ELEMENTARY BOTANY ecco EDMONDS. Longmans Elementary Science Manuals. Cornell Bnibversity Library. THE GIFT OF | LONGMANS, GREEN & CO., 1H Atprad 1 859.. Cornell University ‘Library arV19095 Elemen OMA AON 1924 031 230 042 3 olin,anx ELEMENTARY BOTANY PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE 1ONDON ELEMENTARY. BOTANY A TEXT-BOOK DESIGNED PRIMARILY FOR STUDENTS OF SCIENCE CLASSES CONNECTED WITH THE SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT OF THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION By HENRY EDMONDS, B.Sc. (LOND.) HONOURS IN BOTANY, SOUTH KENSINGTON LECTURER ON NATURAL SCIENCE AND CHEMISTRY AT THE BRIGHTON SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND ART SCIENCE LECTURER TO THE EVENING RECREATIVE CLASSES, BRIGHTON ETC. NEW AND REVISED EDITION LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. AND NEW YORK . 15 EAST 16th STREET ee All rights reserved PREFACE TO THE NEW EDITION. THE favour with which the previous editions of this work have been received has necessitated a reprint. Some changes and modifications having been made this year in the syllabus issued by the Science and Art Department, the opportunity has been taken of thoroughly revising the work. Chapters have been added on the movement of water in plant tissue, on the influence of heat and light upon growth, and the irritability of plants. The orders Boraginacez, Primu- laceze, and Amaryllidaceze have also been substituted in the new syllabus for the Chenopodiacez, Orchidacez, Graminacee, and Cyperaceze. In the present edition, whilst the old orders are retained, the new ones, to meet the requirements of the Department, have been added. : H. EDMONDS. BRIGHTON : October 1888. PREFACE. THE object of this text-book is as far as possible to cover the subject of Elementary Botany as provided in the syllabus of the elementary stage issued by the Science and Art Depart- ment, and at the same time to avoid being a mere cram work, but to give a general idea of the fundamental facts and prin- ciples of the science. In many elementary works the greater part of the book is taken up with mere structural details, the Physiology of the Plants being relegated to a short chapter at the end. I have endeavoured, whilst tracing up the growth and development of the plant from the seed, to treat of the functions of each organ at the same time as its description. Through the liberality of the publishers the book is well supplied with diagrams. It will not do, however, for the student to trust to these alone. No science can be properly studied from. mere book-work, and this is especially true of such a science as Botany, which deals with various forms of natural objects. The student is strongly urged from the first to carefully examine specimens. A sharp penknife and a simple lens, which will only cost a few shillings, are all the apparatus required for dissecting and examining most flowers, and the commonest plants around us will well serve the student’s purpose. For some parts of the subject—as, for instance, the examination of Cellular Tissues—a microscope is needful. An excellent instrument can be obtained at any of the well-known makers’ for about five or six pounds. The student should also especially accustom himself to writing out descriptions of plants according to the model given at the close of the book. H. EDMONDS. BRIGHTON: May 1882, CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. II. III. IV. Vv. VI. VII. VIII. Ix, XI. XII. XIII. INTRODUCTORY 2 ‘ a : : STRUCTURE OF THE SEED . : " ‘ - CELL STRUCTURE . ‘j CELL GROWTH, SHAPE, AND FORMATION . 7 GERMINATION, RooT GROWTH, STRUCTURE, FUNCTIONS . ‘ Stem STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS . Bups AND RAMIFICATION 4 LEAF STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS . BRACTS AND INFLORESCENCE . 5 FLOWER STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS FRUIT AND SEED . . ‘ Z ‘ MOVEMENT OF WATER IN THE PLANT TISSUES INFLUENCE OF HEAT AND LIGHT UPON GROWTH IRRITABILITY OF PLANTS . ‘ CLASSIFICATION fi 4 ‘ QUESTIONS . : . . : : INDEX , a . . . ‘ . F 15 25 40 59 69 92 100 135 145 148 151 153 193 199 ELEMENTARY BOTANY CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY—DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF THE SCIENCE, Botany is the science which deals with those special forms of living organisms known as Plants. This at once raises the question—What do we mean bya plant? The higher forms of animal and vegetable life can be easily distinguished the one from the other ; but when we descend to the lower forms we find it most difficult, if not impossible, to draw a line of de- marcation between them. The old distinction between the three kingdoms of nature was a simple one: minerals grow—plants live and grow— animals move, live, and grow. Putting aside for the moment the question as to whether minerals really grow, the phenomena of motion cannot be accepted as defining the difference between the two groups of living beings. Many plants, especially amongst the lower forms, are capable of motion at some time or other during their life. As an example, if we examine rain- water that has been standing for some days, we generally find minute green masses floating about in it. These on inspection under a microscope prove to be true plants (Protococcus pluvi- alis), each being a little rounded mass containing green particles. After watching for some time, however, it will be seen that some of these plants change their form, becoming more pear- shaped, at the same time giving off two very minute threads or cilia. These are thrown into rapid motion, propelling the plant B 2 Ltementary Botany through the water in which it floats. In this mode of motion the Protococcus cannot be distinguished from many of the low forms of animal life. A better distinction is to be found in the food that is assimi- lated. Plants, like animals, require food ; but they, as a rule, possess the power of obtaining it from the mineral kingdom only, whilst animals require for their food either vegetable or animal substances. There are, however, exceptions to this rule, and, as we have said, the two kingdoms appear to merge gradually the one into the other in their lower forms. Botany, then, being the science which treats of plants, has several branches. Morphology deals with the forms of the organs of plants. Axatfomy treats of their internal structure ; and “Histology of the minute appearance they present under the microscope. Physiology deals with the functions of the various organs, and the phenomena attendant upon life. Classification has to do with the grouping of plants according to their relation one to another. Geographical Botany deals with the distribu- tion of plants in space ; and Paleontological Botany with their distribution in time. Of these we shall omit the two latter branches in the present work, merely taking up in an elemen- tary form the remaining departments. CHAPTER II. FLOWERING AND FLOWERLESS PLANTS—STRUCTURE OF THE SEED. AL the higher forms of plant life are distinguished as being able, at some time or other of their existence, ta produce flowers. It is this fact which causes the Vegetable Kingdom to be divided into the two sub- kingdoms cf Flowering Plants or Phanero- gams, and Flowerless Plants or Crypto- gams, In the present work we shall deal entirely with the Phanerogams. The point in which all of these plants agree is that they spring originally from seeds. To understand a seed thoroughly, it is well to commence with a large specimen, as, for instance, a Broad Bean, Haricot, or a Pea. If we examine a Broad Bean carefully, we notice that it has an elongated shape. At one end there isa scar or mark. This is the point by which the seed is attached to the fruit, and is known as the hilum. At one end of this there isa minute hole. This can be readily seen by allowing the bean to soak in hot waterfor a short time ; then on taking it out and squeezing it a drop of water is seen to escape through the aperture. This hole, which leads into the interior of the seed, is called the micropyle. Next, taking a sharp penknife, we find Fic. 1.— Broad Bean. A, seed, with one coty- ledon removed: c, re- maining __ cotyledon; kn, the plumule; zw, the radicle ; s, the sper- moderm. JB, germi- nating seed: s, sper- moderm, a portion torn away at Z; x, hilum; st, petiole of one of the cotyledons; 4, curved epicotyledonary __ por- tion of axis, z; he, short hypocotyledonary portion of axis; 4, main root; ws, its apex; kn, bud in axil of one of the cotyle- dons, (After Sachs.) that we can peel B2 4 Elementary Botany the skin from off the seed, leaving a whitish fleshy mass within. This skin ‘is really, however, double, as can easily be proved by peeling from the interior a thin pellicle. These coats are collectively known as spermoderm ; the outer being called the testa, and the inner the tegmen. The mass within the spermoderm forms the nucleus of the seed. In the case of the Broad Bean this nucleus is entirely made up of the young plant or embryo. At one end there is a pointed portion which is directed towards the micropyle. This is destined on germination to be prolonged to form the root, and is known as the radicle (fig. 1). Fic. 2.—Longitudinal section of a seed of Oat: a, endo- Fic. 3.—Germination of the sperm ; Cc, the single cotyle- Oat: a, cotyledon; ¢, axis don; G, plumule; R, radi- of the embryo ; d, radicle ; cle ; T, testa; o, hairs. J, plumule. The great mass of the nucleus is made up of two fleshy lobes, which can easily be separated from one another—the cotyledons ; and between these at the top of the radicle there 1s a little portion curved over and divided at the end in a plume- like manner. This, which is known as the plumule, will, under favourable circumstances, grow into the stem and leaves of the future plant. In some seeds, as, for instance, those of the varieties of corn and grass, there is in the nucleus a substance, albumen, in addition to the embryo of the plant (fig. 2). This albumen Structure of Seeds 5 may originate from two different parts of the ovule or unripe seed, and hence’ is known either as endosperm or perisperm. This will be more apparent when we have dealt with the growth of the ovule. The term albumen is rather a misleading one, as it might lead the student to imagine that the substance contained within the seed is identical in chemical composition with animal albu- men, such as is found in the white of an egg, whereas it differs in its characteristics in various plants. In cereals it is meady or farinaceous ; in the Barberry and Heart’s-ease it is esky ; in the Poppy and Cocoanut it is ozZy ; inthe Mallow, mucilaginous; in the Vegetable Ivory and Coffee, horny. Seeds containing albumen are spoken of as albuminous, whilst those destitute of it are exalbuminous. We may tabulate the structure of the most perfect seed as follows :— Peery Albumen ; Spermoderm { Faas Nucleus {Bhan 8 Embryo <¢ Plumule Cotyledons There is another point in which seeds differ. On examin- ing a grain of Wheat, or of an allied cereal, we find that there is only one cotyledon present, instead of, as in the case of the Bean, two. Several plants resemble the Bean-in having two cotyledons present in their embryos ; whilst others, like Oats, have but one. This causes the division of the sub-kingdom of Flowering Plants into two groups: Dicotyledons include those Phanerogams with two (or in some Conifers more) cotyledons ; whilst Monocotyledons are those with only one. As we proceed further we shall find that there are other differ- ences between these two great classes. 6 Elementary Botany CHAPTER III. CELL STRUCTURE. THE substance of the Bean seed is not homogeneous. The whole of the various organs of plants are made up of a large number of component parts—cells, so minute as a rule as to be invisible separately to the naked eye. If a little brewer’s Yeast be examined under a hand magnifying glass, it is seen to present a granular appearance. If it be more highly magni- fied, it is found to consist of a large number of minute rounded particles (fig. 4); these are separate cells. We recognise in them the outer pellicle or cell wall and the cell contents. Fic. 4.—Beer Yeast (Saccha- Fic. 5.—A cell from the root of the Lizard romyees (Torula| Cere- Orchis (Orchis hircina): a, the cell-wall, visie). consisting of cellulose ; 6, the protoplasm, contracted by alcohol; c, the nucleus with a nucleolus, The cell wall may be absent during a portion of the cell’s existence ; it is simply inert, not-living matter; but in the Vegetable Kingdom it is always sooner or later produced. ‘The principal substance contained in it is cellulose, a compound of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, having the chemical composi- tion (CgH,90;)%. Cell Walk 7 Cellulose is not coloured blue by means of iodine alone, although it is so changed by the action of iodine and sul- phuric acid, thus being distinguishable from starch, which has the same percentage composition, but is turned blue by iodine, Schultze’s solution ! will also stain it. Cellulose is insoluble in water, both cold and boiling ; also in alcohol, ether, and dilute acids. If it be treated with cold concentrated sulphuric acid, it is converted first into dextrine or British gum, which is the same composition as cellulose, and then into grape sugar, C,H,.O,. It is found almost pure in Cotton wool, but generally the cell wall contains mineral ash and water in addition. . During the growth of the cell the cellulose is often converted into substances which are of an allied composition, but which differ from it in various physical and chemical properties. The chief of these are— 1. Suber, or Cuticularised Cellulose.—This is highly elastic and almost impermeable to water; when treated with iodine or Schultze’s solution it turns yellow ; when warmed (not boiled) in concentrated solution of potash it is stained bright yellow. It is met with in Cork, epidermis cells, and pollen grains. 2, Lignin.—In this case the cell wall is hard, inelastic, and permeable to water. Treated with a solution of aniline sul- phate acidulated with a few drops of sulphuric acid, it is stained yellow. It is met with in wood cells. 3. Mucilage.—When dry it is hard and horny, but it very readily absorbs water, swelling and becoming gelatinous. The reactions are the same as those of cellulose. Examples are to be found in Linseed and Quince mucilage. The cell contents are very various ; we will note some of the principal :— Protoplasm.—It is of this substance that the whole of the 1 Schultze’s solution :— Dissolve zine in hydrochloric acid ; permit the solution to evaporate in contact with metallic zinc until it has attained 4 syrupy consistence. Saturate the syrup with potassic iodide, and then add enough iodine to make a dark sherry-coloured solution. The object to be stained must he placed in a little water, and then some of the above solu- tion added, 8 Elementary Botany young cell is at first made up. It is very complex in its chemical constitution, but always contains nitrogen. Iodine colours it brown, and concentrated sulphuric acid rose-red; whilst it is also stained by magenta. It is soft and jelly-like in consistency, never truly fluid. At times it is homogeneous and transparent; more often it is granular. It forms the vital portion of the cell, and possesses considerable power of movement. It readily absorbs water, which, however, forms drops or vacuoles in its interior. The movements of protoplasm may be grouped under two heads :— 1, Movements of protoplasmic masses destitute of a cell wall. {z) Swimming by means of cilia, as in the case of Proto- coccus (p. 1). . (2) Amcebiform movements, where a naked mass of proto- plasm emits irregular projections (pseudopodia) at various parts of its surface; the rest of the mass flowing after the processes. This is seen in the remarkable animal the Amceba, or Proteus animalcule, and is met with in some of the lower forms of plant life. 2. Movements of protoplasm within the cell wall. In many cases the protoplasm contained within the cellu- lose wall shows a tendency to rotate or circulate in various directions through the cell, often carrying with it substances which may be imbedded in it. This is especially well seen in the cells of many water plants. (See fig. 19.) Chlorophyll is the substance to whose presence the green colour of plants is due. It occurs (in the higher plants) in the form of granules imbedded in the protoplasm of various parts of the plant. These granules really consist of two parts—a colourless more or less solid portion, which is formed out of the protoplasm and builds up the chlorophyll granules ; and a green colouring matter diffused through and colouring it. The exact chemical composition is not yet known, but there appear to be two separate colouring matters, the one yellow, phyllox- anthin, and the other blue, phyllocyanin, which by their union give the green tint. Chlorophyll 9 The colouring matter of the chlorophyll is soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzine, and essential oils and fats. The chlorophyll granules are produced in the proto- plasm under the influence of light, except in the case of the germinating seeds of some Conifers and the fronds ¥ of Ferns, in which cases high @ temperature alone appears to ~ be necessary for their forma- tion. If a growing plant be placed in perfect darkness no chlorophyll will be formed ; the leaves and other organs which would naturally have a green colour present a pale and sickly appearance. Such organs are said to be etiolated. An example is to be found in the leaf-stalks of Celery. In the natural state they are green, but when cul- tivated, earth is heaped up so as to remove them from the influence of the light. The : result of this is to produce LN the white leaf-stalk of the Fic. 6.—Chlorophyll granules in cells of leaf edible varieties, this change aba angi Oinl couaueh eee sea . : imbedded in the protoplasm of the cells. 2, of colour being accompanied separated chlorophyll granules containing by change of flavour. Peal eracnometias 2 a a oul ctianee __ Gbloropliyll plays a most ot Gr watery tach. granales fernain, important part in the plant ing after chlorophyll destroyed by action of water. (After Sachs.) economy, which we shall notice when we treat later on of the food supply of the plant. Starch has the same percentage composition as cellulose, but appears to have a simpler molecule, its chemical formula 10 Elementary Botany being C,H,,O;. It differs from it, however, in many of its properties. It is insoluble in cold water, but swells up very strongly on the addition of boiling water, forming a paste. It is readily turned a dark blue by the addition of iodine. As this blue colour, however, is removed by heat, the starch re- Fic. 7.—Various forms of starch grain from the Potato. quires to be cold, or nearly so, for its production. Exposed to heat for some time, or to dilute sulphuric acid for a shorter period, starch is converted into dextrine or British gum. Starch occurs in the plant in the form of granules varying in their size. Amongst the smaller are those of Rice starch, Fic. 8.—I. Starch grain from the Scarlet Runner. II. a, 4, Starch grains from Rye. ILI. Starch grain from the stem of the Sarsaparilla (Swilax Sarsaparilla). which are frequently under 3,455 of an inch in diameter, whilst those of the ‘Tous-les-mois’ are often as much as 1, of an inch in length. In external form they vary very much, but they usually present a central portion, the hilum, or nucleus, round which the starch substance is arranged in concentric Starch II layers. Probably this striated appearance is due to a varying quantity of water in the different parts of the granule. The starch substance seems to be separable into two parts, which are allied if not identical in composition, but which differ in properties. The one, known as farinose or starch cellulose, appears to form the skeleton of the granule, and is either stained brown by iodine, or, as in some cases, remains unstained ; whilst the other part, granulose, which forms 94 to 96 per cent. of the granule, is coloured blue. Granulose is readily soluble in saliva, and is thus separated from the skeleton. The same change takes place by Fic. 9. — Starch Fic. 10.—Cell of endosperm of Zea Mais, Maize. Thin grains from the la- plates of protoplasm separating the polygonal starch tex of Euphorbia grains. a-g, granules from germinating seed of Maize splendens. becoming dissolved and disintegrated. (After Sachs.) the action of dastase, a substance occurring in germinating seeds, whereby the starch stored up in the seed as a food sup- ply is rendered soluble. Starch granules, like those of chlorophyll, require “ght for their formation ; the quantity needed, however, is greater than that for the production of the green colouring matter. The granules are at first formed within those of the chlorophyll ; then in the dark they are converted into soluble substances which are transferred to other parts of the plant, where they are again fixed as reserve food materials in the form of starch. 12 Elementary Botany Cell Sap.—In the young cell the whole of the wall, with the protoplasm and other contents, is saturated with a watery fluid containing various mineral and other substances in solution. This constitutes the cell sap. As the cell increases in age this sap collects in drops (vacuoli), which gradually run together Fic. 11.—Cells from the root of F7itillaria imperialis. A, very young cell from near apex. , from 2 min. above the apex. C, from about 8 mm. above the apex: /, cell wall; Z, protoplasm ; 4, nucleus; 44, nu- Fic. 12.—Crystals of calcium oxa- cleoli; s, vacuoles and cell-sap cavity. late in the cell wall. Wedzuit- (After Sachs.) schia mirabilis, (After Sachs.) until the whole of the interior of the cell is filled with sap, presenting the appearance of being surrounded by two coats— viz., within, the layer of protoplasm ; and without, the cell wall. This sap is most important, as it contains much of the food material of the plant. Crystals 13 Raphides or Crystals.—Very often some of the mineral substances contained in the sap become crystallised out, and make their appearance either within the céll or in the wall. In some plants the amount of these crystals is very great. In the Old-Man Cactus, as much as 80 per cent. of the dried tissue consists of them. Professor Bailey found in a square inch of Locust bark no thicker than writing paper, as many asa million and a half of these crystals. The root of Turkey Rhubarb contains so many as to give a gritty character to it when chewed. As arule the raphides are found in cells where there are no Fic. 14.—Crystalloid, 47, in a Fic. 13.—Cell from the stem of arenchymatous cell of the iloé retusa, with raphides. Potts tuber ; 4, nucleus. other granular contents, but this is not universal. In chemical composition they consist of phosphate of calcium, or more often of oxalate of calcium. Carbonate or sulphate of calcium is sometimes met with. In shape they are either cubical, octo- hedral, or needle-like (hence the name of vaphides, from the Greek name for a needle). ' Crystalloids.—In some cells, especially those of fatty seeds like the Brazil nut, bodies are found which are crystal-like in appearance, but instead of being mineral in composition, con- sist of proteinaceous or nitrogenous material closely allied to 14 Elementary Botany protoplasm. They are insoluble in water, but break up in a peculiar manner so as to appear to be composed of several layers. Aleurone Grains are minute rounded grains found in the cells of many seeds just before ripening. They often contain crystalloids. They are soluble in caustic potash. They are often oily, and appear to be used as food reservoirs by the plant. Fic. 15.—Cells of cotyledon of Pisum Fic. 16.—Sphere crystals of sativum, Pea. St, starch granules with inuline in a parenchymatous central hilum and concentrated strie; a, cell from a tuber of the anules of aleurone ; 2, intercellular spaces Dahlia preserved in alcohol, After Sachs.) after addition of nitric acid. Inuline is a peculiar substance found in the roots of Composite, and now and then in stems. It is very closely related to starch and sugar, and in the living plant is only found in solution in the sap; but by the addition of alcohol or glycerine it separates out, either in a frothy condition or as beautiful spherical masses known as sphere crystals. 15 CHAPTER IY. CELL GROWTH, SHAPE, FORMATION, AND TISSUES. CELLS grow by the process of intussusception. This is a term which requires some amount of explanation. We must look upon the cell wall as consisting, not of a continuous homogeneous layer of cellulose, but of an immense number of isolated, minute, solid particles or molecules, which are comparatively speaking unalterable. Between these it is supposed that water percolates so that each molecule is surrounded by a layer of liquid. The neigh- bouring molecules may vary in size, so that, if the aqueous envelope remains the same, larger molecules will form a denser, smaller a less dense, substance. This hypothesis (for it is but an hypothesis, as the mole- cules are too minute to be perceived even by the strongest lens) was first suggested by Nageli, and it is supposed that these molecules are held in their places by three forces, viz. : 1. The cohesion of the particles of which each individual molecule is made up. 2. The mutual attraction which exists between the adjacent molecules, and which gives them a ten- dency to approach one another. 3. The av¢raction of their surfaces for the watery envelope which counteracts this ten- dency. When fresh food material is brought to the cell, the new molecules are intercalated between those already existing there, and thus they cause an increase in the size of the cell wall. Such a process of increase by means of intussusception is very characteristic of the growth of organic beings, and is totally different from the manner in which minerals increase in size. If a crystal, say of alum, be suspended in a vessel containing a 16 Elementary Botany strong solution of the same substance, it enlarges by 4 process of accretion—that is, a series of fresh layers form upon its exterior. Fic. 17.—I. Spherical cell from the flesh of the Peach. IJ. Ellipsoidal cell from the flesh of the Peach. III. Hour-glass-shaped cell from the flesh of the Peach. Fic. 18.—I. Fusiform cell from the wood of the Spruce Fir, with bor- dered pits. II. Fusiform bast- fibre of the Larch. Growth by intussusception often produces a change in the shape of the cell. The normal form is more or less spherical ; this, however, is rarely preserved except in the case of unicellular plants. If the wall grows more vigorously at the two extremities than at the sides, the cell will become oval or elliptical (fig. 17), then elongated (fig. 19), and lastly fusiform or spindle-shaped (fig. 18). On the other hand, if a very vigorous growth takes place at cer- tain parts whilst the rest of the cell wall is but slightly developed, several protuberances will be pro- duced upon the surface, and a ste/- late or star-shaped cell is formed (fig. 20). Another cause modifying the shape of individual cells is to be found in their mutual pressure the one upon the other during Cell Shape 17 growth. By this means they may become flattened or tabular (fig. 21), or polyhedral (fig. 22). Other forms of cells are shown in figs. 23, 24, and 25. Fic. 20.