GC 366 .U6z 1915 - Serial No. 16 Beds DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE : 5 U.S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY / E. LESTER JONES, Superintendent ic Py a) ford ; é EXCINEE! 15 LWORA DESCRIPTION &, Z Hach OF THE U.S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY - “TIDE-PREDICTING MACHINE No. 2 SPECIAL PUBLICATION No. 32 _ WASHINGTON _ GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE Beet 1915 Serial No. 16 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE U.S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY E. LESTER JONES, Superintendent DESCRIPTION OF THE U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY TIDE-PREDICTING MACHINE No. 2 | 3 1924 056 614 906 SPECIAL PUBLICATION No. 32 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1915 Ul Z- ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 20 CENTS PER COPY CONTENTS; Page (enerd] Stateme Mts, -.sc: jos 2ycendandotewee sate pov et nbekwemaatnwaaie ses 5 Previous tide-predicting machines. ..........2...2.. 22.00.2022 22 eee eee eee 10 British tide predictor No. 1...........--2- 22-22-0202 e ee eee eee eee ee 10 British tide predictor: No, 2. secicencegiaceceecinei esses ses seeerenieeeees 10 British tide predictor No, 8. cn: 2 epcedeedeeeebnnse sees se eerie ues 11 British tide predictor No. 4...............-.2---2---2------ Baten fea RPS 11 British tide- predictor No. deccces ace ondcecnewed yes su i sees Souyeesiokicc cb. The Ferrel or United States Coast and Geodetic Survey tide-predicting machine wNOy Lewin ttics ae eek sek aeingee Sate ane see see Racenies GR oe 12 United States Coast and Geodetic Survey tide-predicting machine No. 2...... 13 Description of the machine....-........22.2.02222222 ee eee eee eee eee eee 15 Distribution of motion.............-. Eia2 Rae eie BEN I We Seattle 16 Dial for months and days........-....2-..--..-22-2 222-202-2222 ee eee 16 OOHHEGtING ENS ies os nseccacecamseceecone reo hes RR SRoReeaeeese eee 17 Dinetisionsiol Parts x sassy oso Sse nt Ses eae ee ene eee 17 Durability of bearings..2- ccc gee es ev eo puemraneeemeaneeaee sees 19 Speedsof Components ies gist cscs see aig hs a oBdA ae eH: eee 19 Gear wheels «ss es of teeth per inch diameter. ; Driving crank with throw of 6 inches (plate 8) on crank shaft -inch diameter. On inner end of crank shaft, spur gear 40 teeth, 24-pitch, 3%-inch face, to spur-stud gear, 120 teeth, 4-inch face, to spur gear 120 teeth, on cross shaft }-inch diameter. On same shaft, bevel gear, 72 teeth, 24-pitch, #-inch face, to bevel gear, 72 teeth, on lower end of inclined shaft, }-inch diameter. On same shaft, under desk top, bevel gear, 75 teeth, 30-pitch, 34-inch face, to bevel gear, 75 teeth, on lower end of short vertical shaft through desk top, 3Z-inch diameter. On same shaft, upper end, inside of dial case (plate 9), bevel gear, 75 teeth, 30-pitch, 34-inch face, to bevel gear, 4503°—15——3 18 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 75 teeth, on inner end of short horizontal shaft, 34-inch diameter. On same shaft, outer end, bevel gear, 75 teeth, 30-pitch, 0.27-inch face, to bevel gear, 75 teeth on lower end of vertical shaft within dial case, 34-inch diameter. On vertical shaft, next above preceding, releasable bevel gear, 60 teeth, 48 pitch, 0.17 inch face, to bevel gear, 120 teeth, on outer end of intermediate shaft, 0.15 inch diameter. On same shaft, inner end, bevel gear, 84 teeth, 48 pitch, 0.17 inch face, to bevel gear, 84 teeth on hour pointer shaft, 0.15 inch diameter. On vertical shaft, next above preceding, releasable bevel gear, 180 teeth, 48 pitch, 0.17 inch face, to bevel gear, 60 teeth, on outer end of inclined intermediate shaft, 0.15 inch diameter. On same shaft, inner end, bevel gear 240 teeth, 48 pitch, 0.17 inch face, to bevel gear, 60 teeth, on minute pointer shaft, 0.15 inch diameter. On vertical shaft, next above preceding, releasable bevel gear, 60 teeth, 48 pitch, 0.17 inch face, to bevel gear, 120 teeth, on outer end of intermediate shaft, 0.15 inch diameter. On same shaft, inner end, worm screw 3%; inch diameter, 18 threads per inch, to worm wheel, 366 teeth, 6.47 inches diameter, on day dial shaft, 3, inch diameter. Inclined shaft, upper end (plate 10), bevel gear, 72 teeth, 24 pitch, 43 inch face, to bevel gear, 72 teeth, on vertical shaft of front com- ponent frame, 7% inch diameter. On same shaft, next above pre- ceding, spur gear, 110 teeth, 30 pitch, 2 inch face, to stud gear on cross brace (plates 10 and 11), 110 teeth, to spur gear, 110 teeth, on front vertical shaft of rear component frame, % inch diameter. On same shaft, next below preceding, bevel gear, 75 teeth, 30 pitch, #z inch face, to bevel gear, 75 teeth, on front end of long horizontal shaft within rear component frame, 4 inch diameter. On same shaft, rear end (plate 12), bevel gear, 75 teeth, 30 pitch, inch face, to bevel gear, 75 teeth, on rear vertical shaft of rear component frame, 2 inch diameter. , From the vertical shaft in the front component frame (plate 10) motion is conveyed by releasable bevel gears to bevel gears on hori- zontal intermediate shafts 3 inch diameter, by bevel gears at their inner ‘ends to bevel gears on component shafts =~; inch diameter, all the bevel gears in the front component frame are of 40 pitch and 0.24 inch face. From the front vertical shaft in the rear component frame (plate 11) motion is conveyed by releasable bevel gears to bevel gears on horizontal intermediate shafts, ~; inch diameter, by bevel gears at their inner ends to bevel gears on 16 component shafts. From the rear vertical shaft of the rear component frame (plate 12) motion is conveyed by releasable bevel gears to bevel gears on hori- zontal intermediate shafts, =; inch diameter, by bevel gears at their inner ends to bevel gears on 10 component shafts. The 5 remaining Special Publication No. 32. Plate 7. UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY TIDE-PREDICTING MACHINE NO. 2, DIAL END, TIDE-PREDICTING MACHINE NO, 2. 