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Fourth Edition, Price 4s. 6d.; or in two parts, each 2s. 6d. THE ELEMENTS OF EUCLID, BOOKS I.-VL, AND PROPOSITIONS I.-XXL, OF BOOK XI.; Together with an Appendix on the Cylinder, Sphere, Cone, &*c. : with Copious Annotations & numerous Exercises. Second Edition, Price 6s. A KEY TO THE EXERCISES IN THE FIRST SIX BOOKS OF CASEY’S “ELEMENTS OF EUCLID.” Price 3s. A TREATISE ON ELEMENTARY TRIGONOMETRY, With Numerous Examples AMD Questions for Examination. DUBLIN: HODGES, EIGGIS, & CO. LONDON: LONGMANS, GREEN & CO.A DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATI63 COR NEIL UNIVERSITY KEY TO THE EXERCISES IN THE FIEST SIX BOOKS OF CASEY'S ELEMENTS OF EUCLID. BY JOSEPH B. CASEY, •ί ’ TUTOR, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN. SECOND EDITION, REVISED. DUBLIN: HODGES, FIGGIS, & CO., GRAFTON-ST. LONDON: LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO. 1887.DUBLIN : PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS» BY PONSONBY AND WELDRICK.CONTENTS. PAGES BOOK 1.........................................1-52 Propositions. i. 1 ; ii. 2 ; iv. 3; y. 3 ; vii. 5 ; ix. 6 ; x. 6 ; xi. 7; xii. 8; xvii. 9; xvm. 9; xix. 10; xx. 11; xxi. 12; xxiii. 13; xxiv. 14; xxv. 14; xxvi. 15 ; xxix. 17; xxxi. 18; xxxii. 21 ; xxxm. 24; xxxiv. 25; xxxvi. 26; xxxvn. 27; xxxviii. 28; xl. 29; xlv. 31 ; xlvi. 31 ; xlvii. 33; Miscellaneous Exercises on Book I. 36. BOOK II. 53-70 Propositions. iv. 53; v. 54; vi. 55; viii. 56; ix. 57; x. 58; xi. 59; xii. 61; xiii. 62 ; xiv. 63; Miscellaneous Exercises on Book II. 63. BOOK III. 71-138 Propositions. hi. 71; xiii. 73; xiv. 74; xv. 75; xvi. 76; xvii. 79 xxi. 82; xxii. 84; xxvm. 88 ; xxx. 90 ; xxxii. 91 xxxm. 93; xxxv. 98; xxxvi. 102; xxxvn. 102 Miscellaneous Exercises on Book III. 105.Vi CONTENTS. AGES* BOOK IY.................................139-183 Propositions. iv. 139; v. 143; x. 144; xx. 145; xv. 146; Exer- cises on Book IY. 148. BOOK Y.........................................184-186 Miscellaneous Exercises, 183. BOOK VI...................................... 187-282 Propositions. n. 186 ; m. 186 ; it. 188 ; x. 190; xi. 193; xm. 193; xvii. 196; xix. 200; xx. 200; xxi. 204; xxm. 205; xxx. 205; xxxi. 207 ; Exercises on Book YI. 207.EXERCISES ON EUCLID, —♦— BOOK I. PROPOSITION I. 1. Dem.—The four lines AC, AF, BC, BF are each = AB, and .·. = to each other. Hence ACBF is a lozenge. 2. Bern.—Because AC = BC, and CF common, and the base AF = BF; .·. (viii.) the L ACF = BCF; .·. ACF is J an L of an equilateral Δ. Again, the L CAB = ACD + ADC (xxxii.) ; but ACD = ADC; .·. CAB = 2ACD; .·. ACD is J an L of an equilateral Δ, and ACF is £ an L of an equilateral Δ; .*. DCF is an L of an equilateral Δ. Similarly DFC is an L of an equi- lateral Δ. Hence the Δ CDF is equilateral. 3. Bern.—Join AF. Because AG = AF, the L AGF = AFG; and because AF = AC, the L ACF = AFC; .*. the L GFC = FGC + FCG, and is .·. (xxxii. Cor. 7) a right L, In like manner HFC is a right L. Hence (xiv.) G, F, H are collinear. 4. Bern.—GC2 = GF2 + FC2 (xlvii.), and GC2 = 4AG2; .·. GF2 + FC2 = 4 AG2; but GF = AG. Therefore FC* = 3AG2 = 3AB2. 5. Sol.—Join CF. Divide AD into four equal parts in E, G, H. From DC cut off DJ = ED. J is the centre of the required Θ. Bern.—Join AJ, BJ, and produce them to meet the Θ* in K, L. B2 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book I. Because the L ADJ is right, AJ2 = JD2 + DA2 = 3* + 42 = 52; AJ is = 6 of the parts into which AD is divided; tpit AK = AB; .·. JK = 3 of the parts ; JK as JD. Again, AD = DB, and DJ common, and the L ADJ equal BDJ; (iv.) AJ = BJ; but AK = BL; .·. JK « JL. Hence the lines JD, JK, JL are equal; and the Θ, with J as centre and JD as radius, will pass through the points K, L. PROPOSITION II. 1. Sol.—On AB describe the equilateral Δ ABD. With B as centre and BC as radius, describe the Θ CEG, and produce DB to meet it in E. With D as centre and DE as radius, describe the Θ EFH, and produce DA to meet it in F. AF is the re· quired line. Bern.—Because D is the centre of the Θ EFH, DE = DF; but DB = DA; .·. BE = AF, and BE = BC; AF = BC. 2. Sol.—Let A be the given point, and BC the given line. It is required from the point A to inflect to BC a line equal to a given line DE. From A draw AF = DE [n.]. With A as centre,BOOK I.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID 3 and AF as radius, describe a Θ cutting BC in G H. Join AG, AH. AG, AH are the required lines. , Dem.—Because AF = AG, and AF = DE; .·. AG = BE. In like manner AH = DE. Hence there are two solutions. PROPOSITION IY. 1. Let AD bisect the vertical L of the isosceles Δ ABC. It is required to prove that it bisects the base BC perpendicularly. Dem.—AB = AC, and AD common, and the L BAD = CAD .·. (iv.) the L ADB = ADC, and the side BD = CD. Hence BC is bisected, and (Def. xiv.) AD is JL to BC. 2. Dem.—Let ABCD be the quadrilateral, and BD its diago- nal. Because AB = CB, and BD common, and the L ABD = CBD ; ,·. (rr.)the base AD = CD. 3. Let the lines AB, CD, bisect each other in E. Dem.—Take any point F in ED. Join AF, BF. Because AE = BE, and EF common, and the L AEF = BEF; .·. the base AF = BF. 4. Let ABC be the Δ. On the sides AB, AC, describe equi- lateral Δ8 ABD, ACE. Join CD, BE. It is required to prove that CD = BE. Dem.—Because the L DAB = CAE, to each add the L BAC ; then the L DAC = BAE; and since DA = BA, and CA = EA, the sides DA, AC = BA, AE, and we have shown that the L DAC = BAE; (iv.) the bases CD, BE, are equal. PROPOSITION Y. 1. (1) Dem.—Take any point D in AB, and from AC cut off AE = AD (in). Join BE, CD, DE. Because AB = AC, and AE = AD ; BA and AE = CA and AD, and the L A is com- mon; .*. BE = CD, and the L ABE = ACD. Again, because BE = CD, and BD = CE; .·. BD and BE = CE and CD, and the L DBE = ECD; .*. (iv.) the L BDE = CED, and the L BED = CDE; hence the remainders, the L * BDC, BEC, are equal. Again, BD = CE; and DC = EB; .·. BD and DC = CE and EB, and the contained L8 BDC, CEB, have been shown to be equal; .·. (iv.) the L8 DBC, ECB, are equal.4 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book I- (2) Dem,—ProduCe BA, CA, to J, H, in AJ; take any point» E, G, and from AH cut off AD = AE, and AF = AG. Join DGr DB, EC, EF. Because AF = AG, and AE = AD; .·. AF an# AE = AG and AD, and the L FAG common; . *. the base FE = DGr and the L AFE = AGD, and the L FEA = GDA. Again, because BG = CF, and GD = FE; .·. BG and GD = CF and FE, and the L DGB = EFC; .·. the base DB = EC,, and the L GDB = FEC; hut the L GDA = FEA; .·. the re- mainders, the L · BDC, BEC, are equal. Now, since BD = CE, and DC = EB ; .·. BD and DC = CE and EB, and the L BDC = CEB; the L DCB = EBC. 2. Dem.—If AH be not an axis*of symmetry, let AJ be one- Join JG. Because AF = AG, and AJ common, and the L FAJ GAJ (hyp.); .·. the L AFJ = AGJ; but the L AFC = AGB ; the L AGJ = AGB, a part = to the whole, which is absurd ; AH must be an axis of symmetry.BOOK I.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 5 3. Let ABC, DBG, be the two isosceles Δ* on the same base. Join their vertices A, D. Dem.—The L ABC = ACB (v.), and the L DBC = DCB (v.); .·. the L ABD = ACD. Now, the two Δ8 ABD, ACD, have the two sides AB, BD = the two sides AC, CD, and the contained Ls ABD, ACD, equal; .·. (iv.) the L BAD = CAD. Hence AD is an axis of symmetry. 4. Let AD be the bisector of the L BAC. Dem.—Because BA and AD = CA and AD, and the L BAD * CAD (hyp.); .·. (iv.) the L ABD = ACD. 5. Let ABCD be the lozenge, and AD, BC, its diagonals. Dem.—Because AB = AC, the L ACB = ABC, and because DB = DC, the L DCB = DBC; .*. the L ACD = ABD. Now, the Δ8 ACD, ABD, have two sides AC, CD, and the contained L ACD, equal to the sides AB, BD, and the contained L ABD ; .·. (iv.) the L CAD = BAD, and the L CDA = BDA. Hence AD is an «-xia of symmetry. 6. Let ABC be the Δ. Dem.—Take three points D, E, F, in the sides AB, BC, CA, equally distant from the vertices A, B, C. Join DE, EF, FD. It is required to prove that the Δ DEF is equilateral. Evidently from the given conditions the Δ8 BDE, CEF, AFD, are equal; their bases DE, EF, FD, are equal. Hence the Δ DEF is equilateral. PROPOSITION VII. 3. If possible let two Θ8 whose centres are A, B, intersect in 'the points C, D, on the same side of the line AB. Dem.—Join CA, DA, CB, DB. Because A is the centre of the Θ ECD, AC = AD; and because B is the centre of the6 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book i- Θ FCD, BC = BD; but this is contrary to Prop. vii. Hence the Θ* cannot intersect in more than one point on the same side of the line AB. PROPOSITION IX. 3. Dem.—Because AD = AE, the L AED = ADE; and be- cause FE as FD, the L FDE =* FED. Now we have two Δ* ADF, AEF, having two sides AD, DF, and the contained L ADF respectively = to the two sides AE, EF, and the contained L AEF ~r (iv.) the L DAF = EAF. 4. Dem.—Let G be the point where AF meets DE. Because AD = AE, and AG common, and the L DAG = EAG; .·. the L AGD = AGE. Hence (Def. xiv.) AF is X to DE. 5. See Ex. 3, Prop. iv. 6. Dem.—Take any point G in AF, and from G let fall the i. GH on AB. From AC cut off AJ = AH, and join GJ. Because AH == AJ, and AG common, and the L HAG = JAG; .·. (rv.) the L AJG = AHG. Hence the L AJG is right, and the base GH = GJ. PROPOSITION X. 1. Sol.—Let AB be the given line. Take a part AE greater than half AB. With A as centre and AE as radius, describe the Θ CED. Take BF = AE. With B as centre and BF as radiusr describe the Θ CFD, cutting the Θ CED in C, D. Join CD,, cutting AB in G. AB is bisected in G.BOOK I.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 7 Dam.—Join AC, BC, AD, BD. Because AC * BC, and CD common, and the base AD = BD; (vm.) the L ACD = BCD. Again, since AC = BC, and CG common, and the L ACG = BCG; .·. (iv.) AG = BG. 2. Dem.—Take any point H equally distant from A, B. Join AH, BH, CQ. Because AC = BC, and CH common, and the base AH = BH; .·. (vm.) the L ACH = BCH. Hence any point equally distant from A, B, is in the bisector of the L ACB. PROPOSITION XI. 1. Hem.—Let the diagonals AD, BC, of the lozenge ABCD, intersect in E. Because AB = AC, and AD common, and the base BD = CD; (vm.) the L BAE = CAE. Again, AB = AC, AE common, and the L BAE = CAE; (iv.) BE = CE, and the L AEB = AEC. Hence AD bisects BC perpendicularly. 2. Dem.—Because DF = EF, the L FED = FDE (v.), and CD = CE; .·. (iv.) the Δ DCF = ECF; .·. the L DCF = ECF, and (Def. xiv.) each of them is a right angle. 3. Sol.—Let AB be the given line. At the point A draw AC, making an angle with AB. In AC take AD = AB. At D erect DE JL to AC. Bisect the L BAC by AE, meeting DE in E. Join BE. BE is J. to AB. Dem.—AD = AB, AE common, and the L DAE = BAE; (iv.) the L ADE = ABE; but ADE is a right angle (conet.); hence ABE is a right angle. 4. Sol.—Let AB be the given line, and C, D, the points. Join CD; bisect CD in E. Draw EF JL to CD, meeting AB in F. F is the required point.8 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book I. Dem.—Join CF, DF. Because (iv.) the Δ CEF = DEF; FC = FD. Hence the point F is equally distant from C and D. 5. Sol.—Let AB be the given line, and C, D, the points. From C let fall a X CG on AB, and produce it to E, so that GE will be equal to CG. Join ED, and produce it to meet AB in F. F is the required point. Dem.—Join CF. Because CG = EG, and GF common, and the L CGF = EGF; (iv.) the L CFG = EFG. Hence the L CFD is bisected by the line AB. 6. Sol.—Let A, B, C, be the three given points. Join AB, BC. Bisect AB at D, and erect DF X to AB. Bisect BC at E, and erect EF X to BC. F is the required point. Dem.—Join AF, BF, CF. Because AD = BD, and DF com- mon, and the L ADF = BDF; (it.) AF = BF. In like manner BF = CF. Hence the three lines AF, BF, CF, are equal. PROPOSITION XII. 1. Dem.—If poeeible let FGJK be a O meeting AB in the {K)ints F, G, J, E. Bisect FG in H. Join CH, and produce it to M. Join CF, CG. Bisect GJ in N. Join CN, CJ, CE. Be- cause FH = GH, and HC common, and the base FC = CG; .·. the L FHC = GHC, and (Def. xiv.) each of them is a right angle. Again, since GN = JN, and CN common, and the base CG = CJ; the L CNG = CNJ, and each is a right angle. Hence the L CNH = CHN; .*. CH = CN; but CN is greater than CE, because the point N is outside the Θ; CH is greater than CE, and CM = CE; .*. CH is greater than CM, which is absurd. Hence the Θ cannot meet AB in more than two points.EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 9 BOOK I.] 2. Dem.—Let ABC be the Δ, having the L BAC equal to the sum of the L ■ ABC, ACB. Bisect AB in D, and erect DE _L to AB, meeting BC in E. Join AE. Because AD = BD, DE common, and the L ADE = BDE; „·. (iv.) the L DAE = DBE; but the L BAC = ABC 4- ACB; hence the L EAC = ECA; .·. each of the Δ8 ABE, ACE, is isosceles; and since AE = BE = CE; .*. BC = 2AE. PROPOSITION XVII. Dem.—Let ABC be the Δ. Take any point D in BC. Join AD. The L ADC is greater than ABC (xvi.), and the L ADB is greater than ACB; but ADC and ADB equal two right angles; «*. ABC and ACB are less than two right angles. PROPOSITION XVIII. 1. Dem.—Let ABC be the Δ, of which AC is greater than AB. From AC cut off AD = AB. With A as centre, and AB as radius, describe the circle ADE, cutting CD produced in E. Join AE. Now the L ABC is greater than AEB; but AEB = ABE; .*. ABC is greater than ABE, and ABE is greater than ACB (xvi.). Hence ABC is greater than ACB. 2. Dem.—Produce AB to D, so that AD = AC. Join CD. Now the L ABC is greater than ADC (xvi.); but ADC = ACD; .·. ABC is greater than ACD. Much more is ABC greater than ACB. 3. Dem.—Let ABCD be a quadrilateral, whose sides AB, CD, are the greatest and least. It is required to prove that the L ADC is greater than ABC. Join BD. Because BC is greater than DC, the L BDC is greater than DBC (xvm.). Similarly the L ADB is greater than ABD. Hence the L ADC is greater than ABC. 4. Dem.—Let ABC be a Δ, whose side BC is not less than AB or AC. From A let fall a _L AD on BC. Because BC is not less than AB, the L BAC is not less than BCA; .*. BCA must be acute. In like manner CBA must be acute. Hence AD must fall within the Δ ABC.10 EXEBCISES ON EUCLID. [book I- PEOPOSITION XIX. 1. Dem.—Bisect BC in D. Join AD; produce it to E, so that DE = AD. Join BE. Now the Δ· BDE, ADC, have the «idee BD, DE, of one respectively equal to CD, DA, of the other, and the contained Ls equal (xv.); .·. (iv.) BE = AC, and the L DBE = DCA; hut the L ABD is greater than DCA (hyp.); .*. ABD is greater than EBD; hence the line BF which bisects the L ABE falls above BC. Produce BF to G, and make GF = BF. Now, since ED = AD, EF is greater than AF. Cut off FH = AF. Join GH, and produce it to meet BE in I. Now we have in the Δ8 AFB, GFH, two sides AF, FB, in one equal HF, FG, in the other, and the contained L 8 equal; hence AB = GH, and the L ABF = HGF; but ABF = FBI (const.); .·. BGI - GBI, and .·. (v.) IB = IG; but EB is greater that IB, and IG greater than HG; .*. EB is greater than GH, and we have proved BE = AC, and GH = AB. Hence AC is greater than AB. 2. Dem.—Take any point D in the base BC of an isosceles Δ ABC. Join AD. Now the L ADC is greater than ABD (xvi.), and .*. greater than ACD. Hence (xix.) AC is greater than AD. If we take the point D in the base produced, we have the L ACB, that is, ABC greater than ADC; .·. AD is greater than AB. 3. Dem.—This follows from the last exercise. For when we took the point in the base, and joined it to the vertex, the joining line was less than either side of the triangle; and when the point was in the base produced, the joining line was greater.BOOK I.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. IE 4. (1) Dem.—Let A be the given point, and EF the given line. From A let fall a 1 AB, and draw any other line AC to EF. The L ACB is less than ABC (xvii) ; .·. (xix.) AC is greater than AB. (2) Dem.—Take another point D in EF. Join AD. Now the L ACD is greater than ABC, and therefore obtuse; hence ADC must be acute; AD is greater than AC. 5. Dem.—Because AB is greater than AC, the L ACB is greater than ABC (xviii.). Much more is the L BCF greater than CBF. Hence (xix.) BF is greater than CF. Again (hyp.),. AB is greater than BC; but AB = CF (iv.); .·. CF is greater than BC; (xvin.) the L CBF is greater than CFB, that is,, than ABE. Hence ABE or CFB is less than half ABC. PROPOSITION XX. 1. Dem.—Let ABC be a A. It is required to prove that the difference between two sides AB, AC, is less than BC. From AC cut off AD = AB, and join BD. Now AB and BC are greater than AD and DC; but AB = AD; BC is greater than DC, that is, greater than the difference between AB and AC. 2. Dem.—Let D be any point within a A ABC. Join AD, BD, CD. Now (xx.) DA + DB > AB; DB + DC > BC; DC + DA > AC. Adding, we get 2 (DA + DB + DC) > (AB + BC + CA); .·. (DA + DB + DC) > (AB * BC + CA). 3. Dem.—Let AD be the bisector of the L BAC. Take any point E in AD. Join BE, CE. From AB cut off AF = AC, and. join EF. Because AF = AC, and AE common, and the L EAF = EAC; .·. (iv.) the base EF = EC. Again, since EF = EC,. the difference between BE and EC is equal to the difference be- tween BE and EF; but BE — EF is less than BF (Ex. 1) y BE — EC is less than BF; but BF is the difference between. BA and AC. Hence the difference between BE and EC is less than the difference between BA and AC. 4. Dem.—Produce BA to F, so that AF = AC. Take any point E in the external bisector AD. Join EB, EC, EF. Now (iv.) EF = EC. To each add EB, and we have EF and EB = EC and EB; but EF and EB are greater than FB, that is, greater than AB and AC. Hence EB and EC are greater than AB and AC..12 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book i. 5. Dem.—Let ABCD be the polygon. Join BD. Now (xx.) AB 4 AD > BD; and BC 4 BD > CD ; hence AB 4 AD 4 BC > CD. 6. Dem.—Let the Δ DEF be inscribed in ABC. Now (xx.) AD 4 AE > DE; EC + CF>EF; FB 4 BD > FD. Adding, we get (AB 4 BC 4 CA) > (DE 4 EF 4 FD). 7. Dem.—Let the polygon FGHJE be inscribed in the poly gon ABODE. Now (xx.) AF + AG > FG; BG + BH > GH; CH 4 CJ > HJ) DJ 4 DE > JE; EE + EF > EF. Adding, we get the perimeter oi ABODE greater than that of FGHJE. 8. Dem.—Let ABCD be a quadrilateral, AC, BD, its diago- nals. Now, if AC, BD, are not equal, one of them must be the greater. Let BD be the greater; then we have the sum of the sides AB, BC, CD, DA, greater than 2BD, and greater than AC and BD. 9. Dem.—Let ABC be the Δ, AD one of its medians. Pro- duce AD to E, so that ED = AD. Join EC. Now (iv.) EC = AB, and (xx.) AC and CE, that is, AC and AB, are greater than AE, that is, greater than 2AD. Similarly BC and CA are greater .than 2CG, and AB and BC are greater than 2BF; (AB 4 BC 4 CA) > (AD 4 BF 4 CG). 10. Dem.—Let the diagonals AC, BD, of the quadrilateral ABCD intersect in E. Take any other point F in the quadrila- teral. Join AF, BF, CF, DF. Now (xx.) BF 4 FD > BD, -and AF + FC > AC. Adding, we get (AF 4 BF 4 CF 4 DF) > (AC 4 BD). PROPOSITION XXI. 1. Dem.—Let ABC be the Δ, and 0 any point within it. -Join OA, OB, OC. Now, AB 4 AC > OB 4 OC (xxi.); AC 4 BC > OA 4 OB; and AB 4 BC > OA 4 OC. Adding, we get 2(AB 4 BC 4 CA) > 2(OA 4 OB 4 OC); .·. (OA 4 OB 4 OC) > (AB 4 BC 4 CA). 2. Dem.—Produce BC both ways to meet AM, DN, in E, F. Now (xx.) AE 4 EB > AB, and DF 4 FC > DC. To each add BC, and we have AE 4 EF 4 FD > AB 4 BC 4 CD. Again, EM 4 MN 4 NF > EF (Ex. 5, xx.). To each add AE and DF, and we get AM 4 MN 4 ND > AE 4 EF 4 FD; but we have shown that AE 4 EF 4 FD > AB 4 BC 4 CD; AM 4 MN 4 ND > AB 4- BC 4 CD.JfOOK 1.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 13* PROPOSITION XXIII. 1. Sol.—Let A, B, be the given sides, and C the L between them. Draw any line DG, and from DG cut off DE = A. At the point D in DG draw DH, making the L GDH = C (xxiii.). In DH take DF = B, and join EF. DEF is the Δ required. 2. Sol.—Let AB he the given side, and D, E, the given angles. At the point A in AB make the L BAC = D, and at the point B in AB make the L ABC = E. ABC is the Δ required. 3. Sol.—Let A, B, he the given sides, and C the given angle, Draw any line DG, and in it make DE = A, and EF = B. At the point D in DG make the L GDH = C. With E as centre,. and EF as radius, describe a Θ, cutting DH in J, K. Join EKr. EJ. Then evidently either of the Δ8 DEJ, DEK, will fulfil the given conditions. 4. (1) Sol.—Let AB he the base, C the given L, and S the sum of the sides. At the point A in AB make the L BAF = C, and in AF take AE = S. Join BE. At the point B in BE make the L EBG = BEG. ABG is the Δ required. Dem.