—Stellate cell from the hori- zontal septum of the air-passages of the Flowering Rush (Suomus um- bellatus). Fic. 19.—Circulation of protoplasm in an elongated cell of the Celandine : &, the nucleus with a nucleolus. The arrows indicate the direction of the currents. Fic. 21.—Tabular cell from the epi- dermis of Cadlitriche. Fic. 22.—Polyhedral cell from the pith of Acacia lophantha: a, seen in transverse ; 4, in longitudinal section. At first the cell wall appears as a thin layer of cellulose per- fectly permeable to liquids. In some cells but little thickening takes place during growth ; in many others, however, very soon layers of secondary deposit are formed lining their interior c 18 Elementary Botany surfaces. At first these layers are complete and continuous like the original coat, but soon they are developed but slightly or not at all at certain points, thus causing perforations in their substance. As the holes thus produced in the contiguous Fic. 23.—I. Disc-shaped cell; a uni- cellular Alga, Coscinodiscus. II. Crescent-shaped cell of a stoma Fic. 24.—Tetrahedral cells ; spore (guard-cell). of a Fern in various positions. layers correspond with one another, canals are gradually formed leading towards the centre of the cell cavity. Such cells, when seen under a microscope, transmit the light differently through their pore canals and through the thickened walls, and hence they present a pitted or dotted Fic. 26.—Moderately thickened puit- Fic. 25.— Branched bast- ted parenchyma from the pith of the cell of the Larch. Beech. appearance as though pierced by a number of holes (fig. 26). These cells are known as pitted or dotted cells. In other cases the secondary deposit takes the form of a spiral band round the wall, thus producing a spiral cell Secondary Deposit 19 (fig. 28). Or else it is deposited as separate rings, when an annular cell is formed (fig. 29). When the thickening is arranged in an irregular manner, producing a perfect network over the wall, the cell is said to be reticulated. Fic. 27.—Transverse section of a cell of Fic. 28.—A spiral cell from the pith of Clematis vitalba: p, primary a Cactus, Opuntia Tuna, cell wall; 4, innermost thickening layer ; with strongly thickened P, pore-canal ; 7, intercellular space. spiral band, Very often there is in the cell a gradual passage from a spiral to an annular or reticulated marking (fig. 31). At other times there is a spiral or reticulate marking in addition to the Fic. 29.— Annular cell Fic. 30. — Reticulately Fic. 31. — Annular cell from Arundo donax, thickened cell of the from an Opuntia with with strongly thickened Touch-me-not (/ipa- rings passing over into rings placed at different tiens noli-me-tangere). a spiral band. distances and different angles. pits or dots. Such cells as these are known as tracheides (fig. 32). Fig. 33 shows another form of thickening, known as scalari- form, or ladder-like. In this case the secondary deposit is c2 20 Elementary Botany arranged in transverse layers like the rungs of a ladder. Such cells are well seen in the stems of Ferns. A very important form of pitted cell is met with, especially in the wood of the Fir trees and their allies. In these cases the pit is funnel-shaped, being wide on the outside and gradu- ally tapering till it forms a tube or pore canal leading into the centre of the cell. Fic, 34.—Longitudinal section of wood of Pinus sylvestris. Bordered pits, Fic. 32.—Piece of a Fic. 33.—Scalariform 7 ¢' 2", increasing in age; a-e, wood reticulately pitted cell from the under- cells, e, eldest, a, youngest ; cd, wood tracheide from the ground stem of the cells of cambium; st, large pits, Lime (Tilia gran- Brake (Pteris agui- where medullary rays touch wood adifolia). dina), cells. (After Sachs.) On examining these cells by means of a microscope, they present the appearance of a central pit surrounded by a border, and they are called cells with bordered pits. This appearance is caused by a varying amount of light being transmitted through the central pore which forms the pit, and the funnel-shaped upper portion which forms the border. Very often the cell wall between the two ‘borders’ becomes absorbed. in which case a complete passage is made between the two cells. 1 21 ‘Besides these appearances due to secondary deposit, there is, especially in older cells, a striation or stratification of the cell wall, which appears to be due to the varying amount of Fic. 35.—Two cells from the wood of the Scotch Fir in transverse section, each with a pore, #, widened at its base. By the disappearance of the ori- ginal cell wall the two widen- ings have united to form the ‘border,’ 4; 2, intercellular space, Fic. 36.—I. Sieve tube from the White Bryony (Bryonia dioica), the horizontal partition walls with peculiar thickenings. verse section of a sieve-disc, the upper part represented with the thickening substance, which takes the form of wart-like elevations ; the lower part without it. water in the different parts of the wall. Another important change in the history of the cell is the formation of vessels, or cell fusion. Vessels are formed by the union of several cells (vascular cells), the walls between them being either partially or entirely absorbed. Fic. 37.—I. Portion of a scalariform vessel from the Brake (Pteris aguz- Zina): s, s, the transverse division wall broken through in a reticulate manner. IJ. Pitted vascular cell from the stem of a Grass, Phrag- mites communis, with numerous small bordered pits. When several cells standing one over another have the walls separating them simply perforated in a sieve-like manner, sieve- tubes or bast-vessels are formed. These are found in various 22 Elementary Botany parts of plants, and contain nutritive materials necessary for the nourishment of the plant. When the disappearance of the separating walls is more complete, so that the cells form more or less long tubes, true vessels are produced, and these are known, according to the nature of their component cells, as pitted, spiral, annular, reticulate, or scalariform vessels. These true vessels usually possess a considerable quantity of secondary deposit, and are seldom branched. As a rule Fic. 39.—Vesicular vessel in longitudinal section of scale of bulb of Onion (4Udinm Cepa): e, epider- Fic. 38. — Fusiform mis with cuticle (c); 4, parenchyma; sg, coagu- bast fibre of the lated contents contracted to show the porous Larch. walls. (After Sachs.) they contain nothing but air; but in the early spring, when the stem is gorged with sap, they are often partly filled with liquid. Bast tubes or bast fibres are generally more pointed and sometimes branching (fig. 25). The coalescence between the component parts is so complete that the separate cells cannot be distinguished when the fibres are examined by means of the microscope. Bast fibres do not often communicate directly Vessels 23 with one another; when they do so it is by means of their lateral branches. Very closely related to the sieve-tubes mentioned above, especially in containing like them nutrient fluids, are vesicular vessels and laticiferous vessels. ‘The former consist of elon- gated cells containing a milky juice and bundles of needle- shaped crystals. Laticiferous vessels are tubes more or less branching, often forming a complete network, and containing a fluid known as /atex, which is often milky, sometimes coloured, and varies in its composition in different plants. Fic. 40.—Transverse section of phloém of root of Scorzonera hispanica, showing branching and anastomosing laticiferous vessels. Cells do not grow indefinitely ; the size of the adult cell varies. Prosenchymatous cells vary from {5 to 7, of an inch in length, and from +55 to s¢yq Of an inch in diameter. Parenchymatous cells vary as a rule from 34, to qq of an inch in diameter, whilst some in the pith of plants, in suc- culent parts, and in water plants, are as much as 3); or even gly Of an inch in diameter. As the plant increases in size, fresh cells are produced, being formed out of those already existing. This process is know as cell formation. There are several modes by which this takes place, but in the formation of the vegetative cells of higher plants it is always by means of cell division. Vitally active cells always contain a portion of the protoplasm more or less distinctly separated from the general mass, known as the nucleus, and which often contains small granules or nucleoli. 24 Elementary Botany When cell division is about to take place, two nuclei are formed either by the division of the original one, or by its disappearance, and the formation of two fresh ones. The whole mass of the protoplasm now aggregates around these nuclei, and a cell wall is formed between the masses thus produced, growing inwards from the circumference to the centre, thus dividing the mother cell into two daughter cells, each of which may grow to the size of the mother cell, and itself undergo division. ‘The formation of reproductive cells we shall have to notice later on (page 117). , Except in a few cases, cells do not remain through life individually separate, but are united together to form ‘tissues.’ These may be grouped accord- ing to either their function, or their structure. Under the for- mer method of division we have two kinds, viz. meristem, which is a tissue where the cells remain vitally active and capable of di- vision, and permanent tissue, where the cells are no longer able to divide. If we arrange them according to their struc- ture, we distinguish those tissues which consist of elongated cells overlapping one another, and which are known as prosenchy- ma, and those which are formed of shorter cells placed end to end, or parenchyma. These Fri, 4x.—-Cells of stem of Ficia Faba. two forms of tissues, however, Meristem cells in process of division : 4, a nucleus ; dividing, a; fully divided, 2 pass the one into the other by (After Prantl.) : endless gradations. Sometimes the term sclerenchyma is used to denote either prosenchymatous or parenchymatous tissues, where the walls of the cells have become very thick and hard, and often dark coloured. 25 CHAPTER V. GERMINATION, ROOT GROWTH, STRUCTURE, AND FUNCTIONS. IF a living seed be placed in the soil and be supplied with moisture and warmth, and exposed to fresh air, germination will ensue. The range of temperature between which this is Fic. 42.—Ricinus communis. 1. longitudinal section Fic. 43.—Germinating of ripe seed. //, germinating seed, the cotyledons seed of cabbage: 4, still within the spermoderm, shown more distinctly axis; c, d, the two in A and 2: s, spermoderm ; ¢, endosperm ; ¢, coty- cotyledons, which ledon; he, hypocotyledonary portion of axis; w, have risen above the primary root ; w’, lateral rootlets ; 2, the caruncle voil, the testa @ not (or aril), a peculiar appendage to the ‘seeds of Eu- being yet completely phorbiacee. (After Sachs.) thrown off. i possible varies with different plants, but it may be stated gene- rally as being between 5° or 6° C. and 40° C. Either the roots at once lengthen and grow out through the micropyle, or, which is more often the case, the lower part of the cotyledon, known as the Aypocotyledonary portion of the stem, becomes elongated, pushing the end of the root before it out of the seed. 26 Elementary Botany If we sow in some soil specimens of the following seeds— Broad Bean, Acorn, Beech, Cress, Cabbage, Castor Oil, Pine, Date, and Wheat—and watch the germination as it takes place, Fic. 44.—Seeds of Pinus Pincain dif- ferent stages of germination. /,ripe seed in longitudinal section : s, sper- moderm ; ¢, endosperm ; w, radicle of embryo; c, the cotyledons; y, the mi- cropyle end of seed, with the rootlet directed towards it. 7/, germination commencing: A, spermoderm, s, ruptured, and rootlet, w, protruding; 7, red membrane inside spermoderm ; , ruptured embryo sac : Z, portion ot spermederm removed ; ¢, endo- sperm: C, longitudinal section ; c, cotyledons: JD, transverse section. 411, germination complete, the coty- ledons, c, unfolding, and the hypo- cotyledonary part of stem, /c, elon- gated, the main root, w, developing lateral rootlets, w'. (After Sachs.) Fic. 45.— Germination of Phenix dac- tylifera. J, transverse section of seed before germination. J//, ///, lV, different stages of germination. 4, transverse section of seed at x, x, in IV; B,atxy; C,at zz. The fol- lowing letters refer to all the figures: —e, endosperm ; s, sheath of cotyle- don ; s#, its stalk; c, apex, forming an organ of absorption by which the endosperm is entirely removed, the growing end occupying the place of the absorbed endosperm ; w, pri- mary root; zw’, secondary root; 2’, 6", leaves succeeding the cotyledon ; 6", the first foliage leaf; 4, pileo- rhize. In J&B, C, the folded lamina is seen cut across. (After Sachs.) we shall find that there is a great difference with regard to the growth and development of the cotyledon during the process. In exalbuminous seeds, where the cotyledons are thick and Germination 27 fleshy, as in the Bean (fig. 1) and Acorn, they remain within the seed during germination, finally perishing after the food- material contained in them has been used up for the growth of the embryo. In the case of the Cress, Cabbage, and Beech we have an exalbuminous seed where the cotyledons are thin, and here they rise out of the soil to form the first leaves, carry- ing the testa with them (fig. 43). The Castor-oil plant has an albuminous seed ; in this case the cotyledons are not liberated until after the exdosperm has been all absorbed (fig. 42). In the case of the Pine we have an analogous growth (fig. 44), Y.-C Fic. 46.—Longitudinal section of fruit of Zea Fic. 47. — Germinating Mais. c,rericarp ; 2, remains of the stigma ; embryo of Oat (the Js, base of the fruit ; eg, hard yellowish part endosperm removed). of endosperm; ew, white softer portion of Pp; the plumule; s, the endosperm; sc, scutellum (cotyledon) of scutellum; 7, 7, the embryo; ss, its apex ; ¢, its epidermis; 4, rootlets; co, the coleo- plumule; w (below), the main root; ws, rhiza. sheath covering main root; w (above), lateral] rootlets springing from the first inter- node ofthe stem, s¢. (After Sachs.) the cotyledons (which are numerous) appearing above ground after the absorption of the albumen, the peculiarity here being the development of chlorophyll in the cotyledons before they rise above the surface. All these are dicotyledonous seeds. The remaining two illustrate the germination of monocotyledons. 28 Elementary Botany In the Date Palm (fig. 45) the lower part of the cotyledon lengthens, pushing the root and plumule out of the seed, whilst the rest of it remains in contact with the albumen absorbing it. In the Wheat (fig. 46) the cotyledon is developed to form a plate where it is in contact with the endosperm, and is known as the scutellum. This serves the purpose of absorbing the Fic. 48.—Germinating Bean : a,4, Fic. 49.--Longitudinal section through the cotyledons ; ¢, d, leaves ; ¢, ter- apex of a root of 4 sprdistra elatior: minal bud; 4, primary root; g, wh, root-cap ; M, pith ; 0, epidermis ; ¢’, lateral roots. narrow spiral vessels; G’’, broad reticu- late vessels. albumen, In this case there is at once a growth of the root causing a rupture of the sheath surrounding it, which remains attached to the axis forming the coleorhiza (fig. 47). In some few monocotyledonous plants, where there are exalbuminous seeds (as in the natural orders Naiadacez, Alismacez, &c.), the Root Structure 29 cotyledon is freed from the integuments, and is raised up through the soil. When the cotyledons remain beneath the soil they are said to be hypogeal, when they rise above epigeal. There is also a great difference between dicotyledons and monocotyledons with regard to the formation of the young root. In dicotyledons the radicle is directly prolonged, and no branching takes place until after the young root has left the seed (fig. 48), so that the first root is a direct prolongation of the radicle, and is known as a normal root.- Such a mode of root development is called exorhizal. In monocotyledons, on the other hand, there is a branching within the seed (fig. 47), and the radicle is not directly produced. Such roots are known as adventitious, and the growth is said to be endorhizal. The term adventitious is applied to all roots which are not developed by the direct growth of the radicle ; hence in dico- tyledons adventitious roots may be developed later on from various parts of the plants (as from stem, as seen in the Ivy, &c.), so that it is only the first-formed roots which are always normal in this group. ROOT STRUCTURE. Even whilst the radicle is within the seed a change of shape and condition has come over some of the cells, which, however, is more apparent after the ydung root has commenced to grow (fig. 49). The outer layer of cells becomes more or less flattened, forming a complete protective coat known as the epidermis. At the extremity the cells are thickened in such a manner as to produce what is known as the root-cap or pileorhiza, which is intended to protect the growing extremity of the root during its prolongation. Just behind the root-cap there is a mass of meristem tissue, which forms the growing point of the root. This by the constant subdivision of its cells produces on its outer sides additions to the root-cap, thus making up for portions that have become worn off by the growth of the root, whilst on its inner side it forms fresh tissue, thus causing the root to increase in length. Roots, then, increase in length only by growth near the apex. The upper part of the root is 30 Elementary Botany made up of permanent tissue, consisting principally of a mass of parenchymatous cells forming the ground tissue, and in this there are developed, more or less completely, bundles of pros- enchymatous cells and vessels, forming what are known as fibro-vascular bundles, running from the base of the root towards the apex. These bundles consist of xylem and phloém, very similar to that which exists in the stem (see ne VI.). Each Fic. 50.—Transverse section of root of Phaseolus. mM, pith; s, endodermis or sheath of fibro-vascular bundles, with parenchyma of the ground tissue externally ; fc, peri- cambium layer; 4, primary phloém of bast fibres ; g, primary xylem, with vessels ; ¢,cambium. (After Sachs.) bundle contains prosenchymatous cells or fibres, vessels and parenchyma, but they differ from the bundles of the stem and leaves, in that the vessels are, as a rule, first formed near the circumference of the bundle, and the xylem and phloém masses (which vary in number in different plants) alternate instead of being placed the one outside the other. The bundles thus form an irregular star of three, four, or six rays. Root Structure 31 In Dicotyledons there is, as a rule, a small number of such bundles, whilst in the roots of Monocotyledons the number is considerably larger. Surrounding the bundles there is a ring of specially modi- fied meristem cells known as the pericambium, and outside this an enveloping layer of cells forming the bundle-sheath or endodermis. Branches of the root are formed by outgrowths of the pericambium which push their way through the adjacent tissue, and thus form rootlets, which repeat the structure of the original root (fig. 51). Roots increase in thickness by the formation of a ring of Fic. 51.—Longitudinal section of main root of Vicia Faba. r,r, cortex of main root; 4 fibro-vascular bundles ; x, 2, lateral rootlets developing from pericambium, and breaking through cortical tissue ; 4, pileorhiza of side Fic. 52.--Epidermis of root with rootlets. (After Prant].) hairs. meristem between the xylem and phloém bundles, and which, by the repeated division of its cells, produces new xylem and phloém. The cells of the epidermis often possess prolongations or hairs (¢vichomes), which tend to increase the amount of surface in contact with the soil (fig. 52). FORMS OF ROOTS. There are certain terms which are used in the description of the form of the root. When it is broad at its base and 32 Elementary Botany tapers towards the apex, as in the Carrot (fig. 53) or Monkshood, it is conical. When it is broadest in the centre and tapers towards the two ends, as in the Radish (fig. 54), it is fusiform, Fic. 53. Fic. 54. Fic. 55. Fic. 56. Conical root, Fusiform root Napiform root of Fibrous root of ofthe Carrot. of the Radish. the Radish, a Grass. or spindle-shaped. When it has become somewhat globular with a tapering extremity, as in the Turnip, or some varieties of Radish (fig. 55), it is said to napiform ; whilst the term placentiform is applied to it if the tapering apex be absent, as Fic. 57.—Double tuber, a, 3, Fic. 58.—Double palmate tuber, «, 3, of Orchis Morio. of Orchis odoratissima. in the Sow-bread. If a number of slender branches be given off, as in the Grass (fig. 56), the root is fibrous. When some of these fibres become swollen in an egg-shaped manner, as in Forms of Roots 33 Orchis Morio (fig. 57), the term tuberculated is employed ; whilst if the tuber is divided so as somewhat to resemble the Fic. 59.—Tuberous fasciculated root of the Dahlia. fingers of a hand outstretched, as in Orchis odoratissima (fig. 58), it is called palmate. The term fasciculated, or tufted, is used where there are a number of tubercles or fleshy branches arranged in a bunch, as in the Dahlia (fig. 59). When the fibres are enlarged only at their extremities, as in the Dropwort (fig. 60), the root is no- dulose, or knotted ; whilst if there be several swellings arranged like beads on a necklace, as in Felar- gonium triste, it is said to be monili- form, or necklace-shaped. YAWN Fic. 60.—Nodulose root of Spirea filipendula. Fic. 61.—z, a piece of branch of an Apple tree cut through length- wise, into which a ,oung Mistle- toe plant, 7, has driven its suck- ing roots, s. In Ipecacuanha the root is called annulated, it being marked with several ring-like expansions upon its surface. 34. Elementary Botany ROOT FUNCTIONS. 1. The root is a great organ of support, tending to hold the plant fixed in the soil or other situation in which it may be growing. 2. It is an organ for the absorption of food. This raises three questions, viz. the source of the food, the nature of the food, and the manner of its introduction into the plant. A. The source of the food.—The roots, as a rule, enter the ground, and hence receive the plant-nourishment from that source. In the case of some aérial plants the roots absorb the food with the moisture present in the air, whilst in the case of many parasites, as the Mistletoe (fig. 61), the sucking roots penetrate into the stem of the plant upon which it grows, thus obtaining their nourishment second-hand. B. LVature of the food—A chemical analysis of the sub- stance of a plant shows it to be composed of the following elements :— Carbon, C. Phosphorus, P. Potassium, K. Hydrogen, H. (Silicon, Si.) Calcium, Ca. Oxygen, O. (Chlorine, Cl.) Magnesium, Mg. Nitrogen, N. Tron, Fe. Sulphur, S. (Sodium, Na.) The five placed in the first column are sometimes called the organic elements, as they are required for the building up of the protoplasm and cellulose. Those placed in brackets are not so necessary or so universally met with as the rest. Since, then, the plant body is built up of these elements, it is evident that they must enter into the composition of its food. They are not, however, absorbed in their elementary condition, being obtained from various compounds which con- tain them. Carbon is obtained by green plants from carbon dioxide, called also carbonic anhydride, and formerly known as carbonic acid gas, CO,, a gaseous compound of carbon and oxygen ; perhaps partly by means of the roots ; but especially, as we Plait Food 35 shall see later on, through the pores of the leaves, these pores performing the part of both lungs and mouths for the plant. Carbon is one of the most important substances present, build- ing up portions of all the plant-tissues, and usually forming one-half of the dried plant by weight. Hydrogen, another element present in every organic com- pound, is obtained from water, H,O, which is taken up in large quantities by the roots, and also, to a slight extent, from ammonia, NH;. Oxygen.—The sources of this element are to some extent the two compounds H,O and CO, already noted, and also the various oxygen salts of the metals, such as sulphates, phos- phates, nitrates, &c. Besides this, the free oxygen of the atmosphere enters the plant, combining with the tissues, as we shall have to notice further on under the head of Respira- tion. Nitrogen, which is an essential element of protoplasm, the albuminoids, and allied bodies, is obtained from ammonia, NH,, and nitrie acid, HNO,, which latter, with the metals, forms the salts known as nitrates. It must be borne in mind that, although nitrogen exists to a very large extent in the air in a free or uncombined state, yet that plants are only able to absorb it from its compounds. Sulphur is taken up as sulphates, that is, salts of sulphuric acid, H,SO,; probably chiefly calcium sulphate or gypsum, CaSO,. This element also is required for the protoplasm and albuminoids. Phosphorus is obtained from phosphates, principally calcium phosphate, Ca3,2PO,. Silicon is taken in as silica, SiO,, which is often largely present in the soil; whilst the sources of chlorine are the chlorides of the various metals, especially of sodium, the chloride of which is common salt. The metals mentioned above are all obtained as salts combined with the acids we have noticed. c. Method of introduction of the food substances into the plant.—Before any food can be absorbed it is necessary for it to be in a state of solution, The water present in the soil D2 36 Elementary Botany dissolves up the various food materials, and thus brings them into a fit state to be taken. The outside surface of the root is entire, not perforated by holes, hence the solution of food has to be absorbed into the cells of the plant itself. This is accomplished by means of the process of osmosis. If two liquids be se- parated by a membrane permeable to both, they will flow through it and intermingle. This can be very easily demonstrated by means of a simple experiment. If a vessel is closed below by a piece of bladder, whilst a tube is tightly fastened in the neck (fig. 62), and if a concentrated solution of cupric sulphate is placed in the vessel so that it stands a short way up the tube, and then the whole apparatus is plunged into a vessel of water as shown in the diagram, x the two liquids will interchange, some of the cupric sulphate passing through the bladder into the outer water, whilst some of the latter enters the vessel. The two liquids do not, however, flow with equal rapidity. The law in all such cases is that the denser liquid flows more slowly than Fic. 62.