ane irier, eet aaeae er eea ees be aiaild oe ee ae ee SAE as TT Ad Sis eal Trchctater ed capes = Ripa 7 te se aac ane ioe phase Sad . ee es ae uate St oe CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY GIFT OF E. Beal February 15, 3933 ni HISTORY OF THE State of Kansa CONTAINING A FULL ACCOUNT OF ITS GROWTH FROM AN UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO A WEALTHY AND” ' IMPORTANT STATE; OF ITS EARLY SETTLEMENTSs ITS RAPID INCREASE IN POPULA- TION: AND THE MARVELOUS DEVELOPMENT OF ITS GREAT NATURAL RESOURCES. ALSO, A SUPPLEMENTARY HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF ITS CounrtTIES, CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES, THEIR ADVANTAGES, INDUSTRIES, MANUFACTURES AND COMMERCE; TO WHICH ARE ADDED fo eon SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS OF PROMINENT MEN AND EARLY SETTLERS ILLU ~TRATED. CHICAGO: A. T. ANDREAS, 1883. — TAPER FURNISHED BY . W. BuTLer Paper Co, - 2377 A bsg se. R. R. DonnELLEY & Sons, ss THE LAKESIDE PRESS, PRINTERS. PRINTERS, Cutver, Pack, Hoyne & Co., PRINTERS. OTTAWAY PRINTING Ca., A. J. Cox & Company, BINDERS, PREFACE. s [T= publisher presents this volume to the citizens of Kan- sas without misgivings as to its favorable reception. It is the most complete and exhaustive history of a single State ever published, and has involved the investment of more capital, and the expenditure of more intellectual and litetary labor, than has ever before been employed on any work of its kind in this country. Kansas is richer in historic lore than*any other region of the Great West. Its traditions go back to the time of the Mon- tezumas and the Spanish conquest of Mexico. In the Sixteenth Century the Spanish conquerors of that country extended their explorations through the hitherto unknown land now known as Kansas; then, the mythical kingdom of Quivera, and claimed it by right of conquest and discovery as a part of the domain of the Spanish crown. Nearly two centuries passed when the French, coming by way of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, again visited the mysterious land. A century later, American explorers traversed the country and designated it as the Great American Desert. From time immemorial it had been the home ,of nomadic tribes and the vast pastures of countless herds of buffalo; then, the place of sojourn of half-civilized and half-dis- Hearted tribes from east of the Great River, retiring or retreat- ing before the ‘ceaseless flow of the mysterious tide of civiliza- tion. They, in time, were swept from the field, to clear it for a momentous conflict between the two opposing systems of Amer- ican civilization, then struggling for mastery and supremacy over the Republic. In Kansas the war was begun; and there the first victories, presaging the full triumph of Liberty, were won. The era of peace which followed witnessed within its borders a progress in the peaceful arts such as the world had never seen before in any State or country. It is the task of the Kansas historians to tell the wonderful story. It is not assumed that in this single volume the history is complete. Absolute accuracy in every detail is not claimed. It is not within the scope of human endeavor to avoid error. . It ‘is only possible to seek truth, and, perchance, to find it in pens or less measure The plan of the work, asyset forth in its prospectus, and as has been fully carried out, embraced: (1) A general history of the.territory now included within the limits of the State, from early traditionary times to now, covering a period of nearly three hundred and fifty years; (2) elaborate historical sketches of all counties organized up to the time of going to press; (3) biogra- phies of the leading citizens of Kansas still living, or deceased. 4 In the compilation of the general history, the editors were not embarrassed from lack of material so much as overwhelmed by asuper-abundance of conflicting and often untruthful accounts of deeds done and events transpired. More especially was tlfis appa! ent during the territorial period of Kansas’ history. ing those exciting times it is doubtful whether a single unpyeju- dicedl person told the story. Although the press of the Whole country teemed with accounts of -what transpired, each tale, as now read through the perspective of time, shows myst plainly the tinge of that subtle yet midel leven turm of- false; a iB ur- r hood which comes from an unconscious perversion of facts on the part of the earnest writers. In addition to this, unscrupu- lous newspaper correspondents, instructed to write only for the northern or southern political markets, sent broadcast over the country, contradictory or false reports of every new phase of the exciting contest as it developed. Many books on Kansas affairs were published during the territorial troubles, some of great merit and of rare historic value, as furnishing corrobora- tive testimony;: but of the whole, it is not believed that a single volume is now acknowledged as authoritative, or even approxi- mately accurate, in a historic sense. As an offset to the peculiar difficulties which beset the Kan- sas historian, the advantages were not inconsiderable. A most exhaustive and thorough chronological index of: events, embrac- ing the history of. Kansas from 1854 to 1875, had been published hy Hon. D. W. Wilder—Wilder’s Annals of Kansas—which will ever prove the inseparable and indispensable help of the. student of Kansas history.. Lacking its kindly and trustworthy directions, the labor on this work would have been increased in great measure. : eee) The Kansas State Historical Society has gathered a more \ varied and more complete collection of rare books, newspapers, . : manuscripts, private correspondence, and other historic materiai ~ pertaining to the history of the West and of Kansas, than can be found in the repository of any like society in the Great West. To this valuable collection the editors were granted free access by the Board of Directors, by the Secretary. Hon. F. G. Adams, is here gratefully acknowl- edged. The Kansas State Library also contains many valuable and rare historic works, which through the uniform courtesy of H. J. _ Dennis, Esq., State Librarian, were placed at the disposal of the editors. Kansas has adopted tne most efficient and thorough methods of gathering and disseminating statistical information known in the country, and the Bieniial, Reports of the -Kansas Board of Agriculture, and the State Superintendent of Schools, are the best issued from any of the State bureaus in the Union. As an exam- ple of their efficiency, and value, it may be stated that the State census of populationj and agricultural and school statistics for 1882, were published and distributed before the Federal census of 1880, containing like statistics, had been given to the public, The publishers hereby acknowledge the many favors re- ceived at the hands of William Sims, Secretary of the -State Board of Agriculture, and his assistant, J. McFarland. To them they are indebted for cuts, revised maps, and other favors, grantcd at all times when asked, since the work was begun. The Military “History was compiled largely from matter fur- nished by the State Adjutant-General from the archives of his department, who gave free assistance in the work. Such defects as may be apparent in the work as presented, can in no wise be attributed toa lack of material, nor to any want of courtesy on the part of the many public officials and The codperative assistance rendered | | _- Sketches of the counties. -arate’ departments was derived irom diverse sources, and the agreement in essential. points is so general as to be corroborative | " unreliability of the whole work. PREFACE. private citizens, on whom the exigencies of the work forced the editors to “intrude in their efforts to obtain desired information. The work done under these advantages and disadvantages is only so far complete as to point the way to future historians. It is hoped, however, that the unprejudiced reader -will appre- ciate the immense labor bestowed upon it in eliminating errors which else might pass as true history, and in setting in order and so grouping events as to make the story intelligible. The County histories. are supplementary, They have been written by . historians who have visited each county, and are ; made up more. directly tooth the remembrance of old resi- , dents, and. less from documentary sources than is the gen- eral State history.. They have been written by different au- thors, each having his peculiar style, but all working under one general supervision. No attempt has been made to force a cor- respondence or agreement between the statements concerning the same occurrences as detailed in the general history and the The information contaiped in the sep- of the truth of the whole. Where’ differences appear they should be attributed to the different sources from which the - information has been obtained, and treated as two honest ver- -Sions of the same story, nathen than viewed as a proof of the In all cases the proof-sheets or manuscripts of the County histories have been submitted for revision and correction to old and reliable citizens of the County before going to press. “@ The biographies of Kansans still living have been submitted for revision, as to errors in fact, to those most interested in their -~ —~ accuracy, The data from which they were. written were gath- _.ered from personal interviews with the subjects of the sketches, .or-from their immediate relatives. They constitute an invalua- ble addition to the history of the State, as showing what manner of men make up the population, from whence they came, and what. experiences or circumstances drove, drifted or lured them thither, and made them a component part of the great common- --wealth. It matters little that many of them are poor, or that a few of them are rich. The lowly have ever found a refuge, and honor for true merit, in Kansas; its history, containing no record. of their lives, would be incomplete indeed. The order in which the County histories appear in the vol- ume may be subject to the criticism of skillful book-makers, since there seems to be a disregard of all fitness, either in alpha- betical order or historical precedence or importance. The ne- cessity of issuing the work within a limited time compelled the publishers to employ several. offices in printing the work, and ‘thereby rendered the printing of a consecutive line of counties, under any plan, a mechanical impossibility, , The index gives the historical sketches of the counties in alphabetical. order. It also gives a general as well as an analyti- cal statement of the contents of the general history,-by no means complete, but sufficiently full to meet the. practical wants of the general reader. Its defects arise from the redundance of incidents and names contained in the history, which rendered it impracticable to give an analytical index, absolutely complete, within any ordinary bounds. Its perusal is earnestly commended to such critics as have not the leisure to read the work, Except under the system adopted, which combined with the employment of. ample capital the codperatiye labor of many _minds, the accomplishment of the - present work would have been impossible. The compilation. of the historic matter alone, ‘has involved the work of more than an ordinary lifetime. ‘ The captious critic, from the insignificant standpoint of his own experiences and prejudices, will doubtless discover many defects, and-to his criticism, every work is subject, regardless of - its merits. To the kindly care 0: the reader who seeks the truth and loves it, this work is given, with the full faith that he will defend it in full accord with its merits, against the attacks of all who would prostitute the truth of history to the ephemeral uses of individual interest or prejudice. To the- citizens of Kansas this volume is presented in the confident belief that its reception will be such as the great risk incurred, the immense labor expended, and the honesty of pur- pose evinced, should merit,” A. T. A. CONTENTS. GENERAL INDEX STATE HISTORY, DESCRIPTIVE AND EARLY . HISTORY. INTRODUCTORY. Page. Its Name-_.-.. .-2-.... 33 The Face of ‘the Country. 83 The River System.___._. 84 Timber, Shrubs and Herbage. 35 GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE. Tertiary Area, _.__ 35 Tertiary Fossils __ 36 Cretaceous Area._._.__ 36 Fossils of the Niobrara — 87 Benton Fossils_......... 38 Dakota Fossils......-... » 89 Upper Carboniferous Area....-..2..' 39 Upper Carboniferous and Permian’ Fossils ! 40 - Coal Measures 40 _ Lower Carboniferous Fossils. 40 Sub-Carboniferous Area._..... 41 Valuable Geological Products. 41 Building Stone ........-2 2202-8 ; 41 Lime, Hydraulic Cement and Plaster , 41 Clay—Coal—Salt , 42 Lead and Zinc .... ' 48 Silver.and Gold. --; 48 Miscellaneous . . sa | 43 Climate -_-. 2.2.0... 22-222 ees ay 43 EARLY EXPLORATIONS AND EXPE-! DITIONS. ; Title to the Sofl.-...-.._.--.--.... ad Spanish Explorations and Discover- j “és (1527-1536) ...--...--------..- 44 COTONAD: oem ene cacin socacpecatianes) 44, 45 INDIAN HISTORY.’ Chippewas -...-------. Wyandots ---_- Pottawatomies .- a1, Pottawatomic Missionary Establish-: ments....:----. 41, 72 Miamies -.... 5 42 Miami Missions -- 2 Confederated Tribes 92, 73 Sacs and Foxes- 173. 73 % 73 74 Indians of the Plains V4 PRE-TERRITORIAL HISTORY. The Slavery Question ..-..- 4 First Slavery Restriction-. 4 : Eathe organic Act-------..---.------ 81 Eagpulation of Kansas—1854 .. French Explorations and Discoveries | 45 Marquette and Joliet Du Tissenet De Bourgmont -.----..- 2-2. “748, 49 Western Fur Trade ‘and ‘Traders. ---; 49 Early “American Explorers. (1804— | W807) 2c io ewesseeseressiseesesce 49 Pike’s Expedition. 50-53 Long’s Expedition._........-- The Great American Desert. 54 The Early. Highways --_... Early Santa Fe Trade. The Santa Fe Road Indians of Kansas___...