Cornell Aniversity Library Prefuse 4. Bunn ‘nai ii William Ordway Partridge, Sc. THE GREELEY MEMORIAL MONUMENT At Chappaqua, N. Y., unveiled February 3, 1914 The University of the State of New York (4%. - Division of Archives and History PROCEEDINGS AT THE UNVEILING OF A MEMORIAL TO HORACE GREELEY AT CHAPPAQUA, N.Y. FEBRUARY 3, 1914 WITH REPORTS OF OTHER GREELEY CELEBRATIONS RELATED TO THE CENTENNIAL OF HIS BIRTH, FEBRUARY 3, 1911 PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE STATE HISTORIAN, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 643, LAWS OF 1913 ALBANY 1915 Ko THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Regents of the University With years when terms expire 1926 Puiny T.Sexton LL.B. LL.D. Chancellor - - Palmyra 1927 ALBERT VANDER VEER M.D.M.A. Ph.D. LL.D. Vice Chancellor Albany 1922 CHESTER S. Lorp M.A. LL.D. - - - - — New York 1918 Witiiam NotrincHaM M.A. Ph.D.LL.D. - — Syracuse 1921 Francis M. CarPENTER ~ - — -— - — — Mount Kisco 1923 ABraM I. Erxkus LL.B. D.C.L. - - - - —- New York 1924 ADELBERT Moor LL.D. - - - - - — - Buffalo 1925 CHARLES B. ALEXANDER M.A. LL.B. LL.D. Litt.D. - - - - - - - = - = - Tuxedo 1919 JOHN MoorE - - - - —- - ~ — — — Elmira 1916 WALTER Guest Kettocc B.A. - - - — — Ogdensburg 1917 (Vacant) 1920 (Vacant) President of the University and Commissioner of Education Joun_H. Fintzy M.A. LL.D. L.H.D. Assistant Commissioners Tuomas E. Finecan M.A. Pd.D. LL.D. For Elementary Education Deputy Commissioner of Education Cuar.Les F. WHEELOCK B.S. LL.D. For Secondary Education Aucustus S. Downine M.A. L.H.D. LL.D. For Higher Education Director of State Library James I. Wyver, Jr, M.LS. Director of Science and State Museum Joun M. CrarkE Ph.D. D.Sc. LL.D. Chiefs and Directors of Divisions Administration, GEorcE M. WiLEy M.A. Agricultural and Industrial Education, AnTHUR D. Dean D.Sc., Director Archives and History, James A. Hoven B.A., Director Attendance, James D. SULLIVAN Educational Extension, WILLIAM R. Watson B.S. Examinations, HarLaN H. Horner M.A. Inspections, Frank H. Woop M.A. Law, Frank B. GILBERT B.A. Library School, Frank K. WatTerR M.A. M.L.S. School Libraries, SHERMAN WILLIAMS Pd.D. Statistics, Hrram C. Case Visual Instruction, ALFRED W. ABrams Ph.B. DEDICATION This “ Report is intended as a tribute to Horace Greeley’s memory and to testify to the honor and esteem in which the people of the State of New York hold the patriotic services and civic virtues of Horace Greeley.” Extract from chapter 643, Laws of 1913 A SELF APPRECIATION My life has been busy and anxious, but not joyless. Whether it shall be prolonged few or more years, I am grateful that it has endured so long, that it has abounded in opportunities for good not wholly unimproved, and in experiences of the nobler as well as the baser impulses of human nature. I have been spared to see the end of giant wrongs, which I once deemed invincible in this century. And to note the silent upspringing and growth of principles and influences which I hail as destined to root out some of the most flagrant and pervading evils that yet remain. I realize that each generation is destined to confront new and peculiar perils —to wrestle with temptations and seductions unknown to its predecessors; yet I trust that progress is a general law of our being, and that the ills and woes of the future shall be less crush- ing than those of the bloody and hateful past. So looking calmly yet humbly for that close of my mortal career which can not be far distant, I reverently thank God for the blessings vouchsafed me in the past; and with an awe that is not fear and a conscious- ness of demerit that does not exclude hope, await the opening before my steps of the gates of the Eternal World— Recollections of a Busy Life (Greeley). 