— Apparatus for the less concentrated. As cupric sulphate measuring osmose: 4, a i ‘ vessel filled with cupric solution is denser than water, a larger py Phate cestle maw amount of the latter passes through the brane, and placed in'@ membrane than of the former, and therefore Te viakde to ming the liquid will rise in the glass tube. The with the cupric sul- passage inwards is called exdosmose, whilst phate, the level of the . fluid willriseinthetube that outwards is termed exosmose. Sugar vin connection with the B = vessel 4, but will fall at © syrup may be used in the above experiment x in the outer vessel. : instead of cupric sulphate. Let us apply this process to the root. Within the cells there is the sap, without there is the water with mineral salts in solution; we have here two liquids of different densities separated by a permeable membrane, the cell wall. As a con- sequence osmosis ensues, some of the external water passing i nara Rotation of Crops 37 into the cell, and some of the sap being excreted into the soil. As, however, the sap is much denser than the water without, the flow of this latter is more rapid. By the same means the food material thus absorbed is transferred up the root from cell to cell towards the stem. ‘The sap is densest in the upper cells, owing to the evaporation which is going on, and hence the flow is maintained. ‘This passage of food takes place especially by means of the prosenchymatous cells or fibres, whilst absorption goes on most actively in those cells which are near the growing point and by means of the hairs. The various food materials are not, however, taken up in- discriminately by the plants. It is found, if plants are grown in water containing equal amounts of the salts necessary for food, that the quantities removed are very different. There is what is known as se/ective power, each plant remov- ing from the soil those substances which are more especially necessary for its life, leaving other foods behind. Thus legu- minous plants remove especially lime salts; potatoes and turnips, compounds of potash ; cereals and grasses, silica ; and so on. If the same plant be grown year after year in the same soil it gradually impoverishes the ground, whilst food materials needful for other plants will be accumulated. Hence is brought about what is known as rotation of crops—that is, growing a well-chosen selection of plants in succeeding years in the same soil. The exact plan of rotation varies with the nature of the soil and the plants desired to be grown. The following is an example of what is known as the Norfolk or four-course rota- tion:— 2 | 3 4 | ‘| Fallow. Turnips and | Barley | Clover Wheat | Swedes | : } \ That is, the farm will be broken up into four portions. The first will undergo thorough tillage and be planted with root 38 Elementary Botany crops, which need especially potash and lime, and, having short roots, take their food near the surface, or are surface-feeders. Division No. 2 has barley, which takes up very little lime and potash but much silica, and is also a surface-feeder. Clover, in division 3, takes much the same food as the root crops, but is a subsoil-feeder— that is, sends its roots deeply into the ground. The wheat in division 4 is also a subsoil-feeder, but like barley takes up much silica, The next year the position of the crops is changed. Barley is grown on division 1, clover on division 2, wheat on 3, and so on; so that once every four years each. part of the soil has each kind of plant growing on it, and the full rotation is thus shown :— ist Year end Year 3rd Year | 4th Year Ist Division | Root crops | Barley Clover | Wheat and ,, Barley Clover Wheat Root crops 31d 335 Clover Wheat Root crops | Barley 4th ,, ‘Wheat | Root crops | Barley | Clover At the same time various manures are employed to supply the place of the different materials removed from the soil. 3. The root is also, as we have seen, an organ of excretion; some of the sap, by osmosis, passes out into the soil, whilst the food enters the root. This is most important, as the sap is found to possess, as a rule, an acid reaction (that is, it turns vegetable blues, such as litmus, red), and hence it aids the root by dissolving up some of the materials present in the soil. Many of these substances, which are very needful for the food of the plant, are insoluble in water, but the acid sap dissolves them readily. This can be easily shown by means of anexperiment. Take a piece of perfectly smooth marble, and cover it with sand to the depth of about a quarter of an inch ; sow in this some seeds of mustard or cress, and place in a position favourable for germination. When the young plants have grown for a short time, clear the whole off, and it will be found that the rootlets will have eaten their way into the marble, dissolving the sub- stance, and forming minute grooves where they had been, Root Functions 39 This explains how it is that we sometimes see large trees with their roots sunk into the solid rock. They have sprung up in that position from seeds, and as the roots have grown the acid sap has gradually eaten a passage for them until they have attained their present firm condition. Added to this, the root exerts a mechanical force, splitting the rock in the direction of pre-existing grooves, and thus helping to form a passage for their growth. On the high road between Buxton and Longnor, at a village called Sterndale, several large trees are close to the road-side, growing through immense blocks of lime- stone, which blocks have been split by the expansive force of the tree. 4. The preceding functions belong more or less to all roots; there is, however, a fourth, which is only occasionally seen. In some cases the root acts as a storehouse of food. Let us take the case of a biennial plant, such as a Turnip. During the first year there are no flowers, but plenty of leaves. Food materials are absorbed and converted by means of the leaves into starch and other substances, which are stored up in the root, which latter becomes swollen. The next year the plant flowers and fruits, and this reserve of food is used up during the process, so that by the end of the second year the root has become shrivelled and fivrous. 40 Elementary Botany CHAPTER VI. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PLUMULE—FORMATION, STRUCTURE, AND FUNCTIONS OF THE STE. Wuttst the radicle grows downwards to form the root of the plant, the plumule is elevated above the soil, and produces the stem, bearing leaves and other appendages. Popularly the stem is looked upon as differing from the root in growing above the ground, but botanically there is a wider difference. Underground portions of many plants, as the Onion and Potato, which are generally called roots, are in reality stems. The characters of stems as distinguished from roots are as follows :— : 1. Their growing points are not covered with a root-cap, but are surrounded by young leaves (buds). 2. They have developed-upon them appendages, variously modified, but which differ in structure from the stems them- selves ; whilst roots simply branch, the branches being repeti- tions of the structure of the original root. 3. Whilst, as we have seen, the branches of the root have their origin in the deep-seated layers of the pericam- bium (endogenous growth), the branches and appendages of stems take their rise from more superficial layers (exogenous growth). If we make a transverse section across the young stem during the first year of its growth, we find that there is a great difference in the appearance it presents in the two great groups of Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons. Fig. 63 shows the section of a portion of a young dicoty- ledonous stem. On the exterior there is an epidermis of flattened cells. Stem Structure AI At first this is like the epidermis of the root, consisting of a number of similar cells, always completely in contact ; but after a while some of these become separated from one another, leaving an opening or stoma (plural, stomata) between them (fig. 64). These stomata are always surrounded by two or four cells, which are generally smaller than the epidermal cells, are cres- cent-shaped, and contain chlorophyll. These are known as stomatal or guard cells, I. Fic. 63.—Transverse section of petiole of Hed- Fic. 64.—I. Horizontal section through Zeborus, showing the three systems of tissues : the epidermis of the under side of e, epidermal ; /, fibro-vascular; x, xylem ; the leaf of ELuonymus japonicus c, 6, phloém—c, soft bast ; 4, bast-fibres ; g, looked at from below: sf, stoma'a ground or fundamental tissue. (After II. Course of development of the Prantl.) stoma of A rthropodium cirrhatum i sm, mother cell ready for division ; sp', sp", spl, successive stages of division, III. Mature stoma. More towards the interior of the stem there are developed some bundles of cells (fig. 63). At first these bundles consist of meristem tissue, known as procambium, forming a string of similar and growing cells. Very soon, however, the greater part of this passes into the form of permanent tissue, which is separated into an outer or phloém and an inner or xylem 42 Elementary Botany portion, leaving a band of meristem (cambium) between them (fig. 65). The bundles, which now consist of fibres and vessels, with a few parenchymatous cells, are spoken of as fibro-vascular bundles. In many cases the fibres and vessels become very much hardened by the thickening of the second- ary deposit, and the fibro- vascular bundles can then be easily separated from the surrounding portions of the stem. In other cases there is very little hardening in the bundles, and they cannot be thus separated. The rest of the stem in its young state is made up can if ES SESS Sea. f of parenchymatous cells, ES Es forming what is known as KD fundamental or ground tissue, which is divided into three parts—a portion in the centre of the stem, Fic. 65.—Transverse section through a young the pith or medalla ; a ring internode of Bahmeria argentea: 0, epider- ‘ ‘ pf mis ; CO, outer cortex (collenchyma) ; e ae underlying the epidermis, cortex; S, intercellular space ; c, cambium o} : the vascular bundle; c’, cambium ef the thick. from which the cortex or ening ring ; B, bast portion ; H, xylem portion ‘ . of we vascular bundle ; 8’, the bast formed bark is developed 5 and, from the intermediate cambium ; z, medullary lastly, masses of cells ray. which separate the fibro- vascular bundles and unite these two portions, the medullary rays. The next change is in the cells which lie between the fibro- vascular bundles and the epidermis. Here are produced flattened cells filled with air, possessing flexible and elastic walls forming a close tissue without interspaces. These are cork cells. They are rarely (as in the Willow) developed from the epidermis itself; sometimes (as in the Poplar) from the Dicotyledonous Stem 43 cells immediately beneath it, more often from the more deeply lying cells. On the inner side there is developed a ring of meristem, known as phellogen or cork cambium, whilst within this there is a layer of cells containing chlorophyll, the phelloderma or green layer. Sooner or later all the cells outside the cork tissue dry up and shrivel, forming the outermost layer of the bark. SS Se ee e ve Fic. 66. —Transverse section of one-year-o:d stem of A tlanthus glandulosus: e, epidermis withered ; %, cork cells, formed by the inner cells with proto- plasm, the cork cambium or phellogen ; 7, inner green cells, the phello- derma. (After Prantl.) The dicotyledonous stem now consists of the following parts :— 1. A ring of epidermis and cells with it becoming dried and dead. 2. A ring of cork tissue, the outer bark or epiphlceum, with the cork cambium within. 3. A ring of phelloderma, the middle bark or mesophloeum. 4. A ving of phloém, interrupted by the passage of the medullary rays, and forming the bast, liber, inner bark, or endophleeum, 44 Elementary Botany 5. A ving of cambium, also interrupted by the passage of the medullary rays. 6. An interrupted ring of xylem or wood. 4. A central pith or medulla. 8. The medullary rays, uniting the pith with the middle bark. (See fig. 65.) In the monocotyledonous stem (fig. 67) there is quite a dif- ferent arrangement. On the exterior there is no differentiated bark ; within, no separation into pith and medullary rays ; but a number of bundles of procambium scattered amongst the general ground or fundamental tissue. These bundles differ in their de- velopment as well as in their arrangement from those of the dicotyledonous stem. Instead of leaving a layer of vitally active cambium, they are entirely con- wig he datibuton of the Sbrowas, verted into xylem and phloém. de yr a ae ees Dicotyledonous bundles which contain cambium are spoken of as open, whilst those bundles which are destitute of this form- ative tissue, as those of monocotyledons, are known as closed. We must now note a little more fully the structure and functions of the various parts of the dicotyledonous stem. 1. The medulla or pith consists entirely of parenchymatous cells, generally dodecahedral in shape, and it forms a cylindrical axis at or towards the centre of the stem. In the earlier stages the cells usually contain a little chlorophyll, and are filled with nutrient substances ; later on they become dry and colourless, and filled with air, and no longer serve any purpose in the life of the plant, so that the stem may be hollowed, all the pith having disappeared, and yet the plant may be living vigorously. The amount of pith varies much in -different plants. In hard-wooded plants, as the Ebony, it is very small; whilst in soft-wooded plants, as the Elder, it is much larger. Again, we often find in many rapidly growing herbaceous plants, as Dicotyledonous Stem 45 the Hemlock, the pith, not being able to keep up in growth with the other parts, has left the stem hollow, with a rugged attachment of pith at the sides ; whilst in the Walnut and Jessae mine it has become broken up into thin discs (dscoid pith). 2. Surrounding the pith there is a layer of spiral vessels (the medullary sheath), which is in reality the commencement of the wood or xylem. The function of these vessels, as indeed of all true vessels, is to serve as air carriers. Like the wood, cambium, and liber, the medullary sheath is pierced by the medullary rays. Fic. 68.—Portion of the transverse section through a shoot of Ivy four years old: R, cortex ; B, bast bundles ; H, wood, in which the four annual rings are distinctly visible ; m, pith; s’, medullary rays; F, bast fibres; cé, cambium ; s”, primary, s’”, secondary bundles. 3. Outside the medullary sheath comes the xylem or wood, arranged in the form of concentric rings. These rings are formed as follows. During the first year the cambium cells by their division have caused the wood and liber to increase in thickness. During the winter the cambium remains dormant, but as soon as spring returns the cells once more become vitally active, and form a fresh ring of wood on its interior outside the old xylem, and a fresh ring of liber on its exterior zzséde the old 46 Elementary Botany phloém. Thus year by year fresh rings of wood and liber are formed (fig. 68), the oldest wood being towards the centre of the tree, whilst the oldest bark is towards the exterior. Growth such as this is sometimes spoken of as exogenous, and dico- tyledonous plants are sometimes termed exogens. It is, how- ever, only the wood which is exogenous in growth ; the liber is endogenous. As fresh rings of wood are as a rule formed every year, the age of a tree can generally be approximately ascertained by counting the number of the rings. The annual rings of various trees differ very much in the extent of their thickness, much depending not only on the nature of the plant itself, but also on its age and the atmospheric conditions of the climate. Also in the same plant the rings are not of equal thickness all round, so that the pith instead of being geometrically in the centre of the tree is generally more or less excentric. When these wood rings are fully developed they consist of three elements, viz. :— a. Wood fibres or wood prosenchyma. 6. Vessels, either spiral, annular, pitted, or otherwise. c. A variable quantity of wood parenchyma. These three elements are variously arranged, and any one of them may be absent. Generally there is plenty of secondary deposit, so that the cells have become hard. The inner wood is, as we have seen, the oldest, and hence the hardest, and is often coloured by the secondary deposit having colouring matter. This is especially well seen in such wood as Ebony, Mahogany, Rosewood, &c. In other cases, as in the Poplar and Willow, the old wood is nearly as colourless as that of the exterior. This inner wood is known as the duramen or heart-wood. The xylem on the exterior, which is younger, is permeated with sap, and is known as the alburnum or sap-wood. The heart-wood is principally useful in supporting the plant, so that it may be absent as well as the pith without interfering with the vital activities of the tree. In the sap-wood the vessels are air carriers, whilst the fibres are sap distributors carrying a current of sap from the root up towards the leaves (see Chapter XII.), Diucotyledonous Stent 47 4. Outside the xylem there is the interrupted ring of cam- bium, consisting of prosenchymatous cells dormant during the winter, and in full activity on the return of spring. After the first year cambium is formed between the fibro-vascular bundles Fic. 69.—Diagrammatic view of the structure of a dicotyledonous stem with circumferential growth as seen in transverse section. 4—m, R, ground tissue forming pith (m) and cortex (zk), the external ring representing the epidermis. Six fibro-vascular bundles separate—+x the xylem, and / the phloém of each bundle. 2—older stem: the bundlesnow united by cam- bium ring of fascicular (/¢) and interfascicular (éc) cambium ; 4, 4, the pri- mary bast fibres of the phloém. C-—still older stem. By the activity of the Cambium new wood and bast have been formed. 4, wood formed by fascicular cambium ; 7/4, wood formed by interfascicular cambium ; if, interfascicular phloém ; x, y, medullary sheath. The shaded upper part shows medullary rays. (After Sachs.) (interfascicular cambium), thus making the cambium ring com- plete (see figs. 65 and 69, B). By means of this interfascicular cambium, not only are the medullary rays lengthened as the 48 Elementary Botany stem increases in thickness, but also fresh phloém and xylem are produced between the original bundles. 5. Outside the cambium there is the interrupted ring of phloém, liber, or inner bark. Like the wood this consists of : three elements, viz. :— a. The bast vessels or sieve- tubes (fig. 36). 4. Bast fibres (fig. 38). _¢. Bast parenchyma or soft bast. The separate annual layers of the liber cannot, as a rule, be so readily distinguished as those of the wood, they being . much thinner and compressed together by the growth in thickness of the tree. In some cases, however, the liber can be separated into thin plate- : like layers. A good example of this is to beseen in the Lace-bark tree (Lagetta lintearia) of Jamaica, where the inner bark separates into thin sheets having the appearance of lace, the holes in it being the perforations for the passage of the medullary rays. The fibres of the bast act Fic. 70.—Part of a transverse section through the bast of the Wild Lettuce 8 Sap circulators, bringing (Lactuca scariola): Bf, bast fibres ; Bf, down the elaborated sap from . bast parenchyma; Mm” outer, m’ inner lati-ilerous vessels; RA, cortical paren- the leaves. chyma ; HZ/, wood-fibres. 6. The green layer, or phelloderm, consists of chlorophyll-containing cells, often inter- mixed with laticiferous vessels. 7. The outer or cork layer with its formative phellogen immediately beneath it. These two last layers form a pro- 49 After a short time the showing secondary wood parenchyma ; ¢, 74 with pitted and spiral mark- 7, medullary rays cut across. Hes CS SOE ANS Fa SSS Bark tective coat to the exterior of the stem. cells generally become dead, and very often peel off under the expanding influence of the growth of the stem. -vascular bundles: g, g, wood vessels ; /, yma, of two varieties ; 7, tracheides, tudinal tangential section of stem of Azlanthus, if, \ibriform or bast-like wood fibres; s: 2s BEES 66 BG Ae sug I 7 aay Ros ae SEs ea CRBES & This, as is seen in the Elm or Cork Oak, gives a rugged In other cases, as in the Beech, appearance to the bark. 50 Elementary Botany owing to its capability of distension, the bark presents a smooth appearance. 8. The medullary rays uniting the pith with the middle bark, and separating the fibro-vascular bundles. They are generally made up of flattened, six-sided cells, arranged like bricks in a wall (muriform parenchyma). The rays are rarely continuous from the top to the bottom of the stem, being separated by the fibro-vascular bundles (s¢, fig. 71). The medullary rays form what is known as the ‘silver grain’ of the cabinet makers. The use of the rays is to distribute the elaborated sap from the liber through the other parts of the stem. In most cases the fibro-vascular bundles are continuous with those which form the veins of the leaves, and are known as ‘common bundles,’ 7.c. common to leaf and stem. At the nodes (the point of attachment of the leaf to the stem) these bundles enter the stem and run down parallel to one another, usually through two or three internodes. At the nodes the bundles branch and interlace in various ways, whilst they thin out the further they descend. In some few water plants, as the Hippuris or Mare’s tail, the Myriophyllum or Milfoil, and a few others, the fibro-vascular bundles run simply through the stem, or are cauline, the foliar originating later. The direction of the fibro-vascular bundles can be readily traced by making a longitudinal section of a young stem, taking care to cut through at least two nodes, and then soaking it for five or ten minutes in a solution of aniline sulphate acidulated with a few drops of sulphuric acid ; the lignin of the bundles will be stained yellow, and hence their position can be noted. STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF THE PARTS OF A MONO- COTYLEDONOUS STEM. Even in their external form monocotyledonous stems present a different appearance from the dicotyledonous stems described. In this country we possess no indigenous monocotyledonous tree (the Butcher’s Broom is the only indigenous shrub), but Monocotyledonous Stems SI ‘the exotic Palms (fig. 72), instead of having tapering stems like our forest trees, possess them of much the same diameter from top to bottom. Fic. 72.—Livistonia australis, a Fan Palm. Within there is no separation into pith or bark. On the exterior there is an epidermis and a cortex, or false rind made up of the ends of the fibro-vascular bundles. ‘These bundles E 2 52 Elementary Botany enter the stem from the bases of the leaves being continuous with the bundles present in them. At first they are narrow. They grow inwards, and then pass down the interior of the stem, gradually increasing in diameter. At length, having attained their largest size, they begin to curve outward again, thinning as they do till they end at the exterior (fig. 73). Fic. 74.—Transverse section of fibro-vascular bundle of Zea Mais: ~, thin-walled parenchyma of ground tissue of, a, outer and, 2, inner part of stem, with thick-walled Fic. 73.—Course of the prosenchymatous ground tissue internal to it ; g, g, large vascular bundles of 77s pitted vessels ; s, spiral vessel ; 7, isolated ring of annular in longitudinal section vessel ; Z, air cavity ; v, v, cambiform tissue or soft bast. (diagrammatic). (After Sachs.) é The bundles are closed, containing no cambium, hence after their formation they cannot increase in size. A section across the stem will show the younger bundles within and the older ones without. Such a mode of growth is often termed endogenous, but it must be borne in mind that it is only at a part of their passage that this is true, as at the commencement and end they grow outwards. In annual and herbaceous monocotyledons the ground tissue Monocotyledonous Stems $3 is soft and delicate ; but in trees, as Palms, it is much hardened by secondary deposit, forming woody parenchyma. It follows from this a stem to increase in thickness after the outer rind has become thoroughly hardened. In some Monoco- tyledons of the Lily tribe, as the Aloe and Dragon-tree (fig. 75), there is a provision for the exogenous forma-, tion of new bundles, but in a different manner from that which takes place in Dicotyledons. A layer of meristem is formed in the outer part of the ground tis- sue, by means of which the stem is increased in thickness, and in which new fibro-vas- cular bundles are formed. In Monocotyledons the sap rises to the leaves through the xylem of the bundles, and descends through structure that it is impossible for such \ eae ik Fic. 75.—Transverse section of stem of Dracena, near apex : e, epidermis ; 4, cork ; 7, cortical portion of ground tissue ; 4, fibro-vascular bundle to leaf; 72, ground tissue of centre of stem; g, fibro-vascular bundles ; x, meristem zone, developing new fibro-vas- ene bundles (g’) and new ground tissue(s¢). (After acns, the phloém, and apparently partly by the parenchymatous tissue. EXTERNAL FORMS OF STEMS. A section of the stem usually shows it to be more or less cylindrical in shape ; at other times it is angular, being either triangular, square, five-ribbed, etc. (fig. 76). When the stem is herbaceous, and dies down annually, it is 54 Elementary Botany called a caulis ; when woody and perennial, a trunk ; and when jointed, as in Grasses, a culm. Generally stems are able to support themselves in an up- right position, and are erect ; if they trail on the ground they are prostrate ; if, whilst thus reclining, they rise towards their extremities, they are de- cumbent ; or if they gradually rise from near the base, as- Il. III. Fic. 76.—I. Section of triangular stein! : II. Section of square stem. III. Section cending. Of Hveaie BeauBten Some stems are climbing, attaching themselves to some object of support either by zoot- dets (as in the Ivy), or by ¢endrils (as in the Passion Flower and Sweet Pea). At other times they are twining around the object of support (as in the Bind-weed and Hop, fig. 77). Fic. 77.—I. Stem of Convolvulus arvensis twining to the left. II. Stem of Hop twining to the right There are certain terms which are applied to various forms of stems, some of which describe the aerial or above ground, and others the subterranean stems, Forms of Stems 55 1. Aerial Stems. a. The Runner.—This is well seen in the Strawberry, where a branch springing from a plant creeps along the ground (often with a modified leaf or scale upon it), and ultimately strikes in 5 the soil, producing leaves and roots, and forming a new plant (fig. 78). ; Fic. 79.—The offset of i the Houseleek (Semper- Fic. 78.—Runner of Strawberry (Fragaria vesca). vivunt). 