FROMminimal parasuues and messmates.
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1876.A. /5~2CONTENTS
Adaptation of Food to Animals—Animal Manufacturers—Brigands—
Messmates—Mutualists—Theory of Spontaneous Generation ... xiii
Definition—Free Messmates—Fixed Messmates ...... 1
Found in all Classes—Fierasfers in Holothuridse—Pilot Fish—
Remora—Crustacean Messmates—Poisoning by Mussels—Pearl
Mussel, and small Crab—Dromi*—Turtle Crabs—Maerourous
Decapods—Hermit Crabs—Friendship of Pagurus and Anemone
—Isopods — Messmates on Whales — Molluscan Messmates —
Lerneans — Distomes—Messmates of the Echinodermata—Of
Sponges—Infusorial Messmates ................... 4
Cirrhipedes—Importance of Embryology—Recurrent Development
—Messmates, characteristic of the various Species of Whales
—Cirrhipedes on Sharks — Crustaoeans, Messmates on other
Crustaceans — Cirrhipedes on Molluscs — Bryozoa — Fossil
Messmates—Messmates on Sponges—Spicules of Hyalonema—
Ophiodendrum ..................... .............53CONTENTS,
Definition — Ricinidse—Trichodectes of Dog harbouring Larva of
Taenia—Arguli—Caliguli—Ancei—Pranizae— Cyami—N ematode
Mutualists—Strange form of Histriobdellae---Egyptian Distome
in Man ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 68
Distinction between Parasites and Carnivora—Parasites found on all
Classes of Animals—Males dependent on Females—Parasites on
Man—Abundant Parasites in Stork—All the Organs nourish
Parasites — Different size of Male and Female—Lerneans—
Diplozoa—Migration of Parasites—Corresponding Changes of
Form—Parasites restricted to certain Regions—Former Theory
of Spontaneous Generation.........................85
Leeches —Vampires—Cylicobdellfe—Branchellions — Gnats—Black-
flies—Mosquitoes—Gnats in high Latitudes—Tsetse—Ox-flies—
Ptcropti—Nycteribiae—Bugs—Lice—Fleas—Itch Insect—Acari
on Beetles and Bees—Cheyletus eruditus ...........107
Isopod Parasites — Chigoe—Ticks— Pigeon-mite—Bopyridse—Ich-
thoxenus — Peltogasters —Tracheliastes—Penellse—Lerneans—
Guinea-worm — Leptodera of Snail — Nematodes in Bones—
Lichnophorm—Gregarinte ...........................138
Utility of Ichneumons—Scolise of Tan-beetles—Scolyti of Seychelles
Cocoa-nut Trees—Elms at Brussels destroyed by ScolytiCONTENTS.
—Polynema in Eggs of Dragon-fly — Sphex — Platygaster —
Horse-fly—Livingstone—Animals in Paraguay destroyed by
Hippobosci—Dipterous Parasites on Sheep and Stag—Gordius—
Shower of Worms—Eels in Ears of Com ......162
Nostosites—Xenosites—Hosts serving as a Creche, a Vehicle, or a
Lying-in Hospital—Lamarck on Spontaneous Generation—Tre-
matodes—Monostomes—Sporocysts and Cercariso—Passage from
one Host to another — Distomes — Flukes — Hemistomes —
Amphistomes—Taeniae of the Dog and Wolf—Hydatids—Taenia
solium in Man—Cysticercus of Pig—Cysticercns of Rabbit and
Hare passing into Dog—Coenurus of Sheep—Bothriocephalus—
Linguatula in Negro—Strongyli—Trichinae—Panic in Germany
—Vibriones in Corn—Echiuorrhynchus—Dicyema ..........183
Strepsitera—Stylops—Rhipiptera—Tristomidse— Epibdella — Diplo-
zoon, two Individuals—Polystomum of Frog—Gyrodactyles—
Cochineal Insect—Aphides—Phylloxera of Vine—An Acaris,
its Mortal Enemy—Ant-Cows — Bonnet’s Theory of Germs—
The Reduvius personatus, a valuable enemy to the Bed-bug ... 255LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS
FTG. 1.—Ophiodendrum abietinum on Sertularia abietina PACE ... 66
2.—Hicinus of the Pygarg ... 72
3.—Caligulus elegans, female: ditto, natural size ... ... 73
4.—Different forms of the Bite of a Leech ... 110
5.—Sucker and jaws ... 110
6.—Anatomy of Leech ... 110
7.—Antenna of Gnat ... 115
8.—Gnat, male and female ... 118
9, 10.—Lucilia hominivora ... 120
11.—Ox-fly ... 121
12.—Antenna of Ox-fly ... 121
13.—Bine-fly ... 121
14.—Flesh-fly ... 122
15.—House-fly ... 122
16.—Bed-bug ... 124
17.—Louse ... ... ... 125
18.—Louse—Suckers ... ... ... 126
19.—Ditto—Claw ... ... ... 126
20.—Flea (Pulex irritans) ... 128
21.—Itch-mite ... 131
22.—Ditto, female—back view ... 131
23.—Ditto, male—back view ... 132
24.—Geographical water-mite ... 136
25.—Book-mite ... 137
26.—Chigoe, male ... ... ... 141
27.—Ditto, head ... 141
28.—Ditto, female ... ... 141
29.—Phryxus Rathkei ... 145LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS.
■Sporocyst with Cercariaa
SO.—Tracheliastes of Cyprinidm ............................
31. —Lernea branchialis attached to Morrhua luscus
32. —Young Guinea-worm, showing Mouth, Tail, and section of Body
33. —Gregarinae of Nemertes................... ...........
31.—Sac with Psorospermise from Sepia officinalis..........
35. —Stylorhynchus oligacanthus from Dragon-fly...........
36. —Horse-fly, showing also Anterior and Posterior Extremity
37. —Macaco Worm
38. —Melophagus of the Sheep
39. —Lipoptena of Stag
40. —Gordius aquaticus
41. —Monostomum verrucosum-
42. —Liver fluke
43. —Monostomum mutabile
44. —Ditto, ciliated Embryo and young Cercarise ..........
45. —Cercaria of Amphistoma sub-clavatum..................
46. —Sporocyst of Amphistoma sub-clavatum....................
47. —Ditto, from Frog ....................................
48. —Polystomum integerrimum ...
49. —Cysticercus .....................................
50. —Vesicular Worm .......................... ...........
51. —Tape-worm (Tmnia solium), showing Scolex and Proglottides
52. —Ditto, Bostellum and Suckers ........................
53. —Tajnia medio-oanellata ... ... ... ............
54. —Cccnurus of Sheep, and Hydatid.......................
55. —Scolex of Taenia echinococcus .......................
56. —Tmnia eohinococcus from the Pig ...................
57. —Ditto, from the Dog .................................
58. —Bothriocephalus latus ...............................
59. —Scolex of ditto .....................................
60. —Egg of ditto .....................................
61. —Taenia variabilis from Snipe ........................
62. —Ditto, more highly magnified ........................
63. —Tetrarhynchns appendioulatus from the Plaice.........
64. —Hook of Linguatula ..................................
65. —Linguatula, showing Hooks ...........................
66. —Strongylus gigas, female.............................
67. —Ascaris lumbricoides; also Head, Tail, and Body .....
68. —Trichocephalus from Mnn .........................
FIG. 69.—Oxyuris vermicularis, natural size and magnified PAGE ... 241
70.—Trichina, free ... 243
71.—Trichina encysted in Muscle ... ... ... ... 243
72.—Echinorhynchus proteus ... ... ... 252
73.—Sac with Psorospermise from Sepia officinalis ... ... 252
74.—Gregarinaa from Nemertes Gesseriensis ... 253
75.—Stylorhynchus oligacanthus ... 253
76.—Dicyema Krohnii from Sepia officinalis ... ... 254
77.—Stylops ... 256
78.—Ditto, with Embryos ... 257
79.—Larva of Black Stylops ... 257
80.—Cochineal Insects, male ... 263
81.—Ditto, female ... 264
82.—Aphis ... 264
83.—Kose Aphis, male and female ... 265INTRODUCTION.
“ The edifice of the world is only sustained by the impulses of hunger
and love.”—Schilleh.
In that great drama which we call Nature, each animal
plays its especial part, and He who has adjusted and
regulated everything in its due order and proportion,
watches with as much care over the preservation of the
most repulsive insect, as over the young brood of the
most brilliant bird. Each, as it comes into the world,
thoroughly knows its part, and plays it the better
because it is more free to obey the dictates of its
instinct. There presides over this great drama of life
a law as harmonious as that which regulates the move-
ments of the heavenly bodies; and if death carries off
from the scene every hour myriads of living creatures,
each hour life causes new legions to rise up in order
to replace them. It is a whirlwind of being, a chain
without end.
This is now more fully known; whatever the animal
may be, whether that which occupies the highest or the
lowest place in the scale of creation, it consumes water
and carbon, and albumen sustains its vital force.XIV
Therefore, the Hand which has brought the world
out of chaos, has varied the nature of this food; it has
proportioned this universal nourishment to the neces-
sities and the peculiar organization of the various species
which have to derive from it the power of motion and
the continuance of their lives.
The study whose aim is to make us acquainted with
the kind of food adapted to each animal constitutes an
interesting branch of Natural History. The bill of fare
of every animal is written beforehand in indelible cha-
racters on each specific type; and these characters are
less difficult for the naturalist to decipher than are
palimpsests for the archaeologist.
Under the form of bones or scales, of feathers or
shells, they show themselves in the digestive organs. It
is by paying, not domiciliary, but stomachic visits, that
we must be initiated into the details of this domestic
economy. The bill of fare of fossil animals, though
written in characters less distinct and complete, can
still be very frequently read in the substance of their
coprolites. We do not despair even to find some day
the fishes and the crustaceans which were chased by the
plesiosaurs and the ichthyosaurs, and to discover some
parasitic worms which had entered with them into the
convolutions of the intestines of the saurians.
Naturalists have not always studied with sufficient
care the correspondence which exists between the animal
and its food, although it supplies the student with infor-
mation of a very valuable kind. In fact, every organized
body, whether conferva or moss, insect or mammal,
becomes the prey of some animal; every organic sub-
stance, sap or blood, horn or feather, flesh or bone,INTRODUCTION.
disappears under the teeth of some one or other of these;
and to each kind of debris correspond the instruments
suitable for its assimilation. These primary relations
between living beings and their alimentary regimen call
forth the activity of every species.
"We find, on closer examination, more than one
analogy between the animal world and human society;
and without much careful scrutiny, we may say that
there is no social position which has not (if I may dare
to use the expression) its counterpart among the lower
The greater part of these live peaceably on the fruit
of their labour, and carry on a trade by which they gain
their livelihood; but by the side of these honest workers
we find also some miserable wretches who cannot do
without the assistance of their neighbours, and who
establish themselves, some as parasites in their organs,
others as uninvited guests, by the side of the booty which
they have gained.
Some years ago, one of our learned and ingenious
colleagues at the University of Utrecht, Professor Hart-
ing, wrote a charming book on the industry of animals,
and demonstrated that almost every trade is known in
the animal kingdom. We find among them miners,
masons, carpenters, paper manufacturers, weavers, and
we may even say lace-makers, all of whom work first
for themselves, and afterwards for their progeny. Some
dig the earth, construct and support vaults, clear away
useless earth, and consolidate their works, like miners ;
others build huts or palaces according to all the rules of
architecture; others know intuitively all the secrets of
the manufacturers of paper, cardboard, woollen stuffs orXVI
lace; and their productions need not fear comparison
with the point-lace of Mechlin or of Brussels. Who has
not admired the ingenious construction of the beehive
or of the ant-hill, or the delicate and marvellous struc-
ture of the spider’s web ? The perfection of some of
these works is so great and so generally appreciated,
that when the astronomer requires for his telescope a
slender and delicate thread, he applies to a living shop,
to a simple spider. When the naturalist wishes to test
the comparative excellence of his microscope, or requires
a micrometer for infinitely little objects, he consults, not
a millimetre, divided and subdivided into a hundred or
a thousand parts, but the simple carapace of a diatom,
so small and indistinct that it is necessary to place a
hundred of them side by side to render them visible to
the naked eye : and still more, the best microscopes do
not always reveal all the delicacy of the designs which
decorate these Lilliputian frustules. Mons. H. Ph. Adan
has lately shown, with an artist’s talent, the infinite
beauties which the microscope reveals in this invisible
To whom do the manufacturers of Yerviers or of
Lyons, of Ghent or of Manchester, apply for their raw
materials ? Either to an animal or a plant; and even
up to the present time we have had sufficient modesty
not to have sought to imitate either wool or cotton. Yet
these animal manufacturers carry on their operations
every day under our eyes, the doors wide open to every-
body, and none of them is as yet marked with the trite
expression, “ No admittance.”
“ The beau-ideal which we place before us in the
arts of spinning and weaving,” said an inhabitant of theINTRODUCTION.
South to Michelet, “ is the beautiful hair of a woman:
the softest wool, the finest cotton, is very far from
realizing it.” The Southerner seemed to forget that
this soft wool, as well as this fine cotton, was not the
product of our manufacturers any more than the
woman’s hair.
Were these animal machines to sustain injury, or
even to be idle for a certain time, we should be reduced
to have nothing wherewith to cover our shoulders : the
fine lady would have neither Cashmere shawl, silk, nor
velvet in her wardrobe; we should have neither flannel
nor cloth to make our clothes ; the herdsman even
would not have his goat’s skin to protect him from the
inclemency of the season. Thanks to the animal which
gives us his flesh and his fleece, we are able to' leave the
southern regions, to brave the rigour of other climes,
and establish ourselves side by side with the reindeer
and the narwhal, in the midst of eternal snow.
We have our science and our steam-engines, of which
we are justly proud; the animals have only their simple
instinct to enable them to fabricate their marvellous
tissues, and yet they succeed better than ourselves.
The so-called blind forces of nature produce thread, the
use of which the genius of man seeks in vain to super-
sede ; and we do not even dream of entering into com-
petition with these living machines which we daily crush
under our feet.
All these occupations are openly carried on; and if
there are some which are honest, it may be said that
there are others which deserve another character. In
the ancient as well as the new world, more than one
animal resembles somewhat the sharper leading thexvm
life of a great nobleman; and it is not rare to find, by
the side of the humble pickpocket, the audacious
brigand of the high road, who lives solely on blood and
carnage. A great proportion of these creatures always
escape, either by cunning, by audacity, or by superior
villany, from social retribution.
But side by side with these independent existences,
there are a certain number which, without being para-
sites, cannot live without assistance, and which demand'
from their neighbours, sometimes only a resting-place
in order to fish by their side, sometimes a place at their
table, that they may partake with them of their daily
food; we find some every day which used to be con-
sidered parasites, yet which by no means live at the
expense of their hosts.
When a copepode crustacean instals himself in the
pantry of an ascidian, and filches from him some dainty
morsel, as it passes by; when a benevolent animal
renders some service to his neighbour, either by keeping
his rack clean, or removing detritus which clogs certain
organs, this crustacean or this animal is no more a para-
site than is he who cowers by the side of a vigilant and
skilful neighbour, quietly takes his siesta, and is con-
tented with the fragments which fall from the jaws of
his companion. We may say the same thing of the fish
which, through idleness, attaches itself, like the remora,
to a neighbour who swims well, and fishes by his side
without fatiguing his own fins.
The services of many of these are rewarded either in
protection or in kind, and mutuality can well be exercised
at the same time as hospitality.
Those creatures which merit the name of parasitesINTRODUCTION.
feed at the expense of a neighbour, either establishing
themselves voluntarily in his organs, or quitting him
after each meal, like the leech or the flea.
But when the larva of an ichneumon devours, organ
after organ, the caterpillar which serves him as a nurse,
and at last eats her entirely, can we call him a parasite?
According to Lepelletier de Saint-Fargeau, who has so
successfully treated these questions, the parasite is he
who lives at the expense of another, eating that which
belongs to him, but not devouring his nurse herself. Nor
is the ichneumon a carnivorous animal, for the true
beast of prey cares nothing at any period of his exist-
ence for the life of his victim.
True parasites are very commonly found in nature,
and we should be wrong were we to consider that they
all live a sad and monotonous life. Some among them
are so active and vigilant that they sustain themselves
during the greater part of their life, and only seek for
assistance at certain determinate periods. They are
not, as has been supposed, exceptional and strange
beings, without any other organs than those of self-
preservation. There is not, as was formerly supposed,
a class of parasites, but all the classes of the animal
kingdom include some among their inferior ranks.
We may divide them into different categories.
In the first of these we will place together all those
which are free at the commencement of their life, which
swim and take their sport without seeking assistance
from others, until the infirmities of age compel them to
retire into a place of refuge. They live at first like true
Bohemians, and are certain of getting invalided at last
in some well-arranged asylum. Sometimes both theXX
male and female require this assistance at a certain age;
with others it is the female only, as the male continues
his wandering life. ’"In some cases, the female carries
her partner with her, and supports him entirely during
his captivity; her host nourishes her, and she in her
turn feeds her husband. We find few female gill-
suckers which have not with them their Lilliputian
males, which, like a shadow, never quit them. But we
also find males, living as parasites of their females,
among those curious crustaceans known by the name of
cirrhipeds. All the parasitical crustaceans are placed in
this first category.
We find others, the ichneumons for example, which
are perfectly at liberty in their old age, hut require pro-
tection while young. There are many of these, which
as soon as they escape from the egg, are literally put
out to nurse ; but from the day when they cast off their
larval robe, they are no longer under restraint, but,
armed cap-a-pie, they rush eagerly in quest of adven-
ture, and die like others on the high road. In this
category are generally found parasitical hymenopterous
and dipterous insects.
Other kinds are lodgers all their lives, though they
change their hosts, not to say their establishment,-ac-
cordingly to their age and constitution. As soon as they
quit the egg, they seek for the favours of others, and all
their itinerary is rigorously traced out for them before-
hand. Fortunately we are at present acquainted with
the halting-places and magazines of a great number of
those which belong to the order of cestode and trema-
tode worms. These flat and soft worms begin life
usually as vagabonds, aided by a ciliary robe whichINTRODUCTION.
serves as an apparatus for locomotion; but scarcely
have they tried to use their delicate oars, before they
demand assistance, lodge themselves in the body of the
first host that they meet, whom they abandon for
another living lair, and then condemn themselves to
perpetual seclusion.
That which adds to the interest inspired by these
feeble and timid beings is, that at each change of abode,
they change also their costume; and that when they
have reached the limit of their peregrinations, they
assume the virile toga—we had almost said, the wedding
robe. The sexes appear only under this later envelope;
up to this period they have had no thoughts of the cares
of a family. It has always been somewhat difficult to
establish the identity of those persons who frequent the
public saloons one day, and are found on the next in the
most obscure haunts, dressed as mendicants. Most of
the worms which have the form of a leaf or a tape
give themselves up to these peregrinations, and those
which do not arrive at their last stage, die usually with-
out posterity.
It is interesting to remark that these parasitical
worms do not inhabit the various organs of their
neighbours indiscriminately, but all begin their life
modestly in an almost inaccessible attic, and end it in
large and spacious apartments. At their first appear-
ance they think only of themselves, and are contented
to lodge, as scolices or vesicular worms, in the connective
tissue of the muscles, of the heart, of the lobes of the
brain, or even in the ball of the eye; at a later stage,
they think of the cares of a family, and occupy large
vessels like the digestive or respiratory passages, alwayssxu
in free communication with the exterior; they have a
horror of being enclosed, and the propagation of their
species requires access to the outer air.
In the last category are found those which need
assistance all their lives; as soon as they have pene-
trated into the body of their host, they never remove
again, and the lodging which they have chosen serves
them both as a cradle and a tomb.
Some years since, no one suspected that a parasite
could live in any other animal than that in which it was
discovered. All helminthologists, with few exceptions,
looked upon worms in the interior of the body as formed
without parents in the same organs which they occupy.
Worms which are parasites of fish, had been seen a
long time before this in the intestines of various birds:
experiments had even been made to satisfy observers of
the possibility of these creatures passing from one body
to another; but all these experiments had only given a
negative result, and the idea of inevitable transmigration
was so completely unknown that Bremser, the first hel-
minthologist of his age, raised the cry of heresy, when
Budolphi spoke of the ligulse of fishes which could
continue to live in birds.
At a period nearer to our own times, our learned
friend, Yon Siebold, deservedly called the prince of hel-
minthologists, was entirely of this opinion, and com-
pared the cysticercus of the mouse with the tape-worm
of the cat, considering this young worm as a wandering,
sick, and dropsical being.
In his opinion, the worm had lost its way in the
mouse, as the taenia of the cat could live only in the cat.
Flourens considered it a romance when I myself an-INTRODUCTION.
nounced to the “ Institut de France,” that cestode worms
must necessarily pass from one animal to another in
order to complete the phases of their evolution.
At the present time, experiments respecting these
transmigrations are repeated every day in the labora-
tories of zoology with the same success; and Mons. E.
Leuckart, who directs with so much talent the Institute
of Leipzig, has discovered, in concert with his pupil
Mecznikow, transmigrations of worms accompanied by
changes of sex; that is to say, they have seen nematodes,
the parasites of the lungs of the frog, always female or
hermaphrodite, produce individuals of the two sexes
which do not resemble their mother, and whose habitual
abode is not in the lungs of the frog but in damp earth.
In other words, let us imagine a mother, born a widow,
who cannot exist without the assistance of others, pro-
ducing boys and girls able to provide for themselves.
The mother is parasitical and viviparous, her daughters
are, during their whole life, free and oviparous.
This observation leads us to another sexual singu-
larity, lately observed, of males and females of different
kinds in one and the same species, and which give birth
to progeny which do not resemble each other; the same
animals, or rather the same species, proceed from two
different eggs fecundated by different spermatozoids.
Now that these transmigrations are perfectly known
and admitted, the starting-point of the inquiry has been
so entirely forgotten that the honour of the discovery
has been frequently attributed to fellow-workers, who
had no knowledge of it till the demonstration had been
completed, and the new interpretation generally accepted.
But let us return to our subject.2X1V
The assistance rendered by animals to each other is
as varied as that which is found amongst men. Some
receive merely an abode, others nourishment, others
again food and shelter; we find a perfect system of
board and lodging combined with philozoic institutions
arranged in the most perfect manner. But if we see by
the side of these paupers, some which render to one
another mutual services, it would be but little flattering to
them to call all indiscriminately either parasites or mess-
mates (commensaux). We think that we should be more
just to them if we designated the latter kinds mutualists,
and thus mutuality will take its place by the side of mess-
table arrangements (commensalism) and of parasitism.
It would also be necessary to coin another name for
those which, like certain crustaceans, or even some birds,
are rather guests which smell out a feast from afar
(pique-assiettes) than parasites; and for others which
repay by an ill turn the assistance which they have
received. And what name shall we give to those which,
like the plover, render services which may be compared
to medical attendance ?
This bird in fact performs the office of dentist to the
crocodile. A small species of toad acts as an accoucheur
to his female companion, making use of his fingers as
a forceps to bring the eggs into the world. Again, the
pique-boeuf performs a surgical operation, each time,
that he opens with his lancet the tumour which encloses
a larva in the midst of the buffalo’s back. Nearer home,
we see the starling render in our own meadows the
same service as the pique-boeuf (Buphaga) in Africa; and
we may see that among these living creatures there is
more than one speciality in the healing art.INTRODUCTION.
We must not forget that the occupation of a grave-
digger is equally general in nature, and that it is never
_ without some profit to himself or his progeny that this
gloomy workman inters the bodies of the dead. Certain
animals have an occupation analogous to that of the
* shoeblack or the scourer, and they freshen up with care,
and even with a kind of coquettish pleasure, the toilet
of their neighbours.
And how must we designate the birds known by the
name of stercorarise, which take advantage of the
cowardice of sea-gulls in order to live in idleness ? It is
useless for the gulls to trust to the strength of their wings,
the stercorarise in the end compel them to disgorge their
food in order that they may partake of the spoils of their
fishery. When followed up too closely, these timid birds
throw up the contents of their crop, to render themselves
lighter, like the smuggler who finds no means of safety
except in abandoning his load.
We must not, however, be too hard upon all this class,
since very often, as in the case of the gnat, it is only
one of the sexes which seeks a victim.
All animals usually live for the passing day; and
yet there are some which practise economy, which are
not ignorant of the advantages of the savings bank, and,
like the raven and the magpie, think of the morrow, to
lay up in store the superfluity of the day’s provision.
As we have before said, this little world is not always
easy to be known, and in its societies, to which each
brings his capital, Borne in activity, others in violence or
in stratagem, we find more than one Robert Macaire who
contributes nothing, and takes advantage of all. Every
species of animal may have its parasites and its mess-XXVI
mates, and each may perhaps have some of different
sorts, and in diverse categories.
But whence come those disgusting beings, whose
name alone inspires us with horror, and which instal
themselves without ceremony, not in our dwellings, but
in our organs, and which we find it more difficult to
expel than rats or mice ? They all derive their existence
from their parents.
The time has passed when a vitiated condition of the
humours, or the deterioration of the parenchyma was
considered a sufficient cause for the formation of para-
sites, and when their presence was regarded as an
extraordinary phenomenon resulting from the morbid dis-
positions of the organism. We have reason to hope that
this language will, during the next generation, have
entirely disappeared from works on physiology and
pathology. Neither the temperament nor the humours
have any influence on parasites, and they are not more
abundant in delicate individuals than in those who enjoy
the most robust health. On the contrary, all wild
animals harbour their parasitical worms, and the greater
part of them have not lived long in captivity, before
nematode and cestode worms completely disappear. It
is only the imprisoned parasites which do not desert
All these mutual adaptations are pre-arranged, and
as far as we are concerned, we cannot divest ourselves of
the idea that the earth has been prepared successively
for plants, animals, and man. When God first elaborated
matter, He had evidently that being in view who was
intended at some future day to raise his thoughts to
Him, and do Him homage.INTRODUCTION. XXvii
This is the answer which I would give to the ques-
tion recently propounded by Mons. L. Agassiz. “ Were
the physical changes to which our globe has been sub-
jected effected for the sake of the animal world, con-
sidered in its relations from the very beginning, or are
the modifications of animals the result of physical
changes ? in other words, has the earth been made and
prepared for living beings, or have living beings been as
highly developed as was possible, according to the phy-
sical vicissitudes of the planet which they inhabit ?
This question has always been discussed, and that
science which cannot look beyond its scalpel, will never
succeed in resolving it. Each one must seek by his own
reason the solution of the great problem.
When we see the newly-born colt eagerly seeking for
its mother’s teats, the chick as soon as it is hatched
beginning to peck, or the duckling seeking its puddle of
water, can we recognize anything but instinct as the
cause of these actions, and is not this instinct the libretto
written by Him who has forgotten nothing ?
The statuary who tempers the clay from which to
make his model, has already conceived in his mind the
statue which he is about to produce. Thus it is with the
Supreme Artist. His plan for all eternity is present to
His thought. He will execute the work in one day, or in
a thousand ages. Time is nothing to Him; the work is
conceived, it is created, and each of its parts is only the
realization of the creative thought, and its predetermined
development in time and space.
“ The more we advance in the study of nature,” says
Oswald Heer in “Le Monde primitif” which he has just
published, “the more profound also is our conviction, thatxxvm
belief in an Almighty Creator and a Divine Wisdom, who
has created the heavens and the earth according to an
eternal and preconceived plan, can alone resolve the
enigmas of nature, as well as those of human life. Let
us still erect statues to men who have been useful to
their fellow-creatures, and have distinguished themselves
by their genius, but let us not forget what we owe to Him
who has placed marvels in each grain of sand, a world
in every drop of water.”
At first we shall treat of animal messmates, secondly
of mutualists, and thirdly of parasites.ANIMAL PARASITES
The messmate is he who is received at the table of his
neighbour to partake with him of the produce of his day’s
fishing; it would he necessary to coin a name to desig-
nate him who only requires from his neighbour a simple
place on board his vessel, and does not ask to partake
of his provisions.
The messmate does not live at the expense of his
host; all that he desires is a home or his friend’s super-
fluities. The parasite instals himself either temporarily
or definitively in the house of his neighbour; either with
his consent or by force, he demands from him his living,
and very often his lodging.
But the precise limit at which commensalism begins
is not always easily to be ascertained. There are
animals which live as messmates with others only at a
certain period of their lives, and which provide for their
own support at other times; others are only messmates2
under certain given circumstances, and do not usually
merit this appellation.
