a; ber ath if ane 1, a 4 2 Se SSS 4 5 3 ees if ae é/ OD Peis Cornell Mniversity Library THE GIFT OF iit | Ser cw => & g< = i 0 Q=>> - o 7 034 N oO) ae STATE OF OHIO " U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH DIRECTOR C. E. SHERMAN. INSPECTOR 85° 84 83° 82° BI 42° 39°| LEGEND PRIMARY CONTROL COMPLETED TOPOGRAPHIC FIELD WORK a STATE OF OHIO AND U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PARTLY COMPLETED | oe IN COOPERATION coming ro o c o INDEX MAP FIELD WORK COMPLETED e twa ATUAS SHEETS UNPUBLISHED PROGRESS OF TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY TO if JULY 1, 1910 3 : 2 | is git aM v > ATLAS SHEETS PUBLISHED 85° 84 83° 82° ORDER ATLAS SHEETS BY NAMES PRINTED IN RED ON THIS MAP. NO OTHERS ARE PUBLISHED © BASS ID. 2 Mentor , a p 'D, XO = ° a > lington ~\ Columbus crese © cB of Af R O ROLLTON nkhaven D B ‘ é Ci IK ON G Frezeysburg .N K o N | I | | Granville ° Oo sonvil Chesterhill wv Vv WwW Y vy - oxabel Q Ro 9 ws ICOTHE ¢ @ LLSBORO Oo ®o Su GH&A D @ Vv VY S. Bai TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY IN-GO-OPERATION .WITH. THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WEST | C.E.SHERMAN,. INSPECTOR ios, at ; STATE OF OHIO oO LEGEND A © | ey HORIZONTAL CONTROL , ee URG eeiwooa PROGRESS TO JANUARY ae 1910 a Coast and Geodetic Sur. Triang. Sta. = : =: O &y SCALE, ONE INCH= FOURTEEN MILES U.S. Geological Sur. Triang. Sta. Sih ) lad A U. S. Lake Survey Triang. Sta. at ae a ee eee, 9 zs Longitude Station. O U.S. Geological Sur. Primary Tra 6 Unoccupied Triangulation Stati | - Primary Traverse Line. ) O A HUNTIN W. D. Turnbull! ; : M. K. Bowman,. Del.. rs 30° 84° Bo * 83 20 82 shrab x1 M ew ia AN IN ~~ er aa . : eS sae ae ger | | | SS | 8 Ss — iw Paty O oe es NO oii? : ; VILL ot FE RSON | soar oie a 4 os LER é : | . / ; Mentor 9% a : <: : ~ & ; ca ». TOLEDO Grr SS iD. j ee « & ° ; WS ®e6 . (S oo? : : : | a ff U Pr GN ge OC aBEN a + , . aa LAKE a“ oe i rh ‘ Moftpelier NN eo” ? Ox. j i & $ < O e av : 7 ev e : | Iw WO LIAM & #6 Pa | et eee et + i aL ryes. a me. ion Sh SEON . : z 7° cm i. : phe (Fa ‘ ae et oe re % rood x RDB Sel Harbos 7 a 30 t 5 e® ° Roa” Tyee eoee "HG: Fra" ° G A 4 : ° Elmore IVER ms ~ : | Sat re ot = acm ® ~ je Pate, s Fe eT. Gee E co “oP. ds 4 : otter yee t & 2 r > 7h 'e ; = 2 ee [ Ps = 2. tL ia ¢ °-% ° ° > we j "On : rs % Z pen a * A) ll re ; Oe : ° ' es ® e°° £ Giure : le = voeeeeede, o ©0 Jee oe ; ore sthoos | e Be ¥ H Ne F $ bork k ose, p 3 FREMONT es <: ¥ Bs ie Bunt et ! @ 7 FY * oe oy ; ~ omen A a < ¢ | P EF 1 RQaNC £ yer | ae ; a3 ooking Us Ge. a fifi} eo Se le © 7 ; 3 : : . Ri 6 Ga rettsvijle Tig. eoece s e a a Bellevue @ : era pees bY ght : ' ; 4 ee E Be, Peco Kyceve ° ; : ” : . ome. le @ 008 @ j oo 08 Hr? Pee Cee Peder ee ooe See Peee Be 4 Le oleh ele tee S| tw oe = Poor = uM << D Y e e ; 2064086 _ 3 2. e | PAUSDING 4 z > . a $ j y sFospria 2 * ¥ ; * Vv) cr SIE Sena) Ej? “1¢ Gr la ; fl A UML D IISN "CRS eonting niece . : ners: LOA E50 A H U st R | et e . P B a re oe, eee Se Po 0 of, ‘ : : s TLE FIN : = o io c N Mo : NDLAY : « ai ? & Sia rs ' ee SLANCHAR a : S x ~ ae + ‘ Pe? Kao oJ ey wap er om — : 1S = x 4° re 1 e 2 ° *e eee ede { A x 2 % a Aciviati CoP fe oa ee ae ; he ee n* Ww | R itd na? Bern, ee 4 & | e VAN WERT es 4 7 *% = so j ¢ Oo ° | eer soe [oh Water 4 < ° 3 VA gt Lee \! Fir oN a saeaip 7. oe f a ras - . a, pbc ive wes teres Roop | oo a / \ NIA v5 : : . ‘ ot Rb 9 . e | a a eS ES c (3 | i wv : : & : ; ‘ * £) ies ee : \; ot i x > 4 A, o*Geot, f = 4 1& | : x a = 2 : CELINA : St Marysze,i < : oN Xe cd. “too ge cSoaaitiontsoel x ; I GRAND ; lng a al Dover, » : Soest f 2 & oe ; : i % ” . ee -% ; se e): : | A oes ; EW\PHILADELPHIA —_ RIVER ee . «Oo eS? a . eats aa e os erud ® LOR AME < i sie ne mee J < Oo | i Po QO | 4 x e° oh zee : ¥ : = . ° yy, | x ot 00° Roce obemPes e 6 @e® 1 | : e os / ; s : Oo | ° _ % ® ee o A. K ol Prise i 5° oF 2 O%E oe Ry ; ae ae | ef NVILLE : Mi,“ M - ' ‘ & ‘oh TROY 40 — . “ ee | pres corggooee the mee 904 ore Pog, , pas® ag e a Q: y |: pe fo ai Sips x s av : Rg = 3 ° | 3 | t five. eter eae Pia hi nee a 8 Seo oooge 0,00 °% ° : 4 . | ° Y ” i : . ig} - 0% 1 Bowe : is “HA OF Oa Se” | ae : Wo N " G Oo Me . %. ertie z % 3° ° >, v oe? * 2 2B db We °2°Vro so Bor cc cnt: a. € ,2wooosriepo Perington | EATON Meo, ° i bal oo 00 00F +2 Me oe an ee Len. 7 ‘ : ne | : a 1 CALOWELES wo HTK MON RI] QL Ee & : ta fT. Sh es 2 y . Ps "° ° & | fare “ & eat «fh. 4 O I 6” Nia ur i j niger ; oe , ZB arinevil LE s 2 x ‘ : e a Pa € . .8 i Waynesyille e pat : ew led : 4 Se = . S Franklin ff igs a : ee x wy, oy r Ge a ey: | . "ee, : eoece ed Sak loci ots bo 06 He 00 0 BH NY of or . . \ 4 | BUT St . @ - e 3 LOLS ‘NIT S y : ; ¢ penne © ® conde © oo oo OG one R R N ” y ON a S MARIETZE J a \ | : e 7 & & | aan Pp el ate ° x Gx. ¢ x ughvs 2 Tv LOMR : U: . Q@ ‘ ®& v = Mason & % < % ° < & 4 ¥ oo 5, - Td vw *e, \ e a4 Harrison | x e °° ee See 6 ° ° ° < & x @ ® Bee r p e . $ N x 4 P ; = , é a ; 7 : N F Z ee? batsn0e mh * PARKERSBURG 3 x ly oA M | a. Oo ~/ HILLSBORO x : poo e.g i ol ; : bccn ® : pac # ‘ | Pollut, J } gsr | 0 F' : i ee y NNAFI R 2 ? . eee - Ss Co & Ww ton a ¥ & | & Belleviye G & : ° © 4 Mx x4 G @os ww Co oa ao x ¢ ; : yickson 2} Yad Pomende — oy * E Ne e ¥ © e + He, ‘% @ 39° 7 ieee Seblle wis YjIA CK § P Midd léporgc . eae | a Oo 7 : i > ¥ x ea eee | A yo Bethel H B R Pr ae N $ fRorre Se@ eg * ¥ g ae Pr or * OLS Sik abt ee TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY ' : * % os" eae x ed oe o cnr x Oo "ek whi ‘ 6 9, s SP AAA So ¥ IN GO-OPERATION .WITH. THE eed ey ¢ é fe ae. es Pe rt a [Ae * 6y 2 a U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY /o : $ - ° ° * WEST UNION Tazooer” *% T* ¥ z C.E.SHERMAN,. INSPECTOR | PO | TP Te oe STATE OF OHIO srg => L tk VERTICAL CONTROL sh 4 P : a e gincesune | ongfiur ofeey & TE e § Plenwyook PROGRESS TO JANUARY 1, 1910 | | LEGEND Ul? - € < raion i.e Os SCALE, ONE INCH = FOURTEEN MILES oes a so ne Athatie ¢ Y i ba ne ot ae aa | Coast and Geodetic Precise Levels i : ees yoremaes Re ee eee Ashlan Manchest ° N“ y Rive? -@ A. ‘. of O x % . * Oo % R EIN : x 5 U.S.G6.S. Precise Levels Be a , 7 U.S. Engineers Precise Levels aE Foe gra + 5! ; & \ a ge mS Railroad Precise Levels =< — J a U.S.G6.S. Primary Levels eames hae wedi : > : Bench oe (Metal Tablets) x . | “ co : : | ee / | 3 | | ! | M. K. Bowman, . Del. W.D. Turnbull 84° 307: 83° ona zs 307 ae = gee 30 aa 82 "80" : 84° 30! LZ 6 & wow eas af” Be wee oS VIZ Retry © Koes afrenil ove , + "Yon | | Cc H | S&S A N * gies. (EE i -—-—}-—;r-—- be vet PEA | a rs e rr ell . AO ey, ¢ ) 2 So & - o£ oS S ha ~. oO Cor lu ywrdn 2 5 x ie au" we of “ Ss med sey adres. , RS A ee? 8 BE Sates, : og? . ‘ 3 ps ‘ee: oon < wee SS N ¥ x 52.8 : Qe Harboe “ha 3% te, on 3 Sy « e ° a +— : = Elmore BVER Zea °° ° soos o* 3 a i - Y eS : | ge eee f : OT LB oS eran Ye i | e lt ife Wiese : ~~ Se Pats S — Gach CeO a] A : a : = < SS vg TE ure oOo Ww nN Te : D : %. Ao nh 3 ES) a a. ay jr Se, 2 lege, oy | o t < x H Né Bowcingagheen’ ose. | at ; FREMONT Ss om ie” *-G ey" ES: oO SL gp Berea iy ' 2 + E s 2. a * { ; . : 1%. %, Lo 8 Ante y : * ee thes oe ees z oe 4 i; Fi Me, . 7% as f z : . te a | >, A. PAe ae ‘ A ° y % | e 8 8 hy < * ; g : >] ° ea PL | Actua | RE LG * = ~2Te, fpr ieee 6 Nahe Hoo, steed So ak hea So Ae 2 OT Ce oad cates oe BRS eho fe r ‘el > S& Z Oo 6oR seoseHre * Ree ~* See L. ca bro ‘pntin Seendl MP8 9. ee Yoves io Columbus ¢ Oy . . ‘A . i . a : = rc @ Nw “ee ge ME ROG E | CELINA @)- : ee | ae (en cdhiai Dovers s . a ageelh nn OGM? far = * EWAp HILADELPHIA : 4 : Lakes by A Me Qo re sn jenre B Rec ery Ae et j i Woe OMe sc aber” ‘ef: . re? P a : or | x 0 Res oney g sO © 0° eee onlheryi cs ig +3. 0% mY ? % ; & . gl tel 4 e | : Ww £ * oO = Y fs A a al u * <6? A ‘ Tv & < « y a ; yooh ‘ x Y ° 6 W oe ¥ & Hb rroy g * @lechanicsburg % coon ty ee $f; : % ; Anse : eho n coaguee Fonctenn : *, y & oe RRS oot es \ Warren ee a i ae % ase Pp *s ae ove, ‘ Me. aay oS : v |: Ef * Cc R K ot nt 2 &@le | ant { . fel a “¢ & oe Ve _ on ae me ge Pree, “30° Ba | | a pe _ on Sel | w _~eE fi Aashtabula BE Ps & 5 M i a we Y G sete LEZ ¢ \ dhig Wes eons | Sa JE Gi Perry O Y GRAND. = | » Us Sy 4 ts PAINE SVILL 4 JEFFERSON : , , WN) RE aaa a! a df - = es 7 — NORTH) | BASS ID. autor A S(H T B = =< Q Se Pi ILE SBags 10. a j - g Pp oo io | v oe & Ss Graze SBASS 1D. LAKE QO g ie | : nfo a Ly? T (( ae 10. & a EM Sj LMS Lia H ss 5 YY 5 : ~ pepe “8 on ; . EON ‘Vi oy , | d ryker ae We ys A f" eet Ue Ay J - - 30] 30 4 . Chron iS : \ | a te 3 CLEVELAND [om a 4G n oe { (CZ agri Mv . 1 = G < C72 BAN DUSKY © rect al e ~~ j » \ | [ Tv s oO NAPOL! eo & A H\8 {GIA 4 7 oo” L Ss ‘ a é <> 2 ~ 4 = A Brisvalville 4 ' & be & ~ Dp “ ~ e Be Ye QO > | y = e H eo NR Bdwiing @reen & E a I E a» = ¥ om XS < | EY F | NA CE E Oo A U S iK wy eS & & 5 \ e f arretiesville g ee 1 9 A < <7 & Pod o x ty Be VS ; TRU M {BE U LE ae tee Belle YA N NY CO ! : — = i © Vv O° 7 ‘ NORWALK | Se , ae = Deshler 1 ae es | NN. i i ; ae ao a i z q O : = a | v Vs it) ince at wn u gtr fo No I PLA Ut DI G Sleotinee i Pa ae a KO y xe iv ae = New Lond’n = UM My! v % ° oO o > a & Tifein 46 O 0 z | dag oP YLT A [ny QV iy Ao § ee a ; ven 41. ——— SL ~ LO) t 1 A = { | @ 2 Columbus crge se ; oO oO Ss S | y N w & F ? Pia < vanfwerr t G ie9) yo w &O.R D 7 | ai @) avévrus g a A & Z 4 ae L E Massillon) CAN ql i ho 7 = SS { a GalionO giana | ts ' 4A LS 5 yY = ez i d < LL —“ — | eS Oo” Sali ule, alls Ve | {| .Y , ee) an i S x CNA # R Oft ae i| ERCOER 7 1A, 4 Ms Oe ‘ 1 CELINA®) R= Uu GML Ail Z LS GILEAD STriccesavon NG RROLLTON\, & 4 cd = r y ie ‘ al Dover. \ +— 36 ae MjO R R = - i érdington <> NEW\PHILADELP. ee 4 Vi 7 : ° o Z Vv N ees 4 me a4 da ea eee er ker, é 3 as Tia. Sf & P at 9 tapi Te o 2 J Sweeios 5 @ G A. N> = » y < oO ¢ ri Weville s 9 pELLEronTaine © oO e\ 8 > x v a \y & < wo \ OCT S H EIL’ By 3 Bag? Liberty & OD \ pevaWAre or, Cosiseron @YSIDNEY | ac & yoy 1OnN DIE AYR E e a MARYSVIALE 2 “ - x xv 3 : Y f Se = \ Le ® wv a \ ‘ ne Gone’svilte A g Haw el aA 1 @ wi} CONN Vio 3 A oo” papana © - ci : 4 we j Weatertle Y Mp Sb oey oe or 6 te q LE \ of As So @NTROY ae | ey Péechonicsbors x.) 5 O Granville ONS x i Mpa ys Bln é a $ : 3 CO SD Cs Cc RK mr : ; Z KL ION M Ss Ae PRIQUFIELD, 4 D oO ee v A sf fi Ke Oo ofr ox A ~\ | oO i ° @ XENIA io eit oy Pl ce A A Yy —_— k > NECA ILE Vv A g fe i Pg F Myrimisburg rs Co xy, Q &Y vee: a iv w MO oR GIA M Q a wy g Nev ILLE : y vf be is L, Cn we pe oO wy. = i Y ! by “L Frankliy as Waynesyilie ES ee Z E y) Sects - S O6A s CO ( eC . rT ot Ee “£ WASHINGTON = & c < i | " =a es jo Cit: ~ . o f i M ne fas a xe : Sabin | [ oO WN, i : B T & E4R eS > < | aaa yee : @ Laurelville > onville culled es ta WO - fi ra | bag © BS W AIR Rs nN id C LAN ON 5M : Re es “A “ Aw ke So & MARIETT Be \ 1AM ~ ¢ Oo Oo ab: Ss ; 2 | v EN hineed y ; Ca 2 Lv Y . Ss o “~& 0 ¥ z eS © ‘Ny x v s wv fe ; A xy Z t ——] v nner wv s vt eo O re ; Warri bh : Bee ye IC OTHE <7 - THE A | P ee al@ski s ie ee = 1H S M = | to en nN 2 Eee 1: pie nace « ° , HILLSBORO M2 ARTHU Yr 4 | a A 4 Sh | & © o + he Ze | i: Oe ; e H NG H&A y eg ' i g Pe S LS ey Pellevitied N 5s > ww - O > x f Cc * “e s —| 7 @ I e oO X > Aavenswood = Ss TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY oe A “IN -GO-OPERATION . WITH. THE e rd s x U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WEST \UNIQN C.E,SHERMAN, INSPECTOR STATE OF OHIO Manchest, LEGEND n aa 5 SIR aN | | HORIZONTAL CONTROL A Coast and Geodetic Sur. Triang. Sta. * U * eae e ontpnure & E Krwoos PROGRESS TO JANUARY 1, 1910 a. U.S. Geological Sur. Triang. Sta. C bs ae ©) IFONTPN ueeie &y SCALE, ONE INCH = FOURTEEN’ MILES AU. S. Lake Survey Triang. Sta. | i = SS. ose ee ee &s Longitude Station. | asians 0 U.S. Geological Sur. Primary Traverse Mon. LETTSBUKG °C GGfandok é Unoccupied Triangulation Station. re neem x Primary Traverse Line. & S}s Ss ss | © a W. DB. Turnbull &. . — 30" sae B07 a . é - c geeeets M. K. Bowman,. Del.. 83 30° Bz? . ay ~ ais iM. K. r : PROGRESS REPORT OF THE OHIO CO-OPERATIVE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY TO JANUARY 1, 1910 | C. E. SHERMAN, Inspector. Springfield, Ohio: The Springfield Publishing Company, State Eee 1911. Ys E4EH- =F A.2b 0140 xu ADVERTISEMENT This report is printed by the State for gratuitious distribution. To obtain a copy apply first to the local representative in the State Legislature. Failing there, application should be made to the Secretary of State, in accordance with the law as laid down in Senate Joint Resolution No. 72, of the Seventy-seventh General Assembly, at its second regular session, a copy of which is given in Appendix A of this report. The maps of the Survey are sold by the Federal authorities for five cents a sheet. Each sheet is designated by the name of the prin- cipal feature on it, usually a town, and the purchaser should eall for the sheets by such a designation. Any sheet in the United States, how- ever, may be designated by naming the latitude and longitude of the southeast corner (least latitude and longitude of the sheet). This is a convenient means of inquiring for-maps when the Index Maps of the U.S. Geological Survey are not at hand. See explanation of Appen- dix C. Send postoffice money order—not stamps—addressed to the Direc- tor, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. If one hundred copies of a sheet, or of different sheets, are ordered at a time the price is three cents per copy. The previous publication of this office, Preliminary Report to November 15, 1903, is out of print and is superseded by the present volume, which contains in finally adjusted form the information given in the former report. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. Conumsus, Onto, December 15, 1910. Hon, Judson Harmon, Governor of Ohio: Sir:—As your representative in inspecting the work being done by the United States Geological Survey in the topographic surveying and napping of this State, I have the honor to present herewith a report covering the work of the Survey from its inception to January 1, 1910. The chief value of this report lies in the appendices, especially Appen- dices D, IE, F and G, which will be especially useful to all surveyors and engineers in the State, and to all parties using the work of these persons. The great bulk of the information given herein was gathered in. the field by the employes of the Survey and has been furnished through the courtesy of the officials of the U. 8. Geological Survey. ’ Descriptive matter has been written for the first part of the report, which is intended to help make popular the use of the Survey maps, and the use of the tabular matter transmitted herewith. A law was passed in May, 1908, authorizing the publication of such data, gathered up to January of that year, but the calculations for this material were still in process of adjustment, and only became available in 1909. Publication was therefore delayed until the adjustment be- came final, and has been made to include the results of the Survey up to the completion of last season’s work. The final adjustment of the levels was made by the national Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the supplementary work of this bureau has been added as Appendix G. Its contents are of like value with those of the preceding tables. I take this occasion to acknowledge assistance rendered by Mr. H. D. Bruning, in checking data and proof. Acknowledgment of other assistance received is made elsewhere in the body of the report. Awaiting your further commands, I remain, Very respectfully, C. EH. SHERMAN. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. CONTENTS. Introductory jesceess eerie so ee ae ee Sees ee acess atc Histori¢all 255256 se 34-5 2 Se oe Se ee te cee SaaS Legislation, Agreements, Expenditures .__-----.-_._-_-________--- Record of Progress 22sassceswe scare ceca geet eee oo eeee essed Whe:-Area: Of (Ohid.. 22 See eee ee eee ee ae eee ee ee Methods of Surveying and Mapping_-----_---__--------------._-_- Uses of Topographic Maps -.-_-_-------------------------------- INSPOCHON 22222 u2 os es oos ons een eees eee eee aes Récommendations 22 Seo Ses fo ese eee ae eee Seas Explanation of Appendixes: 22.<-s.csseeeeensseessseews ¢oeteneccs Appendixes: A—Legislative Acts. Agreements _-_------------------------ B—Expenditures on Quadrangles -_-_.-.-------------------- C—Topographic Maps Engraved, in Process of Engraving, Surveyed and: Partly Surveyed = 5.2.2 oe ee ied D—Primary Triangulation Stations __.____--_---------------- E—Geographic Positions from Primary Traverse___-_---------- F—Permanent Bench Marks of the Survey__-_---------------- G—Coast and Geodetic Survey Bench Marks _ _--------------- H—Meridians Established _--.-.------------------------------ I—Organization and Personnel of Survey--------------------- Index:to Appendix Eo: 2+ scene scecoxeceesseeecsessesiszce sieeis ise Index to Appendixes F and G____..-.---------------------------- Horizontal Control Map—Red—in envelope on back cover. Vertical Control Map—Blue—in envelope on back cover. 12 19 27 52 59 68 77 82 86 91 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 7 INTRODUCTORY. A map is a condensed history. The degree of condensation is dependent upon the scale to which the map is drawn. It may depict either the natural or the artificial history of a given area of the earth’s surface, but it usually depicts both in part. The natural features usually shown are the lakes, streams, and mountains, and if the scale is large enough, ponds, marshes, hills, hollows and other features such as those listed in the code of conventional signs printed on the back of every topographic sheet issued by the United States Geological Survey. Even the natural features underneath the surface may in addition be shown by a code of suitable symbols, such as those adopted by the geologists of the same federal bureau. The artificial features usually shown are the political subdivisions, such as state, county, township, and municipal boundaries, together with towns, roads, railroads, canals, and other works of man, to an extent limited again only by the scale to which the map is printed, and in variety shown in the same code first above mentioned. Prior to 1900 no extended map of Ohio existed giving carefully the relief of the land in addition to the artificial features. By relief is meant the ups and downs, the hills and hollows, the elevations and depressions of the surface. In that year arrangements were made by this State for beginning such a survey and map, in co-operation with the Topographic Branch of the U. S. Geological Survey. This survey has been in progress now since 1900, and the resulting maps which covered about two-thirds of the area of the State, up to January, 1910, furnish a vast fund of information in very compact and convenient form at a very small cost to the user. The scale and the methods now being used are so far superior to all previous works that in comparison all other maps of the State are but crude sketches with the contour lines omitted. The present Survey maps show all the artificial features listed in a paragraph following, and the relief of the surface by the very simple and ingenious device of contour lines. A short explanation will make clear the meaning of contour lines, and a person who understands how to use them has a great storehouse of information opened to him, hence the following two figures and accompanying explanation should he carefully studied. A level surface is that of a body of water at rest. The intersection of such a surface with the ground forms a contour, therefore, a contour on the ground is a line on its surface, every point of which is at the 8 PROGRESS REPORT same clevation. The shore line of a lake is a contour, and if the water in the lake should rise five feet, its new shore line would be a contour ~ at a contour interval of five feet from the old shore. ‘The contour interval is therefore the measure of a vertical distance; contours may be a long distance apart horizontally although only a few feet apart vertically. A line on a map which represents a contour on the ground is called a contour line, and it is marked with the elevation of the con- tour. For ease in reading contour lines on such a map, it is customary to accentuate every fourth or fifth one, that is, lines varying in elevation by four or five contour intervals. Figure 1 is a pictorial representation of a tract of land of which figure 2 is a map, excepting that the mountain A is too far away in the picture to show within the limits of the map below.* The shore *These figures are adapted from those in the folios of the U. 8. Geological Survey, by courtesy of the federal officials, TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 9 line of the ovean, when at mean sea-level, should always be taken as the zero contour, and all other contours designated by their clevations above or below this datum. While contours may be taken at any dis- tance apart vertically, they are usually chosen at an even number of feet, such as five, ten, twenty-five, or fifty, as in the figure we are dis- cussing. It will at once be seen that imaginary water surfaces 50 feet apart vertically would intersect gently sloping ground, such as B and the ground to the left of the triangulation station, much farther apart horizontally, than on steep ground such as the cliffs below the flag and the shore cliffs to the right of B. Therefore where contour lines are far apart on a map they represent gently sloping country, and where close together a steep slope. The horizontal spacing of these lines thus becomes a true measure of the slope of the ground and the elevation of any point within the limits of the map may be definitely known, for, if it does not fall exactly on a line, its elevation may be found by proportion between the two adjacent contour lines. Of course the elevation found in this way may be slightly in error if the ground does not slope uniformly from one contour to another, but the smaller the contour interval, the smaller will this error be. The great advantage of representing relief by this method may - be appreciated if one will try to determine closely the elevation of any point by means of figure 1 alone, or the definite clevation of a point on any map or chart, which represents the relief by hachures. Hachures are lines used to indicate slope and look much like the short strokes used in figure 1. They blacken up a map so, that they tend to render other symbols superimposed upon them almost indistinguishable, while the contour lines in figure 2 would permit many other features to be represented by symbols without destroying the legibility of awy. Fur- ther, if we adopt a color scheme and print the contour lines in brown, the water symbols in blue, and the remaining symbols in black, the maps will be much clearer still. This has been done in all the topographic sheets prepared by the Co-operative Topographic Survey in Ohio, and is the standard method used in other States throughout the Union by the U. 8. Geological Survey. It prints in brown all figures giving elevations,—road cross- ings for example,—all contour lines, depression contours, levees, sand dunes, and other symbols of relief. The contour interval varies in different parts of the United States, partly because the ground is so much steeper in some places than others, and partly because the scale of the map is smaller in some instances than in others. In Ohio the flat northwestern portion is mapped to a ten-foot interval. The remain- ing rougher part of the State is to a twenty-foot contour interval. The elevation of water surfaces is usually printed in brown upon the water- 10 PROGRESS REPOR't lining. That of Lake Erie, for example, is 573 feet above the sea, and this figure will be found on the sheets which border on that lake. Siimi- larly the elevations of high and low water will be found on nearly all the sheets which show Ohio River. Among the symbols which are printed in blue are those for salt and fresh water marshes, intermittent lakes and streams, canals, ditches, aqueducets, falls, and streams, ponds, and springs. This latter symbol is used only for the largest springs occurring over the country, and, in maps of western mountains the glaciers are represented in blue. The symbols printed in black embrace those representing civil and administrative boundaries, houses, roads, trails, railroads, tunnels, locks, dams, wharves, breakwaters, aids to navigation, cemeteries, churches otf school houses, mines or quarries where important, and survey marks and monuments. The section lines and numbers, and other public survey lines, are also shown in black. An idea of the thoroughness of the maps may be had from the foregoing paragraphs, or better still by sending for and examining a sheet representing the locality in which you live. To print one in three colors requires three separate engravings on copper, which is hand- somely done at Washington in the engraving department of the Survey. The scale of all the Ohio sheets is 1:62,500, or practically one mile to the inch. If the scale were exactly one mile to the inch, the ratio or scale would be 1:63,360. This scale is within one and a half per cent. of the former, or for most practical purposes they are the same. For further details on map construction, see the article cn Methods of Sur- veying and Mapping. It may be well here to explain what is meant by a scale of 1:62,500. This to the general reader seems an odd scale and an odd way of stating it. It is really the only universal method of expressing a scale, and means that one unit on the map equals 62,500 similar units on the eround; that is, the map is 62,500 times smaller in dimensions than the tract that it shows. Suppose a Russian drew his map to 10 versts to the vershok. We would no more know this scale than he would know 10 miles to the inch. Whereas if we reduced the 10 miles into equivalent inches (equals 633,600 inches) and stated the seale 1:633,600, he could apply his own units to the map that we made. A map of the world to a scale of 1:1,000,000 has been and is in process of making, by an international agreement among the geographers of the different nations. In preparation for this seale the States of the Union are being drawn to 1:500,000 by the U. 8. Geological Survey. This seale while quite useful is too small for much detail and the next step, bisecting, is 1:250,000. This seale has been used in much of our western country ip non-popwous districts. Tlalving again we eet TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 11 ° 1:125,000, which seale has been used in the Appalachian region and in some western States where demands are not great. But this scale is too small for a general map of a populous area like Ohio. Bisecting again we get 1:62,500, the scale we are using here. In this way can be printed on uniformly sized sheets, maps of one degree, thirty-minute, or fifteen-minute quadrangles, to the last three scales mentioned above. The resulting advantages of thus dividing the country into quadrangles of latitude and longitude for mapping, instead of following natural boundaries, is that it affords a ready method cf locating such areas, and facilitates pasting the maps together. It might have been well if our General Land Office had originally followed this system by using one-minute quadrangles in place of the sections that make up our townships.* Such astronomical lines can in general be more easily and accurately relocated than other artificial or natural boundaries. *A suggestion by W. M. Chubb, United States Surveyor. 12 PROGRESS REPORT HISTORICAL. More than fifteen years ago, citizens of Ohio began agitation for a survey and map of the State to a large scale that would accurately show the surface features including relief. Other States of the Union had been thus carefully mapped, notably New Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Previous maps of Ohio had either shown surface features with no relief, or relief and other data in a very incomplete manner. None showed both of these features combined in any adequate degree. : Some of the more noteworthy attempts at mapping the State had been as follows: , 1806—‘‘Map of the State of Ohio, taken from the returns in the Office of the Surveyor Genera], by John F. Mansfield. Entered accord- ing to Act of Congress the Seventh Day of October 1806.’’ Mans- field was a resident of the State and his map, a photograph of which is on file in the State Library at Columbus, shows counties, townships, towns, roads and streams, and survey township and range lines and numbers, together with the then existing reserva- tion boundaries. The scale of the photograph is approximately 10 miles to the inch. 1814—‘‘A map of the State of Ohio from Actual Survey, by B. Hough and A. Bourne. Eng’d. by H. 8. Tanner, Phila. Entered according to Act of Congress June 27, 1814.’’ This map was published at Chilicothe and is an excellent map for the day in which it was done. It shows no relief, but gives very carefully the public land survey subdivisions so far as they were executed up to the date of its making. The northwest part of the State is shown unsubdivided. The map shows town range and section lines and numbers, towns, roads, forts, streams, and the larger marshes and prairies. It is to a seale of very closely five miles to the inch. The only copy of this map which the writer has seen is in the possession of Captain Orrin Henry of the Land Department of the state auditor’s office, TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 13 1828—‘‘ Topographical Map of the State of Ohio, published by Horton and Howard, Columbus, Ohio, 1828,’’ is to a scale of approxi- mately 10 miles to the inch. This indicates in a general way by means of hachures, so much of the relief as was then known. It shows counties, towns, roads, streams and some of the prairies and marshes. A copy may be seen in the State Library. 1838—‘‘Ohio by Doolittle and Munson, Engraved and Published by Doolittle and Munson, Cincinnati.’’ This map bears the follow- ing certificate: ‘‘Columbus, Ohio, June 2, 1838. In compliance with the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly passed January 27, 1838, we have examined and do approve ct Doolittle and Munson’s Map of Ohio.’’ Signed by ‘‘Joseph Vance, Govr. of Ohio, Carter B. Harlan, Secretary of State.’’? This map brings the 1814 map up to date, and gives the same general character of information, with possibly not the same degree of accuracy. It shows, however, in addition the entire canal system of the State. Its scale is 5 miles to the inch. Several copies are extant in Columbus. 1852—‘‘Railroad and Township Map of Ohio, published by Horace Thayer & Co., 50 Ann St., New York, 1852.’’ This map shows no relief, and gives township and range numbers incompletely. It shows towns, roads, and railroads, counties, townships, streams, and canals. It is to a scale a little larger than 10 miles to the inch, and a copy may be seen at the State Library. This map is not a very careful production. 1853—‘‘A New Map of the State of Ohio, from the Latest and Best Authorities, Exhibiting the Sections, Fractional Sections, Town- ships, Cities, Villages, Post Offices, Rail Roads, Canals, Turnpikes, and Plank Roads. Published by E. Mendenhall & Co., Cincin- nati, O. 1853.’’ This wall map is to a scale of closely 5 miles to the inch, and shows in addition to the features named in its title, streams and lakes, township range and section numbers, and a profile of the Ohio and Lake Erie Canal. 1874-1880—During this period a large majority of the counties of the State were mapped from original surveys in part and in part from compilation. The method was to take the outline of the public land surveys from the Land Office returns, and add the location of the wagon roads and other artificial features such as buildings, cemeteries, orchards, from a wheel traverse of the roads. 4 PROGRESS REPORT In many instances these traverses were made on foot, the surveyor carrying his outfit on a light wheelbarrow equipped with a large wheel. He counted the revolutions of this to get distances, and took bearings with a compass. Private land lines were added from the county records. The results from these and other sources were fudged until they agreed, and published to a scale of usually two miles per inch, on sheets approximating 15x18 inches in size, a township to each sheet. The townships for each county were bound together in an atlas, together with more or less descriptive matter, prefaced with a state and county map. Notwithstanding their crude method of making, these atlases are very valuable for many purposes still. They show public and private land lines, buildings, bridges, streams, ponds, orchards, cemeteries, roads, canals, railroads, towns, cities and political or administrative districts as they existed at the time of survey. They also occasionally show a limited amount of natural features such as woods, marshes and relief, and usually give the township range and section numbers in addition to property owners’ names. The writer knows of no place where a complete set may be seen, but the State Librarian is engaged in completing his collection. 1879—‘‘Geological Survey of Ohio, Geological Map of the State of Ohio, prepared by J. 8. Newberry, Chief Geologist,’’? is to a scale of 4 miles per inch, and shows counties, townships, towns, railroads and canals, streams and larger lakes, and the areal geology of the State.* Succeeding geologists have published maps of the State based on the foregoing, but none to such a large scale. Dr. Edward Orton, State Geologist, in 1888 pub- lished a similar map, with its data brought up to date, to accom- pany Vol. VI of the Ohio Geological Survey. This map is to a scale of 8 miles to the inch and answers the purpose of the pre- vious map. .\ very accurate reproduction about 12 inches square . of the 1888 map was set as a frontispiece in Volume VII in 1898. Partial maps of the State put out by this bureau might be here mentioned. In 1884 a series of seven maps, at mostly 2 miles to the inch, tracing the outcroppings of coal in the southeast part of the State, was published to accompany Vol. V. This information was more nearly completed in 1892 and published the following year in a series of eight maps to a scale of 2 miles *This was the successor to a small geological map—about 12 inches square— published by Professor Newberry in 1870 as a part of the report of progress of the Ohio Geological Survey in 1869. This little map seems to be the first official geo- logical map of the State to be printed. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 15 per inch. This sect covers the work of the previous set more com- pletely and carefully, showing almost entire the outcropping of the two greatest coal seams throughout the State. It is supple- mented by a smaller scale map—6 miles to the ineh—showing the areas of the Pittsburg and Meigs Creek coals, and by a general map—seale 10 miles to the inch—showing areas above drainage of the principal coals of the State. By a recent act of the legisla- ture these maps and the others may he purchased from the State Geological Survey at the cost of collecting or publishing. 1883—‘‘Map of the State of Ohio, and adjacent portions of Pennsyl- vania, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, and Michigan, 1883. Seale 4 miles to the inch,’’ was published and ‘‘Compiled and Drawn by Geo. E. Warner and C. MI. Foote, Surveyors and Draughtsmen, Minneapolis, Minn.’’ This map was carefully gotten up and shows the railroads, wagon roads, streams, canals, section lines, county lines, township numbers, range numbers, section and lot numbers and township lines. It is the map which has been used as basal for so many successive maps. It shows with equal care narrow adjacent strips of Indiana, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and small portions of West Virginia and Kentucky. No relief is shown on this map, but it shows all the main canals and the reservoirs not carefully shown on preceding maps. 1885—A relief map of the State made of papier-mache, was prepared by Wyndam C. Jones for the New Orleans Exposition. This map is now destroyed, but a reproduction in plaster was made in 1896 by S. Geysbeck and the writer, and is in Orton Hall at the State University. The horizontal scale is 4 miles to the inch, and the vertical is exaggerated 70 times. This gives too much distortion for accurate purposes, but a general idea of the shape of the sur- face may be had from it. It was made from such elevations— about 2,000 in number—as the railroads and other parties could furnish, and besides showing counties, towns, railroads, streams, and larger lakes, it gives approximately the areal geology. 1887—“‘State of Ohio, scale 10 miles to 1 inch, 1887, compiled from the Office Records of the General Land Office and other sources.’’ Was published by the authorities at Washington. This map gives very accurately for its scale the public land surveys and districts, including the outlines of all former reservations. The scale is too small to show section lines, roads, or relief, but the streams and bodies of water are all shown. All railroads and _ postoffices extant at that date are shown. This map is now out of print, but 16 PROGRESS REPORT a duplicate to a scale of 12 miles to the inch may be had for 25 cents by writing the Superintendent of Documents, Washing- ton, D. C. These were the more notable attempts at complete maps of the State prior to action hy the United States Geological Survey. In response to the interest displayed in the matter by scientific, educational, and engineering bodies throughout the State, this federal bureau in 1898 and 1899 surveyed eight quadrangles in various parts of the State, and later sent a representative to appear before the proper legislative committee at Columbus. After hearings in which an estimate of the cost of the work was submitted, the committee recommended and the legislature en- acted a law in April, 1900 for beginning a contour topographic survey and map in the following year. The work has been in progress steadily since, kept up by continuing appropriations to the present date, as recounted in a following article. The maps of New Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, previously referred to, were finished in 1887, 1888, 1888, and 1891 respectively. Each of these States had been pre- viously surveyed in part by the Coast and Geodetic Survey or by state organizations, and the work in each case was brought to completion by state cooperation with the national Geological Survey. The results had been published to a scale of closely one mile per inch, to accord with the standards adopted by the federal bureau, and the resulting maps, showing relief by 20-foot contour lines, gave a great mass of information at a remarkably cheap cost, to the citizens of these States. The satisfactory results obtained*in these four instances led to the adoption of legislation in Ohio for cooperating with the Nation as the best means cf procuring the desired map of this State. ° Several recent complete maps of the State have been made, using the results of the work of the national survey as far as completed and supplementing its work in areas it had not finished from such other sources as night be available. These maps are here listed, as serving temporary purposes until the contour topographic survey shall be completed, and as serving some ' special purposes indefinitely. 1908—‘ Relief Map of Ohio, Compiled from U. 8. Geological Survey, Ohio Geological Survey, and Other Sources, by W. F. Gilmore, Supervisor of Drawing, Canton, Ohio.’’ Horizontal scale 8 miles per inch, vertical scale 800 feet per inch. This map is about 27 inches square, made by an improved process of papier mache to tb cal eral tour 1eap alts tod sé ade, 18s hed are ou me ys TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 17 enable it to withstand the weather and handling, and it answers the purpose of the large plaster map previously mentioned, in more convenient form, although the material does not permit of the accuracy of solid plaster. Due to warping and the small scale great accuracy is not obtainable, but it answers for general purposes. It shows the features of the previous relief map omit- ting the geology. —1909—*A Geological Map of Ohio, J. A. Bownocker, State Geologist, Based on Preceding Maps by Newberry and Orton,-scale 8 miles to one inch, 1909.’’ This map shows counties, towns, townships, and cities, railroads, traction lines, canals (including some of those abandoned), streams and lakes and reservoirs, railroad or river shipping coal mines, salt works, portland cement works, gypsum mines, oil and gas producing territory, some of the glacial geology, and the areal geology brought to date. This is a very useful map and may be had from the State Geologist for twenty- five cents. 1909—‘‘ Highway Maps of the Counties of Ohio, December 1909.’’ These maps were published as Bulletin No. 11 by Mr. James C. Wonders, Commissioner of the Highway Department. They form a series of maps, one of each county, and may be had in the form of an atlas for $1.50, of the Secretary of State. As the name implies they were especially prepared to show all the highways, and are to the uniform scale of 8 miles to the inch. The originals were prepared to a scale of one mile to the inch under the writer’s direction from the maps of the U. S. Geological Survey where extant, supplemented by data from numerous county atlases, and some other sources, and were brought up to date from notes by the county surveyors and railway engineers. They can be pasted together to make a complete map of the State, as they were care- fully drawn on the polyconic projection. They form by far the most accurate entire map of the State thus far made, but they show no relief. In addition to the above, many maps of partial areas of the State have been printed for special purposes, usually taking some one of the foregoing works for a base. In a number of our counties, recent county maps have been printed in the form of wall maps or bound in book form. The county maps that were made for the decennial appraisement of 1910, form a valuable source of information for some special purposes, but they do not form a complete map of the State as some counties were not thus replotted, and only a few of them have thus far been repro- 27. 8. 18 PROGRESS REPORT dueed, The charts of the Lake Survey show the harbors of Lake Erie and adjacent topography to scales varying from 1:5,000 to 1:80,000. The whole lake is shown on one chart to a seale of 1:400,000, or approxi- mately 6 miles to the inch. These charts, twenty in number, range in cost from ten to twenty cents, and may be had by addressing the U. 8. Lake Survey Office, Detroit, Mich. A survey and map of Ohio River was completed in 1868 by the corps of engineers of the United States Army, and a set in book form was printed to a scale of 1 1-3 inches to a mile. 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S. 114 PROGRESS REPORT Tn the column headed “Topographer’’ in the list following are given the names of persons engaged in contour sketching on the quadrangles instanced. TopocraPuic Maps ENGRAVED AND PRINTED. Quadrangle. Counties. 8 5 nD AKON. je sae cvs ease ee waacaay siete s 1903 : Portage, Stark, Columbiana, Ma-| 1906 Alliance. ....-.+-. A. HEE ao. iSaaahdanee cae: 1907 Andover ......... Ashtabula, Crawford............. 1905 Arlington ........ Hancock, Hardin, Wyandot ...... 1905 Ashland.......... Huron, Ashland, Richland..:..... 1906 Ashtabula ....... Ashtabula: 2 sis oe ews vars e caygmnd 1903 Athalia .......... Gallia, Lawrence ................ 1904 1906 Athens........... Athens, Morgan, Hocking ........ 1903 Belleville......... Athens, Washington, Meigs ...... 1903 Bellevue ......... Erie, Sandusky, Ottawa, Huron, SONCCAL si e054 ae due k SAE eee 1901 Berea............ Cuyahoga, Lorain, Medina........ 1901 : 1902 Bidwell .......... Jackson, Gallia, Lawrence ........| 1905 1906 Blanchester....... Clinton, Highland, Warren ....... 1904 1905 Bluffton.......... Allen, Hancock, Hardin, Putnam. .| 1904 1905 Bowling Green ...| Wood, Lucas................... 1901 Bristolville....... PPM OULD sg sess ob d:ayps dosed ernae 8 acne 1905 Brookville........ Darke, Miami, Montgomery, Preble] 1904 1905 Cadiz ss i viendae sas Jefferson, Carroll, Harrison........| 1901 Cameron ......... Belmont <3 oc tgeieckivedeseeackas 1902 Canton........... Stark, Summit, Portage ......... 1901 Chagrin Falls ..... Cuyahoga, Summit, Geauga,Portage} 1905 1906 Chardon ......... Ashtabula, Geauga, Lake......... 1904 Chesterhbill........ Athens, Morgan, Washington ..... 1903 1904 Chillicothe........ Pickaway, Ross, Vinton.......... 1905 1906 Clarington........ Belmont, Monroe................ 1901 1903 Cleveland ........ Cuyahoga, Summit, Medina....... 1901 Cleveland and Vi- cinity.......... CUyahoga ge itetac des Laue esas 1901 1902 Columbiana ...... Mahoning, Columbiana........... 1903 1906 1907 Columbus Grove ..| Putnam, Allen .................. be 1906 Conneaut......... Ashtabula. ose eycibenauansa cess 1904 Continental....... Defiance, Paulding .............. ine 0. Dayton .......... Montgomery, Miami, Clarke, Greene] 1903 1904. Def Defiance, Paulding, Williams, Hen-| 1906 SHE ie eatin Ty; Wultony sj: sc eahace pay eheats 1907 Topographer. Hannegan, Goodlove. \Goodlove, Flocker. Sutton, Harrison. Hackett. Lovell, Birdseye. Cummin, Coe. Duke, Whitman, Morey, Eberly, McDonald. Manning, Johnson, Anderson. Morrill. Tyler, Jr. Cummin. McDonald, Morey. Griffin. McKinney. Cooke. Harrison. Goodlove. Griswold. Brown. Munroe. Hackett. Whitman. Morrill. Harrison, Burkland. Goodlove, Miller, Birdseye. Bebb, Duke, Bumstead, Birdseye. Cummin. Cummin. Whitman, Clark. Griffin. Cummin, Morrill. \McKinney. Sutton, Griffin, Berry, Sadler. sCummin. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 115 TopocrapHic Mars ENGRAVED AND PriINTED—CONTINUED. *Publication scale 1 125,000. a Quadrangle. Counties. BS Topographer. > B Delaware......... Delaware, Marion, Morrow, Union] 1901 | Duke. Deshler.......... Wood, Hancock, Henry, Putnam. .| 1906 | Griffin. Dublin........... Franklin, Delaware, Union, Madison| 1901 | Griffin. East Cincinnati ...| Hamilton, Clermont ............. 1898 | Cooke. East Columbus....} Franklin, Fairfield, Pickaway, Lick- ATE seine erasen wasn OMG sek 1899 | Munroe Elmore .......... Sandusky, Wood, Ottawa, Seneca..} 1901 | Cooke. Buelid! sic4 e¢249 <5 Cuyahoga ................00000. 1901 | Cummin. Findlay ..........] Hancock, Wood................. 1901 | Cooke. Flushing ......... Belmont, Harrison, Guernsey ..... 1903 | Munn, Coe, Burkland. Fostoria.......... Seneca, Hancock, Wood.......... 1901 | Cooke. Fremont ......... Sandusky, Ottawa, Seneca........ 1901 | Tyler, Jr. Garrettsville ..... Geauga, Trumbull, Portage ...... 1905 | McKinney, Burkland, Morrey. Glenwood ........ Galliak aie cada y sa indel Sam tmceieet nas 1905 | Eakin, Gayetty, 1906 | Hopkins. Greenville.. .....] Darke ......0.. 1905 | Goodlove. Guyandot........ Lawrence ..............0..00 eee 1901 | Morrill. Hamilton ........ Butler, Hamilton................ 1903 | Griffin, Sadler, Wilke. *Huntington...... Lawrence ..............0..0000. 1890 | Fletcher. Tronton.......... Scioto, Lawrence ............... 1897 | Munroe, Smith. “ 1898 | Munroe, Morrill. Jefferson .........| Ashtabula, Trumbull ............ 1905 | Harrison. @N0............ Athens, Meigs................... 1904 | Leopold, McDonald, 1905 | Eakin, Lloyd. *Kenova......... Lawrence ...............0.000.. 1900 1901 | Morrill. Kent ............ Portage, Summit ............... 1903 | Goodlove, Hannegan. 1904 | Sadler, Mory. Kinsman ........ Trumbull, Ashtabula ............ 1905 | Burkland, Morey. Lancaster........ Pickaway, Hocking, Fairfield ..... 1906 | Lovell, McKinney. 1907 | Cummin, Flocker. DENA atin io'e eaatelaees Allen, Auglaize, Logan .......... 1904 | Hackett. Lisbon .......... Mahoning, Columbiana........... 1906 1907 | Goodlove. Logan ........... Perry, Fairfield, Hocking......... 1906 | Jennings, Daingerfield 1907 | Flocker, Monahan. London .......... Madison.................00.000. 1905 | Griffin. Macksburg ....... Washington, Noble, Monroe ...... 1903 | Goodlove, Hackett. Marietta ......... Washington .................... 1902 | Morrill. Marion........... Marion, Wyandot, Crawford...... 1903 | Hackett, Birdseye. Mason ........... Butler, Hamilton, Warren ....... 1903 1904 | Sadler, Griffin. Massillon......... Wayne, Summit, Stark, Medina...} 1901 | Munroe. Maumee Bay .....| Lucas, Ottawa, Wood............ 1899 | Cooke. McClure.......... ~Henry, Lucas, Wood............. 1906 | Cummin, 1907 | McKinney. Medina .......... Lorain, Medina ................. 1904 | Morrill. Mentor........... Lake, Geauga, Cuyahoga......... 1903 | Cummin, Coe. 1905 | Burkland. Miamisburg....... Preble, Montgomery, Butler, War-| 1905 POD eesti thar San, Ae eres eae a 1906 | McKinney, Goodlove. Mt. Sterling ...... Fayette, Madison, Pickaway, Ross.| 1904 | Goodlove, Morey. Napoleon......... Fulton, Henry, Defiance ......... rane Cummin. Newark .......... Licking, Knox.................. 1906 | Jennings, Daingerfield, : 1907 | Monahan. New London...... Ashland, Lorain, Huron.......... a \Hackett, 116 PROGRESS REPORT TorograpHic Mars ENGRAVED AND Printep—CONTINUED. Quadrangle. Counties. 8 Topographer. > 3 New Martinsville..| Monroe ...............0000.000. 1903 | Morrill. New Matamoras...| Monroe, Washington............. 1902 | Blair, Lloyd, 1903 | Sadler, Anderson. Oak Harbor...... Ottawa, Lucas . 22.05 ¢0cea edge seas 1899 | Cooke. Oberlin .......... DOrgint 3.4 eves ve peed Meade aee eres 1901 | Cummin. Ottawa .......... Defiance, Henry, Putnam........ sane }McKinney. Parkersburg ...... Washington, Morgan, Athens..... 