5. The offset, seen in the Houseleek, much resembling the runner, but shorter and thicker (fig. 79). ¢. The stolon, as in the Gooseberry and Currant, is really a branch given off above the ground striking into the earth and giving off roots and leaves, forming a fresh plant. This is often imitated: by gardeners in the process of layering, when they bend down a branch into the soil, thus causing it to take root and produce a fresh plant. d. The Sucker. — This differs from the last in being a branch springing from beneath the soil, and after proceeding for a short time in a horizontal direction, giving off roots as it does so, turns up and grows out of the ground, forming a new plant. The Rose and Mint are examples. i 2. Subterranean Stems. e. The rhizome or rootstock is a thickened stem creeping either at the surface of the soil or just below it, giving off leaves from the upper surface, and roots from the lower. As the leaves fall off year by year, they leave scars marking where Fic. 80.—Stolon. 56 Elementary Botany they had been. These, together with other subterranean stems, are popularly termed roots, but are distinguished from true roots in the manner already indicated. Examples are to be found in the Iris, Sweet Flag, Ginger, Solomon’s Seal, etc. ib ‘ mn & yi aM ut & Th W s 19 v G ce Fic, 82.—Rhizome of Solomon’s Seal (Convallaria Polygonatum): a, ter- minal bud from which is developed Fic, 81.—Sucker. the next year’s stem; 4, this year’s stem: ¢, d, scars of the stems of pre- vious years. Fic. 83.—Creeping rhizome of Carex. Ff The soboles or creeping stem is thinner than the rhizome, but otherwise resembles it. It is met with in the Sand Sedge (Fig. 83) and Couch Grass. In the former plant it is often of great use in binding together the loose sands of the sea shore, whilst in the latter it is a pest to the farmer. Forms of Stems 57 g. The tuber is an underground stem or branch, which is much swollen by the deposition of a large quantity of starch and other food materials. It posseses leaves which are more or less modified. In the Potato (which is a good example of the tuber) the eyes are the modified leaf buds. It is a well- known fact that if the aerial branches of a Potato plant are earthed, their growth will be arrested and tubers will be formed. | yee Fic. 84.—A six-weeks-old Potato plant, developed = Fic. 85.—Single tuber of the from the seed, the upper branches, a, 4, being Pig Nut (Carum bulbocas- cut off: @, cotyledons ; in the axils of the cotyle- tanum). dons are developed the underground branches, e, e, which penetrate into the ground and form tubers, 4g, at their apex or in the axils of small leaves. ‘The tubers are formed only on_ the branches which are produced in the axils of the cotyledons, never on the true roots 4. Other examples of tubers are to be seen in the Jerusalem Artichoke and in the Pig Nut. The two following modifications of stem are only to be met with amongst monocotyledonous plants. h. The bulb consists of a more or less flattened disc-like stem, giving off roots below, and scale-like leaves, together with stem and flowers, above. The scale-like leaves have the power of developing in their 58 Elementary Botany axils smaller bulbs or buds known as cloves or bulbils (a, fig. 86). There are two forms of bulb. When the inner scales are fleshy, and are covered by thin membranous ones, the bulb is said to be ¢unicated, as in the Onion. If there be no outer tunic, as in the Lily, the bulb is said to be sca/y or naked. Vic. 86.—Scaly (squamose) bulb of Fic. 87.—Corm of Gladiolus segetum, a, the Onion: 4, plate or disc; a, longitudinal section: a, last year’s, 4, this bulbils. year's bulb; c, scape; d, scales; ., roots; B, after removal’ of the enveloping scales : J bud, which will develop into next year’s corm: 2y bulbil. z. The corm differs from the bulb in being much more solid, consisting of a larger disc and fewer scale-leaves. Examples are to be met with in the Gladiolus, Snowdrop, Crocus, Col- chicum, etc. 59 CHAPTER VII. BUDS AND RAMIFICATION. BRANCHES of the stem first make their appearance as buds. These as a rule do not appear indiscriminately but at certain definite parts of the plant, viz., at the extremities of the stem ¥FiG. 88.—a, terminal Fic. 89.—Diagram of a longitudinal section of the ; 3, axillary apex of the stem of a dicotyledonous plant; 22, bud, the leaf in pith ; 4 fibro-vascular bundles, both developed the axil of which from the pleurome (ZZ), the bundles sending it was produced branches to the leaves ; ~, corticle tissue ; ¢, epi- having been re- dermis ; 4, 4, young leaves, two showing their moved. origin from protomeristem () ; 4, axillary bud. (After Prantl.) and branches, when they are called terminal buds ; and in the axils of the leaves, that is to say, the angle formed between the leaf and the stem, when they are termed axillary buds. 60 Elementary Botany If they grow from any other part of the plant they are said to be adventitious. At first the bud consists entirely of parenchymatous tissue connected with the parenchyma of the stem. There is a central conical mass around which, after a while, vessels and wood cells are developed; outside these, parenchymatous tissue which forms bark, and which is covered with little scales of paren- chyma variously overlapping one another, forming the rudi- mentary leaves. The portions of the young stem to which these leaves are attached are known as nodes, whilst the stem between the nodes forms the internodes. Fic. 90.— Branch spines of the Sloe 4 (Prunus spinosa). Fic. 91.—Prickles of the Rose. In cold and temperate climates, where the buds remain dormant during the winter, unfolding during the following spring, the outer surface is protected by modified scales, which sometimes, as in the Horsechestnut and Poplar, possess resinous secretions, and at other times, as in Willows, are covered with hairs. These scales protect the young bud from the cold and frosts of the winter, and fall off when it begins to develop in the following spring. The commencement of the development of the bud is by the growth of the internodes, by which the young leaves become gradually separated from one another and the branch is formed. Spines and Tendrils 61 If all the normal buds of the plant were developed, the branching would follow regularly the arrangement of the leaves. This uniformity is often interfered with: 1st, by the non- development of buds ; 2nd, by the formation of adventitious buds. Sometimes many of the buds remain entirely undeveloped. At other times, instead of being developed into leaf-bearing branches, they form subsidiary organs. 1. Spines are often modified branches. They are met with in the Sloe or Blackthorn. At times they are small and desti- tute of leaves ; often they bear leaves, and under cultivation they become developed into leaf-bearing branches. Thus, whilst the Sloe is spiny, the , cultivated Plum bears only leafy branches. There is a great difference between spines (as in the Sloe and Locust-tree) and prickles (as in the Rose and Bramble). In the former case the spines are modified branches, and as such are connected with the internal parts of the stem ; in the latter case the prickles are simply hairs of the epidermis which have become hardened by the deposition of secondary deposit. 2. Tendrils. — Sometimes the buds become developed as tendrils or cirrhi, as in the Grape Vine, enabling the plant Fic. 92.—Stem tendrils of the Grape-vine : to hold on to the object of eee state; v, bearing a support. Both spines and tendrils may be modifications of parts of leaves. The spines of the Barberry, and of some species of Acacia (fig. 129), and the tendrils of the Sweet Pea (fig. 93), are examples. 62 Elementary Botany We can tell, however, which they are by their position. If they are in the axils of leaves they are modified branches ; if upon the stem or forming part of the leaf they are modified leaves. In some cases adventitious buds are formed beneath the Fic. 93.—Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odoratis). bark, and are not developed externally. In such cases they produce considerable variations in the figure and grain of the wood. Bird’s-eye Maple is a very good example of this. Buds are often capable of being removed from one plant and made to grow upon another of the same family. Upon this fact depend the important operations of grafting and budding. Budding and Grafting 63 ; In grafting, a branch of a superior variety, possessing buds, is taken and implanted on a wild stock (fig. 94). The for- mative cambium round the wound grows, forming a protective succulent cushion of tissue known as a callus (fig. 95). The graft grows independently of the stock, receiving, however, its nourishment through it. In budding, a bud, together with the surrounding bark, is Fic. 95.—Diagrammatic repre- sentation of a longitudinal sec- Fic. 94.—Grafting : d, the stock tion through a graft: c/, the to which the graft is attached. callus; 7, bark; 1, pith. removed from a superior variety, and a T-shaped incision is made in the stock, beneath which the bark of the bud is inserted, the whole being bound round to protect it from the action of the atmosphere (fig. 96). The bud grows in the same way as the graft. The terms vernation and prefoliation are employed to ex- press the way in which the young leaves are arranged in the bud. We have two things to notice, viz., 1st, the arrangement 64 Elementary Botany of each individual leaf; 2nd, the disposition of the several leaves in the bud. 1. The arrangement of the separate leaves.—In the buds of the Firs they are flat. In other cases they are variously bent. Fic. 96.—The various elements in the process of budding. If the apex approaches the base, as in the Tulip-tree (fig. 97, 1.), it is reclinate. If the two edges meet together, leaving the midrib in the centre, as in the Oak and Magnolia (11.), it is I. II. Fic. 97.— Various methods of leaf-folding in buds. conduplicate. If each side be folded several times like a fan, as in the Lady’s Mantle, Beech, Sycamore, and Vine (111), it is plicate. When the apex of the leaf is rolled up towards the base, as in the Sundews, Ferns, and Cycads (1v.), it is circinate. Vernation 65 When the leaf is rolled on itself, one margin being rolled to- wards the midrib, and the other margin rolled over it, as in the Apricot and Banana (v.), the folding 1s convolute. When the two margins are rolled towards the midrib on the under side of the leaf, as in the Dock and Rosemary (v1.), it is revolute. When the margins are rolled in the opposite way, that is, to- wards the upper surface of the leaf, as in the Violet and Water Lily (vu), it is involute. . (The diagrams of vernation are often at first hard to under- stand, unless we remember they represent sectzovs cut across the leaves. A good plan is to cut out a large leaf in paper and to bend it in the forms described, after which an examination should be made of actual specimens.) Fic. 98.—Forms of leaf-arrangement in bud. 2. The disposition of the several leaves in the bud.—In this case the leaves are either flat, or only slightly convex, or they are bent or rolled. (a) Leaves flat or only slightly convex.—The vernation is valvate (fig. 98, 1.) when the leaves are placed in the same level and simply touch one another by their edges. If they are placed at different levels and overlap one another like tiles of a roof, as in the Lilac (11. and 11.), it is imbricate. When the F 66 Elementary Botany overlapping is carried further (as in fig. 1v.), it is said to be spiral or twisted. (6) The separate leaves bent or rolled.—When, as in the Columbine, involute leaves touch by their edges without over- lapping (v.), the vernation is induplicate. When, as in the Privet, conduplicate leaves are bent around one another (v1), it is equitant ; whilst when, as in the Sage, they are only half folded over one another (vi1.) they are obvolute or half equitant. When, as in the Apricot, a convolute leaf has another rolled outside it (vut.), the vernation is supervolute. In considering branch- ing, whether of root, stem, or leaf, we must carefully distinguish the main axis, foot or podium, and the branches. This, however, is not always easy. 1. In somie cases the main axis ceases to grow when the branches are formed. Such branching is called dichotomy or dicho- tomous branching. The podium has at its extremity two growing points, each of which develops a branch. Sometimes both of these grow equally vigorously, Fic. 99.—Diagrams of dichotomous branching. each bifurcating abt HES) EEE A, normal dichotomy, the forked branches and a true dichotomy or equally developed, and becoming the pea of . new dichotomies. 3, Bostrychoid dichotomy, forked system 1s produced one fork-branch only becoming the podium of fi : a new ay in this ce the left(2). C, ( 8-99, A). Sometimes one cicinnal dichotomy; one fork branch, alternately left (2) and right (7), becoming the podium of branch becomes more a apy enon, Fou © ee soenesel atrongly’ developed | thas the other; the system now becomes sympodial, the successive strong branches looking as though they were the continuous axis, and the weaker branches appearing to be lateral ones. If the stronger bifurcation is Branch Systems 67 always on the same side, a helicoid or bostrychoid dichotomy is formed (fig. 99, B). If the stronger bifurcation alternates, first to the right and then to the left, we have a scorpioid or cicinnal dichotomy (fig. 99, c). 2. If the axis is prolonged beyond the branch, a monopodial branching is produced. If the main axis continues to develop more strongly than the branches, the branching is said to be racemose ; in other cases the main axis soon ceases to grow, and the shoots become strong ; the branching is now said to be cymose. There are two varieties of this :— a. When two or more shoots arise near the apex of the podium and develop more strongly than the main axis, which soon ceases to grow. This is called false dichotomy (or if three branches, trichotomy, or if more than three, polytomy) (fig. 100, C). AG Fic. 100.—Diagrams of sympodial varieties of monopodial branching. 4 and JS, cicinnal monopodia. C.dicha-ium, or false dichotomy. D, bostrychoid monopodium. The axes are numbered in succession from1to7. (After Sache) 6. When only one shoot grows it forms a pseud-axis or sympodium, which may form a scorpioid or cicinnal cyme if the branches come off on opposite sides (fig. 100, A, B), or a helicoid cyme if they all come off on the same side (fig. 100, D). F2 68 Elementary Botany SUMMARY OF Forms OF BRANCHING. Dichotomous Monopodial pi mes re —_———_—~. Forked Sympodial Racemose Cymose Sr sgierepen vila Helicoid Scorpioid False Dichotomy Sympodial Helicoid Scorpioid True Dichotomous branching is very rare, being seldom met with in leafy shoots. It may be seen in the roots of Lycopods, in the shoots of Selaginella, and in the fronds of some ferns. Racemose branching is met with in the stem of conifers, also in the compound leaves of umbellifers and in the roots of dicotyledons. A false dichotomy is seen in the inflorescence of chickweed and other plants of the order Caryophyllaceze, also in the stem of Mistletoe. The sympodial cyme is to be met with in the annual shoots of many of our forest trees, such as the Elm, Beech, and Hazel. 69 CHAPTER VIII. STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF LEAVES. WHEN a leaf is perfectly complete, it consists of three parts :— 1. The flat expanded portion which is popularly called the leaf. This is the lamina, or blade. 2. The stalk, which attaches ip ¥, YH Fic. ror.—Oval leaf of the ; Apple, with two free sti- Fic. ro2.— Sessile leaves of Shepherd’s- pules. purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris). this to the stem, the sstioie or leaf-stalk. 3. The little leaf- like projections at the point of union between the petiole and the stem, the stipules. 70 Elementary Botany In very many cases, however, there are only one or two of these parts present. If the petiole be absent, the leaf is said to be sessile; if the stipules, exstipulate. The Wallflower and Shepherd’s-purse (fig. 102) are ex- amples of plants with leaves which consist of lamina only. In some of the leaves of the Australian Acacias (fig. 103), we have only the petiole developed. It grows in a flattened leaf-like expansion know as a phyllode (fig. 103, a, 9). a 2 | “Sep yyyph i] YS © ) Argh Fic. 103.—Leaf of Acacia melanoxylon, showing phyllodes a, 4 In the Lathyrus Aphaca (fig. 104) the stipules are the only parts which are developed in a leaf-like manner, the lamina and petiole being converted into a tendril. In structure the leaf consists of parenchyma, which is in- timately connected with the outer parenchyma of the stem, and prosenchyma forming the veins, and which is in like manner connected with the xylem and phloém. In a vertical section through the leaf we find the following parts (fig. 105) :— Stomata 71 t A flattened epidermis coating the upper (4) and under (ec) sides. As a rule, the under surface possesses a greater number of stomata than does the upper. , Fic. ro5.—Diagrammatic section of leaf: a, cuticle of upper, 7“ of lower side ; 4, epidermis of upper, ¢, of lower side; c, Fic. 104.—Lathyrus Aphaca: 1, ten- cells of upper side; d, stellate cells of dril; 4, flower; 7 fruit; 71, stipule. lower side ; g, g. stomata ; /, /, hairs. Professor Bentley gives the following table of the number of stomata found in a square inch of the two surfaces respec- tively of the various plants :— Upper Under Surface. Surface. Mezereon. : : . None 4,000 Peony . : : . : 39 13,790 Vine. , ‘ ; ‘ 9 13,600 Olive. : ¥ ‘ : fs 57,000 Holly. : F ; : 6 63,600 Laurustinus . ‘ é ‘ 3 90,000 Cherry Laurel ; ; ; 35 90,000 Lilac 3 3 $ ‘ 160,000 Hydrangea . : : ; 4 160,000 Mistletoe é ; a j 200 200 Tradescantia . ; ‘ + 2,000 2,000 Houseleek . é s . 10,710 6,000 Garden Flag . : : . 11,572 11,572 Aloe. si : : » 25,000 20,000 Yucca . . ‘ ‘ . 40,000 40,000 Clove Pink . ‘ : - 38,500 38,500 72 Elementary Botany Besides stomata, the epidermis is very frequently provided with hairs of various kinds. These are simply prolongations of the epidermal cells, sometimes unicellular (fig. 106, 1.), sometimes multicellular (fig. 106, I1.). They vary much in their shape, sometimes being simple and at other times branched. An interesting modification is seen in glandular hairs which contain various secretions ; of these stinging hairs, as are found in the stinging-nettle, are good examples. In this case there is a little bag at the base of the hollow hair, containing an acrid fluid, and surrounded by a number of elastic cells. The point of the hair is sharp, and is protected by a little cap. When the nettle is touched lightly, the cap is broken off, the point of the hair pierces the skin, and a drop of the stinging juice is forced into the blood. If the nettle be grasped firmly the sting is broken lower down, and hence there is no sharp point to pierce the skin, and the juice is simply poured out upon the exterior. 2. The surface of the epidermis is generally covered with a thin structureless layer, the cuticle (fig. 105, @ and /). 3. The parenchyma of the interior. of the leaf consists of cells containing chlorophyll. There is a difference, however, in their arrangement in the different parts of the leaf. ‘Towards the upper surface the cells are packed closely together (¢, fig. 105), whilst towards the under surface we find examples of stellate parenchyma, leaving air spaces between the cells (d, fig. 105). This is the cause of the fact that in most leaves the under surface is lighter in colour than the upper, as there is less chlorophyll packed there. The upper parts of the veins are in direct communication with the wood of the stem, whilst the lower parts are connected with the liber. At the edges of the leaves there is a passage between the upper and lower sides, so that the sap which passes up the wood flows out through the upper part of the veins, back through the under surface to the liber, and so down the stem. There is a great difference in the venation or arrangement 73 Hairs ‘yo uayorq st xed padeys-qouy 1 (22, 01p BIF4/)) EAE ap JO Wey Zursung—-*or ‘org snoarna st] Vaya ATeY 9YI JO INO SOY PINB Burpo1s0d oy3 ee sasuazoAag 12IUVALIL) *muNTUO SILLA wv jo yes] aq wiody Tet Te jo ways sy) Woy Tey AL[NTPPONATL “TT Se Q \ a {NEON “Ts strey epdurg—"9or “OTT CC ces 7A Elementary Botany of the veins of the leaves in the two great groups of flowering plants. In Dicotyledons the smaller veins run together, forming a complete network known as reticulate venation (fig. 108) Fic. 108.—Reticulately veined leaf of Acer acutifolium. In Monocotyledons, as a rule, there is no network formed between the principal veins, and the venation is said to be Fic. 109.—Parallel venation. parallel (fig. 109), (Some Monocotyledons, however, as the Aroids, have net-veined leaves.) There are varieties of both net-veined and parallel-veined leaves. Venation 75 If we take the net-veined leaves, we find that there 1s either a single principal vein or midrib, as in the Guelder Rose (fig. 110), when the leaf is said to be unicostate, or there are several principal veins, as in the Maple (fig. 108), when the leaf is multicostate. Again, amongst unicostate leaves in some cases the smaller veins curve towards the apex (fig. 110), when we may term the leaf curved-veined ; in other cases they run more at right angles from the midrib to the margin (fig. 111), when it is said to be feather-veined. is Dp Fic. rro, — Dentate ovate leaf of the Guelder Rese, with unicostate __ vena- tion § (Viburnum Opulus). Fic, 112, — Converging veined leaf of Cinna- mon. Fic. fe acct leaf of the Dandelion, fea- ther-veined. There are also two varieties of the multicostate leaves. In some cases, as in the Maple (fig. 108), the diverging ribs never meet again. The venation of the leaf is then said to be diverging or palmate. In other cases, as in the Cinnamon (fig. 112), they meet again at the apex, and the leaf is con- verging veined. 76 Elementary Botany Of the parallel-veined leaves there are three varieties. When, as in the Grass (fig. 109), the veins all run from the base to the apex, it is straight veined. When, as in the Banana, there is a central midrib, and the side veins run off to the margin, it is transverse veined. When, as in the Fan Palm (fig. 72), there are several veins diverging from a common centre, it is radiating veined. We may tabulate these forms of venation as follows :— Reticulate-veined Leaves —_—_—_—_ Unicostate Multicostate —_— ——N Curved Feather Diverging Converging veined veined veined veined Parallel-veined Leaves Straight Transverse Radiating veined veined veined In describing leaves, besides the vena- tion, we have to take into account the following points :—1. Composition; 2. Margin ; 3. Incision ; 4. Apex ; 5. General Outline. 1. Composition.—Leaves are either simple or compound. In simple leaves, as in the Apple (fig. 101), there is only a single lamina ; in compound leaves, as the Acacia (fig. 103), the lamina is divided into a number of leaflets articulated to the common petiole. 2. Margin.— The condition of this depends upon the extent to which the par- enchyma is developed between the veins. The margin may be entire, as in Grasses. More often there are indentations. If the teeth thus formed are rounded Povnge tea (fig. 113), the margin is crenate. If they leafof the White Mustard are sharp, and point straight outwards (fig. EAI: 110), it is dentat>. If sharp and pointing towards the apex, like teeth of a saw (fig. 101), serrate. Margin and Apex of Leaves a4 Sometimes the teeth are themselves divided, and we get bicrenate, duplico-dentate, and biserrate margins. If the margin of the leaf be covered with numerous hairs (fig. 114), it is ciliate. If there be alternate concavities and convexities larger than crenated indentations, the margin is sinuate (fig. 115). When the teeth are very long and sharp, the margin is spiny (fig. 116), and when the margin is very irregular, as in the garden Endive and curled Dock, it is crisped. Fic. 114.—Ciliate leaf Fic. 115, — Sinuate Fic. 116.—Spiny leaf of the Beech, leaf of the Oak. of the Holly. 3. Incision.—We apply this term if the margin be more deeply indented than in the instances already described. If the indentations reach to midway between the margin and the midrib or petiole, we speak of them as fissures, and the por- tions of leaf between them as lobes, and the leaf is said to be bi-, tri-, etc., id. If the divisions go nearly to the base, or midrib, they are partitions, and the leaf is d7-, ¢ri-, &c., -parttte. If quite down to the midrib or base segments, the leaf is dz-, tri-, &c., -sected. (For further remarks on this point see under the head of Outline.) 4. Apex.—If the apex of the leaf be rounded (fig. 115), i is obtuse or blunt. If it be sharp pointed (fig. 110), it is acute, and if it gradually tapers to a point (fig. 117), it is acuminate. When there is a rounded head, and a broad shallow notch in it, the apex is retuse, and when the notch is more triangular 78 Elementary Botany (fig. 118), it is emarginate. When the apex is very abrupt as though cut off, it is said to be truncate. py = | Fic. 117. — Acuminate Fic. 118.—Leaf of Oxralis Fic. 119.—Mucronate leaf of the Pellitory micrantha, with three leaflet of the Lu- (Parietaria). obcordate leaflets. cerne. : Fic. 120.—Pinus sylvestris, the Scotch Fir, with acerose Fic. 121.—Lanceolate leaves. leaf of the Privet. When the apex is flattened and has a sharp point projecting (fig. 19), it is called mucronate. 5. General Outline.—Various terms are employed for the description of the general outline. Outline of Leaves 79 If, as in the Grasses (fig. 109), the two margins of the lamina are nearly parallel and the lamina itself is narrow, the leaf is linear. If the leaf be sharp pointed and needle-like, as in many Conifers (fig. 120), it is aecerose. When the leaf is somewhat broad in the centre, and tapers towards the two extremities, as in the Privet, it is lanceolate (fig. 121). If more rounded at the extremities and broader in the centre, it is oval, or elliptical (fig. ror), and oblong when rather long. When, as in the Guelder Rose (fig. 110), the leaf is broad and rounded at the base, tapering to a point at the apex, it is ovate or egg-shaped ; and if the reverse, obovate, or inversely egg-shaped. Fic. 122.— Orbicular leaf of Malva rotundi- Fic. 123.—Cordate leaf of Solia, Lamium, When the leaf is nearly round (fig. 122) it is orbicular or subrotund. When, as in the case of the Lamium (fig. 123), the leaf is somewhat hollowed out at the base, and pointed at the apex, so as to be roughly like a heart in a pack of playing cards, it is cordate or heart-shaped, and when the reverse (fig. 118), obcordate. If the apex is rounded, instead of pointed, whilst the base is hollowed, as in the Ground Ivy (fig. 124), the outline is reniform or kidney-shaped. When the apex is rounded, and the leaf gradually tapers to the base (fig. 125), it is spathulate or spoon-shaped ; or if it is more tapering, as in the leaflets of the Horse-chestnut (fig. 126), the outline is said to be cuneate or wedge-shaped. 80 Elementary Botany . When the leaf is somewhat of the form of an arrow-head (fig. 127), it is called sagittate or arrow-shaped ; or if the barbs of the arrow point out more at a right angle to the blade, the leaf is hastate or halbert shaped (fig. 128). There are also several terms which are applied to the out- lines of compound and much divided leaves. Thus, if 2 compound leaf has two leaflets it is bi- nate; if three, ternate (fig. 118). A quadrifoli- ate leaf has four, a quinate five, a septenate seven, and a multifoliate leat more than seven leaflets Fic ee = Srila springing from a common Daisy (Chrysanthe- mum leucanthemum.) Fic. 124.