Sa latetetoterelarehetetetetohibe ba Lketubets Sdidecetoderst tree ayti-tecate beeg erie bie Spal cfertas Uitbapebnedbees ret Aypebhbatubir Fs pbb eames loi.) Deh per sactas ria tat burp rs ps Ley hmeirtaaarn Para ei ne cio LS CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Date Due | 5 sii i i vi ‘i ii HHO Oae—— Saint Mays “Falls Ship Canal Company, annaNcEp IN GROUPS, \ 48 THEY WILL BB OFFERED AT A ° t ! “Ay “PUBLIC SALE: TO BE HELD:IN THE CITY OF DETROIT, ‘On the 2nd day of September, ‘A. D. 1863, Sa _ All ‘the Lands are reserved from Sale unt{l the Sale in September. : oF: / CATALOGUES AND, MAPS MAY BE OBTAINED OF GEO. 8. FROST, Agent, - | Derrorr, Micz. JOHN. F SKINNER, No.°47 City Exchange, - Bosrov., — Hoy .WRias Fy IRBANKS, 2S - Sx. Jonnssory,V2 ERAS’ 8 CO NI Ga & CO., - - + Ausary, N.Y, . CG. & G. WOODMAN, 83 Pine: ‘Street, - |! New, Yore.® CHARLES E. NOBLE, Burraro, N. Y. ) GHARLES NELSON, - - Muskegon. GEORGE W, LAKIN, = +. - . Minwavges, ps. FAIRBANKS & GREENLEAF, - - - Cuicago, Inn. P, A. BREWER, ws, : 25 - Saginaw, Micx. CATALOGUE ‘s OF . 4 c \ ; 7 a t “48 525,000 ACRES ~~~ OF / Lu ae PINE TIMBER LANDS BELONGING TO THE Saint Mary's Falls Ship Canal Company, a ARRANGED IN GROUPS, Ou © . AS THEY WILL BE OFFERED AT A | PUBLIC SALE TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF DETROIT, On the 2nd day of September, A. D. 1863, —o Ali the Lands are reserved from Sale until the Sale in September. yee CATALOGUES AND MAPS MAY BE OBTAINED OF GEO. S. FROST, AcEnt, Detroit, Mics. JOHN F. SKINNER, No. 47 City Exchange, Boston, Hox, ERASTUS FAIRBANKS, - : Sr. Jonnssury,V? ERASTUS CORNING & CO., - Ausayy, N, Y. C. & G. WOODMAN, 38 Pine Street, - New York. CHARLES E. NOBLE, - Burrato, N, Y. Mousxkgcon. CHARLES NELSON, - - GEORGE W. LAKIN, - Minwavxesr, Wis. FAIRBANKS & GREENLEAF, - - - Curcago, Inn. A. P. BREWER, - - - Saainaw, Mica. HD 97594 o> 3 ae Officers ard Directors. 1862-8. ? ERASTUS FAIRBANKS, - 8r. Jounspury, Vermont. ERASTUS CORNING, - - Atpany, New Yorx. J. W. PICKERSGILL, - - New York Crry. NATHANIEL THAYER, Bosron, Mass. JOHN M. FORBES, - a “ JOHN W. BROOKS, -~ - 46 CYRUS. WOODMAN, - Derrorr, Micu. Directors. ERASTUS FAIRBANKS, - = President. CYRUS WOODMAN, * . Managing Director, GEORGE S. FROST, Land Agent and Treasurer, Detroit. JOHN FEF. SKINNER, Secretary, Boston, PAID UP CAPITAL, $1,000,000. Wivided into 10,JOO00 Shares of $100 each, TAKE NOTICE. The Groups below mentioned having been sold at private sale before the issue of the Catalogue, will not be offered at the public sale, viz: Nos. 11, 12, 13, 14, 141, 153, 162, 185, 186, 1944, 200, 2715. Also the s hf of se qr,. and s hf of s w q of section 13, township 12 n, Range 11 w, in group No. 478, is sold, leav- ing 240 acres in said group to be offered. THE ST. MARY'S FALLS SHIP CANAL CO. to By an act of Congress approved August 26, 1852, seven hundred and fifty thousand acres of land were granted by the United States to the State of Michigan, for the purpose of aiding in the construction of a ship canal around the Falls of St. Mary in said State, and thus opening Lake Superior -to navigation by vessels from the lower Lakes. The State accepted the grant and appointed Commissioners to let the building of the canal, and agents to select the lands, The Commissioners entered into a contract with Joseph P. Fairbanks, Erastus Corming and others, for building the canal. This contract was subsequently assigned to the St. Mary’s Falls Ship Canal Company, a corporation created by an act of the Legislature of the State of New York. Under this con- tract the canal was completed at an expense of $1,000,000.: The Company thereupon became entitled to and received from the State the patents for the 750,000 acres. The lands were selected by agents named by the Company and approved by the Governor. All the iron and copper lands in the upper Peninsula have been sold to the St. Mary’s Canal Mineral Land Company, leaving the pine and farming lands, which are those that will be offered at auction on the 2nd day of September next at Detroit. The sale has been ordered with the view of winding up the affairs of the Company, as soon as possible, by giving the stockholders an opportunity to surrender their stock by purchasing lands at the sale, and thus holding their lands in severalty, which many of them are desirous of doing, and as it will bea public sale of allthe lands of the Company, VIII without any reservation, any person desirous of purchasing, will have the opportunity to select and bid upon any of these pine lands at prices, lower than such lands have ever been offered. It will thus be the last opportunity which the public will have of purchasing any of these lands at auction. The lands have, for the purposes of the sale, been divided into 744 groups, varying in size from forty acres to several thousand acres, and a minimum price or valuation fixed upon each group; as will be seen by reference to the following pages. The valuation was made by Messrs. Woodman and Frost, and is based mainly upon the reports of the woodsmen who examined the lands and scaled the timber. It was ordered by a vote of the Directors, on the 28th of July, A. D. 1862, and was required to be at an average of $2,10 per acre, and “of such a relative character, that the * purchase, at such valuation of any group in preference to “any other group, will give no real advantage to the “purchaser.” Not only the quality and quantity of timber, but the distance from floating water was kept constantly in view, in fixing the minimum price. It will be observed that very different prices are put upon groups having about the same number of feet to the acre, and of equal quality. Where this difference occurs upon groups lying upon the same river, it is due, generally to the different distances from floating water, and to the distance from present lumbering operations upon such river. Below the highest point on any river from which logs have been run, the obstructions have, of course, been removed; above, the obstructions may be considerable, re- quiring more or less expenditure for their removal, and so lessening the value of the lands above. The price put upon groups lying upon the waters of the Saginaw, Muskegon and other streams where there are present lumbering operations, is rather below than above the present selling rates; but lands of equal intrinsic value situated upon streams where there are no sawmills, and where it is doubtful Ix when there will be, were necessarily put at a very low figure in order to bring them to an average of $2,10 per acre, as ordered by the Directors; so that the minimum prices put upon this class of lands should be taken as an index of their relative rather than of their absolute value, and do not indicate the rates which the Company has asked for, or at which it would be willing to sell them, at private sale. It may be thought that there is too great a difference in the valuation of lands lying upon rivers where there is ‘lumbering, and those upon rivers where there is none. This point wag fully considered by those who made the valuations, and they exercised their best judgment in the ‘matter. The difference is apparent, and the purchaser must exercise his own judgment in buying those which are valued low, and have no present market value, on account of lying outside of the range of existing lumbering operations, or those which are valued comparatively higher and are so situ- ated as to be immediately or very soon available. The valuation of the lands lying outside of the range of present lumbering, is indeed, very low; so low, it is thought, that those who purchase them and hold until a demand arises will, generally make a considerably larger profit than those who purchase the higher valued lands, that lie upon the rivers already occupied by lumbering establishments. In this view, it is thought that the lands which lie upon rivers where there are no sawmills, offer great inducements to lumbermen who may appreciate the advantage of being the first to occupy such streams. In fixing the valuations, different prices were assumed in different localities for the value of stumpage within an aver- age haul of one mile from floating water, which stumpage varied from 60 cents to 25 cents per 1000 feet, according to locality. A reduction of one-tenth in price was made for every additional half mile of hauling, after the first mile. This is an arbitrary standard, but in making the valuations, some rule in this respect became necessary, and this was x adopted. Whether it is too high or too low, the purchaser must decide for himself. By: this rule, a group worth five dollars per acre at an average haul of a mile, would stand at $4,50 with a haul of a mile and a half, and at one dollar with a haul of five miles. Of the hewing timber, hemlock and hard wood, no mention, in general, is made in the catalogue. Many of the groups are wholly or in part good farming lands. Of this, too, no mention has generally been made. It. was thought that purchasers, at the sale, would so generally make their purchases solely with reference tothe pine, that it was hardly worth while to note points which would only increase the bulk of the catalogue without any corresponding advantage. The catalogue shows the quality and quantity of pine upon each group according to the estimates in the office of the Com- pany, and the maps show the distance from floating water, so that the purchaser has before him, substantially, all the information in possession of the Company, and can form his own estimate of the value of the different groups, without regard to the valuation, or minimum price. These lands were selected with great care nearly ten years since. All the pine lands in the state then owned by the Government were examined by the agents of the Com- pany, and the best only selected. In all cases two, and in many cases several distinct examinations were made by different parties unknown to each other before they were taken by the Company, and with rare exceptions the selections were well made. After the lands were all taken, a re-examination and a scaling of the timber upon every forty acre lot was made by competent men; so that there is in the office of the Company at Detroit, an estimate of the timber upon each tract. These estimates were made for the exclusive use of the Company, but in order that those who may wish to purchase may have all the information which it may be in the power of the Company to give, it has been determined to open the field notes and scaling estimates to public inspection; and every xI facility for examining them will be offered to those who may call at the Company’s office for that purpose. Nearly all the white pine between the Alleghanies and the Rocky Mountains is in Michigan and a portion of Wis- consin and a small part of Minnesota. It is estimated by the best judges that the 500,000 acres thus to be offered at auction embrace more than one half of all the pine lands in Michigan which are equal to these in position and value. The amount of pine annually cut in Michigan is about 500 millions of feet, which, at an average of 10,000 feet to the acre, gives 50,000 acres as the area annually cut over. Thus in ten years—even if there should be no increase in the amount cut—all the other pine lands in the state that are equal in position and in quality and quantity of timber to those of this Company, would be stripped, if those now offered should be reserved from sale for that period. There has never before been so. favorable an opportunity for purchasing well selected pine lands as that now offered, and no such opportunity will ever come again. No one who has paid any attention to the subject doubts about the enormous prospective value of pine timber lands; but few have considered how rapidly such lands are being depleted, and how soon and how surely a large advance in price must take place. The lands at the sale will be offered as they have been arranged in groups, and will all be put up at the same time, but no single group will be offered: or if the Directors so decide, the groups upon one or more rivers will be offered at once. In either case the person bidding the highest premium will be entitled to select a single group ormore, or all of those offered as he may determine. Thus a choice of groups will be given, without a direct competition upon any single group. The biddings will be per acre for choice of groups; so that if one is the highest bidder at five cents per acre, and buys 500 acres he will pay $25 as a premium above the minimum price of the group or groups which he may select. The stockholders will have no advantage over outside bidders except that the premiums which may be paid for XII choice of groups will be divided among all of the stockholders. Those who do not own stock, but prefer to stand in the position of stockholders at the sale, will, doubtless, be aule 10 purchase stock at par, and possibly less, by communicating pet the stockholders, or addressing Cyrus WoopMan, Managing Director, or Gzo. S. Frost, agent at Detroit. The sale will be continued from day to day, until all the lands shall be sold or the biddings cease. Stockholders will be required to pay 27 rer cent. of the amount of their bids in cash, or bonds of the Company: the remaing 73 per cent. they may pay in the stock of the Com- pany, at par of $100 pr share; or they may pay all in money on the same terms as non-stockholders There are 4,627 shares of the stock of the St. Mary’s Canal Mineral Land Company, belonging to this Company, which gives to each stockholder for every two shares in this Company, nearly one share (at $50 per share) in that Company. In other words every $1,000 of Canal Company Stock, is entitled to about $250 inthe Mineral Company Stock, and each stock. holder who purchases at the sale will have the privilege of taking his ratable share of stock in that Company, which proportion is assumed to be one share of said stock for every two shares of Canal Company stock, but no stockholder will be allowed to purchase said Mineral Land Co. Stock, except in proportion to his purchase of pine lands at the sale. Thus a person holding ten shares of Canal Company Stock may, at his option, either bid in land, to the amount of $1,369 86, or he may buy land to the amount of $1,119 86, and take five shares of mineral Land Co. Stock, making in land and stock, $1,369 86, and, in either case, paying therefor 27 per cent., being $369 86, in cash or bonds, and 73 per cent., being $1,000 in his ten shares of Canal Company Stock. The Directors, however, reserve the right to withhold said 4,627 shares from the sale, in which case stockholders who buy lands and surrender stock, will, instead of 27 per cent., be required to pay only ten or twelve and a half per cent. of the amount of their bids in cash or bonds of the Company. XIII Each purchaser—including stockholders—will be required to pay the premium he may bid immediately after he makes his selection, and each stockholder, who becomes a purchaser, will be required to pay the cash proportion of his bid, either in cash or bonds of the company at par, within thirty days after the close of the sale. The terms of payment from non-stockholders, will be, one-half down, and the remainder in one year with interest, at 7 per cent, payable either in money or the bonds of the Company. Catalogues of the lands, together with the accompanying maps may be had on application to Geo. S. Frost, agent at Detroit, or to John F. Skinner, Secretary, No. 47, City Exchange, Boston; Hon. Erastus Fairbanks, St. Johnsbury, Vt.; Erastus Corning & Co., Albany; C. & G. Woodman, 38 Pine st.. New York; Charles E. Noble, Buffalo; Charles Nelson, Muskegon; Geo. W. Lakin, Milwaukee; Fairbanks & Greenleaf, Chicago; A. P. Brewer, Saginaw. Those who receive the maps, will please preserve them, as thenumber is limited, and additional copies cannot be had. Those who may wish for township diagrams, showing the different groups (in specified localities) on a large scale, can, obtain them by writing to Mr. Frost, the agent, at Detroit. Derrorr, May 1., 1863. xv NOTES. ——__—_+9»—__—_- The lands will be withheld from private sale after May 15th, The distance to water as mentioned under each group, means to water that will float logs. By referring to the maps, it will generally be apparent, whether streams are of sufficient size for floating. Where there would be any doubt about the small streams in this respect, the floating points noted in the returns of the ex- plorers are marked on the maps. In fixing the minimum price, reference was generally had to the distance from floating water. In some few instan- ces, on the head waters of the streams, the distance to floating water could not be determined by any information in possession of the Company. In such cases the price was fixed by assum- ing a point from which logs can probably be floated. “~ The catalogue does not specify the particular part of the sections contained in each group. This could not be done without doubling the size of the catalogue, which it was not thought necessary to do, inasmuch as the particular part of any section which is contained in any group, can be determined by referring to the maps. The consecutive numbers of the groups are in the order of Ranges. The groups will also be found arranged in the order of rivers, so that under the name of each river will be found all the groups lying upon the waters of such river. xvVI REAP Ss The maps were printed in twelve different sections, which, when put together and mounted, make one whole map, show- ing all the lands of the Company, No. 1. ov mB ow to Title. . Cheboygan River. . Lower Manistee River and River Aux Bees Scies. . Upper Manistee and Upper Au Sable. . Thunder Bay—also the Lower Au Sable of Lake Huron and Pine River. 6. Saginaw Bay—Pine, Rifle and Au Gres Rivers. 10. 11. 12. . Muskegon River and Tributaries. 8. Saginaw River—Tributaries the Chippewa, Pine and Titebewassee, . West side of the State, including White, Pere Mar- quette, and Big and Little Au Sable Rivers. Monistique, Fish Dam and Sturgeon Rivers. North Shore of Lake Michigan. Eastern Portion of Upper Peninsula. The whole map is too large and cumbrous to be sent con- veniently by mail, and in most instances applicants for them will want only one or two of the sections of the map as above numbered and designated, and as the number of maps is limited, those who want to look for the lands of the Company on one river only, or within a specified district, will please apply for such section only of the map as will answer their purpose. SUMMARY OF RIVERS. , Groups arranged in the order of Rivers with a general Description of the Streams. B. RIVER AUX BECS SCIES. This river is about thirty miles in length, rising in a group of lakes of considerable size, about midway between the mouth of the river and the head of Grand Traverse Bay. The pine lands of the company are in this region, and lie upon the lakes and river and on the waters of Platte river. The whole country between Grand Traverse Bay and Lake Michigan has a fine soil and is heavily timbered with hard wood, well adapted to agricultural purposes. ; * At the mouth of the river Aux Becs Scies, a town has been started which is called Frankfort;.a steam mill is now in operation, which supplies the settlements in the vicinity. Another town has been located on the river about eight miles from the mouth, in a rich farming region, by a colony of enterprising settlers from Ohio. Post offices have been established at both these points. { The little Jake at the mouth of the river forms a complete natural harbor, which, when improved, will afford security to the shipping of the lakes, and be an important wooding point fur steamboats and propellers. The following Groups comprise all the lands of the company on these- waters : No, of Group. Acres. ‘Valuation. | No. of Group. Acres. . Valuation 508...... 916 15-100.... $1,100 53L...... BBO! vcs seus ptoveaie 120 504...... 1200 scieiccecie te 1,680 532...... T120. saiesaies cscis chase 1,070 505...... 979 71-100.. 1,570 588 ...... 820) cscs eles 440 506...... 640 os sa seeds 930 566......1,280 ...... 2... 1,020 BOT assess B20 oie seers 1,070 567...... tears "DIO 508...... 1,048 61-100.... 2,350 B68 ese se: 200 sicvis ace gaisis 110 509...... 418 80-100.... 660 569...... see. 860 ,510...... 629 78-100.... 880 570...... sia apsiteieians 600 BUT waar 403 15-100.... 520 OLA aise 08 vise spans inns 100 528...... 160 wcreaisie soe . 840° | 682}¢.... 182 50-100.... 400 529 cacwes GOO vaseex 870 - 530...... 175 74- 100. 200 18,652 44-100 $16,900 MANISTEE RIVER. This is one of the‘ largest streams in the State, and is represented by the surveyors as having a rapid current, a large volume of water, and capable of floating logs at all seasons of the year for a distance of upwards of a hundred miles. The stream is about 150 miles in length and has its rise in a high region of country, forming the dividing ridge which separates the waters of Lakes Huron and Michigan. ‘In this region the company have a large quantity of excellent pine land, well situated upon the stream, along the middle waters other tracts, equally well located, and on the lower waters and branches some very desirable and valuable lands in immediate proximity to present lumbering operations. ~ XVIII The river has been cleared for a distance of 40 or 50 miles, and this portion of the stream has been occupied for years for lumbering purposes. millions of lumber per year, Little Manistee. There are five large steam saw mills, including two water mills on the The tributaries to this stream are the Little Manistee, making 25 to 30 Pine River and Bear Creek, upon all of which lumbering operations have been carried on for years. The facilities for manufacturing and shipping lumber at Manistee are ample to an almost unlimited extent. The large Jake at the mouth affords desirable sites for mills, and logs in any quantity may be securely and easily held. The trade in lumber from this point is direct with Chicago, from which it is distant about’ The following Groups comprise all the lands of the company on this 175 miles. river: No. of Group. Acres. Valuation. DAD sea iact uc DAO! Gee oi Borland $560 252...... 1,000 .......... 1,670 258 ...... 640... 1,070 254...... 640. 980 255...... HOO! sscsaceucenyarite s 860 256...... CBO esrisareasee 800 257 . 558 65-100 670 260...... 240) cine oie etiaieiae 800 261...... FBO! 5 ois. eter 1,050 262...... D440 ip ists oo eset 2,300 263...... 583 28- 100.. 580 287 wees 200 sca sages 470 DEB icici 652 86-100.... 1,740 289 cts G00 ecceseveines 1 600 290 cases 718 25-100.. 1 450 DOT ss ccisiate 834 99-100.. 1, 670 D9 Di ewes SAO aes acres 1,480 DOB cists 3 1,293 40-100... 1,940 DOB i acne 1 600 65 a eu. cieeis 38,200 298 isin ass 407 02-100.... 640 296...... 1,146 29-100.... 730 291 piss uc 839 02-100.... 560 843 ...... 410 90-100... 420 844...... 920 a acdc viens 430 845...... 161 26-100... 230 846...... B80 sacwacsaes 8,230 B47 cesies 840 seve veces 2,100 348 ...... 240 3 iis gad sae 560 349... 552 70-100... 100 B81 eau ees 619 95-100.... 1,500 382.. 289 11-100... 400 883...... AO! wreteneee cis 80 410...... NCO sscsacccce 270 ALL ceive avs 1,240 we 2,650 ADD ieaces vied; 120: ticrsieca scien 1,680 418...... DOOM sacs Ssieessasivs 1,540 414...... 557 21-100.... 970 415...... 811 49-100.... 1,200 ANG seein 800 1... 00 2,130 BAT tes crise O20 aresa sdeese --. 1,260 440 ...... 560 ......... . 1,640 441......1,200 ....... 8,600 | 710 464.... 800 .......... 1,570 No. of Group. Acres. Valuation. 465..... . 818 23-100 1,500 466...... L000 sesiie eee ce 1,470 467.. if L000! sieaseaes esas 1,660 468...... B60 cscienice ne 1,140 469 on as as 820) asics wasie xe 410 474.... 360) ice cews 720 AT5 00... 820 wean ce wae 810 ATG xs055 200 seecccnees 250 ATT sa cea 1,320 ..' 8,210 478...... BOOM. os iereee ein 1,780 497,..... 951 81-100.... 1,270 498 ...... 1,150 89- 100. --. 2,880 AOD R ete 560. aeetees 1,800 500...... BOO! scree erdevessce 3,000 501...... 886 80-100.... 1,275 502...... 125 60-100.... 130 bianco, OBO suis kue 1,400 BGs eccrae 280 ....,....-. 1,400 516...... 320 ve. seee3. 820 ge 684 .......... 1,900 518...... 579 84-100.... 2,320 519...... 89152-100.... 3,570 520...... 796 53-100.... 1,780 BOT certs 841 61-100.... 1/510 522.0... 960 .....4...- 1,600 523.00... 600 ......2... 1,600 524.0... 777 45-100... 1.710 525...... 407 51-100.... 1/220 526 ...... 480 ......0s ee 880 ' BET cncnie BV scnctencec, 2860 10 400 2,160 2,600 4,050 2,520 . 8,140 430 . 1,560 618...... 524 66-100... 2'900 O14 ceive TOO cece scce BOO 682...... 40 eistigvceas 10 55,178 51-100 $126,095 xIXx ‘BIG AND LITTLE AU SABLE RIVER OF LAKE MICHIGAN. These rivers have been improved and occupied for several years for lumbering purposes, by Charles Mears, Esq, of Chicago, who has a water , mill at the month of each of these streams capable of cutting, one two and a half, and the other four millions of lumber annually. The facilities for lumbering are naturally good, and the improvements which have been made, have induced settlements in the vicinity. Two villages have grown up under the auspices of Mr. Mears, Hamlin at the mouth of Big Au Sable, -and Lincoln, a neat and thriving town, at the mouth of Little Au Sable. The Pine lands of this company are located at convenient points on both streams. The following groups comprise all the lands of the company on these rivers : ‘No.of Group. Acres. Valuation. | No of Group. Acres. Valuation. 605...... 851 50-100.... $980 645.2... 403 44-100.. 140 606...... 688 65-100.... 1,800 | 6451%.... 560 ........8. 400 607...... 1,177 84-100.... 2,060 646...... 3820 .......... | 730 608 ...... 680 ........ -. 1,200 658 ...... SSO eerie ie deena 2,200 - 609...... 600 .......... 600 GBD wcieiies LOO ace ciaise< suas 400 O81. sei ee 400 cave cawe .. 570 660...... 465 55-100.... 300 643 ...... 480 .. .. 170 —————- ~*~ 644...... 1,506 40- 100. --. 2,700 * 8,618 88-100 $14,250 ° EH. ’ PERE MARQUETTE RIVER. This stream is one of the finest points for a large lumbering establish- ment on the coast of Lake Michigan, and perhaps there is no other locality in the State, which offers so many natural advantages for the lumbering business as this. It is about twenty-five miles by the river from Lake Michigan to the large and compact body of pine, embracing some of the best timber in the State, which is located on both branches of the stream, and so situated, as to afford easy and natural access to the water with ample banking ground at various points along both streams. The region between the pine and the Lake all along the stream, is roll- ing good farming land, and the whole country about Pere Marquette is well adopted for farming purposes, and has already been settled to consi~ derable extent. The Harbor at the mouth of this river, is admirably adapted for mills and lumbering, and logs in any quantity can be securely held, + There is a good point also for booming logs about six miles up the river, where a bayou of about one and a half miles in length puts out on the north side of the river. There is one mill at the mouth which within the past few years has been operated by Mr. Mears, who has made some improvement of the harbor by cutting a new channel into Lake Michigan, and building piers. so as to afford some harbor facilities. xx The following groups comprise all the lands of the Company on this river : No. of Group. Acres. Valuation: | No, of Group. Acres. Valuation, 491...... 482 28-100.... 1,120 BBL i... +. G20... 0 ee ween 2,150 492...... 922 10-100.... 1,290 . 582..-... G40 ..-- eee 1,150 493...... 1,500 583 ou cee 960 56-100.. 1,540 494,..... 750 584.....- 966 62-100.... 1,970 - 495.....- 500° 585... ++ 640 .......--- 1,510 496...... 240 160 586 . wea ne 920 22-25 wees 2,120 539... 2,350 587... ..-- 1,120 6 csicrcasee 2,280 540.. 2... 1,500 588...... 640 221-2. ca ee 1,500 541...... = 1,330 589.0 ee 1,128 04-100.... 3,140 BAD ses 5 635 80-100.... 500 | 590....-. 320..-.-. +++. 1,080 B48 «sae 403 72-100.... 540 591...... 640.......... 1,750 544.. ee 480. ‘ 830 BAB. wees 593 ......1,205 72-100.... 1,490 546...... 594...... 160 ......---- 270 547...... 595...... 401 89-100.... 1,200 548. oe DOG neanes 637 28-100.... 1,000 549...... BUT nein ne BLOM sis scar sssieies aie 550 550...... 490 42-100.... 730 598...... 635 58-100.... 2,000 Bb Lessee 648 86-100.... 2,600 599...... | ere 1,360 552....6- 565 1,300 600...... 640 .......... 1,850 553...... 940 19-100.... 2,540 BOL xs. ener DOU sinew oa Meang 360 554...... 880 ......+... 2,850 G02 essa as, BZD beretaia: 516 eteinite 590 B08 sce. as G40) 6 wise eisteidonis 2,070 604...... 917 49-100.... 3,000 623....-. 820 ws. saneay 850 BBS wscce os 2, 609 64-100... 2,440 G24 eels 575 16- 100... 1,530 578.2226. 1, 609 53-100.. 1,070 G25 wsitecar 640) cose Sees ae 1,150 574...... 145 45-100... 800 626...... 739 08-100.. 2,220 575 .... 6 1,660 40-100.... 1,490 2 taste 478 06-100.... 1,350 576....., 161 41-100.... 430 C28isazie sya S20 eras saat 900 BIG1Z .-.. 762 89-100.... 2,080 | 629...... 60. cacaes's 20s 530 BIT wine oe 1,120 sexs-aoves 2,870 630...... 178 22-100.... 270 BIB sie sie 1, 192 36-100.... 970 6421g.... 401 92-100.... 270 519 ..c2 ss "640 . ei stb laots 980 a a 580..... "1,000 .. cnsenweran: 200 : 47,070,49 $96,740 i. LITTLE POINT AU SABLE. The lands at this point are of the first quality, and with the pine there is a considerable quantity of oak and basswood, mixed with beech and maple. There are no lumber establishments here, but at the mouth of the stream is a fine water power. The settlements in this region render the land valuable, and the location is so near Lake Michigan, that the timber is available, and shipments have already been made of shingles and other timber from this coast. fee following groups comprise all the lands- of the Company at this point : No. of Group. Acres. Valuation. | No. of Group. Acres. Valuation. BAT occas 560 cossss aeee $1400 653 .425'0% 12) cuzecseeew 360 648.22... I QOS 5 iecesare 310 37-100.... 770 BA eacnace 655...... 160: sacvaers ew 260 650...... 6566.4 sai 286 46-100.... 480 651.... ODT ss vase 280. eccceees cx A410 651g .. _ 652...... 3,27683-100 $8,140 xXXI G. WHITE RIVER. At this point there are nine steam and water mills, manufacturing some 20,000,000 feet of lumber annually. The Harbor and Lake at the mouth of White River is considered a most desirable and valuable point for lumbering. The river is some fifty miles in length, and the pine timber is situated all along its course, from the head waters to the mouth. Some twenty-five or thirty miles up the stream there is a rich farming region which is settled to considerable extent. The following groups comprise all the Jands of the company on this river : « No. of Group. Acres. Valuation, | No. of Group. Acres. Valuation, aie 4 $980 3,040 potrueees. 480 1,200 ere 1,120 1,900 areiece ae wea 1,200 5,900 . 1,540 - 800 awisisita wish 1,440 800 i ates 1,200 1,120 1,900 2,860 ieee 1,960 1,280 eee 6,120 1,280 rrshiccigieeds 3,080 1,120 660 960 eecncat nas 800 1,040 600 960 Sopjevenisiondss 720 640 1,400 : « 400 17,982.73 $50,320 fcainia’ gis Dieses 320 ‘ \ MUSKEGON RIVER. This is one of the most important lumbering streams of the State. The river has its rise in Houghton Lake in the centre of the State, and running jn a South-westerly direction, empties into Lake Michigan some 15 miles above the mouth of Grand River. It passes through some of the best portions of the State, and embraces on .its waters a large extent of territory timbered with pine.” The principal branches are the Little Muskegon or North Branch, Tamarac Creek and Clam River. The large body of Pine on the North Branch and Tamarac Creek is well situated, and considerable lumbering has been done here during the past few years, At the villages of Croton and Newaygo, the former situated at the mouth of the North Branch, and the, latter on the Main river some eight miles below, there are water mills. At Newaygo, the mill owned by the Newaygo Company is one of the largest in the State. The main riverhas been cleared nearly as far up as Houghton Lake, the stream is large and logs are run cheaply and safely from any point on the river. XXII There are at the mouth of the river some 13 mills, and here is the point for manufacturing lumber on this stream. There will probably be i manufactured the present year on this stream 70'to 75 million feet of lumber, The lake, or harbor, which nature has provided for this river, as at other points on Lake Michigan, is of immense value to the lumbering interest, affording ‘suitable and ample accommodation for the location of mills, and for holding logs. There is a pleasant and thriving village at this point, which is 110 miles distant from Chicago. This is probably the most important lumbering point on Lake Michigan. There are regular passenger boats running from here to Chicago. The following groups comprise all the lands of the Company on the waters of this river. No. of Group. Acres. ” Valuation. | No. of Group. Acres. Valuation, 246...... 615 90-100.... $600 | 429...... FOO wise 5 sesee 4,680 247 ......1,443 76-100 ... 1,440 | 480...... 680 socc evnsxs 4080 248 ......1,240 46-100.... 1,230 | 481...... BOG ange 2,520 283 800 .. ..2. sees 1,600 | 432...... TIO 2 cae eas 4320 984...... 88287-100.... 1,500 | 483...... 480.......... 2,880 285.0... 493 35-100..... 860 | 484...... 471 14-100.... 2.350 286...... BO ce aibrevessese 520 | 485...... Onda novus 1,920 BF ca a 560 .....-.... 360 | 486...... 920 oo veceecia 3,680 ae Cae 180. | 487...... 276 88-100.... 1,380 839......1,400 +... 0.0... 1,600 | 488...... DOO na caietenaieate ‘600 340...... 919 13-100.. 650. | 439...... 3,684 56-100.... 7,370 341. 2,840 Tete 2,700 | 443...... 402 22-100.... 1,800. Blea wiag. Delbamen atc tay 760 | 444...... 582.65-100.... 23130 872......1,121 76-100.... 1,900 | 445...... 353 45-100... 1,060 Eee 1,329 21-100.... 21600 | 446...... 935 30-100.... 700 874...... 67849.100.... 520 | 447...... 210 60-100.... 630 BO cece ROL etn 1,080 302.0... BA eee 420 803...... 1046 74-100.... 2,880 es BBA aoe ta 1,000 ......- 00 2,000 305 27-100... BE bis dc 1,276 90-100.... 2,230 762 21-100.... 3,240 396...... 1,112 25-100.... 1,390 | 453...... 1,090 03-100... 4’900 SV scse 200 ....... 0. 400 | 454...... 600.......... 2700 898 fake oe Sach auaneat 2,040 455 Sta 720 . wees 2520 ates, OOO cielec gnc ve 2,760 55M .... 52444-100.... 2 400.02... 840 woke eee, 2,520 pene, Cae eet Pend DO soci AAO saan 1,440 | 457...... 960 95-100.... 3,360 403...... 793 66-100.... 1,980 | 4581.1... 956 25-100... 4’780 404...... 687 86-100.... 1,900 | 4591.1... 560... ..... 3,360 405.0... 639 04-100... 1920 | 460...... BBO: soniecc ease 2'880. 406...... 984 82.-100.... 2460 | 461...... Bete 3,440 407.00... 400 ......00-- 1,200 | 462...... 760 ..ce...... 4940 408 ...... S0ps ceeGoe 80 | 463...... 481 06-100.... 1.920 409 ......1, 705 76-100.... 8,400 | 4701... 800) si) ocacess 2,400 418 ...... 240.......... 660 | 471...... 600 .... 0.0... 1,800 i 200 16-100.... 3,280 | 472.....7 680 weer 4,420 420.1... 885 72-100.... 2440 | 473.1... BIO ca sopsarion 2,600 MET cou on 851 74-100.... 2560 | 4791... 920 vunaes ove, 1,080 LED cues 1,176 38-100.... 3,520 | 480...... 520 70-100... 2°350 WE oases BEU Seucac sted 960 | 481....2. 240 vessecicee 960 24 poe 1,320 pe aaa 4480 482 Glee 135 87-100.... 270 Be AERO goatee: : Bato. g 496.0... BUD cecsumuens 4,600 ee ae, MN 4,320 68,291 02-100 $194,790 XXIII FLAT RIVER AND FISH RIVER. : These streams are large tributaries of Grand River, coming from the North, and passing through the Southerly and Westerly portion of an extensive and valuable body of pine, which reaches the waters of Saginaw river. There has been no large amount of lumbering on either of these streams, except the manufacture by water mills, prin- cipally for local purposes. But, Flat River may be easily opened for float- ing logs to Grand River, thus bringing into use this large body of timber, which must, in the future, supply the market of the Grand River Valley, and the trade of the Grand River, There are'some four or five millions now manufactured on Flat River, a part of which is rafted down the Grand River to market. The following Groups comprise all the lands ig the Company upon Flat River : No.of Group. Acres. Valuation. ) No. of Group. “Acres. Valuation. 298 se asis 754 05-100.... $2,420 | 3613..... 835 51-100.... 2,480 299 coeces = 1620 -samaeasies 640 | 3862...... 885 14-100.... 1,400 800....4. B20 scetina BOO). aise: soreieeee 640 519 65-100.... 685...... 1,847 52-100.... 630 708 45-100.... 686...... 600 .......... 180 640 .... 687...... 711 27-100.... 640 440 02.2... 688...... 615 86-100.... 230 160: sie aw cc 689...... 753 60-100.... 400 dis wiaies, OO ven ivins siacasrtses 690...... 902 30-100.... 970 eese- 1,100, 25-100... O91 ssa a5 204 55-100.... 280 O92is coe 131 60-100.... 180 25,801 09-100 $25,690 693...... 287 80-100.... 760 GRAND MARAIS. 694......1,040 .......... 490 678...... 1,608 61-100... 1,150 695...... 280 .......... 350 O29 os wie 3 L040 gad vewercs 940 696...... 816 57-100.... 390 680...... 600 .......... 400 697...... 800 .......... 450 681...... 760 .......... 600 698...... 560 .......... 480 —_—_—_ _ ——- 699...,..1,040.......... 590 4,008 61-100 $2,990 xXXXI W. FISH DAM RIVER. This river empties into Big Bay de Noquetie, and is the outlet fora large and valuable tract of pine on its waters. Thé stream has never been occupied or cleaned for lumbering purposes, but this timber will soon be required, as a large lumber trade has been carried on in this vicinity for years on contiguous streams, which have been cleared and improved, and a good portion of the timber cut off. The trade from Little and Big Bay de Noquet is directly with Chicago, and the mills here are owned by parties who manufacture and ship on their own account. STURGEON RIVER. This river is a good stream for lumbering and is at present occupied by parties in Chicago, who have made considerable improvements at the mouth, including a steam mill, which is supplied with timber from lands in proximity to the lands of this company. The lands of this company are connected with the body of pine on the Fish Dam River, already des- bribed, and by reason of the opening of the river, are now available for lumbering purposes. The following groups coniprise all the lands of the company on these two streams. No. of Group. Acres. Valuation. ) No. of Group. Acres. Valuation. TIT oxen 168 11-100.... $300 | $782...... i 70-100... 310 TIS sis ais 860 .......... 380 788 .00005 160 ssewes se 80 “719...... 17120-100.... 350 184 vies wad, an 10-100.... 1,030 7191g.... 229 15-100.... 250 7344..... 73 76-100.... 100 720...... 724 54-100.... 780 TB. veces 199 veces ca vccs 100 WDM woe ce COO scecesas 790 736...... 79 88-100.... 120 122i vv cn BOO cetaceans 800 787...... 59904-100.... 600 728...... 600 .......... 800 738...... 320 ........-. 3820 TOA cece s 697 71- 100.. 380 739...... 798 80-100.... 900 T2Dis g's ose 640 .......... 800 740...... BOO) seinen oc 5 a8 450 726 ....64 1,842 91-100.... 1,460 741,.... .1,279 80-100.... 950 C2V aanis3 1,182 95-100..... 1,980 742.0605 1,610 65-100.... 1,850 128 vans oo 1,107 66-100.... 1,460 743......1,448 61-100.... 2,200 129 occases 891 25-100.... 870 744...... 240 ......6224. 120 100 sa 659% 1,250 18-100.... 780 —__—_—- WON Swaine 442 60-100 ... 720 21,490 05-100 $20,980 No. 1. 5360 Acwres............. .. $1,050: 4 mile to Cheboygan River, Cheboygan County, Town- ‘ship 38 N., Range 1 East, in sections 29, 31, 32. Estimated amount of Lumber: 1,235,920 feet of Clear. White Pine,........ et SE ade vesicle 2,144,240 Good Common, of OS Gea eet - 1,158,640 “* Fair Common, ss cee eese 604,240 Poor Common, ‘Total White Pine........ 5,143,040 feet. “ Yellow “ ....... - 176,960 *“ Tapa i aetreaes 5,320,000 Being an average of..........0....0. 9,679 feet per Acre. S20 Acwres................ 14 miles to Cheboygan River, Cheboygan County, Town- ‘ship 83 N., Range 1 East, in sections 14, 23, 24. Estimated amount of Lumber: 92,040 feet of Clear. White Pine........ oe bb obateaee eels 330,200 “ Good Common, ig OE A eg eae 284,440 = Fair Common. ae Se aaeeeee 126,880 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 833,560 feet. . “& Yellow “ ........ 255,840 “ Total,....... -1,089,400 “ -Being an average of...... seesereeee 62,095 feet per Acre, Some hewing timber. 1 G2O Mcres.........--+--- . $666. One mile to Cheboygan River, Cheboygan County, Town- ship 33 N., Range 1 East, in sections 15, 22, 23, 27. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pime,........ 299,920 feet of Clear. ee Me acaena: Fae 690,920 “ Good Common. ce Ce aca aterw ei 451,720 “ Fair Common, : A rae onacs eae 200,560 «“ Poor Common, Total White Pine,........ 1,643,120 feet. we Yellow “© oacessve 176,640 “ Total,........ 1,819,760 feet. Being an average of.............. ,...1,978 feet per Acre, Large. amount of hewing timber. No. 4. B20 Acres.............66. $190. On the Cheboygan River, Cheboygan County, Township 33 N., Range 1 East, in sections 10, 15. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 173,120 feet of Clear. a St aceon 294,080 “ Good Common. tt CO) Tad gates 153,280 * Fair Common. x Tee Bai tate has 48,320 %* Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 668,800 feet. Being an average of...... .......000- 2,090 feet per Acre, Some hewing timber and hemlock. N 2S8O@ Acwes............5... $880 Lying upon Cheboygan River, Cheboygan County, Town- ship 33 N., Range 1 East, in sections 11, 14. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 285,880 feet of Clear. Ke SB Seta eae ve 461,880 “* Good Common. “ MOT aga eters 200,200 * Fair Common. 7 Re idaetelg ces 73,080 «* Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,021,040 feet Being an average of..............., 3,646 feet per Acre, 3 No. 6. 28G 39-100 Meres............ ... $120. Three and a half miles to Cheboygan River, Cheboygan County, Township 34 N., Range 1 East, in sections 18. Township 34 N., Range 1 West, in sections 12, 13. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 276,000 feet of Clear. “ eG theese 616,080 * Good Common. “ nS favaeies 281,280 * Fair Common. RE ete dea 69,360 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 1,242,720 feet. Yellow swesaaus 166,320 “* Total ecient 1,409,040“ Being an average of............. ...5,873 feet per Acre. No. 7. , 200 54-100 Mewes..............6. $2IO. Half a mile to Cheboygan River, Cheboygan County, Township 34 N., Range 1 Hast, in sections 3, 4. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 56,000 feet of Clear. “ wash 264,000 “ Good Common. es Me age stay roles 280,000 * Fair Common? “ BES rahe acthio 146,960 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 746,960 feet. “Yellow © csaaese ek 638,000 “ OVE] wlucdswadewaxs 1,384,960 “ Being an average of............---- 6,925 feet per Acre, No. 8. PAD Meves.............065 GA.. One mile to Cheboygan River, Cheboygan County, Township 35 N., Range 1 East, in sections 7, 18. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 28,000 feet of Good Common. te Keo siaecreures 28,000 “ Fair Common. = RED elena 10,400 “ Poor Common. Total White Pmc..., .. 66,400 feet, all on one 40. 4 No. 9. 258 18-100 Mewes........---+--- .$2d.. Half a mile to the waters of Cheboygan River, Cheboygan and Presque Isle Counties, Township 36 N., Range 1 Hast, in sections 24, Township 36 N., Range 2 Hast, in sec- tion 19. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 19,000 feet of Clear. « Oo) Seas 30,400 “ Good Common. ee EO aiid 26,600 “ Fair Common. te Re ag leualpanee’ 9,424 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 85,424 feet. ee "Wellawe SF oui sieiuess 38,000 “ Dotal fags sy ees 123,424 “ Being an average of.............+---- 812 feet per Acre. Large quantity of hewing timber. e No. 10. 972 16-100 Aeres........ pacers $6790. 24 miles to the waters of Cheboygan River, Cheboygan and Presqisle County, Township 36 N., Range 1 East in sections 1, 12. Township 36 N., Range 2 East, in sections 6, 7. ; Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 360,450 feet of Clear. ee SE) Mera eratend a 2,865,942 7 Good Common. i 7 cou eee 650,025 ee Fair Common. BE ARR Seta hes 325,620 “Poor Common. -Total White Pine,........ 4,202,087 feet. eo Mellow eda ceaas 1,667,142 « - otal, ac dae 5,869,179“ Being an average of ................. 6,038 feet per Acre. No. 11. 4139 20-100 Mewes............... -$800. iles to the w i iver, Mi iii aN beet ee Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ “ Mae a Satan a ok 2,912,000 feet of Good Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,912,000 feet. Being an average of................., 18,314 feet per Acre. No. 12. 1,000 Acres................ $5,086. 2 miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland County Township 14 N., Range 2 Hast, in sections 23, 24, 25, 26. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ * Oe oe Siatasanane 803,000 feet of Good Common. Se Seesccaranct 5,869,000 “Fair Common. w Oy eases , 14,913,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 21,082,000 feet Being an average of.............