETH, b. 24 March, 1799, m. a Pickle; 6. ARTHUR, b. 14 Jan., 1801, unm.; 7%. RICHARD, b. 3 July, 1803, m. a Coleman or Dufford; 8. Ezra, m. Sophia Frone (dau. of John). GRIFFITHS. JASPER, from Wales, b. 1648, d. 17 April, 1718, aged 70; m. Hannah, b. 1653 (tombstone, Manchester, N. E.), d. 1701; name found in Deeds, 1679, 1709 ; 1686, five males and five females in family ; had ch. (Moore’s Indexes oj Southold) : I. ROBERT, b. 1687, d. 28 March, 1729, at 43, m. first, Susannah, of Connec- ticut ; second, Lydia (who afterwards m. Joseph Conkling), 1782 ; had children : (I). Rospert, perhaps had son Samuel, b. 1710 (4). (I). SamMvEL (4), b. 1710 (perhaps s. of Robert, 1st). (It). Joun, b. 8 Jan., 1723 (%), m. Prudence Hallock in 1715, who after- - wards m. David Howell, and had son John, d. 22 Nov., 1717. (IV). JASPER. (V). WiiL14M, of New Jersey; first town clerk of Roxbury twp., Morris Co., N. J.; appointed March, 1741; had ch. (mentioned in his son William’s will): 1. WiL.L1aM, whose will, dated Roxbury twp., 17 March, 1763, prob. 2 May, 1764 (Trenton 4, 435), names w., Hannah, father William, five brothers and ch. (1). John; (2). Gabriel; (8). Sarah. 2. Zapoc. | 3. ROBERT. 4, EBENEZER. 5. JASPER. 6. FRANCIS. II. SUSANNAH, m. Joseph Peck, 4 Oct., 1704 Ill. EDWARD, m. first, Jrene, d. 8 Nov., 1716; second, Sarah Meeker, on 1 Oct, 1717 ; had five children. Iv. JASPER, z R., d. over 99, m. Ruth, rem. to Lynn, Conn.; had four children. GULICK. JOACHIM GULICK, came from Holland, 1635, to Gravesend, L. I., where he took the oath of allegiance, 1687. He is found at Six Mile Run, Somerset Co., 1717. 388 Earty Germans oF NEw JERSEY He had children: Bensamin ; Henry ; Jonn; Wiuiiam. The three latter were proprietors of a stage line between Trenton and New Brunswick. JOHN (prob. third son of Joachim), d. 1755,m. Rantsha ——; was a Major in the Revolution ; his will, probated 1755, July 23, mentions ch.: JOACHIM, Ta- CAMYNTIA, FERNANDUS, JOHN and MINRAH. JOACHIM (prob. eldest son of John), d. 1779, m. Catherine ; his will, probated 1779, July 28, mentions ch.: 1. PETER; 2. ABRAM ; 3. JoHN: 4. JOACHIM; 5. WIL ; 6, JaniTyE ; 7. ANN; and ‘my brother Ferdinandus.” * JOHN (prob s. of Joachim, 2d), b. 1753, May 28, d. 1810, Feb. 8, m. Elisabeth Demot ; had ch.: I. JOHN, bap. 1783, Dec. 28, m. Barbara Farley ; res. at New Germantown ; had ch.: (D. Joun W., b. 1805, Oct. 19, m. Margaret Dufford (dau. of Jacob). (II). Jamus, b. 1810, July 21. (III). ExisaBeErTH, b. 1811, Dec. 4. (IV). CHARLES PETER, b. 1813, July 5, m. Sarah Ann Clark. (V). ConraD, m. Emily Neiser. (VI). Marecaret, m. — Pickle. (VII). Corneuza, m. Ichabod Fisher. II. JOACHIM, b. 1785, Nov. 27, m. Elisabeth Genther (dau. of John Henry) ; res. at New Germantown ; had ch.: (I). ELisaBEera, b. 1808, March 6, m. Peter K. Mellick ; res. at Somerville. (I). Maria, unmarried. (III). Amanda MarGaRret, b. 1812, Mar. 27, m. Jacob Welsh (s. of Jacob). (IV). CaTHERINE, b. 1814, Oct. 9, m. John Todd ; res. at New Germantown. (V). Jonn Henry, b. 1816, Nov. 10, died young. (VI). Rev. WiLL14M, m. Cornelia Devisher ; settled over Lutheran Ch., Galoopville, New York. (VII). Ann, m. Henry Todd, brother to John. (VIII). ANDREW, m. Eliza Vanderveer. III. WILLIAM, b. 1788, d. 1864, m. 1816, Jan. 20, Margaret Genther (dau. of John Henry), b. 1787. d. 1882, at 96 yrs.; res. at German Valley; had ch.: (I). Jonny, m. Julia Rightmyre ; res. at Flanders. (IJ). CHaRuEs, m. Elisabeth Hellebrant (dau. of Daniel); res. at High Bridge. (III). Henry, died young. (IV). Henrietta, m. Richard Schonheit. (V). EBENEZER SHERWOOD, m. Lucy ——; rem. to Indiana. (VI). ELIsaBeTH, m. John Eveland ; res. at Glen Gardner. (VII). Wm. Henry, m. Jane Searle ; rem. to Ohio. IV. PETER, m. Elisabeth Sutton (dau. of Adam); res. at Califon. V. JAMES, unmarried. VI. JANE, m. —— Apgar (s. of Conrad). VII. CATHERINE, m. Wm. Zuel, a Scotchman. HAGERS. Hacers or Morris AND WARREN COUNTIES. Three brothers, Hans George Hegi, Johan Hagea and Jacob Hagea, came from Rotterdam on ship Dragon, landed at Philadelphia, 1722, Sept. 30. Tradition says HaGeErs 389 that two brothers settled in New Jersey and a third went to New York State. It is also claimed that a brother of those in German Valley founded Hagerstown, Maryland. Jonathan was the name of the founder of that place. JOHANNES HAGER leased farm on Budd tract; bought at German Valley the Tunis Trimmer farm, before 1759 (1770 2); hisname on Foxenberger (Fox Hill) salary list for ten shillings, before 1749 ; letters of administration of his estate granted to Lawrence Hager, June 2, 1765; had ch.: I. LAWRENCE, b. 1735, Nov. 14, (Mar. 15 2), m. 1757, March 3, Mary Cath- erine Sharp (dau. of John Peter), b. 1741, Feb. 2; had ch.: (). Capt. JoHN IR., b. 1759, Feb. 21, d. 1799, July 17, m. 1785, March 3, Annie Cramer (dau. of Matthias), b. 1766, Dec. 28, d. May 18, 1839 ; had ch.: 1, Joun LAWRENCE, b. 1786, Sept. 15, m. 18138, Mar. 8, Annie Mary Sharp (dau. of John Peter, 2d); had ch.: (1). ANGELINE, b. 1814, May 6, d. 1889, Mar. 10, m. McEvers For- man ; res. at Easton. (2). Joun SHaRP HaGer, b. 12 Mar., 1816, d. 19 Mar., 1890, grad. from Princeton College, 1836 ; student of law with Hon. J. W. Miller ; admitted to the bar, 1840 ; commenced prac- tice at Morristown. In 1849 Mr. H. emigrated to Califor- nia, where he at first engaged in mining operations. He soon settled in San Francisco and resumed the practice of his profession. Elected State Senator of California, 1856 ; State District Judge for six years, 1855. He afterwards spent two years in foreign travel. In 1865 and again in 1867, he was elected to the State Senate. In October, 1872, he married Elisabeth, daughter of the late Jas. H. Lucas, a prominent citizen of St. Louis, whose family came from Normandy, France. He was elected to the U.S. Senate and took his seat 9 Feb., 1874. He took an active part in the business of that body and showed the same force of chatacter there, that had marked his influence in all his varied public life. (3). JacoB MILuER, b. 1818, April 6, d. —-, m. Addie Hunt (dau. of Ralph); had two children, Mary E., m. Matthias T. Welsh and Lillie S., unmarried. (4). Lyp1a, b. 1820, Mar. 16, m. a Knight 2. GEORGE, b. 1789, Mar. 18, d. 1793, Jan. 30. 3. ANNIE Mary, b. 1791, Feb. 24, d. 1868, Jan. 15, m. Andrew Weise (s. of Jacob). 4. Morris, b. 1795, Dec. 27; killed by runaway horse. (I). Lawrences Jn., b. 1762, July 27, probably m. Mary Sharp, b. 1779, d. 1854, April 8; no children. Left Mrs. Hager’s place to his nephew Lawrence (s. of Jacob), and M. T. Welsh’s place to his nephew William (s. of John). (IIL). Jacos, b. 1765, Sept. 20; had ch.: 1, ELISABETH, m. 1805, Dec. 28, David M. Kline. 2. Anna C., m. 1812, Feb. 27 (2), David Sharp (s. of John, 2d). 3. Mary, b. 1791, m. John Sharp (s. of John, 2d). 4, WILLIAM, inherited the M. T. Welsh farm from his uncle Lawrence. 390 Earty Germans or New JERSEY (IV). WiLu1a4M, b. 1769, Feb. 24, (V). Morris, b. 1773, Jan. 15. (VI). Grores, b. 1773, March 5. II. JOHN, b. 1738, Nov. 14, m. Elisabeth Weise (dau. of Philip); bought, 1763, property at Drakestown, and kept a tavern there, as early as 1792; had ason John, born 1788 ; moved away. III. ELISABETH, b. 1742, Sept. 19, d. 1791, m. first, Matthias Sharpenstine (s. of Morris); second, John Alpock, of Cokesburg. IV. CATHERINE, b. 1745, Nov. 27. V. JACOB, b. 1750, April 30, m. Sophia Neighbor (widow of Leonard, 2d) ; his will, dated, 1796, April 4, prob. April 25 ; had ch : (I). ELIsaBETH, b. 1789, June 12, m. Francis Anthony ; inherited the John Labar place, near Newberg, Warren Co. (ID. Mary, b 1790, Dec. 31; died young. (IIT). WiLL1am, died young. (IV). ANNIE. VI. GEORGE, b. 1754, Oct. 3, m. Annie Fanger ; bought, 1796, 330 acres of land (Beswick tract), above Springtown ; had ch.: (). WiiiiaMm, b. 1781, Aug. 15, d. 1847, Feb. 4, m. 1812, Mary Rarick (dau. of Conrad, 2d), b. 1788, Jan. 25 ; had ch.: 1, ELISABETH, died young. 2. JOHN, died young. 3, A BABE, died young. 4. Mary, m. J. Vandervort Stryker, in 1849; no children. (II). Davip, m. Ann Rolofson ; rem. to Brookfield, Ohio. (III). EuisaBETH, b. 1787, July 23, m. John Bilbee, (IV). Gzores, b. 1791, April 11 ; unmarried. (V). Isaac, b. 1798, Nov. 28, m. Catherine Jones (widow of Vincent Run- yon); removed to Brookfield, Ohio. (VI). SUSAN, unmarried. (VII). Moszs, m. Perninah Cyphers. VII. DAVID, b. 1759, July 25, m. Elisabeth ; had ch.: (I). Jonn LAWRENCE, b. 1784, Oct. 15 ; removed to Ohio. (I). Davip. ; (III). Susan, m. John Taylor. (IV). Mary ANN, m. a Mesner, who removed to Ohio. (V). Soputa. (VI). Sarag, m. Seth Clark. (VII). Isaac. (VII}). EvisaBers, b. 1778, m. Jacob Dufford (probably s. of Matthias). JACOB HAUGE (or Hager, prob. a brother of Johannes of German Valley), of Oxford (then) Sussex Co., names in his will, 1756, Feb. 4, prob. 1757, March 4, wife Anna Maria and children: I. JOHANNES. II. JOHANNES PHILIP. III. JOHANNES JACOB. IV. JOHANNES GEORGE. V. CATHERINE ANNA. VI. BARBARA ANNA. VII. MARGARET ELISABETH, and as executor, Philip Fromme. HaAGERS 391 HaGeErs oF HoLLaAND TownsHip, HUNTERDON COUNTY. NICHOLAS Hager is said to have lived in Morris Co., N. J., but no trace of such a name appears in the family of German Valley, who all descended from a JOHN. Nicholas is also said to have had a brother who lived in Bucks Co., Pa., probably in Bedminster, and founded Hagerville. This brother had two sons, one a lawyer and another a doctor. Nicholas had at least three, JOHN, FELTEY and PETER. JOHN, the first of these, b. 1748, d. 1810, m. Mary Troch and served in the Revo- lutionary war. He moved to Nochamixon, Pa., where he lived until 1800, when he came to Holland twp., upon the farm now belonging to Jacob Robbins, which . he rented for ten years. This land was conveyed to his son, John, 1811, April 15 ; it was part of Parker’s lot No. 26 ; John had children : I. PHILIP, who had children : (). Jonny. (WD). ABRAHAM. (III). RauPa. (IV). PETER, m. Mary Rapp. . (V). Susan, (VI). Mary. (VII). ExisaseTs, m. Samuel Severs. (VIII). Hannan, m. Levi Zearfoss. (CX). Sarag, m. Lewis Segeaves. II. JOHN, m. Mary Trauger ; had ch. ; (). SamuEL. (11). Jonn. (I). Levi. (IV). CHRISTOPHER. (V). ELISABETH. (VI). CATHERINE. (VII). Mary. (VIII). JULIAN. ([X). Sarag. III. PETER, m. Carlotte Zearfoss ; had ch.: @). MicHz x, m. Sallie Taylor. GI). Jonny, m. Elsie Bellis. (ID. WiL.1aM, m. Elisabeth Fraley. (IV). Henry, m. Sarah Hamlin. _.(V)—(VID. RGARET, Mary and SUSAN, unmarried. IV. GEORGE. m. first, Salome Rapp ; second, Sarah Dimmick ; had ch. : (I). Mary Ann, m. Nelson Angel. (Il). Jacos, m. Elisabeth Robbins. (III). Mary, m. Jacob Rapp. (IV). Gzorce W., m. Amy Bloom. (V). Manton, m. first, Margaret Snyder ; second, Lizzie Pursel. | (VI). Sanaw, m. Jacob V. Cooley. ; (VII). Lypra ANN, m. Diullious Vanderbilt. V. CHRISTOPHER, m. Susan Dimmick ; had ch.: (@). Joun D., m. Selinda Kooker. (il). Gzorge A., m. Hannah Wright. (III). Francis M., m. Catherine Ann Ulmer. 392 Earty GERMANS OF NEW JERSEY (IV). CoRNELIUS, unmarried. ; (V). Davin O., m. Eliza Vanderbilt. (VI). Amy, unmarried. VI. ELISABETH, m. John Starner. VII. MARY, m. Enos Clark. VIII. MARIA, died young. IX. JACOB, d. on his way to school. HaGers OF BEDFORD COUNTY, PENN. JOHN HAUGER, b. 1749, d. 1818, Dec. 6, m. Maria Barbara Miller, b. 1749, April 6, d. 1826, May 11; came from Hagerstown, Maryland, to Somerset Co., Penn., 1793 ; then rem to Bedford Co., Pa. His parents came from Prussia to Phila., then to Hagerstown, when he was 13 years of age (#); spell their name Hauger. The historian of Hagerstown says the first Hager to come there was Jonathan, who came from Philadelphia ; he knew nothing more about him. John’s chil- dren were : I. JOHN, m. Hannah Shultz. II. DANIEL. m. Susan Cramer. III. SIMON, m. Maggie Smith. IV. LIZZIE, m. Michel Cober. V. JACOB, b. 1788, June 4, d. 1862, Sept. 23, m. Elisabeth Knepper. VI. HENRY, m. first, Barbara Horner ; second, Sarah Buckley. VII. JOSEPH, m. Susan Baker. VIII. WILLIAM, m. Barbara Hay. IX. BARBARA, m. a Dunham. The Hager family seems to consist of many branches, or-more probably there are many families of the same name. Some came to this country before 1700, and settled in New England. There are many of this name on the list of emigrants, who arrive at Phila. from 1727-1776. Judge T. S. Hager, born in German Valley, who died in California, found that the name is correctly spelled, Hager, and sig- nifies ‘‘lean,” ‘“‘haggard.” Families of this name are found in books of heraldry possessing rank and having coats of arms, and belonging to Austria, Bavaria and Prussia. Capt. JoHN HaGeER, a Revolutionary soldier, went from Scholarie Co. to what is now the town of Hector, Schuyler Co., N. Y., about 1798. He was the youngest of nine brothers, and married Nancy Patchen. He had a son PETER, b. 1784, d. 1854, who was Sheriff, Senator and Judge of Court of Appeals in N. Y. State. He had a son, P. C. HaGER, now living at Suffern, N. Y. : HAINES. JAMES HAINES (Haynes, Haines or Hinds, as it was sometimes written), came to Salem, Mass:,from England, as-early as 1637 ; freeman of Salem ; married in 1638, and rem. to Southold a few years after its settlement ; died there, 1652-3; his widow, Mary, m. Ralph Dayton in June, 1656; had ch.: 1. JoHN, bap. Salem Aug. 22, 1699; 2. Jamus, 2d, bap. Salem, April 6, 1641; 3. BENJAMIN, 1st, bap. Salem, Aug. 28, 1643; 4. Mary, bap. Salem April 19, 1644; JamEs, b. Dec. 26, 1647 ; 6. JONATHAN ; 7. SARAH ; 8. THOMAS. BENJAMIN, Ist (8. of James, 1st), bap. in Salem 1643, d. 1687, m. Joanna Jen- nings ; he was among the first settlers of Southampton, L. I.; came from Lynn, Mass., with 46 others; had ch.: 1. Benyamin, 2d, d. 1714; 2. SaMUEL; 3. HAINgEs 393 JAMES, 3d, b. 1672 or 1678, d. Sept. 6, 1732, at Bridgehampton ; 4. Hannah ; 5. SaRau. JAMES, 3d, (s. of Benjamin, 1st) m. first, Sarah, b. 1667, d. Dec. 21, 1721; second, Temperance ; had ch.: 1. JAMES, 4th, b. 1702 ; 2. STEPHEN, b. 1704, removed to Elisabeth, N. J.; 3. DANIEL; 4. ANN, m. a Newcomb; 5. Sarag, married a. Woodruff: 6. PHEBE, m. a Balding ; 7. EDITH. JAMES, 4th (s. of James, 3d), b. 1702, d. Dec. 21, 1779, at 82 (2); lived at Bridgehamp- L. I.; will prob. July 3, 1782 ; m. Martha Topping (dau. of Hezekiah); had ch.: Saran, ELISABETH, JAMES, 5th, Davip, SAMUEL, DANIEL. JAMES, 5th, (s. of James, 4th), b. Oct. 6, 1734, d. Nov. 29, 1787 (2), m. Mary Halsey, b. March 8, 1735, d. Dec. 2, 1815 ; will, 1803, April 1°, prob. March 5, 1807: ‘To my son Jared the land which I purchased of Caleb Swayze. To my four daughters and my granddaughter, Mary Halsey, the plantation on which I live, and which I purchased of Jonathan Acker;” had ch. I. JARED, b. Bridgehampton, L. I., Nov. 1, 1766, d. Newark, May 25, 1852 ; came to Black River, Morris Co., N. J., July, 1783 ; m. first, Dec. 22, 1790, Huldah Howell (dau. of Elias and Abigail), b. July 12, 1767, d. Oct. 22,1810 ; second, Mehitable Woodhull (dau. of Rev. William, of Black River, Morris County, N. J.); had ch. by his first wife : (D. Jos, b. Oct. 20, 1791; graduated at Princeton College ; studied medi- cine ; rem. to Dayton, O.; ruling elder First Presbyterian Church of that place ; leaving one dau., Harriet, m. Frank Mulford. (Il). StspHEN RocGERs, b. Oct. 27, 1768, d. Newark,.N. J., Feb. 15, 1865, m. first, Minerva Topping; second, Harriet Baldwin, d. 1871, March 14; had ch. by his first wife : 1. CHARLES STEWART. 2. JOB. 3. STEPHEN. Children by his 2d wife : 4. HutpaH ELISABETH, m. Rev. James Brewster; had ch.: (1). Harriet Haines ; (2). Elizabeth ; (8). James Chester. 5. JARED, b. April 7, 1843. (II). Merinpa, b. Jan. 20, 1796, d. Oct. 31, 1863, m. John C. Emory. (IV). RutH, b. May 11, 1798, d. Missouri, m. L. Green. ‘ (V). Cywruta, b. May 28, 1800, d. Oct. 9, 1830, m. O. H. Henry. Children by second wife : (VI). James, d. in Austin, Texas. (VII). Wiiu1am, d. while a student at: Princeton College. (VIII). Mary. II. AMY, m. James Halsey. II. RUTH, m. William Woodhull. IV. DEMARUS, m. Abraham Dickerson. Vv. ELISABETH, m..John Woodruff. STEPHEN (s. of James 3d), b. 1704, m. Esther ; lived at Elisabeth, N. J.; had ch.: STEPHEN, b, 1733 ; PHEBE, b. 1741 ; Mary, b. 1747. STEPHEN . of Stephen and Esther), b. Feb. 11, 1733, m. Joanna Sale, b. Dec. 25, d. March 21, 1802 : had ch.: I, JOB, b. Aug. 10, 1756. Il. STEPHEN, b. July 7, 1760 ; no children. III. JOANNA, b. Jan. 14, 1763. IV. ELIAS, b. Dec. 31, 1766, d. Oct. 11, 1824, m. Sarah Ogden (dau. of Robert, 394 Earty Germans or NEw JERSEY of Sparta, N. J.); had ch. (I), SanaH, m. Thomas C. Doremus. (II), ELISABETH, m. J. C. Nixon. (IV). DANIEL, b. New York City, Jan. 6, 1801; d. Hamburg, N. J., Jan. 26, 1877; graduated at Princeton College, 1820; studied law with Judge T. C. Ryerson ; attorney, 1823 ; counsellor, 1826, sergeant- at-law, 1827; settled at Hamburg, 1824 ; member of Council (now called Senate), N. J.; Governor, 1843 and 1847; Judge of Supreme Court, N. J., 1852-66; m. first, Anna Maria Austin (dau. of Alan- son, of Warwick, N. Y.), June 28, 1827, b. Oct. 11, 1802, d. Dec. 8, 1844 ; m. second, Mary Townsend, of Newark ; had ch. by his first wife ; 1. Rev. ALANSON AUSTIN, b. 18 March, 1830, d. 11 Dec., 1891 ; the well-known and greatly beloved pastor for twenty-five years of Presbyterian Church of Hamburg, Sussex Co., N. J. 2. Capr. THOMAS. 3. SARAH. 4, HENRIETTA. (IV). Henrietta, of New York City. V. DANIEL, b. 26 Feb., 1773 ; no children. [See History Long Island, B. F. Thompson, pub. by French, 1839; Mather’s Magnalia, London, 1702; Mass. Hist. Soc. Collectio: s, B. K. 3, p. 95 ; Doc. History New York]. ; MiscELLANEOUS—Married Nov. 9, 1687, John Haines to Elisabeth Browne (New York Rec.); John and James, sons of the emigrant JAMES, moved to Elizabeth- town, N. J. HALL. THOMAS HALL died in New York, 1670. An Englishman who had joined with others from New England in an attempt upon the Dutch colony at the mouth of the Delaware river, and was taken prisoner and sent to New York. In1659, Nov. 15, he received from the Dutch Government a patent for land at Deutel (Turtle) Bay ; probably m. in New York, 17 Nov., 1641, Anna Mitford. In 1654, he is said to have erected a house on a hill near the present Beekman street. His heirs sold it afterwards to William Beekman. THOMAS (prob. s. of Thomas, 1st), bought of Marion Campbell (wife or widow of John) s. of Neil Campbell), 150 acres for -£350, situated in —— twp., Somerset Co., N. J. THOMAS was probably the one who (according to Kingston, N. Y., Records) was born in Kingston, resided at Marbleton, and m. 6 July, 1699, Geertje (Gertrude) Elting; came to Somerset Co. 1704. His will, Raritan twp , 30 Dec., 1728, prob. 10, Sept., 1729, names w. Geertruy (Ger- trude), and ch.: John, Richard, Jacominca, Catherine and Elisabeth. We add to these the names of his children that were bap. at Kingston, N. Y., and Somerville, N. J.: 1. Jaerds [George ?], bap. [Kingston, N. Y.], 17 March, 1700 ; 2. Klisabeth, bap. (Kingston, N. Y.], 16 Nov., 1701 ; 3. Jan, bap. [Kings- ton, N. Y.], 31 Oct., 1703 ; 4. Katfelt, bap. [Somerville Records] 27 Oct., 1704 ; 5. Richard ; 6. Jacominca ; 7. Katarina, bap. [Somerville Records] 6 Aug., 1712 ; 8. Tammas [Thomas], bap. [Somerville Records], 9 Oct., 1714. JOHN (s. of Thomas), bap. 31 Oct., 1703, at Marbletown, N. Y., d. 29 Oct., 1766, at 63 ; buried, with his wife, in Van Campen Cemetery, near Branchville, Somer- Hau 395 set Co., N. J.; sold in 1740 to Cornelius Van Campen, 240 acres, including the burying ground on the farm, now balonging to Peter Van Campen ; m. Magda- Jena Gouveneur (dau. of Isaac and Sarah), b. 1703, d. 12 Aug., 1775, at 72; had children : I. JACOMYNTUJE, bap. 25 Dec., 1739. II. ANNAETJE, bap. 12 July, 174), : Ill. JORIS (George), bap. 31 Oct., 1742, m. Elisabeth ; had ch.: 1. Jan, bap. 17 Dec., 1769 ; 2. Magdalena, bap. 10 Nov. 1771. IV. WILLIAM, Sen., b. 18 Oct., 1745, d. 31 Aug., 1819; his will, 20 July, prob. 2 Sept. 1819, names wife, Sarah, and ch.: 1. William, perhaps m. 12 June, 1789, Mary Bellis ; 2. Thomas, had a son, William; 3, Isaac, m. Jude Van Fleet, and had Elisabeth, bap. 19 June, 1785; 4. John; 5. Joseph ; 6. Samuel, bap. 14 March, 1773 ; 7. Magdalena; 8, Aletta; and Peggy Brewer, dau. of William Brewer. V. JOHN W., had ch.: 1. William, went West ; 2. Dennis, res. at North Branch ; 3. Isaac; 4, Helena; 5, Aletta, m. Isaac Stryker ; 6. Catharine, m. Leonard Bunn. RICHARD (s. of Thomas and Gertrude), prob. m. Elizabeth Ten Eyck, and had children : I, REBECCA, bap. 19 March, 1748. Il. ELISABETH, bap. 30 June, 1751. III. RICHARD. IV. TOBIAS, m. Sara ; had children : (1). EvisaBera, bap. 3 Feb., 1769. (II). ANN, bap. 14 Oct., 1770. ‘ (IIIT). RicHarp, bap. 14 March, 1773. (IV). (2. Tosras, m. Charity Dilts dau. of Morris) ; res. at Stanton, Hun- terdon Co.; had ch.: . CATHERINE, b. 4 Sept., 1793. . Morris, b. 17 Dec., 1796, d. 25 Feb., 1864. TOBIAS. . HERBERT. . DANIEL. . ABRAHAM, m. Mary Castner (dau. of John), res. at Parker, Morris Co., and had ch.: David, unm.; Julia, died young ; William, res. at Parker; Mary, died young; Nancy, died young ; Joseph W., res. at German Valley, m. Louise Beam (dau. of William) ; Morris, res. at Hackettstown, unm. ; Charity, m. David Pickle (dau. of Minard). 7. WILLIAM. 8. Mrs. WILLIAM ALLEGAR. 9. Mrs, SAMUEL SWARE. GEORGE HALL, prob. the same as Joris Haal, of Kingston, N. Y., who m. “9 Aug, 1708, Oceycke (or Ontje) Mauritste (or Mauris); prob. rem. to New Jersey about 1707; had ch. bap. at; Kingston, to which we add the names of ch. bap. at Somerville, and those found in will of George. dated 24 Sept., 1748, prob. 20 April, 1752: I. GEORGE, Jr., bap. Kingston, 3 Sept., 1704, prob. m. Blandina Ryerson, and had ch : 1. Anne, bap. 14 April, 1784 ; 2. George, bap. 28 March, 1786; 3. Maritje, bap. 9 Jan., 1788 ; 4. Joseph, bap. 8 Aug., 1741; 5. Joseph, t Oop wD 396 Earty GERMANS OF NEW JERSEY bap. 3 Oct., 1747. II. ENGEL, bap. Kingston, 27 Oct., 1706. Ill. HENRY, bap. 27 April, 1709, m. Neeltje Cock, and had ch.: 1. George, | bap. 1 Dec., 1784; 2. John, bap. 11 July, 1736 ; 3. Hendrick, bap. 5 Aug., 1738 ; 4. Oetje, bap. 10 May, 1741; 5. Mary, bap. 26 Feb., 1744; 6. Thomas, bap. 27 April, 1746. ; ‘IV, NEELTJE, had daus.; named in her father’s will, Otie and Mary. . V. EDWARD, bap. 9 Oct., 1714, m. Catherine Cock ; his will, 3t July, prob. 21 Aug., 1784, names ch.: 1. Anne, bap. 5 May, 1745; 2. George, bap. 3 May, 1747: 3. Geertruy (Gertrude), bap. 7 Oct., 1753; 4. Thomas; 5. Henry; 6. Anna, m. Abraham Titsworth: 7. Gianche, m. Jchn Van Houten. VI. ANGELTJE, m. Dirck Middagh. VII. THOMAS. VIII. ELISABETH. IX. MARY, m. Thomas Cock. MisceELLANEOUS—SAMUEL, m. Gertie, and had ch. (Somerville Records); Elisa- beth, bap. 29 July, 1718; WiiL1am m. Dorothea Douw, and had ch.: Andreas. bap. 21 Aug.., 1737 ; Thomas, bap. 25 Dec., 1739 ; John, bap. 10 June, 1744. ‘ HANCE. HENRY HANCE, b. 1787, d. 1818, Aug. 3, m. Catherine —, b. 1741, May 18, d. 1807, Nov.18. ‘‘Four soldiers of the British Army held prisoners in this sec- tion, hearing of the approaching peace, and that they would be taken back to England, effected their escape, and made, their way to Musconetong Valley. One was Judge Robertson’s father, another was grandfather of James Hance.” (History of Morris County.) The dates of birth of Henry’s children, however. contradict this. He had ch. (order uncertain): I. MARY, b. 1761, Nov. 11, d. 1841, April 9; unm. 7 Il. ANNA, m. —— Painter. Ill. WILLIAM, b. 1767, Sept. 19, d. 1858, Sept. 11, m. Elisabeth Hann, b. 1785, March, d. 1875, March 14 ; had ch.: (I). CaTHERINE, b. 1804, July 1, m. James Sleicher. (II). Mary b. 1806, June, m. John Ketcham. (IID). RacHEL, b. 1808, June 2, m. Jacob Marlatt (s. of William). (IV). JAmEs, b. 1809, Nov. 18; m. Cornelia McCrae. (V). Ann, b. 1811, March 18, m. Daniel Wyckoff (s. of John). (VI). PHIuip, b. 1813, July 14, m. Euphemia Pittinger. (VII)) EMELINE, b. 1815, April 12, m. James Martin. (VIII). Jans, b. 1817, m. Jonah Osborn (s. of Elisha). (IX). ELIsanEtH, b. 1819, unm. (X). Witi1am, b. 1821, March, m. Margaret Beatty (dau. of William). (XI). Sarau, b, 1823, Sept., m. John B. Fisher (s. of James). (SII). JosEPH, b. 1826 June, 18, m. Fanny Beatty (dau. of Wiiliam). (XIII). Marcarer, b. 1827, July 28, m. John Ayres. IV. JOHN, b. 1768, d. 1846. Nov. 26, m. Elisabeth Boyd, b. 1781, d. 1851, March 81; had children : (1). JonNn. (II). ANNIE, m. William Shields. Hance—Hann 397 (Ill). JamEs. (IV). Pair. V. HENRY, res. dt Old Straw Church, near Easton. VI. JAMES, b. 1772, Sept. 27, d. 1857, Oct. 16, m. Mary Hann, b. 1779, Nov. 22, d. 1846, Sept. 30. (}). Henry, m. first, Mary Lunger ; second, ——; had ch. (one by first wife, and three by second): 1. Jacob, m. Julia A. Hoffman ; 2. Ann, m. Peter Waters ; 3. James, m. Rachel Hann (dau. of Jacob); 4. Neiohbor. (II.) ANNIE, m. David Neighbor (s. of Leonard, 3d). (Il. Ex1saBeta, m. Thomas Fritts. (IV). CuaRissy, m. Daniel Schleicher. HANN. WILLIAM HANN originally Henn and Hawn), pb. about 1704, d. 1794, Feb. 10, m. Elsie —, b. about 1701, d. 1791, Aug. 9; nad ch.: I. JOSEPH, b. 1734, Jan. 23. Il. WILLIAM, b. 1738, d. 1809, Feb. 1,m. Anna Maria Sharp (dau. of John Peter 1st), b. 1746, d. 1827, July 20 ; had ch.: (D. LawReEncs, b. 1765, m. Mary Hann (dau. of John), d. 1849, Nov. 22; had ch.: 1. Amanda; 2. Mary, unmarried ; 3. Nelson, unmarried. (II). Mary, b. 1771, Jan. 10, d. 1865, Feb. 9, m. Rev. H. W. Hunt (2d w.). (It). ELisaBETH, m. —— Johnson. (IV). CATHERINE, b. 1774, Oct. 10, m. —— Ramsey. (V). ANN CATHERINE, b. 1776, Mar. 28, m. —— Arndt. (VI). Prerer, b. 1776, Mar. 28. III. JACOB, m. Catherine Colver (dau. of Robert); had ch.: (). Puruip, d. at about 65 ; will dated 1821, Jan. 19, and prob. Feb. 17; m. Catherine Lawrence ; had ch.: 1. Mary, b. 1779, Dec. 10, m. Jas. Hance (s. of Henry). 2. JACOB, b. 1782, June 22, d. 1867, m. first, Susan Gerry ; second, ‘Margaret Hann (widow): had ch.: (1). ANN. (2). Eviza. (3). CLARISSA. (4). ELLEN. (5). JANE. (6). Pattie H., b. 1819, Aug. 6, m. 1845, Caroline C. Dunham (dau. of Rev. Johnson); President of National Bank at Washington, N. J.; had three sons and three daughters : Mary, m. Rev. S. W. Gebrett ; Augustus P., res. at Wash- ington, N. J.; Louis J., res. at Asbury, N. J. (). TAMZEN. (8). JACOB. (9). RACHEL (by 2d wife). (10). JOHN. 3. ELISABETH, b. 1786, Mar. 25,m. Wm. Hance (s. of Henry). 4, JouN, b. 1788, Oct. 1, m. Margaret ——; had ch.: 398 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY (1). Paixrp, m. Elisabeth Trimmer. (2). Mary, m, Samuel Johnson ; res. at Newton. (3). Jacos, unmarried. (4). SILVESTER, m. —— Hardy. (6). WruLiamM, m Eliza Terriberry (dau. of John); had ch,: Clarissa, died young ; Alfred, m. Sarah Steward ; Man- tius, m. Amanda Hann (dau. of William); Jacob, m. Mary Trimmer (dau. of Anthony); Mary, m. Imly Steward ; Lawrence, died young ; Edna, m. John Vanatita ; Sydney, m Mary Hance (dau. of William). 5. Puivip, JR., b. 1791, Jan. 11, m. —— Groff. (i). Witi1aM, m. first, ——- ——; second, widow Lunger ; had ch.: 1. MauRICcE. 2. W1LLIAM MAURICE. 3. ARTHUR. (II). Mary Ann, m. Philip Terriberry. (IV). ExisaBetH, m. John Hockenberry. IV. JOHN, b. 1747, d. 1838, July 8, m. Anna Dimet Sharp (dau. of John Peter, 1st), b. 1755, d. 1822, Oct. 6 ; had ch.: (I). Anna Dimet, b. 1774, May 14. (II). Wiuu1aM, b. 1776, Aug. 11, m. Mary Swayze ; had ch.: 1, ELIsaBETH, only child. (III). Mary, b. 1779, May 28, d. 1860, Feb. 2, m. Lawrence Hann (s. of Wm.). HARTRAM. JOHN HARTRAM oor Hotrum), b. 1721, d. Aug., 1784, at 63 (Luth. Ch. Bk.); had at least two ch.: I. FREDERICK, rem. to Newfoundland, Sussex Co., N. J., and had Edward, George and Fred. II. GEORGE, b. about 1742, d 1831, at 89, m. Catherine Dufford, dau. George Stephen : had ch.: (J). FrmepDERICK, m. Charity Potter, 5. Daniel; had ch.: Hannah, m. Peter Apgar (s. of William); George; b. 15 Oct., 1811, m. Elisabeth A. Harrison ; Daniel m. first, a Johnson, widow of John Hummer ; second, Catherine Parks, widow of a Sutton ; John, died a babe ; William, m. Rachel Woolever ; John, m. Lenore Rose; Aaron m. Ann Eick, (dau. of George); Frederick, went West ; Catherine, m. Will Y. Burrells. (II). EvisaBETH, m. Peter Philhower. -(IT). Maria, m. Fred. Hoffman (s. of Henry). (IV). ConraD, m. Phebe Johnson; rem. to Pennsylvania; had George, Ann and Rachel. ’ (V). CATHERINE, m. John Schuyler, of Flocktown, Morris Co., N. J. HEATH. ANDREW HEATH, interpreter for the Indians in South Jersey in 1703, Tradition says that there were4 brothers, of whom one was killed in a quarrel at Trenton, Heatu j 399 ani another rem. to Canada. RicHarp, of Bethlehem, and ANDREW, of Am- well, were voters of Hunterdon Co., 1738. Andrew’s will, prob. Amwell, 17 Dec., 1745, names wife Mary and ch.: Andrew; John, perh. buried at Lam- ington, N. J., b. 1723, d. 1806 ; Rickard, m. perh. Catherine Rettinghouse (lau. of William); David; Timothy (youngest son and not of age at date of his father’s will, 1745); Elisabeth ; Mary; Catherine; Sarah. DAVID, son of Andrew, was probably the father of JOSEPH, b. 1762, d. 1825, at 63; came from Amwell to Schooley’s Mountain ; bought the Colver place of the late William Marsh ; commenced by keeping boarders in his own house and finally kept a place of general resort for people from Philadelphia and other places ; gave his name to what is now known as the Heath House ; his son-in-law succeeded him and made the Schooley’s Moun- tain Spring one of the most fashionable summer resort of the country. Joseph Heach was married 31 May, 1785, by Rev. Mr. Frazer, at Amwell, to Sarah Robbins, b. 1776, d. 1840, at 64; they had ch.; I. DAVID, had no children. | II. JOHN ROBBINS, b. 27 April, 1790, m. Barbara Crater (dau. of Philip), b. 30 April, 1796, d. 5 May, 1869, at 73; lived on the Mine Hill farm, now belonging to William Marsh, which originally belonged to David Heath. John R, had ch.: (I). Mary, b. 1812, m. Jacob Swayze (s. of Israel); lived on the farm back of the Heath House. (II). Saraag, b. 1814, m. Abraham Van Doren (s. of Abraham). (II). Levinia, b. 1824, m. Hugh Menagh as his first wife. (IV). Josepy, b. 1827, m. Harriet C, Pierson. (V). Epwin, b. 1829, died young. III. CHARLES. IV. JOSEPH,.b. 1805, m. Elisabeth. V. MARY, unmarried. VI. SARAH, unmarried. VII. LEVINIA, m. Ephraim Marsh, Esq. WILLIAM (perh. s. of Anirew 2d, and grandson of Andrew Ist); owned a large tract in Delaware twp., Hunterdon Co., died in time of the Revolutionary war ; married Magdalena (who im. for second husband, Uriah Bonhone); had ch.: Andrew, rem. to Virginia ; John; Richard, drafted in the Revolutionary war, but his father took his place ; Mary, m. Samuel Wilson, who rem. to Kentucky ; Elisabeth, m. Jesse Hall; Sarah, m. Jacob Dilts, of Amwell ; Prudence, m. Hezekiah Bonhone (s. of Uriah), who rem. to Sussex Co. SAMUEL (perh. a brother of Andrew 1st), m. Anna Maria, and had at least one child, Maria, bap. at Readington, 6 Feb., 1755. THOMAS, d. at Stafford, England, and left a widow, Annie (born a Neville), who m. for second husband, another Thomas Heath, cousin of her first husband. She came to America in 1741, d. 28 Nov., 1776 ; had ch. by her first husband : I. JOHN, b. 1723, d. 21 April, 1806, at 83 ; buried at Lamington, N. J.; rem. from Montgomery twp. to Bernards twp., Somerset Co.; his will, 6 Oct., 1803, prob. 28 May, 1806, m. Ann Lewis ; had ch.: (I). THomas, b. 23 July, 1747. (Il). Jonn, b. 6 Feb., 1748 ; had Francis and James. (III). DanIEL, b. 30 Aug., 1°50; res. at Mine Brook, Somerset Co., married Eleanor Runyon, b. 1 Oct., 1748; had John, Robert and Mary. 400 Earty Germans or New JERSEY (IV). Ann, b. 19 July, 1752, m. John Lake. (V). Samuny, b. 16 Jan., 1754. (VI). Jamas, b. 11 Oct., 1762. (VID. Hesrer, b. 18 April, 1766, m. Nathaniel Leonard. (VIII). Isaac, b. 3 Nov., 1780. (IX). ELIsaBETH, b. 3 Dec., 1781. Il. MARY, b. 23 April, 1737, d. 6 Jan., 1773. HEATON. JABESH HEATON (prob. same as Eaton), gave mortgage, 17 Dec., 1770, with wife Rebecca (prob. his first wife) to Wm. Allen on land above Flanders, 563 acres, part of the 1,000 acre tract bought of John Budd. He may have been a descendant of SAMUEL, who was an Oversee: of Highways in Roxbury, 1741. His will dated Roxbury, 5 March, prob. 23 March, 1802, names wife, Elisabeth, and ch.: 1. Jabesh ; 2.\ Daniel ; 3. James; 4. Susanna, m., an Ayres ; 5. Sarah. m. a Stark ; 6. Ann, m. a Scudder. .Will also names step-children, Christopher and Susannah Smith. Jabesh’s widow Elisabeth m. for second husband John Farley (s. of Meindert). JOHN EATON, whose will dated, Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., 2 Dec., 1745, prob. 11 May, 1750, speaks of land in Hunterdon and Morris Cos., bought of Jonathan Wright, and names ch.: Thomas, Joseph (d. 1761 and left two children, John and Thomas), Sarah, Lydia, Elisabeth, Joanna, Margaret, Valeria Lecount. BENJAMIN, whose will dated, Independence twp., Sussex (now Warren) Co., 6 May, prob. 8 Aug., 1789, names wife, Rebecca, and ch.: Jonathan, Anna, Rachel, Mary Wilson, Rebecca Lundy. HEDGES. WILLIAM, 1st, b. ——, d. 1674, a Puritan from England. At first went to South- ampton; on list of its citizens 1644 ; in 1649 helped form East Hampton ; first settler of the name at L. I.; m. Rose ——; hai two sons and four daughters, Stephen, Isaac, names of daughters not known. STEPHEN Ist, son of William 1st, b. Jan., 1634, d. July 7, 1734, at about 100 years ; had ch.: John, b. 1670; Daniel, b. 1677: William 2d, b. 1679. WILLIAM 2d, son of Stephen Ist, b. 1679, d. 1768 or 1771, m. 2 March, 1705, Abiah Mulford. His will names wife Zerviah and ch.: William, bap. 1706 ; Hannah, bap. 1708 ; Mary, bap. 1710 ; Jeremiah, bap. 1713 ; David, bap. 1715 ; Abiah, bap. 1717 ; Ezekiel, bap. 1719 ; Lewis, bap. 1722 ; Stephen, bap. 1724. STEPHEN 2d, s. of William 2d, bap. 1724, m. Jan. 1, 1748, Mary Miller ; had ch.: Jane, bap. 1762 ; David, bap. 1762; Joseph, M. D., b. May 11, 1766. JOSEPH, M. D., son of Stephen 2d, b. 11 May, 1766, bap. 1767, d. Mar. 11, 1824, m. Elisabeth Woodhull (dau. of William and Elisabeth Hedges, of Chester, Mor- ris Co., N. J.), b. 1749 ; had ch.: I. WILLIAM WOODHULL, M. D., b. Sept. 6, 1790, d. May 25, 1875 ; had chiidren : (I). JOSEPH. dD. Jamas. dl). Smrra. Hepcres—HENDERSHOT 401 (IV). Mrs. Honsyman, of New Germantown, N. J. (V). Mrs. Dr. Joun Topp, of Tarrytown, N. Y. II. STEPHEN, b. Feb. 15, 1798, d. ——, m. Rachel A. Baldwin ; had ch.: (I). SaRaw. (I). ELIsaBETH. (II}). JosEpa. (IV). Mary. (V). Francis. (VI). Juiia, (VII) Emma. III. HENRY, b. Jan. 26, 1803, m. Mary A. Topping ; had ch.: (I). Rev. CoaRues E., m. Mary Jane. (Il). Jennie, m. Rev. G. M. Blauvelt. IV. MARY ELISABETH, b. Aug. 16, 1808. V. MARY MILLER. VI. SARAH WOODHULL, m. Rey. Abraham Williamson. URIAH HEDGES owned lot No. 39 of the Elisabethtown Jots; m. Betsey Badg- ley; hadch.; 1. Ulrich, Jr., b. 1725, d. 10 Oct., 1797, m. Phebe Dayton ; 2. Stephen, res. Stony Hill Valley ; 3. Joseph, res. Rockaway, Morris Co., whose will, prob. 24 Feb., 1791, name wife Sarah and ch.: Joseph, Edward, Rhody ; 4, Gilbert, m. Peggy Porterfield. (Littell’s Settlers Passaic Valley.) HENDERSHOT. The name is variously spelled as Henneschid, Henneschit, Hinnschutt, Hender- shott ; and it seems to be of Low Dutch or Holland origin. The first of the name in New Jersey was MICHAEL, who is found in New York in 1710 with his wife, Ann Catharine, and three children, Casper, John Peter and Maria Sophia ; another son, Michael, being born later, probably 1714. The first Michael has children baptised on the Raritan River by the Lutheran pastor of New York from 1716 to 1720. Another family is said to have come in the person of Isaac, their common ancestor, from Saybrooke, Conn., to Lopatcong twp., Warren ‘Co., with Matthias Shipman, having first stopped at German Valley. The truth of this story seems to be that the father of Isaac, John by name, leased a part of the Budd tract in 1749, but soon removed to Greenwich twp., Warren Co. That he came from Connecticut seems doubtful. He was more probably the son of Michael the first, and was born 1720. MICHAEL, b. 1674, m. Catherine, b. 1680 ; on the list of Palatines of the second emigration, 1710, who remained in New York (Brodhead Documentary Hist. N. Y., vol. 3, p. 340); rem. to New Jersey, first on the Millstone River, then to the West Jersey Society lands in Hunterdon Co.; had ch.: I. CASPER, b. 1699; commissioner of highways, Hunterdon Co., 1735, March 17 ; signs call to Rev. John Albert Weygand, 1749. II. MARIA SOPHIA, b. 1704. Ill. JOHN PETER, b. 1709. IV. MICHEL, JR., b. between 1710-16, m. Elisabeth ; will dated Sussex Co., 1786, June 14. prob. Nov. 11; named eight children and one grand- child, Moses Morris : 1. Michael, b. 1734, April 5 ; 2. John; 3. Elisabeth, m,a Beemer; 4. ‘‘Catren” (Catherine), m. a Dennis; 5. Casper; 6. Jacov; %. William; 8. Sarah, m. a Roof, prob. Christopher (s. of 402 Earty Germans or New JERSEY Michael), b. 1760, d. 1844; 9. Sophia, m. a Roof, probably Michael (s. of Michael). V. ELISABETH, b. near the Millstone River, 1716, Jan. 17. VI. EVA, b. near the Millstone River, 1717, Dec. 27. Vil. JOHANNES, b. 1720, Jan. 23 ; will dated Greenwich, Sussex County (now Warren Co.), 1797, Jan. 26, prob. 1798, Jan. 9 ; will names eleven children and five grandchildren : (J). Joun, prob. d. Sussex Co., where his will is dated, 1793, Jan. 28, prob. March 12 ; had son, Nicholas. (I). MicHEL. (III). Jacos, b. 1747, d. 1815, July 7, m. Effie Paugh, b. 1750, d. 1824, May 21; came to Hampton twp., Sussex Co., before 1771. His estate was divided, 1825, Feb. 14, among nine children : 1. Persp, b. 1770, Nov. 7, d. 1837, June 16, m. Sophia Elisabeth, b. 1774, June 4, d. 1841, Feb. 17 ; his will dated 1837, April 27, prob. June 2; names no children of his own. 2. JonN. . JACOB, b. 1783, d. 1834, m. Mary Louis, b. 1791, d. 1853 ; had ch.: (1). Peter; (2). Jesse; (8). Phebe, m. John Bell ; (4). John; (5). Mary Ann, m. Garret Rosenkrans: (6). Jacob; (7%). Clarissa; (8). Levi; (9). Hannah. 4, ABRAHAM, 5. Isaac. 6 % ow . ELISABETH, m* Nathaniel Ayres. . Errig, m. Daniel Pre«more. 8. Mary, m. James Smith. CATHARINE, m. Jacob Arvis. (IV). Isaac, had ch.: 1. Elisabeth; 2. Jacob; 3. John; 4. Michel; 5. Isaac. (V). ELISABETH, m. a Kline. (VI). Mary, m. a Winegar (Weingartner or Winegarden). (VII). CATHERINE, m. a Thomas. (VIII). Cuaniry, m. an Allerton. (IX). ResBecca. (X). ANN. m. a Roseberry. (X]). Lean. CHARLES B. HENDERSHOT, treasurer and member of the firm of the Stephens Steam Heater Co., of German Valley, is a descendant of a branch of this family, which rem. to New York State and afterwards returned to New Jersey and settled near Stillwater, Sussex Co. After establishing an enviable reputation as a teacher, he left the profession to engage in business. HENDERSON. DAVID HENDERSON came from Massachusetts to Asbury, N. J.; was in the war of 1812 ; m. Sarah Matlock ; had ch.: I. JOHN. II. HENRY. TI. JAMES. IV. ELISHA. HEnpDERSON—HENRY 403 V. DANIEL K. (of Flocktown, Schooley’s Mountain), who married Dorothy Schuyler. VI. STEPHEN. VII. ELIZA. VIII. HETTY. IX. REBECCA. HENRY. CONRAD HENRY, bought 147 acres near Readington, Hunterdon Co., 15 April 1752, of Kirkbride, and this property was sold by the rest of the children to their brother John, 29 Dec., 1790; naturalized 1730. Conrad’s will dated 1 June, 1756, prob. 3 June, 1757, names wife Margaret and ch.: I. JACOB (‘‘eldest”). II. WILLIAM. III. PETER. Iv. JOHN. V. HENRY. VI. CATHERINE. VII. ANNA ELISABETH. GEORGE, the son of William (1), and grandson of Conrad 1st ; had ch.: I. HARMON, b. 1790, d. 24 Dec., 1869, at 79; res. at New Germantown, N. J.; m. Margaret Swick, b. 1795, d. 13 Nov., 1865, at 70; had ch.: 1. George, m. first, ——; second, Sarah Maria Oates ; 2. John, m. first, Sara Manning ; second, ——; 3. Philip, m. Susan McKnight ; 4. Harriet, m. ° Dennis Root ; 5. Phebe, m. Samuel McCammon ; 6. Sarah, m. Richard Tunison ; 7. Lydia, m. Albert Allen ; 8. Catherine, m. James Kent; 9. Emaline, m. Charles Coddington ; 10, Margaret, m. Will. Henry Van Nostrand. II. CONRAD. Ill. GEORGE. \ IV. ANN, m. Low. Emmons. V. MARY, m. George Lunger. MICHAEL, perhaps a brother of Conrad ; in 1738, a voter of Readington ; one of the first elders of the Amwell Pres. Ch., now at Reaville ; bought, 13 Dec., 1743 from Ananias Allen, 162 acres, near what is now Bloomsbury, Warren Co.; his will, dated Readington, 15 Jan., 1760, prob. 7 Jan., 1761, names wife Jane and ch.: 1. William and his son Arthur ; 2. John; 8. Michael and his son John; 4, Daniel ; 5. David, buried at Lamington, b. 1728, d. Jan., 1783, at 55; 6. Nathaniel, (“if he returns”); 7. Margaret ; 8. Sarah; 9. Easter (%); will names also son-in-law William Bishop. WILLIAM, eldest son of Michael, m. Hannah Cook, and inherited through her, as the grand daughter of John Cook, considerable land in Greenwich twp., (now) Warren Co. They sell, 6 Dec., 1742, 500 acres to Adam Hall, who sells to Ananias Allen, from whom Michael Henry (William’s father) buys 162 acres. William’s will dated, Greenwich, Sussex Co., 30 Sept., prob. 9 Nov., names wife Hannah and ch.: 1. Arthur; 2. Michael; 3. Nathaniel; 4. Jane; 5. Elisabeth ; 6. Sarah. In 1757, Oct. 19, Hannah Heanrie executes a deed of trust to Michael He» ry and Will. Bishop, for her children until they become 21, of 696 acres in Greenwich and 132 in Bethlehem. 404 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY HILDEBRANT. MICHEL HELLENBRANDT signs the call to Rev. John Albert Weygand, 1749 ; on John Peter Neitzer’s ledger in 1763, CHRISTOPHER Hildebrant ; in 1767, May 18, JOHANNES and CHRISTOPHER and, 1780, CHARLES, sign the Articles of Faith of the Lutheran Church, New Germantown. JOHN, perhaps m. Barbara ; his will, dated Mansfield, 1802, Aug. 17, probated, Newton, 1806, June 7, names eight children : I. CHRISTOPHER, whose will, prob. 1834, Feb. 4, m. 1781, Jan. 25, Anna Margaret Roelofson ; had ch.: / (I). Jonn, b. 1781, Sept. 19. i (Il). Hermanus, b. 1783, Sept. 19, m. Elisabeth Corzatt (dau. of Richard), cousins ; had ch.: 1. Barbara Ann, b. 1807, Jan. 25: 2. Elisha, b. 1810, Dec. 26 ; 3. Christian Beavers, b. 1815, May 11. (III). GERTRUDE, b. 1785, Oct. 12, m. 1806, Oct. 12, George Andrew Vesce- lius (s. of Andreas), d. 1850, Mar. 10. (IV). Marra BarBara, b. 1788, July 15, m. a Bryan. (V). ELizaBETH, b. 1790, Aug. 2. (VI). CHRISTOPHER. II. CHARLES, m. Charity, d. Springtown, Warren Co., N. J.; had ch.: (I). Jown. (II). W1LHELM (William), b. 1792, April 19. (III). Isaac, b. 1794, Jan 10, m. first, Nancy Lommason ; second, Rachel Bowman ; had ch.: 1. David, b. 1822, lives at Draketown ; 2. William ; 8. Henry; 4. John; 5. Elisabeth ; 6. Cornelius ; 7. Holly (a girl); 8. Mary ; 9. Charles ; 10. Thomas. III. CUNRAD, b. 1762, d. 1850, Feb. 5, m. Phebe Giles, b. 1775, d. 1831, May 5 at 56; went to Wyoming, Pa., then returned to New Jersey, to Hope, Warren Co.; will prob. 1840 ; had ch.: (I). Jonn “OC” b. 1795, Dec. 1, m. Mary C. Swayzie (dau. of William), b. 1797, July 4, d. 1872, Jan. 23; hadch.: 1. William S., b. 1819, May 29, d. 1886, June 3; 2. Conrad G., b. 1821, Aug. 23; 3. Cath- erine, b. 1823, Oct. 2,m. James Brands (s. of David); 4. John A., b. 1826, June 23 ; 5. Freeman B., b. 1828, Nov. 17; 6. Stewart B., b. 1831, Jan. 26; 7. Daniel I., b. 1838, April 8 ; 8, James F., b. 1837, May 26; 9. Jehiel T., b. 1887, May 26, m. Elisabeth A. Gibbs, of Hackettstown ; 10. Isaiah B., m. Lydia A. Gibbs (dau. of David). (II). MarGaRET, m. a Hoyt. (II). EvisaBers, b. 1799, d. 1825, Aug. 25, m. Charles Hildebrant, cousins; his will names Margaret Hoyt’s daughter, Phebe, and Elisabeth’s three children, Conrad, Daniel and Melinda Hildebrant. IV. FREDERICK, prob. b. 1771, Jan 27, m. ‘‘Acky”; will dated Mansfield, 1817, Aug. 5, prcb. Sept. 24; names wife Acsay and son : (). Henry, m. Elisabeth Fritts (dau. of William). V. CATHARINE, confirmed 1774, May 22, at 17 years of age. VI. HANNAH (Anna), confirmed 1774, May 22, at 16 years of age. VII. LENA, has children, named in will of her father, ‘‘Acky, John Hildebrand and James Giles”; name of husband not given. JACOB, b. 1762, April 9, m. Hannah Furman (dau. of Christopher), b. 1768, Nov. 18 ; bought 160 acres now occupied by Henry Rhinehart, his grandson ; had ch.: I. JOHN, b. 1788, Oct. 16, m. Elisabeth Catherine Ellick ; lived at Fairmount. HILpEBRANT—HILER—HILTS 405 Il. BETSEY, b. 1793, June 15, d. 1890, Feb. 13, unmarried. Ill. CHRISTOPHER, b. 1795, Sept. 19, m. Elisabeth Rhinehart (dau. of Mar- tin), b. 1797, July 13 ; had ch.: (). Mary Ann, m. Petef Amerman. (II). Saran, m. James Mapes. (IIT). Exiza, m. George Alpock (s. of Matthias). (IV). Caaniry, m. Hannibal Alpock (s. of William). (V). ABBIE, m. Simeon Drake (s. of Elias). (VI). Martin R., m. Sarah E, Alpock (dau. of Adam R.). (VII), Hannan, m. Richard Howard. (VIII). Jacos, m. Mahala Lindabury (dau. of David). (EX). CHaRLotte, b. 1814, Jan. 21. IV. PAUL A., b. 1798, Mar. 30, d. 1883, Mar. 30, unmarried. V. MARY, b. 1800, July 23, d. 1878, Nov. 18. VI. JACOB, b. 1802, Nov. 30; went West. VII. ANN, b. 1807, Feb. 4,m a Hull. VIII. JANE, b. 1809, Aug. 1, m. Wm. Pruden. IX. HANNAH, b. 1814, Feb. 24, m. David Rhinehart (s. of Martin). MATTHIAS, second cousin to Christopher, m. Charity Sutton (dau. of Peter); had ch.: 1. Hannah, m. Manuel Apgar ; 2. Mary, m. Frederick Pickle (s. of George); 3. Julia, m. Daniel Fleming ; 4. Charity, m. Henry Fleming ; 5. Peter m. Caroline Holly; 6. George, m. first, Sophia Fleming ; second, an Abel; moved away. HILER. PHILIP HILER, m. Mary Rowe, both came from Baden to New Brunswick about 1752. She was bound out to service until she became 18 years of age to pay her passage over. He bought the farm of John Busenberry. ADAM HEILER signs the call to Rev. John Albert Weygand in 1749; JoHaNNES HEYLER is naturalized 1763, June 3: had ch.; I. WILLIAM. II. ADAM, m. Christina Abel. III. POLLY, m. Silvester Davis. IV. LENA, m. John Henry. V. PHILIP, m. Margaret Young ; had ch. (). Mary Ann §S., m. first, Dennis Potter ; second, Jobn Bosenbury. (I). WiLL1am Youne, m. Sarah Rowe. (Il). Exiza Nevius, m. George Moore. VI. JACOB m. Yauger. HILTS. ANTHONY, b. 1741, d. 27 Oct. 1791, at 50, m. Mary, d. 15 Aug., 1794. It is not known where he first settled, but his grandchildren live near Drakesville, Morris Co., N. J.; had ch.: I. CATHARINE, b 2 Jan., 1765. Il. JOHN, b. 24 Dec., 1768. III. MARY, b. 5 June, 1771. 4 IV. ELISABETH, b. 5 May, 1773, d. 24 Nov., 1846, m. Silvanus Drake (son of : Abraham). 406 Earty Germans or New JERSEY V. PHILIP, b. 15 May, 1775.. VI. SARAH, b. 28 Nov, 1777. VII. LENEY (prob. Magdalena) b. 12 Jan, 1780. VIII. ANTHONY, b. 1 July, 1782; rem. to the West. IX. ANNA, b. 11 Jan., 1788. X. SAMUEL, b. 9 Sept., 1787, d. 13 Sept., 1870, at 83; m. Margaret Caskey, b- 11 Feb., 1786, d. 15 Nov., 1867, at 82; hadch.: 1. John, b. 8 June, 1810, d. 5 Sept, 1810 ; 2. Mary, b. 4 Oct., 1811, d. 26 June, 1826 ; 3. William C., b. 80 March, 1814; 4. Jane, b. 28 July, 1817 ; 5. Sallie, b. 9 Nov., 1820 ; 6. Margaret, b. 14 Sept., 1823. XI. LYDIA, b. 14 Sept., 1791. HOCKENBURY. HERBERT HOCKENBERRY (or Hackenbuerger); will, prob. 13 June, 1769, names wife Margaret and ch.: I. JOHN, whose will, prob. 6 Feb., 1805, names wife Sarah and ch.: John; Uly, wife of Benjamin Walker ; Mary, wife of —— Gary ; grandsons, John Walker and John Gary. II. PETER, whose will, prob. 5 Dec., 1804, names wife Elisabeth, and Herbert and John Rodenbough and grandchild, Betsey Van Nest. HII JOST (George), m. A. Margaret ; hadch.: Anna, b. 2 March, 1778 ; Peter, b. 2 May, 1778. IV. HENRY, of Bethlehem twp., Hunterdon Co., prob. b. 1750, d. 27 August, 1815 ; will, prob. 1815, names wife Elisabeth and ch.; Peter, b. 26 Jan., 1773 ; Margaret, b. 9 April, 1776, m. Dan. Sweazy; grandson, Henry Sweazy. Vv. CHRISTOPHER. VI. HARMAN, m, Anna Margaret ; prob. it was of his estate that Anna and Peter were made administrators, 5 April, 1808, at Newton, N. J.; had son Jacob, b. 10 April, 1779, VIL. EVE. VIII. ANNEY ELSIE. IX. MARGARET. xX. ANNA ELISABETH. ‘ XI. CATREN, XII. MARY. HOFFMAN. Ho¥rrMans OF READINGTON, JOHN HOFFMAN, whose will dated, Reatington, Hunt. Co., 8 July, 1741, prob. 21 Nov. 1748, names wife Margaret and six children ; also brothers-in-law Christian Harshall and Joseph Hankinson, as executors ; witnesses were John Crascoll, David Bertron and Alle Ross ; youngest child was under 21, at date of will, 1741, m. (New York Dutch records), 29 May, 1727, (banns published May 18), for second wife, Margrite Anhuizen (or Anhuys), both from Germany, but dwelling in New York ; was a large landholder near what is now Mettler’s mills ; names in will the following children except the first : I. CATHARINA, bap. in N. Y., 26 Jan., 1729; when the witnesses were Christaen Hessel and Catherine Snyder. Horrman 407 II, HENRY, “eldest.” III. MARY (deceased), m. Matthias Plattenberg and had a daughter before 1741, mentioned in grandfather's will IV. FREDERICK. V. JOHN, letters of adm. of his estate given, 24 Dec., 1810, to Peter Schomp, m. Rebecca; record of division of his property names ch.: (1). Jou, m, Aug., 1774, Rebeeca Rounseval, b. 1754, d. 1833 or 4, at 80 about ; lived in Raritan township about three miles west from Flemington ; had ch.: 1, JomN, 2. Isaac, b. 1777, Mar. 28, m Susanna Bodine (dau. of John); had ch.: (1), Hmanuel, b. 1800, m. Amy Rake ; (2). Enoch, b. 1805, m. Ann Fauss ; (3). Paul K., b. 1816, m. first, Rhoda Poulson (dau. of Israel, a Dunkard preacher); second, Amy Wagner (dau. of Jacob). 3. ANDREW, m. Sarah Bellis; had ch.: (1). John; (2). Hiram; (8). Mary, m. Augustus Gelbaugh ; (4). Lucretia. (II). Lena, m. Col. David Schomp (2d son of Hendrick). : (11). Mary, bap. (Readington records), 1756, Aug. 15,m. Abraham Lane. (IV). MarGarnt, bap. (Readington records), 1759, April 29, m. Peter Schomp, d. 1809. (V). SaRag, bap. (Readington records), 1761, April 12 m. Philip Prost. (VI) Resecca, bap. (Readington records), 1763, June 8, m. Obadiah Cole. {VII). Davip, bap. (Readington records), 1765, June 21, m. Catherine Wyckoff ; hadch.: 1. Joan S., b. 1800, April 22 ; 2. RepmcKxan, b. 1801, Sept. 17; 3. Peter Wrckorr, bap. 1806, July 7; 4. Davin, b. 1809, May 3; 5. Henry, b. 1813, Sept. 26. (VIII). Jacos, bap. (Readington records), 1767, Oct. 25, m. Margaret Biggs ; had ch.: 1. REBECKAH, b. 1798, July 19; 2. Janz Bices, b. 1800, April 19 ; 3. Joun, b. 1802, Feb. 1%. ([X). Joserz, bap. (Readington records), 1769, July 30. V. WILLIAM. VI. JACOB, b. prob. 1735, d. 1815, at about 80 years of age, m. first, Steintje ; second, Barbara Mettler. He settled near Stanton and then sold the farm for Continental money, which became worthless; removed to Roland’s Mills ; had five children by his first wife and three by his second; (I). JoHN, bap. 1765, May 16, d. 6 March, 1843, m. Catherine Trout ; had ch.: 1. GEORGE, unmarried ; 2. Jaco, deaf and dumb; 8. AARON had Stacy, Lemuel and Catherine ; 4. Joun ; 5. REBECCA, m. an Armitage ; 6. SARAH, m. a Wilson ; 7. CATHERINE, unmarried. (I). Isaac, bap. 1771, Mar. 24, m. Catherine Laqueer. (III). Lena, m. John Hoppock. (IV). Dina (Blandina), bap. 1773, May 2. (V). MareaRET, m. Cornelius Bowman (s. of Cornelius). (VI). Jacos, b. 1780, d. 1811, at 31 years of age, m. Hannah Porter (dau. of James); they had ch.: 1, Hrram, m. first, Ann Berger ; second, Rebecca Cherry ; 2. Davi, b. 180, Oct 16 ; 3. ARCHIBALD, b. 1807, ‘ Aug. 18, m. Mary Krieger (dau. of John, s. of John); 4. Jamzs P., Sr., m. first, Ann 8. Siegler (dau. of Peter), b. 1818, Feb. 10 ; second Eliza P. King (dau. of Will. L.), b. 1825, Dec. 2. ij I 408 Earty GERMANS or NEw JERSEY (VII). ApranaM, b. 1783, Nov. 23, d. 1872, Dec. 23, m. Charlotte Porter (dau. of James), b. 1784, Nov. 15, d. 1885, Oct. 12, at the age of 101 years, 10 months and 12 days; had ch.: 1. AARON, b. 1815, Jan. 6, d. 1885, Feb., m. first, Amanda VcCrae ; second, Harriet Hoffman (dau. of John and the widow of Chas. Hoffman, the s. of Hiram); 2. Susan, b. 1807, June 5, m. Amos Hunt (s. of John); 3. HARRIET, b. 1818, March 16, m, James Demott (s. of John). (VIII). Davip B., m. Hannah Lee (dau. of John); had ch.; 1. JAMES, m. Elisabeth Probasco (dau, of Theodore); 2. WILLIAM, m. Catherine Porter (widow of a Fritts); 3. Jonn, removed to Cape May; 4. Davip B. Augustus, m. the widow Larue; 5. MARGARET, m. Jacob Smith ; 6. HANNAH, m. Joseph Plum (s. of Joseph). HoFFMANS OF High BRIDGE. JACOBUS, prob. a brother of HENRY, of Cokesburg, bought 21114 acres rear High Bridge, 1778, from James Parker, which was sold by his heirs to John Sharp in 1790 ; m. Anna, named in his will of date 1780, Jan. 15, prob. Mar. 13, (Trenton 21 : 309); wife to have use of property for 12 years to bring up younger children and give them an education ; property to be divided after 12 years ; two oldest sons to be executors. Witnesses were Heary Traphagen, Peter Rodenbergh and Samuel Anderson, Will names children : I. JACOB, prob. m, Anna ; prob. rem. to N. Y. State ; had ch.; (I). ExisaBEtH, b. 1769, Aug. 24. (II), Perer, b. 1774, Feb. 17. (III). Nicuas, b. 1776, Aug. 2. II. JOHN, m. Anna Apgar (dau. of Adam); lived near Clinton, then removed to Black River ; had ch.: (I). ADAM, m. Elisabeth —~; owned farm at Little Brook and had six children, before he went to Ohio. (Il). Henry, unmarried, went to Ohio. (IJ). BARBARA, unmarried. (IV). James (‘‘Cobe”), b. 1783, Oct. 28, d. 1857, Jan. 5, at 73 years, 2 months and 7 days; m. Elisabeth Lance (dau. of Herbert), b. 1779 or 1781, d. 1853, Jan. at 72 about; had ch.: 1. HERBERT, m. Annie Moore (widow of a Hull); 2. WILLIAM, m. Betsey Castner (dau. of Daniel) ; 3. DAVID, unmarried ; 4. NATHAN, m. Catherine Bunn ; 5, ANNA, m. John Ader (s. of John); 6. MARGARET, m. William Hardy. (V). WiLL1am ApGaR, b. 1802, July 9, m. Mary Wean, b. 1798, Aug. 25; owned farm at Flocktown, now in possession of Mrs. Tice Swack- hamer ; had ch.: 1. JULIANNA, b. 1823, m: Peter Smith ; 2. CHaR- ITy, b. 1824, unmarried ; 3. Mary, b. 1827, m. Charles Hann ; 4. WILLIAM, b, 1833, m. Caroline Elisabeth Seifers (dau. of Peter). III. HENRY, prob. rem. to N. Y. State. : IV. WILUIAM, b. about 1763, d. 1829, m. Sarah Pickle (dau. of Conrad ; had child. : (I), NiCHOLAS PICKLE, b. 1787, May 24, m. (1) Mary, d. 1815, Jan. 31; (2) Sophia Abel (dau. of Jacob), d. 1853, Nov. 30 at 56; buried at Flanders ; had ch.; 1. JESSE, unmarried. 2, ZEPHANIAH, m. Sallie Stout (dau. of Andrew); had children: (1). Cyrus A., m. Martha Waters (dau. of Peter); (2). George, m. ‘ i —_ HorrmMan 409 Alliance Beatty (dau. of George); (3). Phemie, m. Lemuel Apgar (s. of Fred.); (4). Elmira, m. Daniel Lee (s. of Joseph). 8. Jacos W., m. Margaret Hope (dau. of James). 4. Mary ELisasBerH, m. (1) Joseph Walker ; (2). Christopher Srope. 5. Jota Ann, m. Conrad Apgar (s. of Fred.). (II). Lypra, b. 1789, Nov. 20. (111). GzorcE Jacosus, b. 1790, Dec. 24, m. Annie Apgar (dau. of Fred.); had ch.: 1. Sarah, m. Jacob Huff; 2. Eva Elisabeth, m. Conrad ¢ P. C. Apgar (s. of Conrad). (IV). Marta, b. 1798, March 9. (V). WiLLraM, b. 1803, Sept. 21. (VI). Exzanor, b. 1806, Jan. 25. V. ANNA, m. Samuel Coleman of Warren Co.; had ch.: (1). Wruiram ; (II). SaMvEL ; (III). Peter ; (IV). Lyp1a ; (V). Ann; (VI). Betsy. VI. PETER, not of age in 1780; prob. rem. to N. Y. State. VII. GEORGE, not of age in 1780 ; prob. rem. to N. Y. State. HOFFMANS OF AMWELL TOWNSHIP. PETER, has will dated 1764, prob. 1766, translated from the German by William Schuiler, elder in German church of Amwell (at Ringoes), 1749 ; his will names wife, Gertrude, and children, William and Henry, and refers to others ; home- stead to be kept for ten years, then divided ; had ch.: I. WILLIAM, has wili prob. 1764, April 4; names beloved friend Henry Hoffman, executor ; names wife, Anna Maria, and children : (). Joan, (IJ). Mary, m. Philip Diltz. (III). WiLu1am, and step children, Peter, Philip and Christian Diltz, Cath- erine Beyer and Anna Elisabeth Snyder. II. HENRY. Horrmans or SouTH JERSEY. Horrmans or ‘‘ HopMANS” were very early arrivals in the State. There were in New Sweden, in the year 16983, ANDERES Hoppman with 7 in his family (his will, dated Piles Grove, 1715-28); FREDERIC with 7 in family and his brother, JOHAN, with 7 in family, inciuding the five children, Bridget. John, Nicholas, Monce (Hermanes) and Michael ; lastly NICHOLAS Hoppman with 5 in family [Acrelius’ Hist. New Sweden, p. 190-4and 440-4]. It seems probable that MARTEN Hopman, who is found in N. Y. city, as early as 1663, was a brother to Andrew, , Frederick and the rest. He was given permission in 1672 to go to New Sweden (South Jersey and Delaware) and and solicit subscriptions for the building of a Lutheran church in New York. It is said that Peter Stuyvesant brought with him from the Delaware, as hostages, a number of Swedish families, among which were the Hoffmans. Martin came from Revel, a Swedish town in the gulf of Finland, in Esthionia, which was taken from the Swedes by the Russians in 1710. He m. (1) in N. Y. city, 31 March, 1663, Lysbeth Harmens ; (2) Emmerentje Dewitt (sister to Tjerk Claessen); had only two sons and two daughters, who are known of : I. ANNETJE, bap. 1 March, 1665. II. MARRITJE. bap. 12 Dec., 1665. III. NICHOLAS, m. 30 Dec.. 1704, Jannitie Crispell (dau. of Antoni), b. Feb. 1686, d. 11 Feb., 1752. IV. ZACHARIAS, of Shawangunk, Ulster Co., N. Y., m. 19 Oct., 1707, Hester 410 Earty Germans or New JERSEY Bruyn, d. 1744. Jt is claimed by some that the Hoffmans of Cokesbury and German Valley belonged to the descendants of the Swede, Marten, but the probabilities of the case are all opposed to this conjecture. HOFFMANS OF COKESBURY. HENRY, lived on the William Stevenson place, then of 217 acres, in High Bridge twp., which was sold by John Hoffman, sole surviving executor of the last will of Henry, to William Hoffman, 1809, April 1, for $3,365.67 ; 10914 acres of this were sold by William and Elenor Hoffman, 1835, April 1, to James Stevenson for $2,737.50. Henry’s will, dated 1790, Sept. 13; prob. 1794, Aug. 19, leaves all his property to his second wife, until her death or secoud marriage. The father of Heary was prob. HARMON, but no trace is found of the latter, unless he should be the Harmonus of the Second Emigration, who was in New York 1710, and whose will [prob. N. Y., 15 April, 1752, dated Orange Co., N. Y., 1752], names wife, Gertruye (Gertrude), and ch.: Harmanus, Berstena or Cersteana (Christena ?), Rachel, Jurry (George), Catrina Snyder, Layd (or Leaya) Geslar, but no Henry. Henry had children : I. HARMON, m. Annie Schuyler (dau. of Philip); had ch.: (I). Henry, b. about 1765, d. 1825, about 60, m. Anna Hoffman (dau. of John), a cousin ; had ch.: 1. Henry M., b. 1802, Mar., 15, m. Charity Philhower (dau. of Peter) ; had ch.: (1). David, m. Margaret Philhower (dau. of Richard); (2). Sering, m. Sarah Trimmer (dau. of Samuel); (3). Richardson m. Ann Hick (dau. of Morris); (4). Noah, m. Mary Conover (dau. of Charles); (5). Peter, m. Eliza Fox ; (6). Fred., m. a Philhower (dau. of Adam); (7). Hutton, m. Margaret Hoffman (dau. of Fred.); (8). Lydia Ellen, m. Nicholas Conover (s. of Charles); (9). Elisabeth Ann, died young. 2, JACOB, m. Agnus Apgar (dau. of Adam); had ch.: (1). Conrad, m. Mattie Honeyman (dau. of William); (2). Mary Ann, m. a Casner ; (3). Jsaac.m. Mary A. Hick (dau. of William M.); (4). George, m. (1) a Sutton ; (2) a Hicks ; (6). Catherine, m. George Schuyler (s. of Peter); (6). Elisabeth, m. John Carlisle (s. of Mul- ford); (7). Jemima, m. Amos Schuyler (s. of Nathan). 3. Noag, b. 1812, March 12, m. Sophia Teats (dau. of John); had ch.: (1). Mary Catherine, m. John Hope (s. of James W.); (2). Fanny m. James Anthony (s. of Nathan); (3). Margaret, m. Daniel Force (s. of James); (4). Caroline, m. (1) John Henry Boyle, (2) Joseph Crooksor ; (5). Effie Ann, m. Peter Van Arsdale (s. of Daniel); (6). George W,, m. Emma Apgar (dau. of P. K.); (7). Sarah, m. Win. A. Alpock (s. of George); (8). Mahala, m. Frederick Apgar (s. of Peter M.); (9). John, m. Laura Sutton (dau. of Richard) ; (10). Htlen, m. David McCathran ; one died young. 4. JOHN, m. Seney Davis (dau. of Silvanus), removed from near Pot- tersville to Ohio. 5. Harmon, m. (1) Susan Philhower (dau. of John); (2) Margaret Lommason (dau. of Conrad); no children by second wife ; had children (order uncertain): (1). Lydia Ann, b. 1820, April 2, m. George B. Sutton (s. of Richard); (2). Ebenezer, m. Martha Nichols ; (8). John, m. Sarah ——, and rem. to Penn.; (4). Henry, HorrmMan 41 m. Matilda Worman, and rem. to California ; (5). Rachel, unm.; (6). Elisabeth, m. Peter P. Philhower (s. of Aaron); (7). Harmon, m,. Emma Sturdison, and rem to Illinois; (8). Obadiah, unm.; (9). Oliver, m. Hattie Backer, and went West ; (10). Silvanus, unm.; (11). Mary, m. Charles Miller (s. of John); (12). Benton, m. Lydia Wise ; [(18). ? Conrad Lommason, b. 1. Jan., 1818). 6. SARAH, m. Conrad Apgar (s. of Conrad). 7. MARGARET. m. Augustus Worman. 8. Lyp1a, m. Andrew Lance (s. of Peter and Sophia). 9. ANNA, unmarried. (If). Anna, b. 1769, Nov. 4, m. Henry Teats (s. of Adam). (III). ELIsaBeTH, b. 1772, Feb., m. Michael Rote. (IV). Peter M., b. 1774, Feb. 15 (72) d. 1859, July 5, at 85 yrs., 4 mos, and 20 days, m. Charity Philhower (dau. of Philip), b. 1776, July 15, d. 1849, Aug. 21, at 73 yrs., 1 mo. and 6 days; had ch.: 1. JonN m. Ann Robeson (dau. of Cornelius); 2. Mary, m. George H. Linda- berry (s. of Henry); 3. Anna, b. 180!, Aug. 2, m. Samuel G. Hoff- man (s. of John), b. Sept. 1794, d. 1864, and lived east of Middle Valley; 4. Erriz EL1saBeTH, m. Thomas Apgar (s. of Peter); 5. FREDERICK P., m. (1) Mary Philhower (dau. of Peter); (2) Mary A. Canada ; 6. MaRnGARET, d. 1888, Oct. 28, at 79 yrs., 8 mos. and 5 days, unmarried ; 7. ELISABETH, m. Adam Hoffman (s. of Frederick); 8. Puiuir P., m. Sophia Apgar (dau. of William). (V). Painip M., m. Mary Philhower (dau. of Jacob); about 1819 went to Ohio, then to Indiana ; had two young children when he left, viz. : Jacoz and ANN. ; (VI). Eva, b.1775, Dec. 25, m. Fred Apgar (s. of Jacob). (VII). Mary, b. 1779, Dec. 29, m. (1) Laurance Wean ; (2) Coon Wean (. of Conrad). (VIIT). Soputa, b. 1785, Oct. 1. II. JOHN, b. 1746, July 12, d. 1828, April 22, m. 1771, Dec. 19, Ann Elisabeth Young (dau. of Peter), b. 1752, May 20, d. 1828, Nov. 1, lived at Cokes- bury; had ch:. (I). Ann, b. 1772, Aug. 20, m. Henry M. Hoffman (s. of Harmon), a cousin. (Il). Evsre CaTBERINE. b. 1774, Aug. 7, m. William Apgar (s. of Adam). (III). Mary, b. 1776, May 2, m. Jacob Ort. (IV). ELIsaBeTH, b. 1778, Dec. 12 ; m. (1) Conrad Lommason (s. of Conrad), d. 1814 ; (2) Garret Covenhoven. (V). Hewry I., b. 1780, Dec. 8, m. (1) Margaret Fritts (dau. of Fred, Jr.); (2) Mary Lunger (dau. of James Lunger, and widow of Henry Hance); (3) Catherine Fritts (dau. of George), b. 1794, d. 1880, Dec. 31, at 86 years ; elder for many years in the Presbyterian Church at German Valley ; lived on Schooley’s Mountain, where Mancius Hutton now lives ; had no children by his third wife ; had children by his first wife: 1. Jon T., b. 1808, Oct. 4, m. Eliza Hann (dau. of Jacob), and lives at Denville, N. J.; 2. RacHEL, m. Jacob Sharp ; 3. ELisaBerTs, b. 1810, Oct. 21, unm.; 4. Jemima, b. 1812, Nov. 29, unm.; 5. FREDERICK, died young; 6. Henry §., died young ; 7. MarGaRET, m. Elijah Dilts, of Port Colden ; 8. Mary é Earty GerMANS OF NEw JERSEY Ann, m. William G. Dufford (s. of George), second wife, and. res. at Washington, N. J.; 9. Jacop D., m. Anna Smith, and res. at Hackettstown ; 10. Painip H., m. Barbara Byram, and res. at Morristown. By second wife: 11. Henry C., m. Phebe Young, and res. at Chicago; 12. Mancrus Hurron, m. Catherine E. Neighbor (dau. of Leonard), and resides on Schooley’s Mountain. (VI). Purer I., b. 1782, Dec. 2, m. Ellen Bowman (dau. of Thomas and Jane Vliet), res. above Califon ; had ch.: 1. PETER W., m. Emily Cox; 2. THomas B., m. Sophia Apgar (dau. of Peter); 3. Noa, m. Elisabeth Teats (dau. of Peter R.); 4. PHILIP, died young ; 5. JANE, m. Abraham N. Hunt (s. of Thomas); Exisaseta A., m. Peter Waters (s. of William); 7. Lyp1a, m. John Felmley (s, of John); 8. ELLEN, m. George Teats (s. of Peter); 9. Mary, m. Andrew John- son (s. of Henry). ‘ (VID). Freperick I., b. 1785, Nov. 17, m. Elisabeth Lowe (dau. of John); had ch.: 1, Exiza, m. John B. Crammer (s. of George); 2. ISABEL, m. Peter M. Apgar (s. of Nicholas); 3. Mary, m. William Eich ; 4. Joun Lowe, m. Mary Philhower (dau. of Peter J.); 5. HANNAH, died young. (VIII). WiLuram I., b. 1787, Nov. 22, m. Ellenor Hayes, at New Germantown; had ch.: 1. PETER, m. Ann Eick (dau. of Morris P.); 2. REBEcca, m. (1) Peter Post ; (2) David L. Everitt; 3. FREDERICK, m. Ann Teeter ; 4. JoHN, m. Theodosia Brown; 5. Lyp1a; m. John E. Voorhees, res. at Elisabeth, N. J. (IX). MarGaREt, b. 1790, Dec. 4, m. Benjamin R. Robeson. (S). Joun L., b. 1772, July 18, d. 1865, at 73, m. Lydia Hays (dau. of John); had ch.; I. JonN. H., m. Harriet Cox ; 2. Lutta, m. John Fleet ; 3. ELISABETH, m. Peter Eick; 4. Lyp1a ELLEN, m. Isaiah Apgar (s. of Thomas); 5. Henry C., m. Catherine Rhinehart (dau. of John); 6. CHARLES W. m. Mary C. Flumerfelt (dau. of George); 7. THomas A., m. Sarah Cole (dau. of John); 8. Mary JANE, died young. (XI). Puruire C., b. 1797, Nov. 8, d. 1873, unmarried. Ill. PETER, prob. m. first, Catherine ; second, Dorothea ; had ch.: (I). PETER, b. 1768, Nov. 21. (Il). Anna, b. 1772, April 22. (II). Marta, b. 1774, July 9. (IV). ELIsaBETH, b. 1776, Sept. 5. (V). SaRag, b. 1779, March 7, By second wife : (VI). FREDERICK, b. 1786, Dec. 11. These names from the Baptismal Records, may belong to Peter Hoffman, the son of Jacobus. IV. HENRY, not mentioned in the will of his father, but probably had died previously, m. Gertraut and had : (I). Awna, b. 1783, March 16, m. probably a Cool, grandfather of Harvey 8. Cool, of German Valley. (II). Henry, b. 1785 [1784 on tombstone], Aug. 12, d. 1838, Aug. 28, at 54, m. Ann Trimmer (dau. of Conrad and Mary Youngs), b. 25 April, 1793; had ch.: 1. Jessx, b. 1813; Sheriff of Morris Co., elder of Presbyterian Church in German Valley, res. in German Valley, m. (1) Harriet Parker (dau. of Daniel, of Schooley’s Mountain) ; HorrMaNn ‘413 (2) Elisabeth Hunt (dau. of William); had ch.: Harriet, m. George Cain ; Lemuel, m. Elmira Apgar ; Emma; Mary Ann, m. Will Voorhees ; Martha, m. Isaac. Nunn ; Louise, m. Morris Crater ; Sadie and Susie, both deceased; 2. Isaac, removed to North Carolina ; 3. Mary, d. at 19; 4. ELIsaBeTH, m. (1) Daniel Anthony (s, of John); (2) John Dufford ; 5. Juntia ANN, m. (1) Jacob Hance ; (2) John Dufford (8d wife); 6. GmrorGE, m. (1) Caroline Price: (2) Margaret Beam (dau. of William); 7. EFFre, m. Morris Lunger ; 8. CaROLINE, m. Caspar Wack ; 9. GILBERT, m. Adaline Heaton ; 10. Smuvanus, m. Lena Wack ; 11. AMANDA, m. Charles Ginther ; 12. CLarissa m. Stewart Frazer. (II]). Joun, m. Rebecca, and had ch.: 1. James: 2. EpHraim ; 3. Isaac. V. FREDERICK (Fritz), m. first, Lena Schuyler (dau. of Philip); second, Mamie Hartrum (dau. of George); had ch.: (). Henry (‘‘ Carpenter”), b. 1784 (or 1787), Feb. 3, m. 1816, Jan. 18, Ann Apgar (dau. of Conrad), b. 1798, March 12; bought 20-acre lot, where Isaac now lives ; had ch.: 1. Mary, m. Will Anderson ‘s. of William ist), as his first wife ; 2. ABRAHAM, b. 1822, March 25, m. Anna Bunn (dau. of Peter), lives south of Califon ; 3. Isaac, twin to Abraham, m. first, Mary Everitt (dau. of Jesse) ; second, Amanda Anthony (dau. of Jacob); 4. ELISaBETH, m. William Anderson (s. of William), as his second wife; 5. HANNAH, m. James ‘Anderson (s. of William). (II). Anna Mary, b. 1788, May 29, died young. (IID. Pururp, b. 1789, Dec. 10, m. Sarah Bunn ; had ch.: 1. Henry, moved away; 2. ANTHONY, rem. to Ralstontown ; 3. AARON, rem. to Pea- pack ; 4. Davip, unm.; lives at Fairmount ; 5. ELISABETH, m. a Lomerson ; 6. Mary ANN, m. Henry Van Pelt; 7. SopHra, m. David T. Farley (s. of Richard S.). (IV). Peter F., b, 1792, d. 26 July, 1876, m. Anna Philhower (dau. of Peter); had ch.: 1. CATHERINE, m. Peter Teats (s. of Adam); 2. ELLEN, m. Herbert Conover; 3. AARON, m. first, Mary Ann Hellebrant ; second, Lydia Thompson (dau. of Judge Thompson, of Readington) ; 4. FREDERICK, m. Elisabeth Tiger (dau. of George A.) ; 5. ELISABETH, m. Robert D. Pitney ; 6. Emmty, m. Jacob Phil- hower (s. of Philip); 7. GgoRGE, m. Charlotte Farley (dau. of Meinard); 8. Mary, m. Wesley R. Fisher; 9. PETER, m. Jane Dalrymple. (V). Joun, m. first, Catherine Philhower (dau. of Peter); second, ——; rem. to Pennsylvania. (VI). Errts, m. 1814, Dec. 24, Jacob Read (s. of John); (VII). Evsre, m. Tice Apgar (s. of Jacob, 2d wife). By second wife : (VIII). GrorGe (‘‘ Yermickle”) m. Elisabeth Conover (dau. of Garret); had ch.: 1. Harmon ; 2. Amos, of Newark, m. Catherine Fritts; 3. Garret, of High Bridge, N. J.; 4. Jacon, of High Bridge, m. Jane Philhower ; 5. GzoRGE WESLEY ; 6. OLY, m. Benjamin Harrington; 7. ISABELLA, m. Will Brown, cf Chester (deceased); 8. MaTTHias; 9. ELISABETH, m. James Mitchell, of High Bridge ; 10. CATHERINE, m. John Miller, of High Bridge ; 11. ConraD, burned to death ; 12. FRANCIS. 434 . Earty Germans oF New JERSEY (IX). Apam Driers, b. 1805, May 31, m. Elisabeth Hoffman (dau. of Peter M.), a cousin ; had ch.: 1. Hrpam, m. (1) —— Hann (dau. of Philip) ;. (2) Barbara Philhower (dau. of Jesse}; 2. GILBERT, m. Mary Ann Hiler ; 3. CAROLINE, died young; 4 Joan, m. a Kennedy and went West ; 5. Monroz Bupp, also m. a Kennedy and went West ; 6. ANDREW, m. Mary Ellen Apgar (dau. of Jacob); 7. SILAs, unm. ; 8. JoszPH, m. (1) Sophia Philhower (dau. of John and widow of Jacob Tiger); (2) Mary Lake (widow of James Alpock) ; 9. MaNcrus. Hurron, m. a Kennedy and went West; 10. Mary, m. Paul Heldebrant ; 11. Marcaret, m. Peter Lance. (X). Harmon H., b. 1807, Feb. 7, m. Kittie Lommason (dau. of Conrad) ;, had ch.: 1. Becky, m. John Rhinehart; 2 Marian m. Jacob Alpock ; 8, PHinip, unm.; 4. Neison, m. Harriet Apgar (dau, of Isaiah); 5. Joun, m, —~ Hoffman (dau. of Peter and Emily Cox). (XI). Jacos, died young. (XII). Conran, died young. (XIII). ANNIE, m. John Bunn (s. of Henry) (XIV). Amy, died young. (XV). Mary Ann, died young. (XVI). CHaRLorTe, m. James Buchanan (s. of William). (XVID. Hunpan, m. Peter Apgar (s. of William), third wife. (XVIID. Wiiiiam, died unm. at 20. VI. EVA, m. Adam Teats. VII. ANNIE, b. 1756, Sept. 4, m. Peter Lance. VIII MARY, b. 1758, June 4, m. William Shueler. HorrMans oF LEBANON. JOHN, b. 1782, d. 1801. July 2, at 69, m. (1) —-; (2) Anna Dils (sister to his son Henry’s wife and dau. Peter ?). The family came from Schoharie Co., N. Y., near a small stream called Black River. The first one may have been GEORGE, whose name appears on the call to Rev. Albert Weygand, 1749. This George may have been a brother or son of Harmonus, of New York, in 1710. There was a Schwartzkill (or Black River) on Livingston Manor, where the Palatines first settled. in New York. John had ch. (order uncertain): I. PETER, b. 2 Sept., 1766, d. 29 March, 1841, m (1) Mary Willett, b. 1768, d. 1801, March 27, at 33; (2) Anna Peggin, b. 1783, d. 1809, April 22, at 26; (8). Charlotte Pennear, b. 1796, d. 1812, Feb. 28, at 16; (4) Catherine West b. 1795, d. 1889 ; had ch. (order uncertain): (I). ELISABETH, m. George Roland. (II). Awn, b. 1794, June 3, m. Noah Stewart Crammer (s. of Noah). (Il). Joun P., m. Jane Mathis. ‘ (IV). Wiuxr1am P., m. Jane Jones. (V). Apranam P., m. Elisabeth Shurts (s. of George). (V1). Isaac P., m. Maria Magdalene Fritts (dau. of John). (VII. CHARLOTTE, m. Matthias Crammer (s. of George). (VIII). Letrt1a, m. Nathan Lowe (s. of John). ([X). Perer M., m. Ann Gray (dau. of Austin). (X). CATHERINE, m. L. V. Krammer (s. of John B.). (XI). Mary, b, 1791, June 6, m. David Wack (perhaps should be No. (1). Il. WILLIAM has following children, accordihg to the division of his property HorrMan AIS ‘in 1819 (1). CATHERINE, m. John Tway; (II. ELISABETH, m. William Bowman: (III). Joun; (IV). Gzorcz, m. —— Bowman Gister to William above); (V). Mary m. Nathaniel Hoffman; (V1). ANN, m. Jacob Corson ; (VIJ). WILLIAM , (VIID. ELLENOR, m. William A. Apgar (s. of Frederick and Annie Aller), b. 8 Sept., 1804; ([X). CHRISTOPHER, under age in 1819. AI, JOHN, m. (1) Sarah Groendyke ; (2)/Sarah Henderson 3 went to Asbury after his second marriage and died there ; had ch.: (1). Joun, b. 1796, Dec. 5; m. Mary Aller. | (2). SAMUEL GROENDYKE, b. 1799, Sept. 21, m. Anna Hoffman (dau. of Peter M.). (IT). ELisaBETu, b. 1801, Aug. 18, died young. (IV). Mary, b. 1804, Oct. 23, m. William Gorman. (V). Saran Ann, b. 1810, Feb. 29, unm. (VI). WiLLIaM, m. Mary Ann Henderson. IV. GEORGE. V. MARGARET, m. James Ramsey. VI. SARAH, b. 30 May, 1777, d. 19 April, 1857, m. George Lindaberry; rem. to Schooley’s Mountain. VII. HENRY, b. 17 Sept., 1769, d. 25 Jan., 1833, m. Rebecca Dils (dau. of Peter ?, sister to his father’s second wife); had ch.: (H. Pater H., b. 12 Sept., 1794, m. Elisabeth Cregar (dau. of John), b 1795, May 20; had ch.: 1. ReBEcca, b. 1816, July 22; 2. Joun C., b, 1817, Dec. 11; 3. ANN, b. 1819, May 29; 4. NatHan, b. 1820, Nov. 30; 5. Jacos, b. 1822, Feb. 16; 6. Josmpu, b. 1824, Jan. 6; 7. SaRag, b. 1825, Sept. 1: 8. Davin, b. 1827, June 26; 9. Newron, b. 1829, April 27 ; 10. THEODORE J., b. 1830, Nov. 16 ; 11. James C., b, 1833, March 29,; 12. Louisa J., b. 1834, July 27; 13. Aaron, b. 1836, April 21. (I). Joun H., b. 1796, Jan. 19, m. Sarah Fisher (dau. of Peter). (I). ExisaBeTa, b. 1797, Sept. 8, d. 1816, June 17. {IV). CATHERINE, b. 1798, Dec. 28, d. 1805, Sept. 10. (V). Wittiam H., b. 1800, Sept. 12, m. 1820, Oct. 5, Anna Van Viet (dau. of J ohn), b. 1800, Nov. 18; lived one-half mile north of Lebanon ; had ch.: 1. Henry W., b 1821, Aug. 1, m. Sarah Elisa- beth Fulkerson ; 2. JoHN W., b. 1823, Oct. 3, m. (1) Sarah A. Bon- nell ; (2) Sarah Sebring ; 3. ELisaBETH, b. 1826, May 2, m. George P. Young (s. of Peter); 4. Mary A., b. 1831, Dec. 16, m. Abraham B. Van Vliet : 5. CATHERINE, b. 1835, Sept. 27, m. Ross J. Shurts (s. of George S.); 6. LUTHER, b. 1839, Nov. 1, m. Emily Alpaugh (dau. of William G.); 7%. JANE, b. 1844, Dec. 16, m. John H. Crammer (s. of David). : (VI). Anna, b. 1802, July 6, d. 1818, May 23. (VII). Joseph H., b.1803, Dec. 29, m. Catherine Crammer (dau. of William, and twin sister to Henry’s wife). (VIII). Henry H., b. 1805, Oct. 9, m. Ellen Crammer (dau. of William). ([X.) Jacos H., 'D. 1808, Jan. 5, m. Mary Porter (s. of Timothy). (X). GEORGE H, b. 1809, Nov. 13, m. Lydia Plumley. (XI). Raups H., b. 181i, nt 10, m. Emily Youngs (dau. of Peter). VIII ANNA JULIANNA, b. 20 Nov., 1771. 416 Harty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY IX. ELSIE CATHERINE, b. 1 Sept., 1777. X. JOSEPH, m. Mary Van Fleet; had ch. (order uncertain): (I). Joun, b. 1804, Nov. 26; (II). Henry, b. 1806, June 20, m. Margaret Wyckoff ; (III). EvisaBery, b. 1809, Nov. 20, m. Jacob Wyckoff ; (IV). ANN, b. 1812, July 9, m. John Sharp; (V). JosEPH, m. Hettie Holcombe ; (VI). Mary m. Elisha Waldron ; (VII). MarGaretT, m. Henry Stevens ; (VIII). Davip K., m. Mary Young; (IX). CaTHERINE, m. Nathan Hoffman. XI. ELISABETH, b. 11 March, 1787, m. John Hall. XII. JACOB, m. 1802, Dec. 2, Hannah Traphagen (dau. of David); had ch.: (1). PeTEr P., m. Ann Porter. (I). Joun T., m. Jane Ramsey, a widow. (III). Davin T., m. Rachel Ramsey (dau. of John). HONNESS. There were probably six brothers and two sisters of the name of Honness : I. CONRAD, buried at Clinton, N. J., b. 14 July, 1754, d. 8 Aug., 1848, m. Anna Margaret, d.9 April, 1834, and had ch.: Elisabeth, b..5 Mar., 1776 ; Philip, b. 10 July, £778, m. 5 Dec., 1812, Mary Shannon, and removed to Ithaca, where his son Conrad lived. II. JOSEPH, b. 14 May, 1763, d. 12 April, 1828. Ill. GEORGE. IV. EVA, b. 3 April, 1770, d. 30 Dec., 1804. V. CHRISTINA, b. 15 March, 1778, d. 25 Sept., 1844. VI. MATTHIAS. VII. AARON, m. Betsey, and had Joseph and Benjamin. GEORGE, one of these brothers, had ch.: I. CONRAD, 2d, b. 12 Dec., 1790, d. 4 Oct., 1873 ; owned a farm of 250 acres near Anthony, Lebanon twp., Hunterdon Co., m. Rachel Stevenson, b. 1791, d. 19 Nov., 1844, at 53 ; had ch.: (1). Gores W., b. 1816, d. 5 Jan., 1991, m. first, Mary Alpaugh ; second, Mary Lare ; had one child unmarried. (II). CHRISTIANNA, m. Leonard Crum ; res. at Glen Gardner. (III). SamvEL, unmarried. II. MICHAEL, b. 25 June, 1797, d. 4 Jan., 1830 ; res. near Anthony, Lebanon twp., Hunterdon Co., m. Elisabeth Fritts (dau. of Benjamin); had ch.: 1. CHRISTIANNA, d. young ; 2. BENJAMIN FRITTS, a merchant of Clinton, N. J., m. first, Elisabeth Probasco (dau. of Alexander), by whom had Apa, m Geo. C. Sonn, of Newark ; second, Sarah A. Foster (dau. of Thomas), by whom had John, m. a dau. of Dr. French, and George ; 3. Saraw ANN. III. JOHN. HOPPOCK. The name Hoppock, originally Habbach, occurs in the records of the early Holland Church at Readington, and this taken in connection with the Holland form of the proper names, would indicate that the family is of Holland descent. They were at least five heads of families, only two of which can be followed down. Hoprock—Horton 417 HENDRICK and wife, Gertie, have a son, Pieter, bap, 10 June, 1783, and PIETER and Maritje are witnenses to the baptism ; PreTER and Catherine have a dau., A. Maria. bap. 26 May, 1745 ; CORNELIUS is a witness to the baptism of Cerioline, one of Tunis’ children, in 1740, We give some of the descendants of TEUNIS and JOST. TEUNIS (Anthony) HOPPOCK, prob. naturalized July, 1780, m. first, Antje ; second, Elisabeth ; had ch. bap. (Reading Church Records): I. JOHN GEORGE, bap. 11 Aug., 1784. II. CORNELIUS, bap. 10 Feb. 1740, prob. the one b. 18 Dec., 1739, whose family is given below. Il. LENA, bap. 18 July, 1742. The will of a Trunis (Anthony), dated 19 Oct., 1772, prob. 19 April, 1779, names ch.: 1. Tunis ; 2. Jacob ; 3. Anna, wife of Jerry (George) Trimmer; 4. Maria, wife of Peter Housilt; 5. Sarah, wife of Jacob Fisher [s, of Peter]; 6. Lena, wife of Martin Bender ; 7. Hlenor, wife of Will. Cool; 8. Catherine. CORNELIUS (prob. the son of Teunis), b. 18 Dec., 1739, d. 1814, m. first, 1761, Catherine Corle ; second, Jemima Barber, b. 1751; had nine children by the former, and two by the latter: 1. Anne, b. 9 Jan., 1762, m. a Barbers; 2. George, b. 31 July, 1763, and had Lambert, William and Susan ; 3. Sarah, b. 4 Nov., 1764 ; 4. Catherine, b. 19 April, 1766 ; 5. Mary, b. 29 Oct., 1767, m. a Barbers, 6. Cornelius, Jr,, b. 2 Oct., 1769 ; 7. Elisabeth, b. 22 March, 1772, m. Joshua Anderson ; 8. Frances, b. 6 Sept., 1774, m. a McGill; 9. Julia, b. 18 April, 1776, m. an Anderson. JOST (Justus or George) of Amwell twp., Hunterdon County, N. J., whose will, prob. 21 Sept., 1761, names wife, Mary and ch.: I. JOHN. : II. PETER, prob. of Lebanon twp., Hunterdon Co., N. J., whose will was prob. 2 Sept., 1809, names wife Catherine, and children : (1). JOHN, prob. m. Elisabeth, and had children: 1. Catherine, b.24 May, 1778 ; 2 Peter, b. 11 ——, 1780 ; 3. John, b. 14 March, 1785. (I). PETER, m. Anna, and had ch.; 1. Peter, b. 9 Aug., 1788 ; 2. Solomon, b. 25 Dec., 1789 ; 3. Conrad, b. 17 April, 1794. (III). JosEPH. - (IV). GzorGE, m. a Cregar (dau. of John). ‘ (V). ANNE, m. Will Hann ; no children. (VI). Macy, m. Corson. (VII). CATHERINE, m. John Cregar, Jr. (s. of John). (VIII). EuisaBeTH, m. Barney Fox. ([X). Sarag, m. a Williamson. Ill. ANNA, m. Peter Aller. IV. LEANAH, m. Peter Young. V. ELISABETH, m. Peter Hann. HORTON. BARNABAS HORTON, son of Joseph, of Leicestershire, England, b. July 18, 1600, in the Hamlet of that shire, d. July 13, 1680, at 80; came over in ship “Swallow,” 1633-8 ; landed at Hampton, Mass. ; in 1640 went to Southold with Rev. John Youngs, William Welles, Esq., Peter Hallock, John Tuthill, Richard 418 Earty GERMANS OF NEW JERSEY Terry, Thomas Mapes, Matthias Corwin, Robert Ackerly, Jacob Cary, John Conklin, Isaac Arnold and John Budd ; his will, dated New York, May 10, 1680, prob. Nov. 18, 1681, names wife Mary and ch.: I. JOSEPH, b. about 1632, m. Jane Budd (dau. of John 1st), d. 1664, Rye. Il. BENJAMIN, b. about 1634, m. Anne Budd (dau. of John Ist), 1665, who d. at Rye, Nov. 3, 1690 ; had no children. III. CALEB, b. about 1640, at Southold. (See his family below). IV. JOSHUA, b. about 1643, m. Mary Tuthill, d. Southold, 1729 ; had son, (I). Josaua, who had son Rev. Simon, b. Mar. 30, 1711; pastor of Connect. Farms and Staten Island. V. JONATHAN, b. about 1648, d. Feb. 23, 1707, at homestead ; had one son : (). JonaTHan ; had one son, Azariah, b. Mar. 20, 1715, d. Mar. 27, 1777. First pastor for 25 years of church at Madison, N. J. VI. HANNAH, m. Barnabas Terrill. VII. SARAH, m. Joseph Conklin. VIII. MARY, m. Joseph Budd (s. of John). IX, MERCY, m. Christopher Youngs. x. ABIGAIL, m. Charles Booth. CALEB, son of Barnabas, b. about 1640, at Southold, d. Oct. 3, 1702, m. Abigail Hallock (dau. of Peter the Pilgrim), b. Dec. 23, 1665, who d. 1697; settled at Cutchogue, L. I.; freeman, Conn., 1664; land deeded to him same year ; in 1676 rated for 30 acres, 37 cattle, 5 horses, £282, and in 1683 his valuation was £350 ; in 1686 has four males and six females in his family ; had children, all born at Cutchogue : BARNABAS, b. Sept. 23, 1666, m. Sarah Hines. Il. JONATHAN, b. 1668, m. Bertha Conklin. III. NATHAN, b. 1670; no children. IV. DAVID, b. 1672, m. Mary Horton (dau. of Jonathan 1st). V. MARY, b. 1675, m. Nathaniel Terry. VI. HANNAH, m. Ensign John Booth (s. of John I). VII. ABIGAIL, m. David Booth (s. of Charles and Abigail Horton). VIII. ESTHER. IX. RACHEL, d. unmarried. X. RUTH. BARNABAS, son of Caleb and Abigail, b. 23 Sept., 1666, at Cutchogue, L. I., m. Sarah Hines, and had ch.: 1. Caleb, b. 22 Dec. 1687, at Southold, L. I.; (see his family below); 2. Barnabas, b. about 1690, rem. to Goshen, Orange Co., N. Y., about 1732 ; 3. Penelope; 4. Bethia. CALEB, s. of Barnabas and Sarah Hines, b. 22 Dec., 1687, at Southold, L. I, m. 10 Dec., 1714, Phebe Terry (dau. of Nathaniel, s. of Richard, 1st), b. Southold, 1698 ; moved to Roxbury, Morris Co., N. J., 1748 ; bought 1782 acres (the Gar- diner tract), in what is now Chester twp., of Isaac Pierson, 3 March, 1747. This tract had been conveyed to Isaac Pierson, 23 July, 1719, by Matthew Gardiner (Burlington, Lib. E, fol. 86). His will was dated Roxbury, May 16, 1759; had children : : I. CALEB, b. 1715, m. 1737, Sarah Benjamin, b. 1717 ; had ch. (I). CaLEs, b. 1788, (II). RicHarp. (IIT). STEPHEN. (IV). Justin, unmarried. al Horton 419 (V). Parry. (VI). Satry. (VII). Mary, [? m. Richard Sweazy (s. of Samuel)]. Il. HANNAH, b. 1717, m. Samuel Sweazy (s. of Joseph). III. NATHANIEL, b. Oct. 18, 1719, d. Jan. 24, 1804, at 85, m. Mehetabel Wells 1740 ; had ch.: @. ‘‘DEacon” NarHaniE., b. 1741, d. Aug. 13, 1824, m. 1761, Rebecca 1. 2. 3. oe Sxnre 11. 12. . AARON, b. 1788, m. first, Nancy Cramer : second, Maria Craig ; Robinson, b. June 21, 1742, d. Dec. 14, 1819 ; had ch.: Hupag, b. Jan. 14, 1762, m. Joel Coe, d. Dec. 18, 1803. REBECCA, b. Dec. 31, 1763, m. Ben. Fordyce, d. 1840. JONAg, b. 1766, d. Feb. 19, 1843, m. first, Hannah Bryant, b. 1786, d. Dec. 14, 1828 ; second, Jane Dalrymple ; had ch. by first wife : (1). Elisha B., b. 1808, d. Feb. 23, 1885, m. Mary A. B. Crone, b. 1821, d. 1853 ; by second wife: (2). Barney C.,m. Ruth Cramer (dau. of Morris); ‘3). Archibald O.,m. Matilda Miller ; (4). Lydia C., m. Daniel Horton (s. of Phineas); had one child, Daniel ; (5). Celestin, m. David Cooper Horton (s. of Caleb and Julia Terry). . Susan, m. Rob. McCollam, Mar. 30, 1798, d. Calais, N. Y. . Pony, b. 1768, d. Nov. 9, 1842, at 74, m. David Lewis, b. 1771, d. 1820, May 29, at 59. . NATHANIEL, died young. Hiram, died young. MEHETABEL, died young. . EvisHa, b. 1777, m. Mary Horton ; lived at Scipio, N. Y. . Col. NATHANIEL, b. Chester, Sept. 15, 1778, d. Dec. 17, 1856, m. 1801, Eunice Horton (dau. of Daniel), d. June 7, 1857 ; was Col. in the Militia ; had ch.: (1). Julia, b. 1802, m. Nathan Horton (s. of Phineas); (2). Ann Eliza, b. 1804, m. Levi Vanarsdale ; (8). Martha, b. 1806, m. Isaac Oakford ; (4). Lydia, b. 1809, m. Chas. Dobbins. Hrraw, b. Feb. 16, 1780, d. May 22, 1852, m. 1802, Mary Rose, b. Feb. 29, 1778, d. Mar. 6, 1855; had ch.: (1). Rebecca, b. Dec. 29, 1809, m. Dan. S. DeCamp ; (2). Stephen Overton, b. July 21, 1811, m. Dency Horton (dau. of Daniel) ; (8). Llisabeth Selina, b. 1813, m. first, Silas Olney ; second, Capt. Lenion : (4). Mary Rose, b. Apr. 8, 1818, m. Alfred Horton (s. of Elijah). E sTHER, b. 1782, m. Silas Horton (s. of Elijah), third wife. third, Pamela Smith ; fourth, Jane Hawk ; had children by first wife: (1). Silas, b. 1812, m. Mary Trimmer (dau. of John); (2). Lydia, m. Timothy Coleman ; (8). Aaron Decatur, m. a Clark ; (4). Huldah, m. Will Bedle ; (5). Nathaniel Charles, m. Lydia Cumback. (Il). BensaMin, b. 1743, d. at Brutus, N. Y.; had three children. (III). Davi, b. Sept. 2, 1750, at Chester, m. Olive Skellinger, b. Mar. 28, 1. 2. 3. 1761 ; was a soldier in Revolutionary war and a pensioner ; had ch.: EDWARD, b. Mar. 17, 1777, m. Charlotte Seward (cousin to Gov. William Seward). MEHETABEL. DanrEL, m. Esther Terry (dau. of Caleb); had one child Dency, m. 420 (IV). (V). (VD). Earty GerMANS OF NEw JERSEY Stephen O. Horton (s. of Hiram). DANIEL, b. Chester, 1751, d. Nov. 27, 1835, m. Martha Terry (dau. of Richard and Mary Horton), b. 1757, d. Feb 9, 1842, ; had ch.: 1. STEPHEN, died young. 2. Eunice, b. 1782, m. Col Nathaniel Horton. 8. DANIEL (perh. s. of David), m. Esther Terry. 4, Lypia, m. Will Skellinger. 5. EstHer, m. first, Silas Horton; second, Phineas Horton 6. of Nathan) her uncle. MEHETABEL, m. Edward Lewis. Pouty, m. Nathaniel Terry (s. of Richard 1st). IV. NATHAN, b. 1720, Capt. in Revolutionary army ; his will dated April 12, 1807, prob. Feb. 13, 1808, ‘‘ Chester,” m. Mehetable Case about 1749 ; had children : (). (II). (II). (Iv). (V). (VJ). (vIn. (VID. ISRAEL, b. 1750; died young. JEMIMA, m. Robert Huyson. Davip, m. Lydia Sweazy (dau. of Caleb’s son, Samuel Ist); had ch. at least : 1. CALEB, mentioned in will of Nathan as ‘‘my grandson Caleb, s. of David,” m. Julia Terry (dau. of Caleb); built the old brick house at Milltown, between German Valley and Chester ; had ch.: (1). IsarauH, unmarried ; (2). Davip CooPER, m. Celestin Horton (dau. of Jonah), and had, Julia, died young; Anna Elisabeth, m. Ira Chamberlin ; Julia Terry, m. N. C. Vannatta; Lydia Esther, m. Henry P. Drake (s. of Jacob O.); Caleb Vanderveer, unm.; David Ellis, unm.; (3). Mrr1am, m. James Vanderveer, and had, Louisa (wife of Hampton Nichols), Julia, John, Caleb and James Vanderveer ; (4). RICHARD, died young. BETHIA, b. 14 Oct., 1754, d. 21 Jan., 1839, m. Daniel Sweazy (s. of Samuel, ’. of Caleb). Naruan, b. 25 Feb., 1757, m. Elisabeth Eagles; soldier in the Revo- lution ; rem. to New River, N. C. ZEPHANIAH, b, Nov. 13, 1760, d. North Carolina, April 5, 1844, m. Jane McCurry (dau. of Malcolm). SaRaH, b. 11 Aug., 1761, d. 11 Oct., 1803, m. Caleb Terry (s. of Richard 1st). PHINEAS, b. Feb, 17, 1774, d. Feb. 8, 1857, m. first, Oct. 19, 1797, Bethia Luce (dau. of Lewis); she d. Aug. 20, 1809; second, Esther Horton (dau. of Daniel and Martha); had ch.: 1. Sarau, b. Mar. 27, 1799, m. Jer. Wilcox. 2. Natuan, b. Dec. 27, 1801, m. Julia Horton (dau. of Col. Nathaniel) ; had ch.: (1). Eunice Ann, m. Hiram Westbrook 3 (2). Mary Elisabeth ; (3). Martha; (4). Nathaniel, died young. 3. Extras, b. Feb. 6, 1803, m. Melinda Lewis (dau. of David); had ch.: (1). David H., m. Mary Dildine ; Q). Mary. A., m. first, Fred. Morrow ; second, John M. Drinkwater ; (3). Elias, m. Mary Pinkney ; (4). Esther Cramer, m. Will Moore, of Pottersville. 4. Mary, b. Feb. 6, 1806, m. Dan. Skellinger. 5. MartHA Ester, b. June 7, 1819. 6. DANIEL, b. Aug. 3, 1820, m. Lydia C. Horton (dau. of Jonah). Hortron— Howe. ' wey IX). Esruer. (X). ZECHARIAH, ‘V. PHEBE, b. 1722, m. Henry Tutbill. WI. ELIJAH, b. June 19, 1724, d. Oct. 7, 1799, m. Lydia Sweazy (dau. of Sam- uel), b. Mar. 4, 1731 (2), d. Mar. 18, ——; had ch.: (. Sruas, b. Chester, July 17, 1746, d. Dec. 10, 1842, m. first, Susan Cor- win (dau. of Isaac), d. July 9, 1790; second, Mary Kelsey (dau. of William and Hannah), b. Jan. 26, 1770, d. Dec. 2, 1803; third, Esther Horton (dau. of Nathaniel and Martha Terry), b. 1782, d. Feb. 5, 1852; Silas left $3,200 to Congregational’ Church ; by first wife only one child, Lydia Corwin, whom. Isaac H. Horton, and d. 1816, childless. (II). BarnaBas, b. Sept. 27, 1749, at Chester, d. Dec. 6, 1800, m.*1783, Elisabeth Coleman (sister of Azal and Joseph), b. Jan. 3, 1760, d. Jan. 26, 1831; his will, dated Chester, Oct. 16, 1809, prob. Dec. 28; had ch.: 1. “Joanna Horton”; 2, NarHan Corwin, b. 1784, d.. May 5, 1806; 3. EvisaBetu, b. Nov. 1786, d. May 5, 1806, m. Nathaniel Corwin (s. of William), not mentioned in will of Bar- nabas ; 4. Ruta, m. Lodewick Horton, of Goshen, N. Y.; 5. Parry CoLEMAN, b. Sept. 23, 1802, m. John W. Tharp. (III). Exisan, b. Chester, Dec. 19, 1756, d. Aug. 20, 1799, m. first, Ruth Coleman, of Goshen, N. Y.; second, Mary Pitney ; by first wife, 1, ANN, and 2. BETSEY, who m. and settled in Canada ; by second -wife, 3, EL1sAH, b. Dec. 15, 1794, m. Sarah Overton (dau. of Rev. Stephen); 4. EpoRatim, b. 1796, died young. VII. RICHARD, b. about 1726, m. Elisabeth Harrison ; moved to Chester about 1750, thence to Radnor, Del. Co., Pa.; were Quakers, VIII. RHODA, b. 1728, d. Chester Tuiss | 30, 1771, at 43 years, m. Rob’t Robinson. IX. MARY, b. about May 19, 1726, d. Nov. 16, 1807, m. Richard Terry, of Roxbury. / X. RACHEL, b. about 1733, m. Aug. 23, 1753, Jonathan Racket. XI. SARAH, b. about 1735, m. Stephen Sweazy. MILTON HORTON, of Flanders, had a brother William and they were sons of JOHN, who came from L. 1. to Newark. He was b, 1820, m. Martha Sutton (dau. of Richard) and had eleven children: 1. Mary LEvina, unmarried, 2. LEMUEL, rem. to the West ; 3. Isaac D., of German Valley, member of the firm of Horton & Welsh, manufacturers of hubs ; Justice of the Peace; m. Emily Frone (dau. of John), by whom he has ch., Lewis, Fred., Edward, Mamie (dec.), Annie (dec.), Elmer (dec.), Ella (dec.), Edna ; 4. Saran, died young ; 5. Ezra, m. Jane Hull, res. Newark; 6. ALicE, m John Whitenack ; %. MELissa, m. Whitefield Chambers, of Ralstontown ; 8. JANE, unmarried ; 9. ELMER, m. Ellen Clausen, res. in Newark; 10. CHarius, of Flanders ; 11. Erra, m. John Hoffman, salesman, of German Valley. HOWELL. WILLIAM, of Wedon, Bucks Co., England ; made will 30 Nov., 1557, and died , that year ; his son EDWARD, bap. 22 July, 1584, m. Firahoes, buried 2 July, 1630. The manor of this Edward is still standing ; he sold much of his estate in 1639 and brought his family to Boston ; made freeman there, 14 March, 422 Earty Germans oF NEw JERSEY 1639-40 ; had a grant at Lynn ; later he headed a colony to Southampton, I. I., where his name occurs in a deed of date, 1640. EDWARD, s. of William, bap. 22 July, 1584, m. first, Frances, buried 2 July, 1630,. in England ; second, Eleanor ; had ch.: I. HENRY, bap. 20 Dec.,. 1618, buried 1619. II. MARGARET, bap. 24 Nov., 1622, m. Rev. John Moore, of Southold. TI. JOHN, bap. 22 Nov., 1624, called Major. IV. EDWARD, bap. Sept., 1626, m1. first, Mary Fordham (dau. of Rev. Rob’t) ; second, Mary Bryan, (dau. of Richard, of Milford, Conn.); great-grand-- father of Jeremiah Howell, of Parsippany- V. MARJERY, bap. 1 June, 1628.. VI. RICHARD, bap. 1629. VII. ARTHUR, child of second wife. VIII. EDMUND, b. 1635, d. 1706, occupied the homestead at Southampton, L. I., until 1698, then removed to Cape May Co., N. J., m. jirst, a daughter of Thomas Sayre and perhaps, second, Sarah Judson (dau. of Joseph, of Stratford, Conn.), who died 29 Aug., 1688, and had ch.: Elisabeth, b. 10 Oct., 1669, and Sarah, b. 10 April, 1685, and Edmund. RICHARD, s. of Edward, bap. 1629, m. (1) Elisabeth Halsey (dau. of Thomas); (2) Miss Raynor (dau. of Joseph); had ch.: ‘ I. RICHARD, d. 1740. If. JOSIAH, b. 1675, d. 1752, m. Mary, b.1681, d. 1766 ; had ch.: (). ABNER, b. 22 June, 1699, m. Eunice Fithian, of East Hampton ; had children ; 1. Davin, b. 10 Feb., 1740. 2. Puingas, b. 5 Nov., 1742, m. the widow Roberts and rem. to New Jersey ; hadch. (1). Silvanus ; (2). Hervey; (8). Hiram, b. 1787, lived at Flanders ; (4). Aaron, m. Ann Williams; lived at Middle Valley and New Germantown ; (5). Richard, b. 1793 ; had a son Benjamin A., of Flanders ; (6). Harriet, second wife of Abram Cooper, of Oxbow, N. Y.; (7). Susannah, first wife of Abram Cooper. 3, Eunice, b. 20 March, 1744, m. Stephen Howell, of Sag Harbor. 4. Mary, b. 15 Jan., 1746. 5. THOMAS. 6. STEPHEN, b. 12 Aug., 1749. 7. MEHETABEL, b, 24 May, 1751. (I). PHEBE, (III). ExisHa, b. 1704, (IV). Mary. (V). Josraq, b. 1709. (V1). Exras, removed to New Jersey, d. on the way from Southampton, L. L, to Roxbury or Chester ; had ch.: 1. Extas, b. 1745, d. 30 May, 1800, m. Abigail Rogers, dau. Stephen, b. 1746, d. 11 Sept., 1794, at 48 ; “ wife of Elias Howell, Esq., of Southampton, L. I.”; he built a house at Milltown, near Chester, Morris Co., N. J.; will 15 June, 1799, prob. 13 June, 1800 (Trenton Lib. 39, fol. 99); had ch.; (1). Extas 3d, m. Nancy Rogers, dau. Obadiah ; had ch.: (a). Obadiah, b. 16 Oct., 1804, m. Eliza Roberts (dau. of Amos); (b). Nancy, unm.; (c). Elisabeth, b. 30 Howe. 423 Jan., 1818, m. Thomas M. Carlisle ; (d). George, b. 23 Sept., 1817, d. on voyage home from California ; (2). Tuomas M., went away; (83). JEHIEL M.; (4). Maursy, b. 1785 ; (5). HuULDAg, b. 1766, d. 22 Oct., 1810, m. Jared Haines (s. of James); (6). PHEBE, m. Elias Hudson ; (7). ABIGAIL ; (8). STEPHEN R., bap. 1787. dII. HEZEKIAH, b. 1677, d. 4 Dec., 1744. IV. EDWARD. : V. OBADIAH. VI. DANIEL, from L. I. to Ewing, N. J., b. 1680, d. 25 April, 1782, at 52; bought land at Ewing, N. J., 1702 and 1705; had ch.: David, b. 1705, d. 24 Oct., 1775, m. Mary Baker ; Phebe, b. 28 Sept., 1707, m. John Scudder; Elisabeth, b. 9 Jan., 1709, m. William Pearson ; John, b. 13 June, 1712; Hannah, b. 24 Feb., 1714; Daniel, b. 24 Feb., 1716; Mary, b. 6 Feb., 1718 ; Abigail, b. 1720, d. 31 Jan., 1746; Joshua, b. 11 Oct., 1722; Hez- ekiah, b. 7 Aug., 1727; Prudence, b. 13 Jan., 1734. See ‘Settlers Tren- ton and Ewing” for further genealogy. VII. CHRISTOPHER, from L. I. to Ewing, N. J., b. 1689, d. 25 April, 1779, at 90, m. Joanna, b. 1698, d. 31 Oct., 1789, at 91; had ch.: Christopher ; Obadiah ; Stephen; Josiah; Isaac; Rhoda, ma. (1) a Rue; (2) a Scott; Abigail, m. Mr. Dumont. VIII. DAVID. Ix. EDMUND. xX. RUTH. XI. ISAAC. XIl. SARAH. JACOB, of Roxbury, according to his will, dated 19 March. 1791, prob. 28 June, 1794 (Trenton Lib. 35, fol. 145), m. Lydia ; had ch.: JosHua, SETH, JONATHAN, Jacon, ELISABETH, SARAH, m. Isaiah Howell, ‘“Marxir” (Margaret ?), m. — Mulford, AzuBA, m. a Hopkins, Lypra, Mary, DOLLIEZ, PATIENCE, EUNICE, m. a Swazey and had Jonathan Howell Swazey, Joanna, ANNIE. NATHAN, perhaps b. 1729, d. 29 March, 1803, m. Sarah, b. —-, d. 7 Aug., 1813. Inventory and division of property, 29 Dec., 1806, among following children : I. ISAAC, b. 7 June, 1759, d. 19 Aug., 1832, m. Rachel Bunn, b. 21 Dec., 1761, d. 7 Sept., 1849 ; his will 28 March, prob. 3 Sept., 1832 ; had ch.: 1, NaTHAN, m. Betsey Pace (dau. of Fred.); has ch. Elias, d. about 1822, unm.; Nelson, m. Catherine Lance (dau. of Geo.); Clarissa and Mary, both unmarried. 2. Isaac, m. Barbara Pace (dau. of Fred.); hadch.: Fred., m. Eliza A. Hoover ; Huldah, m. John Stark, of Flanders ; Isaac, rem. to the West ; Delilah, m. Abram Voorhees ; Wilson, m. (1) Mary A. Blane; (2) Catherine A. Call ; Catherine, m. Will. Fleming ; Elisabeth A., m. Charles Rose. 3. SAMUEL, went to N. Y. 4, STEPHEN L., b, 8 June, 1803, d. 9 Jan., 1890, m. Ann Demport, b. 10 June, 1810, d. 23 Nov. 1881; hadch.: Harriet, m. Jacob Willis; Miriam, b. 1834, m. Lewis Amerman ; Virgil, b. 1836,m a Meeks ; Matilda, b. 1837, died young ; Emily, b. 1839, m. Hugh Paulison; George P., b. 1841, m. (1) Rachel Seals (dau. of Andrew); (2) Sarah Messler (dau. of Will.); Margaret, b. 1843, m. Theo. B. Wortman ; Melissa, b. 1845, m. Sam. W. Seals (s. of Andrew); 424 Earty GermMAns OF New JERSEY Albert, b. 1847, rem. to Illinois ; Elias, b, 1849, m. Frances J- MacCracken (dau. of Peter); Henrietta, m. John Scribner (s. of William) ;. Stephen, unmarried. 5. PHEBE, m. (1) Jacob Ader ; (2) — 6, SaRaH, m. George Pickle. 7%, ANNA, m. William Blane. 8. Mary, m. Michel Pace (s. of Fred.). 9, RaCHEL, b. 1802, m. Daniel Pace (s. of Fred.). 10. JULIA, : II. ABRAHAM. III. ISRAEL, b. 27 Aug., 1762, d. 27 March, 1837. IV. JOSHUA. V. JOSEPH. VI. SARAH, m. a Guest.. VII. CALEB. SAMPSON HOWELL, buried at Union cemetery, a few miles from Hope, Warren Co., N. J.; was the father of a large family scattered throughout Warren and Sussex Counties. He was b. 1718, d. 3 Feb., 1803 ; belonged to the Church of England, and, according to his tombstone, preached at times ; had three sons : I. LEVI, b. 1746, d. 1825; had ch.: GEorcsr, SamvEL and Mrs. Harris. II. SAMPSON, of Hardwick, Warren Co., N. J., b. 1 May, 1750, d. 20 Dec., 1810, m. Elisabeth Richards, b. 3 March, 1759, d. 18 April, 1818 ; will prob. 20 Feb., 1811; hadch.; 1. Isaac, b. 1777, d. 1835; had ch.: Philip S.; David K.; Elisabeth, m. (1) Henry Corsen ; (2) Robert Van Sickle ; Susan, m. John Albertson ; 2. Jamzs, b. 27 Nov., 1778; had ch.; John L.; Nichols; Robert; Mary A., m. Stephen Morey; 3. Levinag, b. 1780, d. 1854, m. George Van Horn; had ch.: William, Isaac, Green, Shaver and George; 4. LEVI, had ch.: Aaron; Susan, m. Dr. Roe; Nelson and Garret ; 5. NarHan, b. 11 Nov., 1784; 6. GARRET, b. 28 Sept. 1783, d. 12 Jan., 1837; had ch.: EHuphemia; Letitia, m. Miller ; Gideon L., of Hope, N. J.; 7. Jonn, b. 26 June, 1788; had ch. mostly in Blairs- town, N. J ; a daughter who m. Hemingway ; a daughter who m. Dr. Johnson ; 8. AARON, b. 3 Oct., 1790 ; rem. to Egg Harbor, 1811-15 ; had ch.: Caroline, m. Godfrey Nolan; Labaw; Thadeus; Elisabeth ; Thomas; George; William; John R., of Mt. Holly; Dr. Aaron, of Camden ; Ada, m. Sexton Howell, of Mt. Holly ; Ella, dec.; 9. AcHSAH, b. 29 Nov., 1792, m. David Kinney, of Livonia, P. O.,N.Y., 10. Lerrrza, b. 8 May, 1795, m. James Buckley, of Alton, Ill.; 11. Uzat Oapen, b. 16 Dec., 1797, d. 7 April. 