-.... ‘Western or Indian Territory-- Kansas Nation.. Osage Nation._. Osage Missionary Pawnees Padoucas_... . Shawanoes, or Shawnees 5, Shawnee Missionary Establishments. 66 Early Missionaries....-.-.--------- 66-68 Delawares, or Lenapes 8, 69 Delaware Missions.--- oe Ottawa Baptist Mission. First Slavery Extension--- Slave Statistics ....-..---------..-- v6) Emancipation inthe Northern States 75 Classification of population of United States % The Missouri Contest... i 16 The Missouri Compromise. 16 From 1820 to 1852 -....--.- q7 The Annexation of Texas. VW The Wilmot Proviso-... 7 Compromise Of “1850... 78 Presidential Election (18: q9 Territorial Organization of Kansas.. 80 Repudiation of Missouri Compromise 80 ‘'s ‘ERRITORIAL HISTORY. irst Political Movements......-.-- 82 ‘Emigrants over Lane’s Route. Country Opened to White Settlers... 83 Land Claimed by Missouri Squatters 83 Eastern Emigration....-.._..._.... 84 Massachusetts Emigrant Aid Com- DAD Yass weatereeene ve in oe cee emaneie) 84 Spirit of the Northern Press.._._..- 85 New York and Connecticut Emigrant Aid Company ..._... e 85 , Claim Associations...._ 85 Town Associations ........-...- 86 First Territorial Appot 86 The Beginning of Government..._. 86 - Governor Reeder’s early Labors in BO eas acinacom meds esueanbencaus 87 Election Proclamation for Hirst Elec- OD wena remem eat eal alma naes 88 Platte County Self-defensiy e Associ- BOION no ea ec uucee as 90 Blue. Lodges -_......_... 90 The First 4 Political Campaign. 91 The First Territorial Election__ 93 Census of Kansas Territory, -- 94 Couneil Districts Defined...’ ___. _._ 94 Representative Districts Defined..- 94 Judicial Districts Defined a= «(94 Election of March 30, 1858 ose ~.95-98 HOLY: se cursemsiee ceo ciate Lynch Law Organized . Election of May 22, 1855.. First Territorial Legislature. Unseating-of Free-soil Members... 102, 08 Legislature at Shawnee Mission ..103, 104° Removal of Governor Reeder. The Black Laws.-..........--.----- 105 Work of First Territorial Legislature 105 - 106° The Free-State Movement . fence eens 6 ~ Democratic Meeting in Lawrence... 106 Free-State Conventions in Lawrence 106, 107 Big Springs Convention..____.. ~--108-110 Nomination of Free-State Congress- ional ‘Delegate._.......-i....--.. 109 _ Topeka Delegate Convention. 110 Elections of October, 1855.5...--.-- 111 Topeka Constitutional Convention. 111, is Topeka Constitution....__./...._._. Governor Shannon’s Arrival . Law and Order’ Party Organized.-114, 115 The Arrest and Rescue ce Jacob — Branson ie Topeka Constitution in Cong The National Conventions. Presidential Election (1856) The Home Struggle in Kans The Topeka Legislature .. . Chief Justice Lecompte...1- -- 127 The Sack of Lawrence-.-.-- 180, 131 ' The Pottawatomie Murders,--..---- 181 War South of the Kaw-..-:.-.--- 131-135 Excitement in the Northern States. ‘ 186, 137 Dispersion of Topeka Legislature (July 1856) .-.---__.. 140, 141 Second Battle of, Frank: ~ 142 Siege of Fort Titus .___..--. --- 142 Troubles North of the Kaw-...-- 148, 144 Administration of Acting: Governor . WO0d80N |... 22. 2205 so receaces 144-146 Battle of Osawatomle seen ae 145 ' Liberation of Treason Prisoners. 147 Administration of Governor Geary-. 147-157 End of Brees State Raids 149 Attempted Invasion of Wlaapaet WNTOODS vouncavecenionauareato Bis seca “149 Arrest of Col. Harvey’s Men --.... 150 Close. of the Atchison-Stringfellow _ Campaign The Judiciary --- Free-State Prisoners....----.---- Governor Geary’s tour through Kan- Topeka Legislature of 1857. Second Territorial ‘Legislature....-- 156 Resignation of Governor Geary...-- 157 Acting-Governor Stanton..-..--- 157, 158 Administration of Governor Walker 158-165 Election of Delégates to Lecompton Constitutional Convention-....---. Question of Voting at Territorial Election, October, 1857..-----..-- Apportionment for Third Territorial Legislature -- Grasshopper Falls Convention Lecompton Constitutional Co tion ....--2 — Election of October. 5, 1857. rmreimrian Extra Session of Territorial’ Legisla- ture (Free-State).....-.2..--....- Removal of Secretary Stanton and _._ resignation of Governor Walker_. 165 Vote on the Lecompton Constitution 165 . Election for State Officers (Lecomp- ton. Constitution)..--...2......22. 166 Leavenworth Constitutional Conven- HON. sve ecmencculeemer gwen ed 167-169 appointed Govy- 169 170 171 171 172 Oreanieline of Republican Party in Kansas 172 “Election for State pn National om: cers (Wyandotte; iConstitution)... 177 Drouth and Famine - 178 Resignation of Governor Medary... 178 Last Session of the Territorial Leg- Iplabureiccs caces Becca ccceewcccce STATE HISTORY. MILITARY RECORD. 1 ~The Price Raid-.-: - LEGISLATIVE AND. POLITIGAL oe ‘aateenin Kansas. , Volunteer Caval- First Kansas Volunteer Infantry. .180, 181 Second Kansas Volunteer Infant. DN oe anata name aa Soar 1st, 182 Second Kansas Volunteer Cavalry... 182-184 Fifth Kansas Bini Cavalry..184, 185 Sixth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry ---- 185-188 Seventh Kansas — Caval- Fe al a ay anh se a ee mts meet 188, 189 Elghth Kansas Volunteer Infant- Tees cic hewn sion wentewesemea sien 189-193 Ninth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry-.193, 194 Tenth Kansas Volunteer Infantry.194, 195 Eleventh Kansas ! Volunteer Caval- ry 97, 198 Thirteenth Kancad Volunteer Caval- ourigeuih Kansas Volunteer ie PANDY ints isc cc deta te ena c means. 198, 199 gine itaasas’ Volunteer Cayal- TYiincm wa tnpictoninnie lp eumar semeewece 199, 200 Seventeenth Volunteer In- POMNUTY- sees sedan woe we ek 200 Infantry ...-200, 201 Infantry. -201, Be First Kansas Second Kansas First Kansas V Battery-..-. 02 Second Kansas Vi Battery... 202 Third Kansas V Battery..-- 203 Hollister’s, afterwards Hopkins’, Bat- tery Cost of Price Raid. Indian Regiments... .... Eighteenth, Kansas Volun talion wemMiceane ceeEeSeoeSeeese: MP a a sicti a aoe eae eS 210, 211 Indian Troubles ‘in Kansas (1864~ 1870) 209-211 NALS (1861 to 1888) --..-----.--.- 11-238 Gubernatorial Vofe of Kansas..-.-. 234 ‘Vote of Kansas at’ Presidential Elec- tions 235 Kansas Presidential Electors... ..-. 236 Kansas Representatives in Congress 236 Kansas United States Senators...... 236 The Judiciary of the Territorial Pe- riod_..- Territoria‘ Judicial D z Courts Under the State Regime. District Courts United States Courts-. State Officers Biographies of Governors of Kan- Bas saeas Loceesceoul Geescatesces 239-241 THE ERA OF PEACE, RAILROADS. - Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, and Branch Connections...-.-.----.- 248-245 Kansas City, Fort Scott & Gulf— DIONCheS sc ccsvnccncicceeeeecee 247, 248 Kansas City,: Lawrence & Southern —DranChes -oncisncececacossenes 248,°249 Missouri, Kansas & Texas-- ~250, 251 Missouri Pacific s-.-..-.--.------.. _ 251 ‘State University_........- “Private Tgenl Gaerne of Learning... - POST OFFICES CENSUS OF KANSAS.....-......-.-. St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita..... St. Louis, Wichita & Western....... 252 Nebraska, Iola, Topeka & Memphis 252 Atchison & Nebraska 2 Railroad Lands HUSBANDRY. Tables showing the growth of hus- bandry in Kansas from its admis- sion into the Union to 1883...._._. Kansas Crop of Cereals, by counties, POP 1982 <2 2 csc cwoowcesconewensese Kansas Crop of Miscellaneous Field Products, by counties, for 1882... Horticultural and Garden Products, and value of Animals sold for slaughter, by counties, for 1882... 257 FIOICUUGY GE ncn dive seemeeuasan 257, 258 Kansas State Board - of Agriculture . 258-262 Fruit Trees in Kansas in 1878.___... 258 Kansas State Horticultural Society... 262 Kansas State Grange ~-+- 268-265 State Fairs és 265 Commissioner of Fisheries.._.... 265, 266 254 255 256 SCHOOLS oF KANSAS. The Common Scboo? System-_....--- Reports of State Superintendents of Public Instruction-..........-..-. 267 Summary! of Educational Statistics 267, 268 School Seine of Kansas, by Coun- ties: eee State Agricultural College State Normal School_.. Leavenworth Normal School. State Teachers’ Association_. -278, 274 Kansas State School. Fund.... --- 275 Kansas Academy of Science. 275, 276 | CHURCHES -..._.......----0- - 275-2718 KANSAS JOURNALISM.....-..---- 278-281 STATE INSTITUTIONS. State Charitable Institutions.__-. 281, 282 ‘State Penitentiary....--.... State Reform School . STATE SOCIETIES. ¥ Kansas State Historical Soctety..288, 284 State Libfary -..-..---22.---. ~-284, 285 Kansas Medical Societies __ 285, 286 Kansas State Bar Association -..-286, 287 PROHIBITION IN KANSAS. A Territorial Legislation-..........-1. 287 « Action of| the Wyandotte Convention 287, 288 The Constitutional eee Amendment 288 The Prohibitory Liquor 289, 290 Amendment to Section 10 ‘OF Liquor LOW oud prcoseeecnuenso cou esecee 290, 291 THE EXODUS......---.-....-----0- 291, 292 NAVIGATION OF THE KAW....-- ~- 292 FLOOD OF 1844.....2...02.2.-.---- 292, 293 PUBLIC LANDS. 7 Government Lands ...--....--.--.. 293 School Lands APPENDIX. The Organic Act.........--....---- Wyandotte Constitution _.....---. aos he IN MEMORIAM. Biography of John Brown......- 299, 300 Biography of Hon. Thomas John- BOD s-2--weeccepeecssceersesss $00; 801 Biography of Gen. “James .Lane.. 301 Biography of Hon. Alfred Gray... 301, 802 Biography of Maj. Gen. James G. - BION -canicnica ces ceca seucnaweceses 302 Biography of Prof. Benj. F. Mudge 302 Biography of Col. James Montgom- Clie ees ecco amuse ed 302, 303 Biography of Hon. Henry J. Adams 303 Biography of Hon. Marcus J. Parrott 303 Biography of Hon. George Graham 308 Biography of Hon. Martin F. Con- PY ls neat see ia 803, 804 Biography of Rev. John T. Jones (Ottawa Jones).--..-.------..- 304, 305 Biography of Judge James Hanway 305 Biography of Hon. D. P, Lowe....-- 305 Abbott J.B. 66, 95, 116, 117, 118, 121, 188, 150, 167 Abbott Nelson, 218 Abell Peter T, 90, 248, 252 Abernathy James L. 189, 190 Act to remove Territorial scat of Government to Shawnee Mis- sion, 103 Act providing for State Govern- ment, 171 Acuco, 44 Adams Henry J. 125, 160, 167, 168, 169, 176, 248 '‘ Biography of, 308 Adams Frank G. 141, 146, 150, 160, 161, 167, 169, 2838, 258, 259, 262, 265, 276, 278, 284 Adams Charles W. 209 4 Adams D. W. 264 Adams M.S. 215 Adams N. A. 196, 214, 216, 259 Adams Wm. H. 278 Adjustment of Claims, 171 Admission of Kansas as a State, 179 Aduddell John F. 208 Aid for Kansas, 137 Alderson Rev. —— 277 Alderman Amos D. 121 Alexander J. M. 245 Allen Lyman, 128, 180, 209 Allen A. J. 215 Allen Norman, 202 Allen Aseph, 125, 171, 243 Allison W. M. 221 Alvarado Hernando de, 44 American Fur Company, 49 Amnesty Act, 1?1 Ancient Indian Tribes of Kansas, 58 Ancient Indian Towns, 58 Anderson Joseph C, 96, 97, 101, 104, 119, 130, 150, 156 Anderson John A. 227, 236, 261 Anderson Martin, 169, 195, 196. 197, 212, 214, 238, 259, 260 a. __... LP erson T. J. 201, 207, 209 nie Jacobs’ (Steamer), 199 Anthony George T. 211, 221, 222, 228, 262° Biography of, 240 Anthony D. R. 188, 214, 236, 283 Anthony Susan B. 214 Anti St. John Caucus, 229 Appeal of Law and Order Party, 139 Appeal of Pro- “Slavery Leaders, 144 Apportionment for Lecompton Legislature, 161 Arkansas Territory Organized, 76 Arkansas River (Early mention of), 45, 51, 52, 54, 62, 64, 68 Arkansas Valley Land District, 293 Armstrong Mrs. Lucy B. 66, 277 Armstrong Robert, 70 “Army of the North,’ 137, 138, 141, 153 Arnold Thomas, 259 Arny W. F. M. 137, 159, 162, 168, J 169, 178, 243 Arrival of first Northern Emi- grants, 85 Arthur James M. 111, 178, 175 Asylum for the Blind (Wyan- dotte), 218, 218 219, 228, 282 Asylum for Deaf and Dumb (Olathe), 213, 214; 218, 219, 282 Asylum for the Insane (Osawa- tomie), 218, 214, 218, 219, 282 Asylum for the Insane, (Topeka) 219, 282 Atchison David R. 91, 93, 96, 103, 118, 119, 124, 129, 130, 188, 189, 148, 14 , 151 Atchison Institute, 273 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, 248, 244, 245 Projection of the Road— Incor- porators—First Board of Di- rectors and Officers — First Officers under Land Grant, 243 New Construction Company— _ Building of the Road--Branch Connections -— Land Grants, 244 Pottawaiomie Land Purchase —Annual Increase of Busi- ness in Eight Years, 245 Railroad Lands unsold January, 1883, 252 Terms of Sale, 294 SPECIAL INDEX STATE HISTORY. Atchison, Colorado & Pacific Rail- road, 246 Atchison & Nebraska Railroad, 242, 252 Atchison, Jewell County & West- ern Railroad, 247 Atwood G. F. 209 Atwood Samuel S. 204 Austin James H. 237 Babcock Carmi W. 94, 106, 118, 129, 145, 158, 162, 165, 166, 171, 218, 214 Baptist Indian Missions, 66, 69, 72, 82 Baptist Churches, (Early) 276,277 Bacon Frank, 280 Bailey pewrence D. 287, 258, 259, 6: f Baker University, 267, 278 Baker A. J. 101, 102 Baker F. P. 258, 259, 261, 283 Baldridge B. L. 277 Ballard D. E. 209 Bancroft Edward P. 193, 209 Banfield John A. 275 Banks Eliott V. 237, 238 Banks A. R. 205 Banks John M. 102 Banta A. J. 287 a Wm. 94, 96, 98, 101, 104, 106 Barber Thomas W., Murder of 120 Bardwell F. W. 276 Barker Rinaldo A, 218, 214, 238, 275, 276 Barnes J. D. 108 Barnes W. E. 262 Barnett W. B. 281 Bartlett: Thomas, 221 Barton J. T.178,175 | Bassett Owen A. 182, 183, 203, 287 Baxter Springs (Military Post), 200, 208 Baxter Springs Massacre, 198 Bayliss George, 90 Bayne James G. 280 Beach: A. F. 250 Beach Geo. W. 248, 244 Beal John A. 221 Beebe Geo. M. 178 Bell J. B. 53, 54 Bell J. 263 Bell Peter, 237 Beeler Marion N. 198 Beman H. T. 209 Benton Thomas W. 55, 78 Bickerton Thomas, 118, 142, 150, 0: Bienville, 46, 47 Big Springs Convention, Committees—Reports—List. of Delegates, 108 First Free-State Platform, 108, 109 Nomination of Congressional Delegate—Speech of ex-Goy. Reeder, 109, 110 First Free - State Executive Committee, 110 Bird Lorenzo D. 243 Bishop A. W. 273 Blachly C. P. 276 Black Chas, E, 223 Blackwell Lucy Stone, 214 Black Jack, Battle of, 182 Blair Chas, W. 181, 182, 198, 202, 208, 204, 205, 206, 207, 209, 214, 219, 221 Blair Joel P. 101 Blanchard J. L. 178, 176 Blanton N. B. 95, 194 Blockade of Missouri River, 188 Blood C, E. 108, 155 Blood zee 