we cheigere tetas a att FeO: eines nore ENS is ey eat Peer ae oe) ce CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS ONE OF A COLLECTION MADE BY BENNO. LOEWY 1854-1919 AND BEQUEATHED TO CORNELL UNIVERSITY ; _ ary TX637 .B85 1854 “TWAT 24 olin PHYSIOLOGY .OF TASTE; OR, TRANSCENDENTAL GASTRONOMY. THE PHYSIOLOGY OF TASTE; oR, TRANSCENDENTAL GASTRONOMY. ILLUSTRATED BY ANECDOTES OF DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS AND STATESMEN OF BOTH CONTINENTS. BY BRILLAT SAVARIN. TRANSLATED FROM THE LAST PARIS EDITION, BY FAYETTE ROBINSON. x PHILADELPHIA: LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. 1854. Entered, according to Act of Congress, inathe year 1853, by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. CONTENTS. —+— PAGE Apnorisms of the Professor to serve as Prolegomena to his work, and Eternal basis of the Science, 25 Diatogus, between the Author and his Friend, 28 Biocraruy, - - - - 35 Preracs, - - - - = 39 MEDITATION I. Tux SENsEs, - - - . 46 Number of the Senses, - - - - - 46 Action of the Senses, - - - - - 47 Perfectness of the Senses, = - - - - - 49 Powers of the Taste, - - - - - 53 Object of the Action of the Senses, - - 53 MEDITATION II. Taste, - - =. ge 4S 56 Definition of Taste, - - - - 56 Mechanism of Taste, - - - - 58 Sensation of Taste, - - - 60 Flavors, - - - 61 Influence of Smelling on the Taste, - - 62 Analyses of the Sensation of Taste, - 64 Order of the Impressions of Taste, | - - 66 . - - 67 Enjoyments due to the Taste, vi CONTENTS. Taste, Supremacy of Man, - - - Method of the Author, - -— = MEDITATION III. GasTRONOMY, t> We HS Origin of Sciences, - - _Origin of Gastronomy, - oe ‘Definition of Gastronomy, - - i Different objects of Gastronomy, - , Utility of Gastronomical Knowledge, Influence of Gastronomy on Business, Gastronomical Academy, - - ~ - MEDITATION IV. APPETITE, = - 7 Definition of Appetite, a Anecdote, - ~ ‘ 3 Great Appetites, - 2 es MEDITATION V. Foop 1n Gerus—Section First, - - Definitions, - = - é Analyses, : - Osmazome, - - - - Principle of Aliments, - Vegetable Kingdom, - - Difference between Fat and Lean, Individual Instance, - 7 MEDITATION VI. Foop in Gerus—Section Second, - Specialities, - - ee I. Pot-au-feu, Potage, etc, - PAGE 68 71 74 74 75 76 78 79 80 81 83 83 84 87 91 91 91 92 94 95 98 98 101 101 102 CONTENTS. Foop 1x Gerus—Section Second, TI. Bouilli, - - III. Fowls, - - - - IV. The Turkey, - 5 Dindoniphiles, - - - - = Financial Influence of the Turkey, Exploit of the Professor, - V. Game, i - - - VI. Fish, - - Anecdote, - - - Muria—Garum, - - - - Philosophical Reflection, - - VII. Truffles, - - - - Erratic Virtue of Truffles, - - Are Truffles Indigestible, VIII. Sugar, - - - Indigenous Sugar, - Uses of Sugur, - + IX. Origin of Coffee, - - Different Modes of preparing Coffee, Effects of Coffee, - - - X. Chocolate—its origin, - Properties of Chocolate, - - - True Method of preparing Chocolate, MEDITATION VII. \ Tuzory or Fryive, - - Allocution, - - 5 zs: I. Chemistry, - = s = II, Application, - eee MEDITATION VIII. On Tuirst, SO) og 8 2 Varieties of Thirst, - - - = vil PAGE 103 104 105 107 107 108 115 118 120 121 124 124 125 128 131 132 134 136 138 139 142 145 149 151 152 153 154 157 157 ait CONTENTS. On Turrst, Causes of Thirst, - - el Atego Sa = te Example, - - - MEDITATION IX. On Drinks, - o Bs Water, - - - = = = = Quick effect of Drinks, - A - - - ' Strong Drinks, - ee ee MEDITATION X. ¢ Aw Episopz on THE Enp oF THE WORLD, - - MEDITATION XI. JOn Gouranpisz, - ee Definitions, - = z = z Advantages of Gourmandise, - - = - < Sequel, - - 2 2 - « Power of Gourmandise, - Sf tem cM cs A Lady Gourmand, a Be OH: Bo .