In the higher animals, this relation between them is
generally well known, and justly appreciated, hut it is not
the same in the inferior ranks; and more than one
animal may pass for a messmate or a parasite, for a
robber or for a mendicant, according to the circum-
stances under which he is observed. The sharper passes
for an honest man as long as he has not been taken in
flagrante delicto. Thus, in order to be just, we must
carefully examine the indictment, and not pronounce
sentence without strict examination.
The greater part of those animals which have estab-
lished themselves on each other, and live together on
a good understanding and without injury, are wrongly
classed as parasites by the generality of naturalists.
Now that the mutual relations of many of these are
better understood, we know many animals which unite
together to render each other mutual assistance; while
there are others which live like paupers bn the crumbs
which fall from the rich man’s table. There are many
relations between the different species which can be dis-
covered only after minute examination, hut which have
recently been appreciated with greater impartiality.
Animal messmates are rather numerous, and com-
mensalism has been observed, not only in animals of the
present age, but in those of the primary epoch. Wyville
Thomson explained to me, while I was myself his mess-
mate at Edinburgh, at the meeting of the British Asso-
ciation in 1871, that the polyps of the Silurian age
already practised it. We do not class among animal
messmates those living creatures which, like the birdsANIMAL MESSMATES.
which we keep in cages, charm the ear with their song,
or which, in spite of our care, live at the expense of our
pantry; we will only refer to veritable messmates, which,
sometimes through weakness of constitution, sometimes
for want of activity, can neither feed themselves nor
bring up their family without seeking help from their
There are some free messmates which never renounce
their independence, whatever may be the advantages
which their Amphitryon enjoys; they break their alliance
with him for the slightest motive of discontent, and go
and seek their fortune elsewhere. Their susceptibility
or their love of change guides them. They are recog-
nized by their fishing implements or their travelling
gear, which they never lay aside. These free messmates
are the more numerous. The others, the fixed mess-
mates, instal themselves with a neighbour, and live at
their ease, having completely changed their dress, and
renounced for ever an independent life. Their fate is
thenceforward bound to him who carries them.
Under these two categories we shall cite several ex-
amples, and glance at the differences which the various
classes of the animal kingdom present in this respect,
beginning with the higher ranks.4
We meet with free messmates in various classes of
the animal kingdom. They sometimes mount on the
back of a neighbour, sometimes occupy the opening of
the mouth, the digestive passages, or the exit for the
excreta; at times they place themselves under the
shelter of the cloak of their host, from whom they
receive both aid and protection.
Among the vertebrates, there are few except fishes
which merit a place here ; it is only amongst these that
we meet with species at the mercy of others, and
dependent on acolytes, which are in every respect
inferior to themselves.
An interesting messmate belonging to this first
category is a fish of graceful form, named donzelina,
which goes to seek its fortune in the body of a holo-
thuria. Naturalists have long known it under the name
of Fierasfer. It has a long body like that of an eel,
entirely covered with small scales; and as it is quite
compressed, it has been compared to the sword which
conjurors thrust into their oesophagus. They are found
in different seas, and all have similar habits. This fish
is lodged in the digestive tube of his companion, and,FREE MESSMATES.
without any regard for the hospitality which he receives,
he seizes on his portion of all that enters. The Fier-
asfer contrives to cause himself to be served by a
neighbour better provided than himself with the means
of fishing.
Dr. Greef, at present Professor at Marbourg, found
at Madeira a holothuria of a foot in length, in which a
vigorous Fierasfer lived in peace. Quoy and Gaimard,
in the account of their voyage round the world, have
remarked long since, that the Fierasfer hornei is found
in the Stichopus tuberculosus.
The holothurise seem to exist under very advan-
tageous conditions in this respect, since we see Fier-
asfers, which are themselves tolerable gluttons, accom-
panied by Palasmons and Pinnotheres in the same
animal. Professor C. Semper has seen holothurise
in the Philippine Islands which bore a considerable
resemblance, in this respect, to an hotel with its
table d’hote.
These singular fishes have been long noticed, but it
was not till recently that their presence in a host so low
in the scale as a holothurian could be explained.
But if naturalists are agreed as to the bond which
unites these fishes to the holothurise, they do not agree
as to the organs which they inhabit in their living hotel.
Do they lodge in the digestive cavity of the holothurise,
or do they inhabit the arborescent respiratory processes
which open at the posterior extremity of the body ?
Until recently it was thought that it was in their
stomach, but a doubt has arisen. Professor Semper,
who has studied these animals with particular care
at the Philippine Islands, had the curiosity to open6
the stomach of some of them, and found there, not the
animals taken by the holothurise, but the remains of
its respiratory processess which they were in the act of
digesting. Is it then merely a messmate ? We must
have more information on this point; and if it were not
accidentally that the fierasfer swallowed the walls of the
compartment in which he was lodged, he ought rather
to take his place among parasites. Though it lodges in
the respiratory processes, as the learned professor at
Wurtzburg asserts, the fierasfer may also be a mess-
mate after the fashion of so many others which inhabit
the neighbourhood of the rectum, in order the more con-
veniently to snap up those animals which are attracted
by the odour.
The fierasfers are not the only fishes which seek
assistance from the holothuriae; a species lives at
Zamboanga, to which the specific name of Scabra has
been given, and in the stomach of which, says Mons.
Johannes Muller, usually lives a myxinoid fish, called
Enchelyophis vermicular is. Unfortunately, we are not
told in what part of the stomach it resides; for all is
stomach in these animals.
It is less degrading for a fish to ask assistance from
one in his own rank. The Mediterranean offers a curious
instance of this. Bisso saw at Nice, at the commence-
ment of this century, the monstrous fish known under the
name of Beaudroie (the angler, or fishing-frog) lodging
in its enormous branchial sac a fish of the family of the
Murenidse, the Apterychtus ocellatus. He is found there
evidently under the condition of a messmate. Although
the eels generally get their living easily, the Angler pos-
sesses fishing implements which are wanting in them, andFREE MESSMATES.
when both of them are immersed in the ooze, it carries
on a fishery sufficiently abundant to enable it to share
the spoil with others. This same angler lives in the
northern seas, and there it harbours an amphipod crus-
tacean, which until lately has escaped the vigilance of
carcinologists. We shall speak of it further on.
Dr. Collingwood saw a sea anemone in the Chinese
Sea, which was not less than two feet in diameter, and
in the interior of which lodges a very frisky little fish,
the name of which he could not tell.
Lieut, de Crispigny has observed a sea anemone
(Actinia crassicornis) living on good terms with a
malacopterygian fish, the Premnas biaculeatus. This
fish penetrates into the interior of the anemone; the
tentacles close round it, and it fives thus for a consider-
able time enclosed as in a living tomb. Mons. de
Crispigny has kept these animals alive for more than a
year, in order to make careful observations on them. A
fish known by the name of Oxybeles lumbricoides has been
also found in the Indian Seas, which modestly takes up
his quarters in a star-fish (Asterias discoida). Another
case of commensalism has been made known to us by
Professor Beinhardt of Copenhagen. A siluroid of Brazil,
of the genus Platystoma, a skilful fisherman, thanks to
his numerous barbules, lodges in the cavity of his mouth
some very small fishes, which were for a long time con-
sidered as young siluroids; it was supposed that the
mother brought her progeny to maturity in the cavity
of the mouth, as marsupials do in the abdominal pouch,
or as some other fishes do. These messmates are per-
fectly developed and adult, but instead of living on the
produce of their own labour, they prefer to instal them-8
selves in the mouth of an obliging neighbour, and to take
their tithes of the succulent morsels which he swallows.
This little fish has received the name of St.egopliilus
insidiatus. We see that in the animal world it is not
always the great which take advantage of the little.
Still, let us not be deceived ; there are fishes in the
latitude of the Island of Ceylon which really hatch their
eggs in the cavity of the mouth, and we have seen some
in the museum at Edinburgh, labelled with the name of
Arius bookei. Louis Agassiz has made the same observa-
tion on a fish of the Amazon, which has also been
recognised by Jeffreys Wyman. One fish wraps up its
eggs in the fringes of its branchiae, and protects them till
they are hatched; another lays its eggs in holes hollowed
out by itself in the steep banks of the river, and protects
the young ones after they are hatched.
To hatch the eggs in the mouth is not more extra-
ordinary than to hatch them in any other part of the
body. The Sygnathidm hatch theirs in a pouch behind
the anus; and it is a curious circumstance that the
females do not undertake this duty. The males alone
carry their progeny with them. This recalls to our
recollection that curious example of the birds known
under the name of Phalaropes, among which the males
only hatch the eggs. The female of the cuckoo abandons
her eggs, and entrusts them to the female of another bird.
The cuckoo suggests to us the mound-making Mega-
pode and the Talegalla of Latham, both of which
inhabit Australia; these birds deposit their eggs in an
enormous mass' of leaves or grass, which grows warm
by decomposition, and the temperature of which is great
enough to hatch them. The young ones when they comeFREE MESSMATES.
out of the egg are sufficiently developed to be able to
provide for their own wants, and to do without a mother’s
To return to our animal messmates: let us notice
the result of the observations of a learned and skilful
naturalist who has rendered great services to ichthyology.
Dr. Bleeker haB described a still more remarkable
association in the Indian seas; it is that of a crustacean,
the Cymothoa, taking advantage of a fish known under
the name of Stromatea; too imperfectly organized to fish
for itself at large, but more skilful in snapping up all
that comes within its reach, it makes its home in the
buccal cavity of the Stromatea.
But of all crustaceans, the most cruel is the isopod
named Ichthyoxena, which hollows out for itself and its
female a large dwelling-place in the coats of the stomach
of a cyprinoid fish. We will return again to these
The Physalias, those charming living nosegays of the
tropical regions, also give lodging in their cavities, and in
the midst of their long cirrhi, to little adult and perfect
fishes, belonging to the family of the Scombridte, a family
to which are attached the tunny and the mackerel. These
sea-butterflies flutter away their indolent existence at the
expense of their host. Voyagers tell us that they have
seen them by dozens concealed in these animated fes-
toons. Mons. Al. Agassiz has mentioned, in his illus-
trated catalogue, another fact, quite as extraordinary,
observed in the Bay of Nantucket, in the United States;
it relates to a nocturnal Pelagia (Dactylometra quinque-
cirra, Ag.) always accompanied, not to say escorted, by
a species of herring. The two neighbours constitute10
together an association which probably redounds to the
advantage of both.
Without quitting our own sea-coast, we find an asso-
ciation of the same kind between young fishes (Caranx
trachurus) and a beautiful medusa (Chrysaora isocela).
This sea nettle often encloses several young specimens
of Caranx, which we are surprised to see issuing full of
life from the transparent bodies of these polyps. Indeed,
it is not rare to find other fishes in the medusa;. Dr.
Gunther, who has arranged with so much care the rich
collection of fishes in the British Museum, has shown us
some specimens of the Labrax lupus, and of the Gaster-
osteus, which had been obtained from the interior of
different medusae; and these associations have been also
remarked by various distinguished observers, among
whom we may mention Messrs. Sars, Bud. Leuckart, and
Peach. The captain of the frigate Jouan, wl^en in the
Indian Sea, on October 26th, 1871, in 13° 20' N. lat.,
and 60° 30'E. long., that is to say, about 200 leagues
to the west of the Laccadive Islands, saw, in very fine
weather, the sea, which was at that time very calm, covered
with medusae, and the greater part of these were escorted
by many little fishes of the genus Ostracion, the species of
which he was unable to ascertain. It is probable that
the school of medusae set in motion certain animals which
are eagerly sought after by the Ostracions.
The Pilot is a fish of which much has been recorded;
fishing for it is one of the principal recreations of sailors
during their long voyages. Some assure us that it
snaps off the bait, without touching the murderous hook
which threatens the shark; and as it never quits its
companion, others have supposed that it lives on theFREE MESSMATES.
morsels abandoned by it. Neither of these suppositions
is correct; and as the shark does not need its services to
point out the danger, we must content ourselves with
mentioning this curious association without endeavour-
ing to explain it.
In fact, we have had the opportunity of examining
many well-preserved specimens, the stomach of which
contained potato parings, the carapaces of crustaceans,
the debris of fishes, marine plants (fuci), and a piece of
cut fish, which had evidently served as a bait. The pilot
does not, therefore, live on the leavings of his companion,
but on his own industry, and doubtless finds some advan-
tage in piloting his neighbour. Through the great
kindness of Dr. Gunther we have been able to make
this interesting examination in the rich galleries of the
British Museum. We desire to take this opportunity of
expressing our gratitude to this learned man and to his
illustrious colleagues, who have the direction of that vast
establishment, which is ever open to those who labour
for the advancement of science.
The pilot has sometimes been confounded with a very
different fish, which does not merely remain in the neigh-
bourhood of the shark, but establishes itself upon him,
and moors himself to him by the aid of a particular
apparatus, for a longer or shorter time; we may even
say during the whole of the voyage. This is the Remora.
Is this fish the messmate of the shark to which he is
attached ? As in the case of the pilot, an examination
alone could decide the question. We have opened at the
British Museum the stomachs of several remoras of
different sizes, and we have been able to ascertain that
they also fish on their own account; their food was12
composed of morsels of fish which had served as bait,
of young fish swallowed whole, and of some remains of
Crustacea. The remora is simply anchored to his host,
and asks from him nothing but his passage. He is
contented, like the pilot, to fish in the same waters as
the shark which transports him. Sailors, even now, are
convinced that if any one of these remoras should attach
itself to the ship, no human power could cause it to
advance, and that it must of necessity stop. It is certain
that the fishermen of the Mozambique Channel take
advantage of this faculty, to fish for turtles and certain
large fish. They pass through the tail of the remora a
ring to which a cord is attached, and then send it in
pursuit of the first passer-by which they consider worthy
to be caught. This kind of fishing resembles in some
degree the sport of hawking with falcons.
So extraordinary a being could not fail to attract the
attention of those among the ancients who were students
of nature. Pliny assures us that the remora was used
in the preparation of a philtre capable of extinguishing
the flames of love.
There must be many free animal messmates among
insects, and entomologists should make them known;
for example, many of them live with ants, as the Psela-
phidas and Staphylinidee. Certain hairs of these insects,
it is said, secrete a sweet liquid of which ants partake
greedily. If we may believe a skilful observer, Mons.
Lespes, there are some among them, as the Clavigers,
which in exchange for the services which they render are ,
fed by the ants themselves. We may also mention the
larvae of the Meloe, which seem to live as parasites, and
the true nature of which was so long unknown.P2EE MESSMATES.
The females of the Meloe lay their eggs near the
ranunculus and other plants whose flowers are regularly
visited by bees. After these are hatched, the larvae
ascend into the flowers and wait patiently till a bee takes
them on his back, and carries them into the interior
of the hive. This insect was formerly known under
the name of the bee-louse, but this appellation is im-
proper, for the bee is not the host of the meloe, but simply
its beast of burden. According to recent observations,
flies perform the same office for Chelifers, and certain
aquatic and land coleoptera for several kinds of acaridse.
In the class of animal messmates we find also a
coleopterous insect that lodges in a manner similar to
the paguri, of which we shall presently speak. The
female of the Drilus, a species allied to glowworms,
attacks the snail, and when it has devoured it, instals
itself in the shell, to pass through its metamorphoses;
when necessary, it frequently changes its shell and chooses
successively more spacious lodgings. Like a true
Sybarite, the drilus weaves a curtain of tapestry before
the entrance of its habitation, and remains there peace-
ably surrounded by the vestment of its youth.
Bemarkable examples of free messmates are found
more especially among crustaceans. It is well known
that this class includes lobsters, crabs, prawns, and those
legions of small animals which serve as the police of the
sea-shore, purifying the waters of the ocean of all or-
ganic matters, which otherwise would corrupt them.
They do not, like insects, shine with variegated colours;
their forms are hardy and varied, and they are often
pleasing on account of the singularity of their move-
ments. Professor Verrill has recently studied some of14
these creatures, and has clearly shown how interesting-
they are, not only to naturalists, hut to people in
Crustaceans and worms furnish the greatest number
of paupers and infirm individuals; and a great many of
them need the continual assistance of their neighbours
to enable them to get their living. While other animals
advance towards perfection as they grow older, it is far
different with many crustaceans, and we should be
tempted to refer to the vegetable kingdom many of them
at the very period when they are approaching the adult
condition. Cuvier placed all the class of cirrhipedes
among the mollusca, and the lernseans among the
worms. Many of these animals which are but indif-
ferently adapted to live without help from others, have
recourse to benevolent neighbours; from one they seek
only shelter, from another a part of his booty, from
a third both an asylum and protection. They are often
reduced to a mere skin; everything else has disappeared,
and there remains no proper organ except that which is
necessary for the reproduction of the species. Corpulent,
blind, impotent, legless cripples, their existence is more
precarious than that of those miserable mutilated beings
found in our cities; they only live on the blood of the
neighbour which gives them an asylum. Yet when they
first quit the egg they are all free; they frisk, they swim
with the rapidity of lightning, and at the close of life
we find them deformed, and crouched in some living
refuge, as if a foul leprosy had atrophied within them all
the organs which served as a means of communication
with the outer world. Parasites and messmates, fur-
nished at first with the same kind of limbs and theFREE MESSMATES.
same habits, can sometimes only be distinguished from
each other when we have made our observations on
them in their first swaddling clothes. The child has
given a clue to the history of the old man.
We will not examine these animals in all the details
of their private life, and yet we are strongly tempted to
confess to our readers some of the indiscreet acts of which
we have been guilty, in watching them while changing
their dress. Notwithstanding their shyness1 and their
desire to escape observation during the moulting period,
we have more than once made observations on them
while quitting their garment which has become too small.
The old tunic generally splits down the back, and falls
off all in one piece aB it gives the animal egress. The
crustacean is extended quite soft and supple by the side
of its rigid carapace..
Of all the free crustacean messmates, one of the
most interesting, though among the smallest of them, is
a tiny crab, about as large as a young spider, which
lives in mussels, and which has been often accused,
though evidently wrongfully, as the cause of the indis-
position so well known by those who are fond of this
mollusc. Very many of them have been seen within the
last few years, and yet accidents have been very few.
The mussels themselves are guilty; they produce on
some persons an injurious effect, through idiosyncracy.
We have at least a word to serve as an explanation, and
at present we must content ourselves with it.
Under what conditions do those crabs, called by
naturalists Pinnotheres, and which we do not find else-
where, inhabit mussels ? Are they parasites, pseudo-
parasites, or messmates ? It is not a taste for voyaging16
which tempts them, but the desire of having always a
secure retreat in every place. The pinnothere is a
brigand who causes himself to be followed by the cavern
which he inhabits, and which opens only at a well-known
watchword. The association redounds to the advantage
of both; the remains of food which the pinnothere aban-
dons are seized upon by the mollusc. It is the rich
man who instals himself in the dwelling of the poor, and
causes him to participate in all the advantages of his
position. The pinnotheres are, in our opinion, true
messmates. They take their food in the same waters as
their fellow-lodger, and the crumbs of the rapacious
crabs are doubtless not lost in the mouth of the peaceful
mussel. There is no doubt that these little plunderers
are good lodgers, and if the mussels furnish them with
an excellent hiding-place and a safe lodging, they them-
selves profit largely by the leavings of the feast which
fall from their pincers. Little as they are, these crabs
are well furnished with- tackle, and advantageously
placed to carry on their fishery in every season. Con-
cealed in the bottom of their living dwelling-place (a
den which the mussel transports at will) they choose
admirably the moment and the place to rush out to the
attack, and always fall on their enemy unawares. Some
of these pinnotheres live in all seas, and inhabit a
great number of bivalve molluscs. The northern seas
contain a large species of Modiola (Modiola Papuana)
which is especially found in deep and almost inaccessible
parts, and which always encloses a couple of pinno-
theres about the size of a hazel-nut. We have opened
hundreds of these modiolaa, and we have never met with
any without their crabs. We have long since depositedFKEE MESSMATES. 17
some specimens of these pinnotheres in the galleries of
the Natural History Museum at Paris.
The large mussel, which furnishes fine pearls (Avicula
margaritifera), lodges also pinnotheres of a particular
species by the side of another messmate more allied to
a lobster than a crab. It is not even impossible that
these crustaceans, with other messmates or parasites,
contribute to the formation of pearls, since these gems,
so highly prized in the fashionable world, are only the
result of vitiated secretions, and are usually the result of
We also meet with a little crab (Ostracotheres tri-
dacnte, Euppel) in the acephalous mollusc, whose immense
shell sometimes serves as a vessel for holy water; and it
lives doubtless in many other bivalves which have not
yet been examined.
Dr. Leon Vaillant has written a very interesting
memoir on the Tridacnae, and informs us that the crab
takes shelter in their branchial chamber. Therefore,
since the molluscs live only on vegetable substances,
while the Ostracotheres feed entirely on animal matter,
Mons. Vaillant supposes that the latter take their choice v
of the food as it enters, and seize on its passage that
which suits them best. Mr. Peters, during his abode
on the coast of Mozambique, studied a great many
of these acephala and pearl-mussels, and found their
interior inhabited by three crustacean decapods, a pin-
nothere, and two macrourse allied to the Pontonia, to
which he has given the name of Conchodytes; the
Conchodytes tridacnee inhabits the Tridacna squamosa ;
the Conchodytes mcleagrinse, as its specific name indicates,
lives in the shell of the pearl-mussel.18
Professor Semper lias recently observed pinnotheres in
holothurians at the Philippine Isles, and Mons. Alphonse
M. Edwards has described some from New Caledonia
(P. Fischerii); so that these little crabs, the friends of the
molluscs, are known in both hemispheres.
Do not these conditions seem to authorize the con-
clusion that the same thought has presided over the
appearance of all living creatures; that they have all
come into existence, not according to the chance ar-
rangement of surrounding media, but according to the
laws established from the very origin of all things ?
The shell which lodges both these pinnotheres, hi the
Mediterranean as well as the Atlantic, is a large acepha-
lous mollusc, known under the name of Jambonneau
(a small ham or gammon), and which, according to
Aristotle, harbours two different kinds of messmates.
This illustrious natural philosopher also described a Pon-
tonia (Pontonia custos, Guerin—P. Pyrrhena, M. Edw.)
about an inch and a half long, of a pale rose colour,
more or less transparent, and which lives with its com-
panion, the pinnothere, in the cavity of the Pinna
marina. This is the same animal which a naturalist of
the last century named the Cancer custos.
We have wished to ascertain whether Pliny knew
these crustaceans. He has spoken of them in the fol-
lowing terms:—“ The Chama is a clumsy animal with-
out eyes, which opens its valves and attracts other fishes,
which enter without mistrust, and begin to take their
pastime in their new abode. The pinnothere seeing his
dwelling invaded by strangers, pinches his host, who
immediately closes his valves, and kills one after another
these presumptuous visitors, that he may eat them at
his leisure.”FREE MESSMATES.
Cuvier did not believe that the pinnothere brought
any food to the mollusc, since the latter, in his opinion,
lives entirely on sea-water.
Other zoologists regard the pinnothere as an intruder
whom chance has brought into this mysterious position.
Others again consider mussels as acquaintances possessed
of a very curious disposition, and that having no eyes,
they have interested in their fate this little crab, which is
perfectly provided with eyesight. In fact, in common
with other crustaceans of his species, he carries on each
side of his carapace, at the end of a movable stalk, a
charming little globe, provided with some hundreds of
eyes, which he can direct upon his prey, as the astro-
nomer turns his telescope on any point of the firma-
ment. These later naturalists consider, in fact, their
crab as a living journal which supplies his host with
the news of the day. Eumphius, a Dutchman, the
first who described the animal of the nautilus, also
understood the habits of pinnotheres. In his “Am-
boinche Eariteit Earner,” published in 1741, he says
that these crustaceans inhabit always two kinds of shell-
fish, the Pinna and the Chama squamata. According to
him, when these molluscs have attained their growth,
one pinnothere (one only at least in the Chama) lives in
their interior and does not abandon its lodging till the
death of its host. Eumphius regards this crustacean as
a faithful guardian, fulfilling the duties of a door-keeper.
In 1638 he found actually two sorts of keepers: by the
side of a Brachyuron, carrying an embossed buckler,
slender in front, he discovered a Macrouron of the length
of his finger-nail, of a yellowish orange colour, semi-
transparent, with white and very slender claws. It is20
without doubt the same animal that Mons. Peters, of
Berlin, found on the coast of Mozambique, and of which
we have spoken before.
A little crab is known to live near the coast of Peru
(Fabia Chilensis, Dana), which exists under somewhat
different conditions. He chooses, not a bivalve mollusc,
but a sea-urchin (Euriechinus imbecillus, Verrill), and
lodges in the intestine, near its termination, so as to
seize as they pass by all those living creatures which are
attracted by the odour. Doubtless, the delicacy of our
sense of smell is disgusted by such a mode of seeking
food; but this predilection may have a reason with which
we are not acquainted. There are a considerable number
of other species which live under similar conditions.
On the coast of Brazil, my son found two couples of
crabs in the tube of a very long annelid, narrow at the
ends, and wide in the middle. The tube was too small
at the end to allow them to escape. These crustaceans
had, no doubt, penetrated thither before they had at-
tained their full size.
A crab of the family of the Maidie conceals itself in
the substance of a polypidom very common in the Viti
Islands, in company with a gasteropod mollusc, and
both of them assume the exact colour of the polypidom.
This is a new kind of mimicry. This crab is known by
the name of Pisa Styx, the gasteropod is a Cyprsea, the
polyp is the Melithea ochracea. A decapod crustacean,
the Galathea spinirostris, seeks for a Comatula, the
colour of which it exactly imitates, and with which it
lives on the most friendly terms.
The holothurise, of which we have already spoken,
appear to afford an abode to many animals: indepen-FEEE MESSMATES.
dently of the Fierasfer, the Holothuria scabra of the
Philippine Islands regularly lodges in its interior a
couple, and sometimes, though rarely, a greater number
of pinnotheres belonging to two distinct species. They
choose this domicile at an early period, and must be highly
delighted with this obscure abode, since they are seen
no more, and when they have once entered never quit
this living cavern. This observation is due to Professor
Semper, who has made us acquainted with so many
curious facts of the China Sea and the Pacific Ocean.
In the midst of the slender branches of a coral of the
Sandwich Islands, the Psecilopora ceespitosa of Dana,
there lives a little crab (Hopalocarcinus marsupialis,
Stimpson), which is at last completely enclosed by the
vegetation of the coral. It only keeps up sufficient
communication with the exterior to enable it to procure
food. The coral, however, furnishes it nothing but a
resting-place in the midst of its tissues.
Among the Philippine Islands, also, a brachyurous
crustacean lives in the branchial cavity of one of the
Tlaliotidm, and another on the body of a holothuria. On
the coasts of Brazil, F. Muller, during his abode at
Desterro, saw some Porcellanm inhabiting star-fish, not
as parasites, as had been supposed, but as true mess-
mates. A crustacean possessed of but little generosity
is the Lithoscaptus of Mons. Milne-Edwards. Provided
with beak and claws for the purpose of attack, it instals
itself, sad to say, in the pantry of a medusa, and instead
of making use of its own weapons, takes advantage of
the perfidious nematocysts of its acolyte, in order to live
quietly at his expense.
Under the name of Asellus medusae, Sir J. G. Dalyell22
has made us acquainted with another messmate of the
medusae which greatly resembles an Idotliea.
Another kind of commensalism is that of the
Dromiae. These crabs are of the ordinary size, and
lodge, from their earliest youth, under a growing family
of polyps, which increases with them. This colony has
for its principal foundation a living Alcyonium, which
covers the carapace, and as it develops, adapts itself
perfectly to all the inequalities of the cephalothorax;
one might consider it an integral part of the crab.
Sertulariae, Corynes, Algae, develop themselves on this
Alcyonium, and the Dromia, masked by this living rock
which it carries on its shoulders like the fabled Atlas,
marches gravely in pursuit of her prey. She has no
fear of arousing the attention of her enemies. The
greatest vigilance cannot prevent the sudden attack of
these dangerous neighbours. There is in the Mediterra-
nean a species which sometimes comes to our coast.
They are also known in the Indian Seas and in the
Northern Pacific. Ilumphius named the dromia Cancer
lanosus; it is, said he, a crab which carries grass or
moss on its back. It is also mentioned by Eenard.
