Soo a RIOR HD 219G E53 Cornell Mniversity Library THE GIFT OF Notaana Arsociottion of Nomwjodtinns BRO CBG estes 22 |e) 15... 7583 Cornell University Library HD2778 .E53 ini olin A Handbook of The Federal Trade Commission Act A Review of Its Legislative History and of the Powers, Duties and Procedure of the Commission PREPARED FOR THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTURERS By JAMES A. EMERY General Counsel of National Council for Industrial Defense 1915 ISSUED FROM THE SECRETARY’S OFFICF, 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY & N \ 07 : A301 gg Copyright, 1915 By JAMES A. EMERY gS GRE SG BERS BERL ee OER RSG? BBLS) SAS ST eR aS A eee eee xopul [etouer) TG, Siete Sori py HURL uos[iay L£2-E2 SUOT}IIS Suipueme ‘zt Areniqaq jo wy Jo gs-EZ SUOI}IOS (Ge? Re ena gee PV HueL wos fo Z/-Ef SUONIS ge Re SS ere py ueUIEYS eq Or oh a ee ED RS OEE EH OE BS py uojAeyD 01 Xopuy +e tha he 8 ak. en a BI EE A CR DRESS ASD py wove ub SON enna sara ets JOY UOISSIUMUOT spe, OF XOPUT ps He Seen ee JY vOIssMUOT apeIy, UL :quemaddns Sip, Mines Se Meee Gees SUOTSIA -Olg yeusg ‘“AyunuUy ‘Marae Jno) ‘einpes01g. “AT teadeyD Bile “Saree ea UOISSILULUOT) 9Y} FO Satjnq pue sIaMog TIT Jaideyd IL ‘000 CUOISSTUILUIOT d1[} JO PUUOSIag puv UWOrezIUesIO ‘TT toideya G ttt PW UOISSIUIMIOD apeIT sy} JO AIO}SIFT 2aTAeISTs97T ‘T taydeyy potters nee nee nese quowayeys Areurumyerg vg $yU9}U0%) Preliminary Statement The purpose of this review is not to indulge in speculative legal opinions respecting the probable construction of the Trade Com- mission Act or its validity in whole or part, but to assemble in convenient form for our members material information relating to and explaining the Act. I shall therefore endeavor to condense within as brief a compass as the subject permits, its legislative history, an outline of the organization and personnel of the Trade Commission, and a digest and resumé of its apparent powers, duties and procedure. While the subject necessarily deals with legal terms and matters, it is primarily treated for the information of the lay reader, and I shall endeavor to avoid the use of technical language. For brevity and convenient reference, I have prefaced consideration of each topic, where possible, with a synopsis of the matters to which it relates. Since, for the further benefit of its members, it is the intention of the National Association of Manufacturers to follow the operations of the Trade Commission, as that body progressively interprets its own powers and duties and courts review the same, I have called special attention to the important features of the Act which developed the greatest differences of opinion during its legislative consideration. For reference, there is attached to this statement: (a) A copy of the Trade Commission Act. (b) 35 5 direct prevention of violations of Clayton Act through district COUTTS 12... cece eee eee e eer tette ene 61 request Commission to investigate and recommend a readjustment of operations of any corporation alleged to be violating Anti-trust Acts..........-- 36 w 57 Sus. Men referred to: Par. Dy. Bartlett: Point of order Stevens amendment House Trade Commission Bill ......... 0.2... c cece eee eeeee 12 Bathrick: motion of, for ayes and nays on Trade Com- mission, bill: Vesanewes wees iecker aka Weak Ee aae aes 3 d Brandegee: gives history of “unfair competition” amendment to Newlands bill ...................-00. 13 Glapps Senate conleree: waw0rcccisawdseaacse iv se cavers 3 a Glaytow: He R. 12120 introduced bys. ssxaccersseeesy oe 1,7 b Colt: inquiry as to amendment of 5th Section, New- Wands: Bill .2.0..4.2 4 wadcsdancanadiese tad detain dna sea dane Sa aegis 13 Covingtoi: House confereé 2... 066.6. besseasacac eas ee 3 a H, R. 14631 introduced by... sccc se carccees cane geen ge 1 c H, Rs 15613 introduced bys asccecns: aoe. scan goueer es 1,8 d Cummings: attempt to incorporate in Trade Commission Bill a prohibition against competing corporations “holding” as well as acquiring stock.............. 16 author of amended section 5, Senate Trade Com- mission, Billo: siac¢.22 s.due@e rye cae ene eee eee Reed 43 described the manner in which Board would apply term “unfair competition” .............-...2000- 45 discussion conference TEPOLE wisiee hats @ Grand eae a 4a.8 43 expresses view of opponents of fixed definition of term “unfair competition” ...........-.