—Because the L EBG = BEG; .*. (vi.) EG = BG. To each add AG, and we have AG + GB = AE; hut AE = S (const.) ; .·. AG + GB = S. (2) Sol.—Let AB he the base, C the given L, and D the diffe- rence of the sides. At the point A in AB make the L BAG = C, and let AG = D. Produce AG to E. Join BG, and at the point B in BG make the L GBE = EGB. AEB is the Δ required. Ddm.—Because the L GBE = EGB; .*. (vi.) EG = EB; hut AE - GE = AG; .·. AE - BE = AG = D. Hence the difference between AE and BE is D,14 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book r. 5. (1) Let A, B, be two points, one of which, B, is in the given line GF. It is required to find another point C in GF, s\Lch that OB + CA may be equal to a given line D. Sol.—In GF take a part BE = D. Join AE, and at the point A in AE make the L CAE = CEA; then C is the required point. Dem.—Because the L CAE « CEA, CA = CE (vi.). To each add CB, then CA 4* CB — BE { but BE = D | CA + CB = D. Hence C is the required point. (2) Let A, B, be the points, GF the given line. Sol.—In GF take a part BG = D. Join AG, and at the point A in AG make the L GAE = AGE. E is the required point. Dem.—Because the L GAE = AGE, GE = AE ; .·. AE — EB = GE — EB; but GE — EB = GB ,* that is, equal to D. Hence AE - EB = D. 1. Dem.—At the point A, in AB, make the L BAH = EDF, and make AH = AC or DF. Join BH. Now (iv.) BH = EF. And because the L BAC is greater than EDF, the bisector of the L HAC must fall to the right of AB. Let AG be the bisector. Join HG. Now since AH = AC, and AG common, and the L HAG = CAG; .·. (iv.) GH = GC. To each add BG, and we have BC = HG + GB; .·. (xx.) BC is greater than BH; that is, greater than EF. 2. Dem. (Diagram to Ex. 1).—The L AHG = ACG; but AHG is greater than AHB; .·. ACG is greater than AHB; that is, greater than EFD. 1. Dem.—From BC cut off BH = EF. On BH describe the Δ BGH = DEF; that is, having BG *= DE, and GH = DF. Join PROPOSITION XXIY. PROPOSITION XXY. kF.IBOOK I.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 15 AG. Because BA ■= DE, and BG = DE; .*. BA=BG; .·. (τι.) the L BGA = BAG. Produce GH to meet AC in K. Now since AC = DF, and GH = DF; .\ AC = GH; .·. GK is > AK; -*. (xvm.) the L GAK is > AGK; but BAG = BGA; BAC is > BGH, that is, > EDF. PROPOSITION XXVI. 1. Let ABC be the triangle. Dem.—Let fall the 1 AD on BC. Now (xxvi.) the Δ· ADB, ADC, are equal; DB = DC. Take any point E in AD. Join BE, CE. Now (iv.) the ASBDE, CDE, are equal; BE = CE. Hence the point E is equally distant from the points A, B. 2. Let AD bisect the vertical L BAC, and also the base BC. Dem.—Produce AD to E, so that DE = AD. Join EC. Now (iv.) the Δ· ADB, EDC, are equal; .*. AB = CE, and the Z. BAD = CED; but BAD = CAD (hyp.); .·. CAD = CED; hence (τι.) CE = CA; but CE = BA; .·. CA = BA. Hence the Δ BAC is isosceles. 3. Let AB, AC, be two fixed lines, and D a point equally dis- tant from them. Dem.—Let fall X» DE, DF, on AB, AC. Join EF, AD. Because DE = DF, the L DFE = DEF; but the L DFA = DEA; -·. the L AFE = AEF, and .·. AE = AF. Now AE = AF, AD common, and the base DE = DF; .*. the L EAD = FAD; .*. the bisector of the L BAC is the locus of the point D. In like manner, if we produce BA to G, the locus of a point equally dis- tant from AC, AG, will be the bisector of the L CAG. 4. Let AB be the given right line, and CD, EF, the other lines. Sol.—Let CD, EF, intersect in G, and meet AB in H, J. Bisect the L HGJ by GK, meeting AB in K. K is the point required. Dem.—Let fall X· KM, KN, on CD, EF. Because the L NGK = MGK, and GNK = GMK, and GK common; (xxvi.) KN = KM. 5. Let ABC, DEF, be two right-angled Δβ, having the base BC = EF, and the acute L ABC = DEF. Defei.—The Δ· ABC, DEF, have the L · BAC, ABC, equal to the L · EDF, DEF, and the side BC = EF; .·. (xxvi.) they are equal in every respect.16 [book i. EXEKGISES ON EUCLID. 6. Let the right-angled Δ8 ABC, DEF, have the sides AB, DE, equal, and also their hypotenuses BC, EF equal. It is required to prove that the Δ· are equal in every respect. Dem.—At the point B in BC make the L GBC = DEF (xxin.), and make BG = DE or AB. Join CG, AG. Now the Δ8 GBC, DEF, have the sides GB, BC = DE, EF, and the L GBC = DEF; .·. (it.) CG = DF, and the L BGG = EDF; but EDF is a light L; .·. BGC is right, and .*. = BAC. Now BG = DE, and DE = AB; .*. BG = AB; .·. the L BAG = BGA; but BAC = BGC; .·. CAG = CGA; hence CG = CA; but CG = DF; .·. AC = DF. Hence the Δ· ABC, DEF, are equal in every respect. 7. Let ABC be the Δ, and let the bisectors of the Δ* ABC, ACB, meet in 0. Join OA. It is required to prove that OX bisects the L BAC. Bern.—From 0 let fall X· OD, OE, OF, on AB, BC, CA. Join DF. The Δ· OBD, OBE, are equal (xxvi.); OD = OE. Similarly OE = OF; .*. OF = OD, and .·. (v.) the L ODF = OFD; hut the L ODA = OFA (const.); the L ADF = AFD; .*. (vr.) AF = AD. Now AF = AD, AO common, and the base OF = OD; hence (viii.) the L OAF = OAD. Therefore AO is the bisector of the L BAC. 8. Let ABC be the Δ, and let BO, CO, bisecting the two ex- ternal L ■ meet in 0. Join OA. It is required to prove that OA bisects the L BAC. Dem.—From 0 let fall X* OD, OE, OF, on AB, BC, CA. Join DF. Now, as m the last Exercise, OD = OF; .·. the L OFD = ODF; but the L OFA = ODA; .·. AFD = ADF, and .·. AD — AF. Now AD = AF, AO common, and the base OD = OF; .·. the L OAD = OAF. Therefore AO bisects the L BAC. 9. Let A, B, C, be the given points. It is required to draw a line through C, such that the Xs on it from A, B, may be equal. Sol.—Join AB; bisect it in 0. Join CO, and produce it to D. From A, B, let fall the X* AE, BF, on CD. Dem.—Because AO = BO, and the Xs AEO, AOE=BFO, BOF; (xxvi.) AE = BF. 10. Let AB, AC, be the given lines, and D the given point. Sol.—Bisect the L BAC by AE. From D let fall a X DE on AE, and produce it both ways to meet AB, AC, in B, C. Dem.—The Δ· ABE, ACE, have the L· AEB, EAB, equal to the L* AEC, EAC, and the side AE common; the L ABEBOOK I.] '· EXERCISES ON EUCLID· 17 =* ACE. Hence the Δ ABC is isosceles. There are two solu- tions. For if we produce BA to F, bisect the L CAF by AG, and from D let fall the 1 DH on AG, and produce it to meet BA in F, we will have another isosceles triangle. 1. (1) Bern.—If AB, CD, are not parallel, let them meet in E. Then we have the exterior L EGK of the A GKH equal to the interior L GHK; but this is impossible (xvi.). Therefore AB, CD, must be parallel. (2) If AB, CD, are not parallel, let them meet in K, Then we hare the L%KGH, GHK, of the A GHK, equal to two right angles, which is impossible (χγπ.)· Hence AB, CD, must be parallel. 2. Let AB, CD, be the || lines, and AC,BD,the X· intercepted between them. Dem.—Join AD. Now, the L ACD is right (hyp.), and ABD, CDB, together equal two right L · (xxix.); but CDB is right; .·. ABD is right, and hence = ACD, and the L BAD = ADC (xxix.). Therefore the Δ» ABD, ACD, have two L· of one equal to two L · of the other, and the side AD common. Hence (xxvi.) BD = AC. 3. Let EF be || to AB. Dem. Bisect the L ACD, BCD, by CE, CF. Now (xxix.) E D F the L ACE = DEC; but ACE = DCE; .·. DEC = DCE, and ,% DC « DE. In like manner DC = DF. Therefore DE ar DF. PROPOSITION XXIX. C18 . EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book i. 4. Let EF be the line whose middle point is 0, and terminated by the parallels AB, CD Dem.—Through 0 draw a line OH, meeting ΔΒ, CD in 0, H. The L GOE = HOF (xv.), and the L GEO = OFH (xxix.), and OE = OF (hyp.); therefore (xxvi.) OG = OH. 5. Let AB, CD, be the ||% and 0 the point equidistant from them. Dem.—Through 0 drawEF, meeting AB, CD, in E, F, and draw GH, JK, meeting them in G, H, J, K. Because EF is bisected in 0, .·. (4) GH, JK, are bisected in 0; then the Δβ GOJ, HOK, have two sides GO, OJ, and the L GOJ in one equal to the sides HO, OK, and the L HOK in the other. Hence (iy.) GJ = HK. 6. Let AEFD be-the parallelogram formed by drawing parallel lines from a point F in BC to the sides AB, AC, of the equi- lateral Δ ABC. Dem.—The L EFB = ACB (xxix.); . ·. EFB is an L of an equi- lateral Δ, and EBF is an L of an equilateral Δ (hyp.); EBF is an equilateral Δ; .·. EF = BF; but EF = AD; .·. EF + AD = 2BF. In like manner, AE + DF = 2CF. Hence AE + AD + FE ■+* FD =- 2BC. 7. Let ABCDEF be the hexagon, and let its diagonals AD, BE intersect in O. Join CO, FO. It is required to prove that CO, FO are in one straight line. Dem.—The L ABO =* DEO (xxix.), and the L AOB = DOE (xv.), and the side AB = DE (hyp.); .*. (xxyi.) BO *= 3B0. Again (xxix.) the L CBO = FEO, and CB = EF (hyp.), and we have shown that BO = EO; (iv.) the L BOC = EOF; to each add the L FOB, and we have BOC + FOB = EOF + FOB; but EOF + FOB = two right angles (xm.); .·. BOC + FOB *= two right angles, and .·. (xiv.) CO, OF are in one straight line. PROPOSITION XXXI. 1. Let A, B, be the given L *, and H the altitude. Sol.—Draw any line CD, and make the L DCE = A, and the L CDE ss B; let fall a X EF on CD. If EF = H, the Δ is constructed. If not, produce it) and cut off EG — H. Through G draw JK’ J to CD, and produce EC, ED, to meet-it inBOOK I.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 19 Dem.—The L EJK = ECD (xxix.) = A. In like manner EKJ = B, and EG = H. Therefore EJK is the Δ required. 2. Let AB be the given line, C the given point, and M the given L * Sol.—Through C draw CE || to AB (xxx.). . At the point C in CEmake the L ECD = M. The L ECD = CDA (xxix.) :·. CDA = M. 3. Dem.—The L CAD = ADE (xxix.); but CAD = EAD •(const.); ADE = EAD, and .·. EA - ED. In like manner FB = FD. Again, the L CAB = DEF (xxrx.); hut CAB is an L of an equilateral Δ; DEF is an L of an equilateral Λ. Similarly DFE is an L of an equilateral Δ; hence DEF ti an equilateral Δ; .·. DE — EF; but DE = AE; AE = EF* In like manner BF = EF. Hence AB is trisected, 4. Let ABC be the equilateral triangle. Sol.—Let fall a JL AD on BC. Bisect the L BAD .by AE, meeting BC in E. Through E draw EF || to AD, meeting AB in F. Through F draw FG j| to BC, and complete the □ EFGH. EFGH is a square. Dem.·—The L FEA = EAD (xxix.), = FAE; .·. FA = FE ; but FAG is an equilateral Δ, because FG is || to BC; .·. AF = FG; but AF = EF; .·. EF = GF, and EF = GH, and GF = EH; .·. the four sides are equal, and (xxix.) the L GFE = BEF; but BEF is a right L, GFE is right. Hence EFGH is a square. δ. (1) Let ABC be the triangle. Sol.—Produce AB to G. Bisect the L GBC by BF, meeting AC produced in F. Through F draw FG || to BC. Dem.—The L CBF = BFG (xxix); but CBF = GBF (const.); .·. GBF = BFG, and .·. FG = BG. If we bisect the L BCF, we get another solution. (2) Sol.—Produce AB, AC to E, F. Bisect the L* CBE, BCF ; and through D, where the bisectors meet, draw EF (| to BC, meeting AE, AF, in E, F. Dem.—The L CBD = EDB (xxix.); but CBD = EBD*(const.); EDB = EBD ; and (vi.) EB s= ED. Similarly, FC « FI). Hence EB + FC = EF. ; If, we bisect the Le ABC, ACB, we have another solution. (3) Sol.-^Produce the base BC to G. Bisect the L% ABC, ACG, by BD, CD. Through D draw DF || to BC,'-meeting AB, AC in F, E.20 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book I. Dem.—The L FDR = CBD (xxix.); but CBD «= FBD* (const.); .·. FBD = FDB; and therefore FB = FD. Jn like- manner CE = DE. Hence BF — CE = FD — DE = FE. If we produce CB to H, and bisect the Z.8 ACB, ABH, we will have another solution. 6. Let AB, DC be the || lines, and B, D the given points. Sol.—Join BD; bisect it in E. At E erect EA J, to BD V produce it to meet CD in C. Join AD, BC. Dem.—Because EB = ED, EA common, and the L AEB = AED; .·. (iv.) AB = AD. In like manner BC = DC, and the four sides are equal to each other. Hence (Def · xxix.) ABCD is- a lozenge. 7. Let AB, AC be the lines given in position, M the line of given length, and FG the line to which the required line is to be parallel. Sol.—(1) In FG take a part DE = M; through D draw D^ j} to AC, and through B draw BC || to DE. BC fulfils the requi* conditions. v M Dem.—Because DBCE is a parallelogram, BC = DE; but DE = M; i\ BC = M. (2) Sol.—In FG take FH = M. Through F draw FJJ( to AB, meeting CA produced in J; and through J draw JK | to FH. JK fulfils the required conditions. Dem.—Because FJKH is a parallelogram, FH = JK; but FHa.M; .·. JK*=M.©00X I.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID» 21 PROPOSITION XXXII. 1. Let ABC be the right angle. Sol.—Make the L ABD equal an L of an equilateral Δ (xxm.)9 and draw BE bisecting it. Dem.—Because the L ABD is an angle of an equilateral Δ9 it da two-thirds of a right L; CDB is one-third, and half ABD is one-third. Hence ABC is trisected. 2. (1) Let ABC be the triangle. Dem.—Draw the median AD. Now if BD be greater than AD, the L BAD will be greater than ABD (xvm.) Similarly the L CAD will be greater than ACD. Hence the L BAC will be greater than ABC + BCA, and .·. will be obtuse, when the side BC is greater than 2AD. (2) Dem.—If BD = AD, the L BAD = ABD; and if CB = AD, the L CAD = ACD. Hence the L BAC is = ABC + BCA, and -.·. right when BC = 2AD. (3) In like manner it can be shown that the L BAC is acute, when BC is less than 2AD. 3. Let ABCDE be the polygon. Dem.—Produce AB, DC to meet in A'; BC, ED to meet in B', &c. Now the sum of the L* of the Δ BA'C is two right A·; similarly the sum of the L8 of each of the external Δ* is two right L *. Hence if there be n external triangles, the sum of their L8 will be 2n right L8; but the sum of the exterior L ■ BCA', CDB', &c., is four right L8; and the sum of the exterior L8 CBA', DCB', &c., is four right L\ Hence the sum of the remaining L8 must be (2n - 8) right L8; that is, 2(n — 4) right Ls. 4. Let BAC be the triangle. Dem.—Produce BA to D, and bisect the L CAD by the line AE || to BC. The L EAC = ACB (xxix.); but EAC = EAD, and EAD = ABC; .·. ACB = ABC. And hence AB = AC. 5. Let E be the point where CD cuts AB. Dem.—Bisect AB in F. Join CF, DF. Now the lines AF, BF, CF, DF are equal (xn., Ex. 2). And because FD = FB, the L FBD = FDB = FDE + EDB; to each* add the L EDB; ^hen the L8 EBD + EDB « FDE + 2EDB; but the L CEB = EBD + EDB (xxxn.); .·. CEB = FDE + 2EDB; but CEB ^FCB + CFE, and FCD = FDE; .·. CFE = 2EDB. Again,22 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book i. CFE = ACF + CAF; but ACF = CAF (v.); .·. CFE = 2CAF, . ·. 2CAF = 2EDB. And hence CAF = EDB. 6. Let ABC be the triangle. From B, C draw ±8 BD, CE to the sides AC, AB, and let them meet in G; join AG, and produce it to meet BC in F. It is required to prove that AF is ± to BC. Bern.—Join DE. Now we have two right-angled triangle® BEC, BDC, and we have joined their vertices E, D; hence (6) the L EDB = ECB. Similarly from the Δ· AEG, ADG, the L EAG = EDG (5); .·. EAG = FCG, and AGE = CGF (xv.); hence (Cor. 2) the L AEG = GFC; but AEG is a right angle ; CFG is right; and hence AF is _L to BC. 7. Let ABCD be the □, and· BE, CE the bisectors of tho adjacent angles B, C. It is required to prove that the L BEC is right. Dem.—The L 8 ABC, DCB equal two right angles (xxix); EBC + ECB equal a right angle); and hence the L BEC is right. 8. Let ABCD be the quadrilateral. Bisect the external L8 A, B, C, D; let the bisectors meet in E, F, G, H. It is required to prove that the L8 EHG, EFG, of the quadrilateral EFGH, are together equal to two right angles. Dem.— Produce BA, CD to J, K. Now the L8 ADC, ADK, DAB, DAJ equal four right angles; and the L8 DHA, HAD, ADH equal two right angles; .·. the Z.8 of the Δ HAD equal half sum of the L8 ADC, ADK, DAB, DAJ; but the L8 HAD, ADH are the halves of JAD, ADK; hence the L DHA is half sum of BAD, ADC; in like manner BFC is half sum of ABC, BCD. Hence the sum of the angles DHA, BFC is half sum of tho four angles of the quadrilateral ABCD, and equal to two right angles. 9. Let the sides of the triangle DEF be perpendicular to th& sides of ABC. It is required to prove that the Δ8 DEF, AB$ are equiangular.BOOK t.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 28 • Dem.—Since the L · CHE, EGC are right, the sum of the L * HCG + HEG = two right L · (Cor. 3), and HED + HEG =5 two right l *. Reject the common L HEG, and we have the L HCG = DEF, that is, the L ACE = DEF. In like manner the. L BAG = EFD, and ABC = EDF. 10. (1) Let M equal sum of sides, and N the hypotenuse.. . Sol.—Draw any line AC, and make it equal to M. In AC take a part AD = N. At the point C in AC make the L ACB equal half a right angle. With A as centre, and AD as radius, describe the Θ DBF, cutting CB in B. Join AB, and at the point B in BC make the L EBC = ACB. AEB is the required triangle. Dem.—Because the L EBC = ACB, EC =EB (vi.). To each add AE, and we have AC = AE + EB; but AC = M (const.); .·. AE + EB = M. Again, the L AEB = EBC + ECB (xxxii.) ; but EBC = ECB; AEB = 2ECB, and is therefore a right . (2) Let M equal differences of sides, and N the hypotenuse. Sol.—Draw any line AC = N. In AC take AD = M. At the point D in AC make the L CDB = half a right angle. With A as centre, and AC as radius, describe the Θ CBF, cutting DB in B. From B let fall the _L BE on AC. Join AB. AEB is the required triangle. I>em.—Because the L AEB is right, and EDB half right, .·. EBD is half right, and (vi.) ED = EB. Hence AD is the24 EXERCISES ON EUCLID, [books» difference between AE and EB. Again, AC = AB; but AC = N. Hence AB = N. 11» Let ABC be an isosceles A. From B let fall a X BD on AC. It is required to prove that the L DBC = half BAC. Bern.—Bisect the L BAC by AE, meeting BC in E, and BD in F.. Now the L BFE = AFD (xv.), and BEF = ADF (ix., Ex. 2); hence (Cor. 2) EBF = FAD; but FAD = half BAC. Therefore EBF = half BAC. 12. Let ABC be a triangle. Produce BC to E. Bisect the L· ABC, ACE by BD, CD. It is required to prove that the L BDC = half BAC. Bern.—The L ACE = ABC + BAC (xxxii.), and DCE = DBC + BDC; but DCE = £ ACE; .-. DBC + BDC = £(ABC + BAC); but DBC = £ ABC. Hence BDC = £ BAC. 13. Bern.—Because AB = AD, the L ADB = ABD; but ADB = ACB + CBD (xxxii.) ; .·. ABD = ACB + CBD. To each add the L CBD, and we have the L ABC = ACB + 2CBD; 2 CBD = ABC - ACB ; and hence CBD = \ (ABC - ACB). 14. Bern.—Produce BA, BC to D, Έ. Bisect the L * CAD, ACE by AF, CF. Now the L ACE = (A + B) (xxxii.) ; .·. ACF = i (A + B). Similarly the L CAF = J (B + C). Hence the L AFC » £(C + A). 1. Bern.—Join AD, BE, CF. Now, because AB is equal and parallel to DE, (xxxiii.) AD is equal and parallel to BE. In like manner CF is equal and parallel to BE; hence CF is equal and parallel to AD; and ·*. (xxxiii.) AC is equal and parallel to DF. 2. (1) Let AB, CD be equal and parallel lines, and EH any other line. From A, B, C, D let fall Xs AE, BG> CF, DH on EH. It is required to prove that EG = FH. PROPOSITION XXXIII. B D F26 BOOK i.] EXERCISES OK EUCLID. Dem.—Through A, G draw AJ, CK || to EF. E F G H Now» because AJ, CK are each || to EF, they are || to one another, and AB is [J to CD; hence (xxix., Ex. 8) the L BAJ =3 DCK, also the L AJB = CKD, because each is right, and the side AB = CD ; .·. (xxvj.) AJ = CK; but AJ = EG, and CK = FH. Hence EG = FH. (2) As in (1) the L* BAJ, AJB are respectively equal to the L 8 DCK, CKD, and the side AJ = CK. Hence AB - CD. 3. Dem.—Since AB=CD, and AJ = CK, and the L AJB=CKD, each being right; .·. (xxvi., Ex. 6) the A8 ABJ, CDK are equal in every respect; hence the L ABJ = CDK; but CDK = CMG (xxix.); .*. ABJ = CMG. Hence AB is parallel to CD. 4. Let AB, CD be the equal and parallel lines. Join AD, BC, intersecting in E. It is required to prove that AD, BC bisect each other in E. Dem.—The L8 ABE, BAE are respectivly equal to the L· DCE, EDC, and the side AB = CD (hyp.). Hence (xxvi.) BE — CE, and AE = DE. PBOPOSITION XXXIY. 1. See last exercise to Prop, xxxiii. 2. Let ABCD be the O; AC, BD its diagonals, which are equal. It is required to prove that the L* of ABCD are right LK Dem.—Because AD = BC, and AB common, and the bases BD, AC equal, (vm.) the L BAD = ABC; but (xxix.) BAD + ABC equal two right angles; hence each is right, and (xxxiv.) the L BAD = BCD, and ABC = ADC. Therefore all the L* are right angles. 3. See “ Sequel to Euclid,” Prop, xv., p. 11, 3rd Edition.EXERCISES ON EUCLID, [BOOK I, 4. Let AB, CD be two H lines, of which AB is the greater. Join AC, BD. It is required to prove that AC, BD produced will meet. Dem.—From BA cut off EB = CD. Join EC. Because EB is equal and parallel to CD; (xxxiii.)EC is equal and parallel to BD; and .