19 components driven from this vertical shaft, Ssa and Mm at the top, and Sa, Msf, and Mf at the bottom, receive their motion from releasable bevel gears to bevel gears on horizontal intermediate shafts, 35; inch diameter ' -~yorm screws at their inner ends, $ inch diame- ter, 13 threads per inch, to worm wheels, 48 pitch, on shafts carrying spur gears 48 pitch, to intermediate sliding spur gears on stud shaft to spur gears on c>mponent shafts. The intermediate sliding gears are provided for disconnecting the component shafts from the slow- moving worm-screw gears, thus permitting of more rapid setting of the epochs. All the component shafts in the rear compgnent frame are 33; inch diameter, and all the bevel gears are of 48 pitch and 0.20 inch face. Durability of bearings —The intermediate shafts in both the com- ponent frames run in bracket bearings made of hard cast brass, secured to one of the plates of the component frame. They can readily be replaced, one at a time, should looseness due to wear require their renewal, without putting the machine out of use. Should wear become too great in the bearings of the component shafts, however, which are in the place of the frames themselves, considerable time and expense would be required to repair the machine. For this reason the bearings in the plates were bushed or lined with hard cast-iron rings, forced into place and riveted. It is thought that 50 years’ constant use will not cause sufficient wear to require the renewal of the bushings. The vertical shafts also run in bracket bearings made of hard cast brass, the one in the front component frame being supported by seven (plate 10), that in the front of the rear frame by six (plate 11), and the rear one (plate 12) by five such bearings. One of the bearings near the middle of each vertical shaft is fitted with a clamping device, consisting of a double-armed steel block fitting over the bracket bearing, with a powerful hexagon-headed steel screw. By means of a large milled-head wrench the screw can be tightened and the shaft clamped so firmly as to prevent its moving under the stresses incident to the loosening and tightening of the releasing gears. The number of teeth in each of the gears conveying motion from the vertical shafts to the component shafts depend upon the speeds of the components. Speeds of components.—The speeds of the components are their angular motions expressed in degrees per mean solar hour. They are derived from astronomical data, and were first determined by a com- mittee of the British association, appointed in 1872, ‘‘for the exami- nation of the question of Harmonic Analysis of Tidal Observations,” Sir William Thomson being chairman of the committee. Sir George H. Darwin, having taken charge of this work some time later, extended and perfected the list’ of components, which was finally published in 20 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science for 1883, and has since, together with the system of notation adopted by that committee, come into universal use. The gear ratios or the number of teeth of each of the gear wheels conveying motion from the vertical shafts to the respective compo- hent shafts were obtained by converting the decimal expression of the speed ratio given in Darwin’s table to the nearest unit in the seventh place into two vulgar fractions, which, when multiplied by 30, the angular speed of the vertical shafts in degrees per mean solar hour, will most nearly approach the former decimal expression. By refactoring these ragios it was possible to obtain such diameters of the respective gear wheels as permitted of considerable saving of space when locating the components. The number of the teeth of the gear wheels are given in Table C, in the columns headed I, II, III, and IV. The product of the gear ratios I: II and III: IV of a component multiplied by 30, the angular speed of the vertical shaft per dial hour, is the hourly speed of that component as produced by the gears. The difference between this and the theoretical speed, both given in the table, multiplied by the number of hours in a year, is shown for each component in the column headed ‘‘Errors of gears per dial year.”’ It will be seen that the errors in the speeds of all the large com- ponents are less than a quarter degree; only a few of the unimportant ones amount to more than half a degree in a year, quantities which are altogether negligible. Gear wheels—In making the designs the durability or the life of the machine was kept in view. This is altogether a question of the wear- _ ing out of those parts which can not be readily renewed. The most important of these, besides the bearings of the component shafts before mentioned, are the gear wheels. These were cut with cutters specially made to order for producing teeth of the well-known invo- lute type, but with an additional bottom clearance of about 15 per cent of the height of the tooth. This permits of adjustment for taking out play due to wear of a greater amount than can occur in many year’s use. Releasable gears.—The releasable gears heretofore mentioned are used when setting the machine for a new station, for disengaging or releasing each component from the remainder of the train and setting it to its proper amplitude and epoch, after which it is again secured to the vertical shaft. As the moving or slipping of any one of them would vitiate the result, special care was taken in designing the clamping device, which is shown in the adjoined illustrations. (Plate 13, fig. a.) A collar A, with a thread at its upper end and a flange at the bottom, is fastened to the shaft by means of three coun- terbored steel screws. The gear wheel, B, fitting closely upon this Special Publication No. 32. MAIN DRIVING GEAR AND AUTOMATIC STOPPING DEVICE. Plate 8. TIDE-PREDICTING MACHINE NO. 2. 21 collar and resting upon the flange, has sunk into its upper surface a recess, 6, which is filled by the flange of the collar C. The latter is free to move vertically, but prevented from turning by a small steel screw reaching into a vertical groove, a, in the collar A. The lower surface of the collar Cis slightly ‘dished’; after being fitted accurately into the recess 6, it is split twice, at right angles, nearly to the top. When the milled nut D is screwed down with a small pin wrench the edge of the collar C is pressed against the edge of the recess 6 with such force as to make slipping practically impossible. Arrangement of components.