—Reniform leaf of the Ground Ivy (WVe- peta Glechoma). Fic. 126. — Cuneate Fic. 127.--Sagittate Fic, 128. — Hastate leaflet from the leaf leaf of Convolvulus leaf of Rusmex ace- of the Horse-chest- arvensis. tosa. nut. point. When the leaflets are arranged on either side of the central stalk, like barbs on a feather, the leaf is said to be pinnate. Of these leaves there are two varieties, viz., impari- pinnate or unequally pinnate, when there is an odd lobe at. Compound Leaves 81 the extremity (fig. 129), and paripinnate, or equally pinnate, when the number of lobes present is even (fig. 130). SSL Fic. 130.—Paripinnate leaf of Za- thyrus macrorhizus (with auri- culate or ear-shaped stipules), the rachis ending in a point. Fic. 129.—Imparipinnate leaf . of the ‘Acacia’ (Robinia Pseudacacia) with oppo- 7 2 site leaflets (and spinous Fic. 131.—Pinnatisect leaf of the stipules). Common Poppy (Pagaver Rheas). When a simple leaf is divided in a pinnate manner, it is pinnatifid, pinnatipartite, or pinnatisected (fig. 131), ac- cording to the depth of the incisions. When a pinnatifid leaf G 82 ‘Elementary Botany has its terminal lobe large and rounded, and the side lobes gradually getting smaller towards the base (fig. 113), it is lyrate ; Qe Myon WHY pS AKON “alld ie Sg Ny Sy eo NG vaya (li: ir ry Nef i Seif ae om i ae = iy pe Fic. 132. cata leaf of Gleditschia triacanthos. whilst if the terminal lobe is triangular, and the lobes are also angular (fig. 111), it is runcinate. When each of the pinnz of a pinnate leaf is itself pinnate. ‘ Fic. 133.—Tripinnate leaf of Thalictrum, the leaf is said to be bipinnate. If the division be carried a step further, it is tripinnate (fig. 133). When the divisions of the leaf spread out like the fingers Compound Leaves 83 of a hand, the leaf is palmate (fig. 134), palmatifid (fig. 108), palmatipartite and palmatisected (fig. 135). When a palmatisected leaf is itself cut up into segments, it is dissected or laciniate (fig. 136). Fic. 134.—Palminerved leaf of Geraniune Fic. 135.—Palmatisect leaf of the pratense (nature printed). Monkshood (Aconitumz). Fic. 136.--Heteromorphic leaves of the Fic. 137.—Pedate leaf of the Christmas Water Crowfoot (Ranunculus aguatilis): Rose (Helleborus niger). the floating leaves trilobed, the sub- merged leaves laciniate. Sometimes the lateral lobes of a palmate leaf are them- selves divided, giving the whole somewhat the appearance of a bird’s foot (fig. 137). The leaf is then pedate. G2 84. Elementary Botany There are certain terms which are applied to the attachment of the leaves to the stem. Thus when placed one above the other upon opposite sides of the stem, they are alternate. If placed in pairs on opposite sides, they are opposite. If the alternate pairs of opposite leaves are placed at right angles to Fic. 139. -- Verticillate leaves of the | Madder (Rubia tinctorum). Fic. 138.—Decussate leaves of the Fic. 140.—Connate leaves of the Scarlet Pimpernel (Axagadiis ar- Honeysuckle. vensis), with axillary flowers. one another (fig. 138), they are decussate. When there are more than two leaves forming a whorl round the stem (fig. 139), they are said to be verticillate. When two opposite leaves have their bases so united as to form apparently but one (fig. 140), often thus producing a cup, as in the Teasel, they are connate. If the base of the leaf, whether petiole, lamina, or Functions of Leaves 85 stipules, embraces the stem, the leaf is amplexicaul, the part surrounding the stem being called the vagina or sheath. If the stem grows through the leaf, the latter is said to be perfoliate (fig. 141), whilst, if any part of the leaf adheres to the stem, causing the latter to be winged (fig. 142), the leaf is said to be decurrent. Fic. 142.—Decurrent leaf of Symphytum offi- Fic. 141.—Perfoliate leaf of cinale, the stem hence becoming winged on Bupleurum rotundifolium. one side, If the leaves grow from the point of junction of the root and stem, or if the stem be so reduced as to be almost obli- terated, they are said to be radical. Leaves growing from the main stem are called cauline, and those from the branches, ramal. FUNCTIONS OF THE LEAVES. 1. To absorb food for the plant.—We have already seen how the roots take up from the soil the various substances needed for the life of the plant. One very important substance, however, is not taken up by the roots of green plants, and this is carbon. Thi& element exists in the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide or carbonic acid gas, a compound of carbon and 86 Elementary Botany oxygen, CO,. It is produced wherever breathing, burning, and decay of organic bodies are taking place. The composition of a thousand parts, by volume, of at- mospheric air is as follows :— Nitrogen. : 2 ‘ : » 779'50. Oxygen. : : : ; . 206°10. Water (variable) . ‘ : ; . 14°00. Carbon dioxide . : ‘ : : "40. Various gases. . . 3 . traces. 1,000°00, That is to say that a thousand cubic feet of air contain not quite half a cubic foot of carbonic acid. Small as this quantity may appear to be, it is the source of the carbon of the plant. The carbon dioxide enters with the other constituents of the air by means of the stomata into the interior of the leaf, there to serve for the nourishment of the plant. 2. To assimilate the food absorbed.—The food materials which are taken up by the root are not changed as they are carried up to the leaves. The sap becomes thicker by evapora- tion, but when it enters the leaves it still contains simply mineral substances. In the leaves, however, it is brought into contact with the carbon dioxide, and a marvellous change takes place. In the presence of the chlorophyll and under the action of light, the carbonic acid gas is decomposed : its oxygen is restored to the atmosphere, whilst the carbon is chemically united with the water and the mineral substances, to build up new and organic compounds. These changes will only take place in the light, and go on in all the green parts of the plants. It is owing to this that the amount of carbonic acid in the atmosphere is kept down, and the air purified and rendered fit for man to breathe ; hence the importance of open spaces with trees in the midst of our cities. One of the first substances formed is generally oxalic acid, which unites with the lime of the sulphate of lime, setting free the sulphur which is required for the manufacture of the various albuminoids. Other organic substances soon follow, and the Breathing of Plants 8&7 food which passes down the liber isin a fit state to be absorbed by the plant. (It is generally stated that the presence of chlorophyll is necessary to the decomposition of carbon dioxide. Recent observations, however, have raised the suggestion that chloro- phyll may be the vesu/f, not the cause, of the decomposition. The question needs further investigation, but the presence of chlorophyll and the decomposition of carbonic acid always go together.) A very important point to remember is, that the plant does not absorb free nitrogen from the atmosphere. All the nitrogen required by the plant is taken in either as ammonia or nitrates. 3. As a breathing organ.—Plants, like animals, carry on a process of respiration, z.e. they take in atmospheric oxygen, which combines with the carbon and hydrogen of the tissues forming carbon dioxide and water, which are restored to the air. The respiration, however, of plants is much less than that of animals ; it differs in its amount in various plants, and in the different parts of the same plant. The more energetic the growth, the greater the amount of respiration: hence it is especially well seen in quickly germinating seeds, and unfolding leaf and flower buds. The oxygen passes into the interior of the plant by means of the stomata, and by the same openings the carbonic acid gas is passed out into the atmosphere. This change goes on continually, irrespective of the presence or absence of light. During the daytime the feeding by the decomposition of carbon dioxide and assimilation of the carbon is so greatly in excess of the respiratory act, that it completely overshadows it, and ap- parently nothing is going on but the decomposition of the car- bonic acid ; but in the night time, when, owing to the absence of the light, no assimilation is taking place, the breathing can be perceived. 4. As an organ of transpiration.—A large portion of the water which is taken in by the roots of the plant escapes by the leaves. By means of this evaporation the sap becomes thickened as it ascends the stem. The transpiration takes place by means of the epidermis, and especially through the 88 Elementary Botany stomata. The amount which is evaporated depends upon certain conditions, viz. :— a. The state of the atmosphere. All other things being equal, more moisture will be given off in dry than in moist atmosphere. 6. The amount of light. The greater the light, the greater the transpiration. ¢. The structure of the epidermis. In many succulent plants the epidermis is very thick, thus preventing an excess of evaporation. a. There is a greater evaporation from the lower than the upper sides of the leaves. The amount of water transpired is often very great, as is shown by experiments which were first performed by Hales in 1724. A Sunflower plant, 3} feet high, weighing 3 lbs., and with a surface of 5,616 square inches, exhaled a pint of water a day ; a Cabbage plant with 2,736 square inches, 19 fluid ounces ; a Lemon tree with 2,557 square inches, 6 fluid ounces. The action of Wardian cases depends upon this continual evaporation. By this means the water which evaporates col- lects on the glass, and running down once more, waters the plants. The transpiration of plants also plays an important part in determining the humidity of the atmosphere where they grow. We always find that if there are forests of trees the atmosphere in the neighbourhood is moist ; whilst, on the other hand, there have been numerous cases where the clearing of a tract of country has materially interfered with the rainfall, producing droughts. 5. As organs of circulation.—From the fact of transpira- tion follows the next, that the leaves tend to produce a flow of sap upwards. As evaporation takes place there is a continual flow of water up the wood to take its place: the greater the evaporation the more rapid the sap circulation. (See Chapter XII.) The foregoing functions are performed by all leaves ; the following, however, are exceptional. Carnivorous Plants 89 6. In some cases the leaves act as carnivorous crgans.— Some plants seem to possess the power of absorbing their Fic. 143.—Venus’s Fly-trap (Dionea muscipula). nitrogen by means of organic compounds containing it. Good examples are to be seen in Venus’s Fly-trap (fig. 143), and the Sundews of our own country. If we examine the leaves of go Elementary Botany either of these plants, we find that their upper surfaces are covered with glandular hairs which, when touched, exude a few drops of a sticky liquid which adheres to the fingers, and will be drawn out into a fine thread. If an insect settles upon the leaf it becomes arrested, and gradually the leaf folds over, enclosing it. It thus remains closed for a short time, and on opening again there is found merely the outer shell of the insect, all the nutritive part having been absorbed by the plant. The leaf seems to contain a sub- stance analogous to, if not identical with, the pepsine of the animal stomach, which possesses the power of rendering nitro- genous substancés soluble. Other carnivorous plants have the same power of absorbing organic food materials by their leaves in various ways. 7. In some cases the leaves act as organs of support.— We have already seen that parts of the leaf may be converted into tendrils (figs. 93 and 104), thus twining round the organ of support and sustaining the stem. In the Tropzeolum the leaf- stalk itself twines and supports the plant. Parasites.—It has been noted (page 34) that some plants obtain their food through the medium of others. Such plants are known as parasites. We may divide them under three heads. (2) Semi-Parasites.—These can obtain some food from the soil, but not sufficient to enable them to grow in a luxuriant manner. If some seeds of Yellow Rattle be allowed to germinate in earth they will grow, but the plants will not be fully developed. If, however, the seeds be sown amongst some grass, strong, well- developed Rattles will be obtained. The Rattle sends its roots into the roots of the grass and draws sap out of them, which is afterwards elaborated in its own leaves. () Green parasites.—Mistletoe (fig. 64) is a type of this class. It cannot obtain any nourishment for itself out of the soil, and has to depend entirely upon the tree into whose stem it sends its roots. At the same time its leaves contain chloro- phyll, and hence it can decompose the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere, and assimilate food for itself. Parasites gI (c) Perfect parasites—Of this group the Broom-rape and Dodder are types. These plants possess no chlorophyll, hence they cannot decompose the atmospheric carbon dioxide, so they obtain from the plants on which they live sap which is already elaborated. In the case of the Broom-rape the leaves are modified into scales destitute of chlorophyll, whilst in the Dodder leaves are entirely absent. 92 Elementary Botany CHAPTER IX. BRACTS AND INFLORESCENCE. THE term bract is employed for those leaves in whose axils flower buds instead of leaf buds arise, or for any appendage growing upon the flower-stalk below the flower. In some cases, as in the White Dead-nettle, bracts cannot be distinguished, except by their position, froin the true leaves Fic. 144.—Capitulum of Marigold, with imbricate involucre. of the plant ; in other cases, whilst still leaf-like, they dif- fer in shape from the other leaves of the same plant. In all these cases the bracts are said to be foliaceous or leafy bracts. Sometimes the bracts are coloured, being then often mistaken for the true flowers, as in the Hydrangea, and in some species of Euphorbia. In other cases the bracts are small and scale-like. When several bracts sur- round a single flower as in the Pink, or a head of flowers as in the Marigold (fig. 144), they form an involucre. When a single bract is enlarged and ensheaths a single flower whilst in the young state, as in the Narcissus and Snow- flake, or a head of flowers, as in the Cuckoo-pint or Palm, it is called a spathe. When bracts are scaly, they are said to be sguamous, and Inflorescence 93 the special scaly bracts which enclose the flowers of the Grass and Sedge tribes are paées and glumes. If the bracts fall before, or soon after, the flower opens, they are deciduous ; whilst if they remain (sometimes even to the ripening of the fruit), persistent. If bracts be present, the plant is said to be dracteate ; if absent, edracteate. Fic. 145.—Simple raceme of Fic. 146.— Longitudinal section through the capi- Antirrhinum majus. tulum of the Burdock (Arctium Lappa). The term inflorescence is employed to describe the arrange- ment of the flowers upon the stem. In some cases, as in the Tulip, there is a single flower at the top of the stalk, no others being formed below. The inflorescence is then said to be single-flowered. More often there are several flowers variously arranged. Inflorescences are divided under two heads. If we examine such a bunch of flowers as the Snapdragon (fig. 145), or Wallflower, or Stock, we find that the oldest flowers are towards the base, the younger ones being towards the apex. Such an inflorescence is said to be indefinite. Sometimes in the indefinite inflorescences, as in the Burdock (fig. 146), or Thistle, or Dandelion, the flowers instead of being arranged 94. Elementary Botany one above another are side by side. In this case the younger flowers are towards the centre, and the older ones around them, and hence the indefinite inflorescence is also spoken of as centripetal, or centre-seeking. In the Pink, on the other hand (fig. 147), the stalk is capped by a flower which is the first to open, the younger ones budding below it. This is termed definite inflorescence, or (since, when the flowers are Fic. 147.—Dianthus Caryophyllus: portionof Fic. 148.—Simple spike of Ver- plant with definite inflorescence. bena officinalis. on the same level, the older ones will be towards the centre, and the younger ones outside) centrifugal. Of each of these forms there are several varieties. Indefinite or Centripetal Inflorescence.—In the case of the indefinite inflorescence the axis may either be lengthened as in the Snapdragon, or arrested as in the Burdock and Dande- lion ; and in either case the flowers may be sessile or stalked. A spike is an indefinite inflorescence with a lengthened Indefinite Inflorescence 95 axis and sessile flowers, as in the Verbena (fig. 148), Plantain, or Wheat. A raceme is an indefinite inflorescence with a lengthened axis and stalked flowers, as in the Snapdragon (fig. 145) and Currant (fig. 149). A capitulum is an indefi- nite inflorescence with short- ened axis and sessile flowers, as in the Marigold (fig. 144), Burdock (fig. 146), and Dandelion. An umbel is an indefinite inflorescence with shortened axis and stalked flowers, as in the Cherry (fig. 150). If Fic. 151.—Compound umbel of Fool’s Parsley ‘ (4thusa Cynapium); common involucre Fic. 150,—Simple umbel of the Cherry. wanting ; involucels of three leaves each, each branch of the umbel be itself branched, the compound umbel is produced, as in the Fool’s Parsley (fig. 151). Gene- rally the capitulum and umbel are surrounded by an involucre of bracts, and sometimes the secondary branches of the compound umbel have a special involucre which is called the zzvolucel. Special names are given to varieties of some of these forms. 96 Elementary Botany VARIETIES OF SPIKE. A catkin or amentum is a deciduous spike of unisexual flowers, as in the Oak (fig. 152), Hazel, or Willow. A spadix is a fleshy spike bearing several unisexual flowers, the whole enveloped in a spathe, as in the Arum (fig. 153). A strobilus is a spike of unisexual flowers with membranous bracts, as in the Hop. Frc. 153.—Spadix of Arum : a, barren sta- Fic, 152.—Catkin oramentum mens ; 2, stamens; c¢, Fic. 154.—Cone of the of the Oak. pistils. Scotch Fir. A cone is a spike of unisexual flowers with lignified bracts, as in the Fir (fig. 154). VARIETIES OF RACEME. A corymb is a raceme where the stalks or pedicels are of different lengths, the lower ones being the longest, so that the flowers form a flat-topped head, as in the Hawthorn and some species of Cerasus.* A panicle is a compound raceme, that is, one where each branch is itself branched, as in some Yuccas. A thyrsus is a panicle with very short pedicels, as in the Horse-chestnut and Lilac. Definite Inflorescence 97 VARIETY OF CAPITULUM. The hypanthodium has the end of the stalk hollowed out, the flowers growing within, as in the Fig (fig. 155). Fic. 155.—I, Longitudinal section through the hypanthodium of a Fig, exposing the flowers in its interior. II. A piece with five female flowers: s, pistil ; 6, perianth. We may tabulate the forms of indefinite inflorescence as follows :— Indefinite Inflorescence. With lengthened axis. With shortened axis. OO ~ _—aqxt_" With sessile With stalked With sessile With stalked flowers. Jlowers. flowers. flowers. SPIKE. RACEME. CaPITULUM. UMBEL. a Amentum. Corymb. Hypanthodium. Compound ‘S | Spadix. Panicle. umbel. ‘5 | Strobilus. Thyrsus. S Venn Definite or Centrifugal Inflorescence.—The general name for these is Cyme. We cannot well tabulate them in the same way that we do the indefinite. In many cases we employ the name of the indefinite inflorescence as an adjective to qualify the term cyme. Thus we have a spiked cyme in Sedum, H 98 Elementary Botany racemose cyme in Campanulas, panicled cyme in Privet, corymbose cyme in Laurustinus, etc. The dichotomous cyme (fig. 156) is one where two branches spring from beneath the terminal flower, each in its turn capped by a flower and developing two branches just below it, as in the Chickweed and Centaury. If there be three stalks the cyme is ¢richotomous. Fic. 156.—Dichotomous cyme Fic. 157.— Cymose inflorescence of of Cerastinin. Myosotis. If but one stalk be given off, which is again branched on the same side, and this again repeated a number of times always. on the same side, so that the young flowers become coiled like a scorpion’s tail or a shepherd’s crook, the scorpioid cyme is formed, as in the Forget-me-not, and many of the Boraginacee (fig. 157). The fascicle is a cyme which has a large number of flowers on short stalks, as in the Sweet William. The glomerulus is a cyme with a large number of sessile flowers, as in the Box. Mixed Inflorescences 99 The verticillaster consists of two cymose bunches placed on opposite sides of the stem, so as apparently to produce a whorl, as in the Lamium album (fig. 158), and other members of the Labiate. Fic 158.—Verticillaster of Lamium album. Mixed Inflorescences.—Sometimes in a plant there is a mixture of the two kinds of inflorescence. Thus in the Dead- nettle, whilst each separate inflorescence is definite, being a verticillaster, yet, taking the whole plant, the arrangement is indefinite, the lower verticillasters opening first. On the other hand, in most of the members of the natural order Composite, whilst each capitulum is itself indefinite, yet, taking the plant as a whole, the arrangement is definite, for the terminal capitu- lum is the first to open. Such an inflorescence is said to be mixed. 100 Elementary Botany CHAPTER X. STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF PARTS OF THE FLOWER, Tur flower is that part of the plant which subserves the pur- poses of reproduction. When complete, the flower consists of four whorls or series of organs. The two outer ones are merely coverings, whilst the inner ones form the essential organs. Commencing at the exterior, the outer coat is known as the calyx (fig. 159, K), and each division of which it is made up is a sepal. The inner coat is the corolla (fig. 159, B), and each sepa- rate part of it a petal. If both coats be present, as in the Buttercup, the flower is said to be dichlamydeous ; if only one, as in the Anemone, monochlamydeous ; if both be absent, as in the Ash, achlamydeous. The outermost whorl of the es- Fic. 159.— Flower of S: tsymbrium : : Alliaria: K, calyx; 8, corolla ; sential organs of the flower is the s, stamens; sé, pistil. andrecium (fig. 159, s), consisting of one or more stamens ; whilst within there is the pistil or gyneecium (fig. 159, s¢), consisting of one or more earpels. This will be a convenient place to note the distinction that is drawn between a complete and a perfect flower. For a flower to be complete, all four of the whorls must be present ; if any one be absent, the flower is incomplete. On the other hand, the term perfect is applied to all those flowers in which both andrcecium and pistil are present, although, as in the Anemone, one of the coats may be wanting, or even, as Complete and Perfect Flowers 101 in some flowers of the Ash, both coats may be absent. An imperfect flower is one where there is only one whorl of the essential organs, as in the Hazel and Oak. Lt follows that every complete flower must be perfect, but every perfect flower is not necessarily complete ; on the other hand, every imperfect flower must be incomplete, but every incomplete flower zs not imperfect. Perfect flowers are sometimes spoken of as hermaphrodite. Imperfect flowers are either staminate (fig. 160) if the pistil be absent, or pistillate (fig. 161) if the stamens be absent. Fic, 160.—Staminate ($) flower of Cadlitriche verna, with two sickle-shaped bracts. Fic. 162.—The Hazel (Corylus Fic. 161.—Pistillate (9) flower Avellana); branch with male of Cadlitriche verna. and female flowers, If staminate and pistillate flowers grow upon the same plant, as in the Hazel (fig. 162), Oak, and Birch, the plant is 102 Elementary Botany said to be moneecious ; if they grow upon separate plants, as in the Willow (fig. 163), Juniper, and Poplar, it is dioecious ; whilst if on the same plant are to be found hermaphrodite, staminate, and pistillate flowers, as in the Ash, it is polygamous. We must now notice each part of the flower more par- ticularly. Fic. 163.—Sallow (Salix caprea). 1. Male catkin. II. Female catkin. Fig. 164.—Flower of the Fic. 165.—Longitudinal section through the Strawberry, with calyx flower of Ranunculus acris, showing the in two rows. hypogynous calyx, corolla, and stamens. CaLyx.—The sepals are generally arranged in one whorl, but in some cases, as in the Strawberry (fig. 164), there may be two (or even, as in the Cotton, three) whorls. Generally the sepals are green, but sometimes, as in the Fuchsia, Larkspur, and Garden Nasturtium, they are coloured, or petaloid, Position of Calyx 103 When the calyx is inserted beneath the ovary upon the end of the flower-stalk (which is known as the thalamus), it is said to be inferior, and the ovary is superior, as in the Ranunculus (fig. 165, and fig. 166, H and P). Fic. 166.—Diagrammatic section of hypogynous (1), perigynous (P), and epigynous(£) flowers. a, axis, forming convex or concave receptacle, or wall of ovary: %, calyx: ¢, corolla ; s, stamens ; 7, carpels ; 7, stigma; s#, ovules. (After Prantl.) In other cases the calyx is adherent to the sides of the ovary, only the free limb springing from its upper part (or the calyx springs entirely from the top of the ovary). Itis then said Fic. 167.—Spurred calyx of Tvofpeolunt. Fic. 168.—Caducous calyx of Poppy to be superior, and the ovary is inferior (fig. 166, £), as in the Fuchsia, Willow-herb, Apple, etc. When the sepals of the calyx are distinct from one another, 104 Elementary Botany as in the Strawberry (fig. 164), it is said to be polysepalous. If the sepals be united together (fig. 170), as in the Primrose, the calyx is gamosepalous, When the sepals are alike, as in the Buttercup (fig. 165), or Primrose, the calyx is said to be regular ; if some be differently developed from the rest, the calyx is irregular, as in the Garden Nasturtium (fig. 167). If, as in the Poppy (fig. 168), the calyx falls off as soon as the flower-bud opens, it is said to be caducous; if, as in the Ranunculus (fig. 165), it remains after the flower opens, but falls off before the fruit ripens, it is deciduous; whilst if it re- mains after the fruit has ripened, it is persistent, as in the Strawberry (fig. 164). Fic. 170.—I. Turbinate. II. Fic. 169.—Tubu- — Urceolate calyx (represented Fic. 171.