*. (xxix.) the L AEC = ABD. To each add the L CAE; then CAE + AEC = CAE + ABD; but CAE and AEC are less than two right angles (xvii.) ; hence CAE and ABD are less than two right angles. And. *. AC, BD, if produced, will meet. 5. Let ABCD be a quadrilateral, having AB, CD parallel, but not equal; and AC, BD equal, but not parallel. It is required to prove that the L8 CAB, CBD are supplemental. Dem.—In CD take CE = AB. Join BE. Now (xxxm.) AC is = and || to BE; but AC = BD*(hyp.); .·. BE = BD; and .·. (v.) the L BDE = BED, and (xxxiv.) the L CAB = CEB; hence the L8 CAB -f BDE = CEB + BED. But CEB and BED are supplemental; hence CAB and BDE are sup- plemental. 6. Let A, B, C be the middle points of the sides. Sol.—Join AB, BC, CA; and through the points A, B, C draw DE, EF, FD || to BC, AC, AB. DEF is the required triangle. Dem.—AB = CD (xxxiv.), and AB = CF; hence CD = CF. In like manner AD = AE, and BF = BE. 7. Let ABCD be a quadrilateral, whose diagonals are AC, BD. Through B, D, draw FG, EH || to AC, and through C, A, draw GH, EF || to BD·. Join FH. It is required to prove that the area of the Δ EFH is equal to the area of ABCD. Dem.—The area of the Δ EFH is half the area of the □ EFGH (xxxiv.), and the area of ABCD is half the area of EFGH; .*. EFH = ABCD ; -and the sides EF, EH are equal to BD, AC ; and the L FEH = AJD, which is the L between AC, BD. PROPOSITION XXXYI. Dem.—Produce AB, EF to meet in J. Through.J draw JK || to AH or BG, and produce DC to meet it in K. Join KG. Now JK = BC (xxxiv.); but BC = FG (hyp.); .·. JK = FG, and it is || to it; hence JFGK is a □; .·. JF is || to KG; but JE is || to GH. Hence KG, GH are in one straight line; .*. JEHK is a □ and it is equal to JADK (xxxv.); but J.BCK = JFGK., Hence ABCD = EFGH.BOOK I.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 27 PROPOSITION XXXVII. 1. See “ Sequel to Euclid,” Prop, vi., p. 4, 3rd Edition. 2. Let ABCD be a given quadrilateral. It is required to con- struct a triangle equal in area to ABCD. Sol.—Join AC. Produce DC to E ; and through. B draw BE || to AC. Join AE. ADE is the Δ required. Dem.—The Δ* ABC, AEC are equal (xxxvii.) To each add the Δ ACD, and we have the Δ ADE equal to the quadri- lateral ABCD. 3. Let the pentagon ABCDE be the given rectilineal figure. It is required to construct a Δ equal in area to ABCDE. Sol.—Join AC, AD. Through B, E draw BF, EG |j to AC, AD, and meeting DC produced both ways in F, G. Join AF, AG. AGF is the Δ required. Dem.—The Δ8 ABC, AFC are equal (xxxvn.); to each add ACDE, and we have the pentagon ABCDE equal to the quadri- lateral AFDE. Again (xxxvn.), the Δ AGD = AED. To each add the Δ ADF, and we have the Δ AGF equal to the quadri- lateral AFDE; but AFDE = ABCDE. Hence AGF = ABCDE. 4. Let ABCD be a given parallelogram. It is required to con- struct a lozenge equal to ABCD, and having CD as base. Sol.-—If AD = DC, the thing required is done. If not, let DO be the greater. With D as centre, and DC as radius, describe a Θ ECG, cutting AB in E. Join DE. Through C draw CF || to DE, meeting AB produced in F. DEFC is the required lozenge. Dem.—DE = DC; but DC = EF (xxxiv.); .·. DE = EF. Hence the four sides are equal; .·. DEFC is a lozenge, and (xxxv.) is equal to ABCD. 5. Let ABC be a Δ, whose base BC is given, and whose area is given. It is required to find the locus of its vertex A. Sol.—Through A draw DE || to BC. DE is the required locus. Dem.—Take any other point F in DE. Join BF, CF. Now (xxxvn.) the Δ8 ARC, FBC are equal. Hence DE is the locus of the vertex of all triangles, having BC as base, and whose area is equal to the area of the Δ ABC. 6. Dfem.—Through E draw EG || to FD, and meeting AD in G. Join GF, GC. Now (xxxvii.) the Δ EFD = GFD; but GFD =‘GCD, and GCD is less than ACD; .*. EFD is less than ACD, that is, is less than half ABCD.28 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [rook I. PROPOSITION XXXVIII. 1. Let ARC be the Δ, and AD one of its medians. It is required to prove that AD bisects the triangle. Dem.—BD =■ CD (Def. Prop, xx.); .·. (xxxvm.) the Δ ABD = ACD. 2. Let ABC, DEF he two ΔΒ, having the sides AB, BC equal o the sides DE, EF, and the contained L8 supplemental. It is required to prove that the Δ* are equal. Dem.—Produce CB to G, and make BG = BC or EF. Join AG. Now the L8 ABC, DEF are supplements (hyp.), and ABC, ABG are supplements (xm.) Reject ABC, and we have ABG = DEF; hence (iv.) the Δ ABG « DEF; but ABG = ABC xxxvm.) Hence DEF = ABC. 3. Dem.—Divide the base BC of the Δ ABC into any number, such as four equal parts, in the points D, E, F. Join AD, AE, AF. It is required to prove that the four Δ8 into which ABC is divided are equal. The Δ BAD = EAD (xxxvm.) Similarly EAD = EAF, and EAF = CAF. Hence the four Δ8 are equal. 4. Let ABDC he a □, whose diagonals AD, BC intersect in F. In BC take a point E. Join EA, ED. It is required to prove that the Δ ABE = DBE, and that ACE = DCE. Dem.—AF = DF (xxxiv., Ex. 1); hence (xxxvm.) the Δ AFB = DFB, and AFE = DFE; hence AEB = DEB; hut ABC = DBC; .·. AEC = DEC. 5. Let ABCD be a quadrilateral; and let AC, one of its diago- nals, bisect the other, BD in E. It is required to prove that AC bisects ABCD. Dem.—The Δ AEB * AED (xxxvm.), and the Δ CEB = CED. Hence ABC = ADC. 6. See “ Sequel to Euclid,” Prop, xm., p. 10, 3rd Edition. 7. See “ Sequel to Euclid,” Prop, xm., p. 10, Cor. 1. 8. See “ Sequel to Euclid,” Prop m., Cor 1, p. 2. 9. Let ABC be a Δ ; D, E the middle points of AB, AC; F any point in BC. Join DE, EF, FD. It is required to prove that DEF = J ABC. Dem.—Bisect BC in G. Join DG, EG. Now (xxxvii.) the ΔDEF = DEG; hut DEG = \ ABC (8). Hence DEF = \ ABC. 10. Let ABC be a given Δ, and D a given point in BC. It is required to draw a line through D, bisecting the Δ ABC.BOOS I.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. Sol.—Join AD. Bisect BC in E. Through E draw EF || to* AD, and meeting AB in F. Join DF. DF is the required line. Dem.—Join AE. Now (xxxvn.) the Δ* EFD, EFA are equal. To each add the Δ BEF, and we have the Δ BFD = BAE; hut BAE = JBAa Hence BFD = 4 BAC. 11. Let ABC be a given Δ, and D a given point within it. It is required to trisect ABC by three lines drawn from D. Sol.—Trisect BC in E, F (xxxiv., Ex. 3) Join AD, DE, DF. Through A draw AG, AH || to DE, DF. JoinDG, DH. AD,. DG, DH trisect ABC. Dem.—Join AE, AF. Now (xxxvii.) the Δ* ADG, AEG are equal. To each add the Δ AGB, and we have the quadrilateral ADGB equal to the Δ AEB; hut AEB = £ ABC (3); hence ADGB = J ABC. In like manner ADHC = £ ABC; the ADGH = £ ABC. Hence thejA ABC is trisected by the lines AD, GD, HD. 12. Let ABCD be a □, whose diagonals AC, BD intersect in E. Through E draw any line FG, meeting AB, CD in F, G. It is required to prove that FG bisects ABCD. Dem.—The L BEF = GED (xv.), and the L FBE = GDE (xxix.), and the side EB = ED (xxxiv., Ex. 1); hence (xxvi.) the Δ8 BEF, DEG are equal. Similarly, AEF = CEG, and AED = CEB. Hence FG bisects ABCD. 13. Let ABCD be a trapezium. Bisect AD in E. Join EBr EC. It is required to prove that the A BEC = J ABCD. Dem.—Produce BE, CD to meet in F. Now (xxvi.) the A AEB = DEF, and EB = EF. And since AEB = DEF, AEB + CED = CEF; but (xxxvih.) CEF = BEC. Hence BEC = AEB + CED. PROPOSITION XL. 1. Let ABC, DEF be two A8 whose bases and altitudes are equal. It is required to prove that the A8 are equal. Dem.—Produce BC; and in BC produced cut off GH = EF or BC, and construct the A JGH, having its sides JG, GH, HJ respectively equal to the sides DE, EF, FD of the A DEF. Join AJ; and from A, J let fall ±8 AL, JK on BH. Because the A DEF = JGH, their altitudes are equal; but the altitudes of DEF and ABC are equal (hyp.); hence the altitudes of JGH-$0 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. £book i* and ABC are equal; that is, JK = AL, and they are parallel; hence (xxxm.) AJ, BH are parallel; *·. (xxxvm.) the Δ ABC = JGH ; hut JGH = DEF. Hence ABC = DEF. * 3. See “ Sequel to Euclid,” Prop, n., p. 2. 4. See “Sequel to Euclid,” Prop, m., Cor. 1, p. 2. h. See “ Sequel to Euclid,” Prop, ii., Cor., p. 2. 6. See “ Sequel to Euclid,” Prop, y., p. 3. 7. Let ABCD he a trapezium, whose opposite sides AD, BC are ||; E, F the middle points of AB, DC. Join EF. It is required to prove that AD + BC = 2EF. . Dem.—Through A draw AH || to' DC, meeting EF, BC in G, H. Now (xxxiv.) AD = GF, and HC = GF; . ■*. AD + HC « 2GF, and (5) BH = 2EG. Hence AD + BC = 2EF. 8. See “ Sequel to Euclid,” Prop, m., Cor. 2, p. 3. 9. Let ABCD he a quadrilateral; AC, BD its diagonals. Bisect AC, BD in E, F. JoinEF. Bisect AB, CD, BC, AD in G, H, J, K. Join GH, JK. It is required to prove that the lines EF, GH, JK are concurrent. . Dem.—Join EG, EH, FG, FH, GJ, GK, HJ, HK. B Now ((2) and (5)) GF is || to AD, and =± J AD. Similarly, EH is J1 to AD, and = J AD; hence GF is = and || to EH ; .·. (ixxra.) GFHE is a □; hence (xxxrv.,1) the diagonal EF bisects GH in L. In like manner GJHK is a O, and the diagonal JK bisects GH. Hfence the lines EF, GH, JK are concurrent.■BOOK I.] EXERCISES OK EUCLID. 31 PROPOSITION XLV. 1. Let A and B be two rectilineal figures. It is required to «construct a rectangle equal to the sum of A and B. Sol.—Construct a rectangular parallelogram EFGH equal to A ■(xlv.), and to the straight line GH apply a □ GHIK equal to B, and haying the L GHI a right angle. FI is the required reet- ,ungle. Bern.—The figure FI is equal to the sum of A and B, and it is evidently a rectangle. 2. If we apply the □ GHIK to the left of GH, it is evident , that EFKI 'will be the required rectangle. PROPOSITION XLYI. 1. (1) Let AB, CD be equal lines. Upon AB, CD describe squares ABEF, CDGH. It is required to prove that ABEF = CDGH. Bern.—Join AE, CG. Now AB = BE, and CD = DG; but AB = CD ; hence AB and BE «= CD and DG, and the L ABE = CDG; .·. (iv.) the Δ ABE = CDG; but ABEF = 2ABE, and CDGH = 2CDG. Hence ABEF = CDGH. (2) Let ABEF » CDGH. It is required to prove that AB = CD. Bern.—If not, from AB cut off AJ = CD ; and on AJ describe ... the square AJKL. Now since AJ = CD, AJKL = CDGH; but . CDGH = ABEF (hyp.); ./. AJKL = ABEF, which is absurd. Hence AB = CD. 2. Let ABCD be a square, and BD one of its diagonals. In 3D take a point E, and through E draw FG, HJ j| to AB, AD. It is required to prove that HG, FJ are squares. Bern.—The L ADB = ABD (v.); but ADB = HEB (xxix.); ;·. ABD= HEB ; hence the side HE = HB ; but HB = EG, and HE = BG; .*. HB, HE, GB, EG are all equal. Again, the L% EHB, GBH equal two right L9: but GBH is right; .*. EHB is right, and (xxxiv.) the opposite /.“are equal. Hence EGBH is a square. In like manner EJDF is a square. 3. Let ABCD be a square, and E, F, G, H points in the sides . AB, BC, CD, DA reepectively equidistant from A, B, C, D. Join JEF, FG, GH, H J. It is required to prove that EFGH is a square.32 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book I» Dem.—The A· AHE, BEF are equal in every respect (nr.); the side EH = EF. Similariy, EF = GF, and EH = GH. Hence the four sides are equal. Again, the L AHE = BEF» To each add the L ΑΈΗ, and we have the L* AHE, AEH equal to the L * BEF, AEH; hut AHE + AEH = a right L, since the L at A is right; BEF + AEH = a right L. Hence the L FEH is right. In like manner the other L* are right; EFGH is a square. 4. Let ABCD be a square. It is required to divide it into five equal parts, namely, four right-angled triangles and a square. Sol.—Divide AC into five equal parts, and let AE = $ AC* Through E draw EF || to AB. Upon AB describe the semicircle AGHB, cutting EF in the points G, H. Join AG, and produce it. From C let fall a JL CK on AK, and produce it. Join BG. .From D let fall DM _L to BG, meeting CK produced in L. XBCD is divided into five equal parts. Dem.—Join OG. Because O is the centre of AGHB, OG = OA; .·. (v.) the L OAG=OGA. Similarly, the L OBG=OGB. Hence (xxxn., Cor. 7) the L AGB is right. Again, since the L AKCis right, the L* KCA, KAC are together equal to a rights, and therefore equal to the L CAB, which is right. Reject the L KAC, and we have the L KCA = KAB, and the L CKA = AGB, because each is right, and the side AC = AB; hence (xxyi.) the AAKC = AGB; AK = BG, and CK =* AG. In like manner it can be shown that the A* CLD, BMD are each equal to AGB. Hence the four A* are equal, and the lines AK, BG, CL, DM are equal, and also the lines AG, BM, CK, DL; hence the re* mainders GK, GM, LK, LM, are equal. Again, the rectangle ABEF is } ABCD, and the A AGB is } ABEF; .-. AGB is £ ABCD; .·. AKC, CLD, BMD are each £ ABCD. Hence KGML must be i ABCD, and it is a square, for we have proved the rides •equal, and the L* are right angle·.EXERCISES ON EUCLID. PROPOSITION XLYII. 1. Dem.—ACHK=AOLG; bat AOLGis therectangle AG. AO; that is, AB . AO, and ACHK is AC3. Hence AC* = AB . AO. Similarly, BC3=AB . BO. 2. Dem.—From GA cut off GM = GL, and draw MN fl to GL. Now the figure AL = AH (xlvii. ); but AH = AC* = AO* + OC*; and GN = MN* = AO*; hence OM = CO*; but OM = AO. OB, since ON = OB. Hence CO* = AO. OB. 3. Dem.—AC* = AO* + OC*, and BC* = BO2 + OC*. Sub- tracting, we get AC* — BC* - AO2 — BO*. 4. Let AB, CD be the lines whose squares are given. It is required to find a line whose square shall be equal to the sum of the squares on AB and CD. Sol.—Erect AE _L to AB, and make it equal to CD. Join BE. Now (xlvii.) BE* = AB* 4 AE* = AB* 4 CD*. 5. Let ACB be a A whose base AB is given, and the difference of the squares of its sides. It is required to prove that the locus of C is a right line X to AB. Dem.—From C let fall a X CO on AB. Now (3) AC* — BC* = AO* - BO*; but AC* - BC* is given; .·. AO* — BO* is given, and .*. 0 is a given point; .*. the line OC is given in position. Hence OC is the locus of C. 6. Dem.—Let P, Q be the points in which AC, GC intersect BK. Now (rv.) the A1 CAG, BAK are equal in every respect; .·. the L ACG=sAKB, and the L CPQ = APK (xv.); .*. (xxxii., Cor. 7) the L CQP = KAP; .·. CQP is a right L, and CG is X toBK. 7. See “ Sequel to Euclid,” Book I., Prop, xxiii. (3). 8. Dem.—Since EB = AH, AB = AE + AH, and AC is the square on AB; .*. AC is equal to the square on the sum of AE and AH; but AC exceeds EG by four times the Δ AEH, and EG is the square on EH; hence the square on the sum of AE and AH exceeds the square on EH by four times the A AEH. 9. Dem.—Join PH, QC. Now (xxxvn.) the A PCQ = PBQ. To each add APQ, and we have the A ACQ = APB. Again, the sum of the A* KAP, HCP equals } KC, and the Δ KAB = J KC (xu.); .·. KAB = KAP and HCP. Reject the A KAP, and we have the A APB = HCP; but APB = AQC; hence HCP = AQC, and their bases HC, AC are equal. Hence (xl.) their altitudes PQ, PC are equal. D34 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book. I* 10. J See “ Sequel to Euclid,” Book I., Prop. xxm. (2). 11. Let Μ, N be two lines. It is required to find a line whose square shall be equal to Μ2 — N2. Sol.—Draw a line AB = M, and in it take AC = N. Erect CE X to AB. With A as centre, and AB as radius, describe a Θ cutting CE in D. CD is the required line. Dem.—Join AD. Now AD2 = AC2 + CD2; .*. CD2 = AD2 - AC2 = AB2 - AC2 = M2- N2. 12. Dem.—From AC cut off AD = BC; then, evidently, CD is the difference between AC and CB. On AB describe a square ABFG, and on CD describe a square CDEH; and produce DE, EH to. meet ABFG in G, F (figure similar to that on p.. 89, <4 Elements ”). Now ΊΕ is less than AF by the sum of the four triangles; that is, by four times the Δ ABC. Hence CD2 -f 4 ABC = AB2. 13. Dem.—Join CF, CG, cutting AE, BE in P, Q. Through A draw AM || to GC, cutting BE in R, and meeting LC produced in M. Join BM, cutting AE in N. Now, because AM is y to GC, and AG to ML, AGCM is a D; .·. AG = CM; but AG = BF; .*. BF = CM; .*. FCMB is aO; .*. CF is || to BM; hence (xxix.) the L ANM = APC; but APC is a right L (6); .*. ANM .is right, and AN is X to BM. In like manner BR is X to AM; and OM being X to AB, .·. AN, BR, OM are the Xs of the Δ AMB ; .*. (xxxii., Ex. 6) these lines are concurrent; that is, the lines AE, BE, CL are concurrent. 14. Let ABC be an equilateral triangle. Let fall a X AD on BC. Dem.—AB2 = AD2 + BD2 (xlvii.) ; .·. 4 AB2 = 4 AD* +4 BD2, but AB2 = 4 BD2, since AB = BC — 2 BD. Subtracting, we get 3 AB2 = 4 AD2. 15. Sol.—In AB take AH = BG. Join DH, FH. These lines divide the figure into the parts required.fftOOK Γ.] EXERCISES ON'EUCLID. 35 Dem.—For if we take the Δ AHD and place it in the position DCK, and place the A FHG in the position FEE, the figure HFKD will he equal to the figure AGFECD; and it is evidently 4* square. 16. Let AB be the hypotenuse of the right-angled A ACB. Bisect BC, AC in D, E. Join AD» BE. It is required to prove •that 4 AD2 + 4 BE2 = 6 AB2, Dem.—4AD2 = 4AC2+ 4 CD2; but BC^ 4 CD* ; .·. 4 AD2 -= 4 AC2 4* BC2. Similarly, 4 BE2 = 4 BC2 + AC2. Adding* we get 4 (AD* + BE2) = 5 (AC2 + BC2) = 5 AB2. 17. Let ABC be a Δ, and Oa point within it. Through 0 -draw J_8 AD, BE, CF to BC, CA, AB. It is required to prove that AF2 + BD2 + CE2 = BF2 + DC2 4- EA2. Now (2) AF* - BF2 = AO2 - BO*; BD2 - CD2 = BO2 - CO2; and CE2- AE2= CO2 - OA2. Adding, we get AF2 + BD2 + CE2 - (BF2 + DC2 + EA2) = 0; and hence AF2 + BD2 -f CE2 = BF2 4- DC2 + EA2. Simi- larly for a figure of any number of sides. 18. Let ABCD be a rectangle, and 0 any point. Join OA, OB, *OC, OD. It ie required to prove that OA2 + OC2 = OB2 + OD2. Dem.—Produce DA, CB to F, G, and let fall _L8 OF, OG a (Ex. 5). Inlike manner %y +f«>ft; and f α + f β > c. Adding, we hive f (a + β + 7) > (a + ft + e) ; and therefore (α -f β + y) >f (a+ ft + c). 8. Let a be the side, and by c, the medians. It is required to •construct a Δ, having a side equal to a, and the medians of the remaining sides equal to ft, e. Sol.—Construct a Δ ABC (xxh.), having BC (the base) = a, AB = f b9 and AC = §e. Bisect BC in D. Join DA, and produce to E, so that AE = 2 AD. BEC is the required Δ. Dem.—Produce BA, CA to meet CE, BE in F, G. Now ED is a median of the Δ EBC (const.), (4) BF, CG are medians; hence (5) BA = f BF ; but BA = %b; BF c= b. Similarly, CG = c. 9. Let a, ft, e be the medians of a Δ. It is required to con- struct it. Sol.—Construct a Δ ABC, having AB = j<*, BC =fft, and CA = § e. Bisect BC in D. Join AD, and produce it to E, so that DE=AD. Produce CB to F, and make BF=BC. Join AF, EF. AFE is the Δ required. Dem.—Join EB, and produce it to meet AF in H. Produce AB to meet EF in G. Join CE. Now since AD = DE, and BD «CD, ABEC is a parallelogram; BH is [j to AC. Hence (xl., Ex. 3) AF is bisected in H. Similarly, FE is bisected in G, and (const.) AE is bisected in D; .·. (Def.) AG, DF, EH are the 2a .medians; hence (Ex. 5) AB = 2BG; but AB = ~; .·. AG s? a. 3 In like manner it can be shown that FD = ft, and EH = e* 10. Let ABC be the Δ. Let fall a JL AD on BC. Bisect the Z BAC by AE, meeting BC in E. It is required to prove the >1 DAE = i (ACB - ABC). Dem.—From AB cutoff AF = AC. Join CF, cutting AD, AE iin G,H. Join EF. Now (v.) the L AFC = ACF, and (iv.) the base ,EC = EF; .·. the L EFC = ECF ; hence the L AFE = ACE ; that AFE = FBE + FEB (xxxii.) ; .*. ACB = ABC + FEB; Ihmce FEB = ACB - ABC ; but ECF = i FEB ; ECF = i (ACB - ABC). Again, the L AHG is right (iv., Ex. 1), .and GDC is right, and the L AGH = CGD (xv.); .-.the L GAH = GCD. Hence GAH = J (ACB - ABC).EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book I*. 11. Let AM, BN be the two || lines, and P the given point.. It is required to find in AM, BN two points equidistant from P* and whose line of connexion shall be || to a given line MN. Sol.—From P let fall a X PQ, on MN. Bisect the part Cl> between AM, BN in E. Through E draw AB || to MN. A, Ifc are the required points. Dem -Join AP, BP. Now the L PEB = PQN (xxix.) j but PQN is a right L, .·. PEB is right; and since CD is bisected in E, (xxrx., Ex. 4) AB is bisected in E. Now AE = BE, and. EP common, and the L AEP = BEP; .·. (τν.) AP =5 BP. 12. Let a be the side, and b, 0 the two diagonals. Sol.—Construct the Δ AEB, having AB = a, AE =iji, and BE — Produce AE, BE to C, D, so that CE == AE* and DE = BE. Join CD, AD, BC. ABCD is the required parallelogram. Dem.—The side AB = «, and AC, BD — bte. 13. Let ABC be a Δ, having the side AB greater than AC.. It is required to prove that BE, the median of AC, is greater than CF, the median of AB. Dem.—Let BE, CF intersect in G. Join AG, and produce it to meet BC in D. AD is the median of BC. Now because BI> = CD, AD common, and the base AB greater than AC, (xxv.}; the L ADB is greater than ADC. Again, BD = CD, GD com.· mon, and the L BDG greater than CDG; (xxiv.) BG is greater than CG; but BG = f BE, and CG = f CF (6). Hence* BE is greater than CF. 14. Let AB, CD be two || lines, and E a given point.. It ie required to find in AB, CD two points that shall subtend a right angle at E, and be equally distant from it. Sol.