125, 181, 161, 172, 178, 1 Blood N. C 178, 175 Biue Earth Creek: (Big Blue Riv- er), 53 Bluemont College, 218 Blunt James G. 178, 174, 175, 188, 186, 187, 189, 196, 198, 200, 208, 204, 205, 206, 207, 209, 287 Biography of, 302 Board of Commissioners on Pub- lic Institutions, 281 Bohrer George, 263 Boisbriant, 47 Bogus Election (1861), 211, 212 Bogus School Bonds, 220 Bonebrake P. I. 221, 222, 228, 227, 288, 292 Boone A. G. 117, 129, 139, 148,144 Boone Daniel, 60, 252, 253 CONTENTS. Borton L. W. 228 Boston Kansas Relief Commit- fee, 188 Bourgmont de, 47, 48, 49, 63 ‘Bowden W. d. 237 Bowen Thomas M. 198, 209, 218 Brackett G. C. 262 Brady John T. 236 Branson Jacob, 116, 117, 166 Brewer David J. 215, 218, 221, ~ 229, 237 Briggs A. J. 199 Broadhead J, F. 237 Brockway D. 209, 275 Brodbent Charles S. 281 Brown John, Z Hiren appearance in Lawrence, 12 Letter of, 120 Muster Roll of Company, 121 Pottawatomie Murders, 181 Battle of Black Jack, 132 Prisoners Surrendered to Col. Sumner, 134 Battle of Osawatomle, 144 In Lawrence, 146, 150 Biography, 299, 300 ;Monument, 222 Brown John Jr. 106, 108, 110,121, 181, 182, 134, 1 Brown Fred, 121, 181, 182, 145 Brown Watson, 131, 182 Brown Owen, 121, 131, 182 Brown Jason, 182, 134 * Brown Salmon, 121, 182 Brown George W. 107, 108, 110, _ 112, 128, 131, 182, 164, 166, 172, 278 Brown Frederick, 173, 175 Brown Channing J. 237, 238 Brown Capt. R. P. Murder of, * 124 Brown C. J. 221 Brown John M. 292 Brown John S. 262 Brown John W. 209 Brown Maj. J. G. 198 “Brown Robert J. 275, 276 Brown W. L. 230 Brown Wm. R. 218, 231, 236, 237 Brown Rey. Olympia, 214 Browning F. 96 Brownlee James, 277 Brumbaugh Jerome D. 213, 238 Buck J. F. 282, 283 * Buddington Geo. E, 180 Buffum David C.110, 118 Murder of, 151 Buford Col. Jefferson, 128, 129, 188, 139 Bull Creek, Battle of, 145 Burgess H. B. 96 Burgess C. M. 245 Burlingame W. 209 Burne!t J. C. 172, 178, 175, 248, 24 9 Burns James M. 91, 92, 100, 120 Burns Louis, 111 Burns Ross, 111, 214 Burrill Jeremtah M. 236 Burris John T. 178, 175, 287, 288 Burson Harrison, 95, 111 Butler Pardee, 115, 127, 216 Butler Thomas H. 209 Byerly Edmund, 236 Cabin Creek, Battle of, 184, 187, 200, 203 Caine wm, W, 121 Caldwell Alexander, 215, 217, 286 Calhoun John (first Surveyor General of Territory), 86, 87, 114, 115, 162, 167 California, 77, 79 Camden Expedition, 188, 185, 187, 197, 198 Cameron Hugh, 106 Campbell Wm. T. 186, 187 Campbell W. P. 237 Cane Hill, Ark, Battle of, 186, 187, 194, 198 Canfield Wm. H. 237 Caniff H, J. 248, 249 Carney Thomas, 209, 212, 218,214, 215, 248, 249 Biography of, 239 Carpenter Louis, 237, 238 Carr E. T. 261 erie James H. 261, 262, 275, Cass Lewis, ae V7, 78 Case N. T. 2 Cato Stirling @. 150, 151, 152, 153, 155, 156, 168, 286 Sane ua Thomas H. 218, 221, Census of 1855, 94 » Of 1857, 156, 158 -« Of 1860 to 1882, 306 Central Branch U. P. R. R. 242 Chadwick Charles, 204, 205, 209 Chandler George, 237 @handler E. H. 276 Changes In House Representation “of 1883, 229 Chapin G. F. 275 Chapman J. B. 91, 210, 248 Chase George S. 276 Chattanooga, Battle of, 190, 191 Challis Luther C, 243 Cheesebrough Ellsworth, 213, 236 ‘Chenoweth B. P. 180 Cheyennes and Arrapahoes, 74, 9, 210 Cherokee Ind{ans, 73, 74 = Cherokee Neutral Lands, 74, 247 Cherokee Lands, 293 Chevaz Don Antonio Jose, 56 Chickamauga, Battle of, 190, 192, 198 Chicago Kansas Meeting, 136, 137 Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Be .m. (Leavenworth Branch), Chip John, 172 Chippewa Indians, 70 Choteau (Pierre, Auguste, Fran- eis, Cyprian), 49, 61, 62, 78 Choteau Fred, 292 Choteau Fort, 50° Christian James, 108, 236 Christiso 1 W. 245 Churches of Kansas, 277 Church J. D. 258 Gthela, 44 Cicuye, 44 Clarke Charles S. 193 Glark Geo. W. 120, 121. 126 144 Clark Sidney, 212, 213, 214, 216, ‘224, 236, 248, 249 Clark Malcolm, 99, 100 Clark Marston G. 61 Clay Henry,.76, 78, 79 Clayton Powell, 180, 185, 209 Cloud Wm. F 181, a J; 184, “186., 194, 207, at Cline Capt. 145, 146 Cobb Stephen A. 216, 218, 236 Cobb Nelson, 237 Coburn F. D. 262 = Cochran Benj. L. 121 Code of Territorial Laws, 105 Code of Territorial Laws repealed, 171 Coffey A. M.(M jor General Ter- x Meeal Militia), 101, 106, 144, Coffey General, 185, 186, 188, 189, “19; Coffceville, Miss. Battle at, 188, 139 Colby Philip T 286 Coleman Franklin (Murderer of Dow), 116 Collamore G. W. 209 i of Ststers of Bethany, Collins Samucl, Murder of, 116 Coli Uleat. (ith Kan.)' Death of, 197 Colts Dantel W. 121, 145 Common School Lands, 294 Comstock Mrs. Elizabeth L. 292 Concordia Normal School, 272 Concurrent Resolutions (Topeka Legislature), 166 Confederate Indian Tribes, 72 Congressional Investigation Com- mittee, 99, 122, 126, 127, 185 Conanegelsens Churches (Early), Conover John, 189, 192 Conventions (Free-State Terri- sorta ), Lawrenee, June, 1855, Lawrence, July, 1855, 107 Lawrence, August, 1855, 108 ee December, 1857, Bie ‘Sorings, Sept. 1855, 108, 109, 110 May, 1859, 172 Topeka Delegate, Sept. 1855, 110, 111 TopekaConstitutional, ,Oct. 1855, ’ Topeka, June, 1857, 159 Topeka, July, 1857, 160 Topeka, November, 1857, 164 Grasshopper Falls, August, 1887, 162 } Conventions (Free-State Terri torlal), Leayenworth Masa, Nov. 1857, 165 Leavenworth Constitutional, March, 1858, 167, 168, 169 Minneola, March, 1858, 167 Wyandotte Constitutional,July, 1859, 178, 174, 175, 176 Conventions (Pro-slavery, Terri- torial), Law and Order (Leavenworth), Nov. 1855,114 Lecompton Constitutional, Sept 1857, 162, 163, 164 Conventions (Territorial), First Democratic(Lawrence) July, 1855, 106. Democratic (Lecompton), Dec. 1857. 165 First Republican (Osawatomie) May. 1859, 172 Republican (Lawrence), April, 1860, 178 Conese (State), Republican, 214, 215, 216, 218, 221, 328" 226, 929 Democratic, 218, 215, 216, 221, 223, 227, 280 Union State- (1862), 213 Republican Union (1862), 213 National Union (1866), 214 Workingmen’s (1869), 215 Liberal Republican (1872), 216 Independént Beform (1874), 218 , - Temperance (1874), 218 Prohibittonist (1876), 220 National Greenback Labor (1876. 1878, 1880, 1882), 221, 223, 227, 230 Temperance (1878), 223 Conway Martin F. Member of First Territorial Council, 96 Judge of Supreme Court (To- peka Con.) 161 First Kansas Representative to Congress, 177 Biography. 303, 304 Mention of, 91, 94, 98, 103, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 159, ges 161, 162, 165, 166, 211, Cooke Philip St. George, 57, 140, 145, 146, 149, 150. 153 Cooner George P. 276 Copeland James M. 184 Cordley Richard, 275 Cornell A. B. 223 Council Grove (early mentio .).82 County Normal Institutes, 272, Counties Organized, 226, 227 Counties (change of boundaries), 214, 217, 218 Cove Creek,” Ark. 188, 186 Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith Railroad, 242, 244 Cox J. T. 223 Crab Orchard, 190, 204 Cragin T. "W. 276 Cracklin Joseph, 188, 142, 145, 146, 150, 151, 158, 181, 183, 184, 276 Cramer Thomas J. B. first Terri- torial Treasurer, 86 Inspector Gen. of Kansas Mili- tia, 106 Mention of, 101, 149, 153, 165 Cramer J, A. 263 Crane F..L. 243 Crawford, Samuel J. 181, 182, 188, 201, 202, 207, 209, 210, 218, 214, 215, 228, 238 Biography of, 339 Crawford George A. 241, 212, 213, 214, 259, 288 Crawford Wm. 205 Crawford W. C. 209 Creighton W. W. 281 Creitz Wm. F. 184, 185 Crew A. J. 200 Crocker A. 178, 175 Crosby R. H. 111 Crosby Wm. 222 Croysdale D. L. 82, 96 oe Robert, 213, 217, 286, 287, 73 Cummings J. T. 172, 209 Cummings R. W, 60, 66 Cunningham Thomas, 236 Curtis Samuel R. 181, 204. 206, 20% 20! oh vere Curtis H. Z. Curtis A, i, “8, 110, 1 y ; Curtis J. BE. Custard sonecant (ith oT Death of, 197 PR ¥ Cusey James C. 218 Custer George A. 210 Cutler George A, 111, 119, 125, 162, 164, 171, 177 _Dailey John, 111 Danford Addison, 238 * Davies James, 245 2 Davis Alson C.14 2, 286 Davis Isaac, 96 Dayis John, 263 Davis Werter R. 178, 175, 199, 214, 228 Davis Willard, 221, 288, 292 Tewguy Christmas indian chief), Deftzler George W. 107, 110, 124, 126, 129, 165, 166, 181, 204, 205, 209, 248, 249, 259 Defense of Lawrence (Wakarusa war),118 - Delahay Mark, elected first Free- State Rep. to Congress (To- peka Constitution), 125 Mention of," aan 112, 121, 125, 159, 211, 2 Delaware aeom 68, 69 - Delaware [ndian Missions, 69 Delaware Post-office, 82 Dennis E. S. 236 Dennis E. H. 245 ~Dennis Hamilton J. 285 Dennison Joseph, 277 Denton J. W. 185 Denver James W. Acting Gov- ernor of Kansas Territory, Sketch of, 165 Appointed Gévernor, 169 Resignation, 171, Destitute in'Western Kansas, Re- lief of, 228 Destitution from Grasshopper Raid. 264 Diekey M. C. 124. Dickinson David, 284 Dickson. Samuel, 243 Dillon Jotm#F, 238 Dimond Charles, 209 District Courts, Judges of, 237, 238 Dobyns Henry M, 186, 187 Dodge D. 111 Donaldson Israel B. (Terrttoriat : U. S. Marshal), 86, 87, 114, 128, 129, 130, 140, 146, 153, 157, 286 Donaldgon John, 288 Doster Frank, 223 Douglas Stephen A. 78, 80, 103, 122 Douglass ee 291 Douthitt W. P. 2 Dover Hatha Shawnee Co. ~ (Early mention), 82 Downey A. L. 277 Doyle James P. Murder of, 181 Drake Samuel A. 200, 204 Drenning F. H. 209 Drywood, Engagement at, 184, 18 6 Dudley Guilford, 209 Dumbauld F. H. 263 Duncan C. C. 215 Durant Thomas C. 245 Dutton W. P. 173, 175 Dutton Hartwin R. 288 Du Tissenet, 47, 50, 63 Dyer W. F 245 Earl Ethan, 200 | Early Churches, 276, 277 Early Missionaries, (Indian) Barker Rev. Francis, 66, 276 Berryman Rev. J, C. 73 : Duerinck Fattier J. D. 72 Guilland Father Maurice, 72 Hamilton Rey. Wm. 72, 78, 277 . Harvey Henry, 65, 66, 161, 168, 169, 292 Hadley Jeremiah, 66 Ho¢ken Father Christian, 72 Irwin Rev. Samuel M. 82, 83, 277 Johnson Rev. Thomas, 66, 82, 88, 95, 96, 97, 102, 104, 156, 253, 277, 283 Biography of, 300, 301 Johnson Rev. Wm. 60, 66 Lykins Dr. Johnston, 66, 68, 69, 0, 72, X7 Biography of, 68 Lykins Dr. David, 72 Mendenhall Richard, 66 Merrill Rev. Moses, 66 McCoy Rev. Isaac, 60 68, 69, 92, 277 Biography of, 66, 68 Meeker Rev. Jotham, 66, 277 Biography of, 69, 70 Peery Rev. E. T. 69 Pratt John G. 69, 70, 277 Quigkauborn Father Van, 78, scifinmaker Rey. John, 63, 82, 277 Schultz Father J. %2,'277 Simmerwell Rev. Robert, 66 Biography of, 71, 72 Early Newspapers, 278 Eastin Lucien J. 96, 98, 101, 106, 117, 118, 278, 283 Eastman B. D. 282 'Eckles J. G, 282, 288 Eccleston Noel E. 236 Eighth Kansas Inf. 189, 190, 191, 192, 198 Efghteenth Kansas Battalion, 210 Elder Peter P. 215, 280, 238, 248 ae S. W. 129, 180, 154, Eldridge T. B. 129, 180, 182 Electoral College, 221 Elections (Territorial) For First Delegate to Con- gress, 98, 94 First Legislature (March 80, 1855), 95, 96, 97, 98 (May 22, 1855), 101 Delegate to Congress (October 9, 1855), 111 Delegates to Lecompton Con- vention, 160 Free-State Election (Topeka Constitution), 161 Territorial Election, Oct. 5, 1857, 163 State Officers under Lecompton. Constitution, 163 Lecompton Constitution (Vote on), 163, 170 Elections (State), 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 218, 220, 221, 222, a. 225, 226, 227, 229, 230, Eleventh Kansas Cav. 195, 196, 197 Elliott Robert G. 106, 108, 162, 165, 259, 262, 278 Ellison Paris, 95 . Elmore Rush, o 87, 95, 104, 114, 140, 2 Elm Grove, 2 iwroad & Marysville Railroad, 4 Ely W. A. 107 Emery Jaines S. 106, 108, 109, oe 111, 124, 168, 169, 238, ri mnery Capt. Frederick, 144, » 151 Emigrants on Missouri Steam- ers, 138 Episcopal Churches (Early), 277 Eskridge Charlies V. 166, 209, 214, 215, 288, 250° Ewing Thomas, Jr. First Chief Justice (Wyandotte Con.), 177 Mention, 165, 166, 167, 169, 172, 178, 174, 175, 193, 195, 196, 204, 209, ‘212, 287) “Excel”’ Steamer, 292 Benguet of Coronado, 44, 45, news and Clarke, 49 Major J. C. Long, 58, 54 Malgares, 50, 53 Lieut. Zebulon Pike, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 Extracts from Pro-Slavery Pa- pers of 1854, 83 Failyer G. H. 262, 276 Fain Wm. P. 127, 130, 134, 236 Fairchild George H. 243 Fairchild George T. 276 Fairchild Wm. 218, 222 Farmers’ State Convention, 263 Farmers’ State Grange—Officers, Constitution, 264 Farnsworth H. W. 248 . Fearl Silas, 172 Fee John, 96 Fenlon T. P. 214 Felter S. A. 265 Fifth Kansas Cav. 184, 185 Fifteenth Kansas Cay. 199 Findley James, ah 2H Finley J./A. 158 Finney David W. 224, 229, 230, 238 First Election Proclamation, 87 First Kansas Inf. 180, 181 Fisk Julius G. 182, 183, 184, 185 Flennekin R. P. 87, 92, 93 ‘Flesher Henry, 193 ‘Florence, El Dorado & Walnut Valley Railroad, 242, 244 Flood of 1844, 292, 293 Foreman John A. 194, 200, 208 Foote A. A. 218 Foat I. T. 223 Forman John W. 101, 175 Formation of Indian Territory,58 Forbes Menson, 209 Fort Atkinson, 82 Fort Blakely, Battle of, 195 Fort Blunt, 187 Fort Clark, 61 _ Fort Elisworth, 209 Fort Gibson, 187, 203, 208 Fort Harker, 210 Fort Leavenworth (Early men- tion), 68, 82, 88 Fort Larned, 210 Fort Orleans, 48, 49 Fort Osage, 49, 53, 61, 62 Fort Riley (Early mention), 82, 155 104, 173, CONTENTS. Hoth Goott & Carthage Railroad, 48 Fort Scott, Southeastern & Mem- phis Ratiroad, 247 Fort Saunders (Engagement at), 141, 142 Fort Titus (Slege of), 141, 142 Foster Charles A, 106, 107, 110, 112, 164, 168, 169 Foster Cassius G. 209, 288, 292 Foster R. Cole, 178, 175, 215 Fourteenth Kansas Inf. 198, 199 Fowler E. B. 237, 238 Fowler Philip P. 101 - Fowler W.C. 215 Fox J. P. 106, 108, 172 Francis John, 218, 220, 221, 223, 238, 262, Franklin, Tote of, 182, 133 Franklin, Second Battle of, List of wounded, 142 Fraser John, 218, 219, 261, 267, 274, 275 ‘* Free-State '’ newspaper, 275 Free-State Candidates for First Territorial Legislature, 96 Free-State Members of First Ter- ritorial Legislature unseated, 102 Free-State Settlers of Atchison and Leavenworth, Outrages on, 134 Free-State Guerrillas, 141 Freedman's Relief Association, 291, 292 Freedman’ 8 University (Quinda- ro), 215 Fremont John C. 54 French Cyrus O. 237 Frontier Settlers, Aid for, 227 Frost Joseph, 243 | Fugitive Slave Law, Opposition to, 79 Fuller J. G. 126 Funston E. H. 262 Gale E. 262 Gambell W. G, 213 Garfield Electors, 236 Gargin James, 106 Garretson W. A. 230 Garrett Russell, 96 Garrison Isaac, 259, 262 Garrison David, 145 Garvey E. C. K. 118 Gaumer Geo. F. 261, 276 Geary John W. Appointed Governor of Kan- sas, 143 Sketch of Life, 147 Admi{nistration, 147 to 157 George O. S, 261 Gifford Charlies E. 230 Gilbert Samuel L. 230 Gilchrist Charles K. 237 Giles Fry W. 107, 110, 218, 219, 252 Gillpatrick Rufus, 108, 132, 162, 166, 178 Gillpatrick J. H. 162, 201, 202, 208 Glick George W. 214, 230, 252, 62, 290, 291 Biography of, 241 Goodin Joel K. 96, 108, 110, 111, 112, 124, 125, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169, 174, 248, 249 Goodin John R. 213, 218, 223, 231, 236, 237, 288, 264, 267 ' Goode Wm. 277 Goodnow Isaac T. 213, 238, 267 Gordon Wilson S. 243 Goss N. S. 250, 276 Gould College, 273 Graham George, 172, 214, 238 Biography of, 303 Graham Robert H. 178, 175, 189 Graham Robert St. Clair, 237 Graham Wm. 111, 160 Graham Jas. M. 192 Graham I. D. 276 Granges, Political Influence of, 264 Grant Electors, 236 Grasshopper Falls Convention, Delegates and Officers, 162 Grasshopper Creek (Early men- tion), 58 Graves Charles B. 237 Gray Alfred, 219, 226, 259, 260, 261, 262 Biography of, 301 Gray Barzillal, 237 Greeley Horace, 77, 85, 172 Green Nehemiah, 214, 218, 238 Biography of, 289, 240 Green H. M. 282 Green J. C. 248 Green James W. 230 Greeno Harris C. 186, 208 Greer John P. 178, 175, 178, 209 Gregory ane 188 Grey B. Griffith Wi R. 111, 112, 161, aby 178,174, 175, 177, 238, 67 Griffin A. A. 160, 161 Griffin Albert, 223, 283 Griffing Jas. S. 277 Griswold Hiram, 213 Grover Charles H. 286, 245 Grover D, A. N, 101, 114, 148,147, 156, 283 Gunn O. B. 209 Guthrie Abelard, 88, 108, 109, 110 Guthrie John, 216 236 Guthrie Warren W. 213, 221, 238 Hadley D, B. 221 Hatrgrove, Asa, 218, 221. 