-..0000 eee 44 proposed substitute for section 5, Trade Commis- SIGH Bail eidctas coe eh acres sia BROS eG Aree Oe 16 SEHAtE LCONTEREE “as vchanniaseen bid wassaainnauy meinen 3 a Davies: elected Chairman Trade Commission......... 23 nominated, confirmed, took oath..................00- 23 Esche House conierée: 2444 nusains yeeadtaa is meeeieeas ees 3 a Harris: Member of Commission ............00000eeee 26 nominated, confirmed, took oath ................00. 23 Hurley: Member of Commission ...............0-005 25 nominated, confirmed, took oath...............-..4. 23 Lippitt: amendment > 24.10 scnawpis ¥oaacate save peh ese aeas 18 Mann: points out error in Trade Commission Bill.... 32 Newlands: Bill reported favorably in Senate.......... 2,10 a Senate: COnleree cc uu via puatewsedsdanphdinwweeseacans 3 a Senate 4160 introduced ccc cece ee eee Vet b Parry: Member of Commission..............0--00005 27 nominated, confirmed, took oath.................... 23 Pomerene: Senate conferee ........ cc. cece cece ees 3 a President, The, of the United States: approved bill 3,19 e members of the Commission appointed by.......... 20 may direct Commission to investigate alleged viola- tion of Anti-Trust Acts 2. cscscsseussasasegiessas 35 4 may direct employes Government departments to ASSIST GOMMISSION, 4 csiene cs ce deuce waecdaaee La Ad a bso 35 w recommends creation of “Interstate Trade Com- MUSSION™ (etude pa doewye accsewan Maeisleatacn see's Meum 1,6. a recommendations made to, by Trade Commission.... 4 nominates Trade Commissioners ...............20-5 23 Reed: amendment by, defining ‘unfair competition” failed ‘ity Senate saccseses aiieiw Sasea lenygte Manin we NN 17 definition of “unfair competition” ................. 43 Rublee: Member of Commission .............0..+000 28 Nominated, -tOGl: Oath: aiciececese occ. 2504 Virtraniereianae ets erasers 23 Salisbury: Senate conferee ......... cece eee cence eee 3 a Sinise Ouse conteree! cajveso cadens Addadairseonaeegue 3 a Stevens, Minnesota: House conferee..............0005 3 a 58 Sus. Men referred to: Par. Div Stevens, New Hampshire: proposal by, germ of 5th sec- tion, Trade Commission bill..................0.... 12, 13 proposed substitute for section 11, of House bill. .4, 11 i Stevens bill provision, engrafted upon Newlands bill 13 Walsh: opinion of administrative power given to ; Trade Commission ...........0..00c0eccee eee eeees 49 Misdemeanor: false entries in corporation records........ 67 false statements in reports to Commission.... 67 for officer or employe of Commission to make public information obtained .............. 69 refusal to testify in response to subpcena.... 66 refusal to submit evidence.................. 67 remove documentary evidence from jurisdic- : tion of United States................0.04. 67 Perjury, punishment £00 6. sccsstee coe s ayecgacsnre dee hea ect 64 “Persons and Partnerships” when subject to Commission.... 40 Philippines: “commerce” does not embrace trade with...... 30 Porto Rico: “commerce” does not embrace trade with...... 30 Price Discrimination, by “persons” forbidden where effect of such discrimination may be to lessen competition or create monopoly.... 42 1 penal clauses relating to, struck out of Clayton Bill esc tnad veceeeawaes 15 prevented by Trade Commission...... 34 2 Procedure: for enforcement of Sec. 5 of Trade Commission CEs ConA a AUN aN oA ae rca tered Na, 2 51, 52, 53, 62 for enforcement of Secs, 2, 3, 7, 8 Clayton Act by Commission ................ 34, 50, 51, 52, 61 2 Production of Evidence: Commission’s power to compel. ..34, 35 3 Proof of Service: how made ............e ccc cece eee eee 63 Publicity: Commission is authorized to make public reports and proceedings ............cccecee cece eeeeue 37) «1, 2,3 Searches and Seizures: unreasonable, fourth amendment of Constitution ...............e eee 41 Self-incrimination: compelling, guarantees of fifth amendment of Constitution, respecting ........... 41 Seller: exclusive tying contracts by, unlawful............... 42 2 Subpcenas: district court given concurrent jurisdiction to enforce those of Commission ................ 60 refusal to testify in response to, a misdemeanor.. 66 Summary of Legislative History of Trade Commission Act. .1, 2,3 of Powers of Trade Commission...... 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 Supreme Court: review of judgment and order of Circuit Cotitt of Appeal «ci siucdnecedve daease de 55 Testimony: power of Commission to compel..............