—Saccate calyx of lar calyx. diagrammatically). Lunaria. Sometimes the persistent calyx becomes very much enlarged around the fruit ; it is then accrescent, as in the Physalis. There are also certain terms which are used in describing the shape of the calyx which are of great importance in De- scriptive Botany. Thus it may be tubular (fig. 169), as in the Centaury ; ureeolate (fig. 170, 1.) or urn-shaped, as in the Campion; inflated or swollen, as in the Bladder Campion; turbinate or top-shaped (fig. 170, 1.); funnel-shaped or infundibuliform (fig. 176), as in the Deadly Nightshade; saccate (fig. 171), if there are four sepals, two of which are prolonged at the base, as in most cruciferous plants ; rotate (fig. 164), as in the Straw- berry ; bilabiate or two-lipped (fig. 177), as in the Dead-nettle ; Pappus 105 spurred (fig. 167), as in the Tropzolum ; galeate or hooded (fig. 172), as in the Monkshood. When the calyx is polysepalous, it should be described as bisepalous, trisepalous, etc. If gamosepalous, it may be de- scribed as toothed, lobed, or incised, according to the depth to which it is cut. Fic. 172,—Monkshood (Aconitum Napellus). Fic. 174.-—Pilose stipitate pappus Part of plant, showing galeate calyx. of Dandelion, A remarkable form of calyx known as pappus is met with amongst the composite and some other flowers. In this case the sepals are converted into numerous hairs, which crown the ovary, and are often very much enlarged upon the fruit, as is seen in the head of the Dandelion after flowering. The hairs may be either simple when the pappus is pilose 106 Elementary Botany (figs. 173 and 174), or feathery when it is plumose (figs. 175 and 178). Again, they may be sessile upon the ovary (figs. 173 and 175), or stalked, when they are said to be stipitate (figs. 174 and 178); so that there are four forms of pappus, viz. :— . Pilose sessile, as in Groundsel. Pilose stipitate, as in Dandelion. Flumose sessile, as in Salsify or Goatsbeard. Plumose stipitate, as in Thistles. Fic. _175.--Plumose Fic. 176.—Deadly Night- Fic. 177.— Bilabiate sessile pappus of shade (Atroga Bella- five-toothed calyx Tragopogon, donna) flower. of Lamium. Fic. 178.—Pappus of Carlina vulgaris. Fic. 179.—Fruit, 4 of the Tansy the feathery rays united below into (Tanacetum vulgare), sur- several bundles and coherent at the base mounted by the coronate into a ring. pappus. In the Chicory and Tansy (fig. 179) the pappus is coronate, forming a crown of broad hairs above the fruit. CoroLta.—The second enveloping layer of the flower is generally more delicate in its structure than the calyx, and is Corolla 107 often highly coloured and possesses odour. If there be only one coat present, as in the Anemone and Marsh Marigold, whatever its appearance, it is spoken of as calyx. The corolla is either gamopetalous or polypetalous— regular or irregular. If the petals are attached with the calyx beneath the ovary (fig. 166, H), the corolla is said to be hypogynous ; if the ovary be superior, but the petals, instead of being inserted under it, are attached upon the calyx, forming a ring round the ovary, the corolla is perigynous (fig. 166, p). When the ovary is inferior and the corolla springs from the top of it with the calyx (fig. 166, =), it is epigynous. The corolla never remains to form a part of the fruit as the calyx does sometimes. Fic, 180.—Unguiculate petal Fic. 181.—Bifid unguicu- Fic. 182. — Tubular co- of Dianthus, with toothed late petal of Lychuis, rolla from the disc of lamina. with ligule. the capitulum of Cex- taurea Cyanus Terms are also employed to describe the shape of the corolla, and of the individual petals. When the petals are broad above and form a narrow limb below, as in the Pink (fig. 180) and Lychnis (fig. 181), they are said to be unguiculate or clawed. When each petal is notched at its free edge, as in the Lychnis (fig. 181), it is described as bifid. If there are several notches it is toothed (fig. 180), or, if very much divided, fimbriated, as in Dianthus plumarius. Again, the corolla may be tubular, as in the Bluebottle and other composite plants (fig. 182) ; campanulate or bell-shaped, t08 Elementary Botany Fic. 183.—Campa- nulate corolla of the Canterbury Fic. 186.—In- ell. fundibuliform Fic. 184.—Urceolate Fic. 185.—Globose corolla of corolla of Vacci- corolla of Erica Convoloulus nium Myrtillus. Tetralix. arvensis. Fic. 187. — Hypo- crateriform corolla of the Jasmine. Fic. 188.—Rotate corolla of | Fic. 189. — Cruciform the Borage (Borago offici- flower of Lunavia, with nalis). unguiculate petals. Fic. 190 —Ligulate Fic, 191.—Bilabiate Fic. 192.—Bilabiate personate corolla corolla of Globu/a- —ringent corolla of of Antirrhinum majus. rig Alypum, Leminun album, Forms of Corolla 109 as in the Campanula (fig. 183); wreeolate or urn-shaped, as in the Bilberry (fig. 184); globose, as in many Heaths (fig. 185) ; infundibuliform or funnel-shaped, as in the Convolvulus (fig. 186); hypocrateriform or salver-shaped, with the petals flat- tened above, as in the Jasmine (fig. 187); rotate or wheel- shaped, as in the Borage (fig. 188); eruciform or cross-shaped, when there are four petals arranged like a Maltese cross, as in the Wallflower, Stock, or Lunaria (fig. 189); ligulate or strap- shaped, when the lower part of the corolla forms a tube and the upper part is flattened out, as in the Globularia (fig. 190), and the ray florets of the Daisy and florets of the Dande- lion; spurred, as in the Violet and many Orchids; bilabiate Fic. 193.—Papilionaceous corolla of Laburnum. I. Seen laterally. II. In front. III. Standard. IV. Left wing seen from without. V. Keel. or two-lipped, as in the Dead-nettle (fig. 191). Of this there are two forms: if the lips are wide apart, as in the Dead-nettle, it is ringent ; if closed, as in the Snapdragon (fig. 192), it is personate ; papilionaceous or butterfly-shaped, as in the La- burnum and other members of the Pea-flower tribe (fig. 193). In this case there are five petals, one overlooking the rest, the standard or vexillum (fig. 193, I11.); one standing out on each side, the wings or ale (fig. 193, iv.) ; and two united surrounding the stamens, the eel or carina (fig. 193, V.). In some cases, as in many of the Orchids, there is a most yregular shape of corolla which has received no special name. The term caryophyllaceous is applied to the corolla as it is met with in the Pink tribe (figs. 194 and 195), when there are five 110 Elementary Botany petals attached by claws to the base of a tubular calyx ; whilst if there are five petals, not clawed, and attached in a perigynous manner (fig. 196), the corolla is rosaceous. Fic. 194.—Caryophyllaceous Fic. 195.—Longitudinal section through corolla of Lychnis vesper- the caryophyllaceous corolla of Diaz- tina, with corona. thus. There are sometimes attached to the corolla subsidiary organs, which are variously arranged, and which, owing to their not being universally present, are not treated of as separate organs, They form the corona or paracorolla, and are petaloid VL Fic. 196.—Longitudinal section through Fic. 197.—Petaloid perianth the rosaceous flower of the Rose; the of Narcissus, with 6-partite pistil seated in the base of the urceolate limb and campanulate co- calyx. rona. and well developed in the Narcissus (fig. 197), or small as in the Lychnis (fig. 194), or consist of several hairs as in the Passion Flower and Dead-nettle, or scales with glandular hairs attached Nectaries III as in the Grass of Parnassus (fig. 199), or scales known as stami- nodes closing the tube of the corolla as in the Borage (fig. 198). NECTARIES, or glands for the secretion of honey, are some- times spoken of as subsidiary organs, but various parts of the Fic. 198. —Longitudinal section through the flower of the Borage ; each bifid stamen bears the anther on its inner half, while the other half forms an erect scale. flower may be specially developed for this function. Thus, there may be scales between the stamens as in the Grape Vine (fig. 200), or spurs either of the calyx as in the Tropzolum (fig. 167), or of the corolla as in the Valerian (fig. 201), or of Fic. 199. —I. Longitudinal section through the flower of Parnassia palustris. II, One of the petals ; a glandular scale belonging to the corona attached to it in front. both as in the Larkspur (fig. 202), or of the stamens as in the Violet (fig. 204). There may be specially developed petals, as in the Monkshood (fig. 203); or glands in hollows at the base of the petals, as in the Buttercup. PERIANTH.—The term perianth is generally employed in 112 Elementary Botany Fic. 200,—Stamens and pistil of the Grape Fic, 201.—Spurred corolla of Vine, with a honey gland (nectary) be- Vateriana. tween each pair of stamens. Fic. 202,—Longitudinal section of flower . Larkspur, with spurred calyx and corolla. SS Fic. 203.—Monkshood (Aconitum Napellus). Flower, the coloured calyx having been removed, showing the two petals, a, developed into nectaries, the remaining petals being reduced to scales or altogether abortive. Andrecium 113 those cases where the calyx and corolla resemble one another, being both green or both petaloid, especially when it occurs among monocotyledonous ‘ plants. In this case we speak of it as being gamo- phyllous or polyphyllous. (Some botanists use the term perianth for describing the flowers which possess only one floral envelope.) . ASsTIVATION.—Just as Tig. pared Ma sos Vella est thetermsvernationand pre- foliation are applied to the arrangement of the foliage leaves in the bud, so the terms estivation and prefloration are em- ployed to describe the arrangement of the leaves in the flower- | bud. The same terms already employed (see Chapter VII.) can also be used in this case. Besides these, however, we apply the term vexillary to the zestivation as seen in a papilionaceous plant (fig. 205), and crumpled when the petals are crumpled up as in the Poppy. Fic. 206. —Mon- Fic. 207.—Diadelphous stamensof Fic. 208.—Polyadel- adelphous sta- Lathyrus ; nine filaments united phous stamens of mens of Malwa. fs a sheath at the base, one Orange, ree. ANDRacIuM.—We now come to the first whorl of the essential organs of the flower. Each stamen of which the an- drcecium is composed consists, when complete, of three parts, viz., the stalk which attaches it to the rest of the flower, and I 114 Elementary Botany which is known as the filament.;: the knob on the summit, which is in reality a little box, ‘the anther; and within this a fine powder, the pollen, which is the essential part of the stamen. These stamens may be either distinct, when they are said” to be free, as in the Ranunculus (fig. 165), or they are more or less united. If they are united by means of their filaments into one bundle, whilst their anthers are free, as in the Mallow (fig. 206), they are said to be monadelphous. Fic. 209. — Syngenesious Fic. 210. — Stamens of Fic. 211.—Section of corolla anthers of Thistle ; the Aristolochia _ sessile of Honeysuckle, with epi- filaments free. upon the stigma. petalous stamens, If there be two bundles, as in the Sweet-pea (fig. 207), the androecium is diadelphous ; and if more than two bundles, as in the Orange (fig. 208), polyadelphous. If the stamens are attached together by means of their anthers, whilst the filaments are free, as in the Thistle and other composite plants (fig. 209), they are syngenesious. If the anthers are attached immedi- ately upon the pistil, as in the Birthwort (fig. 210) and various Orchids, they are gynandrous. With regard to the attachments of the stamens, we apply the same terms which we used in describing the position of the Stamens 115 corolla. Thus the stamens may be hypogynous (fig. 166, 4), perigynous (fig. 166, P), or epigynous (fig. 166, z). Inaddition to these positions the stamens may be upon the corolla, when they are said to be epipetalous (or epiphyllous when there is a perianth), as in the Honeysuckle (fig. 211). If the filament of the stamens be absent, as in the Verbena (fig. 212), the anthers are said to be sessile. More often there is a filament present which is generally thin and thread-like, but sometimes, as in some of the stamens of the Water-lily, it is broad and flat. Generally the various filaments are about the same length, but in some cases there is a constant difference between the stamens on this point. Thus Fic. 212. -- Section of Fic. 213.—Tetradynamoussta- Fic. 214.— Flower of corolla of Verbena, mens and pistil of Brassica Lamium, with with sessile epipetalous nigra; a shorter, 4 longer didynamous _ sta- anthers. stamens, mens. in the Mustard (fig. 213), and allied plants of the natural order Crucifere, there are four long and two short stamens, when they are said to be tetradynamous ; whilst in the Dead-nettle and most other plants of the order Labiate there are two long and two short, and the stamens are didynamous (fig. 214). If the anthers are attached immediately upon the top of the . filaments they are said to be innate, or basifixed, in their at- tachment. If the filament is prolonged up behind the anthers they are adnate or dorsifixed ; and if it be attached loosely to the centres of the anthers, so that they swing upon the point of attachment, as in the Wheat (fig. 215), they are versatile. 12 116 Elementary Botany The portion of the filament to which the anthers are attached is called the connective. Usually this is not developed to a noticeable degree, but in the Herb Paris it is prolonged beyond the anthers, giving them the appearance of being placed half- way down the stamen. In the Hornbeam the connective is divided into two equal branches, each of which bears an anther lobe (fig. 216), whilst in the Sage (fig. 217) the branches of the connective are un- equal in length; the long one bears a perfect anther lobe, whilst the short one has an abortive anther, or one destitute of pollen. Fic. 215.—Stamen of Fic.216.—Stamenof Fic. 217.—Stamen of Salvia, Wheat, with versatile Hornbeam (Car#i- with connective branching into anther, 4, lightly fixed nus Betulus), with two arms of very unequal length, at the extremity of the branching connec- the right-hand arm bearing an filament, a. tive. abortive anther. The anther lobes are hollow, possessing cells or loculi, of which there is generally one for each lobe, so that the anther is two-celled or bilocular. In the early stage of its development there are four cells, two in each lobe; but generally the partition between the loculi in each anther lobe is absorbed, producing the bilocular anther. In some plants, as the Flower- ing Rush, this division never disappears, and the anther remains four-celled or quadrilocular through life. In some few plants, as the Mallow and Milkwort, there is but one cell, and the anther is then said to be unilocula”. The surface of the anther to which the connective is attached is known as its back, whilst the other side is called the face. This is generally grooved, showing the point of attachment of the lobes. When the face is turned towards the pistil the stamens are said to be introrse ; when towards the petals, extrorse, Pollen 117 Within the anther lobes there are developed the pollen grains (fig. 218). In the early stages of the growth of the anthers there are a large number of cells forming the central part of each lobe. These are the parent or mother cells of the pollen grains. Each of these, by cell division, becomes divided into four special parent cells, and in each, by a process known as free cell formation, a pollen grain is formed. In free cel formation the protoplasm aggregates around the nucleus of the mother cell, a cellulose coat is formed around it, and thus for a while we have a cell within a cell. As the pollen grains grow the walls of the special mother cells and mother cells generally become absorbed and disappear, and the grains thus become loose in the cavity of the lobe. Some- times, however, the wall of the special parent cells is not quite absorbed, and there is formed a component body of four pollen cells united, whilst in the Orchids the pollen cells of each lobe are completely united together, forming a pollen mass or pollinium (fig. 218, v.). Each pollen grain possesses two coats: the inner one, the intine, is complete; the outer one, the extine, is pierced by several openings, and is often variously ornamented by spines, protuberances, or reticulations (see fig. 218). The protoplasmic contents of the Fic. 218.—Pollen grains I. Cucurbita. Il. Passiflora. Il. Cu- phea platycentra. IV. Dipsacus fullonum. V. Pollen-masses (pol- linia) of Cynanchum Tincetoxicun (Ascle- piadez). cell, known as fovilla, contain sulphur and fat globules. In form the pollen granules are generally round ; in,the Chicory they are polyhedral ; in the Evening Primrose, triangular; in the Basella, cubical ; in the Tradescantia, cylindrical ; and in the Zostera, thread-like. 118 Elementary Botany In size they vary from gh5 to pJgq Of an inch. Generally the grains are yellow, in species of Mullein they are red, in some Willow-herbs blue, black in the Tulip, and in other plants green or of a whitish colour. “When the pollen is ripe the anther lobes open to let it fall out. They open or dehisce in various ways. 1. Longitudinal dehiscence, as in the Pine (fig. 219) or Tulip, when there is a slit running along the face of the anther from top to bottom. This is the commonest form. 2. Transverse dehiscence, generally met with in unilocular anthers, as the Lady’s-mantle. Fic. 222,—Stamen of Bay (Laurus : nobilis), with Fic. 219.—Stamen Fic. 220.—Stamen Fic. 221.—Stamen two glands at the of Pinus sylves- of Barberry, the of Rhododen- base of the fila- tris, with longi- anther opening dron, each an- ment, the anther tudinal = dehis- by recurved ther-ldbe opening opening by re- cence. valves. by a pore. curved valves. 3. Porous dehiscence, openings being produced either at the apex of the lobe, as in the Rhododendron (fig. 221) ; or in the side, as in the Heath (fig. 223). 4. Valvular dehiscence, when a portion of the anther lobe lifts up like a trap-door, as in the Barberry (fig. 220) or Bay (fig. 222). Gynecium or PistiL.—Each of the earpels of which the pistil is made up consists, when complete, of a swollen basal portion, the ovary ; above this a stalk or style, which is capped by the stigma. The ovary is a hollow box containing one or more rounded bodies, the ovules. Generally the carpels of the | Pistil 119 pistil are united together, either entirely, as in the Lily (fig. 224), or, as is often the case, the ovaries are united whilst the styles and stigmas are free, as in the Sea-lavender (fig. 225). In these cases the pistil is said to -be syncarpous. When the ovaries are distinct, as in the Buttercup (fig. 165), itis apocarpous Fic. 223.— Stamen ot Erica, the anther open- ing by pores and bear- Fic. 224.—Pistil of Fic. 225. — Papillose ing two appendages at Lily, with ovary, stigma of Statice. its base. style, and stigma, (when there is only one carpel to the pistil, as in the case of the Pea, it is also said to be apocarpous). If there is but one carpel, the pistil is saidto be monocarpellary. A bicarpellary pistil has two carpels, a tricarpellary three, a polycarpellary pistil more than three. In a syncarpous pistil we can often tell the num- ber of carpels present by the separate stigmas (or styles) (fig. 225). In other cases we find on making a section that the syncarpous ovary possesses several cells Fic. 226.—Capsule of Fic. 227.—Section of or loculi, each correspond- Goer s trans: avaly of Viale. ing with a single carpel, so that from them we can count the number of carpels (fig. 226). Sometimes we find that there is but a single loculus in the ovary, and we can then often tell the number of carpels by 120 Elementary Botany noticing in how many places the ovules are arranged (fig. 227). In some few cases it is difficult or almost impossible to be able to say definitely in an individual plant how many carpels are present. The ovary, as we have seen, may be either zx/erior or superior. In the former case it is either inserted in the fleshy end of the flower-stalk, known as the ¢Aalamus or receptacle, so that the calyx springs from above it; or the calyx tube is adherent to the wall of the ovary, the free limb springing from the top. We often find two lines running down the ovary from apex to base. These are known as the sutures: the one to- wards the centre of the flower is the ventral suture, whilst the one turned towards the perianth is the dorsal suture. Fic. 228.—Diagrammatic sections of ovaries: , the placenta, to which the seeds are attached ; A, monocarpellary unilocular ; B, polycarpellary unilocular ; C, polycarpel- lary falsely multilocular ; D polycarpellary multilocular ; 7, dorsal suture, or midrib ; 8, ventral suture, or margins of carpel. (After Prantl.) When the pistil is apocarpous, each ovary contains but one cell, or is unilocular, although sometimes there are false par- titions growing partially across the cell. In syncarpous ovaries there are often numerous cells agreeing with the numbers of the carpels (fig. 228, D), when the ovary is bi-, tri-, or multi-locular. In other cases there is but one cell (fig. 228, B), the ovary being unilocular. Some- times there are partial dissepiments formed by an infolding of the edges of the carpels (fig. 228, c). In some few cases there are actual divisions; thus the ovary of the Labiate and Boraginacez is originally bilocular, but by a subsequent division it becomes divided into four cells. The ovules are not, as a rule, distributed indiscriminately over the surface of the ovary, but are arranged on certain parts of the wall, each of which is called a placenta, whilst the arrangement of the ovules is spoken : ~~oLas_placentation. Placentation 121 In the case of apocarpous pistils, where there are more than one ovule, they are generally arranged along the ventral suture, and the placentation is said to be marginal (figs. 229 and 228, a). In the multilocular syncarpous pistil the ovules are generally arranged in the central axis, where the cells of the ovary meet (fig. 228, D), and the placentation is axile. When the ovary is unilocular the ovules are arranged either upon the wall (fig. 228, 8), or upon slight projections (fig. 228, c), and the placentation is parietal. In some cases of a unilocular ovary, as in the Primrose and Pink, the ovules are attached to the end of the flower-stalk which grows up into the ovary (fig. 230). In this case, which gorrrsemy Fic. 229.—Marginal placentation. Fic. 230. — Unilocular Fic. 231.—Lateral style Fic. 232. — Basilar ovary of Hottonia, with of Strawberry. style of . : : 63°0 Yellow : 2 is : : 7 + 100'0 Green . ‘ : c : ; f . 37°2 Blue . 2 r 7 . ; 3 i 22°1 Indigo . . . _ . * . 13°5 Violet . ‘ . 5 . : . 71 If plants are grown surrouhded by glass vessels, in the one case filled with a solution of potassium bichromate, which only allows red, orange, and yellow rays to pass through, and in the other case with a solution of ammoniacal copper oxide, which only allows gréen, blue, and violet rays to pass, in the former case no bending takes place, whilst in the latter case the helio- tropism is as great as in the light. isi CHAPTER XIV. IRRITABILITY OF PLANTS. Not only is there a movement of plants or parts of plants during growth, but also certain fully formed organs of plants are motile, especially under the influence ofan external stimulant. One of the best known examples is the Sensitive Plant (AZ/mosa pudica) (fig. 298). The leaves of this remarkable plant are bipinnate, and are articulated to the stem. The four pinne and the separate leaflets are also articulated. Spontaneously at evening, or under the influence of any irritant, the leaflets fold upwards, whilst the leaf-stalk as a whole bends downwards. The movement is due to the presence at the base of the stalk and of each leaflet of a mass of succulent parenchyma—the pulvinus. The cells are saturated with water, rendering them turgid. On irritation some of the water escapes into the intercellular spaces, and the elastic cell walls contract, producing the movement. When the irritation is removed the sap flows again into the tissue, causing the return of the leaf to its normal position. The movement only takes place between the temperatures of 15° C. and 40° C. Oxygen appears to be necessary, as under the exhausted receiver of an air-pump, or in an atmosphere of hydrogen, nitrogen, or carbonic acid, the leaves of Afimosa cease to move. Anssthetics, as chloroform, also cause a cessation of the movements. The leaves and leaf-hairs of Venus’s Fly-trap (fig. 143) and Sundew are irritable. When a fly alights upon the surface of the leaf it causes a bending over of the sides of the leaf to enclose it. The stamens of many flowers are irritable. The Barberry 152 Elementary Botany is a good example. There are six stamens surrounding the pistil. If one is touched it springs forward towards the ovary. At the base of the stamens are honey glands ; insects visiting the flowers in search of honey strike against the stamens, causing them to fall forward, scattering the pollen over the intruders’ bodies. In the Centaurea and some other Composite the stamens contract on touching. Some leaves, although they are not sensitive to touch, close at the approach of night. The leaflets of Wood-sorrel fold down, those of Clover fold up. Changes of ternperature and variation in the amount of light produce these movements. The opening and closing of flowers at certain hours of the day is a phenomenon due to similar causes. 