~ Se CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY heti a Summaries of the Internal Sense OF THE PROPHETICAL BOOKS THE PSALMS OF DAVID HISTORICAL PARTS OF THE WORD A POSTHUMOUS WORK OF EMANUEL SWEDENBORG Servant of the Lord Fesus Christ «These Summaries have even been compared with the Word in heaven, and are in con- formity with it” (Concerning the Sacred Scripture, n. 97) NEW YORK AMERICAN SWEDENBORG PRINTING AND PUBLISHING : SOCIETY 3 WEST TWENTY-NINTH STREET MDCCCC CONTENTS. page Epitor's PREFACE, . ne 3 eyes Boy OAL outs wate OE oe INTRODUCTION, . : . . . é : 4 . 3 y . . eC - Vii INTIMATIONS OF THIS LITTLE WORK FOUND ELSEWHERE,. . + + + + XV List OF BOOKS TO BE PUBLISHED, . . © «© «© «© «© «© «© « 3 TABLE OF SUBJECTS, . 2 5 ge ars BR? Cu ine fs. sth, alee Folder THE LORD’S STATE OF HUMILIATION, - - ss ee eet 4 THE PROPHETICAL BOOKS: CONTENTS OF THE PROPHETICAL BOOKS, . . . «© «© «~ - 6 ISAIAH, . ¥ = im ‘ ‘ , . . . r ‘ ‘ s 4 7 JEREMIAH, < . 7 5 : ; es : = Ei & é ‘ g 34 LAMENTATIONS, «2 0-001 eee ee ee EZEKIEL, . . z : ‘ § f f A : is a ‘ i ‘ 62 DANIEL, . is 7 - el te ae 7 eG Gl ae a BB HOSEA, . "i i eo the lcm 16 A Soa ee ae G90 JOEL, 3 ; oo) Sat e See" bes Gia Aa > Gene we : 5 a » AMOS, . < % % . . 2 si . . . ‘ : a 7 OBADIAH,. . Ge ee oe ter hn See a el Us . 101 JONAH, . 5 y = a < . 7 3 i 2 o re . 102 MICAH, . 7 ay se . . . . . . : < ip . 104 NAHUM, . ‘ . . . * a - : 5 ¢ fe 5 e . 107 HABAKKUK, . é . . . . . . . ‘ é 4 é - 108 ZEPHANIAH, @ o& ¢ @ 8 # © = @ # « & «¢ «= ATO HAGGAI, . . a . . . i F . . . i * x a 2 ZECHARIAH; @ og eee www ew AT MALAGHE., sa ew we we we TB THE PSALMS OF DAVID, - «©» eee te - « 123 HISTORICAL PARTS OF THE WorD: INTRODUCTION, . a Sele oe 7 jo . as - 16 GENESIS, . ge) ct, OX, BS roe a. CR ote Cae. Peet es de? 8 » 165 INDEX OF WORDS AND SUBJECTS, . BP a tee > Ae Rist ts" ORe. wire Aa oo NZ INDEX OF SCRIPTURE PASSAGES, . «2. 6 ys we ee EDITOR’S PREFACE. This work, which was left in manuscript by Swedenborg, appears to have been written before the year 1763, as the list of books ‘‘To BE PuBLISHED’’ would indicate. It is impossible to reproduce accurately the peculiar features of the manuscript, in type, and the student is therefore referred to the photo- typed edition, published by the Academy of the New Church in the year 1896. Still a description of the manuscript seems necessary for those who may not have access to the phototyped edition. The work lacks a title. In previous editions it was entitled ‘(4 Summary Exposition of the Internal Sense of the Prophetical Books of the Word of the Old Testament, and also of the Psalms of David,’’ which has been changed to the one used in this edition, sug- gested by The Doétrine concerning the Sacred Scripture (n. 97)- The first page of the manuscript is divided into lateral halves or columns, by a perpendicular line drawn from the top to the bottom of the page. About the middle of the first half is the list of works ‘“‘To BE PUBLISHED,’’ which will be found on page 3 of the present edition, and which is similar to the one embodied in Swedenborg’s preface to The Dottrine of the New Jerusalem concerning the Lord, where it is introduced with the words, ‘‘Now, pursuant to the command of the Lord, who has been revealed to me, the following works will be pub- lished.” In the lower corner of the same column is the ‘‘TaBLE OF SuB- JECTS,’’ printed on our folder attached to page 4. In the second column are the references to ‘‘THE LorD’s STATE oF HumiviaTion,” and separated from it by a considerable space are the references to the Psalms; both of which groups of memoranda will be found on page 4 of this edition. The summaries begin on the second page of the manuscript, hav- ing at their head the list of six topics to be found on our page 7. The ‘‘TaBLe oF SuBjEcTS’’ is printed on a folder in this edition, in order to facilitate reference, since these seventeen subjects are referred to in the margin of every line of the manuscript, and give the contents of the lines. The chapters are not broken into paragraphs, but sum- mary follows summary continuously throughout the chapter, and in this manner one or two of the marginal references frequently indicate the contents of two or more propositions, or summaries, which are given, in whole or in part, on the line. It was found impossible to re- S* vi EDITOR’S PREFACE. produce this arrangement in type, and a plan was adopted for this: edition, which appeared to be the nearest and best approach to the manuscript. Each summary is printed in a paragraph by itself, with the marginal references belonging to it. This plan presents the ad- ditional advantage of making reference to chapter and verse, as well as to subjeét, very easy. But this plan made it necessary for the editor to exercise his judgment in assigning the marginal references to each separate summary. In many cases this has resulted in a more frequent repetition of the references than actually occurs in the manuscript. Wherever, in this respe€t, a question may arise in the mind of the reader, recourse must be had to the original manuscript or its fac- simile. Owing, presumably, to the difficulties just adverted to, the references were removed from the margin in the first Latin edition (London, 1784) and in all the English editions, and (except in the edition pub- lished in London, 1887) they were made the basis of two indexes, one of which gives the chapters and verses in their order, with the corre- sponding references to the subje€ts in the Table, while the other pre- sents the subjects in their order, and classifies all the chapters and verses under them. These indexes are rendered unnecessary by our return to Swedenborg’s own plan. An index to the text of the summaries, however, was considered highly important and useful, and great pains have been taken in the elaboration of such a one. Owing to the succinct wording of the sum- maries, this index partakes largely of the nature of a Concordance. The compiler has endeavored to make it also a topical index, and has ar- ranged the entries under the respective subjects as analytically as was possible, so that it may prove of real value in the study and understand- ing of the sacred contents of the prophets and psalms. The preliminary ‘‘ INTIMATIONS OF THIS LITTLE WorK FouND IN OTHER WorRKS BY EMANUEL SWEDENBORG,”’ have been gathered to- gether for this edition, for the better appreciation of the summaries in the light of the Heavenly Doétrines of the New Jerusalem themselves. The Bibles principally used by Swedenborg were the Latin transla- tion by Sebastian Schmidius originally published in Strassburg in 1696, and a later edition of the same translation, printed in parallel columns with the Hebrew text and published at Leipsic in the year 1740. The division into chapters and verses in the Hebrew-Latin edition varies in- at least one instance from that of the sole-Latin edition (see, for instance, Isaiah xv.). Both differ frequently from the division adopted in the English Bibles. In order to prevent the confusion experienced hereto- fore in the use of this little work in Bible study, the English division has been adopted in this translation, all the references to chapters and verses being changed in adaptation to the English Bibles. The divi- sions of the Hebrew and Latin Bibles, as given in the manuscript, are noted in smaller type, ‘‘H.B.’’ standing for Hebrew Bible (meaning also the edition of Schmidius of 1740), and ‘‘L.B.”’ standing for the sole-Latin Bible (edition of 1696). The grouping of verses in the Hebrew Bible is more logical than EDITOR’S PREFACE. vii that in the English Bible. See the summaries of Jsa. viii., Ixiii., lxiv.; Jer. viii., ix.; Ezek. xx., xxi.; Daniel iii., iv.; Hosea xiii., xiv.; Jonah i, ii; Micah iv., v.; Nahum i., ii.; Malachi iii., iv. As to the differ- ence in the verse divisions of the Psalms in the Hebrew and English Bibles, see the note on back of the title page to the Psalms. After completing the summaries of the Prophets and the Psalms, Swedenborg began giving the summaries of the internal sense of the historical portions of the Word, and introduced them with a preface— a feature lacking in the earlier Parts. Perhaps the memoranda on the first pages were intended as material for one. It has seemed so to us, and we have therefore used them as the basis for an introduction to the work, designed more especially for such readers as have not yet the knowledge of the Do@trines of the New Church which is required for an intelligent use of this book. In presenting this important little volume to the public in its new dress, we feel constrained to join in the following devout sentiment with which the first Latin edition was introduced by the editor: ““TO THE KIND READER. “Among some of Swedenborg’s letters were found the following remark- able and noteworthy reference about the present work : ““*Once when I was reading this book, celestial angels were pres- ent with me, who rejoiced greatly at heart over my intention of pub- foheng Je for the common good of the New Church of the Lord Jesus rist. \ “In order that the joy of the celestial angels may not be vain, we ad- judged it highly necessary to make this bee useful little book public. eign to receive the new treasure with a thankful mind, use it with a pious and sincere heart, and live forever.” E.J.E.S. Christmas, 1899. INTRODUCTION. The Summaries contained in this work presuppose some knowledge respecting the general subject of the internal sense of the Word of God. The Sacred Scripture contains an internal or spiritual sense, which differs from the literal sense in the same way that the things of heaven differ from the things of the world. The literal sense, by which is to be understood the meaning which ordinarily comes to the reader as he peruses the narratives and prophecies of the Scriptures, treats, for the most part, of occurrences in the natural world, such as the history of the Israelitish people, and the history and deeds of our Lord and Sav- iour. But the internal sense treats of things heavenly and Divine, that is to say, of such things as relate to the soul-life of man, to the church as a spiritual entity, to the angelic life in heaven, and to the inner life of our Lord Jesus Christ. The natural sense as a whole is said to ‘‘correspond”’ to the spirit- ual sense, every single particular of the literal sense corresponding to some detail of the internal sense. The existence of an internal sense may be perceived from many pas- sages in the Scriptures. On the occasion of the memorable journey which the Lord Jesus Christ took after His resurrection, when He met and accompanied the two Apostles on their way to Emmaus, “ Beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself’ (Luke xxiv. 27). The Lord Jesus Christ here indicates that all the Scriptures treat of Him ; and if all, then even those passages from the surface meaning or literal sense of which this may not appear, in some hidden way still treat of Him. The memoranda on page 4 refer to evidences of this great and most important truth respecting the Lord, which is funda- mental to the Christian Church, and essential to its life and prosperity. In keeping with this vital truth, the term ‘the Lord”? is uniformly used in this and all the other works of the New Jerusalem to designate the Lord God Jesus Christ. He is the God of the Sacred Scripture. He is the One and Eternal God incarnate, who assumed the flesh for the pur- pose of revealing Himself in His own Personality to mankind, and of meeting, through the assumed human, the hells, whose influence, like that of a successful rebel host, at that time dominated mankind, to the exclusion of all heavenly and even Divine influences. The incarnation was for the further purpose of overcoming the hells, and reducing them INTRODUCTION. 1x to subjection and obedience to the Lord. The confli€t with the hells, their overthrow, the consequent establishment of order in the spiritual world, the formation of a New Heaven, and the derivation therefrom of a new spiritual church on earth to take the place of the Jewish Church, that had come to a miserable end,—all taken together consti- tuted the Divine work of Redemption. These things are treated of throughout the Scriptures. They are brought to view in a general way by the summaries that make up this book. The Lord’s Divinity was proclaimed by the angelic messenger who was sent to announce His conception to the virgin Mary, “The angel Gabriel said unto Mary, The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the virtue of the Most High shall overshadow thee; where- fore alsothe Holy Thing that shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God” (Luke i. 5). The babe born of Mary was conceived,—not, as we have been led to conclude from the theology hitherto prevailing in the Christian Church, by an eternal God the Son, the second in a supposed trinity of Divine Persons,—but by the Most High, the only God Himself; the ‘‘Son of God”’ being the appellation given to the human nature born of Mary: the clothing in which the Most High deigned to appear to men, a clothing woven of Mary’s blood and substance. Every human being derives his soul from the father, and his body from the mother. The soul is a graft of the father’s soul, and, like the parent soul, it is not inherently possessed of life, but is a spiritual or- ganism receptive of the life that inflows into all of God’s creatures from Him who is the one and only source of life. In the case of Jesus Christ, His soul was not from the Father; it was the Father Himself, for the Infinite cannot be divided, there can be no off-shoot from It: “The Holy Spirit’? came upon Mary, ‘‘the virtue of the Most High overshadowed”? her, therefore the Holy Thing born of her was called “the Son of God.’ The soul of Jesus Christ was God Himself. For this reason, The Child born to us, the Son given to us, is called ‘‘God, .. the Father of eternity” (Usa. ix. 6). The Lord Jesus Christ testified that the soul that dwelt within Him was the everlasting Father, when He said, “ The Father that dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works”? ( John xiv. 10). No man would say of his parent that he dwells within him, for the soul of a mortal is not the father, but from the father. And since the Fa- ther was in the Lord Jesus Christ, as the soul is in the body, therefore when Philip, who had heard Him say so much about the Father, finally asked Him, ‘‘Show us the Father,’’ the Lord answered, “Have I been so long time with you, and hast thou not known Me, Philip? he that hath seen Me hath seen the Father; how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?” (John xiv. 8, 9.) The Father and the Son are frequently spoken of as though they were two distin@ beings, and Jesus Christ Himself frequently prayed x INTRODUCTION, to the Father and referred to Him as to a Person different from Him- self. This form of speech is often employed in the following Summa- ries, in adaptation to the language of the New Testament, and we read of many Psalms that they are ‘‘prayers of the Lord to the Father.” Occasionally the explanation is suggested that this means that the Hu- man prayed to the Divine. The human assumed by the Infinite God was at first merely human and finite, and hence such a distinétion existed between this human and the inner Divine Soul, that, in states when the distinction was very evident, the mtercourse between the two is represented as the speech between two distinét persons. The human, being assumed from a finite human being who shared the hereditary taint of the house and family of David, was itself full of inherited inclinations to evil. But these inherited forms were successively put off, and to the extent in which they were put off, interior and finally Divine forms took their place from the Divine that dwelt within. This process involved alter- nating states. In the one state the Human prayed to the Divine (or the ‘‘Son”’ to the ‘‘Father’’). In the other state the Human spake with the authority and power of the Divine Itself. The first state, in which ‘‘He poured out His soul unto death” (JZsa. lili. 12), is called the state of ‘‘exinanition,’’ or of ‘‘ humiliation ;”’ the other state is called the state of ‘‘glorification.’” The death of merely finite tendencies, resulting finally in the death or dissipation of the very material of which the body had been organized, while the body itself remained as an organization of Divine substance, involved the resurrection of this body of organized ‘‘flesh and blood,’’ which flesh and blood was now no longer material, but Divine—the Divine Human. Without the state of humiliation the Lord could not have been cru- cified, but this state of final exinanition was followed by the state of complete glorification, which, being the state in which the human was lifted up from its finite state into the infinite glory of the Divine Itself, and thus united to It, is also called the state of ‘‘union.’’ The Lord was in this state when He was transfigured before the three disciples on the Mount, and also when He performed miracles, and whenever He said that the Father and He were one, and that the Father was in Him and He in the Father, that all things of the Father are His; and, when the union was completed, that He had power over all flesh ( John xvii. 2), and all power in heaven and earth (Madth. xxviii. 18). The glorification of the Son, or the union of the Human with the Divine, is the very climax of the inner history of the Lord; it is the most excellent of all teachings of the church; it calls for the profound- est veneration. In the following work, summaries that tell of it are especially marked by an ‘‘N.B.’’ placed opposite them in the margin by Swedenborg. (See Psalms ii. 10-12; xxiv. 7-10; xlv. 7, 8; Ixxii. 17; Ixxxix. 26-29, 35-37 ; CX. 4-73; CXxxii. 9, Io.) This sublime teaching of the New Jerusalem has been treated of at some length in this Introduétion, because it is necessary to a proper understanding of the Summaries, and also because these two states are especially referred to in the memoranda on page 4, where some of the INTRODUCTION. xi places in the Gospels, as also in the Psalms, referring to these two states, are noted by Swedenborg. These citations are doubtless in- serted here in order to show the internal and essential unity of the Word of both Testaments: one in that they both witness to the love and wisdom and life of the one Lord God Jesus Christ, who is the true God and eternal life, the God of both Testaments. The passages in the Gospels refer to the records of the Lord’s pray- ers to the Father, indicating the state of His humiliation and the inti- mate conne¢tion of such prayers with the succeeding state of union with the Divine, or glorification of the Human. While the literal sense of the Gospels thus witnesses to the two states of the Lord in His Human, the internal sense of the Old Testament, summarized in this work, notably of the Psalms, treats of the same states with great ful- ness. The passages in the Psalms referred to on page 4, clear away any doubt that the internal sense of the Psalms so treats of the Lord. Let us consider them. In Psalm Ixix. 21 we read, ‘‘They gave me gall for my meat; and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.’ The enlightenment vouchsafed to even the most simple reader enables him to recognize in this verse a prophecy of the Lord Jesus when He was brought to Gol- gotha to be crucified, and “ They gave Him vinegar to drink mingled with gall” (att. xxvii. 34). David, writing the Psalm from inspiration, represented the Lord who was to come into the world, and by referring to his own personality, foretold what would happen to Him who was to be “The root and offspring of David” (Rev. xxii. 16), but who was, never- theless, David’s Lord (Mark xii. 36, 37). The verse in the Psalm is not true literally, but it is true prophetically. We are reminded here of the statement in the present work prefatory to the summaries of the Psalms, “Tt should be known, that as by David the Lord is meant, so where Da- vid speaks in the Psalms, the Lord is signified in the spiritual sense.” The same remarks apply to the next reference on page 4, Psalm xxii. 16-18, ‘‘Dogs have compassed me about, the assembly of the malig- nant have surrounded me: they pierced my hands and my feet. I may tell all my bones; they look, they stare upon me. They parted my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.’’ There is no historical evidence, and not the slightest probability, that David, even when most harrassed by his enemies, had his hands and feet pierced, and that his garments were divided among his enemies, and lots cast upon his vesture. But when the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, the nails pierced His hands and feet ; and They “ parted His garments, casting lots: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted My garments among them, and upon My vesture did they cast lots” (Matt. xxvii, 35). xi INTRODUCTION. Here David is called outright a prophet. What he had said about himself was not literally true, but it was prophetic of what was done to the Lord. Thus David, as a prophet, represented the Lord. In Psalm xxxv. 19, David says, ‘‘Let not them that are mine ene- mies of a lie rejoice over me: neither let them wink with the eye that hate me without a cause.’’ On the memorable occasion of the Last Supper, when the Lord foretold His death, and the hatred borne Him, saying, “Tf I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin, but now have rey both seen and hated both Me and My Father;” He added, “‘ But that the Word might be ful- filled that is written in their Law, They hated Me without a cause”’ (John xv. 24, 25), So the Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled in His own Person what David had said of himself in a representative capacity, and the Lord’s fulfilment carried with it all the import of Divine love and mercy that had aroused the malignant hatred of His wicked and causeless enemies. And finally, the words in Psalm cxviii. 22, 23, ‘‘ The stone rejected of the builders is become the head of the corner ; this is the Lord’s doing, it is wonderful in our eyes,’’ are quoted by the Lord (J/a/t. xxi. 42), as applying to Himself. Since, then, from the recorded fulfilment of these Old Testament prophecies it is clear that David wrote prophetically of the Lord, re- presenting Him in his own person, we may justly conclude that all of the Psalms treat of the Lord, and that this is what is meant by the Lord’s expounding ‘‘in all the Scriptures the things concerning Him- self.” And if David so represented the Lord when he spoke in the Psalms, why not when he is spoken of in the two books of Samuel and in Kings? David’s enemies represented the Lord’s enemies, not only the Jews, that, like dogs, compassed Him about and clamored for His life, but principally the powers of evil in hell from whom come evil influences to men on earth. David’s prayers and lamentations repre- sented the Lord’s prayers and temptations; David’s victories over his enemies represented the Lord’s victories over the hells, over Satan and the Devil ; David’s exultant Psalms voiced prophetically the joy of the Lord over the accomplishment of the glorious work of redemption. And since David as king and as prophet represented the Lord, is it un- reasonable to conclude that all the other prophets and kings likewise represented Him? The hard things that the prophets often bore but represented the cruel things which the Word, and thus the Lord as the Word, bore from His rebellious and sinful people. The prophets re- presented the Lord; the people, and even the land itself, represented the church. Everything written in the Word has reference to the Lord: “From Isaiah to Malachi there is not anything which is not about the Lord, or in the opposite sense, opposed to the Lord” (Doctrine concerning the Lord, n. 2). The state of the church is gauged by its knowledge and acknowledg- ment of the Lord, and therefore the Word treats also of the states of INTRODUCTION. xiii the church. In the following Summaries, while those of the Psalms treat more especially of the Lord, those of the Prophets treat more es- pecially of the states of the church. All the spiritual contents of the prophetical books may be summed up in the six propositions given on page 6, stated more fully in the extract from the Doétrine concerning the Lord (n. 3), quoted on page xv. The internal sense of the Word, being free from the many paradoxes and appearances of truth of the literal sense, and presenting the Divine truth in the light in which it appears to the angels in heaven, constitutes the do@rine of genuine truth for the church. For this reason the gen- eral summing up of the internal sense on page 6 agrees perfectly with ‘‘The Faith of the New Heaven and the New Church in its Universal Form,”’ which is prefaced as ‘‘face, gate, and summary” to The True Christian Religion, containing the Universal Theology of the New Church, where it is given in the following comprehensive form : “The Lord from eternity, who is Jehovah, came into the world that He might subjugate the hells and glorify His Human. Without this no mortal could have been saved ; and they are saved who believe in Him.” The topics on page 6, which stand at the head of the Summaries in the manuscript, are given in a more amplified form on the preceding page of the manuscript, where we find a list of sixteen subjects (see folder, page 4), giving thus more fully the universals of the faith of the New Heaven and the New Church. The relation of this ‘‘ TABLE OF SuBJEcTs”’ to the Summaries is described in the EpITor’s PREFACE. In conclusion, a word respecting the rank of this work in the order pervading the theology of the New Church, and respecting its use to the expositor of the Word, and to every reader of our Heavenly Father’s Book. The place of this work in the general system of the Doétrines of the New Jerusalem is made clear by an analysis of those works which pre- sent the internal sense in serial form, namely, the Arcana Coelestia, the Apocalypse Revealed, and the Apocalypse Explained. The Apocalypse Revealed offers a good example. Here, at the head of every chapter, we find the ‘‘Spiritual Sense of the contents of the whole chapter ;’”’ then follow the ‘‘Contents of the single verses,”’ and finally the elabor- ate explanation adapted to the reason and understanding of man, and confirmations and illustrations from the literal sense of the Word and from the phenomena of nature and experiences of human life. The Summaries contained in the work before us answer to the ‘‘Contents of the whole chapter.’”” These Summaries give, therefore, the key to the internal sense of all the Prophets and Psalms. These contents are the guide for applying the science of correspond- ences which gives the spiritual signification of the particular words of Sacred Scripture. By following this guide, the danger of violating the spiritual sense by exploring it from one’s own intelligence may be guarded against, of which danger we have the following wholesome warning : Xiv INTRODUCTION. “By means of some correspondences known to man he can pervert that sense, and even force it to confirm falsity; and this would be to offer vio- lence to Divine Truth, and thus also to heaven in which it dwells’’ (7rue Christian Religion, n. 208, 230). The use of the Summaries in connection with the reading of the Sa- cred Scriptures, seems to be indicated in teachings like the following : ‘‘ The Word conjoins man to heaven, and through heaven with the Lord, since all things in the sense of the letter correspond to things celestial and spiritual in which are the angels, with whom there is no communication if the Word is applied only according to the letter, and not at the same time according to some doétrine of the church, which is the internal of the Word (Arcana Coelestia, n. 9410). 2 “From the first chapter of Zsaiah to the last of Malachi, and inthe Psalms of David, every verse communicates with some society of heaven, and thus the whole Word with the universal heaven” (True Christian Religion, n. 272). “Tf man knew that there is an internal sense, and would think from some knowledge of it when he is reading the Word, he would come into interior wisdom ; and would be still more conjoined with heaven because he would thereby enter into ideas like the angelic ones” (Heaven and Hell, n. 310; cf. Arcana Coelestia, n. 3316). E.J.E.S. INTIMATIONS OF THIS LITTLE WORK FOUND IN OTHER WORKS OF EMANUEL SWEDENBORG. [CONCERNING THE LorD, n. 37.] It is allowable to mention that it has been granted me to go through all the Prophets and the Psalms of David, and to examine each single verse, and to see what is there treated of, and it was seen that nothing else is treated of but the church established and to be established by the Lord, the Lord’s advent, combats, glorification, redemption and salvation, and heaven from Him, together with their opposites. Because all of these are the Lord’s works it appeared that the whole Sacred Scripture is concerning the Lord, and hence that the Lord is the Word. [CONCERNING THE LORD, n. 2.] Because the Word is the Lord Himself, therefore each and every thing of the Word has been written about Him alone; from /saiah to Malachi there is not any thing that is not concerning the Lord, or in the opposite sense, against the Lord. [CONCERNING THE LorD, n. 3.] It shall here be told briefly what respecting the Lord is treated of in all the Prophets of the Old Testament, from /saiak to Malachi, in general and specifically. y (I.) That the Lord came into the world in the fulness of times, which was when He was no longer recognized by the Jews, and because of this, when nothing of the church yet remained, and unless the Lord had then come into the world and revealed Himself, man would have perished in eternal death; for He says in Fohn: “Unless ve believe that I am, ye shall die in your sins "’ (viii. 24). (II.) That the Lord came into the world to effect a last judgment, and thereby subjugate the hells then dominant, which was done by combats, that is, by temptations admitted into His human from the mother, and by continual victories at that time; and unless the hells had been subjugated no man could have been saved. (III.) That the Lord came into the world to glorify His Human, that is unite it to the Divine which was in Him from conception. (IV.) That the Lord came into the world to establish a new church, which should acknowledge Him as the Redeemer and Saviour, and be re- deemed and saved by love and faith in Him. (V.) That at the same time He set heaven in order, so that it might make one with the church. xvi INTIMATIONS. (VI.) That the passion of the cross was the last combat or temptation, by which He fully conquered the hells, and fully glorified His Human. [THE TRUE CHRISTIAN RELIGION, n. 272; CONCERNING THE SACRED SCRIPT- URE, n. 113.] By much experience it has been granted me to know that by means of the Word man has communication with heaven. While I read the Word through from the first chapter of /sazah to the last of Malachi, and the Psalms of David, and kept my thought on their spiritual sense, it was given me to perceive clearly that every verse communicated with some society of heaven, and thus the whole Word with the universal heaven ; from which it was evident, that as the Lord is the Word, heaven is also the Word, since heaven is heaven from the Lord, and the Lord, through the Word, is all in all of heaven. [CONCERNING THE WORD, n. ro.]