1834 ; had ch.: Alexander C., of Hackettstown, N. J.; C. I, of Corning, N. Y.; Uzal H., of Vienna, Warren Co., N. J.; Isaac B., of Hackettstown ; Sampson O , of Vienna, N. J. III. JONAH, b. 1757, d. 1849, at 92; had ch.: Asa, CALEB and Mrs. Osmun. SAMUEL (prob. s. of Charles and Deborah), m. 10 Oct., 1782, Rachel Drake (dau. of Col. Jacob, of Drakesville, N. J.); had ch: 1. Jacop Drake, b. 4 July, 1783 ; had ch.: Ichabod, Theodore (father of Harry and Samuel in leather business in Newark, N. J.), Drusilla ; 2. Eutas H., b. 19 June, 1785 ; had ch.: Clarissa, Charles and Harriet ; 3. Joun H., b. 29 July, 1787 ; 4. StepHen H., b. 22 Aug., 1789, m. Esther Wade; had ch.: Charles, Stephen, Caroline, Julia, William, George, Catharine ; 5. CHariry, b. 7 Nov., 1791, d. 4 May, 1845, m. as his second wife, 27 July, 1826, Thomas Larason ; 6. CHARLES, b. 16 HoweL_t—HumMer—Hunt 425 Sept., 1783 ; printer at Morristown ; 7. Mary, b. 1 March, 1796, d. 5 March, 1825, m. as his first wife, 18 March, 1819, Thomas Larason; 8, CLARISSA, b. 14 March, 1798, d. 26 May, 1798 ; 9. Exiza, b. 3 April, 1799, m. Robert Wilson, of Flanders, for his first wife ; 10. SaMUEL, b. 6 Aug., 1801, m. Catherine Dal- remas, of Flanders, N. J.; 11. Harper, b. 15 May, 1804, m. Robert Wilson for his second wife. HUITIER. HERBERT HUMMER and ADAM were naturalized by act of Assembly, July, 1780., They were prob. brothers. Herbert's will dated, Somerset Co., 3 May, prob. 2 Oct., 1766, names ch. : I. JACOB, m. Maria, and had Sara, b. 1 Jan., 1774 (Lebanon records). Il. TUNIS (Anthony), m. Anna Christina, and had Johannes, b. 12 April, 1771 ; Catherine, b. 22 Dec., 1773 ; George, b. 2 Feb., 1776 ; perhaps also Harmon, whose children sign deed for property near Annandale in 1812, viz., Tunis, Johnson, Jacob, Christian, John, William. III. ADAM, m. Elisabeth, and had: Anna Eva, b. 13 Sept., 1768; John, b. 2 Dec., 1770 ; Anna Elisabeth, b. 29 Jan., 1773. IV. HERBERT, V. ELISABETA, m. Feb., 1759, Peter Young. VI—VIII. Daughters, whose names are unknown. HUNT. THOMAS HUNT, b. 1626 in England, d. 1694; came to this country 1652; in principles a High Churchman ; bought land at Throckmorton’s Neck, N. Y., in 1652 ; possessed of Hunt’s Point, N. Y., in 1686, m. Cicely Pasley; had at least : THOMAS, 2d, b. 1626, res. at West Farms, N. Y., m. Elisabeth Jessop (dau. of Ed- ward, of Westchester); had ch.: THomas, JosIaH, JOSEPH, JOHN, ABIGAIL, Mary. . THOMAS, 2d (s. of Thomas, 2d), b. 1663, res. at West Farms, N. Y., m. Elisabeth Gardner, b. 1667, d. 1724; had ch.: THomas, Lewis, ROBERT, ABIGAIL, AUGUSTINE. AUGUSTINE (gs. of Thomas, 3d), b. 15 Sept., 1716, d. 24 March, 1809, m. Lydia Holloway, of Welsh descent, born in Massachusetts 4 Jan., 1725 ; had children : AUSTIN, GARDINER A., HotLoway W., a DAUGHTER, m. Z. Cobb; a DavuGHTER, m. —— Lowrie ; a DAUGHTER, m. John Martin, of Claverdale, N. Y. Augustine Hunt rem. from New York to near Wyoming. There have been thus far six ministers, seven physicians and two lawyers in direct descent _from Augustine Hunt. He removed from New York State to near Wyoming, Pa., where he bought a tract of ‘‘ Election land,” but after bis losses there at the time of the massacre moved back to Orange Co.,N. Y. He wrote a pamph- Jet called ‘‘ Hunt’s Mite,” in which he discussed political and religious doctrines. He was “a proficient in the arts and sciences, conversant in medicine and theology, and also often an adviser in legal affairs.” His wife was a devoted Baptist, and her eminent piety left a deep impression on her children. He died at the age of 92. GARDINER A. HUNT 6. of Augustine), was a pastor for a long period at King- wood, Hunterdon Co., and at Harmony, Warren Co. 426 Earty GerMANS OF NEw JERSEY HALLOWAY WHITFIELD HUNT (s. of Augustine), was told by his father, ‘‘All I have to give you is a dollar, and to seek for you the blessing of God.” Be- coming a Christian, he began life as a Methodist minister, but finding his edu- cation inadequate, so soon as he procured means, he prepared for college, and graduated from Nassau Hall, 1794, He was b. 9 April, 1769 ; pastor of Sparta, N. J., seven years, and of Bethlehem and Alexandria, 40 years, and part of this period also pastor of Kingwood. He had a son named after him, HOLLO- WAY W., b. at Sparta, 1799, d. —— ,m. Amanda Hann (dau. of Law- rence); pastor of Pleasant Grove Church, his first and only charge. He had children: 1. CAROLINE, m. Dr. Joseph Cook, of Washington, N. J.; 2. Houtoway W., m. Caroline Martin. (dau of John and Elisabeth Sharp), a prominent lawyer of Schooley’s Mountain ; has been a member of the Legis- lature ; director of the National Bank of Hackettstown ; an elder of the Presbyterian Church of Schooley’s Mountain ; largely engaged in the care of trust funds and the settling of estates : 3. LAWRENCE, m. first, a dau. of Rev. Mr. Stoutenberg ; second, Mary Uhle (dau. of John Martin and wid. of Harbert Uhle): 4. Rerriz, m. Dr. Henry Stiger, of Mendham. RALPH HUNT, of Newton, L. I., prob. a brother of THOMAS, the emigrant of New York, came to Long Island in 1652 ; he had 6 children. SAMUEL 6. of Ralph, 1st), rem. from Long Island to New Jersey; he had a son, SAMUEL, who was the father of Ralph, who owned considerable land in Sussex Co. His father (Samuel) lived at Clinton, which was originally called Hunt’s Mills. The complete genealogy is given in Settlers of Trenton and Ewing. ILIFF. RICHARD ILIFF, was a Quaker, who came from England to Kingwood, Hunterdon Co., N. J.; m. a wife of Welsh parentage. Had at least one son : I. JOAN, who settled at Tinnicum, Bucks Co., Pa., and at his death left an estate of 1800 acres which was divided among five sons : (1). BunsaMIN, a Methodist preacher, who died at New Germantown, N. J., 1806, m. Ann Housworth ; had ch.: 1, VALENTINE, m. a daughter of Alex. Moore, of Penn. and rem. to Iowa. 2. JOHN, m. three times. 3. Mary Ann, m. William Purcell, of Hunterdon Co. 4. ELivaH W., b. 14 Jan., 1802, d. 31 March, 1879, m. Sarah Hiner (dau. of William), b. 16 Feb., 1799, d. 13 April, 1862 ; resided in Tewksbury twp., Hunterdon Co.; had ch.: (1). Ann, m. Isaac Amerman; (2). ALPHEUS, m. Mary E. Philhower; had ch.: Sarah E., m. Jas. L. Buchanan ; res. at Stanhope ; Richard W., m. (1) Eliza Fritts (dau. of Fred.); (2) Mary E. Fine (dau. of Jobn); rem. to Illinois ; Elijah W.. died young ; John W., m. Barbara Osborn ; rem. to Nebraska; Mahlon W., died young ; Horace, m. Susanna Pickle (dau. of Sam.); Ann M., m. Garret C. Wack (s. of Casper); Mary J.,m. Furman H. Alpaugh; Wil- liam H., died in Nevada ; (8). Benzamin, m. Elmira Johnson ; (4). Joun, died young; (5). Mary ExisaBeru, died young ; (6). Hiram, died young ; (7). Et1as P., m. Mary M. Drake (dau. of Amos H.); res. in Warren Co. ILirrF—Kr_sey—KEmPLE 427 5. BENJAMIN, m. Margaret Wilson (Harmony, Warren Co.). (i). Jogn and (III). Samuet, went to Zanesville, Ohio. (IV). Jamus, b. 1786, Feb. 22, m. Elisabeth Moore; res. at Newton, Sussex Co., N. J. (V). Jospru, Methodist preacher of Philadelphia Conference. (VI). MzRoy, m. John Purcell. (VII). Lypra, m. Abel White. (VII). Marcaret, m. Thomas Upjohn. (IX). Saraz, m. Solomon Housworth. MIscELLANEOUS—Epmounp IiFF on 11 July, 1737, has 1,026 acres surveyed to him in Salem Co. (Bass’ B’k of Surveys, p. 352). KELSEY. JOSEPH KELSEY, Sen., of Elisabethtown ; his will, 13 Feb., 1739, prob. 1 July, 1742, names ch : I. JOSEPH, whose will prob. 2 Nov., 1753, names only his brothers and sisters ; II. BENJAMIN ; III. DANIEL, has at least Mary and Ruth ; IV. MARCY CUTTOR; V. HANNAH BADGLEY, prob. wife of James; VI. MARY OLLIVER has daus., Hannah and Mary; VII. RUTH, m. Benjamin Ellgtone ; VIII. PHEBE WOOD, prob. wife of John; IX. LIDIA WINANS. Will also names ‘‘ my cousin, Lawrence de Camp.” WILLIAM (prob. a grandson of Joseph), b. May, 1734, d. 6 Aug., 1806, at 72 yrs. and 7 mos. ; buried at Chester, N. J.; m. Hannah (prob. dau. of Jabesh Bell) ; his will, Chester, 15 Feb., prob. 15 Sept., 1806, names ch.: I. THOMAS, b. 1766, d. 12 Dec., 1:97, at 31, whose will, prob. 29 Jan., 1798, mentions only ‘my . father, William ;” II. JABESH, m. Sarah Corwin (dau. of William), b. 13 Jan., 1771 ; had at least Hannah, b. 2 Feb., 1790, d. 7 Feb., 1808, m. Luthur Norris ; Il. WILLIAM ; IV. MEHITABLE REEVES ; V. HANNAH CLAUSON; VI. ELISABETH BURNET; VII. PATIENCE FAIRCHILD ;_ VIII. EUNICE REEVES ; IX. (MARY ?] wife of Silas Horton. JOSEPH (bro. of William), res. in Roxbury twp.; his will, April 18, prob. 25 May, 1770, names ‘‘my brother William, father-in-law, William, and dau., Sarah, not yet 18. JOHN, of Newton twp., Sussex Co., may have been a grandson of Joseph, of Eliza- beth ; his will, 6 Jan., prob. 18 March, 1809, names wife, Martha, and ch.: I. HENRY C., of Sparta, Sussex Co., who had John, father of Henry C., Secre- tary of State of New Jersey ; Mary ; Aaron H.; Charles; Martha ; Elizabeth ; William ; Ellen. Il. THOMAS; III. CHARLES ; IV. JOHN ; V. WILLIAM; VI. DANIEL; VII. HANNAH; VIII. MARY; IX. SARAH; X. EU- PHEMIA, KEMPLE. JOHAN PIETER KEMPEL came from Neuwied, on the river Rhine (near Cob- lentz) in Germany and resided in New York. His second marriage is recorded in the records of the Dutch Church in N. Y. city, as follows: Johan Pieter Kempel, Wedr. v. Niwit, met Maria Clouer, j. d. mede v. Niwit, beide wonen alhier, Translation, John Peter Kempel, widower, from Neuwied, [married] to Maria Clouer, single person, from Neuwied, both dwelling here [i. e. in N. Y.]; the banns were proclaimed 16 Sept., and the marriage took place 22 Sept., 1745, It was probably the will of this Peter, who may have rem. to New Jer- 428 Earty GERMANS OF NEW JERSEY sey, that was dated, Hopewell, 4 April, 1760, prob. 3 July, 1761, which names wife Mary and ch., Philip, William, Peter, Christian, ‘and others.” I. PHILIP, whose will, Amwell, 10 Aug., 1777, prob. 1778, names wife Elisa- beth and ch.: (I). Joun; (I]). ELIsaBeTs, m. William Hoashill [? Her- shill or Hassell]; (III). CatHerine; (IV). MarGaRrer; (V). ONTIEL ; (V1). Sarag ; (VII). Jacop; (VIII). Apam. He may be the father, and not the brother, of the following : II. WILLIAM, prob. m. Elisabeth and had ch. bap. Alexandria church at Mt. ' Pleasant, Hunterdon Co: Wilhelm, b 18 June, 1771. III. PETER, prob. Peter, Jr., whose marriage is recorded in Dutch Church, N. Y. as follows: Johan Pieter Kempel, junior, j. m. v. Niwit wit Duidsland, met Christina Limmin, j. d. uit de pals in Duidsland beide wonende alhier. Translation, John Peter Kemrel, junior, single, from Neuwied in Germany [married] to Christina Limmin, single, from the Palatinate in Germany, both dwelling here [i. e. in N. Y]. He may have married again, Maria Magdalena, who was the wife of a Peter, who had ch. on Alexandria church records: Maria Gertraud, b. 17 July, 1764; Catrina, b. 12 Sept., 1767. (Il). Mary Kemp gs, b. 1747, Jan. 12, d. 1828, Sept. 17. (Il). Marcarer, b. 1746 [1748 4], Dec. 12, d. 1827, June 26. (III). Jon, b. 1755, Oct. 15. d. 1823, May 21, m. Margaret ; he was a black- smith and lived first in house in which Schuyler Young now lives, near Drakestown, then, in 1797, May 3, bought 304 acres of land and built where L. Marshall Teal nowlives. This house was built in 1800, and the barn in 1801; had ch.: 1, PETER, b. 1786, Nov. 28, m. (1) Frances McDongal, b. 1793, Dec. 18, d. 1826, April 15; (2). Clarissa Paulina Moses (dau. of Fred. and Delilah Mills Moses), b. 1800, July 7, d. 1881, Oct. 23 ; had chil- dren by first wife : ; ; (1). Mary ANN MarcaReEt, b. 1822, Dec. 7, m. David Martin (6. of Matthew). (2). Mannine Force, b. 1824, Aug. 26, m. Elisabeth K. Bayles (dau. of John); hadch.: Carrie; John E.,m. Nora Nitzer; Hattie, m. Clarence Stewart, of Yonkers, N. Y.; Elisabeth, m. Frank Strang, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Lena, unmarried. (3). JoHN, b. 1826, April 4, d. 1846, Jan. 24; by second wife : , 4). ELizA DELILAH, b. 1831, April 3, m. Rev. Wm. Christine of M. E. Church, (5). FRANCES AMELIA, b. 1833, May 30, d. 1880, Jan., m. Rev. T. T. Campfield. (6). FRED. LORENZO, b. 1835, Aug. 18, d. 1836, Nov. 20. (7). SaRaH Emma, b. 1837, Sept. 6, d. 1838, Sept. 26. (8). Jutia ANNETTE, b. 1844, April 1, m. Lewis Marshall Teal (s. of John K.). IV. CHRISTIAN, m. Francesca and had ch. (Alexandria records) : (I). Repecca, b. 10 Nov., 1775. ‘ (II). ALBERT, b. 1778. (III). Perer, b. 30 May, 1780. V. ANNA CATHARINE, not mentioned in will of Peter but perhaps his dau.; m. 29 May, 1743, John William Brillensfeld [Bellowsfelt]. KERN—KESTER 429 KERN. JOHN JACOB KERN (Carn), supposed to have come to this country in 1739, in the ‘Jamaica Galley.” The name, Jacob Kern, appeats on John Peter Nitser’s Ledger, 1763, June 28 ; he had ch. at least : ‘ I. CHRISTOPHER, b. 1728, Dec. 16, d. 1796, July 22, m. 1750, July 3, Katie Schwackhammer (dau. of Samuel), b. 1733, d. 1815, Nov. 5; had ch.: @). Mary, b. 1752, Dec. 20, d. 1787 July 25, m. first, Leonard ; second, Jacob (sons of Matthias Trimmer). (II). Lronarp, b. 1755, March 15, d. 1784, April, m. Catherine ; had one child, which died. (III). CATHERINE, b. 1756, Nov. 15, died unmarried. (IV). CHRISTOPHER, b. 1758, July 19, m. first, Sarah Clemens ; second 1785 (2), Sarah Dawes ; rem. to Canada. ; (V). Anna, b. 1760, Dec., m. first, a Naughright ; second, 1788, Sept. 28, David Henry; rem. to Canada. {VI). Joun, b. 1764, May 29, m. 177, April 9, Charity Bunn (dau. of Cun- rad); had twelve children : (Vil). ELisaBETH, b. 1766, Feb. 14, m. Daniel Anthony (s. of Philip). (VIII). Jaco, b. 1768, Jan. 12, d. 1845, m. first, 1789, April 14, Elisabeth Dufford ; second, Susan Ann Pitney; no children : {IX). Davin, b, 1770, Oct. 15, m. 1794, Aug. 3, Catherine Wise (dau. of Jacob); rem. to Canada. (X). Parr, b. 1772, Aug 10, m. first, 1796, Nov. 20, Ann Roelofson ; second, Ann Dufford (dau. of Matthias); had ch.: 1. Jacos. unm.; 2. Isaac, m. Polly Pasher, rem. to Canada ;,8. ELISABETH, b. 1804, unm.; 4. Katie, b. 1807, May 21, m. Jacob Welsh (s. of Philip); 5. SAMUEL, b. 1812, Sept. 22, rem. to Canada ; 6. Mary Ann, b. 1816, April 27, m. (2d wife) Joseph Kirlin, went West; 7. DAviD, m. jirst, Ruth Castner ; second, Ann Swartz (dau. tof David); had ch., by his first wife: (1). Philip, m. Ellen Dufford, res. at Morrristown ; (2). Jacob, m. Clarissa Rarick. By second wife: (8). Kate, m. Isaac Frace ; (4) Josephine, m. Jas. Kingey, of Morristown ; (5). Sallie, m. Jacob Bird (s. of John); (6). David, m. Eliza Hoover ; (7). : Emma, Jane ; (8). Litha, 8. SALLIE, m. Thomas Larue. (XI). FREDERICK, b. 1773, Dec. 16, unm. (XII). SamvEt, b. 1777, Nov. 16, unm. MISCELLANEOUS—DAVID, m. Christeena, and left a will (Knowlton) probated 1837, Feb. 21, in which he mentions John and Margaret, wite of —— Haynes, and her son, William. \ KESTER. HERMANUS KESTER, b. 1703; came to Kingwood, Hunt. Co., before 1733 ; had ch.: 1, Susanna, b. 1787, d. 24 Feb., 1832; 2. ELISABETH ; 3. SAMUEL, m. Susanna Webster, and had Benjamin, b. 1759, m. 1782, Rachel Hamilton ; Anna, Rachel, Mary, Sarah, Elisabeth, Susanna, Amy and Rebecca; (4). Joun, m. 1765, Deborah Webster ; 5. REBECCA ; 6. HERMANUS ; 7. PETER ; 8. Tuomas; 9. Marcarer. (Hist. Hunt. and Som. Counties, p. 433). 430 Earty GerMans oF New JERSEY KICE. There were two brothers and two sisters of this name, the name of whose father’ is forgotten. Their names were, BETSEY, m. fsaac Leonard and has 4 ch.; LOIS, m. John Crane ; and PETER KICE (Kyce), went through the Revolutionary war and received: a pen- sion of $96 a year ; m. first, ——; second, a Morgan; had ch.: I. HENRY, m. Eliza Nunn ; res. near Hackettstown ; had ch.; (I). Prrer, m. Sally Ann Lutz; have ch; 1. John, m. an Apgar ; 2. Stewart, m. an Apgar. (I). Jacos, m. Mary Salmon ; removed to Michigan. (II]). Jon, m. Delilah Schuyler ; have ch.: 1. Lewis, res, in Michigan ; 2. Jacob; 3. Elisabeth, m. John Larison. (IV). Isaac, m. Martha Everett, had son, Lyman, m. Amy Nockrite (dau. of Morris); have one child, Laura, unmarried. (V). WiiraM, m. Ellen Lutz ; had ch.: 1. Martin, rem. to Michigan ; 2.. Henry, m. Merilda Alpaugh 33. Peter, m. Anna 8. Trimmer (dau. of Samuel); 4. Jacob ; 5. Amy. (VI). Henry, mw. Sarah Fleet ; had five children. (VII). StEwaRD, m. Mary Lutz, of Fairmount ; have I child. KING. JOHN KING, b. 1605, d. 1700, m. Mary Bucks, or Francis Ludlow, at Southamp- ton, about 1654; rem. to Southold; had ch.: 1. JoHN, perhaps of Salem ; 2. WILLiaM, b about 1630, d. at Salem without issue ; 3. SAMUEL, b. 1633, d. 1721; 4.-9., six daus., one of whom DELIVERANCE, b. 1634, m. 17 Feb., 1657, John Tuthill (s. of John). SAMUEL, 3d son of John, b. 1633, d. 29 Nov. 1721, at 89, m. Abigail, d. 17 May, 1716 ; had ch.: 1. SAMUEL, JR., b. 1675, d. 6 May, 1725, m. Hannah, d. 17 Aug., 1712: had Samuel, Zacharias and Hannah, m. 1730, (1) Nathaniel Tuthill ; (2) Johnathan Rocket ; 2. JoHN (mariner and captain), b. 1678, d 19 Jan., 1742, m. (1) —; (2) 22 Aug., 1704, Catherine Osborn, b. 21, Aug., 1684, d. 21 July, 1752; had ch.: John, b. about 1695 ; Joseph, Henry, Constant [probably rem. to New Jersey], Alexander, Prosper, Benjamin, Mary, m. Constant Booth, Elisabeth, m. Abjah Hopkins. 3. WiLLIAmM ; 4. HAnNag, m. John Booth. CONSTANT (on of John, the son of Samuel), of Chester twp., Morris Co., N J., b. 9 Feb., 1712, d. 15 March, 1780 ; came to Roxbury twp., Morris Co., N. J., before 1753, at which date he signs a license bond for Ebenezer Drake to be- come an innkeeper. He was a Justice of the Peace and member of the Presbyteriah| Church. He m. 13 Feb., 1735, Phebe Horton, d. 19 May, 1789 ; had ch.: I. JOSEPH, b. Southold, 13 Dec., 1735, m. (1) Prudence Howell (dau. of Ebenezer, of Southampton), d. 2 Feb., 1764, at 25, by whom he had ch.: 1. PRUDENCE, b. 8 Sept., 1762, m. 19 Feb., 1784, Daniel Pierson ; (2) Rhoda Carter, b. 15 Nov., 1742, by whom he had ch.; 2. Constant Rurvus, b. 16 April, 1769, no ch.; 3. CATHERINE, b. 6 May, 1774, m. Wells Horton; 4. GEORGE, b. 18 Nov., 1781, rem. to Mississippi and Iowa ; 5. Jutra, b. 22 May, 1784, m. —— Bradley, of Connecticut Farms ; 6. CHARLES, b. 21 Dec., 1786, m. Miss Harrison, of Orange, and rem. to the West. : ‘Kine 431 Tl. UNKNOWN. III. FREDERICK “8rd child,” b. Southold, 6 Oct. 1788, d. 4 April, 1796, at 58, m. 23 Nov., 1762, Mary Ayres (dau. of John, of Morris Plains); had ch.: 1. Henry, b. 27 Dec., 1765, d. 2 March, 1837, at ‘72, m. (1) 14 Feb., 1789, Charlotte Morrell (dau. of Jacob), d. 17 March, 1816, at 49 ; (2) Catherine Vanderpcol ; 2. Saraug, b. 4 Sept., 1767, d. 10 March, 1774. at 6. IV. CATHERINE, ‘4th child,” b. 15 Feb., 1740, d. 4 Oct., 1805, at Spring- field, N. J., m. William Walton. V. JOHN, “5th child,” b. 10 March, 1742, m. Lidia; had ch.: WILLIAM TURNER, b. 14 Jan., 1772. VI. UNKNOWN. VII. GEORGE, ‘7th child,” b. 15 Sept., 1745, d. 3 July, 1780, at 34; had ch., perhaps : GEORGE, whose will, 1 Jan., 1791, prob. 22 May, 1804, names w. Mary and ch.: John, George, Absalom. Ralph, William, Jacob, b. 1791 ; Sarah, Adam, Mary, Elisabeth and Margaret. VIII. JUSTUS, prob. m. Sarah Swayze (dau. of Richard), and rem. to Missis- sippi in 1772. IX. CALEB, prob. m. Mary Swayze (dau. of Richard), and rem. to Mississippi in 1772.°- X. MARY (Meritie %), prob. m. Isaiah Faircloe (s. of Thomas). XI. ELISABETH, prob. m. Aaron Brown (s. of David). XII. CONSTANT VICTOR, prob. (buried at Chester), b. 11 Oct., 1752, d. 14 Nov., 1800, at 48 yrs., 1 mo. 3 days, m. Adah —, b. 6 Sept., 1761, d. 1 Oct., 1854, at 98 years and 25 days; had ch., perhaps: 1. Constant V., b. 1 Aug., 1798, d. 24 Oct., 1845, m. Ruth Skellinger (dau. of Daniel 3d). 2 JouN H., b. 27 Nov., 1803, d. 2 Sept., 1883, m. Huldah —~, b. 15 Sept., 1792, d. 7 Jan., 1863. XIII. HANNAH. MISCELLANEOUS—GEORGE (buried at Mendham), b. 1721, d. 25 April, 1778, at 57 years. HARMANUS KING, said lo have gone from England to Holland for refuge from religious persecution, and to have come from Holland to Burlington, Co., N. J. Itis more probable that Harmanus came first from Long Island, and from there to South Jersey. In 1698, Herman King and wife Mary, with ch.: JOHN, JOSEPH, BENJAMIN and FRANCIS, are assessed at Flushing, L. I. JOSEPH (s. of Herman), went from New Jersey to Bucks Co., Pa., and from there to Piscataway, Middlesex Co. In 1729, he bought 900 acres along the South Branch and settled near Young’s Mills ; his name is on list of Quakers, 1733 ; m. Marcia, and had: JosEPH, b. 9 March, 1712 ; WiLLIaM, b. 1 April, 1714 ; Hannag, b. 7 Nov., 1717. : WILLIAM 6. of Joseph, b. | April, 1714, m. Abigail Doughty (dau. of Jacob and Amy), b. 3 Oct., 1716; had ch.: Marcta, b. 4 June, 1738 ; Amy, b. 12 Oct., 1739; ANNE, b. 29 Feb., 1740 ; JosEPH, b. 20 April, 1746 (old style), m, (1) a dau. of Dr. James Willson; (2) Ann Large (dau. of Jacob, and widow of Isaac Lundy) ; (3) Sarah Scott (wid. of Doughty Stockton): by second wife had William Large King, b, 12 Feb., 1789, d. May, 1869. ‘ JEREMIAH (prob. a s. of Joseph), a chosen freeholder, 1768-74 ; owned, with WILLIAM, nearly all the swamp near Cherryville; he had ch.: JOHN, JEREMIAH, JOSEPH, ALBURTUS, NEWTON, m. Elisabeth Case, and had : Sarah Ann, Charlotte (w. of Thatcher Trimmer), and Margaret.; SaraH, wife 432 Earty Germans or New JERSEY of Dr. James Pyatt; Mary; RacHEL, wife of Thomas Little, and Mrs. JOHN Woop. ‘ MARCUS KONIG [King], printer, from Vorstendom, principality of Holberstadt, Germany, was married, 1713, in New York, to Susanna Schoeckmannir [Shuman ?] wid. of Herman, potter, of Kipsberry [New York], by Rev. Justus: Falckner. It.is prob his children who sign the Articles of Faith of the New Germantown: [N. J.} Church in 1767, May 13. They,are: Davip, Markos, Joun, LUKE, PHILIP and GEORGE. JOHN M. \s. of Marcus), res. in northern part of Somerset Co.; had ch. at least = WILLIAM, b, 17 March, 1798, d. 28 Oct., 1867, m. Phebe Hayden and had ten children, among whom were: Davip W., b. 23 Aug., 1817; Joun W., ADRIAW V., and ABRAHAM. KINNAN. THOMAS KINNAN [Kenan, Canan], whose will, Morris Co., 9 July, 1778, prob. 12 Feb., 1784 (Trenton Lib. M. fol. 195), speaks of 170 acres in Roxbury on which the family are living, and names ch.: I. JOHN ; II. JOSEPH ; III. THOMAS, receives land in Morristown ; IV. SUSANNAH ; V. DEBORAH 3. VI. PHEBE; VII. MARY ; and son-in-law, Gavin McCoy. KLINE. HERMANUS KLYN (Kline or Cline), whose will, Kingwood, 1 Aug., 1777, prob. 26 April, 1787 ‘Trenton, Lib. 21, fol. 290) names ch.: 1. Isaac, m. Margaret. and had, Isaac, b. 30 May, 1771; 2. Herman, bap. Readington, 12 May, 1734 ; 3. GEORGE, m. Rebecca and had, George, Mary, Elisabeth, b. 6 Aug., 1775, Peggy, Rebecca, Franchy ; 4. JOHANNES, m. Janetta (or Gin), and had, Cath- erine, b. 21 Sept., 1771, and Hermann, b. 21 July, 1775; 5. ABRAHAM ; 6. CHRISTEEN HumMER, wife of Tunis ; 7. CATHERINE KEARHART (Carhart), wife of Jacob ; 8. Mary Mert (Mith), wife of Henry ; 9. RacHEL BisHop, wife of Joseph ; 10. SopHi1a CRAMER, wife of George. : LODOWAY (Loedowick, Ludwig or Lewis}, CLINE, whose will, Greenwich, Sus- sex [now Warren] Co., 11 July, prob. 16 Aug., 1796, names ch.: Lopoway, left 5 sons and 5 daughters, Lewis and Dr. Garner, of Harmony, John, of Franklin, Michel, of Greenwich, Mrs. Christian Davidson and others ; MICHEL, rem. to Indiana; SARAH STEELSMITH ; MARGARET DemMOND; ELISABETH TEAL; Mary Borg, (dec.); ELisaBpeTH RirHEr, (dec.); CATHERINE TEAL, ‘dec.). JACOB KLINE [Johan Jacob Klein], of Readington twp., Hunterdon Co., N. J., b. in Germany, 6 March, 1714, d. 6 Jan., 1789, buried at New Germantown, N. J.; m. about 1748, Veronica Gerdrutta Moelich (dau. of Johannes); signed the call to Rev. Albert Weygand, 1749 ; carried on a tannery in Readington twp., which was continued by his descendants for over 75 years. His will 10 June, 1785, prob. 12 Feb., 1789, names ch.: John William, Jacob, Aaron, David, Peter, Mary Catherine, Fronica Gertraut, Elisabeth, “eight children.” In Story of an Old Farm, p. 648-656, this family is given in full down to the fourth generation. We condense therefrom the following : I. JOHN WILLIAM, b. 5 Jan., 1750, d. 21 Feb., 1818, m. 24 Jan., 1780, Altje (Alche) Smock (dau. of Matthias); had ch.: 1. GERTRUDE, b. 7 Nov., KLINE 433 1780, d. April, 1864, m. 12 May, 1799, Henry Van der Veer, of Amwell, N.J.; 2. JouN, b, 8 Aug., 1784, d. 20 Jan., 1880, m. first, 27 Oct., 1804, Catherine Williamson, d. 1837; second, 27 Jan., 1841, Eleanor Wyckoff (dau. of Dennis and widow of Henry Vroom). II. JACOB, b. 1751, d. 22 Oct., 1823, m. 7 July, 1782, Phebe Nevius (dau. of Pete-, of Amwell), b. 1766, d. 18 Feb., 1845; had 11 ch.: 1. Jacos, (Colonel), b. 8 April, 1783, d. 15 Nov., 1844, m. Lydia Quick (dau. of Tunis); had Aletta, m. Gabriel Vandervoort ; Peter Nevius, Ellen V., died young, Tunis Q., Jacob, Phebe ; 2. PETER, b. 16 Jan., 1785, d. 18 Oct., 1860, m. Mary (dau. of Ananias Mulford) ; had ch.: ‘Maria O., Peter N., Elisabeth W., Marcaretta M., Lewis A., Kate F.; 3. Fanny GER- TRUDE, b. 28 Feb., 1787, d. 28 Jan., 1880, m. 17 Oct., 1807, Isaac Lewis, of Virginia ; 4. Jouw WILLIAM, b. 28 Dec., 1788, d. 17 Sept., 1847, m. Sarah Williams (dau. of Thomas); had ch.: William B., John F., Lewis A., Mary E., Harriet A. H., Sarah ; 5. Marta, b. 17 April, 1791, d. 15 Jan., 1869, m. Richard I. Field ; 6. ANN, b. 19 March, 1793, d. 20 Feb., 1795 ; 7. PHEBE, b. 19 Dec., 1796, d. 10 March, 1874, m. Joseph Bartles, of New Germantown ; 8, ELISABETH, b. 1 Aug., 1799, d. 25 March, 1880, m. Jacob B. Miller, of New Germantown ; 9. NeuLy StToorHorr, b. 4 July, 1801, d. 23 April, 1803 ; 10. CaTHERINE, b. 20 July, 1804, d. 18 Jan., 1857, m. Aaron Dunham ; 11. ALETTA, b. 17 Feb., 1808, d. 9 Jan., 1879, m. Benj. Van Doren, of Middlebush, N. J.; 12. Davip (Reverend), b. 14 Nov., 1812 d. 5 Nov., 1877 ; pastor of Lutheran Church at Spruce Run, N. J., m. 18 April, 1833, Jane Kirkpatrick (dau. of John). b. 19 June, 1814; had 12 children. Ill. MARY, m. 13 Feb., 1776, John Farley. IV. MAGDALENA, b. 1757, d. 16 March, 1774. V. FANNY, m. 26 Dec., 1781, Jacob Neff, Jr., who died about 1838. VI. AARON, of Drea Hook, N. J., b. 29 Feb., 1760, d. 24 Dec., 1809, m. 1784, Catherine Brokaw, b. 2 Aug., 1763, d. 18 Dec., 1811 ; had 8 ch.: 1. Fanny (Fronica Gertraut), died young ; 2. JanE (Jannetje), b. 16 April, 1787, m. Henry Wyckoff ; 3. PETER A., b. 27 Sept., 1789, d. Sept., 1858, m. first, Mary Bowman (dau. of Cornelius); second, Rebecca Smith (dau. of John) had ch.: Catherine, Mary, Aaron P., Peter, Elisabeth, Cornelius, Fanny, John S., Ann, David, Andrew, Abbie, Martin, William, Susan; 4. Joun Jacos, b. 17 Aug., 1791, d. 23 Aug., 1849, m. first, Eva Kinney (dau. of Andrew); second, Mary Brewer (widow of Elias Stout’; had ch.: Catherine Ann, Eliza, John J., Andrew K., Peter K., Aaron K., David D.; 5. Aazon, b. 4 Aug., 1794, d. July, 1852, unmarried ; 6. ELIsaBETH, b. 11 March, 1797, d. 1836 in Ohio, m. David Gerhardt ; 7. Mary, b. 8 Jan., 1800, d. 24 March, 1824, unmarried : 8. CATHERINE, b. 6 Sept., 1802, -d. 12 March, 1864, m. Peter G. Schomp, of Readington. VII. PETER, b. 17 Jan., 1771, m. Sallie Johnson, by whom he had one child, Peter P., who d. unm., 31 March, 1872, at 78. VII. FRONICA GERTRAUT. IX. DAVID. X. ELISABETH. GODFRIED KLEYN (Gottfried Klein), whose name occurs on the Readington records, was the son of Christian Klein, of Bendorf, Germany. Christian is described as a ‘military horseman” from Hamburg, His wife’s name was Jda 434 Earty Germans or NEw JERSEY and he was b. 30 Oct., 1726. He had two sons, Christian and Jacob, bap. 21 March, 1756. CHRISTIAN KLINE was a son of Godfrey, who was b. in Bendorf, Germany, 30 Oct., 1726. Christian, b. 18 March, 1754, m. 12 May, 1772, Elisabeth Miller (dau. of Henry, the emigrant), b. 11 July, 1758, d. 6 Jan., 1845; had ch.; i. ELIsa- BETH, b. 10 Sept., 1779, d. 22 Sept., 1781 ; 2. Mary CaTHERINE, b. 5 Jan., 1781, m. Simeon Wyckoff and rem. to Ilinois ; 3. Henry M., b. 10 Jan., 1783, m. Sarah Ramsey ; 4. Davin M., b. 1 Jan., 1785, d. 6 Dec., 1861, m. 28 Dec., 1805, Elisabeth Hager (dau. of Jacob), d. 19 March, 1885; 5. Ipa, b. 8 Dec., 1786, m. Harmon Dilts ; 6. ELisaBeTH, b. 4 Dec., 1788, d. 9 Jan., 1861, m. John Ramsey; 7. PuuBE, b. 18 Oct., 1790; 8. EstaEr, b. 1792, d. in infancy ; 9. HanNa«g, b. 1 Nov., 1794, m. a Henry ; 10. Saran S., b 22 June, 1797; 11. Jacoz M., b. 23 July, 1799, m. (1) Phebe Kuhl; (2) a Fisher ; 12. Lasnrra, b. 1801, d. in 1815. (Story of an Old Farm, p. 683). PHILIP KLINE came to Sourland Mountain, Neshanic twp., Somerset Co., N. J., about 1720. He was probably of the same family as Godfried. He bought 600 acres in Harmony twp., Warren Co., m, Mary, and had ch.: I. JACOB. II. GODFREY, b. 1742, m. Mary Haines, of Prussia ; had ch: 1. WILLIAM, b. 1776, m. Catherine Horn, b. 1780 and had, Godfrey, John, Sally, Peter b. 31 Aug., 1806, Isaac, Mary and Haines; 2. Peter, 3. PHILIP; 4. MARGARET ; 5. ELISABETH, unmarried. Ill. JOHN. IV. CATHERINE MILLER (widow of Christopher Emley, by whom had, Christopher, John and Godfrey). V. LENA, VI. MARGARET. VII. CHARITY PATTERSON. LA GRANGE. JOHN, b. 1630 in France,. He was a Protestantand fled from religious persecution to Amsterdam, and from there came to America 1656. He brought with him a gold signet ring engraved with the family arms, and the initials J. L. G. Left four sons, John, Omie, Isaac and Jacobus. I. JOHN, b. in New York, 1658, May 6, d. at Bergen, N. J., 1742, May 6, m. Annie Vail, d. 1734, June 6, buried in Lutheran Church, N. Y. He left two sons, John and Christian, and several daughters : (I). JouN, b. in Beaver St., N. Y., 1706, d. at Elisabethtown, 1782, Nov. 5, at 76, m. Martha Van Buskirk, dau. of Lawrence (Bergen Co., N. J.), d. 1753, Feb. 1. Left one s. John and one dau. Sophia. 1. Jonny, b. in N. Y., 1783, Aug. 28, d. at Vestal, Broome Co., N. Y., 1798, Sept. 19, m. Elisabeth Mersereau (dau. of Joshua), of Staten Island, who died at Vestal, 1816, July 16 ; had ch.: Martha, m Abram Winans; Polly, m. Moses Van Name; Elisabeth, m. Michael Van Vechten; Sophia, m. Caleb Halsey ; Rachel, m. Israel P. Mersereau ; John, b. 1771, May 1 (at Elisabeth, N. J.), m Hannah Halsey, 1794, Jan. 1,at Elisabeth. She d. 1838, Dec. 7. MIScELLANEoUS—‘‘Antsz La GRrance from Albany, d. on her way to the Raritans to visit her daughter, 1735,” (Records of Luth. Ch. N. Y.) SEIGNEUR DE LEGRANGE—LAKE 435 LAGRANGE was among those.sent 27 Aug,, 1565, by Coligny to Florida. (Baird’s Huguenots, 1: 69). LAKE. THOMAS LAKE, will probated 1765, Oct. 19, m. Jane ; lived at Amwell ; had ch.: I, THOMAS. II. GARRET, will probated 1781, July 30 ; had ch.: (I). GaRReET, b. 1777, Aug. 1, d. 1857, Nov. 16, m. Margaret Han», b. 1766 (2). He is said to have been of the Quaker persuasion. He moved from Amwell twp. and bought land of Fred Zavering and wife Levinah, 1802, near Naughrightville, Morris Co., N. J.; had ch.: 1. PETER, m. Elisabeth Waldorf ; had ch.: (1). Mary; (2). Evisa- BETH, m. James McCracken ; (3). Jacos. 2. Jonn, m. Susan Call; had ch.: (1), CHARLES, unmarried ; (2). Mary, unmarried ; (3). SILVESTER, m. Mary Anthony ; had ch.. Holloway Hunt; Elisabeth, died young ; Frederick, died young; Jennie, unmarried; Harry, m. Elsie Hall (dau. of Joseph); Amasa; Edwin, d. 1893 ; Julia Vanatta; Mamie; Hettie ; (4). Joun, m. MacElroy, res. at Pleasant Hill. 3. GARRET, m. Elisabeth Rarick (dau. of William); had ch.: (1). MELINDA, m. Hezekiah Drake ; (2). NELSON, unmarried ; (8). Jacos, m. Margaret Larason ; (4). JEFFERSON, m. Sarah Crater ; (5). GARRET, m. Elisabeth Clouse (dau._of Daniel); (6). Erizag, m. Sarah Rarick ; (7). Jesse, m. Ann Rarick (dau. of William); (8). WILLIAM, m. Mary Ader. 4. THomas, m. Elisabeth Rarick (wid. of Garret Lake); had ch.: (1). ANGELINE, m. Philip Crater (s. of John); (2). —. 5. JACOB, m. Catherine Welter ; had ch.; (1). NELSON, m. Matilda Tiger (dau. of Asa); (2). JacoB R., m. first, Charity Philhower (dau. of William); second, Elisabeth Wright ; (8). Rev. Jonn WELTER, m. first, Mary F. Swackhamer (dau. of Jacob); second, Anna M Enders ; (4). WHITFIELD, died in the army ; (5). MarR- GARET, m. E. W. Drake ; (6). RANsom, m. Maggie Bulmer; (7). Sarg, m. Lambert Sharp (s. of David); (8). GEORGE, m. Mary Seals; (9). Mary, m. Morris Hoover ; (10) ALBERT, m. Lucy Jen- kins ; two died io infancy. 6. PARMELIA, m. Henry Hann. %. CATHERINE, m. Wim. N. Weise. 8. , m, John Coleman. III. JOHN. IV. WINFRED, m. a Hull. V. SARAH. VI. CATHERINE, m. a Sutphen. VII. ANN, m. an Aller. VIII. ELLEN. & MiscELLANEOUS—NICHOLAS, of Somerset Co., whose will, 23 Aug., prob. 11 Oct., 1768, names ch.: 1. HewprRick ; 2. Joun ; 3. THomas ; 4. Jacosus ; 5. Nicn- oLas ; 6, ELEANOR, wife of Peter Huyk ; 7. Saran, wife of Henirick Snyder and their ch., Mary, wife of Aaron Hankinson, Nicholas, Christopher, Gertie, Jane ; 436 Earty Germans or New JERSEY 8. MarGaREt, wife of Cornelius Blew ; 9. Mary. JOHN, of New Brunswick, N. J., whose will, 20 Feb., 1752, prob. 6 May, 1754, names wife Martinah and children: RICHARD, JOHN (dec.), NAILEE, HANNAH, SARAH. LANCE. . Of the family LANCE (Lantz or Lentz), three brothers came to this country from Germany, while a fourth remained in the old country. On Oct. 28, 1738, in bilander [i. e., a coasting vessel] Thistle, George Houston, commander, there ar- rived at Philadelphia, JacoB, MicHarL and Hans (or John) PETER Lance, while in the same vessel there were of these under sixteen, JoHN NicLavus, HANS PETER and JoHN Lantz. ‘ MICHAEL, died in Greenwich twp., Warren Co., N. J.; he appears on the Morris- town Court Records in an action against Jacob Mourer in 1749 ; his will, dated Greenwich, Warren Co., 23 Aug., 1777, prob. 16 Feb., 1778, names four sons and one daughter : I, GEORGE, whose will, dated Oxford, Warren Co., 1834, prob. 1 Jan., 1839; naines ch.: GEORGE, ABRAHAM, MARTIN, JOHN, SUSANNAH, wife of John Cyphers ; Anna, wife of Isaac Shoemaker ; ELISABETH, wife of Thomas Thatcher; MicHarL; George prob. settled at Montanah, Warren Co., N. J. Il. JOHN. Ill. PETER. IV. HENRY. V. MARY. JOHN, of Lebanon twp., Hunt. Co., N. J., was one of the three brothers named above, having dropped the name Peter, or a son of the original John Peter ; his will, prob. 16 Feb., 1771 (Trenton, Lib. 14, fol. 393); names wife Anna Margaret, and six children : 1. JOHN PETER, m. Catherine Hen (?), and had: JoHN HErmet, b. 30 July, 1775; Maria, b. 3 May, 1777; WiLHELm, b. 9 April, 1779; CATHERINE, b. 22 Feb., 1781; Anna, b. 24 Oct., 1783; Jacos, b. 8 Sept., 1785. Il‘ WILLIAM. II. HARMAN, of Cokesburg. whose will was prob. 9 April, 1823, b. 1757, d. 1823, at 66, m. Elisabeth, and lived on the George M. Lindaberry place ; had children: (I) Perzr, m. Sophia Schuyler (dau. of Will.) had ch.: William, m. Margaret Bird (dau. of Thomas); Andrew, m. Lydia Hoff- man (dau. of Henry); Ruhama, m. Isaac Sutton (s. of Peter); Elisabeth, m, Adam Apgar (s. of Adam); Mary, m first, James Apgar (s. of Jacob); second, JOHN Biebigheiser ; (II), ANNA MARGARET, b. 9 March, 1780, m. Felix Hoover ; (III). Marra, b. 16 March, 1781 ; (IV). Sarau, b. 22 Sept., 1786 ; (V). Jonn, b. 15 Feb., 1784, m. twice ; (VI). Jacos, b. 12 May, 1789 ; (VII). ANDREW, m. three times ; (VIII). JosHua, m. Mary Jones, and had two girls ; (IX), Henry, m. Polly Force ; (X). WILLIAM, m. Ellen Voorhees ; had ch.: Theodore, m. Martha Beavers (dau. of = Joseph) ; Cornelius, m. Fanny Apgar (dau. of Will. C.); Wesley W., m. Elisabeth Philhower (d. of Aaron); Adaline, m. Harrison Apgar ; Catharine, m. Stephen R. Alpaugh; Mary Elisabeth, m. George Alpaugh ; Eliza Jane, m. John Alpaugh (s. of John). (XI). ELISABETH; Lads ipnasoy 437 (XT). Carnerine. IV. PETER, b. 1756, d. 29 Dec., 1841, at 85, m, Annie Hoffman, 4 Sept., 1756, d. 1835, at 79 (dau. of Henry, 1st); will prob. 11 Jan., 1842; had ch.: Joun P., m. Mary Bacon; Ese CATHERINE, m. William Walters ; WILLIaM, m. Mary Antone (dau. of Philip), b. 26 May, 1788, d. 26 March, 1876 ; FREDERICK, m. Mary Beatty ; Mary ELISABETH, m. John Walters (s. of Silas); Marcargt, m. Peter Bunn (s. of Peter). V. ANTHONY, d. before 1838, m. Mary, and had JonN and Jacos. VIL. MARY MAGDALENE. [There was also a JoHN LaNcE on records of Lebanon Church, who had wife Dina and ch.: Margaret, b. 3 May, 1771; John Wilhelm, b. 12 June, 1773 ; Rachel, b. 5 Jan., 1780 ; John, b. 25 May, 1782]. WILLIAM is said to have been the father of the other family, but it seems more probable to the writer that his name was John Peter. William had at least three sons : I. HERBERT (or Hermet), m. Margaret Apgar (dau. of John Peter), and lived near Cokesburg ; had ch.: (1). ELISABETH, b. 20 Feb., 1779, m. James Hoffman (s. of ‘“‘Cobe”); (IT). ANNE, b. 8 March, 1781, unm.; (III). PETER, m. Elizabeth Dilley; (IV). Witu1am, m. Sarah Taylor (dau. of Archie ; had ch.: Harriet, m. Andrew Cregar (s. of Andrew), at High Bridge, N. J.; Edgar, m. Caroline Cregar (dau. of Will.); John, m. Mary Wean (dau. of Peter); William, m. Elizabeth Richards (dau. of Thomas) ; Emily, wim. ; Mary, m. Daniel Anderson (s. of William). (V). CATHERINE, b. 13 Feb., 1788, m. Peter Schuyler (s. of John and Elisabeth Sutton); (V1) Marien, m. Phil. Read (s. of Luke); (VID. Gzorcr, m. Susan Schuyler (dau. of John and Elisabeth Sutton); had ch., David, m. Car- oline Beam (dau. of Bartram); Mary,m. John Pace (s. of John); Jacob, m. Julia Beam (dau. of Bartram); Catherine Ann, m. Nelson Howell (s. of Nathan): William, m. Ann Wise (dau. of William); Margaret Jane, m. Leonard Dufford (s. of George); George, m. Catherine Miller (dau. of John); John, m. (1) Bridget Murray; (2) Elisabeth Demot ; (VIII). Jacos died young. II. JOHN, m. the widow Jost and died in Pennsylvania. Ill. PETER had Hersgert, died young ; CATHERINE, unmarried ; WILLIAM, m. Sarah Conover (dau. of Garret). JACOB, of Sussex Co., was from Hunterdon Cv., and belonged to the same family. He had ason JACOB, whose will was dated 14 Sept., 1820, prob. 18 Aug., 1827; who had ch.: 1. GEoRGE, m.a Henn, (Sparta family); 2. Perer, rem. to Bradford Co., Pa.: 3. Jaco, rem. to Illinois ; 4. MARGARET, m. Peter Struble ; 5. Susan, m. Anthony Longcore ; 6. BARBARA, m. Susan’s hus- band ; 7. SopuHia, m. Peter Hendershot ; 8. ANN, m. a Smith ; 9. Evisa- BETH, m. an Anderson ; 10. Mary, m. William Snook. On John Peter Neitzer’s ledger occur the names, 1763, of Joan Lantz, Mart- THIAS SHAFFER LANTZ and JOHN PETER LANTZ. ! LARASON. JOHN LARASON, a Danish nobleman compelled to flee and lose his estates by con- fiscation on account of a conspiracy, in 1660, because of taxes. He fled to Scot- land, and, hearing that a price was set on his head, came to America and pur- 438 Earty GerMAns or New JERseY. chased a large tract, about 1,700 acres, near Brooklyn, L. I. JoHN Larason on rate list of Newtown, L. I., 1683 ; prob. m. (1) 22 May, 1683, Jemima Halsey ; (2) 20 Dec., 1686, the widow Mary Howell. Died at Chester (2), N. J., at am advanced age. He prob. had a son, WILLIAM, whose name occurs on tax list of Hopewell twp:, 1722, as assessed for” 11 cattle and horses, 9 sheep and 160 acres. His will, dated April 7 and prob. May 30, 1749, (Trenton, Lib. 6, fol. 70), mentions five children : James, Wil- liam, John, George and the wife of David Stout. I. JAMES, b. 1693, d. at Hopewell, Mercer Co., 1792, at 97 years. Bought 242 acres of land in 1740; had nine children, three of whcm left male descendants : (I). JoHN. (I). ANDREW, b. 1738, d. 1800, m. —— Severn ; had ch.:. 1. GzorGz, m. Catherine Lambert. 2, JAMES. 3. ANDREW, b. 1776, May 17. 4, BENJAMIN, b. 1806, Jan. 5, and had, (1). George, M. D., res. at: Lambertville, N. J.; (2). Cornelius W., Prof. of the University at Lewisburg, Pa.; (8). Andrew B., Rev., pastor of the Baptist. Church, Ringoes, N. J.; (4). John D:, a farmer at Stockton, N. J. (III). RocEr, had three sons, Jams, Theodore and: John. (IV). WiLLram, (V). Eviag. (VI). Davin, had two sons, Amos and Jonathan. (VII). ACHSAH. (VII). RacHe.. (IX). CATHERINE. TH. WILLIAM, 4. 1777 ; his will prob. 1777, Sept. 1, m. Patience ——; in 1745 bought, for £90, 210 acres near Pleasant Hill cemetery, on part of which widow Larason lives in Roxbury (now Chester) twp., Morris Co.; had ch. (order uncertain) : @). THomas, b. 1745, m. Mary, b. 1756, d. 1829, Sept. 20, at 73 years ; prob. had ch.;: 1, SILVESTER. 2. JAMES. 3. Maxon. ‘ 4, Mary STINSON, rem. to Knox Co., Ohio ; was in Revolutionary war ; perhaps had also, 5. THOMAS, rem. to Illinois, m. first, 18 March, 1819, Mary Howell (dau. of Samuel and Rachel Drake), b. 1 March, 1796, d. 5 March, 1825 ; second, 27 July, 1826, Charity Howell (sister to 1st wife), b. 7 Nov., 1791, d. 4 May, 1845 ; had ch.: (1). George, b. 22 June, 1823, m. Marietta Burnet, and had Nathan, b. 24 Sept., 1852, —— Adell, b. 21 Sept., 1856; Anna, b. 27 Dec., 1860; Clarissa and Harriet ; (2). Mary H., b. 11 Feb., 1825, m. 28 Oct., 1845, Josiah M. Stark ; (8). Rachel Ann, b. 14 Aug., 1828, d. 27 June, 1874, m. 28 Oct., 1852, George W. Forsaith, and had Ada M., b. 1856, m. 1884, E. D. Fisher, and Carrie A., b. 1862, m. W. W. McManis. ay. ANDREW, b. 1755, Oct., d. 1803, May 7,m. 1775, Dec. 15, Sarah Hart (dau. of Benj.), b. 1751, May 24: had ch.: LarasoN—LAWRENCE 439 4. Mary, b. 1777, Mar. 30, m. John Woodhull (s. of Rev. William). “2, WILLIAM, b. 1778, Dec. 1, d. 1855, Dec., m. 1800, Mar. 2, Elisabeth Sharp (dau. of Morris), b. 1788, Dec. 9, d. 1852, Aug. 25 ; had ch.: (1). David W., b. 1801, Sept. 2, m, 1824, Nov. 4, Ann Naughright; (2). Mary, b. 1808, Sept. 23, m. 1820, Dec. 9, Lanson Howell ; (3), Sarah, b. 1806, March 25, m. 1829, May 23, Stephen Coleman 3 (4). Susanna, b. 1809, Jan. 7, m. 1833, Jan. 12, Charles Ming ; (5). Morris, b. 1812, June 16, m. first, 1835, Dec. 26, Catherine Dor- land ; second, 1850, Sept. 4, Margaret Dickerson ; (6). Isabella, b. 1815, April 15, m. 1832, Jacob S. Welsh. ‘3, PATIENCE, b. 1781, July 3, m. 1800, April 7, William Adlpock (s. cf William). 4, Sarag, b. 1784, Sept. 18 ; unmarried. 5. Bengamin H., b. 1786, Nov. 4, m. 1807, May 17, Rebekah Larason. 6. Davin, b. 1789, Oct. 26, m. 1806, April 17, Margaret Carlisle. (III). Jamus, b. 1764. (IV). ELISABETH. (V). Mary. (V1). Nancy. (VII). Davip. III. JOHN, ‘came to Chester (2) N. J., and left seven sons.” IV. GEORGE, prob the one called Roger in some accounts of the family 3 set- tled in Pennsylvania. MiscELLANEOUS—LaRs Larsson is found at New Sweden (Southern New Jer- sey and Delaware) in 1693. LAWRENCE. The Tawrence (Lorentz or Laurents) family were probably from Rochelle, France. They may have joined the Germans from the Palatinate, at the port of their departure in Holland, or they may have come from the Palatinate, whither they had previously fled for protection from religious persecution in their native jand. The latter seems the more probable from the fact that large numbers of Huguenots fled to Germany and particularly to the Palatinate, during the time of Louis XIV. The Laurents and Lucas families had come over together not only in 1710 but in the previous century. ANDRE’ LAURENT, the ancestor of a noted family of South Carolina, son of Jean Laurent, married in London, 8 Mar., 1682, Marie Lucas, both being natives of La Rochelle. The latter was the daughter of DANIEL Lucas. The families seem to have been associated together for a long period. {Baird's Huguenot Emigration I. 282]. There is a German family bible now in the possession of Mrs. John M. Lawrence, of Brooklyn, N. Y., which contains the record of the family of the emigrant, Johannes. There seem to have been in New Jersey representatives of another German or Holland family of the name of Lawrence. There were members also here of the English family of that name, the Hon. Thomas Lawrence, of Hamburg, being one. JOHANNES LORENTZ [Lowrentz, Lawrence] came over in the ‘‘second emigra- tion” of Palatines or Germans in 1710 and is found in New York at that date. The record is as follows: JOHANNES LorENTZ in New York, 1710, at age of 43, his wife Anna Margaretta, at age 39, his children Anna Elisabetha at 15, Magdalena at 13, Anna Barbara at 11 and Alexander at age of one year and 440 Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY a half. The old German family bible contains the record of baptisms of John’s children. The will of Johannes Lowrentz, dated Peapack, 12 July, prob. 3 Dec., 1745 [Trenton Lib. I, fol. 16], names six children. He was b. 1661, m. 1691, Anna Margaretha, b. 1671 ; had ch.: I. ABLOMIA, bap. Nov., 1692, the godfather being John Forbecker. Il. ANNA ELISABETHA, b, 1695, bap. 8 March, the godfather being Felder Slenderwine ; m. a Kealer (or Keller). III. MAGDALENA, b. 1697, m. a Moore (prob. Johannes. of Readington. Records); according to the family bible MATILDA is bap. 28 Jan., 1698, godfather being Martin Ellerbin, the two names prob. being confounded with one another. IV. ANNA BARBARS, b. 1699, bap. 3 Sept., 1700, godfather being Philip Steyel (or Steyse); m. a Besherer. V. ALEXANDER, b. 1708, bap. 16 Aug., 1710, ‘on ship Medford,” godfather being Alexander Rosinwater ; rem. to North Carolina. VI. DANIEL, bap. 13 Dec., 1718, godfather being Daniel Shoemaker. (See his family nalawe: } VII. JOHN, bap. 15 Feb., 1716, godlvther being John Pedelter ; removed to North Carolina. DANIEL 1st, of Bedminster, son of Johannes, gives a mortgage, 1 July, 1768, to Jacob Woolf, of same place for 260 acres of land which was prob. situated at Drakestown, Morris Co. This Daniel was the ancestor of all the Lawrences of this family remaining in this vicinity ; had ch.: I. FRANCIS, whose will, Randolph twp., Morris Co., 3 March, prob. 31 March, 1810, names wife Hannah and ch.: (D. Bretsry. (Ii). Luraer. (Il). Aaron 8, (IV). Henry 8. (V). Ex1as Dayton. (VJ). Eunice. (VII). CALVIN (dec.). Il, BENJAMIN, had a dau. Anna who married a Clark. III. SILVANUS, had ch.: (). DANIEL, b. 18 May, 1773, m. 7 Jan., 1796, Sibillar Doty, b. 15 April, 1779 ; his property was divided 1840 among the following ch.: 1. Henry D,, b. 30 Mar., 1797; 2. Eliza Ann, b. 25 Sept., 1799, m. Dalrymple ; 8. Jemima D., b. 16 June, 1802; 4. Mary, b. 10 April, 1804, m. —— Thompson ; 5. George W., b. 14 Oct., 1806 ; 6. Julia Ann, b. 1808, Aug. 20, d. , m. Will. Y. Trimmer (. of John), b. 1806, Oct. 26, d. 1879, Feb. 27 ; 7. Philemon D., b. 25 June, 1810 ; 8. Stumatal T., 12 Nov., 1812; 9. Daniel H., b. 25 June, 1815; 10. William W., b. 2 Oct., 1823. (I). Persr, of Hnntendan Co. IV. BETSEY, m. a Young of Walnut Grove, Morris Co. V. WILLIAM, b. 1743, d. 1816, March 2 at 73, m. Mary, b. 1753, a. 1828, Feb. 12 at 75; his will dated Resburg 1814, April 11, prob. 1816, Mar. 7, names 1. SILVANUS, b. 1777, June 19, d. 1853, Sept. 16, m. Nancy. 2. STEPHEN iN , b. 1782, d. 1833 (or 1838) at 51,m. Esther Alward (dau. of Benjaminly had (1). Mary, m. Stephen Coleman ; (2). William LAWRENCE 441 m. a sister to Stephen Coleman ; (8). Sarah, m. William Wack (s. of ——); (4). John, m. a Pool; (5). Benjamin; (6). Silvester (or Silvanus) m. a Smith ; (7). Amanda, m. Benjamin Alward (a cousin); (8). Stephen Jr.; (9). Jane; (10). Elisabeth, d. at 12 years of age. 3. HANNAH. 4, ELISABETH, m. —— Lefoy. VI. DANIEL came from Peapack, N. J., to vicinity of Dover, N. J.; bought from Isaac Hance, a Quaker, the house now occupied by the Hon. George Richards, which was finished at the time Cornwallis surrendered to Gen. Washington. From there he removed to Canada with most of his family ; m. 9 July, 1769, Charity Mills; had children, six daughters and three sons (order uncertain): (I). CHariry, m. in Canada. (i). Anna, m. in Canada, John Loder. (III). PHEBE, m. her sister Annie’s husband for his second wife. (IV). Apa, m. a Tisdall in Canada. (V). Betszy, m. a Bell, of Hackettstown, N. J., who was a brother of John Lawrence’s wife. (VI) and (VII). Two other daughters whose names are not remembered. (VIII). JoHN went to the Redstone country. (IX). ABRaHAM, lived 4 miles south of Sparta, in Byram twp., Sussex Co., ; N. J., m. Ann Dickson, an English lady who came to this country with her brother ; had ch.: 1. Sara, m. Mahlon Dickerson; 2. Dickson, m. Laura (?) Leport ; 3. John, m Hester Edwards ; 4. Jacob, m. Annie Snyder and is a hardware merchant in Decker- town ; 5. Caroline, m. William Pinkney and res. in Newton, N. J.; 6. Amanda, m. Joseph Hill and res. in Newton, N. J. (X). Jacos, b. 16 March, 1774, m. 22 Feb., 1802, Jennie Guerin (Jane Geering), dau. of Vincent (a French family res. near Morristown), b. 15 Dec., 1780 ; had ch.: 1. Harriet, b. 9 May, 1803, m. first, Helmah Cisco ; second, Jared Hathaway ; 2. Sarah, b. 18 Sept., 1804, m. Cenas Prudden ; 3. Nancy Guerin, b. 15 Dec., 1805, m. Harvey Ward, s. of Daniel, who res. near German Valley, N. J.; 4. Vincent Guerin, b. 20 July, 1807, m. Abbie Parker, dau. of Daniel ; 5. John R., b. 3 Sept., 1809, scalded to death at three years; 6. Eliza Bell, b. 14 Feb., 1812, m. George Gill and died in Parkers- burg, Virginia ; 7. Daniel N., b. 15 July, 1813, m. in New York city; 8. Stephen P., b. 16 Dec., 1814, died young ; 9. Pamela, b. 25 Nov., 1816, m. Thos. Page, of Newark ; 10. Phebe Maria, b. 5 Dec., 1818, m. Robert De Rose near Hackettstown, N. J.; 11. Job Loder, b. 5 Dec., 1820, m. Mary Van Doren; 12. Lydia Blackford, b. 26 Oct., 1823, m. Thomas Young ; 18. Theodore T., b. 26 Dec., 1825, died at two years. GEORGE WILLIAM oor Urie William) Lourens was probably the William on tax list Hopewell twp. in 1722; occupied farm on West Jersey Society tract 1735 , may be a brother to Johannes; m. Maria (or Maritje); had children (records of Readington): I. ELISABETH, bap. 1727, Oct. 8. II. JOHNANNES WILLIAM bap. 1729, June 8. 442 Earty Germans or NEw JERSEY III. ADAM, bap. 1731, Mar. 28, bought 250 acres at Parker, Morris Co., of the Bowlsby tract, 1750; parents were George and Maritje prob. same as George William and Maria ; signed call to Rev. Albert Weygand, 1749 ; on list of Foxenburg (Fox Hill) district of the Lutheran congregation some date before 1749. There may have been therefore two of the name Adam, one a brother and the other a son, of George William. IV. GEORGE, bap. 1733, June 10. MiscELLANEOUS—LypDIa LORENTZ, m. 24 Dec., 1799, Maurus Zavering. ELIs- ABETH Laureiiz, m. 1789, Stephen Darreberger. JAN Lawrence, a Norman came to New York with his wife in Feb., 1659. Jan LourgEns from Schoonder Woort with wife and two children at ages 7 and 4, to N. Y., 16 April, 1663. ExisHa Lowrence (perh. the son of Daniel 1st), gives mortgage, 16 Sept., 1785, to Guisbert Sutphin on land on Lowrance brook, near Peapack. ABRAHAM Lowrance and Rachel are witnesses. LEEK. AMOS LEEK [Liek, Leake], b. 1747 (2, d. 1822, at 75; res. Chester twp.; wasa soldier in the Revolutionary war, m. Anne White ; had ch.: I, AMOS, m. Deborah Corwin (dau. of Isaac), b. 6 June, 1780; had ch.: 1. HUBBARD ; 2. DANIEL, b. 1805, d. 1881, m. Saran Stout ; 3. JoszPH, m. Harriet Case (dau. of James); 4. Jessup, went Went; 5. MasLon, m. Matilda Clinton ; 6. HaRRIET, m. a Sloat ; 7. Betsey, m. John Emmons; 8. PEENIE, m. Will. Shankle (s. of Fred.); 9. Nancy, m. John Collins. Il. DANIEL, b. 1783, d. 1856, m. Elisabeth Chipps; had ch.: 1. THomas, m. Sallie Ann Huston, and had Talmage, Lydiette and two others ; 2. WIL- LIAM C., b. 19 May, 1809, d. 9 June, 1890, m. Martha T. Skellinger (dau. of William), and had Stephen H., Daniel and Lydia Esther ; 3. Rev. Forpuay, b; 18 Feb., 1814, m. Charlotte Drake (dau. of Elias), and had Elias Smith and Spafford ; 4. EMALINE, m. Deacon Elias Wortman ; 5. EstHeER, m. Joseqh Emmons (s. of Jacob); 6. SALLIE ANN, m. William Lewis ; 7%. TaLmMacs, died young. Ill. JOHN, rem. to Lake country. IV. BENJAMIN, m. first, Sallie Lanterman ; second, Sallie Hockenbury, V. LEMUEL FORDHAM. VI. NANCY, m. a Kenann. VII. PARTHENA, b. 12 Aug., 1777, m. Jacob Skinner, VIII. CHARLOTTE, b. 19 Sept., 1781, m. John Crater. IX. ESTHER. Se xX. RUTH, m. Peter Melick. MiscELLANEOUS—There was a Capt. SAMUEL LEEK, res. in Chester twp., b. 18 April, 1809, d. 18 Aug., 1873, m. first, Mary Ann Budd, b. 18 March, 1816, d. 18 Sept., 1855 ; second, Minerva Topping ; had one child, Mary Budd, who m, Linden Leek (s. of Stephen H.). Amos perhaps had brothers DANIEL, ADAM and JOHN, about whom nothing is known. The family probably came from East Hampton, L.I., where there was an Ebenezer Leek in 1675. Tradition says they came from Rhode Island. LERCH. ANTHONY LERCH, m. Anna Welsch (dau. of Johannes Wilhelm 1st, of German Lercu—LinpDaBury 443 Valley), res. in Greenwich twp., Warren Co.; owned the land, upon which the Greenwich Presbyterian Church is built, and which he donated to the church will, 1798, Feb. 22, prob. May 9, names “bro. PETER” and eleven children (order as in the will): I. DANIEL, rem. to Wilkesbarre ; had a mill; was drowned in his mill pond ; had ch.: (). ANnwE, m. a Smith. (ID. Pxitrr, m. a Winter. (It). Lewis, died unmarried. II, DAVID, m. Nellie Jones ; res. in Penn., near Bethlehem ; had ch.: / (1). JosEPH. (i). Nevure, m. Rev. Mr. Dups. (Il). SALLIE, m. a Bostchen (IV). Davin. III. ISAAC, b. 1787, d. 1816, at 29, m. Elisabeth Daniels (dau. of Joseph from England); she married for second husband Wm. Cougle ; had ch.: (@). Ropert, died about 30, unmarried. (II). Petrzsr, m. Sarah Fishbaugh (dau. of Joseph). (III). Margaret ANN, m. Nicholas Neighbor Bowman (s. of Lambert). Iv. ANDREW, unmarried ; killed by an accident. V. ANTHONY, m. Susie Stucker ; rem. to Reading, Pa.. where his grandson Daniel is in business, while totally blind ; had ch.: (D. WILLIAM. (i). Rosina. ‘(Il). Gzoree. (IV). ELISABETH. VI. WILLIAM, rem. to Penn.; res. near Sackna, several miles below Easton. VII. CATHERINE, m. John Boyer ; rem. to Penn.; had ch.: (). Jonn. (QI). ANNIE, m. a Knight. (II). Jacos. VIII. ANNE, m. Jacob Case ; res. below Flemington ; had ch.: (@). Larry. dD. Joun. (II). Mrs. JoHnson. (IV). MARGARET. IX. SUSANNA, m. Jacob Wack (s. of Rev. Caspar). X. MARGARET, m. William Case ; res. at ‘‘ The Forge,” near Bloomsbury, Warren Co.; had ch.: (I). Jacos, m. Rebecca Hunt. (Il). WiLL1aM, m. Matilda Brackley. (III). ANNIE, m. Robert Kelly. (IV). ELisaBEeTH, m. Brackley Winter. (V). MarGaRET, m. James Hulshizer. ' (WI). Mary, m. John Adams ; rem. to Penn.; had five children. LINDABURY. NICHOLAS LEINBERGER on list of emigrants who arrive at Philadelphia, 27 Aug., 1739, CONRAD and NICHOLAS LEINENBERG arrive at Philadelphia 444 Earty Germans or New JERSEY 15 Sept., 1752, in ship Two Brothers, with Dils, Beam, Winegarden, Blom, Rodebagh, Seals (spelled Sehl), Himroth, Aller and other families, who settled in this part of New Jersey. It has been impossible to get any very complete information of the older generations of this family. The folluwing is correct as far as it goes : HENRY, prob. the son of Conrad, the emigrant ; prob. m, Catherine ; had ch.: I. CONRAD, b. 1785, d. —, lived at Pleasant Grove, m. 5 June, 1805, Annie Tiger; had ch: (1). Hmnry, m. first, Mary Moore; second, Thyre Seals; (I). Jacos, m. Catherine A. Jones; lives at Peapack ; (IIT). EvisaBerH, m. a Bauman; lives at Mendham : (IV). ANNIE, mm. /irst, William Hart ; second, George Smith, of Pennville, Warren Co., N. J.; (V). Groren, m. Annie Walters (dau. of William), and lives Pleasant Grove, and has son William who m, Emaline Hoppler ; (VI). Mary, m. Peter Sauers and lives at Chester; (VII). Caspar, m, first, Elisabeth Bunn (dau. of Peter); second, Hattie Van Nest ; (VIII), CATHERINE, unmarried ; ([X). SARAH, m. George Skinner, of Anthony, Warren Co., N. J. Il. JACOB, b. 8 July, 1788, d. 29 March, 1860, m. Mary Bowman, b. 23 May, 1787, d. 21 Oct., 1851; had ch.: (I), Gzorer B., m. first, Emily Teats ; second, Esther Robbins (dau. of Andrew); (II). Jann, b. 29 March, 1811, died young ; (III). Tuomas, b. 9 Jan., 1814, died young ; (IV). WESLEY, b. 17 Oct., 1820, m. first, Mary McKinstry ; second, Mary Nevius (the widow Lutes). III. HARBERT, b. about 1789, d. 1874, at 84, m. Elisabeth Landers ; had ch: (). Caspar, m. Fanny Tiger; (II), ADALINE, m. George Wise (s. of George and resides at Fox Hill); (Ill). AMANDA, m. Matthias Apgar, of Phillipsburg ; (IV). Hiram, m. Margaret Seals ; (V). Louisa, m. John Seals, of High Bridge, N. J.; (VI). Jonn, died young ; (VII). ALETTA, m. Joseph Burris ; (VIII). Mancius S. H., of German Valley, N. J., m. Eleanor Wilson. IV. ANN, m. Tunis Updike. V. CASPAR, of Cokesburg, b. 29 March, 1795, d. 27 May, 1897, m. Betsey H. Bird; had ch.: Mary Jann, CHARLOTTE ANN, and another daughter. VI. JOHN, m, Betsey Rodenbaugh ; had ch.; 1, Exiza,m. Fred, Terryberry; 2. SUSAN, m. Will. Fritts ; 3. Lypra, m. Chas. Carhart ; 4. SazRwoop, M. D., m. Ellen Robeson (dau. of Benj.); res. Bloomsbury. VIL GEORGE H., of Fairmount, b. 17 July, 1799, d. 23 Jan., 1879, m. Mary Hoffman (dau. of Peter M.), b. 1799, d. 17 Oct., 1878, at 79; had ch.: 1. Davin, m. Dorothy Schuyler (dau. of Andrew); 2. CHARLOTTE ANN and 3. GroraE, died young. VIII. EVA, m. Peter Hockenberry, of Fairmount. CONRAD, prob. brother of Henry and son'of Conrad 1st ; removed from near the Whitehouse to Hope, Warren Co., N. J.; m. [Esther 7] Cool ; had ch.: I. ELISABETH, b. 7 May, 1766, prob. m. John Gardner (s. of Joseph). Il, ANNA MARGARET, b. 28 Feb., 1771, prob. m. Will. Hiler, of North Branch, N. J., who d. 29 Oct., 1843, III. ANNA MARY, b. 3 Sept., 1773, prob. m. John Ferguson (s. of Hugh). , IV. JOHN, b. 1776, m. Elisabeth Kishpaugh ; had ch.: 1. ANNA, m. Daniel B. Brands (. of Jacob); 2. Josmpy, m. first, Mary Gardner (dau. of David); second, Susan Hay ; 3. GersHom C., b. 3 March, 1818, m. Elisa- \ 4 LinpaBpurY—LOMERSON 445 beth Ferguson (dau. of Will); 4. Conrap NELSON, m. Sarah McGarvey. 5. ARCHIELUS, m. Catharine Mackey (dau. of Joseph); 6. ELISABETH M., m. Philip Beck-(s. of Jacob); 7. LeT1T1a, m. Samuel Brugler (s. of Peter); 8. CATHARINE MARGARET, m. Will. Lake (s. of Abram). V., A. JULIA, b. 2 June, 177%, prob. m. Henry Kern. VIL WILLIAM. VII. ADAM, unmarried. CASPER, prob. son of ConraD ist, m. A. Maria; had at least three children: JoHN ANTONY, b. 8 March, 1773; Joan Nicouas, b. 8 March, 1778; Grirn (Griffith), b. 16 March, 1781. JOHN NICHOLAS, prob. son of Nicholas, m. Louisa Margaret ; had at least two children: ANNA CATHERINE, b. 27Sept., 1769; ANNa ELISABETH, b. 2 March, 1771. JOHN LINBERGER, of Bernards twp., Somerset’Co, N. J., names in his will, Jan. 28, prob. July 1, 1777, one child Jehn (Trenton Wills, Lib. ga fol. 583), prob. the following : I. JOHN, of Middlesex, whose will, 7 Nov., prob. Dec. 24, 1789, names sons John and William and wife pregnant. (Trenton Wills, Lib. 31, fol. 384). GEORGE, lived at Whitehouse, N. J., m. Sarah Hoffman (dau. of J ai, of Leba- non), b. 31 May, 1777, d. 19 April, 1857, buried at Mt. Olive, Morris Co., N. J.; had ch.: I. JOHN, b. 1802, m. Barbara Wack (dau. of Jacob); had ch.: 1. WILLIAM L., m. Sarah Wise (dau. of ——); 2. CATHERINE, m. George A. Smith ; 3. Joun N., m, Catherine Mershon (dau. of Andrew); 4. JOSEPH, Tarioved to Nebraska,é 5. Mary Jane ; 6. Jacos ; 7. GEORGE and 8. Mary unm. and died young. II. HENRY, m. first, a Shotwell ; second, ——, rem. to Michigan. Ill. JOSEPH. IV. GEORGE. V. ISAAC. VI. JACOB H. VII. PETER H. VIII. ANNA. IX. SHAFER. X. WILLIAM, m. Barbara Ann Wack (dau. of Andrew); rem. to Canton, DL, about 1858 ; had ch.: 1. ANDREW, of Iowa ; 2. WiLL. NELSON, m. Lida Sliker (dau. of John L., of Hackettstown); 3. Mary ELLEN, m. Leon. F. Apgar, of Middle Valley, N. J.. 4. CATHERINE, m. at Canton, Tl.; 5. Mary Macpaensg, m. Dr. Strong; 6 Exias and 7. GEORGE, m. out West. LOMERSON. This name is variously spelled, as Lomerson, Lammason, Lamersen. It is said to have been originally Lamberson and of Holland origin. CONRAD LAMMASON lived near Unionville, Washington twp., Morris Co., N. J.,m. Nancy; had ch.: I. JOHN, lived at Round Valley. II. CONRAD, m. Elisabeth Hoffman (dau. of John); lived near Whitehall, Hunterdon Co, N. J.; had ch.: 1. JoHN, m. Polly Roelofson (dau. of Isaac); lived for years on the farm of the writer’s grandmother, Mrs. 446 Earty Germans or New Jersey’ John Frelinghuysen, of Raritan, N. J., and was highly esteemed by the whole community ; 2. Nancy, m. Adam Hope (s. of Richard); 3. Con-- RAD, m. Ruth Crammer (dau. of John); 4. ELISABETH, m. George Hick (s.. of George); 5. MARGARET, m. Harmon Hoffman (s. of Henry 2); 6. CaTH-: ERINE, b. 1 March, 1812, m. Harmon H. Hoffman (s. of Frederick), b. 7 Feb., 1805, d. 7 Sept., 1882 ; 7. ELLEN, m. Samuel Crouse. Ik, JACOB, b. 23-Oct., 1778, d. 17 May, 1847, m. Charity Schenckel (dau. of. Adam), b. 1% April, 1785,.d. 27 Dec., 1827; hadch.: 1, Bersry, m. David’ Crater (s. of Morris); 2. Conrap, m. Susan Stackhouse ; 3. JOHN, m. Huldah Emmons (dau. of Abram); 4: Nancy, b: 30 March, 1814, m. first, a Stout; second,. Isaac Heldebrant ; 5. Saran, m. Aaron J. Sutton 5. Kansas ; 6. CATHARINE, unmarried ; 7. ADAM, m. Ruth Emmons (dau. of Abram); 8. JAcoB, m. Matilda Praster (dau. of George);.died in the. army ; 8. CHARITY (twin to Jacob), m. Philip Abel (6. of George); 9. ELLEN, m. Isaac Heldebrant ; 10. JosePH, m. Amanda Apgar (dau. of: Matthias).. LAWRENCE LOMERSON appears on the records at Flemington as early as 1753; was 2d Lieut. of Capt. Mackay’s Co., First Regiment of Sussex Co., in the: Revolutionary War. He bought land near Mt. Bethel in Penn.; his descend- ants live in the vicinity of Belvidere, m. ——; had ch... I. THOMAS, m. Hannah Ney. It. ANDREW, m. Christian Smith.. III. LOURENCEH, m. Betsey Fox.. IV. JANE, m. Michael Ney. V. CHARITY, m. a Butler. There was also a brother or son of Lawrence whose name is unknown, who res. hear Belvidere and had ch.: 1. JoHNn; 2. Jacoz; 3. James; 4. LAWRENCE, b. 1770, d. 1864 at 94, m. Elisabeth Caskey (dau. of Robert and Jane Todd), b. 23 Aug.. 1781, d. 20 Dec., 1841 ; had ch.: Jane C., b. 6 April, 1803, m. Sam. Weller ; Wil- liam, b. 18 Oct., 1804, d. 1849 ; Robert C., b. 9 Aug., 1806, d. 1839 ; Eliza Ann, b. 18 Dec., 1807, m. Phil. D. Weller ; Margaret, b. 29 March, 1810, m. Corn. Carhart. ; Julia Ann, b. 21 April. 1812, m. first, Will. Carhart ; second, Phil D. Weller ; James, b. 22 March, 1814 ; Rebecca, b. 29 Jan., 1816, m. George H. Weller ; Mary, b. 15 Jan., 1818, m. Adam Wandling ; Caroline, b. 7 March, 1820, died young ; Sarah, b. 22 Aug., 1821, m. William McCullough ; Lawrance, b. 4 May, 1824, d. 1872; 5. JULIA ANN, m. John Fritts ; 6. Lena, m. Mr. Benyard ; 7%. ELISABETH, m. Mr. Crawford ; 8. BARBARA, unmarried. LUCAS. FRANTZ LUCAS came in the Second Palatine Emigration in 1710. He is found at New Rochelle the same year with five children: Mariz ELISABETH at 20 years of age; Frantz at 13; Anna Maria at 9; ANNA at 7; ANNA CATHARINA at 4. . : FRANS, prob. s. of Frantz, has ch. bap. at Somerville, N. J., m. Jannetie and had ch.: Maria, bap. 10 Feb., 1723 ; ELs1i1E, bap. 29 Aug., 1725; FRANs, bap. 17 Sept., 1727; Taomas, bap. 6 Sept., 1730 ; ELIsaBETH, bap. 23 Aug., 1733 ; ELSYE, bap. 4 Dec., 1737. MIScELLANEOUS—FRANCIS Lucas is a witness at a baptism, Somerville, 1719 ; THomas subscribes to Lutheran Church at Pluckamin, 1756; Abraham and Francis “Lucas—Luse—M artinus—MESssLER ‘AaQ ‘appear on Nitzer’s ledger, 1768. The Lucas family probably came originally from La Rochelle, France, taking refuge in the Palatinate and from there emigrating te this country. (See the Lawrence and Du Four families). LUSE. Two brothers, BENJAMIN and DAVID LUSE, settled m old Roxbury twp. -and bought land as early as 1736. The family moved away. BENJAMIN LUSE, whose will, Roxbury, 29 Aug., 1744, prob. 2 Nov., 1749, names wife Abigail and ch., the first two not yet 18: I. ABIGAIL; II. MARY; III. JOSEPH ; IV. BENJAMIN; V. MATTHIAS; VI. ELEAZAR; will names as executors, Samuel Coleman and ‘‘ my bro. David.” DAVID, brother to Benjamin, whose will, dated 23 Jan., 1771, names wife Mary andch.: I. BENJAMIN ; Il. SHUBAL; IiI. HENRY ; IV. NATHAN; V. ISRAEL; VI. DAVID; VII. WALTER; VUI. JEMIMA ; IX. SARAH; X. MARY ; XI. MERCY ; XII. EZEBEL ; XIII. BETHIA, m. Isaac Swazey. TMIARTINUS. JOHN MARTINUS, b. 1704, d. 1782, at 78 (Luth. Ch. Bk.); probably res. near Spruce Run ; perhaps had children or grandchildren : 1. CHRISTOPHER, b. 1745, d.19 April, 1822 ; II. FREDERICK, confirmed 22 May, 1774; IIT. Nicotaus, b. 1751, confirmed same date at age 23; IV. CoRNELIUS, b. 1757, confirmed same date at 17; V. Maria, b. 1760, confirmed same date at 14; VI. CuHRisTIAN, communicant in 1771. GEORGE (probably grandson of John), b. 1785, d. 1860 at 74, m. Margaret Fritts, b. 1793, d. 1866 at 73; had ch: 1. Morris Fritts, b. 3 Jan., 1812, m. Mary A. Terryberry (dau. of Jacob); res. at the Junction, N. J.; 2. WILLIAM, m. Lucinda Terryberry (dau. of William of Pleasant Grove); 3. ANN, m. Jacob Vosseller (s. of George, of the Junction); 4. Susan, m. James Weller, of Jer- sey City; 5. Mary, m. E. D. Cramer (4th wife), of Hackettstown ; 6. SaRau, m. Andrew Fritts (s. of Elias, of Stewartsville, N. J.): 7 Louisa, m. William Davis (s. of Samuel, of Stewardsville, N. J.). MESSLER. 7 JAN ADAMSEN METSELLAER [i. e. John Messler, the son of Adam], b. 1626 at Worms, d. 1696 ; had ch. bap.inN. Y.: SEBastTren, bap. 4 Sept., 1658 ; Drrcx, bap. 6 Feb., 1661; ABRAHAM, bap. 28 Aug., 1662; Isaac, bap. 15 April, 1678. ABRAHAM, son of Jan Adamsen, bap. 28 Aug., 1662; had ch.: JOHANNES, bap. in N. Y., 16 Dec., 1694 ; LopEwycx, bap. 1699 ; ABRAHAM, bap. 8 June, 1701; ANNETJE, bap. 25 Aug., 1708. JOHN, son of Abraham, bap. 16 Dec., 1694, rem. to Middlebush before 1717 ; his will 1760, prob. 6 March, 1761, names wife Catharine and ch.: 1. ABRAHAM ; 2. CORNELIUS ; 3. PETER, whose will, Somerset Co., 20 June, 1761, prob. 9 April, 1764 (Trenton Lib. H, fol. 425), names ch.: John, Antje, Simon, Peter, brother in-law, Jacob Buys; 4. Hampsz, m. John Powe'son ; 5. SARAH, m. Jacob Stryker ; 6. Earrim, m. Jacob Buys. CORNELIDS, s. of John, b. 1726, d. 1806 ; res. at Lamington ; had at least I. CORNELIUS, the father of Dr. Abraham Messlar. II. JAMES, m. Jannetje (Jane); his will, ‘‘Chester,” 9 March, 1803, prob. 7 448 Earty Germans or New JERSEY Oct., 1805, names ch.: (1). Bercrn ; (II). Mary Brrp; (I). Jane Suacut ; (IV). CHARLOTTE, w. of John Wortman ; (V). AGNES, w. of Joshua Dickerson ; (VI). Jacos, b. 1765, d. 25 Dec., 1866, m. Francis: Rowe, b, 1764, d. 5 March, 1847, and had ch.: 1. James, b. 1792, d. 7 Feb. 1869, m. Sallie Horton, and had (1). Thaniel, m. Lydia Huston ; (2). Mar- tha, m. Jacob Emmons (s. of Abraham, of Readington), (3). Jacob, m. Mary Demarest ; 2. Mary, b. 6 Aug., 179%, m. Peter Wortman (s. of Jos.). ; METTLER. JOHN METTLER, bought 1787, 433 acres of Hamilton wact, Hunterdon Co. WILLIAM (prob. s. of Jobn), b. 8 Feb., 1783, d. 1 Jan., 1834, m. (1) 30 April, 1808, Sarah Wilson, b. 20 Sept., 1785, d. 30 Jan., 1811 ; (2). 30 Sept., 1815, Ann Rettinghouse, b. 12 Oct., 1788 ; had ch.: I. Joun, b. 10 Sept., 1808; II. Amy, b. 1 Nov., 1810 ; III. Scrpsrur W. (by second wife), b. 17 Aug., 1816; IV. Saran A., b. 12 Oct., 1818 ; V. Exisag R., b. 4 July, 1821 ; VI. Auausrus, b. 8 June, 1829, m. a Bryan. WILLIAM (perhaps a bro. of Jobn), m. Catharine and had ch. bap. at Alexandria Church, Mt. Pleasant, N.J.: 1. Anna, b. 31 July, 1792; 2. Hannag, b. 22 dan., 1797. JAMES (perhaps bro. of John and William ; had ch. bap. at Alexandria Church =: 1. PERMLE, b. 8 March, 1787; 2. ABRAHAM, b. 23 Feb., 1789; 3. Reny, b. 8 Jan., 1791; 4. Raopy, b. 7 Jan., 1798; 5. CHariry, b. 7 Feb., 1795; 6 Susannag, b. 6 April, 1797. SAMUEL (perhaps bro. of James), was buried at Readington, b. 12 June, 1772, d- 29. Nov, 1845, m. Rebecca, b. 9 March, 1770, d. 12 Nov., 1848. MILLER. JOHN HENRY MULLER (. of John Valentine), “ Schuldiener,” (school teacher), born im Niedermastahn, in Ampt Lanzberg-in-der-Pfaltz, Zweibrucken, May 22, 1728, d. Feb. 9, 1819, m. April 3, 1755, Maria Catherine Moelick (dau. of Jobn Peter), b. July 13, 1732, d. Jan. 22, 1807. JOHN HENRY MULLER, landed in Philadelphia 1750, Aug. 12, and rem. to New Jersey 1753, April 3; was a Redemptioner ; settled in Hunterdon Co., near New Germantown ; was Town Clerk of Tewksbury for thirty-one years ; had children. I. ELISABETH, b. July 11, 1758, d. Jan. 6, 1845, m. Christian Kline (s. of Godfrey). Il. MARIA CATHRINA, b. Feb. 12, 1763, d. Jan. 7, 1849, at 86, m. Baltis. Stiger, b. 1762, d. July 28, 1830, at 68. III. HENRY, b. Nov. 7, 1766, d. - , m. first, a Baird ; second, Catherine Sharp (dau. of John Peter), b. June 23, 1776 ; had ch.. (). Jacoz B., m. Elisabeth Kline (dau. of Jacob), b. 1 Aug., 1799, d. 25 March, 1880 ; had eight ch.: 1. MARGARETTA, b. 21 July, 1823, d. 25 Nov., 1877, m. 27 Feb., 1845, her cousin, Richard R. Field ; 2. Henry, who m. a Beardslee ; 3. Jaco, res. at Scranton, Pa., m. a De Bentlye ; 4. ELisaspern, d. in infancy; 5. WILLIAM, res. at. Flanders, N. J.; 6. ELIsaBeru, res. at Newark, N. J., m. George. Boe, of Hackettstown, who d. in 1888, and had five children ; 7 and JACOB W. MILLER. MitterR—Minc—Moore 449 8. CLARK and WESLEY (twins) d. in infancy. (I). Ann, m. William Little. (II}). Joun P, SHarp, m. first, a Lambert ; second, Eliza Neighbor (dau. of David). IV. DAVID, b. April 28, 1769, d. —, m. Elisabeth Welsh (dau. of William, Jr.); had ch.: (I). Jacos, W.; (II). Wittiam W.; (IID. Davip W., m. a Swan ; (IV). Henry, m. a Shafer; (V). Exiza,m Rev. John C. Vandervoort ;, (VI). -DororHy, m. Thos. G. Talmage; (VII). Mary, m.a Van Pelt; (VIII). CaTHERINE, unm.; ((X). Lyp1a ANN, m. Moses DeWitt, of Paterson, {H. W Miller, President of the Morris County Savings Bank, is a son of Jacob W., and owns the original family Bible]. V. JACOB, June 8, 1771, m. Maria Elisabeth Sharp idan. of John Peter), b Jan. 24 or June 2, 1774, ANDREAS (?)} MILLER came from Germany to Newton, N. J., probably m. [Records of Philadelphia] Elisabeth Hahn, 15 July, 1759 ; had a son: a ANDREW, b. 1730, d. 1829, m. an Anthony; had ch.: I. HENRY. b. 12 Aug., 1767, d. 26 Feb., 1862, m. Ann ————, and had ANDREW, WILLIAM, SaRaq, Purp, Exviza, m. Abraham Vliet ; Jacos H., 30 June, 1815, m. Sarah Mowder (dau. of Samuel); Caroxing m. Simon Wyckoff ; Davin, JouN C., b. 26 July, 1820; GrorcE, Henry; II. DANIEL; III. POLLY; IV. SUSAN; V. PHILIP, killed by falling from a building. MIscELLANEOUS—On Somerville records : WILHELM and Marya have Gerrit, b. 25 May, 1729. JoHannes and Maryetje have Thomas, bap. 8 May, 1737; Jan, bap. 18 May, 1739 ; Joris, bap. 14 Aug., 1743. Toma [Thomas] MELLER and Peene have Peter, bap. 3 Sept., 1768. MING. WILLIAM MING came from Philadelphia ; res. at Cross Roads, Chester, N. J., m. Adah Brown (dau. of David); had ch.: I CH REESS, b. 15 March, 1809, d. 24 April, 1869, m. Susanna Larison (dau. of William and Elisabeth Sharp), b. 7 Jan., 1809 ; hadch.: 1. ELISABETH, b. 25 March, 1836, m. John Swazey (s. of Robert); 2. Mary C., b. 4 Sept. 1839, m. Nelson H. Drake (s. of Anthony); 3. CATHERINE, b. 30: Oct., 1841, m. Alfred E. DeCamp (s. of David 8.); 4. IsaBELLA, b. 14 Sept., 1845, m. C. Robert Skellinger (s. of Charles); 5. ANNA BELLA, twin to preceding, m. Joel H. Yauger ; 6. Manton A., b. 29 Oct., 1848, m. Carrie E. Cum- back (dau. of Jonah H.); 7%. CHARLES H., b. 19 Sept., 1851, d. Dec., 1893, m. Louisa K. Swackhamer (dau. of Philip W.); * WILLIAM, b. 19 Jan., 1834 (4), died young. II. CAROLINE, m. Stephen Budd. III. REBECCA, unmarried. MOORE. | GEORGE MOORE or Mohr), b. 1725, d. 2 Jan., 1815, at 90, m. Elisabeth, b. 1738, d. 17 Oct., 1810, at 77; res. at Spruce Run ; prob. had ch.: I. MARY, b. 1756, m. Philip Anthony, Jr. II. ANDREW, b. 15 May, 1764, d. 1 June, 1846, m. Rosina (Seney) Anthony, b. 9 June, 1769, d. 9 Noy., 1843 ; lived back of Glen Gardner, N. J. 450 Earty GerMANS OF New JERSEY Ill. GEORGE, b. 19 July, 1761, d. 16 Dec., 1843, at 82, m. first, Elisabeth Kreater ;Crater), b. 15 Feb., 1785 ; second, Elisabeth Chapman, b. 1772, d. 28 Aug., 1859; had ch.: 1. Mary Marcaret, b. 14 Jan.. 1786, m. Woods ; 2. ELISABETH, b. 25 Aug., 1787, m. John Thorp ; 3. Jouyn, b. 1 Oct., 1789, m. Mercy McKinstry ; 4. EstHER, b. 20 Nov., 1791, m. Jacob Aubel, of Fairmount ; 5. CATHERINE, b. 6 Dec., 1794, unmarried ; 6. Mavricsg, b. 15 July, 1797, m. Hannah Davis; by second wife : 7. SARAH, b. 1800, died young ; 8. JuLia Ann, b. 1806, died young ; 9. JANE, b. 1810, m. John Rhinehart ; 10. ELIsaBrTH ANN, b. 1814, m. Joseph Everts. THOMAS DE MOOR came from Normandy to England with William, the Con- queror in 1066. His name is enrolled on the ancient list taken at their embar- cation at St. Valery, and also on list of the survivors of the battle of Hastings, Oct. 14, 1066, in which he had a considerable command. JOHN MOOR (Rev.) ancestor of the Newtown, L. I., family was an Independent and first minister of the town. He had ch.: JoHN, GERSHOM, SAMUEL, JOSEPH and ELISABETH, who m. Content Titus. SAMUEL, s. of Rev. John, had sons prob., I. NATHANIEL, who rem. to Hopewell. N. J. II. JOHN, whose will, Hopewell, 10 Feb., 1768, names wife Love, brother Samuel and as witness a Joseph Moore; had ch.: NaTHANIEL, THE- OPHILUS, JOANNA, wife of John Temple ; JoHn, AMOS, SAMUEL, JOSEPH, ELISABETH, WILLIAM, SARAH, KEZIAH. III. JOSEPH, whose will, Hopewell, 5 Nov., prob. 26 Nov., 1757, names wife Helena, brother Benjamin and as witness a John Moore ; also names ch.: STEPHEN, JOSEPH, DANIEL, JOHN, JOB, JAMES, PHEBE, ELISABETH (not 18). ; IV. SAMUEL, whose will, Hopewell, 5 Oct., prob. 16 Oct., 1759, names BENJa- MIN, JONATHAN, my bro. Henry and sister Mary. V. HENRY and VI. BENJAMIN. The above may have been sons and not brothers of Nathaniel (the son of Sam- uel), who is said to have gone to New Jersey from Newtown. MISCELLANEOUS—JOHN, Salem Co., intestate, 1755. Stmpamn, Greenwich, Cumberland Co., intestate, 1755. SzaKmt, of Hopewell, 6 Dec., 1753, prob. had ch. Benjamin and John. MICHAEL L. MOOR is at Three Mile Run, Somerset Co. in 1708, prob. had ch.: I. MICHAEL, m. 6 May, 1719, Elisabeth Grauw, ‘‘both from Nassau,” Ger- many; who had ch.. 1. CHRISTAEN, bap. (Somerville) 18 May, 1721; 2. JOHANNES, bap. (Somerville) 3 March, 1723 ; II. JACOB, m. Anna Polonia and had, 1. ELISABETH, bap. (Somerville) 17 Dec., 1721; 2. Jacos, bap. (Somer- ville) 14 April, 1723 ; III. JOHANNES, m. Magdalena and had, 1. ELISABETH, bap. (Somerville) 1 Sept., 1723 ; 2. ELISABETH (again), bap. (Somerville) 5 May, 1724. ¥ NEIGHBOR. LEONHARD NEIGHBOR, b. 1698, May, d. 1766, Aug. 26, at 68 yrs., 3. mos., m. Maria Margareta, b. 1698, d. 1770, Nov. 17, at 73 yrs., 3 mos.; arrived at Phila- delphia 11 Sept., 1788, in ship “‘ Robert and Oliver,” with the Schenckle, Weiss, Tofort, Terryberry and other German Valley families ; his will dated 10 Jan., 1765, names wife Margaret and four children. He is entitled to be called the “Father of German Valley,” because not only every Neighbor, but every NEIGHBOR ASI Schenckle and Welsh, and nearly every Trimmer descended from him ; had children : I. LEONARD, b. 1741, May 2, d. 1806, April 11, at 65 yrs., 1 mo. and 9 days, m. Louisa Elisabeth - qd). (It. , b. 1744, d. 1807, Feb. 5 ; had ch.: NicHouas, b. 1762, May 10, m. first, 1785, Feb. 18, Elisabeth Catherine Sharp (dau. of Matthias ; second, Hannah Uhrich ; rem. to Ohio in 1815 ; had ch. : . Mary, b. 1790, June 4, m. John Welsh, (s. of Leonard). . ANNA, m. Jacob Miller. . CATHERINE, b. 1794, m —— Roberts. . NICHOLAS. . SELINDA, m. first, —— Seton ; second, Dr. Powelson. MATTHIAS SHARP, b. 1813, April 26, m. Margaret Miller. LEONARD, b. 1764, d. 1854, Dec., m. 1786, Jan. 15, Elisabeth Wise (dau. of Philip, IT.) ; had ch.: 1, CATHERINE, b. 1787, March 16, d. 1859, m. Zacharias Flomerfelt. 2. Ggores, b. 1789, Jan. 31, d. in German Valley 1874, m. Eliza Rarick (dau. of Conrad, II); had ch.: (1). SILVESTER, d. 1892, Jan., m. Zilpah Lance (dau. of John); (2). ELIza ANN, m. Elias Cregar (s. of Andrew); (3). CoNRaD, m. Mary Sharp (dau. of Abraham); (4). Mary, m. Geo. Trimmer (s. of Christopher); (5). Davip, m. Anna Hackett; (6). CATHERINE, m. Jacob Cregar (bro. of Silas): (7). AMANDA, m. Wyckoff Stevens ; (8). Sophia, m. Benjamin Cole ; (9). LEonarp, m. Adeline Flumervelt (dau. of Leonard); (10). GEoRGE, m. Elisabeth Sharp (dau. of Abraham). 8. SopHia, b. 1791, April 18, d. 1824, m. William Dellicker (s. of Fred). 4, ANNA, b. 1793, Jan. 11, died young. 5. WILLIAM, b, 1795, Jan. 21,d. at German Valley, m. Adaline Thorp; had ch.: (1). Mary, m. Jobn Swackhamer ; (2). JAcoB, m. Mary Ferrier ; (8). ELISABETH, m. John Crater (Ill.); (4). Loumsa, d. unm.; (5). ANN, m. John Crater (2d wife); (6). ADDIE, unm.; (7). LEMUEL, mo. Louisa Trimmer (dau. of Jacob M.). 6. Davip, b. 1797, Nov. 25. (1) Ann Hance (dau. of James; (2) Elisabeth Roelofson (dau. of Isaac and wid. of Wm. Trimmer) ; (8) Elisabeth Mellick (dau. of Balthasar and wid. of Chidester) ; had ch.: (1). LzonarD D., m. Elisabeth Neighbor (dau. of Law- rence); had seven ch.: Mary, unm.; Henry, m. Kate Van Nest (dau. of Theodore); Edson J., unm.; Grace, unm.; Anna and David B., d. young ; (2). Sizas, m. Ann Apgar (dau. of Fred.) ; had four ch.: Ella, m. Jesse Weise ; Stewart, m. Kate J. Hann ; Louisa, unm.; one died young; (3). CALVIN, m. Mary Baler, had five ch.: John, m. Mary Emery, three ch.; Annie, m. W. V. Garrison, three ch.; David, unm.; Louisa, m. E. M. Young, one child ; Grandin, m. Bella Scott ; (4). ELisaBeTH, m. John P. 8. Miller ; (6). Jas. LEoNaRD, m. Mary Warn ; had four children ; Edward; Lucy, m. Robert Kilgore; Lida m. Robert Oram ; Sophia, m. Evan Pettingill ; (6). Mancrus H., m. Sarah Steven- son (dau. of James); no ch.; (7). NicHoLas, m. first, Emeline re Oo we oo do 452 Earty Germans oF NEw JERSEY Terryberry; second, widow of John Burrell (dau. John Frone), three ch.; Miller, m. Lucy Anderson (dau. of Daniel C.); Hnos; Annie; (8). SoPHIA, d. at 2 years of age. 2 7. ELISABETH, b. 1800, March 2, d. 1886, m. George Dufford (s. of Jacob). 8. LEONHARD, b. 1802, Aug. 25, d. 1880, m. Susanna Welsh (son of Philip); had ch.: (1). ARTHUR; (2). CATHERINE, m. Mancius H. Hoffman ; (3). Lyp1a ANN. 9. JAcoB Wiss, b. 1805, Oct. 20, d. at Princeton, Il, at $4 years; m. first, Mary Aun Trimmer (dau. of Christopher); second, Caro- line Bodine ; had ch., by his first wife: (1). GILBERT, m. —— Smith (Calfon), ten ch., d. young ; by second wife, (2). JAMES, m. in Illinois, ten ch., d. young. 10. LAWRENCE, b. 1808, Aug. 2, d. 1840, m. Mary Trimmer (dau. of Matthias); had ch.: (1). ELISABETH, m, Leonard D. Neighbor ; (2). Mary, m. David Sharp (s. of David; (8). THEODORE, m. —— Sharp. 11. Mary Anne, b. 1811, Dec. 7, d. at Califon, aged 65, m. Michael Ferrier. (II). Davin, b. 1770, March 30, m. first, 1791, Aug. 7, Elisabeth Sharp, d. 1791, Nov.; second, 1798, Dec. 22, Elisabeth Trimmer, b. 1776, Dec. 11; rem. to Ohio ; had ch.: 1. ABsaLow, b. 1814, Jan. 19. (IV). Wiui1aM, m. 1801, Aug, 18, Catherine Swackhamer (dau. of John, I.); had ch.: 1. Frep. SwackHAMER, b. 1813, June 26. (V). Sopaia, b. 1772, June 22, d. 1864, June 10, m. first, Jacob Hager ; second, Lambert Boeman. (V1). ELIsaBETH, m. first, David Swackhamer ; second, George Starker ; went West with two boys and three girls. (VII). Joun, m. 1793, April 26. Anna Dufford, whose daughter, Elisabeth, is mentioned in will. She m. a Dilts (s. of Joseph). (VIII). Maria MarGaRetTta, b. 1766, d. a babe. II. ANNA MARGARET, m. Henry Shankle (see Shankle genealogy). Ill. ANNA MARTHA, m. Matthias Trimmer (see Trimmer genealogy). IV. MARY ELISABETH, m. Wm. Welsh (see Welsh genealogy). MiscELLANEOUS—WILLIAM NACHBAR (probably a brother of Leonhard); b. 1799, d. 16 Nov. 1871, at 72; left no other trace but this single reccrd. JAMES NAYBOR, a cooper, of Boston, m. Lettice, had five daus., the eldest of whom was born 1657 ; his will was prob. New York, 19 March, 1671, and he died at Hunting- ton, L. I. The representatives of this family out West include L. B. Ne1aHBor, of Dixon, [l.; Marraras 8., of New Philadelphia, O.; THEODORE D. NEIGHBOR, of New Comerstown, O. NEITSER. JOHN PETER NEITZER (or Neitzert) was the first of the name to come to America. He came from the county of Wied Runckel, of which Erbach and Dierderff were principal towns, in Wirtemberg ; arrived at Philadelphia, 8 Oct., 1744, in ship Aurora, together with Henry and Conrad Rorig (or Rarick) and Bernhart NEITSER 453 Neyzart ; he died 1763 without heirs in this country ; kept store in Gerthan Valley and had on his ledger the names of 228 customers nearly all Germans who came from Warren, Hunterdon and Morris counties to trade with one of their own race. His nephew John William Neitzert and a neice Elisabeth, came over to this country to receive, as the only heirs, the property he left be_ hind. These facts are learned from the following records at Trenton. Herman Kline, principal creditor of Peter Nitser, late of Roxbury, Morris Co., N. J., is made administrator of his estate 8 Oct., 1763. Trenton Liber H of Wills, fol. 291. In the same Liber, fol. 595, we find a baptismal certificate, duly authenti- cated, of John William Neitzert, nephew of John Peter, which we transcribe, just as it is, being an awkward translation from a German original. “The bearer John William Neitzert was begotten of christian honest parents named Herbert Neitzert and Eva, who formerly llved here and were members of our congregation, born in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty-two,July 15 and baptised the 22 instant, and when he attained to years of maturity was taught the fundamentals of our after-the-word-of-God-evangelical Reformed religion and admitted to the sacrament. Now as said Neitzert proposes to take a voyage to America, to fetch an heritage left behind by his father’s brother, named Peter Neitzert, merchant upon the Raritan, deceased, for himself and his only co-heiress Elisabeth, daughter of John Anthony Neitzert, deceased ; and as he is hereunto legally impowered and authorized by the said heiress’ own hand’s sub- scription, we have therefore granted him this present certificate to the end that he might find credit at the place where it may be necessary to be acknowledged for the legitimate heir of the said remains or heritage and do further commend him as well to the guidance of the Almighty by his Holy Spirit, as to the christian charity of those whose assistance he may stand in need of. Urbach, 8th May, 1765. DANIEL MILLER, Evang. Minister of that place. JACOB FREDERICK DILDIN=, Prator of the parish of Webach. Jacos SNEIDER, Procurator or Freeholder. ANNA ELISABETH NEITZERT. “That the preceding attestation was written and underwritten by a minister of the County Wied Runckel named Miller, and that the contents thereof may be fully credited, the same is hereby, at the legal request of John William Neitzert, magistratically attested and testified, to confirm the truth thereof. Dierderff in County Wied May 10, 1765. Chief Office of County Wied Runckel. Original translated by me WILLIAM SCHUILER. ' JOHANN WILHELM NUTZER (John William Neitser), b. 15 July, 1742, arrives in Philadelphia, 9 Sept., 1765, in ship Chance, from Rotterdam ; d. ——, m. Mar- garet Weise (dau. of John Philip); had no children ; kept store ina house built between Mr. F. D. Stephens’ residence and the hotel. ANNA ELISABETH NATSER, b. Mar., 1706, d. 5 Dec., 1793, was buried at Fox Hill and may have been the cousin referred to as a ‘‘co-heiress” of John William, JACOB NEITSER, ancestor of the Lebanon families of that name. b. 1743 ; came from the Rhine [perhaps from same place as the preceding John Peter and William], with his uncleand aunt Shaffer, to escape conscription, when from 14-18 years of age ; had a brother, Joseph, in the old country ; inherited his uncle’s property as the latter had no children ; was a pensioner of the Revolu- 454 Earty Germans or New JERSEY tionary war ; still alive in 1840 at 97 years of age; his uncle may have beer John Wilhelm Shaffer, who came over in the same vessel that John William: Neitser came in ; married Maria Case and had ch.: 1, AnNA Mary, b. 22 March, 1778, m. Will. C. Sharp (6. of John, of Hackettstown). 2. Marta, b. 5 Feb., 1780, m. Peter Latourette, of Hackettstown. 8. JOSEPH, b. 20 Oct., 1783, m. Elisabeth Shurts (dau. of ——); had ch.: Mary A., b. 26 April, 1805, m. Sam. Groendyke ; Margaret, b. 13 June, 1807, m. Elisha Stout ; Hliza, m. Ezekiel Cole (s. of Josiah); Lucy, m. Elijah Low ; Catherine, m. Henry Radley (s. of John); Emily, m. Conrad Gulick (s. of John); Lena, m. Wm. Baker. 4, ELISABETH, b. 20 Nov., 1785, m. Jesse Thatcher, of Three Bridges, N. J. 5. CATHERINE, b. 13 Oct:, 1788, m. William Kreegar. NICHOLAS. JONATHAN NICHOLAS was one of two brothers who came from Wales to Elisabethtown ; seven years and six months in the Revolutionary army ; on the record ‘‘Lieut.” but always called ‘‘Capt.”; prob. brevetted ; b. April 1, 1757, d. Sept. 22, 1839, at 82, m. May 16, 1779, Elisabeth Lawler, b. Nov. 15, 1759, d. April 8, 1833 ; had ch.: I. HANNAH, b. Jan. 10, 1781, m. Gershom Bigle, Dec. 29, 1808. Il. NANCY, b. Oct. 28, 1782, m. Judge Rob. Thompson, of Sussex. III. JOHN BUDD, b. July 3, 1784, d. Aug. 7, 1851, m. first, Sarah Stark (dau. of Col. Amos), July 27, 1804; second, Mary B. Axtell, b. Jan. 11, 1790. IV. RHECE, b. Jan. 18, 1786, d. Nov. 3, 1858, res. at Flanders, N. J , m. Elisa- beth Ayers (dau. of John), Dec. 17, 1809; she was b. Nov. 8, 1759, and d. April 8, 1833 ; had ch.: (D. PuHese Dovueuas, b. Oct. 8, 1810, d. 1813. (ID. Junia ANN, b. Nov. 30, 1812, d. Jan. 18, 1863, unmarried. (I). Davip AYERS, b. Feb. 3, 1816, m. Sarah Elisabeth Lyman (dau. of Thaddeus, of Newark); she d. Aug. 4, 1887; Harry Randolph Hull Nicholas is the adopted son of David A. Nicholas ; his father was James O. Hall (s. of Samuel P., of Morristown), who was forced into Confederate service, and lost his life while in that service in the late war and he has taken the name of Nicholas, (IV). WILL. PaTrERson, b. Aug. 10, 1820, m. Hannah Flack. (V). Sam. ALFRED, b. July 27, 1823, d. in N. Y., unm., Apr. 30, 1850. (VI). Mary ELISABETH, b. Jan. 29, 1826, d. 1829. (VII). Exras, b. Sept. 24, 1828, died young. (VIII). Paes ELISABETH, b. Sept. 24, 1828, died young. V. JONATHAN, b. Dec. 9, 1787, m. Rachel Blackburn (dau. of the Governor), July 17, 1811. VI. DAVID, b. Dec. 27, 1789, died young. VII. ELISABETH, b. Feb. 16, 1792, d. unm. Jan. 16, 1865. VIII. LEWIS, b. Feb 15, 1794, d. Jan. 7, 1841, m. Sallie Y. Briant, July 16, 1814.. IX. JOSIAH, b. Feb. 2, 1796, d. Oct. 11, 1844, m. Rachel J. Miller, Nov. 18, 1819. X. ELIAS, b. May 27. 1798, m. Sarah S. Woodhull, April 23, 1823. XI. WILLIAM L., b. March 29, 1800, d. Jan. 12, 1863, m. Phebe A. Condict, Oct. 15, 1829. NicHots—Nunn—Ocpen 455 XII JERUSHA, b. Aug. 9, 1802, m. Elias Hathaway, Dec. 19, 1822. There was a DAVID, “my bro’s son,” b. Jan. 9, 1795, d. the same year. NUNN. ‘THOMAS NUNN, d. about 1773; will dated 1771, Oct. 30, and prob. 1773, Dec. 2; m. Elisabeth ; came from England about 1750 ; owned land at Schooley’s Mountain, which, at his death, was, by arbitration, divided between his two sons, Thomas and Benjamin ; had ch. (order uncertain) : I. THOMAS, went to Canada. II. BENJAMIN, d. about 1817, m. Ann Carpenter ; will prob. 1817, June 17; entailed his property, leaving his wife a life interest ; had ch.. (l). ELisaBETH, m. —— Thomas. (I). BETHSHEBA, m. Jacob Sharp (s. of John Peter I). (TI). ANN, m. Wolf. (IV). Saran, m. William McCray. (V). Isaac. (VI). Joun, b. 1764, d. 1829, m. Catherine Slyker, d. 1846 ; had ch.: 1. Jacos, b. about 1793, m. Mary Miller (dau. of Andrew); b. 1794, d. 1858, April 2; had ch.: (J). ANDREW M., b. 1819, Jan. 18, m. Nancy Wyckoff (dau. of Jacob); had ch.: (a). Miller R.; (b). David P. S.; (). Simon W.; (d). Mary, d. young ; (e). Andrew M.; (f). Lizzie. (2). CATHERINE, m. Henry C. Davis; (8). Evisan W.; (4). GeorGs T.; (5). Jacoz §., d. young. 2. Isaac, m. Catherine Ellick (7); had ch. (1). ANDREW (Washington, N. J). 3. WiLt1aM, b. 1812, June 24 ; m. Margaret Steltz (dau. of William) : had ch.: (1). FRANCES, m. Samuel T. Smith; (2). JOHN, m. Merilda Fleming; (3). SamuEzL, m. Martha Philhower; (4). JamzEs, m. Mary Huston ; (5). ALFRED, m. Priscilla Mettler ; (6). THEODORE, m. Hannah Apgar. 4, ALFRED, m. Mary Waters. 5. JoHN, m. —— Force. 6. Bersry, m. first, ——; second, —, (Pennsylvania). % SaRaug. 8. Mary. 9. MARGARET, m. John Hoppler (s. of John). 10. Emaxrne; m. Isaac Hoppler (s. of John). 11. ANN. : Ill. JOSHUA (“ eldest”). IV. BERSHEBA. Vv. ANN. VI. ELISABETH. VII. SOLOMON. VIII. EPHRAIM, mentioned in Nitzer Ledger 1763, Sept. 3. Thomas’ will mentions also a grandchild, Catrin Nunn. OGDEN. JOHN OGDEN, d. 1682, m. Judith Budd ; res. at: Rye, N. Y. He was supposed to bea son of Richard Ogden, named with his wife as a witness 7 July, 1666. Nov. 456 Earty Germans or New JERSEY 22, 1667, Richard Boolock has land given by John Budd to John Ogden; 1674 was deputy to Hartford Court; 1682 named as of Rye and bears letters te Gov’r of N. Y. Letters admin. to his widow Judith who was a dau. of John Budd and afterwards m. Francis Brown ; John had ch.: I. RICHARD, named 1696 as son of Francis: Brown; 1722 sells land at Rye. II. DAVID, whose will, dated Roxbury, 1765, July 1, prob. 1767, June 12. (Trenton, Lib. I (9) fol. 156), names granddaughter Nancie Ogden and son David ; witnesses Constant and George King and Josiah Crane; execu- tors, his son Amos and “his kinsman” Dan’l Budd. In 1696, June 2, he bought land of Indians in company with Joseph, Richard and John Ogden and two others. Sells, 1740, Oct. 7, part of his land to his son David, gives the rest to him the next day, 1740, Oct. 8. Name occurs almost continuously from 1740 to 1766 on the Morristown records and not. after later date. He had children, some not of age in 1765: (). GILBaRt. (II). GABRIEL. (III). Davin, ‘‘Senior,” b. 1718, d. 1777, April 16, m. 1738, Ann Burwell, b. 1718; had ch.: 1. JOHN, b. 1740, m. Phebe Howard (dau. of Dan.), d. June 2, 1817 ; lived at Malapardis ; had ch.: (1). Daniel, b. Sept. 12, 1763, d. Feb. 18, 1835, m. Phebe Lindsley (dau. of Moses), b. 1766, d. 1835 ; (2). Anna, b. Feb. 14, 1765, m. Bethuel Pierson ; (8). Rachel, b. Jan. 4, 1767, m. Zenas Lindsley (s. of Moses); (4). Abra- ham, b. 1767, drowned Sept. 27, 1770 ; (5). Abraham, b. Nov. 24, 1771, d. Aug, 10, 1825, m. Abigail Weed, b. Sept. 30, 1788, d. 1850 ; (6). Isaac, b. Dec. 16, 1773, d. Dec. 25, 1850, m. Betsey Raymond ; (1). Eunice, b Oct. 12, 1775, d. 1854, m. Recompense Stansbury ; (8). Jacob, b. May 25, 1780, unm.; (9). Eliza, b. May 22, 1782, m. Will. Campfield ; (10). William, b. April 26, 1782, d. April, 1850, m. 1820 Ann Gregory ; 2. Davip, b. 1742, d. 1784, m. 1764, Mary Wilkinson ; had ch.: (1). Esther, b. Feb. 4, 1766, d. Aug. 19, 1843, m. 1793 Abram Bell ; (2). Sarah, b. April 23, 1768, d. 1841, m. Feb. 4, 1789, David Coit ; (3). Huldah Tapping, b. Aug. 22, 1771, d. 1845, m. Jos. Burnett ; (4) David, b. Nov. 4, 1778; (5). John, b. Oct. 30, 1781, d. 1872, m. Maria West ; (6). Phebe, b. Feb. 7, 1787, unm.; (7). George, b. Jan. 18, 1789, d. 1862; had John W.; 3. Mary, b. 1743, d. Aug. 21, 1814, m. Jan. 14, 1759, Alex. Carmichal ; 4, ABIGAIL, b. 1745, m. (1) Thomas Stiles ; (2) Enoch Goble ; 5. STEPHEN, b. 1750, d. Jan. 21, 1808, m. Charity d. Dec. 10, 1805; 6. Sarag, b. 1752, m. Jacob Tappan ; 7. Eunics, b. 1755, m. Ephraim Post. (IV). Joun, b. 1718, d. Jan. 6, 1764. (V). JosepH (“Doctor”), b. 1780, d. Dec. 26, 1815, at 85, at Hope, Warren Co., N. J.. m. (1) ——; (2) a Garrabrant ; (8) Hester Sweasy ; (4) Mary Thompson; widow —— Stephen, m. Aug. 81, 1757 ; (5) Grace Miller ; his will dated Sept. 15, prob. Nov. 21, 1768 ; had thirteen children: 1. GaBrren (only child by first wife), said to have m. Mary Shottwell, b. 1721, d. 1806, Jan. 17 at 85, but will names wife Elisabeth ; left will dated 1818, July 9, “ Hardwick,” prob. at ‘ Newton, 1816, Feb. 29, which divided his property among twelve children: (1). Benjamin, who had, Amos, Joseph, J: r., Mary Howell and Sarah ; (2). John ; (8). Joseph ; (4). Daniel ; (5). Sarah OGDEN 457 Lanterman; (6). Lydia Drake; (%). Susanna Drake ; (8). Mary Wintermute ; (9). Margaret Bartow; (10). Hlisabeth Reid; (11). Rhoda Dildine ; (12). Rachel Dilts (wife of Samuel), b. 1782, May 22, By second wife: 2. GARRABRANT ; had ch.: (1). Joseph; (2) Masterson ; 3. JOSEPH ; by third wife: 4. JEssE (perhaps same as Justus Swa:zy Ogden); by fourth wife: 5. STEPHEN, who had children : (1). Sallie ; (2). Amos; (8). Stephen; (4). Nancy, b. 1794, Jan. 22, m. John Wesley Ogden (s. of Benj.), cousins ; (5). Phebe ; (6). Phineas ; (%). Betsey, b. 1783, July 10, m. Aug. 2, 1801, Samuel; (8). Polly ; 6. ELisaBEeTH, m. Christopher Smith ; 7. Amos, b. Oct. 17, 1755, d. July 2, 1818, at Baltimore ; ®», Mary.m Will. Bend; 9. ReEvBEN ; 10. Amy, m. Daniel Woodruff ; 11. CATHERINE ; 12. Rev. BENJAMIN, b. April 16, 1764, d. Nov. 16, 1834, m. in Kentucky April 27, 1788, Nancy Prickett, b. March 18, 1767; had children : (1). Betsy, b. April 18, 1789, m. Dec. 24, 1809, in Kentucky, John Fulkerson ; (2). John Wesley, b. Dec. 24, 1793; m. (1) Nov. 2, 1815, Elisabeth Chenault in Kentucky ; (2) Aug. 25, 1817, Nancy Ogden, a cousin in Kentucky ; (8). Stephen Fletcher, b. Nov. 3, 1797, m. April 21, 1822, Sallie Ann Davies, a cousin ; (4). Nancy Prickett, b. Jan. 20, 1801, m. Oct. 22, 1815, Asbury Harpending, only son of Asbury, b. Oct. 10, 1794, in Vermont ; (5). Benjamin, enlisted in the army at 12 years of age, was reclaimed by his guardian ; four years later enlisted again and served through the war ; Methodist preacher ; 13. PETER, (by fifth wife), b. 1765-8. (VI). Amos, 1759 Capt. in Col. Schuyler’s Regiment ; 1756 among captured at Oswego ; 1768 with Sir Will. Johnstone in his conference with Indians at Nantecoke ; 1769, Jan., with John Stewart and John Jennings obtains lease from Proprietors in Penn. of a tract of land in Wyoming Valley ; took possession and built a block house at the junction of Mill Creek and the Susquehanna ; settlers from New England came in and claimed the land and so began what is known as the Wyoming war. In this war, 1771, Jan. 20, Lieut. Nathan, brother of Capt. Amos, was killed ; David, another brother, was also conspicuous in this war. In a deed, 1769, Sept. 6, of Sheriff Michayah How, of Hunterdon Co., to Baltus Pickel, for land at New Germantown, the mill of Amos Ogden is referred to. In records at Moravian Indian Mission at Wyalusing under date 1768, Nov. 11, occurs this record, ‘Capt. Ogden set out for Wyoming where he and his brother carry on Indian trading.” It was said of Mr. Ogden “ Uniting to the truest courage and untiring activity an intuitive perception of all the arts and strategems of war, he was an indefatigable leader.” On Nov. 14, 1769, Caleb Swayze was appointed guardian of Justus Swayze Ogden, son of Joseph of Mor- ris Co.; probably Caleb Swayze was of Morris Co. and not Joseph Ogden. (Trenton Lib. K, 223). (VII). NATHAN. (VIII). ELISABETH. ‘(X). Nancrz, m. a Salmon. (X). Mary. (XI). ABIGAIL. 458 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY ORT. CHRISTIAN ORT, m. Catherine ——; name appears on John Peter Nitzer’s ledger in 1762 ; Catherine’s will prob. 1812, Sept. 9 ; had ch. (order uncertain) : I. LOUISA ELISABETH, b. 1771, July 15. Il. A. MARGARET, b. 1773, May 20, m. Peter Crips. III. CATHERINE, b. 1775, Sept. 20. IV. MARY, m. William Trimmer. V. ANNA, m. Adam Miller. VI. EVA., m. Daniel Cleson. VIL. JACOB, b. 1762, d. 1840, May, m. Mary Hoffman (dau. of John), b. 1776, May 2; owned lot at Little Brook ; had ch.: (). ANNE. (II). Jonny, b. 1795, Feb. 18, d. 1874, Dec. 25, m. Mary Schuyler ; had ch.: 1. William, died yonng ; 2. Philip, m. Ann Nars; 3. Jacob, O., m. Elisabeth C. Swayze (dau. of Benjamin); 4. Peter, m. Catherine Apgar (d. of Adam); 5. Joseph, m. Phebe Voorhees (dau. of Cornelius); 6. Casper, m. Julia Apgar (dau. of Adam); %. Fred, m. Catherine Lance (dau. of Fred). VIII. LEONARD (perhaps), who lived at Pleasant Valley; had ch.: (I). CHRISTIAN. (Il). JoszrH, m. (1) —— Beam; (2) Nancy Hendershot; had ch.: 1. Jesse, and others, perhaps. (III). Lavina, m. Jas. Karr. (IV). Sarag, m. Jos. Miller. (V). Anna, m. William Smith. (VI). BetsEy, m. William Miller. (VIJ). Jacos, m. Mary Harvey (dau. of Samuel); rented Dufford farm, next Flock’s schoolhouse, 26 years ; had ch.: (order uncertain); 1. John, m. Mary Smith (dau. of Philip); 2. Leonard, b. 1824, d. 1858, m. Mary F.; 3. Alfred, d. young ; 4. Phebe, m. Jesse Ort (dau. of Joseph); 5. Ellen, m: Wallace Foster ; 6. Jacob, m. Samantha Bess (dau. of Jacob); 7. William, m. Elisabeth Hoppler (dau. of John); 8. Andrew, d. young. { OVERTON. ISAAC OVERTON, of Southold, d. 1688; his mother was a sister of John Elton, a previous settler of Southold ; 1686, had four males and two females in his family. Isaac may have been the Colonel Overton referred to in a letter of Andrew Marvel to John Milton, dated 2 June, 1654, as ‘‘one of those steady Republicans whom Cromwell, unable to conciliate, was under the necessity of securing.” After a previous imprisonment in the tower, he was confined during the Protector’s life in the Island of Jersey, and obtained his liberty from Parliament a short time only before the restoration of Charles II. He then stood out against the restoration at Hull, 1660, but could do nothing. He was arrested in Dec., 1660, but not being a regicide, was not tried. Several places in England bear the name Overton, a common one in olden times. Isaac had children or grandchildren, perhaps: I. ISAAC, b. 1683, d. 4 Nov., 1723, m. Abigail, and had ch.: 1. NaTHANIEL, m. 1732, Alethea Way ; 2. JOHN, m. 1734, OvERTON—PACcE 459 Jemima Hulse; 3. James, m. 1745, Mary Goldsmith ; II. JOHN, d. 28 Dec., 1706 ; III. THOMAS, d. 24 Oct., 1706. ISAAC (prob. a descendant of Isaac, 1st), res. at Coram, situated in the middle of Long Island ; m. a Swayzey, who had a brother, Moses, a minister in upper New York ; had ch.: I. ISAAC m. Ruth Rose (dau. of William) ; II. STEPHEN (Rev.), b. 25 June, 1772, d. 23 Sept., 1830 ; ordained and installed 16 June, 1801, over the Congregational Church of Chester, of which he was pastor until his death ; m. Phebe Rose (dau. of Nathan, and cousin to Ruth), b. 7 Dec., 1770, d. 21 Dec., 1844; had ch.: 1. Isaac, m. Susan Lefevre, res. at Succasunna ; 2. SaRAuH, m. Elijah Horton (s. of Elijah); 3. NatHan, m. Jane Outcalt, of New Brunswick; 4. SAMUEL, m. Margaret Outcalt (sister to Jane); 5. DANIEL Younes, m. Hetty Lee (dau. of John), res. at New Vernon, Morris Co., N. J.; 6. ELISABETH, b. 14 Jan., 1807, d. ——, m. Caleb Faircloe (s. of Isaiah and Mehetable Swayzey). ‘‘ They lived together 62 years.” PACE. MICHAEL, settled at Philhower Cross Roads, and rem. from there to Wyoming, Pa., m. first, ——; second, Anna Margaret Welsh (dau. of John William, 1st) ; had ch.: I. MARGARET (by first wife), m. a Lerch. ' II. ELISABETH, m. Conrad Rarick (s. of Conrad, Ist). III, ANNA, b. 3 Nov., 1768. IV. DAVID, b. 4 Sept., 1771. V. THOMAS, b. 25 Jan., 1774. VI. SUSAN, b. 25 Jan., 1776, m. William Rarick (s. of Conrad, Ist). VII. WILHELM, b. 19 Feb., 1781. VIII. JACOB. IX. JOHN, m. Elisabeth Ailes ; remained in this vicinity, when the rest of the family rem. to Pa.; brought up with his sister Elisabeth by Judge David Welsh ; had ch. (). MicHakEL, rem. to New York State. GI). Davin, rem. to Canada. (IIT). Marearet, b. 16 Oct., 1798, m. Lewis (?) Haines. , (IV). Joun, m. Mary Lance (dau. of George), b. 1820, April 7; had ch.: 1. Mary Jane, b. 1843, m. Nathan Sharp ; 2. Susie, b. 1845, m. Eldridge G. Hardy ; 3. George, b. 1848, m. Elisabeth Dilley ; 4. Elisabeth, b. . 1854, m. Robert Carlisle. (V). Susan, b. 1802, Aug. 1, m. Matthias Welsh (s. of Morris). (VI). Maritpa, m. George W. Bridgen, of Hornersville, N. Y. (VII). EvisaBETH, m. Geo. Wood, of Hornersville, N. Y. (VIII). Mary, b. 1800, June 19, m. James Garland, of Newark. (IX). Louisa, m. William Hope, of Clinton, N. J. DANIEL PACE, perhaps a brother of Michael, m. Maria Barbara ; had one child: I, JOHN FREDERICK, b. 1770, July 22, m. Catherine Beam (dau. of Bertram and widow of Benj. Blane), b. 1770; had ch. (order uncertain): (). MicuzL, m. Mary Howell (dau. of Isaac); had ch.: 1. Fred., b. 1815 Nov. 22, died young ; 2. Isaac, b. 1817, Sept. 23, died young ; 3. William, b. 1820, Jan., m. Mary Louisa Heldebrant ; 4. John, b. 1823, July 27, m. (1) Mary Weise ; (2) Margaret Weise ; (3) Sarah ' 460 EarLy GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY Perry ; 5. Daniel, b. 1829, July 25, unm.; 6. Sarah Ann, b. 1833, July 9, m. Jeremiah Apgar ; 7. George, b. 1837, May 26, m. Mary Ann Sutton. (II). DaniEL, m. Rachel Howell (dau. of Isaac). (III). BarBara, b. 1800, Dec. 26, m. Isaac Howell (s. of Isaac). (IV). BzersEy, m. Nathan Howell (s. of Isaac). (V). Lany, m. first, Jas. Warner ; second, Chas. Kubbord. (VI). CATHERINE, m. George Lutes. There was a WILHELM Pace in this vicinity who had wife, Magdalena, and a daughter Catharina, b. 7 Feb., 1774. There was here a JAMES Pace, who had wife Margaret and a daughter Christina, b. 1770. These may have been brothers of Michael and Daniel. PARKER. JONATHAN PARKER, a shoemaker, came from Boston to Newark. His wife once walked from Newark to Schooley’s Mountain ; had ch.: I. DANIEL, b. 1785, July 6, d. 1852, March 1, m. 1806, Maria Ball (dau. of Uzal), b. 1788, May 21. Uzan Bau was b. 1748, March 20, and d. 1799, April 9, and Abigail Burnet, his wife, was b. 1749, Aug. 20, and d. 1829, Feb, 16. They came from England to Orange, N. Y., after they were married. Daniel had ch.: (I). CAROLINE, b. 1807, Dec. 13, m. Jos. Hum- phreyville ; res. at Morristown ; (II). Uzau Batt, b. 1809, Oct. 11, unm.; (ITI). Mary Ann, b. i811, Oct. 6, m. 1831, Oct. 29, Aaron Osborn, of Middleville, N. J.; (IV). ABraarL, b. 1814, Feb. 9, m. 1834, Jan. 25, Vin- cent G. Lawrence, of Dover; (V). Harriet, b. 1817, April 6. m. 1835, Oct. 31, Jesse Hoffman (s. of Henry H.); (VI). Davin, b. 1819, Aug. 19, d. young ; (VII). Louisa, b. 1821, Sept. 21, d. young; (VIIJ). Davip HaGe|r, b. 1823, July 9, m. Elisabeth Lanon, of Chester ; (IX). ALMIRA, b. 1825, Oct. 24, unm.; (X). JosepH HUMPHREYVILLE, b. 1828, Jan. 20, m. Mary Bird (dau. of Jacob); has ch.: 1. John Albert, unm.; 2. Mary Elisabeth, unm. (XI). ALBERT MoRTIMER, b. 1830, July 7, m Effie Coleman (dau. of Benjamin), rem. to Sheffield, Il. PEW. WILLIAM PEW was one of the earliest settlers in this vicinity ; his is the first purchase of land here by an actual settler ; he buys, 1733, of Thomas Schooley, 126 acres between Pleasant Grove and Stephensburg ; his will dated, Roxbury 7 Sept., prob. 24 Sept., 1773, names ch.: 1. SamuEL; 2. THomas; 3. Mary; 4. Hanna ; 5. ABIGAIL; grandson, William Pew ; witnesses, Ludlum Salmon, Caspar and Abigail Ike [Eick]. PHILHOWER. GEORGE PHILLIP Wuhlhauer (pronounced Vulhower), arrives at Philadelphia. 