—From E let fall a ± EF on AB. Draw EG f| to AB, and make it equal to EF. From G draw GH JL to CD,. In AB,taker FJ=GH. H, J are the required points.BOOK I.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 39 Bern.—Join EH, EJ. Because EF=EG, and FJ =* GH, and the L EFJ = EGH, (it.) EJ = EH, and the L FEJ = GBH. To each add the L FEH, and we have the L JEH = FEG; hut FEG is a right L. Hence JEH is right. 15. Let ABC he an isosceles Δ, and D a point in the base BC. From D let fall X8 DE, DFon AB, AC. From B let fall a X BG on AC. It is required to prove that BG = DE -f* DF. Dem.—From D draw DH (j to AC, meeting BG in H. Now (xxix.) the L HDB = ACD; hut ACD = ABD (hyp.); .·. HDB = EBB, and the L BHD = BED, each being light; .·. (xxvi.) BH = DE; hut HG = DF (xxxiv.). Hence BG = DE + DF. 16. See Book IV., Prop, y., Ex. 1, second proof. 17. Let ABC he the Δ. Bisect the L BAC by AD, meeting BC in D. From D draw DE, DF || to AB, AC. AEDF is an inscribed lozenge. Dem.—The L EAD = ADF (xxix.); butEAD=FAD (const.); ADF = FAD, and AF = DF. Similarly, AE = DE; hut (xxxiv.) AF = DE, and AE = DF. Hence the four sides AF, DF, AE, DE are equal; .·. AEDF is a lozenge. 18. See “ Sequel to Euclid,” Book I., Prop. xiv. 19. (1) Let AB, AC he two fixed lines, and P the point. Let fall Xs PD, PE on AB, AC; then, being given the sum of PD and PE, it is required to find the locus of P. Dem.—Produce EP to F, and make PF = PD. Through F draw GF || to AC, meeting AB in G. Join GP, and produce it both ways; GP is the required locus. Because PF = PD, to each add PE, and we have EF = PD + PE; .·. EF is given; and since GF is at a given distance from AC, GF is given in position. Again, since each of the L8 PFG, PDG is right, PF2 + FG2 = PD2 + DG2; hut PF2 = PD2 (const.); .·. GF2 = GD2; .·. GF = GD. Now GF = GD, GP common, and the base PF = PD ; .·. (vm.) the L PGF = PGD. Then, since AB, GF are40 EXEBCISES ON EUCLID. [book i. two fixed lines, and GP bisects the L between them, .·. GP is given in position, and is the locus of P. , (2) May be done in like manner. 20. Let ABC be an equilateral Δ, and P any point within it. From P let fall X8 PD, PE, PF on AB, BC, CA, and from A let fall a 1AK on BC. It is required to prove that PD+PE-f PF=AK. Dem.—Through P draw GH || to BC, meeting AB, AC, AK in G, H, L; and from G let fall a X GJ on AC. Now the L AGH =r ABC (xxix.); .*. AGH is an £ of an equilateral Δ. Similarly, AHG is an L of an equilateral Δ. Hence AGH is an equilateral Δ; .·. AL = GJ ; but GJ = PD + PF (Ex. 15); .·. AL = PD + PF, and PE = LK. Hence AK = PD -f PE + PF. 21. See “ Sequel to Euclid," Book I., Prop. xi. 22. See “ Sequel to Euclid,” Book I., Prop, xi., Cor. 1. 23. Let ABC be a Δ, and L a given length. It is required to find a point F in BC, such that if FK, FG be drawn || to AB, AC, the sum of AG, AK shall be equal to L. Sol.—From B draw BD || to AC, and make it = L. From DBOOK I.] EXBBCISES ON EUCLID. 41 draw DE j| to AB, and produce AC to meet it in E. Bisect the L AED by EF, meeting BC in F. F is the point required. Dem.—Through FdrawGH || to BD, and FK || to AB. Now the L HEF = EEF (const.), and (xxrx.) the L KEF * EFH ; .·. EFH = HEF, and .·. HE = HF; but HE = FK, .·. FK — FH. To each add FG, and we have FK + FG = GH; that is, AG + AK « GH; but GH = BD = L. Hence AG + AK = L. 24. (1) Let BAC, EDF be two L\ whose legs AB, DE, AC, DF are respectively ||. Bisect BAC, EDF by AG, DH. It is required to prove that AG, DH are ||. Dem.—Join AD, and produce it to J. Now (xxix.) the L JDE = JAB, and JDF = JAC ; .·. FDE = CAB; hence FDH = CAG. And it has been shown that JDF=JAC; J DH=JAG. Hence (xxvui.) DH is parallel to AG. (2) Let BAC, EDF be the L *. Bisect BAC, EDF by AG, DH. Produce GA, HD to meet in L. It is required to prove that HL is ± to GL. Dem.—Produce FD to J, and bisect the L JDE by DK. Now the L FDH= EDH, and JDK =* EDK; hence HDK = half sum of JDE and EDF; but JDE and EDF = two right L8; HDK is a right L, and HDK = HLG; .*. HLG is right. And hence HL is A to GL. 25. Let ABC be the Δ of which A is the vertex; produce BA, CA to D, E. Bisect the L8 CAD, BAE, by the line FG. From42 EXERCISES OX EUCLID. [book I. B, C let fall X* BO, CF, on OF. Bisect the / BAC by AH. Join BF, CO. It is required to prove that BF, CO meet on AH. Dem.—Produce CF to meet AD in D. Now the L CAP « DAF, and CFA = DFA, and AF is common; (xxvr.) CF = DF; and because the L DFA = HAF, each being right, AH is || to CD. Now, since F is the middle point of the base CD* of the Δ CBD, and BF joined, and AH || to CD, (xxvm., Ex. 7), BF bisects AH. In like manner CO bisects AH. Hence* BF, CO meet on AH. 26. Dem.—From the vertices A, B, C, of the Δ ABC, let fall Xs AD, BE, CF on the opposite sides; let them intersect in G. Join DE, EF, FD. It is required to prove that the X» AD, BE, CF bisect the L · EDF, DEF, and EFD. Now the L CDE = COE (xxxii., Ex. 5), and BDF = BOF; but (xv.) CGE = BOF; CDE = BDF; and CDA = BDA^ since each is right; EDA = FDA; hence the L EDF is bisected by AD. In like manner the L8 DEF, EFD are bisected by BE and CF. 27· Let ABC be a given Δ, and D a given point within it. It is required to inscribe, in ABC, a O whose diagonals shall intersect in D. Sol.—Through D draw DE || to AC, and from BE cut off FK = EC. Join FD, and produce it to meet AC in G. Draw DH II to AB; and from HC cut off HE = BH. Join ED, and pro- duce it to meet AB in L. Join OL, FL, OE. OLFE is the required parallelogram. Dem.—FO is bisected in D (xl., Ex. 3). Similarly, EL is bisected in D. Hence (xxxiy., Cor. 5) OLFE is a parallelo- gram.EXEBCISES ON EUCLID. 43 28. Let aj, «2, «3, *4 be the sides of the quadrilateral; and A, B the middle points of two opposite sides. It is required to con- struct it. 80L—Join AB, and on it describe the A ACB, having BC =* ind CA = § «3. Complete the CUABCD. Join DC; and describe the A CDE, having ΒΕ»£β2, and CE= \ Complete the -------- ---------H -----------— s. CU DECF. Through A, E, B, F draw GH, GK, JK, JH {] re- spectively to DE, BC, CE, CA. GHJK is the required quadri- lateral. Dem.—HF = AC (xxxiv.), and JF = BD; but AC + BI> * 2 AC; hence H J = «3. In like manner GH = «2, GK = «1, and JK = 81. 29. See “ Sequel to Euclid,” Book I., Prop. vm. 30. Let ABC be the given rectilineal figure, and 0 the given point. From 0 let fall X· on BC, CA, AB; and let them be denoted by p, pi, pz; then, if p+pi + Pt be given, it is required to prove that the locus of 0 is a right line. Dem.—In BC take a part EF, equal to any given line. Join OE, OF. In AC, AB take GH, JK, each equal to EF. Join OG, OH, OJ, OK. Now let EF be denoted by £, and we have bp = 2Δ OEF (II. 1. Cor. 1), and, similarly, for the Δ8 OGH, OJK. Therefore b (p -f pi 4- p%) is equal to twice the sum of the areas of those triangles; but the bases, and sum of the areas, are given. Hence (Ex. 29) the locus of 0 is a right line. 31. Dem.—Through C and B' draw CD, B'D || to BB' and BC. Join DC', cutting BC in E. Now (xxxiv.) BB' = CD? but BB' « CC' (hyp.); .·. CD = CC', and CE is common; and the L ACB = DCB, because each is equal to ABC; hence (nr.) the L CEC' = CED ; .·. each is a right L; .·. (xxix.) B'DE isEXERCISES ON EUCLID. 44 [book I. right; hence B'C'D is acute; and .·. (xnc.) B'C' is greater than B'D; that is, greater than BC. 32. (1) Bern.—From B let fall a ± BC on L; and produce it to meet AP in Q. In L take any other point S. Join AS, BS, QS. Now, because BCP = QCP, and the L BPC= QPC, and CP common, (xxvi.) BP = QP. Similarly, BS *= QS. Hence AS — SQ = AS — SB; but AS — SQ is less than AQ; .·. AS — SB is less than AQ; that is, less than AP — BP. (2) See “ Sequel to Euclid,” Book I., Prop. xxt. 33. Let ABCD be a quadrilateral. It is required to bisect it by a line drawn from A, one of its angular points. Dem.—Join AC. Produce DC to E. Through B draw BE || to AC. Join AE. Bisect DE in F. Join AF. AF bisects ABCD. Now the Δ AEC = ABC (xxxyii.) To each add the A ACD, and we have the Δ AED = the quadrilateral ABCD ; but AED = 2ADF (xxxviii.) ; .*. ABCD = 2ADF. 34. Dem.—Bisect ED in F. Join AF. Now (χπ., Ex. 2), vthe lines EF, AF, DF are equal; hence the L FAD = FDA; D JL B but (xxxn.) the L AFE = FAD + FDA; .·. AFE= 2FDA, and .·. (xxix.) = 2DBG; but AF = AB, because each is equal to \ ED; the L ABF = AFB; but AFB = 2DBC. Hence ABF = 2DBC. 35. Dem.—The three L8 ABC, BCA, CAB are equal to two right L8; .*. ABO, BAO, BCO are equal to a right L; but BOD = ABO + BAO ; .*. BOD and BCO equal a right L; and EOC + BCO equal a right L; hence BOD + BCO = EOC + B'CO; .·. the I. BOD = EOC. 36. The angles of each external triangle are respectively equal to J (A + B), J (B + C), J(A+ B). See (xxxii., Ex. 14). Hence vthe three external triangles are equiangular. 37. (1) Dem.—Let ABCD be the quadrilateral* Bisect the L * iBCD, CDA by CE, DE. It is required to prove that the L CEP =« J (DAB + ABC).book i.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 45 Now the L 8 DAB, ABC, BCD, CDA are together equal to four right L8, and the L· CED, EDO, DCE are equal to two right L *j hence (CED + EDC 4- DCE) = ^ (DAB 4- ABC 4· BCD 4- CDA); but EDC « £ ADC, and DCE = J DCB. Hence CED = i (DAB 4- ABC). (2) Bisect the L8 ABD, ACD by BE, CE. Produce BE, CE to meet AC, BD in F, G. It is required to prove that the L CEF = J (BAC - BDC). Dem.—Join AE. Now the L8 of the figure ABEC are equal to - four right L8; and the L8 of the figure BECD equal to four right Z8» hence the Z.8 (BAC 4· ABE 4· BEC 4· ACE) = (BEG 4* GEF 4- FEC 4- ECD 4- CDB 4- DBE); hut ABE = DBE, and ACE = ECD, and BEC *= GEF. Reject these, and we have BAC = CDB 4- GEB 4- CEF = CDB 4- 2 CEF. Hence the L BAC exceeds CDB by 2 CEF; that is, CEF = \ (BAC - CDB). 38. Dem.—It has been proved (xlvii., Ex. 7) that EF2 = AC2 4- 4 BC2. Similarly, EG2 = BC2 4- 4 AC2. Adding, we get EF2 4- KG2 = 5 (AC2 4- BC2) = 5 AB2. 39. Let A, B, C, D, E he the middle points of the sides of a convex polygon of an odd number of sides. It is required to construct it. Sol.—Join CD, DE; and through C, E draw CF, EF || to DE, CD; and (xxxiv., Ex. 6) construct the Δ GHJ, having A, B, F for the middle points of its sides. Join AF, BF, JC, and pro- duce JC to E, so that CE = CJ. Join ED, HE, and produce them to meet in L. GHLEJ is the required polygon. Dem.—Join HE. Now in the Δ HJE, HJ, JE are bisected in F, C; hence (xl., Exercises 2 and 5) FC is || to HE, and46 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book t. «qua! to half of it; but EC = ED; ED is || to HK, and equal to half HK. And hence (xl., Ex. 3) HL, LK are bisected in E, D. 40. Let ABCD be a quadrilateral. It is required to trisect it by lines drawn from C, one of its angular points. Sol.—Join BC. Produce DB to E, and draw AE || to BC. Join CE. Trisect ED in F, G (xxxiv., Ex. 3). Join CF, CG. CF, CG trisect the quadrilateral. Dem.—The Δ CEB = CAB (xxxvii.). To each add CBD, and we have the Λ CED = the quadrilateral CABD; but the Δ CGD * J CED; .·. CGD = i CABD. In like manner CFG = iCABD. 41. Let ABC be a Δ whose base BC is given in magnitude and position; and the sum of its sides BA, AC also given. Produce BA to D, and make AD * AC. Bisect the L CAD by AE. Erect CE X to AC. Join BE, DE; and from E let fall a X EF on BC produced It is required to prove that the locus of E is the perpendicular EF· Dem.—Because AC = AD, and AE common, and the L CAEBOOK I.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 47 -e DAE, .·. (iv.) CE = DE, and the L ACE = ADE; but ACE is a right L (const.); ADE is right; hence (xlyii.) BE2 — ED2 = BD2; but BD is given, since it is equal to BA + AC ; •and ED =EC ; .*. BE2 — EC2 is given, and the base BC is given. Hence (xlvii., Ex. 5) the locus of E is EF, the i. from E on BC. 42. (1) See xxxii., Ex. 8. (2) Let ABCD he a parallelogram. It is required to prove that EFGH is a rectangle. Bern.—The L* ABC, BAD are together equal to two right L » (xxix.); .·. the U EBA, EAB together make a right L ; hence the L AEB is right. Similarly, the L8 at F, G, H are right. Hence EFGH is a rectangle. (3) Let ABCD be a rectangle. It is required to prove that EFGH is a square. Dem.—Because the L BAD = CDA; the L BAE = CDG. In like manner the L ABE = DCG, and the side AB = CD; .·. (xxvi.) AE = DG; but AH = DH, since the L ADH = DAH; HE = HG. In like manner all the sides are equal, and the L* are right L8. Hence EFGH is a square. 43. Dem.—Join AE. Now (xl., Ex. 6) EF = J AB = BD; and FG = BD ; .·. EF = FG, and AF = CF (hyp.) ,* .*. CF and FG = AF, FE ; and the L CFG = AFE (xv.); hence (iv.) CG = AE; but AE is a median of the Δ ABC; also CD, a side of the Δ CDG, is one of the medians of ABC; and BF, the remaining median, is equal to DG (xxxiv.)· Hence the sides of the Δ CDG are equal to the medians of ABC. 44. Let ABCD be the billiard table, E the point from which the ball starts, and F the point through which it will pass. Sol.—From E let fall a JL EG on AB ; produce EG to H, so that GH = EG. From H let fall a _L HJ on CB produced; and produce HJ to K, so that JK = HJ. From F let fall a X FL on AD, and produce to M, so that LM = LF; and from M let fall aEXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book I.. _L IfN on CD produced, and produce to P, so that NP=MN. Join XP, intersecting BC in Q and CD in B. Join HQ, MB, inter- be the path of the ball. Dexn.—Because EG=HG, GS common, and the L EGS=HGSr .·. the L ESG = HSG; but HSG = BSQ (xv.); .·. ESG=BSQ; hence the ball will he reflected in the direction SQ. In like man- ner it can be shown that the L HQJ = BQC, and therefore the ball will be reflected from Q in the direction QB. Similarly, it will be reflected from B to BT, and from T to TF. 45. Let ABC be the Δ, AD, BE the bisectors of the L * A, B. It is required to prove, if AD = BE, that the L CAB = ABC. Bern.—If the angle CAB be not equal to ABC, let CAB be the greater; then, since the L CAB is greater than ABC, its half, the L DAC, is greater than EBC, the half of ABC; then make DAF equal to EBC. Now, since the L DAB is-greater than ABE, the whole L FAB is greater than FBA; .-.the side FB is greater than FA. Cut off BG = FA, and draw GH parallel to FA; then the Δ* GBH, FAD have evidently two angles in one respectively equal to two angles in the other, and the side BG = AF. Hence BH is equal to AD ; hut BE is = AD (hyp.). Hence BH = BE, which is absurd» Hence the angle CAB is not unequal to ABC; that is, it is equal to it, and (vi.) theΔ ABC is i.] EXERCISES OK EUCLID. 49 46. Let ABC be a Δ, whose base and difference of sides are given. Bisect the L BAG by AD. Erect CD 1 to AC* The locus of D is a right line. Dem.—Let fall a A DE on AB. Join BD. Now (I. xxvi.)the A*ACD, AED are equal in every respect; DC = DE, and AC=AE; .·. AB-AC=*BE; but AB - AC is given; .*.BEia given. Again, BD3 - DE3 = BE3; that is, BD3 - CD3 = BE3; hence BD3 - CD3 is given, and the base BC is given. Now we axe given the base, and the difference of the squares of the sides of the Δ BCD. Hence (xlvii., Ex. 5) the locus of the vertex D is a right line perpendicular to the base. 47. Let EFGH be a square inscribed in the Δ ABC. It is required to prove that (BC + AD) a = 2 Δ ABC, where a denotes the side of the square. Dem.—Let fall a A AD on BC. Join DF, DG. Now BD.EF = 2 Δ BFD (II. i., Cor. 1); that is, BD. a = 2 Δ BFD. Simi- larly, DC. s = 2 Δ DGC; BC. a = 2 Δ BFD + 2 Δ DGC. Again, AD.FK a 2 Δ AFD, and AD.GK = 2Δ AGD; AD .a = 2 AFDG. Adding, we get (BC + AD) a = 2 Δ ABC.EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book I. 60 48. Dem.—Let fall a A CE on AB. Now (xlvii., Ex. 20) BC2 = AB.BE + AC.CD ; but (xxvi.) the Δ· BEC, BDC are equal; since the Δ ABC is isosceles; .*. BE — DC, and AB = AC. Hence BC2 = 2 AC. CD. 49. Let ABC be a right-angled Δ, and let equilateral Δ® be described on its three sides. It is required to prove that the Δ ABD is equal to the sum of the Δ· ACF, BCE. Dem.—Bisect AC in G. Join FO, BG, FB, CD. Now the L CAF = BAD ; to each add CAB, and we have the / FAB = CAD, and AF = AC, and AB = AD ; .\(iv.) the Δ* AFB, ACD are equal. Again, because each of the Z* FGC,ACB is right, BC, FG are parallel; .·. (xxxvn.) the Δ FGC = FGB. To each add the Δ FGA, and we have AFC = to the quadrilateral AFBG. Again, to each add the Δ AGB, which is £ ACB, and we have AFC + £ ACB = AFB. Hence ACD = AFC + £ ACB. Similarly BCD = BEC 4- £ ACB. Add, and we have ACBD = AFC -f ACB + BEC. Reject the right angled Δ ACB, which is common, and the Δ ABD = AFC + BEC. 60. (1) Let AB be the base, X the difference of the base Z_*, and S the sum of the sides. It is required to construct the triangle. Sol.—Draw BD, making the L ABD = £ X, and draw BC X to BD. With A as centre, and a radius equal to S, describe a 0, cutting BC in C. Join AC, cutting BD in E. Bisect CE in F. Join BF. AFB is the required triangle. Dem.—The lines BF, CF, EF are equal (in., Ex. 2); .·. FEβοοχ I.] EXEBCISES ON EUCLID. 61 « PB; .·. the LFBE = FEB; but FEB = FAB + ABE (xxxit.) ; FBE = FAB + ABE; beuce the l_ FBA — FAB + 2 ABE) and hence theV ABE is half the difference of the base L*; but ABE = J X. Hence the difference of the base Z.· = X; and since FB = FC, AF + FB = AC = S, .·. the sum of the sides = S. (2) Let AB be the base, X the difference of the base L%, and D the difference of the sides. Sol.—Draw BE, making the L ABE = J X. With A as centre, and a radius equal to D, describe a Θ, cutting BE in E. Join AE, A JB and produce it. Draw BC, making the L CBE = CEB, and meet- ing AE produced in C. ACB is the required triangle. Dexn.—CB = CE (vi.)) AE — AC — CB) but AE = D j .·. AC — CB = D, and, as before, the difference of the base angles = X. 51. Sol.—Let AB be the base, and M the median that bisects the base. To AB apply a CD ABCD, whose area is equal to twice the given area (xlv.). Bisect AB in E. With E as centre, and a radius equal to', M, describe a Θ, cutting CD in F. Join AF, BF. AFB is the required Δ. 52. Deni.—Join AO, CG, FO. The Δ CED = CGD + CEG, and the Δ EBC = BGC - CEG. Subtracting, we get CED - EBC έ 252 EXEBCISES ON EUCLID. [book I. = 2 CEG. Similarly AED — AEB = 2 AEG. Subtracting, we have· AEB + CED - (AED + EBC) = 2 (CEG - AEG). Again, CEG * CFG + EFG, and AEG = AFG - EFG; .·. CEG - AEG = 2 EFG. And hence 4 EFG — AEB 4· CED — (AED + EBC).. 53. (1) Let ACB be the Δ. Describe squares AH, AF, CE on the sides AC, AB, BC respectively. Bisect AC in J. Joint BJ, EF. It is required to prove that EF = 2 BJ. Dem.—Produce BJ to M, so that JM = JB, and join MC. Now (iv.) the Δβ MJC, AJB are equal in every respect; MC = AB = BF, and CB = BE; hence MC, CB equal: BF, BE. And because AC and BM bisect each other in J, MC and AB are parallel; .*. the Z" MCB and ABC are together equal to two right Z% and the Zs EBF, ABC are equal to two right Z*; since ABF and CBE are right; .*. the L MCB = EBF; hence (iv.) MB = EF; hut MB = 2 BJ; EF = 2 BJ. (2) Produce MB to meet EF in N. MN is JL to EF. Dem.—From the equal triangles CMB, BFE we have the L CMB = BFE, but CMB = ABM; .·. BFE = ABM. To each add NBF; and we have BFN + NBF = ABM -f NBF; hut since ABF is right, ABM + NBF equal a right Z; .*· BFN + NBF equal a right Z; and hence the L BNF is right.BOOK Π.] 'EXERCISES ON EUCLID. BOOK II. PROPOSITION IV. . 1. Dem.—AB2 = AB. AC + AB . BC (n.); but AB. AC = AC3 -I- AC . CB (iii.) ; and AB.BC = BC2 + AC.CB (iu.) ; Therefore AB. AC + AB. BC = AB2 + BC2 + 2AC . CB; that is, AB2 = AC2 + BC2 + 2 AC . CB. 2. Let C he the vertical L of the right-angled A ABC. From *C let fall a _L CD on AB. It is required to prove that DC2 = AD. DB. Dem.—AB2 = AC2 + CB2 (I. xlvii.) ; hut AC2=AD2 + DC2; and CB2 = BD2 + DC2; .·. AB2 = AD2 + BD2 + 2 DC2. Again, AB’ = AD2 + DB* + 2 AD . DB (iv.). Hence DC2 = AD. DB. 3. Let ABC he the right-angled Δ. In the base AB cut off AD = AC, and BE = BC. It is required to prove that ED2 = 2 AE.DB. Bern.—AB2=AC2 + CB2 (I. xlvii.) = AD2 + BE2; but AD2 * AE2 -l- ED2 + 2 AE. ED (iv.); and BE2 = BD2 + DE2 + 2 BD.DE; .·. AB2 = AE2 + ED2 + 2 AE . ED + BD2 + DE2 + 2 BD. DE; also AB2 = AE2 + ED2 + DB2+2 AE. ED + 2 ED.DB * 2 AE . DB (iv., Cor. 3). Hence ED2 = 2 AE. DB. 4. Let ABC he the right-angled Δ, CD the X from the right angle on the base. It is required to prove that (AB + CD)2 ex- ceeds (AC + CB)2 by CD2. L em.—AC . CB is equal to twice the Δ ACB, and AB . CD is equal to twice the Δ ACB ; .