& Anecdote, - - - - = S SF Are Women Gourmands? ee os & z The effects of Gourmandise of Sociability, - Influence of Gourmandise on Conjugal Happiness, Note of a Patriot Gastronomer, - - - MEDITATION XII. GouRMANDS, = s S % -~€>.All who wish to be are not Gourmands, - - Napoleon, eet Gourmands by Destiny, ee Gourmands by Profession, - - ~ - - Financiers, - < = * 2 PAGE 160 161 165 165 165 167 169 172 172 173 174 175 177 178 178 179 179 181 182 182 182 183 187 187 CONTENTS. ae PAGE GourMANDs, Physicians, - - + + - = © = 188 Objurgation, - - = = = *#© = = 189 Men of Letters, - - - - - - - 191 Devotees, - - - : - - - - 192 Chevaliers and Abbés, - + - - - 193 npLongevity of Gourmands, - 5 2 = = 194 MEDITATION XII. ASTRONOMICAL TEsTs, - - - - - 197 First Series—Income of 5,000 francs, : - 199 Second Series—Income of 15,000 francs, - - 199 Third Series—Income of 30,000 francs, or more, 200 MEDITATION XIV. On tHE PLEASURES OF THE TABLE, - - - 201 ; Origin of the Pleasures of the Table, - 202 Difference between the Pleasures of Hating and the Plea- sures of the Table, - - - - 202 Effects, - - - - - 203 Accessories, - - - - - - - 204 The 18th and 19th Century, - 5 = = 205 @ Summary, - - - - - + = - 207 MEDITATION XV. ae DE CHAssE, - = « &» = «= Bf4 - Ladies, a ee ee eee ee 215 MEDITATION XVI. {On DicksTion, - - = = - = « «= 818 Ingestion, - - : - - - me 218 =< Duty of the Stomach, - - 7 “ “ - 220 Influence of Digestion, a 223 x CONTENTS. PAGE MEDITATION XVII. Repose, - - - - - 227 Time of Rest, a a 230 MEDITATION XVIII. ~~ SLEEP, eo se 4. a oe. eb OSE Definition, - - - - a a 2 231 MEDITATION XIX. Dreams, - - - - - - - - 234 (® Nature of Dreams, a 236 System of Dr. Gall, - - - - - - - 237 First Observation, - - - - - - 237 Second Observation, - = = = = - 238 Result, - - - - - - - 240 Age, 0) Phenomena of Dreams, - - - - - - 240 ' FirstObservation, - - - = 2 = = 241 : Second Observation, - - - - - 241 Third Observation, - - - - - - -~ 242 Lope as you willbe done by, - - - = = 244 MEDITATION XX. Inrivence or Diet on Rest, Steep AND DREAMS, 246 Effects of Diet on Labor, - - 246 Dreams, - i) iS a = = a - 248 Consequence, - 5 = = fe se 248 Result, = - - - - - - - 2) MEDITATION XXI. OzesitTy, - - - - - - - 251 Causes of Obesity, - - - - - = = 255 Sequel, Se ee 256 CONTENTS. a PAGE Osssity, Sequel, ts - ee eee 257 Anecdote, mo. 8 = as : “ - 258 Inconvenience of Obesity, - - - - = 259 Examples of Obesity, - - e - 260 MEDITATION XXII. PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT AND CuRE or OBESITY, - 263 Generalities, - : - s = = - 264. Sequel of the Regimen, - eee 268 ~—Dangers of Acids, - ee - 268 Antiobesic Belt, - - - - - - 270 Quinquina, - oe. SSP. eh ve TE MEDITATION XXIII. ene - - - - - - - 273 - Definition, - - - - - - - 273 Varieties, - - - - - - 273 Effects of Thinness, - - - - - - 273 Natural Predestination, - - - - - 274 Fattening Regimen, ee ey ae Ce ek TS MEDITATION XXIV. Fastine, - - - 279 Definition, - - - - - - - 279 Origin, - - - - - 279 \- How people used to Fast, - + = = 280 Origin of the removal of Restriction in Fasting, - 282 MEDITATION XXV. ExHAUSTION, - = © © & SS «s « B84 Treatment, - - = - Ss a ie os 284 ~> Qure bythe Professor, - - - - - = 285 xii CONTENTS. MEDITATION XXVI. ‘Duatt, - - - MEDITATION XXVII. PuiiosopaicaL History or THE KircHEn, Order of Alimentation, - Discovery of Fire, 2 _ Baking, - \ Oriental Entertainments—Grecian, ‘ Roman Festivals, - # Resurrection of Lucullus, \\Poetry, \Irruption of the Barbarians, MEDITATION XXVIII. RESTAURATEURS, = oe Establishment, - = PaysroLocy or Taste—Part Second, TRANSITION, - o VARIETIES, - = a J. L’omelette du Cure, = - Omelette au Thon, - - - Observations, - - II. A National Victory, - PAGE 288 292 293 294 295 298 299 3801 303 304 306 306 309 309 311 311 313 314 314