16 Sept., 1748, in the same vessel with old Dominie Wack’s father, viz., in ship Paliena ; he is probably the father of PHILIP and GEorG#, the latter of whom went to Virginia and left only two daughters. PHILIP, son of George Philip, the first of the name in N. J.,m. Mary and had ch.: I. ELISABETH, b. 15 July, 1753, d. 22 Sept., 1848, m. Frederick Apgar (s. PHILHOWER 461 ‘of John Adam, 1st); lived in Alexandria twp., and, when she died, left 11 children, 91 grandchildren, 253 great-grandchildren, and 28 great- great-grandchildren. II. CHRISTOPHER, written sometimes Christian, as in ‘the marriage record, which reads Christian and Elisabeth Fox, m. 22 March, 1792 ; Was a pen- sioner of the Revolutionary war ; lived near Mountainsville, Tewkesbury twp., Hunterdon Co., N. J.; had ch.: 1, CHRISTOPHER, unmarried ; 2. GEORGE W., unmarried ; 3. CaTHERINE, m. Asher Morgan ; 4. CHARITY, m. Adam Philhower (a cousin and s. of William); 5. Mary, m. Adam Apgar (s. of Jacob and Charity Pickel); 6. ELISABETH, m. a Young ; % SALuLig. TH. JOHN, lived on farm next to that of his father, near Mountainsville, Hunterdon Co., N. J., m. first, Rachel Sutton (dau. of John); second, Polly Lyon (the widow Voorhees), who afterward m. for third husband P. D. Lawrence ; had 18 children: 1. Jacos, lived eight miles below Clinton, m. Elisabeth Apgar (dau. of Peter A.); 2. PHinip, m. 19 April, 1817, Barbara Teats (dau. of Jacob and Elisabeth Bird); had ch.: (1). Andrew, m. Hannah Moore ; (2). Elisabeth, m. Daniel Sauers (s. of Peter); (8). Jesse, b. 14 Aug., 1828, m. first, Elisabeth Trimmer (dau. of David); second, Sarah Hoffman (dau. of Samuel); (4). Rachel, m. Casper Apgar (s. of Casper); (5). Philip, m. Mary Dunham ; (6). Jacob.m. Emily Hoft- man (dau. of Peter F.); (7). Elias, m. first, Mary Pace (dau. of Daniel); second, Hannah Moore (dau. of Morris); third, Amanda Crater (dau. of David); (8). Margaret, m. Anthony Herzog ; (9). David, m. Mary Hoff- man (dau. of John); 3. PeTarR J., lived near Califon, Hunterdon Co., N. J.,m. Elisabeth Apgar (dau. of Nicholas); 4. Mary, m. Adam Tiger (s. of Abraham); 5. ELisaBETH, m. Andrew Schuyler (s. of John); 6. JoHN, lived at Peapack, Somerset Co., N. J.,.m. Barbara Apgar (dau. of Peter A.); hadch.: (1). Elias, m, Susan Melick (dau. of James); (2). Harmon, m. Eliza Wortman, of Peapack; (3). Sophia, m. (1) Jacob Tiger ; (2) Joseph Hoffman ; (4). Rachel, m. William T. Melick ; (5). Susan, m. (1) John Prall; (2) Charles Bodine ; 7. Susan, m. Harmon Hoffman 6. of Henry); 8. WILLIAM, m. Elisabeth Felver (dau. of George); 9. RICHARD, m. (1) Maria Rowe (dau. of Jacob); (2) Ellen Bird (dau. of Thomas and widow of Samuel Melick); (3) Elisabeth Beavers (dau. of Ralph and widow of John Tiger and afterwards of Arch. F, Starker); had ch.: (1). Mary £., m. Alpheus Iliff ; (2). Jacob R., m. Sarah B. Stout ; (38). Ann, m. Ben. S. Woolverton ; (4). Margaret, m. David Hoffman ; (5). John, died young ; (6). Sallie, m. Rob. L. Lockhart ; by his second wife: (7). William, m. Sarah E. McCrae; (8). Sophia, m. Isaac Robeson ; (9). Elmira, m. Fred. H. Eick ; (10). Hllen, m. Peter Alpaugh ; (11). Rebecca, m. William Alpaugh ; (12). Richard, m. Catherine Apgar ; (13). Rachel, m. John Cole ; several who died young; 10. AaRon, m. (1) Jane Force (or Merrils) ; (2) Susan Bush ; by second wife: 11. FREDERICK, m.a Frohn (dau. of Conrad) and went West ; 12. Isaac, m Rebecca Melick (dau. of James); 13. CLARISSA, m. Robert Cox. IV. ANNA, b. 7 Nov., 1770, m. William Fleming. V. PETER, b. 1772, d. 1 April, 1858, m, Elisabeth Hotrum, b. 1779, d. 16 July, 1855, at 76; had ch.: 1. GzoRGE, m. Sophia A, Felmley (dau. of David) ; 2. Davip, occupies the homestead, m. Harriet Apgar (s. of Thomas son 462 Earty Germans oF New JErsEY of Peter); 3. ELIJAH, died young ; 4. Mary, m. Fred. P. Hoffman (s. of Peter); 5. CATHERINE, m. John Hoffman 6. of Fritz); 6. Anna, b. 1803, d. 30 June, 1869, m. Peter F. Hoffman (. of Fritz), b. 1792, d. 26 July, 1876, at 84; 7. CHarity, m. Henry M. Hoffman ; 8. ELISABETH, m. Con- rad Lindabury ; 9. MaHaLa, m. (1) Jacob S. Apgar (6s. of John); (2). Johm Emmons ; and others, who died young. VI. JACOB, m. a Cramer or a Hart and went to Ohio in 1817; had ch.: 1. Mary, m. Philip Hoffman ; 2. Paitip ; 3. TREENIZ, m. Peter Schuyler ;. 4, ELISABETH ; 5. MARGARET ; 6. WILLIAM ; 7. PETER. VII. CHARITY, b. 25 June, 1776, d. 21 Aug., 1849, m. Peter M. Hoffman, b. 15: Feb., 1774, d. 5 July, 1859, at 85. VILL WILLIAM, m. Catharine Apgar (dau. of Adam); had ch.: 1. ADAM, m. Charity Philhower (dau. of Christopher); 2. Perer, m. Cath. Trellsie ; 3. ANN, m. Sam. Heldebrant ; 4. PHILIP, m. (1) a Merrill ; (2) Mary Everitt ; 5. Epwarp ; 6, WILLIAM, m. @ Hendershot; 7. Mary, m. Fred. Ser- geant ; 8. BarBara, m. a Sickel ; 9. ELISABETH, m. Fred. Apgar (?);. 10, CHARITY ; 11. Mary; 12. ANN, m. William Fleming (?); 18. CaTH- ERINE, died young. IX. CATHERINE ANN, m. a Sypes in Penn. X. POLLY, m. Peter Sutton (s. of John). MIscELLANEOUS— Caspar Willauer arrives at Philadelphia in 1732, John Fil- hauer is a defendant against John Biglow (Morristown records), 29 March, 1749. PICKLE. Three brothers of the name of PICKLE are said to have come from Hamburg to Staten Island, then to Black Mills, near New Brunswick ; from thence they came to Hunterdon Co. The names of these brothers were said to be Baltis, Conrad and Frederick. But this is a mistake, as these are names of a later generation. If there were three brothers, their names were BALTHAZAR, FRANTZ WIL- HELM (of whom all that is known is that he signed the call to Rev. John Albert Weygand in 1749), and JOHN NICHOLAS, who was settled on Society Lands in 1735. Moreover, in the records of the marriage of Balthazar (Luth. Ch. of N. Y.), he is said to have come from the graffschaft (or county) of Hartenberg, Germany, and his wife from the same place. BALTHALZAR PICKLE [or BIcKLE], b. 1686, d. 5 Dec. 1765, at 79, m. Anna Gertrude Reiterin, 16 Aug., 1718; signed call to Weygand 1749 ; bought land in Round Valley before 1729 ; gave the name Pickle’s to Cushetunk Mountain ; afterwards bought property nearer Whitehouse. He was the most wealthy and influential man among the early German Lutherans in this part of New Jersey. He built, nearly altogether at his own cost, the Central Church at New Ger- mantown ; furnished the seats for the earlier church at Rockaway (now Potterstown, near Lebanon) in 1733 ; left at his death a legacy of £1,000 to support the preaching of the gospel; he was most prominent in every part of the early history of Lutheranism here, and seems always to have acted the part of a large-minded and honorable man. Indeed, it seems more than probable that without him the whole effort to maintain service under such exceedingly adverse circumstances, would have failed entirely. He mentions only two children in his will, viz.: Baltus and Henry ; had ch.: I, MARIA CATHRINE, b. 15 July, 1719. bap. 2 Aug., 1719. She is prob- PickLE 463 vably ‘the dau, who is said to have died before 1748 ; perhaps it is her tombstone which is marked “C. P., 1744,” in the New Germantown churchyard. . IL BALTHAZAR [Balthasar or Baltus], b. 8 Sept. [8 Dec. 2], 1720, d. 25 Nov., 1786, m. Sophia, b. 1726, d. 17 May, 1764, at 38 ; had ch., perhaps : (). Barus, m. Mary and had: Catharina, b. 15 Nov., 1789. (I). NickoLas, m. Anna and had: Peter Regintine and Sarah, both b. 12 April, 1781. (IID). FrepERIck, d. 1820, res. at Fairmount; on Tewkesbury Township Book 1755 ; m. Elisabeth ; his will prob. 18 April, 1820, names ch.: 1. Mary Ross: 2. Marearer, b. 1758, m. David Trimmer (s. of Matthias, Ist); 3. CaTHERINE, m. Fred Allick ; 4. BALTIS, b. 1766, d. March, 1786 ; 5. ELISABETH, m. Abraham Stine ; 6. Hannag, m. Manus Hildebrant ; 7. CHaRITY, b. 1774, d. 13 Aug., 1862, m. 19 Jan., 1794, Jacob Auble ; 8. GEORGE, b. 14 Jan., 1784, d. 18 Oct., 1864, m, first, Sarah Howell (dau. of Isaac), b. 7 May, 1787, d. 1852; second, Mary ——,, b. 16 Dec., 1793, and had ch.: (1). Marietta, m. John Rowe ; (2). Frederick, m. Mary Hildebrant (dau. of Matthias) ; (8). Isaac, m. Margaret Gulicks (dau. of John); (4). Ruth, m, John Davis; (5). Matthias, m. Maria Smith (has a son, Rev. Henry Eugene Pickle, of Kansas); (6). Alfred, m. first, Sarah Crater ; second, the widow of Peter Sutton ; (7). Samuel, m. first, Deborah Bartles (s. of Henry); second, Elisabeth Walters (dau. of Silas); (8). George, m. Jane Beavers ; (9). Henry, m. Mary Evert. (IV). ABRAHAM (perhaps s. of Baltus), d. 8 Feb., 1823; res. in Lebanon twp., Hunterdon Co., m. 3 Feb., 1782, Peggy Farley (dau. of Mein- durt), b. 28 Feb., 1760, d. 28 March, 1818, buried at Coxesburg ; had two ch.: MINARD, who went away, and Batrtus, A., b. 1783, d. 1871, at 88, m. 24 Feb., 1808, Hlisabeth Hagaman, d. 20 Jan., 1849 ; had ch.; (1). Abraham, b. 4 Aug., 1809, d. 19 July, 1876 ; (2). Adrian #7, b. 5 April, 1813 ; (8). Minard, b 21 Nov., 1815, m. Margaret Lance ; (4). Margaret, b. 20 July, 1817, d. June, 1891. Ill, ANNA EVA, m. 3 Dec., 1750, Rev. Johannes Helfrich Schaum. IV. HENRY, b. 15 Feb., 1729, d 5 Dec., 1765; had ch.; (I). Barus, b. 1760, d. 18 March, 1765. (Il). Hewry, confirmed 1780, prob. m. Mary; had ch.: 1. Johannes, b. 8 Feb., 1784; 2, Elisabeth, b. 12 Oct., 1785; 8. Henry, b. 3 Sept., 1789 ; 4. Christina, b. 27 Sept., 1791 ; 5. Jacob, b. 26 Jan., 1794. (IT). EvisaBets, confirmed 1780. (IV). GERTRAUDT, confirmed 1776. FRANTZ WILHELM, signed call to Rev. Weygand 1749. Some of the records on baptismal list which we have referred to Balthasar’s sons may belong to this brother’s children. JOHN NICHOLAS, on Society lands 1735, m. Johanna, and had at least two sons : I, JOHN BALTHAZAR, b. 9 Sept., 1731: his will, Alexander twp., Hunter- don Co., 23 Nov., 1796, names w. Barbara and two ch. 1. NICHOLAS, m. Rebecca, and had Anna Barbara, b. 9 July, 1792; 2. Mary, m. a Bodine. lI. CONRAD, res. near High Bridge, whose will, 4 Sept., 1790, prob. 16 June, 1801, names seven children ; m. 11 April, 1751, Anna Scharfenstine (dau. 464 EarLty GerMAns OF NEw JERSEY of Matthias, of Lebanon twp.); had ch.: 1. NicHoLas, m. Elisabeth and had: Johannes, b. 6 July, 1790; Mary Barnes, b. 22 Sept., 1796 ; Jonathan, b. 2, Oct., 1798 ; 2. CHARITY, m. Jacob Apgar ; 3, CATHERINE, m. William Apgar ; 4, SopHia, m. a Cagin ; 5. MaTrutras, m. Adelyne,. and had: Anna, b, 14 July, 1781; Anna Elisabeth, b. 10 Sept., 1787 ; Catherine, b. 19 May, 1799 ; 6. GzorGE m. Elisabeth, and had: Jacob, b. 2 Dec. 1790; Sarah Hummer, b. 9 Oct., 1795; Nicholas, b. 1 July, 1797 ; William Apgar, b. 17 Sept., 1800 ; 7. Saran, b. 1768, d. 5 June, 1841, m.. William Hoffman (s. of Jacobus, of High. Bridge). MIscELLANEOUS—BALTHUS and CATHERINE (b. 1762) had baptised at New Germantown, Simon Mc., b. 10 May, 1789; Henry, b. 15 Nov., 1792. FREDERICK and Catherine had bap. at Alexandria, Matthias, b..29 July, 1797. POOL. JEREMIAH, b. 1750, June 8, d. 1818, Oct. 19, m. Joanna, b. 1748, June 22, d. 1823, Nov. 12; came from Mendham and bought 200 acres at the Cross Roads, Drakestown, where he kept tavern as early as 1801 ; had ch.: I. ISAAC, b. 1773, May 20. II. JACOB, b. 1775, Feb. 24. Ill. BENJAMIN, b. 1777, April 12, m. Tabitha Dickerson. IV. EZRA, b. 1779, Feb. 25, d. 1840, May 20, m. Mahala Brown (dau. of Israel),. b. 1783, Feb. 18, d. 1808, April 19 ; hadch.: 1. RicHarp, b. 1800, Nov. 1,. died young ; 2. WILLIaM, b. 1802, July 5, m. (1) Betsey Gulick ; (2) Polly Gulick (sister to Betsey); (8) Elisabeth Van Sickle; 3. Nancy, b. 1804, Nov. 14, m. Jacob Wire ; 4. Mary Ann, b. 1807, June 1, m. Joseph W. Campbell, M. D., and had ch.; (1). Joseph, d.unm.; (2). James, m. Mary Haggerty ; (8). Mary, m. John Albert ; 5. Joanna, b. 1809, May 30, m. Derrick Gulicks ; 6 Davin P., b. 1811, March 6, died young ; 7. Ezra L. B., b. 1815, Oct. 22, m. (1) Mary Ann Hart ; (2) Sarah Vliet ; 8. JEREMIAH, b. 1820, May 3, m Clarissy Hart ; 9. PHEBE C., b. 1822, April 19, m. William Pool (s. of William), second cousins ; 10. ELIsaBETH, b. 1823, June 14, m. (1) Hezekiah Abers ; (2) Benjamin Sutton, of Walnut Grove ; 11. Joun H., b. 1824, Nov. 21,m. Phebe Smith ; 12. AARon G., b. 1828, April 20, m. a Stark. V. MARY, b. 1782, April 27, m. Thaniel Dickerson. VI. ELISABETH, b. 1784, July 1, m. John Coleman ; went to Illinois. VII. JEREMIAH, b. 1788, Mar. 19, m. Peggy Gates. a POTTER. SAMUEL POTTER, emigrated from Wales to near Elisabeth, N. J., about 1685 Ms had ch.: I. HANNAH, b 1691. II: DANIEL, b. 1692, at Connecticut Farms and lived there. His three sons came from Connecticut Farms and took possession of lots 6, 26 and 27, of Elisabethtown Purchase, drawn by their father Daniel, and lot 22, drawn by David Potter, of Summit, N. J.; had ch.: (I). Danime1, b. 1728, d. 1774. (II). Amos, b. 1725. PoTTER—RACE 465 (II), SamuzEL, CoL., b. 1727, d. 1802, July 11; was a Colonel in the Revo- ‘ lution, m. Jemimah Baldwin, b. 1730. March 30, d. 1819, Oct. 25; \ had ch.; 1. CALEB, m. (1) Phebe Parsons ; (2) widow Hinds. 2. Lypta, m. Joseph Allen. 8. SAMUEL, CaPrt., b. 1755, Sept. 18, m. Sarah Parsons (dau. of Wnm., Jr.), b. 1758, Dec. 10; had ch.: (1). JonatHan, Cou, b. 1779, May 30, m. Hannah Woolverton, of Canada; had ch.: (a). SERING, m. Elisabeth Smith ; had ch.: Joseph, Jonathan, Ser- ing, Edmund, Harvey, Elisabeth, Sarah ; (b). DENNIS, b. 1804, - m. Mary Ann Hiler (dau. of Philip, now Mrs. John Bosenbury) ; (c). Marra, b. 1806, died young ; (d). Saran, m. Col. John Mc- Kinstry ; (e). SAMUEL, m. Jane Rue (dau. of John); (f). THANK- FUL, m. Benj Dunham (s. of David); (g). JonaTHAN. m. Ger- trude Craig (dau. of William); (h). Mary, m. David Dunham (6s, of David); (2). SzRina, b. 1781, May 8, d. at 17 years ; (8). ELis- ABETH, b, 1785, Aug. 1, m. Thos. Mulford ; (4). Sara, b 1787, March 1, m. Hugh Bartley (s. of John); (5). SamuEL, b. 1792, March 1, d. at 20 years. . Isaac, m. (1) Abigail Bebout ; (2) Abigail Swain. . Enos, b. 1762, Mar. 28, m. Rhoda Miller (dau. of Moses). . JEMIMA, m. —— Cory. . PRUDENCE, m. Daniel Hart (s. of Jeremiah). . Mary, b. 1769, m. Jas. Thomas. . BETHUEL, b. 1774, died young. Ill. SARAH, b. 1696. IV. SAMUEL, JR., b. 1699, V. JOSEPH, b. 1702. VI. ELISABETH, b. 1702. VII. NOADIAH, b. 1704. VIII. MARY, b. 1708. OMID op . RACE. JACOB RACE [originally spelled Rees, pronounced Race]. He must have come to Amwell, Hunterdon Co., as early as 1717, as in 1826 he had been guardian of Henry Boss for nine years ; bought 1768 the mill at Mt. Airy and in 1796 came with his son to Franklin twp. JACOB, 2d, s. of Jacob, 1st, b. 1716, d. 1804 ; res, in Franklin twp., m. (1) Elisabeth; (2) about 1762, Charity Bosenbery (dau. of John and widow of Conrad Severs) ; had 1. WILLIAM, by wife Elisabeth, bap. Readington, 8. Aug., 1756 ; 2. Jacon, by wife Charity, b. 11 Aug., 1764. : JACOB, 3d, s. of Jacob, 2d, b. 11 Aug., 1764, d. 4 July, 1857, at 93, m. (1) 1787, Anne Rockefellar (dau. of William and Magdalena); (2) 1 Nov., 1801, Sophia Hoff (dau. of Cornelius and Margaret Eick, and grand-daughter of Thos. Hoff and Winifrith Johnson); (3) 30 Sept., 1837, Mrs. Charity Wert ; had ch. by 1st wife : I, WILLIAM, b. 5 Jan., 1788, m. Elisabeth Wilson ; had 2 ch. II. MARY, b. 10 Jan., 1790, m. (1) Henry Rockefellar, and had one daughter; (2) David C. Davis, and had five children. III. JACOB, b. 22 Feb., 1794, m. Anne Stull and had three children. 406 Earty Germans or NEw JERSEY. IV. JOHN, b. 6 May, 1797, m. Eliza Stiger (dau. of Baltis ?); had 9 children. V. ANDREW, b. 27 Sept., 1799, m. Elisabeth Tomson by whom one dau. VI. CORNELIUS, (by 2d wife), b. 2 March, 1803, m. Mary Spybey ; had 4 ch. VII. HOLLOWAY H., b. 11 Sept., 1804, m. (1) Charlotte Sebold, by whom six children ; (2). Sarah Ann Pittenger, by whom one son. VIII. SAMUEL, b. 16 June, 1806, m. Charlotte Bird ; had 4 children. IX. ANNE, b. 25 May, 1809, m. David McClallen. X. HENRY, b. 23 Feb., 1814, m. Ada Louisa Woodruff ; had five children. XI. MARGARET, b. 19 Feb., 1816, died in infancy. MIscELLANEOUS—JOHANNES REES has a child bap. in N. Y., 26 April, 1656, Wittemtsz. ANDRIES has a child bap. in N. Y. 12 Feb., 1696, JoHANNES. JOHANNES RACE is living at Huntington, L. I., 1675. RARICK. CONRAD RARICEK, Ist, b. 1722, d. 1790, April 16, m. Anna Maria Weber, b. 1726, d. 1799, Jan. 31; was « prominent man, especially in the German Reformed Church, of which he was one of the first elders ; Hans Conrad Rarick arrived at Phila. from Erbach, Wittenberg, 2 Sept., 1749 ; had ch.: I. HENRY, went to northern New York. II. CONRAD, b. 1763, d. 1811 at 48, m. Elisabeth Pace (dau. of Michael) ; had ch. (1). Davip, b. 1786, d. unm.; (II). Mary, b. 1788, Jan. 25, m. Will. Hager (s. of George); (III). ‘Anes MARGARETTA, b. 1789, Oct. 25, m. Jacob Lance (s. of Jacob); (IV). ELisaBETH, b. 1791, Oct. 24, m. 1812, George Neighbor (s. of Leon., 3d); (V). ConraD, 3d, b. 1793, Oct. 4, m. 1817, Feb. 20, Margaret Crater (dau. of Morris and Susanna Runyon): had ch.: 1. Andrew, m. Sarah A. Wortman (dau. of Peter); 2. Elizabeth, m. Jeremiah Hagaman (s. of James); 3. Morris, m. Amanda Hooper (dau. of Peter); (4). Conrad, 4th, m. Jane Bartenis (dau. of Fred.); 5. Barbara Ann, m. David Brown ; (VI). Susan—(VII). MarGaRetta, b. 1797, July 16, unm., d. babe; (VIII). Jonn Trimmer, b. 1799, Sept. 1, m. Sophia Brackley, res. at Easton, Pa.; ([X). CATHERINE, d. 1804, Oct, 24, m. John Stryker (s. of Peter). III. JOHN, b. 1765, m. Elisabeth Alpock ‘dau. of William, 1st), b. 1766, d. 1836, Sept. 25 ; had ch.: (1). JoHn, unmmarried. (II). WiLLiam, b. 1790, Dec. 20, m. first, Mary Ann Snook (dau. of John Henry, of Newton, N. J.); second, Margaret Price (dau. of David); had ch.: 1. ELISABETH, m. Isaac Frace, of German Valley; 2. WILui4m §., m. Susan Mulligan, res. at Bartley; had ch.: .(1). William, m. Lydia A. Wack (dau. of Jacob); (2). Steward, m. Annie Stephens (dau. of Amos; (3). Mary, m. Holloway H. Thomas; (4). Emma, m. Thomas Waterfield, of Johnsonburg, Sussex Co., N. J.; 3. MaRGaRET, m. Jonathan McPeake (s. of John, of Drakes- town); 4. Mary Awn, m. Jesse Lake (s. of Garret); 5. PERNINA, m. John A. Crater (s. of John, res. at Drakestown); 6. MaTILpa, m. Wm. Anthony (s,,of Peter), and rem. to Illinois ; (7). EZEKIEL, m. first,, Elisabeth Miller (dau. of John); second, Mary Tappan, res. in Mt. Olive twp.; 8. Jon, m. Alwood, rem. to Princeton, Tl.; 9. ARRaHAM, rem. to Princeton, IIL; 10. Saran, m. Elijah Rarick—Raus—RawLinc—REaD 467 Lake (s. of Garret), rem. to Princeton, Dl.; 11. Jamus, died young ; 12. CLARISSA, m. Jacob Karn, of Nauright. (III). Mary, b. 1795, May 20; m. Abraham Ayres (s. of Ezekiel, of Hackettstown). (IV). ELIsaBETH, b. 1800, Oct. 24, m. Ezekiel Ayers (s. of Ezekiel). IV. WILLIAM, b. 1760, m. Susan Pace (dau. of Michael), b. 1776, Jan. 25 ; had ch.. (1). Davin, m. Sophia Potter (dau. of Matthias); (II). Eviza- BETH, b. 1796, Sept. 21, m. first, Garret Lake ; second, Thomas Lake (sons of Garret); (III). Jacos, b. 1807, July 22, died young. V. MARY MARGARET, m. Matthias Flock(s. of Andreas). VI. MARY CATHERINE, m. first, Anton Waldorf ; second, John Alpaugh. VII. ANNA, m. a Sovereen. VIII. MARY, b. 1759, d. 1884, Dec. 11, at 75, m. John Couse (s. of John Henry, of Frankford, Sussex Co.). IX. CATHERINE, m. Morris Alpaugh (s. of William). RAUB. MICHAEL RAUB (or Raup), according to tombstone in Knowlton cemetery, was one of the first settlers of Knowlton twp., Warren Co., m. Hariotte, b. 13 Feb., 1783, d. 19 Nov., 1791 ; prob. had ch.: I. ANDREW, Sen., of Knowlton, whose will, dated 11 Jan., 1806, prob. 25 May, 1809, names ch.: 1. MICHAEL ; 2. ANDREW ; 3. JacoB; 4. SaRau, m. a Hartial ; 5. BARBARY, m. a Shoemaker ; 6. CICELY, m. a [Peter #] Frees ; 7. CHARLOTTE, m. a Wise ; 8. ELISABETH, m. a Bellis ; 9. SUSANNA m. a Cool: 10. MaRGARET. MISCELLANEOUS—BARNET Ravs is said to have come from Northampton, Co., Pa., to Harmony twp., Warren Co., and had Barnet and Levi. MICHAEL and Maria Elisabeth have Christina, b. 25 Aug., 1775 (Easton Records). GEORGE ‘WILLIAM and Catharine appear on these records, 1771, and PETER and Christina in 1781. RAWLING. ANTHONY RAWLING came from Yorkshire, England, in 1799 to New York city ; naturalized after 5 years, m. 1808 and rem. to “ English settlement” on Beswick tract, Washington twp., Morris Co., N. J.; had one child ANN, who m. William Hall, a sea captain, who had ch., Mary Ann, m. Richard Lewis, Charlotte, Janette and Helen. READ. LUKE READ, of Lower Valley, m. Margaret Shueler (dau. of Peter #); had ch.: I. RACHEL, m. —— Scovy, of Ohio. II, ANNIE, died young. Ill. JOHN, m. Margaret Harvey (‘‘Lake Country,” N. Y.) IV. PHILIP, b. 1795, m. 1814, Dec. 5, Marian Lance (dau. of Herbert), b. 1800 ; bought farm now occupied by Theo. Lance near Califon ; had ch.; 1. WILLiaM, b. 1815, June 12, m. Keziah Castner ; 2. CATHERINE, b. 1817, Aug. 21,m. George Flomervelt ; 3, NELSON, b. 1820, Feb. 23, m. first, Jane Stephenson, res. at Stanhope, Sussex Co., N. J.; second, —. 468 ' Earty Germans or New JERSEY V. LUKE, unmarried. VI. CATHERINE, m. Reuben Davis (‘‘Lake Country,” N. Y.). VII. MARY, m. Henry Counterman (‘‘ Lake Country,” N. Y.). JOHN READ, of Schooley’s Mountain, b. 1760 (2%), d. about 1850, at 90, m. Abbey Hoffman, b. 1760 (2), d. about 1844, at 84 ; had ch.: I. WILLIAM, m. Elsie Wean. II. JACOB, m. Effie Hoffman. III. JAMES, m. Katie Swick, res. at Whitehouse. : IV. JOHN, b. 1801, Jan., d. 1874, m. Julia A. Bess (dau. of Jacob): bought in fall of 1835, 95 acres of Hoffman Ayres, where his son Peter Read now lives ; 1845, 7 acres of George McCracken, 13 of Harvey Day, and 60 of George Wack; had ch.: 1. WiLLIamM, m. Mary A. Thomas; res. at Beattystown ; 2. JrREMIAH, m. first, Ann Smith (widow of Morris Sharp); second, Lizzie Dolton ; 38. Jacos, m. Huldah Clawson (dau. of David), res. at Schooley’s Mountain; 4. Jutia Awn, died young; 5. JOSEPH,, m. Mary A. Kinney, res. at (Budd’s Lake); 6. Mary, m. Aaron Drake (s. of John), res. at Budd’s Lake ; 7. Joun, m. Abbey Smith: 8. Peter, m. Mary Swayzie (dau. of Jacob); 9. ANDREW, m. Sarah Dick erman (or Dikeman). REED. AUGUSTINE REID, of Flanders, b. 1731, d. Sept., 1807, at 76, m. Sarah Reading (dau. of John), b. 1738, d. 10 July, 1809, at 71 ; was a German and came from Freehold ; his father-in-law deeded to him and his wife Sarah, 6 Dec., 1762, a tract of 500 acres between Bartleyville and Flanders, for 5 shillings ; his will dated 23 June, 1804, prob. 16 Jan., 1808, names only one child JoHN, who is cut off from his inheritance. AUGUSTUS REED, perhaps son of Augustine, m. 25 March, 1798, Sophia Corwin (dau. of Joseph), b. 1778, d. 1853, and had ch.: 1. Many ; 2. JoHN, b. 1799; 3. ELISABETH ; 4. MARGARET ; 5. JOSEPH ; 6. GEORGE R.; 7. Jaspin S.; 8. SARAH; 9. Jacop R.; 10. NATHANIEL ; 11. Mary; 12. AUGUSTINE; 13. CATHERINE C. REEVES. JAMES REEVES, from Wales, d. 7 May, 1697, m. Mary (dau. of Wm. Purrier); 1662 ‘‘Goodman Reeves” freeman of Conn.; 1686,5 males and 4 females in: family ; had ch.: I. JAMES (Capt.), b. 1673, d. 14 March, 1732, at 59, m. Deborah, b. 1676, d. 5 Feb., 1754, at 78; had Mary and after 1698, Jamus (sen. in 1755, who then m. Anna Wines), DEBORAH m. 1719, Nathaniel Warner. Il, THOMAS (perh. s. of Thomas, of Mass.), d: 4 Feb., 1705, m. Mary Terry (dau. of Thomas); rated, 1676, for 28 acres, &c. II. WILLLIAM, m. first, Elisabeth, d. 1738-9; second, Sarah Mapes, m. 1739-40 ; 1676, rated for 5 acres, &c.; 1686, 2 males, 4 females in family. IV. JOHN, d. 16 Dec., 1711-2, m. first, Hannah ; second, Martha; had ch.: 1, Watter, d. 1761, m. 31 May, 1742, Elisabeth Reeves (dau. of William), d. 1767 ; had ch.: Elisabeth, Abigail, Nathan, Hannah, William, Sarah, Daniel, Elisha; will, 1761, Feb. 7 (N. Y.); 2. Joun, JR., b. 1682, d. 10 REEVES—REGER abo Aug., 1727, at 45 ; 3. ErzsHa, b. 1690, d. 13 May, 1780, at 40 ; 4. ABicarL, (perh. the one who m. 1715-6, Thomas Dicker'son, b. 1672 and s. of Peter); (see child of VI Joseph below); 5. BETHIA. ‘VV. ISAAC, m. Phebe Tuthill (dau. of Henry); 1671, living with Will. Purrier, his grandfather ; 1697, in his father’s will. VI. JOSEPH, b. 1656 (see below). ‘VII. JONATHAN (perhaps), d. 16 Feb., 1708, m. Martha, who perh. ‘d. 16 May, 1762, at 873; rated, 1683, on 30 Ibs.; deeds 1684-7 ; had ch.: 1. MARGARET} 2, MARY; 3. Marra, JR., m. Zebulon Hallock in 1720; 4. MaTtHEW. JOSEPH, son of James the emigrant, b. 1656, d. 22 April, 1736, at 80, m. (1) Abigail (d. 1708); (2) Deliverance Wells (dau., of Joshua). Following children named in will, prob. 1786 (N. Y.): 1. Josepu, JR.; 2. Benzamin (Ensign), b. 1686, d. May, 1752, at 66, m. Deliverance Wells; will, 1743, June 1, 1752, June 3; had ch.: Joshua, Ezra, Joseph, Abigail, m. Silas Moore, Deliverance, m. Joseph Horton, Mehitable, m. —— Landon in'1757 ; children died in 1718 and 1740: 3. Davip, m. Seruah Hunter in 1716 ; on list of freeholders, 1787 ; 4. EzEK1As or HEZEKIAH (see below); 5. SoLomon; 6. ABIGAIL, (perh. dau. of Joseph, Jr., s. of Joseph above), m. Thomas Dickerson (b. 1672 and s. of Peter); 7. Mary (per- haps dau. of Joseph, Jr., s. of Joseph); 8. WiLLiam ; 9. Hannan. All the above nine phildnan of Joseph mentioned in his will, 1722, July 19, and 1736, June 8 (prob. N. Y.), with his wife Deliverance ; himself “blacksmith. MY EZEKIAS (or Hezekiah), son of Joseph, d. 1 Feb., 1770, m. (i) Jerusha Hallock, 1709, d. 1788; (2) Rachel Mapes, 1739 ; will 1761, prob. 1770, (N. Y.); on list freeholders 1787 ; had ch.: Manasseh, Jonathan, William, Jesse, Silas, Purr- yer, Mary, Jerusha., 1. MANASSEH, voter of Roxbury, N. J., 1776. II. JONATHAN, had ch. bap. Moriitown Records: SaMuEL, bap. 1752, Sept. 24; Mantua ; NatHan; Joun ; Mary, bap. 1753, Oct. 21; Jona- THAN, bap. 1755 ; RacHEL, bap. 1757; JONATHAN, bap. 1759, TI. WILLIAM. IV. JESSE, of Rockaway, N. J., had ch. bap. June 20, 1750, and another, Denson, bap. 1751, Nov. 14. V. SILAS, “Roxbury, N. J.” gives mortgage 1783, May 18, to Wm. Corwin for land in Roxbury; will, Trenton, 1776, Sept. 5, 1777, May 28, names ch.: Moszs, S1Las, SAMUEL, JOSEPH, SARAH, JERUSHA, Isaac. VI. PURRYER. VIl. MARY. VII. JERUSHA. THOMAS, said to be brother of James ; to Southamption 1667, d. Aug. 28, 1685, m. Rebecca Davis and had Jonny, b. 1678, July 15; Repecca, b. 1676, Mar. 1; Tuomas, b. 1679, Oct. 3; Hannag, b. 1681, Feb. 9; ABIGAIL, b. 1684, Sept. 22, REGER. ADAM REGER originally Rueger, not Cregar nor Riker), of Whitehouse, one of three brothers from Germany, the other two of whom settled, one at Clinton and one at Easton; signs Articles of Faith of New Germantown Lutheran Church 1767 ; had ch.: I. FREDERICK, who had: 1. Winiiam; 2. Jacos; 3, ADAM; 4. JOHN; 5, Isaac ; 6. Davip; 7. a DAUGHTER. 470 Earty Germans or NEw JERSEY II. JOHN, b. 1782, m. Sarah. Todd, and had : 1. ADAM, m. Susan A. Lambert ;; 2. ExisHa, m. Margaret. Wyckoff ; 3. HENRIETTA, m. Isaac Vosseller ; 4. Joan, m, Ann Sutphin ; 5. WILLIAM, m. (1) Jane A. Hickson ; (2) Mrs. Mary Todd; 6. CATHERINE SarauH, m. G. V. Stryker ; 7. AUGUSTINE,. m. Margaret Vosseller ; 8. JoB C., m. Phebe Sutphin. II. HARMON, m. Margaret Jobs, b. about 1790 and had CATHERINE, m, Geo.. Carhart. ' IV. MARY. V. MARGARET. VI. KATE. VII. ELLEN. RHINEHART. ADAM RHINEHART (or Rhineharat), b. 1739, d. 1818, Aug. 7, m. Anna Gertruda: Walldorf (dau. of Anthony), b. 1741,'d. 1830, June 23 ; could read German only. This Adam may have been a son of VALENTINE, who was b. 1709, Jan. 1, d. 1774, Nov. 15. The first Rhinehart settled where Taylor Hoffman now lives, opposite John Rhinehart. Martin lived about half a mile nearer Black River,” on same road. Adam eame from Ge: many 1752, and 1784, June 1, bought 100: acres, for £158 15s., of the estate of Anthony Waldorf, of which he was in actual possession ; had ch. : I. CHRISTIAN, m. Margaret Munday; had CHRISTOPHER, b. 1794, Feb, 16. II. JOHN, b. 1768, Feb. 24, d. 1852, April 25, m. Christina Abel (dau. of Jacob), b. 1771, May 16, d. 1855, Dec. 21; had ch.: 1. Apa, b. 1793, Mar. 23; 2. Freepom, b. 1795, April 23; 3. JoHN, b. 1797, Sept. 13; 4. GEORGE, b. 1799, March 24; 5. Soputra, b. 24 March, 1800 ; 6. ANTHONY Wawporr, b. 1803, Marck 25, and several others. III. MARTIN. b. 1768, Feb. 24, d. 1843, m. 1795, April 23, Mary Ann Alpock (dau. of William), b. 1769, March 27, d. 1854, at 85 years; had ch.: 1. Pere, b. 1796, March 9, died young ; 2. ELISABETH, b. 1797, July 13, m. Christopher Heldenbrant (s. of Jacob); 8. Marra GERTRAUD or “Charity,” b. 1798, Nov. 19, m. Matthias Thomas (s. of John); 4. WIi.uiay, b. 1801, April 9, m. Mary Crater (dau. of Phillip); had ch.: (1). Mary Elisabeth, b. 1826, Sept. 11, d. 1834, Jan. 14; (2). John, b. 1828, June 11,m first, Almira Apgar (dau. of Fred); second, Rebecca Hoff- man (dau. of Harmon); (8). Merinda, b. 1830. June 6, m. Henry N. P. Barkman ; (4). Margaret, b. 1832, May 29, m. Phineas K. Apgar (s. of David); (5). Susanna, b. 1835, Jan. 24, unm.; (6). Morris, b. 1838, April 29, m. Elisabeth Abel (dau. of Philip); (7). Philip, b. 1842, Jan. 17, m. Jirst, Emeline Leek (dau. of Daniel); second, Mary Updyke ; 5. ADAM, b. 1805, Jan. 12, died young ; 6. Jonn, b. 1807, March 5, m. Jane Moore (dau. of George); had ch.: (1). Martin, m. Mary Hegeman ; (2). Catherine E., m. Henry Hoffman (s. of John); (8). Mary Ann, m. James Fisher (s. of Christian) ; (4). George, m. Hannah Alpock (dau. of William); (5). John, m. Margaret Vescelius (dau. of Oliver); (6). David, m. —~ Trimmer 4 (1). Evert, m. Loretta Crowe ; (8). William, m. Jane Eick (dau. of Wm.). (9). Emma, m. Peter Lane (s. of Matthias); (10). Charles m. Angeline Apgar (dau. of Isaac 0.); 7. Davip WELSH, b. 1813, Aug. 6, m. Hannah Hildebrant (dau. of Jacob); had ch.; (1). Samuel, b. 1839, Sept. 5, unm. ; Q). William H., b. 1841, Sept. 2, m. Delah Pickle, res at Fairmount . 3). Anna, b. 1844, March 1, m. William Todd, res. at Paterson ; (4). RHINEHART—RITTENHOUSE—ROBERTS ATI Hannah E., b. 1847, Feb. 26, m. Ralph Beavers, of Lincoln, 'Neb.; (5). Sarah J., b. 1849, April 20, m. John Apgar, of Dover ; (6). Ellen, b. 1851, Oct. 6, m. a Benbrook, of Somerville ; (7). Emma, b. 1854, April 30, m. Jas. Erven, of Madison ;'8. Many ANN HELDEBRANT, b 1820, July.26. TV. JOHN ADAM, b. 1774, Ang. ‘29, m. Elisabeth Johnson. V. MARY, m. a Sharp. VI. MARGARET. VII. ELISABETH, m. Matthias Alpock, . GOODFRIED RHINEHART, Esgq., b. 1744, Aug. 23, d. 1814, Oct. 7, m. Gertraut Pickle (dau. ‘of Balthasar); was a ‘‘ Native of Germany” (tombstone) and some relation to Adam (perhaps a brother}. He owned a lot and kept a stere at New Germantown ; had ch : L SOPHIA, b. 1771, Oct. 9. II. SUSANNA, b. 1778, Nov. 5. III. ANNA, b. 1780, Oct. 22. IV. CHARITY, b. 1784, Sept. 5. V. MARGARET, b. 1787, April 13. VI. GEORGE WASHINGTON, b. 1789, Oct. 19. VII. MARY LENA GESSNER, b. 1792, Feb. 19. RITTENHOUSE. NICHOLAS (Claus) RUTTYNHUYSEN came to New Germantown, Pa., between 1683 and 1710 ; built the first paper mill made in America on a small stream, which empties into the Wissahickon, one mile above the Schuylkill ; had ch.: Gerhart, Matthias, Henrich, William. Nicholas was grandfather of Davip, the philosopher, who was born 8 April, 1732, d. 26 June, 1796. WILLIAM, son of Nicholas, bought land in Delaware twp., Hunterdon Oo., .N. J., 1734 ; had ch.: I. ISAAC, II. LOT. Til. PETER. IV. MOSES. V. CAROLINE, m. Richard Heath. VI. ABIGAIL, m. a Freeman. VII. ANNA, m. a Dansville. VIII. REBECCA, m. Amos Bonham. ROBERTS. HUGH ROBERTS, of Gloucester, died 1670, m. 8 Nov., 1649, Mary Calkins; rem. to New London ; was a tanner and located in Newark. (See Shaw’s History Essex and Hudson Counties, Vol. 1, p. 366). Had ch.: Mary, b. 1652 ; Sam- UEL, b. 1656 ; MEHITABLE, b. 1658 ; HucH 2p, b. 1667 ; PRISCILLA OSBORN ; ABIAH, b. 1708, m. Moses Thomson. HUGH 24, b. 1667, d. 1738, at 71, m. Martha and had, 1. Huan, b. 1696, d. 1776 at 80, m. ‘Abigail Brown and had, (1). Moses, b. 1725, d. Jan. 13, 1804 (whose ch. were, Moses, John, Sears, Eunice and Sarah); (2). Daniel (whose ch. were, David, Moses and Aaron); 2. Joun, b. 1711, d. May, 1757, buried at Madison and had, Joseph, Samuel, Stephen, John, Abigail, Sarah, Elisabeth and Hannah ; 3. SAMUEL, b, 1715, d. Bernard twp., Somerset Co., Jan. 31, at 86, 472 Earty Germans oF New JERSEY m. [2d w. 7, 2 Jan., 1768, Elisabeth Ogden (widow of Stephen), b. 1725, d. 16 July, 1795, at 71; 4. Hannan Smita ; 5, REBECCA ToMPKINS ; 6. ABIGAIL. JOSEPH, b. 1714, d. 9 Feb., 1766 ; res. shad ch.: 1, Jesse ; 2. IcHagon ; 3. JosEra ; 4. WILLIAM ; 5. SAMUEL, perh. his will, Morristown, 1822, names w.. Sarah and ch., John, Nathaniel, Samuel, Joseph, Abigail Conklin, Agnes. Crowell, Sarah Sturge (wife of Silas); 6. Amos ; 7. PHEBE ; 8. HaNnNnAH ; 9. Sara. ‘ AMOS, perh. s. of Joseph, was settled in Roxbury twp., 1741 ; had ch. at least : I. JOHN, whose will, Chester, 1821, names only nephews and nieces. Il. CATHERINE, m. John Sweazey and had, at least, John Roberts Sweazey. III. RICHARD, m. 17 May, 1778, Anna Swazey ; bad ch.: 1. Amos, b. 1786, d. 19 March, 1853, m. Elisabeth ——, b. 1787, d. 25 May, 1858; 2. Lyp1a, m. a Geddes ; 3. Repecca ; 4. Joan, Jz.; 5. Hannan ; 6. Nancy, m, 12 June, 1806, Samuel Wire. IV. LYDIA. V. AARON, (perh. s. of Amos), b. 17 Sept., 1755, d. 12 May, 1815; buried at. Mendham. ROBERTSON. JOHN ROBERTSON, b. 11 Nov., 1756, d. 11 July, 1817, came from Paisley, Scot- land, and first settled at Allamuchey, Warren Co.; rem. 1805, to Independence twp., upon the farm now owned by Dr. Conover, m. Elisabeth Corwin (dau. of Bartholomew), b. 3 Oct., 1763, d. 3 June, 1844 ; had ch.: 1. ARCHIBALD, m. Mary Emery ; 2. JosEPH, b. 17 April, 1796, d. 17 Oct., 1850, unm.; 3. CHARLES, m. Julia ——; 4. AARON, b. 1803, m. Elisabeth Johnston (dau. of Jacob), was Surrogate of Warren Co., 1839-1844, Judge in Court of Common Pleas, 1845-8, and had ch.: Ellen, m. George Van Horn ; Anna and Emily, unmarried. ROCKAFELLAR. PETER ROCKAFELLAR was one of three brothers the other two of whom settled, one in South Jersey and the other in N. Y. State. John Peter with two sons, Peter and John, was naturalized July, 1730; prob. m. Elisabeth ; voter in Amwell, 1738. The will of Peter prob. 6 Dec., 1763, exempts the grave yard at Ringoes and names ch. : I. WILLIAM, who had ch.; 1 Tunis, m. Polly ; 2. Hiram ; 3. WILLIAM, m. Aletta Ditmars; 4, HowEuu ; 5. ANDREW, m. Hannah Hixon. II. PETER, m. Mary Bellis ; his will, March 22, prob. May 14, 1787, names ch.: 1, PETER; 2. GODFREY ; 3. JoHN ; 4. Henry, b. 7 March, 1747, d. 1 Feb., 1841, m. Ann Kitchen, b. 1751, d. 22 Dec., 1827 ; 5. WiLLrIaM ; 6. Jacos ; 7. Davip; 8. Mary, m. Adam Bellis (s. of William); 9. Exisa- BETH, m. a Hoppock. III. ANN, bap. {Somerville records], June, 1724, m. a Runk. IV. ELISABETH, m. a Johnson. V. ELSE, m. a Snuke [Snook]. VI. CATHARINE. VII. CHRISTEEN. MiscELLANEOUS—THIEL ROKKEFELLAR, of The Camp [Saugerties], m. 16 June, 1761, Anna Maria Maul. Frepsricx, P. and J. Rockefellar, are found on map of Livingston Manor in year 1798. ROELOFFSON 473 ROELOFFSON. LAURENS RULOFFSEN, b. Copenhagen, Denmark, 1689, d. 1771 ; m. 1715, June 26 (banns published in Lutheran*tChurch in New York, May 16), Catharine Shuman (dau, of the late Herman, a potter), b. 1695, Feb., d. 1776, July. There were very many of this name in New Amsterdam from a very early date, and they may have been related to Lawrence. He had ch.: I. LAURENS, bap. 1716, March 27. II. ROELOF, b. 1717, Sept. 26, d. 1783, Nov.; will written 1783, May 22 ; prob. 1784, Jan. 2; m. (1) Catherine Bodine ; (2) Elisabeth Leek, b. 1732, Oct. 27 ; had ch.: (I). LAWRENCE. (Il). Joun. (II). CHRISTIAN. (IV). Lea, d. 1782, June 4, m. Jacob Sharp ; had two children: 1. Maria Scharfenstein, b. 16 Feb, 1779 ; 2. Anna Scharfenstein, b. 1781. (V). Isaac, m. (1) Elisabeth Trimmer (dau. of John), b. 1776, Dec. 11; (2) a Roelofson, by whom no children; had children: 1. CHRISTo- PHER, b. 1797, died about 1857, m. Mary Hann (dau. of William); bad ch.: (1). Mary Ann, b. 1807, Jan. 31, d. 1892, March 31, m. Michael Corvatt ; (2). WiLLIam Hann, b. 1819, d. 1888, m. Sophia Schuyler (dau. of Peter and Cath. Lance); had ch.: (a). William R., m. Mary Gary, res. at Dunellen, and have a dau., Acta; (b). Catherine Schuyler, m. George R. Prost, of Hacketts- town; (8). SaRaH, d. unm.; 4). Ena, m. Ann Gulick; 2. ANNA, b. 1791, d. 1863, Sept. 1, m. (1) Charles Lyons, Mendham ; (2) David Felmley, New Germantown ; 3. Davin, m. Elisabeth Frone (dau. of John); had ch.; (1). Isaac, m. Emily Welsh (dau. of Jacob); had ch.: (a). Susan, m. John Slater (s. of Peter) and had two children : Isaac Roelofson, unm., and Myrtie (wife of Charles Flynn); (b). Jacob, d. at 26; (8). Caroline, m. David Hudson Force, and have one child, William ; (2). PHILIP, died at about 16 ; 4, JOHN, unm.; 5. ELIsaBETH, m. (1) William Trimmer 6. of David); (2) David Neighbr (s. of Leonard); 6. SaRaH, m. Isaac R. Srope, res. at Baptisttown ; 7. Mary, b. 1801, m. Peter Stryker (is. of Peter, 2d); 8: PHILIP, d. young, killed by falling out of a cart. (VI). Anna, m. 1796, Nov. 20, Philip Kern (s. of Christopher). (VII). Arana, b. 1772, d. 1777, Feb. 10. (VIII). Henry, perhaps the one of Readington, who m. Maria Van Sickle (dau. of Cornelius), bap. 29 Oct., 1769, and had ch.: 1. CORNELIUS ; 2, NATHANIEL ; 3. Mary; 4. Henry; 5. Jemima; 6. JULIA ; q Sanu; 8, JOEL; 9. JOHN ; 10, MawaLa. (IX). ELISABETH. ‘TI. HERMANES, b. 1719, July, d. 1805, March, m. Margaretta Van Horn (dau. of Abraham), d. 1790 ; had ch. (order uncertain) : (1). ELeanora, m. 1774; Feb. 3, Peter Wirz (s. of Rev. John Conrad, the emigrant). (II), Marra, b. 1751, Feb. 10, m. 1774, Feb. 3, Conrad Swackhamer, Jr. (s. of Conrad), d. 1791, Sept. 24. (ID. Anna Mors, d. 1791, Sept. 474 Earty GerMAns or NEw JERSEY (IV). ABRAHAM, m. Catherine, had one child, EXPERIENCE, b. 1789, Oct. 6. (V). Hermans, m. 1784, Aug. 1, Susanna Beemer ; had ch.: 1. Mercy, b. 1785, Dec. 17; 2. MARGARET, b, 1787, Sept. 18; 3. EXPERIENCE, b. 1789, Oct. 6; 4. Mary, b. 1791, Aug. 26; 5. Susanna, b. 1793, Sept. 8. (VI). Lorentz, m. 1781, Nov. 4, Anna Young. (VII). CorneLius, m. Jane ; had ch.: 1. ELisaBer, b. 1792, April 27; 2. ELsaq, b. 1796, Feb. 20; 3. Lypra, b. 1798, Dec. 15; perhaps also: 4. SamuEL ; 5. SaRraH (wife of a Willet); 6 Hurry, m. a Willet ; 7. Joun. These four last-named are found in the will of CornELtius, of Readington, prob. 10 March, 1827. (VIII). MarGarerra, m. 1781, Jan. 25, Christopher Heldebrant. (IX). CarHErine, b. 1755, m. John Trimmer (s. of Matthias). (X). EvisaBeTu, m. 14 Feb., 1793, John Scobi. (XD). FREDERICK. IV. LAURENS, b. 1738, June 18, bap. Oct. 21. MiIScELLANEOUS—There was a JOHANNES ROELOFSON, who settled ‘ton the Raritans” about 1700, but nothing is known of his family. RUNYON. The family of Runyons are descended from VINCENT RONGION. He was a Huguenot and came to America in the year 165. He settled in East Jersey on the Elisabethtown grant as early as 1668-70. He was called at the first mention of his name, ‘“‘a mariner from Poitou.” This province in France endured the fiercest persecution on account of religion, until all industries were paralyzed and whole communities were depopulated. There is on file at Trenton a marriage license issued by the governor of East Jersey, Philip Carteret, in the year 1668. This document reads as follows : ‘To any of the Justices of the Peace or Ministers of the Province of New Jersey: Whereas, I have received information of a mutual agreement between Vincent Rongion, of Portiers, in France, and Ann Boutcher, the daughter of John Boutcher of Hartford, in England, to solemnize marriage together, for which they have requested my lycense, and there appearing no lawful impediment for the obstruc- tion thereof, these are to require you or eyther of you, to joyne the said Vincent Rongion and Ann Boutcher in matrimony, and them to pronounce man and wife, and to make record thereof, according to the laws in that behalf provided, for the doing whereof this shall be to you or eyther of you a sufficient warrant. Given under my hand and seal of the Province, the 2th of June, 1668, and the 20th year of the raigne of our Sovereign Lord Charles the Second, of England, Scotland and Ireland, King, defender of the faith, &c. . (Signed) PH. CARTERET. This couple were joyned in matrimony by me the 17th of July, 1668. (Signed) JAMES BOLTON. Vincent Rongion bought a piece of land at Elizabeth Town, 20 March, 1671-2. He soon however removed to Piscataway, where in the spring of 1677 he purchased a farm of 1541¢ acres. The sons and daughters of VincENT and Ann Boutcher were: Vincent, Darich [Derick or Dirck, the same as Richard], Joseph, Reune, Ephraim, Mary, Peter, Jane and Sarah. Besides these children there was a John Runyon 475 Runyon, prob. another son of Vincent, who m. 1692-3, Elisabeth Dunn (prob. dau. of Hugh Dunn) and who was probably the ancestor of those branches of the family in which the name Hugh occurs. If this is the case he was prob. the father of HUGH, (prob. the son of Joun, s. of VINcENT), b. 1715, June 20, died 1804 at 90, m. Anna Savidge (dau. of William Savidge and Elisabeth Smith), b. 1721, July 2, d. about 1795. Hugh is buried at Bedminster church yard. He had ch.: I. ELEANOR, b. 1748, Oct. 1, d. 1823, April 8, m. Daniel Heath, b. 1750, Aug. 30, d. 1825, June 18. Both buried at Basking Ridge, N. J. II. WILLIAM, b. 12 March, 1750, d. 1831, m. Mary Poland (2d w.) d. 1814; had ch.: 1. ELISABETH, b. 18 Dec., 1785, d. 6 April, 1823, m. John Boyle; 2, ANNA, m.(Henry Cooper ; 3. ROBERT, went West ; 4. RICHARD B. (by second wife), b. 14 Feb., 1814, m. Ann Sanders. III. ELISABETH, b. 16 Dec., 1751, m. Andrew Littell, b. Jan., 1749. IV. ANN, b. 6 July, 1753, m. John Groves. V. SARAG, b. 23 March, 1755, m. Thomas Sunderland. VI. HUGH, b. 1756, Oct. 10, d. 15 Nov. 1843, m. Theodosia Freeze, b. 3 Feb., 1765, d. 10 Feb., 1838. Buried in Patrie burying ground between Chester and Peapack ; no children. VII. RICHARD, b. 30 Nov., 1758, m. Jemima Hoagland, b. 1759; had ch.: 1. RICHARD, d. 16 Aug., 1845, and his wife Jemima d. 15 April, 1848. Both buried in Patrie burying ground ; had ch.: (1) RIcHARD, b. about 1786, unm.; (2). Hues, b. 1788, d. 17 July, 1851, m. Sarah Osborn about 1828, b. 9. Oct., 1810, d. 27 Dec., 1873 ; (8). ABIGAIL, b. 17 Sept., 1791, d. 1 Dec., 1873, m. Morris P. Crater, 31 Oct., 1821, b. 6 Aug., 1800; (4). Hunry, b. 23 Jan., 1794, d. 16 Sept., 1871, m. 2 Jan., 1823, Ann Shangle, d. 24 Sept., 1878, at 82 years ; had four daughters ; (5). RICHARD, b. 17 June, 1797, d. 24 April , 1761, m. Jane Mullen, d. 30 Nov., 1842, at 30 years, 9 months and 14 days of age; both buried in Patrie burying ground ; had son Redford, b. 1840, d. 1863: (6). Mary S., b. 18 Feb., 1801, d. 5 Oct., 1852, m. Ezekiel Rogers, 11 Feb., 1818, b. 1795, d. 1866 ; (7). Susan, b. 1803, m. i Abraham Wortman ; had ch.: Hugh, Mary Ann, Cornelia, Richard, John and Henry. VIII MARGARET, b. 22 Nov., 1760, d. 30 May, 1857, m. Benj. Maple, b. 1757, d. 21 April, 1833. : IX. ABIGAIL, b. 17 Dec., 1762, m. Philip Fulkerson ; no children. X. ROBERT, b. 13 Sept., 1764, d. 4 July, 1850, m. 22 Nov., 1792, Catherine Sutton, b. 2 May, 1773, d. 15 March, 1850 ; both buried ‘at Lower Squan- kum; had ch.: Elisabeth, b. 1793; Richard, b. 1794; Henry, b. 1795 ; Ann, b. 1800; Reuben Groves, b. 1802 ; John, b. 1804 ; Hleanor, b. 1806 ; Samuel L., b. 1809. HUGH, b. about 1740 ; had, at least, I. JOSEPH, who came from Middlesex to Warren Co. about 1810 ; had ch.: 1. Hues, died young ; 2. VincENT, m. Catherine Jones (whose 2d husband was Isaac Hager); had ch.: (1). Jos J., rem. to Columbus, Ohio ; (2). Wit11aM, m. Mary Ellen Searles (dau. of Moses, of Schooley’s Moun- tain) and has, Martha, Lydia, Isaiah, Emma and William, all unm. in 1893; (3). Kezian, m. Abraham Holeman, of Ohio ; 8. WILLIAM, LONGSTREET, who had children : (1). NELSON, has children John, Frank, Charles, Arrison, Margaret and Martha ; (2). ELISABETH Awn, m. Mor- ris Parks ; (8) to (6). Three daughters ; 4. JOSEPH, rem. to Penn.; 5. SARAH 476 Earty Germans oF NEw JERSEY Ann, m. Samuel Acker, of Penn.; 6. THANKFUL, b. 1806, d. 1858, Nov. 17, at 52, m. Capt. Sam. A. Van Sickle. [See ‘‘ Piscataway Settlers” by Oliver B. Leonard, and ‘‘ Genealogy of Runyon Family” by Henry Runyon, Princeton, N. J.] RUSLING. JAMES RUSLING was the first of the family in this country, b. 22 July, 1762, d. 11 Aug., 1826, m. (1) Mary Fowler, b. 23 Nov., 1766, d. 25 July, 1809; (2) Hannnah Rose, b. 17 Nov. 1775; kept store at Newberg, near Hackettstown, N- J.,‘and owned part of the Beswick tract, on which was the ‘‘ English settle ment,” Washington twp., Morris Co., N. J.; had ch.: 1. JosepH, b. 12 May, 1788, was a Methodist minister ; 2. Jamzs, m. a Loder, and resided at Easton ; 3. WinLiam ; 4. Hannan; 5. GeRsHoM, b. 1 Sept., 1796. 6. SEDGEWICK, b. 24 April, 1799, m. Electa Cummins, and was a Methodist minister ; 7. Mary, b. 4. Nov., 1803, m. John Sharp ; 8. RoBert, b. 1 Jan., 1812, m. Mary MacCracken ; 9. JoHN, b. 6 March, 1813, m. Margaret Bennett, and res. near Blairstown, N. J.; 10. Mercy, b. Oct., 1814, m. Joseph Ink; 11. Jacos, d. young. SALMON. The Salmons were originally Scotch and knighted by Sir Robert Bruce in 14th century ; moved across the border, in the Highland wars, to Southwold, England. Three families came to America in 1640 ; one settled in Massachusetts, another in New Jersey and the third at Southold, Long Island. WILLIAM SALMON, of Southold ; his will prob. March 19, 1666, m. before 1649, the widow of Matthew Sunderland ; had children before 1672: William and John. JOHN, son of William Ist, had ch.: WILLIAM, b. Aug. 12, 1684; Sarag, b. Aug. 18, 1687 ; Mary, b. Feb. 10, 1691; Awa, b. March 25, 1693 ; Joun, b. Nov. 18, 1698. WILLIAM 2p, the oldest child of John, b. Aug. 12, 1684, m. Nov. 25, 1708, Hannah Baley ; had ch.: Hanwau, b. Sept. 28, 1710 ; JosHua, (or John 2), b. May 7, 1712 5; WiLLiam 3d. WILLIAM 8p, b. Feb. 18, 1714, d. July 14, 1803, at 89, less 15 days, m. 11 April, 1787, Elisabeth, b. July 7, 1716, d. Nov. 18, 1803, at 87 ; had ch.: WILLIAM, b. 16 Oct., 1738, d. 28 March, 1764 ; PETER (see below); JOHN, b. 25 April, 1743 ; ELISABETH, b. 14 May, 1744, d. 11 June, 1801 ; Jonn, b. 17 July, 1747 ; RicHaRD b. 27 June, 1750, d. 28 Jan., 1818 ; CUTLER, b. 1 Sept., 1753, d. 27 Aug., 1777; JOSHUA, b. 1757, d. 19 Feb., 1825. PETER, of Mt. Olive, N. J., son of William 3d, b. Nov. 25, 1740, d. Feb. 19, 1825, at 84 years, 2 months and 25 days ; from Long Island, m. Margaret Stark, d. Oct. 1, 1820, at 80 ; had ch.: I. WILLIAM, IR. b. Feb, 14, 1764, m. Dolly Stephens (dau. of Richard ist) ; had ch.: (1). SAMUEL, d. 1854, about 40, m. Sarah Swazey ; had ch.: 1. Dorothy, m Richard Stephens ; 2. William, m. Eliza Stephens 3 3. Adriann, m. William Flock. (1). Poty, b. March 12, 1791, d. June 14, 1866, m. Lott Howell, of Flan- ders, 1783. SALMON—SALTER 477 (III), ExisaBetu, m. Robert Caskey, d. June 30, 1827. {IV). Cuarissa, m. Aug. Wolf. (V). Joun S., m. Caroline Bartley; rem. to Illinois ; had ch.: 1. Harlan Page, m. Sarah Stephens (dau. of George); 2. Saron P., m. Ange- ' line Salmon (dau. of Joshua). TI. SARAH, b. 13 Dec., 1765, m. Daniel Stephens (s. of Richard 1st). III. AARON, b. Aug. 3, 1768, d. Sept. 8, 1850, m. Feb. 2, 1792, Mercy Stephens (dau. of Richard), b. Nov. 22, 1769, d. Nov. 20, 1827 ; had ch. (1). RicHarp, b. July, 28, 1793, m. first, a Budd; second, Julianna Larason ; lived at Drakesville ; had ch.: 1. Dickerson ; 2. Charles; 3. Mercy, m. Jeremiah Baker. (I). Aaron, b. Sept. 29, 1795. (III). Puter, d. 12 Feb., 1849, m. 12 May, 1797, Elisabeth Larason ; had ch.: 1. George, b. Aug. 1, 1829, m. Caroline Bartley (dau. of Jon- athan); 2. Aaron, b. March 5, 1834, m. Angeline Salmon (dau. of Joshua). (IV). CHaRLEs, m. Nancy Kinnan (au. of Jonathan). (V). Exiza, m. Lewis Hulse. (VJ). Aaron, b. April 15, 1800, m. Anne Allen ; had ch.. 1. Ralph ; 2 Whitefield ; 8. Linn, m. Sarah Lea (dau, of Stephen). IV. PETER, JR., b. July 9, 1770, m. Priscilla Stephens (dau. of Richard 1st), b. 1774 ; had ch.: (I). Josnvua, b. Feb. 9, 1800, m. Jane Bodine, b. July 19, 1802 ; had ch.: 1. Nelson, b. Oct. 13, 1827, m. Tet King ; 2. Clarinda, b. Nov. 23, 1828, m. Ira Stephens ; 3. Angeline, b. April 5, 1831, m. Aaron P. Salmon ; 4. Elmira, m. Aaron Salmon 6. of Peter). (I). Gipzon, m. Jane Vliet; had ch.: 1. Williamson, m. a Smith, of Chester ; 2. Mariah, m. John S. Salmon, as his second wife; 3. Priscilla, unmarried ; 4. Harriet, m. John Wolfe; 5. Peter, m. Hannah Bartley (dau. of Jonathan); 6. Henry, m. first, a Bartley; second, Elisabeth Salmon (dau. of Charles); 7. Joshua. (III). DoLuy, m. Cory. V. ELISABETH, b. Nov. 20, 1772, d. Aug. 14, 1777. VI. JOHN, b. March 15, 1775. VII. ANNE, b. Aug. 30, 1777, m. Jonathan Kinnan. VIII. STEPHEN, b. Nov. 26, 1779. IX. ELISABETH, b. Feb. 28, 1782, m. Robert Durland (“eneca Lake, N. Y.) xX. MARGARET, b. Sept. 29, 1784, m. Thomas Landon (Flanders). XI. CUTLER, b. Feb. 22, 1787, d. Aug. 11, 1826, at 39. (XII. SAMUEL 4. SALTER. JOHN SALTER, came from Westchester Co., N. Y., to Pequanock, Morris Co., N. J.; bought land 13 July, 1764, of David Ransford, a Quaker ; m. Charlotte Weissenfelt, and had one son and four daus.: JOHN C., SUSAN, ELISABETH, CHARLOTTE and Sarau. JOHN C. (s. of John), b. 2 Jan., 1779, d. 25 April, 1847, m. Beulah Wills (dau. of Samuel, of Mendham), b. 26 March, 1778, d 3 Nov., 1835 ; removed to Tewkes- bury twp., Hunt. Co., N. J., 1808 ; had ch.: 478 Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY /L. SAMUEL WILLS, b. 14 Sept., 1802, m. first, Sophia Sayre : second, her sister Hannah M.; kept store at Fairmount; had ch.: 1. Goren E., b, 1% June, 1837, m. jirst, Aletta M. Lewis (dau. of Isaac); second, Maggie Pitney (dau. of Robert), and had, Lizzie S., Lewis P. and Annetta W.,; 2. BEULAH W., b. 22 March, 1839, d. 1853 ; Martrua M., b: 24 August, 1842, d. 1843. II. Nancy, b. 81 May, 1801, m. Lewis Youngs. SCHENKEL. HEINRICH SCHENKEL, came from near Strasburg and reached Philadelphia in ship ‘‘Robert and Oliver,” from Rotterdam, 1738, Sept. 11, d. 1769 ; his will was prob. June 24, 1769 ; m. three wives (2): (1) Sarah Herbert (dau. of John); (2) Ann Margaret Neighbor, of whom her father, Leonard ‘* Nochbers,” speaks in his will, dated 1765, Jan. 10, as late wife of Henry Schenkle ; (8) in America, Elisabeth Bercott, who was maid of honor to Queen Annie. Hein- rich’s will mentions eight children, and leaves wife sole use of property fourteen years to bring up children. Frederick was a posthumous child. JoHN HER- BERT had four daughters: Elisabeth, Mary, Martha and Sarah, the last cof whom was the first wife of HEiInricu Schenkle, and a son, Henry. I. ASON, died young ; by secon’ wife : ! II. LEONARD, bought 155 acres of land opposite old Rhinehart place, of Frazer in 1793. Ill. ANTHONY, b. 1746, July 22, d. 1810, April 2, m. 1768, May 5, Aun Catherine Flock (dau. of Andrew, Ist), b. 1742, Feb. 14, d. 1823, March 1; had children : : (1). CATHERINE, b. 1772, July 25, d. 1860, July 16, m. John Castner, b. 1767, Sept. 19, d. 1824, Feb. 4. (II). ELIsaBETH. IV. HENRY, b. 1748, Jan. 10, d. 1777, April 15, m. Margaret ——; had ch..; (I). Henry. (II). Marearer, b. 1777, Oct. 30, m, Adam Welter, b. 1774, Oct. 11. V. JOHN PETER, b. 1750, Feb. 16: had ch.: (I). Jacop; (ID. ANNIE, m. Isaac Emmet; (III). Erriz, m.— Vanderhoof : (IV). Mary ; (V). FRED, m. Sarah Johnston ; (VI). Henry ; by third wife : VI. ADAM, b. 1755, Oct. 21, d. 1831, Nov. 21, m. 1778, Jan. 27, or 1777, March 5, Elisabeth Euler, b. 1753, Nov. 15, d. 1847, Oct. 15 ; had ch.: (I). Maria CATHERINE, b. 1778, March 11; (II). Marra ELisaBera, b. 1779, July 4, m. a Trimmer ; (III). Jonannss, b. 1781, June 17, m. Eleanor ——, and had; 1. Elisabeth, born 1807, Sept. 24; 2. James Nelson, b. 1809, Sept. 16; 3. Adam, b. 1811; 4. John P., b. 1818; 5. Sarah A., b. 1815; 6. Jacob M., b. 1817; 7 Mary M., b. 1821; 8. Joseph Y., b. 1823; 9. William, b. 1826; 10, Stephen, -b. 1828; 11. Andrew E, b. 1830; (IV). Mania Marcarerta, b. 1783, April 26, m. Jos. Smith ; (V). Anna GzrR- TROUD, b. 1785, April 17, m. Jacob Lammerson (s. of Conrad, 1st); (VI). Awna, b. 1787, July 13; (VII). Marta, b. 1789, Sept. 12, m. David Crater ; (VIII). Sopata, b. 1791, Aug. 3; no heirs ; (IX). CHRISTINA, b. 1793, Aug. 9, m. Jacob Lammerson. (s. of Conrad, 1st); (X). SaRad, b. 1795, Jan. 24, unm.; (XI). Esruer, b. 1798, Dec. 26. VII. MARGARET MARY, b. 1759, April 24, d. 1840, April 24, m. 1781, Dec. / ScHENKEL—SCHLEICHER 479 25, William Young, b. 1755, June 10, d. 1841, June 20; res. at Fox Hill. ‘VIII. ELISABETH, b. 1763, March 16, d. 1852, March 18, m. 1785, March 15, _ Frederick Honnell, b. 1763, April 27, d. 1839, Nov. 7; had ch.: (1). Exisa~ BETH, b. 1790, Nov. 18, m. first, John P. Lane, b. 1785, d. 1812 : second, Dr. E. K. Sherwood ; (1). Ann, b. 1793, Nov. 15, m. Matthias P. Lane, _ b. 1798, April 8; (III). Junta, b. 1798, June 6, m. —— Kennedy, b. 1794, Nov. 19. TX. ANNA MARY, b. 1766, Sept. 18, d. 1844, Feb. 18, m. 1788, Nov. 1, John Crater, b. 1768, Sept. 22, d. 1825, June 20; res at Fox Hill. X. CATREN, b. 1768, Oct. 6, d. 1821, April 9, m. 1798, Nov. 21, Wm. Thomas, b. 1778, Jan. 10, d. 1811, Dee. 3. XI. FREDERICK, b. 1770, March 8, d. 1832, March 21, m. 1793, Jan. 8, Maria Patrey, b. 1774, May 9, d. 1834, Sept. 17; res. at Pottersville: had ch.: (D. Anna, b. 1796, June 29, m. Henry Runyon; (II). WILHELM, b. 1798, Dec. 25; (III). Joun, b. 1800, Nov. 20; (IV). Mavrus, b. 1802, Oct. 4; (V). FRED Hunowp, b. 1805, Sept. 30, m. Elisabeth Crater; (VI). BarR- BARA ANN, b. 1807, Sept. 14, m. John Honeyman ; (VII). CATHARINE, b. 1810, Aug. 16, m. Thomas Joralomon. ; SCHLEICHER. LORENTZ SCHLEICHER, whose name is found on call to Rev. J.,A. Weygacd, 1749 ; on the barn subscription 1754 ; had ch.: I. LORENTZ, went to Wyoming, m. Catherine ; had ch.: (). Lawrence, m. Sarah Swayzie (dau. of Daniel). (I). STEPHEN, went West (III). CaTHERINE, m. John Nunn. (IV). ANN, m. Henry Lyons. (V). James, m. Effie Schwackhammer (dau. of John). (V1). ExtsaBETH, b. Nov. 25, 1772, d. Feb. 10, 1854, aged 82, m. Jas. Beatty b. 1761, d. Mar. 18, 1849, at 88 years. (VII). Joun L., b. June 2, 1777, d. Feb. 16, 1826 ; came from Wyoming, m. here and went back, finally came back and remained here per- manently, m. Mehetable Swayzie (dau. of Daniel), May 28, 1782, who d. April 22, 1859 ; lived back of Pleasant Grove on Rev. Mr. Hunt’s place ; had children (order uncertain): 1. Sarah, m. J: acob Swackhammer (s. of John); 2. Ann, b. Sept. 15, 1801, in Wyoming, m. Peter Vosseler (s. of Jacob), b. 1778, d. 1866, at 88; buried at Naughright cemetery ; 3. Mary, m. Jacob Hip ; 4. Delilah, m. John Bilbee (s. of Jonathan); 5. Catherine, b. Feb, 4, 1818, m. Charles Stone of New York State (s. of Elijah); 6. Eliza, m. Jesse Sellers , 7. Susan, m. Stephen Clouse ; 8. Martha, m. Will. Carr ; 9. Louisa, m. Dan. Mayberry (s. of Charles); 10. Mehetable, m. Elisha Crev- eling (s. of Samuel); 11. John L., b. June, 1805, d. Dec. 1, 1873, m. Nancy Johnson, b. Jan. 6, 1779, d. Dec. 18, 1855; 12. James, m. Margaret Swackhammer (dau. of John); 13. Benjamin, m. Elisa- beth Schuyler (dau. of Peter); 14. Isaac, b. Oct. 25, 1813, m. Elisabeth Walters (dau. of Thomas); one girl died young. II JOHN LEONARD, b. 1746; confirmed 1772, m. before 1772 ; had son LORENTZ. 480 Earty Germans or New JERSEY III. JOHN GEORGE, of Beattystown ; had ch.: (I). Davin, m. Elisabeth Flumerfelt ; lived at Beattys'own. (II). Jamus A., b. Feb. 30, 1795, d. July, 1878, at 78, m. Catherine Hance . of William), b. July 1, 1804, d. May 22, 1885; lived fifty years: on the old Nunn place ; had ch.: 1. Jane, died young ; 2. Mary, m. (1) George Vosseller (s. of Peter); (2) Morris Lunger ; 3. Rachel, m. John Bell, of Hackettstown ; 4. Annette, unmarried ; 5. Elisa- beth, m. Fred. Hendershot (s. of Jeremiah), of Hackettstown ; 6. Philip, wm. Jane Pinkney, of the Grove; 7. James, m. Elisabeth Vernoy (s. of Nathan), of the Grove ; 8. Nelson, m. Amanda Mc- Crae (s. of Samuei), of Hackettstown ; 9. William, m. Sarah Wool- verton (s. of Aaron). dl). Wini1aM, m. Elisabeth Sweazey (dau. of Israel); lived on the Peter Baldwin place; had ch.: 1. John, m. Mary Antone, of the Grove; 2. Abbie Jane, m. James Seguine ; 3. Ruth; 4. Jake, m. (1) Susan A. Sliker ; (2) ; 5. Catherine, m. Fred. Mayberry ; 6. Elisa- beth, m. Sam. Shuler (s. of Peter); 7. Sarah ; 8. Rachel ; 9. Israel, died young ; 10. James, m. a Cramer ; 11. Emma. SCHOOLEY. THOMAS SCHOOLEY, came to Burlington in the ship ‘‘ Willing Mind” Nov. 1677, and ROBERT, with wife and children, arrived the next year, Oct., 1678, in “The Shield.” In 1680, April 12, Robert and Thomas, of Crewcorn, on the Delaware, petition that no liquor be sold to the Indians. THOMAS mar- ried Sarah Parke in 1686 and had a son, THoMas, JR. It is supposed that the rest of the following names on the marriage record of the ‘ Chesterfieid Friends’ Meeting” also belong to his family; had ch. I. MARY, m. Joseph Wright 1710, second month and sixth day. II. SARAH, m. Samuel Shinn, 1718, fourth month and fourth day. III. THOMAS, JR., m. Hannah Fowler, 1720, third month and fifth day. IV. SAMUEL, m. Avis Holloway 1725, third month and sixth day; purchased a warrant for 136 acres 1729, Nov. 1, and sold the same to William Pew 1783, March 1. This land was near Stephensburg, Morris Co. The record of Samuel’s children is found in a manuscript arithmetic now in the possession of Mr A. A. Vance, editor of The Jerseyman, Morris- town. The years of birth of the first three children are illegible, but can be approximately conjectured. SAMUEL, b. 1705 (?), Oct. 26, d. 1761, Feb. 8,m 1725, March 6, Avis Holloway, b. 1706, Feb. 9 ; her will, on record at Newton, N. J., was dated 1771, June 20, and probated 1785, May 24. Her will names Samuel, who does not appear on the family record. Samuel bought Jan. 11, 1726, of Joseph DeCou, 350 acres on Schooley’s Mountain, of the Stevenson tract. This land was sold to William Henn April 22, 1745. He had ch.: (I). ASENATH, b. 1726 (2) April 18, m. a Simcock. (II). ANNE, b. 1728 (9, June 29. (III). JosepuH, b. 17380 (2, Nov. 19; prob. of Winsor, Middlesex Co., and leaves all property to wife in will prob. 1761. (IV). Bengamin, b. 1733, April 24; his will dated Newton, N. J., 1804, Nov. 18, prob. 1809, Dec. 26; had ch.; 1. JosEPH, b. 1760, d. SCHOOLEY 481 1846, at Stillwater; had ch.: (1). Benjamin; (2). John and . (83). Martha, both of whom went to Canada early in life ; (4). Eliza- beth and (5). Rhoda, who were unm.; (6). Aaron C.; (7). Susan, m. a Vance ; 2. Mrs. DENNIs ; 8. Mrs. Waite ; 4. Marrua, wife of Joseph Philips. (V). RacHEL, b. 1736, May 26. (VI). Jamms, b. 1739, March 22, d. 1767, March 15. (VII). SamuEL. ScHOOLEY OF BURLINGTON. JOHN (s. of JOHN, of Housworth parish, County York, England), bought 625 acres in Springfield twp., Burlington Co., N. J., d. 1725, Oct. 17, m. first, Rebecca Bennett, 1697 ; second, Frances Taylor (dau. of Samuel and widow of Joseph Nicholson); had ch.: I. SUSANNA, b. 1711-12, Dec. 24, m. 1780, Michel Newbold. Il. JOHN, b. 1714-16, Nov. 22, m. 1743, Rachel Wright ; will prob. 1757, Feb. 7% (Trenton, 8 : 354), mentions brothers and sisters in his will, and a dau. named FRANCES. Ill. THOMAS, b. 1718-19, Dee. 5, ‘died young. IV. MARY, b. 1720, Dec. 24, m. first, Jonathan Barton ; second, Thomas Black ; third, Samuel Wright. V. ISABEL, b. 1721, Feb. 28, m. 1750, Jacob Ridgeway. VI. SAMUEL, b. 1723, May 25. VII. REBECCA, b. 1725, Aug. 3, m. 1747, Teseny Wright. VIII. SARAH. b, 1727, June 6, m. 1752, Joseph Horner. Ix. J ONATHAN, b. 1729, ug. 3, m. 1750, Mary Wright. X. ANN, m. 1725, Thomas Scattergood. WILLIAM (prob. s. of ROBERT, 1st, of Burlington), owned a proprietary tract, near Draketown, Washington twp., but sold it to —— Colver, then moved to Randolph twp., where he purchased 600 acres from the Kirkbride family, including what is now Millbrook, three miles south-east from Dover. This is said to have been in the winter of the heavy snow, 1740. His son Rosert built the first grist mill in that part of the county. William’s three daughters married respectively Henry and Richard Brotherton and Richard Dell. This latter gentleman removed from Pleasant Grove, and bought from William Penn a tract two miles east from Dover on the south side of the Rockaway River. His son, Thamas Dell, bought land of the Kirkbride heirs a mile east of Mine Hill, and resided there until his death in 1850, at 90 or more years of age. [See Annals of Morris County, p. 4]. ScHooLey or RANDOLPH TwP., Morris Co. WILLIAM probably had children : I. WILLIAM, perhaps of Greenwich twp., now Warren Co.; his will prob. 1761, May 5, and names “my brother” RosErr’s son JOSEPH, and ‘my son” (I). JOHN, perhaps the one whose will, dated Greenwich 1807, Dec. 17, prob. 1808, Feb. 16, names wife, Elisabeth, and ch.: 1. Elisabeth, m. Lefferd Houghawout ; 2. Theodosias, m. Michael Minnier ; 3. Sarah, (dec.), m. John Barber ; 4. Anne, m. Herbert Hyner ; 5. Rachel, m. John Hyner ; 6. Mary; 7%. Abigail; 8. Elisabeth; 9. Nathaniel; 10. John. . QI). Ricuarp, of Byram twp., Sussex Co., probably m. 1751, May 25, Martha Tantom, “both of Morris Co.” [Trentun Records]., names in his 482 . Earty Germans or New JERSEY will of date 1801, March 18, prob. 1805, Oct. 12, my cousin, Richard Brotherton; James Brotherton, son of John; Mary and Elisabeth Brotherton, daughters of William ; my uncle, Robert Schooley, and his son, Richard ; my cousin, Elisabeth Dell, daughter of Richard. Il. ROBERT ; has ch., perhaps: (1). JosepH ; (IJ). Ricwarp. Ill. A DAUGHTER, m. Richard Dell, from Schooley’s Mountain 1759, and purchased land of William Penn in Randolph, where he lived until his death in 1804 ; his farm between Dover and Rockaway. Had ch.; (I). ELISABETH ; (II). THomas, d. 1850, at 91. IV. A DAUGHTER, m, Henry Brotherton. V. A DAUGHTER, m. Richard Brotherton ; had son, RicHaRD. MiscELLANEOUS—WMichael Schooley lived at Bound Brook very early, about 1700. SCHUYLER. PHILIP SCHUYLER, b. 1718, d. 1784, Aug. 27, m. Ann Anderson (2), b. 1725, d. 1796, Nov. 13. His will was dated 1775, Jan. 27, and prob. 1785, Jan. 15. He had ch. (order as mentioned in will): . I. PHILIP, JR., rem. to Sussex Co. II. PETER;; had ch.: (I). MarGaReEt, m. Luke Read. (II). Lena, m. Fred. Hoffman. (Il). Ex1saBeTH, m. a Flomeryelt. (IV). Curistina, m. Will. Apgar. : Ill. WILLIAM, b. 1759, Nov. 6, d. 1822, Aug. 19, m. Mary Hoffman (dau. of Henry), b. 1758, June 4, d. 1847, April 3 ; had ch.: (). PHIyir. (Il). PEersr, b. 1801, June 21, d. 1859, March 26, m. Barbara Apgar (dau. of William), b. 1804, June 22, d. 1880, Oct. 26 ; hadch.: 1. William, m. Mary Tiger (dau. of Peter); 2. Philip (Pleasant Valley), b. 1832, March 6, m. Ann Sutton (dau. of Aaron); 3. Adam, m. Charity Apgar (dau. of Harmen); 4. George, m. Catherine Hoffman (dau. of Jacob). (ID. WitLiam, m. Sara Flemming (dau. of William). (IV). Sopst1a, m. Peter Lance. (V). Mary, m. John Orts. (VI). Anwa, m. Casper Backer. IV. JOHN, m. 1783, Jan. 7, Elisabeth Sutton (dau. of John); had children (order uncertain) : (I). JOHN, m. Catherine Hotrum (dau. of George). (I). ANDREW, b. 1793, m. Elisabeth Philhower (dau. of John), b. 1793 ; had ch.: 1. RacHEL, m. Peter R. Teats ; 2. JESSE ; 3. ELISABETH, m. Jacob W. Apgar (s. of Casper); 4. RICHARD, m. (1) Seenie Job; (2) Mary Lundy ; (8) widow of J.C. Emmons; had ch.: (1). Ellen, m. Peter Eick, of Hunterdon Co.; (2). Nathan, m. Mary Bird, res. at Califon ; (8). Richard, m. Mary Hopwood, res. at Elisabeth- town; (4). Elisabeth, m. a Sovran; (5). Enoch, m. Ida Apgar (dau. of Simon), res. at Califon ; (6). Emma, unm.; 5. NaTHan, b. 1822, Aug. 10, m. (1) Elisabeth Tiger (dau. of Jacob); (2) Susan SCHUYLER—SCHWARTZWELDER 483 H. Mahoney ; 6. Dororuza, m. David Lindaberry (s. of Geo. H.); 7. Susan, m. John R. Apgar (s. of Casper); 8. AaRon, d. young ; 9. Fanny, m. David Tiger (s. of Jacob). (IIT). Perr, b. 1791, May —, d. 1881, Oct. 17, at 90, m. Catherine Lance ; had ch.: 1, MARGARET, m. (1) Cornelius Sharp (s. of John);. (2) Jacob Baldwin ; 2. ELISABETH, m. Benj. Slyker (s. of John), of Hackettstown ; 3. SopHta, m. Wm. Roelofson (s. of Christopher), of Stephensburg ; 4. Mary Ann, m. Wm. Cox (s. of Joseph), of Fox Hill ; 5. Saran, m. Stryker M. Carlin, of Andersontown ; 6. Susan, m. Exton Taylor, of Schooley’s Mountain ; 7. CATHERINE, unmarried ; 8. SAMUEL, m. Elisabeth Slyker (dau. of William), res. at Chester. te Ann, m. Joseph Hockenbury. (V). Puiiir, rem. to Albany. (VI). EvisaBEeTs, m. John Thomas, of Princeton. (VII). Susan, m. George Lance (brother to Catherine). (VIII). Mary, m. William Bounds, of New Brunswick. (TX). RacuHEL, died young. V. JACOB, m. Sarah (?); perhaps mar. to Christien Hoffman, 1789, April 27, by Squire Price. (Hist. Sussex and Warren); had ch.: (). SamusEn, b. 1771, May 22. (IT). Eva, b. 1773, Sept. 14, m. 1816, Nov. 28, Nicholas Tiger. (III). DanreL, b. 1778, July 30. VI. CHRISTINA, m. Andrew Able (s. of Michael %). VII. ANNA, m. Harmon Hoffman (s. of Henry). VIII. ELISABETH. IX. EVA. X. SOPHIA. XI. ELISABETH KATRINA. XII. MARY, m. Aaron Sutton (s. of John). XI. MERINDA. XIV. LENA, m. Fred. Hoffman (s. of Henry) ; not mentioned in will of Philip. SCHWARTZWELDER. JACOB SCHWARTZWELDER, m. “ Christina, a born Schwartzwelder”; had a son Martin. There is a brief family record in German owned by the descend ants of John Schwartzwelder, now living in Stillwater, N. J., from which a few facts are gathered. MARTIN, b. 6 Oct., 1726, d. 1795 ; buried at Still- water ; came from Burgberg (?), Weyler Stabs and Hornberger Amts in Wur- temberg, m. Rosina Barbara Gotzin ; had ch.: I. Jacos, b. 5 Feb., 1763, d.5 March, 1795, buried at Stillwater: II]. Matruzus, communicant Stillwater Lutheran Church, 1775 ; III. MarGaretTHa, communicant Stillwater Lutheran Church, 1775; IV. Anna Marta, confirmed, 1777; V. ELISABETH, b 1765, confirmed, 1782; VI. Anna Maria MaGpaLena BEKERIN ; VII. ANNA Maria BEKERIN ; VIII. Jonannzs, b. Hartwick, Sussex Co., N. J., 30 May, 1767, bap. by pastor Schaffer, Johanes Kuhn and his wife Magdalena being godparents, confirmed by Rev. John Frederick Ernst, m. first, Anna Margaret Flock (dau. of Andreas 2d), b. 3 Nov. 1761; second, Susanna Harden, a widow ; had ch.; 1. Martin, b. 5 Aug., 1793 (1794 9, d. 10 April, 1843 ; res. at Knowlton, Warren 484 Earty Germans or New JERSEY Co., m. Mary —, b. —43 ; 2. Andreas, b. 8. May, 1795 ; 3. Anna Margaret, b. 8 Jan., 1797 ; 4. Matthias, b. 1799 ; 5. Jacob, b. 18 Nov., 1798 ; 6. Johannes, b. 20 March, 1803. SEALS. JOHN, an English school teacher, came to the vicinity of High Bridge about 1760. In 1802, John, Daniel and William Seals all occupied farms on Allen and Turner tract in High Bridge twp. John Paul Sehl [Seal 7] landed at Phila. from ship ‘‘ Two Brothers” 15 Sept., 1752. John had ch.: I. DANIEL. II. JOHN, m. Martha Milham and had 1. ROBERT, m. twice ; rem. to Easton, Pa.; 2. ANDREW B., m. Elisabeth Beam ; had (1). William, unmarried ; (2). Samuel W., m. Melissa Howell ; (8). Anna, m. D. G. Perrine ; (4). George B., m. a Peer ; (5). Wesley, m. a Cook ; (6). Rachel, m. George Howell ; 3. SILVESTER, m. first, a Swick ; second, ; 4. ABRAHAM, m. the widow of Peter Gulick; 5. Davip, m. a lady of N. Y.; 6. CaTH- ERINE, m. Oliver Sutton. NATHAN SEALS, had a brother LAWRENCE ; has ch.: 1. JOHN, m. Ellen Con- dict ; 2. ANGELINE, m. Andrew Booth ; 3. Mary. m. Robert Hendershot ; 4. Lyp1a4, m. Richard Valentine ; 5. ADALINE, m. William Hoppock ; 6. MILLER, m. —— Condict ; 7. CATHERINE, m. John Crout. SEARLES. JOSEPH SEARLES, of North Castle, Westchester Co., N. Y.;m. Martha, his will found in N. Y. city, dated 1755, June 10, probated 1756, Mar. 9, names ch.: I. JAMES. II. JEREMIAH. Ill. ELISABETH. IV. JOSEPH. V. GLORANAH. VI. REUBEN. REUBEN, prob. s. of Joseph, tradition says settled about 1797 on Rattlesnake Hill, above Oxford Furnace, where he raised a large family ; he had ch. at least : I. WILLIAM, m, Deborah Rowe; came from near Belvidere to Schooley’s Mountain and bought 112 acres in 1802 from Lawrence Hann, near Flock’s school house ; had ch.: (f). EPHRatrm, m. 1800, April 6, Eva Sovreen ; rem. to Canada. (11). Moss, b. 1781, Sept. 10, d. 1860, Feb. 17, m. 1883, Jan. 24, Margaret Catherine Peer, b. 1810, Aug. 26, d. 1878, Jan. 18; joined First Presbyterian Church in Morristown, 1831, ‘ first Sabbath in June;” had ch.: 1. GmEon, (deceased) m. Elisabeth Welsh (dau. of John Sharp Welsh), removed to Blue River, Wis.; had ch.: (1). William C.; (2). Lizzie; (8). Ella; (4). Warren; (5). Nettie; 2. Mary ELLEN. m. Wm. Runyon (s. of Wm. V.); 3. Isatam, m. Margaret D. Hull; hasch.: (1). Robinson Day ; (2). Walter; (8). William ; (4). Benjamin ; (5). Ernest ; 4. DANIEL, m. Sarah Welsh (dau. of John §.); rem. to New York; has ch.: (1). Frederick (deceased) ; (2). Hva ; (8). Albert. SEARLES—SEIFERS—SEWARD 485 (II). RevBgEn, m. (1) Elisabeth Colver ; (2). ——; rem. to Penn. (IV). Hanwag, m. Morris Thomas (s. of Matthias). (V). Saraug, unmarried. II, REUBEN. Yl. FREDERICK, m. Anna Maria; his will, dated Knowlton, 1822, prob. 1838, June 23, names ch: 1. CaTHERINE, b. 1775, Dec. 8,m. Enos Savige; 2. ELISABETH, m. William Pettinger; 3 Prccy, m. Jonas Jones; 4. Mary, m. Peter Sigler ; 5. ADALINA, m. Michel Butts; 6. THoMAs (de- ceased); 7. Isaac; 8. SusannaH ; 9, ANN. IV. GEORGE. SEIFERS. MICHEL CYPHER [Seifer}, on West Jersey Society lands in Alexandria twp., Hunterdon Co., 1756-66. PHILIP, m. Rebecca and had ch.: I. WILHELM, b. 16 Jan., 1769, and perhaps also another son, II. PHILIP, who had a son 1. PETER, b. 20 June, 1797, d. 16 Aug., 1888, at 91, m. first, Anna Hann, b. 21 Dec., 1802, d. 13 June, 1886, at 833 second, Sarah Shampanore ; had ch.: (1). David, died young ; (2). Perninah, m. Moses Hagar ; (8). Caroline Elisabeth, m. Will. Hoffman ; (4). Philip, m. Mary Harvey ; (5). James, m. Nancy Robinson ; (6). Jacob, m. Hester Perry ; (7). Sarah, m. Caleb M. Muir ; (8). Mary, unmarried ; (9). Peter, m. Jennie Beavers. ‘ SEWARD. WILLIAM SEWARD, sailed from London, 6 Jan., 1634, for St. Christopher and Barbadoes, and was prob. the first one of the name to come to this country. OBADIAH SEWARD drew lot 49 at Brookhaven, L. I., in 1664; was taxpayer there in 1675 ; signs quit claim, 24 April, 1738 ; Obadiah and Joseph are assessed in 1741, and Abner and Samuel in 1749, in Brookhaven; prob. m. Ann, and bad ch.: Obadiah, Joseph, Abner, Samuel and Eliakim. Samuel, of Islip, L. I., left a nuncopative or oral will dated 7 Sept., 1750, prob. in New York, 18 March, 1751, in which he speaks of his mother Ann and brother Eliakim. OBADIAH, 2d, son of Obadiah, rem. to Roxbury twp., Morris Co., where he owned land next to Samuel Swazey, Jr., in 1747. Letters of administration of his estate were granted, 3 June, 1751 [Trenton Lib. F. fol. 94], to his widow Isabella. Obadiah sold the farm where William Seward, Esq., now lives to Rev. Stephen Overton who occupied it for 32 years and then his daughter, Mrs. Elisabeth Faircloe, wife of Caleb, occupied it for 7 years, having inherited it, and at the end of that period sold it to Daniel Seward, the grandson of Obadiah. He had children, probably: Eliacum, b. 1724; Mehitable, m. 1748, Nathan Cooper (s. of Nathan); John, b. 22 March, 1780; Lydia, b. 1785, d. 22 Dec., 1775, at 20 ; Isaac (2). ELIAKIM (Eliacum), s. of Obadiah, 2d, b. 1724, d. 8 Oct., 1784, at 60; had ch. on records of Morristown: SARau, bap. 14 Feb., 1748; Anna, bap. 27 May, 1750 ; SaRaw, (again), bap. 2 April, 1752 ; SamuzEL, bap. 25 Aug., 1753. JOHN, s. of Obadiah, 2d, b. 22 March, 1730, d. on his farm in Sussex Co., 9 Dec., 1797, at 68, m. 22 March, 1751, Mary Swazey (dau. of Samuel Ist), b. 3 April, \ 486 Earty GerMANS OF New JERSEY’ 1783, d. at Florida, N. Y., 29 Feb., 1816, at 83. John rem. to Snufftown, Sussex: Co., before 1767 ; freeholder, Sussex Co., 1767-1779 ; Colonel in the 2d Regi-- ment of Sussex Volunteers in the Revolution ; his will, ‘* Hardiston,’” Sussex. Co., 2 Oct., prob. 13 Dec., 1797. He had ch.: 1. Pou.y, b. 1752, d. 1771, at 19,. m, 1771, Capt. Richard Edsall ; 2. OBADIAH, b. 1754, d. 1792, received from his. father land in Roxbury ‘‘ now occupied by him,” was a captain in his father’s: regiment ; 3, Nancy, b. 1756, d. 1762 ; 4. 4 DAUGHTER,.b. 1758, died young ; 5.. ELISABETH, b. 1759, d 1795, m. [? Dr. Jonathan] Swazey ; 6. HESTER, b. 1762,. died young ; 7. JoHN, b. 10° June, 1765 ; prob. m: 18 March, 1790, Deborah. Conckling ; became Colonel of Militia, after the Revolution, inherited lands in- Hardiston, which he sold, and then rem to Ohio and then to Hillsborough, II, where he became a wealthy landowner ; 8..SamuEL SwaZBEy, b. 5 Dec., 1768, d. 1849, m. Mary Jennings ; rem. to Florida, N. Y., from Vernon, N. J., where he. founded the Srwarp InstrruTE m 1846; with an endowment of $20,000.00 ; member of the Legislature, 1804; County Judge, 1815; left an estate at his. death of about 350 thousand dollars ; 9. ISRAEL, b. 1773, d. 1779. ISAAC, s. of Obadiah, 2d:, m. Phebe ; his will (Trenton, Lib. K. fol. 222], dated Morris Co., 11 Sept., 1766, prob. 17 Nov., 1769, names wife Phebe and ch.: I. SAMUEL, prob. m. Elisabeth Keen (dau. of Capt. James 2); had ch. (on Morristown records) at least: 1. Sarah, bap. 22 Sept., 1781; 2. Ruth, bap. 9 May, 1783 ; 3. Anna Julianna, bap. 6’ March, 1786 ; 4, Elisabeth Ayres, bap. 4 April, 1788; iL. DANIEL, m. first, —— Skellinger (dau: of ——); second, Sallie Baird ; had ch.: ; (I). DantrEL, M. D., m. Julia Rumsey, and rem. to Goshen, N. Y. (ID). Henry, b. 1792, d. 27 Aug., 1871, at'79, m. Beulah Ann Cooper (dau. of Abraham), b. 1799, d. 9 Nov., 1885, at 86; had ch.:. 1. Nathan > 2. Henry ; 3. William. (III). Hector, m. a Smith; rem to'Goshen, N.Y. (IV). A son, removed to New York. SHAFER. CASPAR SHAVER, b. 1712, d. 17 Dec., 1784, m. Maria Catrina Bernhard (dau. of John Peter), b. 1721, d. 1 Dec., 1794 ; arrived at Philadelphia, 16 Sept., 1738, in. ship Queen Elisabeth ; had 8 ch.: I. PETER B., b. 1744, d. 6 April, 1799, m. Elisabeth, b. 1747, d. 10'May, 1823. II. ABRAHAM, had Nathan and Peter. III. ISAAC, m. first, ——; second, Martha Linn (dau. of John Linn and Martha Kirkpatrick); had Rev. Joseph Linn Shafer, D. D., b. at Still- water, 9 May, 1787, d. 12 Nov., 1853; pastor of Presbyterian Church of Newton, Sussex Co., N. J. MICHAEL SHEPHER, of Lebanon, whose will, prob. 25 Aug., 1768, names ch. I. Marearer ; Il. Euisapers ; III. Pations [Patience], ‘not of age.” PETER, of Oxford, Sussex Co., whose will 6 Aug., prob. 5 Nov., 1795, names wife: Catherine and ch.: I. Perr ; II. Joun ; III, MarGarer ; IV. Evenor ; V. CATHERINE, SHARPS or SHAPENSTINE. MATTHIAS, of Potterstown, Tewkesbury twp.; his will dated 1750, Oct. 16, prob- Z ‘SHARPS 487 "1756, Oct. 7 ; names wife, Anna Gertruy [Gertrude], and the following children; ‘oy his first wife had several children, only one of whom is mentioned, and he is tthe eldest : I. MORRIS, in Tewkesbury twp., 1764, buys 361 acres in Upper German Valley 1767, March 31, of Wm. Allen, Blacksmith ; his will, prob. 1781, Sept. 12, (Lib. M.,.fol. 63, Trenton], mentions wife Catharine and ch.: (). Marrutas mar. Elisabeth Hager (dau. of Johannes, 1st), d. 1791, had second hnsband, John Alpock ; will of Matthias dated 1773, April 4, prob. April 30, mentions “my bro. Peter,” my bro.-imlaw Jaccb Hager” and three children : 1. Morais, b. 1761, Feb. 26, d. 1880. Feb. 22, m. Mary Cramer (dau. of Matthias); owned farm south of Lebanon, N. J., which was bought by his son-in-law David Sharp, who left it to his son Asa. It is now (1894) owned by Asa’s son John; Morris had ch.: (1). Anna Mary, b. 1784, Nov. 4, m. David Sharp (s. of John and Lena Crafft); (2). Elisabeth, b. 1789, July 10, m. Adam Stiger ; (3). Saah, m. Urias Hoagland ; (4). Susan, m. Elleck Probasco ; (5). Anna, m. John Welsh (s. of William, 2d). That the above Morris was the son of Matthias above is conjectured. Matthias’ son Morris is said to have died in Cin- cinnatti. ‘2, ELISABETH CATHERINE, b. 1766, Aug. 10, m. Nicholas Neighbor (s. of Leonard, 2d). 3. JoHN, b. 1770. Feb. 10, ‘‘ went to Albany.” (Il). Perer, inherited 150 acres, one-half his father’s farm in Upper German Valley. He appears to have moved to Passaic Valley, Morris Co. \ (Il). Morris, d. 1823, m. Mary Welsh (dau of John Wilhelm, 1st), in herited 150 acres, the other half of his father’s farm in Upper Ger- man Valley; he had ch.: 1. ELISABETH, m. Wm. Larrison, of Pleasant Hill; 2. Marra, b. 1784, Nov. 2, m. John Flock (s. of Matthias, 1st); went to Canada (or Ohio); 3. ANNA, b. 1789, Oct. 10, m. Richard Loveridge ; 4. Jou, b: 1794, March 16, d. young ; 5. Morris, b. 1796, Aug. 10, m. 1820, Oct. 12, Mary A. Thomas (s. of John), b. 1795, sept. 19, lived on De Cue place, was a butcher and also kept a store; had ch.: (1). Eliza, b. 1821, Sept 4, m. Geo. , Kaar ; (2). William Larason, b. 1822, Dec. 2; m. Matilda A. Kaar; (3). Anne, b. 1824, June 4,m. William Buchanan ; (4). Aaron, b. 1825, Aug. 1, m. Anna L. Perry ; (5). Silvester, b. 1827, July 1, m. Mary E. Bunn (2d wife); went to Nebraska ; (6) David A., b. 1830, Feb. 5, m. Charlotte Perry; went to Ohio ; (7). Mary Ann, b. 1882, Oct. 22, m. James Larason (s, of James); had ch.; (8). Morris T., b. 1834, Sept. 29, m. in Illinois ; (9). Nathan, b. 1837, July 19, m. Fanny Studer, of Ohio; 6. PHILIP, m. Nancy Larri- son; %. DoroTrHy, m. Benjamin Peterson, of Drakesvillle ; 8. Manrcaret, m. Jerry Howell; 9. Susanwé, b. 1802, m. Aaron Schenck; 10, Wiiz1am, b. 1806, d. young ; 11. Davip WELSH, b. 1808, Jan. 26, m. in Ohio two wives, lives at Mt. Vernon, O. (IV). Joun, b. 1743, m. first, Magdalena (Helena, Lena) Croft (dau. of Wilhelm, b. 1717, and Katrina Croft, b. 1718) ;,second, Mary Henn 488 Earty Germans or New JERSEY (widow of Matthias Cramer); third, Catharine Apgar (dau. of John Adam, 1st, and widow of John Emery); lived near High Bridge for a time ; bought land in partnership with Ziba Hazen, near Hackettstown, at an early date ; had ch.: 1. Karrina, b. 1767, m. Ziba Hazen. 2. Anna, b. 1769, m. John Trimmer (s. of Matthias, 1st). 3 Wi.i1am Crort, b. 1772, came to Hackettstown, where he died 1856, Feb. 21, at 84, m. Annie Neiser (dau. of Jacob, of Lebanon); had ch.; (1). Mary, m. Abraham Sharp (s. of John Peter, 2d), of German Valley; (2). Joun, m, Mary Rusling, of Trenton); (8). Ex1saBEtH, b. 1800, May 17, m. David Welsh (s. of William, Jr.); (4). Jacos NeIser, b. 1802, April 26, m. Rachel Hoffman ; had ch.: (a). Caroline, m. Hugh Menagh ; (b). Margaret A., m. Wm. H. Axferd ; (c). Martha J., m. Jacob C. Allen ; (d). Amanda, unm.; (e). John Henry, m. Anna Carr ; (f). Mary £., m. Marshall L. Ward; (g). William C., unm.; (5). ELLENOR, m. Selvan (Silvanus) Downs; (6). CATHERINE, m. Thomas Fleming ; (7). MarnGaRET, m. George Titman ; (8). SARAH, m. Cibah Osborn ; (9). JANE m. Joseph White. 4, JOHANNES, b. 1774, April 17. 5. CHRISTINA, b. 1776, April 20, m. Matthias Cramer ‘s. of Matthias). 6. Davip, b. 1784, Feb. 20, d. 1871, Jan. 26, m. Mary Sharp (dau. of Morris and Mary Cramer), b. 1787, Nov. 4, d. 1859, Sept. 27 ; had ch.: (ly. Joun W., b. 1806, Dec. 8, m. Annie Hoffman; (2). Morris, b. 1810, March 81, m. Elisabeth Cole; (8). ASA, b. 18 2, Aug. 31, m. Catherine A. Voorhees ; (4). WILLIAM, b. 1814, Oct. 11, m. Frances E. Holcombe ; (5). Davin, b. 1816, Dec. 14, m. jirst, Lydia Stiger (dau. of Henry); second, Mrs. Keturah Ram- Ramsey; (6). EMILy CAROLINE, b. 1818, Nov. 4, m. Christopher B. Van Sickle ; (7). Mary ADELINE, b. 1820, Nov. 2, m. Mahlon Hulsizer: (8). ELLEN CHARLOTTIE, b. 1822, Nov. 4, m. John Jones ; (9). JacoB F., b. 1823, Nov. 26, m. Aletta E. Dunn ; all lived in Clinton twp. 7. Morris, killed in infancy in a runaway accident. (V). ANNA, (VI). ELIsaBeETH, b. 1741, m. William Alpoch (s. of Morris, of Upper Ger- man Valley). (VII). CuristTina, m. Harmon Dilts. (IX). Dororay, b. 174-, m, Wilhelm Welsch (s. of Wilhelm, 1st). (X). Anna Mary, b. 1754, Sept. 11, m. David Welsh (s. of John Wil- helm, Ist). II. JOHN WILHELM (perhaps s. of Matthias), m. Lena of Mary. II. PAUL (perhaps s. of Matthias), of Lebanon, m. Elsa, names in his will, dated 1755, Oct. 22, prob. Nov. 20, godchildren, Paul Clover, Paul Sharp, Paul Engel, Paul Erick, and executors, John Dilse, of Amwell, and Jacob Gerhert, of Lebanon. This Paul may be a generation older and a brother, instead of a son of Matthias, by the second wife. IV. Not named, but referred to. V. JOHN GEORGE (called “second son by second wife”), b. 1734, March 17, probably m. Anna Gertrude Dilts (dau. of Peter). SHARPS 489 VI. MATTHIAS, probably m. Sarah —. VII. ANNA, m. Conrad Pickle in 1752. VIII. MARIE, m. a Young. IX. SOPHIA. X. PETER, has wife Rebecca [Ten Eyck % and ch.: 1 ARIAN, bap. 1768, Oct 22 ; 2. W1LL1aM, bap. 1771, Jan. 29; 3. ABRAHAM, bap. 1778, Feb. 15. XI. JACOB, m. Sara and had Matruartas, b. 1768, Dec. 8. SHARPS OF GERMAN VALLEY. JOHN PETER, buys 210 acres of the Logan tract in German Valley 1749, Dec. 8, for £100 ; letters of adm. of estate of John Peter Sharpenstine, of Roxbury twp., Morris Co., were granted to Anne Sharpenstine 1760, June 2 ; and 1767, June 7, Samuel Grandine is appointed guardian of John Peter Sharpenstine (s. of John Peter, deceased). The following are the children of John Peter, 1st, so far as they can be discovered at the present time: I. MORRIS, b. 1739, May 25, d. 1827, June 30, buried in Hackettstown Ceme- tery. He is supposed to have owned the American House, which was owned afterwards by his daughter, who had two sons, Edward and Morris, A son, Isaac, who was blind, is remembered by some of the older people. He was remarkably skillful in detecting coin by the touch and never made any mistake in making change, although deprived of the use of his eyes. II, MARIA CATHERINE, b. 1741, Feb. 2, d. ———, m. 1757, March 3, Law- rence Hager (s. of Johannes, Ist). | Ill. JOHN PETER, 2d. b. 1746, d. 1826, Feb. 5, at 80, m. Anna Catherine Freese, b. 1753, d. 1823, May 13. His will was prob. 1826, March 11; had children : (). Maria EvisaBertH, b. 1774, June 2, m. Jacob Miller (s. of Henry, 1st); receives from her father one-half the farm, a distillery in Sussex Co., and $100. (Il), CaTHERINE, b. 1776, June 23, m. Henry Miller (s. of Henry, 1st); re- ceives from her father 100 acres of Timber land on the Ellis tract and $1,500. (Il). Joun, b. 1778, Sept. 18, d. 1848, May 20, at 70, m. Maria Hager (dau. of Jacob), b. 1798, d. 1858, March 29; inherits the Draketown property and $1,600 ; had ch.: 1. Lawrence Hager, b. 1809, Dec. 19, d. 1849, Aug. 20, at 39 ; 2. Jacob W., b. 1812, June 17, d. 1844, Sept. 2, at 32; 3. Amand, m. William Steward ; 4. Sophia, m. Isaac W. Crane ; 5. Jesse Miller, m. Julia Budd; 6. Lydia Ann, m. States Nelson Weiss ; 7. Mary, m. Morris Weiss (s. of Andrew) ; 8. John, m. Nancy McCracken ; 9. Ehza, m. Jacob Welsh 6. of Jacob). (IV). Anna Marta, b. 1781, June 22, m. Lawrence Hager, 3d (s. of John, Jr.); inherits the land south of the Raritan, next to Robert Car- lisle, and $1,509. (V). Davin, b. 1786, Jan. 1, m. 1812, Feb. 27, Annie C. Hager, b. 1794 (dau. of Jacob ‘‘L.”); inherits 154 acres in German Valley ; had ch.: 1. Morris, b. 1814, Jan. 15, m. Anna Smith ; 2. John Peter, b. 1816, m. Dorothy Terryberry (dau. of John); 3. Henry Miller, b. 1818, d. young; 4. William Hager, b. 1819, m. Caroline Trimmer 490 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY (dau. of Matthias); 5. Lambert Bowman, b. 1828; m. Sarah Lake ; 6. Elisabeth Kline, b. 1825, m. Edgar Crane ; 7. David, b. 1828, m. Mary Neighbor (dau. of Leonhard) ; 8. Jacob Miller, b. 1830, died . young; 9. Whitefield Hunt, b. 1831, m. Anna Weiss (dau. of Jacob A.); 10. Annie, b. 1834, m. Samuel Trimmer (s. of Matthias) ; 11. Nathan Stiger, b. 1837, m. Mary Jane Pace (dau. of John). (VJ). Susanna, b. 1787, Dec. 25, m. Cornelius D. Wyckoff (s. of Dennis, and great-great-grandson of Peter Claes Wyckoff, who came from Hol- land) ; inherits a house and lot of seven acres and $2,500 ; had ch.: 1. Anna MILLER Wycxorr, b. 1808, unm. 2. DENNIS VAN DynE Wycxorr. b. 1809, m. Emaline Clausen. 3, ELISABETH Wyckorr, b. 1817, m. John Martin 1838, Feb. 1, and had ch.:; (1). Dosta, m. Harmon White, who had: (a). John; (b). Ross; (c). Lizzie; (d). Minnie; (e). Edgar, (f). Willie ; (2). CaTHERINE, m. H. W. Hunt; (8). Mary, m. first, Her- bert Uhl; second, Lawrence Hunt, for second, wife ; has one ' dau., Kittie. 4, Margaret Wyckorr, b. 1815, unm. 5. Henry MILLER Wycxorr, b. 1821, unm. 6. WiLL1am Hann Wyckorr, b. 1824, unm. 7. Lyp1a ANN WYCKOFF, unm. 8. JoHN SHARP Wyckorr, b. 1818, d. young. (VID. Isaac, b. 1790, Oct. 6, m. Amelia Mackey ; inherits 84 acres, the tan- yard, sawmill and « wood lot; has ch.: 1. JosePpH MackEy ; 2. ANGELINE, m. Oliver Vescelius ; 8 Dennis; 4. Epna, m. Henry Miller. (VIII). ABRAHAM, b. 1792, Dec. 25, m. Mary Sharp (dau. of William C., of Hackettstown); inherits the farm on the north side of the Raritan (at Naughright), on which he lived, and $1,500; had ch.: 1. Wituiam, b. 1817, June 14, d. 1891, Oct. 15, unm.; 2. CATHERINE, m. Leonard Welsh (s. of John); 8. Lyp1a ; 4. CAROLINE, m. John P. Bartles ; 5. Mary, m. Conrad Neighbor ; 6. ELisaBEeTs, m. first, George Neighbor ; second, Wyckoff Stevens ; 7. FREDERICK, unm.; 8. JoHN, unm., d. 1892, Jan. 18. (IX). Lypra, b. 1796, Jan. 26, m. Nathan Stiger (2d wife); inherits one- half the farm next to Jacob Miller and Jacob Sharp in Sussex Co. ; had ch.: 1. Joun SHarp, M. D., m. a Hilliard ; resides at Mend- ham ; 2. CATHERINE, m. Job Williams, have one child ; 3. Smas, m. a Walduck, resldes at Mendham and has several children ; 4. Henry, M. D., m. Rettie Hunt ; have no children. (X). FREDERICK, b. 1797, d. 1877, May 17, at 80, unm.; inherited a farm of 159 acres. IV. ANNA MARIA, b. 174), d. 1827, July 20, m. William Hann (s. of Wm. 1st), b. 1788, d. 1809, Feb. 1. Vv. JACOB, b. 1747, d. 1843, Mar. 21, at 96, m. Bathsheba Nunn, b. 1768, d. 1826, Feb. 1, at 58 ; owned the American House at Hackettstown ; had ch.: (I). Mary, b. 1779, Feb. 16, d. 1854, April 8, at 79, m. Lawrence Hager. (II). Morris, b. 1789, May 25, d. 1827, June 21, at 38; bap. at Lebanon, witnesses were Morris and Mary Sharp. (III). ExisaBeta H., b. 1793, d. 1871, Jan. 12, at 78. SHARPS 491 (IV). Jacos, b. 180-, d. 185-, Jan. 17, at 50. (V). SaRaw, b. 1804, June 24. (VI). CLanissy, b. 1806, April 26, d. 1827, Aug. 7, at 21. VI. GEORGE, b. 1748, d. 1826, Jan. 4; will prob. 1826, Jan. 25, m. Anna Mary, b. 1753, May 30, d. 1831, Mar. 12 ; had ch.: (). Maria CaTHERINE, b. 1774, Dec. 20. (1). ExisaBertu, b. 1780, May 26, m. John F. Smith. (IIT). Marta, b. 1788, Aug. 26. (IV). Sarau, b. 1792, April 18, unmarried. (V). JoHN JR., m. Anna; had ch.: 1. Tomas, b. 1804, July 18, went away ; 2. GEORGE, b. 1808, Mar. 5, went away ; 3. CORNELIUS, b. 1810, Feb. 8, m. Margaret Schuyler (dau. of Peter); 4. ELISABETH, b 1813, Jan. 8, m. Adam §. Weiss (s. of George); 5. ABRAHAM, b. 1815, April 15, went away ; 6. Mary, m. John Peter Cronmiller ; 7 PERMILIA, m. John Peter Cronmiller ; 8. WiLLIaM, and 9. SUSAN- NAH, (VI). LAWRENCE, gets 126 acres in Sussex Co. (VI1). WiILL14M, m. Catherine Emery; inherits homestead, 226 acres. (VIII). Jacos, inherits 126 acres in Sussex Co. (EX). Gzorer, confirmed 1806, m. Elisabeth Alpock (dau. of Morris). VII. ANTONIUS (Anthony) confirmed 1769, m. 1778, Sept. 7, Susannah Sweezey; had ch,: 1. Exisapers, b. 1780, July 3; 2. Harry, b. 1789, Aug. 25; 3. BENJAMIN, b. 1782, Sept. (9 15. SHARPS OF GREENWICH. In Greenwich township, Warren Co., there were probably three brothers, JOHN CHRISTIAN and JACOB, and one sister Christina, who married a Schultz. It is impossible to discover their relationship to the Lebanon family though no doubt they were related to them and to the family of German Valley. It is remarkable to notice that there was a Christina Margaret Sharpenstine, of Rhinebeck, who married Christian Otto Shultz, but the woman died 1779, Oct. 20, at Rhinebeck, she could, therefore, hardly be the Christina Schultz mentioned in the will of Christian Sharpenstine, of Warren Co., of the date of Sept. 27, 1793. However, this confirms the impression produced ‘by other incidents that the Sharpenstines came from the Upper Hudson Valley. JOHN, of ‘‘ Greenwich, Sussex Co.” (aow Warren), whose will was dated 1770, June 1, prob. Aug. 8, names in his will sons, Peter (not yet 24), John, and other children not yet of age; also executors, Matthias Shipman, ‘‘my wife and son Peter :” witnesses were Robert Martin, Alexander White and Christian Sharp. This John buys land of William Lovett, in 1758 in Warren Co., and probably settles at Marvel Hill. PETER SHARP, of ‘‘ Greenwich;” has will of date 1818, Sept. 5, prob. 1827, July 2, in which he names brothers Christopher, John, Jacob and sister Margaret Weller. CHRISTIAN SHARPENSTONE leaves a will dated at ‘‘ Greenwich, Sussex Co.,” 1798, Sept. 27, prob. 1794, July 31; he names wife Helena, my brother Jacob and his eldest son Henry, my sister Christina Shultz, my nephew John and his son Ohristian Sharpenstone, my nephews John and Peter, my great nephew Christian Shipman, and my neice Elisabeth Woolever. This Christian bought 250 acres from Christopher Falconberg, 1752, Nov. 9, near Bloomsbury, 492 Earty Germans or New JERSEY N. J. The lower portion of this tract was sold by him to Jonathan Robins. In 1790 Christian Sharpenstone gives a deed for fifty acres of land near Blooms- bury (See Clyde’s History of Bloomsbury Pres. Church, p. 9). JOHN SHARP, “Senior,” of Greenwich, leaves a will dated 1829, Dec. 28, prob. 1831, Oct. 15. In this he names wife Jemima and children Peter, Jacob, Lucinda (not 18), and Philip, Esq. SHARPENSTINES OF NEw YorK STATE. MiscELLANEOUS—Governor Hunter gave 6,000 acres of land in the year 1710 to Jacob Sharp and Christopher Hagabour, in trust for the Palatine immigrants. In the year 1724, June 13, Jacob Sharp; Christopher Hagabour and Jacob Shoemaker petitioned for land to be given to their fellow Palatines. This petition was granted, and a warrant for the survey of 6,000 acres was given Sept. 7, 1724. (See Colonial Documents, vol. IX., pp. 101, 102, 116 and 127. The following record informs us of the part of Germany from which the Sharpenstines, and also the Schultzes, came. It is found in the History of Rhinebeck, by E. M. Smith, 1881: Married at Rhine- beck, Christian Otto Schultz, b. 1712, Jan. 22, at Bredenfeld, dukedom Mecklen- burg Strelitz [d. at Rhinebeck 1785, Nov. 5], to Christina Margaret Sharpenstine, b. 1718, April, at Sassenburg, county New Witt, Germany, she d. at Rhinebeck 1779, October 20. SHERWOOD. EBENEZER K. SHERWOOD, M. D., b. Litchfield, Conn., 16 June, 1782, d. 25 Feb., 1854, near Pottersville ; m. (1) Elisabeth Sloan, b. 18 Dec., 1790, died at Easton, Pa.; (2) Elisabeth Hunnell (dau. of Fred.), b. 18 Nov., 1790 ; lived where Andrew Dufford now lives, and kept at one time a private asylum for insane people ; practiced medicine in German Valley for 45 years ; hadch.: 1. Rev. JoNATHAN HaRvEY, d. at Milford, N. J., 22 Jan., 1854 ; pastor of Marks- boro and Hardwick Presbyterian Church for two or three years and of Milford Church for sixteen years ; m. Elisabeth Hutton, sister to Rev. Dr. Hutton ; 2. WILLIAM HUNNELL, b. 14 Mar., 1817, m. Eliza Banks ; 3. ELISABETH HUNNELL, b. 25 Feb., 1819, m. Joseph Johnson ; 4. Louisa, b. 26 Aug., 1821, m. Henry J. Young, of Easton ; 5. AUGUSTUS, b. 23 Sept., 1823, m. Jane Wilcox (dau. of Ezra, of Passaic Valley); 6. CAROLINE, b. 23 Sept., 1825, m. (1) Daniel E. Philips ; (2) ——; 7. JooN MARSHALL, b. 29 April, 1829. SHIPMAN. MATTHIAS SHIPMAN, of Greenwich twp., Warren Co., b. 1726, d. 1812, at 86; said to have come, 1747, from Saybrook, Conn., to German Valley, and from there to Lopatcong twp., Warren Co.; his will, dated 12 Dec., 1807, prob. 3 Feb., 1812, names ch.: I. JACOB, moved away. II. MATTHIAS, prob. m. a dau. of John Scharpenstine and had a son Christian. III. ISAAC, b. 1767, d. 1853, at 86 ; hadch.: (I). Matruras, died young ; (II). Isaac, d. at Lopatcong, 1879; (III). Partie; (IV). Joun F. [b. 2 Feb., 1809] (2); (V). JESSE, settled in Easton ; (VI). WILL1AM, settled in Green- wich twp. IV. CATHERINE. SHIPMAN—SHIRTS 493 V. MARY. ‘VI. PAUL, had son, John B. VII. ICHANAH. 'VITI. SARAH. IX. MARGARET. X. ELISABETH. The first of the name SHIPMAN, is said to have been EDWARD, who came in 1685, a refugee from religious persecution to Saybrook, Conn. The family is of ‘Norman descent, its founder having been knighted by Henry III, of England, A. D., 1258, JACOB SHUBMAN [Shipman], on Society Lands, 1735, signed with MATTHIAS the subscription for a barn, 1751 ; m. Mareiket [Mary Catherine]; had Mareitje, b. 14 Jan., 1734, and prob. also Harmon; prob. of German descent and no relation - Matthias. HARMON [prob. s. of Jacob], of Harmony, Warren Co., left will dated Greenwich, 23 Sept., 1794, prob. 25 March, 1805, which names wife Elisabeth [prob. second wife], and ch.: I. JACOB. Il. ABRAHAM, had ch.: Harmon, Nicholas, William, John, Christian, Catherine (wife of Abrabam Dewitt); son-in-law Jonathan Randall. III. HERMANES. IV. DAVID. V. LENAH. VI. BETSEY. VII. POLLY. VIII. PEGGY. JABESH SHIPMAN, of Morris Co., whose will dated 17 June, prob. 9 Dec., 1781, names wife Phebe and ch.: 1. JaBESH ; 2. Davip; 3. JoHN; 4. ABIGAIL; 5, JEMIMA ; 6, PRISCILLA; 7. PHEBE; 8. SARAH; Y, EsTHER ; 10, Mary. SHIRTS. MICHAEL SCHERTZ and wife Elisabeth are witnesses to a baptism ‘on the Raritans,” 1716 ; his will dated, Readington, 3 Sept., prob. 26 Nov., 1749, names wife Elisabeth, ‘‘my wife’s son John Felter,” and ch.: I. JOHN, lived on road from Flemington to Clinton ; signed subscription, 1754; his will, Readington, 31 Aug., prob. 18 Oct., 1813, names children: John, Robert, Margaret, Sarah, Elisabeth, Andrew, Michael. Il. ABRAHAM, m. Auchy, bought 1751 of Will. Coxe, 204 acres between Flemington and Clinton ; his will, dated, Lebanon, 25 March, 1817, prob. 28 May, 1810, names wite Alche and @uldren: (1). MicuaEL (dec.), who m. Catherine and had ApRrauam, inherits homestead farm when he pays $2,500 to his two brothers, PETER, JAcoB, CATHERINE (and her two daughters, Catherine and Alche), ALCHE ; children not 21. (I). Perr, inherits farm in Tewkesbury. III. GEORGE [Joost], ‘‘ Joost Schertz, from Rockeway, on the Raritan, m. 27 March, 1749, to Janneke Borgond, of Hackensack” [N. Y. Luth. records]; had ch. named in his father’s will: Michael, Elisabeth, Matthew, 494 EarLy GERMANS oF NEw JERSEY. Rachel, John. Iv. ANNA. V. EVA, b. 30 June, bap. 1 Sept., 1717, at Hackensack. VI. MARGARET. SHULTZ. PETER SHOULTS [Schults, Schultz, &c.], of Greenwich, Warren Co. His will. 15 Dec., 1790, prob. 15 Feb., 1791, names ch.: I. Joun H., inherits 100 acres ; II. Henry, inherits 150 acres ; III. Peter, inherits 120 acres ; IV. PHIip, in- herits 200 acres; V. Jacos, receives £150; VI. ELisaBETH Shoults; VII. Sarg Shoults ; VIII. Lenag Shoults ; IX. Mary Shoults. MiscELLANEOUS—ANNA ELISABETH SCHULTZ (a widow ?) is among the Palatines of the 2d Emigration in New York in 1710. HANS HENRICH and JOHANNES SCHILTZ are apprenticed by Gov. Hunter in 1710, the first at eight. years of age and the second at ten. SILVERTHORN, OLIVER SILVERTHORYN, settled on Society Lands, 1735 ; his will dated Beth- lehem, 13 Sept., prob. 1 Nov., 1746, [Trenton, Lib. 5, fol. 284], names wife Mary, witnesses, Thomas Silverthorn, Edward and Anne Rockhill, and ch.: I. JOHN. II. THOMAS. III. GEORGE. There was an Oliver Silverthorn settled near what is now High Bridge in 1802. SKELLENGER. JACOBUS SCHELINX [Skellinger or Schellinger] b. 1625, d. June 17, 1695 ; came from Amsterdam to New Amsterdam, 1643, to Amagansett, Suffolk Co., L. I., 1658. Original chest which Jacobus brought from Holland is at Amagansett, m. Cornelia Melyns, dau. of a politician, who owned half Staten Island and sold his share 1645. [Bergen Family, p. 25). Cornelia Skellinger (dau. of Cornelius Melyns), m. first, Jacob Loper, April 8, 1648 ; second, Jacobus Skel- linger, April 7, 1647 ; had ch.: I. CORNELIUS, b. about 1658; rem. from Staten Island to Cape May as early as 1691 ; descendants found all the way from Cape May to Phila. ; mentioned in u bill of Gen. Beekman as going to Elisabethtown ; sells. land 1729. He died at Cold Spring, Skellinger’s Landing. He m. Lydia (“Abigail”), d. 1748, Jan. 14, at 92; had ch.: (I). CorRNELIUS. (II). ABRAHAM. (IIT). Wiiiiam. (IV). Danre.. (V). Jacos. II. JACOB, d. 1715, Jan. 28, m. Hannah ——; had ch.: (I).. Hannag, b, Aug. 15, 1698. (II). CATHERINE, b. Aug. 5, 1695, m. Nathaniel Baker, (III). Hester, b. Nov. 16, 1697. (IV). Mrroy, b. Nov. 4, 1699. ‘SKELLENGER 495 (V). Jacos, b. Nov. 22, 1701. (VI). ApicarL, b. Feb. 14, 1705. 4VII). DANIEL, shoemaker, b. Mar. 1, 1710, d. 1786; rem. to Morris Co., about 1776 ; settled on farm between Chester and Mendham ; came to Roxbury when Washington retreated from L. I. His will {Trenton, Lib. 27, 438], June 1, 1782, prob. Nov. 2, 1785; mentions children and grandsons Jesse andl fanthier, sons of Daniel, and grand- daughter Mehetable. (VIII). JonatTuan, b. 12 Dec., 1712. , III. WILLIAM Schalinks, b. Mar. 8, 1654; lived at Cape May; m. Josena ; no children at date of will, 2 March, 1745, prob. Mar. 30, 1748. [Trenton Lib. 6, fol. 445]. IV. CATALYNTIE (Catherine), b. April 9, bap. April 19, 1656. V. ABRAHAM, b. Feb. 11, 1659, bap. Sept. 20, 1662, d. Jan. 1, 1712. Pur- chased two lots of Rev. Mr. James at Amagansett, L. I., m. Joanna Hedges Nov. 15, 1688; had ch.: 1, WiLLi1am, b. April 19, 1694, d. Feb. 24, 1719; 2. ABRAHAM ; 3. Isaac; 4. Joanna; 5. RACHEL; 6. AMEY; 7. ZERUIAH. VI. DANIEL, bap. July 19, 1665. SKELLINGERS OF ROXBURY. DANIEL, the 7th child of Jacob, brought with him to Rexbury, N. J., three sons DanrigL, STEPHEN and ABRAHAM ; had ch.: I. DANIEL JR., b. 1734, d. 1816 ; rem. to Canterbury, Conn., where he had children, then joined his father in Morris Co., N. J.; m. Lois Payne, Aug. 19, 1755, dau. of a minister who was ex-communicated on account of heresy ; lived one mile east from the old homestead toward Mendham ; had ch.: (D). DanreL, 8D, m. first, Ruth Howell (dau. of ‘¢ Squire” Howell, of Mendham); second, Phebe Burrows, of Madison ; no children by second wife: 1. HaRRIET, m. Ebenezer Corwin ; had two sons and one daughter ; 2. Hanna#, b. Feb. 21, 1791, m. Daniel Skellinger (s. of Elisha P.); no ch.; 8. Danret P., m. Mercy Hunt; had ch : (1). Elias M, b. Mar. 3, 1818, m. Jane Carlisle (widow of Joseph Budd); no ch.; (2). Mary Ann, b. Oct. 5, 1819, m. Hull Beavers; (8). William H., b. June 7, 1825, m. Adah (dau of Benj Cozat); had six daughters; (4). Harriet E., b. June 28, 1829, m. James Yauger ; (5). Caroline R., b. Sept. 28, 1834, m. a Drinkwater ; 4. Exias J., m. Eliza Read ; 5. Ruts, m. Constant V. King. dl). Exisua P., b. April 22, 1761,.at Canterbury, Conn., d. Oct. 10, 1836, m. first, Mehetable Hopkins (brought up at Roxiticus); second, Mary Crane ; third, Mary Luce (dau. of Benjamin), b. Feb. 18, 1769, m. Jan. 27, 1800, d. Feb. 16, 1841 ; had an uncle Col. Eleazer ; had children by first wife: 1, DANIEL, m,. Hannah Skellinger (dau. of Daniel, 3d); 2. Lois; 8. MmuataBe ; 4. Jou; children by 3d wife ; 5. ELISHA, b. Nov. 24, 1800, m. Mar. 9, 1822, Zillah Guerin (dau. of Uriah); had ch.: (1). Bieaeer L., b. Mar. 17, 1823; had Theodore, b. Nov. 27, 1856, m. Augusta M. "Stroud (dau. of Chas. ), Frank C., b. July 7, 1860, m. Nellie Stephenson, Elisha and Mary died young ; (2). Mary Dry b. Mar. 17, 1828 ; (8). Luther, b. Mar. 496 Earty GrerMANS OF NEw JERSEY e 20, 1825 ; rem. to California, and had Walter and Fred. K., Vincent: T., b. Aug. 6, 1828, d. at 21, Aug. 6, 1849, William V., b. Nov. 19, 1833, Elias B., b. June 15, 1835, Juliette J., b. Aug. 24, 1838, m-. Sam. Swackhammer (s. of Isaac); 6. ELEAZER, b. Aug. 12, 1803, d. young ; 7. LurHer, b. July 27, 1805; 8. BEnsamIn, b. June 27, 1807 ; 9. PHEBE, b. April 21, 1809 ; 10. NarHan, b. July 29, 1811. (III). OLrve, b. Mar. 4, 1763, m. David Horton ; res. one mile east from Ironia toward Dover. (IV). PHEBE, b. Mar. 21, 17—, m. a Roberts ; res. in Randolph twp. (V). Natuan, b. Oct. 21, 1774; res. at Canterbury, Conn. (VI). WILKES, died young. H, STEPHEN, bought 300 acres this side (west) old place and sold them a few years afterwards to his nephew, Daniel 3d, 1791, and tradition says he removed to Barnegat. III. ABRAHAM, b. at Easthampton, L. I., m. Mary Scott, b. June 31, 1753, d. June 25, 1815 ; (she married 2d hus. Ashley Cooper) ; had ch.; (I). SamuEL, b. Nov. 12, 1774 ; no descendants. (II). Mary, b. Aug. 20, 1775. (III). WiuLraM, b. Nov. 4, 1778, m. Lydia Horton (dau. of ‘‘Squire”); had ch.: 1. Danze. H., b. Mar. 15, 1808, d. 1891, m. Mary Horton ; had ch.: Joseph Lake, b. Feb. 2, 1830; Lydia H., b. Mar. 6, 1832; William T., b. Dec. 2, 1833, has son Wesley T., pastor of Scranton Presbyterian Church ; James S., b. May 7, 1837, died in the army ; Phineas H., b. Oct. 20, 1889, died in the army ; Elias H., b. July 22, 1843, lived on the homestead ; 2. WiLLIAM T., b. Feb. 18, 1810, d. Feb. 29, 1832 (no children); 3. Marta, b. March 19, 1814, m. June 7, 1831, Wm. C. Lake, b. May 14, 1819; 4. Jamus S., b. July 8, 1818, d. Aug. 31, 1835, unmarried ; 5. CHARLES J., b. July 15, 1821; inherited the homestead at Comb’s Hollow, Randolph twp., and lives there, m. Nancy Ianson ; had ch.: (1). Daniel H., b. Oct. 9, 1840 ; (2). Martha V., b. Sept. 7, 1842; (8). Charles R., b. Oct. 19, 1844 ; (4). William H., b. Mar. 7, 1847; (6). Josephine B., b. Feb. 16, 1852 ; (6). Martha, b. June 20, 1853 ; (7). Emma, b. Aug. 15, 1855 ; (8). Mary, b. Aug. 7, 1857; (9). Hannah E., b. June 29, 1860 ; (10). Laura L., b. Sept. 29, 1864, (IV). TEMPERANCE, b. Nov. 15, 1780, IV. SILAS, bought earmark of his father and prob. staid at Amagansett. V. LUTHER, drowned at L. I. when a child. VI. HANNAH COOK. SKINNER. f JOHN SKINNER, of Woodbridge, N, J., probably brother of RICHARD, con- stable, 1696, and of FRANCIS, member Pres. Church 1708, and of ANN, mem- ber of Pres Church 1 08, all of same place. John left will dated 12 July, 1725, prob. 19 Aug., 1749, which names wife Anna and children : I. JOHN, JR., whose will, dated Woodbridge, 14 Feb., prob. 9 March, 1749, names wife Elisabeth [Cutter] and four daughters. These were: (1). Awn, b. 26 Dec., 1736; (II). Hannan, b. 2 Feb., 1742; (III), Easter [Esther], b. 1 April, 1744 ; (IV). EL1saBErs, b. 29 April, 1746. II. DANIEL, perhaps rem. to Orange Co., N. Y. (Ruttenbder’s History of SKINNER—SLAGHT 497 Orange Co., N. Y., p. 752). Il. RICHARD (not yet 21 at date of his father’s will, 1725), whose will, dated Elisabethtown, 16 April, 1770, prob. 25 July, 1772 (Trenton Lib. K., fol. 222), names ch.: (I) Jon; (II). Ricnarp; (Ill), CaTrHERine; (IV). REBEcca ; (V). Mary; (VI). Danie: (VII). Amos. IV. ANN (not of age in 1725). V. MARY. WILLIAM SKINNER (REv.) was sent by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel to Woodbridge (having arrived at Perth Amboy 1722), where he preached for thirty-six years ; he was b. 1688, d. 1758, at 70; left five children, of whom GERTRUDE, the only daughter, m. James Parker ; and CoRTLAND, the eldest son, was attorney-general of the colony at least from 1756 to 1769, and became a British general during the Revolutionary War. The names of the other three sons are unknown. ROBERT SKINNER, b. 1777, rem. from Hunterdon Co. to Washington, Warren Co.; had brothers, Joun, NaTHANIEL and Jacos; m. first, Sarah Fees; second, Polly Bryant ; third, Hetty Bartrown ; had six children by first wife and five by second: I. Winuiam; II. Jacop; II]. Mary; IV. Jonn; V. SamvuEL; VI. James, VII. JosepH; VIII. DanimL; IX. CHarues; X. Susan ; XI. Resecca ANN. MISCELLANEOUS—RICHARD, ROBERT and PHINEAS sign subscription to Bed- minster Luth Ch. in 1756. Hinrick signs the Articles of Faith of New Ger- mantown Luth. Ch. in 1767, In 1763, Cornnexius is living in Tewkesbury twp., Hunt Co, Jacos, buried at Chester, b. 9 April, 1770, d. 10 April, 1836, had wife Parthenia Leak, b. 12 Aug. 1777, d. 14 Dec., 1843 -ABRAnaAm, buried at Chester, b. 16 Feb., 1806, d. 8 Feb., 1866, had wife Mary Thomas, b. 16 Oct., 1803, d. 1 Sept., 1556. Seven brothers are said to have come from England to this country, four of whom went to Canada, two to New York and one to New Jersey. SLAGHT, CORNELIS BARRENTSEN SLECHT [Slaght] arrived at New Amsterdam, April, 1662, in ship Hope. He came from Woerden in the province of South Holland on the old Rhine, 18m. E. 8. E. from Leyden. He was at Wiltwyck [Kingston] as early as 31 March, 1664 ; m. first, Tryntje Tysse Bos ; second, 1684, Elsie Janse, of Breestede [a village of Sleswick in Denmark], widow of Hendrick Jochemsen Schoonmaker. He had ch.: I. BARENT CORNELLISSEN. II. HENDRICK CORNELISSEN. Ill. MATTHYS CORNELISSEN, m. Maria Maddeleena Cruipel [Krispel] and had at least: ; (). Perrus, bap. Kingston, 21 Sept., 1701; found at New Brunswick with w. Elisabeth Meyer, 20 Sept., 1728 ; his will New Brunswick, 20 Sept., 1771, prob. 14 Sept., 1772, mentions land in Ulster Co., N. Y., and names wife Elisabeth and ch.: 1. John ; 2. Matthew, (Il). CornEuis (perhaps s. of Matthys), whose estate is administered 1742-4 [Trenton wills, Lib. D. fol. 445]. CORNELIS, perhaps s. of Cornelis, receives mortgage on Jand in Roxbury, 1 Mar., 1783 ; had ch.; 498 Earty GerMans OF New JERSEY I. ROBERT, perhaps s. of Cornelis, of Roxbury, m. Mary, b. 20 March, 1775, d. 2 Feb., 1852; his will, Roxbury, 6 Aug., prob. 26 Aug., 1828, names ch.: i. Jeremiah; 2. Michael; 3. John; 4, Elisabeth ; 5. Catherine ; 6. Mary; 7. Ann; 8. Jesse N.; 9. Robert (‘‘to be brought up”). SMITH. SmitHs or AMWELL. MATHIS (Marra1as) SCHMIDT, of Amwell ; naturalized 1730, his will, prob. 26 June, 1755, names wife Christeen and ch.: I. JOHN, gives mortgage, 2 May, 1768, to Christian Harshall on land at Readivgton. II. LODAWICK [Lewis}. Ill. ABRAHAM. IV. JACOB, gives mortgage, 17 May, 17€8, to Christian Harshall on land in Amwell. V. CHRISTEEN CUT (3) (or Jun. 9); prob. Christian as in the deed to John given by the rest of the family, 1765 ; naturalized, 1744, as J. Christ. c Jr. John Christian Schmidt signs Rev. Weygand’s call, 1749 ; letters of “ adm. of his estate to William and John, 20 March, 1789, Somerset Co. SmiTHs oF ALEXANDRIA. HERBERT (Hermet) SMITH, prob. grandson of Matthias ; was elder in the old Alexandria German Church in 1771 ; he m. Gertraut, whose will, prob. 2 Sept., 1813, speaks of property devised to her by her deceased husband, and names ch. (order uncertain): I. PETER, m. Eva [? Young, dau. of Abraham]; had ch.: 1. ABRAM, b. 8 Feb., 1774 ; 2. GERTRAUD, b. 5 Aug., 1775; 3. Prrer, b. 24 Oct., 1777 ; 4. WILHELM, b. 7 Oct., 1778 ; 5. Marra CaTHARINE, b, 17 Sept., 1780; 6. Joun HeEReert, b. 29 Aug., 1782; 7 Anna, b. 20 Aug., 1785; 8. JOHANNES, b. 6 Dec., 1787 ; 9. SaRau, b. 4 April. 