238 Halderman John A. 102, 104, 114, 177, 180 Hale Rev. E. E. 84 Hale Hiram F. 250 251 Hall Rev. —— 277 Hallett Samuel, 245, 246 Hallowell James R. 218, 238 Hamilton William, 72, 73, 277 HamiIton O. P. 292, 293 Hamlin Geo. F. 288 Hammatt A. 237, 238 Hanback Lewis, 229, 236 Hanks Clark J. 238 Hanway James, 173, 175 Biography of, 305 Harrington E. 318 Harris Amos, 238 Harris H. B. c. 96, 104 Harrison Jeremiah, 121 Harvey James M. 214, 215, 218, 36 Biography of, 240 Harvey Henry, 65, ‘66, 161, 168, 269, 292 Harvey C, W. 221 -Harvey J. A. 143, 146, 149 Haskell Dudley C. 218, 220, 221, 227, 236 Haun M. M. 248 Haviland Mrs. Laura, 292 Haworth Erasmus, 276 Hay Robert, 41, 212 Hayden Sidney, 230 Hayes Electors, 236 Hayes Josiah E. 215, 216, 218, 238 Hayes T. W. 94 Hayes Chas. 245 Hays Charles (Murderer of David Buffum), 153 Hazzard A B. 278 Heath Erastus, 172 Hebbard J. C. 292 5 Heiskell Wm. A. 98,101, 106,149, 1 Hemingray J. C. 209 Henderson T. W. 292 Hendrick W. S. 222 “Herald of Frecdom,’’ 93, 107, 108, 112, 160 Herrick Thomas P. 188 Hiawatha Grange, 263 ~ Hickory Point, 149, 150, 152 Hicks W. H. 111 Highland University, 73, 273 Hill J. Finn, 199 Hill T. 277 Hills Charles H. 194, 195 Hilton H. R. 276 Hillyer George S. 111, 125, 160, 161, 167, 168, 177, bsg, 24 43, ” Impeachment of, 212, 218 Hinton Richard J. 160, 167, 175, 200, 201 2 Hipple Samuel, 173, 175 Historical and Philosophical Soc. of Kansas, 288 Hodgman Amasa, 189 Hoffman §. E. 173, 175 Holbrook James G. 121 Holliday Cyrus K. 96, 101, 102, 107, 108, 111, 112) 118, 124, 129, 140, 159, 162, 164, 1465, on 171, 172, 204, 209, 243, 44 Hollister’s Battery, 203 Holly Springs, Miss. Battle at, 188 Holt Joel, 238 Honey Spr ings, Ark. Battle at, 187, 200. 203 Hoppe, Murder of, 4144 Hopkins Henry, 182, 183, 184, 208, 204 Horton Albert H. 218, 221, 222, 223, 281, 236, 237, 238, 252, 292 Houston David W. 172, 211, 233, 23 8 Houston S. D. 96, 97, 98, 101, 103, 107, 108, 109, 110, 161, 166, 172, 178, 175 Hougham J. S. 275 Houk L. 237 Houser S. H. 96 Hovey H. C. 276 Howard Wm. A. 122, 127 Howe Samuel T. 229, 238 Howsley Wm. M. 262 Hoyt Maj. D. S. Murder of, 142 Hoyt George H. 199, 206, 209, 214, 215, 238 Hubbard E. M. 173, 175 Hubbard Perry L. 237 Hudson J. K. 218, 219, 260, 262, 263, 264 Hudson M. E. 221, 264 Huffaker Thomas F. 60 Huffaker T. S. 250, 251 Hughes A. S. 205, 209 Hughes B. M. 214 Hughes Thomas, 236 Humphrey Lyman A. 222, 223, 238 Humphrey James, 221, 237 Hunt ps 111, 112, 118, 124, 125, Hunt Robert H. 199, 204, 205, 206, 207 Hunting Dr. A. 108, 111, 160 Huntoon Joel. 243 Hupp Miner B. 116, 117, 162 Hutchinson John, 96, 101, 102, 103, 107, 108, 126, 129, 140, 158, 160 Hutchinson Wm. 158, 162, 173, 174, 175, 287 Hutchinson C. C. 258 Hutchinson H. A. 236 Hyatt Thaddeus, 137 Ide Harvey W. 287 Increase of Free and Slave Ropu: lation (1790 to 1870), 7 Indians of Kansas, Maes aud Emigrant Tribes, 58 to 74 Indian Brigade, 203 Indian Regiments, 208 Indian Troubles in Kansas, 209, 210, 211 Ind{ans of the Plains, 74 Indian Expedition, 186, 194 a Raids, 209, 210, 211, 223, 224 Indian Raid Commissioners, 226 Ingalls J. J. 171, 178, 174, 175, 179, 204, 205, 212, 218, 216, 222, 236 Inman Henry, 45, 276 Iola Battalion, 193 Iowa Indians and Missions, 73 Towa and Sac Mission, 82 Impeachment of State Officials, 12 Irwin Samuel M. 82,'83, 277 Isacks Andrew J. (Territorial Attorney) 86, 87, 104, 114, 115, 211, 286, 2838 Iuka, Miss., Battle of, 188 Jackson Claiborne, 95, 180, 184, 186, Jenkins’ Ferry, Battle at,184, 199 Jenkins Gaius, 127, 128, 180, 132, 158 Jenkins W. A. 185 Jenkins R. W, 262 Jennings Wm. 96. Jennison Charlies R. 199, 204, 205, 206. 207 Jetmore J. D. 292 Jessee Wm. 101, 102, 103, 106, 1 108 oy Jewell Lewis R. 186,-187 Jewett E. G. 172 Jewett Charles, 287 rt Johnson Thomas, 66. 82, 83, 95, 96, 97, 102, 104, 156, 253, 277, 300, 301 Johnson Alexander O. 94, 96, 101, 102, 104 Johnson Saunders N. 86, 95, 176, 236 Johnson H. P. 168, 169, 174, 184 Johnson Columbus M. 292 Johnson John A. 187 Johnson John B. 236 Johnson Wm. F. 96 Johnson D. J. 100, 114, 115 Johnston Wm. A. 227, 229, 236, 238, 290 Jolly H. B. 94 Jones Samuel J. 95, 116, 117, 118, 119, 124, 126, Be a 150, 151, 154, 155, 156, Jones J. T. (Ottawa) an “kt, 155 Biography, 304 = Jones H. L. 212 Jones Wm. C. 210 Judson Wm. R. 186, 187, 209 Judges as Aspirants for Office ,232 Kagi John H. 160 Kalloch Isaac S. 214, 236, 259, 262 Kansas Ald Societies, 136 Kansas at the Centennial, 261 Kansas Central Railroad, 243 Kansas Church Statistics, 277 Kansas—Colonization of the Ter- ritory, 84 Kansas City, Emporia & Southern Railroad, 242, 244 Kansas City, Fort Scott & Gulf Railroad, Corporators, Directors, Endow- ment, Branches, Cost, Gene- ral Officers, 247, 248 Kansas City, Lawrence & South- ern Railroad, Corporators, Directors, Com- missioners, 248 Work on the Road, Branches of, 249 Osagé Ceded Lands, Consolida- tion of Roads, General Offi- cers, 250 Kansas City, Topeka & Western Railroad, 242, 244 Kansas Free-State Leaders in Northern States, 136 Kanzas Indians, 46, 48, 50, 52, 53, 54, 59, 60, 68, 252 Indian Villages,48, 50, 58, 54, 9, 60 : Mission and Missidnaries, 60 ‘Kansas Farmer,’’ newspaper, 259, 262 “Kansas Herald’ (Leavenworth), 86, 87, 71, 92, 98, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 114, 117, 128, 133, 134, 135, 188, 278" Kansas League (Worcester Co., 2 Mass.), 85 * Kansas Legion, 116 Kansas Militia, 106, 167, 179, 204 Kansas Nebraska Bill, 80, 81 “Kansas Patron and Farmer,” 264, 265 “Kansas Pioneer ”* 125, 278 Kansas River, Early mention of, 48, 49, 51, 64, 68 Kansas Res{dents at time of Or- ganization, 82 » Kansas Academy of Science, 275, 276 (Kickapoo), State Bar Assoclation, 286, 287 State Agricultural Society— First Officers, 258, 259 , State Agricultural Soclety— Annual Metin gue ‘Om: - >. cers elected, 259, 2 State Board, of Sr oiitaie— Consilttition’ of, 260 State Board of Agriculture— , Annual Meetings and Officers elected,.261, 262 ” State “Agricultural College — Gov Vern 1ént of, Boards of “Regents, 269, 270 State ‘Agricultural College — Lands, 218, 214, 218, 219, 294 State Commissioners of Fish- eries, 265, 266 State Charitable Institutions, 281 — : 1 State Exposit'n Building (1876) 220 State Fair Association, 265 State Fairs, 259, 260 State Grange, Constitution, Of- ficers, 263, 264, 265 Organization of Granges, 263 State Historical Society, .227 State Historical Soclety—Or- ganization, Constitution, Of- ficers and Directors, 283, 284 State Horticultural Society, First Officers, Charter Mem- bers, Annual Meetings and Officers, 262, 263 State Library, Annual Reports, Changes in Office, Catalogue, 2838, 284 State Medical Society, 285, 286 State Eclectic Medical Associ- ation, 286 State Homeopathic Medical So- ciety, 286 State Normal School (Emporia) 218, 214, 218, 219, 267, 270 State Normal School (Leaven- worth) 272 - State Normal School (Concor- dia) 272 State Penitentiary, 282, 283 State Reform School, 226, 228, 282, 283 State School Fund, 275 State Seal, 212 Gate Teachers’ Association, Officers of, Charter, ‘‘ The Educationist,"’ 273, 274, 275 State Temperance Union, Con- stitution, Resolutions, 233 State Temperance Union — Officers for 1883, 332 State University, Legislation - On, 218,,214, 218, 21 State . University — Govern- ment, Board of Regents, Nor- mal Department, Value of Property, Salaries, Students, Q71, 272 Kansas Normal College, 273 Kansas Normal School and Busi- ness Institute, 278 Kansas Territorial Organization, 80 “Kansas Tribune,’’ 98, 112, 278 -Kedzie Wm. R. 261, 275, 276 Kelley J. W. B. 115 Kelley Robert S. 278 Kellogg Josiah, 215, 216 Kelsey 8. T, 262 Kelly John, 262 , Ketney James, 209 Kickapoo Indians and Missions, 13 Kickapoo Prophet, 73 King Henry, 218, 219 Killen Daniel, 287 Kingman Samuel A. 173, 174,175, 176, 177, 211, 218, 214, ‘216, 252, 284 Kirk R. L...104 Klotz Bolen, 101, 111 Knapp A. H. 282 Knight Richard, 111 Knowles Horatio, 201, 202 Knowles David C. 202, 203 Knox M. V. B. 276 Koester Chas F. 218 Kuydenhall James, 288" Ladd Erastus D. 96, 101, 102, 103, 107, 108, 110, 158, 248, 258 Lake Sibley (Indian Raid), 209 Lakin David L. 288, 248, 244 LaLande Baptiste, 53, 54 Lamb Josiah, 173, 1% Lane James H. Mention of, 108, 109, 110, 129, 141, 145," 158, 159, 160, 162, 168, 165, 169, 197, 198, 200; 205, 211, 214, 336, 248, 249 Sketch of, 106 First Free-State Speech, 107 Elected U..S. Senator (Topeka Constitution), 125 | Indicted for Treason, 128 Speech in Chicago, 136, 137 At Lecompton, 146 At Hickory Point, 150 Kansas.J. 58. Senator, 236 Biography of, 801 Landers B. C. ati * Landis John, 96, 111 -Langston Charles H. 236 Lantz -D. E. 230 - Lappin Samucl, 218, 220, 238 Larzelere Alfred, 161, 168, 169, 171, 172, 174, 208, 258 LaSalle, 46 Latta S. N, 110, 111, 112, 125, 164 Laughlin Pat. 116 Laughlin W. R. 215 ‘ Law and Order Party” Organ- ized, 145 Law and Order Army, 114 Lawrence Amos A. 85, 160 Lawrence Association, 86 Lawrence Committee ‘of Safety, 117, 118, 129, 180 ; Lawrence, First Territorial Elec- tion, 95 Lawrence, Murders near, 180 Lawrence, Siege of December, 1855, 118 Lawrence, Second Invasion, 129, 130 “Lawrence Stubbs,” 188, 147 Lawrence & Southwestern Rail- road, 246 Lawrence W. H. H. 288 Lawrence W. W. 172, 218, 248 Leach T. P. 223 Learnard Oscar E. 162, 163, 172, 180, 205, 237, 248, 259, 262 Leavenworth Constitution, State Ticket under, 168 Constitutional Convention, 167 Sketch of, by T. Dwight Thacher, 168, 169° Leavenworth Normal 215, 272 Leavenworth, Pawnee & West- ern Railway, 245 Leavenworth “‘Regulators,’’ 144 Vigilance Committee, 100 Lecompte Samuel D., Chief Jus- tice of Territory, 86 ‘Letter to H: Miles Moore, 100 Difficulties with Gov. ‘Geary, 152, 153 Mention, 94, 104, 114, ie al 147, 152, 158, 172, 236, Lecompton Constitution, Nae Democratic State. Ticket un- der, 165 Free-State Ticket and Central State Committee under, 166 Lecompton Constitutional Con- vention, Election of Delegates, 160 Lecompton Prisoners Released, 146, 147 : , Lecompton, Seat of Government appointed at, 105 Lee Albert L. 188, 209, 213, 214 Lee, J. H. 25 Lee Luke, 66 Leffker John A. 204 Legate James F. 127, 165, 219, 228 Legislative Apportionment, 228 Legislative Acts (1883), 282 Legislatures (Territorial, Pro- Slavery), 1st Pawnee, 101, 102 1st Shawnee Manual Labor School, 103, 104, 105, 106 2d Lecompton, 156 (Territorial Free-State) 8d Lecompton, 165, 166 4th Lawrence, 171 5th Lawrence, 177 - 5th Lecompton (Last Session), 179 (Topeka, Sessions “ge pee and July 1856, 125, (Topeka, Sessions oD January and June 1857, 155, (Topeka, Sessions a oe ary 1858, 167 : Legislatures (State Annual Ses- sions), 1861 to 1876, 211 to 220 Biennial Sessions 1877 to 1883, 221 to 280 Leib Charles, 94 Leland Cyrus, 209 School, *Mafne Liquor Law, 104 CONTENTS. Lemmon Allen B, 221, 223, 238, 267 ‘ Lenhart Charley, 126, 133, 208 Leonhardt C. F. W. 161 Lincoln Electors (1864), 236 Lincoln L. P. 108 Lillie G@: H. 178, 175 : Lines C.'B. 178, 218, 259, 262 Linn County (Early mention), 47 Liquest Pierre Laclede, 49 Lisa Manuel de, 62 é Little Rock Expedition, 184, 193 Location of State Capital, 212 Locust Visitation, 218, 253 Lodges, Pro-Slavery, 91 Long D. B. 221, 276 Long Major J. C. 58, 54 Louisiana, Purchase of, 75, 77 Love George W. 60 Lovewell J. T. 276 Lowe David P. 209, 215, 216, 280, 231, 286, 287 , Biography of, 305 Lowman E. 8. 209, 218 Lowrey G. P. 108, 117, 118, 119 Lum Rev. 8. ¥. 