-.-6- 21,082 feet per Acre, 480 Acres............-... Bi, aAae. 24 miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland County, Township 14 N., Range 2 East, in sections 13, 14. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Ping,........ ; * Wr aaa a eee 680,160 feet of Good Common. ee AO ogeueesgve 3,392,640 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,072,800 feet. Being an average of....... daleahesas Cath 8,485 feet per Acre. 80@ Acres....... pias? wale $4,000. 34 miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland County, Township 14 N., Range 2 East, in sections 11, 12. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 474,400 feet of Clear. - & SB atten ee 7,102,400 “ Good Common. ss SOO oe Se eemtas 492,000 « Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 8,068,800 feet. Being an average of...............54- 10,086 feet per Acre. No. 15. BAO MACWES...........00 ee $536. 83 miles to the waters of Rifle River, Ogemaw County, Township 22 N., Range 2 East, in sections 13, 14. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 253,000 feet of Clear. et Ce Sealeaakanece 1,834,960 “ Good Common. OO Chex titans 1,292,720 “ Fair Common. . te sidan a 142,120 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,022,800 feet. & Yellow “ ssdeweve 299,640 “* Migtall, yn Vande 3,322,440 “ Being an average of ....,.........005. 7,551 feet per Acre. No. 16. H,280 Acwes................ 8646. 53 miles to Saganin River, Bay County, Township 17 N., Range 3 East, in sections 2, 8, 4, 9, 10, 1. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 192;000 feet Fair Common. s Ci Teter 4,497,920 ‘“ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,689,920 feet. Being an average of.... ...,...... »....3,664 feet per Acre. No. 17. 28@ AMcres................ $140. 5 miles to Saganin River, Bay county, Township 17 N. Range 3 East, in sections 1, 2, 11, 12. > Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,... ....553,000 feet Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 553,000 feet. Being an average of....... ee 1,975 feet per Acre 7 No. 18. S20 Acwes.............4. .8160. 6 miles to Saganin River, Bay County, Township 18 N,, Range 3 E., in sections 29, 32. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 93,440 feet Good Common. " Be esau soy 296,960 “ Fair Common, . BE Joh ay aries cate 160,960 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 551,360 feet. Being an average of....... let asa Stauton sit 1,728 feet per Acre, No. 19. 1440 Mewes................ $70. 4 miles to Pine River, Bay County, Township 19 N., Range 3 East, in sections 9, 10, 11, 14,15, 19, 20, 30. Lumber upon the Group: Not scaled. No. 20. 320 Acres................ S320. 2 miles to Pine River, Bay County, Township 19 N,, Range 3 E., in sections 26, 27, 28, 33, 34 and 35. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 147,200 feet of Clear. es CO ecnneaea + 487,040 “ Good Common. " (O eewEe rs 202,240 «“ Fair Common. eS OOS earn ah 202,240 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,038,720 feet, Being an average of............0. ...+-3,246 feet per Acre. No, Dl. BAO MeEwes.........--000- $320. Two miles to Pine River, Bay County, Township 19 N.,, Range 3 East, in sections 11, 12. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 532,800 feet Good Common. es Oo as 332,400 “ Fair Common. Cee eee st $0 J aoa oi 542,400 “* Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,407,600 feet. Being an average of..... ieee es Atnat aaa tae 5,865 feet per Acre. No. 22 960 Acwres........... .... OA,SiS. One and a half miles to the waters of Pine River, Bay County, Township 19 N., Range 3 East, in sections 13, 14, 23, 24. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 339,840 feet of Clear. es BED Yoder tetiie 2,205,120 Good Common. Se reagents 1,229,770 < Fair Common. sf CO hg aes 563,520 “ Poor Common. ——___. Total White Pine,........4,338,250 Being an average of....... sana 4,519 feet per Acre. Good Mill site on this tract. No. 23. 320 Acwes..............4. $8390. One and a half miles to Pine River, Bay County, Township 19 N., Range 3 East, in sections 23, 24, 25, 26. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,.... ... 404,040 feet of Clear. st Me ‘scwatewea ~BD1,760° Good Common. se & tees wee 368,680 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,624,480 feet. Being an average of...............05- 3,124 feet per Acre,, Mill site on this group. No. 24. G40 Acwes................ GL7O. Four miles to Rifle River, Bay County, Township 20 N., Range 3 East,~in sections 15, 20, 21, 29. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,..... ... 697,600 feet of Fair Common. se Soe am baht ayer 1,534,080 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,231,680 feet. .* Yellow “ ........ 174,080 “ Total,.... wil eee es 2,405,760 Being an average of................ 3,759 feet per Acre. Some hewing timber. No. 25. G8O Acwes..............6. $570. One and a half miles to Rifle River, Bay County, Township 20 N., Range 8 Hast, in sections 25, 26, 27, 35. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 682,040 feet of Fair Common. i weeeee + 2,915,840 * Poor Common.. Total White Pine,........ 3,597,880 feet. Being an average of................. 5,291 feet per Acre. No. 26. 320 Acres....... cesses SOOO. One mile to Rifle River, Bay County, Township 20. N., Range 3 East, in sections 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,...... . 1,022,840 feet of Fair Common. ee Se cad ca tecabaa 2,411,760 “ Poor Common.. Total White Pine,...... . 8,434,600 feet. Being an average of....... iiedun Sa eiree 6,605 feet per. Acre. 10 No. 27. 1G@ AMewes................ $200. Half mile to Rifle River, Bay Connty, Township 20 N., Range 3 Hast, in sections 12, 13. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 384,160 fect of Fair Common. ee OOS Be Gaia 384,160 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 768,320 feet. fe Mellow 8 eicsavies 107,680 “ Total. b.6e eee 876,000 ‘“ ‘Being an average Of..........eeseeee 5,475 feet per Acre, No. 28. 200 Acwes................ $600. One and a half miles to Rifle River, Ogemaw County ‘Township 22 N., Range 3 East, in section 30. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 217,400 feet of Clear. BO sac triwiegs 878,400 Good Common. ne eS cael cyn hae 1,042,200 “ Fair Common. ‘Total White Pine,...... _. 2,138,000 feet. “« Yellow “ .....0.. 323,600 “ Pollo tees aes cues 2,461,600 « Being an average of................ 12,308 feet per Acre. No. 29. 260 Mewes................ 8880. One and a half miles to Rifle River, Ogemaw County, Township 22 N., Range 3 East, in sections 21, 22, 26, 27. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 343,840 feet of Clear. : a ere 1,488,880 “* GoodCommon. : fe) See e wea als@27840 VS Fair Common. Hee ca seae eee 122,640 Poor Common. Total White pine,.... ....8,783,200 feet. “ Yellow “ ......., 619,840 “« Otel dices ian decess 4,408,040 “« Td No. 30. ; 2G® Aecres................ $260. Half mile to Rifle River, Ogemaw County, Township 22 N., Range 3 East, in sections 21, 22. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 100,800 feet of Clear. a SE Aichi s eeed 349,120 “ Good Common. ss BS ae. hen aes 339,040 “* Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 788,960 feet. Being an average of...........0.00. 4,931 feet per Acre, > No. 31. SOO Mewes................ $270 14 miles to Rifle River, Ogemaw County, Township 22 N., Range 3 East, in sections 14, 15. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 184,400 feet of Clear. ee ee haan a 402,800 “ Good Common. fe Or osha a 420,600 «¢ Fair Common. ‘Total White Pine,.,...... 957,800 feet. Being an average Of.............0.005 4,789 feet per Acre. No. 32. Acres 1,008 69-100................ $2,510. - Qne mile to Rifle River, Ogemaw County, Township 22 N., Range 8 Hast, in sections 2, 3, 10. Kstimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 574,560 feet of Clear. e FP wean giats 8,692,520 “ Good Common. te Gr ea pias fe 4,533,840 “ Fair Common. ss OE Cea ae aes 621,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 9,421,920 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 648,000 * Total jaceeks 10,069,920 * Being an average of...........0.ee0es 9,324 feet per Acre. 12 No. 33. B64 22-100 Meres..........-..-5- B75. Three miles to Rifle River, Ogemaw County, Township 22 N., Range 3 East, in section 12. Township 22 N., Range 4 East, in sections 6, 7. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 30,600 feet of Clear. ee ee sie Sarde 274,320 “ Good Common. a8 Se eee aie 344,880 “Fair Common. ba EE ashen due in 38,160 “Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 687,960 feet. Being an average of.............-..-. 1,911 feetjper Acre. Some hemlock and some good farming. N ZS8O Acres.............56 $395. 14 miles to Rifle River, Ogemaw County, Township 23 N., Range 3 East, in sections 23, 25, 26. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ se 6 Roa ea 675,080 feet of Good Common, Ee Ae aaa a 58 1,234,800 «Fair Common. ee SBo hs chateid ek 451,360 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,361,240 feet. 86 Nellow “ vustwees 138,040 *PObAL: 6 sca wie Ss 2,499,280 Being an average of....-....-....0005 8,925 feet per Acre. No. 35. 360 Acwes............ ... $290. . 1} miles to Rifle River, Ogemaw County, Township 23 N., Range,3 East, in sections 35, 36, Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 29,520 feet of Clear. « Me alataredcady : 451,800 “ Good Common. ee OF a ate ates 824,040 “Fair Common. ee Pel esate 341,280 “Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,646,640 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 84,560 “ Total, acs: 1,681,200 “ Being an average of.................. 4,670 feet per Acre. 13 No. 36. 400 Acres....... ee se nee QdBO. 24 miles to Rifle River, Ogemaw County, Township 23 N., Range 3 East, in sections 20, 21, 29, 30, 31. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 147,200 feet of Clear. “ 60 sawn 733,200 |“ Good Common, es “ Gabaveds 957,200 «Fair Common. . SO escsuas eae 288,000 ‘© Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,125,600 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 92,400 “* Total, cc cccas 2,218,000 “ Being an average of...............04- 5,545 feet per Acre. No. 37. 800 AcreS...... 0.0.22. 0.0005 $240. Two miles to Saganin River, Bay County, Township 18 N., Range 4 East, in sections 11, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 33. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ “ SS pecans en. 194,400 feet of Good Common. se Be gs Pages 589,600 “ Fair Common. sf SO | hte aeahseg ss 252,800 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,036,800 feet. Being an average of .............00 50s 1,296 feet per Acre. No. 38. 120 Acres....... sees cee eee $60. Two and a half miles to Pine River, Bay County, Town- ship 18 N., Range 4 East, in sections 5, 8. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 495,000 feet of Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 495,000 feet. Being an average of............00. .. «4,125 feet per Acre. 14 No. 39. 760 ACVES............ scene $860. Two miles to the waters of Pine River, Bay County, Town- ship 18 N., Range 4 East, in sections 15, 20, 21, 22. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 8,328,040 feet of Good Common. Total White Pine,........3,228,040 feet. Being an average of........... wisimnsaas 4,379 feet per Acre No. 40. 2,8 08730-100 Mepwes........... .....- $1,086. + mile to Pine River, Bay County, Township 19 N.,. Range 4 East, in sections 34, 35, 36. Township 18 N., Range. 4 East, in sections 2, 3. Township 19 N., Range 5 East, in. section 36. Listimated anount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 966,205 fret Good Common. fe SG yi wapbeas bie 2,586,707 ‘“ Fair Common. ee Ona Aedes 1,905,602 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,408,514 feet. Being an average of................004. 4,829 feet per Acre. ZOO MOVES... 6. ee cece cee cee $300. ¥ mile to Pine River, Bay County, Township 19 N., Range. 4 East, in sections 25 and 26. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 821,400 feet Good Common. ee Soe ate wewindes 134,200 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 955,600 feet. Being an average of...............005, 4,778 feet per Acre. 480 Aecres........ ts vay MarieSacerieeden $350. 1 miles to Pine River, Bay County, Township 19 N., Range 4 East, in section 22. Estimated amount of Lumber : White ney -.. 272,160 feet Good Common. Seheaeeoete 939,840 “ Fair Common. < AOS Satoseat helen 909,600 “ Poor Common, Total White Pine,........ 2,121,600 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 23,040 Total,........2,144,640 feet. Being an average Of.............000euee 4,468 feet per Acre. No. 43. 720 Acres.. ee ere . $360. Two miles to Pine River, Bay ne Township 19 N., Range 4 East, in sections 20, 21, 28. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,200,960 feet Good Common. A Caner eoree 696,960 “ Fair Common. ss Se sahavenebacabaes 797,760 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,695,680 feet. © “Yellow “ oncscass 208,800 “ otal, esis ak. 2,904,480 feet. Being an average eee eee 4,034 feet per Acre B40 ACKES oi. 55 aes c6es cen essens sees $320. 24 miles to Rifle River, Bay County, Township 19 N.,, Range 4 East, in sections 2, 9, 14, 15 and 23. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 2,871,120 feet Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,871,120 feet. Being an average of............... ,....3,418 feet per Acre. 16 No. a5. BOZO Aeres........ cece ee ee eeee eee G5EOL Two miles to Rifle River, Bay County, Township 19 N,, Range 4 East, in sections 12, 13, 24. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 4,284,800 feet Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,284,800 feet. Being an average of.......... 0.000000 4,120 feet per Acre B79 42-100 MOVES... ek eck cee cee wee cece $150. Three and a half miles to Pine River, Bay County, Township 19 N., Range 4 East, in sections 24, 25, Town- ship 19 N., Range 5 East, in section 380. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,......., 1,766,349 feet of Poor Common. Total White Pine,........1,766,349 Being an average of................ 6,309 feet per Acre. No. 50. 2U9 54-100 Mewes.... 0.0.2... 0000.0. ee $LQO. Two and a half miles to Rifle River, Bay County, Township 20 N., Range 4 East, in section 25, Township 20 N., Range 5 East, in section 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ : 34,629 feet of Clear. se Bile hi 232,526 “ Good Common. ee ea eae ind 1,989,546 “* Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,256,701 feet. Being an average of..............05 4,039 feet per Acre. Vt No. 51. GOO Mewes .... 0... ee eee eee ee BT,OBO, Two miles to River Au Gres, Ogemaw County, Town- ship 22 N., Range 4 East, in sections 21, 22, 27, 28. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 371,400 feet of Clear. & SS Neva ae 1,226,400 Good Common, if BED Sei a Soaans 2,452,800 Fair Common. ss SO es Saray g 814,800 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,865,400 feet. Being an average of...........0.005 8,109 feet per Acre. BLOOD ACHES 22. oc cee ce cece cee eee $2,000. Two aud a half miles to *River Au Sable, Ogemaw County, Township 24 N., Range 4 East, in sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,...... . .3,096,000 feet of Clear. “e So aipte wugiele 6,183,600 “ Good Common. s Oo otgeaks 5,767,200 “ Fair Common. ss a ate aes 2,473,200 “* Poor Common. = Total White Pine,....... 17,520,000 feet. & Yellow ‘“ ....... 6,638,280 Totaljes's causes seed 24,158,280 ‘ Being an average of..........-.---> 20,1382 feet per Acre. No. 52 1-2, BD 60-100 MCTES.... co. cece cece cence tees $30. Lying at the mouth of Pine River, Bay County, Town- ship 18 N., Range 5 Hast, in section 3. No Pine. BAD MOVES .... -o ee ween cece teen enone $280. Half mile to Pine River, Bay County, Township 19 N., Range 5 East, in sections 29, 30, 31. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 538,080 feet of Fair Common. i Ge aa satad nthe 1,333,200 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,871,280 feet. Being an average of............--0-- 7,787 feet per Acre. BRO ACROSS. o5 cei si nti Geikele cate 8 3 $370. Two miles to Rifle River, Bay County, Township 19 N., Range 5 East, in sections 27, 33, 34. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,055,820 feet of Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,055,310 “ Being an average of................. 3,769 feet per Acre. a A part of this group has little pine, but thrifty growth of hard timber. SOO ACTES.... 0. ek eee cece ceca $30. Lying upon the waters of Rifle River, Bay County, Township 19 N., Range 5 Mast, in sections 22, 27. No pine. Good and fair farming land. 19 No. 56. H,O2® 58-100 MORES... 6... ee eee cee cece es $450. Two miles to Rifle River, Bay County, Township 29 N., Range 5 East, in sections 7, 17, 18, 20, 28, 29. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 178,600 feet of Puor Common. Total White Pine,........ 178,600 “ Being an average of........-...0e ee eee 159 feet per Acre. The pine; is all on 400 acres. ZO) ACT GS esi csanes apis $310. One mile to River Au Gres, Bay County, Township 20 N., Range 5 Hast, in sections, 22, 27, 28, 29. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 161,600 feet in Good Common. ee ak 708,200 *“ Fair Common, - Re oleae seas 645,200 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,510,000 * “« Yellow “ ........ 28,000 “ Tol ie ao oiieere “1,538,000 “ Being an average Of............00000: 3,845 feet per Acre. a $90 Acres.n cere ese $140. Half a mile to River Au Gres, Bay County, Township. 20 N., Range 8 East, in sections 22, 27. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 458,240 feet of Fair Common. ee 6 894,560 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 852,800 “ Being an average Of.........-++-+++0+ 2,665 feet per Acre. ASO Aeteo.8 ashe ees aeee $140. Three and a half miles to River Au Gres, Bay County, Township 20 N., Range 5 East, in sections 8, 17. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 39,360 feet of Clear. ef 6S. 1 he aaa 339,360 “ Good Common. ss BE Gh Seta nies 458,400 “ Fair Common. oe eues ae 84,560 ‘¢ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 871,680 “ Being an average Of.........eeeee eee 1,816 feet per Acre. Some hemlock. No. 60. #52: GOL 00 Ones eae ee ee $20. Three anda half miles to River Au Gres, Bay County, Township 20 N., Range 5 East, in sections 4, 9. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 9,284 feet of Clear. ei Oe et ha desea 81,650 * Good Common. ee Oe ak Sandee 59,924 Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 100.858 “ Being an average of............. 0.000. 240 feet per Acre, Some hemlock and some farming land. Half a mile to River Au Gres, Iosco County, Township 21 N., Range 5 Hast, in sections 23, 24. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 275,360 feet of Clear. & CO sd eehstncts 849,200 “ Good Common. ee SH Ae Gi wuataes 698,400 “ Fair Common. “ eo) ects oes 69,840 “* Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,392,800 “€ Being an average of.............4. --17,410 feet per Acre, 21 No. 62, 162 46-100 Acres_.____..-..___--- $340. Half a mile to River Au Gres, Iosco County, Township 21 N., Range 5 East, in section 13, Township 21 N,, Range 6 East, section 18. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 160,218 feet of Clear. et Cas wea BOVO8B. Good Common, st Be “sessed eer 584,172 “* Fair Common. Be a dgcaaui ace 91,206 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........1,127,682 “ Being an average of....... Sgudeede Waals 6,961 feet per Acre. No. 63. 404 10-100 Acres__.__- eee ee $1,000. Half a mile to River Au Gres, Iosco County, Township 21 N., Range 5. East, in section 1, Township 21 N., Range 6 East, in section 6. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,...:.... 578,124 feet of Clear. o yeoeree es 1,184,028 Good Common, «f ree reer 2,268,864 Fair Common. et OO ae elas 882,740 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,863,756 “ Being an average of..............55 12,160 feet per Acre. : No. 64, S55 65-100 ACh. ooeeeoewune ues $340. Quarter of a mile to River Au Gres, Iosco County, Township 21 N., Range 5 East, in sections 13, 24, Town- ship 21 N., Range 6 East, in sections 18, 19. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,..,..... 173,865 feet of Clear. a BN peels 315,570 “* Good Common. ae $0 sesh byeato eu 652,245 “ Fair Common, ot Me he ke aneces 123,280 “ Poor Common, Total White Pine,........1,264,960 “ Being an average of.........+2.e eee 3,776 feet per Acre. 590 Acres... 32. enee $1,040. Two and a half miles to Thunder Bay River, Alpena County, Township 30 N., Range 5 Kast, in sections 26, 27. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 16,640 feet of Clear. g Se a wigs oar 2,268,240 “ Good Common. o Camera erga 1,561,040 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine,........3,845,920 feet. “Yellow © issaewes 472,680 “ Totaly. cca caseve rasan 4,318,600 “ Being an average of............--65- 8,305 feet per Acre. No. 66. 00 Meee eee $2,480. One and a half miles to Thunder Bay River, Alpena Conty, Township 30 N., Range 5 East, in sections 22, 23. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine, ....... 272,800 feet of Clear. cs OE icc steered 4,099,200 “Good Common. s CO? uae aes a 2,545,600 «Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,917,600 feet. haw 8 a5 aces 1,170,400 “ Total,........ 8,088,000 “ Being an average Of.................. 10,110 feet per Acre. No. 6%. UU) AGrES a aud ee elas $1,360. One and a half miles to Thunder Bay River, Alpena County, Township 30 N., Range 5 East, in sections 13, 14. © Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 64,800 feet of Clear. se CC Pde wae 2,440,800 ‘Good Common. s OS eva amas 1,012,800 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,518,400 feet. “Yellow “ ........ 699,200 Totaly: sas: 4,217,600 ‘ Being an average Of.............004. .5,272 feet per Acre, 23 No. 68. 2,106 64-100 Acres. oo2 cso ee eee $2,950 Four miles to Thunder Bay River, Alpena County, Township 30 N., Range 5 East, in sections 25, 36. Town- ship 30 N., Range, 6 East, in sections 19, 29, 30, 81, 32. stimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,....... 756,054 feet of Clear. te CO ade sees 11,462,958 “ Good Common. es Apdo: 2,291,328 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine, ....... 14,510,340 feet. «Yellow * ...6.x. 2,550,366 “ Total cece 17,060,706 “« Being an average of...............0.. 8,124 feet per Acre. N. 682. OT QSOs citeete ee $130. Lying at the mouth of Rifle River, Bay County, Town- ship 18 N., Range 6 East, in section 4. Site for steam saw mill. TOD AChR cnn, Sees $100. One and a half mile to River, Au Gres, Bay County, Township 20 N., Range 6 East, in sections 11, 14. Estimated amount of LInumber: White Pine,........ 29,440 feet of Clear. ee He aaeaae 96,640 “ Good Common. oe Ce han esti dar 209,280 “Fair Common. ee the aout oa . 79,200 * Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 414,560 feet. Being an average Of.........+.+ +0005 2,591 feet per Acre. 24 No. vile 980 61-100 Acres...2- .225.5-2.-2- $220, Two miles to River, Au Gres, Bay County, Township 20 N., Range 6 East, in sections 4, 9, 10. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 41,720 feet of Clear. ee Me ae Gaede 214,480 “ Good Common, ee Sey Satie ie 2 428,960 “Fair Common. o Ces Nd stra celeats 172,760 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 857,920 feet. Being an average Of.............0000 3,064 feet per Acre No. @i. 884 59-100 Acres..._.----------- $780. One and a balf mile to Au Gres River, Iosco County, Township 21 N., Range 6 East, in sections 20, 29, 30, 31, 32. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 206,856 feet of Clear. “ce oe dersanie ened 959,140 “ Good Common, ‘ SO wes as hleeseten 1,677,832 ‘© Fair Common. sf RE! Redes odie 571,064 «Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 8,414,892 feet. Being an average of........ sala a a a ote 3,880 feet per Acre. Some hewing timber. 600 Acres..--_.-.---.___- $340. One half a mile to Au Gres River, Tosco County, Township, 21 N., Range 6 East, in sections 20, 28, 29, 32. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 57,000 feet of Clear. i CO los aah 624,600 -* Good Common. es SE Oe a gitvn glace 1,249,800 “Fair Common. “ Bi cane oe: -. 567,600 “ Poor Common. Total White Pire,........ 2,499,000 feet. Being an average of..............04. 4,165 feet per Acre. 25 No. 73. O20 GACEGS eich bois Sree cle ~~ $240. Two miles to Au Gres River, Iosco County, Township 21 Ne, Range 6 East, in sections, 17, 20, 21. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 31,680 feet of Clear. es A Basen ae 831,520 “ Good Common. My MO gasped 663,320 “ Fair Common, " era errr 300,160: “ Poor Common, Total White Pine,..... ... 1,326,680 feet. Being an average Of..............000- 4,145 feet per Acre. No. @4. 200) MOTER oo poem eens $180. Three quarters of a mile to Au Gres River, Iosco County, Township 21 N., Kange 6 East, in sections 15, 22, 23. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 84,800 feet of Clear. ee SO sapuahi euaniar 237,400 ‘© Good Common. mG SEO Cao ere ta ea 475,000 “ Fair Common. i Orcs Sara nih 152,600 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... » 949,800 feet. Being an average of...............055 4,749 feet per Acre. No. 7. 1546 18100 ceca ees $1,150. One half a mile to Au Gres River, Iosco County, Township 21 N., Range 6 East, in sections 3,4, 5, 9, 10, 15. cc 22 oe co 6 ce 66 33. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 79,414 feet of Clear. 6 eee eee 845,288 “ Good .Common. oe MC We ieee 1,712,112 “ Fair Common, “ Oe de lane petit 782,026 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 3,418,840 feet. Being an average of........... w+eeee+2,600 feet per Acre. Considerable hewing timber. 1 OUO Aree. ene eo eeawoee $1,340. Three quarters of a mile to Au Gres River, Iosco County Township 21 N., Range 6 Hast, in sections 10, 11, 74, 15. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 260,400 feet of Clear. a Seo Sp dsgleaess 1,491,600 “ Good Common. Z SOO gresierkss 2,983,200 “ Fair Common. ‘ Se) cel eetierel a, 1,263,600 * Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 5,998,800 feet. Being an average of..................5,000 feet per Acre. No. @@. pee JOG: LOO: A CNes oe eee eects $1,000 One mile to the waters of River Au Gres, Iosco County, Township 21 N., Range 6 East, in sections 1, 2. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 223,166 feet of Clear. s Oy eeneeeo1,102,866 “ Good Common. ee a ae 2,290,924 “ Fair Common. sf SE? passe ab 964,892 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,581,848 “ Being an average of........... gielereaty 4,948 feet per Acre. No. 78. 709 14-100 Acres oo oucce ecco eee $680. One mile to the waters of River Au Gres, Iosco County, Township 21 N., Range 6 East, in section 12, Township 21 N., Range 7 East, in sections 7, 18. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,..... «se 42,347 feet of Clear. es ener . 835,754 % Good Common. ee Re Feat ccacecy 1,671,508 <“ Fair Common. ee 1 eee le sata 792,608 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 8,342,217 « “ Yellow “ ........ 83,895 * Gia pas knwo wees 3,426,112 Being an average of........... +++..4,282 feet per Acre 27 PRONE Soe cu eG $230. Half a mile to the waters of River Au Gres, Iosco County, ; Township 22 N., Range 6 East, in sections 20, 21. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 72,840 feet of Clear. ee yeeeeeee 170,400 “ _Good Common. s PO arama 840,800 “* Fair Common. “ Sc ectnccalars 93,480 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 677,520 “ Yellow “ ........ 87,920 , Totahies o2et ceed eaten 715,440 “ Being an average of............... .5,962 feet per Acre. No. 80. M20” PNOMED So as $1,200. One and a half miles to the waters of River Au Gres, Iosco County, Township 22 N., Range 6 East, in sections 14, 15, 22, 23. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 421,200 feet of Clear. fe tO eaters 943,920 Good Common. o sees. 1,887,840 “ Fair Common. ee Ee > Se etcantine 529,920 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,782,880 “ «Yellow vssecees 280,800 “ otal oipvexcedwwndex 4,063,680 “ Being an average of........ eee .5,644 feet per Acre. No. 81. $065 18-100 Acrés...- 22-4 was s246 $5,100. Four miles to Au Sable River, Alcona County, Town- ship 25 N., Range 6 East, in sections 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 3,815,925 feet of Clear. a CO Bie Baines ak 6,200,495 * Good Common. «& Me pee oe 3,791,405 “ Fair Common. i MES Latah ta aia 1,584,605 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 15,392,430 “* “ Yellow ‘“ ....... 1,256,650 “ Totals ssis scaeacnes 16,649,080 Being an average of....... aes ue ...5,441 feet per Acre. 28 No, 82. Lie GO-10D ures oo eu ecco ass $1,870. Fonr and a half miles to the waters of Au Sable River, Alcona County, Township 25 N., Range 6 Hast, in sec- tions 4,5, Township 26 N., Range 6 East, in section 33. Estimated amount of Lamber: White Pine,........ 1,377,709 feet of Clear. ss OSE ih de atthe 2,883,212 “* Good Common. st OO ote stereos 2,944,867 “ Fair Common. : By Lege atnens 1,399,008 ‘“ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 8,604,796 “ Yellow “ ........ 3,808,553“ Ota eccaca way eee 12,408,349 “ Being an average Of.........00..0005 11,079 feet per Acre, No, 83. 629 34-100 Acres__-.----.---_--- $1,000. Four and a half miles to the waters of Pine River, Alcona County, Township 25 N., Range 6 East, in section 3. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,534,500 feet of Clear. o Ce eee hale 2,511,000. “« Good Common. a SOT senses anit 1,825,280 <“ Fair Common, “S Oo Nasivnek 745,860 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,616,640 * “ Yellow “ ,....... 8,734,260 “ , eel Si aaans Sead 10,350,900 *% Being an average of...,............ 16,695 feet per Acre. No, 84, TPA ee a ia a a 1,290, Three miles to the waters of Pine River, Alcona. County, Township 25 N., Range 6 East, in sections 1, 2, 12. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,.... ...1,528,951 feet of Clear. ee SO comet ys 3,275,832 Good Common, ‘s SS, Sesh ane alat oa 2,848,001 “ Fair Common. es TED Ch Seda eeriend 1,328,226 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 8,981,010 * “ Yellow “ ......., 4,986,920 “« DOtal sss lense hehe ous 18,967,930 Being an average of.......,....... . 12,252 feet per Acre. 29 No, RO. DOB0 Aes cs oe ts OD, Five and a half miles to the waters of Pine River, Alcona County, Township 26 N., Range 6 Enust, in sections 13, 14, 15, 23, 24. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,091,840 feet of Clear. ee SS bee Srsate 2,703,360 ‘ Good Common. . te meaner 2,012,160 “ Fair Common. sf Cees ees 01,269,760 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 7,077,120 * “ Yellow “ ........ 6.072 2a 6 Total... wceeveeees 15 1eys+u Being an average of................ 10,273 feet per Acre. No. 86. 1,040 Aches. 22 end onic BIOU, Five and a half miles to the waters of Thunder Bay River, Alcona County, Township 27 N., Range 6 East, in sections 20, 21, 22, 28. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........2,505,360 feet ot Good Common, Yellow “ ........ 755,040 * Totals onc. asain . -3,260,400 Being an average of..... 9 BS aid anes 3,135 feet per Acre. Some hewing timber. 640 Acres......---------- $250. Four and a half miles to the waters of Thunder Bay River, Alcona County, Township 27 N., Range 6 East, in sections 10, 15. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,781,120 feet of Good Common. * OS eitiare ahd . 965,120 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine,........2,746,240 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 609,920 “ Total .24eeenoehaenes 3,356,160 “ Being an average of............-- ...5,244 feet per Acre. Large amount of hewing timber. 30 No, 3S, LOO 11-100 Benga. oo ieee oats $630. Four miles to the waters of Thunder Bay River, Alcona County, Township 27 N., Range 6 East, in sections 1, 2, 11, 12. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,539,850 feet of Good Common: es BE digte dcauhs 749,800 “ Fair Common. “s Sh Ceca tadet ater 69,000 “ Poor Common: Total White Pine,........ 2,358,650 * “ Yellow “ ........ 1,967,650 “ Wotaliccce avsciuces oss 4,326,300 Being an average of................ 3,762 feet per Acre, Large amount of hewing timber. 160 Acres..-..---_- ee $150. Three and a half miles to the waters of Thunder Bay River, Alcona County, Township 27 N., Range 6 East, m section 25. +) 3 Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 277,760 feet of Clear. ef gaewwake 955,040 ** Good Common. es tear hia 126,880 “ Fair Common, Total White Pine,........ 1,859,680 “ fe Mellow So Causes acacn’ 220,640 “ Wit alvehs pedaamew sous 1,580,320 “ Being an average of................ 9,877 feet per Acre. ( ao No, BOQr. 940 Acres____.-_-- ee $10. Lying upon the waters of Thunder Bay River, Alcona , County, Township 27 N., Range 6 Hast, in section 23. Pine plains. Considerable hewing timber. 31 No. 90. 1,600 Acres... 2 2 soudeke $400. Four and a half miles to the waters of Thunder Bay River, Alcona County, Township 28 N., Range 6 East, in sections 33, 34, 35, 36. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 78,400 feet of Clear. “cc ce Deis pe 1,824,000 “ Good Common. se BE ca lhuioteelecans 1,539,200 “ Fair Common, Total White Pine,....... 3,441,600 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 1,550,400 * Mili out a yaad ete 4,992,000 “« Being an average of..............055 3,120 feet per Acre. Considerable hewing timber. No. 91. 1040 Aeris. neon outs $260. Four miles to the waters of Thunder Bay River, Al- cona County, Township 28 N., Range 6 East, in sections 24, 25, 26, 28, 29. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 730,080 feet of Good Common, st SE Navas Panels 1,089,920 “ Fair Common. BE aa ta anes 288,080 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,108,080 “ “ Yellow “ ...,.... 705,160 “ Mota sous paces wee 02,813,240 Being an average of........... +++.>+2,705 feet per Acre. Considerable hewing timber. No. 92. 400 Acres__--__-----__ oe $100. One and a half miles to the waters of Thunder Bay River, Alcona County, Township 28 N., Range 6 East, in sections 8, 9, 15. Listimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 223,600 feet of Good Common. EF EE alate y 655,600 Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 879,200 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 286,000 “ MO cl ciomirdeawens 1,165,100 “ Being an average of....... are cy 2,913 feet per Acre, Some hewing timber. REO) Atte ocd eee $220. Two miles to the waters Of Thunder Bay River, Al- pena County, Township 29 N., Range 6 East, in; sections 3, 13, 14, 23, 26. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 111,760 feet of Clear. te He dee at 953,040 “ Good Common. SE fades aa 310,640 “ Fair Common, Total White Pine,....... 1,375,440 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 661,760 “ Rotel ie ceo 2,037,200 “ Being an average of........ ........ 2,315 feet per Acre. Considerable hewing timber. No. 94. 331 48-100 Acres___.__----.----- $500. One and a half miles to Pine River, Alcona County, Township 25 N., Range 7 East, in section 7. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 430,300 feet of Clear. i Pe ers 1,026,100 “ Good Common. fe EO seen cua 877,150 “ Fair Common. = BS ine fence els 600,103 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,933,653 “ %& “Yellow vase ce nu 1,875,448 “ si Total,........ fate Ginceteek 4,809,101 “ Being an average of................ 14,529 feet per Acre. No. 95. Bi) CP OG a tint Soe ie ce $560. One mile to Pine River, Alcona County, Township 25 N., Range 7 East, in section 8. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 488,000 feet of Clear. 7 es vereses 986,000 “ Good Common. Be Se Scere ats 830,000 “ Fair Common. ee Oe Sheet esetbckars 494,080 Poor Common, Total, White Pine,........ 2,748,080 «* “ Yellow “ ...... » 2,082,320 * Totals: isiwwnekeeeecys 4,780,400 * Being an average Of..............0.. 14,939 feet per Acre, 33 7 No. 96, 880 T1100 Acres... saeco $1,190. Two and a half miles to Pine River, Alcona County, Township 25 N., Range 7 East, in sections 5, 6. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........1,061,480 feet of Clear. ae a6 ween 2,742,440 6 Good Common. ts tee eisai 3,021,920 * Fair Common. ‘ the ecsisaiae 1,759,840 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 8,585,680 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 4,485,280 Total es veaveeeene aes 18,070,960 “« Being an average of................ 19,222 feet per Acre. No. 9%, OCT ES pa cite tecnns a scer misonte $1,600. Three miles to Pine River, Alcona County, Township 26 N., Range 7 East, in sections 28, 29, 31, 32. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 816,000 feet of Clear. ss $e ee eraw *,.2,651,520 “ Good Common. fe He! “ered aero 2,935,680 * Fair Common, ss © gan weeds 818440 Poor Common. Total V’hite Pine,........ 8,216,640 “ “Yellow “ ........ 7,568,640 UGPlnsesiieos eekee 15,785,280 “ Being an average of..... Giahineease 16,443 feet per Acre. No. 98. 899 31-100 Acres. .-- 2. aaa $1,200. Three and a half miles to Pine River, Aicona County, Township 26 N., Range 7 East, in sections 19, 20, 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 690,480 feet of Clear. ss toe detna se arats 1,764,300 “ Good Common. “s ES ania eas 1,759,080 “* Fair Common. “ ee Secon ite lp 1,016,814 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,230,674 “ “« Yellow “ 4,761,846 “ Motel cncds wmaatacnaeece 9,992,520 “ Being an average of.... ...... ecmeandi 12,186 feet per Acree 3 34 No. 99. 2,067 82-100 Actes... - snonceen ase $500. Five and a half miles to Pine River, Alcona County, Township 26 N., Range 7 East, in sections 1, 2, 3, 11, 12. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 1,994,655 feet of Good Common. “ sevecees 681,858 “Fair Common. et OY cetera 66,144 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, .......2,742,657 feet. “Yellow: “(sae egaces 1,790,022 ‘ sta iasayaee 4,532,679 : Being an average eee 2,200 feet per Acre. No. 1060. 2,704 82-100 Ages ne isssuse $1,000. Four miles to the waters Thunder Bay River, Alcona County, Township 27 'N., Range 7 East, in sections 28, 29, 31, 32, 83. Township 26 N., Range 7 East, in section 5. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1.205,104 feet of Clear. te BE a So . 8,380,448 “ Good Common. ts Bo eee aaite tn 1,428,988 “Fair Common. es BOO aie es tana 33,168 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ....... 11,047,708 feet. Yellow “© «@ cvaas 2,125,516 “« Total,... ...13,173,224 « Being an average of.................. 4,773 feet per Acre. No. 101. Loe8 0 ROCs emo eS $500. Four miles to the waters of Thunder Bay River, Alcona County, Township 27 N., Range 7 East, in sections 27, 34. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 5,172,480 feet of Good Common. “ OO eae s 1,296,640 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,469,120 feet. “ Yellow “ ..... 1,148,160 « Total .. © doe eens 2,026,240 “ Teta ig by hve 4,110,080 * Being an average of...... .........., 3,211 feet per Acre. AT No. 1877. I 11 i=: a ie ae $900. One and a half miles to the waters of Thunder Bay, Alpena County, Township 29 N., Range 8 East, in sec- tions 27, 28, 82, 33, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 75,040 feet of Clear. s Be ceesab averse 357,280 “ Good Common. ne eee re 490,560 * Fair Common. : BE Soh seatts .627,200 * Poor Common. ‘Total White Pine,....... 1,550,080 teet Being an average of............ 0085 1,384 feet per Acre. Some hemlock. 8 ASO AGES einin auinin seems ate $1,080, Half a mile to the waters of Thunder Bay, Alpena County, Township 29 N. Range 8 East, in sections 26, 27. , Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 55,680 feet of Clear. Oe Shae aes 512,640 “ Good Common. ‘te cA suet 736,320 “ Fair Commou. he kee aattecs 982,080 “ Poor Common. accel, Total White Pine,........ 2,286,720 feet. s “ Yellow “ ........ 1,485,600 “ Mataloaiesec cakes 3,772,820 Being an average of.............005- 7,859 feet per Acre, No. 189. HOO) Dutt OS ejecta cee $1,000. One and a half miles to the waters of Thunder Bay, Alpena County, Township 29 N., Range 8 East, in sec- tions 34, 35. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 134,400 feet of Clear. se OG ie Oe ea 675,360 ‘“ Good Common. “ Me osseatlate Gus ate 941,360 “ Fair Common. se SE eee tices 1,205,680 “ Poor Common. ‘Total White Pine,........ 2,956,800 feet. “« Yellow “ ........ 771,684 “ otal vicseeds 3,728,484 “ Being an average of.........e-ee eens 6,658 feet per Acre 48 No. 140. GU (NOleg guia eee es $1,430. One and a half miles to the waters of Thunder Bay, Alpena County, Township 29 N., Range 8 East, in sections 25, 26, 35, 36. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine, ....... 87,720 feet of Clear. ee So auaaktnaton 711,280 “ Good Common. at > coueeees 1,281,120 “Fair Common. ss OE gliosis 1,418,480 “ Poor Common, Total White Pine,........ 3,498,600 feet. « Vollow "© occas 2,567,640 “ Total,........ 6,066,240 Being an average of ....,......0.000- 8,921 feet per Acre No. 141. ROD AGES oo eee eee ease $1,200. Three miles to Cass River, Tuscola County, Township 12 N., Range 9 East, in sections 26, 86. Eistimated amount oF Lumber—not scaled : No. 142. 201 ‘80-100 Clete fades eaem aes $400. Four miles to Cass River, Tuscola County, Township 18 N., Range 9 East, in sections 11, 23. Township 13 N., Range 10 East, in section 5. Township 14 N., Range 9 East, in sec- tion 36, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 230,979 feet of Good Common. ee MO esae nea 158,689 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 389,538 feet. Being an average of...............005. 1,947 feet per Acre. First rate farming land. No. 142 1-2. bG 20-100: Anres ico. co woe. $70. Lying at the mouth of the Au Sable River, Iosco County, Township 18 N., Range 9 E., in section 3, Site for atearn Sawmill. 520 Acres.-..__-.__-____- $1,040. Two and a half miles to Lake Huron, Alcona County, Town- ship 25 N., Range 9 E, in sections 8, 9. Estimated amount of Tumber : White Pine,........ 1,860,040 feet of Clear. s Oe agente wan 3,959,800 “ Good Common: ss OS” Sica ta 88 3,276,000 “Fair Common. & Se Reasthasie te oh 1,054,040 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 10,149,880 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 3,549,520 OUD ia io ost eheaase 13,699,400 “ Being an average Of. ......... cece eee 26,325 feet per Acre. No. 145. DAU (BO iad oo ke eee $570. Two miles to the waters of Thunder Bay, Black River, Alcona County, Township 27 N., Range 9 E., in sections 11, 14, 22. é Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 55,440 feet of Clear. " So aware te 300, 240 =“ Good Common. Mis Sohasr ise eis 486,000 m Fair Common. se OER po ek deta 596,400 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 1,438,080 feet. & Yellow. “ sasaenes 621,120 “ Total. cas ene wee 2,059,200 Being an average Goleta eee 8,580 feet per Acre. No. 146. S60) AGTea no esSs seen cues $1,080. Two mile to the waters of Thunder Bay, Black River, Alcona County, Township 27 N., Range 9 East, in sections 22, 24, 25. Estimated amount of Lumber: White nee Sweiaeetse 212,760 feet of Clear. ites 1,045,440 ie Good Common. i OO ae ais . 1,217,160 “ Fair Common. sf Be edi ea eae 1,551,240 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine........ 4,026,600 feet. “ Yellow “ .....-- . 825,840 * io ee 4,852,440 Being an average Of.......+++-+ 13,479 feet per Acre. 4 50 No, 147. S150 C4100: Ages as cuter oeeoe $6,000. Two miles to the waters of Thunder Bay, Black River, Alcona County, Township 27 N., Range 9 East, in sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,163,150 feet of Clear. ee Se Camanawae 4,487,050 “ Good Common. Panos 5,637,300 “ Fair Common. se SO ee Biba 7,163,800 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 18,451,300 “ Yellow “ ... ....4,721,400 “ Total eawass: — “nwiniieats 23,172,700 Being an average of........ sleinaiaiaed 10;778 feet per Acre. No. 148. 2,240 AG. ocean ee $7,280. Two and a half miles to the waters of Thunder Bay, Black River, Alcona County, Township 28 N., Range 9 East, in sections 31, 32, 33, 34; Township 28 N., Range 8 East, in section 36. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 887,040 feet of Clear. a Be Caanpieca tenes 4,874,240 “ Good Common. . ER Glee vast eOiece 6,684,160 “ Fair Common. : BE aleaecapave -8,400,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 20,845,440 feet. “ Yellow “ ....... 