* That all things of the Word correspond to all things of heaven has been granted me to perceive from this, that every chapter in the prophetic Word corresponds to a particular society of heaven; for when I went through the propheticals of the Word from /saiah to Malachi, it was granted me to see that the societies of heaven were stirred up in their order and that they perceived the spiritual sense corresponding to them; from these and from other evidences it was made clear to me that there is a corre- spondence of the entire heaven with the Word in a series. (See also n. 18; and CONCERNING THE SACRED SCRIPTURE, n. 64.) [CONCERNING THE SACRED SCRIPTURE, n. 97.] The Divine truth in the Word and its character are depicted by the “cherubs” in the first and in the ninth and tenth chapters of Ezekiel; but because the significance of each single part of the description of them can be known only to him to whom the spiritual sense has been opened, it has been disclosed to me what all those things that are said of the ‘‘cherubs” in the first chapter of Zzehie/ signify in brief, which are these : The external Divine sphere of the Word is described (verse 4); It is represented as a man (verse 5); Conjoined to things spiritual and celestial (verse 6) ; The natural of the Word, what tt ts (verse 7); The spiritual and celestial of the Word conjoined to its natural, what 7t is (verses 8, 9); The Divine love of celestial, spiritual and natural good and truth therein, separately and together (verses 10, 11); They look to a one (verse 12); The sphere of the Word from the Lord's Divine good and Di- vine ee Srom which the Word has its life (verses 13, 14); * A work not yet published in the English language. Published in Latin in 1854. INTIMATIONS. xvit The doctrine of good and truth in the Word and from the Word (verses 15-21); The Divine of the Lord above it and in it (verses 22, 23) ; And from it (verses 24, 25); The Lord is above the heavens (verse 26) ; And the Divine love and Divine wisdom is His (verses 27,28). These summaries have even been compared with the Word in heaven, and are in conformity with it. (See also THE ApocaLypsz REVEALED, n. 239.] [THE APOCALYPSE REVEALED, n. 859.] .... As the spiritual sense has been disclosed to me, it shall be opened ...what those things signify that are contained in chapters xxxviii. and xxix. of Ezekiel. In chapter xxxviii. in Zzekiel are these things: Those are treated of who are in the sense of the letter of the Word only, and in a worship therefrom that ts external without any internal ; this is “Gog” (verses I, 2); All things and each thing of that church will perish (verses 3-7); That worship will invade the church, will vastate it, and thus it will be in externals without internals (verses 8-16); The state of the church is consequently changed (verses 17-19); The truths and goods of religion will therefore perish, and fals- ities will take their place (verses 20-23). In chapter xxxix. of the same are these things: Those who are in the sense of the letter of the Word only and in external worship will come into the church: these are “Gog ;” but they will perish (verses 1-6); This will take place when the Lord comes and establishes a church (verses 7, 8); This church will then disperse all their evils and falsities (verses 9, I0); Lt will utterly destroy them (verses 11-16) ; The new church that will be established by the Lord will be instructed in truths and goods of every kind, and will be imbued with goods of every kind (verses 17-21) ; And the former church will be destroyed on account of evils and falsities (verses 23, 24); Then a church will be gathered together by the Lord from all nations (verses 25-29). But something shall be said about those who are in an external worship without internal spiritual worship,.... (THE APOCALYPSE REVEALED, n. 43.] In Zechariah (chap. iv.), the “candlestick” signifies a new church to be established by the Lord, since it signifies the new house of God, or the new temple, as appears from what there follows, and by the “house of God” or the “temple” is signified the church, and in the highest sense the Divine Xvili INTIMATIONS. Human of the Lord, as He Himself teaches (ohx ii. 19-21, and elsewhere). But it shall be told what is signified in order in chapter iv. of Zechariah, when the “candlestick” was seen by him: The things contained in verses 1 to'7 signify the enlightenment of the new church by the Lord from the good of love by means of truth, “ olive trees” signifying here the church in respect to good of love ; The things in verses 8 to 10 signify that these things are from the Lord, Zerubabel,” who was to build the house, thus the church, representing the Lord ; The things in verses 11 lo 14 signify that in that church will also be truths from a celestial origin. This explanation of that chapter has been given to me through heaven by the Lord. (THE APOCALYPSE REVEALED, n. 707.] In Zechariah (chap. xii.)...the coming of the Lord and the end of the Jewish Church and the beginning of a new church to be established by the Lord, also the collision between those churches are treated of. .... As the series of things in that chapter and in the two that follow in that prophet has been disclosed to me through the spiritual sense, it shall be stated, but in a brief summary. In chapter xii., in Zechariah, in the spiritual sense it is set forth: That the Lord is to form a new church (verse 1); That there will then be nothing of doctrine in the old church, and therefore they will shun it (verses 2, 3); That there will be no longer any understanding of truth ex- cept with those who are in the Word, and who are of the new church (verse 4); That these will learn good of doctrine from the Lord (verse 5) ; That the Lord, by means of the truths of the Word, will then destroy all falsities, so that the doctrine of the new church may teach nothing but truth (verses 6, 7); That the church will then be in doctrine concerning the Lord (verse 8); That then He will destroy all men and all things opposed to that doctrine (verse 9); And that there will then be anew church from the Lord (verse 10) ; And that all things and each thing of the church will then be in mourning (verses IO-I4). These are the contents of chapter xii. in the spiritual sense. The contents of the following chapter (xiii.) are as follows: That the Word will be for the new church, and it will be open to them (verse 1); That falsities of doctrine and of worship will be utterly de- stroyed (verses 2, 3); That the old prophetic or doctrinal will cease; and that falst- ties of doctrine will be no more (verses 4, 5); That the Lord will be slain by those who are in the old church with the intention that those who believe in Him may be scattered (verses 6, 7); INTIMATIONS. XIX That those who are of the devastated church will perish, and that those who are of the new church are to be purified and taught by the Lord (verses 8, 9). These are the contents of chapter xiii. in the spiritual sense. The contents of chapter xiv. are as follows: Concerning the combats of the Lord against the evil, and their dispersion (verses 1-5); That there will then be no truth, but from the Lord( there will be] Divine truth (verses 6, 7); That Divine truth will go forth from the Lord (verses 8, 9); That truth will be multiplied in the new church, and there will be no falsity of evil there (verses 10, 11); That he who fights against these truths will place himself in Salsities ay ey kind (verse 12); That there will then be a destruction of all things of the church (verses 13-15); That there will then be a drawing near to the worship of the Lord, even by nations that are external natural (verses 16-19) ; That there will then be intelligence from good of charity, from which is worship (verses 20, 21). These are the contents of the three chapters xii., xiii., xiv. of Zechariah in the spiritual sense, that have been disclosed, because in them the last state of the old church and the first state of the new church is treated of. SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE The Prophetical Books The Psalms of David Historical Parts of the Word TO BE PUBLISHED: . Concerning the Lord. . Concerning the Sacred Scripture or concerning the Word of the Lord. . All things of religion and of the worship of God in one complex in the Decalogue. . Concerning Fazth. . Angelic Wisdom concerning the Divine Providence. 6. Angelic Wrsdom concerning the Divine Omnipotence and Omnz- sctence, and concerning Infinity and Eternity. . Angelic Wisdom concerning Life. . Angelic Wisdom concerning the Divine Love and concerning the Divine Wisdom. The Prophetical Books [CONTENTS OF THE PROPHETICAL BOOKS.) [See Doctrine concerning the Lord, n. 3.] 1. THE CHURCH DEVASTATED. Il. COMBATS WITH THE HELLS, OR TEMPTATIONS. Ill. THE LAST, WHICH WAS THE PASSION OF THE CROSS. IV. THE GLORIFICATION OF THE HUMAN. Vv. A NEW CHURCH. VI. A NEW HEAVEN. Asaiah. Cuapter I. Verses Subjelts® 1-8 3 The church has been vastated by evil of life, 9 3, so that there is little of a residue. 10-15 3 Therefore their external worship is of no avail. 16-19 3 Exhortation that they should repent of the evil of life, and thus they will receive good. 20-23 3 They falsify the Word. 24-27. tut The Lord when He comes will destroy them, and will establish the church with others : 28-31 3 This when nothing of the church remains with them. CHAPTER II. 1-5 riz The coming of the Lord, and a new heaven and a new church at that time, are openly treated of, 6-9 3 because in the former church there is nothing but falsity and evil of falsity. 10-18 43-45 The coming of the Lord is openly treated of: He will destroy all who are in the love of self and in the pride of their own intelligence. 10, 19-21 1§ The last judgment is openly treated of, and the cast- ing down of the evil into hell. 22 5 Something concerning the separation of the good from them. CuHapter III. 1-7 2 There will be a lack of knowledges (cognitiones) of good and truth, 8-12 2 because they are in evils and in things falsified. * Epitor’s NoTe.—The figures in this column index the general subject or subjects of each line in the manuscript, and refer to the Table of Subjects on the folder attached to page 4. 8 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjeéls 2 13,14 § The Lord will come to judgment, 15-26 15 and He will cast into hell those who have perverted the truths of the Word. CHAPTER IV. 1-3 12 There will then be from the Lord a new thing of the church, 4-6 12 and providence that the Word be not perverted still , further. CHAPTER V. 1,2 2 A church full of truths and goods from the Word was instituted by the Lord. 3,4,7 2 It became perverted. [5, 6,] k 2 It is destroyed still further by falsifications of the 7-15 truth and good of the Word. 16,17. lt The Lord will come and give the church to others. [18,19,] i 1§ Those who perverted the truths and goods of the 20-30 church will perish from falsities and evils of every kind. CHAPTER VI. 1-4 [t] The Lord appeared in the midst of His Divine truth, which is the Word. 5-8 2 The doétrine of the church, derived from the Word not understood, was impure. 9-13 2 It is foretold that all understanding of the Word would perish, so that at last it would no longer be known what truth and good are in the church. Cuapter VII. 1-6 2 Ignorance of truth and non-understanding of the Word will enter and begin to destroy the church. 7-9 3-2 It is foretold that this will not take place as yet, 10-16 3-1 but it will at the time when the Lord comes into the world. 17-20 2-3 Then all understanding of the Word will be perverted by knowledges (sciensifica) and by reasonings trom them, until nothing remains. ISAIAH X. 9 Verses Subjefs . % 21,22 13 Then truth will be taught in all abundance. 23,24 3 The church will then be wholly devastated. 25 3, It will be otherwise with those who receive. CuHapter VIII. 1-4 2-3 It is foretold that before that time knowledge (cognitio) and perception of truth will perish, 5,6 2-3 because they are not willing to understand the Word in simplicity. 7-12 23 By reasonings from falsities the whole church will perish, until conjunétion with God will no longer take place ; 13-16 4 and they will not know the Lord, who is the Word and the church. 17-21 i Nevertheless, others will know the Lord, who reject falsities, and put away things falsified, cu.1x.1 «and who, by combats against evils and falsities, re- HB. Vili. 23 ceive reformation ; cu. vi. 22 3 although the church there is nothing but falsity. H.B, viii. 22 CuHapTER IX. I il [See above, before chap. viii., verse 22.] 2-4 ri The coming of the Lord, and the new church which ALB. i, 13 will receive Him, 5 tm but not the old church, which has been destroyed. HB. 4 6,7 t! The Lord, who is described, will do all things, and So He will protect from falsities and evils. 8-21 3 The old church, from its own intelligence, will fals- eeeee ify and pervert every truth and good of the Word and thus of the church, even until nothing re- mains. Cuapter X. 1,2 2 The further vastation of the church, by their taking away stealthily from others the truths and goods of the church. 3,4 §2 They will perish at the time of the last judg- ment. 10 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjeds . i 5-11 2 They pervert truths by reasonings from their own intelligence. 12-19 15-3. At the time of the last judgment such are to be utterly destroyed by the Lord, so that scarcely anything of natural truth will remain with them. 20-22, 24 19-3 Those who believe in the Lord are to be saved, 12 and to be protected lest they be taken captive by confirmations of falsity through reasonings ; 23, 25-34 02 because the whole church has been devastated by knowledges (scientifica) that pervert the truths of the church and confirm falsities. CHAPTER XI. r THE COMING OF THE LORD. I-5 15 He will judge from Divine wisdom; and will save the faithful and destroy the unfaithful. 6-9 t2 The state of innocence that those in the heavens have who trust in Him. 10-12 wz. Those who are in falsities from ignorance, and have not suffered themselves to be led astray by falsi- ties and evils, will draw near to the Lord. 13-15 iz The church will then understand the Word, and will shake off falsities of every kind. 16 iz. These falsities will no longer hurt them CHAPTER XII. 1-6 16 Confession and celebration of the Lord on account of salvation. CHAPTER XIII. IN THIS CHAPTER, CONCERNING THE ADULTERATION OF GOOD AND TRUTH, WHICH 1S ‘ BABEL”’ [OR ‘ BABYLON’). 1-3 1 The Lord will come in Divine power, "4-9 15 for grievous judgment upon those that have utterly . departed, to destroy them, 10-12 5 because there is no longer any good and truth re- maining with them. 13-18 §§ Therefore all will perish with their evils and falsi- ties, 19-22 15 and abide in hell, where there are direful and horrid evils and falsities. ISAIAH XVII. Il CHAPTER XIV. Verses Subjeéts 1-3 2 The new church that is to be established. 4-6 15-3 The judgment upon those who have adulterated the goods of the church and profaned its truths, which are “ Babel” [or “ Babylon” ]. 7-12, ; 15:3 The casting of them down into hell, where they are 15-21 the worst of all. 13,14 5-3 Their pride, that they wish to have dominion with God over heaven. 22,23 1§-3 Their horrible end. 24-27 §:3. Those who by reasonings from their own intelligence destroy the truths of the Word and profane them, are to be destroyed. 28-32 §§ THE JUDGMENT UPON THOSE WHO MAKE RELIGION TO CONSIST IN LB. XV. 1-5 NOTHING BUT KNOWLEDGES (coguitiones). THESE KNOWLEDGES ARE “* PHILISTEA,”’ 30, 32 12 When they are removed the church will be safe. LB. XV. 3,5 CHAPTER XV. 15°3 THE LAST JUDGMENT UPON THOSE WHO HAVE REJECTED THE GOODS OF CHARITY, AND HAVE PERVERTED THE GOODS OF THE WORD, WHO ARE MEANT BY ‘“ MOAB.” 1-9 15-3 Their destruction. L.B. xvi. 1-9 CHAPTER XVI. I,2 4 The Lord is not acknowledged by them. L.B. 10, II 3-5 5 They will remain until the coming of the Lord, and Hee raha are then to be judged. 6-14 5 Of what quality they are, and of what quality they LB. 15-23 will be after their end. CHAPTER XVII. 2 THOSE WHO PLACE RELIGION IN NOTHING BUT KNOWING KNOWLEDGES (sctentia cognitionum), WHICH 1S ‘‘ DAMASCUS." 1,2 2 They are to be destroyed. 3 2 This [knowledge] will be serviceable to the new church. 4-6 wz The knowledge of knowledges will then be rare, 12 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjedts 7,8 "2 but they are to be instructed by the Lord. 9-14 2, Those who do not suffer themselves to be instru€t- ed by the Lord will lack all things, and will seize upon falsities for truths. CHAPTER XVIII. 2 THOSE WHO ARE WILLING TO BE IN BLIND IGNORANCE RESPECTING THE THINGS OF SALVATION. SUCH ARE ‘‘CUSH”’ (OR ‘' ETHIOPIA’’]. 1,2 2 Their quality. 3-6 3 When the church will be established, they will be rejected as worthless. 7 u On the other hand, those who are in ignorance from not having the church, will draw near to the Lord. CHAPTER XIX. 2 THOSE WHO, OUT OF A MERE SCIENCE OF SUCH THINGS AS BELONG TO THE WORD AND THE CHURCH, MAKE A RELIGION FOR THEM- SELVES, AND ENTER INTO IT; THIS RELIGION IS ‘* EGYPT.”” 1-4 2 From this come controversies and heresies; and such men enter into falsities of every kind. 5-10 2 All truths will perish with them. [{11,]12-15 2-3 Insanity will take the place of intelligence. 15-17 5 They will perish. 18-22 © Such knowledges (scientifica) will be of use in the fu- ture, when they have been instructed in truths by the Lord. 23-25 wiz Then the siritual, rational, and knowing faculties will aét in unity. CHAPTER XX. 23 THE SAME. 1-6 2-3 In consequence of their having been deprived of truths, they will be led astray by reasonings and will be devastated by them of every good of religion. CHAPTER XXI. 1-4 3 Natural good will no longer remain. 5-7 un. Expetation of the Lord, when the natural [of man] will first be imbued with truths from good ; ISAIAH XXIV. 13 Verses Subjeéts . 8-10 u then the rational, 9 3 so far as adulteration of good and truth ceases. 11,12 u The coming of the Lord is expected. 13,14 2 Then those who are in ignorance will have know- ledges (cognitiones) of good and truth. 15-17 W2-3 He will come when all knowledges (cognitiones) of truth and good perish, until very little is left. CHAPTER XXII. 2 SELF INTELLIGENCE. I-7 2 The truths of the church are destroyed thereby. 8-12 2 The externals of the church are wholly destroyed thereby, until they come into ignorance concern- ing the Lord. 13-15 2 From the delights of falsity, they will then destroy the senses of the Word. 16-19 2 They will perish. 20-24 2 The power of the Word will remain, guarded by the Lord. 25 2 This also will perish in the church. CHAPTER XXIII. 2 THE CHURCH WHICH IS TO BE DEVASTATED AND WHICH HAS BEEN DE- VASTATED IN RESPECT TO ALL KNOWLEDGES (cognitiones) OF GOOD AND TRUTH. THIS IS “‘ TYRE.” 1-9 2 There is no longer any truth of the church through knowledges (cogzitiones), as before. 10-14 2 It will be vastated still further by reasonings from falsities. 15-17 42-3 The devastation of knowledges (cogmitiones) of truth will extend, and it will last until the coming of the Lord. 18 uw The knowledges (cognitiones) will then be of service to others. : CHAPTER XXIV. I-13 3 The church in general is utterly devasted, insomuch that there is no longer anything of the church re- maining, but in. its place falsity and evil. 14-16 t! Those who are outside of the church will receive en- lightenment from the Lord. 16-20 3 The church will utterly perish, and is to be destroyed. 14 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjeas ‘ 21,22 15 They are to be cast into hell. 22,23 wiz There will be a new church from the Lord in place of the old. CHAPTER XXV. I 16 Confession of the Lord, 2 3 after all things of the church had utterly perished. 3-5 | They shall not then perish; and those who are out- side of the church shall draw near, and shall be protected that they be not infested by them. 6-8 The Lord will disclose truths to them, and will take away the blindness that has arisen. 9,10 16 Confession of the Lord by them. 10-12 3 Adulteration of the good of the church and of the Word will be utterly destroyed. CHAPTER XXVI. 1-4 16 Glorification of the Lord because of the doétrine of truth from Him, which they will receive and con- fess. 5,6 3 The old church, being utterly destroyed, is rejected. 7-9 t Consequently the coming of the Lord will then be expected. 10, II 4 The wicked will not receive. 12, 13 t) The Lord alone will teach all things. 14,15 #§ Those who by persuasion establish falsity of doctrine, are to be utterly rejected by the judgment. 16-18 t) They could not grow better prior to this, owing to the ignorance in which they are. 19 t) Nevertheless, they are to be instructed, and will re- ceive life. 19-21 5 They are to be preserved, while, in the meantime, those who are in the persuasion of falsity are to be destroyed by the last judgment. CHAPTER XXVII. I 2 There is no longer any truth or good in the natural man. 2,3 u Nevertheless the truth of the church must be guarded. ISAIAH XXIX. I5 Verses Subjedts 4,5 15 Every evil and falsity will be destroyed on the day of judgment. 6 nu Afterwards there will be a new church 7,8 with those in whom truths have not been completely lost. 8-12 45 In timeall true worship will perish, with all truth and good: they will perish on the day of judgment. 12, 13 u Afterwards there will be a new church that will con- fess the Lord. CuaPTer XXVIII. 2 THOSE WHO FROM THEIR OWN INTELLIGENCE HAVE FALSIFIED TRUTHS. THESE ARE ‘“‘ THE DRUNKARDS OF EPHRAIM.” “1,2 2 Falsities will break. in. 3,4 2 Truths will perish. 5[,6] « The Lord will teach truths when He comes. 7,8 3 Then all doétrine will be full of falsities and evils, 9, 10 3 so that they cannot be instructed and taught. 11-13 3 They will reject. 14-16 4 They will laugh to scorn those things that are of heaven and the church, and will rejeé&t those things that are of the Lord. 17-21 42 Although they will reprobate and not understand, nevertheless they must be taught. 22-29 © 2-3-:~ They will be taught constantly, and yet will not re- ceive. CHAPTER XXIX. 3. THE LOST DOCTRINE OF TRUTH OF THE CHURCH. THIS IS ‘‘ARIEL.”” 1-4 3 It will perish even until it is not anything. 5,6 23 Falsities will gain strength and pervert still further, even until the church perishes. 7,8 2-3 Falsity will appear as truth. g-12 2-3 Because of falsities they are unable to see truths. 13 2-3 There is external worship without internal. 14 2-3 There is no longer any understanding of truth. 15, 16 3 They will entertain sinister thoughts about God. 17-19 3+! When the old church perishes, a new one is to be established by the Lord. 20, 21 3 All who are against truth and good will perish. 22-24 u It will be otherwise with those who will receive the Lord: they will understand truths. 16 SUMMARY OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. CHAPTER XXX. Verses I=) 7-10 II 12-14 15 16, 17 18, 19 20, 21 22 23-26 27, 28 29, 30 39 31 32, 33 Subjeés NN ND N Those who trust in the knowledge (scientia) of the natural man, thus in their own intelligence, lead themselves astray. The learned or the self-taught : they are led astray by knowledges (scientiae), and they recede from the Word, and from the Lord. Thus they have no truth and thus again no good. They should have trust in the Lord. Those who trust in themselves and in their own learning have no intelligence whatever. The Lord turns Himself to those who trust in Him. They will be instructed. They will then reject those things pertaining to self- intelligence. They will then have truth in all abundance, and wis- dom. When those who are in the falsities of evil will perish, they will then come into the delights of truth and good, from the Lord. There will be a judgment on those who trust in themselves. Those who have thereby adulterated the Word, will be cast into hell. CHAPTER XXXI. I 2 3 4 Those who trust in their own learning from self-in- telligence, and not in the Lord, 2-4 are against Him; wherefore they have evil. They have no understanding of truth, but will fall into falsities. They are to be destroyed at the time of judgment. The Lord will then prote&t those in whom is the church from Him. u Then they will rejeG falsities and evils. 15 Those who trust in themselves will perish. u There will be good from the Lord in the new church. ISAIAH XXXIV. 17 CuapTer XXXII. Verses Subjects I 1 When the Lord will reign by means of the Divine truth, 2-4 tt truth will be acceptable, and there will be under- standing of truth, 5 u and pretense will cease. 6,7 3 Then the falsespeaker will speak falsities, and the malevolent will do evils, 8 and vice versa. 3 9-12 3] Then all things of the church will cease, 13,14 [3] and falsity will be everywhere, 15-18 n even until there is Divine truth from the Lord; then there will be truth and good, and proteCtion from falsities. 19 3 Falsity will continue even unto the end. 20 n Not so with those who love truth and good. CHAPTER X XXIII. I 3 Those who by falsities vastate the truths of the church. 2 u The Lord when He comes, will proteét His own. 34 3 The vastators will be dispersed by Him. 5,6 n They will have protection from the Lord by means of Divine truth. 7-9 3 Devastation of the truth of the church will then continue. 10 4 They will not care for the Lord. 11,12 5-3 Falsities and evils will consume all things of the church. 13,14 1 They will fear the last judgment. 15-17 17 Those who do good are to be saved by the Lord. 18, 19 nu They will not listen to falsities nor believe them. 20-22 ut They will be of the Lord’s church, and there they will have from the Lord an abundance of all things of truth, 23, 24 u and of all things of good; and thus no more evil. CHAPTER XXXIV. 1-8 5 A last judgment upon all who are in evil and in falsities therefrom, is described. 18 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjefls 9-15 _1§ Having been cast down into hell they will abide in horrid falsities and evils to eternity. 16 15 This has been foretold. 17 u It will be otherwise with those who are not such. CHAPTER XXXV. I-3 u Those who are outside of the church, and do not have the Word, are to be accepted, that they may become a church, and all things of heaven are to be given to them. [4,]5 n The Lord will proteé&t and liberate the latter from the infernals, 6-9 uw and while in the midst of them they are to be pro- tected and saved. 10 u The church will consist of them, and they will have the good of the church. CHAPTER XXXVI. I 2 Reasonings from falsities have perverted the doc- trinals of the church, 2-6 2 by means of knowledges (scientifica) falsely applied, 7 2-3 and by abrogation of the representative worship, 8-10 2-3. and in consequence, the church has gone away in- to what is perverse ; 11,12 2-3 the result of this was mere evils and falsities, 13-20 2-3 even so that they blasphemed the Lord, [maintain- ing] that He had no power. 21,22 2-3 This has been made manifest. CHAPTER XXXVII. I-5 3 Of those who repented, and consulted truths of doc- trine, 6,7 3:24 and perceived that those who blasphemed the Lord will perish. 8-13 3-4 They blasphemed still more violently, as [in the as- sertion] that He could be of no avail whatever against them. 14-20 3 Those who consulted dotrine from the Word re- pented, and prayed unto the Lord for help against the blasphemers, ISAIAH XL. 19 Verses Subjefls 21-27 3-1§-4 and received answer in their heart, that those who blasphemed the Lord will perish; and this blas- phemy is likewise treated of. 28, 29 315-4 Therefore it will go no farther, 30-32 u because a new church will come into existence in its time; 33-35 2 and therefore the old church will not be destroyed as yet; 36-38 2[?3] nevertheless, they are to be utterly destroyed. CHAPTER XXXVIII. 1-6 2 They repented: therefore they were protected from destruction ; 7,8 1 therefore the time of the coming of the Lord has been protracted. 9-15 2 The church will nevertheless depart. 16-20 2 They are exhorted to repent. 21, 22 2 There is still natural good with some. CHAPTER XXXIX. 1-7 3 It is foretold that they will adulterate all the goods of the Word and profane its truths, until nothing of good and truth is left, which is “Babel” [or “Babylon” ]; 8 2 but not as yet, CHAPTER XL. 1-5 2 The coming of the Lord is foretold, when the good are to be saved, and the evil will perish. 6-8 2 Every truth will be banished. 9-11 et Prediction concerning the coming of the Lord, and the salvation of those who receive Him, 12-14 16 because He is almighty and all-knowing. 15-18 16 All men and all things against Him are nothing worth. 19,20 16 One’s own intelligence is nothing worth. 21-25 16 Dominion over all things is the Lord’s, and without Him, all things fall. 26 16 He rules the heavens. 20 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjeds 27 16 Why the church is ignorant of this. 28, 29, 16-1) The Lord upholds the church with those who look 31 to Him. 30 2 Those who do not [look to Him], have no power, but fall. CHAPTER XLI. 1-3 5 Concerning a last judgment executed by the Lord from His Human, in which He was while in the world. 4 [15-10] [He executed the judgment] by means of His Divine. 5-7 4 Those who were in self-intelligence opposed them- selves to Him. 8-10,13,14 10 His Human was strengthened by His Divine. II, 12 7 They will be of no avail whatever against Him. 15, 16 8 They will be totally dispersed. 16,17 u Those who confide in the Lord will not fail. 18-20 un They will have truths and goods in all abundance. [21,]22-24 The rest will not know, and will have no power. 25, 26 u Those who are in ignorance of truth, will come to the Lord: 27 u the church will consist of these. 28, 29 n Of themselves they are [nothing] but falsity and evil. CuaptTer XLII. 1-4 tu Concerning the Lord, in whom is the Divine, that He will gently lead and teach. 5-8 ri He will save by virtue of His Divine. g-I2 tu The coming of the Lord is foretold, and the joy of those who will draw nigh to Him, who had pre- viously lived in ignorance. 13-15 7 He will fight for them against the hells, which He will conquer, and He will destroy their power. 16 uw Those who are in ignorance are then to be enlight- ened. 17 3 Those who trust in their own intelligence, and thus in falsities, are to be driven away. 18-20 6-4 The Lord’s patience and tolerance is described, 21 1-6-4 and also His justice. ISAIAH XLIV. 2i Verses Subjeéts x . 22-24 i! Then those who were of the church despoiled them of all truths, and they became averse to them. 25 9°4 He suffered direful things from them, and endured these things. CHAPTER XLIII. I 17 Redemption and salvation of those who will be of the new church from the Lord. 2 uw Falsities and evils will not hurt them. 3-8 Those from every quarter and of every kind will come to Him. 9 i This has been foretold. 10-13, 1 He Himself, who is to come, has foretold it. 14 3 He will destroy all who adulterate and profane the goods and truths of the church. 15 1 It will be He Himself, 16, 17 8 who saves His own, and destroys all the power of hell. 18-21 u From Him will be a new thing, and a new church of those who had previously been in no truths whatever. 22-27 4 The church itself did not worship Him, but they wearied Him with sins, which He bore with, from the beginning and also afterwards. 28 3 Therefore He will utterly reject the church. CHAPTER XLIV. 1-4 i Those who will acknowledge the Lord will receive the Holy Spirit. 5-7 1 He is Jehovah who has foretold that He will do this. 8 t There is no other God. g-II 4 Those who do not worship Him alone are falsifiers. 12-20 2 Those who frame for themselves something else of religion from their own intelligence make falsity to appear as truth, and evil as good, whence they have a guasi divine worship. 21, 22 2 To the Jewish church: it should refrain from such things. 23,24 10 To the new church: the Lord alone is the God of heaven and earth. 25 3 He rejects such, because they are insane from self- intelligence, 22 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjefls 26 nt when He establishes His church, 27 3 and destroys the old church. 28 u This is from the Lord through the Divine Human, who is meant by “Cyrus” in this place. CHAPTER XLV. OF THE LORD IN RESPECT TO THE DIVINE HUMAN, WHO IS ‘‘ CYRUS.’ 1,2 8 From His Divine He has omnipotence against all things of hell. 3 8-10 He has Divine Wisdom, 4 8-0 through His Divine, even to ultimates. 5,6 to He is none other than Jehovah; let all men know this. 7 to From Him are all things. 8 17 Let them receive Him, that they may be saved. g-ll to Doubt whether it be so and why it is so, ought not to be entertained, 12 to for He Himself is the God of heaven, 13 17 and thus He will save men, for they have been bound by the hells. 14 “n Those who are in ignorance and natural will draw near. 15 17 Whence salvation thus comes has been hidden. 16 4 Those who are in falsities will recede. 17 17 Those who are of His church are saved. 18 17 The reason why they are thus saved is that man has been born for heaven. 19 7 This has been foretold in the Word. 20 u-4 Those who are in good draw near, and those who are in evil recede. 21,22 i7 The Lord should be received, because He alone is God, and from Him alone is salvation. 23-25 17 In Him alone is all the life of heaven, 24 4 and that life is not in those who are against Him. CHAPTER XLVI. 2-3 OF THE PROFANATION OF TRUTH, WHICH IS ‘ BEL.” I 2:3 They have affections of falsity and evil. 2 2-3 They are no longer able to understand truth. 3-5 y Those who are not of such a chara¢ter have been led by the Lord and are led by Him. ISAIAH XLVIII. 23 "E7 ay The rest take goods and truths from the Word, and profane them, and make for themselves a religion in which there is no life. 8-12 23 They ought to consider, that there is no other re- ligion than that which is commanded in the Word, where all truths are. 13 “447 The coming of the Lord from whom is salvation, is near at hand. CHAPTER XLVII. 8-15 OF THOSE WHO ADULTERATE GOOD AND PROFANE TRUTH, WHO ARE MEANT BY ‘“‘ BABEL” [OR ‘‘ BABYLON ”’]. I 8-15 These no longer have dominion. 2,3 805 They may frame falsities of faith and evils ot love; but these will be destroyed until they are not, 4 8-15 by the Lord, 5 8-15 Those who profane will be thrust down. 6 3 These falsities and evils have invaded the church, and perverted it. 7 8-15 They believe that they have dominion over all men, 8,9 815 and that their dominion will not cease, by reason of the heinous inventions of worship in which they trust. 10,11 85 They will be utterly destroyed, because they have exalted themselves above all in the world. 12-15 8415 All the fi€tions and inventions of worship will avail nothing, because they will be cast down into hell. CHAPTER XLVIII. 2 EXHORTATION TO THE CHURCH THAT IS ADULTERATING THE GOODS AND PROFANING THE TRUTHS OF THE WORD, THAT THEY SHOULD DESIST. 1,2 2 It has been granted them that they may be the church, and that they may acknowledge the Lord, but in vain. 3,4 2 They have turned away, and this has been declared to them, 5 2 lest, haply, they should believe that they themselves are superior to others, 6,7 2 and have not known this, 8 2 and yet they have been such from the beginning. Q-II 2 They are not yet to be destroyed, for His own rea- sons, and the time will yet be prolonged. 24 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjeéts 12,13 10-16 Be it known to them that He is the God of heaven and earth. 14-17 1 He is the Lord who will come among those who are adulterating and profaning the Word, and will de- clare this to them: 18,19 2 if they had obeyed Him they would have had the goods and truths of the church in all abun- dance: 20, 21 2 if they would leave the adulterations and falsifications of the Word, and the pride of having dominion, they would be in everything of the church. 