1794, Il. MATTHIAS, m. Catherine and had HERMET, b. 19 July, 1772. Ill. HERBERT, m. Gerdruth (Charity) Richelem ; had ch.: 1. Eva ELisa- BETH, b. 29 Dec., 1763 ; 2. HERBERT, b. 18 Feb., 1766 ; 3. GERTRAUD, b. 28 Sept., 1768 ; 4. ABRAHAM, b. 14 April, 1771 ; 5. PauL, b. 6 Sept., 1772. IV. WILHELM, m. Regina; hadch.: 1. HERMET, b. 6. Dec., 1776: 2. PETER, b. 1 Aug., 1778 ; 3. ABRAHAM, b. 31 Aug., 1780; 4. Maria CATHARINE, b. 1 Oct., 1782 ; 5. JOHANNES, b. 22 Oct., 1784. V. CATHERINE, m. John Hyner. VI. CHARITY, m. John Allemand. VII. MARGARET, m. Christopher Hyner and had, HrrBert, WILLIAM and Joun Hyner ; MarGaRret, w. of Jas. Sidders ; CHarity, w. of Richard Medaugh. VIII MARY, m. Nicholas Sena (Sayn). There were in Alexandiia also PAILIP SMITH, who m. Maria and had Pav, b. 1 April, 1766 ; end CASPAR, who m. Maria Susanna, and had, 1. GERTRAUD (Charity), b. 29 June, 1777 ; 2. Hannes (John), b. 25 Aug., 1779 ; 8. Susanna, b. 1 Sept., 1781 ; 4. ELISABETH, b. 17 June, 1784. Smirus or HopewELL. JASPER SMITH, one of the first judges in Hunterdon Co., prob. d. 1754, whose SMITH 499 name is found in a deed of date 18 March, 1699 ; perhaps a brother of BEN- JAMIN and ANDREW, whose names appear about same time, 1739, on the county records. This Jasper was not the one of that name, who lived in Flem- ington. For according to the will of the latter, his father died suddenly in 1754 and he himself died just before 19 Oct., 1818, when his will was prob. at Flemington. The former was prob. the father of the latter, who mentions his brothers m his will. Jasper 1st therefore prob. had children : I. JASPER, d. 1813 in Lawrence twp.; graduated from Princeton 1758 ; prominent lawyer ; owned a lot in Flemington, 1767 ; member of Com. of Safety from Amwell twp., 1776 ; m. first, Eleanor (dau. of Col. Ryer- son), b. 1744, d. 22 Nov., 1766, by whom one child who died in infancy; second, ——; third, Anne ; no children by either wife. Il. WATERS. ence Ill. BENJAMIN, of Lawrence twp., whose will prob. 20 Jan. » 18267 names ch. SamMvEt H. and THEODOCIA. : Iv. ISRAEL. V. CATHERINE, m. a Stephens. ae ROBERT SMITH, of Bethlehem twp., prob. a grax.dson of Jasper Ist, died 1818, m. Jemima and had ch.: a I, WILLIAM, II. JOSEFH, m. Anna Elisabeth Ardress (dau. of Barnet and Mary Fine). Ill. DAVID. IV. ROBERT. Vv. JOHN. VI. ASHER. Vil. HETTY. VII. JEMIMA. IX. SALLY. ANDREW SMITH, of Hopewell twp., perhaps a brother of Jasper Ist, was a sur- veyor and was among the first to purchase land in Hopewell twp. in 1688, to which he gave the name it bears. He had three sons, Andrew, Timothy and Jonathan. (See Settlers of Trenton and Ewing). Sirus or TEWKESBURY. SAMUEL, prob. grandson of Jasper Ist, b. 8 Feb., 1749, d. 20 April, 1817, m. Jane Bird, b. 4 April, 1751, d. 2 April, 1822 ; had ch.: I. BETSEY, m. an Adams. Il. FANNY, m. a Bowman. TI. LUKE, b. 19 March, 1779, m. Mary McCracken, b. 10 Sept., 1780 ; had ch.: 1. JoHN ; 2. JASPER ; 3. GEORGE ; 4. WILLIAM ; 5. JamEs, rem. to Iowa; 6. SAMUEL, b. 16 Sept., 1806, m. Elenor Vanatta (dau. of Joshua), b. 15 May, 1831, d. 28 Oct., 1893 ; has son Rev. G. W. Smith, formerly pastor M. E. Church of Hackettstown, now preaching in Paterson. ISAAC, perhaps a brother of Samuel, b. 1751, Mar. 19, d. 1823, Feb. 7, m. Rachel, b. 1752, Mar. 5, d. 1838, Oct. 19; res. near German Valley, then removed to Schooley’s Mountain ; his descendants are some of them now living in Hack- ettstown ; had ch.: I. CANDACE (‘Dacy”), b. 1774, July 8. Il. JOHN F., b. 1776, Aug. 21, d. 1848, Mar. 7 ; buried at Fairmount, N. J., m. Elisabeth Sharp (dau. of George of G. V.), b. 1780, May 26, d. 1856, - mf, : 500 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY Nov. 27; had ch.: (I). GzorcE 8., b. 1804, July 18, d. 1874, Mar. 30, m. 1830, Jan. 7%, Mar- garet Crater (dau. of Philip). (I). ALEXANDER, b. 1806, Mar. 1, d. 1824, April 11 on Fox Hill; unm. (II). Marinpa, b. 1807, Nov. 15, d. 1885, Nov. 27, m. John Titman (s. of Jacob); at Buttzville. (IV). Onanrue, b. 1809, April 29, d. 1809, May 24. (V). Anny Miner, b. 1810, July 28, d. 1870, May 31, m. first, Morris Sharp (s. of David), 1836, Jan. 14; second, Jeremiah Read (s. of John). (VI). Isaac Runyon, b. 1813, June 16, m. 1844, Jan. 4, Tamson Hann (dau. of Jacob). ~\. (VII). Juss, b. 1816, June 2, m. 1848, Dec. 27, Margaret Valentine (dau. of -- Caleb); died at Morristown. (VIII). Marra Lovrsa, b. 1819, May 16, m. 1841, Jan. 28, Alfred Hann 6. of Jchn), deceased. III. CADWALLADER, b. 1778, Aug. 23, m. 1803, Mar. 1, Anna Weise (dau. of Jacob), b. 1781, “Aug. 20. IV. ALEXANDER, b. 1781, Nov. 3 ; went to Ohio. V. MARY, b. 1783, Jan. 26. ‘ VI. JOSEPH, b. 1786, April 19, d. 1\.63, Feb. 238, m. Margaret Shenckle (dau. of Adam). VII. BENJAMIN, b. 1788, April 18 ; went to Canada. VIII. ISAAC, b. 1790, Aug. 29; went to Illinois. IX, FREEMAN, b. 1793, Dec. 3 ; disappeared. HENRY, THOMAS, JOSEPH and JOHN SMITH, appear on records of Tewkesbury twp. as early as 1755-1757. SMITHS oF Passaic VALLEY. RICHARD SMITH from Long Island ; had ch.: I. RICHARD, rem. to Herkimer Co., N. Y. II. THOMAS, m. Lois Sutton (dau. of John); res. Stonehouse Village ; had ch.: 1. RicHaRp, m. Jemima Hayden ; 2. THomas, unm.; 3. Ruopa, m. Jacob Van Ness ; 4. SaRau, m. Abner Srnith (s. of Elijah), a cousin. III. CORNELIUS, m. Dorcas Tingeley ; res. near Pluckamin ; had ch.: 1. EBENEZER ; 2. JOHN, m. Mrs. Coon; 3. Mary, m.a Bateman ; 4. BETSEY m. Andrew Compton. IV. ELIJAH, res. at West End of Long Hill, Somerset Co.; will prob. Mor ristown, 29 Dec., 1825, m. Mary Sutton (dau. of John); had ch.: 1. RicHARD, m. Rachel Worth ; rem. to Nova Scotia ; had Grace, John, Madison, Mary, Eliza, Aretta, Harrison, Richard, Jane, Annitia; 2. Betsey, d. at 16; 3. Laura, m. Clark Winans; 4. ABNER, m. Sarah Smith (a cousin, dau. of Thomus); had Sophia Anne, m. John Sutton, M. D., Elijah, Sarah, Mary Elisabeth ; 5. Euiszan JR., m. Sarah Mc- Coy (dau. of James); had Rachel, m. Elias Dayton who afterwards m. Sarah C. Heath (dau. of Daniel); 6. JacaAMIAH, m. first, Catherine Wil- son (dau. of Samuel); second, Mary Sickle (dau. of George); 7. ANNE, m. George Collyer (dau. of John): 8. StLas, drowned at 16; had Phineas, Silas, Samuel, Laura A., Martha, Richard, Daniel, John, and by second wife, Catherine, Andrew, Dayton, George, Abner, Sarah. Smitu Sor SmitHs of DRAKESTOWN. “GEN.” JOHN SMITH and his brothers, SAMUEL, GEORGE and DANIEL came with their father from Stirling, Orange Co., N. Y., to Andover furnace near Stanhope. Gen. John rem. to Schooley’s Mountain near Drakestown, then in 1815 returned to Waterloo. He m. 19 Feb., 1831, Maria Johnson (dau. of Sam. T. of Byram twp.). In each generation this family has occupied influ- ential positions in the financial, political and religious spheres ; General John had ch.: I. HON. PETER, b. 1 Oct., 1808, d. 12 March, 1877; had ‘ch.: 1. Hon. Sam- uel T.; 2. Matilda A., m. O. R. Van Doren ; 3. Seymour R., President Hackettstown bank ; 4. N. Augustus. Il. NATHAN. SMITHS OF READINGTON. JOHANNES HEINRICH SCHMIDT, d. 1791, is said to have come from Holland to New York, and then to Somerset Co., about 1743. He m. Christina Hassel, the dau. of Christian Hassel (Harshal, Hershel, &c.) and Elisabeth. John Smith, as he is called in his father-in-law’s will had 17 children : I. CHRISTIAN, m. Charity and had ch. bap. at New Germantown: 1. PETER, b. 21 June, 1777; 2. Exzas, b. 13 Sept., 1779 ; 3. Mary, b. 1 Sept. 1781 ; 4. JamEs, b. 4 July, 1783; 5. ANDREAS, b. 19 March, 1793. Il. MARTIN, b. 1756; was in the Revolutionary war ; m. Charity ; had ch. (order uncertain): 1. ELISABETH, b. 20 Jan., 1779 ; 2. PeTER, b. 10 May, 1784; 3 ZacHarnian; 4. Jonn; 5. Isaac; 6. Perer; 7. Jacos §., m. Mary Ga‘rabrant (dau. of Henry); had ch.: (1). Henry G., of Spring- town, who m. and had Joseph, of German Valley, who m. dau. of Nelson Hyde ; (2). Martin; (3). William ; (4). Elmira, m. Wm. Apgar. ‘ III. JOHN, prob. m. Amtina and had Susanna, b. 5 Jan., 1784. IV. ANDREW. V. JOSEPH. VI. ISAAC, perhaps the Isaac who rem. to Newton, m. Catherine Loder ; had 12 ch., among whom were SAMUEL, m. Elisabeth Mattison ; Exiza, m. Gen. Lyman Edwards : Wiutiam L. VII. PETER. VIII. JACOB. IX. ZACHARIAH, the youngest son of John Henry and Christine Hassel, came from about Readington, to near Peapack, where he built a log house on the farm now occupied by the widow of his son Peter Z. This is the place rendered famous as the locality for the yearly assembly of the Smiths. The ‘Smith Picnic” has been an annual custom for 18 years and furnishes a delightful occasion for neighborly intercourse. Zacb- ariah was b. 1780, March 23, d. 24 Jan., 1848, m. a Smith of the name of Polly, b. 20 July, 1779, d. 17 April, 1858 ; had ch.: (I). ZacHaRiaH “Z,” b, 11 Feb., 1814, m, Elisabeth Stevens, b. 8 May, 1819, d. 26 Aug., 1878. (I). Jacoz “Z.” b, ——, m. first, Catherine (?) Phoenix ; second, Permilia Rush. (II). Peter ‘‘Z.” m. Jane Woolf (dau. of James and Elisabeth Anderson). (IV). Joun “Z.” m. Merandie Ludlow. (V). WiuLram “Z.” m. Eliza Van Ness (dau. of John 4). 502 Earty Germans or New JERSEY (V1), SetinpDA, m. David Logan (s. of John). (VII) GertRupE, m. Melick Felmly. (VIII. Mary, m. John Anderson. (IX). CHRISTIANN, b. 1800, d. 27 April, 1874, at 74, m. John Petty (s. David) X. CHARITY. XI. LANY (Magdalena). XII. CATHERINE. XIII. ELISABETH, prob. m. Hanes Rothenbach. XIV. MARY. XV. REBECCA. XVI. SARAH. XVII. CHRISTINA, m. Peter Stryker (s. of Peter), of Middle Valley. CHRISTIAN HARSHALL, the father-in-law of John Henry Schmidt, came from New Amsterdam to New Jersey : he was naturalized in 1730 and was a brother-in-law to John Hoffman Ist, of Readington ; m. Elisabeth and had ch. (according to his will prob. 1 March, 1769), John Anthony, Christeen, Susanna Shafer, and others. HEINRICH SCHMIDT, b. 1656, of the Second Palatine Emigration, came to New Amsterdam, 1710. He had wife Anna Elisabeth, b. 1656, and children: I. CLEMENTS, b. 1686 ; II. WILHELM, b. 1690; III. Jonw Grores, b. 1697 ; IV. JOHN NICOLAUS, b. 1701. There was in the same company a widow, MAR- GARET SCHMIDT, This above Henry could not have been the same as Henry of Mine Brook, but the latter might very easily have been a son of the former. HENDRICK SCHMIDT, of Mine Brook, Somerset Co., whose will, dated 14 Oct., 1764, prob. 1766, names wife Anna Catherine and ch.: I. ELISABETH, b. in New York, bap. Remerbach [Ramapaugh, near Ram- seys, Bergen Co.], 1713 (Records Lutheran Church, N. Y.), m. a Hamler and had, ANDREW, Mary, Eva, Jaco, Perer, NicHoLAS and ELIsa- BETH HAMLER. II. JOHAN PETER, bap. 26 Dec., 1714 ; had two sons, HENDRICK and PETER, who had a farm conveyed to them by their grandfather, ‘‘some years” before 1764. III. JOHN GEORGE, who received from his father a farm of 317 acres. IV. ANN URSAL (Ursula) Smith. V. MARY. VI. CATHERINE. ' WII. MARGARET, b. 26 March, 1723, bap. at Remerbach. SNOOK. WILLIAM SNOOK was naturalized with HENDRICK, July 1730; his will, Am- well, 6 May, prob. 18 June, 1760, names wife ‘‘ Cateron” [Catherine] and ch.: I. JOHN, whose will, dated Newton, 25 Jan., prob. 28 Dec., 1775, names wife Catherine and one child, WiLL1aM, perhaps res. at Lafayette,, m. Mary Cummins, and had, Daniel, Jacob, Isaac, Alfred, Robert, Elmira. II. WILLIAM. III. GEORGE. IV. PHILIP, probably b. 1720, d. Sussex Co. 25 Feb., 1778, at 53, buried at Frankford Plains. SNOOK—SNYDER $03 'V. CATHERINE STIENMAN. VI. CHRISTIAN [Christina 7] KETCHAM. VII. ANN WOMBACH. VIII. MARY ABBOTT. JOHN HENRY SNOOK, perhaps grandson of Hendrick, b. 17 Oct., 1759 ; res. at Newton, N. J.; m. 2 June, 1784, Elisabeth Couse, b. 13 Jan., 1763 ; had ch.: 1. Marearet ANN, b. 8 July, 1792: 2. Mary Ann, b. 1 Oct., 1796, m. William Rarick (s. of John); 3 Eva, b. 18 Feb. 1802; 4, WILLIAM, m. Christina Stivers. ADAM SNUKE, perhaps a son of Hendrick, his wlll, dated Hunterdon Co., 20 Oct., 1774, prob. Black River 23 May, 1776. names wife Mary and ch.: 1. Mary Hockenberry ; 2. Joun ; 3. Eva Hatin [Heaton 2]; 4. ULLA Brinckerhoof (not yet 18); witnesses : Ludlum Salmon, Robert Cummins and Jost Miller. CASPAR SNOOK settled at Lafayette twp. “as early as 1760” on «a farm now oc- ‘cupied by his descendants.” He had a son, WILLIAM C., who had sons, Robert G., David C. and Isaac V. MISCELLANEOUS—JOHANNES SNOEK, a widower, m. March, 1727, Coen- vadina Manderbag, the widow of Pr. Strouber, both being from Germany. [N. Y. Dntch Ch. Records]. Wui1LL1am SNOoK m. 25 Dec., 1787, Catherine Spanderbarren {Spangenberg 4] in Sussex Co. SNYDER, CHRISTIAN SNYDER, of Oxford, Warren Co., whose will dated 15 Feb., prob. 22 May, 1791, names ten children ; perhaps the same as Christoffel [Christo- pher], who had a dau. Elisabeth, bap. at Readington, 7 Nov., 1731, witnesses being Lodowick and Elisabeth Smith ; had ch.: I. GEORGE, [prob. Han Yost, John George], who m. Anna Margaret ——, and had ch. bap. at Lebanon: 1. Hanes ADAM [John Adam], b. 20 March, 1769; 2. ANNA CATHERINE; b. 2 July, 1771; 3, CATHERINE, b. 1 May, 1773. II, CHRISTIAN, on Nitzer’s ledger before 1763. 1II. PETER, on Nitzer’s ledger before 1763; probably m. Mary and had ch. bap. at Lebanon, Jacos, b. 2 April, 1771. IV. WILLIAM, probably m. Rebecca, and had ch. bap. ati Lebanon: Hans PETER, b. 20 Apsil, 1771 ; or he may be WiLLraM, of Oxford, Warren Co., whose will, 5 Oct., prob. 25 Nov., 1811, names wife Christeen (grand- daughter of a Pace) and ch.: 1. Leonard; 2. Christopher (Christian ?]; 3, William; 4, Anne; 5. Elisabeth; 6. Sarah, and granddaughter Polly Smith. V. HENRY, on Neitzer’s ledger before 1768. VI. EVA MARIA. VII. MARIA CATERINA. VIII. ANNA. IX. CHRISTIAN (NA] MARCKELL. X. ELISABETH SEALBOUGH. : JACOB PETER SNITER bought 1748, in partnership with Nicolas Sayn, 1,300 acres in Amwell twp. of Elisabeth Estaugh, next to lands of Penn, Cook and Thomas Lambert. He was a cordwainer and a citizen of New York, 4 Oct., 1787. JOSEPH SNYDER, whose descendants are found in Sussex Co.; had ch.. I. 504 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY Jacos; II. EvisaBera ; III. Joun; IV. ANNE; V. CATHERINE ; VI. HENRY; VII. MarGaret; VIII. Wittiam, b. 6 March, 1780, m. Sarah Putman, 5 July, 1801, b. 12 Nov., 1779, d. July, 1849; had ch.: 1. Margaret ; 2. John, m. Sarah Warbass; 3. Rachel; 4. Hffa, m. Jacob Hiles ; 5. Catharine, m. Daniel C. Adams, of Warren Co.; 6. Sarah, m. Robert M. Ogden; 7%. Mary; 8. William ; 9. Elisabeth, m. Henry C. Northrup ; TX. Eve; X. Mary. MiscELLaANEOUS—JOHAN WILHELM SCHNEIDER is among the Palatines of the 2d emigration in New York 1710 at the age of 28 years. SOVEREEN. FREDERICK SOVEREEN (Zofrin, Zavering, Sovereign, Sovran), m. Levina Colver (dau. of Robert), 10 May, 1768 ; bought for £125 [$416.66 2] 240 acres of the E. Large survey of 394 acres from. the heirs of Large, which property Fred- erick Sovereign and wife Levinah sold, 21 May, 1801, to Garret Lake for $2400. On part of this property Silvester Lake is now living. It is situated above Naughrightville. Frederick prob. had the following children, some of whom may have been grandchildren : I. DAVID ; had ch.: (I). Henry. (II). Jonn. (Il). AnrHoyy. (IV). LAWRENCE. II. JACOB, m. wife Elisabeth, and had ch.: (I) ExisaBetH, b. 1783, Dec. 15. (II). FRED., b. 1786, Feb. 14. (III). Batts Henry, b. 1787, Aug. 30. Ill. LEONARD ; had ch.. (1). WruLi1am ; (II). Puruir ; (III). Joserx ; (IV). Davin ; (V). LEONARD: IV. HENRY, d. 1806, m. Mary Stephens (dau. of Richard, 1st); had ch.; (1). JosHua, b. 1804, d. 1878, m. Jane. (II). RicHARD, rem. to Illinois. (III). Potuy, m. Harpending ; rem. to Illinois. (IV). Nancy, m. Peter Durland. (V). DoLu, m. Wm. Burnett ; res. at Lewiston, N. Y. (VI). CLarissa, m. Nathan Burnett (or Bennett); res. at Flanders. (VI]). Roprrr V. JOHN, prob. m. 8 July, 1799, Mary Lawrence ; had ch.: (I). ROBERT ; (Il). Joun ; (II]). FREEMAN. VI. FREDERICK, m. 1790, July 4, Patience Brown ; rem. to Sussex Co. ; had children : (I). Maurice. (Il). Joun ; hadch.: 1. CLARENCE E. who had Clarence I. and Clinton x 2. Frep. J.; 3. ALICE M. (III). Grorez. (IV). SoLtomon. (V). THOMAS. (VI). Lewis. VII. MAURUS, prob. m. 24 Dec., 1799, Lydia Lawrence : had ch.: (I). LEMUEL; (II). Danrez ; (IIT). Samvugn, SovEREEN—STARK—STEIN—STEPHENS 505 VIII. PHILIP ; had ch.: (1). CHarues; (11). Parurp ; (III). WiLiraM. IX. GEORGE, had a son WILLIAM. xX. ANNA, m. 26 Feb., 1795, John Heath. MIsceLLanEous—JOHN Soffrens, landed in Philadelphia, 19 Sept., 1734. JOHANNES SAEFFERENS is married in Philadelphia, 3 March, 1747, to Elisa- beth Hokeburger. Pouiy, m. 17 Jan., 1807, Peter Wolf, Rev. THOMAS was a. grandson of Frederick ; was engaged in the late war, in which he had a son Fred- erick killed ; Presiding Elder M. E. Church ; agent for Gettysburg Orphan Asylum; died in Burlington and had three daughters. Rev. C. W. Sovereign, d. Washing- ton, D. C., 27 June, 1863, at 25 ; buried at Mt. Olive. STARK. AARON STARK, of New London, d. 1685, is found at Mystic as early as 1669 ; freeman of New London ; had ch.: 1. Aaron; 2. JoHN; 3. WILLIAM; 4. A DaveGnuter, wife of J oh Fish ; 5. A DAUGHTER, wife of Fr osiah Haines. AARON, probably grandson of Aaron of New London, b. 1709, d. 21 Jan., 1772, bur. at Flanders, N. J.; Overseer of the Poor in Roxbury twp., Morris Co., N. J., 1741; probably came to New Jersey with Culvers, Waterhouse, Morgan and other families from New London before 1732 ; probably a Rogerine ; prob. ° had ch.: I. AMOS (Emos), of Morristown, whose will [Trenton Lib., I, 159], 6 Aug., prob. 18 Sept., 1767, names wife Hannah [? Goble, widow of Amos, b. 1729, d. 7 Feb., 1799], and ch.: 1. ABRAHAM ; 2. Isaac; 8, JACOB; an Aaron Stark was one of the executors. II, AARON (?%) prob. had ch.: / (). Amos (‘Colonel’), b. 23 March, 1750, d. 10 Nov., 1832, m. Polly Vantile, b. 15 Oct., 1749, d. 23 Dec., 1810 ; ardbably had che 1, JoHnN, “gp,” b. 8 April, 1771, d. 5 Nov., 1844, m. Catherine; b. 10 May, 1772 ; had ch.: (1). Clara, b. 30 June, 1793 ; (2). Reading, b. 24 Oct., 1794, d. 10 March, 1858 ; (8). John R., b. 12 Aug., 1798, d. 5 Nov., 1844 (9; (4). Sarah, b. 3 Feb., 1800, d. 9 Dec., 1843; (5). Mary, b. 80 Dec., 1801 ; (6). Austin, b. 30 May, 1805, d. 7 March, 1850 ; (%). Ann Eliza, b. 29 June, 1807 ; (8). Aaron D., b. 28 Oct., 1809, d. 3 Feb., 1858. [From J. M. Stark, Princeton, Illinois]. 2. SaRnaw, m, John B. Nicholas. 3. (3) AaRon, 3d, m. 10 May, 1798, Isabella Youngs. 4, Amy, b. 20 July, 1779 ; m. 15 May, 1802, Jacob Weise (s. of Jacob). Ill. (3) JONATHAN, m. 14 March, 1765, Margaret Bail. STEIN. JOAN [John] MARTEN STYN from Langen Salts in Saxony, m. 6 March, 1711, in New York, Maria Louisa Conin, the widow of Adam Blas from the Palatin- ate, Germany ; have ch. bap. ‘‘on the Raritans.” JoHN DaNrEL, b. at ‘ Pis- cataqua,” Sept. 1718, bap. 8 Aug., 1719. Prob. had another son, JOHN, who signed Weygand’s call 1749. STEPHENS.. RICHARD STEPHENS, b. 1782, d. 1792, May 18 ; an English millwright, brought from Phil. to build the brick mill at Hackottatown, by John Hackett ; came to ' 506 Earty Germans or New JERSEY Mt. Olive, 1762; enlisted in Revolutionary army, 1778, m. Dolly Landon, b. 1742, d. 1839, Oct. 1, at 97 ; had ch.: I SAMUEL, b. 1762, Dec. 22, d. 1834, June 28, m. Ann Culver, b. 1770, Feb 22, d. 1839, Feb. 22 ; had ch.: (1). EvisaBeEra, b. 1790, Jan. 12, d. 1874, at 84. (II). RicHarp, b. 1791, Aug. 4, d. 1852. (II). Roperr C., b. 1794, April 25, d. 1859, Aug. 13, m. Clara Carpenter ; res. at Stephensburg. (IV). SaRagq, b. 1796, Jan. 4, d. 1884, at 88, m. Archie Stephens. (V). Mary, b. 1797, Dec. 14, d. 1866, Mar. 20, m. Robert Caskey. (VI). Danie, b. 1799, Nov. 16, d. 1853, Nov. 21, m. Jane Hance. (VII). Exiza, b. 1802, Mar. 22, d. 1874, at 72, m. Will. Guild. (VII). Jou, b. 1804, Sept. 5, d. 1874, at 70, m. Sarah Madison. (IX). CLarissa, b. 1806, Nov. 22, d. 1837, Aug. 10, m. Will. Clark. (X). CLARINDA, b. 1809, Aug. 18, d. 1884, at 75, m. Will. Clark (2d wife). (XI). Josnrn C., b. 1813, Dec. 10, d. 1858, Dec. 1, m. Sarah Shipman ; has ason Isaac of Batavia, Il. II. DOROTHY, b. 1764, d. 1847, Oct. 24, at 83, m. Wm. Salmon 6. of Peter). III. MARY, m. Henry Sovreen (s. of Fred.). IV. MERCY, b. 1769, d. 1827, Nov. 20, at 58, m. Aaron Salmon (. of Peter), b. 1768, Aug. 3, d. 1850, Sept. 8. V. DANIEL, b. 1772, June 29, d. 1834, June 7, m. Sarah Salmon (dau. of Peter); had ch.: (I). ARCHER, b. 1796, m. Sarah Stephens (dau. of Samuel). (II). WiLu1aM, b. 1798, m. Hantiah Grandin (dau. of Phil.). (III). SAMUEL, m. Clarissy Drake (dau. of Aaron). (IV). MarGarReEt, m. Arch. Cramer (s. of Abraham). (V). Pzrer, b. 1804, m. Eliza Ann Nichols (dau. of John and Sally Stark). VI. RICHARD, JR., b. 1779, Oct. 17, d. 1820, Dec. 7, m. Polly Bell, b. 1784, Mar. 2, d. 1850, Dec. 22, at 66 years, 9 months and 20 days ; had ch.: (I). GEorGE WASHINGTON, m. Elisabeth Budd (dau. of John). (I). Jonn Brut, m. Permelia Drake (dau. of Silvanus). (III). Mary, m. John Skinner. VII. PRISCILLA, b. 1774, m. Peter Salmon, Jr. (s. of Peter). VIII. JOSHUA, drowned 1801. IX. EBENEZER, m. twice, the second time in Illinois ; had ch. (first four by first wife): (D. JOHN. (II). AaRon. (I). OBapDIAH. (IV). MARGARET. (V). WESLEY, among others. HENDERICUS STEVENS, of Readington records, m. Cathelyntje [Catherine] Hof (dau. of Peter, of Franklin twp., Som. Co.); had ch. bap. at Readington : I. CATHELYNTJEH, bap. 14 Feb., 1742. II. HENRICUS, bap. 19 Oct., 1746. IU. SARAH, bap. 27 Nov., 1748. IV. JOSEPH, m. Ealtye Henderson ; had ch. bap. Readington: . (I). CaTRENnA, bap. 6 Nov., 1778. (Il). Henry, bap. 12 Oct., 1780. STEPHENS—STIGER 507 (II). AMALYE, bap. 11 April, 1784. (IV). Joun, bap. 10 April, 1787. (V). JosePH STEVENS, b. 1792, d. 1864, m. Margaret W. Farley (dau. of ' Isaac and Ann Melick), b. 27 Dec., 1792, d. 17 Nov., 1860; had the following ten children: 1. Henry J., b. 1813, d. 1885, m. Margaret R. Hoffman (dau. of Joseph of Lebanon), had three children ; 2. Dennis W., m. first, Sarah Ramsey (dau. of John); second, Elisa- beth (widow of John Rodenbaugh) ; third, Amanda Neighbor (dau. of George); 3. Isaac F.. m. Naomi Gaston (dau. of John W. of Pluckamin), had five children ; 4. Elisabeth, b. 1819, d. 1878, m. Zachariah Z. Smith, of Peapack, and had four children ; 5. Mary, mm. Moses Oliver, of New Vernon ; 6. George J., b. 1822, d. 1872, m. first, Phebe Ann Oliver, by whom three children : second, Elisa- beth (widow of George Neighbor), by whom two children ; 7. Cath- erine, m. Van Arsdale Cortelyou, of Bedminster, and had seven children ; 8. Margaret, res. Somerville, m. Eli Crater, of Peapack, and had no children ; 9. Joseph C., m. twice and had one child ; 10. Sarah, res. Raritan, N. J. MISCELLANEOUS—RICHARD STEPHENS, a merchant of Philadelphia, gave a mortgage, 12 Feb., 1769, to Will. Rutherford on 1,525 acres at the foot of Paha- qually mountain [prob. in Sussex Co. near the Delaware river]. STIGER. ADAM STEIGER (StTIcER, STAEGER), one of two brothers, the other of whom, ANDREW, went to Maryland and appears, in 1760, on the records of the First Lutheran Church of Baltimore. Adam was witness, 1761, to a deed ; 1767 signs Articles of Faith of Lutheran Church, New Germantown, N. J.; Adam and Baltus both served in Revolutionary army ; had at least one son, I. BALTUS, b. 1762, d. 28 July, 1830, at 68, m. Mary Catherine Miller (dau. of Henry), b. 1763, d. 7 Jan., 1849, at 86 ; had ch.: (Il). Apam, m. Elisabeth Sharp (dau. of Morris and Mary Cramer), b. 10 July, 1789; had ch: 1. Nahum; 2. Morris; 3. Joseph; 4. Matilda, m. Charles Carhart (s. of John), b. 1813 ; res. at Perry- ville, N. J.; 5. another daughter. (Il). Henry, b. 16 Sept., 1787, d. 24 March, 1861, m. Rachel, b. 11 Dec., 1789, d. 2 Jan., 1850 ; buried at Clinton, N. J.; had ch.: 1. John; 2. Elijah; 3. Jacob; 4. Nathan; [5. Lydia, m. David Sharp (. of David), b. 14 Dec., 1816]? (Il). Naruan, m. first, Dorothea Welsh (dau. of Wilhelm 2d); second, Lydia Sharp (dau. of John Peter 2d), b. 26 Jan., 1796 ; had ch.: 1. William Welsh, m. Francis Force (dau. of Rev. Manning) ; 2. David | Miller, m. Mary 8. Little (dau. of William); 3. Aaron L., m. Olivia Marsh (dau. of Oliver); 4. Jacob M., m. a Wilson, of Belvidere ; 5. John S. (first child by second wife), M, D., m. Anna Hilliard (dau. of Harry, of Peapack): 6. Silas C.,m. Hannah Walduck ; 7. Henry M. D., m. Rettie Hunt (dau. of Rev. H. W., 2d); 8. Catherine M., m. Job Williams. MIsScCELLANEOUS—NICOLAS STYGER was on roll of soldiers of Livingston Manor, N, Y., 30 Nov., 1715. 508 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY STREIT. CHRISTIAN STREYDT, m. Maria Ursula [? Smith, dau. of Henry], and have ch. bap. at Hackensack : I. ANNA CATHERINE, born at Ramapough, 13 July, bap. 1 Sept., 171%, one witness being Anna Catherine, wife of Henrich Schmidt. II. ELISABETH, b. at Ramapough, Feb., 1718, bap. : Ill, JOHAN LEONHARD, b. 28 July, bap. 21 Aug., 1720; signs call to Rev. Weygand, 1749; gives mortgage 23 May, 1774, on land in Bernards twp., which is said to have been laid out for Jacob Stright. (IV. JACOB and wife Antje, are witnesses to a baptism in 1738. REV. CHRISTIAN STREIT, a prominent minister of the Lutheran Church was born in New Jersey 7 June, 1749, d. 10 March, 1812; graduated College of Philadelphia, 1768 ; licensed 1769 ;.pastor Lutheran Church, Easton, 1769-1779; Chaplain in Revolutionary army in service of 3d Virginia Regiment; pastor Charleston, 8. C.; taken prisoner by the British ; pastor New Hanover, Pa., July, 1782 ; pastor Winchester, Va., 19 July, 1785, his field embracing a circuit of 50 miles ; was passionately fond of music and constructed an organ with his own hands; m. first, 1778, Anna Maria Hoff, in Charleston, 8. C.; second, 1783, Salona Graff, of Philadelphia ; third, 1789, susan Burr, of Winchester, Va.; had a large family. He was aman very highly spoken of by those who knew him. STRUBLE. DIETRICH STRUBLE came from Alsace, Germany, in ship Edinburgh, Capt. Jas. Russell ; landed at Philadelphia, 1748, Sept. 5; bought, 1770, Dec. 17, 310 acres land of Wm. Allen ; rem. to Smith’s Hill, Hampton twp., Sussex Co.; from thence to ‘‘ West Branch,” Pa., where he died at the age of 101 years ; had ch.: . I. DIETRICH, confirmed 1769, unmarried. Il. JOHANNES LEONARD, b. about 1740, d. 1805, m. first, Catherine —-; second, Margaret Longcore (Longcoy), b. 1742, d. 1822, ‘‘ over 80”; res. at Smith’s Hill ; had ch.: (f). AnrHony, b. 1768, Nov. 19, m. Mary Kays ; res. in Hampton twp.; had ch.: 1. Thomas, b. 1809, June 9, m. Caroline Snook (dau. of William): 2. Leonard. (1). Jonn Leonarp, JR., b. 1770, Feb. 1, m. Rhoda Morris; res. in Franklin twp. (III). Mary, m. Robert Bell (IV). MarGaRet, m. George Roe. (V). ELisaBETH, m. Peter Bale. (VI). Pztsr L., b. 1778, July 3, m. first, Margaret Lance (dau. of Jacob); second, Ruth Morris (dau. of Moses and Mary Hull, dau. of Benj.), b. 1783, March 13 ; had children by first wife: 1. William P.; 2. Anna Maria ; 3. Elias, went to Ohio ; 4, Elisabeth; by 2d wife : 5. Phebe ; 6. Oliver, b. 28 March, 1821, m. Mary Shotwell (dau. of James). (VII). CATHERINE, m. John Hoffman. (VIII). Jacos, m. Mary Haggerty ; had ch.: 1. James H., m. 1829, Eliza Ann Osborne ; had twelve ch.: (1). Uzal, d. a babe; (2). Margaret, m. William McDanold ; (8). Uzal H., “of [Joel] Koykendall ; Mary, w. of [Manuel] Coykendall ; Susanna, w. of STRUBLE 509 m. Ann Augusta Beach: (4). Jacob, res. at High Bridge, m Charlotte A. Gustin (dau. of Horatio), and has Margaret O., Edwin W., Uzal H., Mary G., Eliza, Annie C., Robert D., Horatio G., Emily B.; (6). Anna Mary, 1st; (6). Jane; (7). Jos- eph, 1st ; (8). Anna Mary, 2d; 9). Carrie, m. Frank Hamilton ; (10). James H., m. Mary Knight ; (11). Ellen, m. John D. Mills ; (12). Joseph, 2d, m. first, Sylvena Stires ; second, Sarah Taylor. 2. CANFIELD, m. Hannah Shotwell. 3. JANE, m. John Bray. 4. Mary, unmarried. 5. ELLEN, m. James Philips. (IX). Susan, m. William Roe. III. GEORGE, confirmed 1781, ‘‘ unmarried.” IV. PETER (confirmed 1769), m. Eva ——; will dated 1810, June 19, prob. Newton, 1810, Aug. 2, names ch.;: (). Jacos. (I). Prerer. (ID. Henry. (IV). GzorGE. (V). Mary, m. Philip Waldreff. (VI). ELISABETH. (VII). Jonn LEonapD, b. 1768, Feb. 25 ; (confirmed, 1785, at 17 years). V. DANIEL, probably b. 1744, d. 1829, Franklin twp.; confirmed 1769 ; sol- dier at Morristown 1779-80 ; will dated 1822, Oct. 8 ; prob. Newton, 1829, Oct. 10, names ch. : (I). Joun. (ID. RrcHaRD, rem. to Ohio. (II. Hewry, rem. to Ohio. s (IV). Susanna, m. Brice Dalrymple. (V). MarGarRet, m. A. Maring. VI. JACOB, confirmed 1772 when “ unm.”; will ‘‘ Lebanon,” prob. 1820, Dec. 12; had ch.: (I). Jacos. (II). WILLIAM. (III). Nicwouas. (IV). ELIsaBETH, m, —— Witley. (V). Mary, m. —— Young. VII. JOHN, (conf. 1781, ‘‘unm.”). VIII. PHEME, m. Mr. Simmons, IX. CONRAD, conf. 1778, “unmarried”; rem. to West Branch, on Susque- hanna River, Pa. X. ADAM, conf. 1778, ‘‘ unmarried”; rem. to West Branch Pa. XI. HEINRICH, sesh: m. first, Anna Elisabeth ; had ch. at least : (@). Jonnw WituiaM, b. 29 Oct., 1768. (ID). Drerrics, b. 29 July, 1770." MISCELLANEOUS—ELISABETH STRUBLE (prob. wife of Heinrich, the son of Diet- rich), of Wantage, left will, prob. 24 Sept., 1813, which names ch.: Margaret, w. Wyker ; Catherine, w. of Caskey ; George, John, William, Adam, Daniel, Richard, Jacob, Peter H., and “‘my brother” Anthony Longcore. i 510 Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY STRYKER. JAN STRYKER emigrated, 1652, from Rhuynen, Province of Drenthe, Holland, and settled in Flatbush, L. I., about 1654. Effort has been made to trace the descendants of this pioneer to the present generation ; but, as the same names occur in each successive generation, and the records provide no means of iden- tifying the individuals, absolute certainty regarding the first generations is unattainable. The following arrangement is, however, the most probable one, Jan or John had ch.: GaRReET and PETER, and the latter had Barent, of Somerset Co., and Jan. BARENT, of Somerset Co. (s. of Peter of Flatbush), had I. PETER, of Millstone, whose will, dated April 7, prob. 15 June, 1761, names wife Mary andch.: 1, BARENT ; 2. Petmr ; 3, ELisaBeTH and 4. RACHEL; my brothers Barent and Hendrick. II. BARENT. III. HENDRICK. IV. DENYS [? Tunis, Anthony], m. Lena Hoagland and had 1. BARENT, bap. 1748 ; 2. CATHELINA, bap. 1750 ; 3. ELISABETH, bap. 1753 ; 4. CHRISTOFFEL, bap. 1756 ; 5. Denrus [Tunis 7], bap. 1759 ; 6. Maria, bap. 1762 ; 7. PETER bap. 1765 ; 8. ANTJE, bap. 1767. V. JAN, m. Judick Van Neste and had ch.: 1. BARENT, bap. 1752; 2. Henp- RICK, bap. 1753 ; 8. PETER, bap. 1756; 4. Jan, bap. 1758 ; 5. ABRAHAM, bap. 1760 ; 6. Isaac, bap. 1762 ; 7. ELISABETH, bap. 1765 ; 8. Jaco, bap. 1767 ; 9. Eva, bap. 1770. JAN [John], of Flatbush (s. of Peter), prob. had ch.: I. PIETER, of Harlingen, b. 1704, d. 18 Dec., 1774, at 70; his will prob. 27 Jan., 1775, names wife Catherine and ch.; 1. JoHN, m. Magdalena Brokaw ; 2. SaRan VAN HaRLINGEN ; 3. PETER, prob. the one who m. Charity Rodenbaugh and had Peter of German Valley ; 4. ANN, m. Cowit Williams ; 5. Griztsz, m. John Brokaw ; 6. Maris, m. Hendrick Banten (?); 7. ELISABETH, m. Aurie Auten. Tl, JOHANNES, of Sourland, Somerset Co., whose will prob. 7 Feb., 1785, names ch.: 1, DoMINICUS, bap. 1784; res. Neshanic, m. Mary and had Dominicus, bap. 1764 ; Pieter, bap. 1768 ; Samuel, bap. 1769; 2. Isaac; 3 PsTex ; 4. JAcos (dec.); 5. MARY ; 6. MARGARET; 7. SARAH ; 8. CoR- NELI4 ; 9. ABRAHAM, and wife Aumaty ; son-in-law Evert Brokaw. III. ABRAHAM, of Hillsborough twp., Somerset Co., whose will prob. 5 Oct., 1784, names one child Jonny. IV. JACOBUS, prob. m. Geertie [Gertrude] and had ch.; 1. AENTE, bap. 1753; 2. GERTE, bap. 1759 ; 3. ABRAHAM, bap. 1764. PETER, son of Peter and Charity Rodenbaugh, b. about 1770 to 1780; res. Mill- stone, Ralstontown and above Middle Valley, m. Christina Smith (dau. of Heinrich 2); had ch.: I. MARTIN, m. Ann Trimmer (dau. of John); had ch.: 1. JAcoB Karns, m. Elisabeth Flummervelt (dau. of Leonard); 2. HENRY POHLMAN, m. first, Elisabeth Anthony (dau. of John); second, Mary Elisabeth Crevel- ing ; 3. SopHIA, m. Elias M Bartles ; others died young, I. HENRY, m. Ann Schleicher (dau. of Lorenz); no children. Ill. JOHN, b. 1800, d. 1875, m. Catherine Rarick (dau. of Conrad 2d), b. 1804, Oct. 23; hadch.: 1. Ann Exisapern, b. 1825, m. Wm. Tompkins, of STRYKER—SUTPHIN 511 ' Jersey City; 2, Susan MERINDA, b. 1830, unm.; 3. WILLIAM HENRY, b. 1836, unm.; 4. Mary CATHERINE, b, 1838, m. Samuel D. Haines (lawyer of Jersey City). IV. BETSEY, m. Wm. Hartrum. V. PETER, b. 1804, June 13, d, 1879, April 22, m. first, Mary Roelofson (dau. of Isaac), b. 1801, d. 1867, Jan. 29; second, Mary Gerard; had ch.: 1. Isaac, m. Margaret Mitchell; 2. Hunry, m. first, Elisabeth Allen ; second, widow Julia Fritts ; 3. ELIsaBeTa, m. Hiram Force, of Spruce Run ; 4. ANN, m. John Mitchell, of Illinois ; 5. Davin, m. Joanna Pickle; 6. JOHN VANDERVOORT, m. Mary Hager (dau. of George). VI. SARAH, b. 1805, March 19, m. William Larison. VII. ANNA, b. 1805, March 19. VIII. AARON, b. 1807, Mar. 21, m. and went to New York State. Ix. JACOB HENRY, b. 1809, May 19, xX. PERMELIA, b. 1811, Jan. 21. XI. WILLIAM, m. and went to New York State. XII. JULIANN, m. David Clausin. XIII. ISAAC. MISCELLANEOUS—JOHN, of Six Mile Run, Somerset Co., whose will dated 3 Nov., 1741, prob. 6 Aug. 1747, names wife Grietje and ch.: John, Frederick, Ger- rit, Dinah, wife of Johannes Vanderveer, Styntje Strycker. SUTPHIN. DIRCK JANS VAN ZUTVEN came from Zutven in the Netherlands to Flatlands, L. 1., in 1651 ; to Utrecht in 1680 ; he m. Elisabeth Jacobsen ; his will dated, New York, 4 Sept., 1702, prob. 1707, names ch.: I, JACOB, d. 1804 (4), (eldest, not of age), rem. to Amwell twp., Hunterdon Co., and settled one mile north of Larrisons ; m. 12 Nov., 1741, Maritje Schenck (dau. of Roelif); had ch.: (D. ROELIF, b. 1744, d. 1804, m. Johannah Stout (dau. of Jas.); had ch.; 1. Mary, b. 1769, m. Jacob Sutphin. 2. Jemima, b. 1771, m. Peter Young. 8. Jacos, b. 1773, d. 1794. 4. Jomanna, b. 1775, m. Arthur Schenck. 5. James, b. 1778, d. 1868, m. Charity Hortman ; had ch.: (1). Jacob, b. 1797, d. 1828, m. Sarah Prall (dau. of Abram); (2). Catherine, b. 1798, d. 1888, m. Peter Prall (s. of Abram) ; (8). Ralph, b. 1802, m. Rachel Bellis (dau. of John H.); (4). Hannah, b. 1804, d. 1852, m. Leonard K. Bellis (s. of John); (5). Mary, b. 1807, m. William Chamberlain (gs. of Lewis); (6). John J., b. 1811, d. 1875, m. Mary Wilson (dau. of Elijah); (7). Elisabeth, b. 1818, m. James Wilson (s. of Elijah); (8). Rachel Ann, b. 1815, m. Charles Wilson (s. of Capt. John); (9). James, b. 1819, rem. to Minnesota. 6. JOHN. 7. ApRaHAM R., b. 1782, m. Mary Lowe (dau. of Richard). 8. ELISABETH, .b. 1784, m. Matthias Bellis. (II) JoHN. 512 Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY Il. JAN, settled in Monmouth Co. III. DIRCK, settled in Monmouth Co. IV. GUISBERT, b. 13 Oct., 1693, d. 18 Aug., 1763; rem. to Freehold, 1709, m. a Van Pelt, b. L. I, 10 April, 1693, d. 24 March, 1748 ; member of Dutch Church, Freehold, as early as 1717: had son : (). GUISBERT, b. 28 Aug., 1720, d. 16 Nov., 1796, m. Areantie Van Pelt. (dau. of John, b. 1687, d. 2 Oct., 1766, and Catrina Hageman, b. 1697, d. 2 April, 1757), b. 11 Jai 1720, d. 31 May, 1788 ; rem. to Bedminster, Somerset Co.; had a . GOERETIE [Gertrude] b. 14 Oct., 1745, d. 26 Mar., 1788 ; m. 8 Feb., 1764, Guisbert Sutphin, Jr. 2. CATHERINE, b. 9 Oct., 1747, d. 21 Feb., 1790, m. 21 Sept., 1769, Cornelis Powelson. . ELISABETH, b. 5 May, 1750, d. 15 March, 1769. a . JoHN, b. 18 Aug., 1752, m. 16 Sept., 1770, Sarah Phoenix. . NELLIE, b. 19 Jan., 1755. * GRIETIE, b. 21 Aug., 1757, d. 17 Nov., 1774. GuISBERT, b. 5 Feb., 1760; perhaps m. Elisabeth Proas and had ch.: (1). Catlintie, bap. 23 Jan., 1788 ; (2). Peter, bap. 15 Nov., 1789 ; (8). Mary and (4) Judah, both bap. 12 June, 1797 ; (5). John, b. 17 Dec., 1792 ; (6). Elisabeth, b. 7 Feb., 1796. 8. Prrer, b. 17 Aug., 1762. Vv. ABRAHAM, rem. from Staten Island to New Jersey. VI. ISAAC. VII. ELSIE, m Harmon Gerritse. VIII. HENDRICKIE, m. Peter Tierckse. MISCELLANEOUS—ADRIAEN, m. Elisabeth and had ch. bap. at Readington, Jacos, bap. 29 Jan., 1744; ANNE, bap. 5 May, 1745; PHEBE, bap. May, 1750. DIRCK, m. Neeltje and had WILLIAM, bap. 3 March, 1754. PIETER, m. Cath- elyntje and had ch.: 1. MarGriera, bap. 26 May, 1754 ; 2. JupicK, bap. 28 Nov., 1764 ; 3, ELISABETH, bap. 23 Aug., 1767; 4. NEELTJE, bap. ——; 5. JoHN, bap. 7 July, 1770. ELISABETH Zutphen m. Jan Aten and had Marta Aten, bap. 10 Dec., 1746. ray IB orp ow SUTTON. SUTTONS OF SCITUATE, Mass, GEORGE SUTTON was in Scituate, 1638, m. 1641 Sarah, dau. of elder Nathaniel Tilden ; he had children: Jon, b. 1642; Lypia, b. 1646; Saran, b. 1648 ; SaRad, again, b. 1650 ; ELISABETH, b. 1653. There was a SIMON SUTTON who bore arms in 1643 and was a witness to Elder Nathaniel Tilden’s will. JOHN 6. of George), b. 1642, m. 1661, Elisabeth House (dau. of Samuel), d. 1691; an ensign in King Philip’s war. He had ch.: ELISABETH, b. 1662; JOHN, b. 1664; Mary, b. 1666; Sarnaw, b. 1668; Hannag, b. 1670; ESTHER, b. 1673 ; BENJAMIN, b. 1675 ; NATHANIEL, b. 1677; NaTHAN, b. 1679. Suttons or Lona IsLanD AND WESTCHESTER, N. Y. JOSEPH SUTTON purchases land in Southold, L, 1., 1660, and sells out again the same year. In 1668, July 16, some property in Huntington, L. I., is described as once belonging to GEORGE. SUTTON 513 JOSEPH, perhaps s. of Joseph, b. 1685-90, d. 1765 or 70 at 80, m. Mary Sands ;rem. from Mass. to L. I., and from thence to Portchester, N. Y. He had children: 1. JosEPH, of North Castle, m. Deborah Haight ; 2. CaLEB, m. Abbey Pell; 3. James, of Croton Valley, m. Elisabeth Brown ; 4 WILLIAM, m. Dorcas Clapp; - 5. RicHarpson, of Croton Valley, b. 1732, July 11, m. Elisabeth Quimby (dau. of Moses); 6. ABBEY, m. Robert Fields; 7. Mary, m. Samuel Palmer; 8. Sopuia ; 9. JERUSHA, m. Benjamin Field. RICHARDSON, of Croton Valley, 5th son of Joseph, b. 11 July, 1732, d. —— 1776, m. Elisabeth Quimby (dau. of Moses); had ch.: I. EstHER, b. 15 March, 1752, m. Joseph Totten ; II. Moszs, b. 15 March, 1756, m. Rebecca Underhill (dau. of Isaac); III. Dante, b. 22 May, 1758, m. Phebe Huested (dau. of Jonathan); IV. Deporan, b. 17 June, 1760, m. Zopher Griffin; V. Roprert, b. 5 April, 1762, m. Sarah Underhill ; VI. Samugr1, b. 22 Jan., 1764, m. Sarah Underhill (dau. of Abraham); VII. Puess, b. 27 Aug., 1765; VIII. Mary, b. 7 March, 1767 ; IX. JERUSHA, b. 2 Sept., 1768 ; X. ABiGarL, b. 12 Dec., 170, m. Benj. Underhill ; XI. Francgs, b. 13 Dec., 1772. SAMUEL, 6th son of Richardson, b. 22 ‘Sean, 1764, m. Sarah enact (dau. of Abraham); had ch.: I. RicHarpson, m. Mary Wing; II. JosHua, m. Phebe Burling and had Joshua B., the 1st husband of Mrs. Rev. T. F. Chambers ; III. CALEB, m. Rebecca Sinpdand : IV. Amy, m. Josiah Quimby ; V. ABRaA- HAM, rem. to Dutches Co., N. Y.; VI. DANIEL, rem. to Conn.; VII. EpMuUND, rem, to Michigan ; VIII. StmPHEN, m. Ann Burling ; [X. Sauty. Joseph’s father was from Sutton, Lincolnshire, Eng. The family were repre- sented (22d Henry VII, 1506) by Robert, Armiger, Sheriff of that county. Arms: ar. on a chevy. between three armulets gu. as many crescents or Crest. a greyhound head couped erm. collared gu. garnished and ringed or. on the collar three armulets of the last (Bolton’s Westchester, Vol. 1, p. 571 and 2). Sutrons or Piscataway, N. J. The first of the family to come to this State are found at Piscataway, as early as 1677. The earliest records in which the name occurs are as follows: In the Elisabethtown bill in chancery we find surveyed to WiLLIAM Surton, in 1677, Jan. 30, 120 acres ; in 1677 and 8, Feb. 11, 125 acres ; in 1678, Sept. 10, 1243¢ ; in 1685, Feb. 11, 125 ; in 1686, Feb. 20, 125 ; in 1687, March 25, 125. In 1697-8, March 10, a large tract was leased by the proprietors of East Jersey for ‘‘ahalf pence per acre” to William Sutton, Thomas Sutton, Judah, John and Charles Sutton, and others. In 1685, AMBROSE is said to be one of the company owning the Elisabethtown purchase. RICHARD has will dated Piscataway, 1722, Sept. 8, prob. 1732, Feb. 28 ; (Tren- ton B. 385). He names eldest son NaTuan and refers to but does not name the other children ; names also his brother DANIEL, and brother-in-law Peter Run- yon, also his wife Sarah. This last must be the daughter of Vincent Runyon Ist, who was born 1685. In 1700-1, THomas and RicHaRpand JuDSon sign a petition to the King against the acts of the proprietors. In 1718, Joan, with fifty others of Middlesex Co., petitions the House of Repre- sentatives of New Jersey. THOMAS, mentioned in will of his son JoszPH, whose will dated Piscataway, 1754, Oct. 23, prob. 1762, April 1 (Trenton H : 93), names wife Priscilla (prob. a sister 2 514 Earty Germans or New JERSEY to Sarah Bunn of Piscataway) and ch.; 1. Henry; 2. Jacob; 3. Sarah; 4. Priscilla, and grand-daughters Priscilla and Johanna Foster. Suttons or Passaic VALLey, N. J. JOHN SOTTEN buys lands ‘‘Harrison’s Neck,” Nov. 11, 1741, and he is probably the same John of Passaic, Somerset Co., who sells land at Piscataway, Dec. 31, of the same year. His will of date 1746, Dec. 17, prob. 1750, Dec. 20, names ch. : I. JOHN, whose will, dated Somerset Co., 1758, prob. 1761, names wife Mary and brother David, and following ch.: (1). ELisaBers ; (II). ANNIE; (III). Lors, m. Thomas Smith (s. of Richard); IV). Mary «ot of age 1758), m. Elijah Smith (s. of Richard); (V). JEREMIAH ; (VI). ABNER, deceased ; (VII). Purtip ; Lois, Mary and Abner are named among the members of Baptist Church at Mt. Bethel, Somerset Co., 1767, Oct. 29. II. DAVID, whose will, ‘‘ Bernettown” [Bernards twp.) Som. Co., 1775, Dec. 1, prob. Dec. 19. (Trenton L. 276), mentions wife living (without naming her), and names ch.: (I). Isaac, “eldest,” prob. m. Rachel Doty (dau. of Benj.), and had heirs, who release land of their grandfather Benj. Doty to Ed. White, 1784, viz., 1. Jacob, 2. Israel, 3. Samuel ; all went to Fayette Co., Pa.; (II). Davin; (III). Jonn; (IV). ABrawaH; (V). JaMeEs ; (VJ). Moszs; (VII). Sanaw; (VIII). ELisaBETH and her three youngest daughters, Marah, Joanner and Abigail; ([X). Mary, dec. (1746), and her son David. ’ III. MOSES, of Peapack, deceased (1746), had son AARON ; his eldest son JoHN is appointed admin. of his estate, 14 April, 1740. IV. AARON, deceased (1746) and his dau. V. JAMES, prob. member of Mt. Bethel Baptist Church, 1767. VI. JESSE. VII. MARY. VIII. EPHRAIM, whose will, 1783, Aug. 11, prob. 1790, Dec. 7. (Trenton 31: 718), names wife Phebe and ch.: (I). James GOVERMEUR ; (II). Davin; (III). Jessz ; ([V). Wiutiam, and ‘‘my dau. Levinah,” probably wife of William ; lived on Sutton’s Hill, 2d mountain, west of William Allen, and had children, mentioned with his widow in deed of date, 1801: 1. James; 2. Enoch, m. Betsey Clark (dau. of Elias); 3. Henry; 4. Mary, m. John Sibbens ; 5. David, m. Sallie Parker (dau. of Judah); 6. William Jr.; 7. Catherine ; 8. Sallie; 9. John. Suttons oF BaskinG RIDGE. RICHARD, of Piscataway, may have been the ancestor of the Suttons of Potters- ville and Sussex Co., through hisson Nathan. The tradition in these families claims an ancestor of the name of Nathan who m. for second wife « French woman and who had twenty children. The only Nathan yet discovered is the one who is the son of Richard. NATHAN 6. of Richard), m. two wives, one of whom was a French woman ; this may have been Mary Cossart (dau. of Jacob), b. 1725-30. He lived at Sterling and attended church prob. at Basking Ridge ; said to have had 20 children, 10 by each wife. He prob. had children : I. URIAH. I. JOSEPH, prob. b. 9 July, 1747, d. 8 Nov., 1822, m. Mary ; his will prob. 3 Dec., 1822 ; had ch.: (I). UrntaH, b. 17 March, 1779; (II). SHADRACH, b. 1781 ; (III). JonaTHAN, b. 1787, m. Martha; (IV). Jamas, b. 1796 ; (V). SUTTON 515 JOSEPH P., b. 1798, m. Persey ; (VI). ReBEcca, b. 1783; (VII). Exisa- BETH Ann, b. 1789; (VIII). MartHa L., b. 1792; one of the daughters m. Luther Conklin. III. BENJAMIN ? IV. JOHN ? V. JONATHAN, b. —,, d. 1817 Feb. 2, m. Rachel Collier ; rem. from Stirl- ing to Sussex Co. after the Revolutionary war ; elder in Harnyston Presbyterian Church ; had ch.: (I). ZEBULON, m. Mary Lewis ; had (1). Nathan; (2). Lewis; (8). Mark ; (4). Martha. (II). JacoB, m. Hannah Rorick (dau. of Michael); had ch.: 1. Michael Rorick, m. Elisabeth Foster, father of Rev. J. Ford Sutton, D. D., of N. Y. city; 2. Lewis; 3. Jonathan; 4. Jacob, Jr., lived and died in Sussex Co.; 5. John Rorick; 6. William I.,d. in Michigan; %. Rebecca; 8. Catharine, went to Michigan (prob. dau. of Jona- than). (III). ReEBEcca, who joined Hardyston Presbyterian Church, 1809. VI. AARON ? had ch.. (). AaARon, whose will, prob 1814, Feb. 6, names ch.: 1. Mary, m. Col. John McKinstry ; 2. Hannah, b. 1775, Feb. 16, d. 1849, Dec. 17, m. Joshua Farley (s. of Mindurt). (II). RicHaRD, m. a Chidester ; had ch.: 1. AARON, went away. 2. SAMUEL, m. Elenor Vliet ; had ch.: (1) ANNA, b. 1801, m. George Fisher. (2). ELEANOR, m. John C. Moore ; (3). WILLIAM, b. 1806, m. first, Esther Welsh; second, Dorothy Welsh, and had (a). Catherine Ann, m. William H. Vliet ; (6). Samuel, m. Elisabeth Melick ; (c). William, m. Emma J. Goltra ; (4). Euiza ELLEN. VII. ZECHARIAH ? VIII. STEPHEN ? IX. JEREMIAH ? X. PETER ? Surrons oF Fairmount. JOHN [perhaps the son of AARON, s. of JOHN of Passaic Valley], b. 1738, d. 1822, Nov. 21 ; m. Elisabeth Abel (dau. of Andrew) b. 1743, d. 1825 ; had ch.: I. AARON, m. Mary Schuyler (dau. of Philip); owned the mill at Califon, N. J.; had ch.: (). Peter, m. Elisabeth Tiger (dau. of Jacob); lived near Cokesbury. (1). Puriip, m. Elisabeth Hoffman (dau, of ——); lived at Califon. (III). Aanon, b. 1798, Jan. 5, m. Catherine Abel (dau. of Jacob), b. 1800, April 24, d. 29 July, 1894; had ch.: 1. Junra ANn, b. 1821, m. William Eich (s. of George); 2. Mary, b. 1824, m. Rich. Stephens ; 3. Janz, b. 1829, m. George Fleming (s. of Levi); 4. Aaron S., b. 1832, m. first, Sarah W. Anderson (dau. of Jacob); second, Mary E. Apgar (dau. of Isaiah); has ch.: (1). Austin E.; (2). Elias B.; (3). Edward, M. D.; (4). Erastus; (6). Eli L.; (6). Roy; 5. Han- NAH, b. 1835, m. Phil. Schuyler (s. of Peter); 6. ELISABETH, b. 1845, m. George S. Hoffman. Il. ANDREW, b. 1771, May 23. 516 Barty Germans oF New JERSEY III, PETER, b. 1777, Jan, 12, d. 1858, Jan. 18, m. Polly Philhower (dau. of Philip), b. 1771, d. 1858, Aug. 1, at 87; had ch. ; (). Joun P., m. Elisabeth Apgar (*au. of Casper) High Bridge twp. ; had ch.: 1. Lambert m. Elmira Trumine (dau. of Isaiah); 2. Chiristo- pher : 3, John, unm.; 4. Frank, m, Emma Teats (dau. of Peter); 5. Elisabeth, m. Jacob Brown ; 6, Javob, b. 1835, d. 1861, June 15, m. Merilda Pace (dau. of Daniel), b. 1888, a. 1866, March 6. (ID. Isaac, m, Ruhama Lance (dau. of Peter); lived between Fairmount and New Germantown ; hadch.: 1. Jerry, m. Ophelia Hiler au. of William); 2. Elisabeth, m, John Jakewish (s. of David): 3. Sophia, m. George N. Alpaugh (s. of George Ist); 4 Peter, m, Louisa Hiler (dau. of William); 5. George, unm. ; 6. -lnn, m. Benj. Apgar (s. of William); 7. Wiliam, m. Edith Eyck (s. of Morris) ; 8. Isaac, m. a Parker ; 9. Mary Ren, died young ; 10, Jane, unm. ; 11. Louisa, m, Wm, Eugene Apgar (s. of Peter). (IID. ANN, m. Jonathan Burrill. (IV). Hannan, m. John Miller. (V). ExisaBETH, m. Peter Hoppock. (VI). CHARITY, m. Matthias Heldebrant. (VII). RacwEL, m. William Robeson. IV. DAVID. V. JOHN. VI. RICHARD, b. 1790, July 10, m, Mary Bunn ; had ch.: (I. Joun, b. 1810, June 17, died young. (I). Davi, b. 1811, Oct. 10, m. Emily Yauger (dau. of William and Mar- garet Hiler). (IID. AaRon, b. 1813, Sept. 18, m. Julia A. Cook. (IV). ANDREW, b, 1815, Oct. 11, m. Emily Apgar (dau. of William). (V). Georer B., b, 1818, Mar. 15, m, Lydia Ann Hoffman (dau. of Har- mon); had ch.: 1, Afelissa, m. Jacob Lutes (s. of George): 2. Elmira, m, John Barkman (s. of David); 8. Patt, unm.; +. Silas, m. Mary Elisabeth Youngs (dau. of Joseph); 5, Stephen, m. Debo- rah Van Pelt (dau. of Henry$; 6. Klisebeth, m. Philip Eyck (s. of Peter); 7, Ellis, m Anna Fleming (dau. of Henry); 8. Harmon, m. Jane Farley (dau. of Joshua); 9. Susan, m, William Moore ; 10. Ebenezer, m, Mary Ellen Lance (dau. of George); 11. Albert, unm. ; 12. Howard, unm, MIscELLANEOUS—WILLIAM, of Knowlton, Warren Co., whose property was divided, 1816, Oct. 25, among the following: David Cummins and wife Elisabeth ; John Sutton ; John Merden and wife Joanna ; Robert Albertson and wife Vary; William Sharp and wife Anna; Michajah Sutton; Ebenezer and wife Pru- dence ; Clerksen Shottwell and wife Keziah; Margaret Sutton ; Peter Cool and wife Jerusha. In 1752, June 8, letters of dismission are given by the Baptist Church at Piscataway, to form a Baptist Church at Morristown, to DANTRL and Joun SuTTON among others. Morristown records have the name of W1LLIAM in 1750 and of RICHARD in 17H ; the latter as overseer of roads. SWACKHAMER 517 SWACKHAMER. SAMUEL SCHWACKHAMMER (Swackhamer), b. 1700, d. 1782, Feb. 3, in his 82d year ; ‘‘came in the year 1731 into this American wilderness ; married three times and had 25 children, 73 grandchildren and %5 great grandchildren,’ (funeral notice in old church book); be leased the tract of 600 acres, now in- cluded in the Cregar and Trimmer farms ; this tract was afterward bought by Jacob Trimmer in 1795 of the Livingstons, excepting what had been previously bought by Rev. Casper Wack. His will dated 1780, Feb. 1, prob. 1782, March & (Trenton Lib. 238, fol. 247), names wife Elisabeth, son-in-law Daniel Samis (or Lamis), brother-in-law Fred. Miller ; witnesses, Joseph Snider, Charles Hilde- brand, Sarah Clymer, and thirteen children : I. CONRAD, b. 1720, d. 1813, Aug., at 92, m. Elisabeth, b. 1721, d. 1794, at 73 ; signs call to Rev. Albert Weygand, 1749 ; had ch.: (I). Henry. (ID. SaMUEL. (i) ~Frirz. (IV). TREENIE (Catharine). (V). CoxpaD, b. 1753, Nov. 30, d, 1831, Sept. 19, m. 1774, May 15, Mary Roelofson (dau. of Hermanes, Ist), b. 1751, Feb. 10, d. 1816, Aug. 27; had ch.: 1. Samv=EL, b. 1783, May 8, d. 1850, Sept. 26, m. Sarah Smith ; lived at Readington, N. J.; 2. RoELir, m. Mary Schomp ; had ch;: (1). Margaret Hoffman, b. 1817, April 18 ; (2). Rulif, b. 1819, Nov. 2; (8). Mary Rulofson, b. 1823, March 13 ; (4). Jacob Schomp, m. a Wyckoff, and had Mary Louisa, bap. 1748, Sept.; (5). Annie Wyckoff, b. 1827, Dec. 7; (6). Eliza, b. 1830, March 23; 3. Mary, unm,.; 4. Anna, m. John Van Houten, of Whitehouse, N. J.; 5. Saraw, m. William McClure, of Brooklyn ; 6. Joun, b. 1791, June 1, d. 1864, May 30, m. Anna Ten Eyck (dau. of Cornelius), b. 1802, Sept. 12, d. 1964, Feb. 4; had ch.: (1). Cornelius Ten Eyck, b. 1825, Jan. 1, m. Mary Davis; (2). Rulif, b. 1826, Nov. 21: (3). Mary Elisabeth, b. 1829, Jan. 24; (4). Ellen Louisa, b. 1831, July 3; 7. ELIsaBeTH (') m. William Space. Il. JOHN (Johannes), b. 1827, Feb. 2, m. Susanna Margaret Terryberry (per haps dau. of Christopher, who may have been the son of Michael) ; rem from Livingston tract, when it was bought by Jacob Trimmer to the farm at Middle Valley, now owned by I. Sharp Vescelius ; had ch. (order uncertain) : (). Joun, m. Mary Schuyler, b. 1765, d. 1849, at 84 ; had ch.: (1). JACOb, b. 1799, Sept. 1, m. Sarah Schleicher (dau. of John); had ch.: (1). Ann, m. Nathan Anthony (s. of Jacob); (2). Caroline, m. Ewey Exton Taylor (s. of Thomas); (3). Isaiah, m. Luantha Godard, rem. to New York State; (4). Mary Fritts, m. Rev. John Lake (s. of Jacob), for his first wife ; (5). Catharine, died young ; 2. JOHN, unm.; 3. MaRGaRET, m. James Schleicher ; 4. Susan, m. Cornelius Washburn, of New York State. (I). CuristoPpHER, m. Kate Terryberry, and went to Canada. (Il). SamvEL, m. 1806, Jan. 21, Anna Sims ; rem. from the Whitehouse, N. J., to Pennsylvania ; had ch.: 1. ConraD; 2. SAMUEL ; 3. JANE ; 4. SUSAN ; 5. Davip; 6. DANIEL; 7. JoHN; 8. PHILIP ; 9. SEENIE; 518 (IV). (¥). (VI). (VII). (VIII). Earty Germans or New JERsEY. 10. Eva, m. 1812, March 7, James Sweesey (s. of Daniel). STEPHEN, m. Jane Bowman (dau. of Lambert %), 1802, Nov. 2; rem~ to Cooperstown, N. Y.; had ch.: 1. Rev. Lambert, for whom the ‘‘Swake” Church was built in Warren Co.; 2. Susan, m. a Dewey; 3. David ; 4. Eliza, and one other. Davin, b. 1785, d. 1822, Jan 1, m. Elisabeth Neighbor (dau. of Leon hard, 2d), and died one year after marriage. Isaac, died young. DANIEL, unmarried. FRITZ (Frederick), b. 1788, d. 1862, June 2, at 94 years and 8 mos., m. 1813, Oct. 7, Cate Anthony (dau. of Daniel), b. 1794, April 13, d, 1869, July 21 at 75 yrs., 3 mos. and 18 days ; had ch.; 1. Davin, fe 1814, March 29, m. first, 1833, Dec. 19, Elsie Trimmer (dau. of Christopher), b. 1813, March 5, d. 1863, Dec 28; second, Mary Welsh (dau. of Jacob and Susan); had ch. by first wife: (1). Alice, m. Robert C. Bartley; (2). Catherine Elisabeth, m. Elias Crater (s. of George), of Flanders, and they have five children ; (3). Frederick Trimmer, m. Sarah Bartley (dau. of Hugh); have one child ; (4). Philip Welsh, m. Annah Woodhull, have one child ; 2. Isaac, b. 1818, July 14, m. Elisabeth Hopkins, and had ch.: (1). Mary, m William Wack ; (2). Samuel, m Juliet Skellinger ; (8). Elisabeth, mo. Jacob Praster; (4). George Trimmer, m. Francis: Margaret: Trimmer ; (5). Matthias Trimmer, m. Mrs. Harriet Stephens Flock ; (6). Catherine, m. Strandon Salmon ; (7%). Alice, m. Mahlon K. Thorpe ; (8). John M., m. Belle Smith; (9). Eliphalet W., m. Juliet Miller ; (10). Annie, m. Lewis McPeek; (11). David, m. Catherine Topping ; (12). Elmira, d. at 12 years of age ; 3. ELIsa- BETH ANN, b. 1822, Oct. 19, m. first, Tice Trimmer (s. of Matthias) ; second, Aaron Clark, of Hackettstown ; 4. Manata, b. 1825, July 28, m. Nathan T. Apgar (s. of William); DanreEL ANTHONY, b. 1827, Jan. 1, m. Sarah Chamberlin ; 6. CATHERINE, m. Lawrence Dufford ; 7. Aaron H., b. 1833, d. 1860, July 5, unm. (LX). Jacos, b. 1789, Dec. 31, d. 1851, April 20, m. Elisabeth Wel-h (dau. of Philip); bad ch.: i. PHILIP WELSH, m. Elisabeth Trimmer (dau. of Christopher) ; had Susan, m. Elijah Dufford ; Louisa K., m Chas. H. Ming ; Jacob, m. Alice Sharp ; George, died young ; 2. JoHN, d. 189-, m. Mary Neighbor (dau. of Wm.); had Lydia Ann, m Malachi Neighbor ; Libbie, m. William Hann (1st wife) ; William N., § m. Emma Trimmer ; 3. SUSAN, m. Jacob Trimmer (s. of Matthias) ; 4, Mary, m. Taaiah Trimmer (s. of Matthias); 5. ELISABETH, m Rance Hann Gray (s. of Richard), first wife ; 6. MARGARET, m. Oliver Vescelius (son of George A.), first wife ; 7. aes unm. (X). ELISABETH, m. Fred Regers, of Schooley’s Mountain. (XI). MarGaRkeT, m. John Dufford, of Ohio. (XI]).. CATHERINE, m. William Neighbor, of Ohio. (XIII). Mary, died unm. ? Ill. ‘‘CATRINE” (Catherine), b. 1728, d. 1815, Nov. 5, at 82, m. 1750, July 3, Christopher Carns (s. of John Jacob), b. 1728, Dec. 16, d. 1796, July 22. Iv. ANN, m. a Leeke. V: DOLLY (Dorothea), m. Philip Terryberry (s. of Stephen), of Schooley’s ‘SwackaaMER—SWARTS—SWAZEY 519 Mountain, N. J. VI. ELISABETH, b. 1748, d. 1823, Oct. 15, at 75, m. Jacob Dufford (son of Jacob, Ist); her will prob. 1823, Doc. 2. VII. BARBERY. VIII. HELLENA. IX. BALTUS, confirmed 1780. X. SAMUEL, wife and daughter take communion at German Valley 1776. XI. ANDREW. XII. JACOB. XII. DANIEL. SWARTS. PETER SWARTS (Schwartz), came from Canada to Whitehall, m. Elisabeth Leininger (dau. of Jacob); had ch.: I. POLLY, m. Adam Casner. II. SALLIE, b. 29 Nov., 1809, m. Isaac Erwine. III. DANIEL, m. Elisabeth Johnson (2). IV. ELIJAH, m. a Farley (3); went West. V. DAVID, m. Elisabeth Blane (dau. of John); had ch.: 1. ANN, m. first, David Karns (s. of Philip); second, John Bird (s. ef Jacob); 2. Jacos, m. Mary A. Alpock (dau. of David), and went West; 3. Isaac, m. Jane Lance (dau. of George); 4. Susan, m. Robert Carlisle ; 5. EMALINE, m. Nathaniel Chamberlain. VI. PETER, went West. MISCELLANEOUS—J ACOBUS SWART was a soldier of New Amsterdam in the service of East India Co. He had sons Tunis and Jacos, who were in Monmouth Co. as early as 1725. Perhaps the latter was Jacobus, of Readington ; voter in 1738 of Hunt. Co.; probably m. Jannetje. : SWAZEY. JOHN SWEZEY [Swazey, Sweasey, &c.], of Southold, died probably before 1686 ; 1650, named as a debtor ; 1655, aided in settlement of Brookhaven ; 1659, ref. oath, and in 1660, took oath of fidelity to New Haven ; 1676, rated for two men 12 acres, &c.; 1666-1679, deeds to and from him ; had ch.: I. JOHN (prob. s. of John), d. Oct., 1706, m Mary; had ch.: 1. JoHN, JR., m. 1 Jan., 1707, Saran Ramsey ; had child, Dorothy, d. 1716 ; infants in 1728 ; 2. Susannad ; 3. Mary; 4. Josaua ; 5. PHEBE. II. JOSEPH (prob. s. of John, 1st), prob. died before 1717, m. Mary Betts dau. of Capt. Richard, of Newtown); 1676, rated for 8 acres, &c.; 1686, one male and four females in his family; 1699-1711, deeds from nephew John, &c.; bad ch.: 1. Joanna, b. 1686 (2), d. 22 Feb., 1725, at 38, m. 1702, Israel Parshall ; 2. JOSEPH, JR., b. 1653, d. Nov., 1736, at 88 ; gives, 1717, deed to Samuel, in partition, and in 1718, a deed to his brother Richard, in partition; 3. Mary; 4. Sanam; 5. SAMUEL, perhaps m. Hannah Horten in 1727; 1711-1715, deeds to and from him ; 1717, deeds to him from Joseph, in partition ; 6. RIcHARD, b. 1692, d. Dec., 1782, at 92, m. first, Eliza, who d. 1738-39, at 38; second, 1739, Aug. 10, widow Margaret Howell, d. 6 July, 1769 ; had two children who died 1737 and 1738 ; 1718, deed from his brother Samuel, in partition ; 1787, on list of 520 EarLy GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY freeholders ; 7. STEPHEN, m. 1715, Elisabeth Youngs ; 1737, on list of freeholders ; 8. Berara, d. 12 Jan., 1724, m. 1718, Wm. Coleman, Jr. SAMUEL, of Roxbury twp., Morris Co., N. J., b. 1689, July 31,d. 1759, May 11, m. jirst, Penelope, b. 1690, Feb. 14, at Southold, L. I., d. 1746 ; second, 1747, April 20, Susannah Huntington, b. 1696, d. 1776, Nov. 5; came from Southold, L. I.,. 1787, May 17, to Roxbury, N. J. (see tombstone in cemetery, Chester, N. J.); leaves by will, dated May 10, prob. June 13, 1759, nearly a thousand acres to his family; was probably the first justice of the peace of Roxbury twp., holdiog the office at least as early as 1747. There seems to have been an- other family in old Roxbury twp. who may have descended from a JOHN, overseer of highways, in 1741. This John may have been a brother of Samuel ; the latter had ch.: I. PENELOPE, b. 1710, July 31. II. REV. SAMUEL, Jr., b. 1712, July 4 ; was the first minister of the Con- gregational Church of Chester, which he served for twenty years, from 1753 to 1773; rem. at later date to Western Florida, now Missis- sippi, with his brother Richard and a number of other families (see below); prob. m. Hannah Horton (dau. of Caleb, 1st, of Roxbury); had children: 1. SaMUEL, m. a Putnam, and had John, Daniel, James, Samuel and Elisabeth, whom. Wm. Ed. Leland (?). 2. Nataan, m. first, Bethia Hopkins ; second, ; and had ch.: (1). David, m. Sarah Corey; (2! Lydia, m. first, an Ormsby ; second, Gabriel Swazey (s. of Richard); (8). Nathan, Jr., m. Catherine Smith ; (4). Stephen. 3. ELIJAH, m. for second wife a widow Corey. 4. STEPHEN, m. Rachel Hopkins. 5. PENELOPE, m, Obadiah Brown. 6. Hannag, m. first, a Coleman (who had ch.: John, Israel and Eph- raim); second, a Custis ; and, 7, another dau. supposed to be the mother of Rhoda Lambert. The whole family rem. with the father to Mississippi. QI. BARNABAS, b. 1715, Jan. 12, d. 1779 ; rem. to Hope, Warren Co., N. J., where he bought 800 acres in 1743 ; his will, dated Knowlton, Sussex County, N. J., 1779, Feb. 28, prob. April 2 (Trenton Lib., 21, fol. 70), names wife Phebe and five sons, GILBERT, ANDREW, BARNABAS, Wy111aN, IsRazL and one dau., ELISABETH, who is not 21 years of age at date of the will ; received from his father, 1759, one-half (the eastern half) of the lands (near Chester village) purchased of Jacob and Caleb Shinn ; had ch.: (1). ANDREW (prob. s. of Barnabas), b. 1767, d.1J an., 1844, m. Catherine Lomerson, b. 8 Sept., 1764, d. 29 March, 1849 ; buried at the ‘‘ New Stone” cemetery, near Clinton ; had ch.: 1. Henry, had Whitefield, Peter, Eliza and Wesley. 2. CONRAD, b. 6 May, 1793, d. 12 Dec., 1866, m. Uzina Yard, b. 18 June, 1796. a. 8 Jan., 1869 ; had ch.: (1). Mary, b. 17 Aug., 1821, d, 31 Aug., 1893, m. ‘Shh ‘Gane (2). Sidney, b. 8 Jan., 1824, m. Sarah Smith ; (8). Catherine Smith, b. 6 May, 1827 ; 4). Tce, b. 4 April, 1828, m. Elize McBerth ; (5). Ann, b. 8 Feb., 1832 ; (6). Martha, b. 16 July, 1833 ; (7). Sarah, b. 28 May, 1835, m. Sete R. SWAZEY 521 Bowlby ; (8). William W., b. 1 Oct., 1837, m. Leantha W. Smith, and has, Nora, Minnie, Grace and William. 3. Joun, had ch.: Elias, Catherine, Sarah Ann, John. 4, ELLEN, m. John Cregar ; res. near High Bridge. 5. Nancy, m. Pierson Arrison. 6. Jacos, b. 12 Jan., 1807, m. Annie , b. 25 Oct., 1815 ; had Catharine, Levi, Ellen, Lizzie, Jennie, Adam, Emeline. %. PETER, m. an Egbert, and has Rebecca and Benjamin. IV. RICHARD, b. 1717, May 20, m. a Horton, and rem. to Mississippi, 1773 ; had ch.: 1. RICHARD ; 2. ELISHA; 3. GABRIEL, m. Lydia Swayzie ; 4. Lyp1a, m. Job Cory; 5. Mary, m. Caleb King (s. of Constant 2); 6. Saran, m. Justus King (s. of Constant); 7. DEBORAH ; received from his father, 1759, land on northerly side of road leading to Esq. Luse’s iron works, together with 47 acres purchased of Daniel Teale [or Leale]. V. ISRAEL, b. 1720, Oct. 16, d. 1774, Aug. 27, m. Elisabeth ; rem. to Hope, Warren Co., N. J., in 1745, and shared in 800 acres, bought in 1748 by his brother Barnabas ; his will dated Aug. 27, prob. Sept. 29, 1774 (Trenton Lib. 16, fol. 414), names all his eleven children, except Penelope and Abigail ; leaves an estate in Mississippi to his sons Obadiah and Israel ; received from his father, 1759, ‘°150 acres purchased from Jonathan Rite” (Wright); had ch.: (I). OBaDrIa4, inherits land in Mississippi. (I). JosHua. . (III). Caz, b. 1756, d. 1815, Nov. 4, m. first, Mollie Drake (s. of Silas), b. 1763, d. 1796, Oct. 6; second, Elsa Kinney (dau. of James and Lu- cretia); had ch.: 1. Hnnry D., ‘nm., b. 1799, July 19, d. 1819, Nov. 26; 2. Saray, b. 1801, d. 1803; 3. IsRaEL, b. 1803, Feb. 22, m. Mary A. Lawrence (dau. of John); had ch.: Jacob L., of Newton ; Lydia, m. Jacob R. Frees; Alpheus, who had Camilla S. and Minnie C., the wife of Prof. Ellis A. Apgar ; 4. Jamss K., b. 1807, Feb 1, d. 1878, May 5, m. first, Rachel E. Blair (dau. of John); second, Lavinah H. Albertson (dau. of Isaac) ; 5. Lyp1a D., b. 1810, d. 1819 ; 6. Jaco, d. 1813, m. Caroline Egbert, and lived at Morris- town ; 7. Henry D., d. 1819; 8. CaLzs, b. 1813, June 22, m. Sarah Howell (dau. of Caleb). (IV). JosEPH (probably a son of Israel, of Hope, though not mentioned in the will of the latter); collector of Knowltcn twp., 1768 ; brother to Daniel, who died 1779 ; had ch.- 1, CHRISTOPHER, b. 1764, m. Miss Silman ; 2. JosrpH, b. 1766, Dec, 24, d. 1858, April 4, m. Rachel Smith, b. 1766, Aug. 8, d. 1846, Dec. 3; had ch.: (*). Joseph; b. 1797, May 25, m. Anna Hummer ; (2). Freeman, b. 1808, Sept. 28, m. Lydia Cool ; (8). Mattie, m. Jonathan West ; (4). Mary, m. George Barnes; (5). Asa, b. 1805, July 4, m. Margaret M. Swisher, who d. 1849, March 31 ; lives on farm at Swazey’s Mills ; 3. PoEpr, m. Daniel Freeman ; 4. Rutu, m. Gilbert Swazey ; 5. PATIENCE, m. Col. John Ogden ; 6. Mary, m. William Freeman. (V). IsRaEL, cousin to Daniel, of Pleasant Grove (probably son of Israel, of Hope, or the son of Jacob), b. 1770, d. 1809, m. Ruth Drake (dau. of Charles, of Schooley’s Mountain); owned large farm west of the spring ; had ch.: 1. ABBIE, m. Hugh Menagh; 2. RACHEL, m. 522 Earty Germans or New JERSEY David Everitt; 3. ELISABETH, m. William Sliker (Schleicher); 4. Mary, m. Jeremiah Heath; 5. EmaLinz, m. Sam McCrae; 6. Jacos, m. Mary Heath (dau. of John R.); had ch.; (1). Israel, m. first, Clarissa McCrae ; second, Elisabeth Fritts ; (2). Alfred, out West ; (3). Joseph, m. Keziah Durham ; (4). Mary M., m. Peter L. Read ; (5). Jacob, out West; (6). Holloway, unm.; (‘). Hugh, in Philadelphia ; (8). Ruth, m. Will Hart; 7. CATHERINE, m. Jacob Cole (s. of Josiah). (V1). PENELOPE, b. 1760, d. 1777, Aug. 30, at 17. (VII). Jamss, d. in Ohio at 80 years of age. (VIII). Jacos, b. 1770, d. 1809, June 13. (IX). ABIGAIL. b. 1773, d. 1777, Aug. 18, at 4 years of age. (X). Mary, m. Silas Hopkins. (XI). MEHETABLE, m. Peter Hopkins. (XII). Susannaw, m. Thomas Dnnn. VI. CALEB, b. 1722, March 22, m. for second wife, 1768, Mary Trimmer (dau. of ——); lived at Hacklebarney ; received from his father, 1759, a farm of 15214 acres purchased of Daniel Zebe (Zeale or Leale); bought, 1793, a farm of 19734 acres at Pleasant Grove, of Andrew Little ; removed to Canada ; had ch.: . ISRAEL. . CALEB, . BENJAMIN. | . Isaac, m. Bethia Luce (sister of Col. Lewis Luce), b. 1756, d. 1836, Aug. 6, at 80 years of age; hadch.: 1. Benjamin, and 2. Joanna, who m. Joseph Budd (s. of Daniel). . MeueETaBLe, m. Isaiah Paircloe (s. of Thomas). . Lypra, m. David Horton. é . DANIEL, b. 1756, Oct. 18, d. 1843, Aug. 27, m. Bethia Horton (dau. of Capt. Nathan and Mehetable Case), b. 1754, Oct. 14, d. 1839, Jan. 21; hadch.: 1 Isaac, m. Caroline Newman, and had Elisabeth, Henry, Stephen, David, Annie, Adaline, Emma ; family lived in New York and Long Island ; 2. Herry (Mehetable), b. 1782, May 28, m. John Schleicher (s. of Lawrence): 3. BENJAMIN, b. 1787, Feb. 5, d. 1858, Mar. 9, m. Margaret Wiley (dau. of John), b. 1795, Sept. 2, d. 1878, Jan. 21; had ch.: (1). Milton, b. 1817, m. first, Hannah Mary Lewis ; second, Elisabeth Miller, widow of Thomas Farmer ; (2), Matilda, b. 1819, m. Thomas Applegate (dau. of Kinef); (8). Catherine, b. 1820, m. Lewis Franklin ; 4) Dorothy, b. 1824, m. Robert Humphrey; (5). Lucy, b. 1825, m. Wm. Britt; (6). Daniel, b. 1827, m. first, Becky Mayberry (dau. of Charles); second, a lady in Illinois ; (7) Mary Jane, b. 1829, m. Lorenzo Fisher (s. of John) ; (8). Elisabeth Caroline, b. 1831, m. Jacob Orts (s. of John); (9). Clarissa, b. 1833, m. ‘Thomas Sheridan ; 4. James, b. 1790, June 11, d, 1872, April 7, m. Eva Swackhamer (dau. of John), b. 1790, July 10, d. 1874, Feb. 18; 5. Mary, unm.; 6. Sarad, m. Lawrence Schleicher (s. of Lawrence); 7. NatHan; 8, PHILEMON and 9. JEMIMA, died young. (VIII). TRimm=ER, m. and d. in Canada. (CX). SAMUEL, m. Margaret Hughey (dau. of Joseph), died in Canada ; left SWAZEY 523 one son in New Jersey, viz.: 1.SaAMUEL, m. Marietta Carlisle (dau. of John) and had (1). John; (2). George H.; (8). Samuel W.; (4). Robert H.; (5). Mary M.; ©). Theodore F.; (7). Stephen L.; (8). William F. , VII. JOHANNA, b. 1725, June 25, m. first, Philemon Dickerson, of Stirling Hill who d. 1777, April 12 ; second, Isaac Badsly. VIII. MEHITABLE, b. 1728, July 27, m. a Carns ? IX. LYDIA, b. 1731, March 4, m. Elijah Horton (s. of Caleb and Phebe Terry), b. 1724, June 19. X. MARY, b. 1733, April 3, m. John Seward (s. of Obadiah), by Rev. Eben- ezer Byram, 1751, March 22. The following accounts of the removal to Florida and Mississippi of a number of the early settlers of Roxbury are from a letter of Dr C. F. Farrar, of Kingston, Miss., written 28 Sept., 1891; and also from the work entitled Mississippi as a Province, Territory and State, by J. F. H. Claiborne. Capt. Amos Ogden having been wounded in battle-retired from active service and settled in New Jersey. He received a grant from the King in 1767, May 18, of 25,000 acres of land in West Florida. This grant was given in return for a favor conferred upon Charles the First by an ancestor of Capt. Amos. The favor con- sisted in hiding the King in the hollow of a tree, when closely pursued by his enemies. Capt. Amos proceeded to Florida to have the mandamus recorded and was lost at sea on his return voyage. His son Capt. Amos (sic) being away from home at the time, found the grant afterwards among his father’s papers and sold 19,000 acres at 20 cts. an acre or £900 proc. for the whole, to Samuel and Richard Swazy, April, 1772. Soon after the Swazeys went to Florida to locate the land with Caleb and Joseph (Justus ?) King as surveyors, On their return Capt. Ogden died in New York, Oct, 1772. Joseph King returned to New Jersey and never went back to Florida, but his two sons George and Charles afterwards went to ‘Florida and after a long suit at law recovered their father’s share, As.far back as 1768 the King had issued an order, or mandamus, to the Gover- nor of West Florida to have surveyed and allotted to Amos Ogden, of New Jersey, a retired naval (?) officer, 25,000 acres in one single tract. In 1772, Capt. Ogden sold 19,000 acres of his claim to Richard and Samuel Swayze, of New Jersey, at the rate of twenty cents per acre. They made areconnoisance of the district, and located the claim on the Homochitto river, in the present county of Adams. In the fall of the same year the two enterprising brothers, with their families and a num- ber of their kindred and friends, sailed from Perth Amboy for Pensacola ; thence, by the usual lake route, to Manchac ; up the Mississippi, and then up the Homo- chitto to what is now known as Kingston. Samuel Swayze had been for a number of years a Congregational minister, and most of the adults who came with him were communicants. The faithful shepard, as soon as he had provided a shelter for his wife a:d children, and planted corn for their bread, gathered up his fold and organized his society, undoubtedly the first Protestant pastor and congrega- tion in the Natchez district. Under many drawbacks, growing out of Indian depredations, and discouragements after the country passed into Spanish hands, this pious teacher and his kindred met together on the Sabbath, often in the swamp and cane-brakes, for divine service. In 1780 the Indians became so troublesome and exacting that most of the settlers abandoned their homes and moved to the vicinity of Natchez. The venerable pastor settled on the east bank of St. Cath- arine, on what was long afterwards known as ‘‘Swayze’s old field,” on the left of 524 Harty GERMANS OF New JERSEY the road from Washington to Natchez, and there he died in 1784. The Jersey set- tlement, begun in 1772, by men of intelligence, energy and high moral character, became prosperous and rich ; densely populated ; highly cultivated ; distinguished for its churches and schools ; its hospitality and refinement. And, in the course of years, it sent its thrifty colonies into many counties, carrying with them the char- acteristics of the parent hive. The Farrars, Kings, Corys, Montgomerys, Pipes, Foules, Colemans, Jones, Callenders, Fowlers, Luses, Griffings, Hopkins, Nobles, Ashfords, and many others in Mississippi and Louisiana, are descended, in one branch or the other, from the brothers Swayze. MiscELLANEOUS—AMOS SWEESEY, m. Ida and had ch., bap. at Readington: 1. Davin, bap. 13 June, 1762 ; 2. Amos, bap. 15 April, 1764; 3. JANNETIE (Jane), bap. 14 Aug., 1768 ; 4. EL1saBera, bap. 14 April, 1771: 5. Marya (Mary), bap. 17 Oct., 1773 ; 6. AARON, bap. 25 Oct., 1778. TEEL. HENRY G. TEEL, b. 28 Sept., 1728, d. 2 July, 1795 ; came to Knowlton, Warren Co., before the Revolution ; m. Christeenah ——, b. 1730, d. 25 March, 1795 ; his will, dated Knowlton, 12 June, prob. 20 Aug., 1795, names ch.: I, ANDREW, b. 15 Oct., 1758, d. 4. Aug., 1827, m. Hlisaboth Cool (dau. of William), b. 1764, a. 12 May, 1849, at 85. II. JOHN, b. 1760, d. 3 Nov., 1839, m Catherine —, b. 2 April, 1776, died 2 Jan., 1834; res. at Blairstown ; his will prob. 15 Nov., 1839, names ch. (order uncertain): (I). Lewis, b. 1787, d. 18 April, 1842, at 56, m. Sarah ——, b. 10 Oct., 1790, d. 26 June, 1859. (II). ELisaBETH, m. a Titman. (IIT). Curistian [Christianna], m. a Kishbaugh, and had Peter, Lewis, James, Lydia and Saruh Kishbaugh. (IV). CATHERINE. m. a Sipley. (V). Lypra, m. a Hibler. (VI). Henry, rem. to Harmony in 1841. (VII). MarGaReErT. (VII), Anna. (IX). Saran Mary (X). Jonny, III. WILLIAM. IV. HENRY. V. CHRISTIAN (a son). VI. BARBARA. MiscELLANEoUS—CORNELIUS TEEL, m. 30 May, 1756, Learah (or Lenah) Budden [Christ’s Chu ch, Philadelphia], probably his will, dated Middlesex, 20 March, prob. 28 July, 1770, names wife Lenah and ch.: Eva, Catherine, Lena and Barbara. Lewis MARSHALL TEEL, of Hackettstown, is the son of John Kline ‘Teel, who m. Sarah Vought, and grandson of Lewis Marshall Jackson Teel, who m. Sarah Silverthorn. TEEPLE. GEORGE came from Germany about 1700, and bought a farm near Pluck- amin, previously owned by Morris Cramer. His son GEORGE m. MargaretCastner, ¢ TrepLe—TERRY 525 10 Jan., 1756; they both died 17 Warch, 1813. The former may be the Hans George Debele, a widower, who m. 1739, ‘‘ 6th Sunday after Pasch ;’ Maria Bar- ‘bara, widow of Hans Jurgen Seifferlie, ‘‘ his first wife died soon after his arrival here.” [Records Luth. Ch., N. Y.J.§ JOHANNES TAEUBLE is in New York 1710, at 30 years of age, and one of the Palatines of the second emigration. He is, perhaps, the father of GzorGEr Lucas, of Bridgewater, and JoHN, of Freehold. ‘George signs Weygand’s call 1749, and Lucas, George, Christopher, George again, and John sign subscription for Bedminster Church 1756. LUCAS TEEPLE, of Bridgewater, whose will, dated 20 Aug., 1764 (codicil, 16 Nov., 1778), prob, 26 Jan., 1774, names wife Mary and ch.: I. JOHN and his son, Luxs. II. CHRISTOPHER and his eldest son, LUKE. Til. PETER and his son LUKE. IV. Urnsvura, m. John Appleman. V. PEGGY and her sons. Sons-in-law John Meyer and Jacob Fusler, and the latter’s son Luke. MISCELLANEOUS—PETER TEEPLE is buried at Quakertown with his wife Sarah. He was b. 1749, d. 29 Nov., 1884, at 85. She was b. 1754, d. 14 April, 1852, at 98. TERRY. RICHARD, b. 1612, d. 1675-6, m. Abigail, who d. after 1686 ; sailed from England 1635, at the age of 17, with THOMAS, aged 28, and ROBERT, aged 25, in the “James” for New England ; freeman of Conn. 1662: will prob. New York, 1676 ; res. at Southold ; had ch.: ABIGAIL, b. 1650 ; GzrsHoM, b. 1652, d. 14 ° March, 1725 ; NATHANIEL, b. 1656 ; SaRad, b. 1658 ; RicHano, b. 1661 ; JOHN, b. 1662, d. 27 April, 1733 ; SAMUEL, b. 1664; ExisaBETH, b. 1666; Mary, b. 1668 ; BeTuia, b. 1672. NATHANIEL 1st, s. of Richard, b. 1656, d. 23 Oct., 1723, m. Mary Horton, 31 Nov., 1682 ; hadch.; NATHANIEL 2D, b. about 1683, d. 1723, prob. father of Rrcwarn, of Chester, N. J.; Natuan, b. 1693, d. 1725 ; Uniag, b. 1698, d. 1753; PHEBE ; Mary. RICHARD TERRY, prob. s. of NATHANIEL 2p, b. 12 May, 1721, ‘‘ Hast end of Long Island” (tombstone at Chester, N. J.), d. 19 Nov., 1791, m. Mary Horton (dau. of Caleb and Phebe Terry), ‘‘b. at Southold,” 19 May, 1726, d. 16 Nov., 1807 ; res. in Chester twp., Morris Co., N. J.; his will, 20 Juty, 1791, prob. 4 Feb., 1792, names ch. : I, PHEBE, m. a Horton. II. MARTHA, m. Daniel Horton (s. of Nathaniel). ltl. MARY, m. Simon Drake. IV PRUDENCE (‘‘Dency”), m. John I. Cooper. V. NATHANIEL, b. 24 Nov., 1746, d. 25 June, 1814, m. Mary Horton (dau. of Nathaniel and Mehetabel), b. 21 Aug., 1748, d. 19 June, 1824; had no chil- dren, but brought up a neice, Sally Horton, who m. James Messlar. VI. RICHARD. VI. CALEB, b. 10 Oct., 1762, d. 10 Aug., 1805, m. Sarah Horton (dau. of Nathaniel and Mehetabel), b. 11 Aug., 1761, d. 11 Oct., 1803; hadch.; 1. NaTHANIEL, m. Sallie Coleman and rem. to Ohio ; 2. NaTHan, m. Elisa beth Van Doren (dau. of Abram), and rem. to Ohio ; 3. RICHARD, m. a Smith and rem. to Ohio; 4. Jut1a, m. Caleb Hcrton; 5. DEBORAH, m. 526 Earty Germans or New JERSEY Thomas Stout ; 6. Jemima, died young ; 7. EstHER, m. first, Daniel Hor- ton (s. of David); second, Nathan Hughson (s of Robert); 8. Wirt, b. 15 Noy., 1784, d. 1788. TERRYBERRY. STEPHEN TERRYBERRY, d. 1776, m. Anna Mary ; Stephen Durabercher . came from Germany in ship ‘‘ Robert.and Oliver,” of Dublin, from Rotterdam, 1738, Sept. 11; res. at German Valley, on the Sharp Vescelius place ; his will, prob. 25 Feb., 1776, names ch.: _ J. ANN ELISABETH, b. 1752, m. 1772, May 12, Adam Sager. II. MARGARET, b. 1755. III. MARY GODLIEBEN, b. 1758. IV. PHILIP, m. Dorothea Swackhamer (dau. of Samuel, 1st); had ch... (I). Puriip, b. about 1762, d. 1852, May 8, at 90, m. Mary Ann Hann (dau. of Jacob), b. 1761, Oct. 4, d. 1832, Aug. 2; had ch.: 1. Jacos, b. 1786, d. 1868, m. 1810, Dec. 15, Rachel Fritts (dau. of Fred and Rachel); res. at Spruce Run; had ch. (1). Nathan, m. Peggy Stires; (2). Frederick, m. Eliza Linaberry; (3). Philip, m. a Castner ; (4). William, m. a Martenis; (5). Mary Ann, m. Morris Martenis ; (6). Elisabeth, m. Jacob Flumervelt ; 2. Joun, b. 1791, May 17, d. 1874, June 1, m. 1813, Jan. .21, Polly Dufford (dau. of Jacob and Elis. Hager), b. 1795, Dec. 16; had ch.: (1). Eliza, m. Wm. Hann; (2). Emeline, m. David Miller (s. of Henry), of Pen- well; (38). Philip, died young; (4). Dorothy, m Jvhn P. Sharp; 6). Mary, m. first, Stewart Fritts: second, John Hann; (6). Sarah, m. Stewart Hann ; 3. WILLIAM, b. 1802, Sept. 8, d. 1879, April 27, m. Julia Ann Coleman (dau. of Azal); had ch.: (1). Lucinda, m. Wm. Martenis ; (2). Hmaline,m. John Hann ; hada dau., Emaline, who m. David Trimmer ; (3). Merilda, m Jacob ——; (4). John Hann ; 4. ELISABETH, m. Jonah Hess, of Drakes- town; 5. ANNA Mary, b. 1809, June 10, m. George Fritts (s. of Fred. and Rachel), of Spruce Run ; 6. ESTHER, m. James Wilson, of Elisabeth, N. J. (II). WILLIAM.. (III). Jacoz, m. Elisabeth Heldebrant. é i (IV). Davin, m. first, Anna ; second, 1814, Oct. 1, Margaret Welsh; had ch. by first wife : 1. JoHn SuHarp, b. 1803, Dec. 17; 2. Davip WELSH, b. 1808, May 26; 3. DororHEa, b. 1810, May 26; by second wife : 4. WILLIAM MILLER, b. 1815, Nov. 30. V. JURY FREDERICK [George Frederick], m. Mary Elisabeth [‘‘ Muelius”], ‘confirmed: 1769 ; his will, dated Oxford, N. J., April, 1814, prob. 13 May, 1818, names child Jacos, and grandsons, John, Frederick and Isaac Terryberry. GEORGE DUREBERRY, of Newton, Sussex Co., whose will, prob. 26 Nov., 1767, name wife Cattorn [Catherine] and son J OHN; daus not named. HANS MICHAEL TORENBERGER comes over in the same vessel with Stephen, and signs Weygand’s call 1749. PutTer also signs the call. The name is variously spelled Derenberger, Doerberger, Duerberger, &c. THoMmAs 527 THOMAS. JOHN (2) THOMAS, emigrated from Holland ; lived first near Hackettstown, on a place near Mr. Kennedy’s ; probably had ch.:- I, MICHAEL, m. Elisabeth ; had ch..; (1). Joun, b. 1772, Oct. (I). CATHERINE, b. 1774, Sept. 8. (ID). Hemrics, b. 1776, Aug. 25. II. HEINRICH, m. Abigail ; had ch.: (). WixLiaM, b. 1776, July 9. Ill. GRIFFIT, m. Anna Maria ; had ch.; (). Anna Marta, b. 1785, Jan. 28. _IV. MATTHIAS, m. first, Anna Scharfenstein (dau. of Morris 1st), b. 1789, d. 1798, Feb. 5 ; second, Mrs. Dr. Gardiner ; had ch.: (). Joun, b. 1767, d. 1820, April 17, aged 53 years, 12 days, m. Annie Flock (dau. of Andreas 1st); had ch.: 1, ELisaBETH, b. 1794, June 19, m, Abr. Talmage Dickerson (s. of Samuel). 2. ANNA Mary, b. 1795, Sept. 19, d. 1851, Jan, 27, m. Morris Sharp (s. of Morris). 3. Matruias, b. 1796, Nov. 29, m. Charity Reinhart (dau. of Martin); had ch.: (1). John, m. Mary Clausen ; (2). William, d. young ; (3). Mary Ann, m. Wm. Read ; (4). Elisabeth, m. Philip Kilts ; (5). Sarah W., unm.; res. at Hackettstown ; (6). Catherine, m. John Woodruff ; (7). Martin, m. Elisabeth Roberts ; (8). David, m. Sarah Rice; (9). Abraham D., m. Jane Pool. 4, ANNA, b. 1798, March 15 ; unm. . CHRISTIANNA, b. 1800, Mar. 21, m. Tunis Dilley. 6. JoHN, b. 1802, Oct. 14, m. Magdalena Bess ; had ch.: (1). Joseph Nathan, m. Anna Maria Stephens (dau. of Peter); (2). Mary Ann unm.; (3). Charity, m. Jacob Waterfields ; (4). John, m. Lucinda Howell (dau. of Leonard); (5). Jacob B., m. Pernina McPeak ; (6) Mahala, m. George Karr ; (7). Magdalene, m. Augustus Duf- ford ; (8). Morris, unm.; (9). Holloway #.,m. Mary Rarick (dau. of William); (10). Noah, m. Nettie Young. 7. BaRBaRa, b. 1804, July 14, died young. ; (1). Morris, m. Hannah Searles (dau. of Wm.) (III). Davip, m. Hannah Searles (dau. of Wm. 2). (IV). Mary, m. Jacob, or Jeremiah, Castner. (V). ANN, m. —— Hensel. (VI). Grepy (or Griffin), b. 1775, Aug. 10. WILLIAM, whose lineage cannot be traced, was born 1778, Jan. 10, m. 1798, Nov. 21, Catren, or Kathrina Schenckel (dau. of Heinrich); had ch.: I, MARY, b. 1803, Oct. 16, m. Abraham Skinner. II. JOHN, b. 1807, Oct. 26, m. Mary A. Skinner. Ill. FRANK. or 528 Earty Germans oF NEw JERSEY TIGER. JACOB TIGER, had children : I. GEORGE, m. Ann Teats. II. NICHOLAS, removed to Ohio UI. JACOB, b. 1762, d. 23 Oct., 1835, at 72, m. Elis.. B.——, b. 1776, d. 11 July,. 1840, at 63 ; both buried at Fox Hill ; had ch.: 1. Jacos, of Peapack ; 2. Joun, of Cokesburg; 8. Perer, of Fox Hill; 4 CHRISTOPHER, of ‘Schooley’s Mountain, m. Annie Anderson ; 5. GEorGE, of Cokesburg, m. Annie Teats ; 6. ANN, m. Conrad Lindaberry ; 7. Mrs. ANDREW Brss. IV. ABRAHAM. b. 25 Oct., 17%, d. Aug., 1850, at 74 years of age; buried at Fox Hill; had ch.: 1. Jacos, m. Ann Jobs; 2. ADAM, m. Mary Philhower, and rem. to Pennsylvania ; 3. GzoRGH, m. Maria Lutz ; 4, Perer, m. Ann Johnson ; 5. ELISABETH ; 6. EFFIE, m. Peter Shurts ; 7. ANN, m. Peter Teats ; rem. to Ilinois. V. ELISABETH, m. Peter Sutton. TITMAN. LODEWICK DITMAN, d, 1772, m. Mary ——; was the first of the name in this. country. The progenitor of the Titman’s in New Jersey probably came from Saxony. The German form of the name is Tittmann. Tittmanns are to~- day to be found in Dresden, Leipsic and Wittenberg, and some of them have been men prominent in letters. In New Jersey they have confined themselves mainly to agricultural pursuits, and many of them have succeeded in amassing comfortable fortunes. In 1737, one Tittmann bought 400 acres of land at. the foot of the Blue Mountain, near Blairstown, N. J. Here’ George Titmam, 1st, hisson Baltus and his descendants lived for 107 years, or till 1844, when the farm went into the possession of a great grandson of Geo. Titman, 1st, named Walter Wilson, whose family still owns it. George Titman’s other son, George Titman, 2d, in 1775, bought of William Coxe and Mary, his wife, a tract of 266. acres of land at Bridgeville, N. J., to which he added 200 acres in 1793. Most of this land is still in the Titman name. After his death, in 1796, the land at Bridgeville was divided between two of his sons, George, 2d, and Jacob, while while he gave a farm in Sussex Co. to his other son, John Titman. The 200 acre tract at Bridgeville, which went to Jacob, was willed to his son Gwinnup, who in turn left it to his son William B. Titman, who still owns it. Part of the 266-acre tract is owned and occupied by Marshall Titman, who received it from his father, George, 4th ; his will dated Oxford, Sussex Co., 20 Sept., prob. 23 Nov., 1772 (Trenton Lib. 16, fol. 210), names wife Mary and ch.: I. GEORGE, b. 1726, d. 1792, m. Elisabeth (probably Chitara); lived at Blairstown twp.; h’s will, Feb. 18, prob. 21 Aug., 1792 (Trenton Lib. 34, fol. 175), names wife Elisabeth, bro.-in-law Chitary, and children : (1). Gzores, b. March 4, 1750, d. Sept 4, 1796, m. Lena Albright ; lived at Bridgeville, N. J.; had children : 1. GzoreE, b. 1777, d. Oct. 13, 1818, m. Sept. 5, 1798, Agnes Morgan, b. 1772, d. July 15, 1842 ; lived at Bridgeville, N. J., had ch.: (1). BENJAMIN, b. Jan 17, 1800, d. Jan. 5, 1841, m. Feb. 10, 1820, Mary TiTMan 529 Blair (sister to John I. Blair), b. Oct. 24, 1798, d. July 30, 1840 ; had five ch.: (a). James B., b. Nov. 14, 1820, m. Delilah Earl ; lives at Sparta, Sussex Co., N. J.; had no children ; (b). George, b. Dec. 10, 1821, not married ; died in South America ; (c). John B., b. May 15, 1826, not married; (d). Mary Ann, b. Dec. 24, 1824, m. first, Charles Kelsey, b. 1818, d. 1854 ; second, Benjamin Bradbury; had ch. by her first husband: Rachel Kelsey, b. Nov. 4, 1846, m. D. M. Perry; Sarah Kelsey, b. Aug. 7, 1852 ; Charles Kelsey, b. May 12, 1854, d. Sept. 5, 1854; (e). Elisabeth, m. Thomas Boyer ; (2). LANAH (Lena or Magdalena), b. Oct. 26, 1801, d. April 4, 1845, m. Oct. 12, 1820, Walter Wilson, b. 1800, d. 1892; lived near Buctzville, N. J.; (8). GEORGE (Sheriff), b. July 19, 1804, d. Oct. 4, 1872, m. Elizabeth Lomasson, b. July 19, 1809, d. April 29, 1855 ; lived at Bridgeville, N. J.; had ch.: (a). Jesse, b. Feb. 6, 1827, m. 1849, Elisabeth Blair ; lived in Chicago, IU. ; had George B., b. Dec. 5, 1850, m. Elisabeth Foy, and had no ch.; (b). Mershall, b. May 10, 1831, m. (1) Elisabeth Mackey; no ch.; (2) Aug. 20, 1859, Mary P. Curtis, b. Aug. 29, 1833; lived at Bridgeville, N. J.; had Dr. Geo. Willis Titman, b. June 20, 1863, m. Oct. 16, 1889, Leonora Stephens, b. Sept. 23, 1869; lives at Philadelphia, Pa., and have one child, Willis Stephens Titman, b. March 17, 1891; (4). Janz, b. Aug. 4, 1809, d. April 6, 1827, m. Rhyneer Van Sickle ; no children. 2. Jacos, b. April 4, 1781, d. Feb. 25, 1864, m. April 11, 1802, Elisa- beth Mayberry, b. July, 16, 1780, d. Jan. 25, 1854; lived at Bridgeville, N. J.; had ch.; (1). GEORGE, b. Mar. 22, 1805, d. May 29, 1871 ; not married ; (2). JoHN, b. July 6, 1807, d. Feb. 26, 1883, m. Charlotte Pellett, had (a). Ann Eliza, m. William Hoag- land ; lived at Townsbury, N. J.; (6). John, d. unm.; (c). Jacob Obadiah, lived at Bangor, Pa.; (8). JAcoB Barcuay, b. Nov. 18, 1809, d. July 10, 1873, m. Ellen Haggerty, d. Sept. 4, 1875; had ch.: (a). Elisabeth, m. Aaron Van Buskirk ; lived at Vienna, N. J.; (b). Hulda, d. Sept. 30, 1986, m. Steward Shannon ; (c). Jacob, m. twice, one wife a Sharp ; no children ; lived at Toston, Montana ; (4). JaBEZ GWINNUP, b. Mar. 22, 1812, d. Dec. 14, 1889, m. Oct. 23, 1841, Mary Ann Blair, b. Jan. 16, 1818, d. Oct. 17, 1870; had William Blair, b. Sept. 7, 1844, m. Nov. 28, 1865, Margaret Roseberry, b. Nov. 30, 1844; lived at Belvidere, N. J.; 6). Eviza MayBeErry, b. Jan. 31, 1816, d. Mar. 15, 1879, died unmarried. . JOHN, had three children: Michael B.; a dau. m. John Iliff ; Margaret, m. a Shiner. | MarGarer, b. April, 1775, d. Jan. 26, 1850, m. William Hiles, b. April 30, 1775, d. Jan. 26, 1848. 5. LANAH, m. Jeremiah Mackey ; had two children: Lewis and Joseph. 6. CATHERINE, m. John Raub. 7%. ELISABETH, m. Jacob Sharp. (Il). Baxtus, b. 1751, d. 1796, m. Magdalena —,, d. 1842; lived in Blairs- town, N. J. Their descendants are numerous in the northern part 530 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY of Warren Co., N. J.; had ch.: 1. JoHN, m. Elisabeth Teel, and had, Jacob, Catherine, Jeremiah, John, Marie, Charles ; 2. W1L- LIAM, m. Juda Hill and had, Baltis, George and William; 3. ABRAHAM ; 4, CATHERINE, m. Conrad Kun [Kuehn]: 5, ELISABETH m. Barnet Sippley; 6. MaRGARET, m. George Crouse ; 7. ANNA, m. Isaac France; 8. LANAH, m. Isaac Blackford ; 9. GEORGE, m. Mary Teeter, and had, Catherine, Elias, Baltis, John, George, Philip, William, Abraham, Isaac, Mary Ann, Jacob. (ITI). Mary Cuirary. II. PHILIP. III. JOHN. IV. CHRISTINA, not yet 18 at date of her father’s will, 1772 ; prob..m. about 1780, Rev. Ludwig Chitara, a converted Swiss Augustinian monk, who preached to the German Reformed congregations at Knowlton and Newton. He was a tall man, over seven feet in height, and his wife was also remarkable in the same way. Most of the above except with regard to the first comer was furnished by Dr. J. W. Cummins, Ph. D., M. D., of Belvidere, N. J. TODD. JAMES and ANDREW TODD, two brothers, Scotch-Irish, emigrated about 1740 to America from Longford, Ireland. These two brothers were formerly sup- posed to be John and David, both prob. sons of James, but they are found to be one generation too late as we see by the following account of the family now for the first time made complete, JAMES TODD, of Bernards twp., Somerset Co., m. Jemimah ; will prob. 1781, Oct. 25 ; had ch.: I. JAMES, res. at Liberty Corner ; had ch.: (D. Davip. (II). James, b. probably about 1760, m. 1°84, Mar. 28, Jane Martin (dau. of Alex.); had ch.: 1, ALEXANDER, b. 1785, d. 1849, May 6, unm. 2. WILLIAM, m. Catherine Hand (dau. of Jonathan); had ch.: (1). John, m. Elisabeth Paulson (dau. of Cornelius); (2). Jane, m. Ellis D. Baldwin (s. of David); (3). Sarah, m. George Bird (s. of Isaac); (4). Mary, m. James Waldron (s. of John); (5). Sallie, m. James Gibson (s. of Wm.); (6). Jonathan, m. Hannah Vatican ; (1). William; (8). Hugh; (9). James. 3. SALLIE, m. John Norton, had a son Thomas. 4. Jamus, JR., unmarried. 5, Annzg, m. John Nesbit (s. of James). II. JOSEPH. Ill. JOHN, b. 1730, d. 1802, April 23; came with parents to America from Longford, Ireland, 1749, when about 20 years of age ; had ch.: (). “Mas.” Joan, b. 1755, d. 1820, Sept. 4, m. 1782, Aug. 6, Jane Todd, b. 1767, d. 1842, at 75 years; lived between Greater and Lesser Cross Roads ; had ch. (order as named in will): 1. Jonny, m. Jane McClure. 2. MARGARET, m. Peter Dow. Topp 531 8. Nancy, m. John Van Nest. 4, ELISABETH, m. Cornelius Van Nest. 5. WILLIAM, m. —— McClure. 6. Mary, m. Clark Dye, res. at Chester. 7, THOMAS JEFFERSON, b. 1805, Jan. 1, m. Sarah Whitehead ; had ch.: (1). Marietia, m. Augustus Sherwood, res. at Raritan ; (2). Phebe Ann, m. Wm. R. Oaks, of Bedminster ; (3). John M., m. Emily C. Barkman (dau. of David, s. of Jonathan); res. at Ger- man Valley; has Henry, of German Valley, whom. Ellen Farley; Annie, w. of Lewis Dufford, Frank, Willie and Johnnie (twins) ; (4). Clark Dye, m. Martha Lindsley ; res. at Bedminster ; (5). David, died in army; (6). Henry Cannon, died in army; (7). Harriet, m. John Sutphen, of Bedminster. 8. Davin, m. Phebe Dow. (I). WiLLraM, b. probably 1761, d. 1840 (pensioner). (III). Jamus, b. 1765, d. 1840, Mar. 13, m. 1786, Jan. 2, Catherine Melick, . dau. of Phil., who was b. 1736, d. 1844, Mar. 7 ; hadch.: 1. PHILIP, d. 1814, from disease contracted in war 1812 ; 2. MaRrrTHa, b. 1786, July 8, m. Elijah Pennington ; 3. Joun I., b. 1788, Sept. 5, d. 1871 ; had ch.: (1). Joseph, ‘Paterson,); (2). Rev. John A., D. D., res. at Tarrytown, N. Y.; (8). James A., of Dunellen ; (4). Augustus, of Bergen Pt., N. J.; (5). Maria, m. John Martin, no children, died about 1875 ; (6). Catherine; 4. ANNA CASTNER, b. 1790, Dec. 7, d. about 1830, m. David Kirts ; 5. Maria, m. (1) John Martin; (2) Wm. Pennington ; 6. Davin, of Martinsville, N. J. IV. DAVID, b. 1731, d. 1809, June 29, m. Margaret (dau. of John King (?) ); had ch. (order uncertain): (). Rogert, b. 1756 (2, found dead in the road, 1826, Sept. 21, m. Sarah ——; had ch.: 1. RoBert, b. in German Valley about 1762 (#), d. 1850, March 4, m. Eunice Moore (dau. of Stephen), b. 1770, d. 1860, Dec. 2 ; had ch.: (1). Rev. Isaac, b. 1797, Dec. 2, d. 1885, April 13, at 85 (2), m. Car- oline Sayre (dau. of ‘‘Capt.” David), graduated at Hamilton Col- lege and Princeton Seminary ; licensed by Elisabethtown Pres. 1830 ; (2). Stephen, b. 1799, m. Marianna Roff (dau. of Samuel) ; (8). David, b. about 1801 ; (4). Robert, b. 1803, d. 1861; (5). Hunice M., b. in New Germantown, 1805 ; (6). Silas M., m. Harriet ——; (). Phebe H.; (8). Harriet Newell. 2. CORNELIA HAaRDECKER, (‘‘Towt”), b. 1777, Dec. 26. 3. MarcaRet, (‘‘Towt”), b. 1780, Oct. 4. (II). Mary, m: John McCord. (IIT). Joun, b. 1763, d. 1786, May 21. (IV). IsaBEL, m. Daniel Skinner. (V). MartHa, m. John Betson. (VI). JAMES. (VID. SAMUEL, b. 1785, d. 1808, Mar. 30. V. ROBERT. VI. MARY, m. — McTire. VII. ELENOR. VIII. ‘‘ MAN,” m. —— Camrow ; had two children, ANN, JOHN. 532 Ear.ty Germans or New JERSEY ANDREW, of Bedminster, m. Sarah ; his will prob. 1781, April 4 ; had ch.: I. SAMUEL, of Bedminster, m. Elisabeth ; his will prob. 1816, Oct. 28 ; had ch.: (). Nancy; (II). DanreL, m. Sarah Emans ; (IIT). SAMUEL ; (IV)- AnpReEw ; (V). Jonn F.; (VI). James 8.: (VII). Josepn W. Il. JOHN, b. 1739, d. 1823, Oct. 27, m. Sarah, b. 1751, d. 1833, June 25 ; his will prob. 1823, Nov. 29, names ch.: (I). Easter ; (IJ). Lypra ; (III). Joun ; (IV). ELISABETH ; (V), JANE ; (VI). ELLENoR ; (VII). ReBecca, (VIII). Saran; (IX). Mary ; (X). WibiiaM ; (XI). ANN ; and grandson Hugh Bartley or Barkley. WILLIAM J. (perhaps a grandson of John, son of Andrew), b. 1792, Oct. 1, d. 1870, Aug. 12, m. Rosannah Melick (dau. of Daniel), b. 1812, April 14 (2), d. 1859 ; had ch.: I. JOHN, b. 1821, d. 1829; II. NICHOLAS PATTERSON, b. 1824, m. Margaret Honeyman (dau. of James); had eight children: Esther Ann, Wm. J., James H., Susan H., David, Rosanna, Maroaret, Herbert ; III. DAVID M., b. 1826, m. Caroline Wolf ; IV. WILLIAM HARVEY, b. 1830, unm. MiscELLANEOUS—GEORGE, of Bedminster, m. Mary ——; his will prob. 1830, July 19, mentions ch.: I. GzoreE ; II. Witiiam; III. Roperr. ~ TOPPING. THOMAS TOPPING, of Roxbury, whose will, dated 17 July, prob. 28 July, 1777, names ch. : | I, THOMAS. II. ESTHER. III. JOSIAH, m. Jemima, gave mortgage in 1772 to David Brown on six acres in Chester. WILLIAM, b. 1748, d. 7 June, 1822, m. Sarah ——, b. 1749, d. 28 Feb., 1817 ; came from Southampton, L. I.; bad ch. (order uncertain): I, JAMES TOPPING died at Chester, N. J., Sept. 16, 1874. He was born June 1, 1780, on the John Carlyle farm (later the W. J. Taylor place). His father WILLIAM Topping came here from Hast Hampton, Long Island, his native place, purchased this place, and reared a family of 7 children, 4 girls and 3 boys, none of whom lived to be less than three score and ten, and some of whom are yet living at over 80'and over 90 years of age. ‘Of these JAMES was the sixth child. His father lived to be over 78 years of age, and his mother 89 years at the time of her de- cease. At the age of about 15 years James left home to learn the trade of a cabinet maker with Jonathan Scudder at Westfield, N. J., where he became acquainted with Sarah Marsh whom he married when he was about 22 years of age. After finishing his trade, with another young man he bought Mr. Scudder out, and continued business at Westfield for one year, when he sold his business at Westfield to his former employer and removed to Chester, where he bought the place now known as the George Hedden place and resided in the same house that now stands on that lot, his shop being nearly opposite the house. Here he carried on his business for many years. He was successful financially for those years, and purchased a great deal of property and loaned money on mortgage. At the age of thirty he purchased the farm, on which he was born, from his father. He had eight children, four boys and four girls in the fol- lowing order: I. Exiza ; II. Coarues; II]. Mary Ann; IV. Evert; TopPpInNc—T RIMMER 533 V. Jane; VI. THEopoRE; VII. GrorGe; and VIII. Saran. About fifty years ago he bought the property on which he lived till the time of his death, and moved upon the farm he bought from Reeves Corwin. This house was built about the year 1800. About the time he bought the Corwin place he became a member of the Presbyterian Church, of which he was always a generous supporter. ELiz4, his first child, died in 1868, unmarried ; CHARLES, the second, was drowned at the age of four years ; Mary Ann married Henry Hedges, and died 1890, leaving one daughter, the wife of Rev. George M. 8. Blauvelt ; Evert received a college educa- tion, and became a professor of languages in Princeton College, after- ward taught a classical school in Baltimore ; Janz married John S. Hunt, \ and died at the age of 27, leaving two children, who are now dead, leav- ing no heirs; THEODORE died i» 1873, ieaving one daughter ; GEORGE died at the age of 27, unmarried; Sarau, the eighth child, is still living ; Mrs. Topping the mother of the family died in 1854 in the 74th year of her age. Il. HEZEKIAH. Ill. TEMPERANCE, m. [William ?] Wooley. IV. CHARITY, m. a Howell. V. BETSEY, b. 1787. d. 25 May, 1858, m. first, Arnold Brown (s. of David); second, Amos Roberts (s. of John). VI. CHLOE, m. 7 March, 1798, Noah Scudder, b. 1772, d. 1858. VII. ALANSON, m. 25 Dec., 1800, Elisabeth Coleman. ABIJAH TOPPING, b. 12 Feb., 1768, d. at Frederick, Md., 10 Sept., 1831, m. Mehitable —,, b. 26 April, 1771, d. 6 Jan., 1827; had ch. at least : I. VINERVA. b. 1795. d. 22 Sept., 1825, m. Stephen R. Haines. Il. WILLIAM, J., b. 28 July, 1797, d. 24 April, 1878, m. Temperance Hedges, b. 30 Jan., 1782, d. 14 May, 1874. Ill. MEHITABLBE, b. 1809, d. 8 June, 1829. TRIMMER. TRIMMERS OF HUNTERDON COUNTY. JOHN TRIMMER, died Jan., 1749, in Amwell twp., Hunterdon Co.; prob. arrived at, Philadelphia in ship Davy, 25 Oct., 1738 ; his name is signed by the clerk to the oath of allegiance, taken at the above date, Hans Timmer. This is the only casein which this name appears in the list of emigrants that arrive at Phila.; Johannes and Matthias Trimmer are naturalized by act of Assembly, 12 Nov., 1744, In Lib. 8, fol. 365, of deeds, in clerk’s office at Flemington the following occurs in the beginning of a modern deed, from which we can locate the place of first settlement of this family : ‘Whereas John Trimmer stood possessed at the time of his decease of a tract of land in Amwell of 300 acres, bounded on the south by land of Jacob Hand, westerly by land formerly William Bings, now Paul Couls, northerly by land of John Jarell’s and part of Neshaning [Neshanic] brook, Adam Bellowsfelt’s and Jacob Stout's land, and easterly by William Bellowsfelt ; and did agree to sell to his eldest son, the said Matthias Trimmer, of Long Valley near Fox Hill, party to these presents, 105 acres, part of the above mentioned tract, for 425 pounds, on the 4 Nov., 1748 ; and the said Jobn Trimmer died before any conveyance was made out and no provision was ‘made in his will to give a title to the said lands ; as the money had been paid 534 Earty Germans oF New JERSEY by said Matthias Trimmer, the sons and legatees of John Trimmer, Tunis,. Andrew, George, Harman, William, John, Nicholas and Henry, sign a release of said land unto their oldest brother, the eldest son of John, viz. Matthias, 31 May, 1750. On 4 April, 1751, Matthias sells this land to Philip Kels. Johannes. Trimmer in his will dated Readington, 10 January, prob. 22 February, 1749- [Trenton Lib. 6, fol. 335], names wife Mary Catrina and ch.: by the first wife, Tys [Matthias], Toenes [Anthony], Ry [Andrew], Georg, Herbert [Harman in the deed]; by second wife, Anna, Christina, William, Hannis [John], Niclas, Judit, Henrick; the witnesses were Adam Bellisfelt. Matthias Housel and Godfrey Peters. He speaks of some of his children as not yet of age. The wife named in the will, Mary Catherine, may be the third and who would therefore have no children, for Johannes Tremer and wife Elsje [Alice] have a child, Hendrick, bap. at Readington, 3 Oct., 1747. As this was probably the youngest child of John, according to the order of the will, and by his second wife, there would seem to have been three wives : I, MATTHIAS, d. 1793, rem. to German Valley before 1748 (see below). Il. ANTHONY (Tunis or ‘‘Tys”), rem. to German Valley before 1750 (see below). : III. ANDREW (‘‘Ry”); nothing known of him. IV. GEORGE, m. Catherine ; his will Amwell, Nov. 18, 1806, prob. 8 May, 1807, namesch.; (I). Tuwis; (II). CaTHERINE, m. a Kuhl; (III). Joun ; (IV). SaRaw, m, Will. Risler ; (V). Mary, b. 1752, d. June 23, 1846, aged 93 ; m. Matthias Case ; (VI). ELIsaBeTu, m. Jacob Bearder ; (VII). Rz- BEccA, m. Andrew Weart; (VIII). Anna, m. a Rels and had George, Elisabeth, Anna, Henry, Catherine, Mary and Sarah Rels. V. HERBERT, (Harman), m. Martua Case; letters admin. of his estate granted, Sept. 4, 1810: had ch.: (). Joun H., d. 1840, m. Maria Martha Thatcher ; had ch.: 1. Joun E., b. 1788, d. 1880 at 92; hadch.: Asher, Ann, Eliza, Sarah, m. Mahlon Fields, Jeremiah, John, Mahlon, Catherine ; 2. SAMUEL, had Aaron, Joseph, Elias H.; 3. CHARLES ; 4. AARON ; 5. FRANCIS m. Sarah Thatcher and had (1) Thatcher, m. Susan DeHart (nee Nixon); (2) Mahala, m. George Milton Schomp; (3) James; 6. ELDRIDGE ; 7. THATCHER, m. Charlotte King (of Newton, N. J.), and had Martha A., Amy, Elisabeth, William, Janette, Mary, Sarah, Newton ; 8. Tunis, m. Hannah Trimmer (dau. of John 2d), and had Amos, John, Servis, Sarah. (II). GEORGE, (II). Perer. (IV). Tunis. (V). WILLIAM. (VI). ANN. VI. ANNA. VII. CHRISTINA. VIII. WILLIAM, rem. to German Valley (see below). IX. JOHN, of Amwell, in Revolutionary war, m. a Servis ; his will, dated Amwell, May 16, 1819, prob. Aug. 9, 1820, names ch.; (1). Amos, m. Susanna Scott (dau. of George); letters of admin. of his estate granted June 21, 1814; had ch.; 1. HENRY Scorr, m. first, Eury Wilson ; second, Isabella Probasco and had (1). Samuel W. "TRIMMER 535 M. Dz; (2). Charles; (8;. John, (soldier in Rebellion); (4). Josiah W.; (6). William (soldier); (6). Eurilla, m. Levi Snyder; (7). Susan, m. Josiah Prall ; 2. Joun 8., Justice of the Peace many years, m. a Thatcher and had George ; Amos (a soldier); Jeremiah: Augustus (a soldier); Eliza, m. first, Peter Van Syckel; second, Augustus Dilts ; third, Silvanus Carkhuff ; Margaret ; 3. Eviza, m. William Rockafellar; 4. MERINDA, m. William Snyder ; 5. Mary ANN, m. a Mattison ; 6. Josepa P. (Il. Henry. Il). Joun (“ Long John”), a blacksmith. (IV). Hawwag, m. Tunis Trimmer (6. of Herbert). (V). Susannaug, m. Furman Marshall. ’ (VI). Mary, m. John Young. (VID. Saraug, m. Jacob Bush ; had ch.: 1. Joun §. 