153 CHAPTER XV. CLASSIFICATION. UNDER the head of Classification we include the grouping of plants into classes according to their affinities. There are two great systems of classification, the Arzjicial, or (as it is often called) the Linnzean, and the JVatural. In the former case the plants are arranged simply according to the number, position, and relation of their stamens and carpels ; in the second case the general structure and arrangement of the plant as a whole is taken into account. The result is that although the Artificial system is a most useful one for the purpose of tracing out a flower whose name we may wish to discover, yet since it de- pends solely on the arrangement of one set of organs, it often separates plants which are evidently closely allied, and on the other hand unites those which possess no common properties beyond the structure of their flowers. For these reasons, for the purposes of classification, ‘the Natural system is now always employed. The sub-kingdom of Flowering Plants is divided into two classes, the Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons, most of the distinctive characteristics of which we have already noted, and hence it will only now be necessary to tabulate them as follows. DICOTYLEDONS. MONOCOTYLEDONS. Embryo with two cotyledons. Embryo with one cotyledon. Primary root-growth exorhizal. Primary root-growth endorhizal. Growth of wood with open Growth of wood with closed bundles, bundles, exogenous. ; endogenous. Leaves net-veined. Leaves parallel-veined. Parts of the flower arranged (as Parts of the flower arranged in a rule) in fours or fives. threes. Each of these classes is divided into sub-classes, of which 154. Elementary Botany there are four in the Dicotyledons, and two in the Monoco- tyledons. If we examine four such flowers as the Buttercup, Rose, Dead-nettle, and Hazel, we shall easily be able to understand the grouping. In the first three specimens the flowers are complete ; in the Hazel incomplete, the calyx and the corolla being absent. The Hazel stands, then, as a representative of the sub-class Incomplete. In the first two specimens the flowers are polypetalous ; in the Dead-nettle the corolla is gamopetalous. The latter, there- fore, is an example of the sub-class Corolliflore or Gamopetale. In the Buttercup the petals and stamens are hypogynous, which characterises the sub-class Thalamiflore ; whilst in the Rose they are perigynous (in some members of the group they are epigynous), and the sub-class is known as the Calyciflore. We may tabulate these results thus :— Petals and stamens 4 | hypogynous . THALAMIFLORA ° 2 Complete Polypetalous Petals and stamens pe ( perigynous or epi- 8 gynous . » CALYCIFLORA A Gamopetalous . . « « COROLLIFLORE Incomplete . . ‘ e . . « INCOMPLET& The Monocotyledons are divided into two sub-classes : the Petaloide, which, like the Lily or Tulip, possess an evident perianth ; and the Glumaces, which, like the Grasses, have their flowers arranged in those peculiar bracts known as glumes. Each of these sub-classes is divided into several natural orders ; in this work we shall deal with a few of the principal. DICOTYLEDONS. THALAMIFLORA, Pistil apocarpous. Petals few, stamens many . RANUNCULACEA. Corolla cruciform, stamens tetradynamous . » CRUCIFERA, Leaves opposite, stem swollen at nodes, sepals and petals 5. Free central placenta . . CARYOPHYLLACE. Pistil syncarpous » Classification CALYCIFLORA. Flowers papilionaceous, sta- mens 10, mono- or di-adel- phous, pistil monocarpellary Flowers regular, petals 5, sta- mens and carpels numerous Flowers arranged in umbels, petals and stamens epigy- nous, fruit a cremocarp. Pistil apocarpous Pistil syncarpous COROLLIFLORA, Flowers compound Guscapitdan) J ens syngenesious . . Stem square, leaves opposite, corolla bilabiate, stamens didynamous, ovary 4-lobed ; Stamens didynamous, ovary 2-lobed . : F ‘i Stamens five, ovary 2-lobed, inflorescence scorpioid ‘ Stamens five. Free central Flowers simple placentation . a : INCOMPLETA, Flowers not a Calyx present, stamens oppo- catkins site sepals, ovary I-celled . Flowers in catkins. Trees or shrubs. ‘ : MONOCOTYLEDONS. PETALOIDA. Flowers irregular, ovary inferior, stamens gynan- drous. ‘ 7 3 . . ;: : Flowers regular, ovary superior, 3-celled ; perianth 6 divisions, stamens6 F - . é Flowers regular, ovary inferior, 3-celled ; perianth 6 divisions, stamens6 . 7 A - - GLUMACEA. Stems solid, sheaths of leaves not split, no ligule present . j : : . e , Stem hollow, leaf-sheath split, ligule present ‘ 155 LEGUMINOSA, ROSACEA. UMBELLIFER. CoMPOSITA. LABIATA. SCROPHULARIACE&, BORAGINACEA. PRIMULACEA. CHENOPODIACEA, AMENTACEE ORCHIDACEA. LILIACEA. AMARYLLIDACE. CYPERACE. GRAMINACEA, 156 Elementary Botany Each of these orders contains numerous plants, which are arranged in genera and species. A genus is an assemblage of plants which resemble one another more closely in general structure and appearance than they do other species of plants. Thus, if we examine a Sweet Violet, a Dog-vioiet, and a Pansy, we find that although they differ in many minor points of detail, yet there is a great resemblance between them which causes them all three to be grouped under the genus Mo/a. By a species we mean an assemblage of individuals which whilst possessing the characteristics of the genus, possess in addition distinctive characters which separate them from the allied plants of the same genus. Thus the points in which the Sweet Violet, Dog-violet, and Pansy agree would be their generic characters ; whilst the points in which they differ are their specific characters. When the seed of a plant is grown it always reproduces the same species as the parent. In giving the name of a plant we place the generic name first, followed by the specific name. Thus the Sweet Violet is Viola odorata, the Dog-violet Viola-canina, and the Pansy Viola tricolor. Sometimes the pollen of one species will fertilise the ovule of a closely allied species, and a plant is thus obtained which com- bines the properties of both. Such a plant is said to bea Ayédrid. We will now give a detailed account of the various orders, in each case mentioning a typical plant that should be carefully examined and compared with the description of the order. DICOTYLEDONS. THALAMIFLORAL ORDERS. RANUNCULACEAE. Plant for examination, Buttercup (there are several species any of them will answer for the purpose). Note that the plant is an herb (the Clematis is a shrubby climber ; otherwise the plants of the order are all herbs). If you have a specimen with leaves on the stem, they are arranged in an alternate manner (in the Clematis they are opposite) Often the bases of the leaves sheath around the stem. : Examine the flower, making a vertical section through one (fig. 165), Ranunculacee 157 and removing the parts of another. The sepals are five (in the order they vary from three to six, usually five), inferior. Corolla usually of five petals (varies in order from three to fifteen), hypogynous. (In some plants of the order, as Marsh- marigold (fig. 287) and Anemone, the corolla is absent.) Stamens numerous, hypogynous; carpels distinct, numerous, superior (sometimes in the order they are few). Fruit, an eterio of achenes. Some Ranunculacez have follicles (figs. 265 and 294, 11.). The flowers in the case of the Buttercup are II. Fic. ‘go4:--Marsh-miatigold (Caltha palustris). 1. Part of plant. II. Fruit, consisting of follicles. reguiar ; in other cases, as in the Aconite (fig. 172) and Larkspur (fig. 202), they are irregu/ar. Plants of this order contain a watery acrid juice which is often poisonous. They grow in damp and marshy places, especially in the temperate regions. Principal Plants of the Order. Aconitum. The British plant, 4. Mage/%s, the Monkshood, is easily recognised by its hooded calyx (fig. 172), the petals being small and developed as nectaries (fig. 203). The plant is very poisonous : the root has been mistaken for Horse-radish with fatal results ; it is, however, much more conical in shape. It is most useful for medicinal purposes. Adonis, Pheasant’s-eye (fig. 295). Much like the Buttercup, but the petals are bright scarlet and have no nectaries at the base.. Flowers in the summer and early autumn in corn-fields. 158 Elementary Botany Anemone, Wind-flower. No corolla present, the calyx either coloured as in the Pasc 1e-flower, or white as in the Wood-anemone. Flowers in tl > spring; several species cul- tivated in our gardens for their showy colours. Aguilegia, Columbine, with its five sepals petaloid, and five petals with spurs twisted up ina horn-like manner. Grown in gardens. Caltha, Marsh-marigold (fig. 294). A marsh plant with large flowers, yellow sepals, and no petals. (Note, although this and other plants of the order are in- complete, the corolla being absent, yet we place them in this thalamifloral order because their general affinities resemble those of the other plants of the group. The same remark is true of many incomplete plants of other orders.) Fic. 295.—Pheasant’s-eye (Adonis). I. Longitudinal section through achene. II, Longitudinal section through flower. Clematis, Old Man’s Beard, or Traveller’s Joy. A shrubby climber with opposite leaves. The sepals are petaloid (greenish white in the British species), and petals absent. Many exotic Clematis are cultivated for their beautiful flowers. Delphinium, Larkspur (fig. 202). Flowers with one sepal spurred. Two petals small and united within the spurred sepal.. Stavesacre is obtained from an exotic Delphinium. Helleborus, Hellebore. Sepals large and petaloid, petals small and tubular. The Christmas Rose is an exotic Helle- borus. Myosurus, Mousetail. Small clawed petals, and carpels arranged in a dense cylindrical spike, whence the name. Crucifere 159 Paonia, Peony. Large showy flowers with deep red petals, and stamens inserted in a prominent disc. Ranunculus, Crowfoot or Buttercup. A numerous genus, the flowers usually yellow, in some few cases white, but all characterised by the presence of nectaries at the base of the petals. CRUCIFERA. Typical plant, Wallflower (Cheiranthus Cheiri) (fig. 296). Note, the stem is shrubby below and herbaceous above (the Fic. 296. — Wallflower Fic. 297.—1. Schizocarps of /satzs tinctoria. (Chetranthus Cheiri), II. Transverse section of angustisept sili- Siliquose. Part of cula of Cafsella. III. Transverse section plant. of latisept silicula, a, of Camedlina ; 6, four seeds. IV. Lomentum o: Raphanus. plants of the order are generally herbs, sometimes under-shrubs). Leaves alternate and exstipulate ; flowers are arranged in a» raceme; calyx four sepals, saccaze ; corolla four petals, cruci- form; stamens six in number, tetradynamous (fig. 213) (note, in cultivation there is always a tendency for the stamens to be- come the same length); pistil with single ovary and two stigmas; fruit a séligua. (Besides the siliqua there is also met with in the order the s7/cula, the lomentum, and an indehiscent fruit as seen in the Woad, figs. 271 and 297.) This is a large and 160 Elementary Botany widely distributed order, easily recognised by the cruciform corolla and tetradynamous stamens. No plant of this order is poisonous. Many‘are used for food purposes. Many of the plants contain sulphur and are pungent in taste. Principal Plants of the Order. Brassica., A large and important genus. Leaves irregularly pinnate ; flowers yellow ; fruit a siliqua, often beaked at the end. Principal species are—B. Sinapis, Mustard ; B. oleracea, which yields all the varieties of Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, and Savoys; B. Mapus, Rape ; B. campestris, Swedish Turnip, the seeds of which with some other species yield colza oil; B. Maga, Turnip. Capsella (fig. 102), Shepherd’s-purse. One of the com- monest weeds, and a good example of a silicula-bearing crucifer. Flowers small, white; fruit a silicula with replum running across the narrow diameter ee (fig. 297, 11). Cheiranthus, Wallflower. Cochlearia. Fruit a silicula with replum running across the broad diameter (/atiseft) (fig. 297, 1.), so that the fruit is nearly globose. There are two British species, the Horse- radish and the Scurvy-grass. Crambe, Sea-kale. Fruit two-jointed, upper joint with one seed indehiscent, lower joint forming a stalk above the calyx ; might be mistaken for a gynophore. Jberis, Candytuft. Petals unequal, the two exterior petals larger than the interior ones ; fruit silicula, angustiseptate. Lsatis, Dyer’s-woad. Small numerous yellow flowers ; fruits pendulous, flattened, indehiscent. The plant yields a blue dye. Lepidium, Cress. Numerous small white flowers, petals equal ; fruit silicula, angustiseptal, one seed in each cell. Matthiola, Stock. Plants hoary from minute hairs ; large purple flowers ; fruit a cylindrical siliqua. Nastevtin. Watercress. Small yellow or white flowers ; fruit a siliqua, generally somewhat curved. (This must not be confounded with the garden Nasturtium, which is a Tropzeolum, belonging to quite a different order.) Raphanus, Radish, Fruit a lomentum. Caryophyllacee 161 CARYOPHYLLACEA. Typical plant, the Greater Stitchwort (Ste//aria Holostea). Note, the plant is herbaceous ; the leaves are opposite, ex- stipulate ; in some few genera there are small scarious (scaly) stipules. The stem is swollen at the nodes. Inflorescence a dichotomous cyme (fig. 156), usually to be found in the order ; calyx five separate sepals (in some genera calyx is gamose- palous) ; corolla five petais notched (this is often met with in the order, and in many cases the petals are unguiculate, figs. 180, 181, and 195); stamens ten, seldom in the order fewer ; pistil with syzcarpous ovary, three styles (in the order the number varies from two to five); free central placentation, very cha- racteristic of order. A very wide-spread order, found in all parts of the temperate regions, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. Principal Plants of the Order. Cerastium, Mouse-ear Chickweed (fig. 156). A numerous genus. Flowers with separate sepals, two-cleft petals, five styles; the fruit often prolonged in a horn-like manner, and opens by ten valves or teeth. Dianthus, Pink (fig. 147). Calyx gamosepalous, with two or more scales (bracts) outside, two styles. There are several species cultivated, such as the Clove Pink or Carnation, Maiden Pink, Cheddar Pink, Sweet-william, &c. Lychnis (fig. 194). Gamosepalous calyx, ebracteate; ovary with five styles. Several species grow as common weeds, such as Ragged Robin, Evening Campion, and Corn-cockle. Silene. Differs from the Lychnis in having three or four styles. Several species of Campion and Catchfly. Stellaria. Differs from Cerastium in having three styles, and capsule opening by six valves or teeth. Several species of Chickweed and Stitchwort. We now come to the— 162 Elementary Botany CALYCIFLORAL ORDERS. LEGUMINOS&. Typical plant, Sweet-pea (Lathyrus odoratus, fig. 93. Note, the plant is herbaceous (in the order there are also shrubs and trees) ; leaves alternate, stipulate, often compound and pinnate, as in this case; calyx gamosepalous, with five teeth; corolla papiliona- ceous; stamens ten, diadel- phous (in several genera they are monadelphous) ; pistil monocarpellary ; fruit a le- gume. There are three sub-orders of this important order. All the British plants, however, belong to one of these, the Papilionacez, which is dis- tinguished by having papilio- Fic. 298.—Sensitive Plant (Mimosa pudica). NaCeous flowers, and hence can be easily recognised. In the other two sub-orders, which are exclusively extra- European, the flowers are regular, the petals being imbricated in the Cesalpinea, and valvate in the Mimosee (fig. 298). The order is a very large one and widely distributed, very varied in its properties, some of the plants being most useful as food and fodder plants, others as drugs, whilst others again are poisonous. Principal British Plants. Astragalus, Milk Vetch. Leaves imparipinnate ; stamens diadelphous ; keel of corolla blunt; legume not jointed, but more or less divided into two cells by a partition. A good fodder plant. Genista, Greenweed and Dyer’s-weed. Leaves simple ; stamens monadelphous; calyx bilabiate. The Dyer’s-weed (G. tinctoria) yields a yellow dye. Leguiminose 163 Lathyrus, Peas and Vetchlings. Leaves inparipinnate, ending in tendrils, with few leaflets, and sagittate or half-sagittate stipules ; stamens diadelphous, style flattened above. Several species used as fodder plants. The Sweet-pea (Z. odoratus) and Everlasting Pea (Z. Jatifolius) are exotic species. The edible Pea is separated into another genus, Pisum. Lotus, Bird’s-foot Trefoil. Leaves trifoliate, with large leaf- like stipules ; stamens diadelphous ; calyx with five equal teeth; legume imperfectly many-celled. A good fodder plant. Medicago, Medick or Lucerne. Leaves trifoliate ; stamens diadelphous ; legume more or less spirally twisted (fig. 299), Fic. 299.—Twisted legume of Fic. 300.—Abbreviated inflorescence of Lucerne (Medicago sativa). ‘lover. sickle-shaped, indehiscent. Much cultivated as a fodder plant, especially JZ. sativa, the Lucerne. Melilotus, Melilot. Leaves trifoliate ; flowers in long loose racemes ; stamens diadelphous ; legumes with one or very few seeds, longer than the calyx. Fodder plants. Onobrychis, Sainfoin. Leaves imparipinnate; stamens di- adelphous ; legume flat, hard, one-seeded, and indehiscent. A valuable fodder plant. Sarothamnus, Broom. Leaves trifoliate, three digitate leaflets ; stamens monadelphous ; calyx campanulate, with two lips, minutely toothed ; legume flat, many-seeded. Trifolium, Trefoil or Clover. Leaves trifoliate; flowers in abbreviated heads (fig. 300); stamens diadelphous ; legume few M 2 164 Elementary Botany seeds, concealed within calyx and often indehiscent. Many species are very largely cultivated as fodder plants. Ulex, Furze. Leaves simple and acerose; two sepals; stamens monadelphous. Vicia, Vetch and Tares. Leaves imparipinnate, ending in tendrils and with many leaflets; stamens diadelphous ; style thread-like. Very useful fodder plants. One exotic species, V. Faba, gives us the Broad Bean. The following are important exotic plants belonging to this sub-order :—Used for food purposes: Arachis, Ground-nuts ; Lroum, Lentils; Phaseolus vulgaris, the French Bean; and L£. coccineus, the Scarlet Runner ; Pisum, Pea. Used for various purposes: Balsam of Tolu, Indigo, Kino, Laburnum, Liquorice, Ordeal Bean, Rosewood, Tonquin Bean. The following important plants belong to the other two sub-orders :—Braziletto-wood, Cassia, Copal, Copaiba Balsam, Locust-tree, Logwood, Sandal-wood, Sanders-wood, Sensitive Plant, Tamarind. ROSACEE, Typical plant, Bramble (Audus fruticosus) ; also compare with it Blackthorn or Sloe, Rose, and Apple. Note, the plant is a sud (in the order there are also herbs and trees) ; leaves alternate, stipules present, adhering to the petiole (stipules are seldom absent in the order) ; calyx gamosepalous, five divisions, inferior (there may be but four divisions to the calyx—in the Rose it forms a cup-like tube enclosing the carpels [fig. 196], and in the Apple and Pear it is adherent to the carpels, figs. 301 and 279); corolla poly- petalous, five petals, perigynous (in a few cases there are four petals, and in some cases tet ae none); stamens numerous, perigynous ; section through the Carpels numerous (in the Blackthorn there flower of the Pear. : é i is but one), apocarpous ; fruit an eterio of drupes. (In the order the fruit is very various. Thus it may be. a single drupe, Blackthorn; eterio of achenes, Straw- Rosacee 165 berry ; cynarrhodum, Rose ; follicles, Meadow-sweet ; or pome, Apple.) This large and important order is widely distributed, espe- cially in the temperate regions. Many of the plants very much resemble those of the Ranunculacez, but a careful examination will show the great distinction from that order in the perigynous stamens and petals. The Rosacez are divided into four sub-orders :— 1. DRUPACEZ or AMYGDALE#. Trees or shrubs with simple leaves ; fruit a drupe. Many parts of the plants con- tain hydrocyanic or prussic acid. Prunus is the only British genus of this sub-order. It has the nut of the drupe smooth or slightly seamed. The native species include the Sloe, Wild Plum, and Cherry. Amongst exotic species of the same genus which are largely cultivated are the Apricot, Cherry Laurel, and Portuguese Laurel. Amygdalus is the exotic genus which yields us Almonds, both bitter and sweet, Peaches, and Nectarines. 2. RosE&. Shrubs or herbs; stipules adherent ; ovaries one or more, not adherent to calyx ; fruit eteerio or follicles. Principal British Plants. Agrimonia, Agrimony. Flowers in loose spikes; calyx five-cleft, top-shaped, with hooked bristles ; stamens not more than fifteen; carpels two. The plant was formerly used by herbalists. Fragaria, Strawberry. Calyx ten-cleft, in two rows ; fruit an eterio of achenes on an enlarged and fleshy receptacle. Potentilla differs from the Strawberry principally in the fruit being on a dry receptacle ; P. Zormentifia has but four petals. Rosa. Calyx urn-shaped ; fruita cynarrhodum. There are several species of wild Roses and Briars, from which many of our cultivated Roses are obtained ; others come from exotic - species. Rubus, Bramble. Calyx five-cleft ; fruit eteerio of drupes. The genus includes the Raspberry, Blackberry, Dewberry, ang Cloudberry, 166 Elementary Botany Spirea. Calyx five-cleft ; fruit three to twelve follicles. Several species of Meadow-sweet. Some of the exotic plants are cultivated for their flowers. 3. SANGUISORBE&. Herbs or under-shrubs ; flowers often unisexual ; petals absent (fig. 302); carpel solitary ; fruit an achene (fig. 302, 11.). iN Fic. 302.—Sanguisorba officinalis. 1. Flower. I. Fruit British Plants. Alchemilla. Calyx eight-cleft, in two rows ; stamens one to four. The species of Lady’s-mantle and Parsley Piert are used as fodder plants. Poterium, Salad Burnet. Calyx four-cleft, petaloid ; flowers unisexual ; stamens numerous. A good salad plant. Sanguisorba, Great Burnet. Calyx four-cleft, petaloid ; stamens four. Grown in Germany as a fodder plant. 4. Pome. Trees or shrubs ; carpels one to five, adhering more or less to one another, and sunk in the receptacle, thus becoming inferior ; fruit a pome. British Plants. Crategus, May or Hawthorn. Fruit hard or bony; calyx divisions sharp. Mespilus, Medlar. Differs from the May in its larger flowers and foliaceous calyx divisions. Lyrus. Calyx divisions small; fruit fleshy. Its species include the Apple, Pear, Rowan-tree or Mountain Ash, and Umbellifere 167 Wild Service-tree. The exotic genus Cydonéa yields us the Quince. From many of the plants of this sub-order also prussic acid is obtainable. UMBELLIFERA, Typical plant, Cow-parsnip (Heracleum Sphondylium). Note, the stem is herbaceous, Zo//ow, except at the nodes ; leaves alternate, sheathing at base, bi- or tri-pinnate (leaves in the order are generally much divided) ; flowers in compound umbels (in Aydrocotyle the umbels are simple, in Sanicuda and Evyngium the flowers are arranged in tufted heads); calyx adherent to ovary, free limb absent, or as five small teeth ; corolla polypetalous, five petals, epigynous; stamens five, epigynous ; pistil zxferior, two cells, two styles ; fruit a cremocarp. This is a very large and wide-spread order, easily recognisable by its umbel- late flowers and two-celled ovary with cremocarp. The plants of the order are, however, very difficult to identify, as the distinctions of the genera and species depend principally upon small points of detail in the structure of the seed and the fruit. ord a ee scious, igs" Hk Fete iit Seton a some members yield us food plants, others are very poisonous ; and again others yield useful drugs. Principal British Plants. Angelica. Fruit two flattened carpels united by their faces, with three sharp ridges at the back of each, and two at the 168 Elementary Botany side expanding out. The leaf-stalks are used candied as sweet- meats. :thusa, Fool'’s-parsley (fig. 303). Fruit nearly globose ; no general bracts, but three partial bracts to each secondary umbel, which hang down (figs. 303 and 151). A very poison- ous plant, liable to be mistaken for true Parsley ; distinguished by its bracts. Apium, Celery. Fruit roundish egg-shaped, the carpels flattened and united by the narrow edge, five slender ridges on each; no bracts. In the wild state poisonous; when blanched by etiolation, fit for eating. Bunium, Earth-nut. Oblong fruit of flattened carpels united by narrow edge with five blunt ridges; no general involucre, but a slight partial one. The tuberous root is esculent. Carum, Caraway. Oblong fruit of flattened carpels united by narrow edge with five slight ridges; no bracts, or at most but one general bract. Roots and leaves are edible, and fruit used under the name of Caraway-seed. Cherophyllum, Chervil. Fruit contracted at sides, with short beak, five blunt ridges on each carpel; several partial bracts. Formerly cultivated as a culinary herb. Cicuta, Water-hemlock. Fruit of two globose carpels united by narrow edge with five broad flattened ridges. A most virulent poison. Conium, Hemlock. Fruit egg-shaped, with five wavy ridges on each lobe. Plant emits, when bruised, a nause- ous ‘mousy’ smell. A most Fic 304.—I. Fruit of Coriander (Corian. poisonous plant, useful medi- drum sativum). II. Transverse 5 section. cinally. Coriandrum, Coriander. Fruit globose (fig. 304), scarcely prominent ribs, very aromatic. Fruit used under name of Coriander seed. Crithmum, Samphire. Leaves succulent; fruit elliptical, with spongy lobes, The plant is edible, being used as a pickle, Umbellifere 169 Daucus, Carrot. Fruit slightly flattened, prickly (fig. 305), there being rows of prickles between the bristly ridges. The root is edible, forming the cultivated Carrot. Eryngium, Sea-holly. Flowers in dense prickly heads. Feniculum, Fennel. Fruit elliptical (fig. 268), carpels with five bluntly keeled ridges. Leaves much divided. Plant esculent. flelosciadium, Marshwort, or Fool’s Watercress. Plant much resembling Watercress, but leaves more pointed and serrate. No general bracts, five partial. Very poisonous, hence importance of distinguishing it Fic. 305.—I._ Fruit of Carrot (Daucus Carota). II. Transverse section: the from Watercress. four secondary ridges are conspicuous ; Fleracleum, Cow-parsnip. of the primary ridges the two lateral ones are scarcely visible, the median Very common weed. Flowers (carina) and intermediate ones are white, the outer petals of umbel *”” larger than the inner ones, else very like the true Parsnip. Might be used as an esculent herb. Lffydrocotyle, White-rot. A marsh plant with simple umbels and peltate leaves. Ligusticum, Lovage. Fruit elliptical, not flattened, the five ridges to each lobe sharp and winged. Used as a vegetable in many parts. Myrrhis, Sweet Cicely. Very aromatic; fruit large, with deep furrows between carpels, and five sharply keeled ridges. Potherb. @inanthe, Water-dropwort. Fruit egg-shaped, with five blunt ridges ; petals notched. Very poisonous plant. Pastinaca, Parsnip. Fruit very flat, with broad border ; flowers yellow, all small. Root edible. Petroselinum, Parsley. Fruit very much like Celery; numerous partial bracts. Esculent plant. Pimpinella, Burnet Saxifrage. Fruit much like Celery, but ribs less prominent. Aniseed is obtained from an exotic species of this genus, 170 Elementary Botany Sanicula, Sanicle. Flowers in tufted heads, imperfect, the outer pistillate, inner staminate. Was formerly supposed to possess healing qualities. The following exotic plants belong to this important order:— Anethum, Dill; Anthriscus, Chervil; Cuminum, Cummin ; Dorema, which yields gum ammoniacum ; féruéa, yields asa- foetida ; and Ofoponax, yielding the gum resin of that name. COROLLIFLORAL ORDERS. COMPOSIT. Typical plant, Dandelion (Zaraxacum dens-leonts); also compare with it a Daisy. Note, the plant is herbaceous (some exotic Composite are shrubby) ; leaves exstipulate ; flowers arranged in a capitulum, surrounded by an involucre of bracts ; calyx superior, a pappus (note, the pappus absent in the Daisy) ; corolla gamopetalous, epigynous, ligulate (note, in the Daisy the florets of the disc have tubular corollas, whilst those of the ray have ligulate corollas), jive teeth; andrcecium five stamens, epipetalous, syngenesious ; pistil syncarpous, single style, and bifid stigma. The plants of this order are easily recognised by their flowers being arranged in capitula with syngenesious stamens, the latter characteristic distinguishing them from the allied Teasel family. It is the largest of all natural orders, containing one-tenth of the known plants of the world. The members of the group differ much in their properties and uses. The British plants are divided into two sub-orders :— TUBULIFLOR#, which have all their florets (as the Corn Blue- bottle), or inner ones only (as Daisy), tubular. LIGULIFLOR# have all their florets ligulate (as Dandelion). Principal British Plants. TUBULIFLORE. Anthemis, Chamomile. Flowers arranged on a convex re- ceptacle, with tubular perfect florets in disc, and ligulate pistillate Composite 17I flowers in ray ; the receptacle has scales between the flowers. Used medicinally. Arctium, Burdock. All flowers tubular, perfect, and in a convex head ; a globose involucre present, with hooked points to the bracts ; pappus short. Various parts of this plant may be eaten, either as a salad or cooked (fig. 146). Artemisia, Wormwood. All flowers tubular, perfect, in a flat head ; no pappus; only few flowers in the head. A very bitter plant, used in the manufacture of absinthe. Bellis, Daisy. Flowers as in Anthemis, but without scales on receptacle ; involucre of two rows of equal bracts. Carduus, Thistle. All florets tubular, perfect, in a convex head ; involucre swollen below, with thorn-like scales. Fic. 306.