12,980,800 “ Ditton Sos one ses 33,826,240, “ Being an average of..............0045 15,101 feet per Acre. No. 149. Le) GACNES. 8 enone amne $3,950. Three miles to the waters of Thunder Bay, Black River, Alcona County, Township 28 N., Range 9 East, in sections 19, 20, 28, 29, 30. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,.... ... 611,040 feet of Clear. 7 ee eevee 8,789,200 =“ Good Common. os ee sees 2044,958,240 % Fair Common. te Rea .6,142,840 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 15,451,320 feet. “ Yellow “ ........7,022,400 “ Mukalite aces comeiaes 22,473,720 « Beg an average of.......... +++.+..14,785 feet per Acre, 680 Acres____-__-___..____ $2,170. Two miles to the waters of Thunder Bay, Black River, Alcona County, Township 28 N., Range 9 East, in sections 17, 18, 20, 21. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 226,440 feet of Clear. “ Cho eee 1,102,960 <“ Good Common, OS odin wtertenes 1,606,840 “ Fair Common. BOs sg bias ieSy 1,997,060 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,933,300 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 8,249,040 “ Titty ater acteaas wands 8,182,340 “ Being an average of............000. 12,033 feet per Acre. No. 1503. Oo INOTER oes Se $50. Lying on Lake Huron, at the mouth of Black River, Alcona County, Township 28 N., Range 9 Hast, in section 13, Site for steam saw mill. Four miles 1o the waters of Cass River, Tuscola County, Township 11 N., Range 10 East, in section 27. Estimated amount. of Lumber: Not scaled. 160 Acrés.nsusee senses $480. Four miles to Flint River, Lapeer County, Township 10 N., Range 11 East, in sections 15, 22, 23. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ ee a daee aa 99,200 feet of Good Common. se Ce te sie pleas 288,000 «Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 387,200 feet. Being an average Of.........++eseeees 2,420 feet per Acre. Good farming land. OO Meese ncaa $1,000. Five miles to the waters of Cass River, Tuscola County, Township 11 N., Range 11 East, in sections 8, 9, 17. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,802,800 feet of Good Common. Being an average Of .....--0-eseeeeeee 4,507 feet per Acre. No. 154. TOU) AGO eae tees eee $240. One and a half miles to Cass River, Tuscola County, Township 13 N. Range 11 East, in sections 12, 23, 24. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 36,520 feet of Clear. od SE ace lates ie 244,000 “ GoodCommon. Total White Pine,........ 280,520 feet. Being an average of................ 1,753 feet per Acre, No. 155. 200 Acres__-------------- $400. Three miles to Cass River, Tuscola County, Township 14 N., Range 11 East, in sections 20, 21, 20. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 67,600 feet of Clear. & OT panels 825,400 * Good Common, Total White Vine,........ 893,000 feet. Being an average of.................4. 1,961 feet per Acre, Good farming land. N G2 49-100 Acres onic ee es $1,900. One miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland County, Township 13 N., Range 1 West, in sections 1, 12. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine, ebaeenatana es 230,886 feet Good Common. : Ronettes 2,062,734 “ Fair Common. Baaauan bites 4,957,572 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 7,251,172 feet. Being an average of.................04. 9,516 feet per Acre, 53 No. 160. 925 60-100 Acres__--__...._-..-.- $2,300. Half a mile to Saginaw River, Midland County, Town- ship 31 N., Range 1 West, in sections 2, 11. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 639,400 feet of Good Common. ee SE ce ane ettenaerg 2,212,600 <“ Fair Common. ts SE Sh baa ea 4,399,300 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 7,248,300 feet. Being an average of.............66. 7,836 feet per Acre. TORU AgIee els Seeeeees $2,700. One and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland County, Township 13 N., Range 1 West, in sections 10, 15, 21, 22. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 96,120 feet of Clear. re CE Peale tau 738,720 “ Good Common. ee Se. Gees 3,062,880 « Fair Common. % BO ears caer 4,686,120 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 8,556,840 feet. Being an average Of.... .....-. sees eee 7,923 feet per Acre. G40 Acres .ceccs-t eee $2,560. Half a mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland Coun- ty, Township 13 N., Range 1 West, in sections 17, 20, 21. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 79,360 feet of Clear. By Ce eee ns 906,880 “ Good Common. & SOO" sale eg puedes 1,536,640 “ Fair Common, ee ts oS adenine 1,536,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,.......-. 4,058,880 feet. Being an average of.........-. iaseas 6,342 feet per Acre. BAO: CPEB im Seiad eam $1,320. Half a mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland County, Township 13 N., Range 1 West, in sections 3, 4. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........, 804,920 feet of Good Common. ie (ON atte aveeg 1,247,840 “ Fair Common. oF peal nba 1,029,280 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 8,582,040 feet. Being an average of....... vid nwdaw sae 8,141 feet per Acre. No. 164. BS OURS eee peck us $1,440. One and a half miles to Saginaw River, Midland County, Township 14 N., Range 1 West, in sections 27, 32, 33, 34. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 231,840 feet of Clear. a a ele Gs dates 612,000“ Good Common. “ gamete 687,840 “ Fair Common. SOD cd puto dys 646,560 ‘ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,188,240 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 252,480 “ Toth] svesbicierws2As0720. © Being an average of............. ..-5,064 feet per Acre. Noe. 165. 20 eee Soa $1,800. Half a mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland County, Township 14 N., Range 1 West, in sections 25, 34, 35, 36, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 403,920 feet of Clear. Ht are eco 1,171,440 “ Good Common. OE Chea alah beats 902,880“ Fair Common ee Oo eaealie alten 607,680 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,085,920 feet. “ Yellow “ ....... . 41,040 * Otto Doane ecacte cites, Gite 3,126,960 « Being an average of................ 4,343 feet per Acre. No. 166. HAUS AGES eek aes ee $1,100. One mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland Coun- ty, Township 14 N., Range 1 West, in sections 26, 27, 35. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 377,960 feet of Clear. et Gy games 1,232,000 “* Good Common. te tC ee ea eee 1,051,060 Fair Common. e (So Gul eaaoes 923,120 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine.,:. .. 3,584,140 feet. © Yellow “ aseea saws 97,680 “ Total,........ 3,681,820 “ Being an average of........0...0.. 000s 8,368 feet per Acre. No. 16%. dod 24-100 Acres. ..3 sen eens $2,120. Half a mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland Coun- ty, Township 14 N., Range 1 West, in sections 29, 30, 31, 32. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 535,512 feet of Clear. = Be Sdeaiaatieccle 1,503,080 “ Good Common. * $5," posleuehacaete 1,291,080 “Fair Common. s ee. 4220 1,045,584 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,375,256 feet. “Wellow "8 occas. 8,056 “ Tatal, pieces; 4,383,312 “ Being an average of........--.--0.: 10,838 feet per Acre. No. 168. O80 Apres a s4 oes $1,400. Lying upon the waters of Saginaw River, Midland County, Township 14 N., Range 1 West, in sections 21, 28, 29. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 297,920 feet of Clear. st Coe ene es 779,960 “ Good Common. ef es aarti ns 509,880 * Fair Common. " aes 374,920 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,962,680 feet. Being an average eee eens 7,009 feet per Acre 640 Acres..--..2--4--45s= $3,200. Half a mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland County Township 14 N., Range 1 West, in sections 13, 14, 15, 22, 23. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 535,680 feet of Clear. nt fee ota tease 1,555,840 “* Good Common. a te Tadietaag Shy 1,312,640 “ Fair Common. - tee grees , 862,720 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,266,880 feet «Yellow: * vssees ... 588,800 “ i Totals asics sie nia bee says 4,855,680 “ Being an average Of..........- eer eeee 7,587 feet per Acre. No. 170. TOO POPS scone wd a $3,240. Three-quarters of a mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland County, Township 15 N., Range 1 West, in sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 531,860 feet of Clear. & GO Sever kcouetau 2,124,000 “ Good Common. ee uae evel Q0%440 Fair Common. s OO ogee weg 1,036,080 *“ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,898,880 feet. & Yellow. “ seccsevs 422,120 “ aia uaceuchars eae 5,821,000 “ Being an average of...............005. 7,390 feet per Acre. No. 171. LOO Bites. Us sue eee $320. _ Three-quarters of a mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland County, Township 15 N., Range 1 West, in sections 2, 11. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 31,840 feet of Clear. ef Se ee accu 108,000 “ Good Common. a PEE ® acres dna 85,920 “ Fair Common, #8 SO nec y acatie'n 81,600 ‘“ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 807,360" feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 132,800 “ WOtal ss. conse wa as ke ewes 440,160 ‘* Being an average of....,.......... -2,751 feet per Acre. 57 No. 172. 240 Acres__-._..-__.__.--$960. Two miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland County, Township 16 N., Range 1 West, in sections 27, 338. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 252,000 feet of Clear. “ nse ver 939,840 “ Good Common. ce Be set aden ett 600,000 ‘ ‘Fair Common. e SP) esate aditeds 472,080 “* Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,263,920 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 877,280 *é Wotaly oc nates Paria 2,641,200 “* Being an average of................ 11,005 feet per Acre. No. 173. HAN): ACEO Se See a ee $1,760. Half a mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland County, Township 16 N., Range 1 West, in sections 138, 14, 23, 24, 36. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 441,760 feet of Clear. et Ae grasa bAbear 1,628,000 “ Good Common. oe OOo Bears task 575,960 “ Fair Common. BE Did as cate 539,440 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 8,185,160 feet. e "Yellow “ ascece.s 585,480 “ © Toatales lansheesaneee: 3,720,640 “ Being an average of........ ag ale wa we 8,456 feet per Acre. No. 174. $34. 59-100 Acres,....—-.-. .... === $2,920. Three and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland County, Township 16 N., Range 1 West, in sec- tions 17, 18, 19, 20, 29, 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 823,992 feet of Clear. e Oe os sates 3,220,908 tt Good Common. ee Bey eet cabo 1'823,124 “ Fair Common. se SS aleantaen sient 1,713, 036 « Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 7,581,060 feet. «Yellow “ wesc eees 564,618 Raa lasncariskensuak 8,145,678“ Being an average Of..........-.00005 9,767 feet per Acre. 58 No. 17 5. 599 77-100 Acres.-...---.---__-- $2,700. One and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Glad- win County, Township 17 N., Range 1 West, in sections 26, 34, 35. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 670,880 feet of Clear. * OT eer tedsddstoce 2,407,980 ‘ Good Common. OBS seas her idads 810,447 “ Fair Common. « OP co Weieataraataieets 647,519 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,536,826. feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 177,304 “ TGlal, vacseusvevenags 4,714,130 “ Being an average of...............4-. 7,857 feet per Acre. No. 176. mode LOU BR ee cee ete $1,770. Two miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Gladwin County, Township 17 N. Range 1 West, in sections 19, 28, 29, 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 585,090 feet of Clear. e OO oa dateg 1,800,580 “ Good Common. ee BES ein caaer aati 401,880 “ Fair Common. st SE, caleaaialietes 326,626 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,114,176 feet. Being an average of.... ...... 0.0.0 eee 7,884 feet per Acre. No. 177. bos 1-100 Actes. 25 cou. ceeacses $2,800. One and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Glad- win County, Township 17 N., Range 1 West, in sections 3, 4, 10. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 718,124 feet of Clear. ef Re rg aed 2,913,318 “* GoodCommon. 5 Os eigenen east 1,088,100 ‘“ Fair Common. Re nck ead 896,148 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,610,690 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 525,636 ‘ TO oe orien eg lanes 6,136,326 Being an average of............-.0.. 10,997 feet per Acre. 59 No. 178, 797 38-100 Acres__--__-._--- $3,600. Two miles to the waters of Saginaw. River, Gladwin ‘County, Township 17 N., Range 1 West, in section 2, 3, 10, 13. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 844,420 feet of Clear. Ee AO spies 8,827,475 Good Common. te Sh oyaiels eM 1,889,687 Fair Common. ee OO Seamaes ..1,469,688 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........7,531,270 feet. Yellow sassencs 601,735 “ Tatalens sa tweavn. aog8, lacus Being an average of....... aglantiecteeee .10,204 feet per Acre. No. 179. A POs oes She ea $1,430. Two and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Glad- win County, Township 18 N., Range 1 West, in sections 27, 83, 34. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 318,120 feet of Clear. “ Ce acme means 1,251,800 “ Good Common. Be Oe nae veo 759,880 “ Fair Common. “ We eo wieele we 647,680 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 2,977,480 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 561,880 ‘ ‘Rotal sesevevwieedeaces 3,539,360 “ Being an average of.........-....+4+5 8,044 feet per Acre. No. 1890. B40) AGMEEs cee soe eau acs= $1,320. Three miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Gladwin County, Township 18 N., Range 1 West, in section 35. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 287,760 feet of Clear. 4 ee... 1,079,760 “ Good Common. - CO aeereuanseonos 756,360 “ Fair Common. ee seas ee 608,520 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,732,400 ‘ “ Yellow “ .....eee 448,960 “ Total si cece wae Hees 3,176,360 Being an average of..........- anes 7,219 feet per Acre. 60 No. 188. OO Neda eee hs $800. Four and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Gladwin County, Township 18 N., Range 1 West, in sec- tions 22, 23. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pinc,........ 400,000 feet of Clear. oe ce wht aoiealaged .1,900,160 * Good Common. 7 OD.» sscolniicatacs 1,443,840 “ Fair Common. #8 CES shee Meneaag 1,177,609 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,921,600 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 83,840 “ Pobal, 4c eee yeuenes 5,005,440 Being an average of.............05 15,642 feet per Acre No. 182. Oh Cayce te ie $900. Four and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Gladwin County, Township 18 N., Range 1 West, in sec- tions 24, 25, 26. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 663,840 feet of Clear. bi ee sera snealar the 2,379,960 “ Good Common. ee Ee rasta wo AK 756,000 “ Fair Common. ~ OOS hes eats 617,040 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ....... :4,416,840 feet. Being an average of...........22.005 12,269 feet per Acre. Ne. 183. HOO Gxetesi ocd Acie a ieoe Ses $400. Two miles to the waters Of Saginaw River, Gratiot County, Township 12 N., Range 2 West, in sections 3, 4, 14, 22. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 18,800 feet of Clear. ¢ Se RS greet an 37,800 “ Good Common. « Oe dls eats 48,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 104,600 feet. Being an average Of.............0e000- 523 feet per Acre. 61 No, 184. p00) ACh ope $720. Lying upon the waters of Saginaw River, Midland County, Township 13 N., Range 2 West, in sections, 34, 35. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 123,120 feet of Clear. ‘ Be eee. thie 460,440 “ Good Common. ee BP oeatee ie a 564,480 “ Fair Common. . BE ae eeatauieouets 162,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 1,310,040 feet. Being an average of,.......... .++e+.-3,639* feet per Acre. *160 acres cut over, not certain how much remains. No. 185. Gon 45-100 Acree ue eee meas $1,580 One and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland County, Township 13 N., Range 2 West, in sec- tions 12, 13, 24; Township 13 N., Range 1 West, in sec- tions 7, 18. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,...... .. 100,647 feet of Clear. i te oct waa 289,084 “ Good Common, GO icexid oleae 1,060,275 “Fair Common. ee See cee beets 1,223,589 * Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 3,174,495 feet. Being an average of........ igh. eho taatene 5,015 feet per Acre. 160 acres cut over, not certain how much remains. No. 186. (05 68100 a. careers $2,100. Two miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland County, Township 13 N., Range 2 West, in sections 2, 3» 4, 5, 10, 11. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,.....-.- 400,000 feet of Fair Common. Si gen rees 2,171,000 “© Poor Common. Total White Pine,.......> 2,571,000 feet. Being an average of...... csevesesees1,845 feet per Acre. a. AC: AMES otis 3 ae on el $1,200. Two and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Mid- land County, Township 15 N., Range 2 West, in sections 32, 33, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 931,920 feet of Clear. SE adea yas 3,399,840 “* Good Common. s OS satel auialaes tate 919,920 “ Fair Common. et Se ea bee teas 881,520 se Poor Common. Total White Pine, ....... 6,133,200 feet. © Yellow “ wscvesase 24,000 Total sesees 6,157,200 “ Being an average of...............0-. 25,655 feet per Acre. No, 188, 511 49-000<5 $1,280. Two and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland County, Township 15 N., Range 2 West, in sections 18, 24, 25,36. Township 15 N., Range 1 West, in section 18. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,....... . 228,818 feet of Clear. fe Se eet aatcat 899,871 * Good Common. Be Be) erect ean 562,100 “Fair Common. ce Mee |b es santos 526,863 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,212,652 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 114,464 “ POtal 35:6 cicane ahaa eee cloves 2,327,116 “ Being an average of................ 4,554 feet per Acre. No. 189. L200 AGP cocci cine ecied $5,400. One and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland County, Township 15 N., Range 2 West, in sections 4, 6, 7,8, 9,17. Township 16 N., Range 2 West, in sec- tion 33. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,245,600 feet of Clear. “ Oo shales lar al 4,752,000 “« Good Common. Bt Be cea brane tercs 2,814,800 “ Fair Common. “ SO qudeeel tack 2,262,000 <“* Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 10,574,400 * “ Yellow “ ....... 148,800 « Titel Mec aseiats 10,723,200 « Being an average of....... Sgecesteane tees 8,936 feet per Acre. 63 No. 199. 290 ACTOS < <5 Gammel = Sai $1,120. Two and a half miles to Saginaw River, Midland County, Township 16 N., Range 2 West, in sections 15, 22, 23. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 603,960 feet of Clear. se Be ape nat ot 2,500,120 “ Good Common. & BE aul hed . 855,960 Fair Common. “ Bo Renan twenit 684,600 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,644,640 feet. Being an average of................ 16,588 feet per Acre. No. 191, OO PON te 8 ee aoe $960. Four miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland County, Township 16 N., Range 2 West, in sections 17, 20, 21. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 448,000 feet of Clear. cc co earns 2,147,840 * Good Common. ae OS Nera free 840,000 “ Fair Common. a Bie Ne goa steaes 838,080 “* Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 4,273,920 feet. Being an average of..........6.---5 13,356 feet per Acre. No. 192. i,bon SO-000 A Gres cae ease mene $2,900. Five miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Midland County, Township 16 N., Range 2 West, in sections 18, 19, 20, 29, 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,752,855 feet of Clear. ss GS ie oe au Sr 5,881,031 “ Good Common. ee OS lavas cence 3,255,798 “* Fair Common. MO Nrepaseet eS 1,604,759 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 12,494,443 “ Being an ‘average of..........eeeeee 10,789 feet per Acre. No. 193. Goo Ole OO ANG tes a a55 ccc cee Sae $2,870. Quarter of a mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Gladwin County, Township 17 N., Range 2 West, in sections 17, 18, 19, 20. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 114,840 feet of Clear. i Te legis aaa 838,332 “ Good Common. ee aS J omaearae 1,348,732 Fair Common. MD) aktoneiargise 1,889,354 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........4,141,258 feet. Being an average of...............04- 6,491 feet per Acre. No. 194. O40 Acres... -cas cues eu $720 Half a mile to Saginaw River, Gladwin County, Town- ship 17 N., Range 2 West, in sections 4, 9, 10, 11. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 28,560 feet of Clear. a SED es are areas 822,640 ‘ Good Common. te Bees sc etata fate ont 731,760 “ Poor Common: se BES Fase. cae ety 498,000 * Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,590,960 feet. Being an average of...............000. 6,629 feet per Acre. FORFEITED CONTRACT. No. 1943. 1421 76-100 Acres. ssl ane eee $5,730 Lying upon the waters of Saginaw River, Gladwin County, Township 17 N., Range 2 West, in sections 1, 2,11, 12, 14 and 15. Township 17 N., Range 1 West, in sections 6. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 343,680 feet of Clear. e EY Fete a oi 2,052,056 * Good Common, i SO Saline sara 3,030,112 “ Fair Common. oe eee eee 4,751,876 Poor Common, Total White Pine,........ 10,177,224 “ Some timber cut leaving an average of....7,107 feet per Acre No LOL? 77-100 Acres... see soca fone $4,070 Half mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Gladwin County, Township 17 N., Range 2 West, in sections 5, 6, 7, 8. Town- ship 18 N., Range 2 West, in sections 81, 32. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,....... 280,692 feet of Clear. a GE arate eave 1,540,755 “ Good Common. 1 ss HO aanee 24,420,460 “ Fair Common. es Se oda oldies 8,818,835 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ....... 8,060,742 feet. te" Vellow: "oases 13,221 *“ Total,....... 8,073,963 Being an average of..............0085 7,939 feet per Acre. No. 196, 2,134 2100 Acres ooo ges snn $10,670. Half mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Gladwin County, Township 18 N., Range 2 West, in sections 19, 20, 29, 30, 31, 32. Township 18 N., Range 3 West, in section 24. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 719,158 feet of Clear. ee Oe atin egies 8,676,882 “ Good Common. fs WO dpicatd gers 5,941,056 “* Fair Common. i Bh learns 8,521,062 Poor Common, Total White Pine,....... ,18,858,158 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 851,466 “ Totals ha sicinoe neers 19,709,624 “ Being an average of........-.-.-+e05 9,286 feet per Acre. No. 19%. 200 Acres___.---------~--- $1,000. One and a halt miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Gladwin County, Township 18 N., Range 2 West, in sections 17, 20, 21. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 149,400 feet of Clear. “ee se sen 544,000 “ Good Common. ste SS hibeer yon dale 736,000 « Fair Common. os SoD gaa aia eiss 980,800 “Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,410,200 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 76,200 “ Total,....esceeeeae e+ +2y486,400 “ Being an average Of.......+-seeeeeees 12,480 feet per Acre. 5 1120 Acres: 2 cosa eee $38920. One-half mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Gladwin County, Township 18 N., Range 2 West, in sections 21, 26, 27, 28, 33. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 277,760 feet of Clear. « REDS Kascaseh Anoka 1,190,560 “ Good Common. se Mey He erie 1,758,400 “ Fair Common. oe BE Ss deter taact 2,584,560 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,761,280 “Yellow “ ...,.... 6,720 * Totaly csacccsasccwenss 5,768,000 “ Being an average Of..............0005 5,150 feet per Acre. No. 199. 200 Acres.....----.----------- $600. Half a mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Gratiot County, Township 11 N., Range 3 West, in sections 20, 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 187,500 feet of Clear. “ fe | 212,500 “ Good Common. ‘Total White Pine,........ 400,000 “* Being an average Of..............0005 2,000 feet per Acre. No. 200. AOU 5 RC yee iene Des eed ee EE $840. One and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Gra- tiot County, Township 12 N., Range 3 West, in sections 28, 29, 32, 33. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 377,500 feet of Clear. ee CO Sebel os 777,500 * Good Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,155,000 “ Being an average of....-...........4. 4125 feet per Acre. a 67 N o- 201. 925 16-100 Acres.--------------- $3,700. One mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 17 N., Range 3 West, in sections 19, 20, 29, 30, 31. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 396,825 feet of Clear. - ens » «2,028,525 “ Good Common. oe Co winamree 3,027,525 “Fair Common. Me Gea tama 4,454,800 “e Poor Common, Total White Pine,...... . 9,907,675 feet. Being an average of.............0005 10,711 feet per Acre. No. 202. $410 (AGIs exec eeeks $2,520. One mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 17 N., Range 3 West, in section 20, 21, 28, 33, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 186,480 feet of Clear. < tH hale gasses 823,200 “ Good Common, “ Bec uperahesle »1,239,000 “ Fair Common, & Cee eg ota aes 1,704,360 “ Poor Common, Total White Pine,........ 3,953,040 “ Being an average Of...,....++-++e00- 4,706 feet per Acre, No. 2038. 560) Ages soo wees cone es $2,560. Half a mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 17 N., Range 3 West, in sections 22, 23, 26, 27. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,....... . 202,160 feet of Clear. Be Se ei asetereeen 858,480 “ Good Common. se Me seca a 1,293,600 “ Fair Common. ss SO eee stas 1,912,400 “ Poor Common, Total, White Pine,........ 4,266,640 “ Being an average Of..........+++++++7,619 feet per Acre. 68 No. 204. 640 Acres_.------_--~-----. $1,920. One and a half a miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 17 N., Range 3 West, in sections 14, 15. LEistimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 168,320 feet of Clear. e Ser ce asnan eats 771,200 “ Good Common. “ Oe cate ceaatann as 1,297,280 “ Fair Common. 2 Se ean ae a 2,112,640 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,349,440 “« Being an average of......... deiedienee 6,796 feet per Acre. No. 205. TOO ACTOS oS Bee aS $2,160, One and a half mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 17 N., Range 3 West, in sections 13, 14, 23, 24. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 133,200 feet of Clear. Oh bhangra ie 707,760 * Good Common. ss EG. cab armahe 1,231,200 “ Fair Common. & Be Seah tata .1,866,960 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,939,120 Being an average Of......... cee ee ees 5,471 feet per Acre. No. 206. 10g UNCNes ase eae eeeSee $2,640. Two and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 17 N., Range 3 West, in sections 10, 11, 12. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,....... . 341,880 feet of Clear. ct Oe er ae AA's 1,301,520 * Good Common. st SOD decade ey 4 2,032,200 “Fair Common. $8 OE dees aus 3,109,920 “Poor Common. Total White Pine, ....... 6,845,520 feet. Being an average of.................5,186 feet per Acre. 69 ' No. 207. O60 Acres. 25 ce ace ceek $2,880. Two and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 17 N., Range 3 West, in sections 8, 9, 17. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 384,000 feet of Clear. “ Se eras hee 2,042,880 Good Common se ese ach leche ine 2,918,400 “ Fair Common. ee Bee aad eet 4,756,800 “ Poor Common Total White Pine,....... 10,102,080 “ Being an average of......... ie sheers 10,523 feet per Acre. No. 208. 598 86-100 Acres_---_---------.- $1,500. Two miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 17 N., Range 3 West, in sections 4, 5. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 140,530 feet of Clear. a6 Or eta aca seats 843,180 * Good Common. es Be erecta eevee 1,356,862 * Fair Common. es SP) Get enna Oe 2,101,872 “ Poor Common. Total White Pitfie,........ 4,441,944 « Being an average of...............08. 7,428 feet per Acre. No. 209. 807 54-100 Acrés...-. = gus cnn $2,420. Half a mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 18 N., Range 3 West, in sections 29, 31, 32. Estimated amount of Lumber: . White Pine,........ 214,255 feet of Clear. “e Se oe aetie 999,873 “ Good Common. ss ee Oe sat catle vali 1,537,335 “ Fair Common. " SEO caer elses ts 1,998,132: “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 4,749,595 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 33,894 * Ustdleieicteverwvesaas 4,783,489 < Being an average of........ ......., 5,920 feet per Acre: No. 210. GOO! AGpG tooo Somscum ees $2,660. Half mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 18 N., Range 3 West, in sections 28, 33. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 187,560 feet of Clear. ce “ Hershaeees% 1,204,600 “ Good Common. ss eee ae arene 1,859,720 “ Fair Common. ze Oo atu deena ee 2,501,160 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,708,040 “ “ Yellow “ .i..... . 115,520 “ | 5,818,560 “ Being an average of...........00005- 7,656 feet per Acre. No, 211, 1160 Acres__---- Be eia ea laste aan $3,480. One mile to the waters of the Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 18 N., Range 3 West, in sections 27, 34, 35, 36. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 134,560 feet of Clear. “ Bde eihds 1,743,480 Good Common. a8 BE on eee ets 2,325,800 * Fair Common. fs BOE sais areas 3,376,760 °% Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 7,580,600 «Yellow: “ sssesess 284,200 “ Total: is-ateuiges 5 7,864,800 Being an average of....... erbeaestet 6,780 feet per Acre. No, 2i2. os BU OWA CRS on eee neem $1,800. Half mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 18 N., Range 3 West, in sections 23, 25, 26. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 480,000 feet of Clear. es Me eae eh eins 561,600 “ Good Common. aS Bee ea aninie as 1,123,400 “ Fair Common. ee Se aati Ba 1,550,400 “ Poor Common, Total White Pine,........ 8,715,400 “ “ Yellow “ ..2.... 21,000 “ Total,........ 3,736,400 “ Being an average of................ .-.6,227 feet per Acre. No. 1101 74-100 Acres__--__-._---__-- $4,410. Half Mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Gladwin and Clare Counties, Township 18 N., Range 3 West, in sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 24, Township 18 N., Range 2 West, in sections 18, 19. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 291,765 feet of Clear. ec cnaneee a 1,987,305 “ Good Common. ve sO eee se 8,198,405 Fair Common. se te eiaaae ane a 4,452,444 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........9,929,919 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 44,040 20.====. Total, ........ 9,973,959 * Being an average of...............04 9,059 feet per Acre. No. 214. B00 CG ies ie eae $500. One mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 17 N., Range 3 West, in section 19. ‘ . Lstimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 238,080 feet of Clear. 3 Ce dela ahs Bata 253,800 “* Good Common. * Oleeaeees 488,000 “ Fair Common. . Had ole depo 556,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,821,600 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 51,000 “* Total, ........1,872,600 “ Being an average of,............0000 6,863 feet per Acre. No. 215. 3101 40-100 Acres__--_.-._---- $4,650. Three Miles to the waters of Au Sable River, Crawford County, Township 27 N., Range 3 West, in sections 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 20,891,437 feet of Clear. se Se eateries . 9,894,823 “ Good Common. BE SEY is Ligerananess 17,644,690 “ Fair Common. us Oe racsral Swine 8,262,252 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 51,192,702 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 489,958 “* Total, ........ 51,682,660 “ Being an average of............0005 16,671 feet per Acre, 72 No. 216. 2864 60-100 Acres__.------------- $4,290. Four miles to the waters of Au Sable River, Crawford County, Township 27 N., Range 3 West, in sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Township 28 N., Range 8 West, in sections 31, 32, 33, 34. Estimated Amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 3,041,568 feet of Clear. st Hee ene Gnes 138,921,904 * Good Common. ey OE fdisk te 7,317,520 “ Fair Common. ee Be eg os .. 4,888,848 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 29,169,840 Being an average of...............045 10,181 feet per Acre. . No. 21%, 1584 66-100 Acres._..__-_-__------ $750. Four miles to the waters of Au Sable River, Crawford County, Township 28 N., Range 3 West, in sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9. : Estimated Amount of Lumber: White Pine,......:. 718,552 feet of Clear. * a SO ecadacehicies 5,770,512 Good Common. et Co cl oteaeas 3,805,808 “ Fair Common. e OOo ag aly end ie 2,160,576 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 11,955,448 * te Yellow. ares chess 1,679,040 * Totaly .acaves 18,634,488 “ Being an average of............. seeee 8,602 feet per Acre. No, 218. 1 o2U RGkese 2 oS 5seaae $330. Five miles to the waters of AuSable River, Otsego County, Township 29 N., Range 3 W., in sections 18, 19, 20, 21,28, 29, 30. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 898,920 feet of Clear. “ MO Beibasaees 8,409,560 “ Good Common. e Se pean wed 2,558,160 “ Fair Common. i foe eee Rear 1,640,760" “ Poor Common. Total White Pine ........ 8,507,400 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 694,320 “ TOtal xcaeacxe 9,201,720 *%* Being an average of ............... ,.6,971 feet per Acre 73 No. 219. 719 90-100 Acres__._.--_-_-_____- $770. Half mile to the waters of Cheboygan River, Cheboygan County, Township 37 N., Range 3 W.., in sections 32 and 33. Estimated amount -of Lumber: Fe White Pine,........ 566,572 feet of Clear. s BE Se sone Gaeta 1,204,325 “ Good Common. * SE Rea dee oie 1,056,211 “ Fair Common. * BE eae sai ah 406,954 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........3,234,062 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 532,779 ; Totaly icsadess 3,766,841 Being an average of............+.006 5,239 feet per Acre. No. 220. 400 DCres gos ase se sow sae $1,800. Two miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Gratiot County, Township 11 N., Range 4 W., in sections 8, and 9. Estimated amount of Lumber. White Pine,........ 314,000 feet of Clear. “ Be Wiscants olarak 1,792,000 “ Good Common Total White Pine,........ 2,106,000 fect. Being an average of.............-.-0005 5,265 feet per Acre. No. 221. 481 68-100 Acres_-------------- $1,450. One and a half miles to Saginaw River, Gratiot County, Township 11'N., Range 4 West, in sections 4, 5. Township 12 N., Range 4 West, in sections 32, 33, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 422,799 feet of Fair Common. . Wes cedilences aoniere 2,780,180 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,202,979 Timber cut on 160 Acres leaving an average of 6,645 feet per Acre. 74 No. 222, DOO Aches ele ait Sie $800. Two miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Gratiot County, Township 12 N., Range 4 West, in section 28, 33. - Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine, ....... 48,000 feet of Clear. oe PT asa ta ata 144,000 “ Good Common. ee tees eee. 866,000 “ Fair Common. = omer arrears 1,488,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,016,000 feet. Being an average of....... pn tinaisiege 10,180 feet per Acre. 120 Acres____.---- B60C. One and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Gra- tiot County, Township 12 N., Range 4 West, in sections 20, 21. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 454,920 feet of Good Common. : are 454,920 “Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 909,840 feet. Being an average Of..............000. 7,582 feet per Acre. No. 224. 500 AChE. ncnkcn mane mmce $2,240. Three and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Gratiot County, Township 12 N., Range 4 West, in sections 22, 23, 26, 27. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,....... 2,560,780 feet of Good Common. es Oe See Mada. 650,160 “ Fair Common. ss OO piv cena 4,108,100 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 7,369,060 feet. Being an average of................. 13,159 feet per Acre. 75 No. 225. 286 16-100 Acres______--_.-~$720. One mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella and Clare Counties, Township 16 N., Range 4 West, in section 5. Township 17 N., Range 4 West, in section 32. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ . 75,790 feet of Clear. a OR staat eae aie 346,346 “ Good Common, te oO? Vaseetshta 486,200 “ Fair Common. « fo see acs » 620,906 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,,...... 1,529,242 feet. s Being an average of.............06. 5,347 feet per Acre. No. 226. 32% 84-100 Acres_.--.-------_--- $650. One mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabellaand Clare Counties, Township 16 N., Range 4 West, in sections 3, 4. Township 17 N.. Range 4 West, in section 34. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 85,040 feet of Clear. " See aeaMcesaaa vane 406,134 “ Good Common. Oveeeeees 458,781 “© Fair Common. “ S peaaes' 498,348 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........1,448,303 feet. Being an average of.............0005- 4,415 feet per Acre, No. 227. 966 61-100 Acres_..._----------- $2,900. One mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella and Clare Counties, Township 16 N., Range 4 West, in sections 1, 2. Township 17 N., Range 4 West, in sections 35, 36. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,.......- 331,388 feet of Clear. as Bee aay eta seamiter 1,916,304 “ Good Common, Bel ered tuations 2,671,956 “Fair Common. Sf Se saasbreowiasees 3,432,198 “ Poor Common. fa Total White Pine,........ 8,351,796 feet. Being an average of...........0eeeees 8,645 feet per Acre. 76 No. 228. S20 ACE acolo ces ce ues $800. Lying on the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 17 N., Range 4 West, in sections 25, 26, 27. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 77,440 feet. of Clear. He CE ace ie 440,320 “ Good Common. ew «714,240 “ Fair Common. se HE! Gea -951,840 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,183,840 teet Being an average of............... .6,824 feet per Acre. No. 229. DoW ROPER ode eae $640. Three miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 17 N., Range 4 West, in sections 11, 12, 13, 14. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 102,400 feet of Clear. eG eh aeean iit 783,680 <* Good Common. + See Las ore taiaige 920,000 “ Fair Common. € cage aa are 1,247,360 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,053,440 feet. Being an average of.............00005 9,542 feet per Acre. No. 230. Col: ee ee ee eae $2,040. Half mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 17 N., Range 4 West, in sections 29, 30, 32. Estimated amount of Lamber : White Pine,........ 116,960 feet of Clear. se ae ee 688,160 <“ Good Common. ie Oe see Soma 1,048,560 “ Fair Common. ef Sh? Sekeatenaeh 1,296,760 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,150,440 feet. “ Yellow “ ......., 569,840 “ es Total,.... . arene Ais 3,720,280 “ Being an average of......... ....... 5,450 feet per Acre. 77 No. 231. 167 32-100 Acrésscn. soc sum eee $2,680. Half mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 17 N., Range 4 West, in sections 19, 20. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 154,167 feet of Clear. Ae ae anew 1,352,988 “ Good Common. es BE uefens tiers . 2,305,602 Fair Common. ut $e eis awe 2,574,052 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........6,386,809 “ “ Yellow “ ........2,434,458 “ Totalpcicvesas ditaleuna 8,821,267 “« e Being an average of .............-005 11,502 feet per Acre. No. 232. 805 66-100 Acres_---_----------- $2,420. One and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 17 N., Range 4 West, in sections 17, 18. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 155,365 feet of Clear. 6 Oe iiaraions . 1,871,720 * GoodCommon. ee U Ganinis 2,355,430 Fair Common. * fe daa a 2,621,080 *“ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,503,595 * “ Yellow “ ........1,295,245 “ Total,s scacccc este ves 7,798,840 ‘ Being an average Of.........--05-. ees 9,688 feet per Acre. No. 23. L981 S200 Avres sue ssseeae $4,830. Two and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 17 N., Range 4 West, in section 7, 8, 9, 10. m4 Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 320,546 feet of Clear. se We she SRS 2,500,645 Good Common. 6 cee e 4,477,989 “ Fair Common. & Me sala inte 5,793,000 Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 13,092,180 “ “ Yellow “ ........8,039,394 ‘ Total,...... ceceeeee 16,131,574 “ Being an average of...,....... ieee es 8,358 feet per Acre, 78 No, 234, 882 03-100 Acres..---.---------- $2,420, Three miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 17 N., Range 4 West, in sections 5, 6. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 109,368 feet of Clear. te Be ae sin 1,187,172 “* Good Common, ee ME cas oi Berint 2,468,426 Fair Common. is CO gainele teiahar’ 3,341,898 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 7,101,864 “ Yellow “ ........ 4,975,362 °“ Total occ vs cous ees s12,077,226 Being an average of,...............005 13,693 feet per Acre. No. 235. PL OaE UD ACPO rece eration $1,380. Three and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 17 N., Range 4 West, in sections 8, 4. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 128,424 feet of Clear. te OO cake lb ab 1,009,983 “ Good Common. SS cs aeadiad ane: 8,858,653 “ Fair Common. & SH aie aeons 2,343,403 * Poor Common. Total} White Pine,........ 7,835,463 * *& Yellow “ sisvaess 1,963,213 * Totaly: si nase es scnk - - «9,298,676 * Being an average of.................. 16,876 feet per Acre. No. 236. 551 54-100 Acres__--_--- geet oenee $880. Three and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 18 N., Range 4 West, in sections 30, 31. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,....... , 122,873 feet of Clear. ct Op bee 817,684 “ Good Common. “ 8h sarees 1,316,890 “ Fair Common. ue OE” a hse cs atlas 1,693,223 ° Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,950,670 « “ Yellow “ ....,.... 504,706 “ Notices w pricuivaie 4,455,376“ Being an average of................005 8,071 feet per Acre. 4 79 No. 23%, LOO Ores ea $400. Four miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 18 N., Range 4 West, in section 33. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 42,400 feet of Clear. ; = Oe nic at eeaenie 400,000 “ Good Common. re Be se emue Tas 820,000 “ Fair Common. " SE Aaa aller 1,016,000 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,278,400 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 452,960 “ TOtal, vsieics gcd ees ++ ++2,781,360 “ Being an average of........... acanatensnate 17,071 feet per Acre. No. 238. 160 Acres..--..------.-- $240, Five miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 18 N., Range 4 West, in section 28. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 42,240 feet of Clear. * Ses tasa gece cans 257,760 “ Good Common, ee a ocaleancd 427,520 * Fair Common. me Be lel buacaue 500,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,227,520 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 370,560 “ Detalsecwieeel saw 1,598,080 « Being an average of.............0..-4., 9,988 feet per Acre. No, 239. WOU SONCR siae caidas $1,900 Three and half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 18 N., Range 4 W., in sections 34, 36, 36. ; Estimated amount of Lumber. White Pine,........ 99,560 feet of Clear. ee te as ealarcei 1,041,209 ‘ Good Common. i See eae eaten 2,018,560 ‘ Fair Common. st ESS eiade ergeeade 2,362,080. ‘“ Poor Common. Total White Pine,...... 5,521,400 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 3,150,200 “* Total,........ 8,671,600 “ Being an average of................ 11,410 feet per Acre. NGteiewe a oeeeccee Peenae $1,800 Two miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 18 N,, Range 4 W., in sections 25, 26, 27. Estimated amount of Lumber. White Pine,........ 43,200 feet of Clear. ee MES absdib: inate . 797,040 “ Good Common. uf BE AS a Valet ta 1,788,489 “Fair Common. wg eee oe 6 2,167,209 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ....... 