- 34 3,4 no person excused from testifying ............. 64 testimony at hearing of accused taken in writing 52 Trade Commission: act does not authorize Commission to advise applicants what does or does not constitute “unfair methods of competi- OR” Gusshwnekwexte ws eud ae kararwiad 47 act does not authorize Commission to draft a business code of forbidden con- UGE sane Mas doac-c4 a PeNeeSEe REO Ne ae Oe 47 to take additional evidence on appeals.. 54 administrative body ....... Sitionenntie. 30: 4 may adopt rules and regulations to carry Out PproviSioOnS ........2.. ee eee ee eee QL advises Attorney-General as to readjust- ment of operation of corporations on TEQUESt Loe cece eee eee eee eee teens 4 advisory powers ..... [reese neers tenes 18 59 Trade Commission: Par. aids enforcement, Anti-Trust Acts...... 4 appropriation $300,000 for 1915...... 22 “clearing house for facts” ............ 6 compel filing annual or special reports by “corporations” ................00- 68 complaint, fix form and serve........ 52 conference House and Senate on bill CREATINE aanenawcngan £04 ommigan eect st 3 conference report submitted House and Senate: nice (oueaae mes dG wae elasnaw 3 consideration of agreements intended to affect commerce ...........-0..0006- 18 constituted of five members .......... 20 creation recommended by President of United States. cies seed ax statin sce a 1,6 Cummins’ opinion of advisory powers.. 48 difference in Commission created from Commission originally proposed ...... 5 directed to prevent “corporations” from using “unfair methods of competition” 11 duty of Board to consult decisions of the courts, etc., to all of which make up understanding words “unfair com- POHUIOM acu dcdoeeticce see anes mms 45 duty of Commission to apply words “un- fair competition” .................00. 45 employes of (exception) subject to civil SCRVICE NM) 5s cis aden ia coaek ddepemaunes 21 enforcement of other statutes unaffected by Trade Commission Act............ 70 enforces section five of Trade Commis- S101 ACE yen eng a Sy trae HER Paved raensuncalees 61 members may engage in no other busi- MESS... acter ton ae aalgn G mahguiue We Deecduaun Neue hoes 21 exercise powers at any place............ 22 exercise powers over persons, partner- ships or corporations engaged in com- merce except banks and common car- PUES! ei chs eine Se scnun ele Aes donned lenses et 29 may make findings and recommenda- tions for modifications of original order after hearing on appeal........ 54 free to fix own forms and_ procedure (exception) cece cece cease 50 gathers, compiles and publishes informa- tion, on operation of corporations.... 4 House Bill differed from the measure which passed Senate ................ 9 a misdemeanor to refuse to submit evi- GOMES 16) succuinds aba jin eves anemia oe 66 instrument of. information (President’s MESSAGE)! y vixd Kaaciticed suawacr mance on 6 investigate and report manner final de- crees are carried out................. 35 investigate operation corporation as re- quested by Attorney-General......... 47 investigate trade conditions in foreign countries including practices affecting HOREIRT CAME ciriiioek sos ceeusaunas as 35 investigations alleged violation Anti- Etust:aws + vavevigpwiied ceasbe nant 4+ 4, 14 Sus. Div. Trade Commission : investigatory and inquisitorial powers confined to “corporations” engaged in commerce jurisdiction jurisdiction to hear and enforce orders of transferred to the Circuit Court Sus. Par. Div. BS vrelal cel clogs 29, 30, 40, 61 of Appeals :.4 vse tayces anes ote « 19 measure H. R. 12120 providing for creation of, introduced by Clayton... 1 b measures H. R. 14631 and H. R. 15613 providing for creation of, introduced by Covington. cie.ieeevesereeceenees 1 c,d measure H. R. 15613 reported favorably to the House ............ 00.0. e eee 1 measure H. R. 15613 debated.......... 1 f,g,h,i measure H. R. 15613 passed House.... 1 j measure H. R. 15613 referred to Com- mittee, (Senate: 2 ..acceigssaaeeeawete 2, 10 a measure S. 4160 providing for creation of, introduced by Newlands.......... 9 1 b measure S. 4160 reference to,.......... 2a,b,¢d 3 a 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 32 members removable by President...... 21 “narrow” court review of orders of.... 16 obtain information in possession of other Government departments and have as- sistance of employes of such depart- WETS. cna s coma. deeegukesmes eee. 35 a office in Washington ................