—The arrangement of the components in relation to each other as regards location was considered carefully with the object of reducing flexure and friction to a minimum. As far as economy in space would permit the components with the largest amplitudes and greatest speeds were placed nearest to the free ends of the summing chains and connected most nearly direct with the main driving shaft, while the others were placed farther toward the fixed ends of the chains and away from the source of power. The product of the maximum amplitude and the speed of each component was taken as a measure for assigning its place. Viewing the machine from the time side (plate 6), the components are arranged in the following order, beginning at the left or front and going toward the right or rear: Uprrr RanaeE. FRONT COMPONENT FRAME. M, 8. KE, oe et No» zs? M, REAR COMPONENT FRAME, Driven by front vertical shaft. My, MK, 84, MN, v9, Sq, po, 2N. Driven by rear vertical shaft. 00, »», 8,, MG, J,, Mm, Ssa. Lower RANGE. FRONT COMPONENT FRAME, REAR COMPONENT FRAME. Driven by front vertical shaft. (MS),, My, Ky, 2MK, L,, My, 28M, P,. Driven by rear vertical shaft. 2Q, Re, Te, Q1) pr, Uf, USS, Sa. 22 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. The horizontal distance between each two component shafts was, of course, fixed by the diameter of the chain pulleys, which was taken as 2 inches, measured upon the center of the chain. Harmonie motion of pulleys.—The several views of the sides of the machine show plainly that provision was made for simple harmonic motion of all the chain pulleys and in what manner this was done. The frames with rectilinear horizonital slots 0.24 inch wide were cut from sheet steel 2s inch thick, and drilled and filed out to shapes ren- dering them light, without impairing their rigidity. They move in grooves planed into the inner sides of hard brass angle pieces, which are screwed to the side plates. Component cranks.—The lengths of the component cranks, depend- ing upon the height unit adopted for the machine and the maximum amplitude of each component, were made ample, in order to provide for any extreme case. They are given in the last two columns of Table C. The component cranks are situated immediately behind these frames, their hubs serving as shoulders of the component shafts to which they aresecurely pinned. The cranks (see adjoining illustration, plate 13, fig. b) are of hard brass and have L slots, a, milled through them, into which are fitted accurately the heads of the steel crank pins, 6. The latter are bored out and threaded to receive the square-headed clamp screws, c, by means of which the crank pins can be fixed firmly in any position upon the cranks. A thin slightly curved plate of hardened steel, d, between the head of the crank pin and the bottom of the 1 slot, protects the latter from being bruised by the clamp screw and acts as a spring which prevents the crank pin from falling when released. Upon the crank pin, which is 0.19 inch diameter, and finely polished, turns freely a closely fitting rectangular block of hardened steel, ¢, which fits accurately into and slides along the slot of the steel frame. The milled head wrench for loosening and tight- ening the clamp screw c is at B. Upon the side of each crank at its center is mounted a steel pointer, for setting the epoch of the component upon a silvered degree circle screwed to the side plate. The time crank is set upon the shaft 90° ahead of the height crank, and the circles are numbered and the pointers placed so that the effects upon the height chain vary as the cosines of the angles indicated by the pointer, and those upon the time chain as the sines of the same angles. For greater convenience and to avoid errors in setting, the circles of the upper and lower ranges of components were numbered alike and the pointers set upon the crank so that, facing them, all the height circles have their.zeros at the right side, the numbering increasing counter clockwise. When facing the time circles, the numbering increases clockwise from the zeros at the tops of all the circles. Special Publication No. 32. Plate 9, ; DIAL CASE, SIDE VIEW, TIDE-PREDICTING MACHINE NO. 2. 28 The components Sa and Ssa have height cranks only, the sine terms of their first derivatives being too small to be taken into account. Chain pulleys—The chain pulleys turn on steel pins 0.18 inch diameter, screwed into steel plates +; inch thick, 12 inch wide, and 13 inch high, which slide in grooves planed into the inner sides of L-shaped hard brass guides, screwed to the sides of the plates. Incidentally these guides serve to unite securely the two halves of the plates forming the rear component frame. The steel plates car- rying the pulleys, or pulley slides, excepting those of some of the larger components which will be referred to further on, are connected directly with the cross-slot frames by means of steel strips a; inch thick and 0.2 inch wide. : One side of each pulley guide is widened to accomodate the silvered amplitude scale and its numbering, which is read by means of an index line cut upon a small strip of German silver screwed upon the pulley slide in a manner to permit of its being adjusted accurately to the zero of the scale when the crank is in a horizontal position or the amplitude is set to zero. Amplitude scales —Only the negative halves of the amplitude scales are ruled upon the pulley guides. To set the amplitude, the component shaft is released, the crank set vertical pointing toward its chain pulley; the crank pin is released with the aid of a milled- head wrench and moved up or down until the index on the pulley slide indicates the desired amplitude upon the scale, when the crank pin is again tightened. The unit of the height scales, 0.5 inch, is subdivided to tenths, which permits of setting amplitudes to hun- dredths by estimation. The time-scale unit of each component is the product of the height-scale unit and the ratio of the speed of that component to that of the mean moon, or -¥,, in accordance with the coefficient of the derived series. The maximum amplitudes of the larger components, upon the scale of 0.5 inch per height unit, require cranks so long that the machine as a whole could not have been kept within dimensions suitable for an ordinary-sized room without special provision. The maximum amplitude for M,, for instance, requires cranks of 10 inches on the height and time sides. To accommodate these components in a reasonable space, two component shafts were provided for M,, S,,and K,, and the motions of their respective chain pulleys and those of several other components were doubled by means of racks fastened to the cross-slot frames which gear into the smaller ones of pairs of 1:2 spur gears, the larger ones engaging into racks fastened to the pulley slides. This reduced the largest of the cranks to 2.5 inches. The racks are 0.2 inches wide, of 40 pitch, and are held in close gearing with the spur gears by flanged rollers which are adjustable for taking up any play due to wear. Counterpoise weights were provided for 24 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. the components in the upper range to relieve them of the yndue strain of the weights of the chain pulleys, slides, and racks, the effects of which are doubled by the doubling gears. All these components are mounted in the front component frame. They are arranged as follows: Arrangement of componenis in front frame. UPPER RANGE. pe Components. Cranks. o a Gearing. crank. t Inches Mz CID ReaD Ke sa nwxxeeeessue 2.50 | Doubling gear. DNS aye rhe anlage en ine eee EN Time crank.............