22 2 But the church is not with them, because they have turned away. CHAPTER XLIX. 17 OF REDEMPTION AND SALVATION BY THE LORD. ‘‘ ISRAEL’? HERE MEANS THE LorD. 1-3 17- He will give the dodtrine concerning God. 4 4 It is to no purpose in the church. 5,6 uw A church with every thing belonging to it is to be established by Him. 7 tz) They should submit themselves to Him. 7-11 17 He will teach them all the truths of salvation. 12 wu) Those who are far removed from truths will draw near, 13 u and they will have joy on this account. 14-16 ww Let them not believe that the Lord does not re- member them; He remembers them constantly. 17,19 Ww Falsities and evils will be removed. 18 "| Approach from all parts to the church. 19,20 12 Heaven will be enlarged for them. 21-23 1 A multitude of those who have not had the Word and hence neither the truths of the church, will draw near, and will worship the Lord, and will be instructed in Divine truths. 24,25 i? Evils from hell will not break in upon them. 26 17 Those will be removed from them, who endeavor to introduce evil and falsity ; these will be in the hells. CHAPTER L. I 3 The former church is rejected. 2,3 3 There is not one there who is obedient, not one who ISAIAH LI. 25 Verses Subjefts believes that the Divine has power to save, where- fore all things of the church are hidden from them. 4,5 0) The Lord has taught constantly. 6,7 g They have treated the Lord wickedly, but He has endured it. 8,9 to Through the Divine in Himself He has become justice. 9 15 Those who are against Him will perish by falsities from evil. 10 ") Those who are far removed from truths will trust in Him and will acknowledge Him, II §§ and the rest, with their evils and the falsities there- from, will be cast down into hell. CuaptTer LI. 1,2 7 3 Ly) 45 Wn 6 7 7,8 Dy] gl 7 12,13 7 14,15 17:8 16 7-8-2 17,18 WW 19,20 2 The worshipers of God look unto the Lord from whom, and to the church through which [come reformation and regeneration]: because the Lord will fill them with intelligence, and will make them happy: because from Him is all good and truth, and in Him does every nation trust; nothing abides to eternity except that which is from Him. Let those who love good look to.Him, and make nothing of the oppositions of men, because they will perish, owing to falsities and evils. To the Lord, because he has Divine power, that He may act, because He has strength to remove the hells, that they may joyfully pass over without harm. There is nothing to fear from the evils thence aris- ing, nor from infestation by them. The Lord will lead them forth safe, however much hell may resist. From His Divine He will set heaven and the church in order, constituted of those who have been in falsities of ignorance. Heretofore there has been a lack of truth and good, a source of falsities beyond measure. 26 Verses 21,22. 23 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Subjedts 3 These the Lord will take away, 3 and they will be given to those who contemptu- ously reject the good. CHAPTER LII. I 12, 13 14 14, 15 n To the New Church: let it embrace the dodtrine of truth, that falsities may not break in, u and let it reje& falsities, u by which they have been made captive, and from which they will be freed. u Because they have been imbued with knowledges (cognitiones) Of falsity confirmed by reasonings, u therefore there is evil and ignorance of God; ut but they will know their God when He comes into the world, wt when He will restore the church, 1 and will manifest Himself; u and then they will forsake the religiosities in which there are such falsities. ut The Lord will lead them out by degrees. 1 He will appear in humility. wt Then those who are in goods and truths will see and draw near. CuHaPptTer LIII. 2,3 6-8 10, II 12 13-4 OF THE LORD'S APPEARANCE IN THE STATE OF HUMILIATION. 13-4 It is scarcely believed that the omnipotence of God is in the Lord, 13-4 because He will appear as vile, and therefore to be despised ; 13-4 and He appeared as if the Divine were not in Him, 17 and yet through it is salvation. 9 He bore all things even to the passion of the cross, 8 and subjugated the hells. g-' Through the passion of the cross a new church will come into existence ; g°8 and because he bore such things He will go forth a Vidtor. ISAIAH LVI. 27 CHAPTER LIV. 1-3 | Those with whom the church had not before ex- isted will have many truths of the church, which will be multiplied. 4,5 lo-17 The former falsities will not be remembered, because the Lord will be the God of the church. 5,6 u They have been for some time as though without God. 7,8 u This came to pass when there was no church, al- though it is to be restored by the Lord: 9, 10 i! at a time when there is no truth, whereas after- wards it will not be lacking. 11-13 7 The doétrinals will be full of spiritual and celestial truths from the Lord. 14,15 17-3 Falsities from hell will no longer be feared. 16,17 §7:3:15 Those who are against the church because of these falsities will be cast into hell. CHAPTER LV. I 17, They will receive truths from the Lord gratis. 2 wiz They will reject such things as have no spiritual life in them. 3,4 17 Truth, in which there is life, and by which there is conjun¢tion, will be given by the Lord. 5,6 u Those will draw nigh to the Lord who had not known Him before. 7 n Concerning repentance. 8,9 7 The way by which is salvation is not known: 10,11 17 it is effected through the coming of the Lord. 12 17 Through this alone is heavenly happiness, 13 rt7 and instead of evil and falsity there is good and truth to eternity. CHAPTER LVI. 1 tt7 The Lord the Saviour will come. 2 1017 Happy is he who esteems holy the union of the Divine and the Human, and of the Lord with the church ; 3 10-17 and let no one believe that he is separated from the Lord. 28 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjeéts “ 4,5 wo Strangers, who esteem that union holy, are to be re- ceived into the church in preference to others, 6,7 n and those also, who are in falsities from ignorance are to be introduced, and their worship will be ac- cepted. 8,9 t) The rest are also to be brought near, 10,11 2 because they have been seduced by those who have evil cupidities, 12 2 and who lust for nothing else than to be insane in falsities. CHAPTER LVII. 1,2 2-3 Truth and good and life are no longer in them, 3 3 because they have falsified and adulterated them, 4 3 speaking against the Divine. 5 3 They love all falsities whatsoever, and destroy all truths whatsoever, 6 3 and worship those things that come from their own intelligence, 7 3 and extol dodtrine derived therefrom even to wor- shipping it, 8 3 and have published it before all, and have extended it to falsities of every kind, 9 3 and call them heavenly goods and truths, and adore them with all submission : 10 3-4 They have not retracted, because this was from their own intelligence. 11,12 3-4 This they have done because they have not con- sulted the Lord, who might teach them. 13,14 3-0 Falsities will destroy them: it is otherwise with those whoso love the Lord that He may teach them truths and remove falsities. 15 u The Lord does this with those who are humble at heart, 16,17. 3 He is not able to do this for those who are wise from what is their own (roprium), 18[, 19] but only for those who grieve over it: 20, 23 3 not with those who bring forth from their natural nothing but evils and falsities, from which they are never removed. ISAIAH LIX. 29 CuapTer LVIII. Verses Subjedls I 2 2 2 3 " 4 u 5,6 u 7 u 8-11 u 12 1 13,14 to The iniquity of the old church, which is to be dis- closed. They are as those who love truth, and as those who are converted ; but their conversion originates in evil. Conversion does not consist in speaking in a devout manner, but in shunning evils, and in exercising charity : then they will have truths in abundance, and the Lord will be with them ; thus the church will be with them, and they will restore all things of the church. If they regard the union of the Lord with the church as holy, they will come into heaven. CHAPTER LIX. 1,2 2 354 2 5 2 9, 10 2 Il 2 12-15 24 16, 17 2-4-7 18 7 19,20 The Lord hears and is able to do all things, but fals- ities and evils stand in the way. By these, truths have been falsified, and this is the source of evils of life and falsities of dotrine. They hatch out such things as captivate and de- ceive, and afterwards kill. Those things with them that are of do¢trine and of life are of no avail for anything. They are diligent at perverting, whence comes vast- ation. He that follows, destroys the truths of the church in himself. For this reason they are in falsities and see no- thing in noonday light. Hence there is no salvation, because there is nothing but evils, and a turning away from truths, thus from the Lord. Inasmuch as no one was in truth, and no one was on the Lord’s side, He alone fought from Divine truth with His own power, seemingly from revenge ; therefore Divine worship belongs to Him, for from Him is redemption, 30 Verses Subjeds 21 17 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. and from His Divine is every truth of the church to eternity. CHAPTER LX. 1,2 13 2 10 3-5 u 6,7 ul 8 u 9, 10 u II, 12 u 13 " 14 " 15, 16 " 17 I-17 18 WI] 19 17 20 17 21,22 Wy 22s [tliniz The Coming of the Lord with Divine truth, when there is nothing but falsity and evil of falsity. The Divine is in the Lord only. They will draw nigh to Him from all parts in great numbers, even those who are external, and they will worship the Lord from good and truth. Those who are in the shade of truth will draw near. The truths of the church and the church will be in them. There will be a continual approach for the sake of salvation. The spiritual-moral will draw near, even those who had not known the Lord before, and these will learn spiritual truths from the Lord. Their natural will become spiritual : perversion of truth and good will be no more, nor the love of evil and falsity, but love to the Lord, and this to eternity, in heaven with growing intelligence. These things will be when the Lord comes. CuarTer LXI. I-30 GIP 4 " 5 u 6 ul 7 u 8 u 9 i Io, tr Wl The coming of the Lord, to save those who are ig- norant of truth and who desire it, and when the judgment is to be executed, then the things of the church which have perished are to be restored: externals of the church : internals of the church: more than ever before. Conjunétion by means of their truths and goods. These to be acknowledged. Such things of the church will exist, when the Lord comes. ISAIAH LXIV. 31 CHAPTER LXII. Verses Subjefts Il THE COMING OF THE LORD AND THE CHURCH AT THAT TIME, AND ITS QUALITY. 1-3 ti A church will come into existence which will acknow- ledge the Lord ; the very truths of heaven will be in it, and more than before. 4,5 Wt7 They will not be separated from the Lord, as before, but conjoined with Him. 6,7. i7 This gospel will be preached even until it takes place. 8,9 iz Then the truths of the Word will not be for those who falsify them, but for those who receive them. 10 ! Preparation is being: made, 10, II 1 and announcement that the Lord will come, 12 n and that that church will be from Him. CHAPTER LXIII. 1-7 THE LORD AND HIS COMBATS. I '7_ The Lord as to the Divine truth, or the Word, from which He has Divine power. 2 3 The Word has been wholly adulterated and de- stroyed. 3-6 3-7-17 No one is in truths, and therefore the Lord alone has fought and conquered, that the faithful may obtain salvation. 7,8 17 This has been done from mercy, that those who wish to receive truth may be saved by Him, 9 7 that He, from Divine love, might lead them. 10 17. Those who were formerly of His church have turned away. 11-14 17 Yet, before that church existed, He led men, and protected them in the midst of hell. 15,16 17-16 Prayer to the Lord that He may have pity, because He alone has redeemed them. 17,18 17-7 Otherwise they would have perished, and hell would have had dominion over them. 19 17-7, When the Lord comes there will be power. H.B. xg (first part) CHAPTER LXIV. I 17-7 When the Lord comes there will be power. H.B. Lxiii. rg (last part) ; s : 2,3. 75 The Lord causes the infernals to perish, when He anes comes with Divine power. a2 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjeéts 4 17 This has not been heard or done before. H.B. 3 5 17 Thus He saves the faithful. HB. 4 6,7 17-1 All are in sins, and there is safety for no one, unless maBsg, 8 He come, 8 17 and yet all have been created by Him, H.B.7 9 u Oh! that He might therefore have regard to them, H.B. 8 10, II 3 when all things of the church have been laid waste. H.B. 9, 10 12 The Lord cannot endure this. H.B. I1 CHAPTER LXV. 1-5 4 The Lord had been present with those who are against Him, who are in dire loves of falsity and evil, and who reject Him. 6,7 3 They will perish in consequence of their contrary worship: 8-10 w still, not all things of the church will perish, because there must be a church; 11, 12 3 but those who have perverted the Word will perish because of falsities. 13,14 3 They will become wretched ; others, happy. 15, 16 uw They will be conjoined with the Lord. 17, 18 u The Lord will establish a new church, 19-21 u in which will be all goods and truths, thus all things of heaven ; 22,23 wiz and that church will not perish. 24 17 The Lord will teach. 25 "17 Falsities and evils will no longer destroy. CHAPTER LXVI. 1,2 t2 Heaven and the church are with those who live in humility and in accordance with the command- ments. 3 3 It is otherwise with those who have perverted all worship into evil. 4 3 Those things will be requited them because they have not obeyed. 5 | Those who are outside of the church will obey and will be received in their stead. 6 3 Destruction of the evil. ISAIAH LXVI. 33 Verses Subjedts 7,8 13 Before they perish, the church is established among others, 9 u-3 and will be established. 10, II u They will drink in Divine truth with joy. 12-14 un They will have all goods and truths. 14, 15 3 Those who are against them will come to an end; 16 3 and those will perish 17 3 who have perverted the holy things of the church. 18 n Men will draw near to the Lord from all parts, 19 u and from every religion. 20 u They will be in all truth of dodtrine of the church, 21 u and in its good. 22 wiz Those things which are of heaven and the church will abide with them. 23 u They will continually worship the Lord. 24 4 Those who have rejected Him will remain forever in their falsities and evils. Heremiah. CuaptTer I. Verses Subjedts 1-3 2 The perverted state of the church. 4-8 u Of the Lord, who is here meant by “Jeremiah :” He will be born, in order that He may teach all men Divine truth. 9,10 2 From His Divine He will teach the truths and goods of the church, and will destroy falsities and evils. II, 12 2 Truths of every good have been given them through the Word; 13 2 but they have perverted them ; 14,15 2 which is the source of all kinds of falsities that are contrary to the truths of the church, 16 2 and from this arises a contrary worship. 17-19 5-7-8 The Lord will admit them to fight against Him, and they will succumb, because the Divine is the Lord’s. CuapTer II. I-3 4-6 78 IO, II 12, 13 14, 15 16 Wee THE CHURCH ESTABLISHED AMONG THE ANCIENTS : 2 Its primitive state when it was defended from falsi- ties and evils. 2 For no reason they departed from Him who had led and protected them, 2 and had taught them all things of the church, which they nevertheless perverted, both its truths and its goods, by departing from the Lord. 2 Still He will teach them with difficulty. 4 No nation has changed its religion as they have done. 4 It is horrible, their rejecting the Lord, and their hatching falsities of doctrine for themselves. 3 Consequently the church and its doétrine have been devastated 3 by falsities out of the natural man. Verses Subjects 17 18 19, 20 21 22, 23 24, 25 26, 27 29, 30 31, 32 33) 34 \ [357] 36 37 43 43 4 JEREMIAH IIL 35 This has taken place because they have rejected the Lord by means of knowledges (scientifica) and reasonings. They draw punishments upon themselves, because they have separated themselves from the Lord, and have worshipped things infernal, and even though genuine truths have been given to them, yet they have become such. Howsoever they may worship in like ways in ex- ternals, yet interiorly they are infernal. They desire eagerly to be in falsities and evils, and shun truths and goods. Evils and falsities are their worship. This is true of all of them. ‘ They are not willing to return, even when chas- tised. Nevertheless they have not been forsaken by the Lord, but they have forsaken Him. They fight to confirm falsities and evils by falsifi- cations of the Word. And they have confirmed them by reasonings from the natural man. And yet confirmations are of no avail. CuHaPtTerR III. 1,2 3 45 6,7 7-9 10, 11 THE SPIRITUAL CHURCH, OR THE TRUTHS OF THE CHURCH. They have departed and falsified truths. They are unwilling to understand truths. They have merely acknowledged the Word out- wardly in the letter, and not even with the Word [in mind], but with falsities. The church in respect to truths, has falsified truths, and has not been willing to be reformed. The celestial church, that is, the church in respect to good has done likewise: as the spiritual church has falsified truths, so the celestial church has adulterated goods. They worship falsities of evil, and have perverted goods more than truths. 12-14 2[-n] Exhortation to reject falsity and to receive truth, 15 - 16,17 that there may be conjunction and a church, [n] and that there may then be knowledge (cogzitio). i] When the Lord comes there will no longer be the 36 . SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjeéats 18 19 20[, 21] 22-25 CHAPTER 1,2 34 5,6 9, 10 11, 12 13 14,15 16 17 18-21 22 22-27 28, 29 30 31 representative of a church, but a church, wherein the Lord Himself will be in place of that repre- sentative. u Then truth and good will make one. u Those who will draw near shall be adopted as chil- dren by the Lord ; 3 but the church has become perverted. u) Those who will be of the new church will acknow- ledge and confess that they have falsities and evils. IV. 2 Exhortation to refrain from evils and to acknow- ledge the Lord, from whom those who are in goods and truths will have salvation. 2 Unless they refrain and turn back, they will utterly perish. 2 Those who will acknowledge must be removed while the destruction lasts, because devastation of all things of the church is at hand, 3 which does not come to an end through outward mourning, nor through complaints that they are perishing, although it is said in the Word that they shall be saved. 3 It is answered that they are not willing to acknow- ledge and receive. Falsities are breaking in. Corruption of the church in respect to do€trine, in respect to the Word. Lamentation thereat. There is no longer any understanding of truth. 3 All things of the church have been destroyed, even until nothing remains, 3 and the church has become none. 3 The things of the church could not have been re- stored among them in any way. tu Despair of those of whom the new church will con- sist. w w wwwwww CHAPTER JEREMIAH VI. 37 V. Uerses Subjeéts 1,2 3 45 9, 10 II, 12 13 14-17 18 19, 20 21-24 25-27 27, 28 29 39, 31. CHAPTER 2 There is no truth in dotrine or in the church, and if they believe, it is falsity. 2 They were urged by punishments, but still they did not receive. 2 This non-reception is due, not to simplicity, but to application and industry ; 2 therefore all falsities and evils of falsity have broken in upon them. 2 They have rejected all mercy, because they have perverted all truths and goods, which they had in all abundance. 2 Therefore they cannot but perish, et 2 for they have acknowledged evils and falsities as goods and truths, because they have departed from the Lord, 2 and have annihilated the Word. 2 Therefore infernal evil will invade them, and will still further destroy all the goods and truths of the church ; 2 but not quite, as yet. This comes upon them because they have forsaken the Lord, and yet it is in their power to know that the Lord alone can do all things, but they are unwilling to know that He is God from whom are all truths and goods. 2 This has come to pass because it is delightful to them to pervert and deceive. and for this reason they are held in esteem. They cannot but perish, 3 because all goods and truths from firsts to lasts have been perverted in such wise ; also because all of them, from the highest to the lowest, do thus. wn VI. 2 THOSE WHO HAVE CONJUNCTION WITH THE LORD IN THE LOWEST HEAVEN ; THESE ARE MEANT BY ‘‘ THE CHILDREN OF BENJAMIN.” 2 The church among them is destroyed by falsities of evil. 2 They no longer have truth and good, but falsity and evil, and these destroy them. 2 By means of these the church amongst them is de- stroyed. 38 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjets 8,9 2 There are still some truths: let them beware lest they destroy them ; 10 3 but they hearken not. II 3 Therefore all things are being destroyed. 12 u Thus others are being received in their stead. 13, 14 3 Because everything there has been so perverted that there is no protection against falsity, 15 3 which they do not acknowledge to be falsities, 16,17 3 and they repudiate truths, 18, 19 3 therefore they will come to an end; 20 3 hence they regard the works of their worship as of no value. 21 3 Destruction comes upon them 22, 23 3 through falsities, from which they reason against the truths of the church. 24-26 3 Those who are separated and grieve over them. 27-30 3 The perverse are tested, and found incapable ot restoration. CHAPTER VII. 3, THOSE WHO ARE IN THE LOWEST HEAVEN WITH WHOM IS THE CHURCH IN RESPECT TO GOOD. I,2 3 To such: 3 3 let them look to truths and goods ; 4 3 let them not believe that the church is with them: 5,6 3 unless they live according to the commandments, and do no violence to the Word, 7 3 goods and truths do not cause them to be a church. 8-10 3 If the life is contrary to the commandments, there is no church worship. 11 3 The church of the Lord is not with those who pro- fane holy things. 12-15 3 By such profanation the destruction of the church is brought about, as elsewhere, so also here. 16 3 Intercession is of no avail, 17-19 3 because it is certain that they profane the truths and goods of heaven. 20 3 Hence is the destruction of all. 21-24 3 They rely on externals of worship, which are of no account, because they have no internals of wor- ship. 25, 26 2 They have obstinately rejected internals, even from the beginning. JEREMIAH IX, 39 Verses Subjefs 27-31 § Since their reformation is vain, everything of their worship is rejected, because they profane all things of the church. 32,33 5 They will be cast into hell, where there is nothing but falsity and evil. 34 §§ Thus that church will perish. CHAPTER VIII. 1,2 5 The profaners of truth will be cast into hell, and abide in their profanities. 3 5 And all their remains will likewise perish. 4-6 3 They are such that they cannot be converted and led back. 7-9 3 They are not willing to know any truth from the Word, but reject it. 10 3 Therefore the things they have will be given to others. II, 12 3 They defend their falsities, and call them truths of the church; they do not want it to be otherwise. 13 3 Therefore, because they no longer have truth or good, they will perish. 14, 15 3 They have recourse to the Word, but in vain. 16, 17 3 Then fallacies of the sensual man, and reasonings therefrom will destroy them, and infect them with poison. 18-22, } u Reciprocal grief and lamentation, that the time is CH. Ix. I so long drawn out before a new church consisting wen Teas of others can be established. CHAPTER IX. I Wt [See above, end of chapter viii.] HB. Vill. 23 2.3 3 In the church is nothing but what is falsified and Mea evil therefrom, because they depart from the Lord. 4-6 3 One falsity comes from another even until there is HB. 3-5 nothing but falsity in which [they are]. 7,8 3 When they are being taught they feign that they HRT wish it, but they do not. 3 Must they not perish? H.B. 8 10-12 3 Grief because of the destruction of all things of the ae nee church, even until nothing remains. 40 Verses Subjeéts SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. 13-15 3 Because they have repudiated the Word, and have Serres obeyed their own lusts, they are in falsities of evil; 16 3 and therefore they will be destroyed by evils, and vee 28 falsities therefrom. 17-19 3 Lamentation over devastation. “HB. 16-18 20, 21 3 Lamentation that from this there is destruétion, H.B, 19, 20 a 22 3 because they have infernal evil and falsity. HB, 20 23,24 15: Let it be known that everything of truth and good, eae and hence everything of power and wisdom, is from acknowledgment of the Lord. 25,26 1% The coming of the Lord to judgment upon all who H.B. 24, 25 are in externals without internals. CHAPTER X. I, 2 3 3-5 3 6,7 16 8,9 3 10 16 Il 4 12, 13 16 14,15 23 16 " 17,18 13 1Q-21 3-Ig 22 3 23-25 n Let not those be feared who wish to prevail by their own intelligence and by means of artifices. It is described how they make evil to appear like good, and make themselves appear powerful, whereas the Lord alone has power. To do this they abuse the Word; but the Lord alone reigns, and those who do not acknowledge Him, vanish. All truth is from the Lord. Self-intelligence amounts to nothing at all: it will perish. It is otherwise with a church that trusts in the Lord. The preparation of these during the destruction of the former. Grief because of the backsliding of the church from the Lord, and its vastation, Their end. Prayer to the Lord that they may not perish to- gether with the evil. CHAPTER XI. 1-3 3 4 3 56 3 Let them do the commandments and acknowledge the Lord; this is meant by the “covenant.” It was with them when they were reformed. Every good and truth of the church is theirs by means of it. JEREMIAH XIII. 41 Verses Subjeéts i 7,8 os 3 This they were often told, but they did not obey, g, 10 3 but all did the contrary, and acknowledged another god. 11-13 3 Therefore there is no help for them, because they all love falsities and worship other gods. 14 3 Intercession will not avail. 15,16[,17]3 They have profaned the church and its good and truth. 18, 19 9 This was made manifest by their delivering the Lord up to death. 20 i§ Therefore retribution awaits them. 21 4 They do not wish to hear about the Lord. 22,23 15 They will perish by means of falsities on the day of judgment. CHAPTER XII. 1,2 nmi The church that expects the Lord asks why the wicked flourish. 3 tt Oh! that He would come, and that the evil might be removed. 4 3 Because there are no longer truths and goods with them, 5 3 they have self-intelligence, 6 3 and they wish to know nothing more. q-12 3 The church where the Word is turns against the Lord, and has embraced falsities, whence she has been utterly desolated and vastated. 13 3 Goods are turned into evils. 14,15 3 Therefore they are to be expelled, and others, of whom the church is to be formed, are to be ac- cepted in their place. 16, 17 3 As long as they acknowledge the Lord they will remain. CHAPTER XIII. 1-7 2 That the truth of the church would gradually perish by means of reasonings from the natural man, was represented by the “girdle of linen.” 8-11 2 The like has come to pass with the church where the Word is, where they have backslidden from the Lord, and consequently from truths ; 12, 13 2 and afterwards there were falsities for truths, 42 Verses 14 15, 16 17 18, 19 20 21 22 23 24, 25 26, 27 Subjels 2 wWwWwwnn 15-3 15°3 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. and consequent destruction. Let them beware lest mere falsity take the place of truth. Grief on this account. It may be seen that all truth of the Word perishes. Falsities take the place of truth. Hence destruction is at hand. The cause of this is, that they are interiorly evil and hence become also outwardly evil. It cannot be otherwise ; therefore destruction visits them, because they have forsaken the Lord, and hence they have falsities ; 3 and in consequence their interiors, which are evil, will be laid open. CHAPTER XIV. 1-3 4-6 7-9 10 *r1,12 13 14-16 17,18 19 20-22 3 9-3 9-3 Truth is wholly lacking in the church. He that seeks does not find it. Prayer to the Lord to have pity. Answer is made, that they have backslidden ; therefore no attention is given either to their prayer or to their worship. They are flattered into believing that there is no lack and no desolation of truth. This is from their doétrine of falsity, which will perish, and together with it, those who live ac- cording to it. Grief that there is no truth either in the church or in doétrine. 4 Complaint thereat. Prayer for them. CHAPTER XV. 3 5 3 3 3 3 Answer is made, that no intercession for them can be of any avail. They will be cast into hell, where are falsities and evils of every kind. They are to be driven out from the church, because they have backslidden. They have no truth. Because there is no truth, there is falsity. JEREMIAH XVII. 43 Uerses Subjedts 9, 10 3 The church with them has come to an end. 11 15 At the time of the judgment they will be destroyed. 12-14 3 Having been destroyed by falsities from the natural man, they have no truths from the Word: these will be taken away from them. 15,16 #7 The Lord, and His combats from Divine truth. 17, 18 7 His grief over their falsities. 19-21 8 His victory over them. CHAPTER XVI. 1-3 3 There is no conjunction of the Lord with that church, because no truths and goods are there. 4 15 They cannot but be cast into hell. 5-7 1§ No compassion can be shown. 8 3 Because no good and truth can be received by them, 9 3 all conjunction with the Lord has perished with them. 10, II 3 This comes of their having departed from wor- shipping the Lord; hence their worship is not worship of God ; 12 3 therefore every one wishes to be wise from himself; 13 15 consequently they must be in hell. 14,15 n Others are to be brought to the church by the Lord, 16[,17] wu both those who are natural and those who are ra- tional. 18 3 Retribution will visit those who have previously profaned the church. 19-21 "| Those of whom the church will consist will acknow- ledge the Lord. ‘CHAPTER XVII. Ty2 3 It is in their internals to worship only externals. 3 3 All true knowledges (scientifica) will be taken away ; 4 3 but not yet. They will come into hell. 5,6 3 Because they trust in themselves, they perceive no- thing of truth and good. 7,8 n On the other hand, those who trust in the Lord always have good and truth. 9g, 10 3 The Lord knows what lies hidden interiorly, how- soever the external may appear. 44 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subje&s II 3 The truths which they learn are of no use to them. 12,13 1§ Because the Lord is heaven and the church, those who depart from Him are damned. 14-18 3 Prayer to the Lord, and acknowledgment, that the evil may be removed. 19, 20 3 The Lord, to those who are in externals: 21-24 16 that they ought to acknowledge His Divine, which is meant by the “sabbath,” and not violate it ; 25 16 then they will possess an understanding of the Word, 26 16 and then their worship will be from truths. 27 2 If they will not acknowledge, the externals will perish from internals. CHAPTER XVIII. 1-4 n It is represented that those who are in falsities and evils can be reformed by the Lord. 5-8 ) Therefore those who are converted after repentance, are accepted by the Lord, although they are in falsities and evils. 9, 10 3 On the other hand, those who are in truths and in good, and do evil, perish. [11,]12,13 3 Those who are in the church are told to repent and be converted ; but they will not, 14-16 3 because they love falsities of every kind, and there- by annihilate the church with themselves. 17 3 Therefore they will be destroyed. 18 3 They exalt themselves against the Lord and con- sequently against His Word, despising Him, and falsifying it. 19, 20 3 Lamentation over this. 21, 22 3 They have no truth of the church, and they act craftily. 23 3 They cannot be forgiven. CHAPTER XIX. I 3 The Church has been instituted ; 2,3 3 but they have destroyed its truths by dire falsities, and therefore the church has perished. Verses 45 6 7,8 9 g-II 12, 13, 14, 15 JEREMIAH XXI. 45 Subjels 3 They have forsaken the Lord, and have loved evils that gush forth from the love of self. 3 Therefore the church is no longer there, but hell. 3 There they will be among profaners, 3 where there is deadly hatred for one another. 3 It is represented that the church there has been de- stroyed, so that it cannot be restored. 3 Hell is actually there, because there is nothing but the lust of the love of self. 3 This was foretold to them through the Word. CHAPTER XX. I-3 4 5 6 7-10 1I-13 14-18 3 They blaspheme the Word. 3 They will come among those who blaspheme and adulterate the Word. 3 They will disperse all the truths and goods of the Word, 3 and will thus perish with these. 3 Lamentation over the blasphemies against the Lord, and against the Word; 3 and the Lord’s confidence during combats, that the Word is being protected. 3 Despair that the Word is so treated. CHAPTER XXI. 1,2 3-5 6 7 8-10 11,12 13 14 3 The hell of blasphemers of the Lord and of pro- faners of the Word was present. 3 The Lord cannot turn this away, because they ally it to themselves. 3 Everything that they have is such; 3°15 and they will all perish. 315 Those who study the Word are worse off, because they study it from something profane that is within. 3-5 There is no good and truth. 3-15 Their heart is stubborn. 3-15 Hence their destrution. 46 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. CHAPTER XXII. Verses Subjeéts 1,2 2 To those in the church who possess a knowledge (scientia) of things. 