4,795,920 feet. “ Yellow “ ....... 3,577,680 Total,... ... 8,873,600 “ Being an average of...............055 11,577 feet per Acre. No. 241. 582 35-100 Acres___._-..---.---- $1,450. Three miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 18 N., Range 4 W., in sections 23, 24. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,..... -.. 92,588 feet of Clear. ne oe eee od 700,146 ‘ Good Common. ts Oe seaside 1,238,676 “Fair Common. ee EE singed ce tite 1.620,870 “Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,652,230 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 1,949,118 * Totalysaa nets’ 5,601,348 * Being an average of................05 9,624 feet per Acre. No, 242, P00 NCES. op ectan Sos Sse $1,520. Three and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 18 N., Range 4 W., in sections 13, 14. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 76,760 feet of Clear. ru MO ase Sw ae) 9B,000"- * Good Common. se OO sg eauarnela ys 1,494,160 « Fair Common. gs... 1,988,920 & Poor Common. Total White Pine,........4,357,840 “ “ Yellow “ ... ...2,164,480 Total,...... Steen eens 6,522,320 * Being an average of...........+..++0+++8,582 feet per Acre. 81 No, 2438. TOD AG eee aia $80. Five and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 18 N., Range 4 West, in section 3. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,....... . 17,120 feet of Clear. a EET wa tegat a . 92,320 “ Good Common is Ret” Aue siaceack te 174,080 «Fair Common. se BO ug anaes 216,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 499,520 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 134,880 “ Total,....... 634,400 “ Being an average of............00000- 3,965 feet per Acre. No. 244. B20 AGT Giese Seat $400. Four and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 18 N., Range 4 West, in sections 2, 11, 12. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 18,240 feet of Clear. ee OO gare ves 261,440 “ Good Common. ee See ardtane Weal 503,860 ‘“ Fair Common. = Sn Cena ak eet 639,360 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,422,400 “ Mellow sdicri es 1,375,680 “ TSE og heh oer nccen tate 2,798,080 “ Being an average of...........e0e0ee 8,724 feet per Acre. No. 245. 884 28-100 Acres.--------------- $770. Three and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 18 N., Range 4 West, in sections 1, 12; Township 18 N., Range 3 West, in sections 6, 7. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 77,568 feet of Clear. eh Es crxraren Seas 522,624 * Good Common. nt Be alee ry ate 912,768 “ Fair Common. ee Oe Os ate . 1,180,082 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,692,992 “ Yellow “ ...,..... 749,568 “ DPOtAN yes setae Boruc 3,442,560 “ Being an average of...... dg ws ye EE 8,965 feet per Acre. 6 82 No. 246. 615 90-100 Acrés..-..-.2..----+ $600. One mile to the waters of Muskegon River, Roscommon County, Township 22 N., Range 4 West, in sections 18, 14, 22, 24, : Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 85,485 feet of Clear. " Me Speen 1,015,980 “ Good Common. e OE estate Gin 8 1,015,980 « Fair Common. Total White Pine,,....... 2,117,445 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 17,835 Tatil ciiiwiouis 2,135,280 “ Being an average of.......... 0.00 ee eee 3,463 feet per Acre. No. 247. LACS T6100 GGreOS sens wee oeeouse $1,440. Two miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Roscommon County, Township 22 N., Range 4 West, in sections 8, 9, 10, 4, 1%, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 419,913 feet of Clear. ss ree 2,528,136 “ Good Common. Be saacitaces 2,852,166 “ Tair Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,780,215 feet. “Yellow asides 470,418 “ Total,........ 6,250,633 % Being an average of...............4.. 4,328 feet per Acre. No. 248. 1220 46-100 Acreg. ui. oo sae eeiee $1,230. Half a miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Roscom- mon County, Township 22 N., Range 4 West, in sections 2, 3,4; Township 23 N., Range 4 West, in section 32, 38. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 778,720 feet of Clear. ee OY Baewiewians 2,941,280 “ Good Common, Bee Ree ea 3,511,680 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 7,231,680 ‘ « Yellow “ ........ 431,520 “ otal tcasacareceeace 7,663,200 « Being an average Of..............00 005 6,180 feet per Acre. 83 No. 249. DAO ACTOR so oa eS $560. One mile to Manistee River, Crawford County, Township 27 N., Range 4 West, in sections 20, 21. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,....... . 69,840 feet of Clear. c fe eae wna 1,050,000 «“ Good Common. & te desea aha ie 628,800 “ Fair Common. « We eat eins 456,000 ‘“ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,204,640 “ Yellow “ ........ 3,282,480 <“ Potal pwc sewer seaweeds 5,487,120 “ Being an average of..............00. 22,863 feet per Acre, No. 250. BOO ROTEse ios mins om $1,160. Half mile to Au Sable River, Crawford County, Town- ship 27 N., Range 4 West, in sections 3, 10, 11, 15, 22. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 183,680 feet of Clear. s OOo" peels $5 5,196,800 “ Good Common, ee CO beace hie 3,365,600 * Fair Common, eG Sala Was 1,954,400 Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 10,700,480 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 3,794,560 * Stal ou aedeeuwenweas 14,495,040 “ Being an average of..............4. 25,884 feet per Acre, No, 251, SOO Aes ese ease $620. Half a mile to Au Sable River, of Lake Huron Crawford ‘County, Township 27 N., Range 4 West, in sections 2, 11, 23, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,..... ‘... 288,000 feet of Clear. ee EOY aatshienare eee 8,420,000 “ Good Common, s& Rh os eagaieees .1,782,000 “ Fair Common, “6 MON seecige eae can 1,065,240 ‘6 Poor Common. ‘Total White Pine,........ 6,555,240 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 864,680 “ Total,........ 6,919,920 *% Being an average of..,... ...... . . 49.222 feet per Acre, 84 No. 252. L000) eres 2 ps a een $1,670. ‘ One mile to Manistee River, Crawford County, Township 28 N., Range 4 West, in sections 31, 32, 33. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 365,000 feet of Clear. OF Ae boaiesiene . 3,097,000 ‘“ Good Common. i Be label eee s 1,637,000 “ Fair Common. ee Be ibaa wna. 1,052,000 ‘ Poor Common. ' Total White Pine,........ 6,151,000 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 4,718,000 *“ Total,........ 10,869,000 feet. Being an average of............. ,...10,869 feet per Acre, Good Mill privilege on River. Gl0 Ares. 5 ee Soe $1,070. Half a mile to Manistee River, Crawford County, Town- ship 28 N., Range 4 West, in sections 29, 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 316,480 feet of Clear. “ BOF aig Suesaks Si 3,084,800 “ Good Common. es Or elesert cata 1,785,600 “Fair Common. a Mt gales 1,015,680 “Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,202,560 feet. “ Yellow “ ......., 2,182,400 « Totalysscccau' 8,384,960 Being an average of................. 13,101 feet per Acre. No. 254. G40 AGree oi oig Sec $980. Half a mile to Manistee River, Crawford County, Town- ship 28 N., Range 4 West, in sections 19, 20. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine, ....... 48,000 feet of Clear. «e Se Sudeesteases 2,049,760 “ Good Common, t Sem ha enipaaRe 1,144,320 “Fair Common. ef aE ae .-. 853,760 “ Poor Common, Total White Pine,..... .. 4,095,840 feet. “ Yellow “ ....... .2,702,080 * Total,....... .6,797,920 “ Being an average of ....,........0055 10,622 feet per Acre, 85 No. 255. TBO UANCUES eta aus $860. Half a mile to Manistee River, Crawford County, Town- ship 28 N., Range 4 West, in sections 17, 18. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 121,600 feet of Clear. White Pine,...,....3,150,960 feet of Good Common. te se vee ee ee 1,908,360 “Fair Common. eh sree eee + 1,482,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,662,920 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 3,212,520 « ; Total,........9,875,440 “ Being an average of ........... .....12,994 feet per Acre, | No. 256. WOO AOl CB ccceie te om cae $800. Halfa mile to Manistee River, Crawford County, Town- ship 28 N., Range 4 West, in sections 7, 8. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 41,800 feet of Clear. es eee vee 01,593,720 * Good Common. fe Be real aaa ae 1,142,280 “Fair Common. a A a can ee 844,360 “ Poor Common, TotalyWhite Pine, ....... 3,622,160 feet. Yellow © vacsaces 1,795,120 “ Total,........ 5,417,280 Being an average of......... at cas aa 7,120 feet per Acre, No. 257. 558 65-100 Acres_------.----_--- $670. f &Half a Mile to Manistee River, Crawford County, Town- ship 28 N., Range 4 West, in sections 5, 6. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 55,800 feet of Clear. 7 BO a sateen 1,348,294 “« Good Common, «s OG taeiayeelas 1,016,596 “ Fair Common. oe BON sauce tere 1,057,410 <* Poor Common, Total White Pine,........ 3,473,100 feet. & Yellow © asnadess 1,097,028 “ Total, ccncass 4,570,128 Being an average of........-.+eeeeeee 8,166 feet per Acre. 86 No. 258. 940 Actes awe esas wees een $240. Half a mile to Au Sable River, of Lake Huron, Crawford County, Township 28 N., Range 4 West, in sections 16, 27. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 240,000 feet of Clear. sf ho ewer es 1,650,000 “ Good Common. ee 6 eee es 630,000 “ Fair Common. es Ea Cea caat 8 497,520 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,017,520 feet. Being an average of...... assure eRe 12,573 feet per Acre. No. 259. 480 Acres__--_----------- $480. Half a mile to Au Sable River of Lake Huron, Crawford County, Township 28 N., Range 4 West, in sections 13, 14, 23. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 439,680 feet of Clear. a tee pussiuagale 2,400,000 * Good Common. ee CO ian eer tase . 1,276,800 “« Fair Common, sf EO) Ge alEAS 894,240 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 5,010,720 feet. Being an average Of............0.00 10,489 feet per Acre. No. 260. 240 Acres__-._--._---__-- $300. Half a mile to Manistee River, Otsego County, Township 29 N., Range 4 West, insection 32. ‘ Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 96,000 feet Clear. # EV ethashncmee 450,000 feet of Good Common. ee tO sas eteyel dhol 342,960 “Fair Common. eS OO eae Ade ele 231,120 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,120,080 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 134,400 “ Tatdlyas cases. 1,254,480 « Being an average of............4.. 5,243 feet per Acre, 760 Acres Half a mile to Manistee River, Otsego County, Town- ship 29 N. Range 4 West, in sections 28, 29. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 418,000 feet of Clear. ee Me aan ee 2,512,560 “ Good Common. st ee . 1,658,820 Fajr Common. s nie eas a8 1,343,680 % Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,932,560 ee Yellow 6 sss sees 536,560 Gil su awsw sane sues 6,469,120 « Being an average of................ 8,512 feet per Acre. No, 262, LAA0 Benes oe coe neh $2,300. ‘One and a quarter miles to Manistee River, Otsegu County, Township 29 N., Range 4 West, in sections 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine, 855,360 feet of Clear. ¢ a a eee 2. 25,352,480 Good Common. ee BE Oe aye aan 3,168,000 “ Fair Common. ne ROO alana’ 2,147,040 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 11,522,880 “ “ Yellow “ ....... .2,479,680 otal hi cca adieu 14,002,560. “ Being an average of 9,753 feet per Acre. . No. 2638. 583 28-100 Acres Three miles to Manistee River, Otsego County, Township 29 N., Range 4 West, in sections 4, 5, 6. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine, . -es.e-- 887,389 feet of Clear. 6 ss es saat as 1,995,026. * Good Common. ss COD aan Sita 1,168,332 * Fair Common. st GES + GaNeteecriy 627,899 “« Poor Common. — Total White Pine,........4,128,646 Being an average of 66 7,082 feet per Acre ¢ 88 No. 264. 854 72-100 Acreg___-___.__--___- $430. Four and a half miles to Au Sable River, of Lake Huron, Otsego County, Township 29 N., Range 4 West, in sections 35, 36. Township 28 N., Range 4 West, in section 1. Town- ship 29 N., Range 3 West, in section 31. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 614,026 feet of Clear. ie CO pega 4,867,800 “ Good Common. e Oe ge Weainaes 3,197,376 “ Fair Common. Oe og See eats -2,025,688 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 10,704,890 “* Being an average of.... ............ 12,520 feet per Acre. No. 265. DBO ACRES en earnossoce aus $400. Four miles to Au Sable River, of Lake Huron, Otsego County, Township 29 N., Range 4 West, in sections, 22, 23, 26, 27, 34, 35. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 552,160 feet of Clear. “ HO ahtie ats Ne 2,869,440 “* Good Common. ee Oe wetter 1,768,480 “* Fair Common. es Sarin 1,263,360 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,453,440 feet. “Yellow “ ........ 348,320 “ Totals sissies 6,801,760 “ Being an average of.............0005 6,073 feet per Acre. No, 266. 800 69-100 Acres____.-_________- $450. _ Lying upon the Cheboygan River, Emmet County, Town- ship 36 N., Range 4 West, in sections 2, 3, 4,10, 11, 12. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 388,800 feet of Clear. et HS. * “Mata uate 733,600 “ Good Common. a SE” watlere Ghai 476,800 ‘¢ Fair Common. ee tee sae mere 136,000 “ Poor Common. ‘Lotal White Pine, ........ 1,735,200 feet. Being an average of................. 2,194 feet per Acre. Considerable Hemlock. & 960 Acres___._-_--________ $1,560. Half a mile to Cheboygan River, Emmet County, Town- ship 37 N., Range 4 West, in sections 28, 29, 32, 33. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine, ae aeesatetans 1,571,520 feet of Clear. SR apts dae 2,431,680 “ Good Common. ss eee eee 1,481,280 “Fair Common. ee brie? espa ton statis 712,320 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 6,196,800 feét. Being an average of.............0000. 6,455 feet per Acre, No. 268. 880 Acres_...-_-----.---- - $1,070. One and a half miles to Cheboygan River, Emmet County, Township 37 N., Range 4 West, in sections 27, 28, 33, 34 ; Estimated amount of Lumber :: White Pine,........ 955,680 feet of Clear. & tee Addu alila Sah 1,642,080 “ Good Common. as BSE? setter haatataie Ge 1,207,360 “ Fair Common. tf eet... 644,160 « Poor Common. Total White Pine,........4,449,280 feet. se Yellow “ ........ 171,600 “ Mitac erat eakagewes 4,620,880 “ Being an average of........ 5,251 feet per Acre. No. 269. SOU Meneses eae Se $1,320. Half a mile to Cheboygan River, Emmet County, Town. hip 37 N., Range 4 West, in sections, 25, 26, 35, 36. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,028,720 feet of Clear. “ 60 ae ww as 1,840,960 “ Good Common. ‘ CO SS aa 1,598,960 “Fair Common. ne (Oe Pea ke 623,040 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,091,680 feet. "Yellow “ wsaneee 979, ‘340 Total,........ 5,371,520 et Being an average of.............55: 6,104 feet per Acre. 90 No. 2'70. 900 Acres____-------- ee $800. Three miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 5 West, in sections 27, 28, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 146,600 feet of Clear. ee Se gibtate nna 177,400 “© Good Common. ef Oe heehee 214,000 “Fair Common. a SO Oe sha aa eae 262,000 “ Poor Common. Total White’Pine,........ 800,000 feet. Being an average of ............c0eee 4,000 feet per Acre. No. 271. 160 Acres__..-_-_-___-- $640. One and a half mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 5 West, in sec- tion 26. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 12,800 feet of Clear. 6 OO Sarieidg anaes 112,000 “ Good Common. ss SES head sear 296,000 “ Fair Common. ae Sh acd aie atare ce 680,000 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,100,800 “ Being an average of..............06. 6,880 feet per Acre. 1 No. 2713. P00 PeOneRL ace omens $100. Lying upon the waters of Saginaw River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 5 West, in sections 12, 13. Pine timber cut off under a contract.—Fair farming land. LO AR ase eed ads $6,160. One mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 14 N., Range 5 West in sections 12, 14, 15, 22, 23. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 1,074,080 feet of Clear. ee BO yates erases 2,252,220 Good Common. 8 Ee eae ta ea 8,181,920 Fair Common. is BE eto eso 4,566,240 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 11,074,460 * Being an average of...........4. ...9,888 feet per Acre. G60 ACTOS oe oe ce een $1,680. Two miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 14 N., Range 5 West, in sections 3, 4, 9- Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 283,360 feet of Clear. . Oh traeGaranedt vale 437,760 Good Common. ef Oe Lil doteatetens 626,880 “ Fair Common. se SO beget are 849,600 “ Poor Common.. Total White Pine,........ 2,197,600 ‘“ Being an average of....... Stactavinanags 4,578 feet per Acre. No. 274. UO) Rie eee $5,200. Half mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 14 N., Range 5 W., in sections 7, 8, 17, 21. ' Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 672,000 feet of Clear. (74 elated ivac' .2,018,600 “ Good Common. se te kinda .8,494,400 “ Fair Common. * eee ee 15y454,400 Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 11,634,400 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 224,800 * Totalyeccgcewensewines 11,859,200 ‘“ Being an average of.............020- 14,824 feet per Acre. No. 2°75. CBO AiCTeS otc $4,080. Half a mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 14 N., Range 5 West, in sections 5, 6, 7, 8, Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 512,040 feet of Clear. “ee se beak Vitae 1,567,400 “ Good Common. es Be ane na 2,535,040 * Fair Common. oe ... 8,864,400 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 8,478,880 feet. “Yellow “ ....... 223,720 °% Total,..... wevseeees+8,702,600 “ Being an average of...............12,797 feet per Acre, 92 : No. 276. 1 bG0 Athessisuceoncs. cee $6,240. Two and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isa- bella County, Township 16 N., Range 5 West, in sections 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine........ 522,600 feet of Clear. Oe i atele Bias 6,311,760 “ Good Common. = Ot sesinantgias 2,751,840 « Fair Common. Oe Soloed babii a 218,400 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........9,804,600 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 1,477,320 “ Totaly s-ieweare 11,281,920 “ Being an average of...... .. saienetarn ne 7,232 feet per Acre. No. 277. O20 Acres. ioe essen $3,680. Three and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 16 N., Range 5 West, in sections 17, 20, 21. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 617,840 feet of Clear. s mee sereatacetiand 6,247,720 “ Good Common. " oe shes +. 809,600 « Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 7,675,160 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 176,640 “ Pobal pact a aM 7,851,800 “ z Being an average of..............0055 8,534 feet per Acre No. 278. A432 54-100 Acres__..__.-..---.-- $1,080. Two and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 16 N., Range 5 West, in sections 18, 19. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 96,336 feet of Clear. ae Se soe eee Dea 1,023,840 <“ Good Common ss Me eee deg 682,128 “ Fair Common, BE (Ss eacasenegts 656,640 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,458,944 “ Being an average of.............0005 5,679 feet per Acre. No 1,050 82-100 Acres Four and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 16 N., Range 5 West, in sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,547,700 feet of Clear. & Oe gem halees 8,383,200 “ Good Common. SO gua eee 1,526,700 ‘“ Fair Common. Total White Pine,....... 11,457,600 “ “« Yellow “ ...... . 56,700 “ Mate eeu aa 11,514,300“ Being an average of........... .....10,955 feet per Acre. No. 280. 1047 19-000 Acres... 3.2. seco $4,190. Four miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 16 N., Range 5 West, in sections 5, 8, 9, 17. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,680,179 feet of Clear. se SO aeae ae an 7,069,344 * Good Common. ee SOO eh aakigatatg 1,377,852 * Fair Common. Total White Pine,....... 10,077,375 “ Yellow “ ...,.... 552,816 “ Dela os .eeaeeduys 10,630,191 “ Being an average of.............. ....10,153 feet per Acre. No. 281. L888 14-100 Acres... .--ssece ee $3,340. One mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella and Clare Counties, Township 16 N., Range 5 West, in sections 2, 3; Township 17 N., Range 5 West, in sections 34, 35, 36. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine, ee te 272,952 feet of Clear. A ae glee 2,294,670 Good Common. “ (Odean eee 8,854,866 “ Fair Common. & OS usar eres 4,171,884 <“ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 10,093,872 ‘ “ Yellow “ ........2,556,918 “ Total,..g....0--200++12,650,790 Being an average of...........0++..+++9,455 feet per Acre. 94 N o. 282. 1,083 90-100 Acres .--------------- $2,700. Two and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Clare County, Township 17 N., Range 5 West, in sections 2, 3, 11. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 220,355 feet of Clear. a Me erated avese 1,653,741 “ Good Common. & pes octet eiaitens 8,869,559 “ Fair Common. a iS" eae welt 3,581,481 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 9,325,136 ‘“ “ Yellow “ ........ 3,034,566 “* TOtiad a: sco ask nceoe: aces 12,859,702 Being an average of...........-.. ....11,402 feet per Acre, No. 283. B00 ACCS ants on ace Gece $1,600. Half a mile to the waters of Muskegon River, Missaukee County, Township 22 N., Range 5 West, in sections 27, 28 29, 32, 33. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 394,400 feet of Clear. ‘ Be piace eine 1,118,400 Good Common. ee ee ee 2,050,400 “ Fair Common. se CO ree eieee 120,800 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 8,684,000 “ ¢ Yellow “ siccewews 344,000 “ etal cepa eeceesee 24,028,000 “ Being an average of... .... ee eee e ee eee 5,035 feet per Acre, Oo. 284. £832 87-100 Acres_--~.-------$1, 500. One and a half miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Mis- saukee County, Township 22 N., Range 5 West, in sections 17, 18, 19, 20, 30. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 440,960 feet of Clear. te eidmadanes 1,644,864 . Good Common. “ OO @stihawe 2,298,816 Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,384,640 “ i . Being an average Of.......... cee eee 5,270 feet per Acre. 95 No. 285. 493 35-100 Acres__..._..__-___._ $860. Lying upon the Muskegon River, Missaukee County, Township 22 N., Range 5 West, in sections 14, 22, 23, 26, 27. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 247,486 feet of Clear. - BUS rsa an/e 872,089 * Good Common. “ EE) icant 969,731 <* Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,089,306 “ Yellow “ ... .... 146,914 « Wotilyisse’. seeeviect 2,236,220 Being an average of........ SD ma ses 4,536 feet per Acre. No, 286. 400 Acres Lying upon the Muskegon River, Missaukee County, Town- ship 22 N., Range 5 West, in sections 10, 11,14, 15. Estimated amount of Lnmber: White Pine,........ 145,600 feet of Clear. es Se Sseale alana 496,800 “ Good Common. a BO ocala ern tat 620,000 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,262,400 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 17,200 “ Dota «esas eed eyo dees gh 1,279,600 ‘ Being an average of....,.........- 3,199 feet per Acre. ~ No. 287. 200 ACES . - ec os- wenn ase $470. Quarter of a mile to Manistee River, Kalkaska County, Township 27 N., Range 5 West, in sections 22, 27. Estimated amount of LInmber: White Pine,........ 245,000 feet of Clear. ss CC gawa ees 880,000 “ Good Common. . OO opine aires 5(0,000 “ Fair Common. AO wala naed 562,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,187,000 feet. te Yellow ase yad ae 1,104,400 ‘“ Tatal oases oneness 3,291,400 * Being ‘an average of....... iia oes 16,457 feet per Acre, 96 No. 288. 659 86-100 Acres. oc cccemeewe wn $1,740. One and a half miles to Manistee River, JKalkaska County, Township 26 N., Range 5 West, in sections 7, 18, 19. Township 26 N., Range 6 West, in sections 13, 24. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 2,033,588 feet of Clear. se CO sisadh sae 4,004,812 “ Good Common. ee ae 2,588,236 ‘© Fair Common. “6 CEU aa eh 2,456,084 “© Poor Common. Total, : ose wees sew 11,082,720 feet. Being an average of...............4. 16,972 feet per Acre. No. 289. GOO AGheS cue ae ee oes $1,600. Two miles to Manistee River, Kalkaska County, Town- ship 26 N., Range 5 West, in sections 17, 18, 19. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 2,434,800 feet of Clear. 7 Bes (alte ited 4,773,600 “ Good Common. “ MS AeA wees 3,109,800 “Fair Common. et Se Keanekeres 2,217,000 “~~ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 12,535,200 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 1,881,800 “ Totilse sues 13,917,000 “ Being an average of....... imCaidiahe Sun ogee 23,195 feet. per Acre. No. 290. T18 25-100 Actress cc nncsenun $1,450. Two miles to Manistee River, Kalkaska County, Town- ship 26 N., Range 5 West, in sections 4, 5, 8, 9. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,094,232 feet of Clear. “ Se pea 3,233,154 * Good Common. “ OE ees waa ae 2,393,812 * Fair Common. . BOS i hd ee ah 1,461,130 “* Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 8,182,328 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 96,094 “* otal sas aaseinss -.. 8,278,422 Being an average of....... soeeee 11,529 feet per Acre, 97 No, 291. 834 99-100 Acres_...---.--.- $1,670. Two miles to Manistee River, Kalkaska County, Town- ship 26 N., Range 5 West, in sections 3, 4, 9. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........1283,486 feet of Clear. ee Oey fx o aepeurches 8,823,490 “ Good Common. “6 Cen Gaal 1,894,014 “ Fair Common. nf SED coPonarns aha 1,581,264 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 8,032,254 feet. “ Yellow “ ..... »..2,526,186 “ ROtal, ¢ crete vee ees 10,558,440 “ Being an average of........... .....12,645 feet per Acre. No. 292, $40 ACTOS 46 come ae aac $1,480. Two and a half miles to Manistee River, Kalkaska County, Township 27 N., Range 5 West, in sections 32, $2, 34, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 603,960 feet of Clear. eS OR eats ese 3,722,880 * Good Common. ee OO eae seca 2,297,440 “ Fair Common. eae UE «eae utatetd 1,821,960 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 8,446,240 feet. “ Yellow “ ....... 2,176,440 “ itil tn enact this 10,622,680 “ Being an average of..........6..00> 12,646 feet per Acre. No, 293. 1,293 40-000 Acres__.._---_..- $1,940. . Three miles to Manistee River, Kalkaska County, Town- ship 27 N., Range 5 West, in sections 20, 21, 29, 30, 31. _ Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,351,185 feet of Clear. se ds... 5,199,153 | Good Common. S BD bed eae te 8,235,086 “ Fair Common. - fo paws ae 2,584,707 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 12,370,131 feet. “ Yellow “ ...... .. 4,962,273 % Total, via seca ie 3 317,832,404 “ Being an average ‘of............005 13,400 feet per Acre, 7 98 No, 294, 1,600 Acres.--------------- $3,200. Three and a half miles to Manistee River, Kalkaska County, Township 27 N., Range 5 West, in sections 15, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 2,460,800 feet of Clear. ee te eee 11,928,000 “ Good Common. ee Se ae avenue 6,508,800 “ Fair Common. 7 «& 2. ....5,813,600 “Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 26,211,200 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 6,518,600 Total,....... 82,724,800 ‘ Being an average of.............--- 20,453 feet per Acre. No, 295. 407 2-100 Acres_-.--.---------- $640. Three and and ahalf miles to Manistee River, Kalkaska County, Township 27 N., Range 5 West, in sections 18, 19. Township 27 N. , Range 6 West, in section 24. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,.. ... 253,561 feet of Clear. CRO SeDracatenncess 1,975,416 “ Good Common. f ODS coicahe? State 1,237,280 “« Fair Common. ss fe clas dcavaeas 920,634 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,386,891 feet. eo Yellow sounds 2,464,385 “ Totaly 2 sdiagraswaadiedses 6,851,276 *“ Being an average Of. ......... cece ences 16,838 feet per Acre. No, 296. L146 99-100 Acres won se sone sen $730. Five miles to the waters of Manistee River, Kalkaska County, Township 27 N., Range 5 West, in sections 5, 6, 7, 8.17, 18. Township 27 N,, Range 6 West, in sections 12, 13, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 468,714 feet of Clear. : ae ie elvtaastoutine 7,190,004 « Good Common. My SESS Gaus acallivdiave 4,329,588 ‘“ Fair Common. se ES) sbecinite es 2,899,380 Poor Common. Total White Pine... ...14,887,686 feet. se Wellow “© exsacscies 5,817,440 * Total,.......20,205,126 “ Being an average eee Hise was 17,631 feet per Acre. 99 No. 29%. $89°3100 Acar... ic ccgncuay $560. Five miles to Manistee River, Kalkaska County, Township 27 N., Range 5 West, in sections 8, 9, 17. Estimated amount of lumber: \ White Pine,........ 289,455 feet of Clear. £6 BE ig Seheaavenia 2,776,251 Good Common. se ety Rare 1,655,347 “ Fair Common, % Rees euaelat tides 1,030,292 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,751,345 feet. “ Yellow “ ........1,672,127 « Total,.... ... 7,428,472 Being an average of..............0085 8,848 feet per Acre. No, 298. 764 5-100 Acres._--.---.------- $2,420. Five and one half miles to Flat River, Montcalm Connty Township 11 N., Range 6 West, in sections 31, 32, 33. Estimaied amount of Lumber: * White Pine,........ 538,620 feet of Clear. S SO estes tatecad 1,551,684 “ Good Common, s BO secorbaer ae 2,831,728 ‘ Fair Common. s AS dass wea ada. 4,838,756 ‘“ Poor Common, Total White Pine,........ 8,760,788 feet. Being an average of...............0565 11,467 feet per Acre, Adjoining county seat of Montcalm County. No. 299. SA) PROVOR ace Ei ts $640. Five and and half miles to Flat River Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 6 West, in sections 21, 28, 29. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 656,000 feet Good Common. ee SO oy aed aidnee 952,000 “ Fair Common. e SO cc cplagtaeey 2,064,000 “ Poor Common, ‘Total White Pine,........ 3,672,000 feet. Being an average Of....,....eee ee eeee 11,475 feet per Acre, 100 No. 300. OC PCRS coche aie rides Half a mile to Fish Creek, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 6 West, in section 36. Estimated amount of Lumber: 23,920 feet of Clear. White Pine,........ «6 SE po aay betes esas 579,800 “ Good Common. st SE seas Votre 579,800 Fair Common. #¢ Bo Nachle 1,159,600 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........2,163,200 feet. Being an average of................ 4,100 feet per Acre, No. 30l. BaU BOP Saccecnccee aos $1,100 Two miles to Fish Creek, Montcalm County, Town. ship 11 N., Range 6 W, in sections 26, 27, 34. Estimated amount of Lumber: 119,520 feet of Clear. White Pine,........ ‘es Or ere Reais _ 903,600 ‘“¢ Good Common. ef Oe A savaberterenlt ei 1,800,000 “Fair Common. ec Boe Nohara 4,680,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,......... 7,503,120 feet. Being an average of.......... 00.005, 10,421 feet per Acre. No. 302. SU EE ea tele $1,800 Half a mile to Fish Creek, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 6 West, in sections 24, 25, 26, Estimated amount of Lumber: 471,600 feet of Clear. White Pine,........ “ BP olar aarti 1,719,360 Good Common. «$s Be ca secvcaye + 3,194,640 ¢ Fair Common: fe Se hie weiontiie 4,079,520 “ Poor Common, Total White Pine ......., 9,465,120 feet. Being an average of.........,....., -13,116 feet per Acre 101 No. 308. 480 Acres_....---.---------- $900. One mile to Fish Creek, Montcalm County, Township 11 N,, Range 6 W., in sections 23, 24. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 183,840 feet of Clear. ss Se Sinbad 1,191,840 *“ Good Common. &6 Sh tiaaaelt .1,695,840 “ Fair Common. ee Me nave ceved 3,560,160 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,631,680 feet. Being an average of.......... ..+.+18,816 feet per Acre. No. 304. L196: 39-100 Actes coco cssncesennes $2,400. Five miles to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 6 West, in sections 4, 5, 6, 7. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,..... »++1,7386,835 feet of Clear. . EROS 4,861,750 * Good Common. es Reale sims 5,019,000 * Fair Common, vee 6,836,595 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 17,953,680 feet. Being an average Of... cc. ee eeceeeees 15,024 feet per Acre, No. 305. 2,199 41-100 Acres.o-..-2-.c-2506 $4,300. Four and a half miles to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 6 West, in sections 30, 31, 32, 33; Township 12 N., Range 7 West, in sections 25, 36. Estimated amount of Lumber :. White Pine,........ 1,622,080 feet of Clear. es Sen seateuatamsreuets 6,157,328 * Good Common. “ See aig a diview a 8,421,664 * Fair Common. “ BOS Sg aieudiges 10,121,424 * Poor Common, Total White Pine,....... 26,322,496 feet Being an average Of...........00085 12,013 feet per Acre. BGO Aierer cet canes aa lee $580. Three anda half miles to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 6 West, in sections 8, 17, 18.. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 612,080 feet of Clear. se Te atelaal wet 1,131,760 “ Good Common. oe Meet eee ae 1,344,000 “ Fair Common. = aerate orate 1,788,080 ‘* Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,875,920 feet. Being an average of.............-. ..-8,707 feet per Acre. . No. 307. 678 42-100 Acres_--._----------- $560. Two miles to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 6 West, in section 6. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 881,036 feet of Clear. ef She (Gene erates 6 623,082 “ Good Common. 6 MO oe auerb nied 771,886 “ Fair Common. Be Sa deanae ee ore 936,318 ‘¢ Poor Common, Total White Pine, ........ 2,712,322 feet. Being an average of....... Sitaioactas 4,000 feet per Acre. No. 308. 1,376 24-100 Acres._-._--- $4,130. Four miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 6 West, in section 4, 5, 9. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,.....:.. 678,368 feet of Clear. . OE? Custis cea 2,794,280 “ Good Common. = CES aoe tedeaedy 8,818,776 Fair Common. st SO gene Aleietwns 4,737,248 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 15,028,672 feet, Being an average of.................10,922 feet. per Acre. 103 No. 309. 163 98-100 Acres...._.-+-.---... $650. Two miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 6 West, in section 3. Estimated amount of Lumber: : White Pine,........ 39,120 feet of Clear. 6 us sees. 260,800 “ Good Common. Ks Oe ganar eae 440,000 “ Fair Common. es OE celesae ays 955,180 “* Poor Common. Total White -Pine,........ 1,695,100 feet. Being an average of...... ferscuieiate .....10,336. feet per Acre. No. 310. 2040 ACKER oo oe oe Be $12,780. Two and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 6 West, in sec- tions 1, 2,10, 11, 12, 18, 14, 15, 23. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,110,440 feet of Clear. se Se cee thine .8,873,760 ° Good Common. # OY base vacate 6,904,040 “ Fair Common. a BE sscrratatges 17,000,240 <“ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 28,888,480 feet. Being an average Of............-0005 10,101 feet per Acre. No. 311. 1,528 86 100 Acres___-_--------- $6,100. Three and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isa- bella County, Township 13 N., Range u West, in sections 31, 32, 33. Estimated amount of Lumber: - White Pine,....... . 2,816,448 feet of Clear. if oe Nokes ates 4,278,400 “ Good Common. e SS ) Fadacanbeera ters 6,089,080 “Fair Common. “ aE de sadeascataie 8,926,576 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ....... 21,610,504 feet. Being an average of.......... ales ieeiee 14,148 feet per Acre. 104 No. 312. 1,924 70-100 Acres......---.-- $8,600. Three miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 13 N., Range 6 West, in sections 27, 28, 29, 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 2,687,828 feet of Clear. cs deen eee 055452616 “ Good Common. Es eae meee 7,769,112 * Fair Common. s SO ee amex 11,836,488 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,..... 27,746,044 “ Being an average of........... +.+++-14,413 feet per Acre. No. 318. 643 10-100 Acres__--.---~--- $1,980. Four miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 13 N., Range 6 West, in section 19. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 775,458 feet of Clear. 4 Se aca lane 1,475,042 “ Good Common. ie Me pate 2,222,496 °* Fair Common. ae Se chavs teaaaeona 8,069,037 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 7,542,033 feet. Being an average of............0ceeees 11,729 feet per Acre. No. 314. 640 Acres..-..---_-_--___- $3,200. Three miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 13 N., Range 6 West, in section 20. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 766,720 feet of Clear. st OSS ihe Secrest 2,293,120 “ Good Common. ee Oe ata ig 3,400,320 “Fair Common. s ae ea ete 4,880,680 “Poor Common. Total White Pine, ...... 11,847,840 feet. Being an average of...............005 17,781 feet per Acre. (2G AGreg ses ult oops $4,320. Two miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 13 N., Range 6 West, in sections 21, 22. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,020,960 feet of Clear. sf 6 peewee oo 2,150,640 * Good Common. See caustbnel eisai 3,201,120 “ Fair Common. sf ae rere 5,642,640 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 12,015,360 feet. Being an average Of...........0005 -16,688 feet per Acre. No. 316. 720 93-000 Acres_---_---_--- $2,160. Three and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella and Mecosta Counties, Township 13 N., Range 6 West, in section 18. Township 13 N., Range 7 West, in sec- tion 18. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 253,440 feet of Clear. ee Be hee a omnia 2,324,880 * Good Common. & to ah txeesece's 1,018,800 *“ Fair Common. # ee cities 2,847,600 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,444,720 Being an average Of........ cseseeeee 8,951 feet per Acre. No. 317. 1,000 35-100 Acres_-------.------- $3,000. Two anda half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isa- bella County, Township 13 N., Range 6 West, in sections 5, 7, 8. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 602,000 feet of Clear. Me Na toaekeoon™ 1,337,000 “ Good Common. * Bho oo tielasots 1,906,000 « Fair Common. “i Me eee d 2,569,000 « Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,414,000 feet. Being an average of....... adhiseues 6,414 feet per Acre. 106 No. 318.. 809 30-100 Acres__---.------..-- $3,240. Two miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 13 N., Range 6 West, in sections 3, 4 Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 595,424 feet of Clear. as CO aes w oe 1,144,735 feet of Good Common. * CO ewe ee 1,640,652 “© Fair Common. ee fe Seealan es 2,205,334 «Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,586,145 feet. Being an average of.............. +: --6,905 feet per Acre. No. 319, 838 47-100 Acres__.----- ---- ---- $2,500. Three and a half miles to Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 14 N., Range 6 West, in section 31, 32. Township 18 N., Range 6 West, in section 6. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 702,244 feet of Clear. ee RO ate Sap eee 1,438,846 “ Good Common. es Oo eee . .2,118,436 “« Fair Common. Ke te aap 2,824,060 “Poor Common. Total White Pine, ....... . 7,078,586 feet. Being an average of....... wkigue alee 8,447 feet per Acre. No. 320. B40 ACES - oe once pean $3,780. Three miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 14 N., Range 6 West, in sections 28, 38. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine......... 1,068,480 feet of Clear. et St aatwiaiealé 3,375,120 “ Good Common. ee 6 saves es 5,062,680 “Fair Common. 4 OE cae eg dala 7,048,440 “€ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 16,554,720 feet. Being an average of........... +++. 19,708 feet. per Acre. 107 No, 321, 120 Acres... -..-..2 ----- $2,880. Two anda half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isa- bella County, Township 14 N., Range 6 West, in sections 27, 34, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 578,160 feet of Clear. a eee e ee 1,240,560 “ Good Common. & Be | Meeenacanaisig 1,777,680 ‘© Fair Common. se eo Se Gane ree 2,360,880 * Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........5,957,280 feet. Being an average of........ aoa aia 8,274 feet per Acre,, No, 322, OG GA Cred ooo eae eee $4,800. Three miles to the waters Of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 14 N., Range 6 West, in sections 35, 36. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine, ........ 1,033,920 feet of Clear. . Ser ele as 2,708,160 “ Good Common, OG ae as uanarant 8,889,920 “Fair Common. a eee eee 5,146,560 “ Poor Common, Total White Pine, ........ 12,778,560 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 53,760 “ i 12,832,320 “ Being an average of............... 13,367 feet per Acre, No, 323. 1,516 94-100 Acres__-.------- - $7,600. Two miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 14 N., Range 6 West, in sections 23, 24, 25, 26,; Township 14 N., Range 5 West, in sections 19, 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 885,344 feet of Clear. ne Ry Sc ciatetai ng 4,024,980 “ Good Common. a SE caespeieraiers . 4,047,720 “ Fair Common. a SO anaes 5,806,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 14,264,044 feet. Being an average of.............-..-. 9,409 feet per Acre. 108 O80 AChE onac cen ees see $3,840. Two and one half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 14 N., Range 6 West, in sections 15, 21, 22. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 924,480 feet of Clear. be 6G? hs She dievere 1,800,960 “ Good Common. Oy Ser oe ater euaine 2,743,680 Fair Common, es OG Oceano ah eanea 8,731,520 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 9,200,640 feet. Yellow “ ........ 254,400 “ Total White Pine, ........ 9,455,040 feet. Being an average Of...........0ece0ee 9,849 feet per Acre. No. 325. BUN ACretou.3 pao asses $3,200. Two and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 14 N., Range 6 West, in sec- tions 14, 23. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pinc,........ 788,800 feet of Clear. (74 ce Maa letaiae .1,482,400 *“* Good Common. ne SE -Ghautayetaee 2,113,600 ° Fair Common. fo ease aees 2,953,600 ‘ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 7,338,400 « te Mellow wise secsees 224,800 “ otal oie sacelnabes 7,563,200; Being an average of.......-ececeee 9,454 feet per Acre. No. 326. Bot VOLO a ois ee $4,600. One and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 14 N., Range 6 West, in sections 18, 24. Township 14 N., Range 5 West, in sections 18, 19. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 518,940 feet of Clear. id Ce Dit stele 1,035,369 “ Good Common. se We laauian ties 1,452,195 “Fair Common. # Be Beebe Ga 1,773,603 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ....... 4,780,107 feet. Being an average of............. .....5,711 feet per Acre. G40 AGree eo. oe ee ee $3,520. Halt a mile to Saginaw River, Isabella County, Town- ship 14 N., Range 6 West, in sections 2, 3, 10. Estimated amount of Lumber: ' White Pine,........ 292,480 feet of Clear. ee BO ee ay eae ats 903,040 feet of Good Common. i BOS) os ereeeen ag 1,596,160 * Fair Common. a SE cegalench ests 2,259,840 * Poor Common, Total White Pine,........ 5,051,520 feet. © “Yellows insen as 1,187,840 °* Total,........ 6,239,360 feet. Being an average of ........ Sarasa a Sts 9,749 feet per Acre. No. 328. 861 94-100 Acres__.------------- $3,450. Three anda half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 14 N., Rauge 6 West, in sections 7, 18. ; Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 827,421 feet of Clear. fe Be Nsiaud untae 1,625,568 “ Good Common. “8 ME shea tas eect 2,597,637 Fair Common. Sho Tae causes 8,614,478 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 8,665,104 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 88,683 <“ Total; ssa siscaienwis 8,753, 787 “ Being an average Of.........0eeceeees 10,167 feet per Acre. No, 329. 487 54-100 Acres _---------- $2,200. Three miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 14 N., Range 6 West, in section 6. Town- ship 15 N., Range 6 West, in section 31. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 520,603 feet of Clear. ee SR eee 1,517,492 “ Good Common. si a ene 1,791,673 “ Fair Common. . BO Sc iahte oe 2,106,275 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,936,043 “ Vellow “6 cesaeans 51,622 “ Totaly ccceg iaaieee aoe 5,987,665 “ Being an average Of......-...-eee eens 12,295 feet per Acre, 110 No, 330, LOO Agres -coscousce cesses $5,500. Three miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 14 N., Range 6 West, in sections 8, 17. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 829,000 feet of Clear. a ue see 6,222,000 “ Good Common. te BE ical aul ev dct 8,244,000 “ Fair Common. se BAe ais 2,344,000 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 12,639,000 “ Being an average of...........0.000 12,639 feet per Acre, No. 331. OOO ACHES cane pees Sues $3,300. Two miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 14 N., Range 6 West, in section 9. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine, ceeeees 414,600 feet of Clear. fs Ugssaaws 8,801,600 “ Good Common. se © gervnece 1,249,200 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,465,400 feet. “Fellow: “nese cig sa 122,400 “ POtaNS cessed wate ws ele leestony 5,586,800 “* Being an average of.............. ...-9,318 feet per Acre. No. 332. 459 78-100 Aereg.c. a smn camce $2,450. Two and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 14 N., Range 6 West, in section 5. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,. seeee.. 417,240 feet of Clear. 6 Ov eeeees 1,008,208 * Good Common. a CO Fount 1,667,608 “ Fair Common. HE, enue eetiota ss 2,489,024 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,532,080 feet. Being an average of.............., ... 11,825 feet per Acre, O80 Peres cos, le eae wes $1,400. One and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isa- bella County, Township 14 N., Range 6 West, in section 4, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 124,600 feet of Clear. ef Bes cecdine we 411,880 * GoodCommon. «¢ Be sania 647,920 “ Fair Common. a OE ast asia ..1,000,160 “ Poor Common Total White Pine,........ 2,184,560 feet. @ Vellow: “asec 134,400 Totaly sscccis.usGGsGun .2,318,960 * Being an average of...............00% 8,282 feet per Acre, No, 334, PE RIOT aca acre Secs $3,360. Half mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 15 N., Range 6 West, in sections 5,6, 8, 17. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 448,000 feet of Clear. se So alee tia elec 3,790,080 “ Good Common. # SEE ected tat 672,000 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine,........4,910,080 feet. Being an average of................6. 8,768 feet per Acre. No. 335, 2,383 32-100 Acres_...--_- $5,960. Three miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 15 N., Range 6 West, in sections 1, 2, 3, 10, Ts Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 64,341 feet of Clear. ' fi too ee eek 4,387,103 * Good Common. Sf BO Ao enki Sua 8,834,247 ** Poor Common. st Ae dies gases 1,403,587 * Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 9,689,278 feet. «Yellow “ we. cee. 855,067 “ Potal, mavesd-deaa bias 10,044,345 ‘ Being an average Of.......... essence 4,215 feet per Acre, No. 336, DO Ca sets cae wgeee $600. Two miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella County, Township 16 N., Range 6 West, in sections 20, 29, 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: Total White Pine,........ 111,200 feet. Being an average of................. 463 feet per Acre. First rate farming land. SCO ACiRes o.oo coca were eoee $360. Two miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Missaukee County, Township 21 N., Range 6 West, in sections 29, 30, 31. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 28,000 feet of Clear. et Oe sepia ecatasay 388,640 “ Good Common. es BE ih chate apes 1,078,000 “ Fair Common. i Hee cneare uote: “RL OyZ OU Poor Common, Total White Pine,......... 1,767,920 ** Being an average of..............0. 000 3,157 feet per Acre. SO AOT66 no oo cS me cies ne $130. Two miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Missaukee County, Township 21 N., Range 6 West, in section 25. . Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 87,120 feet of Good Common. C Be teeth 188,880 ‘“ Fair Common. Total White Pine,...... .- 226,000 feet. : “« Yellow “ ....... . 187,920 “* pt aakaue sais ... 863,920 * Being an average Of...........000 0000s 4,549 feet per Acre. 113 No. 339. JAQ0 Acres oc ese aeuesk $1,600. One and a half a miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Missaukee County, Township 21 N., Range 6 West, in sec- tions &, 9, 17, 20, 21. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,171,440 feet of Good Common. as Me epee 1,750,000 * Fair Common: st i heat . 270,200 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,867,200 feet. Wellow es peru ss 896,000 Total,..... fab detanar srsrereke 3,763,200 “ Being an average of.............0 0000s 2,688 feet per Acre. No, 340. 919 13-100 Acres._--_----------- $550. Three miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Missaukee County, Township 21 N., Range 6 West, in sections 2, 3, 10, 11, 14, 15, 22. Estimated amount of Lumber: ’ White Pine,........ 429,173 feet of Good Common. se Me veeaeeee 800,184 % Fair Common. By BO ce phat ... 166,339 “* Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,455,696 feet. i “Yellow “ - ssesas .e. 671,789 “ Total, ccivecsssavsaer’s 2,127,485 “ Being an average of........---.006- ...2,315 feet per Acre. No. 341, 0,840 Acres_..---.9,470 feet per Acre. No. 346. 880: Acres _o.4 -u.2sse ose $3,230. One mile to Manistee River, Kalkaska County, Township 26 N., Range 6 West, in sections 22, 23, 27, 34. Estimated amount of Lumber. White Pine,........ 4,473,920 feet of Clear. ee Ce peda ities 6,178,260 “* Good Common, 7 Mee |i edad 4,430,800 “ Fair Common. i HO bs aatsnancant 3,191,760 “ Poor; Common. Total White Pine,....... 18,274,740 feet. Being an average of..... Peres Bese sane 20,768 feet per Acre, No. 3a’. SO ACHE cen caeen eee $2,100. Half mile to Manistee River, Kalkaska County, Township 26 N., Range 6 West, in sections 23, 24, 25, 26, 35. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 2,546,040 feet of Clear. ce Se mnt ss 3,445,680 * Good Common, ss ee oe gears 1,788,120 “6 Fair Common. ss BO eka whe sie 1,500,240 *“ Poor Common, ‘Total White Pine,...... . 9,280,080 feet. “ Yellow “ .....-- .2,618,240 “ Total isckoe 11,893,320 “ Being an average Of...,....-+e+eeees 14,123 feet per Acre. DAY PNT e a en eal eh a eee $560. One mile to the waters of Manistee River, Kalkaska County, Township 26 N., Range 6 West, in sections 1, 11, 14. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 769,920 feet of Clear. sf WS ds deste 994,320 “ Good Common, eo Sy oeeemics 444,960 “ Fair Common. be OO eorarg e 197,280 “ Poor Common, Total White Pine,........ 2,406,480 feet. “ Yellow “ ..,...., 315,120 “ Motalesivea Ges ....2,721,600 “ Being an average of....... CRGanne ees 11,340 feet per Acre. No. 349. bbe: 7000 Ate cee cewaeeaeee $100. | Five miles to the waters of Manistee River, Kalkaska County, Township 27 N., Range 6 West, in sections 3, 4, 10. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 136,444 feet of Clear. TE Geascp gaat 655,432 “ Good Common, oe Coueannw: “C420 26: 8 Fair Common, te OE ore seaet clas 853,382 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... , 2,878,384 « Being an average of................ -4,326 feet per Acre, N O-. 3497 | 797 83-100 Acres._...------- $1,000 Two miles to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N,, Range 7 West, in sections 29, 31, 32, 33. White Pine,........7,470,281 feet of Fair Common. Being an average of.................9,378 feet per Acre, 117 No. 351. DO OTR eo eg oae $4,000. Two miles to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 11! N., Range 7 West, in sections 22, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,....... 154,800 feet of Clear. . es SOM deleietaun’s 476,440 “* Good Common. ae Lae Serer 1,140,860 “ Fair Common. CP sal 18,176,960 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 19,948,560 “ Being an average of..............0008 11,598 feet per Acre. No. 352. LA CREE ee caer Sar $3,840. Four miles to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 7 West, in sections 25, 26, 35, 36. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine, ....... 639,360 feet of Clear. sf te ahacelas ahs 2,079,360 * Good Common. a ee eon a 1,875,200 “ Fair Common. gs SE soya titre 11,520,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 15,613,920 feet. Being an average of...........00500- 10,848 feet per Acre. No. Bos. 120 Acres__....--.-----.-- $200. Half a mile to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 7 West, in sections 29, 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: Total White Pine, ........ 590,280 feet of Good Common. Being an average ee 4,919 feet per Acre. No, 304. ADO SA tee om ce emncanotae $280. . Half mile to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 7 West, in sections 21, 28, 29. : Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 440,000 feet of Good Common. . Eee Aetna Oo 720,000 “ Fair Common, Total White Pine,........ 1,160,000 feet. Being an average of................-5,800 feet per Acre. 118 No. 358. 200 Acres Two and a half miles to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 7 West, in secti ons 13, 23. Estimated amount of Laumber : Total White Pine,.......... Being an average of ecm ere me nee ewe vee No, 306, 491 89-100 Acres Half a mile to Flat River, Montcalm N., Range 7 West, in section 17, 18, 192,800 feet of Fair Common. 964 feet per Acre. County, Township 11 19. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine, ce ce 3,068,259 feet of Good Common. ceRewies 292,145 “ Fair Common. st by Neha alle 470,378 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 8,830,782 “ Being an average of.............665 7,802 feet per Acre. NO. 3070 1,904 60-100 Acres Two miles to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 7 West, in sections 2, 3, 9,10. Township 12 N,, Range 7 West, in section 35. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 184,736 feet of Good Common. ct So geeus ahs 975,888 %* Fair Common. eo geek aes 493,968 “* Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,654,592 “ Being an average of........ ......0. Mostly first rate farming land. No. ‘B58. 600 Acres One mile to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N. Range 7 West, in sections 27, 28, 33, 34. Estimated amount of Lunes: 1,648 feet per Acre. White Pine,........ 1,221,600 feet of Good Common. ft Oe ie ao shea 1,861,800 8 Fair Common, o OS areas 1,815,600 <“ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,899,000 ‘“ Being an average of...,........-..-. 8,165 feet per Aere. 119 UD ci. a $130, Two miles to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 7 West, in section 26. Estimated amount of Lumber: Total White Pine,........ 1,088,000 feet of Poor Common Being an average of...............00. 3,400 feet per Acre. No, 260. ASO) ANCHE coc ee $400. Lying on the waters of Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 7 West, in sections 22, 23. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 977,500 feet. of Good Common. - Rr tata wess 818,500 “ Fair - Common. Total White Pine,........1,796,000 feet. Being an average of...........0000005 3,740 feet per Acre. _ No. 361, 903 45-100 Actes con ens ones cece $2,410. One mile to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 7 West, in sections 1, 2. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 874,745 feet of Clear. ee Sh Resiaetele aus 5,070,345 “ Good Common. ee MOS esate els .8,947,013 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ ‘9,892,103 feet. Being an average of............... 10,401 feet per Acre. o. 3613, 835 51-100 Acres__--.----------- $2,430 Half a mile to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 7 West, in sections 2, 14, 15, Township 13 N., Range 7 West, in sections 33, 34. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 451,735 feet of Clear. & fe, gua sya cae 2,460,745 “ Good Common a SEY sh Gye iacen 8,108,705 * Fair Common. i Bee yicetereste 1,005,840 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 7,026,525 feet. Being an average Of........-....s0000- 8,415 feet per Acre. 120 No, 362, 885 14-100 Acres_______--_- $1,400. Two and a half miles to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 7 West, in sections 17, 18. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine, ....... 482,325 feet of Good Common. a Oe aecebeehes ca 3,511,680 “ ‘Fair Common. fe er Gilee wie - 490,290 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,484,295 feet. Being an average of..........000000. 5,067 feet per Acre. No. 363. . 1,115 94-100 Acres__------ $1,400. Two and a half miles to the waters of Flat River, Mont- calm County, Township 12 N., Range 7 W., in sections 7, 8. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 382,445 feet. of Good Common. se SO Ee edad cow 1,891,040 “ Fair Common. et Se Sea Gisein 5,100,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 7,378,485 feet. Being an average of........... 02. e eae 6,613 feet per Acre. No. 364. 1,197 48-100 Acres__-------- $1,500. Three miles to Flat River, Mecosta and Montcalm Counties, Township 12 N., Range 7 West, in sections 5, 6. Township 13 N., Range 7 West, in sections 31, 32. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine, eee 5,461,911 feet of Fair Common. BR recede eis 4, "914, 82 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 10,376,793 “ Yellow “ ........ 191,520 “ Total, ........ 10,568,313“ 121 No. 365. 680 Acres... --5-450- $340. Four miles to Flat River, Mecosta County, Township 13 N., Range 7 West, in sections 17, 20, 21, 22. Estimated amount of Lumber. White Pine,........ 1,720,400 feet of Fair Common. i Co eedwes 1,597,520 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,317,920 feet. Being an average of...........-.0-- +05 4,894 feet per Acre. No. 366, O20 Dereon amemes os $2,700 Half a mile to Flat River, Mecosta County, Township 13 N., Range 7 West, in sections 27, 34, 35. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 1,479,748 feet of Clear. 6 SO eS gigs bnets 9,502,576 “ Good Common. « So cosasaser diate 1,439,930 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine, ........ 11,972,254 feet. Being an average of............000 12,929 feet per Acre. No, 36%. 480 Acres_---.--------- -*. $1,400. Two miles to Flat River, Mecosta County, Township 18 N., Range 7 West, in section 26. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 1,168,320 feet of Clear. sf OG eae 5,602,080 “ Good Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,770,400 “ Being an average of.............+-. 14,105 feet per Acre. No. 368. G20 sACh6Scs5 sek cae cane $1,600. Two miles to Flat River, Mecosta County, Township 13 N., Range 7 West, in section 25. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 746,240 feet of Clear. ee amie waren ere 1,493,120 * Good Common. se Se eed atin 5,936,000 “ Fair Common. Se: cata ena atke 1,296,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,......... 9,471,860 feet. Being an average of .........--. 5005 14,800 feet per Acre. 122 No. 369. O20 VACA soc eee eecicmese $1,870. One and a half miles to Flat River, Mecosta County, Town- ship 13 N., Range 7 West, in section 36. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 6,484,480 feet of Good Common. Mo eerie 3,600,000 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 10,084,480“ Being an average of..............00085 15,757 feet per Acre. No. 376. GA Agree cel eee oe _.-- $1,070. Two miles to Flat River, Mecosta County, Township 13 N., Range 7 West, in section 23. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 816,800 feet of Clear. “s SO counted, 6,058,240 “ Good Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,375,040 feet. Being an average Of..........0.- ec eee 9,961 feet per Acre. Some exellent farming land. No. 371. OOO Peres 22 decane eee $1,000 Two and a half miles to Flat River, Mecosta County, Township 13 N., Range 7 West, in section 24. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 746,400 feet of Clear. se Oe Sa setae 4,374,000 * Good Common. ee OS Saha aa 1,759,800 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine, ........ 6,880,200 “ Being an average of.... ........... 11,467 feet per Acre. 123 No. 3 1,121 76-100 Acres._--__--.__- $1,900. Four anda half miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 14 N., Range 7 West, in sec- tions 31, 32. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,690,000 feet of Clear. eS Oe Che enated 7,046,606 “* Good Common. se OO A Gaaenes 4,394,320 Fair Common. “ vee 8,719,480 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 16,850,356“ ee Yellow? aeecwees 86,317 * Total asdaeis 16,936,673 “ Being an average of....... sateen 15,104 feet per Acre. No. $73. 1,929 21-100 Acres... ..-- «2-0 $2,600. Four and a half miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 14 N., Range 7 West, in sec- tions 19, 20, 29, 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,640,000 feet of Clear. “ ert 10,058,790 * Good Common. ee Oe peewee .5,476,940 Fair Common. OO ca arate eran .4,160,240 Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 21,835,970 € Vellow © .ceevees 682,290 “ ota oeveceigesauu 22,018,260 “ Being an average of........... seks 16,555 feet per Acre, No. 374. 578 49-100 Acres__.-_----------- $520. ° Five miles to the waters of Flat River, Mecosta County, Township 14 N., Range 7 West, in sections 6. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 208,386 feet of Clear. ee Romper ret 2,639,726 Good Common. ee Si Areas 2,329,918 Fair Common. ee nee eo 1 25206,226 = * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........7,379,256 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 911,506 “ Total,..... veeveeeee + 8,290,762 “ Being an average of.......,....... 14,379 feet per Acre. 124 | No. 375. 519 88-100 Acres__..--------_- $1,560. Lying upon the waters of Saginaw River, Isabella and Me costa Counties, Township 16 N., Range 7 West, in sections 23, 24, 25, 26, 36. Township 16 N., Range 6 West, in sec- tion 31. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 59,685 feet of Clear. “ Oe og axeaaueds 1,843,488 “ Good Common. ef Se petals 766,044 “ Fair Common, Total White Pine,........ 2,669,217 feet. Being an average of............0.00. 5,143 feet per Acre. No. 376. 240 Aches. 52 ons sce $240. Two and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Me- costa County, Township 16, N., Range 7 W.., in sections 19, 20. Estimated amount of Lnmber: White Pine,........ 332,880 feet of Good Common. i OO Edahaens 455,040 *“ Fair Common. & MO mains 65,920 “* Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 853,840 « Being an average of..............008 3,566 feet per Acrg No. 377. 141 10-100 Acres_---__------ $280. Three and a half miles to the waters of Saginaw River, Mecosta County, Township 16 N., Range 7 West, in section 7. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,......., 151,716 feet of Clear. i OE peak eae is 622,988 * Good Common. Total White Pine,........ 774,654 « Being an average of..............0000% 5,494 feet per Acre. 125 No. op a &, O20 Acreeccat steele ee $1,280. Two miles to the waters of the Saginaw River, Osceola County, Township 17 N., Range 7 West, in sections 32, 33. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 428,480 feet of Clear. “ COO eta ...2,426,560 “ Good Common, 7 BO aes 977,600 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 8,832,640 <¢ “ Yellow “ ....... . 222,720 « Total, ........ 4,055,360 “ Being an average of...............000, 12,6738 feet per Acre. No. 3eD. SEO Atle crtacuen Cees $2,200. One mile to the waters of Saginaw River, Osceola County, Township 17 N., Range 7 West, in sections 26, 27, 34, 35. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 69,520 feet of Clear, « e wopecgea2 0760. © Good Common. 6c BO Ties seelestisntss 1,532,960 “¢ Fair Common. “« tO aed wis 265,760 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........4,576,000 “ Being an average Of................0006 5,200 feet per Acre, No. 380, : S60 ACTH on cee duce ces $1,080. Lying upon the waters of Muskegon River, Osceola County, Township 18 N., Range 7 West, in sections 25, 26, 27. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,. veaeeee 823,280 feet of Clean, “ae seveee 988,880 “¢ Good Common, “ BO a desi anes 443,880 « Fair Common. os SS eae eats 834,440 %& Poor Common. Total White Pine,........2,085,480 “ Yellow “ ........ 82,080 * Total, sc sayesgcoewn as cB 167500 * Being an average Of,..........+.+.+.++«6,021 feet per Acre, G1 Oe OU aia ia $1,500. One and a half mile to Manistee River, Kalkaska County, Township 25 N., Range 7 West, in sections 27, 34, 35. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,.......- 37,140 feet of Clear. $s RE 2s icine 953,260 “* Good Common, st BE Sole suaeelats 1,696,060 ‘ Fair Common, se SSS aah 2,324,845 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,010,805. feet, “Yellow “ cavseeae 4,536,032 “ Totaly :ccsecvekane ede es 9,546,837 *“ Being an average Of. ........-eeeeeeee 15,423 feet per Acre, No. 382. 289 11-100 Acres......--—--- $400. Half mile to Manistee River, Kalkaska County, Township 25 N., Range 7 West, in section 31. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,....... 8,098 feet of Clear. es Ria! Bed sanicrh lors 84,936 “ Good Common. “e SE cate oar’ 521,934 “« Fair Common, Ne Oe hana 908,616 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ....... 1,523,614 feet. “« Yellow “ ....... 1,736,601 “ Total ead wes 3,260,215 “ Being an average of.............20040 11,282 feet per Acre, No. 383. MT CRG = a oe elated ee $80. Lying upon Manistee River, Kalkaska County, Township 25 N., Range 7 West, in section 14. Some hewing timber. 127 No. 384, 443 31-100 Acres._..__.-__-. $940. Three miles to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 8 West, in sections 29, 30, 31, 32, 33. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,..... ...8,593,616 feet of Clear. #6 Mey adadis ke 1,264,822 “ Good Common. ee Boo leat ant . 1,264,322 “ Fair Common. ee SP) 3 ei Guelinady 948,463 ‘“ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 5,806,401 feet. Being an average of................ 9,624 feet per Acre. No. 385. 689 64-100 Acres.....-.-_-.- $2,180. Three and a half miles to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 8 W., in sections 8, 17. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,392,469 feet of Clear. ne Ee e dahecontctarian 6,456,619 “ Good Common. cs Be oy ibe av cane 3,951,154“ Fair Common. Total White Pine,.......12,800,242 “ Being an average of........... ivan eiat 18,578 feet per Acre. No. 386. 160 Acres 22 one ccanewe ses $400. Lying upon Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 9 West, in section 34. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,210,720 feet of Fair Common. io Be OO area ecaie 1,210,720 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,421,440 feet. Being an average of.......-.....+-+55 15,134 feet per Acre. No, 387. ABO ACTS concn ccnen see eee $1,600. Half mile to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 8 West, in sections 14, 15, 23, 26. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 139,200 feet of Clear. ee WON aie. ita 4,570,080 “ Good Common. 6 HE oe hed hate 556,800 “ Fair Common. 6s OS «on cee Sd 1,135,680 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,401,760 “ Being an average of....... $araecaneyaie ts 13,337 feet per Acre. 128 No. 388. 1,258 13-100, Acres__..____-- $5,760 One mile to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 8 West, in sections 25, 35, 36. Township 11 N., Range 7 West, in sections 30 and 31. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,....... 28,005,596 feet of Good Common. s Oe paw Sabas 3,682,166 “ Fair Common. He Oo “caecaste ans 973,692 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 82,661,454 feet. Being an average of.................0. 25,963 feet per Acre. No. 389. DUO ACES oes eee en ee PU Half mile to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 8 West, in sections 13, 24. Estimated amount of Lumber. White Pine,........ 7,631,000 feet of Good Common. a OS” emacs 668,720 ‘ Fair Common. Total White Pine,....... 10,059,400 feet. Being an average of ................. 19,345 feet per Acre. Good mill site on Flat River on this tract. No. 390. OW OH pe eee eejeolee $60G. Three miles to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 8 West, in section 10. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 4,076,800 feet of Fair Common. cs te haverlahehaavnns 1,766,520 «+ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,843,320 “ Being an average of.................. 20,869 feet per Acre. No. 391. SU AMO ies oe Set laa $850. Two and a half miles to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 8 West, in sections 1, 11, 12. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 105,280 feet of Clear. et $0 get aielicts 3,638,720 * Good Common. ee §O leemishedh, 440,000 * Fair Common. Total White Pine, ........ 4,184,000 * Being an average of 13,075............... ifeet per Acre, BOHN NO is perc ccc esc name whee $420. Five miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 8 West, in sections 30, 31. About 360,000 feet of fair common on one forty. Some oak and cherry. All first rate farming land. No. 398. 1,046 74-100__-__..._.------ $2,880. Three and a half miles to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 8 West, in sections 23, 24, !25, 26. Township 12 N., Range 7 West, in section 19. Etimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 482,206 feet of Clear. . BE oe seinen 5,108,664 “ Good Common. es A ea waters 1,847,248 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,938,118 feet. Being an average Of...........00000e0s 6,633 feet per Acre. No. 394. IOC eee ee $2,000 Four miles to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 12. N., Range 8 West, in sections 13, 14,15. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 900,000 feet of Good Common. ae HO aa Giaies 2,878,000 “ Fair Common. iS MC Spake 3,468,000 ° Poor Common. Total White Pine,........! 5246,000 Being an average Of.......-+-..eeee reese 7,246 feet per Acre. No. 395. Ore CUH00 oo eenscs $2,230. Four and a half miles to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 8 West, in sections 10, 11, 12. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,435,500 feet of Good Common. COGS eae 2,631,112 * Fair (Common. se OO eat hace tae 6,554,812 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 10,621,424 “ Being an average of... ....--seseeeneee 8,324 feet per Acre, 9 130 No. 396. J,112 25-100 Acres Five miles to Flat River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 8 West, in sections 1, 2, 3. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 187,928 feet of Clear. ee OO oS aaceara 3,845,296 “ Good Common. ee CE Ss cleat 2,788.896 “ Fair Common. ee Ge ee a cdld atone 3,833,048 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 10,655,168 feet. Being an average Of..........seeeee eee 9,564 feet per Acre. No. 397. POY ROIs cco sets le es $400. Three miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 8 West, in sections 6, 8. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 48,320 feet of Clear. s He ceca antelg oes 657,120 * Good Common, Total White Pine,........ 705,440 feet. Being an average Of...........0.005 ....8,582 feet per Acre. No. 398. 680 Acres Two and a half miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 14 N., Range 8 West, in sections 35, 36. Fistimated amount of Lumber : i é e White Pine,........ 625,000 feet of Clear. “ $6 amcnara ae 4,003,160 <“ Good Common. 7 SE cas Satie a 3,117,120 “ Fair Common. ue SO easy ahaa 3,178,820 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 10,923,600 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 345,440 * Otic pktanurweioen 11,269,040 « Being an average of ...... ee »..-16,578 feet per Acre, O20 Aches oo ou eee $2,760. Two and a half miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 14 N., Range 8 West, in sections 25, 26, 27. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 785,000 feet of Clear, & Se ged sane dota 5,803,360 “ Good Common, se BOY bdheiaitcaain 8,203,440 “ Fair Common. e SEY SB steam 3,062,680 <“ Poor Common, Total White Pine,....... 12,854,480 feet. “ Yellow “ = ........ 1,058,920 * Total,....... ca dts 13,913,400 “ Being an average of..............0005 15,123 feet per Acre, No. 400. 840 Acres._.---_---_---_-.. $2,520. Two miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 14 N., Range 8 W.., in sections 14, 22, 23, 24, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 579,000 feet of Clear. s¢ On aku due ees 5,725,440 “ Good Common. fC sea aa ed 5,029,080 “ Fair Common. « eo Seana 4,848,480 ‘ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 16,182,000 feet. “« Yellow “ ......0. 1,273,440 * STotaliccw cca uiinseiwes 17,455,440 “ Being an average of ........... .....20,780 feet per Acre, No. 401. 480 Acres. 2m a. naacace $1,440. Half a mile to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 14 N., Range 8 West, in section 15. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 215,000 feet of Clear. ss Seca e e 2,200,800 Good Common, gs oe... 201,472,640 “ Fair Common. ee tes ad seats 1,601,280 “ Poor Common, Total White Pine, ........5,489,720 feet. “ Yellow “ ....... . 281,840 “ Total,........5,721,560 “ Being an average Of...........++++++11,920 feet per Acre. 132. No. 403. 793 56-100 Acres_._-------- $1,980. Qne and a half miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 14 N., Range 8 W., in sections 2, 3- Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 234,000 feet of Clear. es SERN 3,630,447 Good Common. - He avecetautes 4,486,001 Fair Common. MO ease naire 5,179,083 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 13,529,531 “ “Yellow “© acswwews 267,341 “ Total, scaincceeeoawse's 138,796,872 “ Being an average Of.........2 00. eens 17,400 feet per Acre. No. 404. 637 86-100 Acres_.--------- $1,900. One and a half miles to Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 14 N., Range 8 West, in section 4. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 490,000 feet of Clear. “ CO gate wae ei 8,878,056 “ Good Common, S OE Pas ate tea ates 8,871,093 * Fair Common. ef TE War iateuaeast 8,299,023 “ Poor Common, Total White Pine,....... 11,038,172 * tO "Yellow 7S" Sea suadieses 452,270 * Total,........ 11,490,442 Being an average Of, ............0 eens 18,029 feet per Acre. No. 405. 639 4-100 Aeres coe csonncess $1,920. One and one half miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 14 N., Range 8 West, in Section 5. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 805,000 feet of Clear. “ Ren scoaucasenace 4,661,787 “ Good Common. ae BO A. sa asuabuaete 2,950,375 “* Fair Common. ae BO be rs edit 2,845,769 ‘ Poor Common, Total White Pine,........ 10,762,931 feet. Being an average Of.........:eeeees 16,880. feet per Acre 133 No. 406. 984 82-100 Acres__________- $2,460. _ Two miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 14 N., Range 8 West, in sections 6, 7, 8. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 678,000 feet of Clear. e oes Geeaceiene -85;208,840 = « Good Common. e Me eaeadion c 1,544,880 « Fair Common. ee Me eens eves 968,456 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........6,400,176 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 412,256 ; Total, ........ 6,812,432 « Being an average of ..............0.00, 6,921 feet per Acre. No. 407. 400 Actes... ceo ‘$1,200. Two miles to Muskegon River, Osceola County, Town- ship 17 N., Range 8 West, in sections 10, 11, 12. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 602,000 feet of Clear. & Ten Sed tae eevee 1,976,000 “ Good Common. oi veeeees. 880,000 “ Fair Common. & Me leas seer aiSes 458,400 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 8,916,400 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 2,273,600 Total,........ 6,190,000 * Being an average of............0605 15,475 feet per Acre, No, 408. BU) CES an ckmceooeancl owes $80. Half a mile to Muskegon River, Osceola County, Township 17 N., Range 8 West, in section 5. Estimated amount of Lumber: White ‘Pine,........ 28,000 “ Good Common. se ran eae mea 36,000 “Fair Common. ae EON acs etv tones 32,000 “« Poor Common. ‘total White Pine, ........ 96,000 feet. Being an average of..........+.e000- 1,200 feet per Acre. Considerable hewing timber, and an average of "120 cedar ‘trees per acre, -7 inches in diameter and 80 feet long. E 134 No. 409. 1,705 76-100 Acres._-------- $3,400. Five miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Osceola County, Township 18 N., Range 8 West, in sections 7, 8, 17, 18. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 824,320 feet of Clear. se OO Saran sateeee 6,779,080 ‘“ Good Common. i OG? 1 Cocavocetons 5,285,500 “ Fair Common. ee TR ese ca deitatstinte 4,054,490 ‘ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 16,943,390 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 8,539,580 « Total,........20,482,970 “ Being an average of...............45 12,013 feet per Acre. No. 410. LGO AGP. 6 atom ucagooe $270. Half a mile to Manistee River, Missaukee County, Town- ship 24 N., Range 8 West, in sections 27, 28, 33, 34. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 113,920 feet of Clear. es Oe stairs ayand 220,960. Good Common. a OO Tehs gecransets 198,880“ Fair Common, ie ON Saesaratis 209,280 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 743,040 Being an average of.............00005 4,644 feet per Acre. No. 411. 1,240 dered. cone $2,650. Half a mile to the waters of Manistee River, Missaukee County, Township 24 N., Range 8 West, in sections 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 161,200 feet of Clear. ne tee caaleeveenece 1,960,440 ‘ Good Common. «f Ree Lbblcaveieuat 8,286,000 Fair Common. “ 6 ve enone 24,815,200 Poor Common. Total White Pine, ....... . 9,722,840 feet. Yellow “ ......., 4,575,600 < Dotalis cous piaiescnes 14,298,440 « Being an average of..... seveeeeeeeee11,580, feet per Acres 135 BID Aree ee eee ee $1,680, Half a mile to the waters of Manistee River, Missaukee County, Township 24 N., Range 8 West, in sections 4, 5, 7, 8, 9. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 54,880 feet of Clear. “ HS elearewen, SOOO S7TO0 Good Common. ee ME ® Nb sid attac ators 2,163,840 Fair Common. “ Me hare dle 2,878,4c0 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,......... 5,906,880 feet. “ Yellow “ ......... 2,606,400 * : Total,........ 8,513,280 * Being an average of......-....ec0es .7,600 feet per Acre. No. 413. 960: AGr6e: << acc soueea nace $1,540. ‘Two miles to the waters of Manistee River, Missaukee County, Township 24 N., Range 8 West, in sections 9, 10, 11, 14, 15. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine, oes ees 64,320 feet of Clear. sf Ce Aidan deals 696,000 Good Common. is eS orrnrer 2,280,000 Fair Common. sf SN -ataerlers 8,513,600 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,553,920 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 4,660,800 “ Totaly. cceisinis Gavciaretace’ss 11,214,720 “« Being an average of............0. eee 11,682 feet per Acre. No, 414. 557 21-100 Acres.------------~--- $970. One and one half a miles to Manistee River, Missaukee County, Township 24 N., Range 8 West, in sections 2, 3, 10, 11. Kstimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 21,166 feet of Good Common. “ te pacdaeate 777,572 Fair Common. fe SE a ademas 1,507,799 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,306,537 * “ Yellow “ ........4,887,359 “ Total,.... .........6,643,896 “ Being an average of........ meee 11,928 feet per Acre. 136 No. 415. - 811 49-100 Acres._..-.-..- $1,200. Half mile to Manistee River, Missaukee and Kalkaska Counties, Township 25 N., Range 8 West, in sections 35, 36. Township 24 N., Range 8 West, in section 1. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,622 feet of Clear. es CO eenara ap eae oa 278,984 “« Good Common. ee OE gas . 1,467,910 * Fair Common. et dance ee 62,586,279 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........4,834,795 “ “ Yellow “ ........8,521,362 “ Total; cia ieee Bie tlie .7,856,157 “ Being an average of....... seeeeeeee + 09,687 feet per Acre, No. 416. S00 Acres. ouoon coe ee $2,130. Half mile to Manistee River, Kalkaska County, Township 25 .N., Range 8 West, in sections 26, 27. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 193,600 feet of Clear. s deca eee 1,928,000 “ Good Common. is SEO Gap tarceeve -2,719,200 Fair Common. se SD Gidea teste 8,486,000 Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 8,276,800 feet. “ Yellow “ ...... ..2,100,800 « Total,.......10,377,600 “ Being an average of................12,972 feet per Acre. No, 41°. 200" ACHES occ eae $1,260. Two miles to Manistee River, Kalkaska County, Town- ship 25 N., Range 8 West, in sections 15, 20, 21, 22, 2%, 28, 29. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 27,600 feet of Clear. s¢ Se pete wiboala . 1,269,600 “ Good Common. eS aera 1,545,000 “ Fair Common. ee vee eee 1,888,760 “Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,730,960 feet. “Yellow “ ........ 956,800 “ Totilyeaceuct 5,687,760 “ Being an average of..............++++6,183 feet per Acre 137 No, 418, 240 Acres ose ncen $660. Four and a half miles to Muskegon River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 9 West, in section 12. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 633,314 feet of Clear. oo 6s aee se. 1,707,600 “ Good Common. ee ee epee s 596,640 «Fair Common, “ OY, cxtetecg orate . 180,960 “« Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 3,118,514 feet. Being an average of.............6005 12,998 feet per Acre. No. 419. 820 16-100 Acres__--_---.--- $3,280. One and a half miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 9 West, in sections 5, 6. ; Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 875,000 feet of Clear. ne OO bie ah Voss 5,042,180 “ Good Common, ji E, 1osiehees 2,820,800 «Fair Common. . SR tae! Hiesaie 2,321,420 “ Poor Common, Total White Pine, ....... 11,059,400 Being an average of...... ...eeeeeees 13,487 feet per Acre. No, 420. 855. 72-100 Acres. 2-25.25. $2,440. Three miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Mont- calm County, Township 12 N., Range 9 West, in section 36. Township 11 N., Range 9 West, in section 1. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,245,000 feet of Clear. se Se sladaiett aie 3,998,120 “ Good Common. se BO sce a wun 2,231,085 “ Fair Common. SA nose vad a 4,318,800 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 11,788,005 feet. Being an average of.........0.0s0e00s 13,318 feet per Acre. 138 No. 421. 851 74-100 Acres_--------- $2,560. Two and a half miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 9 West, in section 35. Towship 11 N., Range 9 West, in section 2. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 855,100 feet of Clear. < Se eiansreiere Sas 3,701,750 “ Good Common. a te gecioiraie ate 2,507,500 “ Fair Common. 8 i date eames 2,192,150 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 9,256,500 “ Being an average of...............4 10,890 feet per Acre. No. 422. 1,175 38-100 Acres__--_---- $3,520. Two and a half miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 9 West, in sections 33, 34. Township 11 N., Range 9 West, insections 3, 4, 9. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine, ........ 1,253,000 feet of Clear. “ A” aeeiaaaialans 5,182,400 “ Good Common. - HP cae accaeraiiees 2,064,475 “Fair Common. . Me pack eats 1,238,450 ‘Poor: Common. Total White Pine,........ 9688,325 feet. Being an average of........ .seeeee0s 8,245 feet per Acre. No. 423. Sl) NCR Somat $3,960. Half a mile to Muskegon River, Montcalm County, Town- ship 12 N., Range 9 West, in sections, 15, 22, 27, Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 1,873,000 feet of Clear. * BO ec adareeuaeaac 6,313,390 “Good Common. ie He eae cele 3,283,670 “ Fair Common. ‘e BOD siete 8,099,100 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 14,569,160 feet. Being an average of............. ....16,332 feet per Acre. 139 No. 424. I es ia Sa oh a $4,480. One mile to the waters of Muskegon River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 9 West, in sections 14, 23, 26. Eistimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,625,000 feet of Clear. ee Eo Se egies . 7,512,185 “ Good Common. s ve eeeeye 3,967,885 “ Fair Common. He eathtneiyne . 8,553,500 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 16,658,570 feet. Being an average of................ 14,873 feet per Acre. No. 425. 640 Acres__--- Boome $2,560. One and a half miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 9 West, in sections 24, 25. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 953,640 feet of Clear. a eee nee 5,084,380 Good Common. ss SO “aacayacuoses 2,418,510 “ Fair Common. se MS Ueileaetieae 1,458,425 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 9,864,955 * Being an average of. ......... cece eee 15,414 feet per Acre. No. 426, 800 AChE nes seseeeeeece $4,600. Half a mile to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 13 N., Range 9 West, in sections 29, 32. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,055,000 feet of Clear. ee te veaavee 2,568,675 Good Common, $e daha mies 1,857,727 “ Fair Common. " SE ptecelecae’s 1,428,555“ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... .6,904,957 feet. Being an average of.............055 . 8,631 feet per Acre, 140 No. 42%, 720 Acres.-..------------= $4,320. One mile to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta ‘County, Township-13 N., Range 9 West, in sections 26,27. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,415,000 feet of Clear. se 6 ee enees s 8,041,710 “ Good Common. ‘ SO Seraves aie ye 1,711,740 “ Fair Common. ee BD capes ure rately 1,162,970 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 7,331,420 “ Being an average of.............. .....10,182 feet per Acre. No. 428. 160 -Actesccoc ccceco gues ecck $800. One mile to the waters of Muskegon River, |Mecosta County, Township 13 N., Range 9 West, in sections 17, 20. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 215,000 feet of Clear. . GC weeeeee. 587,510 “ Good Common. fe Be eases ac 547,675 “ Fair Common. i Oo Gaiuar aa nate 804,425 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,604,610 <“ Being an average of........-...0005 10,029 feet per Acre. No. 429. Mio) | CROP ae He ate a $4,680. One mile to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 13 N., Range 9 West, in sections 17, 20. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,490,000 feet of Clear. & OSs" Yo eer dengan 4,051,870 * Good Common. s BE Sakilatanie Sh 3,345,665 * Fair Common. a Se nt ganesae 1,839,950 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 10,727,485 ‘feet. © “Vellow egcscdavs 66,050 “ Total,....... 10,793,535“ 141 No, 430, O80 Diets 2c. ecw eae $4,080. Half a mile to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 13 N., Range 9 West, in sections 13, 14, 15, 23, 24. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine, aac Ais ...1,055,000 feet of Clear. te aes tala daly 3, 726,930 “ Good Common. ef BEL olielse ako 449, 515 “ Fair Common. a SY Has ak 2,954,102 e Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 11,178,547 feet. Being an average of..,... ...... .. 16,439 feet per Acre. No, AS i. bot Agree os oo peuaeean cus $2,520. Two anda half miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 13 N., Range 9 West, in sections 5, 7, 8. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........1,055,000 feet of Clear. “ oe debates 2,376,169 “' Good Common. * Ove e eee 0 1,942,965 “ Fair Common. es Bes 1 Satancacanat, 922,490 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,296,624 “ Being an average of................ 11,244 feet per Acre. No. 432. fou PGreso.. Secu sanctus $4,320. Two and. a half miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 13 N., Range 9 W., in sections 4, 9, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........1,586,000 feet. of. Clear. ee Ce hack any |4.395, 855“ Good Common. « Oo Sas eke 3,044,295 “ Fair Common. s se ae ee 1,760,500 Poor Common. Total White Pine,.......10,736,650 ‘ Being an average of......... .+.4+-14,912 feet per Acre, 142 No, 433, 480 Acres__._..--.----...~$2,880. Two and a half miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 13 N., Range 9 West, in sections 10, 11, 14, 15. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,265,000 feet of Clear. “e “ie... 3,880,611 Good Common, . OE reasca Samoa 2,870,000 << Fair Common, Re MO Be shaders 1,820,425 * Poor Common, Total White Pine,........ 9,836,036 ‘ Being an average of..... Sie oeitaaah 20,492 feet per Acre, No. 434, 471 14-100 Acres... ---- $2,350. Two and a half miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecusta County, Township 13 N., Range 9 West, in sections 1, 2. Township 14 N., Range 9 West, in section 34. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,485,000 feet of Clear. OO oa ala were 4,580,011 “ Good Common. oe SE a eelayattie 2,453,245 * Fair Common, te BE 1,471,105 “ Poor Common, Total White Pine,........ 