2. Susan. 3. Srmpney L. 4. SARAH. 5. JACOB. (TX). CaTHERine, m. a Macintire. X. NICHOLAS, rem. to German Valley (see below). XI. JUDITH, b. 30 April, 1746, d. 18 Oct., 1798. aged 52 years, 5 months and 15 days; rem. to German Valley, m. (ist wife), Matthias Dufford (s. of Jacob), of Schooley’s Mountain. XII. HENDRICK, bap. Readington, 3 Oct., 1747, as child of Johannes Tremer and. Elsje [Alice]. TRIMMERS OF GERMAN VALLEY. MATTHIAS, [‘“Tys”], oldest son of John Ist, of Readington, d. 1793, m. Anna Martha Neighbor (dau. of Leonard 1st), rem. to Long Valley or German Valley before 1748 ; signs Weygand’s call, 1749 ; his will dated 1791, prob. March 10, 1793, names ch.: I. MATTHIAS, ‘‘to be taken care of by the rest of the family.” II. JOHN, m. (1) Catherine Roelofson (dau. of Hermanes), b. 1755; (2) Ann Catherine Sharp (dau. of John), b. 1769 ; had children by 1st wife : (I). JouN, b. Feb 5, 1774, m. Jan. 11, 1806, Elisabeth Youngs (dau. of William), b. Jan. 6, 1783; had ch.: 1. WiLturam Y., b. Oct. 26, 1806, d. Feb, 27, 1879, m. Julia A. Lawrence (dau. of Daniel), b. / Aug. 0, 1808, d. April 10, 1851, and had (1). Stella Semantha, b. Nov. 2, 1837; (2). Emana Malvina, b. June 9, 1839, m. Eliphalet C. Willett; (8). Frances Margaretta, b. Jan. 20, 1843, m. George: Swackhammer ; (4). Mary Ann, b. Aug. 24, 1845; 2, Maria A., b. 17 Sept , 1809, m. Silas Horton of Chester ; 3. Marearst, b. 11 Aug., 1816, m. Samuel T. Lawrence, s. of Daniel and brother to Julia A. (II). ELIsaBEeTH, b. Dec. 11, 1776, m. Isaac Roelofson (s. of Roelof). (III). ANNE, b. May 9, 1780, m. George Trimmer (s. of Jacob). (IV). CATHERINE, (first ch. by 2d wife), b. Oct. 13, 1787, m. William Nock- rite, b. 29 Nov., 1780, d. 3 Feb., 1826. (V). Davi, b. Oct. 22, 1792, m. Eliza ——; res. on what became after- 536 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY wards the township farm. (VI). Marta, b. Oct. 5, 1794, m. Jacob Weise (s. of Philip 2d). (VII). Morris, b. June 22, 1797, m. Mary Stark, and had 1. Elisabeth, m- an Ayres of Hackettstown ; 2. Catherine, m. Will Johnson ; 3. John; 4. Andrew ; 5. Dr. Asa ; 6. Naham, m. a Sharp. (VIII). Jacos, b. Mar. 8, 1800, m. Hannah Willet (dau. of Will. of Bedmin- ster), and had 1. John ; 2. Theodore ; 3. Angeline, m. Will. Groot. (LX). ELEanor, b. April 12, 1804, m. Chas. Coleman. (X). AnpREw, b. 13 June, 1807, m. Merilda Weise (dau. of Andrew), first husband, and had 1. Nelson, m. Maria Dufford (s. of John); 2. ‘Andrew, m. first, Susan Schiels ; second, Milly ——; 3. Emily, m. Jacob Dufford (s. of John); 4. Mary, m Philip Dufford ; 5. Miralda» m. Joseph Hazen. . Ill. JACOB, m. first, A Mary Kern (dau. of Christopher) and widow of his brother Leonard ; second, Barbara Wack ; had ch. only by first wife: (). Jacos, m. Anna Youngs (first husband); had ch.. 1. CLARISSY, m. William Emery. 2. Exras, b. 1818. (Il). CHRISTOPHER, b. 28 Feb., 1783, d. 18 Jan., 1821, m. 1 March, 1806, Elisabeth Bodine (dau. of Gilbert), b. 18 Oct., 1787, d. 26 Sept., 1847 aged 60 ; had ch.: 1. SAMUEL, b. 27 Dec., 1807, m. Tamzen Hann (dau. of Jacob), had (1). Samuel, m. Elisabeth Buchanan, res. at Newark ; (2). George; (8). Jacob, of Washington, Warren Co., and (4). another son, who died young. 2. CATHERINE, b. 4 May, 1809, m.-first, William Apgar (s. of Wm ); second, Fred. Apgar (s. of Jacob and Eva Hoffman). 3. Mary Ann, b. 21 Feb., 1811, m. Jacob Neighbor. 4, SELINDA, b. 5 March, 1818, m. David Swackhamer (s. of Fred- erick). 5. FREDERICK, b. 10 March, 1815 (twin to George), m. first, Emily Apgar (dau. of Herbert, s. of Herbert), by whom one son (1). Hezekiah, m. Mary Cath. Apgar (dau. of Jacob); second, Chris- tiann (sister to first wife), by whom two ch. (2). Samuel, (rem. to near Easton) and (8). Elisabeth, unmarried. 6. GEORGE (twin to Fre ferick), b. 10 March, 1815, m. Mary Neighbor (dau. of George) and had (1). Zilpha, m. Andrew Cregar ; (2). Mary Elisabeth, m. George Apgar. 7%. CHRISTOPHER, unmarried. 8. ELISABETH, m. P. Welsh Swackhammer. (III). GzorGE, m. Ann Trimmer (dau. of John 2d); had ch.: 1. ELISABETH m. Phil. Hann; 2. CaTHERINE, m. (1) Rance Hann Gray (s. of Richard); (2) Peter Apgar (s. of William); 3. Jutia A., m. Nathan Vernoy ; 4. CHARLOTTE, m. Morris Weise (s. of Will.). (IV). Matrutas, b. 1785, d. Aug. 31, 1851 at 66, m. Elsie Bodine, b. Nov. 9, 1791 ; had ch.: 1 GILBERT, b. Sept. 8, 1810, m. Caroline Wack ; had (1). Catherine, m. Phil. Welsh ; (2). Caroline, m. Bartley Sal- mon ; (8). William, m. Minnie Stigers ; 2. Jacop M., b. Feb. 11, 1812, m. Susan Swackhammer (dau. of Jacob); had (1). Louisa, m. Lemuel Neighbor ; (2). James, m. Sarah Cole; 3. Mary A., b. TRIMMER 537 Aug. 8, 1814, m. Lawrence Neighbor (s. of Leonard 3d); 4. Isaran, b. Dee. 11, 1816, m. Mary Swackhammer (dau. of Jacob), and had (1). Elsie, m. Lambert Sutton ; (2). John, m. Annie Neighbor ; (8). Jacob, m. Sarah Louisa Flock (dau. of William); 5. Marratas, b. Nov. 9, 1819, m. Elisabeth Ann Swackhammer (dau. of Fred.), and had (1). Lambert, went West ; (2). Alice, m. George Dorland ; (8). Elmira, m. Will. Coleman ; 6. ANTHONY, b. Feb. 16, 1822, m. Mary Weise (dau. of Andrew), and has (1). Matthias, m. Katie t (2). Andrew, of Hackettstown, m. Mollie Rae ; (3). Lawrence Hager m. Elisabeth Dufford ; served three terms as Assemblyman, 1889-91, representing the Second Assembly District of Hunterdon Co.; (4). Mary, m. Jacob Hann; (5). Alice, m. Levi Farrow, .M. D.; (6). Morris, d. at 4 years; (7). William S., m. Sallie Morgan ; (8). Annie, m. Chas. A. Baker ; (9). Nellie, m. E. D. Naughright ; (10). Georgie and (11) Charles, d. young ; 7. CATH. CAROLINE, b. May 25, 1825, m. Will. Sharp (s. of David); 8. ELsI£, b. Mar. 15, 1828, unm. ; 9. Eviza Ann, b. Jan. 13, 1830, m. John C. Welsh (s. of Jacob) ; 10. SAMUEL, b. Jan. 18, 1830, m. Ann Sharp (s. of David), and had (1). Emma, m. William Swackhammer (s. of John); (2). David; (8). Ross; (4). Annie, m. Peter Kice. IV. DAVID, b. 1759, d. Mar. 1, 1824, age 65, m. Margaret A. Pickel (s. of Fred.), b. 1758, d. Dec. 25, 1827, at 69 ; had ch.: (I). ay. (ITI). (IV). (V). (VI). (vIn. (VIII). (IX). (S). ELISABETH, b. June 10, 1779, m. George Flomervelt (s. of George). Joun D.,-b. Feb. 24, 1781, m. Elisabeth Lanterman ; settled in M1.; had ch.: 1. Marta, b. June 5, 1802; 2. MarGaRetta, b. Mar. 22, 1804: 3. WiLLIam Youne, b. April 25, 1806; 4. Exiza Ann, b. July 4, 1809; 5. Davin, b. Dec. 13, 1811; 6. DanimL, b. Dec. 28, 1813 ; 7. NicHouas ;-8. Saran A.; 9, FREDERICK ; 10. JESSE; 11. Martin LUTHER. LEONARD, b. Oct. 6, 1782, m. Eva Cramer ; went West; had ch.: 1. AARON ; 2, WILLIAM ; 3. ZACHARIAH ; 4. ELIPHALET ; 5. DaviD ; 6. HARRIET. Davin, b. Sept. 20, 1785, m. Sallie Douglas; hadch.: 1. Mary ANN m. Sam. Ramsey ; 2. Louis, went West. Wi1am, b. Aug. 14, 1787, m. Elisabeth Roelofson (dau. of Isaac), who afterwards became the second wife of David Neighbor ; had one child, Many A., m. Jacob A. Weise (s. of Andrew). GrorGE, b. Dec. 21, 1789, m. Sarah Saegar (dau. of Adam); had ch.: 1. Sarah A., m. Silvester Trimmer ; 2. Emaline, m. Isaac Losey ; 8. Theodore ; 4. Harriet. _ Mary, b. Aug. 24, 1791, m. John Gray (s. of Richard). FRED., b. Dec. 17, 1794, died young. Marruias, b. Feb. 24, 1797, died young. NicHowas, b. Feb. 8, 1801, d. Nov. 22, 1814. (XI). Jacos D., b. Aug. 12, 1802, m. Susan Melick (dau. of Tunis); had ch.: 1. Anthony M., m. Mary Maloney ; 2. Sarah A., m. Archibald Johnson ; 3. Angeline, m. Peter Todd ; 4. Martin Luther ; 5. Mary Elisabeth; 6. Whitefield; 7. Jacob. V. MARY, b. 1743, d. Jan. 5, 1826, at 83, m. George Stephen [‘‘ Yerestuffy”] Dufford (s. of Jacobist), b. 1741, d. 23 Jan. 1917, at 76. 538 Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY V1. SOPHIA, m. Jan. 30, 1777, John Able (s. of Michael) VII. LEONARD, m. Anna Mary Kern (dau. of Christopher), b. Dec. 20, 1752, d. July 25, 1787 ; had ch.: (I). Annrz, b. Dec. 22, 1770, d. Dec. 4, 1806, m. John Dufford (s. of Mat- thias). (Il). Jonny, b. Sept. 25, 1772, m. first, Sophia Dufford (dau. of George); second, June 13, 1°07, Mary Weaver (dau. of Will.); had children by second wife: 1. ELISABETH, b. Aug. 2, 1808, m. William Still- well ; 2. Puinip, b. Aug. 11, 1811, m. —— Apgar ; 3. BARBARA, m. Joel Young ; 4. Joun, m. Catherine Backer ; 5. SopHIA, m. Martin Stryker (s. of Peter). (II). ExisaBera, b. May 8, 1774, died young. (IV). Lronarp, b. April 5, 1776, died young. VII. ELISABETH, m. a Snook. WILLIAM (prob. son of John Ist, of Readington), m. first ——; second, the widow Weaver ; lived near Middle Valley ; had ch.: I. CONRAD, b. Mar. 18, 1764, m. Maria Youngs (dau. of Peter), b. Aug. 7, 1767 ; had ch.: (I). CATHERINE, b. Aug. 7, 1787, died young. (II). Joun, b. Jan. 25, 1789, m. Mary Miller (dau. of Jacob). (III). Jacos, b. Mar. 4, 1791, lived at Liberty Corners. (IV). Isaac, b. Mar. 4, 1791, twin to Jacob ; rem. to N. Y. State. (V). Anwa, b. April 25, 17938, m. Henry H. Hoffman (s. of Henry). (VI). Mary, b. Mar. 24, 1796, m. Elias Bird ; lived at Liberty Corners. (VII). Errrs, b. Aug. 28, 1798, m. John Kerns. (VIII). Conran, b. Sept. 8, 1799, unmarried. (IX). EnisaBnry, b. Mar. 2, 1808, died young. (X). WriLiiam, b. Nov. 3, 1810, m. Ann Apgar, b. July 11, 1810 ; had ch.: 1. Frances. m. Andrew Miller (s. of Will.); 2. Nathan, m. first, Mary Pettie ; second, Mary Beam ; 3. Asa, m. Annie Pickel ; 4. Julia Ann, m. first, Jerry Forsyth ; second, Watson Sutton ; 5. Mary, m. Jacob Clausen (s. of Stephen); 6. Melissa, m. Sam. Tay- lor ; 7. Clarissa, died young. NICHOLAS, tenth child of John 1st of Readington, b. 1745, d. about 1825, aged 80, m. first, Ann Bowman, d. Sept. 21, 1814 ; second, Catherine Thomas (widow of Wm.); came with his wife from Readington township to Parker ; April 21, 1775, Nicholas and Anna Trimmer, of Amwell township, sold 100 acres in Lebanon township, next to Grandin and Pete Young, to John Van Fleet ; had ch.: I, ANNA, d. a babe. II. ELISABETH, d. at 17. Ill. JOHN, m. Elisabeth Shankle (dau. of Adam). IV. PETER, b. 1786, d. 1869 at 83, m. Ann Hoover (s. of Michael). V. MARY, a Sharp. VI. HENRY, d. unm. VII. ISAAC, died young. VIII. SARAH, m. (1) Nov. 15, 1815, James Case ; (2) Will. Tracy. MISCELLANEOUS—RICHARD TRIMER m. Alice Marshall in Phila. 12 Nov., 1737 [Record Christ Ch. Phila.] JAN TIMMER and wife arrived in New Amster- dam from Gorekum (a frontier town of the Netherlands) in the ship Hope, April, 1662, WYDT CORNELISSEN TIMMER, from Meydrecht, m. Newtown (?) 10 TRIMMER—VaAN ATTA 539 Feb., 1678, Jannetje Joris Van Aelst from Mispadt; had ch. bap in New York as follows: I. CoRNELIs, bap. 28 April, 1680; II. Joris, bap. 23 March, 1684; III. Pieter, bap. 10 April, 1687; IV. Prerer, bap. 23 March, 1692. JOHN also had ch. bap. in N. Y.: JOHN, bap. 14 Jan., 1691. This Holland family may be the same as the Amwell or German Valley family, because the latter in some cases spelled their name in the same way. Yet, on the other hand, some of the latter family had German family bibles, which would seem to indicate a German origin. VAN ATTA, Van Arras or Kineston, N. Y. JACOB JANSE [Jacob, the son of John] VAN ETTEN, of Kingston, N. Y., is the first of the name that can be found on the records. He prob. came from Etten, a village in the province of Brabant, Holland, 6 m. W. 8. W. from Breda. Hem. Annetie Gelvins (dau. of Adrian, or Ari, Gelvins), the record of his marriage [Kingston records] is as follows: JACOB JANSEN, young man, of Etten in Brabrant, and ANNETJE ARiANS, of Amsterdam, deserted wife of Aaert Pietersen Tack both residing here [in Wiltwyck, now Kingston], 11 ~ January, 1665. The name of his wife is written in several ways, Annetje Adriantse (Adriandr, Arians), Annetje Gelvins, Annetje Adriaentse Kam. Her father’s first name was therefore Adrian and his last name Gelvins or Kam. It seems probable that the name Ari or Aaron arose from Arian, though that would more properly be another form of Adrian. Jacob Janse had ch.: I. ADRIAEN, bap. 26 June, 1670 ; II. HEILTIE, bap. 21 April, 1679 ; III. EMANUEL, bap. 27 Dec., 1681 ; prob. rem. to New Jersey (see below); IV. TIeTIE, bap. 24 Feb., 1684 ; V. Jacosus, bap. 2 May, 1686; VI. Gurssn, bap. 25 Dec., 1688 ; perhaps also VII. PETER, mar. in 1697 ; and Ari, mar. before me Van AtTTas OF HUNTERDON Co., N. J. EMANUEL VANNITTA, s. of JACOB JANSE, was an elder of the church of the North Branch [now \Readington] i in 1721; came from Marbletown, m. 10 May, 1702, Antje de Hooges ; had ch. (the first four bap. at Kingston) : I. JACOBUS, bap. 14 Feb. 1703 [prob. d. young]. II. JACOBUS, bap. 14 March, 1708 ; rem. to Readington with his father, m. Elisabeth and had, (I). SAMUEL, bap. 10 Oct., 1781; (II). MaRGRIET, bap. 5 Aug., 1783 ; (II). SaMUEL, bap. 28 March, 1736. II. JOHANNES, bap. 10 Nov., 1710 ; prob. the father of AaRon of Warren Co. IV. ANNA, bap. 14 Dec., 1712. V. ARI, m. Elisabeth and had ch. bap. Readington: (1). ELISABETH, bap. 3 Aug., 1738 ; (II). EMANUEL, bap. 25 April, 1787; (III). SamuzL, bap. 29 Oct., 1788 ; his will dated Somerset Co., 15 Dec., 1744, prob. 29 Aug., 1746, names wife, Elisabeth, and brother Jacobus, and ch.; Samuel, Jacobus, John and Elisabeth. VI. PETRIS, bap. [Somerville records], 13 Oct., 1719 ; his will dated, Oxford twp., Sussex Co., 22 Feb., prob. 22 June, 1790, names ch.: (I). SAMUEL; (I). Tonica iironica 4; (ID). Peter; ([V). Ann, w. of Jac. Keiser ; (V). Mascaret ; (VI). Bensamin, (dec.); (VII). Hannan, w. of Joseph Coplin ; (VIII). Mary, w. Jacob Sigler.' ° VII. SAMUEL, bap. [Readington records], 3 March, 1723. VIII, BENJAMIN, bap. [Readington records], 19 May, 1726 ; prob. had son (I). 540 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY THOMAS, whose will, Oxford twp., Sussex Co., prob. 3 Jan., 1796, names w. Altjeand ch.: 1. Bensamin; 2. Hannan, w. of John Dongin ; 3. Ann! 4, BRIDGET, w. of Lawrence Lambertsen ; 5. Lyp1a, w. of Benj. Decker. Van ATTAS OF WARREN Co., N. J. SAMUEL, res. 1803, at Scott’s Mountain, near Springtown, Warren Co.; said to be the son of JOHN, of Harmony, [perh. the son of Aaron below], a soldier of the Revolution, who rem. to Ohio. Samuel bought 160 acres in Harmony twp. to which place he rem.; m. Polly Snyder, d. 1855 leaving twelve children: 1. JoHN, b. 1801; 2. Henry; 3. Nancy; 4. Emriy; 5. Aaron; 6. Mosss ; 7. Say ; 8. ExisaBeTH ; 9. Samuen; 10. Smas; 11. Mary ; 12. Lucinpa. AARON [prob. the son of Johannes, the son of Emanuel], res. at Charlestown, near the Junction, m. Elisabeth Wedge [or Catherine Lunger, or both]; had ch. (order uncertain): ; I. JOHN, m. a Forrester and went to Ohio. Il. STEPHEN, b. 14 Jan., 1775, m. 1 Feb., 1801, Elisabeth Arnwine, b. 5 Sept., 1778, d. 11 July, 1863; had ch.: (I). Jamas, b. 5 Jan., 1802, d. 26 March, 1846, m. Susan Moore (s. of Andrew); (II). MEHETABLE, b. 30 Dec., 1803, d. 14 March, 1846, m. Fred. Anthony ; (IIT). ABIGAIL, b. 21 June, 1811, d. 21 June, 1811; (IV). Mary, b. 16 Feb., 1808, m. Peter Wirts (s. of Harmon), d. 8 Aug., 1849; (V). JANE, b. 16 Feb., 1810, m. Henry Creveling (s. of William); (VI). Josnua, b. 4 July, 1812, m. —— Deerwell ; (VII). Grorcu P., b. 14 Dec., 1814, m. —— Robinson ; (VIII). MarrTHa, b. 24 March, 1817, res. at Hackettstown, unm.; (IX). Henry Hb. 16 April, 1819, m. Melinda Titus (s. of John B.); (X). ELLEn, b. 19 Sept., 1821, m. Levi Gibbs ; (XI). Jacos, b. 4 June, 1824, m. Julia Dick- erson (dau. of Aaron); (XII). Amawpa, b. 14 Sept., 1826, unm. Ill. JOSHUA, b. 1779, Feb. 24, d. 1824, May 14 at 45 years of age, m. Cath- erine Wurts (dau. of Peter and Eleanor Roelofson), b. 1781, Aug. 22, d. 1846, Oct. 25; res. at Hampton ; had ch.: (I). ELIsaBETH, b. 1803, June 24, d. 1864, Dec. 6, m. Powers; (II). Isaac C., b. 1805, April 18 ; (ITD). SaRaug, b. 1808, Feb. 22, d. 1841, April 26, m. Joseph- Kinney ; (IV). James; (V). Rev. Peter R., b. 1814, April 10, d. 1886, Aug. 16 ; a grad- uate of Princeton College ; ordained to ministry in Presbyterian Church; for many years lived at Lafayette, Indianna ; for many years the rep- , resentative of the American Bible Society ; (VI). ELEANOR, b. Nov., 1815, d. 1893, Oct. 28, m. 15 May, 1831, Samuel Smith (s. of Luke), had son REV. G. W. SMITH, a M. E. minister recently of Hackettstown, now of Paterson ; (VII). Mary, b. 28 April, 1818, m. John Skinner ; (VIII). Jomn, b. 23 June, 1821, d. 25 Dec., 1822. IV. AARON, m. ‘ Teet”? Amack. V. ELIJAH, b. about 1784, d. 1889 at 55; buried at Mendham, m. Catherine Case (dau. of Peter); had ch.: (I). SaRaw, m. Oakley Williamson (2d wife); (II). BetsEy, m. Benj. Cosad (s. of John); (III). CATHERINE, m. Oakley Williamson (first wife); ([V). Susan, unmarried ; (V). Mary Ayn, m. John DeCou; (VI), MarGaret, m. James Williamson. VI. SAMUEL, mw. Peggy Bryant. VII. ISAAC, m. Ellen Erwine ; res. at Pleasant Grove. VIII. JAMES, m. Sarah Weaver ; rem. to Philadelphia. ‘Van BuskirkK—Van FLeet 541 VAN BUSKIRK. LOURENS ANDRIESSEN VAN BOSKERCK [Buskerck or Buskirck], came from Holstein, Denmark, in the summer of 1655. His name first appears in the records of New Amsterdam, 29 June, 1656, in the deed for a lot on Broad street. He was then unmarried and a turner by trade, afterwards, however, becoming a draper. He purchased a tract of land at Minhakwa, now Green- ville. He took the oath of allegiance 20 Nov., 1665, m. 12 Sept., 1658, Jannetje Jans (widow of Christian Barentsen). With her he received a fortune and four sons by her first husband. They both died 1694. The name Boskerch means ‘‘church in the woods.” Lourens had ch.: I. ANDRIES, b. 3 March, 1660; had ch.: Lourens, m. 9 Oct., 1709, Fitje Vreeland ; his will prob. 1752 ; had an only son Cornelius. Il. LAURENS, m. Hendrickje Van Derlinde; had ch.: (1). Frrsz, m. 28 July. 1712, Arie Banta ; (II). Joost, b. 1695, m. Trintje Martese ; (III). ANDREW, m, 26 Jan., 1717, Jacomyntje Davidse Demarest ; (IV). JonN, b. 26 Feb., 1699, m. first, 1721, Geesje Jurrianse ; second, Maritje Van Derlinde ; (V). Jacozus; ‘VI). Jannitse; (VII). Bensamin ; (VIII). Laurens, m. Eva ; his will prob. 22 Feb., 1774, names ch.: Thomas, John Lawrence, (not 21), Allytie, Antye, Jannitje, Mary Likurs (2), Margaret. III. PIETER, b. 1 Jan., 1666, d. 21 July, 1728, m. Trintje (dau. of Hans Har- manse of Constaples Hoek), d. 7 Nov., 1786; had ch.: (I). LAWRENCE ; (II). JoHannss, bap. 6 Aug., 1696 ; (III). WiLLEMTJe ; (IV). JANNETIE; (V), ANDRIES, m. Margaret La Grange; (VI). Jacosus, m. 18 May, 1730, Margaret La Grange, d. 3 Jan., 1767; (VII). RacuEx; (VIID. ANTJE, b. 26 Dec., 1703, bap. 17 April, 1704. IV. THOMAS, m. Margrietje Hendrickje Van Derlinda; had ch.: (I). JOHANNIS, bap. 1 July, 1694; (II). ABRAHAM, bap. 25 March, 1700 ; (II). PreTerR, bap. 6 Sept., 1702, m. 1 Sept., [10 Oct. 2], 1727, Marytie Van Hoorn (dau. of Lucas); (IV). Jacos, b. Sept., 1704; (V). Laurens, m. (1) 27 Oct., 1728, Margrietje Van Horn (dau. of Lucas); (2) 27 Jan., 1745, Hendrickje Van Buskirk ; (VI). ANDRIES ; (VII). Isaac, b..15 July, 1709, signs the call to Rev. Albert Weygand, 1749 ; (VIII). MicHa&L, signs the call to Rev. Albert Weygand, 1749; (IX). Firyz, m. Andries Arnock [Amack 2]; (X). Geertruy, b. 7 March, 1715; (XI). MaRGRIETJE, bap. 17 Feb., 1723, m. John Church. VAN FLEET. ADRIAN GERRITSEN (afterwards Van Vleet, Vliet, Vliedt), from Utrecht, arrived at New Amsterdam in the ship Trouw, 13 June, 1662, with 5 children, , aged 13, 12, 11, 8and 7 years. He is found as AERTSEN GERRITSEN Van Vleet, in Wiltwyck [now Kingston] in 1664. AR1 GERRETSE takes the oath of allegiance in Ulster Co., 1689. He married Agatha Jans Spruyt of an old family who belonged to Kriekenbeck and Opstal in the province of Utrecht. He had ch.; I. Gerrit, prob. b. 1649, m. before 1681, Pieternella Swart (dau. of Teunis); II. Jan, prob. b. 1650, m. Jndith Hussey (dau. of Fred.); ITI. Dirck, prob. b. 1651, m. 1685, Anna (dau. of Andrew Barents); IV. GEER- TRUYD, prob. b. 1654, m. before 1679, Gysbert Crom ; V. MACHTELD, prob. b. 542 Earty Germans or New Jersey. 1655, m. (1) Barent Van Borsum ; (2) 15 Sept., 1684, Jan. Jacobsen Stol. JAN VAN VLIET, son of Adrian Gerritsen, b. in ‘‘Stigt van Utregt” [Diocese of Utrecht, Holland], prob. 1650, and residing in Kingston, married 1684—first publication of Banns, Oct. 4—to Judith Hoosey (dau. of Frederick and Mar- griet Hussei or Horsjes), bap. 1667, Oct 9 ; had nine children: I. ARCHIE, b.. 1685, (or 86), Jan. 31; II. Anim, b. 1687, Dec. 4; III. Jan, b. 1694, Nov. 16; IV. Ari, b. 1697, Jan. 31; V. WiLL1a4M, b. 1699, June 4 ; VI. Deora, b. 1701, Oct. 12: VII. GeErtsz, b. 1704, Sept. 3; VIII. Anwa, b. 1711, June 24; IX. FREDERICK, rem. to New Jersey. JAN VAN VLIET, Jun., son of Jan and Judith, b. 1694, m, at Kingston, 11 Mar. 1725, Jesyntjen Swartwout (dau. of Thomas and Lysbeth Gardinier), b. Mini- sinck, bap. 18 Aug., 1699 ; rent. to the vicinity of Port Jervis, prob. about 1733; had ch.: I. SAMUEL, bap. 8 May, 1726, m. 26 Nov., 1752, Taatje Cole. II, BENJAMIN, bap. in Rochester, Ulster Co., 28 Jan., 1728, m. (1) Johanna Westval ; (2) Margaret Dekker. Ill. ELISABETH, bap. ——; m. 10 July, 1750, Daniel Gonzales. IV. DANIEL, bap. 4 Feb., 1783, m. Sarah Cuddeback, of Peenpack. V. DEBORAH, bap. in Minisinck, 18 May, 1736, m. John Dekker. VI. JESYNTJE, bap. ——, m. James Cuddeback. VII. JACOBUS (or James), bap, ——, m. Margaret Palmatier. VITl. MARIA, bap. Magagkemick (Port Jervis), 14 April, 1748. IX. CATHERINA, bap. Magagkemick, 23 April, 1744, m. Benj. Cuddeback. xX. MARYA, bap. Magagkemick, 21 June, 1747. FREDERICK, 9th child of Jan, born near Mormetown [Marbletown], N. Y., m. 1718, Nov. 22, Maria Biggs, who with her husband, joined the church of Read- ington, N. J., in 1735 ; rem. to N. J. about 1725 ; letters of adm. of the estate of Frederick, were granted to John Van Fleet, 1795, Nov. 4; had ch.: I. JAN, b. 1719, Aug. 9. II. MARY, bap. Kingston, 1721, June 25. III. JUDIT, bap. Kingston, 1723, Feb. 17. IV. WILJEM, bap. Kingston, 1725, May 9, d. 1798, May 4 at 72, m. Mary Marytie Auten, b. 1726, d. 1808, at 82 ; had ch.. (Il). Mary, b. 1749, June 28, m. Michael Kinney. (If). Joun, b. 1751, Oct. 12, m. Elisabeth Hoff ; had ch.: 1. CaTHARINE, b. 1773, May 28, m. John Eversole ; 2. WiLL1am, b. 1776, Oct. 3, went West ; 3. Isaac, b. 1779, July 23, went to Canada ; 4. JoHN, b. 1782, Feb. 3, m. Nellie Van Sickle ; 5. Mary, b. 1786, May 1, m. Joseph Hoffman ; 6. ELISABETH, b. 1788, Sept. 30, m. John John- son of N. Y.; 7. ABRAHAM, b. 1793, May 9, m. Elisabeth Cramer ; rem. to Illinois ; 8. Hunry, b. 1795, June 28, d. out West ; 9. Jacos b. 1798, Aug. 23; rem. to Illinois ; 10. Anna, b. 1800, Nov. 13, m. Will. H. Hoffman. (III). JupIcK, b. 1753, April 20. (IV). WILLIAM, b. 1755, Mar. 18, m. Anna Hoff. (V). Cariina, b. 1757, May 14, unm. (VI). Aprian, b. 1759, Oct. 24, m. Lizzie Switzer ; had ch.: 1. ABRAHAM S., m. Sarah Jane Hall: had ch.: (1). JonN, m. Susan ——. and had, (a). Edward ; (6). John, died young man ; (2). HENRY SwItTzeEk, has been a printer for forty years in New York, \ ‘Van FLEET 543 ‘m. (1) —— Mussen ; (2) Esther Flandreau ; has ch.: (a). Henry Mussen ; (b). Lucy Jane, m. Jos. V. Maguire, of Brooklyn ; by ‘second wife, (c). Richard Walker, m. Rebecca Sherwood (dau. of Robert R.); no children ; (d). Frank, M. D., of New York city, m. Carry Blair Oakley (dau. of Daniel T.) and has two ch. Raymond O. and James F.; (e). Eugene C., m. May Pausen ; has two children ; (f). Milton E., unm.; (g). Lizzie E., m. Julius Zehner, has two children ; (h). Herbert, unm.; (i). Jas. Monroe, unm.; (J). Florence E., unm.; (3). ABRAHAM, unm.; (4). DEBO- RAH, m. John Dunn, of Pluckamin ; (5). Saran Janu, m. first Eli Douw ; second, Thomas D. Oakley ; (6). Lazziz, d. unm. 2. MICHAEL, 3. PETER. 4, Mary. 5. ANNIE. (VII). RacHEt, b. 1761, Dec. 28, m. John Van Sickle. (VII). Lag, b. 1764, June 6, unm. (FX). ELisasera, b. 1766, Oct. 9, m. Peter Jennings. (X). Henry, b. 1769, July 24, m. Dorothy Tumy. ; (XI). Repecca, b. 1774, June 2, m. David Tumy. V. THOMAS, b. 1729, Feb. 5, d. 1812, Feb. 5, m. Margaret Wyckoff, b. 1730, Jan. 24, d. 1792; had ch.: (I). Mary, b. 1751, Nov. 22, unm. (II). MarGarRet, b. 1753, Sept. 10. (III). Leau, b. 1745, Dec. 20, m. Bergen Huff. (IV). Hannau, b. 1757, Dec. 4, m. Jos. Hageman. (V). Jupic, b. 1760, April 27, m. —— Hall. ‘ (VI). Joun T., b. 1762, May 19, d. 1855, June 16, m. (1) Elisabeth Waldron ; (2) Catherine Emmons, b. 1775, July 28 (2); had children by first wife: 1. MarGarEr, b, 1785, Aug. 27, m. George V. Carbone; 2. CATHERINE, b. 1788, Oct. 7, unm.; 3. ExIsaBETH, b. 1791, April 4, m. John Kase ; by second wife, 4. ABRaHwAM J., b. 1801, May 21, m. Ann Van Doren ; 5. Lrau, b. 1803, Jan. 3,m. John M. Wyckoff (s. of Martin); 6. JoHn J., b. 1806, Dec. 1, m. Ann Young ; 7. JeR- EMIAH, b. 1813, Nov. 23, d. 1860, May 20, m. (1) 1839, Dec. 12, Mary Ann Sutphen (dau. of Joseph); (2) 1853, July 16, Hannah J. Thomp- son, b. 1835, Aug. 11; had ch., the last by the second wife: (i). Catherine, m. Chas. Fulper (dau. of Abraham); (2). Joseph, m. Gertrude Schenk (dau. of John P.); (3). John, m. Gabrielle Eick (dau. of Anderson); (4). Mary Ann, m. John C. Hall (s. of Tunis C.), a M. E. minister of Dakota; 8 Saran Marta, b. 1816, Nov. 6, m. 1839, Sept. 19, Peter Schamp, Jr. (VII). Wm. T., b. 1764, April 3, m. Agnes Mundy. (VIII). NELLIE, b. 1766, May 20, m. —— Waldron. (IX). Betsy, b. 1768, July 5, m. Jerome Waldron. VI. FREDERICK, m. Rebecca Dubois ; had ch.: (I). FREDERICK, b. 1754, Oct. 24, bap. 1755, July 19. (II). ABRAHAM, bap. 1756, Feb. 8. DIRCK JANS VANDER VLIEDT arrived in New Amsterdam from Rylevelt as one of the soldiers in the ship Trouw [or Faith]. In April, 1663, his wife and 544 Earty Germans or New Jersey two children arrive in the same vessel and the family settle at Flatbush, L. I. Dirck m. first, Lyntie Aertson ; second, Grietie Van Kirken (2); had children = I. Henpricxk ; II. Jans; IE. Maria; IV. Garrrin; V. GARRET. JAN DIRCKSE, s. of Dirck Jans, b. in Wellen, Holland, m. 2 Dec., 1683, Grietie- Van Kirken, of Buermalzen, Guilderland ; took oath of allegiance in Kings Co., L. I., 1689 ; bought land at Six Mile Run in 1717 ;. his will, prob. 1754, names. wife Grietie and children: I. GRreTiE, m. Simon Wyckoff ; II. Joun, ‘the Brewer,” m. Grietie Wyckoff (dau. of Simon, afterwards m. John Van Cleef, Sen.) and had 1. John, “the Weaver,” b. 1745,.rem. to Sussex Co.: 2. Simon, b. 1747, m. Ann Terhune and res. at Lamington ; 3. Grietie, b. 1750, m. Aaron Dean; III. Derrick, d. young; IV. Saran; V. ReBecoa; VI. Maria, m. Adrian Hageman ; VII. A DAUGHTER, m. Fulkert Van Nostrand. This family usually drop the Van and call themselves Viiets. GARRET, prob. the 5th ch. of Dirck Jans Vander Vliedt, m. Judack ; his will dated, Readington, 21 Nov., 1767, prob. 16 April, 1777, names wife Judack and eh.: I. DiRcK, bap. 20 May, 1721; died young; IJ. WiLL1am, m. Adriantje Wyckoff and had 1. Gerret, bap. 12 Feb., 1756, and 2. Cornelis, bap. 10 April, 1757 ; III, JERoMEvS, m. Annatie and had Margrietje, bap. 10 April, 1757 ;1V DrRicu, prob. m. Rachel and had 1. Rachel, bap. 6 June, 1751, and 2. Lidia, bap. 12 April, 1758; V. Witiiam; VI. Hanaucuy ; VII. Mitcue; VIII. JUDACK. DANIEL VLEET, prob. of the same family as the above, was at Six Mile Run in 1748 ; he rem. to Bethlehem twp., Hunterdon Co., where he owned a large amount of property ; his will dated 5 Nov., 1804, prob. 8 Deec., 1810, names. wife Charity, and ch.: I. Davip, whose two sons, David and Daniel, receive with his brother Daniel 200 acres of the Cox tract, sold by the Commissioners. of Forfeited Estates, in Independence twp., Sussex Co.; II. DANIEL, of Vienna, N. J., b. 1753, d. 29 Feb., 1841, m. Margaret, b. 1756, d. 10 Oct., 1838 ; had ch. at least, John, b. 1793, d. 9 Sept., 1853, m Elisabeth Morgan, b. 1792, d. 24 Sept., 1836 (had a daughter Perninah, who married Daniel Ayres); receives 400 acres bought of the heirs of Sam. Hackett ; II]. Jasper; IV. WiuuraM ; V. GARRET, prob. the Major Gen. of Militia in Sussex now Warren Co.; had two sons, 1. Daniel, who had William and Jobn ; 2. William, who had Joseph, b. 16 Feb., 1818, Prosecutor of the Pleas of Warren Co.; VI. MARGARET, m. — Warne. VAN HORNE. JAN CORNELISSEN VAN HOORN, a citizen of New Amsterdam, 1657; had children at least. CORNELIS JANSEN VAN HORN, m. 4 Oct., 1659, Anna Maria Jansen ; had children bap. in New York: I. JOHANNIS, bap. 17 Jan., 1668; had ch. bap. in N. Y. at least: (D). CoRvELIS, bap. 17 Dec., 1693 ; (II}. ANDRIES, bap. 25 Sept., 1695 ; (III). A. Maria, bap. 11 Nov., 1696. II. GERRIT, bap. 17 Dec., 1671, m. 2 July, 1693, Elsie Provost ; prob. had ch. bap. in N. Y.: (1), ConnuLius, bap. 1 April, 1694; (II). Davin, bap. 20 Oct., 1695 ; (III). A. Marta, bap. 4 Dec., 1696. CORNELIUS (‘‘Capt.”), b. 1695, d. 12 Feb., 1744, at 49; buried near Whitehouse Station ; perhaps a son of Gerrit of New Amsterdam, at any rate a grandson of Jan Cornelissen, the emigrant ; bought land at Whitehouse, N. J., before Van Horn—Van Nest 545 1729; he may be the Capt. Cornelius Van Horne who led a New Jersey con- tingent of British troops in the expedition against Canada in 1737 ; his will, dated Readington, 8 Feb., prob. 16 March, 1743, names wife Hannah, seven sons, three daughters and ‘‘my bro. Abraham”: I. THOMAS, trustee of Lamington Chureh, 1749. lI. MATTHIAS. III. CATHERINE, IV. ELISABETH. ; V. CORNELIUS, whose will dated 3 June, 1783, names four sons and speaks of five daughters.: (). ABRAHAM. (II). Simon. (IIT). CoRNELIUS. (IV). WiLuraM, m, Elisabeth Van Horne (dau. of Abraham and sister to Cornelius W.) ' VI. DANIEL. = ABRAHAM, brother to Cornelius, of Whitehouse ; his will dated Hunterdon Co., 29 Dec., 1758, prob. 5 Dec., 1759, names wife Antia, son-in-law Tobias Ten Brieck, and ch. (order that of the will): I. MATTHEW, and his oldest children: (I). ABRAHAM ; (II), WILLIAM; (III). Matruew ; (IV). CoRNELIUS. Ii. CORNELIUS, prob. m. Gertie and had (I). Simzon, bap. 30 Dec., 1753 ; (If). MarcaRet, bap. 14 July, 1757. Ill, ABRAHAM, bap. Readington, 10 Oct., 1731; perhaps m. Gertie ; had (I) CorNELIUS W., b. 1771, d. 1862 at 91; his descendants are now about Whitehouse ; (II), ExrsaBeTH, m. William Van Horne (s. of Cornelius) ; perhaps also (IIJ). ConnELIUS Wycxorr, bap. 10 May, 1771; (IV). ANTA bap. 28 March, 1773. IV. MARGARET, m. Hermanes Roelofson (s. of Laurenz), b. July, 1719, d. March, 1805 V. PHICA. VI. NEELTIE, bap. Readington, 14 April, 1734. VII. ANTIA, bap. Readington, May, 1750. WILLIAM VAN HORN, prob. a son of Matthew (the son of Abraham Ist); rem. from New Egypt, N. J., to Hardwick, and d. in Canada, 1778 ; had ch. (order uncertain): I. Corneuivs ; II. MArrueEw ; III. ApRanAM ; IV. JamzEs; V. GrorGE, b. 17 Oct., 1771, d. ,m. Levina Howell (dau. of Sampson) and had (I). William S., b. 19 Aug., 1812; (II). Isaac H., b. 10 March, 1814 ; (ITI). David G., b. 8 Oct., 1816 ; (IV). Abraham S., b. 27 March, 1819; (V). George, b, 20 April, 1822. . VAN NEST. PETER PETERSEN VAN NEST (or Van Ness), who settled on Raritans as early as 1683, m. Judith Rapalie (dau. of Joris Jansen), resided in Brooklyn 1675, his name appearing in that year on the assessment roll ; in New Amsterdam as early as 1659 ; probably came over 1650. PrTeR takes oath of allegiance Kings Co., N. Y., 26-30 Sept., 1687. PETER PETERSEN; had ch.: I. PETER, m. Tryntje (Catherine) Jans ; II. Cat- ALYN, bap. 3 May, 1672; III. Joris, bap. 19 July, 1676; IV. MaRRITJE, bap. 546 Earty Germans oF NEw JERSEY 4 June, 1678 ; V. JupitTH, bap. 30 Sept., 1685 ; VI. Jerome ; VII. Joun ; VIII. BERNARDUS ; IX. Jacominca ; X. HaNNaH. PETER, the son of Peter Petersen, m. Tryntje [Catherine] Jans ; had children named in deed of 1724: I. JeERonymus, bap. in New York, 2 May, 1697 ; II. JaQuEminaA (Jemima), bap. 8 Mar., 1699, m. Jacob Ten Eyck ; III. Jan (John), bap. 2 March, 170L; IV. Joris (George), bap. 30 June, 1703; V. ANNATIE, (Anna), bap. 14 Nov., 1705; VI. Bernarpvus, bap. 8 April, 1708 ; VII. Mar- GRIETJE, bap. 14 Oct., 1719. JERONYMUS (Jerome), son of Peter, bap. New York, 2 May, 1697, m. Susanna ; had ch.: I. PETRUS, bap. [Somerville records], 14 Nov., 1725. II. JAN (John), bap. 22 Jan., 1727, m. Aelte (Aletta) Tunisson (dau. of Cor- nelius and Mary); had ch.: (). TEuNEs, bap. 9 June, 1754. (II). JERoME, bap. 1 July, 1756. (ITI). Susanna, bap. 13 Aug., 1757, m. Rappelyea. (IV). CoRNELIUS. (V). AREYANTE, bap. 14 June, 1761. (VI). JoHANNES, bap. 4 March, 1764, m. Mary Dow (dau. of John 2); was a well-known singing teacher ; lived in Martinsville, Somerset Co. ; hadch.: 1. CORNELIUS, m. first, Margaret Van Tile ; second, Ruth Moore ; third, Henrietta Totten ; 2. Henry Dow, b. 11 April, 1805, m. first, Jane Beekman ; second, Ruth Jones (wid. of Stephen I. and born an Amerman); had ch.: (1). Susanna, m. Elias B. Nicholas ; (2). Jerome Rappelyea, m. Nancy Larason ; (8). Maria, m. Luther Skellinger ; (4). Eliza, d. unm.; (5) Aletta, d. unm.; (6). Henry Dow, Jr., m. Mary Van Nest, of Hackettstown ; (7). Nancy, m. Mahlon Cole ; (8). Theodore Hall, m. Catherine Frone (dau. of Jobn); has John, Mahlon and Catherine (w. of Henry Neighbor); (9). Jane, m. William McPherson ; 3. Tunis, m. Mary Kirkpatrick ; 4. Matitpa, m. John Waldron ; 5. Lerriz, m. Thos. Roberts. III. JORIS, (George) bap. 26 Sept., 1731. IV. FERDINANDUS, bap. 25 Dec., 1732. V. JACOBUS, bap. 2 March, 1735. VI. PETERUS, bap. 1737. VAN PELT. WOUTER TEUNISZ LANEN VAN PELT, of Brooklyn, N. Y., came to New Amsterdam 1663. Wouter and Ort Van Pelt, of Kings Co., L. I., belonged to company who bought 1717, a part of the Harlingen tract in Somerset Co., N. J. Hem. Jannetje Schaers, of Gowanus ; his will dated 20 May, 1728 [N. Y. records], names ch.: I. TEUNIS. Il. ALEXANDER. Ill. PETER. IV. JOHANNIS. V. MARY. VI. ELISABETH. Van PELT—VAN SICKLE 547 VII. ELISABETH. VIII. JACOMYNTIE, and grand daughter Margaret Bennet. TEUNIS VAN PELT, of Richmond Co., N. Y., (Staten Island), leaves will prob. 29 May, 1766, which names ch.; I. ANTHONY. II. MARY, w. of John Foy. Ill. PETER. : Iv. JOHN. V. JOSEPH. VI. TEUNIS. VII. JACOB. VIII. BENJAMIN. JOSEPH VAN PELT, of old Roxbury twp., was b. 1760, d. 6 Feb., 1832, at 72, m. Providence (‘‘Provy”) b. 1762, d. 6 Dec., 1850, at $8 ; had ch.; I. JOHN, b. 1788, d. 28 April, 1861, m. Deborah —, b. 1795, d. 21 Nov., 1878, at 78. I. HENRY, m. Mary Ann Hoffman (dau. of Philip). Tilt. SALLIE. IV. MARY. V. DEBORAH. VI. SUSAN, m. Joseph Bartles. VAN SICKLE. FERDINANDUS VAN SICKLIMY, b. in the Netherlands, 1634, came to this coun- try, 1652 ; settled on Long Island, m. about 1660, Eva Antonis Jansen (dau. of Antony Jansen van Salee), b. 1641 ; had ch.: I, REINIER, b. about 1661, m. Jannetje Van Hooren ; rem. to New Jersey before 1720; had ch.: (I). FERDINAND, m. Mary ; (II). CORNELIUS, m. Mary, and had Mareitje, bap. Readington, 23 Sept., 1722; (ITI). Jan, m. Lena, and had 1. Johannes, bap. Readington, 30 Oct., 1720; 2. Abraham bap. Readington, 3 March, 1723; (IV). RernreR, m. Henah, and had Reinier, bap. Readington, 17 Nov. 1723. II, MARGRIETJE, m. Jan Albertse Terhune. ‘It. EVA, m. Jan Berden (or Bondet). Iv. JOHANNES, b. about 1669, m. Jannetje ; rem. tothe Raritan before ——; had ch.: (I). FERDINAND, m. Margrietje Laan ; (II). ABRAHAM, m. Elis- abeth ; (III). Reynmr, m. Christina (or Styntie), and had Ferdinandus, bap. Readington, 9 June, 1738; (IV). Jonannzs, m. Margretita ; (V). JANNETJE, m. Jan Marlett. V. FERDINAND, m. Grietje and had (I). MarariersE, m. Cornel. Suydam; (IJ). Eva, m. Hendrick Janse, Jr.: (III). ELisaBeTa ; (IV). FERDINAND; (V). Minne. LAMBERT VAN SICKLE, lived on part of the Boynton tract west of Drake- town ; his will dated 8 Oct., 1786, prob. 8 April, 1790, names wife Ann and ch.: I. JOHN. II. JACOB. Ill. ABRAMAM. IV. MARY, m. -— Schuiler. 548 Earty Germans or New JERSEY V. RACHEL, m. —— Clausen. VI. MIRIAM, m. —— Hensler. VIL. ANN. VAN VECHTEN. TEUNIS DIRCKSE VAN VEGHTEN (or Vechten); came to New Amsterdam in the ship Arms of Norway, 1638, with wife and child and two servants by way of Rotterdam, prob. from Veghten on the V,eghten river near Utrecht ; settled at Greenbush, opposite Albany, N. Y., where he had a farm as early as 1648 ; had ch.: I. DIRCK TEUNISE, b. 1634, at Veghten, Holland, m. Janitje Michaelje Vreelandt ; rem. to the Catskills before 1681; res. where the old Van Vechten house now stands, which is the third built on the same site. It was built in 1750 and is owned by Mr. A. V. W. Van Vechten, Esq., of , N. Y. city, a descendant ; had ch.: (D. Yanrsz, b. 1660, Sept. 25. (I). Wrnrsz, b. 1662, June 17, m. Philip Leendertse. | (II). MicHarn Dirckss, b. 28 Nov. 1663 ; rem. to New Jersey (see below). (IV). Nretis, b. 1665, March 24. (V). JoHANNES, b. 1666, June 24, m. Elisabeth. (VI). Tzunts, b. 1668, May 24, m. 1694, Nov. 28, Cathlyntye Van Petten, d. 1707. (VII). AnTrE, b. 1670, May 4. (VIID. Tyre, b. 1671, Dec. 6, m. William J. C. Hallenbeck (s. of Cossackie). (IX). SamvEL, b. 1673, April 12, d. 1741, Mar. 30, unm. (X). Samrrim, b. 1675, Jan. 8. (XI). ELisaBetas, b. 1676, Oct. 30. : (XII). Aprawam, b. 1679, April 14, d. in New Jersey, m. Angonitie ; had ch.: 1. JANTIEN, b. 1713, Oct. 26, Records 2. ELISABETH, bap. 1716, Aug. 22, > First Church of 8. Dirck, b. 1719, Oct. 13. Raritan. YI. CORNELIUS TEUNISE, m. (1) Sarah 8. Goeway; (2) Annatje Leendertse; (8) Maria Lucase ; had a farm below Albany at a place called Pappoknee. III. GARRET TEUNISE, m. (1) Antje Janse; (2) Greetje Vockert Douw ; went to Connecticut with the Dutch troops ; rem. to Leeds, but owned land at Greenbush, now in the possession of one of his descendants. IV. PIETERTJE, m. Myndert Van Yoeren. MICHAEL DIRKSE, son of Dirck Teunise, b. 1663, Nov. 28, d. 1782, m. (1) Maritje Perker; (2) Janitje Dumon ; rem. to New Jersey with his brother Abraham before 1699. He hada child (Dirck) bap. at that date (16 Sept., 1699) on the Raritans. His family bible is at the Bible House in N. Y. city. His will was dated 17 April, 1777, and prob. 4 Feb., 1782 (Trenton Lib. M., fol. 122). He was one of a company of eight, who bought 3 May, 1712, the Royce Plantation of 1470 acres. Michael and Jannetje sell, 1 March, 1721, to Abraham Van Vech- ten (bro. of Michael) two parcels of land of 167 and 215 acres, in Somerset Co., part of the Royce tract. Michael was one of the assistant judges of Somerset Co., Feb., 1711. He gave the land upon which the first Dutch Church of Rar- itan was originally built, which was near the bank of the Raritan river about a quarter of a mile east of the present bridge near Findern station. This was \ ‘Van VECHTEN 549 ‘én 1721, The church was destroyed in the time of the Revolution and the next ‘building was erected in what is now the town of Somerville ; had ch.: I. MARITIE, b.-1687, Oct. 8, m. (1) Albert Tenyck ; (2) Jeremiah Field (s, of John Anthony (%). II. DIRCK, b. 1689, Dec. 6, d. 1693, Oct. 27. ill, WALRAN, b. 1691, Dec. 15. iV. MARGRITJE, b. 1692 (4 June 29. V. DIRCEK, b. 1699, July 15, bap. 16 Sept. [records of First Church of Raritan] d. 1781, Nov. 29, m. (1) Judith Brockholst ; (2) Deborah Antonides and (8) 1759, Sarah Middagh, who d. 1785, Nov. 17, at 46; his farm was the camping ground of the Revolutionary armies and his house the centre of a bounteous hospitality to officers and men. Gen. Green left a handsome mahogany table as a token of appreciation of kindness received in this hospitable mansion. This table is now a treasured heirloom in the family; had ch.: (). Mararintse, b. 1720, Sept. 27, bap. 1720, Oct. 2, (dau. of 3d w.). (ID. DeRx, bap. 1762. (II]). MarGanrst, b. 1763, Nov. 14, d. 1812, May 27, m. Jos. Crane. (IV). MicHaxzt, b. 1764, Nov. 13 (tombstone); b. 1776, Nov. 16, (old Dutch Bible), d. 1831, Dec. 29, at 67, bap. 1766, June 2, m. 1787, April 10, by Rev. Mr. Richards, Elisabeth La Grange (dau. of John), b. Dec. 22, d Dec. 28 ; had ch.: . Diack, b. 1788, April 13, d. 1789, April 28. . . ELISABETH MERCEREAU, b. 1790 (tombstone); b. 1789, Dec. 11, d. 1867, June 14, m. (1) John Frelinghuysen, d. 1811, Nov. 18, and (2) John I. Gaston. SaRag, b. 1793, Mar. 20, d. 1794, Oct. 12. Mary La Granag, b. 1795, Dec. 25, d. 1866, Dec. 19, m. Peter D. Elmendorf, d. 1821, May 24. MarGaREt, b. 1798, Sept. 3, m. David Megie, Jr., d.,1825, Jan. 31. Soputa, b, 1801, July 11, d. 1868, Dec. 4, m. Thomas Talmage, d. 1828, May 20. %. SANE, b. 1804, Oct. 1, d. Aug., 1894; m. (1) Wm. Wilson, who d. 1834, Dec. 22, and (2) Mr. Taylor. 8. RicHaRD, b. 1808, Dec. 19, m. (1) Mary Lord who d. 1834, Dec. 31; and (2) —— —. (V). ExisaBErTH, b. 1767, (bap. 1767, Oct. 29, d. Friday, Oct. 30, 1793, one year after m. to Geo. Davis, M. D. VI. JANNITJE, b. 1701, June 12, m. Jacobus Hagerman. VII. JANTIEN, bap. 1699, June 2 (ist Church of Raritan). MISCELLANEOUS—Researches were conducted in Holland by Mr. Abram V. W. Van Vechten, of New York, but without any success in discovering any earlier traces of this family. A JOHANNES VAN VECHTEN was present in 1224, at some religious ceremony in the city of Utrecht. There is an old house still stand- ing in Brooklyn in 10th or 12th street near 5th Ave., which was probably built by CLAES ARENTS VECHT, an elder of the Dutch Church i in 1681. GERRET, of Staten Island, has land in New York conveyed to him in 1701. In 1689 Hendrick Claes Van Veghten has land conveyed to him [in New York 4] TruNIS CORNELIS- SEN VAN VEGHTEN succeeded MICHAEL JANSEN on his farm in 1646 and was living in 1648 at the south end of Greenbush, near Albany. Letters of admin. of the me ae oo 550 Earty Germans or NEw JERSEY estate of EPHRAIM, of Middlesex Co., were granted to Catherine Van Veghte, of Albany, N. Y., 3 Oct., 1748. (Trenton Lib. E., fol. 218). BENJAMIN (prob. s. of Cornelis, the s. of Teunis Dirckse, of Albany), whose will dated, Raritan, Somerset Co., 9 June, prob. 26 June, 1747, names wife Sarah and ch.: I. Cornexius (‘‘oldest son”); II. Jonn; III. Revpen; IV. An- NATIE; V. Mary; VI. BENJamIn, (‘‘ youngest son”). VERNOY. CORNELIS CORNELISSEN VERNOOY [Vernooi] arrived in this country with wife and child, Jan. 1664, in ship Faith and settled at Kingston ; m. Annatje Cornelis ; had ch.: I. SEELETJE, bap. 22 Mar., 1665, m. 1682, Abraham La Matre of Flatbush. II. GRIETJE, m. Jacob (s. of Tjerck Claesen Dewitt and Barbara Andriessen). III. CORNELIA, bap. 3 April, 1667, m. 8 March, 1689, David (s. of Louis Dubois and Catryna Blanshan). : IV. ELISABETH, m. 8 March, 1689, Jacob (s. of Louis Dubois. V. MARRITJE, m. 19 July, 1696, Lodewyck (s. of Warnaar Hornbek and Eva de Hooges). VI. GEERTRUY, m. 11 Jan., 1702, Pieter Low. VII. CORNELIS, bap. 5 Jan., 1678, m. 22 Nov., 1702, Sarah (dau. of Wessel Ten Broeck and Sarah Ten Eyck). VIII. JOHANNES, bap. 24 April, 1681. TX. JACOB, bap. 10 Feb., 1684, m. Sarah Schoonmaker. X. (name not given), bap. 2 Jan., 1687. JOHANNES VERNOY, perhaps son of Cornelis Cornelissen, bap. 24 April, 1681, m. 26 Nov., 1724, Janneken Louw ; had ch.: I. ELISA [Eliza 2], bap. 21 Nov., 1725. II. ANNA, bap. 18 Dec., 1726. III. JANNEKEN, bap. 3 March, 1728. IV. ZARA, bap. 6 Feb., 1732. V. ELISABETH, bap. 9 Sept., 1733. VI. CORNELIS, bap. 11 July, 1786. VII. JOHANNES, bap. 30 March, 1740. VIII. NATHAN, bap. 28 Aug., 1743. NATHAN VERNOY, of Warwasing, perhaps the son of Johannes above, m. Catherine Dewitt ; had children at least : I. HENRY. II. JAMES. Ill. NATHAN, rem. to New Jersey, m. Julia Ann Trimmer (dau. of George) ; had ch.: (D. Annie T., m. James 8. Weise (s. of Jacob), of German Valley. (II). ELisaBETH, m. James Schleicher, of Schooley’s Mountain. (III). JoHNson, m. Rebecca Parks. (IV). PuEse C., m. Edward Weise (s. of John Hager). (V). Mary, m. David Welsh (s. of Philip). Two sons, GEORGE and BENTON, died very young. VESCELIUS 551 VESCELIUS, GEORGE ANDREW VIESSELIUS, emigrated from Germany not later than 1749. He first settled on the Old York Road, one-half mile from Three Bridges, in Amwell twp., Hunterdon Co., N. J.; a physician ; naturalized 1760, d. 1767 ; he had children : I. HENDRICK. II. ANDRUS (Andrew), m. Lenah Van Sickle ; had children on records Dutch Church at Readington : (). GzorecE ANDREW, bap. March, 1783, m. 12 Oct., 1806, Gertrude (Charity) Heldebrant (dau. of Christopher), b. 1785, d. 10 March, 1850 ; had ch.: 1. JoHN, m. Catherine Field (dau. of William); had ch.: (1). Austin, m. Phebe Dancer, lives Rahway, N. J.; (2). Caroline, m. Amos Fisher (s. of Christian), of Washington, N. J.; (8). Emma, m. Jacob Philhower (s. of Aaron); (4). Hiram, of Providence, R. I., m. first, Mary Miller (dau. of John); second, Elisabeth Shoe- maker (the widow Kegin); (5). George, unm.; (6). Jennie, m. Fred. Jenkins, of Chester, druggist and elder in Pres. Church. HELEN, b. 28 Sept., 1808, unm. . Isaac, m. Ellen Vandervoort ; lived at Middle Valley and Pat- erson, N. J. . ANDREW, res. Newark, N. J. . Hiram, b. 15 Jan., 1815, m. Mary Miller (dau. of John C. (4) of Penwell, Warren Co., N. J.). 6. OLIVER, b. 1816, m. first, Margaret Swackhamer (dau. of Jacob) ; second, Angeline Sharp (dau. of Isaac); hadch.: (1). Margaret, m. John Reinhart (s. of John); by the second wife: (2). Isaac Sharp, m. Elisabeth Ann Apgar (dau. of Nathan T.); (3). Amelia Mackey, m. Jeremiah Updike ; (4). John Henry, m. Ella Karr (dau. of John); (5). Edna Miller, m. Austin Sutton (s. of Aaron). 7. Aaron, of Forest Hill, Newark, N. J.,m. Mary Ann Miller ; had six children, who are nearly all gifted singers, and one of whom is a very successful authoress: (1). Gertrude ; (2). Francis ; (8). Eva ; (4). Louisa, wrote “ Yankee Girls in Zulu Land” and ‘‘An Z Wlicit Diamond Buyer in South Africa”; (6). Ellen ; (6). George. (1). SaLuim, bap. 27 June, 1784, m. Henry Carpenter. (Il). Henry. (IV). ABRAHAM, bap. 29 March, 1791. (V). JamMEs. (VI). THmODORE. (VII). HELEN, b. 21 Oct., 1803, bap. 7 Oct., 1804, m. Mr. Price. (VII. RacHEL, m. 1807, Joseph Fisher. III. THEODORUS. IV. MARGARET. V. IDA, b. 4 Nov., 1748, m. Christopher Rowe, b. 1 March, 1756: had ch.: (). Mary Rows, b. 15 March, 1782, m. Jacob Young, of Raritan twp., Somerset Co.; no children ; (II). Jacop Rows, b. 25 April, 1787, d. 5 Feb., 1787; (III). Isaac Row#, b. 25 Nov., 1798, m. Margaret Case ; no children ; (IV). ABRAHAM Rows, b. 12 Sept., 1795, died in childhood. go 8 OF 552 HaRLY GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY MRS. LOUISE VESCELIUS-SHELDON, the daughter of Aaron Vescelius and Mary Ann Miller, has attained to considerable literary fame. She is thus spoken of in a weekly illustrated paper called Town Talk: Louise Vescelius- Sheldon finished the first chapter of the romance of life before she was twenty. She was wife and widow before many girls have done with flirtations, and after recovering from so sad a blow, she attempted a career of music. Pos- sessed of a fine soprano voice, she, with her two sisters—likewise musical, spurred by the same ambition—went to Europe to study. Time, money, patience and the best instructors were employed. Three years spent thus crowned their effort with success. They learned Madame Nillson’s secret of success from her instructor. They gave their own concerts, appeared in opera in the capitals of the continent, and at last drifted back to London. Here they called a halt and resolved to seek a summer clime for health and rest. Europe was an old story, so they went to South Africa. Life in the colonies and the diamond fields is most charmingly told in ‘‘ Yankee Girls in Zulu Land,” which Mrs. Sheldon published in 1887. Aside from information in the way of natives, vegetation and animals of this region, the book is aptly illustrated by photo- gravure process, and is the first book to have been illustrated in this way in this country. Next she published ‘“‘An I. D. B. (Illicit Diamond Buyer) in South Africa,” a dainty love story most daintily told and illustrated. She writes for the Cosmopolitan, and magazines in general, but considers literary work a pastime only, while music is her labor of love. VOGT. SIMON VOGT [Vocht] arrives in New Amsterdam in the 2d Palatine emigration, 1710, at 31 years of age ; signs Weygand’s call, 1749 ; m. Christina and had ch. {bap. ‘‘on the Raritans” by Luth. minister of N. Y.]: I. JOHANNES CHRISTOFFEL [Christopher], b. 24 Feb., 1714, bap. 1 Aug. 1714 ; res. on Society Lands, 1735. Il. MARGARETA, b. 3 Feb., 1716, at Ten Mile Run. III. JOHANNES, b. Middlebush, 17 Feb., 1718. IV. ABRAHAM, b. 22 January, 1720. VALENTEIN FOGT, b. 1718, d. 1777, m. 1740 ; buried at Stillwater ; has a german headstone which reads, ‘‘Valentein Fogt lebte in Ehestand 37 Jahr, zeugte 6 kinder und starb anno 1777, ward 64 Jahr 6 monath alt.” Two of the six here referred to were : I. JOHN, b. 1751, d. 5 Feb., 1788 at 37, and left fifteen children, as his head- stones says. Il. MARGARET, b. 25 Nov., 1751, d. 8 Nov., 1792. MiscELLANEOUS—JACOB VOGET was naturalized by act of Assembly, 20 Aug., 1755. VOSLER. JACOB FUSLER came from Germany to Schoharie, N. Y.; rem. to Somerset Co.; m. a dau. of Lucas Teeple of Bedminster ; signs the Articles of Faith of New Germantown Church, 13 May, 1767 ; had at least one son LUKE and per- haps also another Jacos of Spruce Run: I. LUKE, m. Ann Smith (dau. of John and Mary ; and had a brother John VosLER—W ack 553 Smith, Jr., and a sister Rachel Smith, who m. Jacob Kershow); res. at Readington ; had children at least : (I). (II). (III). (IV). Luxg, b. 6 July, 1799. Saraug, b. 7 Nov., 1801. JOHN. ELISABETH, b. 10 May, 1805. Il. JACOB, m. Sally Castner ; a soldier in the Revolution ; res. Hunterdon Co., prob. Spruce Run ; had ch.: (1) (II) (III). (IV). (Vv). (VI). (VID. . A DAUGHTER, m. James Duffy. (VIII) Kary. Jacos, b. 1781, d. Jan., 1862, at 81 ; res. at Spruce Run, m. Margaert Ockerman, b. 1786, d. June, 1858, at 72; had ch.: 1. GEORGE, b. 26 Oct , 1805, d. —-; m. Mary A. McDonald (dau. of John) and had (1). Andrew M.; (2). Jacob ; 13). Sylvester ; (4). Elisabeth, m. James Anthony ; (5). Margaret Ann, m. Jacob Wyckoff ; 2. SALLY m. James Hazlett; 3. RoperT; 4. Kary, m. John Barnes; 5. Jamzs ; 6. DELANA, m. John Moore ; 7. DANIEL; 8. JOHN. DELANA. PETER. CaTRINA. PHEBE. GEORGE. WACK. JOHN GEO. WACK, came to Philadelphia from Wittenberg, 1748, Sept. 16, d. at German Valley at 94 years, m. Elisabeth Schuyler ; had ch.: I. REV. CASPER, b. 1752, Aug. 15, d. 1839, July 19, m. Barbara Leidy. Buys July 4, 1795, of John Livingston, 81 acres of land including the mill now owned by Hon. L. Hager Trimmer, Pastor of the Ger. Reformed Churches of German Valley, Labanon and Fox Hill (see history of these churches); had ch.: ()). REv. GEORGE, b. 1776, March 1, Bucks Co., Penn., m. 1805, Elisabeth Pannebecker, d. 1856, Feb. 17, at 79 years, 11 months and 14 days. After receiving a classical education he pursued his theological studies under his father, then pastor at Rockaway and German Valley, N. J. His first sermon was preached at Knowlton, N. J., on the 22d day of July, 1797. He was examined and ordained at Reading, Penn., in October, 1801, by a committee of Synod and on the 25th of April, 1802, took charge of Boehm’s (Whitpans) and Weutz’s (Worcester), Montgomery Co., Penn. He preached 32 years at Boehm’s; at Weutz’s for 43 ; at Hilltown for 22 and at Gwenedd for 10, but at the same time in all four. He was highly esteemed and beloved by his congregations. When he first entered the ministry, his congregations were feeble and unable to afford bim the necessary temporal support. He was therefore obliged, to some extent to carry on farming. In various branches of the mechanic arts he was quite skillful, and in many cases manufac- tured his own farming implements. Hewas fond of company. He 554 Earty Germans oF New JERSEY was also a man of learning and wrote a work of theology in Latin. , He was remarkably fond of music and had musical instruments of various kinds. Among the rest he owned a large organ, which he had made with his own hands. In his appointments for preaching and in his other engagements he was always punctual. He always occupied a prominent position in the church. His sermons were prepared with great care and were always suited to the occasion. (Harbaugh’s Lives Vol. ITI, p. 315). (II). Jacos, m. first, Susan Lerch ; second, Catherine Hopler ; resided at Drakestown ; had ch.: 1. Barbara Ann, b. 1802, May 2, m. John Lindaberry (s. of George and Sarah Hoffman); 2. Margaretha, b. 1807, Oct. 15; 3. Catherine, b. 1809, Dec. 16, m. Wm. Grandine (s. of Philip); 4. Casper, b. 1812, June 13; went West ; 5. (by 2d w.) Ada m. Wm. Grandine (s. of Philip); 6. Sarah, m. John Bird (s. of Jacob); 7. George, d. young ; 8. John, d. young. (III). Jonn, rem. to Pa. (IV). GARRET, went to Pa. (V). Purp, M. D., went to Pa. (VI). AnDREW, b. 1781, d. 1856, Sept. 10, at 75, m. Magdalena Dufford (dau. of Geo. Stephen), b. 1779, d. 1865, March 16, at 86; had ch.. 1. Mary, m. Will. Weyer; went West ; 2. Elisabeth, b. 1805, m. Nicholas McLean, of Vienna ; 3. A. Barbara, b. 1807, July 19, m. Will. Linaberry ; went West; 4. Andrew, b. 1808, Nov. 23, m. Naomi Apgar ; 5. Sophia, m. Jacob Rarick, of Schooley’s Moun- tain ; 6. Annie, b. 1812, Oct. 25, m. Will. Nockrite ; 7. George, b. 1818, Dec. 16, m. Eliza Jane McKay ; 8. Casper, m. Caroline Hoff- man (dau. of Henry H.); 9. Magdalena, m. Silvanus Hoffman. (VII). WiL1L14M, m. Catherine Teater. (VIID. Davin, b. 1790, Jan. 9, m. first, ——; second, Hoffman. (IX). GERARD CasPER, b. 1795, Nov. 23. (X). A DAUGHTER, who died young. II. REV. JOHN JACOB, m. Helena Bellis. III. BARBARA, m. John H. Guenther. IV. ELISABETH. WALDORF. ANTHONY WALDORF, b. 1708, d. 1777, Dec. 15, m. Mary Charity, b. 1702, d. 1768, April 9, at 66; his will, dated 1777, Dec. 9, prob. 1778, Jan. 30 [Trenton Lib. 18, fol. 683]; he bought the farm next above the Kern property at Naugh- rightville ; there is no record of when this property was purchased. It was divided among Anthony’s children at his death, and was bought by Abraham Sharp ; probably came from the town of Waldorf, in Germany, where the Astor family originated ; he had children : I. JOHN, whose will was prob. 1790, March 8 [Trenton Lib. 30, fol. 453]; had children : (I). AnrHON, b. 1759, Nov. 16 ; his estate of 258 acres was divided, 1808, among his ch.: 1. Anna [Mary], perhaps b. 1796, June 18; 2. Catherine ; 3. Elisabeth ; 4. William, perhaps b. 1787, June 7; 5. Jacob. W aLporrF—W ALTERS : 555 (1). Joun, b. 1761, May 28, m. perhaps Elisabeth, and had ch.: 1. Dorothy, b. 1787, May 21; 2. Elisabeth, b. 1789, May 29; 3. William, b. 1798, Jan 30. (III). Moritz, b. 1763, Feb. 28. (IV). Martinus, b. 1767, Aug. 18, m. perhaps Dorothy, and had ch.: 1. John George, b. 1791, March 17; 2. John, b. 1796, June 14; 3. Philip, b. 1807. (V). PHiuip, b. 1769, Aug. 26, m. Mary; his will, Newton, N. J., 181%, July 5, prob. Nov. 11, names ch.: 1. Peter ; 2. John; 3. David; 4. Henry. (VI). DANIEL, b. 1772, Dec. 27. (VII). WILL1aM, b. 1774, Jan. 11, perhaps m. Mary Casner, 1811, April 16; had John, b. 1811, Sept. 25. (VIII). Mary CaTHERINE, b. 1775, Oct. 28. (CX). Conran, b. 1779, June. (X). Ann. Il MARTIN. III, GEORGE. IV. ANNA, m. for second husband Conrad Wertzall. V. MARGARET, m. , had six children. > VI. (ANNA GERTRAUT], m. Adam Rhinehart; her will names grand- daughter Anna Conck. MIscELLANROUS—ABRAHAM WALDORF married Lois Case 1797, Feb. 9; Mary CATHERINE WALDORF married John Alpock 1800, Oct. 6. In Tewksbury book the name of Martin occurs at date Nov. 1758. WALTERS. SILAS WALTERS, b. 1751, May 15, d. 1820, June 11, m.a Lyons 2; came from N. Y.; res. near Pleasant Grove ; had ch.: I. THOMAS, m. Jane Forrester ; had ch . (). SaRaw, unm. (I). ANN, unm. (III). Jonny, m. Elisabeth Beatty (dau. of James), had no children. (IV). Srtas, b. 1804, June 12, d. 1886, Mar.; res. at Parker, m. Catherine Dean (dau. of Stephen), b. 1803, April, d. 1867 at 64; had ch.: 1. David, m. Lydia Ann Wauters ; res. at Mt. Hope ; 2. Jane, m. Isaiah Apgar, of Parker ; 3. Elisabeth Ann, m. Daniel Pickle (s. of Fred.); 4. Wesley, died young. (V). RacHEL, unm. (V1). Mary, m. Alfred Nunn (s. of John). (VII). Ex1saBeTH, m. Isaac Sliker (s. of John). II. JOHN, m. Lizzie Lance ; had ch.: Sallie Ann, m. Jos. Blain ; Peter, m. Anna Hance (dau. of Henry); William, m. —— Castner (dau. of Adam) ; John; Silas, m. —— Creveling ; Rosina, m. William Terryberry (s. of Philip); Mary, m. first, George Apgar (s. of Herbert) ; second, George Beatty, of Califon. III. DEBORAH. IV. RACHEL, m. John Trimmer, of Succasunna. 556 Earty Germans or New JERSEY V. WILLIAM, m. Elsie Catherine Lance; had ch.: Annie, m. George Lindaberry ; Foster, m. Mary Ann Mayberry ; Margeret, m. Joseph Hockenberry ; Peter, m. first, Catherine Slater ; second, Elisabeth Hoff- man (dau. of ‘‘Brook” Peter I); Rachel, unm.; Simon, d. young; Mary Jane, m. Henry Heldebrant (s. of Wm.). VI. POLLY, m. Amos McLean (2d w.). VII. BETSEY, m. Amos McLean (s. of Wm.) WARD. JOHN WARD, Sen. son of widow Joyce Ward, of Wethersfield, Conn. ; had chil- dren at Brenford: John, b. 1649; Mary, b. 1654; Nathaniel, b. 1656; Han- nah, b. 1658 ; Elisabeth, b. 1660 ; Dorcas, b. 1662 ; Deborah and Phebe. JOHN 24d, of New Jersey, s. of John, Sen., b. 1649, m. first, a dau. of Henry Lyon ; second, Abigail Kitchell; his will names children, John, Jonathan, David and Mary. DAVID, s. of John 2d, b. 1680, d. 14 Dec., 1768, at 88, m. Mary Brown ; his will names ch.: Moses, b. 1728, d. 1784 ; Ezekiel ; David ; Phebe, wife of Nathaniel Chandler. DAVID, of Hanover, s. of David, whose will names ch.:. Enos, Ichabod, David, Hannah, Polly, Betty, Sarah and wife Hannah. ICHABOD, s. of David, of Hanover ; his will, 1799, names:ch.. Elijah, Moses, David, Damaris, Phebe and Sarah, and wife Esther. MOSES WARD, was perhaps the son of Ichabod ; buried in old cometery at Ger- man Valley ; he m. Rachel Aiken and had, I. DANIEL HERVEY, b. 27 Jan., 1803, d. 10 March, 1890, came from Par- sippany to Springtown, Morris Co., m. Nancy G. Lawrence (dau. of Jacob), d. 27 May, 1874 ; he died in the full enjoyment of a triumphant christian faith ; had ch.: (I). PHEBE MARIAH, m. Washington Meeker. (II).. WiLLiam B., m. a Broadwell. (II). Harriet, died young. (IV). Danrex L., m. Julia Van Amburgh. (V). Exiza JANE, m. Alfred Johnson. (VI). James A., unmarried. (VII). Jutia ANN, died young. » (VIII). MarsHau., m. Mary Sharp (dau. of Jacob). (TX). ELLEN Tay or, m. Aaron Smith. (X). Tuomas Y., m. Isabella Beatty. (XI). Martin P., m Nettie Meeker. j If. WILLIAM AIKEN, b. 1806 ; rem. to Pittsburg, Pa. Ill. JULIA, m. William Henion. IV. MARIA. V. RALPH, perhaps died young. WAEIR, The family of Waeir probably accompanied the Colvers from New London. The only record of them in this vicinity is found in the Colver Burying Ground on the Martenis farm, Schooley’s Mountain, as follows : Warir—WEISE 557 “THomas WaEtr, Diep 1779, JuLy 15: But 56 he did not live (¢] han all his sins God did forgive.” “ABIAH WaEIR, DIED 1781, Marcy 16, AGED In Her 80TH YEAR. A Baptist friend in all her ways, True virtuous in her long days.” WEISE. . JOHN PHILIP. WEISE, came from Germany, probably, in ship ‘‘ Robert and Oliver,” of Dublin, from Rotterdam, 1738, Sept. 11, d. 1790, m. “old Mrs. Weiss.” b. 1711, d. 1788, at 72 years; his will was prob. 21 Dec., 1790 ; he bought, 8 Dec., 1749, a farm of 262 acres in G. V. from William Logan; had ch.: I. PHILIP, m. ‘“ Lena :” had ch.: (1). PHILrP, m. 1796, Feb. 9, Mary Saegar (dau. of Adam); bad ch.: 1. WILLiaM NEITSER, m. first, Mary Sliker ; second, Catherine Lake (dau. of Garret); had ch.: (1). Philip Seneca, m. Mary E. Duf- ford (dau of Matthias, 2d); (2). Lydia Ann, ma. Morris Naugh- right ; (3). Sarah, m. William L. Lindaberry, rem. to Illinois. 2, ANN, m. John Kinnan, rem. to Illinois. (I)..GzorGE, b. 1775, d. 1857. Feb. 22, m. first, a Saegar ; second, Annie Young (widow of Jacob Trimmer), b. 1768, Oct. 9, d. 1866, April 24; had ch.; by first wife: 1. Apam S., m. Elisabeth Sharp (dau. of John); 2. ELisaBetH, m. Simeon D. Bell; by second wife: 3. GzorGE, m Adaline Lindaberry, res. at Mountainsville; 4. MaRGARET, m. Wm, Weise (s. of Andrew); 5. Mary, m. a Pace ; 6. Nancy, m. Van Pelt Bartles. {IIf). WiLLr1am, m. 1803, May 12, Elisabeth Yauger ; had ch.: 1. ANN, m. Wm. Lance; 2. CLara, m. John Bush; 3. Morris, m. Lottie Trimmer (dau. of George); 4. MarGaret, m. John Hager Weise {s. of Andrew); 5. SImon, unm.; 6. Mary, m. John Baker, rem. to New York : 7. JOHN, d. unm. (IV). Jacos, m. Mary Trimmer (dau. of John); had ch.: 1. OAKLEY A., m. Sophia Crater (dau. of Morris); 2. Jonny, m. first, Harriet Dilley ; second, Emily Gorman ; 3. CATHERINE ANN, m. Daniel Van Natta; 4. PERNINAH, m. Theodore Thompson; 5. Mary, m. Theodore Thompson; 6. ELEANOR, m. a Templeton; 7 ANDREW T., m. a Courtright, rem. to Illinois: 8. Emma, rem. to Illinois; 9. Mawa ta, rem. to Iilinois. II. ELISABETH, m. John Hager. III. MARGARET, b. 1754, d. 1821, Dec. 17, m. Wm. Neitzer (s. of Herbert and Eva, of Germany), b. 1741, d. 9 Sept., 1822. IV. JACOB, d. 1784, May 16. m. first, ——— ; second, Maria Elisabeth, b. 1724, Sept. 29, d. 1788, Sept. 12; her grave has an old, broken bluish tombstone, which reads : ‘‘ Hier ruhet in Gott, Maria Elisabetha Weiss. Sie ist geboren den 29 tag September, im yahr 1724 ; ist gestorben den 12 tag September, im yahr 1788 ; ist alt worden 63 yahr.” His will dated 1784, March 28, gives to his sons their shares when 21, and daughters theirs when 18 ; had ch.: 558 Earty Germans or New JERSEY. (I). EvisaBeta, b. 1768, July 28, m. Leonhard Neighbor (s. of Leon- hard, 2d). (II). Jonn, m. Abigail Carlisle ; had ch.: 1. JOHN, unm.; 2. GEORGE, 3. Jaco; 4. Exiza, m. James Vannatta, of South Lyons, Mich. ; 5. ABBEY, m. a Thompson, of Philadelphia. { (III). CaTHERINE, b. 1774, July 29, m. David Kern (. of Christopher). (IV). Jacos, b. 1776, Feb. 15, d. 1852, July 30, m. 1802, May 15, Amy Stark (dau. of Col. Amos), b. 1779, July 20, d. 80 Nov., 1848 ; had ch.: 1. Nerrser W., b. 1803, Oct. 8, d. 21 April, 1828, unm.; 2. Amoss, b: 1805, May 19, unm.; 38. MaRcaRerta, b. 1807, Oct. 8, m. John McDonald; 4. Marta, b. 1810, April 18, d. 14 Oct., 1884, m. first, Matthias Dufford (s. of Jacob); second, Morris Naughright ; 5. CLaRIssy, b. 1812, June 30, d. 28 Aug., 1831, m. Rockhill Robeson; 6. SARAH ELISABETH, b. 1815, June 20, m. William B. Van Derveer ; 7. StaTES NELSON, b. 1818, April 15, m. Lydia Ann Sharp (dau. of John, 3d); 8. JamMES Stewart, b. 1820, Sept. 28, m. Angeline T. Vernoy; had one son, Richard. (V). ANDREW, b. 1778, Oct. 8, m. Maria Hager (s. of Capt. John); had ch.; 1. MarcGaret BERILDA, b. 1807, Nov. 30, m. first, Andrew Trimmer (s. of John); second, George Dufford ; 2. JacoB A., b. 1812, May 8, m. Mary A. Trimmer (dau. of William), and had ch.. (1). Elisabeth, m. first, Samuel Welsh ; second, Rance Hann Gray; 2). Ann, m. a Whitfield, of Peapack ; (8). John, m. Eliza Willet (dau. of Elipalet C.); (4). David, m. Amanda Hill; (5) Silas Neighbor, m. Susan Neighbor (dau. of Leonard G.); 3. JoHN Hacer, b. 18'6, May 28, m. Margaret Weise (dau. of William), and had : (1). Edward, m. Phebe Vernoy (dau. of Nathan); (2). Andrew, unm.: (3). Henry, unm.; (4). Merinda, m. William Miller (son of of John); (5). John, m. Ellen Van Dyke; (6). Jesse, m. Ella Neigh bor (dau. of Silas); 7. Elisabeth, m. John T. Naughright (s. of Jacob); (8). Jacob, unm.; (9). Mary, m Jacob Weise (s. of Philip Seneca); 4. Awnwa, m. Hager Sharp (s. of John); 5. LAWRENCE, unm.; 6., WILLIAM, m. Margaret Weise (dau. of Geo.), and had one child, Lydia; 7 Morris, m. Mary Sharp (dau. of John), res. near Hackettstown); 8. ELISABETH, unm.; 9. Mary, m. Anthony Trimmer (s. of Matthias, 2d). (VI). Anna, b. 1781, Aug. 20, m. 1853, March 1, Cadwallader Smith. WELSCH, JOHANNES WILHELM WELSCH, b. 1719, Oct. 15, d. 1805, July 22, m. Maria Elisabeth Nachbar (Neighbor), dau. of Leonard 1st ; bought 30 May, 1750, 258 acres of land in German Valley of William Logan for £122 and 15 shillings. Johannes Wilhelm Welsch and Johannes Michael Welsch land at Phila., 27 Sept., 1741. Johannes Wilhelm and Johannes Jacob Welsch, arrive at Phila. 30 Aug., 1737. A JOHN and a JACOB WELSCH sign resolutions to Rev. Jacob Lischy, York, Pa., 1754, Jan.1. There was a Michael and also a Jacob Welsh probably brothers of John William, who appear on the records, but nothing is known of their families ; John William left will, prob. 1805 ; one of the first elders in German Reformed Church ; had ch. (order uncertain) : WELSCH 559 iL WILLIAM, “JR.” b. 1747, d. 1821, m. Dorothea Scharpenstein (dau. of Morris 1st); his will was prob. 1821, Sept. 17; had ch. (order uncertain): (). Jonny Jacos, b. 1771, Aug. 25, m. Catherine Crater ; had ch.: 1. WinL1aM, b. 1795, Oct. 9, m. Margaret Drake. EsTuER, b. 1806, Aug. 7, m. Wm. Sutton. Jutia ANN, m. Wm. G. Eick. . JACOB, b. 1810, May 5, m. Amanda Gulick (dau. of Joachim) ; (when Jacob was baptised ‘“ wife was deceased”). (Il). Anwa Marta, b. 1773, Dec. 17. (II). Morrrz, b. 1774, Dec. 16, m, Margaret Cramer ; inherits a farm at Lebanon, purchased of Dan. Laich and his wife Margaret; had ch.: 1. Davip, m. Jane Hoppler, rem. to Hunterdon Co.; 2. MATTHIAS C., b. 1807, m. Susan Pace, res. in Hunterdon Co.; had ch.: (1). Philip, m. Harriet Starkweather ; (2). Lowisa, unm.; (8). Matthias unm.; (4). Margaret Jane, unm.; 3. Morris SHARP, m. Ann Heg- gens (2); 4. WILLIAM, m. —— Hall (2); 5. Joan, m. Ann Low; 6. PuHiuip A., m. a Studdebekker, rem. to Indiana; 7. PeTER Hay- WARD, died young, unm.; 8. Dororuy, b. 1797, June 26, m. David Conover ; 9. Mary, m. George Jones ; 10. ELISABETH, m. Thomas Jobes. (IV). ExisaBeru, b. 1776, Dec. 10, m. David Miller ; inherits one-half of the farm at Fox Hill, Mud Street, “got of my father.” (V). JOHN, b. 1781, Feb. 7,m. Ann Sharp (dau. of Morris). (VI). Davin, b. 1783, May 15, m. (1) Elisabeth Sharp dau. of Wm. C.); (2) —— —; went West in 1815; hadch.: 1. Jacob Sharp, b. 1812, ' May 19, m. Isabel Larason (dau. of Wm.); 2. William, drowned ; 3. Mary, m. Rev. W. A. H. Nelson. (VII). DororHEa, m. Nathan Stiger (s. of Baltis), of Clinton. (VITI). WinLiaM. II. DAVID, b. 1757, d. 1830, m. Anna Maria Scharpenstein (dau. of Morris 1st); no children ; elder in the church ; member of Council (or Senator) ; the most prominent man in the Valley in his day ; public spirited and liberal. III. PHILIP, b. 1767, Sept. 7, d. ——, m. 1789, Dec. 22, Susanna Lerch, b. 1772, d. 1852, Dec. 18 ; had ch.: (). EvisaBetaH, b. 1791, m. Jacob Swackhamer (s. of John, Sr.). (IT). Jacogp, b. 1793, m. first, Susan Couse (dau. of John); second, Catherine Kern (dau. of Philip); had ch. by first wife: 1. Mary, b. 1816, Nov. 9, m. David Swacknamer (2d wife), s. of Frederick ; 2. EMILY, m. Isaac Roloefson (s. of David); 3. Joan Cousz, m. Elisabeth A. Trimmer (dau. of Matthias); elder of Presbyterian Church of German Valley for many years ; President of the Hack- ettstown bank; had ch.: (1). Jacob W., m. Emma Latourette (dau. of Obadiah); has two ch., John C. and Lizzie ; (2). Matthias T.,m. Mary Hager (dau. of Jacob Miller); has three sons Christie, 2. Maria Marcarerta, b. 1797, Jan. 2, m. David Terriberry. 3. Morris, m. Susanna Felmly. 4. Davin, m. Polly Dean. 5. Isaac. 6. DorotHy, m. John Craig. - 7. 8. 9, 560 Earty Germans or NEw JERSEY Miller H. and Harrison T.; 4. PHinip L., m. first, Mary Elisabeth Dufford (dau. of George); second, Catherine Trimmer (dau. of Gilbert); has Gilbert T., Carrie, Kate and Samuel; 5. Jacos, JR., m. Elisabeth TI. Sharp; 6. CAROLINE, m. W. G. Dufford (Ist. w.) Washington, N. J.; by second wife: 7. SAMUEL, m. Elisabeth Weise (dau. of Jacob A.) 1st husband. (III). Davin, b. 1796, m. Elisabeth Sharp, res. in Morristown ; had ch.. 1, Margaret Ann, m. Nathaniel Dilts ; 2. Mary, m.— Williams; 38. Elisabeth, m. Robert DeRose of Boonton ; 4. Philip ; 5. Susan, unmarried. (IV). MarGare5t, m. George Crater, of Flanders. (V). ANTHONY, m. Elisabeth Voorhees, res. in Succasunna ; no children. (V1). Pariip, m. Catherine Brown, res. in Chester ; no descendants. (VII). Susanna, b. 1807, m. Leonard Neighbor. (VITT. Marta, b. 1816, Nov. 9. IV. LEONARD, m. Elisabeth Roose; Captain in Revolutionary army ; re- markably strong man ; removed to Easton, Pa.; had ch.: (I). ANront, b. 1770, Feb. 2. (II). EvisaBeTH, b. 1774, Dec. 14. (III). Anna ELISABETH, b. 1776, Oct. 1, m. Wm. Emery. (IV). Jonn, b. 1784, Dec. 3, d. 1859, Feb. 4, m. 1805, Dec. Mary Neighbor, dau. of Nicholas (1st), b. 1790, June 4, d. 1887, Feb. 18 ; had ch.: 1. Davip, b. 1806, Dec. 27, m. Julia Ann Lance; had ch.: (1). Euphemia, m. Albert Meuwarren ; (2). Elvira, m. (1) Adam Ross, of Ohio ; (2) John R. Nesbitt, of Mendham ; (3). Mary Elisabeth, m. Thomas 8. Russell ; (4). Alice, m. Richard Craig, of New Ger- mantown ; 2. NICHOLAS NEIGHBOR, b. 1808, Aug. 11, died young ; 3. Maria Ann, b. 1810, May 5, m. Levi Sargeant ; 4. LEONARD, b. 1818, Jan. 31, d. 1882, m. Catherine Sharp (dau. of Abraham); had ch.: Mary Jane, unm.; Helen, m. John Emerson; Annie, m. John Fowler ; 5. Eiiza, m. David Juda, of Ohio ; 6. CAROLINE, m. Thomas Dickerson of Ohio ; 7. Jessn, died at about 19 years ; four girls and three boys died in childhood. V. MARIA, m. Morris Sharp (see Sharp family). VI. ANNA MARGARET, m. Michael Pace (see Pace family). VII. ANNA, m. Anthony Lerch (see Lerch family). VIII. CATHERINE, m. an Oberly. WELLER. GEORGE WELLER came from Germany to Washington twp., Warren Co., N. J.; built a house in 1769 ; had at least I. PETER, b. 24 Jan., 1761, d. 7 March, 1855, m. Catherine Winegardner, b. 1761, d. 28 Feb., 1828; had ch.: 1. Prrer, b. 22 May, 1784, m. Ann Strader (dau. of John), 1 Dec., 1805 ; 2. ELISABETH, b. 1786; 3. GzoRGE, b. 1788; 4. ANN, b. 1793; 5. SamuEL, b. 1795; 6. JosEPH, b. 1797 ; 7. Evisua, b. 1800 ; 8. JEssE, b. 7 Aug., 1804, d. 30 Oct., 1877. Werts 561 WERTS. The genealogy of the Wurts family has been printed for private circulation in a most elegant style. Through the kindness of Rev. Wm. A. Wurts, pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church of Hagaman’s Mills, New York, the writer has been per- mitted to examine a copy of this most interesting publication. The name is vari- ously spelled Wirtz, Wuerts, Werts, &c. WERTS OF SWITZERLAND. The WeERts family can be traced back to ULRIC VON UERKON who lived about. 1250, A. D. He was one of four brothers and married in 1280 the Baroness von Wandelburg. He had three children, Hans, Rudolf and Burckhardt. The youngest of these, BURCKHARDT, lived about 1310, and was chief magistrate of Uerikon. He m. Verena, only child cf Heini Wirz, one of the sons of Hermann of Erlenbach, who was his uncle. Burckhardt was called “Burckhardt von Wirz von Uerikon,” ‘‘ Burckhardt von Uerikon,” ‘Burckhardt Wirz.” He had chil- dren, Heinrich, Hans, Rudolf and Conrad. HEINRICH, eldest son of Burckhardt, lived about 1365-1380 ; married Adelheid von Cham ; was chief magistrate of Uerikon in 1365 ; owned property at Erlenbach and Zurich. About this time the titular ‘von Uerikon drops out of sight in connection with the name of Wirz. The children of Heinrich were Burckhardt and Walter. BURCKHARDT, 2p, eldest son of Heinrich lived about 1420 and married Eliza- betha Stucki. He was chief magistrate of Uerikon and had children : Jacob, Hans and Heinrich. HEINRICH, the third and youngest son of Burckhardt, lived about 1470, married first, Agnes Von Cham in 1498 ; second, Verena Wedischwiler. He was chief magistrate of Uerikon and almoner of the princely abbey of Einsiedeln. Hein- rich and his two brothers received, in 1492, letters patent of nobility, constitut- ing all three Knights and granting them a coat of arms. A fac-simile of this patent and a reproduction in colors of the escutcheon may be found in the Wurts genealogy. Heinrich had children : by his first wife, Barbara, Regula and Adelheid, and by his second, Jacob, Anna and Verena. JACOB, the only son of Heinrich, was era 1506, and married Margaretha Vach- tigen. He died 1536 and left four children, Caspar, Jacob, Magdalena and Margaretha. CASPAR, eldest son of Jacob, was born 16 April, 1532, married Anna Kleiner, 9 Feb., 1553; was printer ; had children: Hans Rudolf, Hans Jacob, Josias, Heinrich and Julius, Elisabelha, Anna and Catharina. JOHANNES RUDOLF, eldest son of Caspar, was born in 1554, married first, Verena Aeni, 1 June, 1577 ; second, Dorothea Richtmann, 30 June, 1602 ; had thirteen children ; by his first wife, Hans, Hans Jacob, Franz, Hans Ulrich and Johannes and Catharina ; by his second, Hans, Hans Ludwig, Barbara, Elizabetha and Regina. FRANZ, third son of Johannes Rudolph, was born 1581, m. first, 15 Oct., 1603, Margaretha Horner ; second, January, 1620, Anna Keller ; he died 4 Oct., 1658; had children : jonas Conrad, Franz, Caspar, Bans Rudolph, deeb Caspar, Anna, Barbara, Margaretha and Anna Catharina (twins), and Margaretha 2d. JOHANNES CONRAD Ist, the eldest son of Franz, was born 20 May, 1606, d. 1667; 562 Earty GerMans oF New JERSEY he was the great-grandfather of Rev. John Conrad of New Jersey, was born 1606, d. 1667 ; ordained March 16, 1628, pastor of the ‘‘Church of the Holy Spirit” at Zurich, Switzerland. JOHN CONRAD WIRTZ 2d, son of the above, was born 1631, died 1682 and 17 Jan., 1654, took the Synodical oath and became Verbi Dei Minister. He was made ‘Field Preacher,” 1656 ; pastor of Uerikon, 1658 ; of Reichtenweil, 1661 ; deacon of the ‘‘ Church of the Holy Spirit” at Zurich, 1668 ; first arch deacon, 1680 ; aedile, 1680. JOHN CONRAD WIRTZ 3d, father of our pastor cf New Jersey, was born 1661, d. 1730 ; ordained, 1682; pastor same year of St. Peter’s in Zurich ; at Neu- kirch, 1685 ; at Kloten, 1691 ; deacon at Silberschild 15 Jan., 1704 ; first arch deacon, 1709 ; pastor Kerensen, Switerland, 1709. WERTS OF NEW JERSEY. REV. JOHN CONRAD WIRTZ, pastor in New Jersey, was the fifth son of the above and was born in Zurica, Switzerland, 30 Nov., 1706. His eldest brother, Jacob, was invited to become court preacher at Wurtemberg. John Conrad when a young man entered the service of the King of the Netherlands as a cadet, but soon abandoned the military profession and returned to his native city, Zurich, where he engaged in the practice of law. In the year 1734 he joined a company of more than 250 people, pious men, women and children, who proposed to settle in America. They left Zurich, 4 Oct., 1734, under the leadership of the Rev. Moritz Goetschi, their destination being ‘“ the Carolinas,” which region they believed (from a certain pamphlet describing the country) to be asecond Canaan. They encountered many hardships on their way from Zurich to Rotterdam, not the least of which were occasioned by the opposition of the Swiss government, who evidently saw that this was the forerunner of a large exodus. After reaching Holland they had many vexatious detentions, and many of the band were scattered, and some returned to Zurich. They did not leave Rotterdam until the following spring, and then circumstances obliged them to change their destination, so that they sailed for Pennsylvania. Dur- ing the detention in Holland John Conrad married Anna, the daughter of the Rey. Moritz Goetschi (or Goetschius). They had a perilous passage of twelve weeks to Philadelphia, where their leader (Rev. M. Goetschi), who had been ill during the voyage, died. Precisely where the band of immigrants made their home a. first, we do not know ; and we lose sight of J. Conrad for a few years. It is probable that he now had his thoughts turned toward the ministry, for which his early education had somewhat fitted him, and to which the traditions of his family led him. Johannes Conrad landed Phila., 1735, May 29; was the first German Reformed preacher in New Jersey of whom we have any knowl- edge ; preacher for the Egypter congregation, Lehigh Co., Penn., from 1742 to 1744; preacher at Saucon and Schuygenhaus (Springfield) at least as early as 1747; came to New Jersey to Rockaway (Lebanon) and German Valley, before 1750 , ordained by Presbytery of New Brunswick, 5 June, 1752; rem. to Pa. 1761, d. York, Pa., 1763, Sept. 80, ; had ch.: I. ANNA MARIA MAGDALENA, bap. Christ Church, Phila., 1785, Aug. 20, three days old. II. JOHN, b. 1744, June 30, d. at Flanders, N. J., 1798, Sept. 14, m. Sarah Grandin (dau. of Samuel), 1775, June 8 : could not speak English at six- teen years of age ; his marriage objected to by the Grandin family on WeErTS 563 . account of his loyalty to the American cause ; was a successful iron man- ufaeturer and accumulated a large fortune for that day ; was a proprie- tor of several forges ; settled at Flanders, Morris Co., N. J.; had ch.: (@). Samu, Granny, b. at New Germantown, N. J., 1775, Sept. 21, d. at his brother’s house at Montville, N. J., 1884, Dec., m. Rebecca Hooper who d. 1837, July 13; in the U, S. Navy and took an active part in the seige of Tripoli ; at about 19 years of age went to Mer- cer Co., Pa., and undertook the management of a furnace owned by his father ; made his home there; had ch.: 1. ANNA, b. ‘1808, Sept. 8, d. 1875, Sept. 5, m. Benjamin King ; had ch.: Rebecca, Sarah and Mary E.; 2. GEORGE, b. Fayette Co., Pa., 1810, Mar. 8, d, 1869, April 9, at Wurtland, Ky.,m. Mary Ann Peters ; had ch.: Sarah, Rebecca, Alice, Ann, Samuel G., Mary, George, John ; 3. + SAMUEL GRANDIN (Jr.), b. Laurel Furnace. Pa., 1812, Feb. 11, d. 1880, Jan. 9, at Wurtland, Ky.; m. Matilda Cartwright ; had ch.: Ann Eliza, George, Wiltiam, Mary, Matilda, Isabell, Lucy ; 4. WIu114M, b. Laurel Furnace, Pa., 1816, Nov. 16, d. Maysville, Ky., 1876, July 31, m. Lucy Mary Johnson ; had one child, Harriet ; 5. Saag, b. 1818, July 5, d. 1869, Nov. 21, m. Samuel Rogers ; had no children ; 6. Mavricz, d. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1835, Nov. 1, unm.; 7. Susan, b. Laurel Furnace, Pa., 1820, Feb. 27, m. Samuel Swop and had one child, Martha ; 8. REUBEN, d. 1832, Oct. 10; 9. JoHN. Werts oF Montviitzg, N. J. «(I]T). GEGRGE, b. at Lamington, N. J., 1777, June 29, d. N. Y. City, 1835, March 8, m. Abigail Pettit (dau. of Amos); studied medicine under Dr. Hunt, of Newton, N. J., and afterwards settled at Montville, N. J.; had a large and laborious practice, which extended into Essex and Bergen counties ; was a man of remarkable physical strength : died after a long illness of an injury caused by his horse falling upon him ; hadch.: 1. Jonn Jacos, b. at Longwood, N. J., 1801, Feb. 2, d. at Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1836, Nov. 4, m. 1827, Sept. 10, Ann Barbara Norris ; had ch.; Henry, George, Harriet and Eliza Ann ; 2. Etiza Ann, b. Flanders, N. J., 1802, April 25, d. Lucerne, N. Y., 1881, Aug. 12, m. Lorenzo A. Sykes ; had one dau. who m. Rob. H. Atwater ; 3. GEORGE, b. Montville, N. J., 1803, Dee. 14, m. 1831, Sept. 15, Harriet Thorp ; physician at Freeport, Tll.; had ch.: Martha A., Augustus Sykes, Harriet, Caroline L., George Alexander, Elisabeth Ann, Amy, Maurice, Matilda, Wal. ter, George Edward and Ida; 4. WILLIAM Ist, b. Montville, N. J., 1806, Aug. 19, d. 1808, Oct. 16; 5. Maurice, b. Montville, N. J., 1808, April 9, d. Washington, D. C., 1873, April 17, m. 1845, Aug. 28, Matilda widow of his brother Alexander ; had ch.: Alice A., Lucy S. and Robert Anderson; 6. W1LLIaM 2d, b. Montville, N. J., 1809, Nov. 25, d. Carbondale, Pa., 1858, July 15, m. Lucretia Jeannette Lathrop, 1836, March 17; had ch.: George L., Helen S., Harriet L., Theodore F., Eliza A., William A., Frederick H., and George A.; 7. ALFRED Pertit, b. Montville, N. J., 1811, May 24, d. Beloit, Wis., 1879, Aug. 5, m. Sarah Elisabeth Smith ; had -ch.: Francis N., Albert S. and Emma Paul ; 8. ALEXANDER, b. o 564 EarLty GERMANS OF New JERSEY Montville, 1813, April 6, d. Shawneetown, Ill., 1840, Sept. 28, m. _ Matilda Sykes, 1839, Nov. 6 ; had no children ; 9. EstHerR Maria, b. Montville, N. J., 1815, May 18, d. 1821, Oct. 15; 10. CAROLINE Ist, b. 1817, Sept. 17, d. 1819, July 27; 11. CHaRLEs, b. 1819, June d, 1819, Aug. 9; 12. CAROLINE 2d, b. Montville, d. New Haven, Conn., 1887, Sept. 21 ; 18. CHARLES PEMBERTON, b. Montville, 1824, Jan. 4, m. Laure, dau. of John Clarkson Jay, M. D., of Rye, N. Y. 1854, Feb. 8 ; has children, John, Rudolf, Charles P., Alexander, Martha H., Pierre J. (III). Danret, b. Flanders, N. J., 1779, Aug. 9, d. 1841, May, m. 1806, July 5, Phebe Wade (dau. Jonas and Rhoda), b. Connect. Farms, Essex Co., N. J.; entered the navy in his youth and afterwards engaged in mercantile business in New York city ; in 1818 rem. to Louis- ville, Kentucky ; about 1838 rem. to the vicinity of Philadelphia ; had ch.: Maria W., William A., Edward, Charles, Sarah, Har- riette and Maurice A. (IV). Joun 1st, b. Flanders, N. J., 1781, May 3, d. 1792, Sept. 15. WERTS OF PHILADELPHIA. (V). Maurice, b. Flanders, N. J., 1788, June 16, d. unm. 1855, Dec. 29; left his brother’s house at Montville at 18 years of age to walk to Phila.; obtained an humble position in a dry goods store, in which he soon rose to become a partner in the business ; took his brother William into the business ; about 1812 went to Europe for his health ; contracted to deliver goods to the government for which he received in part payment about 70,000 acres of land in Penn. ; with his brothers William and John procured a charter from the Legislature of New “York for the Delaware and Hudson Canal ; spent 18 months near Carbondale, Pa., where he looked after the opening of mines and experimented upon the use of coal as a fuel ; rode 150 miles to Albany to procure a grate and succceding in making a coal fire he had 50 tons of coal hauled over the moun- tains to the Delaware river and transported it upon a raft down the river to Philadelphia. This was in the year 1824; lived at Rondout as agent of Delaware and Hudson Canal Company. (VI). Anna, b. at Flanders, N. J., 1785, July 22, m. Thos. Young ; no ch. (VII). Wit11aM, b. Flanders, N. J., 1788, May 6, d. 1858, Dec. 25, m. first, Anna Lentz (dau. of Thomas of Phila.); second, Elisabeth Tate ; partner of his brother Maurice at Phila. until 1832, when he rem. to N. Y. city as agent of the firm ; in a few years retired with large wealth to Trenton, where he died ; took great interest in the history of his family and was the instigation of the thorough research which resulted in the valuable and interesting genealogy _ of the Wurts family ; hadch.: 1. Henry ; 2. AuGuUsTUS ; 3. CAR- OLINE, b. 1815, Aug., d. 1850, Feb. 13, m. John R. White of Phila. ; 4. Anna, b. 1817, d. 1874, Nov. 30, m. Charles Wurts (s. of Daniel) ; 5. CORNELIA ; 6. Mary, b. 1824, m. Firmin Consinery, 1847 ; 7. ELISABETH GRANDIN (first child byi2d wife), b. 1832, May 23, m. Dr. Read, of Mt. Holly, N. J.; 8. Manraa Haskins, b. 1833, June 18, d. 1859, Sept. 15, m. Charles Stewart Wurts (s. of Charles W ERTS 565 Stewart), 1858, April 22 ; 9. WrnL1aM, b. 1835, Nov. 4, d. 1886, May; 10, JoHN Francis, b. 1887, April 22, d. 1887, Aug.; 11. Jouw Howanrp, b. 1838, May 22 ; 12. IsanELLA GRAHAM, b. 1840, March 16, d. 1867, March 31, m. Samuel Davis Page ; 18. WILLIAM WIL- BERFORCE, b. 1841, March, m. Anna Lippincott ; changed his name to Wurts-Dundas ; has Ralph and William ; 14. GEORGE WasH- INGTON, b. 1843, March 26, m. Emma Hyde; Secretary Legation, Florence and Rome, Italy, 1869-82 and at St. Petersburg, Russia, from 1883-89, (VII). CHarites Stewart, b. Flanders, N. J., 1790, Aug. 8, d. 1859, June 26, at ——, m. 1826, Aug. 16, Mary Vanuxem (dau. of James of Phila., native of Dunkirk, France); engaged in the dry goods bus- iness with his brother William on Market St. below Fifth in Phila. ; visited Europe to purchase goods ; retired from business in 1845 ; hadch.: Louisa V., Charles S., Henry Martyn, John H., Mary V., Henrietta M. (CX). Joun, b. Flanders, N. J., 1792, Aug. 13, d. Rome, Italy, 1861, April 23, m. Martha Potts, nee Haskins, who died Nice, France, 1871, Jan. 8. He graduated at Princeton College and studied law with Horace Binney in Phila. In 1817 he was elected to the Legislature _of Pennsylvania ; elected to State Senate in 1820 ; to Congress the XIXth, 1824-5 ; U.S. District Attorney for Penn.; in 1831 Presi- dent of Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.; went abroad for his health in 1859. (X). ALEXANDER, b. Flanders, N. J., 1799, graduated from Princeton College, N. J., 1815 ; began the study of law at Phila.; located at Flemington, 1819-20 ; attorney 1820 ; counsellor-at-law 1823 ; mem- ber of assembly, 1824, and also 1828-32; speaker of the house, 1829-32 ; 1844, member and also president of constitutional conven- tion ; same year State Senator from Hunterdon county; 1853, elected to be chief justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey but declined ; was Common Pleas Judge of Hunterdon Co. and Presi- dent of the Board of Managers of the State Asylum of New Jersey; m., 1831, May 26, Mary Bonnell (dau. of Alexander and Catherine), d. 1881, Feb. 16. Alexander is also.said to have been the son of Samuel Grandin, Wurts the first ; had ch.: 1. Louisa VaNnuUxEM, b, 1828, Aug. 19, at Phila., d. at Charleston, S. C., 1877, April 26, m. Robert Lenox Kennedy, 1852, Oct. 19 ; 2. CHARLES STEWART, b. Phila., 1830, April 18, m. first, Martha H. Wurts (dau. of Wil- liam), 1858, April 22; second, Mary Stewart Wood, 1865, Oct. 10 ; she d. 1883, Aug. 17; physician not in practice, Phila., Pa.; has ch.: Mary V., Charles S., Robert K., Anna R., Louisa V. and Doro- thea ; 8. HENRY Martyn, b. 1832, Nov., d. 1839, August ; 4. JOHN Hamiuton, b. 1836, d. same year ; 5. Mary Vanuxem, b. 1838, May 22, d. 1875, May 15, unm.; 6. HeNRizTTA Martyy, b. 1842, Sept. 23, d. 1874, Dec. 23, unm. WERTS OF NEW PALTz. Il. GEORGE, b. 1746, June 5, d. New Paltz, N. Y., 1802, April 20, m. Esther Hasbrouck (dau. of Maj. Jacob, of New Paltz); probably went to Néw EarLy GERMANS OF New JERSEY York with his uncle Rev. Henricus Goetschius, D. D., who was called to~ preach at New Paltz; studied medicine and was probably one of the first’ regular physicians in that vicinity ; had ch.: 1. Jacos, b. 1776, Sept. 29, d. 1846, April 18, m. first, Catherine Dubois; second, Maria Hoornbeck ; had George, Mathusalem, Gertrude J., David and Maurice ; and by his second wife, Cornelius, Catherine © and Ann. ; 2. JANE, b. 1779, July 25, d. 1845, Sept. 20, m. John Elting ; had ch.: Blandina, Esther, Catharine, George and Anna Maria. 3. Maunririvs, b. 1785, Dec. 29, d. 1826, Mar. 11, m. Maria Jansen ; had . ch.: Esther, Catherine, Elisabeth, Jansen, John H., M. G. and. Anna Maria. 4, CATHERINE, m. John J. Deyo, New Paltz, d. 1836, Nov. 16, had daughters, Esther, m. Lyman Bates and Catherine Jane, m. Wade - Wallace. WERTS OF HUNTERDON Co., N. J. III. PETER, m. 1774, Feb. 3, Eleanor (‘‘ Nelly”) Roelofsen (dau. of Hermanes) ; had children (according to records Reformed church, Lebanon, N. J.). (). Anna Marta, b. 1775, Feb. 23. (I). HerManss, b. 1776, Oct. 5, m. Jemima Wilmot ; had ch.: 1. PETER, b. Somerville, N. J., 1804, d. Bordentown, N. J., Sept., 1882, m. Mary Vanatta (dau, of Stephen, brother to Joshua and father to the Hon. Jacob Vanatta of Morristown); had ch.: (1). Jane, died at 16. (2). Mehetabel, unmarried. (3). Rachel, m. Henry Brown, res. on Nantucket Island. (4). George Theodore, b. at Hackettstown, N. J., 24 March, 1846; admitted to the bar, 1867; Mayor of Morristown, 1886-90 ;. Senator of New Jersey, 1886-1892; Judge of Court of Appeals; Governor of New Jersey, 1893. (5). Rose. 2. THEODORE: 3. AULEY ANN, m. Samuel Harris. (IIT) MarGaRet, b. 1778, Oct. 8. ji (IV). CATHERINE, b. 1781, Aug. 22, m. Joshua Vanatta (s. of Stephen %). (V). JoHN, b. 1783, d. 29 July, 1850, m. first, 1807, Betsey Moore ; second Lucy Bedell ; hadch: (1). Stephen M., b. 18 Oct., 1807, d. 1 Nov., 1871, m. first, Mary Cost ; second, Kate M. Coe, and had 5 children; (2). Peter R., b. 14 June, 1809, d. Sept., 1868, m. Lydia Wood, and had two ch.; (8). Mary H., b. 18 Aug., 1811, d. 20 Jan., 1812 ; (4) Susan Ann, b. 2 Dec., 1812, m. Elisha M. Holmes, d. April, 1887 ; (5). Caleb H., b. 18 Dec., 1815, m. first, Martha Waterbury; second Juliette Thompson ; third, Eveline Ferguson, d. 1 Oct., 1871, and had six children ; (6). Charles J., b. 6 March, 1816, m. Sarah Shekel, d. 1 July, 1885, and had two ch.; (7). Sarah, b. 23 March, 1821, m. John Hendrick and had twelve ch.; (8). Rosetta, b. 17 Feb., 1823, m. Dr. J. Q. Howe, d. 27 Jan., 1845; (9). Helen, dau. John Wurts and Lucey Bedell, b. 7 April, 1843, m. Everett Eugene: Breed ; no children. WeERTS—WILDRICK—WILEY 567 (VI). Satiy, m. William Wise, of German Valley. IV. MAURICE, b. 1749, July 22, d. 1797, Aug. 25, m. Sarah Williamson ; sup- posed to have lived in Amwell, N. J., as his children were all born in that locality ; had ch.: (). Marcaret Wiuramson, b. 1780, June 15, d. 1865, July 3, m. 1799, June 6, Thomas Austie. (I). Anna, b. 1783, Jan. 25, d, 1861, July 27, m. Samuel Bowen, 1807, Aug. 16. (III). CornsHon, b. 1785, Sept. 5, d. unm. at Cheraw, 8. C., 1824. (IV). Garrer WILLIAMSON, b. 1790, April 23, d. 1790, July 25. = (V). Mary CaMPBELL, b. 1791, Oct. 19, d. 1879, Oct. 4, m. Robert Barns. (VI). CaTHERINE STEVENSON, b. 1793, Sept. 7, d..18%5, Feb. 10. (VII). RacHEL, b. 1795, May 27, d. 1795, July 19. (VIII). Jou, b. 1796, Oct. 15, d. Phila., 1824. JOHN C. WERT (perhaps of another family) of Hunterdon Co., b. 27 May, 1783, d. 23 July, 1841, m. Catharine Runkle, b. 1 Jan., 1799, d. 22 Oct., 1874 ; had ch.: CHRISTIAN, b. 1826 ; EUPHEMIAH, b. 1828 ; Jacop R., b. 1880; Exiza, b. 1835 ; ANANDA, b 1839, d. young ; JouNnC., b. 1842, m. Ann Dufford (dau. of George) ; res. in Hackettstown. : WILHELMUS WIRTZ was a witness to Anthony Dierdorff’s will in Amwell Hunterdon Co., in 1745. ‘ WILDRICK. JOHN WILDRICK (probably Willerick in the original German), b. 1707, d. 27 May, 1798, at 86 ; buried at Stillwater, Warren Co., N. J.; came from Bavaria; said to have died at Perth Amboy; had ch.: I. MICHEL, d. 1 April, 1840, m. three wives, the second of whom was a Hawk, and the third a Vance ; had ch.: 1. SAMUEL, m. Magdalena, and had Michel, b. 20 Feb., 1804; 2. Jonn ; 3. Davip; 4. Jacos; 5. Mary, 6. RACHEL; 7, CATHERINE ; 8. ELLEN; 9, MICHEL, m. Polly, and had Mahala, b. 18 March, 1814; Charlotte Matilda, b. 8 July, 1815, and George Washington, b. 5 April, 1817; 10. ManaLa; 11. MARGARET; 12. GEORGE. II. GEORGE, b. 1768, d. 1 April, 1850, at 82, m. Catherine Ewey ; had ch.: 1. JULIA ; 2, CHARLES ; 3. ABSALOM; 4. Exiz4; 5. ABRAM; 6. Isaac, b.3 March, 1803 ; 7. Sarau, b. 19 Feb., 1805: 8. Marra; 9. JonNn Marvin, b. 10 March, 1811; 10. Wi~u1aMm ; 11. Jacoz, b. 29 March, 1809. III. PHILIP, m. Elisabeth Hoker; had ch.: 1. JosepH; 2. Isaac; 3. CATHERINE, b. 17 Nov., 1803 ; 4. ELISBETH Marta, b. 7 April, 1807. IV. CATHERINE, m. Lawrence Larrison ; had ch.: JOANNA, BETSEY, JOHN and HenRY LARRISON. V. CHARITY, m. a Hawk ; had ch.: KaTE, GEORGE, BETSEY and PETER Hawk. * WILEY. JOHN WILEY, a blacksmith of Irish descent, m. Dorothy Schuyler, from New York State ; had ch.: I. Henry, unm.; II. Witiram, m. Sarah Bird (dau. of Jacob); III. Joan, m. Euphemia Crate ; IV. Jacos, m. Mary Batson (dau. of Lewis); V. NELson, m. Eureny Gibbs ; VI. Sarag, m. Robert Demun ; VII. 568 Earty GERMANS OF NEW JNRSEY ELISABETH, unm.; VIII. Dororay, unm.; IX. Marra, m. Edward O'Donnell. JoHN WILEY, a distiller of New York, bought land in 1746 in New Brunswick. This may have been the ancestor of John above. WILLETT. THOMAS WILLETT, who became the first Mayor of New York after the capture of the city by the English, arrived while yet a young man, in 1629, at Ply- mouth, Mass., from Leyden, in Holland, where he had been sojourning with other Puritans. He was sent the following year to Penobscot, to superintenda trading house, but returned soon after and engaged in the carrying trade be- tween the New England colonies and New Amsterdam, where he is found pos- sessing some landed interests in 1645. He was in subsequent years an active friend to the Dutch, whom he more than once seasonably notified of the de- signs of the English. He was a magistrate of Plymouth from 1651 to 1664, when, at the request of Col. Nichols, he accompanied the expedition of the English against the Dutch colony. On the change of the charter of the city of New York to an English form in 1665, Capt. Willett was appointed its first Mayor, and held that office again in 1667, in the course of which year, it is : presumed, he returned to New England and settled at Rehoboth, or Swansea (now the town of Seconek), Mass, where he died the 3d of August, 1674. [See Boyle’s Hist. Memorial of Plymouth II, 235, 236; New England General Register IX, 318 ; Valentine's Manual of the City of New York}. A certain ToBBIE WILLETT and ANN WILLETT leave London for America on the 22d of June, 1632. The Memorial Hisiory of New York says: ‘Capt. Thomas Willett, d. 1674, Aug. 4, at 64 years of age. His property in New York was confiscated 1673 by the Dutch; he is buried in Little Neck Burying Ground, within the limits of East Providence, Rhode Island.” Capt. Thomas Willett m. Mary Brown (dau of John, of Plymouth), 6 July, 1636. He had ch.: I. Cot. THOMAS, res. in New York in 1667 ; had at least two sons, WILLIAM and THOMAS. Il. JAMES, who lived at Narragansett. TI. ANDREW. IV. SAMUEL. V. HEZEKIAH, killed by the Indians 26 June, 1676. VI. HESTER, m. John Suffin. VII. REBECCA, m. Samuel Hooker. SAMUEL WILLET (probably the grandson of Capt. Thomas), appears in New Jersey in 1700, and he is the Samuel of Monmouth Co., whose son WILLIAM re- ceives letters of administration upon his father’s property 1762, Oct. 4. This Samuel may have been the father of WiLuLi1am, who owned the fording place on the Black (or Lamington) River. WILLIAM WILLETT, owned the mill at Pottersville. In Tewksbury Town- ship Book, 1757, William Willett’s fording place is mentioned. He carted grain for the Continental army, and received his pay in Continental money, the depreciation of which ruined him ; removed to New York State with all. his family but one son and two daughters. There were other Willets in the northern part of Somerset Co., who may have been related to William. These were: JONATHAN ; THOMAS, of Warren twp., whose will prob. 3 Jan., 1832, WILLETT—WILLS 569 leaves a sawmill to his son David, and a gristmill to his son John. A PETER WILteEtT is in Tewksbury twp. as early as 1757. There was also a SAMUEL, of Readington, who m. 28 Nov., 1752, Sarah Tilton, of Freehold, N. J. WiLL1am left behind him in New Jersey one son, WILLIAM WILLET, 2d, b. 1761, d. 1827, at Bedminster, N. J.; his will was prob. 3 Jan., 1827 ; he married 16 Feb., 1786, Penelope Wyckoff (dau. of Simon); had ch, (in the order of the will): I. SAMUEL, M. D., of German Valley, m. Sarah Carlisle (dau. of John);. had EvipHALETC., M. D., m. (1) a Kerns ; (2) Emana Malvina Trimmer (dau. of William Y.).. II. CORNELIUS, m. (1) Mary McKinstry ; (2) Margaret Castner ; lived at Pottersville. III. ISAAC, 27 Feb. 1817, m. Margaret Derenberger. IV. SARAH, unm. : V. WILLIAM M., b. 10 Sept., 1786, m. 28 Nov., 1814, Mary Carlisle (dau. of Robert, 2d, and cousin to Sarah), b. 10 Feb., 1796. VI. HANNAH, m. Jacob Trimmer (s. of J ohn). VII. JOHN, not named in his father’s will ; moved to Albany, N. Y. JOSEPH WILLETTS, lived on West Jersey Society lands in 1735, but nothing more is known of him. WILLS. DANIEL WILLS, of Burlington Co., mentioned in will of his son John. The first of the name is said to be David who came over in the Mayflower in 1620; left one son, Joseph, in England, and had a son, Dr. John, who came about 1660 to Burlington and laid out Philadelphia for Wm. Penn in 1683. With this tradi- tion compare the following : JOHN, son of Daniel, b. 1659, dates his will, Northampton, Burlington Co., N. J., 17 Sept., 1745, “‘at 86 years of age”; prob. 26 Feb., 1746 (Trenton, Lib. 5 fol. 308); names six children : I. DANIEL, m. Elisabeth ; his will Northampton, Burlington, Co., N. J., 11 Oct., 1759, prob. 9 Dec., 1760 ; names ch.: (I). DANIEL. GD. JonaTHan. (III). Mary Buzzy (w. of Will.) (IV). Joun. (V). AaRON. (VI). Moszs. (VII). Hops, wife of Benjamin Lippincott. (VIII). Hannau, wife of Caleb Lippincott. II. JOHN. III. JAMES, m. Sarah ; perhaps had inn at Roxbury in 1746 ; ‘‘ James Wolls” surveyor of roads, Roxbury twp., Morris Co., 1744; ‘‘James Walls” assessor, 1745, of Roxbury twp.; had ch. at least Jacob and Samuel. SAMUEL, son of James ; his will 4 July, 1793, prob. 18 May, 1798, names wife Rebecca, ‘‘my father James,” and ch. (order uncertain): I. JAMES. II. THOMAS, b. 20 Nov., 1764, d. 8 April, 1814, m. Susan Sayre (dau. of Sam.) 5 March, 1790; had ch.: (Tl). SAMUEL, b. 5 March, 1791, d. 17 Nov., 1837. 