1902 | Morrill. Perry sc.ccnevne es Lake, Ashtabula ................ 1903 | Cummin. Point Pleasant ...| Gallia, Meigs.................... 1905 1906 | Walker, Gayetty. Pomeroy ......... Athens, Gallia, Meigs............ 1904 | Lloyd, McKinney, . 1905 | Burkland, McDonald. Put-in-Bay ....... Ottawa ese id ated Be ae 1901 | Tyler, Jr. Ravenna .........| Portage, Mahoning, Trumbull..... 1905 : 1906 | Hackett, McKinney. Ravenswood...... Meigs 3265534 ¢8.peccdeas teeorne 1905 1906 | Reineck. St. Clairsville .....| Belmont, Harrison, Jefferson...... 1903 | Munn. St. Henry ........ Mercer, Darke s,s: sc¢25ee4sGu9 4s 1906 | McKinney. St. Marys ........ Washington ............-.-.045. 1903 1904 | Walker, McDonald. Salineville ....... Columbiana, Carroll, Jefferson....| 1902 | Manning, Johnston, 1903 | McCoy. Sandusky ........ Erie, Huron, Ottawa............. 1901 | Tyler, Jr. SIO sc inaeamaaenns Harrison, Carroll ................ 1902 | Griswold, Johnston. South Charleston. .| Clarke, Greene, Madison.......... 1904 ‘ 1905 | McKinney. Springfield ....... Clarke, Greene.................. 1903 | Griffin, Sadler, 1904 | Berry. Steubenville......] Jefferson.............--...0000. 1902 | Cooke. Sycamore ........ Wyandot, Crawdord, Seneca ..... 1903 1904 | Hackett, Birdseye. Thornville........ Licking, Perry, Fairfield.......... 1906 | Morey, Flocker, 1907 | Jennings. Thurston......... Fairfield, Licking................ 1906 1907 | Lovell, Jennings. EVAR oda). cee aan ace DeMECA iis dy Menai s vemiadanaaaan 1903 | . 1904 | McKinney. Toledo .......... Lucas, Wood ................... 1899 | Cooke. Upper Sandusky . .| Hancock, Seneca, Wyandot, Hardin} 1904 1905 | Hackett. Vermilion ........ Lorain, Erie, Huron ............. 1901 | Goodlove. Warren.......... Trumbull, Mahoning............. 1906 | Harrison. Waverly ......... Jackson, Pike, Ross, Vinton ...... tone }Meade, Jr., Birdseye. Wellington ....... Ashland, Lorain, Medina......... 1904 | Morrill. Wellsville ........ Columbiana, Jefferson............ 1901 | Manning, Sutton, 1902 | Forster. West Cincinnati...}| Hamilton .................0006- 1898 | Cooke. West Columbus ...| Franklin, Pickaway, Madison .....} 1899 | Munroe. Westerville ....... Franklin, Delaware, Licking ...... 1902 | Griffin. West Manchester. .} Darke, Preble................... 1904 1905 | Goodlove. West Salem ...... Medina, Wayne, Ashland......... 1905 1906 | Hall. Wheeling......... Jefferson, Belmont ....... oe .+| 1901 | Hall, Harper. Wilkesville,...... Cea Gallia, Jackson, ae, Vin he \Burkland, Morey. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 117 TopograpHic Mars ENGRAVED AND PRINTED—CONCLUDED. Quadrangle. Counties. z Topographer. > 5 n Woodsfield....... Belmont, Monroe, Noble, Guernsey} 1903 | Hannegan, Sadler, McCoy, Birdseye. Wooster.......... Wayne, Medina ................. 1901 | Munroe. Youngstown ..... Mahoning, Trumbull............. 1905 | Harrison, Jennings, . 1906 | Roberts. Zaleski........... Vinton, Hocking, Athens ........ 1904 | Goodlove, Lovell, Morey. Torocrapuic Mars ENGRAVED AND NoT PRINTED. J Quadrangle. Counties. 5 Topographer. : : mR Granville......... PACING? ss. aictcc Abaca NS ag ee eo 1907 1908 | Renshawe, Hodgeson. Zanesville ........ Muskingum, Morgan, Perry Licking] 1907 1908 | Jennings. Bee TopoGRAPHic SHEETS IN Procrss oF ENGRAVING. 3 Quadrangle. Counties. 5 Topographer. Conesville........ Muskingum, Coshocton. . esineie 1908 | Graff, Jr., Nelson. Frazeysburg ...... Licking, Muskingum, Coshocton...| 1907 1908 | Goodlove. McConnelsville ...) Morgan ................000 0000) 1908 | Hartmann, Clarkson. PHU cs secs ace gise'g « Muskingum, Morgan ............ 1907 | Jennings, Goodlove, 1908 |}Hodgeson, Clarkson, {Hartmann, Jr. QUADRANGLES CoMPLETELY SURVEYED. 2 3 Quadrangle. Counties. 5 Topographer. > 3 a Antrim .......... Guernsey, Harrison, Tuscarawas ..| 1908 | Graff. 1909 Caldwell ......... Washington, Morgan, Noble...... 1908 1909 | Duck, Hodgeson. 118 PROGRESS REPORT QUADRANGLES CoMPLETELY SURVEYED—CONCLUDED. os Quadrangle. Counties. S Topographer. > iS Z Covington ....... Miami, Shelby. Darke............ 1909 | Goodlove. Cumberland ...... Guernsey, Noble, Muskingum.... . 1908 | Nelson, Sargent, 1909 | Ebert, Duck. Delphos.......... Allen, Van Wert, Putnam........ 1909 | Goodlove, Nelson. Eaton, Oxford ....| Preble, Butler .................. 1908 | Goodlove, Hain. 1909 Loramie.......... Shelby, Mercer, Darke, Auglaize...| 1909 | Hackett, Goodlove. New Lexington ...| Perry, Hocking, Athens, Morgan . .| 1908 | Duck, Graff, Nelson. Spencerville ...... Auglaize, Mercer, Allen, Van Wert | 1909 | Goodlove, Nelson. Summerfield ..... Monroe, Noble, Guernsey......... 1908 | Hartmann, Duck, 1909 | Graff, Ebert. Uhrichsville ...... Tuscarawas, Harrison, Carroll..... 1908 1909 | Jennings. Cambridge ....... Coshocton, Guernsey, Muskingum .| 1907 | Jennings, Burkland, 1909 Graff, Johnson. APPENDIX D LIST OF PRIMARY TRIANGULATION STATIONS. 120 PROGRESS REPORT CENTRAL SECTION OF TOPOGRAPHY. OHIO. TRIANGULATION STATIONS. Positions in eastern Ohio published herewith result from the field work of Messrs. W. T. Griswold in 1900, A. H. Thompson in 1901, and G. T. Hawkins and 8. 8. Gannett in 1902. Previous to the latter date positions depended upon Maryland Heights and Sugar Loaf stations of the United States Coast and Geo- detic Survey, near Harpers Ferry, W. Va., but during the season of 1902 Mr. Gannett extended a belt of triangulation from Wray-Gebhardt stations in the transcontinental belt of United States Coast and Geodetic Survey near Huntington, W. Va., up the Ohio River and connected with previous work near Parkersburg, W. Va. The discrepancy in latitude and longitude was distributed arbi- trarily so as not to disturb figure adjustments, and has been applied so as to reduce all positions to the (7. S. standard datum as derived from Wray-Gebhardt. BOND, ATHENS COUNTY. ; On a flat ridge covered with fruit trees in Carthage township, 7 miles southeast of Guysville. Station is on eastern edge of summit, about 4 feet lower and 200 feet east of highest point, cn land owned by William Bond, who lives 300 yards south. Station mark: A sandstone post 38 by 9 by 9 inches set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangu- lation tablet, ‘‘Ohio.’’ [Latitude 39° 14’ 17.07”. Longitude 81° 51’ 10.74”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Pt . an " Meters. Fulton ....... : AnnGNoononle nantes 106 34 55.98 | 286 28 31.40 4.1818210 White: 2.226 fee ag desenteadhteacn .| 129 06 44.67 | 308 58 43.68 | . 4.3696920 Sotithland: ..c.sevesgeeinedades sa 179 06 54.47 | 359 06 47.89 42068403 Nola a.c4 niche oad adap eaatieeereks 226 08 49.91 | 46 14 13.62 +.2298152 Lyons! sg gu aserhaoaraa ty gaara ts 247 00 38.53 "67 02 55.00 3.7495497 Witals,'s casgasea sa tiuiGe eterna 290 51 25.79 | 110 58 02.69 4 2074866 Melhorn..............0-0055 eck aes 835 49 20.01 | 155 53 06.15 43227202 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. FULTON, ATHENS COUNTY. 121 A bare hogback ridge in Lodi township, 7 miles southeast of Athens. Land owned by William Fulton. Station mark: A sandstone post 36 by 12 by 12 inches, dressed 8 inches square on top, set 34 inches in the ground; in the center of top is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet, ‘‘Ohio.’’ [Latitude 39° 16’ 37.29”, Longitude 82° Ol’ 18.477”.] Log. distance, To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. eat m me ee " Meters. Townsend, (2). 23 ¢ess4s4eseetesee es 103 28 43.53 | 283 25 56.81 3.8121631 WHEE! 2.2 packs ahs susuthau fwd uscd Bags 160 49 23.38 | 340 47 47.32 4 0432222 Southland: ac vec s0nens4 saw cerwaricane 230 29 38.61 | 50 35 57.22 4 .2678598 Bonds 2 wich apa Sansa esas 286 28 31.40 | 106 34 55.98 4.1818210 LYONS, ATHENS COUNTY. A bald hill in Troy township, 1 mile north of Latrobe postoffice (Coolville station). southeast of station. northward, which is limited to 2 miles. Station mark: A marble post 30 by 6 by 6 inches set 28 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangu- lation tablet, ‘‘Ohio.’’ [Latitude 39° 15’ 28.16”. Longitude 81° 47’ 35.04”.] Land owned by Eli Lyons, who lives 200 yards A good view in nearly all directions excepting To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. oF ‘i Bt # Meters. Bond ee sae iene pang HOM ane he Reo IY 67 02 55.00 | 247 00 38.53 3 .7495497 Nolan yvslnny cexeuretagresteueee s 216 30 09.55 | 36 33 16.71 4.0753794 Wigal icc sisi GGptouaiek! Ge oka dc eae oie 308 45 37.51 | 128 49 58.11 4.1032825 Melhor icGattcnsiiieietteteedes 350 53 46.66 | 170 55 16.63 43354363 NEBO, ATHENS COUNTY. A small knob, in Dover township, 6 miles by road north of Athens, owned by the Hibbard heirs. Summit covered with a peach orchard (trees mostly dead). A fine view can be had in all directions excepting 122 PROGRESS REPORT eastward. The station was selected and occupied by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in 1881. Station mark: A marble post 30 by 6 by 6 inches set 30 inches in the ground over a square earthen pyramid 5 inches high. Top of post is marked, os C.& |G.S, [Latitude 39° 24’ 29.53”. Longitude 82° 05’ 13.90”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. ern g Ot & Meters. Townsend (2)...............00000. 2 55 47.28 | 182 55 29.61 4.1162949 McDaniel .....................00. 83 24 56.70 | 263 16 04.46 4.3054151 IBTOOKS: scat. ceccad dante get ove an 124 00 23.75 | 303 54 52.42 4.1770814 "WiBiteoscia gn sale saat er eM aeauas £3 334 05 08.78 | 154 06 01.99 38 6620298 SOUTHLAND, ATHENS COUNTY. On a flat cultivated ridge owned by W. A. Wagoner, 2 miles north- east of Broadwell postoffice, in eastern central part of the county, one- fourth mile west of the Washington county line. Station mark: A sandstone post 44 by 8 by 8 inches set 40 inches in the ground, just south of fence about 60 yards east of brick house and on opposite side of road. In center of top of post is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet, ‘‘Ohio.’’ [Latitude 39° 22’ 59.09”. Longitude 81° 51’ 21.12”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. ck « or ae n Meters PUG ORs Fe ik Ra ws eden Ra oaee mannan ded 50 35 57.22 | 230 29 38.61 42678598 WHE co iiwds tek decane eee densk 85 47 06.32' | 265 39 11.18 4:2546960 Nola arose deneea eh bes geese eae 289 09 05.68 | 109 14 36.48 4.1212888 Bond ic iaciee saw eatin taaine ees 359 06 47.89 | 179 06 54.47 4 2068403 TOWNSEND (2), ATHENS COUNTY. In Athens township, 3 miles by road south of Athens, on a flat eul- tivated ridge owned by Mary Townsend. Station about 50 yards east of a north and south road and 32 feet west of line fence. Station mark: A limestone post 30 by 6 by 6 inches set 28 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangu- lation tablet, ‘‘Ohio.’’ TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. [Latitude 39° 17’ 26.25”. Longitude 82° 05' 41.78”.] 123 To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. ot a Boe ” Meters. McKnight ...... Bigot ba W Rad aera cpcboe's 29 45 53.05 | 209 42 32.43 4 .1858081 Zaleski............ Danae nes 81 38 31.23 | 261 26 53.85 44264864 McDaniel. ccc cage sadeecuntanaacan 118 57 19.04 | 298 48 45.11 43458525 Nebot. 25 sai dgu sin pee Bieisek ee anee 182 55 29.61 2 55 47.28 - 4,1162949 White ss:4aenestsveewas tee ced 196 40 59.96 | 16 42 10.77 3.9691971 Pulton: c.cctae tiie? cle ele oet 283 25 56.81 | 103 28 43.53 3.8121631 GréenleP sic ccancagccaevas an eany 359 42 36.35 | 179 42 39.02 4.3021055 WHITE, ATHENS COUNTY. On a small knob 4 miles northeast of Athens, near the corner of The station is in Canaan township, on land owned by D. C. White, 5.5 feet east of the southeast corner of a private cemetery, which occupies the summit of knob. Station mark: A sandstone post 36 by 14 by 7 inches set 34 inches in ground. In center of top is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet, Athens, Canaan, Ames, and Dover townships. ‘“Ohio.’’ [Latitude 39° 22’ 15.58”. Longitude 82° 03’ 50.06”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. ° , ” ° y ” Meters. Townsend (2).............0000000. 16 42 10.77 | 196 40 59.96 3 .9691971 MeDaniel s.iceducumsdeeeind seen ee 94 42 43.35 | 274 32 58.10 4.3453947 Ne@bO:snterebinstieuenoete case netics 154 06 01.99 | 334 05 08.78 3 .6620298 Southland... cscs) seg ee sacune es 265 39 11.18 | 85 47 06.32 4 .2546960 Ong a vocinie ie pigdk hake aka eve eesti 308 58 43.68 | 129 06 44.67 4.3696920 WMG OR Gites dees, Sad hoes aaa he sey 340 47 47.32 | 160 49 23.38 4 0432222 CENTENNIAL, BELMONT COUNTY. (Secondary Station.) Situated 214 miles northwest of the city of Bellaire, on land owned by William Nichol. 124 PROGRESS REPORT Station mark: Ge ” Meters. Sewellsville.................-.045. 65 25 32.21 | 245 19 39.26 4.1542888 Prospect: Hillis cc csc28 cnne pawns 126 53 21.86 | 306 47 57.45 4.1720159 NEWCASTLE, BELMONT COUNTY. Situated on a high, cleared hill in Wayne township, about one-half mile southeast of the village of Newcastle. Land owned by Benjamin Pitman. Station mark: A stone post 30 by 6 by 6 inches set 30 inches in the ground on solid rock, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet, ‘‘Ohio.’’ Reference mark: The tall poplar signal tree; distance from station mark, 8.15 feet; true azimuth 67° 49’. [Latitude 39° 53’ 11.37”. Longitude 81° 04’ 30.75".] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. | Log. distance. a ot * at g. - Meters. Wied an i366 ti5-o canis Gaede es 61 08 38.37 | 241 04 21.24 4.0370559 SteGle wuieiey pet ne epee waked eas 128 47 53.71 | 308 41 53.72 4 2323159 BYYaly; sie) yx Sebo Se ESR Gs Ae RSS 189 14 48.57 9 15 31.48 3.9944416 Galle way. 5 asst ieldwe demas snes 212 37 30.44 | 32 41 30.82 42166459 Beallsville .........0......00000005 298 18 11.29 | 118 21 49.78 3 .9639688 SEWELLSVILLE, BELMONT COUNTY. Situated on the summit of a high, sharp hill in the village of Sew- ellsville, Kirkwood township. Land owned by J. R. Shepherd. Station mark: A stone post 40 by 6 by 6 inches, set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of the top of which is cemented a bronze triangula- tion tablet, ‘‘Ohio.”’ TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. [Latitude 40° 05’ 46.19”. Longitude 81° 12’ 57.88”.] 129 To station—. Azimuth. | Back azimuth Log. distance. Sp ” ore ig Meters. SLCC oc pce cee eats ain Geos ase 5 46 28.38 | 185 45 53.85 4.1023371 Warehime: ios cacsdedegianeaekedn eo 43 11 35.43 | 223 05 20.85 4 .3052324 MGBHd@secen 2245 res bas yeeaenunds 112 07 52.73 | 292 03 17.71 4.0377941 TippeGanoe: «cng aye eeeas Sauna eee 167 35 87.71 | 347 33 48.12 4.2714644 Prospect Hill.............-.-2.--. 184 05 36.80 4 06 05.81 4.1729676 Deersville ............0 0000200000 186 18 29.97 6 19 40.88 4.3730446 Cadigvs2 sass add ahecwane Bevnmeaeann 219 59 50.71 40 08 03.66 4.448227] STEELE, BELMONT COUNTY. Situated on a high, cleared hill in Warren township, about 3-.miles west of Barnesville and a few feet east of the Guernsey county line. Land owned by Isaae Steele. Station mark: A stone post 36 by 6 5 by 6 ground and resting on solid rock. In center of top of post is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet, ‘‘Ohio.’’ [Latitude 39° 58’ 57.84”. 6 inches set 30 inches in the Longitude 81° 13’ 51.50”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Po ” OF ah * Meters. Calland i Sisids eee Ruch tisedae a ae er 21 39 25.88 | 201 35 53.45 43293954 DUCKer: soy sas ewes ema meen et poste $ 46 59.57.57 | 226 53 52.54 4 .2667725 Warehime: ... pa csaskeessosayoaves 80 21 27.72 | 260 15 48.06 4.1047692 McBride: yi sec4veus- aur oaceaees eee 152 07 18.16 | 332 03 18.01 4 .2763262 Sewellsville ...................... 185 45 53.85 5 46 28.38 4.1023371 BEY AD iecccknanibes tee uoaree Ss Dee ee 273 33 44.12 | 93 40 27.39 41738583 Beallsville sees Ne ten he nae Pek bisleee 305 01 44.45 | 125 11 13.00 4.4179181 Newcastle .............00 eee eee 308 41 53.72 | 128 47 53.71 4 .2323159 WIEdMAD ics aoadsauoe cine Aedes Ps 346 36 44.38 | 166 38 26.80 4.2146469 9—T. S. Jou 130 PROGRESS REPORT ST. CLAIRSVILLE COURT HOUSE, BELMONT COUNTY. (Not occupied.) Station mark: Center of cupola on court house. [Latitude 40° 04’ 50.90”. Longitude 80° 54’ 04.27”. To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. oe ef " Cree m Meters. Mount Pleasant ............-.-.55- 237 58 45.00 58 03 07.29 4.0555471 Sherrard c2ce30 seen Shee ye aula 297 53 05.27 | 118 01 16.04 4.3112543 CARROLLTON, CARROLL COUNTY. Situated 214 miles east of the town of Carrollton, on the Scrovgesfield road, on land owned by Mr. Campbell. Station mark: A cut marble post 40 by 6 by 6 inches set 30 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangu- lation tablet, ‘‘Ohio.’’ [Latitude 40° 34’ 35.51”. Longitude 81° 01’ 47.82”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. ° , ” ° t ” Meters. Kensington .s.265 025 4 decxy Bad eee 204 06 05.89 | 24 09 27.05 42491471 GSTS Aussies os wade aa digaoan opiate 262 50 29.70 82 57 51.91 4 .2070630 JeersOd visi jcg visions awe wae veanese 4 ae 340 45 32.78 | 160 48 24.64 4 2772402 KENSINGTON, CARROLL COUNTY. Situated 1 mile south of Kensington on the highest point of a wooded hill. A county road passes over the south side of the hill. Theodolite elevated 60 feet. Station mark: A cut marble post 48 by 6 by 6 inches, sunk 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangu- lation tablet, ‘‘Ohio.”’ TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. [Latitude 40° 43’ 20.61”. Longitude 80° 56’ 39.07”. 131 To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. ° t a °° t a Meters. Carrollton 5.04424 28 pee ya See ee sey 24 09 27.05 | 204 06 05.89 4.2491471 Hammond... 20550888023 ee s04 were 283 34 21.24 | 103 44 59.61 4.3739205 POTS: soe e eas aoe eRe hete eae 328 26 39.02 | 148 30 40.69 4..2218375 PERRYVILLE, CARROLL COUNTY. (Not occupied. ) Station mark: Center of church spire. [Latitude 40° 27’ 54.90”. Longitude 81° 05’ 53 .49”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Bw Bot: oe Meters. JOHErsON: ss 45 ex ete wea Pelee ee 294 32 31.88 | 114 38 03.15 4.1217691 Cadiz. Givcce saiaasg ke card ema eae S 337 39 22.36 | 157 43 02.21 4 .3238587 EAST LIVERPOOL CHAPEL, COLUMBIANA COUNTY. , (Not occupied.) Memorial Chapel in the cemetery at Hast Liverpool, Ohio. Station mark: Cap on monument of soldier. [Latitude 40° 38’ 15. 62”. Longitude 80° 34’ 22.707.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. SoM ” eee im Meters. HamMmMongs4ccadsiornaercie awa s 24 114 30 16.57 | 294 26 23.76 3.96492 Allison. ca daeag ee dienes aoe 353 41 30.73 | 173 41 45.23 3.67712 HAMMOND, COLUMBIANA COUNTY. Situated 2 miles east of the village of Glasgow on the highest point of a knob, known locally as Hammonds Knob. 132 PROGRESS REPORT Station mark: A cut marble post 40 by 6 by 6 inches set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangu- lation tablet, ‘‘Ohio.’’ [Latitude 40° 40’ 19.50”. Longitude 80° 40’ 20.06”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. oF ” LN " Meters. Wintersville ..4 4.0: .ce5rea veers cas 9 29 54.97 | 189 27 36.41 44836287 WI GGTS: seals as dds oe Bliverheead et weeds 58 57 24.93 | 238 50 48.93 4 .2224370 Kensington... Li tpibticcariced wusgne eS 103 44 59.61 | 283 34 21.24 4 .3739205 Allison. Raiden ease nine ge teei en a4 313 44 30.76 133 48 37.93 4.0918031 WIDDER, COSHOCTON COUNTY. On land owned by Mr. Charles Widder, 21% miles nearly south of Newcomerstown, 50 feet west .of north and south road, 114 miles west of Baptist church, and 600 feet southwest of White schoolhouse. Station mark: A sandstone post 36 by 6 by 6 inches set 36 inches in the ground, in center of top of which is countersunk and cemented a bronze triangulation tablet, ‘‘Ohio.’’ [Latitude 40° 14’ 09.67”. Longitude 81° 36’ 54.11”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. | Log. distance. pase ” ae 4 Meters. Kennedy ilsa a Gh Gan aie be Sc Ss 32 21 19.42 | 212 17 49.89 4.1574000 WaSOR xc. cuinataded Lees nes endo c ate 184 22 07.82 4.22 43.79 4 .2359074 Stone: Creek 4 oon scone sar see aes 198 41 15.69 18 43 44.26 4.2281117 Port Washignton.................. 226 23 39.00 46 27 45.00 4 .0942600 GUMOTE S44 ele a Su nae oe 245 08 36.06 65 15 18.37 4.2095562 Booth acto iwnia eae sates Sa eee 283 15 05.76 | 103 17 39.33 3.7615799 Midway. su xe%se. edges absense 2S 337 39 01.10 | 157 42 44.98 4 3353514 BUCK, FAIRFIELD COUNTY. On the farm of Noah Seifert, 7 miles east-southeast of Lancaster, in the southwest part of section 153, Berne township, on a small mound in a cleared field 100 feet north of the east and west road which ecrosse summit of hill, Timber obstructs view to the southwest. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 133 Station mark: A marble post 30 by 6 by 6 inches set 28 inches in the ground, over an earthenware pyramid. [Latitude 39° 40’ 44.49”. Longitude 82° 30’ 07.18”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. On AE ? me Ue ” Meters. BRO WHY 34S ce Shes aeaas eaetan ta aE 84 23 53.61 | 214 20 02.08 41858328 B.I.S. chimney .................. 68 40 43.74 | 248 35 57.26 4.0607701 B.S. water tower <6 wins ecan ks on fone oe aial's aaateallegates Pewee Bae 4 0605764 Pleasant: (2) veccenisns emulate vey awe ¢ 122 42 18.23 | 302 38 44.12 3.9771162 Cookers: capt s seemeges caek ewsde +s 318 30 42.80 | 138 36 43.24 4.3091667 Schultg. i crgka ta ahs has adaeaaewneaa 338 54 01.46 | 158 57 18.49 4.3120770 PLEASANT (2), FAIRFIELD COUNTY. On summit of a bluff, locally called Mount Pleasant, about 300 feet above and 1 mile north of Lancaster, Ohio. Immediately east of fair grounds, on land owned by F. J. Buschmeyer. Station mark: Center of iron windmill near western end of summit. Reference mark: A A _ cut in sandstone ledge, with arrows cut on edge of bluff pointing to station. Azimuth from A _ to center of windmill, 148° 23’; distance, 228 feet. 6.2feet N Westammmme A . US S 0 8s. [Latitude 39° 43’ 30.56”. Longitude 82° 35’ 42.36”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. een a oo Ng a Meters. B.1.8. chimney ..............-... 16 17 55.39 | 196 16 42.49 3. 9867933 Bis 8: water toweétien caw es scam dd lees Pew Ren clade gee wane eee 3 .9820877 Bu Che shew seis aw seca eiceeg os ead oa oT 302 38 44.12 | 122 42 18.23 3.9771162 GRAHAM, GALLIA COUNTY. A flat, partly timbered ridge 9 miles by road, Gallipolis, 114 miles east of Evergreen postoffice. north-northwest of 134 PROGRESS REPORT View eastward obstructed by timber, but in all other directions an extensive view can be had. Land owned by Charles Graham and rented by Mr. Sparrows. Station mark: A marble post 30 by 6 by 6 inches, set 28 inches in the ground 7 feet east of signal tree and on south side of rail fence. In center of top is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet, ‘‘Ohio.’’ Reference mark: The oak signal tree on fence line on south side of road, azimuth from mark, 99° 11’; distance, 7 feet. [Latitude 38° 54’ 07.25”. Longitude 82° 15’ 07.55”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. | Log. distance. Qt e poe Meters. Houck... «ysis, ceaavery red soe ees 15 43 53.36 | 195 40 54.83 4.4049004 Warner: 25 oi galassuectdansaadece 57,07_05.39 | 236 58 47.15 4.3584636 DAVSicciaucavaciaaadana. paid x 114 12 13.18 | 294 03 37.74 4.3352839 HOONard ie sara aQemese ioeeedpadina 186 38 36.75 6 39 15.03 4.1024633 Binlayoesveededees aeltes aa kee syeles 285 15 10.50 | 105 26 39.74 44386594 HOUCK, GALLIA COUNTY. In Harrison township, on a bare hill owned by Noah Houck, 3 miles south of Lincoln and one-fourth mile north of Ruby postoffice. ces dures ene eew weed aee ew ° 226 49 26.89 | 46 55 37.28 42725062 Wearehime). sic osswee age e siege den 264 12 48.08 | 84 24 23.41 44121452 Groene cide ae ats ead eee a 290 24 08.88 | 110 31 13.35 4 2245402 136 PROGRESS REPORT COLLEGE, GUERNSEY COUNTY. In a field about 400 feet southeast from white schoolhouse, on what is known locally as College Hill, 2.5 miles northwest of Cambridge. Station mark: A limestone post 40 by 7 by 7 inches set 39 inches in the ground, in center of top of which is countersunk and cemented a bronze triangulation tablet, ‘‘Ohio.’’ [Latitude 40° 02’ 23.47”. Longitude 81° 38’ 49.47”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. | Log. distance. a oY ae i Meters. Claysvillewvse cuca Gea were Wee ae 13 43 15.84 | 198 42 02.84 4.0557460 Salo: rns eres he wees Meneses Tees 74 54 42.29 | 254 49 29.58 4.0771353 Mentiedy gsi atanG5 8 Sak anthesis alow 152 47 17.23 | 3382 45 02.42 4.0350419 MIGWAY: sod ed supe nae nena oe bare 260 51 24.41 80 56 22.09 4.0455896 KENNEDY, GUERNSEY COUNTY. On east slope of hill, in field owned by Mr. Kennedy, about 5 miles west of Kimbolton and 3 miles northwest of Hopewell village. Station mark: A sandstone post 40 by 7 by 7 inches set 36 inches in the ground, in center of top of which is countersunk and cemented a bronze triangulation tablet, ‘‘Ohio.’’ , {Latitude 40° 07’ 36.01”. Longitude 81° 42’ 18.85”.] To station-— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Bok ” 2 ” Meters. BEHG ct ipeetoganecseracedaaarens| @e LR STL | BOT 11 Baeo 41566993 Widder san duuyabwnged ewes coe der: 212 17 49.89 | 32 21 19.42 4.1574000 Danili?.h..ddwene Mebane peacoat 230 51 07.97 | 50 57 10.87 4 2342578 Mite V5. ci eae pdacaseaaeesees 296 16 48.49 | 116 24 01.27 42495411 Oeiletees a olnatcse ,anidniae Ione 332 45 02.42 | 152 47 17.23 40350419 MIDWAY, GUERNSEY COUNTY. About 6 miles northeast of Cambridge and 11% miles southeast of village of Midway, 200 feet west of north and south road and 300 feet northwest of schoolhouse, on a prominent bald hill. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 137 Station mark: A limestone post 36 by 6 by 6 inches set 30 inches in the ground, in center of top of which is countersunk and cemented a bronze triangulation tablet, ‘‘Ohio.’’ [Latitude 40° 03’ 20.47”. Longitude 81° 31’ 06.84”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. ad " On fe Meters. Claysvilles icoxhiay dex eiw'seegesees ey 46 55 37.28 | 226 49 26.89 4 .2725062 Colleges saan caved gence diet gy ade ed 80 56 22.09 | 260 51 24.41 4.0455896 Kennedy a sivmiia cee eth eee; 116 24 01.27 | 296 16 48.49 4.2495411 Widde® fais ss nees cea toads apes eens 157 42 44.98 | 337 39 01.10 4.3353514 BOOtH i yeanee aca ed aa Pel sey 172 07 03.12 | 352 05 52.54 4.2759110 Warehime: xs+2ossnexee dso eeanes eee 310 23 54.26 | 130 29 19.95 4 .1983205 GLOBE: 20 viele tat yits ohana a Ge eens ee 353 48 09.85 | 173 49 04.63 4.2735701 HALL’S KNOB, GUERNSEY COUNTY. (Not occupied.) A high knob in northern part of Millwood township, locally known as Joe Hall’s knob. Station mark: Center of tobacco barn on highest part of knob. [Latitude 39° 59’ 57.14”. Longitude 81° 17’ 15.25”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. | Log. distance. ° F au” ° , uu Meters. Sewellsville ................02000. 209 31 02.83 29 33 48.43 4.0925218 Steele.) c.es vas de eee eae oe eRe 290 41 37.89 | 110 43 48.80 3 .7132089 McBRIDE, GUERNSEY COUNTY. Situated on a cleared hill about 2 miles northeast of the village of Antrim, in Londonderry township. Land owned by J. E. McBride. Station mark: A stone post 40 by 6 by 6 inches set 36 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangula- tion tablet, ‘‘Ohio.’’ 138 _ PROGRESS REPORT [Latitude 40° 07’ 59.22", Longitude 81° 20’ 04.72”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. ea, vs op oat " Meters. Warehime: o2cssuccui tae acd apes 11 05 17.55 | 191 03 37.47 4 .2832082 Tippecanoe 2190425 sees ea hoes as 203 13 59.21 | 23 16 45.07 4.1873542 Prospect Hill..................... 226 O01 54.41 | 46 06 58.83 4.1902726 Sewells ville 2.s-cvgeracsenntaewnens 292 03 17.71 | 112 07 52.73 4.0377941 Sheclesasche taunted ears seer 332 03 18.01 | 152 07 18.16 42763262 WAREHIME, GUERNSEY COUNTY. Situated on a high cleared hill in Richland township, about 214 miles southeast of Gibson station. Land owned by Albert Warehime. Station mark: A stone post 40 by 6 by 6 inches set 36 inches in the yround, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangula- tion tablet, ‘‘Ohio.’’ [Latitude 39° 57’ 48.36”. Longitude 81° 22’ 40.22”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. CoN a oo ” Meters. DUC Ressc-aici vis. bedava ae odsictid cakes Daa 5 11 30.20 | 185 11 04.50 4 0219463 PlOASant Sbewaaaakat dh fey se wahee Bat 3 .9820877 Buck csecestasaperaiedamneceneda) Winsaged igen YW aensecadears 4.0605764 Schultz jason ghia aeepeaen 309 39 00.95 | 129 47 05.22 43726735 Brown ............:.-...+++...++..| 346 15 44.39 | 166 16 40.48 3 .9466564 BRCOKS, HOCKING COUNTY. A station of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, on a wooded ridge near the northern line of section 19, Ward township, about 3 miles north of Nelsonville. Station mark: A marble post 29 by 6 by 6 inches, set 22 inches in the ground, above a square earthenware pyramid 5 inches high. Top of post marked Be c.& | GS. Reference marks: (1) A marble post 30 by 4 by 4 inches set. 28 inches in the ground; azimuth from mark, 74° 11’; distance, 110.75 feet. (2) A marble post 30 by 4 by 4 inches, set 28 inches in the ground; azimuth from mark, 336° 18’; distance, 275 feet. (3) A marble post 30 by 4 by 4 inches, set 28 inches in the ground; azimuth from mark, 200° 35’; distance, 185.4 feet. Latitude 39° 29’ 01.86”. Longitude 82° 13’ 55.39”.] To station— | Azimuth. | Back azimuth. | Log. distance. eet " pe @ Meters. McDaniel 24 oscay au sens dee hans 35 15 15.27 | 215 11 53.84 4.1188828 Barton: Bo veeus haces y haben ka wanek b 77 52 27.11 | 257 42 22.62 4 .3666779 DCMUNGA senccscg cern qh megan tenes Ree 99 O07 21.22 | 279 00 19.77 4 .2050498 Cook: Jee aee ca aicen waa death 123 23 44.62 | 303,19 26.03 4 0653816 NEDO) iscaste ms cata ae Gate 303 54 52.42 | 124 00 23.75 4.1770814 BROWN, HOCKING COUNTY. On the property of Isaac Brown, in the southeast quarter of section 30, Good Hope township, 13 miles by road west of Logan, 13 miles south of Lancaster, 5 miles west of Rockbridge. Station is just east TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 145 of a cemetery which occupies summit of hill and has a good view in nearly all directions. Station mark: A marble post 30 by 6 by 6 inches, set 28 inches in the ground, over an earthenware pyramid. [Latitude 39° 33’ 53.90”. Longitude 82° 36’ 10.23”.] To. station— > Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. > as. Mf ey G ” Meters. B. I. 8. water tower...............-| 166 16 40.48 | 346 15 44.39 3.9466564 B. 1.8. chimney .................. 166 20 57.88 | 346 20 02.87 3.9405008 Bue key detts-n a gos. 3 echonsed beaters tree te 214 20 02.08 34 23 53.61 4.1858328 COOK Gy sci curiam sete erases 276.38 41.55 | 96 48 32.74 43486753 pBchltZ was veneers ed ose eves vee de es 291 55]133.81 | 112 02 41.69. 4 2383235 IBS TUON i, 3) ce Qs Seecdaal wastage aE ene eS he 826 36,382.15 | 146340 36.24 42220318 COOK, HOCKING COUNTY. On the estate of John Cook in the northeast quarter of section 238, Green township, 4 miles east of Logan. A good view can be had in all directions excepting north 0° east to north 30° east, which is inter- fered with by timber at north end of ridge. This station was also occu- pied by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in 1881. Station mark: A marble post 30 by 6 by 6 inches, set 28 inches in the ground, immediately above an earthenware pyramid. Top of post marked rege C.& | G.8, Latitude 39° 32’ 29.14”. Longitude 82° 20’ 41.83”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. ceed Me coed m Meters. BATON 2k ow el oars Maaco ancon ene acts 49 03 10.28 | 228 57 23.90 4.2366543 Schultgectwanitaterdeboagsaaewien 57 44 19.75 | 237 41 36.70 38596674 Brow sisces Gea kab eewien, apie oe 96 48 32.74 | 276 38 41.55 43486753 Buchs gccs ge aha S duled Hamas Sves des 138 36 43.24 | 318 30 42.80 4.3091667 Brooks 4 arducd ade Ache ade e ees 803 19 26.03 | 123 23 44.62 4.0653816 MeDaniel: -s.a3¢5 eee ebiessa eens 352 53 21.32 | 172 54 18.10 4 .2371864 10—T. 8. 146 PROGRESS REPORT M’DANIEL, HOCKING COUNTY. Situated in the southern edge of the southwest quarter, section. 7, Starr township, on the estate of George McDaniel, 8 miles southwest of Nelsonville postoffice, 15 miles southeast of Logan, and 2 miles east of Starr. The knob is quite prominent and has only a few trees on its southwest side to interfere with view. Selected and oceupied by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in 1882-83. Station mark: A marble post 26 by 6 by 6 inches, set 25 inches in the ground immediately above a square earthenware pyramid. Top of post s. 7 marked C.& | G.S. {Latitude 39° 23’ 13.57”. Longitude 82° 19’ 12.52”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. ° , n ° , ” Meters TiGNOSNS 64 sion alin pee SERRA Ree 25 29 15.51 | 205 26 11.15 42098137 Barton. 26 see eees Ob ree ety eae see g 111 03 09.10 | 290 56 26.59 4.2107237 SGhULtiais oerhacsne Ree see hone See sie 148 07 04.09 | 328 03 24.55 41939372 COOKE: aide otes thee answers seReeaeasd 172 54 18.10 | 352 53 21.32 4 .2371864 Brooks! 4 gist dae eee eee os nae 215 11 53.84 35 15 15.27 4.1188828 NEDO wkicent ees see Wa eeeer ee ee ere 263 16 04.46 83 24 56.70 4.3054151 Whiter iassciens Wea leeo eon as hae 274 32 58.10 94 42 43.35 4.3453947 Townsend \(2)24.2:60ed1-eiveceee ces 298 48 45.11 | 118 57 19.04 4.3458525 SCHULTZ, HOCKING COUNTY. A prominent knob 3 miles south of Logan, on the estate of Daniel Schultz, in the west half of the northeast quarter of section 26, Falls township. Summit has apple and peach trees which interfere somewhat with the view. “This station was occupied by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in 1885. Station mark: A marble post 30 by 6 by 6 inches, set 28 inches in the ground immediately above an earthenware pyramid. ‘Top of post S. marked C.&|G.S. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. Latitude 39° 30’ 23.76”. Longitude 82° 24’ 58.05”.] 147 To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. o a ” ard m Meters. Barton, oc eee steeseGheek aevee se . 42 49 24.02 | 222 46 20.65 4 0063768 Brown <4 234 iceqsacteeeanees cares 112 02 41.69 | 291 55 33.81 4 .2383235 B. I. 8. chimney ........... anak 129 37 29.82 | 309 29 26.62 4.3707116 B. I. S. water tower ............... 129 47 05.22 | 309 39 00.95 4.3726735 BUCK: suc ceessaeeyateadaargis inne 158 57 18.49 | 338 54 01.46 4.3120770 OOK a5 53s sae FAs de eh sae SS 237 41 36.70 | 57 44 19.75 3.859667 4 BrOOKS: sy 333M ce ied estate eins 279 00 19.77 | 99 07 21.22 4.2050498 MeDaniel: yea) 52). Beh cages sae ns 328 03 24.55 | 148 07 04.09 4.1939372 DAVIS, JACKSON COUNTY. On a cultivated hill in Bloomfield township, 12 miles eastward from Jackson, 114 miles north of Orpheus postoffice, 3 miles east of Winchester (Rocky Hill postoffice). Land owned by Evan D. Davis, who lives about 500 feet west, southwest of station. An unobstructed view can be had for many miles toward the north, northwest and west, and comparatively few trees obstruct view southwest. Station mark: Center of wild cherry signal tree about 500 feet east- northeast of Mr. Davis’ residence and 13 feet south of an east and west fence. [Latitude 38° 58’ 54.17”. Longitude 82° 28’ 47.63”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. °o - u“ Oo , n Meters. Lawler. scale sends Reed | pace eae an 200 26 28.47 20 28 23.27 4.0984524 Grahamtiescciwceien Wee hacnd ee Aiioe 294 03 37.74 | 114 12 13.18 4 3352839 Waener sion sane dess es ass 2b eee 358 19 33.89 | 178 19 50.05 43278387 ELDERS, JEFFERSON COUNTY. Situated one-half mile south of the village of Monroeville on land owned by Mr. Elder. 148 PROGRESS REPORT Station mark: A cut marble post 48 by 6 by 6 inches set 40 inches in the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangula- tion tablet, ‘‘Ohio.’’ [Latitude 40° 35’ 40.04”. Longitude 80° 50’ 28.10”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. | Log. distance. oan f ey ee . Meters. DOMETSOD alos att eke ace vounagieeans ica 26 13 45.61 206 09 16.01 4 3452306 Carrollton icccedonee nce 24 aay 82 57 51.91 | 262 50 29.70 4 .2070630 Kensington. <4 eeece ne ee ess eaa ries 148 30 40.69 | 328 26 39.02 4 2218375 Hammon .. 3.4. se0cee ye Saranceey 238 50 48.93 58 57 24.93 4 .2224370 PMISOM 2 GA oe Pe R a eauhd Wa Gis Parco 269 43 49.10 89 54 31.77 4.3659427 Wintersville.............0: Pechydhet 336 29 21.40 | 156 33 37.87 4.3683786 HOPEDALE, JEFFERSON COUNTY. Situated 2 miles west of Bloomingdale on the north side of the Bloomingdale and Hopedale pike, on the highest point of hill in cleared field belonging to Mr. 8. N. Beall. Station mark: A cut marble post 24 by 4 by 4 inches sunk 24 inches in the ground. ‘‘U. 8. G.S.’’ marked on top of post. (Latitude 40° 19’ 53.80”. Longitude 80° 51’ 19.20”.] To station— Azimuth, Back azimuth. | Log. distance. Ee aw. Sh Us Meters. Cadiz Cy wexccgaves kas ecem sane 61 46 20.94 | 241 40 48.88 41388232 CBIR: 0p Fe cehdaiidaess Bodies he ene es 69 46 06.04 | 249 40 19.70 4.1295800 JOM ELSON sass see chee we nee yaa den 137 22 06.82 | 317 18 11.04 41028039 Wintersville .................2004. 233 31 31.07 | 53 36 19.99 4,1166735 New Alexander .................4. 290 17 09.61 | 110 23 39.92 4.1817202 Mount Pleasant ............-....6. 345 17 50.68 | 165 20 26.93 4.3534510 NEW ALEXANDER, JEFFERSON COUNTY. Situated 1 mile southwest of the village of New Alexander in a cleared field on west side of county road one-fourth mile beyond point at which it leaves the New Alexander and Bloomingdale pike. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 149 Station mark: A cut marble post 24 by 6 by 6 inches sunk 2 feet under surface of the ground, in the center of top of which is cemented a bronze triangulation tablet, ‘‘Ohio.’’ Reference marks: A large tree, true bearing N. 53° 20’ E.., distant 272 feet. A small tree, true bearing S. 1° 36’ W., distant 131 feet. An old stump in field, true bearing N. 68° 36’ W., distant 14.7 feet. [Latitude 40° 17’ 02.55”. Longitude 80° 41’ 15.83”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. Log. distance. Cot ap Fe Meters. Mount Pleasant .......... 27 21 07.51 | 207 17 14.17 4 .2700856 oped sae aconeiuarsneaae: 110 23.39.92 | 290 17 09.61 41817202 Wintersville .......................] 164 08 12.73 | 344 06 30.92 4.1325490 Tnilenetideneeys osesc veereoe eee eens 287 11 28 107 14 03 3.77588 STONE CREEK, TUSCARAWAS COUNTY. On a bald mound 114 miles southeast of the village of Stone Creek, 100 yards east of road. Station mark: A sandstone post 36 by 6 by 6 inches set 34 inches in the ground, in center of top of which is countersunk and cemented a bronze triangulation tablet, ‘‘Ohio.’’ [Latitude 40° 22’ 48.92”. Longitude 81° 33’ 04.48”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. | Log. distance. Ro % Ss im Meters. Widder bayeees igh saa mtie Ay Slag Eara eas ae 18 43 44.26 | 198 41 15.69 4.2281117 Wasell. cs 3 sande Se kate 2 oo 105 39 23.20 | 285 37 30.42 3 .6297872 Wainwright.................00000- 244 04 51.38 | 64 08 46.51 3.9781630 GilmOre® sacs ieiseiersiy see eee en nie ene a 814 48 21.35 | 184 52 35.59 4.1164240 Port Washington...............55. 334 22 59.00 | 154 24 37.00 3 .9172000 BOO EDS, sss isseii schaseuds dies Sa ae ea ees BRS 359 22 03.72 | 179 22 08.98 4 .2391088 UHRICHSVILLE, TUSCARAWAS COUNTY. On a bald hill about 4 miles nearly east from Uhrichsville, 200 feet west of Ridge road, on land owned by Mr. Cox, and 200 yards north of his residence. 11—T. 8S. 162 PROGRESS REPORT Station mark: The lone white oak signal tree 14 inches in diameter. Reference mark: A sandstone post 36 by 6 by 6 inches set 30 inches in the ground, in center of top of which is countersunk and cemented a bronze triangulation tablet, ‘‘Ohio.’’ Distance oe tree, 26.6 feet; true azimuth 56° 10° 30”. [Latitude 40° 22’ 20.70”. Longitude 81° 17’ 00.20”.] To station— Azimuth. Back azimuth. | Log. distance. ee ” bt ” Meters. Gilmore .. - OE ee eee eee re 58 18 12.91 | 238 12 02.93 4.2004975 Wailnwrightsaneccsdcs sate sene eee 109 32 49.03 | 289 26 19.17 4.1775531 Baldwit..s ers eek sya ee dey peak net Aes week eae ee 40 01 15.6 84 29 17.8 Ts. 8and9 N., Rs. 3 and4 E., corner secs. 19, 24, 25 Ai BO sg scnd bo in bres Baws Sandan woth fad Sane Sse ee 40 02 07.9 84 29 19.4 Ts, 8 and 9 N., Rs. 3 and 4 E., corner secs. 13, 18, 19 and 24 ooo cece ccc e cee ceeeseeenveeeeenees 40 03 00.5 | 84 19 21.1 Ts. 8 and9 N., Rs. 3 and 4 E., corner secs. 7, 12, 13 NGS os ous ways oka teaen: Diets dn aaa wa chea Bu gle sane RAED 40 03 53.0 84 29 22.8 Ts. 8and9N., Rs. 3and4E., corner secs. 1,6,7and12| 40 04 45.2 84 29 24.3 Ts. 8 and 9N., Rs. 3 and 4 E., corner secs. 1,6,31 and BBO ie ade ey Steud ids oad 5d Ga aati olee sae was usruigrinedy Sh esi BE 40 05 43.2 84 29 26.1 Gettysburg, crossing Main street and north and south TOR: eyes Fascias eesti Dash av mie everdes He oro enaeare eae 40 06 42.0 84 29 44.4 Gettysburg, crossroad .5 mile northof............. 40 07 21.9 84 29 50.9 Pennsylvania Railroad at north and south road cross- ing 400 feet east of milepost 87, (azimuth 103° 20’)| 40 08 38.8 | 84 29 53.1 Oakland Church, T. road south .25 mile east of...... 40 09 07.5 84 29 53.6 Oakland Church, T. road east 1 mile north of....... 40 09 57.4 84 30 03.9 Webster crossroads, 1 mile west of................ 40 10 53.0 84 30 03.8 T. 11 N.,R.3E., 14 corner between secs. 25 and 36..| 40 11 45.5 84 30 10.2 T. 11 N., R. 3 E., 14 corner between secs. 24 and 25..| 40 12 38.0 84 30 11.2 T. 11 N., R: 3 E.,, corner secs. 23, 24, 25 and 26...... 40 12 37.2 | 84 30 46.0 4,000 feet north of last: azimuth Big Four R. R. = BAST otk Sata Orne chad gennakenne sens Cee ea howawa ambeacns. [pod savinia ooets T. 11 N., R. 3 E., corner secs. 13, 14, 23 and 24...... 40 13 29.8 84 30 47.4 Versailles, crossing Versailles and Brock pike and north and south road, 2 miles northwest of...... 40 14 26.4 84 30 48.6 Frenchtown, crossroads .5 mile east of.............. 40 14 48.5 84 30 49.2 Frenchtown, T. road south, .5 mile west of.......... 40 14 47.1 84 32 15.9 Frenchtown, crossroads 2 miles west of ............. 40 14 45.3 84 34 00.6 DT POad SOUtH, wat nas 4s een ee Rew de eee eeLeK eaten 40 15 21.1 84 35 24.7 Schoolhouse No. 6, T. road west at.........0.0-0005 40 15 28.3 84 35 57.6 T.13N., R.2 E., 14 corner between secs. 1 and2....| 40 15 28.1 84 36 52.3 T. road east near 14 corner between secs. 2 and 3, T. 13UN;, RY 2 Bsa stevqintes wae igentsene thane 40 15 28.4 | 84 38 10.9 230 PROGRESS REPORT Geographic positions along highways—Continued. Station, Latitude. Longitude. ° , ” ° ‘ ” Cincinnati Northern R. R., at east and west road CROSS ays. ceive he aad ance Seta heptane nang 40 15 02.5 84 38 34.7 T.13N., R. 2 E., corner secs. 3, 4,9 and10.......... 40 15 02.5 84 39 08.8 T.13N., R. 2 E., 44 corner between secs. 8 and 9] 40 14 36.3 84 40 17.5 T.13N.,R. 2E., 4% corner between secs. 7 and 8 CROSSPORAS MOAT icsiuass boss eiere dp Seesmrrwiet eg Sree aon WE Alaa s 40 14 36.7 84 41 36.3 T. 13 N., Rs. 1 and 2 E., 14 corner between secs. 7 SN VD) epacaine wate ty tees ae ean Maia a ae eae Ne a 40 14 37.1 84 42 32.5 T.13N.,R.1E., 4 corner secs. ll and 12.......... 40 14 40.6 84 43 40.7 T.13N., R.1E., corner secs. 11, 12, 13, and 14...... 40 14 14.3 84 43 40.4 T. 13 N., R. 1 E., corner secs. 13, 14, 23 and 24...... 40 13 21.8 84 43 39.9 900 feet south of this, Big Four Railroad azimuth = BAS 29! 6. Ned ok cncrte vale. aut Zeuha tatasa aund ates cia Suen Ae onde aal seein wane ead ae aoe Saath eS T. 13 N., R. 1 E., corner secs. 23, 24, 25 and 26...... 40 12 29.3 84 43 39.2 14 mile south of this, Pennsylvania Ry. azimuth = POS! seinen std hts. & asic Damani ceas Wies mogsasnaietsacegn tis cara atboottime ay a aan eee ava Pats Gena Ae T.13N., R. 1 E., corner secs. 25, 26, 35 and 36...... 40 12 29.3 84 43 39.2 Ts. 12 and 13N., R.1E., 14 corner secs. 1,2, 35 and 36] 40 10 43.7 84 43 39.0 T.12N., Rs. 1 and2 E., 4 corner secs. 1,6, 7and12..| 40 09 55.5 84 42 29.2 T. 12N., Rs. 1 and 2 E., west corner 7 and 18........ 40 09 02.6 84 42 28.3 Coletown, center of bridge .25 mile west of ..... -++.| 40 08 04.0 84 42 22.2 Coletown, T. four corners 1.5 mile southwest of ..... 40 07 17.6 84 42 26.5 Greenville and Winchester pike and Coaltown and New Manchester pikes, crossing of ............... 40 06 23.4 84 42 25.5 Greenville and Spartanburg and Coaltown and New Manchester pikes, crossing Of ................... 40 05 41.8 84 42 24.8 T.11N., Rs. 1 and 2 E., corner secs. 1,6, 7and12...| 40 04 38.5 84 42 23.4 T. 11 N., R. 1 E., comer secs. 1,2, ll and 12........ 40 04 38.2 | 84 43 30.4 T. 11 N., R. 1 E,, corner secs. 11, 12,13 and 14..... 40 03 45.7 84 43 29.5 ale rOaid: Wests ke Sets sane ne auktguk Beira wets Paaldid gaara 40 02 34.7 84 43 27.4 T. 11 N., RB. 1 E,, corner sees. 25, 26, 35 and 36...... 40 01 08.3 | 84 43 25.8 Geographic positions along the “ Big Four” R. R. Station. Latitude. Longitude. ° # u” ° , ” Charles Station, road crossing 1 mile southeast of ...] 40 00 15.7 84 42 37.0 Pike crossing north and south under trestle ......... 40 00 05.4 84 42 18.4 Pennsylvania R. R., crossing of...............0.05. 39 59 23.0 84 41 02.3 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 231 ST. HENRY’S QUADRANGLE. This line starts from adjusted position at southwest corner of quad- rangle and follows highways north to near northwest corner of quad- rangle, thence east along highways to Montgomery, thence south along Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad and highways to adjusted position .5 mile east of Frenchtown. Geographic positions along highways. Station. Latitude. Longitude. ° , ” ° t ” T.13N., R. 1 E., corner secs. 1,2, 1l and 12....... 40 15 06.9 84 43 40.9 Ts. 13. and 14.N., R.1E,, corner secs. 2, 3, 34and 35.| 40 16 02.2 | 84 44 49.0 T.14N., R. 1 E., corner secs. 26, 27, 834 and 385 .....] 40 16 54.3 84 44 49.8 T.14.N., R. 1 E., corner secs. 22, 23, 26 and 27....| 4017 40.6 | 84 44 48.9 T.14N., R.1E., 14 corner between secs. 15 and 23..| 40 18 32.8 84 44 14.5 T.14N., R.1 E., corner secs 11, 12,13 and 14....... 40 19 24.3 84 43 39.5 T. 14.N.,R.1E,, comer secs. 1,2, 1land12....... 40 20 16.6 | 84 43 38.9 Ts. 14 and 15N., R. 1 E., corner sees. 1, 2, 35 and 36.| 40 21 08.9 84 43 38.4 Sharpsburg, crossing pike and north and south road..| 40 22 04.4 84 42 38.8 Road southwest ........0 6.000 cece eee eee eens 40 22 53.2 84 42 08.0 T. 15 N., R. 1 E., 14 corner between secs. 24 and 25..| 40 22 53.6 84 43 09.4 T.15N., R.1E., 44 corner between secs. 13 and 24..} 40 23 46.7 84 43 08.6 Schoolhouse, T. road south at.............2.-.... 40 24 15.6 84 43 08.6 T.78., R.1E, corner sees. 13, 14, 23,24 .......... 40 25 17.9 84 42 27.5 T.75., R. 1 E., corner secs. 11 ,12, 138, 14.........- 40 26 10.5 84 42 27.6 T.75., R.1E., corner secs. 1, 2, 11,12 ............ 40 27 02.9 84 42 27.8 Ts. 6 and 7 8., R. 1 E., corner secs. 1, 2, 35 and 36 ..| 40 27 55.4 84 42 27.8 T.6S8., R.1E,, comer secs. 25, 26, 35 and 36 ...... 40 28 47.9 | 84 42 27.8 T.658., Rs. 1 and 2 E., corner secs. 25, 30, 31 and 36 | 40 28 47 9 84 41 19.2 T.658., R. 2 E., corner secs. 29, 30, 31 and 32 ...... 40 28 47.9 84 40 00.) T.65., R. 2 E., corner secs. 28, 29, 32 and 33 ...... 40 28 48.0 84 38 51.4 T.658., R. 2 E., corner secs. 27, 28, 33 and 34 ...... 40 28 47.9 84 37 43.0 Coldwater, crossing Cincinnati Northem R. R. and Main Street ens toate kniad adie scan ckraae brat -...| 40 28 47.9 84 37 38.5 T.68., R. 2 E., corner secs, 26, 27, 34and 35 ..... 40 28 48.2 84 36 34.3 Coldwater, crossroads 2 miles east Of ............... 40 28 52.3 84 35 25.9 Montezuma Station, crossroads 1 mile west of ....... 40 29 01.7 84 34 16.9 Montezuma Station, road crossing Cincinnati, Hamil- ton and Dayton R. R. north of .............0506- 40 29 18.0 84 33 10.1 Road crossing east and west ..........-.0. eee eres 40 28 49.1 &4 32 38.8 Ts. 6 and 758., R. 2 E., corner secs, 32, 33,4 und 5 ..| 40 27 56.4 84 31 53.3 Road crossing north and south ............6.--0 00s 40 27 19.7 84 31 01.8 Road crossing north and south .............0- eeu es 40 26 48.1 84 30 27.5 Chickasaw, Main street crossing ...........---.455- 40 26 15.7 84 29 50.2 Maria Stein Station, road crossing ...............6. 40 24 28.2 84 29 35.5 T.758., R. 3 E., corner secs. 26, 27, 84and 35 ...... 40 23 35.3 84 29 36.4 Ts. 7and 8 8., R. 3 E., corner secs. 2, 3, 34 and 35 ..| 40 22 42.7 84 29 36.6 Ts. 7 and 8 §., R. 3 E., corner secs. 2, 3, ll and 12 ..| 40 21 16.0 84 29 42.5 232 PROGRESS REPORT Geographic positions along highways—Continued. Station. | Latitude. Longitude. °o f “” ° , a Osgood Station, street crossing 75 feet south of ..... 40 20 24.0 84 29 42.0 Ts. land 12 N., Rs. 3and4E., secs. 7,12 13and18..| 40 19 31.8 84 29 42.7 Road crossing east and west near schoolhouse....... 40 18 23.2 84 29 42.1 Road crossing about 500 feet east of 14 corner be- tween secs. 25 and 30 T. 11 N., Rs. 3and4E ....| 4017 30.9 84 29 37.0 T. road west at center sec. 36, T.11N.,R.3E...... 40 16 28.5 84 30 15.5 T.11N.,R.3E., centersec. 12 ...............000. 40 14 49.5 84 30 14.2 Geographic positions along spur line west from near northwest corner of Greenville quadrangle. Station. | Latitude. Longitude. | ° , au ° 7 ” T.13N., R.1E., 4 corner between secs. 10and11....} 40 14 40.7 84 44 48.1 T.13N., R. 1 E., center sec. 9, crossroads near...... 40 14 43.2 84 46 30.6 Ohio-Indiana state line at blacksmith shop.......... 40 14 45.9 84 48 16.2 Geographic positions along spur line west from near northwest corner of St. Henry quadrangle. Station. Latitude. Longitude. I ° , u ° t ” T. 6S., R. 1 E., corner secs. 26, 27, 34 and 35....... 40 28 47.9 84 43 36.8 T.65S., R. 1 E., corner secs. 27, 28, 33 and 34 ...... 40 28 47.9 84 44 45.7 T.68., R.1E., corner secs. 28, 29, 32 and 33 ...... 40 28 48.0 84 45 54.2 T.6S., R.1E.,, corner secs. 29, 30, 31 and 32 ...... 40 28 48.5 84 46 02.9 Ohio-Indiana state line near 14 corner between secs. 25 and 30, T.68.,Rs.1H.and1W ............ 