--. 22 opinion, court cannot substitute its opin- ion for that of Commission ......... 58 opinions of the Commission interpret broader meanings “unfair competition” 46 order, enforced against a recalcitrant by appeal to courts ...........6. eee e ee 57 order, issues and serves order directing party to desist from unfair methods.. 52 order, may modify or set aside........ 52 order, not “admissible as evidence”.... 65 order, does not absolve from liability under Anti-Trust Acts............... 65 order, policy or expediency of, court can- NOt: CONMSIder 244 vases venisean sae saan 58 order, review of, question raised upon.. 59 1,3 petition filing of ........-.- see eee ee 52 power of Commission, court review deals With. sys eine fs Mae Ragen eee as 58 powers and duties grouped under five heads:. cccanaapenmevee aeedve mee nse 33 advisory powers Of ....-..-.- sees eee 36 1,3 powers and duties, investigatory....... 35 Tee powers and duties, power of publicity... 3 13 powers and duties, powers to establish procedure ...... eee eee ee ee eee eens 38 powers and duties, semi-judicial ...... 34 1,4 to prevent acts constituting “unfair methods of competition” ....... Pew 4,16 prevent corporations engaged in com- merce from using “unfair and oppres- . sive’ methods, Stevens’ amendment. 1 i 61 Sus. Par. Div. Trade Commission: proceedings to prevent “unfair methods of competition,” two requisites neces- SALTY? dase Rtabsaanirar gs Mac nenes arenes falas 51 procedure in preventing “unfair methods of ‘COMpPCHiHON” wcis ceeded ewes Ox 50, 57 may prosecute its inquiries through any Of its nrembers sans: gesncsaxsded reas 22 qualified to have referred to it by the court an inquiry for the purpose of ascertaining and reporting an appro- priate form of decree ............... 36 3 report foreign trade conditions to Con- gress with recommendations......... 35 6 report required, false statements in, a MUSAEMCANOL ceasea ed oxides damier 67 salary of Commissioners .........-.... 21 S€rvICe Of PFOCESS asc ciccvisivengres cs 62, 63 to prevent specific practices forbidden by the Clayton: Act 4 2.2065 deena 6 40 study trade conditions with foreign countries -and make recommendations to Congress and the Executive...... 4 succeeds to employes, etc., of Bureau of Corporations .......... eee 22 suggests form of final decrees in anti- trust suits upon judicial request and inquiries into such operation of decrees 4, 14 supersedes Bureau of Corporations..... 22 term of office of members.............. 20 festiniGny BEfOLE. .os52 ce gscteess sq e ees 64 visitorial powers, exercise over business and records of corporations......... 40 Trade Secrets: not to be published ................2.....4. 37 1 “Unfair Competition”: application of the term “unfair com- petition” in the common law...... 45 change to “unfair methods of compe- tition” in conference.............. 43 Commission not authorized to advise what constitutes .............-.5. 47 declared unlawful ................. Ad i defined by, opponents of a fixed GEMDIHOMy bs nk decd aa ni ceeulae uane« 44 definition efforts to insert in Senate Bill defeated: voncsg tetany xia svag 43 germ of this proposal found in 9th and 10th sections of bill proposed by Stevens, New Hampshire...... 11 guilty of “unfair competition” in commerce, no man shall be...... 44 inhibition against “unfair methods of COIMPCtIHON’ npc caasea echo eed ae 51 House conferees forced substitution of term “unfair methods of com- petition” for “unfair competition”... 19 manner of application by board de- scribed by Cummins.............. 45 no definite guide to know what was forbidden. <.scssasanessseescet oe 17 opinions of the Commission interpret broader meanings in act.......... 46 62 Sus, A . a, . Par. Div. Unfair Competition”: prevent unfair methods of compe- tition by issuing administrative OLdeTS- sais saa Gubeveia dae hbenon 34 -1 prevention of “unfair methods of competition,” evidence for........ 40 proposal Stevens, New Hampshire, slightly changed incorporated in bill reported to Senate ........... 13 proposal Stevens, New Hampshire, in House, prophesied to become part of measure in Senate ........ 12 “Unfair competition” and “unfair methods of competition” mean the same thing—Cummins ........... 