9,989,361 Being an average of............... 21,209 feet per Acre, N@o 43a. 640 AGtCs oe seo ueeees $1,920. Four miles to Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Town- ship 14 N., Range 9 West, in sections 10, 15. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........1,010,000 feet of Clear. es CO eecasea ies 3,030,955 “ Good Common. “ Oe ceria naceus's 2,362,150 ° Fair Common. i MO sae eee 1,072,580 “ Poor Common, Total White Pine,........ 7,475,685 * Being an average Of.............0. 11,680 feet per Acre, De! “Atte 625 uous eet cee $3,680. Four miles to Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 14 N., Range 9 West, in sections 11, 12, 13, 14. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,330,000 feet of Clear. ‘s Oe ec eaair ah 9,828,630 ‘ Good Common, * BS Meo iota 5,076,481 “ Fair Common. tf SE SuAnimeuds ates 2,844,900 “ . Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 19,080,011 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 30,360 “ Totally cx evans 19,110,371 Being an average of.............45 21,055 feet per Acre. No. 487. 276 88-100 Acres_---------- $1,380. _ Three miles to Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Town- ship 14 N., Range 9 West, in sections 3, 4. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 350,000 feet of Clear. io Si eee ees .1,599,730 * Good Common, “ 6 pie au ae es 1,868,550 “ Fair Common. OC 0 deste aed ® 873,490 “ Poor Common, Total White Pine, ........ 4,191,770 teet. Being an average of ...........0.005 15,132 feet per Acre. : No. 438. O00: Aicresescaccuuancuccusewe $600. Four miles to Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Town- ship 16 N., Range 9 West, in section 33. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 244,440 feet of Clear. eS BSE senioaee 1,694,840 * Good Common. a GE oeaia Sye 1,398,480 ‘ Fair Common. ss Am Veta 693,160 Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 4,030,920 feet. “ Yellow “ ....... 609,920 “ Total, ic ewwwewe veces 4,640,840 ‘“ Being an average of.....---.+.005 .28,204 feet per Acre, 144 No. 439. 8,684 56-100 Acres._.------ $7,370. Five miles to Muskegon River, Osceola County, ‘being all that the Company owns in Township 18 N., Range 9 West. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 5,485,476 feet of Clear. te MO gib ate des 18,316,848 “ Good Common. ct BO oi es Roe 8,005,332 “ Fair Common. ak tO eae seetates 5,578,892 Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... $7,881,548 feet. “ Yellow “ cceseeas 8,126,904 “ Matai ce blesses ie 45,508,452 Being an average of................. 12,353 feet per Acre, No. 440. HOU Aer eeenemessegas $1,640. One mile to Manistee River, Wexford County, Township 24 N., Range 9 West, in sections 17, 20, 21. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 674,800 feet of Clear. 3s Be aba a 1,353,520 “ Good Common. a GO 8 sia Gite ans 1,065,680 “ Fair Common. sf Oo sete biic he 1,136,240 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,230,240 * Yellow “assess 2,661,120 ‘ Total eat iie ts ea kewsars 6,891,360 Being an average of.......... sala ee 12,306 feet per Acre, No. 441. OO Gree pet ae $3,600. One mile to Manistee River, Wexford County, Township 24 N., Range $ West, in sections 10, 14, 15, 22. Listimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,....... 1,294,800 feet of Clear. ss te seas aaa 2,818,800 Good Common. ee Oh Nh senders 2,482,400 Fair Common. ss OSS pth ae siees 2,218,800 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... .8,764,800 “* “ Yellow “ ........7,012,800 “ STO optemeaua bts 15,777,600‘ Being an average of.............005 13,148 feet per Acre. 145 S20) Peres ale awe S $710. Lying upon the Manistee River, Wexford County, Town- ship 24 N., Range 9 West, in sections 2, 9, 10. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 196,920 feet of Clear. “ Oneeeeeee, 449,920 % Good Common. ss SS © pine stess -. 400,640 “ Fair Common. et Be cpcaheraia ates 354,240 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 1,374,720 fect. & Yellow © wicsanes 1,642,560 * Total,........02...++.3,017,280 “ Being an average of.................. 9,429 feet per Acre. No. 448. 402 22-100 Acres._-------- ~ $1,800. One and a half miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 10 West, in sec- tion 3. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 476,800 fect of Clear. ss OS pdeeoe ea aa 6,005,200 « Good Common. on tO” Sanaa 5,132,000 “ Fair Common. ns $8) grant ase fe 2,912,000 ‘ Poor Common. Total White Pine,......-.14,526,000 feet. Being an average of...............05. 36,565 feet per Acre. No. 444. 532 55-100 Acres__--_-- ---- $2,130. One and a half miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 10 West, in sec- tions 4, 8. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 250,040 feet of Clear. i Se ecaeha econ 2,259,404 “ Good Common. tt fe Cea gee 2,865,884 “ Fair Common. es oe... 1,998,192 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 7,373,520 feet. Being an average of........ seine wa 13,860 feet per Acre. 10 146 No. 445. 853 45-100 Acres__----__--- $1,060. Three and a half miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 10 West, in sec- tions 10, 15. ‘ Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 305,345 feet of Clear. ef Se oes Beane 8,095,457 * Good Common, of SO wees pds BO2; 423° * Fair Common, ee ee. oe. 1,058,294 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,291,519 feet. Being an average of............-....- 17,823 feet per Acre. No. 446. 235 30-100 Acres_...-._____..- $700. Three and a half miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 10 West, in sec- tions 9, 17. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 250,040 feet of Clear. ee Sai anos ho 2,495,465 Good Common. 48 BE hearer as 2,071,525 “* Fair Common. “6 Be aveheesb bane 1,238,750 “ Poor Common. ‘Total White Pine,........ 6,050,780 feet. Being an average of............... 25,748 feet per Acre. No. 447. 210 60-100 Acres.---__---__-- $630. Four miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Montcalm County, Township 11 N., Range 10 West, in sections 18, 19. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 845,030 feet of Clear. “ 6 veeese. 1,408,010 Good Common. Leeeern 884,380 Fair Common. se OS acne aatere 441,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 8,023,370 Being an average of............. +» .14,397 feet per Acre. BOO) ARCNE eee cane ete $1,800. One mile to the waters of Muskegon River, Montcalm ‘County, Township 12 N., Range 10 West, in sections 11,14, 15, Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 97,560 feet of Clear. ee BE | etd sien 1,682,280 * Good Common, es SO ee RGus 1,895,720 * Fair Common. es SO ewe giles aol 1,453,680 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,629,240 “ Yellow “ ........ 734,040 « Total yssacwnsiugausesy 5,363,280 “* Being an average of...... Fete oti es 14,898 feet per Acre. No. 449. 1G) aA Oe oe cee ee a $700. Half a mile to the waters of Muskegon River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 10 West, in sections 10, 15. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 14,000 feet of Clear. et eeeeees 540,800 “ Good Common. fo deeeeees £14,400 “Fair Common. fs BE Serial eal 332,000 “Poor Common, Total White Pine,..... ... 1,801,200 feet. Being an average of..........-....... 8,132 feet per Acre. No. 450 O20) NONet eco econ rece saes $1,920. Upon the waters of Muskegon River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 10 West, in sections 17, 21. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 182.000 feet of Clear, Be ROD ieee ta 1,499,200 “ Good Common. & Mee cave ah ade 1,134,400 “ Fair Common, « Te gue cate ips ah 1,197,440 “ Poor Common, Total White Pine,........4,013,040 “ Being an average of........5.0005 .....12,541 feet per Acre, 148 No. 451. 305 27-100 Acres.-_-..._--. $1,830. Lying upon the waters of Muskegon River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 10 West, in sections 18, 19, Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 185,000 feet of Clear. ss BE dao ab ie erate 1,664,385 * Good Common, & SO sialon 1,202,920 ‘ Fair Common. of ES cadets sees 1,509,750 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,562,055 * Being an average of........... renters 14,957 feet per Acre, No. 452. 762 21-100 Acres_-_----- « ---- $3,240. Half a mile to the waters of Muskegon River, Montcalm County, Township 12 N., Range 10 West, in sections 25, 36, Township 11 N., Range 10 West, ia section 1. Township 11 N., Range 9 West, in section 6. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,053,000 feet of Clear. & Se es Sasa 6,144,000 ‘“ Good Common, $6 fC Oe aeipan an 4,203,680 ‘“ Fair Common. ts Se os saasahane .. 4,235,170 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........15,635,850 fect. Being an average of ....,...... ease 20,519 feet per Acre, No. 458. 1,090 38-100 Acres__--_._--- $4,900. Half mile to the watcrs of Muskegon River, Mont- calm County, Township 12 N., Range 10 West, in sections 26, 35. Township 11 N., Range ‘Lo West, in secticn 2. ‘Town- ship J2 N., Range 9 West, i in section 19. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine, Hheiee eels 688,000 feet of Clear. ee eRe a hecsrend a tie 12,884,110 “ Good Common, es TO” Giese Gace 16,145,870 *% Fair Common, se BUS ble shia 8,271,340 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 37,989,320 “ Being an average of..........0.005 .34,852 feet per Acre, 600 Acres___.__---_______- $2,700. Upon the waters of Muskegon River, Montcalm Cuyunty, Township 12 N., Range 10 West, in sections 21, 27, 33, 34. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine, . seeeee. 255,000 feet of Clear. CRO araiece evens ts 2,001,000 “ Good Common. § BE) espiaeha ate . 2,431,000 “ Fair Common. $s RS erates 3,003,600 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 7,691,400 fect, Being an average Of..............-005 12,819 feet per Acre No. 455. AO! NCPR es aruie ore aes $2,520 Two and a half miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Ey 13 N., Range 10 West, in sections 3, 4, 8, 9, 10. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 648,000 feci. of Clear. oe oc Sfavavengaere 2,082,670 “ Good Common. et eee ee 1,386,360 Fair Common. ee Oe ater e ets 822,510 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ..... .. 4,909,540 feet. Being an average of..............00+ 6,818 feet per Acre. 1 No. 45532. 504 44-100 Acres ..2.2--2------- $2,620. One mile to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 13 N., Range 10 West, in sections 5, 6, 7, 8. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,...... .. 496,000 feet of Clear. & Me elie eee 1,707,980 Good Common. se SOD) gh Cora 1,606,959 “* Fair ‘Common. st SEO ae aee ¥ 1,532,120 * Poor Common, Total White Pine,........ 5,343,059 feet. Being an average of....... ig saul sana one 10,196 fect per Acre, 1,040 Acres... -.---------- $5,200. Two miles to the waters of the Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 13 N., Range. 10 West, in sections 8, 9, 17. Estimated amount of Lumber. White Pine,........ 1,045,000 feet of Clear. “ ere 4,006,220 “ Good Common.. ‘S ORD cece erreiah Wis 3,541,975 Fair Common. ef ME ate een eiah ae 8,261,600 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 11,854,795 feet. Being an average of............ ....11,898 feet per Acre. No. 457. 960° $5=-100. Aeregscicsscccocsss $3,360. Four miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 13 N., Range 10 West, in sections 1, 2, 11, 12, Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 1,836,000 feet of Clear. ee Geren ae 8,915,294 * Good ‘Common. a: Bh a aisianes 1,377,747 “« Fair Common. ef RES scope apis dare 804,171 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,......... 7,933,212 feet. Being an average of.............. . .8,263 feet per Acre.. No. 458. 956 25-100 Acres...___-.---- $4,780. Two and a half miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 13 N., Range 10 W., in sections 13.14. Township 13 N., Range 9 W., in section 18. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,310,000 feet of Clear. sf she ie 3,498,525 “ Good Common. s BES lacs eau ites 2,230,268 Fair Common. e OF adeeuses 1,950,835 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........8,989,628 “ Being an average of............... ...9,413 feet per Acre. DOD: DCRGss oS Ga ae es $3,360. Two miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta ‘County, Township 13 N., Range 10 West, in section 23. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 885,000 feet of Clear. a eee eee 2,736,420 © Good Common. s BEA Roca sesties 2,754,285 “ Fair Common. id Be Caan 2,607,725 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 8,983,380 feet. Being an average of....... ccagtae et sdvers 15,952 feet per Acre. No. 460. 480 Acres: 22 sc.-eeoeeas. $2,880. One mile to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 13 N., Range 10 West, in section 24. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 745,000 feet of Clear. “ 6 ie ee aes 2,093,940 “ Good Common. st He oad eee 0 421,528 “ Fair Common. < CED elated fy 1,486,715 « Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........5,747,178 feet. Being an average of............ 1..+11,972 feet per Acre. B00 Acheiieccs cae $3,440. Two miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 13 N., Range 10 West, in sections 21, 22, 27, 34. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine......... 810,000 feet of Clear. “ 7 2,243,810 *“ Good Common. eee eres se OO samneeas 1,732,155 « Fair Common. * HE) scam ees 1,545,200 ‘¢ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........6,331,165 feet. Being an average of...........+++.+--7,914 feet per Acre. 760 Acres__-._--- pia $4,940. Half mile to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township, 13 N., Range 10 West, in sections 25, 26, 35. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,220,000 feet of Clear. & Set — halon 3,252,496 “ Good Common. “ OO dia Genie 2,863,000 «Fair Common. fe er Swe es 2,409,965 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ....... 9,745,461 feet. Being an average of................ 12,823 feet per Acre, No. 468. 481 06-100__---_-- joie seieis $1,920. Two miles to the waters of Muskegon River, Mecosta County, Township 16 N., Runge 10 Wesi, in sections 25, 36. Township 16 N., Range 9 West, in section 31. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 386,560 feet of Clear. sé OO UR Senet 8,329,850 “ Good Common. ee 60 acento 1,764,450 “ Fair Common. “ oO Fete gh 1,130,165 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine ........ 6,611,025 feet. f° Vellow 86 ons cee we 253,980 “ Totaly ccseeavis 6,865,005 Being an average...............-65- 14,2738 feet per Acre. No. 464. SOY CNeR oo aa sian eee $1,570. One half mile to Manistee River, Wexford County, Town- ship 24 N., Range 10 West, in sections 9, 10, 15. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 172,000 feet of Clear. ad Or kaceitece lice 1,318,400 “ Good Common. ne HO) ete ase sen 1,839,200 “ Fair Common. ee OPE Sata 2,277,600 “ Poor Common. Total White Fine,........ 5,607,200 feet. Being an average OE sesiietin a sates au aeekea 7,009 feet per Acre. 153 No. 465. 813 23-100 Acres__...______ $1,500. way One half mile to Manistee River, Wexford County, Town- ship 24 N., Range 10 West, in sections 7, 8, 18. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 180,486 feet of Clear. & SO eicetia es 1,536,570 “ Good Common. se fS> Noa eite ea 2,231,685 Fair Common. He BP th gaahcoahs 2,779,647 ‘ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........6,728,388 “ Yellow “ ...,.... 181,299 ¢ otal. ine essex .2+2.6,909,687 “ Being an average of..............0.005 8,500 feet per Acre. No. 466, 1,000 Acres._--....-------- $1,470. Two and a half miles to Manistee River, Wexford County, Township 24 N., Range 10 West, in sections 15, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 33. . Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 842,000 feet of Clear. ce ce ear eeee 2,052,000 Good Common. «f Se eetewea bie 2,754,000 Fair Common. Se Hee cae Pianta 3,258,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 8,406,000 feet. Being an average of...........eeee seuss 8,406 feet per Acre. No. 46%. GO UAthes so. cece eas eae $1,660. One mile to Manistee River, Wexford County, Township 24N.,, Range 10 West, in sections 17, 20, 21. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,....... . 168,600 feet of Clear. ee BO vege ies ane: 1,382,400 <“¢ Good Common. i $8 ee wie daa 2,070,600 << Fair Common. se SO a aie bee 2,622,600 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,244,200 feet. «& Yellow “ ...,.... 747,000 “ Totaly avenecadakwege . 6,991,200 Being an average of........-+++-- .....11,652 feet per Acre. GO) ROTOR ae eacic ciara $1,140. One and a half miles to Manistee River, Wexford County, Township 24 N., Range 10 West, in sections 19, 20, 29. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 301,280 feet of Good Common. es COD aed od eal a 645,120 << Fair Common. s aE Sia oanaelass 920,080 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........1,866,480 feet. “« Yellow “ ...,....4,121,040 “ Ui aliraader ceeds x 5,987,520 “ Being an average of............-22200- 10,692 feet per Acre. No. 469. 320 Acres__.-___----_------- $410. ° Two and a half miles to Manistee River, Wexford County, Township 24 N., Range 10 West, in sections 29, 30, 31, 32. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 147,840 feet of Good Common, “e Soe iewei caus 309,120 “ Fair Common. “ MO od duepanetie 408,960 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 865,920 feet. “Yellow “ ........ 1,821,760 ‘“ Totaly. ....cceceessss 2,687,680 Being an average of............0.00005 8,399 feet per Acre- No. 470. SU0) Meresisc ce aesec ences $2,400. Five and a half miles to the waters of Rogue River Newaygo County, Township 11 N., Range 11 West, in sec” tions 17, 19, 20. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 495,000 feet of Clear. ee PE aha atte ode 4,075,200 *“ Good Common. es He, aoe Weitacaa 3,569,600 “ Fair Common. ee De agen 4,255,200 <“ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 12,395,000 feet. Being an average of...........0.-05- 15,493 feet per Acre, 155 No. 471, 600 Acres. oo... .-..22 $1,800. Four and a half miles to Rogue River, Newaygo County, Township 11 N., Range 11 West, in section 5, 8. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 289,800 feet of Clear. st ere ere 2,456,400 ‘ Good Common. BO ohare a 2,032,200 “ Fair Common, SOS eae wa 2,398,200 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 7,176,600 feet. Being an average of.............4 . 11,961 feet per Acre. No, 472, 0 LIM 4c! : e e $4,420. Lying upon the waters of Muskegon River, Newaygo County, Township 12 N., Range 11 W.,in sections 14, 15, 23° Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 295,120 feet of Clear. os i Ss Berea bene 3,009,000 “ GoodCommon. “ OSS cae el tensa 4,983,720 “ _Fair Common. s OE Se laueca iaawee 4,398,240 “ Poor Common Total White Pine,,...... 12,686,080 feet. Being an average Of..............005 18,656 feet per Acre. No. 473. 400 Acres__-._--.-------- $2,600. Lying upon the waters of Muskegon River, Newaygo County, Township 12 N., Range 11 West, in sections 13, 24 Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 390,000 feet of Clear. ss On ee ang 2,732,400 *% Good Common. $f SC seesaw 1,780,400 <“ Fair Common. se aE iy aay ake 1,466,400 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,369,200 feet. Being an average of............-.- ... 15,923 feet per Acre. 360 Acres__--___---____--___- $720. One and a half miles to the waters of Manistee River, Lake County, Township 20 N., Range 11 W., in sections 7, 8, 17, 18. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 203,040 feet of Clear. e se eee 616,680 “ Good Common. wf “oo... 1,610,640 * Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,480,860 Being an average of.............0005 6,751 feet per Acre. No. 475. B20 (AGES con cuede coun cues $810. One mile to Manistee River, Wexford County, Town- ship 24 N., Range 11 West, in sections 34, 35. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine, ....... 3,840 feet of Clear. ee BOs eaeacoade 109,120 * Good Common, ee Cen) auatastaterss BA Isd oO HS Fair Common. s OE spe aaauek 281,920 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 616,000 feet. © Yellow. gedaan 8,570,880 WOtal as sieserd geese ws ates 4,186,880 “ Being an average of.............46., 13,084 feet per Acre, No. 476. PO OTe ocala a ate eos $250. Half mile to Manistee River, Wexford County, ‘Township 24 N., Lange 11 West, in section 25. ‘Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 11,000 feet of Clear. *s Soe scat ra Gia 189,800 “ Good Common. “ BE” sine alee hal 236,£00 “Fair Common. ee Soo eis teavats 281,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 668,600 feet. te “Yellow 3 seccecsies 839,000 ‘ Totaly awiiuoe cas ag one 1,507,600 “ Being an average of............005 7,542 feet per Acre. 157 NO.w 4A @ POO0 AGtes 2. oo cae $3,210. One mile to Manistee River, Wexford County, Township 24 N., Range 11 West, in sections 10, 11, 14, 15, 22, 23. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 287,760 feet of Clear. ue OOF ieee ee 3,231,360 “ Good Common. fe See asa tdaies BG 4,521,000 “ Fair Common, ee AON | -egueateeud Dsl 16,820 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 138,816,440 feet. & Vollow © acco syns 102,960 “ Metal Lup Segucedugeees 13,919,400 “ Being an average of.......... -... 10,545 feet per Acre. No. ATS, G00 Actes cee pana dane coos $1,780. Half mile to Manistee River, Wexford County, Township. 24 N., Range 11 West, in sections 12, 13. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 115,200 feet of Clear. “cc a“ saa stan 1,604,400 *“ Good Common. fe Oe sareupaiees 3,027,600 «Fair Common. cs Hee cee wake 3,270,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 8,017,200 feet. Being an average Of.....--.-- sess +eee 13,362 feet per Acre. No. 479. WOO. Aores oo ccuee nesses $1,080. Five miles to Rogue River, Newaygo County, Township 11 N., Range 12 West, in sections 22, 23, 26, 27. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 316,080 feet of Clear. 6c “ce Jecwuanaecens 1,945,440 “ Good Common. a EO oak alat 2,991,600 “ Fair Common, ef Be cae ana celeth 1,602,720 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,855,840 feet. Being an average of........ seveveeee 9,522 feet per Acre, 158 No, 480, . p20 70-L00 Aeress conan ween $2,350. Three miles to Muskegon River, Newaygo County, Town- ship 11 N., Range 12 West, in section 1. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 434,720 feet of Clear. st SE cetraceunacka 2,940,600 Good Common, - So gis hci ..1,957,800° “ Fair Common. as EE Oath toy 1,485,640 Poor.Common, Total White Pine, ........ 6,818,760 feet. Being an average of............... 18,113 feet per Acre, Eight acres fine haymarsh. No, 481. 240 ACTOS. eo senwes Came $960. One mile to Muskegon River, about one mile from Newaygo Village, Newaygo County, Township 12 N., Range 12 West, in sections 8, 17, 18. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,.... ... 138,000 feet of Clear. | Pia aes 93,840 “ Good Common, ss CO hiws @e 62,400 * Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 294,240 feet. Being an average Of.... 6.02... ..e eee 1,226 feet per Acre, Considerable hewing timber. No. 482. 135 37-100 Acres_.......... $270. Lying upon Muskegon River, one mile and a half from Croton Village, Newaygo County, Township 12 N., Range 12 West, in sections 13, 14.° Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 22,410 feet. of Good Common, ee Oe ssaneeia vee 24,705 Fair Common. ee OE! cea auian 22,025 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 69,140 feet Being an average of....... biecnaabineanats 504 feet per Acre, Fair faaming lands. Some good bottoms. 159 No. 483, De) COUR seats aes $980. Half a mile to White River, Newaygo County, Township 14 N., Range 12 West, in sections 28, 29, 32, 33. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 128,520 feet of Clear. i Se gee slieusttare 2,288,280 * Good Common. te Be eS ed 959,560 “* Fair Common. AED Sabre tea taal tals 1,807,320 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,223,680 feet. Being an average of................ 18,656 feet per Acre. No, 484, T1GO ACIS -eaesee as Sn eee, $480. One and one half miles to White River, Newaygo County, Township 14 N., Range 12 West, in sections 26, 27. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 40,160 feet of Clear. && Bee dels hadistng 2,738,240 “ Good Common. 4 RS eeu 348,960 Fair Common. 8 Se cian 126,720 * Poor Common. ‘Total White Pine, ........ 3,254,080 feet. Being an average of,.......... ceeds 20,8388 feet per Acre. No, 485. ON) CTE a wiernen apes sale $1,120. One and a half miles to White River, Newaygo County, Township 14 N., Range i2 West, in sections 19, 20, 29. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 732,480 feet of Clear. . aeeieees 5,190,520 “ Good Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,923,000 “ Being an average of..........+.-- eee 18,510 feet per Acre. No, 486, OO AGH ca ance sme $1,200. Half a mile to White River, Newaygo County, Township 14.N., Range 12 West, in sections 17, 20, 21. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 309,600 feet of Clear. ie OO SS reek 69 3,073,600 “ Good Common. e ed... 606,000 Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,889,200 feet. Being an average Of.... --. sss eeeeeees 9,723 feet per Acre. 160 No, 484, BAD re St Tsotsi eacette $1,540. Palf mile to White River, Newaygo County, Township 14 N., Range 12 West, in sections 21, 22, 28. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 197,560 feet of Clear. se BO. Slava dav 2,727,120 Good Common. . OE ae ae si Pe 911,680 “ Fair Common. s So as Scere o: te 1,084,600 ‘ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,920,960 “ Being an average of......-....005 11,184 feet per Acre. No, 488. G0 AtteGaccauccscosesass $1,440. One mile lo White River, Newaygo County, Township 14 N., Range 12 West, in sections 10, 11, 15. Estimated amount of Launber: White Pine, ........ 878,880 feet of Clear. f i... «5,084,640 “ Good Common. se Sa dees s 188,840 Fair Common. ee Ghee wes 691,200 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ......... 6,838,560 feet. Being an average of............... 14,247 feet per Acre. No, 489, ADO Ate ecu ees esse $1,200. Half a mile to White River, Newaygo County, Township 14.N., Range 12 West, in sections 9, 10. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,850,000 feet of Good Common. ss Oe Tiassa 824,400 %& Fair Common. “ 6 eee eee 64,804,400 & Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 7,478,800 feet. Being an average of....... jae: ewe ew .18,697 feet per Acre. 161 No. 490. 635 64-100 Acres__-_-_---. $1,900. ‘Half a mile to White River, Newaygo County, Township * 14 N., Range 12 West, in sections 3, 4. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 55,880 feet of Clear. “ He ie a ea ate 611,822 “ Good Common. “ “ 231,486 ‘ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 889,138 feet. Being an average of............000 14,156 feet per Acre. No, 491. 482 28-100 Acres_---------- $1,120, Three and a half miles to Pere Marquette River, Newaygo. ‘County, Township 15 N., Range 12 West, in section 4. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,681,668 feet of Clear. & MGT SEG. anne hs 7,029,006 “ Good Common. Total White Pine,........ 8,710,674 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 865,356 * italia beer esdow es 9,076,030 “ Being an average of..........-+.+06- 18,880 feet per Acre. No. 492, 999 10-100 Acres...---2--< $1,290. Four miles to Pere Marquette River, Newaygo County, Township 15 N., Range 12 West, in section 2, 3, 10. . Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,749,458 feet of Clear. “ 9,105,672 * Good Common. Total White TPine,......- 10,855,130 feet. “ Yellow “ ......-- 1 471, "512 12,326,642 “ Total, sei be snes see's 18,369 feet per Acre, Being an average of.......--++++++++ 11 162 No. 493. GAO Bites ooo eee $1,500. , Two and a half miles to Pere Marquette River, Newaygo County, Township 16 N., Range 12 West, in section 33. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,198,080 feet of Clear. 7 OO cpuueatautre 6,304,640 * Good Common. Total White Pine,......... 7,502,720 feet. Being an average of.............00 11,7283 feet per Acre. No. 494, De Aeree Cea. ola eles $750. Three miles to Rere Marquette River, Newaygo County, Township 16 N., Range 12 West, in section 34. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 1,196,440 feet of Clear. es SE Oey caeaiotarae 4,626,440 “ Good Common, Total White Pine,........ 5,822,880 feet. Being an average of.............0.. 20,796 feet per Acre. No. 495. WO ARO 5 ciahtice las reheat a $500. Lying upon the Pere Marquette River, Newaygo County, Township 16 N., Range 12 West, in sections 21, 22. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 55,200 feet of Clear. ig ea eee 1,882,880 “ Good Common. et OT tals eget 726,240 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,164,320 feet. Being an average Of.............0 000 4,509 feet per Acre. No, 496. SAO CIC a eam aeaesoe $160. Lying upon the Pere Marquette River, Newaygo County, Township 16 N., Range 12 West, in sections 8, 9. Estimated amount of Lumber: _ White Pine,........ 1,370,640 feet of Poor Common. Being an average Of.........cce cee eees 5,711 feet per Acre. No. O51 81-200) Acres. oos2c ces} $1,270. Two miles to the waters of Manistee River, Lake County, ‘Township 20 N., Range 12 West, in sections 25, 26, 35, 36. Township 20 N., Range 11 West, in section 31. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 92,344 feet of Clear. & Of cadets) wine can 731,319 “ Good Common. ss ae 8,249,176 “« Fair Common. ae SE heb ea 2,094,102 “* Poor Common. Total White Pine,-....... 6,166,941 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 44,744 “ otal cos sdtensawhnvse 6,211,685 “ ‘Being an average of........... Reta 6,528 feet per Acre. No. 498. 1,150 89-100 Acres_----.-- $2,880. One mile to the waters of Manistee River, Lake County, Township 20 N., Range 12 West, in sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 24. Township 20 N., Range 11 West, in section 19. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 167,900 feet of Clear. . s SEA a Ses ang 1,176,450 “ Good Common. ee Se at saad 5,284,800 ‘ Fair Common, ee > “orphan 3,830,650 “ Poor Common’ Total White Pine,....... 10,409,800 feet. « Yellow, “ ....... 2,180,000 * “CRG balc deat 12,539,800 feet. Being an average of ....+..e-eee eee 10,852 feet per Acre, No, 499. 560 Acres...2neon=---5-- $1,800. Two miles to the waters of Manistee River, Wexford County, Township 21 N., Range 12 West, in sections 14, 15, 21, 22. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........- 170,800 feet of Clear. ee f oedieagrels 3,774,960 “ Good Common. a Ge aioe .. 408,240 “ Fair Common. ee Me same 1,280,320 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,.......- 5,584,320 feet. Yellow “ ..sseeee 376,320 “ Total,.....eeeeeeeeees 5,960,640 “: Being an average of.......--+++++- ..10,644 feet per Acre. 164 No. 500. G00 ACTAas co weineaenes $3,000. Two miles to the waters of Manistee River, Wexford County, Township 21 N., Range 12 West, in sections 6, 7, 8, 9. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 775,800 feet of Clear. “ MO ai diauaiaiee 5,104,800 “ Good Common. s CO letesaasiaecs 511,800 “ Fair Common. “ Be 4 Sarai chute 214,200 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 6,606,600 feet. “Yellow $6 accuser 471,000 *“ Total,.... ... 7,077,600 ‘ Being an average of.............0055 11,796 feet per Acre. No. 501. 386 80-100 Acres__--_------. $1,275. Two miles to the waters of Manistee River, Manistee County, Township 22 N., Range 12 West, in sections 7, 18. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 174,150 feet of Clear. fe fhe ied a calivan aa 3,604,518 “ Good Common. Total White Pine,:....... 8,778,668 feet. eo Wellow (cece cares 892,418 % Total, ........ 4,171,086 “* Being an average of.................0. 10,778 feet per Acre. No. 502. 125 60-100 Acres__------_--- $130. One mile to Manistee River, Manistee County, Town- ship 23 N., Range 12 West, in sections 17, 19. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 14,375 feet of Clear. . He Sabie ewes "7,750 Good Common. Total White Pine,,...... 92,125 feet. Being an average of................. 737 feet per Acre. 165 No. 508. 916 15-100 Acres_..._______. $1,100. Two and and half miles to Aux Becs Scies River, Grand Traverse County, Township 25 N., Range 12 West, in sections 18, 19. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 48,548 feet of Clear. os Soe elem yee 2,000,544 Good Common. as OE ce aah Gone 1,973,980 “ Fair Common. . He heals wees 57,708 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,080,780 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 527,616 “ Total,.... ...4,608,396 “ Being an average of..........0.c00005 5,031 feet per Acre. No. 504. 1 2OU) Meio ote UU $1,680. Two and a half miles to the waters of Au Becs Scies River, Grand Traverse County, Township 25 N., Range 12 West, in sections 17, 20, 21. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 746,400 feet of Clear. “ EE TER o ogueihuee ane 1,405,200 feet of Good Common. sf Bot ad ehacnetans 1,904,400 «Fair Common. ss Be) OMe ie acne 1,555,200 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,611,200 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 392,400 Totals cscs sicccracca ve 6,003,600 “ Being an average of..............00 0008 5,003 feet per Acre. No. 505, 979 71-100 Acres... --+ 232+ $1,570. One mile to Aux Becs Scies River, Grand Traverse County Township 25 N., Range 12 West, in sections 5, 6, 7, 8. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 498,820 feet of Good Common. sf ce ee oo 1,855,840 « Fair Common. a Meee eeee 809,500 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,663,660 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 720,300 “ Total cn sevws ve ee eee 8,388,960 “ Being an average of..........+-005 .- 3,452 feet per Acre. 640 ACES nn canuceme eek $930. One anda half miles to the waters of Aux Becs Scies River, Grand Traverse County, Township 25 N., Range 12: West, in section 9. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 853,120 feet of Good Common. a SES le Mendnnbaans 1,323,520 “ Fair Common. et “% 1......1,091,200 “ Poor Common, Total White Pine,........ 3,267,840 ‘ s “Yellow® © oes cen 39,040 * Mops escent eo 3,306,880“ Being an average of............. ...-5,167 feet per Acre. : No. 507. DN EOL eae eres nest aed ones 1,070. Two and a half miles to the waters of Aux Bees Scies River, Grand Traverse County, Township 25 N., Range 12. West, in section 10, 15 Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,.......-. 718,120 feet of Clear. ee SE grad Seton 1,022,840 Good Common.. ss Te aed tate 927,160 “ Fair Common. i OS eeecdarecess 744,640 “¢ Poor Common.. Total White Pine,........ 3,412,760 feet. fe MCN OW oe epee ee 33,800 “ Total,........ 3,446,560 “ Being an average of............ce ee eeee 6,628 feet per Acre.. No. 508. 1045 61-100 Acres csanccemases $2,350. Three miles to Aux Becs Scies River, Grand Traverse County, Township 25 N., Range 12 West, in sections 1, 2,11, 12, 14. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,855,900 feet of Clear. ‘ SEP ese ois last 2,421,846 “ Good Common. a ve ovjee'a 62189798 Fair Common. , a wee 00 001,519,651 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 7,436,590 feet. Being an average of.............0.005 7,130 feet per Acre. 167 No. 509. 413 80-100 Acres_-_--_--- ~---$660. : One and a half miles to the waters of Aux Bees Scies River, Grand Traverse County, Township 25 N., Range 12 West, in section 3, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 70,794 feet of Clear. te Be. a Beqeene eee 706,284“ Good Common . my Be | eeyeneecde 640,458 “ Fair Common. “8 BS” “edesaiennde raed - 619,844 *& Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,086,880 feet. is Wellow © ajava 121,716 “ tah ai edousespsaeees 2,158,596 “ Being an average Of..........0005 .5,214 feet per Acre. . No. 510. 629 78-100 Acres__..__--_--- $880. Half a mile to Aux Becs Scies. River, Grand Traverse County, Township 25 N., Range 12 West, in section 4. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 783,720 feet of Good Common. re fe pier 730,170 “ Fair Common. HOSS elareudniie 780,800 ‘“ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,244,690 feet. “ Yellow. “ ........ 318,150 “ Total; assaveges cer ast 2,562,840 “ Being an average Of. ...... 6+. seeee eens 4,068 feet per Acre. No. 511. 403 15-100 Acres.._---------- $520, Lying upon the Aux Becs Scies River, Grand Traverse County, Township 25 N., Range 12 West, in sections 5, 6. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 417,911 feet of Good Common. 4 Rhee alrevainaia he 445,815 Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 863,226 “ “ Yellow “ ....e5e- 27,001 “ Total ecice cess 890,227 “ Being an average of.......+-++++++> 2,208 feet per Acre. Considerable hewing timber. NGO! ACtll sence seme $1,960. Three and a half miles to White River, Newaygo County, Township 14 N., Range 13 West, in sections 9, 15. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 3,903,200 feet of Good Common. ts Oke e eee 2,483,760 * Fair Common. se Oe sae Htlevntes 537,040 ‘ Poor Common. Total White Pine.., ....6,874,000 feet. Being an average of.................. 12,275 feet per Acre, J,00U INGTON. JoncaacccsGcGy $6,120. Two and a half miles to White River, Newaygo County, Township 14 N., Range 13 West, in sections 7, 8, 17, 18. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,..... -.. 845,440 feet of Clear. EO Sveti 12,220,960 “ Good Common. ee OO scuauaeiaueatia 678,640 °“ Fair Common. as Ove ee ese 1,418,480 Poor Common. Total White Pine,.......14,663,520 feet. Being an average of:...... igre aes wack 10,782 feet per Acre. No. 514. 00) Sete ae eae $1,400. Half a mile to the waters of Manistee River, Manistee County, Township 21 N., Range 13 West, in sections 22, 27, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 276,080 feet of Clear. ee OE ude smantsec eas 1,932,840 “* Good Common. 6 tA) citeenayiesas 772,520 Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,981,440 feet. “ Yellow “ ......., 269,640 TEGO caerimackead assent 3,251,080 “ Being an average of...............000. 11,611 feet per Acre. 169 No. 515. Y50° Are on ees Sco $1,400. Half a mile to the waters of Manistee River, Manistee County, Township 21 N., Range 13 West, in sections 14, 15, 22, 23. : Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,....... . 480.920 feet of Good Common. We ES cee on Es 1,795,360 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,226,280 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 681,240 “ Total,..... wean b07,620° Being an average Of...........000000e . 10,384 feet per Acre. No. 516. Deu) RORcos copkeae acess $820. One and a half mile to the waters of Manistee River, Manistee County, Township 21 N., Range 13 West, in sec- tions 12, 13. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 2,092,480 feet of Fair Common. (Ces Mavala 1,127,680 ‘“ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,220,160 feet. "Yellow cieeeeee 45,120 “ Total, ccc. sy eee ees 3,265,280 “ Being an average of........... 5.00 eee 10,204 feet per Acre. No. 517. 684 Acres..-+.--=-senoees $1,900. Halfa mile to Manistee River, Manistee County, Town- ship 22 N., Range 13 West, in sections 26, 27, 34, 35. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 47,880 feet of Clear. se Ge er stens teats 1,464,444 “ Good Common. e CO ge cabana lens 827,636 “ Fair Common. s i.e... 1,508,482 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,348,892 “ “ Yellow “ .......- 879,624 * Uolalicvecusdeveaess 4,223,016 Being an average of....... ee 6,174 feet per Acre. 170 No. #18. 579 84-100 Acres__-- _--- ~--- $2,320. One and a half miles to Manistee River, Manistee County, Township 22 N., Range 13 West, in sections 21, 28. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 243,180 feet of Clear. ef tt leases 2,982,007 “ ° Good Common. S BS Sle db we 1,698,207 “ Fair Common. $y Be dhe eee 1,701,681 ‘“ Poor Common, Total White Pine, ........ 6,625,075 feet. fe Mellow $8 le csaeses 479,991 ‘ Wil esiecasetetecube 7,105,066 “ Being an average of.............006. 12,254 feet per Acre. No. 519. 891 52-100 Acres__....--..--- $3,570. Two and a halt miles to Manistee River, Manistee County, Township 22 N., Range 13 West, in sections 20, 29. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 166,617 feet of Clear. a ae eee 6,077,511 ‘“ Good Common. = SE amas 552,420 ‘ Fair Common. oi Te cleus oegyd 5,225,715 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 12,022,263 feet. Being an average of............0..0005 13,493 feet per Acre, No. 520. 796 58-100 Acres.---_----_- $1,780. One mile to Manistee River, Manistee County, Township 22 N., Range 13 West, in sections 19, 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 2,271,784 feet of Good Common. te eee ee 989,280 “ Fair Common. “ BY ea hare 2,155,568 “Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,366,632 feet. “ Yellow “ ......., 1,666,824 “ Total, ....... 7,038,456 Being an average Of..............000. 8,836 feet per Acre. 1th No, 524, 841 61-100 Acres.-_--_--____. $1,510. Three and a half miles to Manistee River, Manistee County Township 22 N., Range 13 West, in sections 7, 18. Estimated amount of Lumber: 3,792,910 feet of Good Common. ee SOS eae 6,527,842 “ Fair Common. “ MO mececnies 702,235 =“ Poor Common. Total White Pine,...,.... 11,022,987 Being: ah Average) Of p64 ceca r nies tetas 13,107 feet per Acre. No, 522, SOU (AGEs sees mee esce $1,600 Three miles to Manistee River, Manistee County, Town- ship 22 N., Range 13 West, in sections 8, 17. Estimated amount of Lumber: 3,542,400 feet of Good Common. ie hae 4,338,240 * Fair Common. 7 te 3,841,920 “ Poor Common. White Pine,........ 11,722,560 feet, Total White Pine,........ 12,211 feet per Acre-. Being an average of.............-05.. 600 Acres. 6. acescncsedees One mile to Manistee River, Manistee County, Township 22 N., Range 18 West, in sections 8, 9, 10. Estimated amount of Lumber: 3,348,000 feet of Good Common. White Pine, ........ C ee eee. «1,680,000 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine, ........ 5,028,000 te « “VYellow sasasnss 94,800 te Totals. coc. es 5,122,800 te 8,538 feet per Acre. ee es WT PEO ois Gan $1,710. Lying upon Manistee River, Manistee County, Township 22 N., Range 13 West, in section 2; 3; 11. Township 23 N., Range 13 West, in sections 34, 35.4 Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 2,079,252 feet of Good Common. fe Oe cara canaauas 2,236,206 % Fair Common. “ Sk Sere eeereastis 699,300 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,014,758 “* Be Wellow: 86) aepiistsiseds 602,175 Total jiecadoneaveneus 5,616,933“ Being an average of.............0000 7,229 feet per Acre, No. 525. 407 51-100 Acres______.-__-- $1,220. Three miles to Manistee River, Manistee County, Town- ship 23 N., Range 13 W., in sections 32,33. Township 22 N., Range 13 West, in sections 4, 5. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 312,576 feet of Clear. se He deiouaaaetara 4,089,129 “ Good Common. ss Co eaten 3,970,285 <“ Poor Common, Total White Pine, ........ 8,371,990 feet. Being an average of................ ,..20,570 feet per Acre. No, 026. 480 Acres. o5. 2 ene en $8380. One and a half miles to Manistee River, Manistee County, Township 23 N., Range 13 West, in sections 27, 28, 33, 34. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 760,800 feet of Good Common. ss OSE gdoantion toga 766,080 ‘“ Fair Common. * Se aparece 3,762,720 ‘ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 5,289,600 feet. Being an average of................. 11,020 feet per Acre. Bol NOUR occs ae secon ace $960. Half mile to Manistee River, Manistee County, Township 23 N., Range 13 West, in section 26. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,,....... 1,757,120 feet of Good Common, ss eS RCRA 1,176,000 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine, ........ 2,933,120 feet. & Vellow S! - pessicaass 235,200 “ /MGtBl asec supe sane’ 3,168,320 Being an average of..........c eee ees 9,901 feet per Acre, . No. 528. OO DUONG os 2 i gta uae $340. Lying upon the Aux Bees 'Scies River, Lelenaw County, Township 25 N., Range 13 West, in sections 2, 8, 9, 10, 11. Totel estimated amount of Lumber upon the Group, 80,360 feet. Some hemlock. GUO) Atred 25.2.5 nase tue eee $870. Three and a half miles to the waters of Aux Becs Scies River, Lelenaw County, Township 26 N., Range 13 West, in sections 27, 28, 33. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 183,600 feet of Clear. eo Oe ace la eset 1,674,000 “ Good Common. a fee ailennaces 1,143,000 “ Fair Common. ee Go alae 239,400 “ Poor Common, Total White Pine,........ 3,240,000 feet. Being an average Of......-.-+.seeeeeees 5,400 feet per Acre. No. 930. 775 74-100 Acres__.-.-.----- $200. Lying upon the waters of Aux Bees Scies River, Lelenaw County, Township 26 N., Range 13 West, in sections 29, 32. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 264,275 feet of Good Common. cs Be a acdara nies 193,750 “ Fair Common. “ OO) sosnaidels thats 496,775 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,......-. 954,800 feet. Being an average Of......++++++++++ 1,232 feet per Acre, ASU Neres coco ucceceeecced $120. Three and a half miles to the waters of Aux Becs Scies River, Lelenaw County, Township 26 N., Range 13 West, in ‘sections 30, 31. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine, suheeaie tes 57,120 feet of Clear. ee fe isleiahaiaisays 286,560 “ Good Common. ct Se mates . 162,240 “ Fair Common. ee SOD migraines 38,880 “* Poor Common. ‘Total White Pine,........ 544,800 feet. Being an average of...............-54- 1,135 feet. per Acre. No. 532. LEAD GIES one ei ie $1,070. Three miles to the waters of Aux Becs Scies River, Lele- naw County, Township 26 N., Range 13 West, in sections 15, o),, 22, Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 98,560 feet of Clear. ae are 2,324,000. “ Good Common. f Be ail lstace tonite 3,076,640 “ Fair Common. SES), Gere sipneutsche 1,148,000 <* Poor Common. ‘Total White Pine,........ 6,647,200 feet. © Yellow “ siseceis 1,067,360 ° “ Total, saicsasccgeveiesies 7,714,560 * Being an average Of,...........22 seven 6,888 feet per Acre. No, 533. BOO AGN emer ae ae oes ‘$440. Three miles to the waters of Platte River, Lelenaw County, Township 26 N., Range 13 West, in sections 7, 19, 20. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 147,680 feet of Clear. ee TEL Biedatatteedt 981,760 * Good Common. a Pe est inlet aa 573,040 Fair Common. ee Be aleiainte§ cau 422,240 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,......... 2,124,720 feet. Being an average of ..............4., 4,086 feet per Acre. 175 No. 534, 283 18-100 Aeres...222 2045 $560. Three and a half a miles to the waters of Grand River, Newaygo County, Township 12 N., Range 14 West, in sec- tions 6, 7. ; : Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 533,455 feet of Clear. fe eee 998,707 “ Good Common. “ ESP austen 220,457 “* Fair Common. & Me 1 esha abe ace 150,556“ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,903,175 feet. Being an average of.......... 0.000.000. 6,725 feet per Acre. No. 536. BONY AVC Se tes oeciet cpa alates $3,080. Half mile to White River, Newaygo County, Township 14.N., Range 14 West, in sections 24, 25, 26. Kstimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 539,280 feet of Clear. eu Cer ae 2,348,300 “ Good Common. et Oe salaascngeees 1,120,000 “ Fair Common. Ks Ge cree cheesy 532,000 “ Poor Common. ‘Total White Pine,........ 4,539,580 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 7,840 “ Total eaceaeeeaweerne 4,547,420 « Being an average Of........-.-.56. >+...8,122 feet per Acre. No. 537, TAO Aviipecs acs eccsccer $660, One mile to White River, Newaygo County, Township 14 N., Range 14 West, in section 21, 22. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 186,000 feet of Clear. ee RI site ainedens 679,920 “ Good Common, ee OOS tasheh arson 800,000 “ Fair Common, : “~ iu... §=©99,960 Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 1,265,880 “ Being an average Of......-e-+eeeeees 10,549 feet per Acre. 176 No. 538. 160: “ACTOS aon ke ee ees $800. Lying upon White River, Newaygo County, Township 14 N., Range 14 West, in sections 23, 24. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine, ....... 167,200 feet of Clear. cs BS Labbe el Sus 620,000 ‘“ Good Common. “ SE) HK eeudeacaiish 300,000 “* Fair Common. & OD ateedieenos 100,000“ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 1,187,200 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 50,560 “ Totaly -Gescws .. 1,237,760 « Being an average of...............4. 7,736 feet per Acre. No. 539. 1,357 77-100 Acres___-_--- $2,350. Two and a half miles to Pere Marquette River, Newaygo County, Township 15 N., Range 14 West, in sections 29, 30, 31, 32. Township 14 N., Range 14 West, in sections 4, 5, 6. Listimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,....... 1,788,526 feet of Clear. & BE list aca ee 11,785,336 “ Good Common. e SOs pewadiens 3,275,798 * Fair Common. 7 OO seek aedate 1,168,377 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 17,968,087 Being an average of.............. 0005 13,241 feet per Acre. No, 540. S40) ACs. 4 eawaeeee $1,500. Two miles to Pere Marquette River, Newaygo County, Township 15 N., Range 14 West, in sections 28, 29, 33. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 929,880 feet of Clear. - AO aint eae 4,259,640 “ Good Common. es a ee 1,791,720 “ Fair Common. = CO sacahe para te 579,600 “ Poor Common. Total. White Pine,........7,560,840 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 50,400 “ Dials aviachiscoaen 7,611,240 “ Being an average of........ .....05 9,061 feet per Acre. 177 No, 544. 976 30-100 Acres._._____.__ $1,330. Two and a half miles of Pere Marquette River, Newaygo County, Township 15 N., Range 14 West, in sections 27, 34. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,007,232 feet of Clear. “ Oe cadens /, 4,099,200 “Good Common. * She | ssiatearclny 1,560,624 “Fair Common. a ee atoaewleans 488,000 “Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 7,155,056. feet. Being an average of................. 7,331 feet per Acre, No. 542, 635 30-100 Acres_.--______- - $500. Three miles to Pere Marquette River, Newaygo County, Township 15 N., Range 14 West, in sections 26, 35. Estimated amount of Lumber . White Pine,........ 344,170 feet of Clear. a ME ohedate ae 1,570,720 * Good Common, speseatange ae 897,890 ‘“ Fair Common. a aed ee 402,590 ‘* Poor Common. “ us oe “c Total White Pine,........ 3,215,370 feet. Being an average of............-..... 5,062 feet per Acre, No. 5438. #03 T2100 ACtey ees $540. Lying upon the Pere Marquette River, Newaygo County, Township 15 N., Range 14 West, in sections 2, 11, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 837,020 feet of Clear. st BE, acento 463,450 “ Good Common. ee BOO Cosel Sun elaine 233,740 * Fair Common. ss We adhere 56,420 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,090,630 feet. we “ Yellow “ ........ 27,404 “ Total,.... ... 1,118,034 * Being an average Of.........+-es0e 0s 2,767 feet yer Acre. 12 F / / 178 No. 944. L800 Actes. owes cee ses $3,420. One and a half miles to Pere Marquette River, Newaygo County Township 16 N., Range 14 West, in sections 17, 20, 21, 28, 29. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,666 800 feet of Clear. « MC ag wares 5,469,400 “ Good Common. Oo came was 7,457,000 “ Fair Common. ee Oo 4 ewew es 316,800 “ Poor Common. 3 2) Total White Pine,........ 14,910,000 “ Being an average Of............. 0065 8,283 feet per Acre. No. 346. * 986 25-100 Acres.oo.s.--.-- $940, ‘Two anda half miles to Pere Marquette River, Lake County, Township 17 N., Range 14 West, in section 7. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,142,948 feet of Clear. bi tee “Rae aIae 1,846,464 “Good Common. i BE 3) asl eels 617,140 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine, ........ 8,606,552 feet. Being an average Of..........-. eee 15,282 feet per Acre. No. 546, Oe) ities su ccewateteanas $800.. Three miles to Pere Marquette River, Lake County, Townsbip 17 N., Range 14 West, in sections 7, 8. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Ping,........ 738,000 feet of Clear. By Se a cabana «1,887,240 Good Common. ef Uxeaivee 486,320 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,561,560 “ Being an average of........... «.+.,10,673 feet per Acre, 179 No. 54%. TG Ags oes uecaae $360 Two miles to Pere Marquette River, Lake County, Township 17 N., Range 14 West, in section 8, 9. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,. ketenes 1,208,500 feet. of Clear. ee tor teks Matas 433,600 “« Good Common, af TE eatin ENG 204,960 “ Fair Common, & He Nae 26,240 “* Poor Common. Total White Pine,........1,873,300 “ Yellow “ ........ 864,480 <“ Total,....... 2,237,780 * Being an average of................ 13,986 feet per Acre. No. 348. Dl) INCI OR oe eo a sae $800. Two and a half miles to Pere Marquette River, Lake County, Township 17 N,, Range 14 West, in section 7. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 963,840 feet of Clear. se ANS © ie cauntauatae 1,872,480 “ Good Common, se OY alee ss 561,360 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,397,680 feet. Being an average of................ 14,157 feet per Aore. 200: Agrégc ope asacsuets $800. Two and a half miles to Pere Marquette River, Lake County, Township 17 N., Range 14 West, in section 8. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,397,000 feet of Clear. st O edieaaiaed 2,062,800 * Good Common, ee ME eleaue tears 581,600 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,041,400 feet. Being an average of,......... een ene 20,207 feet per Acre. 180 No. 550. 490 42-100 Acres__--_----------- $730. One anda half miles to Pere Marquette River, Lake County, Township 17 N., Range 14 West, in section 4. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 41,650 feet of Clear. ee SO estene kets 928,060 Good Common, sf nubian 1,597,400 “ Fair Common. “s WO Setecenaiteulars 505,680 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........3,072,790 “ te Yellow. 8° gsiscisere's 64,680 ‘ Totaly s stevianienssaameat 8,187,470 “ Being an average of......... easel cde 6,403 feet per Acre, No. 551. 648 86-100 Acres._--_------- $2,600. Two miles to Pere Marquette River, Lake County, Township 17 N., Range 14 West, in section 5. Estimated amount of Lumber; White Pine,........ 1,273,968 feet of Clear. Be Soe abe cdeaseuays 5,487,912 * Good Common, sf ME savateus auauats 1,843,560 Fair Common. ee MS” sekeusiapeisis « 292,896 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 8,898,336 “ Being an average of............... 13,711 feet per Acre, No, 552, DGS AOS cee ests $1,300. Two and a half miles to Pere Marquette River, Lake County, Township 17 N., Range 14 West, in section 6. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 829,420 feet of Clear. ss Se cleans naval 1,901,225 Good Common s BE elecesavaite 1,317,580 “ Fair Common. fe He) capdbessiest 586,470 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,634,695 feet. Being an average of...... Rea Raaeleys stele 8,203 feet per Acre, 181 No. 553. 940 19-100 Acres_____.___- $2,540. _One mile to Pere Marquette River, Lake County, Town- ship 18 N., Range 14 West, in sections 30, 81. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 193,640 feet of Clear. a Be ssa tute gy 3,160,280 “* Good Common, = See Csicaen rites 1,848,980 “* Fair Common. 2 Se cpmecvaea ace 15 269,780. Poor Common. Total White Pine, ....... 6,472,680 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 598,780 ‘“* Total, ........ 7,071,460 “ Being an average Of..............0000s 7,522 feet per Acre. No. open’, SOU GNMOIS ole Meteeee meee $2,850. One mile to Pere Marquette River, Lake County, Town- ship 18 N., Range 14 West, in section 29, 32. stimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,.... ... 685,520 feet of Clear. ce ce fanaa 2,755,280 Good Common. ef OA cat oes ena ee 1,763,520 “ Fair Common. es Meo’ ee giiewiers 923,840 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,128,160 * “ Yellow “ ........ 808,720 * Total,....... sagen 6,936,880 “ Being an average Of........+..eeeee 7,883 feet per Acre. No. 595. SSO ACret ec eee ees $2,930. One mile to Pere Marquette River, Lake County, Town- ship 18 N., Range 14 West, in sections 28, 33. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 4,210,360 feet of Good Common. £6 Moe Bakeaieiaals 2,240,480 “* Fair Common, 26 MOS gs oa we ace 1,686,600 * Poor Common. Total White Pine, ....... 8,137,440 “Yellow “ ........1,5382,960 “ Mopac untae seaes 9,670,400 * Being an average of......- arom ania 10,989 feet per Acre. ASU (NGS paeietsen ase eSee $1,600. Lying upon Pere Marquette River, Lake County, Town- ship 18 N., Range 14 West, in section 34. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,....... 2,654,880 feet of Good Common. # area 1,396,320 “ Fair Common. e Se cae aye Sasetee 752,640 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,803,840 feet. © "Yellow “ iaseeees 749,280 “ Poialtaua ee ake 5,553,120 * Being an average of.............+-+5 11,569 feet per Acre. No. 557, 100 Aree a $3,020. One mile to Pere Marquette River, Lake County, Town- ship 18 N., Range 14 West, in sections 20, 21, 28, 29. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 2,656,080 feet of Good Common. se esa. 2,214,080 * Fair Common, 7 Rt. sah coe et, 1,735,360 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 6.605,520 feet. “Yellow “ ........1,218,560 ‘“ Motal ysis cveet ei eka 7,824,080 ‘ Being an average of.......2 0.0... e ee 5,753 feet per Acre. No. 558. 2,609 64-100 Acres_.--.----- $2,440, Three miles to Pere Marquette River, Lake County, Township 18 N., Range 14 West, in sections 7, 8, 9, 17, 18. Estimated amount of Lumber.: White Pine,........ 219,156 feet of Clear. sf Er 8 manasa 4,038,732 “ Good Common. os Be ceSteaareied 2,444,633 “ Fair Common. s SE tbleneteind 1,732,376 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ....... §,434,897 feet. “ Yellow “ ......, .1,568,009 “ Total ....... 10,002,906 “ Being an average of............-2.005 3,832 feet per Acre. 183 No. 589. AOD APCS el 5 oO 9 oe nee dans $10. Two anda half miles to Manistee River, Manistee County, Township 21 N., Range 14 West, in section 24. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 107,040 feet of Fair Common. Being an average of.............000 eee 2,676 feet per Acre, No. 561. 120 Acres: ossSe2 ocesulEe $400. Half mile to Manistee River, Manistee County, Township 22 N., Range 14 West, in sections 23, 26. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 655,800 feet of Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 855,800 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 382,560 “ PPh ise Waa 1,038,360 * Being an average of.............000005 8,653 feet per Acre. No. 562. G20 Hered oon iwc cess $2,160 Lying upon the waters of Manistee River, Manistee County, Township 22 N., Range 14 West, in section 7, 8, 17, 18, 20. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 249,080 feet of Clear. eS BE accra ena 1,649,440 “ Good Common. ss eases 869,960 “Fair Common. = GO tlasersintece 832,800 * Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 3,101,280 feet. “ Yellow “ ......-- 392,080 “ Totals wsedsss 8,493,360 “ Being an average Of....-.....+0+seees 6,718 feet per Acre O20) AUCH E n eisierernraspene $2,600. One and a half miles to Manistee River, Manistee County, Township 22 N., Range 14 West, in sections 4, 9. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 422,240 feet of Clear. “ th lotestaseusaate 4,696,640 “ Good Common, ee Be ee guinacs 1,770,080 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,...... -. 6,888,960 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 150,800 “ Total,....... 7,039,760 “ Being an average of.................. 13,538 feet per Acre. No. 564. 810 68-100 Acres__---------- $4,050. Twoand a half miles to Manistee River, Manistee County, Township 22 N., Range 14 West, in sections 3, 10. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 441,450 feet of Clear. es BET linatatexaas 9,711,900 “ Good Common. ss TOY geretocbveudal 1,894,820 “ Fair Common, Total White Pine,....... 11,548,170 feet. “« Yellow “ ....... 1,143,720 * A 12,691,890“ Being an average of................. 15,669 feet per Acre. No. 060. V GSO NiGres jos oes $2,520. Three and a half miles to Manistee River, Manistee County, Township 22 N., Range 14 West, in sections 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14. ‘ Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,....... 220,080 feet of Clear. ef BED sated eu 4,665,360 “ Good Common. 3 Ob 0 Satin téaeiges 1,990,800 “Fair Common. OS empalasbin 3,647,280 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 10,523,520. feet. “ Yellow “ ....... 1,039,920 “ Total,....... 11,563,440 “ Being an average of............. ..-. 6,883 feet per Acre 185 No. 566. 1280 Ateis. .- clue $1,020. Two and a half miles to Platte River, Leelenaw County Township 26 N., Range 14 West, in sections 25, 26, 34, 35, 36- Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 827,680 feet of Clear. Be aR anette abet 2,220,800 Good Common, s aa eee eee 129,280 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,677,760“ Being an average of..............0005 2,092 feet per Acre. No. 567, EO Abeer casei aio ee $510. One and a half miles to Platte River, Leelenaw County, Township 26 N., Range 14 West, in sections 24, 25. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 152,960 feet of Clear. ef SS os she gost tho 540,800, “ Good Common. Total White Pine,........ 693,760 “ Being an average Of..........0.000eees 1,084 feet per Acre. No. 568. BUG. ete Sateen oe $110. One and a half miles to Platte River, Leelenaw County, Township 26 N., Range 14 West, in sections 1, 2. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 28,600 feet of Clear ; ee CO age aie 209,400 “ Good Common. Total White Pine, ....... 238,000 feet. Being an average of.....-...----+ +00 1,190 feet per Acre. No. 569. 80 Acrésss2ccenussesin et see $360. Lying upon Platte River, Leelenaw County, Township 26 N., Range 14 West, in section 8. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 91,040 feet of Clear. #6 Be cialocg lueeets 745,280 “ Good Common. aS GO oe eta ie is 116,640 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine, ........ 952,960 feet. Being an average Of.......5+--+00eees 11,912 feet per Acre. 186 No. 570. Pe ACh ete a Rota eee eS aie $600. Two and a half miles to the waters of Platte River, Leelenaw County, Township 27 N., Range 14 West, in sections 20, 29, 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: | White Pine,........ 340,800 feet of Clear. ae ee. ...1,129,920 “ Good Common, Total White Pine,........ 1,470,720 feet. Being an average of...........0..00005 6,128 feet per Acre. No. 571. 200 Acres__.___---_------- $600. Three and a half miles to White River, Oceana County, Township 13 N., Range 15 West, in sections 24, 25, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 212,000 feet of Clear. o dicen § 640,000 ‘* Good Common. ss SS Spec ate 180,000 “ Fair Common. a Be « Hats er biesantehe 132,600 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,164,600 feet. Being an average of..............0 2005 5,823 feet, per Acre. No. 072, G00 Acres. 226.02 osm hes wee $720. Four miles to White River, Oceana County, Township 14 N., Range 15 W., in sections 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24. Estimated amount of Lumber. White Pine,........ 377,400 feet of Clear. te Ca .- 1,692,000 “ Good Common. 8 OO Saari 715,800 * Fair Common we SS Saeee es 420,000 ‘“ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,205,200 feet. Being an average of.......... Radinnassase 5,342 feet per Acre. 187 No, 973. 1,609 53-100 Acres-_-_ -_----......$1,070. Four miles to Pere Marquette River, Oceana County, Township 16 N., Range 15 West, in sections 17, 18, 19, 20. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 764,275 feet of Good Common. ee eee 6,328,301 %* Fair Common. “6 AE? oleh taie ok 11,217,948 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 18,310,524 feet. Being an average of.............0005 11,3783 feet per Acre. No. 574. 145 45-100 Acres________--_- $300. Two miles to Pere Marquette River, Oceana County, Township 16 N., Range 15 West, in section 15. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 157,490 feet of Good Common. s Oe entation’ 479,515 “ Fair Common. ss SE sone Sadie 1,124,475 *“ Poor Common, Total White Pine,....... 1,761,480 Being an average of...............5.. 12,148 feet per Acre. No. DD, 1,660 40-100 Acres_--------- $1,490 Three and a half miles to Pere Marquette River, Oceana County, Township 16 N., Range 15 W., in sections’6, 7, 8, 9. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 11,280 feet of Clear. * pense 1,165,320 Good Common. es WS esha ee 7,013,500 “ Fair Common. es OO eae 12,002,580 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ....... 20,192,680 fect. “ Yellow “ ........ 884,780 “ Total a wticereseeurs 21,077,460 “ Being an average of............+-+++ 12,697 feet per Acre. 188 No, 976, 161 41-100 Acres___-__------ $430. _ One mile to Pere Marquette River, Oceana County, Town- ship 16 N., Range 15 West, in section 4. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 73,255 feet of Clear. “ce BET arena scaiatans 449,834 % Good Common. ee Me iescaahdatarast 1,468,481 “ Fair Common. a Ce Roecenanears 358,550 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,350,120 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 39,128 * Totaly iso eerie 2,389,243 “ Being an average of...... 00s 14,933 feet per Acre. No. 3763. GOR) BO eee oe nee $2,030. Half a mile to Pere Marquette River, Oceana County, Township 16 N., Range 15 West, in section 2, 3. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,......:. 700,278 feet of Clear. ee Cee ecatauaceiices 3,144,774 * Good Common. a So euhawie aye 5,788,152 “ Fair Common. s SA encores 908,636 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 10,541,840 feet. “Yellow “ ....... 887,096 “ ME OGAMS tists cheetahs Dep 10,928,986 “ Being an average Of... 1... ..ccceenees 14,328 feet per Acre. ; ied No. o@%, LeU Mereeccec cece sees $2,870. One and a half miles to Pere Marquette River, Oceana County, Township 16 N., Range 15 W., in sections 10, 11, 14. Esimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 760,480 feet of Clear. Eo oshetcasers 4,510,240 “ Good Common. “< ONS) aegis levees 8,283,520 * Fair Common. ce OG | Seacecate tue 1,172,640 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 14,726,880 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 805,980 “ Gil ania emaauce 15,532,860 “ Being an average of ...............65- 13,868 feet per Acre, 189 No, 578. 1,193 36-100 Acresco.cccccess $970. Three and a half miles to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 17 N., Range 15 West, in section 31. Township 17 N., Range 16 West, in section 36. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 295,086 feet of Clear. “ WE SET cuca hice 1,796,322 “ Good Common. se MOO seis as cues 8,361,512 * Fair Common. se BED ea leans 5,286,864 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 10,739,784 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 1,420,452 “ NGtal os. Seascas i aen 12,160,236 “ Being an average of...............55- 10,838 feet per Acre. No. 579. G40 Ackédes 2.0.6 eae ee $980. Two miles to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Town- ship 17 N., Range 15 West, in section 32. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 315,520 feet of Good Common. st Ga eae antic 1,554,560 “ Fair Common. ss EGS sec tene th ae 2,681,600 “* Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,551,680 feet. cc “Yellow: asige owes 1,512,960 “ Mabel isis Bens Gdes 6,064,640 Being an average of.........+.---++- 9,476 feet per Acre. No. 380. 1,000 Acres_--------------- $2,100. One miles to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Town- ship 17 N., Range 15 West, in sections 33, 34. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 124,000 feet of Clear. ee Oe gat Sue neat 1,499,000 “ Good Common. “ th gas eee 2,587,000 “ Fair Common. “ Wo aaa tieaes 3,656,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,......-- 7,816,000 * (6% Yellow “ ....eeee 799,000 “* Total,.......-8,615,000 “ Being an average Of......-.--++sseerres 8,615 feet per Acre. 190 O20 Keres. ose oe $2,150. Half mile to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 17 N., Range 15 West, in sections 26, 27, 28. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 216,200 feet of Clear. of Oe aceus inated 1,598,040 <“ Good Common. i Osada thease 2,438,000 “ Fair Common. e Se cade aia datets 8,499,680 * Poor Common, Total White Pine,........ 7,751,920 “ “ Yellow “ ........1,032,240 “ Total cascaneewbanrore 8,784,160 “ Being an average of..............0.000 9,548 feet per Acre, No, 382, CA ABR ol ea eee $1,150. Two and a half miles to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 17 N., Range 15 West, in section 29. Listimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 538,120 feet of Good Common. te OO paw eaiere 1,911,040 “ Fair Common. sf Oe yee leat 3,003,520 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,447,680 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 3,104,000 “ Total, ...... . 8,551,680 “ Being an average of .........--.-0000-- 13,362 feet per Acre. No. d8e. 960 56-100 Acres__-------- $1,540. Two and a half miles to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 17 N., Range 15 W., insection 30. Town- ship 17 N., Range 16 West, in section 25. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 119,040 feet of Clear. es eee ere 1,820,000 “ Good Common. * eee ee 2,496,960 Fair Common. e SED ees ek neues 4,405,840 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 8,341,840 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 1,846,080 Total,.......10,187,920 ‘ Being an average of................10,602 feet per Acre. 191 No. 584. 966 62-100 Acres._-______.. $1,970. Two miles to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Town- ship 17 N., Range 15 West, in section 19. Township 17 N., Range 16 West, in section 24, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 193,200 feet of Clear. oy Se Selb aes 1,729,140 “ Good Common. oe SO is whan es 3,096,030 * Fair Common. “ th ee eae has 4,860,912 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 9,879,282 feet. “Nellow “pc auveas 1,562,022 “ Total ci ys kepvaearn 11,441,304 « Being an average of................ 11,831 feet per Acre. No. 585. 640 Acres___.---___---___- $1,510. One and ahalfa miles to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 17 N., Range 15 West, in section 20. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 7,680 feet of Clear, e See Ne pstahh eee 616,960 “ Good Common. ss BS cocbee aieaaens 1,587,840 <“ Fair Common. te NOS cteeeaelin rts 2,552,320 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,764,800 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 409,840 “ ; Total,........ 5,174,640 ° Being an average of...... ...... -8,085 feet per Acre. No. 586. Da0 AMES ao oi aeina eae $2,120. One mile to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Town- ship 17 N., Range 15 West, in sections 21, 22, 23. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 126,960 feet of Clear. ee OSS certgnrant deh 1,197,320 “ Good Common. es er ee ee 2,324,840 “ Fair Common. ss HE? seh ecntedeatam 8,451,840 * Poor Common. ee * Total White Pine,........ 7,100,960 feet. “ Yellow “ 2,088,720 “ itt ss Ph Oia 9,139,680 “ Being an average of....... ecg saan 9,934 feet per Acre. 192 No 38%. 1 iO ANCres) css oe ---- $2,280. Half a mile to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 17 N., Range 15 West, in secticns 11, 14, 15. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 146,720 feet of Clear. ce Ces don iannane 1,772,960 * Good Common. a Be soda gree ie 2,797,760 “ Fair Common. sf GO ecg cddecduaon 4,310,880 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 9,028,320 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 702,240 “ Total,........ 9,780,560 Being an average of.................. 8,688 teet per Acre. No. 588, OY) Pires = eee eeeases $1,500. Half mile to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Town- ship 17 N., Range 15 West, in section 17. eu amount of Lumber: White Pirté,........ 140,160 feet of Clear. a fe asda speuedies 1,298,560 “- Good Common. sf COO ab stis he be 2,108,800 “ Fair Common. a SO eae as 8,120,000 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,667,520 feet. Yellow: vanninswy 280,000 "Dota siecwk care 7,183,440 “ Being an average of...............- 11,146 feet per Acre, No. 889. 1,123 4-100 Acres__-----_---- $3,140. Half mile to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 17 N., Range 15 West, in section 18. Township 17 N., Range 16 West, in section 13. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 715,351 feet of Clear. “ OOo est abisiniane 2,644,665 “ Good Common. ee Oven een 04,247,186 * Fair Common. bad OO ata 6,106,874 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 18,714,076 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 857,214 “ Totalysceneas 14,071,290 “ Being an average ot........ ssp acetanaoes 12,530 feet per Acre. Be RTOS ao cree sien oe $1,080. : 4 _ Lying upon Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Town- ship 17 N., Range 15 West, in section 7. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 283,200 feet of Clear. a Oe A cite cid 847,040 *“& Good Common. x6 Be Ese acai 1,398,400 “ Fair Common. ae Oe Tee eahankagsy 2,334,720 ‘ Poor Comnion. Total White Pine, ........ 4,863,360 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 1,124,160 “ Total, civéccoseex 1... 25,987,520 « Being an average of ..........., “....18,731 feet per Acre, No. 591. G40 Aeresio. 3 noden ees eek $1,750. Lying upon the Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 17 N., Range 15 West, in section 8. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 181,760 feet of Clear. ¢ fC peaewe. 41y885,840 © Good Common. ee Ost he shee data 2,184,320 Fair Common. . ele Cresco tte 8,845,920 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ....... 7,047,840 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 1,185,920 “* Total,........ 8,233,760 *% Being an average of,................ 12,865 feet per Acre. No. 592. ASO Aversa ne ewe ces $830. Lying upon Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Town- ship 17 N., Range 15 West, in section 9. Kstimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 42,000 feet of Clear. se BE each yeas 432,400 “ Good Common. # Be sataspea iene 759,600 “ Fair Common. se SE sg cacnatleyen 1,154,800 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,.. ae 2,388,800 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 728,400 “ Total xcbvck cap ads 8,117,200 “ Being an average Of.......0-..e0- eee 7,793 feet per Acre, 18 194 No. 593. 1,205 72-100 Acres_--------- $1,490. One and a half milesto Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 17 N., Range 15 West, in sections 1, 12, Township 18 N., Range 15 West, in section 36. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 165,265 feet of Clear. i SO ody eenen 1,427,925 “ Good Common. 3 KS Be ebay Riera 2,487,715 ‘“ Fair Common, “ Be Oo iatee deren 8,565,595 ‘“ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 7,596,500 fect. Yellow "8 vse seu's 121,705 “ otal scciind vind s 7,718,205 “ Being an average of...............05. 6,405 feet per Acre. No. 594. MG Ree esas ee ee $270. One mile to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 17 N., Range 15 West, in section 2. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 15,520 feet of Clear. a Se al, Braet s 206,560 Good Common. i Oe esa haat 313,920 “ Fair Common. ee Ce seated ales is 441,920 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 977,920 ‘ © “Yellow: “© (cosegss 362,240 * Total vies cts w'oias's 1,840,160 “* Being an average of...............-.. 8,376 feet per Acre. No. 595. 401 89-100 Acres__---__--- $1,200. Half a mile to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Town- ship 17 N., Range 15 West, in sections 5, 6. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 99,047 feet of Clear. ee Stes Ue leer cat 786,361 “* Good Common. & OO mh waved a 1,253,125 “ Fair Common, ag TES aus le aresive 1,859,838 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,998,371 “ “ Yellow “ ... ....1,089,116 “ Totaljecse wicwiwgaucs 5,087,487 Being an average of........ tacts abe 12,718 feet. per Acre. No. 596 637 28-100 Acres___________- $1,000. On the Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 18 N., Range 15 West, in section 31. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 132,496 feet of Clear. s Re taaahindtatir a 698,152 “* Good Common. x Oe ta Aegae sh waa 1,853.625 ‘ Fair Common, es oe eae mates 2,073,425 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,257,698 fect. te Mellow: “Sk asea sacha 617,253 “* TNO fAli cava eaves 4,874,951 “ Being an average of........ 2.0.0... 00. 7,653 feet per Acre. _ No. 597. DO) Otero ne ee $550. One mile to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Town- ship18 N., Range 15 West, in section 32. istimated amount, of Lumber : White Pine,........ 84,240 feet of Clear. oe MS tenes 272,000 “* Good Common. . SO phe esau 481,600 ‘“ Fair Common, cs OO: nate wktheare a 828,160 “* Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 1,616,000 feet. 7 te “Yellow “ sacee ees 612,160 * Lota) wicscines « 2,228,160 “ Being an average of.... .-...... eee 6,963 feet per Acre. o. 598. 635 58-100 Acres_--.------- $2,000. Half a mile to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Town- ship 18 N., Range 15 West, in section 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,.......- 204,350 feet of Clear. i Seakae se 1,311,910 “ Good Comnion. tO" | paw aeae. 2,011,680 “ Fair Common. a HO oe weyenas 3,032,760 “ Poor Common. ‘Total White Pine, .....-... 6,560,700 feet. « Yellow “ ......-- 986.790 “ Total, ........ 7,547,490 “ Being an average Of........-- cease aie ou 11,867 feet per Acre, AIS | PON OR 2 ee Sanco Gi $1,360. Half mile] to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 18 N., Range 15 West, in sections 20, 29. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 218,946 feet of Clear. CE gg, OEE oon detiecnenuert 960,960 * Good Common. ee BO Se ouaeub bis 1,229,466 « Fair Common. ss OO sasaeeaitids 1,816,530 * Poor Common. Total White Pine ........ 4,225,902 feet. & “Yellow © asacwaue 803,840 “ Total) cca vans. 4,529,742 “ Being an average.............-+--05- 9,437 feet per Acre. No. 600. oe 6, ee $1,850. Half a mile to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 18 N., Range 15 West, in sections 20, 21. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 216,960 feet of Clear. ff 60> Hest ohese 1,110,400 *“ Good Common. se Oe I eecataie 1,895,680 * Fair Common. se OW she Sioneee 2,995,840 “* Poor Common, Total "White Pine,........ 6,218,880 « “ Yellow “ ........1,411,840 “ Totaliracscs Dteisicade ds 7,630,720 “ Being an average of.............00- .11,928 feet per Acre. No. 601. BO Cee Fs on andeholenee $360. Half mile to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Town- ship 18 N., Range 15 West, in section 19. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 8,960 feet of Clear. ft SO sc eirebeiatcs 175,680 <‘ Good Common. 2 OEY Seeieighe rest 352,000 “ Fair Common. . asses. 688,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,224,640 feet. “ Yellow “ ...,.... 527,360 “ ee _ ObHD, cm wimicerrecas «..+1,752,000 =“ Being an average of..............05 5,475 feet per Acre. G20 GTR ee toes $590. One and one half miles to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 18 N., Range 15 West, in section 18. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 40,320 feet of Clear. 7 Teg ke as ae 258,600 “ Good Common. # REND 1 Sshcneaterneir 546,240 “ Fair Common. +e tS. pease 947,840 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,792,000 Yellow sciences 848,320 * _ PO sensssecewences 2,640,320 “ Being an average of.............0085 8,251 feet per Acre. No. 6038. 640 Acres__--__--__--- -_-- $2,070. One and a half miles to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 18 N., Range 15 West, in section 17. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 324,480 feet of Clear. tt ae er eee 1,857,440 * Good Common. ee OPE sittenetrataca de 2,117,120 * Fair Common, Ke EOD cronies 8,251,840 Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... «7,050,880 * “ Yellow “ ........ 2,138,240 * Gtalaninvevk sow vacan 9,189,120 “ Being an average of.............00. 14,358 feet per Acre. No. 604. O17 49-100 Acres... ca6 wee $3,000. On the waters! of Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 18 N., Range 15 West, in sections 6, 7, 8 Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 284,270 feet of Clear. ws Se * eaveesaend 1,228,780 * Good Common. es HES hha Speen 2,179,709“ Fair Common, “e tee Me erwin iae 3,516,695 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 7,209,454 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 3,888,080 “ HD rtaliseclnataiyhemes 11,097,534“ Being an average Of .........--eeeee 12,102 feet per Acre. - 198 No. 605. 351 50-100 Acres._..---- $980. Two miles to Au Sable River of Lakc Michigan, Mason County, Township 19 N., Range 15 West, in section 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 867,040 feet of Clear. fs ut 2,410,240 “* Good Common. Total White Pine, ........ 3,277,280 feet. Being an average of............+6. 9,336 feet per Acre, No. 606. 633 65-100 Acres_..._____-- $1,800. Half mile to Au Sable River, of Lake Michigan, Mason County, Township 19 N., Range 15 West, in sections 17, 18. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,472,979 feet of Clear. “ RE” oingutehguans 6,967,728 ‘* Good Common. a EE here 4,067,820 ‘ Fair Common. Total White Pine,....... 12,508,527 feet. ; 7 Being an average of,........... ee 19,760 feet per Acre, No. 607. 1,177 84-100 Acres_----_..-- $2,060. One mile to Big Au Sable River of Lake Michigan, Mason County, Township 20 N., Range 15 West, in sections 19, 29, 30, 32. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 2,573,440 feet of Good Common. ee So Tecate tenets 3,684,500 “ Fair Common. . SS laeeas. 8,915,740 ‘ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 10,173,680 feet. “Yellow ssssaecss 695,680 ‘ OPM scete te ih atte: 10,869,360 “ Being an average of..............2.05. 9,227 feet per Acre, Cau JRGIbGs coc once cose Goon $1,200. One mile to Au Sable River, of Lake Michigan, Mason County, Township 20 N., Range 15 West, in sections 21, 22, 27. Estimated amount of’ Lumber : White Pine,........ 272,880 feet of Clear. ee Oe esate eins 2,532,169 “ Good Common. Sh) secatere aah 895,432 “ Fair Common. a Ce Maslans train 787,180 ‘* Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,487,661 feet. Being an average of.......... Pateaetales 6,600 feet per Acre. No. 609. 600 Acres_-----.-------- ---- $600. Half a mile to Big Au Sable River, of Lake Michigan, Ma- son County, Township 20 N., Range 15 West, in sections 17, 18, 20, 21. : Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,234,760 feet of Good Common. “ SE + Sy liege cae 289,040 ‘ Fair Common. “ SE” Ieee Gua os 1,224,080 *% Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,747,880 feet Being an average of. ..2.---. sees ee eee 4,579 feet per Acre. No. 610. TARO Acret n+. ose es35 cant $8,140. Two miles to Manistee River, Manistee County, Town- ship 21 N., Range 15 West, in sections 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 2,066,880 feet of Clear. sf i. ..e17,684,200 “ Good Common. ee SOO gids alate 245,680 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine, ........ 19,886,760 feet. “ Yellow “ ....--+- 1,095,2co “ Totdliceccaey 20,981,960 “ Being an average Of.....-.-+-+-+++ 14,177 feet per Acre. MOA Cite oe eel eee ae $430. One mile to Manistee River, Manistee County, Town- ship 22 N., Range 15 West, in section 28, 29, 31. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 613,280 feet of Good Common. “i Oe ea RES 95,200 Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 708,480 feet. Be Yellow. ang eecasia , 49,120 “ Totalssesccees 757,600 et Being an average of.........6. ce eeeeee 4,735 feet per Acre. No. 612. #50 AGheS ces Gute oecuoesse $1,560. Half mile to the waters of Manistee River, Manistee County, Township 22 N., Range 15 West, in sections 23, 24,25, 26. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........2,120,000 feet of Fair Common. oe ce palahivaigare 8,853,440 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,973,440 “ Being an average of.............- 12,444 feet per Acre. No. 613. 524 66-100 Acres_------__-- $2,900. One and a half miles to the waters of Manistee River, Manistee County, Township 22 N., Range 15 West, in sec- tions 11, 12, 13, 14. Township 22 N., Range 14 West, in section 7. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 375,184 feet of Clear. Ss OES Vases bat 5,397,200 “ Good Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,772,384 feet. 6 Vellow © saaacvas 388,294 « Wotalss saa cays 6,160,668 “ Being an average of..............00085 11,757 feet per Acre. 201 No. 614. 160° Ares coo ooo cece $800. Three miles to Manistee River, Manistee County, Town- ship 22 N., Range 15 West, in sections 6, 7. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 368,160 feet of Clear. $8 Me ee eae 1,472,640 ° * Good Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,840,800 « Being an average of............... 11,505 feet per Acre. No. 6143. eR aides eg Jee Sa $100. Lying upon Lake Michigan, Leelenaw County, Township 27 N., Range 15 West, in section 20. Site for steam mill at the mouth of Platte River. No. 615. 561 89-100 Acres__--_------ $1,400. Half a mile to White River, Muskegon County, Town- ship 12 N., Range 16 West, in sections, 4, 9. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 2,318,260 feet of Good Common. Being an average of.......... 0.00 cece 4,125 feet per Acre. Some good Oak hewing timber. Good mill site on Creek. No. 616. BO AGES ee eee see $400. Two miles to White River, Oceana County, Township 13 N., Range 16 West, in section 32. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine... ..... 20,160 feet of Clear. ae Gp os clea 96,000 *“* Good Common. sf BO lacie 32,000 “ Fair Common, ae GE eh sis eccaals 16,000 ‘< Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 164,160 feet. Being an average of.......--... +000. 2,052 feet per Acre, Large amount of hewing timber. Bl Agrees S554 es eee $320. Lying upon the waters of White River, Oceana County, Township 13 N., Range 16 West, in section 29. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 19,040 feet of Clear. Mor Caetustastuiians 96,000 * Good Common. “ ME edie ta fen 82,000 “ Fair Common. - RES SStaaoeay ee 8,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine......... 155,040 feet. Being an average of................. 1,988 feet per Acre. Large amount of hewing timber. ' BOG, Aeniese ee eee $3,040. One mile to White River, Oceana County, Township’ 13 N., Range 16 West, in sections 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 374,400 feet of Clear. eee 4,166,400 Good Common. ss ME deen satin 1,681,600 “ Fair Common. e I se teeta iy 777,600 <“ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 7,000,000 feet. = Being an average of.......,......005. 8,750 feet per Acre. Timber cut off from one 40. 400 Acres... ---- ee $1,200. Half mile to White River, Oceana County, Township 13 N., Range 16 West, in section 24. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 147,200 feet of Good Common. ee ee ere 70,800 Fair Common. - HOO) scuatease nae 23,600 “* Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 241,600 Being an average of...............05. 604 feet per Acre. TOO Ares occ oto $1,900. Three miles to White River, Oceana County, Township 13 N., Range 19 West, in sections 17, 20, 21. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 839,720 feet of Good Common. S Be edie settnadensi 220,400 <“ Fair Common. “S SOO aceite eens 84,360 << Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 644,480 feet. Being an average of.......... eekyneane 848 feet per Acre. No. 621 - 1,482 94-100 Acres__-..---- $5,900. Three and a half miles to the waters of White River, Oceana County, Township 13 N., Range 16 West in sections 4,5, 6,7, 8, 9. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 802,328 feet of Clear. My fe we tehaw 2,082,210 “ Good Common. i: 6 sa ean 985,530 <“ Fair Common. *€ cE ee Ata etce 314,184 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,684,252 feet. Being an average of............. 00. e eee 2,486 feet per Acre: No. 622. AOQO ACRES oes ieee eek wee $800. Two miles to the waters of White River, Oceana County, Township 14 N., Range 16 West, in sections 17, 18, 19. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 112,000 feet of Clear. ee BOT yO at 580,000 “ Good Common. ae ESE sos siataritae 44,000 “ Fair Common. sf Ste bie airtel ded 104,000 ‘ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,040,000 “ Being an average Of........