3.4 2 If they do according to the truths of the Word and the knowledge (scientia) they possess, and do not pervert these, they will have intelligence. 5,6 2 Otherwise all of their intelligence will perish, 7-9 2 and everything pertaining to their knowledge (scien- tia), because they have separated themselves from the Lord. 10 2 There is no restitution. II, 12 2 The church no longer consists of such, 13,14 2 because they have made a religion for themselves by reasonings from falsities. 15,16 2 Those who were before them in the church were not of such a character ; 17 3 but they perverted the church by falsities of every kind. 18, 19 3 There can be no pity, but they must be cast out as profane. 20, 21 3 They are unwilling to give heed to the Word, 22 3 because they have been imbued with falsities of re- ligion. , 23,24 35 They can have no protection through the Word, howsoever they acknowledge it with their lips. 25-27 3 They will come among those who profane the Word, and by means of it make for themselves a religion that is contrary to the truths of the church, from which religion they cannot recede. 28-30 3 They have not a truth which has not been pervert- ed and profaned. CHAPTER XXIII. 1,2 3 Against those who have perverted the good of the Word, and by means of it have destroyed the church, who are meant by the “shepherds.” 3,4 n They will perish, and the Lord will establish a church from others, who will teach and learn its good. 5,6 n The Lord will do this, and then those who are of His church will be saved. 7(, 8] 16-0 Then they will acknowledge that the Lord is Jeho- vah, and that the church is His. Verses 9 10 II 13 14 15 16, 17 18 19, 20 21, 22 23, 24 25, 26 27 28, 29 30, 31 32 33 35, 36 37-40 JEREMIAH XXIV. 47 Subje@s 3 Against those who pervert the truths of the Word, who are meant by the “ prophets.” 3 From their perversions the church is full of falsities and is perverted, 3 and there is no longer truth or good, excepting such as is external. 15:3 Because they do not see truths, they perish on the day of judgment. 3 Truths are perverted by false principles, which are of religion. / 3 But the Word is perverted, this is the worst. 3 They will possess nothing but falsity, 3 which they also confirm from the Word, 3 saying, that it is Divine. i§ They will perish on the day of judgment. 3 They learn from themselves, and not from the Lord ; if they learned from the Lord, they would depart from evils : 3 thus the Lord would be with them. 3 They pervert by means of false interpretation. 3 Hence they have no understanding of truth, 3 because they have none from the Lord, who also is the Word, in which truth from Him makes itself manifest. 3 Those who call themselves enlightened pervert truth still more, 3 whereas they are not enlightened. 3 The Divine truth shows that they have gone back. 3 He who says otherwise will suffer. 3 Moreover they will not know what Divine truths is ; 3 and because they call that which is false, Divine truth, the truth of the church will be removed from them: hence their destruction. CHAPTER XXIV. 1-3 4-7 2m After that the whole church had adulterated and profaned the Word, it was represented that part of them were of such a character that they could be reformed, but part could not; these are meant by the “two baskets of figs, in one of which were good ones, and in the other bad ones.” 2 Those who could be reformed, were those who had been completely vastated, so that they did not . 48 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjedls = know what is true and what is good; these can at last be taught, can acknowledge the Lord, can be received, and can become a church. 8,9 3 But those who could not be reformed, were those who desired still to be in worship from the Word, which worship they would then continually pro- fane. 9, 10 3 With these, everything holy would be profaned, and they would perish. ; CHAPTER XXV. 1-3 2 The Lord to those with whom the church has been instituted. 4-7 2 He taught them continually by the Word, that they should refrain from evils, and not go away to any other worship than that of the Lord; but they did not obey. 8-11 2 Therefore everything of the church among them will perish ; and they will be in temptations from those who profane things holy. 12 2 Retribution will afterwards visit the tempters. 13,14 2 It will so come to pass. 15-27 3 Knowledges (cogzitiones) of truth and good, and also truths of every kind and sort will perish. 28-30 3 This cannot otherwise than come to pass, even with those who are in knowledges (cognitiones) from the Word. 31-33 3 There is no longer any truth that has not been profaned. 34-38 !) Lamentation by those who are in good, and in truths therefrom. CHAPTER XXVI. 1-5 2 Exhortation by the Lord to repent, and live accord- ing to His commandments in the Word. 6 2 Otherwise the church with them will be destroyed. 7-9 9 Evil and falsity of religion condemned Him to death, 10-16 g but because He spoke from the Divine, the truths of the church acquitted Him. 17-19 9 An instance of their not condemning to death one who spoke from inspiration, JEREMIAH XXIX. 49 Verses Subjeéts 20-23 g excepting one who spoke falsely. 24 9°3 The Lord was not condemned on account of the people. CHAPTER XXVII. 1-8 3 Since there is an end to the church, and to all things - of it, they ought no longer to be there, lest they should profane it; therefore they were carried off to “Babylon,” where they could not profane its holy things, and those who would not go, were profaners, and will perish. 9-11 3 Those who teach anything else, teach falsities. 12, 13 3 All with whom the church has been instituted will depart, or otherwise they would profane it, and will perish. 14, 15 3 Let them not believe anything else. 16-21 3 Nothing of things holy, not even of its externals, will remain, because it has been profaned. 22 wn The church will be constituted of others, after it has been delivered from the profane. 3 This was because the land of Canaan and all things therein re- presented the church, and as these are mentioned by name in the Word, those who profaned holy things could not be tolerated there. CHAPTER XXVIII. I-17 2 They understood the Word in a contrary sense, ; and from this they persuaded themselves that the profanities of their religion were the holy things of the church, and consequently they were not to be carried away from the land; but they were told that they had persuaded themselves of fals- ities. CHAPTER XXIX. 1-7 u Those in spiritual captivity are told that they should study truths and do goods, and continue in them, 8,9 and not become imbued with falsities, 10-15, since when their spiritual captivity ceases, a new 50 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjefls : , ; church will be instituted of those who are of such a character, and who acknowledge the Lord. 16-19 3 Those who were formerly of the church will profane the holy things of the church, and will therefore perish. 20-23 3 Those who have falsely interpreted the Word are condemned. 24-32 3 Those who persuasively established falsities, will abide in falsities, and will not perceive truth. CHAPTER XXX. 1-3 n Establishment of the church with those who have been in spiritual captivity, or in ignorance of truth. 4-7 § Then the last judgment will be executed with those who are of the church. 8,9 n Then they are to be brought to the church, and will worship the Lord. 10, 11 u Then their spiritual captivity will cease. 12-15 3 They have been infested by evils and falsities, and there is no remedy, 16 3 but those who have destroyed, will be destroyed. 17, 18 w There will be a remedy from the Lord, who will restore the church. 19, 20 H They will be perfected in truths, and it will last. 21,22 wt This will be done by the Lord, when He will come, and He will be their God. 23,24 1 He will execute judgment upon the wicked. CHAPTER XXXI. bl) OF THE NEW CHURCH THAT WILL BE ESTABLISHED BY THE LORD. THIS IS MEANT BY ‘‘ISRAEL"’ AND “ ZION.” I tu The Lord will be their God. 2-5 The loved one will receive the goods of the church. 6-8 w They are to be brought near. 9 wu They will come, and will understand truths. 10,11 wiz The redeemed will be guarded against falsities, 12-14 lz and will receive things spiritual and celestial. 15 u) They are as dead, 16, 17 w but they will finally return. JEREMIAH XXXIII. — 51 Verses Subjeéls 18-21 u They will come out of ignorance of truth into the truths of heaven. 22 ) They will understand them. 23-28 u They will be imbued with wisdom. 29, 30 u They will have no falsity of evil. 31-34 w They will be conjoined with the Lord, and from that conjunction truths will be inscribed on their . life. 35-37 u This will be established to eternity. 38-40 u They will have abundant and extended dodirine of life. CHAPTER XXXII. I-5 3 Indignation that the Jewish church will be destroyed, 6-15 uw Yet the Lord’s church will be preserved. 16-22, 25 wt Prayer that it may be preserved, 23-25 3 but the former church will be destroyed, 26-33 3 and it will be reproved because of its evils, which have also been with them from the beginning, although they had the Word, and doétrine from it. 34, 35 3 They have profaned holy things. 36-40 t!) When this has been done, a new church is to be in- stituted, which will be conjoined with the Lord. and will not be separated from Him. 41, 42 w They will have every good. 43) 44 n They will then have everything of the church. CHAPTER XXXIII. 1-5 u A new church. It will be established when the former church has been destroyed. 6-9 u After its destru€tion those are to be brought near who are to be led out of falsities, 10, II u who will worship the Lord from an affection for truth and good, 12, 13 and who will be in truths of every kind after the former church has ceased to be. 14-16 wu This will take place when the Lord comes, who will institute it. 17,18 u Then truth and good will not be wanting. 19-21 u The spiritual and the natural will be in agreement. 52 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjefs : . 22 n Then there will be truths in all abundance. 23-26 u Unless spiritual and natural truth and good become concordant, there can be no church. CHAPTER XXXIV. 1-7 3 The Jewish church will be destroyed, although its truth will be preserved. 8-11 [1] Those who are of the church will be free, 12-16 3 but they have of themselves become slaves. 17-19 3 They will be slaves to falsities, because they have departed from conjun¢tion with the Lord ; 20 3 and because of profanation of truth. 21,22 3 Therefore they will die the death of profaners. CHAPTER XXXV. I-10 u) Those who are of the Lord’s celestial church are represented by the “children of Jonadab,” who were to “drink no wine, nor build a house, nor sow seed, nor plant vineyards,” which signifies to learn truths and retain them in the memory, which belongs to the spiritual church; but that they should “dwell in tents,” which signifies to receive in the life and obey. 11 w From this they will have the celestial church. 12-16 3 The Jewish church does not receive nor obey, although they are taught continually. 17 3 Therefore they will perish. 18,19 w But those who obey will be in the celestial church. CHAPTER XXXVI. I-10 3 The destruction of the Jewish church and nation is foretold, and it is impressed upon them that they should repent. 1-16 3 They might know it to be true. 17, 18 3 It was foretold by the Lord. 19-24 3 They rejected it by profaning it; JEREMIAH XXXIX. 53 Verses Subjeets 25, 26 3 likewise the Word. 27, 28, 32 The Divine truth will not perish. 29-31 3 Because they have made themselves obstinate, the destruction of the church and of the kingdom is imminent. CHAPTER XXXVII. 2 THOSE WHO REMAINED OF THE DEVASTATED CHURCH PROFANED THE HOLY TRUTHS OF THE CHURCH BY REASONINGS FROM KNOWLEDGES (scientifica). 1,2 2 Those who remained did not live according to the truths of doctrine from the Word. 3,4 2 They had regard to doétrinals. 5 2 They consulted knowledges (scientifica). 6-10 2 It is foretold that they will be destroyed by reason- ings from knowledges. 11-16 2 Thus doétrine was repudiated and falsified. 17-21 2 Truths were perverted, but not goods with the truths, until there was a lack of goods. ? CHAPTER XXXVIII. 1-3 2 Those who have not yet been vastated, will be vast- ated. 4-6 2 They made themselves still more obstinate, by perverting doctrine from the Word, and defiling it. 7-13 2 The remnants that were not utterly falsified, were nevertheless tainted with falsities. 14-18 2 If they pervert them still farther, they will perish. 19-21 2 Otherwise, if those remnants are not so perverted, they will not perish. 22, 23 2 It is foreseen that all things of the church will be perverted. 24-28 2 This was hidden from them. CHAPTER XXXIX. I-3 2 By reasonings from falsities the remnants of dodtrine will perish. 54 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjedls 4-8 2 They have been wholly falsified, even until there is no truth in them. g, 10 2 The simple understanding of the Word had not yet been devastated, 11-14 2 because they were not in reasonings from falsities, but only in externals of dodtrine. 15-18 2 The remnant of doétrine will be falsified, but not yet. CHAPTER XL. 1-6 2 The simple understanding of the Word according to dotrine will still remain. , 7-12 2 Beside the simple understanding, reasonings from falsities have been tolerated, which were commin- gled. 13-16 2 They began to be imbued with falsities of faith. CHAPTER XLI. 1-3 2 Further falsification of truth, 4-7 2 and abolition of worship from this, 8 2 with some exception, 9 2 by means of falsities of faith, 10 2 and by means of falsification of truth. 11-15 2 But there were still remains, 16-18 2 some of which were perverted by knowledges (scéenss- fea) of the natural man. CHAPTER XLII. 1-6 2 The remains or those left consulted do@trine, 9-22 2 but they were told, that if they would continue simply in their external worship, and would not consult knowledges (scientifica) of the natural man, they would be saved; if they should consult them, all truth and good of worship would per- ish. ‘ CHAPTER JEREMIAH XLVI. 55 XLII. ‘Verses Subjeéts 1-4 5-7 8-13, CHAPTER 1-6 II-14 15-19" 20-23 24-27 28 29, 30 CHAPTER I=3 CHAPTER I-6 7-10 II, 12 T3-t9 2 But this was not done. 2 They consulted the knowledges (scientijca) of the natural man. 2 Thus they will perish by reasonings from these, and the knowledges themselves would be perverted by adapting them to falsities. XLIV. 3 Much of the church perished by departure from the Lord and by falsities of every kind. 3 Now nearly all things left perish by means of know- ledges (scientifica) of the natural man, nor do they refrain for fear of destruction, 3 because they consult knowledges, and thus there is scarcely any residue. 3 They make themselves obstinate, and love things that have been falsified by knowledges. 3 Their destruction in consequence of this foretold, 3 even until nothing of the church was left, 3 except a few things. 3 True knowledges (scientifica vera) are perverted by reasonings therefrom. XLV. 3 Prediétion that the whole church will be destroyed. XLVI. 3 THE NATURAL OF MAN WILL PERISH BY REASONINGS FROM KNOWLEDGES (sctentifica). ° 3 All such knowledges are no longer of any avail, be- cause they have been destroyed by means of rea- sonings. 3 Pride in these will be lowered, and they will become falsities. 3 They cannot be healed, because the church has been destroyed by means of these falsities. — 3 The whole natural perishes, nor is there anything there but falsity and evil. 56 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjeéts 20-24 3-0 All its learning which confirms falsities will perish. 25,26 3 The like will happen to others who trust in know- ledges (scientifica). 27, 28 u It is otherwise with those who are in spiritual cap- tivity, who will constitute the church. CHAPTER XLVII. I-7 3 All who are in faith alone, so-called, will lapse into mere falsities, until they have no knowledges (cog- nitiones) of truth and good; and they will perish on 15 the day of judgment. CHAPTER XLVIII. 3 OF THOSE WHO ADULTERATE THE GOODS OF THE WORD AND OF THE CHURCH, WHO ARE MEANT BY ‘‘ MOAB.” I-5 3 The destruction of all things with those who adul- terate the goods of the church and of the Word. 6-9 3 All truths have been destroyed thereby. 10, II 3 It has not been devastated for a long time, and therefore the evil is worse. 12-16 3 Nevertheless they will perish with their falsities. 17-26 3 There will be devastation of all things of truth with them. 27, 28 3 They are against the church, because against truths. 29 3 Its pride. 30-34 3 Grief on account of all this, 35-38 3 because there is nothing but evil, 39-42 3 because there is no longer any good or truth of the Word. 43-46 3 Every remnant of truth and good, which is un- touched, is adulterated at the same time. Those who have not adulterated will be amended. 47 1 CHAPTER XLIX. 3. OF THOSE WHO FALSIFY THE TRUTHS OF THE WORD AND OF THB CHURCH, WHO ARE MEANT BY ‘‘ THE CHILDREN OF AMMON.” I 3 They falsify truths. 2 3 Truths and goods with them will be destroyed. 3 3 Mourning over this. JEREMIAH L. 57 Verses Sudje&s - . 4,5 3 They will be dispersed. 6 u Those who have not falsified truths will be ac- cepted. 3 OF THOSE WHO HAVE FALSIFIED THE EXTERNAL OF THE WORD, WHO ARE MEANT BY ‘‘ EDOM." 7,8 3 They will be destroyed by things falsified. 9-13 3 Nothing of truth remains. 14-18 3 Their total destruction. 19-22. = _ The last judgment is executed upon them, and they are cast down into hell. a 3 OF THOSE WHO PERVERT THE KNOWLEDGES (cognitiones) OF TRUTH, WHO ARE MEANT BY ‘* DAMASCUS.” 23-26 3 The doétrine of truth has been destroyed thereby. 27 3 They will perish. 3 OF THOSE WHO PERVERT THE KNOWLEDGES (cognitiones) OF GOOD, WHO ARE MEANT BY ‘‘ARABIA.”” 28-30 3 They have destroyed the knowledges (coguitiones) of good and truth by reasonings. 31-33 3 Their destruction. 3 > OF THE FALSIFICATION OF DOCTRINE, WHICH IS MEANT BY “ ELAM." 34-36 3 The falsities of their doctrine will be dispersed. 37, 38 3 They will perish, 39 i) except those who have not falsified. CHAPTER L. 3 OF THOSE WHO HAVE ADULTERATED AND FALSIFIED THE GOODS AND TRUTHS OF THE CHURCH, WHO ARE MEANT BY ‘‘ BABYLON"’ AND “*CHALDEA.”” 1-3 3 They will no longer have any good or truth. 4-7 it Then those who are in ignorance of good and truth, because of a lack of them, will be brought to the Lord. 8 u They will depart from “ Babylon.” 9, 10 3 “Babylon” will perish, II 3 because they have vastated the church. 12, 13 3 It is without any truth. 14-16 15 Their destruction at the time of judgment, 17 15-3 because she has destroyed the church. 18-20 3 After “Babylon” has been destroyed, a new church will be established, which will be acceptable to the Lord. 58 Verses 21-24 25-30 31, 32 33) 34 35-38 39, 40 41-46 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Subjeéls 3 “Babylon” will be destroyed because she is against the Lord. 3 They are to be wholly destroyed, 3 on account of the love of ruling, 3 because they do not refrain from destroying the . church which the Lord establishes and redeems. 3 All things appertaining to them from firsts to lasts have been destroyed by means of falsities. 3 They have horrible falsities and evils. 5 The last judgment upon them. CHAPTER LI. 1-4 7-10 II-I3 14-18 19-23 24-26 27-29) 30-32 33 34-40 41-44 45-50 51-53 54-58 3 OF THOSE WHO BY TRADITIONS OR REASONINGS FROM THE NATURAL MAN HAVE PERVERTED THE TRUTHS AND GOODS OF THE CHURCH, WHO ARE HERE MEANT BY ‘‘ BABYLON.” All truths of do@trine with them will be destroyed. The Jewish church is such, and is against the Lord. Let them beware of such. Those who are there are vastated by such things, and they do not refrain. Ww ww 2-3 They pervert truths and goods, which they have in abundance. 2 They have the Word so that they can be wise, but they falsify it. 15 When the judgment overtakes them from the Lord, all things appertaining to them, from firsts to lasts, are to be scattered. 45 Their destruction will come, because they have destroyed everything of the church. 3 They will seize upon falsities of every kind. 2 Hence they will no longer have any power. 5 Her last time is coming. 5 They will perish because they have destroyed the church. 15 They will be destroyed by mere falsities. 15 Let them not come near those who are of the church, lest they perish together with them. 45 They cannot resist, however much they trust in themselves. § Those who trust in their own falsities, will come to nothing, and will be destroyed. Verses 59-61 62-64 Subye JEREMIAH LII. 59 As 15 This is told to those, who in the church have been taken captive by such, and who have become “Babylon.” ‘15 They are to be cast into hell. CHAPTER LII. 1-7 8-11 12-23 24-27 28-30 31-34 3 After the Jewish church has been wholly devastated in respect to all truths and goods by traditions or by reasonings from falsities, 3 the church is destroyed, until nothing of it is left remaining. 3 The destruction of all things of the church in gen- eral and in particular is described. 3 They can no longer be taught from the Word. u Their quality. u Beginning of the establishment of the church. Lamentations. CHAPTER I. Verses Subje&s I-3 3 The church and its do@rine from the Word, which had been dominant, but now enslaved and laid waste. 45 3 All of its truths and goods are perverted. 6 3 There is no power against the hells. J-11 3 All things of the church have been devastated, and hence it is in evils and falsities. 12-16 3 Its grief on account of the devastation. 17-22 3 There is no help from heaven. CHAPTER II. 1-9 3 Because all truths and goods have been destroyed, that church has been rejected by the Lord, and there is damnation. 10-12 3 Grievous mourning of the church on account of the devastation. 13-15 3 The church has no conjunction with the Lord, be- cause it is wholly perverted, and hence rejected. 16, 17 3 Evils prevail. 18-22 3 Lamentation of the church over her devastation. CHAPTER III. 1-64 pe Description of the combats of the Lord with hells, [-66] which were especially from the Israelitish and Jewish church, with despair, because all had been in evils and in falsities therefrom, and against the 13 Lord: He invokes the Father that He may not be forsaken, and that He may conquer and subju- gate these hells. These things in a summary. LAMENTATIONS V. 61 CHAPTER IV. Verses Subjeéts 1-3 3 Holy truths and goods turned into falsities, 3 so that there is a lack of all of them. 5-8 3 Their spiritual things have become infernal. 9, 10 3 Affections of truth have become cupidities of falsity. II 3 They were against the Lord. 12-14 3 They falsified the truths of the Word. 15 3 It was impure. 16,17 3 The Word was rejected owing to their own intelli- gence. 18, 19 3 Nothing of the church was left, and therefore came their destruction. 20 9 The Lord was rejected. 21, 22 3 The external of the church was also vastated. CHAPTER V. 1-5 3 Lamentation to God, that there is a lack of every- thing of the church, ‘ 6-9 3 because of falsities and evils. 10-18 3 They have become infernal. 19-22 uw) Prayer to the Lord, that the former church may be restored. Bsekiel, CuHapTER I. Verses Subjells I-3 to Prophecy concerning the Lord in respe& to the Word. 4 10 The Divine external sphere of the Word. 5 to A representative of it as a man. 6 to Conjunction of celestial and spiritual things there. 7 to The quality of the natural of the Word. 8,9 10 Its spiritual and celestial which are conjoined. 10, II 10 The love of spiritual good and truth, and the love of natural good and truth; their distin@tion and oneness. 12 10 The turning or looking of all toward one. 13,14 10 The sphere of the Word from Divine good and” Divine truth, from which is the life of the Word. 15-21 10 The do¢trine of good and truth acting in unity with the Word. 22, 23 10 The Divine above and in the Word. 24, 25 to It is Divine truth (verzm), and its influx. 26 to The Lord above the heavens. 27, 28 10 The Divine love and the Divine truth (veritas) per- taining to Him. Cuapter II. 1,2 2 The Word from the Lord to the prophet, 3-5 2 respecting the Jewish church, that it did not receive the Word. 6,7 2 It was against the Word and the Lord. 8-10 2 There is everywhere in the Word a lamentation over that church. EZEKIEL V. 63 CuapTer III. Verses Subjeéts 1-3 2 He should be instructed in the Word, which in it- self is delightful. 4-7. 241 He should teach those that have the Word, and consequently are able to live according to the Divine commandments, but they do not so live; while with others it would be otherwise. 8,9 2 He should not fear their obduracy, 10, II 2 but should teach them. 12, 13 2 It is perceived that the state of the church has been changed entirely in respect to the Word and do€trine from the Word. 14, 15 2 He was indignant that it should be so. 16, 17 2 But that he might represent the Word, 18-21 2 he would be guilty if he did not reveal their falsities and evils, and not guilty if he did reveal them. 22,23 246 It is according to the sense of the letter, which he must explain. 24-27 16 He must not speak from himself, but from the Lord. CHAPTER IV. 2 REPRESENTATION OF THE PERVERTED CHURCH IN THE CHURCH, 1,2 2 He should represent the falsities of the church, and the church besieged by them. 3 2 He should represent the hardness of their heart, from which it is that they have no fear; 4-8 2 he should also represent the church besieged by falsities of evil and evils of falsity. {9-]14-162 He should represent the falsification and adultera- tion of the sense of the letter of the Word, 17 2 by which everything of the church has perished. CHAPTER V. 2 IT IS REPRESENTED HOW THEY HAVE DESTROYED THE SENSE OF THE LETTER. 1,2 2 In part they have adulterated the sense of the letter, in part have falsified it, and in part forsaken it ; nevertheless, they will continue to falsify it. 34 2 They will profane all the truths of the church. 5-7 3 Because they have perverted the truths of the church more than others, 64 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjels 8-10 3 falsities have destroyed goods, and evils truths until nothing of good and truth is left ; 11, 12 3 and because they have destroyed the church by profaning it, they will perish, as above. 13 n Afterward the church will be instituted among others, 14-17 3 since all things of the Word, of do¢trine and of the church have previously been consummated by profanities, and by evils and falsities. CHAPTER VI. 3 TO ALL WHO ARE IN EVIL LOVE AND IN FALSITIES FROM SUCH LOVE IN THE CHURCH. 1-3 3 They will perish by reason of falsities. 4-6 3 All of the worship derived from truth and good has been destroyed, because there is nothing but evil and falsity. 7-10 3 Those who depart from evils and falsities will not perish. 11 3 Lamentation over this 12-14 3 that all who are in evils and falsities will be de- stroyed. CHaPTeR VII. 15 THE LAST JUDGMENT. 1-4 i§ They are to be destroyed on the day of the last : judgment. 5-13. 5 This will take place when the Lord comes. 14,15 5 Then they will perish by their evils, falsities, and profanities. 16 3 Some will be left, 17-19 3 but even these will have no truth or good. 20-22 3 They will draw near to those who have perverted all things of the church. 23, 24 3 Falsification of the Word. 25-27 3 They cannot repent, because they cannot be led away from evils and falsities. EZEKIEL X. 65 CHAPTER VIII. Verses Subjefts 3 PROFANATION OF WHAT IS HOLY. 1,2 1 The Lord is represented in respect to Divine love, 3,4 3 and it is shown how the holy of the Word has been profaned : 5,6 3 namely, that they have separated themselves from the holy of the worship of the church. 7-10 3 Diabolical loves have perverted the lowest sense of the Word. 11, 12 3 They have instituted a worship in accordance with those loves, 13, 14 3 by adulterating all things of good, 15, 16 3 and adoring the devil in place of the Lord. 17, 18 3 They have closed against themselves the way to all mercy. ‘CHAPTER IX. 15 VISITATION AND JUDGMENT UPON THOSE WHO ARE OF THE CHURCH. 1-3 15 Exploration of their quality as respects the Word. 4 15 Separation of the evil and the good. 5,6 1§ Destruction of those in whom there is no good or truth. 7 15 Judgment upon the evil. 8-11 15 There is no compassion, because there is nothing but what has been profaned. ‘CHAPTER X. Wt THE INSTITUTION OF THE CHURCH BY MEANS OF THE WORD AND BY MEANS OF DOCTRINE THEREFROM. 1,2 | The Divine spiritual of the Word there forming the church, is described, 3-5 uw from which the internal and the external of the church is full of the Divine; 6-8 u from this the dodtrine is Divine. 9, 10 un Doétrine from the Word, which is spiritual within. I n It should aét in unity with the Word. 12, 13 u It is full of Divine truths. 14, 15 u [It is known] from the Word, that it is such in- wardly and outwardly. 66 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjedls 16,17 un Doétrine is from the Word. 18-20 uw Influx of the Lord therefrom into the church. 21, 22 Conjunction of all things of the Word, and conse- quent life. CHAPTER XI. 2 DOCTRINE FALSIFIED. I-3 2 Beginning of the perversion of the church by means of falsities (the “‘caldron” here meaning doétrine, and the “flesh” the people), 4-7 2 by falsifications of the truth of doétrine. 8-11 3 It will be even worse, and they will perish by reason of things falsified, 12 3 because they will pervert all things. 13-16 3+ All who are in falsities must be scattered: the church will consist of few. 17-20 u) A new church will be instituted by the Lord, which will be in truths from Him, 21 3 at the time when the former church is being de- stroyed. 22, 23 nu The Word will enlighten the new church. 24, 25 i) This is made manifest to those who are in spirit- ual captivity. CHAPTER XII. 3 VASTATION OF THE CHURCH, AND FULFILLMENT OF THE PROPHECY. 1,2 3 They are opposed to the Lord and the Word. 3-12 3 It is represented that the church’has departed from them, through the falsification of the Word in respect to the sense of the letter, until there is no longer any church. 13 3 They have destroyed the chief truths by reasonings from the natural man, 14-16 3 and consequently the remaining truths, so that there is little left. 17-20 3 It is not known what good and truth are. 21-25 1 The coming of the Lord will not be delayed. 26-28 24 It is vain for them to say that the prophecies of the Word concerning the Lord will be fulfilled after a long time. EZEKIEL XIV. 67 CHAPTER XIII. ‘Uerses 10-12 13-15 16 17 18, 19 20-23 Subjefts 2 THE DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH FALSIFIED. 2 Respecting those who from their own intelligence hatch out do¢irine, or falsify doirine. 15 They do not stand in the day of judgment. 2 They say that it is the Word of the Lord, and yet it is not. 2 They will be shut out from the church. 2 They falsely interpret the truths of the Word. 3 They will be destroyed. 3 They will have no protection against the hells. 3 The affection for falsifying. 3 From such affections arise persuasions of falsity, by which they lead astray. 3 They will perish, and those who do not suffer them- selves to be led astray will be protected. CHAPTER XIV. 9g, 10 Ir 12-14 15,16 17, 18 19, 20 21-23 2 Those who depart from the worship of the Lord have no enlightenment from the Word. 2 The church is of this description. 2 If they do not become converted, they cannot be enlightened in truths from the Word, 2 and the church will be devastated, [22] until there be nothing of the do@trine of truth in it. tu They must not go back, but must acknowledge the Lord. 3 When there is no longer any truth or good in the church, intercession will not avail in the least. 3 Neither will intercession be of any avail when evil desires take possession of the church. 3 So likewise when falsities take possession of the church ; 3 likewise when adulteration of good takes possession of it. 3’ When these have taken possession of the church, another church will be established, on which the Lord will have mercy. 68 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. CHAPTER XV. Verses Subjells ° 8 “ 1-3 3 There is no longer any spiritual good ; 4,5 * 3 none whatever, since that good has been utterly de- stroyed by evil love. 6 3 Such are those who are in the church. 7,8 3 From evil love they will perish, and thus they will have no church. CHAPTER XVI. 2 THE SUCCESSIVE STATES OF THE JEWISH CHURCH. I,2 2 There was nothing in it but falsity and evil. 3-6 It was forsaken by the Lord from the beginning, because it was without anything of the church. 7-12 2 After a time truths and goods of every kird and species were given to it through the Word, and thus evils and falsities were removed. 13, 14 2 Thus it could have been in intelligence. 15-20 2 It falsified all things of the Word. 21, 22 2 It extinguished truths and goods, and became as in the beginning. 23-25 2 It turned truths into falsities, 26-28 2 by knowledges (scientifca) of the natural man, by traditions, and by reasonings from them, 29, 30 2 finally profaning [truths]. 31 2 It exalted itself above all men. 32-34 2 It obtruded its falsities on others. 35-42 3 They will utterly perish by the falsities by which the truths of the Word have been destroyed. 43-45 3 Thus they will be as in the beginning. 46-52 3 The like has come to pass with the Israelitish church, but in a less degree. 53-55 Nevertheless the church in general shall be re- stored. 56-58 u It is everywhere better than in the Jewish church. 59-63 ~~‘! A new church is to be instituted among others. EZEKIEL XVIII. 69 CHaprer XVII. Verses I=3 4,5 7,8 9, 10 II-13 14 15, 16 e 17,18 [197] \ 20, 21 22-24 HOW THE ANCIENT CHURCH WAS INSTITUTED BY THE LORD, AND WHAT IT BECAME AMONG THE JEWISH NATION (THE ‘‘EAGLE”’ MEANING THE UNDERSTANDING, AND ‘‘LEBANON"’ THE RATIONAL OF THE CHURCH). Subjedts 2. Those who were in the capacity to understand were brought to the church. 