Dana has observed a sea-anemone covering a crab in the
same manner as the Alcyonium does the dromia, and
which is not less dangerous. The mode of life of this
anemone has procured for it the name of Cancrisocia
expansa. In the north of California, a crab (Cryptoli-
thoides typicus) covers itself in the same manner with a
living cloak which hides it from view, and under cover
of which it surprises those whom it attacks. It has
already cleared the ground of its prey before any alarm
has been given to the neighbourhood.FREE MESSMATES.
We should perhaps speak here of an association of
another kind, the nature of which it is difficult to ascer-
certain; I refer to the little crab, the Turtle Crab of
Brown, which is met with in the open sea on the cara-
pace of turtles, and sometimes on sea-weeds. It may be
supposed that it takes advantage of the carapace of its
neighbour, in order to transport itself at little expense
into different latitudes, and it is asserted that the sight
of this crustacean gave confidence to Christopher Colum-
bus, eighteen days before the discovery of the New
World. Besides this animal, a whole society chooses
this movable habitation: in addition to the cirrhipedes
we also find the Tanais, which is not, however, con-
demned to live there always.
The macrourous decapods are more rarely found as
messmates, but still a Palaemon is sometimes seen on
the body of an Actinia, according to Semper, and another
in the branchial cavity of a Pagurus. But that which
is more generally known, is the presence in the Euplec-
tclla aspergillum of the palamon which lodges in this
fairy palace. It is probable that the Euplectella of the
Atlantic, recently observed near the Cape Verd Islands
by the naturalists on board the Challenger, also conceals
this crustacean in its interior. We may also allude here
to the Hypoconclia tabulosa, a crab whose carapace is too
soft to allow it to venture out undefended, and which
covers itself with the shell of a bivalve mollusc.
Among the various associations of this kind, none is
more remarkable than that, of the soldier-crabs, so abun-
dant on our coasts, and called by the names of Bernard the
Hermit and Kakerlot by the Ostend fishermen. It is
well known that these crabs are decapod crustaceans,
very like miniature lobsters, -which lodge in deserted
shells, and change their dwelling-place as they grow
larger. The young ones are content with very little
The shells which give them shelter are such as have
been shed, which they find at the bottom of the sea, and
and in which they conceal their weakness and their
misery. These animals have an abdomen too soft to
bear the dangers which they meet with in their warfare,
and that they may be less exposed to the claws of their
numerous enemies, they take shelter in a shell which
serves at the same time both as a dwelling and a buckler.
Armed cap-a-pie, the soldier-crabs march boldly on the
the enemy, and know no danger, since they always have
a secure retreat.
But this animal does not live alone in this asylum.
He is not so much of an anchorite as he appears to be,
for by his side an annelid usually instals himself as a
messmate, which forms with the Pagurus one of the
most terrible associations that are known. This, annelid
is a long worm, like all the nereids, whose supple and
undulating body is armed along its sides with arrows,
lances, pikes, and poniards, the wounds of which are
always dangerous. It is a living panoply which glides
furtively into the enemy’s camp without giving the
When a pagurus is on the march it resembles a nest
of pirates, who never cease their exploits till all has been
ravaged around them. This shell is so innocent in its
appearance, that it introduces itself everywhere without
provoking the least suspicion. It is usually covered with
a colony of Hydractinise, and in the interior, Peltogasters,FEEE MESSMATES.
Lyriopes, and other crustaceans often establish them-
selves. The paguri are not messmates of an ordinary
kind, for they inhabit only a deserted shell. They are
spread over all seas. They are found in the Mediter-
ranean, the Northern Sea, on the coasts of the Pacific, of
New Zealand, and of the East Indian islands: thirty
species and even more have been inserted in the catalogue
of crustaceans.
Naturalists have given the name of Cenohitx to some
pagurians inhabiting the seas of warmer latitudes; these
have an abdomen like the pagurus, antennae like the
Birgus, and like it they inhabit shells. The Cenobita
Diogenes is a species found in the Antilles.
Other pagurians, the Birgi, grow very large, and con-
ceal their abdomen no longer in a shell, but in the
crevices of the rocks, as lobsters do at the moulting time,
to protect their body while deprived of their defensive
armour. In the East Indies they remain on land, and
even climb into trees. They have so much strength in
their pincers, that Eumphius relates of one of these
crustaceans, that, while stretched on a branch of a tree,
it raised a goat by the ears.
Side by side with the pagurians which instal them-
selves in a shell with thick and completely opaque walls,
we recognize crustaceans of the order of ampliipods,
the Phronimse, which choose for themselves not an aban-
doned hovel, but a veritable crystal palace, and take
possession of it without inquiring whether or no it is
inhabited. The daylight penetrates through the walls of
their dwellings, and it can scarcely be discerned in
the water whether or no their body is protected by a
covering. They usually take the dwelling of a Salpa, a25
Beroe, or a Pyrosoma, and from within this lodging they
give themselves up to the pleasures of fishing.
The Phronima sedentaria which lodges with the salpa
seems to be scattered over the warm seas of both hemi-
spheres. For the honour of the species, the females
alone seek the assistance of their neighbours, without at
the same time abandoning their characteristic robe.
The sexes differ little from each other except in size,
in the abdomen, and in the antennse. Maury has de-
scribed certain amphipod crustaceans which also inhabit
the Salpse.
Another phronima described by Professor Claus, the
Phronima elongata, lives in the same manner; but instead
of occupying a living house, it generally seeks an empty
lodging, in which it establishes itself like a pagurus.
The “Bernard the Hermit” of the Marseillaise fisher-
men, the Pyades, becomes the messmate of an anemone
which Duges has called Actinia parasitica. According
to the observations of the learned professor at Montpelier,
the mouth of this anemone is always situated opposite to
that of the crustacean, to take advantage of the morsels
which escape from his pincers. Both of them profit
by this association; and the opening of the shell is pro-
longed by a horny expansion furnished by the foot of the
On the coast of, England lives another soldier-crab
(Pagurus Prideauxii), which has as its principal messmate
a sea anemone called Adamsia, which Mons. Greeff found
at the island of Madeira. This pagurus is especially
remarkable for the good understanding which exists
between himself and his acolyte—he is a model Amphi-
tryon. Lieut.-Col. Stuart Wortley has watched it in itsFREE MESSMATES.
private life, and thus relates the result of his observa-
tions : this animal after he has fished, never fails to offer
the best morsels to his neighbour, and often during the
day, ascertains if it is not hungry. But more especially
when he is about to change his dwelling, does he re-
double his care and his attention. He manoeuvres with
all the delicacy of which he is capable, to make the
anemone change its shell; he assists it in detaching
itself, and if by chance the new dwelling is not to its
taste, it seeks another until the Adamsia is perfectly
satisfied. This association is not confined to the union
of a decapod with a nereid and an actinia; a curious
cirrhipede often establishes itself on the body of the
pf^urus, and on the outside of the shell we generally
find a colony of polyps, of a rose or yellow colour, which
extend like a living carpet round this habitation. Thirty-
six years ago we have given the name of Hydractinia to
these polyps, which were till then entirely unknown to
naturalists, and which form habitually a double overcoat
for the paguri, if I may employ the expression of my
learned colleague, Mons. Ch. Desmoulins.
In the Mediterranean lives the Perella di mare of the
Italian fishermen, the Reclus marin of the Marseillaise ;
this Alcyonium ought, by its manner of life, to be
placed near the Hydractinise, and has been carefully
studied by Mons. Ch. Desmoulins. It is the Alcyonium
(Suberites) domuncula of Lamarck and Lamouroux.
The abdomen of these paguri is not only sheltered
in a shell, but habitually visited by isopod crustaceans,
described under the names of Athelca, Prosthetes, and
Phryxus, which have entirely lost the livery of their
In the same association we also find the Liriope, a
little isopod crustacean, of which much has been said,
but which for a long time obstinately resisted all
attempt at observation.
This latter personage is an isopod crustacean, -of
moderate size, which chooses the Peltogaster as a place
of abode, after having undergone a very curious regressive
metamorphosis. In fact, the young lyriope has at first
its little feet like other isopods, but in the adult state,
the female loses her antennae, and changes her buccal
as well as her branchial appendages, so as to assume a.
different appearance. Several naturalists have already
endeavoured to give the life-history of this singular
Bopyrian. The illustrious Rathke of Konigsberg dfls-
covered it; Professor Lilljeborg, of the University of
Upsal, gave the first account of it; and finally Professor
Steenstrup of Copenhagen made known its true origin.
In short, the Lyriopes are Bopyrian Isopods, living
on cirrhipedes (Sacculinideae) as real messmates, if not
as parasites ; the male preserves his dignity and his
prestige, but the female strips herself of all the attri-
butes of her sex, and descends to the lowest degree of
Faujas de Saint-Fond has mentioned a fossil hermit-
crab as found in the mountain, St. Pierre de Maestricht;
but he called by this name a crustacean of the genus
Callianassa and not a pagurus. These Callianassss are
always completely isolated in the chalk, and it is pro-
bable that they have no other domicile than the sand or
ooze at the bottom of the sea, in which they hollow
out galleries for themselves. Lobsters act in the same
manner after moulting. The Geliee live like the Callia-FREE MESSMATES
nass£6, hidden in the mud. The Limnaria lignorum and
the Clielura terebrans dig out a retreat for themselves in
wood, like the Teredines.
We have just seen that the higher crustaceans, with
their well-mounted eyes, their enormous antennae, and
their formidable pincers, are not all of them the great
lords they pretend to be ; more than one of them has to
hold out its hand and to accept humbly the assistance of
its neighbours.
In the group of isopod crustaceans we find many
necessitous beings, which, too proud to ask for food, are
contented to take their place on some fish which is a
good swimmer, which they abandon as soon as their
interest demands it; if their host conducts them to
regions that do not suit' them, or if they have otherwise
to complain of him, they give him up, and begin their
maritime peregrinations with a fresh colleague. They
always preserve all their fishing tackle and their sailing
gear, and the female does not change her dress any more
than the male. We have to notice that these crustaceans
often identify themselves so entirely with their host
that they seem to be a portion of him, and even to
assume his peculiar colour. This is not a sign of
servility, but a means of passing unobserved, and of
escaping from the sight of the enemy that is watching
them. Naturalists have given the name of Anilocree to
some of these free messmates.
Any one who has remained for some time on the
coast of Brittany, especially at Concarneau, and who
does not look with indifference on the many superb
fishes which are taken every day, cannot fail to have
been struck with the presence of a rather large crusta-30
cean, which clings to the sides of several kinds of Labra,
especially the smaller species. This crustacean is an
Anilocrian so common that we can scarcely imagine it to
have escaped the attention of any naturalist. Neverthe-
less, no work makes mention of the regular attendance
on the Labra by the Anilocra, which bears, we know not
why, the specific name of Mediterranean. Eondelet was
probably acquainted with it, when he spoke of the fish-
lice, which do not derive their birth from these fishes,
but from the sea mud. We often see males by the side
of females on the same individual.
Some years ago a school of large cetaceans, known
under the name of Grindewhalls or Globicephalae were
pursued in the Mediterranean, and those which were
captured contained in the cavity of their nostrils, isopods
closely allied to the Cirolana spinipes, if not identical
with it. Till then the isopods had only been found on
sea fishes; fresh-water fish are not, however, entirely
exempt; in fact, a species of (Ega (CEga interrupta of
Martens) has just been found on the skin of a fresh-
water fish of Borneo, the Notopterus hypselonotus. This
same genus includes a species (CEga spongiophila) which
lives in the magnificent sponge, the Euplectella. We
know also a certain number of isopods which prefer the
interior of their neighbour’s body, and instal themselves
in the cavity of the mouth, either to fish at the same
time as their host, or to seize the food on its passage;
others are of such a cruel nature, that they make no
scruple to establish themselves in the stomach of a
peaceable white fish. Without injuring any important
organ, they penetrate in couples between the intestines,
and, concealed in this retreat, they seize by the narrowFREE MESSMATES.
entrance door, which they keep half open, all the little
animals which are sufficiently bold to pass by. The
cruelty'of these beings knows no bounds. To instal
themselves conveniently, they pierce the body of their
host, skilfully open his stomach, and live there as
Sybarites; their lodging is in future assured to them,
and their fate is bound up with that of their host. Dr.
Herklots, who has unfortunately been recently lost to
science, communicated in 1869, to the Academy of the
Netherlands, a very interesting memoir on two crusta-
ceans of a new species, the Epichtys giganteus, which lives
on a fish of the Indian Archipelago, and the Ichthyoxenus
Jellinghausii, which lodges in a fresh-water fish of the
Island of Java. -It is to the latter that we refer here,
and it seems that in this species we are approaching
the limits at which commensalism commences.
The Cymothoes constitute another category of very
interesting Isopods; they lodge with their female in the
cavity of a fish’s mouth. Dr. Blecker, who has so suc-
cessfully explored the Indian seas, obtained more than
twenty species of these; but unfortunately he has not
made a note of the fishes which harbour them. He has,
however, made one exception with regard to a fish from
the roadstead of Pondicherry, which is two feet long, and
is called a Bat. It is known to naturalists under the
name of Stromatea Nigra; its flesh is much esteemed,
and it, carried in its mouth a Cymothoe called by Dr.
Bleeker Cymothoe Stromatei. A cymothoe has also
been observed in the mouth of an Indian Chetodon.
De Kay found one in a Rhombus in the United States,
and De Saussure saw another at Cuba; and lately,
Mons. Lafont discovered one in the Bay of Arcachon, on32
the Boops, and on the Trachina vipera. These cymothoes
are about fifteen millimetres in length, and often fill all
the cavity of the mouth. The most curious of all is
that which is found in the mouth of the flying-fish, a kind
of herring with elongated fins, which it uses as wings to
rise into the air, when too closely pursued in the water.
My son, when examining these fishes, in his passage
from Cape Verd to Eio de Janeiro, found in the cavity of
their mouth an enormous female, firmly wedged in the
branchial arches, with its head inclined outwards, and
the male, which was rather smaller, installed at her side.
Then: dwelling thus by pairs, as well as the entire con-
formation of the animal, plainly shows that these crusta-
ceans make themselves at home, and live as true mess-
mates. Cunningham has given them the name of
Ceratothoa exoceti. A short time since, these Cymothoes
were only known on marine fishes, but it appears from
recent observations, that fresh-water fish are far from
being exempt from them. Mons. Gertsfeld has recently
noticed some on the Cyprinus lacustris of the river
Amour, and another in the Eio Cadea in Brazil, on a
Chromida. Other isopods also resort to fishes, and to
animals of their own class, but they live as true para-
sites, and change their form as soon as they have
chosen a resting-place. We shall return to this subject
again. Some which are very common on prawns, are
known under the name of Bopyrus.
An interesting division of amphipods have received
the name of Hyperinee. These crustaceans generally
swim with facility, but walk with difficulty. They there-
fore usually have recourse to fishes, or even to medusae,
in order to gain support. We find on our own coasts theFREE MESSMATES.
Hyperina Latreillii, lodged in the superb Rliizostoma,
which regularly appears in the later season of the year
on the coast of Ostend; and a long time since, in 1776,
0. F. Muller gave to a species of this genus the name of
Hyperina medusarum. Mr. Alexander Agassiz once
found a Hyperina on the disc of an Aurelia. The medusa,
when extended, forms for them a balloon with its
parachute, which supports and conveys them with
greater or less rapidity. Professor Mobius has hut
lately remarked the presence of Hyperina galba, Mont.,
in the Stomobracliiwn octocostatum, Sars, a small species
of medusa which appears in the Bay of Kiel in October
and November. This naturalist supposes that these
messmates at first inhabited the Medusa aurita, and
then migrated into this species.
Besides these, there are Gammari, which, according to
Semper, live in the Avicula meleagrina (pearl mussel),
and are perhaps the principal manufacturers of fine
pearls. The immense buccal cavity of the fishing-frog
(Lophius piscatorius) is the abode in the Mediterranean
of an Apterychta, and in the Northern Ocean of a curious
amphipod of the ordinary size of the Gammarus, which
takes a voyage without expense, and with no fear of
wanting provisions. My son discovered it at Ostend,
and proposes the name of Lophiocola to distinguish it.
The Gammari give lodging themselves to a great
quantity of parasites, which they must introduce into
the bodies of those to whom they serve as food. It
has been long known that whales have lice, to which
naturalists have given the name of Cyami. They are
found on the whales of both hemispheres, and on some
other cetaceans. It is very remarkable that they are34
seen on the true -whales of the north and of the temperate
regions, on the Megaptera, and on several Catodonta, and
that none are found in the Balenoptera. Mr. Dali has
just noticed some on the singular Grey Whale of Cali-
fornia. In general, we may say that each cetacean
which harbours them, has its own species. Are they
parasites or messmates ? If we are to believe Eoussel
de Vauzeme, they feed on the skin itself of the whale,
the remains of which, it is said, are found in their
stomach. According to this naturalist, the parts of the
mouth are not adapted for suction, and the stomach
contains ruminating apparatus. We think that a fresh
examination is necessary before this question can be
determined. The Cyami seem to us to live on the
whale, as the Arguli and the Caligi do on fish'; and if
these living creatures derive their nourishment only from
the mucous products secreted by the skin, we may ask
whether they ought not to be classed in a separate cate-
gory, for they ought not to figure on the list of paupers.
We have found the orifice of the Tubicinella covered with
cyami of every age, and their abundance in this place
seems to indicate that their food was not supplied to
them by the skin of their host. Mons. Ch. Lutken has
recently published a very interesting monograph on
these curious animals; according to him the Cyamus
rhytinse, which was thought to proceed from a piece of
the skin of a Stellerus, appears to have been found on
the skin of a whale.
The Picnogonons, the nature as well as the kind of
life of which has been so long time problematical,
deserve to be ranked among messmates, at least during
their youth; in fact, after being hatched, they live onFREE MESSMATES.
the Corynes, the Hydractinias, and other polyps, while at
a later period they frequent molluscs or higher classes;
Allman mentions the case of a Phoxichilidium coccineum
lodged in a Syncoryne.
There are, perhaps, many other crustaceans which,
placed among messmates, like the Pandarus and others,
would have a right to claim a further inquiry. It is a
fact that they are never seen except on the skin of their
host, where they are always visible, preserve their
colours entire, and never change their costume for the
undress of a parasite. The Pandari live especially on
the Squalidce. Some which are found in our seas are of
rare elegance of form. We must, perhaps, place among
messmates the crustacean which Siebold found in the
Adriatic, at Pola, on the belly of the worm Sabella
ventilabrum, and it is not impossible that the Stciurosoma
observed by Will on an actinia, should have its place
here rather than among the parasites.
A Rotifer without vibratory cilise, the Balatro calvus
of Claparede, lives as an epizoon on the same annelids
which lodge the Albertia in their interior. The Dar-
winists, observes Claparede, will not fail to remark the
presence of these Rotifers of the genus Albertia in the
interior of the animal, and of the genus Balatro on the
exterior. The parasite Balatro, like a shadow, never
quits his Mecsenas, says the learned naturalist of
Geneva; who has observed it on the limicolous Oligochtets
of the Seime, in the Canton of Geneva.
The Nebalia of Geoffroy is an interesting crustacean,
abundant on the coast of Brittany. This charming
animal gives lodging habitually to a messmate which
Mons. Hesse considered as an animal allied to thecc>
HistriobdelUe, but which is only an imperfectly described
Eotator. We believe that it is the same animal to
which Professor Grube has given the name of Seison
nebalia. It appears to assume the aspect of the Histriob-
dellse, and may perhaps be adduced as an example of
The molluscs, whatever their name may imply, are
those which show the most independence among all the
inferior ranks of animals ; not only are they contented
with the slowness of their pace and the wretchedness of
their food, but they only very rarely seek help from their
neighbours. It is not, however, uncommon to find
some living among corals, which have even been desig-
nated coralligenous molluscs. There exists a group
of Gasteropods, the Eulimse, which lodge in certain
Echinoderms, and in every respect deserve to be classed
among messmates; it was a long time before the relation
which exists between them and the animals which shelter
them had been thoroughly appreciated. Dr. Graffe
found one species, the Eulinia brevicula, on the Arcliaster
typicus of the Uvea Islands, in the Pacific Ocean. The
molluscs, known by the name of Stylifer, have the same
mode of life; they have been observed in the Asterise,
the Ophiurse, the Comatulae, and even in the Holo-
thurise; and as they inhabit the digestive cavity of
these animals, it was believed that they frequented them
as parasites. This was the opinion expressed first by
d’Orbigny, and adopted by most naturalists. Professor
Semper found some in the skin of a holothurian
(Stichopus variegatus), which he considered incapable
of nourishing themselves otherwise than at the expense
of their host. However this may be, these molluscs,JV3EE MESSMATES.
ranged alternately among the Phasianellee, the Turritellse,
the Cerithia, the Pyramidellss, the Scalariee, the Ris-
soairia, or in a distinct family, seem to belong rather
to messmates than to parasites. We meet with Stylifers
at the entrance of the mouth (Montacuta); more
frequently they prefer, like the Fierasfers, to lodge
themselves deeply in the digestive cavity in the midst
of the debris of the prey. The Melania (M. Cambesse-
desii, Bisso), which Delle Chiaie found in the Bay of
Naples, on the foot of some comatulse, belongs probably
to this group of molluscs.
Among the gasteropod molluscs which are not able
to maintain themselves, we may mention another, a
curious parasite, which instals itself in one of the rays
of a star-fish, and whose presence is revealed by a swell-
ing which is not produced in the other rays. This
mollusc has received the name of Stylina.
The molluscs which are the most remarkable from the
point of view from which we are now considering them,
are the Entoconchmthey live in Enchinoderms, and it was
thought for a while that we could see in them an example
of the transformation of one class into another. Some
years since J. Muller found in a Synapta from the Adriatic,
tubes with male and female organs, without any other
apparatus, and in these tubes appeared eggs, whence this
great physiologist saw molluscs proceed, with a helicoid
shell, similar to that of a small natica; he gave them
the name of Entoconcha mirabilis. Professor Semper
has since discovered another species of these, which he
has dedicated to the illustrious physiologist of Berlin,
and which he found attached to the cloacal sac of the
Holothuria edulis.38
The true relation between these molluscs and the
holothurians remains to be discovered, and how the
entoconchas become at last simple sexual tubes. At
present we must admit that it is the result of a retrogres-
sive development like that of the peltogasters, which, like
them, lose all the attributes of their class. They ought,
perhaps, to be placed farther on, among parasites.
Some years since, some molluscs were observed
which have compromised more or less the dignity of their
class. Graffe cites a species of the genus Cyprasa, which
one would certainly not expect to find in this category;
it lives among the Yiti Islands, in the compartments of
the Militliiea ochracea. We have referred to it before.
Naturalists have given the name of Melitheea to a very
beautiful polyp which forms colonies of two or three
metres in height. Mons. Steenstrup, with that perspi-
cacity which discerns the most complex phenomena, has
also described Purpuras which live as messmates with the
Antipathes and the Madrepores. Quite recently, indeed,
'Mr. Stimpson has observed in the port of Charleston, a
gasteropod mollusc, similar to a Planorbis (Cochlioslepsis
parasitus) which lives as a messmate in the body of an
annelid (Ocoetes lupina).
It is not the same with a mollusc called Magilus,
which naturalists considered for a long time to be the
calcareous tube of an annelid. All conchologists know
the shell of the Magili, so valued by collectors. This
gasteropod when young takes up its lodgings in the
substance of a madrepore which grows more quickly than
he, and in order not to die, stifled in this living wall, he
constructs a calcareous tube similar to the shell, of which
it appears to be the continuation, and which allows itFREE MESSMATES.
to procure for itself water, air, and food. The animal,
protected by the madrepore, can do without its calcareous
mantle, and only shows the end of the tube at the outside.
It is this organ which sustains the struggle against the
exuberant growth of the polyp, since it is by means of it
that the mollusc obtains nourishment. The Magilus is
like an oyster which is living in contact with a bank
of mussels, with this difference, that the oyster almost
always succumbs, while the magilus is always victorious
in the struggle. We might also cite as well as the
Magili, some Vermeti, certain Crepiduke and Hipponices,
which struggle with the same success against those which
pilot or receive them.
As there exist parasites which only depend on others
during their youth, so there are messmates which are
completely independent when fully grown. Jacobson, of
Copenhagen, wrote, in or about 1830, a memoir to show
that the young bivalves which are found in the external
branchial processes of the Anadontae are parasites, and he
proposed for them the name of Glochidium. Blainville
and Dumeril were charged to make a report on this
memoir, which the author had sent to the Academie des
Sciences. But his opinion had not many supporters,
and it is now thoroughly known that the young anodonts
differ considerably in their early and their full-grown
state. During their stay in the branchial tubes, each
young animal carries a long cable which descends from
the middle of the foot, and serves to attach the anodont
to the body of a fish, and yet permits it to move to
a certain distance.* In fact the young anodonts have,
* I owe this observation to Dr. W. S. Kent, who showed me, in London,
anodonts attached in this manner to sticklebacks.40
not like the other acephala, vibratory wheels in order to
move themselves; they are conveyed in this manner by
then- neighbours. There are also messmate acephala, as
the Modiolaria marmorata, which lodge on the mantle of
ascidians. Professor Semper found attached to the skin
of a Synapta similis, a mollusc which possesses a pecu-
liarity rare among these animals, that of carrying its
shell in the interior and not on the outside.
There are few animals so infested with parasites as
the Ascidians in general. Not only does their surface
sometimes become a microcosm, as the name of one Medi-
terranean species indicates, but even in the substance of
their testa lodge Crenelles and other molluscs and polyps,
which choose by preference to place their dwelling there.
There are also Annelids which hollow out galleries in
their interior, Lernseans which establish themselves in
their respiratory cavity, Nematodes, Pycnogonidse,
Ophiurae, and many others besides. Mons. Alfred Giard
has described several Amphipods and Isopods which
establish themselves on Tunicates. One cannot say
that there is always such a complete agreement between
animals of such different kinds, for Mons. Alfred Giard
gives examples of grave disagreements which he has
seen break out, and which have caused the death of
several among them.
Another association is that of a gasteropod with one
of the acephala. In the environs of Caracas lives an
Ampullaria (Crocostoma) which lodges in the umbilicus
of its shell another mollusc, the only fluviatile species
of those countries, called the Sphaerium modioliforme.
We have every reason to suppose that the Sphaerium
lives on good terms with the Ampullaria, since they are
usually found associated.FREE MESSMATES.
The Bryozoaria, the animal mosBes, establish them-
selves on all solid bodies at the bottom of the sea, like
true mosses on stones or on trees. One species, a Mem-
branipora, is usually found on the common mussel. These
animals are of small size, group themselves in colonies
on the surface of shells and of polyparies, or even on
crustaceans, and form by their union a fine kind of lace,
the dazzling whiteness of which often comes out sharply
on the varying and glittering colour of the shell. This
is because each animal lodges in a cell which is not
larger than the head of a pin, and all the cells of a colony
are grouped together with the symmetrical regularity of
the fasade of a Gothic building.
Many Bryozoaria live in such a manner that it is
impossible to say whether they are messmates, or have
installed themselves by chance in a hiding-place for
which they have no predilection. A charming bryo-
zoon is developed in abundance on the carapace and the
claws of the Arcturus Baffini, on the coast of Greenland,
and propagates itself with extreme rapidity. On a single
Arcturus we have found, scattered over its claws by the
side of each other, Balani, Spirorbes, Sertulari©, and
vast colonies of Membranipora. One can see, merely by
this example, the great zoological riches of the polar seas.
Certain annelids off the coasts of Normandy and
Bretagne are the abodes of a bryozoary known under
the name of Pedicellina, or Loxosoma. This interesting-
animal, which my fellow-labourer, Mons. Hesse, took
for a Trematode, and whose drawings had led me into
error, lives, like others at liberty while young, and soon
fixes itself to a Clymenian, in order to pass as a mess-
mate the later period of its life. We have called it42
Cyclatella annelidicola, because of its residence in a Clyme-
nian annelid. Claparede and Keferstein have observed a
species, the Loxosoma singulare, on a capitellian annelid,
of the genus Notomastus, at St. Yaast-la-Hogue, on the
coast of Normandy. After this, Claparede found another
species, the Loxosoma Kcfersteinii, in the bay of Naples,
on an Acamarchis, a bryozoarian mollusc. Mons.
Kowalewsky has observed in the Bay of Naples the
Loxosoma Napolitanuvi.
We found some years ago the Pedicellinae in so
great abundance in the oyster beds of Ostend, that the
baskets and other things floating on the water were lite-
rally covered with them. We have several times since
endeavoured to procure them again, but it was in vain
to search in the same places where they were formerly so
abundant: we have not been able to discover a single one.