--.0+25 065 2,600 feet per Acre ’ Ro GPRS a ee Se tee $850. Two anda half miles to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 17 N., Range 16 West, in section 10. Estimated amount of Lnmber : White Pine,........ 338,880 feet of Clear. te SD cyanate 1,008,640 “ Good Common. “6 EEL? gassed Oadig 1,544,000 * Fair Common. i OO tal aay Sash 8 2,137,600 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,029,120 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 123,840 “ Totaly cyan akan 5,152,960 Being an average of.............. 16,103 feet per Acre. No. 624. 2 575 16-100 Acres... .---.--- $1,530. One and a half miles to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 17 N., Range 16 West, in section 11. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 395,450 feet of Clear. e MO Ga aa 1,3(6,400 “ Good Common. . OOS Seataueseetaie 2,814,375 * Fair Common. es BO dered 3,029,700 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 6,975,925 feet. Yellow “ sisexssis 630,190 “ HM Otalsasigase. sHemwakes 7,606,115 “ Being an average of.............0005 13,228 feet per Acre. No. 625. GA Tee oot aaa $1,150. «Half a mile to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 17 N., Range 16 West, in section 12. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 16,000 feet of Clear. CO ede Rete teh o 515,200 “ Good Common. : So yosudeisiaenns 1,091,200 ‘ Fair Common. He sewseees 2,109,440 * Poor Common. $ ‘ Boat. Total White Pine,......... 3,731,840 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 148,560 “ 5 ee re 3,880,400 “« Being an average of............ .. «6,063 feet per Acre, 205 No. 626. 739 08-100 Acres__.______- $2,220. One and a half miles to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 17 N., Range 16 West, in sections 1, 2. Estimated amount of Lumber: » White Pine, ......, 502,520 feet of Clear. ae He ere tag bests 1,772,122 + Good Common. ee 6 een e ee 2,794,898 Fair Common. te BP eanteey ds ed 4,362,317 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 9,431,857 fect. “ Yellow “ ......., 1,548,944 « Ota pais nein cine eds 10,980,801 “ Being an average of................ 14,859 feet per Acre. No. 627%, . 478 6-100 Acres__.---_.---___- $1,850. Two miles to Pere Marquette River, Mason County. Township 17 N., Range 16 West, in section 3. Listimated amount of Lumber. White Pine,........ 885,268 feet of Clear. se Re, reeiee at cotent 1,260,486 “ Good Common. es Beckie Buys 2,014,292 * Fair Common. ee SED aah hay 8,175,354 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,835,400 feet. fe Vellow “© verses 183,908 “ ola vaciesede cae: 7,019,308 Being an average Of........0e eee eaeee 14,685 feet per Acre. No, G28, HOU GACPER ssc. one ccm ceas $900. One anda half miles to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 18 N., Range 16 West, in section 34. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine, ....... 360,000 feet of Clear. “ fe oe caty wide 904,000 * Good Common se Me eecuneancoagst 1,248,840 Fair Common. ce Me aenn 1,661,440 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,169,280 feet. “Yellow “ ......0. 89,280 “* Palalivae euoberayeds 4,258,560 * Being an average Of.........+.+++4+- 13,308 feet per Acre. No. 629, TOO) Acre ons sate oer CoE. Quarter of a mile to Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 18 N., Range 16 West, in section 36. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 158,440 feet of Clear. as Se eee a ants 416,000 “< Good Common. «e EE lac wvpahes . 686,720 “ Fair Common. ce SEE acca epek aos 1,124,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........2,385,160 feet. sc Yellow “ ........ 698,720 “ GY. asauwenatanews 8,083,880 “ Being an average of................5.- 19,274 feet per Acre, No, 630. 178 29-100 Acres_...-.---_-.. $270. Lying upon the waters of Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 18 N., Range 16 West, in sections 22, 23. At the forks of the Pere Marquette. Purchased for its worth in connexion with lumbering operations, and as the supposed future county site. No. 634.. 400 Acres_.--.---.-_------- $570. Half mile to Au Sable River of Lake Michigan, Mason County, Township 20 N., Range 16 West, in sections 23, 24, 26. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 548,600 feet of Good Common. we GO eraslecbhaodtiape 756,000 “ Fair Common. ee OP? cca aan 832,800 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,......... 2,182,400 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 218,400 “ Pofalycac ees . 2,350,800 “ Being an average of....,....... ....5,877 feet per Acre, 40 Acres___-____---.___--___- Three miles to Manistee River, Manistee County, Town- ship 21 N., Range 16 West, in section 12. Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 52,320 feet of Poor Common. Yellow Pine,........ 30,720“ Total, ...ceeeseacens « Being an average of.............0005. No. 6322. 132 50-100 Aerese. 2. us aes. Lying upon the waters of Aux Becs Scies Rtver, Leele- naw County, Township 26 N., Range 16 West, in sections 26, O1, 35. Site for steam* mill at the mouth of the river Aux Bees Scies. Good Farming land. BO) Ache nencomcen bess eaes Four miles to the waters of White River, Oceana County, Township 13 N., Range 17 West, in sections 8, 9, 17. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,025,000 feet of Good Common. pe SRG sep i ana Sa 1,281 feet per Acre. No. 634. 1120 Actes. cence snne oes Four miles to the waters of White River, Oceana County, Township 13 N., Range 17 West, in sections 2, 10, 11, 15. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,.......- 52,310 feet of Clear. ee & 1,064,240 <“ Good Common. eer ee i ce SES end aueueneie "246,900 es Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,363,450 feet. Being an average of...... poe ,.1,216 feet per Acre. Being an average of 208 No. 635. 1,182 26-100 Acres._.-_---- $2,360. Four and a half miles to the waters of White River, Oceana County, Township 13 N., Range 17 West, in sec- tions 1, 12. LEistimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,835,646 feet of Clear. a Be Paice ax 4,668,900 “ Good Common. . te, Seka at 180,846 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 6,685,892 feet. Being an average of..............6. 5,656 feet per Acre, No. 636. O20 Weree2-os eet e eae $1,280. Lying upon the waters of White River, Oceana County, Township 14 N., Range 17 W., in sections 33, 34. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 150,000 feet of Fair Common. u Ee Swrelematare 900,000 “* Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,050,000 feet. Being an average of.............. 0000. 1,639 feet per Acre, These are generally good farming lands and situated near good settlements. GA Attest camoeee gece $1,280. Lying upon the waters of White River, Oceana County, Township 14 N., Range 17 West, in sections 25 and 36, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine, : Pate ieveca te 318,720 feet of Good Common. ee 960,640 “ Fair Common. ‘Total White Pine,........ 1,279,360 feet. Being an average Of........-.....ceeeee 1,999 feet per Acre. Generally good farming lands, and near good settle ments. 209 No. G38, OG: OG ieee oes lt $1,120. Lying upon the waters of White River, Oceana County, Township 14 N, Range 17 West, in sections 26, 27, 28, Estimated amount of Lumber : _ White Pine,........1,590,000 feet of Fair Common. Being an average of............... 2,840 feet per Acrey Generally good farming lands, and near good settlements. WS: AVCRER Sec oua wea $960. Lying upon the waters of White River, Oceana County, Township 14 N., Range 17 West, in sections 26, 27. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........1,492,000 feet of Good Common. Being an average of............ ....3,108 feet per Acre, Generally good farming lands, and near good settlements. No. 640. Oo) - Ages coo eetue toe as $1,040. Lying upon the waters of White River, Oceana County, Township 14 N., Range 17 West, in sections 14, 22, 23. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 55,000 feet of Good Common. ee BO ais caietadeaa 425,000 ‘“ Fair Common. et a ee 140,000 *“ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 620,000 feet. : Being an average of........ seeeeeeee 1,193 feet per Acre. Generally good farming lands, and situated near good settlements. ASO: Acres: c.o-ses0ee ance sess $960. Lying upon the waters of White River, Oceana County, Towship 14 N., Range 17 West, in sections 13, 24, Estimated amount of Lumber : White Pine,........ 950,000 feet of Poor Common. Being an average Of.......2e eee eeeee 1,980 feet per Acre. Gaeta fond farming lands, and situated near good settlements. 14 320 Acres_.-._-.------------ $640. Lying upon the waters of White River, Oceana Caunty, Township 14 N., Range 17 West, in section 24. Estimated amount of Lumber: co ee eeeeeee. 450,000 feet of Fair Common. “ SO aswalaave 800,000 “ = Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,250,000 “ Being an average of..............055 3,906 feet per Acre. Generally good farming land, and situated near good settlements. No. 6423 401 92-100 Acres__.___.-__------ $270. Near the mouth of Pere Marquette River, Mason County, Township 18 N., Range 17 West, in sections 28, 29, 32. Purchased for steam mill purposes. 480 Acres.--._---.---------- $170. Lying upon Au Sable River, of Lake Michigan, Mason County, Township 19 N., Range 17 West, in sections 20, 21, 28, 29. ; Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 60,000 feet of Good Common. s Se seakacetanatal 10,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 70,000 feet. Hemlock, —........ 850,120 “ Being an average of nearly 2,000 feet per Acre of both Hem- lock and Pine. Some excellent farming land. No, 644. 1,506 40-100 Acres__---__--- $2,700. Lying upon the waters of Au Sable River, of Lake Michi- gan, Mason County, Township 19 N., Range 17 West, in sections 23, 24, 25, 26,35. Township 19 N., Range 16 West, in sections 19, 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 468,366 feet of Clear. ce OP setae emi 2,397,552 “ Good Common. es ere er 2,563,212 “ Fair Common. ne ONE | sodas 1,379,496 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 6,808,626 feet. Being an average Of.......... cece eee 4,521 feet per Acre. 211 No. 645. 403 44-100 Acres___-..-____L._ $140. Lying upon the Big Au Sable River, of Lake Michigan, Mason County, Township 19 N., Range 17 West, in sec- ‘tions 5, 6. Estimated amount of Lumber: No Pine. 824,300 feet of Good Hemlock. Being an average of about.............. 2,000 feet per Acre. No. 6453. b60 Acres -----4: seo eects $400. One and a half miles to Au Sable River, of Lake Michigan, Mason County, Township 20 N., Range 17 West, in sections 19, 29, 30, 32. : Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 156,800 feet of Good Common. $6 BOS Sarto stata 341,360 ° Fair Common, eg MO sop aig canals 820,400 “ Poor Common Total White Pine,........ 1,318,560 feet. “Yellow “© access 23,200 “ TG talisoos tas 1,341,760 “ Being an average of........+.-..-+04. 2,395 feet per Acre. No, 646. BOG AGT iose cee eee ote $730. Half a mile to Au Sable River, of Lake Michigan, Mason ‘County, Township 20 N., Range 17 West, in sections 21, 22, 23, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,......- 2,200,460 feet of Good Common. te Co Searewes 487,860 “ Fair Common, ‘Total White Pine,.....-- 2,688,320 “ Being an average Ofer ok acecnw ne wien anes 8,400 feet per Acre. 212 No. 647, BOU Aerés. ooo wees $1,406. Half a mile to Lake on Little Point Sable, Oceana County, Township 15 N., Range 18 West, in section 32. ‘Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 253,040 feet of Clear. * Se fea lenanaheos 2,268,840 “* Good Common. BERT ED es shalt 77,760 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine,........2,599,640 feet. Being an average Of........ 0... ceca 4,640 feet per Acre: No. 648, AAD DGG 5 Sei ees $1,280. One and a half miles to water Little Point au Sable, Oceana County, Township 15 N., Range 18 West, in section 33. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 277,840 feet of Clear. “ te colesancteone 3,699,920 “ ° Good Common. €¢ BOD Sa lava Gtctans 664,240 * Fair Common. Total White Pine, ..... 4,642,000 feet. Being an average Of................. 10,548 feet per Acre. BAU CEs oe Semen ee $1,280. Lying near Little Point Sable Oceana County, Town- ship 15 N., Range 18 West, in sections 26, 35. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 131,040 feet of Clear. Ks Ce a sasert 1,752,320 “ Good Common. fe Bh. «Rey sefedtade 1,842,927 <“ Fair Common. ee oh ae bata 1,635,313 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,861,600 feet. Being an average of..............., 11,049 feet per Acre, 218 No. 650. AO INCRE oes cee ape ia ee __ Lying near Little Point Sable, Oceana County, Township 15 N., Range 18 West, in sections 25, 36. Estimated amount of Lumber. 530,520 feet of Clear. White Pine,........ Se Senak eae 2,919,560 “ Good Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,450,080 12,321 feet per Acre Being an average of LOO eRe cee See Lying near Little Point Sable, Oceana County, Township 15 N., Range 18 West, in section 27. Estimated amount of Lumber: 226,000 feet of Clear. White Pine,........ . ee pawns 1,514,240 “ Good Common, “ (CBee ae 196,960 “* Fair Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,937,200 feet. 12,107 feet per Acre. No. 6513. OG Allee eee ete eee Lying near Little Point au Sable, Oceana County, Town- ship 15 N., Range 18 West, in section 28. Estimated amount of Lumber: 265,200 feet of Good Common. 3,315 feet per Acre Being an average of White Pine,........ No. 652. Being an average of. 160 Acres Lying near Point au Sable, Oceana County, Township 15 N., Range 18 West, in sections 15, 22. Estimated amount of Lumber: 22,907 feet of Good Common. White Pine,........ 143 feet per Acre, Being an average of........-+-eeeeeees Some fgood foak and basswood. : 214 No. 653. PO ties ie oe ee $350. Lying near Little Point Sable, Oceana County, Township. 15 N., Range 18 W., in sections 23, 24. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 232,120 feet of Clear. ae “ . eee 914,840 Good Common, Total White Pine,........ 1,146,960 “ Being an average Of..............ceceee 9,558 feet per Acre. Some good oak. No. 654, 310 37-100. Acres_...___-__--- $770. Lying near Little Point Sable, Oceana County, Township. 15 N., Range 18 West, in sections 11, 14, 15. ; Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 456,832 feet of Clear. HO codtalis hiss 1,285,250 * Good Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,742,082 feet. Being an average Of........ ec eee ec eee 5,619 feet per Acre. Some good oak and basswood. No. 655. OU ARTES cos sewer Seer $260. Lying near Little Point Sable, Oceana County, Township 15 N., Range 18 West, in sections 9, 10. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 224,960 feet of Clear. 6 BOS us iolareee oie 498,700 “ Good Common Total White Pine, ........ 723,660 feet. Being an average of............. ee 4,523 feet per Acre. Some good hemlock. 215 No. 656. 286 46-100 Acres__...-_______ $480. Lying near Little Point Sable, Oceana County, Townshi 15 N,, Fangs 18 West, in sections 10, 11. ” : Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 352,120 feet of Clear. te oS eee aeae 2,148,760 “« Good Common. s OE a rag ci 228,400 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,729,280 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 77,740 “ Total, ice Gaietate ies 2,807,020 “ Being an average Of........c0ceee sees 9,822 feet per Acre No. 65%, OSU ACTER sccascossaccecsoUen $470. Lying near Little Point Sable, Oceana County, Township 15 N., Range 18 West, in section 2. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,321,600 fees of Good Common. ; = Oe siya 8 808,800 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine,....... ‘2,180,400 feet. “Yellow “ ........ 53,120 “ ual cian ceuseeecees 2,183,520 “ Being an average of....-.....- eee 7,801 feet per Acre No. 658, S80 ACh asuucesasenes $2,200. One mile to Au Sable River, of Lake Michigan, Mason County, Township 19 N., Range 18 West, in sections 14, 22, 28, 26, 27. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,937,080 feet of Good Common. ce te aaabekes 923,480 “ Fair Common. Total White Pine, .......+2,860,560 feet. & Yellow “ ....+0++ 208,920 “ Total mnaweeoees . 22 08,064,480 Being an average of........+- seveeees+ 13,482 feet per Acre. 216 No, 659. 160 Acres__.-__---_----_---- $400. Half a mile to Au Sable River, of Lake Michigan, Mason County, Township 19 N., Range 18 West, in sections 2, 11. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 54,212 feet of Clear. ee # 856,888 * Good Common. Total White Pine, ....... » 920,050 feet. Being an average of.....-....0eeeeee 5,749 feet per Acre. No. 660. 465 55-100 Apres. o.. 2 snsee nen $300. Lying upon Lake Michigan, Mason County, Township 20 N., Range 18 West, in sections 23, 24. Township 20 N., Range 17 West, in section 19. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,249,988 feet of Good Common. et Oe Shea atar 195,360 “ Poor Common. Total White Fine,........ 1,445,348 feet. Being an average Of......... 0.600 e eee 3,108 feet per Acre. No. 660i. Wee SB N00 ee ete eS $10. Lying upon the St. Mary’s River, Chippewa County, Township 46 N., Range 2 East, in sections 17, 21. — These lands were selected for timber to be used in building the canal. The timber has been mostly cut off. No. 6602, Bet VO-LO0 Neree ic vce aicie cn acini $50. Lying upon St. Mary’s River, Chippewa County, Township 42 N., Range 4 East, in section 36. _ Lime Quarry on Drummond’s Island. 217 No. 664, 2,206 36-100 Acres_______- $3,420. Lying on the north shore of Lake Michigan, one mile to water, Mackinaw County, Township 42 N., Range 6 West, in sections 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 17,18. Township 42 N., Range 7 West, in section 1. Township 43 N., Range 6 West, in sec- tion 31. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine, ....... 1,839,804 feet of Clear. ef Soe Sed Beas 5,400,288 * Good Common. ee ee sere 8.597,986 Fair Common. ee Be neue hi asn 1,729,504 Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 12,567,582 feet. Being an average of..............06. 5,697 feet per Acre. No. 662, 1,244 50-100 Acres__--_.--- $3,080. Lying upon the north shore of Lake Michigan, one mile to water, Mackinaw County, Township 42 N., Range 6 West, in sections 8, 4,10. Township 43 N., Range 6 West, in sec- tions 32, 38, 34. Estimated amount of Lumber: White .Pine,........ 1,619,688 feet of Clear, af ee a Apratenat 4,645,096 “ Good Common. ef BES gece eke 2,720,628 “ Fair Common. e BO Meshes thas dus 1,418,184 *“* Poor Common. \ secant yates Total White Pine, ....... 10,398,596 feet. Being an average of...........--+05: 8,359 feet per Acre. No. 663, 1,000 59-100 Acres..--------$2,160. Lying upon the North shore of Lake Michigan, one mile to water, Mackinaw County, Township 42 N., Range 6 West, in sections 1, 2, 11, 18, 14. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,304,000 feet of Clear. ee OG) vienetanuees 8,174,000 ‘ Good Common. ae ee ae 2,203,000 “ Fair Common. se Mey ig aatetnanas 1,064,000 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 7,745,000 feet. Being an average Of......-+-+e.seeeee 7,745 feet per Acre. 218 No. 664, 2,108 31-100 Acres.__-.___-- $4,090. Lying upon the north shore of Lake Michigan, one anda half miles to water, Mackinaw County, Township 43 N., Range 8 West, in sections 7, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 28, 29, 30, 34. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 2,679,268 feet of Clear. ef er ee 6,874,188 Good Common. ite Se ecaiane ates 8,149,352 “ Fair Common. ss | Ladeeaws 1,479,816 Poor Common. Total White Pine, .......14,182,624 feet. Being an average of.............005- 6,728 feet per Acre. | No. 665. POO! ee eee $660. Lying upon the north shore of Lake Michigan, Mackinaw County, Township 43 N., Range 9 West, in sections 1, 3, 11, 12, 18, 14, 23, 24, Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 996,600 feet of Clear. “ MO Seaeveuy 2,805,000 “ Good Common. s Se wlaiela me aie 1,065,240 “ Fair Common. “s Lares rece 586,080 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,...... . .5,452,920 feet. Being an average of....... i genvannie axis 4,131 feet per Acre. No. 666. 2,147 81-100 Acres_---__--- $2,250. Lying upon the north shore of Lake Michigan, Mackinaw County, Township 43 N., Range 9 West, in sections 5, 6, 7, 9, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 29, 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 987,620 feet of Clear. BE a aelarecatnce 2,630,075 “ Good Common. os BE etalinh ater 1,406,285 “* Fair Common. Se eee as 732,127 *%* Poor Common. Total White Pine,..... - 5,756,107 “ Yellow “ ........ 178,201 “ OD Gita Secor sain cea 5,934,308 “ Being an average of........ 2.20.00 2,764 feet per Acre. 219 No. 667. _ 4,721 2-100 Acres_____ 5s eat $2,830. Lying upon the north shore of Lake Michigan, Macki- naw County, Township 44 N., Range 9 West, in sections 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 81, 32, 34, 35. Town- ship 44 N., Range 10 West, in sections 24, 25, 36. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........2,015,867 feet of Clear. ne tee” isc Satcec sts 7,166,478 * Good Common. s 66 vee e ee 64,027,013 * Fair Common. ee Oe cealsetaedas 2,251,917 “ Poor Common. ' Total White Pine,...... 15,461,275 6 “ Yellow “ .......,. 3,082,813 * _ Motaly eins sere cr sen 18,544,088 Being an average of............... »+++-3,928 feet peryAcre. No. 668 4,167 92-100 Acres____-_--- $1,960. Lying upon the north shore of Lake Michigan, Mackinaw County, Township 44 N., Range 9 West, in sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18. Township 45 N., Range 9 West, in sections 32, 33, 34. Township 44 N., Range 10 West, in sec- tions 11; 12, 13. 14. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,841,814 feet of Clear. ny Be ae aa 5,408,766 * Good Common. o Bee pase eee at 2,371,023 Fair Common. . eee ee 1,416,780 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ....... 11,038,383 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 1,675,134 * Total jini dia dasieine ane . 12,713,517“ Being an average of............eceeeee 3,051 feet per Acre. No. 669. 582 60-100 Acres..____--------- $80. Lying upon the Milliacocia River, Mackinaw County, Township 43 N., Range 10 West, in sections 11, 12, 18, 14, 24. ; Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 3,724 feet of Clear. ee 6 eaeeees 164,920 “ Good Common. “ GO) Sretaige ste 110,656 “* Fair Common. se eee ews 65,436 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 344,736 feet. “ Yellow “ ......-. 384,048 “ Total, skxatsvu. 378,784 « Being an average Of.........0+..e eee eee 712 feet per Acre.. 220 No. 670. - 195 1-100 Acres___.-___----- $100. Lying upon the waters of Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 47 N., Range 13 West, in section 31, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ . 58.500 feet of Clear. e MO peed ts 206,700 ‘“ Good Common, “ OF se Sawin 156,000 ‘“ Fair Common. rs Be Okara 91,955 “« Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 493,155“ te CHOW OS) ee se igs 71,760 “ ROtal nat yahie ganas 564,915 Beinggan average Of.............--04- 2,897 feet per Acre. No. 671. 312 5-100 Acres_.---------- $440, Lying upon the Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 47 N., Range 13 West, in section 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 368,472 feet of Clear. s Be aneixas cis 1,329,744 “* Good Common. * Ae) Siuarsoucie Pe 733,200 “ Fair Common, st ese... 252,408 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,683,824 feet. “« Yellow “ ........ 167,232 “ Total yes sess 2,851,056 * Being an average of......... 0.00 e eee eee 9,138 feet per Acre, No. 672. 200 Acres... ----_-----u-- $150. Lying upon the waters of Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 47 N., Range 13 W., in sections 28, 29, 33. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 104,000 feet of Clear. ne Be posts athena 400,000 “ Good Common. Bo aadserivadasetd 176,000 “ _Fair Common. He es eee. 88,200 © Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 768,200 feet. Being an average of.............0-005 3,841 feet per Acre. 221 No. 673. 1,860 Acres__--_---____-__-- $820. Lying upon the waters of Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 47 N., Range 13 West, in sections 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 870,400 teet of Clear. ee ee eee wes 8,251,760 “ Good Common. ee Te beg niae 1,591,200 “ Fair Common. 8 OE ae uaheore Ge 746,640 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 6,460,000 feet. "Yellow suewauee 43,520 “ Total, rset acee eee 6,503,520 “ Being an average of...........-e00 eee 4,782 feet per Acre. No. 674. LOAO: ees 2 os2ccsecuusse $550. Lying upon the waters of Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 47 N., Range 13 W., in sections 15, 21, 22. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 787,360 feet of Clear. es Bee eee ia Sage a 2,756,000 * Good Common. a (CBee ae ae 1,863,440 “ Fair Common. ee ted | eeneewe 697,840 ‘ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,554,640 Being an average Of. ........--e+eee sees 5,341 feet per Acre. No. 675. 1,240 Acres..-----+---.-+-+-- $410. Lying upon the waters of Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 47 N., Range 13 West, in sections 13, 14, 93, 24. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 601,400 feet of Clear. “ Od ae deceit 2,194,800 “ Good Common. « tbs eae eee 1,163,120 “ Fair Common. c a 1,153,200 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........5,112,520 feet. Being an average Of......++-sseees sees 4,123 feet per Acre. 222 : No. 676. 160 Acres__--_.._--._-..----- $50. Lying upon the waters of Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 47 N., Range 13 West, in section 9. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 164,000 feet of Clear. ce NO a aes 276,000 “ Good Common. ee BED ee conse cieiis . 108,000 “ Fair Common. ee Bee ae veke . 44,640 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 592,640 feet. Being an average of.......... 0.0.0 eee 8,704 feet per Acre. No, 677. UA BeOS ieee aoe $160. Lying upon the waters of Monistique River, School- craft County, Township 47 N., Range 13 West, in sections 2, 3, 10, 11. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 821,560 feet of Clear. - RE cae bare alee 8,371,800 “ Good Common. ee Re dutccubcetentas 2,099,440 “ Fair Common. te OOS (Listas uy 1,149,080 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,......... 7,441,880 feet. Being an average of ....-.......00005 8,089 feet per Acre. No. 678. 1,603 61-100 Acres..------- $1,150. Lying near Grand Marais Harbor, Schoolcraft County, Township 49 N., Range 13 West, in sections 34, 35, 36. Township 48 N., Range 13 West, in sections 2, 3, 4. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,691,165 feet of Clear. ¢ BO aie auaya tec 4,483,591 “« Good Common. fe SEY Hie ahcelielcs 1,812,993 “ Fair Common. #8 ey ced owes 880,047 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,.......,.8,867,796 feet. Being an average of ...........0.000es 5,532 feet per Acre. 1080). Aenet ooo ei eee $940. Lying near Grand Marais Harbor, Schoolcraft County, Township 49 N., Range 13 West, in sections 25, 26, 27. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 756,080 feet of Clear. st Bee sale Seaashe yg -1,960,400 “ Good Common. He Oey CA hates 976,520 * Fair Common. Soe Fae clewey 544,960 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 4,236,960 feet. Being an average of............0.000% 4,074 feet per Acre, No. 680, 600 Acres..--..--_-----. -- $400. Lying near Grand Marais Harbor, Schoolcraft County, Township 49 N., Range 13 West, in sections 22, 23. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 3843000 feet of Clear. se BG sila tae 883,800 “ Good Common, e OS. Cudbceaeaeeien 544,200 “ Fair Common. ss ea... =©259,800 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,071,800 feet. Being an average eee eeee 3,453 feet per Acre. No. 681. SOU AGIs cate aeseeeee $500. Lying near Grand Marais Harbor, Schooleraft County, Township 49 N., Range 13 West, in sections 13, 14, 15. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 425,600 feet of Clear. 7 oO Vee ane 975,840 “ Good Common. “ Bee cand talons 494,000 “* Fair Common, - “ HED sageeaha tae aie 272,840 Poor Common. Total White Pine,.......- 2,168,280 feet. Being an average Of........e+se errors 2,853 feet per Acre, y oo 224 No. 682. 760) Atrese coo. . boeken o ene $530. Lying upon the waters of Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 47 N., Range 14 West, in sections 28, 29, 32, 33. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 277,400 feet of Clear. ae Oe dca nagaeaans 1,209,920 “ Good Common. ee He Lagat a 767,600 ‘“ Fair Common. “ Be aagpentasen 896,720 ‘* Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,651,640 feet. Yellow “ ........ 205,960 “ NOt@l; estate tars eee 2,857,600 “ Being an average Of............ ee eens 3,760 feet per Acre. No. 688. DOO ACRES: eos eee ues $130. Lying upon the waters of Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 47 N., Range 14 West, in sections 29, 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 82,000 feet of Clear. ee BEN sale aan iets 160,000 * Good Common. a OES ged ia sta 186,000 ‘“* Fair Common. eg Oe teats 78,400 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 406,400 feet. “ Yellow, “© ........ 184,400 « MOH shies Gaede 590,800 feet. Being an average of..............05- 2,954 feet per Acre. No. 684. O00! AChE csscesaceca cece $640. Lying upon the waters of Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 47 N., Range 14 West, in sections 20, 21. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 423,600 feet of Clear. “ HE Secreta 1,548,000 “ Good Common. . 0 ea tee 973,800 Fair Common. ee eisai es 403,200 “ Poor Common, Total White Pine,........ 3,348,600 fect. ' He “Vellowe 88 a eareainn 84,200 “ otal qsueeeud ess 3,382,800 “ Being an average Of...........000e eee 5,638 feet per Acre. 225 No. 685. 1,347 52-100 Acres__.__-.-___- $630. One and a half miles to Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 47 N., Range 14 West, in sections 7, 8, 17, 18. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 449,898 feet of Clear. ates Oy eee eo 01,567,908 & Good Common. se Me gsi 862,080 “* Fair Common. ee 1 eas 425,652 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,305,538 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 18,858 “ Votal,inscess 3,324,396 Being an average of...........0..005, 2,468 feet per Acre. No. 686. G00: Acres. ic. cc-csceaneces $180. Lying upon the Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 47 N., Range 14 West, in sections 9, 10. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 162,000 feet of Clear. : 6 MO eases cade Mo 507,600 “ Good Common. si Me ame backs 215,400 “ Fair Common. et ae rr 93,600 “Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 978,600 “ Being an average Of........--+-.-06 1,631 feet per Acre, No. 687. 411 247-100 Acres_..-.------- $640. One mile to Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Town- ship 47 N., Range 14 West, in sections 3, 4, 5. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 565,956 feet of Clear. be Cee pious canst 1,333,836 “ Good Common. “ CO Us geguatanies 446,508 ‘“ Fair Common. 66 Oo ae aul 216,144 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,562,444 feet. Being an average Otc de) Ag Salsas weiss 3,604 feet per Acre, 15 226 No. 688. 615 36-100 Acres__------___-- $230. Two miles to Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 48 N., Range 14 West, in sections 30, 31. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 247,650 feet of Clear. ee Ce seuiliatecaorets 495,935 Good Common. ee tO estes: wide 2ta,Obor Fair Common. te BOY ee idaseese 159,385 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,177,925 feet. Being an average of.........eee.eeuee 1,855 feet per Acre. No. 689. 753 60-100 Acres__.-._-_.._-_- $400. Two miles to Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 48 N., Range 14 West, in sections 29, 32. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine, ........ 256,020 feet of Clear. «6 Re serantesiied 579,057 “ Good Common. ee HE she aeennlg ais 259,785 “Fair Common. ee DE” Sal trae 155,115 “Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,249,977 Being an average of............ «...-1,660 feet per Acre. No. 6990. 902 30-100 Acres____----_--- 970. Two and a half miles to Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 48 N., Range 14 West, in sections 27, 28, 33, 34. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 1,315,116 feet of Clear. ss Stl alieenene 2,522,600 “ Good Common. a HL Ag patna 929,962 * Fair Common. te SS srt bata 394,174 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........5,161,852 “ Being an average of...........0.00005 5,726 feet per Acre. 227 No. 691. 204 55-100 Acres._._-_______ $230. _ Lying upon the Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 43 N., Range 15 West, in sections 22, 27. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 34,884 feet of Clear. ee Ba 1G Beate odes 145,656 “* Good Common, ae OO aleasteaaatees 126,480 “ Fair Common, " HS Tericeeh aes — 63,036 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 370,056 feet. to “Yellow Sangeet 209,804 “ Mga niveleeeioee aes 579,360 Being an average Of....-----+--++ee- 2,840 feet per Acre. No. 692. 131 60-100 Acres_------------- $180. Lying upon the Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 43 N., Range 15 West, in sections 15, 22. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 101,525 feet of Clear. es lamer eee Fe 196,500 “ Good Common. oe OC shai ab anal 140,825 “ Fair Common, BO arpa areal 80,565 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 519,415 feet. Being an average Of.........+++-+-++ 3,965 feet per Acre, No. 693. 987 80-100 Acres_----------- $760. Lying upon the Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 43 N., Range 15 West, in sections 9, 10, 15. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,.....--- 360,472 fect of Clear. 6 Se a rasinia eases 1,045,541 “ Good Common, ee eli... 873,341 « =Fair Common. a Ge esr eteanenals 386,589 « Poor Common. Total White Pine,.....--- 2,665,943 “ Being an average Of hs GRR ee ae ..9,289 feet per Acre, 228 No. 694, TORO: GNCT Ce eo ereeeees aes $490. Three and a half miles to the waters of Monistique River, Schooleraft County, Township 47 N., Range 15 West, in sections 11,13, 14, 15. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,.... ... 606,320 feet of Clear. Kt es weve ee 22,475,200 % Good Common. es Ee shlecagenerateay 1,308,720 * Fair Common. es RP Soha cie aed 677,040 * Poor Common. Total White Pine,......... 5,062,280 feet. Being an average Of...........eee eee 4,867 feet per Acre. No. 695. Zo) FRCTES A cee $350. Two miles to the waters of Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 47 N., Range 15 West, in sections 2, 11, 12. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 364,000 feet of Clear. ee SE ea teva are core 808,080 ‘ Good Common. f EO Ns Sette liens 680,120 * Fair Common. a th ce reberauslt $24,240 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,176,440 feet. "Yellow © ceccwees 267,120 “ MOU, wise aaias aeiacueaa 2,443,560 ‘ Being an average Of...........00e eee 8,727 feet per Acre No. 696. obo OPALOU ASPOe so wie ok $390. One and a half miles to the waters of Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 47 N., Range 15 West, in section 1. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,....... . 423,360 feet of Clear. te Hee siracelaginvs 1,200,780 *“ Good Common. se We Betapetaittactva 854,280 “ Fair Common. 8 BE once aenanaee »- 482,895 ‘ Poor Common. Total White Pine, .,..... 2,961,315 feet. Being an average of....... ole eu yeelensla 9,401 feet per Acre. 800 Acres....__-.--__.___ $450. Three miles to Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 48 N., Range 15 West, in sections 84, 35, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 709,600 feet of Clear. ss OS are eaiges 1,600,000 “ Good Common. ee SS eewiaw oma 916,800 * Fair Common. es Oe Ra a Ws 436,800 “* Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,663,200 feet. Being an average of ....,.....-...005. 4,579 feet per Acre. No. 698, DUO Avrer otic seem ease $430. Two and a half miles to Monistique River, Schoolcraft ‘County, Township 48 N., Range 15 West, in section 36. Listimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,....... . 515,760 feet of Clear. ae tO ohare Bevel 1,285,760 “ Good Common. eé SE pate ina 930,160 “ Fair Common, « BE? “cautensioaeats 796,320 * Poor Common. ‘Total White Pine,........ 3,528,000 “ Being an average Of.............0-45 6,300 feet per Acre, No. 699. 1,040: Atres: c= coche ceeoue $590. Three miles to Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, ‘Township 48 N., Range 15 W., in sections 25, 26, 27. Estimated amount of Lumber 2 White Pine,........ 878,800 feet of Clear. ce ae endo etd tas 2,267,200 “ Good Common, ee eo .. ...1.861,360 “ Fair Common. “ Ceo Wt evemaleleiae 629,200 ‘ Poor Common, "Total White Pine,........ 5,136,560. feet. Being an average of.......--+++++++eee- 4,939 feet per Acre. 230 No. 700. TOO PNOUGR ico Da oes $250. Four miles to Monistique River, Schoolcraft County,, Township 48 N., Range 15 West, in sections 18, 14, 23, 24, Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 598,120 feet of Clear. et CET eagaountballate 1,259,320 % Good Common.. a eerie 627,760 ‘ Fair Common. es BE ses eepeauwibiahe 300,960 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 2,786,160 feet. Being an average of............00. 8,666 feet per Acre.. No. 7Ol. 628 87-000 Acres__-.-------- $600. Lying upon the Monistique River, Delta County, Town.. ship 41 N., Range 16 West, in sections 1, 12. Township 41 N., Range 15 West, in section 6, 7, 18. Selected for mill purposes near the mouth of Monistique- River. BO Cebe ices ose cemceeaee $1,300. Three miles to the waters of Monistique River, Delta County, Township 41 N., Range 17 West, in sections 25, 26, 35, 36. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 633,600 feet of Clear. Sh RE aba bemateas 1,669,360 “ Good Common. “e heute tees 15869,920 Fair Common. * 1O nena 1,112,720 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,085,600 feet. «Yellow “ secex «1,103,200 Total,........6,188,800 Being an average of...........0.00e0. 11,055 feet per Acre. 231 No. 703. 808 15-100 Acres Two miles to the waters of Monistique River, Delta County, Township 41 N., Range 17 West, in section 24, 25, 26. Township 41 N., Range 16 West, in sections 19, 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,......., 667,408 feet of Clear. of Ogee 1,752,552 © Good Common. Oe eee. .1,753,860 Fair Common, te OO Se cdigtieee ina 1,168,368 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 5,841,688 “ Fellow © eee wean 2,677,712 g TOE waadwaw Hocadan 8,019,400 Being an average of...¢.....00.00 ceees 9,925 feet per Acre. No. 404. OO (NGUBR ose co tieGoe eee $820. Two and a halfmiles to the waters of Monistique River, Delta County, Township 41 N., Range 17 W.., in sections 22, 23; 26. Estimated amount of Lumber: ' ¢White Pine,........ 856,400 feet of Clear. fe te htecaseieuats 935,280 “ Good Common. £09 Seoaeasheteus 936,000 Fair Common. “ OO ae tides 623,880 <“ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 2,851,560 feet. Yellow cc cecaes 774,720 * Totaly s vswe neds sa 8,626,280 “ Being an average of,...... indie malao'ue 10,073 feet per Acre. No. 705. G40 Actes. cea eea le eesee $1,300. Three miles to the waters of Monistique River, Delta County, Township 41 N., Range 17 West, in sections 15, 22, 23. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 621,440 feet of Clear. & CO egies hace 1,632,640 “ Good Common. . Bg ce Shia seeaie 1,635,840 Fair Common. a OO ga etek ee 1,090,560 “ Poor Common.. Total White Pine, ........ 4,980,480 * < Yellow “ ccsecas 1,137,280 “ Total, .vssvse 6,117,760 “. Being an average Of........ sees eee eeees 9,559 feet per Acre. S00 Aes a ois ae oa oes $600. One mile to the waters of Monistique River, Delta County, Township 41 N., Range 17 West, in sections 18, 24. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 207,800 feet of Clear. i. Se Feeacseagananete 545,800 “ Good Common. oe OEE sa acivterenety 546,000 ‘“ Fair Common. eS OSs cuir 363,800 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,....... 1,663,400 “ Yellow ne segieas 311,000 “ Total siaceccaceaccawicenes 1,974,400 “ Being an average of........-.0--2-00e 9,872 feet per Acre. No. 707, 619 9-100 Acres__.---------- $1,650. One mile to the waters of Monistique River, Delta County, Township 41 N., Range 17 West, in sections 11, 12, 13 ,14. Township 41 N., Range 16 West, in sections 7. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 495,200 feet of Clear. ; es tO aie mate 1,802,376 “ Good Common. ee tS odie one 1,302,376 ° Fair Common. gsaaewe BBTj838. * Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,967,790 * Vallee 8 oyu axes 413,492“ AMCs olay eal 4,381,282 “ Being an average of............ pastes 7,078 feet per Acre, Some timber cut on 80 acres. No. 708, 940 Acres__-._---__--_.-- $260. Half-a-mile to Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Town- ship 43 N., Range 17 West, in section 15. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 12,000 feet of Clear. ef Oe, Sateen 247,920 % Good Common. es Se Ske snpteniianey 228,000 “ Fair Common. a eseeess 184,160 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine, ........ 622,080 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 609,840 <* Total,..... se eayaltaanas 1,231,920 “ Being an average of............... ...5,133 feet per Acre. N TOD DGIOS one eens COGS $1,420. Half-a-mile to Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, T : I y, Town- ship 43 N., Range 17 West, in sections 10, 11. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 209,760 feet of Clear. se Se eed Avelngis 1,214,200 * Good Common. oS SE Bseea iene 1,191,680 “ Fair Common. “ ME gedace ++. 671,600 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,287,240 feet. “ Yellow “ ....... 3,269,520 . Totalia ceswsinewsbesacde 6,556,760 Being an average of...............085 8,626 feet per Acre. No. 446. 519 65-100 Acres__...__-___- $750. __ Half-a-mile to Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 43 N., Range 17‘ West, in sections 3, 4. Estimated amount of Lumber : a White Pine,........ 47,748 feet of Clear. te OO she ass aeaas 485,265 “ Good Common. is BE seuisenl Bestar 446,859 “* Fair Common. _ MS» (cJavnunade tes 366,933 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 1,346,805 feet. Yellow csvawcxs 1,718,928 “ Total,.... ...3,065,733 “ Being an average of............000005 5,907 feet per Acre. No. @ill. 708 45-100 Acres.----------- $1,300. One mile to Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Town- ship 44 N., Range 17 West, in sections 33, 34. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 396,480 feet of Clear. in Mhe Csgide testes 1,263,072 “ Good Common. i SD seroerioniearats 1,062,000 “ Fair Common. et OS, aitve Sasheaots 804,288 “ Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 3,525,840 feet. “ Yellow “ 1,399,008 “ Total,........ 4,924,848 “ Being an average of..........--+-2005 . 6,956 feet per Acre. + 234 No. @i2. 640 Acres__-.-_._---__-_--_-- $280. One mile to Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Town- ship 44 N., Range 17 West, in section 35. istimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,..... ... 88,920 feet of Clear. a CO a ia Scenes 158,080 “ Good Common. 4 St avsalay aceasta 161,920 “ Fair Common. oe eee eee §=©688,820 0 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 442,240 feet. “ Yellow “ ........ 712,960 * Tatalias cleus 1,155,200 Being an average of................ 1,805 feet per Acre. No. Cis. 440 Acregs___.-___-___---__- $730. ° Half-a-mile to Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 44 N., Range 17 West, in sections 28, 29, 32. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 301,840 feet of Clear. fe OC. Eeeiwhac 848,920 Good Common. ee fe Casein a hed 643,720 “ Fair Common. is Ste Nedrsaidestg 850,240 “ Poor Common. —— J Total White Pine,........ 2,189,720 “ “ Yellow “ ........ 555,720 “* Total,........ 2,695,440 Being an average of...........0eeeeeae 6,126 feet per Acre. No. @i4. GO ACREG yee owe sl oases Ss aee $110. Lying upon the Monistique River, Schoolcraft County, Township 44 N., Range 17 West, in section 30. Estimated amount of Lumber: White Pine,........ 40,000 feet of Clear. se Slo, Mogan eee 104,000 “ Good Common. ss OO reerwented 56,000 “ Fair Common, se SO eageaw es 20,920 Poor Common. Total White Pine,........ 225,920 feet. Being an average of...........-.000- 1,412 feet per Acre. 4 tek Herecet Tai ite pepe th fab mphp penny ee feapeyaurphye beneseapedeney tant a) ty ea =f yak