-.-. 2.50 Do. 63 {aon erank 1.23 Do. Wg eect Tyee Te ere nee Time crank......... se 1.25 Do. N {aeigne crank ei 1.50 Do. Reais ec seis ie siete sini tinite/oepie nit at sinaals Pissioktichs eiceiniisls Time crank......... i 1.50 Do. Ky eight crank es 1.38 Do. Qe ee ye ee oe er err red Time crank...-..-.. Bie 1.45 | Not doubled. Mi eight crank 2.00 Do. OPES OT GTEC PCE TEIN Teo rari het S Time crank......--.-.-.-.-- 2.00 | Doubling gear. LOWER RANGE. Ma eight crank.........-.--++ 2.50 | Doubling gear. Sey ret ee em omer rere owen enn ON ‘Time crank.......-- “ 2.50 Do. 8. eight crank. 1.23 Do. no geet eles eae eran ieee Ae Gye ee ey ‘Time crank... 1.25 Do. Ki eight crank. aie 1.38 Do. . eRe ES ee Ee ‘Time crank....- swe 1.45 | Not doubled. O Height crank.......-.-.---- 2.25 | Doubling gear. dis pinisie Sisieigie cisisle/sibicisisis Sie Gceaiesie ESI Seisaisiee Time crank........-.---.--- 2.20 | Not doubled. The solar annual component, Sa, mounted in the rear component frame, was also provided with a doubling gear, which permitted the use of a 2-inch instead of the 4-inch crank required by its maximum height amplitude. The outcome of careful tests as regards the necessity for counter- poising each one of the components, made prior to deciding upon the first general plan of the machine, led to rigidity of construction rather than adding the many moving parts required for balancing the weights of all the individual summing mechanisms. Summation chain.—The summation chain used in this machine is of the kind made for box chronometers. It is of hardened and tem- pered steel, single and double link plates alternating, the sides being ground slightly convex and polished. It is 0.1 inch wide, 0.05 inch thick, and has 125 links per foot. While amply flexible under strains like those of a chronometer spring, its joints were too stiff to work freely over and under 2-inch pulleys under a tension small enough to avoid undue flexure and torsion in the driving mechanism. The chain was therefore purchased long in advance of the time when needed, so that it could be made flexible and constant as to length Plate 10. Special Publication No, 32. VERTICAL DRIVING SHAFT, FRONT COMPONENT FRAME, TIDE-PREDICTING MACHINE NO. 2. 25 by actual wear. For this purpose it was joined into one endless piece and laid over and under pulleys, some of them only one-half inch in diameter, fastened against the wall of one of the shop rooms, one free pulley being loaded with a 5-pound tension weight, while one of the fixed pulleys was kept immersed in watch oil. By means of a belt from the line shaft the chain was kept in motion during working hours for about a year. Height chain.—The height chain is fastened at the rear end of the rear component frame (plate 12). It is riveted to a threaded rod which can be raised or lowered in a bracket, fastened to the plate, by means of two milled nuts, for purposes of accurate adjustment. From this rod the chain passes under and over all the height pulleys of the rear component frame, by means of two idler pulleys across the space between the rear and front component frames (plate 10), and over and under the height pulleys on the front component frame. After leaving the last one of these, the upper ve (plate 9), it passes down and around the thread groove of the height sum pulley, at the edge of which it ends and is fastened. The circumference of this pulley, as measured on the center of the chain, is exactly 12 inches. It can hold over seven turns of chain, the length of which is cut so that when all the components are set to zero amplitudes, the thread grooves are half filled and the pulley can either take up or pay out 45 inches of chain. The total length of the chain is 27 feet 7 inches. The height sum pulley is mounted upon a shaft which runs in bear- ings secured to the plates of the front component frame. By means of a fixed tooth reaching into the threads of a screw fastened to the shaft the latter is forced, when rotating, into a screw motion with a pitch equal to that of the thread groove of the sum pulley, thus always keeping the chain between the latter and the last component pulley vertical. From a threaded pulley secured to this shaft, of a diameter one- half that of the sum pulley, is suspended by means of a silken cord and an idler pulley mounted within and at the top of the component frame, a counterpoise weighing 12 ounces, half of which, or 6 ounces, is effective in keeping taut the chain. A pointer at the side of the height sum pulley serves to indicate mean sea level. All the height amplitudes being set to zero, a fine line at its end is made to coincide with one upon a small bracket immediately below the pulley. One end of the chain being fixed, the vertical motion of any one of the pulleys causes double this motion. in the free end of the chain, so that the motion of a height pulley through one unit produces a motion of 1 inch at the free end, or one-twelfth revolution of the height sum pulley. The rotary motion of the latter is conveyed by 26 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. means of a spur gear, 30 teeth, 48 pitch, mounted on it, through one of 100 teeth to a horizontal shaft running in brackets fastened to the back of the dial case. A pair of bevel gears, 75 teeth each, 48 pitch, connect the latter to that carrying the height pointer on the dial face (plate 7). The height scale is 12.74 inches in diameter or very nearly 40 inches in circumference; so that, with the ratio of gears employed, 1 inch of chain motion produces 1 inch of motion of the pointer at the scale. Height scales.