10 CONTENTS PAGE Introduction, James Austin Holden....... ccc cece cece ceccuccccuneucuses II Why the Centenary was Held, James Austin Holden..............0.000% 17 The Statue at Chappaqua Inaugurated February 3, I9II................. 29 Address Of Jacob: Erlich isa.pes say de seiiee eeees- axe due bias Hews nanaisaiene 31 Address of General Stewart L. Woodford.............. cee ceseeees 32 A Personal Impression of Horace Greeley, Mrs Gabrielle Greeley Clon d eH wed soa Ormam ican arte na eee ate dk aah ous Misa Bae 33 Address: of Daniel Po Havsiccicsaseatda ee se ahd oveeds © ones Kacbes 35 Address of President John I. D. Bristol...............cccceeeeeeeee 36 Greetings sacuu Sasa Quien Sabian es Mase had an acaemeoale ad assase amin 38 New York City Hall Memorial Meeting...............0cc ccc ceeeeceeees 43 Opening Address by Albert E. Henschel................0.00ceeeaee 44 Address of General Horatio C. King.......... ccc cece cence cee e ees 46 Address of Major General Daniel E. Sickles...................00.. 53 Address of William G. McAdoo............ ccc cece cece eee e seen eeee 54 Address of Rev. Dr Leighton Williams............... 0.0000 cc ce eee 55 Address of John .MeNatight...s...ccacsce dieu neeebed acca oe dae leen 59 Exercises at Greeley’s Birthplace, Amherst, N. H..................0.00. 63 Address by Albert E. Pillsbury........... 0... cece cee cece eee eeenes 64 Greeley Honored in Colorado............. ccc cece cece cece tenets eenees 81 Address by Mayor George M. Houston............ ccc ce eeee eens 81 The Founding of Greeley, Colorado, Ralph Meeker................ 85 Address of Professor Oliver Howard............ ccc cee eee eee neeee 89 Address of Colonel Charles A. White.................000. cece uee .. 96 Commemorative Exercises by Typographical Union No. 6............... IOI Address of the Chairman, James Tole............ 0c. cc cece ee eee ee 101 Horace Greeley and the Cause of Labor, Albert J. Beveridge....... 104 Horace Greeley as a Journalist, William H. McElroy.............044 109 TLeetter$* sx dasuioumieni addons aus oucueucd celoacaniaiialed. dee aa aniseed II9 The Dedication of the Monument, February 3, I1914........-....-eeeeeee 125 Introductory Remarks: o.ici4ccceee vee eave wdeneed oo tendae pace’ 125 Address and Invocation, Rev. Dr F. M. Clendenin.............0004. 126 President’s Address, John I. D. Bristol... cc... cece eee eens 128 Horace Greeley and Woman Suffrage, Edith Dorothea Bedell...... 134 Acknowledgment on Behalf of the School Children of Chappaqua, Perry: Brevoort: TUPn eres sacs meidiscn ce teaain wien be ta oaks Suuwlele 135 Address :of-Jacob: “Frli¢hiist wows cceian cOicee ead gave wen eh oateemicene 136 Address of Albert E. Henschel...... 2.0... cece ccc cece eee ee 137 Horace Greeley, The Journalist, Richard E. Day............0..045 140 Horace Greeley and the Printers, Marsden G. Scott..........-2.45. 143 Original Manuscripts of Horace Greeley............ ccc cee eee ence eens 149 Studies and Reminiscences..........0. cece eee ce eect ences stereeeeences 155 Horace Greeley as a Colonist, Ralph Meeker...........ccecceeeeee 155 Horace Greeley, Political and Social Leader, Richard E. Day...... 169 A Wonderful Decade: Horace Greeley — Orator, Editor, National Benefactor; Joseph BE. Kings csccccee cis eceisceiecssesecias owunes 175 Newspaper Comment ............ See Ce er ee 179 Characteristic Utterances by Horace Greeley........... 0. cee eee ene 189 Campaign (Addrésses Of 1872 s.. ce.c-daases fxlecuetaslsesbanesarvinigre ana givicletnips sienascte ete 211 Extracts front Addresses, sees sc adaeules chose veccks thong aes Se ebessem east 217 Some Recollections of Horace Greeley. From an interview of the State Historian: with Chester S. Lords 0.0 sca ccc acess eieee ba carywnees bee 225 Notes for a Lecture on Temperance............00ccseeecceeeceee eeiees 231 Horace: ‘Greeley’s: Life. Story. cs sacauscccceauhvad ei ceeodile Seaak sued cence 237 Ghronology; ISlIs1872) i250 ss, ssadeeseeesas noueet nee hdanweee nese nes 240 Appendix: src c0c.Seiints ieead Cl eee neGre a tinaasaoe baeels ante eons 245 Biographical Material on Horace Greeley..............ccccceceeeeeeees 249 TVG © eis roe aa aaenar lied Wah wake euaten nine eta dca dee eet sw ees Bs irene aerate ... 261 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE The Greeley Memorial Monument..............0c cc eeeeeeeeees Frontispiece Horace Greeley (autographed) ......... 0... ccc cece cece eee eeeeeaeee 10 Political Badges of the 1872 Campaign.............cccccceceee eee eeee 12 The Office and Memorial Boulder............. 0. ccc cece cece cece ne eeees 14 Albert- FE. Hensehely 2028 weenie cacwhouandareedes Foe anes Nad neem ase 18 The First Paper upon which Greeley Worked................- 0020s eee 20 The Chappaqua; Monument: iiaesscctvinitices dio awe dos aouaw ere nears dae 24 Home in the Woods, Concrete Barn, Barn as Residence................. 30 Clendenin Residence, General Stewart L. Woodford...............0000e 32 Horace Greeley and Family........... ccc cece cee teen neces en eeeane 34 John 1s D. Bristol: ccs sh. cbieeeecaag aes cue ganass seetbaoe eetecag aees 36 Général HoratioG. Kine. es.c305 ecawes woes Oh ge eee 5 4 PRA a Oe eee yee 46 Facsimile of Famous Bail Bond........... 20... ccc cee cee eee e eee ees 52 The Old White Coat and Candidacy Reception..................0.000008 56 Av PAVOTIES! PiChiRes aasG ocala ct ca cvowva cea heae saws wa baeed diaheas saree ens 58 Birthplace: Marker cevictees ie neGae cae eee a asa aed 64 Albert: Fi, Pillsbury sic nccicinlos ieee santa titi wsowsuamere nes a azmeaiidvonts 66 Greeley at-Different Agess. cs cuxtaccage ees Cold sdiditanuwteedirae cages 70 Photograph of Greeley at Different Periods........... 00.0... c cece eee 74 Greeley’s Birthplace (tailpiece on)......... 0. cece ccc e eee eee eee eee 77 Ralph Meeker 2. sua wade nas cae anewtncn eee aon ae Pee ED 86 James: ‘Tole sce: iiseastuiyele. MACS ARAL toate Ca Ae atatuinn eae 102 Hoiise at Poultney; Vtescevccscaeneeeis vedea csawecearueerebdaiesee vas 104 Eront Youth: to: Old: A@es 6.3354 suincciee ina hs aitcuuansdes neem aig etate II2 Campaign: Of 1860e..cnscd eds x nceuaae bt eteedai we dar sae aaa hameeelege 118 Group of Men who Voted for Greeley......... 6... ccc e cece eee ee eee ee 125 Dr and Mrs Clendenin and Daughter............ 2.0 cee ccc ce eee eee ences 126 Persons Prominent in Monument Unveiling............... 00.0. c ee eeee 128 Speakers at Monument Dedication............. 0. ccs cence eae paints 134 Jacob