107, 165, 280, 277 Lykins David, 82, 101, 288 Lyking Jonas, 82 Lynde Edward, 167, 1 Lyon Nathaniel, ae 181, 182, 186 Mace J. M. 127 Macy L. 110 : Maine-Missouri Bill, 76 Malone Mathew, 180 Malone F. M. 189 Manchester, Battle at, 190 Manhattan, Alma & Burlingame Railroad, 242, 244, 246 Manhattan (Visit of Governor Geary), 155 Marais des Cygnes peace men- tion of), 62, 68, March from Fort ie to Fort Laramie, Neb. (11th Kansas Cayv.), 196 Margraves Win. 96 Marks Mill, Battle of, 185 Marion & McPherson Railroad, 242, 244 Marquette Father Jacques, 45, 46, 58 Marshall Frank J. 96, 101, 104, 106, 146, 151, 165 Marshall W. K. 218 Marshall J. C. 259 Marsh Thomas J. 160 Martin C. D. 277 Martin David, 237 Martin Geo. W. 216, 221, 225, 223 Martin G. E. 164 Martin John, 221, 236, 237, 268 Martin John A. 172, 178, 178, 189, 190, 191, 192, 209, 214, 215, 223, 229, 278, 283 Marysville & Blue Valley Rail- road, 246 Massachusetts Company, 84,85 - Mathias Wilifam G. 101, 102, 104, * 114, 156, 160, 165, 213 mar Caleb, 111, 167, 178, 174, 05 e Emigrant Aid Maxon P. B. 218, 250 McAllister Hiram, 132 McArthur Laomi, 236 Monroy Robert, 218, 236, 250, 78 McBrian, J. D. 230 McCabe E. P. 229, 238 McCabe F. S. 218, 219 McCahon Jatnes, 172 McCartrey H. 96 McCarty Hugh D. 215, 216, 288, 267, 278, 274 McClelland C. B. 178, 175 McClune J. R. 214 McConnell W. L, 224 McCracken Nelson, 218, 236 McCrary George W. 288 McCrea Cole, 99, 100 McCulloch Gen. Ben. 180, 181, 185 McCune A. D. 178, 175 MeDantel Sanford, 111° McDaniel Calvin, 167 McDonald Andrew, 108, 104 McDowell James L. 214, 288, 259 McDowell Wm. G. 172, 178, 174, 175, 209, 218, 214, 237 McFarland Peter, 287 McFarland N. C. 292 McGee M. W. 102, 104 McGonigle J. A. 209 McGrew James, 218, 214, 238 McKay Wm. 176 McKim O. F. 223 McLouth Amos, 221 McMeeken H. D. 96, 101, 104 McNair Daniel, 60 McVickar Peter, 213, 214, 238, 267, 273, 274, 275 Mead Andrew J. 166, 167, 214 Mead J. R. 276 Medary penned Administration of, 171 to 1 Sketch of Life, 171 Resignation, 178 178, 175, i ‘ t Medill James, 258° Mefford Dayid, 186, igh 208 Memphis, Kansas & Colorado . Railroad, 247 Mendenhall Richard, 66, 107, 108 Mendoza, 44, 45 Merritt James 8. 82, 236 - i Methodist Churches (Early), 276, 277 Mewhinney,S. 108, 110, 111 Mexico, War with, 77 Miam{ Indians and Missions, ‘72 Miege Rt. Rev. Bishop, 277 Middleton J. A. 178, 175 Mileage of Railroads in Kansas, 242 Ss Militia, Territorial, Officers, 106 Miller Briar W. 85, 108, 125 , Miller Charles H. 238 Miller George H. 282 Miller Josiah, 209, 249, 278 Miller Samuel F. 238, Miller Solomon, 283 Minard Thos. A, 90, 124, 125, 140 Minneola Constitutional Conven- tion, 167 Mission Ridge, Battle of, 191, 192 Missouri, Admission as @ ‘State, 6 Missour! Compromise, 76, 80 Missourl Fur Company, 49 Missouri Pacific Railway, 251 - Missouri, Kansas & Texas Rall- road, Corporators of Southern Branch (U. P,), First Board of Direc- tors, Treaty with Cherokee Nation, 250 Land Grant Raflway and Trust Company, Consolidation of Roads, Officers of, 251 Lands Unsold January 1883, “252 Lands for sale 1883, 294 Missouri River (Early mention of), 46, 48, 49, 50 ‘ Mitchell Robert B. 167, 169, 181, 182, 188, 189, 190, 196, 209, 248 Mitchell A. J. 209 Mitchell D, P. 223 ., - Montgomery James, 209, 261 Biography of, 302 ‘Montgomery A. B. 290 Moonlight Thomas, 195, 196, 198, 204, 205, 206, 207, 209, 2138, 214, 236, 238 . Moore H. Miles, 100, 110, 112, ‘125, 129, 146, 166, 162, 167, 230 Moore Elisha G. 204, Moore E. 173, 175 Moore H. L. 210 Moore M: W. 288 Moore T. 215 Mordecai Oliver, 122. Morrill Edmund N. 229, 236 Morris, F. M. 108 Morristown, Mo., Engagement at, 184 Morrow Robert, 154, 155, 166 Morton John T, 287, 238 Mozley Annie E. 276 Mudge Benjamin F. 85, 86, 37, oe 40, 41, 261, 262, 275, Biography of, 302 ~ Mundee Charles, 209 Murdock M. M. 218, 219 Murphy Jeremiah, 248 Murphy Thomas, 218, 219, 262 Muse R. W. P. 286 Muzzard Prairie, at, 187 Nash Edwin S. 180 Narvacz Pamphilo de, 44 National Executive Committee (Kansas Aid), 137 Nebraska, Topeka, Iola & Mem- phis Railroad, 248,252 Nebraska, Territorial Organiza- tion of, 80 Nellis DeWitt Cc. 238 Neosho River, Early mention of, 50, 62, 68, 68 New Mexico, * Acquisition of, 77 Compromise of 1852, 79 Expedition, 181, 203 Newspapers, Barly Kansas, 278 ee Statistics, 278, 279, Engagement . Newtonta, Battle of, 183, 186, 193, 194, 196, 208 New York Indians, 4 4 “a Sore Tribune,” 85, 97, Niccols E, 8. 262 Nichols Mrs. C. I. H. 214 Nichols W. G. 160 Ninth Kansas Cav. 198, 194 Nineteenth Kansas Cav. 210, 211 Noble George, 260 Noble P. S. 224 Norton H. B. 218, 276 Norton John I. 204, 205 Northern Emigrants, 158 Northern Land District, 298 Northwestern Land District, 298 V Nunte Epnratm, 107, 147, 158, 160, oneiey Waiter, 159, 160, 161, 164 Old Fort Wayne (near Marysville, Ark.)-Battle of, 183, 186, 196, 03 Opothleyolo, 186 © ; Organic Act, 81, 82, 295" Organization of Kansas Territory, 87 * Territor ial Milftia, 105, 106 Free-State Party, 108. 109 Osage Indians, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 61, 62, 68, 68 Osage ‘Indian ‘vilages, 50, 51, 61 Osage Indian Missions, 62, 63, 82 Osage Indian Ceded Lands, 249, 250 Osage Indian Trust Lands, 293 Osage’Land District, 293 Osage River, Early mention of, 47, 50, 61, 52, 61, 62, 63; 68 Otis Alfred G. 287, 252 Otis John G. 209 : Ottawa Indians, 68, 69 Ottawa Baptist Mission, 69, 70 - Ottawa & Burlington Railroad, 249 Osborn Thomas A. 211, 218, 216, - 218, " Biography of, 240 Osborn Wm. H. 276, 278 Overton Hill, “Charge on (sth Kan- sas), 192 Oxford Frauds, 163 Ozark, Battle at, 198, 199 Padouca Indians, 47, 48, 49, 64, 65 Visit of DeBourgmont in 1724, 64 Palmer L. R. 173, 175 Palmer S. N. 221 Paola, Visit of Governor Geary to, 155 Parker JohwD. 275, 276 Parker R. D. 275, 276 Parker J. W. 282 Parks-P. S. 178, 175 Partridge Wm. 106, 107, 121, 134 ‘Parkville Luminary,” ‘33, 97 Destruction of, 98 Parrott Marcus J. elected Rep- resentative to Congress (To- peka Con.) 161 Representative to Congress (Lecompton Con.) 166 Republican Delegate to Con- gress (Wyandotte Con.) 177 Biography of, 8038 Mention of, 108, 110, 111, 112, 115, 146, 147, 167, 173, 211, 213, 216, 218, 236 Pate Capt. Henry, 131, 132, 133, 184, 135 : Battle of Black Jack, 182 Patrick George E. $7, 41, 276 Patrons of Husbandry, 263, 264 ‘Patrons’ Hand Book,"’ 264 Paulson John, 222 Pawnee Capitol, 101 Pawnee Qity, Visit of Governor Geary, 158 Pawnee Town Association, 101 Pawnee Indians, 47, 50, 51, 58, 54, 63, 64, 68 Pawnee Republic (Village), 64 Peck George R. 238 Pecos River, 45 Peery J. T..60 Peoria Baptiste, 111 Peffer Wm. A. 236 Perkins Bishop W. 281, 236, 237 Perry John D. 245 Perry Wiliam, 172, 178, 175 Perryville, Battle of, 190 eas Samuel R. 229, 281, 286, 3 Peters Thomas J. 244 Petition for Extra Session of Legislature (1857), 164 Pettit John, 236 Peyton E. B. 287 Phenis James, 111 Phillips Wm. 99, 100, 110 Philllps Wm. A. 112, 160, 162, 164, 168, 172, 178,- “187, 198, 208, 208, 214, 216, 218, 221, 236, Phillips James A, 180, 194, 208 Phillips Maxwell, 208 Pierce Chas. W. 244 Pierce G. T. 215 © Pike Zebulon M. 49, 50,51, 52, - 53 Pike's Peak, 52 ‘ Pillsbury J. W. 111, 125 Pilot Knob, Mo. Battle of, 204 Pine Bluff, “Ark. Battle of, 185 Plank E. N. 276 é “Platte Argus,” Extracts from, 88, 89, 93, 97, 151 Platte County Association, 90 Platte County Resolutions, 90 Platte Purchase, 77 Platte River Bridge Massacre (11th Kan. Cav.) 196 Pleasant Hill & DeSoto Railroad, 242, ae Plumb Preston B. 164, 167, 169, 195, 196, 197, 212, 214, 219, 280, 236, 237, 238, 248, 250, Poison Springs, Battle of, 187, 198, 201 Pomeroy James M. 198 Pomeroy Samuel C. 120, 129, 180, 155, 157, 166, 172, 178, 211, 214, 215, 236, 243, 250 Bribery Investigation, 216, 217, 219, 220 Post-offices in Kansas, Changes in, 305 Pope Maj. Gen. John, 223, 224 Pope's Plantation, Battle at, 184 sei Edward A, 261, 262, 275, Popenoe W. P. 264 Pore Adam, 96 - Porter R. H. 178, 175 Post P. Sidney, 286 -Pottawatomie Indians, 68, 71 Pottawatomie Indian Missions, 2277 Potter F. W. 212, 2138 Powell A. F. 106 Prafrie Grove, Battle of (Re-in- forcement of Gen. Herron), 188, 194, 196, 198, 202, 203 Pratt W. H. 238 Prescott J. H. 237 Eee Churches (early), 76, : Preston H. D. 173, 175, 287 Pr ie a Sterling, 180, 181, 188, » 186 Price” ald, 204 to 207 - State Miliiia Commanders, 204 Battle of Lexington, 205- Battle of Big Blue, 205, 206 Battle of Westport, 206 Pursuit of Price, 206, 207 Cost-of Raid, 207, 208 Auditing Commission, 226, 229 Price Nathan, 172, 237 Printing Press, First in Kansas, 70 - Prohibitory Amendment, 227 Prohibitory Liquor Law, 229 Prohibition Platform, 218 Pro-slavery Leagues, 114 Prouty- Salmon S. 208, 214, 215, 250, 251 Puffer Charles, 281 Punishment of offenses against Slave property, 105 Pursley James, 58, 54 Quantrel], Pursuit of, 193, 194 Quigg Mathew,. 194, 214. Quivera, 44,45 _. Railroad Strike of. 1878, "222 Railroad Commissioners, Board Of (1888), 238 Railroad Legislation (1883), 232 ° Ramsey Nathaniel, 95 Randlett R. A. 204 Randolph A. M. F. 218, 222, 287, 238 Rankin John K. 209 Ransom Epaphroditus, 160 Realf Richard, 154 Redpath James, 110, 111, 112, 153, 162 Reeder Andrew H. Appointed Governor of Kansas, Sketch of Life, 86 Speech at Big Spring Conven- tion, 109 . Elected Free-State Congres- sional Delegate, 111 “Attempted Arrest and Escape - from the Territory, 127 Seat in Congress Contested, 121, 154 His Administration. 86 to 105 Rees Richard R. 101, 156, 168, 236 Rees Amos, 245 - Reid John W. 144, 145, 150, 151 . Republican Land District, 293 Reynolds Ephraim, 121 Reynolds Charles, 171, 275 Reynolds H. G. 221 Rhea’s Mills, Ark. 188, 193 Rice H. 96 : Richardson A. D. 151, 160, 168, 171, 172 Richardson Wm. P. 101, 106, 117, 118, 144, 146 Rich Hill Railroad, 247 Riggs Samuel A. 216, 238 Riley C. V. 276 Risley J. W. 41 Ritchie Henderson, 236 Ritchie John, 150, 164, 167, 169, 172, 173, 174, 175, 184, 208, 209, 284 Rively M. P. 245 Roberts Wm. Y. 111, 112, 125, 129, 155, 166, “168, 169, 172, 180, 214 Robinson Charles, Arrival in Ter- ritory, 99 Governor of Kansas oneee Constitution), 125 Arrest and Imprisonment, 12%, 128 First Governor under. Wyan- dotte Constitution, 177 Robinson Charles, Impeachment of, 212, 218 Biography of, 239 Mention of, 107, 108, 110, 112, 118, 118, 124, 147, 158, 158, 159, 160, 162, 164, 209) 211, 212, 216, 280, 249, 268 Robinson John W. 177, 211, 238 Impeachment of, 212, 218 Robinson B. F, 66 Robinson D. H, 275, 276 Robinson Geo. T. 204 Robinson Jefferson, 275 : Robinson Mrs, Sara T. 127 Robinson W. H. 218 Robinson Dr. J. H. 50,52, 58 Robson John W. 262 Rodigue Andrew J. 236 Roseville, Ark. 187, 200 Rosenthal W. 205, 209 Rogers James, 260 Ross Edmund G. 187, 173, 174, 175, 195, 209, 214, 215, 216, 227, 286, 243 Ross W. W. 71, 159, 167, 178, 245 Hones John (Cherokee Chief), 186, Root Joseph P. 159, 161, 166, 172, 177, 211, 212, 214, 229, 238 Ruggles Robert M. 223, 237 Russell Avra, 181, 183 © Russell Edward, 209 Russell W. H. 245 Ryan Joel, 96 Ryan Thomas, 221, 236 Sac andi Fox Indians, Missigsippi and Missour! Tribes Black!Hawk, 73 ; Sadler ‘E. 276 Safford Jacob, 237, 243, 244 Salina Land District, 293 - Saline River (Early mention of), Salt: Creak Valley, 83 Salter Melville J. 218, 219,. 221, 222, 238 . Salters Samuel, 129, 133 Samaritan’ Mission, Kansas City, - Kani 232 Sanders D. E. 273 Sandford Amos, 215 Santa Fé (Early mention of), 47. 48, 52, Caravan accompanied by U. S. troops under Capt. P. St. George Cooke, 57 Expedition of Capt. Becknell (1821-22), 55 _ Col. Cooper and Sons (1822), 55 . McKnight, ee and Cham- - bers! (1812), 55 Santa Fe and Texas Expedition, .56 : Road, Places and distances on, 56 j Road Cena per (1825), '55 Trade, 54, 55, Trail, Gathoalers of Maj. Jacob Snively, 56 Trail, Guerrilla Bands on, 56 Saunders Wm. H. 275, 276 7 Saunders Wm. R. 218, 243 Savage Joseph, 275, 276 Say Dr. T. 58, 54, 252 Sayle James L. 111 Scofield Cyrus I. 238 Scott Lymany259, 262 Scott Samuel, 104 Schilling John, 236 Schneider Ed. F. 189, 19! 209- Schuyler Philip C. 105 1¢ , 109, 110, 111, 112, 125, 140, 160, 162, 163 Seaman H. C. 200 Second Kansas Infantry, 181, 182 Second Kansas Cavalry, 182, 183, 184 : Secret Societies, 115 Selig Henry W. 183 Senatorial Election of 1879, 225, 226 _ Serpell John, 96 Settlers’ Association, 85 Seventh Kansas Cay. 188, 189 Seventeenth Kansas Cay. 200 Shannon Wilson, Sketch of Life, 118 ; Administration of, 114 to 148 Subsequent Life of, 143 Further mention of, 147%, 156, 176, 212, 218, 214, 215, 216, 218, 221, 259 Shannon Osbun, 223 Shannon A. J. 172 Sharon Mra. A. J. 218 Sharp Isaac, 214, 215 Shawanoe Indians, 65, 66 Account of Tribe by Henry Harvey, 65 Missions of, 66, 277 Friends Shawnee Mission, 66 to 145 **Shau-wau-nowe Kesauthwan,”* (**Shawanoe Sun’’), 70, 278 Shawnee Manual Labor School (Territorial Capitol), 103 Shawnee Legislature, work of the, 105 Sheldon O. H. 228, 224, 225 _ Smith George CONTENTS. Sheldon H. E, 221 Shelton E. M. 265 Shepherd S. R. 238 Shepherd Wm. 209 Sheridan Gen. P. H. 210 Sherman Gen. W. T. 210 Sherman John, 122, 127 Sherman Henry, 131 Sherrard Wm. T. 156, 157 Sherry Byron 287 Sholes Henry O. 209 Shombre: Henry J. Death of, 142 Shore S. T. 106, f107, 121, 183, 145 Names of Capt. Shore’s Com- mand at Black Jack, 182 ia & Joplin Railroad, 8 Sibley Maj. 55, 61, 62, 252 Sigel Gen. Franz, 180 Signor J. H. 173, 175 Silyers Golden, 258 Simpson B. F. 178, 174, 175, 177, 209, 214, 215, 218, 221, 223 Simpson Gen. J. H. 45 Simpson, S. N. 248, 249 Sims Wm. 219, 261, 262, 268, 265 Singleton. Benjamin, 292 Sixteenth Kansas Cav. 199, 200 Slayes, Number and Distribution of in 1789, 75 Slavery Ordinance of 1787, Slave "Statistics, 74, 75 Slough Creek, Battle at, 146 Slough J. P. 173, 175 Smallwood wan, 215, 216, 288 ‘ 107, 108, 110, 111, 121, a 130, 158, 159, . 