2 They were brought into the Lord’s spiritual church, and instructed. 2 They became the church. 2 Others succeeded, who had not the rational of the understanding, of whom the church was to con- sist, and to whom all Divine truths were given, because the Word was given them, 2 but they utterly rejected all things of the church, so that they could not but be devastated of them. 2 They destroyed them by reasonings from the natu- ral man, 2 excepting as yet a few, 2 who, however, were natural external without an in- ternal. 2 Therefore they have destroyed those things which were of the church. 2 They will perish by means of reasonings from the natural man, and will therefore be dispersed. The Lord will establish a new church of others, in their place. CHAPTER XVIII. 1,2 3,4 5-9 10-13 14-17 18 19, 20 zu It is said, If the fathers are evil their offspring also are evil: 2m but the offspring are not condemned on the father’s account, but everyone on his own account. 2n There are some of the offspring who do not commit evils, or act contrary to the goods and truths of the church, and these are saved. 2n It is otherwise with the offspring who commit evils, or a@t contrary to the goods and truths of the church ; these are condemned. ut But he who does not do this is saved, 2 although the fathers are condemned. 2 Every one is dealt with according to his deeds. 79 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjedls 21-23 24. 25-29 30-32 CHAPTER 1,2 4-7 28,]9 10, II 12-14 CHAPTER 10-12 13 14-17 18-20 21-24 2 The impious man who is converted is saved, 2 while the pious man, if he becomes impious, is con- demned. 2 Both are of Divine justice. 2 Exhortation to be converted, because the Lord wishes the salvation of all. XIX. 2 The first thing of the church among the fathers of the Israelitish nation was destructive of all things of the church. 2 That nation was likewise destroying all things of the church. 2 They were natural external, and opposed to all things of the church, and therefore they became perverted and were destroyed, 2 and afterwards they were wholly destroyed by means of reasonings from the natural man. 2 The ancient church was in Divine truths, 4 2 but in the Israelitish and Jewish church all Divine truth was perverted and rejected. XX. 2 SUCCESSIVE STATES OF THE JEWISH CHURCH. 2 Those who are of the Jewish church worship the Lord with the mouth and not with the heart. 2 The first of them, that is, their fathers. 2 They worshipped other gods, and did not depart from them, however much admonished, because they were natural external: this concerning them when in Egypt. 2 They were let into temptations, and then instructed. Also, respecting conjunétion of the Lord with the church. 2 And they cannot even thus be brought to the wor- ship of the Lord. 2 Although they were of such a chara¢ter, yet they were not cast off. 2 Their offspring were instructed in like manner. 2 They in like manner reprobated all things of the church. EZEKIEL XXI. 71 Verses Subjeéls 25, 26 2 In consequence they had representatives different from the former good ones, because they had pro- faned them ; this concerning them in the wilderness. 27-29 2 When they had been introduced into the land of Canaan, they worshipped other gods in every way. 30, 31 2 They profaned things holy. 32-36 2-3 They are to be cast out of the church, because they have been such from the beginning. 37-39 3 They will not return to the church, but will be among the profaners of the holy things of the church. 40-42 n A new church will be instituted, which will worship : the Lord, 43) 44 n and they will acknowledge their evils, and at the same time the Lord’s mercy. 3 THE CHURCH HAS PERISHED BY REASON OF FALSITIES. 45, 46 3 An external or natural church, which is able to be HERE eInEn? in the light of truth. 47, 48 3 It is destroyed by evil love. HUB. XX6 3, 4 : @ . . : 49,cu.xx1.) 3 It is the Jewish nation, which is here further treated 1-3. of. H.B, xxi, 5-8 CHAPTER XXI. I-3 3 [See above, end of chapter xx.] H.B. 6-8 4,5 3 They will all perish by means of falsities of evil. H.B, Q, 10 6,7 3 Grief of dodtrine. H.B, II, 12 8-11 3 Destruction by means of interior falsities of evil. HB. 13-16 % 12, 13 3 Grief of the church because they cannot be converted. ‘H.B. 17, 18 14-17 3 All things that remain will also perish, owing to fals- Berta a8 ities still more interior. 18-22 3 Destruction will come by reasonings from falsities, and Hebe a327 yet they will have worship, but from these falsities. 23, 24 3 Their worship will be vain. H.B. 28, 29 25-27. 3 That church will come to its end when the Lord comes. HB. 30-32 28, 29 3 It will be the same with those who have falsified the HB. 33) 34 sense of the letter of the Word. 30-32 t§ They will be cast into hell. H.B. 35-37 72 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. CHAPTER XXII. Verses Subjedls 1,2 2 The church adulterating truths and goods of do@rine. 3-6 2 It is coming nearer to its end. 7-9 2 They destroy truths and goods by means of it. 10-12 2 They have been guilty of various adulterations of truth and good. 13-16 3 They are destroyed. 17-22 3 Falsities and evils of every kind are mixed with truths and goods. 23-25 3 The truth of the Word has been adulterated, 26 3 also its good; 27-29 3 likewise the remaining things which, though false and evil, have been made to appear as though they were true and good. 30 3 Nothing is left over. 31 t§ They will perish in hell. CHAPTER XXIII. 2 THE CHURCH WHICH IS IN TRUTH, AND THE CHURCH WHICH IS IN GOOD. 1,2 2 There are two churches, one which is in truth, which is “Samaria,” and the other which is in good, which is “Jerusalem.” 3,4 2 Both are external natural, perverted in the begin- ning. 5-8 2-3 “Samaria” falsified the truths of the Word by rea- sonings from knowledges (scientifica) ; 9,10 2-3 thus she became corrupted. 11-13 2-3 “Jerusalem” likewise falsified truths, 14-17 2-3. and adulterated goods also by various means. 18 2 Thereby she separated herself from the Lord, [{19,]20,21 2 and defiled truths and goods still further by know- ledges (scientifica) of the natural man. 22-25 15 They will wholly perish on the day of judgment. 26, 27 1§ Thus the truths and goods of the church will no longer be perverted. 28-31 45 They will be in hell where there is nothing but evils and falsities. 32-34 1§ They will also be in the falsification of all truth; 35 4 and this, because they have denied the Lord. 36-39 3 They have destroyed all the holy things of the church. EZEKIEL XXV. 73 Verses Subjefts 40-42 3 They boasted before others because of their having the Word and the holy things of the church, 43-45 3 although these were entirely falsified and adulterated. 46-49 3-t Falsities and evils will destroy all things of the church among them, and such must be separated that they may no longer mislead. CHAPTER XXIV. 1,2 3 The end of the church among the Jewish nation. 35 2 Through the Word truths together with goods have been given them, also the Divine presence. 6-8 2 They are filthy by reason of the adulteration and profanation of truth and good. g-I2 2 The Lord has labored with all His might, that they might grow better, 13 2 but it could not be done; 14 3 therefore they will die in their profanities. 15-17 3 Everything of the church will be taken away from them, and yet there will be no grief on that account. 18,19 3 This will take place when the Lord comes into the world. [20,] i 3 Then He will destroy all the worship of that church, 21-23 and there will be no grief on that account. 24-27. tt When the Lord comes, those who will be led to the new church will be instructed. CHAPTER XXV. 1,2 2 Against those who are in the sense of the letter of the Word, and who pervert the truths of religion by things which do not belong to religion, who are meant by the “children of Ammon:” 3-5 2 because they wonder at the destruction of the church. they will not know truths : 6,7 2 because they have rejoiced over this, they will per- vert truths. 8-11 2 Still more when they pervert goods of the church. 12-14 3-15 Of those who destroy the external of the Word and of do@rine : they will be rejeCted for a like reason. 15-17. 315 Those who by falsities of faith devastate the church will be devastated and perish on the day of judg- ment. 74 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. CHAPTER XXVI. ‘Verses 1,2 Subjedls 2 OF THE CHURCH AS TO KNOWLEDGES (cognitiones) OF TRUTH, WHICH IS MEANT BY ‘' TYRE.” 2 They imagine that all things of the church consist 2 3 35 15-10 in knowledges (cognitiones). Thereby come falsities, which destroy the ultimates of doétrine. These and also affections for truth are destroyed by knowledges (scientifica). Much reasoning from the natural man will destroy all truths, from which comes self-intelligence. Thus all affection for spiritual truth will perish, so that nothing of the church will any longer re- main. Their end will be in hell, which will cause the rest of them to be in terror. When they have been cast into the hells, the know- ledges (cognitiones) of truth will be evident to those who will be in heaven and in the church. CHAPTER XXVII. 1 32 3-9 10, II 12, 13 14-20 21-23 24, 25 26-29 30-34 35 36 2 2 Further concerning the church in respeét to know- ledges (cognitiones) of truth, which is “Tyre.” The ancient church had knowledges of truth and good of every kind and species, and by means of them it had intelligence. Truths that protected that church. Acquisitions and communications of all the know- ledges. Knowledge (scientia), intelligence and wisdom by means of them. Divine worship from them. Truths and goods of every kind and thus everything of the church acquired by means of them. Through natural knowledges (scientiac) they have perished. Lamentation over their destruction, and that it is the countenance of hell. EZEKIEL XXIX. 75 CHAPTER XXVIII. Verses Subjetts : : I-5 2 Since they believe that they are learned from mere knowledges (cogzitiones), and say in their heart that they are most intelligent from themselves, 6-10 2-3 therefore they will falsify all knowledges (cagnitiones) of truth, and will perish thereby. IL 2 Respecting learning from the Word. 12 2 From the Word they have all truths and goods of heaven and of the church; 12-18 2 in consequence of which they were in intelligence at first, but afterwards this was dissipated by means of their pride. 19, 20 3 Natural love consumed all things of the church, re- sulting in their destruction. 21-23 2 Of the understanding of truth, which is meant by “Zidon :” it will perish by means of falsities. 24 3 Their destruction, lest the church should be still further destroyed. 25, 26 un A new church will come into existence, when the former has been condemned. CHAPTER XXIX. 1-3 2 Of the natural man who, in things Divine, trusts nothing but his knowledges (scientifica). 4,5 2 Such will pervert the truths of the church by apply- ing their knowledges to falsities. 6,7 3 Because truths have been perverted in this manner, all power, which is of truth, has been destroyed in their case, 8-12 3 and all truth will be utterly devastated, until they will no longer have truth. 13-16 ut Nevertheless something of a church will be estab- lished out of those who are natural and in know- ledges (scientifica). 17, 18 n Reasonings from knowledges (scientifca) of the na- tural man will not destroy knowledges (cognitiones) of truth with them ; 19, 20 2 but these will be destroyed by reasonings from the natural man with those who trust knowledges (sci- entifica) alone, and have perverted the truths of the church. 76 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjefts a 21 t!) Those who are of the church that the Lord will establish will have truths of do¢irine. CHAPTER XXX. I-5 3 The coming of the Lord when all things of the church have been destroyed by knowledges (scien- tifica) of the natural man. 6-9 3 Then all who trust in these knowledges will perish through evil loves. 10-12 3 By such the truths of the church will be destroyed through reasonings from the natural man, derived from falsities, even until there is nothing left but falsities. 13-19 3-15 All things which are of the knowledge (scientia) of the natural man, of every sort, will become hell. 20-23 3 They will have no truth, thus no power. 24-26 3 This will take place through reasonings from the natural man. CHAPTER XXXI. 1,2 u Of the natural man who is in knowledges (scten- tifica). 3-9 i! In the ancient church a rational flourished that was derived from knowledges (scientigca) of every kind, through their confirming, by means of these, the Divine things of the church ; and from this source they had spiritual intelligence. 10-13 3 The pride of self-intelligence, from which comes a trust in learning, has wholly cast them down from intelligence, and has deprived them of all the truths of the church. 14 35 They are cast into hell, that they may no longer destroy. 15-18 3-5 There they are shut up, lest, while continuing in their falsifications, they should spread their fals- ities abroad. EZEKIEL XXXIII. V7 CHAPTER XXXII. Verses Subje&s 3 LAMENT OVER THOSE WHO BY KNOWLEDGES (sctentiae) HAVE PERVERT- ED THE HOLY THINGS OF THE CHURCH. 1,2 3 They pervert all truths of the church. 3-8 3 They fall into all falsities of evil, until they no longer see what is good and true. 9, 10 3 Those who are outside the church are horrified at their falsities. II, 12 3 They destroy all things of the church by reason- ings from the natural man. 13-16 1§ They shall be cast into hell, that they may no longer pervert truths in those who are in an affection for truth. 17-23 § In hell they will be associated with those who have profaned the holy things of the Word; 24, 25 15 also with those who have falsified truths of doCtrine ; 26-30 1§ with those who have falsified the sense of the letter of the Word. 31, 32 15 All of these will be with those who by knowledges (sci. entiae) have perverted the holy things of the church, and thus they will be separated from those who are of the church, lest they persecute them. CHAPTER XXXIII. 2 OF THOSE WHO INSTRUCT AND ARE INSTRUCTED. I-5 2 Those who are instructed by the preacher concern- ing falsities and do not take heed, perish; 6,7 2 when the preacher sees falsities and does not give instruction concerning them, he perishes. 8,9 2 The same is true of every one who teaches doé¢trine, when he teaches and is not heard, or when he does not teach. 10, 11 2 So now in the church, they must be taught in order that they may be converted, because the Lord wishes the salvation of all. 12-16 2 If the evil man becomes good, his evil is forgiven ; if the good man becomes evil, his good is not re- garded. 17-20 2 These things are Divine justice. 21-26 2 A perverted church declares that they are the 78 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjeds church, because they have the Word ; neverthe- less they falsify the Word, worship another god and do evil, 27-29 3 and will perish by reason of falsities of evil, 30-33 3 notwithstanding their hearing the Word, and being in external worship. CHAPTER XXXIV. 1-4 2 RespeCting teachers who regard their own good only, and not the good of the church. 5,6 2 In consequence those who are of the church come into an evil life. 7-10 3 Being such, everything of the church is taken from them. 11-16 u- When the Lord comes into the world He will gather the church together, and will teach it Divine truths. 16,17 3 The evil among them He will separate. 18-20 3 Evil shepherds destroy everything of the church, 21 (3] and destroy the simple. 22-25 wt When the Lord comes He will teach and save these. 26-31 u He will both teach them and protect them from falsities, and they will acknowledge Him. CHAPTER XXXV. 3 RESPECTING FALSITIES OF FAITH. 1-5 3 All truth of faith among them perishes through falsities. 6-9 3 Falsification of the Word from this, until there is nothing but falsity. Io 3 They claim that the church is with them. I1I-13, 3 They speak against the church and against the Lord. 14, 15 3 When the church comes into existence, they will be devastated in respect to everything of the Word. CHAPTER XXXVI. 3 THE PERVERTED CHURCH IN GENERAL. 1,2 3 It has been destroyed by evils and falsities. 3-7 3 Because it has been destroyed even to its ultimates, those that have been destroyed will perish. EZEKIEL XXXVIII. 79 Verses Subjedts 8-12 u A new church will be established by the Lord, which will be in truths and goods. 13-15 n The evils and falsities of the perverted church will no longer do any harm. 16-19 2 That perverted church will perish utterly. 20-23 2 Yet it will still be tolerated because of the Word, and because the Lord is known by means of the Word. 24-30 u A new church will then be established, which, being freed from falsities and evils, will be in truths and goods, and will acknowledge the Lord. 31, 32 u It will reject evils. 33-36 u Its intelligence will gradually grow by means of Divine truths. 37, 38 "| The Lord will be acknowledged in it, and there will be the worship of Him. CHAPTER XXXVII. 1,2 3 It is represented that the church was destitute of all life from good and truth. 3-6 u It is foretold that a new church will come into ex- istence, in which will be life. 7,8 u This also came to pass when that church was first instructed in truths, and was thus made fit for receiving, 9, 10 and it then received life. 11-14 tu Thus the Lord did when He came into the world, and a new church was established by Him. 15-20 u There were two churches, the celestial and the spirit- ual, and the two together were one. 21-25 ut This will be under the Lord, and the two will become one church from the Lord, and will be protected from infernal evils and falsities. 26-28 u The church will be different because the conjunction will be different. CHAPTER XXXVIII. 1,2 2 Those who are in the mere sense of the letter of the Word, and in a worship therefrom which is external without an internal, are meant by “Gog.” 80 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAI. SENSE. Verses Subjeéts 3-7 2 Everything and all things of that worship will perish. 8-16 2 That worship will possess the church, and will vast- ate it, and it will thus be in externals without in- ternals. 17-19 2 The state of the church will therefore be changed. 20-23 2 And the truths and goods of religion will perish in consequence, and falsities will succeed in their place. CHAPTER XXXIX. 1-6 2 Those who are in the mere sense of the letter and in external worship, will come into the church, 3 but will perish. These are meant by ‘‘Gog.” 7,8 jan This will take place when the Lord comes and es- tablishes the church. 9, 10 3 This church will then disperse all the evils and falsities of such, 11-16 3 and will wholly destroy them. 17-21[,22] The new church that will be established by the Lord will be imbued with goods of all kinds, 23, 24 3 and the former church will be destroyed because of evils and falsities. 25-29 uw The Lord will then gather together a church from all nations. CHAPTER XL. I 12 Respecting a new church from the Lord, after the Jewish church has been destroyed. 2-5 12 What its quality will be. 6-23 12 All things of doétrine in respect to celestial good and truth: 24-34 12 all things of it in respect to spiritual good and truth : 35-49 +12 all things of it in respe&t to external good and truth, CHAPTER XLI. 1-26 ~—t2_ All things of worship of the internal church in re- pect to good and truth. EZEKIEL XLVII. 81 CHAPTER XLII. Verses — Subjeéts . 1-20 2 All things of worship of that external church in respect to good and truth. CHAPTER XLIII. 1-11.12 The Word in that church, in respect to the sense of its letter. 12-27. 12 Worship of the Lord from good of love in that church. CHAPTER XLIV. 1-3 12 Every good of the church and of worship is from the Lord. 4-8 12 The Jewish nation destroyed the church. 9-14 12 That nation will [not] be in that church, 15-31 12 but others, of whom the new church will consist, which will acknowledge the Lord; concerning which, and its life, do€trine, worship and minis- try. CHAPTER XLV. I-5 2 Concerning that church: its outmosts will be holy. 6-8 2 The holy of doétrine. 9-25 12 Its statutes. CHAPTER XLVI. 1-3 12 Influx of the Lord from Divine love. 4-24 12 Worship of the Lord there. CHAPTER XLVII. 1-122 Influx of Divine good and Divine truth from the Lord; from this influx the angels of the three heavens, and men, have spiritual life, and from the Divine good and Divine truth they have in- telligence and charity. 82 Verses 13-23 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Subjeéts 12 _Inheritances or partitions of the church and heaven according to goods and truths in the whole com- plex, which is “according to the tribes of Is- rael.” CHAPTER XLVIII. 1-8 9-20 BT, 22 23-29 39-34 35 12 That partition continued, 12 for those who are in the third heaven, who are the “priests and Levites.” 12 The Lord is in the midst of them. i2 The further partition or inheritance continued. 12 The knowledges (cogzitiones) of that church, which are introductory truths. 12 This church is the Lord’s church. Daniel, CuapPTER I. Verses Subjedls 2 7 1,2 2 When the church among the Jewish nation had been destroyed, “Babylon” appropriated to her- self all things pertaining to it. 3-21 2 She wished to know all things of the church, and to acquire an understanding of them, and this was the beginning of ‘‘ Babylon.” CuHaPTER II. I,2 2 The future character of “Babylon” foretold. 3-11 2 This was not known to those who made common cause with “ Babylon.” 12, 13 2 They were blinded, 14-30 2 but it was disclosed by revelation from the Lord to those who were of the church. 31-35 2 The progress of the Babylonish religion follows: first the rulers would learn and teach the goods and truths of heaven and the church; and after- wards they would backslide, until nothing re- mained except what was adulterated, thus what » was merely false and evil, and then the Lord would come. 36-38 2 First the Word will be taught there according to truths of do¢trine drawn from it. 39 2 Afterwards the church will prevail, not from spirit- ual good, but from natural good. 40-43, 3 Finally all good and truth will be changed by adulterations into evil and falsity, prevailing only through civil diabolic power. 44,45 3 Then the Lord will come, and destroy that religion, and will institute a church that will be in Divine truth from Him. $4 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjes . Se Se : 46-49 2 This was the beginning of “Babylon,” when it wor- shipped the God of heaven, and magnified doc- trine from the Word. CHAPTER III. 1,2 2 “Babylon” was minded to depart from the worship of the Lord to the worship of another god, which is the “statue of gold set up by Nebuchadnezzar.’ 3-7 2 All such agreed together, threatening all that they 15 would otherwise be cast into hell. 8-12 un Those rulers who worshipped the Lord did not obey ; 13-21 36 they were therefore excommunicated and con- demned to hell by “Babylon,’’ together with all things of the Lord’s church ; 22-25 n but still no harm came to them, and it was clearly seen that they were protected by the Lord. 26-30 u “Babylon” was compelled by this to acknowledge CH.IV.I-3 and worship the Lord. H.B, 26-33 CHAPTER IV. 1-3 i [See above, end of chapter iii.] H.B. ill. 31-33 2 IT IS FORETOLD WHAT “ BABYLON”’ WILL BE, AND WHITHER THEIR MIND WAS MOVED. 4-7 2 This was not known to those who were “ Babylon.” H.B. I-. 8, a 2 It was known to those who were of the Lord’s FEBISH church. 10-12 2 They purposed to have dominion over heaven and TRENT D the church when that religion should extend over much territory. 13, 14 2 Then they would no longer have any goods and MEADS truths of heaven and the church. 15-17 2 Nevertheless the Word would remain with them, naeetens although perverted. 18, ae u) Then those who were of the Lord’s church per- H.B, 15, ceived what those of the Babylonish religion were interiorly, and how far they wished to extend their dominion. DANIEL VI. 85 Verses Subjeéts 20-33 2 They were so stupid in respect to the truths and MBIT 0 goods of the church, as to be no longer men, and this fact was confirmed from heaven, where they were seen to be such. 34-37 2 They feared as yet to extend their dominion over H.B, 31-34 heaven and the church, but acknowledged the Lord before those who were under obedience to them. CHAPTER V. 1-4 3 “Babylon” profaned all things of heaven and of the church. 5,6 3 It was perceived from the Word, that it was profane, 7-9 3 but it was not perceived by the primates who were in that religion. 10-24 3 It was confirmed by those who were in the truths of the church, that it was contrary to the Word for them to have exalted themselves above the Lord, and that thus they profaned things holy. 25-28 3 That religion was at an end because there was no ; longer good and truth of the church. 29, 30 3 Thus everything of the church there, came to an end. 31 2 Worship of the Lord was thought about, as in the on VL. I-3 church. /B. Vi, 1-4 CHAPTER VI. I-3 2 [See above, end of chapter v.] 4-9 2 They deliberated about this, and concluded that ; they should be worshipped in place of the Lord; 10-17 2 which decree being gainsaid by those who were of the Lord’s church, it was ordained that they should undergo the punishment of the inquisi- tion, which is “the lion’s den into which Daniel was cast ;” 18-23, w but still they were guarded by the Lord, that they Beato at might not undergo that punishment ; 24 5 but on the contrary, those who invented that crime ene ee were cast into hell, 25-28 "and those who were in worship of the Lord were H.B. 26-29 saved. 86 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. CHAPTER VII. Verses Subjetts 1-3 2 Revelation concerning the successive changes of state of the church: 4 2 The first, while they were in the understanding of truth : 5 2 The second, when they studied only the sense of the letter of the Word: 6 2 The third, when the sense of the letter of the Word was falsified, and falsity was made to appear as truth : 7 3 Zhe fourth, when there was faith alone, which de- stroyed all things of the church, 8 3 and which was confirmed by the sense of the letter of the Word; 9, 10 3 they were judged from the Word, II 3 and that faith was wholly destroyed, 12 3 and [those who were in] the former [states] were judged according to their life, 13, 14 uw and the church became the Lord’s. 15, 16 2 Further explanation of those things : 17, 18 2 four successive states of the church are meant; 19-21 2 the last state is faith alone confirmed by reasonings and by the Word falsified, by virtue of which they would prevail ; 22 u and this until the Lord shall institute the church 23,24 [3] which has been destroyed by faith alone, 25 3 and which despises the Lord Himself. 26,27 1§ Finally those who are in faith alone will be judged, and a new church will be established by the Lord. 28 Thus comes the end. CHAPTER VIII. I) PREDICTION CONCERNING THE CHURCH IN RESPECT TO CHARITY AND IN RESPECT TO FAITH. 1-3 n The church which is in faith and in charity, and its power. 4 nw It will increase in truths and goods. 5 2 Faith alone will wholly destroy charity. DANIEL X. 87 Verses Subjetts 6-10 2 It will prevail through reasonings, by which it will dissipate the truths of do¢irine that are derived from the Word. 11,12 2 It will destroy the worship of the Lord, together with Divine truths. 13, 14 1 This will go on until the coming of the Lord. 15-19 24 _It is further explained, that this will be when the Lord comes. 20-25 3-4 Faith alone will destroy the church, and despise the Lord. 26 3 This is the end of the church. 27 3 It is a sad time. CHAPTER IX. 1-3) THE COMING OF THE LORD, AND THE END OF EACH CHURCH, THE OLD AND THE NEW. 1-3 3 Revelation respecting the end of the church. 4-19 3 Confession respecting the Jewish church destroyed. 20-23 () Revelation. ; 24 15 After the church has been consummated, the judg- : ment will come, and the Word will cease, and to the Lord will glorify His Human. 25 u Afterwards a new church will be established, but not easily. 26 3 Afterwards falsity will invade that church and will . destroy it. 27 u-3 Still there will be a reformation, but this church will also perish from mere falsities and evils (Jatt. xxiv. 15). CHAPTER X. 1-6 1 Manifestation.of the Lord, 7-21 i to reveal those things that will be in the new church respecting such as are in faith alone, and respe¢t- ing such as are in truths from good, who are meant here by “ Michael.” 88 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. CHAPTER XI. Verses 1-4 5 6 Tr 10-12 13-16 17 18-20 21-23 24-26 27, 28 29-31 32-35 36.37 38, 39 40, 41 41 42, 43 44, 45 Subjedts 3 " 3 w THE ‘KING OF THE SOUTH” HERE MEANS THE CHURCH WHICH IS IN TRUTHS OF FAITH FROM GOOD OF CHARITY, AND THE “' KING OF THE NORTH’ MEANS THE RELIGION THAT IS IN FAITH SEPARATE FROM CHARITY: HOW THE CHANGES FOLLOWED EACH OTHER DID NOT APPEAR IN THE WORLD, BUT IN HEAVEN. The church among the Jewish nation will be de- stroyed. Then a new church will be established, which will be in faith from charity. Charity will be conjoined to faith, but faith will pre- vail ; and yet with some charity will prevail, and will therefore be the first thing of the church. Their posterity will fight for faith and will conquer. Faith will gain strength against charity and con- sequent faith, and will overcome the latter. The dogma followed that charity is from faith. Contention about various sayings respecting this subje&t from the Word. They simulated the dogma of charity, from which they had a gwasz consociation. Confirmations from the Word in favor of charity were explained perversely, and they destroyed faith originating in charity. Painful conjunction. Faith broke up the painful conjuntion, adulterated the Word itself, and thus destroyed the church. It was objected to by many, nevertheless they were overcome. Finally faith alone obtained,—a religion which de- stroys all fear of God and the whole church. It worships another god than the Lord. Thus faith originating in charity was subjugated. Nevertheless those who believe the Word in sim- plicity will remain. Faith alone will also destroy by reasonings from the natural man. When the end comes, those who are natural-sens- ual will be persistent. DANIEL XII. 89 CuHaPTeR XI. Verses Subjects I wt Near the end, a new church will begin, in which the Lord will be worshipped, and the faith of charity will be received. 2,3 u Then those who are in that faith will come into heaven, but not the rest. 4 u They will become intelligent. 5-7 3 All this will come to pass at the consummation. 8,9 un) This revelation is from the Lord. 10 u The evil will not understand, but the good. 11-13 n The beginning of that church. Hosea, CHAPTER I. Verses Subjects I-3 3 The prophet represented the falsification of the Word with the Jewish nation. 3-5 34 That profane church will be destroyed when the Lord comes. 6 31 No pity is possible ; 7 tu but the Lord will pity those who will be of His new church. 7-9 3 When nothing of the church will any longer re- main, 10, II u then the new church will grow, and will acknow- ledge the Lord. CHAPTER II. 1-4 5-7 8 9-13 14-17 15-20 21-23 wz Exhortation to abstain from the falsifications of the Word, otherwise there will be no church, but it will be without goods and truths, as before. uz They will become as before when they loved evil and falsity, but they will be withheld. wz They will return to God whom they worshipped at that time, and from whom they received good, not knowing that this was from the Lord ; w-2 but because they still did not worship Him, but another god, goods and truths will be vastated. t Those who will be of the new church, are to be purified by temptations, and prepared, n and a new church constituted of such will come into existence, which will acknowledge the Lord. u Then they will receive all things of heaven and the church. HOSEA VI. gI CuapTer III. Verses Subje&s ul A NEW CHURCH TO BE ESTABLISHED BY THE LORD. I-5 u They will live for a long time without the truths and goods of the church, but they will become a church from the Lord, when He comes, and will acknowledge Him. CHAPTER IV. 1-3 3 There is in the church nothing but evil and falsity from the falsified Word ; 4-9 3 and because nothing of the law and. doétrine re- mains, the church has been destroyed. 10-12 3 Because they have falsified the Word they are no longer able to understand truth, but will behold falsity. 13 3 For this reason their worship will be from falsities. 14 3 Will they not perish on this account? 15-19 3 Likewise those in the spiritual church: these will go away into falsities. CHAPTER V. 1-3 3 Those who represented the celestial things of the church and those who represented its spiritual and intelleCtual things, falsified and adulterated the truths of the Word. 4 3 They cannot turn back, 5-9 3 but all will perish. 10-14 3 They no longer have any understanding of truth, but in place of truth they understand falsity. 15 nu Nevertheless there will be a new thing of the church. CHaPTER VI. 1-3 u A new church will be established, which will ac- knowledge the Lord: 4-6 u it will understand truth, 7-10 3 as there are perversities in the former church, IL nt! when the new church will be established. g2 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. CHAPTER VII. ‘Verses Subjeéts I-5 3 They have perverted all the truths of the Word and of doétrine. 6-10 3 They have perverted them by evil loves, II 3 and by the knowledges (scientiéca) of the natural man. 12-16 3 Therefore they cannot be led back, because they are in falsities. CuHaptTerR VIII. 1-7 3 They have perverted the church: they have turned its goods and truths into evils and falsities. 