—Three height scales are provided, graduated to 10, 20, and 40 feet and tenths, respectively. For predicting the smaller tides, the amplitudes are set up in the machine to four times their value and the 10-foot scale is used. For tides of average ranges the amplitudes are doubled and the 20-foot scale is put in place, while the larger tides are set up at their true amplitudes and read off the 40- foot scale, the one in place when the photograph was taken. The turning of a small button at the top of the scale permits of quick removal and accurate replacement of a scale. The pointer can be released and clamped in the desired position by means of a small milled nut at its center. The height amplitudes and the epochs having been set for a station and the machine being set in motion, the pointer indicates the height of the sea at any time, shown on the day, hour, and minute dials. Time chain.—The time chain is fastened at the rear end of the right side of the machine, as seen from the desk, in the same manner as the height chain (plate 6). It is passed under and over all the time pulleys of the rear and front component frames. Leaving the last one of these, it passes down around an idler pulley at the base, forward under the desk, around another idler pulley fastened to the base frame, upward, its flat side making a quarter turn, through the desk top into the dial case, over a third idler pulley across the dial case immediately behind a horizontal opening in its front plate (plate 7), exposing it to plain view of the operator. It passes around the thread grooves and ends at the side of a pulley which, with its shaft threaded pulley for a counterpoise and lateral screw motion, is an exact counterpart of the height sum pulley and its mounting (plate 9). The weight of the counterpoise, which rises and falls under the desk, and the motion of which is reduced to one-half by a movable pulley, is 18 ounces, one-fourth of which, or 44 ounces, is effective in keeping the chain taut. The length of the time chain from the fixed end to the platinum zero link is 27 feet 1 inch and the total length 30 feet 74 inches. When all the time amplitudes are set to zero, a link in the chain, made of platinum with a point projecting upward, is adjusted by means of the nuts at the fixed end of the chain, to be in exact coin- cidence and contact with a fixed index, also of platinum, in the middle Plate 11. Special Publication No. 32. ‘eee > emma = Sy a ae FORWARD VERTICAL DRIVING SHAFT, REAR COMPONENT FRAME. TIDE-PREDICTING MACHINE NO. 2. 27 of the horizontal opening in the dial case. Whenever the chain, the machine being set for a station, is in this position, the sum of the harmonic motions of the time pulleys is zero, and at that instant, as pointed out on the day, hour, and minute dials, the height indicated by the height pointer is a maximum or the height of high water, or a minimum or the height of low water. Paper-feeding mechanism.—The paper-feeding mechanism of the curve-tracing apparatus is arranged in the following manner: Upon a mandrel mounted within the dial case in the upper right-hand corner (plates 9 and 12), which can be quickly removed and replaced, isslipped the blank roll of paper holding on a 1-inch wooden core 380 feet of bond paper, 6 inches wide and 0.0024 inch thick. From the blank roll the paper passes around a 1-inch idler roller mounted in the front plate of the dial case, across the face of the latter for a distance of 13 inches and around the feed roller, which is provided near each end with 12 fine needle points for engaging the paper, into the interior of the dial case (plate 9), where it is taken up by the receiving roller, to which it has been fastened by entering its end into a narrow slit. The feeding roller is set in motion by a spur gear at the top of the vertical shaft which operates the time pointers. This spur gear, 46 teeth, 40 pitch, engages the lower one of two stud gears connected to each other by a ratchet wheel and pawl, the upper one engaging into the spur gear, 46 teeth, at the lower end of the feed roller. The circumference of the feed roller being exactly 6 inches, one revolution of the vertical shaft, which corresponds to 12 dial hours, therefore, feeds 6 inches of paper, or 4 inch per dial hour. The ratchet and pawl in the stud gear are placed so as to leave the paper at rest when for any reason the machine is turned backward. If desired, the paper feed can be thrown out of action altogether by turning a small milled head on the ratchet stud gear. A sprocket wheel with 16 teeth, held by adjustable friction to the upper end of the feed roller, drives the receiving roller by means of a chain and an 8-tooth sprocket. The ratio of the sprockets is such as to force the receiving roller to wind up the paper delivered by the feed roller with the tension furn- ished by the retarding friction of the driving sprocket on the feed roller. The paper exposed on the dial face is kept taut by an ad- justable retarding friction under the mandrel holding the blank roll. The device works smoothly and winds up without hitch the whole of a year’s tide curve. To remove the completed roll, the sprocket is lifted off the receiving roller and set upon a pin provided for the purpose; pulling out a pin at the back of the dial case permits of the removal of the upper bearing bracket, when the whole can be lifted out and the metal core of the receiving roller removed from the paper roll. 28 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. For marking upon the sheet the record of the predictions indicated to the operator by the pointers and dials there are provided two pens (plates 7 and 14), onefor tracing a base line and marking the hour and day spaces and the times of the high and low waters, and the other for tracing the predicted tide curve. ‘The curve pen uses about half the ink it can hold for a year’s curve, the base-line pen somewhat less. Base-line pen.