43 “unfair competition’ competitor fraudulently passed off goods for those. of another jee. cca ees 17 “unfair competition” defined to em- brace acts, devices, concealments, threats, coercions, etc. Reed...... 43 what are “unfair methods of com- petition” which Commission is to PTEVENE, Soscalas wig ead, Memeo ses wares 42 Vote: amended S. 4160 passed Senate..............00005- 19, 2 d conference report House final passage .............. 3 d conference report Senate final passage.............. 3 c Hie: Ree d5618 passed; THOUS Accs estcovccnesadcasewaanadased aL 1 Witnesses: attendance of ........ 0.0... c cee cee eee nee 34 3 Weits: of: Mandate? isstiing! vcs aacujsess esauande eh jeagees es 60 63 1914 | ACT ~ OCTOBER 1S, 1914 SECM | SEC.7 | SEC 8 FOR JURISDICTION OF COMMISSION | SUPPLEMENTARY ANTITRUST ACT ~ OCTOBER IS, 1914 | ; [ on order of court all government ae erator’ = | sec 2 | | sec 3 ] | SEC 7 = | SEC 8 | I bebas retary departments and ss e Dee Sec bureaus to supply area Caen in all records re- - - or era alsenimnination in lease, sale, fix share capital unlawful for person to be price unlawful price, discount unlawful for director in two or more or rebate unlawful where effect. on condition, ag- may lessen com- reement or under - petition, tend create| 1 monopoly corporation hold & ee other corporations after 2 years if competitors and elimination of competiti would violate Antitrust Laws director lawfully elected may continue one year corporations except investment where the effect: substantially lesseng competition re- strains commerce in any section or place, tends to create monopoh| in any line of commerce purchaser not to use or deal in competitors good where effect substantially lessens competition, tends to create monopoly between purchase except on account of difference in grade, quality or quantity any one of which has capital, surplus and undivided profits in excess of one million ollars \ | Parties aggrieved or threatened may enjoin violations anywhere (Section 16) | OUTLINE OF POWERS AND PROCEDURE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Prepared and Copyrighted, 1914, by Nathan B. Williams, Esq., Washington, D, ¢. and used by his special permission. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION ACT ~ SEPTEMBER 26, (DOES NOT ALTER, MODIFY, REPEAL OR PREVENT ENFORCEMENT OF ANTITRUST ACTS) FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION C.5 (See also Sec 9) | + 15,1914 Procedure service verified return return PO receipt L A CORPORATIONS~ SEC.6 [See Sec 7698 ~Act Oct 15,1914] ° On i Gather and compile information and investigate organization business conduct practices management Investigate manner final decree for violating on application of Attorney General classify corporations Antitrust Acts is make recamendatia for readjustment of business of make rules carry out act carried out by delivery person by leaving tnember of firm by registry corporation *porations. | vy Apparent conflict of jurisdiction. 2, Extent of power Is not defined. corporations engaged in commerce except banks and common carriers and relation To other corp. rations | mandatory when requested by Atty General report findings and recomendations} corporations individuals associations artnecships corporations to file general and special reports on request of President or either House of Cong investigate and report facts concerning violat - ions Antifrust Act: where and as prescribed by commission annual and special reports made public in Publicity | discretion of Com except trade secrets and names of customers investigate ti condition: foreign coun may request Atty General [ UNFAIR METHODS OF COMPETITION ~ Com: t or comply mitnaaf for oor to ree al on failure to Obey Judgment or order ‘findings of facts are conclusive ‘on notic. certify and file of Appeals Commission H Circuit Court transcript all testimony, report and order decree on notice to defendant proceedings given preterence| im circuit where defendant uses method, resides or carries on business be reviewed a affirm, modify or set aside Commission except Supreme Court does not absolve defendant] order of ae from prosecuti ” ae ‘ under Antitrust A on Commission Hearing See Sec 2 and 3 ~ Act Intervention Person, Firm, Corporation | oepostions i Testimony must be in writing and filed examiners May receive agents may examine and copy books Commission has power before designated party compel productio documentary widence authorized to administer oath subpoena witnesses paid court fees who must testify or punished invoke aid anywhe: US Dist. Courts