8-11 3 By reasonings from the natural man they have put off everything of the church, 12-14 3 and also everything of the worship of the church ; therefore they cannot but perish. CHAPTER IX. 1-3 3 They have falsified the truths of the church, there- fore the church has been destroyed, and they will be natural, abiding only in reasonings from the natural man. 4,5 3 Consequently there is no Divine worship. 6 3 All truth and good is turned into falsity and evil. 7-9 3 They will perish on the day of judgment. 10-13 3 The first of them were also such, they had no un- derstanding of truth; so also their posterity, al- though instructed. 14-17 3 The posterity of these cannot but become such. CHAPTER X. I-3 3 The church that was devastated in respect to truths, has a worship similar to this one, and they say that they have truth. 4,5 3 At heart they worship another god. 6 3 They will reason against truths. 7,8 345 They will be cast into hell, where there is such [evil]. HOSEA XIII. 93. Verses Subjeéts 9g, 10 2 The evils of punishment come upon them, but in vain. 11,12 2 They have been taught truths and goods, and ad- monished, 13-15 2 and yet they persisted in falsities of evil. Their destruction, in consequence, on the day of judg- ment. CuHaPTER XI. I 1 That “Israel” the Lord was “brought down into Egypt,” means that they were instructed in the first principles of the church. 2 ut They were there in natural desire and knowledge (scientia). 3,4 u They were instructed in cognitions and knowledges (scientiae). 5-8 nu) When they have become spiritual, they will no longer be natural, since they will thus destroy truths and the understanding of them ; g-II u but from their having been in knowledges (sciensiae) they will have intelligence from the Lord. 12 2 The understanding of the Word was falsified, al- We: aie though the Word is the Lord’s. CHAPTER XII. I 2 Falsities grow by reasonings originating in the de- ad lights of the natural man. 2-5 2 The Lord strove with the posterity of Jacob, from mea their infancy. 6, in 2 Exhortation to be converted, and not falsify truths. HB. 7; 8-14 2 The church gloried in its possession of the Word, eee and on account of their representative worship, and they were continually guarded by the Lord ; and yet they falsified and adulterated the Word and the worship. CHAPTER XIII. 1-3 2 From their self-intelligence they have perverted all Divine worship, and hence will perish, 94 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjedts 4 16 yet the Lord alone is God. 5,6 2 When they became rich in knowledges (cognitiones) from the Word, they forsook the Lord by rea- son of their self-glorification. 7-9 3 Hence their destruction, 10, II 3 because there is no longer any truth of the church. 12, 13 3 The truth of the church has been interiorly de- stroyed. 14, 15 2 They are to be kept from destruction, until all truth of the church has been destroyed. 16 4 Those who have worshipped another god, will HLB, xiv. 1 perish. CHAPTER XIV. I-3 « Exhortion to be converted. H.B. 2-4 6 17 because salvation comes from no other source. H.B. 4 3 , . 4-7 u Thus they will be received into the church, and MB Se instruéted in its truths and goods. 8 n Falsities will be rejected, H.B. 9 and in consequence there will be understanding from rational light. H.B, 10 Hoel. CHAPTER I. Verses Subjeéts I-3 2 To all who are of the church. 4 2 Falsity from the sensual man and afterwards evil therefrom has consumed all things of the church. 5-7. 2 Let them repent, for evil from the sensual man has destroyed the different things of the church. 8-13, 2 Mourning over the destruction of the goods and truths of the church. 14 2 Exhortation to be converted, 15 ! and to refle@t that thus will be the last time, when the Lord will come, 16, 17 3 and that everything of the church has been devaat ated ; 18-20 3 for whinh reason there is lamentation. CHAPTER II. 1,2. 5 The Lord will come and will execute judgment, 2,3 3 when falsity and evil from the sensual had destroyed the whole church. 4-9 3 Falsity of evil will destroy all things of it by vari- ous insanities. 10 3 All good and truth has been dispersed, together with the knowledges (cagnitiones) of them. 11 7 The Lord will fight with them. 12-17 2 Exhortation to be converted to Him, to repent, . and to be wise. 18, 19 u The Lord will establish the church, to which He will give its goods and truths, 20 and will remove falsities of evil, and thus hell. 21-25 n They will have trust in the Lord, from which they will have goods and felicities, 26, 27 n and acknowledgment from the heart. 96 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjedts 28, 29 tu By His Divine the Lord will fill those who are of pe nete that church with all things, and will vivify them. 30, 31 3-45 Falsities of evil and evils of falsity will dissipate in- eas flux on the day of judgment, 32 17 but those who acknowledge and worship the Lord eB will be saved. CHAPTER III. uw Then the church will be gathered together, § and then judgment will be executed upon those who have scattered the goods and truths of the church: 4-8 i§ upon those who are in knowledges (cogzitiones) alone and in faith alone, and have thereby destroyed the truths of the Word and of do¢trine. g-12 15 Combat of good and truth against evils and falsi- ties at that time. 243 13-15 3 Then evil is consummated. 16,17 u This is from the Lord, whom they will then also acknowledge, and from whom is the church. 18, 19 The Lord will then teach them the Word, and fals- ifications of the Word will be removed. 20, 21 n Then the church will be the Lord’s, and from the Word. Amos. CHAPTER I. Verses Subjeals 1,2 1 [The teaching of] the Lord about the Word and doétrine from the Word: 3-5 3 About those who pervert knowledges (cognitioncs) from the Word which are of service to do¢trine, and who thus turn away also the good of those knowledges : these will perish. 6-8 3 About those who apply the Word to a heretical falsity: these will perish. 9, 10 3 About those who pervert knowledges (cognitiones) of good and truth, and thereby do injury to the external sense of the Word. HI, 12 3 About those who pervert the sense of the letter of the Word by falsity, by which doétrine perishes. 13-15 345 About those who falsify the truths of the sense of the letter of the Word: they do not resist in the day of combat, but destroy the truth of dodtrine. CHAPTER II. 1-3 2 About those who adulterate the good of the sense of the letter of the Word: these destroy the good and truth of the church. 45 2 About those who destroy the celestial things of the Word: they destroy both its celestial and its spiritual things. 6-8 2 About those who destroy the spiritual things of the church: these go away in consequence into fals- ities of every kind. g-II 2 The Lord entirely removed falsities of evil when the church was instituted among them, and they were instructed. {212]13-16 2 Nevertheless that church perverted all things, and hence it has become like one who has truth, and yet is without truth, and thus perishes in the § time of judgment. 98 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. CHAPTER III. Verses Subjels E i a 1,2 3 The church was instituted solely with the Iraelitish nation, therefore falsities and evils must be ex- amined there. 3-6 3 There cannot be at the same time a church and not a church, nor truths and at the same time falsities, without truths being snatched away. 7,8 3 The Lord will surely reveal this ; 9, 10 3 for from this it is clear how the church is devast- ated. II 3 Therefore the truths of the church perish from fals- ities, 12 3 and the goods and truths of the Word will be car- ried off by them; 13-15 3 so also all things of the church. CHAPTER IV. I-3 2 Those who pervert the doGtrine of the church: they will also fall into falsities in outermost things. 4-6 2 They worship in externals according to the stat- utes, which will be similar [to genuine worship], but only in outermost things. 7,8 2 Some things true will remain, when the rest are false, in consequence of which truths will have no power. 9; 3 Afterward all things of the church are falsified, 10, II 3 and finally they are profaned by sensual know- ledges (scientifica), the profanation extending to all things of the church, so that there is hardly any- thing left. 12, 13 3 Exhortation to turn themselves to the Lord. CHAPTER V. 1-3 2 Lamentation over the church because it has been successively devastated. 4-9 2 Exhortation to seek the Lord, that all things of the church may not perish through evils and falsities. 10-13 2 They reject truths because they are in self-intelli- gence. 3 14, 15 2 Exhortation to be converted. AMOS VIII. 99 Verses Subjeéts 16-20 3 Lamentation over the destruction of the church, and over their own destruction, when the Lord comes. 21, 22 2 Their worship cannot be accepted. 23-25 2 It will be accepted if they have good and truth. 26, 27 2 Otherwise they are deprived of all knowledge (cog- nitio) of truth and good. CHAPTER VI. 3 OF THE SPIRITUAL CHURCH WHICH WAS INSTITUTED. 1,2 3 It turned out worse than the religions of other nations. 3-6 3 It possesses all things of the church in abundance; they think nothing of the destruction of the church. 7-9 3 Therefore all things will perish, 10-12 3 until nothing remains : 13, 14 3 for the reason that they acquired those things from what is their own. CuHapTeR VII. I 3 The church grew from externals to externals. [?2-]4-6 3 When externals were lost, there was a restoration. 7-9 3 When inmosts were reached, all things were de- stroyed, because they were contrary to God, 10-13, 3 and contrary to all things of doétrine; [?14]15,16 3 so that there was no longer any do¢trine. 17 3 The church with all things pertaining to it will perish. CuHapter VIII. I | A new thing of the church comes into existence. 2,3 3 The old church comes to an end, 4-6 3 when there is nothing but adulteration of good and truth. 7-10 ~—'1§_ Therefore they will perish on the day of judgment. 11-14 3*1§ Then there will no longer be any good or truth. 100 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE CHAPTER IX. ‘Verses Subjeéts I-5 § The last judgment upon them, and whithersoever they may flee, nowhere will there be an escape 6 n from the Lord, who causes a church to be. 7 u-2 There were also churches before, which were de- vastated. 8-10 2m Yet the church will not perish, but those who are in it perish. II, 12 uw A new church will be instituted by the Lord, which will acknowledge the Lord. 13-15 u The dotrine of truth, and the understanding of it, will be in that church. Obadiah. Verses Subjedls 10-14 15, 16 17 18 1g-21 a: 2 OF THOSE WHO ARE IN SELF-INTELLIGENCE AND PERVERT THE SENSE OF THE LETTER OF THE WORD; THESE ARE ‘‘ EDOM.” 2 They must be combated, because they believe them- selves to be more intelligent than others. 2 They defend falsities by natural light, but they will perish, and with them, the falsities themselves. 2 They have pride. 2 They have no truths. 1§ They will perish on the day of judgment, because they have oppressed the church. 3 They destroy the church still further, and this is their delight. 15 Destruction will come upon them on the day of judgment. un A new church will come into existence u in place of the former church, which is condemned. The new church will be in the understanding of truth, and those that are in it will be saved. Honah,. CHAPTER I. Verses Subjeéls Ul THE CONVERSION OF THE NATIONS, WHICH ARE MEANT BY “‘ NINIVEH.”” 1-3. 2 Those who were of the Jewish nation were com- manded to teach the Word to the nations round about, but they would not, and thus they kept the Word among themselves alone. 4-6 2 Knowledges (cognitiones) began to perish with them, and yet they lived unconcernedly. 7-9 we The nations perceived that the state of the church was perverted among themselves, because of the loss of knowledges (cognitiones) among the Jews, and that the latter were unwilling to impart them to others outside of themselves. 10-13. ih2 They should reject those things which were from the Jewish nation, because they were falsified, so that they might be saved. 14-16 17 They prayed unto the Lord for salvation, which was effected for them, when the falsities from the Jewish nation had been removed. 17 76 [See next chapter.] CHAPTER II. cu. 1.17,)7-6 Prophecy concerning the Lord’s combats with the Sie Us hells, and concerning His most grievous tempt- oe ations at the time, and concerning His state at the time; the “three days and nights during which Jonah was in the bowels of the fish,” sig- nify the entire duration of the combat with the hells. JONAH IV. 103 CuHapTER III. Verses Subjefs I-I0 nu The nations, hearing from the Word of God about their sins, and that they would perish, were con- verted after repenting, and were heard by the Lord, and saved. CHAPTER IV. I-4 2 The Jewish nation became very angry at the sal- vation of the nations. 5-11 2 A representation of their being inflamed thereat. Micah. CHAPTER I. Verses Subjeéts i THE CHURCH IN RESPECT TO THE DOCTRINE OF TRUTH AND GOOD. 1,2 1 The descent of the Lord from heaven, and His coming into the world. 3 12 The state of heaven then became changed. 4-7 3 Then all the representatives of the church, which had been totally falsified, will be destroyed. 8-12 3 Consequent mourning, and that it will extend even to those who were in celestial good. 13-15 3 Hence even these will begin to be perverted. 16 3 Consequently they also will suffer deprivation of all truth. CHAPTER II. 1,2 3 Concerning thought with the intention of doing evil, that they also do it from the will. 3-5 3 Hence the church has become perverted. 6,7 3 There is no longer any use to teach any except those who obey ; 8,9 3 therefore they do evils of every kind. 10, II 3 They will perish, because they cannot be taught. 12, 13 nu Such things do not invade those who will be of the Lord’s new church. CHAPTER III. 3 THE PERVERTED CHURCH. 1-3 3 They have destroyed all truths and goods even to the last things of the church. 4 3 Then they are not heard by the Lord. s7 3 Because they have perverted all things of the Word and of doétrine, they can no longer see and re- ceive anything of truth and good. MICAH VI. 105 ‘Verses Subjeéts 8 1 The Lord in respect to the Word which He will de- clare unto them. g-ll 3 They falsify all the truths and goods of the Word, and yet they say, that God is with them. 12 3 Therefore the whole church will be destroyed. CHAPTER IV. 1,2 ut A new church will be established by the Lord when He comes into the world, and it will be formed out of the nations. 3.4 u Falsities and evils will no longer be there, but truths and goods, 5,7,10 WW under the Lord. 6,7 i Those who are in externals, and those who from ignorance are in things not true and good, will draw near. 8-10 u) Truths and goods with them will grow. 10-12 u Falsities will not enter and destroy. 13 u Falsities will be destroyed among them, CHAPTER V. 1 u however much they may infest. 3. OA The coming of the Lord who is the God of the H.B. V. I church, 3,4 ts who will gather the church together and teach does those who are in it. 5,6 7 He will utterly destroy reasonings from falsities. HB, as 17 Then there will be salvation in that church, HB. 6 8 3 but in the church in the Jewish nation there will pene. be nothing but falsities of evil. un This church will have no power over the Lord’s H.B, 8 church, 10-15 3 and it will perish with all its falsities and evils. H.B. 9-14 CHAPTER VI. 2 AGAINST THE JEWISH NATION. 1-4 2 The Lord offered every good to them. 5 2 He protected them. 106 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjcfs 6-8 2 The Lord is not approached by externals of wor- ship, but by internals, which are of truth and good. 9 2 The life of truth and good should be loved, 10, II 2 and not the life of falsity and evil. 12 2 There is falsification of truth with them. 13 2 They could not be brought back by punishments ; 14-16 2 therefore it must needs be that this church, having been overthrown, should perish. CHAPTER VII. 1-4 3 There is no longer any truth or good in the church: therefore the last time has come upon it. 5,6 3 Then falsities and evils will combat amongst them- selves, and against truths and goods. 7-9 un Then the church will come, which will be in the light of truth, from the Lord. - 10 3 The old church will be destroyed. II, 12 n A new church will be established, gathered from every nation, 13 [3] when the old has been destroyed. 14, 15 u It will be taught and led. 16,17 u Infernal things will be removed from it. 18-20 t! The Divine compassion will be there. Nahum. CHAPTER I. Verses Subjels 3 . 2 Ly 15 The last judgment upon those who are in evils. 3-6 15-3 By virtue of His presence all things are revealed, and those who are of the perverted church will not endure. 7 ©} The Lord will protect those who trust in Him, 8-11 3 but those who are in falsities and evils will perish ; 12-14 those, however, who are not of that church, and are in falsities from ignorance, will be received, and their falsities will be removed. 15 Fil. (See next chapter.] ‘CHAPTER II. CH.I.15, yet The Lord’s coming and the new church from Him, CH.IL.I-3 and the protection of that church by Him. HB. ii. 1, 3-6 ; 15-3 On the day of judgment those will perish who have nye destroyed the church, and they will be cast into hell with tumult. 7-10 3 Allthings of the church will be taken away from them. H.B, 8-11 II-13 3 Then they will no longer destroy the church and BRonae its sandtities. CHAPTER III. 15-3 RESPECTING THOSE WHO HAVE FALSIFIED AND ADULTERATED THE WorD. 1-4 1§:3 They will perish in hell. 5-7 15-3 All their adulterations will be revealed, and they will perish. 8-10 15:3 Knowledges (cogmitiones et scientifica) will not save, be- cause they will be dissipated, 11,12 15-3 because they will not proteét them from perishing by falsities of evil, 13-17 153 howsoever they have confirmed themselves by them, but in vain; 18 15-3 neither will reasonings save. 19 15-3 There is nothing of soundness, therefore their de- struction. Habakkuk. CuHapTER I, Verses Subjefs 3 OF VIOLENCE AND INJUSTICE. 1-5 3 Justice and truth perish. Grief on the part of the Lord, and direéted to the Lord. 6-11 3 The Jewish church profaned all the truths and goods of the Word and of the church. 12-17 3 The Lord’s grief continued, that the evil prevail over the good, and destroy them. CuHaPTER II. 1-3 t The coming of the Lord: what will then take place. 4,5 3 The love of self: it grows, and man grows vile therefrom. 6,7 3 He is held in contempt by others, 8 3 and they pervert the goods and truths of the church. 9, 10 3 They are in their own intelligence, owing to which they are puffed up. 11 3 They judge from externals alone. 12, 13 3 A curse rests upon those who hatch doétrine out of falsities. 14 1 When the Lord comes, 15-17 3 he who leads others astray, will then be ashamed, 18, 19 3 and falsities will then profit him nothing. 20 3 This, when the Lord is in His Human. CHAPTER III. 1-4 1 Prediction that the Lord will come into the world, to whom belongs Divine truth and good. 5-7 3 He will examine the church: it is not a church. HABAKKUK III. 109 Verses Subjeéts 3 He will by His Divine truth dissipate the falsities of evil. 10-15 15 Judgment upon them, combat with them, their de- struction, and their being cast into hell. 16, 17 3 Grief on account of their state, that there is no longer anything of the church. 18, 19 7 Then those who at heart acknowledge the Lord will be saved. Lephaniah. CuHapTer I. Verses Subjeéts 1-3 2 All knowledge (cognitio) and understanding of truth will perish. 4-6 2 The church will perish because it is in mere falsi- ties and evils in respect to doctrine and in respect to worship. 7,8 1 The Lord will come and gather together to the church. g-II 1§ Then those who have adulterated the truths of the Word will perish, and are to be cast into hell. 12-13 3 No truth will then be left in the church. 14-17 15 They will perish on the day of the judgment by the Lord. 18 15 They cannot be preserved. CHAPTER II. I-3 15 They ought to be converted before the Lord comes to judgment, 4-6 15 for the evil will then perish on account of evils and falsities of many kinds. 7 16[217] Then some are to be saved. 8-10 15-3 Those who have adulterated the Word will utterly perish. 11 15-3 They will perish that whoever is able may acknow- ledge the Lord. 12-15 15:3 Those who have falsified the knowledges (coguitiones) of truth, by means of reasonings and knowledges (scientifica), and have thus destroyed the church, will utterly perish. © ZEPHANIAH III. Tit CHAPTER III. Verses Subjedls I~4 . “3 Everything of the do¢trine of truth and good has been perverted. 5 1 When the Lord comes He will investigate. 6-8 15 The evil will perish and are to be cast into hell. 9, 10 n Then a new church made up of those who ac- knowledge the Lord will arise. 11, 12 W-t6[717] Those who are in falsities of evil must be sepa- rated, and thus the few must be saved. 13-20 u Then there will be a new church of those who will acknowledge the Lord, and He will re- move evils and falsities from them ; concerning this church, Haggai. CHAPTER I. Verses Subjeéts 1-4 13 They believe that the Messiah will come to exalt them to glory, and yet the church among them has been devastated. 5,6 3 They could no longer be taught by the Word. 7-9 3 The church cannot be instituted among them, be- cause every one looks to himself and not to the Lord; 10, II 3 therefore no truth or good can be received by them. 12-15 nu The church will be instituted among those who are wise from the Word. CHAPTER II. I-3 2 The church when first instituted was full of truths ; at the present day it is devastated. 4,5 t Nevertheless a church will be instituted. 6-9 t When the Lord comes into the world, this church will be an interior church. 10-14 3 An external without an internal is of no use, and still less when the external has been falsified ; so is it in the former church, 15-17 3 where truth has been turned into falsity, in which there is hardly anything of the church, 18, 19 3 although there are truths in abundance in the Word. 20-22 3 All things of the former church will be destroyed. 23 | The church will be among others. Lechariah. CuHapTER I. Verses Subjedts 1-4 2 Those who were descended from Jacob were in- structed in the things of the church, from the very beginning, but in vain. 5,6 2 Therefore what happened to them was according to the Word. 7-10 2 The successive states of the church even to the end are represented, what was their understanding of the Word. i 2 It is found that there is no church. 12, 13 uA new church which will be from the Lord. 14-16 #3 The Lord will institute a new church when the former church has been completely perverted. 17 -3 He will institute it in place of the former. i" A NEW CHURCH FROM THE LORD. 18-21 3 Falsities of evil which have destroyed everything of eas the church. CHAPTER II. 1,2 un Quality of the church about to be instituted, in re- HB. 5 6 spect to truth and good. 3-5 u It will be vastly multiplied, and the Lord will be in it. H.B. 7-9 6-9 3 Those who have profaned holy things are to be eee separated and dispersed. 10-13. «lt The Lord will come, and those who are of the new se church will acknowledge Him, and He will be with them. CuHaptTer III. u OF THE NEW CHURCH. 1,2 we Infernal falsity from the former church will infest the new church which the Lord will establish. 114 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjeéls 3-5 uw In this church there will be falsities of ignorance, which will be removed, and truths will be given in their place. 6-10 u They will have understanding of truth from the Lord, to the extent in which they depart from falsities. CHAPTER IV. 1-7 "Enlightenment of the new church by the Lord from the good of love by means of truth. 8-10 u) This is from the Lord. 1I-14 nu There will also be in it truths from a celestial origin. CHAPTER V. 1-4 3 Rejection of the Jewish church, because they have utterly perverted the church. 5-8 3 They have destroyed every good. g-I1 3 They will profane its truth still further. ‘CHAPTER VI. I-7 u) The doétrine of the new church from truths which are from the good of love and charity. 8 uw It will be with those who are in ignorance of truth. 9-14 nu A representative that the new church is from the Lord, with all the good and truth in it. 15 The church will be constituted of those who are without the church. CHAPTER VII. 1-7 2 The Jews desiring thatafter the Babylonish captivity the church might be with them, but this will not take place, because they have not turned away from falsities and evils. 8-12 2 They were told, that they should keep the statutes, but they did not. 13, 14 2 Therefore the church will not be with them, but they will be dispersed. ZECHARIAH X. ET CHAPTER VIII. Verses I-3 4-6 7-9 10 II, 12 13-17 18, 19 20-23 Subjeds u The Lord will institute a church in which will be the dotrine of truth and good, tt where there will be wisdom and innocence. u Men are to be brought to it from all parts, and it will acknowledge the Lord. 3 There has been heretofore no protection from fals- ities of evil, which are from hell. It will be different in this church, where truths and goods will continue. 3-u As the former church has perished through falsities of evil, so this one will continue in truths and goods. It will be in humiliation and in the affeGtion for truth. It will grow and will increase in numbers from all who worship the Lord and love the Word. CHAPTER IX. 1,2 354 5,6 78 9 10, II 12-16 17 nu) The new church will be in knowledges (cagmitiones) from the Word. 3 Those who are in knowledges from the Word will destroy them. 3 Likewise those who are in faith alone. 3,They shall perish lest they ruin the church still further. t The Lord will come with Divine truth. 3 After the old church has perished, a new one will be instituted subject to the Lord, who will reign over it. u The Lord will fill them with truths, and will pro- tect them. "| They will possess intelligence. CHAPTER X. I 2,3 17 The Lord will spiritually bless those who seek Him. 3 Those who have the Word are in falsities of evil and will perish. t' Those who are in celestial good, of whom the church will consist where the Lord is, will fight W7 = against falsities of evil; so also will those who are in spiritual good. 116 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjedls 7-10 us They are to be gathered together out of every religion, and taught. II ut) The Lord will protect them from falsities that are from hell, 12 (u} because they worship the Lord. CHAPTER XI. 1-3 3 Every external of the church has been devastated. 4,5 3 Care is to be taken lest those who are in good be destroyed by them. 6 2 Falsities destroy the church. 7,8 2 There are none to lead the people any longer, 9 2 but only such as destroy. 10, II 3 The Lord’s conjun¢tion with them has been sundered. 12,13 49 The Lord was betrayed by the Jews, because He taught them. 14 49 The conjunction of truth and good has been sundered. 15-17 3 The teacher and the leader destroy all things of ° the church by falsities of evil. CHAPTER XII. ® I nu The Lord forms the church. 2.3 3 Nothing of the doétrine of truth will be in the church, therefore they will shun it. 4 3 There is no understanding of truth any longer, ex- cept with those who are in the Word and of the new church. 5 u Then they will learn the good of doétrine from the Lord. 6,7 | Then the Lord will destroy all falsities by the truths of the Word, lest do¢trine should teach some- thing else. 8 uw Then the church will be in doctrine respecting the Lord. 9 3 Then all men or all things that are contrary to that doétrine will be destroyed. 10 u Then there will be a new church from the Lord. 10-14 3 All things and every single thing of the church will mourn. ZECHARIAH XIV. 117 CHAPTER XIII. Verses Subjells I u Then the Word will be for the Lord’s new church. 2,3 3 Falsities of doctrine and worship will both be utterly destroyed. 4,5 3 Prophecy will cease, and there will be no more falsity of do¢trine. 6,7 9 Those with whom the church will be at the time will slay the Lord, with the intention of scattering those who believe in Him. 8,9 3) Those who are of the devastated church will perish, and those who are of the new church are to be purified, and taught by the Lord. CHAPTER XIV. I-5 7 The Lord’s combats against the wicked, and their dispersion. 6,7 3:12 Then there will be no truth, but in the Lord there will be Divine truth. 8,9 i2 Then Divine truth will proceed from the Lord. 10, II 12 Truth will be multiplied in the new church, and no falsity of evil will be there. 12 3 He who fights against those truths, will plunge into falsities of every kind. 13-15 3 Then follows the destruction of the church. 16-19 n Then they will draw near to the worship of the Lord, even those from the nations who are external natural. 20, 21 Then from the good of charity, from which pro- ceeds worship, there will be intelligence. Malachi. CHAPTER I, Verses Subjefls I,2 u The Lord has instituted a church with those who could be in external truth, but who were not in external good. 34 3 All external good has been destroyed, and hence also external truth. 5,6 3-4 Although the church is there, yet they do not ac- knowledge the Lord. 7,8 4 They worship the Lord from evil and not from good, 9, 10 3 Therefore their worship is not accepted. II nt Those who are outside of the church worship the Lord, 12-14 4 but those who are within the church profane wor- ship, and do not worship the Lord. CHAPTER II. I-4 4 Unless they worship the Lord, all worship will be perverted and profane. 5-7 4 Through the Word it is granted them to have con- junction with the Lord, who is here meant by “Levi.” 8-10 4 They have departed from the Word, and have thereby dissolved the conjunétion. II 3-4 They have worshipped another god, whence came profanation ; 12 3 wherefore they will perish. 13 3 Therefore their external worship is not accepted. 14-16 3 They have severed themselves from the church, 17 3 even by their calling evil good. CHAPTER III. (1,]2,3. The Lord will come into the world, and will teach the Word in its purity. Verses 5,6 8,9 10-12 13-15 16 17 18 MALACHI IV. 11g Subjeéts u The church, doétrine and worship will then be as they had been among the ancients. - 1 The Lord will then execute judgment upon all who 2 have adultered and destroyed the truths of the church. 2:3 They have done this from the beginning, and do not desist from it, 3-2 nor do they desist from adulteration, therefore this will bring about their ruin. 2 If they had lived according to the statutes, they would have been in the good of the church. 2 They have confirmed themselves in this, that good is of no profit and that evil does no harm, because the good and the wicked are alike prosperous. ut It is otherwise with those who trust in the Lord: _ tt they will be blessed of the Lord when He comes. 3: Then the difference will be seen, CHAPTER IV. 17 and the good will be saved, 15 and then the evil will be cast into hell, 15-3 because they have annulled the Word. 2 MB, iii, 20 [1,]3 H.B, ili, [219,] 21 4 ies HAL. 1, 22 5L,6] u.B. iii, 23[, 24] ! John the Baptist will be sent before the Lord, lest that nation should then perish. The Psalms of David The titles which appear in the common English Bibles at the head of many Psalms, in Roman type, are part of the sacred text, and contain an internal sense like every other portion of the Word of God, as is evident from their being re- ferred to in these Summaries of the Internal Sense,—most noticeably in Psalm xcii., where the first summary refers exclusively to the title—and as is likewise evident from the fact that the title of Psalm xviii, constitutes the first verse of the twenty-second chapter of 2 Samwe/. These titles (if such they may be called) do not appear as titles in the Hebrew text, but often they are part of the first verse; often they constitute the first verse entirely; and sometimes, as in Psalms li,, lii., liv., Ix., they constitute the first two verses. These titles are uniformly referred to under the letter ‘‘7."’ in the following pages. Che Wsalms of Dabid. It should be known that as by «‘David” the Lord is meant, so where David Speaks in the Psalms, the Lord is signified in the spiritual sense, as in many other places, which are to be adduced. [For these passages, see The Doétrine of the New Yerusalem respecting the Lord, n. 43,44; The Apocalyse Explained, n, 205.—EpitTor.)} PsaLm I, Verses Subjeds ; 7 ein ob I-3 n The man who does not live ill is regenerated by the Word of the Lord, 4,5 3°15 but he who lives ill, perishes on the day of judgment, 6 15 for the Lord knows everyone. Psatm II. 1,2 2 Those who should be in the truths and goods of the church are against the Lord; 3.4 3 but men should separate themselves from these, be- cause they are nothing before the Lord, 5 3 and they will be destroyed. 6-8 tm The Lord will put on the Human and will establish the church, 9 3 and will disperse falsities that are from evil: 1o-12 10-1 Let them therefore acknowledge and worship the N.B. Divine Human of the Lord, lest they perish. Psavo III. title,1-8 5-13. Respecting the Lord, when He was in temptations HBAS and subjugated the hells, and was then in a state of humiliation, in which He prayed to the Father. 124 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. PsaLm IV. “Verses Subjedts . . fT, 2) 6 Respecting the Lord, when in great temptations. H.B. I-3 3 3 1 They should fear Him, for He has protection Hehe from the Father. 4-8 Exhortation to repent. HB. 5-9 PsaLm V. 2.,1-3) 7; 8, 11, a 13 Prayer of the Lord to the Father for help H.B. 1-4, 8, 9, 12, 1 2 . : a eS 6. 