The class of worms includes not only parasites, it
contains also, as we shall see, true messmates; we find
some on crustaceans, on molluscs, on animals of their
own class, on Echinoderms, and on Polyps.
One of the most curious of these worms is the
Myzostoma, whose true nature has just been revealed by
the excellent researches of Mons. Mecznikow. These
myzostomes resemble trematode worms, but they have
symmetrical appendages, and are covered with vibratory
cilise. They live on the comatulie, and run upon these
echinoderms with remarkable rapidity. They have not
hitherto been found elsewhere; they are evidently no
more parasites than the last mentioned, and their place
is among free messmates. Two great annelids are
found, the one, the Nereis bilineata, by the side of Paguri
in the same shell, the other, the Nereis succinea, accord-FEEE MESSMATES.
ing to Grube, in the tubes or galleries of the Teredines.
These dangerous acolytes introduce themselves furtively
into the retreat of their host; and, always on the watch,
they obtain' at all times, and in every place, a certain
prey, and a hiding-place from which they can take then-
share of their neighbour’s goods. Another nereis, ob-
served by Delle Chiaie, Nereis tethycola, lives in the
cavities of a sponge, the Tethya pyrifera, which is visited
by so many messmates and parasites, that it becomes a
kind of hotel, where every one establishes himself at his
ease. Eisso also mentions a Lysidice erythrocephala
which lives in sponges.
In the same class is found an Amphinoma, a beauti-
ful red-blooded worm, .which proudly wears a plume of
red branchise on its head, and which Fritz Muller ob-
served on the coast of Brazil, begging assistance from a
poor Lepas anatifera. Many Polynoes live upon other
annelids; the Harmothoe Malmgreni on the sheath of
the Choetopterus insignis, the Antinoe nobilis on the case
of the Terebella nebulosa. Prof. Eay Lankester has
lately communicated some observations on this subject
to the Linnsean Society of London, and Dr. M’Intosh
mentions some new species leading the same kind of life
on the coast of Scotland.
Grube found at Trieste, in a star-fish (Astropecten
aurantiacus), between its rows of suckers, a Polynoe
malleata, with its stomach attached to the animal; and
Delle Chiaie has lately observed on an asteria, a Nereis
squamosa by the side of a Nereis flexuosa. Mons. Grube
thinks that the nereis of Delle Chiaie is no other than
the Polynoe malleata. Lobsters are often covered with
very small tubicular worms, which invade the whole44
carapace, and -which, as true messmates, give themselves
up to the caprices of their host. These are a kind of
Spirorbis, which, under the form of small spiral tubes,
instal themselves, by preference, on the limbs, the
antennae, or the claws.
Mr. A. Agassiz has seen on the coast of the United
States, a Beroe (Mnemiopsis Leidyi) which gives lodging
in its interior to worms which somewhat resemble the
Hirudinidae, and which doubtless live there as mess-
mates. Mr. A. Agassiz has remarked to me another
example of commensalism. On the coast of the territory
of Washington, as far as California, is found a worm
of the genus Lepidonotus, which always lives near the
mouth of a star-fish, the Asteracanthion ochraceus of
Brandt; sometimes as many as five are found together
on a single individual, and are placed on different parts
of the ambulacral rays. Mr. Pourtalis and Mr. Verril
have observed annelids lodged in the polypidoms of the
There are few fish on which are not found Caligi,
charming crustaceans which please the eye by their
attenuated shape and their graceful movements. On
these Caligi, which sometimes literally cover the skin of
cod-fish coming from the north, we often find a curious
trematode, the Udonella, which resembles one of the small
hirudinidee. Should this worm be placed among mess-
mates ? What is the part which it plays ? We are
persuaded that it is the same as that of the histriobdelhe
under the tail of lobsters, that is to say, that it clears
off the eggs of caligi which do not arrive at perfection,
but perish in the course of their evolution.
Roussel de Vauzeme has mentioned another worm, aFEES MESSMATES.
nematode, to which he has given the name of Odontolius,
and which lives on the palatal membranes (the whale-
hones) of the southern whale. It is evidently a mess-
mate. It can get nothing from the whalebones, hut it
snaps up on their passage in the interstices of the
baleen, small animals of all kinds which swarm in these
waters. When we open the Pylidium girans, we often
find in the interior of its digestive cavity a larva, which
was once thought to he descended from it, but instead
of being allied to the Pylidium, this larva comes from a
nemertian known by the name of Alardus caudatus.
The young nemertian never abandons his host until it
approaches the period of puberty, and then all the in-
dividuals living under the same conditions emancipate
themselves at once, to pass the rest of their days free
and roving like their mother.
Worms which have less freedom, like the Distomians,
are sometimes both messmates and parasites. We
find a remarkable example of this in the Distomum
ocreatum of the Baltic. According to the observations of
Willemoes-Suhm, this trematode passes its cercarial life
freely in the sea, and instead of encysting itself in the
body of a neighbour, it attaches itself to a copepod
crustacean, the whole of the inside of which it devours, in
order to clothe itself afterwards with the carapace of its
victim. It is under the cover of its prey that it passes
into the herring, and completes its sexual evolution.
Mons. Ulianin has recently found another Distome
(Distomum ventricosum) which passes its cercarial life in
freedom in the bay of Sebastopol, and completes its evolu-
tion in the fishes of the Black Sea. J. Muller has long
since found Cercaria living freely in the Mediterranean.46
We ourselves, some years ago, while making some
researches among the Turbellaria, found among the
eggs of some ordinary crabs of our coasts (Carcinus
meenas), an interesting worm which we named Polia
involuta, but which Prof. Kolliker appears to have known
before, and designated by the name of Nemertes carcino-
philus. It is not known whether it plays the same part
as the Histriobdellae and the Udonell®. Delle Chiaie, as
well as Prof. Frey and Prof. Leuckart, make mention of
another nemertian which inhabits the Ascidia mamillata.
Among the nemertians, we may allude to the Anoplodium
parasita, which lives in the Holothuria tubulosa, and the
Anoplodium Schneiderii, inhabiting the intestines of the
Stichopus variegatus.
According *to Mr. A. Agassiz, a species of Planarian
(Planaria angulata, Mull.), lives as a free messmate
on the lower surface of the Limulus, and prefers to
establish itself near the base of the tail. Mons. Max
Schultze recognized last year this same messmate on a
limulus, which had died at Cologne in the large aqua-
rium, and which had been sent to him for his anatomical
studies. He showed at the congress of German natural-
ists at Wiesbaden, in 1873, the drawing which he had
made of this animal, which he thought new to science.
We may remark in passing, that he arrived, by means of
his anatomical observations on Limuli, at the same
result as did my son by his embryogenic observations,
namely, that these supposed crustaceans are to be re-
garded as aquatic scorpions. Mr. Leidy also makes
mention of Planarian parasites (Bdellura), with a sucker
at the extremity of the body; and Mons. Giard noticed
a blue one on the body of a Botryllus.FKEE MESSMATES.
But of all the Turbellaria, the genus which appears to
us the most interesting is the Temnophila, which Gay first
observed on crabs at Chili, and which Professor Semper
afterwards found on the crabs of the Philippine Islands.
Gay and Phillipi found colonies of these animals on the
body, the claws, and more especially the abdomen, of
the CEglea. This messmate resembles a trematode by
its form and by its posterior sucker, but by its entire
character, and especially by its sexual organs, it belongs
to the Turbellarise. Mons. Blanchard calls it Temnophila
Ghilensis. Professor Semper saw at the Philippine
Islands these Temnophilae on river crabs, at five thou-
sand feet above the level of the sea.
The Cydippe densa, a charming polyp of the Gulf
of Naples, lodges in its gastro-vascular apparatus lame
of annelids, which may as well be considered parasites
as messmates. We owe to Panceri the first observations
on these worms, of which two genera, Alciopina and
Rhynconerulla, seem to live in the same manner in their
youth. A naturalist, whose loss is profoundly deplored
by the scientific world, Claparede, occupied himself with
observations on these annelids during the last years of
his life. It appears that these worms are so common in
these polyps, that four have been found at once in the
same animal.
The Spoon-worm, named by Oersted, Sipunculus con-
charum, ought doubtless to find its place here. An oligo-
chete worm, Hemidasys cigaso, from the Gulf of Naples,
lives on the Nereilepas caudata, and Claparede did not
think it unworthy of his attention. The surest means
of finding it, says this philosopher, is to look for it on
this annelid; and our much regretted fellow-labourer
at Geneva did not abandon this messmate before he had
completely studied it. Let us remark in passing, that
Professor Grube published in 1831, at Konigsberg, a
special work on the abodes of annelids in general.
Cases of commensalism among the Echinodermata
are still more rare. These animals are sufficiently
provided with organs, both with respect to their food
and their skin, not to require the assistance of their
neighbours. We cannot rank as a phenomenon of com-
mensalism, the conduct of the young Comatulae, which
fasten themselves, as Mr. A. Agassiz informs me, to the
basal eirrhi of the adult eehinoderms, and there form a
little colony of young Pentacrinites.
We only know one Ophiurus (Ophiocnemis obscura),
which lives as a messmate on a comatula, and con-
sequently seeks assistance from an animal of its own
rank. Another kind of Ophiuride (Asteromorpha last is,
Lym.) fixes itself on a Gorgonella Guadelupensis of Bar-
badoes. Everything induces us to suppose that we
shall find more than one species of echinoderm, which
will take its place among these when their mode of life
has been studied with greater care. Professor Liitken
has just proved this by quite recently making known
another Ophiothela, which lives in the straits of Formosa,
and seems to be the messmate of an Isidian polyp,
known under the name of Parisis loxa. Another species
{Opli. mirabilis) from Panama, infests certain Gorgoniaa
and sponges; a third is found in the Fiji Islands on the
Melitodes virgata; a fourth at the Isle of France on
Gorgonise; and a fifth at Japan on the Mopsella Japonica.
There is also another in the Pacific Ocean, but its com-
panion is not known.FREE MESSMATES.
Professor Mobius, as well as Dr. F. Martens, has
noticed a Hemieuryale pustulata on a polyp of Jamaica,
known under the name of Ver'rucella Guadelupensis. This
is a curious instance of mimicry.
The class of polyps includes several species which
seek for assistance from others, and are classed among
messmates. One of the most remarkable is the Gigantic
Medusa, which can extend its arms downwards to a
hundred and twenty feet, and bears the name of Cyanea
arctica; the disc is seven feet and a half in diameter,
and when the animal is on the surface of the water, the
fringes, which surround the cavity at its mouth, occa-
sionally afford lodging in the midst of them to a species
of actinia, which lives there as messmate. Sometimes
three, and even four or five, are found on a single Cyan tea.
This also is an observation due to Mr. A. Agassiz,
which he has published in his interesting work, “ Sea-side
Studies.” Prof. Haeckel supposed that the Geryoniw
produce CEginidas by means of buds; but it appears
that the learned professor was mistaken as to the
nature of these buds; that instead of being produced
one from the other, they have, according to Steenstrup,
a completely different genealogy, being only united by
conditions of good-fellowship. They may be truly called
Mons. Lacaze-Duthiers, who went to the coast of Africa
to study corals, met with a young polyp which requires
the assistance of another polyp in its early condition.
This animal, to which he has given the name of Gerardia
Lamarckii, lives on one of the Gorgonise, which it invades
and stifles, as the lianas strangle the tree over which
they spread themselves. But these same Gerardise can50
also develop themselves on the eggs of the Plagiostoma,
and are then capable of living separately. In the sub-
stance of this polyp lives a crustacean, the nature
of which Mons. Lacaze-Duthiers has not yet made
The superb sponge, Euplectella aspergillum, the
elegant structure of which cannot be sufficiently ad-
mired, is, unlike the Alcyonium of the Dromia, rooted To
the soil, but nevertheless gives shelter to three kinds of
crustaceans: Pinnotheres, Palemonidae, and Isopods.
These supposed plants have been known for many years
under the Spanish name of Regadera, or the English
“Venus’ Flower-basket;” they were first brought from
Japan, and afterwards from the Moluccas, and more
recently from the Philippine Islands, In almost all the
individuals which Professor Semper was able to study in
those parts, were found the same crustaceans. These
Euplectellas have just been met with to the south-west of
Cape St. Vincent, by Wyville Thomson, who has brought
up some from a depth of. 1090 fathoms, while on board
the Challenger. This skilful professor has discovered
another sponge to the north-west of Scotland, at a
depth of 460 fathoms; it bears the name of Holtenia
Carpenteri; and I have in my possession a fine specimen
which I owe to his generosity, and keep as a souvenir of
the delightful hospitality which he extended to me at
the Edinburgh meeting.
There are also sponges which construct a dwelling
in the abode of their neighbour. We find, among others,
a small sponge known under the name of Clione, which
establishes itself in the substance of the shell of oysters,
and hollows out galleries as the teredo does in wood.FREE MESSMATES.
Mr. Albany Hancock found twelve species of Clione on
a single Tridacna. They are evidently not parasites,
and I am not sure if their place is properly among
messmates. The oyster, and more especially the Ostrea
Mppopus, lodges three or four different sorts in its shell.
These Cliones possess siliceous spicules, by means of
which they hollow out galleries in the substance of
shells. Mr. Hancock has published a monograph of
this genus, in which he recognizes twenty-four species
collected from different shells, and two other species,
which he refers to the genus Thoasa.
The cliones are real lodgers which lead us to the
Saxicavee, the Pholades, and the Teredines; they seek
their lodging in rocks or in -wood; these lead directly
to the sea-urchins, which also hollow out lodgings in
rocks, but without penetrating deeply. Professor Allman
has just observed a very remarkable case of commen-
salism between a sponge and one of the tubularias.
The crown of the tubularia is extended at the entrance
of the canals of the sponge; and the association is so
complete, that the Edinburgh professor imagined that
he had before his eyes a true sponge with the arms of a
In the lowest ranks of the animal scale, there are
certain kinds of animalcules, which establish them-
selves on the bodies of obliging neighbours, and take
advantage of their fins in order to swim at then expense.
Thus we often find the bodies of certain crustaceans
covered with a forest of vorticellse and other infusoria.
They cause themselves to be towed like cirrhipedes, but
they do not change their toilet like them, so that it
cannot be said that they put on the livery of servitude.52
The kind of life led by several of these animalculse is as
yet little known.
Mons. Leydig has found in the stomach of the Hydatina
Senta a messmate which much resembles an Euglena,
and still more the Distigma tenax, Ehr.( 53 )
The animals of wbieh we have just spoken usually
preserve their full and entire independence; from the
time of their leaving the egg, till their complete develop-
ment, they are subject to no other outward changes than
such as belong to their class. If they sometimes renounce
their liberty, it is only for a limited time; and they all
preserve not only their peculiar appearance, but their
organs intended for fishing or for locomotion. It is not
thus with those which we are now about to consider;
they are free in their youth, but as they draw near to
puberty they make choice of a host, instal themselves
within him, and completely lose their former appear-
ance : not only do they throw aside their oars and their
pincers, but they cease sometimes to keep up any com-
munication with the outer world, and even give up the
most precious organs of animal life, not even excepting
those of the senses; they are installed for life, and their
fate is bound up with the host which gives them shelter.
The number of these messmates is considerable.
We shall first allude to some crustaceans named
Cirrhipedes • by Lamarck. The metamorphoses which
they have undergone since they left the egg have so54
much changed them, that Cuvier and all the zoologists
of his age placed them in the class of mollusea. The
incrustations of their skin resembled shells, which these
creatures generally carry in the substance of their
These ambiguous creatures are far from being micro-
scopic ; there are Balani which attain the size of a
walnut, and some have been found not less than ten
inches high, as the Balanus psittacus. Some years since
we saw on a piece of floating wood, found by fishermen
in the North Sea, Anatifae on the end of stalks from
six to seven feet in length. The anatifce themselves
were of the usual size. These cirrhipedes belonged to
every geological period; they have already been found
in the Silurian formation, but, unlike the trilobites their
contemporaries, they pass through all the ages, and, far
from decreasing, they reign as masters at the present
time in the two hemispheres.
It was an English naturalist, Thomson, who first
made known the true nature of these singular organ-
isms. So far were many from understanding their
affinities with the other classes, that even after the
excellent researches of the Belfast naturalist, they
doubted their correctness, and supposed that these
animals were allied both to the mollusea and to the
We see by this the immense progress which embryo-
logical studies have caused us to make in the apprecia-
tion of natural affinities. No one at the present time,
who has seen a cirrhipede hatched, can retain any doubt
as to the place which it ought to occupy. These crusta-
ceans, taken as a whole, lead a life in which we findFIXED MESSMATES.
more than one contrast; all live as wanderers when they
first leave the egg, and they are hatched in such abun-
dance on the coast, that the water becomes literally
troubled with them. At the first period of their life,
they have a supple and elegant body, and fins admirably
divided, and the gracefulness of the postures which they
assume does not yield in beauty to those of the most
brilliant insect. After having spent some time in seek-
ing adventures, they are seized with disgust for a nomad
life; they choose a resting-place, and establish them-
selves by means of a cable which they afterwards
abandon, and shelter themselves in an enclosed retreat
for the rest of their days. Many cirrhipedes choose the
back of a whale or the fin of a shark, and make the
passage across the Atlantic or the Pacific in less time
than the swiftest steamboats.
In many of these, recurrent development (I was about
to say degradation) sometimes proceeds so far, that their
animal nature becomes doubtful, and more than one of
them, having no longer any mouth by which to feed, are
reduced to a mere case which shelters their progeny. The
messmate very nearly takes its rank among parasites.
There are also cirrhipedes which live on different genera
of their own family; and some species which are always
found in society with other species. Some also live as
messmates with each other; some of the Sabelliphili
have one of the sexes parasitical on the other sex.
Crustaceans are usually dicecious; but because of
their manner of life, the cirrhipedes sometimes- unite the
two sexes and thus render the preservation of the species
more certain. The whole family of the Abdominalia, a
name proposed by Darwin, if I am not mistaken, have56
the sexes separate; and the males, comparatively very
small, are attached to the body of each female. It is a
case of polyandria which we see realized in the Scal-
pellum. Darwin made known the existence of supple-
mentary males, so small and so little developed, that
they are with difficulty discovered, and so badly are they
provided with organs that they have neither those of
motion nor a stomach to digest. We have not exhausted
the strange peculiarities of this particular group ; there
are some which live without shells and claws in the
inside of other cirrhipedes, and atrophied males which
only exist at the expense of their own females.
It is almost useless to make the remark that more
especially here there exist almost insensible gradations
of difference between parasites, messmates, and free
animals, and we shall find more than one example of
this in the crustaceans to which we now allude.
The most interesting fixed messmates are evidently
those cirrhipedes, which, under the name of Tubicinella,
Diadema, or Coronula, cover the skins of whales. They
are, like all the rest, free in their infancy, but soon they
take shelter on the back or on the head of one of these
huge cetaceans, which they never quit when they have
once chosen their abode. That which gives them great
importance is, that each whale lodges a particular
species; so that the crustacean messmate is a true flag
which indicates in some respect the nationality, and it
would not be without interest for voyagers who are
naturalists to study these living flags.
The great whale of the north, the Mysticetus, which
our northern neighbours discovered while seeking for an
eastern passage to India, a species which never leavesFIXED MESSMATES.
the ice, carries no cirrhipedes. This fact was already
known to Iceland fishermen of the twelfth century. The
intrepid whalers of these regions used to distinguish a
northern whale, without “calcareous plates,” from a
southern whale with plates, that is to say, with cirrhi-
pedes. This latter whale is the celebrated species of
temperate regions, the Nord-Kaper which the Basques
used to hunt, from the sixth century, in the Channel,
and which they used afterwards to pursue even to New-
foundland. The whales of the southern hemisphere,
like those of the Pacific Ocean, all have their own
species of cirrhipedes. We found in the museum of the
Zoological Garden at Amsterdam, a Coromda, brought
from Japan by Mr. Blomhof, known under the name of
Goronulss reginse, which, no doubt, characterizes the
whale of those latitudes. Another northern'whale, the
Kepdrkak of the Greenlanders, very remarkable for its
long fins, which give it the name of Megaptera, is
covered very early in its life with these crustaceans, so
much so, that the Greenlanders imagine that they are
born with them. Some even have pretended to have
seen Megapterse covered with these coronuhe before
their birth. Eschricht has in vain offered a reward to
him who would send him coronulae still attached to the
umbilical cord; he has only received some pieces of skin
covered with hairy bulbs. There is no doubt that young
whales have been seen and captured while following their
mother, which were already covered by these crustaceans.
Steenstrup has indicated the presence of Platycyamus
Thompsoni on the body of the Iiyperoodons, and the Xeno-
balanus globicipitis on the globiceps of the Shetland Isles.
The Cryptolcpas is a new genus of Coronulidse which58
inhabits the coast of California, oh the singular mysticete
recently distinguished by the name of Rhachianectes
glaucus. The Platylepas bisexlobata has lately been
observed on one of the Sirenia, the Manatus latirostris.
The marine turtles are also invaded by these singular
animals, and their peculiar form, joined to their habitat,
has given them the name of Chelonobia. It is not un-
common to find by the side of these Chelonobise, and
even upon them, the Tanais, Serpulse, and Bryozoarise,
forming together an animal forest on the cuirass of the
turtle. The Matamata, a turtle living in the brackish
water of Guiana, is covered with a cirrhipede more allied
to the ordinary balani than to the chelonobise. Other
living reptiles are not more exempt from cirrhipedes
than turtles; the Dichelaspis pellucida and the Concho-
derma TTunteri invade different sea-snakes. Many sharks
harbour particular kinds, among which we mention the
Alepas of the Spinax niger from the coasts of Norway.
The same Alepas has been found on the Squalus glacialis
at the same time as the Andasma squalicola. Half a
dozen varieties of these are known, one of which inhabits
an echinoderm, another a decapod crustacean. These
kinds of alepas are so reduced when they are adult, and
are so completely despoiled of their distinctive attributes,
that it is necessary to study them with especial care in
their first dress, in order to recognize their parentage.
Other cirrhipedes establish themselves on neighbours
of their own class, and we also find crustaceans upon
other crustaceans. A pretty genus lives near Cape Verd
on the carapace of a large lobster, and spreads itself
on the centre of the back like a bouquet of flowers.
My son has procured some very fine specimens, anFIXED MESSMATES.
account of which he will publish, together with the other
materials which he has collected during his passage across
the Atlantic. Mr. John Denis Macdonald found in
abundance on the branchiae of a crab in Australia, the
Neptunus pelagicus, which he places between the Lepas
and the Dichelaspis.
The most singular, if not the most interesting of all
these cirrhipedes, are the Gall*, which appear under
the tail of crabs or the abdomen of paguri, and which
zoologists designate under the names of Peltogaster or
Sacculina. They are found in both hemispheres. The
recurrent development is so complete, that we can no
longer distinguish any organic apparatus unless it be
that of reproduction, and the whole body is a mere case
enclosing within its walls eggs and spermatozoids. We
see them very frequently under the abdomen of the crabs
of our coasts, or even on the segments of the bodies
of paguri. Mons. A. Giard has lately studied these
animals. It is during the coupling season, according to
him, that the Peltogasters establish themselves upon the
crabs. Professor Semper has brought back quite a collec-
tion of them from his voyage to the Philippine Islands,
and has entrusted them to one of his pupils, Dr. Kuss-
mann, for the purposes of study. We heard him with great
interest, at the late Congress at Wiesbaden, explain with
remarkable clearness the results of his learned and
conscientious observations. We do not think that we
shall be wrong in adding that, for a long time, we shall
see nothing better or more complete on this subject. All
those cirrhipedes which adhere by their head to the skin
of their host, by means of filaments, are now designated
by the name of Rliizoccphala.60
A curious opinion, quite recently expressed by a
naturalist, Mons. Giard, and which is a sign of the times,
is that the Peltogaster of the Pagurus has become a
Sacculina on the crab; the host having been transformed,
its acolyte has done the same thing under the same
Professor Semper has also found among the Philip-
pine Islands, isopod crustaceans living as messmates
after the manner of the peltogasters. Two cirrhipedes
of the family of Peltogaster, the Sylon Hippolytes and the
Sylon Pandali, have been found by Mons. Sars under the
abdomen of the Pandalns brevirostris.
There are cirrhipedes on the gasteropod molluscs.
The Concliolepas Peruviana, that beautiful shell which has
long been considered a rarity in our collections, is fre-
quented by the Cryptophiolus minutus, only a sixth of an
inch in length. The Scalpella often inhabit the Sertu-
lariae and other polyps; Oxynasps, Creusise, Pyrgomse,
and IAthotryse inhabit corals. Certain kinds of sponges
are regularly invaded by the Acastee of Leach, eight
species of which are mentioned by Darwin. As we find
elsewhere parasites on parasites, here also we find mess-
mates on messmates; on the common anatifa we per-
ceive other genera, and on the Diadema of the North
Pacific, we almost always see Otions and Cineras. The
Protolepas bivincta also, a fifth of an inch in length, lives
as a messmate in the mouth of the Alepas cornuta,- and
the Elminius of Leach also inhabits other cirrhipedes.
The Hemioniscus balani, which Goodsir had taken some
years ago for the male of the Balanus, is a messmate on
these cirrhipedes. Parasites also are found in mess-
mates ; the soldier-crab gives lodging to the sexualFIXED MESSMATES.
Eustoma truncata in its interior. A macrourous crus-
tacean which we ought to mention here, the Galathea
spinirostris, Dana, frequents a comatula, the colour of
which it assumes; it is the same without doubt with
the Pisa Stypc, which lives on a polyp known by the
name of Melitcea ochracea.
If we pass from the crustaceans to the molluscs, we
have to notice in the first place an elegant gasteropod,
the Phyllirhoa bucephala, which carries on its head a
singular appendage, the nature of which has only lately
been known; .J. Muller took it at' first for a medusa, then
he abandoned this opinion, when at length Mons. Krohn
referred it definitively to the lower polyps; it differs '
from its congeners only by its form, its tentacular cirrhi,
and its mode of life: it is the Mnestra parasites. There
are a great number of acephalous molluscs, which we
might mention as messmates, hut we will only refer to the
Crcnellee which are regularly found in the substance of
The Philomedusa Vogtii of Fr. Muller, which lives on
the Plaleampa Fultoni, undoubtedly deserves to he men-
tioned here as a fixed messmate. Many bryozoa spread
themselves over marine animals, and often engage in a
deadly struggle with their patron. But among all these
bryozoa we must mention an animal very common on
the sea-shore at Ostend, and which one would take for a
dried leaf, the Flustra membranacea. On the surface of
these imitative leaves are found little bouquets of other
bryozoa, which are either Crisise or Scrupocellarice. An-
other kind, which has also passed for a gelatinous plant,
bears the name of Ilalodactylus. Without any micro -
scopic study, one can obtain an idea of these colonies.62
One of these Halodactyles spreads itself upon the stalk
of a Sertularia, all the inhabitants of which it stifles, so
that it is the victim himself who serves as a guardian to
the invader.
These Halodactyli are very widely spread over the
Northern Seas, and often establish themselves on the
large horse-hoof oyster. Michelin has noticed under
the name of parasite a fossil cellepore from the saltpits of
Touraine and Anjou, which entirely surrounds the shell
of a gasteropod; in order to prevent its patron from dying
of hunger, the bryozoon develops itself around the mouth
like a gallery, and prolongs its last spiral. This Cdle-
pora parasitica has evidently a place here.
Many of these messmate bryozoa are found in a fossil
state in the crag of the Antwerp basin.
We have still to mention among fixed messmates
many polyps, some of which are very remarkable. Thus,
many naturalists speak of vast colonies of polyps in
which lodge various animals which shelter themselves
there like paguri in deserted shells.
Among these are the colonies of which Forster
speaks, which are not less than three feet in diameter,
and fifteen feet in height, with a crown of eighteen feet
in diameter. Dana also makes mention of an Astnea
of twelve feet in height, and of Porites twenty feet high,
which contain more than five millions of individuals,
among which a number of animals come to take refuge.
The Museum of Natural History at Paris is in
possession of a superb specimen of Porites conglomerata :
in the middle of the colony lodges a Tridacna (Trid.
corallicola, Yal.) like a pagurus under a forest of
hydractiniae. This remarkable polyp was brought fromFIXED MESSMATES.
the Seychelles Islands by Mons. L. Bousseau. It is
not impossible that pinnotheres live in this same
ti'idacna, and that we have there a fresh example
of messmate within messmate.