570 Ear_y GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY (II). Exiza, b. 7 May, 1794, m. Daniel Cary, of Roxbury. (III). Jonny, b. 20 Nov., 1796, m. Martha J. Seward (dau. of Col. John) ;. had a son J. Seward Wills, of Stanhope. : (IV). James, b. 39 Nov., 1798. (V). AaRoN, b. 4 Nov., 1800. (VI). Ropert, b. 18 March, 1804, unmarried. - (VID. REBEcoA, b. 27 Dec., 1807, m. Jacob Lawrence, of Stanhope. III. SAMUEL, m. Sarah Hunt; res. at Mt. Olive. IV. EUNICE, m. Abraham Hunt of Sussex Co.* V. NANCY, m. Abraham Cooper, of Chester. VI. JEMIMA, m. Dr. John W. Liddell, of Mendham. VII. BEULAH, m. John C. Salter, of Fairmount. VIII. MARY, b. 25 May, 1759, d. 30 July, 1850, m. Col. Ebenezer Drake, of Mendam. IX. REBECCA. X. ELISABETH, m. Nathan Cooper (s. of Nathan). MISCELLANEOUS—JAMES, whose will prob. Burlington, 31 March, 1759, names wife Elisabeth and ch.: Lettie Dobbin and Michajah. THOMAS, whose will dated Burlington, 1759, names wife Mury and ch.: Keziah. Mary and William. DANIEL, whose will dated Northampton twp., Burlington Co., 29 Jan., 1742, prob. 5 Dec., 1747 [Trenton Lib. 5 fol. 378] names wife Margaret and ch.: Noah, Richard > (not 21), David, Hannah, Daniel, John, George, Margaret, Hope. DANIEL, whose will dated Burlington Co., 8 April, prob. 23 Oct., 1764, names wife Meribah and ch.. Jacob, James, Samuel, Mary, Beulah. WINTERIIUTE. JOHN GEORGE WINTERMUTE, b. May 11, 1711, in Punestadt, Germany; came to America in 1786, m. 1739, Mary Elis. Bernhart, b. Aug. 5, 1721, at the Ker- zenheim, Grafscaft Bolanden, Europe, came to America with her father and two sisters 1731,d. Feb. 15, 1800, at 78 ; naturalized, 1764, George Wintermude ; d. Dec. 18, 1782, at 74 yrs., 3 mos. and 8 days; and had three sons and three daughters. He is said to have lived on a farm on the Paulinskill, bought by his father-in-law (J. P. Bernhart) for his daughter ; J. P. Bernhart came from Philadelphia 1742. Peter W. Wintermute (prob. John George is meant) is. said to have built the first fulling mill in Sussex about 1770. It was one-half mile below Stillwater, and was in the possession of the family for forty years. Tuomas (s. of Peter) was chief in the management of the mill and lived in an old stone house near the graveyard, and also kept a store in part of it. (Hist. of Sussex and Warren Counties, p. 380). The children of John George were : I. M. C. E., b. Nov. 11, 1740, d. Jan. 29, 1748. II. M. J.,b May 27, 1744, d. Jan. 31, 1748. III. JOHN, b. 1756, d. at 54, 1810, m. Margaretha Couse ; had ch.. (I) CATHERINE, b. Oct. 28, 1783. (II). ‘‘ BERNHARD.” (III). Jacos. IV. PETER, m. Esther Rhodes ; had ch.: (). JoHN GEorGE, b. March 9, 1782, m. Magdalena Stahley: had ch.: 1. Jacob Stahley, b. July 17, 1804; 2. Abram Shaffer, b. Feb. 20, 1807; 3. Isaac, b. Aug. 25, 1810 ; 4. Esther. b. Feb. 7, 1812; 5. Margaret WINTERMUTE—WIRE 571 Elis., b. April 30, 1817; 6. Elsy Ann, b. July 19, 1818; 7%. Fred’ Chris, John, b. Dec. 28, 1819. (I). PETER, rem. to Illinois, m. Rachel Shackelton ; had ch.: 1. Robert Shackelton, b. Aug. 4, 1813 ; 2, Joseph Rhodes, b. Feb. 16, 1816 ; 3. Benjamin Shackelton, b. March 17, 1820. (II). Josrps. (IV). WiLLiam. (V). CHARLES, m. Susannah ; had ch.: 1. Will. Shotwell, b. Sept. 30,. 1810; 2. Joseph Rhodes, b. Oct. 25, 1811; 3. Rosetta Arrison, b. Sept. 19, 1813 ; 4. Hugh, b. April 18, 1816. (VI). THomas. V. JOHN GEORGE, a carpenter and wood-carver, located about 1800 where. his grandson Jeptha lives (1881), on a large tract bought of Jeptha Arri- son, surveyor, said to have contained 700 acres in Stillwater township ;. m. Anne, or Nancy, as name appears-on records in 1788 ; had ch.: (I). JOHANNES, b. Oct. 15, 1780, m. Sarah ; had ch.: 1. Mary Ann, b. Oct. i2, 1806 ; 2. Robert Shackelton, b. Nov. 2, 1808. ; (I). PETER, b. August 17, 1782, m. Catherine [Snover 7]; had ch.: 1. Mar- garetha Conck, b. July 14, 1806 ; 2. George Barnard, b. Nov. 20,, 1807; 83. Fred. Snowver, b. Sept. 5, 1809 ; 4. Jeptha Arrison, b. May 17, 1811? 5. Nancy, b. April 15, 1818 ; 6. Isaac, b. Sept. 9, 1815 ; 7. Catherine, b. Nov. 24, 1817; 8. Mary Cook, b. March 18. 1820. VI. MARGARET, m. Oct. 2, 1796, A. Dodderer. VII. ELIZA, m. April 13, 1797, John Hankinson. VIII. CATHERINE, unmarried in 1782. LEONARD WINTERMOOT, of Sussex Co., perhaps a brother of George, m. Phebe Comstock ; his will, dated March 29, 1810, prob. March 14, 1811, at New- ton, N. J., names ch:: I. MARY. Il. JOHN, m. Apelonia (‘‘ Ploney”) Westfall ; had ch.: 1. MaRGARET, b. May 27, 1792 ; 2. LEonaRD, b, June 18, 1794 ; 8. Merriam, b. Aug. 12, 1796. Ill. PHILLIP, m. Anna Middaugh, witness with his w. 1789; had child, Mary, b. Jan. 5, 1795. IV. ELIS., m. John Appelman; had ch.: MarGarer, b. Sept. 6, 1792; : S§ussanna, b. Sept. 2, 1794, and another bap. 1798 V. PETER, b. July 6, 1774, m. Sarah Kizer [Keiser]. VI. SUSANNAH, b. May 2, 1776; had ch.: 1. Exias: 2. BENJAMIN; 3. JACOB. VII. JULY, b. Oct. 15, 1780. VIII. SARAH, b. Jan. 14, 1782. IX. RODY, had ch.: 1, ELIsaBETa, b. Jan. 5, 1792 ; 2. ANOTHER, bap. 1797. X. MARGERY, b. April 20, 1784. WIRE. CONRAD WIRES [Weyer or Wire], whose will dated Easton, Pa., 7 Nov., 1788, prob. 15 Feb., 1791, names ch.: JOHN, ConraD, WILLIAM, JULY, wife of Nico- las Canmer ; Mrs. ANDREW RIPLE; Eves, w. of George Hardy ; Ann, w. of William Widener. 572 : Ear.ty GERMANS OF NEW JERSEY WILLIAM WEYER [or Wire], perhaps s. of Conrad ; had ch. (perhaps) : I. WILLIAM, Jr., m. Elisabeth and had 1. Jacos, b. 14 Sept. 1772 5 2. ANNA CHRISTENA, b. 15 Oct., 1776 ; 3. JoHN, b. 10 March, 1779 ; 4. Hans PeTer b. 14 Oct., 1781; 5. DANIEL, b. 16 Jan., 1786; 6. Eva, b. 20 April, 1795. | Il. JOHN HERMET, m. Anna Maria; hadch.. 1. ANNA Maria, b, 18 May 1773. III. PETER, m. Anna Barbara Bihm. WOLF. GEORGE WOLF, b. 1787, d. 16 Sept., 1789 ; bur. at Pleasant Hill; prob. had ch.: I. JOHN, b. 15 Feb., 1761, d. 4 May, 1823 ; his will dated Roxbury, 5 April, 1823, names wife Nancy Corzat, b. 1764, d. 6 Dec., 1851, and ch.: (D. GEoreE, d. 27 May, 1844. (II). AueusTinE, [Augustus], b. 18 Aug., 1794, d. ——; m. Clarissa. Sal- mon (dau. of William), b. 2. Aug., 1796; had ch.: . ALMIRA, b. 31 Oct., 1825, m. William Bartley (s. of Hugh). . MALINDA, b. 11 Dec., 1828. . JOHN §S., b. 26 Aug., 1831, m. Emma Lyon ; rem. to Wayne Co., Pa. . GEORGE, b. 8 May, 1834, d. unm. . Euretta A., b. 4 April, 1838, d. 31 March, 1843. . Cyrus A., b. 18 May, 1841, m. Nettie Hilts ; res. at Stanhope. (III). CHRISTOPHER, m. Phebe Douglas. (IV). ELISABETH. (V). Mary. (VI). Lypta. (VII). Jacos, (not mentioned in his father’s will), m. Esther Wire ; res. at ‘ Budd’s Lake ; had ch.: 1. JouN. 2. SAMUEL. 3. Nancy, m. first, a Steel ; second, a Compton. 4. Lucrerra, m. James Dalrymple. 5. 6. Omupowwe CLARRISY, m. Jacob Wack. MIRIAM, m. a Lawrence. 7%. Lypia (dec.), m. —. WILLIAM, of Bedminster, Somerset Co., prob. brother to George of Roxbury ; had ch. at least : I. JAMES, m. Elisabeth Anderson ; had ch.: 1. WILLIAM, m. Maria Quimby (dau. of John); 2. DanIEL, m. Mary Logan (dau. of John); 3. PETER, unm.; 4. GILBERT, m. Phebe Sturgis ; 5. Davip, m. Mary Ann Beck (dau. of John); 6. JANE, m. Peter Z. Smith. II. CORNELIUS LANE, m. 7 March, 1796, Catherine Doty, by Rev. Lemuel Fordham ; had ch.: 1. THOMAS ; 2, SAMUEL; 3. LorrT; 4. ELLEn ; 5. EUPHEMIA. MiscELLANEOUS—JACOB WOOLF, of Bedminster, is given a mortgage by Daniel Lawrence July, 1768, for land prob. near Drakestown. This Jacob is prob. a brother to George and William. The ancestor of this family was probably JOHN AUGUSTUS WOLF, who was born in Loebegin, Germany, and came to New Am- sterdam in 1734, and from there came the same year to this part of New Jersey. WoLr—WooDHULL 573 Family tradition says that three brothers came over together and further research may discover some trace of the other families, or it may be that ‘only George (above) was the son of John Augustus, the emigrant. WOODHULL. The WoopHtLt family were prominent in England, Long Island and New Jer- sey. They trace their descent from the Conquest, 1066. WALTERUS FLAN- DEREMIS had a son Walter, Baron of Wahull. From him the lineage has been traced for twelve or more generations to Richard, who emigrated to this country (Long Island), as early as 1648. He was born at Thenford, Northampton Co., England, in 1620, and d. 1690. Possessed of large wealth he purchased, 1665, one thousand acres, including the site of Brookhaven, L. I. He left a widow, Deborah and three children, Richard, Nathaniel, who d. unm. in 1680, and Deborah, who m. Thomas Lawrence. RICHARD, 2d, son of Richard 1st, b. 1649, had Richard, Nathaniel and Josiah. RICHARD, 3d, son of Richard 2d, b. 1691, d. 1767, had Richard, Mary, John, Capt. Nathan, Stephen, Henry, Phebe. JOHN, son of Richard, 3d, b. 15 Ja., 1719, d. 3 Jan., 1794, had William, John, Caleb, Merritt Smith, Henry, James, Elisabeth, Gilbert, Jeffrey Amhurst, Temperance and Mary. The emigrant Richard left England on account of the part he took in the civil war. His descendants in almost every generation were prominent in the medical prvfession, the legal sphere and the calling of the ministry. Rev. William, of Chester, had a nephew who was a Judge of the Supreme Court, and a brother, Rev. Dr. John Woodhull, who graduated from Princeton College ; was a trustee from 1780-1824; pastor for most of his life of the Presbyterian Church of Freehold, N. J. He had a son Rev. George Spafford Woodhull, and the latter had a son Rev. William Henry Woodhull. WILLIAM, son of John, b. Dec. 3, 1741 (O.S.), d. Chester, Morris Co., N. J., in 1824, aged 83; graduated at Princeton ; member Provincial Congress ; member of the body that formed Constitution of New Jersey, m. Elisabeth Hedges (dau. of William of Easthampton), b. March 27, 1749 ; had ch.: I. WILLIAM, JR., b. June 3, 1768, d.——, m. Ruth Haines (dau. of James 2%); had ch. : i (I). James Harness, b. March 28, 1791, d. —_, m. Harriet Eastbourne, b. Aug. 1, 1789 (no children). (II). Mantua Smit, b. Oct. 12, 1794. (III). ExisaBetH HEDGES, b. Sept. 18, 1796. (IV). Mary Haings, b. Sept. 13, 1798. (V). Saran SpaFFoRD, b. Aug. 28, 1800. (VI). Witu. Hepess, b. Sept. 13, 1802. (VII). Jarep Haines, b. July 24, 1804, d. 1805. (VIII). Janep Harngs, b. May %, 1806. (IX). HutpaH Hows Lt, b. June 19, 1809, d. 1816. (X). A son, born and died 1811. Il, JEREMIAH, b. June 22, 1770, m. Hannah Corwin (dau. of William and Hannah Reeves), b. March 28, 1773 ; had ch.: (). ExisaBeru S., b. Dec. 16, 1795, m. 1815, Peter Brown, b. May 8, 1794 ; had ch.: 1. Catherine, b. July 7, 1816; 2. William Henry, b, 574 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY July 13, 1818. (II). Sarag. (II), Witt1am HEwry. (IV). Nancy C. (V). Mary SopHia. III. ELISABETH, b. Feb. 22, 1772, m. Dr. Joseph Hedges (son of John. of Brookhaven, L. I.). IV. JOHN, b. April 23, 1774, m. Mary Larason, b. Mar. 30, 1777 ; had ch.: (I). Brngamin P., b. May 3, 1797, m. 1819, Mary Lee, b. July 11, 1798; one dau. Mary A. Woodhull. (ID. Wrixiiam 8, (III). ANDREW L. (IV). Joun C. (V). GrorGe SPaFFORD. (VI). CAROLINE SopHtra. (VII). EvisaBetTs H. (VIII). CaLEB GILBERT. ([X). STEPHEN. V. HANNAH SMITH, b. Aug. 22, 1776, m. Richard Hunt, b. June 17, 1773. “VI. HENRY HEDGES, b. July 11, 1779, m. first, Nancy Kirkpatrick (dau. of Will. and Mary of Monmouth Co.); second, Catherine Eoff ; children by first wife : (). Mary Awn, b. Mar. 23, 1803. (I). Nancy Kirkpatrick, b. April 14, 1807; children by second wife : (III). Jonn HepcGes, (or Will. Henry 2%), b. Feb. 5, 1810. (IV). Saran ForMAN, b. Jan. 4, 1812, m. John Grandon (of) Reading (son of Joseph and Eleanor Grandon), uncle to Rev. John Scofield’s wife. “VII. TEMPERANCE, b. Jan. 22, 1782, d. 14 May, 1874, m. William J. Topping; no children. ‘VIII. MARY SOPHIA, b. Sept. 24, 1784, m. Richard Hunt as second wife. IX. MEHITABLE, b. June 26, 1787, m. Jared Haines, b. Nov. 7, 1766. X. CALEB GILBERT, b. Oct. 30, 1792, d. Aug. 8, 1814. . WORTMAN. ‘DIRCK JANSE WOERTMAN, arrived from Holland, 1647, m. Marretje Tunis Denyse ; res. at Brooklyn; prob. had ch.: I. Jan Diacxsen ; II. Pauius Dircxsen, of New York ; III. Teunis (Denys or Neis), of New York, who perhaps m. first, Catherine Sprong; second, Margareta Beekman, 24 May, 1702, and had ch.: 1. Anneke, bap. 7 Sept., 1698; 2 Maretie, bap. 10 Feb., 1703 ; 3. Helena, bap. 24 Dec., 1704 ; 4. Maria, bap. 10 Oct., 1708; 5. Denis, bap. 28 March, 1710; 6. Petrus, bap. 14 May, 1713; 7. Maria, bap. 24 Jan., 1718, ~ JAN DIRCKSEN, son of Dirck Janse, prob. bought 14 Aug., 1701, of John Royse, 1,025 acres on the Raritan. N. J.; prob. had ch.: I, ANDREAS, m. Jannetje and had ch. [Somerville and Readington records] at least: (I). Jan, bap. 7 Feb., 1725 ; (II). AGNietsE, bap. 5 Mar., 1727; (II). THEunts, bap. 20 April, 1729; (IV). ExisaBeTH, bap. 12 May, WortTMAn 575 1734 ; (V). Peter, of Roxbury (see below). II. JAN, had ch. [Somerville records]. (I). Jan, bap. 30 June, 1703. (I). Herutren, bap. 25 Oct., 1704. (I1I). Anna, bap. 30 Oct., 1707. (IV). ABRawaAM, bap. 27 April, 1709. (V). Jan, bap. 25 Oct., 1710. (VI). FEMMETJE [Phebe], bap. 22 Aug., 1716. Il. PETER, perhaps son of Jan Dircksen and perhaps had a son: (1). PETER, prob. the one who m. Margaret ; his will dated Bridgewater April, 1775, prob. 9 Nov., 1776, names two sons and two daughters : 1. Persp, bap. [Somerville records] 380 Nov., 1731, perhaps m. Saartje (Sarah] Van Nest (dau. of John), b. 1741, d. 1771 ; had children (Readington records]: (1). Margaretta, bap. 6 Aug., 1761 ; (2). Maria, bap. 15 April, 1764 ; (8). Peter, bap. 30 March, 1766. 2. JOHN, perh. b. 25 Sept., 1755, d. 19 May, 1831; buried at Bedmin- ster ; perhaps m. Charlotte Messlar (dau. of James); had ch.: (1). Benjamin, b. 2 May, 1788, d.5 July, 1854, m. Ruth Howell (dau. of Israel), b. 26 Sept., 1792, d. 26 Feb., 1837 ; (2). Abraham, b. 20 Jan., 1803, d. 7 Oct., 1867, m. Susanna Runyon (dau. of Hugh), b. 18 July, 1802, d. 11 Feb., 1883. 3. CATHERINE, m. Peter Sutphin. 4. MaRGARET, bap. 9 Feb., 1746 [Somerville records]; m. Stephen Hunt. (II). BENJAMIN, letters of administration of whose estate in Morris Co. were granted to his brother Peter, 9 March, 1768. IV. JAN EVERTS BOUT WORTMAN, m. Belletie; had ch. [Somerville records]: (1). LiseBet [Elisabeth], bap. 19 Sept., 1699. (II). Jan, bap. 19 June, 1720. (III). WiLHELMUS [William], bap. 17 Nov., 1721. (IV). Marta, bap. 9 Feb., 1724. (V). Sara, bap. 5 Feb., 1727. (VI). Jan, bap. 1 Feb., 1729, perhaps d. 25 Aug., 1807 ; buried at Bedmin- ster ; m. Sally; his will 4 June, prob. 18 Sept., 1807, names chil- dren: 1. John; 2. Margaret ; 3. Mary, m. Henry Powelson: 4. Sarah, (dec), m. Henry Van Arsdalen ; 5. Abigail, m. Abraham Tunison ; 6. Althe, m. John Voorhees ; 7. Rachel, m. Robert Blair; 8. Rebecca, m. John Van Duyn ; 9. Isabel, m. Elijah Stevens ; 10 Christian (Christianna 7] Wortman. Probably the same as John Oatman Wortman ; he or a son of the same name -owned land with his son William Andreés, in the neighborhood of Peapack as early as 1747, PETER, prob. son of Andreas and Jannetje, whose will dated Roxbury, 3 May, 1770, prob. 28 June, 1779, names wife Mary and ch. (two daughters not named): I, ANDREW. II. ELISABETH. TI. SARAH. IV. MARGARET. V. JOSEPH, (perhaps s. of Peter), m. Margaret Emmons (dau. of Nicholas) ; 576 Earity GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY had ch.: ‘ (I). Mary, m. Henry Durling. (Il). GERTRUDE, m. Stephen Howell. (III). Peter, b. 15 June, 1794, d. 11 May, 1865, m. Mary Messlar, b. 6 May, 1797, d. 2 Jan., 1883 ; had ch.: 1. Jacob M., b. 31 Oct., 1815, m. Ann Emmons (dau. of Abram J.); 2. Elias, b. 8 June, 1819, m. Emalina Leek (dau. of Daniel H.); 3. Francis, b. 24 April, 1823, d. young ; 4. Margaret H., b. 3 Aug., 1825, m. William Durling (6s. of Ichabod); 5. Stephen H., b. 23 Aug., 1827, m. first, Catherine Melick (dau. of Nicholas E.); second, Charlotte Barker ; third, Harriet Henry (dau. of Philip); 6. Catherine, b. 15 Feb., 1830, m. first, Elijah Brown ; second, Hiram Kennedy ; third, Teunis V. N. Cox ; 7. Mary, b. 1 March, 1832, unm.; 8. Eliza, b. 26 January, 1837, m. first, Hiram Philhower (s. of John of Peapack); second, ; Moses Amerman. (IV). Jacos, m. Sallie Crater (dau. of Will.); had David, Jacob, William, Louisa and others ; moved away. (V). MreLinpa, unmarried. (VI). NicHoLas, unmarried. YAWGER. JOHN PETER JAEGER [Yauger or Yawger]; naturalized by act of Assembly, 1730, with JOHANNES and HENDRICK YAGER ; his will dated Amwell 21 Sept., 1756, prob. 1757, names ch.: I. PHILIP. Il. JOHN, his will Amwell, 4 July, prob. 27 Sept., 1756, names son John and “my father John Peter”; had ch. named in his father’s will: Jon, PETER, PHILIP and WILLIAM. HENDRICK, naturalized 1730, prob. had son : I. PETER, who m. Catherine and had ch. [Readington records]: ANNA Marta, bap. 3 May, 1724; HENDRICK, bap. 20 March, 1726 ; ELISABETH, bap. 25 Feb., 1728. YOUNGS. Among the families of Palatines of the second emigration, 1710, and found in New York at that date are JOHANNES JUNG (Young) aged 32, and his wife Anna, aged 85 ; also NicLaus JUNGENS aged 38 and his wife Anna Magdalena aged 25. The next record is of the date of 1738, March, when letters of administration of the estate of Johannes, of Somerset Co., are granted by consent of the widow to Sam- uel Stockton (Trenton Lib. C, fol. 190). In the baptismal book of the First Ref. Church of Somerville, we find that Jonannges JonG (Young) and wife Mecheld havea child, Margaritie (Margaret), bap. 1725, April 4; also PHiLtip JoNG and Mareya (Mary) have a child, Mareya, bap. 1734, Oct. 20. In 1730 Johan and Pieter Young are naturalized by act of Assembly; in 1751, Philip ; 1754, John ; 1755, Jacob and Tunis. Hence it would appear that Peter and John were the two first arrivals of the German family of Youngs. There was, however, another family of the name of Young, whose descendants have spread through New Jersey, that of Robert Young, a Scotchman, who settled at Newark very early and died 1726 at 63. : Younes. 577 YOUNGS FROM GHRMANY. JOHANNES YOUNG, letters of adm. to his estate granted to Samuel Stockton, 1738, March. Perhaps the same who had wife Mecheld, and had daughter Mar- garitie bap. 1725, April 4, according to the records of First Ref. Church, of Somerville. He had children, perhaps : I, PETER, of Amwell, whose will prob. 1785, April 10, names wife Elisabeth and children : (ID. JOHN, perhaps had 1. Peter, soldier in Revolutionary War : rem. from Hunterdon Co. to Harmony, Warren Co., 1783, and had ch.: (1). John; (2). Peter ; (3). Mary ; (4). Henry, had sons Peter and William ; (6. Catherine ; (6). William ; (). Jacob. (I). Peter, b. 1731, March 16, Montgomery twp., Somerset Co., d. 1809, m. first, Mary Snyder (dau. of Christopher), d. 1758 ; second, Elis- abeth Hummer (dau. of Herbert), m. 1759, Feb., d. 1808 ; had ch.: 1, PETER, b. 1756, March 2; 2. Mary, b. 1757, August 20 ; 3. ANN, b. 1764, Sept. 14; 4. Hersert, b. 1766, August 14 ; 5. Jacos, b. 1768, Oct. 12; 6. ExisaBeTa, b. 1771, June 6; 7. Marcaret, b. 1774, Jan. 12; 8. Sarau, b. 1774, Jan. 12, twins ; 9. JoHN, b. 1778, July 31; 10. Exstm, b. 1781, July 11; 11. WiLLiam P., b. 1783, Dec. 20, m. Lydia Hagaman (dau. of Ralph). II. PHILIP, whose will, Amwell, 1768, Oct. 12, prob. 1775, May 18 (Trenton Lib. 16, fol. 427); leaves 160 acres to each of his three sons, and names ch. : (): Joun, receives 160 acres or lot No. 3. (Il). W1LL1aM, receives 16734 acres or lot No. 2. (II). Puruip, receives 175 acres or lot No. 1. (IV). Mary, bap. 1734, Oct. 20 (Somerville records) ; m. Simon Herder. (V). Cuanity, m. William Fisher. . Philip’s will names wife’s son Peter Fulper, who receives the 100 acres purchased of Casper Hackenback (Hockenbury) ; also names Barnet Bellowsfelt, ‘‘my wife’s son,” who receives 100 acres pur- chased of Richard Reed. WILLIAM, perhaps the son of Peter or Philip, of Amwell, whose will, dated Am- well, 1788, Jan. 8, prob. Jan. 13 (Trenton Lib. 35, fol, 134), names wife Anna, grandchildren Mary and Paul Kuhl [Cool], ‘‘my German books” and three children : I. PETER, leaves will dated, Roxbury, 1787, June 1, prob. 1796, Oct. 17 (Trenton Lib, 36), names wife Anna, seven children, and one grandchild Sophia Yauger : 1. ELISABETH, b. 20 May, 1752, m. John Hoffman (s. of Henry 1st). 2, ELSIE (?) CATHERINE, m. Frederick Frise [Frace #]. 3, WILLIAM, b. 1755, June 10, 4. 1841, June 20, m. 1781, Dec. 25, Marga- ret Mary Schenkel (dau. of Heinrich), b. 1759, April 24, d. 1840, April 24; hadch.: (1). Elisabeth. b. 1783, Jan. 6, m. John Trimmer (s. of John), b. 1775, Feb. 12 ; (2). Ann, b. 1786, Oct. 3, m first, Jacob Trimmer (s. of Jacob 1st); second, George Wise (s. of Philip 2d); (8). Mary, b. 1790, Nov. 18, m. Conrad Bunn (s. of Martin) ; 4). Mar- garet, b. 1792, Sept. 30, m. Philip Kugler, b. 1790, April 7; (6). Sophia, b. 1795, July 11, m. Morris Bunn (s. of Martin), b. 1798 ; (6). 578 Earty Germans oF New JERSEY Eva, b. 1799, March 15, m. M. McKinstry. 4, SopHIA, m. Frederick Young ; had ch.: (1). Jacob, b. 1780, March 9 ; (2). Mary, b. 1784, Nov. 16; (8). John, b. 1786, Dec. 25; (4). Cather- ine, b. 1802. 5. Hannag (or Anna), m. 1781, Nov. 4, Lawrence Roelofson (s. of Her- manes). 6. CATHERINE (2), m. Jacob Crater (s. of Morris 1st %). II. WILLIAM. Ill. CATHERINE. GEORGE, ‘‘Sen.”; his will, Somerset Co., 1793, July 12, prob. Aug. 8, names ch.;: HENDERSON ; GeorGE; Mary, wife of John Scott; PHEBE, wife of Philip Fulkerson ; CATHERINE, wife of Edward Montanye. GEORGE YOUNG came from Germany and settled in Round Valley at a time when there were no roads but only trails through the woods and no grist mill nearer than on the Raritan six miles from New Brunswick. His children were : I. GEORGE (see below). II. HENRY, rem. to New York. lil. PETER. IV. JOHN, who was taken prisoner in the Revolutionary war and died on Long Island ; was in Capt. Duryea’s Company. V. PHILIP, was drowned in a spring. VI. MRS. PETERSON. VII. MRS. CAMPBELL. Married a Hann, a relative of the Schooley’s Mountain family, probably Maria Magdalena by name. GEORGE, son of George, of Round Valley, b. 1755 (?), d. March, 1824, m. Elisabeth Cramer (dau. of Matthias 1st), d. 1794 ; had ch.: I. MARY, b. 1780, Sept. 26, m. George Coleman, and had a son George. II. LANEE, b. 1782, Oct. 11, m. Joseph Chamberlain ; went to Penn. III. PETER G., b. 1785, Jan. 17, d. 21 Jan., 1847, m. Maria Wyckoff (dau. of Abraham and Isabel Dunham), b. 1 April, 1794, d. 27 June, 1871; had ch.: 1. Jo“n ALEXANDER, b. 4 Dec., 1711, m. Keziah Stryker (has a son Theodore F.); 2. CHARITY, b. 26 Jan., 1814, died young ; 3. Emmy, b. 11 Jan., 1816, m. Ralph Hoffman and had 13 children ; 4. ABRAHAM W., b. 2 July, 1817, m. Jane Little and had Peter and Margaret ; 5. Gzoraz P., b. 16 Sept., 1819, m. Elisabeth Hoffman and had Ann Elisabeth, Mary Jane, John H., Anna Endora ; 6. Mary ISABELLA, b. 29 March, 1823 ; 7. WiuiiaM A., b. 2 Oct., 1825, m, Rachel Creveling and had Edgar C., Lizzie V., Willard P., Fred. and Mary. 7 IV. CATHERINE, b. 1787, March 27, m. William Henry; went to New York State. 7 i V. JOHN C., b. 1789, July 5, m. Mary Phillips ; went to Penn. VI. ELISABETH, b. 1791, March 31, m. first, Benj. Walker ; second, a Coover; went to Michigan. VII. GEORGE C., b. 1794, Feb. 4, unm.; lived at Reaville. Youncs or NEWARK. ROBERT YOUNG, b. 1663, d. 1726, Nov. 7, at 63; w Scotchman, who came to Newark with Clizbie and Nesbit ; was one of those given to Pittlochie and Bar- clay ; was banished, 1685 ; was Sheriff in 1696, m. Sarah Baldwin (dau. of Youncs 579 Benjamin) ; had ch.: I. DAVID, b. 1705, d. 1765, Sept. 3, at 60. I. JOHN, b. 1715, d. 1788, April 25, at 73. Ill. JONATHAN. IV. ROBERT. V. STEPHEN, b. 1716, July 4, d. 1785; will names wife Joanna and ch.: (D. Jonas. (I). AaRon, (IIT). Danim1, perhaps the one of Budd’s Lake. (IV). ABIGAIL ALLING. 7 Younes or DRAKETOWN, THOMAS, whose will dated Pequanock, 1769, Feb. 18, prob. March 16, names wife Thankful and children : I. ARTHUR. II. THOMAS. Ill, MORGAN. IV. DANIEL, prob. left will dated Hanover, 1786, June 1, prob. March 6 (Trenton Lib. 28, fol. 479), without any names of family, but prob. had (1). Danze, of Budd’s Lake ; who may have been a son of Stephen (s. of Robert the Scotchman), of Newark ; m. a Batson ; had ch.: 1. Amos ; 2. STEPHEN ; 3. EDWARD ; 4. Jamas ; 5. THOMAS ; 6. DAN- IEL, m. Mary Ann Wire (dau. of Samuel); hadch.: (a). Eliza, m. David Dilly ; (b). John, m. Ellen Longcore ; (c). Philip S., m. Margaret Wiley ; (d). Annette, m. Noah Thomas; (e). Saron B., m. Maggie Fisher ; (f). Nancy Melinda, m. Alfred Carrell ; (g). Daniel, m. Allie Dornblaser; 7. Mary; 8. ELISABETH; 9. A DAUGHTER, who m. a Bird. V. DAVID. VI. MARGARET. VII. ELISABETH. VIII. PHEBE (not 18 years of age). IX. THANKFUL (not 18). xX. MARY. XI. HANNAH. Younes oF ALEXANDRIA TOWNSHIP. ABRAHAM JUNG, an elder of Alexandria German Church, 1771-80; had wife Gertrout Catherine ; perhaps had children : JI. ABRAHAM, m. Anna Veronica Wagner and probably had ch.: (). Jacos, m. Maria ; confirmed 1780, and had, . Anwa, b. 1781, Feb. 17. . CATHERINE, b. 1783, Jan. 17. . ABRAHAM, b. 1785, July 26. . JOSEPH, b. 1787, July 7. . Susanna, b. 1789. July 20. . Davin, b. 1792, Oct. 20. (I). Apa, m. Anna Margaret and had ch. ; 1, ABRAHAM, b. 1785, July 18, 2. Jacos, b. 1787, Sept. 26. Oop 08 De 58a Earty Germans oF NEw JERSEY TIN Be. th a, 3. Anna, b. 1789, March 12. 4, JoHANNES, b. 1790, July 30. es 5, Sara, b. 1795, May. 9. ‘ 6. Maria, b. 1796, Oct. 8. (III), Pau, m. Anna Elisabeth ; confirmed 1782. and had ch.: 1. Jacos, b. 1783, Feb. 3. 2. ANNA, b. 1785, Sept. 9. ‘ 3. ABRAHAM, b. 1788, Jan. 12. 4, WILHELM, b, 1790, April 26. 5. Isaac, b. 1793, Jan. 31. (IV). Marra ELiIsaBETH, b. 29 March, 1763. (V). ABRAHAM, b. 3 Nov., 1766, m. Elisabeth ; had ch.: 1. GeRTRAUD, b. 1791, July 4. 2. CATHERINE, b. 1792, Dec. 7. II. JOHN MICHAEL, m. Anna Quick ; had ch.: 1. Marta, b. 23 Aug., 1763. Ill. JOHN ENGEL, confirmed 19 May, 1771, m. Elisabeth ; had ch.: (). Hewnricu, b. 15 Oct., 1765. (II). Marta, b. 28 Jan., 1768. (III). Marrutas, b. 16.Dec., 1771, m. Maria. IV. WILLIAM, m. Maria Elisabeth (? Scharfenstine dan, of Matthias]. % EARLY GERMANS OF NEW JERSEY PART III. APPENDICES. one ey (© eal i ie i OG G Serr ~ Cs ys) | Ke ‘at —= { a i ~ Y) pall mn i Nt wv ! i i ee = dh “Minna. Mu wih. ul se fi APPENDIX I. CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS TO THE GENEALOGIES. APGAR (page 287) (VI) WILLIAM, m. Ann Bunn ; had ch.: 1, DELILAH, m Nicholas Apgar (s. of Fritz); no children ; 2. Eaay, m. Andrew Sutton and had three sons, William, George and Clarkson ; 3. OLIVER, unm. APGAR oo Bi) ELIJAH s. of (VIII) HERBERT, m. Mary Apgar (dau. of ed. 2d). APGAR (p. 239), (XI) JACOB had ch.: Matthias, Ann, James, Peter, Charity, Harmon, Catherine, Manning F., Conrad, Dydia and several others. John, who. m. Ann Hoffman, Ann, who m. Will. Apgar, and Mary, who m. Nicholas Apgar, were Bunns not Apgars. APGAR (p. 243), (VI) ELISABETH, had only one husband. BODINE (p. 267), 2 FREDERICK, bap. (Somerville records), 26 April, 1709, m. Sarah Rappelyea ; his will dated 29 Dec., 1769, prob. 29 Oct., 1770, [Tren- ton, Lib. L, folio 46], names w. Elsie acid ch.: (1). Isaac [bap. Readington, 28 May, 1789). (2). JOHN. (3). GysBERT (Gilbert). (4). Sanaun [Bap. Readington, 8 Mar., 1740], w. of John Van Nest. (5). Mary [bap. Readington, 19 Oct., 1746], w. of Simon Cole. (6). ELISABETH BODINE. (7). Exvstz BoDINeE. (8). CATHERINE BODINE. CRATER (p. 314) (VII) JOHN, b. 1779, Sept. 7, m. 1802, Aug. 8, Charlotte Leek, b. 19 Sept., 1781 ; had ch.: 1, Morris, b. 14 Aug., 1803, unm. ; 2, Amos, b. 1 Feb.. 1805, m. Ann Hoffman (dau. of Peter H.); 3. FANNY KLINE, b. 29 Nov., 1807, m. John Hegeman (s. of Simon) ; 4. JANE MELINDA SMITH b. 2 Jan., 1810, m Gilbert Sutphen ; 5. LEMUEL ForpuamM LEEK, b. 21 Oct., 1812, m. Rebecca Hoffman (s. of Henry); 6. JoHN Sm1tTH, b. 22 March, 1819; 7. Lyp1a ANN, b. 5 July, 1821, m. Wm. Vliet (s of Will.) ; 8, EMALINE, b. 24 Jan., 1824, m. jirst, John Vanderbeek (s. of Cornelius) ; second, Charles Otis. CREGAR (p. 316), L. J OHN had a tenth child named Ellen. DALLICKER (p. 321) (VD), FREDERICK; m. for second wife Helen Fell (not Pell), whose family genealogy has been thoroughly investigated and published. 584 Earty GermMans or New Jersey EICH, TUNIS, whose will dated Kingwood, Hunterdon Co., 20 Nov., 1788, prob. 4 Nov., 1791, [Trenton Lib. 32, fol. 332], names w. Catherine and ch.: John, Tunis, Margaret, Sophia, Lena and Catherine ; the daughters not yet 18, nor sons 21 ; executors, son-in-law, Hezekiah Waterhouse and friend Sam. Slayton. FISHER (p. 367), III. ELIZABETH was bap. 8 June, 1729, m. a Bellis and had 3 ch.: Philip, Peter and Mary, who is said to have m. Richard Clark. VIII. ANN (to be added to children of PETER), m. Christopher Kuhle. HAGER (p. 392), Judge T. 8. Hager should read Judge J. S. Hager. HANN (p. 39%), (7). TamzEn, m. Samuel Trimmer (s of Christopher). MARTINUS (to be added, p. 447), MARTIN (prob. s. of John),m. Maria Margaret ; had ch. (bap. at Spruce Run): Maria Dorothea, b. 23 Aug., 1771 ; Catherine, b. 24 Sept., 1776. CHRISTIAN (prob. s. of John), m. Anna; had ch.: Elisabeth, b. 29 Dec., 1780 ; Maria, b. 13 Feb. 1783; George, b. 4 Jan., 1785 ; was father of William of Pleasant Grove ; John, b. 30 Jan., 1787; Frederick, b. 2 Feb., 1789; Andreas, b. 2 Sept., 1790; Jacob, b. 21 Oct . 1792; Christina, b. 9 August, 1793 ; Anna, b. 20 Oct., 1794 ; Philip, b. 1 Jan., 1797. McLEAN. WILLIAM McLEAN, b. March ——, 1760, d. March, ——, 1848. He had two brothers, who were old enough to serve in the Revolution, resided near Little Brook, Lebanon township, Hunt Co., m. Sarah Curl, of Changewater, was the son, perhaps, of WILLIAM, in Tewksbury, before 1769. The first of the family was JAMES, who came from Scotland and landed at Philadelphia; his oldest son was sold as a Redemptioner, to a man in Salem Co., while the rest of the family went to Virginia. William had children: I. MARY ANN, m. Abraham Castner. II. AMOS, m. first, Polly, second, Betsey Waters, (both daughters of Silas). II. ELIZABETH, m. first, William Morgan, second, Peter Starker. IV. SUSANNA, unmarried. V. NICHOLAS, Justice of the Peace, b. 25 Sept., 1796, d. 26 March, 1864, m. Jirst, Jane Welts, second, Elizabeth Wack, (daughter of Andrew), b. 5 Dec., 1804, d. 25 Dec , 1886, res. Oxford Furnace, Middle Valley, and rem. to Draketown in 1833. He had children: 1 Mary MAGDALENE, m. Sampson O. Howell. 2. Saran CURL, unm. 3. SQUIRE WILLIAM, m. Eliza Desch and has William O., Alice, w. of Frank K. Wiley; Lizzie, w. of Ira A. Anderson; Maggie; Andora J.; George N., operator at G. V.; Ellen 8., Carrie E., Annie A.. Amos E. 4, ELIZABETH, m. John Tims. 5. Amos, m. first, Eleonora Ketcham, second, Hannah Trum- bower. 6. GEORGES., m. Alice Grimes, re. Princeton, ll. 7. Eviza JANE, unm. MISCELLANEOUS—WILLIAM, of Kingwood, whose will probated 12 July, 1802 names dau. Prudence and sons, William and John. : : CorRRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS 585 MELLICK. - MELLICK—The genealogy of this family may be found in the recent work called “The Story of an Old Farm.” That work is so well known and so extensively circulated that it will be only necessary to give a brief synopsis in this book-of the very interesting and complete family his- tory found in that most valnable production. Mr. Andrew J. Melick, Jr., the author of the work referred to above, has traced his ancestry back to the year 1500. PETER MOELICH was living at that time in Winningen, Germany. Peter was the father of THEISS, b. 1530, and the latter was the father of MICHEL, b. 1598, and he of FRIEDERICH, b. 1611. The latter had a son JONAS, b. 1650, who migrated from Winningen to Bendorf in 1688. With Jonas came JOHAN WILHELM the son or nephew of Jonas, whose three sons emigrated to America. HANS PETER, the second son of Jonas had born to him in Bendorf eleven children ; his four sons emigrated to Americe, viz: JOHAN JONAS, b. 27 July, 1710, who d. unmarried in Hunterdon Co., N. J.; JOHAN DAVID, b. 12 Nov . 1715, who was a trustee of the Lutheran Church at New Germantown, N. J., in 1749; JOHAN PETER, b. 29 Aug., 1719, who settled in what is now Columbic Co., Pa.; JOHANNES, b. 22 Sept., 1723, who prob. appears on the register of the New Ger- mantown Church. With Jonas came to Bendorf from Winningen also JOHAN WILHELM, his son or nephew, whose three sons, JOH ANNES, JOHAN PETER and JOHANN GOTTFRIED, emigrated to America. Two brothers DAVID and PETER Moelich, probably nephews of Johan Wilhelm, of Bendorf, also came to America and founded fami- lies. David settled in New Jersey and Peter settled in Columbia Co. JOHANNES MOELICH, of ‘‘The Old Farm,” son of Johan Wilhelm, of Bendorf, b. 26 Feb., 1702 ; emigrated to America in 1735, where he arrived at Phil- adelphia May 29 in ship Mercury, with Conrad Wurtz (afterward Reverend); m. 1 Nov., 1728, Maria Cathrine Kirberger (dau. of Gott- fried) ; bought 1747 of John Garrets 400 acres in Greenwich township, now Warren Co.; in 1750, 400 acres near Whitehouse, and, in 1751, 367 acres near Pluckamin, N. J.; had ch.: I. GEORGE WILHELM, b. 12 Aug., d. 20 Aug., 1724. II. AARON, b. 17 Oct., 1725, m. Charlotte Miller, b. 1734, d. 1802 ; had ch.: (). Jomn, b. 1758 ; (II). CaTHEeRineE, b. 1761; (III). DANIEL, b. 1763, m. first, Margaret Gaston (dau. of Rob.); second, Cath. Johnston La Rue (dau. of Albert Johuston and wid. Othniel La Rue), and had Aaron, Elisabeth, Charlotte, Rosannah, John, Mary, David, William, Daniel and Catherine ; (IV). ELIsaBETH, b. 1765 ; (V). MARGARET, b. 1767, m. Joseph Gaston (s. of Robert); (VI). Maria, b. 1771, m. Solomon Pat- terson. Ill. VERONICA GERDRUTTA, b. 1727, m. Jacob Kline. IV. ANDREW, b. 1729, m: Catherine ; res. at Greenwich, now Warren Co.; had ch.: (1). Mary, m. Will. Tiosman ; (Il). ReBrcca, b. 1776 ; (III)- JOHANNES, b. 1778, m. first, Anna Sharps ; second, Anna Malick ; third Esther Cyphers (dau. of George); rem. from Bloomsburg to Belvidere and had Catharine, Elisabeth, Hannah, Mary Anna, Andrew, George, Anna Mary, Peter S., Sarah, Matilda, John, Charlotte, Mary ; (IV). 586 Earty GermMAns oF New JERSEY Jaco, b. 1783, d. 1819; (V). Hannag, b. 1785, m. Matthias Melick. V. GEORGE ANTHON, d. in Bendorf. VI. MARIA CATHERINE, b. 1733, m. Simon Ludewig Himroth, who emi- grated to America in 1752. VII. PHILIP, b. 1736; res. near Pluckamin ; had ch.: (I). CATHERINE, m. James Todd; (II). ELIsaBETH, b. 1796, m. Jacob Van Dyke ; (III). DAvID, rem. to Virginia ; ([V). JouNn, m. Mary Todd and rem. to Ohio ; (V). Fanny, m. a Heriot; (VI). CHARLOTTE and (VII). MARGARET, rem. to Virginia ; (VII]). MacpaLEna, m. 1792, Jeremy Vosseler. VIII. PETER, b. 1739; res. near Pluckamin, m. Magdalena King ; had ch.: David, CATHERINE and JOHN. JOHAN PETER MOELICH, second son of J. Wilhelm, of Bendorf, b. 1708, prob. d. in Germantown, Pa.; arrived in Philadelphia, 24 Aug., 1728, in ship Mortonhouse ; had ch.: I. TUNIS, b. 1720, m. Eleanor Van Horn (dau. of Abraham); rem. from Whitehouse, to New Germantown where he bought 200 acres of Ralph Smith and rebuilt the old mill; had ch.: (1), PETER, b. 1758, m. Susanna Egbert; (II). Anna, m. Isaac Farley ; (III). Mary CatTH- ERINE, m. Mindurt Farley ; (IV). ELIsaBETH, m. 1789, Martin Mehle ; (V). Maraaret, b. 1769, m. 1792, Dennis Wyckoff ; (VI). ELEANOR, b. 1772, m. first, Cornelius Vliet; second, her brother-in-law, Martin Mehle ; (VII). ABRAHAM, b. 1776, d. 1793 ; (VIID. Marta DoRoTHEa, b. 1778, m. John Vliet. II. MARIA CATHERINE, b. 1782, m. 1755, J. Henry Mueller. III. JOHN, lived and died in New York city. JOHANN GOTTFRIED MOELICH, son of J. Wilhelm, of Bendorf, b. 1724, d. 17%6 ; arrived at Phila. 29 May, 1735 ; res. Greenwich, Warren Co., m. Margaret Falkenberg (dau. of Christian); had ten children : I. GODFREY, b. 1749. Il. CHRISTOPHER, b. 1750, m. Mary Shipman (dau. of Matthias), resided Lopatcong township, Warren Co.; had twelve children. OI WILLIAM, b. 1753 ; rem. to New Brunswick, Canada. IV. JACOB, b. 1755 ; rem. to Columbia Co., Pa. V. MARIA MARGARET, b. 1757, m. J. Martin Hulshizer (s. of Martin). VI. HENRY, b. 1759, m. Rebecca Stewart (dau. of James). VII. ANDREW, b. 1759 ; rem. to Columbia Co., Pa. VIII. JOHN, b. 1762 ; rem. to New Brunswick, Canada. IX. CATHERINE, b. 1765, m. Philip Fine. JOHAN DAVID MOELICH, son of Hans Peter, of Bendorf, b. 17 October, 1715 ; trustee of Lutheran Church in New Germantown, N. J.; had at least four children : F I. CHRISTIAN (after called Christopher), b. 1744, d. 1788, m. Anna Pickel (dau. of Balthazar 2d), b. 9 April, 1749. d. ia New York, 1823, as the widow of Rev. William Graaf, of New Germantown, N. J.; rem. to Woodbridge, N. J.; had six children.” Il. PETER, b. 1754, m. Hannah Gillespie ; had ch.: David, Peter, Joel, Parmelia, Harriet, Mary. III. LEONARD, b. 1760, m. Mary Glaspy ; had seven children. Iv. A DAUGHTER, m. Peter Hendershot. : CorrEcTIONS AND ADDITIONS 587 THE MUEHLENBERG FAMILY. REV. HEINRICH MELCHIOR MUEHLENBERG was born in the city of Einbeck, in the Electoral Principality of Hanover, Sept. 6, 1711. His parents were Nicholaus Melchior Muhlenberg, a member of the Council of Einbeck, and Anna Maria Kleinshmid, daughter of a retired military officer. He had eleven children, of whom four died young. Seven reached maturity ; the Reverend JoHn PETER G., Member of Congress and Major General ; Rrv. FREDERICK AvGustus, Member of Congress, and grandfather of the hymn writer ; Rev. Dr. G. Henry Ernst ; Eva E., the wife of Rev. C. E. Schultz ; Manreanret H., the wife of Rev. J. C. Kunze ; Mary CaTHERine, the wife of | Major Francis Swayne; Mary SaLomE, the wife of the Hon. Matthias Richards, Member of Congress. Dr. Muehlenberg served the three congrega- tions to which he had been first called, viz. New Hanover, New Providence or Trappe, and Philadelphia, until his death, with many visitations or temporary residences, for the benefit of the congregations, to New York, New Jersey, Maryland and South Carolina ; in 1748 organized the ministerium of Pennsyl- vania and adjacent States, which now numbers 291 ministers and 471 congre- gations : in 1762 introduced a new constitution into the congregation at Phil- adelphia, which restored peace and order to it, and became the basis of most of the congregational constitutions in Pennsylvania ; built during his ministry in Philadelphia, St. Michael’s and Zion’s church, the latter in its day the larg- est church edifice of the Lutheran denomination in the U. 8. This building was sold and the money arising from its sale, given to found three or four other Lutheran churches of a large size in Philadelphia ; suffered much during the war of the Revolution, in consequence of the presence of the American or British armies near or in his parish, while the British had possession of Phila- delphia, and the battles of the Brandywine and Germantown were in progress, and the Americans were encamped at Valley Forge ; during all, but especially the last year of his life, kept up a correspondence with the fathers in Halle, who had sent out bim and other ministers for Pennsylvania, and the adjacent States of New Jersey, New York, Maryland, Virginia, &c. These reports have been almrst the only accurate account of the state of the Lutheran church in this country during the last century. He had the degree of D. D. conferred upon him by the University of Pennsylvania, and enjoyed all his life in a marked degree the respect and confidence of some of the most eminent minis- ters of the Episcopal, Presbyterian and German Reformed churches in Penn- sylvania and elsewhere and received the honorable title of Patriarch of Lutheranism. Dr. Mann in his edition of the Hallesche Nachrichten says of him, ‘‘ The monument to his honor is the Lutheran church of this land.” I. JOHN PETER GABRIEL, b. at the Trappe (now. Providence), Mont- gomery Co., Pa., 1 Oct., 1746, d. 1 Oct., 1807 ; m. 6 Nov., 1770, Anna Bar- bara Meyer ; was sent, 1763, with his two brothers to Germany for their education ; served for two years in a drug store at, Luebeck ; became tired of the drudgery, as his employer imposed upon him and neglected to give him instruction in his profession ; took advantage of the presence in the country of a British recruiting officer to enter the military service without the consent of his father, who much regretted his loss ; returned to America in 1766 and studied 6or the ministry under the Swedish Provost 588 Earty Germans or New Jersey Wrangel : began preaching in 1768 in vacant congregations ; acted as acsistant to his father in the Raritan congregations 1768—1772, preaching in German and English ; was licensed at the Synodical Convention, 20 June, 1769 ; became pastor in 1772 of a Lutheran Episcopal church at Woodstock, Va., after he had received Episcopal ordinat on in London in April, 1772; at the breaking out of the Revolutionary fever, acted as a member of a Committee of Safety ; was sent to the House of Burgesses; Colonel of the 8th Virginia Regiment ; served with distinction through- ut the entire war from the battle of Charlestown to the surrender of Cornwallis, at which he was present and was honored with the ranks of Colonel, Brigadier and Major General ; was a member of the First and Third Congresses ; U. 8. Senator and enjoyed the confidence and esteem of the most eminent men of the Republic, as Washington, Jefferson, Patrick Henry, General Green and others. General Muehlenberg had seven children: 1. Mary Estarr, who died young ; 2. HENRY MEYERS, Captain in the U. S. Army: 3. CHARLES FREDERICK ; 4. HESTHER, who married Dr. Isaac, of Reading, Pa.: 5. PrTER, who served in the Navy and was in the battles on Lake Erie and in the Chesapeake, as midship- man. He then served in the army as Lieutenant and Captain ; was an aid to Gen. Pike in Canada and to Gen. Jackson in the battle of New Orleans and in the Creek and Seminole war ; died 1844, a Major and Lieut. Colonel by brevet, while acting as paymaster in the U. S. army at Natches, Louisiana. He married Miss Coleman and had seven children ; 6. Francis, a lawyer and Congressman from Ohio; married Mary Downing and died in 1831 ; 7. Mary ANN, who died at the age of eleven years. II. EVE ELISABETH, the second child of Dr. Henry Melchior, was born the 19th of January, 1748, and died the 21st of July, 1808. She was married by the Reverend Provost Wrangel, on the 23d of September, 1766, to the Rev. Christopher Emanuel Schulze, who died on the 11th of March, 1809. One of his sons, Rev. John Andrew Melchior, was twice (1823-29) elected Governor of Pennsylvania. Ill. REV. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS CONRAD, the third child of Dr. Henry Melchior, was born at the Trappe (now Providence), Pa., on the 2d of January, 1750 ; was baptised January 15th and died on the 4th of June, 1801. He was educated with his two brothers at Halle (1763-1770) ; ordained to the ministry by the ministerium of Pennsylvania, 25 Oct., 1770, then not quite 21 years of age ; became pastor of Christ’s Lutheran Church of New York (1773-1776); obliged to leave the city when it was taken by the British, he returned to Pennsylvania ; e’ected to the Penn- sylvania Legislature and made Speaker of that body ; was President of the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention for the ratification of the Constitution of the United States ; elected to Congress 2 March, 1779 ; Speaker of the First and Third Congresses : member of the Board of in Pennsylvania ; President of the German Society in Philadelphia ; had seven children among whom was HENRY, the father of Dr. William Augustus Mueblenberg, who was pastor of Grace Episcopal Church, founder of St. Luke’s Hospital and author of the hymn, ‘‘I would not live alway,” with others used by all denominations. CorRRECTIONS AND: ADDITIONS 589 IV. MARGARET HENRIETTA, the fourth child of Dr. Henry Melchior, was born 17 Sept., 1751, and died —— ; she married Rev. John Christopher Kunze, D. D., pastor of a church in Philadelphia ; subsequently professor of Oriental Literature in the University of the City of New York and also served a Lutheran congregation in the same place. One of Doctor Kunze’s daughters married: Caspar Meyer, founder of the mercantile house of Aelrichs & Co., of New York, and Gustav Schwab, Esq., a son of the German poet of that name, married a granddaughter of Mr. Meyer. A second daughter married a Mr. Oakley, and a third daughter married Jacob Lorillard, founder of the well known family of that name. V GOTTHILF HEINRICH ERNST, the fifth child of Dr. Henry. Melchior was born at the Trappe, 17 Nov., 1753, and died 23d of May, 1815. He married in July, 1774, Catherine Hall, daughter of Philip Hall, of Phil- adelphia. He was sent in 1763, when ten years of age with two of his brothers to complete his education in Germany ; returned to America 1770 ; ordained 25 Oct., 1770 ; became his father’s assistant in Philadel- phia ; compelled to flee from the city by the approach of the British in 1776 ; he retired to the country, where he took up the study of Botany, in which he became very proficient. He returned to the city after the departure of the British and continued his labors there until 1779, when he resigned and removed to Montgomerp Co., where he took charge of several congregations. The next spring he accepted a call to Lancaster, Pa., where he continued until his death from apoplexy on the 23d of May, 1815. Granted the title of D. D. by the University of Pennsylvania, he was made a member of the American Philosophical Society in 1786 ; of the Naturforschende Freunde in Berlin in 1798 ; of the Philosophical and Physical societies of Goettingen in 1802 ; and of various other associations in Sweden, Germany arid elsewhere. His Herbarium was purchased and presented to the American Philosophical Society. He published ‘‘ Rede bei der Einweihung des Franklin Collegium,” 1788 ; Catalogus Plantarum Amer. Septent. 1813 ; an English and German Lexicon and Grammer ; Descriptio Uberior Graminum ; and other works. Hehad eight children. One of these was REV. Henry AUGUSTUS, born at Lancaster, 13 May, 1782 ; ordained 1802; took charge of Trinity Church, Reading, Pa.; received D. D: 1824 from University of Pennsylvania ; resigned from ill health 1828 ; soon after elected to the 22d Congress, to which re-elected until 1838; nominated for Governor of Pennsylvania 1835 ; offered a position in the Cabinet, the mission to Russia and also the mission to Austria, by President Van Buren, the last of which he accepted and from which he returned in 1840. Again nominated for Governor in 1844, he died before the election, on the 12th of August, 1844. He had ason Henry A. who was a member of Congress from the same district as his father. Another son of Rev. G. Henry Ernst was Dr. F. A. Muehlenberg, who became a distinguished physician in Lancaster, Pa., and had fourteen children, of whom Rev. F. A. Muehlenberg, D. D., formerly President of Muehlenberg College, at Allentown, Pa., and professor of Greek Litera- ture in the University of Pennsylvania, now of Reading, is the second. Rev. G. Henry E. Mueblenberg was his father’s assisstant in the Rari- tan congregations from 1772 until 1774. 590 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY VI. MARY CATHERINE, the sixth child of Dr. Henry Melchior, was born the 4th of November, 1755, and died the 15th of October, 1812, She mar- ried Major Francis Swayne, a subordinate officer of the Revolutionary army and Sheriff of Montgomery County, Pa. VII. SAMUEL, the seventh child of Dr. Henry Melchior, was born the 21st of August, 1758, and died the 16th of February, 1764. VIII. JOHN CHARLES, the eighth child of Dr. Henry Melchior, was born on the 18th of November, 1760, and died the 25th of November. IX. CATHERINE SALOME, the ninth child of Dr. Henry Melchior, was born in Philadelphia, on the 18th April, 1764, and died in infancy. X. MARY SALOME, the tenth child of Dr. Henry Melchior, was born in Philadelphia on the 13th of July, 1766 ; and married the Hon. Matthias Richards, a member of Congress, &c. XI. EMANUEL SAMUEL, the eleventh child of Dr. Henry Melchior, was born on the 11th of July, 1769, and died in infancy. MULLER (p. 448) should be MUELLER, the German form of Miller. IV. DAVID b. 28 April; 1769, m. Elisabeth Welsh (dau. of William, Jr.); resided at Middle Valley (see Part I of this work); had ch.: I. HENRY, b. 24 Feb., 1796, m, Euphemia Shafer. Il. WILLIAM W., b. 18 Aug., 1799, m. Ann Gifford. III. JACOB W., b. 1800, m. Mary Louisa MacCullock. IV. ELIZA, m. Rev. John C. Vandervoort. V. DAVID W., m. Phebe Swan. VI. DOROTHY, b. 16 July, 1805, m. Thos. G. Talmage. VIL MARY, b. 16 July, 1805 (twin to Dorothy), m. Tunis Van Pelt. VIII. CATHERINE, unmarried. IX. LYDIA ANN, b. 13 Sept., 1813, m. Moses E. Dewitt, of Paterson. NAUGHRIGHT. The first of the name was a British soldier, whose first name is not known. Mary the daughter of Christopher Kern (Karn or Carn) who afterwards married a Henry and removed to Canada, was the mother of WILLIAM NACHRICHT, b. 29 Nov., 1780, d. 3 Feb., 1826, m. first 1803, Catherine Trimmer (dau. of John and A. Catherine Sharp), b. 13 Oct., 1787, d. 1 Jan,, 1819 ; second, Kate Hopler, who afterwards m. a Bird ; rem. to Hackettstown ‘in the spring of 1805 ; returned to the Valley and res. on part of Kern’s estate about 1812 ; had children : I. JOHN, b. 3 Oct., 1804, d. —-; m. 15 Mar., 1828, Mary Dufford (dau. of Jacob), b. 5 Jan., 1810, d. 25 July, 1884 ; had ch.: (I). CATHERINE, m. Andrew Axford. (Il). THEODORE, b. 9 Aug., 1832, d. —-; m. 2 July, 1865, Nancy C. Crounce, b. 3 Oct., 1830 ; had ch.: 1. Mary, m. Frank Crater, of Califon ; 2. Anna LILuim, m. Jacob R. Voorhees, of Newark 73 CaRRin MARGARET, m. Wm. J. Haverly, of Eastburne, N. Y.; 4. Hewrietta Ipa, d. young; 5. ALEXANDER CRoUNCcE, m. —— Anderson ; 6. THEODORE, m. Jennie Dustin; 7, JoHn RUDOLPH, unm.; 8. Kate ELoise, unm.; 9. Fanny ELEANOR, unm,; 10. Hunyry Eveens, d. young; 11. Grace MINNIE, unm. ‘CoRRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS 591 (III). Joun D., m. has one son. II. JACOB, b. ——, d. sm. first, Elisabeth Karr ; second, Judas Ann Smith ; had ch.: a (). Joan T., m. Elisabeth Weise and has-one-daughter, Annie. (Il). Martin LuTHER, m. Annie B. Deyo (dau. of Rev. Ephraim). (III). EvisaBetH, m. Jos’ S. Farrow, M. D.; has one son. III, ANN, m. first, David Larrison (s. of William); second, Walter Thorp. IV. CATHERINE, m. John Frone. V. WILLIAM, b. 1818, d. 1862, m. Ann Wack (dau. of Andrew); had ch.: (1). Sarna, m. Amos Seals (s. of Daniel), and had daughters Minnie and Annie, both died young ; res. at High Bridge. © (Il). WiLL1am, m. Mary Linnell, have children: Lena, Bella, Stanley and Grace. The Hon. William S. Naughright has been a member of the Assembly . has served as Engrossing Clerk and as Reading Clerk ; has been in the milk business, running at one time four creameries ; is now salesman for F. D. Stephens Steam Heating Co.; res. at Middle Valley. (Il). ANDREW, m. ——; has a daughter Verna. (IV). Jacos, m. Addie Fowler (dau. of Joseph); had ch.: Joseph (dec.), Bertha, Gussie, Sadie, Willie, Andrew, Charley. (V). GzorcE Epa@ar, died at 25 years of age. (VI). Exisag D., b. 1855 ; m. Nellie Trimmer (dau. of Anthony); Station Agent for 12 years at German Valley ; has three sons, Raymond T., Frank F., George Edgar, Lulu H. (dec.). (VI1). Meriwpa, and (VIII). MarrHa (dec.), unm. VI. MORRIS, m. first, Lydia Ann Weise (dau. of Wm. N.); second, Mary Duf- ford (wid. of Matthias and dau. of Jacob Wise 2d); had ch.: Morris Jr., d. 1854; Lyp1ra Ann, b. 1841, d. 1856 ; ANDREW J., b. 1843, d. 1845 ; Newman W., b. 1852, d. 1853. (). Amy, m. Lyman Kice (s. of Isaac); has one daughter Laura, unm. (I). Lavra, m. John Frone (s. of Jobn). (II). Louise, m. Fred. D. Stephens. NEIGHBOR (p. 452); MiscetLangous—William Nachbar (probably a brother of Leonard) was born 1699 (and not 1799) and died 16 Nov., 1771, (and not 1871). RUNKLE, BY B. VAN D. FISHER, ESQ. ADAM RUNELE, the progenitor of the Runkle family in New Jersey, died near the close of 1800, or in January, 1801, on his farm (bought of Kirkbride, 15 Dec. 1761), near Annandale, N. J., and there, in a private burying ground is his resting place. He married Mary Youngblood who survived him about four years. Their children were : I. JOHN, b. Aug. 29, 1752, d. 1846 or 7; m. first, Hannah Groff, b. Oct. 22, 4790. name of second wife not known ; lived at Ringoes ; had 8 children : (). ApaM, of whom we have no information. ; (11). Exiswa, lived near Cherryville, N. J. He married a Miss Thatcher 592 Earty Germans or New Jersey and had a large family. (II]). Jon died quite early in life. One of his daughters married William Emery, of Flemington. (IV). Hewry, b. Feb. 28, 1778, d. Oct. 22, 1865, m. Elisabeth Rea, b. Aug. 22, 1785, d. July 1, 1865. They hadnine children: 1. REA, married a Miss Bennett from whom he separated and then married again. 2. WILLIAM, b. Nov. 7, 1811, d. Sept. 18, 1885, m. Ann Atkinson, b. Aug. 12, 1817, d. Aug. 7, 1878. They had fourteen children, among whom were Lewis R. Runkle and Ranssellar Runkle. 3. JOSEPH, b. March 16, 1818, d. May 1, 1870 ; was twice married ; his second wife was a Miss Wyckoff ; had one child Wilbur Fiske Runkle. 4. Lewis, b. July 22, 1821, m. Jeannette V. Park, b. April 1, 1827; had seven children: (1). Elisabeth, b. Sept. 5, 1846, d. Sept. 13 1846 ; (2). John Henry, b. Sept. 8, 1847; (8). Darius T., b. Sept. 22, 1850; (4). Dr. Winfield Scott, b. Jan. 11, 1853 ; (5). Don Piatt pb. June 6, 1858; (6). Ida, b. Aug. 30, 1860; (7). Ada, b. Dec. 25, 1867; 5. Saran ANN, b. 1803, d. in 1839, m. N. G. Mattison and had Mary, Hannah, Peter and Alexander W.; 6. SUSAN, married Abraham Gulick and had William, Henry and a daughter ; 7. ADELAIDE, m. Richard Hope and had Mary and Lewis ; 8. Mary, m. Rev. Sylvanus Decker and had Oscar, Henry, William, Anne, _ Clara and Elisabeth ; 9. Janz, d. Aug. 7, 1878. (V). Exten, m. Thomas Cherry, and had children, JoHN, WILLIAM, Hannad and ELLEN. (VI). CaTHARINE, m. Thomas Reading, and had two children, THomas and CATHARINE. (VII). Mary, m. Ell. More, and had four sons, WILLIAM, Harr, JoHN and CHARLEY. (VII). A DAUGHTER, m. Richard Holcombe. II. WILLIAM, b. —, 1755, d. Nov. 5, 1839, m. Susanna Dawson, b. —, 1769, d. Aug. 2, 1817. They had four children. (I). DANIEL, b. ——, 1786, d. Feb. 17, 1818. (ID. Apam D., b. Dec. 20, 1789, d. Feb. 14, 1873; m. Margaret Kennedy, b. Jan. 4, 1800, d. March 25, 1828. Had two children: 1. WiLu1aM, b. Aug. 28, 1822, d. Feb. 7, 1844. 2. Marcarrt KENNEDY, b. Mar. 24, 1828; m. Edward F. Stewart Oct. 16, 1819. Has two children: (1). Laura, b. May 5, 1848, m. Dr. Henry Lachenour; (2). Ellen Moffatt, b. Oct. 28, 1850, m. Rev. Henry Mason Baum. (III). Joszpu, b. Feb. 15, 1792, d. Feb. 29, 1836, m. Jane Stuart, b. Dec. 25, 1803, d. May 8, 1879. Hadoneson: 1. DANIEL, b. Feb. 29, 1823, d. Nov. 17, 1890, m. Elizabeth Ritchie, and had twosons: (1). William, b. Aug. 28, 1822; 2). Harry Godley, b. June 10, 1858. (IV). Mary, m. Jonathan Ingham. They hadeight children: 1. WrL1am, m. first, Abbie Anderson, by whom he had children, Edgar, Howard and Anna; m. second, by whom a boy and Ida, 2. SamuEL, m, Emma Johnston and had nine children: Charles, Annie, Mag- gie, Mary, James, Jonathan, Delia and two others. 8, JONATHAN, supposed: to. be lost at sea when a young man on his way to the gold fields of California. 4. Susan, m. Rev. Samuel Sawyer. 5. SaRaH Anw, m, John R, Alpaugh and had four children, Edwin K., Mary CoRRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS 593 Belle, Jennie and Harry. 6. CHARLES, was twice married. 7. MarGARET R., b. April 26, 1828, m. Dr. Smith Cramer. 8. Janez, b. Jan. — | 1880, m. Rev. James Lewers and had one child, Mary. III. ABRAHAM, m. ‘Sarah Stout and had four children: (). Mary, m. John W. Wert. (I). ELizaBeTH, m. George Rea and had five children: 1. RuNKLE, m first, Rachel Manners, by whom he had six children; second, Ellen Sullivan, by whom he had one son, William, 2. PETER, m. Maria Heyman and had three children. 8. CLARA, m. Gideon Quick. 4. ELIZABETH, m. William Taylor and had a large family. 5. GzorGE A. m. Lucretia Higgins. (IIT). Marcaret, m. Albert Cox and had four children: Abraham, Dickin- son, Sarah, m. Dr. Johnson, and Peter. (IV). Joun Y., m. Eliza Higgins and had eight children : Horace, Abram, Oscar, Rufus, William, John, Wesley and Eliza. IV. JACOB, b. —. 1763, d. Sept. 8, 1824, m. Euphemia Eick, b. Nov. 21, 1772, d. Dec. 17, 1844. Had thirteen children. (1). Purp, b. June 10, 1792, d. March 8, 1833, m. Sarah Carhard. Had five children: 1. Saran, b July 13, 1816, m. Jacob Besson. Had six children: (1.) Elbridge, V. S., b. Dec. 22, 1839; (2). A. Josephine, b. July 12, 1842, m. Charles B. Rudolphy; (8). S. Louisa, b. July 80, 1845; (4). James Brower, b. Dec. 25, 1847; (5). Charles Henry, b. July 16, 1851; (6). John J., b. Dec. 10, 1854. 2. GEORGE, b. June —,, 1818. 3. NzLson, b. May 27, 1820, d. June 26, 1889, m. Sarah Ann Vorhis, b. Nov. 16, 1823, and had (1). Daniel Van Syckle, (2). Charles Vorhis and (8). Mary Virginia. 4, Aumima, b. March 10, 1825, d. April ——, 1882, m. Dr. DeWitt C. Hough. 5. Joun CaRHaARt, b. Dec. 17, 1830, m. first, Helen Chichester, m. second, Miss Gutspiler. (II). Joan E., b. Dec. 16, 1793, d. July 11, 1877, m. Sarah Wert. Had one daughter: Catharine, b. Dec. 22, 1822, m. Peter F. Hoffman. (III). Mary, b. March 10, 1795, d. July 20, 1872, m. James Bird and had nine children. (IV). Susan, b. Dec. 16, 1796, d. Sept. 16, 1875, m. first, John Fisher, second, Archibald Kennedy. (V). CaTHaRInge, b. Jan. 1, 1799, d. Oct. 22, 1874, m. John C. Wert. (VI). SALLig, b. Aug. 15, 1800, d. an infant. (VII). Jussx, b. July 18, 1802, d. May 6, 1861. (VIII). Exiza, b. April 15, 1804, d. June 3, 1835, m. William Prall and had two daughters. : ([X). Raxpg, b. March 3, 1806, d. Feb. 15, 1874, m. first, Hannah Isabella Piatt, b. Oct. 7, 1804, d. May 3, 1888, and by her had three children: Ben. P., John Oakland Alex and Elizabeth, m. second, Eve Eliza Sieg, b. Jan. 24, 1821, d. June 11, 1887, and by her had three children: Enalla, Lydia and Henry. (X). Wivx1am, b. Feb. 24, 1808, d. May 8, 1877, m. Mary F. Parke, b. Feb. 24, 1809, d. June 29, 1886, and had eight children: 1. Lypia E., b. Sept. 1, 1833, m. Jacob Johnson. 2. HUPHEMIA ADA, b. July '80, 1835, m. John McCloughan. 3. Mary Mariupa, m. 8. Lafayette 594 Earty Germans or New JERSEY Hoge. 4. Saran C., b. April 28, 1840. 5. Joun E., b. March 3, 1843. 6. Jacos, b. May 11, 1844. 7. WiLiiam W. F., b. March 31, 1848, 8. RALPH EUGENE, b. Aug. 4, 1851. (XI). ABRAHAM, b. June 12, 1810, d. May 26, 1857, m. Mary Jane Sgiger, b. April 1, 1811, d. Dec. ——, 1862. Had seven children: 1. Jacos, b. Jan. 2, 1834, d. Jan. 16, 1862, m. Catharine Bruce. 2. HARRIET, d, ——, 1852, aged about 17 years. 3. Joun, died a child. 4. Mary MatTILpA, b. June 1, 1743, m, James Parker. 5. AMANDA ELLEN, died young. CINDERILLA, b. April 1, 1847, m. Austin Leigh. 7. FLORENCE, b. Jan. 4, 1854, m. Jacob Peterson. (XII). Evpsemia C., b. March 22, 1813, d. July 13, 1865, m. Richard J. De Mott, b. July 1, 1811, d. Aug. 26,1873. Had four children. 1. JoHn ALEXANDER, b. Jan. 27, 1836, m. first, Sarah Ann Hunt, second, Mary Jane Gambling. 2. JacoB RUNKLE, b. May 15, 1839, m. Margaret Wyckoff. 3. JAMES OLIVER, b. June 82, 1842, d. Sept. 5, 1851. 4. ELimerR AvuGustus, b. May 18, 1845, d. March 31, 1889, m. William H. Woodhouse. (XIII). Saran, b. July 12, 1814, d. Oct. —, 1891, m. John W. Wert. V. ADAM, b. Jan. 18, 1766, d. Oct. 18, 1859, m. Sarah Richey, b. Dec. 3, 1786, d. Jan. 12, 1878. Had two children. (I). Exviza, b. Feb. 28, 1810, d. May 14, 1848. (II). Matiupa, b. Aug. 4, 1812, d. Sept. 21, 1891, m. John Jacob Burke, b. Nov. 18, 1808, d. May 5, 1865. Had seven children. 1. Saran RUNELE, b. Jan. 31, 1833, d. Oct. 24, 1857, m. Edwin A. Hendry. 2. JOSEPH, b. Oct. 25, 1837, 3. EMILIE, b. Sept. 30, 1843, m. John Bacon. 4. Howarp, b. Sept. 10, 1845, d. Sept. 10, 18738. 5. Epwin RUNKLE, b. July 5, 1848. 6. LiLLiz Exiza, b. July 9, 1851, m. Frank Wells Stewart. 7%. SusAN RUNKLE, b. Nov. 28, 1853, d Sept. 10, 1855. VI. MARY, m. Abraham Wagoner and had three children. (1), Saraw, m. Henry Runyon. (II). CATHARINE, m. Cornelius Sheets and had children, Jacob R., and Elijah R. (III). Mary, m. Samuel Swearer. VII. SARAH, m. John Van Buskirk and had three children. (). Joun, m. Lydia Carhart and had two children: Sarah Ann and Cornelius. (ID. DANIEL. (II). Janz, m. a Mr. Burdazette. VIII. PEGGY, m. Jacob Gerhart. SCHOENHEIT. REV. JOHN GEORGE SCHOENHEIT was pastor of the Lutheran Church at Teichroda in Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt ; had ason, Rev. FRIEDRICH CHRISTIAN HEINRICH SCHOENHEIT, b. 18 Sept., 1789, d. 28 April, 1870, m. Wilhelmina Maria Elisabeth Eichhorn, of Volkstadt ; was present in youth at the battle of Saalfeld, 10 Oct., 1806, of which he could give many historical incidents as an eyewitness : educated at the gymnasium of Rudolstadt, then at the University of CoRRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS 595 Jena ; became his father’s assistant and finally his successor ; after eleven years removed to a new and larger field, consisting of four churches, viz., Singen, Hengelbach, Goesselbann and Paulinzella ; remained in this parish for 4244 years from 1826 until his death in 1870 ; was a laborious pastor ; in going from one church to the other on a very cold day, in 1827, froze the toes of his right foot, so that they had to be amputated ; was a lover of nature and fond of hunting and fishing ; from his early days delighted in collecting but- terflys and studying birds ; experimented in the planting of trees and the care of bees, even allowing the latter to form a hive in the high altar of one of his churches ; became a learned scientist ; Secretary of the Agricultural Society of Paulinzella and of the Botanical Society of Germany ; corresponding mem- ber of a number of scientific bodies at home and abroad ; was endeared to his people ‘‘ by his conscientious discharge of duty, his simple, homely character, his kind manners, his constant readiness to render help in word and act with his medical knowledge” ; was the author of several works: ‘‘ The Wonders of the Animal Kingdom”; ‘The Flora of Thuringia”; ‘‘ Forest Botany Self- Taught,” and one other ; had nine children, of whom one son, Louis RIcHARD, came to America in 1852. LOUIS RICHARD SCHOENHEIT, son of Rev. Friedrich, residing in German Valley, N. J., was born 1 Mar., 1833 ; m. Henrietta Gulick (dau. of William); res. at German Valley, N. J.; has ch.: I. OSCAR, m. Mary Beyer ; res. Newark, Washington. Il. ELMER, unmarried. II. EDITH, unmarried. An interesting tradition of this family recounts that their remote ancestor, a charcoal burner, was once fortunate enough to rescue the Princess Paulina, of noble birth, from death by exposure or wild beasts, when she had lost her way in the Black Forest, while with a party who were hunting wild boars. In gratitude to God and to her deliverer, she founded the Cloister of Paulinzella and also estab- lished a fund for the education of every male descendant of the charcoal burner, who should study for the ministry, and to furnish a dowry to every maiden of the family when she married. SMITH (p. 500), JOHANNES HEINRICH SCHMIDT, should be JOHANNES, whose will [Trenton, Lib. 32, fol. 334], dated Readington, N. J., 4 June, 1790, prob. 1 Nov., 1791, names wife Christian and ch.: I. CHRISTIAN, eldest son. II. Martin to receive 30 acres, where he now lives. He had ch. [See p. 501.] 1. Christiana, b. 10 March, 1778, m. Peter Stryker (son of Peter and Charity Rodenbaugh) ; 2. Elizabeth, b. 20 Jan., 1779; 3. Peter, b. 10 May, 1784; 4. Jacob S., m. Mary Garrabrant (dau. of Henry, an uncle to Jacob 8.); 5. A daughter, who married John Stires, of Flemington. (III. Jon (p. 50 of Part II) not named in will of Johannes]. III. Peter. IV. AnpREas. V. Jacos. VI. Josepn. VII. Isaac. VIII. Zacnarniag. IX. Saran. X. Lawy (Magdalena), m. Benj. Huff. XJ. ELIzaBETH, m. Derick Demott. XII. CHariry, m. Joseph Shits (Shuetz?) XIII. Mary, m. Henry Pickle. XIV. Catu- ERINE, m. John Severs. XV. CHRISTINA, m. Henry Garrabrant. STARK, II. AARON (p. 505) had a son (I). Amos, who had four children instead of three; the fourth was 4. Amy, b. 20 July, 1779, m. 15 May, 1802, Jacob Weise (son of Jacob of G. V.) 596 Earty GERMANS oF New JERSEY STRYKER, PETER (p. 510), m. Christina Smith, b. 16 March, 1778, the daughter of Martin Smith (son of Johannes). WERTS, CONRAD [to be added to the Werts family, p. 561-7]. His will dated Roxbury, 23 Aug., 1766, prob. 17 Oct., 1767, names wife Anna and also his mother Anna, and speaks of children without naming them, the daughters at least, not yet being 18 years of age. The executors are George Waldorf and ‘‘my brother John Wirtz”; the witnesses are John Waldorf, Peter and Maurice Wirtz; the inventory amounted to £246. This makes the children of Rev. JOHN ConraD, the emigrant, to be six in number, viz.: I. ANNA Maria MaGDALENA, b. in Phila., 17 August, 1735 ; II. Conran, d. 1767 ; III. Jonn, b. 1744 ; IV. Groras, b. 1746; V. PETER, m. 1774; VI. Mauricz, b. 1749. Conrad was probably the grand- father of John C. Wert of Hunterdon Co.; the father of John C. proba- bly being Christian. a APPENDIX II. MINISTERS. ; It has seemed best to give in this place the additional items of interest connected with the ministers, who have any part in the foregoing history: BLAUVELT, Isaac ALstynz, b. Lamington, N. J. +, March 31, 1839; graduated from College of New Jersey in 1857, and from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1860; ordained as Evangelist, Elizabethtown Presbytery, May 8, 1860; S. S. Plum- stead, Cream Ridge and Plattsburg, N. J., 1860-64; pastor at Clinton in 1864-68; pastor at German Valley in 1868-74; pastor at Roselle in 1874—_;; D. D. College of New Jersey, 1893. REv. VALENTINE F. Boron’s, M. A., ancestors came from England to America before the union of the States was formed, and settled in Philadelphia, Pa. He is a native of the State of Virginia. He was educated at Roanoke College, and graduated in said college in 1855, taking the first honors of his class. He became a christian in his boyhood, being blessed with christian parents. He entered the ministry two years before he graduated in college; preached every Sabbath, and many sinners were converted to God in his charge, while yet a student in college. In 1858 he received and accepted a call to Spruce Run Lutheran church, Hunterdon Co., New Jersey, where he is still the pastor. He has two sons and four daughters. Their names are: Charles William, James Beal, Virginia Schriver, Carrie Grace, the wife of Philip Harmon, Mary Brown and Maud. CAMPBELL, JOSEPH, was born in Ireland, educated at Princeton College, he also studied theology with Dr. Woodhull, became pastor of Pleasant Grove and Hackettstown, June 13, 1809-1832, when. he withdrew from the former place. In April, 1838, he was called to Milford and Kingwood, New Jersey, in opposition to the remonstrances of his Hackettstown charge. He died of typhoid fever in the autumn of 1840, sincerely mourned by his brethren and by the people. D. D. by Lafayette College. ‘Dr. Campbell’s talents were quite above mediocrity. He wrote with a good deal of vigor, was ready in debate, apt and forcible in theological controversy, and was an earnest, able and affectionate preacher of the word. Several revivals of religion took place under his ministry. He always prayed with his eyes open.” CHAMBERS, THEODORE FRELINGHUYSEN was born May 14, 1849, at Raritan, Somerset Co., N. J., graduated from the College of City of New York, 1868; gradu- 598 Ear.ty Germans oF New JERSEY ated Union Theological Seminary, 1871; licensed by Presbytery of New York, 1871; teacher, New York City, September, 1871 to June, 1872; ordained and installed Ponds (Reformed Dutch church, Oakland), N. J., October, 1872, pastor First Want7 age (Clove, Deckertown), N. J., February, 1876 to February, 1883; without charge, February, 1883 to) January, 1884; pastor, Sparta, N. J., January, 1884 to March, 1887; installed May 27, 1884. Rev. Talbot W. Chambers, D. D., of New York, father of the pastor elect, preached the sermon. Rev. J. W. Coleman delivered. the charge to the pastor, and Rev. A. H. Young the charge to the people, Ac- cepted a call to Presbyterian church of German Valley, N. J., January, 1887; began preaching February 6, installed June 16. Author of ‘‘Sparta Centennial” (1887) and ‘‘ Karly Germans of New Jersey” (1894.) CLarK, Jamus Hervey, b. New York City, March 3, 1830; graduated at Princeton Seminary, 1859; ordained by Iowa Presbytery, September 25, 1593 preached at Burlington, Iowa, 1859-62; chaplain U. 8. A., 1862-63; 8. S. Throop Avenue church, Brooklyn, 1863 ; pastor at Pleasant Grove, N. J., 1863-69; S.S. Clarksville, 1869-70; pastor at First Church, Cedarville, 1870-74; 8. 8. Nichol- son, Pa., 1874-75; S. 8. Arlington, 1875-76; S. S. Third church, Paterson, N. J, 1876-79; 8. 8. Ellendale, Dak., 1883-85; 8. S. Gary, Dak., 1886-87; pastor at Alta., Ia., 1888; pastor at Pipestone, Minn., 1889-91; pastor at Yates City, Il, 1892 Couuins, BENJAMIN B., born Nov. 28, 1847, at Berlin, Somerset Co., Pa.; gradu ated at Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa., 1872; graduated at Theological Seminary, Gettysburg, 1875; licensed to preach the gospel, 1874; ordained, 1876; sailed for Africa, Sept., 1875; returned through ill health, June, 1876; married, Sept. 1, 1875 to Emma J. Fisher, of Berlin, Pa., who died at sea, May 6, 1876; married Dec. 26, 1878 to Ella A. Delp, of Chalfont, Pa.; pastor at Chalfont, Pa., 1877-1881; pastor at German Valley, N, J., 1881-1890; traveling secretary of the Allegany Synod from Dec., 1890 to April, 1892; pastor at; Meyersdale, Pa., 1892—. Couns, GEonGE 8. Careful inquiry has failed to get the information desired concerning Mr. Collins. The following items are all that have been obtained: One gentleman, who used to be a great friend of Mr. Collins, said he was 6 feet 4 inches in height and quite peculiar. He was not licensed until after he came to New Germantown, N. J., not having finished his studies. His arguments were very close, and it required strict attention to follow him.. He was a great talker when with those of his own sex. Did not affect the society of ladies. From New Ger- mantown he moved to Maryland, where his wife died shortly; he also died in a fow years. He had two children, son and daughter. The boy died while they were in Maryland, and it is the impression that the daughter is dead also. Davis, Trrus ELwoop, b. at Flatbush, Ulster Co., N. Y., April 15, 1851; lived on a farm; prepared for colleged at Green Valley Seminary, Flatbush; entered Rutgers College, New Brunswick, Sept., 1870; was graduated June, 1874, with the degree of Batchelor of Arts; entered the Theological Seminary at New Bruns- wick, Sept., 1874; finished the Seminary course May, 1877; received the degree of Master of Arts from Rutgers College in New Jersey, 1877; was licensed to preach by the Classis of Ulster, May 22, 1877; ordained by the Presbytery of Morris and Orange, and installed as pastor of the church of Fairmount, N. J., August 2, 1877; resigned June 5, 1880, on account of ill health; installed as pastor of the church of Schaghticoke, N. Y., by the Presbytery of Troy, May 3, 1881; pastoral relationship dissolved May 1, 1887, on account of continued ill health; spent one year on a farm; MINISTERS 599 May, 1888, was installed pastor of the Presbyterian church of Valatie by the Presbytery: of Columbia; July 1, 1890, was granted permission to resign the charge by Presbytery, in order to accept a call from the Presbyterian church of Bound Brook, N. J., where he was installed pastor Oct. 16, 1890. Davison, Isaac SNEDICKER, b. Cranbury, N. J. -, Aug. 1, 1815; graduated from College of New Jersey, 1835; ordained by Presbytery of West Jersey, June 16, 1841; stated supply Millville, N. J., 1841-43; pastor Fairmount, 1843-47; pastor First Church of Nyack, N. Y., 1847-52; missionary in New York City, 1852-54; pastor of Eighty-fourth Street church, New York City, 1854-58; principal of Brooklyn High School, 1859-67; teacher Brooklyn, 1868-82; stated supply at New Lots, L. I., 1869, pastor, 1870 and 1876-1877; Yonkers, .N. Y., 1882-90; d. New York City, April 28, 1891. DELP, WILLIAM SPEECE, is the son of George Delp and Elizabeth Speece, and was born at Chalfonte, Pa., 10 Nov., 1847; studied at the Pennsylvania College at Gettysberg, Pa.; graduated at Gettysberg Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1881; licensed and ordained, 1881; pastor Uniontown, Md., 1881-90; pastor German Valley Lutheran church, Jan., 1891 —~; mar. 1881, M. Jennie Kanect, of Beth- lehem, by whom he has two children, Florence and Edna. Denton, Jonas, b. Chester, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1807; graduated at Williams Col- lege, 1833; ordained Presbytery, Wooster, Nov. 15, 1838; pastor Newman’s Creek and Chippewa, O., 1838-43; stated supply, Canal Fulton, 1844-1846; resided at Mendham, N. J., 1846-59; stated supply, Mount Olive and Flanders, 1856; missionary Tioga *Co., Pa., 1859-62; missionary Mich., 1862-67; stated supply Greenwood, Mich., 1867; d. Cuba, Mo., May 10, 1888. Derpvr, Moses AYERS, b. near Belvidere, N. J., Sept. 23, 1840; graduated Lafayette College, 1863; stated supply of first church of Easton, Pa., 1866-67; ordained Presbytery, Luudonderry, July 11, 1867; pastor East Boston, Mass, 1867- 69; stated supply at Lewisburg, Pa., 1869-70; pastor Pleasant Grove, N. J., 1870-72; d. Easton, Pa., Oct. 12, 1872. He had been married twice and left two children; was a contributor to Lippincott’s and the Atlantic Monthly Magazines. Dero, O. H. Perry, b. Highlands opposite Fishkill on the Hudson, in New York State, 1817; united with the church at twenty years of age and studied for the ministry, principally with Rev. Mr. Wilde; was licensed as an Evangelist by the North River Presbytery at Amenia, Dutchess Co., N. Y., in 1855, where he labored for about a year; had declined to be installed a pastor till he accepted the invitation of Rockaway, N. J. His ministry there was very successful and resulted in gather- ing into the church eighty-four by profession and fourteen by letter and in quick- ening and elevating the piety of the people. June 17, 1866, Rev. Deyo preached his first sermon in the Presbyterian church at Rockaway, N. J.; was stated supply from Sept. 19, 1866, until April 30, 1867, when he was regularly installed pastor by the Presbytery. He resigned the 20th of Oct., 1872; resident at present (1894) of Asbury Park, N. J. He afterwards served the Mount Olive church as stated supply, 1875-81. Diener, J. F., was born at Newville, Pa., Dec. 14, 1845 ; was educated at Get- tysburg College and Seminary ; entered the ministry in 1870; first charge Union- town, Md., two years ; second charge, New Germantown, N. J., nearly six years ; third field of labor, Catawissa, Pa., four years ; became stated supply of Dickenson Presbyterian Church, Carlisle, Pa.; united with Carlisle Presbytery in 1884 ; pas- ‘ 600 Earty Germans or New JERSEY tor of Schellsburg and Manns’ Choice, Pa., in 1885 for five years; pastor at Waterloo, Pa., 1890 ——. Duy, Jacos C., was born October 10th, 1808, at Germantown, Pa.; died March 25th, 1882, at Mont Vale, Bergen Co., New Jersey ; was educated at Gettysburg, Pa., for the ministry ; pastor Friesburg, Salem Co., New Jersey, of the Evangel- ical Lutheran Church, Sept. 22d, 1836; left September or October, 1838 ; pastor at Saddle River, Bergen Co., N. J., of Zion’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, October 10th, 1838,-June 6th, 1847, where he performed baptisms, 248 ; confirmations, 216 ; marriages, 92 ; funerals, 117 ; pastor at Churchtown, Columbia Co., N. J., of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, June 15th, 1847,-Dec. 25th, 1852 ; during that time fifty-one were received into the membership of the church ; pastor at New Ger- mantown, Hunterdon Co., N. J., Oct. Ist, 1853-1872. The charge at New German- town ended his active ministry; removing to Mont Vale, Bergen Co., N. J., where he filled pulpits in that section of the country, as opportunity offered, for the remainder of his life, but had no stated charge. In the year 1862 or 63, there was a call for volunteers to serve in the war, and a mass meeting was held in the Lutheran Church, of New Germantown, of which Mr. Duy was chairman. After he had made a stirring speech, calling for volunteers to come forward and sign, what was his surprise, when the first person to come forward was his son Philip, 17 years of age, who enlisted and went to the front. Fox, DANIEL, was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1838; grad. Amherst Col- lege, 1862; Union Theol. Sem., 1865; pastor Newtown, Conn. (Congreg.) June, 1865—April, 1867 ; pastor South Royalton, Vt. (Congreg.) Aug , 1868—April, 1870 ; pastor Flanders, N. J., April, 1870—Aug., 1884 ; without charge, 1884-5 ; teacher” Hampton Normal Institute, 1885-8 ; pastor Warrensburgh, N. Y., (Pres.), April, 1888—Mch., 1890 ; 8. S., Rockingham, N. C., Apr., 1892 ———. Gipson, James Ricwarp, b. Delhi, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1856 ; graduated at Union College, 1881; graduated Princeton Seminary, 1884 ; ordained by Presbytery of Elisabeth, June 17, 1884 ; installed pastor of Lower Valley, N. J., 17, June, 1884 ; resigned 1890 to become pastor at Berwick, Pa.; after six months absence, recalled to Lower Valley, 1891; resigned from ill health, 1894, to engage in the insurance business in Newark, N. J. GLEN, WiLL14m RENWICK, son of William and Isabella (Renwick) Gl-n, was born in Glasgow, Scotland, Jan. 12, 1812, and came to the United States at an early age. He first united on profession with the church at Matteawan. Dutches Co., N. Y., then under the pastoral care of the Rev. Samuel Irenaeus Prime, at the age of twenty-one. He was afterwards elected a ruling elder, was ordained to that office July 19, 1840, and retained it until licensed, He was prepared for college at the Hudson River Seminary, at Stockport, N. Y., under the Rev. E. D. Maltbie and the Rev. Alden Scovel, and for some time pursued his studies at Burr Seminary, Vt., but was never graduated from any college. He entered Princeton Seminary in 1845, and graduated in 1848. He was licensed by the Presbytery of North River April 21, 1847, and labored as a missionary to the coal miners of Schuylkill and adjacent counties, Pennsylvania, 1847-52. He was ordained an evangelist by Luzerne Presbytery at Middleport, Pa., December 10,1850. His first pastorate was over the Tamaqua Church, Pa., where he was installed June 9, 1852, and released. Aug. 12, 1856. His next charge was over German Valley Church, N. J., where he was installed October 17, 1856, and was released Jan 13, 1868. Next he was pastor elect at Bloomington, Ill., from Jan. 20, 1868, until installed July 11, 1869. This MINISTERS 601 relation (as also the church organization) was dissolved after the reunion, April 5, 1871. He then served the church at Heyworth, Ill., from April 5, 1871, unt] July 1, 1872. From July 1, 1872, to Jannary 1, 1873, he labored as a missionary to the feeble and vacant churches in the Presbytery of Bloomington. His last pastoral charge was at Monticello, Ill., where he was installed June 10, 1873, which relation, because of a severe attack of bronchitis, was dissolved May 1, 1875. From this time his health was delicate and manifestly declined, but to the end he was strong in faith and hope. He died of consumption at Frankfort, Ind., March 81, 1880, in the sixty-ninth year of hisage. Mr. Glen was a man of a tender, true and affec- tionate nature, of deep and fervent piety, prayerful, conscientious, industrious, an untiring worker, wearing himself out for Christ, always keeping in view as his great aim the salvation of souls. For a long time he was a sufferer, patient, uncom- plaining, submissive, looking forward to the rest, the joy, and the crown. Mr. Glen married July 23, 1838, Miss Mary Sophia Avery, daughter of Nathan B. Avery, of Hudson, N. Y. Shesurvived him with two sons and two daughters. 1. Irenaeus R. GLEN, M. D,, of Plainfield, Union Co., N. J.; 2. Cares T. GLEN Attorney and Counsellor at law 741 Broad St., Newark, N. J.; 8. LIuLiz A., whose first husband was Chas. A. Ludlam, of Frankfort, Indiana, editor Frankfort Ban- ner, now wife of Washi’ gton Ludlam, of Bradfordton, Sangamen Co., Mlinois; 4. CornELia B., wife of Edward T. Roe, Ass’t U. 8S. Att’y for Illinois, late of Spring- field, Illinois, now of Chicago, Ill. Since the above was written Mrs. Mary 8. Glen died at Bradtordton, Sangamon Co , near Springfield, Illinois, on Thursday. Jan. 25th, 1894. ; HARKER, SAMUEL, or, as the name is sometimes spelt on New Brunswick Records, Harcour, was probably of Huguenot descent. Remarkable for size. vigor and strength, he spent his youth in manual labor. He graduated at Nassau Hall in 17—, and was taken up by New Brunswick Presbytery, December 6, 1749, and was licensed November 6, 1751. Roxbury and Hardwick asked for him, June 5, 1752, and being called to Roxbury, on Black River, in Morris Co., New Jersey, he was ordained there October 31. He challenged Abel Morgan, the Baptist minister, of Middletown, and who had debated on infant baptism with Finley in West Jersey ; and they disputed on that point for two days at Kingwood, in Hunterdon county. In 1752 or 53 a man named Heaton, who, with three brothers, had moved from Wrentham, Mass., to establish iron works on Black River, near Schooley’s Moun- tain, became a Baptist because he could not find a text proving infant baptism> This led Robert Colver, who lived there, to advertise a reward of twenty dollars for a text proving infant baptism. Harker carried a text to him and demanded the money ; being refused, he sued him ; but the justice ordered Harker to pay the costs. On the Black River dwelt also a small number of Rogerines or Quaker Baptists, from Groton, Connecticut. (Webster's Hist. Pres. Church.) Henpricks, Davin, grad. of Union College, Schenectady, New York ; studied theol. under Rev. Frederick Mayer, of Albany ; pastor New Germantown, N. Jy, August, 1816-1822 ; pastor Ramapo, N. J., 1822-1830. HILLER, ALFRED, was born in the town of Sharon, Schoharie Co., N. Y., April 22,1931. Graduated at Hartwick Seminary, 1857, licensed to preach by the New York Ministerium, Sept. 8, 1857, in Zion’s Church, Utica, N. Y., and ordained by the New York Ministerium in St. Matthew’s Church, New York City, Sept. 28, 1858. After licensure in 1857 became pastor of the Lutheran Church at Fayette, 602 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY Seneca Co., N. Y.; remained for one year when he accepted a call to the church in German Valley. After serving this church twenty-three years, he accepted the call to Hartwick Seminary to become Dr. G. B. Miller’s successor and Professor of Systematic Theology ; D. D. in 1882, Wittemberg College, Springfield. Hunt, Hontoway W8ITEFIELD, JR., b. Sparta, N. J., Jan. 8, 1799 ; graduated College New Jersey, 1820; missionary in Pennsylvania and New York, 1822; or- dained as an evangelist by the Presbytery of Newton, Nov. 29, 1623: stated supply of Kingwood and Alexandria, N. J., 1823-26; teacher at Schooley’s Mountain, 1826-31 ; stated supply of Pleasant Grove, Danville and Stanhope, 1831-32 ; pastor of Pleasant Grove, 1832-60 ; pastor of Second Church, Mansfield, 1857-60 ; died at Schooley’s Mountain, N. J., Jan. 29, 1868. Hustep. Jonn Napier, b. Cedarville, N. J., July 15, 1825 ; grad. at Lafayette College, 1848 ; spent two years in Princeton Seminary ; ordained Presbytery Pas- saic, June 29, 1853 ; stated supply Flanders, N. J., 1852, pastor 1853-55 ; pastor Zion Md., 1856-61 ; pastor Bel Air and Franklinville, 1862-63 ; stated supply Washing- ville Church, Pa., 1864-66 ; pastor Liberty, N. Y., 1868-84 ; pastor Unionville, 1885 to 1891 ; resides at Milton, N. Y. Hurron, Mancius SMEDES, b. at Troy, N. Y., June 9, 1803; graduated at Columbia College, July, 1823; graduated at Princeton Theological Seminary, May, 1826; licensed to preach the gospel, 1826; sent to Wawarsing, N. Y., by Missionary Society of Reformed Dutch Church, 1827; ordained and installed over Presbyterian Churches of Fox Hill and German Valley, N. J., 1828: settled in South Dutch Church, Garden street, N. Y., as colleague, 1834; settled in Washington Square as colleague, 1837; received degree of S. T. D. from his Alma Mater, 1841; became sole pastor in Washington Square, 1843; last discourse in Washington Square, July 11, 1875; d. April 11, 1880. His published discourses were: 1. Annual Sermon before the American S. S. Union, 1851. 2, The Death of Christ, National Preacher. 8. The Rejected Offering. Annual Sermon before the Foreign Missionary Society of New York and Brooklyn, 1853. 4. Spiritual Worship. Pulpit Repository, 1856. 5. Coming to Christ. N.Y. Pulpit in Revival of 1858, 1858. 6. Oration at the Opening of Hope College, 1866. 7. Oration on the Founders of the Nation, Feb. 22, 1876. 8. Historical Discourse, 1877. The following is from Dr. Hutton’s funeral sermon, preached by Dr. T. W. Chambers, of New York: Dr. Hutton was quite above the ordinary stature, and though in early life somewhat slender, yet afterwards he attained symmetrical pro- portions and an imposing presence, so as to attract attention in any company. This was heightened by his countenance, which never altogether lost the ruddiness of youth. It was open, mobile and expressive, quickly responding to the emotions within. It was not so much the regular features,-or even the kindling eye, as the frank, sweet and kindly expression which invited confidence and seemed necessarily an index of character. To this must be added his voice, which was clear and musical, fit for all forms of speech but especially for such as were grave or pathetic. His style was simple, easy and limpid; never drawing attention to itself, but serving admirably for the colorless transmission of his thought. What he said was aided greatly by the manner of saying it. His commanding presence, his solemn earnestness, his rich, sonorous tones, his manifest sincerity, endued his words with a power additional to the truth conveyed. The following letter is found in the published memorial sermon of Dr. Chambers: MINISTERS 603 My D BRistou, April 23, 1880. DEAR Mr. CHAMBERS:—When I went to German Valley I found a people exceeding loyal in their affections to all my predecessors, but for Dr. Hutton there was a sentiment of tender love and devotion that was exceedingly marked and most remarkable. In the five years of my pastorate there I never heard an exception taken to anything which Mr. (they never learned to Dr. him) Hutton ever said or did ; but I did hear almost every day his sayings and doings spoken of with praise, admiration and thankfulness. In himself there was one feeling of devoted love. He was of great use to that congregation. By his wisdom and zeal he engaged the people in the erection of a church building which, for that time, was a marvel of beauty. This he accomplished without difficulty, though there was a question of location which, at the outset, bid fair to tear the congregation into at least three pieces, He united them on the location by a scheme so fair that every one agreed to it when it was proposed, aad abode by the result when that was declared. The result was a firmly united congregation, which, from that time to this, has had a history of which any congregation in the land might be proud. No pastor has euer been there who has not been glad of his residence there, for all his memories are of a people who have, to a rare degree, “highly honored him for his works’ sake,”——and who have to their ability contributed to his comfort in every way’ while they have sought to extend the influence of the church in all directions. And I have always given Dr. Hutton special credit for this. But for his wisdom, and living counsels at the crisis of that church’s history, it must have had a very different record. * * * * * * * * Yours very truly, Jas. H. Mason Knox. James, Davip MuLrorp, b. at Deerfield, N. J., Aug. 30, 1825; graduated from Lafayette College, 1852; studied two years at Princeton, Jan., 1852-4; ordained by Presbytery, Passaic, Oct. 4, 1853; pastor of Mount Olive, N. J., Oct. 4, 1854-June 22, 1869; pastor of Flanders, 1856-67; pastor of Allen Township and Bath, Pa., 1869; received the degree of D. D. from Whitworth College, Washington, in 1892- Kiser, James R., b. near Waynesboro, Augusta Co., Va., on the 28th of Sept., 1812; began his studies at Gettysburg, Pa., 1834, in his twenty-second year, with the ministry in view. After graduating at Pennsylvania College he spent one year in the Theological Seminary and finished his course of study preparatory to the min- istry in the Seminary at Andover, Mass. ; first ministerial work was in the Lutheran Church at Winchester, Va.; in 1843 succeeded Dr. Pohlman in the churches of New Germantown, German Valley and Spruce Run; in 1849 was called to the Lutheran Church at Schoharie, N. Y. The seven years spent in this church were the most pleasant and fruitful of his whole ministerial life; was afterwards pastor of St. James Church, Gettysburg; in 1861 called to the Lutheran Church in Dixon, III, where he remained for three years, when he returned to the East and engaged in work for the American Sunday-School Union. During this time he united with the Presbytery of New York, and was, during the remainder of his life, a minister of the Presbyterian Church. This transition was natural and easy as he was always more Calvinistic than Lutheran in his theological views, and withal of such Catholic feelings as to make him indifferent to denominational bounds. He died in the comfort and hope of the gospel, Oct. 12, 1872, and was buried in - Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia. 604 Ear.ty GeRMANS OF NEW JERSEY Kuinx, NaTHANIEL BaKER, b. at Bethlehem, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1823; Union Col- lege, 1847; graduated from Union Seminary, N. Y., 1850; stated supply at Oneida Valley, N. Y., 1851-52; stated supply at. West Galway, 1852-53; ordained by Pres- bytery of Albany, Feb. 13, 1854; stated supply at Ballston Spa, 1853?; pastor, 1854- 1855; pastor at Fairmount, N. J., 1855-59; stated supply at Sacramento, Cal., 1860- 61; teacher, Vallejo, 1861-62; stated supply at Vallejo, 1861-73; stated supply at Santo Paulo and Hueneme, 1883-84; stated supply at’Redding, 1886-89; stated sup- ply at West Berkeley, 1889-92; stated supply at Clement, 1892. Knox, James Hatt Mason, bornN. Y. city, 10 June, 1824 ; graduated from Columbia College, N. Y., 1841; graduated fom New Brunswick Seminary, 1845: licensed by the Classis of New Brunswick, 1845; pastor German Valley, 1846-51; pastor at Easton, Pa., of the Reformed Dutch Church, 1851-3; pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Germantown, Pa., 1853-69; pastor Pres ch., Bristol, Pa., 1873-83 ; received degree of D. D. from Columbia College, 1861; president Lafay- ette College, 1883-90 ; without charge at present (1894). KREcuTING, JoHN P., b. March 3, 1837, at Odenhaussen in the Grand Dutchy of Hessen Darmstadt; was educated at Hartwick Theological Seminary; past-r at Amsterdam, N. Y.; pastor of New Germantown Lutheran Church, 1379 -—. LANE, REV. GILBERT, the successor of Rev H. W. Hunt as pastor of Pleasant Grove and Second Mansfield congregation ; was born at Readington, Hunterdon Co., N. J., Nov. 29, 1825; graduated at Rutgers College 1851, and from New Bruns- wick Seminary 1854; spent 1455 and 1856 as missionary pastor in the German Reformed Church in North Carolina ; in 1857 became pastor of Reformed Dutch Church of Gallupville and Knox, Schoharie Co., N. Y.; in 1860 came to Pleasant Grove, taking charge also of Second Mansfield ; April, 1863, resigned the Pleasant Grove Church. remaining in charge of Second Mansfield Church until 1866, when he resigned and went to the Reformed Dutch Church of Minaville, Montgomery Co., N. Y., remaining there eight years ; in 1874 he removed to Somerset Co., N. J.; in 1885 became pastor of churches in Sullivan Co., N. Y., remaining there until 1888, when he took charge of Cuddebackville congregation, remaining there five years ; now pastor of Reformed Church of Montague, Sussex Co., N. J. He also served as Chaplain in the army from June, 1864, until the close of the war. LINNELL, EDWARD Payson, was born on the 18th of April, 1846, at Granville, Ohio ; was educated at Denison University and Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y., from which he graduated in 1871 ; graduated from Union Theological Seminary in 1874 ; in September, 1874, became pastor of Presbyterian Church at German Val- ley, N. J., and served this field of labor for nearly eight years, when, on the 9th May, 1882, he was released from his pastorate here to connect himself with the Presbytery of Montana and to take charge of the churoh of Miles City, a rising town on the Northern PacificR. R. Serving this laborious parish, which he wrote was ‘‘ twice as large as the State of Ohio,” for three years, he entered a still more extensive field of labor, viz: became synodical superintendent of the whole terri- tory of Montana. Worn out with fatigue from his arduous labors, he fell, with his armor on and at the very height of his usefulness and power, entering into his rest on the 23d of July, 1885. (See Memorial Sermon by Rev. Jas. F. Brewster.) Lone, EDwIn WACK, was born at Norristown, Montgomery Co., Pa., Nov. 19, 1853 ; attended school at Wilmington, Del., until about fourteen years of age, when his parents moved to Philadelphia where he attended Hancock Grammar school ; went to boarding school at Downington, Pa., taught by his uncles in 1871 ; entered MINISTERS 605 Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., 1873 ; took two prizes of $50 for Greek and Latin at the end of Freshman year ; graduated from said college 1877 ; graduated from Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1880; supplied pulpit of Presbyterian Church Ocean Beach, New Jersey, for six weeks ; then went to Absecon, New Jer- sey, and supplied three churches, one at Absecon, Leed’s Point and Sommer’s Point; accepted a call from Presbyterian Church at Fairmount, N. J., and entered upon labor there October 1, 1880 ; ordained and installed April 21, 1881 ; married Clara J. Booth, of Chester, Pa., March 3, 1881 ; remained in this field till May, 1884 ; June 1, 1884-Oct. 1, 1887, was pastor of Presbyterian € hurch Brandts, Pa.; October 1887-1889 pastor of Presbyterian Church Glen Riddle, Delaware Co., Pa.; 1889 pas- tor of Green Hill Presbyterian Church, Wilmington, Del. McCLENAGHAN, SAMUEL JOHN, was born March 17, 1862, in Lancaster Co., Pa. Youth and early manhood spent on his father’s farm. He writes, ‘‘ when it was decided that I should become a minister, I entered in 1881 the Collegiate Institute at York, Pa., and graduated with highest honors 1884. The same year I entered the Junior Class of Princeton College, graduating in June, 1886. For three years I studied theology in Princeton Theological Seminary, graduating in 1889. During my middle year in the semina~y I was invited to supply for one Sunday the pulpit of the Pleasant Grove, N. J., congregation. For one year as supply and for two years as pastor I occupied this pulpit. During the year in which I supplied the church there was a gracious outpouring of God’s spirit, resulting in many conver- sions. May 9th, 1889, I was ordained to the gospel ministry by the Presbytery of Morris and Orange. On the same day I was installed as pastor of Pleasant Grove Church. Dr. B. C. Magie, the former pastor, preached the sermon. Rev. T. F. Chambers, of German Valley, gave the charge to the pastor. Rev.,W. W. Hallo- way, Jr., of Dover, charged the people. For two years after installation I served this people as pastor. They were delightful years. Amongst this people friend- ships were made which the lapse of time cannot destroy, ties of fellowship were formed, which I hope will never be sundered. In July, 1891, the pastoral relations were dissolved at my request and I removed to East Orange, N. J., to take charge of the work at Elmwood Chapel. In this place (od has blessed my labors as is evidenced by the large numbers who have given their hearts to Him. In June, 1889, I was married to Anna B. Marsh, daughter of ex-Senator Crowell Marsh, of Princeton, N. J. One daughter, Marguerite, has blessed this union.” McUONNELL, JOSEPH, b. in Ireland, March 17, 1820; College New Jersey, 1846 ; graduated Princeton Seminary, 1849 ; ordained by Presbytery «f Elizabeth, Nov. 18, 1849 ; pastor Mt. Olive, N. J., 1849-53 ; stated supply Maysville a:.d New Salem, 1854-60 ; stated supply Ellinton, 1861 ; clerk in quartermaster’s department, U. 8. A., 1861-65 °, teacher ; died Quincy, Il1., Sept. 22, 1892. Mzcois, Burtis CUNNINGHAM, born in New York City, Dec. 4, 1818 ; graduated from University of New York, 1835 ; studied at Andover Seminary and Union Seminary, New York ; ordained as evangelist by the Presbytery of North River, Oct. 31, 1888 ; stated supply New Paltz, N. Y., 1838-89 ; stated supply Dover, N. J., 1889; pastor 1842-76 ; pastor at Pleasant Gruve, 1876-88; stated supply of the Welsh Church, Dover, 1888-90 ; died at Dover, N. J., June 12, 1890; received the degree of D. D. from the University of New York in 1875. MewHinney, WiLLiamM James, born at Stapleton, Staten Island, May 3. 1862; graduated from Clear Lake College, California, in 1881 ; from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1884 ; ordained by the Presbytery of West Jersey, Nov. 6, 1884 ; pas- 606 Earity Germans or New JERSEY tor at Hammonton, N. J., 1884-86 ; pastor at Whippany, N. J., 1887-91 ; pastor at Pleasant Grove, 1891. ‘‘A man of very earnest spirit, of indefatigable perse- verance ; born with a natural gift for instruction ; enthusiastic and generous, he easily wins friends.” Mruus, THoRNTON A., Ph. D.: installed June 3, 1885, as pastor at Flanders ; dis- missed June 20, 1887: called to providonce, R. I.; pastor Presbyterian ‘Church in Wilkesbarre, Pa. NICHOLSON, ALFRED, born Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 2d Feb., 1863 ; graduated from Dalhousie College, Nova Scotia, 1886 ; graduated from Princeton Seminary, 1889 ; ordained by the Presbytery of Newark, 7 June, 1889 ; organized the North Park Presbyterian Church at Newark with 200 members, and became its pastor ; resigned 30 April, 1894 ; installed at Lower Valley Presbyterian Church, 3 May, 1894. PoHLMAN, Henry NEwmaN, born in Albany, N. Y., 8 March, 1800: was the son of Daniel Pohlman ; his ancestors were all German ; was the first student who graduated from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Hartwick, N. Y., in Aug., 1820 ; licensed March, 1821: ordained May, 1821, in Christ’s Church. New York ; pastor Saddle River and Ramapo, N. J., for about a year ; pastor New German- town, German Valley and Spruce Run, August, 1822-—July, 28, 1843 ; married 7th Sept., 1854, Miss Susan Cassedy ; preached his farewell sermon 10 Sept., 1843 ; ac- cepted the call to the Ebenezer Lutheran Church in Albany, New York, in Sept., 1843, where he remained until 20 Jan., 1874, when he died. Dr. Pohlman was the most eloquent, most influential and widely known of all the pastors of the present century, who have labored among the Lutheran people in New Jersey. ‘‘ He was very popular throughout that whole section of country, as a genial friend, an excellent preacher, and as a very successful temperance lec- turer. His usefulness in this respect was heralded far and near. He was a man of fine physique, commanding voice, chaste and impressive delivery. He was well read on all subjects connected with his profession, and was a master of general English literature, an able rhetorician, a correct and graceful writer, and always ready and happy, when called upon to make an impromptu address.” Rog, SanDFoRD W., was born at Brooklyn, N. Y.; graduated from the Uni- versity of N. Y. 1847; from Union Theological Seminary 1851; licensed by the Presbytery of N. Y. 1851: pastor at Cairo 1852-60; Jamestown 1860-6 ; German- town, N. Y. 1866-8 ; Brookfield 1868-71 ; Middleburgh. 