10 7 against the evil, falsifiers and hypocrites. H.B. 5-7, 10, 11 Psatm VI. #,1-7 13-6 Prayer of the Lord to the Father, when He was Base in the last state of temptations, which state is despair, 8-10 8 and being helped, He repressed the hells. HB. Q-11 Psatm VII. Z, I-2, \ 13-7 Prayer of the Lord to the Father for help against 6-11,17 the hells— H.B, 1-3, 7-12, 1 ae ¢ ook ; 3, 4, 8-10 13-7 for He is just, and there is no evil in Him— H.B. 4) 5) 9-17 5 8 that the hells may not prevail, H.B. 6 12-16 8 but may be conquered. H.B. 13-17 PsaLm VIII. .,1-3,9 137 A song in praise of the Father by the Lord to ea ele regard His innocence, and give help against the hells. 4,5 13 The state of humiliation of the Lord is described. W.B, 5, 6 6-8 10 The state of His glorification is described. H.B. 7-9 PSALM XIV. 125 PsaLtm IX. Verses Subjeds ere) 16-138 Thanksgiving and joy of the Lord that the evil 19, 20 have been judged and destroyed, H.B, 1-9, 20, 21 9,10[-14,18] 8 and the good have been delivered ; H.B. 10, 11[-15, 19] 15-17 8 and thanksgiving of the latter that the evil have Meee been conquered and cast into hell. PsaLm X. 1-4 k 3-5 The evil do evil to the good and deny God, and [-11] are hypocrites and deceitful. 12-18 15 Prayer to the Father, for their requital, and for judg- ment upon them. PsaLm XI. z#,1-5 7 The Lord arouses Himself to fight for the good BeBe TS against the evil. 6,7 8 The evil will perish as a consequence of justice. PsaLmM XII. #,1-4 3 There are no longer any good, but only hypocrites. HB. 1-5 5-8 The Lord will to eternity deliver the good as against meer the evil. PsaLm XIII. z,1-4 6 The state of the Lord’s temptations, and the griev- TEEEES ous insurrection of the infernals against Him. 5,6 8 He has confidence respecting the victory. HB. 6 PsaLM XIV. z., 1-3 3 There is no longer any understanding of truth or Meee will of good whatever. 4,5 4 They do not acknowledge God. 126 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. ‘Verses Subjedts : 3 They are against good and truth. : 7 17 The Lord will save those who are of the church, whence they will have joy from Him. PsaLm XV. £, 1-5 u Those who love the neighbor and God, will be of HEBIES the Lord’s church. PsaLm XVI. Z,1,2 8m The Lord’s trust in Himself, 3-5 8 for delivering the good, whom the evil infest. 6-8 8 His is the Divine and Divine power. 8-10 to His Human glorified will rise again. [29-11] 8 8 PsaLm XVII. z.,1-§ 10 The Lord concerning the integrity of His life, HB. I-5 ; ton . . to from the Divine in Himself ; 6-10 8 from which He is sustained against the evil who rise up against Him, ; Il, 12 9 and wish to slay Him; 13 9 by whom, nevertheless, He cannot be hurt: 14 [79] and yet they possess the Word. 15 to He will be glorified. PsaLmM XVIII. z,1-3,6 8 Confidence of the Lord from His Divine, against FTE the hells. 4-6 7 Combats of the Lord with the hells. H.B. 5-7 7-14 8 In zeal He has subjugated them and laid them low. H.B. 8-1. 15 : 8 Thus the Divine truth appears. HB, 16 16-19 8 From His Divine He has prevailed over them. H.B, 17-20 aaa 7)\s justice and integrity belonged to the Lord, HB, 21 -9{28), 31, 33. 28, 29 8 also Divine truth. HB, 29, 30 PSALM XXI, 127 Verses Subjects 31 8 He is the only God. 32-36 8 He fights from His Divine, 37-40 ” 8 and subjugates the hells. HB. 38-41 41 ae 8 They have no saviour, 42, 45 8 therefore they will be destroyed. H.B. 43, 46 43, a4 nu Then there will be a new church which will acknow- RBA 45 ledge and worship the Lord. 46-50 16-17 A song of that church in praise of the Lord on ac- Spaease count of redemption. PsaLm XIX. t,1-4 wu The Divine truth will go forth in every dire¢tion. HLB. I-5 5,6 2 This truth will go forth from the Lord from the MBs Oh? first things to the last things of heaven and the church. 7-11 2 This Divine truth perfects man, because it is wis- H.B. 8-12 dom. 12,13 1 There will be no pride. HB. 13, 1 14 *" 2 Thus there will be what is pure and acceptable. HB. 15 5 PsALM XX. #,1-4 16-17 A song in praise of the Lord, that He sustains the eras church, 5,6,9 17 that salvation is from Him, : HB. 6, 7, 10 7,8 17-3 that those are saved who trust in Him, and those meee perish who trust in themselves. ' Psatm XXI. lo RESPECTING THE LORD: 4,1-6 to From His Divine He has all good and truth, thus ada honor and glory. 7-12 845 He will overthrow all who are against Him on the Bees day of judgment. 13 15 Those who are with Him will be glad, because of Bena His power. 128 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. PSALM XXII. Verses Subjcéls Q THE STATE OF THE LORD'S PASSION. [2,1 ef a oho Prayer to the Father that He be not forsaken, H.R. [1-]4-6, of, 12] 6,7 4 seeing that he was more despised than all others, HB. 7, 8 9, 10 g that He was the Father’s from conception, H.B. 10, 11 12-15 g that those who are of the church, where the Word BeBe 15-16) is, have condemned Him to death, 16, 17 g that they have crucified Him, Ui.B. 17, 18 18 g that they have divided His garments, or dissipated Hien the truths of His Word. 19-21 6-9 Supplication that He may not be forsaken. H.B, 20-22 22, 23, 25 u A church [will come into existence] from this [that MB Bae Bh 90 the Lord was assisted by the Father], 24 9 and He endured [the temptation] by power from His wee 2S Divine. 26-31 Through this there will be a church that will be Buae aloe gathered together from all parts, and it will wor- ship Him. PsaLM XXIII. 12 CONCERNING THE LORD: z,1-3 12 He teaches and leads to the truths and goods of pes heaven and the church; [4], 5 12 hence there will be no fear of the hells, for He guards, and imparts good and truth in abund- ance, 6 iz in heaven with the Lord to eternity. PsaALM XXIV. 7,1-3 Respecting the church which is from the Lord ech through the Word : 4-6 n those who are not in falsities and evils will be in it; 7-10 47 they will receive the Lord, who has conquered the N.B. hells and glorified His Human. PSALM XXIX. 129 PsaALM XXV. ‘Verses Subjects 4, 1-3 16-0 Prayers of the church to the Lord, that they may MB. 13 be protected from the hells, 4-6 6 that they may be taught truths, 7-11 7 that their sins may be forgiven from mercy. 12-14 7 Thus they will have good, and conjunction. 15-20 7 Prayer of the church to the Lord, and in the high- est sense, of the Lord to the Father, that, because He alone fights, He may assist against the hells, 21 17 for perfection is His, 22 17 and thus there is redemption. PsaLM XXVI. z.,1-6,11 16-7 To the Lord belong perfection, purity and inno- H.B. 1-6, 11 " cence. 7,8 16-7 He has the Divine love of saving. 9,10 17-7 He is in combats with the malicious. II, 12 17 There is redemption when He conquers. PsaLmM XXVII. z,1-3 7 What the Lord says to the Father: He does not eee fear the hells which fight against Him: ave to His union with the Father, 13,14 TI, 12 8 whereby He will subjugate the hells. PsaLm XXVIII. Z,1-5 13-8 Prayer of the Lord to the Father that the hypo- eS crites may be subjugated. 6-8 8 He will assist and will prevail. 9 17, May those be saved who are in the truths and good of the church. Psatm XXIX. z., 1-4 1o-M Those who are in truths from the Word will adore Bape et the Lord who is the Word. 5-11 10" The power of Divine truth from the Lord. 130 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. PsALM XXX. Verses Subjects t.,1-12 10-9 The glorification of the Human of the Lord after foranes He has suffered temptations, even the last of them which was that of the cross. PsaLM XXXI. #., 1-4 13-7 Prayer of the Lord to the Father, that He may be reas protected from those who devise evil, 5 9-4 and who want to slay Him ; HB. 6 6-10 9-4 whence He has grief of heart ; H.B. 7-11 11-13 9-4 they treat Him with contumely, as upon the cross ; HB, 12-14 14-21 9 through trust in the Father He is delivered ; H.B, 15-22 22. _ 6 from despair He imagines Himself to be forsaken, Page but He is not. 23, 24 6 Let there be trust in the Lord. H.B. 24, 25 PsaLM XXXII. Z,1,2 6 The just man is happy. H.B, 1, 2 . 7 . . Bd 6 The grievousness of temptations is described. 15-7 6 Confession of infirmities, and deliverance. 8,9 6 He is wise. 10, II 6 Let there be trust. PsaLM XXXIII. I-9 16 A song in praise of the Lord because the church is from Him through the Word.. 10,11 3 Howsoever much the evil may fight against it, still it will continue. 12-15 u) Happy are they who are of that church. 16, 17 ui Self-intelligence effects nothing. 18-22 17 Those are saved who trust in the Lord. PsaALM XXXIV. z#, 1-11 16" Song in praise of the Lord because He delivers BeBe toe those who trust in Him, from all evil. 12-22 13 He saves the good, and the evil perish. H.B. 13-23 PSALM XXXVIII. ; 131 PsaLmM XXXV. Verses Subjeéls Z,1-g 7-8 The combats of the Lord against the hells, and ERTS their subjugation and overthrow. 10-16 9-4 They purpose putting Him to death for desiring their good, which causes Him grief. 7, 18[,24]4-8 Prayer that He may be preserved from them, whence He will have joy. 19-21, 25 4 They blaspheme Him. 22,23[,26]8 From His Divine He will overcome them. 27,28 16 Hence the justice of the Lord will be praised in song. PsaALM XXXVI. Z,1-4 4 Respecting hypocrites, that they think evil. L.B. 1-5 5-9 16 It ought to be acknowledged that all good and ebe Bore truth is from the Lord. 10 16 Those who eamnowindgs the Lord possess all good LB. Ir and truth. 11,12. ‘7 The Lord protects deci evil, and the evil perish. LB. #12 PsaLm XXXVII. 3°8-11 COMPARISON OF THE LOT OF THE EVIL WITH THE LOT OF THE GOOD. ee a they perish, and are cast down into 36, 38 eu. H.B. 1, 2, 8-10, etc, 4,1, 2, 0) 3-815 Although the evil flourish for a short time, 3-7, II, 16 18,19,22-31, { 7 The good are saved by the Lord, and taken [33,] 345 375 up into heaven. 39; 40 PsaLM XXXVIII. Z, 1-10 6-9 The grievousness of the Lord’s temptations is WBass - described. II, 12 6-9 Those who are of the church purpose to have PERS EAT ED Him put to death. ' 4 This is the division inthe sole-Latin Schmidius Bible. In the Hebrew-Latin Bible verse 12 is divided into two verses numbered 12 and 13.—EDITOR. 132 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Uerses Subjeéts 4 13, 14 6-9 He bears all things with tolerance. H.B. 14, 15 9,15-22 6-9 Trust in the Father that the hells will not pre- H.B, 10, 16-23 vail. PsaLM XXXIX. z., 1-3, 8-116 The Lord’s tolerance in the state of temptations. H.B. 1-4, Q-12 4-7 6 He desires the end of the temptations. W.B. 5-8 12, 1 3 9 Prayer to the Father that He be not forsaken. HB. 13, 14 PsaLM XL. 7, 1-5 13 Thanksgiving and celebration of the Father, that Has He has helped Him. 6-8 133 He came into the world, as is written in the Pa Word, that He might do the will of the Father. 9, Io u He also preached the gospel of the kingdom of ste Test God, and taught. 12-15,17. g Trust from His Divine against those who pur- Hone rg Toya pose to put Him to death, 16 ut6 and let those who worship the Lord rejoice in H.B. 17 Him. PsaLmM XLI. £., 1-3 5 He who is in temptations, and consequent afflic- Babine tion, is always upheld and thereby vivified. 4-7 5 The hells among themselves devise evils against Wess the Lord, 8 5 and think that He is to be utterly destroyed: H.B. 9 9 5-4 so also do those who are of the church where the MEE ze Word is. 10, II 4 They will not succeed, and will themselves be TUBER 8 destroyed. 12, 13 8 Perfection belongs to the Lord. H.B. 13, 14 PsaLM XLII. 4, 1-6 6 The state of grief and perturbation of the Lord FER AEP from temptations, with trust from the Divine. PSALM XLV. 133 Ver ses Subjeds 7-10 6 The growing grievousness of the temptations even Tees to despair. Ir 8 Confidence from the Divine that He will be raised H.B, 12 up. PsaLm XLIII. I,2 6-13 Grievousness of the Lord’s temptations even to despair. 3.4 6-13 Prayer to the Father that Divine truth may com- fort Him. 5 6-13, Consolation. PsaLm XLIV. t., I-4 u) The church was established by the Lord among TEMEta? the ancients, evils having been cast out. 5-8 i) This was done by God, and not by man. HB. 6-9 9-12, 19 3-6 Nevertheless the hells now prevail against Him EBS TOTES 20 as if there were no Divine presence, whence it is that there is no church. 13-16 6-3 He is blasphemed by the evil in the church, HB. 14-17 17-21 10 notwithstanding that perfection is His. 22 oe to He is so treated on account of the Divine ; 23, 26 6 therefore may the Divine bring Him help. 24, 25 6 He is in the last state of temptations, as if He By B88 were forsaken. PsatmM XLV. 16 THE GLORIFICATION OF THE HUMAN OF THE LORD, AND HEAVEN AND THE CHURCH FROM HIM. Z,1 16 A magnificent word respecting the Lord, and re- nape ae specting conjunction with Him. 2 16 The Divine truth is His alone. HB. 3-5 8 He has powerfully conquered the hells by means eae of Divine truth. 6 10 The kingdom is His to eternity. HB. 7 7,8 ~.p. ' He has thereby made the Human Divine: H.B, 8, 9 134 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjeéts is 8 to-12_ thus heaven and the church are His, and they are cae in Divine truths from Him: 12 thus also there are affections for truth, and in eee these are the societies of heaven. 10 u Of the church where the Word is: it should de- Mees part from the affections of the natural man ; II ue thus will it be the church of the Lord, H.B. 12 12-14 ~~ wand thus it will have cognitions of truth and good, ED SES with subservient knowledges (scientiae) : 15" "16 so there will be conjun¢tion with the Lord in heaven, HB. 16 16 1-16 It will possess primary truths. H.B. 17 17 wi6 The whole church will serve the Lord. H.B. 18 PsaLm XLVI. 4, 1-3,6, 7 § There will be protection from the Lord when the Melee Tye last judgment comes and continues. 5,6 17 Those who are of the church and in the dotrine HB G9 of truth will be saved by the Lord when He comes. 8,9 17 They will have no fear of the hells nor of infest- cc a ations therefrom. 10, II 17 This is from the Lord. ‘PsaLtm XLVII. l THE LORD’S KINGDOM. 4.,1,2 16-0 A song in praise of the Lord, that He reigns He Beae over the church, ig 16-1 that He will remove falsities and evils; H.B. 4 4,5 16-" that He will establish a church. HB. 5, 6 ; 6 16 He is therefore to be praised in song, HB. 7 7,8 s6-12 because His kingdom is over the whole church, ‘HB. 8, 9 “g ° ‘16-412 and over the heavens. H.B. 10 | PSALM L. i 135 Psatm XLVIII. Verses Subjeds t., 173) 8 ‘a The spiritual kingdom of the Lord, how admir- HiBe To45.9) able ! 4-7 12 It will dissipate all falsities. .B. 5-8 oe 10 tio This is the Divine Human. H,B, 10, IZ 11-13 o12 From this are all things of heaven and of the H.B. 12-14 church, 14 16 because the Lord reigns there. H.B, 15 : PsaLM XLIX. t., 1-4 2 Let there be attention to the following : HB. 1-5 5,6 2 Respecting those who are merely natural, and H.B, 6, 7 boast of knowledges (scientifica) and their own intelligence. 7-9 2 No salvation comes from that source. H.B. 8-10 ; 10-13, 2:5 However much they may boast of such things, sevens they perish, 14 2-15 and come into hell. HB, 15 15 17 Salvation is solely in the Lord. H.B. 16 16-20 2 Knowledge (scientia) and one’s own intelligence ena Rae does not save after death. Psatm L. #,1-6 I§ The Lord will come for judgment to those with nee whom is the church. 7-13 2 The Lord does not desire sacrifices and etter worship. 14, 15 2 He desires confession of the heart. 16-20 2 External worship is of no avail, so long as evils are committed. [21,] 22 2 They do evils, and therefore evil befalls them. 136 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. PsaLm LI. Verses Subjedts A . oe 2., 1-5 13 Prayer that He may be purified of the infirmities Maen derived from the mother. 6-10 33 If He be purified of them He will be pure, H.B, 8-12 II, 12 10 and He is holy. H.B. 13, 14 13-15 to So will He teach Divine truths. HB. 15-17 16, 17 u) Not external, but internal worship. H.B, 18, 19 18, 19 He will institute a church, in which will be wor- epee ship from good. Psat LII. #,1-6 15-3 Respecting hypocrites: they will be in hell and BeBe tes will perish. 7 t5 So likewise those who trust in their own intelli- Mees gence. 8,9 wiz Those who trust in the Lord will flourish. PsaLm LIII. Z., 1-3 3 Every one has departed from God, there is no BBE ES one left. 4,5 3 They have destroyed the church without any HB. 5, 6 cause. 6 n Therefore there will be a new church from the PBT Lord. Psatm LIV. 4,1-3 13-9 Prayer to the Father that He may assist against ay those that wish to destroy them. 4,5 3°8 He assists against them, and they will perish. HB. 6, 6, 7 8 A song in praise of assistance. H.B. 8, 9 Psatm LV. 4.,1-5, 9 613 The grievousness of temptations is described, in Bipot Ss which He prays to the Father. PSALM LIX. 137 Verses SubjeAs 6-8 6-13 He would fain give up the combats because of ERD their grievousness. 9-14 7 The malice of the hells is described. 15, : 7 They will be cast down into hell. HB. 16 16-18, 22 7 Prayer to the Father, and He will bring help HB. 17-19, 2 19-21 , 23 7 against the evil and hypocrites. H.B, 20-22, 24 PsaLtm LVI. z.,1-4,10,11 5 Temptations of the Lord, in which He has confid- HE Betasy tty SR ence in the Father. 5,6 7 Malice of the infernals. HB. 6, 7,8. 13 O that the Father would help in affli@ion! H.B, 8, oo 13 He will help. H.B. 10 12, 13 8 Song of praise for protection. H.B. 13, 14 PsaLtm LVII. t,1-5 13-7 Prayer to the Father when in the combats of Eee temptations with the hells which attack Him. 4,6 7 Their malice against Him. HLB. 5,7 7,8 8 Confidence from His Divine. H.B, 8, 9 3 . r g-11 8 A song in praise of the Father for this reason. H.B, 10-12 Psatm LVIII. t., 1-9 4 Against those who were of the church, who cher- eres ished evil thoughts against the Lord: they are in mere falsities of evil, of which they perish, 10, II i! so that those who are in good may come into the ‘HOB, II, 12 church. PsaLm LIX. #,1-6 13-9 Prayer to the Father concerning those who are eae then of the church: they wish to destroy and slay Him, although He is innocent. zs 7-9 They fight from falsities against truths. 138 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. ‘Verses Subjeas 8-10 7-9 Confidence in the Father. H.B, It vie 7-9 He prays for them. H.B. 12 12, 13 8 They destroy themselves H.B. 13, 1 14, T 5 ; 8 by malice. H.B, 15, 16 16, 17 8 Confidence respeCting help. H.B, 17, 18 Psatm LX. 1, 1-3 6 Lamentation of the Lord, that He has been for- ee saken, together with the church. 4,5 6 Confidence respecting deliverance. H.B. 6, : uto A church internal and external is being instituted. ee In the highest sense respeCting the Human of the Lord, that it will be made Divine, 10 tio from His own power, H.B. 12 II, 12 wio and from His Divine. H.B, 13, 14 Psatm LXI. #,1-5 16-10 The Lord’s song in praise of the Father because AEBicEre of help, 4 6-8 16-10 and because of union. H.B. 7-9 PsaLm LXII. , 2,1, 2, 5-8, \ 8 Confession that the Divine alone has power, and Il, e from it there is help. H.B, 1-3, 6-9, 12, 13 3; 2, 9 8 They are of no avail against the Divine. H.B. 4, 5; 10 Psatm LXIII. t., 1-8 to The desire and love of the Lord to be united to HBy arg His Divine. g, 10 3 Those who lie in wait for Him will perish by. ee falsities of evil. II 17-15 Then there will be salvation from the Lord, and - H.B, 12 rejection of the evil. . PSALM LXVIII. 139 PsaLmM LXIV. Verses Subjeds 7 : ; F L, 1-6 4 The lying in wait of the evil against the Lord. H.B. 1-7 7,8 4 They will perish. H.B, 8, 9 10 7 Thus the good will be saved. H.B, 10, Ir Psatm LXV. z.,1-13. 10 From the uniting of the Divine and the Human ae ESTA in the Lord will be a church that will be in all truth from the Lord, and safe from infestation from falsities. PsaLm LXVI. #,1-5 wi6 Joy that there is a new church that trusts in the HB. I-5 Lord, 6,7 "16 who will save it from evils. 8-12 ig The Lord was united to His Divine by means of grievous temptations. 13-17 t9 Thus Divine truth from the Lord is with men. {?18],19,20 13 This has been done through His perfection. Psatm LXVII. z.,1-5,7 iz The whole church will acknowledge and worship Meeaso 8 the Lord from joy of heart. 6 wiz Everything of the church will be theirs. H.B. 7 Psatm LXVIII. A ty? 8 The hells will be subjugated. rn 3B = 35 31 t' Those who are in good, will acknowledge the BBS 4 Ori32 Lord, who is Divine truth itself; 5,6 w He will be their protection ; H.R. 6, 7-11 He will regenerate them. H.B, 8-12 12-14 3 It will not be so with the rest, although they MEBs 3345) have the Word. 140 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjets r 15-17 n Respecting the church from the Lord, from whom MB ao-r8 is everything of doétrine. 18-23 17 He snatched them out of the hand of the infernals. H.B. 19-2. 24-29" 16 Song in praise of the Lord on this account. 30. ai 16 The natural man will be subdued. H.B. 31 32-35 10-16 Song in praise of the Divine power of the Lord HB. 33°36 [acquired by Him] through union [with the Father]. PsaLM LXIX. 2. 1-4 6 The temptation-combats of the Lord even to de- H.B, I-5 spair, 6 even to the thought of withdrawal ; H.B. 6 6,7 6 but He endured for the sake of those who awaited WB7y 8 salvation. 8-12 4 He is shamefully treated by those with whom ven in ae was the church. 13-20 4 Prayer to the Father for help, lest these prevail H.B, 14-21 21 4 When He desired the good and truth of the wens 9 church, they gave Him falsity and evil, as upon the cross, gall and vinegar. 22-28 3 For this reason they are being destroyed. H.B. 23-2 29-31 When Heis delivered, the gospel will be preached, 32-36 wi7_ because then those who are of the church will be MP BES? saved, and will worship Him. Psatm LXX. z.,1-3, 5 8-135 Prayer to the Father for help against the hells, HB. 1-4, 6 4 : 17 that those who worship Him may have salvation. H.B. 5 PsaLtm LXXI. ey 13-7 Confidence that the Father will assist Him. 6,7 to He was the Father’s from birth. 9-11 9 Let not the hells say that He has been forsaken by God. PSALM LXXIV. 141 Verses Subje@s 13 8 Thus they withdraw, ae 8 and the name of God will be preached, 20, [21,] 24 8 when He has gained the victory. PsaLtm LXXII. #,1,2,4 2 The kingdom of the Lord. AB. I, 2, 4 3,6,7,15,16 12 The happy state of those who are of His king- dom. 5 1216 Worship of Him from love and faith from eternity, and thereafter. 8-12 1246 The greatness and extension of His dominion. 12-14 17 Protection and redemption. 17 N.B. 17:10 They have acknowledged the Divine Human from eternity, in which is all of salvation. 18,19 . 16-17 A song of praise to Him. Psatm LXXIII. 4, 1-9 2 A matter of wonder to some, that the evil vaunt epee? themselves and prosper. 10-14 2 Whereby the good are led astray, imagining that good is of no use, neither affliction. 15-20, 27 2 But afterward it is granted them to know that the evil are nevertheless devastated and con- sumed. 21, 22 2 They do not know this ; 23-26 17 but the good are always upheld and live with God. PsaLM LXXIV. 4, 1-9 3 The church with all things appertaining to it has me been utterly destroyed, and its holy things pro- faned, they saying in their heart that religion is not anything. ¥ 2,10,1r wm Prayer to the Lord to bring help. 12-15 8 Before this He has overthrown the hells, 16, 17 and before this, being protected, He has established a church : 18-21 _let there therefore be compassion, that the church perish not 22, 23 3 through the uprising of the evil. I42 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Psatm LXXV. Verses ubjedls 4, 1-3 . te When the Lord comes He will raise up the fallen Hs church. 4-6 3 Let not the evil exalt themselves above the good, 7 a 15:17 for the judgment comes, in which the evil perish ae and the good are saved. 8, 10 15 The evil will then perish through direful falsities, HB. Q, IT but the good will worship the Lord. H.B, 10 PsaLM LXXVI. 4, 1-4 wt The Lord is in His church; proteétion there sree against falsities and evils. 5,6 3 There is no longer any truth in the Jewish church. H.B. 6, 7 7-10, 12 §17 The Lord will effect a judgment, in which the HEE evil will perish and the good will be saved. II (16) Let the Lord be worshipped. LB, 12 PsaLm LXXVII. t., I-9 6 State of temptation of the Lord even to despair, we ne whether the Father would give help ; 10-15 6- strengthening Himself from His Divine from Hetga ion things past, that those that had prayed for it had been saved, 16-19 8 and that power was His through Divine truth, .B, 17-20 20 : 17 and that the church was preserved. ALB. 21 Psatm LXXVIII. t., 1-7 2 The Word was given to the children of Jacob, nats and they were confirmed in it by means of miracles ; 8-10 2 but their fathers and the children had gone back, and had not lived according to it, II-31 2 the miracles in the desert even having no effect: all of which involved how the Lord teaches and leads those whom He calls to His church. All these things recited. PSALM ILXXX. 143 ‘Verses Subje&s 32-37 "2 On account of the miracles they returned, indeed, but only with the mouth, not with the heart. 38-40 2 The Lord forgave them. 41-51 2 Again they were seemingly converted when they recalled the miracles in Egypt, all of which in- volve the removal and dispersion from them of the hells. A recital of these things. 52-55 2 The Lord thus led them unto the land which was the seat of the church. 56-58 2 Yet they backslid and worshipped another god. 59-64 2-3 Therefore they were forsaken by the Lord, and delivered over to their falsities and evils; this of themselves. 65-67 3 Thus they were rejected. 68-72 | Therefore a new church was instituted, which would worship the Lord, and which the Lord could lead. PsaLm LXXIX. t., 1-4 3 Falsifications of the Word and direful evils have Meee destroyed the church. 5-12 u-3 The cry of the church for help, that she be not 15-8 destroyed at the same time, and her prayer that those who have ruined the church be re- moved. 13 u-t6 Thus there will be worship of the Lord. Psatm LXXX. bs 1-37 16 Prayer of the new church to the Lord, to come Hola 8 and lead, 4-6 2 because they are in affliction: HB. 5-7 iP - 8-11 2 He has instituted a church and reformed it by H.B, g-12 truths from the Word, 12, 13 2 and yet falsities begin to destroy it. HLB, 13, 14 4 . 14-19 i) May the Lord come and restore it, and may it H.B, 15-20 thus be vivified. 144 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Psatm LXXXI. Verses z., 1-4 H.B. 1-5 5-7 H.B, 6-8 8-11 H.B. Q-12 12 H.B. 13 13-16 H.B. 14-17 PSALM PSALM t., 1-5 H.B. 1-6 6-8 H.B, 7-9 9-11 H.B, 10-12 12 H.B. 13 13-17 H.B. 14-18 18 H.B, 19 Subjedls 16-1 Song in praise of the Lord by His church. nu When called upon and when He has proved man, He delivers him from the hells. 3 The church among the children of Israel has gone back, and worships another god; 2 therefore they have been left to themselves. 2 If they had obeyed, the hells would have been removed from them, and they would have en- joyed every good. LXXXII. i! The Lord to the church, in which is the Word, from which it is possible to be in Divine truths: n let them not do evils, but goods ; because they do not do goods, the church is tot- tering ; thus, although they possess the Word, they will perish. § Prayer that the Lord may come and effect the judgment. LXXXIII. 7 COMBATS OF THE LORD WITH THE HELLS. 7 The hells wish to destroy all things of the church. 7 The hells that rise up against the Lord are enum- erated. 7°8 They will be cast down and subjugated 7-8 from the places where they have made seeming heavens for themselves. 7°8 Prayer to the Lord to overthrow them, 8-16 that it may be known that power belongs to the Lord alone. PSALM LXXXVIII. 145 PsaLm LXXXIV. Verses Subjeéts ; 4, 1-4 t) Love and desire for the church and heaven. H.B. 1-5 5-7 wi7 Because of trust in the Lord, the church will in- HBAeS crease in truths and goods. 8-12 wt7 Her happiness arises from trust in the Lord. H.B. 9-13 Psatm LXXXV. #,1-7 13-45 Prayer of the Lord to the Father, to institute a eS new church after judgment has been executed upon the evil. 8-13, u Perception from His Divine, that a church will arise ed and flourish, which will acknowledge the Lord, walking in truths. Psatm LXXXVI. #,1-8 13-5 Prayer of the Lord to the Father fer help in HEE EB temptations, [9, ro} ut6 because thus there will be worship of the Lord, 11,12 and confession of Him ; 13, 14 7 the hells are in insurrection ; 15-17 8 by His help they will be overthrown. PsaLm LXXXVII. z,1-7 16-m Song in praise of the Lord by a new church that port Se will be gathered together from all parts. Psatm LXXXVIII. 2.,I-9,13-18 13-7 _In temptations that continue even to despair, the BEBE TIONED Lord addresses the Father, that He is seem- ingly overcome by the infernals. 10-12 7 God has no glory from the hells. HB, II-13 146 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. PsaLmM LXXXIX. Verses Subjeds a 2 4,1, 2 13-1016 All Divine truth is from the Lord. H. B. I-3 a ‘ 3-5 10-16 The Divine truth is from Him because there is niBea§ oneness with the Divine Human. 6-9,13 10-16 Thus the Lord has all power. H.B. 7-10, 14 7 r 10-14 10-16-12 All of heaven and the church is from Him. MAB, T1~-15 15-18 12:16 Happy is he who trusts in the Lord. H.B. 16-19 19-25 to-16 The Father to the Lord, or His Divine to His Hee Bas Human: that by oneness with Him He has omnipotence over the hells. 5a) tN. 8. 106 There will be eternal oneness with Him. H.R, 27-30, 36-38 30-37, *" @ Even if those of the church should fail there will HB gig be eternal oneness with Him. 38-42 4 Of the Jewish nation: It has destroyed conjunc- MeReSITAS tion with Him, because it has destroyed the church. 43-45 4 It has utterly repudiated Him. H.B, my 2-48 13 Prayer to the Father, that, unless He assist, no one HEB: A7a9 will have eternal life. 49 to Unless oneness be effected, 49-51 10-8 the hells will otherwise prevail. H.B, 50-52 52 = 10-8 He asssists. H.B. 53 PsaLm XC. t.,1-6 16 Man is nothing of himself, but the Lord alone He a9 [is of Himself]. 7-11 u The church perishes, 12-13 17 unless restored by the Lord 14 to by means of His coming. 14-17 17 Thence is salvation. Psatm XCI. I 10 Song in praise of the Father by the Lord, who is to be made one with Him. 2-6 10 Thus there will be protection from every attack. PSALM XCIV. 147 ‘Verses Subjes . a 7-9 8 Thus there will be no uprising of the hells, 10 i not even against the church. II, 12 12 Thus heaven will serve Him. 13-16 8-0 There will be no fear from the hells, when the Divine has been made one with the Human. Psatm XCII. 1, to The oneness of the Divine of the Lord with His Ree Divine Human, which is the “sabbath.” I-5 to Song in praise of the co-operation of the Father pnass with Him. 6 3 The evil do not understand this. HB. 7-9 3 Although the evil flourish, yet they perish. H.B, 8-10 10, II éo-8 Thus He has Divine omnipotence against those BERR REE that rise up against Him, 12-14 u from which the church will flourish, H.B. 13-15 15 "16 and will sing praises to the Lord. HB. 16 PsaLm XCIII. 1,2 10-12, Through the oneness of the Divine and the Hu- man in the Lord, heaven and the church will endure to eternity. 34 iz The joy of those who are in Divine truths from this source. 5 12 The Word established in the church. PsaLm XCIV. OF THE JEWISH NATION: IT DESTROYED THE CHURCH. I,2 5 O that judgment may be executed upon them ! 3-11 3 Because that nation has destroyed the church, neither does it fear God, although He sees all things. 12-15 wis For the sake of the church the Lord will come to judge. 16-19 6-9 The Divine of the Lord gives help against the evil and in temptation. 20, 21 6-9 The evil rise up and wish to kill, 22, 23 48 but through help from His Divine they will perish. 148 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. PsaLm XCV. Verses Subjeals I 16 Song in praise of the Lord: 2-5 16 Omnipotence belongs to Him; 6,7 16 He is to be worshipped in humility. 8-10 3-4 Let them not be like the nation sprung from Ja- cob, who estranged themselves from the Lord, II 3-4 and with whon, for this reason, there is no con- junction whatever. Psatm XCVI. I-9 16 Song in praise of the Lord by His church, that to Him alone belong power and glory. IO-I2 15:12 He will come to judgment, that heaven and the church may worship Him from joy of heart. 13 15 He will come to judgment. Psatm XCVII. 1-6 16 Joy of the church over the coming of the Lord, with whom is Divine truth. 7 3 All who are in falsities will be removed. 8,9 10:16 Joy that the Lord is the God of heaven and the church. 10-12 "iz He will protect those who are in truths from Him Psatm XCVIII. 1610) THE COMING OF THE LORD AND THE GLORIFICATION OF HIS HUMAN: bk 10 He will then have power. 2 10-17, Hence is salvation. 3 17 The predictions are to be fulfilled. 4-8 16 Song of praise to Him and joy on that account. 9 15 He comes to judgment. PsaLm XCIX. 1,2 16 Song in praise of the Lord who is the Word and the God of the church. 355.9 16 He should be worshipped, PSALM CIII. 149 Verses Subjeas 4 16 because power and justice belong to Him. 6,7 16 The Word is from Him. 8 7 He is the Redeemer. Psatm C. #,1-3 1647 Song in praise of the Lord, that He is to be wor- aa shipped with the heart, because He is the Former of the church. 4,5 16-11 Let them draw near to Him through the truths of the Word, and confess Him. PsaLm CI. 5 SOMETHING CONCERNING JUDGMENT BY THE LORD. £51 16 He is to be celebrated. HB. 1 2,3,6,7 16 His perfection, and He loves those that are perfect. 4,5 3 He rejects the evil and the haughty. 8 3 The evil will perish when the Lord comes. Psautm CII. #,1-11 13-6 Prayer of the Lord when He was in temptations Res even to despair, which state is described. 12-18 u Nevertheless, those that are out of the church pa expect compassion, that they may become a church. 19-22 | He hears and has compassion, and a church is MEBG20"23 formed of such. 23, 24 6 Let Him not fail in temptations before that comes H.B, 24, 25 to pass, 25-28 wiz that heaven and the church perish not, but may HB 26-29 be established. Psatm CIII. z,1-7 16-17 Song in praise of the Lord on account of redemp- Hate tion and reformation. 