40 29 06.1 84 48 10.3 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 233 PRIMARY TRAVERSE. ASHTABULA COUNTY. (Jefferson and Andover Quadrangles. ) The following geographic positions were determined by primary traverse run by Mr. C. B. Kendall, field assistant, during the summes of 1903. The line begins at Andover triangulation station of the United States Lake Survey, near Andover, and runs northwesterly along Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway to Jefferson, thence wes! via high- _ ways to the 81st meridian, thence south to parallel 41° 30’, thence east to milepost 33 on Ohio-Pennsylvania State line. c Magnetic declination south border of quadrangle, 0° 58’ west. Magnetic declination north border of quadrangle, 0° 44’ west. Magnetic declination east border of quadrangle, 1° 03’ west. RICHLAND COUNTY. (Mansfield Quadrangle.) The line starts from a position near Crestline and follows highways cast to Mansfield. The second line starts from an adjusted position near Crestline and follows highways north to near Pittsburg, thence east along highways and Big Four Railway to adjusted point at Greenwich. Geographic positions along highways near south border of quadrangle. Station. Latitude. Longitude. T. 0 N., R. 20 W., corner secs. 15, 16, 21and22,T) ° ’ ” on! Ow road south at schoolhouse, 30 feet southwest to corner fence post, 25 feet west to large white oak (LOGiaa was be thak HR RYE CHS dee Bap Ba ae Hees 40 46 09.6 82 44 45.1 T. 20 N., R. 20 W., corner secs. 14, 15, 22 and 23, T road north, white oak tree, line between Crawford and Richland counties ..........-0 0000 cece eens 40 46 08.9 82 43 35.7 T. 20 N., R. £0 W, corner secs 13, 14, 23 and 24, middle of east and west road at fence north and south at schoolhouse No 3...........00-ee ee eee 40 46 08.4 82 42 28.8 Schoolhouse No 10, road north; 20 feet north to cen- ter of box culvert ......... cece ete ee eee ee 40 45 57.7 82 40 01.4 Ontario, west part of; north side of road at T road south, northwest corner of foundation to Dr. Richards’ resi- dence bears S. 47° 15' W., distance 136.7 feet; nail in honey locust tree on south side of road bears S. 7° 45! E,, distant 54.9 feet, iron post stamped ‘Prim, Trav. Sta. No. 23, 1906, Ohio”... 16... ee ee eee eee ees 40 45 36.2 82 38 51.4 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 323 Geographic positions along highways near south border of quadrangle—Concluded. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Ontario, T road north, 0.66 mile east of; 30 feet} ° ' ” eas: eo northwest. to telephone pole, 39 feet northeast to corner fence poOSt ..........0 0 cee cece eee eee 40 45 35.1 82 37 59.1 Ontario, east and west road crossing of Erie Railroad, 1.75 miles east Of...........-- cc cee eee eee ..+-| 40 45 34.1 82 36 25.8 T. 21 N., R. 19 W., secs. 23 and 24, quarter corner between, crossroads, 24 feet northeast to north end of culvert, 24 feet southeast to south end of culvert} 40 45 33.2 82 35 25.8 T. 21 N., Rs. 18 and 19 W., secs. 19 and 24, stone quarter corner between ..............000000 000 40 45 32.4 82 34 16.7 M, P. 271, north and south road crossing Erie Rail- road, 645 feet east of................. 00. eee eee 40 46 12.6 82 33 06.7 Mansfield, crossing of Erie and Baltimore and Ohio railroads, just east of Erie station ............... 40-45 58.0 82 31 01.2 Mansfield. flagstaff at State Reformatory........... 40 46 57.6 82 30 11.1 Geographic positions along highways near west border of quadrangle. Station. Latitude. Longitude. T. 20 N., R. 20 W., corner secs. 8,9, 16 and17,Troad|} ° *’ ” Od oe north, 18 feet southwest to telegraph pole, 29 feet northwest to corner fence post ................. 40 47 04.2 82 45 54.8 T. 20 N., R. 20 W., corner secs. 4, 5, 8 and 9, £0 feet due south to center of small bridge.............. 40 47 56.4 82 45 53.9 T.£O N., R. 20 W., corner secs. 4 and 5, north corner, 9 feet northwest to corner rail fence.............. 40 48 48.5 82 45 52.0 T. 21 N., R. 20 W., corner secs. 28, 29, 32 and 33, crossroads, 27 feet northwest to corner fence post} 40 49 38.2 82 45 50.8 Schoolhouse No. 4, 0.25 mile north of crossroads, 21 5 feet southeast to telegraph pole, 26 feet northwest to corner fence post ............ 0. cee e eee ee eee 40 49 54.2 82 44 40.3 T. 21 N., R. 20 W., stone corner secs. 21, 22,27 and 28} 40 50 33.8 82 44 39 8 T. 21 N., R. 20 W., stone corner secs. 15, 16, 21 and 22} 40 51 24.4 82 44 39.3 T. 21 N., R. 20 W., corner secs. 9, 10, 15 and 16, 9 feet}. south to center of culvert .................0000. 40 52 17.4 82 44 38.4 Tiro corner, 1.5 miles south and 1 mile east; northwest corner of crossroads, northwest corner foundation to residence bears S. 35° 20' E., distance 125.2 feet; nail in maple tree bears S, 18° 15’ W., distance 50.8 feet; iron post stamped ‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 24, 1906, ORIG” faces van dedi naceor aac akg ew 2 40 52.58.5 82 44 33.4 T. 21 N., R. 20 W., stone corner (north), to secs. 3 and Rigsiisungt vache eet gsaieaey te ear peso ee ows 40 54 04.2 82 44 37.5 T. 22 N., R. 20 W., south corner secs. 33 and 34....] 40 54 04.2 82 44 37.1 T. 22 N., R. 20 W., corner secs. 21, 22, 27 and 28, cross roads, 27 feet northwest to mail box, 33 feet northeast to corner fence post.................. 40 55 49.1 82 44 36.8 324 PROGRESS REPORT Geographic positions along highways near west border of quadrangle—Concluded. Longitude. Station. Latitude. ‘ °o , u ° , a T. 22 N., R. 20 W., crossroads, corner secs. 15, 16, 21 and 22, 27 feet southwest to corner fence post, 27 feet northwest to telegraph pole..........-..+--- 40 56 41.6 82 44 36.1 T. 22 N., R. 20 W., corner secs. 9, 10, 15 and 16, fence Ga8t anid WESt si: hcdncyduciaie sea Fat eae Pees ae 40 57 34.7 82 44 36.0 T. 22 N., R. 20 W., corner secs. 3, 4, 9 and 10, cross- roads, 25 feet due south to center of box culvert..| 40 58 27.4 82 44 36.2 M. P. 325, north and south road crossing, Northern Ohio Railroad, about 300 feet east of............ 40 58 57.1 82 44 36.3 T. 22 N., R. 20 W., corner secs. 3 and 4 (north corner), at Troad south, line between Crawford and Huron . counties; 24 feet north to bench mark station No. 25) 40 59 43.5 82 44 36.6 T. 22 N., R. 20 W., north corner secs 3and 4, north ; side of road at T road south; iron post stamped ‘ “Prim, Trav. Sta. No. 25, 1906, Ohio” ............ 40 59 43.6 82 44 36.5 Geographic positions along highways near northern border of quadrangle. Station. Latitude. Longitude. ° t “uo ° t u” T.1N., Rs. 23 and 24 W., south corner sees. 1 and 4, T road north at hotel at New Pittsburg.......--..- 40 59 43.3 ‘82 43 49.1 T. 22 N., R. 20 W,, north corner secs. 2 and 3, junc- . tion of Richland, Crawford and Huron counties..| 40 59 43.2 82 43 29.8 T, 22 N., R. 20 W., north corner secs. 1 and 2, wire fence SOUG . vyenis cee eed nuns Danes oe BH RA RE ae 40 59 42.8 82 42 20.6 T. 22 N., Rs. 19 and 20 W., north corner secs. 1 and 6, wire fence SOUth... 0.2.6 06. c eee eee ee eee 40 59 42.4 82 41 12.8 Plymouth, public fountain. .....-....-..+ 0s eee eee 40 59 41.9 82 39 57.2 Plymouth, county line road crossing Northern Ohio Railroad, 0.75 mile east Of......... 000+. e eee es 40 59 40.7 82 29 00.6 Plymouth, 2 miles east of; T. 1 N., Rs. 22 and 23 W., south stone corner to sections 1 and 4 bears N, 12° 15' W., distance 18.5 feet, nail in blaze on cherry tree bears N. 57° 40’ E., distance 76.6 feet; tron post stamped “Prim, Trav. Sta. No. 28, 1906, Ohio”....; 40 59 39.5 82 37 50.6 T, 22 N., R. 19 W., north corner secs. 3 and 4, wire fence SOULK seal geen cr per eees dee eomne eR TE 40 59 39.8 82 87 47.8 T, 22 N., R. 19 W., north corner secs. 2 and 3, west end of bridge over ditch....... 6.55.2 0005s rr ees 40 59 39.2 82 36 38.3 T.1N., R. 22 W., south corners secs. 1 and 4, cross- roads, 30 feet southwest to W. Hurlburt’s mail box, 33 feet northwest to large corner fence post..| 40 59 38.1 82 34 57.0 M, P. 58, north and south road crossing Big Four Rail- road, 1,080 feet northeast Of ......+- 65s reese 41 00 08.6 82 33 32.6 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 325 Geographic positions along highways near northern border of quadrangle—Concluded. | Station. | Latitude. Longitude. : : Milepost 57, road crossing, east and west, 0.5 mile MOLLHeaSt Os ais-2.5 cavsioeenhed SOLAN EAA GON a mAlS a 41 00 50.8 |. 82 382 31.1 Greenwich, in foundation of standpipe to city water- WOPKS. ni. 2m out mike Eagan gee qe wink eee 41 O01 37.3 82 31 13.5 Magnetic declination, south border of quadrangle, 1° 52’ west. Magnetic declination, north border of quadrangle, 1° 34’ west. Magnetic declination, west border of quadrangle, 1° 03’ west. HURON COUNTY. (Norwalk Quadrangle.) The line starts from an adjusted position at New Pittsburg and fol- lows highways north to Chicago Junction, thence along Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to Monroeville. Geographic positions along highways near west border of quadrangle. Station. | Latitude. Longitude. ' | * ° ’ a” 3° , a” Center of bridge over large ditch ................4. 41 01 07.0 82 43 53.1 Ts. land2 N., Rs. 23 and 24, corner secs. 1, 2, 3 and 4, crossroads, 42 feet northwest to guidepost, 28 feet northeast to corner fence post.............. 41 01 55.2 82 43 54.7 Geographic positions along Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Chicago Junction to Monrce- ville. | Station. | Latitude. Longitude, ° ’ ” ° , ” Chicago Junction, range line road crossing, Baltimore and Ohio (main line).........0.. 00s eee eee eens 41 03 40.0 82 43 59.2 Township line road crossing.............0..000eeee 41 04 07.4 82 44 11.0 Centertown, road crossing just south of station...... 41 04 58.4 82 45 06.4 M. P. 26, private road crossing under trestle 0.33 milernortht Of 20205504 48 oak Sere eee ea wells eae CER Ag 41 06 03.4 S82 45 28.8 Havana, road crossing east and west 1.5 mile south of.| 41 06 52.9 82 45 23.9 ' 326 PROGRESS REPORT Geographic positions along Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Chicago Junction to Monroe- ville—Concladed. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Havana, on east edge of Baltimore and Ohio property) ° ' 7” Oe, line and just south of road crossing, northwest corner of stone porch bears S, 23° E., distant 117.7 feet; northeast corner foundation to Flath & Gross under- taking establishment bears S. 52° 45' W.., distant 74.9 feet; tron post stamped ‘Prim, Trav. Sta. No. 29, HODGE! ORTON So's. adee diltte aun artes o savdgniews Gee dk au 41 08 12.2 82 44 49.2 Havana, township line road crossing, 0.3 mile north of} 41 08 30.4 82 44 41.5 T. 3 .N., Rs. 23 and 24 W., stone corner to secs, 1, 2, ANA are Xe peitut co ees ausa aunt ge Rate alate Sad he CM Nata | 41 08 29.8 82 44 10.5 M. P. 22, road crossing east and west, 0.33 mile north OF Sas Gee ew ced Geo sk decrees Mt ge my ead OE NS 41 09 23.0 82 44 18.6 M. P. 20, road crossing 1090 feet south of........... 41 10 32.4 82 48 48.5 Pontiac station, road crossing just south of......... 41 11 18.9 82 43 28.3 M. P. 18, road crossing east and west 1435 feet northof} 41 12 35.3 82 42 55.4 Monroeville, crossing of Baltimore and Ohio and L. Si6e-MG iSURaRS eaaceveue neg ohe see ade ns oad oaks 41 14 25.4 82 42 08.1 Monroeville, north part of; on north side of road crossing and at east property line, smail maple tree in corner of yard bears S, 63° 30' E., distant 46.7 feet; center of Baltimore and Ohio at road crossing bears S. 57° W., distant 30 feet; iron post stamped “Prim, Trav. Sta. No. 30, 1906".....................00. 40 14 47.7 82 41 52.5 Monroeville, T road west in northwest part of ...... 41 15 01.9 82 42 16.0 Magnetic declination south border of quadrangle, 1° 34! west. Magnetic declination west border of quadrangle, 1° 14’ west. CARROLL AND STARK COUNTIES. (Carrollton Quadrangle.) The line starts from Carrollton triangulation station and follows Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad west to Atwood station, thence north along public highways to adjusted position about 2 miles north of Maple- ton. Geographic positions along highways. Station. Latitude. Longitude. \ Carrollton triangulation station, 2.5 miles east off ° ' ” Ps a8 town of Carrollton on Scroggsfield road on land owned by Mr. Campbell station mark: . 45° 30' E., distant 39.5 feet; tron post stamped “Prim, Trav. Sta. No. 19, 1906, Ohio” .,......... 88 47 50.2 38 47 16.1 38 46 53.1 38 47 07.4 38 46 42. a 38 46 44.1] 38 45 36.| 29 31 31 33 34 34 37 58. 12 44. 44 50. 38 24. 346 PROGRESS REPORT Geographic positions along highways near south border of quadrangle—Concluded. Station Latitude. Longitude. Olive Furnace, crossroads 1 mile.southwest of; 26 feet northwest to small elm, 39 feet north to small] ° /’ 7” oe ® BYCAMMOTEMTEE iiss wie wa cane ew eaiys Rares we ee ee pt 388 45 22.6 82 38 40.4 Noith and south line between Lawrence and Scioto counties, 14 feet east to maple tree, 26 feet north to junction of fences at road southeast............ 38 45 25.8 82 39 43.6 T.3 N, R. 18 W., north corner secs. 5 and 6, large white oak tree just east of Madland postoffice ...... 88 45 48.1 82 40 49.7 Bridge over Piney creek, T road east about 600 feet northeast of; 30 feet north to gate hinge, 25 feet northwest to cross on board tence...............- 38 46 15.7 82 42 19.6 Andre station, private road crossing D. T. & 1. R. R. 1, WUE MOTE OL aie hy 8 dudiavecaaned wendiggad Rie Gek eae snus 88 45 37.2 8&2 43 38.6 Andre station, road crossing 70 feet south of......... 38 44 47.6 82 44 06.2 T. 3 N., R. 19 W., stone corner secs. 3, 4, 9 and 10, at junction of fences 1 mile northwest of Andrew StAGLON «5 cou 556s aden ere ere te ah Oe ae sy ahem ura G athe 88 45 08.8 82 45 00.8 T road west, 24 feet northwest to E. Stricklands mail . box, 24 feet southwest to cross on fence post...... 38 45 22.70 | 82 46 38.00 Magnetic declination, north border of Oakhill quadrangle, —0° 01’ East. Magnetic declination, south border of Oakhill quadrangle. +0° 24! west. Magnetic declination, southeast border of Oakhill quadrangle, —0° 35’ east. 1907. PRIMARY TRAVERSE. ASIILAND, COSHOCTON, HOLMES, KNOX AND WAYNE COUNTIES. (Brinkhaven, Coshocton, Dresden, Millersburg, Mt. Vernon, New Comers- town, Perryville and Plimpton Quadrangles. ) The following geographic positions on U. S. Standard datum, for the control of the above quadrangles, were determined from primary traverse run by C. B. Kendall, assistant topographer, in August and September, 1907. The lines were run as follows: Beginning with posi- tion of Primary Traverse Station No. 56, 1906, the line runs west to Tunnel ITill, thence along the Cleveland, Akron and Columbus Railroad to Killbuck, thence west along the same to Baddon Pass, where it con- tinues west along public roads to a point 1 mile north of Brinkhaven, thence north along the Pennsylvania Railroad to Greersville (Hdlam station), thence west along highways to Wesley Chapel. Here the line TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 347 branches, south along highways via Danville and Este to position at Fallsburg, and north along highways via Loudonville to adjusted position at Hayesville. The second line begins at Kidron Primary Traverse Station No. 38, 1906, and runs west along highways to copper bolt in abutment of Pitts- burg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railway bridge No. 121, near Millbrook, where it turns south via Paint Valley and Welcome to position at Kill- buck, thence east along highways via Charm post-office to Primary Trav- erse Station No. 40, 1906, thenee south to Baltic, and continues south along Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad to West Lafayette, where it is tied to Primary Traverse Station No. 58, 1905. BRINKHAVEN. QUADRANGLE, Geographic positions along the Cleveland, Akron and Columbus Railroad from Tunnel Hill northward. Station. Latitude. - Longitude. Tunnel Hill, center of T. road south 1 mile east of, 10 feet south to center of triangle, 40 feet south- west to Maple <2 s,0¢saaw peed ae saree seaaee es .| 40 15 19.6 82 02 02.6 Tunnel Hill, road crossing 1 mile northof.......... 40 16 12.0 82 02 09.0 Tunnel, north end Of... 2.1.2... 000s cece eee eens 40 16 34.1 82 01 53.7 Warsaw, road crossing 2.6 miles south of, 40 feet east TOD POndWESE: cis cide gc giek oo GH elglkd ga wate aaa oes 40 17 23.7 82 00 47.2 Warsaw, road crossing at siding 1.6 miles south of, 200 feet west to covered highway bridge.......... 40 18 17.2 82 00 35.3 Warsaw Junction station, crossing of T. W. V. & O. and Cleveland, Akron and Columbus Railroad, 100 fE6tCaSHOP cases case tek akan Hewes eae se dana ee 40 19 43.8 82 00 27.6 Baddow Pass, center of highway bridge over Cleve- land, Akron and Columbus Railroad at north end Of SUMMIE CUE. 2cscicc eae eee GRE Sea eee Res we 40 29 32.7 82 08 39.5 Geographic positions along highways. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Crossroads near top of hill, 30 feet southwest to corner fence post, 25 feet southeast to corner of fence .... Brinkhaven, center of triangle at forks 1 mile north of . bop Ss Now oo or oat) ay ~% 00 to & HO aS wh oa wn 348 PROGRESS REPORT Geographic positions along Pennsylvania Railroad near Mohican River. Station. Latitude. Longitude. ° t “ ° , a Mohican River bridge, center pier of .......... ....| 4029 48.4 | 82 11 22.2 Geographie positions along highways near west border of quadrangle. Station. Latitude. e Longitude. Danville, center of T 10ad east 1.75 miles southeast} ° / ” an ae of, £00 feet north to forks to northwest, 5 feet east to center of triangle, 40 feet northeast to mail box.| 40 26 02.1 82 14 39.9 T road west, 15 feet. south to culvert, 30 feet north- west to stump corner post to wire fence .......... 40 25 19.7 82 14 42.2 Danville, crossroads 3 miles south of, 30 feet south- east to oak, 50 feet northeast to corner picket fence.}| 40 24 37.8 82 14 44.0 T.7N., R. 10 W., stone corner secs. 17. 18, 23 and 24, north edge of T road to west 500 feet south of red bari cae penis eee avec ia gs whe curiae cae 1.) 40 23 59.2 82 14 45.5 Two-story white house, center of, T road to north 700 feet: WEStOF oa e kei ea eee ewe hee a RR EEA E 40 23 09.9 82 14 17.5 Zuck, center of triangle at 3 corners at north end of bridge over Kokosing River 0.25 mile east of...... 40 22 45.4 82 14 13.7 Brush Run, school house, 4 corners 150 feet north- east of, 10 feet northwest to center of plank bridge, 150 feet north to center Brush Run bridge........ 40 22 05.4 82 14 34.3 Brush Run school house, at northeast corner; 150 feet northeast to 4 corners; iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 19, 1907, Ohio”...... 0. eee eee 40 22 04.2 82 14 35.5 Brush Run school house, center of triangle at forks 1 mile south of, roads to west and southeast........ 40 21 22.2 82 14 35.6 Esto, 1 mile west of, stone on north edge of east and west at, T road north 2... c20c6. cc10bhagwa eens 6: 40 20 00.8 82 14 47.5 Esto, T road south, 25 feet southwest to front yard gate, 45 feet northwest to store door ............ 40 20 03.2 82 13 48.1 Ts. 5 and 6 N., R. 10 W., stone corner to secs. 2, 3, 22 and 23, Butler-Jackson Township line.......... 40 18 43.2 82 18 51.1 Ts. 5 and 6 N. R. 10 W., corner secs. 2, 3, 22 and 23, center of triangle at forks 0.3 mile south of, 900 feet west to Dennis Chapel, 30 feet northeast to lOeCUSE TOO? cas tears ate cette gone tesa e ea eile + 40 18 25.4 82 13 53.0 Dennis Chapel, T road northeast 0.75 mile’ south- west of, 30 feet east to center of triangle, 30 feet north to telephone pole................00200 00+ 40 17 55.4 82 14 17.8 Top of hill, crossroads near, 40 feet northeast to maple tree, 40 fect northwest to wild cherry tree...| 40 17 13.8 82 14 34.0 Dennis Chapel, T road north 2.5 miles south and 0.5 MME WESHOL 5 wg egccae ce ae Se ey he ES ae Oe 40 16 21.0 82 14.34.9 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 349 Geographic positions along highways near west border of quadrangle--Concluded.. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Mt. Zion Church, guidepost at 5 corners, 250 feet] ° / ” Sr tole northwest of, guidepost is marked ‘Fallsburg 3 ' 3-4 mi., New Castle 8 mi., Bladensburg 3 mi.”...... 40 15 17.1 82 14 53.1 Declination, east border of quadrangle 2° 12’ west; west border, 2° 51’ west; north border, 2° 09’ west. FRAZEYSBURG QUADRANGLE, Geographic positions along highways near Fallsburg. Station. Latitude. Longitude. ° + uw ° , uw Second class T road east, 10 feet east to oak: 15 feet southeast,;to.oak: 229 ees ehasg Bieas dec oes ees HAs 40 14 08.3 82 14 01.6 Fallsburg, Charles Smith’s mail box in triangle at forks 150 feet east of covered bridge over Wakotomeka Creek about 1.5 miles north of.................. 40 13 18.9 82 14 16.2 Mat Frost’s mail box ............. 000 cece eee ees 4{) 12 S14 82 15 26.8 PLIMPTON QUADRANGLE. Geographic positions along highways near west border of quadrangle. Station. Latitude. Longitude. South Loudonville station, cross streets just west of Main street crossing T. W. V. & O. R. R., 35 feet southwest to telephone pole, 35 feet northwest to ME PIE CREO! 5-5 oad qe nich dae cali hs nA ded baie eae Loudonville, near center of southeast quarter of city park, 115 feet east of center of Market Street, and 150 ‘eet south of center oj Main Street, northwest corner of Firsi Presbyerian Church bears S. 213° East, distant 188.6 feet; northeast corner of First Baptist church bears S. 68 1-1° West, distant 103.3 fect; iron post stamped ‘‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 20, 1907, Ohio . Loudonville, cross streets at water trough in north edge of, 40 feet southwest to water trough, 30 feet northeast to maple ............. 2 ce eee eee ee 40 38 08.7 40 38 06.4 40 38 25.7 82 14 26.7 82 13 59.2 82 13 50.2 350 PROGRESS REPORT Geographic positions along highways near west border of quadrangle—Concluded. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Loudonville, crossioads, 1 mile north of, 40 feet south- west to apple tree, 30 feet northeast to telephone POle se41 Ge sis ee a GeO e Ek Bed oes Se Leu teed ey ss Loudonville, guidepost in angle of forks 300 feet north of brick schoolhouse, 2 miles north of, guidepost marked ‘Hayesville 8 mi., Loudonville 2 mi Perryville 5 mi., McKay 3 mi” ............---+5. Loudonville, guidepost in triangle at 4 corners, 3 miles north of, guidepost marked “Hayesville 7 mi., Loudonville 3 mi., Mohican 4 mi., Tylertown 8 mi” McKay, center of triangle at T road east 0.6 miles SOULMNOE carnage mannose oan ean ns dears but Od Ts. £0 and 21 N., R. 16 W., corner secs. 14, 15, 17 aNd 1S wri caays Se wtahn oe amie kas doen ee SRS McKay, crossroads, 30 feet southwest to northwest corner of store, 12 feet northwest to southeast corner of scale house .......... 0.000 eevee eee ee McKay, 1 mile north of, stone in center of road, quarter Section COrmer..... 02... eee eee McKay, crossroads 1.25 miles north of, Ts. 20 and 21 .N., R. 16 W., corner sees., point is in center of quadrangle formed by 4 stones set about 5 feet POPU ie eice peas, Brck Hives:ilguby bse ausntan diene ldise okie nee S Deane wae a Hayesville, center of triangle at forks of road 2.5 miles southeast of, 30 feet northwest to guidepost, marked “Jeromes 5 mi., London 7 mi”........... Wesley Chapel. cente: of triangle at 4 corners 200 feet northeast-Of 224 cencs eas webes eA SaaS Wesley Chapel Cemetery, on west edge of Danville and Loudonville road at southeast corner of, 3.6 meles northeast to Greersville, 4 miles south to Danville; iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 18, 1907, Ohio”: 55595 ces ch earee med og he oN ete alii Ges 40 39 10. 40 40 04. 40 40 42. 40 41 48. 40 41 48. 40 42 22. 40 43 07. 40 43 32. 40 44 19. 40 30 11. 40 30 10. wo 82 13 39.3 82 14 14.5 82 14 34.2 oO nN ie > ro aD nN 82 14 27.0 82 14 27. nm 82 14 27.4 82 15 33.7 1930 82 15 34.3 TOPOGRAPIIIC SURVEY. 351 Geographic positions along Cleveland, Akron and Columbus Railroad, Killbuck to Glenmont. Station. Latitude. . Longitude. ° t ” ° t u” Killbuck. road crossing 1 mile west of, 250 feet east to milepost C. 76......... 0.06. c ccc ee eee 40 30 15.5 82 00 21.0 Killbuck, road crossing 1,5 miles west of station...... 40 30 33.2 82 O1 45.0 Milepost C. 73, road crossing 1,000 feet east of....... 40 30 28.0 82 03 17.9 Stone Works, second class road crossing at siding to..} 40 30 42.7 82 04 20.5 Glenmont station, in northeast corner of grass plot at northwest corner of, 40 feet north of center of main track; tron post stamped ‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 17, 1907; O10! s cssciecadas ek eae kes ee wee ER eee RES 40 31 02.4 82 05 26.5 Glenmont station, road crossing 1 mile west of, 200 feet. west to milepost C. 70 ..............0.... 02 eee 40 30 39.0 82 06 28.6 Steel trestle, center of track over road crossing rear COSHONGOL ehucakiise da idagad Snawecs ee Li abe ee 40 30 01.8 82 08 05.7 Geographic positions along Pennsylvania Railroad near Greersville. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Mohican River highway bridge, road crossing about 500 feet sOuth Of 0.65 ccc cece e eee eee terenresee 40 30 32.8 82 11 04.6 Edlom station, or Greersville post-office, Main street: crossing T. W. V. & O. R. R. 75 feet south of...... 40 31 21.2 82 11 59.9 Geographic positions along highways. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Center of triangle at T road south, 200 feet west of another T road tosouth ...........-0 0. sees eeee 40 30 58.4 82 12 20.4 Greersville post-office, 1.5 miles southwest of, tele- phone pole and T. E. Greer’s mail box in center of triangle at T road west ....---.-.-- essere eee eee 40 30 43.2 T road north, center of triangle ...-......-....... 40 30 29.9 T road southeast 5 feet southeast to center of tri- angle, 40 feet south to guideboard marked “Millers- burg 14 mi., Holmesvilie 7 mi., Wooster 7 mi’”’.....| 40 42 45.8 82 00 28.4 Shreve, crossroads 1 mile north of, 20 feet northwest to large maple, 30 feet southeast to dead mulberry..| 40 41 50.8 82 01 11.0 Shreve, Market Street crossing Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago R. R., 100 feet east of............... 40 40 57.9 82 01 21.6 Shreve, T road south, center of triangle 1 mile south of, Wayne-Holmes County line .............50., 40 40 05.3 82 01 19.9 CO CO Ww me oo bo or or Or mh PROGRESS REPORT Geographic positions along highways—Concluded. — Station. Latitude. Longitude. Shreve, center of triangle at forks of road 2 miles south of, 35 feet south to guidepost ‘‘ Holmesville 6 mi., Shreve 2 mi., Welcome 9 mi”.............. Shreve, crossroads 3 miles south of, 25 feet southwest to guideboard, ‘Holmes 6 mi., Big Prairie 5 mi., Welcome 8 mi., Shreve 3.5 mi.’”’, 25 feet northwest to corner of wire fence ............ 00 eee eee eens Shreve, near guidepost at junction of the Holmesville- Loudonville road with road south to Killbuck 4 miles south of, 6 miles west of Holmesville and 5 miles east of Danville; iron post stamped ‘Prim. Trav. Sta. N0..23, 1907, Ohi0? i. sacs ee eae ees Sa Bee ee ons Center of triangle at T. road south ,30 feet southeast to: Prim. Trav. Sta. .N0,.23...4000csas eda teens Hopewell Church, crossroads, 25 feet northeast to southwest corner of cemetery fence, 30 feet south- east to northwest corner of buggy shed, 80 feet northwest to southeast corner of church.......... Tron bridge over Paint Creek, center of triangle at 3 corners, 450 feet north of, 30 feet northeast to guideboard ‘Millersburg 6 mi., Paint Valley 1.5 mi., Holmesville 7 mi., Shreve 7 mi., Nashville 6 nih, Wel@omeé: 3° mis..; c2.csc0¢0e2004 2k Ode nase Welcome, east end of watering trough at crossroads 2 miles north of, 50 feet southwest to guideboard “Welcome 2 miles, Paint Valley 1.5 miles, Millers- burg 6 miles, Nashville 5 miles,” 25 feet east to hickORy (EE. 2. ess eee eet teehee as HAR EE EOE Center of triangle at T road north, 40 feet west to guideboard ‘Welcome 1 mile, Millersburg 6 miles, Paint Valley 2 miles, Shreve 9 miles,” 40 feet east to HICKORY pau ecwiire tin cesta ee Bee Sere es CSS Welcome, Anderson's store, crossroads 130 feet west of, 40 feet southeast to bridge over Hog Run, 40 feet southwest to guidepost “Killbuck 4 miles, Nashville 5 miles, Glenmont 5 miles, Millersburg GTS he eo da Sa RR RS TARE ee ewes - Welcome, oak tree in center of triangle at forks of road 1 mile southeast of 40 39 16.1 40 38 19.6 40 37 26.5 40 37 26.7 40 36 20.7 40 35 40 34 36. to 40 33 = 40 32 47.4 40 32 00.1 Dn ro 01 01 0l 01 2 01 01 01 00 01 00 03.3 15.8 28.8 28.0 28.8 17.6 17.4 56.4 21.1 49 .5 Declination, east border of quadrangle, 1° 55’ west. Declination, west border of quadrangle, 2° 12’ west. Declination, south border of quadrangle, 2° 09’ west. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 353 PERRYVILLE QUADRANGLE. Geographic positions along highways near east border of quadrangle. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Wesley Chapel, T road west 1 mile north of, 5 feet] ° ’ 7” a west to center of triangle, 15 feet southeast to Ina ple ULES ois ore eae ath enter Ewes Be Soest Pachded kod 40 31 03.9 82 15 48.9 Wesley Chapel, crossroads 2 miles north of, 40 feet southwest to 3 mail boxes ..............0..0000. 40 32 00.7 82 15 31.2 Knox-Ashland County line, crossroads 1 mile south of, 15 feet north to cherry tree, 35 feet west to center of triangle, 40 feet east to two mail boxes in PEIAM IE ony Soe Sete NOW nik baw Macnee dape RE tomers Rucace 40 33 02.0 82 15 34.5 Center of road at Knox-Ashland County line........ 40 33 48.9 82 15 40.0 Junction of Danville-Loudonville road and State road, center of triangle, 30 feet southwest to guidepost ‘Loudonville 5 miles, Danville 9 miles, Mt. Vernon 17 miles,” 30 feet horth to telephone pole......... 40 34 15.9 82 15 47.3 T. road east, 25 feet north to telegraph pole, No. 328, 45 feet south to peach tree on bank.............. 40 34 49.3 82 15 47.7 Loudonville, center of triangle at forks, 3 miles south and 1.5 miles west of, 180 feet southwest to bridge over Pine Run, 35 feet southwest to guidepost “Mt. Vernon 19 miles, Loudonville 3 miles,” 25 feet north to telephone pole..................... 40 35 42.8 82 16 00.1 Loudonville, crossroads at south end of covered bridge over Clear Fork 2 miles south of, 60 feet north to south end of bridge ......................000.. 40 36 23.3 82 15 36.4 Loudonville, T road west 1.5 miles southwest of, 40 ; feet southwest of telephone pole No. 3163, 35 feet northwest to corner picket fence................ 40 37 07.6 82 15 04.3 North and south section line, second class road to south at bend of road to north, 12 feet east to telegraph pole painted No. 1242................. 40 44 59.1 82 15 35.8 Hayesville, primary traverse station tablet stamped UL QA4 CLOVE scene Heys HAN SERA abe So HL BR 40 46 21.8 82 15 43.3 Hayesville, 4 corners 1.25 miles south of, 25 feet southeast to board painted vertically 1,2,3,4 and 8] 40 45 17.: Hayesville, center of fountain at intersection of Main and South Locust and North Mechanics Sts ....... 40 46 22.2 82 15 43.7 to Co lo e cr w on aI Declination, east border of quadrangle, 2° 12’ west. 23—T. 8. si 354 : PROGRESS REPORT MILLERSBURG QUADRANGLE. Geographic positions along highways near north border of quadrangle. Station. Latitude. Longitude. T. 16 N., R. 11 W., corner secs 25, 30, 31 and 36..... Kidron, crossroads 1.5 miles west of, 25 feet south- west to guide board ‘Orville 7 miles , Mt. Hope 7 miles, Apple Creek 3.5 miles, West Lebanon 7 miles,” 25 feet southeast to 2 mailboxes ................ T. 16 N., R. 12 W., corner secs. 25, 26, 35 and 36, crossroads at cheese factory 2 miles west of Kidron . Apple Creek, center of crossroads 1.25 miles southeast of, 40 feet southwest to guidepost “ Fredericksburg 6.25 miles, Orville 8 miles, West Lebanon 10.75 miles, Apple Creek 1.25 miles,” 50 feet northeast TO: OBIE cite 2c y en eS a dseth Bate San Rase lane aunlemseiRemaie @esiaes Apple Creek, T road south 1 mile southeast of, guide- post ‘‘Apple Creek 1 mile, West Lebanon 11 miles, Mt;:Eaton:8 miles” «: 23 ee: ¢eeve. See 44 nee HESS Apple Creek station, State road crossing Cleveland, Akron, Columbus R. R., 300 feet west of........ ate Center of triangle at forks of road at northwest edge of Apple Creek roads, 35 feet northwest to guide- post ‘Moreland 8 miles, Fredericksburg 5 miles, Wooster 5.5 miles, Apple Creek 0.5 miles.”........ T road south, 10 feet south to plank bridge, 25 feet southwest to guidepost ‘Fredericksburg 4 miles, Moreland 7 miles, Apple Creek 1 mile”............ T. 16 N., R. 12 W., corner secs. 25, 26, 30 and 31...... Apple Creek, Ts. 15 and 16 N., Rs. 12 and 13 W., corner secs. 25, 30, 31 and 36, in northeast corner of sec. 36 at crossroads 3 miles west of Apple Creek; tron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 21, 1907, Ohi0’” acs sos cigs ce Mere pa gees ka Ea OH Apple Creek, T road east on north and south line between secs. 35 and 36 about 4 miles west of, 25 feet northeast to guidepost “Apple Creek 3 miles, Wooster Road 2 miles, Moreland 4.5 miles,” 5 feet east to center of triangle ..:..........0 eee eee eee Church, crossroads, 30 feet southwest to northeast] . corner of church, 22 feet east to guideboard ‘‘ Woos- ter 5 miles, Fredericksburg 4 miles, Apple Creek 3.5 miles, Moreland 4 miles” ............++++-5- T. 15 N., R. 13 W., quarter corner between secs. 34 and 35 (stone corner), 25 feet south to center of; T road South; s.5.c.c.0ho eeaiae et HO Eee BP eaes es Millbrook, crossroads 1 mile east of, T. 15 N., R. 18 W., center of section 33, 20 feet southwest to large oak, 30 feet north to telephone pole.............- ° , ” 40 44 28.4 40 44 28.5 40 44 28.0 40 44 27.6 40 44 27.3 40 44 56.0 40 45 19.9 40 44 43.7 40 44 30.6 40 44 29.8 40 44 12.7 40 44 00.3 40 43 46.7 40 44 00.9 ° , u” 81 45 57.2 81 46 32.4 81 47 07.5 81 48 59.5 81 49 28.5 81 50 09.7 81 51 04.0 81 51 50.0 81 52 38.2 81 52 38.4 81 53 47.0 81 53 56.1 81 54 56.6 81 56 40.1 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 355 Geographic positions along highways near north border of quadrangle—Concluded. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Millbrook village, 1 mile northeast of, 5 miles southwest of Wooster, at T road east, on west side of Wooster and Shreve road at.northeast corner of Chas. Parts field; iron post stamped ‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 22, F907 OHIO” 3.03 asie-enss deewisnes Meee sed mean gan Be Millbrook village, east edge of Main road at T road northwest 0.5 mile southeast of, 35 feet north to corner of fence, 50 feet southwest to guideboard “Blockley 5 miles, Moreland 3 miles, Wooster 6 miles, Shreve 3 miles’ 100 feet southwest to T POAC CASE. ds eiccdeas ced nek ata adr am ak RE 40 43 59.6 40 43 19.5 81 59 33.0 81 59 56.9 Geographic positions along highways near south border of quadrangle. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Killbuck, 1 mile north and 0.5 mile west of, center of triangle at crossroads, 40 feet north to Smith’s mail box. 50 feet east to pump.................. Killbuck, 0.25 mile northwest of, center of triangle at POTKS OL TOs. 2x 0int chee Rh aed etwas Bede eae Millersburg, 4 miles south of, center of triangle at T road east, 35 feet northeast to corner of picket fence; 45 feet southeast to telephone pole ........ Center of triangle at forks of road to southwest and west, 25 feet north to cherry tree, 35 feet south to telephone pole, 40 feet east to walnut tree........ Old Grade post-office, center of triangle at T road east, 40 feet southeast to corner of yard fence, 15 feet west to center of north and south road........ Old Grade post-office, crossroads 1 mile east of, roads to east, west and south, second class road to north, 25 feet southeast to picket fence, 60 feet west to LOPKS ue vGdr ean ias Hite pRETA Ree Rw a Saltillo, forks of road to southwest and west, 0.75 mile southwest of, 40 feet southwest to mailbox, 15 feet northwest to wire fence................0055 Saltillo, outside of fence corner in angle of forks of road at blacksmith shop, roads east and southeast; tron post stamped ‘‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 24, 1907, Ohio’. Saltillo, center of triangle at forks.................. Saltillo, 4 corners at White Schoolhouse 1 mile south- east of, public road northeast, second class road southwest, 50 feet northeast to southwest corner of - Schoolhouse, 50 feet south to elm................ 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 31 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 30 01.5 29.3 40.1 15.2 15.2 46 .3 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 8I 81 81 59 59 55 53 51 50 50 50 a” 42. 27. 39. 53. 53. Ihe ’ 356 PROGRESS REPORT Geographic positions along highways near south border of quadrangle—Concluded. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Saltillo, 1.5 miles southeast of, center of triangle at) ° ' ” Ces He eae T road west, 30 feet northwest to farmgate........ 40 30 33-4 81 49 30.9 Trayers Wool Factory, center of iron bridge over Dowdys Work. sos seseeavdes ees oh veer a enreeeges 40 30 09.7 81 48 21.9 Trayers Wool Factory, 0.5 mile northeast of, center of triangle at T. road west, 25 feet north to corner fence post, 30 feet southeast to forked hickory..... 40 30 19.5 81 48 04.2 Charm, T road east, 30 feet west to office door, 25 feet northeast to telephone pole................. 40 30 24.0 81 47 08.3 Charm, 1 mile east of, center of triangle at T road north, 170 feet west of T road south............. 40 30 22.7 81 46 13.7 Killbuck station, 450 feet west of, in north end of east abutment to Cleveland, Akron and Columbus R. R. bridge across Killbuck Creek, aluminum tablet stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 16, 1907,".............0... 40 30 11.8 81 58 59.1 Declination, north border of quadrangle, 2° 14’ west. Declination, west border of quadrangle, 1° 55’ west. Declination, south border of quadrangle, 2° 37’ west. COSHOCTON QUADRANGLE. Geographic positions along the Cleveland, Akron and Columbus Railroad, Warsaw to Killbuck. Station. Latitude. Longitude. ° t u” ° t ” Warsaw, road crossing | mile northeast of.......... 40 20 07.3 81 59 21.6 Warsaw, road crossing 1.33 miles northeast of ....... 40 20 11.5 81 58 12.7 Warsaw, road crossing 1.75 miles northeast of....... 40 20 30.9 81 57 37.4 Killbuck creek, center of iron bridge over........... 40 21 19.8 81 57 38.6 Metham station, north end of road crossing 500 feet NOTCH WESHOL sade es eda tae sae paged Adenia le eA ee 40 22 05.9 81 59 05.6 Metham station, 1.25 miles northeast of, center iron i bridge over Killbuck creek..............000000 65 40 23 00.3 81 58 10.7 Blissfield station, road crossing main track 150 feet WIESE IOL, naistuicesscinSi nde shalahee a ptet ccs sae d oun mutants ate tans 40 24 01.2 81 58 11.2 Blissfield station, in northwest corner of Dr. C. W. Lepley’s front yard 25 feet south of, road crossing, 150 feet southwest of, 12 feet southeast to northwest corner of Dr, Lepley’s office; iron post stamped “Prim. $ Trav. Sta. No. 15, 1907," 2.0... cee ee eee 40 24 01.1 81 58 10.9 Helmick station, road crossing ...........-+++ +005. 81 56 42.9 40 23 59.0 POPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 357 Geographic positions alonz the Cleveland, Akron and Columbus Railroad, Warsaw to Killbuck—Coneluded. Station Latitude. Longitude. Layland Sand and Stone Company’s works, main| ° /' ” ie track opposite northeast corner ................. 40 25 25.1 81 57 40.2 Layland, road crossing just north of station......... 40 26 12.0 81.57 59.4 Layland station, center pier of iron railroad bridge over KiJlbuck Creek 1.25 miles north of........... 40 27 16.1 81 58 16.1 Killbuck, 1.66 miles south of, second class road cross- LINDE eey aca as ts cu Rc eee oe ere hanes Rl & aeaa 40 28 12.3 81 58 41.4 Killbuck, road crossing at south edge of ........... 40 29 37.0 81 58 59.3 Geographic positions along highways near north border of quadrangle. Station. | Latitude. Longitude. ° t “ ° t u“ Killbuck, center of triangle at T road west 0.75 mile southeast of, 20 feet south to large stone.......... 40 29 22.4 81 58 39.7 Killbuck, guidepost in triangle at T road south 1.25 mile east of, ‘‘Coshocton 21 miles”............... 40 29 25.3 81 57 59.6 T.9N., R. 13 W., corner secs. 7,8, 13 and 14........ 40 29 39.6 81 56 59.3 E. C. Sheplers residence, T road west opposite, 15 feet east to front gate, 30 feet north to telegraph POLE pacic pci ae es gene ala aa clalesa ain aaisald al 40 29 26.0 81 55 41.5 Declination, east border of quadrangle, 2° 18’ west. Declination, west border of quadrangle, 2° 12’ west. Declination, north border of quadrangle, 2° 37’ west. NEW COMERSTOWN QUADRANGLE. Geographic positions along highways near west border of quadrangle. Station. - Latitude. Longitude. T. 8 N., R. 5 W., quarter corner between secs. 9 and 12, T road east 0.5 mile west of Farmerstown ...... 40 29 21.6 81 44 12.9 Farmerstown, telephone pole in center of triangle of crossroads, 50 feet east to top of hill ............ 40 29 14.1 81 43 42.6 Farmerstown, 1.5 miles south of, 4 corners, 20 feet southwest to guideboard ‘‘New Bedford 2.5 miles, Baltic 3 miles, Sugar Creek 5 miles,” 20 feet south- east to west end of stone at north end of culvert....| 40 27 58.8 81 48 40.9 358 : PROGRESS REPORT Geographic positions along highways near’ Baltic. | Station. : Latitude. - Longitude. ° t ” ° , y T.8N., R. 5 W., corner secs. 19, 20, 21 and 22, (stone COMMER) genes ashaeas doe Sactldehandtannesys RE oe ak eee 40 27 35.6 81 43 41.7 Holmes-Coshocton County line, corner secs ......... 40 26 42.4 81 43 43.7 Holmes-Coshocton County line at bend of road to east 1 mile west of Baltic.................000005 40 26 41.1 81 42 4 Baltic, intersection of Main and Maple streets....... 40 26 26.3 81 42 18.1 Baltic, at southwest corner of Baltic Hotel at northeast corner of Main and Maple Streets, iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 25, 1907, Ohio” ............ 40 26 26.5 81 42 16.9 Geographic positions along Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad, Baltic to West Lafayette | | Station. Latitude. Longitude. ° t “a ° t a Baltic, 1.5 miles south of, road crossing, 100 feet ; northeast of milepost Z 46 .........6 00. c eee eee 40 25 34.2 81 43 13.5 Baltic, 2.5 miles southwest of, road crossing, 540 feet south of milepost C 99..........0.0. cece eee eee 40 24 37.6 81 43 13.3 Chili station, 1 mile northeast of, center of trestle over road trossing, 350 feet south of milepost Z43,C101.} 40 22 59.2 81 43 05.5 Chili station, road crossing 150 feet south of......... 40 £2 08.0 81 43 39.2 Chili station, in northwest corner of crossroads 100 feet south and 23 feet east of W.&.L. E.R. R.; tron post). stamped ‘‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 26, 1907, Ohio” ....| 40 32 08.3 81 43 38.9 Chili station, road crossing 1 mile south of.......... 40 21 19.2 81 44 05.5 Fresno, 1.1 miles north of, road crossing, 260 feet south of milepost Z 40,C 104..............00.055 40 20 39.2 81 44 04.2 Fresno, at southeast corner of public school grounds, northeast corner foundation of school building bears N. 49 1-4° west, distant 189.2 feet; top of ornamental ball on northwest corner of bridge over White Eyes Creek bears S. 48 6° east, distant 55.2 feet; iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 27, 1907, Ohio”..... 40 20 00.2 81 44 33.7 Fresno, road crossing 1 mile south of............... 40 19 11.6 81 44 38.7 Fresno, road crossing 2 miles south of.............. 40 18 16.9 81 44 50.8 West Lafayette, Fresno and West Lafayette road crossing Wheeling and Lake Erie railroad 1.5 miles North OF wsadever Hg sewwaggir wise cuewieane as eae gs 40 17 51.9 81 44 53.2 West Lafayette station, Kirk Street crossing Pennsyl- vania railroad 100 feet east Of .... 6... ee eee 40 16 36.5 81 45 04.2 West Lafayette, “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 58,1905" ...| 40 16 33.3 81 44 50.2 Declination, west border of quadrangle, 2° 18’ west. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. : 359 MT. VERNON QUADRANGLE. Geographic positions along highways. Station. b Latitude. Longitude. | White schoolhouse, T road west just north of, 20 feet] ° '’ ” OME ih southwest to center of triangle, 10 feet east to telephone poles sis caycicaves see eed woe tad eunes x 40 29 18.8 82 15 47.4 Center of triangle at forks, 20 feet west to telegraph pole, 30 feet north to telephone pole.............. 40 28 22.9 82 16 24.2 Danville, center of main east and west and north and south streets, 70 feet southeast to corner of brick : store, 75 feet southwest to corner of frame store...}| 40 27 05.1 82 15 37.8 Danville station, Main street crossing of Cleveland, Akron and Columbus railroad .................. 40 26 42.4 82 15 39.2 Declination, east border of quadrangle, 2° 51’ west. PRIMARY TRAVERSE. ATHENS, HOCKING, MORGAN, NOBLE, PERRY AND WASHINGTON COUNTIES. (New Lexington, Caldwell and MeConnelsville Quadrangles. ) The following geographic positions on U. 8. Standard datum were determined from primary traverse by C. B. Kendall, assistant topog- rapher, in July and August of 1907. The line begins with adjusted position of New Lexington, C. & M. V. R. R. station, and follows high- ways south to Brooks triangulation station. Thence beginning at a point about 1 mile south of New Straitsville the line follows highways east via Murray, Bishopville, Stockport, and Beverly to Lowell; thence north to Keith P. O., where it turns west along highways via McConnelsville and Portersville to adjusted position at MeCuneville. NEW LEXINGTON QUADRANGLE. Geographic positions along highways, New Lexington south. Station. Latitude. Longitude. New Lexington station, center of main track Cincin- nati and Muskingum Valley Railroad, opposite ....| 39 43 08.7 82 13 00.0 New Lexington, Perry County court-house, in east face at southeast corner, aluminum tablet stamped ‘‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 1, 1907, Ohio”................... 39 42 50.3 82 12 29.4 360 PROGRESS REPORT- Geographic positions along highways, New Lexington south—Continued. Station. Latitude. Longitude. New Lexington court house, 0.7 mile south of; T. 15 N., R. 15 W., section corner under corner of out- house 150 feet east of public road................ New Lexington court house, 2.2 miles south of; forks road south and southeast, center of triangle...... Bristol, about 1.25 miles north of; T. 15 N., R. 15 W., quarter-section corner stone, no numbers ......... Bristol, at east edge of; public T road to north, cen- terol triangle: osse pep gincin dea desc mnt caden nase Bristol, at west edge of; four corners at store and schoolhouse, 80 feet southwest to northeast corner Of BCHOOIMOUSE: 55 iis ce decane ey eho ead Bose we Bristol, 1 mile south of; forks public road east and southwest, center of triangle .........---....---, Bristol, 1.5 miles south of; second class T road to east, T. 15 N., R. 15 W., east and west section line Pike and Salt Lick townships, east and west line be- tween, center of main 110 feet north of second CASS TOA AO WEST, acc cad id ges he aus aS eee McCuneville, 0.75 mile north of; road crossing Balti- more and Ohio spur track to Job’s mines......... McCuneville, at northeast edge of; road crossing Bal- timore and Ohio spur track to Job’s mines....... AcCuneville, at northwest edge of; public schoolhouse, set 2 feet in front of east end, iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 2, 1907, Ohio”............ McCuneville, 1 mile southeast of; road crossing Balti- more and Ohio Railroad, center of track......... Shawnee, Shawnee-Straitsville road crossing the Zanesville and Western Railroad, between freight and passenger stations, center of main track...... T. 14.N., R. 15 W. stone section corner, 0.5 mile ' southwest of Shawnee, near private coal mine, on hill about 300 feet northeast of................. T.14N., R. 15E., 0.7 mile southeast of Shawnee, four corners on east and west section line............ New Straitsville, 0.75 mile northeast of; T. 14 N., R. 15 W., stone section corner, on hill 450 feet west of road and in line between Salt Lick and Straitsville RO WNSWIDS s gs kee aus. ahd yee ia OG eR Se a Soe Bw A AS New Straitsville, opposite Columbus and Hocking Coal and Iron Co.’s office, junction of Main and Glare StréétS cow sc adiena dict nes son owed ae dae Bes New Straitsville, at southeast edge of; forks of public road south and southeast, 140 feet south to mine motor road crossing, 40 feet southeast to signboard, “Colgate 2 mi., Murry City 5 mi., Crawford school- NhOwse L2G Maly. a ee aisch a weds dans Sak ROTI SER BS © He's 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 41 40 40 40 39 39 38 38 37 37 36 36 35 35 35 34 34 55. 58 . 07. 08. 30. 49. 17. 43. 48. 09. 59. 44. 40. 20. i) to 82 s 13 57. 13 48. 13 30.: 14 00. 13 18°. 13 30. 14 22. Ww to to TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 361 Geographic positions along highways, New Lexington south—Concluded. Station. Latitude. Longitude. New Straitsville, 1.5 miles southeast of; forks of pub- lic roads south and southeast, signpost.......... Ts. 13 and 14 N., R. 15 W., corner secs. 5, 6, 31 and 32, 1.75 miles southeast of New Straitsville, 120 feet east of center of road and on Perry and Hocking county line, in small field, tile at corner of sections Perry-Hocking county line, 0.75 mile south of; forks of public roads south and southeast, center of tri- angle 26.6.5. ee ee ee sy HGR Da ad atta cca heh Sandrun, 2.5 miles north of; four corners, public crossroads, 15 feet north to top of small hill, 60 feet west to chestnut oak ................0000-. Sandrun, 1.25 miles north of; T road to east, center of bridge on north and south road............... Sandrun, at north edge of; forks of roads north and northwest, center of triangle .................... Sandrun, public schoolhouse, at northwest corner, iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 3, 1907, Ohio’. . Carbonhill, at north edge of; forks of roads north and northwest, 10 feet east to corner of garden, 50 feet northwest to telephone pole .................... Carbonhill railroad station, £00 feet west of; road crossing Hocking Valley Railroad, center of track. . Carbonhill station, 0.75 mile south of; road crossing new railroad grade just south of schoolhouse, center Of traehs Sees tas Bee 5G 2 EE BA See ees Brooks triangulation station of U. S.C. & G. S., on a ' wooded ridge near northern line of Section 19, Ward ‘Township, 3 miles north of Nelsonville. Station mark: A marble post 29 by 6 by 6 inches set 22 inches in ground above a square earthenware pyramid 5 inches high. Top of postis marked“ U.S.C.