In the Bay of Massachusetts, on the coast of New
England, another curious messmate lives at great depths;
Dana has lately described it, under the name of Epizo-
anthus Americanus, V. It establishes itself in the
Eupagurus pubescens. The Sertularia parasitica of the
gulf of Naples, from which I have formed the genus
Corydendrium, is a messmate after the manner of an
infinite number of other polyps. In closing this list,
we shall mention a polyp, named Halicondria suberca,
and the Actinia carcinopodus of Otto, which inhabit an
univalve mollusc; as also the Heterosammias and the
Heterocyathi of the family of Turbinolidae, which lodge
in a trochoid shell.
The sponges, placed by naturalists by turns among
plants or on the confines of the animal kingdom, are
now generally regarded as polyps; this is the opinion
expressed by Haeckel, who wishes at the same time to
replace the term Ccelenterata by that of Zoophytes.
The learned naturalist of Jena, when making this pro-
position, should have remembered that in 1859 we
placed the sponges in the group of polyps, as the lowest
in the scale; and that we proposed, from the time when
the acalephas were recognized to be adult polyps, to
designate all these animals under the name of Polyps.
Some time after, B. Leuckart proposed the appellation
Coelenterate Polyps, which has been generally received.
Professor Haeckel would have lost nothing by acknow-
ledging that in 1873 he arrived at a result similar to64
that to ■which I had co'me twenty years before, and that
it is not a very happy innovation to change the term
polyps for zoophytes. It is the more surprising that this
naturalist has forgotten to quote my opinion, since at the
congress of naturalists at Hanover in 1866, I had placed
this question on the agenda for an ordinary meeting.
I maintained, in opposition to the opinion of the
naturalists whose authority had been especially recog-
nized in the matter (Osc. Schmidt, who was present,
among others), that sponges are lower polyjos, whether
they are regarded as to their development or their
This group, so remarkable in form, so varied in
colour and appearance, very often affords examples of
animals which live with them as true messmates; and
we find the same relations established between them in
both hemispheres. As we observe rhizophales on crabs
and soldier-crabs, and pinnotheres on bivalve molluscs,
so we find that the sponges of the Indian Seas or of
Japan harbour the same messmates which we discover
on them in the Northern Seas or the Atlantic.
In the sea of Japan is found a very remarkable
sponge, generally known by the name of Hyalonema.
It is a bundle of spicules like threads of glass, which
seem artificially tied together, and on the surface of
which we regularly find a polyp of the genus Polythoa.
The nature of this sponge, and its relations with the
polyps which surround it, have been discussed for many
years. Ehrenberg had recognized the polyp Polythoa
around the spicules, but the Hyalonema was considered
by him as an artificial product. The Polythoas were
regarded as only a case in which had been placed thisFIXED MESSMATES.
bundle of spicules. The learned microscopist of Berlin
had even thought that he had found the proof of this
opinion in the presence of -woollen threads which were
observed in a specimen which Mons. Barbosa du Bocage
had sent him from Lisbon. Woollen threads had indeed
adhered to the spicules of Hyalonema, but they came
from the fishermen, who, when they drew these sponges
from the water, placed them carefully in their bosoms
under their woollen jerseys.
Dr. Gray, of the British Museum, considers the
sponge as a parasite of the Polythoa, and that the
bundle of spicules belongs, not to the sponge, but to
the polyp. The most learned naturalist on the subject
of sponges, Mr. Bowerbank, expresses a different opinion.
The sponge and its spicules, according to him, are but a
single body, and the polyps are only a part of it. The
supposed polyps would only form a cloacal system for
the use of the sponge colony.
Valenciennes, guided no doubt by the observations
of Philippe Poteau, was the first to recognise the nature
of the sponge and its spicules, but it is to Max Schultze
that we must give the credit of distinguishing the true
character of this extraordinary marine production. He
has shown that the bundle is formed by the extraordi-
narily long spicules of the sponge, and that the polyp
establishes itself upon it, by forming a sheath around
the bundle. ,
The fact is no longer doubted by any one, that the
long spicules form part of the sponge, and that the
polyp establishes itself on a part of the colony. But
science rarely advances by a single stride, and Max
Schultze, like his predecessors, mistook the top of the66
sponge for tlie bottom; Professor Loven has shown the
true pose of the Hyalonema, and this he has effected
by means of a small sj)ecimen from the Northern
Semper found a new (Ega, to which he' gave the
specific name of Hirsuta, in an enlarged canal of the
new Hyalonema of the Philippine Islands, which he
dedicated to Mons. Schultze.
The Adriatic also produces a species of the same
genus (Polythoa) which inhabits, like that of the Chinese
Sea, a sponge to which the name of Axinella has been
given. These Polythose are only found on the Axinelbc,
says Osc. Schmidt, who has especially studied the sponges
of this sea and of the Mediterranean. Professor Gill
mentioned at the last meeting of the scientific congress
at Portland (1873), a new Hyalonema found on the coast
of North America by the fishery commission of the
United States. A memoir on these sponges, interesting
in a systematic point of view, is due to the pens of
Herklots and of Marshall.
We think that we ought to place among fixed mess-
Fig. 1. —Ophiodendrum abietinum name °f Qphiodcndrum OMe-
mates a very problematical
organism which fives on Ser-
tulariae, especially on the
Sertularia abietina, and which
Strethill Wright has desig-
nated by the name of Core-
thria sertularia. Claparede
has given to this singular
animal the more expressive
on Sertularia abietina.
We have regularly found it on the Sertularia abietina,
at Ostend, every time that we have had an opportunity
of observing these polyps immediately that they have
been raised from the bottom of the sea. It is an
organism whose affinities are not yet established.68
In this chapter we bring together animals which live on
each other, without being either parasites or messmates ;
many of them are towed along by others; some render
each other mutual services, others again take advantage
of some assistance which their companions can give
them; some afford each other an asylum, and some are
found which have sympathetic bonds which always draw
them together. They are usually confounded with para-
sites or messmates.
Many insects shelter themselves in the fur of the
mammalia, or in the down of birds, and remove from
the hair and the feathers the pellicle and epidermal debris
which encumber them. At the same time they minister
to the outward appearance of their host, and are of great
utility to him in a hygienic point of view.
Those which live in the water have other guardians:
instead of insects, we find a number of crustaceans
which establish themselves on fishes, and if there are
no scales of the epidermis which annoy them, there
are mucosities which are incessantly renewed in order
to protect the skin from the continual action of the
We find many on the surface of the scales, and others
■which conceal themselves at the bottom of mucous
canals. We have brought together only a few examples,
and there are certain others which are mentioned else-
where, but which ought more properly to be placed
The insects long known under the name of Ricini,
and to which many other appellations have been given,
deserve to figure in the first rank in this group. They
have always perplexed entomologists,, who seem to
consider them as parasites allied to acaridse and lice.
It has, however, been long known that they have no
trunk to suck with, and that they have two small scaly
teeth, which rather serve for the purpose of biting. A
long time since, the examination of their stomach
proved that they contain only morsels of skin instead
of blood. This has induced many entomologists to
place them in the same order as grasshoppers, that of
Lyonet has given figures of several of those which
he studied with the care which he so well knew how to
employ in his anatomical investigations; and in 1818
Nitzsch, a professor at Gottingen, had brought together
so great a number of them, that it required several days
to examine his collection; he began the publication of
his catalogue, but has not had time to finish it. Several
other entomologists and anatomists have since taken up
the subject.
We owe the description of several hundred species to
Mr. Denny. Mons. F. Eudow has lately made known
a great number of species which he has collected from70
the skins of birds coming from Japan, Australia, Africa,
and the two Americas.
Professor Grube, of Breslau, has published the
description of the insects and acaridse found during the
travels of Middendorf in Siberia. These descriptions
relate especially to the Philopterse of birds, the Pedi-
culinse of the mammalia, a flea of the Mustela Siberica,
and an acarus of the Lemmus. Quite recently, an
American naturalist, Mr. Packard, who has undertaken
the study of so many different subjects, has published
in the “American Naturalist” the description, accom-
panied by an engraving, of the Menopon picicola, found
on the Picoides Arcticus from the lower Geyser basin,
Wyoming territory, also of the Goniodes Merriamanus,
the Tetrao Eichardsoni, and the Goniodes mephitidis,
found on a Mephitis from Fire-Hole Basin, Wyoming
territory; of the Nirmus buteonivorus, from a Buteo
Swainsonii; and of Docophorus Syrnii, from Syrnium
A great number of these insects live between the
feathers of birds, and can he more easily observed, since
they detach themselves after the death of their host.
They are easily found on the skins of birds prepared for
museums. These ticks form a family under the name of
Ricinim, and this family is divided into two parts, the
Liotheidee and the Philopteridse.
Among the many generic divisions, one of the most
interesting has received the name of Trichodectes; it
contains twenty species, one of which lives on the dog,
another on the cat, another on the ox; in a word,
we discover a distinct species on each of the domesticMTUTUALISTS.
mammals. It has been said that the phthiriasis of the
cat is occasioned by the abundance of ricini. The
trichodectes of the dog has lately attracted the espe-
cial notice of naturalists, and that from the following
There is no tape-worm more common in the dog than
the Taenia cucumerina. But whence comes it ? How is it
introduced ? This, had been an enigma for many years, at
the time when I dissected some dogs infested with Taenia
serrata, in the Museum of Natural History at Paris.
Together with the Taenia serrata, the number and age of
which I knew beforehand, since I had myself planted them,
there were found in the intestines of one of the dogs
some individuals of the Taenia cucumerina. My dogs had
taken nothing but milk, and' cysticerci pisiformes. Were
there cysticerci of different kinds in the peritoneum of
the rabbit ? The veil is now withdrawn. We have just
said that the dog harbours a tick known under the name
of Trichodectes, and in this trichodectes lodges the
Scolex, we might even say the larva of the Taenia
cucumerina. Dogs, especially young ones, lick their
hair continually, and it is by this operation that the
young tsenia is introduced. It is by a similar process
that the horse introduces the eggs of the QEstrus which
are hatched in its stomach.
Many of these ticks live abundantly in birds, and
multiply rapidly. The Liothe pallidum lives on the cock,
the Liothe stramineum on the turkey, the Pliilopterus
falciformis on the peacock, the Pliilopterus clavijormis on
the pigeon. It is to be observed that every bird can
nourish many different kinds. Fig. 2 represents the tick
which infests the sea-eagle, called Pygarg.
Fishes harbour crustaceans
instead of ticks, and their-num-
ber is not less considerable than
on mammals and birds. These
crustaceans have perplexed na-
turalists more than once, be-
cause they could only regard them
as parasites. They live on the
produce of cutaneous secretions,
and if they improve, as do the
ticks, the cleanliness of their host,
they are not less useful in a
hygienic point of view, for they
prevent the accumulation of cuta-
neous productions.
Among these crustaceans, we
must mention the Caligi and the Arguli, which never
become bloated, the Ancei, and probably other genera.
Instead of the ungainly and unusual forms of true
parasites, they all preserve, together with their fishing
tackle and locomotive apparatus, their neat and elegant
appearance. The sexes even differ only in size. They
remain during the whole of their life what they are at
the beginning; that is to say, charming in form, with a
delicately-shaped corselet, numerous and slender claws,
and are as graceful in their movements as when in a
state of rest. The greater number of osseous fishes lodge
Caligi on the surface of their skin. These fix themselves
by means of strong cables, but without sacrificing their
liberty. They are usually called fish lice.
Fishermen, when returning from the northern
fishery, generally find their vivarium full of these
Fig. 2—Ricinus of the Pygarg-MUTUALISTS.
graceful vermin. It may be said
that the caligi are common every-
where, and that each species has
its own caligi. The fishes of
the family Plagiostoma, notwith-
standing the hardness of their
skin, afford food to some of these ;
they multiply so rapidly some-
times, that they cover their host
as though they took the place of
scales. The cod gives lodging to
a charming species of a very
beautiful shape, which in its turn,
affords a resting-place to the
Udonella. It is always attached
to the ovisacs, and doubtless plays
the same part as the HistriobdellaG,
so that we shall find the Caligi
attending to the toilet of the cod,
and the Udonellse in their turn
waiting on the Caligi.
The name . Arguli has been
given to some crustaceans which
resemble the caligi in size and in
manner of life, and which prin-
cipally frequent fresh-water fishes.
The Argulus foliaceus is the name
of the species which has
been known for the longest
time, and which is most
extensively found. It is to
be seen on our pikes, carps,
Of the natural
Caligulvs clegans
sticklebacks, and on the greater part of our river fish.
Mr. Thorell, in his monograph, mentions twelve species
of Arguli proper, and four species of which he com-
posed the genus Gyropeltis. Four are found in Europe, two
of which are on salt-water, and two on fresh-water fish.
Quite recently, Professor Leydig has made known
another species living on the Phoxinus levis. Arguli are
met with on the fishes of Africa, the Indies, and North
and South America. Like the caligi, these animals
spontaneously abandon one host, to go and attend to
the toilet of another.
Another animal, which has been taken for a Lernsean,
deserves to take its place by the side of the Caligi, at
least on account of its manner of life. We refer to that
singular being which Leydig discovered in 1850 in Italy,
while studying the mucous canal of a Corvina, at
Cagliari, and to which he gave the name of Sphcerosoma.
To judge by the plate and by some details, this
Sphcerosoma, the name of which ought to be changed to
Leydigia, belongs, if we mistake not, to the same group
as the Histriobdellse. We are persuaded that the first
opportunity will confirm the correctness of this alliance,
by the study of its embryonic form. If we had not been
able to examine into all the development of the Histrio-
bdelke, more than one naturalist would have considered
them Lernseans, as happened at the congress of German
naturalists at Carlsruhe.
If we see many of these crustaceans live a joyous life
while young, there are others which seem to practise
economy, and to emancipate themselves when they have
grown old. Mons. Hesse and Mr. Spence Bate a few
years since revealed the secrets of their existence.MUTUALISTS.
Naturalists had recognized some crustaceans under
the name of Ancei, and others under the name of
Pranizee, living together upon fishes, but with very
different organs for fishing and swimming. M. Hesse,
curious to know the manner of life of the Pranizse, made
observations on them in a small aquarium, and he per-
ceived that the parts of the mouth were all at once
• transformed into formidable mandibles, which caused
them to resemble Ancei. As it had often occurred with
respect to other groups, that the same crustacean at
different periods of its evolution had been taken for
different animals, the naturalist of Brest had some sus-
picion as to their identity, and soon ascertained by direct
observation that he had not been mistaken. The Pranizae
become Ancei, and live upon fishes under their first
form, like caligi and arguli. Nothing can be seen
which is more curious than these crustaceans, which
ride on the back or the sides of fishes, and assume there
every possible attitude.
The Pranizae fix themselves in the mouth and in the'
gills as well as on the skin. Some are found on
sharks as well as on osseous fishes. They fear neither
heat nor light, and do very well under damp sea-weed
while waiting for the return of the tide. They rim and
swim with the same facility. When in the condition of
Ancei, they lose their agility, and, under this form, all
denotes their sedentary habits. They appear to live in
holes, at the bottom of which they defend themselves
with their powerful mandibles. It has been observed
that fecundation is accomplished, as in the Axolotls,
before the evolution is complete, but that the eggs are
not laid until the animal assumes the form of Anceus.76
We may here remark that the change of appearance
takes place only among the females; the males preserve
their dress and their liberty. Some naturalists assert
that we must not accept the metamorphosis of either
sex as an established fact, except for the purpose of
arrangement. All, however, tends to show that Mons.
Hesse has fairly interpreted facts; but it appears to us
probable that the whole of the history of these strange'
crustaceans is not fully known.
Fishermen have long since known whale-lice,. the
Cyami of naturalists, of which we have already made
mention while speaking of free messmates. They live
at liberty on the skin of their host, and multiply with
extreme rapidity. These Cyami have a regular form,
but completely different from the others, and have given
(like the Ricini and the afore-mentioned crustaceans),
great trouble to systematic zoologists. The place which
they ought to occupy is far from being definitely fixed.
At all events they may be considered as a shorter kind
of Caprellse.
As each whale has cirrhipedes which are peculiar to
itself, so each has its own cyami. Professor Liitken, of
Copenhagen, has made known ten or twelve species, all
found on cetacea, in the two hemispheres. The sup-
posed Cyamus, represented by Dr. Monedero as living
on the Biscayan whale, is a Pycnogonon.
The Anilocrse and the Nerocilse, like the Cyami
and other genera, establish themselves on the back of a
fish which is a good swimmer. Jealous of their liberty,
they preserve their oars and their fins, in order to
change their convoy, when the desire seizes on them,
and do not imitate the Bopyrians, which instal them-MUTUALISTS.
selves on the narrow branchial cavity of some decapod
crustacean, and as soon as they have entered, throw off
all their travelling baggage; in fact, there is no other
means for them to gain admission; their lot is identified
with that of their host; they can no longer live without
him. The female only, it is true, thus renounces her
liberty; she sacrifices herself, as usual, for her family,
while the male, far from giving himself up, preserves his
defensive arms, his claws, and his liberty.
The crustaceans called Caprellae are perhaps not so
independent as they appear to be; it is not impossible
that their place may be among the crustaceans now
under our consideration. They are often found, together
with the Tanais, on the bodies of cetaceans and chelo-
nians, on plagiostomous fishes, or in the midst of
colonies of Scrtulariae. They also establish themselves
on buoys when they are well covered with animal life;
and we have discovered them in prodigious numbers on
a piece of cable which had lain at the bottom of the sea,
and the whole surface of which was covered with animals
of every kind.
We may here mention the Pycnogonons, the Saphy-
rinas, the Peltidise, and the Hersilise; these crustaceans
often crawl over the skins of their congeners, but without
ever renouncing their independence; and they are all
more or less occupied with the toilet of their neighbours.
We shall place in a second section some animals
which have been usually classed among parasites,
rather because of their living upon their neighbours
than on account of their mode of life. If it is necessary
in menageries to have keepers to cleanse the animals
themselves, it is as requisite to have others to keep the78
cages clean, and to remove dung and filth. Many
animals perform this office. The rectum of frogs is
always literally full of Opalinse which swarm in this
cavity, like ants in their ant-hill, and doubtless live on
the contents of the intestine.
These Opalinae are true infusoria, which do not wait
till the fecal matters are decomposed, and till the waters
are corrupted by their presence; they prevent accidents
which might arise, and interfere in time to purify the
water from these excretions. There have been found
hitherto in the rectum of frogs, and in the different
annelids, the Pachydrili, the Clitelides, the Lumbriculi,
and the Enchytrei. We have also seen them in the
Planaria and the Nemertians. There is no sight more
curious for those who are commencing microscopical
studies, than the examination ef the contents of the
rectum of these Batrachians. Van Leeuwenhoeck knew,
two hundred years ago, those animalculae, to which
Bloch at a later period gave the name of Chaos intesti-
ncilis. There are also some Rotatoria, the Albertiee for
example, which ought to have a place here, and which
Dujardin has described and named. They live in the
intestines of the Lumbrici and of snails, and in the *
larvae of Ephemerides.
Dujardin first pointed out the Albertia vermiculus
since then Mons. Schultze has made known the Albertia
of the Nais littoralis, and Radkewitz has recognized in
the small worm of our gardens the Enchytreus vermicu-
laris. Long since, Siebold correctly stated that these
animals are not parasites, since they do not five at the
expense of their host.
There is a worm in the Philippine Islands, as Pro-HUTUALISTS.
fessor Semper has informed me, which lodges in the
intestines of a fish, with its head usually projecting
outwards, and which watches the crustaceans attracted
by the excreta of its host; but although it chooses the
intestine of its neighbour as a place of shelter, it is not
a parasite.
Fishermen affirm, and the examination of the
animal’s stomach confirms their assertion, that the
Cyclopterus lumpus feeds on nothing but the excreta of
other fishes. Indeed, it is not possible to count the
number of intestinal worms known by the name of
Scolex, which are found in the contents of the stomach
and the intestines. Besides this, we have long known
the peculiarities of some insects which cannot live
except on the dung of certain animals; and there is an
example of one of these insects, found in a fossil state,
which anticipated the discovery of the remains of
an extinct mammal before unknown in that district.
The lame of the fly Scatophaga stercoraria live only on
excrementary matter.
There are also nematode worms which exist under
these conditions, and which develop and propagate their
species in the intestines as if in the midst of damp earth.
The small eel-like creatures so abundant in cow-dung
propagate in it; they are not parasites, and are allied to
those of which we speak in this chapter.
Besides those attendants which busy themselves
about the cleanliness of other animals, we find some
whose duties are less extensive, and whose cares are
more limited. Many animals produce a greater number
of eggs than they can bring to perfection, and those
which are decomposed for want of fecundation, or which80
die in the course of evolution, are under the care of
an especial attendant, employed to make away from
time to time with the addled eggs, or the embryos that
have failed to come to maturity.
In this manner lobsters give lodgings in the midst of
their eggs to a worm, which we at first took for a Ser-
pula, and which, after a complete examination, turns out
to be one of the Hirudinidse : we have given it the name
of Histriobdella. It is as singular in its movements as
in its conformation, and its manner of living approaches
that of the Pontobdellae of the rays, of which we shall
speak subsequently. We announced this discovery a few
years ago in the following terms :—
It is known that lobsters, as well as crabs and the
greater part of the Crustacea, carry their eggs under the
abdomen, and that these eggs remain suspended there
till the embryos are hatched. In the midst of them lives
an animal of extreme agility, which is perhaps the most
extraordinary being which has been subjected to the eyes
of a zoologist. It may be said, without exaggeration,
that it is a biped, or even quadruped, worm. Let us
imagine a clown from the circus, with his limbs as far
dislocated as possible, we might even say entirely de-
prived of bones, displaying tricks of strength and activity
on a heap of monster cannon balls, which he struggles
to surmount; placing one foot formed like an air-
bladder on one ball, the other foot on another, alter-
nately balancing and extending his body, folding his
limbs on each other, or bending his body upwards like
a caterpillar of the geometridee, and we shall then have
but an imperfect idea of all the attitudes which it
assumes, and which it varies incessantly.MUTUALISTS.
Its rank and its affinities would have given rise to
long discussions if we had not made known at the same
time its evolution and anatomical structure.
It is neither a parasite nor a messmate; it does not
live at the expense of the lobster, hut on one of the pro-
ductions of these crustaceans, much in the same manner
as do the Caligi and the Arguli. The lobster gives him
a berth, and the passenger feeds himself at the expense
of the cargo; that is to say, he eats the eggs and the
embryos which die, and the decomposition of which
might he fatal to his host and his progeny. These
Histriobdellfe have the same duty to perform as vultures
and jackals, which clear the plains of carcases. That
which causes us to suppose that such is their appro-
priate office, is that they have an apparatus for the
purpose of sucking eggs, and that we have not found in
their digestive canal any remains which resemble any
true organism. We find the feces, rolled up as halls,
placed after each other in their intestines.
The crustaceans also feed other Hirudinidas. Mons.
Ley dig has noticed a Myzobdella on the Lupa diacantha.
The fresh-water crab, common in all the rivers of
Europe, nourishes two, the Astacobclella roeselii, which
lives under the abdomen, or about the eyes, and the
Astacobdella Abildgardi which especially frequents the
hranchise. Two astacohdellas on the same crab doubt-
less play different parts. We should almost venture to
assert, a priori, that the species in the gills lives as a
parasite on the blood of its host, whilst the other, lodged
under the abdomen, plays the same part as the histrio-
bdella of the lobster.
We often find among the eggs of the ordinary crab of
t I82
our coasts (Cancer mcenas) a nemertian which probably
performs the same office. He is lodged while young in
a kind of firm sheath attached to the abdominal pro-
cesses. We have been able easily to study the first
phases of its evolution. We have given it the name of
Polia involuta.
This nemertian had been observed at Messina, and
described before by Kolliker under the name of Nemertes
carcinophilus, and it has just been described and figured
anew by Mr. MTntosh, in a monograph of British an-
nelids published by the Bay Society.
The sturgeon seems to give lodging in its eggs to a
polyp which plays the same part. In fact, Mons. Ows-
jannikoff, at the congress of Bussian naturalists at Kiew,
described an animal, Accipenser ruthcnus, which lives in
the eggs of the sterlet. Some eggs placed in water for a
few hours at first show tentacles on the outside, then a
whole colony, and each part consists of four individuals,
which have a common digestive cavity, resembling some-
what a hydra divided longitudinally in four. Each has
six tentacles, two of which are terminated by transparent
corpuscles, perhaps nematocysts ; the digestive cavity
extends into the arms, as in the hydra; the mouth is
not between the tentacles, but at the opposite pole.
They are not all lodiged within the eggs ; some are found
outside, according to the observations of Mons. Koch.
Does not this animal fulfil in the egg of the sterlet,
the same office as the histriobdella in the egg of the
lobster ?
The eggs of some insects are attacked by very little
ichneumons, the Proctotrupid.se; they empty them, and
then instal themselves in the shell. Mons. Fabre hasMUTUALISTS.
mentioned, in his memoir on the habits of the Melo'e, a
worm found in an egg.
M. Barthelemy has studied a nematode worm (Asca-
roides lirnacis) which inhabits as a parasite the egg of the
grey snail; is this not the ordinary worm of the snail
which has introduced itself into the eggs ?
Many animals establish themselves on their neigh-
bours, not to obtain any advantage from them, except to
profit by their fins; they are not themselves sufficiently
adapted to rapid motion, so they seize a good courser,
mount on his back, and ask from him only a resting-
place and no provisions. But it is often very difficult
to say where commensalism ends and mutualism
begins; the cirrhipedes, for example, establish them-
selves on a piece of floating wood, or on the bottom of a
vessel; on a block of stone, or on one of the piles of a
groin; on an immovable animal as well as on a good
Some fourteen years ago, Jacobson of Copenhagen
wrote an interesting essay, to show that the young
bivalves that are found in’the branchiae of anodonts at a
certain period of the year are parasitical animals, for
which he,proposed a new name. But these supposed
parasites are only young anodonts, which by the help of
a very long cable, which proceeds from them foot like a
byssus, attach themselves to them mother, or to a fish
which will carry them to a distance.
We see full-grown acephalous molluscs, as mussels
and pinnae, still keep these cables, under the name of
byssus, during their whole life. There are also among
distomians, worms which though they are hermaphro-
dite, couple two and two, and have this additional pecu-84
liarity, that while one increases rapidly the other be-
comes atrophied.
An Egyptian distome, which lives in man, gives an
instance of this peculiarity, as well as the D. filicolle,
which inhabits a fish (Brama Rail). The caligi which
live on the shin of fishes are, when young, fastened by a
cord which comes from the anterior edge of their cara-
pace : while quite little, they put themselves under the
protection of a kind neighbour, and allow themselves to
be led by him.
The new tubularia, which we have dedicated to our
learned colleague Dumortier, often fixes itself on the
carapace of ordinary crabs, and causes itself to be con-
veyed like the Echeneis; the tubulary observed by
Gwyn Jeffreys, close by the eye of the Rossia papillifera,
a cephalopod mollusc, perhaps belongs to the same
Every colony of campanularise or sertulariae lodges a
crowd of messmates and mutualists; and there are a
great number of crustaceans and polyps of all sizes
which serve as an abode for' infusoria of every kind.
Some establish themselves on the carapace or on the
swimming appendages, as in a carriage; others on one
of the gills, which renders their mode of life more eagy,
and the danger less great. An amphipod very exten-
sively spread over our sea-coasts, the Gammarus marinus,
usually has its appendages covered with Vayinicola
crystallina.CHAPTER V.
“ En plongeanfc si bas dans la vie, je croyais y rencontrer les fataliUs
\physiques, et j’y troave la justice, I’immortalite, l’esperance.”—Michelet,
The parasite is he whose profession it is to live at the
expense of his neighbour, and whose only employment
consists in taking advantage of him, but prudently, so
as not to endanger his life. He is a pauper who needs
help, lest he should die on the public highway, but who
practises the precept—not to kill the fowl in order to get
the eggs. It is at once seen that he is essentially
different from the messmate who is simply a companion
at table. The beast of prey kills its victim in order to
feed upon his flesh, the parasite does not kill; on the
contrary he profits by all the advantages enjoyed by
the host on whom he thrusts his presence.