1871-6 ; Lebanon, New Jersey, 1875-81. ° Ruston, WILLIAM OTIs born Dec. 6, 1852. in the city of New York, son of John Ruston and Mary Otis (Herring) Ruston ; graduated from the College of the City of New York in 1872, receiving the degree of A. B.; entered Union Theological Seminary, N. Y., and graduated in 1875 ; licensed by the Presbytery of New York in the spring of 1875 ; was called to the pastorate of the Presbyterian Church of Fairmount, Sept. 1, 1875, and entered on the work Sept. 5; was ordained by the Presbytery of Morris and Orange and installed pastor Oct. 5, 1875. This pastoral relation was dissolved Feb. 21, 1877, the dissolution taking effect March 1. During the year and a half of labor, there were twenty-one additions on examination and six by letter ; married Oct. 5, 1876, Miss Mary Wood Crater, daughter of David Crater, Esq.; has had two boys. one dying in infancy ; became stated supply of Bethel Presbyterian Church of West Union, Iowa, May 1, 1877 ; was installed pas- tor April 30, 1879. After serving this church nearly nino years, accepted a call to MINISTERS 607 First Presbyterian Church of Dubuque, entering on the work Feb. 17, 1886, and was installed March 2, 1886. This pastorate still continues. His people are now -engaged in putting up a handsome church building, which will represent in build- ing and in lot $18,000 to $20,000. This is expected to be finished at the close of the year (1894). During this pastorate the church has also purchased a fine manse at a cost of $4,500. In addition to this during the eight completed years the benovolent contributions have amounted to $5,507 and the congregational expenditures to over $17,000. The honorary degree of D. D. was conferred by Lenox College in June, 1886. Has served as stated clerk of the Presbytery of Dubuque since 1882 ; as trus- tee of Lenox College since 1886 and President of the Board since 1888 ; as Director of the German Presbyterian Theological School of the Northwest since 1889, and Vice President of the Board since 1891 ; a Director of McCormick Theological Sem- inary of Chicago, and a member of the Board of Aid for Colleges and Academies ; is also a member of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, and also of the American Society of Church History. The presidency of different col- leges has been offered to him and three times declined ; has likewise declined elec tion to different professorships ; has taught in our German Presbyterian Theolog- ical School of the Northwest (to fill vacancies at different times) almost every branch of theological discipline, especially Hebrew and Greek Eegesis and System- atic Theology. Has published ‘‘A History of the Presbyterian Church of Fair- mount,” and ‘‘A History of the Presbytery of Dubuque,” besides frequently con- tributing to the local and religious press and to magazines. SawyER, SAMUEL, was born of godly revolutionary stock, June 20, 1823, three miles from Goshen, Orange county, New York. Educated at Farmer’s Hall Acad- emy ; entered in 1838 the freshman class in Princeton College, New Jersey. While in his sophomore year, he made a profession of religion and united with the Pres- byterian Church ; received a literary prize from Clio Hall and one from the faculty of the college, and graduated in 1842. In the fall of 1842 he was employed by Judge Ephraim Marsh, of Schooley’s Mountain, N. J., to prepare his son William for college ; in 1845 he entered Union Theological Seminary, New York ; graduated there in 1848, and having married-Susan R., daughter of Jonathan Ingham, of Warren Co., N. J., he accepted a commission from the American Home Missionary Society, and with his wife, reported at Rogersville, Hawkins Co., Tennessee ; filled the chair in Caldwell College as Professor of Languages; in 1857 he moved to Marion, Grant Co., Indiana, where he became the pastor of the Presbyterian Church, and President of the College of Indiana ; in October, 1861, was commis- sioned by Governor Oliver P. Morton, Chaplain of 47th Reg’t, Indiana Volunteers; remained as chaplain in the service over three years ; spent the next two years in reorganizing Presbyterian churches in East Tennessee ; in 1868 entered upon Home Mission work in Chillicothe, Missouri ; in 1871 labored in East St. Louis ; in 1872 accepted a call to the Presbyterian Church of Pleasant Grove, N, J.; spent a pros- perous year preaching at Marinette, Wisconsin ; several years in Muncie Presby- tery, Indiana ; five years at Thorntown, Crawfordsville Presbytery; several years as minister of Olive St. Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis. His present home and address are in the city last named. ScHOFIELD, JoHN HENRY, born at Schuylerville, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1833 ; grad- uated at the College of New Jersey, 1860 ; graduated Princeton Theological Sem- inary, 1863 ; ordained by Presbytery of North River, Julv 28, 1863 ; pastor New Hamburgh, N. Y., 1863-68 ; pastor elect Dayton, N. J., 1869-70 ; pastor Amwell 608 Earty Germans OF New JERSEY First Church, Reaville, 1872-74 ; pastor Kingston, 1874-80 ; evangelist East Hamp- ton, Mass., 1880-84 ; pastor Mt. Olive, N. J., 1884 —. ScuuLtz, Jacos I., was born at Rhinebeck in 1792 ; graduated at Union College 1813 ; at the New Brunswick Seminary 1816 ; licensed by the classis of New Bruns- wick, 1816; pastor at Rockaway (Whitehouse) and Lebanon 1816-32 ; pastor at Middlebush, 1834-8 ; without charge 1838-52 ; died ——. The following is from a Memorial of Dr. James Scott by Dr. Gustavus Abeel : Scorr, JamEs, was born Sept. 27, 1809, at Glasgow, Scotland, in the house in which Mary Queen of Scotts took refuge after the battle of Langside. His father, John Scott, was educated for the‘ministry, but owing to ill health never preached. Soon after uniting with the church James was thrown upon his resources to com- plete his education. He commenced his classical studies at the University of Glasgow, where he remained three years and removing to the college at Belfast he graduated after a two years course with the honors of that institution. He mar- ried in Ireland and came to this country in 1832. Studied theology under the New York Presbytery; was licensed by that body in 1834 to preach the gospel. He be- came pastor of Presbyterian Church of German Valley, N. J., where he labored with great acceptance for eight years. He removed to Newark in 1843, when he became pastor of the First Reformed Dutch Church, which increased to nea’ly double its number under Dr. Scott. As a preacher Dr. Scott excelled in description. It was a good evidence of the estima- tion in which he was held, that when he preached upon a special subject his church was generally crowded. Everything he undertook, from writing a book to penning a notice, was a thing to be done with all his heart. He was careful to observe the little proprieties of life. He was scrupulously punctual to his engagements, and never in debt. He loved any employment in which he could be of service to others. Although mainly devoted to his pastoral charge, Dr. Scott found some time for literary pursuits. His life of Pollock, upon which he bestowed much labor, gave him a reputation beyond the place of his residence. He contributed an excellent article on Malachi to a splendid gift-book, edited by Dr. Wainwright, and published by the Appletons a few years since. He formerly wrote a number of fugitive pieces of poetry, which were published in some of the daily journals. He had latterly, however, devoted most of his spare time to writing an epic poem, which he had just completed at the time of his death. A few days before his death, he had said to a number of his family with whom he was conversing on the subject of his probable sudden decease: ‘‘If I am todiesoon, there could not be a better time than now. My labors have been crowned with success, I have the affections of my people, and I should die amid the regards «f the community.” Dr. Abeel writes: ‘In the death of Dr. Scott, this community have sustained a loss that in some respects cannot be replaced. None can take his place in this city. He came to it at a time when it was but a village, its business just recovering from great depres- sion, and a new, young and enterprising population rushing in. Since then it has grown to its present size and prosperity.” a SmitH, BAKER, was born in Princeton, Ill., Aug. 27, 1888. He was the second son of Elijah and Sylvia Smith, both of whom were natives of Conway, Mass., and eminent for christian piety. His early life and childhood was spent upon his father’s farm. At fourteeu he entered a printing office and served a four years’ apprenticeship. At the age of of fifteen he united with the Presbyterian Church, and on leaving the printing office, went to Andover, Mass., to study for the minis- MINISTERS 609 try, finishing his theological course in the Chicago Theological Seminary. During his vacation he was employed by the Vermont Domestic Missionary Society, being licensed by the Royalton Congregational Association, and afterwards ordained, having been called to the pastorate of the C: ngregational Church in Rochester, Vt. He remained in that position over three years, resigning to accept a chaplaincy in a hospital at Washington, tendered him by President Lincoln, and which he was afterwards obliged to decline, owing to sickness and death in his family. His next pastorate was in Massachusetts, removing from thence to the West, spending twelve years in Home Missionary vork in.Kansas. For several months he was unable to pursue any kind of labor, from nervous prostration brought on by overwork, and his physicians insisted that his life depended upon a change of climate; he re- turned to the east, and was soon invited to the temporary charge of the Presby- terian Church in Mount Freedom, removing to Lafayette in the spring of 1884, where he labored as pastor of the Presbyterian Church for three years and two months, when he resigned to accept the hearty call from the church in Sparta, where he remained four years and three months, resigning to accept a call from the Presbyterian Church in Flanders, commencing his labors with this church, Oct. 1, 1891, being installed pastor the 11th of December following. Had the title of D. D. conferred upon him by the College of Vermont in 1894. He has been deeply afflicted in the loss of his family, his first wife, who was Miss Cynthia Emma Barnard, of Vermont, dying of consumption, in Massachusetts. By her he had five children, only one of whom survives, and now resides in Newton. He after- wards married Mrs. Abbie Francis Tanner, of Rhode Island, who also died with consumption, soon after his removal to Sparta. In April, 1899, he married Miss Mary A. Decker, of Beemerville, who is an earnest church worker, and a thorough Bible student. Situ, G. W., was born at Port Holden, N. J., Sept. 1, 1845; was educated at Pennington Seminary and at the Drew Theological Seminary; from the latter place graduated in May, 1873, and received the degree of Batchelor of Divinity4 was ordained a deacon at the session of the Newark Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Hackettstown, N. J., March 1872, by Bishop E. R. Axes; was admitted to the conference March 22, 1873, and was ordained elder A:pril 2, 1876, in Newark, N. J., by Bishop E.S. Janes; served in the following pastorates: Stapleton, Staten Island, from March, 1873 to April, 1874; Montclair, M. J., from April, 1874 to April, 1877; Clinton Street, Newark, N. J., April, 1877 to April, 1879, Roseville, Newark, April, 1879 to April, 1882; West New Brighton, Staten Island, April, 1882 to April, 1884; Westfield, N. J., April, 1884 to April, 3887; Centenary Church, Jersey City, April, 1887 to April, 1889; Hackettstown, N. J., April, 1889 to April, 1893; Grace Church, Paterson, N. J., since April, 1893; on the 26th day of May, 1875, was married to Mary P. Wilde, of Bloomfield, N. J.; have three daugh- ters, whose respective names are Mary Edwina, Alice Wilde and Anabel. SmyTHx, HuGH, born in the County, Antrim, Ireland, Aug, 5, 1834; graduated Princeton College, 1863; returned to Ireland and studied theology at the Assembly’s College at Belfast, at the Oratoire, Geneva, two years, and one yqar at London. dery; licensed, 1866, by the Presbytery of Londonderry ; ordained, 1867 by the Presbytery of Belfast; came to this country to attead the Hodge Jubilee; pastor at Broadway Church, Cincinnati, 1873-7; pier at Elizabeth, 1877-85; went abroad - supply at Schooley’s Mountain, 1888——. Pee ates ve oe was born in Somerville, N. J., 1827; graduated at Rutger’s Col_ 610 Earty Germans or New JERSEY lege, 1845; graduated at New Brunswick, 1848; licensed by the Classis of New Brunswick, 1848; pastor at Lebanon, 1848-53; pastor at Coxsackie Second, 1853- 58; pastor at Union Village, 1858-65; pastor at Paterson of First Church of Totowa, 1865-77; pastor at Greenbush, 1877; made D. D. by Rutger’s College, 1873. STEPHENS, GEORGE H., was installed Oct. 27, 1887, as pastor at Flanders, N. J., dismissed June 17, 1890; pastor at Berwick, Pa., 1890 ——. TRAVERS, CHESTER H., was born in Township of Clinton, Dutchess Co., New York, June 23, 1848; his ancestors were farmers, and among the Palatinates who came over in 1710 with Rev. Joshua Kochertal, who records that Johanna Niclaus Treber was known to have been a native and resident of Wollstein, Ober Ambt Crutznach, Germany. After leaving the public schools and spending two terms in DeGarmo Institute, he prepared for college at Hartwick Seminary, N. Y., and graduated from Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, the following year. His first charge was Chatham Village, during which time he marrried Ida E. Jones, of Gettysburg, but January, 1878, he removed to Spruce Run and remained until July, 1885; had four children, all still living; while there, he was co-editor with Revs. Henderson and Doolittle of the Philocrat, which they launched and is now known by the name of The Home Visitor, published at Flemington, N. J. Since July, 1885, he has been pastor of his ancestor’s church, known as St. Peters Lutheran (Stone) Church, Rhinebeck, N.Y. VaN BENSCHOTEN, WILLIAM B., graduated from Rutgers College, 1861; from the New Brunswick Seminary, 1864; licensed by Classis of New Brunswick, 1864; pastor at Wyckoff, N J., 1865-9; pastor at Lebanon, 1869-72; pastor of Ephratah and Stone Arabia, 1872. VANDER VoortT, JOHN C., born at Bound Brock, 1798; graduated at Queens College, 1818; graduated at New Brunswick Sem., 1819; lic. classis of New Bruns- wick, 1819; pastor at Presbyterian Church, German Valley and Fox Hill, 1819-26; Basking Blac, 1826-84; Totowa. First, 1834-7; Kinderhook, 1837-42; Mellenville, 1849-45; New Paltz, 1845-48; Ghent, Second, 1848-51; died June 21, 1851. He was early beought into the hums His habits were eminently devotional, prayer seeming 1 we his element. In the social prayer meetings there was fervor, spirituality and unction, which were highly prized and edifying to those who were with him before the throne. He gave himself to his ministerial work with a steadiness of' purpose and an active energy. In most, if not all of his charges, he enjoyed seasons of refreshing from the Lord. Love to the master and compassion the souls of men, were ruling affections of the heart. He aimed at delivering the whole counsei of God. In the delivery of his message, there was an earnestness and vigor which arrested attention. He contented not himself with mer ely illus- trating truth, but carried his appeals to the conscience and the heart of his-hearers, with a pungency and directness which pursued, and a tenderness which melted them. He was a wise, faithful and affectionate pastor. By both constitution and grace he was well fitted for sympathizing with others. He labored much to elevate the tone of piety of the people, and dreaded, as a pestilence, the form of godliness without the power. His last illness was protracted and painful, but he retained his power and exercised filial submission, and had not a doubt to cloud his pros- pects. See uneral Sermon by Dr. Gosman. VERMILYE, ROBERT GrorcE} was born in the city of New York on the 3d of March, 1813. His father was William W. Vermilye, of Huguenot ancestry. With MINISTERS 611 thorough preparation Robert entered the sophomore class in Columbia College, New York. and was graduated at the commencement in 1831, maintaining one of the highest places in his class. His success as teacher in the College Grammar School was so satisfactory that in December, 1837, when twenty-four years of age, he was appointed Adjunct Professor with Dr. Anthon of the Greek and Latin Janguages in the college. All his spare time was given to the study of Hebrew under a Jewish Rabbi in the city, and to a systematic and extensive course of theological reading under the advice and suggestions of his pastor and clerical friends. He was licensed to preach in 1838. For a winter he supplied the pulpit of the Duane Street Presbyterian Church, where he had been breught up, and where was one of the most intellgent congregations in the city. He was ordained and installed pastor of the Presbyterian Church of German Valley, in July, 1843. From German Valley, after three years, Mr. Vermilye was called to a new, and in some respects, a difficult field of pastoral labor in the Congregational Church at Clinton, N.Y. His installation took place June 10, 1846. In 1851, when thirty-six years old, he received the honorary degree of D. D. from Columbia College. He was forty-four years of age when he was elected prof. of theol., Hartford, Conn, His voice was full, harmonious and flexible; his sermons logical and well considered, possibly lacking somewhat in the imaginative quality, yet often pathetic and tender, for he could awaken strong emotion and draw tears; they were well written and in a high degree, instructive and edifying to an intelligent audience, and for man- ner, delivered with ease and unction, at times with impassioned earnestness and power. He died in June, 1873. (See Memorial Discourse by Rev. Thomas Vermilye, | D. D., brother of Dr. Robert G.) VoorHees, Henry Martin, was born in Hunterdon Co., N. Y., 1840; gradu- ated from Rutgers College, 1859; from New Brunswick Seminary, 1863; licensed by the Classis Raritan, 1863; pastor at Port Jackson, 1863-65; pastor of the Bethle- i hem First Church, 1865-71; pastor of North and South Hampton, 1871-17; Porté Jervis, 1877-8; pastor of German Valley, 1882-86; pastor of Guilderland Centre, 1886-1889 (2); Reformed Church, High Bridge, 1889-1891 (?) ; removed to Calityfnia for his health, where he is now preaching. / Wack, CHARLES P, was a grandson of Rev. Casper Wack; arama at the New Brunswick Seminary, 1829; pastor Caroline, 1829-31; pastor af Bellona, 1831-35; pastor at Lebanon, 1835-40; pastor of Trenton First, 1844-44; in the German Reformed Church, 1845-52; died, 1866. we Woop, CHARLES, was born at Salem, N. J., Sept. 15, 1818; grad. at Lafayette College, 1846; at Theological Seminary, 1849; ordained as evangelist by Presbytery, Philadelphia, May 20, 1849; stated supply First Church, Huston, Texas, 1849; stated supply, Washington, 1849-50; pastor of Fox Hill, N. J., 1851-56; missionary Philadelphia, Pa., 1857-59; stated supply at Absecon and Leed's Point, N. J., 1861— 64; pastor Blackwoodtown, 1864-67; city missionary of the \City Park Chapel, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1867-88; missionary, Brooklyn, 1889-92; assis ant pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, New York City, 1892 ——; residence, Brooklyn, N. Yv \ i ik e os 5) 5 ie 2 i a. ait sii, ss tll val APPENDIX III. MOUNT OLIVE CHURCHES. MOUNT OLIVE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Mount OLIVE CHURCH is really a daughter of the Chester Presbyterian. Its history therefore properly follows that of the latter. The following is in substance the historical address delivered by Rev. David James on the 6th of January, 1884. There are two family names which are closely connected with the original set- tlement of this place: Richard Stephens and Captain Peter Salmon, and most of the residents here, who bear these names, are the descendants of these families. ‘RICHARD STEPHENS was of English degcent. He was a millwright, and married the daughter of Daniel Landon, of Hackettstown. It is claimed that Daniel Lan- don was among the first settlers in Hackettstown valley, that he cleared the land and built a mill on the Musconetcong, near the bridge which crosses the stream where the brick mill now stands. He had a daughter named Dolly, and the tradi- tion is that he employed Richard‘Stephens to assist him in the erection of his mill, when they formed an acquaintance. Be this as it may, Richard Stephens and “Dolly Landon were married on the 18th of February, 1762, 121 years ago, and removed to this place and lived in a log house which stood nasi half a mile from this, church, midway down the lane nearly opposite the old Baptist parsonage, now callett the old house field. They were the parents of nine children, the order of their names being as follows: Samuel. Dorothy, Mary, Mercy, Daniel, Priscilla, Richard, Jr., Joshua and Ebenezer. Captain PETER SALMON came from Long Island, N. Y., married a Miss Stark and settled upon the hill above Flanders. He was an extensive Jand owner, having in his possession the tract of land now covered by several farms, upon which Joshua Salmon, John Drake’s family, William Tharp, Nelson Caskey, George Sal- mon and others now reside. Captain Salmon was the father of three sons and four daughters, William, Aaron, Peter, Jr., Elisabeth, Sarah Ann and Margaret. Nothing could be more natural, in so sparsely a settled community, than for Capt. Salmon’s sons and} daughters to become acquainted with the young family of Richard Stephens iving only about one mile west of them. William Salm n, the oldest son, married Dolly the oldest daughter of Richard Stephens. Peter Salmon, Jr , married Priscilla Stephens, the sixth child of Richard. She was born in'1774 and died on Sabbath, February 16th. 1862, in her 87th year. I recall one story she used to relate with delight. When she was about four years old her father, Richard Stephens, entered the army of Washington, then quartered at Morristown. He left his wife and seven little children in that log house, and PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF MoU NT OLIVE, Mount Otive CuHurcuss. 613 joined the troops. One morning, it must have been in the winter of 1779, her mother was standing on the stone step in front of the house, when she heard the dying echoes of the roar of a cannon over the hills. The tears dropped from her eyes and as she wiped them away with her apron, the little children came about her and inquired why she was crying. She replied, “‘ your father will never come home again,” supposing that he would fall in the battle. But he did return alive and well, and lived many years to enjoy the blessings of that liberty which he fought to obtain. Some time before the American Revolution a number of settlers around Mount Olive, belonging to different denominations, and not able to maintain separate pas- tors, united in building a log church on the corner where the Baptist church has been erected. James Heaton and wife deeded land to Jacob Corsart, Richard Stephens and Job Corsart, as the trustees, for the use of four denominations, namely: Anabaptists, the Church of England, the Congregationalists and Presby- terian, ‘‘To build meeting-houses and school-houses and to bury their dead and for nothing else.” This deed bears date March 15th, 1768. These families continued to worship together for about forty years or until 1808, when an effort was made to build a new and better place of worship on the same place where the log church stood. The subscription is dated April Ist, 1808. ‘‘ The subscribers being desirous to build a new meeting-house in Roxbury where the log meeting-house now stands, do promise to pay the sums annexed to our names to any person or persons that shall be duly appointed to superintend the building of said house.” This second church was raised in 1809, but after it was inclosed it remained unfinished until the 25th of April, 1818. The church was held in union by the Baptist and Presbyterian denominations until 1853, when the relation was mutually dissolved, and the Presbyterian-congre- gation erected this house, and the Baptists soon after built their house, which is the third church on the same ground. Among the first ministers who preached in the log house for the BaPrists, was the Rev. Mr. ReuNE RunNIon, who served some of the time during tke Rev- olutionary war. It'is related of him that on a certain Sabbath, in the winter of 1777, there was a meeting in the log church, when he preached, being favorably disposed toward the British, and as they had been successful in most cf the recent battles, he took occasion in his prayer to thank the Lord that the Americans had been overcome and that an end of the war would soon follow. This was very pleasing to those who agree with him, but very displeasing to many who did not. During the intermission (for it was the custom then to have an intermission of forty or fifty minutes, and then a second service), those who favured the sentiment expressed in the prayer were rejoicing over it, when Dolly Stephens, the wife of Richard, who was in the army, remarked, ‘‘there is great rejoicing among the Tories to-day, but I trust in the Lord, that their tune will be turned tefore this day week.” And true it was, for that week the battle of Princeton was fought, Jan. 8, 1777, and the British were routed. ; ; After Mr. Runion the Rev. Davip Jayne served the church for 1 time. He was a shoemaker, and like Paul, worked with his own hands, and proved his own work. It was the usage of the families, in that time, to purchase their own materials, and employ a shoemaker to come to their homes and manufacture what f / 614 Earty GerMANS OF New JERSEY was necessary for the family. Mr. Jayne was a workman that needed not be ashamed for he was careful that the saints should be shod from the soles of their feet to the souls of their bodies, ‘‘with the preparation of the gospel of peace,” He was the father of Dr. David Jayne, the patent medicine proprietor, who was once a school boy and attended in the log house with many of your fathers. After Mr. Jayne, other pastors followed whose records I have not been able to obtain. The first Presbyterian minister who is known to have preached for any con- tinuous time in the log church, was the Rev. LEMUEL ForpHAM, who came from Long Island about 1785, and was pastor of Black River church or Chester Hill. About once a month he would come and minister to this outpost of his flock, As before related, the second church building commenced in 1809, was not finished until 1818 ; during this period of nine years, the minister preached from the car- penter’s work bench. Mr. Fordham’s last sermon, preached about 1815, from this bench, was a review of former years and is reported tp have been three hours long. During the time when the church remained unfinished, Mr. Daniel Stephens housed his sleigh in the building through the summer, and I have heard his son, William Stephens, the Elder, say, that when a boy, he was accustomed to sit in the sleigh during service, and that he had heard many sermons from that pew. Mr. Fordham was succeeded by Rev. Mr. MILuER, and he by REv. ABRAHAM Wiuiiamson. During the early part of Mr. Williamson’s ministry, the mountain was more densely wooded than it is at present, and black bears were often seen. Here it may be remarked that the house of Colonel John Budd and those who have descended from it, have always welcomed the ministers of the gospel. Col. Jobn Budd married Miss Dickinson, of Chester, and settled on the Lake in 1785, to which he gave the name of Budd’s Lake, and his descendants have contmued in the homestead until now his grandsons, G. S. and A. D. Budd occupied the land. The Presbyterian families residing on this mountain were connected with the Black River or Hill church. That was the first Presbyterian church in this region aud the Rev Mr. Harker was the first minister, who came about 1752. The house was erected on a lot now occupied as the Pleasant Hill cemetery. At that time and for nearly sixty-four years the communion was celebrated there. It was also the place ot stated worship for all the Presbyterians in the vicinity. Mt. Or've was an outpost for services once or twice a month until 1837, when the families hac. increased to such an extent as to petition for an organization. The members assenbled in the old frame building (the second erected) on the 8th of September, 1834, fifty years ago the 8th of next September, when you should cel- ebrate your semi-centennial. The following is the Presbyterial record : At a meeting held according to previous notice for the purpose of organizing a church, the follow ug persons presented certificates of dismission from the church of Chester and expressed their desire to be organized into a separate church, to be called the Presb; terian Church of Mount Olive : Samuel Stephens, William Stephens, Abraham D. Budd, Archer Stephens, John 8. Salmon, Simeon D. Salmon, Robert Caskey, Mahlon Kennan, John Van Fleet, Augustus Wolf, Jonathan Dean, Gershom M. Nicholas, Aaron Salmon, Jr., Wm. Caskey, Jovathan Elley, Jacob Skinner, Robert Danley, Aaron Salmon, John Van Dyke, Jane Salmon, Jane Frazer, Dolly Stephens, Hosea Fancher, Priscilla Salmon, Sarah Salmon, Nancy Salmon, Mary Slaught, Clarissa Wolfe, Polly Howell, Clarissa Stephens, Elizabeth Caskey, Phoebe Durland, Margaret Landon, Elizabeth ‘SUNVE ‘N GIAVG ‘AqU ‘(TEI4008 “H NHOLS ‘ATU Mount O.ive Cuurcues. 615 Skinver, Elizabeth Fancher, Lydia Wolfe, Ann Kinnan, Dorothy Salmon, Julia A. Budd, Sarah Salmon. Elizabeth Salmon, Hannah Stephens, Caroline Salmon, Mary Dickerson, Hannah Rightmire, Sarah Kinnan, Rachel Caskey. These forty-seven members were duly organized, and were the original mem- bers of this church. The following persons were the samé day chosen Ruling Elders: William Stephens, John VanDyke, Archer Stephens, Augustus Wolfe, Abraham D. Budd, Aaron Salmon, Jr., and John Salmon. : Elders. ‘‘Mr. Aaron Salmon died Friday, April 4th, 1851, for nearly seventeen years a Ruling Elder in this church. He was a man of deep and ardent piety. Nor was his warmth of feeling momentary and impulsive, but regular and constant, resulting chiefly from inward contemplation of himself as a sinner, in the sight of God, and having found favor of him through the merits of a crucified Redeemer. To him the sinner out of Christ was in the same pitiable condition that he himself once was, and consequently, the subject of his daily prayers. None felt more anxious for the outpouring of God’s spirit on the hearts of the careless and impen- itent than he did, and none rejoiced more when such a gracious work took place, either in his own neighborhood or elsewhere. The immortal interests of his soul he made paramount to all others ; for this he labored and prayed.”.—New York Observer. Elder John VanDyke died June 19th, 1862. He was a faithful, unassuming and consistent christian man. Elder William Stephens died suddenly, March 1st, 1865. Universally esteemed as an upright, honorable man. A man of few words but prompt actions. A judicious leader in this community and a pillar in the church. Twice he has been honored with a seat in the New Jersey Legislature, and twice with a commission to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, and being dead yet speaketh. Elder Abraham D. Budd, died the 31st of July, 1867. A man of cheerful disposi- tion and very friendly to the ministers of Christ. In 1849 this church dissolved its relations with the Hill congregation and called he . ‘ , Rev. JospepH McConNeELL, who remained its pastor until 1853, when he removed to Illinois, where he now resides in the town of Quincy. During that period when the church was without a pastor from April, 1853, until December, 1854, the present edifice was erected. It was finished December 28th, 1853, and dedicated on the 29th of the same month. The dedication services were opened by the Rev. Williamson, who pre sided. The Rev. G. Vanarsdale, of German Valley, offered the dedicatory prayer, and the Rev. Dr. H. N. Wilson, of Hackettstown, preached the sermon from Ist Chronicles, 29th chapter and 16th verse. ? Rev. Davip M. JamgEs. That Thursday, the 29th of December, 1853, was a bitter cold day. These hills and valleys were clothed in their winter robes and the fierce winds drifted the snow in every direction. On Sabbath, January 1, 1854, your fathers assembled in this house to hold the first service after its dedication, and I preached. the first sermon When I was ordained on Wednesday, October 4, 1854, Rev. Robert Street preached the sermon, Rev. J. H. Townley gave the charge to the pastor and Rev W. H. Hornblower to the people. On the 18th of February, 1852, a committee of Elizabethtown Presbytery met in Flanders and organized the Presbyterian Church of that place. 616 Ear.ty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY The Rev. J. N. Husted became the first pastor, 1853, was ordained on the 30th of June in the same year, and dismissed April 18th, 1855. After his removal Rev. Jonas DENTON supplied the pulpit until Jan., 1856, when the twochurches, Mt Olive and Flanders, became united under one pastor. This relation continued for ten years and eight months, from January 1, 1856, until October 6, 1867 In reviewing the early part of our own labors in this united field, many things claim special attention, and not the least among them was the great revival of religion in the winter of 1858. It was indeed a pentecostal season. An account of it was published in the Philadel- phia Presbyterian at the time, as follows : REVIVAL aT Bupp’s LakE AND FLANDERS. About the close of December last, a seriousness concerning religion seemed to pervade the minds of many in these cong: egations, some of whom were not mem- bers of the church. This feeling was deepened, perhaps, by the providence of God, which had recently and suddenly removed from our midst several person by death. A series of religious services were commenced on the Ist of January. The Pas’oral Letter prepared by the Convention which assembled at Pittsburg, and published in the Presbyterian, was read from the pulpit; a day of fasting and prayer wes observed, and it was evident very soon that these means were blessed. The contents of the letter seemed to excite the minds of many christians to a sense of their duty. Religion became almost the only subj: ct of concern. The churches were generally full, and the people appeared to attend to the preaching of the word as they had not attended before. Part of the time alternate services were held in the two churches, in which we were assisted by the Rev. Messrs. Barrett, of Newton, Prof. Crossett, of Ferromonte Institute, and Stoutenburg, of Chester, who-e labors were grzatly blessed. After the regular services in the evening, meetings for the anxious were held in the churches, at which about seventy persons attended, in almost every stage of life. In one or two instauces a whole family remained. There were also nine husbands with their wives. I have never before witnessed such scenes as it has been my pleasure to behold here in the sanctuary of God. As a result of this work of grace, sixty-two have united with the church—thirty- nine with Mount Olive, at Budd’s Lake, and twenty-one vith Flanders, and two with a sister church. Among those who united with us were six husbands with their wives; thirteen others were heads of families, making twenty-six heads of families. The remainder were mostly young. The most of the number came from the Sabb -th-school and Bible-class. In one of our schools four entire classes of scholars and three teachers, we trust, have been hopefully converted. I continued the pastor of this church from October 4, 1854, until Tuesday, the 22d day of June, 1869. Mr. James was followed by Rev. Ropert 8S. FEAGLES, who supplied the church for one year. The Rev. Wm. BELDEN supplied for a time, and the Rev. J. 8. Evans was stated supply for one year. Rev. CHALMERS D. CHAPMAN then became the pastor of the church, and was ordained and installed on the 3d of October, 1872, He remained until April, 1875. He was succeeded by the Mount Ouive Cuurcues. 617 Rev. Outver H. Perry DEyoEr, who was stated supply for the period of six years from May, 1872-1881. Rev. Joun H. Scorretp, the present pastor, followed him in 1884. The elders at present are as follows: Richard P. Stephens, Robert D. Caskey, Ira B: Stevens, A. Lynden Salmon. During 1870 and 1871 the church was thoroughly repaired. The basement on right side was made serviceable for Sabbath school, and other improvements made at a cost of $1,500. In 1870 a union chapel was built at Budd’s Lake at a cost of $3,500, with a debt upon it of $1,000. It was at first a union building, and is such still, though the ownership of it has come into the hands of the Presbyterians. THE MOUNT OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH. This church was constituted in 1753, with about twelve members. One of these was Samuel Heaton, who came from Wrentham, Mass., to engage in the iron busi- ness. The first house of worship was a union log church. The second, also union, was built in 1810. In 1854 a new house was built by the Baptists alone. It was dedicated February 27, 1856. It was repaired and improved in 1870 at a cost of $1,300. In 1874 a new parsonage was built. Until 1786 this church was a branch of the Morristown Baptist Church, It was organized as a separate congregation 18th November, 1786. The ministers present upon that occasion were Revs. REUNE Runyon, ABNER SUTTON and DavID JAYNE. There are no records of the members or tha ministers until June, 1832. The ministers of Morristown probably preached here. In May, 1790, REV. Mr. VauGHN was requested to continue preaching during the ensuing year, one Sabbath in four. In 1794 ELDER Isaac PRICE was asked to preach every other Sabbath, and he con- tinued to do so in 1797. From this time, until 1832, there was occasional preaching. Samuel Cosad expounded the word, although not ordained, and Elders Jaynes, Sydam, Ball and others preached occasionally and administered the ordinances. In June, 1832, ELDER MICHAEL QUINN was appointed missionary for this field by the New Jersey Baptist State Convention, and on June 30th it wes recorded that the church had been reorganized and a covenant adopted by thirteep persons. ELDER QUINN was occupied in this field two years, and baptised twenty-two per- sons, one of whom, Joseph Perry, became the esteemed pastor of the Mariners’ Church at Philadelphia, Pa. In November, 1833, Elder Johu Teasdale, of Lafayette, N. J., and Elder Timothy Jackson, of Wantage, preached and held protracted meetings for several weeks, and a new impulse was given to the church. In February, 1834, Rrv. JoHN TEASDALE took charge, preaching once in four weeks, and baptised thirty-two persons. Elias Frost, a licentiate, labored with him. January 1, 1835, Rev. C. C. Park labored here half his time for two years. Joun M. CARPENTER, a licentiate from Mount Salem Church, took charge and was ordained September 2, 1837. He continued two years and baptised eight persons. 618 Earty Germans or New JERSEY Rev. T. C. TEASDALE, of Newton, preached once a month during 1839, and baptised ten people. Rev. THomas Ritcuey took charge April 1, 1840, remained two years, and baptised four converts. During his pastorate SamuzL Cosap died, and left by will two farms to the church, one of eighty acres with good buildings for a par- sonage, and another, the income of which should be divided, so that one-third went to the American Bible Society and the remainder to the support of the church. In case the church should die then a missionary was to be maintained in this field until another Baptist church was organized. In 1842 Joun TEASDALE again became pastor, which he continued to be for nine years, baptising eighty-six persons, of whom the Rev. ASAHEL Bronson, who became his successor, was one. The latter remained a year and a half. In July, 1853, Rev. T. F. CLancy was chosen pastor and remained nine years. He baptised fifty-three persons. Previous to 1854 the Baptist and Presbyterian congregations had used the same church building. This arrangement had been unsatisfactory to both parties, and finally in 1854, after twelve years of discussion, not altogether of a friendly char- acter, it was agreed that the old house be sold and removed and the proceeds divided. The society erected a new stone building, which was dedicated February | 27, 1856. Mr. Clancy resigned in March, 1863, and removed to Elk Lake, Pa. Rev. H. B. SHERMER in May 1, 1863, began to supply the church, and in the fall of the same year accepted the pastorate, in which he continued for six years, or until his death on March 22, 1869. He baptised twelve, and Rev. H. C. Putnam, who supplied the church a short time, gathered in fifteen more. During the last pastorate the parsonage farm was rented and another parsonase with a lot of two acres was purchased and used for ten years. REV. GEORGE F. HENDRICKSON became the pastor in Gisbas 1869, remained three years and six months and baptised 29 persons. He, like Mr. Clancy, lost his wife while pastor of this church. He resigned April 1st, 1873, and removed to Fairview, N. J. Rev. J. G. ENTREKEN was called October 1, 1873, remained one year, and added seventeen members to the church. ° : During 1874 a new parsonage was built. In the same year the church dismissed twenty-eight members to form a new church at Drakesville. Rev. SAMUEL SPOUL was called January 1, 1875, and remained until his death, on July 25th, 1880, at sixty-eight years of age. He wasa man of ability and was much beloved. He added eleven to the church. Rev. M. M. Foae was called April 1, 1881. The REV. THomas C. Younes followed Mr. Fogg and Rev. SaMUEL Cox came next. The pastor now serving the church is the Rev. J. F. Watson. The church officers were: John B. Stephens, George L. Salmon, D. H. Wolfe, deacons; John B. Stephens, William Wolfe and Calvin B. Conklin, trustees. The membership was 110. In 1894 the following are church officers: C. 8. King, William R. McPeake, R, H. Stephens, A. 8. Hulse. APPENDIX IV. CHURCHES OF FLANDERS. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. THE TRACT OF LAND upon which the village of Flanders is built was returned on October 27, 1714, to John Budd, who on June 22, 1739, conveyed the whole tract of 1,000 acres to William Allen, of Philadelphia, who on December 1, 1770, conveyed 562 acres of the original tract to Jabish Heaton, and by whose son, J oseph Heaton, Jr., and wife, was conveyed by deed bearing date October 3, 1789, to William McCullock and William Crevelling, of Mansfield ; Levi Howell and John Axford, of Oxford ; Daniel Hunt, of Hardwick ; Joseph Swayze, of Knowlton township, Sussex county ; Jabish Heaton, of Roxbury township, Morris county ; Nicholas Egbert, of Reading, Hunterdon county ; and William Wallen, of Somerset county, all of the State of New Jersey, chosen and appointed to be trustees to act in behalf of the Society called ‘‘ Methodist.” Beginning at a stake and stones for a corner near said Jabish Heaton’s mill race, and runs thence (1) north 52, west 2.25 along the road leading from said Heaton’s saw mill to William Bell’s grist mill. (2) south 38, west 2.25. (8) south 52, east 2.25 toa corner near said mill race. (4) north 38, east 2.25 to place of beginning, containing .5 and .625 of an acre. The above de- scribed land being the same lot of land as is now used as a burying ground by the Methodist congregation, and upon which their church edifice now stands. It will be noticed that at that early date there were two grist mills and one saw mill in the village, and that Heaton and Bell were early settlers, as were also the families of Ayers, Nicholas, William Monroe, Israel Rickey, John Reece, John Reading, Col. Stark and Lewis Cary, from 1770, the date of purchase by Heaton to 1790 the last of his sales. Flanders is one of the very oldest fortresses of Methodism in the eastern part of the State. It was about the year 1783 that the Methodist itinerants began to sound the trump of the gospel here. The first Methodist that is known to have dwelt here wasalady. Her name was Mary Bell. She was born in the city of New York, October 25, 1753, and was awakened under the ministry of Joseph Pillmore, sought and obtained pardoning and renewing grace, and united with the Methodist society. Inthe commencement of the war of the Revolution she suffered muny hardships, and was finally pillaged of her property by the soldiers, and to secure the safety of q \ 620 Ear.y GerMANS OF NEw JERSEY her person she was obliged to flee from the city, when she sought a refuge amid the tranquil, yet inspiring scenes of the quiet valley of Flanders. ; One of the important characters in the early Methodism of Flanders was David Moore, the leader of its first class. He was born at Morristown, N. J., November 25, 1749. At an early age he was bereft of his father, but being placed in a pious family, he was early taught the fear of the Lord. When about nineteen years of age he experienced religion and joined the Presbyterian Church. He lived in the fellowship of that church, an acceptable member, about fifteen years. He resided in Flanders when the Methodist preachers first visited the place. He opened his doors for preachers and they continued to preach there once in two weeks for several years. A society was formed, with which he united, and he was appointed the leader. It is not known with certainty in what year the meeting house was built, but it was some years before the close of the last century, and was certainly not later than 1793, and, possibly as early as 1785. It was in all probability the first Methodist church erected in East Jersey. For many years it remained in an unfinished condition, without walls or doors, no backs to the seats, nor carpets on its floors, nor stoves by which the wild and cold winter winds could be tamed, and the atmosphere made less uncomfortable to the Lord’s people. But Methodism is nothing if not progressive. The history, therefore, of this church, as of all the Methodist churches in the early years of their history, was of continual growth in numbers and efficiency. Difficulties were overcome, criticism conciliated, enmity removed, until now all these once struggling organizations are strong and vigorous. Among the records of 1845 of the church, we find the names of many persons who were known for their devotion to God, and their untiring zeal for His cause, and the influence of whose lives was felt. We find that Aaron D. Stark and ~am- uel Woodruff were not only the class leaders of the Society of Methodists at this time, but were also men who had a deep interest in all the affairs of the church. Those who constituted the membership at that time: Aaron D. Stark, class leader; Samuel Woodruff, assistant leader ; Nancy Stark, Mary Woodruff, Jacob B. Miller, Samuel Douglas, Joseph K. Chipps, Elizabeth Chipps, Robert S. Woodruff, Abigail McDougal, Phoebe Douglas, William Monroe, Elizabeth Monroe, Richard Howell, Elizabeth Howell, Julia A. Woodruff, Mary Osborn, Ann Carey, Charity Hart, Ann Drake, Elizabeth Briggs, Jane Kinny, Nancy Force, William Trimmer, Samuel Huff, William Clouse, Melinda Clouse, Sarah Corwin, Mary Landing, David H. Osborn, Elizabeth Riger, Julia Ann Trimmer, Aaron Clark, Nathan Burnett, Clarissa Burnett, Henry J ohnson, Sarah Johnson, Phoebe A. Arch, Adaline Arnet. In 1854-55, Rev. Joun 8. Corr was stationed at Flanders. During his pastorate he worked hard to direct and influence the people to build a new church, which was greatly needed, and he finally secured a subscription of $200, with a subse- quent $600 which he raised, making a total of $800 toward building a new church. Rev. J B. HEwarp succeeded Rev. Mr. Coit in 1855. He soon discovered that the important deed of the hour was a new church and began pleading and working for the noble object as did his worthy predecessor, when through his skillful manage- ment and untiring labors, and the indefatigable efforts of Rev. Manning Force and his noble and devoted wife, the old church was substituted by a new and beautiful house of worship with a spire and bell, which is an ornament to the village and a credit to Flanders Methodists, at a cost of over three thousand dollars. Rev. J. B. ‘XOd THINVE ‘AGA ‘OAUC ANMAd "HO ‘ATU CHURCHES OF FLANDERS 621 Heward soon began a special revival service, which resulted in a most blessed work of grace. The meetings were continued for eleven weeks resulting in the conver- sion of seventy persons. During the present pastorate over one hundred persons have united with the church, the pastor’s salary advanced over $200, the church beautifully carpeted, the parsonage refurnished and other improvements made. A Mission League Society and an Epworth League have been organized. Budd’s Lake now constitutes a part of the charge, at which place there is a flourishing union Sunday school and a weekly prayer meeting, which has proved a blessing among the people. At Drakestown, where the pastor preaches every Sunday afternoon, we have a commodious church, a growing Sunday school, an interesting and large congregation. During the present year they have put new cushions into their church, which has added very much to the comfort of the people. CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION. In 1889 the church decided to celebrate the Centennial anniversary of its history. A week was devoted to the services of the celebration. Thursday evening, October 3d, 1889, the first anniversary exercises began at 7:30, Rev. John F. Scofield, pastor Mt. Olive Presbyterian Church, announced the hymn, “Here in Thy name we are gathered,” etc., Rev. D. E. Frambes lead in prayer, after which the pastor made a few remarks. The preacher of the evening was Rev. S. K. Doolittle, a former pastor, who took for his text. 22 Psalm, fourth verse, ‘‘ Our fathers trusted in Thee, they trusted and Thou did’st deliver them,” from which he delivered a well prepared and instructive sermon, to the great pleasure and edification of those present. Rev. J. B. Heward read the hymn. The Rev. Geo. H. Stephens, pastor of the Flanders Presbyterian Church, then offered an appropriate prayer. October 4th, special prayer meeting preceded the regular service conducted by the pastor, after which Rev. S. K. Doolittle announced the hymn, Rev. Mr. Cox, of the Mt. Olive Baptist Church lead in prayer, after which a former pastor, Rev. J. B. Heward, of the New Jersey Conference was introduced, and said his relation to the people of Flanders was very pleasant, and among other things said that while the Methodist Church was 1n course of erection, the members of the Pr-+sby- terian Church very kindly invited him to preach in their pulpit until his church was finished. The speaker then announced for his text Matt. XVI, 18-19, “ And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it,” etc., from which he preached-w most excellent sermon. The centennial Sabbath, October 6th, 1889, was a great day in the history of Methodism in Flanders. The committee on decorating the church had been ac- tively engaged in collecting flowers, evergreens, fruits, etc., and arranging the same in an artistic manner. Rev. C. 8. Coit, ex-Presiding Elder of this District, very kindly consented to conduct the Love-feast by asking Rev. J. B. Heward » offer prayer. The meeting was attended with great spiritual power. The people’s hearts seemed to have caught the old-time fire. The regular morning service began by the pastor announcing the Centennial hymn written by Rev. John F. Dodd. Sec-etary of the Newark Conference. Rev. C. 8. Coit offered the opening prayer, Rev. Dr. Crane, of Stanhope, N. J.. read the Scripture. The preacher was Rev. C. R. Crooks, D. D. L.L. D., of Drew Theological Seminary, who preached a very scholary discourse from the 5th Psalm 7th verse. At 3 P.M. the service was opened by singing, after which Rev. J. B. Heward lead in prayer. and Rev. C. 8. Coit read 622 Earty Germans or New JERSEY the Scripture lesson. Rev. Dr. C. Larew was then introduced, and took for his text 2d Peter, 2-5 verses, from which he preached a sermon of great power and beauty. At 6:30 Pp. M. a Song and Praise service was conducted by students from the Hackettstown Seminary. The inclemency of the weather kept a number from attending the regular evening service, alttough there was afair audience Rev. C. 8. Coit preached a practical sermon from ‘‘ Christ feeding the multitude.” Monday evening, October 7th. A large congregation again assembled to hear addresses from former prstors, Rev. Geo. T. Jackson and Rey. W. C. Nelson were the speakers of the evening. Their addresses were listened to with marked atten- tion, and were made profitable to their hearers. Tuesday, October 8th, 1889, was another great day in the history of Flanders Methodism, and for the cause of Temperance. The weather was propitious and the audience large. Addresses were delivered by Rev. F. Bloom, of Dover, N. J., Rev. Mr. Cox, of Mt. Olive, N. J., and Rev. 8. D. Decker, of High Bridge, N. J. In the afternoon at 2:30 after the devotional exercises, Mrs. Hammer, of Newark, N. J., was introduced and made a thrilling address on the cause of intemperance. Rev. Wm. E. Blakeslee, of Dover, N. J., was the next speaker. He was fo'lowed by Rev. B. C. Magie, D. D., Supt. of Morris County public schools, who in his happy and instructive manner spoke to the great delight of all present. Tuesday evening, October 8th. At P.M. areunion service of former pastors was held. Rev. 8. P. Hammond, Presiding Elder of the Paterson District, pre- sided. The following named ministerial brethren delivered short addresses of a deeply interesting character, Revs. J. B. Heward, Wm. C. Nelson, D. E. Frambes, Geo. T. Jackson, William C. McCain. Rev. Mannina Force had a residence in Flanders and was one of the widest known and most influential of all the Methodist preachers, who served this church. For more than fifty years he lived and labored in this part of New Jersey, helping to build churches, strengthening weak organizations and sowing the seed of the Word with untiring zeal and the skill of a workman that needeth not to be ashamed. He was born 1789 and began his ministry in 1811. From that time till 1815 he labored on the Dover circuit and in the city of Philadelphia. His appointments after that were in the region of Trenton, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Jersey City and other places of equal importance. He died in February, 1862. \ WILLIAM Stout is the present pastor. He was born in Jutland, Hunterdon Co., N. J., Nov. 9, 1836 ; was educated at Charlottesville Seminary, N. Y.; received his theological educa- tion at the Alpha Chapter of the Boston Uuiversity, from which he graduated in 1868. He joined the Main Conference in the same year ; was transferred to the Newark Conference in 1870 ; his charges have been at Rockland Lake on the Hud- son ; at Palisades, Andersontown and Mt. Lebanon, Bloomingdale, Sparta, Haines- ville and Flanders, in which last place he has been for nearly five years; married in Maine Lucretia F. Robinson, by whom four children, Frank R., George 8. Edward W. and Mabel L. APPOINTMENTS. ‘‘Kast Jersey,” the name of the Appointment, 1781, James O. Cromwell, Henry Metcalf; 1782, John Tunnell, Joseph Everett; 1783, Samuel Rowe, James Thomas, Francis Spring, William Ringold; 1784, Samuel Dudley, William Phebus; 1785, CHURCHES OF FLANDERS 623 Adam Cloud. Matthew Greentree; 1786, John McCloskey, Ezekiel Cooper; 1787, Simon Pile, Cornelius Cook; ‘‘Flanders” appears in list of appointments in 1788; 1788, Jesse Lee, Aaron Hutchinson, John Lee; 1789, Aaron Hutchinson, Daniel Combs; 1790, Richard Swain; 1791, Samuel Fowler; 1792, Jethro Johnson, Robert McCoy; 1793, John Clark, Daniel Dennis; 1794, Shadrack Bostwick, Samuel Coates; 1795, John Fountain, Robert Dillion; 1796, Thomas Woolley, Samuel Thomas; 1797, Samuel Thomas, Thomas Everard; 1798, James Campbell, David Bartine; 1799, Anning Owen, Thomas Smith; 1800, Robert McCoy, Daniel W. Dickerson; 1801, Elijah Woolsey, Benjamin Iliff; 1802, Gamaliel Bailey; 1803, Johnson Dunham, John Walker; 1804, William Mills, Henry Clark; ‘‘Flanders,” dropped from minutes, and ‘‘Asbury” appears instead; 1805, George Woolley; 1806, Joseph Stephens, John Bethel; 1808, Daniel Freeman, Jacob Hevener; 1809, Peter D. Sandford, T. Drummond; 1810, James Moore, Charles Reed, J. Van Schaick; 1811, Manning Force; 1813, Sylvester Hill, George Banghart; 1814, Joseph Bennett, Thomas Neal; 1815 William Smith; 1817, George Banghart, Richard W. Pether- bridge; 1818, Sylvester G. Hill, James Aikins; 1819, Waters Burrows; 1820, Waters Burrows, John Creamer; 1821, Daniel Parrish; 1822, William Leonard; 1823, Samuel Doughty; 1824, Benjamin Collins; 1825, Isaac Winner; 1826, Anthony Atwood; 1827, John Finley, John K. Shaw; 1829, William A. Wiggins, George F. Brown; 1830, Abraham Gearhart; 1831, Pharaoh Ogden; 1832, James Long, Francis A. Morrell; 1833, J. L. Gilder, L. Benson; 1834, William A. Wilmer, Curtis Talley; 1833, R. Lanning; 1837, Joseph Chattle, Crook 8. Vancleve; ‘‘Flanders” again appears in the list of appointments, in 1838; 1838, Edward Sanders; 1839, Joseph Chattle; 1840, Edmund Hance; 1841, Crook 8. Vancleve; 1843, George Winsor, Jr., 1844, Benjamin Kelley; 1846, Abraham Owen; 1847, J. F. Canfield; 1849, T. J. Campfield; 1851, Caleb A. Lippincott, Swain Thackara; 1854, John 8. Coit, (died Jan. 7, 1867); 1856, Johnathan B. Heward; 1858, Edward W. Adams; 1860, George T. Jackson; 1861, William C. Nelson; 1863, John L. Hayes; 1865, Richard Thomas; 1867, Henry Trumbower, (died Jan. 2, 1870); 1869, Samuel P. Lacy; 1870, Thomas Rawlings, (Asylum); 1871, Thomas Rawlings; 1873, James W. Hartpence; 1874, Samuel K. Doolittle; 1877, George F. Apgar; 1880, Daniel E. Frambes; 1882, John Faul, (died Feb. 4, 1887); 1885, William H. Haggerty; 1888, Henry Bice; 1889-5, William Stout. FLANDERS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. was organized February 18, 1852, by the Presbytery of Elizabeth. Rev. Dr. Ogden, ofChatham preached in the M. E. Church and the organization was effected with twenty-seven members. The elders chosen were Samuel White, William Bartley D. A. Nicholas. The families composing this church were largely from the church of Chester, and the preaching during the first year was mainly by the minister of that church. Rev. Jonn N. Husrep was installed pastor June 30, 1853. He was released April 18, 1855. , } Rev: Davip M. James was installed June 10, 1856, and remained until Oct. 2, 1867. Rev. Martin F. Hollister supplied the church during part of the year 1868, as did also Rev. Mr. Denton and Rev. Myron Barrett for a time. 624 Earty GermMans or New JERSEY Rev. Danie W. Fox was installed June 15, 1870, and remained until June 9, 1884. The church, built in 1853, 30x50 feet, cost $3,000. It was repaired and im- proved at the cost of $800. The church was burned by a fire which started from a defective flue, on the 29th of March, 1889. It was immediately rebuilt at a cost of $5,000, and it was dedicated June 19, 1890. It is now one of the most convenient and spacious of church buildings in the county. Rev. THornton A. MILLS, the brother of Rev. B. Fay Mills, the well-known evangelist, and possessing a very considerable degree of his brother’s practical efficiency and fervor, was installed June 3, 1885, and resigned June 20, 1887, to re- move to Providence, R. I. From there he removed to Wilkesbarre, Pa., where he is now laboring. The Rev. Grorcs H. STEPHENS, the next pastor, was of a somewhat different type of character, but equally earnest and successful. He was installed Oct. 27, 1887, and resigned June 17, 1890, to accept the call to Berwick, Pa., where the Rev. Mr. Gibson had been laboring for six months. The Rev. BakER SmiTH, of Sparta, N. J., was installed on the 11th of November, 1891, and is now maintaining, at a high degree of efficiency, the various forms of associated activity, in which this church has an honorable preeminence. Flanders and Mount Olive were united into one parish during the ministry of the Rev. David James, from 1856-1867. The Elders now in office are Davip NicHouas, Hezexian R. Hopkins and WILLIAM BARTLEY. It should have been stated that the above jaccount of the Mount Olive Presby- terian Church, is from the historical discourse of Rev. David M. James, delivered in 1784, and that of the Methodist Church of Flanders is partly from Rev. Mr. Bice’s centennial pamphlet. AIRE airs FLANDERS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Re W Oe oe Re ow Hales { a Au ie i a ban Zod eee SD ae ig i i tlh aly NN MI OT Site APPENDIX V. LATER LUTHERAN CHURCHES. THE “OLD STRAW”—SPRUCE RUN—CLARKSVILLE. “Old Straw” Church is the more common name of St. James Lutheran Church, in Still Valley, near Philipsburg, N. J. It probably dates back to 1760, if not to 1733. It is spoken of in the Hallesche Nachrichten as the ‘‘Church in Greenwich.” The church near Easton, with which the Greenwich was for a long time united, was a preaching station as early as 1733, when several baptisms were performed. It may therefore be the case that Lutherans were to be found east of the river and near the Forks of the Delaware at an equally early date. In 1760 letters were sent from Lutherans in Greenwich township asking for preaching of the gospel. About this time, 1762, the congregation on the Old Philadelphia road south of Easton abandoned its place of worship and removed to Easton, where, in connection with that congregation, they bought a large house for £400 ($1,066), to serve both for a church and a parsonage, and they earnestly entreated the Ministerium to obtain u pastor for them. Thus the two congregations, on opposite sides of the river, were vacant at the same time. Rev. J. Pster G. MuHLENBERG is said to have preached for the Greenwich people from 1769-1773. This would be therefore while he was acting as assistant pastor to his father for the Raritan churches. During the same period the Easton church was served by the Rev. CurisTIan STREIT, who began his ministry in Easton, 1769, and in Greenwich, 1773, ending it in Easton in 1779 and in Greenwich in 1777. The successive pastors after this date in the latter place were Mr. Brass, 1777-81; John Frederick Ernst, 1781-92; John C. Yeager, 1792; Christian Enders, or Endress, 1801-15; John P. Hecht, 1815-37; Daniel Miller, 1837-47; J. McCron, 1847-51; J. K. Plitt, 1851-65; M. H. Richards, 1865-68; S. Henry, 1868; the present (1894) being Rev. T. C. Pritchard. In 1837 the Greenwich people separated from the Easton people and maintained their own preacher. THE First BUILDING was constructed of logs, about 30x40, and was thatched with straw. Hence the name by which this church is still spoken of as the ‘ Straw Church.” This church was erected before 1762, as we may learn from the following record in J ohn Rockwell’s field book, now in the possession of Mr. E. Y. Taylor, of Philadelphia: “May 27th, 1762, then I surveyed a lott in Philipsburg, whereon is a Lutheran church and burying ground * * * * Made a draught of the same, and present the same to Mr. Wm. Coxe, that he may convey one acre for the use of the church to Matthias Sager, Frederick Dick, Martin Durshimer, Peter Morgan and Daniel Sharer.” 626 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY The second edifice was erected in 1790, and was 40x50 feet in dimensions, and was built of stone. The third and present building was erected in 1834. The following names were signed to the articles of faith and order in 1772. Those written in German are marked with an asterisk (*): Christian Strecht, preacher; Johann Ludwig, schoolmaster *; Mathias Ship- man, Andrew Malik, Valentine Beutelman, Godfried Klein, Christopher Enslee, Simon Hiebler, Godfried Klein, Jr., Jacob Langer, Georg Wilhelm Hauck, Jolen Hendershot, Michael Dieberich*, Philip Vasbinder, Georg* [undecipherable], Lud- wig Klein, Andre Sheep, Adam Swigard, John Roseberger, Jacob Malick, Peter Foll, Thomas Fein, Friedrick * [undecipherable], Henry Melick, Jacob Shipman, Sr.; Bernard Andreas, Christopher * [undecipherable], Heinrich Schafer*, Andre Malick, Zacharis Hibler, Frederick Pirkala, Peter Fite, Balthaser Damer, Philip Fein, Jacob Hulzheiser, Johannes Klein *, Johann George Heinroth, Philip Klein, Jr.*, Christopher Hulshiser, Christian Klein, Jacob Shipman, Jr., Hanray Brak- bely, Georg [undecipherable], Jacob Kline, Peter Schaults, John Moore, John Tomer, John Fight, John Summers, Jacob Crouse, Abraham Coursen, William Girton, Jacob Sharps, Georg Mutschler, Valentine Mutschler, John Fine, Mathias Shipman, Valentn Mutcher, Isac Shipman, Abraham Bidleman, Matthias Stein, Christopher Sharfstein, Balser Tomer. The earlier history of the Easton CHURCH, which may belong also to Philipsburg, begins (after the occasional service in 1733) when Easton was laid out as a city in 1737-38. In 1740 there were already two congregations, one, ‘‘The Lutheran Congregation at the Delaware River,” the other “The Congregation of the Augsburg Confession in Saucon, at Philip Schlauch’s, near the Large Lehigh and Forks of Delaware.” Both these congregations were served by the Rev. JoHN JuSTUS JACOB BIRKENSTOCK, 1740-48; HENRY MELCHIOR MUHLENBURG and NicHoLas Kurtz, 1749; LupoLpH ScHRENCK, 1749-54; by occasional preachers or by Catechetes, 1755-62; Rev. HANSILE, 1763-69. ‘Philipsburg was an Indian village as early as 1454. The name Philipsburg is found on a map of the year 1749. A certain Martin had a ferry privilege from Tinicum Island, a mile below Easton, to Marble Mountain, a mile above Easton.” [Hallesche Nachrichten, German edition, Allentown, Pa., 1886, p. 3.] The ‘‘Old Straw” church may be called the mother of Stewartsville, Riegels- ville and Grace Chapel in Philipsburg. APPENDIX VI. THE GERMAN REFORMED. RINGOES—MT. PLEASANT—KNOWLTON—STILLWATER. Completeness requires that we should give some account of the other German churches in this part of New Jersey. Unfortunately the early records of all these» churches are lost, and we have only very incomplete information with respect to their earlier history. However, it seems most probable that the same preachers officiated in all these churches, at longer or shorter intervals between their periodic visits. The most prominent of these churches and which was one of the three that Michael Schlatter came to visit in 1747 to 1750 was the church of AMWELL. This church was dedicated December 1st, 1749, exactly one year before the stone church at New Germantown. The following facts are compiled from a history of the United First Church of Amwell by Rev. Charles S. Converse, which was. printed in 1881. The old church stood on the north side of the graveyard and the deed to the land bears date the 21st of January, 1749. It was part of the land that belonged to Anthony Dierdorf, who had bought it from Nathan Allen. The deed was made to William Kase, Peter Hofman and William Bellowsfelt, trustees to and for the Calvinistical High Dutch congregation in the township of Amwell, and was wit- -nessed by John Garrison, John Case, Daniel Laroe and Jacob Woolever. The con- gregation received help to the amount of £15, for the building of their church on May 22, 1749, from the old Dutch Church in New York. The services of dedica- tion were conducted by Rev. George Michael Weiss, or Weitzius, and John Philip Leidich. The former was one of the first German ministers in America, having arrived iu 1727 ; at this time he was preaching to three congregations near Phila- delphia. The latter minister had been ordained in Holland and sent over the year before. He was a pastor and evangelist in Pennsylvania. On the day after the dedication, a congregational meeting was held, and ‘‘Arti- cles of Order and Discipline” adopted, and signed by the ministers present and twenty-three male members. No minister was to be allowed to preach in the church unless he belonged to Coetus [i. e. the Synod]. No one was to be a member 628 Earrty Germans or NEw JERSEY who was not devoted ‘‘ with mouth and heart” to the doctrines of the Heidelberg Catechism. No child was to be baptised, except in cases of sickness, unless it be brought into the church, and only the parents could present it, and they only if they had been confirmed. The dead were to be buried with appropriate ceremonies. All the members were to contribute for the support of the church. A more extended series of rules was adopted July 12, 1762, and these were again confirmed in a congregational meeting, November 16th, 1763. ‘Those who signed the articles in 1749 were Jacob Woolever, Pitter Hoffman, Wilhelm Kase, Johann Rockafellow, Pitter Young, Paul Kuhl, Adam Bollisfelt, Wilhelm Hoffman, Philip Young, Johannes Young, Wilhelm Young, Pitter Rock- afellow, Jr., Wilhelm Bollisfelt, Pitter Rockafellow, Gervant [Herbart ¢] Trimmer, Johann Adam Bollisfelt, Adam Dietz, Henrich Winter, Jacobus Pitter Snider, Philip Snider, Hieronymus Mingus, Pitter Woolever, Wilhelm Rockafellow. Some names are omitted because they were illegible. The ministers who served this church were to some extent the same ones, who preached at Lebanon and German Valley. They were Rev. Joun ConrAD WIRTZ, an account of whom has already been given in this history of German Valley Reformed Church ; REV. JOHANN CASPER Lapp, who preached here at least occa- sionally in 1755-6 ; Rev. WILLIAM KALLs, 1757-9, who came from London in 1756, and labored in Philadelphia before coming here, and from here went to New York. Rev. JoHN GEoRGE ALSENTZ is mentioned as preaching in Amwell in the sum- mer of 1760, in connection with his church in Germantown, Penn. He came to America in 1757, and took the charge in Germantown, where he was greatly liked. He removed to Montgomery county, Penn., in 1762, and died in 1769, while still young. An English bible and German hymn book, very old, brought by him from Germany, are still preserved by the Boehm Church ; also a curious clock, which plays seven tunes, likewise brought across the ocean by him. He is said to be buried in the graveyard of the Germantown Reformed Church. The next pastor was the REV. CasPAR MICHAEL STAPEL (Stabel or Stappel), who resided here [1762-66], although he probably also preached at Rockaway and Fox Hill. He was succeeded (1763-1770) by (he Rev. FREDERICK DALLICKER, who served the same churches. The Rev. JoaN WESLEY GILBERT NEVELLING labored here during the Revolutionary war or from 1770-1783. His history as well as that of the two previous ministers has already been given. It is very probable that the Rev. CaspaR WACK rendered at least occasional service to this church during the interval from 1783— 1798. At the latter date his brother, the Rev. Joun Jacop Wack, became the last German pastor. He was also the first to preach in English. He preached also at Knowlton and Hardwick (Stillwater). The dates of his pastorate were, according to Mr. Converse, from 1798 to 1805 or 1809. He had studied with his brother, the Rev. Caspar Wack, at German Valley. He removed to the Mohawk country and took charge of the churches of Fort Plain and Stone Arabia. These churches, at first German Reformed, became united to the Dutch Reformed denomination. Mr. Wack acted as a chaplain to the American forces in the war of 1812-14. He lived at Stone Arabia until he died. He was a man of command- ing personal appearance, rather above the ordinary stature. He was a ready and fluent speaker in German, and equally so in the English language. His force of Tue German REFORMED 629 character was shown by an incident in his experience as chaplain. The soldiers at one time refused to be brought into position for divine service. “Delegate your authority to me” he exclaimed to the baffled officer. ‘Tamagreed,” was the reply. Taking the sword from the officer’s hand, the preacher harangued, in a few words, the soldiers or their dereliction of duty ; gave the word of command ; brought them into position and then prayed for them more fervently than ever. In 1809 this church united with the first church of Amwell and became A PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. In April, 1810, these two churches now known as THE Unitep First CHURCH oF AMWELL, called the Rev. Jacos KirKparrick, D. D., a licentiate of the Presby- tery of New Brunswick. The field of labor of this well known divine extended from the Delaware River to Somerset county. Six Presbyterian churches are now found within the limits of his charge. Dr. Kirkpatrick was pastor of this church until his death in 1866 (May 2d). The Rev. SAMUEL M. Osmunp acted as co-pastor from 1853-1857 ; and the Rev. W. 8S. WRIGHT, who was called as such, in J: anuary, 1866, became the successor of Dr. Kirkpatrick a few weeks later. Mr. Wright whose wife, Mrs. Julia McNair Wright, is widely known as a gifted authoress, removed October Ist, 1867. He was succeeded by the Rev. SamUEL HARRISON, September 5th, 1868 to 1875 ; and he by the Rev. Charles 8. Converse. The present pastor is the Rev. WiLLIaMm P. WELLS. THE OLD ALEXANDRIA CHURCH, at Mt. Pleasant in Hunterdon Co., is supposed to date back to the year 1752. At any rate there was a Presbyterian congregation and a log church here at that date as they are referred to in the records of the New Brunswick Presbytery. On Oct. 11th, 1763, this church is spoken of asthe ‘‘log meeting-house” congregation. This church was located in the village. It is probable that both a German Reformed and also an English Presbyterian congregation occupied the same building. In 1795 a new house was erected in the old part of the present cemetery. It was of frame and commonly known as the ‘‘New Frame Meeting-house in Alexandria.” The land for the church and burying ground was purchased of Aaron Van Syckel and John Eckel, and conveyed by them to the ‘‘ Trustees of the Dutch and English Presbyterian Church of Alexandria.” This house was used until 1843, when the present edifice was erected. The frame of the old building was removed to Little York and re-enclosed, for use as an outstation of the congregation. On May 18th, 1802, the German Reformed Synod at the request of the congrega- tion, set over the said church to the care of the Presbytery of New Brunswick. The English part of the congregation were served by the following pastors: REv. Tyomas Lewis, 1752-3, and perhaps longer ; Rev. Joun Hanna, 1760-1801 ; Rev. Hoittoway W. Hunt, the first, 1801-1842; Rev. Roperr W. Lanpis, 1842-4; Rev. Henry B. Evxior, 1844-46 ; Rev. Conneiius 8. Conxiina, 1846-71; Rev. NatHAN S. ALLER came next. The present pastor is the Rev. Horace D. Sassa- oe as seems probable, there was service in German in the old log church, as early as there was service in English, then the pastor must have been Mr. Wirtz of Tebanon. The other German pastors, viz., Stapel and Nevelling, probably preached 630 Earty Germans or NEw JERSEY here, The records begin in 1768 with the services of Frederick Dallicker, who is followed by Caspar Wack and his brother John Jacob Wack. The latter performed @ marriage ceremony as early as 1795, Rev. Mr. Senn, who preached at Knowl- ton and Stillwater, 1798, no doubt also ministered here. THE KNOWLTON CHURCH dates back at least to the year 1766, when the records of baptism begin. The old record book is now lost, although it is said to have been in the possession of the heirs of Joseph R. Dilts in 1881. It contained a record of more than 600 baptisms, 125 of which were before the year 1776. The first building was a stone church near Delaware station along the banks of the river, and was used in common by the Germans, and the English Episcopalians and Presbyterians. In the year 1802, these three congregations built together a frame church on the site of the present one. This latter building was erected in the year 1844. The same preachers, no doubt, labored in this field, who served the other Ger- man churches. The services in German were probably not continuous. It became A PRESBYTERIAN CONGREGATION when it applied to be taken under the care of the Presbytery of New Brunswick in 1775. The Presbyterian preachers were as follows: REV. FRANCIS PEPPARD, who came from New York in 1773 and labored for forty years in this section of New Jersey ; Rev. JoHN RosEBOROUGH supplied this church for six Sabbaths in 1775 and eight in 1776; Rev. Ppitip StockTon supplied this church, in connection with Oxford and Mansfield, from October 14, 1777, until October, 1760 ; at the latter date Presbytery released him at his request from service at Knowlton. From 1780 to 1791 various preachers rendered occasional service here. In 1805 Rev. Davip BARCLAY was installed over Lower Mount Bethel, Oxford and ‘‘ Nolton.” In 1815 Mr. Barclay after a four years’ experience of trial for immorality was dismissed. Rev. JEHIEL TALMAGE from 1817-39 ; Rev. T. B. Conpit, as supply, 1839-41 ; REv. Davip Lonemorz from December, 1841-April 1843 ; Rev. Joun M. Lowrie, 1843- 45; Rev. Joun A. Reitey, 1845-54; Rev. R. H. Reeves, 1854-67; Rev. PETER H. Broogs, 1868-71; Rev. D. F. Lockersy for one year 1872; Rev. DANIEL DERUELLE began his ministry in 1875. The present pastor is the REV. CHARLES E. Van ALLEN. THE STILLWATER CHURCH building was a union church in which the Lutherans and German Reformed both worshipped. There was probably at first a log church although we have no trace of it. At any rate a stone church was erected in the year 1769 or 1770 as we may learn from certain articles of agreement inscribed in the German language in the Reformed book. These were to bind both congregations in peace and harmony in the use of the same building. : Rev. Lupwic CHITARA began preaching at Knowlton and Hardwick about 1787, and remained four or five years. In the meantime he married a very tall woman, probably Christian Titman, the daughter of George Titman. Mr. Chitara came to this country in the year 1785, he had been an Augustinian monk, but desiring to enter the ministry of the Reformed Church, he was put. under the instruction of Dr. Hendel, of Lancaster. After objecting to his ordination, the classis of Amsterdam in Holland, consented to his ordination, in a communication to this country dated April 13, 1791. His ‘GHLSNH WAIAVN NHOC ‘ATH ‘ad ‘d ‘HLIWS YANVE ‘ATU Tur German REeForMED 631 wife died, leaving him one son, About six or eight weeks after his wife’s death, he also died. ; The above named congregations were then served by CasPER Wack, his brother JoHN JacoB Wack, and his son GEorGE Wack, until about 1795, when the Rev. Jacos SEnn ‘ became their pastor and labored among them four or five years. Mr. Senn pur- sued his literary studies preparatory to the ministry, in the University of Penn- sylvania. He was ordained September 23, 1795, with Thomas Pomp and George Wack, in the Indianfield Church. He was married, Sept. 19, 1798, to Elizabeth Markel. In 1800 he received and accepted a call from the Tohicken charge in Pennsylvania. He remained here until his death, January 28, 1818, at the age of forty-two years and eight months. Articles of religious faith were signed J anuary 10th, 1783, by the mem- bers of the Reformed congregation. Their names were: George Wintermute, Peter Dietz, Casper Shafer, John Schuester, Martin Schwartzwelder, Adam Kunckel, Philip Main, William Savercoal, John Kien, George Kien, Valentine Vogt, Jacob Dotterer, Frederick Schnauber, John Schnauber, Jacob Rist, B. Kuhn, Anthony Hafer, Adam Stoffle [Christopher], Jacob Savercoal, Henry Savercoal, ‘ John Kummel, Jr., Peter Bundel, John Savercoal, Conrad Haerr, Adam Kunkel, Jacob Kunkel, George Reihn, John Reihn, George Kunkel, John Shafer, Isaac Sinn, John Jung [Young], John Kunkel, Henry Nutten, David Hafer, Christian Muhlz, Jacob Bunkar (Snell’s History of Sussex and Warren Counties, p. 386]. In the year 1816 the congregation applied to the classis of New Brunswick to be given leave to enter the Presbyterian denomination. This request was granted October 22, 1822. The church accordingly re-organized as a Presbyterian Church on the 13th of June, 1823, and elected as elders Henry B. Wintermute and Isaac Wintermute. The pastors up to 1837 were Rev. B. J. Lowe and Rev. T. McDermott. In 1887 Rev. T. B. Condit began to preach and received a call to be the pastor two years later. The old stone church was abandoned in 1837, and in 1838 a new church was built at a cost of $2,000. The old stone building was torn down in 1847. Mr. Condit continued the pastor for fifty years. He was succeeded by the present pastor, Rev. John P. Clark. THE LUTHERAN CHURCH at Stillwater was eventually absorbed in the Reformed congregation. The records of their church that still exist begin with the year 1775. The last list of commun- ing members is dated November I0, 1811. The last baptism recorded is in the year 1819. For a large part of the time they were served by the preachers of the Green- wich or ‘‘ Old Straw Church” near Philipsburg. In 1782 Rev. John Frederick Ernst, officiated at a confirmation service. The pastors of New Germantown also rendered occasional service, According to the record communion services were held only once a year from 1775 to 1811, with the exception of the years 1798 and 9, 1801, 1803-5 and 1806, when there were none. There were thirty who took communion in 1775, fifty in 1776, fifty-nine in 1779, forty-one in 1809, eleven in 1810 and fifteen in 1811. : In 1777 twenty-two were received into the church, in 1782 twenty-eight. in 1793 twenty-two, in 1805 twenty-four, in 1807 sixteen. Services were held at a later period in school houses and private dwellings by the Lutherans, but these were dis continued probably forty or fifty years ago. A np A oes RG ee Whe APPENDIX VII. LISTS OF NAMES. ! PALATINES IN NEW YORK IN 1710. Some of the emigrants of Queen Anne’s company were left in New Amsterdam, when the rest of the party were taken up the Hudson. These were the widows and those in weak health. From this number came. nearly all of the earliest Palatine settlers in New Jersey. Their names are found in the Documentary History of New York (Vol. III, p. 339), and are as follows : JoHAN WM. SCHNEIDER aged 28. JOHANNES LORENTZ, aged 43, and family: Anna Margaretta, 39; Anna Elis- abetha, 15 ; Magdalena, 13; Anna Barbara ; Alexander, 114. ELISABETH MULLERIN, widow, aged 42, and family: Jacob, 15; Melchior, 13 ; Niclaus, 6 ; Anna Engel], 3. Hermanus HorrMan, aged 30, and wife, Maria Gertrude, aged 30. These two remains at Hackensack at John Lotze’s. Heinricu SCHMIDT, aged 54, and family: Anna Elisabetha, 54; Clements, 24; Wilhelm, 20 ; Hans George, 13 ; John Niclaus, 9; A. Maria, 18. MicHAEL HENNESCHID [Hendershot], aged 36, and family: Anna Catharina, 30; Caspar, 11; John Peter, 1 ; Maria Sophia, 6. JOHN PETER FFUCKS [Fox], aged 31, and wife, Anna Margaretha, aged 24. Smmon Voer, aged 30, and wife, Christena, aged 26. JOHANNES JUNG, aged 32, and wife, Anna, aged 35. NIcLAUS JUNGENS, aged 38, and wife, Anna Magdalena, aged 25. HIERONYMUS KLEIN, aged 88, and family: Maria, 38 ; Amalia, 12; Anna Eva 14; Anna Elisabetha, 6. ANNA MaRIA CRAMERIN [Cramer] aged 30, and family: Her eldest son, 18 ; Maria Elisabetha, 12 ; John Hendrick, 7; Anna Catharine, 5; Juliana Maria, 114. Frantz Lucas, at New Rochelle, and family: Maria Elisabetha aged 20 ; Frantz, 18 ; A. Maria, 9; Anna, 7; A. Catharina, 14. These names are nearly all found also upon the records of marriages and bap- tisms in New Jersey by Revs. Justus Falckner and William C. Berkenmeyer. PERSONS NATURALIZED BY ACT OF ASSEMBLY 1714-1772. 1714—Peter Bard, Stephen Chalines and Peter Romuer, natives of France. 171%7—Jacob Arents and his three children, Nicholas, Mary and Margaret. 1723—John Lewis, of Hunterdon county, and Cornelius Tomson. Lists or Names 633 1728—John Boshart and his wife Anna Rosina and children Christopher and Dorothy. . ji 1780—Christiana Elrington, Susanna Roeters, Godfrey Peters, Hendrick Bost, ee Snock, Nickolas Signe, Johannes Laux, William Guise, Jacob pabee 5 heantatet ee J oseph Bost, Rudolph Herly, Anthony Hobback, John = > udwig, Rightmier, J oseph Houselt, Johannes Yoger, Johannes Peter ager, Paul Flag, Jacob Peer, Hendrick Dirdorf, Christian Cornelius, Carel Hier- logh Bartholomeus Melibagh, Hendrick Yager, Jacob Eigh, Christian Hasell, John Housilt, John Philip Kaes, Johan Peter Rockefelter and his sons, Peter and Johannes, Peter Bodine, Jacob Sartor and his sons, Johannes and Hendrick, Johan William Berg and his three sons, Johannes, Pieter and Johan Gerig Miller, Johan Young, Martin Fisher and his two sons, Jacob and Philip, Koenrat Keiel [Kool 4], Hendrick Snook, William Han, Christopher Snider, Jacob Gerhart, William Engle, Pieter Fisher, Pieter Young, Herbert Homer [Hummer], Koenraet Henerigh (Henry], Adam Homer [Hummer], William Bellesfelt, William Kaes [Case], Paul Kole [Cool], Carel Maret, Johannes Giddeman and his son Hendrick, Mattys Kaalsit, Hendrick Weever, Ann Hogg, Anthony Dirdorf and his four sons, Peter John, Anthony and Christian. August 16, 17383—Henry Mershon, of the county of Hunterdon, planter, Peter Demong and Peter Knott, of the county of Monmouth, planters. March, 15, 1739—Peter Fraubery, Jacob Forsman, Nicholas Dahlberg, Nicholas Bud, Johannes Casparus Koch, Katharine his wife, and three sons, J oseph, Anthony and Jacobus ; Caspar Wister, Henry Fisher, John Bloom, John Peter Zenger, John Vandresson, John De Wit and Charles Duran. z July 31, 1740—Johannes Martinus Van Harlingen and Peter Soulard. December 8, 1744—Ludwick Hadn, Jacob Urtz, Frederick Tendel Spick, Adam Hoeshield, Michael Tilheaver, Peter Dofgel, Hans Michael Milner, Johannes Hoff- man, Matthias Houshilt, Johannes Trimmer, Adam Bellesfelt, Johan. William Bellesfelt, Peter Bellesfelt, Johannes William Snug [Snook], Bastiyan Kes, Johan Crist Smith, Jr., Filliep Snieder, Hendrick Winter, Johan Diel Berg, Adam Diels, Hendrick Diels, Matthias Trimmer and Matthias Sharpenstin. January 19, 1747-S—Heter Louderbouch, Catharine, Elizabeth and. Barbara, his three daughters. December 16, 1748—Henry Goeglets. March 28, 1749—Peter Schmuck, Philip Marot and Peter Bruer. October 8, 1750—George Cooper, Philip Cooper, Theophilus Bindur and Hend- rick Christopher Easter. June 6, 1751—Philip Young, Henry Croo, Johannes Fisher, Jacob Winnaker, Michael Shuatterly and Jacob Kemper. | October 28, 1751—William Evelman. June 21, 1754—Johannes Doremus, Hendrick Beuf, Hendrick Beuf, Jr., and Cornelius Paraut. October 21, 1754—Henry Graff, Johannes Myer, Christian Kaul, Hendrick Koch, Peter Hoffman, John Young, William Young, William Hoffman, Christian, Kule, William Barwick, Johannes Kase, Matthias Kase, Johannes Ross, Hantil Resler, Hanborn Koch and Martin Shipley. August 20, 1755—John Beulesheimer, Henry Landis, Peter Yager, Andrew Trimmér, Valentine Ent, Peter Werts, William Ecker, Henry Warner, Andrew Redick, Abraham Laslire, J ustice Ranzel, John Sentiny, Michael King, Adam 634 Earty GERMANS OF NEw JERSEY Agee [Ege 4], Jacob Vogt, Justus Gans, Henry Hoffman, Martin Streetman, William Kelin, Adam Hag, Peter Case, John Immel, Jacob Young, Christian Wertchen, Michael Myer, John Pheger, Peter Neyzard, Harmon Wagoner, John Kemper, Peter Coens, John Raker, George Geeser, Albertus Poppledorf, Thomas Hall, Jacob Boum, Adam Pocke, Henry Bemer, John Peter Fox, Tunis Young, Henry Harter, William Wertchen, Francis Bickle, Tunis Case, George William Vanbagh, Christian Beck, Christian Hassen, Adam Snook, Randolph Staneman and Christian Kaul. May 29, 1756—Johannes Belesvelt and Peter Van Allen. November 28, 1760—Peter Penier, George Andreas Virselius, Jacob Autsoni and Christopher Baneysen. April 7, 1761—David Slayback, Henry Luts, Michael Hammer and John ‘Allison: March 20, 1762—George Beck, Jacob Wigmore and Stephen Sarich. 7 April 28, '1762—Christopher Huson, Hans Peter Prettiker, Jacob Stucky, Henry Cook, Michael Maps, Charles Martin Roan, Henry Diffidaffy, Henry Swink, Nicholas Philips, Philip Marks, Leonard Fox, Caspar Grim and John Rouse. June 3, 17683—Jacob Albright, Daniel Dorn, Nicholas Angle, Benedict Yare, Johannes Vos, Gabriel Hymer, Johannes Heyler, Cornelius Ferberg, Joseph Hup- pell and John Snyder. December 7, 1763—Johannes Kauk, John Dellar, George Kessler and George Himns. February 23, 1764—Joseph Behringer, John Snoffer, George Windemude, Casper Sheppard, Walton Vokes, John Henry Snoffer, Martin Swort Welder, Adam Cuncle, Andrew Wagener, John Philip Weiker and John Morkel. June 20, 1765—John Houze, Peter Hendrick Striepers, John Herbergs, John William Pollman and Peter Kurtz. June 28, 1766—Jacob Hartel and John Jacob Faish. May 10, 1768—Jobn Louterman, John Snook, Frederick Hayn, William Stodder, Philip Bemer, John Haas, Johannes Mayer, Peter Colther and Nichols Ott. December 6, 1769—Christopher Bishop, John Lame, Peter Lame, Henry Lish- man, Francis Ralph, George Sawibeck, Thomas Whisler, John Martin Fulkemer, Jacob Akeley, Frederick Smith, Matthew Marton, John Bohn, Gerhart Winter, Peter Brown, Andrew Congle [Cougle?], Peter Slim, John Hartman, Johannes Hofses, Johannes Balthaser Harff, Walter Wob, Christopher Rob, John Cosman, John Marlin and Henry Stricklan. _ October 27, 1770—Frederick Outgelt, Leonard Lymaster, Peter Lupp, John Bower, Lawrence Eykeinier, George Obert, Peter Obert and John Irick. September 26, 1772—George Felthausen. SETTLERS ON THE SOCIETIES TRACT. In the year 1735 Lewis Morris, Jr., was required to make out a list of those persons who had leased parts of the tract called the ‘‘West Jersey Society Lands,” for a term of four years. This list contains the names of settlers in what is now Hunterdon county. The amount of land leased in each case ranges from 50 acres to 300. The whole tract comprised nearly all of what is, Hunterdon county. Morris affirms that ‘‘ there were no other families than these 98 except on the Coxe and Kirkbride tract of ten thousand acres.” The whole amount Jeased was only 12,535 acres, but there is no doubt that large portions of the society’s lands were unoccupied at that time, so that these families were nearly all the settlers in the “SNEHdHLS “H HOUOAD “ATU “STTIMN ‘"V NOLINYOHL ‘AWE . Lists or Names 635 above-named county at that time. The Cox and Kirkbride tract extended from Paes Flemington. The names that are probably English or Dutch are put ei ous and William Alback (Alpock), Daniel Allen, Isaac John Bassett, Daniel Berland, William Bylerfelt (Bellowsfelt or Bellows) Peter Bellesfelt (Bellows), Jacob Bodine, Andrew Bown, Miles Bunn. Stephen Calvin (Corwin 2), Leonard Calp (Ulp?), William Christ, John Corle (or Carle or Corhe). , William Dixe (Diets 2), Peter Dilse, Urie Eyck, Samuel and Henry Freeman. ~ Robert Green, Herman Hagenh’'ags (Hockenbury %, Adam Haveherr (Haver), William Hen, John Hendrickson, Michael and Michael, Jr., Henneshit (Hender- shot), Urie, Teunis and Jost Heppen (Hoppock), Gasper (Casper) Hewskill, John Hofman, Edward Harvelt, Hugh Howell, Adam Hunn (Henn 2). Joseph Juxow, Peter, Christian and Jabis Jarvis, Christian Jeebs, Cornelius Johnston, Anthony Kelsey, Thomas Kirby, Urie Kirds (George Shirts 2), Herman Kleyn. Urie (George) Lawrence, Thomas Leasly, Zacharias Lemmanvelt (Flomervelt), Simon Lesere [Lasher 2]. James Macharchy, Edward Manning, Abraham McDonald, Peter Moreau ; Paul, George and John Morlatt (Merlat); John Moor. William and John Oaks, John Olbartus (Albertus), Isaac and William Osman (Osmun). Adam Patner, Richard Pelver, William Peppinger, Nathan Pettit, Nathan Pey, William Phillps, Aaron Pice, Nicholas Pickle. John Reader, Lawrence Roeliff (Roelofson), Daniel Rose, Dennis Ryley. Johannes Seerforsteyn (Scharfenstein), Jacob Shipman, Philip Shooler (Shueler), Oliver Silverthorn, Johanes Simon, Abraham Slover, Martin Stein, Samuel Swackhammer. John and Griffin Thomas, Roeliff Traphagen, Abraham Trisbey. Joseph Webster, Robert Whee, Solomon Wileich (Wilrich %), Joseph Willetts. SUBSCRIBERS TO WEYGAND’S CALL. But most important of all the lists of names is that containing the names of the subscribers in:1749 to the call of John Albert Weygand, the second regular pastor of the Lutheran churches in this part of the State. These names are 78 in number ‘and are nearly all autographs. Most of them are German, but some are half in German and half in English, while others still are in English. Those in English are marked with an asterisk *. They are as follows in the order as they are in the original document : Johannes Moelich, Joseph Herenboeker, Adam Fuckroth, Andreas Abel, lorentz Rulfson, Kasber Henderschid, Jacob Hubman, georg Schwartz, philb Weise, David Moelick, Samuel Barnhardt, Samuel Swahheimer, Conrad Swaechheimer, Henrich Souer, Jacob Fasbinder, philb Duford, Jacob Damron,* Michel Vaskerck, Peter Goss, Johan Henrich (?) Schmit, Isaac Von buschkerck, Adam de forb, Melchior Bellmann, Jacob Klein, Wilhelm Kraft, Johan Peter Brumeiner (!), David Ram- bach, Adam Heiler, Simon Vogt,* John Stine,* lenerd Kretzer, Johannes Bendeler, Baltis Pieckel,* Roelof Roelofson, Leonard Stright,* Franz William Pickel, Jacob Lunger’s mark, Jacob Ernst, Peter Fox,* Lorentz Schneider, Annah Barwara 636 Earty GerMANS OF NEw JERSEY Rorzin [feminine form of Roerich], Johannes Resch, Jacob Resch, Michel Diren- berger [Terryberry], Stofel [Christopher] Adam, Henrig Schenckel, Johann Wilhelm Welsch, Philib Andoni, Mattheis Drimmer, Linerd Nagbers [Neighbor], Jacob Heintz, Peter Direnberger [Terryberry], Lorentz Schleicher, Peter Mehn, Jacob Duford, Michel Hellenbrant [Hildebrant], Mathies Abel, Andreas Abel, John Hendershot, Jacob Keri [Gary or Cary], George Hoffman,* Matthaus Abel* [the other is in German, this is in English], John Haman,* Areevangenee* [Arry from Guinea, a negro], Richard Chennel’s mark. Christian Deger, Baldes Ernst, Ludwig Ditmann [Titman], Adam Mit, Heinrich Keller, Kasper Leederholt, Michel Wissob [Bischopf], Peter solman,* Meria Catharina Moelichin, Johannes Rubel, Johannes Nikeldonis, Johannes Schertz, Abraham Schertz, Hermanes Roelofson. The following additional names appear on the two other lists, viz., of subscribers to build a barn in 1754, and secondly, an undated list of ‘‘ Foxenburger” members : Theobald Schafer, Johannes Schafer, George Rubel, Stephen Dorberger, [Terry- berry], Peter Resch, Jacob Henn, Paul Antoni [Anthony], Moritz Creter, Henrich Weber, Johannes Heger, Thomas Neil, Michael Ellick, George Dipple [Teeple]. CUSTOMERS OF JOHN PETER NITZER, the German storekeeper at German Valley, N. J., before 1763: Philip Anton, —— Armstrong, George and Will. Ahlbach ; Peter, Elisabeth and Matthias Barber ; George Baty, Bernhard Banger, Fred. Bason, Edward Barton, Peter Badenheimer, Robert Barr, Conrad Beeler, Will. Bellis, the widow Berson, John and Matthias Becker, John Berns, John Bender, Conrad and Francis Bickle, Simon Bile, Haman Bitzer, Gottfried Boner ; Cornelius, Francis, Abram, Polly and Isaac Bodine ; John Bashkerck, Henry Bouman, Abram Brinkman, John Bray, Adam Bruner, Bertram Bun (Beam ?), Baltis Brem, Henry Bumer, John and Henry Bugener, Jacob Buch- staber. Gottfried Cappes, Bryan Carbine, Robert Carlisle, John Will. Cambeth, Fred. Clobey, Jacob Coleman, Dén Cull, William Critchfield, John Carhar, Conrad Casper, John Creveling. James Deanon, John Denison, Michael Denis, Stephen Dufford, Fred. and Phil. Durrenberger, Yorick Henry Deck, Christian Ditz, John William and Morris Dils, Yorick Dimler. Owen Hisin, Wendel Jacob Ehsig, Peter and Jacob Hich, Hieronymus Egeler, John Emmans, Jost John Everd, John Adam Ebgert. Nathaniel Foster, Andreas Flach, John Fackert, Jr.; Philip and Jacob Fisher, Fanny Fox, Philip Fetz, Philip and Daniel Fuhz ; Henry; Frederick and Michel Frese ; Sachereis, John and Cornelius Flardersfeller, Martin Getz, Magdalena and Jacob Gebhard, Simon and Philip Gerretz, Thomas Gorden, Frederick Gassener, Richard Goucher, Fred. Gref, Christian or (and ?) Christopher Grass, John Gey. i Peter Habach, Jr., Richard Hall, John Hatterling, Herbert and Henry Peter Hachenberger ; Lawrence, John and Elisabeth Hegi (Heger); Adam Hebeler ; Jacob, Theobald and Jeremiah Hindershot ; Henry Henry; Jacob, Matthias and Marcus Hen, Henry Hensz (#), Andreas Hensel, Henry Hoffman, brother to Jacob H.; Michel and Jacobus Hoffman ; John Hinds, Anthony Herschel, Jacob and Petar Hile, Christopher Hildebrand, Daniel Hubble, George Hartrampf, Leonard Hepp, John William Hach, Simon Hosbalar Are and Teanis Johnson, William Jones, William Jully (Inly 4). Lists or Names. 637 Anthony and Conrad Kriegar, Jacob and Christopher Kern, George and Simon Koder, Fred. Knab, Philip Kleine, Jacob Knietz, Henry Kineman, Nicholas Kuntz, Christian Kurtz, Bleich Kramer, Paul and A. John Kribs, Yorick Kloss, Gottfried Kabess, Kard (?) Kasber. , Paul Leonard ; Abram, Francis and Andrew Holbert Lucas ; Jacob Lorentz, Henry Leek, Conrad Lamerse, Nicholas and Conrad Lineberger, Henry Lewis; John, Matthias Shaffer and John Peter Lentz; William Langhahr, Lewis Ludwig, John Ly. Francis MacMackin, James Martin, Jacob and Philip Maurer, William Maler, Dederick Mart, John, Nicholas, Philip and George Miller ; John, William and Nancy Mills ; John Adam and Henry Myer; John Mohlberger, Herman Milheim, Sen. and Jr.; Timothy Man, Michel Mackerle. Leonard Neighbor, Jr., John Navel, John Naid, Thomas Niel, Valentine Nor- meyer, Thomas and Ephraim Nunn, —— Nickeldonis. Joseph and David Ogden, Thomas Osterstock, Christian Ord. Daniel and Michael Pess, John Peterson, Samuel Pew, Samuel Preston. Samuel Quinn. Cornelius Rey, John Adam Reinhard, Conrad Ririch, Roeloff Roelof, John Rubert, Will. Rutherford, Daniel Ryall, Anton Ross, Andreas Rieb, Kell Rurgh, George Roht. John Will. and Philip Sein ; John Theis, Henry, Christian, Baltis, Peter and Martin Snyder ; George and Jorich Spring, Orven and Aaron Sutfen, John and William Solomon (negroes 4), Henry Souer, Joshua Simson, Jacob Schuiler ; John, Conrad and Samuel Schwackhammer ; John George Sleicher ; Michel, John and David Shaffer; Jacob Sorden, Peter Spiesz, John Stine, Matthias and John Sharffenstein ; Henry, John and Nicholas Smith ; Anthony Seimish, Mary Still, Teunis Stal, Gottlieb and Theobald Swartz, Dietrich Strubel, Anton Stait, Peter Henry Schmuch, Theiss Shester, Bill Schouss. Matthias Thomas, Matthias Trimmer, George Twuth. Peter Van Nest, Peter Vandevender, Are Vangine (negro), David Vandeuren. Jacob Wandling, Martin Waldorf, Henry Weber, Daniel Werner ,; Michael and Will. Welsh, Conrad Winchler, George Wilhelm, Andreas and Anton Winebrener, Will, Wurtman, John Andreas Wutley, Conrad Wyar ; John, Matthias and Conrad Wirtz ; Philip Wise, Conrad Weingarten, Peter Wonndht. Joseph, Isaiah and John Younglove ; Thomas, Fred., Will. and George Young. Frederick Zaverin. —<3>———_9 Gs) oe APPENDIX VIII. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS. In 1763 an act was passed in the Assembly ‘‘to drain the marshes on each side of the Black River in Roxbury, Morris Co.” We do not know that this act was ever carried out, but it is interesting to know that the inhabitants of old Roxbury town- ship were of sufficiont importance at that early date to secure such an unusual degree of attention. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. COL. SAMUEL STAR POST, No. 71, OF GERMAN VALLEY. L. R. Schoenheit, 5th N. J. Vols., 2d N. J. Cav., 18th Vet. Corps ; Alfred Nunn, 2th N. J. Vols., 2d N. J. Cav.; Alfred Howell, 2d N. J. Cav.; Samuel W. Bird, 31st N. J. Vols.; Alpheus Iliff, 11th N. J. Vols.; Ezekiel Frace, 27th N. J. Vols.; Wm. Clawson, Ist N. J. Cav., 83d Reg’t Excel. Brigade ; Samuel Nunn, 27th N. J. Vols.; Morris Apgar, 2d N. J. Cav.; Ebenezer Ader, 2d N. J. Vols.; James Thurston, 31st N. J. Vols., 2d N. J. Cav.; Harvey 8. Cool, Ist Conn. Light Artillery : Manchius Hoffman, 27th N. J. Vols., 1st N. J. Cav.; Geo. A. Lance, 2d N. J. Cav.; James Seals, 4th Battery Light Artillery; John C, Barkman, 8th N. J. Vols.; Thos. Burd, 1st N. J. Cav.; James Thomas, 213th Penn. Vols.; Adam Schuyler, 31st N. J. Vols. ; Jacob Teets, 2d Cav., 144th N. Y. Vols.; Dan. K. Henderson, 27th N. J. Vols.; James Nunn, 27th N. J. Vols.; Benj. Apgar, 2d N. J. Cav.; George Ader, 1st N. J.; Dav. Burney. CHESTER LODGE, No. 209, I. O. O. F. OrricERs—Noble Grand, John M. Todd ; Vice Grand, Geo. N. McLean ; War- den, B. J. Neighbour ; Conductor, J. R. Farrow ; Recording Secretary, G. T. Welsh ; Permanent Secretary, I. W. Dorland; Inside Guardian, Lyman Kice ; Outside Guardian, J. W. Bird ; Chaplain, L. L. Rosenkrans ; Right Supporter N. G., Lewis Horton ; Left Supporter N. G., Holly Beam ; Right Supporter V. G., F. J. Wiley ; Left Supporter V. G., F. M. Stephens ; Left Scene Supporter, Stewart Neighbour ; Right Scene Supporter, Harry Lake ; Treasurer, Albert Bunn. MrmsBers—P. W. Ader, Edgar Apgar, F. F. Apgar, Samuel Apgar, Joseph P. Apgar, Peter L. Apgar, H. 8. Apgar, David Apgar, Anthony Anderson, James Anthony, Geo. M. Alpaugh, John D. Alpaugh, Asa Berry, Morris Barkman, Elmer Beam, John Bessick, Stewart Baldwin, Frank Bartles, Grant Beavers, Gilbert Pusiic Institutions AND IMPROVEMENTS. 