&G.S.” 39 33 42. 39 33 35. 39 32 56. 39 32 49. 39 31 57. 39 31 10. 39 30 49. 39 30 16. 39 30 03. 39 29 28. 39 29 O1 lo to .86 82 13 22.9 82 13 27.7 wt 82.13 24.! 82.13 388.1 82 13 53.4 82 14 19.0 82 14 55.0 82 14 47.4 82 14 59.6 82 13 55.39 Geographic positions along highways, New Straitsville east. Station. Latitude. Longitude. fo} , uw” ° y " New Straitsville, 1.75 miles southeast of; Hocking and Perry county line crossing the New Straitsville- Murray ROBO: seus ung eee athe deo be awe dae 39 33 34.2 82 13 15.2 Coalgate, 0.5 mile north of; forks of road north and west, center of small bridge..................... 39 33 14.3 S212 Lal Coalgate, about 0.5 mile south of; second class road north up valley, center of small bridge...........] 89 32 42.0 82 11 30.6 Murray station, 0.5 mile north of; road crossing Hock- ing Valley Railroad, center of track ............. 39 31 15.8 82 10 01.9 362 PROGRESS REPORT Geographic positions along highways, New Straitsville east—Concluded. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Murray station, Hocking Valley Railroad, 30 feet) ° ’ ” Oo eae south of; center of track at street crossing........ 39 30 51.0 82 09 58.2 Murray, 0.75 mile northeast of; forks of road on ridge second-class T road to southwest, center of main ; TOA 28 eds oo cs coy Nie es BRE SR he oe BER eee 39 31 23.5 82 09 34.5 Murray, 1.5 miles northeast of; road to north on top of hill 300 feet southeast of dwelling, 110 feet north to bending oak, 20 feet east to top of hill, 15 feet South LO'SHUMP xs gaan ce cds Gah wae eos nee ) 39 31 51.0 |. 82 09 02.8. Dwelling on top of ridge, T road to south, 10 feet south to corner of picket fence, 25 feet northwest to southeast corner of dwelling..............+--- 39 32 04.2 82 07 53.4 James Brunten’s mail box in triangle at T. road to SOU: (ors ce edna teed amen ae BOD 4 ee aie grad lors 39 31 59.3 82 03 26.7 McLeish, road crossing the Zanesville and Western Railroad, center of main track...........-.2054- 39 32 09.1 82 06 07.4 McLeish, T road to east, 120 feet south of Sunday Creek, center of pike................ ange Pease 39 31 56.6 | 82 06 07.6 McLeish, 0.8 mile east of; T road north, center of AIANSIE.< Kehoe oe dnnsee Pete RA ie Awad e+ eges bate 39 32 05.8 82 05 15.6 T.11N., R. 14 W., north and south section line, center of Toad. at CLOSSING \se.c sy ccu vals series das ga et 39 32 04.5 82 05 11.5 Burroak, 1 mile south of; T road to west, center of tPSH EE: sia vie Vas ease ee Hy eae BO OSs BES ee eee 39 31 46.8 82 04 22.5 Burroak, 1.5 miles south of; road crossing the K. & M. R. B., 100 feet east of covered bridge over creek, center Of 4racli. ccs sccasgesannd otsaknr neat ..| 39 31 30.0 | 82 04 16.9 Bishopville, 0.6 mile northwest of; west entrance to tNNel 424 Glows se eee Sarees des uet mee Se 39 31 08.8 82 03 15.8 Bishopville, Main Street crossing the M. C. & C. R. R., center OF track: wccce kb tne eee toa eee hee 39 30 46.4 82 02 53.2 Bishopville, at southeast corner of Christian church and Masonic hall, iron post stamped ‘‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No.4; 1907, Ohio” oc 2c ceca navne cose eh tae eee 39 30 47.2 82 02 58.6 Bishopville, 0.8 mile east of; forks of road to east, pike to northeast, 30 feet east to locust tree, 40 feet WESE TO WAIN tii: cid do peices ease Se eg-ais CHES x 39 30 40:6 82 02 11.9 Bishopville, 1.25 miles northeast of; at five corners, walnut tree on west edge of pike...............- 39 30 57.8 82 01 37.1 Bishopville, 2.1 miles northeast of; T road to east, 25 feet north to oak, 35 feet southwest to locust tree, center of triangle............ 6... cee eee 39 31 26.4 82 O1 24.3 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 363 * Geographic positions along highways Portersville west to McCuneville. | Station. Latitude. Longitude. ° , n ° , ” Portersville, at east edge of, Morgan-Perry county line] 39 40 21.6 82 01 42.3 Portersville, at north edge of; T road to west, center triangle, 30 feet northwest to telephone pole,.25 feet east to telephone pole...................... 39 40 39.3 82 01 51.8 Portersville, 1 mile west of; T road to north, 30 feet northeast to small dwelling, 12 feet south to wire FEN CBE Ss eh accraa-d dns aon eaeary SroR Manama ACen 39 40 18.6 82°02 46.9 Sayre, 1.5 miles south of; T road to north, center of triangle, 20 feet northwest to sign ‘‘Sayre station 1.5 mi,” 20 feet northeast to sign ‘‘Moxahala 6 mi., PORGER WOM oe sicccs erases dbra thaw dae de Bao ie aetneaar ed 39 40 12.1 82 03 38.0 Portersville, 3.25 miles west of; T road northeast, 50 feet south to oak, 10 feet west to oak............ 39 39 54.2 82 04 45.4 to Road crossing the M. C. C. & C. Ry., center of track] 39 40 05.8 82 04 56. Oakfield, 1.5 miles northeast of; forks of roads south- west, east and north, center of triangle........... . 89 40 27.1 82 05 50.6 Oakfield, T road north, center of triangle, 10 feet north to telephone pole, 60 feet southwest to corner Ol welling sccis caves Aidan gy os bee ma BE Ale 39 39 33.7 82 06 57.1 Oakfield, at west edge of, at southwest corner of Oakfield brick schoolhouse, 200 feet northeast of three corners, tron post stamped ‘‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 14, 1907, OHIO? erwin e un gece ee Soh or oh ee wis wee SRS 39 39 31.8 82 07 14.1 Oakfield, 1 mile southwest of; 1 mile south of Moxa- hala, T road south. 30 feet northeast to, forked walnut, 40 feet southwest to small walnut tree, 15 feet west to T road north...................... 39 39 03.0 82 07 45.0 Moxahala, 2 miles southwest of; T road east, 5 feet : east to center of triangle, 20 feet southeast to corner Of LENCE vsioeae cee de cos ge pea see ex dae eee ey 39 38 35.8 82 08 51.8 T road east, center of triangle, 45 feet west to gate to front yard, 75 feet north to corner of barn..... 39 38 33.0 82 09 51.0 Job’s mines, 1.8 miles east of; T road east, center of : trian glesis. os iis acute pew ena POR aA ARE 39 38 19.1 82 10 43.8 Job’s mines, 1 mile east of; T road to north, 20 feet east to mailbox, 31 feet northwest to hickory tree.| 39 38 37.4 82 11 36.2 Job’s mines, forks of road 310 feet north of Company store, 10 feet west to buggy house, 100 feet north to front door of old dwelling in forks of road....} 39 38 22.8 82 12 40.9 McCuneville, northeast edge of road crossing B. & O. R. R. spur track to Job’s mines.................. 39 37 42.84 82 13 59.98 Declination west edge of sheet, 0° 34’ W.; center, 0° 56’ W.; south edge, 0° 38’ W. 364 PROGRESS REPOR CALDWELL QUADRANGLE. Geographic positions along highways, Roxbury Ferry east to Lowell. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Roxbury Ferry, 1 mile north of, 100 feet east of Ford Mill Creek, forks of roads southwest and northwest, CeNtersOf trian les ass aaiens tins oRveda neon egunien Roxbury Ferry, 1.5 miles northeast of; forks of road at top of hill, roads northwest and southwest, 100 feet northwest to large oak, £0 feet northeast to WalMutbin Gad cats oo doh be tse doe te ene es ee see hes oe Oe Swifter Ferry, 0.5 mile south of; T road up hill to west, west edge of north and south road.......... Swifter Ferry across Muskingum River, ferry bell at west landing: sip ngs a< aca queen aw cats tae Hoe eeaa dS Swifter station, 50 feet south of, center of main track Baltimore and Ohio at road crossing............. Maplegrove church, roads north and east, center of ARIAMIGNS so Pale AN Gon SASH SGipek Ne Ramen dds Mime aes Olive Chapel, crossroads, large oak in northeast corner of intersection ......... 00.0. c cece eens Olive Chapel, 1.25 miles east of, 4 corners crossroads, 45 feet south to bridge, 45 feet west to walnut...... Waterford, 0.5 mile northwest of; B. & O. R. R. 250 feet’ east of; T road to west, small maple tree in in center of triangle............. 0... c eee eee nes Waterford, intersection of Water and Ferry Streets, 40 feet southeast to northeast corner of C. E. Vaughn and Co.’s store, 55 feet southeast to northwest cor- ner of brick store, 90 feet north to south end of highway bridge over Muskingum River........... Beverly, intersection of Ferry and Fifth Streets...... Beverly, in top of west wall at north end of Government canal lock at foot of Fifth St., aluminum tablet stamped ‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 7, 1907, Ohio” ..... Beverly, 1.25 miles northeast of; T road to north, signpost painted Beverly 1 mile, Marietta 19 miles. Muskingum River, 0.25 mile south of; top of bare hill, the westermost of two lone trees................ Coalrun, 3 corners T street to north; 50 feet north- west to southeast corner of W. P. Steven’s store, 40 feet northeast to southwest corner of Ross store . Coalrun, 1 mile southeast of; 300 feet north of road. schoolhouse, cupola Of ......... 0.0. cece eee eee Center of covered bridge over Big Run, 120 feet west of; T road north, 10 feet south to high telegraph pole 15 feet north to center of triangle............ Big Run bridge, 1.5 miles southeast of; second class T road to north, red brick schoolhouse, center of MAM TOAC. shan she ise 54s ARGH Gale sued hy ea Toe ee 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 33 33 33 33 33 32 32 33 32 34 33 33 31 12. 34. 13. 05. 13. ol. 04. 52. 20. 19. 02. 32. 08. bo or mw nN me 8] 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 44 56.2 43 56.7 43 32.7 43 18.8 42 57.5 41 04.2 39 51.9 88 5: ee a 38 23.3 38 21.2 38 32.7 86 52.4 35 22.3 34 47.8 83 42. wo 33 21.9 32 20.6 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 365 Geographic positions along highways, Roxbury Ferry east to Lowell—Concluded. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Upper Lowell, west edge of; 3 corner Tstreeteast,cen-| ° ’ 7” Ore ee ter Of triangle: <.cis.c) pic ax soe decane vera weed es 39 31 53.4 81 31 18.5 Lowell dam, U. 8. Engineers, B. M., square cut in top of stone on north end of east abutment of dam across Muskingum river marked thus: U.S. B.OM. 608.16 39 31 49.5 81 30 54.2 Lowell, highway bridge over river, junction of streets at east end of; 15 feet south to elm, 40 feet northwest to corner of dwelling ....................00000. 39 31 38.8 81 30 24.7 Lowell, in top of east wall at north end of canal lock No, : 3, aluminum tablet stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 8, 1907, Ohio, Ele. 617" ...................0000. 39 31 35.4 81 30 18.0 Lowell, junction of Walnut and Canal streets, 25 feet west to high telephone pole, 30 feet southeast to corner of brick store .......... 0.00. eee eee eee 39 31 42.6 81 30 22.6 Geographic positions along highways Lowell north to Keith. | Station. Latitude. Longitude. Lowell, 0.5 mile north of; T’road west, 20 feet south-| ° '’ ” or east to watering trough, 60 feet west to center of bridge over Cras Creek...........0.... 0000 ee eee 39 32 12.2 81 30 50.4 Lowell, 2 miles north of; forks of road north and south- east, center of triangle .................0000000. 39 33 17.2 81 31 51.1 White schoolhouse, 1,500 feet north of; T road to west, 5 feet west to center of triangle 40 feet south to telephone pole ............ 0c cece cece eee es 89 34 23.4 81 31 58.2 Forks of second class road to southeast, 30 feet south to oak on bank, 30 feet north to oak on north edge * (Of TOBE ics concn nares PES Pa Red RSS Ae gas 89 35 03.1 81 31 36.7 Bridge over Big Run creek, 30 feet south of; 4 corners cross roads, 5 feet east to center of triangle........ 39 35 33.5 81 31 54.6 Big Run creek, 1.4 miles north of; Hackberry tree in LOPS 2,2 icp cays, taste Genlai gee amend sates wes OR Ge ea ay 39 36 48.9 81 31 56.0 T.5N., R. 9 W., stone corner secs. 15, 16, 21 and 22..| 39 37 43.7 81 31 42.9 Jackson tower house, 0.25 mile north of; forks of roads north and northeast, center of triangle.......... 39 37 48.7 81 31 54.2 Keith’s fork of Olive Green creek, 1 mile southeast of; 4 corner crossroads, 10 feet south to center of triangle 30 feet southeast to center of bridge.............. 39 38 36.4 81 32 10.0 Keith, 1 mile east of; Keiths fork of Olive Green creek, 500 feet north of, T road west, 5 feet east to center of triangle, 20 feet southwest to cherry tree and sign ‘‘ Keith 1 mile, Lowell 9 miles, Caldwell 8 miles”| 39 39 15.9 81 32 33.9 366 PROGRESS REPORT Geographic positions along highways, Lowell north to Keith—Concluded. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Keith, 1 mile east of, bridge over Keiths fork of Olive) ° ' ” ova Green creck, 500 feet N. of; at junction with Lowell- Caldwell road, in face of brown stone ledge on north side of T road west, aluminum tablet stamped ‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 9, 1907, Ohio” ................... 39 39 16.1 81 32 34.1 Kxeith, 0.6 mile east of; T. 5 N., R. 9 W., secs. 8 and 9, north and south line between, north edge of road Bb CLOSSING sig sive sink ay da eu g Ribs eEaee RRR EEE 39 39 23.3 81 32 50.6 Keith, 500 feet east of store, T road north, 35 feet north to south end of covered bridge............ 39 39 26.0 81 33 37.1 Geographic positions along highways from Keith west. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Keith, 1.25 miles southwest of; T road north, center) ° ’ ” oot oe of triangle, 125 feet north to covered bridge over creek, 200 feet east to T road south, 120 feet west to Noble-Morgan county line.................-4. 39 38 46.2 81 35 09.3 Keith, about 1.25 miles southwest of; covered bridge - over stream 120 feet west of Noble-Morgan county line, center of road, house just north of road is said to be: about.0n line: ..ac. cecum oss theta eed eames as 39 38 46.6 81 35 10.7 Jordan schoolhouse, 0.5 mile south of; forks of roads/ west and south, 30 feet north to corner of fence, 40 feet west to mailbox, 50 feet east to creek...... 39 38 35.7 81 36 02.9 Olive Green Creek, covered bridge over, 130 feet west of; T road east, 25 feet west to elm tree, 30 feet NOrth tO StredM: secicnes cei dase weak ee a MA 39 38 45.3 81 36 27.2 Covered bridge over Olive Green creek, 0.5 mile north of: "T road to West: .2u0ses cae eye heer ee yas dees 4 39 39 07.7 81 36 19.5 Smith’s schoolhouse, cupOla............... 0 eee eee 39 39 29.6 81 37 08.5 Smith’s schoolhouse, 800 feet west of; forks of roads north and southwest, center of triangle.......... 39 39 28.5 81 37 18.3 Smith’s schoolhouse, 0.7 mile northwest of; forks of roads south and southeast, ford of stream........ 39 39 24.5 81 37 56.8 Reinersville, 2.25 miles south of; forks of roads north, east and west, 3 feet north to B. F. Welch’s mailbox IN! CHAN BIE: sic. oes satan gene goa be Swe A eulE ed & 39 39 31.6 81 38 48.3 T. 6 N., R. 10 W., section 4, stone section corner in field on north edge of east and west road 2.25 miles south of Reinersville, forks of road, 200 feet west of| 39 39 31.3 81 38 50.8 Reinersville, 2 miles south of; junction of Little Olive Green creck with Allen river, four corners crossroads large forked elm in triangle .......... 39 39 15.3 81 39 39.3 Crossroads church, 0.5 mile north of; T road east, mail box in triangle, 50 feet east to oak tree...... 39 40 23.3 81 41 18.5 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 367 Geographic positions along highways from Keith west—Concluded. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Reinersville, 3 miles south of; 450 feet south of Cross-| ° ' ” Se he roads Church, in southeast corner of front yard fence’ to residence of C. E. Drake at T road to north, iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 10, 1907, Ohio’) 39 39 52.6 81 41 28.3 Ts. 6, 7, 10 and 11 N.; Rs. 10, 11, W., stone corner Sécs)..116, Sluand 86), .gsccceas cee ceases bat aees ns 39 40 03.8 81 41 58.6 Dyes Fork of Meigs creek, center of covered bridge OVE? sc hcisie nace vie aa shoe ge AROS Ee Be eee ee Ne 39 39 35.2 81 42 28.6 T. 10 N., R. 11 W., sees. 1 and 2, north and south line between, near Emory church................0-5. 39 39 32.9 81 43 22.7 Emory church, 300 feet southwest of; four corners, crossroads, center of triangle ................... 39 39 40.7 81 43 45.5 Meigs Creek, covered bridge over, crossroads, 50 feet west to end of bridge, 20 feet south to corner of fence... .. deine cctsidg sun oa win ed Wnt ee ey Ge Re 39 39 17.9 81 44 26.9 Meigs creek, 600 feet west of covered bridge; T. 10 N., R. 11 W., stone corner secs. 2, 3, 10 and 11, in triangle at second-class T road to north........ 39 39 18.6 81 44 35.8 Declination, center of quadrangle, 1° 53’ W. Declination, east side of quadrangle, 2° 12’ W. Declination, south side of quadrangle, 2° W. M’CONNELSVILLE QUADRANGLE, Geographic positions along highways, Bishopville east. Station. Latitude. Longitude. ° 2 ” Oo , ” Mountville, 0.8 mile southwest of, forks 180 feet east of bridge over creek, telephone pole in center of CIAN Peete stars. anesthe aaa oaaro ek Panag 2 every eae Ey 39 31 11.3 $1 59 55.3 Mountville, west edge of, T road to north of, center of triangle, 35 feet northwest to southeast corner of schoolhouse ...........0 00 cece cece eee eens _389 31 05.4 81 59 07.8 Mountville, 0.5 mile southeast of; four corners, cross- roads, 20 feet west to hickory, 80 feet northeast to corner of small dwelling....................00005 39 30 43.0 81 58 41.2 Moody schoolhouse No. 14, 150 feet north of, 400] feet west of covered bridge over Federal Creek, T road east, Charlie Preus’ mailbox............... 39 31 09.7 81 57 54.3 Elliott’s crossroads, four corners, 40 feet southwest to store door, 30 feet north to corner blacksmith Shop ........-....0. sapaleaied Sander thoi cabana ehh 39 31 50.5 81 56 34.7 368 PROGRESS REPORT Geographic positions along highways, Bishopville east—Concluded. Station. Elliott’s crossroads, 0.75 mile northeast of; three cor- ners roads north and east, 40 feet southeast to walnut tree, 20 feet northeast to corner of fence, 50 feet east to stream crossing............-..-- Elliott’s crossroads, 1.5 miles northeast of; forks of roads south and southwest, 25 feet southwest to telephone pole, 25 feet southeast to clump of four MUL berey (ECS seas keene erg Guy Addlaarset- dean Westland, 1.3 miles west of; forks at top of hill, roads south and northeast, 20 feet southeast to telephone pole, 50 feet southwest to northeast cOrmer Of Housed ss sessed dt oeecaas eees dee aoe aes Penn-Marion townships, center of road at east and west Jine between ............... cee e eee eee Westland, at northeast corner of Westland Grange Hall No, 121, iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 5, 1907, Ohio’......... 20... Reni ne cata eA hae ts Wolf Creek, east corner of south end of covered bridge over, at roads northeast, northwest and south.... Pennsville junction of Washington and Columbus streets, 40 feet west to corner of store, 50 feet north to corner of dwelling, 40 feet east to locust tree. . Pennsville, at east edge of, cupola of public school- HOUSE Zond die sorter cae Sek Eee | Eee tag ees Pennsville, 0.5 mile southeast of; section corner, T fence in field (no numbers)......-.. 005+ + essen eee Pennsville, 0.7 mile southeast of; T road to south, 60 feet southeast to telephone pole in triangle, 30 feet west to corner fencepost..........++++ seers Forks of road to northeast, center of pike, £0 feet northwest to mailbox, 30 feet east to corner post of wire fence.... 2.00.0. e cee tenets Stockport, 1.5 miles west of; 4 corners, crossroads, on top of ridge, 35 feet northeast to poplar tree, 90 feet south to corner of dwelling Stockport, at west edge of, junction of Main Street and Broadway, small pipe culvert Stockport, U. 8. Engineers B. M., square cut in south- east corner of capstone to draw bridge pier of high- way bridge over Muskingum river, marked thus: U.S., B.OM. 657.66 Stockport, 1.5 miles southeast of; second class T road northeast, 20 feet north to corner of house, 20 feet} northeast to corner of fence..........-++ 0. eee eee Roxbury ferry across Muskingum River, 450 fect north of north landing, in triangle at junction of North River Road and road south across river to Roxbury, iron post Latitude. 39 32 39 32 39 32 39 32 39 33 39 32 39 34 2 39 34 39 34 39 34 08 39 33 47 39 32 39 32 39 31 stamped ‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 6, 1907, Ohio”’...... 39 31 %y 52. 28. to 0 8 39 32 55.3 52.2 te | | | Longitude. 81 56 20.9 $1 55 26.3 81 54 51.2 81 54 45.8 81 53 47.9 81 52 23.7 81 51 16.6 81 51 04.9 81 50 49.6 81 50 49.8 81 49 49.0 81 49 11.4 81 47 58.9 81 47 13.4 81 46 20.4 81 45 04.2 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 369 Geographic positions along highways west to McConnelsville. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Schoolhouse, 600 feet east of, Troad tosouthneartop}| ° '’ ” a of hill, center of main road................0.000. 39 39 10.8 81 45 11.9 Schoolhouse, 0.5 mile west of; forks of public roads northwest and southwest, center of triangle, 20 feet west to corner fencepost, 20 feet north to corner fENCEPOSt: cx Adax moms vay ances Seeks db smelt 39 39 04.9 81 45 52.2 Bridge over Four Mile Run, 270 feet east of; T road to , south, 15 feet south to center of bridge............ 39 38 45.9 81 46 01.8 T. 10 N., R. 11 W., secs. 8 and 9, north and south line between at bend of road to northwest............ 39 38 49.6 81 46 59.8 AMcConnelsville, 3 miles east of; in angle ai.forks of road, 70 feet west of southwest corner of McKendree M. E. Church, on the center road, iron post stamped ‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. II, 1907, Ohio” ...............0.. 39 39 25.9 81 48 29.9 McKendree Church, 0.9 mile west of; T road north, 15 feet northeast to mailbox, 20 feet south to plank fence ....... Bi adpet splgiiatet Stans daderd 2s adi Gaboinaae sees apt Shek 39 39 14.6 81 49 23.9 McConnelsville at southeast corner of veranda to Morgan County court-house, iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. NO. 12, 1900 on wie cee aicdy ciate s@iedes va didienl 39 38 57.2 8! 51 09.6 McConnelsville, cross streets 100 feet southwest of courthouse, center Of................000000 eeu 39 38 56.5 81 51 11.2 Geographic positions along highways, McConnelsville west to Portersville. Station. Latitude. Longitude. * Malta, intersection of Main and Bell streets, center of . Malta, forks of road 300 feet west of sash and door factory, 40 feet west to signpost................. Malta, 3 miles west of ;T road south, 60 feet southeast to signpost ‘Malta 3 miles, Pennsville 8 miles, Portersville 7 miles,’’ 40 feet southwest to corner rail fence Joetown, T road east, 15 feet west to signboard “Morgansville 3 miles, Tridelphia 3 miles, Malta 4 mules? snes ee say wen BEE Saow elas aie sx er eee T.9N., R. 13 W.,; secs. 26 and 27, north and south line between; center of road, 400 feet southeast of Deer- field church and 350 feet east of crossroads........ Deerfield church, 400 feet south of; 4 corners, cross- roads, 10 feet west to center of bridge, 15 feet south- east to mailbox ........... 2... c cece eens Wolf Creek, covered bridge, 40 feet northeast of northeast end of, forks of roads southeast and north- west, center of triangle ..................00000. 24—T, S. ° / w” 39 38 52.0 39 39 04.3 39 39 24.9 39 40 01.7 39 39 48.0 39 39 48.2 39 39 52.2 81 51 35.1 81 51 58.1— S1 54 25.6 $1 55 29.3 81 57 14.9 81 57 19.2 81 57 57.2 370 PROGRESS RELORT Geographic positions along highways, McConnelsville west to Portersville—Concluded. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Portersville, 3 miles southeast of; T road south, ford of small stream, 40 feet northwest to sign ‘‘ Porters- ville 3 miles,” 40 feet southeast to oak............ 89 39 51.5 81 59 18.2 Portersville, 1.8 miles southeast of; in southeast corner of titersection of crossroads, tron post stamped ‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 13, 1907, Ohio” .2............00.. 39 39 59.4 81 59 51.1 Declination, south edge of quadrangle, 1° 02’ west. Declination, center of quadrangle, 1° 06’ west. 1908. PRIMARY TRAVERSE. BUTLER AND PREBLE COUNTIES. (Katon and Liberty Quadrangles. ) The following geographic positions were determined by primary trav- erse in 1908 by Mr. J. R. Ellis, assistant topographer. The line starts from a primary traverse position near Oxford and follows highways north along west border of quadrangle, connecting with a position near West Florence, located by primary traverse. OXFORD (EATON) QUADRANGLE. Geographic positions along highways near west border of quadrangle. Station. Latitude. Longitude. T.5.N., Rs. 1 and 2 E., near cor. secs. 30, 25, 31 and 36. T road CH8t avewicidgreansi ie uide nko y gigs 39 29 36.6 84 41 47.2 T.5.N., Rs. 1 and 2, cor. sees. 19, 24, 25 and 30, T POA HOLE goose wiieg Sees s S49 Gee EES EEE TR SEARS CH 39 30 31.0 84 42 07.4 Four Mile Creek, center of covered bridge over....... 39 30 35.5 84 43 01.8 T.5N.,R.1E., cor. sees. 23, 24, 25 and 26, stone....] 39 30 29.4 84 43 14.6 Oxjord, in soulhwest corner of City Hall building; aluminum tablet stamped “Prim, Trav. Sta. No. I, POO 8 ciate cca wee Winn a ahs wale Oye ears dd foe heed wey 39 30 38.4 84 44 23.7 Oxford, north end of College Ave., at center of junc- tion with east and west StreetS...............06. 39 30 56.3 84 44 41.3 T.6N.,R.1E.,, cor. secs. 26, 27, 34 and 35, center of 109d! CaS 2565 bag dee tae PS Res hee aeae 39 34 57.2 84 44 27.6 T.6N.,R.1E., cor. sees. 14,15, 2S and 23.......... 39 36 43.1 84 44 26.8 Ramsey schoolhouse No. 2, in northwest corner of; aluminum tablet elevation 1038, stamped ‘Prim. Trav. Stas No.2, (9080s oiccscg pthc adaoing es vines 39 37 36.3 | 84 44 26.2 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 371 Geographic positions along highways near west border of quadrangle—Concluded. Station. . Latitude. Longitude. T.6N., R.1E., cor. secs. 10, 11,14 and15;centeroff ° ’ 7” Oem CPOSSTORGS) S6y.2% miedoae sens arose: i Se aia De OR 39 37 35.5 84 44 26.6 T.6N., R.1E.,, cor. secs. 2, 3, 10 and 11; center of CYOSSPOAGS) Go.y-c ton SO Fe LE RA He DEAE PSs ERS 39 38 39.5 84 44 26.6 T.6N., R. 1 E., cor. secs. 2 and 3, north corer; at CHOSSEOMUSE ca 2608S os cud Stic dihe diergedsn Smee nareno habe 39 39 21.7 84 44 26.3 T. 7 N., R. 1 E., cor. sees. 34 and 35, south corner; CROSSTOAGS: seysncrss ice spaic s Seats Basch ender sohaiee Bid Geman eee 39 39 21.7 84 44 26.0 T.7N.,R.1E., cor. secs. 26, 27, 34 and 35, center of CLOSSEORAS sin Ais vec heeis oe day aed Bw OE nas ae as Ses 39 40 14.2 84 44 25.7 T. 7 N., R. 1 E., ¢ corner between secs. 26 and 27, crossroads; aluminum tablet in northeast corner of concrete bridge just south of, elevation 1093....} 39 40 40.0 84 44 26.0 T.7N.,R.1E,, cor. sees. 22,23, 26 and 27.......... 39 41 06.8 84 44 26.6 T.7N., R.1E., cor. secs. 14, 15, 22 and 23, center of eT TOa G WeSE 25: cers Ges es eae 4 i ERT RR A 39 41 59.7 84 44 26.9 T.7N., R.1E., cor. secs: 10, 11, 14 and 15, center of GrOSStOAdS: ig sies Gat eeak yeh eae dvage cheese tages 39 42 52.4 84 44 26.5 T. 7 N., R. 1 E., cor. secs. 2, 3, 10 and 11, center of CHOSSTOAAS) psooh doe hist d cong 6 add deuhguguibions baad dab baud Scars 39 43 45.1 84 44 26.7 Eaton, 6.0 miles west of by 0.8 mile south of, 850 feet north of corner secs. 2, 3, 10 and 11, in southwest corner of foundation to bridge; aluminum tablet, elevation 1119) gy ssgeaxjidoees arr Sheed sees o's 39 43 53.4 84 44 27.0 Eaton, 5.0 miles west of, in southeast corner of founda- tion to concrete bridge; aluminum tablet stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 4, 1908, Ohio” ............ 39 44 38.0 84 44 26.8 Ts. 7and 8 N., R.1 E., cor. secs. 2, 3, 34 and 35, cen- ter OF CrOSSTOAGS i suis ences cee eRe eee eae Se ae 39 44 38.0 84 44 27.2 Ts. 7and 8 N., R. 1 E., south cor. sees. 35 and 36, T TOA NOt iio ya 4 aa has ee ed Baek eee on ee ee BS 39 44 37.8 84 43 18.8 LIBERTY QUADRANGLE. Geographic positions along highways. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Schoolhouse No. 2, 560 feet east of center of, T road) ° / ” o 7 ” BOUth:, c...kovcsedaeadPoPRaees NOR eH ee AGE dE Tes 39 33 17.3 84 45 13.9 -T. 5and 6 N., R. 1 E., stone corner secs. 3, 4, 33 and 34, Butler-Preble county line..........-......-- 39 34 05.0 84 45 26.1 ‘Bridge over Four Mile Creek, 0.25 mile west of, center of T road east, 5 feet south by 10 feet east to center of grass plot ..... 0... cece eee eee eee e ee 39 34 50.9 84 45 28.9 372 PROGRESS REPORT 1909. PRIMARY TRAVERSE WAYNESVILLE QUADRANGLE, Geographic positions along highways east-west through center of quadrangle. Station Latitude. Longitude. Bellbrook, 3.5 mules east of, north side of lower Bellbrook} ° ' ” a Pike, at road northeast; iron post stamped ‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 45, 1909, Ohio”... ee, 39 38 05.90 | 84 00 50.59 Little Miami River, center of covered bridge over....| 39 37 59.1 84 03 04.9 Bellbrook, center of cross streets at post-office....... 39 38 10.0 84 04 13.8 Cormer:Secs:, 1), 2, 31, a0d 32.2 ics oaccaa neon ni ee ems 39 38 02.5 84 04 14.4 Corner secs. 1, 2, 7 and 8; center north-south pike fence} 39 38 17.6 84 05 22.9 Greene and Montgomery county line, center of T pike north corner of secs. 7, 8, 13 and 14 ............. 39 38 17.1 84 06 39.4 Bellbrook, 3 miles west of, at northwest corner of T road north; iron post stamped ‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 46, 1909; ORI! acct: ncin scales nem se saad Sa deeten ie Austere aus 39 38 35.8 84 07 41.3 T. 2, R. 6, cor. secs. 19, 20, 25 and 26, center of pike at north-south fence.... cc eee ees 39 38 37.9. 84 08 52.0 T. 2, R. 6, quarter corner between secs. 25 and 26, center of crossroads, 1 mile north of Centerville....| 39 38 38.1 84 09 26.2 T. 2, R. 6, quarter corner between secs. 25 and 30, center of crossroads at Centerville............... 39 387 42.6 84 09 31.1 T. 2, R. 6, corner secs. 25, 30, 31 and 36, 10 feet west Of TL road NOTE: 2225ecc.4-2nengeenndaseeegamnse 39 37 41.3 84 10 05.3 Stone, cor. secs. 25, 26, 35 and 36; 10 feet east of T TORE MOLE. pier seg eG eees ad keg peels ghenes sees 39 37 39.9 84 11 16.5 Cor. sécs: 1.16; °7 and! 1S. vs sca s ey ees Gene Bes en ses ee 39 38 01.8 84 12 21.1 Intersection of Dayton-Springboro and Centerville- Miamisville pikes, at southeast corner of; iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 47, 1909, Ohio”’....| 39 38 16.4 84 13 29.2 Cor..secs..7;12, 18iand 18. c.cdesecamass eed ceases 39 38 09.5 84 13 30.0 Spring Valley, 0.8 mile northwest of, fork at mailbox. .| 39 37 21.7 84 00 22.9 Pennsylvania railroad crossing, 220 feet north of mile Post "C260" sa vavees hh ledgers Saeien eeetaweues 39 37 37.8 84 00 05.4 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. Geographic positions near south border of quadrangle. 373 Station. Latitude. Longitude. T pike south, 15 feet south by 5 feet west toD. S| ° ’ 7” Sy hy Woollard’s mailbox .................. Mesh ayaa ee 39 30 08.5 84 03 23.2 Carson’s Creek, middle of, south at ford............. 39 30 17.9 84 02 20.8 T road south, 20 feet north to elm tree at end of fence.| 39 30 09.0 84 01 31.1 Center of cross pikes at creamery, 0.5 mile east of Harveys burners kona s aut i Bia et & Bis) a A wes Rentals BW 4 39 30 00.7 84 00 00.8 Magnetic declination of east edge of quadrangle is 0° 13’ east. Magnetic declination of south edge of quadrangle is 0° 28’ east. Magnetic declination of central line east-west is 0° 08’ east. SPRINGFIELD QUADRANGLE. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Byron, 2.5 miles south of, west side of T road east, near} ° ' ” oe Se quarter corner between secs.; ron post stamped ‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 44, 1909, Ohio” .................. 39 45 05.40 | 83 59 15.3 XENIA QUADRANGLE. Geographic positions along highways near west border of quadrangle. Station. Latitude. Longitude. o t ” ° ¥ ” W. W. Mills residence, center of cross pikes west of...| 39 30 35.6 83 57 52.3 T road north, 20 feet north to south end of steel bridge] 39 31 £8.2 83 58 48.5 Warren-Clinton county line, stone on hillside on south side of pike and southwest of bridge over branch...| 39 31 25.9 88 58 52.1 Briar schoolhouse, 0.25 mile north of, stone corner at GLOSSTOAS xi nsts vasde a qua any eR Oa Wa Be aU aa eS 39 32 19.0 83 58 26.0 Fork in pike, 25 feet east to corner of fence post...... 39 33 21.7 83 57 52.4 New Burlington post-office, center of cross streets at..| 39 34 04.1 838 58 01.0 Clinton-Warren and Greene counties, stone monument. at intersection of, 0.5 mile west of New Burlington .| 39 31 10.5 83 58 36.3 New Burlington, 1 mile west of, at Cornstalk school- house; center of cross pikeS................000.0. 9 84 142 83.59 08.5 Cornstalk schoolhouse, 1.5 miles north of; center of WP PIKE WES. «in. caton ea Gute a uie eh dk eSea pdche nade ka 39 35 40.4 83 59 387.5 Spring Valley, 1 mile east of, center of T pike south ..}| | 39 36 25.7 $3. 59 27.2 Xenia, 4.5 miles from, T road southeast at guide post. marked “Bellbrook 4.} miles, Xenia 4.4 miles’”....| 39 38 24.3 83 59 52.6 Xenia, about 3.5 miles southwest of, on the lower Bellbrook Pike at pike northwest ............... 39 39 15.3 83 58 47.5 374 PROGRESS REPORT Geographic positions along highways near west border of quadrangle—Concluded. Station. Latitude. Longitude. °o t n O° , wu” T road southwest at R. I. Harper’s residence....... 39 39 52.8 83 59 41.8 Rural Home schoolhouse No. 9, 0.5 mile south of, on the Upper Bellbrook Pike, at pike north.......... 89 40 43.4 83 59 18.7 Trebeins station, at north end of wagon bridge over Little Miami River; center of crossroads.......... 39 42 29.5 83 59 15.8 T. 3, R. 7, corner of secs. 8, 9, 14 and 15, center of north-south road at fence east ..............000. 39 43 46.2 83 59 20.3 T. 3, R. 7, corner of secs, 9,10, 15and 16............ 39 44 38.9 83 59 15.1 Geographic positions along highways east—west through center of quadrangle. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Spring Valley, about 1.7 miles northeast of, east-west] ° / ” Ps road at center of Cincinnati Pike, 25 feet north and 20 feet west to mailbox.................0.0000. 39 37 32.3 83 59 07.2 ‘Richland Church, T road west at .................. 39 37 30.2 83 57 39.0 Richland schoolhouse, 0.2 miles east of, on Xenia and New Burlington pike at pike west................ 39 37 21.2 83 56 53.1 Township line stone, between Xenia and Spring Valley , townships, at T road west ..............000 0005. 39 37 17.8 83 55 10.6 Caesar’s Creek, north-south pike at road west, south of covered bridge over creek............--0.--0055 39 37 24.9 83 54 08.2 Xenia, about 5 miles southeast of, southeast corner of crossroads at Reformed Church, and schoolhouse; iron post stamped ‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 54, 1909, Ohio”. .| 39 36 31.6 83 54 23.3 Xenia, 5 miles southeast of, on Xenia and Wilmington Pike, at intersection of crossroad................ 39 36 49.5 83 53 11.7. Needmore schoolhouse, 600 feet east of; center of T TOad SOUT Ss ux sex dw neaden evs eo is By eae Ree eee e 39 36 59.9 83 51 36.0 Mt. Tabor Church, 0.2 mile west of, at Harvey Field’s residence, center of grass plot at fork in roads.....} 39 37 24.6 838 50 00.3 T road south, center of .........00 00.0. e eee eee 39 37 35.8 83 48 24.3 Patterson’s Corners, 1.3 miles southwest of, intersee- tion of pike and road south..............0000045 39 37 47.1 83 47 16.5 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. Geographic positions along highways near east edge of quadrangle. 375 Station. Latitude. Longitude. ° / ww ° t ao Patterson’s Corners, center of cross pikes at......... 39 38 12.0 83 46 13.1 T road southwest ..... Seeea nese aad Seda eee asia 39 42 32.7 83 46 14.0 Schoolhouse, center of crossroads at ............... 39 43 05.0 83 46 32.1 Cedarville, about 3 miles southeast of, near northwest corner of T road northwest; iron post ............ 39 43 22.4 83 45 12.2 T road northwest ........ 0.06. c cece eee eee eens 39 43 22.40 83 45 11.30 Bowersville, 4.5 miles from; center of crossroads..... 39 31 45.4 83 45 59.4 Melvin, 4.5 miles from, at John Atley’s residence, center of T road east... 2... 6.6 eee 39 30 58.5 83 47 00.0 Magnetic declination of east border is 0° 09’ west. Magnetic declination of center line east-west is 0° £8’ east. Magnetic declination of west border is 0° 13’ east. OCTA QUADRANGLE. Geographic positions along highways east-west through center of quadrangle. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Jamestown, 2 miles south of, southeast corner ofcross-| ° ' ™ Ore Se roads; iron post stamped ‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 55, 1909 OMI O ici t irda Aer cettte Cae Sencagvamme wwe Aine § 39 37 33.9 83 43 51.6 Jamestown, 1 mile south of; center of T road east ....| 39 38 £0.8 83 43 48.8 Jamestown station, about 500 feet west of, crossing ; of C..H. & D..R. Recandspike css cca cases ceed cos 39 39 22.4 83 44 06.0 Oak Grove schoolhouse No. 3, 0.8 mile southeast of, on Jamestown and Cedarville pike at road north- WESE © cies oun hie cegrd ig Pane flat Aira agar Benboduy weuecaan GaN 39 40 45.1 83 44 20.9 Oak Grove schoolhouse, 0.7 mile northwest of, on Jamestown-Cedarville pike, at intersection with road southwest, 15 feet southwest to east corner of triangular grass plat ..... Sc Pe nate Sawer ee wees 39 41 50.8 83 44 56.6 Center of pike on east-west line between Silver Creek and Jefferson township...............00020-20000- 39 37 01.8 83 43 38.3 T road east, center of ............ fee e eee canes 39 35 46.7 $3 43 22.2 Bowersville, center of cross streets, at town well.....} 39 34 49.5 83 43 28.2 North-south road crossing............2-5.0.00006- 39 34 30.6 83 44 014 Greene and Clinton counties, stone post between...../ 39 33 16.9 S83 44 28.8 Bowersville, 2.5 miles south of, 0.5 mile south of Greene-Clinton county Jine; center of crossroads...} 39 8253.7 83 44 47.2 Jamestown, about 2.5 miles southeast of, T road south, center of triangular plat.....................05. 30 87 19.4 83 4215.8 Pleasant Valley schoolhouse, center of Troad south ..| 39 37 06.4 83 41 07.1 376 PROGRESS REPORT Geographic positions along highways east-west through center of quadrangle—Concl’d. Station. : Latitude. Longitude. ° v n ° ie uw Rosemoor station, road crossing C.H. & D.R.R....| 39 37 43.3 83 40 00.2 Greene and Fayette county line post, center of C. H. & D.R. R. track opposite.........00....00000.. 39 37 37.1 83 39 45.8 Edgefield, road crossing C. H. & D.R. R.at......... 39 37 04.7 83 38 31.0 Edgefield, 1 mile north of, at Maple Grove schoolhouse; center of Troad south .................0....0.. 39 38 03.2 83 38 13.6 West Lancaster, in southwest part, at southwest corner of intersection of roads, at T road south; iron post stamped ‘‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 58, 1909, Ohio”..... 39 37 22.6 83 36 43.1 Jasper-Jefferson township line, 10 feet south to center Of POs SOMthy sess Ne ods ak aie es ROL eG 39 36 387.2 83 35 12.0 Creamer Farm, intersection of Washington Court- : house and Jamestown Pike with road northwest...} 39 36 24.0 83 33 54.8 Center of intersection of the Washington court-house and Jeffersonville pike with crossroads near Mr. Gaill’s mailbox as 66 46 esas Ge beeen sana e ee se 39 36 01.4 83 33 08.8 Jasper township, northeast corner of, at center of north-south road at wire fence west.............. 39 36 34.3 83 32 51.8 Parrott station, road crossing the D.T. & I. R.R....| 39 36 51.8 83 31 53.2 Parrott station, 1.25 miles east of, north side of T road south; iron post stamped ‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 59, HOS OOP as coercing hes dic the ee Gis iee Suceee tn ants ce eed 39 36 56.7 83 30 29.4 Blackoak schoolhouse, center of road opposite....... 39 36 08.7 83 30 £9.8 Hogler, crossing of the Ohio Southern R. R. and North- east-southwest road..... eee eee ee eee 39 35 16.80 | 83 30 55.70 Geographic positions along highways near southwest corner of quadrangle. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Jaspers Mills, Baltimore and Ohio crossing northeast OL, SPIE As ccs Ge aenAacs Sn panitin A Oe te tripe cian nage eed 3 39 3l 19.1 83 30 27.0 Jasper station, 0.8 mile cast of, at soihwest corncr of crossroads; iron post stamped “Prim, Trav. Sta. No. 60; 1909, OWI0" « canis site Be Shed Hes A ead soe Reh opele’ 40 24 34.7 84 13 15.8 T. 78., Rs. 5 and 6 E,, cor, secs, 13, 18, 19, and 24; CTOSSTORAS: -pcdiecdee isch Sheds beams hs whee Scenes b gis Mpevan The at ' 40 25 26.8 84 13 15.8 T. 78., Rs. 5 and 6 E., cor. sees. 7, 12, 13 and 18; CTOSSTOAdS dowicsage ee tees ane ta Oe 5 a seu onapsed 40 26 19.2 84 13 15.9 T. 7S., Rs. 5 and 6 E., cor, secs, 1, 6, 7 and 12; cross- VOAIS) a iiocude enc waa cee 24 sea ges eats Selene 40 27 11.7 84 13 15.9 Ts. 6 and 75S., Rs, 5 and 6 E., cor, sees. 1, 6, 31 and 36; TE tOad BOUGH: cdc cs cme Kap ne GRAS 40 28 04.0 84 13 16.1 T.7N., R. 5E., north corner secs. l and2.......... 40 28 03.1 84 14 24.5 T.658., R. 5 E., south corner secs, 35 and 36; T. road NOM os sear eas See OLS AEST eS RAD SORES Be RES 40 28 03.1 84 14 24.9 420 PROGRESS REPORT Geographic positions along highways near west border of quadrangle—Concluded. Station. Latitude. Longitude. °° / u” ° t “u" Greenville Treaty line; T. road north on............ 40 22 01.3 84 13 15.4 T.88S.,R.6E., cor, secs, 3, 4, 9 and 10; crossroads...} 40 20 43.6 84 12 31.8 T.88.,R.6E., cor, secs, 9, 10, 15 and 16; crossroads..) 40 19 51.3 84 12 30.4 T.858S.,R.6E., cor, secs, 21, 22, 27 and 28; crossroads.| 40 18 06.2 84 12 27.8 T.8S.,R.6E., cor, secs, 27, 28, 33 and 34; crossroads.| 40 17 15.4 84 12 26.1 40 16 23.6 84 12 25.0 Big Four Railway, north-south road crossing........ Magnetic declination of west border of quadrangle is 0° 24’ west, SHELBY COUNTY. (Troy Quadrangle. ) Geographic positions along highways near west border of quadrangle. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Shelby County Infirmary, at southeast corner of cross-| ° ' ” OO ot roads, 0,2 mile south-west of, 20 feet east and ro feet south of crossroads; tron post stamped ‘*Prim, Trav. Sta. No. 29, 1909, Ohio” ....... eae 40 14 52.9 84 12 22.4 T.98., R. 6 E., quarter corner between secs, 16 and M7 TOA Wests + vain awe tae pre ie as ook Ad 40 14 11.6 84 13 30.6 T.95., R. 6 E., quarter corner between secs, 17 and 40 14 10.0 84 14 33.5 18% T; road nortliy 6. 36% os 8S2a aoe g era ae eens SHELBY COUNTY. (Covington Quadrangle. ) Geographic positions along highways near north border of quadrangle, Station. Latitude. Longitude. ° s ” ° , u T.958., R. 6 E., west corner of secs. 18 and 19........ 40 13 42.6 84 15 42.5 T.9S., R. 5 F., east corner of secs. 13 and 24........ 40 13 41.0 84 15 42.6 Bunker Flat schoolhouse, 0.5 mile east of; crossroads .| 40 14 20.0 84 16 18.1 T.98., R. 5 E.,, cor, secs, 10, 11, 14 and 15; crossroads.} 40 14 32.2 84 18 01.2 T.9N., R.5E,, cor. secs. 9, 10, 15 and 16; near school- 3 40 14 31.8 84 19 08.9 house, at fence north-south; east-west road...... TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 421 Geographic positions along highways near north border of quadrangle—Concluded. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Houston, in south part of, at E, C, Mitchell’s store) ° ’ ” ode T. road west; 15 feet south and 15 feet east to guide] post ‘Piqua 9 miles, Russia 4 miles’”............ 40 14 57.0 84 20 06.5 Houston, 1 mile west of, in top of southeast corner of abutment of railway bridge, aluminum tablet stamped “Prim, Trav. Sta. No. 30, 1909, Ohio” ........... 40 14 56.2 84 21 20.2 T. 10 8., R. 4 E., cor, secs. 9, 10, 15 and 16, Shelby- Darke county line; T, road south ............... 40 14 28.1 84 26 00.6 Catholic cemetery, T, road south ...............0.. 40 14 27.4 84 27 54.2 Versailles, 1 mile north of, at southeast corner of T. road! east, 20 feet north and 20 feet east of center of T, road; tron post stamped ‘‘Prim, Trav. Sta. No. 31, 1909, ONO"? syste Sete desea oe tu a cele ba se ere 40 14 27.2 84 29 03.2 Magnetic declination of north border of quadrangle is 0° 04’ east. MERCER AND VAN WERT COUNTIES. (Celina Quadrangle.) Geographic positions along highways near west border of quadrangle. Station. ; Latitude. Longitude. T.38., R.1E.,, cor, secs, 26, 27, 34 and 35; T. road) ° ' ” Se Se MOTEL se acsqu Suara dgint catenpe wea cPee antual abalatanas eaten ecg gra-dausiars 40 44 34.5 84 43 38.2 Township line crossing north-south road, also Van Wert-Mercer county line .................-0000 40 43 42.3 84 44 12.7 T.458,,R.1E,, center of see. 2................006. 40 43 12.8 84 43 05.8 T.458., R. 1 E.,, center of sec. 11; crossroads......... 40 42 23.2 84 43 05.4 T.48., R.1E., center of sec, 14; crossroads......... 40 41 30.8 84 43 05.0 T.48.,R.1E., cor. secs, 14, 15, 22 and 23; crossroads.) 40 41 04.7 84 43 39.4 T.48,,R.1E,, cor. secs, 22, 23, 26 and 27; crossroads.| 40 40 12.2 84 43 39.4 T,458,,R.1E,, cor. secs. 26, 27, 34nd 35; crossroads.| 40 39 19.4 84 43 39.2 Ts. 4and 5S8,, R. 1 E., cor. secs, 2, 3, 34 and 35; cross- TOROS aw cera os AS ee hese Kae e eT atures ames 40 38 26.9 84 43 39.0 T.58,, R. 1 E,, cor, secs, 2, 3, 10 and 11; crossroads..| 40 37 34.4 84 43 38.3 Hinton, 1 mile west of, in southwest corner of crossroads, 20 feet east and 25 feet north to corner secs, 10, II, 14 and 15,T. 5 S., R. 1 E., iron post stamped ‘Prim, ' Trav, Sta, No, 22, 1909, Ohio” .................. 40 36 41.5 84 43 38.6 T.58,, R.1E,, cor, secs, 14, 15, 22 and 23; crossroads.| 40 35 49.1 84 43 38.9 T.58,, R.1E,, cor, secs, 22, 23, 26 and 27; T. road east} 40 34 56.4 84 43 36.9 T.558,, R. 1 E., cor, secs, 26, 27, 34 and 35; crossroads.| 40 34 03.8 84 43 37.9 1 36.9 Ts, 5and 68., R. 1 E., cor, secs, 2, 3, 34and 35...... 40 33 11. 84 43 422 PROGRESS REPORT Geographic positions along highways near west border of quadrangle—Concluded. Station. Latitude. Longitude. o- t ” 9 t “u” T.65., R.1E,, cor, secs, 2, 3,10 and 11; crossroads..}| 40 32 18.5 84 43 36.9 T.68.,, R. 1 E,, cor. secs. 10, 11, 14 and 15; T. road} © ec eh POR eer ewe ORE hee hoe Haas 40 31 25.9 84 43 36.9 T.658., R.1E., cor. sees, 14, 15, 22 and 23; crossroads.| 40 30 33.3 84 43 36.8 Magnetic declination of west border of quadrangle is 0° 46’ east. MERCER COUNTY. (St. Henry Quadrangle. ) Geographic positions along highways near northwest corner of quadrangle, Station. Latitude. Longitude. T.6S.,R.1E., cor, secs, 22, 23, 26 and 27, 20 feetnorthh ° ' ” is te and 20 feet west of crossroads at section corner; tron post stamped ‘Prim, Tray, Sta. No, 23, 1909, Ohio”. .| *40 29 40.8 84 43 36.9 40 28 48.0 84 43 36.6 T.65., R.1E,, cor, secs, £6, 27, 34 and 35, crossroads . MERCER COUNTY. (Fort Recovery Quadrangle.) Geographic positions along highways near north border of quadrangle. Station. ” Latitude. Longitude. ‘ ° t ” fo t u T.65., R,1E,, cor, secs, 28, £9, 32 and 33; crossroads.| 40 28 48.0 84 45 54.1 T.658., R.1E,, cor. secs, £9, 30, 31 and 32; crossroads.| 40 28 48.4 84 47 02.8 T.6S., R. 1 E., west corner secs, 19 and 30, 20 feet east and 25 feet south of; iron post stamped ‘Prim, Trav. Sta. No. 24, 1909, Ohio” (Imdiana-Ohio state line)..| 40 29 41.3 84 48 09.6 T. 27 N., R. 15 E., east corner secs, 27 and 34; T. road west (Ohio-Indiana state line) .........0 0000 eee 40 9 57.9 S4 48 09.6 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 42 MERCER COUNTY, OHIO; ADAMS AND JAY COUNTIES, INDIANA. (Berne Quadrangle. ) Geographic positions along highways near Ohio-Indiana State Line. Station, Latitude. Longitude. ° , ” ° ? nu St. Anthony Catholic Church spire... .....0..00. 006. 40 30 33.2 84 47 05.3 T.68.,, R. 1 E., west corner secs. 18 and 19; T. road CASE: camhuiin nd ian ids te uehintant ead ait, mda N Oe Glue hale 40 30 34.2 84 48 09.2 T. 27 N., R. 15 E., east corner secs. 22 and 27; T. road W CSU cases eraile ysaodarascdteend Gace Guise eo ane das yn ta se eaganneaasr aa ek 40 30 50.2 84 48 09.1 T. 27 N., R. 15 E., east corner secs, 22 and 15; cross- TOAdS votes ents icdeaedner cadens Mes oe Eee a es 40 31 42.8 84 48 08. T.658., R. 1 E., west corner secs. 6 and 7; T. road east.) 40 32 20.1 84 48 08 Ts. 5 and 68., R. 1 E., west corner secs. 6 and 31; No POTICE CASE tava sca Wantornad God Salsa’ aS Pet eSsd ating Weide 40 3312.3 |. 84 48 08.5 T. 27 N., R. 15 E., east corner sees, 3 and 10; T. road WIESE: aang ie gece cmiceend enduradace aan Sine. aye ase ew ede eae ae 40 33 27.7 84 48 08.5 T. 558,, R. 1 E., west corner secs, 19 and 30; T. road Cast: «stoi ws eee puhbe idee oeax ee ay tea aes eae 40 34 57.7 84 48 07.7 T.558., R. 1 E., west corner secs. 18 and 19;T. road east} 40 35 50.2 84 48 07.4 T. £8 N., R. 15 E., east corner secs, -2 and £7; T. road WERE ood ehevisead AWN Aid aee-Ba G22 Gea DMG adrauet Aa ere aes € 40 36 05.8 84 48 07.4 T.5S., R. 1 E., west corner secs, 7 and 18; at southeast corner of, 15 feet east and 25 feet south of; iron post stamped “Prim, Trav. Sta. No. 25, 1909, Ohio” ....| 40 36 42.3 84 48 07.0 T. 28 N., R. 15 E., east corner secs, 15 and 22; T. road WESE 38S dace Ray se eee RO is SR Ee 40 36 58.6 84 48 07.2 T. 28 N., R. 15 E., east corner secs, 10 and 15; T. road : WESt = ain aan ae Maa ee Fai g Pa MU Ae tmauer ice dca 40 37 50.6 84 48 07.0 Ts. 4and 58., R. 1 E., west corner secs, 6 and 31; T. TOAGCaSb:. 2 ahaa ciiaeauts wes Geen tacw eed atone 40 38 27.1 84 48 07.3 T.