8-18 16-17 These are from mercy, because He knows the ' infirmities of man. Ig-22 16-17 The heavens and the earths are His, therefore He should be celebrated. 150 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. PsaLtm CIV. Verses Subjeds 16 SONG IN PRAISE OF THE LORD. 1-4 16 From Him are Divine truths, or the Word. 5-9 16-1 Of the sense of the letter of the Word, on which the church is founded : 10-23 16-1 from this all are taught, every one according to the state of his intelligence : 24-30 16-1 from this are the knowledges (cognitiones) of truth and good, from which is spiritual nourishment. 31-35 17 May the good be saved, and the evil perish! PsaLM CV. 1-7 0-16 8-15 u 16 3 17, 18 4 19-22 10 23, 24 ” 25-36 " 37-41 " 42-45 " PsaLtm CVI. 3 I-5 13-11 6-8 3 THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE CHURCH BY THE LORD, AND THE RE- FORMATION OF THE NATURAL MAN. Song in praise of the Lord and of His works for the establishment of the church. The establishment of the church in the beginning, and her protection from falsities of evils. When there was no longer anv truth, the Lord came, and they afflicted Him ; but He afterwards became the God of heaven and earth. Hence those who were of the church were nat- ural, and in knowledges (scéentifica) ; therefore their natural has been purged of falsities and evils of every kind, which infested: these here treated of; afterwards truth and good, and protection from falsities, are granted them, and He causes them to be a church, OF THE CHURCH INSTITUTED AMONG THE JEWISH NATION: IT BE- CAME PERVERTED AND REVOLTED. Prayer of the Lord to the Father to give help, that He might see the church established. Although those who were of the church beheld Divine miracles, they backslid, and yet they were preserved, PSALM CVIII. : 151 Uerses Subjects 9-34 ‘ 3 as at the sea Suph and afterwards in the desert, (many [instances here recounted],) neverthe- less they rebelled. 35-39 3 They totally destroyed and profaned the truths and goods of the church. 40-43 3 Therefore the church with them was forsaken by the Lord, and destroyed. 44-46 nu Then those who were out of the church were heard, 47, 48 u and a church constituted of them will arise and will worship the Lord. PsaLtm CVII. 1-3 wiz A new church, which the Lord has redeemed. 4-8 u They are in falsities of ignorance, but in a desire for truth and good. 9-15 i) They are in ignorance and in lack of truth. 16-21 wt They have no spiritual nourishment, although they will have it through the Word. 22-31 | When they were in knowledges (cognitiones), they . were admitted into temptations, and preserved. [32.] 33, \ 16-3 Song in praise of the Lord, that those who were 34:39:40 of the devastated church have been rejected, cag i and that those who are of the new church have 41-43 been accepted, with whom truths and goods will be multiplied. Psatm CVIII. 4.,1-5 13-3-8 Prayer of the Lord to the Father to give help, BBok® and show His power, 6 8 that those who are to be of the church may be aE delivered. 7 : 3 Answer, that the former church will be destroyed, HB, 8,9 nt and an internal and an external church will be BERGE To instituted. 10-13, 10 The Human will become Divine when the hells HB, II-14 have been subjugated. L52 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. PsaLtm CIX. Verses Subjes 4 OF THE PERVERTED JEWISH CHURCH. 2, 1-6 4 It repudiated the Lord, and considered Him vile, pane and hated Him. 7-12 5: They will perish in the judgment, and there will be others in their place, who will be received, and a church established with them. 13-20 43-4 _ Their posterity will likewise perish, because they are in falsities of evil, and because they reject the Lord. 21-25 13-4 To the Father for help, because He is considered vile, and as nothing. 26-29 3 Let them be put to shame. 30, 31 Song in praise of the Father, because He gives help. Psatm CX. 4, 1-3 8 Victory of the Lord over the hells, owing to ena which He has dominion over heaven and earth. 4-7 N.B. 810 From this He has authority over the hells. Psatm CXI. 1-4 16 Celebration and confession of the Lord; 5-9 17 He redeemed men, and saves to eternity ; 10 17 to worship Him is wisdom. PsaLM CXII. I-7,9 17 He that trusts in the Lord and lives well will be saved. 8, 10 17 He will have no fear of the hells, however much they may rise up against him. PsaLm CXIII. I-5 16 Song in praise of the Lord, because He is omni- potent ; 6 1 because He came into the world; 7-9 17 because He will save those who will be of His church. PSALM CXVIII. 153 PsaLmM CXIV. Verses Subjeéts 1,2 u' The church established by the Lord from the nations. 3-6 u Its falsities have been removed, and the goods of love and charity take their place, 7,8 ut because the chyrch is from the Lord, who will instruct those that are in ignorance. PsaLm CXV. 1-3 16 Omnipotence belongs to the Lord. 4-8 16 From what is his own, man is nothing but falsity of evil. g-II 16 The trust of all who are in truths and goods should be in the Lord. 12-15,18 17 The Lord will save them. 16 17 Heaven and the church are His. 17 16-17 Those who do not trust in the Lord will not be saved. Psatm CXVI. I-11 6 Song in praise of the Father by the Lord, that He gave help in grievous temptations ; 12-19 6-16 thus the Divine will be worshipped in the Lord. Psatm CXVII. 1,2 5 Song of praise to the Father by the Lord, that He gave help in temptations. Psatm CXVIII. 1-4 u Song of praise to the Father by the Lord, for the church ; 5-9 5 He helped Him in His distresses ; 10-14 5 the evil fought against Him, but He was helped by the Divine. 15,16 106 Joy because there is Divine power through His Human. 7 10:16 The Divine truth is from Him. 18-22 7 He it is through whom is all salvation. 154 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. ‘Verses Subjeds . ses cod 7 a 22-25 to It is the Divine Human from His Divine in Him- self, which is the source. 26-29 16 Happy is he who confesses and worships the Lord. PsaLm CXIX. 1-176 16 The Lord fulfilled the Law, or the Word, from its firsts to its lasts, and therefore He was hated, 5 and suffered temptations, and thus made the to} Human one with His Divine.* PsaLM CXX. 4, 1-7 13-4 To the Father, against those in the perverted TERETE church, who secretly try to destroy Him. PsaLM CXXI. #,1-8 13-5 [Prayer] to the Father to keep [Him]. H.R, 1-8 PsaLmM CXXII. Z,1-g 16 Joy of the Lord over the new church where He MDOT? reigns. PsaLM CXXIII. 4,1-4 13-4 [Prayer] to the Father to be present, because He Meme aed has been utterly rejected by the Jewish nation. PsaLmM CXXIV. 4,1-5 135 To the Father that He may be preserved in ne temptations 6-8 5 from the deceitful and hypocrites. * The following words are here crossed out in the manuscript: ‘' The initial let- ters here signify such things as are meant by them in the spiritual world."’ This note refers to the Hebrew initial letters of the verses, which follow the order of the Hebrew alphabet, the first eight verses beginning each with Aleph, the second eight with Beth, etc. This is indicated in the English Bible by the names of the Hebrew letters to be found as inscriptions over the successive groups of eight verses. See more on this subject in The Apocalypse Revealed, n, 38.—EDITOR, PSALM CXXXI. 155 CXXV. Subjedts “w From the Lord the new church is kept from fals- ities of evil. CXXVI. 16-11 Joy of the nations with whom a new church will arise. n It will be instructed. CXXVII. 16-4 All things of the church are from the Lord, and nothing from man. 16-1 He who is in truths from the Lord, remains safe. CXXVITI. | Happy is he who is of the Lord’s church, for good in abundance is there. CXXIX. 2 From the beginning they have done exceeding great evil to the church, w but, after a vain effort, they were compelled to retreat. CXXX. 16 Prayer to the Lord that they may be preserved. ti7_ The coming of the Lord and redemption is ex- pected. CXXXI. OF THE LorD: 10-17 He operated from His Human: He indeed op- erated through influx from the Divine, but not from the Divine alone. n Let the trust of the church be in Him. 156 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Psatm CXXXII. ‘Verses “, 1-5 MLB. 1-5 6,7 8 Subjes OF THE LorD: He will not rest until He sees His church estab- lished. He was born in Bethehem, let us adore Him, for He united His Divine to His Human. 9, 10 N.B. 16 Let them worship Him from good and from truth. TI, 12 16-17 ul It is an eternal truth, that those who worship Him will be saved. The Lord dwells in His church because He loves her; because there He dwells in truths and goods. For this reason she will be in power and in light against falsities of evil. Psatm CXXXIII. “+ HB. 2 3 1217 Good itself is the conjunction of good and truth, for the good of love flows into the truths of the external or natural man. The truth of good is from heaven upon those who are in the church, in which is salvation. PsaLM CXXXIV. Z. H. ce x 2,3 16-3 Song in praise of the Lord by those who worship Him, when the church has been devastated. Let them worship the Lord, who is the God of heaven and the church. PsaLm CXXXV. I-3 Dap ™N 8-11 12 13 Tq 7 7-0 7 mn Song in praise of the Lord in His Divine Hu- man, who institutes the church, and who alone is God, who alone teaches the church external and in- ternal truths, who delivers the natural man from falsities of evil, and there implants the church. This is done by the Lord, who leads her. PSALM CXXXIX. 157 Verses SubjeAs 15-18 16 One’s own intelligence effects nothing. 19-21 16 The spiritual and celestial church worships the Lord who is the God of the church. PsaLM CXXXVI. I-3 16 Let them confess the Lord, who alone is God and Lord, 4-6 12 who, by means of the Divine truth, has formed heaven and the church, 7-9 12 from whom is all truth of doctrine, and good of love, and knowledge (cogmitio) of these : 10-22 wiz who delivers the natural man from falsities of evil, and there establishes the church, and dis- sipates evils of every kind. 23-26 16-12 Celebration and confession of Him who delivers from falsities and evils, and grants truths and goods, 1-26 12 and this from pure mercy. Psatm CXXXVII. 1-6 u Lamentation by the nations who are in falsities from ignorance, because they do not have the Word. 5,6 i Of these a church will be formed by the Lord, which He will love. 7-9 3 Those who have devastated the church will perish. Psatm CXXXVIII. 16 SONG IN PRAISE OF THE LORD BY THE CHURCH. 4,1-5 1016 The Lord ought to be worshipped from the Word, ees eS where is His Divine truth. 6-8 17 Those who are humble will have salvation from the Lord, and life and prote¢tion. PsaLm CXXXIX. 10 SONG IN PRAISE OF THE FATHER BY THE LORD. :, 1-5 to He knows everything of His thought and will BBea5 because He is made one with Him; 6-10 10-16 omniscience and omnipresence belong to Him; 158 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses Subjedls II, 12 10-16 enlightenment in the natural is from Him ; 13-15 2-10 by Him He was formed and from Him Heis pure ; 16-18 10 hence all things of the Father are united with Him ; 19-22 to the Lord rejects all evil and falsity from Himself; 23, 24 to perfection belongs to Him. PsaLm CXL. #,1-8 13-4 Prayer of the Lord to the Father to be delivered — Benes? from falsifiers and hypocrites, who purpose evil against Him in the perverted church. Q-II 3 They perish through their falsities and evils, 12,1 3 17 and those who confess the Lord are saved. H.B. 13, 14 Psatm CXLI. fe, Ty 2 13 Prayer of the Lord to the Father, to have regard H.B. 1, 2 to His perfection ; {3,]4,5 610 He has nothing in common with those who are in evils, because He has been made one with His Divine ; 6,7 10-4 His words, which are Divine, they have made of no account. 8-10 8 Confidence that their evil thoughts and inten- tions, by which they themselves perish, do no harm. Psatm CXLII. #,1-3 13-5 Prayer of the Lord to the Father, to give help et in temptations, 4,5 4 because He is known by no one except the Fa- meas ther only, in whom is His trust. 6,7 5) May He be delivered from temptations, and come BAS among those who acknowledge Him. Psatm CXLIII. f Bis 2 13 Prayer of the Lord to the Father, that He who is H.B, 1, 2 true and just, may hear, 3,47 5 that He may not fail in temptations. PSALM CXLVI. “159 ‘Verses Subjefs 5,6 i He longs for the ancient state in respect to the church. 8-12 8 He has confidence of being delivered from the hells, by which He is assaulted mightily. PsaLm CXLIV. 4, 1,2 13-7 To the Father, that He may be a help to Him in Eee a2 His combats, 34 13-7 for without Him He has no power. 5-8, II 7 O that He may be delivered from the hells which assault Him with falsities ! 9, 10 17 Thus He would have salvation, 12-14 2 and thus would Divine truth and Divine good be His and from Him. 15 12 Happy is he who acknowledges Him. PsaLm : CXLV. 4, 1-7 16 Song in praise of the Lord because of His works Meee and His justice ; 8,9 16 because of His mercy. IO-12 12 All who are in the heavens will confess Him, 13 12 because His kingdom is eternal. 14-16 12-1 He raises up sinners, and leads them into truths that they may live. 17 He is Divine. 18, 20 17-3 He saves those who believe in Him, and those who do not believe perish. 21 16 He is to be worshipped. Psatm CXLVI. I,2 16 Song in praise of the Lord: 3.4 16 Man from his own is nothing. 5,6 16-1 Happy is he who trusts in the Lord, who is the God of heaven and earth, ' 7-9 16-1 who teaches and leads all who are in falsities from ignorance, and who desire truths. 10 wiz He reigns to eternity. 160 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Psatm CXLVII. “Verses Subjcéls 1, 2,7[,12]16 Song in praise of the Lord by His church, 34 17 who reforms by knowledges (cogmitiones) of truth, 5 17 who alone is able to do this, 6, 8,9 ut who teaches truths to those who are in ignorance. 10, II t One’s own intelligence is nothing, but that which is from the Lord is something. 13-15 16 The church will worship the Lord who protects her, and teaches the Word. 16-18 u The Lord disperses ignorance by means of the Word. 9, 20 u All this He does for His church. Psatm CXLVIII. 1-6 16-12 All who are in the heavens and on the earths should worship the Lord from goods and truths that are from Him: 7-10 16-12 all who are in the lowest parts of heaven and the church should worship Him from truths and goods of every kind: 11, 12 16-12 in general from the understanding and will of truth and good: 13,14 7 because salvation is by means of those things that He gives. PsaLm CXLIX. 1-4 16-12 The Lord is to be worshipped from an affection for truth and good, because He loves them, 5,6 8 because Divine truth belongs to them, 7-9 8 and by that the hells are restrained. Psatm CL. 1,2 12:16 The Lord ought to be worshipped because He is omnipotent : 3-6 12:46 He ought to be worshipped from every affection for good and truth. Historical Parts of the Word THE HISTORICAL PARTS OF THE WORD. _ The historical parts of the Word, like the prophetical parts, contain a Spiritual sense within themselves, in which there is nothing historical of the world, as in the sense of the letter, but there are heavenly things which relate to the church, and in the highest sense to the Lord, just like the prophetical parts. The historical parts there are representa- tive, and all the senses with their expressions are correspond- ences. lt ought to be known, that all the churches, down to the coming of the Lord, were representative churches :—they re- presented the church, and in the highest sense, the Lord; it is from this that the Word is spiritual and Divine. But the representative churches ceased when the Lord came into the world, because all things of the Word, those that are propbet- ical, as also those that are historical, signified and represented Him: and this is why the Lord is called « the Word.” There were three notable changes of the representative churches: the first, which was before the <« flood,” shall be called the Most Ancient Church; the second, which was after the ** flood,” the Ancient Church; and the third, which fol- lowed the Ancient, the Israelitish and Jewish Church. The Most Ancient Church is described briefly by «‘Adam” and his posterity; the Ancient Church, by ‘* Noah” and his posterity ; and the Israelitish and Jewish Church by the bis- torical portions of the Word. 164 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. The former churches are described in like manner, but by more interior correspondences, in the Word that is mentioned by Moses; but this Word has been effaced, and in its place the Word was given that exists at the present day. a The church that followed these three is the Christian Church, which church is internal, differing from the Jewish Church as a moonlight night differs from a dark night. But as this church bas come to its end, by the accomplishment of the last judgment, a new church is now being instituted by the Lord, which is called, in the Apocalypse, the ‘New Jerusalem,” to which the things that are being published by me at the present day will be of service: it is also being instituted elsewhere. The historical parts of the Word involve in a summary Lhe things that follow. Genesis. CHAPTER [. Verses [1-31] In the spiritual sense the new creation or the regen- ezation of the men of the Most Ancient Church is here described: the process of their regeneration from firsts to lasts is here contained in its order. CHAPTER II. [1-25] The intelligence and wisdom of those men, while they were being regenerated, is described ; for that church was a celestial church, the first of all on this earth. CHAPTER III. {1-24] Fall and end of that church, as they departed from the celestial to the natural man, from this they had in- telligence from what was their own (proprium) in place of intelligence from the Lord. CHAPTER IV. {1-26] Division of that church, which took place between those who made everything of the church and thus of salvation to consist in the mere doétrine and knowledge (scientia) of cognitions (who were “Cain”’); and those who made it to consist also in a life of love and charity (who were “ Abel,”) ; and, abstractly, that a mere knowledge (scientia) of doGtrinals, like faith alone, when all of religion is made to consist in it alone, slays charity. But those who made a church out of mere do€trine, and did not at the same time make it consist in life, were rejected. 166 CHAPTER Verses [1-32] CHAPTER apace IO-I2 [?11-13] j [8-10, \ 14-22] CHAPTER [1-24] CHAPTER [1-22] CHAPTER I-17 18-28[ 29] CHAPTER [1-32] CHAPTER 1-9 SUMMARIES OF THE INTEKNAL SENSE. V. Divisions and changes in that church are described, being meant by the “posterity ot Adam from Sheth.” VI. End of that church, when there was no longer any truth or good, because they were in their own in- telligence ; and the beginning of a new church, which is meant by “Noah” and his “ three sons.” VII. The destruction of the Most Ancient Church is de- scribed by the “flood,” and the beginning of a new one, by the “ark” and its preservation. VIII. The end of the Most Ancient Church, and the begin- ning of the Ancient Church. IX. Precepts and statutes for that church. That church is ‘ Noah,” its celestial is “Shem,”’ its spiritual is “Japheth,”’ and its natural is “ Ham.” X. As that church spread over a great part of the Asi- atic world, and consequently there were divisions, these are described by the “ posterity of Noah,” or of his “ three sons.” XI. The beginning of Babylon, and its destruction. GENESIS XV. 167 Verses . ; , : {10-32] Continuation respecting the various states of that church and the nature of them even to the end, when it became idolatrous and magical. CHAPTER XII. 1-8 The institution of the Israelitish and Jewish church, which was from Eber, and therefore was called the Hebrew church, and its first institution from Abram, who was commanded to go into the land of Canaan, for the reason that all places in that land, and those round about it, had been allotted spiritual significations by the men of the Most An- cient Church, and these were to be mentioned by name in the new Word that was to be: written among them, in which the names of those. places were to be employed. [9-20] The first instruction of that church, which is the in- struction of the natural man, by means of know- ledges (scientiae) which are meant by ‘“ Egypt,” in which country Abram was at that time. CHAPTER XIII. {1-18] Growth in the knowledges (cogzitiones) of the church, and separation of spiritual knowledges which are “Abram,” from natural knowledges which are “ Lot.” CHAPTER XIV. I-17 Combat in the natural man, between the truths and goods and the evils and falsities there, and when victory hung on the side of the evil or of hell, the spiritual man attacked them and overthrew them. 18-24 Thus the natural man became spiritual-natural, and removed evils and falsities from himself. CHAPTER XV. 1-6 Since there was as yet only multiplication of truth, and not the fructification of good, and thus not 168 SUMMARIES OF’ THE INTERNAL SENSE. Verses the church, he was urgent that the church might exist with him ; 7-21 but it is foretold what the church and its conjunction with the Lord would be, namely, that it would be perverted. CHAPTER XVI. [1-16] | Conjuné¢tion of the truth and good of the natural man, from which there would be only an external church, which is rational. But concerning all this see the Arcana Celestia, where [it is explained that] these things pertaining to the church, sig- nify things pertaining to the Lord; for all things of the Word in the Spiritual sense treat of the church and heaven, but in the celestial sense of the Lord. Indexes INDEX OF WORDS AND SUBJECTS. Only the text of the Summaries has been indexed, the marginal references being deft out of consideration, as they constitute an index by themselves. The references are to the divisions by chapters and verses as found in the com- mon English Bible. ABBREVIATIONS,—"' ib.""= the same book and chapter as in the previous refer- ence, : “and prec. = together with the preceding verse or verses. “and fol.” = together with the following verse or verses. Abel.—“Abel” signifies those who made the church and thus salvation to consist also in a life of love and charity (Gez. iv.). Abolition —Abolition of worship from falsification of truth ( Fer. xli. 4-7). Abram.—First institution of the Israelitish and Jewish Church from Abram, who was commanded to go into the land of Canaan, etc. (Gen. xii. 1-8). “ Abram” means spiritual knowledge ( Gen. xiii.). Abrogation.—Abrogation of representative worship (/sa. xxxvi. 7). Absolve (see Acquit). Abstain.—Exhortation to abstain from the falsification of the Word, otherwise there will be no church, but it will be without good and truths, as be- fore (os. ii. 1-4). Abuse.—Abuse of the Word ( Yer. x. 8, 9). Accept (see also Convert, Receive). Because they worship the Lord from evil and not from good, their wor- ship is not accepted (AZal. i. g, 10). Those who have not falsified truths will be accepted ( er. xlix. 6). Those who are of the new church have been accepted (Ps. cvil. 35-38, 41-43). Acceptable (Ps. xix. 14). Unacceptable worship (Amos v. 21, 22); it will be accepted if they have good and truth (26. 23-25). Acknowledgment (see also Lord, ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF). Acknowledgment to the Lord ( Yer. xvii. 14-18). Acknowledgment of goods and truths (Jsa. Ixi. 9). It ought to be acknowledged that all good and truth is from the Lord (Ps. xxxvi. 5-0). The new church will have acknowledgment from the heart from their trust in the Lord ( Yoe/ ii. 26, 27, and prec.). Those who will be of the new church will acknowledge and confess that they have falsities and evils ( Yer. iii. 22-25). Acknowledgment of one’s evils and at the same time of the Lord’s mercy (Ezek. xx. 43, 44). : Acknowledgment with the lips of no avail ( Yer. xxii. 23, 24). Falsities not acknowledged as such ( Yer. vi. 15). Unwillingness to acknowledge and receive (Her. iv. 11, 12). They have acknowledged evils and falsities as goods and truths, because they have departed from the Lord ( fer. v. 11, 12). i172 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Adam.—The Most Ancient Church is briefly described by “Adam” and _ his posterity (p. 163). Acquit.—Because He spoke from the Divine, the truths of the church acquitted Him ( er, xxvi. 10-16). Admire.—\low admirable is the spiritual kingdom of the Lord (Ps. xviii. 4, 1-3, 8). Admonition (Hos. x. 1, 12). Adopt.—Those who draw near will be adopted as children by the Lord ( Fer. iii. 19). Adore (see also Worship). Those who are in truths from the Word will adore the Lord who is the Word (Ps. xxix. 4, 1-4). The Lord was born in Bethlehem, Let us adore Him, for He united His Divine to His Human (Ps. cxxxii. 6-8). Adulteration (see also Falsification). Adulteration of good and truth meant by “Babylon” (Jsa. xiii.; xiv.; xxxix. 1-7; xlvii.; Fer. 1; Daz. ii. 31-43). Adulteration of the goods of the Word and of the church meant by “Moab” ( Fer. xlviii). Those who are of the church will come among those who blaspheme and adulterate the Word ( Yer. xx. 4). Adulteration of the goods of the Word foretold (/sa. xxxix). Those who adulterate the good of the Word are exhorted to desist (Zsa. xlviii.). Those who adulterate the good of the sense of the letter of the Word destroy the good and truth of the church (Amos ii. 1-3). Adulteration of the good of the church and of the Word will be utterly destroyed (/sa. xxv. 10-12; xlili. 14). ‘ Respecting those who have: falsified and adulterated the Word. Full description (Mahum iii. 1-19). The Lord will execute judgment upon all who have adulterated and de- stroyed the truths of the church (J/a/. iii. 5, 6). They have done this from the beginning, and do not desist from it, nor do they desist from adulteration, therefore this will bring about their ruin (26. 7-9). Those who have adulterated the truths of the Word will perish, and are to be cast into hell (ZepA. i. 9-11). Those who have adulterated the Word will utterly perish (Zeph. ii. 8-10). Those who, by trusting in themselves, have adulterated the Word, will be cast into hell (Zsa. xxx. 32, 33)- Adulteration in the Christian church (Dan. xi. 29-31). Adulteration of the sense of the letter of the Word, represented (Zzeé. iv. 9-16; v. I, 2). Adulteration of goods by the celestial church ( Yer. iii. 7-9). When adulteration of good possesses the church intercession will be of no avail (Zzek. xiv. 19, 20, and prec.). When there is nothing but adulteration of good and truth, the old church comes to an end (Amos viii. 4-6 and prec.). The church adulterating truths and goods of do¢trine (Zze2, xxii. 1, 2, ana ‘ol.). In a Babylonish religion at last nothing remained but what was adulter- ated, thus what was merely false and evil (Dan. ii. 31-35, 40-43). Adulteration of good and truth ceases (/sa. xxi. 9). Advent (sce Lord, CoMING or). Affection.—The Lord ought to be worshipped from every affection for good and truth (Ps. cl. 3-6). a Worship from the affection of truth and good ( Yer. xxxiil. To, Ir). Affections for truth come from the Lord's having made the Human Divine, aud in these affections are the societies of heaven (/s. xlv. 9). INDEX OF WORDS AND SUBJECTS. 173 The new church will be in affection of truth (Zech. viii. 18, 19). How those who are in an affection for truth are protected from perverters (Zzek, xxxii. 13-16). Affections for truth destroyed by knowledges (scientifica) (Ezek. xxvi. 5, 6). All affection for spiritual truth will perish (Zze%. xxvi. 13, 14). Affections of truth have become cupidities of falsity (Zam. iv. 9, 10). Affections of the natural man should be left (Ps. xlv. 10). Affection for falsifying (£zeé. xiii. 17-19). Affection of falsity and evil with those who profane truths ie xlvi. 1). Affliction.—The Lord came, and they afflicted Him (Ps. cv. 17, 18). O that the Father would help in affliction! (Ps. lvi. 7, 8.) The new church in affliction (Ps. 1xxx. 4-6). The good are led astray, imagining that affliCtion is of no use (Ps. Ixxiii. 10-14). He who is in temptations, and consequent affliction, is always upheld and thereby vivified (Ps. xli. 4, 1-3). Against (contra) (see also Help, Opposition, Rejection). They are against good and truth (Ps. xiv. 6). Against the church because against truths (Yer. xlviii. 27, 28). The natural external opposed to all things of the church (Zze&. xix. 4-7). They are opposed to the Lord and the Word (£zeé. xii. 1, 2). Against God (Amos vii. 7-9). The church where the Word is turns against the Lord, etc. ( er. xii. 7-12). Against the Lord (Zam. iii; iv. 11; Ps. Ixiv. 2, 1-6). The Jewish Church was against the Word and the Lord (£Zze#. ii. 6, 7). They speak against the church and against the Lord (Zze#. xxxv. 11-13). The life of heaven is not in those who are against the Lord (Jsa. xlv. 24). The hells among themselves devise evils against the Lord (/s. xli. 4-7). The hells that rise up against the Lord are enumerated (Ps. lxxxiii. 6-8). Against those who were of the church, who cherished evil thoughts against the Lord, etc. (Ps. viii. ¢., 1-9 and fol. ). Those who should be in the truths and goods of the church are against the Lord, but they are nothing before Him and will be destroyed (Ps. ii, 1-5). All men a all things that are contrary to the doctrine respecting the Lord, will be destroyed (Zech. xii. 9). Contrary to all things of dodirine (Amos vii. 10-13). All did the contrary, and acknowledged another God ( Fer. xi. 9-10). All.—All things of the church are from the Lord, and nothing from man (Ps. cxxvii. 4, I, 2). . All men and all things are nothing worth against the Lord (/sa. xl. 15-18). All things fall without the Lord (Jsa. xl. 21-25). All things are from the Lord (Jsa. xlv. 7). All things of heaven and the church will be received by the new church (Aos. ii. 21-23). All who are of the church are addressed ( Yoe/ i. 1-3). All who are in the heavens and on the earths should worship the Lord from goods and truths that are from Him (Ps. cxlviii. 1-6). All who are in the lowest parts of heaven and the church should worship Him from truths and goods of every kind (Ps. cxlviii. 7-10). All things of the church carried off by falsities (A7os iii. 13-15). All things of the-church falsified (Amos iv. 9); and finally profaned (26. 10, 11). All things ia every single thing of the church will mourn Zech.) xii. 10-14). Alphabet (Ps. cxix. nore). 174 SUMMARIES OF THE INTERNAL SENSE. Amend (emendare).—Those who have not adulterated will be amended ( Jer. xlviii. 47). Ammon.—“ Chilton of Ammon” mean those who falsify the truths of the Word and of the church ( Yer. xlix. 1-6). “Children of Ammon” mean those who are in the sense of the letter of the Word and pervert the truths of religion by things which do not be- long to religion (Zze/. xxv. I, 2). Ancient. ANCIENT CHURCH. The church established among the Ancients ( Yer. ii.). Ancient Church a representative church (p. 163). The church was established by the Lord among the ancients, evils having been cast out (Ps. xliv. 4, I-4). How the Ancient Church was instituted by the Lord and what it became among the Jewish nation (Zze&. xvii.). It was in Divine truths (Zze%. xix. 10, 11). It had knowledges (cognitiones) of truth and good of every kind and species, and by means of them it had intelligence (£ze4. xxvii. 3-9). Truths that protected the Ancient Church (Zze2.-xxvii. 10, 11). In the Ancient Church a rational flourished that was derived from, etc. (LZzek. xxxi. 3-9). The Ancient Church had spiritual intelligence (Zze%. xxxi. 3-9). Beginning of the Ancient Church (Gev. vi. 8-10, 14-22; viii.). Precepts and statutes for that church (Gev. ix. I-17). Its celestial (““Shem’’), spiritual (“Japheth’’), and natural (“ Ham”’) (Gen. ix. 18-29). Divisions of that church in Asia (Gem. x.). Beginning of Babylon, and its destruction (Gen. xi. 1-9). The end in idolatry and magic ( Ge. xi. 10-32). The Lord longs for the ancient state in respect to the church (Ps. exliii. 5, 6). When the Lord comes, the church, dodtrine and worship will be as they had been among the ancients (A/a/. iii. 4). ANCIENT WORD. The former churches are described in the Word that is mentioned by Moses; but this Word has been effaced (p. 164). Angel.—Angels of the three heavens and men have spiritual life from the influx of Divine good and truth from the Lord, and from the Divine good and Divine truth they have intelligence and charity (Zze4. xlvii. 1-12). Anger (excandescentia)—The Jewish nation became very angry at the salvation of the nations ( Yonah iv. 1-4). Anguish (see Distress). ‘Annihilation. Capea the church ( Yer. xviii. 14-16). Annul (annihito). § Annulling the Word ( er. v. 13; AZal. iv. 4). Announcement.—Announcement that the Lord will come, and that that church will be from Him (J/sa. Ixii. 10-12). Answers TO PRAYERS (see also Prayer). (Ps. liv. 4, 5; lv. 16-18, 22; lvi. 7-9; xxvii. 10-15; Ixxxv.; Ixxxix. 46-48, 52; cii. 12-22; ceviii. ¢., 1-9; cix. 21-31). Answer to the complaints of those who perish ( ¥er. iv. 9-12). Apathy.—TVhey think nothing of the destruction of the church (Amos vi. 3-6). Apparent heavens (see Seeming heavens). Appear.—Falsity made to appear like truth, and evil made to appear like good (/sa. xliv. 12-20; Fer. x. 3-5). Application (studium).—Non-reception due to application ( Fer. v. 4, 5). Anscoaet (see Draw near, Ignorance). rabia.—Those who pervert the knowledges of good are meant by ‘ Arabia” ( Jer. xlix. 28-33). INDEX OF WORDS AND SUBJECTS. 175 Arcana Coelestia.—For the spiritual and celestial senses of Genesis, see the Arcana Caelestia (p. 168). Ariel—