162, 164, 172; - emis J ames, 229, 227, 229, 288, Smith Saniuel o ito, 111, 118 Smith A. F. Smith Clark Pe “obs Smith G. C. 236 Smith G. P. 218 Smith H. S. S. 276 Smith J. W. 277 . Smith Wm. H. 172, 209 ‘Smith Wm. R. 236 Snoddy James D. 230, 286, 237 Snow Frank H. 38, 48, 261, 262, 275, 276 t - Southern Emigrants, 128 = Southern Kansas & Western Railroad, 249° Spaulding A. W. 209 Speek Joseph, 172 Speer John, 98, 106, 107, 108, 110, e 112, 125 167, 248, 249, 278 Speer Joseph L. 110, 112, 211, 278 Speer Henry C, 227, 238, 267 ’ Speer F. P. 229 Spicer Newell W. 180, 181 Spicer A. W. 205 Spoonable J. W. 259 Spriggs Wm. 213, 238, 248, 249, 262 Squatter’s Claim Associations,83, 84 : Squatters, Missouri, 83 ‘*Squatter Sovereign’? extracts from, 98, 99, 117, 125, 185, 138 Mention of, 278 _- Stand Waitie, 106, 187, 194, 196, 208 0, Stanton Frederick P. Appointed Secretary of Terri- tory, 157 Administration as Acting Gov: ernor, 157, 158 Removal of, 165 Mention of, 211, 212 5 Stanton Elizabeth Cady,.214 “Star of the West,” Hinlgrents, ; on, 138 Stark Andrew, 287, 238 Starr Frederick, 90 States (free) admitted into the Union from 1789 to 1819, 75 State Bonds and Certificates is- sued for Military Purposes, State Institutions, Management of, 223 State Relief Committee, (1874) 218 ae Dibrarien Office of Estab- lished. stateler Lt D. 89, 96, 101 St. Clair Henry C. 262 Steamers on the Kansas River, Stearnes George L. 138 Stearns George M. 276 . Steele James M. 197, 210 Stein H. 204 Stephens N. T. 237 Stevens J. T. 263 Stevens Hiram, 287 Steward C. W. 111 Steward John E. 200 Steward W. C. 287 Stiarwalt J. 178, 175 “Still A. 108, 277 Stimpson F. EB. 275 Stillings Edward, 221 Stinson Samuel A. 178, 175, 211, 212, 287 St. John John P. 223, 224, 225, 229, 288, 288, 291, 292 Biography of, 240 St. John Orestes H. 262, 276 St. seen & Western Railroad, 43 St. Loufs, Fort Scott & Wichita Railroad, 242, 251 St. Louis, Wichita & Western Railroad, 252 St. Louis & San oe Rail- ~~ road {Kan, Div.) 242 Stockton Job B. 180 ~ Stokes Edward, 178, 175 St. Mary’s Mission, 82 Stone Hiram, 277 “Stone Agency House," 60 Stottler, Jacob, 179, 214, 215 oer Elias S. 216, 218, 219, wa, 38 Strang J. C. 288 Strickler Hiram J. 96, 97, 103, 104, 106, 117, 118, 119, 149; 150, 213, "959, 260, 262 Strickler S.'M. 209 Stringfellow Benjamin F. 86, 98, 101, 104, 106, 110, 111, 188, 139, 148, 144, 150, 181, 243, 278 - Sturgis S. D. 180, 181, 182 Sturgis Wm. 249 - Sumner Charles, 79, 122 Sumner E. V. 118, lig, 126, 129, 180, 188, 184, 140, 141, 157 Sumner County Rallroad, 245 Supervisors of Census (1880), 227 Supreme Court of Kansas, Jus- tices of, 237 Sutherland Samuel, 148 » Swallow John R. 35, 40, 209, 218, 214, 238, 259, 273, 25 z Sweet W. H. 273 a # Tallequah, 186 dl Talcott Henry W. 237 Tanner Wm. 262 Tappan Samuel F, 111, 112, 116, 118, 126, 167, 177 Taylor Alfred, 223, 263 Taylor P. Z. 250, 251 - Tebbs-W. H. 104 Temperance Prohibition in Kan- gas, Territorial Legislation and ac- - tion of Wyandotte Conven- tion, 287 Prohibitory Amendment, 288 Prohibitory Liquor Law, 289, 90 ; 2 Protest of Geo. W. Glick, 290 Amendment to Section 10, 290, Vote on Amendment and on — Governor (1882), 291 Tenth Kansas Inf. 194, 195 Tenney Wm. C. 218, 219 Texas, 76, 78, 79 Annexation of, 77 Thacher L. K. 193 Thacher Solon O. 173,.174, 175, . 177, ae 214, 287, 229, 248, ~ ~259, Thacher T. " pwieht, 159, 160, 164, 165, 172, 178, 209, 228, 280; “288, 261 Thayer ‘Yon. Eli, 84, 85,90. Thirteenth Kansas Cavalry, 198 Tholen Wm. 172, 177. 181, 209,238 Thompson Henry, 131, 132 Thompson'J. G.111 Thompson A. H. 276 Thompson T. A. 264 Thoman Alot{s, 215, 238 Thomas A. C. 238 “Thomas L. A. 276 Thorp S.M. 288, 267 Thurston E. M. 112 a Tibbs Wm. H. 96 Tiguex, 44, 45 Titus H. T. 129, 141, 151 Topeka, Arrest ‘of Legislators at, 155 Arrests of Citizens at, 152 oe Government located at, 21 Insane Asylum located at, 219 Land District, 293 Library ‘Association, 228 Constitution Hall, 111 Visit of Gov. Geary, 155 Delegate Convention (Sept., 1855), List of Delegates, Ter- _ ritorial Committee, 110 © Constitutional Convention, List of Delegates and Officers,111 Minutes and Constitution, 112 - Topeka Constitution, Vote on, 112 National and State Officers un- der, 125 Executive Committee under, 112 Presented to Congress, 122 State Scrip Issued, 125 State Central Committee, 161 Torrence E.S. 237 Tough Wm. S. 238 - Townsley James, 131 * Townsend P. H. 173, 175 Train George Francis, 214 Tupelo, Miss., Battle at, 188, 189 Turner W. T. 111 Tuton J. M. 111 : Tweeddale Wm. 275, 276 Twelfth Kansas Inf. 197 Twombley B. H. 94 Uni L. C. 230 Ummethum George, 228 Union Emigration Society, 85 Uniontown, Mass Meeting at, in . 1852, 82 Union Pactfic Railway, (Kansas Div.)-242, 245, 246 Leavenworth, Pawnee & West- ern Railroad Co., Officers of— Union Pacific (Eastern Divis- ion) organized—General Su- perintendents — Branches of —General Officers of, 247 Kansas Central Division, St. Joseph & Western Division, Central Branch, 246 Lands unsold; Jan. 1883, 252 Acres for sale by Counties, 294 United Presbyterian Churches (early), 277 Updegraff H. H. 121 Updegraft W. We 121, 125, 145, 179, 211 Utah, 9 Utt Levi H. 188 Vaca Cabeza de, 44 Vail Thomas H. 273 Vail W. K. 107 Valentine Daniel M. 218, 237 Van Buren Expedition, 183, 187, 193, 194, 196, 198 van Winkle RB. A. 258, 259 Vasquez Bi. nett, 60 > '- Vau: bn J. C. 172- Vaughn ‘Wm. A. H. 283 vy “le Geo. W. 186, 205, 206, 259, ~%60, 262 Vermillion Creek, Early mention of, 53 Verreydt Felix, 277 Vigilance Committee at Leaven- worth, 185, 186 Vivaldi Charles F. de, 172 Vonwell John, 211 Voss M. V. 287 Votes at first Territorial Elec- - tion, 94 Vrooman H. P. 228, 227 Wade A. B. 102, 104 Wagstaff Wm. R. 218, 214, 237, 258 ae Wakefield John A. 85, 92, 93, 96, 101, 108, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, ‘112, 118, 129, 146, 158, 160 i Wakarusa War, 117 to 121 Walnut Creek P, O. 82 Walsh Hugh S. (Acting Governor of Kansas), 171 ‘Walker Robert James, Sketch of, Appointed. Governor, 157 Administration of, 158 to 165 “Walker Samuel, 107, 108, 121,133, aoe 148, 146, 155, 167, 169, Walker John R. 70 Walker Joel, 71 Walker Wm. 71, 283 Walker Thaddeus H. 216, 250, 251 Walker Catherine, 70 Ward Richard G. 200. Ward George W. 96, 104 ‘Warren George F. 07, 108, 110, 120, 126, 167, 173, 1%5 Warreruza (Wakarusa), 53 Washburn na a 273 Washington C: H. 101 Watts H. N. 96 Watson JohnH. 213 Watson James E. 218 Wattles Augistus, 101, 102, 103, 106, 164 Weaver Ji onathan, 263 Webb Wm. C. 221, 237, 238 ‘Webb Henry G. 237 Weed ‘Albert, 94 ‘Weer Wm. 186, 194, 205 Weightman Richard H. 236, 243 Weil Louis, 236 Wellhouse F. 262 " Wellhouse G. C. 262 Welsh O. T. 218, 219 Wells Welcome, 259 Wessels Henry W. 189 Western National Fair Associa- tion, 265 Western Land Districs, 293 ““Westport Border Times,’ Ex- tracts from, 128, 184 Wichita Land District, 293 . Wichita & Southwestern Rail- road, 242, 244° = Wilder Abraham, 148 Wilder A. Carter, 172, 212, 213, 236 Wilder Daniel W. 172, 216, 218, 238, 261, 283 Wilkinson Allen, 97, 98, 101 Marder of, 131, 134, Willetts Charies,” 198, 199 Williams Archibald, bas Williams A. L. 215, ‘216, 238 Williams Henry H. 121, 125, 132, 184, oe 172, 194, 195 1 dbeass x Williams James S. 200, 201, 209 ,. Williams Joseph, 160, 286, 2387 Williams Joseph C. 281 ‘Williams R. L. 178, 175 Williams Miss Lizzie I. 25 Wilmarth Lewis T. 204, 205, ‘Wilson Andrew §. 215, ‘981, 287 Whison A. 202, 208 _ Wison Henry, 78, 160 ~ Wilson Joseph C. ‘O88, 262 Wilson Levi, 262’ Wilson Robert, 245 Wilhoit E, 8. 245 Wilson’s Creek, Battle of, 180, 181, 182 Winans, N. T. 209 Winchell James M. 168, 169, 178, 174, 175, 287 i Winer Thomas, 181, 182 Winston Isaac, 236 Woodson Daniel, Appointed Ter- ritorial Secretary. 86 Acting Governor, 105, 157 Administration as Governor, 144, 145, 146 Mention of, 87, 117, 189, 140, 148, 150, 151, 157 ' Wolcott A. G. 223 Wherrell John, 273, 275, 276 ' Whipple Capt. 149, 150 CONTENTS. 138, 13: 151, 157 White Rev. Martin, 144, 145 White ‘Thomas, 204 Whitehead James B. 236 White Rock River, 209 Whitfield John W. Pro-slavery Territorial Delegate to Con- gress, 111, 154 a Military Campaign in Kansas, 4 Mention of, 92, 98, 94, 122, 126, Whiting Charles C. 238 Whitlock James, 102, 104 Whitman Jacob 8. 230, 275 Whitman E. B. 148 Whitney A. J..96 Wood Jesse D. 101, 108 281, 237, 243° Wood R, N. 121 Wrigley B. 178, 175 Wright John, 173, 175 Wright W. W. 261 Wyandotte Constitu tonal Con- vention, 173 Wood Samuel N. 85, 95, 96, 106, 116, 117, 118, 126, 128, 166, 168, 169, 178, 181, 216, 227, Extracts from Sketch of Hon. B. F. ‘Simpson in regard to, 1%8 Sketch . Bi John A. Martin, 178, 1 175 Weraniie: ‘Constitution, 295 to 299 Territorial Election and first Election for State and Na- tional Officers under, 177 Admission of Kansas under, 4 179 Wyandot Indians, 70, 71 Wyandot Constitutional vention (1851), 71 Wyatt, Miss., Battle at, 188, 189 York Alexander M, 216, 217 Young Samuel, 95 Con- INDEX TO COUNTY HISTORIES. ALLEN COUNTY. Location and Natural Features....-.. 667 Early History........-.--.---. 667 * Land and Polittcal Troubles. -668 ‘War Record. 669 Calamities .... 669 _ County Organiz: s 670 Early County Affairs 670 County Seat Contests and Public Buila- IDG uetccusemescetnn seaex Sere 671 Land League and Railroads. 671 Statistics Seeseocecemed: 671 Humboldt ..... 871 Salem Township........-- 675 Cottage Grove Township 675 Tola.....- 675 Geneva. .... . 680 Deer Creek Town: Ip 682 Moran ........- i 682 Marmaton Township 682 Osage Township -_- 682 Elsinore Township. ANDERSON COUNTY. Location and Natural Features....--- Early History ,,....--. geisha Border Troubles... --. Early Land Troubles Organization ........-.----- - Barly County Elections, etc.. Early Town Sites Floods, Drougitts, Grasshoppers, cte.- 1 War Record....--.--------- Statistics.... 1825 Garnett . 1326 Greeley . Welda. Colony .... 1332 Westphalia ._ 1883 Mount Ida..._.. - 1334 Jackson Township.-..--- ----.------ 1334 ., ATCHISON COUNTY. Location and Natural Features. 369 First Settlers....--.-.-.---- 369 “Border Ruffian’? Warfare. - 371 Polltical...22-s20-s-5s00 i 373 War History. 374 Atchison. 38t5 Mcans of Communication 376 Mall ServVice..--..-.--- 378 Schools..--.. 378 Press....-- 378 Churches.. -.--,-- 879 Colored Refugees 380 Public Works .. 380 Banks and Com: 380 Manufactories 381 Hotels and Public Halls. 381 Societies 882 Cemeteries... ...---- 338 - Biographical Sketches. 383 Mount Pleasant.- 403 Effingham... .-- 404 Monrovia .- 404 Pardee .. 407 Lancaster - 409 Huron.. .. 409 Muscotah - 410 Arrington --- 414 Oak Milis and Port ‘Williams | 415 Shannon Township..-...---.- --+ 416 BARBER COUNTY. Early History County Organization Statistics ..-.-.-.--.- Medicine Lodge BARTON COUNTY. ; Location and Topography-..--. Gencral History-.-.-- County Buildings and ries Schools and Manufactories. Statistics of Growth... Great Bend... Ellinwood .- Pawnee Rock.-..,------ BOURBON COUNTY. Location and Natural Features. ty Bo BOURBON COUNTY—Continued. Early History Border Troubles. War Record..__.-. County Organization. Schools and Statistics... Railroads -.....-.. 1072 Fort Scott... 1072 Marmaton - 1089 Uniontown 1090 . Bronson .. 1090 Pawnee .. 1092 Hiattville Memphis - Rockford -. 1094 Barnesville 1094 Fulton. - 1095 BROWN COUNTY. Location and Natural Features _..... Naming the County..-.......... Early Settlement... Indian Lands - Railway Matt The Grasshoppers - County Matters... War Record.-.-...---.- Schools and Societies. - Hiawatha -......-..- Robinson._.... Irving Township - Walnut Township Padonia Baker... .-- Mission Township - Everest .- Powhattan Township ..-_- | BUTLER COUNTY. Boundaries and Topography ...-....- Early Settlement Railroads .-....----.---.- Official Roster and County Affairs...- 1482 School and Other Statistics ....... 1482 El Dorado. ----.-----..- 1432 Augusta ... 1489 | Douglass . - 1448 Leon..... 1445 Towanda. - 1446 Andover ..- - 1447 Other Towns. - 1448 Benton Towns - 1448 Fairview Township i - 1448 Murdock Township-. - 1449 Milton Township -..... - 1449 Plum Grove Township. - 1449 Clifford Township... - 1450 Lincoin Township ... ~ 1430 Chelsea Township... - 1450 Prospect: Township ~ 1450 Spring Township. ....... - 1451 Bloomington Township. . ~ 1451 Walnut Township ..... - 1451 Pieasant Township -. - 1451 Richland Township. . - 1452 Glencoe Township..-.. - 1452 Rock Creek Township CHASE COUNTY. Location and Natural Features.-..... 1855 Township History 1855 War Record 1856 County Organization and Elections... 1356 County Buildings and Granges....... 13857 School and Other Statistics... < 1857 Cottonwood Falls.....---. - 1357 Strong City-...- - 1360 Falls Townsh{p_...--.- - 1862 Diamond Creek Township.. - 1862 Cottonwood Township ...- --- 1363 Bazaar Township...--- --- 1364 Toledo-Township..........-.---.---- 1865 CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY. Location, Surface and Productions... 1215 CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY—Continued. Early History 1215 Organization Schools, MADHESETI Fe Statistics .... 1216 Sedan..... - 1216 Peru....--- - 1219 Chautauqua Springs. ~-- 1220 Cedar Vale.......--. a w= 1221 Elgin ...- --- 1224 St. Paul-. a+ 1224 Matanzas. -. --- 1224 Jonesburg ...-- - 1224 Harrison Township.......-----.---- = 1225 CHEROKEE COUNTY. ,Boundarfes, Topography and Geology 1149 Early Settlements.........----.----- 1151 Lead and Zinc _ --..-.---.-.-------- 1151 The Battle and Massacre at Baxter DIN B.Sc ro cicicr ac yar rc cyutareguyaraparverntay 1152 County Organization and Count; Troubles School and Other Statistics Columbus -..-.. Crestline - Wier City ..- Other Towns....,.- Cherokee Township Ross Township..:.. Sheridan Township. Lola Township - Neosho Township Lyon Township Garden Towhsh p Lowell Township. -- Crawford Township. . Mineral Township .. Scammonville.......- CLAY COUNTY. Location and Natural Features. ....-. 1312 Early History - 1812 War History and Indian Troubles ..._ 1818 caus Organization and Official Ros- Sandee aes euists - 1318 Schools and Railroads - 18318 Statistics --....-...-. - 1818 Clay. Center _ ~ 1813 Clifton ...-.. - 1818 Morganyille.. - 13 Republican City - 1819 Wakefle@ld._. ~ 1819 TMONSEY sncuxsssacanessnamexwawes.ns 1819 CLOUD COUNTY. Location ---.-- --0.seeeseneneecee eee 1014 Early Settlement. .. 1014 ie Proubles.... 1015 unty Organization - 1016 Be hdols . .- 1016 Concordia. 1016 Clyde ._.--.- - 1019 Other Towns....... Geman eee nenecesns 1020 COFFEY COUNTY. Eatly History co.0.c0enseenescrucous 646 Polifical ...4<.s0.0655 647 County Seat ‘Troubles. - 649 Raltlroad History , .. - 650 Military History...--. 652 Crimes, Casualties, etc... .-.... - 652 Statistical and eae te entes 653 Burlington -....-.-.. ae @ 653 658 660 | 661 - 661 Defunct Towns....... aa - 663 4 Spring Creek Township. - 663 Neosho Township. ._-. - 664 California Township... 664 Avon Township ... 665 Hampden Township 665 Key West Township. . 666 Liberty Township ... 666 Stare Township....-.... 666 Pottawatomie Township........-.... 666 COWLEY COUNTY. Location, Topography, etc.....---.-- Early History County Organization, Elections and Official Roster....