639 Bodine, Aug. Bartley, Thomas Beam, H. S. Cool, Theo. Cox, R. C. Carlisle, B. B. Pir J. M. Conover, P. M. Chamberlain, E. W. Condit, E. C. Drake, William a mae H. ae William Dee, J. M. Frost, John Fleming, W. A. Flock, J.. ee offman, D. E, Horton, William Howell, Frank Hopler, Elmer Howell, L. H. labrant, Chas. Hicks, A. T. Hann, Jacob Karn, Joseph Leek, Adam Lance, David Larrison, James Larrison, Aug. Larrison, Henry Mills, Jas. McNeal, Wm. McLaughlin, A.C. Nunn, Lyman Nunn, J. R. Naughright, John Peterson, Leonard Rinkle, David Swartz, Jas. Swartz, A. T. Swartz, Jos. Smith, J. J. Swayze, F. D. Stephens, Jas. Seals, Daniel Spangenberg, Daniel Skellenger, G. H. Sliker, George Trimmer, P. W. Vanderveer, James Vanderveer, George Vance, M. C. Van Nest, Alexander Watters, J. W. Welsh, J. W. Wright, Geo. Warren, Ed. Wimpheimer. GERMAN VALLEY ENCAMPMENT, No. 41, I. O. O. F. ’ INSTITUTED FEBRUARY 22d, 1889. Orricers—High Priest, Lyman Kice; Chief Patriarch, George N. McLean ; Senior Warden, E. J. Neighbour ; Junior Warden, G. T. Welsh; Scribe, J. W. Hoffman ; Treasurer, I. W. Dorland ; 1st Guard Tent, Thomas Beam ; 2d Guard Tent, P. W. Ader ; Inside Sentinel, Stewart Neighbour ; Outside Sentinel, J. M. Todd ; 1st Watch, Holly Beam; 2d Watch, F. D. Stephens; 3d Watch, Lewis Horton : 4th Watch, George W. T) immer. MemBERS—James Anthony, Frank F. Apgar, Samuel Apgar, Joseph P. Apgar, John H Bessick, John C. Betson, Harvey 8. Cool, Samuel J. Carhart, Elias C. Drake, William Dufford, John W. Eggers, George Heldabrant, David E. Horton, Caleb V. Horton, Elmer Howell, Frank Hopler, David B. Larrison, Aug. Larrison Henry Mills, Alfred C. Nunn, Henry O'Neal, Leonard Renkel, John J. Swayze Joseph Smith, Elias B. Sutton, Andrew T. Swarts, John A. Tiger, Chas. Tippett, Mahlon C. Van Nest, Elias Wack, William Weil, Jacob W. Welsh. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. EVENING STAR LODGE, No. 147. Orriczrs—C. C., John J. Swayze ; V.C., Isaac D. Horton ; P., David H. Force, M. of W., William H. Lance; M. at A., Stewart A. Rodda ; K. of R. & 8. Hollo- way W. Dufford ; M. of F., Andrew W. Axford ; M. of E., James Anthony ; I.G., Frank M. Stephens ; 0. G., William A. Flock ; P. C., Wm. 8. Naughright, A. A. Scott, Edward Sutton. Knicuts—Alfred C. Nunn, John Van Fleet, Elias B. Sutton, Harvey 8. Cool, Thomas Y. Ward, William H. Condict, William T. Bird, Jacob W. Willet, L. R. Scboenheit, Daniel Skellenger, Walter C. Cabell, Frederick A. Apgar, Arthur H. Castner, Orlando V. Stephens, Theodore N. Sharp, Elijah Beavers, J ohn C. Bark- man, Robert Larrison, Manning Bunn, John Apgar, Henry O’Neil, Holloway Beam, Philip Parks, George M. L. Howell, Matthias Fleming, Warren C. Hopler, 640 Earty GERMANS OF New JERSEY Elmer Howell, Frank P. Farrow, Redding Cortright, Mahlon C. Van Nest, John H. Rice, Frederick N. Jenkins, Andrew J. Read, William McLaughlin, William W. Apgar, William M. Coleman, Lyman K. Nunn, Charley J. Trimmer, I. Newton Smith, Jacob W. Bird, H. Kiefer Lance, R. C. Carlisle, James H. Miller, James T. Lindaberry, Charley Hall, William H. Anthony, William Sheets. HIGH BRIDGE BRANCH OF THE CENTRAL RAILROAD. It has become quite common to speak of a railroad as a soulless corporation. With regard to the management of the above public institution this is manifestly not the case. As at present conducted it is entirely amenable to public opinion. In several notable cases the management has been marked by a most liberal and accommodating policy even beyond what could be legally exacted. By the high standard of character required in its numerous employees it is a positive aid to morality, especially in regard to temperance. Of course we are speaking thus positively only with regard to that part of this extensivs corporation which comes under the writer’s personal observation. The High Bridge Branch was finished July 1, 1876, and the first train was run by Conductor Samuel A. Crook. Its income for the first month and the first year ran behind its running expenses. Afterwards it became one of the best paying branches of the Central Railroad. Latterly, however, competition in the trans- portation of ore has compelled a reduction in the freight charges upon that com- modity, which largely diminishes the annual receipts. The road was at first built to Chester. It was afterwards extended to Kenvil and then a further extension to Dover and Rockaway was secured over leased lines. The grade of the line from German Valley to Chester is three and a half feet in a hundred, which was at the time of its construction the steepest grade to be found anywhere in the country. The Superintendent of the High Bridge Branch is Mr. G. L. Bryant whose re- sponsible position should entitle him to no small share of the credit due for the ex- cellent management which has conciliated public opinion so strongly in favor of the corporation which he serves. Ec a ee : seu omen, { |) ane Cit FLANDERS M. E. CHURCH. ai ay ui Vi ws. ‘-_ ne « ‘ bs ed it ee ni i a i ie aul an ireaeee (Ce oY SWE ial if ii ys | (ss es ae ae ge i 2 al wl jl f: om ) ial tk Oe” es ye ea oe ae e i al eS: i cl INDEX OF THE GENEALOGIES, CONTAINING ONLY THE NaMES WHICH ARE OUT OF THEIR ALPHABETICAL ORDER. foauas Anna, 373. BLE, Andrew, 483; John, 538. ABBOTT, Harriet, 239. nna, 385; Catherine, 515; Christina, 405; Elisabeth, 470, 515; Mary, 886; Philip, 446: Providence, 355; Sophia, 40 8. AUBEL, Jacob, 450, 463 ; Mary, 323. ABELIN, Jean, 2 67. ABERS, Hezekiah, 464. ACHENBACH Bernardus, 331. ACKER, Jonathan, 393; Samuel, 376. ACKERLY, Robert, 418. ACKERS. Daniel, 266; Sarah, 366. ADAMS, Andrew, 319: Daniel C., 504; Ellen, 375; Euphemia, 375; Hannah, 359; Iona, 251: John, 443. ADDIS, Mariah, 318. ADER, Catherine, 266; Isaac, 257; Jacob, ; Mary, 435; John, 256, 408; Philip, 257. AEN, Verena, 561. AERST: 'ON, Lyntie, 544. AFRIEND, Thomas, 247. AIKEN, Rachel, 556. ALBERT, John, 464. ALBERTSON, John, 424; Lavinah H., 521; Robert, 516. ALBRIGHT, Lena, 528; Rachel, 281. ALEXANDER, George. 372; William, 385. ALLEGER., John, 333; Mrs. William, 395. ALLEMAND, John, 4: 98. ALLEN ‘Albert, 403; Ananias, 403; Anne, 477; Elisabeth, 511; Hannah, 249; Henry, 247; Jacob C., 488; Joseph, 465; William, 308, 400, 487, 50 8, 5: 514. ALLER, Annie, 239, Frederick, 415; Mary, 415; Nancy, 360; Peter, 285, 417; Sarah, 812. ALLET, Jo n, 309. ALLICK, Fred., 463. ALLISON Elleanor, 319. ALLSHOUSE, Rebecca, 281. ALPAUGH, Aaron, 238; Adaline, 323; Fmily, 415, Eva, 817; Fanny, 2525 Furman H., 426, George, 436; George N., 516; John, 359, 437, 467, 592; Mary, 416; Merilda,, 430; Morris, 349, 467; eee 461; Spencer, pai Stephen R., 436: Uri: 252: William, 461. ALPOCK, David, 389; Elisabeth, 466; Genres, 237, 405; "Hanna ih, 470; Hannibal, 405; Jacob, 414: James, 414; John, 237, 390, 487, 555; ne ine Hey Pin gs 519; Matthias. a e 237, 318; Sarah E sf illiam, 238, 430, 488; William 4 ALWARD, Banja 441; Esther, 440. “eet,” AAR MAN, fi Tsaac, 426; Lewis, 423; Moses, 576; Pete at ail A., 376; Ann, 482, 528; i, ANDERSON, 822; istian, 236; Daniel, 437; Elisabeth, 237, 572; Ira A., 584; Jacob, 875; James, 413; John, 235, 290, ‘S11, 502; Joshua, 417; Lucy, 452; Mary, 369; Samuel, 408; Sarah W., 515; ‘\Winliana, 413, 290, 376. ANDRES, ‘Ann Elisabeth, ANDRESS, Anna Bieebethe 499. ANGLE Cornelius, 320; Matilda, 374; Nelson, 391; Philip, 230, William, 320. ANHUIZEN, Margrite, 406. ANSON, Mary, 273. ANSTIE, ‘Thomas, 567. ANTHONY. Amanda, 413; Cate, 518; Daniel, 418; David, 429; Elisabeth, 269, 510; Eva, 258: Francis, 390; Fred., 540; Jacob, 258; James, 410, 553; John, 340; Mary, 435; Nathan, 342, 517; Philip, 449 ; Philip, Jr., a Rosina, 449; William, 466; Mary, 487, ANTONIDES, Deborah, 549. APGAR, ‘Adam, 371, 436, 461; Agnus, 410; ‘Almira, 470; Amanda, 446; ‘Angeline, 470; Anna, 938, 855, 408, 409, 418, 451, 588; Barbara, 461, 482; Benjamin, 516; Blanche, 260; Casper, ° 284, 461; Catherine, 282, 237, 238, 239, 241, 243, 324, 374, 458, 461, 462, 488; Catherine A. 355; Charity,” 231, 232, 482; Christiann, 536; Clarissa, 234; Conrad, 237, 356, 409, 411; Conrad P., 241; Conrad B. C.. 409; David’ F., 238. 240; David T., 2382; Delilah, 238; Elijah, 338; Elisabeth, 233, 286. 241, 2.5 461, 516; Elisabeth Ann, 5b1; Prof. Bilis A Bei; Elmira, 413, 470; Elsie, 257; Elvina, 921; Emma, 240, 410; Emily, 516, 536; a, 384; Fanny, 436; Fred., 230, 260, 410, AL “360, 462, 536; George, 242, 256, 536; 555; George A., "938; Hannah, 237, 239, 455: Harriet, 414, 461; eae 234, 436; Henry F., 355; Huldah, 355; , 482; Tsaiah. 55D; Kate, 822; Jacob, Oa, 242° 354, 374, 463" 464; Jacob S., 462; Jacob’ w., 482: James, 436; John, 233, 240, 274, 471; John M., 355: John R., 483; Jeremiah, 460; Julia, 458: Lemuel 409; Leon F., 445; Manuel, 405: Margaret, 324, 437; Martha, 233; Mary, 238, 287, 238, 242, 324; Mary A., 238; Mary Cath., 536; Mary Ellen, 414; Mary E., 515; Man- tivs, 240; Matthias, 444; Nancy, 242; Naomi. 554; Nathan, 387; Nathan T.. 518; Nicholas. 239, 359, 588; Peggy, 237; Peter, 233, 398. 414° 536; Peter L., 260; Peter M., 412; Peter Pes ‘238; ‘Philip, 323; Phineas K., 470; Rachel. 287; Ruth, 359: Sarah, 232, 983; arab E.. 369; Simon, 239, 243; So} phia, 411, 412: Thomas, 411; Tice, 413; Willian, 230, 242. 257. 279, "398, 411, 464, 482, 536; William A.. 415; William C., s Bobs 359; William Eugene. 516; Willard, 3! APPELMAN, ‘yon, 525, 571. APPLEGATE, Thomes. 522, 642 APT, Anna Catharine, 252. ARCH, Lydia, 257. ARNOOK, Andries, 541. ARNOLD, Isaac, 418. ‘ARNVINE, Elisabeth, 540. ARRISON, Pierson, Bel. ARROWSMITH, ‘Ann, 315. ARVIS, Jacob, 402. ASHFORD, Susanna, 259. ASHTON, Ellen, 870; Mary, 348. ATEN, Jane, 51 ATKINSON, Ann, 592. ATWATER, Robert H., 563, AURY, ‘Anna, Bar! bara, 232. AUSTIN, Alanson, 394; Anna Marie, 394. AUTEN, Aurie, 510; Mary Marytie, 542. AVERY, Mary Sophia, 601 AXFO Dd, Andrew, 590; “tilen, 318; Martha, 352; dachel M., 341; William H., 488. AXTELL, Carlisle, ry B., 454. AYERS, Abraham, 467 « adel 544; Eliza- beth, 318, 454; Ezekiel, 350, 467; Hoffman, 468; ‘Wuldah, b46; John, 244, 322. ABB, Mary, 265. ABER, Harriet, 247. BACKER, Catherine, 538; Casper, 482; Hat- tie, 411; Phil., BACON Mary. iat John, 594. BADSLEY, Betsey, 401; Catharine. Isaac, 331, 523. ; BAIL, Jacob, 250. , BAIRD, Sallie, 486. BAKE, Keturah, 367. BAKER, Charles A., 537; Jeremiah, 477; John, 557; Lydia, 306; Mary, 327, 423; Nathaniel, 494; Susan, 392; William, 454. BALD, Deborah , 249, BALDWIN, Ellis D., 530; Harriet, 393; Jacob, 483; James, 249 ; Jeremiah, 465; Peter, 289; Sarah, 578.; Sallie, 331 ; Rachel A., 401. BALE, Henry, 250; Jane, 353; Peter, 339, 508, BALER, Mary, 451. BALEY, Hannah, 476. BALL, Margaret, 505; Maria, 460. BALLANTINE, Sarah, 384. BALLARD, Mrs. Ellen oT Neil), 256. BANGHARD, Sarah T. BANGHART, Tlisabeth, 385 ; Jacob, 250; Michael, 318. BANKS, Eliza, 492. BANTA, Arie, 541. BANTEN, Hendrick, 510. BARACROFT, ‘Aaron, 365; Elias, 363. BARBER, John. 481; Jemima, 417. BARKER, Charlotte, 576. BARKLEY, David, 254; Robert, 254. BARKMAN, Emily C., 581; Henry N. P., 470; John, 516; Jonathan, 251, 359. BARNES, George, 521; John, 553 ; Robert, 567. BARR, Lucy, 341. BARRY, Edward, 359; Noble, 276. BARTENIS, Jane, 466. BARTLEBUS, Sarah, 297. BARTLES, Deborah, 463; Elias M., 510; Frederick, 252; John, 490; Joseph, 547, 433: Van Pelt, 559. BARTLEY, Hannah, 477; Hugh, 386, 465; Robert C.. 518; Sarah, 518; William, 372. BARTON, Jonathan, 481, BARTROWN 5 Hetty, 497. BASS, Charles, 357; Rebecca, 357. BATES, Lyman, 566. 312; INDEX. BATRON, Robert, ‘art. BATSON, *Bunice, 376; Mary, 567. BAUL (Pav), Hannah, 2 266. Ba Henry, Mason, 592. AUMAN, Jane, 242. Bay, Andrew, 374. BAYLES, Elisabeth R., 428; Sarah, 244. BEACH, Ann ‘Augusta, 509; Chileon, 357 ; Electa, 330; E: nets; 244; Sarah, 341. BEAL, Joshua, 56. BEAM, Anna, 241, ‘388; Caroline, 437; Cath- erine, 266, 459; Elisabeth, 434; ‘Ellen, 288 ; Elmira, 266; Henry, 266; Jacob, 257; Julia, 437; Louise, 304; Margaret, 413; Mary, 588, 371; Mary A., 256; Nelson, 257; Philip, 286; Priscilla, 256; Thomas, 266; William, 395, BEARD, Catherine, 283. BEARDER, Jacob, 534. BEATTY, ‘Alliance, 409; Elisabeth, 555; Fanny, 306; George, 310, 368, 555; Isabella, 556; Jacob, "285; James, 349, 479; ansfleld, 289; Margaret, ‘306; Mary, 335, 437. BEAVERS, Dr. 352; Elisabeth, 461; Hull, 495; Jane, 463; Jennie, 485; Ma gegie, 240; Martha, a Mary, 281; Nancy, 396; Ralph, 471; Wi 37. BEBOUT, “Abigail, 465. BECK. Mary Ann, 572; Philip, 445. BEDELL, Lucy, 5 B66. BEDLE, ‘William, 419. BEEKMAN, Jane, 546; Margareta, 574; Mar- garet, 317; William, "394. BEEMER, Susanna, 474, _- BEITERMAN, Catherine, 320. BELE, Petrus, 250, BELL, Abram, 456; Cora, 314; Isaac, 307; Jabesh, 338, 427; Jacob, 250; John, 378, 462, 480; Lidia, 250; Onesimus, 310; Polly. 506; Robert, 508 ; Abraham, 456 ; Sarah, 804 5 Simeon, D., 557. BELLES, ‘Ann, 230; Snyder, 230. BELLESFELT, Adam, 534. BELLIS, Adam, 333, 472; Elsie, 391; Helena, 554; Leonard K., ‘511;° Margaret R., 334; Mary, 395, 472; Matthias, 511; Rachel, 511; Sarah, 407; William, 312. BELLOWS, John L., 334. BELLOWSFELT, Adam, 533 ; Barnet, 577 ; William, 533. BEND, William, 457. BENDER, Martin, 417. BENJAMIN, Sarah, 418; William, 354. BENNETT, Margaret, 446, 547; Rebecca, 481;- Richard, 89, BERCOTT, Elisabeth, 478. BERDEN, Jane, 547, BERGEN, Peter 8., 332. BERGER. Ann, 407. BERNHARD, Maria Catrina, 486: Elisabeth, 570. BERTRON, David, 406. BESHERER, John, 338. BESS, Jacob. 290; julia A. 468; Magdalena, ane Samantha, 45 i: ESSON, Jacob, 593; William, 287. BEST. Elisabeth; 239; 343. BETSON, John, 531. BETTS, Mary, B19. BEVANS, John, 2 BEYER, hee ‘333, ma Mary, 595. BIDDLEMAN, Valentine, 3 BIEBIGHEISER, John. ia BIGGS, Margaret, 407; Maria, 542. Mary InDEx, Brarew J ret ee oO 462 BIHM, Anna Barbate, Sis is BILE eee “are 300 °. 390, 47 BILES, Geter a 9; Silvester, 386. Be As 8 nn, 256; y H., 444; Charit; 256; ‘Charlotte, ‘160: ‘a ie ai las, hae Botatite, , 282; Cyrus eorge, 530; Hannah B.. , 863 373; James, 593; an 256, 499: Jacob ae qu “460, ae Hors, 266; Reuben, arah he BIRTHS, Christian 353. - ome, oe , 4382; Willi BLACK, David, 312; Thomas, 481. zi BLACKBURN, Rachel, 454. BLACKFORD, Isaac, 530; Kate, 249, BLACKMAR, Rosina, 354. BLAIR, Elisabeth, 529: Erwin O., 369; Mary Ann, 529; Mary,” 529; Rachel E.. , 5215 Rob- of alee, eth, 519; Joseph, 555 ; A., 423; Selinda, 257: iam. y + 424, meee! BLAUVELT, Rev. G. M. "401, 5% 533, ’ BLEW, Cornelius, 436. BLOOM, Amy, 391; Elisabeth, 238; Frank, 238; Isaac, 241; Pr 8. BOCKOVER, Elisabeth, 297; Peter, 289. BODINE, Caroline, 452; Catharine, 473; Charles, 461; Elisabeth. 536; Elsie, 536 ; Hester, 269; Jane, 477; ‘Judick, 268; Mrs. John, 333; eter, 268; Susanna, 407. BOEMAN, Lambert, 452, BOGARDUS, Jacob, 341. BOILES, Edward, 251. BONHAM, Amos. 471, BONHONE, Hezekiah, 399;' Uriah, 399. Sena nUn, Elisabeth, 82: Mary, 565; Sarah 415. BONSEVAL, Mary, 269. BOOLOCK, Richard, 456. BOOTH, Andrew, 484: Charles, 418; Clara J., 605; Clarissa, 256; Constance, 430; David 18; Ensign John, 418; John, 480; Sarah, BORGOND, Janneke, 493. BOS, Tryntje Tysse, 497. BOSENBE RY, Charity, 465; John, 465. BOE Benjamin, 313; Charity, 364; Henry, BOTSFORD, Ruth, 249. BOUNDS, , 483. BOUTCHER. Ann, 474. BOWEN, Samuel, 567. BOWLSBY, Dennis, 317; James, 283; John, 289; Jobn'R., 520; Thomas, 386. BOWMAN, Ann, 538; Cornelius, 407 ; Ellen, 412; Jane, Bs? John, 333; Mary, 433, 444; Nicholas Neighbor, 443 ; Peter, 333; Rachel 404 ; William, 415. BOWNE, John, 370. BOYD, Elisabeth, 396; Harriet E., 360; Jane, 270. BOYER, John, 443; Thomas, 527. BOYLE, John ‘Henky, as John, 475. Bea alent e' BRACKLEY, Matilda ‘443: Sophia, 466. BRADBURY, Benjamin. 5 529. BRADFORD, William, 277. BRANDS, Daniel B., 444; James, 404. 643 BRAY, Annie, 238; John, ‘509; Thomson’ 352. BREED, Everett Eugene, 566. BREWER, Mary, 433; Peggy, 395; William, BREWSTER, Rev. James, 398. BRIANT, John, 244; Sallie Y., 454. BRIDGEN, George W., 9. BRIDON, Esther, 267. BRILLENSFELD, John William, 428. BRINK, Annaatje, 259; Mary, 259. BRINKER HOFF, Sarah, 251. BRITT, William, 522. BRITTAIN, Mary, 246. BRITTON, Fanny, 282, BROAD, Henry, 246. BROAT. Mar; aret, 246. BROCKHOL IT, Judith, 549. ROKAW, Catherine, 433; Evert, 510; Henry A omcit 360; gone, oo ‘Magdalena, 510. BRONSON. John, 3 BROOK, Elisabeth, 306. BROTHERTON, Henry, 482; Richard, 482. BROUWER, Magdalena, 34 1. BROWN, ‘Aaron, 431; Abigail, 471; Adah, 449 ; ‘Arnold, 533 ; Betsey, 302 ; Catherine, 560; David, 466, 582 ; Elijah, "5763 Elisa- beth, 394, 513; Eliza, 239; Francis, 274, 456 ; Rev. George B., 355 ; Henry, 566 ; Jacob. 516; James, 356; Kathleen; 274; Mahala, 464; Mary, 556, 568; Merilda, 371; Nathan, 302; Obadiah, 5203 Pain, 326 ; Patience, 504; Peter, 573: Rachel, 266 ; Robert. 230; Stephen, 302, 352; Susan, 290; Theodosia, 412; Will. 323, 413. BRUCE, Catharine, 594. BRUEN, Ambro, 77; Hannah, 249; Marie, 249 BRUGLER, Samuel, 445. BRUNNER, Catherine, 243; Caroline, 321. BRUYN, Heste! ster, 410. BRYAN, Mary, 422, BRYANT, Elisabeth M., 306 ; ee 419; aoe 260; Peggy, 540; Polly, 4 BUCHA NAN, Caroline, 323 Tisabeth. 536; James, 414; James L., 426;° William, 487. aes ‘Edward, 241; James, 424; Sarah, BUCKS, Mary, 4 BUDD, ‘Anne, pire Peatieh 288, 456, Elisabeth, 506; Gilbert, 933; Jane, 418; Jo! hn, 338, 400, 418, 456; Joseph, 283, 418, BR2: Judith.’ 455: Julia, 489; Mary Ann, 442; Stephen, 449 ; Sylvanus, 297. BUDDEN, Learah, 524. BUIST. James, 354. BULMER, Godfrey, 323; Maggie, 435. BUNKER, Ann, 295. . BUNN, Ann, 237, 583; Anna, 413; Catherine, 408; Charity, 429; Conrad, 577; Elisabeth, 444; George W., 349; Jacob, 287; James, 317; Jobn, 414; Mary, 238, 516; Mary E., 279, 487; Martin, 314; Morris, 577; Morris C., a Peter, 302, 437; Rachel, 423; Sarah, 413, 5 BUNNELL, Clarissa (or Mary) 363; George, 261. BURKE, John Jacob, 594. BURLING, Ann, 513; Phebe, 513. BURNETT, Abigail, 460; Joseph, 456; Mari- etta, 438; ‘Nathan, 504; William, 50. BURR, Susan, 508. BURRELL, George een 516; ” Samuel N., 323 ; John, 386, 452; illiam $., 354 : William 644 BURRIS, Joseph, 444. BURROWS, John, 209; Phebe, 495. BURT, Persilla, 309: Esther, 307. BURWELL, ‘Ann, 456. BUSENBERRY, John, 40 BUSH, SERRE 349; Tack 585; John, 557; Susan, 4 BUSEIRE, ay 251. BUSSEL, Phebe, 247. BUSSON, Benjamin, 255. BUTLER, William, 269. BUTTS, Michel, 2 BUYS, Jacob, 4 BYRAM, ‘Nbizail, 244, 299; Anna, 299; Bar- bara, 412 ; Cornelius, 349 ; Huldah, 299 ; Mary, 244. AGIN, 464. AIN, Georg: e, CALDWELL, oe 339; John, 265. CALKINS, Mary, 471. CALL, Catherine A., 423; Susan, 435. CAMERON, Mar aret, 304. CAMNER, Nicho! las, B71. CAMP, Phebe, 247. CAMPBELL, Jos, W., 464; Marion, 394; Mary, 274. CAMPFIELD, Rev. Thomas, 319; Rev. T. T., 428; William, 330, 456. CANADA, Mary A., 411. CANFIELD, David, 330. CANINE, Emily, 332. CARBONE, George. 543, CARHART, Charles, 444, 507 ; Cornelius, 446; Elisabeth, 368; George, 470; John, 260; Lydia, 594; Mar Mary Ellen, 3123 Sarab,'593; Theodor 2815 William, 446 CARKHUFF, Silvanus, 535. CARLIN, Stryker M., 483. CARLISLE, Abigail, 558; Catherin, 275; Jane, 495; John, 410; Margaret, 439; Mari. etta, 523; Mary, 569; Nancy, 239; Robert, 459, 487, B19; Sarah, 569; Thomas, 423. CARNEN, M. F., 247. CARMICHAL, Alexander, 456. CARNES, Ephraim, 341. CARNS, Christopher, 518. PENTER, Ann, 455; Clara, 506; Henry, 551; Jacob, 382. CARR, ‘Anna, 488; oe 479, CARRELL ‘Alfred, 5' CARSON, George, th - Sanpuny, 321. CARTER, Heziah, 2: Luther C., s, 430. CARTWRIGHT, Matilda, 563. CARVER, Emma, 3 370. CARY, Daniel, 570: Jacob, 418; Phebe, 340. CASE, Catherine, 540; David. 329; Elisabeth, 431, Hannah, 331; Harriet, 442; ‘Jacob, 443: James, 538; John, 288; John’ Philip,” 285: Joshua, 305 ; Lois, BBD ; Maieeret 5 Maria, 454; ‘Martha, 534; Matthias, 534 Mehetable, "420; Oliver, 365 ; Susan, 345 5 Willia: m, 443. CASKEY. Dorothy, 254; Elizabeth, Margaret, 406; Robert, 477, 506. 606. CASTERA, Louisa, 281. CASTERLINE, William, 329; Ziba, 309. CASTNER, Abraham, 584; Adam, 519; Bet- sey, 408; Daniel, 288; Jacob, 235, 527; John, 478; Keziah, 467; Margaret, 240, 524, 569; Mary, 355, "395; Nancy, 290; Peter, Sr. 340 ; 5 3 , 1 446 ; INDEX. 290, Rachel, 250; Ruth, 429; Sally, 553. CHAMBERLIN, ’ Adaline, 370; Anne, 262; 870; Ira, 420; Joseph, 578; Nathaniel, B19; Sarah, 518; William, 511. CHAMBERS, Alexander, 311; Arthur, 201; Jane, 245; Joan (Jane) 338; Leddy, 229 Talbot, W., 382; Mrs. Rev. T. F., 513: Whitefield, 421; ‘William Chestnut, 347. CHANDLER, Nathaniel, 556. CHAPMAN, Elizabeth, 450. CHEESEMAN, Catherine, 336, 342. CHENAULT, Elizabeth, 457. CHERRY, Rebecca, 407; Thomas, 592. CHESTER, Jane, 342. CHESTNUT, Jennie, 297. CHICHESTER, Helen, 593. CHIPPS, Elizabeth, 442. CHITARA, Rev. ‘Ludwig, 530. CHRISTINE, Rev. Wm., 428. URCH, John» 541. CO, Helma, 441. OLABINE: Mary, 374. CLAESSEN, ee 409. CLAPP, Dorcas, 513. CLARK, A., 337; Aaron, 518: Ann, 312; Betsey, 514; Enos, 392; Hester, 303; Rich. oo 584; Sarah Ann, 388; Seth, 390; Will, 506. CLAUSEN, David, 511; Ellen, 421; Emaline, 490; Huldah, 468; Jacob, 538; Mary, 527. CLECKOVER, Catharine, 374. GLEMENS, Sarah, 429. CLESON, Daniel, 458. CLINE, Henry W., 311. CLINTON, Matilda, 442. CLOUER, ‘Maria, 427. CLOUSE, 3 Elisabeth, 281; Rachel, 231; Ste- phen. CLOVER, Catherin, ee; Paul, 488. CLYMER, Sarah, 5: GOATS, Alice, 384. COBB, Z.. 425. GOBER, Michel, 392. COBERT, Betsey, 276. ooo Catharine, 896; Neeltje,'396; Thomas, CODDINGTON, Charles, 403. COE, Abigail, 246; Joel, 419; gr aa 244; Kate M., 566; Mary, 329; Ruth, 32 COIT, David, 456. COLE, Alvin, 319; Benjamin, 451; a 261; Elisabeth, 488; Ezekiel, 454; Jacob, 522! John. 461; “ee "332: Mahlon, 546: Obadiah, Sarah, 366, 412, 536; Simon, 583; Taa ‘satie, 5 COLEMAN, ‘Charles, 536; Effie, 460; Elisa- beth, 421, 533; George. 578 ; Jabez, 805; James H., 207; John, 283, 435, 464; Joshua, 275; Julia Ann, 526; Ruth, 421; Sallie, 525; Samuel, 289, 409, 447; Steph en, 439, 440; Willimpia, 281; William, 272, 520, 537. COLLIER, Rachel, 515. COLLINS, John, 442. COLLYER, George, 500. COLM, Jacob, 248. COLVER ‘or CULVER), Ann, 506; Cather- ine, 397; Elisabeth, 485; Livina, 504. COMPTON, ‘Andrew, 500; Margaret, 289. COMSTOCK, Phebe, 571. CONCK, Ann, 555. CONDICT, Ellen, 484; Phebe A., 454; Mar- aret, 35! Cc NIREN, Benjamin, 256. CONIN, Maria Louisa, 505. “LAOLS WVITTIM ‘AGH Aa INDEX. CONKLING, Benj., 274; Bertha, 418; r borah, 486; John, 418; Jos., 418; Luther Bis CONOVER, D Dr. gee ay ‘413; Garret, erbert, 410; 410: ADR 324; Bane ae Nicholas, CONRA’ ‘ohn, 562; ee oa. CONSINERY, Firmin, 5 564. oo VIL, Elisabeth, 266; Joshua, 257; Rachel, COOK, Hannah, 403; John, 403: 420; Julia A., $16: Levi. $07. TOSePEs COOL, Elisabeth, 524; Esther, 444; Harvey Bb a Moe oe Ro genet ettie, ‘eter, 51 COOLEY, Jacob V., i awa ae SOON, Abr, 5, Abram, 422, 570; Ashley, 496 Beulah Ann, 486; Elizabeth, 279; ‘Henry, 475; J. 1, 330; Jane, 312; ‘John I 525; Mary, 244; Moses, 303; ’ Nathan, 570; Sarah. COPLIN, Joseph, 539. CORLE, Catharine, 417. co RMICK, Rebecca, 273. CORNELIS, Annatje, 550; Marretje, 300. CORNELL, Rev. John, 384; Ralph, 367. CORNISH, Joseph, 253. CORRELL, Cornelius, 382. CORSAT, CORZAT, GASSART, COSAD, cozaT, Adah, 495; Benj., 540; Elzabeth, Od; Mary, 514; Nancy, 572. con Allen, 319; Jacob, 415; Henry, P earah CORTREEOU vHlargaret, 359; Van Arsdale, 507; James, 253; Joseph, 356; Margaret, Solomon, 248. CORVATT, Michael, 473. CORWIN Ebenezer, 495; Elisabeth, 471, 472; Experience, 304; Hannah, 573; Joseph, 285, 303; Margaret, 338; Mary, 385; Matthias, 418; Nathaniel, 421; Nicholas, 351; Reeves, 533; Sarah, 427; Sophia, 468; Susan, 421; William, 469. CORY, Jane, 337; Job, Bet Sarah, 520. CORYELL, Elisabeth, 872. COSS, Philip, 373. COST, Mar COUGLE, Sari, 271; petal 259; Win., 443. COULTIER, Charles, 35 354. COUNTERMAN, Henry, 468. COUSE, Elisabeth, 503; John, 467; Margar- etha, 570; Susan. 559 COVENHOVEN, Garret, 411. COWL, (or Caul), 27 cox, Albert, 598; oly, 412; Harriet, 412; Peter S., 355; Robert, 461; Robert S., 274; Tunis V: N., 576; William, 376, 483. COYKENDALL, Manuel, 509. CRAGUE, Allen, 238. CRAIG, Gertrude, 465; Henry C., 345; John, 559; Maria, 419; Moses, 282; Richard, 560; Sam, 259. CRAMER, Annie, 271, 389; Arch, 506; Cath- erine, 415; Charity, 287; Conrad, 359; E. D., 447; Elisabeth, 238, 542, 578; ‘Ellen, 415; Elsa Cath erine, 232; Eva, 587; John B., 412; John H., 413; Margaret, 559; Mary, 237, 318, 487; Matilda, 320; Matthias, 369, 414, 488; Morris, 385, 524; Nancy, 419; Noah Stewart, 414; Ruth, 419, 446; ‘Smith, 593; popnla, "432; ‘Susan, 234, 392; Temperance, CRANE, Edgar, 490; Isaac W., 489; John, 430; Theenhe ia Josiah, 456; Mary, 495. \ 645 CRASCOLL, John, 406. CRATE, Euphemia, 567; Lena Ann, 251. CRATER, Amanda, 461; Ber ber 399; Cath- arine, 362, 559; Charity, 260; David, 446, 478; Eli, 507; Elias, 518; E lisabeth, 237, 7, 322, 450, 479; Esther, 278; Frank, 590; George. 560; Jacob, Ba 578; Jobn, 451, 479; John A., 466; ulia, 385; Lambert, "323; ’ Margaret, 486, soo. Marietta, 355; Mary, 297, 349, 470; Mary Wood, 606; Matthias, 385; j Moris, 413; Morris P., 4%; Peter, 237; Philip, 237, 373, 985, 435; Praster, 315; Sallie, 576; Sarah. 435. 463; Sophia, 557; Tunis, 283. CRATZLY, Jeannette, 289. CRAWFORD, Will, 31). CREGAR, ‘Andrew, 437, 586; Caroline, 487; Catharine, 310; Elias, 451; Vleaber, 415: Jacob, 451; John, 521; John H. John, Jr., 417; Lida, 253; Peter, 233; Pete, 310. CREGO, ‘Lyman, 355. CRESHON, Mary, 244. CREVELING, Anna, 240; Benj., 270; Elisha, 479; Henry, 540; Mary Elisabeth, 510; Rachel, 5 78. CRIPPS, Cath., 314; Henry, 241; Peter, 458. CRISPELL, Jennitie, 409. CRISSMAN, Sarah A., 338. CROEL, Anny, 248. CROFT, Magdalena (Helena, Lena), 487. CROM, Gysbert, 541; Mary A. B., 419 CRONMILLER, John Peter, 491. ROOKS, Samuel , 854, GROOKSOR, Joseph, 410. CROUNCE, Nancy C., 590. CROUSE, Cath., 326; Geo., 530; Samuel, 446. GROUT, John, 484. CROWE, Loretta, 470. CROW, Mary, 295; Elisabeth, 336, 342. GRUIPEL, Maria Maddeleena, 497. GRUM, Leonard, 416. CRUZE, Barbara, 268. CUDDERACK, Benjamin, 542; James, 542; ara CUMBACK, Carrie E., 449; Lydia, 419. CUMMINS, Andrew, 345; ‘Annie, 322; Electa, 476; Elisabeth, 230, 251. 258; Mary, ‘32, 502; Philip, 313; Robert, 503. CUPB "ARD, Rosanna, 266. CURL, Sarah, 584. CURRANT, Abigail, 250. CURTIS, Mary , bBo: Sallie, 287. CUTLER, Augustus, aes Lettie, 284. CUTTER, Elisabeth, 496 CYPHERS, Esther, 575; John, 436; Perninah, 390; Peter, 249. ALGLISH, Phebe, 245. ALREMAS, Catherine, 425. DALRYMPLE, 440; ‘Brice, 509; James 572; Jane, 413, 419. DAMARAY, 332. DANCER, Phebe, 551. DANIELS, Elisabeth, 443. DANSVILLE, 4 471. DARLING, Lot, 331. DAULEY, * Anderson, 320. DAVENPORT, age 825. DAVIDSON, R., DAVIES,, Sallie ene 457. DAVIS, ‘Azariah, 318; David C., 465; George, 549; Hannah, 450 ; Henry CG. 455 ; John, 319, 384, 463; "Mary, 342, 517; Rebecca, 469; Reuben, 468 3) Seney, 410: Silvester, 405 ; Sinah, 321; Rev. Titus E., 361; Wm 447. 646 DAWES, Sarah, 429. DAWSIN, Alexander, 229. DAWSON, Susanna, "592. DAY, 243 ; Ann, 245; Catherine, 331 ; Harvey, 468; John, 244; Mary, 295; Phebe, 299; Sarah, 312. DAYTON, Elias, 500; Phebe, 401; Ralph, 322, 39; DEAN, Aaron, 544; Catherine, 269, 555; John 374: Polly, 559. DEATS, William E., 326. DEBENTLYE, 448. DECAMP, Alfred E., 449; Daniel S., 419; Lawrence, 427. DECKER, Benjamin, 540; Ellick, 230; John, Po Margaret, 542; Sylvanus, 592; Zadok’ DECOW, Abraham, 248; Ann Ha; Isaac, 340; John 540; Sarah, 2: DEEN, Stephen, 279. DrHART, Susan, 534. DrLAMARS, Mary, 326. DELL, Richard, 482. DELLICKER, David Welsh, 313; 240, 451. DELP, Ella A., 598. DEMAREST, *Jacomyntje Davidse, 541 ; Mary, 448. DEMOTT, Derick, 595: Elisabeth, 342, 388 ; Emma, 253; James, 408 ; Richard J., 594. DEMPORT, Ann, 423. DEMUN, Robert, 567. DENHAM, David, 311. DENNIS, ‘Andrew Rice, 318; Lewis, 322. DENYSE, Marretje Tunis, 574. DEPUE, Benjamin, 246; Moses, 246. DEREMER, 76. DERENBERGER, Jacob, 385; Margaret, 377, 569; Mary, 385; Steph en, 442. DEROSE, Mary, 342; Robert, 441, 560. = DERRYBERRY, John, 3 DESCH, Eliza, 584. DESIRE, Miss 338. DeWITT, Catherine, 488, 550; Elisabeth, 235; Emmerentje, 409; Jacob, "5505 Moses, 449: Moses E., 590. DEXTER, Chauncey, 271. DEYO, Annie B., 591; John J., 566. DICKERMAN (or Dikeman), Sarah, 468. DICKERSON, Abraham, 393; Abr. Talmage, 527; Ann, 441; Benj jamin, 315; Caleb, oe Clarissa, 243; Esther, 387; ‘Israel ups 303; Joshua, 448; Julia’ 540; a iacor: Mahion, 441: ‘Margaret, 430; Phile- mae. 284, 528; Robert, 232; Sarah, 468; Susan, 305; Tabitha, 464; Thaniel, 464; Thomas, 469, 560. DIETHER, Conrad, 323. Poe a ioe Frederick, 453; Harmen, DILLY, David, 9; Elizabeth, 437, 459; Har- riet, Bbv; Tunis, 527. D TS, — 262; Anna, 414; Anna G., 488 ; Augustus, 5855 Charity, 995 ; Christian? 409; Christianna, 260; Daniel, ‘344; Elijah, 411; Elisabeth, 316; George, 301; Harmon, 235, 434, 488; Jacob, 3 ao 399; John, 488 ; Joseph, 344 ; Mary, 3 ; Nathaniel, 560 ; Peter, 385, 301; Philip, 0); ep eRe “415. DIMMICK, Sarah, 391; Susan, 3 DIMON, Mrs. J. N. V., 261. DISLANDEED, Henry, 358. DITMARS, Aletta » 472. DIVERS, Christina, 873; Susan, 373. eman, 248; William, INDEX. DIXSON, Lauretta, 326. DOEBUAEs Charles, ik CKWRA, —— 360. DODD, Mary, 299; Phebe, 299, DODDERER, A., 571 DOLTON, Lizzie, 468, DONAHUE, en DONGIN, John, 540 DOREMUS, Elisabeth, 328; Thomas C., 394. DORLAND, Cath., 439; Geo., 537; Eliza, 315: DORNBLASER, Allie, ’57 DOTA, — 279. DOTY, Benj., 514; Catharine, 572; Rachel. 514; Sibillar, 440; one 341 DOUGHTY, Abigail, 43 ae Abigail, 328 Phebe, 572; Sallie, pouw, Eli, 543; Folkert, 268; Greetje Vookert,548; Mary, 546; Peter, 580; Phebe, 531 DOUWTY, William, 258, DOWNING, Mary, 588. DOWNS, Selvan, 488. DRAKE, Aaron, iS Anthony, 305, 363; Charlotte, 340, ; Clarissy, 506 ; Daniel, 341; Ebenezer, 30, wes Eliza ‘Ann, 362 ? Eunice, 339; BE. W., 435; George. 349; Ger- shom, 342; Henry Pp, 420 ; Hezekiah, 435 ; Col. Jacob, 328 ; John, 28 ; Joseph, Jr. 336, 341; Kate, 373 ; Margaret, 559; Mary M., 426; Mollie, 521: Nelson H., 449 ; Per- melia, 506 ; Rachel, 342, 424; Rui th, 342 ; 521 ; Samuel, 438 ; Sarah, 250, 275 ; Sarah Ann, 242 , 885; Sevilla, 319 ; Silvanus, 405 ; Simeon, "405; ’ Simon, 525: William, 287 ; : William H., 362; Zephaniah, 352. DRINKWATER, Jobn M., 420. DROELLE, Lemuelle, 354, DRUMM, Elisabeth, 250. DUBOIS, Catherine, 566; David, 550: Re- becea, 543. DUCKWORTH, Elisabeth, 366. DUFFORD. ‘Anna, 332, 429, 452, 567; Augus- tus, 527; Catherine, 398; Elijah, 518; Elisa- beth, 429, 537; Ellen, 429; Geor; e, 302, 452, 558 ; *Geor; ag Stephen, 537; one 378 ; Jacob, 390, 519, 536; John, 344 £ ber, 518, 538 ; Lawrence, 518; Lena, 387 ; "Leonard, 437; Lewis, 531; Magdalena, 554; Margaret, 388; Maria. 536 ; Mary, 590, 591; Mary E., 557, 560 ; Matthias, 535, 558 3 Nelson, 259 5 Philip, B28, 536 ; Polly, 5265 Sophia. 342), vill iam, 342; William G., 412, 560. DUFFY, James, 553. DUMON, Janitje. 548. DUMONT, Jane, 383, DUNFIELD, Jacob, 230. DUNHAM, ‘Aaron, 433; Benjamin, 465; Ben- yon, 254; Caroline C. 397; David, 254, 465; aes 381: oe Johnson, 397; Mary, 461; Mary Sarah, 282; William, 282, 312. DUNN, ‘letta Be 488; Elisabeth, 475; John, 543; Thomas, 522 DUPS, Rev. 443. DURHAM, lei Ann, 315; Keziah, 522; Robert T. §., 265. DURLAND, Pater, 504; Robert, 477. PURBINGs "Hannah, 351; Henry, 576; Wm., DUSENBERRY, John, 281. DUSTIN, Jennie, 590. DUTCHER. Mary, 360. DUYKINCE, William, 369, DYE, Clark, ‘sal. InvEx. 647 AGLES, Elisabeth, 420. ARL, Delilah, 529. He Su Bis enry, 0. 282; Willi es! err Gen. L EGBERT, ae Bal ; David, ey a, ary 386 EGE, Mary, 291. EIGHHORN. Wilhemina M. E., 594. EICK, Anna, 231, 238, 236, 308, 410, 412; Catherine, 279; Rdith, 516; Effie, 238; Ew Gabriel 593; 5; Fred. E., 461; Fred. H., 461; Zoe George, 446 5 Jacob, 233, Jane, 470 + Katie, 232 ‘Lena, 245 ; Mansa ‘371; Mary, 232; Mary Ann, 349, 255, 410; Merilda, 239: Peter, 350,’ 412. 482 ; Philip, 516; Sophia. 252: William, 412, BIB: William G., ks +, O14, ELLERBIN, Martin, 440. SE eae 455; Elisabeth Cath- e, 404, ELLSTONE, Benjamin, 427. ELMENDORF, Dr. J. B., 384; Jobn C., 384: Peter D., ELTING, Gertie, 394; John, 259, 566. ELTON, John, 458 ELY, Charlotte, 381. EMANS, Sarah, 532. EMERSON, John, 560 EMERY, Catharthe 4 491; Elisabeth, 294, 239; John, 236, 243; John ©., 393; Lewis, 237 : Mary, Bi, 451, 472; Matilda, 318; William, EMLEY, Christopher, 434. EMMET, Isaac, 47 EMMONS, Ann, 576; Catherine, 543; Huldah, 446; Jacob, 448 + John, 442, 462; Mrs. J. C. ea 482: Joseph, 442; Low., 403; Margaret, 575; Mary, 330; Ruth, 446; Sarah, 305; Temper- 352. ENDERS, Anna M. ENGEL Cornelia, ‘aa ‘Paul, 488. EOFF, Catherine, 57: ERICK, Paul, 488. ERNST, John Frederick, 483. ERVEN, James, 471. ERWINE, Ellen, 540; Isaac, 519. EULER, Elisabeth, 478. EVANS, Elisabeth, 234; Richard, 337. EVELAND, John, 388; Peter, 385. EVERFELT, Charles, "280. EVERITT, David, 522 David L., 287, 412; Elisabeth, 313; Tsaac, 822; James. 236; ’John 237; Martha, 430; Mary, 413, 462: Peter. 359; ’ Ruhamah, 237; j Sophemia, 318. | EVERSOLE, John, \ EVERTS, Joseph, 150. EWALT, Eliza, 255. EWEY, Catherine, 567. EXTELL, Daniel, 341; Phebe, 339, 341. AIR B, Caleb, 459, 485; Elisabeth, i alah, 431 ; Johanna. 331 ; Ruth, KNER, Rev. Justus, 432. PAOSNEE Christopher, 491; Margaret FAN ANCHER, Bile pA GER, Annie, PARLEY. Aaron, 239; Asbury, 315; Barbara 388; Caleb, 370; Charlotte, 413; David T., 413; Ellen. 581; George, 371; Hannah, 287; Isaac, 586; Isaac G., 355; Jacob, 371; Jane, Bi6; John, 400, 433; "Joshua, 515; Margaret ary, 338, 242 ; Mindurt, 586 Minent, 328 Oliver, 238, 853 ; Peggy, 463 : Richar d, 287, FARROW, Joseph §., 591; Levi, 537. FAUSS, Ann, 407. FELL, Helen, 321, 583. FELMLEY, Catherine, 233, 238; David, 473; Elisabeth, 323; John, 412; Melick, '502; Sarah, 251; Sophia A.’ 461; Susanna, 559; William, 287. FELTER, *John 493. Sua » Elisabeth, 461. rs. Mary (Linaberry) 374. FERGUSON, Elisabeth, 445; Eveline, 566 ; James, 31! 9: FERRIER, Mary, 451; Michael, 452. FIELD, Benjamin, 513; Catherine, 551 ; Elisabeth, 311; Hannah M. 360; Jeremiah 549: Mahlon, 534; , Richard 1., 433; Richard R., "448; Robert FILHAUER. J ein 462. FINE, ache 363; Mary, E., 426; Philip, 586. FISH, Joh n. 505. FISHBAUGH, Sarah, 443. FISHER, Amos, 551; Christeen, 263; E. D., i Elisabeth, 258; Ellen, 324, 340; Emma , 598; George, B15; Ichabod, 386: Isaiah, 3B Jacob, 417; James, 470°; John, 593 ; John B., 396; Joseph, 551; Julia, 313; Lor- enzo. 522 ; Mag ie, 579; Manning, 252 5 Martha H., 365; Mary, 319; Peter, 309, 368; Sarah, 415 ; Simon, 355 ; ‘Simon V., 340; ‘William, 314, 577; Wesley R., 413. FITHIAN, Eunice, 422. FITZRANDOLPH, Hannah, 336; James, 339; Joseph, 336. FLACK, "Hannah, 454. WLANDREAU, Esther, 543 FLEET, Eliza, 315; ohn, 412 ; Sarah, 430 ; Sarah’ Ell len, 315. FLEMMING, Anna, 516 ; Catherine, 257 ; Daniel, 408 ; George, 515; Hannah, 321; Henry, 405; ‘Levi, 2573 Mary, 257; Merilda, 455 ; Pattie, 242; Sara, ; Sophia, 405 ; Thomas, 488; ‘William, 368 423, FLOCK, Annie, 527; Anna’ Mar; aret, 483 ; Barbara, 315; Catherine, 478; Edward, 367; Elisabeth, 265; John, 487; Matthias, 467 ; Sarah Louisa, 537’ ; William, 476. Eee Adeline, 451; Cornelius, ; Elisabeth, 240, 480, 510: George, 467, Bar: John, 230; Leon N., 237; Mary C., 412: Mrs. H. Stephens, 518; Beter, 230 ; Zach.. 251, 451. FLUMERVELT, Jacob, 526. FLYNN, Charies, 473; David R., 259. FOLGER, Joanna, 295. FOLSOM, Nathaniel oh FORBECKER, John, 440. FORCE, Daniel, 410; David Hudson, 473; Effie, Al; Francis, *507; Hiram, 511; Jane (or Merrils) 461; John, 354 ; Phebe, 247 ; Polly, 436; Susan, 290; ‘Thomas, 318. FORD, Julia, 330. eae * Blisabeth, 304; Rev. Lemuel, 352; Mary, 422. FORDVOE, Ben., 419. FOREGUS, William, 232. FORMAN, McEvers, se Ursula, 311. FORRESTER, Jane, 555. FORSYTH, George W488; Jerry, 538. FOSS, Emily, 242. 648 ee Elisabeth, 515; Johanna, 514; Lum Sarah A, 416; Wallace, 458. FOWLER Addie, 591; Hannah, 480; John 560; Marjery, 294; Mary, 476; Sarah, 276. FOX, Barney,'417; Betsey, 446; Elisabeth, 461; Eliza, 410; Mary an 809: FOY, Elisabeth, ah John, 54’ FRAOE, Huldah, 24! , 318; Means 429, 466. FRALEY, Elisabeth, 391. FRANCE. Isaac, 530. FRANCIS, Joseph, 240. FRANKLIN Lewis, age FRAYSEY, Elisabeth FRAZER, Mary, 354; Stewart, 418. FRECH, John; 271. FREEMAN, Daniel, 521; Mary, 255; William 521. FREESE. Anna Sn ae 489; Jacob R., 521; Peter, 467; Sarah, 497. FREEZE. Theodosia, 475. FRELINGHUYSEN, John, 446, 549; Louisa Mercer, ee ae Theo., 361. FRENCH, Dr., 416 FREY, E. J., 355. FRISE, Frederick, 5v7. FRITTS, Adaline, 240; Andrew, 447 ; Capt. Ben., 361 ; Catherine. 315, 411, 413 ; Elisa- beth? 404, "416 522; ie $26, ‘George, 227 . 526; Jacob, 241; Jacob D., 260; Rev. Jesse, ; John, 446 ; Joh n W.. » SB: Julia, 511; tees 258; Maria Magdalene, 414 ; Margaret, 411, ‘447 Oliver, 317; Kach el, 526; Samuel, bao ; ‘Sarah ‘Ann, 258, 376: Sores 526; Thomas, 397; William Page. 227 FROHNBACH, Catharina, 325. FRONE, Catherine, 546; Elisabeth, 255, 473; any ; John, 482, 591 ; Philip, 390 ; peeRee a ee 457; Philip, 475, 578 : Sarah Elisabeth, 4 FULPER, Charles, Bas: Peter, 577. FURGUSON, J FURMAN, ae 404. FUSLER, Jacob, 535. ADSCHALK, Catherine, 386. AINES, Mary Elisabeth, 293. GALLAUDET, Thomas, 276. GALLIARD, George M, 355. GALLOWAY, Sarah , 382. GAMBLING, Mary Jane, 594. GANO, John, 520; C. W., 358. GARDNER, Elisabeth, ° 425; Harriet, 231, John, 444; Lydia, 382; Mary, 444; Matthew. ret May Joanna, 356; Mrs. Dr., 527; Thos., GARLAND, James 459. GARNETT, Mary, 356. GARRABRANT, aa Henry, 595; Mary, GARRETSON, ae Son Henry H., 360. GARRISON, W. V. GARTWELL, Genre tl, 265. GARY, John, 406; i Mary. 473. GASTON, John , 549; Joseph, 585; Mar- garet, 5BD; Ne “507. GATES, Pe opey. 464, GEDNEY, . dia, 306; Susannah, 306. GEHRETT, Rev. S. W., GELBAUG , Augustus, 407. GELVINS, ‘Annetie, 539. GENT HER, Charles, 413; Elisabeth, 388; John H., 554. INDEX. GERARD, Mary, 511. GERHARDT, David, 438; Jacob, 488, 594. GERRETS, Harmon, 512; Marretje, "300. GERRY, Abbie, 290; ‘Cora, 250; Susan, 997. GIBBS ‘Elisabeth, "404; Eureny, 567; Levi, 540; Lydia A., praia 530; Jeseph, 265. . Hattie, 376. GIFFORD, Ann, 590. GILES, James, doa; Phebe, 404. GILL, Geor, 2, GILLESPL eo eanah, 586. GILMAN, Will, 326, GIMBLE, Juliann, 265. GINTHRO, Mrs., 359. GIVENS, John N., 250. GLASPY, Mary, 586, GLAZER Charles, 323. GLOVER, Mary, 303. GOBLE, Enoch, 456; Margaret T., 275. + GODARD Luantha, 517. SCHI, Moritz, 562. GOEWAY, Sarah S, 5a. GOLDEN, John N GOLDSMITH, Thsabeth, 308; Hannah, 284; ar GOLTRA, Emma J., 515. GONZALES, Daniel, tae GOODALE, James, 3 GORDON, Belle, Sb: aoba 811; pen 311, GORMAN, Emily, 557; William, 415. GOTZIN, Bosing. Barbara, 483. GOUVENEUR, Magdalena, 395. GRANDIN. Hannah, 506; John, 574; Samuel, 489; Sarah, 562; William GRAUW, Elisabeth, 450. GRAY, Ann, 414; Ezra, 387; John, 587; Juliann, 265; Rance Hann, 518; Willi liam, 387; ‘Winthrop H. 384. GREEN, Charles, 230; Jerry, 280; 1... 998: Rebecca, 318; Ruth, 3 GREGG, Asa, 337. GREGORY Ann, 456. GRIFFIN, Sopher, 518. GRIMES, “Alice, 584 se 251. GRISWOLD. Matilda aoe NDYKE, —-——, ahie Tap 316; Sam, Sarah, 415. GRorr Caroline, 340; Hannah, 591; John, 319; Margaret, 362; Salona, 508 GROOT, Will, 536, GROVES, John, 475. GROYER, Ellen V. A, 247, GUERIN, i, Jennie, 441; Zillah, 495. GUILD, W. 506. GULICK, Abraham, 595; Amanda, 559; Ann, 473; Betsey, 464; Conrad, 454; Derrick, 464 Henrietta. 5 595; ; Jane, 2425 249° John, Baas John Margaret 7; Polly, tL Mrs. Datars tba: Mar 342, " GUSTIN, Gharloliaa : 509. H4ckErt A » Anne, 451; Sam, 544; Will, 271. AGABOUR, Christo; her, "492. HAGAMAN, Abraham, 365; Adrian, 544, Cal- vina, 355; Catrina, 612; Elisabeth,’ 250; 463; Henry T,, 238; Jeremiah, 466! Jolin, 683; ose pts 543; Lydia, 577; Mary, 470; Simon HAGHR, Annie C., 486; Elisabeth, 842, 484, 487; Tsaae, 475; Jacob, "452, 487, 526; Captain John, 312; John, 557; Lawrence, "489, 490; Maria, 486, 511, 558, b59; Moses, 485; will, INDEx, HAGERMANN, Jacobus, 54 HAGGERTY, Ellen, 529; HARN, Elizabeth way, sin HAIGHT, D Debeeak a8, Demaris, 328; ae? oe é Peter B05; erro 459: a at amuel D., 511 HALL, Abr: ‘aham, 288; perce aon a ; Catherine 589 ; ‘Blijah ; Elsie, 435 ; Em Moma, 326; games 0. wit ess, Sos John, 416; John ; Miriam, Sarah ; Tobias, 383; William, 407. Jones 28 HALLENBE EOK, Wim. J. 0., BELLOCE, Abigail, 418; Jerusha, 469; Peter hie tse By, sola! nn enjamin, a0: Caleb, 434; Elisabeth, 422; Experience, 326; Han: nab, 484; H Henry, 304; James, 393; Jemima, 438; Martha, 339; May ary, 93. HAMILTON, Franke, , 509; Rachel, 429. HAMLIN, Sarah. y, $04; , ieateth 304. HAMMOND, Grace, 3 ae Ane 451 ; aa 555 ; Catherine, beth, 385 ; Isaac, 441; * Jacob, 413; Teme sore Tae 506 ; Mary, yee ‘Sarah 364; Silas W., 240; Wil illiam, 259, HANCOCK Jane, 276. HAND, Catherine, 580; Jacob, 533, HANKINSON, Aaron, 435; Catherine, 366 ; John, 571: Joseph 406. HANN, Alfred, 500; Amanda, 398, 426; Anna ree Charles “408; Elisabeth, 396, 449: Eliza, liza Jane, 821 ; Henty, 435 ; ‘Jacob, 208, ‘ag 587; John, 526; Kate J , 481; Law- rence, a0, Ast; i Margaret 5, , 397, 435; Mary 342, 397, Ann, Be 6 5 Peter, 417; Philip, 370, 536; Rachel. $07; Stewart, Bia a joe 300, 836; William’ 417, 490, HARDENBERG, Rev. Jacobus Butsen, 379. HARDENBROOK, Lodewyck, 2 HARDIN, John 250; Susanna, 483. HARDY, Eldridge G., 459; George, 571; William, 408. HARMENS, Lysbeth, 409. HARMON, Phili ip, 597. HARPELL, Mary, 345. HARPENDING, eAabury: 457. HARRIMAN, HARRINGTON, Benjamin, 413. HARRIS, Experiensen, 812; Samuel, 566. HARRISON, Ann H., 339; "David, 331; Elis- abeth, 421; *Hlisabethi A., 398; Thomas, 343. HARSHALL, ee 498. HART, Andrew, 348 ; Clari larissy, 464 ; hore 465 ; Lae ae | Bliza, aL oe John. ae ; Jona\ ary Ann S16; Mary, DL. 339; i Nancy, 29; soa 438; HARTRUM, George, 344; Mamie, 4138; Wm. 511. HARTWELL, Thomas A.., 381. HARVEY, Margaret, 467; ‘Mary, 458, 485. eta ‘ames. HASSE: ‘L, Christina. 501; John Henry, 501. HATHAWAY, Elias, 455; Jared, 441. Se ‘tis Bstelle, 347. A attie Estelle HAVENS. Andrew, 250 ; Jonathan, 272; Sarah, 250. HAVER, Emily Ann, 317. HAVERLY, Wm. J., 590. 649 HAWK, Jane, 419; John, 320, HAYDEN, Jemima, 500; Phebe, 482, HAYES, Barbara, 392; Ellenor, "412; Joseph, eo Lydia, ae "338, ‘412; Susan, 444, AZELY, John’ 280, HAZEN. Joseph 536; Nathaniel, 261; Will., 282: Ziba, 48 HAZLETT, James, 558. HEADEN, William 350. HEATH, Daniel, 380, 475; Jane, 343; Jere- miah, B22; John, 005 John R.. 815 ; Jona- than ae oe Richard, 471; karat 334: Tyarak C HEATON, Adaline, 413: Siiicabeth, 353. HEDDEN, George, 582; "Jose yh, 280. HEDGES, mere eth, b73 ; enry, 533; Jo- anna, 495; Joseph, 574; Samuel, 280; Tem- perance, 885 | ‘lliam, 400. HELDEBR. T, Adaline, 376; Barbara, 310; Charity, a Charles, arr Christopher, 470, 474; Conrad C., 375; aniel, 257; Elis- abeth, 388, 526; Elisaboth J, aie, 281; Ellen, 871; Geor oy 871; Gertrude, 551; Hannah, 239, 470; armon, 310; Henr , 385, 556 ; Isaac, 446; Julia, ‘871; Manus, 4 468 ; ; Mary, 463 ; Mary ea 413 ; "Mary Lo ; Martin R., Matthias, 516; Paul, aa: Rettie, 376; PRichent, 349 ; Samuel, 462 ; Sarah, 279. HEN, Catherine, 436; Anna Maria, 31 HENDE RSHOT, Casper, 334, 340; Catherine 257; Eva, 386; Fred., 480 ; ancy, Peter, 437) 586; Phebe, 318; Robert, Visa HENDERSON, Haltye, 508 ; Joshua, 234; Mary Ann, 415; Sarah HENDRICK, John, 566.’ HENDRICKSON, sot 379; Joseph, 366, HENDRY, Edwin A , 594. HENION, ‘William, 556, HENRY, David, 429; Elsie Mary, 238 ; Han- nah, 403; Harriet, 376; Herman 288; oh 405, Margaret, 874; Mary, 258, 349; 0. H., 393: Robert, 282; Sarah, 341; Wostoy, 250 ; William, 578. HENSLER, Andreas, 3' HERBERT, Elisabeth, a8: Sarah, 478. HERDER, Simon, 577. HERTEL, Elisabeth, 257. HERZOG, Anthony, 461, HESS, Jonah, 526. HESSEL, Christian, 406. HEWITT. Holloway H., 287. HE MAN, Maria, 593. HICKS, Mary, 305. HICKSON, Jane A., 470. HIGGINS, “Ann, 559: Eliza, 593; Judiah, 367; Israel, 366: Lucretia, 593; Mary, 365; Mar: tha, 368, Rebecca, HILER, Louisa, 516; Mary, 821; Mary Ann, 414, 465; Ophelia, 516; William, 444. HILES. Blisabeth, 459; Hannah, 362; Jacob, ; William, 529. HILL, Amanda, 558; Belietje, 34x; Henrietta 367; Joseph, 441; Juda, 530; Sarah E., 289; Semantha, 289. HELE Pe eon nna. HILTS. Elisabeth, 337; os ae 572;Wm.C.,838. ROTH, Simon L -, 586, P, Elisabeth, 258; Jacob, 479. HIXON, Elisabeth, 307 ; Hannah, 472; Tim- othy, 307. 650 HOAGLAND, Amos, 363; Charles 319; Je- mima, 475; ‘John hn, 368 5 Lena, 510; Martin, 354 5 Mary, 364 ; Rachel, 319 ; Urias, 487 ; William, 529. HOASHILL, William, 428. HOBBS, John, 347. HOCKENBERRY, Elisabeth, 505; Henry, 824; John, 398; Joseph, 483, 556 ; Peter, 444: Sallie, 442; Silas , 300. HOELSCHE, Rev. Emile V. G,, 369. HOFF, Amy, 287; Anna, 542; Anna Maria, 508; Cat! elyntie, 508 5 Elisabeth, 542; Sarah Ellen, 324; Sophia, 465. HOFFMAN, ‘Abbey, F468 Abraham, 279; Adam, 248, 411; Ann, 239, 274, 279, 301 318, 437, 488, 583; A Asa. 371; Caroline, 554; Cath: erine, 324, 482; Charlotte, 273; Christian, 483; David, abt Dina, 239; Effi, 241, ee Elisabeth, 236, 238, 284, 287, 374, 515, 556, 578: ‘olen 239, "304; "Bisie, 238, a8 Elsio Catherine, 241; Emily, 461; ‘Eva, 238, 324; Fanny, 235 ; Frances, 265 ; Fred., 398, 482° 483 ; Fred. P., 461, 462 ; Geor, e, 238, 355; Geor, eS., 8; Harmon, 446, 461, 483; Henry, 243, ge 333, 470 ; Henry H., 538; Henry L., 385 M., , 462 5 Hulda, 240; Isaac, iat = elle, 238; Isaiah, 321; Jacob, 354; Jacob M., 250; James, 313, 487; Jesse. *460; * John, 241, 421, 461, 462, 502, 508, 577: John H., 368; Joseph, 461, 542 ; Julia, 342 ; Julia "A. 387 ; Louise, Bid ; Luther, 2384; Lydis, ’330, 359. 436 ; ‘Lydia Ann, 516; Manchius H.. 452: Margaret, 332; Margaret R., 507; Mary, 363, 444, 458, 461, ary Ann, 238, 343, 547 ; Nathan, 257 ; Nicholas’ 228 ;| Noah, 823, 324; Peter F.., 462, 593; Peter Me 162; Philip, 241, ra 462: Rachel, 488; Ralph, 578; Rebecca. 470, 583: Sallie, 243 Samuel G, 411; Sarah. 445, 461; Silvanus, 554; Taylor, 470; William, 333, 464, 485; William F., 262; William H., HOGE, F. Lafayette, 593. HOKER, Elisabeth, 567. HOLCOMBE, Ann, 365; Elias, 368; Elisabeth, re Francis 3 E., “488; George, 370; Hettie, ; John ‘Rebecca A., 370; Richard, 50s: Sponiee ¢ 368; Thos. T., 368; Wm. F. ,370. HOLEMAN, Abraham, 475. HOLLOWAY, Avis, 480; Lydia, 425. HOLLY, Caroline, 405. , 346. HONEYMANN, Teh 314; John, 479; Kate, 359; Margaret, 532; Mary Ann, 369; Mattie. 410: Peter N., 3) HONNELL, Frederick, 479. HOOGES, ‘Antje, 539. HOO: KER, Samuel, 568. HOOPER, Amanda, 466; Rebecca, 563. HOOSEY, Judith, 542 HOOVER, Ann, hese “Elisabeth, 289; Eliza, 429; Eliza A., 423; Felix, 436: Kate, 2665 Margaret, 266 ; Mary, 315; Morris, 485: Rachel, 256; Wm., 257. HOPE, Adam, 446; John, 410; Margaret, 409; Richard. 392; William, 459, HOPKINS, Abjah, 430; Bertha, 520; Elisa- eth, 518; Jonah, 308; Katie, 975; Lizzie, ban Mary, 306; *Mehetable, ‘495; ‘Monroe. 269: Peter, 522; Rachel, 520; Silas, 423, 522. HOPPLER, Catherine, B54: "Elisabeth, 458; Emaline, 444; Isaac, 455; Jane, 559; John, 455; Kate, 590. INDEX. aE Cath., 316; John, 407; Margaret, Peter, 516; ‘Sarah, 367: Solomon, 288; William , 484, HOPWOOD, Mary, 482. HORN, Catharine, 434. HORNBEK, Lodewyck, 550; Maria, 566. ORNER, Barbara, 892; Tosenhh 481; Mar- ns HORTMAN, ‘Charity 511. HORTON, Aaron, 313; Barnabas, 296; Benj., 974; Bethia, Caleb, 275, 525; Daniel. 525, 526; erie ‘498, 522; Elijah, "459, 528; Blisabeth, 304; Hannah, 519; Tsaac, Joseph, 214, 469; Lydia, 306, 496; Mary, 274) 418, 496, 525; Mehitable, 272; Phebe, 430; Rebecca, 326; Sallie, 448, 625; Silas, 427; 585; Wells, 430. HOTRUM, ‘Catherine, 482; Elisabeth, 461; Fred., 27, 386; Hannah, 340 HOUGH, DeWitt C., 598. HOUGHAWOUT, Lefferd, 481. HOUSE, Elisabeth, 512. HO USEL, Alice, 357; Charles, 257; Joshua, 366; Mary, 262; Mati tthias , 5384, HOUSILT, Peter, 417. HOUSTON, George, 436. HOUSWORTH, Ann, 426; Samuel I., 356; Solomon, 427. HOW, Michayah, 457; J. S., 566. ae Ephraim, 329; Phebe, 456; Rich- ard, 40! HOWELL, Caleb, 319; Cath., 371; Charity, 438; Cornelius, 250; David, 387; Elias, 308: Elisabeth, 367; Elis, ‘A., 315; Eliza, 284; George, 44; Huldah, Bi, 393; Isaac, 460: Ij ; Jerry, 487; John, 305; Br Jonah, 807 Jonathan, 248; Langson, 439; Levi, 307; Ace 545; Lott, 476; Lucinda, 527; Mar, art, 519; Mary, 438, 459; Melissa, 484; Nathan, 460; Nelson, 437; Prudence, 430; "Rach el, "460; Richard, 254; Ruth, 495, 575; *Samson 0O., 384; Sam'l, 337: Sarah, 463, pei; Sexton, 424: Stephen, 576; Uzal 0., 319. HUD: ISON, Elias, 423; Nathaniel, 254. HUFF, Benj. hy 595; Bergen, 543; George, 3638; Hezeixiah, 363; Jacob, 409. HUGG, Sophia, ” 352. HU GHEY, eee: 522. HULL, Margaret D,, 484; Sam, 245; Rev. Samuel, 36: HULSEY, Jemima, 285, 459; Lewis, 477. HULSHIZER, patsesing, D 340; James, 443; Mahlon, 488; ec 586. HUM™. ER, ‘Anna, 521; ’ Christeen, 432; Elisa- beth, 577; John, 398; Mansfield, 234; Martha, 332; ‘Susan, 317) HUMPHREY, Robe: rt, 5 HUMPHREYVILLE, Seseah: 460. HUNNELL, Elisabeth, 492. HUNT, Abraham, 570; Abraham N., 412; Addie, 389; Amos, 4 408; Charity, 342; ‘Blisa~ beth, 413; E. M., 7; Rev. H. W., 307, 490; John S., 583; cae 490; Margaret, 347; Mary, 249, 275, 495: Nathan C Nathaniel, 357; Ralph, 274, 389; Rates: 443; Rettie, 496, 507; Richard, 574; Sarah, wt 594; Stephen, 575. TER, Hannah, 318; Seruah, 469. HUNTINGTON. Susannah, 520. HURD, David B., 284. HUSTSD, Paebe, Sue ohn, Pea aes Me , 455; Sallie ‘Ann, 442; William, 37 a INDEx, HUTTON, Elijah, 265; Elisabeth, 492. HUYeOR® Robes N, Rol rt, 420. HYDE, Emma, 563. HYNER, Christoph Toe Hoe ies are er, A ae Herbert, 481 ; KE, Casper, 460. LIFF, zfs, 461; John, 529; Sarah manny Wnm., INGHAM, Tenner 592; S INK, Joseph, 476° Ee panne ACKSON, Chas. Ellis, 284; Capt. 380; Rev. William, 379. ave teeet JACOBSEN, Elisabeth, 511. JAKEWISH, David, 241; John, 516; Mary A., JAMIESO ON, Marie Schenck, 294. JANSEN, -Adtiantie, 268; ‘Anna’ Maria, 544; Antje, 548; Elsie, 497; Eva Antonis, 547; Hendrick. 547; Jannetjen, 259, 541; Maria, 259, aye Yancy. - — Tryntje, ‘545. JAY, Laura, 564,” JENKINS, Fred., 551; Lucy, 485. JENNINGS, E dith M. -, 298; Horace N., 298; Joanna, Ber John, 457; Mary, 486; Mercy, 245; Peter, 343; Thomas, 3 315. JESSOP, Elisabeth, JEWELL, Cornelia, 385. JOBS, ‘Ann, 528; Margaret, 470; Seenie, 482; Thomas, 359. JOHNS, Eliza A., 345 JOHNSON, ee 375; Agnes, 340; Alfred, 556; Alice, 365; Andrew, 412; ‘Anna, 362, 588; Charles, 370; David, 374: Dr.,” 424: Edward, 260; Elisabeth, 340, a1, 472, 8195 426; Henrietta, 236; ao teen 348 ; Jacob, 598 ; John, 248, 307; oseph, 492; ’ Lucy Mary, 563; Mary, 294, BOL; Nancy 479: Phebe, 398; Sallie, 433; Samuel, 385, 398; Sarah. ge j,pusan, 285, 318 Tunison, "983 : Will, Wm. EH, JOHNSTON @ Emma, 592; Marah; 478; William, JONES, Catherine, 390; 475; Catherine A., 444; George, 559; Jane, 41 414; Joannah, 246: John, 371, 488; Jonas, 485 ; Jonathan, Bia, Mary, 436; Nellie, 442; Ruth, 546; Sarah 385; Tamar, 342. JOROLAMON, Stephen, 354; Thomas, 479. JUDA, David, 560. JUDD, Rev. Gideon F., 384. JUDSON. , Sarah, 422. JURRIANSE, Gusje, 541. ANECT, M. Jennie, 599. ARN, Ann, 265; Betsey, 289; Cather- ine, 378; David, 5195 eet 236; Jacob, ; John, ae Philip, 34 591 ; nila, 551; George, 487, 527; Hannah, 230; James, 458; Joseph, 344; tilda A., 487. KASE, John. , 543. KAYS, Mary, 508; Thos., 250. KEARHART, Catherine, 432. KEELEY, Elisabeth, 247, BEEN, Blisabeth, 486. KEISER, Jac., 539; Sarah, 571. KELLAHAN, Clarissa, 288 i KELLER, ‘Anna, 56 KELLY, ‘Robert, a3: Wnm., 318. 651 KELS, J. 8., 281; pute KELSEY, Charles. —— 3038; Mary, 421; Rach hel, 529; 5: sarah, 520; Wm., 261. KELSO, D KEMP, iets aot KEMPEL, Anna. éath., 262; Peter, 310. KENNEDY, Archibald, 35D, 5938; Henry R., 381; Hiram, 576; Margaret, 592; Robert L., 565; Dr. Sam., 260. KENT, James, 403, KERN, Anna Mary, § 538; ee ‘559; David, 558; ‘Henry 445; Jacob. 5 B44: J John, 538 38; Mary, 536.55 590; Philip, 843, 473. KERR, Jane, 341; Walter, Sil. KERSHOW, Jacob, 553. KESSAM, Joh n, 343. KETCHAM, Eleanora, 384; John, 396. KICE, Lyman, 5 oa Peter, 537. KIEFT, Gov., KILTS, Philip, 527.” KING, Benjamin, 563; Betsey, 273; Caleb, 521; Charlotte, 584; Constant, V., 495; Doro- thy, 272; Eliza P., "407; anny, bei; ¥red., 244; George, 337, 456; John, ; Justus, Bat; Hlagdalena, 586; ‘Mary D., 352 Meritie, eptimius, 328; Tet, 407. KINGE: , James, 429. KINGSLAND, Rebecca, 513. KINNAN, John, 275, 828, 557; Jonathan, 477; Nancy, “7. KINNEY, David, 424; Elsa, 521; Eva, 433; Joseph, 540; Mary A., 468; Michael, 542. KIPBARDT, Hezelriah, 234 KIRBERGER, Maria G., “7 KIRKBRIDE, Mary, 323. KIRKHUFF, Pes 320; Charity, 320. KIRKPATRICK, Mary, 546; Nancy, 574. KIRLIN, Joseph, 429. HBTS: David, 531. KISH. UGH. viiisabeth, 444, KITGHELL Abigail, 556. KITCHEN, ‘Amn, 472; Crechy, 289. KLEINER, anna, 561. KLEINSH: MID, ‘Anna M., 587. KLINE, Christian, 448; Pavia M., 389; Elisa- beth, "448; Herman, 453 Jacob, 281, 369, 585; Mary, 353, 360; Phebe, 254. KLOTZ, Samuel, 343° KNEPPER, Elisabeth, 392. KRAMER, George, 238; L. V., 414. KREATER, Elis, 450. REIEGEE, *Cath., 318; Mary, 407; William, KUBBORD, Charles, 460. KUEMLE, Anna Margaret, 348. KUGLER, Jonathan, 287; Philip, 577. KUHL, Christo her, 584; Mary, 577; Paul, 577; Phebe, KUHN, Conrad, "580; Johanes, 483; Magda- Tena, 483. KUNZE, J. C., 587, 589. AAN, Margrietje, 547. ACEENOUR, a 592. njamin, x ic , Elisabeth, 549; Margaret, 541. rane Daniel, a AI eane'! LAKE, ‘Angeline, 815; Anna, 256; Catherine, 652 557; Elijah, 467; Garret, 467, 504; Jefferson 315; John, 400; Rev. John, 5173 "Jesse, 466; Mar, aret, 338 ; Mary. 414; Melinda, 338 ; Sarah, 490; Byleesten 236, 504; T. B., 357; Thomas, 363, 467 ; William, 445 ; William Cc. LaMATRE, Abraham, 550. LAMBERT, Catherine, 488; Cook, 503; John 364 ; Penn., 503 Rhoda, 520 ; Susan A., 470; Thomas, 508. LAMBERTSON, Lawrence, 540. LANCE, ‘Adaline, 241; Amanda, 242; Andrew 411; ‘Anna, a Bethia, 275; Catherine, 232, David, 257; Elisabeth, 232, 239, 290, 408 ; Elsie Catherine, 556 ; Emma, 314; Fanny, 248; Fred., 258; Geor; é 371, 483; Harriet, 317; ‘Herbert, 241: Jacob, 257° 466 ; Jane, 324, ‘343, 519; Julia Ann, 560; Lizzie, 5553 Margaret, 463, 508; Marian 467’; Mary, 459 ; Mary Ellen, 516; Peter, 239, 250, 414, 482 ; Ruhama, 516 ; Susan, 230 pueodiore, 260; William, 235, 557 ; 51 LANDERS Elisabeth, 444. TEEPEGN, Charles, 329; Dolly, 506; Thomas, LANE, Abraham, 407; Althea, 326; Fran- cinka, 369; John P., 479; Matthias P., ra Peter, 470; Sarah, 373; Woodruff. LANG: , Willemje, 300. LANGSTAFF, Rebecca, 277. LANNING, Jeremiah, 373. LANON, Elisabeth, 460. LANTERMAN, Elisabeth, 285, 537; Sallie, 442. EAGUBER, Catherine, 407; Mary, 362; John, LARASON, Amanda, 282; David, 283, 591; Elisabeth; 477; George H., 370; Isabel, 350; James, 487 ; "Johi n, 430; John w., Julianna, 4q7: Kesiah, 382 ; Lavina, 282: Lawrence, 567 ; Leonora, 332 ; Mars aret, 435; Mary, 574; "Nancy, 487, 246; Patience, 232; Rebecca, 439 ; arah, 2 07 5 Susanna, 449 ; Sylvester, 339 ; Thomas, 424, 425; William, 487, 511. LARE, Mary, “she. LARGE, Ann, 481; E., 504. LaRUE, Catherine J., 585; Eliza, 284; Kate, 284; Owen, 385; Thomas, 42 LASLEY, Christina, ae LATHROP, Lucretia J., LATOURETTE, Emma, Bo: Peter, 814, 454; Sarah Ann, 2! 251, LAWLER, Elisabeth, 454; John, 230. LAWRENCE, Catherine, 397 5 Daniel 572; Jacob, 570; Julia A., 535; Lydia, 504; Mary, Pest Mary Aik nal, M238; Nancy G., ae 535; he 578; ’ Vincent @, anes, LAY, Elisabeth, be6 , 882. LEE, Daniel, 409; Hannah, 408; Hetty, 459; Jane H., 2333: Mary, 574; Rebecca, 236 ; Rev. Mr., 362; Sarah, 477. LEEDS, Solomon, 356. LEEK, “amos, 306; Charlotte, 314, 583; Elis- abeth, 473; Emeline 470, 576; Hannah, 828; Lydia,’ 288; Parthenis, 497; William. LEENDERTSE, Annatije, 548; Philip, 548. LEFEVER, Noah M., 333; Susan, ra LEFFERTY, Bryan, 351, INDEX. LEFFLER, Christopher, 310; ge 310. LEIDA, Barbara, 553; Esther, ; Mahala, 230; Sarah Ann, 375; Willan, 290 LEIGH, Austin, 594; Kez: jiah, 3 LEININGER, Elisabeth, 519; Faced, 235. LELAND, Wm Ed., 520. LENION, Capt., 419. LENTZ, ‘Ann, 564. LEONARD, Findlay, 821; Isaac, 430; John, 314; Mary, 318; Nathaniel, 400; Thos., 314, LEPORT, Laura, 441. LERCH, “Anthony, 560; Margaret Ann, 271; Susan, 554, 559. LESTRANGE, Mary, 274. LEWERS, James, 593. LEWIS, ‘Aletta M., 478; Almeda, 873; Ann, 899 ; David, 419; " Kdward, 420; Eliphalet, 319: Esther H., "312; Hannah ‘Mary, 522; Isaac, 433 ; James, 307 ; John, 252; Mary, 515; Melinda, 275, 420; Richard, 467; Wm., 442” LIDDELL, John W., 570; Henrietta, 302, LIMMIN, Christina, 428. LINDABERRY, # daline, 240, 557; Amanda, 239; Conrad, 462, 528 ; David, 483 ; Eliza. 5265 ” George, 415, 356; George B., 324; Geo, H., 411; George M., 486; Hannah M., 241; John, 5d: Mahala, "405; Mary Ellen, 287 5 sary Jane, 233; William, 554; William L., LINDSLEY, Phebe, 456; Martha, 531; Rob’t, 352; William, 352; Zenas, 456. LINN, Martha, 480. LINNELL. Laura, 343; Mary, 591. LIPPINCOTT, Anna, 565 ; Benjamin, 569 ; Caleb, 569; Samuel, 318. LISK, Sarah, 262. LITTELL, Andrew, 475, 522; Jane, 578; Mary S., 507: Porter C., 324; Robert, 254 5 Thomas, 432; William, ‘449. LOBB, Horace, 369. LOCKHART Alexander, 352; Robert L., 461. LODER, Catherine, 501; John, 441; Sarah, LOGAN, David, 502; ae 251, 572; Sarah, 358; William, "939. '5) LONGCORE, otto 437, 509; Ellen, 579; Margaret, 508. LONGWORTHY, Cyrus, 337; Mrs. A., 387. LOMERSON, Catherine, 520 ; ae “411; Elisabeth, 233, 314, 520 ; Jacob, 266, 478 ; Joseph, 239 ; Julia, 283 ; : Kittie, "4143 Mar- aret, 383, 410; Nancy, "404. L PER, Jacob, 4! 494. LORD, Mary, 280, 549. LORILLARD, Jacob, 589. LOSEY, Daniel, 303; Fanny, 322; Isaac, 537. LOTT, George, 365; Jane, 247; Rita 251. LOUIS, Mary, 402. LOVERIDGE’ Richard, 487. LOVETT, William, 491. Low, ‘Ann, 559; Elij jah, 454; Elisabeth, 412; Janneken, 550; John, 313, "333 ; Lawrence, 313; Marritje, 300; Mary, 268, 511; Nathan 414: Peter, 234, 5BO; Rac! el, 288. LOWR REY, Annie, 319; Sarah, 320; Thomas, LOD. John, 311. LUCAS. Daniel, 439 ; Elisabeth, 389; James H., 389; Mary, 265; Maria, 548, LUCE, Bethia, 420, 522; Mary, 838, 495. LUDENSS, Abraham, 385. Ss, A , 601; Washington, 601. LUDLOW, Francis, 430; romero oo INDEX. LOM, Israel, 352; ry, 276, LUNDY, George, ets * Joseph, 382; Mary, LUNGER, Catherine, 540; Cornelia, 385 ; George, 403; Mary, 397, 13d, Moms, 418, Io: Ge As Mary Louisa, UTZ, Elien, 430; George, 460° Taco’, 516 ; Ann, 436. LYON, Andrew, 276; Ann. 275: Charles, 473; Davis, 329; Emma,’ 572; Harriet a 479; Tsaac, 339; Polly, 461. et Henry M "cater Amelia, 490 ; Catherine, 445 ; MADISON N, Sarah, 506. MAGIE, David, 881. MAG Captain, 446 ; Elisabeth 529; Jere: 3. S, Elis, 865; Ida, ° 365; Rachel, 593. MANNING, Anna Barbara, 241; Cath., 241; Samuel, 341; Sarah, 403. MAPES, Abigail, 284; Jabez, 284; James, 405: Naomi, 828; Rachel, 469; Sarah, 468; Thos., MAPLE, Benj., 475. MAPPON, Jane, 272 MARING, A., 509. MARLATT, Jacob, 396; Jane, 547. MARSH, Anna B., 605; Daniel, 287; Ephraim, 309; Olivia, 507; Sarah, 532; Bewart, 277: Will, 399. MARSHALL, Alice, 535 5 Sophia, 24 MARTENTS” Annie, 385; Elisabeth, 386; Esther, 376; George, 385; Lewis, 240; Mor: Tis, 526; William, 526. MARTESE, Trintje, 541. MARTIAL, Will, 333. MARTINDALE, ” Amos, 366. MARTIN, ‘Alice, 314° Caroline, 426: Carter, 318; David, 428; James, 396; Jane, 530; John, ‘=, 490, 531; Robert, 491; Ruth, 342: Thos. M - Bar: Wm., 318. 538 ;) Furman, » 402. MATTHEWS, Henry, 368; Isaac, 365; Jor- dan, 365; Philip H., 368 ; Pierson, 366; Sarah E., ” 366, MATTISON, Elisabeth, 501; N. G., 592. MAUL, ‘Anna, Marie, 472. MAYBERRY, Becky, 522; Daniel, 479; Elisa- be 29; Fred., 480; Mary Ann, 556. McBERTH, Eliza Eliza, 520. McCAMMON, Samuel, 403. McCATHRAN, David, a Jane, 356. McCLALLEN, David, 4 McCLENNEN, Mary, 338. McCLOUGHAN, John, 593. McCLURE, Jane, 530; ‘Wm., 517. McCOLLAM, Robert, 419. McCORD, James, 328; John, 531. McCOY, Gavin, 432; Sarah, 500. McCRACKE Elisabeth, "240; Frances J., 424; George, 468; James, 435; Mary, 476. 499; Nancy, 5 McCRAE, joe 480; Clarissa, 522; Cor- 653 i nelia, 296; Captain Creighton, 360; Rev. ., 522; Sarah Ji err 360; Jennie, 360; » 461. Mega Y, Anna, 235; William, 455. McCULLOCK. Mary L., 590. McCULLOUGH, Keturah, 855; William, 446. McCULLUM, Elis ae Col. Benj. 1278; Jane, 420; Phebe, McDANIEL, Elisabeth, 317; Mary, 233. McDANOLD, William, 508. McDEVITT, “Andrew, 259. McDONALD, John, 358; Mary A., 553. McDOUGAL, Frances, 428; John 8. 829. McDOWELL, Ephraim, 229; Margaret, 246. McGARVEY, Sarah, 445. McGINLEY, Sophia, 340. McGLOC. KEN, Wm., 266. McGREATH, Andrew, 309; Thomas, 309. McGUIRE, Thomas, 347. McKAGIN. Charles, 238, 362. McKay. Bliza Jane, 554. MCKINNEY, Cath., *989; Margaret, 251; Mor- decai, 1, 334, McRINSTRY- Col. John, 465, 515; Mary, 314, 444, 578; Mercy, 450; Willian, 348. McKNIGHT, Susan, 40: McLEAN, Amos, 556; Tiisabeth, 290; Nicho- las, 554. McMAHON, sae 248, McMANIS, W. W 7 438. McPEAKE, Jonathan, 466; Lewis, 518; Pernina, 527. MgPHERSON, Temperance, 340; William, McSHANE, Robert, 287. MEDAUGH, Richard, 498. MEEKER, Jane, 343; *John, 276, 354; Nettie, 556; Sarah, 387; ‘Washington, 556. MEET, Mary, 432. MEGIE, David, 549. MEHLE, Martin, ere MELICK, ‘Anna, 353 ; Catharine, 531, 576; Elisabeth, 451, 515; * Johannes, 264; John M., 238; John §., 239; May, 358; Mary Catharine, 354; Peter, "442; Peter K., 388; Peter W., 238; Rebecca, 461; Rosannah, 532; Susan, 461, 537; William, 229; Willi S., 461. MELOBY, Sarah, 365. MELYNS, Cornelia, 4 494. ‘ MENAGH, Hugh, 399, ay 521. MERCER, Charlotte, ; Louisa, 380; Dr. Wu. T., 383. MERDEN, John, 516. MERLATT, Nella, 376; Rebecca, 382. MERRILL, Morris, peal. MERRITT, Sallie, 24 ERSEREAC, Elisabeth, 484; Israel P., 484. MERSHON, Catherine, 445. MESSLAR, Ann, 288; Charlotte, 575; Cor- nelius, 253; James, 525; Mary, 315, 576; Sarah, METTLER, Barbara, 407; John, 252; Levi, 287; Priscilla, 455; ‘William, 241. Et a, sn ME MEYER, Anna B., 587; Caspar, nig Elisa- beth, 363, 497; John, 525; Mary, MIDDAUGH, Anna, S71; Bata, 259; ” Dirck, 896; Sarah, 549. MIDDLESWORTH, Mariah, 318. MILH. MILLER, Adam, 458; Andrew, 286, 588; 654 INDEX. Cath., 487; Chas., me Charlotte, 585; Dan., 458; David, 586, 559; Dr. 819; Elisabeth, 362, rod 466, 522, Frances. pis ’369; Fred., 517; Grace, 456 ; "Henry ‘490; "Jacob, 28, 348, 451, 489; Jaca 8. 3, John, 874, 413 516; John P. S., 451; tee 458; Jost, 503; Juliet, 518; Mab aret, 360, 451; Mary, 302, 400, 455, 5 , Sols Maria Barbara, 892; Mar Catherine, 507; Bee 419; Rach el 25 54; Rhoda, 465; Sarah E. . 855; Wm., 458, 558. MILLS. Jane, 259; John D., 509; Ruth, 297. MING, ‘Charles, fis Charles H., 518; Kate, 826; William, 2i MINIER, Jacob, ee: Michael, 481. MISN: ER, ‘Lewis A MITCHELL, James, 413; Jobn, 511; Mar- ret, 511 M 'TFORD, Anna, 394. MOELICK, Maria Catharine, 448; Veronica Gerdri utta, MOFFAT, Thomas, 340. 281. MONTANYE, Burris, "339; Edward, 578. MOORE, Alex., 426; Andrew, 236: Annie, 408; ‘Arthur Lewis, "294; Betsey, 566; Cath- erine, 806; Elisabeth, 280; 427; Eunice. 581; Geo. 314, 405; Hannah, 461; ; Jane, 470; ohn, 558; Rev. John, 422; John’C., 515; Jas., 247; Margaret, 289; Mary 444: Maurice, 321: uth, 546: Sarah, 36 367; Silas, "489; Ste hen, 420 5 ‘Busan, 540; Thomas, 272; Willi MORE, ‘Annie. 338; Ell., 592. MOREV, V, Step: en, 424. MORGAN, Agnes, 528; Asher, 461; Elisa- bet, oe Mary, 320; Sallie, 537; William, MORRIS, Deborah, 326; Moses, 401; Rhoda, 508; Rhoda &., 250; Ru ith, 508. MORROW, Fred., 420. MORTON. “Margaret, 303. MOSES, Clarissa Paulina, 428, MOTT, Matilda, 318. OURER, Tne 436. MOWDER, Sarah, 449, MUIR, Cale b M., 485. MULFORD. abiab, 400; Frank, 284, 393, 483; Thomas. MULLEN, Tans, 475. MULLIGAN, Susan. eee MULAHE, Lettie, #2 es, 543; Henry, 247; Marg., 470; Mary, 382 $42: arah, oar. ‘ — MUREN ‘aptain Parker: 298; Mary Arno, MURPHY, Robert, 337. MURRAY, Brid| et, 437; Eliza, 375. MYERS, Anna, 61. ARS, Ann, 458. AUGHRIGHT. Amy, 430; Ann. “439; Catherine, 386 ; , 537; Elisabeth, 858 : John, 344; Joh n i i TSE, Laura, 3 rig Mor- ris, 243, 557, 658; William, 535, NEAR, Louis L., aL, NEFF, Jacob Jr, NEIBERT, Tacs. ‘347, NEIGH BOUR, Amanda, 507; Annie, 587; Anna Martha, 535: Catherine, 874; Cath- erine E., 412; Conrad. 490; David, 307, 478, 587; Elisab eth, 332, 343, 451, 507, 518, 558 ; Eliza, 449; Eliza A’, 317; Ella, 558; Emma, ; George, 466, 490; Henry, 546 ;-Jacob, 238: John, 344; "Lawrence, 537 ; Lemuel’ el, 586 ; Leonard, $90, 558, 560 ; Leonard D., 452 ; Malachi, Pie Margaret, 478; Mary, 490, 518, 536, Catherine, 317 ; Nicholas, 386. o8r Sov ia, 270, 820, 890 ; NEWBOLD, EF Elisabeth, © wtichael, 481. NEWMAN, Burrill, 230; Caroline, 623. _ NEY, Hannah, 446; Michael, 446. NICHOLAS, Elias, B., 546; George, 251; Rhece, 246 ; John B., 505. NICHOLS, Fliza ‘Ann, 506; Hampton, 420; Martha, 410. NITZER, Annie, 317, 488; Emily, 388; John Peter, 269, 404, 428 ; Nora, 428 ; William, 557. NIXON, Anna Maria, 237; Christianna, 870 ; J. C.. 894. NOLAN, Godfrey, 424. NORRIS, Anna, Barbera, Bie Luther, 427. NORTHRUP NORTON, Folin BBD. NUNN, Alfred, ae 555; Bathsheba, 490 ; Eliza, 430; Isaac, 418; John, 871, 479. NUTMAN, Mary, 299. Oxniey, Isaac, 4 AKLEY. be iar 548; Thos. D., 548. William R., 531. OATES, Sarah Maria, 408. OBENDORF, Anna Margaret, 324, OBERLY, Anthony, 281. OCKE RMAN, Margaret, 453. O’DONNELL, Edward, 568. OFF, Ma dalena, 351. OGDEN, lisabeth, 337, 472; John, 274; Col. John, 521; Joseph, 273; Rachel, 334; Rob’t, 393; Robert M., 504; Sarah, 393, O°HARA, Sarah, 329. OLDEN, His, 3 366; Mar ae Ann, 366. OLIVER, Capt. Jonathan, 245 5 ene 248 ; Mary, 336; Moses, 507: Phoebe ‘Ann, B07, OLNEY, Silas, 419 OMENSETTER, Barbara, 362. O°’NEILL, Henry, 256. OPDYKE, oe 318; John, 252, 287. ORAM, Robert, 451 ORTS, ese ait Bae: Jesse, 458; John, 482; Margaret, 990. OSBORN ‘Aaron, 460; Agnes, 386; Barbara, 426; Catherine, 430; Cibah, 488; Eliza Ann’ 508; Jonah, 396; Sarah, 475. OSMUN, Elisha, 307; Rachel, 363. OSTROM, Sally’ Ann, 854, OTIS, Charles, 583. OUT GALT, Jane, 459; Margaret, 459. OVERTON, Elisabeth, 352; Sarah, 421; Ste- phen, 485. oe Magdalena, 288. Barbara, 428; Betsey, 428; Cath., oes Dee 424; Elisabeth, 466; Fred., 257: John, 862, 437, Mary, 461; Mary Jane, 490; Merilda, 516; Michael, 560; Susan, 467, 559. PACKARD, Rosina, 354, PAGE, Samuel Davis, 565; Thomas, 441. PAIN: 9 2123 Mary, 272, 328, PALMATIER, Margaret, 542, INDEx. PALMER, Samuel, 518. BANGHORN,, Joseph , 259." PANNEBEC, beth, 553, 1. rod. cm i". Pat Soret 8 ie, Enos, 256; ion 412; James, 408, 497 804; denn 25E 2A ee a e.aeay igai Adeline 359; B 324; Betsey, 289; Catherine, 398: ky. a "5985 Mage, Rasa 286; Mary F., ; Morris. el, 235; Ri 3b ARSHALL, Ierdel, 519. sbecea, PARSHER, , 429, 465; Sarah, 465. PASLEY, Cicely, 425. PATCHEN, Nancy, 392. PATTERSON, J PAULSON, Thzabeth, 230; Rhoda, 487. PAUSEN, May, 543. PAXSON, Mercy, 268. PAYNE, Lois, 495. PEARSON, Witem, oe. : PEARTER, John, 27. PECK, Elisabeth, 9: 9; Joseph, 387. ar, ere Aahciine, 484; Peter, 257. PEGGIN. Anna, a PELL, Abby, PENNEAR, Charlotte, 414. PENNINGTON, Elijah, 581; William, 531. PENNY, Sarah’ 338, PERRINE, Anna L., 487 ; Catherine, 235; Charles, BT; Charlotte, 487; D. G., 484; D: M., 529; Harriet, 321; Hester, 485; Oliver, a3; Sarah, 341, PETERS, ‘Goatrey, 534; Mary Ann, 563; Young, 511 Pure ON, Benj. , 487; Jacob, 594; Rebecca, PETRI, John, 283, 374; Maria, 479. PETTINGILL, Evan, 451. PETTIT, Abigail, 563. PETTY, John, 502; Mary, 538. PHILHOWER, Ann, 371; Anna, 413; Bar- bara, 414; Bertie, 242; Carrie, 971; Cath- erine, 418; Charity, 349, 410, 411, 435, 462; Elias, 314: Elisabeth, 242, 482, 436; Fred., 378; George, 3595 Hiram, 576; Jacob, 241, 243, 418, 551; Jane, 413; John, Mar: garet, ne Mary, 239, 411, 412, bee: Mary ‘arth: i Peter, "398; Peter J., i Rachel, 239, 355; Richard, ‘240, 260; Sophia, 414; Susan, 410.” PHILIPS, Dan. E., 492; Hannah, 366; James, 509; Mary, 578; Uriah, 364. PHOENIX. *Catherine (2), 501; Sarah, 512. PIATT, Hannah I., 593; Pe James, 432, PICKLE, ‘Abraham, 264, Adaline, 304, Alfred, 414; ‘Annie, 538, "S86: ‘Baltis, 264, 377; 457; Catherine, 241; Charity, 260; Conrad, 489; Daniel, 555; David, 395; Delilah, 470; Fred., 405; ‘George, 252, "260. 424; Gertraut, 471; Hannah C ity, 238 ; Henry, 595; Joanna, 511; John, 252; Margaret A., 587; Marietta, 260 ; ard, 354; Ruth, "921; PIDCOCK, aoe 821; Rebecca ie, PIERSON, Bethuel, 456; Denial 280; Har- 655 riet, C., 399; Lae 25 418. PIKE, Hannah, 244. PINKNEY, Jane, 480; Mary, 420; Wm., 441. PISHER, David, 340. PITNEY, Catherine, 247; Mi ie, 478; Mary ae Robert, 315 ; Robert ., 413 ; Susan PITTENGER, Euphemia, 238, 896; Henry, 886; Sarah Ann, 466; ‘William, 4 85. PLATTENBERG Matthias, 407, ELOEG, eee Zeubie N., 232. ° PORTER, Ann, 416; Catherine, 408 ; lotte, 408 ; Hannah, 407; Mary, 415." PORTERFIELD, Peggy, 401. POST, Sarah, 302; Peter, 412; Ephraim, 456. POTTER, en e, 355; Catherine, 242; Charity, 398; one 228; : Dennis, 405; Eliza Jobn, 318; Sarah, 254 ; Char- Hann: Sop , 467. PORTS, , Jane, 252; Martha, 565; Mary Ann, POWELSON, Cornelius, 512; Dr., 451; Henry 575; John, 447; John M.,, 289; Hugh, 423. PRALL, Abraham, 262, 370; *Soun » 461; Jo- siah, 585; Peter, B11; ‘William, 59 3. PRASTER, Jacob, 518; Matilda, 446. PREDMORE, Daniel, 402. PRICE, Caroline, 413; Margaret, 466; Mary PRIOKETT, Nancy, 457. PROAS, Elisabeth, 512. PROBAS O, Elisabeth, 408, 416; Elleck, 487; r teabelia, id ROST, George R.. 4 473; Philip, 407. PROVOST Elsie, 544. PRUDD: EN, oe 441; Charles, 252; Kezia, jam. PURCELL, John, 427; Lizzie, 391; William, PURDY, Hacheliah, 275; Hezekiah, 276; Mary. PURHIER, Mary; 468; William, 469. PUTMAN , 504. PYLES, A brAATA, 341. UICK, Anna, 580; Catharine Kline, 368 ; Gideon, 870, 508 ; James, 320; John, 368 ; Lydia, 483 Mary, 348, 365; Philip, 247. QUIMBY, Elisabeth, 513; Josiah, 513; Maria, Rane Jacob, 280; Johannes, 466. ACKET, Jonathan, 421. RADLEY. dlenry, 454. RAE, Mo! 7. RAKE, Aan, RAMSEY, Hannah, 304; James, 415; Jane, 416; Mrs. Keturah, 488 488; Rachel, 416; Sam. 587; Sarah, 484, 507. RAMSOM, OM, Stephen B., O88, RAND. RANDOLPH. Lambert Boeman, 271. RAPALIE, Judith, 545. RAPP, Jacob, 391; Mary, 391; Salome, 391. 656 RAPPELYEA, Saartye (Sarah 7) 267, 583. RARICK, aan, 485; Catherine, 231, Clarissa, Conrad, 315, 390, 452, 450: Eliza, 451 ; Phiisabeth, 345, 377, 435 ; "Han- nah, "515; * Jacob, 554 ; Job iD, 232 5 Mary, 245, 310, ‘390, 527 ; Maria Margaret, 37 Pernina, 315; Rachel, 332; Sarah, 435 | William, 459, 503, RASSENBERG, Mr., 283. RAUB, Barnet, 467 ; John, 529; Levi, 281 ; ——— 301. RAWLINGS, Anthony, 327. RAYMOND, Betsey, 456. RAYNOR, — 422. REA, Elisabeth, 592; George, 593. READ, Ann, 289 ; Dr. 564; Eleanor, 375; Bliza, 495; Isaac’ F., 373 ; Jane, 823 ; Jere 592. REBOUT, niall, 465. REED, Augustus, 305; Catherine, 374; Char- rience, 3! Hannah, ae. REGERS, Brea REITERIN, eo Gertrude, 462. REYNOLDS, Abram, 340; Catherine, 276; Parrott, 276; ——, 265. RHINEHART, ‘Adam, 555; Catherine, 412; Charity, 527; David, 405 ; Elisabeth, 231, 279, 405: Henry. 101; John, 414, 450, 551 ; Martin, 232 ; Mary A. 363 ; Melinda, 252 5 William, 314; A., 260. RHODES, Anna, 345; Esther, 570. RIBBONS, Jacob, 321. ne , Joseph, 342; Sarah, 527; Dr. William, ne Annie, 318; Elisabeth, 424, 437; Hon. George, 441; Matthias, 587, 590. RICHELEM, Gerdruth, 4 RICHEY, J osephine, 330. RICH' TMANN, Dorothea, 561. RICKEY, Sarah, 594. RIDDLE, Charles, 322. RIDGEWAY, Jacob, 481. RIEGER, Jacob, 306. pee Joseph, ’310. RIGHTMYRE, 388. RISr ER, Theodore E., ae William, 584. RITCHIE, Elisabeth. RITENBURY Rerndbas, 320. RITTINGHOUSE, Catherine, 399; Edward, 368; Eliza, 287; Harriet, 363. ” Blisabet! hh, 391; Esther, 444; Jacob, 391; Moses, 356; Sarah, 399. ROBERSON, Elisabeth, 2 ROBERTSON, John, 307; Judge, 896. eee Amos, 533; Elisabeth, 527; Eliza Thomas, 546; William, 3. ROBESON. ‘Ann, 411; Benj., 242; Benj. R., 412 ; Ellen, 444; Isaac, 461 ; Rockhill, 568 ; Sarah Jane, 242; ‘William, 816. ROBINS, Jonathan, 492. ROBINSON, Jennie, 324; HABE) 485; Re- becca, 419; Robert, 421, ROCKET, Jonathan, 430. ROCK HILL, Anna, 494; Edward, 494. ROCKIFELLOW, “Anna, 355 ; ‘Anne, 465; eee 4 Carrie, 366; Emma, 345; Henry, 4 Margaret, evi; Mary. 262: Mary E., os, William, 535; ——, 270. InDEx. RODENBACK, Annie, 316; Betsey, 444; Charity. 510; Mrs. Elizabeth, 507; Hanes, erbert, 332; John, 406; Mary, 240; Poor 239, 408, 444 ROE, Dr. | 424 ; cdward S., 601; George, 448, 508; William, 509. ROELOFSON, Ann, 390, 429; 5385; David, 386; Eleanor (Nelly), 566; Blizabeth, 451, 537; Hermanes, 545; Isaac, 535, 559; John, 386 ; Johannes, 474; Law- rence, 578; Margaret, 404; Mary, Bil, 517; Polly, 445; » William, 483, ROERBACKER, Hannah, 251. ROFF, Marianna, 531; William , 829. ROGERS, Abigail, 423: zekiol 475; Nancy, ; Samuel, 563. ROLAND, George, 414; Mary, 239; ——, 333, ROL. L, Mary, 854. ROMEYN, ae oe 379. ROOD, E- Sis ROOT: Denia, 408. ROPE, Lewis, 288. ROSE, Andrew, 362; Charity, 298; Charles, 423; Elisabeth, 560; ‘George P., 353; Lenore, 398; Mary, 419; Phebe, 459; Ruth, "459, ROSEBERY, Margaret, 529, ” 402. ROSEKRANS, Garret, 402; ‘Lucinda, 261. ROSINWATER, Alexander, 440. ROSS, Adam, 360 ; Alle, 406 ; Mary, 342; Robert, 246; ——, 330. ROTE, Michael, 411. ROUNSAVEL, Catherine, 358; Rebecca, 407. ROWE, Anna, 349; Christopher, 551; De- borah, 484; Francis, 448; John, 324, 468; Maria, 461; Mary, 323, 405; Peter, 2388; Sarah, 405; > 241. ROWSLEY, ——_, 294. ROY, Sarah, 246; Richard, 839. ROYSE, John, 574. RUDOLPHY, C B., 593, Catherine, 68. RUNKL He Catharine,' 368, 567; Philip, 282; Susan, 3 RUNYOR, “Abbie, a Eleanor, 399; Grace, 308 5 Hannah, 339 5 Henry, 497, 504’; Peter, 513; Reune, 331 ; Susanna, 585 ; Vincent, 390,” 513; William, 484. RUPEL, Catherine, 287. RUSH, Permilia, 501. RUSLING, James, 327; Mary, 488; Sedge- wick, 3 RUSSELL, Rachel, 248; a 560. RUSTON, Rev. W. O., 314. RUTHERFORD, Will., 507. RYAN, John, 354. RYERSON, Blandina, 395; Eleanor, 499. he a ee Adam, 526; Mary, 557; Sarah, SALE, Joanna, 393. SALMON, Aaron, 255, 506; Aaron P., 477; Adrian, 373; Amanda, 338; An: eline, 477 ; Bartley, 536: Charles S., 255; Clarissa, 572; Daniel, 373 ; Elisabeth, “477; George, "255 ; Henry, 255; * John S.. 254, 477; Joshua, 269° Ludlum, 460. 503 5 Mary, 38) Peter, 255, 506 ; Richard, 275; Mrs.’ Sarah (Swayze), 373 ; Sarah, 506 ; divaniion 518; Williant, SALTER, John C., 570. SAMIS, Daniel, Bi. SANDERS, Ann, 475 ; Joseph, 255; Polly, InprEx, 812; Rufus, 389. SANds, Mary, 513. RANT. Levi, 560. BA AUERS. Daniel, 461; Peter, 444, SeviD DGE, Ann, 475; ‘Enos, 485. SAWYER, Samuel, ‘B92; Thomas, 275. SAYN, Nich olas, 503. SA’ YRE, Caroline, 581; Sophia, 478; Susan. 569; Thomas, 428. : SCATTERGOOD, Thomas, 481, SCHAERS, Jannetje, 546. SCHAMPANORE, Samuel, 343. SHARP. » (SHARFENSTINE) Abraham 488; Alice 518; Angeline, 551; Ann, ae Anna Dimet, 398; Anna, 463, 57, 587, 589, 585; Annie ary, 389; Anna Maria, 397; Anna M., 559; Carding: 253; Catherine, "235, 448," 560: Ann Catherine, 535; Christina, 313: Cor- nelius, 483; David, 389, 452, 487, 507; avid ia as ‘Dorothea, 559: Elisabeth, 331, 255, 439 a 452, 499, 507, 557, 559, 560: Eva Christina,” 349: Eilzabet 23h; "amas 558; Jacob, 411, 455, 478, 492, 529; John, 243, 389, 408, 416, 476: John hn Peter, 389, $97; John’ PB. 526; Lam. bert, 435; Lydia, 319, 507; Lydia. Amn, 558; Mary, 373, 38 451 488, 490, 556, 558; Maria, 580; ary Catherine, 389; Maria Elisabeth, ag ‘Watthias. 390; Morris, 312, 00, 527, 560; Nathan, 459; Paul, 488; Sarah, 334; Williata. 516, 537; William C., "454. SCHAUM, Rev. Johannes Helfrich, "463. SCHENCK, Aaron, 487; Arthur, B11; Benj. 319; Clara, 321; Eleanor, 262; Gertru e, 380, 543; Maritje, ee Margrietije, 359 ; Mary, 347; William, 3 SCHILTZ, Johannes, ion. SCHLEICHER, Ann, 510; Catharine, 259; Daniel, 397; Elisabeth, 258; James, 369, 517, 550; John, 22; Lawrence, 522; Sarah, 517. SCHOEC: Susanna, 482. SCHOLL, Jannetje (Jane), 276. SCHOMP, Col. David, 407; George Milton, on Mary: B17; Peter, 407, 543; Peter G., SCHONENBERG, Catharine, 323. SCHONHEIT, Richard, 388. SCHOOLEY, Thomas, 460. SCHOONMAKER, Hendrick Jochemsén, 497 Sar: SCHULTZ, Anna Elisabeth, 404; C. E., 587, Christine, 491; Christopher, 588; Hannah, SCHUVENA, Maria Magdalena, 320. SCHUYLER, Amos, 410; Andrew, 461; Anne, 256; Benjamin, 257; Delilah, 430; Dorothy, 408, 444, 567; Elisabeth, 230, 374, 479, 553; Elsie, aby; eorge, 410; John, 398; Tena, 413; Margaret 249, 491; Mary 240, 458, 515, B17 Na oe 266; Peter, "437, 462; Philip, 1 5; aoe 323’. Samuel, 938; Sarah, 288 : So) hia. 436, 473; Susan, 239, 437. 8c ARTZWELDER, Barbara A., 373; OBL John, #74, s§ ° SCOTT, Bella, 451; John, 276, 578; Mary, 496; eat arah, neue Susans. 534 SCRIBNER, Jol SCUDDER, "fiuisabeth, 363; John, 423; Mary, 339; Noah, 533; Thomas, 326. SEALS, Amos, 591; Andrew, 257; Daniel, 239; Elisabeth, 266; John, 444; Margaret, 249, 444; Mary, 310, 435; Phebe, 27 a Rachel, 423: Samuel W., 423; Thyre, 444. 657 SEARFOSS, Barnio, 882, SEARLES, peace 527; Jane, 388; Mary Ellen, 475. Se aaa: , Emaline, 260; John, 595; Samuel, SEBOLD, Charlotte, 466. SEBRING, Sarah, 415. SEGEAVES, Lewis, 391. SEGUINE, James, 480. SEIFERS, Caroline Elisabeth, 408. SEIFFERLIE, Maria Barbara, 525. SELLERS. Jesse, 479. SERGEANT, Daniel, 303; Fred, 462; Jona- than, 303; Thomas, 303. SERVIN, eorge, 277. SERVIS, Elisabeth, 262; Sarah S., 370. SERVOSS, John, 372. SEWARD, Abraham, 812; Charlotte, 419; Henry, 302; John, 623; Martha J., 570; Mehitable, 302. SHACKELTON, Benj., 818; Rachael, 571. SHAFER, Casper, 264; Ey hemia, 590 ; John Wilhelm, 454; Josep. Linn, 486: Sarah, 289. SHANGLE, Ann, 475. SHANGLE, Fred. H., 314; John, 373; Mary, SHANKLE, Elisabeth, 538; Henry, 452; Will, SHAMPAN ORE, Sarah, 485. SHANNON , Mary, 416; Rosette, 251; Sarah nee Clover, 233; Steward, 529. SHARSWOOD, Hon. George, 294. SHEETS, Cornelius, 5: SHEKEL, Sarah, 56 ‘ SHENKLE, ‘Andrew, 252; Catherine, 288; ee 446; Margaret, 500; Margaret M., SHERIDAN, Thomas, 522. SHERMAN, “Victoria Bowen, 381. SHERWOOD, Augustus, 531: Dr. E. K., 479; ca, 543, SHIBLDS, Lewis, 284; Susan, 586; William, SHINER, Sheriff Andrew, 318. SHINN, Caleb, 520; Samuel, 480. SHIP. LEY, Barnet, 530; James, 265. SHIPMAN, hristian, 461; Helen C., 360; a 5a; Matthias, 401, "491; Naomi, 271; Sar: shire. eek 250. SHITS’ (SHUETZ), Joseph, 595. Se oe es on ase. 440; Elisabeth, 551; SHOTT WELL, Clerksen, 516; Hannah, 509; Mary, 456, 508; Sarah, 250. SHRINER. , Mary Ann, 312. SHUELER, Jacob, 324 SHULER, Margaret, 467; Samuel, 480; Wm., 409, SHUMAN, Catherine, 473. SHURTZ, Althea, 385; Elisabeth, au 454; Peter, 528; Ross J., 415; William, 252 . SIBBENS, John, 514. SICKLE, Mary, 500. SDD E ES game 3 SID: 07 SIEG, Eve Bliza, 5 593; Mary Elisabeth, 369. SIEGLER, Ann §&., "407; Jacob, 539; Mary, r, 485. SILVERTHORN, John, 307; Oliver, 494 Sarah, 524; Wilson, 287, SIMONS, Marretje, 299. SIMONTON, Margaret, 246. 658 INDEX. SIMS, Anna, 517. SINE, Nicholas, 498; Ursula, 275. SKELLINGER, Daniel, 371, 420, 495; Elisa- beth, 304; Hannah, 495; Jacobus, 494; Juliet, 518; Luthér, 546; Martha T. 442; Mul- ford, 9383; Obve, 419; Robert C., 449; Ruth, 431; Willi iam, 420. SKILLMAN, Capariney 365; Catharine M., SKINNER, ‘Abraham, 527; Daniel, 581 ; Elis- abeth, 342 i GOOFS. 444; Jacob, 442: John, 506, 540; ‘Mary A. , Bey; Nathaniel, 351 ; Sarah, 313. SKUREMAN, Catharine, 238; George L., 347; Maria, 243; McClosky, 280. sL. ACK, ‘Abraham, 337; Lucretia, 367. SLATER. Catherine, 55; Charles, 387; John, 473; John Henry, 240; Mary, 255; Sadie, 332’; Susan A., 240. SLAYTON, Samuel, 584. SLENDERWINE, Felder, 440. SLOAN, Elisabeth, 492, SLOCKBOWER, William, 378. SLYKER, Benj., 488; Catharine, 455; Elisa- beth, 387, 483; ‘Isaac, 555; Lida, 445; Mary, 5573 Rachel, 390; Susan A., 480; Theodore, 378: William, 371, 522. SMIDTS, Joseph, 385. SMITH, “Aaron, 556; Abbey, 468; Abner, 500; i ‘Anna, 412, 468, 489, 552; Bell, 366, 518; ‘Cad: wallader, 558; Caroline, 357; Catharine, 520; Charlies James, 293; Chris. 289; Christian: 446; Christina, 510, 596; Christopher, 400. 457: Eli, 354; Elias, 297; "Elijah, 514; lisa beth, 284, 312, 465, 503; Emily, 245; E os 366; “George, 314, "444s George A., 445; Ger- trude, 3585 Hannah, 261; Henry, 250; Isaac, 318; Jacob, 408; James. 402; James J., 2375 Jesse, 344; John, 312, 323; John F., 491; John ‘Henry, 502; "Joseph, 185 Joshua, 230; Judas Ann, 591; Julia H.. 367: Leantha W 521; Lodowick, 508 ; Luther, 252: Maggie, 392: Mandie 315; Mary, 318, 458; Maria, 463; Maria Ursula, 508: Pamela, 419; Peter, 408: Peter Z., 572; Phebe, 328, 464; Polly,’ 501; Rachel, 521; Ralph, 264; Rebecca, 349, 433; Samuel, 540; Samuel T., 455; Sarah, 500, 517, 520! Sarah E., 563; Susan, 290; Susan: nal 400; Thomas, 514; tam, 290, 458; Ww. 5; Zachariah, 5 suoce’ Aaron, 354; Altje. Mise. SNOOK, Caroline, 508; Bligabeth, 250; Elsie Catherine, 377; Henry, 310; Mary Aun, 466; Matthias, 319; Susiah, 250; William,’ 320, 43) SNOVER, Catherine, 571. SNYDER, Alexander, 329; Annie, 441; Anna Elisabeth, gore 409 ; Catherine, 230, 406 ; _ Charity, 53 Elisabeth, 364 ; Hendrick, 435 ; Tea. “453 ; Johnson, 386; Joseph, 5173, Levi, 585; Lydia, 289; Mar, raret, 278, 301; ,dMary, BHT: Fi Philip, 330; Polly, 540: SOUERS, Blisabeth, 289; Peter, 349. SOUTHWICK, William C., 381. Pe ea , Eva, 484; Frederick, 298 ; Henry, SPACE. William, 517. SPANDERBARREN, Catherine, 508. SPANGENBERG, , Daniel, 348, SPRONG, eater 574, SPYBEY. Mary. SROPE, ieee hot, dite Isaac R., 478. STACKHOUSE, Susan, 446. STAHLEY, Magdalena, 570. STANSBURY, ecompense, 456. are ‘Aaron, 803, 505; Amy, ie Anna, ’ Josiah ; Harman, 315; Jolin, 275, 423 rad 438: Margaret, 476; ‘Mary, 383, 536 ; Sarah, 454, STARKER, Archibald, 260; George, 452; Peter, 584; William. STARK WEATHER, Harriet, 559. STEEL, Robert, 230, 318. STINE, Abraham, 463; David, 288. STEINMETS, Rachel, 385. STELTZ, Margaret, 455; William, 256. STEPHENS, Anna, 313, 466 ; ‘Anna Maria, 527; Archie, 506; Daniel, 477; Dolly, 476 ; Elisabeth, 501 ; Eliza, 476 ; Ered. D., 591; George, 342 ; Hannah, 255; Harriet, 373 ; Tra, 47: John B., 338; ‘Leonora, 529; Mary, 504 ; Melind: a, 32; Mercy, 477 ; Philip 373; Priscilla, 477; Richard, 371, 476, BID; Samuel, 338; Sarah, 451, 477, 508; ‘Thomas, 302. ie tT Jane, 467; Nellie, 495; STEVENS, Elijah, 575; Henry, 416; Joseph, 354; Wyckoff, 451, 490. STEVENSON, Elmira, 324; Rachel, 416; Sarah, 368. sT EWART, Clarence, 428; Daniel, 245; Ed- ward F., 592; Frank W., 594; Jane, 592 ; John, 457; Imly, 398 5 Margaret, 340 ; Re- bees. t 360, 586; Sarah, 398; ‘William, 480 STEYEL, Philp, 440. STIBBS. Ebenezer, 386. STICKLES, Zachatiah, 250. STIERS, Jacob, 27 STIFF, John, Bore Richard, 307. STIGER, Adam, 489; Baltis, 448; Eliza, 466 ; Dr. Henry, 42 Lydia, 488 ; Mary Jane, B04 j Matilda, Pay; Minnie, 536; Nathan, STILES. Bilas, 244; Thomas, 456, STILLWELL, Willi iam, 538. STILLY, Lydia, 265. STIRES, John, 595; Peggy, 526; Sylvena, 509. STOCKTON, Samuel, 576, 577. STOL, Jan Jacobsen, 542. STONE, Charles, 479. STONEY, Corinne, 293; Jos. Jenkins, 298. STORY, Josephine, 282. STOTHOFF, Ann, 358; pee 253. STOUT, Andrew, 238; Ann, 241; Catharine, 367; David, 488; Elias, 433: Elijah, 234, 2605 Elisha, 454; Eliza, 326; Gerret, 829; Jacob, 533; Jane, '367; Johannah, Bil John, 234 ; Margaret, 260 ; Nathan, "367 : Sarah, 306, 408, 442, 503; Sarah B., 461; Thomas, '526. STOVER, George, 353, STRADER, Ann, 560. STRANG, Frank, 428, STREETER, George, 234 . STROUD, Augusta M., 495. STRUBLE, Daniel, 310; Elisabeth, 250; John 61; Mary, 261; Peter, 437. sin RE KER, Martin, 588; Moses,’271; Garret, 282; G. Vv. 470; Henry P., 236; Jacob, 447 ; John, 466; LS: Vandervort, 390; Keziah, 578: Peter, 478, 502, 595; ;, Sophia, 253 STUCKER, Susie, 44 INDEX. STUOKI, Blisabeth, 561. R, ee ae 487. ‘ah, 471. STURGIS, Phebe, 57 rah A., 340. SUFFIN, John, pone SoaDe RLAND, Thomas, 475. SUTPHIN, Ann, 470; -Ann Rebecca, 870; Derrick, '369; Gilbert, 583; Guisbert, 442) 512; Jacob, Bits Jacob 8., 370; John, 531 ; Joseph C.,'868; Mary Ann, 543; Peter, 575: Peter D., Se Elisabeth, 262; Phebe, 470. SUTTON, Aaron, 228, 483; Aaron J., 446; Andrew, 583; Anna, 362, abe ; Austin: 551; Benjamin, 464 ; Catherine, 405; Charity; 242, 405 ; Elisabeth, 245, 354, 388, 482; EL mira, 251; Fra) 824 5 George B., ‘410 ; Hannah, 355 ; Harriet V., 378 ; Tsaac, 436 ; Jane, 371; Jeanet Muren, 298’; John, 229° 266, 487; 800; John P., 239; Joshua B. 293 ; Kate Monteith, 293; Lambert, 537 ; Laura, 410; Lois, 500; Louisa, 240; Mary, 232, 283, 298, 500; Mary Ann, 460; Margaret, 256; Mariah 5 274; Mary Elisabeth 349; Mar. tha, 421 ; Pilati, 296 ; Oliver, 484; Peter, 462, 528; ” Peter B., oe Rachel, 461 ; Rich- ard, 386; Sally A., 232; Samuel, 314; Sarah ; Sarah E., 365; Susannah, 314; Watson 38! William, 559. SWACKHAMER, Alice, 254; Ann, 235; Cath- erine, 343, 452; ‘Catherine E., 315; Conrad, 473; David, 452, 586, 559; Dorothea, 526; Effie, 479 ; "Elisabeth, 344’; Elisabeth’ Ann, 537; Eva, 522; Fred., 452; Fritz, 236; Geo., 535: Jacob, 479, 559; ans, eee John, aa Katie, 429; ‘Louisa ’K., : Mahala, 240 ; Margueretta, 842, 479, bis: ae, 5373 Mary F., 485; Matthias, 373; P. Welsh, 536; Sam. 496 Stephen, 270; Susan, 343,536; Will- SWakTWOUT, Jesyntjen, 542. SWARTZ, ‘Ann, 429; Elijah, 355; Elisabeth, 289 ; George, 378 5 "Jacob, 231; Pieternella, 541; Susan, 283. SWAZEY, vin, 472; Caleb, 338, 393, 457 ; Catherine, 356; ‘Daniel, 406, 420; Elisabeth, 480; Blisabeth’ C.., 458; Ellen, 316; Gabriel’ 526; Gilbert, 551; ‘Henry, 406; Hester, 456 : Israel, 340 ; Jsaae, 447 5 Jacob, 338, 399 ; James, 518; hea ta 25; 331 5 ‘John, 449. a7, 472; John ; John R., 275; Dr. Jonathan, 486; iediae 420, 421, B21; Mary, 398, 431, 468, 485; Mary C., 404; Mary Tane, 363 ; Mehetable, "B52, 479,; Penelope, 807 ; Richard, 419; Samuel, 284, 419, 485; Sarah ue 431, 476, 479; Stephen, 421; Susannah, SUYDAM, Cornelius, 547. SWAIN, Abigail, 465. ~ SWAN, Phebe, 590. SWAYNE, Francis, 587, 590. SWEARER, Samuel, 594, SWEGLE, John, 296. SWICK, John, 257 ; Katie, 468; Margaret, 408. SWISHER, Margaret M., 521. SWITZER, James, 271; Lizzie, 542. SWOP, Samuel, 563. SYKES, Lorenzo A., 563; Matilda, 564. BOT, Eleanor, 29. Tatnace, Thomas, 349; Thos, G., 449, 590. 659 TANTOM, Martha, 481. Ellick, 56; cates scare 481; Harry Strong, 369 ; John, 390 ; Margaret, 258 ; Mary, 842; Mary A., 259; Rachel, 868; Sal” lie, 891; Samuel, 538: Sarah, 487, 509; Sarah ; William, 593. TEATS, ‘adam. al, 414; ay Tt Barbera, 461; Blizabeth, 412; Emil ; Emma, 516; Eva, 278; George, 412; coms, 324; | Henry, 444 Jobn, 237; Mary, a ore iets ome ps Peters eter 10" hia, 0. TEATER, Catherine, 55 iia = TEEL, Daniel, 521; ‘elisabeth, 530; L. Mar- shall, 428. TEEPLE, George, 273; Lucas, 552. _, Ann, 412; Catherine, 335; Mary, TELFAIR, Margaret W., 360. TEMPLE, ‘John, 450. TEN BROECK, ‘Sarah, 550. TEN EYCK, Albert, 359, ‘549 ; Anna, 517; telleaeth. ‘395 ; Jacob, 546 ; Jane, 360; Re- aa UNE, Ann, 544; Jan Albertse, 54 TERRIBERRY, David, 559; Mary, 374; Philip 398. TERRILL, Barnabas, 418; Mary, 284. TERRY, Caleb, 420; Deb Norah 308 ; Esther, 419, 420; Martha, 420; Mary, 261, 338, 468 ; Nathaniel, 418, 420; Phebe, 418; Richard, 417 samuel, 331. TERRYBERRY, Dorothy, 489 ; Elisabeth, 374; Eliza, 398; Emeline, 452; Fred., 444 ; Kate, 517; Lucinda, 447 ; Mary A., 447: Philip, 518 ; Sarah, 240; gusanna M., 517 ; William, 5D. THARP, John W., 421. THATCHER, Jesse, 454; Maria Martha, 534; Mary Hunter, 318; Rachel, 258; Sarah, 534: Thomas, 436. THOMAS, Catherine, 538; Holloway H. 466; James, 266, ore John, 320, 373, 483; Mar- aret, a0 » 288, 497; Mary A. 468, i, Matthias, 470; Morris, 485; Noah, 579; m, THOMPSON. “Anna, 248; Catherine, 233; Daniel, 386 ; Elisabeth, 374; Hannah J. ; 543; Joseph, 270; Juliette, 566; Lydia, 413; Mary, 288, 456; Robert, 454; S. Y., 346 Theodore, "55. THOMSON, John, 268; Moses, 471. THORP, Adeline, 451; ‘Angeline, 231; Harriet 563 ; John, — Mahlon K., 518 ; Morris, 257; ” Walter, 5: THURSTON, Gectes, 328; Israel, 324. TIERCKSE, Peter, 512. TigEe ‘Adam, 461 ; Annie, 444; Catherine, ; Christopher, Bide ;, David, 483 ; Ebbe, 30: Elisabeth, 413, , 575 5 "Fanny, 4d4 ; George, 260; Jacob, oe 313, 414, 461; Mar- tha er) Mary, 334, 482 ; "Nicholas, 488 ; Pol TILDEN, ; Nathaniel 512. TILTON, Sarah. 569. TUNSTAN George, 488; John, eorge, 488; TITUS, Annie, Bar Content, "doe Elisabeth, 249; Melinda, 540; Uriel, 348, 660 TODD, Catherine, 238; Ellenor, 297; Henry, 855; James, 586; Jane, 580; John, 251, 388, 1; Mary, 470, 596; ‘Nancy, 237; Peter, 537; Robert, 446; Sarah, 479; ‘William, 470. TOMPKINS, Moses, 837 ‘William, 510. TOMSON, Elisabeth TOPPING, Betsey, ae Gathering, 518; Mar- tha, 393; Mary A., 401; penenye, 393, 442; Thomas, 302; Wm. J., TOTTEN, "Henrietta, 546; Tae 513, TOWNSEND. Mery, 304: TRACY, William, 5 HAGEN, Fanny, 360; Hannah, 416; Henry, 408. TRAUGER, Mary, 391. TRAVER, Margaret, 369. TRAVICE, Mary A., 312. TRELLSIE, Catherine, 462. TRIMMER, Alice, 357 5 Andrew, 348, 558 ; Ann, 412, 510, 536 ; Amn Mary, 348 ; *anna S., 430; ‘Anthony, 352, 558 ; Caroline, 489 ; Catherine, 240, 241, 387, 560, 590; Christo; pher, 269 ; David, 463, 526 ; Elisabeth, 352, 374, 398, 452, 473, 518, 559 ; Elmira, 297° 516; Elsie, 518: Emeline, 342; Emma, 518; Emma M. oy 569 ; Frances Margaret, 518 ; Fred., 237; George, 451, 5385; Hannah, 534 5 Jacob, 429, 517, 518, 569, biz; Jacob M., 378 ; Jerry, 417; John, 344, 474, 488, 555, 577; Judith, 342; Julia ‘Ann, 550; Kate, 821; Libbie, 240; Lena, ve Leonard, 429 5 Lottie, 557: Louisa, 451; Hager, 348 ; eee 238; Mary, 342, a8, 398, 419, 452) 522, ; Mary A., 558 ; Mary Ann,’ 452; Dtatthias, 269, 429, “452 ; Merilda, 245 ; Nel: lie, 591 ; ‘Nelson, 342; Phil. 242 ; Samuel, 274, 490,’ 584; Sarah, 410; Silvester, 537: Thatcher, 431; Tice, 318; Tunis, 535; ‘Wm.. 242, 451, 458, 473; Wm. ¥., 440. TROCH, Mary. TROTTER, Pee 336. TROUT, Catherine, TRUMBOWER, Hannah, 584. TRYON, Edwin, 277. TUFEN, Lena, 269. TUNNY, Dorothy, 543; David, 548. TUNISON, Abraham, 575; Aelte, 546; Jacob ; Richard, 403. TURK Paulus, 300. TUTHILL, Dorothy, 272; Henry, 421; Jane F., 827 5 ‘John, 272, 417, 480; Mary, 418 ; Nathaniel, 430; Phebe, 468, 469 TWADDELL, John 2 TWAY, John, 415. Une Herbert, 490; Mary, 426. H, Hannah’, 451 ULMER, Catheme Ann, 391. ULP, Daniel, 270; David, 356. UNDERHILL, Benjamin, 513; Rebecca, 513; PDI Jeremiah, ere! 551; Mary, 470; Tunis,444. UPJOHN, Thomas, 427, = UPPER, Catharine, 308. Vigo osen i eer 561. ACTOR, , o2i. valida SL Recies 2 er , 309, 318; 500: Ric 4, ane Margaret, VAN ALLEN, John J., 251. Te ic a Henry, 575; Levi, _ Peter, 410. Y 815; Levi, 419; INDEX. VANATTA, C. W., 358; Daniel, 557; D. W., 258; Blenor, 499; Blis, 810; "James, 558; John, 398; Joshua, 566; Luntje, 300; Mary, 566; Mehetable, 236; N. G., 420. VAN’ AUKEN, Helam, 261. VAN BERG, Dinah, 379. VAN BORSUM, Barent, 542. VAN BUSKIRK, Cornelia, 235; Harriett, 367 ; Hendrickje, 541; ‘John, 282, 594; Martha, 434, VAN CAMPEN, Cornelius, 395; Peter, 395. vee Elis. M., 303; Marea, 304. van CLEEF, AN COTT, Cornelius, 256; Joshua, 257. VAN DERBECK, Horace A.., 369; John, 683. VANDERBERG, James, 257. VANDERBILT, Diullious, 391; Eliza, 392. VAN DERLINDE, Hendrickje, 541; Maritje, 541. VANDERPOOL, Catherine, 431. VANDERVEER, Ellen, 332; Henry, 581, 433; James, 420; Johannes. 511; Martina, 383; William B., 558. VANDERVOORT, Catherine, ae Ellen, 551; Gabriel, 433; Rev. John C., 449, 590. VAN’ DIEREN, Barbara, 353. VAN DOREN, Abraham, 399; Anna, 543; Benjamin, 433; Dinah ae 369; Elisabeth, 525; Mary, 441; Philip, VAN DUYN, John, BT: Searifes 851. VAN DYKE, Cath., 359; ‘en, 558; Jacob,586. VAN FLE ET, Abraham, 312; John, 538; Jonathan, abe: Jude, 395; Mary, 416. VAN HORN, A. Shafer, 318; Cornelius, 264; Eleanor, 353, 586, Elisabeth, 545; George, 424, 472; Jannetje, 547; Margaretta, 4 Marytie, 541; Styntie,” 808; Tunis, 353; William, 545. VAN HOUTEN, John, 396, 517. VAN KIRKEN, Grietie, 544. VAN NAME, Moses, 434. VAN NEST, ee gas 406 ; Cornelius, 531; Eliza, 501; Hattie, ; Jacob, 500; John, 531, 583; Judick, 510; Rabe 451; Mary, 546; Sarah, 575; Theodore, 386. VAN NOSTRAND, Caspar, 379; Fulkert, 544; William Henry, 403. VAN PELT, Areantie, 512; Deborah, 516; Eveline, 319; Henry, 413; Sarah, 252; Susan, 253; Tunis, 590. VAN PETTEN, Cathlyntye, 548. VAN SICKLE, Christopher B., 488; Daniel, 282; Elisabeth, 464; John, 313, 543: Lenah, 551; Maria, 473; Nellie, 542; Peter, 535; Rhyneer, 529; Samuel, 351; Capt. Samuel A., 476; Dr. Sylvester, 281. VAN TILE, Margaret, 546; Polly, 505. VANUSEM, Mary, 565. VAN VECHTEN, Elizabeth, 292; Elisabeth Mercereau, 380; John, 292; Mareitje, 359; Michael, 434. VAN VLIET, Abraham B., 415; Andrew, 252; Anna, 415. VAN WYNE, Effie, 245. VAN YOERIN, Myadert, 548. VAS, John, 373. VATICAN, Hannah, 580. VERNOY, Angeline T., 558; Elizabeth, 480; Nathan, 536; Phebe, 58: Caroline, 363. VESCELIUS, George Andrew, 404 ; Isaac Sharp, 240; Margaret, 470; Oliver, 490, B18; Sharp, 517. INDEx. VISCHER, Hendrick, 361. VLIET, Abram, 319, 449; Catherine, 297; Cornelius, 586; Elenor, "B15; James, 251: Jane, 412, 477; John, 586; Samuel J., 351; = 46d; Susan, 341; William, 583; Will” VOORHEES, Abram, 423; Catherine A., 588; Charity, 316: Cornelis, 359; Elisabeth, 560; Ellen, 358, 436; Femmetje, 268; Helena, 815; Jacob R., 590; John, 5155 ee 412: be agen 458 ; Sarah , 281 + Barats Ann, 347, 5 ; William, 4 VOSSELLER, Gos ‘bo ae a, Jacob, eremy, ang, 376; Mar: t 470: Peter, Zo. e er VOUGHT, Sareh, 524. VREDENBURGH, William, 300. VEEELENDE, Fite, 541; Janitje Michaelje, ACK, Andrew, 287, 344; Ann, 591; Bar- bara, 445, 536; Caroline, 586; Cas ar, 413; Rev. Casper, 517; David, 414; Elisa, beth, 584; Garret 426; George, 468 5; Jacob, 262, 443, 572; Lena, 413; Lydia A 466; Sarah, 265; William, 441, 518. WADE, Esther, 424: Phebe, 564. WAGER, Charles , 328, WAGONER, ‘Apehank 594; Amy, 407; Anna WALDEN, Mary, 278. WALDORF, Auele, 338; Anna Gertrude, 470 ae 467: Anthony, 470; Elisabeth, 4385; ry Rari ick, 232; Philip, 509. WALDRICK, Hannah, 507. WALDRON, Elisabeth, 543; Elisha, 416; Cees: James, 530; Jerome, 548; John, WALKER, Benjamin, 406, 578; Charles, 367; John, 406; Joseph, 409; Laura, 293; Thos., 254. WALLACE, Sutley, 256; Wade, 566; Wm., Wak TERS, Annie, 444; Betsey, 584; Elisa- beth, 463, 479; _ eoree. 290; Jacob, 350; John, 258, 437; Li dia Ann, 5D; Mary, 455; 408; Peter, 897, 412; wWm., 239, 437. 431. WAMBAUGH, Mahlon, 365. WANDLING, "Adam, 446; Betsey, 270. WARBASS, Sarah, 504. WARD, Charlotte, 276; Henry, 356, 441; Marshall L., 488; Mary, 308 5 Nancy, 276; Thomas Y., 259. WARN, Mary, 451; Thomas, 280. WARNER, Henry, 826; James, 460; Nath- aniel, 463. WARREN, Bridget, 276. WASHBURN, Cornelius, 517. WATERBURY, Martha, 566. WATERFIELDS, Jacob, 527; Thomas, 466. WATERHOUSE, Hezekiah, 584. WATERMAN, Willlam D., 383. WATSON, ‘Amariah, 337; Lucy, 337. WATTS, Hon. Frederick’ , 347, WAY, Alethea, 458; Ann, 265. WEAN, Catherine, 237; Coon, 411; Elsie, 468; Ha: nnah, 232; Laurance, 411; Mary, 233, 408, f 437; Paul, 317. WEAVER, ” Effie, 373; Henry, 256; Margaret, 256; Mary, 259, 538; WEBER, Anna Maria, 466. WEBSTER, Deborah, 429; Stephen, 244; Susanna, 429. a . 661 WEDGE, Elisabeth, 540. WEDISCHWILER, Verena, 561. WEED, Abigail, 4 WEEK. me ers erence: 248: WEISS, Adam S., 491; Snare 389; Anna, 487, 490, 500; Catherine, 429 ; Edward, 550; Elisabeth, 387, 390, 451, 566, 591; George, 444, 577; Jacob, 452, 505; 55s, 595; ‘Jacob A.. 587; James 8., 550; John, 284; John Hagar, ; Jessie, 451 ; Lydia, 411; Lydia Ann, 591: Margaret, 453, 459, 558; Mary, 343. 537; Merilda, . 348 ; Merlinda, 536 ; Morris, 489, 5363; Ockley A, 815; Philip, 390; Philip Seneca,, 343; Sarah,’ 445; 'B., 343; sees! Nelson, 489; William, 557, 567; Wn. WEISSENFELT, Charlotte, 477. ELLES, Francis, 295; Geo. H., 446; James, wats Joseph, 283; Philip, 385; Philip D., 446; Samuel, 446, WELLS, Deliverance, 469; Mehetabel, 419; William, 4 17. WELSH, Alice, 322; Alice L., 311; Anna, ae oa Anna Margaret, 459 ; Caroline, "348 : D. 240; Judge David, 459, 550; Taroties B07, 518: Blisabeth, 449, “e 518, 519; Emily, 473; Esther, B15; Jacob, 310. 314; 388, 439, 489: Jacob §., 439; John, 451, 487’: Jon Ge 537 ; Ji en 863 ; 313° 358; Samuel, 387, 558; Sarah, 252, 845, 484; Susanna, 452; William, 452; ‘Wilhelm, WELTER, Ader 478; Catherine, 435. WELTS, Jane, 584 wee TS CWourts, ‘WirTs, Weart), Andrew, ; Catherine, 540; Mrs., Charity, 465 ; Charles, 564; Charles S., 564; Christopher, 262; John Cc, 593; John E. ohn W., 593, 594; Martha ‘aL, 565; “Peter, 473,, 540; Sarah, 598. WERTZALL, Conrad, 5 wee Catherine, 414; nathan 521; Maria WESTBROOK, Hiram. WESTFALL, ‘Apelonia. “Pioney) 571; Jo- hanna, 542. WEYER, Daniel, 343; Emma, 231; William, 554, WEYGAND, Rev, John Albert, 401, 404, 482. WHITE, Abel, 427; ‘Alexander, 491 ; Anna, 442; Edward, 514;’ Elisabeth, 306; Harmon 490; John R., 564; Joseph, 488 ; Susanna, 386. WHITEHALL, Lucinda, 360. WHITEHEAD, Hannah, 240; Sarah, 531; WHITRNACK, John, 421. onn WHITESELL, "Margaret, 318; Richard, 319. WHITTAKER, WIDENER, John, 250 illiam, WILCOX, A Anne, 338 ; Tene, 492 ; Jeremiah, WILDRICK, Abram, 319; Isaac, 319. WILEY, Mary, 256; Blisabeth. 056; Frank K., 584 ; Margaret 522, 579; Samuel, 256 5 William WILKINSON, ee a WILLET, Dr. E. C., 585; Eliza, 658; Han- 662 nab, 536; Mary, 242, 414; Samuel, 284; William, 3. WILLIAMS, Ann, 422; Brazil, 322; Corvit, 510 ; Elisabeth, "258 ; Faith, 355 ; Job, 490, 507; Roger, 359; Sarah, 438, WILLIAMSON, Rev. Abraham, 401; Cath- erine, 433; Elisabeth, 318, 357; James, 540; Mary, 273; Nellie, 262; Oakley, 540; Peter, 360; Sarah, 567. WILLIS, Jacob, 428. WILLS, Beulah, 477 ; Elisabeth, 302; Mary, 341; ‘Nancy, 802. WILMOT, Jemima, 566. WILSON, ‘Ann, 36 364; Catherine, 500; Charles 511; Cornelia’ B., ’370; Eleanor, 444: Elisa- beth, 366, 465; Eury, 534; James, 307; Dr. En 431, Bit, 526 ; Jennie, 250 ; Mar; rga- ret, 427; Mary, 811; Nathaniel, 370; Rob’t, 425: Samuel, 399 ; Sarah, 365, 448; Walter, 549; William, 287; 549. WINANS, Abram, *484; Clark, 500. WINEGARDNER, Catherine, 560. WINES, Ann, 468. WING, ‘Mary, 518; Mary C., 3238. WINTER, Brackley, 448 ; Henry, 285, 358 ; John, 358; Peter, 270. WINTERMUTE, John, 310; John George, 264; Mary Elisabeth, 264. WINTHROP, Sara, 29! 98. WIRE, Esther, 572; Jacob, 464; Mary Ann, 579; Samuel, 472. WIRS SCHEL. Lucretia, 376. WOLF, Aug., 477; Caroline, 582; D. H., 342; Elmira, 255; Jacob, 440; Jane, 501 ; John) 296, 477; Lot, 257; Peter, 504. woop, Amanda, 315; Elisha, 337; George, 459 ; ‘Mrs. John, 482 ; Lydia, 566 ; Mary Stewart, 565; Nancy, 327; Sarah, 342; Tim- WOODHOUSE, Wm. H., 594. WOODHULL, ‘Anna, 518; Elisabeth, 400 ; Floyd L., 258 ; Jeremiah, 804 ; John, 439 ; Mehitable, 398 ; Rev. Wi iam, 393 ; Sarah 8., 454; William, 393. WOODLEY, Henry, 254. WOODRUFF, Dr. A., 3387; Ada Louisa, 466; Daniel, 457 ; Ebenezer, 30; Harriet, 343 ; John, 393, 527; Sarah, 3 WOOLEVER, inisabeth otal ; Joseph, 271; Rachel, 3: 98. INDEX. WOOLEY, William, 533, WOOLVERTON, Ben. s., 461; Charles, 354, 356; Daniel V., ; Hannah, 465 ; John, ei et ae Jig 2405 Richard, 356 ; "Sarah, / WORMAN, iersbits 411; Matilda, 411. WORTH, Rachel, 500. WORTHINGTON, Samuel, 287. WORTMAN, Abraham, 47: Elias, 442; ilies 461 ; John, 448 ; Joseph, ‘351 Peter, 448 ‘ Sarah A.. 466; Theodore B., 428. WRIGHT, Elisabeth, 435 ; Hannah, 891 ; Jonathan, 400 ; Joseph, "480, 481 ; "Mary, 481; Rachel, 481; Samuel, 481. WYCKOFF, Adriantje, 544; Catherine, 407 ; Cornelius,” 233 5 Cornelius D., 490 ; Daniel, 896; Dennis, 386 ; Res 433 ; Grietie, 544; Henry, 433; Hester, 340; Jacob, 243, 416, "553; John, a5: “sohn M., 543; Marga: ret, 416, 470, 343, 504; Martin, 233 , Mary, 311, 350: Maria, 378; Nancy, 455; Nicholas, 242; Penelope, 569; Peter E ‘ 233; Simeon, 484; Simon, 298, 449, 544. Yawa Anna, 380; Uzina, 520. 2 WEE Elisabeth, 557; Eliza Ann, 349; , 516; James, 315,'495; John, 313 ; . 449; Sophia, 577. YOUMANS, Mary, 288 YOUNG, Abigail,’ 337; Anna, 234, 272, 337, 474, 536, 548, 557; Ann Elisabeth, 411; Aug., 36 75 Charity, 337, 365 5 Christoph er, 274, 418; ’ Daniel, 255; Elisabeth, 520, 535; Emily 415; E. M., 451 ; Frank, 374; Frederick, 578; George, 312, 342: George P., 415; Ger: trude, 365 ; Gilbert, 275, 339 ; Henry, 238 ; Henry J,, 492 ; Isabella, 505 5 Jacob, 551 ; Joel, 538; John, 417, 535 5 Jona, 272; Jos. 272; Lewis, 478 ; Lois, 305 ; Margaret, 262, 405 3 Mary, 234, 272, 278, 412, 416, 538 ; Mary E., 516; Nancy, 258 : Nettie, 527 ; Peter. 316, 417, 425; Phebe, 412; Philip, 268: Schuyler, 428 ; ophia, 279 ; Thomas, 441, William. sp. 478, YOUNGBLOOD. Charity, 365; Mary, 591. wr AVERING, Fred., 485; Maurus, 442. EARFOSS. Charlotte, "891; Levi, 391. ZEHNER, Julius, 543. ZUEL, William, 388. We TT Ti iy ls * GENERAL INDEX. BEL, Andreas, 167; Andrew, 167; Mat- thias, 143. ADAMS, John, 18; Samuel, 18. AHLBACH, John Wilhelm, 162; Zacharias, ALLEN, William, 18, 142, 144, 162. ‘ALLER, Rev. Nathan S., 629; Peter, 139. ALPOCK, Morris, 162; William, 162, 165. ALSENTZ, Rev. John George, 628. AND: ERSON, Ann, 159; Rev. G. W., 224. ANDRESEN, Joachim ‘Henry, 22. APGAR, Hans Peter, 139; Jeremiah, 166 ; John Adam, 163. APPELMAN, A. Ma, aalenks 26; J. Peter, 26. .~APPLEMAN, John Peter, 35. “ARNEY, Joseph, 170. ARNOLD, Jacob, 143. AYERS, John, 141. Bacon, John, 174. ALDWIN, Rev. David, 209; Rev. Mr., 217. BARBER, Daniel, 142; Samuel, 170. BARCLAY, Rev. David, 630. BARKER, Samuel, 165; William, 165. RARNARD, Samuel, 104 BARTLEY, Hugh, 1 BATSON, Thomas. he BEATTY, G. W. 1 BEAVERS, J. W., BELL, Jobn, 201; ‘William, 142. BERKE. KENMEYER, Charles W., 46. BERTHOLDORP, (aE BICKLE, Baltis, 194. BIDDLE, William, 170. : BILBEE, Jonathan, 171. BIRD, Margaret, t, 436. BIRKENSTOCK, Rev. J. J., 626. BITZER, Herman, 145. BLAUVELT, Rev. I. Alstyne, 5, 124, 160; Rev. Geo. Geo. M. S.. 218. ae Catherine, 22; Frederick, 21, 22; Henry, 22. BODINE, Jacob, 154. BOE HLER, Francis, 22; Lewis F., 22. BOLTON, Rev. V. F., 224. BOWNE, rer iit BRAOKET, Miss, 1 BRADFORD, ev B F., 212. 5 5.