The limits which separate the animals of prey from
the parasite are usually very clearly marked; 3 et the
larva of the ichneumon, which eats its nurse, piece
after piece, resembles a carnivorous animal as much as
a parasite. There are indeed certain animals which
take advantage of the good condition of their Amphi-86
tryon, but which render to him in return precious
services. Thus those which live on the produce of the
secretions, or which clear the system of useless ma-
terials in exchange for the hospitality which they receive,
are not true parasites. These services are of a very
different character, and the duties which they some-
times perform for each other are in some respects ana-
logous to medical care.
Every animal has its own parasites, which always
come from without. With some few exceptions, they
are introduced by means of food or drink. In order to
ascertain their origin, the naturalist must beforehand
study the food, that is to say, the prey or the plant
which furnishes the habitual nourishment of the host
which gives them shelter.
A carnivorous animal, however, does not in general
content himself with a single kind of prey—one vora-
cious animal of this class devours all that comes in its
way; another, more of an epicure than a glutton, chooses
with more discernment. But in the midst of this varied
kind of food there is always some species which forms
the staple of the usual bill of fare, and it is necessary to
find out what this is if we wish to ascertain the parent-
age and the metamorphoses of the parasite, since it is
that which conducts the parasite to its new destination.
The mouse is destined to the cat, and the rabbit to the
dog; in the same manner, each one of the herbivora is
intended to be the prey of a carnivorous animal, if not
larger and stronger than itself, at least more cunning.
It is of great importance to discover the animal which
conducts the new-comer into his habitation. When we
know it, we have only to introduce into it the strangerPARASITES.
guest, that sooner or later he may pass into the body of
his accustomed Amphitryon. In order thoroughly to
know these sedentary or vagabond populations, we
must not only study them at the different periods of
the year, and under all the conditions of their irregular
life, hut it is necessary to follow them from the moment
that they quit the egg till their complete evolution,
closely noticing all that relates to their reproduction.
In the dung of the cow, by the side of the elegant
Pilobolus, live masses of small eels, born in the stomach
of the animal, which wind and twist like microscopical
serpents, and do not seek the slightest help from the
organ which shelters them. They are hatched in the in-
terior of the stomach, as if it took place in the meadow.
These little eels have evidently only the appearance
of parasites, and it may he that they render some
service in some of the organs through which they pass.
This may also be the case with those which live on the
feces of others, or which, lodged in the rectum, watch for
the prey which is attracted by the odour. These, espe-
cially the latter, are rather messmates than parasites.
True parasites are animals entirely dependent on
their neighbours, unable to provide for themselves, fed
entirely at the expense of others. It is generally sup-
posed that parasites are exceptional beings, requiring a
place by themselves in the animal hierarchy, and know-
ing nothing of the world except the organ which shelters
them. This is an error. There are few animals, how-
ever sedentary they may be, which are not wanderers at
some period of their lives, and it is not even uncommon
to find some which live alternately as noblemen or
as beggars. Many of them only deserve to be placed88
animal parasites and messmates.
among paupers when they are in their infancy or at the
approach of adult age, for they only seek for help at
the beginning or towards the end of their career. These
are very numerous, and more than one species change
their dress so completely that they can no longer be
recognized. Finding with their host both food and
lodging, they throw off their fishing and travelling gear,
settle themselves comfortably in the organs which they
have chosen, and having got rid of the baggage which
connected them with the outer world, preserve only their
sexual organs.
As to the rank which these parasites occupy in the
scale of being, it may be said that there is no especial
class of parasites; and worms are not distinguished in
this respect, except by having a greater number of species
subject to this rule. All classes among invertebrate
animals include parasites.
It is also an error to suppose that the whole species,
the young as well as the old, the males as well as the
females, are always parasites; often the female, not being
able to provide for the necessities of life, seeks for food
and shelter, while the male continues his nomad life.
Therefore the female alone puts on the pauper’s dress, and
by a recurrent development, assumes sometimes such
a singular appearance that the male no longer resembles
her. One cannot say that the females constitute the
beau sexe in this group, since they are often so monstrous
in form and size that their appearance has nothing in
common with a perfect animal; their body is deprived oi
all its exterior organs, and there often remains only a
skin in the form of a leather bag, without any distin-
guishing character.PARASITES.
What is still more astonishing, is to meet with males
which, under the conditions to which we have just
alluded, come at last to seek for assistance from their
own female, so that she has to provide for all; and the
charitable animal which comes to her help takes the
whole family under his charge. Assistance is thus
thoroughly organized in the lower world; neighbours are
found which serve as a creche for the indigent when they
first quit the egg, others as a hospital for the infirm
adults or the females, and others again play the part of
innkeepers for all, instead of affording a place of refuge
for some privileged individuals.
There are but few animals, if indeed there are any,
which have not their peculiar parasites. Of all the fishes
of our coasts we have never found bpt one which had
none; and perhaps, could we observe this fish in different
latitudes, we might find that it had its poor dependants
as well as the rest.
Thus we may assume that no animal is free in this
respect, and man himself regularly affords hospitality to
many o’f them. We feed some with our blood and our
flesh; there are some which lodge on the surface of our
skin, others in the interior of our organs; some prefer to
establish themselves on children, others on adults. The
name alone of some is sufficient to make us shudder,
while others live peaceably in some crypt, without our
suspecting their presence. Who is there that does not
nourish some acari, of the genus Simonea, in the mem-
brane of the nose ? In fact, man gives a home to some
dozens of parasites, and the presence of the most terrible
among them constitutes, in certain countries, a condition
of health which is envied. The Abyssinians do not90
consider themselves in good health, except when they
nourish one or many tape-worms.
Among the animals to which man gives his involun-
tary assistance, we may mention first, four different
Ceptoidea, or tape-worms, which live in the intestines;
three or four Distoma, which lodge in the liver, the intes-
tines, or‘the blood; nine or ten Nematodes, which inhabit
the digestive passages or the flesh. There are also some
young Cestodes, named Cysticerci, Echinococci, Hy-
datids, or Acephalocysts, which find in him a creche to
shelter them during their life. These always choose
enclosed organs, like the eye-ball, the lobes of the brain,
the heart, or the connective tissue. We also provide a
living for three or four kinds of lice, for a bug, for a
flea, and two ascarides, without mentioning' certain
inferior organisms which lurk in the tartar of the teeth,
or in the secretions of the mucous membrane.
There are some animals which harbour few inhabi-
tants, ' while there are others that keep up a great retinue;
and it is not always, as we have already said, that those
who give lodging to but few enjoy the most excellent
health. We might give as an instance of this, a fish
which is known to all, the turbot, which as well as the
woodcock is highly prized, though both have their in-
testines literally obstructed by tape-worms and their
eggs. We have never opened one, large or small, lean
or fat, which had not its intestines filled with cestode
worms. They are so numerous as to form a kind of
cork, which one might think intended to close the pas-
sage of the pylorus.
Some authors give remarkable instances of the abun-
dance of parasites. Nathusius speaks of a black stork,PAEASITES.
which lodged twenty-four Filar iee lobatse in its lungs,
sixteen Syngami traclieales in the tracheal artery, besides
more than a hundred Spiropterm alatee within the mem-
branes of the stomach, several hundreds of the Holo&to-
mum excavatum in the smaller intestine, a hundred of
the Distoma ferox in the large intestine, twenty-two of
the Distoma Mans in the oesophagus, and a Distoma
echinatum in the small intestine. In spite of this affluence
of lodgers the bird did not appear to be in the least
Krause, of Belgrade, mentions a horse two years
old, which contained more than five hundred Ascarides
megalocephaUe, one hundred and ninety Oxyures curvulse,
two hundred and fourteen Strongyli armati, several mil-
lions of Strongyli tetracanthi, sixty-nine Teenim per-
foliatse, two hundred and eighty-seven Filariee papillosas,
and six Cysticerci. When we consider how many eggs a
single worm produces, we can understand how it is that
so few animals escape being invaded by them.
Sixty millions of eggs have been counted in a single
nematode, and in a single tape-worm, or rather in a
colony, even a thousand millions of eggs. Even the
very animals which live as parasites, harbour others in
their turn. We find parasites on parasites, as we find
messmates upon messmates. Almost all writers on this
subject give examples of these; some in the larvae of
ichneumons, others in the lernaeans, and we have more
than once met with nematodes in different Crustacea still
attached to their host.
In order to understand thoroughly the living furni-
ture of an animal, especially of a fish, it is necessary to
examine it while young; the feces are the Kitchen-mid-92
clings of the stomach ; it is from them that we can appre-
ciate the hill of fare of each. This study of the food will
one day excite much interest, not only in a scientific
point of view, hut also with reference to fishing as an
There are some animals which are infested at every
period of their life, and at every season; others in far
greater number only during their youth, and they gather
in at the commencement of their life the harvest for the
rest of their days. The greater part of parasites, espe-
cially of fish, are introduced with the first nourishment.
As soon as they issue from the egg, young rays, like
young turbots, are already stuffed with worms which
afterward obstruct the digestive organs. The stomach of
each of these fishes is like a filter which allows every
thing which is food to pass, but detains on its passage
and without any change all that is living. When we
examine the stomach and observe the food in its different
degrees of digestion, we see distinctly the worms coming
out of their holes, wallowing in that which physiologists
call chyle, and choosing afterwards at their convenience
the place where they may completely develop themselves.
At the end of a few days, the fish may have swallowed an
innumerable quantity of small animals, and if each of
them introduces some worms, we can easily understand in
how short a time the intestine becomes literally filled.
There is no organ which is sheltered from the in-
vasion of parasites: neither the brain, the ear, the eye,
the heart, the blood, the lungs, the spinal marrow, the
nerves, the muscles, or even the bones. Cysticerci have
been found in the interior of the lobes of the brain, in
the eye-ball, in the heart, and in the substance of thePABASITES.
bones, as well as in the spinal marrow. Each kind of
worm has also its favourite place, and if it has not the
chance of getting there, in order to undergo its changes,
it will perish rather than emigrate to a situation which
is not peculiar to it. One kind of worm inhabits the
digestive passages, some at the entrance, others at the
place of exit; another occupies the fossae of the nose;
a third the liver, or the kidneys.
We may even divide parasites into two great cate-
gories, according to the organs which they choose:
those which inhabit a temporary host, almost always
instal themselves in a closed organ—in the muscles, the
heart, or the lobes of the brain; those, on the contrary,
which have arrived at their destination, and which,
unlike the preceding, have a family, occupy the
stomach with its dependencies, the digestive passages,
the lungs, the nasal fossae, the kidneys, in a word,
all the organs which are in direct communication with
the exterior", in order to leave a place of issue for their
progeny. The young ones are never enclosed. Even
the blood is not free from these animals, but there
are few which lodge there, except during the act of
In Egypt, Dr. Bilharz observed a distome in the
blood of a man (Distoma haematobium)the Strongylus
of the horse has been long known, which causes serious
injuries in its vessels (Strongylus armatus); as also the
strongylus of the dolphin and of the porpoise (Strongylus
infiexus), and the filaria of the dog (Filaria papiUosa);
and some are also found in the blood of many birds,
of reptiles, batrachians, and fishes; so that there is no
class of vertebrates which escapes.94
There are some which, like leeches, seek assistance
from their neighbours, but are content to snatch their
food as they pass, and only attach themselves for a
short time to the host which they despoil; they retain
their fishing or hunting tackle, as well as their organs of
locomotion. These parasites, which never take up then-
lodging on the host which nourishes them, have no
sooner sucked his blood, or devoured his flesh, than they
resume their independent life.
They do not disfigure themselves, nor put on any
special costume, like those which seek a permanent
abode. Gluttony is not with them the only moving
principle of existence; they do not forget what they owe
to the world, and keep up an appearance which allows
them at all times to present themselves afresh.
Parasites are scattered over every region of the
globe; they choose their place, and observe, like all
living creatures, the laws of geographical distribution.
All do not inhabit the animal kingdom; some seek for
assistance in vegetable life. Many insects lay their eggs
in seeds or fruits, and their progeny, as soon as they
are hatched, find abundant nourishment in the sap or
in the farina stored up for the young plant; others
pass into a state of lethargy while the seed is dry,
and recover their activity every time that they receive a
little humidity.
The female of a coleopterous insect deposits its eggs
in the nut, and in proportion as this grows, the young
larva devours the kernel. When it is brought to table,
it encloses only the skin and the excretions of the larva.
A weevil establishes itself in a similar manner in cereal
plants, and, small as it is, it may produce great calamityPARASITES.
by multiplying in granaries. There are even worms
which lodge in certain of the graminaceae, and get com-
pletely dry with the envelope which contains them,
without ceasing to live. Their life is suspended till the
day when the seed is sufficiently softened in the earth or
the water.
We have seen that each parasite has its host: we
must have a particular name to designate it. But that
does not imply that if it find not its dwelling-place it
must perish. It may only live some time at the
expense of its neighbour, and thus pass for its parasite.
Naturalists are occasionally deceived. Thus, they once
believed in the passage of the Schistocephalus of the
stickleback into the intestines of certain birds which
eat them, and in which they are only found accidentally.
The Ligulae of the Cyprinidie, found in the intestines of
the cormorant or the goosander, are not, in our opinion at
least, worms peculiar to these birds. They are strangers
which must either emigrate again or die. Acari which
originally belonged to mammals and birds, have been
found living on man, causing prurigo, or even serious
maladies, and yet these parasites are not regarded as
peculiar to our species. We might cite other examples.
Who has not been annoyed by the flea, which abandons
for an instant the dog, its natural host ?
Among these free parasites, many do not attach
themselves to a particular species, and well deserve
the title of cosmopolitan parasites. Thus we see
that the Ascaris lumbricoides, so common among child-
ren, lodges also in the ox, or the horse, the ass, and
the pig. The Distoma hepaticum, which is a parasite
peculiar to the sheep, if w.e may judge by its abundance
in this animal, may find its way into the liver of man,
or into that of the hare, the rabbit, the horse, the
squirrel, the ass, the pig, the ox, the stag, the roebuck,
and different species of antelope. It is to be remarked
that all these animals have a vegetable regimen. By
drinking the water which contains the cercaria of this
species, they grow infested by this singular lodger. The
large Echinorhyncus (E. Gigas) has been found in the
dog, and the pig, perhaps in the phocinae; and instances
are mentioned in which it has even migrated into man.
The Gordius aquaticus appears to live and develop itself
indifferent species of insects; and among the articulated
parasites, we meet with the Ixodes ricinus, commonly
called the tick, on the dog, the sheep, the roebuck, and
the hedgehog; and instances are given of its presence
on man. It has been long since proved in menageries
and zoological gardens, that the Acarus of the camel is
able to give a cutaneous disease to man.
As we have before said, there are many parasites
which require to he studied in order to determine the
host peculiar to each of them; although parasites
sometimes lose their way, and introduce themselves into
the wrong neighbour, yet they can live there but a short
time. Instances have been known, in which the larvae
of flies have penetrated into man accidentally by the
mouth or the nostrils. Beptiles have been known to
live a certain time in the stomach. A German physio-
logist, Berthold, professor at the University of Gottingen,
has given an account of all those which have been
found under such circumstances, and the number of
them is considerable; he has written a memoir on the
abode of living reptiles in man.PARASITES.
Among other instances, this naturalist mentions the
case of a boy of twelve years of age, who, in 1699, after
suffering acute pain, voided from the intestines nearly
one hundred and sixty four millipedes, four scolopendrse,
two living butterflies, two worm-like ants, thirty-two
brown caterpillars of different sizes, and a coleopterous
insect. These animals lived from three to twelve days.
This is not all: the same child, two months afterwards,
voided four frogs, then several toads, and twenty-one
lizards, and sometimes a live serpent was seen for a
moment at the bottom of his mouth. Happily for
science, we do not see such things seriously related in
hooks at the present day.
The size of parasites is very various: Boerhaave
mentions a bothriocephalus three hundred ells in
length; at the Academy of Copenhagen, it was reported
that a solitary tape-worm (Tsenia solium) had been
found eight hundred ells long. Female strongyli have
been seen from two decimetres to one metre in length;
and Gordii of two hundred and seventy millimetres.
We have found in a fish a worm which lived rolled up
like a ball, and which measured, when unrolled, more
than a metre.
Parasites present an extraordinary variety of forms,
and the differences between the sexes in size as well
as in appearance are greater than in any other group
of animals. The male of the Uropitrus paradoxus, the
Urubu of Brazil, has the usual form of a round long
worm, while the female resembles a ball of cotton, without
the slightest analogy with the other worms of the order.
The Lernteans also have females excessively various in
size and appearance, while the males generally resemble98
each other in their external characters. What is not
less remarkable is, that hermaphrodite worms often
unite in couples, and that only one of the two seems to
perform the function of a female, and increases in size
(.Distoma Ohenii, Bilhartzia). It even happens that the
union is so complete that the species appears formed of
two individuals fastened to each other. The Diplozoa
show ns a curious example of this. The gills of breams
are usually infested by these last-mentioned worms.
Nothing is more strange than to see all these individuals
united two and two as if soldered together, each pre-
serving its mouth and digestive canal, and producing
eggs which give birth to isolated individuals. We some-
times see males so completely absorbed in their females,
even in an anatomical point of view, that they only
represent a fragmentary apparatus. The male of the
Syngami is so obliterated, that when compared with the
other males of its order it is only a testicle living on
the female.
Should an organ infested with worms be considered
diseased, simply on account of their presence ? We hesi-
tate not to say that, as long as these guests cause no
disorders, there is no pathological condition. The child
which has Ascarides lumbricoides in its stomach is not
necessarily ill. All animals in a wild state always
have their parasites; they lose them rapidly when in
The Abyssinians do not take medicine when they
have tasniffi; on the contrary they are in a better state
of health. Do we not find medical men prescribing the
employment of leeches, and consequently calling in the
assistance of certain parasitical animals ? This action,PARASITES.
far from being a cause of sickness, is in this instance
a remedy, and no one can foresee all that science has
a right to expect from the salutary effects of certain
parasitical worms on the system. There are, if we
mistake not, many discoveries in store for observers
in this order of investigation.
But here, as in all things, excess is hurtful. Certain
organisms, developing themselves immoderately, may
break the harmony necessary between the parasites
and the host which they frequent. It has been found
recently that many morbid affections, as the potato
and vine diseases, have for their origin only the
abnormal development of certain microscopic beings
hidden in the organism.
It is found, that in Egypt, a distoma is developed
in the blood, and occasions a very severe malady,
scarcely known to physicians. In Iceland, a cestode
causes the death of a third part of the population.
Worms develop themselves in the eye, and may even
cause blindness; the Ccenurus of the sheep causes giddi-
ness, and becomes fatal to the animal which harbours it.
The chlorosis observed in Egypt and Brazil must, it
appears, be, attributed to a considerable development of
a nematode worm, which lives in the small intestines,
and which naturalists know under the name of Dochmius
duodenalis; and lately the Trichinae set all Europe in a
state of excitement, and trichinosis was for a time more
dreaded than cholera. In spite of all these accidental
circumstances we think that the animal which possesses
its ordinary parasites, far from being ill, is in a normal
physiological condition.
When we consider these animal parasites in general,100
one -would think that their tenacity of life is very feeble,
and that the slightest derangement -would be sufficient
to kill them. It is not so; on the contrary, some of
them can be entirely dried up, and return to life every
time that they are moistened; and the eggs of some of
them resist the most violent reagents. We have known
eggs preserved for years in alcohol, in chromic acid, and
in other agents which destroy life everywhere else; and
then give birth to embryos directly they are placed in
pure water or damp earth.
Some years ago they had no idea of the migration
of animals from one body to another. As we have said
elsewhere, Abildgard, half a century ago, made experi-
ments on the worms of fishes which he caused ducks
to swallow, but these experiments had no result, and
formed rather an obstacle to ulterior progress, than an
approach to truth. The worms of fishes have been
known to live in birds; but these worms were only
there as adventitious parasites. Liguli live some days
in the goosander, but they do not maintain their position.
Our great initiator into the world of parasites, Mons.
Siebold, arrived also at a conclusion which could not
be maintained. Having observed, with his habitual
sagacity, that the cysticercus of the mouse is the same
worm which lives in the cat, he published his opinion
that the eggs of this taenia had lost their way in the
mouse, that the young worms had become sick there,
and that in the cat alone, they could be healthily and
completely developed. It was like a plant lost on a soil
where it could not live, and still less flourish. May I
be permitted to state by what means we have arrived
at the knowledge of the transmigration of worms ?PARASITES.
I had commenced the study of encysted Tetrarhynchi
in the peritoneum of the Gadidse in 1837. Ten years
afterwards, shortly after a visit from my learned friend,
Mons. Kolliker, I discovered that this world of parasites
did not live such a monotonous life as was supposed.
I ascertained by my dissections of fishes, that the
tetrarhynchi also, which were supposed to be disinherited
by Nature, knew how to vary their pleasures; that
instead of spending their whole life in a prison cell, they
change their home at a certain age, and pass the latter
part of their existence in more spacious habitations.
I had seen the Tetrarhynchus agamus inhabiting a
cyst in the peritoneum of the gadidae, and I had met
with the same tetrarhynchus completely developed and
sexual in the spiral intestine of the voracious fishes
known under the name of squalidse, or sharks. This
caused me to write to the Academy of Brussels, at the
meeting on January the 13th, 1849, that the order of
vesicular worms, admitted by all helminthologists, ought
to be suppressed.
These worms began to be understood when these
cysticerci ceased to be regarded as sick creatures.
Siebold had mistaken the creche for the hospital, and
instead of seeing in the cysticercus a young animal full
of life and of the future, he looked upon it as a gouty
individual, ready to breathe its last sigh.
These fish had directed me in the right road; I had
closely followed up certain very characteristic worms,
which lived under a very simple form in certain fishes,
and which, passing with their host into the stomach of
another, finished in the latter their toilet and their
evolution. I had been a witness of all their changes102
of form from the cradle to the tomb, by following them
from fish to fish, or rather from stomach to stomach.
In fact these parasites are perpetually on their journey,
and constantly changing their host, and at the same
time their dress and mode of locomotion, so that
frequently, at the end of their voyage, they preserve
only shapeless rags to cover their eggs or their offspring.
That which adds still more to the difficulty of recog-
nizing them is, that while young they are often enveloped
in swaddling clothes which nevertheless permit them to
wander freely; then in a simple robe, in keeping with
the home which shelters them; and at last in a wedding
dress, which hides the. eggs and the apparatus which
produces them. The nymph in her virgin condition has
none of the attributes of future maternity.
It is in this category that we find the Distomes, so
common in all the classes of the animal kingdom. This
is not all: frequently, among these various forms, these
animals when young produce little ones, which in no
respects resemble the others, and are not even formed
in the same manner. As soon as they quit their swadd-
ling-clothes, they increase by gemmation, and without
sexual union, while those which are produced from buds
increase sexually. Thus the daughter'does not resemble
her mother, but her grandmother. This phenomenon
has been known by the name of alternate generation;
wTe have called it digenesis.
But all parasites do not resemble those distomes,
which change several times both their host and their
costume. We find some of them, which the mother
deposits with care in the body of a neighbour, and which
pass all their early life in the viscera of an alien mother.PARASITES.
Such are the Ichneumons, beautiful winged insects,
which perfidiously insert their eggs in the body of a
living caterpillar, whose internal part serves at the
same time for a cradle and for food. The young larva
devours organ after organ, beginning with the least im-
portant, till the last serves for the formation of the last
members of the winged insect.
More unfortunate are those which are kept under the
bolts and bars of their host from their early youth to
mature age; they have no participation in the great
banquet of life, except it be in the pleasures of the table
and of love. We also find some parasites which occupy
different organs in the same animal, and which have
different sexual attributes according to the situation
which they inhabit. We know some which are herma-
phrodite in the rectum or in damp earth, and whose
young ones, having the sexes separate, live as parasites
in the lungs.
Parasites are not usually reproductive in the animal
which they inhabit. They respect the hearth which
shelters them, and their progeny are not developed by
their side. The eggs are expelled with the feces, and
sown at a distance for other hosts.
Parasites may be divided into several categories.
We may bring together in the first of these, a certain
number of animals, which, without being true parasites,
seek for a place of shelter, and, either on account of their
wretchedness or their misery, require this protection
in order that they may live.
In the second category, we may place those which
live at complete liberty, and only require for their sus-
tenance the superfluities of their neighbours; they take104
great care of the skin of their host, and nse it sparingly.
Some also are found which cannot live without assist-
ance, but repay it with some service. Often, indeed,
they associate with their host, and live on a footing
of perfect equality with him; and besides these are
found associations in which equality is by no means
recognized, and where labourers or even slaves perform
the work disdained by their masters.
In the last category we shall arrange true parasites,
which take both their lodging and their food. And here,
again, we shall meet with three distinct subdivisions.
The first includes those which travel from one hotel
to another before they arrive at their destination;
to-day they lodge in a prawn, to-morrow in a gudgeon,
then in some fish which preys upon others, as the perch
or the pike. These are nomadic parasites, which do not
stop or think of family life until they have found the
hotel for which they are destined.
Sometimes the parasite gets into a wrong train, and
not being able to retrace his steps, he remains at a
station where no other train will take him up. He is
condemned to die in a waiting-room.
In the last subdivision, we have parasites that have
arrived at their destination, occupying themselves in
future only with the joys of a family.
Thus we find some which are really at home, and
others which are on their journey, sometimes on the
right road, and at others, wandering and lost in an alien
“ host.” The former are autochthonic parasites, the
others are foreigners. We may say that each animal
species has its proper parasites, which can live only in
animals which have at least more or less affinity withPARASITES.
their pecular host. Thus the Ascaris mystax, the guest
of the domestic cat, lives in different species of Felis,
while the fox, so nearly resembling in appearance the
wolf and the dog, never entertains the Taenia serrata, so
common in the latter animal.
The same host does not always harbour the same
worms in the different regions of the globe which it
inhabits. This relates both to the parasites of man, and
to those of the domestic animals. Thus the large tape-
worm of man, which naturalists call Bothriocephalus,
is found only in Eussia, Poland, and Switzerland. A
small tape-worm, Taenia nana, is observed nowhere
except in Abyssinia; the Anchylostoma is known at
present only in the south of Europe and the north of
Africa; the Filaria of Medina, in the west and the east
of Africa; the Bilharzia, that terrible worm, has only
been found in Egypt.
There are also parasitic insects dreaded by man, as
the Chigoe (Pulex penetrans) which, happily, is only
known in certain countries. Some, however, have
become cosmopolitan, since man has introduced them
wherever he has established himself.
The mammalia which live on vegetable diet have
Taenia without any crown of hooks, and man, according
to his teeth, ought only to nourish the Taenia medio-
cancllata. We find in a work on the Algerian Taenia, by
Dr. Cauvet, that it is the Taenia inermis, that is to say,
without hooks, which is the species common in Algeria.
Among fourteen taeniae which he had occasion to
examine, there was not a single Taenia solium. I have
said long since, that this species ought to be less widely
spread than the taenia without hooks. The Taenia solium106
comes from the cysticercus of the pig, the other from that
of the ox; and Dr. Cauvet has ascertained that the latter,
in the state of cysticercus, has already lost its crown.
We find extinct fossil genera and species in all the
classes of the organic'world. Is it the same with worms
and animals of other classes which are only known in
the condition of parasites ? Had the Ichthyosauri and
the Plesiosauri worms in their spiral ccecum like plagio-
stomous fishes, which resemble them so much in the
digestive tube ? We do not doubt this, and we should
have been glad to give some demonstration of it. For
this purpose, we have made a collection of the coprolites
of these animals, but we have not yet succeeded in
getting slices thin enough or sufficiently transparent to
discover the eggs or the hooks of their cestode worms.
Not long ago, the partisans of spontaneous genera-
tion found in the class of worms their principal argu-
ment for their old hypothesis, and it was even after
r the publication of my treatise on intestinal worms that
this question, which seemed forgotten, was taken up
again by Pouchet. At present, they appear to have
given up parasites, which reproduce their kind like other
animals, and to have fallen back upon the infusoria, the
last intrenchment which remained to the partisans of
spontaneous generation, whence Mons. Pasteur has
scientifically dislodged them. It is evident to all those
who place facts above hypotheses and prejudices, that
spontaneous generation, as well as the transformation
of species, does not exist, at least, if we only consider the
present epoch. We are leaving the domain of science if
we take our arms from anterior epochs. We cannot
accept anything as a fact, which is not capable of proof.CHAPTER VI.