°8.N., R. 15 E., east corner secs. 3 and 10 T. road WESE siedha a ducadldinancatat mes sta te ced OS Soke sees es 40 38 43.2 84 48 07.4 T. 458., R. 1 E., west corner secs. 30 and 31; T. road CABLE: coinitale as dices loamengice mteanhes Abies eran Ris dee pee duan 40 39 19.6 84 48 07.4 Ts, 28 and 29 N., R. 15 E., east corner secs. 3 and 34; TD r0dd: West 2panuver dee dua wivaeawt meoge cee nee 40 39 38.7 84 48 07.4 T.4S., R. 1 E,, west corner secs, 19 and 30; T. road east} 40 40 12. T.48., R. 1 E,, quarter corner between secs. 18 and 193 TV POddCASt) suc ee ances wie et ud beavedee acess 40 41 04.8 84 47 40.4 to 84 48 07.6 T.48., R. 1 E., west corner secs, 6 and 7; T. road east.) 40 42 49.9 84 48 07.4 T. 29 N., R. 15 E,, east corner (no numbers); T. road : WEeSt: cavechcma sey bieedneas ods winks de Peete eet s 40 43 08.5 84 48 07.4 T. 29 N., R. 15 E., east corner secs, (no numbers); fENnCe WESE ca.ge-< enous ve ale Soda nadine ae dante es 40 44 00.7 84 48 07.5 Corner sections on State line ................0004. 40 44 35.2 84 48 07.6 Magnetic declination of east border of quadrangle is 0° 46’ east. Magnetic declination of north-south line through center of quadrangle is 0° 42’ cast, APPENDIX F Elevations of Permanent Bench Marks and other Points in Ohio, referred to Mean Sea Level at Sandy Hook, New York. The elevations in the following lists are in accordance with the latest ad- justment of the Coast and Geodetic Survey (that of 1907, published 1909), and replace all elevations published for Ohio prior to that adjustment. (See also Appendix G.) 496 PROGRESS REPORT PRECISE LEVELING. CANTON, CLEVELAND AND KENT QUADRANGLES. (Stark, Cuyahoga and Summit Counties.) The elevations in the following list are the result of a line of precise leveling connecting the Lake Survey gage bench mark at Cleveland with bench mark No. 77 at Canton of the Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chi- eago Railroad. This line and that of the railroad company between Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and Lima, Ohio, were included in the precise level net adjusted in 1903 by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and these elevations result from that adjustment, which lowers the original eleva- tion by this line 0.095 foot at Canton with respect to Cleveland. The 1907 adjustment retains these values. The corrections distributed are in proportion to the mileage. The total length of the line is 59.7 miles and the total divergence between the two component lines is 0.076 feet. The outfit consisted of a B. & B. precise level, a light umbrella, two double-faced ten-foot non-extensible double-targeted rods and four steel turning-point pins. On each rod the target on one face was red with a white strip, and on the other black with a white strip, and they were controlled for rapid setting by steel tapes passing over drums at either end, and by clamp and tangent screw for fine setting. The double simultaneous method was used, which consists of two lines carried along on separate turning points as follows: the rodmen cecupied alternate positicns, each setting two pins; the notes on one line were taken by the red targets and those on the other line by the black, and recorded on opposite pages of level book. On one line the foresights were always read first, and on the other the backsights first, and the readings on all four faces were completed before backsight pegs were advanced. The limit of divergence in feet which this line was required not to exceed was set at 0.042 Dp, in which D represents distance between heneh marks in miles. The leveling was done during part of October and November, 1902, by Mr. D. H. Baldwin, topographer. The standard bench marks recovered on the Cleveland and Canton quadrangles were stamped respectively with the letters ‘‘CLEVE- LAND” and ‘‘CANTON,”’ and the figures of elevation as formerly ob- tained by the primary lines, one foot too high. The three tablets set by this line on the Kent quadrangle are stamped ‘‘CLEVELAND 1902,’’ with correct figures of elevation. TOPOGRAPITIC SURVEY. CLEVELAND QUADRANGLE, CLEVELAND SOUTH ALONG WuHernuine AND Laxr Erm: Akron, Breprorp AND CLEVELAND: CLEVELAND, AKRON AND COLUMBUS, AND CLEVE- LAND TERMINAL AND VALLEY RarLroaDs TO CANTON. 427 FEET. Cleveland, (U. 8S. Engineer’s bench mark No. 2), south corner of t'ront and River Streets, aorth corner of Johnson Block, on corner stone of water- table, chiseled cross ........... 0c ccc cece eee n eee e crete nets 577.737 Cleveland, zero mark U. 8. Engineer’s water gage, plane of reference tor harbor improvements. and mean elevation of Lake Erie tor years 1860 to 1875 inclusive. Note: This clevation was obtained from primary leveling from bench mark No. 2 and is 0.09 foot lower than would be obtained by using the difference by the Lake Survey............-.. 572.677 Cleveland, in front of Erie station: top of rail.............0.2 0000s eee ee 602.4 LINE CONTINUED ALONG WHEELING AND Lake Eris RatLroad. Cleveland, in front of Wheeling and Lake Erie station: top o1 rail.......... 641.6 Cleveland, grade crossing of Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad and Cleveland Terminal and Valley Railway, top of rail ..........--+.--+0+++405- 587.35 Cleveland, east corner of Independence Street, and E. Clark Ave., north cor- ner of railroad bridge over canal and street, on fourth step of wing wall above avenue, chiseled square ...............000 0c eee eeeeee 591.93 Newburg, in front of station: top of southwest rail ..............-.-.0000 780.7 Cleveland, grade crossing ot Cleveland and Pittsburg and Wheeling and Lake Erie Railways, bopcofirail, .siccc gal. cand a giedi ae eee Ree See ae 785.01 Cleveland, Miles Avenue, crossing near station: top of rail................. 849.2 Cleveland, Miles Avenue, 0.84 mile south of station: northwest corner of girder bridge No. 15 over Akron, Bedford and Cleveland Electric Railroad, on coping stone of foundation, chiseled square .........-----++.0-- 822.72 Bedford, 2.16 miles northwest of: (R. R. bench mark), top of stone milepost POLO tecsyteiastacoteeus: Sod. tou Since Satay Doe A awe eae ata nace aay 0 Sah Maas ape uanst ays powiys a 906 . 50 Bedford, in front of Wheeling and Lake Erie station: top of rail........ .-» 946.0 Bedford, north corner of town hall: face of fourth course of foundation stones, from top, chiseled, cros9jsei ie ses cecigs saie gam sand oalan's Sa godly aes ain 949 . 64 LINE CONTINUED ALONG CLEVELAND AND PitrsBuRG RAILROAD. Bedford, in front of Cleveland and Pittsburg station: top of rail ........... 941.0 Bedford, 1.62 miles south of grade crossing of Akron, Bedford and Cleveland, and Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroads, top of rail................. 994.9 Macedonia, 1.52 miles north of: southwest corner of girder bridge over high- way, on coping stone of foundation, chiseled square ................ 1038.76 Macedonia, southwest wing wall of girder bridge over road, top of highest step, bronze tablet stamped ‘1004 CLEVELAND” ................. 1003 .395 LINE CONTINUED west aLonG Highway anp NoRTHFIELD, THENCE SOUTH ALONG AKRON, BeprorD AND CLEVELAND RAILROAD. Little York, in front of station: top of rail ........... 2... eee eee 973 .2 Little York, 530 feet south of station; on north end of arch wall east side of highway, chiseled square.......... 0.6... e cece eee eee eens 969.98 Town Line, in front of station; top of rail ............ 0.00.00 cee eee 1037.7 Highland Springs, in front of station; top of rail ............... 0.0.00 005. 1071.9 KENT QUADRANGLE, NorvTHFIELD, souTH ALONG A. B. & C. ro Sitver Lake Jc. ’ Chittenden, in front of station; top of rail..........- 6... 0c eee eee eee 1023.8 Seasons, in front of station; top of rail........... 0... e eee eee eee 1011.1 ‘Seasons, 0.27 mile south of; southeast corner of girder bridge on coping stone of parapet wall, aluminum tablet stamped “1002 CLEVELAND 1902” 1002.426 Wyoga, in front of station; top of rail. .... 6.1 kee eee eee 1000.8 428 PROGRESS REPORT FEE Puttrell, in front of station; top of west trail .......... 0006.00 cece eens 995 0 Springdale, in front of station ; top of east rail ............ Zdshepa ees teres 993 .2 Silver Lake Junction, in front of dispatcher’s office, top of rail............. 1023.1 Linr conTINvED ALONG CLEVELAND, AKRON AND CoLumBUs RaILRoAD TO East Akron JUNCTION. Nilver Lake Junction, southwest end of large stone arch bridge over Cuyahoga River, on end of coping stone of west side’ wall, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1012 CLEVELAND 1902”. .... 0.02... eee eee 1012.197 Cuyahoga Falls, in front of station; top of rail ........... eee e ee eee eee 1011.4 Cuyahoga Falls, 0.9 mile south of; southwest corner of arch bridge on corner of coping stone, chiseled square. ............0 0000s 1005.09 Kast Akron Junction, northwest corner of stone arch bridge, over Cleveland Terminal and Valley Railways, on top stone of wing wall, chiseled square 963.73 LINE CONTINUED ALONG CLEVELAND TERMINAL AND VALLEY RaILRoAD TO CANTON. Kast Akron, in front of station; top of rail... 6.6... ce eee eee 981.5 Kast Akron, 520 feet south of station; north abutment of girder bridge be- tween tracks, on coping stone, aluminum tablet stamped ‘983 CLEVELAND: 1909!) snc soc aya pa WEG Se ROS oe Fee GEE bed eee 983 . 434 Krumroy, in front of station; top of rail... 6.2... eee 1052.0 CANTON QUADRANGLE, Myersville, 200 feet northeast of station; on northeast corner of highway bridge, southeast corner of foundation, stone, bronze tablet stamped “1076: CLEVELAND” ie psiatere ned ciakie ge oaig eRe abe sae Se Dee BT ne 1075 .424 Myersville, in front of station; top of rail ..........-.- 0c eee eect eee eee 1073.5 Huffman, in front of station; top of west rail ......... 06. . cece ee eee eee 1107.9 Marchand, about 400 feet east of Cleveland Terminal and Valley Railroad highway bridge over Nimisila Creek, on northeast corner of west abut- ment, on coping stone, bronze tablet stamped ‘1069 CANTON 1901” 1067.880 Marchand, in front of station; top of rail........... 0.6 e eee eee eee 1067.7 Marchand, 2.08 miles south of; west abutment of bridge No. 44, over brook, on foundation coping stone, chiseled square ............----000 0005 1050.45 Canton, Cleveland Terminal and Valley Railway station; north side of door . sill to women’s waiting room, chiseled square...............2000005 1032.03 Canton, in front of station; top of rail... 2.6.0... ee eee ee 1030.4 Canton, (Pittsburg, I't. Wayne and Chicago Railroad B. M.), at bridge No. 77, on northeast corner cf east abutment, chiseled square ........... 1029.16 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 429 PRECISE LEVELING. CUILLICOTHE, OTWAY, PIKETON, SCIOTO AND WAVERLY QUADRANGLES. (Pike, Ross and Scioto Counties.) The following elevations are the result of a line of precise levels run from Chillicothe south along the Norfolk and Western Railroad to Ports- mouth, Ohio. The line connects B. M. ‘‘Q’’ of the U. 8. Coast and Geo- detic Survey transcontinental line with a bench mark of the Ohio River Survey precise leveling, and as a result of the 1907 adjustment the ele- vation at Portsmouth by this line has been lowered only 0.001 foot with respect to Chillicothe, but the elevation now accepted at Chillicothe is 0.181 foot less than that formerly computed. The total distance is 49.6 miles. The method and limit of error used on this line are those adopted by the Coast and Geodetic Survey elsewhere described, but yard rods were substituted for metric and the computation made in fact. The leveling was done in 1906 by Messrs. N. A. Campbell and W. H. Monahan in two sections 21.0 and 28.6. miles respectively. The bench marks are stamped with figures of elevation. CHILLICOTHE QUADRANGLE. CHILLICOTHE VIA NoRFOLK AND WrsTERN RAILROAD TO PoRTSMOUTH. FEET. Chillicothe, in base of pedestal of lamp post on north side of steps of front entrance to courthouse, chiseled square (marked B. M. Q. U. 8. C. & Gs Ss Auge}; 1879) i ct tan SANE E eee EEE RSE eae Reds hd Pome aE 638 .001 Chillicothe, in front of station; top of rail............ eae ahem tead ee saat 627.0 Renick, in front of station; top of rail. .... 6.6... cece eee eee 618.4 Renick, 1.2 miles south of; north abutment of railroad bridge, west of track, top of retaining wall, aluminum tablet stamped ‘624”.............. 616.680 Locks, in front of station; top of rail .......... 0... eee eee 615.6 Locks, 0.19 mile south of; north abutment of bridge over road, west side of track, retaining wall, top of, aluminum tablet stamped “610” ....... 610.030 WAVERLY QUADRANGLE. Locks, 1.92 miles south of; top of railroad culvert west of track, aluminum tabletistamiped “S80? a ccc sic cine WES eine irda dint Se saa Sedo ape bse 589 213 Higbys station, in front of; top of rail... 6.0... eee eee ee 593.8 Higbys, 0.12 mile south of; railroad bridge, west side of track, north abut- ment retaining wall, top of, aluminum tablet stamped “‘589”........ 588 . 739 Higbys, 1.03 miles south of; railroad culvert, west of track, on top of, chiseled BOUATC sys tuee So ghd MORE SUS ate wok SARS oa eae Bek Aine Alten ode eee Bei 589 .82 Higbys, 2.05 miles south of; railroad culvert west of track, top of, chiseled SQUATCS oc cnere ie ignadecs Hess san tordisian Gea dewks ave Gowns digess 605.89 Omega, in front of station; top of rail ........ 0.06 eee eee 596.8 Omega, 385 feet south of; railroad girder bridge, west side of track, north abutment retaining wall, top of, aluminum tablet stamped ‘'596..... 595,636 430 PROGRESS REPORT Omega, 1.29 miles south of; north abutment railroad bridge, west of track, Chiseled squares. sci: asus » nected de b Mearns aey acaleuites by avartde, Wowace tee Omega, 2.71 miles south of; north abutment of railroad bridge, east side of track, aluminum tablet stamped “571” 2.0.0...) occ ccc eee eee ene eee Waverly, in front of station; top of rail ...... 26.0... cece cece eee eee Waverly, 0.29 mile south of; north abutment of railroad bridge, on top of retain.ng wall, east side of track, aluminum tablet stamped “570” ... Glen Jean, in front of station; top of rail... 2... 0.00... cee Glen Jean, 0.49 mile south of; south abutment of railroad bridge over river, east side of track, top of retaining wall, chiseled square............. Glen Jean, 2.73 miles south of; highway bridge over creek, west side of north abutment, aluminum tablet stamped “562” ............ eee eee eee PIKETON QUADRANGLE, Piketon, in front of station; top of rail...... 0.06. e eee Piketon, United Brethren Church, northwest corner of foundation, aluminum tablet stamped “978? sco tee an 'ocu wares a oarea oe vieklee se see ee Piketon, 2.21 miles south of; west side of bridge over creek, north abutment, top of retaining wall, chiseled square ................2 00.0 .eeeeuue Piketon, 3.83 miles south of; southwest corner of Mrs. Sargent’s farm, east side of railroad, primary traverse tablet stamped ‘‘580”............. Sargents station, in front of; top of rail ........0. 0. 0c eee eee eee OTWAY QUADRANGLE, Sargents, 2.47 miles south of; railroad bridge over creek, on west side of, north abutment, aluminum tablet stamped 551” ...........0. 0. eee e eee Wakefield, in front of station; top of rail............ 00... cece eee ee eee Wakefield, 3.07 mile south of; stone culvert on east side of track, southwest corner of stone abutment, aluminum tablet stamped “556” ......... Cliffords, in front of station; top of rail........... 0.0... Cliffords, 2.04 miles south of; northwest corner of stone culvert, west side of railroad, chiseled square j..¢¢: 002s ¢s¢ad seins eee Peewee A eee wee Cliffords, 3.22 miles south of; northwest corner of railroad bridge over high- way, top of abutment, aluminum tablet stamped “554”............. SCIOTO QUADRANGLE. Lucasville, in front of station; top of rail.......... 0.6... c eee eee ee Lucasville, 2.82 miles south of; railroad bridge over road, southeast corner of south abutment, aluminum tablet stamped “559”.................. Davis, in front of station; top of rail ..........-... 6c eee eee eee silent Davis, 1.08 miles south of; bridge over road, south abutment, southwest cor- ner, aluminum tablet stamped “558” ..........- ese e eee eee eee ee Davis, 1.96 miles south of; stone culvert, east side of railroad, chiseled square Davis, 4.0 miles south of; stone arch over creek, top of southwest corner, aluminum tablet stamped “534” ...... 00. cece eect eect eens Vera station, in front of; top of rail. 1.1... 66. ei eee eee eee eee Portsmouth, on southwest corner of stone step, south side of Norfolk and Western station, chiseled square ....-.-.-.-.+.+.+. : . : = Sete etace a af heast corner of postoffice, in first course of foundation, one Ts ground, Ghiseleld square, U.S.A. Engineers B.M ... eee FEET, 594.69 571.034 571.5 569.824 573.4 578.716 561.829 571.8 578 .257 558 .33 579.656 578.7 550.931 555.0 556.079 553.9 539.33 554.068 558.757 566.9 557.869 550.68 533.724 538 .4 534.69 535.129 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 431 PRECISE LEVELING. CHILLICOTHE, CIRCLEVILLE AND EAST COLUMBUS QUADRANGLES. (Franklin, Pickaway and Ross Counties.) The following are the results of a line of precise levels run in the fall of 1905 from Coast and Geodetic Survey bench mark ‘‘Q’’ at Chilli- cothe along the Norfolk and Western Railroad to Columbus. Old bench marks of double-rodded line of 1899 were recovered and new ones estab- lished. As a result of the 1907 adjustment, in conjunction with precise leveling of 1906 in Uhrichsville, the original figures on this line have heen reduced by amounts ranging from 0.181 foot at Chillicothe to 0.180 foot at Columbus. The total distance is about 50 miles. The instruments, methods and limits of error are those adopted by the Coast and Geodetie Survey in all precise level work. The line was leveled independently in both the forward and backward directions, broken by temporary bench marks into sections 2 to 3 kilometers long. On all sections upon which the backward and forward measures differed more than 4.0 mm /K, (in which K is the distance leveled between ad- jacent bench marks in kilometers), both the forward and backward measures were repeated until they came within limits, and all the other requirements necessary to obtain accurate results were closely ad- hered to. , The instruments were two self-reading rods 3.2 meters in length, graduated to centimeters and reading hy estimation to millimeters; one Coast and Geodetic Survey precise level, and one large shade umbrella. The party consisted of five men: two rodmen, one umbrella-man and one recorder, under Mr. Ih. L. McNair, topographer, levelman. CHILLICOTHE TO COLUMBUS, CHILLICOTHE QUADRANGLE. FEET. Chillicothe, in wall at side of entrance to courthouse, bronze tablet stamped TGA DE Yate enti ees ean aN) dk nies ire art cine 643.195 Chillicothe, on pedestal of the lamp post on north side of steps of front en- trance of courthouse, marked “Q. B-M. U.8.C. & G.S. Aug. 5, 1879” 638.001 Chillicothe, crossing of Baltimore and Ohio Railway and Norfolk and Western Railway; HO pl Pail. casi cscs boa a easeomeccdeen ns wasp tae p amiel wees qusidneal domains en 626.7 Chillicothe, 0.5 mile north of; in top of south abutment of N. & W. Ry. bridge, on west side of, 12 feet from center of track and 5.75 feet below top of rail, aluminum tablet stamped............. 0.000... e cece eee 620.307 Chillicothe, 5.6 miles north of; 90 feet south of Delano station; at southeast corner of cross roads, in bridgeseat stone, bronze tablet stamped ‘691 COLUMBUS 1899” weccccceceer teint entree cence tence nee eee 690.752 432 PROGRESS REPOR'1 FEET. Wil Fae Higy a f concrete bridge over small stream at Chillioathe, 8 Oe era Vattey “Traction Line, at southeast corner of sas ee deoaeeeatla, aluminum tablet bared GOA! x be Fad RE EE De Ded a . TA 4 FE ee Rt ee EE See ake Baek * Belobo) sien ee op of ee eee eer ey 710.3 innickinnick station, N. & W. Ry., t 1000 feet north of; in top of step stone of arch culvert, southwest Cee bronze tablet stamped ‘774 COLUMBUS 1899” (On spur line oa oes 0.46 mile) seh trie os Sa bite PSE Bea det Wee BE eee ERE CTS TaN Soe alas aie Sina ae - Ikingston, N. & W. Ry. station; top of rail 2.6.0... eee eee eee ees 765.2 Kingston, 0.75 mile north of; in top of on southwest corner of a stone arch across a branch on N. & W. Ry., aluminum tablet stamped “————”.. 746.711 Elmwood flag station; top of rail... 666. eee eee ee 744.2 CIRCLEVILLE QUADRANGLE. Haysville, 0.75 mile south of; in west end of top of coping stone of arch cul- vert across a small draw on N. & W. Ry., aluminum tablet stamped a tren de hus AS Sua AN Gomme ti ech G Spades eS Betton eva eretbon wean. ate ae 713.656 Circleville,4.0 miles south of; in north end of west abutment of covered bridge over Sippo Creek, bronze tablet stamped “707 COLUMBUS 1899” (on spur line 0.54 mile) ................... Se eiascievad iat ethos ard AexegS anda kel 706.535 Circleville, 1.62 miles south of; in east side of south end of top of a stone cul- vert on the N. & W. R. R. at south end of siding at Gregg’s station, aluminum tablet stamped “—————””_ ...... 000s eee 690.194 Circleville, N. & W. Ry. station; top of rail ........-.....6.0000 eee eee 689.3 Circleville. at northwest corner of main building of courthouse iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 4” (on spur line 0.25 mile).......... 693 568 Circleville, 4 miles north of; 60 feet south of viaduct across Scioto Valley Trac- tion Co. and N. & W. Ry., about 500 feet north of elevavor at siding, 12 feet west of center of track of N. & W. Ry., iron post stamped ‘——@——”” _ 0. eee eee tenn eect en eens 693 .040 Circleville, 2 miles north of; in south end of west parapet wall of box culvert, aluminum tablet stamped “693 COLUMBUS 1899” ((interpolated primary elevation)’ sc... sce esa caue wees Bee eet Ghose ten ng es 693 , 162 Crowley, 0. 25 mile south of; Asheville, 2 miles south of; in cover stone of, on east side of a small stone culvert, on N. & W. Ry., aluminum tablet stamped a eo hs auc tev eats AE ASS NOG Lee D SaROiE eines hha" coma cal 709 621 (The old bench mark 0.25 mile south of Asheville has been destroyed.) Asheville, in front of station; top of rail .........-...6. eee eee, 715.2 EAST COLUMBUS QUADRANGLE. Duvalls, in top of on west side and center of the capstone of a small stone cul- vert on the N. & W. R. R., about 30 feet southwest of road crossing and 90 feet south of station; aluminum tablet stamped “—_—_—_” _-... 712.098 Duvalls, in front of station; top of rail...........- 00... eee 713.6 Duvalls, 0.75 mile north of; in top of and on east side of a small stone culvert on N. & W.R. B., at milepost C 18, aluminum tablet marked “ ” 715.879 Lockbourne, in top of south pier, west end of N. & W. Ry. bridge over Ohio Canal, aluminum tablet stamped “716 COLUMBUS 1899”.......... 715.619 Lockbourne, in front of station; top of rail .................. 0, 718.6 Miner, in front of station; top Gf Tall sa sawn densa aadies devo Goo. aaccal a. 738.0 Reeses, 0.33 mile south of; in west end of bridge seat of north pier of N. & W. Ry. bridge across Walnut Creek, 10 feet from center of track and 4 feet below top of rail, aluminum tablet stamped “————_”_.... |, 722 868 Reeses, in front of station; top of rail..., 733.6 Valley Crossing, 1 mile south of; in east end of bridge seat of north abutment of plate girder viaduct N. & W. Ry. across Scioto Valley Traction Co., ” aluminum tablet stamped “——————” ......... eee eel. 751.934 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 433 Freer. Valley Crossing, Norfolk and Western and Hocking Valley Railway crossing, top Of Path: coc messed te pauiiee eae ed Hees ey Sie HRSG MS ESA MEY Pas 7734 Bannon, Norfolk and Western Railway and Toledo and Ohio Central Railway crossing, top of rail Columbus, crossing of Broad Street and N. & W. Ry. top of rail........... 768.6 Columbus, city B. M. on watertable at northeast corner of State Capitol (city datum elevation 780.630) Columbus, in northwest corner of courthouse below cornerstone, aluminum tablet stamped ‘778 COLUMBUS 1899” .............. 00. eee 777.601 28—T. S. 43.1 PROGRESS REPORT PRECISE LEVELING. CAMBRIDGE, CUMBERLAND, EAST COLUMBUS, NEWCOMERSTOWN, PHILO, THORNVILLE, THURSTON, UHRICHSVILLE AND ZANESVILLE QUAD- RANGLES, (Fairfield, Franklin, Guernsey, Muskingum, Perry and Tuscarawas Counties. ) The following are the results of a line of precise leveling from Val- ley Crossing near Columbus to Uhrichsville and Station Fifteen Post Office. The line extends from a bench mark on the precise line Chilli- cothe to Columbus and checks at Uhrichsville upon bench mark 48 on the Baltimore and Ohio precise line Warwick to Wheeling, a connection also having been made to levels of the Muskingum River Survey of the Army Engineers at Zanesville. The introduction of these lines into the precise level net in the 1907 adjustment has resulted in increasing the unadjusted elevations by this line with respect to Chillicothe, -+.001 at Columbus, +.002 at Zanesville, and —.005 at Uhrichsville, all in addi- ticn to the constant correction of—.181 foot to the 1903 adjustment at Chillicothe. The method and limit of error used on this line are those adopted by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey elsewhere described, but yard rods were substituted for metric and the computations made in feet. The leveling was done in 1906 by Mr. W. H. Monahan. EAST COLUMBUS QUADRANGLE, VALLEY CROSSING NORTH ALONG Norro.tk & WrstERN RaILrRoaD TO BANNON THENCE BAST ALONG TOLEDO AND OnIo CrnrraL R. R. ro Pickrr- INGTON. FEET. Obetz, in front of station; top of rail... .............. 00.00 754.2 Bannon, 0.82 mile east of station, southeast corner of south abutment of railroad bridge, aluminum tablet stamped “753”...............22., 752.482 Thiro, in front-of station; top Of ralll,.sev so se ees kei ee ema tise eace es bas 769.9 Brice, in front of station; top of rail... 2.2... eee eee 783.8 County Line, (’ranklin and Fairfield), top of rail. ......-.......0..00.00, 803.5 Pickerington, in front of station; top of rail ....... 0.6... eee eee 840.2 THURSTON QUADRANGLE, PIcKERINGTON EAST ALONG TOLEDO AND OHIO CENTRAL AND ZANESVILLE AND WesTEeRN RarLtRoap To New SALEM. Harley, 1.12 miles east of; west end of railroad bridge over creek, southwest corner of abutment, aluminum tablet stamped ‘'865”............... 865.036 Basil, in front of station; top of rail ..-..... 6.6... ee eee ee ee eee eee 866.9 Basil, front of station; top of stone platform, aluminum tablet stamped ‘‘867” 867.428 Baltimore, in front of station; top of rail......-...6 6... ee eee eee ee eee 868.8 Thurston, northwest corner of front steps of School House, aluminum tablet stamped “886” ojos. es c6e ha eens te ee ed eae wees SRmGnk Ban 886.379 Thurston, 2.10 miles east of; northeast corner of highway bridge 230 feet south of track, aluminum tablet stamped MOB RU 4 ie a) wa o aualeiveren bats 935.167 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 435 THORNVILLE QUADRANGLE, New SALEM EAST ALONG ZANESVILLE AND WESTERN RAILROAD TO POINT EAST OF CHALFANTS P. O. FEET. New Salem, in front of station; top of rail..........-.-.- 50. 987.9 New Salem; 0.79 mile northeast of; southwest corner of abutment of highway bridge, 531 feet north of track, aluminum tablet stamped ‘‘952”..... 951.770 Thornport, southwest corner of schoolhouse, in stone step, aluminum tablet Stamped. “900” ...5 suave uae sad eens Kee need ee oy Bere ye mee oan Bh baw 899 .896 Thornport, in front of station; top of rail .......... 6. eee ee eee 897.1 Thornport, 2.27 miles east of; south of track, northwest corner of retaining wall of highway bridge, aluminum tablet stamped ‘880”...........- 880.065 Thornport, 2.93 miles east of, at Zanesville and Western Railroad and Balti- more and Ohio Railroad crossing, top of rail........-.-.----+++-00 6 875.0 Walser, in front of station; top of rail ............ 0 0c e cece eee 873.7 Yost, in front of station; top of rail... 6. ee eee ee 859.6 Glenford, in front of station; top of rail........-.-..-. 00. e eee eee eee eee 846.6 Glenford, southeast side of schoolhouse, on southwest corner of stone step, aluminum tablet stamped “849” ......... 2... eee ees 849.109 Glenford, 30 feet west of railroad, southeast corner of abutment of small bridge, aluminum tablet stamped “844” ........... Fat Ouse eS Bide eV 844.559 Glass Rock, in front of station; top of rail.............-.. 02sec eee eee 831.0 Glass Rock, 1.20 miles east of; southeast corner of abutment of bridge, alumi- num ‘tablet:stamped “S26? geciccceics ena heesked Sedma gk sak em 825.901 ZANESVILLE QUADRANGLE. . FRoM POINT EAST OF CHALFANTS P. O. EAST ALONG ZANESVILLE AND WESTERN RAILROAD TO ZANESVILLE. Mt. Perry, 254 feet west of station; northeast corner of covered highway bridge, on abutment, aluminum tablet stamped “801”.............. 801.499 Mt. Perry, in front of station; top of rail... cee eee ee eee 806.1 Mt. Perry, 2.31 miles east of; 30 feet south of track, northwest corner of foundation of highway bridge, aluminum tablet stamped ‘‘797”...... 797 .587 Fultonham, 0.09 mile west of; northwest corner of stone foundation of water tank, aluminum tablet stamped “763”. ........... 22.662 e cece eee 762.935 Fultonham, in front of station; top of rail........... 0. eee ee eee 762.3 White Cottage, in front of station; top of rail.......... 06... e eee eee 734.0 White Cottage, 0.76 mile east of; southeast corner of bridge, on abutment, aluminum tablet stamped BOTT eC Lng tie Meek aan SNE ah es 716.939 Elizabeth, in front of station; top of rail ........6 2... eee eee eee 723.7 Elizabeth, 2.12 miles northeast of; 1.72 miles southwest of 8. Zanesville, Z. & W. and C. & M. V. R. R. crossing, top of rail.............---.0.55- 715.2 South Zanesville, 0.36 mile southwest of; stone on cast side of railroad, alumi- num tablet stamped “709” 6.606 709.576 South Zanesville, in front of station; top of rail ............. 00. 728.6 Zanesville, in front of station; top of rail.................... Se sonora ti ase 704.0 PHILO Q UADRANGLE, ZANESVILLE EASTERLY ALONG BALTIMORE AND OHIO RaILRoAD TO SUNDALE. Zanesville, south side of courthouse, in top step, aluminum tablet stamped ETO ae sete taal Aceenbia lank, Sisley telah ec n igned maslina Latienacco eit ebnons saeetie eatin 725.721 Zanesville, south side of courthouse, 12 feet east of doorstep, at southwest corner of pillar in top step of portico, aluminum tablet stamped ‘725’? 725,697 Zanesville, on upper river wall of lock 10 U. 8. Engineer B. M.1........... so U Cut BM 699 78s ee eee deed wide patel Mein oa his oe RE a ES OO ee 699 117 Zanesville, on upper river wall of lock No. 10, U. 8. Engincer B. M.2...... Cut BM ST Orc totes tenet Sohn Ole Nala aoe taace ke 699.300 436 PROGRESS REPORT PRECISE LEVELING. BOWLING GREEN, CONTINENTAL, DEFIANCE, M’CLURE, NAPOLEON AND OTTAWA QUADRANGLES. (Defianee, Henry, Paulding, Putnam and Wood Counties.) The following are the adjusted results of a precise line cf leveling run in 1906 beginning at bench mark ‘‘N,’’ at Ottawa and closing on bench mark ‘‘B,’’ at Haskins, bench marks on the precise level line ‘*Toledo to Cincinnati’’ of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, the elevations of which are accepted as 729.338 feet anc 667.702 feet, respectively, as determined by the 1903 adjustment of precise leveling and retained by the adjustment of 1907. The line runs west from Ottawa along the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad to Roselms, thence north along highways to Ridgeville, thence east to IJaskins. The total diver- gence between direct and reverse lines was 0.042 foot in a total distanee of 88.7 miles and the closure at Haskins was +0.025 foot. The error per mile is 0.00028 foot and corrections proportionate to distance were apphed in adjustment. The methods of leveling, type of level, and limit of error are those now used by the U. 8S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. To facilitate reduc- tion to feet, nen-extensible self-reading rods 3.5 yards in length, gradu- ated to hundredths of a yard, were used instead of metrie rods, and these were read by estimation to thousandths, the sum of three thread readiness heing a inean reading’ in feet. The line was leveled independently in both forward and backward directions, broken ly temporary hench marks into sections 0.5 inile to 1.25 miles long, and on all sections upon which the forward and back- ward ineasures in feet differed more than 0.017 “D (in which D is the distance between bench marks in miles), forward and backward measures were repeated until a pair run im opposite directions checked within limits. All other requirements necessary to obtain accurate results were closely adhered to, The party consisted of five men: two rodmen, one umbrella-man and one recorder, under Aly. CG. ED. Semper, levelman in charge, under the supervision of Mr. 8. S. Gannett, geographer. The standard bench marks are stamped with elevation to nearest foot. : OTTAWA QUADRANGLE, OTraWwA WEST ALONG CINCINNATI, Hamivron AnD Dayron RaILROAD TO DorRNINTON. FEET. Ottawa, on south side of main cross street, about 170 feet west of railroad, on large stone step of foundation 5 feet east of east side of east we : ofa stairway entrance, being B. N. N, a square lettered “U. 8. C. & GS GIB IML a8 ad acta ef cee BegtracaP aga ad Gp sEassod gleaned ob Rauber eaetae eS 729 338 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. Ottawa, in front of station; top of rail ....... 66.6 e cece eee ees Predor, in front of station; top of rail 0.66.0. eee eee Brellet. 1.36 miles west of; northeast corner of foundation of Barney Rosen- baum’s farmhouse, aluminum tablet stamped 733”.............005 Predor, 4.5 miles west of; 0.5 mile east of Avis, railroad culvert, on north side of track, aluminum tablet stamped ‘726”.........--...024 00s eens Avis, road crossing at station; top of rail............0. 000. cece Crosswell, in front of station; top of rail... 0.0.0... cece eens Crosswell, 0.5 mile west of; culvert on north side of track, opposite Geo. Bas- singer’s farmhouse, aluminum tablet stamped ‘‘726” ............... CONTINENTAL QUADRANGLE. DoRNINTON WEST aLonG CincINNATI, Hamiuton aND Dayton RaILRoAD to RosELms. Dorninton, crossing of C. H. & D. R. R. with C. L. & M. R. R. top of rail.. Crosswell, 4.62 miles west of; 1 mile east of Cloverdale, bridge over Big Aug- laize, west abutment, aluminum tablet stamped 728” .............5 Cloverdale; crossing of T. St. L. & W. R. R. with C. H. & D. R. R., in front of SHAMON wenn ka eSacd Hee RES MA HES DRG RE Ree REE ERE Ce ene East Mandale, in front of station; top of rail ...........0. 0.00. cence eee Mandale, in front of station; top of rail ............0 0. e cee eee Mandale, schoolhouse 130 feet west of canal, north side of railroad, east foun- dation, aluminum tablet stamped “723” ........ 2.000 c cece eee Roselms, in front of station; top of rail... 2.26.22. Roselms, McMillans Crist Mill, east face of, aluminum tablet stamped ‘‘724’’. RosELMs NORTH ALONG Highway To M&LROSE, THENCE EAST TO OAKWOOD THENCE NORTH TO Bia AucLaizE River Briper souTH or DEFIANCE. Roselms, 0.89 mile north of; north abutment of bridge over Middle Creek, east side, top of, square marked “U.S. 716 B. M.”............2.... Roselms, 3.06 miles north of; south abutment, west side of steel highway bridge, aluminum tablet stamped ‘'712” .,..............00.0.00005 Melrose, northwest corner of State and Superior Streets, in cement sidewalk, aluminum tablet stamped “717” . 0.6.66. 0 eee eee Oakwood, railroad bridge on Main Strect, east abutment, in face of, aluminum tablet SEAMED ALOR” csressnendcisnond bee dulewaeoancs He sual he puaikele aveeie auled Oakwood, 3.88 miles north of; at crossroads, small bridge, north abutment, west face, aluminum tablet stamped ‘'718”. 00.00 ..0 0000 Oakwood, 7.87 miles north of; crossroads, southeast corner of schoolhouse foundation, aluminum tablet stamped STNG ae elle Ba aeahia ed, eagle gone R ae ‘Oakwood, 10.09 miles north of; Gorman schoolhouse, west face of foundation, aluminum tablet stamped OU esc eee eee ey eee eS Bee a Oakwood, 11.36 miles north of; bridge over Big ae face of south abut- ment, square marked A esl Ms RO ik haga nn case av onnan ax DEFIANCE QUADRANGLE. Bie Avevaize River Norru To D&EriaNcpr, THENCE NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY TEN MILES, THENCE EAST TO RIDGEVILLE CoRNERS AND 2 MILES EAST OF. Defiance, County Jail, southwest corner, aluminum tablet stamped ‘Prim. Tea Mba NO BOO” cus scndaracninuserecinnevasaawniadaaceas Defiance, 2.52 miles north of; at crossroads southwest corner of Kelleys schoolhouse, aluminum tablet stamped “713” ................-0000. Defiance, 5.67 miles north of; southeast corner of schoolhouse at crossroads, aluminum tablet stamped “720” ...... 0... cece eee eee Defiance, 8.64 miles north of; southeast corner of crossroads, schoolhouse, aluminum tablet stamped “714” 2.0.00... 0. cee cee 437 FLEET. 730. 733. 726, 728. 729, 726. 728. 727. 723. 723, 727. 722. 725. 724, 716, 712. 717. 707. 718 716 711 686. 691 713. 719 1 A 383 348 260 684 mo 710 304 05 314 160 381 336 .806 742 74 793 343 663 . 764 438 PROGRESS REPORT Evansport, 4.05 miles east of; county line road, Fred Behrmans house, front face, foundation aluminum tablet stamped 734” ................. Ridgeville Corners, Hunn Bros, store, front entrance, S. E. corner watertable, aluminum tablet stamped ‘'741” ©. 0... . cece eee ees ‘ NAPOLEON QUADRANGLE, Near RIDGEVILLE EAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO LipERTY CENTER. Ridgeville Corners, 2.41 miles east of; crossroads, schoolhouse north side of road, front fence, aluminum tablet stamped “722” ................ Ridgeville Corners, 4.41 miles east of; crossroads, schoolhouse No. 5, front face of, aluminum tablet stamped 706” ........... 00.2.0 c ee eee Ridgeville Corners, 7.36 miles east of; crossroads, west end of north abutment of bridge, aluminum tablet stamped “682” ..................-00005 Liberty Center, 2.4 miles west of; crossroads, schoolhouse entrance, aluminum tabletstamped “678” icc aadyeg rue gene eRe e ors gee tla Leedels aes Liberty Center, crossing of Wabash Railroad west side of town, top of rail.. Liberty Center, town house, front face of, aluminum tablet stamped “686’’. . M’CLURE QUADRANGLE, Liserty Cenrer via Stone Roap souTHEAST TO GRAND RaPIDs, THENCE nast TO ToNTOGANY. Liberty Center, 3.42 miles east of; junction of roads to 8. & N. schoolhouse, front face, aluminum tablet stamped ‘683” ................2.0000. Liberty Center, 5.90 miles east of; Whites schoolhouse, District No. 1 north of road, front entrance, aluminum tablet stamped ‘674”............ Grand Rapids, bridge over Maumee River, south abutment, east side of, aluminum tablet stamped 655” 1.0... 00.02. eee Grand Rapids, 2.72 miles east of; schoolhouse, north side of road, front en- trance, aluminum tablet stamped ‘670”....... fhoda: alciny @lgun gil’ We telancee BOWLING GREEN QUADRANGLE. ‘TONTOGANY NORTHEAST ALONG CINCINNATI, IIAMILPON AND Dayvon Ratr- RoAp TO Haskins. Tontogany, in front of station; top of rail ..... 000. ee eee eee Tontogany, 0.34 miles north of; 50 fect north of road crossing, cast side of track, top of stone culvert, aluminum tablet stamped ‘669”......... Haskins, 250 feet meters west of C. H. & D. R. R., on Sugat St., in south face of public school building in watertable 4 feet 10 inches above ground, 1 foot 9 inches east of east side of entrance, being a brass bolt lettered U.S.C. For an additional list of precise levels see pages 564-566. FEET. 734.344 741.152 722.172 706 .030 682.338 678.211 680 .6 685 694 683 . 364 673.672 654.666 669.493 670.1 668.803 667 .702 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 439 PRIMARY LEVELING. CHARDON, CONNEAUT AND JEFFERSON QUADRANGLES. (Ashtabula, Geauga and Lake Counties.) The elevations in the following list are based upon an aluminum tablet stamped ‘‘668 CLEVELAND 1901”’ in west end of coping stene and in front of Soldiers’ Monument in public square, Superior street, Cleveland, Ohio. The elevation of this is accepted as 668.692 feet above mean sea level, in accord with the latest adjustment. The work is checked upon and adjusted to leveling on the Girard quadrangle, Pennsylvania, based upon the Jatest accepted elevation at Erie, and also to leveling of 1905 on adjoining quadrangles. The leveling on part of Chardon quadrangles was done in 1903 un- der the direction of Mr. R. D. Cummin, topographer, by Mr. C. If. Moore, Jevelman, and the remainder of work on this quadrangle and work on Jefferson quadrangle was done in 1904 under the direction of Mr. W. N. Morrill, topographer, by Mr. C. R. Harvey, levelman, and the work on the Conneaut quadrangle was done in 1904 under Mr. Morrill, by Mr. E. I. Shea, levelman. The standard bench marks are stamped with the letters ‘‘CLEVE”’ or “CLEVELAND” in addition to the figures of elevation. CHARDON QUADRANGLE. PAINESVILLE SOUTH ALONG BaLTIMore AND OnIO RAILROAD ‘ro CHARDON, THENCE SOUTHWEST ALONG C. & E. Enecrric Ratuway To Bass Laku Fowiers Mibu. / PEET. Painesville, on front entrance step at southeast corner of courthouse, chiscled CINCIC. cae Sea DRGs REA Gs BAYS ER OE ES RG ERE ANTE GS See ae ET Sow aR 680 . 25 Painesville, on east side of Soldiers’ Monument in City Park, in lower water- table, aluminum tablet stamped ‘678 CLEVELAND”.............. 677.458 Concord, north side of Painesville-Concord road, 300 feet west of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad crossing, in top of 2 by 5 foot sandstone coping stone, in center of culvert, bronze tablet stamped “897 CLEVELAND” 896.427 Painesville, 6.25 miles south of; on culvert stone on east side of Baltimore and Ohio track, south side of east and west road crossing, chiseled square 1013.46 Chardon, southwest corner Court and Washington Streets, north side, at northeast corner of frame house, in foundation wall, bronze tablet stamped ‘1233 CLEVELAND”..........06 0. cece cece eee 1232.770 Fowuers MILLS EASTERLY TO HUNTSBURG, THENCE NORTH TO Mapison, OHIO. Claridon, 1.25 miles west of; 5. E. side of bridge over Cuyahoga River sect flush in abutment, bronze tablet stamped “CLEVELAND 1136” .... 1135.668 East Claridon, .5 mile east of; in northwest corner of bridge over branch of Cuyahoga River, in abutment stone, aluminum tablet stamped MOTE VGGAND: AV8Oe etcccs ca scan dun heed deo RAMA SHRORG MO bree S 1129 443 440 PROGRESS REPORT Huntsburg, 2 miles north of by 1 mile west; southeast corner of crossroads, in northwest corner of foundation frame farmhouse, aluminum tablet stamped “CLEVELAND 1288” 00... ccc eee cece eee Montville, in southwest corner of M. E. Church at aluminum tablet stamped “CLEVELAND 1239)". ssn ce doa 4 Sas bes abe eee eee ees Baees South Thompson, 25 feet,south of postoffice; east side of road, in stone foun- dation of frame house, bronze tablet stamped ‘(CLEVELAND 1170” Thompson, Congregational Church; in southwest corner of stone foundation, bronze tablet stamped ‘1277 CLEVELAND” ................0.05- Madison, 2.5 miles south of; in southwest corner of bridge over Grand River, in abutment stone, aluminum tablet stamped ‘696 CLEVELAND”’.. JEFFERSON QUADRANGLE. Bripcr over MILL CREEK ALONG HIGHWAY SOUTH 3 MILES TO JEFFERSON, THENCE WESTERLY TO CORK, THENCE SOUTHERLY TO WINDSOR, THENCE EAST TO COLEBROOK, THENCE NORTH TO JEFFERSON. (AN EXCESSIVE ERROR DISTRIBUTED BETWEEN JEFFERSON AND WINDSOR.) Jefferson, in stone floor of front entrance way to courthouse, aluminum tab- let stamped ‘968 CLEVELAND”............ 0.00 ce ccc cee eee Eagleville, 75 feet south of crossroads; set flush in top of culvert, aluminum tablet stamped ‘812 CLEVELAND” ............ 000... e eee eee Cork, in northwest corner of brick schoolhouse, soupheast corner of roads, » bronze tablet stamped “974 CLEVELAND” ...............000000- Trumbull, in northwest corner of stone foundation of Town Hall; aluminum tablet stamped “995 CLEVELAND”’......................000000. Hartgrove, in northeast corner of public school, bronze tablet stamped ‘1033 CLEVELAND” \ccugehetwancntay denies ers Ku tea aes Libao ake WA OEE Windsor, in northeast corner of stone foundation of L. O. O. F. Hall;.aluminum tablet stamped ‘835 CLEVELAND”................0.000 0.000005 Orwell, in northeast corner of Orwell Banking Co. building, aluminum tablet stamped “903 CLEVELAND” .......... 00... ccc ete nes Colebrook, 1 mile west of; in culvert stone, aluminum tablet stamped ‘922 CLEVE BAND) cae 308 aoe ch eee ee Soe ae Bo We ees Oe eee Boreas South New Lyme, in northeast corner of Presbyterian church; aluminum tab- let stamped “968 CLEVELAND”............. 00.2: e cence eee eet Lenox, 2.5 miles south of; 75 feet south of crossroads, east side of north and south road, in top of stone culvert, aluminum tablet stamped ‘946 CTE VE TINY i Sian ake Sse pa sence sted achat d cdiud ede PON ena Peon Aes Lenox, 0.25 mile south of; west side of road, in abutment stone of culvert, aluminum tablet stamped ‘932 CLEVELAND” ................... CONNEAUT QUADRANGLE, PENNSYLVANIA AND OnIO STATE LINE WEST ALONG PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO Evecrric Ratway Tracks To ASHTABULA. Conneaut, in southeast corner of hotel Cleveland; in face of stone foundation wall, aluminum tablet stamped ‘662 CLEVE” .................... North Ningsville, in face of stone sill at northwest corner of large brick build- ing at southeast corner of crossroads, aluminum tablet stamped ‘‘715 CEE VER cen eraricale eh Wisse Gt Sin Sieh hh ese nied sleet aye Na Leaner ad ali ona FEET. 1282 459 1238 . 286 1169 244 1276 . 266 695.761 967.577 811.120 973.661 994.531 1031 .874 834.060 901.705 921.158 966.728 945 .863 931.228 662.105 715.220 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. CONNEAUT ALONG HIGHWAY SOUTH TO PIERPOINT, THENCE WEST TO BRIDGE NORTH OF JEFFERSON. Farnham, 0.3 mile south of postoffice; in south wing wall on southeast end of covered bridge No. 1 over Conneaut Creek, bronze tablet stamped “745 CLEVELAND 1904”... 0.00... cence cence tenes Bushnell, south abutment stone on west side of iron girder bridge over Ash- tabula Creek, 800 feet south of postoffice, aluminum tablet stamped 865 CIB VIB! 4a ioe At iad gan nee acaedeas 4 mare He dues Seta STNG Monroe Center, in top of stone culvert on west side of road, bronze tablet stamped. “909 CLIVE ya crctaecneng's ayia tin dae gtr grewiahe eaeg se eyo abe ase Pierpoint, in stone base at northeast corner of Congregational church, bronze tablet stamped “995 CLEVE”... 2.0.2... cece cee eee Giddings, postoffice, (Denmark Center), in west end of culvert stone on north side of road 630 feet west of postofiice, aluminum tablet stamped SEQ 5 Di CLV BY? ccxtie Mcesciaisod Bie ntegel ead ets doar e Aes Sed wealiehace a Hage nS Spa A er wen aA Griggs Corners, 300 feet south of postoffice, in top stone of north wing wall at northeast corner of iron girder bridge over Ashtabula Creek, aluminum tablet: stamped. “881, CLEVE os nos iviigce sae tad eiis ve bee came we 44] FEET. 745.535 865 .092 908.787 994.675 951.610 880 .867 442 PROGRESS REPORT AKRON, ASUTABULA, BEREA, CLEVELAND, EUCLID, KENT, MENTOR, OBERLIN AND PERRY QUADRANGLES., (Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Portage, Swnmit and Medina Counties.) The elevations in the following lst are based upon an aluminum iablet stamped ‘‘668 CLEVELAND 1901”? in the west end of stone cop- ing in front of Soldiers’ Monument in public square, Superior street, Cleveland, Ohio. The elevation cf this is accepted as 608.692 feet above mean sea level, in accord with the 1903 and 1907 adjustments.’ The leveling on the Cleveland, Berea and Oberlin quadrangles was done in 1901 by Mr. George Bailey, levelman, and that of Euclid, Perry, Mentor, and part of Ashtabula quadrangles was done in 1903 by Mr. C. II. Moore, levelman, the main cireuit on the latter quadrangle being done in 1903 by Abr. I. 8. Lowe, levelman, all under the direction of Mr. R. D. Cumnin, tepographer. The leveling on the Akron and Kent quad- rangles was done in 1903 under the direction of Mr. C. H. Goodlove and D. Hannegan, topographers, by Messrs. W. E. Harle and E. J. Shea, levelmen. The standard bench marks are stamped with the letters ‘“CLEVE- LAND” in addition to the figures of elevation and, in some cases, the Vear. CLEVELAND QUADRANGLE, CLEVELAND ALONG HIGHWAY EAST TO WARRENSVILLE, THENCE SOUTH TO Macuponta. (Along strects and highways.) FEET. Cleveland, southwest corner of Front and East River Strects, Johnson House Block, northeast corner of , U. 8. Engineers’ bench mark, a cross (Xx) OM WALERU ADC 52a. chal ait. gud nak cuse sah cea batch aun Bea aa aA pane oe Had Hedien 577.736 Cleveland. Lake Eric, U. 8. Engineers’ watertable; zero mark, which equals mean. elevation of lake for years 1860-1875 inclusive. ............+.. 572.677 Cleveland, Lake Erie by U.S. Engincers’ water gauge readings, mean elevation for years 1886-1900 inclusive ......... 0.00.0 e cece eee 572.153 Cleveland, Superior Strect, Soldiers’ monument in public square, in front of , west end of coping, aluminum tablet stamped ‘668 CLEVELAND DOT? Sa Ne eet tne cou hehe e ces i heatsink ta ah AON Soe Decale eRe au kee nec Ski Oi 668 .692 Warrensville, brick schoolhouse, west end of, north face, in foundation 1 foot from ground, bronze tablet stamped “1048 CLEVELAND 1901”.... 1047.794 Bedford, 2.5 miles northeast of; red brick schoolhouse at intersection of 5 roads, left side of door, bottom step near wall, small square.......... 1082.07 CLievELAND VIA Norru Royauron anp Boston To Mititers Corners. Cleveland, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway bridge over Cuyahoga River, southeast side of track, on east end of abutment, Glitseled :CROSS: xq4 eer4 8G RSs ee AYRE RO VEE IO Eco ARE BA Sd ERG DEES 592.26 North Royalton, Church Christ, cast face and about 2 feet from ground, in foundation, bronze tablet stamped “1237 CLIEBVIEELAND 1901”...... 1236. 640 Boston, between Cuyahoga River and mill race to paper mill, southeast corner of masonry pier, bronze tablet stamped “664 CLEVELAND 1901”... 