·. AC . CB = AB . CD. No* (AB + CD)2 = AB2 + CD2 + 2 AB . CD; rand (AC + CB)2 = AC2 + CB2 + 2 AC . CB. Subtracting, we have (ΑΒλ+ CD)2 — (AC + CB)2 = AB2 — BC254 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book it. - CA2 + DC2; but AB2 - BC2 = AC2 ; . \ (AB + CD)2 - (AC + CB)3 =AC2 - AC2 + DC2 = DC2. 5. Let the sides of the Δ he denoted by a, l, e, e being t hypotenuse. It is required to prove that (a + b + c) — 2 (e + a)(c+ l·)- Bern.—{a + b + c)2 = a2 + IP + c* + 2ab + 2ac + 2bc\ but(a2 + δ2 = c* (I. xlvii.) ; .*. (a2 + bz + <*) = 2c*. Hence (a + b + = 2( (I. xlvii., Ex. 1). Hence AB. BD = AD2. 4. (1), Dem.—AB2 + BC2 = 2 AB. BC + AC2 (vn.); but AB.BC =» AC2 (hyp.) Hence AB2 + BC2 = 3AC2. (2) Dem.—(AB + BC)2=4 AB. BC + AC2 ( viii.) ; but AB. BC = AC2 (hyp.) Hence (AB + BC)2 = δ AC2.*0 EXEKCISES ON EUCLID. [book II. *5. Dem.—Join FK, AD. Now the square AFGH is double of the Δ AFK (I. xli.) And the rectangle HBDK is double of AKD; but AFGH « HBDK (xi.); the Δ AFE = AED; and hence (I. xxxix.) AK is parallel to FD. In like manner, by join- ing BF, GD, it can be shown that GB is parallel to FD. Hence the three lines AE, FD, GB are parallel. 6. Dem.—Join BF, and produce CH to meet it in L. Because EB = EF, the L EBF = EFB, and the L * at L are right (xi., Ex. 7); .*. the L BOL = FCL; hut BOL = EOC; . ■. EOC — ECO, and . *. EC = ΈΟ ; hut EC — EA j .*. ΈΟ = EA i .·. the l EOA = EAO, and EOC = ECO. Hence the L AOC = OAC + OCA, and is therefore (I. xxxii., Cor. 7) a right angle. 7. Let CH be produced to meet BF at L. It is required to prove that CH is perpendicular to BF. Dem.—The Δ· FAB, HAC, are equal (I. it.) in every reject; .*. the L FBA = HCA, and the L LHB = AHC (I. xv.); the L HLB = HAC (I. xxxii., Cor. 2); but HAC is a right angle. Hence HLB is right. 8. Dem.—In AB take AH = BC — AC. Produce CA to F, so ithat AF = AH, then evidently CF = CB. Complete the square AFGH. Produce AC to E, and make CE = AC, and complete H G B £ ED "the square ABDE. Produce GH to meet ED in K. Now we have the construction as in Prop, xi., and .·. AB. BH = AH2. Hence AB is divided in “ extreme and mean ratio ” at H. * See diagram in Euclid [II. xi.] for this and the two follow- ing Exercises.BOOK II.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. PROPOSITION XII. 1. Bern.—Produce AC, and let fall a JL BD on AC produced. Make DE = CD, and join BE. Now the Δ* BCD, BED are equal in every reepect (I. iv.); .\ the L BCE = BEC. And since the L ACB is twice an L of an equilateral A, each of the- A· BCE, BEC is an A of an equilateral A ; hence the A BCE is equilateral; .·. BC = CE = 2CD. Again, AB* = AC2 + CB2 + 2 AC.CD; but we have shown that BC = 2 CD. Hence AB2 = AC2 + CB2 + AC . CB. 2. Bern.—Join AC; bisect it in 0. Join BO, DO, EO. Now the lines AO, BO, CO are equal (I. xn., Ex. 2); hence OBC is an isosceles A ; .*· OE* — OC* = BE.CE (vr., Ex. 6). In like manner OE* — OD* = AE .DE; but OC = OD. Hence AE. DE = BE.CE. 3. Dem.—^Produce AB, DB. Cut off BE =DC, and BF = BC A D C*62 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book n. Join AF, FE. Now the Z FBC = BDC + BCD (I. xxxn.); but EBC and BDC are right angles; .·. FBE = BCD ; hence (I. iv.) the Δ· BEF and BDC are equal in every respect; therefore the Z BEF = BDC ; hence the Z BEF is right. Now AF2 = AB2 + BF2 + 2 AB.BE (xii.), and AF2 = AB2 + BF2 + 2 BF.BD; .·. AB . BE = BF. BD; but BE = DC, and BF = BC. Hence AB. DC = BD . BC. 4. Dem.-Erect BD 1 to AB, and equal BC. Join AD, CD. Now AD2 = AC2 + CD2 + 2 AC. CB (xii.), and CD2 = CB2 + BD2 = 2 CB2 = AC2 ; .·. AC2 + CD2 = 2 AC2; .·. AD2 = 2 AC2 + 2 AC. CB = 2 AC (AC + CB) = 2 AC. AB. Again, AD2 = AB2 + BD2; but BD = BC; .·. AD2 = AB2 + BC2. Hence AB2 4- BC2 = 2 AC.AB. 5. Sol.—Bisect AB in 0. From D let fall a J_ DF on AB. Divide OF in C, so that 2 OC.CF = p2 (the given square). C is .the point required. Dem.—Erect CE 1 to AB. Join OE, OD, CD. Now OD2 = OC2 + CD2 + 2 OC. CF (xii.) = OC2 + CD2 -i- p*; but OE = OD; .\ OE2 = OC2 + CD2 + ^; that is, OC2 + CE2 = OC2 + CD2 + p*; .·. CE2 - CD2 = pK 6. Dem.—AD. DB = CD2 - CB2 (vi., Ex. 6); but CD2 * 2 AB2 (hyp.); .·. AD. DB = 2 AB2 - CB2 = 2 AB2 - AB2 = AB2. PROPOSITION XIII. 1. Dem.—From the vertex A let fall a 1 AD on BC. From DB cut off DE = DC. Join AE. Now the A ACD = AED in every respect (I. rv.); .*. AC = AE, and the Z AEC = ACE; hence AEC is an Z of an equilateral A; the A ACE is equilateral; .·. AC = CE = 2 CD. Again, AB* = BC2 + CA* - 2 BC. CD (hi.) ; but we have shown that 2 CD = AC. Hence AB2 = BC2 + CA2 - BC. AC.BOOK II.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. «3 2. See “ Sequel to Euclid,” Book II., Prop. rv. 3. Sol.—Erect BD X to and equal to AB. Join AD. Produce AB to C. Cut off AC = AD. C is the point required. Bern.—AD2 = AB2 + BD2 = 2AB2; .·. AC2 = 2AB2. To *each add BC2, and we have 2 AB2 + BC2 = AC2 + BC2 = 2 AC.BC + AB2 (to.) ; .*. AB2 + BC2 = 2 AC.BC. PROPOSITION XIV. 1. Sol.—Let a line CD be found (xiv.) whose square is equal to the given difference of squares. On CD construct a rectangle CE, equal to the given rectangle. Produce CD to A, so that CA. AD = DE2 (vi., Ex. 2). Produce ED. From A inflect AB = DE to the line DB, and join BC. BC and BD are the required lines. Dem.—Because AB2 = DE2 = CA. AD, the L ABC is right (I. klvii., Ex. 1); .\ AB.DC = BD.BC (xn., Ex. 3); hence the rectangle CE = BD . BC, and CE is equal to the given rectangle. Also because the L BDC is right, BD2 — BC2 = DC2, which is equal to the given difference of squares. 2. See Book II., Ex. 6, Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous Exercises on Book II. 1. Let ABCD be a quadrilateral, AC, BD its diagonals, and EF, GH lines joining the middle points of BC, AD, AB, CD It is required to prove that AC2 + BD2 = 2 EF2 + 2 GH2.64 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book n. Dem.—Join GE, EH, HF, FG. Now GEHF is a parallelo- gram (I. xl., Ex. 6); .*. 2 GH2 + 2 EF2 = 2 GE2 + 2 EH2 + 2 HF2 + 2 FG2 (x., Ex. 5) = 4 GE2 + 4 EH2. Again, GE = } AC (I. xl., Ex. 5), and EH = | BD; .*.4 GE* + 4 EH2 = AC2 + BD2. Hence 2 GH2 + 2 EF2 = AC2 + BD2. 2. Let AD, BE, CF be the medians. Dem—AB2 + AC2 = 2 BD2 + 2 AD2 (x., Ex. 2); 2 AB2 + 2 AC2 = BC2 + 4 AD2; but AO = f AD; .·. AO2 = * AD2; .·. 9 AO2 = 4 AD2 ; hence 2 AB2 + 2 AC2 = BC2 + 9 AO2. Similarly 2 AC2 + 2 CB2 = AB2 + 9 CO2, and 2 CB2 + 2 AB2 = AC2 + 9 BO2; .*. 3 (AB2 + BC2 + CA2) = 9 (AO2-t BO2 + CO2). Hence AB2 + BC2 + CA2 = 3 (AO2 + BO2 + CO2). 3. Sol.—Construct the Δ OCG, having OC = D, OG = 2E, and CG = F. Bisect OG in B. Join CB, and produce it to A. Cut off AB = BC. Join AO. OA, OB, OC are the required line·. D Dem.—The Δ» ABO, CBG are equal in every respect (I. nr.)'; .·. AO = CG = F, and OC = D, and OBb= E. 4. Let ABCD be a quadrilateral; AC, BD its diagonals. Bisect AB, CD in EF. Join EF. It is required to prove that AD2 -f BC2 + AC2 + BD2 = AB2 + DC2 + 4 EF2. Dem.—Join CE, DE. Now AD2 + BD* = 2 AW + 2 ED2 (x., Ex. 2), and AC2 + BC2 = 2 BE2 + 2 CE2; .·. AD2 + BD2 + AC2 + BC2 = 2 AE2 + 2 BE2 + 2 CE2 !+ 2 DE2; but 2 AE2 + 2 BE2 = 4 AE2 = AB2; and 2 CE2 + 2 DE2 = 4 DF* + 4 EF2 = DC2 + 4 EF2. Therefore AD2 + BD2 + BC2 + AC2 = AB2 + DC2 + 4 EF2. 5. Let a, 4, c be the sides of the triangle. On a, b, e describe squares. Join the adjacent comers, and let the joining lines he'65 book II.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. denoted by a, 0, 7. It is required to prove that a2 + jB* + y2 *3 (a2 + 5»+e2). Dem.—Complete the construction, as in I. xlvii., Ex. 6. Now we have (x., Ex. 2) aa + a2 = 2 b2 + 2 c2; β2 + b2 m 2 c2 + 2 a2; and y2 + c2 = 2 a2 + 2 IP. Add together, and we get a2 + /32 + 72 + (a2 + 52 + c2) = 4 (a2 + 52 + c2); and .*. + £2 + T2 = 3 (α2 + ό2 + c2). 6. Let AB be a given Hne. It is required to divide it into two parts at C, so that the rectangle contained by another given line X, and one segment BC, will be equal to AC2. Sol.—Erect AD _L to AB, and equal to X. Complete the rect- angular O ABDE. Construct a square equal to ABDE, and let AF be one of its sides. Bisect 6. Join GF. Produce DA to H. Cut off GEE = GF. In AB take AC = AH. C is the required point. Deau—Complete the square AHKC. Produce EC to meet DE ¥66 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book II. in M. Now DH. HA + AG2 = GH2 (vi.); but GH2 = GF2 = AG2 + AF2; .·. DH . HA = AF2; but AF2 = ABDE (const.); .·. the figure HM = BD. Reject DC, and HC = BM; but BM is the rectangle BC. BE ; that is, BC. X; and HC is AC2; .·. BC. X = AC2. If we put — = X, where m is any quantity, we get AB . BC = m AC2. 7. Dem.—Bisect AB in 0. Erect OE A to AB, and join OC, EP. Now (in., 3) CD is bisected at E; (x., Ex. 2) CP2 + PD2 = 2 CE2 + 2 EP2 = 2 CE2 + 2 EO2 + 2 OP* * 2 CO2 + 2 OP* » 2 AO2 + 2 OP2 =s AP2 + PB2 (ix.). 8. See “ Sequel to Euclid,” Book II., Prop. υπ. Θ. Let ABCDE be the pentagon; AC, BD, CE, AD, BE its diagonals. Bisect the diagonals. Let a be the line joining the middle points of AC, BD ; β of BD, CE; y of CE, AD; 8 of AD, BE; and · of BE, AC. It is required to prove that 3 (AB2 + BC2 + CD2 + DE2 + EA2) = AC2 + BD2 + CE2 * AD2 + BE2 + 4 (a2 + jS* + t2 + 82 + €2). Dem.— AB* + BC2 + CD2 + DA2 « AC2 + BD2****2 (xin., Ex. 2). BC2 + CD2 + DE2 + EB2 = BD2 + CE2 * 4/3T; CD2 + DE2 + EA2 + AC2CE2 + DA* + 4 72; DE2 + EA2 + AB2 + BD2 = DA* + EB2 * 4 82 ; EA2 + AB2 + BC2 + CE2 = EB2 + AC2 * 4 Add together, and we have 3 (AB2 4- BC2 + CD2 + DE2 * EA2) « AC2 * BD2 + CE2 + AD2* BE2 + 4 (a2 + j82 + t2* 8* + ^). 10. See “ Sequel to Euclid,” Book II., Prop. v. 11. See “Sequel to Euclid,” Book IL, Prop. Yin. 12. See “ Sequel to Euclid,” Book II., Prop. ix. 13.. See “ Sequel to Euclid,” Book Ώ., Prop, at., Cor»BOOK II.] EXEBCISES ON EUCLID. 67 14. (1) Dem.—It is proved in Ex. 12 that m AC2 + n BC2 = m AD2 + n DB2 + (m + n) DC2; hut wAC2 + n BC2 is given (hyp.); .·. m AD2 + n DB2 + (m +n) DC2 is given, and mAD2 + » DB2 is given; .·. (w + n) DC2 is given; but (m + n) is given; .·. DC2 is given; .·. DC is given, and D is a given point. Hence the locus of the vertex is a Θ, having D as centre, and DC as radius. (2) This case can he proved in a similar manner by using Ex. 13. 15. Let ABCD he a rectangle, of which AB, AD are adjacent sides. On AB, AD describe squares AF, AE. Draw the diago- nals AF, AE. It is required to prove that AF. AE is equal to twice the rectangle AC. Dem.—Let fall a X BG on AF. Now, because the L ABF is right, AF2 = AB2 + BF2 = 2 AB2. For a similar reason AE2 = 2 AD2; hence AF2.AE* « 4AB2.AD2; therefore AF.AE = 2 AB. AD; that is, AF. AE is equal to twice the rectangle AC. 16. Dem.—Join AB, BC. Bisect AB in G. Join PG, CG, AP, BP, CP. Divide GC in H, so that HC = 2 GH. Join PH. NowAP2 + BP2 = 2 A*G2 + 2GP2 (x., Ex. 2), and 2PG2+PC2 F 268 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [BOOK li- sa 2 GH2 + HC2 + 3 HP2 (Ex. 12); .·. AP2 + BP2 + CP2 = 2 AG2 + 2 GH2 + HC2 + 3 HP2; but AP2 + BP2 + CP2 is given (hyp.); .*.2 AG2 + 2 GH2 + HC2 + 3 HP2 is given; but 2 AG2 is given, and 2GH2, and HC2; hence 3HP2 is given; .·. HP is given, and the point H is given. Hence the locus of P is a circle. 17. Let ABCD be a square, and AEGH a rectangle of equal area. It is required to prove that the perimeter of ABCD is less than that of AEGH. Dem.—ABCD = AEGH (hyp.). Take away the common part AEPB, and we have EDCF = BFGH; hence these must be the complements about the diagonal of a parallelogram; .-.if DC, AF, HG be produced, they are concurrent. Let them meet in K. Now DK is greater than DA; . ·. the L DAK is greater than DKA; that is, CFK is greater than CKF; .·. CK is greater than CF, and therefore greater than DE. To each add CD + EA, and we get KD + EA; that is, GE + EA, greater than CD + DA. Hence the perimeter of the rectangle is greater than that of the square. 18. Let the transversal be divided by the lines, so that m. AC ,, m BC = n.CB ; then — = —* λ AC Dem.—m.AD2 + n.DB2 » #».AC2^ + ». BC2 + (m + n) CD2 (Ex. 12); ,.^AD* + DB*=if AC*+BC* + (; + l)cD*;bu^=g; + (gUl)cD- .·. BC.AD* + AC.DB* = BO.AC* + AC.BC* + AB.CD*; .·. BC.AD® + AC.DB® - AB.CD® = AC.CB (AC + CB); .-. BC.AD* + AC.DB* - AB.CD* = AB.B' η.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 69 Lemma.—If a circle be described about an equilateral triangle, the square of the side of the triangle is equal to three times the square of the radius. Dem.—Let BC be the side of the equilateral Δ ABC, and O the centre of the circumscribing circle. Join BO, and produce it to meet the circumference in D. Join DC, OC, OA. Now, in the Δβ AOB, BOO, the L ABO = CBO (I. vm.); «*. CBO is half an L of an equilateral Δ. In like manner BCO is half an L of an equilateral Δ, and DOC is an A of an equilateral Δ, and OD = OC, being radii of the circle; ODC is an equilateral Δ ; .*. DC = OC; but it has been shown that BCO is half an L of an equilateral Δ, and DCO an L of an equilateral Δ ; .·. BCD is a right L; BD2 = BC2 + CD2 = BC2 + CO2. Let BO be denoted by r, then BD2 = 4r2, and OC2 = r2; -·. 4r2 ss BC2 + r2. And therefore BC2 = Sr2. 19. Dem.—Join AD, CD, CD\ Now in the Δ DCD', DD*2 = DC2 + CD#2 + DC. CD' (xn., Ex. 1); .·. 6 DD'2 = 6 DC2 + 6CD'2+ 6 DC. CD'. Again, AC2 = 3 CD2 (Lemma), and CB2 = 3 CD'2; .·. AC2. CB2 « 9 CD2. CD'2; .·. AC. CB = 3 CD. CD'; .·. 2 AC. CB = 6 CD. CD'; hence we have 6 DD'2 = 2 AC2 + 2 CB2 + 2 AC . CB = AC2 + CB2 + (AC2 + CB2 + 2 AC. CB) = AC2 + CB2 + AB2. 20. —Dem.—Let c be the hypotenuse; then ab—cp (i., Cor. 1); .\a2b2 = = (X + Y); (IB + BJ) = X. (2') Let X be the base, Y the difference of the sides, and R the radius of the inscribed circle. Sol.—With any point 0 as centre, and a radius equal to R, describe a Θ. In the circumference take a point D. Through I> draw a tangent BC. From DB cut off DG = Y. Bisect DG in H, and make BH, CH each equal to J X. Through B, C draw AB, AC tangents to the circle. ABC is the triangle required..168 EXERCISES ON EUCLID; [book it. Dem.—BC = BH 4- CH = X; and AB = AF + FB, and AC = AE + EC. Hence AB - AC = FB - EC = BD - CD = BD — BGr = DG = Y. A. R (3) (Diagram, Prop, iv., Ex. 3).—Let O', O", O'" be the centres «of the escribed circles. Join them, and let fall XB O'A, 0"B, 0"'C, on O'O'", 0'"0', O'O". Join AB, BC, CA. ABC is the triangle required. Dem.—Produce AB, AC to F and H. Let 0 be the point where the X* intersect. Now because each of the L ■ 0"C0'", O AO" is right, AOCO" is a cyclic quadrilateral; .*. the L ACO" = AOO". Similarly the L BCO' = BOO'; but AOO" = BOO', and ACO" = O'CH, .·. BCO' = O'CH; hence CO' is the external bisector of the L ACB. Similarly, BO' is the external bisector of the L ABC. Hence O' is the centre of the escribed Θ touch- ing BC externally and the other sides produced. In like maimer O", O'" are the centres of the other escribed circles. 16. (1) Dem.—From D let fall X* DH, DJ on AC and OB produced. Join DA, DB, HF, FJ; the points H, F, J are col- linear (III. xxii., Ex. 12). Join DC, CE, and through F draw FG parallel to DC. Now because the L ACB is bisected by CD, HC = \ (AC + CB) (III. xxx., Ex. 4); and since the L DHC is right, DC . CO = HC2 (I. xlvii., Ex. 1); that is, DC. FG = HC2. Again (III. xxxi.), the L DCE is right; .*. EGF is right, and CLD is right; .*. EGF = CLD, and (I. xxix.) the L EFG = LDC; .·. the Δ8 DCL, EFG are equiangular; hence (III. xxxv., Cor. 3) DC. FG = DL, FE ; DL. FE = HC*.BOOK IV.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 15» (2) From C let fall a X CK on AB. Now (III. Ex. 17) FM. FK ie equal to the square of half the difference of AC and CB; that is, equal to AH2. Again, the L ELC = DFM, each being right; and because DCE is right, the L * CED, CDE are together equal to a right L ; and the L ■ LEC, LCE are equal to a right L ; .·. LCE = CDE; hence the A* DFM, CLE are equiangular, .·. (III. xxxv., Cor. 3) DF. LE = LC . FM = FK. FM = AH2. 17. Let the regular polygon of n sides be a pentagon ABODE, P a point within it, and pi, p2> &c., the A* from P on the sides. Let 0 ho the centre of the inscribed Θ, and R its radius. It is required to prove that (pi + p% + pz + pi + p5) = 5 R. Dem— Join AP, BP, &c., and let the sides be denoted by i. How spi = twice the A APB ; tp%=twice the A BPC, &c.; hence160 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book nr. * (Pi +JP2 + pz + j>4 + p&) ~ twice the area of the pentagon. Again, eR = twice the Δ AOB, &c., 5 sR = twice .the area of the pentagon; .·. s (pi + p^ + p3 + p* + p5) = 5 «R. Hence (Pi + Pi + pz + P4, -f ρδ) = 5 R. Similarly for a regular polygon of any number of sides. 18. Let A, B, C, D, E be the angular points of a regular polygon of five sides. About ABODE describe a Θ ; and through A, B, C, D, E draw tangents to this 0. It is required to prove that the sum of the Xs from A, B, C, D, E on any line is equal to five times the X from O, the centre of the Θ, on the same line. (1) Bern.—Let the line be a tangent at any point P in the circumference. From P, C let fall Xs PF, CG on the tangents through C and P. Produce CF to meet PG in H. Now in the Δ8 CGH, PFH, the L CGH = PFH, and PHC is common, and the side CH = PH; hence (I. xxvi.) CG = PF. Similarly, theX8 from A, B, D, E on the tangent at P are equal to the X8 from P on the tangents through those points; but (Ex. 17) the sum of the X* from P on the sides of ABCDE is equal to 5R; hence the sum of theXs from A, B, C, D, E on PH = δ R; that is, equal to five times the X from 0 on PH; and similarly for a regular polygon of any number of sides. (2) Let the line not touch the circle. Bern.—From A, B, C, D, E let fall X8 AA", BB", CC", DD", EE" on the line, and from 0 let fall 00". At O', where 00" cut» the Θ, draw a line parallel to C"E", and let the X8 from A, B, C, D, E cut this line in A', B', C', D', E\ Now (1) AA' 4- BB'161 book iv.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. + CC' + DD' -f- EE' b 600', end A'A + B'B + C C" + DO" + ΕΈ" = δ 0Ό". Hence, by addition, we get AA" + BB" + CC" + DD" + EE" = 5 00". 19. (1) Let ABC be a Δ inscribed in a O. Bisect the base AB in F, and erect a 1, meeting the circle in D, E; then (III. m.) DE is the diameter. Join^CD, CE. CD and CE are the external and internal bisectors of the L ACB (Ex. 10). Produce AB to Ο, H. Bisect the L8 CBG, CAH by BO', AO", meeting CD produced in O', 0". Produce O'B, 0"A to meet in M162 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book it. O'". O', 0”, O'" are the centres of the escribed Θ8 (iv., Ex. 3). Produce CE. CE produced will pass through O'" (I. xxvi., Ex. 8). From O'" let fall a X 0"'J on AB. Join AO', meeting CE in 0. From 0 draw OK parallel to 0"J, and from O'" and E draw 0"'K and EL parallel to AB. From O', 0" let fall 1* O'G (r'), 0"H (r") on GH. Join BE. Now, since AO', BO', CO' meet in O', and that BO', CO' are two external bisectors, hence (I. xxvi., Ex. 8) AO' is the internal bisector of the L BAC. Similarly, BO" is the internal bisector of the L ABC. Again, AG, BH are each equal to s (tv., Ex. 4); AH = BG; .·. HF = GF; hence HG is bisected in F; .·. (I. xl., Ex. 8) O'G + 0"H = 2 DF ; that is, r + r" = 2DF. And because the L ECB = ACE, .·. (III. xxi.) ECB = ABE, and CBO * ABO: hence (I. xxxn.) EOB = EBO; .·. EB = EO; but the L OBO"' is right, .·. the L* BOO", B0"0 are together equal to a right Z ; but EOB = EBO; .·. EO'"B = EBO'"; .·. EB = EO"'; hence 00'" is bisected in E, and EL is parallel to 0"'K; .·. (I. xl., Ex. 3) OK is bisected in L, and divided unequally in M; hence KM - OM = 2 LM; that is, r"' — r = 2 EF; and we have proved r'+r"=2DF;.*.r' + r" + r'" - r = 2 DE = 4 R. Hence / + r" + r'"= 4R + r. (2) It has been shown that r'" — r = 2 EF; but EF is = μ; hence r'" — r = 2μ. Similarly r — r = 2μ\ and r" — r = 2μ"; hence r' + r" + r'" — Zr = 2 (μ + μ' + μ"), that is, 4 R + r - Zr = 2 (μ + μ* + /a"). And therefore (μ + μ* + μ") = 2 R — r. (3) Dem.—μ + 8 = R, μ + 6' ■= R, and μ” + 3" = R; hence we have μ + μ + /a" + δ + S' + S" = 3 R; that is, 2R-r + S + S/ + 3" = 3 R. And hence « + 3' + 3" *= R + r.BOOK. IT.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 163 20. Dem.—Let G be the second point of intersection. Join GB, GC, GD. Now (III. xxii.) the sum of the L* DGC, DEC it two right L *; but DEC - EAF + AFE, and AFE = BGI) (III. xxi.); BGC + BAC is equal to two right /·; hence BACG is a cyclic quadrilateral; the circle through B, A, C will pass through G. And the locus of G is a circle. 