This first category of parasites includes all those which
are not enclosed, and which live at the expense of others,
without losing the attributes and advantages of a wan-
dering life; they are as free as the vulture or the falcon
which pursues its prey. We shall not, however, include
among them the parasitical kite of Daudin, which tears
from the hands of the traveller a piece of the flesh
which he is preparing in the open air, nor the small
Egyptian plover, which keeps the teeth of the crocodile
clean. The former is a pirate, a highway robber; the
plover, on the contrary, is a kind neighbour, an attend-
ant who performs valuable services.
We are more correct in considering as parasites the
Vampires (Phyllostoma), those audacious bats of South
America, which settle on the sleeping traveller or his
beasts, and suck their blood by means of the sharp pa-
pillae of their tongue. These animals are winged leeches
which bleed their victim and pass on. We place among
free parasites the greater part of leeches, some in-
sects, and a certain number of arachnida, crustaceans,
and infusoria.
As we have mentioned free messmates, so we have108
free parasites, which take advantage of their host, *
but with prudence and economy ; they ask from him
nothing hut his blood, and sometimes render him im-
portant services. Many of these animals, both mess-
mates and parasites, have at present been only pro-
visionally classified, and cannot be definitely arranged
till more observations have been made. It is not always
so easy as it may be thought to determine exactly the
relations which certain animals have with each other.
We must pry very narrowly before we can ascertain the
motives which act on this inferior order of beings. It
is among free parasites that we find those organisms
which are generally called vermin, and which seem the
more capable of injuring their neighbours since they can
the more easily escape detection. These creatures,
though they are called vermin, excite no more repug-
nance in the mind of the naturalist than the other works
of creation; and St. Augustine did not exclude them from
his thoughts when he exclaimed, “Magnus in magnis,
maximus in minimis.”
Leeches drink the blood of their victim, and when
they are gorged to the very lips, they fall off, taking a
siesta for weeks or months. Thus enjoying a repast
at very long intervals, it is useless for them to continue
longer at table; and this is therefore another reason that
they should usually preserve their organs of locomotion,
that they may use them after their long period of diges-
Like the annelids, they do not change their form, and
as they are only attached to their host for a short time,
naturalists have not thought fit to place them among
parasitical worms, or Helmintha. However, if we passPARASITES FREE DURING THEIR WHOLE LIFE. 109
from the higher kind of leeches to those which live at
the expense of fishes, of crustaceans, and especially of
molluscs, we see that the desire of possessing a lodging
is developed by insensible degrees, and that the lower
kinds, are by their form, their organization, and their
mode of life, as dependant as the greater part of the
lielmintha. Thus we see Hirudinidai on the Mya, an
acephalous mollusc, incapable of quitting their place,
firmly fixed on the walls of the stomach of their host,
and living quietly at his expense. They are called Mala-
cobclellte, and they have been so ill-treated by Nature,
that it is necessary to submit them to minute investiga-
tion in order to determine their parentage.
The most well-known leeches are those which attack
man and the other mammalia, but some are also found
on other vertebrate animals, especially on fishes. Their
organization is always proportioned to that of the host
which they frequent; thus, the simpler their host, the
lower is their organization. The mollusc harbours hiru-
dinidse much lower in the scale than those which are
found in fishes, and especially in mammals.
Vampires make use of the papillae of the tongue, and
also of their teeth, which act as so many lancets; leeches
apply their toothed lip, saw asunder the epidermis, and
with the mouth applied to a network of capillary vessels,
suck till they fall off, intoxicated with blood.
We give here the different appearances which the
skin assumes after the bite of a leech. (Fig. 4.)
Fig. 5 (1 and 2) represents the jaws; 1, the jaws in
their usual position; 2, a single jaw, to show its outer
edge, which is cut with teeth like a saw.
Fig. 6 shows a leech with a section of its digestive110
tube. The letters d d indicate the different cavities of
the stomach, -which are filled in succession. We see in
Fig. 4.—Different forma of the bite of a Leech.
Fig. o.—1. Sucker, open ; a. jaws. 2. One of the jaws magnified.
Fig. 6.—Section of a Leech. a. anterior sucker ; b. posterior sucker ; v. anus ;
d. 6tomacb ; ce. aesophagus; i. intestine; s. glands of the skin.
the fore part, the anterior sucker with the mouth, and
behind, the posterior sucker with the anus. At thePARASITES FREE DURING THEIR WHOLE LIFE. Ill
side of the stomach are seen traces of the glands of
the skin.
We find a great variety in the mode of life of these
hirudinidse; and if we sometimes meet with some which
are sober and delicate, the greater part show a voracity
of which it is difficult to form any idea. A leech has
been met with in Senegal which draws a quantity of
blood equal to .the weight of its body. There are leeches
which devour entire earth-worms. Fortunately the
greater species are not the most voracious: we might
feel rather uneasy in the midst of leeches similar'to that
which Blainville has described under the name of Ponto-
hdella Iwvis, which is not less than a foot and a half in
It is generally thought that all leeches are aquatic,
but this is a mistake. In the warm regions of the Old
and New World, there live in the midst of the brush-
wood, leeches which attack the traveller as well as
his horse, and suck the blood of both without their
perceiving it.
Hoffmeister gives the following account with reference
to small leeches in the island of Ceylon:—
He had amused himself one evening by collecting
some phosphorescent insects which were hovering around
him in considerable numbers; on entering afterwards a
lighted room, he perceived streaks of blood all down his
legs. This was the effect of the bites of leeches. These
creatures, said he, made a painful impression on me, the
remembrance of which was terrible. This same leech,
which bears the name of Hirudo tagalla, or Ceybnica,
lives in the thickets and woods of the Philippine Islands.
There also it attacks horses as well as men. It has112
also been noticed on the chain of the Himalayas, 11,000
feet above the level of the sea. Japan and Chili also
have terrestrial leeches. The Cylicobdella lumbricoides
is a blind leech, which has been found by F. Muller in
damp earth, in Brazil.
The aquatic leeches are better known, and with but
few exceptions, the accidents produced by them are little
to be feared. In Algeria it is not uncommon, as army
surgeons tell us, to see soldiers, while drinking spring
water, swallow small leeches which may do them injury.
We find from official reports that the French soldiers
often suffered, dining the campaigns in Egypt and
Algeria, from an aquatic leech (Hcemopis vorax), which
attacked the mouth and the nostrils, and did not respect
man any more than horses, camels, and oxen. The
leech discovered by Dr. Guyon under the eyelids and in
the nasal fossee of the crab-eating heron of Martinique, is
probably a monostomum, and not one of the hirudinidae.
Leeches have also been found on turtles under the name
of Eubranchella Branr.hiata. Say saw one on a chelonian,
and others on tritons and frogs.
It is especially upon fish that these worms are found,
and we cannot hesitate to consider the greater part of
them as true parasites. We have described a whole
series of them which live upon marine fishes, especially
on the barbel, the bass or sea-wolf, the halibut, the dab,
and different species of gadidse. A. E. Verril published
last year the description of several kinds of American
leeches, among which we see two which infest a fish
(Fundulus pisculentus) of West Biver, near Newhaven.
A large and beautiful species, which is known by the
name of Pontobdella, is also found upon the Bays.PARASITES FREE DURING THEIR WHOLE LIFE. 118
A very skilful naturalist, Mons. Vaillant, has lately
made these animals the subject of study. Mr. Baird, in
1869, made known four new Pontohdellae, one from the
coast of Africa, two from the straits of Magellan, and
one from Australia, found in one of the Bhinobatidae.
But the most interesting in every point of view are the
Branchellions, which inhabit the electrical fishes known
under the name of torpedoes, and which do not fear to
choose an electric battery as a place of abode. These
branchellions always attach themselves, as it appears,
to the lower surface of the body, and not to the gills as
has been thought; and they are distinguished from all
their congeners by tufts of filaments along their sides,
which have been compared to lymphatic branchiae.
Many naturalists have considered these curious worms
worthy of attention, and have made many interesting
observations upon them. One of the finest memoirs
cn this subject is that of Mons. A. de Quatrefages. We
may here mention, in connection with their mode of life,
that neither Leydig nor Quatrefages found globules of
blood in their digestive cavity. The branchellions live
on the mucous products of the secretions of the skin, and
instead of being parasites, we may consider them as
worms paying liberally for the room which they occupy in
their host, by maintaining his skin in good condition.
They ought rather to be classed among animals which
render service to others ; that is, among mutualists.
In the fresh waters of Europe, a little leech-like
animal, beautiful both in form and colour, fixes itself
on carps, tenches, and other Cyprinidae; this is the
Piscicola geometra, which also lives on the Silurus glanis.
They are sometimes found in such great numbers that114
they form around the gills a kind of living moss, which
at last kills the fish.
There are different leeches which inhabit invertebrate
animals. Eang mentions a little creature of this kind
in Senegal, living as a parasite upon the respiratory
apparatus of an anodont. Gay discovered in Chili one
of the Hirudinidae in the pulmonary sac of an Auricula,
and another on the branchiae of a crab (Branchiobdella
Chilensis). Mons. Blanchard has noticed a malaco-
bdella in the branchiae of the Venus exoleta; and it was
known in the last century that the Mya truncata of our
coast also lodges a malacobdella which lies always under
the foot of the animal. This is the hirudinean of which
we have spoken above, which is allied transitionally to
the trematoda.
Together with the Hirudinidae, we find very small
worms, transparent, bristling with daggers and spikes of
every form, which are found everywhere in fresh water.
They are known by the name of Nais. They are so
completely transparent that we can see the action of all
their organs through the substance of the skin. They
have been the subject of several remarkable works.
They live freely among the leaves of Lemna and
other aquatic plants; but there is one species much
more restricted in their habitat than the others; these
seek assistance from the Lemnese, and live at their ex-
pense. It is because of this kind, of which the genus
Choetogaster has been formed, that we mention them
here. Their long bristles are veritable halberds, which
they employ with astonishing skill, both in attack and
Among free parasites are found many very importantPARASITES FREE DURING THEIR WHOLE LIFE. 115
articulated animals, which neither the naturalist nor the
physician ought to ignore. Some of these increase with
frightful rapidity on the skin which harbours them, and
their name alone is sufficient to inspire disgust, if not
horror : others live like leeches at the expense of dif-
ferent animals, but without inhabiting them. There are
many of these which follow their host everywhere, and
which are dreaded not without just reason.
Of this kind are gnats, fleas, lice, bugs, and a great
many others, among which we ought not to forget the
acaridse, nor those singular parasites of bats, which
bear no slight resemblance to spiders swimming in the
midst of the fur. Volumes might be written concerning
the organization and the habits of these parasites. These
small creatures inspire the naturalist with no more
disgust than the earth-worm of our flower-beds, or the
salamanders of marshy places. Each one plays its part
according to its conformation, and the most abject in
appearance is not always the least useful.
We will select among these parasites some two-winged
insects, among which there are many which suck blood.
Those which are generally called flies are divided into
two groups, under the name of
Nemocera and Brachycera; many
of these live only on blood, and
are more terrible than the lion
and the tiger; in many coun-
tries man can defend himself
against those fierce carnivora,
but he is there completely
powerless and without defence against these insects.
Among the Nemocera are found the gnats (Culex
Fig. 7.—Antenna of a Gnat.116
pipiens), those brilliant children of the air, with fine
and slender claws, and delicate membranaceous wings,
and wearing on then- heads feathery antennae of rare
elegance. They are known in the Old as well as in the
New World, and in southern regions it is necessary to
guard against their nightly attacks by musquito curtains.
In the Antilles they bear the name of Maringouins, and
in hot countries they are generally known as musquitoes.
They are also called gnats, midges, black-flies, zanzare,
&c., in different localities, but as may be supposed, these
names do not always designate the same insect. The
musquitoes of the French colonies are often Simulia.
At Madagascar and the Isle of France is found the gnat
known by the name of Bigaye.
In Davis’s Straits, in lat. 72° N., Dr. Bessels, on
board the Polaris, was obliged to interrupt his observa-
tions on account of these insects. A great number of
them have been seen up to the 81st degree of latitude.
Besides gnats, there were also found Cliironomi, Corethrm,
and Trichocerse. As Dr. Bessels was able to save from
the Polaris some small collections of insects, we shall
soon know the names of the species which live in these
high latitudes. It is said that the Esquimaux and
the Lapps cover their skin with a coating of grease, not
only to lessen the effect of the cold, but to defend them-
selves from the stings of gnats.
“ The gnat is a plague from June till the first frosts,”
says Mons. Thoulet, speaking of his abode among the
Chippeways. “ It renders the country almost uninhabit-
able ; and one is so exhausted by this suffering, which
does not cease by night or by day, and by the loss of
blood through their bites, that we manage to get throughPARASITES FREE DURING THEIR WHOLE LIFE. 117
our daily task only by the force of habit; we can neither
speak nor think. When the musquitoes disappear, the
‘ black-flies ’ come : the musquito pumps up a drop of
blood and flies away; the black-fly bites and makes a
wound which continues to bleed.”
De Saussure has alluded to curious relations which
exist in Mexico between a bird, a beast, and an insect.
“Bulls bury themselves in the mud,” says this learned
traveller, “in order to avoid the attacks of gnats, leaving
in the air only the tip of their nostrils, on which a
beautiful bird, the Commander, posts himself, in this
position the Commander watches for the Marmgouin
which is bold enough to enter the nostrils of the
Gnats are parasites in the same manner as leeches,
since, like them, they suck the blood, and live at the
expense of others. There is, however, this difference,
that the females only are greedy of blood; if this fail
them, they live, like the males, on the juices of flowers.
Another difference is that they are completely harmless
till they have wings, and though they live long under
their first form, in damp earth or in water, the duration
of their life as perfect insects is of short duration.
We need not trouble ourselves about the active larvae
which swarm in stagnant water, nor the chrysalids
which float immovable in their natural sepulchre. We
give on the next page a representation of a larva of the
gnat. The females alone pierce the skin by means of an
auger with teeth at the end; they suck the blood, and
before they fly away, distil a liquid venom into the
wound. This bite seems to have an anaesthetic effect,
which does not cause it to be felt till some time after.118
The little spot around the wound appears as if affected
by chloroform.
Fig. 8.—Gnat (oulex pipieiis) larva and nymph. (Blanchaid.
These parasites repay by an unkind action the
assistance which they have demanded from us.PARASITES FREE DURING THEIR WHOLE LIFE. 119
Besides the gnats, which belong to the family of
Culicidse, there are also the Ceratopogon, and especially
the Simulium molestum, known in North America under
the name of Black-flies: “the tormenting black-flies of
this country,” as the Americans say. Certain Nemocera,
known by the name of Bhagio, put to flight both man
and animals.
They are very small; they get into the nostrils, and
cause animals to become blind by introducing them-
selves into their eyes. In addition to these hurtful
insects, we find others fatal to the life of animals, and
which are a real plague in certain countries.
The numerous travellers who have explored the
interior of Africa, have almost all spoken to us of a fly
which attacks beasts of burden, and kills them in a few
hours; this is the Tsetse (Glossina morsitans). More
than one expedition has failed on account of this
dipterous fly. It was this which obliged Green to
abandon his plan of reaching Libebe, by causing him
to lose one after another all his beasts of burden and of
draught. The horse, the ox, and the dog are more
especially attacked by this terrible fly between the 22nd
and 28th degree of longitude, and the 18th and 24th of
south latitude. Happily it does not produce any effect
upon man.
There is another fly in Mexico which is dangerous to
man ; it is known by the name of Musca hominivora, or
more correctly, Lucilia hominivora. Vercammer, a mili-
tary surgeon of the Belgian army, relates that a soldier
in Mexico had his glottis destroyed, and the sides and
the roof of his mouth rendered ragged and torn, as if a
cutting punch had been driven into those organs. This
soldier threw up with his spittle more than two hundred
larvae of this fly. We give'below the figure of the larva
and of the perfect insect. He had found this man sink
in Michoacan, at a height of 1,866 metres, between
Mexico and Morelia.
My son-in-law, Dr. Vanlair, informs me that citric
acid or the juice of lemons is efficacious in destroying
these insects. Injections of this acid are thrown into
the nasal fossae.
At Brazil, in the province ot Minas Geraes, they
give the name of Berne to a fly which attacks man and
cattle from the month of November until February. It
deposits its eggs in the loins, the arms, the legs, or even
the scrotum, without the victims perceiving it, and their
presence is first shown by a redness, then by a sensa-
tion of itching, and a swelling with the formation of pus.
Among those insects which suck the blood, is one which
is known by every one, the Breeze-fly, Tabanus bovinus.
Happily it seldom attacks any animals except oxen and
cows. We give a representation of the insect, the parts
of the mouth, and one of the antennae.
In the same order of diptera are found ordinary flies,
among which may be easily distinguished the three spe-
Fig. 9.—Lucilia hominivora.
Fig. 10.—Lucilia hominivora, larva.PARASITES FREE DURING THEIR WHOLE LIFE. 121
cies which are here represented, and which differ as much
by their external characters as by their mode of life.
Another fly also attacks horses and cattle, and occa-
sionally even man, the Asilus crabroniformis, whose
wounds sometimes draw blood. Martins, the birds of
the twilight, which fly in flocks above the houses,
Fig. 11.—Ox-fly. Fig. 12.—Antenna of Ox-fly.
describing circles and uttering shrill cries, are usually
infested by many vermin, among which we find a fly of
considerable size, which looks much like a spider, the
Ornithomya hirundinis. It moves about among the122 ANIMAL PARASITES AND MESSMATES.
feathers with astonishing facility, and it is not always
confined to the same bird; it quits its host to establish
itself upon another, and sometimes throws itself upon
man to suck his blood.
Some years ago these insects penetrated in the
middle of the night through the open windows into one
of the apartments of the military hospital at Louvain,
and the next morning the skin of many of the patients,
and especially the bed-linen, were covered with stains of
blood. The physicians sent me some of these insects,
not knowing whence they had come, nor whether they
had been the cause of this annoyance. During the
night, these Ornithomyse had quitted their hosts to
attack the soldiers.
One of these insects, the banded Syrphus (Syrplius
balteatus), when in the larva, state, seizes the rose
aphides, and sucks their blood with great eagerness.
But it is not precisely a case of parasitism, when
the wounds of soldiers are covered with larvae, of which
there were many sad instances in the Crimean war.
There are flies which deposit their eggs in pus, as inPARASITES FREE DURING THEIR WHOLE LIFE. 123
all kinds of animal matter in a state of decomposition.
It is even said that these insects, deceived by the
smell of the Arum flower, will lay their eggs on the
pistil. The name of Myasis has been given to the pre-
sence of these larvae in a wound.
Every one knows that bats are often literally covered
with vermin. Among the many parasites which attack
these little animals we find, besides the acaridae, a
Pteroptus of great agility, which seems', as it were, to
swim among the fur, and looks like a little spider or a
microscopic crab. There are but few bats on which we
do not find some of these, and we have sometimes seen
them in such abundance, that it was impossible to
touch a single hair without disturbing them. This
species is usually called Pteroptus vespertilionis. It is
constantly in motion, and glides among the fur like a
mole in a sandy soil.
Together with these Pteropti lives a parasite of
gigantic size, which insinuates itself among the fur with
equal dexterity, and bgars the name of Nycteribia. This
has lcfng claws like a spider, and plunges deeply into
the fur. These Nycteribise are found only on bats. They
are often associated on these animals with fleas and
mites. Mr. Westwood has written a monograph upon
them. Mons. Plateau, our colleague, has quite recently
described a new species in the “ Bulletins de l’Academie
de Belgique.”
Among the insects justly dreaded by man, and which
follow him everywhere, is found one of the Hemiptera,
known by every one under the name of bed-bug (Gimex
lectidaria). It is said that this insect was unknown in
the capital of Great Britain before the fire of London124
in 1666. According to some entomologists, it was in-
troduced into Europe in some wood
that came from America. It is only
necessary to make this slight refer-
ence to the Cimices; their congeners
are, for the most part, parasites of
plants, and live on their sap.
To the same order belongs the
singular hemipterous insect of our
ponds, the boat-fly (Notonecta). It
has some feet suited for swimming, and others for run-
ning, and it swims on its back with great rapidity. It
is a dangerous neighbour for everything that has life.
Always greedy of blood, it attacks great as well little
animals, and sucks the blood of its victim to the last
drop, so that it must be closely watched when placed in
an aquarium.
Lice, concerning which we are about to add a few
words, are also free parasites, and belong to a different
order of insects. Their mouth is formed of a sucker
contained in a sheath, without articulations; • it is
armed at the point with retractile hooks, within which
are four bristles. They have climbing feet, terminated
by pincers, with which they seize the hair of the animals
on which they live; their eggs are known by the name
of nits. We have represented in Figs. 17, 18, and 19,
the complete insect, the head, the sucker, and a claw
more highly magnified.
Lice are hatched at the end of five or six days, and
reproduce at the end of eighteen days. Leeuwenhoek
calculated that two females might become the grand-
mothers of 10,000 lice in eight weeks. They are all
parasites of the mammalia, and three species live at the
expense of man the louse of the head, of which Swam-
merdam gave a detailed description
in his work entitled “Biblia Naturae”;
the body-louse, which lives on the
bodies of filthy people, forms a dis-
tinct species; the third species is the
louse which occasions the disease
called pedicularis, or Phthiriasis.
These insects were formerly much
more common than they are at the
present day. In 1825 Dr. Sichel
published a monograph concerning them; and there
appeared in the “Gazette Medicale” of 1871, a long
article on the history of Phthiriasis.
It is stated that several great personages have fallen
victims to its attack, but these observations date from a
period when it was thought that they could be spon-
taneously originated. It is in fact difficult to believe, as
it has seriously been stated, that lice have been seen to
issue from the bodies of men like a spring of water from
the earth. A physician of the 16th century, named
Amatus Lusitanus, speaks of a great Portuguese noble-
man who was so covered with lice that two of his servants
were constantly occupied in collecting them and carrying
them to the sea. Andrew Murray has published a
memoir on the lice of the various rac6s of men.
The name of helminthiasis has been proposed for
worm disease in general, and either toeniaceous or
lumbricoidian helminthiasis, according to the species
which made its appearance. These parasites were con-
sidered to be formed spontaneously, and their presence
Fig. 17.—Louse of the
constituted a pathological condition, two errors which
have now been recognized, and by which the science of
medicine has profited.
The Phthirius pubis is another species which has been
found only on white races, and attaches itself especially
to the hair on the pubis. Mons. Grimm has published
in the bulletins of the Academy of St. Petersburg, an
Fig. 18.—Louse of the Head* 2,3, sucker. Fig. 19.—Louse of the Head, claw.
interesting memoir on the embryogeny of this insect;
and, more recently, Mons. L. Landois, of Griefswald,
has completely studied its habits.
We are now about to refer to certain parasitical
insects whose name is usually associated with those
which have preceded; they are well known by all, and
attack both men and the mammalia with no less
ferocity; we allude to fleas, which differ from gnats in
this respect, that the male is as eager for blood as the
female, and that both of them, like leeches, live by
sucking it; besides, the larvae of fleas live only on whatPARASITES FREE DURING THEIR WHORE LIFE. 127
fclie full-grown insects bring them, whereas the larvae of
gnats get their own living; the mother flea sucks for
herself first, and then divides the spoil with her larvae
which as yet have no feet. For a long time it was
thought that the fleas of different animals belonged only
to a single species, and consequently that the flea of
man was not different from that of a cat or a dog.
Daniel Scholten, of Amsterdam, in 1815, showed by
his microscopical observations, that fleas differ from
each other; and in 1832, Duges of Montpellier, investi-
gated the distinctive marks of the various species. The
observations of Scholten may be found in “Les
Materiaux pour une faune de la Neerlande,” by B. T.
The ordinary flea is called Pulex.irritans, and espe-
cially attacks man in Europe and in North America; it
may be called a fly without wings, and, together with its
congeners, it forms a distinct family under the name of
Pulicidse. Van Helmont treated of these insects, and
gave directions for making them, just as though he were
describing a recipe for pomade. At that time, natural-
ists supposed that certain fish could be formed spontane-
ously, and that nothing but fermentation was necessary
in order to bring forth a crowd of living creatures from
this molecular disaggregation. Fleas may, perhaps,
some day find a place in the chemist’s shop as well
as leeches. We see no reason why homoeopathic
bleedings should not be resorted to, as well as homoe-
opathic medicines; we should certainly have more
confidence in the effects of the bites of fleas, than in
the efficacy of remedies subdivided into the millionth
part of a grain.128
Fleas differ much in size, according to the places
which they inhabit. Duges, of Montpellier, gives us a
curious instance of this. He devoted himself to re-
searches on the zoological characters of this genus,
studying the four species which are the best known, the
Pulex irritans of man, Pulex canis of the dog, Pulex
musculus of the mouse, and Pulex vespertilionis of the bat.
Fleas of a brown colour, almost black, and of
enormous size, are commonly met with on the sandy
shores of the Mediterranean, at least, in the neighbour-
hood of Cette and Montpellier; they are more than half
as large as a common fly. These are human fleas, and
their presence on the sea-shore during the heats of
summer is due solely to the great number of bathers of
both sexes and of all classes, which lay their clothes
down there. If at some future day these insects were to
be placed in the rank of surgical species, it would be
20.—Human Flea (Pulex irritans), after Blanchard.
necessary to resort to those shores in order to procure
them; and we might suppose that, by judicious crossing,
we might soon produce races that would be of real
service; as yet, however, the therapeutic art has hadPARASITES FREE DURING THEIR WHOLE LIFE. 129
recourse only to leeches. Since we have seen these
insects harnessed and performing their exercises in
public, we cannot say that the future may not reserve
for us a still greater surprise.
None who saw them can have forgotten the exhibition
of learned fleas made by a young lady who had sufficient
patience to train them. Walckenaer saw them in Paris,
and examined them with the eye of an entomologist; he
relates that thirty fleas performed their feats at evening
exhibitions, for admission to which the sum of sixty
centimes was paid; that these fleas stood on their hind
legs, armed with a pike, which was a very thin splinter
of wood; some dragged a golden chariot, others a cannon
with its carriage, and all were attached by a golden
chain on the thighs of their hind legs.
It is curious to see how Leeuwenhoek described, two
centuries ago, the history of the flea, with all its details,
the accuracy of which can scarcely be surpassed. He
observed their entire anatomy, as far as was possible
with the instruments of his time (1694), and his descrip-
tions are accompanied by excellent plates; he saw them
copulate and lay eggs, and followed their whole develop-
The finest fleas, both as to their size and form, inhabit
the bats. Fleas are often found on horses. A colonel
of cavalry, on his return from the frontier in 1871, sent
me some of these insects, with the request that I would
examine them. He added that the horses of his
regiment were literally eaten up by them. It was the
Hematopinus tenuirosiris. There is a species peculiar
to monkeys, which Mons. Paul Gervais has described
under the generic name of Pedicinus.130
At the commencement of the last century, a certain
physician attributed the cause of almost all diseases to
microscopical insects, and gave figures of ninety species
which were supposed to produce, in some cases small-
pox, in others rheumatism and gout, jaundice and whit-
lows. Almost all these figures represent imaginary
creatures. This opinion has reappeared in modern
times; how many persons have been seen to smoke
camphor in order to preserve themselves from the
invasion of animalcules. I do not speak of the apparatus
which has been contrived in order to breathe nothing
but air which has been filtered and deprived of its living
There are some of the articulata with four pairs of
feet, a kind of microscopic spiders which require to be
noticed here; these are the numerous Acari which infest
many animals. Some of these wander on the surface of
the skin, others in galleries under the epidermis, and
many pass from one animal to another without changing
their form or mode of life. There is a considerable
number of them; no class of the animal kingdom is free
from them, neither aquatic nor terrestrial animals,
neither vertebrates nor invertebrates. These parasites
belong for the most part to the same family, and cause
by their presence a disease which was for a long time
considered to be peculiar to the skin.
An English naturalist, Mr. George Johnson, carefully
studied the parasitical and free acaridse of Berwickshire.
Mons. Ehlers has written a very interesting work, with
fine illustrations, on the acaridee of birds, published in
the “Archives of Troschel.” There is more than one
species which lives at the expense of man, and one ofPARASITES FREE DURING THEIR WHOLE LIFE. 131
them produces a disease known in every country and at
all times under the name of
the itch; until 1830 its true
nature was still unknown. It
is not an affection of the skin,
as was thought, but merely
the result of the presence of
these animalcules. The di-
rector of the special Hospital
for Skin Diseases at Paris was
so fully convinced that the
acaridae are not the cause of
the itch, that he offered a'
prize to any one who could
render these insects visible. A student of medicine, a
Fig. 22.—Sarcoptes scabiei, female; the upper surface.