—The ‘base-line pen (plates 7 and 14) is mounted by means of a metal ‘lock joint, like that of the curve pen, on a swivel arm with a spring for pressing against the paper. The swivel arm is secured, to the outer end of a shaft (plate 14), which carries two arma- tures, one for an upper and one for a lower electromagnet. A spring keeps the armatures at equal distances from their respective electro- magnets, the pen tracing a straight line upon the paper moved along under it. The swivel arm holding the pen can be raised or lowered a small amount for exact adjustment of the pen point to mean sea level of the curve. The electromagnets, together with the pen shaft and its armatures, are mounted upon an angle plate held against the inner side of the front plate of the dial case by two screws which, when loosened, permit of adjusting the pen point laterally, so that the curve pen will just clear it in its vertical movement. The unavoidable error in time, due to the fact that both pens can not pass through the same point, amounting to two or three minutes, can at any time be accurately recorded on the sheet by pulling the curve pen, when above the base line, down and across the base line, thus making it trace a vertical line, and then making a vertical line with the base-line pen by pressing against either of the armatures. The distance between these two.lines is the measure of the error. The upper electromagnet is in circuit with a battery and a current- making device, which consists of a platinum-tipped contact spring resting upon the edge of a rubber disk, in which are imbedded, accu- rately spaced, 24 narrow strips of platinum. This rubber disk is secured to the shaft of the hour pointer within the dial case (plate 9). An extra strip of platinum is placed close to that representing the twenty-fourth hour, or midnight. The contact spring can be brought to exact agreement with the hour and minute pointers by means of a fine-threaded screw. As each platinum strip passes under the contact spring the upper electromagnet attracts for a moment the armature, which throws the base-line pen downward for an instant and makes a short mark below the base line for each dial hour, a double mark indi- cating the twenty-fourth hour, or midnight. Another circuit, including the same battery but the lower electro- magnet, is closed when the projecting point of the platinum link in the time chain is in coincidence and contact with the fixed platinum index seen by the operator in the middle of the horizontal opening in Special Publication No, 32. Plate 12. REAR VERTICAL DRIVING SHAFT, REAR COMPONENT FRAME. TIDE-PREDICTING MACHINE NO, 2. 29 the dial case. At such times the base-line pen is thrown upward, making a mark above the base line, which is a record of the time of the high or low water traced by the curve pen. Both this circuit and the one making the hour and day breaks have one battery wire in common, which is led to a small switch at the left side of the desk, just above the crank shaft (plate 8), by means of which the battery can be cut out when the machine is not in operation. Curve pen.—The curve pen is mounted in a swiveling arm on a light carriage which slides along two vertical steel rods. The pen, of the ordinary fountain type, is pressed against the paper by a light coil spring under the outer end of the swivel arm, but can be kept away from the paper by the turning of a small nut. Being fitted with a metal lock joint it can be quickly removed and replaced in exactly the same position. Motion is imparted to the curve pen by the height chain through the height sum pulley in the following manner. Scale of the tide curve-—The horizontal shaft running in brackets fastened to the back of the dial case, the lower one seen on plate 4, the rotary motion of which, as before stated, is thirty one-hundredths that of the height sum pulley, carries upon it three sliding change gears of 48 pitch, with 75, 100, and 90 teeth, respectively. Immedi- ately above this shaft is mounted another one with three gears of 75, 50, and 60 teeth, respectively, and, at its outer end, a thread grooved pulley with a circumference of 4 inches, measured on the centers of the chain fastened at its side and wound around it (plate14). From this pulley the chain passes through the dial case around an idler pulley in its front, up past the curve pen carriage over another idler pulley to a counterpoise rising and falling within the dial case. A clamp and clamp screw at the pen carriage permits of the latter being secured to the chain at any desired point. By means of the three different ratios of the change gears a motion of 1 inch of the free end of the chain, or one-twelfth revolution of the height sum pulley, can be converted into pen motions with either of the following values: a oe With gears 75:75, or 1:1, BD x T00 x 7 X 4=0.1 inch. 1 30 —, 90 . With gears 90:60, or 3:2, 75 x 700 * 6 X 4=0.15 inch. 1 With gears 100 :50, or 2:1, b x om x ” X 4=0.2 inch. When the amplitudes set up in the machine are multiplied by four and the 10-foot scale is used, the tide curve may be traced, within the limits of the height of the sheet, upon scales of 1 to 15, 1 to 20, or 1 to 30 of nature; with amplitudes multiplied by two and the use of the 80 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. 20-foot scale, 1 to 30, 1 to 40, or 1 to 60, and with amplitudes at their true value and the use of the 40-foot scale, 1 to 60, 1 to 80, or 1 to 120 of nature. Tide curve-—The tide curve, though traced incidentally to the regular predictions for use as a record, also serves another purpose. The tides at some stations are of the form in which at times the diurnal overcomes the semidiurnal wave, thus producing vanishing or evanescent tides (plate 15, at a), in which frequently a theoretical high or low water is lower or higher than the preceding low or high water, respectively. In stich cases it becomes necessary, in order to avoid cumbering the tide tables with theoretical data, to make such compromises as are most suitable for the practical needs of the mariner. This can be done by an experienced operator by inspec- tion of the curve, of which more than a day is exposed at all times, as the predictions proceed, so that, when the high and low waters of the last day of the year have been written down, the printer’s copy for the station is completed. On plate 15 are shown two facsimile curves on actual scale produced by the machine. One of them shows, at } the manner in which the small difference in time between the curve and base line pens is ascertained. Automatic stopping device.