—Common receptacle Fic. 307.—Neuter flower of Anthemis arvensis, with of Centaurea Cy- palez between the flowers. anus. Centaurea, Knapweed and Bluebottle. Florets tubular, inner perfect, outer large and neuter, somewhat irregular (figs. 182 and 307). Chrysanthemum. Disc florets tubular and perfect, ray florets ligulate and pistillate ; involucre flat ; receptacle naked, and no pappus. Jnula, Elecampane. Disc florets tubular and perfect, ray ligulate, all yellow ; pappus present ; many-rowed involucre. Formerly used as a sweetmeat. Senecio, Ragwort and Groundsel. Disc florets tubular and perfect, ray ligulate and pistillate (latter wanting in Groundsel), all yellow ; simple pappus ; scales outside the involucre. Tussilago, Coltsfoot. Flowers appear in spring before the leaves ; flower-stalks covered with scale-like bracts ; few disc 172 Elementary Botany florets, tubular, perfect; many narrow ray florets, ligulate, pistillate ; all yellow. Often used as a remedy for colds and coughs. LIGULIFLOR&. Cichorium, Chicory. Flowers blue, sessile, upon tough stems; involucre of two rows. It is the root which is used to mix with coffee. Lactuca, Lettuce. Few florets, with hairy pappus and oblong imbricated involucre. The garden Lettuce is an exotic species of this genus. Taraxacum, Dandelion. Lyrate leaves, radical; flower- stalk hollow, leafless ; outermost bracts of the involucre re- curved ; receptacle dotted. The young plant forms a good salad, and is often used by herbalists as a tea. The following exotic genera yield important plants :— Arnica, used medicinally in case of bruises; Calendula, Marigold, also used as an external remedy for cuts, and to adulterate saffron ; Carthamus, Safflower, or Bastard Saffron, often used instead of true Saffron to yield the pink dye ; Cyzara, Artichoke ; Helanthus, Jerusalem Artichoke and Sunflower. LABIATA. Typical plant, White Dead-nettle (Zamium album, fig. 158). Note, the plant is herbaceous ; stem square ; leaves oppo- site ; flowers in verticillasters ; calyx inferior, five-toothed (it may be ten-toothed in the order) ; corolla (figs. 308 and 191) bilabiate, ringent (in some cases the corolla is almost regular, fig. 309); stamens didynamous, epipetalous, fig. 214 (in the Sage there are only two stamens with branched connective, fig. 217; andinthe Mint the four stamens are equal, fig. 302) ; pistil superior, four-lobed ; fruit a carcerulus (fig. 272). The four-lobed ovary is a most important point, as it dis- tinguishes the order from the next, where there are only two lobes. No plant of the order is poisonous. Many contain aromatic essential oils, and are used for flavours and perfumes, It is chiefly distributed in temperate regions, Labiate 173 Principal British Plants. Calamintha, Wild Basil and Basil Thyme. Calyx with thirteen nerves upon it; corolla longer than calyx, lower lip with three broad lobes ; outer stamens longest, but not diver- ging from inner ones. Lamium, Dead-nettle. Calyx ten ribs and five teeth ; corolla with upper lip arched, lower lip with large middle lobe, two side ones small. Marrubium, White Horehound. Stamens shorter than the tube of the corolla; calyx with five or ten teeth and ribs ; upper lip of corolla deeply notched. Used as a remedy for coughs. Fic. 309.—Nearly regular flower Fic. 308.—Lamium album. Longi- of Peppermint (Mentha pipe- tudinal section of flower. vita). Mentha, Mint. Corolla nearly regular ; stamens four, equal. There are many species used as flavours and odours ; principal are Spear-mint, Peppermint, and Pennyroyal. Origanum, Marjoram. Flower in panicles or corymbs ; a bract under each flower. Used as a potherb. Salvia, Sage or Clary. Two stamens with branched con- nectives. Teucrium, Germander. Upper lip of corolla apparently wanting, but appearing as two small teeth, one on each side of the lower lip. : Thymus, Thyme. Calyx bilabiate, upper lip three-toothed, 174 Elementary Botany ! lower two-toothed ; corolla with upper lip flat and erect, lower spreading ; outer stamens diverging from the inner ones. Amongst exotic genera we have Hyssopus, Hyssop ; Lavandula, Lavender ; Melissa, Balm ; Ocymum, Basil ; Pogo- stemon, Patchouly ; Rosmarinus, Rosemary ; Satureia, Savory. SCROPHULARIACEA. Typical plant, Great Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus, fig. 145). Note, the plant is herbaceous ; leaves opposite (rarely alter- nate) ; corolla bilabiate, personate, fig. 192 (it may be almost regular, as in the Foxglove, fig. 310; or ringent, as in the Scrophularia) ; stamens epipetalous, didynamous (only two in Veronica, and five in Mullein) ; pistil superior, two- lobed ; dumb-bell-shaped placenta (fig. 311). It is most important to note the two-lobed ovary, which distinguishes this order from the last, as many Fic. 310.—Flower of Foxglove Fic. 311.— Bilocular ovary of Antirrhinum, (Digitalis purpurea), with axile placenta. plants of the Scrophulariaceze are poisonous. Distributed all over the world. Principal British Plants. Antirrhinum, Snapdragon. Corolla personate, not spurred, but with a protuberance at base. Digitalis, Foxglove. Corolla irregularly bell-shaped ; leaves alternate. Very poisonous ; used medicinally. ' Euphrasia, Eyebright. Calyx four-cleft ; corolla ringent, upper lip two-lobed, spreading. Boraginace@ 175 Linaria, Toadflax. Differs from Snapdragon in having spurred corolla. Melampyrum, Cow-wheat. Calyx four-cleft ; corolla rin- gent, upper lip compressed laterally. Lhinanthus, Rattle. Differs from the last in having the calyx much swollen, with four small teeth. Scrophularia, Figwort. Calyx five-lobed ; corolla ringent, nearly globose ; flowers small. Poisonous. Verbascum, Mullein. Corolla rotate, five-lobed; five stamens. Veronica, Speedwell. Corolla rotate, four-lobed; two stamens. BORAGINACE:. Typical plant, Forget-me-not (JZyosotis palustris, fig. 157). Note, plant herbaceous (in many Boraginacez the herbage is very coarse and rough with numerous hairs—hispid) ; leaves alternate ; flowers in a scorpioid cyme ; calyx inferior, gamo- sepalous, five-lobed; corolla regular, gamopetalous, five- lobed, the throat closed by five short notched scales (in some Boraginaceze the corolla is almost irregular, and in some cases the scales are absent); stamens five, epipetalous ; pistil superior, four-lobed, composed of two carpels, each divided by its dorsal suture being bent inwards ; style gynobasie—that is, growing up between the four ovaries and looking as though it were a prolongation of the thalamus. The plants of the order are chiefly natives of the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Principal British Genera. Anchusa, Alkanet. Corolla funnel-shaped with a straight tube, the throat closed by five blunt white scales, An exotic species, cultivated in S. Europe, has a dark blood-red root, which is chiefly employed to colour oils for perfumery and other purposes. Borago, Borage. A very coarse hispid herb ; corolla rotate, with five broad notched scales (figs. 188 and 198). It contains nitrate of potash, which gives coolness to beverages in which it is steeped, hence is used in claret cup. 176 Elementary Botany Echium, Viper’s Bugloss. A very coarse hispid herb ; corolla unequally five-lobed, the throat naked; stamens much protracted. Myosotis, Forget-me-not and Scorpion-grass. Corolla small and rotate, the throat closed by five short notched scales. Symphytum, Comfrey. Coarse herb; stem more or less winged by the decurrent leaves (fig. 142) ; corolla campanulate, with five awl-shaped scales. The young leaves and shoots are sometimes eaten as a vegetable. PRIMULACE:. Typical plant, Common Primrose (Primula vulgaris). Note, an herb with radical leaves (many plants of the order, however, possess cauline leaves) ; flowers regular ; calyx gamo- sepalous, inferior, five-cleft ; corolla gamopetalous, five-cleft ; stamens five, epipetalous, OPPOSITE THE COROLLA LOBES (the flowers being dimorphic, the stamens are sometimes inserted just in the throat of the corolla, sometimes some little distance down the tube) ; ovary one-celled; free central placentation, single style ; stigma capitate. The plants grow mostly in the north temperate zone, espe- cially in mountainous districts. Principal British Genera. Anagallis, Pimpernel (fig. 138). Calyx split to the base ; corolla rotate ; hairy stamens; capsule dehiscing transversely (fig. 258). Cyclamen, Sow-bread. Calyx split halfway down ; corolla rotate, with reflexed segments ; capsule dehiscing by five teeth. flottonia, Water-violet. A water plant with submerged divided leaves; calyx divided almost to the base; corolla salver-shaped ; capsule dehiscing by five teeth. Lysimachia, Loosestrife, Yellow Pimpernel, Moneywort, Creeping Jenny, &c. Calyx divided to the base ; corolla rotate ; stamens without hairs ; capsule dehiscing by valves. Primula, Primrose, Cowslip, Oxlip. Calyx tubular, five- cleft ; corolla salver-shaped or funnel-shaped. Chenopodiacee 177 INCOMPLETAZ. CHENOPODIACE. Typical plant, White Goosefoot (Chenopodium album). Note, plant herbaceous (some plants are somewhat shrubby), succulent ; leaves alternate (often in the order very succulent) ; flowers inconspicuous (in many plants of the order we have separate staminate and pistillate flowers) ; calyx inferior, five- lobed (in the order it is from two- to five-lobed, usually five), persistent (often in the order it very much enlarges as it surrounds the fruit) ; corolla absent ; stamens five, opposite the sepals (rarely in order one or two) ; pistil superior, syncarpous ; two or three sty/es. This order is widely distributed, the plants growing especially in salt marshes. Many of the plants are esculent, others were formerly much employed in the manufacture of soda, which was obtained from their ashes, known as Jarvil/a. Principal British Genera. Atriplex, Orache and Purslane. Flowers generally uni- sexual ; perianth five-cleft in staminate and two-cleft in pis- tillate flowers, very much enlarged round fruit, which is one- seeded. Several species of common weeds. Beta, Beet. Fruit one-seeded, immersed in succulent base of calyx ; three small bracts beneath the calyx. Edible ; much cultivated for manufacturing sugar. Mangel-wurzel is a variety of the Beet. Chenopodium. Flowers differ from above in having no bracts, and the perianth not becoming fleshy on fruiting. There are several species. C. album is the commonest, a plant which overruns gardens and grows on waste places. It may be used as a potherb. C. Bonus-Henricus, Good King Harry, or All-good, is also edible. Spinacea oleracea, Spinach, is an exotic genus with four styles cultivated for food purposes. 178 Elementary Botany AMENTACEZ. Typical plant, Common Hazel (Corylus Avellana, fig. 162). Note, the plant is a shrub or small tree (trees and shrubs are met with in the order); leaves alternate; flowers in catkins, monecious (in many plants of the order, as the Willow, the flowers are dicecious) ; staminate catkins pendulous ; numerous wedge-shaped bracts; no perianth; eight stamens attached to each bract, fig. 312 (in the order the number of stamens present varies from two upwards, and a slight perianth is sometimes present) ; pistillate inflorescence a bud-like catkin Fic. 312.—The Hazel (Corylus Avellana). I. Maleflower. II. Female flower. II. Fruit with laciniated spurious cupule. with two flowers within surrounded by numerous bracts, each flower consisting of a two-celled ovary with two red stigmas (in the order the pistillate catkins are either pendulous like the staminate, with one, two, or three flowers on each scale-like bract, or in a bud-like head with two or three flowers in the centre) ; fruit a one-seeded nut (in some plants of the order a capsule). This isan important and extensive family, distributed all over the globe, especially in temperate regions, and yields a large number of timber trees as well as esculent plants. It is divided into several sub-orders, four of which are represented in this country, viz. :— Amentacee 179 SALICINEH. Generally dicecious ; pistillate flowers in cat- kins ; fruit a capsule. BETULINEZ. Flowers generally moncecious; pistillate flowers in catkins ; fruit a flat nut. Myricea. Flowers generally dioecious ; pistillate flowers in catkins ; fruit a false drupe from the scaly bracts becoming fleshy. CUPULIFER. Pistillate flowers in tufts or spikes ; bracts grow up around fruit to form a cup or cupule (figs. 281 and 312). Principal British Plants. SALICINEA. Populus, Poplar. Stamens eight to thirty ; stigmas deeply forked, slight ; perianth present. Several species grown as ornamental and timber trees. Salix, Willow and Osier. Stamens one to five; stigmas slightly forked ; no perianth present. Very numerous species, BETULINEA. Alnus, Alder. Fruit not winged ; two flowers on each pistillate bract. The wood is very durable and yields good charcoal. Betula, Birch. Fruit winged, three in each bract (fig. 270). The timber is utilised, and from the sap Birch wine, which is used medicinally, is obtained. MYRICEA, Myrica, Sweet-gale. Dicecious ; four to eight stamens, two stigmas. CUPULIFERE. Carpinus, Hornbeam. Stamens twelve to each scale ; pistillate catkins slender and loose; a three-lobed scale (perianth ?) to each pistil, which enlarges with the fruit (fig. 313). Used for timber. Corylus, Hazel. Stamens eight to each scale ; two pink stigmas to each ovary; fruit a nut inaleafyinvolucre. Filberts, Cobs, and Barcelona nuts are varieties of Hazel. N 2 180 Elementary Botany Fagus, Beech. Staminate flowers in a globose catkin ; stamens five to fifteen; fruit two three-cornered nuts in a prickly involucre. The wood yields good charcoal. Quercus, Oak. Stamens five to ten; staminate flowers in a long drooping catkin ; fruit surrounded with a cup-shaped involucre. The timber is most valuable for many purposes. Cork is the outer bark of Q. suber. Oak-galls and Oak-apples are also obtained from various spe- cies, whilst the bark is often used for tanning. Fic. 313.—Fruit of the Hom- Exotic plants of interest belonging Re three hea sees) with to this order are—Carya, Hickory ; Castanea, Sweet Chestnut ; /uglans, Walnut ; Ziguidambar, species of which yield resins known as “ storax and liquidambar ; and Osérya, Ironwood, MONOCOTYLEDONS. PETALOIDA. ORCHIDACEZ. Typical plant, Spotted Orchis.(Orchis maculata). Note, the plant is herbaceous ; flowers very irregular (fig. 314) ; perianth superior (note, the twisted ovary may be mis- taken for a stalk), six-lobed ; there are three outer and three inner segments, all petaloid ; one of the inner lobes is flattened out, forming a lip or labellum, and is also prolonged below into a spur. Behind the labellum there is a short column terminating in a knob, the rostellum (fig. 314, 11, R), anda single stamen with two anther lobes (fig. 314, IL, L, P), con- taining not free pollen, but a mass united together and stalked, a pollinium (fig. 314, 1v.). Below the rostellum and stamen is the stigma (fig. 314, IL, st), so that the arrangement is gynandrous. Below is the one-celled ovary with three parietal placentas. Orchidacee 181 Taking a flower which has but recently expanded, push gently a sharpened pencil into the spur. It is found that on touching the rostellum its pouch-like membrane is pushed down, Fic. 314.—I. Aceras anthropophora (Man Orchis), whole plant. II. Flower of an Orchid looked at in front, the ovary being concealed : L, Pp, anther lobes, each contain- ing a pollinium ; st, stigma; R, rostellum. III. Gynostegium of Cypripedium, seen laterally ; above to the right the anther, to the left the stigma. IV. Pollinia of an Orchid, with their pedicels united by the rostellum. V. Burst capsule. VI. Trans- verse section of an ovary. 182 Elementary Botany and the pencil comes in contact with the viscid substance at the base of the pollinia. On removing the pencil one or both of the’ pollinia are removed attached to it. It will be found after removal they gradually bend over towards the point of the pencil. If an insect, such as a bee, visits the plant for the honey contained in the spur, it presses its head against the rostellum, and flies away with the two pollinia attached; on visiting a second flower these have bent forward, so that instead of re- turning to the same place from which they were taken in the previous flower, they strike against the viscid stigma, and some of the pollen remains attached. The exact method of fertilisation varies in the different plants of this order. It is very widely distributed, especially in tropical regions. Many of the plants are epiphytes, or air plants : clinging to the trunks of trees, their roots are green with stomata, and never reach the soil ; they absorb all their nourishment from the air. Many of the plants are remarkable for the singular shapes of their flowers, which simulate various natural objects, insects, birds, reptiles, &c. So much so that Dr. Lindley says, ‘So various are they in form, there is scarcely a common reptile or insect to which some of them have not been likened.’ Amongst our British genera we have the Fly Orchis (Ophrys muscifera), which presents the appearance of several flies growing up the stem ; Bee Orchis (Ophrys apifera) and Spider Orchis (Oprys aranifera), each with the flowers like the insectsnamed. There are various species of the genus Orchis, all of which have spurred flowers: Aceras, or Man Orchis (fig. 314, 1.) ; Zéstera, or Twayblade ; Habenaria, or Butterfly Orchis, and others. Though so numerous a family, the plants are not economically useful. Salep is a starchy esculent substance obtained from the roots of several species of Orchis ; and vanilla is a flavouring material obtained from the fruit of an exotic plant, Van7l/a aromatica. The marvellous forms of the flowers cause them to be much cultivated in our greenhouses. Lihaceé 183 LILIACEZ. Typical plant, Bluebell (Scilla nutans, or Agraphis nutans). Note, the plant is herbaceous (the Butcher’s-broom is the only British plant which is shrubby, but exotics may be shrubs or trees) ; perianth inferior, polyphyllous (it may be gamo- Phyllous), six divisions (in Herb Paris there are eight) ; stamens six (eight in Herb Paris); pistil syncarpous, three-celled, with axile placente and numerous ovules (four-celled in Herb Paris). This large and important order is widely distributed through- out the world. It is divided into several sub-orders, some of which are sometimes raised to the dignity of orders. The British genera may be grouped into the five following sub-orders :— TRILLIDEZ. Leaves net-veined ; styles distinct ; fruit a berry. (All the other sub-orders have parallel-veined leaves.) CoNnVALLARIEZ. Fruit a berry; styles united; testa of seed membranous. ASPARAGER. Fruit a berry; styles united ; testa of seed hard and black. Liniez. Fruit a capsule ; styles united. Cotcuice#. Fruit a capsule ; styles distinct. Principal British Plants. TRILLIDEE. Paris, Herb Paris. A remarkable plant with four net- veined leaves upon a short stem, and the parts of the flower arranged in fours, thus resembling Dicotyledons ; but otherwise a monocotyledonous plant. CONVALLARIE. Polygonatum, Solomon’s Seal. Flowers axillary, drooping ; perianth gamophyllous, shortly six-cleft, tubular. Convallaria, Lily of the Valley. Differs from last in flower- stalk being leafless ; perianth campanulate. 184 Elementary Botany ASPARAGE, Asparagus. Leaves small, subulate, surrounded by short scarious scales; flowers small, polyphyllous; two ovules in each of three cells of ovary ; style single, and three-lobed stigma. The young succulent shoots are eaten. ’ Ruscus, Butcher’s-broom. Shrubby plant. The b:anches Fic. 315.—Leaf-like branch or phylloclade of Ruscus aculeatus: a, flower. are leaf-like (fig. 315), and known as phy/oclades, the true leaves being scales upon them. The flowers are small, sessile upon the phylloclades. LILIEZ. Allium, Garlic, Chives, &c. Flowers in an umbel, with two or three thin bracts at base; flower-stalk leafy. Amongst culti- vated species of this genus are the Onion (4. Cega), Garlic (A. sativa), and Leek (4. Porrum). Fritillaria, Fritillary. Flowers generally single on the stalk, polyphyllous ; the three inner segments have each a nectary at the base ; anthers attached above their bases ; style three-cleft. Ornithogalum, Star of Bethlehem. Flowers in racemes or corymbs ; perianth persistent ; a scarious bract at base of each flower-stalk. Scilla, Squill, Bluebell, &c. Flowers blue or pink, in racemes or panicles ; perianth not persistent. The medicinal Squill is an exotic species of this genus. Tulipa, Tulip. Flowers solitary on leafy stalk; petals with- out a nectary ; anthers innate ; style absent. Liliacee 185 COLCHICE#. Colchicum, Meadow Saffron. Flowers with long tube, so that the ovary is underground, but superior ; styles three, very long and thread-like. Amongst exotic plants of this order which are grown for ornamental purposes, or are variously employed, are several species of the genus Li/um, also Hyacinthus. The genus Aloé yields several species, some of which are used medicinally : Dracena Draco is the famous Dragon-tree of Teneriffe ; Phor- mium yields New Zealand flax ; Sanseviera yields African hemp ; the buds of the Xanthorrhaa, or Grass-tree of Aus- tralia, are eaten like Asparagus; and Yuca is the Adam’s Needle. AMARYLLIDACEA., Typical plant, Lent Lily or Daffodil (Warcissus pseudo- Narcissus). Note the bulbous underground stem; membranous bract; perianth with six divisions, superior ; corona (not always present in the order); six stamens, epiphyllous; ovary inferior, three-celled. The plants of this order differ from the Liliacee in possess- ing an inferior ovary. Principal British Genera. Galanthus, Snowdrop. No corona; three outer segments of perianth larger than three inner ; flowers solitary. Leucojum, Snowflake. No corona; all perianth divisions equal ; flowers two to six together. Narcissus. Flowers with corona (fig. 197). GLUMACEZ. CYPERACE#. Typical plant, Common Cotton Sedge (Eriophorum poly- stachyum, see fig. 83). Note, the stem is herbaceous, solid; leaves sheathing ; the sheaths are entire, not split down the side of the stem, opposite to the free lamina ; flowers arranged in a spike with numerous scaly bracts (g/emes), the outer of which are empty, 186 Elementary Botany and the inner ones contain the bisexual flowers ; perianth consists of numerous hypogynous bristles, which elongate on fruiting (in some plants of the order no perianth is present) ; stamens three; anthers zznate; ovary one-celled, with three simple stigmas. This order contains numerous grass-like plants. In the large genus of Carex (Sedges) there are unisexual flowers (fig. 316). Fic.316.—Flower of Cyperus Fic. 317.—I. Male flower, II. Female flower of Zongus, with the parts sepa- Carex. rated, The Sand Sedge (Carex arenaria) is very useful for binding together the loose sand by means of its creeping stems. The Lake Scirpus (Scizpus lacustris) is used for chair bottoms, baskets, mats, &c. Papyrus was obtained from the stems of an Egyptian Cyperus. GRAMINACEA, Typical plant, Common Wheat (Z7riticum vulgare). Note, plant is herbaceous (some exotics are shrubby) ; leaves sheathing, sheath split in front ; an appendage on the leaf where it separates from the sheath known as the ligule (fig. 318, 2) ; stem hollow, except at nodes. Flowers arranged in a spike with glumes, as in Cyperacez. If we remove one of the spikelets from the centre of the spike Graminacee 187 (fig. 319, I.) we find there are two outer bracts (g/umes), G, G, containing several flowers, some fertile and others barren, Fs. Each fertile flower is enveloped by two scales, one with a pro- longation or azwz, a, the flowering glume, or outer pale; the other, Pz, more delicate, the zaner pale. Within these there are two minute scales, feathery above, the Jodicules. These re- present all there is of the perianth (see fig. 319, 11.) ; then three stamens with versatile anthers, and lastly a single ovary with two feathery stigmas. Fic. 318.—a, split leaf- Fic. 319.—I. Expanded spikelet of the Oat, with a fertile sheath of a Grass ; 4, and a barren flower, rs; G, glumes; Pe, outer pale, with ligule ; d@, part of the awn, A; PZ, inner pale; within are the feathery stigmas. lamina of the leaf; c, II. Fertile lower with the outer pale removed. node of the culm. This is the general structure of the plants of the order ; here are, however, minor points of deviation. Thus, in the Sweet- smelling Vernal-grass there are four outer glumes to each spikelet, in the Rye-grass one, and in the Mat-grass none. Sometimes the pale is absent, as in the Foxtail ; or the lodicules, as in the Vernal-grass, Mat-grass, and Foxtail. In the Rice there are six stamens, and in the Mat-grass only one stigma. The Indian Corn has moncecious flowers ; the staminate flowers have two lodicules and three stamens ; the pistillate flowers no lodicules and but one stigma. This large and wide-spread order is one of the most import- 188 Elementary Botany ant to man, yielding, as it does, the various cereals that he employs as food, and the Grasses used as food for cattle. Amongst the cereals the first place must be given to Wheat (Triticum vulgare). The origin of this important plant is entirely lost in the past. We are not acquainted with the wild stock from which it has been produced. Numerous varieties of Wheat are cultivated, some with awns to the flowering glumes and some without. Interesting experiments have been tried by Major Hallett in Sussex. By choosing the best ears and grains, and using these for sowing, and by repeating this pro- cess several times, the Wheat is greatly improved in character. By this process of artificial selection what is known as ‘ Pedigree Wheat’ is obtained. The seeds in the case of all the plants of the Graminacee are albuminous, and flour is obtained from the crushed albumen. Barley (Hordeum vulgare) is another important cereal, pro- bably one of the first cultivated. Malt is prepared from Barley by allowing it to begin to germinate, and then heating it to 160° or 180° ; by this means the starch of the grain is converted into sugar, which is capable of fermentation. Oats (Avena sativa), Rye (Secale cereale), and Millet, which is obtained from several genera, are also cultivated. Indian Corn is obtained from Zea Mais, which is a native of the New World. Rice is obtained from Oryza sativa, a tropical plant. Besides these food plants we have the important Sugar- cane (Saccharum officinarum), the clarified juice of which yields us sugar, whilst the residue produces molasses and treacle. Numerous Grasses are grown for fodder purposes, whilst from some sweet essences are obtained. Lemon-grass oil is extracted from