Fig. 21.—Sarcoptes scabiei, or male
acarus of the itch ; the lower
Corsican by birth, had happened to see these itch-insects
sought for in his own country, and was the first to prove,
in 1834, the real cause of the disease. A resident
student had given, in a thesis which he sustained at
Paris before the faculty of medicine, a drawing of a
cheese-mite instead of the itch-insect, and this error
had caused it to be supposed that the species peculiar to
Fig1.23.—Sarcoptes scabiei. male ; the dorsal surface.
this disease did not exist. We give in Figures 21, 22, 23,
representations of the male and female insect, greatly
magnified.* Of course, all the treatment necessary for
the cure consists in getting rid of the animalcules and
their eggs, and in cleansing the skin and the clothes of
the patient. Petroleum oil h|is been judiciously pre-
scribed in order to destroy the mite, but the remedy
which seems the most efficacious is Balsam of Peru.
* Hardy, in his Letpns sur les maladies de la peau (Paris 1863),
devotes a special chapter to parasitical diseases, and gives the complete
history of the itch-mite.PABASITES FREE DURING THEIR WHOLE LIFE. 133
Most mammals have their peculiar species of acari,
and the horse has two which give rise to different skin
affections. Since the presence of these animals con-
stitutes the disorder, it may be easily caught; man may
communicate it to domestic animals, and they may give
it to him. The itch-insect of man bears the name of
Sarcoptes scabiei, and no other species than those of
Sarcoptes can be transferred from animals to man.
These animalcules have at different times been dili-
gently studied by many naturalists, and Dr. Fiiestenberg
has lately published a folio volume, under the title of
“ Die Kratzmilben der Menschen und TliiSre,” with large
lithographic plates, and illustrations in the text. It is
possible that the pustular disease which prevails at Sierra
Leone is originated by some peculiar acarus. Another
acarus parasitical on man, the Persian Argas, is fortu-
nately unknown in Europe. It is said to be common at
Miona, and prefers to attack strangers. Its stings pro-
duce acute pain, and travellers assure us that they may
be the cause of death. This acarus remains but a short
time on the person, and generally makes its appearance
during the night. It is called also the Miona bug.
Fischer of Waldheim has published a very interesting
memoir on this parasite. Justin Goudot has also ob-
served another Argas (A. Chinche) which torments man
in the temperate regions of Columbia.
These Arachnida, for they are articulata with four
pairs of legs, often make their appearance where we
should not expect to find a living organism, and natural-
ists, under these circumstances, have, with the best faith
possible, supposed that they had seen these mites pro-
duced spontaneously without parents. We have seen a134
remarkable instance of this in the A cams marginatus of
Hermann. On the 18th Thermidor, an 2, they were
making a post mortem examination at Strasburg of a man
who had died of fracture of the skull, and when opening
the dura mater, they saw on the corpus callosum, a mite
running about which became the type of the species.
The appearance of this acarus under such conditions
made, as may be supposed, much noise at the time, but
we should not be surprised if it had been introduced
during the operation by a fly seeking to lay its eggs.
In this group is found another interesting acarus,
which is developed in man in the sebaceous crypts of the
nostrils. The name of Simonea has been given to it,
from Dr. Simon of Berlin, who made it his especial study.
This genus leads us by its form to the Linguatulie, the
structure of which has been so long doubtful. The
Simonea folliculorum belongs to the family of the Demo-
The dog harbours a demodex (D. Caninus) which causes
it to lose its hah-. Some years ago, the sheep in Bel-
gium were attacked by one of the acaridse, the Ixodes
reduvius, which had been introduced from a neighbour-
ing country, and had multiplied with frightful rapidity.
Packard has given an account of an Ixodes bovis on the
Erethizon epixanthus, and on the Lepus Bairdii, and an
Argas Americana on cattle coming from Texas ; this
was published in the sixth report of the United States’
Geological survey (1873).
According to the observations of Mons. Megnin, the
Tyroglyphi, the Hypopi, the Homopi, and the Trichodactyli,
are transitory forms which ought not to be preserved
as generic divisions among the acaridse. We have foundPARASITES FREE DURING THEIR WHOLE LIFE. 135
on the small bat (Pipistrella) an acaride {Cans elliptica)
and a new Ixodes which we have described in a special
memoir on the parasites of the Cheiroptera. Mr. Lucas
caught an ixodes on a dog, and kept it alive long enough
distinctly to see it lay eggs which proceeded from an ovi-
duct. These eggs formed masses attached to the
abdomen of the mother.
An acarus (Dermanyssus avium) is found on birds,
and multiplies with such rapidity that it completely
exhausts those on which it has established itself. It
has been seen accidentally on man. An instance is
recorded of a woman who could not get rid of these
parasites, because she passed every day through her hen-
house in order to get to her cellar, and the frightened
fowls threw down upon her a perfect shower of acaridae.
Not long ago mention was made at the Academy of
Medicine at Paris, of a sarcoptes (S. mutans), which
produces a disease among fowls, especially on the cock
and hen, and which passes from these to the horse and
other domestic animals. This sarcoptes prefers to live
under the epidermis of the feet. Reptiles are not free
from its attacks, for it is often seen on lizards and
serpents. We have found a very curious one on the
skin of a gecko from the south of France.
Many insects are always covered with certain species
of acaridae. Every entomologist knows that the body of
the “ watchman ” beetle always has some of these, like
little living pearls, which wander especially on the under
side of the abdomen. It is the same with a small cole-
opterous insect that is found abundantly wherever there
is any decomposing matter. Leon Dufour gave himself
up to the study of some of the parasites of insects, and136
mentions, among others, a species belonging to the
museidse, the Limosina lugubris, which does not measure
a line in length, and which harbours as many as fifteen
pteropti under its abdomen.
Bees, which give us their was and their honey in
exchange for the shelter which we afford them, have a
mortal enemy, an acarus, which attaches itself to them,
not in order to gain any advantage from them, but to
cause their death. It is not so much a parasite as an
assassin, and we may be excused from describing it. We
have found acaridas on certain polyps, the Campanularise
and Sertularim of our coasts, and some years ago we
described one which is very curious, and inhabits the
southern whale, in the midst of its Cyami and Tubi-
cinellas. The anodonts of our ponds, as well as the
Fig. 24. — Hydrachna geographica.
Uniones usually have the skin of their feet and that of
their mantle encrusted with acari of every age, to which
the name of Atax ypsilopliora has been given. The
species which live on the anodonts are not the same as
those which inhabit the Uniones; and Mons. E. Bessels,
who has so fortunately returned from his voyage to thePARASITES FREE DURING THEIR WHOLE LIFE. 137
North Pole, on board the Polaris, has seen the species
of the anodonts crossed with those of the Uniones.
There are also Arachnida which are parasitical only
while young, as the Trombidions and certain Hydraclmse
(Fig. 24) which frequent aquatic animals. The Leptus
autumnalis, known in France, at least in some locali-
ties, by the name of Rouget, is an aearian which
throws itself upon
man, and especially
attaches itself to the
roots of the hair :
fortunately, it is only
found in the country
districts. The Acarus
(Cheyletus) eruditus
(Fig. 25) lives in books
and collections, as well
as on fruits and all
kinds of bodies more
or less damp, left in
dark places ; it has
been studied by Van
Der Hoeven. Mons.
Leroy de Mericourt
found in pus, which
was running from the ear of a sailor, acaridae which
Mons. Eobin refers to the genus Cheyletus, rather than
to that of the Acaropses.188
We have brought together in the former chapter the
animals which live at the expense of their neighbours,
without seeking for anything except shelter. They seize
their prey as they pass, are nourished by the blood of
their neighbours, but never think of establishing them-
selves in their organs during any period of their life.
They are almost as much carnivora as parasites, and
only differ from the former class because they spare the
life of their victims. They are unlike ordinary parasites,
since they are contented with their food alone; and their
appearance from the period of their entrance into the
world is that of free animals. Those whose history wfe
are now about to sketch, live in freedom like the preced-
ing during all the time that they are young ; like them,
they are completely independent during the first period
of their life; but when they have arrived at mature age,
when the endless cares entailed by their young ones come
upon them, they change their costume and accommodate
themselves as well as they can to the new lodging which
they have chosen. There is often not the least resem-
blance between these creatures in their youth and their
adult state. All these parasites have lived a joyous lifePARASITES FREE WHILE YOUNG.
before choosing the host which is to serve them as a cell;
but though in many species we see both sexes shut
themselves up as in a cloister, some species are to be
found in which the female alone seeks for extraneous
aid ; which is not surprising, since she alone undertakes
all the charge of the family, and this would be beyond
her strength, and would endanger the life of her off-
spring, if she did not receive help and protection.
The host resembles in some respects a lying-in
hospital, especially when the female alone seeks for her-
self a resting-place and her food, which is not always the
case. "We find, in fact, in a considerable number of Ler-
nseans, that the microscopic male passes unperceived
upon his female, and when he renounces his bachelor
life, she feeds him with her own blood. There cannot
be a more faithful husband, since he only plays the part
of a spermatophore. We find a still more curious
example in this respect, and in which the dignity of the
male is not less compromised; we refer to the Boncllise
which live freely in the sand, and whose males establish
themselves parasitically on the sexual organs of the
female. She herself lives by her own industry, nourishes
her husband, and alone provides for all the requirements
of maternity.
In a later part of this work, we shall mention worms
which live in freedom in damp earth, and whose direct
progeny, entirely composed of females and hermaphro-
dites, can only exist as parasites. These worms do not
resemble their mother but their grandmother, and if
their descent had not been traced, they would doubtless
have been taken for species entirely distinct from each
other. Thus it is not always the whole family which is140
modified; the male often preserves all the attributes of
his sex and of his youth, while the female changes
entirely her appearance and her mode of motion, espe-
cially at the approach of the period when the interest of
the species prevails over that of the individual.
We can nowhere find more graceful and regular forms
during the whole of their early youth than those of
many of these parasites ; we can never see more ungrace-
ful,-we might almost say more comical, attitudes than
those of the greater part of these creatures when full
grown. One might take them for some misshapen
excrescence, or some scrap of wasted flesh on the body of
their host. A certain number of insects are found which
lead this singular kind of life, but this is more especially
the case among the crustaceans, particularly the copepod
crustaceans. Among all these we find the most absurd
recurrent forms; in fact these animals instead of carrying
on their evolution, like the caterpillar which becomes a
butterfly, retrograde rather than advance, and acquire
an appearance and character which prevent us from
recognizing their origin. Many of these are at present
known, whose graceful form is so completely changed,
that without referring to the study of their embryo state,
one could not tell to what class they belong. Nothing
remains of their organs except the sexual apparatus and
a shapeless skin. These curious parasites live also on
the surface of bodies, and sometimes in the cavity of the
mouth; but in fishes they are most frequently found in
the branchial membranes. They look like natural setons,
and it is not impossible that they sometimes fulfil the
same functions.
We will first examine some insects, then certainPAEASITES FEEE WHILE YOUNG.
isopode crustaceans, an order to which the Cloportidas
(wood-lice) belong, many of which require uninterrupted
assistance; then we will turn to the Lernseans, which
surpass all the rest in their many and bizarre trans-
Fig. 26.—Male Chigoe. Fig. 27.—Head of Chigoe.
We have first to speak of the Chigoe, an insect, the
female of which alone demands lodging and provisions,
the male being contented, like those of the preceding
chapter, with pillaging his victim as he passes by. This
parasite of man inhabits South America, and has
received the name of Pulex penetrans, or, according to the
latest nomenclature, of Rhyncoprion penetrans. It is a
very small species, which
pierces the shoes and the
clothes with its pointed beak
(Fig. 27), and penetrates
into the substance of the
skin; the male (Fig. 26) is
contented with sucking the
blood, and then resumes
its wanderings, like the
parasites of which we have
spoken in the preceding
chapter; while the female finds for herself a hiding-
Fig-. 28. —Female Chigoe.142
place, and becomes of such a monstrous size that the
entire insect is nothing more than an appendage of the
abdomen, as may be seen in the annexed figure. This
insect is well known, since it attacks man, and usually
establishes itself on his toes, but it occasionally fixes
itself in the same manner on the dog, the cat, the pig,
the horse, and the goat. It has also been seen upon the
mule. Mons. Guyon has paid much attention to it, but
we owe the last observations to Mons. Bonnet, a French
navy surgeon, who passed three years in Guiana, and
has ascertained that the chigoe fortunately does not
extend beyond the 29th degree of south latitude. Another
narasite, well known by sportsmen, is the tick. It is not
an insect like the flea, but an arachnid, a kind of acarus,
which passes through its last stages of development
under the skin of a mammal. It is called Ixodes ricinus,
and Professor Pachenstecher has carefully studied its
organization. The ticks especially attack dogs, but are
also found on the roebuck, the sheep, the hedgehog, and
even on bats.
Some years ago it was propagated in an extraordinary
manner on roebucks in the woods of the Duke of Aren-
burg, in the environs of Louvain. They are sometimes
found also on man. We know of two instances: the first
is that of a lady at Antwerp, who had a small tumour on
her shoulder, which was removed, and enclosed a living
tick. Leeuwenhoek gives an instance of a woman of the
lower classes who had a tick in the middle of her stomach.
Moquin-Tandon relates that Baspail found some on the
head of a little girl four or five years old. He also gives
an instance of a young man who, returning from hunting,
found a tick under his arm; and while on the site of aPARASITES FREE WHILE YOUNG.
sheep market, a servant found one morning three
attached to the skin of his breast. Delegorgue speaks
of some very small reddish ticks in Africa, which cover
the clothes by thousands, and produce distressing itch-
ing. Others are found in different parts of the globe,
and twenty-four species have been described. Several
new American Ixodes have been noticed lately by Mr.
Packard on the stag, the monax marmot, the Lepus
palustris, &c. These arachnida live at first in freedom in
the bushes, but after fecundation the female attacks the
first mammal which she' finds in her way, and establishes
herself upon it; dogs become infested with it by running
in and out among the brushwood.
The Argas reflexus lives on pigeons, and is allied to
the Ixodes. E. Buchholz has lately studied many
new acaridae found on different birds.
If the forms are not so varied among the isopods as
elsewhere, many among them present nevertheless the
most extraordinary appearance, the most unexpected con-
tour. Most of the parasitic isopods instal themselves
in the thoracic cavity under the carapace of a neighbour,
and make themselves contented in the small space which
remains to them. After having disposed of their
luggage, they arrange themselves scrupulously according
to the extent of the lodging which they occupy, and,
rather than interfere with the branchiae, they raise up
the walls of the cephalothorax, thus forming a sort of
tumour which betrays the presence of the intruder.
Others are found which are not contented with a natural
cavity; they raise the scale of the skin of a fish, per-
forate or hollow out the true skin, or even pierce through
the walls of the abdomen, in order to establish themselves
in the intestines, still keeping up a communication with
the exterior. A. very common species of this class is called
Bopyrus. We often see beautiful prawns, which are
usually remarkable for their fine rose colour, exposed for
sale in shop windows. If we examine them at certain
seasons, especially in France, we perceive that the cara-
pace at the side is raised; and if we take it off with some
precaution, we discover underneath an irregular flattened
body, which fishermen take for a young sole on account
of its shape. This is the female bopyrus. The many
appendages of the thorax, the division into rings, the
symmetry of the body, all have disappeared, and the
claws, the traces of which are scarcely seen, are no longer
similar on the right and left sides. The male remains
small and independent, and preserves the livery of the
order to which he belongs. On the coast of Labrador, a
bopyrus behaves in the same manner towards a Mysis.
We have found under the carapace of a pagurus a female
bopyrus full of eggs, so much flattened that it might
have been taken for a leaf accidentally introduced into
this cavity.
Fritz Muller has divided the Bopyridse in the follow-
ing manner:—
1. Those which fix themselves on the appendages
or in the branchial cavity of decapods; these are the
Bopyri, Iones, Phryxi, Gyges, Athelgi, &c.
2. Those which live in the thoracic cavity of some
Brachyuri, as the Entoniscus.
3. Those which live in the cirrhipeds, like the
Cryptoniscus, as well as the Liriopes.
4. Those which live on copepods as true parasites,
as the Microniscus (M. Fuscus).PARASITES FREE WHILE YOUNG.
The Iones thoracicus, the Cepes distortus, the Gyges
Iranchialis, and so many others live, like the Bopyri,
in the thoracic cavity of different decapod crustaceans,
and the females throw off at the same time their organs
of sense and all their fishing and travelling apparatus.
Rathke, a learned professor of Konigsberg, was
the first to notice an isopod, known under the name
of Phryxus paguri, which lives on the stomach of a
pagurus, attached to it by its back, so that the stomach
of the parasite is turned, like that of the pagurus,
towards the partitions of the shell. The tail with the
branchial appendages is always directed towards the
orifice of the shell. The male is very small and never
leaves the female. The Athelca cladopliora is another
bopyrian living on the abdominal region of a pagurus,
which always chooses shells infested by Alcyonia.
Another bopyrian, the Prosthetes cannelatus, lives on the
abdomen of an ordinary pagurus.
Mons. Bucholz has recently described a new kind
of isopod, allied to the lyriopes, which lives on the
Hemioniscm. This isopod fixes itself
to a Balanus (B. ovularis), and the
female preserves only four of her seg-
ments with their appendages: she had
fifteen, when young. Thus she throws
off nearly all her appendages which
have become useless. The male of
this isopod, which inhabits the bay
of Christiansand, is not yet known. «ryxus Raiii-
u kei. A figure of the
Another parasite of this group has natural size is given
been observed by Fr. Muller at Des- at the 6lde'
terro, on the coast of Brazil. It bears the name of116
Entoniscus jporcellanse. The parasite which he discovered
by the side of it on the same animal, and to which he
has given the name of Lerneoniscus, had perhaps in-
troduced it. We have seen examples of this kind
among insects. Among the rich materials which Pro-
fessor Semper brought back from his voyage, there was
a Poreellana, which harbours on its exterior surface a
very remarkable isopod, whose recurrent development
is no less decided than that of the peltogasters. Dr.
Kausmann has lately described these curious organisms,
to which he has given the name of Zeuxo. Another
isopod, with a no less decided recurrent development,
has received from the same naturalist the name of
Cahira Lerneodisco'ides.
We now come to an isopod which aims higher: he
doubtless considers that cray-fish and crabs walk too
slowly for him ; he therefore addresses himself to a fish,
the Pmitius maculatus, which inhabits the river Tykerang
(Bandong) in Java. This isopod is called Ichthoxenus
Jellinghausii. This isopod crustacean, living at first in
the same manner as the rest, looks out for a small
cyprinoid fish, thrusts itself like a trocar behind the
abdominal fins, through the scaly skin, and penetrates
entirely into the abdominal cavity. The male always
accompanies its female. It is remarkable that she, in
contradistinction to many others, preserves all the attri-
butes of her sex. She does not change her form more
than the other free crustaceans of her order, and. only
differs from the male in size. It is well known that in
all these animals the male is always smaller than the
female. Mons. Jellinghaus, who first described this
crustacean, observed that all fishes which he caught had,PARASITES FREE WHILE YOUNG.
without exception, the small ones as well as those which
were larger, a couple of these parasites in their stomach.
We allude to it here, hut we might as well call this
Ichthoxenus a messmate as a parasite.
On the coast of Brittany, among the many Labri,
which are distinguished for their vivacity, and for the
variety of their colours, is found a small species (Labrus
Cornubiensis), on which iB usually seen an isopod which
is no less curious. It is constantly clinging to the sides
of this fish, not far from the head, at the bottom of a
hollow made under the scales. Naturalists have known
this acolyte by Mons. Hesse’s works.
This Leposphilus (for this is the name which has been
given to it), though it does not prefer the scales to any
other organ, foi;ms a lodging for itself in the sides of
this little Labrus, and takes up its abode there with its
family. We cannot assert that it has chosen this refuge
without any hope of returning, since both the sexes still
keep their organs of locomotion.
At the last congress of German naturalists at Wies-
baden, Dr. Kossmann, who has had the opportunity of
examining the rich materials brought from the Philippine
Isles by Professor Semper, gave an excellent account of
the result of his careful observations on some other
crustaceans still more remarkable, the Peltogasters of
which we have spoken before. In the course of this, he
described an isopod with a development as completely
recurrent as that of the peltogasters, whose rank among
cirrhipeds is perfectly established.
Most of the inferior crustaceans require assistance
from others : some might be correctly arranged as mess-
mates, but the whole category of the Lerneans is so low148
in development that Cuvier placed them by the side of.
the helminths. These creatures possess as soon as
they are born, all the attributes of their class, and wear
the dress of free crustaceans; as they approach mature
age, they choose a neighbour, instal themselves as con-
veniently as possible in one of his organs, and get rid of
all their apparatus for fishing and hunting. The sexes
are usually separated, and as the female is specially
devoted to the cares of her progeny, she is the first to
give up her liberty. Sometimes the male, not content
with leaving to her all the trouble of providing for
the family, demands from her his daily food, and estab-
lishes himself like a spermatophore on her sexual organs.
It is only right to say that in this case, the male sex
is far from being the stronger, for he is often less than
the tenth or even the hundredth part of the size of the
female. At last we see the female lose her claws and her
swimming apparatus, while the male keeps his carapace
with all his appendages of the senses and of locomotion.
The difference between the two sexes is so great in some
species, that it would he impossible to imagine that a
brother and sister could assume such dissimilar forms,
unless we had watched them from the time when they
first issued from the egg. The female is a kind of
puffed-out worm, and-the male resembles an atrophied
acarus. This explains why the female was known so
long before the male, whose office is only that of re-
production. Nordmann, during his residence at Odessa,
was the first to begin these researches, which have been
continued by Messrs. Metzger and Claus.
It is known that the Lerneans attach themselves to
their hosts by indissoluble bonds, only becoming para-PARASITES FREE WHILE YOUNG.
sites after they have passed their youth in complete in-
dependence, and have all possessed the graceful forms so
characteristic of the Nauplius and the Zoe. When they
first leave the egg, they swim about in freedom, but
at length some day the female, thinking of a family,
looks out for a neighbour that can give her the assist-
ance she requires, fixes herself on his skin, and rapidly
develops till she is two or three hundred times as large
Pig. 30. —Tracheliastes of the Cyprinte. 1, larva, as it leaves the egg ; 2, larva, more
advunced; 3, adult female, attaching itself before and behind to two ovisacs (Nord-
as the male; her head, her body, and her stomach
become of a monstrous size, a part of her head is often
anchylosed in the bones of her host; the lernean
remains suspended as a sort of festoon, to which are
afterwards joined two ovisacs filled with eggs. Fig. 30
is a lernean of a fresh-water fish, represented at
different periods of its existence.150
The lerneans are the most remarkable of all para-
sites with respect to their physical degradation. They
are met with on all aquatic animals, commencing with
the cetacea, and extending to the echinodermata and
polyps; but it is especially on fishes that they are most
abundant. They live on the skin or the gills, and
sometimes establish themselves in the nostrils and on
the eye-hall. They often hang on the outside, but we
find some which hide themselves in the substance of
the skin, and have no communication with the exterior
except by a narrow orifice.
Some elegant lerneans, which resemble a living
pen, are called Penellw; their head is divided into several
branches, which plunge like roots into the tissues and
even into the bones, so that the head and all the body
remain suspended, as well as the ovisac tubes, to a long
and but slightly flexible neck. They live on the body and
the eye of certain fishes; some of great size are found in
the Indian sea, but the most remarkable are those which
have been observed on the skin of some of the cetacea.
The Penella crassicornis lives on a hyperoodon; the
Penella balsenopterr, on a Balmnoptera musculus among the
Loffoden Isles; the Lerneoniscus nodicornis on a dolphin ;
the great shark of the coasts of Ireland (Scimnus
glacialis) generally has a lernean on its eye. My son
brought from Rio de Janeiro some Seomberidse, whose
skin is covered with penellte; and the charming fishes
so abundant on the Belgian coasts, which are called Sprot
by the fishermen of the country, often have round their
eyes strings which might be taken for marine plants, and
which are in reality only penellae. We have found
sometimes many individuals on the same fish, stretchingPARASITES FREE WHILE YOUNG.
from the head to the caudal region by means of their
oviferous tubes, which in certain seasons acquire a pale
green tint.
The true Lerneans, such as the Lernea branchialis, a
species that was the earliest known upon the different
Gadidse, and which we have observed on the CaUionyme
lyra, greatly resemble the Pencil;*;, but their body and
their head are much twisted, and with the coils of tubes
which contain the eggs, you might take them for a ball
of thread. (Fig. 81.)
The Sphyriones called Leistera have
also a most singular form, and a new
species has been recently observed on a
fish from the Straits of Magellan. The
Conchodermagracile lives on the branchiae FifhilVi7^t™che 8 55 k
• ) iiS •> '
Fig. 69.—Oxyurus vermicularis—l, male of
natural size, 2, female, id., 3, cephalic
extremity, magnified.
The brood of worms from the eggs of the Ascaris
megalocephala of the horse live in freedom, and go
through all their phases until their sexual develop-
ment separately; there are males and females. The242
generation which descends from these is distinguished
by being of a much smaller size.
The name of Trichocephalus has been given to nema-
todes which have the cephalic extremity very thin, and.
ending in such a fine point that it is difficult to discover
the mouth. The Trichoeephalus of man (Fig. 68) is a
curious nematode, which was discovered by a student at
Gottingen, in 1761. It is usually found in the caecum,
in which more than a thousand have been met with
together. The female is from 40 to 50 millimetres long,
the male about 37 millimetres. A female Trichocepfialus
affinis having laid her eggs in an aquarium, the whole of
the contents were introduced into the stomach of a lamb,
seven months afterwards, and the walls of its intestines
became infested with trichocephali.
No animal at any time has attracted so much atten-
tion as that little worm which lives in flesh, rolled up;
it is about the size of a millet seed, and was found by
chance in the dissecting-room of a London hospital, some
forty years ago. The plague and the cholera did not
inspire so great fear, and this fright had almost passed
from Germany throughout the rest of Europe. We were
not among those who wished to take measures at all
hazards against the invasion of this worm, since nothing
induced us to believe that more trichinae existed then
in Belgium than in ordinary times. These measures
would have produced no other effect than uselessly to
disturb the minds of the public.
Trichiniasis, which was the name given to the disease
caused by these worms, reminds us of tarantism, that is
to say, the effects produced by the bite of the tarantula.
Mons. Ozanam wrote an interesting work on this subject.TRANSMIGRATIONS AND METAMORPHOSES.
in which he said that nervous tarantism existed during
two centuries in Europe, as an epidemic malady.
According to him, there pre-
vails at present in the province
of Tigre, in Abyssinia, a sort
of chorea, or endemic musico-
mania, which has a great ana-
logy with tarantism ; it is the
“Tigretier.” Nothing but music
and dancing can have any
beneficial effect during the
crisis; but these means would
evidently be inefficacious in
The Trichina is a nematode
worm, and not an insect, as
it was at first called. Let us imagine an extremely
slender pin, such as entomologists employ to fasten the
smallest insects, rolled upon itself in a spiral form so as
Fig. 70.--Trichina.
Fig. 71.—Trichina, rolled up in a muscle.
to lodge in a cavity hollowed out in the midst of the
muscles, in a space not larger than a grain of millet.244
These trichinae of the muscles can be discerned by the
naked eye. But before we enter on a particular descrip-
tion (and they are now known in their minutest details),
let us notice what were the circumstances which led to
their attracting so much attention.
It was in 1832; a demonstrator of a course of
anatomy at Guy’s Hospital in London, Mr. J. Hilton,
found in the flesh of a man sixty-six years of age, who
died of a cancer, a great number of little white bodies
which he took for vesicular worms. The scalpel, during
the dissection of the muscles, met with granulations
which blunted the edge of the instrument. Astonished
to find in the flesh hard corpuscules which the instru-
ment divided with difficulty, he removed some of them,
examined them attentively, but, no doubt, he was not
sufficiently acquainted with helminthology to understand
their true nature, He referred to Professor B. Owen,
the celebrated naturalist of the British Museum, who
recognized them as new worms, and gave them the
name of Trichina, because they are as thin as a hair;
he added the specific name of spiralis on account of the
manner in which they were rolled up in their cyst.
Trichina spiralis is therefore the name of this animal.
Some naturalists, at that time, believed that the
filaments of the fecundating fluid of the male were
parasitical worms, such as are found in other liquids;
and these filaments which were designated by the name of
spermatozoids (the animalculse