21. Let ABCD be the quadrilateral, E, F the middle points of the diagonals, and O the centre of the inscribed Θ. It is required to prove that the points E, O, F are collinear. Dem,—Join EP>, ED, and join 0 to the points of contact G, Η, I, J.164 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book IV*. Now (I. xxxvra.) the Δ ABE = CBE, and the Δ ADE = CDE ; AEB + CDE = J ABCD; hence the sum of the areas of AEB and CDE is given, and their bases AB, CD are given; .·. (i., Ex. 29) the locus of E is a straight line, andF is a point onthelocus since it can be shown in the same manner that AFB + CFD = J ABCD. Again, the Δ OAG = OAH, and OIB = OBH; .·. the area of OAB is half the area of the figure GABIO. Similarly, OCD· = f GOICD ; hence OAB + OCD = \ ABCD, and .*. (i., Ex. 29) 0 is a point on the locus; that is, the points E, 0, F are on the same straight line. 22. (1) Let AB he a given line; C, D two given points. It is re· quired to find a point P on AB, so that CP + DP = R (a given line). Sol.—With C as centre, and a radius equal to R, describe a]0, and describe a second Θ DEF, having its centre on AB, passing through D, and touching the first Θ internally in E (III. xxxvn.r Ex. 3). Let P be its centre. P is the requiredjpoint. Dem.—Join CP, and produce it; then (III. xi.) CP pro- duced passes through E. Join PD. Now PE = PD; .·. CP* + PD = CE = R. (2) It is required to find a point P, so that CP - DP = R. Sol.—With C as centre, and a radius equal to R,Jdescribe a QrSOOK ΙΥ.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 165 and describe a second Θ DEF, having its centre on AB, passing through D, and touching the first Θ externally in E. Let P he its centre. P is the required point. Dem.—Join CP, DP. Now CP = CE + EP; .-.CP - EP = CE = R ; that is, CP - DP = R. 23. Let AB, AD, CB, CF he the four lines. About the Δ· AFE, CDE describe Θ8; let them intersect in P. P is the point required. Dem.-—From P let fall Is PG, PH, PI, PJ on the sides of the Δ® AFE, CDE. Now (III. xxii., Ex. 12) the feet of the J_8 on the sides of the Δ AFE are collinear. Similarly the feet of the X* on the sides &c. From the angular points let fall -1“ pit piy &c., on the tangent, and let the radius be denoted by R. Now" {Lemma) 2 Rpi = cr, and 2 R= · r’W — 8.8— b. Hence r V' + r"r but (a + 5 + c) = 2 s (iv., Ex. 2); .·. = 8.8=8*. Similarly, r,f r’" = s.s — a, and + r"’ / = 8 (3 s — (a 4- b + r)}; r'r" + rV" + r"Y = s {3 s - 2 * } 45. Let ABC be a Δ inscribed in a Θ. Draw the diameter DE. Join AD. AD is the internal bisector of the vertical l. H178 EXEBCISES ON EUCLID· From A let fall a 1 AJ on BC. From B and C let fall Xs BG, CF on AD, and let H be the point where DE bisects BC. It is required to prove that the points F, H, G, J are coney cli6. Dem.—Join FH, GJ, CD. Now, since each of the L8 BGA, BJA is right, BGJA is a cyclic quadrilateral; .*. the L BAG = BJG. And because DHFC is a cyclic quadrilateral, the L DCH = DFH ; but (III. xxi.) DCH = BAD ; .*. DFH = BJG. Hence the points F, H, G, J are coneyclic. 46. Let ABC be the Δ whose base AB and vertical L ACB are given. Describe a Θ about ACB. Let 0 be its centre. Draw DE, the diameter, perpendicular to AB. Join CD, CE. CD, CE are the internal and external bisectors of the L ACB (III. xxx., Ex. 2). Bisect the external L CAB by AO", meeting CE pro- duced. Produce CD, 0"A to meet in O"'. Join Or"B. Produce 0"'B, 0"C to meet in O'. O'B is the external bisector of the L CBA (I. xxvi., Ex. 8); O', 0", O'" are the centres of the escribed Θ®. Join O'A, 0"B, intersecting CD in F. Join FO. Draw EG || to CD, meeting FO produced in G. G is the centre of the Θ passing through O', 0", O'". It is required to find its locus.(BOOK IV.] EXEBCISES ON EUCLID. 179 Dem.—Join BD. Now, because F is the orthocentre of the Δ 0'0"0'" (IV. iv., Ex. 6), 0 the centre of its nine-points Θ (IV. v., Ex. 5), and EG the _L from the middle point of ΟΌ", OF = OG (IV. v., Ex. 4); and since the L GEO = FDO (I. xxix.), and GOE = FOD ; .·. EG = DF ; hut DF = DB (Dem. of Ex. 27), and DB is given, .·. EG is given, and the point E is given. Hence the locus of G is a Θ, having E as centre and EG as radius. 47. Let ABC be the Δ ; O', 0", O'" the centres of the escribed circles. Dem.—Describe a Θ about the Δ ΟΌ'Ό'". Let 0 he its ^centre. Join 0"0, and produce it to meet the circumference in D, and cutting AC in E. We shall prove that O'O is _L to AC. Join 0"B, and produce it to meet the circumference in F. Join DF. Now the L 0"FD is right (III. xxxi.), and 0"B0"' is right, since 0"B is _L to O'O'"; O'O'" and FD are parallel; (III. xxvi., Cor. 2) the arc 0"'D = O'F; hence the L 0"'0"D = OO"F, and the L 0"AE = 0"0'B (i., Ex. 36); .·. the L 0"EA = 0"B0'; but 0"B0' is right, 0"EA is right; hence 0"0 is _L to AC. Similarly, if we join O'O, 0"'0, they will be _L to BC, AB. Hence the three _L8 are con- current. 48. -Dem.—Join BE, BQ, BD. Now (III. xxxi.) the L AQB is right, and EOB is right (hyp.); .·. OEQ.B is a cyclic quadri- lateral ; the L OQB = OEB ; but OQB = PAB (III. xxi.); sr2180 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book i D therefore OEB is equal to PAB. And hence the Θ through tho points A, E, B will pass through D. 49. Let ABC be a Δ whose sides a, bt c are in arithmetical progression ; a being the greatest, and e the least. It is required to prove that 6 Rr as ac. Dem.—From B let fall a _L p on b, and draw the diameter. Now 2 Up = ac (III. xxxv., Ex. 1), 2 R.ftp « abc ; but bp is equal to twice the area; that is, equal to 2Δ (suppose), 2R. 2 A. = abc, .*. R = ; and since the sides are in A.P., a + c = 2 b ; .·. a + b + e = 34; but (a + b + c) = 2s, therefore 2* = 3$. A Again (iv. Ex. 9), r = —; and multiplying this and the equation R = — we get Rr =* .*. Rr = ^ ; and hence 6 Rr = ac. 4 A 4 s ο o 50. Let A'B'C' be the Θ ; and AB, BC, CA three lines in the form of a Δ. It is required to inscribe in A'B'C' a Δ whose «ides shall be parallel to the sides of ABC. Sol.—Tate a point A’ in the circumference, and draw A'B' f| to-βοοκ IV.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 181 AB, and A'C' || to AC. Join. B'C\ If B’C' is || to BC, the thing required is done. If not, from the centre 0 let fall a A OD on B'C'. With 0 as centre, and OD as radius, describe a Θ. Draw EF, touching this Θ, and ]| to BC (III. xvi., Ex. 2). Join O to G, the point of contact. Draw FH || to C'A', and join HE. HFE is the Δ required. Dem.—Because OG = OD, EF = B'C' (III. xiv.), .*. the art EF = B'C'; hence the arc FC' = B'E; but FC = HA' (III. xxvi., Cor. 2), .*. ΒΈ = HA', .*. HE is parallel to A'B'; that is parallel to AB; and FH is parallel to A'C', that is to AC; and EF is parallel to BC. Hence the sides of the Δ HFE are parallel tto the sides of ACB. ol. Dem.—Let 0 be the centre of the circumscribed Θ. Join D182 EXEBCISES ON ETJCLID. [book IV.- DA", CE", OA, OB, OE, &c. Now the Δ A'OE" + DOC — (A'OC + E"OD) = 4 A'OE' (Book I., Ex. 52); that is, AA"E"’ + AOA" + ACE" + DOC - (BOC + ΑΌΒ + EOD + EOE") = 4 A'OE'; hut evidently AOA" = A"OB, AOE" = EOE", and DOC = EOD ; .·. AA"E" - BOC = 4 A'OE', and BOC = A'OE' H- A'AE'. Adding, we get ΑΑ'Έ' - A'AE' -f 5 ΑΌΕ' = pentagon A'B'C'D'E'. 52. (1) Dem. — Let ABCDE be the equilateral inscribed polygon. Now, since the sides are equal, the arcs are equal; therefore the whole arc EABC = DEAB; hence the L CDE = BCD. Similarly, the L BCD = ABC, &c. Hence the polygon i& regular. (2) Dem. — Let ABCDE be the equilateral circumscribed polygon; F, G, Η, I, J the points of contact, and 0 the centre.. Join OA, OB, OF, OG, OH. Now ID = HD, .·. IE = HC, .·. JE = GC, .·. AJ = BG, .·. AF = BF. Now since AF = BF, OF common, and the L AFO = BFO, .·. the L OAF = OBF; .-.the L BAE = ABC. Similarly all the L2 * * * * * 8 are equal. Hence the polygon is regular. 53. (1) Let ABCDE he the equiangular circumscribed polygon; F, G, Η, I, J the points of contact, and O the centre. Join OA, OB, OG, OH. Now since the L CBA = EAB, their halves are equal; that is, the L OBF = OAF, and the L OFB = OF A, each being right, and the side OF common, .·. (I. xxvi.) BF = AF ; that is, AB = 2 AF. Similarly, AE = 2AJ; hut AF = AJ, .*. AB = AE. In like manner all the sides are equal. Hence the- polygon is regular. (2) Dem.—Let ABCDE be the inscribed polygon, and 0 the centre. Join OA, OB, OC, OD, OE. Now the L ABC = EAB (hyp.); hut the L OBA = OAB, since OA = OB, therefore the L OBC = OAE ; that is, OCB = OEA; but the L BCD = AED, OCD = OED; that is, ODC = ODE. Now, in the Δβ ODC, ODE, the L8 OCD, ODC are equal to the L8 OED, ODE, and the side OD common; hence (I. xxvi.) DC = DE. Similarly all the sides are equal. Hence the polygon is iv.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 183 54. The sum of the _L8 drawn to the sides of an equiangular polygon X from any point P inside the figure is constant. Bern.—Suppose a regular polygon Y of the same number as X constructed so as to include X, and have its sides parallel to those of X. Then, if the ±8 from P on the sides of X he produced to meet the sides of Y, their sum is constant (Book IV., Ex. 17); hut the excess of the latter sum over the former is constant. Hence the former sum is constant. 55. Express the sides of a Δ in terms of the radii of its escribed circles. If the radii be r\ r”, we have, denoting the area of th$ triangle by A (Book IV., Prop, rv., Ex. Id), .·. r (r" + /") - (a-b) + (* - a)(s - e) ’ but (Book IV., Prop, nr., Ex. 12) A* = s.s - a.s - b.s - c; .·. r'(r" + /") = s.s — c + s.s — a = sa, and (Book IV., Ex.) Vr' /' + /' /"+/'' / = s; ________r* (/' + /") *’* ^VfV' + r'V"+/">·'' r" (/"+/)' Similarly, b - ^=======-,184 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book t. BOOK Y. Miscellaneous Exercises· 1. (1) Let a be greater than b. It is required to prove that * * is greater than b — x Dem.—Subtract, and we get ab — bx—ab + ax b(b-x) ; that is (a-b)* b(b-x); §-x but since a is greater than b, ^ -- —* is positive. Hence b{b -z) b-x . a is greater than b a a + x (2) To prove that — is greater than ,--- b b + x _ e ,, . , « a + z ab + ax - ab - b* Dem.—Subtract, and we get 7-------------=-------—------------ b + x b {b 4- x) «= ; but because a is greater than b. [**- is positive. δ (b + x) b{b + x) a a + x Hence - is greater than ,----. b 6 b + x 2. The proof of this is similar to that of Ex. 1. 3. Let a, bf c, d be the four magnitudes; then if a: b : : e : d> a + b c + d it is required to prove that - b e-d' Dem.—Because a : b : : c : d, we have a + b : b : : c + d : d (xvm.); that is —Again, a-b:b::c-d:d (xvxi.); b d that is, a — b c — i Dividing, we get a + b c + d b d a — b c — d’ 4. Let a, b, c, d, and e,ft g, h, be the two sets of four magni- tudes that are proportionals; that is, a: b:: e: d; and e:/::g: A. It is required to prove that ae : bf: : eg : dh.ROOK V.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 185 Dem.—Because a : b : : c : d9 we have 7 = -· Similarly, 0 a J — Multiplying together, we get — = —j; that is, ac : bf :: eg : dh. * . . „ , f! b e d 5. It is required to prove that - : y : : ~ a £ eg a e c Dem.—As in (4), we have = and - = ^--ry— - g ch__c d a h ~ dg g ' h * ‘ ’ * g a e af « b and e d ~ bed a b e d ■f- = -TT. Hence - : f 9 h. « 7* 9 ‘ K 6. Let a, 5, c, d', be the two sets of magnitudes. It is required to prove that d = d'. * a c λ c Dem.—a z b 1 : e 1 d, and a : b : : e : d\ .·. 7 = 3, and - = —; O d 9 m .·. 3 ^. Hence d = (Γ. d d 8. Dem.—Since the three magnitudes are continual proportions, we have \ and -■=■-. Multiplying these equalities, we get be c c ti b2 ct b / (l \ - = — ; that is, a : c : : b2 : c*. Again, - = -; .·. ( — — 11 e = AD (AB-AC); .·. AC.AD - AC.AB = AD.AB - AD.AC. A________" Transposing, we get 2 AC.AD = AB (AC + AD). Divide by 2 11 AB.AC.AD, and we have -τ^ζ = tt=- + —. 1 AB AD AC 12. Dem.—BD : BC : : AD : AC (hyp.). Working, as in Ez. 11, we get A = . 13. Dem.—AC : CB :: AD : BD (hyp.), .·. AC.BD = CB.AD, .·. AC.BD + CB.AD = 2 CB.AD. Again, AB.CD = (AC + CB) (CB + BD) = AC. BD + AC. CB + CB2 + CB. BD = AC . BD + CB (AC + CB + BD) = AC. BD + CB.AD = 2 CB.AD.BOOK ΤΙ.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 18Γ BOOK YI. PROPOSITION II. 1. Let AE, BE be two lines cut by the parallels AB, CD, EF. It is required to prove that AC : CE : : BD : DF. Dem.—Join BE, cutting CD in G. Now in the Δ AEB we have AC : CE : : BG : GE (n.); and in the Δ BEF, BG : GE : : BD : DF. Hence AC : CE : : BD : DF. PROPOSITION III. 2. (1) Dem.—Through C draw CF || to AD. Now (I. xxix.)* the L EAD = EFC, and the L DAC = ACF; but EAD = DAC (hyp.); .·. AFC = ACF; .*. AC = AF. Now (ii.) BA : AF : : BD : DC ; that is, BA : AC : : BD : DC. (2) Dem.—Produce AB through A, cut off AE = AC, and join DE. Now (I. iv.) the Δ8ΕΑϋ, CAD are congruent; .*. DE = DC, and the L ADE = ADC; hence BD : DE : : BA : AE that is, BD : DC : : BA : AC. 3. Let AB be the base, ACB the vertical L, CO, CO' the in- ternal and external bisectors. It is required to prove that AB is divided harmonically in 0 and O'. Dem.—In the Δ ACB, AO : OB : : AC : CB (iii.) ; and in the same Δ, AO': O'B : : AC : CB (Ex. 1); .·. AO : OB : : AO': O'B. Hence AB is divided harmonically in 0 and O'. 4. This is the same as Ex. 3. 5. Let ACB be the right L, AB the line intersecting the sides CA, CB, and CD, CE any two lines making equal L · with CA.. Produce BA to meet CD. It is required to prove that AB is cut harmonically in E and D. Dem.^-Produce DC to F. Now in the Δ DCE, DA : AE : : DC : CE (hi.). Again, since the L ACB is right, the L * DCA, BCF are together equal to a right L; but DCA = ACE; ··· ECB = BCF ; BC is the bisector of the external L ECF ;18$ KXERCISES ON EUCLID [book yi. lienee (Ex. 1) DC : CE : : DB : BE ; .*. DA : AE : : DB : BE* Hence AB is cut baimonically in E and D. 6. Let AB be the base, AC and CB the sides. Sol.—Bisect the L ACB by CD. Produce AC to F, and bisect the L BCF by CE, meeting AB produced in E. Now AD : DB : : AC : CB (hi.) ; but the ratio AC : CB is given {hyp.); .·. the ratio AD : DB is given; D is a given point. Again, AC : CB : : AE : EB (Ex. 1); .·. the ratio AE : EB is .given, and AB is given; hence the point E is given. And because the L ACD = BCD, and FCE = BCE, the L DCE is right; hence the Θ on DE as diameter will pass through C; and because the points D, E are given, it will be a given Θ. It divides the base in the points D, E harmonically, in the ratio of AC : CB, and is the locus of the vertex. It is called the u Apoll·»nian locus.” 7. Bern.—b : c :: CD : DB (in.); .·. b + e : e : : CD + DB ^ DB ; but CD + DB = CB = a; .·. b -f e : c : : a : DB; (b -f c) DB = ac; hence DB = b + c .... . ^ ae ae 2 abc Adding, we get DD' = —— + 7— = rx— b + c b —c b2- c1 Similarly, D'B = b-cBOOK VI.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 189 8. (1) Dem.—In the last Exercise we got DD' = 1 • ' DD' b2-c2 2 abc ’ 1 c2 — Similarly, =v,, - - 1 EE’ 2 abc .Adding, we get A-. + ~ + ^ = 0. »andFF = 2 'abc a» - y 2 abc (2) Dem.—From (1) we have 1 b2 — c2 a2 a2b2 - c2a2 DD' 2abc * *# DD' 2 abc * Similarly, b2 b2c2-a2b2 c2 c2a2 — b2& EE7- '2 abc ,andFF;“ 2 abc * Adding, we have a2 b2 c2 DD7 + EE' + FF' = ' PROPOSITION IV. 1. Dem.—Let 0, O' be the centres. Join OA, O'A', and let fall _L8 OC, O'C' on AA\ From T let fall a _L TD on AAr. Now in the Δ8 ACO, ADT we have the L8 ACO, ADT equal, and the L OAT is right (III. xvm.), and is equal to the sum Jof the L8 OAC, AOC. Reject OAC, and we have AOC = TAD T the Δ· OAC, ADT are equiangular; hence (iv.) OA : AC AT : TD; alternation, OA : AT :: AC : TD. Similarly, O'A' : A'T :: A'C': TD; hut AC = A'C', since AB, A'B' are190 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book VI. equal, and (III. hi.) are bisected in C, C'; hence the ratio of AC : TD is equal to the ratio of A'C' : TD; .·. AO : AT : : ΑΌ' : A'T; alternation, AO : ΑΌ' : : AT : A'T. 2. Dem.—As in the last exercise, let AB, A'B' be the chords, having a given ratio. The construction will be as before, and we will have the Δ8 ATD, ACO equiangular; then (iv.) AT : TD : : AO : AC, and TD : TA' :: C'A' : ΑΌ'. Multiply together, and we get AT : TA' :: AO . C'A' : AC . A'O'; hence AT _ AD GA' _ AO AB' * TA ” AO' ‘ AC".“ AO' ’ AB * 3. Let ABC be the Θ, and DE the line. Sol.—From the centre 0 let fall a _L OF on DE. Draw PG a tangent. In FO take FH = FG. H is the required point. Dem.—Through H draw CD, meeting the Θ in B, C, and DE in D. From B, C let fall ±8 BJ, CE on DE, and draw AD a tangent to the circle. Now (“ Sequel,” Book III., Prop, xxi.) DA2 = DF2 + PG* = DF2 + FH2 = DH2; but DA2 = CD . DB (III. xxxvi.); .·. CD . DB = DH2; .·. CD : DH : : DH : DB. Again, CD : DH : : CE : HF (iv.), and DH : DB:: HF : BJ; .·. CE : HF :: HF : BJ ; that is, CE . BJ =HF2. 4. Let the given ratio be the ratio of AC : AG. Sol.—Join BD, and produce GA to H, so that GH . AH = BD2 (II. vi., Ex. 2). Place a chord BF in ADB = AH (IV. i.). Join AF. AF is the required line. Dem.—Join AD, and produce CD, BF to meet in J. Now the L AFB is right (III. xxxi.), .*. AFJ is right, and AC J is right; hence ACFJ is a cyclic quadrilateral; hence JB « BF = AB. BC; but AB. BC = BD2, thatis = toGH . AH; !.*. JB· BF = GH. AH; but BF = AH (const.); .·. JB = GH, and JF = AG-191 book vi.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. Again, AC:CE : : JF : EF (iv.); alternation, AC : JF :: CE ; EF; but JF = AG. Hence AC : AG : : CE : EF. PROPOSITION X. 3. See “ Sequel,” Book VI., Prop, v., Sect. iii. 4. Let the sum of the squares of the lines be equal to the squares on AB, and their ratio that of mm. Sol.—On AB as diameter describe a Θ ABC. Divide AB in D, so that AD : DB : : m : n (Ex. 1). Bisect the arc ACB in C Join CD, and produce it to meet the circumference in E. Join AE, BE. AE, BE are the required lines. Dem.—AB2 = AE2 + BE2, and (III. xxvit.) the L AEB is bisected; hence AE : EB :: AD : DB ; but AD : DB : i min. Hence AE : EB i \ m i n. 5. Let the difference of the squares of the lines be equal to AB2, and’their ratio that of m i n. Sol.—Divide AB internally and externally in C and D, in the ratio of tn i n. On CD as diameter describe a semicircle. Let192 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book ti. O be its centre. Erect BE X to AD, and join AE. AE and BE are the required lines. A C B O D Bern.—Join OE, CE. Now (I. xlvii.) AE2 — BE2 = AB2. And because AB is divided harmonically in C and D, and CD is bisected in 0, OB, OC, OA are in geometrical progression (Book V., Ex. 9). Hence OA . OB = OC* = OE2, the L AEO is right, .·. the L OAE = BEO ; but ECO = CEO (I. v.). Hence (I. xxxn.) the L AEC = CEB ; .·. (in.) AE : EB : : AC : CB; that is, : : m : n. 6. (1) Let AB be the base; m : n the ratio of the sides, and the rectangle X the area. Sol.—Divide‘AB internally and externally in C and D, in the ratio m : n (Ex. 1). On CD as diameter describe a Θ ; to AB apply a parallelogram AF, whose area is 2 X. Let its side EF cut the Θ in G. Join AG·, BG. AGB is the Δ required. Dem.—AG : GB : ; AC : CB (Dem. of Ex. 4), that is as m : n, and the parallelogram AF = 2 AGB; but AF = 2 X; .·. AGB = X. (2) Let AB be the base; min the ratio of the sides, and E* the difference of the squares of the sides. Sol.—Divide AB as in (1). On CD as diameter describe a Θ. Divide AB in F, so that AF* - BF2 = R\(“ Sequel,” Book I.,BOOK VI.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID, 193 ' Prop. ix.). Erect FE X to AD, cutting the Θ in E. Join AE, BE. AEB is the Δ required. Bern.—AE : EB :: AC : CB, that is as m : n, and AE2 - EB2 = AF2 - FB2 = R2. (3) Let AB be the base ; m : n the ratio of the sides, and 2 R2 the sum of the squares of the sides. Sol.—Divide AB as in (1), and on CD as diameter describe a Θ CDE. Bisect AB in F. Erect FG X to AD. From A inflect AG on FG, and equal to R. With F as centre, and FG as radius, describe a Θ, cutting CDE in E. Join AE, BE. AEB is the Δ required. Bern.—Join FE. Now as in (1) AE : BE :: m : «, and FG = FE (const.); FG2 = FE2; AF2 + FG2; that is, AG2 = AF2 + FE2, .-.2 AG2, that is, 2 R2 = 2 AF2 + 2 FE2. Hence (II. x., Ex. 2) AE2 + BE2 » 2 R2. (4) Let AB be the base; m:n the ratio of the sides, andJX the vertical L. Sol.—Divide AB as in (1). On CD as diameter describe a Θ CDE; and on AB describe a Θ AEB, containing^an L = X. Join AE, BE. AEB is the Δ required. Bern.—AE : BE : : m : n, and the vertical L AEB ='X. (5) Let X be the difference of the base angles. Sol.—Divide AB as in (1), and on CD describe a Θ CDF* Erect CE X to AD ; and at C, in the line CE, make the L ECF = J X. Join AF, BF. AFB is the Δ required. Bern.—AF : BF :: m : n; and the difference between the L · ACF, BCF is equal to 2 ECF = X; but ACF = CBF + CFB, and BCF = CAF + CFA, and CFA = CFB. Hence CBF - CAF = ACF - BCF = X.194 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book VI. PROPOSITION XI. 1. Dem.