663.815 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. BEREA QUADRANGLE. ParMa, viA BENNETTS CoRNERS AND HARDSCRABBLE TO CROSSROADS 3 MILES BAST OF GRAFTON. Bennetts Corners, on southwest corner of crossroads, in top of end of drain, bronze tablet stamped ‘1058 CLEVELAND 1901” ................ Hardscrabble, bridge over west branch of Rocky River, northeast sill of, bronze tablet stamped ‘794 CLEVELAND 1901” ................. Hardscrabble, 2 miles west of; bridge over stream to north, northwest abut- ment of, on northeast corner of, mark .............0 00 cece cence West CLEVELAND via Rocky River, Trinity P. O. anp Berna To Parma P.O. Rocky River, 200 feet east of station; small New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad bridge over private road, southwest abutment of, in sill between girder and capstone and about 2 feet below rail, aluminum tablet stamped “655 CLEVELAND 1901”............... 000s eee Trinity, brick schoolhouse north of postoffice, front or west face of window sill south of doorway, aluminum tablet stamped ‘696 CLEVELAND TOO? oy a pista Sy aid bhen inn aia. tase ao b AAy ais te ally ge igea tees plaka mer snes pen Berea, bridge over east branch of Rocky River, southeast wing wall of; about ee above highway, aluminum tablet stamped “769 CLEVELAND P9OT? oo. oasis oa eRe ene ee ee er ee ee eee Parma, 1.25 miles southwest of: northeast end of bridge on the Cleveland Medina Pike, southeast side of road, in sill, aluminum tablet stamped “846 CLEVELAND 1901”........ 00... eee OBERLIN QUADRANGLE, Eacis Curr via Lorain, Norro Amuerst anp lnyria tro Norra Rines- VILLE. Lorain, Erie Street bridge over Black River, north side of street inside railing, west abutment of bridge, aluminum tablet stamped ‘598 CLEVE- TAIN DD 90172 oo saiee ence Linereen ee awe ere api eeSid ugh dan RINGS Be calear es Suplntdaglictesengutia North Amherst, 0.75 mile west of; east wall of Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad bridge, in third course of stone 5 feet 4 inches from ground, in 8th stone from south end, bronze tablet stamped ‘678 CLIBVELAN D: 1901s 5 25 gacccnciaie ashes geet (aly als ae iglat's matings Elyria, courthouse, in top of foundation stone at northwest corner of, alu- minum tablet stamped ‘721 CLEVELAND 1901” ..............50- AMHERST VIA OBERLIN AND GRAFTON TO FIpLps.- Oberlin, Severance Laboratory of Oberlin College (northwest corncr of Lorain and Professor Streets), in southeast corner of cast wing, aluminum tablet stamped ‘817 CLEVELAND 1901”...............-.-..005- (Set at same elevation as old tablet removed by destruction of entrance wall.) Grafton, 0.5 mile west of; highway bridge over east branch of Black River, in top of northeast wing wall of; bronze tablet stamped ‘793 CLEVE- TAIN ID! POOLE aa ane sed sede nd essairesteceiane tie scence sac sete ais Mudge Seales nage Memes AKRON QUADRANGLE. Hupson ALONG HIGHWAY Wrst TO PENINSULA, THENCE souTH viA Livererr : To AKRON. Peninsula, in northwest corner of City Hall, aluminum tablet'’stamped ‘711 CLD VASGAND? aa.c8viecac.c2 is wr aisnied Lak aGotsa beans Maes Beka ae Everett, east side of lock, in third stone from south gate, chiseled cross..... Ira Station, or Hawkins postoffice, iron bridge over Cuyahoga River, north- west stone pillar, chiseled cross, in top stone ...........- 0. eee a eee 443 FEET. 1058 .088 794.657 852.02 654.865 696.636 769 354 846.094 598 .346 678.623 721.222 816.872 793.611 711.167 719.97 729 722 444 PROGRESS REPORT FEET. Botzum, in northeast stone abutment of bridge over Ohio Canal, aluminum tablet stamped “753 CLEVELAND”........... 0.0. cece cece e eee ee 752.890 Cranmer, flag station; 1000 feet north of; southeast stone abutment of road bridge over canal, in second step from bottom, chiseled cross........ 765.99 Akron, 1.5 miles north of; 5th Lock north of West North station, in northeast corner of stone wall, chiseled cross .... sees cece eens 787 .90 Akron, 175 feet west of Howard Street station; iron bridge of Cleveland, Terminal and Valley Railroad over Howard Street, in southeast stone abutment, chiseled cross 0.000 c cece eee ees 884.62 AKRON ALONG HIGHWAY WEST VIA CoPLey To SHARON CENTER, THENCE NORTH to West RICHFIELD, THENCE EAST TO PENINSULA. Copley, 1.2 miles east of; iron bridge over Pigeon Creek, Northern Ohio Rail- road, crossroad 20 feet east, southeast corner of stone abutment, GPTSENSH GENER teas kesssce fk ncs os Gh oe ea seen a oe 976.59 Copley, in southwest corner of Disciples church, aluminum tablet stamped 1.049) CLAVE LAND? 76 8 ca4 eh orate ndad mac ad LAR Ed ale ohh ewe 1049 .163 Copley, 1.25 miles west of; in northwest corner of road forks, 75 feet east of road crossing north and south, house of E. Bigelow, in south top stone to small culvert, chiseled cross........6 0000.0 c eee eee tenet eae 1081.76 Copley, 2.25 miles west of; at southeast corner of J. M. Andrews house, north- west corner of forks of road on Medina and Summit County line, cul- vert, cut in large top stone... 6... eee eee tte tee 1144.08 Sharon, 1 mile east of; Sharon Township, east side of road, southwest corner of foundation of barn owned by Jennie Hollinger, aluminum tablet stamped “1044 CLEVELAND” ..............0. 000 cece eee eee 1043 .707 Granger, 1.25 miles east of; Granger Township, southeast corner of forks of roads, in south side of top stone to stone culvert, aluminum tablet stamped 1072 CLEVELAND” 3. ss6ancseuee xe ese cyaweseeeeee es 1072,311 Richfield Center, 1 mile south of; west side of road, 1100 feet north of forks of Medina-Brekett road, top of culvert, chiseled cross............... 1224.20 West Richfield, in southeast corner of Carter House, aluminum tablet stamped “1279 CLEVELAND” ............ cbse cece eee eee ee eee 1279027 Peninsula, 2 miles west of; south side of road, at forks east, mee and north- east, in top stone to culvert, chiseled cross ..........:.0seee eee eeee 1096 .37 Teast AKRON SOUTHWEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO BARBERTON, THENCE ALONG Erte RaItRoap WEst TO WADSWORTH, THENCE ALONG HIGHWAY NORTH TO SHARON CENTER. Akron, northeast corner of east porch of county jail, aluminum tablet stamped “1027 CLEVELAND” (on checked spur line) ................-..-. 1027 .182 Barberton, 1.5 miles north of; at Lawndale, in southeast corner of stone bridge, with iron hand rails over drain east of, chiseled cross............... 965.61 Barberton, Barberton Inn, at right side of main entrance stairway to, in face of support to veranda, aluminum tablet stamped “981 CLEVELAND”... 981.269 Barberton, 1.5 miles west of station; Erie Railroad milestone 210, cross chiseled ‘on tOp iq srk Gases ab ead wee oe Sheer aed See SMe ee eer 1012.70 Sherman, 35. feet east of Erie station; milestone No. 212, in top of; bronze tablet stamped ‘1085 CLEVIELAND”.............000 0600s 1085 .476 Wadsworth, Wadsworth National Bank, 1 foot south of doorway, in face of foundation stone; bronze tablet stamped “1170 CLEVELAND”...... 1170 .404 Wadsworth, 4 miles north of; at southeast corner of crossroads, in top of large stone post, chiseled cross........0..000.000 000 c cee c ee eee 1089 .27 Sharon, Sharon Township, at southwest corner of Universalist Church, in face of stone foundation, bronze tablet stamped ‘1028 CLEVELAND” .. 1027.748 (The above bench mark sat on a single spur line.) TOPOGRAPLIIC SURVEY. 445 KENT QUADRANGLE, FRET. Sitver Lake JUNCTION £AST ALONG GAYLoR Roap ro Monroe FAuLs, THENCE ALONG BaLTimoRE AND OHIo RAILROAD, THENCE ALONG HIGHROAD vo Ravenna To Kenr. Silver Lake Junction, in southwest end of large stone arch bridge over Cuya- ; hoga River, on end copying stone of west wall, aluminum tablet stamp- ed “1012 CLEVELAND 1903” ..... 0.0.60. c eee eee cence 1012.197 Monroe Falls, opposite postoffice, at southwest corner of crossroads, at north- east corner of schoolhouse, in face of foundation wall on north side, bronze tablet stamped “1040 CLEVELAND 1903” ..............- 1039 .467 Kent, 2.5 miles west of; at milepost A. Jct. 8, top of T rail driven in ground, (B. & O. R. R. B. M. 431), cross cut (R. R. elevation 1016-670)..... 1017.58 Kent, 1.5 miles west of; at milepost stamped “‘A Jct. 9,”’ on top of T rail driven in ground, (B. & O. R. R. B. M. 480), cross cut (R. R. elevation LOWGS TT) anc vereckoaed serugors doy prada ae ebay sa see $03 Seo ee ees 1017.48 Kent, at head of stairway leading to railroad station; in stone bridge on south side, bronze tablet stamped “1051 CLEVELAND 1903” ........... 1051 .822 Kent, 2.25 miles east of; at southwest corner of iron bridge over Breakneck Creek, at abutment, chiseled square .............0 0.0 beeen eee eee 1046.39 RAVENNA ALONG HIGHWAY NORTHWEST TO STREETSBORO THENCE WEST TO Hupson VILLAGE THENCE SOUTH ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO CuyaHoca Fatts. Ravenna, 3 miles northwest of; at northwest corner of small bridge over ditch, in stone abutment, chiseled cross ........... 0.000: cc ee eee eee eens 1065.00 Ravenna, 5 miles northwest of; Streetsboro Township, at northwest corner of girder bridge, in top of stone abutment, bronze tablet stamped “1054 CEEVEGAND:) 1908) ic.65 nana ace wen sland daw aa cdnde 4 oe dee ha a -» 1054.306 Streetsboro, Streetsboro Township, on north side at northwest corner of vot- ing place, in stone foundation, bronze tablet stamped ‘1136 CLEVE- LAND 1903) euine ves aaacaems en eu io bhapedu bes Geese ablagueane « 1136.439 Hudson, 350 feet west of station, on north stone abutment of Peninsula Rail- road bridge over Peninsula road, bronze tablet stamped ‘1049 CLEVIn- MGAINDD 7? Fccecnis ac Sect en ctalenbu el She aac testes Sea Sadr enehe Nat a eat icrPes Sate Wey b Sueesaea 1049410 EUCLID QUADRANGLE, CLEVELAND EAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO EUCLID. Euclid, 150 feet east of corner of Euclid Avenue and Main Street red brick 2 story building, on north side of Euclid Avenue, at southwest corner in west face of foundation stone, aluminum tablet stamped ‘653 CLEVE- TGA ND? accu tied-ca hea Sama, b kg Reha tiand GrimEd WA RAE Set RE Ao a aan AS 653.055 WARRENSBURG NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO SoutH Huc.ip. South Euclid, at southeast corner of lower stone step at front entrance of brick schoolhouse, aluminum tablet stamped “977 CLEVELAND”... 976.911 Evucuip NortHreast ALONG New York Centra anp Hupson River Rat ROAD TO WICKLIFF, THENCE ALONG EucLID AVENUE (NORTH RIDGE ROAD) TO PAINESVILLE. MENTOR QUADRANGLE, Wickliff, at southeast corner of red brick Presbyterian Church, in face, alu- minum tablet stamped “696 CLEVELAND” ...................0.. 695.963 Willoughby, at northeast corner of iron flagstaff in public square, top of bolt. 666.23 Mentor Township, at front entrance of Village Hall, at southeast corner of 2 by 3 by 4 stepping stone, chiseled square ..............-...0.0000- 695.21 446 PROGRESS REPORT FRET. West Mentor, at front entrance of Village Hall, 2 iy 3 by 4 carriage stepping stone, ‘at northeast corner, bronze tablet stamped “695 CLEVELAND” 695,251 East Mentor, 3.5 miles east of; at T road north, on south side of Mentor Avenue, in center and on top of stone culvert, chiseled square....... 682.71 Towxers MILL WEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO SourH Euc.ip. Fowlers Mill, 60 feet east of station; north side of east and west road, on top of sandstone hitching post, chiseled square ..............0.0 0s eeee 1127.22. Fowlers Mill, 0.5 mile west of; at southwest corner of iron truss bridge over Outlet Creek, at northwest corner of top abutment stone, in top, bronze tablet stamped 41) CLEVELAND? 0 oes fb asta ban koe mien ae NS E 1110.505 Fowlers Mill, 1.25 miles west of; at southeast corner of crossroads, on top of culvert stone; chiseled squares ys. os cette aneeegnige wei Seno wae 1090.77 Chester crossroads, 100 feet southeast from center of; general store of H. C. Cattrell, northwest corner of, bronze tablet stamped “1217 CLEVE- AND” ; 1216.881 Gates Mill, high truss iron bridge over Chagrin River, at northwest corner of top abutment stone, aluminum tablet stamped “729 CLEVELAND”. 728.607 Gates Mill, 2 miles west of; 100 feet west of center of crossroads, north side of road, on top of center of 2 by 2 granite boulder, chiseled square ..... 1049.88 Gates Mill, 4.75 miles west of; 1 mile east of South Euclid, on north side of culvert at crossroads, in center of top stone, chiseled circle.......... 1013.99 PERRY QUADRANGLE. PAINESVILLE EAST ALONG NORTH RIDGE ROAD TO Lake AsHTABULA CouUNTY LINE ROAD, THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAME TO UNIONVILLE, THENCE WEST ALONG SoutH Riper RoaD TO PAINESVILLE. Painesville, 5.75 miles east of; 100 feet east to T. road north, south side of east and west Ridge Road, at northwest corner of large frame house, north side, in face of foundation wall, aluminum tablet stamped “686 CLEVELAND s4 ci assacnesseiob ed sag eee eerca ee eee ee ace ee reee ms 686.461 North Madison, 200 feet northeast from center of crossroads, at north- west corner of foundation wall of First Congregational Church, in foundation wall, aluminum tablet stamped ‘676 CLEVELAND” . - 676.196 Unionville, at southwest corner of crossroads, at front entrance to Dry Gaods store, on 4 by 4 sandstone step, chiseled circle ...............0.00. 744.35 Unionville, 1.75 miles south of, Lake-Ashtabula county line road, south- west corner cross roads, northeast corner brick house of J. H. Fowler, in foundation wall, bronze tablet stamped ‘856 CLEVELAND” _____- 856.198 Madison, on west side of northwest corner of foundation of Town Hall, bronze tablet stamped 744 CLEVELAND”............... 000. e eee ee eee 743 511 Madison, 2 miles west of; at crossroads on south side of cast and west road, at west end of 2.5 5 by 4 foot sandstone over culvert, chiseled circle... 730.54 ASHTABULA QUADRANGLE, NortuH Mapison rast atonc Norta River Roap via GENEVA TO Say- BROOK, THENCE EAST TO ASHTABULA, THENCE ALONG HIGHWAYS SOUTH, THENCE Wrst TO UNIONVILLE. Geneva, at public square, lord and Tibbets 3 story brick building, first stone window sill east of stairway, in top of, aluminum tablet stamped ‘675 CHEVISGAND!” yoctisotcaa andes tore Wea e aniniha wae Gs ars oars aay eas 674,519 Geneva, 4 miles east of; Saybrook Township, 75 feet east of T road south, south side of east and west road, on top of top stone of culvert, chis- Glad. SqQUaTe cis oe ee cee Seca wergedad ees twee sawed ge ew TR Cee 683 .48 Saybrook postoffice, in brick foundation of town hall, on north side north- west corner, bronze tablet stamped “682 CLEVELAND" .........- 681.741 Ashtabula, at front entrance to City Hall, in top of, at northwest corner of top step, aluminum tablet stamped «700 CLEVELAND” .......... 699 .804 Ashtabula, 6.75 miles south of; Jefferson Township, northeast corner of high iron truss bridge, over Mills Creek, in top of abutment wall, rode tablet stamped “854 CLEVELAN Le Gina tendo a eer ee 854.395 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. Austinburg, at northwest corner of crossroads, on south side of southeast corner of brick store, in face of watertable, bronze tablet stamped “S17 CLEVELAND?” cgi ges gees ad bee see pee Ree Spee bes AS sane Harpersfield, on south side of southwest corner of Town Hall, in face of brick wall, 2 feet above ground, bronze tablet stamped ‘859 CLEVELAND” Harpersfield, 2.75 miles west of; Unionville, 1.75 miles south of; Lake and Ashtabula County line road, southwest corner of crossroads, north- east corner of brick house of J. H. Fowler, east side, in face of founda- ee wall, 1 foot above ground, bronze tablet stamped “856 CLEVE- 447 Freer, 816 858 674 654 .198 448 PROGRESS REPORT ANDOVER, BRISTOLVILLE, CHAGRIN IALLS, GARRETTSVILLE AND KINSMAN QUADRANGIES, (Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Portage, Summit and Trumbull Counties. ) The elevations in the following list are based upon the latest adjust- ment. The leveling was done in 1905 under the direction of Mr. D. C. Har- rison, topographer, hy Mr. R. C. Seitz, levelman. The standard bench marks are stamped ‘‘AD.J 1903”? in addition to figures of elevation, mostly correct. ANDOVER QUADRANGLE, Lenox ALONG HIGHWAY EAST To RicuMOoND CENTER, THENCE NORTH TO PrerPoint. Lenox, 3.6 miles east of; 450 feet east of township line, in northeast corner of abutment of small iron bridge over Mills Creek, set flush in top, alu- minum tablet stamped ‘985 ADJ 1908”........ 0... cee eee eee 984.827 Dorset, south end of; in southwest corner of foundation of Town Hall, alu- minum tablet stamped “985 ADJ 1903” ........ eee ee eee 985 .069 Richmond Center, 950 feet west of crossroads, in top of southwest corner of west abutment of small iron bridge, over creek, aluminum tablet stamped “1031 ADS 1908? ccc. ssc dcc ce cea cb been eed ee ieee oe we 1030 .899 Pierpoint, 3.35 miles south of; in north end of cast guard of stone culvert 0.8 mile south of township line, aluminum tablet stamped “1046 ADJ OOS) separ’ ease plore Bags Gages aval samerd wad coe op aah gmsind prom awn gales qurnates 1045 633 RicumMonp CENTER ALONG HIGHWAY soUTH TO ANDOVER AND 1 MILE sOUTH OF, THENCE wrest To Soutu New Lymn. Andover, Mosley Block, set flush in base stone southeast corner of building now (1905) occupied by the Bank of Andover, aluminum tablet stamped “1091 ADJ 19037... 00... eee eens 1091 012 Andover, 1.04 miles south by 3.91 miles west of; 435 feet east of crossroads, in top of west end of north guard stone culvert, aluminum tablet stumped. “996 ADJ 1908" cca seqaadyseauy Stee se aed obuies Rat wae 996.138 Cherry Valley, 1.04 miles south by 2.72 miles west of; in southwest corner of foundation of house north side of road, 250 feet east of T road south, 0.35 mile west of township line, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1079 ADJ MOOS H wit Achaea Ge he een ee aD Fee RE AVE e 1079 .106 CoLEBROOK ALONG HIGHWAY EAST 2 MILES, THENCE SOUTH 2 MILES, THENCE EAST AND NORTH TO ANDOVER. Colebrook, 2.1 miles east by 1.52 miles south of; 0.95 mile north of county line, 550 feet south of T road west, in west guard of stone culvert, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1024 ADJ 1908”..... 0000.00. 1024 202 Wick, 1.83 miles south of; 270 feet south of T road east, 5 feet north of porch, in west foundation of house, aluminum tablet stamped “997 ADJ 1903” 996.681 Williamsfield, 0.65 mile north of; in east side of south abutment of bridge over McMichael Creek, aluminum tablet stamped “1113 ADJ 1903”...... 1112.761 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. CHAGRIN FALLS QUADRANGLE. MAcEDONIA ALONG HIGHWAY EAST TO TWINSBURG, THENCE NORTH TO Barry, THENCE EAST TO PuNDERSON LAKE. Twinsburg, in culvert in southeast triangle of road crossing, aluminum tablet stamped “985 ADJ 19038”......... 0.0 eee eee hehe cionavca Solon, Town Hall, in belt line at northwest corner, aluminum tablet stamped 1087 AD LO08? vain son con btcccle » okair ak MAG Aree per Os bias SUSI eS Barry (Orange Center), at center of Orange Township, in southeast corner of foundation of town hall, 325 feet south of crossroads, aluminum tab- let stamped “1031 ADJ 1903” .........0... 00.0 c eee eae Russell Center (Taylor P. O.), town hall, in southeast corner of foundation, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1094 ADJ 1903”..................00055 Ford (Newbury Center), 0.91 mile west of; in south wing wall, east abutment small iron bridge, aluminum tablet stamped “1162 ADJ 1903”....... AUBURN ALONG HIGHWAY WEST TO BIssELLs, THENCE SOUTH TO ‘AURORA, THENCE WEST TO TWINSBURG. Bainbridge (Bissells P. O.), at crossroads, in east culvert west side of road, aluminum tablet stamped “1166 ADJ 1903”...............0..0.005 Aurora, 635 feet north of crossroads, in stone culvert west side of road, alu- minum tablet stamped ‘1119 ADJ 1903”................0...2000. GARRETTSVILLE QUADRANGLE. HUNTSBURG ALONG HIGHWAY SOUTH TO MIDDLEFIELD, THENCE WEST TO Burton, THENCE NORTH TO CLARIDON. Middlefield, in northwest corner of foundation of town hall, aluminum tablet stamped “1141 ADJ 1903”... 2... eee Burton, in southeast corner of foundation of town hall, aluminum tablet stamped ‘113388 ADJ 1903”. ..... 0. eee eee Burton west atone 8. O. Traction Co. to Lake PUNDERSON, THENCE NORTHWEST ALONG RAILROAD AND HIGHWAY TO FowLers MILLs. Punderson Lake station, 0.5 mile north of; 430 feet east of railroad, in culvert stone north side of road, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1148 ADJ 1903”. West FARMINGTON ALONG HIGHWAY WEST TO PARKMAN, THENCE SOUTH TO: WINDHAM. Parkman, 1.5 miles northeast of; crossroads at center of township, east of road, in culvert stone, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1145 ADJ 1903”... Nelson Center, in town hall, southeast corner of foundation, aluminum tablet stamped, “1068 ADJ. 19038" i cos eet bo aoe daa Vee et wa ga hess Frrepom CENTER ALONG HIGHWAY NORTH TO Troy CENTER (WELSHFIELD P. O.), THENCE EAST TO PARKMAN. Hiram, opposite Y. M. C. A., in northwest corner foundation to brick store building, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1270 ADJ 1903” .............. Troy Center (Welshfield P. O.), in northwest corner of foundation of school- house, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1227 ADJ 1903” .........-...... SHALERSVILLE NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO AUBURN. Mantua Center, in northwest corner of foundation of schoolhouse, aluminum tablet stamped “1180 ADJ 1903” ....... 0... c cee eee ees Auburn, Grange Hall, in southeast corner of foundation, aluminum tablet stamped. 1230 ADT 1909", cacace se yessetehomneeteteraneariiens 29—T. .S. 449 FEET. 984 .830 1037. 194 1030. 580 1094 .028 1161 .918 1166.180 1119 .245 1141.330 1337 .833 1148 .339 1143 .435 1068 . 498 1269 .617 1227 .204 1180.161 1231 .332 450 PROGRESS REPORT BRISTOLVILLE QUADRANGLE, IXsNILWORTH ALONG HIGHWAY WEST TO MESOPOTAMIA, THENCE NORTH TO WINDSOR. Greene, 1.25 miles west of; 610 feet east of crossroads, north side of road, in culvert stone, aluminum tablet stamped “918 ADJ 1903” .......... North Bloomfield station, 1035 feet west of; in south end, west abutment wooden bridge, aluminum tablet stamped “899 ADJ 1903”.......... North Bloomfield, 1.75 miles west of; north end, east abutment Grand River bridge, aluminum tablet stamped “810 ADJ 1908” cave ses nae ee te Mesopotamia town hall, in west foundation of, aluminum tablet stamped BRST ADS D908! cise 5 Sik SaaS ale deka Hears adse, ye dawudh sie Eyisan dna s ade bead Wok AcBunrdedy sOhs MESOPOTAMIA ALONG HIGHWAY SOUTH TO West FARMINGTON, THENCE EAST To Mscca. West pe vey in foundation of town hall, aluminum tablet stamped ‘‘881 1903”. eax ee an cha Gay eee Oa aa TS WE REG HEY Caw Pee KS § Bristolville, Hotel Brockett, in Support of porch, west end, aluminum tablet stamped “902 ADJ Cs a eee eee ee te West Mecca, 1.2 miles west of; in south wing, east ainiiumentt small wooden bridge, aluminum tablet stamped ‘927 ADJ 1903”..............6.. CoRTLAND ALONG HIGHWAY SOUTHWEST TO CHAMPION StraTIon, THENCE WEST TO SOUTHINGTON THENCE SOUTHERLY TO BRACEVILLE. Champion, 1.5 miles east of; at T road south, in south wing, west abutment, small iron bridge, aluminum tablet stamped ‘925 ADJ 1903” ....... State-road, 0.3 mile north of; east of road, in culvert stone, aluminum tablet stamped! “928 ADJ 1908? sis canis eau owas Coton ee ale ha Soe OSes Southington, in northwest corner foundation of town hall,, aluminum tablet stamped “892 ADJ 1903). i.0.2 suw dashed ne itn Gh ce eles oe Haw ey aes Phalanx Center, 0.2 mile north of; in east wing, south abutment of bridge over Eagle Creek, aluminum tablet stamped ‘910 ADJ 1903”............ KINSMAN QUADRANGLE. T’rom POINT NEAR TRIUMPH SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO NEAR CHADWICK. Kenilworth, house on north side of road at crossroads, in northeast corner of foundation, aluminum tablet stamped ‘951 ADJ 1903” ............ Kenilworth, 2.0 miles south of; in top of east wing of north abutment of bridge, 220 feet south of T road east,aluminum tablet stamped “922 ADJ 1903” East Mecea, 835 feet south of crossroads, in culvert stone west side of road, aluminum tablet stamped “926 ADJ 1903”.................000005 East Mecca, 1.5 miles south of; at T road east, iron post stamped “Sta. No. 842 SO386 ADI 1903” occu abc iemciciona Sia on ales Baise Gavettanine & aietaand wees FEET. 918.320 899.248 810.514 856.951 881.666 902.704 927.476 925.3805 927 .963 892.391 909.931 951.431 921.890 925 .620 936.358 Cortland, 1.25 miles southwest of; in west side of Erie Railroad culvert, alu- — minum tablet stamped “917 ADJ 1903” ........... 0... c eee eee eee Cortland, 4.75 miles south of; in culvert stone, east side of road at T road northeast, aluminum tablet stamped “916 ADJ 1903” ............-. WILLIAMSFIELD ALONG HIGHWAY SOUTH TO VERNON THENCE West To Mecca. Williamsfield, 2.54 miles south of; 610 feet south of crossroads and county line, in north and west guard culvert stone, aluminum tablet stamped 1119 ADS 19038 neces cecds ton Beeed Ge ne kbes oe ele ok Hes hey ee oc ae - Kinsman, public square, in northwest corner foundation brick block, south side of square, aluminum tablet stamped ‘940 ADJ 1908”.......... Vernon, in southwest corner of foundation of schoolhouse, aluminum tablet stamped COAT ATT L908? sattcaseicoh acute asinine wile arent Da react wierd Baca Vernon, 2.5 miles west of; in culvert stone, south side of road, aluminum tab- leb stamped “1006 ADJ 19037 ....-.. eee eee tence eee ete e ee een 916.849 915.874 1118 .859 939.481 946.460 1005.49 3 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 451 ; YEET. Johnsonville, house on northeast corner of crossroads, southwest corner of foundation, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1081 ADJ 1903” ........... 1081 ,.305 VERNON ALONG HIGHWAY SOUTH TO BROOKFIELD. Burghill, 1.75 miles south of; 670 feet south of T road east, in northwest corner of foundation of house, aluminum tablet stamped 1153 ADJ 1903”.. 1152.893 Hartford, 2.5 miles south of; in southwest wing, south abutment, bridge over Yankee Creek, aluminum tablet stamped “965 ADJ 1903” .......... 964.716 BrRocKWAY WEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO NEAR CHADWICK. Tyrrell, crossroads, in support of porch of store, aluminum tablet stamped M1133 ADI, MOO os ciy.s ta sich ces toiaiesecsndscas-s toarhnepn avant Gren taaen BON CoD ae a 1133 207 452 PROGRESS REPORT RAVENNA, WARREN AND YOUNGSTOWN QUADRANGLES. (Mahoning, Portage and Trumbull Counties.) The following elevations are based upon the 1907 adjustment datum, and are controlled principally by precise leveling of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, crossing each quadrangle, and a precise line of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, crossing Warren and part of Youngstown quadrangles. A checked primary connection was obtained in 1907 at Niles between these lines which proved a previously supposed error to exist in the Baltimore and Ohio levels between’ Youngstown and Niles, and this error has heen taken account of in adjustment, placing it be- tween ‘B. Ms. 381 and 382, which removed errors in primary circuit , Youngstown to Struthers. : , The leveling on Youngstown and on part of Ravenna quadrangles was done in 1905 under the direction of Mr. D. C. Harrison, topog- rapher, by Mr. R. C. Seitz, levelman; that on Warren and part of Ravenna quadrangles was done in 1905 under Mr. Harrison by Mr. W. H. Peabody, levelman, and the remainder of leveling on Ravenna quad- rangle was done partly in 1903 under the direction of Mr. C. W. Good- love, topographer, by Mr. C. I. Shea, levelman, and partly in 1905 under Mr. M. Hackett, topographer, by Mr. G. M. Dimick, levelman. The standard bench marks on the 1903 line, Ravenna to Randolph, are stamped ‘‘CLEVELAND,’’ but the remainder are stamped ‘‘ ADJ 1903,’’ in addition to figures of elevation as determined in the field, and which in many cases do not agree to the nearest foot with the adjusted elevation. RAVENNA QUADRANGLE, WAYLAND ALONG HIGHWAY NORTH TO WINDHAM, THENCE WEST TO SHALERS- VILLE. / FEET. Wayland, in east face of northeast corner of Bethany Church, T.3 N., R. 6 W. north of center of south side of sec. 23, aluminum tablet stamped ‘964 ADS 1903)" oscugs eucSa ceded eeu oe se eae coe the dee eee Beenseg a4 964.430 Windham, 700 feet north of crossroads, in southeast corner of foundation of town hall, aluminum tablet stamped “977 ADJ 1903” .............- 976.560 Freedom Center, in northeast corner of church, in foundation, aluminum tab- let stamped 1175 ADJ 1903” cece cence tenes 1175 .341 Shalersville, in northeast corner of foundation of town hall, aluminum tablet stamped stamped ‘1245 ADJ 1903” .:......-. 6.0 c eee eee eee 1245 .359 From Bautrimorr AND OnIO BENCH MARK 415 NoRTH TO CHARLESTON AND RETURN. Charleston station, T. 3 N., R. 7 W., northeast corner sec. 22, 300 feet north of overhead bridge, in bridge seat at northwest corner of small iron bridge over creek, aluminum tablet stamped “1041 ADJ 1903”...... 1041.100 From BALTIMORE AND OHIO BENCH MARK 415 ALONG HIGHWAY SOUTH TO ATWATER CENTER, THENCE EAST TO DEERFIELD, THENCE NORTH TO WAYLAND. . Edinburg, T. 2 N., R. 7 W., southeast corner sec. 25, 300 feet north of main crossroads, in east face of northeast corner of Congregational Church, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1181 ADJ 1903”....... 0... e eee e eee 1180 .957 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. Atwater Center, T. 1 N., R. 7 W., sec. ( ?), 300 feet south of crossroads, in northeast corner (in column support) Congregational Church, alu- minum tablet stamped ‘1165 ADJ 1903” .................0020005 Deerfield Center, T. 1 N., R. 6 W., extreme northeast corner sec. 32, in north face of northeast corner of M. E. Church, aluminum ‘tablet stamped *NOTD ADI. 1903 ha; 9-01 eon wae wea wee 8 By Osa SA ES ae aes MeO Sees SA Palmyra Center, T. 2 N., R. 6 W., extreme northwest corner sec. 25, in west face of stone guide post at center of crossroads, aluminum tablet stamped. “L037 ADT L908 hack as oe teas d-nark dyed fasbors tea ing eee a ATWATER ALONG HIGHWAY WEST TO RAN DOLPH AND RETURN. Randolph, at northeast corner of square, at. southwest corner of postoffice building, in south face of foundation, bronze tablet stamped ‘1153 CLEVELAND: 1908" s25 seieievsesey aeaas ga eu Paeeweee wed eee RAVENNA SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO RANDOLPH.. Ravenna, at main entrance to courthouse, in stone floor at southeast corner of veranda, bronze tablet stamped “1140 CLEVELAND 1903” ...... Rootstown, on west side at south west corner of postoffice building, in face of stone foundation wall, bronze tablet stamped “1126 CLEVELAND 1903” (This elevation possibly 1 foot low.)......00...0..00 cece eee WARREN QUADRANGLE, ‘ Newton Fats Norra To BRackrvVILLE, THENCE Wrst To WINDHAM. Newton Falls, southeast corner of high school building, in watertable over basement window facing cast, aluminum tablet stamped “927 ADJ QO? ae 2 see wiecituiehs Sa eee ft Dnsanee 2c. wade cnn acStriabe ecu hic ied RNGT Nainlet Sokal Was aaet OE Braceville, crossing at station; top of rail ..... 60.6... eee Newron Panis ALONG HIGHWAY souTH TO Beruin CENTER, THENCE BAST TO CANFIELD, THENCE NORTH TO WEST AUSTINVILLE, THENCE WEST TO Nortu JACKSON, THENCE NORTH TO LoRDSTOWN, THENCE East To NILEs. Priectown, 200 feet cast of crossroads, in south face of southeast corner of Methodist Church, aluminum tablet stamped “942 ADJ 1903”....... Berlin Center, 4 miles north of; 3 miles west of Rosemont, north side of road, 400 feet west of northwest corner of crossroads, in south face of south- east corner of barn of Chas. Smith, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1023 ADJ 1903” ........ Liha econ Pio SO Ree hee ES ere Mavens ] Berlin Center, 450 feet east of crossroads, on south side of road, in stone door sill to main entrance to M. I. Church, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1075 ADI TOO estsl-& cst deta. Gest & beh sade 1h Shade be bisa Bea tahdces 8 rye headsmeageneanendiylaed Shcteh eaNS acs Berlin Center, 2.5 miles east of; 2.5 miles west of Ellsworth Center, inside of fence at northeast corner of crossroads, iron post stamped ‘1159 ADJ 1903”. (Prim, “Pray: Sta; No 89) .2cses'ea suse gece tg sar Ge oe asses Ellsworth Center, at southeast corner of Presbyterian Church, in top of stone platform to entrance, aluminum tablet stamped ‘‘1068 ADJ 1903”... Canfield, in south face of southeast corner of Presbyterian Church, aluminum tablet stamped “1162 ADJ 1903” ....... 0... eee Canfield, 2 feet west of band stand in park in center of town, iron post stamped “Prim, ‘Trav, Sta: No. 143” 6. -3seveods esa ser eee eked ewe rea ay tas es West Austintown, at southwest corner of crossroads, in north face of north- west corner of United Evangelical Church, aluminum tablet stamped OTOT2 ADI 1908 iia og Pn mis anna days Dadam ah adhe x hae had eaae bande Big North Jackson, 0.2 mile east of main crossroads, south of road, in north face of northeast corner of town house, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1035 ADJ 19038? se ences peng eda gare HAT Ped Hae Bare e eee Bid Sas need ew Ae Lordstown, west side of road, 0.2 mile north of. punipal crossroads, in east face of northeast corner of Disciple Church, T, 3 N., R. 4 W., north- east corner of sec. 56, aluminum tablet stamped “954 ADJ 1903”.... 453 TEET. 1164. 1072 1037. 1154. 1140. 1126. 927. 909 |: 1075. 1159 1068 1162 1160 1012. 1034. 954 736 477 526 138 164. 109 133 a 165 .786 166 3804 .057 238 803 182 634 .200 454 PROGRESS REPORT PEET, Niles, T. 3 N., R. 3 W., sec. 5, at southwest corner of Main and West Church street, in north face of northeast corner of First Presbyterian Church, aluminum tablet stamped “890 ADJ 19037............ 000.0000 eee 889.871 At WARREN AND Leavittssurc. Setrrom B. & O. B.M.s. Nos. 395 and 399 Warren, about 60 feet south of B. & O. station; about 300 feet south of Erie station; in east face of northeast corner of Devoe County Wholesale Grocery Co., in watertable, aluminum tablet stamped “880 ADJ 1903” 880.105 Leavittsburg, T. 4 N., R. 4 W., northwest corner of sec. 24,400 feet west of station, northwest corner of Erie Railroad bridge over Duck Creek, in next to top coping stone, aluminum tablet stamped ‘895 ADJ 1903” 895.048 YOUNGSTOWN QUADRANGLE. FROM NEAR CHADWICK SOUTH TO NILES. Niles, 4 miles north of; 140 feet west of crossroads, primary traverse iron post stamped ‘936 ADJ 1903” Station No. 33 ........... cece ee eee 936.471 WARREN ALONG HIGHWAY EAST TO BROOKFIELD, gai, AND SHARON, Penn- SYLVANIA, Vienna, 1.5 miles west of; in north face of stone post at top of hill on north side of road, aluminum tablet stamped “1140 ADJ 1903”........... 1140.64] Vienna, 1.5 miles east of; Brookfield, 3.5 miles west of; southeast corner of house, east face, at northwest corner of crossroads, aluminum tablet stamped. “1180 ADJ 1908? 03 cc: certs cases rom er eega ge wade bog ews 1180.529 Vienna, 1.5 miles cast of; 3.5 miles west of Brookfield, primary traverse sta- tion No. 41, inside of fence at southwest corner of crossroads, iron post stamped “1173 ADJ 1908". o.24.c0; 08) pose bese @hent weegn buyen sas 1172.773 Brookfield, 0.02 mile south of crossroads, in east face of southcast corner of Christian Church, aluminum tablet stamped ‘11170 ADJ 1903”....... 1170, 660 BROOKFIELD ALONG HIGHWAY SOUTH TO HvusBarp, THENCE WEST TO GIRARD, Hubbard, north part of, 1,200 feet south of Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad, 110 feet south of crossroads, in west wing, north abutment, small iron bridge (highway), aluminum tablet stamped ‘928 ADJ 1903” 928.360 Churchill, 2 miles east of Girard; in north face of foundation of M. Is. Church, aluminum tablet stamped ‘'1080 ADJ 1903”... ......0.5. 5... e eee eee 1079 .627 Girard, in east end of east wing wall, abutment highway bridge, over Mahon- ing River at B. & O, station; aluminum tablet stamped “861 ADJ 1903” 861.126 JIAZELTON ALONG HIGHWAY EAST TO COITSVILLE, THENCE SOUTH TO STRUTHERS. Hazelton, at Andrews crossing and B, & O. right of way, on top course of north ~ wing wall of east abutment of bridge No. a4, aluminum tablet stamped MSBT ADDS VOOR? ic torus Sai eahn Raves MeN ERTS AR eS oe Res Nad BUSS NS 836.451 Coitsville, crossroads, in south wing wall, east ice small iron bridge, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1068 ADJ 1903”... 2.0.6... . cece eee 1066 943 Av LoweE.ivitLe. Set rrom B. & O. R. R. Bencu Marx 371. Lowellville, in north retaining wall of dam across Mahoning River aluminum tablet stamped 813 ADJ 1903” ............ 00 eee eee eee 812.830 YOUNGSTOWN ALONG HIGHWAY SOUTHWEST TO CORNERSBURG, THENCE SOUTH TO BoARDMAN, THENCE EAST TO POLAND, THENCE NORTHEAST TO STRUTHERS. Youngstown, opposite Ohio Steel Works, in west wing wall; north abutment highway bridge across Mahoning River, aluminum tablet stamped “S5D-AT 1908" eke oec core sabes ewes Oaed be bed Owes Be pew ae Ra 853 .031 Cornersburg, 1050 feet south of; in west wing wall, north abutment, iron bridge over Coak Creck, aluminum tablet stamped “1037 ADJ 1903”. 1037.445 Boardman, 1.6 miles west of; south end of bridge seat, west abutment, small iron highway bridge over Mill Creek, aluminum tablet stamped “997 ADJ W908? 2 35 4 oe oe RES OE REG lees BH RY EE RK ano mae Sao ee 997 .683 Poland, in north end, west retaining wall at highway bridge over Yellow Creek, aluminum tablet stamped “1016 ADJ 1903” ................ 1015 .959 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 455 COLUMBIANA AND LISBON QUADRANGLES, (Columbiana and Mahoning Counties. ) The elevations in the following list are based upon the 1907 adjust- ment of precise leveling, the work being controlled principally by vheecked leveling of the Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad crossing these quadrangles and a precise level line of the U. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey crossing the northwest quarter of Lisbon quadrangle. The leveling was done in 1906 under the direction of Mr. D. C. Har- vison, topographer, by H. W. Peabody, levelman. The connections on Lisbon quadrangle to the precise lines were made in 1907 by Mr. R. C. Seitz, levelman, under Mr. J. II. Jennings, geographer. The hench inarks are stamped with figures of elevation and year. COLUMBIANA QUADRANGLE. CALLA FAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO NEW MIDDLETOWN, THENCE SOUTH VIA PetersrurG To Hast PALESTINE. FRET, Paradise Reformed Church, 3.5 miles east of Calla, in east face of northeast corner of church, at southwest corner of crossroads, aluminum tablet stamped, “W165; VO0G" o2 case aie wd ek gape ep See ope gates gualwesesiagen 1164..308 Calla, 6.5 miles east of; 70 feet cast of Youngstown and Southern Electric R. R., in wing wall at southwest corner of small iron bridge, aluminum tablet.stamped 1133” s.¢c seeks cea Ab eds ERS Tost eka Pa ees 1132.985 New Middletown, 3 miles northwest of; at southeast corner of small iron bridge over branch of Yellow Creek, in wing wall, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1068”..... scaling SWART A Stet 2 gb. Sarna eee Atha aI I 1068 .023 New Middletown, in west face of northwest corner of school building at south- east corner of road forks at south edge of village, aluminum tablet SCAMMER LA ite casa. aii ig bagasse calls mg: Beatle Gk agrede nn 8 eH Sek Atle nue ere GAG 1256. 347 Petersburg, in east face of southeast corner of Presbyterian Church, aluminum tabletestampeéd. “L105? wes wegeameces Abbe g HE Eea Gee ENG HERG DESH 1114.685 Petersburg, in west part of village at road forks, on stone step to Methodist Gliarchiy chisel miarki, detciw iso wugg be ddon dosed tun Bae nom geese d Bnei auemaens 1137.91 Unity, 500 feet west of northwest corner of main crossroads, 10 feet from southwest corner of Methodist Church, in west face, aluminum tablet stamped “1216, 1006 22 deine nme ee ce ate Ge paw ae kena rene ama a es 1215 565 East Palestine, in north face of northwest corner of public school building on School Street, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1027, 1906”.............. 1026 .537 Pittsburg, 48.8 miles west of; southeast corner of southeast pier to coal tipple At State LANG: 4 i dark sod bce a pt aeodsihannaed Samee ke mangoes bane Ee eae bs 1033 .498 PETERSBURG WESTERLY VIA COLUMBIANA TO WASHINGTONVILLE. New Springfield, 360 feet east of main crossroads, in center of north face of public school building, in watertable, aluminum tablet stamped 1213 1006” Kawau gee y ee eee ata De er oSaravae seeniagwe Meese se 1213.099 Columbiana, 2.5 miles northeast of; on northwest corner of T road to west, in east face of southeast corner of Henry Candel’s dwelling, aluminum tablet stamped ‘11143, 1906”........ 0000.0. eee ae 1142 .866 Columbiana, southeast corner of Main and Pittsburg Streets, in north face of northwest corner of M. E. Church, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1138, WOOLY se sees aS cee = gle Baa ea Are Save WAS gen ei Soe adeeb fee Tote 1137.978 456 ‘ PROGRESS REPORT Columbiana, 2.0 miles north by 1 mile west of; southwest corner of cross- roads, in east face of northeast corner of Germantown schoolhouse, aluminum tablet stamped “1175, 1906” ........... 000. c ee eee eens CoLUMBIANA SOUTH TO NEAR T’aAIRVIEW SCHOOLHOUSE, THENCE EAST TO NEW WATERFORD. Columbiana southwest corner of door sill of station; 59.61 miles west of Pittsburg, P. Ft. W.&C. R.R. BLM... eee Middleton (Mosk P. O.), about 500 feet north of main crossroads, in south face of southeast corner of schoolhouse, aluminum tablet stamped WTO, AMG os, ct icy 040 4s dace nee ada bee De ea CARI peters New Waterford, in north face of northwest corner of public school building, aluminum tablet stamped “1053, 1906” ...... 0... eee eee eee New Waterford, northeast corner of north coping of bridge, P,.R. R. B.M. East PALESTINE SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO NEGLEY, THENCE WESTERLY AND SOUTHWEST TO ELKTON. Negley, 0.5 mile west of station; in bridge seat at northeast corner of P. L. & W. R. R. bridge over Leslie’s Run, aluminum tablet stamped ‘847, 1QOG” sortase ectoaisae mine oe wee een anes uacae aes aa ver Cel pide ees Mill Rock, 2.2 miles west of Negley, at southeast corner of railway road cross- ing, at northwest corner of stone mill, aluminum tablet stamped ‘928 TOG” od acdsee sail aod ehh be slop HGhe ra upeh terse Beallaue sac thea. aus dbivvds Sadek eseetauie Yet Signal, 0.25 mile east of; in bridge seat at south corner of bridge over public road, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1069, 1906” ................0204. Elkton, Ohio, in bridge over Elk Run, last stone in northwest abutment, aluminum tablet stamped “898 STBNVL”.......000.0.0....0.0005. ELKTON NORTH TO NEAR |’ainvirw ScHOOLHOUSE. Elkton, 2.0 miles north by 0.5 mile east of; in center of southeast face of church, aluminum tablet stamped “1153, 1906” .................0. Fairview Schoolhouse, +.0 miles south of Columbiana, in east face of south- east corner, aluminum tablet stamped “1286, 1906"................ LISBON QUADRANGLE, CANFIELD SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO LEETONIA. Calla station, 0.5 mile cast of; 4 miles south:of Canfield, at southeast corner of crossroads, T. 16 N., R. 3 W., northwest corner sec. 12, in west face of northwest corner of brick schoolhouse, aluminum tablet stamped “V1B5, WIG ccc ccc ccc cere v eevee eeeeeievveetreenen Locust Grove, T. 16 N., R. 3 W., northeast corner sec. 23, 1.5 miles east of Greenford, 6 miles south of Canfield, southwest corner of crossroads, in east face of northeast corner of Locust Grove schoolhouse, alu- minum tablet stamped ‘1236, 1906” ............. 0-00. cece eee Beruin CENTER SOUTH TO SNODES. T. 18 N., R. 5 W., sec. 11, northeast corner of; Snodes, 1 mile north of; in cast face of northeast corner of Peru schoolhouse, aluminum tablet Stamped: “L112. WOOO! ns gc‘ saeicanie sagatla dso hana cate gh peau Ree ae ga AN SNODES EAST TO CALLA. T. 17 N., R. 4 W., sec. 4, southeast corner of; Patmos schoolhouse 0.5 mile west of Patmos crossroads, in south face of southeast corner of school- house, aluminum tablet stamped “1227, 1906” ................00.04 Concord Church, Hickory Corners, T. 16 N., R. 3 W., northwest corner sec. 7, at southeast corner of crossroads, in west face of northwest corner of church, aluminum tablet stamped “1083, 1906” .................05 LEETONIA SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY AND Eri Rartroap To Lisson. Franklin Square P. O., Leetonia, 2.5 miles southwest of; T. 15 N., R. 3 W., sec. 22, northeast corner of; 400 feet east of crossroads, in north face of northeast corner of M. E. Church, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1066, A OUVG PS vg Fa atecres cok h ry poe ati mengetesececeeg AMES ator ect. cr ekebeeisina ad Ben AU ng seks a a eat te tena FEET. 1174. 1116. 1261 1052. 1057. 846. 927 1068. 4 897. 1152. 1285. 1184. 1236. 1111. 1226. 1082. 762 79 885 770 055 555 873 310 694 492 460 873 205 561 .981 TOPOGRAPIIIC SURVEY. Teegarden, T. 15 N., R. 3 W., sec. 32, east center of; in bridge seat at south- west corner of small iron bridge over branch near covered bridge, aluminum tablet stamped “991, 1906” ........ cece eee eee T. 14.N., R. 3 W., sec. 9, southwest corner of; 3 miles northwest of Lisbon; 0.5 mile south of Colman station, at southeast corner of bridge seat, aluminum tablet stamped “965, 1906” ....... 0... cece eee eee ee Lisbon, in north face of northeast corner of courthouse, bronze tablet stamped LOGS: SAL BIN Vigo sascha sr aaey e-acins aot guetta Raton ena AEE pom a Ween eld nes Lisbon, T. 14 N., R. 3 W., sec. 14, south center of; diagonally opposite court- house, iron post stamped ‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 45” 2.00.2... eee. FRANKLIN SQUARE WEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO WESTVILLE, THENCE NORTH to SNODES. Salem, T. 16 N., R. 4 W., sec. 1, northeast corner, 200 feet east of Penna. R. R. and on south side of Main Street, in south face of southeast corner of Salem Water Company pump house, aluminum tablet stamped SL TGOL L906? 2 sata nt se tan ee ee ne meee oe Uae Gareed s MOREE Ege Ses Salem, 3 miles west of; T. 16 N., R. 4 W., sec. 3, northwest corner of; 2 miles east of Damascus, south side of road, in west face of northwest corner of L. K. Lightfoot’s yellow brick house, aluminum tablet stamped DAT L90G? cic 5 ces cee PRE REA Es GO RE RRA SHE ES REST wae eS Damascus, T. 17 N., R. 4 W., southwest corner sec. 32, 2 squares northwest of main crossroads, in west face of southwest corner of school building, aluminum tablet stamped “1220, 1906” ....................00000- Westville, 2 miles west of Damascus; 150 feet north of crossroads and on east side of road, T. 18 N., R. 5 W., sec. 36, southwest corner, iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 49” 2.0... ...00.....00 0000000. Beloit, 0.5 mile east of; northwest corner of cover stone on box culvert, P. Pe. Wite GRR. BeMeses sss ae nse scat s gosh eae oes be Re ee T.18N., R. 5 W., sec. 24, northwest corner of; 1.5 miles north of Beloit, 1.25 miles south of Snodes station, in west face of northwest corner of Beech Ridge schoolhouse, aluminum tablet stamped “1165, 1906”... CoLEMAN STATION WEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO NEW ALEXANDER. Guilford (Buck P. O.), T. 15 N., R. 4 W., sec. 12, center of; 8 miles south of Salem, at west edge of village, in bridge seat at southeast corner of small iron bridge over stream, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1116, 1906” New Garden, Ohio, T. 15 N., R. 4 W., sec. 9, center of; 700 feet west of main crossroads, and on south side of road, in west face of northwest corner of Christian Church, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1271, 1906” ........ New Alexander, T. 16 N., R. 5 W., sec. 11, southeast corner of; 500 feet west by 400 feet south of main crossroads, in west face of northwest corner of Bible Christian Church, aluminum tablet stamped ‘11326, 1906”..... Bridgewater, T. 17 N., R. 5 W., sec. 36, northwest corner of; 1 mile south of North Georgetown, 200 feet south of crossroads, in bridge seat at north- west corner of small iron bridge, aluminum tablet stamped “1132, 1906” 1130. Mill School, T. 17 N., R. 5 W., sec. 14, southeast corner of; east face of south- east corner of school, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1110, 1906”....... 457 FEET, 990. 964. 967. 967. 1168. 1246. 1219. 1142. 1143. 1163 1114. 1270. 1324, Ne] D or 499 413 967 225 064 315 530 884 61+ 808 937 426 458 PROGRESS REPORT ALLIANCE QUADRANGLE, (Columbiana and Stark Counties. ) The elevations in the following list are based upon the 1907 adjust- ment and controlled principally hy checked leveling of the Pittsburg, It. Wayne and Chicago Railroad and precise leveling of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey within this area. The leveling was done in 1907 under Mr. J. H. Jennings by Mr. R. C. Seitz, levelman. The standard bench marks are stamped with figures of elevation. ALLIANCE QUADRANGLE. ALLIANCE NORTHWEST ALONG RaILroap 1.4 MILES, THENCE WEST AND NORTII ALONG HIGHWAY TO New BaLtrmore. FEET. Alliance, Keplinger Hotel Building; north face, base stone at northwest corner, aluminum tablet stamped 1106”........ 0.00.00. c ccc ee eee 1105.001 Crossing Pennsylvania Railroad and L. FE. A. & W. Railroad, top of rail... . 