—For relieving the operator of the greater part of the strain due to watching the appearance of the platinum zero link in the time chain, and stopping the machine at the instant of its comcidence with the index, an automatic stopping device is provided. It consists of an electric circuit which, when closed, causes an electromagnet mounted under the desk top (plate 8) to throw down upon the edge of a ratchet wheel, 5$ inches diameter, 400 teeth, } inch face, secured to the crank shaft, a steel pawl, thereby arresting the motion of the crank and stopping the machine. The cir- cuit is closed by a contact spring which rests upon a hard-rubber cyl- inder (plate 9) on the rear end of the shaft holding the pulley upon which the time chain ends. A small platinum plug in this cylinder comes in contact with the spring, which latter is fitted with a fine motion adjustment, when the zero link of the time chain is in coinci- dence with the index. The lateral screw motion of this shaft prevents the platinum plug from again making contact with the spring when the shaft has made one or more revolutions on either side of the zero position of the chain. The circuit is led through an insulated ring on the hub of the crank and a contact kept closed by a spring. A slight inward pressure against the crank handle overcomes this spring, breaks the circuit, and releases the armature and pawl, thereby permitting the machine to be moved forward to the next stop. By means of a small switch just below the crank the battery can be cut out. Special Publication No. 32. Plate 13. Scale: Full Size Fig. a-RELEASING GEARS ON VERTICAL DRIVING SHAFTS. PS > <—S eek & Scale : Full Size Fig. pb -COMPONENT CRANKS. TIDE-PREDICTING MACHINE NO, 2.: 31 Upon the crank shaft, close to the bearing in the desk frame (plate 3), is secured a small ratchet wheel. A pawl, kept lifted away from this wheel by friction springs when the machine is moved forward in the right direction, is instantly thrown into engagement when the crank is accidentally turned backward. By pushing in one of the small buttons just above the crank the pawl is locked, which permits of moving the machine backward when desired. Pushing in the other button again secures the machine against accidental backward motion. Speed of machine-—The speed with which the machine may be turned, were its object only to produce a tide curve, as is the case with the British machines, varies somewhat with the amplitudes set, a large tide requiring a slower motion of the crank than a small one. The average speed is 20 turns of the crank per minute. A dial day requiring six turns, a year’s curve could be traced in 1 hour and 50 minutes; but the curve is produced incidentally only to the main purpose of the machine, which is to indicate the times and heights of the high and low waters for filling out the blank forms to be sent to the printer. As ascertained from the predictions of all the compli- cated tides for the years 1912 and 1913, made in the year 1910, the time of setting the machine for a station varies, according to the number of components involved, between 2 and 3 hours for one man; that of operating the machine and copying upon the forms the indi- cated times and heights for one year, from 7 to 12 hours. The dif- ference in the time of the latter operation is due to the greater or less frequency of periods of diurnal or evanescent tides, which require more or less judgment on the part of the operator and therefore cause more or less delay. Temperature error.—As regards the question of error due to the effects of changes in temperature, which would appear of moment in view of the great length of chain, it may be said that the results are practically unaffected by thermal expansion or contraction. A rough determination of the effect upon the free end of the chain, which in- volves the thermal coefficients of brass and steel and the doubling effect of the motions of the chain pulleys, shows a shortening by 0.055 inch or 1.4 millimeters for a rise and a lengthening of the same amount for a fall of 25° F. or 14° C. Such changes of temperature can take place only from season to season, during which time the machine has been readjusted a number of times. A possible source of error in the results obtained with the machine, which had, however, been anticipated by the treatment of the chain before described, is that due to wear in its many joints (27.6 feet by 125 links equals 3,447) and consequent lengthening of the whole. For the purpose of testing its constancy in this respect, all the components were carefully set to zero and the position of the mean sea level 32 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. pointer of the height sum pulley and that of the platinum zero link of the time chain in relation to their respective indices noted several times during the prediction of the tides for the 1912 and 1913 tables. No change in the lengths of the chains could be noticed. Accuracy of the machine.—At first thought one would probably sup- pose that the best test of the accuracy of a tide-predicting machine would be a comparison of its results with actual observation at the port for which it is set up. Such a comparison is always possible by setting the machine for a preceding period during which automatic tide-gauge readings were made. But the tides of nature are so much+ affected by meteorological conditions, which can not be predicted, that such a comparison must necessarily be more or less rough. After mature consideration it is found that the best test of the accuracy of a tide-predicting machine as a piece of mechanism is to compare its mechanical solution of the equations put into it with the corresponding results obtained by computation from the same elements. Such a comparison was made, using the regular predictions for 1912 and 1913 tide tables, at the station Aden, Arabia, with 34 com- ponents, and at Hongkong, China, with 30 components, hourly heights being read off the dial, by estimation to hundredths of feet, upon a day at the end of the year for which the predictions were being made. The greatest difference between the predicted and computed 24-hourly heights was 0.02 foot in the case of the Aden- tide, and 0.06 foot in that of Hongkong. The results of the latter test are shown in Table A. Taste A.—Test for accuracy by comparison of predicted with computed heighis—Hourly heights for Hongkong, China, Dec. 31, 1912. Predicted. | ‘Ce Peete | compound, Hour. mniad, Hour. e ninted. Dial. | Curve. Dial. | Curve. Dial. | Curve. Dial. | Curve. Feet. | Feet. | Feet. | Feet. | Feet. Feet. | Feet. | Feet. | Feet. | Feet. Osecesee 4,28 4.32 4,32 | —0.04 0.00 || 12....... 1.51 1,54 1.56 | —0.05 | —0.02 Desecees 4.65 4,68 4.68 | —0.03 0.00 || 13....... 2.31 2.34 2.37 | —0.06} —0.03 Qeseseins 4.78 | 4.80 4.80 | —0.02 0.00 || 14....... 