-..-.-------- 1588 County Seat, Buildings and TRTEEE 1588 Winfield ... -- 1589 Arkansas City --- 1597 Burden... .-- -- 1601 Udall ... ~ 1602 Dexter .- - 1608 Tisdale....-..---- -- 1604 Liberty Township --- 1604 Otter Township -. -- 1604 Cedar Township ... 1604. Spring Creek Township ~ 1604 Silverdale Township ~ - 1605 Bolton Township_-__ - 1605 Beaver Township. - 1606 Vernon Township........ - 1606 Pleasant Valley Township - 1606 Maple Township ---.. -- - 1606 Rock Township----....--------..-.- 1606 CRAWFORD COUNTY. Topography and Geology .-..--------- 1118 Primitive Occupants, Early Settlers.. 1118 The War Period Cherokee... Monmouth Sherman Township. Lincoln Township .-.. 1141 Washington Township_. 1141 Baker Township-._... 1144 Sheridan Township 1147 Grant Township... Brazilton DAVIS COUNTY. Location and Topography Early History ...-....... Organization of Townships... Schools and County Societies. Railroads and Manufactortes Geuern| Statistics... 2.22. War Liecord..... Smoky Hill Township. = Lyon Township_........ Jefferson Township. DECATUR COUNTY. General History........-.....20.---2- 1618 Organization -. - 1614 ORTON wemaswns teen dimen aememance 1614 DICKINSON COUNTY. Location 683 Early History .----.--.. -- 684 Organization of Townships.. -- 686 Growth ....-...-... 686 Railroads, Schools, Churches, “Press... 687 WSO BV GIG sin oe cee meen ecicennans 687 Manufactories and Mills... 687 Post Offices.._-........ 688 Murder—Lynching . 688 Abilene -..-..... 688 Solomon City. 691 Enterprise .. 698 Chapman...... 6938 Miscellaneous... 2.2.0... .c.00. 694 DONIPHAN COUNTY. Natural Features Towa and Sac Mission... 472 Squatters’ Association - 472 Troubles of '55......... 473 DONIPHAN a Fair Association _. Sontntel Doniphan ...2 2.222. pli City. and Brenner. roy Severance Leona__._---- East Norway. 493 494 494 495 495 Burr Oak Township... i DOUGLAS COUNTY. Location and Natural Bepieray: Sexseey 808 Early Settlers.....-... 42... _ 808 . Squatter Associations... __ - 3809 - Incidents of Pioneer Life... - 309 - «County Organization...... - 810 _ {County Buildings and Socfet: ~ 812 / Lawrence -...--.--...-. as - 812 Claim Troubles. -- 814 Early Newspapers. -- 816 Events of 1855_._....-... ew 817 First Free-atate. Society. ». 818 First 4th of July--..-...- me 818 The Lawrence Massacre. 821 Early- Schools-.-..------ --~ 823 The University of Kansas. - 824 State Asylum..........---. = 825 Pioneer Temperance Movem: t8-.. 325 Municipal Organization............ 826 North Lawrence. ...-.--..------..- 826 City Elections and Official Roster. 326 Bridges and Water Power-.....-..- 326 Churches ----...-----.-- -- 327 Cemeteries. -~ 328 The Press «cence ewcascen = 828 Secret and Benevolent Societies... 328 Literary and Other Organizations... 829 ss De Deidl (Ment. .....2--.4--s0006 830 Manufacturing Industries. 830 Hotels and Other Interests. 331 Biographical Sketches... -~ 881 Wakarusa Township ---- 348 Lecompton....- 851 Big Springs 352 Eudora ..-. 353 Baldwin C: 355 Black Jack. 355 Vinland .. 356 Belvoir - 359 Clinton .-...-.- 359 Globe -.- 860 Lapeer..-.---.--- 860 Kanwaka “Township eee 861 Willow Springs Township-. -. 861 Grant Township.....---------------- 362 ‘ EDWARDS COUNTY. Early History...---.-----.---------- 1867 Election and Officers. --- 1868 Statistics ........ --- 1868 RinslOVicns coueenteencsaesnceconssse 1868 ' ELK COUNTY. . Early History.-..-..----.------------ 1178 County Seat Troubles and Division of - the County--.---.----------------- 1174 County Organization . 1174 Schools and Press....- 1174 Statistics. --.-- 1174 Howard City. 1175 Elk Falls. 1179 Moline... 1180 ~ Grenola. 1181 Longton -.- 1184 Oak Valley ------ 1186 Patnterhood Township 2 1186 Paw Paw Township-.---- 1186 Union Center Township-- 1187 | Wild Cat Township..------------.--- 1187 | ELLIS COUNTY. | Location and Natural Features-.-...-- 1289 General History ------------- - 1290 Schools, Manufactorfes.. - 1290 Statistics of Progress. ... - 4291 Hays City..-.-- 1291 | Ellis -- 4294 WictOTlA icultural Fairs, Manufactures, ae ee 4 Scnosi and Other Statistics 1276 Post. Offices..--------- Bare 1276 1276 1280 FORD COUNTY. Organization and County Officers.... 1559 Fort Dodge 1560 Dodge City-- 1560 Spearville 1562 FRANKLIN COUNTY. Topography and Geology ..-..------- 601 Early Indian Residents 2 601 Early Settlements ..-.--.------ - 602 The Pottawatomie Rifle Company... 608 The Pottawatomie Massacre atone 603 “John Brown's Cabin ’’..---. - - 605 The First Free-state Legislature. -..- 605 CONTENTS, FRANKLIN COUNTY—Continued. Horse Thieves County Organization ‘War History..-..-..-. Patrons of Husbandry Schools and Railroads. General Statistics... Ottawa... 12. Centiopolis___ Willlamsburg Silkville _...-.. Ransomville - Wellsville. - Le Loup.. Princeton GRAHAM COUNTY. Karly History -... Indian Troubles... Biographical Sketches. GREENWOOD COUNTY. TOpORTADLY xocerscmscrseacoseeeceses Early History-. County Organization, Buildings .. Railways... ‘Education. -_- Manufacturing. Eureka - Roster PS Sica: Miscellaneous. . -. HARPER COUNTY. Early Histor County Organization and County Seat Anthony - Harper. Danville Albion HARVEY COUNTY. Location and General Features...... Pleasant Township Highiand Township. - Dartington Township Richland Township . Macon Township.. Garden Township--. HODGEMAN COUNTY. Location and Settlement... County Organization.... Press and Schools........--.-------- JACKSON COUNTY. Location and Natural Features. m Municipal Townships...- Indians Calamities and Crimes .- Railroads ....-.---....--- ---22--+-+ 1839 County. Organization and County Buildings --.-..-.-----.-065 + nese 1839 County Offices... --- 1889 Military Record. ....------ - 1340 Schools and County Societies. - 1840 Holton ....-.--- - 1841 Circleville - - 1343 Netawaka.. --- 1844 Whiting .-- -u- 1845 Soldier City-...-- --- 1345 Washington Township. ~- 1846 Douglas Township. . --- 1847 Cedar Township----.------ - 1848 Straight Creek Township. - 1349 Liberty Township:-.-.-------------- 1849 JEFFERSON COUNTY. Location and General Features. ---- . 498 Early History. -..-..-...- sopeaie - 499 - 500 Battle of Hickory Point. - 501 Progress .---------- - 502 War Record -- 503 Land Troubles and Railroad Bonds... 503 County Affairs... .- 504 Present Condition. - 504 Delaware Township. we. 6505 Valley Falls... - 505 Oskaloosa........- - 511 Jefferson Township - 516 Winchester -. ~~ ~ 517 Norton Township. - 518 Nortonville..-.-.--..- - 519 Kentucky Township. a - 521 - 521 - 521 ~ 521 - 522 = 522 JEFFERSON COUNTY—Continued. Osawkie ‘Williamstown .... Kaw Township.-... Sarcoxte Township. Fairview Township.-...-...--.-..-- JEWELL COUNTY. Location and Natural Features....... Early Settlement.--.--..--.- - Criminal - Polttical Jewell City. Salem... JOHNSON COUNTY. The Shawnee Indians_.-.....-- 4 The ‘‘Black Bob’’ Reservation. Early Political Troubles. -.-.- War History_...-.----.-. Local Battles and Raids_-...-- County. Organization and Roster. Ratlroads -.-.-.--.-.-- ------ = > ef RP Spring Hill. Ocheltree Monticello. . Lexington .--- Prairie Center... ee KINGMAN COUNTY. Location, Topography, etc. Farly History....-.- County Organization... Mills and Press.......-.----- School and Other Statistics... LABETTE COUNTY. Boundaries and Natural Features-_-.- Early History. -- Railroads ....- Cee vernene ap soni and County Societies. Statistics Parsons . Oswego. Morehead.-....- Elm Grove Township. Haekberry Township. Barton .---------- Other Towns-.... Fairview Township. Labette Township. Walton Township. North Township.. Neosho Township.-.-..-------------- LEAVENWORTH COUNTY. Boundartes and Natural Features. - ..- Fort Leavenworth..---.--.---- Early Settlements-. Political Organization County Buildings. -- County. Schools... Leavenworth City. Early History--- First Things.----.-- Municipal Organization War History.-..------------ Fort Leavenworth As It Is- The Press....-...---------ee--- vee Charitable and Reformatory. Tnstita- City Institutions-... Means of Communic Manufacturing Interests... Hotels and Public Halls Societies......-.---- Cemeteries .-.--.--- Biographical Sketches. High Prairie Township... Delaware City and Township-.. Kickapoo City and Township. * Baston...c-cceees sense Alexandria Township- Tonganoxie.-.------ Reno Township. -..- Stranger Township. - Fairmount..-..------ Linwood... 1453 1458 1455 1455 1455 1456 1456 1466 1478 1480 1482 1488 1485 1486 1487 1488 1490 1490 1490 1491 1/92 1493 LINCOLN COUNTY. Early History...-.- -.-....--------- County. Organization, etc... Lincoln Center..-.-- Other Towns LINN COUNTY. - Topography. Indian Inhabitants... -Early Settlements-..- Early Political Troubles...-.--... The Marais des Cygnes Massacre. War History:--...- The Price Raid County Organization, e Rallroads and County Societies. Schools and Other Statistics. 3 Mound City.....-----+---- Pleasanton. . La Cygne... Prescott... Blue Mound- Trading Post..-. Other Villages and Post Offices. Defunct Towns-...---..----- Paris Township... Scott Township--.-- Centerville Township. Stanton Township.-....-------- enone LYON COUNTY. Loca ion and Natural Features. Early Settlements...--.-..-- 2 County Organization..-.---.- School and County Societies. . Statistics ...--. Emporia. --- Municipal .-...- oo eenee Hotels and Other Buildings. . _ Manufactures...-..-..----- ‘ Biographical Sketches... Americus Hartford: ...--.. Neosho Rapids. Agnes City_..2- een Waterloo Township. Tremont Township. Center Township....... -McPHERSON COUNTY. Location and Natural Features Early History_-..----------- Incidents of Pioneer Life-....- Ashtabula Colony and King City-. Political .. Railroads - Agriculture McPherson Lindsborg ” Harper Township- Roxbury Spring VaHey Township. Lone Tree- Township. King City Township-- New Gottland Township. Castle Township-.-. Jackson Township. . Groveland Township - Hayes Township....--- Turkey Creek Township. Superior Township-...- Little Valley Township MARION COUNTY. Boundaries, caine ete.. Smo eaecie Early Settlements County Organization, Elections and Officers School and Other Statistics . Hillsboro... Other Town: MARSHALL COUNTY. Topography and Geology..---------- General Products..--- Early History..-. Indian Outrages Calamities .... War History.... County Organization. County Buildings-...- ow Railroads and Societies. Marysville .....-..-.. Herkimer. Waterville Blue Rapids. Irving .-- Frankfort. 1104 1106 1108 - 1110 : CONTENTS. MIAMI COUNTY. e NEOSHO COUNTY—Continued. RICE COUNTY—Continued. SI a Location and Topography. 875 | Jacksonville...- 842 Elections and County Officers... 4 Pace me al ees eee oy ens 2 | wengeeen etal | eee ene \ Garty SeUleIMent ------ semen nee es ener cern wees OSG FO RURUIUD BEAUTE seonee . s —. e The Battle of Osawatomie..--..- 876 Shiloh Township. 843 PIO o. cimnshoann 755 ae aT ieee eae ak Ip... 1405 Quantrill, the Guerrilla Leader 877 Grant Township -.-- 843 Churches and Socle 455 oK—Grand River Township..... 1406 OBYHOWKEDS 2 on eek veem aw swanenie 878 Big Creek Towsnhip 844 Secret Societies.. 155 Clestwatl Ninnescah Township.--.- 1407 os Attempt to Rescue a Fugitive NESS COUNTY. ‘ ea a and Other Statistics 756 ones elano Township.....--. 1408 BVO ewes ccctrcesrcececeeseseseeses 878 Location erling deeb esrccepeesionse: 756 ount Hope— 7 = Political History - 879 | Early History... 1524 | Lyons... 757 | Park City—Par "Townshipen-- mk a0 |. County” Organ isa | Chase. -...-s ": 460 | Minneha ‘Townsh;”7- _ County Organization ..... 4 Elections and Land Sales....--....... 880 ° Press, Societies, BeLDOe & _ 1524 Raymond .. 761 |. = : ee Seensemcuews: ” 81 | NORTON COUNTY. Miscellaneous... zs 761 -- 140 ounty Societies . - 881 RILEY COUNTY. . -- 1 Sipe - 881 Location, Area and Name.........+.. 1800 ar f 1418 Deo walkint - 881 -- Physical Features. .....--- 1300 a ownshtp.~-. - 1414 lll - 886 | OSAGE COUNTY. : Early Settlers and Settlements OL | ee ee -- 1415 Mound O76 > 8 eS io Nancurgel----Saiiy | Sieodpun nud Distslel- operas 1908 | Morton Township Somerset... - 890 Polliical and Other Troubi 1531 aa a ne - oe ‘Union Township. Louisburg « Bol County Organization and Elections... 1532 Municipal Governments 1804 Addenda are a - 895 County Seat Contest ..... .. 1532 |. Barly Offices:........- 4304 | SHAWNEE COUNTY. pore sy - 895 War Record none eeenee Official Roster 1305 Location and Natural Features.....-- 531 nine ai ancaster. - 896 Railroads, Schools, etc.- Township Trustees.....-.-- 1805 Pre-territorial and Early Residents .. 531 Faas es - 896 Statistics of Progress - School and Other "Battles. 1805 Defunct Towns and Villages. --- 588 : arysville_.. - 896 Burllngame .......- Manhattan.....-.- 1306 Political History .-.--------- Richland Township- - 898 Dragoon Township. Other Townships... 1810 District Court_.- . Valley Township. - 899 Osage City .-------- ae “RENO COUNTY. First Events - 536 See eee eT ard Feelumel exe (tl | ater iste | —oeation and General Features...... 1369 | Gounty Limite:“Township Divisions-- S6 Early Settlement and Indian Troubles 1022 Scranton 1649 ee ti aay War Biren ete 588 County Organization and Elections... 1022 aevonla. dees Scbooid eee 1371 County Seat and Buildings 538 ‘ Renool, Railroads and Other Matters zn ely ers ier Hutchinson .,...---.--------« 1371 Statistics-.------------ 538 Cawker Clty . = 1026 1552 ec - ve > 539 ‘Wauconda...- - 1028 1538 Castleton.....-.- 1379 539 Glen Elder_--.--- = 1028 1358 | Reno Township-- 1379 Progress of the New Town __- 589 Rolomon Haplda=. - 1028 1554 .Clay Township...- 1880 Flonegr Temperance Crusade. 541 Servite oc © jog9 | Lincon ‘Township Hoey | Sener Larner ce First Fees state Lesiaarnre Bal é : Carbondale ....----- 1555 | Mount Liberty... 1381 SES ate ne nla : Simpson . - 1030 : Haven Township. 1381 arly Schools ..-.---..--.-- 541 Pittsburg -- - 10980 | OSBORNE COUNTY. Sumner Township. 1381 Constitution Hall.---.- 541 Other Towns ..-p0siwenw eyepiece 1080 oe Lincoln Township... 1382 pane Emigrant Route. 542 MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Salt Creek Township. 