1091.7 Crossing L. E. A. & W. Railroad and C. & P. Railroad, top of rail......... 1074 @ Marlboro, 3.15 miles east by 0.25 mile south of; about 200 feet west of T. road south, east abutment, south bridge seat of small iron bridge, aluminum tablet stamped MMI a rpdie se ek ae cen oe ees soe 1040 .663 Marlboro, crossroads; stone building in southwest corner of; in northeast. cor- ner of foundation, aluminum tablet stamped VTS cee eee 117+.306 ALLIANCE NORTHEAST ALONG RAILROAD, THENCE NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO DEERFIELD. Deerfield, 3.5 miles south of; 1250 fect north of L. I. A. & W. R. R., west wing wall, north abutment, small iron bridge, aluminum tablet stamped : 15 RR SARA IIs ey REELS COENEN IES 1062.728 ALLIANCE SOUTH ALONG CLEVELAND AND Prrrsnurnc R. R. tro Movirrin STATION AND 1.4 MILES SOUTH OF, THENCE WAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO New ALEXANDRIA. Alliance, 1.81 miles south of; along C. & P. right of way, highway crossing, 500 feet south of; culvert, south abutment east wing wall, coping stone, aluminum tablet stamped ULV say ace de aed esas eyes Sik bs 1115.001 Homeworth, in front of station; top of rail... 0... ..00 0000.00 1154.3 Homeworth, 450 feet south of station; Cleveland and Pittsburg bridge No. 22, south abutment, east wing wall, aluminum tablet stamped “1147” 1146.665 Homeworth, 1.61 miles south of; 75 feet north of highway crossing, south abutment of Cleveland and Pittsburg bridge No. 23, east-end, coping stone, aluminum tablet stamped “1112”. ....:................00.. 1111.753 Moultrie, in front of station; top of rail... 0.6... eee eee 1099.8 Moultrie, 1.42 miles south of; 1.90 miles north of Bayard Junction; small iron highway bridge 360 feet east of Cleveland and Pittsburg R. R., west abutment, north bridge seat, aluminum tablet stamped *1986) 1085.734 New Chambersburg, Union Church, in northeast corner foundation, north face, aluminum tablet stamped “12567... 0.00.00... eee 1255. 338 Irom Bripce 68 rast or LouIsviLLE SOUTHEAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO I’REE- BURG, THENCE SOUTH ALONG RAILROAD AND EAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO MOouL?RIE STATION. Alliance, 9.90 miles west of; 93 miles west of Pittsburg, northwest corner of east abutment bridge 68) PL Eth. WaG GR. RR. Be Moa cescawed en 1131. 642 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 459 FEET, Freeburg station, 0.10 mile west of; small bridge west abutment, south wing wall, aluminum tablet stamped “11967. ........000. 000. eee eee 1195.721 Freeburg, in front of L. E. A. & W. R. R. station; top of rail ............. 1203.1 Paris, 580 feet east of station; on public highway, stone culvert, south abut- ment, west end of coping, aluminum tablet stamped 1150” ........ 1149.780 Paris, in front of station; top of rail... 20... 6. eee ee eee 1190.7 Paris, 1.80 miles south of station; Mt. Pleasant, District No. 7, school build- ing, south face, watertable, aluminum tablet stamped “1103.8” ....1103.435 Moultrie, 1.8 miles west by 1.5 miles south of; northeast corner of crossroads, brick schoolhouse, south face, southwest corner, aluminum tablet — , staniped “121 os waaas cana eee ys de Sheds wma ace ee eae So ++. 1210.998 460 PROGRESS REPORT CANAL DOVER, CANTON, MASSTLLON, NAVARRE AND WOOSTER QUADRANGLES. (Stark, Summit, Tuscarawas and Wayne Counties.) The elevations in the following lst are based upon the latest adjust- ment. For additional elevations in this area refer to line Cleveland to Canton of the Geological Survey, which, with levels of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railway, form the main control. In the 1907 adjustment of precise levels the 1903 ad- justed elevations on the Cleveland-Canton line are retained, but the adjustment of the railroad lines made necessary a readjustment of the primary net. The leveling was-done in 1901 under the direction of Mr. Hersey Munroe, topographer, by Mr. James B. Maguire, levelman, except a por- tion on Canal Dover quadrangle which was done in 1901 under Mr. W. T. Griswold, topographer, by Mr. J. H. Wetzel, levelman. All standard bench marks set by Mr. Maguire are stamped with the letters ‘*Canton,’’ and those by Wetzel ‘“STBNVH,’’ in addition to the fieures of elevation. Those stamped ‘CANTON’? are stamped, in most cases, one foot too high. ’ CANTON QUADRANGLE, PRET. Canton, bridge No. 76, Pittsburg, 't. Wayne and Chicago Railway; railroad bench: matkos «sowie vie 6 9.y 8nd Hee EEE HO Le BMIRE ORbae BREA EwSy 1037 .695 Canton, bridge No. 77, Pittsburg, It. Wayne and Chicago Railway; east abutment of, northwest corner, railway bench mark................ 1029.160 Canton, Stark County courthouse; southeast corner of, 4.5 feet above ground, bronze tablet stamped “1062 CANTON” ....0....0..0.0 0000 eee 1061529 LovutsvILLE SOUTH AND WEST ALONG HIGHWAY VIA Osnapura To Norri Inpustry. Louisville, 0.22 mile west of station; bridge No. 69, Pittsburg, It. Wayne and Chicago Railway over branch of Nimishillen Creek, east abut- ment, northwest corner of, bronze tablet stamped “1097 CANTON”. 1097.190 Osnaburg, 340 feet north of Wheeling and Lake Erie Railway crossing, at Market Street; 225 feet south of Liberty and 125 feet north of Walnut Street, culvert, in center of east wall of, bronze tablet stamped “1146 CANTON vc cukit sie gant a igearadeal awrocc Atak s gard Wr fetid wie ania Red So muntN Gee tds 1146. 222 Myrrsvitte (Lake P. O.) ALONG HIGHWAY EAST TO HARTVILLE, AND THENCE SOUTH ALONG WHEELING AND LAKE ERIE RAILROAD TO CANTON. Hartville, on north side of station; east window sill, on west end.......... 1164.51 Middlebranch, Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad station; on west side of waiting room, on north end of door sill ............ e eee 1117.45 HARTVILLE NORTH AND EAST ALONG HIGHWAY, TO NEW BALTIMORE AND RETURN, SOUTH AND WEST TO HARTVILLE. New Baltimore, 0.75 mile south of; on road from New Baltimore to Louis- ville, bridge over branch of Deer Creek, on northeast corner of south abutment, bronze tablet stamped “1130 CANTON”................ 1129 668 (The above bench mark is reported as destroyed.) TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 461 Point 1.2 MILES souTH or MippLE BrancH ALONG BERLIN-LOUISVILLE AND New Battimorg-LovisvitLte Roaps To LovIsvILLe. - FEET. Louisville, highway bridge over branch of Nimishillen Creek, 800 feet north of Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, on northeast corner of west wing wall of south abutment, temporary bench mark ......... 1106.84 MASSILLON QUADRANGLE, New Bertin 2.5 MILES SOUTH OF, SOUTHWEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO MassiLon. Massillon, City Park, northwest corner of; on stone, bronze tablet stamped Mai MINTO ote eee eke tic yan lGn joes anaes pcan 950.275 MEYERSVILLE SOUTHWEST AND SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY VIA NIMISILA CREEK AND CANAL FuLron To MASSILLON. Nimisila, northeast corner of crossroads, on south wall surrounding Henry Dailey’s house, in coping stone, bronze tablet stamped ‘1112 CAN- EOIN rs cng stan ar meh gite sas Ga ohh wenden add g Gon wlce gma adie deg erage ae: whores 1111 .259 Canal Fulton, stone highway bridge over Tuscarawas River, in center of north wall of, bronze tablet stamped ‘954 CANTON 1901”......... 953.344 ieee WEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO DALTON, THENCE NORTH TO BURTON TY. Dalton, Central Hotel on Main St., on east line of, 1 foot inside of curb line, on stone, bronze tablet stamped “1102 CANTON”................. 1101 .322 Burton Ciry NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY VIA MARSHALLVILLE To Easton, THENCE WEST TO STERLING. Marshallville, northeast corner of crossroads at Union Hotel, set in brown stone post, bronze tablet stamped “1123 CANTON” ............... 1122.479 Easton, 400 feet east of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; on road to Warwick, 400 feet east of its intersection with road to Doylestown, in southeast corner of west abutment of bridge, bronze tablet stamped ‘958 CANTON? oy ssine Maree ins daw kaes Ot dy Aa noe ee sea ena ge als 957 .783 WOOSTER QUADRANGLE. STERLING WEST AND SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY VIA CANAAN TO WOOSTER. Sterling, 0.75 mile east of Erie station; southwest corner of east abutment of Erie Railroad bridge over creek, in bridge seat, bronze tablet stamped “964 CANTON” 1.00.00... cee e tec eenee eens 963.679 Canaan, 400 feet west of crossroads; on road from Canaan to Congress, in southeast corner of west abutment of highway bridge, bronze tablet stamped “1054. CANTON” sis bees Midae gh ese dn ar dese Seh ee mes 1053 .526 Madisonburg, 0.5 mile-west of; at crossroads intersection, set in east wall of culvert, bronze tablet stamped “1109 CANTON” 2c: c¥2 45 aes ous 1108 .345 Wooster University, on south side of observatory of, in watertable, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1084 CANTON”. .... 0... cece cece eens 1083 .611 Between Burton Crry anp Wooster Spur Teena rrom Pirrsspure, Fort Wayne AND Cuicaco RatLroaD Brencn Marks. Weilersville, 1 mile east of; on the Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Rail- road, on northeast corner of box culvert, R. R. Co.’s B.M......... 1071.326 Smithville, 1 mile southeast of; 0.8 mile north of Pittsburg, F't. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, highway bridge, on southeast corner of north abut- ment, bronze tablet stamped “1038 CANTON”...........-...+004 1037 .855 - Orrville, 1.75 miles west of; on the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Rail- road, east abutment of culvert, northwest corner.................04 1038 .287 East Union, 700 feet east of Cleveland, Akron and Canton Railroad crossing, highway bridge over creek on State road on southwest corner of east abutment, bronze tablet stamped “1074 CANTON”................ 1073 .149 462 PROGRESS REPORT ‘ FEET. Orrville, Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad station, gentlemen’s waiting room, east cnd of north door sill, R. R. B.M..... desea 1059 .594 Orrville, town hall; at front entrance, in watertable, aluminum tablet stamped “VOG6 CANTON sisceiao 9 a-3558 Gee ite Sie a eee Satie ine Shain Mia esi Ponda 1064.963: NAVARRE QUADRANGLE. MAsSsILLON SOUTH ALONG WHEELING ANR Lake [rte RAILROAD TO POINT 2.5 MILES SOUTH OF NAVARRE. Navarre, 0.7 mile north of station; in east end of north abutment of Wheeling and Lake Erie R. R. bridge No. 142 A, on Toledo Division, bronze tablet: stamped “916 CANTON”. .2..22:.s0ccct seen sd eneeen sees 915.447 Navarre, at road crossing, top of rail... 0... eee 921.2 Navarre, 2.5 miles south of; on west end of pier of highway bridge over the Tuscarawas River, chisel mark .......... 00.0.0. ccc cee eee 915.65 TOVPOGRAPILIC SURVEY, < 463 MEDINA, NEW LONDON AND WELLINGTON QUADRANGLES. (Ashland, Huron, Medina and Lorain Counties.) The clevations in the following list are based upon 1907 adjustment and are controlled principally by precise leveling of the B. & O. R. RK. and Coast and Geodetic Survey. The leveling on the Medina quadrangle was done partly in 1901 under Mr. Hersey Munroe, topographer, by Mr. J. B. Maguire, levelman, and partly in 1904 under Mr. W. N. Morrill, topographer, by Messrs. E. J. Shea and C. R. Harvey, levelmen, and completed in 1905 under My. M. Hackett, topographer, by Mr. G. M. Dimmick, levelman; that on the Wellington quadrangle was done mostly in 1904 under the direction of Mr. W. N. Morrill by Mr. C. R. Harvey, and the remainder of the work on Wellington and the work on New London quadrangles was done in 1905 under Mr. Hackett by Mr. Dimmick. The standard bench marks on Medina and Wellington quadrangles are stamped ‘‘CANTON”?’ and those on New London quadrangle ‘‘ ADJ 1903,’’ all in addition to figures of elevation, which in most cases differ more than 0.5 foot from the latest adjusted values. MEDINA QUADRANGLE. SEVILLE WEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO LopI.- FEET. Seville, southeast abutment of highway bridge over Chippewa ditch; aluminum tablet stamped “988 CANTON”.......0 0... c cece eects 988.478 Seville, 5.75 miles west of; in nortwest corner of northeast abutment pane in iron girder bridge, aluminum tablet stamped “997 CANTON” . 997.543 STERLING NORTHWEST ALONG CLEVELAND, LoRAIN AND WHEELING RalLway TO GRAFTON. Seville, 350 feet north of station; Cleveland, Lorain and Wheeling Railway bridge over creek, in northwest corner of south abutment, bronze tablet stamped ‘988 CANTON”... 0... eee 986.368 (The above is to be destroyed; see top of this list for new B. M.) Chippewa Lake station, 2000 feet north of; on the Cleveland, Lorain and Wheeling Railway, in south wing wall of west wall of culvert, bronze tablet stamped “1036 CANTON”..........0..00050 000 c cece eee 1035.713 Medina County courthouse, in northwest corner, in watertable, aluminum tablet stamped 100s CANTON o. 74 s.nerss axis wveasee casuntaeec 1092.134 Lester, 1150 feet east of; on road running east from, west abutment, of high- way bridge, over Mallet Creek, northwest corner of, aluminum tablet stamped. “934° CANTON ” ccs cares 4 agnhitis seep deed ela sioncerds Gomecnunrsnn ye 933 .620 BENNETTS CORNERS ALONG HIGHWAY SOUTH TO WADSWORTH. . Sherman Corners, northwest corner of crossroads, in foundation stone, east side, southeast corner of brick house, of Dell Sherman, aluminum tab- letstamped’“1202 CANTON” ....0ccocesancos tesa eedewme eae de we 1203 .457 Weymouth, 0.7 mile north of; in east side of northeast corner of iron girder bridge, over Plum Creek, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1032 CANTON” 1032.962 Windfall, in northeast corner of schoolhouse steps, northwest corner of cross- roads, aluminum tablet stamped “1195 CANTON” ................ 1195 .822 464 PROGRESS REPORT FEET, Boneta, 1 mile south of; in south side, southeast corner of schoolhouse, foun- - dation, aluminum tablet stamped 1108 CANTON” ............... 1109.358 Lester NoRTH TO LIVERPOOL, THENCE EAST TO SHERMANS CORNERS. Liverpool, in east side, of main entrance of Lutheran Church, bronze tablet stamped “Prim. Tray. Sta. No. 62 814” 2.00... eee 814.819 Brunswick, in cornerstone, northwest corner of west front of Methodist Church, aluminum tablet stamped “1178 CANTON” .............. 1179.092 SEVILLE EAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO WADSWORTH. Seville, 4.75 miles east of; in bridge over “The River Styx” on abutment stone, at southwest corner, aluminum tablet stamped “966 CANTON” 964.836 WELLINGTON QUADRANGLE, BEeLDEN ALONG HIGHWAY soUTH To Lop. Litchfield, 300 feet south of square, in east wall of public schoolhouse, alu- minum tablet stamped “1010 CANTON” 2.0.0... eee eee 1010.009 Chatham, in northeast corner of foundation of Academy Hall, public school, bronze tablet stamped ‘‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 23 A 1094”........... 1094. 469 LopI WEST ALONG BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD AND HIGHWAY TO SUL- LIVAN, (An error of 0. ee foot between Lodi and Sullivan developed by B. & O. and U.S. C. & G.S. precise levels is thrown between Homerville and Sul- livan. The elevations at Esselburn Corners, 1 mile east of, and Homer- ville being by unadjusted line from Lodi.) Lodi, at northeast corner of Taylor Inn, in stone step, bronze tablet stamped “Prim, Travs Sta: No.4; 927 501208 caw ny $44 WR Cea ae hae SheR eae Pe 927.406 Esselburn Corners, 1 mile east of; in north side of northeast corner - of stone culvert, bronze tablet stamped 946 CANTON”. ........ 0.000 c eee 946.380 Homerville, 400 feet north of square, in foundation of private residence, bronze tablet stamped “1083 CANTON” .............. 0.0000 e eee 1083 .843 Sullivan, in southwest corner of schoolhouse, bronze tablet stamped ‘Prim. Pravsy 1136: CANTON? ie wucats cueailan ag giawhsatginend ues wid dhe nges wut ahead 1137 .443 SULLIVAN NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO WELLINGTON, THENCE NORTHEAST ALONG CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI, CHtcaGo AND St. Lours RarbRoap AND HIGHWAY TO BELDEN. (This line is checked to Wellington by New London levels, but 1 foot error between Wellington and Belden is locally adjusted south of La Grange.) Sullivan, 3 miles north of; 0.25 mile north of crossroads, east side of road, in stone culvert, in top of, bronze tablet stamped “1054 CANTON”’.... 1055.393 Wellington, 3.75 miles south of; west side of road, 200 feet south of T. road west, top of stone culvert, bronze tablet stamped “928 CANTON”,.. 929.307 Wellington, in north side of Herrick Public Library; in stone foundation, bronze tablet stamped “859 CANTON” ..... 0... 0. cece eee eee 860.308 LaGrange, in brick wall public hall facing Soldiers’ Monument, bronze tablet stamped ‘825 CANTON” (The elevation of this may be 1 foot greater than ven). ns dvs yhaae ae cag ee gen oad be ERED EE Gans HO Lea SENOS 825.167 Belden, Cleveland, Lorain and Wheeling Railway bridge over highway, . in northwest corner of, bronze tablet stamped “874 CANTON”........ 873.770 NEW LONDON QUADRANGLE, WAKEMAN SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY VIA CLARKSFINID AND New Lonpon To HEREFORD. Wakeman, 1.5 miles south of; T. 4 N., R. 20 W., in foundation wall of resi- dence of Mason Sheldon, south end of east face, aluminum tablet Stamped. “S76 ADE 1908! wns cpm dae suid seme, odie Kanga Seraaye dees 876.691 Clarksfield, T. 3 N., R. 20 W., west end of north face of stone schoolhouse, aluminum tablet stamped 909 ADJ 190387 0... cece cee eee ee 909.834 TOPOGRAPIIG SURVEY. 465 FEET, T.3N., R. 20 W., 5.2 miles southwest of Clarksfield, in top of bridge seat of highway bridge over Vermillion River, north end east abutment, aluminum tablet stamped ‘901 ADJ 1903” .............0 000. e ee 901.139 T. 3.N., R. 20 W., 3.81 miles south of Clarksfield, at 4 corners south end of east face, in water table of brick church, aluminum tablet stamped HOGA AD T9038)? aria ante S teat 4 os alread ae mea 5 lalallala tigen A a Real 934.692 New London, T. 2 N., R. 20 W., in center of north face of foundation wall of Methodist Church, aluminum tablet stamped‘‘991 ADJ 1903”....... 992.055 Hereford, B. & O. B.M. No. 490, railroad bridge No. 800, west of station; north end, east abutment, copper bolt................. 0.0 eee eee 1014.894 New London EAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO POINT 3 MILES NORTH OF SULLIVAN. T.2.N., R. 19 W., 6.0 miles east of New London, 200 feet east of crossroads, in top of south end of east abutment of highway bridge over small _ creek, aluminum tablet stamped “974 ADJ 1903” ................. 974.647 Vrom B. M. 6 mites cast oF New LONDON NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO KIPron. Rochester, T. 2 N., R. 19 W., in foundation wall of store of D. B. Swift, alum- inum tablet stamped ‘934 ADJ 1903”.......0..0.00..00 0.000.000. 934.385 Brighton, T. 3 N., R. 19 W., 3.29 miles north of Rochester; in south end of west face of town hall, watertable, aluminum tablet stamped “906 ADJ DOO sescttln wotestecice ear dese ease a etidy ant eahaFecsin Bieeric he 2 eu BURLSUS Bese aoe a He 906.519 l'. 4.N., R. 19 W., 4.66 miles north of Brighton, in foundation wall of Baptist - Church, at 4 corners, north end of east face, aluminum tablet stamped SPL ADT O08? cs asi cuiyce to sucitele dent's dahil core criowal 4h 2 were Ghlneeriage e waeeel an he 871.513 COLLINS SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY AND EAST ALONG RAILROAD TO CLARKSFIELD. T. 4.N., R. 21 W., 2.6 miles south of Collins, in foundation wall of residence of William Dabon, center of west face, aluminum tablet stamped OB TNO. oe ssteocoaa toss cza as see os cece eu ai SG Bios ad outta Meade hots 937.536 Near Coulins SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO IiTCHVILLE, THENCE EAST TO New Lonpon. T.3.N., R. 21 W., Hartland, east end of north face of foundation wall of resi-° dence of W. H. Darling 5.51 miles south of Collins, aluminum tablet stamped “946 ADJ 1903” 20.0... eee eee 946.900 T. 3.N., R. 21 W., 2.65 miles south of Hartland, 700 feet south of highway fork, in foundation wall of residence of W. W. Meads, east end of. north face, aluminum tablet stamped “948 ADJ 1903”................... 948.490 Fitchville, T. 2.N., R. 21 W., 7.18 miles south of Hartland, in foundation wall of Methodist Church, ‘east end of south face, aluminum tablet stamped O95: ADI: 908 os catle as sarin sesh dimrta vd unuty dots & cbech tude Q-Gvtuieth stesty doar o nhee secs ea ee 995.620 FITcHVILLE SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY ABOUT 5 MILES, THENCE EAST VIA RUGGLES CentER TO HEREFORD. Fitchville, 4.51 miles south of; B. & O. R. R. B.M. No. 494 on west end of north coping of arched culvert, copper bolt....................... 1042 .458 Fitchville, 4.76 miles south of; T. 1 N., R. 21 W., in foundation wall of resi- dence of W. P. Brown, south end of west face, aluminum tablet stamped EL OGD: AD IE TO cee se: esaybeehsshcaycbet este toch 4 th sh ch Red tecBom coal om abn ct de 1065. 286 T. 1 N., R. 20 W., Ruggles Center, in foundation wall of Methodist Church, south end of west face, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1103 ADJ 1903” . 1103.566 RucGcLes CENTER EAST ALONG HIGHWAY VIA Nova To SULLIVAN. Nova, 25 feet east of station; northeast beveled corner of north coping of small culvert, B. & O. R. R. B.M. No. 485 AL... eee 1111.050 Nova, T. 1 N., R. 19 W., in foundation wall of United Bretheren Church, east end of south face, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1127 ADJ 1903” ..... 1127.315 (Recovered by U. 8. C. & G. 8.) RocuHEsTER STATION EAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO B. M. 3.75 MILES souTI OF WELLINGTON. T.2N., R. 18 W., 3.01 miles east of Rochester Station, 500 feet east of 3 cor- ners, top of north end of west abutment of highway bridge over Char- lemont Creek, aluminum tablet stamped ‘859 ADJ 1903” .......... 859.786 BRIGHTON EAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO WELLINGTON, T. 3.N., Rs. 19 and 18 W., in foundation wall of brick schoolhouse, east end of south face, aluminum tablet stamped “878 ADJ 1903”........... 878.555 466 PROGRESS REPORT ASHLAND, MANSFIELD, PERRYVILLE AND WEST SALEM QUADRANGLES. (Ashland, Richland and Wayne Counties.) The elevations in the following list are based upon the latest adjust- ment. They are controlled principally by Baltimore and Ohio and U. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey precise line crossing New London quad- rangle. The leveling was done in 1906 under the direction of Mr. M. Hack- ett, topographer, by Mr. R. C. Seitz, levelman. The standard bench marks are stamped with figures of e mostly one foot too low. WEST SALEM QUADRANGLE, SULLIVAN SOUTH 4.3 MILES, THENCE EAST ALONG HIGHWAY VIA WEsT SALEM AND AUKERMAN’S CROSSING TO CANAAN. Sullivan, 4.55 miles south of; southeast corner foundation of schoolhouse, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1147”....... 000.0... eee eee West Salem, 3.98 miles west of; crossroads, southwest corner of St. Johns Reformed Church, aluminum tablet stamped “1173” .............. West Salem, southwest corner foundation town hall, aluminum tablet stamped POU i 2-3 Saat Scie oan $54 Sats Sob yaetute Rn sutoedrbiibceuiy as cryendaliss evar emiesscle. anieaaeacis dacs Ne West Salem, 2.4 miles east of; west abutment north bridge seat small iron bridge, aluminum tablet stamped “1027” ............ 0.000000 200s Aukerman’s Crossing, 0.53 miles north of; 2 miles south of Burbank station, highway crossing, north side of highway and 23 feet west of Baltimore and Ohio track, in old bridge abutment, aluminum tablet stamped BOO a us hes EA Re ¥ hae WON HEM ERY 64 Aw PEE BRD SETS OE OER W OHS AUKERMANS CROSSING SOUTH TO NEAR OVERTON, THENCE SOUTHWEST AND WEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO JEROMEVILLE, THENCE NORTH TO NEAR SULLIVAN. Armstrongs station, east abutment, north bridge seat highway bridge, alum- inum. ‘tablet stamped. ¢ isa gc cee scp acek oe tee uh ea Ae ae iS ge ee ge New Pittsburg, 2.25 miles east by 2.25 miles north of; 385 feet northwest of crossroads, foundation under bay window of residence of Martha Pfeifer, east side of house, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1227”........ New Pittsburg, 2.25 miles southeast of, Excelsior Hall at T road south; east foundation wall of, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1168”............... Reedsburg, 2 miles southeast of; crossroads, residence of 8. V. Oberholtzer, southwest corner of foundation, south face, aluminum tablet stamped SET Oa 3 eee cea ede Wipsta ao bibl: tt endl Leet ayo arene ips, eoarh ae Up ALS TAR oH SL Jeromesville, 2.3 miles southeast of; 275 feet west of crossroads, west abut- ment, north bridge seat of small iron bridge, aluminum tablet stamped OR sucacaelee ac aes ke de older ey ica ecche res isch aeons ace yecthaate IRIS Boece aren Jeromesville, schoolhouse, west foundation wall, aluminum tablet stamped CSN OLD is case crccccesi apni kG AR Gee te Bad apR AA wep a AA Blan ted Rated NA cen De Jeromesville, 3.65 miles north of, 1200 feet south of crossroads; small iron bridge, south abutment, west bridge seat, aluminum tablet stamped DOG eda ce ees USECESSAEREMS SELMER EY GUE T PE ORS oo RUS SS om ae Polk, 3.12 miles south of; 430 feet south of crossroads, stone culvert, west coping of, aluminum tablet stamped “1183” ................ eee ee Polk, Christian Church, concrete step in front of, east face, aluminum tablet stam ped 27 6. cack ve, sae ann Bach oon ona aK ed averted Po tne eda eg 24 Jevation FEET. 1147.700 1174. 522 1120.256 1028 .121 899.783 887.580 1227 .302 1168442 ° 1015,431 968 . 839 1012.403 1041 .476 1183 .695 1276 .505 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 467 ASHLAND QUADRANGLE. T'Rom Porn? 4.3 MILES SOUTH OF SULLIVAN WEST AND NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO POINT 4.7 MILES SOUTH OF I'ITCHVILLE. FEET. Savannah, 3.47 miles east of; stone culvert, top of north coping, aluminum tablet stamped “11386” cece tees 1136 .463 Savannah, Methodist Church, in watertable, east side, aluminum tablet stamped OL. as.ccsinc aces nego ne eoha a Pagan mem Bae eo eA een TS 1101.641 Savannah, 2.30 miles west of; east abutment small iron bridge, north retain- ing wall, top of, aluminum tablet stamped “1065” ................ 1065.993 Adario, 3.30 miles north of; stone culvert 300 feet south of crossroads, north end of east coping, aluminum tablet stamped “1164” .............. 1165.190 l'RoM POINT 4.5 MILES EAST OF SAVANNAH SOUTH TO ASHLAND, THENCE WEST TO OLIVESBURG, THENCE NORTH TO POINT NORTH OF ADARIO. Nankin, 1.86 miles north of; top, west coping, stone arch culvert, 425 feet N. of T road east, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1088’.................4 1089 .086 Nankin, 2.09 miles south of; 2.45 miles north of Ashland, north end, west abutment of concrete arch culvert of Erie railroad, aluminum tablet stamped: (O88 ca z's ian aith-cnint Aiea cure ain ees MAUS gna aR Sos See BoD queried 989 .367 Ashland, in front of station; top of rail 0.0... eee eee 1082.9 Ashland, 3 miles west of; 3.15 miles east of Olivesburg, north abutment of small iron girder bridge, east bridge seat, aluminum tablet stamped “V180" at: Crossroads... scan gey ea dee Ge ROR RR ee Ga me eS Sat coe Saw 1180.763 Olivesburg, Methodist Church, south end of west foundation wall, aluminum tabletistamped1OLC” soncucsdtinssniad aur naldatenihwanuiela a acanvre ing ound ere 1077 .672 Olivesburg, 3.40 miles north of; Adario, 722 feet north of crossroads, east coping of stone culvert, aluminum tablet stamped 1152” .......... 1152.413 ASHLAND SOUTH TO NEAR HAYESVILLE, THENCE EAST TO JEROMESVILLE. Ashland, west end of south wall of county jail, aluminum tablet stamped PLOT sete aie pelvis Nueva eee aA eh asian lal’ Gate Wine ane nes oie eA kein Gay alin wet 1079 .874 Ashland, 3.30 miles southeast of; 4.29 miles north of Hayesville, east coping of stone culvert, aluminum tablet stamped “1101”. ................ 1102 .047 Near HaY&svILLe souTH To HaYESVILLE, THENCE WEST ALONG HIGHWAY TO MANSFIELD. Hayesville, crossroads, in town hall; northwest corner of foundation, bronze tablet stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. 1244” ..............00..00..0.00. 1244,796 Mifflin, 1.49 miles east of; crossroads, 850 feet east of; north wing wall, west abutment, iron girder bridge, aluminum tablet stamped ‘'1108”..... 1108.743 Mifflin, 0.8 mile west of; iron girder bridge over Black Tork, west abutment, south wing wall, 4th course masonry from top, aluminum tablet Stam Ped: \OO4 ein ke steady susalons nerd naa eNom apie Gat ese a weus Hall 995,414 Mifflin, 4.2 miles west of; Mansfield, 3.5 miles east of; T road south, small. wooden bridge, west abutment, south bridge seat, aluminum tablet StAM Ped, P2226 rian, ees cde ase cians PER aeA ede a aR rade ea rait ME ceobe goa ie a 1222603 MANSFIELD NORTHERLY ALONG HIGHWAY TO OLIVESBURG. Windsor, 0.9 mile south of Pavonia; T road east, small wooden bridge, west abutment, north bridge seat, aluminum tablet stamped “1035”...... 1036 .055 Pavonia, Erie Railroad, top of north rail ................0 00000 eee eee. 1064.4 Olivesburg, 3.3 miles south of; 615 feet east of crossroads, west end of school- house, south foundation wall, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1048”..... 1049. 490 MANSFIELD QUADRANGLE. Atv MANSFIELD. Mansfield, Park Ave., crossing of Penn. R. R. bridge No. 153, retaining wall, north end of, east face, aluminum tablet stamped ‘1 VAD? oan vx cane 1150. 391 PERRYVILLE QUADRANGLE. MANSFIELD SOUTHEAST TO PENNSYLVANIA R. R. Bripar No. 152. Mansfield, 1.70 miles east of; bridge No. 152, east abutment, northeast corner, chisel mark (Pa. R. R. B. IVE) 25sec ive zecicn nase sro B ace certo a ste teow te Go ate 1139 "v9 468 PROGRESS REPORT CADIZ, CARROLLTON, CLARINGTON, FLUSITING, S\LINEVILLE. SCIO. ST. CLAIRS- VILLE, STEUBENVILLE, UINIRICHSVILLE, WELLSVILLE AND WHEELING QUADRANGLES, (Belmont, Carrol, Columbiana, Harriscn, Jefferson and Monroe Counties. ) The elevations in the following list are based upon an aluminum tablet at the southeast corner of the Jefferson County Courthouse at Steubenville, Ohio, stamped ‘‘716 STEUBENVILLE.’’ The elevation of this is accepted as 714.464 feet above mean sea level and was deter- mined from the Army Engineers bench mark ‘‘67 A’’ on the watertable of the same building, the clevation of which, in accord with the Coast and Geodetic Survey adjustment of 1907 of precise leveling is 710.190 feet. The Army Ingineers precise level ine along Ohio River, and the precise level line of the B. & O. R. R. between Massillon and Wheeling, form the main control for these elevations. The leveling on the Carrollton, Wellsville and Salineville quad- rangles was done in 1902 under the direction of Mr. Van H. Manning, topographer, by Messrs. A. T. Bagley and R. G. De Frees, levelmen. The leveling on the Steubenville quadrangle was done in 1901 and 1902 under the direction of Messrs. W. T. Griswold and C. E. Cooke, topographers, by Messrs. J. I. Wetzel and J. A. Buford, levelmen, re- spectively. The leveling on the Cadiz, Scio, St. Clairsville, Wheeling and Flush- ing quadrangles was done under the direction of Mr. Griswold; in 1901 bv Mr. Wetzel, and in 1902 by Mr. B. J. Green, levelman. The leveling on the Clarington quadrangle was done in 1902 under the direction of Mr. Wm. H. Griffin, topographer, by Mr. C. IL. Birdseye, Jevelman. All standard bench marks dependent upon this datum are stamped with the letters ““STBNVL”’ or ‘““STEUBENVILLE”’ in addition to figures of elevation. x WELLSVILLE QUADRANGLE. Easr LiveRPooL NORTH VIA CALCUTTA AND SPRUCEDALE TO CLARKSON. , FEET, last Liverpool (U.S. Engineers Corps bench mark 43 A), large rock opposite to Jackson Street, rock is 28 feet wide by 35 feet long, cut on....... 664.58 vast Liverpool, city hall, in foundation stone, northwest corner, aluminum tablet stamped ‘731 STEBNVL”.............. 000.20. cee eee eae 731.155 East Liverpool, River View Cemetery, Soldiers’ Memorial Hall, on bottom step at southeastcOrmer: 2.6 cacnce amma hd gou RPA § weed Hes 1239.64 Calcutta, southeast corner of Main Street, 15 feet from Trollen Store, at base of telephone pole,large rock aluminum tablet stamped‘1108 STBNVL” 1108 .082 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. Clarkson, across street from Clarkson Hotel; residence of Dr. Vale, in north- west corner of stone coping under wall, aluminum tablet stamped PT TOS AS TPBIN- VLPs, & setiy daa shisanrsneng estate Aon OARS atte dance aie ans anne on anteaters East LiveRpooL, west TO WELLSVILLE, THENCE NORTHWEST VIA WEST Point to ELKTON, THENCE EAST TO CLARKSON. Wellsville, City Hall, corner Fifth and Main Streets, under second window from north on east side of building, in top of foundation, aluminum tablet stamped “709 STBNVL” ........... 0.0 cece eee Wellsville, 3.5 miles north of; on Lisbon road, Highland town road to west, on northwest corner of front steps to Yellow Creek Presbyterian Church CHISCIED SQUAE: isc ces ow cere n cd RES Mune QansioN win ankE Raw de aA West Point, in northwest abutment of iron bridge over Beaver Creek, alum- inum tablet stamped “907 STBNVL” ...............-.. 0-00-00 e WELLSVILLE ALONG CLEVELAND AND PirtspuRG RAILROAD AND HIGHWAY VIA HaMMONDSVILLE TO KNOXVILLE. Hammondsville, iron bridge on Wellsville road, northeast abutment of chis- GLE cl ead Sas Seco et cher sat rit oh fot cach oh dnaalae alt agus ood tense eave ests GAD SUE) OSE New Somerset, store and postoffice of N. C. Yeagley, in northeast girder stone, bronze tablet stamped “1220 STBNVL’.................0.. HAMMONDSVILLE WEST ALONG RarILRoapD To IRONDALE. Irondale, 400 feet south of C. & P. R. R. track, southeast abutment of wagon bridge over Little Yellow Creek, bronze tablet stamped “717 STBNVL” SALINEVILLE QUADRANGLE, TRONDALE NORTHWEST ALONG C. & P. R. R. ro Kenstneron. Irondale, 7.15 miles northwest of; railroad bridge No. 41, 50 feet east of wagon toad, 1000 feet west of coal tipple, in southeast abutment of bridge, chiseled cirele: 5. a gmay adieu yg aipipoie nbe-sur go a cinmg a rage Bhs wpidoace aun eaten Ixensington, triangulation station; 1 mile southeast of Kensington; in top of marble post, bronze tablet stamped ‘1375 STBNVL” ............. KENSINGTON EAST ALONG ROAD VIA LisBon TO ELKTON. Hanoverton, iron bridge over abandoned sandy canal, in northwest abutment, CHISCTEC CIE CIEE fa ek 2 poe tech 2 ailenn a dved hues aha Meatapieetetausicietisncive aia bebsobane aie anh bed Dungannon, in front step of St. Phillip’s Catholic Church, chiseled circle... . Dungannon, 2 miles east of; in second step of Point Pleasant M. E. Church, Chiseled square. ny som catia pidecin dies wan gaselan, oA ancd tiieee ds GAN rome obeys SALINEVILLE SOUTH VIA Berea CHURCH AND BERGHOLZ TO POINT 2.5 MILES SOUTH OF BERGHOLZ. Monroeville, 0.5 mile south of; at Elder triangulation station, bronze tablet stamped NSGs, BEDINY L's. ax sauce wontuevau weuanwued o4 em wanes Monroeville, 2.8 miles south of west side of road, top of county line monu- ment (Jefferson and Carroll Counties) ..... ESS al earth Mf kde eine Bergholz, at schoolhouse; in southeast corner of foundation of; bronze tablet stamped “924 STBNVL” cacpsekeracons eee ees eens meee Ome aOR BERGHOLZ WEST ALONG ROAD TOWARD HARLEM SPRINGS, THENCE NORTH TO CARROLLTON TRIANGULATION STATION. Morgan Bridge, 2 miles west of; on Bergholz-Harlem road, 0.5 mile west of large brick house, at iron bridge, in northwest wing wall, chiseled CIRCIC: ps sewer ee nech naw sheesh agate heege pwr seem sao ea take eaeds Morgan Bridge, 2.5 miles west. of; on Bergholz-Harlem road, 510 feet east of brick house at bend of road, on iron bridge, in stone wall, chiseled ELTON CS ssa echt 08 Sag tne cue ant tues angen il ond soc telh acon lav asunder eSineeeeL AG Morgan Bridge, 4.3 miles west of; 500 feet west of forks northwest to Carroll- ton, iron bridge on road to Ixilgore, on northwest wing wall of bridge, bronze tablet stamped “958 STBNVL". oo... oe eee eee ee 469 FEET. 1192.531 708.323 1203.13 906.148 690.19 1219.364 716.918 847 .82 1375 .302 1134.05 1171.29 1068.12 1387. 432 1204.35 924.206 918.18 925.68 Yor. SIO 470 PROGRESS REPORT FEET. Morgan Bridge, 5 miles west of; Harlem Springs, 2 miles east of; on center fork of road, 0.5 mile southeast of forks of road, iron bridge, on southwest Wall, chiseled Circle: -co:es.5.g- hice ain di anpenie based ea eee hd mak hovatah watoue dees 996.53 Harlem Springs, 0.1 mile northeast of; on Bergholz road, at forks of road north to Scroggsfield, forks of road southwest to Harlem, 0.25 mile west, 300 feet north of Bergholz road, on stone wall of wooden bridge on Scroggsfield road, in northeast wall, chiseled circle ................ 993 .40 CARROLLTON TRIANGULATION STATION EAST ALONG ROAD VIA SCROGGSFIELD To Berea CHuRcH. Scroggsfield, 1 mile east of; on Salineville road, at crossroads, Bergholz- Mechanicstown road, and Lake Erie, Alliance and Wheeling Railroad, 800 feet north of creamery, iron bridge, 10 feet west of, on southwest abutment, bronze tablet stamped “1025 STBNVL” ............... 1024 .216 LisBON SOUTH ALONG ROAD VIA GAVERS TO SALINEVILLE. Lisbon, 3.7 miles south of; bridge over Run, northwest abutment, chiseled GIL CLE hind nse: hinted tweed an ptepuahce ead icMaele MA eda Re Deca bacupest at gaeae te NESS 1031.21 Gavers, 0.5 mile south of; road forks to west, south to crossroads, southwest abutiient.of iron: bridge. scasccics dah eomis nee Beg ) ABIs hear tc es Gis. Sxl eon Gente he Syectih tone sh ah ZOAR STATION NORTHEAST ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO WAYNES- BURG. Mineral City, in front of C. & P. station, top of rail..............20........ Mineral City, C. & P. and B. & O. R. R. crossing, northwest corner of tracks, 50 feet northwest of center crossing; iron post stamped “953”’........ Mineral City, 3.0 miles northeast of; private road crossing to house on west side of railroad, 50 feet west ot public road, in top of stone of retain- ing wall on west side or track at crossing; chiseled square............ Magnolia station, 100 feet west of; on north railroad right-of-way line, west side of public road, 30 feet northwest of crossing, at foot of telegraph pole; iron post stamped “972”................0.0. 002 Magnolia, in front of station; top of rail............. 0... e eee eee 575 FELT. 935.318 947.7 899.0 889 .694 880.420 898.120 874.201 892.671 950.0 953.175 963 .89 971.796 973.6 Milepost ‘Ry. 13,’’ center of steel post (Pennsylvania railroad bench mark). . 1,000.0 Waynesburg, at north edge of town, opposite C. & P. R. R. station in south- west corner of St. Pauls Reformed Church lawn, 3 feet from north- west corner of dwelling house and 3 feet from sidewalk; iron post stamped “Q93) eo. vg es elk ite ean thease OS peadlos Meets a Waynesburg, street crossing, at station; top of rail...................... Waynesburg, center of town; in southwest corner of crossroads; on top of steel post; paint mark: o.5 csecvde necked oie dee eae dele ca en MINERAL CITY NORTH ALONG BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD TO POINT 3 MILES SOUTH OF CANTON. Mineral City, 150 feet northwest of Baltimore and Ohio station, at street crossing; top of tailis gaia iiever es ge io lees ds ees eh oma eee Sandyville, in front of station; top of rail....... 0.06.6. ee ee Sandyville, 160 feet north of station; 30 feet west of tracks, under northeast corner of water tank, iron post stamped “939” ...............00.00, East Sparta, 100 feet southwest of station, 40 feet south of lumber shed, north side of private road west to house, in fence corner; iron post stamped. “959” ven ota sdawior ewe pbhh geaningn paaae poueaas tet O22 8 East Sparta station, 2.3 miles north of; at northeast corner of road crossing, on east railroad right-of-way line, 30 feet north of public road, 30 feet east of railroad, 35 feet northwest of the northwest corner or highway bridge over Nimischillen Creek; iron post stamped “965”............ North Industry station, 0.7 mile southeast of; 660 feet west of railroad cross- ing northwest corner of bridge abutment of steel highway bridge over over Nimischillen Creek; iron post stamped ‘981”.................. North Industry, in front of station; top ofrail....................0...000. 993.644 1,002.50 952.7 938 .5 939 .037 958 .985 576 PROGRESS REPORT 2699) = « FEET. North Industry, at northeast corner of concrete platform curbing around station, 200 feet south of road crossing, in top of; chiseled square..... 1,000.91 UHRICIISVILLE QUADRANGLE, TENNETT’S TUNNEL NORTH TO TIPPECANOE AND EAST OF. Tippecanoe, on southwest corner of Daviess and Spencer streets, north founda- tion wall of dwelling on; bronze tablet stamped ‘882 STEUBEN- VDT FEG egg lauetde Red ayn Be Pe ane Boe tet A act ned Reet HE Rigs batecnn pees 881.736 Tippecanoe, 0.8 mile east of; covered bridge over Brushy Fork, on south wing wall of east abutment; chiseled square.........-.0. 000000 e eee eee 869.62 Joycl NORTH ALONG Prnnsytvanta RartRoaD TO NEAR CaNaL Dover. (Part of adjusted line—New Comerstown to Canal Dover—the closure error of which was excessive.) Joyce, 1.1 miles north of; 25 feet west and 10 feet south of road crossing; __ iron post.stamped “873" ccc. cs ca cen dew awada re saa needa mene oe 872.644 CARROLLTON QUADRANGLE, WAYNESBURG NORTHEAST ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RaitRoaD TO BayYaRrD, THENCE EAST TO POINT 2 MILES EAST OF East ROCHESTER. Waynesburg station, 0.6 mile northeast of; road crossing, steel highway bridge over Sandy Creek, in south abutment of east wing of, in top stone; chiseled Square... sce. csccteiaiags weyers Oe tei GseaGesa acess 973.05 Malvern, 0.3 mile west of C. & P. station, 150 feet north of road crossing, west side of public road, at fence corner; iron post stamped ‘992”.... 992.474 Malvern, in front of C. & P. station; top of rail... 2.2... eee eee 998.4 Oneida, C. & P. and W. & L. E. R. R. crossing; top of rail...............4.. 1,013.7 Oneida, 75 feet northeast ot C. & P. station, steel highway bridge over Sandy Creek, west wing of south abutment; chiseled square............... 1,013.56 Oneida, 0.6 mile northeast of railroad station, southeast corner of road cross- ing, 30 feet south of railroad; iron post stamped ‘'1040”............. 1,040 .050 Minerva, Cleveland and Pittsburg and Lake Erie, Alliance and Western rail- TOA, CLOSSING; TOP OF VAM. ipccnn avaa coat Gas oa aod Ge eee me wears 1,052.0 Minerva, Wheeling and Lake Erie and Cleveland and Pittsburg railroad Crogsine “top Ob Tall, <2 c.ceda menace aeG ies meted aepla s hale wig CMRaiinnnnced ok 052.1 Minerva, 100 feet east of C. & P. station, east side of street, 40 feet north of railroad, at foot of telephone anchor pole, street crossing, iron post Stamped 1053" vsix ea: ead 4's Hae $8.6 Ge Gos way BE ivs aves ack lGus AE Roe eee 1052.708 Bayard, 0.4 mile southwest of; 50 feet north of center ot road forks at school- house, east end of stone culvert, in top; chiseled square.............. 1071.20 Bayard, 0.4 mile southwest and 0.5 mile east of; T road south at, southwest corner of road forks, inside of fence corner; iron post stamped “1079” 1079 .455 Bayard, 1.0 mile southeast of; C. & P. R. R. railroad crossing, in base of warning post at northeast corner of crossing; spike................. 1094. 04 East Rochester, in front of C. & P. station; top of rail...........00....0005 1092.0 Fast Rochester station, 1.7 miles east, of; at southwest corner of road cross- ing, west side of public road, 50 feet south of railroad, 20 feet south of P. R. R. right-of-way line, at fence line, iron post stamped ‘1095’... . 1094.603 SHERODSVILLE NORTH AND EAST ALONG WHEELING AND Lake ERIE RatLRoaD AND HIGHWAY TO CARROLLTON TRIANGULATION STATION. Atwood, 1.2 miles south of; 40 feet south and 10 feet east of road crossing, near telephone pole; iron post stamped ‘945”..............22200.. 945.231 Dellroy, 200 feet east of station, 15 teet north of railroad; iron post stamped SSO DO eatseuscre rath ig headeis SRE AOR SG Be Acad. OE RUN eMac SAA eoeNCE aA Pag Qt 2 925.781 Scotts station, 1.6 miles north of; 15 feet west of railroad, at railroad culvert 30-C; iron post stamped “953” 220... cece eee 952 Scotts station, 1.8 miles north of; in culvert 30-B, aluminum tablet stamped “Prim, Prave L90G 900 acs icak ee aesh ecu Mn pene cag eae ae NOR Bae a 954,963 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. Deckman Duty brick plant, 0.8 mile north of; overhead railroad crossing, in stone abutment, cut mark; painted..................0. 0.00 eee eee Carrollton, courthouse, in front steps of south side; between pillars and walls of building; aluminum tablet unstamped............-..0-++ 0-205 Carrollton, 2.6 miles east of; T road northeast to Washington Hall school- house, on southeast abutment of iron bridge; chiseled square........ Carrollton, 3.7 miles east of; on farm. formerly owned by Mr. Campbell, now owned by George Ray; in marble slab at triangulation station; bronze tablet-stamnped 1372) disc very aca dein energie a nie ten omiee ae S ONEIDA SOUTH ALONG WHEELING AND Lake ErrE RAILROAD TO CARROLLTON. Oneida, 1.1 miles south of; 75 feet north of road crossing, east wing of south abutment of bridge No. 17-A, top of; chiseled square................ Oneida, 2.3 miles southeast of; northeast corner of road crossing, at fence cor- ner; iron post stamped “1023”.........25 50sec ee cece eee eens Hibbetts, 2.2 miles southeast of; 40 feet northwest of the northwest corner ner of ‘‘Stemples Crossing,’ at fence corner ot right-of-way line and north fence line. of public road; iron post stamped “1051”........... Carrollton, in front of Wheeling and Lake Erie station; top of rail.......... Carrollton, courthouse, front entrance of; south side of steps, in top of stone base of marble columns, about 10 feet above pavement; aluminum tabletistamiped 11 BO! sae ccc oegisey'n Rand Gee dtar passed © ere eS CS AOR MINERVA ALONG HIGHWAY: SOUTHEAST TO SPECHT, THENCE SOUTHWEST TO STEMPLES CROSSING ON WHEELING AND LAKE Erte Rariroap. Minerva, in front of L. E. A. & W. station; top of rail..................... Minerva, 4.3 miles southeast of; 30 feet east of track, at road crossing, north side of public highway; iron post stamped “1049”. ...............-- Watheys station, road crossing at; iron highway bridge, west side of railroad, in top of stone of south wing of east abutment; chiseled square....... Watheys station, 0.5 mile southeast of; ‘Old Specht -post-office” 0.1 mile south of; at road crossing, north railroad right of way line, west side of public highway, 40 feet north of tracks; iron post stamped ‘1049’. . Specht, 2.2 miles southwest of; 0.25 mile west of Eckley, 3.2 miles east of Stemples Crossing, crossroads at, northwest corner of, in side of fence line near maple tree 6 inches in diameter; iron post stamped ‘‘1199’’.. . Stemples Crossing, 2.3 miles east of; T road southeast, at 6 feet above level of road, north side ot road at forks, in top of stone; chiseled square... . Stemples Crossing, 1.1 miles east of; in northwest corner of crossroads, in top or stone culvert; chiseled square......... Hibbetts, 2.2 miles southwest of; 3.6 miles northwest of Carrollton, north- west corner of “‘Stemples Crossing,” at fence corner on west railroad right-of-way line, 40 feet northwest of crossing; iron post stamped PEI) ses tale ok shee ata al ana atihteanyy 2 RE dan Gisba aie Gis idnce Abeausun § Vis ake ees WAYNESBURG SOUTHEAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO DELLROY. Waynesburg, 2.1 miles southeast of; east side of road, in top stone of culvert ats Chiscledssquares os se canst. cg neta maaumtees waaaniar keen Pantha ego tet Waynesburg, 2.5 miles southeast of; in southeast corner of crossroads, at fence corner; iron post stamped ‘‘1161”............. 0.0.0. c cee eee Waynesburg, 3.5 miles southeast by 0.1 mile south of; at five points, in center of south crossroads, in top of stone; chiseled square..........-....-- Waynesburg, 3.5 miles southeast by 1.2 miles south of; T road east at, in __. top of stone at southeast corner of; chiseled square................. Waynesburg, 3.5 miles southeast by 2.1 miles south of; T road west at, house east side of road at forks, in southwest corner of yard, inside of fence corner; iron post stamped “1193”... ........ 0... cc eee eee Dellroy, 0.2 miles north of W. & L. E. station, iron highway bridge, in top stone approach to north abutment, west wing of; chiseled square. ... Dellroy, 200 feet east of Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad station, 15 feet north of tracks, inside of fence corner at northeast corner of crossing, Iron: postistamped 926" jecuns edad sa mpiow ouating arenas woh sean Ue eens 37—T. 8. 577 FEET. 1052.06 1130 .397 1064.82 1376 .478 1018.67 1023 .672 1051 .526 1131.8 1130 .397 1046.0 1049 .413 1050.35 1049 .603 1198 .773 1144.69 1231.12 1051 .526 1160.83 1161.333 1221.40 1204.90 1193 .790 926.02 925,781 578 PROGRESS REPORT ° COSHOCTON QUADRANGLE, CHILI NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO CHARM. Chili, 0.1 mile north of; 150 feet south of crossroads, in top of east wing of north abutment of steel highway bridge over White Eyes Creek, Chiseled SQUATE! 2c. ierg cea saie Riera aseh Gvdane fools sub mache wa acct bosud Sk we Chili, 2.1 miles northwest of; 0.2 mile east and 0.3 mile south of section corner between secs. 14, 17, 13, 18, Crawford Township, southwest corner at T road west; iron post stamped 857”... 20.0... cece eee eee New Bedford, 0.3 mile southwest of; southwest corner at T road southwest; in top of stone, chiseled square....... 