3.00 3.06 3.06 | —0.06 0.00 Dpsiaiviaie 4.60 4.61] 4.59} +0.01 | +0.02 |} 15....... 3.48 3.52 2.53 | —0.05 | —0.01 Woisaie cise 4.07 4.07 4.05 | +0.02 | +0.02 || 16....... 3.70 3.72 3.73 | —0.03 | —0.01 Bazednne 3.27 3.25 8.22 | +0.05,| +0.03 || 17..-...-] 3.64 3.66 3.66 | —0. 02 0.00 Coes 2.32 2.30 2,28 | +0.04 | +0.02 |] 18....... 3.38 3.38 3.40 | —0.02 | —0.02 Yecczee2 1.42] 1.40] 1.37] +0.05 | 40.08 |] 19.....-- 3.04] 3.03] 3.07] —0.03] —0.04 Secsieeow 0.70 0.70 0.66 | +0.04 | +0,04 || 20....... 2.73 2.73 2.75 | —0.02 | —0.02 Dacecace 0.31} 0.32| 0.27] +0.04] +0.05 || 21....... 2.50} 2.50] 2.51] —0.01} —0.01 Wises: 0.34] 0.36) 0.33] +0.01] +0.03 |] 22....... 2.46] 2.47] 2.47 | —0.01 0.00 igen 0.76] 0.79] 0.81 | —0.05| —0,02 |] 23....... 2.64] 2.65| 2.67] —0.03] —0.02 Plate 14. Special Publication No. 32. DIAL CASE AND FRONT COMPONENT FRAME, TIME SIDE. TIDE-PREDICTING MACHINE NO. 2. 33 The curves traced during the predictions of these hourly heights also served as a means of comparison between results as computed and given by the machine. The facsimile curve on plate 15, marked Hongkong, 1912, contains the day, December 31, for which the hourly heights are given in Table A. In order to ascertain the certainty of action of the machine, pre- dictions were made for a number of days a number of times in suc- cession, the machine being turned back between each set of predic- tions. The agreement between the heights and times of the different sets were within 0.02 foot and 1 minute, respectively. The curves traced in these tests, being on a small scale, revealed no differences when laid upon each other. A practical agreement was also found between the predictions made for the same period by three different observers. Amplitude unit.—A tidal calendar giving the tides for the ports and stations of all countries is, like astronomical publications, of international import. It would seem at first glance that the ampli- tude unit of this machine might preferably have been based upon the meter rather than the foot, but when it is considered that by far the largest number of charts used by the navigators of all nations give the soundings in fathoms or multiples of the foot, the advantage of using the foot is apparent. Should predictions in meters be required, the conversion of the metric into foot amplitudes, which need only be done once for each station, and the addition of three height-dial rings with scales of 3, 6, and 12 meters, would prepare the machine for the prediction of heights in meters. 34 UNITED STATES COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Taste B.—Table of components represented in tide-predicting machines. Ferrel’s Mand | United mr an nite British | Roberts’s Thom- minima, States Roberts’s | or United | Coast and tion, or | Office, or .. . . Symbols | British | British | PHU | tide pre- | tide pre- | Umiversal | , Slates ,| Coodetic ofcompo- | tide pre- | tide pre- | #4¢Pre- | “gictor dictor dietor | Geodetic | tide pro- A A dictor - nents. dictor dictor (16 com- | (12 com- . No.3 ponents). | ponents). (33 com- | Survey dictor No.1 No. 2 Associa- India 3 ‘ son's, OF | French | Brazilian z 15 com- onents). | tide pre- No, 2 (10com- | (24com- | 6 Pp § ponents). dictor (37 com- ponents). | ponents). No.1 ponents). (19 com- ponents). BS Me sccadsiecsl ere ceecies cies] ad sic secincialseceeccien|e<, os iaie ain sa a8 gieicie sie wie OEM [oserenenene| sseprennren SSaierceccnsaesleedeninas Soe SSA: leecciccisicsienflesece sie sotellesseaceciese BSa;- fesecescesic Ssa Poieecescetste|seadeesdest Ts |iesaesansies Ts awaited Ts Ts Ts TIDE-PREDICTING MAOHINE NO, 2. TaBLe C.—Coast and Geodetic Survey tide-predicting machine No. 2. 35 Number of teeth in gear wheels. Length of cranks, Theoretical Intermediate Error speed per shafts. Gear speed of Components. | mean solar Vertical per dial Bears hour. | shafts Com- hour, Der : “| Outer | Inner | Poment dial | Height. | Time. end. end, | Shafts. are ve II III IV ° 9 ° Inches. | Inches, 15, 5854433 107 90 52 119 | 15. 5854342 | +0.08 0.7 0.4 -| 15. 0410686 61 73 51 85 | 15.0410959 | — .24] 1.38xK2 1.45 15. 0410686 61 73 51 85 | 15.0410959 | — .24] 1.382 1.45 30. 0821372 122 80 96 146 | 30.0821918 | — .48 2.0 2.0 29. 5284788 104 61 56 97 | 29. 5284773 | + .01 1,2 1.2 29. 4556254 131 65 57 117 | 29.4556213 | + .04 0.2 0.2 14. 4920521 103 85 59 148 | 14. 4920509 | + .01 0.5 0.3 28. 9841042 103 74 59 85 | 28.9841017 | + .02); 2.502 2.50X2 28. 9841042 103 74 59 85 | 28.9841017 | + .02] 2.50x2 2.502 43, 4761563 86 62 70 67 | 43. 4761675 | — .10 0.7 1.0 57. 9682084 118 74 103 85 | 57. 9682035 | + .04 2.00 2.002 | 86. 9523126 140 62 86 67 | 86. 9523351 | — .20 0.5 1.5 115. 9364168 118 37 103 85 |115. 9364070 | + .09 0.2 0.8 1, 0980330 84 45 1 51 | 1.0980392 | — .05 2.0 0.08 --} 44. 0251728 120 81 105 105 | 44.0251572 | + .14 1.0 1.4 -| 42. 9271398 81 52 79 86 | 42.9271020 | + .33 0.7 1.0 0. 5443747 93 41 1 125 | 0. 5443902 | — .14 1.5 0.03 57, 4238338 135 42 53 89 | 57. 4237560 | + .68 0.4 0.7 58. 9841042 118 61 62 61 | 58.9841440 | — .35 1.0 2.0 1. 0158958 149 80 1 55 | 1.0159091 | — .12 1.0 0. 04 27. 9682084 125 82 74 121 | 27.9681516 | + .50 0.6 0.6 28, 4397296 65 46 53 79 | 28.4397358 | — .05 | 1.50x2 1.50X2 27. 8953548 68 58 46 58 | 27.8953627 | — .07 0.5 0.5 28. 5125830 89 69 70 95 | 28. 5125858 | — .02 1.0 1.0 13. 9430356 92 89 58 129 | 13. 9430363 | — .01} 2.25x2 2.20 -| 16. 1391016 134 131 71 135 | 16.1391009 | + .01 0.4 0.3 -| 14. 9589314 91 73 50 125 | 14.9589041 | + . 24 2.4 1.3 13. 3986609 84 88 51 109 | 13.3986656 | — .04 15 0.7 12. 8542862 127 114 50 180 | 12.8542510 | + .31 0.3 0.2 30. 0410686 85 50 43 73 | 30.0410959 | — . 24 0.2 0.2 13. 4715144 69 70 41 90 | 13.4714286 | + .75 0.4 0.27 15. 0000000 63 75 50 84 | 15.0000000 - 00 1.0 0.6 30. 0000000 70 70 70 70 | 30. 0000000 -00 | 1,23x2 1,.25X2 30. 0000000 70 70 70 70 | 30. 0000000 -00 | 1.232 1,25X2 60. 0000000 75 45 60 50 | 60. 0000000 - 00 0.5 1.0 .| 90. 0000000 90 48 80 50 | 90. 0000000 00 0.5 15 0. 0410686 51} 149 1 | 125 60 120 | 0.0410738 | — .05| 2.00X2 |-.....--- oe -| 31. 0158958 69 47 50 71 | 31.0158825 | + .12 0.7 0.7 0. 0821372 51 149 1 125 | 0.0821477 | — .09 BABr |saseesese: . 29. 9589314 81 50 45 73 | 29.9589041 | + .24 0.5 0.5 Special Publication No. 32. HONGKONG, GHINA 1912 Scale of curve , 1:20 30 Components ADEN, ARABIA I913 Scale of curve 1:30 35 Components Jul.29, 0° vy Dec.29,1912,0"" Dec.31,1912,0"" Jul.30,0° eo FACSIMILE CURVES, Plate 15, hes Jan.1,1913,0