—Join OB, B'C, &c. Now in the Δ8 OAB, BB'C, we have OA : AB : : B'B : BC, and the right L OAB = B'BC ; hence (vi.) the Δs are equiangular, . ·. the L ABO = BCB'; hence OB, B'C are parallel. Similarly B'C, C'D are parallel. Now, since the lines AO, BB', CC' are parallel, we have (n., Ex. 1) OB' : B'C' : : AB : BC; and because OB, B'C, C'D are parallel, OB' : BC : : BC : CD ; hence AB : BC : : BC : CD. In like manner BC : CD : : CD : DE. Hence AB, BC, CD, &c., are in con- tinued proportion. 2. Dem.—Because B'M is || to Ail, the Δ8 OMB', OAfl are equiangular; .*. OM : MB' : : OA : Ail; hut OM = OA — AM = AB - BB' = AB - BC, and MB' = AB, and OA = AB. Hence AB-BC : AB: : AB : Ail. PROPOSITION XIII. 1. (Diagram to Prop. vm.). Sol.—Let AB, BD be the two lines. On AB describe a semi- circle. At D erect DC ± to AB, and meeting the semicircle in C. Join BC. BC is a mean proportional between AB, BD. Dem.—Join AC. Now the Z.SABC, BCD are equiangular (viii.), .*. AB : BC : : BC : BD. Hence BC is a mean pro- portional between AB and BD. 2. Sol.—Let 0 be any point taken within a Θ ABC ; O' the centre. Join 00', and produce both ways to meet the circum- ference in A, B. Through 0 draw CD JL to AB. CD is bisected in 0 (III. hi.). Through 0 draw any other chord FE. OC is a mean proportional between OF and OE. Dem.—Join CF, DE. Now, because the Δ® OCF, OED are equiangular (III. xxi.), we have (iv.) OF : OC : : OD : OE; but OD = OC; .'. OF : OC : : OC : OE. Hence OC is a mean proportional between OF and OE. 3. Let ABC be a Θ, 0 any external point. From B draw a secant BO, and from 0 draw OC a tangent to the Θ. It is O■HOOK VI.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 195 required to prove that OC is a mean proportional between OB and OA. Dem.—Join AC, BC. Now in the Δ8 OAC, OBC, we have the L OCA = OBC (III. xxxii.), and the L BOC common; hence the Δδ are equiangular, .·. BO : OC : : OC : OA. Hence OC is a mean proportional between OB and OA. 4. Dem.—Let AB be the chord of the arc. Join AE, AC, CB. Now because the arc AC = BC, the L CAB = CBA; but CBA = AEC (III. xxi.) ; .'. AEC = CAD, and the L ACD is common ; the Δ8 ACE, ACD are equiangular; .*. EC : AC : : AC : CD. Hence AC is a mean proportional between CE and CD. 5. Let ACB be a Θ whose diameter is AB ; FG, HJ two parallel chords; CDE a Θ touching ACB internally in C; and FG, HJ in D, E. From 0, the centre of CDE, let fall a _L OK •on AB.’ It is required to prove that OK is a mean proportional between AG and JB. Dem.—Join OD, OE, CD, CE. CD, CE produced must o 2196 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book VI* pass through A, B (hi., Ex. 51). Now (III. xviii.) the L ODG is right, and DGB is right; .·. OD is || to AB. Similarly OE is || to AB ; .*. OD, OE are in the same straight line. Again, since the L AGD is right, the L8 GAD, GDA are equal to a right L ; and because ACB is right (III. xxxi.), the L8 CAB, CBA are equal to a right L; hence the L GDA = JBE, and the- L DGA = EJB; .·. the Δ8 ADG, JEB are equiangular; hence AG : GD :: EJ : JB ; hut GD and EJ are each equal to OK ; .·. AG : OK : : OK : JB. Hence OK is a mean proportional between AG and JB. 6. Let ADB be a semicircle whose diameter is AB; CEF a Θ touching ADB in E and AB in C. Through 0, its centre, draw the diameter CF, and produce it to meet ADB in D. It is required to prove that CF is a harmonic mean between AC and CB. Dem.—AB.r = CD2 (“Sequel,” III., Prop, v.); hut AC.CR Hence (V., Miscellaneous, Ex. 11.) 2 r, that is CF, is a harmonic mean between AC and CB. 7. Let ACB he a Θ whose diameter is AB; FG, HJ, two parallel chords meeting the Θ in F, H, and the diameter in G, J. Describe a Θ CDE touching ACB externally in C, and GF, JH produced in D, E. From 0, its centre, let fall a _L OK on AB. It is required to prove that OK is a mean proportional between AJ and GB. The proof is the same as in Ex. 5.KOOK VI.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 197 PROPOSITION XVII. 2. Dem.—Describe a Θ about the Δ. Produce AC to G, and bisect the external L BCG by CD', meeting AB produced in D'. Produce D'C to meet the Θ in E, and join AF. Now the L BCD' = GCD', and GCD' = FCA, .·. BCD' = FCA; and since the Zs CBD', CBA are together equal to two right Z.s, .and the L8 CFA, CBA are equal to two right L8, the L CBD' = CFA; .·. the Δ8 AFC, BCD' are equiangular; .·. AC : CF * : D'C : CB (iv.); hence AC . CB = D'C . CF. Again AD'. D'B = FD'.D'C; but FD'. D'C = FC. CD' + CD'2 (II. iii.) = AC. CB 4- CD'2. Hence AD'. D'B' - CD'2 = AC . CB. 4. Dem.—Let 0' be the centre of the escribed Θ, touching ΛΒ externally, and the other sides produced. Join O'C, cutting 1 he circumscribed Θ in E. Through E draw EF, the diameter = BPC (III. xxxii.), and the L ADP = BCP, .*. the Δ* are equiangular; hence (iv.) AP : AD : : BP : PC; alternation, AP : BP :: AD : PC. In like manner for the Δ8 APC, BPE„BOOK VI. J EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 199 we have AP : BP : : PC : BE, .·. AD : PC : : PC : BE. Hence CP* = AD . BE. 12. Dem.—In the Δ8 AOD, BOG, the L AOD = BOC, and the L 0AD = OBC (III. xxi.); hence (iv.) AD : AO: : BC: BO; alternation, AD : BC :: AO : BO. Multiplying each by AB, we get AD . AB : AB. BC :: AO : BO. Similarly AB. BC : BC . CD : : BO : CO, &c. Hence the four rectangles are proportional to the four lines. 14. Dem.—Draw the diagonals AC, BD. Make the L ABO = DBG, and BAO = BDC. Join OC.200 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book VI. Now the Δ8 ABO, DBC are equiangular, .·. AB : AO : : BD : DC,.AB. CD = AO . BD. Again, since AB : BO :: Bp : BC ; alternation, AB : BD :: BO : BC; and since the L ABO = DBC, the L ABD = OBC; hence (iv.) the Δ® ABD, OBC are equi- angular ; . ·. (it.) AD : BD :: OC : BC; hence AD . BC = BD . OC. Now we have proved AB. CD = AO . BD, AD . BC = OC . BD, and AC . BD = AC . BD ; hence the three rectangles are propor- tional to the sides AO, OC, AC of the Δ AOC; and since the Δ8 AOB, CDB have been shown to be equiangular, the L AOB = BCD; and because the Δ8 BOC, ABD are equiangular, the L COB = BAD. Hence the L AOC is equal to the sum of the L8 BAD, BCD. 15. Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral; AC, BD its diagonals. At P, any point in the circumference of the circumscribed Θ, draw a tangent to the Θ, and let fall Xs PE, PF, PG, PL on AB, BD, AC, CD. It is required to prove that PF . PG = PE . PL. Dexn.—From A, B, C, D let fall Xs AH, BI, CJ, DK on the tangent at P. Now PF2 = BI. DK (Ex. 11), and PG2 = AH . C J ; .·. PF2 . PG2 = BI . DK . AH . CJ. In like manner PE2 . PL2 = BI. AH . DK. CJ; .% PF2. PG2 = PE2 . PL2. Hence PF. PG = PE. PL. 16. Dem.—The L APB is right (III. xxxi.); .*· DPE is right, and equal to ECB, and PED = CEB, .·. PDE = CBE. Now since PDE = CBE, and ACD = ECB, the Δ8 ADC, EBC are equiangular; hence AC : CD :: CE : CB (iv.), AC . CB = CD . CE; but AC . CB = CF2 (xvii.) ; .·. CD . CE = CF2. Hence CF is a mean proportional between CD and vi.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 201 PROPOSITION XIX. 1. Let ABC, DEF be the two Δ8. Now AB = f DE (hyp.), .·. AB : DE :: 3 : 2 ; .·. AB2 : DE2 : : 9 : 4 ; but ABC : DEF :: AB2 : DE2 (xix.) Hence the Δ ABC : DEF :: 9 : 4. 2. Let AB be a side of the inscribed polygon, O the centre of the Θ. Join OA, OB, and bisect the L AOB by OP', meeting AB in P. Through P' draw a tangent to the O, and produce OA, OB to meet it; then evidently A'B' is a side of the circum- scribed polygon. Now, if each of the polygons have n sides, and we denote their ΊΓ 7t' areas by ir and π, we have the Δ AOB = and A'OB' = — ; J 9 η n hence AOB : ΑΌΒ':: ir : n·'; but (xix.) AOB : A'OB' :: AO2 : A'O2 ; that is, : : OP2 : OP'2 (iv.), or: : OP2: OA2 ; hence x: »' :: OP2 : OA2; x : ir : : AP2 : OA2; that is, as 4 AP2 : 4 OA2; that is, as AB2 is to the square of the diameter; but w is less than the square of the diameter (iv., Ex. 37). Hence ί/ — v is less than AB2. PROPOSITION XX. 4. Dem. —Let AB, BC, CA be three given lines in the form, of a Δ. Inscribe in ABC a Δ A'B'C' similar to the Δ FDE. About the Δ8 A'BC', A'B'C describe Θ8 intersecting in 0 ; then202 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [BOOK VI. the Θ about AB'C' will pass through 0 (hi., Ex. 28). Join OA', OB, OC, OB', OC', AA'. Now (III. xxi.) the L BOA' *= BC'A', and COA' = CB'A'; .*. the L BOC is equal to the sum of the L · BC'A', CB'A'; hut BC'A' = BAA' + AA'C', and CB'A' = CAA' + AA'B'; the L BOC = C'AB' + C'A'B'; hut C'A'B'= FDE; hence BOC = C'AB' -f FDE; hut the L FDE is given, and C'AB' is given; the L BOC is given, and the base BC is given ; A hence the O described about the Δ BOC is given in position. Similarly, the Θ5 * * 8 about the Δ8 AOB, AOC are given in posi- tion ; hence 0 is a given point. Hence, if we inscribe another Δ A"B"C" similar to FDE in ABC, the Θ8 described about the Δ8 A"BC", B"CA", C"AB" will co-intersect in 0, and if we join the angular points to 0, the L8 OC''A", OA"C" will be equal to the L8 OBA', OBC'; that is, equal to the L8 OC'A', OA'C; hence the Δ8 OC'A', OC"A" are equiangular, and therefore (Ex. 2) O is the centre of similitude of the Δ8 A'B'C', A"B"C". 5. Let ABODE, A'B'C'D'E' be two similar figures, having the sides AB, BC parallel to the sides A'B', B'C'. It is required to prove that the other homologous sides are parallel. Dem.—Join AA', BB', and produce them to meet in F. Now the L BAF= B'A'F (I. xxix.); but since the figures are similar,, the L BAE = B'A'E'; hence the L FAE = FATS', and thereforeKOOK VI.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 20$ the line AE is parallel to ΑΈ'. Similarly, it can be shown that the other homologous sides are parallel. 6. Let ABC, DEF be the homothetic figures. Join BE, ADr and produce them to meet in G. Join CF. It is required to prove that CF produced will pass through G.204 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book yi. Dem.—If not, let it pass through H. Produce AG to H. Now the L GED = GBA (I. xxix.), and the L GDE>= GAB ; hence (iy.) AG : AB : : DG : DE ; hut AB : AC :: DE : DF; AG : AC : : DG : DF ; alternation, AG : DG : : AC : DF. Again, since the Δ8 HAC, HDF are equiangular, we have AH : AC : : DH : DF; alternation, AH : DH : : AC : DF; -·. AH : DH : : AG : DG; hence (V. xvn.) AD : DH : : AD : DG; and therefore DH = DG, which is absurd. Hence CF produced must pass through G. 7. Dem.—Let ABC, DEF he the two similar figures; 0 their centre of similitude. Join OA, OB, OC, OD, OE, OF. From OA, OB, OC cut off OD', OE', OF' equal respectively to OD, OE, OF, and join D'E', D'F', E'F'. Now since OD' = OD, OE’ = OE, and the L DOE' = DOE (hyp.), .·. DE = D'E', .and the L OED = OE'D'; hut OED = OBA (hyp.); .*. OE'D' = OBA; .*. D'E' and AB are parallel. Similarly, D'F is || to AC and equal to DF, and E'F is equal to EF and || to BC; hence the figure DEF may he turned round 0 so as to take up the position D'E'F7. In like manner the figure may he turned round in the opposite direction, as in the second diagram. 10. Dem.—Let 0, O' he the centres of the Θ8, and A one of their centres of similitude. Join 00', and from A draw AB, AC, AD, AE tangents to the Θ8. Join OA, OB, O'A, O'D. Now since A is a centre of similitude, the L BAC = DAE; therefore their halves are equal; that is, the L BAO = DA0%BOOK VI.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 205* and the right L8 ABO, ADO' are equal; .*. the Δ8 ABO, ADO' are equiangular; hence AO : OB : : AO' : O'D; alternation, AO : AO':: OB : O'D; but the ratio OB : O'D is given, since OB and,0'D are given lines; hence the ratio AO : A'O is given.. Now in the Δ OAO' we have the base 00' given, and the ratio of the sides. Therefore (in., Ex. 6) the locus of A is a circle. PROPOSITION XXI. 1. Dem.—Let AA', BB', CC' be corresponding sides of the similar rectilineal figures ; then since the figures are homothetic, these sides are parallel. Join BA, B'A', and produce to meet in 7; then because AA', BB' are corresponding sides of the206 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book vi. homothetic figures, y will be their centre of similitude. In like manner, if we join BC, B'C', and produce to meet in a; AC, A' C' to meet in β ; a and β will be centres of similitude. AA'- Now (IY.) : 7A Similarly, g = BB„ Λ AjS AA' and*c = , , . BB' CC' AA'. B-y but the product of —·, Tr—, is unity; .·. the product of —f, AA ±>±> tt : AO ; but the ratio AC : AB is given; .*. the ratio AD : AO is- given, and AO is given; .·. AD is given. And since it makes the Z DAO = CAB with a given line AO, .·. AD is given in posi- tion ; hence the point D is given. Again, in the Δ * AOB, ADC we have AO : OB : : AD : DC ·, but the ratio AO : OB is given; the ratio AD : DC is given, and AD is given; .·. DC is given, and the point D is given. Hence the locus of C is a Θ, having D as centre and DC as radius. 16. (1) Bern.—Bisect the sides BC, CA, AB in D, E, F. Join AD, BE, CF; let them intersect in 0. Produce AD to G, so that DG = OD. Join BG. Draw EH || to AG, and produce BG to> meet it in H. Now since BD = CD, the Δ BDO = CDO, and the Δ BDA = CDA; .*. the Δ BOA = COA. In like manner, COA = COBr .*. the Δ* AOB, AOC, BOC are equal; .*. AOB = £ ABC. And because OG = OA, the Δ BOG = AOB ; hence BOG = £ ABC. And since the Δ* BOG, BEH are similar, BOG : ΒΈΗ : : OB* : BE* (xix.); .*. BOG : BEH : : 4 : 9; that is, £ ABC : BEH ; : 4 : 9; hence 4 BEH = 3 ABC, .·. ABC = £ BEH. Again, it is evident that the sides of the Δ BEH are equal to the medians of ABC; hence, denoting the medians by a, J3, 7, and their half sum by p”\ we have ap' = 2 Δ, 2 Δ 2 Δ 2 Δ hp” — 2 Δ, and cp'" = 2 Δ; .·. («+£ + and the sum of EDB, CDB is two right L ■; hence the L EHF = CDB; but (III. xxi.) CDB = CIB; hence EHF = CIB, and the right L EFH = ICB; .·. the Δ8 EFH, ICB are equiangular; hence EH : EF : : IB : BC ; EH. BC = EF. IB ; that is, at — EF.IB. Similarly, bd = FG.IB, and DD' = EG.IB. Hence EF, FG, EG are proportional to ac, bd, DD'. 34. OEDF is a four-sided figure; OD, EF its diagonals. If OF.DE + OE.DF = OD.EF, it is required to prove that OEDF is a cyclic quadrilateral. Dem.—Produce OD, OE, OF to B, C, A until each of the rectangles OD. OB, OE. OC, OF . OA is equal to the square of a given lint, say R2. Join AB, BC, AC. Now’OD .OB = OE.OC; .·. OB : OC : : OE : OD, and the L ROC is common to the two Δ8 OBC, OED; hence (vi.) they are equiangular, and BC: OB:: ED: OE; alternation, BC : ED:: Q226 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book n. OB: OE; .·. BC : ED :: OB.OD: OE. OD; that is, BC: ED:: ED BC T DF oe7od= R8 ’ In llke manner- AB , EF AC R2 : OE. OD; hence - OF.OD = “^oITTOF = Now(hyp.)ED.OF+DF.OE=OD. ED DF _ EF Λί. BO , AB OE.OD + OD . OF OE.OF ’ 0144 W +W~ EF; AC R* ; .·. BC + AB = AC ; but this could not be true unless AB O and BC are in one straight line; .·. ABC is a straight line; .·. the sum of the L* ABO, CBO is two right L*; hut ABO = DFO, and CBO = DEO ; .·. DFO + DEO = to two right L%· And hence OEDF is a cyclic quadrilateral. Ltmma.—If C be the external centre of similitude of two Θ'; CH any line passing through C, and cutting both Θ' in the points E, F; G, H; it is required to prove that CG. FC = AC . BC. Bern—Join AG, DE. Now AC : DO :: GC : EC; .·. AC.BC : BC.DC :: GC.FC: FC.FC ; but BC.DC = EC.FC. Hence AC.BC = GC.FC. 35. (1) Let 0,0' be the centres of the given Θ», and P the point.HOOK τι.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 227 Sol.—Join 00', and produce. Let C be the external centre of similitude. Join PC, and find the point Q, so that PC. QC = AC . BC. Describe a Θ passing through P, Q, and touching Hi Θ whose centre is O in G (III. xxxvn., Ex. 1). This is the required circle. Dem.—Join GC, cutting the circle whose centre is 0' in F. Now (const.) PC. QC = AC.BC, and(Zmiiw) AC.jBC = GC. FC; .·. PC.QC = GC.FC. Hence the Θ through the points P, Q> G passes through F, and touches the Θ whosejcentre is O'. (2) Sol.—Let 0, O', 0" be the centres of the given Θ8. Draw any two radii OA, O'B. Cut off AC, BD, each equal to the radius of 0". With 0 as centre and OC as radius, describe a Θ. With O' as centre and O'D as radius, describe a Θ. Now (1) describe a Θ touching those two in E, F, and passing through the point 0". Let 0"'be its centre. Join 0'"0,0"'0', 0'"0", and produce them to meet the circumference of the given Θ8 in the points G, Η, I. The Θ through G, Η, I will be the required circle. Q 2228 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book ti. Dem.—Because 00 = OA and OE = OC, EG = AC; but AC =: 0"I; EG = Ο'Ί, and 0"'E = 0'"0" ; hence 0"'G = 0"'I. In like maner, 0"'H = 0"'I. Hence the Θ described with O'" as centre, and 0"'G as radius, will pass through Η, I, and touch the given Θ8 in the points G, Η, I. 36. Let 0, O' be the centres of the fixed Θ8, and C their centra of similitude; and let any variable Θ 0" touch 0, O' in G, F. From C draw CD a tangent to 0". It is required to prove that CD is of constant length. (See Diagram to Ex. 35 (1)). Dem.—Join GF, and produce it to pass through C. Now CD2 = GC.CF (III. xxxvi.), and GC.CF = AC.CB (Lemma to 35); hence CD2 = AC. CB ; but AC. CB is constant,, since A, C, B are fixed points. Hence CD is constant. 37. Dem.—Draw DD' a common tangent to the two fixed Θ8. Join AD, BD', and produce them; they must meet on the cir- cumference of 0". For, if not, let AD meet the circumference of 0" in P, and BD' meet it in Q. Join 0"0, 0"0', and produce them; O'O, 0"0' must pass through A, B (III. xi.). Join OD,. O'D', 0"P, 0"Q. Now the L 0"AP = 0"PA, andOAD = ODA; .·. ODA = 0"PA; hence OD is parallel to 0"P. Now the L ODD' is right (III. xviii.) ; hence 0"P is X to DD'. Simi- larly, 0"Q is X to DD', which is impossible, unless Q coincide with F. Hence BD' must pass through P. 38. Join A'B'. Take a fixed point C in AC, and in BD find a point D, so that as AA': AC :: BB': BD. Join AB, and divide it in E in a given ratio. Join CD, and divide it in F in the same ratio. Join EF, cutting A'B' in 0. It is required to prove that A'O : OB':: AE : EB.UOOK VI.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 229 Dem.—Through F draw GH parallel to AB, and draw AG, BH, each parallel to EF. Join CG, DH. Draw AT parallel to AG, and B'J parallel to BH. Join IF, JF. Now, by construction, AA': AC :: BB' : BD ; .·. AC : A'C ^ : BD : B'D. And hence, by similar triangles, GC : IC :: DH: DJ; but GC : CF :: DH : DF. Hence IC : CF :: DJ : DF, and the contained angles ICF, JDF are equal, .·. the triangles ICF, JDF are equiangular, .*. the L IFC = JFD; .*. IF, FJ are in the same straight line. Again, from similar A8, AG : AT : : AC : A'C, and BH : B'J :: DB': DB; hence AG : AT :: BH : B'J; but AG = BH ; A'l = B'J; hence IJ is parallel to A'B'; .*. AO': OB' :: IF : FJ; that is, :: CF : FD, or :: AE : EB. Hence the locus of the point in which A'B' is divided in the ratio of AE : EB is the right line EF. 39. Dem.—It was proved in the last Exercise that A'O : OB ^ : AE : EB. In like manner, EO : OF :: AA' : A'C. Now putting G, H for A', B', we have GO : OH :: AE : EB, and EO : OF :: AG : GC. Lemma.—If a given line AC be divided in B, so that AB.BC4 is a maximum; it is required to prove that BC = 4 AB. Dem.—Divide BC into four equal parts in E, F, G; then BC each of the parts BE, EF, FG, GC is equal to —; hence 4* BC4 BE.EF.FG.GC = Multiply each by AB, and we get ΑΒΕΓ G C AB.BE.EF.FG.GC =^221; but (hyp.) AB. BC* is a maxi- mum; . ·. AB. BE. EF. FG. GC is a maximum; .·. AB, BE, EF, FG, GC are all equal (“ Sequel,” Book II., Prop, xii., Cor.). Hence BC = 4 AB. Similarly, if it be required to divide AC in B, so that AB. BO may be a maximum, BC = hAB. 40. Analysis.—Let ABC be the required Δ. Bisect the vertical L ABC by BH. From A, C let fall _L8 AD, CF on BH, and from B let fall a 1 BE on AC. Join DE, EF. Draw HI, the diameter. Join BI. Draw BK || to AC, and let fall a ± EG on HB.230 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book VI- Now the L ADB = AEB, each being right; hence the four points A, D, E, B are concyclic; .*. the L EDF = BAC. Again, because each of the L8 BEC, BFC is right, BFEC is a cyclic quadrilateral; .·. the sum of the L9 BFE, BCE is two right L8, and the sum of BFE, DFE is two right L8; .·. the L DFE = BCA; .*. the Δ8 ABC, DEF are equiangular. And since their _L8 are BE, EG, ABC : DEF : : BE2 : EG2; but BE2 r EG2 : : HI2 : IB2, or HI. IK ; .