1383 oubles of 1856-’57-.. ee qocniton and Natural Features...... 1563 oe Grant Township... -- 1388 ae Ee aa arly History.-..-------.-- - 1568 REPUBLIC COUNTY. ; e ae te mene ee eS - ieee ae . Location and Natural Features-.---- 1031 renga e a - : Early Settlements... 1032 a School and Other Statistics... - 1566 ses | First Events...... 1032 erento te oe et “a 939 | Mormon Massacre. 1032 Topeka of 1882_.-._----.... 545 , 4577 Tilden Township- - 939 Indian Troubles. 1032 Public and Private Schools - 545 * 4579 | Covert Township. ._. gs9 | Organization - 1038 The State Capital ..... 546 ~ 4581 | Kill Creek Township_. 939 | Statistics -- 1088 Insane Asylum..._.. 546 1582 Independence Township -----.--.----- 939 coe 1033 State Reform School --.--.. 546 - 583 | OTTAWA COUNTY. candia..... - 1038 City and Public Institutions... 546 Drum Creek Township 1583 Location 1424 Bepabits Cre tons Opera Houses and Hotels -.. 547 Sycamore Township. 1583 | Early Explorations..-... 1424 Scape es 1044 547 Caney Township.......... Schools and County Roster. 1426 Freedom Township. 1045 548 ‘MORRIS COUNTY. ~ Bon - 426 | Fairview Township. 1046 Descriptive and Mepograplieal Meenan 795 pa eer Jefferson Township... 1047 552 ~o Early History .....--.----- 796 aa 1429 Lincoln Township. 1047 558 : The Drouth of 1860. 797 ther Villages......---+------+------ 1429 | Enk Creek Township. 1048 Biographical Sketches 554 . Indian Troubles._ .. 797 | PAWNEE COUNTY. Richland Township. - 1049 Tecumseh Township 584 “+ Sale of Kaw Lands---. wn 999 General History. “ Farmington Township 1049 Soldier Township... __.. 586 The Greenwood Treaty --- 799 Statistics... Albion Township. ----.. 1049 Silver Lake Pees 587 Border Troubles ..------- -- %99 Larned .... Rose Creek Townshtp- 1049 Rossville .... 589 The Cheyenne Outbreak. 800 Other Towns. Liberty Township-.. 1051 Dover Township_.- 598 progr re 801 | PHILLIPS COUNTY. Ao ae ine Auburn Township -- 595 ar Record-. LOCHION aveennune nd Township-. Williamsport Township. 596 First: Things - - 802 | arly History Union Township-..- 1052 Wakarusa Village 597 ae ane tae ne Orga ana County Organization and County Washington Township...-.--..------ 1058 Monmouth Township... 598 ‘ounty Seat Contest..--..----------- ROOKS C ng Railroads, Schools, etc... --- 802 Natural See Resa ee rou aS 1609 Mission Townallp .---= BOD ‘ wee cee eee an Early Settlers. .......-..--- .. 1609 | SHERIDAN COUNTY......-.-..------ 1520 “= Organization and County Officers 1609 -- 809 Local Matters.........--.--- 1610 sun COUNTY: --- 809 arly History Schools and Agriculture. 1610 Stockton 4610 Sounty Organization Steines tea urches and Newspapers -.-.-..---- NUMAN A FOUN: ae 1612 epee eae Other Statistics. ennim . mith Centre.....--.------- Early History Location and Early History ...-.-.-- 1585 Gaylord..._ _~ War History-.-- POTTAWATOMIE COUNTY. County Organization and Officers 1585 Cora . Important Events --. -- 942 | ~ Location and Early Settlement....... 974 | Statistics 1586 | Cedarville County Organization... co Goa 942 County Organization..... - 975 | Rush Center_... 1586 Harlan sce. caccec sesso see ececeee eon oubnty Sea iy - 975 Buildings -- ne DL - 976 RUSSELL COUNTY. STAFFORD COUNTY. Railroads . 944 978 Topography and Natural Resources.. 1288 Location, Topography, etc-...-...-- 1270 ~ County Societies 944 ~ 979 General History Early History ....--------- -- 1270 Seneca 944 > 980 ee and Mills... ae oe Organization. -~ 1271 Se EE |) APNOSB ach rmentmreaeta chools and Press-.. -+ 1271 Sapethi-- a Mopuyrilie + : aH Statistics of Growth... ...- 1285 | Statistics of Growth. Wetmore. 956 Onaga... 2 981 Meee Offices and Post Offices...... 1286 St. John...-....- ee Centralia. 959 | St, George ~ 882 | esa ail 1286 | SUMNER COUNTY. Oneida... 961 Olesburgh. 983 un. 1288 Barly History .....----------e-eee---- Corning -. +» 962 Marladahl > gag | SALINE COUNTY. County Organization, etc. : Grensia 7 ee Other Towns and Villages... _ 983 Uae uhoe oes weigepesveecoeemenenus Bohoal ana Other Statistics .. aploma, -- ‘ ngton .2... Balleyville -_. 964 | PRATT COUNTY. GrowWttl svcs sxc ceceeen ston cs-st eno 6 Caldwell .. Location and Natural Features....... 1267 a Other Towns...--------------------- 965 Farly History... ..---.0------2-0-- 1267 Belle Plain: EOSHO COUNTY. — . County Organization and County Seat Oxford .... Location and Natural Features....... 825 - ‘Contest: 1 Sali Milan ..... The Osage Indians 825 Schools, Press, etc. Br ae ie Mulvane -_.... Early Settlements... 826 Statistics of Growtl Beta a ec. Geuda Springs Settlers and Railroads Kena 3 826 ae a. oo sanulwel eae, lounty Organization an ounty eat Jk Ggeecessre sees outh Haven. Contest --.- oat "Gout “ongentzation Elections and eee ATEDUIS ase nies 828 v. J 1607 SEDGWICK COUNTY. Mayfield ..------..- fenee-ee 828 Geographical Description-........... 1384 Palestine Township. basse Mission ..------- Early History........... 1884 London Township... Walnut Grove Township. - 884 Townshtp Organizations, _. 1886 Other Towns... .... .-.... ----------- _ Chanute.-..-- ae Bane One Tragical Events 1888 TREC? COUNTY. a ounty COTS es wccscewe 1889 Location, Topography, Soil, ete._..... 1295 a RICE COUNTY. $8 Statistics....... 1889 Gover History... _ 1296 . 841 | Municipal Townships..-....~ ne teetee 38 oun! ie ae we. 841 Early Settlement 753 1889 y Organization > 43997 ~ 1889 WAEGCNO)) -rerislimarevew: onmacnagengie 1297 WABAUNSEE COUNTY. Topographical... Early Settlement. First Things..-..2.....202.-2022-00-- 991 County Organization and County Seat BE TEN acucestes css sath aisbadarme ame gsati 992 War Record. 992 Statistics ---.....2222 2. 992 Schools and Churches 993 I gs on ais ssc esece: 993 Wabaunsee. . 996 Eskridge. .... . 997 Other. Towns 997 WASHINGTON COUNTY. Location and Natural Features....... 1054 Early History._......2.2. 2. -- 1054 First Events... ~ 1055 Indian Troubles. --- 1055 * Political... 1056 PORTRAITS, . Abbott, James Burnett.-........----.-- 641 ‘Adams, Franklin G... 554 Abdelal, A. G..-.... 821 Arnott, Alfred Arden. 814 Asher, J. M.....--- 1535 Ashmore, R. N 1176 Babcock, C. W..- 332 Bailey, M..--....- 838 Barnett, Thomas .--_ 1076 Bickford, Harvey L. 438 .Bierer, Everhard. WT Bonebrake, P.I... 556 Bradford, J. H.--- 805 Bradley, John T.. 805 Brown, Channing J 556 Brown, G. H.._..- 838 Brown, George W.- 1440 Brown, John....- 182 1873 1568 Piciciaata ota 852 Campbell, William I.. 1078 Carr, Erasmus T..--. 440 1468 1008 1201 441 Coggswell, A. P_--. 1197 Conry, Thomas J.- 1264 Cook, J. B..--- 1476 Cooper, A. B. 1544 Couch, John H. -- 1078 Cowley, William R. - 1156 Craig, Robert... --- 1544 Crane, Franklin L. 558 Crans, L. J.------- 1017 Critchfield, Terry - 514 Curran, Theodore. 551 Cutler, George A.. 331 ‘Davidson, H. H. 1498 Davis, Willard.- 1459 Day, John W..-. 560 Dean, Daniel- 610 Denison, J. L. -- 832 Dexter, Alonzo--- ~~ 1815 Douglass, John C. ~ 442 Doty, George W. -- 1586 Drought, E. S. W. ~ 1236 Dwelle, J. C.----- 1265 Early, William H. 561 Egleston, John Q, --- 631 Emerson, George --- 1592 Eskridge, Charles V - 858 Everest, Aaron 5, -- 388 Finch, Lucius E.- 1537 Fisher, J. J..- 562 Floyd, T. S.- 782 Ford, George------- 836 Fowler, Charles N.- 1025 Geary, John W. -- 147 Glasse, W. B.-.---- 1469 Glick, George W..- 230 Graves, Charles B. - 854 Gray, John...----.--- - 1544 . Griffith, George W. E. 387 Hackney, W. P..--- - 1598 Hadiey, John M.---.-- 632 Hadley, Washington-- 337 Hagaman, James M. - - 1018 Hall, Go. Dassenceacses - 1018 Haller, James- - 1588 Hamilton, J. W. - 1499 Hanback, Lewis - 4 Harpster, B. F. - 491 Harris, A. A.-- - 1080 Harris, John -- - 633 Haskell, John G - 565 Heatley, Thomas W. -- - 481 Hendricks, William 8. - 678 Hepler, Benjamin F.- - 1081 Hill, H. D..--- - 1441 Himoe, 8. 0... - 838 Hodge, John M.. - 690 Horton, Albert H.-------- - §39t Huffaker, Thomas Sears... 2 806 Humphrey, Lyman U..-. se Hunter, L. K.-ceceecncncnecncen cern ene= CONTENTS. WASHINGTON COUNTY—Continued. Schools, ete- 10 ‘Washington City. Hanover City.- Clifton. _.... Greenleaf. Palmer--. Hollenberg. - Other Towns-. WILSON COUNTY. Location and Natural Features--.--.. 900 Early Settlement........-.-.-.-. 900 County Roster and County Seat, 901 Railroads....----.---..-- 901 School and Other Statistic: 901 : Fredonia.-.-.-. 901 Neodesha... 904 906 906 waeae, 906 907 WOODSON COUNTY. Situation and Topography........---- Early Settlers.....-----.-..- County Roster and Elections. Yates Center. __ Neosho Falls. Piqua... Toronto. .:-.-- Other Townships WYANDOTTE COUNTY. Natural Features First Settlements Political.. Statistics -.._- Early History...-.. q The Constitutional Convention. The War HHUMPON Gs Avo ccnssssccseesoucceuedescce 515 Hutchings, John- --- 8389 Hutchinson, ©. C. --- 1374 Iams, Rezin.- --- 1316 Insley, M. H.- -- 447 Jackson, T. P. ~- 1442 James, C. N.--- --- 1436 Jetmore, A. B,- - 567 Johnson, John P.. - 488 Johnson, Thomas... -- --- 66 Jones, John Tecumseh. --- 304 King William G._... --- 1040 Knowles, Edwin.. - 954 Kurtz, Charles H.. ---. 1442 Lane, James A. - -- 448 Lane, James H. --- 186 Larned, C. G..- --- 1500 --- 778 - 487 - 482 - 569 - 1478 Lisle, Slemmons.. - 1158 Lucas,-8,_-...-. 1177 Lynn, John W..--- -- 857 McCarty, Hugh D... -- 489 McCreery, Charles H.. -- 1479 McGinnis, J. A... -- --- 1487 McKey, George W.- ~ 1177 McTaggart, Daniel .- - 1582 Maggard, James A.- --- 1500 Mann, A. W....-- aaa O71 Mann, Newton. --- 449 Marsh, S. T.-------- --- 778 Martin, George W.- -- 1010 Martin, Samuel E. -- 571 Mayo, Lewis .. - --- 450 Miller, Benedick. --- 884 Miller, J. W.- - 1817 Millington, D. A.- - 1595 Mills, Elijah-..-- - 1545 Miner, Henry C. - StL Mitchell, D. P.. - 1259 Monroe, Henry------- - 78 Montgomery, James. - - 802 Moore, Cyrus C...-- - 1557 Moore, David.- - Td Moore, H. Miles-. - 450 Morrill, Edmund N. - ‘121 Morris, Isaac. - 585 Morris, R..--- - 841 Morrow, Robert- - 341 Morse, J. Hudson. - 1262 Moss, O. B.--.- - 572 Mulvane, Joab. -~ 572 Muivane, John R - 5738 Muse, Robert W. P. - 779 Neal, Moses-.- - 674 Newhall, S. A..- - 779 Nichols, Charles D - 1159 Norton, H. E -. - 858 Otis, Alfred G. - 896 Overton, W. P. - 1289 Owens, Henry. - 1398 Patrick, A. G.- - 510 Patrick, Henry - 1087 Patton, Robert--- - 745 Perkins, Bishop W..--- - 1471 Peters, Samuel Ritter. - 780 Phillips, William A... - 05 Pickering, Isaac 0. e - 635 Prescott, A.. 574 Quick, W. J.- - 1464 Rash, F. W..-- 1445 Redden, A. L.- 1438 Reeder, A. H....-.------- 86 Richards, Joseph Harvey. 679 Robertson, N. T. P.....--- - 1376 Robinson, Charles 212 Roby, Henry W...- 576 Rosan, Joseph H. D. 1377 Schaefer, Charles 783 Scheble, A. R... 1376 Schenck, W. L.. -- 1546 Seaton, James H. aa 780 Sedgwick, T. N.- -- 859 Shannon, Wilson. - 118 Sharp Isaac oe -- 807 Shepard, H, ©..--- -- 1540 Shup pe, George Woeesesses mas reeisenmen es 1263 sant SIMMONS, Nispsnessceusseesccsewsccene 344 Smith, Martin. - 454 Spivey, R.M.....-.. - 781 Stevenson, Robert E.-. - 635 St. John, John P..-.-. - 224 Stinson, Thomas N.- ~ 550 Stotler, Jacob...- - 860 Stringfellow, B. F - 400 Sunderlin, Van Rensselaer - 1087 SWE, De Bane ewceecieeccs - 578 Talcott, Henry W. - 680 Tefft, Erastus. - 579 Tefft, Herbert B. - 580 Thomson, William 1540 Tyler, J.S....--- 139 Utley, A. J...-.--- 1546 Valentine, Daniel M 581 Vance, D. J..---- 970 Veale, George W.- 581 Van Syckel, Daniel B. 1127 Waggener, Balie P.-- 401 Walker, Samuel... 8346 Watson George W. 582 Webb, D. C.._.-- 807. Wharton, S. R. T25 Whitley, H. C.---- 862 Whiteside, Houston-..-- «= 1877 Whitlock, Frederick W. -- 1402 Wilkie, Neil 1445 Williams, J. H. 951 Wilson, A. D.- -- 1041 Wilson, E. E..- -- 1574 Woods, John G. -- 1497 Wright, R. W. -- 1473 Wright, W. T.- -- 1597 York, A. M..-. -- 1089 PYORK (Mis (Mio os os e-goccnacuaemeaccuess 1089 VIEWS. Section of Rocks-...-.-- ~36-37 Monument Rocks, Gove co 88 Table Rock, Lincoln county-.. 38 Rock City, Ottawa county-- 39 A Settler of Rock City..-..--- 39 Pulpit Rock, Ellsworth county.. 42 Gypsum Beds, Saline county...-. - 42 First Territorial Capitol, Pawnee..-._.. 101 Second Territorial Capitol, Shawnee.... 103 Constitution Hall. ..--..--------------. 111 Third Territorial Capitol, Lecompton... 156 Fourth Territorial Capitol, Lawrence... 171 Fifth Territorial Capitol, Lawrence ---. 177 Ruins of Territorial Capitol, Lecompton 179 East Wing Capitol Building, 1869--.__-. 215 East and West Wings Capitol Building, The Dug-out, An Aristocratic Kansas Cabin, 1855... 259 State Agricultural College, Manhattan. 269 State Normal School, Emporia 270 State University, Lawrence... 271 State Insane Asylum.-...--.-.. 286 First Cabin built in Lawrence. 312 Lawrence Business College-.- 829 Ritchie Block, Topeka...-. 552 Public School, Burlington. 653 Public School, Sterling-.- 756 Court House, Great Bend..-- 165 Public School, Great Bend 766 Public Schools, Newton 4, V5 St. Francis Institution for Boys, Osage MISSION 2 oo iincsn nn Pan ccm cewisemoyiene’ 829 Public School,, Osage Mission. Jay’s Opera House, Newton..... Whiteley’s Opera House, Newton _ 850 State Insane Asylum, Osawatomie.- 886 Ogden'’s Monument.-..._..-_.--- 1011 School House, Howard City-..-- 1175 Sixth Street School, Wyandotte. 1234 Central School, Wyandotte... _ 1285 Public School, Clay Center... 1814 Public School, Garnett...-.... 1327 Court House, Cottonwood Falls. 1357 First Dwelling in Reno county... 1370 Public School, Hutchinson 1872 Wheat Market, Wichita... 1390 Public School, Wichita....-..---.-.- ae- 1391 WYANDOTTE COUNTY—Continued. The City of To-day.-....----...---- 1282 Institution for the Blind -- 1232 Churches.....-.------- 1282 - Schools and Press 1234 Societies ..... Aaeiwass 1234 Business and Manufactu: 1234 Biographical Sketches. -- Kansas City, Kansas...-- Armourdale..-..--- TUMer ssseesess Delaware Township....-..-. Other Towns and Stations Public School, El Dorado.. . Publie School, Augusta. School House, Chetopa. -.-. * Public School, Burlingame.......-..--- MAPS. Pere Marquette’s Map of the Missis- slpp! River .c