0.0... c eee eee New Bedford, south part of town, at road forks, in west end of stone culvert, on top; chiseled Squares ici esin cau re caannae ae b4a ad ements bape ol New Bedford, general store at 400 feet east of crossroads, north side of Main street, in southeast corner of stone foundation; aluminum tablet stamped 1155” ts enaie ote a ede Sela n eand haved ah saaimw eerie’ ie leie New Bedford, 0.1 mile north of; in southwest corner at T road west, county line between Holmes and Coshocton counties, in top of stone step; chiseled ‘square: cue Gs 228 sien ae cies oath Be ahah Ship Gil bod mueonebs Bele ue New Bedford, 2.8 miles north of; northwest corner at T réad west; iron post Stamped “L194 yi. cr cay kei ke ddowae aca ed Mapa manaek Ramen eS Charm, 1.5 miles southwest of; four corners at, northeast corner of north road forks to northeast, in top of stone; chiseled square............. CosHOCTON NORTHWEST ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TO Warsaw. Coshocton, in southeast corner ot courthouse; aluminum tablet stamped “Prim: Trays Stas NOs DIAC ss ve miss 68s basi nie Sa dad Sow due waged, wus fend» Roscoe, in center of crossroads at; in top of foundation of well, chiseled square Coshocton, 3.7 miles northwest of; 116 feet north of railroad, in east wing of north abutment of swing bridge at road crossing; aluminum tablet stamped “V716" <0 acde anata as dened seam Y dunks Ode oy oe ead we ESS Warsaw Junction, 2.4 miles east of; in top of south end of south wing of con- crete dam in Walhonding River, aluminum tablet stamped “787”... . Warsaw Junction, 1.4 miles east of; in top of west abutment, north wing, railroad bridge over highway; chiseled square..................... WARSAW NORTH ALONG CLEVELAND, AKRON AND CoLuMBUS RAILROAD TO KILLBUCK. Warsaw Junction, 3.0 miles northeast of; 60 feet west of railroad, at road crossing, in northeast corner of yard of W. H. Darling’s residence; at foot of telephone pole; iron post stamped ‘'794”................. Warsaw Junction, 4.0 miles northeast of; in south abutment, west wing, of railroad bridge over Killbuck River, in top stone; chiseled square. ... Metham, in front of station; top of rail................0.......00.00000, Metham, 0.1 mile north of station, northeast corner of road forks, 40 feet east of railroad, at railroad crossing; iron post stamped “793”........ Metham station, 1.7 miles north of; north abutment, east wing, railroad bridge No. 121 over Killbuck River; chiseled square................ Blissfield, 175 feet west of station, south side of Main street, 40 feet northeast or crossing, in northwest corner of yard; iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. StasNo: 17,1907, 796" pseasccescee wattage abana gees alesse Blissfield, 1.1 miles northeast of; in north wing of west abutment of railroad bridge No. 120 over Killbuck River, in top stone; chiseled square... . . Helmick, in front of station, top of rail.................0 0... Layland, 1.2 miles south of; south end of switch to sand mill, west right-of- way line, 50 feet west of track, 580 feet south of sand mill; iron post SEAM PE “VOOM. 2s skis bpdaid ad gun Hewetateetaanias eer teiiateedee dau ROR Layland, in front ot station; top of rail......................00 00.2 Layland, 1.3 miles north of; in east wing of south abutment of railroad bridge No. 118 over Killbuck River; chiseled square...................... FEET. 813.64 856 .689 1123 .42 1136.16 1154 .958 1181.94 1193 .742 1208.63 776.868 774.24 776.400 786.869 797 .28 793.984 788 .27 794.6 792.720 796.106 796 .36 797.0 794 .622 798.9 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 579 c FEET. Layland, 2.1 miles north of; 0.8 mile south of Carpenter’s switch, 0.8 mile north of railroad bridge over Killbuck River, east right-of-way line, 30 feet west of center of public road, 300 feet north of bend in public road to east; iron post stamped “‘804”............- i Saoasrchf aia serene otececs 803.497 GRADE SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAYS TO CosHocron. Clark post-office (Bloomfield), 0.8 mile north of; southwest corner at second class road west; iron post stamped ‘9417... 00.0.0... eee eee ee eee 941.347 Clark post-office (Bloomfield), 0.3 mile north of; 200 feet south of T road east, in west wing of north abutment of small iron bridge; chiseled SQUATC os sentir s sonnet geG metal oe Sond nmaieace ad ake tad Ramin mG Mae 823.93 Clark post-office (Bloomfield), 2.5 miles south of; west side of Coshocton and Millersburg road, northeast corner of yard on property line, residence of D. C. Miley, iron post stamped “1127”................. 1126.571 Clark post-office (Bloomfield), 4.5 miles southwest of, 1.3 miles northwest of Mound, T road southwest, 25 feet south ot center of road forks, in top of west end of plank drain; copper nail....................4. 1023.79 Mound, crossroads at; northeast corner of, 25 feet southwest of west end of steel bridge over Mill Creek; iron post stamped “817” .............. 816.897 Mound, 2.0 miles south by 0.7 mile southeast of; southeast corner of road forks, 25 feet north of large maple tree, 60 feet northeast of small steel bridge over Little Mill Creek; iron post stamped “805” ......... 805.366 Keene, 1.6 miles southeast of; north side of road forks (T road south), inside of fence line, 50 feet north of center of road forks; iron post stamped EET TO ctx cadets SA Ue Sara ca deta aasy Beschowons anes tite, Wheclontend nin age ant vag a tascleas 769 .687 Canal Lewisville, 2.0 miles north of; northeast corner at T road east, in top of stone; chiseled square.........-..60 00 ccc cette tee etteeeeee 782.43 Canal Lewisville, 175 feet south of crossroads, in east wing of west abutment of steel highway bridge over canal; aluminum tablet stamped “774”... 774.255 Coshocton, in northeast corner of courthouse; aluminum tablet stamped Prim; ETAVs Sta NORD Cy C0 bn eae loathe an quts tlelbcdiasg den reg eae hwnd gon 776.868 NEW COMERSTOWN QUADRANGLE. West LAFAYETTE EAST VIA New CoMERSTOWN TO BERNICE. West Lafayette, in front ot station; top of rail.................--- eee eee 802.0 West Lafayette, in northwest corner of public school grounds, 120 teet south of Pennsylvania Railroad; iron post stamped ‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 58, SOO) o.8 2a ae eat kee alae prec see an we Peical s leone DeMlg tetusl ieee Mest aint ite HAE ia 809.351 Isleta, in front of station; top of rail. : 2.0.00... eee 792.1 Isleta, 265 feet east of station, 25 feet north of tracks, in railroad culvert; aluminum tablet stamped ‘'791”.......... 0020. c cece eee cece 790.637 New Comerstown, in front of station; top of rail.............. 06... eee 802.9 New Comerstown, in front step of Fountain Hotel, northwest corner, 1 foot from sidewalk; aluminum tablet stamped “805”................0.. 805.191 New Comerstown, in foundation of high school building, 6 feet south of : entrance from College street; aluminum tablet stamped “809”....... 808 .623 Bernice, 2.0 miles west of; in north abutment east side of iron bridge over Dunlap Creek; aluminum tablet stamped ‘802”................-.. 803.178 Bernice, 0.6 mile west of; on west abutment north side of iron bridge; chiseled square, painted “811.97. 2.0... eee eee 812.88 Bernice, 1013 feet east of; at X road, on large rock on north side of small concrete culvert, chiseled square painted “822.55”...............- 823.48 West LAFAYETTE SOUTHEAST TWO MILES. West Lafayette, in northwest corner of public school grounds, 120 feet south of railroad; iron post stamped ‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 58, 809”........ 809 .351 580 PROGRESS REPORT New CoMERSTOWN NORTH ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RarLRoAD TO JoycE. (The error distributed in this line is excessive.) New Comerstown, Fountain Hotel, in tront step of; 1 foot from sidewalk; aluminum tablet stamped “805” «2.0.0... cece eee eee New Comerstown, 2.4 miles northeast of; about 0.1 mile east of road forks, at road crossing, in top of south wing of east abutment of steel bridge; Chiséléd square | winks ce vee eh Gatom tee pasa eee Mea eh Ree cee yee ok New Comerstown, 3.0 miles northeast of; 550 feet east ot C. & M. R. R. west side of road, at forks (T road east); iron post stamped ‘827”........ Wolf station, 2.6 miles north of; 30 teet east by 10 feet south of over-head railroad crossing; iron post stamped ‘‘890”...............0.. 2.005. Stone Creek, in foundation at northwest corner of P. E. Buhler’s grocery; aluminum tablet stamped 932” ©2002... 00.0002 Stone Creek, 1.9 miles north of; road crossing, in north abutment of bridge over stream; chiseled square........... 0.26 ccc c cee e een eee Stone Creek, 3.1 miles north of; 20 feet east of railroad, at private road cross- ing; iron poststamped “QOL”... ccdyr2s Co ees esses ness Me eae Hawes WEsT aa NORTH ALONG WHEELING AND Laker Erie RartLRoaD TO TT; West Lafayette, east of Pennsylvania R. R. station, at center of road cross- ing> top of north rail.of north track x 2. cee eee ete eis e ba West Lafayette, 1.4 miles north of, in top of west wing of north abutment of steel highway bridge over Tuscarawas River; chiseled square...... West Dee in front of W. & L. E. R. R. station; at road crossing; top of TALL” vctuise a achioxk sta 2 Gin ee a SME SNA SECS OS Aaa EE elas Gye a eS West Lafayette, 2.3 miles north of: road crossing, on W. & L. E. R. R. east right-of-way line, north side of road, inside of fence corner iron post StaMiped: 219" od crac gee he SAA ABD ARE AN AEE Me Bw Ra kta DO ae toy Fresno, in front of station; top of rail............ 0.0.2... eee eee eee Fresno, 110 feet west of Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad in southeast corner of schoolhouse grounds; iron post stamped “Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 27, HG ea ca wi nes Sa wee Wha a Oates aa uno taka bone ciLa Chili station, south end of platform, 35 feet east ot track, 50 feet west of crossroads; iron post stamped ‘‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 26, 1907, 823”... Chili station, 0.9 mile west of; at southwest corner ot crossroads, at foot of mail box post, 15 feet west of fence corner; iron post stamped ‘‘993”’. . MILLERSBURG QUADRANGLE. KILLBUCK EAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO CHARM. Killbuck, 450 feet west of station; steel bridge on main line C. A. & C. R. R. over Killbuck River, in north wing of east abutment; aluminum tablet stamped ‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 16, 1907, 807”........0............ Killbuck, in front of C. A. & C. station; top of rail..................0000.. Killbuck, 3.0 miles east of; 280 feet south of Hardy’s Switch, forks of road at southeast corner of; iron post stamped “S11”... eee Grade, 0.25 mile west of; road forks at, old post-office, west side of road; iron: Post stamped: “WAG2?" sascccc genase qudeaw vee Poteet ae Mileee ee 4 Saltillo, crossroads, at northeast corner of; inside of fence line; iron post stamped ‘‘Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 24, 1907, 1217”... 0.0.2... eee Charm, 1.25 miles northwest by 1.25 miles west of, four corners at, southwest corner of north road forks, in top of stone; chiseled square........... Charm, center of; opposite post-office, T road east at, southwest corner of yard, east side of road, 130 feet northwest of road forks, inside of fence; iron post stamped “1047”... 0... cee eee ee Charm, east part of town, at schoolhouse, T road southwest, 90 feet north- west of road forks, in top of west wing of south abutment of small iron bridge; chiseled square cc cesbs cs. @ewi ee ee, me eewen gu awe sa pee ea te FEET. 805.191 815.50 826 .953 889 .652 931.648 905 .82 900.880 802.4 778.73, 777.0 779.269 788 .4 784.999 822.757 993.143 807 .29 810.6 810.594 1162. 146 1216 .898 1214.22 1046 .628 1030.51 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. BRINKHAVEN QUADRANGLE, WaRSAW SOUTH ALONG CLEVELAND, AKRON AND CoLuMBUS RAILROAD TO CoOPERDALE. Warsaw Junction, 0.3 mile north of; railroad bridge over Walhonding River in east wing of north abutment; aluminum tablet stamped ‘800”.... Warsaw Junction, at railroad crossing; top of rail.............0-..0 cee ee Warsaw Junction, 10 feet north of center of crossing of Pennsylvania Rail- road and Cleveland, Akron and Columbus Railroad, in top of concrete interlocking foundation; chiseled square................2 000 eeaee Warsaw Junction, 2.2 miles south of; road crossing, 0.2 mile west of cross- roads, east of railroad right-of-way line, south side ot road; iron post StAMPEd SQ as oy wat su fasedheais a aaeiiacird Sa Seatira wid Sealy Umaeced Gil ae Tunnel Hill, 0.5 mile north of; 45 feet east of crossing, southeast corner of road forks, in corner of fence line and east line of railroad right-of-way line; iron post stamped 860” ..... 0.0.0... eee eee eens Tunnel Hill, 0.6 mile south of; 50 feet east of road crossing, in top of south wing of west abutment of steel bridge; chiseled square.............. COVINGTON QUADRANGLE. VERSAILLES NORTHEAST ALONG CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO AND Sr. Lovis RaItRoaD To POINT 1.0 MILE EAST oF Russia. Versailles, extreme east edge of sec. 24, T. 11 N., R. 3 E., at west edge of town, at southwest corner of ne Four Railroad bridge over Indian Creek, in back wall; aluminum tablet stamped ‘969 ADJ 1905”...... Versailles, at northwest corner of towerhouse, at intersection of Big Four and Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad, inside of painted ring on concrete base of bell crank of interlock switch; chiseled square; painted "980/667 2 dai aavin askin, ded alesae muna de sume dale @ anges an ears gets Versailles, 3.0 miles east of; 40 feet south of railroad and 25 feet west of public road, near railroad crossing, at Darke and Shelby County line, on right-of-way; iron post stamped ‘978”...............-...0000. Russia, 1.5 miles east of; at railroad crossing, in southwest corner of school- yard at Huffman schoolhouse, 60 feet north of railroad and 25 feet east of road; iron post stamped ‘9697... 1.0... ce eee VERSAILLES ALONG CINcINNATI, HamiItton aNnp Dayton RaiLtRoAD TO CoVINGTON, THENCE VIA PITTSBURG, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO AND St. Lovis RaitRoaD To Piqua. Blooser post-office, 25 feet east of road, 20 feet north of railroad, near cross- ing, at southwest corner of yard of residence of W. W. Sands, on right- of-way; iron post stamped ‘110217 0. eee eee Abe’s station, at south end of plank at railroad crossing; top of west rail; painted. ““9/5.83)" cscs awa via Sedge See EER ea Rose ehe pecans Abe’s station, 0.5 mile south of; at railroad crossing; 10 feet west of railroad, 25 feet north of public highway; iron post stamped ‘965”........... Covington, in public schoolyard, located on corner of Pearl and Maple streets, ‘15 feet south of west entrance to school building and 4 feet from its west entrance; iron post stamped “933” .............. eee eee ee Covington, 3.0 miles east of; 30 feet north of railroad at crossing, 30 feet west of public highway, on right-of-way; iron post stamped “972”........ BLOOMER POST-OFFICE NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO COUNTY LINE, THENCE EAST to LockINGTON. Bloomer, 0.6 mile north by 3.0 miles east of; at northeast corner of crossroads; iron “post stamped: “981? 54.05 oy he ees GS See hp aES AR AGE ERG @S PEE AY Bloomer, 0.6 mile north by 6.0 miles east of; 25 feet north of E. W. road, at T road south, in southeast corner of field; iron post stamped ‘984’... 581 FEET. 800.362 800.7 799 .36 823 .627 859.572 813.12 TEET. ~ 968.659 980.46 977.917 969 .204 1021 .042 975.6 964.385 932.755 971.807 980.863 983 .729 582 : PROGRESS REPORT Lockington, 0.5 mile south by 1.0 mile west of; at southwest corner of cross- roa oe large rock, inside of painted ring; chiseled square; painted 10:58) a wcetr decade toca evaded shah ey MEOSs Pe aeren eres amas cule Lockington, 0.3 mile west of; on east side of N. 8. road at T road east; iron post stamped “B84 oo cos cc an eg fee soe a tue und Fes donee MOL TS iy aS CovINGTON WEST ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD VIA BRADFORD TO OAkK- LAND. i Bradford, 50 feet west of telegraph office, 25 feet north of railroad track of the Logansport Division, in railroad yard; iron post stamped ‘992’... BRADFORD SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO LauRA. Bradford, 2.5 miles south of; in extreme southwest corner of Newberry Township, Miami County, Ohio, in southwest corner of school yard of schoolhouse No. 14; iron post stamped ‘982”................0.005- Painter Creek, 2.0 miles east by 1.0 mile north of; at northwest corner of crossroads, 50 feet east of residence of J. E. Hollbacher, southwest edge of sec. 16, T. 8 N., R. 4 E., iron post stamped “‘996”............ Painter Creek, 2.0 miles east by 1.0 miles south of; at northwest corner of T road north, center of southwest quarter of sec. 28, T. 8 N., R. 4 E. iron. post stamped 1005" s.. . sos cae dems ee dmd deme bears ee me be CovINGTON SOUTH ALONG CINCINNATI, HamILtTon anp Dayton RarLRoap to LupLtow Fats. Covington, 2.5 miles south of; near railroad crossing; 20 feet east of public highway, 30 feet south of railroad; iron post stamped ‘‘925”......... Pleasant Hill, in front of station; top of east rail............... 0.000.000 Pleasant Hill, 1.0 mile south of; at railroad crossing, 20 feet west of railroad, 30 feet south of highway, on right-of-way; iron post stamped ‘‘880”’. . . Ludlow, 50 feet northeast of Big Four station, on south side of Ludlow Creek, in south face of pier to Dayton-Covington and Piqua Electric Rail- road over-head bridge, 3.5 feet from west edge; aluminum tablet stamped““898 ADS 1905 25 ko. cic acme aioe O Aidamis ee dae ale Rend CovINGTON SOUTHEAST 4.5 MILES ALONG Troy PIKE, THENCE sOUTH TO TENNER PIKE, THENCE EAST TO POINT 3.5 MILES WEST OF TROY. Covington, 4.0 miles southeast of; on north side of diagonal road at T road west; iron post stamped ‘9587 0.0... 0... 0... ccc eects Pleasant Hill, 3.0 miles east by 0.5 miles south of; at southeast corner of crossroads; iron post stamped “947” 1.0.0... eee eee eee LIMA QUADRANGLE, At WAPAKONETA. Wapakoneta, in front of Toledo and Ohio Central station; top of rail........ CONTINENTAL QUADRANGLE. At CLOVERDALE. Cloverdale, intersection of Toledo, St. Louis and Western Railroad and Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad, in front of station; top of TALS Painted OC QA xo 1-2 ssid o's ahem ot deans aelare Ma agus toes gous Seavarailiges leat 910.26 883 .848 991.849 981.703 996.089 ” 1005.416 924.541 907 .4 879.794 892.609 958.094 96.588 723.6 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 035 CONTINENTAL, COVINGTON, DELPHOS, LIMA, LORAMIE, SIDNEY, SPENCERVILLE AND TROY QUADRANGLES. (Allen, Auglaize, Darke, Miami, Putnam, Shelby and Van Wert Counties. ) The elevations in the following list are based upon the Coast and Geodetic Survey precise level line—Cincinnati to Toledo. The leveling was done in 1909 by H. B. Hoel. DELPHOS QUADRANGLE, RimerR atone NorrHEern Ono Rar~RoaD TO DELPHOs, THENCE NORTH TO Montana atone To.eno, St. Louis anD WrsTERN RaILRoapD. Rushmore, in southeast corner of yard of Herbert Thurston, 40 feet north of railroad crossing; iron post stamped ‘‘760”...............000eceuee Rushmore, 2.4 miles west of; at railroad crossing, in right of way, 40 feet west of road, 40 feet north of railroad; iron post stamped ‘‘765”...... Ft. Jennings, 0.7 mile south of; at railroad crossing, 30 feet east of crossing; on right of way; iron post stamped “755”... ........0.......00 000s Ft. Jennings, at railroad crossing at station; top of rail; painted “753.83”... . Douglass station, 0.8 mile south of; at railroad crossing, 30 feet east of Toledo, St. Louis and Western Railroad, 30 feet north of road; on Tight of way; iron post stamped ‘746”.................002 ee eee Douglass, at railroad crossing at station; top of rail; painted “744.52”....... Muntana station, at railroad crossing, 40 feet west of; 35 feet no1th of highway, on right of way; iron post stamped ‘7297... 0... eee eee DELPHOS WEST 3 MILES ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, THENCE NORTH ALONG HIGHWAYS TO ROSELMS. Delphos, in northeast corner of yard of towerhouse at crossing of Pennsyl- vania Railroad and Toledo, St. Louis and Western Railroad; iron post stamped “*780™ 5... des cease REGS toes oo Hace weGls Sivaawl amie gh Railroad bench mark (Pittsburg, (ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad levels, adjustment of 1903 gives elevation as 781.355)................004. Delphos, 3.2 miles west of; 30 feet west of road, 10 reet south of railroad; on right of way; iron post stamped “777”... 0.00. cee ee Seamerville, 3.0 miles south of; in southwest corner of northeast field at crossroads; iron post stamped “763” ................. wien ences Seamerville, in southwest corner of yard of Jobn Dunlap at crossroads; iron post:stamped “745 cx 25 ae sage es ee ed Ege eae eee ea eee EES Roselms, 3.0 miles south of; at crossroads, in southwest corner of yard of Elm Grove schoolhouse, Subdistrict No. 1, Jackson T. P., iron post stamped. '733/OHIO/. ceases ck kas dy oe ood habe TEt REALE Gea SRS MIDDLEPORT WEST 2 MILES ALONG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, THENCE NORTH TO POINT 3 MILES SOUTH OF GROVER HILL ALONG HIGHWAY. Middlepoint, west end of plank at railroad crossing at station; top of south rails painted "(S230 as xk Colao h ned eset padean Peneie ete tas Sasha baeon end sag 85 Middlepoint, 0.5 mile west of; at railroad crossing, on right of way 50 feet west or road, 10 feet south ot railroad; iron post stamped ‘‘785”...... Van Wert County Infirmary, 0.25 mile west of; at southeast corner of cross- roads; iron post stamped ‘‘777 Prim. Trav. Sta. No. 11”............. FEET. 759.511 764.464 754 423 753 .6 745 .266 744.2 728 .839 779.645 781.299 776 388 762.836 745.134 733.107 782.0 784.754 777.2138 584 PROGRESS REPORT Middlepoint, 2.5 miles west by 5.0 miles north of; at northeast corner of crossroads; iron post stamped 752”... 1... ce eee eee Grove Hill, 3.0 miles south by 1.0 mile west of; at northeast corner of cross- roads; iron post stamped '7357............. 00. c rece eee ees DELPHOS SOUTH ALONG CINCINNATI, HAMILTON AND Dayton RaiLtRoap TO SouTHWORTH. Delphos, 2.9 miles south of; at railroad crossing, 30 feet south of highway and 30 feet west of railroad, on right of way; iron post stamped ‘‘791”’. Southworth post-office, at north end of plank at railroad crossing; top of east raul; painted “$14.89” 3 crs cacn dete c@ dey gee eSoeutehas dy Le ae eae Southworth post-office, 0.4 mile south of; at northwest corner north side of T road west, 50 feet west of canal inside of fence; iron post’ stamped EBs hg, a sis ti hers Aad dah Bn sbsrsudy Seads Te 9d rach dul ac lati dreh om phieoavgaia ae PTH A cee See MIDDLEPOINT SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO POINT 2.5 MILES SOUTH OF VENE- DOCIA. Middlepoint, 0.5 mile west by 2.8 miles south ot; at northwest corner of T road: iron post stamped “791” .. 2.0... . eee ec cece eee Venedocia, 1.0 mile south of; at southeast corner of T road east; iron post Stamped SQ4 sk cosa Bahai Sa teak Qin Giles iced of dae tie Gays aantnarasae bene! VENEDOCIA EAST TO SOUTHWORTH Landeck, 2.0 mile south by 0.5 mile west of; at southeast corner of cross- roads: iron post stamped “S13 su4 goss ms hg peagiemer sede ease oes SPENCERVILLE QUADRANGLE. SPENCERVILLE EAST ALONG Ertn RAILROAD TO KEMPTON. ; Spencerville, at intersection of Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad and Erie Railroad. 30 feet west, of the former and 80 feet north of the latter, on right of way; iron post stamped “827”.................. Conant post-office, 30 teet west of road, 60 feet south of railroad, at railroad crossing, on right of way, iron post stamped ‘828”...............-. SPENCERVILLE WEST 6.6 MILES ALONG Erin RAILROAD, THENCE SOUTH TO St. Marys. Spencerville, in front of station; top of rail........ 00.0.0... c eee eee eee Spencerville, 3.0 miles west of; 50 feet north of railroad, near crossing, 40 feet west of road, on right of way; iron post stamped “824”.......... Converse (stop), at west end of plank at railroad crossing, top of north rail; PRINCE B27 AO? a aie abc tsa gidey actad eG Seu dues Aelaug tad! aes Ohta lacendew Bade a edhe Venedocia, 3.5 miles south of; 60 feet north of Erie Railroad at crossing, 35 feet west of road, on right of way; iron post stamped “S16” ......... Kossuth, 3.0 miles north by 4.5 miles west of; at southwest corner of cross- roads on county line; iron post stamped “843” ...............2.05- St. Marys, 2.0 miles west by 6.5 miles north of; at southeast corner of cross- roads; iron post stamped 833” ....... 000... ccc eects St. Marys, 3.5 miles west by 3.5 miles north of; at northzast corner of cross- roads; iron. post stamped: "852". 240 .k aed as 6a $8 Bes MERU REL ESA E Chow St. Marys, 3.0 miles west of; 30 feet west of highway and 10 feet south of railroad, near crossing; on right of way; iron post stamped ‘‘903”.... St. Marys, in tront ot Lake Erie and Western station; top of rail............ St. Marys, 400 feet east of Lake Eric and Western Railroad station; 30 feet west ol street, at railroad crossing of Wayne street, on right-ot-way; iron: postistamped “SZ ig coins doe sag Wea s Soa e RA aE See TEOR SPENCERVILLE soutH via Kkossutu To St. Marys, THENCE EAST VIA Mouton TO POINT 2 MILES WEST OF. Kossuth, 1.1 miles northwest of; west side of north and south road, at T road east; iron post stamped “8427.0... ee eee FEET. 751.575 735 .653 790.414 814.7 813.118 790.708 803.998 812.318 827 .127 828 .034 828 .0 823 .366 827.0 816.126 842.423 828 .508 832.551 851.897 902.765 870.2 870.988 841.576 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. St. Marys, 6.0 miles north of; east side of N.S. road at T road west; iron post STAMPS” S28 is iese cena ince Sela ueuh a vise Pecks Bibl wie Reacdeasiblaenck dna arming oe Rie acts St. Marys, 3.0 miles north of; at southwest corner of crossroads; iron post Stamped “SHO ics iad esas ak Haake Miva osboua ean anne de mipelnge etihs Moulton, 1.1 miles west of; 15 feet south of railroad at crossing, 40 feet west of road, on right of way; iron post stamped “906” ....-............ Moulton, 2.0 miles east of; 30 feet north of railroad at crossing, 30 feet easy - of highway, on right of way; iron post stamped “882” .............. Four MILES SOUTHEAST oF Mouton via Mofétron ro Conant. Moulton, in front of station; top of rail... 2.0.0... eee Moulton, 2.25 miles north of; at northwest corner of crossroads; iron post SEAMP Ed: IS 7s kaise cuke wunntons a aiaealase als aakiRier Ral: ak eB hale Be gy aS Moulton, 5.25 miles north of; at southeast corner of T road south; iron post: Stamped: "S48 ne o 5.4 ce setae uey sas oacho AN Peed soa een bw aut Conant, 3.5 miles south of; at southeast corner of T road east; iron post StAM Ped Boe iis a dio geri eit Gates GAR drugs aoeame Nea auee Babak ects LORAMIE QUADRANGLE. 2.5 MILES souTH oF St. Marys sourH viA Minster anp Loramie To Hurr- MAN SCHOOLHOUSE. New Bremen, at southeast corner of Zion Church (Reformed), midway between cae leading to south and west door of church; iron post stamped Minster, in yard in rear of Sommer Hotel, 15 feet. south of south face of build- ing and 4 feet west of sidewalk, inside of fence; iron post stamped ‘968” _Loramie, at north end ot west abutment of iron bridge over canal and 60 feet southeast of V. Gaier’s store; iron post stamped “959”.............. Newport, 1.5 miles north of; on east side of N.S. road, at T rcad west, 100 ee aaa! of brick schoolhouse Dist. No. 4., iron post stamped Newport, 1.25 miles south of; at southeast corner of diagonal road, to south- east? iron post stamped “G53” sieuid odie ga secdaid she pativee 9th ave yeaum e-notd 5 MILES WEST OF SWANDERS WEST VIA LORAMIE TO YORKSHIRE. ; Loramie, 0.5 mile south by 4.5 miles east of; 50 feet south of, and in front of residence of John Roman; iron post stamped “‘1000”............. Loramie, 0.5 mile south by 2.0 miles east of; at southeast corner of cross- roads; iron post stamped “972” ....... 00... eee Loramie, 3.0 miles west of; at Darke-Shelby county line, at northeast corner of crossroads; iron post stamped “955”...........000 2000 3 MILES EAST OF New KNOXVILLE. New Knoxville, 3.0 miles east by 1.0 mile south of; on Shelby-Auglaize county line, at southwest corner of crossroads; iron post stamped “Prim. Trav: Stan NO: 0; 928) tans oa cin Wad Head eGR 4 Rh Raul ee RE ae. ae Norra Houston ALONG CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI, CHIcAGO AND St. Louts Rartroap To Harpin. Houston, in front-of statioa; top Of rails. c:.¢. 200 500a edie ada eer es sees cee Dawson, at statioa, in southwest corner of yard of residence of E. J. Griffis, 15 feet north of railroad and 40 feet west of station, at railroad cross- ing; iron, post: stamped “943! icc. sccmei sagen Peed danas dee thew ee Hardin station, 1.5 miles east of; 30 feet south of railroad and 25 feet west of road, at railroad crossing; on right-of-way; iron post stamped ‘‘989” 2 MILES sOoUTH OF KeETTLERSVILLE WEST TO MINSTER. Minster, 1.0 mile north by 4.0 miles east of; north side ot E. W. road at T road south; iron post stamped “974”... 00.00.00... eee eee 585 FEUT. 827 .676 858.975 905.447 882.108 896.7 873 .430 848.107 833.887 941.103 967.718 958 .894 1005 .782 953 .066 1000 .204 972.299 955.110 928 .344 962.1 943.161 988 .874 974.450 586 PROGRESS REPORT Point 2.0 MILES NORTHWEST OF CHICKASAW, EAST ALONG HIGHWAY TO Borxins. Chickasaw, 2.0 miles north by 0.8 east of, in concrete bridge seat at north- west corner of small iron bridge; aluminum tablet stamped ‘899 ADI 1905" s save eviee setae tees iin BATRA IG He Les Se Rey eaeR eee SE New Bremen, 3.0 miles north of; sec. 34, T. 6 8., R. 4 E., on traction line, at southeast corner of crossroads, in west face at northwest corner of prick schoolhouse; aluminum tablet stamped “902 ADJ 1905”..... New Knoxville, 2.0 miles southwest of; north of center of sec. 36, T. 6 5&., R. 4 E., in north face of northeast corner of Berghorn schoolhouse (Subdistrict 2); alummum tablet stamped “918 ADJ 1905”......... Botkins, 5.0 miles west of; southeast corner sec. 33, T.65., R. 5 E., at north- west corner of diagonal road to northwest, east side at southeast corner of schoolhouse, in stone under window; aluminum tablet stamped “944 ADJ 1905”....... Beha tare fe nee co Beds ecutee pnd a loeb poets toad Socata Botkins, 3.0 miles west of; at southwest corner sec. 36, T.65., R. 5 E., at northeast corner of T road to north, east face, at southeast corner of schoolhouse, in stone under window; aluminum tablet stamped "O65: ADJ 1905” sccee sca veneer wesetesre peenkee ds Bh eetets aed aes CHICKASAW, SOUTH ALONG CINCINNATI, HAMILTON AND Dayton RaILway To YORKSHIRE. Chickasaw, southwest corner sec. 11, T. 78., R. 3 E., in southeast corner ot store and dwelling of H. Gast, in south face in watertable aluminum taolet stamped ‘947 ADJ 1905”... 00... cee eee Maria Stein, northwest corner sec. 26, T. 7 8., R. 3 E., in west face, about 10 feet from northwest corner of Myers aad Patty’s grain elevator; aluminum tabiet stamped “974 ADJ 1905”...............2..0-0-. Yorkshire, northeast corner of sec. 13, T. 12 N., R. 3 E., at southwest corner of T road south, in north face at northwest corner of small brick store building; aluminum tablet stamped ‘988 ADJ 1905”.......... TROY QUADRANGLE. TROY SOUTHWEST 1.5 MILES. Troy, 1.8 miles southwest of; in extreme southeast corner of sec. 30, Concord Township, Miami County, Ohio, at northwest corner of crossroads; Iron Post: stamped. “SSS, sacsaauss edie Caegeahh aanie educa eee ee we 4 LocKINGTON: NORTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO NrwBuRN. Newburn, at northeast corner of T road east; iron post stamped ‘960” ...... SIDNEY QUADRANGLE. 4.0 MILES EAST OF New KNOXVILLE SOUTH ALONG HIGHWAY TO Harpin, THENCE TO SIDNEY. Kettlersville, 1.0 mile east of; at southwest corner or T road south; iron post StAMA POR OLO or aaa cit tase pe ss ued 3m. die wie dc rau doe aan ade A lataeen ere. McCartysville, 1.0 mile east of; at northwest corner of crossroads; iron post SbAMAPOR OBOM sce a gh ata iahaded aon sche end ima eA EEA got alee ec metioes oe Hardin Village, 4.0 miles north of; at northwest corner of crossroads; iron post:stamiped! “O90? 42. sus swe Pauses wydn ww sus Ka Se ae edsh eee eden Hardin Village, 1.0 mile north of; at northwest corner of crossroads; iron post stamped, “960! 2%... Seacsce ta Resour ad cageore AAS A hem odes Meat Ree ae Hardin station, 2.0 miles east of; at southwest corner of T road east and 60 teet north ot railroad crossing; iron post stamped “1015”............ Spafford, in front of power house; top of rail.............00.. 0. cece eee : SWANDERS TO POINT 5.0 MILES SOUTHWEST OF. Swanders, in front of station; top of rail... 2... 0... eee Swanders, 1.0 mile south by 2.0 miles west of;.at southwest corner of cross- roads; iron post stamped ‘10287. ..... 0.0.0... cece eee eee eee FEET. 898. 901 917. 943. 964 946 973. 987 888. 960. 712 .558 561 731 303 731 710 208 128 337 843 . 106 428 422 .219 .009 APPENDIX G Elevations above Mean Sea Level of Bench Marks in Ohio on Precise Levels Circuits adjusted by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. These elevations are in accordance with the 1907 adjustment and, together with descriptions of the bench marks, have been taken from the following publications of the Coast and Geodetic Survey: 1. Appendix Number 8—Report for 1898-1899. 2. Appendix Number 3—Report for 1903. 3. Precise Leveling in the United States, 1903-1907. Each of these three publications was prepared under the direction of John I. Hayford, ot the Survey. (587) 588 PROGRESS REPORT - SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF OHIO BENCH MARKS FROM REPORTS OF THE COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. For methods of leveling, adjusting and other details, see Appendix No. 8 for 1898-99, Appendix No. 3 report for 19038, and volume on Hypsometry 1903-07, printed 1909, all of which volumes may be found in the reports of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. DESCRIPTIONS OF PERMANENT BENCIL MARKS BETWEEN BELPRE AND ATHENS, OHIO. (Along Marietta & Cincinnati R. R., now B. & O. S.-W. R. R.) FEDT. No. XL.—Belpre, Ohio—Cut on the wing wall of the second pier from west end of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad bridge, which crosses the Ohio River at this point. Itismarked thus: BO M.................... 621.030 No. XLI.—Cut on southwest corner of abutment of Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad bridge over Little Hocking Creek, near its junction with the Ohio River, and at Little Hocking Station. It is marked thus: B LIM Sccah aie mies eae mites ae Mea haer eye we hd eB uaee oe wee 623.398 No. XLII.—About one-half mile east of Coolville Station, Marietta and Cin- cinnati Railroad. Cut on coping of abutment of a railroad bridge, and is marked, thus BiG) Mis os ee aaa send eee ee mae eee ee 633 .272 No, XLIII.—About 3°; miles west of Coolville, Athens County, Ohio, Cut on east abutment of a small railroad bridge, and is marked thus: IB EAMG 5 Sore'n cna eho piendisd ae ta itd aah anew sara Natannoe Sit ueaweet es 606 .153 No, NLIV.—About 1 mile west of Guysville, Ohio, and is cut on the eastern abutment of Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad bridge, and is marked GURUS TB Me a tens geae gare dyes 308. the ope a’ a ates Savage due nov Geuaides Hag RUENE AED 617 .345 No, XLV.—Cut on the west abutment of Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad bridge over Little Hocking River, about 214 miles west of Guysville, Onto, andis marked thus: Bil) Mas asi socaeae aah eg anes a ches rea aw cts 621.889 No. XLVI.—Cut on the west abutment of a small bridge (Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad), about 150 metres east of Canaan Chapel, Canaanville, Athens County, Ohio. It is marked thus: BOM....... 623 .767 No. XLVII.—About three-fourths of a mile west of Stewart, Athens County, Ohio, Cut on the west abutment of Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad bridge over Little Hocking River. It is marked thus: BO M.,..... 616 .420 No. XLVIII.—One and one-fourth miles east of Stewart, Athens County, Ohio. Cut on top of the wall of the west abutment of Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad bridge, and is marked thus: BO M............ 615 .347 No. XLIX.—Cut on the coping of a railroad culvert, about 115 miles west of Canaanville, Athens County, Ohio, and is marked thus: BOM..... 630 .325 No, L.—Cut on the south abutment (east side and fourth step from top) of ~ road bridge over Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad and the Hocking River at Athens, Ohio. Itismarked thus:BOM................. 649 .169 DESCRIPTIONS OF PERMANENT BENCIL MARKS BETWEEN ATHENS, OHIO, AND MITCHELL, INDIANA. P.—Athens, Ohio. Cut on top of the pier of the bridge over the Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad and the Hocking River................... 656.105 No. LL—At Moonville, Ohio. Cut on the eastern abutment of Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad bridge over Raccoon Creek, and is marked OG Eta ed Me acces gage eco aan ha te enchmamis Se. Lag are enee athe ayy de Beaten hese anane 712.160 No. LIIl.—One mile south of Zaleski, Ohio. Cut on south abutment of Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad bridge over Raccoon Creek, and is Marked thiss BG Mis iiss wane vei oy meet sane mak ean Ga eae etna 714 .304 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 589 FEET. No. *LIII.—Cut on the coping of a small drain or culvert, about one-half mile east of Hamden Station, Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad. It isemiariced ass BEN ME sy cen caskc. oe each acaemaicsascomacab ete e ae eeaa 706 .197 No. LIV.—Cut on the east abutment of Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad bridge over Big Salt Creek, about 114 miles east of Londonderry Sta- tion, and is: marked thus:.B GMs ss... o5 ec6 sine eee eek eee een es 600 .638 No. LV.—One and one-half miles east of Schooleys Station, Marietta, and Cincinnati Railroad. Cut on the eastern abutment of railroad bridge over Walnut Creek, and is marked thus: BO M................... 657 .572 Q.—Cut on the pedestal of the lamp-post which stands on the north side of the steps of the front entrance of the courthouse at Chillicothe, Ohio.. 638.001 No, LVI.—Cut on the west abutment of Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad bridge over branch of Paint Creek, about 114 miles east of Mussel- mans Junction, Ross County, Ohio. It is marked thus: BOM...... 699 .646 No. LVII.— Cut on the east abutment of Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad bridge over branch of Paint Creek, about one-fourth mile west of Musselmans Junction, Ross County, Ohio, Itismarkedthus:BOM.. 712.186 No. LVIII.—Cut on the eastern abutment of Marietta and Cincinnati Rail- road bridge, about 1 mile east of Lyndon Station, and is marked thus: ES er MI ia a acy a AN Rea AS Te re Pt tahini le asl tetanic th ea eno 911.671 No. LIX.—Cut on the eastern abutment of Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad ME regres bees Gia san annaiciamnes oes Marae eo ete hatte alate Diane te Weeh 6 eased 1056 .609 No, LX.—Cut on the east abutment of Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad bridge, about three-tenths mile east of Clinton Valley Station, and is markéd thus: B EVM wiser, eh odie io ee ew Gnd AOR OON BETO ES 990 .047 No. LXI.—Cut on the west abutment of Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad bridge, about 314 miles east of Loveland, Ohio, and is marked thus: Bical Meo occ dig insurances att etait agains wire eles See wail a guaanate eames wonaeeGear eile & 692 .924 R.—Loveland, Ohio. Cut on the east abutment of Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad bridge over the Little Miami River...................... 581.882 No, LXII.—Cut on the pier of the Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad bridge over Sycamore Creek, a short distance west of Remington Station, and is marked thus: B O M. Reported in 1899 as destroyed............ 590 .861 No. LXIII.—Cut on the west abutment of Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad bridge, a short distance west of Cumminsville, Hamilton County, Ohio. It is marked thus:B OM. Reported in 1899 as destroyed... 506.425 No. LXIV.—Cut on the south abutment of Marietta and Cincinnati Rail- road bridge over Gest street, suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio. It is marked thus: BO M. Reported in 1899 as destroyed.............- 494.817 S.—Cut on the west abutment of Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad bridge over Mill Creek, at Eighth street station, Cincinnati, Ohio. Re- ported. in’ 1899':as: destroyed... i. sean id ea ake oe wee 494.481 T. or City B. M. No. 1.—Highest point of a copper bolt projecting 14 inches from the masonry on the west side of the courthouse, in Cincinnatz, Ohio. Itison the south face of pillar at south side of main entrance on Main street, and 3 inches above the flagging. On the flat surface which surrounds the bench mark is inscribed, ‘““‘B M No. 1, 115.25”.... 546.537 No. LXV.—A square cavity cut in top of a stone monument, about 46 metres west of Delhi Station of Ohio and Mississippi Railroad (Hamul- ton County, Ohio). Reported in 1899 as destroyed ...........-56. eee eeee No. LXVI.—Hamilton County, Ohio. Cut on a pier (first pier from Ohio side of river) of Ohio and Mississippi Railroad bridge over Miami River, near its junction with the Ohio River. It is about 2 miles east of Lawrenceburg, Ind., and is marked thus: B O M. Reported in 1899:as estrovyed’ wise. s eevee Hae wena ba Pe eee He eceie ae gw gee 482 .426 *This bench mark has bey been disturbed. The elevation given for it above is not accepted by the U.S. Geological Survey. 590 PROGRESS REPORT DESCRIPTIONS OF PERMANENT BENCH MARKS BETWEEN TOLEDO AND CINCIN- NATI, OHIO. U.—Is in Lucas County, Ohio, at a place called Alexis (on time table), being ° at the intersection of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern_and Ann Arbor, Detroit and Toledo roads, on the west side of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern and on the northeast side of the Ann Arbor road, on west abutment south side of long culvert of very large stone, on the first step, below coping at its northwest corner, 5 inches from either face, and is a Square CUt.... 0... cece eect eee teens Toledo City No. 165.—Is in northern part of Toledo, near the Maumee River, on west side of Summit avenue and north corner of Columbus avenue, on frame building, being a copper nail on east side of Sign............ Park A.—Is in Toledo, Ohio, on the north bank of the Maumee River, 106 metres above River Place, 1.35 metres south of south edge of flagging in River Park, being a stone triangulation monument set in the ground. The point taken is the east point of the triangle cut in the SLOG: ete Rast-nia eaten seine x sus Rates eoaleas Bip Bade eg ang ermine ERC ae eee V.—Is in Toledo, Ohio, on the north bank of the Maumee River on the north abutment of the Pennsylvania Railroad bridge, east side, on retain- ing wall, 15 inches west of the northwest corner of the bridge seat block and 3 feet above it, and isa square cut............00 eee ee eee Power Hoise.—On the northeast corner of Water and Madison streets, Toledo, Ohio on southwest corner of traction company’s powerhouse, on top of sandstone watertable just where brick begins, about 3 feet above sidewalk, being marked by a Square..............-.-0000005- W.—Is in Toledo, Ohio, on the United States custom office building, on the southeast corner of Madison and St. Clair streets, 15 feet south of the south side of entrance on St. Clair street, on the south face of pilaster pagle, 6 Sr east of west face and 14 metres above ground, being a LESS IO UG: sh saa ary tpt ts 1 Aagpealee tle cb Wieense te bids res alan Roane Al Micarlpaandeals larGusan crease etal Post-Office.—Is on the northwest corner of custom-house building in Toledo, Ohio. A cross cut on the top of the granite watertable just where sandstone begins, being the outer quarter of crosS...............44. Toledo City No. 44.—Is on the southwest corner of Madison and Summit Streets, Toledo, Ohio. A cross cut on northeast corner of watertable Of (RODETUS TUG STOLE caidas: ace: twuerd eouprn pinauend Setnn aod dul wiabags Sieomubre seca Toledo City No. 296.—Is in Toledo, Ohio, on the easterly abutment of the Pennsylvania Railroad bridge over the Maumee River, north side of track, on coping stone, 9 inches north of north side of guard timber of track, being highest point at northerly part of a cross............... X.—Is in Wood County, Ohio, about 3 milés north of Perrysburg, on the road to Toledo (the electric line runs on this road), 480 feet north of August Broke’s house, in west face of culvert under road, 26 inches north of the north spring of arch and 28 inches above top of arch (under side), being: a brass-boltsc o-weacatiten aes ce ahs vee Mig Gab HE ou albinde Ga eertas Y.—Is in Perrysburg, Wood County, Ohéo, 318 metres south of depot, on the west end of culvert, under the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton track, 32 inches north of spring line and 18 inches above it, and 26 inches above ground, being a brass bolt........... 0. eee eee ee Z.—Is in Roachton, Wood County, Ohio, just north of the north line of Middleburg Township, about 300 feet west of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton track, in foundation of residence of W. C. Parrin, center of east side and in east face of bay window, 0.65 metre south of north angle and 0.55 metre above ground in second brick below wooden watertable, being horizontal line in brass bolt leaded horizontally ... A,.—Is in Hull Prairie, Wood County, Ohio, on the line of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad, about 200 feet south of the depot, in the southeast quarter of stone culvert on the first step below the bridge seat, 5 inches east of east end of bridge seat course, and 44 inches south of north face, being a Square CUL... 6.6.0... cece eee eens FEET. 585 596 601 589 582 590 603. 615 647 -481 419 118 -117 -703 888 .560 .870 352 129 .696 594 .514 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. B,.—Is in Haskins, Wood County, Ohio, 250 metres west of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad track on Sugar street, in south face of public school building, in watertable 4 feet 10 inches above ground, 1 foot 9 inches east of east side entrance, being a brass bolt.......... C,.—Is in the village of Tontogany, Wood County, Ohio, on the southeast cor- ner of Main and Broad streets, at west side entrance to Waltz store, “1894” in the northwest corner of iron plate under column, being top of a surface seven-eighths inch square marked by a cut of a cold chisel. D,.—Is in Weston, Wooa County, Ohio, very near south center of section 35, about 150 feet east of Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad track on south side of Main street, at the east side of east entrance on northeast corner of iron pedestal, being the top of surface by a square cut witha, cold. chisel si .54/cu:iavena o sures ula Seles gia micas ees RA aS E,.—Is in Weston, Wood County, Ohio, in the foundation of First Methodist Church, erected in 1895, in north face of foundation, 3 feet and 10 inches west of the west face of belfry tower, in second course of anes below the watertable course, 2 feet above ground, being a PASS, DOM: .ctd2 rains Wea aa Wed ew hee s Fae haan eta hha cia eneS dob Weston Village.—Is in Weston, Ohio, about 100 feet east of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad track, on the north side of Main street, at the northwest corner of the Citizen’s Bank building, on top of corner stone just below brick............... 0.00. e cece eee ee F,.—Is in the village of Milton Center, Wood County, Ohio, on the east side of Railroad street, at south side of east and west alley, in the stone building of John Biverstock, on north end of base stone below window, being a /SQUATC CUties acre d escent cael ene mada cousmaddm aid ewa Dae G,.—Is in Cusiar, Wood County, Ohio, on the northwest corner of Superior and Linn streets, in the northeast corner of foundation of public school building, and 1 foot 10 inches west of east face, and 3 feet 8 inches above ground, being a brass bolt.................00022-06, H,.—Is in the village of Deshler, Henry County, Ohio, on the northeast corner of Maple and Keiser streets, in the southeast corner of the main building, Presbyterian church, in the watertable, east face, about 1 foot north of south corner and 3 feet above ground, being a brass bolt I,.—Is in the village of Deshler, Henry County, Ohio, on the north side of Main street about 175 feet east of Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad track, on the bank building owned by Mr. A. W. Lee, on west end of base stone, under window west of entrance, being a SQUATC CUS co ex crt She oes Sas es te oe Me a eee eee A wa ees J,.—Is in the village of Belmore, Putnam County, Ohio, on the northeast cor- ner of Defiance and Walnut streets, in the east face of the foundation of the Starling building, 18 feet north of south corner of building and 8 inches below bottom of baseboard and 10 inches above ground, being intersection of two approximately horizontal and vertical ie cuts in brass bolt leaded horizontally and lettered U. 8. C. & K,.—Is in the village of Leipsic, Ohio, on the north side of Railroad street, about 126 feet east of Main street, on the top of foundation, northeast corner of the Lampe building, under the east end of the window, 11 inches west of the corner buttress, 1 foot above sidewalk, being a SQUATE CUD: id's genial dies i OS aie lara gia SLANE. TE GS: epi EAR aRy a L,.—Is in the village of Leipsic, Putnam County, Ohio, on the south side of Commercial street, 129 feet east from the east side of Main street, on the foundation at the northeast corner of the Heffler House, 6 inches west of east face and 35 inches above the flagging of the sidewalk, being