·. BE2 : EG2 : : HI : IK; .·. ABC : DEF : : HI: IK; .♦. ABC . IK = DEF. HI. Now DEF is a maximum (hyp.), and HI is a given line, because it. is the diameter of the Θ; .*. ABC. IK is a maximum. Now ABC = J base. perpendicular = AL. BE, or AL.KL; .·. AL. KL . IK is a maximum. Now whatever AL is, the rect- angle KL.IK is a maximum when IL is bisected in K, and then KL.KI = £IL2; at IL2 · ·. AL. is a maximum ; 4 AL. IL2 is a maximum; .*. AL2 . IL4 is a maximum; but AL2 = HL . LI; .·. HL.IL5 is a maximum. And .*. {Lemma) IL = 5 HL. Hence the method of construction is evident. 41. Let AC, BD, the diagonals of the inscribed quadrilateral,, intersect in 0. At the points A, B, C, D draw tangents to tho Θ. Let them meet in E, F, G, H; then EFGH is a circum- scribed quadrilateral. It is required to prove that its diagonals EG, FH must pass through 0. Dem.—If possible let EG not pass through 0 ; but cut AC, BD in I, K. Produce AE, CF to meet in J (not represented in the diagram). Through E draw EL || to GJ, and EM || to GD.BOOK VI.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 231 Produce DB to meet EM. Now because JA= JC being tangents, the£ JCA = JAC ; butELA = JCA(I. xxix.); .·. EAL = ELA ; and EA = EL. In like manner EB = EM; but EA = EB ; .·. EL = EM. Now since the Δ8 GCI, ELI are equiangular, GC : GI:: EL : El; alternation, GC : EL :: GI: El; but GC = GD, and EL = EM; .·. GD : EM : : GI: El; and because the Δ· GKD, MKE are equiangular, GD : EM:: GK: EK; GI : El : : GK : EK, which is impossible unless the points I, K coincide. Hence GE must pass through 0. In like manner FH must pass through 0.232 EXEBCISES ON EUCLID. [book VI. and X the given line. Through A, B describe any Θ cutting W in C, D. Join AB, CD, and produce them to meet in E. Through E draw EFG parallel to X, and cutting W in F, G. The Θ through A, B, F, G is the one required. Dem.—AE.EB=CE. ED,andCE.ED=GE. EF; .·. AE.EB = GE. EF. Hence the four points A, B, F, G are concyclic, and the common chord FG is || to X. (2) Sol.—Let 0 he the given point. Make the same construc- tion as before; and instead of drawing EFG || to X, join EO, and produce it to cut Win F, G. Then, as in (1), EFG is a common chord, and it passes through 0, the given point. 43. Sol.—Let 0 be the centre of the Θ, ABC the Z, and DE the given line. Produce AB, CB to meet DE in E, G. Bisect GE in F. Join FB. From 0 let fall a _L OD on DE, and meeting FB produced in H. Through H draw IJ || to DE, A meeting AB, CB in I, J. Join 01, OJ. Now because the lines GJ, FH, El pass through B, and are cut by the ||· GE, IJ, GF : FE : : IH : HJ; but GF = FE ; IH = HJ ; and since IJ is || to DE, and OD meets them, the Z OHJ = ODE; .*. OHJ is a right L ; ·'· OHI is right, and .*. (I. rv.) OJ = 01; and the Θ, with 0 as centre, and OJ as radius, will pass through I, and its chord IJ is parallel to the given line DE. 44. Let ABCDE be a polygon of an odd number of sides. Take any point 0 within it. Join AO,|BO, CO, DO, EO, and produce them to meet the opposite sides in A', B', C', D', E'. It is required to prove that the product of AD', BE', CA', DB', EC' is equal to the product of A'D, ΒΈ, C'A, D'B, E'C. Dem.—Join AC, AD. Now the Δ AOD : A'OD :; AO: ΑΌ (i.), and AOC : AOC : : AO : ΑΌ; .·. AOD ; A'OD AOCBOOK VI.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 23S : A'OC ; alternation, AOD : AOC :: AOD : A'OC; but AOD: A'OC :: A'D : A'C. Hence A'D AOD A'C “AOC* In like manner, by joining BE, BD ; CE, CA; DB, DA; EC, EB, we get EF _ EOB # AC/ _ AOC e BD' BOD CE' _ COE BD ~ BOD5 C'E “ EOC ; D'A “ DOA ; E'B " BOE* Now, multiplying these together, we find that the numerators of the second terms are equal to the denominators. Hence the pro- duct of the numerators of the first terms is equal to the product of the denominators ; that is, A'D. B'E. C'A. D'B. E'C = A'C. B'D. C'E.D'A.E'B. 45. Let ABC he the A, and let the sides touch the Θ in the points Af, B', C'. Dem.—Join A A', BB', CC'. Now AB' = AC', BA' = BC% CA' = CB'. Hence AC'. CB'. BA'= A'C . C'B . B'A; and hence (Ex. 4) the lines AA', BB', CC' are concurrent. 46. From A, B, C draw tangents AA', BB', CC'; and produoeEXERCISES ON’ETJCLID. 234 [book. VI. the sides BC, AC, AB to meet them in A', B', C\ It is required to show that the points A', B', C' are collinear. Dem.—The L B'BC = BAB' (III. xxxii.), and the L BB'C is common, .·. the Z.8 AB'B, BB'C are equiangular, .*. AB' : AB : : BB' : BC; alternation, AB' : BB' : : AB : BC, .*. AB'2 : BB'* : : AB2 : BC2; hut BB'2 = AB'. B'C (III. xxxvi.), AB'2: AB. B'C : : AB2 : BC2, .·. AB' : B'C : : AB2: BC2. Hence, denoting the sides of the Δ ABC by λ, b, c, we have AB': B'C : : e2: a2. Interchange, and we get BC' : C'A :: a2 : 2, and CA' : A'B : zb2: c2. Multiply these together, and we have AB'. BC'. CA': B'C.C'A.A'B : : &a2b2 z a2Pc2; .·. AB'.BC'.CA' = B'C. C'A. A'B; and hence (Ex. 5) the points A', B', C' are col- linear. 47. Dem.—Produce the sides, and draw AA', BB', CC', bisect- ing the external L ·. Now (hi., Ex. 1 AB': B'C:: AB: BC. Inter- change, and we have BC' : C'A :: BC : CA. Interchange again, and CA' : A'B : : CA : AB. Now, multiply together, and AB'. BC'. CA': B'C . C'A. A'B:: AB. BC . CA : BC . CA. AB ; but the third term is equal to the fourth, .*. the first is equal to tho second; that is, AB'. BC'. CA' = B'C . C'A. A'B ; and hence (Ex. 5) the p oints A', B', C' are collinear. Lemma.—Let two Θ8, whose centres are 0, O', cut in P. Join OP, O'P. Produce O'P to E. Draw CP, DP tangents to the Θ*. It is required to show that the L EPO = CPD. Dem.—Produce CP, DP to F and G. Now the L O'PF right (III. xvni.); hence (I. xv.) CPE is right, and OPD right; .·. CPE = OPD. Reject OPC, and EPO = CPD. £· S’KOOK τι.] EXEBCISES ON EUCLID. 235* 48. Let AB be a given line, P a given point, 0 the centre of the given Θ, and X a given L. It is required to describe a Θ, touching AB in P, and cutting 0 at an L equal to X. Sol.—Erect PC _L to AB. Draw DP, making the L CPD = Produce DP to E, cut off EP equal to the radius of 0. Join EO. Bisect it in F. Erect FC _L to EO, meeting PC in C. With (J as centre, and CP as radius, describe a Θ, cutting 0 in 0. This is the required circle. Bern.—Join EC, CO, CG, OG. Now because EF = OF, and FC common, and the L EFC = OFC; .·. (I. iv.) EC = OC, and CP = CG, being radii, and EP = OG (const.), .·. the L EPC = OGC; but DPC and EPC are supplements ; and HGC, OGC are supplements, .·. HGC = DPC ; but DPC = X, and HGC is equal to the L between the Θ3 {Lemma). Hence the L between the Osis equal to the given L, and the Θ PG touches AB in P. 49. See “ Sequel,” Book IV. Prop, hi., Cor. 2. 50. See “ Sequel,” Book I. Prop. xvn. 51. See “ Sequel,” Book II. Prop. x. 52. Let 0 be the centre of mean position of the feet of X8 from it on the sides. From 0 let fall Xs OA', OB', OC' on the sides. Take any other point P within the Δ, and let fall Xs PA", PB", PC" It is required to show that OA'2 + 0B'2 + OC'2 is less than PA"2 + PB"2 + PC"2. Bern.—Join OP, PA', PB', PC'. Now, because 0 is the centre- of mean position,of A', B', C', we have (Ex. 51) A'P2 -f B'P2236 EXERCISES ON EUCLID [book \n. 4- C'P2 = OA'2 + OB'2 4 OC'2 + 3;OP2; but AT2 = A'A"2 + A"P», B'P2 = B'B"2 4 B'T2, and C'P2 = C'C"2 + C"P2; .·. A'A"2 4 B'B"2 4 C'C"2 4 A"P2 4 B"P2 4 C"P2 = OA'2 4 OB'2 + OC'» 4- 3 OP2. From P let fall a X PD on OC', then OP2 is greater than PD2; that is, greater than C'C"2. In like manner it is greater than A'A"2, and greater than| B'B"2, 3 OP2 is greater than A'Arn 4 B'B"2 + C'C"2; and hence A"P2 + B"P2 + C"P2 is greater than OA'2 + OB'2 + OC'2. 53. (1) Let A, B he the opposite Ls; w, n the diagonals, and O the angle between the diagonals. Sol.—Construct a parallelogram DEFG, haying two adjacent aides DE, DG respectively equal to m and #», and their includedbook τι.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 237 L « to C. On DE describe a segment of a Θ containing an L equal to A; and on FG describe a segment containing an L equal to B; let them intersect in H. Join HD, HE, HF, HG. Through H draw HK || and = to EF. Join DK, EK. DHEK is the required quadrilateral. Dem.—The L DHE = A, and EF = HK (I. xxxiy.); but EF = GD ; HK = GD, and it is || to it; HKDG is a. parallelogram ; .·. HG is J| to DK, and HF is || to EK ; hence the L GHF = DKE; but GHF = B, .*. DKE = B; and (I. xxix.) the L HME = GDE; but GDE = C,. HME = C. 54. Let a O, whose centre is O', roll inside another Θ, 0, whose diameter is twice that of O'. Take a fixed point P in the circum- ference of O'. It is required to find its locus. Sol.—Let R be the point of contact. Join OP, OR, O'P, and produce OP to meet the circumference in Q, and bisect the- L RO'P by 0'S. Now the L ROT = 2 ROP (III. xx.); .·. the L RO'S = ROQ, and the arc RS : RQ: : O'R : OR; but OR = 2 O'R, .·. RQ = 2RS, .·. RP = RQ. Now, since the arc RP = RQ, the point P must have coincided withJQ. Hence the line OQ is the locus of P. 55. Sol.—Take any point G in the arc CD. Join CG, DG. From the centre 0 let fall a JL OE on CD, and on OE describe a segment OFE containing an L equal to CGD. Join OC. Bisect itinH. Through H draw HF || to AB, cutting the segment OFE in F. Join OF, and through C draw CP || to OF. P is the re- quired point.238 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book ti. Dem.—Let CP intersect AB in K. Join PD, cutting AB in J. Produce EH to meet CP in I. Join EE, and produce it to meet CP in L. JoinCF, FJ. The points C, F, J are collinear; if not, let CF, FM be in a straight line. Now (III. xxn.) the L8 CGD, CPD equal two right L8; .·. OFE, CPD equal two right L s, and OFE, OFL equal two right L 8, .·. OFL = CPD; that is, CLE = CPD ; hence EL is || to PD. Again, in the Δ COM, since CD is bisected in H, CM is bisected in (I. xl., Ex. 3) ; and similarly, in the Δ CDN, CN is bisected in F; FN = FM, which is absurd ; hence CF produced must pass through J, and CF = FJ. Now, in the Δ CJK, CJ is bisected in F, and OF is parallel to CP, .·. KJ is bisected in 0; that is, OK = OJ. 56. Let ABCD be a polygon of four sides. Produce AB, CD to L, N, and draw a transversal LMON, cutting the four sides. From A, B, C, D let fall 18 p\ p"t p'", p'"' on LMON. CBOOK VI.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 23£ Now, since the Δ8 Aj/L, Bp"L are equiangular, AL P' / 1^ II iw For the same reason, BM pn ' CN p·" CM“/' 7’ DN“ p" ’ Multiplying together, we get l™. AO AL . BM. CN . DO pp"p'”p"" BL. CM. DM. AO = ρ>"ρΥ"# Hence AL. BM . CN. DO = BL . CM. DN . AO. And similarly for a figure of any number of sides. 57. Let the transversal LMN cut the sides of the Δ ABC in the points L, Μ, N. Bisect LN, NM, ML in Ο, P, Q. Join AP, OB, CQ, and produce them to meet the sides of the Δ ABC in A', B', C', respectively. It is required to prove that the points A', B', C' are collinear. Dem.—The sides of the Δ AMN are cut by OB ; therefore AB' MO NB B'M' ON ’ BA — 1 (E 5)‘ 1 And since the Δ CLM is OH . CD. 65. Dem.—From C let fall a _L CD on AB. Now the Δ" ACD,. BCD, ABC are similar (viii.) ; then, if R, R', p, are the radii of the Θ* inscribed in these Δ8, AC, BC, AB are proportional to R, R', p ; but AC2 4 BC2 = AB2; .·. R2 4 R'2 = p2, and p* = (s — c)2 (IV. iv., Ex. 14); that is, R2 4 R'2 = (s — c)2. 66. Sol.—Through A, C draw two parallel lines AF, CE; and through B, D draw two parallel lines BF, DE, meeting the \\ through A, C in F, E. Join EF, and produce it to meet AI> in 0. Dem.—Because BF is || to DE, the Δ8 ODE, OBF are equi- angular ; hence OD : OB :: OE : OF ; and since the Δ8 OCEr OAF are equiangular, OE : OF : : OC : OA, OD : OR : : OC : OA. Hence OA . OD = OB . OC. 67. Sol.—Let a, 5, c, d be the four sides. Find a fourth pro- portional to (2 ab 4 2 cd), {(cP + cP) — {a2 4 52)}, and b. Let it be- BE. Produce EB to A, so that AB = a. Erect EC _L to AE. With B as centre, and a radius equal to b, describe a Θ, cutting- EC in C. Join BC, AC ; and on AC describe a Δ ACD, having: its sides CD, AD equal to c and d. ABCD is the required quadrilateral.BOOK ΤΙ.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 247 Dem.—From A let fall a _L AF on CD. Now because BE is a fourth proportional to (2 ab + 2 cd), {(c2 + d2) - (a2 + δ2)}, and b, we have (2ab+2cd) BE = {(<* + d2) - (a2 + b2)} b. Now AC* * AB3 + BC2 + 2AB . BE (II. in.); that is, AC2 = a2 + b2 + 2a. BE ; and AC2 = c2 + d2 - 2 and a2 for ny we have248 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book vi. (Book II., Ex. 18) b2 AC2 - a2 BC2= b2 AD2 - a2 DB2 + (δ2 - a2) CD2, and .·. (Ax. 1) b2 AD2 - a2 DB2 + {b2 - a2) CD2t= P R2 — a2 R'2; and transposing, we get (α2 — δ2) CD2 = b2 (AD2 — R2) - a2 (DB2 - R'2); .·. (b2 - a2) CD2 is given ; .·. CD is given, and the point D is given. Hence the locus of C is a circle. 69. Sol.—Describe Os about the Δ8 APD, BPC. Draw OP a tangent to the Θ APD, meeting DA produced in 0. Now the L OPA = PDA (III. xxxn.), and the L APB=CPD (hyp.); .·. the L OPB = ADP -f CPD = ACP; hence OP touches the Θ BPC. Now (III. xxxvi.) OA. OD = OP2, and OB. OC = OP2, .·. OA. OD = OP. OC; .·. 0 is a given point (Ex. 66), and A, D are given points; OA. OD is given; .*. OP2 is given; .·. OP is given. Hence the locus of P is a Θ, having 0 as centre and OP as radius. 70. If a Θ ACB be circumscribed to a Δ, and a Θ GBH be inscribed, touching the sides AC, BC in D, F, and the circum- scribed Θ in H. It is required to prove that CD is a fourth propor- tional to the semi-perimeter of the Δ ABC, and the sides CA, CB. Dezn.—Join CH, and draw HJ a tangent to the Θ ABC; at G draw a tangent A'J to the Θ DFH. Join AH. Because JG = JH, the L JHG = JGH; but JGH = GB CBOOK YI.] EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 249 + B'CG, .·. JHG = GB'C + B'CG, and AHJ = GCB' (III. xxxn.); . GHA = GrB'C. To each, add GB'A, and we have GB'C + GB'A = GB'A + GHA, .·. GB'A + GHA equal two right Z."; hence GB'AH is a cyclic quadrilateral, and therefore HC. CG = AC. CB'; but HC . CG = CD2 (III. xxxvi.); .·. AC . CB' = CD2. Again, the L CHA = A'B'C; but CHA = CBA (III. xxi.), CBA = CB'A', and the L A'CB is common, .·. the Δ8 ABC, A'B'C are equiangular ; and, denoting their semiperimeters by s, s', we have (xx., Cor. 1) s : s' : : BC : B'C, .·. s : s'. CA : : BC : B'C . CA; that is, s : s'. CA : : BC : CD2; but CD2 = s'2 (IV. iv., Ex. 4); .*. s : s'. CA : : BC : s'2. Hence s : CA : : BC : s'; or, « : CA : : CB : CD. 71. It is an obvious modification of 70. 73. Let the sides AC, BC of the Δ ABC, circumscribed to a given 0, be given in position, but the third side AB variable. About ABC describe a Θ. It is required to prove that the O about ABC touches a fixed circle. Dem.—Describe a Θ, touching the sides AC, BC in D, H, and the Θ about ABC in L. Let 0 be its centre. Join OD, OH. Let fall a JL AF on BC. Draw DE || to AF, and let fall a _L OG on DE. Now s: CB : : CA : CD (Ex. 70); but CA : CD :: AF : DE; therefore s : CB :: AF : DE, .·. s. DE = CB . AF = twice the area of the Δ ABC =2 rs (IV. iv., Ex. 9), .·. DE= 2 r; but 2 r is given, .*. DE ip given; and because the L ECD is given (hyp.), and the L E is right, the Δ ECD is given in species, .*. the ratio ED : DC is given; but ED is given, .·. DC is given; .*. D is a given point.250 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book VI. Again, because the L ODC is right, and .·. = ECD + CDE, .·. ODG = ECD. Hence ODG is given, and OGDiis right, the Δ OGD is given in species, .·. the ratio OD: DG is given; but OD = OH = GE, .·. the ratio EG : GD is given ; but ED is given; .·. EG, that is OD, is given, and the point D has been shown to he given. Hence the Θ, with 0 as centre, and OD as radius, is a fixed Θ, and the O about ABC touches it in L. 74. Let AC, BC be the two sides given in position. Sol.—Bisect the L ACB by FF\ In CF find a point F, such that CF2 = CA. CB. F is one of the required points. Dem.—Join AF, BF, and let fall a X BE on AC. Now B because the area of the Δ ACB is given, CA . EB is given ; and since the L BCE is given, and the L BEC is right, the Δ BCE is given in species, .*. the ratio CB : BE is given, .·. the ratio CB . CA : BE . CA is given; hut CB . CA = CF2 (const.), and BE . CA is given; .·. CF2 is given, .·. CF is given, and .·. F is a given point. Again, because CA . CB = CF2, CA : CF : : CF : CB, and the L ACF = BCF, .·. (vi.) the L CFA = CBF. To each add the sum of the Z8 CFB, BCF, and we have the sum of the L8 of the Δ CBF equal to the L8 AFB and BCF, .·. AFB and BCF are equal to two right L8; but the L BCF is given, .*. AFB is given. Hence the base AB subtends a con- stant L at a given point F. In like manner it can be shown that it subtends a constant L at F', constructed by making CF'= FC. 75. Let ABCD be the cyclic quadrilateral. (See Diagram, Ex. 67.) Dem.—Draw the diagonal AC. Produce AB, and let fall the i8 AF, CE on AB, CD.EXERCISES ON EUCLID. 251 BOOK ΎΙ.] Now, since the sides AB, BC, CD, DA are denoted by a, b, o, rf, we have (II. xii.) AC2 = a2 + & + 2a. BE, and (II. xrn.) AC2 = &+& -2c. DF; .\c2 + rf2 - 2)(<»+* + «-252 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book ti. Hence the quadrilateral ABCD __ (ab + cd) y/(s — a) (s — b) (s — c) (s — d) (ab -f cd) = V(s — a) (s — b) (s — c) (s — d). 76. Dem.—Produce BC, C'B' to meet in A". Let fall A* A'O', BO on A"C'. Now AB'. BC'. CA' = A'B . B'C. C'A (Ex. 4), and AB'.BC'.CA" PA' A'R = A"B. B'C . C'A (Ex. 5). Divide, and we get —— = —— ; OA A B . ·. A"B . A'C = A"C . A'B, . ·. A"B. A'C + A"C. A'B = 2 A"B. A'C ; that is (“ Sequel,’’ Book II., Prop, vn.), A"A'. CB = 2 A"B. A'C. Now the Δ ABC : ABB' : : AC : AB' (i.), and ABB' : BC'K : : AB : BC', and BC'B': A'B'C' : : BO : A'O' :: BA" : A'A"; that is, since A"A'. CB = 2 A"B. A'C :: BC : 2 A'C ; Δ ABC : A'B'C' : : AB. BC . CA : 2 AB'. BC'. CA'. 77. Dem.—Draw the diameter AE. Join BE, and let fall a JL AD on BC. Now (xvn., Ex. 5) AE. AD = AB. AC; .·. AE. AD . BC = AB. BC . CA; but AD. BC=twice the Δ ABC; 2AE.ABC = AB.BC.CA; hence (Ex. 76) ABC : A'B'C' :: 2AE. ABC : 2AB'. BC'. CA', .·. 1: A'B'C':: AE: AB'.BC'. CA'; AE. A'B'C' = AB'. BC'. CA'; and hence 4in AB'.BC'.CA' AE= A'B'C' ' 78. Dem.—Let the sides of the quadrilateral he denoted by λ, 5, e, d. Now (III. xvn., Ex. 3) (a + c) = (5 + d); .·. 2 (a + e) = (a + b + e + d). Hence, putting (a + b + e + d) — 2 s9 we haveBOOK ΤΙ.] EXEBCISES ON EUCLID. 253» 2 (a + c) = 2 s, .*. {a + c) - s; .·. a = (s - c). Similarly, b = (s -d)r c=(8 — a), d={s — b)\ and (Ex. 74), we have area of quadri- lateral = V(s — a (« - b) (s — c) (s - d); .*. area = Vabcd. Hence the square of the area = abed. 79. Dem.—Join BF, CF, BE. Let the ratio BD : AD be denoted by m, n. Now the Δ ABC : ABE :: AC : AE(i.) :; AB: BD (hyp.); that is, as (m + n) : in, and ABE : BDE :: (m + w) m9. and BDE : BDF : : (m + n) : m. Multiplying together, we have- A TIP m.3 ABC : BDF:: (m + nf : m*; hence BDF = -V· ^ Bkfr (m + n) ABC manner ECF = -r—Again (xxiii., Ex. 1), ABC : ADE (m + n)s* ::(*» + λ)2 : mn; .*. ADE = ABC. mn (m + n)2 * Now the Δ BFC = ABC - BDF - CEF - ADE = ABC {*- m3 (m + »)3 (m + n)2 (m+«)2 Hence the Δ BFC = twice the Δ ADE. i- ABC 2mn (m + »)2* 80. Let ABCD he a quadrilateral. Join AC, BD, and bisect them in E, F. Through E, F draw EG, FG parallel respectively to BD, AC. Bisect AD, CD in Η, I. Join GH, GI. It is re- quired to prove GIDH = J ABCD. Dem.—Join HF, IF, IH. Now, because AD, BD are bisected in H, F, HF is || to AB, and the Δ DHF = JADB (I. xl., Ex. 2). In like manner, DFI = £ DBC; .*. DHFI = J ABCD.. Again, HI is = to AC, and FG is || to AC; HI is || to FG ?254 EXERCISES ON EUCLID. [book VI. .*. (I. xxxvn.) the Δ HFI = HGI. To each add HDI, and HDIF = HGID ; .·. HGID = | ABCD. In like maimer, if we bisect BC in J, and join GJ, GICJ = J ABCD, &c. 81. Dem.—Let 0, O' be the centres. Join 00', and produce it to meet AB in G ; O'G is evidently perpendicular to AB. Com- plete the circle on AB, and produce EC, FD to meet it again in Ξ, I. Now AC. DB = OG2 (xm., Ex. 5), and AD . CB = O'G2 (im, Ex. 7); hence AC. CB. AD . DB=OG2 . O'G2; hut AC . CB =CE2, and AD . DB = DF2 ; therefore CE2 . DF2 = OG2 . O'G2. And hence CE . DF = OG . O'G. 82. Let ABCDE he the inscribed regular polygon. Take any point P in the circumference. Join PA, PB, PC, PD, PE, and let those lines he denoted by pi, p2, pz, pi, p5· It is required to prove that pi + pz + ps = pz + pi· Dem.—Join BD. Let the sides of the polygon he denoted by s, and the diagonals by d. Now, considering the polygon ABDP formed by pi, p2, pi, we have (xvn., Ex. 13) p\d + pis = p2